FAIR GAME RETURNS Dave Gram’s first column
Turning the mic around on
Jane Lindholm,
RADIO VPR’s most recognizable voice
Trump loyalists cling to conspiracies
Meet new Flynn exec Jay Wahl
Some diet in January; we doughnut
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12/11/20 6:59 PM
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The Vermont Statehouse
U.S. Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) said he tested negative for the coronavirus after spending hours last week in a secure room with an infected colleague. Some good news out of D.C.
Vermont law enforcement officials are bracing for armed protesters at the Statehouse after the Federal Bureau of Investigation warned of demonstrations at all state capitals between January 16 and 20, the day of president-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. Law enforcement agencies — including Vermont State Police, Montpelier Police, Capitol Police and Vermont National Guard forces — are in close coordination “to monitor the threat stream” based on the “national chatter” since a violent mob of pro-President Donald Trump extremists stormed the U.S. Capitol, state Public Safety Commissioner Michael Schirling said on Monday. He declined, however, to describe the specific steps being taken to prepare, noting that it’s still unclear what might develop. “We’re planning for a variety of potential eventualities,” he said, but no specific threats have emerged. Vermont allows people to carry legal firearms in public without a permit, whether openly or concealed. State law forbids carrying firearms inside courts and the Statehouse, but not on the Statehouse steps and on its expansive lawns, said Capitol Police Chief Matthew Romei. The state Department of Buildings and General Services, which is responsible for the complex, discourages the practice.
Canine-friendly Ben & Jerry’s unveiled frozen desserts for dogs, including Pontch’s Mix and Rosie’s Batch. Now that’s a treat.
Officials installed high-capacity batteries in the Statehouse basement to keep the lights on in the event of a power outage. New tech for an old building.
That’s how many turkeys Vermont hunters harvested during the spring and fall seasons last year.
1. “After Riots at the Capitol, Busload of Vermont Trump Supporters Returns From D.C.” by Derek Brouwer. More than 50 people traveled to Washington, D.C., to protest the certification of election results, an event that morphed into a violent siege of the U.S. Capitol building. Brouwer was there to meet their bus when it returned to Vermont in the wee hours. 2. “Burlington High School Principal Noel Green Resigns Abruptly” by Alison Novak. Green cited his long-term interim status and disagreements over how to run the school as reasons for stepping down. 3. “Vermont Trooper Suspended for Social Media Posts Supporting D.C. Insurgency” by Sasha Goldstein. Sgt. Lucas Hall was suspended without pay amid an investigation. 4. “Vermont Gov. Phil Scott Calls for Trump to ‘Resign or Be Removed From Office’” by Colin Flanders. Hours after the storming of the U.S. Capitol building, Scott accused the president of trying to spark an insurrection. 5. “Vermont Officials Say They Can’t Force D.C. Bus Passengers to Quarantine” by Andrea Suozzo. State officials say they have no way to ensure that the passengers bused to the Trump rally abide by the state’s travel quarantine rules.
tweet of the week @GizLetty I’ve been in Vermont less than three weeks and my sweat is already starting to smell like maple syrup. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
THOM TERRIFIC For nearly eight years, Thom Fleury has operated a small weekend food pantry in Burlington’s New North End. He started it in March 2013 when he realized that kids at C.P. Smith Elementary School, where Fleury then served as principal, could use some food on the weekends. On the first day, just three people showed up in the basement of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge on North Avenue. The enterprise has grown exponentially over the years, fueled by the need resulting from the coronavirus pandemic. Pantry usage exploded, with as many as 123 people visiting on a single day last spring. “We don’t take anybody’s name. We don’t ask
?? ? ?? ? ??
Given the volatility of the political climate, however, Schirling suggested that people who do protest in the coming days consider leaving their firearms at home. “Think twice about whether this is the particular time you choose to bring a weapon to a protest, even if it is a Second Amendment issue,” Schirling said. The heightened sensitivity is understandable given what happened in Washington, D.C., last week, Romei said. He also noted that it’s important for the Statehouse grounds to be a place for the sharing of ideas. “We want people to come to the lawn and express their feelings,” Romei said. “We also want people to come and be responsible adults and express those feelings no matter what they are. All perspectives and points of view are welcome.” He stressed, however, that other law enforcement agencies have pledged whatever resources are needed to the Capitol Police. “I can tell you it’s going to be a different posture,” Romei said. “It’s going to feel different than you’ve seen the Capitol Police before.” Read Kevin McCallum’s complete story and follow what happens on sevendaysvt.com.
New England Patriots head coach Bill Belichick declined a Presidential Medal of Freedom in the wake of the U.S. Capitol siege by pro-Trump extremists. Another W for the coach.
them where they live,” Fleury said. “We’ve had a number of people come who look embarrassed and awkward, and we just simply say, ‘Grab a box and fill it right up.’ We figure they come when they need it.” Things have slowed down slightly since the first few months of the pandemic, but Fleury said an average of 75 to 100 people stop in each weekend. During the warmer weather, he started to use a tent set up outside of the Heineberg Community Senior Center. Now, each Saturday
and Sunday from 9 to 11 a.m., clothes and canned goods are available at the Odd Fellows Lodge. Fleury and volunteers hand out perishable items — milk, meat, bread and produce, much of Thom Fleury which is donated by Hannaford supermarket — at Heineberg. Volunteers also give people $25 supermarket gift cards so they can choose their own items. The community has pitched in, too. The North End Food Pantry usually raises $4,000 or so annually. In 2020, according to Fleury, it
raised about $70,000. All of it came from individual donors and religious congregations, but for about $9,000 from the City of Burlington. “I had two different cars pull up with outstretched hands, saying, ‘Here,’ and they handed me their $1,200 stimulus checks and said, ‘I don’t need this. Go ahead and take it,’” Fleury recalled. Since 2013, the pantry has served more than 16,000 patrons, said Fleury, who has lived in the neighborhood for most of his 60 years. “I just pass out what other people are donating,” Fleury said. “It’s a good way to give back to the community. People have been very good to me, and I want to show my appreciation to them. That’s just what we do — we take care of each other as neighbors.” SASHA GOLDSTEIN SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
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WE’RE TUNED IN. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly
deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers
Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy
deputy editor Sasha Goldstein
� Call of an appointment with the owner �
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1/7/21 1:43 PM
Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak politiCAl Columnist Dave Gram editor Pamela Polston
AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison
AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Jordan Adams
CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin
Margaret Grayson, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssistAnt proofreAder Katherine Isaacs D I G I TA L & V I D E O
dAtA editor Andrea Suozzo
multimediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN
CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert
Art direCtor Rev. Diane Sullivan
produCtion mAnAger John James
designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING
direCtor of sAles Colby Roberts
senior ACCount exeCutive Michael Bradshaw ACCount exeCutives Robyn Birgisson,
Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka
mArketing & events direCtor Corey Grenier
sAles & mArketing CoordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N
business mAnAger Marcy Carton
direCtor of CirCulAtion Matt Weiner CirCulAtion deputy Jeff Baron
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Chris Farnsworth, Rick Kisonak, Jacqueline Lawler, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Julia Shipley, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.
DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Monica Ashworth, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Thayer With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below.
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©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
1/12/21 3:48 PM
Why do you capitalize Black when you refer to Black people, but not white when you refer to white people? Is this something new? I notice Bob Woodward did the same thing in his most recent book, Rage. I really don’t get it. Eric Johnson
stAff writers Jordan Barry,
senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger
3V-OGE011321 1
speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox
digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee
Consulting editor Candace Page
stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,
Certified Precious Metal Dealer State of Vermont Dealers Cert # 0028
Editor’s note: Seven Days began capitalizing Black when it refers to racial, cultural and ethnic identity last June, shortly before the Associated Press Stylebook formalized the same recommendation, stating that doing so conveys “an essential and shared sense of history, identity and community among people who identify as Black … The lowercase black is a color, not a person.” Why treat white differently? As the AP writes, “White people generally do not share the same history of culture, or the experience of being discriminated against because of skin color.” Additionally, “Capitalizing the term white, as is done by white supremacists, risks subtly conveying legitimacy to such beliefs.”
Based on his essay, “Breaking In” [December 23], I say extend Mark Saltviet’s Vermont visa for a year. Maybe two. Julian Kulski
My husband is a faithful reader. I’m not, because I tell him: “It always makes me want to move to Burlington.” He will often put an open page at my place at the table, knowing I’ll appreciate it. Today it was “Breaking In” [December 23]. I love this man and his article! Funny and sweet. Thank you, Mark Saltveit. Jenness Ide
Willow Krake’s name was misspelled in the December 9 story “In Season,” about the increasing number of hunters in Vermont.
This is the first time I’ve felt compelled to comment on an article. I so enjoyed reading [“Breaking In,” December 23] by new Vermonter Mark Saltveit. Thank you for the chuckle while holding up a mirror for those of us who were born and raised here. Welcome to Vermont — pronounced Vair-mo — and please keep writing!
SAY CHEESE SHOP OUR SALES LISTS SCAN CODE VERY BEST DEALS OF THE WEEK Lilly B’s Glutenfreeda Gluten-Free Oatmeal 11.28 oz (8 Oatmeal Packets) Apple Cinnamon with Flax On Sale $2.99
Jennifer Smith
I want to take a moment to thank Seven Days for its arts coverage — specifically the thoughtful feedback we get from Amy Lilly [“Carrying On,” December 30]. As one of Vermont’s many performing arts organizations, we’re grateful when newspapers run previews of what we do. That’s vital, of course, for selling tickets. But we don’t often get commentary after an event, which can be equally important when it comes to grant writing, fundraising and creating a general statewide appreciation for what we do. For Lilly to salute our work, and do so at length, is a great boon. Somebody is paying attention. So many, many thanks to Seven Days for what you do, and for how well you do it. Douglas Anderson MIDDLEBURY
Anderson is artistic director of the Opera Company of Middlebury and Town Hall Theater.
[Re “Race On,” November 25]: I’m supporting Miro Weinberger for mayor because I’m tired of some Progressives disrespecting civil boundaries, violating privacy by protesting at the homes of Mayor Weinberger and Democratic councilors, nuisance-calling Democratic councilors during council meetings to prevent dialogue, protesting inside the rooms of official Democratic Party meetings, and spray-painting political graffiti on Democratic councilors’ property. These are tactics of immature and overbearing ideologues. While Max Tracy cannot be expected to control all Progressive Party members, it’s been his leadership that’s presided over the party’s recent shift toward radicalization. A party that has purged or sidelined its most experienced and competent members, such as Jane Knodell and Brian Pine, because they’re perceived as too cooperative or compromised is lost. Does anyone want more activist-led
Sir Kensington’s Golden Citrus Dressing & Marinade 8.45oz On Sale $1.99
government where one perspective overwhelms every meeting? An administration where legal and financial realities are not given proper consideration? Tracy should not lead Burlington. If Progressives have Weinberger fatigue, then they also have Weinberger amnesia, as his list of accomplishments is numerous and substantive. The mayor saved Burlington from the fiscal and legal jeopardy of Progressive Mayor Kiss’ handling of Burlington Telecom. Weinberger moved on to revitalizing the city, fixing the pension system, restoring Burlington’s finances and credit rating, and investing in infrastructure — all while keeping municipal taxes to a minimum. Do you think Tracy and his history of business management could deliver as much? Most cities in New England would consider Weinberger left of center and be content with his prudent and competent management. The choice is easy.
name appeared 81st out of 140 names on Monday’s spreadsheet. Tracy said he would have called on Badeau if he’d recognized the officer’s name. Further, Badeau didn’t note his affiliation with the police union…” Only 50 people were able to speak, due to time constraints. This was not known to Badeau. He felt badly that he didn’t get a chance to speak, so he has accused Tracy, who is also a Progressive candidate for mayor, of “cherry picking what narrative he would like to push forward.” This is slander. The Police Officers’ Association should present its case at the next council meeting on January 19, and Badeau owes Tracy an apology. Tracy is rational, clearheaded and unbiased. He would make an excellent mayor. Charlie Messing
Mickey Cruz
Cpl. Tyler Badeau, president of the Burlington Police Officers’ Association, has accused Burlington City Council President Max Tracy of suppressing his participation in the public forum at the latest city council meeting [Off Message: “Burlington Police Union Accuses Tracy of Suppressing Opposing Views,” January 5]. It happened because Badeau did not say he represented the union, did not specify what issue he wanted to address and is not a Burlington resident. As Seven Days reported: “Badeau’s
» P.22
SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • sevendaysvt.com/feedback • feedback@sevendaysvt.com • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
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We chose
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ike just about everyone in Vermont, we started with two people in a pickup truck,” Sean Flynn said of Silver Maple Construction in New Haven. “Then it was three people in a pickup truck doing residential construction. And now, almost 15 years later, we are 50 people, in a number of pickup trucks.” Those vehicles advertise “fine home building and expert renovations” below the company’s leafy logo. “What it should say is: ‘Fine home building, expert renovations and the impossible,’” said 42-year-old Flynn, a New York native who came to Vermont by way of a job in the Adirondacks. “We get asked to do a number of very out-of-the-ordinary projects — unique and challenging things.” Case in point: Silver Maple is currently building a massive, off-the-grid custom residence in a hardto-reach mountain location. Faced with the almost insurmountable challenges associated with the project and a short summer building season, Flynn pivoted to prebuilding everything in Silver Maple’s newly acquired vast fabrication facility in Middlebury’s industrial park, even pulling in a local concrete company to precast the massive foundation panels. Bent over giant saws, planers and jointers, a team of skilled carpenters is also handcrafting components for a dozen jobs closer to home, including a new interior for Stowe’s soon-to-berenovated Harvest Market. There’s plenty of room, too, for the shipping containers that will become recharging stations for the battery-powered aircraft of Burlington’s Beta Technologies. Back in New Haven, next to the company’s home office on the corner of Route 7 and River Road, another 10 skilled woodworkers toil in the custom cabinetry workshop. They produce the millwork, built-ins, staircases and other unique pieces for everything Silver Maple builds in the field with their talented carpentry core: bespoke, craft-driven dwellings, church renovations and restaurant and art gallery interiors from Middlebury to Montana. The “Woodworks” also supplies other local contractors. Like Silver Maple, those Vermont builders are busy. Although Flynn fully expected the coronavirus to hurt his business, just the opposite occurred. “There’s a construction boom in Vermont right now and we’re doing everything we can to keep up,” he said. The company is advertising for talented carpenters, cabinetmakers and project managers. Silver Maple also needed a larger line of credit. “We were struggling. We’re an eight-figure-a-year business now and it was hard to get $300,000 from any local bank,” Flynn explained. “For a company like ours, that cash flows remarkably quick” — on materials, subcontractors, labor, logistics. A month or two into the pandemic, Flynn approached Mascoma Bank. “They were, like, ‘Oh, yeah we can help you out,’” and agreed to let Silver Maple draw on a much larger and appropriate amount per month to meet its expenses. Flynn was so pleased, he let Mascoma refinance the company’s mortgage. “They came through at a much better rate, made it easier. We’ve moved just about everything over except for one local account for general stuff. Mascoma was businessfriendly,” he said. “That’s what it came down to.” Now he can focus on solving design problems — his favorite part of Silver Maple’s work. “They’re always different,” Flynn said with genuine excitement. “We don’t really ever make the same thing twice.”
* All credit requests subject to commercial underwriting standards established by Mascoma Bank.
1t-mascoma092320.indd 1
9/22/20 4:54 PM
contents JANUARY 13-20, 2021 VOL.26 NO.15
12 44 49 54 56 57 85
24 48 54 57 58 59
Fair Game Bottom Line Side Dishes Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend
Turning the mic around on
Life Lines Food + Drink Music + Nightlife Movies Classes Classifieds + Puzzles 80 Fun Stuff 84 Personals
Jane Lindholm,
VPR’s most recognizable voice
Doughnut Diet A trio of new businesses fulfills sweet needs PAGE 48
Open Hearth Stowe’s former ski dorm now offers grilled cheese, doughnuts and artisan goods PAGE 50
Online Now
From the Publisher
The Great Artdoors
Grin and Bear It
Rocky Rollout
VT tries to streamline its vaccine campaign
In Trump They Trust
VTers return from the U.S. Capitol riot bearing fresh conspiracy theories
Changing of the Prog?
A former Prog Party chair challenges one of BTV City Council’s leftmostleaning members
Highland Center for the Arts adorns a snowy trail with sculpture
One of a Kind
Book review: Vermont Almanac: Stories From & for the Land, Volume 1
Challenge Accepted
Book review: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (and Some Bears)
Source Material
Walk off the beaten path in snow-covered woods in Westford with Eva and hunter Mike Frisbie, who identifies animal tracks and scat. Frisbie has 11 cameras set up along a two-mile loop and shares his footage of deer, fox, otters and coyotes online.
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Vermont makers rework handmade quilts into clothing
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Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 67 and online at sevendaysvt.com/jobs.
New executive director Jay Wahl sees a strong, stable, effectual Flynn
2021 New Year New Beginnings
1/8/21 1:39 PM
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1/7/21 11:48 AM
Burlington Resource and Recovery Center (RRC) 802.755.7239
City launches new commercial and nonprofit Ventilation Grant Program to improve air quality. . ..... ... ..
Ventilation is a key intervention that helps us breathe clean air and prevent the spread of COVID-19. To respond to increased risk from new variants of COVID-19, the City will purchase and distribute HEPA filters for free to qualified Burlington small business and nonprofit applicants to protect community members from different households who may be indoors together.
Visit burlingtonvt.gov/covid-19/ventilation-grant to apply. Applications accepted from Mon., Jan. 11 through Mon., Jan. 18.
Waxaan xalkaan u joognaa inaan caawinno COVID-19
19- ﻧﺤﻦ ھﻨﺎ ﻟﻠﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪة ﻓﻲ ﻣﻮاﺟﮭﮫ ﻛﻮﻓﯿﺪ، ﺑﺮﻟﯿﻨﺠﺘﻮن Burlington, tuko hapa kusaidia dhidi ya Covid-19
बर ्लि ङ्टन, कोभि ड-१९ वि र ुद ्धको सहयोगको लागि हाम ी यहा ँ छौ ।ँ
The RRC is here to help in response to COVID-19 recovery@burlingtonvt.gov 802.755.7239 burlingtonvt.gov/resources SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
1T-RRC011321 1
1/11/21 12:19 PM
‘Fair Game’ On
Twelve years ago last Thursday, Vermont said goodbye to Seven Days political columnist Peter Freyne. January 7, 2009, was the first day of that year’s legislative session, so lawmakers honored his passing with a moment of silence. Not all of them liked Freyne, to put it mildly, but they sure as heck read his “Inside Track” every week. In fact, his weekly column was all the “news” we provided in the early days of the paper. When Freyne’s byline first appeared in Seven Days, on October 18, 1995, the paper became a must-read for Vermonters who follow local politics. For 13 years, until he retired in 2008, Freyne chronicled the policies and peccadilloes of characters such as “Ritchie Rich” Tarrant, “Queen Madeleine” Kunin and “Ol’ Bernardo” Sanders. “Inside Track” broke news, too. It was informative and entertaining. Last week I found myself wondering how Freyne would have received the news of the attack on the U.S. Capitol. He was a populist everyman with a soft spot for the Irish Republican Army. But his irreverence had limits. My guess is that he would have found just the right words to describe our collective horror watching a bunch of violent yahoos storming the country’s preeminent symbol of democracy. He believed, as all journalists do, that the pen is mightier than the sword. Since 2008, Freyne’s “pen” has been passed to four very different writers, each with his own take on the weekly column. “Inside Track” was renamed “Fair Game.” In October 2019, Seven Days discontinued the column that we grew up with. Frankly, we couldn’t find the right journalist for the job: someone with sufficient experience and institutional memory to write with accuracy, authority and voice, but with energy enough to produce original local reporting. The challenge is complicated by a news industry that increasingly favors fast-breaking work over “Fair Game” columnist Dave Gram the seasoned, reasoned kind. If Freyne were alive, he likely would have suggested Dave Gram to succeed him. Both men covered Vermont news and politics for decades: Freyne for the Vanguard Press, Vermont Times and Seven Days; and Gram as a newsman at the Montpelier bureau of the Associated Press, where he wrote — fast — for 32 years about everything from elections to protests. Dozens of Vermont papers counted on his copy. And his writings weren’t all serious: Gram happily contributed a chapter to the 2017 Bill Mares and Jeff Danziger humor anthology The Full Vermonty: Vermont in the Age of Trump. Two years ago, he switched media and started “The Dave Gram Show” on WDEV Radio. He singlehandedly did the research, writing, booking and interviewing required to produce and host five two-hour shows of live, public-affairs radio each week. Imagine Jane Lindholm hosting twice as much “Vermont Edition” with no one helping her behind Interested in becoming a Super Reader? the scenes. Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of Gram has done it all. And, unlike most of us sevendaysvt.com. Or send a check with your ink-stained wretches at Seven Days, he actually address and contact info to: went to journalism school. He also studied in SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS Germany. P.O. BOX 1164 BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 In 1985, the AP gave him a choice of two jobs, in New Orleans or Montpelier. Gram, who grew up For more information on making a financial in a coastal town north of Boston, picked the one contribution to Seven Days, please contact in Vermont’s capital city. Corey Grenier: He’s a great guy. We think you’ll like him. Look VOICEMAIL: 802-865-1020, EXT. 36 for Gram’s inaugural “Fair Game” column in this EMAIL: SUPERREADERS@SEVENDAYSVT.COM week’s issue of Seven Days.
Paula Routly
Grand Old Parting? Riot at U.S. Capitol exposes the rifts in VTGOP
or the Vermont Republican Party, recovery from last week’s events in Washington, D.C., may take a long time — if it happens at all. While the New York Times reports that President DONALD TRUMP’s divisiveness and incitement of violence have brought the national GOP “close to a breaking point,” longtime fissures in the Vermont party have deepened into a chasm. On one side stands Gov. PHIL SCOTT, who, after the riot last week at the U.S. Capitol, put the blame for the unrest on Trump’s shoulders. Scott, long a critic of the president, called for him to “resign or be removed from office by his Cabinet, or by the Congress.” On the other stand 16 Republican members of the Vermont House and one newly minted senator, RUSS INGALLS (R-Essex/Orleans). They voted against a legislative resolution that borrowed the governor’s language and called for Trump’s ouster. “Donald Trump did not say to these people to go storm the capital [sic],” Ingalls wrote in a statement. “This Resolution was a political statement to cause as much harm as it possibly could to all Republicans, and Trump specifically. It was a hate filled, poorly written, vile document that was unworthy of anyone’s signature.” There you have it, folks: Vermont’s newest Republican state senator calling language used by its Republican governor — and then borrowed by lawmakers for use in their anti-Trump resolution — “hate filled” and “vile.” When my spouse subscribed to Ladies’ Home Journal years ago, the magazine ran a regular feature called “Can This Marriage Be Saved?” It felt like too much information at times, because it laid bare private relationships and really got into the nuts and bolts, as in: Is she going to bolt from this nut? For the VTGOP, the marriage between moderates and conservatives has hit the rocks. That may not mean the union is over, but some pretty tough couples counseling lies ahead. The rift has been evident for decades. Former Republican governor JIM DOUGLAS traces the split all the way back to the fight between the conservative Proctor wing of the party and the moderate Gibson-Aiken faction, in the days when Vermont Democrats were so scarce that GOP politics were
just about the only politics around. In the 1946 primary, moderate ERNEST W. GIBSON JR. beat incumbent Republican governor MORTIMER PROCTOR in a hard-fought race — then went on to beat the Democrat with 80 percent of the vote. Vermont Republicans have had a successful history, especially since the rise of a strong Democratic opposition in the 1960s, of papering over these divisions, which perhaps gives evidence they could do so again. “I’m an optimist,” Douglas said. “We’ve always felt we’re a big tent or a big umbrella … There’s always been an ideological diversity within the Vermont Republican Party. I think we can do fine.” But Douglas’ big tent clearly had a hole in it as of Tuesday afternoon, when Seven Days’ KEVIN MCCALLUM reported that two Republican House members were demanding the resignation of state party chair DEB BILLADO, who has been a staunch Trump supporter. (See story on page 14.) Reps. SCOTT BECK (R-St. Johnsbury) and ANNE DONOGHUE (R-Northfield) said they needed party leaders who would join most GOP lawmakers and Scott in condemning Trump. Others on both sides of the conservativemoderate divide offered a range of perspectives on the party’s future. My own view is that coming together won’t be easy. To be effective, a party needs to agree on what sorts of candidates to recruit and support, what should go into its platform, what talking points to try to get in front of the media, and so on. It looks right now like the Republicans can’t decide whether to accept the results of the 2020 presidential race.
Sen. JOE BENNING (R-Caledonia), who voluntarily stepped down as minority leader last week, and Sen. COREY PARENT (R-Franklin) argue that when Vermont Republicans cast ballots, they vote for moderates. This was apparent in primary races just five months ago. Scott trounced JOHN KLAR, who ran well to his right, 73 to 22 percent. SCOTT MILNE easily beat the more conservative MEG HANSEN to clinch the lieutenant gubernatorial nomination. “You’ve got a break between legislative, elected Republicans and, I would say, this small wing. And we saw how small it was with John Klar and KEITH STERN,” Benning said, naming another conservative whom Scott walloped, in the 2018 primary. “I think there’ll be a lot of infighting in the next year, and my guess is, there’ll be a group outside the party and there will be a group inside the party,” said Parent. “What that will look like will remain to be seen.” But what Parent describes as a “small wing” appears to be growing. And its members have not been completely excluded from elected office. Recall the 17 lawmakers who voted no on the antiTrump resolution last week. It’s often a party’s most enthusiastic, activist and ideologically extreme members who move into its leadership positions. Witness the rise of staunch Trump supporter Billado to party chair. Notice that it was RON LAWRENCE, chair of the Essex Republicans, and ELLIE MARTIN, the Underhill GOP leader, who co-organized last week’s bus trip of Vermonters to the ill-fated Trump rally. Can the moderates keep ascendant
conservatives in check? Can they shut down QAnon theories and the urge by some to see antifa behind every tree? Lawrence and Martin are among those pushing the line that the riot at the U.S. Capitol was, to use Lawrence’s phrase, “instigated by our opponents,” meaning antifa activists trying to make Trump and his supporters look bad. Baseless chatter about the election being stolen, antifa being a ubiquitous and imminent threat, and the mainstream media trying to do anything other than get the facts right won’t help the GOP cause. And it’s even clearer that more mayhem won’t help. On that front, Montpelier police issued a scary statement over the weekend. “Law Enforcement is aware of calls encouraging people to arm themselves and center at all State Capitols in the United States, to include Montpelier, specifically on the date of January 17, 2021,” Montpelier Sgt. ERIC NORDENSON posted on Front Porch Forum. The statement also warned of a possible insurrection on January 20, Inauguration Day. “We are taking these calls extremely seriously and we are planning accordingly,” Nordenson wrote. Many Trump supporters talk up their love of the Constitution. Its very first sentence cites the need to “insure domestic tranquility.” You don’t have to read far into the Bill of Rights to get to the right “peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Anyone packing for Montpelier on the 17th ought to answer this question: Why would you arm yourself for a peaceable assembly?
A Little Help
It’s a year ending in the digit 1, which means it’s time for a once-a-decade process called legislative redistricting or, a bit more formally, reapportionment. It’s a tricky process whose bottom-line goal is to apportion — or dole out — legislative representation fairly, so that Vermonters have roughly equal representation in the House and Senate. Former state representative TOM LITTLE chaired the seven-member Apportionment Board 10 years ago and has been selected by Chief Justice PAUL REIBER of the Vermont Supreme Court to do so again. The board has been meeting monthly since October. Little said simple math dictates that each of the 150 House members should represent about 4,200 Vermonters, and each of the 30 senators should represent about 21,000. Redistricting follows the decennial completion of the U.S. Census and is designed to respond to population shifts. One big challenge this time around is that the Apportionment Board and the legislature, which votes the board’s recommendations up or down, will need to slice up the six-seat Chittenden County Senate district, now the largest in the country. That results from state legislation passed in 2019 saying no Senate district may have more than three members. And an even bigger fight may ensue if the board or lawmakers try adding another Senate seat in northwestern Vermont, where population growth appears to justify it. That most likely would cost the southern part of the state, home to such heavyweights as newly installed Senate President Pro Tempore BECCA BALINT (D-Windham) and longtime Judiciary Committee chair Sen. DICK SEARS (D-Bennington). Vermont only has one at-large U.S. House district and so is not subject to the pitched battles and gerrymandering that often mark redrawing of congressional districts in other states. But things can still get complicated. In addition to simple math, Vermont law sets other goals for redistricting. Preserving existing political subdivision lines — towns, school districts, counties — is one. Economic and social ties, such
as when residents of one town shop and seek medical care in a larger, neighboring town, are additional factors. Another factor, codified in experience rather than law, is jockeying for political advantage. For example, a town where one party has a good chance of winning a legislative seat doesn’t want to be paired with a larger, neighboring community where the other party dominates. Vermont law says the Apportionment Board should have House and Senate district maps drawn by July. Towns then get time to weigh in on the House plans, but not those for the Senate. The House plan is finalized in August. Lawmakers get to make changes as they approve the plans next winter. Little said the aim is to get a reapportionment bill to the governor’s desk by May 1, 2022. There could be a wrinkle, though: A U.S. Census official told the board at its December meeting that it may not finish its work by this March, as scheduled. Little said any significant delay could force the board to ask the legislature to push back its own deadlines. Stay tuned.
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A Gram of Sense
An editor suggested I devote part of this, my first Fair Game column, to an introduction, so here goes: I grew up in Massachusetts but spent 30 years covering the Statehouse in Montpelier for the Associated Press — a pretty good introduction to Vermont. After wrapping up my AP career at the end of 2016, I worked part time at VTDigger.org and nearly three years as host of a morning public-affairs talk show on WDEV Radio. My hope with this column is that I’ll be able to break a little news and also quiet the screaming info-glut for a few minutes and help readers think a bit more deeply about an issue or two. I’ve been called too far left by conservatives and too far right by leftists. I try to avoid “both-sides-ism” by looking for the third side of every coin, in hopes it will give me an edge. (I’m also rumored to have a weakness for puns.) Most of all, I’m eager for your thoughts, tips and suggestions, and would be grateful if you send them to dave@sevendaysvt.com. m
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1/11/21 9:43 AM
Preparing doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine at a University of Vermont Health Network vaccination clinic at the Champlain Valley Exposition
Rocky Rollout
Next vaccine doses are for the elderly as Vermont tries to streamline its campaign B Y D E REK BR OUW ER • derek@sevendaysvt.com
s the first shipments of COVID19 vaccine arrived in Vermont a month ago, police officers figured they would be among the first to receive it. “We’re responding into uncontrolled environments for emergency situations,” Rutland City Officer Kevin Blongy reasoned. “You don’t have control over the people, or where you’re responding to, or what precautions anyone’s taking.” The state’s initial vaccination plan — as well as a federal advisory group — seemed to acknowledge as much: Both put frontline essential workers in the secondhighest priority group, following health care workers and residents of hard-hit eldercare homes. Then, just before the New Year, Gov. Phil Scott’s administration decided to switch gears, announcing that it would give priority to the 125,000 Vermonters who are 65 14
and older before offering vaccines to essential workers. The change meant that police officers and firefighters likely would have had to wait until at least April for their turn. During an interview on January 7, Blongy, president of the Vermont Police Association, said that the move jeopardized public safety. “I’m strongly hoping they will reconsider,” he said. Unbeknownst to him, the state already had reconsidered, following pressure from police and fire chiefs. Three days earlier, on January 4, the state had moved police and firefighters to the top of the vaccine priority list, meaning they were eligible for doses after all. But word of the change still hadn’t made it to Blongy, whose organization represents sworn officers. The back-and-forth over emergency responders underscored how, despite months of planning, the biggest
immunization drive in history has gotten off to a rickety start. All states, including Vermont, are receiving fewer doses each week than the federal government had projected and only learn of their allocations a week in advance. Storage limitations have made it tricky to ensure that these limited doses reach the people of most concern. Meanwhile, the feds added two new wrinkles on Tuesday. The Trump administration announced it would release all doses of available vaccine rather than hold a second dose for those in early phases. And officials changed their guidelines on who should get inoculated, urging states to begin offering doses to Americans 65 and older.
» P.16
Republican Lawmakers to VTGOP Leaders: Condemn Trump or Resign B Y K EV I N M C C A L L U M kevin@sevendaysvt.com Some Republican legislators in Vermont are calling for the resignation of Donald Trump-loving leaders of the state’s GOP if they can’t support removing the president from office. Lawmakers overwhelmingly passed a joint resolution last week calling for Trump to resign or be removed by his cabinet or Congress for his role in inciting the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. The move followed Gov. Phil Scott’s demand for Trump’s removal for “fanning the flames” that led a mob to storm Congress in a failed attempt to overturn the results of the presidential election. The VTGOP released a statement last week condemning the violence. But it did not acknowledge Trump’s role in inciting it, call for him to resign or be removed, or even acknowledge his electoral loss. Party officials need to do all of these things if they claim to represent Vermont Republicans, said Rep. Scott Beck (R-St. Johnsbury). “I have had some pointed comments at VTGOP leadership, and I have said to them, ‘If you cannot cross these bridges, I think it’s time for you to move on,’” Beck told Seven Days on Tuesday. Beck made clear that he isn’t just calling for leadership change in party elections later this year, but that party officials, including chair Deb Billado, need to step down if they won’t align themselves with the views of the vast majority of Vermont’s Republican lawmakers. “My goal right now is to get them to resign,” Beck said, “and I’m having conversations with other legislators to put together a common voice.” Rep. Anne Donahue (R-Northfield), a stalwart conservative Republican, said she agrees with Beck. “We are a part of the state party, and it’s extremely difficult for me personally to say, ‘This is what I believe, and this is what a majority of our caucus believes, but I’m not connected to the position of the state party,’” Donahue said. Sen. Corey Parent (R-Franklin) said of Billado, “If Deb doesn’t agree with the resolution that the legislature passed last week, there is no room in the Republican Party for people who support those actions, and she needs to resign.” Billado noted that 17 Republican legislators did not support the resolution that denounced Trump. “Not everyone in any party is in lock-step,” she wrote. “It is not my choice to create further division.” “Tensions are high and reactions are not always appropriate and messages get misinterpreted,” she added. “But the VTGOP and this country is strong and will move forward.”
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Vermonters return from the U.S. Capitol riot bearing fresh conspiracy theories SCREENSHOT
BY COLIN FL AN DERS • colin@sevendaysvt.com Vermont Trump supporters who traveled by bus last week to Washington, D.C.
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ohn Lyddy took in the scene around him, convinced that the only way to get an honest assessment of the size of the crowd at President Donald Trump’s Save America rally was to see it for himself. The 67-year-old southern Vermont resident had traveled to Washington, D.C., for the January 6 event to protest what he and millions of other Trump supporters argue was a stolen election. He did not expect federal lawmakers to overturn the results in Trump’s favor that day, as the president had demanded for weeks. Still, when Trump urged his loyal supporters to march to the U.S. Capitol and “show strength,” Lyddy obliged, expecting a passionate but peaceful display. Instead, a mob stormed the Capitol and ransacked its halls in a siege, an event unlike any other in modern American history. Lyddy felt mixed emotions watching the riot unfold: “deep disappointment” that it had “come to this” and “extreme exhilaration” that people were “energized.” He did not condone the violence, and yet he could not help but feel optimistic. Sitting with his thoughts on the drive home that night, he turned to his wife and said, “Everything has changed.” Lyddy and dozens of other Vermonters in D.C. for the rally have conflicting views about why the day devolved into
mayhem. But they share the belief that they are the true victims: of a vindictive Congress, a deceitful media and shadowy anarchist forces. These self-avowed patriots represent but a sliver of Trump’s following, yet their delusions exist squarely in a universe of his fomenting — a place riddled with “alternative facts,” where the news media can’t be trusted and everything is disputable. As the country picks up the pieces from last week’s attack, many hope it will be the death knell for this chapter of American denialism. But for Trump’s most devoted, it was only the beginning. “I’m not going to back down,” Kevin Hoyt, a Vermont gun rights activist and failed gubernatorial candidate, said in a video posted to Facebook last week about what he saw while in Washington. “No matter what happens, I’m not going away, and I think there’s millions and millions of brave American patriots who are going to stand right here with me.” The Capitol riot was the culmination of a yearslong assault on reality by the president and his allies. Trump has blurred the line between fact and fiction, fostering in his followers a deep distrust of the media and all others deemed disloyal. This war on truth reached new heights after his November electoral loss, with Trump and his enablers stoking a baseless conspiracy theory about voter fraud. IN TRUMP THEY TRUST
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6/24/20 4:36 PM
news Vermont Trooper Suspended for Social Media Posts Supporting D.C. Insurgency B Y SA SHA GOL D STEIN sasha@sevendaysvt.com A Vermont State Police sergeant has been suspended without pay amid an investigation into his social media posts that appeared to support the “criminal insurgency” at the U.S. Capitol, Vermont Public Safety Commissioner Michael Schirling said in a statement last Thursday. Lucas Hall, assigned to the Shaftsbury barracks, allegedly posted the incendiary comments on January 6 from a personal account while off duty, according to Schirling. Hall was hired by the state police in July 2012. “These actions, if true, have caused pain and anguish on the part of Vermonters during an already indescribably stressful time in our national history and for that we are saddened and sorry,” the commissioner said in his statement. Screenshots of the posts, obtained and first reported by VTDigger.org, show that a Luke Hall posted on Facebook, “God Bless America!!!! “Cheers to the great Patriots in Washington D.C.,” he continued. “The time has come… Let’s gooooo!!!” Someone replied to his post by writing, “there are going to be riots,” beside a sad-face emoji. “It might be war…” Hall responded. “We are beginning to see good, law-abiding citizens stand against a corrupted Government.” Schirling said Col. Matthew Birmingham, director of the state police, briefed him on the posts before Schirling ordered Hall’s suspension and an investigation to see “what further lawful personnel actions were immediately available.” “While we recognize the rights of all people including sworn law enforcement officers to express their views, advocating for the overthrow of the constitutionally defined democratic election process by force or violence violates our oath of office to uphold the Constitution,” Schirling wrote. Vermont’s top prosecutor, Attorney General T.J. Donovan, echoed that sentiment in an interview with Seven Days. Donovan said he’d been in touch with Col. Birmingham and hoped the agency would fire the sergeant if he didn’t resign. “He can’t be a sworn police officer, sworn to uphold the Constitution, and publicly support or condone a violent overthrow of our constitutionally elected government,” Donovan said. “We can’t tolerate this. We can’t normalize what happened … in Washington.” m
Rocky Rollout « P.14 In Vermont, the state’s shifting priorities, coupled with lingering uncertainty about the vaccination timeline and rising COVID-19 infections, has already frustrated some residents. Against this backdrop, the Vermont Department of Health will begin administering vaccine to elderly Vermonters as soon as next week using a new network of state-run clinics, the details of which are still being ironed out. Limited available data suggest the state’s initial rollout has moved at a relatively fast clip. Just under 25,000 people had received doses as of January 12, the equivalent of about 4.3 percent of the state’s adult population. That gives Vermont one of the highest vaccination rates in the country. The state had used 40 percent of the 64,925 doses shipped by the same date, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — among the higher proportions nationwide. The large gap between the number of doses shipped and doses administered is likely due in part to inconsistencies in the data; shipment volumes tend to be logged more quickly than vaccination figures. As of January 11, the University of Vermont Medical Center — the state’s largest vaccine administrator during the initial phase — had given first shots to more than 9,600 employees and community health care workers and both doses to 1,260 people, according to president and chief operating officer Dr. Stephen Leffler. Roughly 15,000 hospital employees and community health care workers in its service area are eligible. “We are using almost all of the doses that are allocated to us every week,” Leffler said, despite little notice of how many doses to expect. The UVM Medical Center has accomplished this by taking a pragmatic approach to administering shots. All employees who work inside buildings where patients enter were deemed eligible to get inoculated in the first phase, even those who don’t directly interact with patients. If, at the end of a day, the hospital has unused doses that have already been thawed, program managers have searched for others to get vaccinated in order to prevent the doses from spoiling. On one recent afternoon, Leffler said, the hospital received extra, alreadythawed doses from a Walgreens in Barre and managed to put them to use. So far, the UVM Medical Center has let only four doses expire, a spokesperson said, following a mix-up at the hospital-run clinic at the Champlain Valley Exposition in Essex Junction.
The Arbors at Shelburne resident Ron Renaud gets vaccinated on January 8
Some vaccine recipients have been perplexed by how and why their names were called. State Rep. Tanya Vyhovsky (P/D-Essex) got her first dose on January 4 at the Essex Junction site. A school social worker, she got an unexpected call from a doctor she didn’t know and was able to go in the same day. Vyhovsky works only part time at a school in Charlotte, but she’s contracted through the Howard Center social service agency, which is how she suspects the hospital got her name as an eligible health care worker. “I did not expect to be in such a tier,” she said. Vyhovsky said she had misgivings about getting the shot before others at the school. “The reality of it is, I can do a lot of my work from home. Our teachers can’t,” she said. It is partly to avoid this sort of nuanced parsing that the Scott administration decided to conduct the next phase of vaccinations according to age. In announcing the switch on December 29, Human Services Secretary Mike Smith referenced the “confusion” and “unnecessary divisiveness” that structuring the next round of vaccines by occupation would cause. The age-based second phase will begin
with the 59,000 Vermonters who are 75 or older, moving next to those 70 and older, then to 65 and older. State leaders contend that the revised approach will save the most lives. Just eight out of the 158 people who have died in Vermont from COVID19 were under age 60, according to state health department data. Death certificates show that many of those younger Vermonters who did succumb to the infection also had preexisting health conditions. The state will include individuals with certain serious health conditions in the second phase, though the list of ailments was still being assembled at press time. COVID-19’s heightened risk to older Vermonters has been known for months, making the recent switch to an age-based system a surprise. But state officials have also emphasized that the change means the phase will be simpler — and hopefully faster — to implement. “It’s easy to identify those people. It’s easy to reach them,” Deputy Health Commissioner Kelly Dougherty said in an interview. In a similar spirit, some other states have already begun offering vaccines to seniors as young as 65 years old. Long lines
and a dysfunctional scheduling system, press release also blasted state officials however, have marred the process in for including ski patrollers — many of Florida, the New York Times reported whom are certified EMTs — in the first this week. phase, ahead of other frontline workers. Dougherty is confident the health In an interview, however, Vermontdepartment will be able to pull it off in NEA president Don Tinney played down Vermont. Officials have identified at least teachers’ beef with ski patrollers, and he a dozen sites around the state where they did not criticize the state’s decision to plan to open community clinics in the put older Vermonters ahead of essential coming weeks. They’ll be run by trained workers. But he said frustrated educators, health department staff. many of whom are already teaching some “This is something that we know how classes in person, deserve to know when to do,” Dougherty said. it will be their turn, given that Gov. Scott Seniors will be required to register is pushing for a full return to classrooms for an appointment ahead of time to sometime in April. avoid long lines and efficiently manage “It’s one of the issues that needs to be doses, Dougherty said. Individuals must resolved as we move back to in-person be monitored for 15 to 30 minutes after learning,” he said. receiving their shots in case of a rare, As the health department prepares to serious reaction, which complicates the launch the next phase, state leaders are logistics. still trying to complete the first one. State Registration will be by phone and on officials are pressuring private pharmathe web, but Dougherty acknowledged cies that are running clinics in long-termthat the online appointment system, simi- care homes to move more quickly. Most lar to the one used to schedule a COVID- nursing homes have already had their 19 test, was still being built initial vaccine clinics, and and might not be ready until the program has moved to less intensive facilities the week of January 25. The health department known as residential care is nonetheless aiming to be and assisted living homes. able to launch the clinics as Though the pharmaearly as the week of January cies’ contracts are with 18, possibly using a phonethe federal government, only scheduling process Dougherty said officials until the online system is from the governor’s office completed, Dougherty said. and the Agency of Human She added that the timing Services have asked them depends on how much DR. STEPHE N LE FFLER to finish the first round of vaccine is available and clinics by January 15. The how quickly the first phase state is considering using wraps up. As phase two proceeds,the state hospitals to take over the work at homes may use pharmacies, primary care physi- whose dates can’t be moved up, she said. cians, hospitals and the Vermont National The Arbors at Shelburne, a memory Guard to expand its vaccination capabili- care facility, had its first clinic on Januties, officials have said. ary 8. Executive director Wendy Brodie Gov. Phil Scott said Tuesday that his was ecstatic that the home had secured administration would announce more consent forms from 95 percent of its details about phase two at a January 15 residents and staff. The home unfurled press conference. a literal red carpet for the occasion, and Vermont is still receiving just 8,875 staff could be heard popping balloons new doses per week from the federal behind Brodie as she described the day’s government. At that pace, vaccinating events by phone. seniors and those with high-risk health “There’s a lot of excitement out there,” conditions could take up to 15 weeks. she said. State officials are hoping the weekly shipOther homes, however, were still ments increase soon, so phase two would waiting as of early this week. Walgreens require closer to 10 weeks to complete. is scheduled to host the first clinic at The timeline “is so dependent upon Holiday House, a residential care home how much vaccine we get,” Dougherty in St. Albans, on February 3, owner and said. administrator Coleen Condon Kohaut Vermont educators have been most said in an email. vocal in their frustrations with the revised The eldercare facility, like 11 others in priority list. The state teachers’ union, the Vermont, is the site of an active COVIDVermont-NEA, put out a statement last 19 outbreak. The home has recorded 22 week demanding “clarity” from the Scott cases as of January 7, according to health administration about when teachers will department data, up from 10 infections begin to get their COVID-19 vaccines. The the week before. m
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12/21/20 6:11 PM
news Middlebury College Revokes Rudy Giuliani’s 2005 Honorary Degree B Y M AT T HEW ROY matthew@sevendaysvt.com Middlebury College has revoked an honorary degree it conferred upon Rudy Giuliani, citing his role in “fomenting” the storming of the U.S. Capitol, the college said this week. Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City, received the doctor of laws degree in 2005, long before he became President Donald Trump’s personal attorney. In that role, he’s been at the center of the president’s effort to subvert the 2020 presidential election, which has been marked by false claims and failed lawsuits. Giuliani spoke on January 6 to those who trekked to Washington, D.C., for a Save America rally, just hours before attendees rushed the U.S. Capitol. He alleged, as he has for months, that the presidential election had been fraudulent. “If we’re wrong, we will be made fools of,” he asserted. “But if we’re right, a lot of them will go to jail. So, let’s have trial by combat!” The fiery remarks have proven controversial. After receiving hundreds of complaints about Giuliani in recent few months, the New York State Bar Association said on Monday it would consider expelling him. The Middlebury Campus, the college’s student newspaper, published an editorial on Sunday calling for Giuliani’s honorary degree to be revoked. The editorial starts by quoting Giuliani’s commencement speech at Middlebury in 2005: “…Winning is wonderful. Winning in sports. Winning elections ... But the reality is that winning is only fulfilling if you do it through the rules, and you do it by being able to contribute to other people.” Revoking the degree is a symbolic gesture, the editorial notes, and follows decisions within days of the riot by New York’s Wagner College and Pennsylvania’s Lehigh University to rescind honorary degrees given to the president. College president Laurie Patton said on Sunday the college would consider the move. In a statement, she called the events of January 6 “an insurrection against democracy itself.” On Tuesday evening, the college said it had revoked the honorary degree and had let Giuliani’s office know of the decision. m
In Trump They Trust « P.15 As court after court dismissed evidence-free lawsuits, Trump fell back on his most trusted political tools: He tweeted and scheduled a rally. “Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” he tweeted last month. “Be there, will be wild!” At the rally, Trump again spoke of a rigged election and urged his supporters to march to the Capitol and demand that lawmakers overturn the results. “You’ll never take back our country with weakness,” he told the crowd. “You have to show strength, and you have to be strong.” Anthony Sabens answered the call. The Coventry resident was in the crowd as it broke through the police barricades and staked claim to the Capitol grounds. He made his way up a set of marble stairs outside the western side of the building, where, looking through a network of scaffolding, he saw a surreal scene: several thousand people standing shoulder to shoulder, Trump and American flags fluttering in the wind. In his eyes: a revolution. “We the people are done being abused,” he messaged this reporter after declining to speak on the phone about his experience. “Right down to our governor and his unconstitutional gun [bans] and the restriction of the people.” Sabens, who said he did not enter the Capitol, claimed the rushing of the building was instigated to make Trump “look like the bad guy.” In one of many videos he took that day, dozens can be heard yelling “push,” encouraging their compatriots to knock down a set of doors. “I’m proud of my fellow Americans who stood their ground against the aggressive police,” Sabens wrote. Sabens did not regret heading to Washington despite what happened. Rather, he lamented that “we have allowed the government to get away with the abuse for so long.” “This is just the beginning,” he wrote. While Sabens believes Trump supporters were justified in their actions, other Vermont witnesses claim the rioters had no ties to the president at all. Ellie Martin and Ron Lawrence — chairs of the Underhill and Essex town Republican committees, respectively — helped organize a charter bus trip that took 51 Vermonters to the rally. The riders have since come under intense scrutiny for both attending the event and appearing to flout Vermont’s travel rules; a video showed the group packed tightly into the bus, no mask in sight. In a write-up posted to right-wing Vermont media site True North Reports, Lawrence said some on the trip did march to the Capitol but that he was unaware of any who stormed the barricades or entered the building.
Kevin Hoyt holding a flag at a protest against quarantine lockdowns last year
He claimed that those who did were actually members of the loose network of anti-fascist demonstrators known as antifa, carrying out a mission to discredit Trump supporters — a claim for which there is no evidence. “The general consensus from those who were close enough to observe, and from the research folks did on the trip back, is that the actual break in was perpetrated by members of ANTIFA who were donning pro-Trump attire to try to mix in,” Lawrence wrote. Martin texted Seven Days, “The message I heard from the 50+ VERMONT Patriots on the bus coming home from answering the Presidents [sic] call to ‘BE THERE’ in DC, is that they saw and heard the truth up front and personal. The media is the liar, who refuses to tell the truth even when it hits them in the face.” “To us,” she added, “your messages comes [sic] across as the opposition who supports communism and antifa.” Hoyt takes the antifa claim even further. In a pair of conspiracy-laced videos posted for his nearly 5,000 Facebook friends last week, Hoyt claimed to have seen police escorting buses carrying antifa members — without explaining how he knew who they were — toward the Capitol grounds and said that he knew that Trump supporters did not start the riot because they do not bring “rope or sledgehammers” to rallies. “You know what a Trump supporter looks like, right?” he said in one video. “It’s a redneck patriot like me wrapped in an American flag.” “This was all planned by the deep state,” he said of the riot, “and it was part of the distraction to keep us away from elections, right, and maybe put a taint on the Trump supporters out there — the peace-loving, God-loving Americans out there who are not violent.” The Associated Press has reported that a review of more than 120 people charged
in connection to the riot, or later identified through photographs and videos, shows that they were “overwhelmingly” longtime Trump supporters, “including Republican Party officials, GOP political donors, far-right militants, white supremacists, members of the military and adherents of the QAnon myth,” a collection of conspiracy theories that falsely claims Satan-worshipping pedophile Democrats and bureaucrats rule the country.
Hoyt himself espouses beliefs held by QAnon followers, warning in one of his recent videos of “mass arrests” and a looming communication “blackout.” Authorities are now bracing for armed pro-Trump demonstrations at statehouses nationwide in the days leading up to president-elect Joe Biden’s January 20 inauguration. Organizers of the bus trip have faced intense backlash, while state elected leaders decried the attacks and placed blame for them at Trump’s feet. Vermont Gov. Phil Scott, a Republican who has been frequently critical of Trump, went so far as to call for his removal, whether by resignation, impeachment or the 25th Amendment, which allows for the president’s cabinet to wrest power from him. “Make no mistake,” Scott said in the
Burlington High School Principal Noel Green Resigns Abruptly
B Y ALIS O N NO VAK alison@kidsvt.com Burlington High School principal Noel Green has resigned, the school district announced last Friday — the latest twist in what has been a particularly unusual school year for students and staff. In an email to Burlington High School employees last Friday evening obtained by Seven Days, Green cited his long-term interim status as a primary factor for resigning. “On numerous occasions, I sought an audience with the board to determine why my situation had been decided as such and was never given the opportunity, which in my opinion was highly disrespectful,� Green wrote. “As such, I determined that I would certainly have to look out for my own interests.� Green also said that “significant external pressure this year to run BHS in a way not consistent with my beliefs in regard to leadership has left me with no choice.� He did not elaborate. In a press release, the district said that Green had resigned in an email to Superintendent Tom Flanagan shortly after 5 p.m., effective immediately. The decision surprised Flanagan, who had intended to nominate Green for the permanent principal role at the next school board meeting on Tuesday, the release said. In the fall of 2018, Green became interim principal after serving as assistant principal for several years. That September, Green clashed with the school board after ordering the editors of the Burlington High School student newspaper, the Register, to remove reporting about charges filed by the Vermont Agency of Education against the high school’s then-director of guidance, Mario Macias. Several days later, the school board released a statement overturning Green’s decision, citing 2017’s Vermont New Voices Act, which guarantees freedom of speech and freedom of the press in all school-sponsored media at public high schools and colleges. In March 2019, then-superintendent Yaw Obeng recommended making the principal position permanent for Green, but school board members voted 6-3 to instead offer Green a two-year interim contract, with no explanation. m
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opening remarks of his inaugural address last week, “President Trump is responsible for fanning these flames.� Trump’s supporters, of course, disagree. Lyddy, the southern Vermont resident who marched to the Capitol at Trump’s urging, blames the riot on elected officials who refused to acknowledge the baseless claims of widespread voter fraud. “I was talking to people throughout the crowd,� he said. “They were angry. They were furious. They saw it in their own towns. They saw it in states. They asked questions based on numbers that didn’t add up. These people aren’t stupid.� “Now, everybody gets to Washington, D.C., and says, ‘No more. We’re not gonna take it anymore,’� he said. “They’ve seen a very corrupt Democratic machine tie up the presidency of the United States for four years on a corrupt foundation. There was no Russia. There was only a corrupt FBI, a corrupt Justice Department and a corrupt CIA.� Lyddy claims such corruption exists in Vermont, too, pointing to the governor’s refusal to offer up the state’s “voting machines� for a “forensic analysis.� The Secretary of State’s Office is actually the one charged with auditing elections. It has done so for every general election since 2006, randomly selecting about a half dozen towns for an independent review to confirm the totals of the voting tabulator. Jim Condos, Vermont’s secretary of state, has delayed the 2020 election audit due to the coronavirus pandemic, saying it is not currently safe to conduct one. But he has stressed that there is nothing to suggest any voter fraud occurred. “Our local Town election officials work incredibly hard to ensure that the election results match the will of the voters, and the numerous checks and security measures in place support their work,� Condos said in a statement to Seven Days. “These baseless voter fraud claims are a conspiracy theory, without a shred of evidence.� Such assurances aren’t good enough for Lyddy, who said if the tabulators are not released by the end of this week, then he will find out where they are kept and take them — “one way or another.� Lyddy did not say exactly how he expected to get his hands on Vermont’s voting tabulators. When asked whether he would personally break the law to carry out his mission, he went quiet for a moment. “Hard to know,� he eventually said. “Really hard to know.� “If it was for the good of the country,� he later said, “and I knew that it would help solve some of the problems that exist now in this country, then I probably would.� m
1/12/21 3:46 PM
Changing of the Prog?
A former Progressive Party chair challenges one of Burlington City Council’s leftmost-leaning members B Y CO UR T NEY L A M DIN • courtney@sevendaysvt.com
iki Archambeau was working from home last June when a disoriented and nearly naked man wandered into his driveway in Burlington’s Old North End. The man was a neighbor’s ex-boyfriend with an active restraining order, and he was having a mental health crisis. Archambeau called the police, who arrived quickly and helped peacefully resolve the situation. That evening, Archambeau used Front Porch Forum to thank the officers for their work. He didn’t expect the backlash that came next. A neighbor charged that Archambeau’s words of gratitude were tone-deaf amid a nationwide reckoning over policing. The person accused Archambeau of diminishing the racial justice efforts in Burlington, where activists had demanded cuts to the police force — a call the six Progressive members of the city council had embraced. Archambeau has always considered himself a Progressive — and has twice chaired the local party — but he was stunned by the council’s willingness to “defund the police” without another plan for public safety. Six months later, Archambeau is running against Central District incumbent Perri Freeman, a first-term Progressive councilor at the center of the very police reforms that Archambeau says were too rushed. The day before Archambeau posted on Front Porch Forum, Freeman was among the dozens of activists who marched to Mayor Miro Weinberger’s home to demand reform of the city police force. To Archambeau, council Progressives such as Freeman have abandoned any semblance of compromise and collaboration — principles he pledges to restore if elected on Town Meeting Day in March. But Freeman argues that the Progressive Party has become more inclusive, not less, by fighting for justice. “The changes that I’ve advocated for look at power and redistributing it … and that definitely makes people uncomfortable,” said Freeman, who uses genderneutral pronouns. “I think that discomfort is something that anyone in a position of [power] right now should really lean into.” Freeman was elected to the city council in March 2019 as a political newcomer, besting council veteran and Progressive
Tiki Archambeau
Party stalwart Jane Knodell in the district, which is composed of Wards 2 and 3. Freeman’s victory — and that of fellow Councilor Jack Hanson (P-East District) the same year — signaled a sea change on the city council, where six of 12 seats now belong to Progressives. Two years later, the situation is reversed in the Central District: The more moderate candidate is looking to unseat the far-left Prog. Indeed, Freeman has sponsored some of the caucus’ leftmost-leaning initiatives. The councilor introduced and helped pass resolutions to create a reparations task force and to bar local police from collaborating with federal immigration authorities. Last spring, Freeman introduced a “just economy” plan to tax the wealthiest Burlingtonians; the measure was shelved as talks of defunding the police ramped up. That’s when Archambeau began considering his options. He’s lived in Burlington for two decades and is no stranger to civic service. As a public works commissioner for the last nine
years, he has helped create a policy to remove snow from city bike lanes. He chaired the Burlington Progressive Party — from 2003 to ’05 and again from 2012 to ’14 — and has served stints as an elections inspector and on his local Neighborhood Planning Assembly. Last June, he was shocked to watch as Progressive councilors voted in lockstep to reduce the police force through attrition from 90 to 74 officers and attempted to slash a $13,800 line item for equipment, including bulletproof vests. “The level of micromanagement … was uncalled for,” Archambeau said, adding that he supports police reform, “but you’ve gotta have a plan going in.” Archambeau’s concern only grew late last year, when Freeman proposed creating an “independent community control board” to investigate police misconduct and discipline officers. The civilianled body would have had the power to fire cops, including the chief of police. Archambeau supported Weinberger’s subsequent veto of the measure.
Like the mayor, Archambeau said the control board would have further accelerated officers’ departures from 1 North Avenue. Nine cops have already left since June, many of them citing city council decisions as factors. Archambeau also said Freeman didn’t adequately address the concerns raised by the police chief, police commission and police union before the council vote earlier this month. Archambeau doesn’t have his own proposal for reform, but if elected, he said, he’d want to hear from all stakeholders before making a decision. A self-proclaimed “small-p progressive,” Archambeau won the Democrats’ nomination in December but said he’s running as an independent to avoid being pinned to a party label. “It’s not teamwork,” Archambeau said of the Progs’ approach to governance. “Can we not operate pragmatically and at least pretend like we hear other concerns?” Archambeau’s criticism extends beyond issues of policing. He argues that Freeman and other Progressives
Perri Freeman
ignored landlords and “cherry-picked” advocates to speak at meetings about banning no-cause evictions in the city. Progressives, however, argued that renters were disenfranchised in the process when Councilor Joan Shannon (D-South District) invited landlords to a subcommittee meeting on the topic. The item will be on the ballot in March. Archambeau, who rents out the top floor of his home, opposes the measure. He said evictions are a tool for landlords who have problem tenants or who need to make repairs to their buildings. (The proposal, however, says that evictions in those situations would be allowed as long as the property owner gives renters adequate notice.) Archambeau said he understands Freeman’s desire to uplift marginalized residents in policy debates but said people with differing viewpoints should be given equal consideration. “We [can’t] just listen to the voices that have backed us and got us into office. That doesn’t work,” he said. “You don’t just govern certain segments of society; you govern everybody.” For their part, Freeman said they’ve never suppressed dialogue and have even advocated for longer public forums to hear more input. Freeman said they reached out to the administration and
other councilors about the control board proposal, but many never responded or waited until the last minute to propose an alternative. “If the question is whether I’m willing to hear people who have a different perspective, of course [I am],” Freeman said. “I might not agree with them, but I’m willing to hear them.” Gene Bergman, a former assistant city attorney and longtime Progressive, said Archambeau’s assertion that Freeman and other Progs are uncompromising is “wrong and unfair.” For one, Bergman said, Freeman amended the control board proposal after hearing concerns from Weinberger and council Democrats, albeit not enough to avoid a mayoral veto. Archambeau’s support of the veto — and his opposition to the eviction proposal — indicate to Bergman that Freeman’s challenger doesn’t support Progressive policies. Freeman, Bergman said, “is fighting for working people, fighting for people who need to have a voice.” Councilor Hanson agreed that Freeman’s strength is in engaging with constituents. He met Freeman in the summer of 2017, when they both canvassed for the Vermont Public Interest Research Group,
a nonprofit focused on climate advocacy. Knocking on doors and rallying supporters for VPIRG prepared Freeman to serve on the council, Hanson said. Hanson, who is running for reelection unopposed, credited Freeman for taking the lead on social justice issues, including workers’ rights and housing. As evidence, he pointed to Freeman’s “just economy” resolution, which included provisions to levy a “luxury sales tax” on property sales exceeding $500,000, establish a minimum wage for Queen City workers and protect renters from unjust evictions. Hanson said Freeman is unafraid of confronting emotionally charged issues. “It’s pretty brave and commendable that Perri’s been willing to really get out there and fight for what they believe in,” he said. “It’s hard to balance policy making with activism and organizing, and I think Perri’s done a good job at straddling those worlds.” Bob Kiernan, an Archambeau supporter and 16-year Central District resident, isn’t so sure. Kiernan said Freeman’s hard-line ideology may make them less likely to reach out to political opposites. “I can’t say that [Freeman] completely ignores people who think different ways,” Kiernan said, “but [they’re] certainly somewhat ignoring me by being so supportive of [their] own view.” Kiernan said he’s voting for Archambeau because he has appreciated the candidate’s balanced view as a public
works commissioner. Kiernan doesn’t always agree with Archambeau, but he thinks Burlington needs a councilor who weighs all sides of an issue. Former councilor Knodell is also supporting Archambeau. With six votes and typically at least one ally, council Progressives have been able to pass almost any measure without compromising, she said. With Archambeau aboard, they’d be forced to work with others, Knodell suggested. “Tiki is offering Central District voters an alternative, someone who’s going to listen to the activists but is not going to let the activists write the legislation,” she said. “People will have an opportunity to decide whether they are looking for some kind of different representation.” The mayor’s race could also change the council dynamic. Weinberger is facing challenges from both Council President Max Tracy (P-Ward 2) — whom Freeman is supporting — and Councilor Ali Dieng (I-Ward 7). Archambeau hasn’t decided whom he’ll vote for, and Weinberger has yet to publicly endorse either council candidate. As a councilor, Archambeau said, he’d work on affordable housing in Burlington. He pitched a plan to help developers turn multiunit apartment buildings into condos for first-time home buyers. He also thinks the city should work with the University of Vermont to create more student housing. If reelected, Freeman wants to continue the council’s anti-racist work and improve public transportation in the city. Freeman said they’d also like to revisit the just economy proposal. “I’m excited about continuing to fight alongside this community for the things we really need to see change,” Freeman said. Candidates will have to campaign differently this year since door-knocking and meet and greets are on hold during the coronavirus pandemic. Archambeau said he plans to hit the phones and make himself available on Zoom. Both he and Freeman will participate in a virtual candidate forum sponsored by the Wards 2 & 3 Neighborhood Planning Assembly on Thursday, January 14. While the pandemic creates a layer of uncertainty, Freeman said there’s no denying the energy surrounding today’s Progressive Party. More than 1,400 people voted in the nominating caucus last month, a party record and an indication to Freeman that its message is resonating with Burlingtonians. Of their candidacy, Freeman said, “Certainly it’s not going to be the right fit for everyone … but I think that we’re also seeing that it is the right fit for a lot of people right now.” SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
FEED back « P.7
The News Never Stops… Seven Days doesn’t publish a print newspaper the first week of January. The annual double issue hit the streets on December 30, 2020. But our reporters have been writing up a storm online, starting with Courtney Lamdin’s breaking story on New Year’s Day about Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger’s veto of a Progressive-led proposal to create a new police oversight board. Last week our news team produced 16 more web stories, about the impact of the coronavirus on Winooski schools, Town Meeting Day, and the legislative session. On the same day Vermont lawmakers reconvened remotely, marauding supporters of President Donald Trump stormed the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. Seven Days’ Colin Flanders reported on the welfare of Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), while Derek Brouwer kept his eye on a group of Vermont Trump supporters who traveled south to “Stop the Steal.” When their bus returned to the state at 3 a.m., he was there to hold them accountable in a South Burlington parking lot. Last Friday, at the governor’s regularly scheduled press conference, Seven Days data editor Andrea Suozzo asked the crucial question: Would the 51 people who traveled to D.C. in the chartered coach have to abide by Vermont’s quarantine rules? Video posted to Facebook showed that the passengers on the bus weren’t wearing masks. The news team also covered Republican Gov. Phil Scott’s condemnation of Trump — which made national news — and advanced the story of a Vermont state trooper who posted on social media in support of the insurgency. The readers below are reacting to that online content, most of which is not represented in this issue of Seven Days. Don’t want to miss any of our stories? Sign up at sevendaysvt.com/enews for the daily “Know It All” newsletter, an early-morning email roundup of everything published online, including obituaries, in the previous 24 hours.
KNOWITALL The colossal failure of all branches of law enforcement on January 6 epitomized systemic discrepancies that have existed throughout our history. Genocidal elimination of Native peoples, enslavement of Africans, union busting of underpaid laborers and mass incarceration of people of color are the touchstones of American history rarely mentioned in my public school education. The continuing leniency of sentencing of murderous police provides more evidence of our shame. To think that bloodthirsty mobs of delusional Caucasian conspiracy theorists would do no harm is indicative of ignorant complacency. To hear of high fives and the opening of doors by officers, and the encouragement of desecration of the U.S. Capitol by a Vermont state policeman in online tirades, is nauseating. To “protect and serve”? Just whom are you serving? The permeation of police and armed forces by neo-Nazis is deeply disturbing. 22
Trump supporters and police officers at Capitol Hill on January 6
health, safety and well-being of our community. Doing so during this time of national crisis — both January 5 and 6 set single-day records for fatalities on U.S. soil — was careless and irresponsible; it is the height of hypocrisy for those people to claim they care about our nation. Every single person on that bus should be ashamed and needs to reflect on the potential harm they brought to our community. Sincere apologies would be only the beginning of a satisfactory restitution. Brian J. Walsh
Thank you, Attorney General T.J. Donovan, and thank you, Gov. Phil Scott, for repudiating the scourge that has overtaken us of late. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty!
Here is a maxim that is put to good use in northern Vermont: “No consequences means no rules.” Hopefully the U.S. Congress and the U.S. Department of Justice will keep this in mind when considering the impact of President Donald Trump’s attacks on the rule of law.
Jeff Salisbury
Paul Madden
It was distressing to learn that members of our community took part in the misguided attempt to overturn the legitimate results of a free and fair election last Wednesday. However, while everyone is entitled to their opinions, Supreme Court of the United States decisions have consistently upheld the principle that one’s individual rights end when they become harmful to others. The 50 or so people who packed that Vermont bus without masks or even a pretense of social distancing during this pandemic demonstrated not only a contempt for our democratic processes, but also a complete disregard for the
The folks who returned from the violent and disgraceful “protest” at the U.S. Capitol last Wednesday must have been at a different event than the one seen by millions throughout that awful day. It was neither “respectful,” “wonderful” nor “cordial.” It was a disgusting display of ignorance, disrespect and intimidation by representatives of neo-Nazi groups and other lawless thugs — men with guns, bricks, lead pipes and Confederate flags. They were egged on and ginned up by a criminal “president” who spent the afternoon not walking with his supporters, as he claimed he would, but watching and gloating in a private event
tent, having lunch. He must have enjoyed the spectacle of ordinary citizens, brainwashed by years of disinformation and his own incendiary rhetoric, destroying federal property and acting like criminals, aided and abetted by Capitol Police who were not properly prepared for the onslaught. None of these citizens was wearing masks or social distancing, and now they return to Vermont, all proud of themselves for creating havoc in D.C., possibly to infect their fellow Vermonters with COVID-19. They claim they didn’t go into the Capitol, but that remains to be seen. One of them went so far as to claim, “We’re going to clean that place out.” That says plenty all by itself. As a citizen, voter and taxpayer of Vermont, I call for all of them to be investigated and, if necessary, prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Louise Goodrich ESSEX JUNCTION
In view of the idiotic attack on the U.S. Capitol building on January 6, I wonder how many other people are reassessing their enthusiasm for Bob Dylan’s famous revolutionary anthem, “The Times They Are a-Changin’.” Come senators, congressmen Please heed the call Don’t stand in the doorway Don’t block up the hall For he that gets hurt Will be he who has stalled The battle outside ragin’ Will soon shake your windows And rattle your walls For the times they are a-changin’ Andy Leader
Trump is over. He will have the tens of millions of dollars he has bilked from the faithful since the election, but a lot of that will be consumed by legal fees for an incalculable number of years. He will have no life, maybe no wife, no friends, no place to live where he isn’t reviled by his neighbors, no membership in the Former Presidents Club, endless blame from the Republican lawmakers whose careers he has trashed — although many of them did a great job of that by themselves. He can look forward to a Republican Party that has become a cruel joke, endless lawsuits, no relaxing foreign travel except to countries run by equally corrupt despots — in short, life as a pariah, maybe with an ankle bracelet. He will have time to write
“Weinberger Vetoes Police Oversight Ballot Item, Urges Council to Compromise,” January 1 “Burlington Councilors Fail to Override Mayor’s Veto of Police Oversight Proposal,” January 5 “Vermont Lawmakers Expect to Enable Mail-In Voting for Town Meeting Day,” January 5 “Montpeculiar: Luckily, This Was Not an Actual Legislative Session,” January 5 “Winooski Schools Extend Remote Learning as COVID-19 Cases Mount,” January 5 “Burlington Police Union Accuses Tracy of Suppressing Opposing Views,” January 5
“Lawmakers Pledge a ‘Coronavirus Recovery Session,’” January 6 “Vermont Gov. Phil Scott Calls for Trump to ‘Resign or Be Removed From Office,’” January 6 “After Riots at the Capitol, Busload of Vermont Trump Supporters Returns From D.C.,” January 7 “Police, Firefighters Moved Up Vermont’s Vaccine Priority List,” January 7 “Vermont Trooper Suspended for Social Media Posts Supporting D.C. Insurgency,” January 7 “Vermont Leaders Take Oaths, Unite in Condemnation of Trump,” January 7 “Vermont Officials Say They Can’t Force D.C. Bus Passengers to Quarantine,” January 8 “Vermont’s COVID-19 Infections Reach New Highs in Recent Days,” January 8 “Vermont Senate Joins House in Call for Trump’s Ouster,” January 8 “Burlington High School Principal Noel Green Resigns Abruptly,” January 8 “Middlebury College Might Revoke Rudy Giuliani’s Honorary Degree,” January 10 “Vermont Braces for Armed Protests Leading Up to Inauguration,” January 11 “Republican Lawmakers Call for VTGOP Leaders to Condemn Trump or Resign,” January 12
Will all the bus travelers quarantine for 14 days upon their return? Will the health department follow up with them to ensure that they do? Jim Dean
On January 6, 2021, Donald Trump ended up where he has always belonged: on the trash heap of history. His incitement of the attack on the U.S. Capitol by his legion of ignorant goons will be his lasting legacy, such as it is.
“‘This Was Not a Drill’: Welch Recounts Chaos as Trump Supporters Stormed U.S. Capitol,” January 6
young people with the capacity to act as good citizens. Churches have tried to instill the teaching to love one’s enemies, which for over 200 years has resulted in the peaceful transfer of power in our governments. Kimball Shinkoskey WOODS CROSS, UT
It is easy to believe that people who adopt conspiracy theories and embrace the rampant lies of this president must somehow be far away, in another part of the country. I am very disheartened to learn about the busload of folks — organized by the Essex Republicans and crammed into a bus with no masks, or very few — who traveled to Washington, D.C., to support a president who is lying to our citizens and betraying Trump supporters on the bus democracy. They are betraying their neighbors, simply by their disregard for spreading this virus. Apparently Ron Lawrence and others on the bus clarified that they were not among those who stormed the U.S. Capitol building. But you still were in the crowd, cheering on this president. his memoir, which will be a collection of You are taken in by his destructive lies and all his tweets for his presidential library. those of the fawning, right-wing media. He won’t have to sit for the presidential Get real, Lawrence: Antifa had nothing to portrait. I envision that as either his mug do with this attempt at insurrection. And shot or his jack-o’-lantern face over a back- don’t blame the media, either. By simple ground photo of his stupid army of thugs association, you support the politics of in their silly Halloween costumes trashing hate and division. The Essex Republicans the People’s House. are shamefully clinging to this president Rick Wilson of the Lincoln Project put — as so many are, including so many in it best in the title of his book: Everything Congress. Trump Touches Dies. A primary reason behind this support across our country is white people’s fear Curt Albee of becoming a minority. That is Trump’s STRAFFORD Republican Party, now the Republican Party. At least it is no longer a game of The events of January 6, 2021, in the charades what the values of this party are: nation’s capitol represent the culmination The truth is laid bare. of a widespread revolutionary assault on Andrew Fulton the American way of life. WESTFORD The assault has been directed at all three branches of government: the executive branches of the 50 state governments, The U.S. Capitol insurrection is a symptom which are responsible for election secu- of deeper ills and an unhinged president rity; the several state and federal judicia- whose self-aggrandizing, lying and racist ries where disputes are handled; and the values offend. But in reacting to the supreme legislative power of the federal insurrection, be careful. I have worked government, the Congress of the United in 50-plus countries. I received an email States. from a Costa Rican saying: “To everyone in This movement has also attempted the U.S. media who is saying, ‘We only see to undermine institutions such as public things like this in third-world countries,’ schools and private churches, which I take offense and have this to say: I live together have been responsible for build- in a third-world country, and we don’t do ing up the store of public virtue spoken of shit like this! We respect the transition by our nation’s founders. of power! We have universal health care Schools are responsible for providing and a world-class health care system. Our
voting system is recognized worldwide for being just and transparent. And we wear masks and don’t bitch about it!” The term “banana republic” is offensive. Too many times American companies and our government helped create or support such dysfunctional governments. Fortunately, we are overcoming this stupidity: Witness the commitment to law and constitution by Congress; massive voter turnouts by voters of all perspectives; and efforts to stop racism, voter suppression and gender discrimination. Probably half of Donald Trump’s voters are behind him because of policies he advocated that they support; this is OK. But half of those voting for him may be “Trumpers” who aligned with a demagogue not unlike dictators in many countries where I have worked, whose values are an affront to our heritage. We can do better. Thank you to our governor and others for speaking up, even when this provokes angry reactions. Richard Donovan
If the state of Vermont is declining to hold this busload of lumpen morons accountable, how about if Seven Days publishes the names of the happy travelers? This would be a public health announcement that would let those of us who encounter them in the community avoid possible contagion and exposure to COVID-19. Thomas Powell
Rep. Tom Terenzini (R-Proctor) needs to resign or be removed from office immediately. This is not because he appears to be a dupe of racist disinformation about Black Lives Matter, pernicious though his views on that subject may be. It is because he is incapable of distinguishing between a violent assault on our nation’s Capitol by murderous vandals with the purpose of preventing Congress from performing a basic constitutional function vital to our democracy, on the one hand, and, on the other, overwhelmingly peaceful protests against racial injustice. By claiming that the latter is more egregious, he pronounces himself unfit for office. It is almost as outrageous that he repeats the discredited canard that Black Lives Matter protesters were responsible for the deaths of police officers, while apparently totally ignoring the indisputable fact that the January 6 Trumpite insurrectionists killed Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, clubbing him to death with a fire extinguisher. Seth Steinzor
Arthur G. LaCharite MAY 18, 1925-DECEMBER 21, 2020 BURLINGTON, VT.
Arthur was born on May 18, 1925, in Winooski, Vt., the son of Alfred and Marion LaCharite. Arthur passed away on December 21, 2020, at Elderwood in Burlington at the age of 95. Arthur served in the United States Army as a supply clerk at a medical depot in Fontainebleau, France, during the Korean Conflict until his honorable discharge. He worked for Ralph Aruzza’s Esso station and University Texaco before opening up his own station in Burlington, Art’s Texaco. He later retired from IBM in 1989. Arthur was a resident of Shelburne since 1971; he and his wife raised their family and remained there until 2012. Anyone who knew Art knew he loved life and was very fond of the outdoors. He enjoyed many activities, such as alpine skiing, hunting and spending countless summers on Lake Champlain fishing on his boat. He was also very passionate about singing, which he often did at home and, later on, at his daughter’s wedding. He was wise, unselfish, funny and very loyal to his family. An amazing soul! He leaves his wife of 49 years, Pamela (Shepard) LaCharite of Shelburne/South Burlington; a daughter Sabrina and her husband, Joel Shedd, of Colchester; a son Shane and his wife, Stephanie, and his grandson Samuel of Greenfield Park, Québec; and his brothers and their wives, George and Carol of Jacksonville, Fla., and Donald and Betty of Winooski. He was predeceased by his brother Raymond and his wife, Marie; his sister Cecile and her husband, Leonard Dupont; his sister Loretta and her husband, Harvey Martin; and his sister Beatrice. He is also affectionately remembered by many nieces, nephews and cousins residing throughout the USA and Canada. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated at St. Francis Xavier Church in Winooski followed by a burial of Arthur’s ashes in Northfield, Vt., at a later date due to pandemic restrictions.
Burt Porter
“The Lesson” By Burt Porter
Burt Porter died at the age of 83 on the morning of December 29, 2020, at the Greensboro Nursing Home. He was comfortable and his usual cheerful, congenial self until the end. He loved his life as an entertainer, musician, poet, teacher and father figure. His family would like to thank everyone who gave him a chance to be that in this world. His friends were an important part of his life. Thank you to all of you who made his life special. When speaking about his poetry, he said, “I put words where I think they will stay for a little while when I am gone. I try to lock words in place like fitting stones into a stone wall.”
My Death has been my counselor For many and many a year; He always gives me good advice And makes my choices clear. He often tells me life is short Therefore I should live well And get the most from every day Before the final knell.
Burt’s family felt that during these confusing times, it would be appropriate to open a Facebook page as a way for people to come together to share their memories and feelings. His page is listed at facebook.com/burt. porter.98/.
Elizabeth Cilley
APRIL 3, 1929-DECEMBER 25, 2020 ESSEX JUNCTION, VT. Elizabeth Davis Cilley, 91, longtime resident of Essex Junction, passed away peacefully on December 25, 2020, at Elderwood in Burlington, as Christmas carols played in the background. The cause was congestive heart failure and COVID-19. “Libby” was born on April 3, 1929, to Mabel and George Davis in Henderson, N.C. She grew up there with her brothers, Bill and Wade, and a close family group of many aunts, uncles and cousins. After graduating from Henderson High School, she attended Mars Hill College and ultimately graduated from East Carolina College with a teaching degree. In August 1955, Libby married Jared F. Cilley II of Wadhams, N.Y., moving north and settling down in Vermont (although North Carolina was always “home”). Jed and Libby raised three children — Julie, Andrea and Jared III — on Arlington Street in Essex Junction and were lucky enough to have 65 years together. Libby had a long, rewarding teaching career, retiring in 1992 as head of the English department at Albert D. Lawton Intermediate School in Essex Junction.
He sweeps away small issues That clutter and conceal What matters and what doesn’t, What’s false and what is real,
Her ADL colleagues remained a great, supportive group of friends through the years. Libby also enjoyed encounters with former students and their families wherever she went. In retirement, Libby enjoyed reading, traveling to North Carolina and Myrtle Beach whenever possible, spending time at the family cottage on Lake George, and keeping in touch with her grandchildren and all of her extended family and friends. The last few years brought numerous health challenges and much time in the hospital and rehab facilities, which Libby met with determination and eternal optimism. She had many wonderful and patient caregivers, especially at Elderwood,
And when I ask him what’s the best That this life has to give, He grins a boney grin and says “Don’t seek it out - just live.”
the University of Vermont Medical Center, and Burlington Health & Rehab/Genesis. In the last few weeks, UVM Hospice also provided invaluable care and attention. Libby was predeceased by her parents, Mabel and George Davis, and by her brother Thomas William Davis. She is survived by her husband, Jared (Jed) Cilley II of Essex Junction; daughter Julie Voll and husband Peter of Charlotte, Vt.; daughter Andrea Cilley of Charlotte, Vt.; son Jared Cilley III and husband David Weidner of Haverhill, Mass.; grandchildren Gregory Voll and wife Sarah and their daughter Alice of Port Chester, N.Y.; Liza Voll and husband Karl Yando of Jericho, Vt.; Jameson Voll and wife Dr. Grace Lee of Boston, Mass.; brother Wade Davis and wife Lynda of Raleigh, N.C.; and nieces, nephews and cousins near and far. A.W. Rich Funeral Home of Essex Junction, Vt., is handling arrangements, although no services are planned, at Libby’s request. The family will gather to celebrate her life when conditions permit. Condolences and memories may be shared at awrfh.com Memorial donations may be made to the Heavenly Food Pantry, First Congregational Church of Essex Junction, at fccej.com.
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Frances Sherer Caldwell
Gordon Gebauer Sr.
AUGUST 30, 1942-NOVEMBER 25, 2020 WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. Frances Elizabeth Sherer Caldwell, 78, of White Plains, N.Y., died on November 25, 2020, in Ramsey, N.J., at the home of her daughter, Juliet. Born on August 30, 1942, in Mount Kisco, N.Y., to Mary Brown Sherer and Clark Grosjean Sherer, Frances grew up in Scarsdale hearing her mother play piano and her father sing along with the Metropolitan Opera broadcasts every Saturday. As she once wrote of her early days learning the piano, “I was galvanized by Bach and Beethoven, and practiced so much my parents would leave the house!” After earning her BA in music from Smith College (’64, Phi Beta Kappa), where she studied piano with Robert Miller and composition with Alvin Etler, Frances stayed on at Smith for one year as a faculty fellow in music, then entered the master’s program at UC Berkeley. She married Peter Devigne Caldwell in September 1966 and moved to Paris, France, where Peter was practicing law. There Frances completed her graduate studies under the guidance of pianist Nadine Vercambre, earning a diplôme supérieur in piano performance from the Conservatoire Européen de Musique de Paris. She spoke beautiful French and remained a lifelong Francophile. While living in Paris, Frances (or “Francie,” as she was known to many) gave birth to three children — Nat, Nelson and Juliet — to whom she imparted a deep love of language and the arts. In 1974 she and Peter returned to the U.S.; they raised their kids in New York City and, later, in Pelham, N.Y. Frances also enjoyed a long career as a piano teacher, holding faculty positions at the School for Strings in Manhattan and at the Music Conservatory of Westchester in White Plains, as well as teaching private lessons to countless students, by whom she was much beloved and respected. She gave solo recitals over the years in the U.S. and France, though chamber music remained closest to her heart — she called it “intimate conversation in a universal language.” Frances was a splendid musician and a pianist of great feeling and elegance. She loved to interpret the music of Chopin, Ravel, Debussy, Bach, Beethoven, Schumann, Mozart, Brahms, and many other classical and contemporary composers. She also had a razor-sharp intellect and seemingly inexhaustible knowledge of all things literary, etymological, historical and
musical; her family often turned to her as an in-house reference as reliable as Merriam-Webster’s or the Reader’s Encylopedia. At first blush, Frances presented as proper and “by the book,” every bit the straight-A student. But to those who knew her, she was playful and irreverent, even naughty at times, with a streak of unfettered eccentricity. In her soul she was an artist, and every object in her clean, uncluttered apartment was placed with care and aesthetic purpose — a blue-glass bottle, a framed swatch of fabric, a yellow hat perched just so. In movement, she had the poise and confidence of a dancer, which she had been from an early age. And in conversation, she was no shrinking violet — she knew her mind and appreciated that quality in others. In no particular order, Frances loved raspberries, lilacs and irises. Kandinsky, yoga, Heath Bars and middle-brow mystery novels. Concerts at Carnegie Hall and Bargemusic on the East River. Poached eggs with bacon. The tango, mayonnaise, Law & Order (original series), and fast walks with friends. A satisfyingly messy cheeseburger, a Coke with a wedge of lemon. And most of all her two grandchildren, August and Bernadette, who called her “Nana.” Frances was taken from us too soon. At the time she contracted COVID-19 in March of 2020, she was healthy, active and fully independent. Thanks to the care of many nurses, aides and doctors toiling in the chaotic conditions of the early pandemic — and thanks to the constant personal care of her MD daughter, Juliet — she managed to survive the initial onslaught of the disease. Throughout eight long months fighting COVID’s physical aftermath — four in hospital and four at Juliet’s home — Frances would call on
a favorite quote attributed to Winston Churchill: “If you’re going through hell, keep going.” She kept going, and she fought hard, every day, to live as long as she possibly could. During her final months at Juliet’s, she was grateful and fortunate to be surrounded by the love of her family. She would not have made it as long as she did without her daughter’s care and that of many wonderful aides — especially Camille Amorin, who was with her to the last. She also benefited immensely from the hugs and giggles she got every day from her grandson, August, and from a constant stream of love in the form of letters, calls and virtual visits with friends and family. Frances was predeceased by her sister, Eugénie C. Sherer, and by her former husband, Peter D. Caldwell. She is survived by daughter Juliet and grandson August Caldwell (Ramsey, N.J.); son Nelson, granddaughter Bernadette Caldwell and daughter-inlaw Polly Vanderputten (Burlington, Vt.); son Nathaniel (also of Burlington); and many cousins, in-laws and dear friends far and wide. Special mention goes to Sandy Schofield (Charlotte, Vt.); she and Francie were lifelong pals from the day they first met at the age of 16. The family would also like to recognize and thank Thomas Maloney for his loving care of August and the household during Frances’ illness. A memorial service will be held in the future, when gathering is once again safe. If you would like to honor Frances with a gift in her memory, please consider a donation to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Meals on Wheels, World Wildlife Fund or one of the following music programs that were close to her heart: Greenwood Music Camp, Carnegie Hall, Bargemusic or the Smith College Music Department.
Gordon Charles Gebauer Sr. (“Charlie”) died peacefully on December 28, 2020, in Essex Junction, Vt. He was born on September 18, 1923, in Hazleton, Pa., to William and Elsie (Bender) Gebauer. He was the youngest of seven children and grew up during the Depression when money was scarce but love was plentiful. He joined the Navy in 1942 shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and was eventually sent to the European theater. During the D-Day invasion, he was part of a three-man crew piloting a landing craft to and from Omaha beach. The first day he brought troops to the beach. By the second day, as the battle progressed, he brought in machinery and vehicles. After D-Day, he was reassigned to the USS LST-138, a much larger ship designed to bring tanks and heavy machinery onto a beachhead. He and his ship were in the Brooklyn Naval Yard preparing to go to the Pacific theater when Japan surrendered. He always said the party that spontaneously erupted in New York City was completely outrageous and something he would never forget. Upon return from the war, Charlie met Dolores Avillion, his lifelong love. As family legend has it, he was on a date with someone else when he met Dolores and drove the date home so he could ask Dolores out. They were married in 1951 and went on to live 67 years together until Dolores passed in 2018. Charlie and Dolores moved to Montclair, N.J., shortly after marrying, where Charlie worked in retail for the next 25 years, first at Hahne & Co. and then at Gimbels. During their time in New Jersey, Charlie and Dolores raised two children and developed many lifelong friendships. They moved back to Pennsylvania in the mid-’70s, where they owned and operated a small motel and restaurant in the Pocono Mountains until they retired in 2000. In 2015, they moved to South Burlington, Vt. After losing his beloved Dolores, Charlie moved into Mansfield Place in Essex Junction, Vt., until his recent passing. Charlie was an all-round good man, good husband and good father. He was generous and colorful, the kind of guy who would literally give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. Charlie had a great sense of humor and developed many cherished friendships over his long life. He loved to build, rebuild, remodel or reconstruct anything he could get his hands on. He lived a long, productive life and was loved by all who got to know him. He instilled in his children a love of life and people but a disdain for stupidity. He will be greatly missed by all who were lucky enough to know him. He is survived by son and daughter-in-law, Gordon Gebauer Jr. and Tina Shoup; daughter Pamela Gebauer DeLuca; and grandchildren Bryan Johns, Mark, Maria and Kimberly DeLuca; as well as a host of nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews. Due to COVID-19, there are no funeral plans at this time. There will be a memorial service at a later date. SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
OBITUARIES Pierrette Muir
John Arnold Myers
Our loving mother, Pierrette (“Pete”) Rose Vidal Muir, left us peacefully due to COVID-19 on December 21, 2020. It was our greatest sorrow not to be with her to hold her hand as she passed into the lord’s hands. Her story is more about her courage, strength and neverending relationship with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. “Pete” was born January 31, 1929, in Verdun, Québec, Canada. She left Montréal on December 15, 1954, at the age of 25 to marry our father, Richard Robert Pelletier, and start her life in California. She raised her five children, only separated by five years, including two Irish twins. It must be said that her French Canadian heritage and strength gave her the courage to pack up her children in a station wagon and make her way across the country to Vermont to be close to her mother and godmother in 1972. She made the best of it, provided a home and life for her children, and worked in the Burlington area for many years. God must have been testing her. Pierrette beat cancer three times: Hodgkin’s, nonHodgkin’s and breast cancer. She was tough and would not allow it to consume or take her. She survived them all! Our mom was a force and lived for her children. She was never one to ask for anything, and she found a way to care for five teenagers. She always made sure someone had a birthday card and a present. Many family members and friends have something to remember her by, thanks to her joy for knitting, crocheting and
MARCH 12, 1931DECEMBER 26, 2020 CALAIS, VT.
Pelletier, Kyle Cunningham, Apryl Cunningham (Matt), Allen (Nicole) Cunningham, Tracy Krenz, Craig Pelletier, Nicole Kolvopsky (Faun), Erika Rouille, Gavin Rouille (Tyler), PJ McHenry Jr. ( Montana), Kate Yingling ( Chris) and Ali McHenry (Tyler) thought of her as Grandma Pete. To her 14 great-grandchildren, she was Gigi.
quilting. Mom passed these skills down to her children and grandchildren, and we are thankful for her teachings. Mom was always right, and everything else “was stupid” (in her heavy French accent). We all enjoy repeating her words in her French accent and having a good laugh. In the end, every single one of us knew how much she loved us and that she was loved. Pierrette leaves her five children, Michael (Shelley) Pelletier, Jill Welch, Patricia (Guy) Krenz, Barb (PJ) McHenry and Gerald Pelletier, who predeceased her in 2015. Her 14 grandchildren, Kristin (Jason) Little, Jay (Brooke Smith) Pelletier, Kevin
Mom, we know you’ll be all right and watch over us where we go. Help us to be wise in times when we don’t know. When we lose our way, lead us to the place and bless us. Let this be our prayer. Loving Mother, you will dearly be missed and honored for all that you have done for us. We pray that we all will see you again in eternity. May our good and merciful Lord Jesus bring peace, comfort and healing to all those who knew and loved our beautiful mother. A special thank you to all the staff at Elderwood who took wonderful care of our mother, grandmother, our Gigi. A very special thank-you to Pam Clark, who sat with our mother until she took final breath.
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“Jay” Myers passed away peacefully at Kent’s Corners, Calais, on December 26, 2020, with his beloved partner Judy Bingham and many members of his family there to support him in his last days. Jay was born in Patterson, N.J., in 1931 and called Vermont home from the time he was 9 years old. Jay lost his parents, Louise Hudson Myers and George F. Myers, early — his mother when he was only 9, and his father when he was 15. He attended a one-room schoolhouse in Landgrove, Vt., and Burr and Burton Academy and Exeter Academy for high school, playing football for both schools. He graduated from Dartmouth College in 1953, where he was on the ski team. After college, he served in the U.S. Army in postwar Germany. He told stories of his youth cutting pulpwood with a crosscut saw and driving a tractor on a local farm because most of the men were away at war. Jay had three sons and a daughter with Leslie Bingham in the late 1950s and early ‘60s. The family lived in Landgrove, Vt., where they ran a bedand-breakfast. Jay taught English at the old Chester High School, Leland and Grey High School in Townsend, Vt., and finally at Castleton State College. He attended graduate school at the University of Connecticut and the University of Vermont. Jay and Leslie were divorced in 1969. Jay was horrified by
American actions against civilians in Vietnam and joined student protests against the war. He was fired from his job at Castleton for his anti-war activities. He bought an old farmhouse with a barn in Poultney, Vt. Inspired by the back-to-the-land movement described by the well-known Helen and Scott Nearing, he spent the next 25 years as a self-subsistence farmer, growing and raising his food (goats, sheep, chickens, etc.), making as little money as possible. Despite the fact that power lines were attached to his farmhouse, he never had the power switched on and lived with kerosine lamps, heated with wood, cooked on a woodstove and used a two-holed outhouse. He was a man who lived up to his convictions. Jay was married twice more during those years, to Marian Prendergast and later to Isabella Gutoski. Isabella’s daughter, Anne, also lived on the farm. Along with the hard work, we (his children) all remember homemade festivals, swimming in the quarry, and learning how to dance to rock and roll, which Jay loved to do
as he let his comb-over fly loose. Jay was an avid skier and a ski instructor who taught for many years at Bromley, Sugarbush, Bolton Valley and other ski areas. He skied for 72 years and loved the sport passionately. He was a handyman who could do carpentry (hand tools only, no power tools) and plumbing and fix cars. For most of his life, from early years to old age, he put in a beautiful vegetable garden every year. Jay was an amateur painter and a sculptor who filled the walls and the lawns with his creations. He owned several sailboats over the years and, as he said, “loved mucking about in boats.” He spent the last near quarter century of his life in Calais with his beloved partner Judy Bingham. His kids all lived nearby, and he grew close to his grandkids. Jay was predeceased by his sister Christie Myers Tolstoy. He leaves behind Judy and all his loving family — his children (all Vermonters): George Myers of Moretown, Sarah Gallagher, J.C. Myers, and Matt Myers of Calais. He leaves 11 grandchildren: Isaac Gallagher, Jamie and Cameron Moorby, Renee, Emily, Harrison Connor, Zoe, Lilly, Marley, and Remy Myers; his sister Mary Myers Samia; his four nieces: Alison Mankin, Irina Tolstoy, Louise Fusco and Joyce Moore; his three nephews: Harry Bingham, Sanford Bingham and James Samia; and his stepdaughter, Anne Filskov. A graveside service will be held in the spring. Donations in lieu of flowers may be sent to Central Vermont Home Health and Hospice.
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Martin Tierney FEBRUARY 24, 1941DECEMBER 23, 2020 BURLINGTON, VT.
Martin Tierney was a restoration architect whose skills shaped towns and villages all across Vermont. For 43 years he worked on numerous projects and buildings, including the Richmond Round Church and Shelburne Farms. But his work, which lives on, is only a facet of who Martin was. His greater legacy is the impact he had on people. As family and friends from Vermont and around the world said goodbye to him, they described Martin as a teacher, Renaissance man (which would have made him chuckle), gentleman, beloved friend and, above all, kind soul who knew how to listen and make people smile. He was a graceful, charming and compassionate man. So many expressed that Martin was a huge influence on their lives. Martin was born in Greenwich Village on February 24, 1941, into an eccentric, bohemian family. Like his relatives, he eschewed the ordinary and pursued adventure. Although he wasn’t the best of students, his teachers loved him. He attended three different colleges, eventually studying architecture and earning his master’s degree from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. In 1963, he married Johanna Crockwell and together they had two beloved children, Megan and Cole. After Martin and Johanna divorced, Martin met his wife and soul mate Linda Tierney. Much to everyone’s surprise, Linda and Johanna became close friends, uniting the family. Throughout the more than four decades they spent together, Martin and Linda basked in the love of their family and each other. Even while Martin was working, their life was full of art, exploration and motion. On a whim, in the 1980s Martin and Linda bought a house in Vieques, Puerto Rico, where they had an amazing second life. They spent the last 20 years living in Italy as much as they could (being Italophiles), dancing the tango, learning Italian and gleaning the most out of life. Martin’s love of music fed his soul, and he sang with music groups and friends and played his guitar. He was
a devotee of fly-fishing. He played squash — competitively and gentlemanly — for decades with a group of beloved buddies. He loved opera and classical music as much as he loved watching the Friday Night Fights. He found the time in his busy life to get a black belt in Shotokan karate, practicing his kicks around the house, much to Linda’s dismay. In recent years, he spent time writing short stories, working on a memoir, sketching and painting watercolors. Countless Vermont communities have benefited from Martin’s passion for bringing beautiful historic buildings back to life. He restored the buildings at Shelburne Farms, where he lovingly worked for 17 years; the Elley-Long Music Center in Colchester; the Richmond Round Church; and the Warner Block on Church Street and Union Station in Burlington, to name just a few projects. He also worked on many town plans and served as chair of the Vermont Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and as a board member of Preservation Trust of Vermont. He deeply loved his community and his home on Burlington’s Lakeview Terrace. In 2018, when Martin was 77, a DNA test revealed he was part of a family he never knew about, so the list of his survivors is long: Martin leaves his wife, Linda; daughter Megan TierneyWard, her husband Bill Ward and two granddaughters Kyla and Taylor; son Cole Tierney and his wife Lori Tierney; sister-in-law Pam Graham and her husband Ted Panicucci; niece Lindsay Francescutti, her husband Tony and their two children Rae and Sy; niece Ali and her daughter Laska; sisterin Law Nancy Stalnaker, her husband Howard and their two children Jake and David; brother-in-law Jerry
Rosen, his wife Victoria and their son Alex; sister-inlaw Anne Bergeron, her daughter Aleck Gues, Aleck’s husband Patrick Juliani and their children Leonardo, Milo, and Ulysses, all of Montréal; stepsister Ingrid Waldren and her husband Rene; former sister-in-law Hanne Tierney; and the entire extended Grazzini family in Italy. Martin also leaves his four newly discovered sisters Cathey Gilbert Dennis, Gerri Russo, Joann Zemp and Jan Grossman and their wonderful families — an unexpected and delightful surprise that gave Martin’s life new dimension, delight and even more love. Martin is predeceased by his mother Alice West, his father Myles Tierney, his bigger-than-life brother Myles Tierney, his niece Loren Tierney and his nephew Myles Tierney and his newly discovered biological father Wendell Gilbert. Martin’s story wouldn’t be complete without including the fact that he was a recovering alcoholic for 40 years. Extremely active in his cherished AA community, he took strength and solace in helping others and being helped to live a life “second to none,” as he was fond of saying. He leaves behind his second family: his AA family. Martin’s life was one of excitement, hard work, contentment, philosophy, spirituality, love and, above all, joy. We are immensely grateful to the staff at the McClure Miller Respite House, where Martin received expert, compassionate care and comfort. He passed away swiftly and peacefully of complications from a blood disorder that was diagnosed in March. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the newly created Martin Tierney Fund at Shelburne Farms, established to honor and continue the work that was dearest to Martin’s heart. A memorial service will be held post-pandemic. One of Martin’s favorite poems, Raymond Carver’s “Late Fragment,” sums up his life. And did you get what You wanted from this life, even so? I did. And what did you want? To call myself beloved, to feel myself beloved on the earth.
Jeffrey Lee Minor
Bacon of Colchester; and his brother Glenn Minor and his wife, Amy, of Westford. He is also survived by his nieces and nephews Aaron Minor and his wife, Lisa, of Fairfax, whom Jeff enjoyed watching carry on his legacy; Kellie Minor and Charles Rowse of Fairfax; Nick Bacon and Kristiana Boucher of Williston; Addison and Anna Minor of Westford; and Kris Irwin and his wife, Xem, of Winooski; as well as his great nieces and nephews Noah, Skylar, Avery, Nolan, Kira and Kora; and many uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. He was predeceased by his brother Alan Minor in 1998; Alan’s wife, Annette, in 2010;
and Diane’s husband, Mike Bacon, in 2011. Jeff treated all of his employees and customers as extended family. He was the nucleus of his family; he gave more than he ever asked of anybody. He would provide for his family, his community and friends. If he saw a need, he tried to fill it. Special thanks is given to his cousin and special friend Brion Houston and his cousin Suzy Goulette, his friend Scott Beckwith, and all of his doctors and caregivers at the University of Vermont and Boston for all the care they gave him during his illness. In lieu of flowers, memorials in Jeff’s name may be made to the UVM Cancer Center for Children. Visiting hours were held on Wednesday, December 30, 2020, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Minor Funeral Home in Milton. A graveside service was held on Thursday, December 31, 2020, at 1 p.m. at St. Luke’s Cemetery in Fairfax. For those who wish, online condolences may be made at minorfh.com.
Johnson State College as a drama major. In high school, Tabitha performed in many plays and traveled to Germany and Austria as part of her German class. She was always a lover of animals and traveled the states as part of humanitarian efforts. She leaves behind her mother, Tammy Sweeney; father, Gary Chagnon; stepmother, Vicki Billings; and stepfather, Wayne Farr; as well as her daughter, Luna Marie Sweeney-Castro; her sister Samantha Anderson and brother-in-law, Scott Anderson; her sister Kaleigh Benoit and Kaleigh’s spouse, Scott Bapp; her grandmother, Susan Tardie; her great uncle, Thomas Jones, and
his spouse, Linda Fenton; her uncles Ken Sweeney and Chad Chagnon; her aunt, Krystal Chagnon; and her cousins, James Sylvester, Mariah Sylvester and Scott Stisi. She leaves behind many other cousins and important friends who spent a lifetime building memories together. She leaves her two beloved dogs, Daisy and Hercules. Tabitha is predeceased by her stepmother, Theresa Benoit; uncle Sean Chagnon; grandfather Fred Tardie; and great aunts, Deb Shortsleeves and Rena Jones. Services and inurnment will be private and at the convenience of family in the spring or summer of 2021. In lieu of flowers, memorial contribution’s in Tabitha’s memory may be made to benefit her toddler daughter, Luna, and her future care and education. These contributions can be made in Luna’s name, Luna Castro-Sweeney, to Mascoma Bank, P.O. Box 14, 431 Pine St., Suite 115, Burlington, VT 05401. The family also invites you to share your memories and condolences by visiting awrfh.com.
NOVEMBER 4, 1959DECEMBER 25, 2020 FAIRFAX, VT. Jeffrey Lee Minor, 61, died peacefully early Christmas morning, December 25, 2020, at his home with loving family by his side following a battle with glioblastoma. Jeff was born on November 4, 1959, in Burlington, the son of Lee and Louise (Potvin) Minor. A lifelong resident of Fairfax, Jeff graduated from BFA Fairfax in 1977. Before graduating, he bought the local country store, now known as Minor’s Country Store. Jeff loved friends and families, playing cards, organizing large family functions, and his trips to Maine, Montréal and the Cape. In later years, he got more into traveling. His favorite time of the year was Christmas, especially with his nieces and nephews. His one frivolous purchase was in buying his convertible Mustang and cruising. He is survived by his parents, Lee and Louise Minor, of Fairfax; his sister Diane
Tabitha Elizabeth Sweeney
NOVEMBER 2, 1994DECEMBER 21, 2020 COLCHESTER, VT. Tabitha Elizabeth Sweeney passed away at age 26 on Monday, December 21, 2020, at her home in Colchester, Vt. Tabitha was born in Burlington on November 2, 1994, to Tammy Sweeney and Gary Chagnon. Tabitha was a vibrant young woman filled with love and a thirst for life and experiences. She brought joy to all those around her and was a natural-born prankster with a laugh that will never be forgotten. Tabitha loved to travel and take her daughter on adventures. Tabby loved to plan parties and events for friends and family and was always the light of any event she attended. She lavished her daughter with love and enjoyed nothing more than quality time with her. Tabitha traveled abroad as an au pair in Italy, where she honed her snowboarding skills in the Alps. She was a lover of the arts and attended
OBITUARIES Dr. Mark David Lichtenstein
Jeff Boomhower
Dr. Mark David Lichtenstein died peacefully at his home in Greensboro, Vt., on January 5, 2021. He was 69 years old. Dr. Lichtenstein was born in 1951 in Philadelphia. He met his wife, Cynthia West, while studying chemistry as an undergraduate at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. Mark graduated from Thomas Jefferson University Medical School in 1976, where he was honored with the Arthur Krieger Memorial Prize in Family Medicine. Mark and Cynthia moved to Buffalo, N.Y., where he completed a family practice residency at Deaconess Hospital. In 1979, Dr. Lichtenstein moved to Greensboro after accepting a placement with Northern Counties Health Care through the U.S. National Health Service Corps. He served for many years on the board of the Vermont Academy of Family Physicians and volunteered for Well Child Clinic Service, as well as the Child Protection Team. He also filled the role of regional medical examiner for 20 years. From 1986 to 1988, Dr. Lichtenstein was the president of Copley Hospital medical staff and went on to become the hospital’s medical director from 2003 to 2007. He also served on the Copley Hospital Ethics Committee. From 1995 to 2014, Dr. Lichtenstein was a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Family Practice at the University of Vermont, where he was also a UVM medical student preceptor, which allowed medical students from UVM to come work with him at the Hardwick Health Center. It was through this program that he met his future partner and friend Dr. Brendan Buckley.
In 2012, Dr. Lichtenstein received the Vermont Family Physician of the Year Award. From 1981 to 2014, Dr. Lichtenstein was the medical director of the Greensboro Nursing Home. His work there influenced him to become a board-certified geriatrician in 1992. He maintained his role as medical director of the nursing home until his unplanned retirement from medicine in 2014. By that year, Mark had served residents of the Northeast Kingdom as a primary care physician for 35 years. Mark lived his dream career. In first grade, when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up, Mark said he wanted to be a doctor. Inspired by his Uncle Lou, who was a doctor, he told the family: “I remember my uncle coming to make house calls at home whenever a family member would get sick. He loved to involve the families of his patients in their care.” As a physician, Mark believed that a good doctor has compassion and remains open-minded. He always tried to see the world through the eyes of his patients, doing his best to collaborate with them on a search for their optimal state of health. Mark always believed that health is not the absence of disease but is rather a state of being. Mark always tried to find a balance between his professional activities and his family life. He and Cynthia enjoyed world travel, outdoor activities, music, reading, good food and celebrations. They shared their passions
with their two sons, Isaac and Spencer. Mark and Cynthia spent time in Nepal volunteering his medical services and her language expertise. They went on to volunteer at animal sanctuaries in South Africa and animal rehabilitation centers in western Australia and Belize. Mark is survived by his wife, Cynthia West; his two sons: Isaac and his partner, Megan Fuerst, of Washington D.C., and Spencer and his spouse, Carrie Leigh, and their daughter, Alice, of Boston; and his biological daughter Kara Sweet, her spouse, Kyle, and their son, Jackson, of Nashville, Tenn. Mark also leaves behind his sister, Ellen Kolodner, her spouse Bernie, and their children, Michael and Louis. He was predeceased by his parents, Oscar and Anita, and his stepmother, Margaret. Mark had an unusual perspective on mortality, writing, “There is a healthy way to be sick, and even a healthy way to die.” Throughout his decade-long battle with early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, Mark’s quest for balance continued. As sad as we are to see Mark go, we are sure he is enjoying another life, free of his disease. There will be a memorial service for Dr. Lichtenstein planned for late summer to early fall. Please make donations in Mark’s memory to the Hardwick Area Food Pantry or the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail. Arrangements are with the des Groseilliers Funeral Home. Memories and condolences may be conveyed at dgfunerals.com.
Jeff Boomhower passed away at home on Monday, December 21, 2020, surrounded by his family after a valiant struggle with cancer. Jeff’s last hours were peaceful and pain free. Until then, he was mobile and planning out his next adventure. Jeff spent his formative years living in the Underhill community with the Browns River and Green Mountains as his guides, fishing, hunting and skiing. Problem solving was his largest fascination. His creative problem-solving skills came in handy while working for the Williston Schools and Engleberth Construction. He was known to tie a sail to his canoe and hop from one Champlain Island to the other. During the time between camping trips, he preferred living in cabins he had made. In addition to the family clan, Jeff knitted together a group of friends and musicians with whom he camped and traveled from one bluegrass festival to another throughout the summer. Jeff leaves his son, Alex Boomhower; his wife, Celeste Plouffe, the love of his life;
Brenna Reynolds JULY 3, 1973-JANUARY 1, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT.
Brenna Reynolds (formerly Wrest) of Burlington, Vt., died on January 1, 2021. She was 47. Brenna grew up in Beverly, Mass., and Essex Junction and Westford, Vt. She graduated from Essex Junction Educational Center and earned a BA degree from Trinity College in Burlington. Brenna had many skills and interests. She had significant intellectual capabilities and was interested in current events, particularly about the inequality of people of color. Her sense of humor was renowned, and she had a vast collection of friends. She was generous and kind. Most recently, she found talent in using colored pencils, learning how to draw and creating zentangle designs. She was quite an
and a large extended family, all of whom will miss him deeply. We take comfort in knowing he is plucking tunes, drumming, hunting, fishing and regaling all of those who went before him with the stories of a life where every ounce of energy was spent enjoying our beautiful planet. As with us, he will have them laughing and dancing until dawn. Once the hay is cut and COVID-19 subsides, there will be a celebration of life in Jeff’s honor. Thank you to the staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center for their superior care. Thank you to Vermont Home Health and Hospice for making Jeff’s last days so beautiful. Please consider giving a donation to the University of Vermont Cancer Center (UVM Medical Center Development Office, Courtyard at Given North 3rd Floor, Burlington, VT 05401) or to Vermont Home Health and Hospice (UVM Health Network - Home Health & Hospice, Attn: Office of Development, 1110 Prim Rd., Colchester, VT 05446). Arrangements have been entrusted to the care of the Cremation Society of Chittenden County, a division of the Ready Funeral Home. Please visit cremationsocietycc.com to place online condolences.
athlete in her younger years and an avid sports fan. Brenna was supported for many years by medical professionals, organizations, family and friends as she tried to calm the effects of mental health and addiction issues. Brenna leaves behind her beloved children Gabriel Reynolds of Claremont, N.H., and William and Mya Smith of Ticonderoga, N.Y.; her sister, Aurie Mercer, and her children, Arianne and Wesley, of Watervliet, N.Y.; a brother, Dennis Wrest, of Burlington; her mother, Lois Reynolds, of Brattleboro, Vt.; and her father, Charles Wrest, of Watervliet. A service will be held on Wednesday, January 13, 2021, from 4 to 7 p.m., with prayers being offered at 4:45 p.m. To participate, use this Zoom link: https://us02web. zoom.us/j/81889472707?pwd=c1RJRWRoW kttV0txMjJLTW5YWDhKUT09.
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Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at sevendaysvt.com/lifelines. Or contact us at lifelines@sevendaysvt.com or 865-1020 ext. 10.
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1/12/21 3:53 PM
arts news
The Great Artdoors Highland Center for the Arts adorns a snowy trail with sculpture
S TO RY & PHOT OS BY AMY LILLY • lilly@sevendaysvt.com
eekend visitors to the HIGHLAND CENTER FOR THE ARTS
in Greensboro will likely encounter a friendly face at the café window taking food orders: that of KEISHA LUCE, the center’s executive director. Luce also cocurated the current outdoor exhibition, called the OPEN AIR GALLERY SKI & SNOWSHOE TRAIL, with Greensboro artist MAYA MCCOY. “She does everything,” one employee said of Luce during a recent visit. The Open Air Gallery is a pandemicescape experience not to be missed. Visitors can walk, snowshoe or cross-country ski a 1.8-mile trail through the grounds and adjacent Wilson Farm fields, stopping to look at 17 works of art by 11 Vermont artists. The trail is open dawn to dusk every day. But on Saturdays and Sundays through March, the excursion can begin or end with the café’s homemade hot chocolate, spiked coffee and creative grilled-cheese sandwiches — featuring nearby Jasper Hill Farm cheeses and root vegetables from Pete’s Greens in Craftsbury. Seating consists of tree-trunk stools placed around several socially distanced warming fires. Luce, the former head of an arts and historic preservation nonprofit in New Hampshire for nine years, began as HCA director in mid-January 2020, two months before the pandemic arrived in Vermont. An ardent cross-country skier, she hit on the idea of a ski trail after the success of HCA’s outdoor show in September, “Wonderland” — an Alice-themed walking trail intended to evoke the topsy-turvy nature of both Lewis Carroll’s fictional world and the real pandemic one. During a phone call, Luce elaborated, “Greensboro typically has a lot of snow, so we thought, Why not capitalize on what we have?” The trail will be groomed throughout the season with a machine Luce and the board
constructed after watching several YouTube videos; a neighbor pulls the contraption behind his snowmobile. In a fun touch, single cross-country skis stuck into the ground at intervals act as trail blazes. The trail picks up in front of the café terrace, at PHIL THORNE’s “Fourth Confluence.”Visitors to LEMON FAIR SCULPTURE PARK in Shoreham, home of the fifth and sixth works in Thorne’s series, might recognize the Norwich sculptor’s slightly bowed sheets of brushed aluminum. This edition is shaped into an open pod that partly encloses a reflective ball. The bright color and movement of JUDITH WREND’s “Cloud Hands,” and her “Say Something Nice” farther along the trail, provide a welcome contrast with the graywhite landscape and sky. The rotating tops of these kinetic works draw something of their shapes and red color from Alexander Calder’s mobiles, while the Morrisville sculptor’s distinctive bases have a presence of their own. The female curves of “Say Something Nice,” for instance, give its title a droll ring. PETER SCHUMANN and his BREAD AND PUPPET THEATER in nearby Glover contributed three groups of works. Luce said that longtime puppeteer ALEXIS SMITH offered “a ton of pieces” when she heard of the planned exhibit — a response that convinced Luce and McCoy an outdoor show was feasible. “There are so many wonderful artists who do outside work in Vermont,” Luce said. Schumann’s series of small, painted, basrelief concrete panels mounted on rebar, called “Lamentation Road,” appear like gnomic signposts along one curve of the trail. His 10-by-10-foot “Handout Series” alongside the art center features giant hands cupping the Earth, clasping in the sky or sprouting trees from their fingertips. More hands appear in the trail’s final installation, “Domestic Resurrection
"Blue Bonfire" by HCA Scene Shop
“Giraffe” by Harlan Mack
Get lost in the moment and find your best self.
“#182” by Cindy Blakeslee
Services,” a series of four block-printed banners made from bedsheets. These are stretched between trees at intervals along the edge of the woods. The HCA SCENE SHOP — an art collaborative that includes Luce, MAYA AND BRENT MCCOY, HCA board member WILLY MACNEIL, and HCA staffers MEGHAN RUBLEE and TED DONLON — created several works for the Open Air Gallery. One rearranges the center’s “Wonderland Wickets” — the previous exhibit’s giant croquet arches made from pipes painted yellow or red — into a Christo-like series of gates that one can ski through. Another installation encouraging procession is BRIAN GLUCK’s “Cedar Arch,” a graceful bent-branch arch erected specifically for this show. With CINDY BLAKESLEE, a self-taught artist from Bradford, the Scene Shop created “Blue Bonfire.” The blue-painted teepee arrangement of large sticks achieves a visual impact through simple means. Blakeslee’s own “#182” nestles like a treasure in the crook of a tree not far away: a giant white egg contained in a thick, bead-lined shell. But the snow can obscure it altogether. Johnson artist HARLAN MACK has sited three of his earlier works along the trail. “Bear Suit,” crafted from bike parts, won the 2016 Upcycle Art Bike Competition grand prize from CATAMOUNT ARTS and Kingdom Trails. The other two, “Giraffe” and “Granilla,” are among the first sculptures Mack made, in 2006. Welded scrapmetal creations, they appear remarkably animated; the latter, a gorilla, reaches out a friendly hand from his perch on a preexisting fieldstone. Rusted metal parts come together in a graceful abstraction, titled “Celestial,” by Underhill sculptor GERALD K. STONER. His Jericho neighbor, THOMAS DOUGLAS, used stainless steel for “Aloft,” an evocation of industrial machinery and speed in the spare form of a paper airplane angled into the sky.
Douglas previously worked as a gallery assistant at the now-closed West Branch Gallery & Sculpture Park in Stowe, co-owned by sculptor CHRISTOPHER CURTIS, so that may explain the two artists’ affinity for a polished presentation. Curtis, however, foregrounds stone in his two works at the Open Air Gallery. The piece titled “Where Do We Come From? Why Are We Here? Where Are We Going?” — always relevant questions — features a tawny 540-millionyear-old slab of quartzite, minimally sculpted, standing atop a cruciform and slightly anthropomorphic, stainless steel pedestal. The work rests on a polished gray granite base. Future and past unite in this sumptuous tripartite form. Luce wanted to introduce an audio element to the Open Air Gallery, so she commissioned Greensboro musician ROY MACNEIL — Willy’s son — to compose a piece for it. His evocative soundscape using instrumental, electronic and found sound can be heard on HCA’s website and even played on one’s phone while traveling the trail. Back at the warming fires during my family’s visit, Willy MacNeil was delivering a truckload of firewood onto the property. He subsequently allowed my 14-year-old son to take charge of replenishing our bonfire, a gift that more than made up for the onus of viewing sculpture with his parents. Both activities were consistent with Luce’s comment about the Open Air Gallery’s overall goal: “I’ve been reading a lot about that Danish idea of embracing winter,” she said, “and thought, Well, we might as well embrace it.” m
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INFO The Open Air Gallery Ski & Snowshoe Trail is open dawn to dusk through March 31 at Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. Learn more and reserve free tickets at highlandartsvt.org.
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802.253.6463 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
1/11/21 9:55 AM
arts news
One of a Kind
Book review: Vermont Almanac: Stories From & for the Land, Volume 1, edited by Dave Mance III, Patrick White and Virginia Barlow B Y J I M SCHL EY • schley@sevendaysvt.com
ermonters have a unique and persisting culture: This is the premise of the first volume of Vermont Almanac, released in December and projected to come out annually. On its website, nonprofit For the Land Publishing says the goal of the almanac is “to bring together the many individuals and organizations in Vermont whose mission and purpose falls within the land ethic we live by — one that combines economic vitality with environmental stewardship and the values of rural life.” The book’s editors, DAVE MANCE III of Shaftsbury, PATRICK WHITE of Middlesex and VIRGINIA BARLOW of Corinth, collaborated for years on Northern Woodlands magazine, which Barlow cofounded (with Steve Long) as Vermont Woodlands in 1994. At first a two-color quarterly, in 1999 it was renamed and published in full color, reaching for a regional audience and wider advertising base. Mance is a sugarmaker, White grows Christmas trees, Barlow is a consulting forester, and they’re all excellent writers. When the staffing of Northern Woodlands was reorganized in fall 2019, the three left and decided to start another venture. As Barlow explained to Seven Days in an email, “There was a parting of ways: both a physical parting — the magazine’s offices moved from Vermont to New Hampshire — and a creative parting, as they moved in a different editorial direction.” “This project,” she wrote, “taps more into the spirit of the old Vermont Woodlands, because we’re writing exclusively about Vermont, a quirky, one-of-a-kind place. When building a book with friends and neighbors — Vermont’s small enough that we’ve got friends and neighbors all over the state — we’ve been able to capture intimacy in a way that’s not possible when writing about the generic Northeast.” The inaugural volume of Vermont Almanac includes offerings from 63 “friends and neighbors”: writers, artists and photographers who represent many ways to live, work and find sustenance:
FROM “WINTER TEAS” IN VERMONT ALMANAC: STORIES FROM & FOR THE LAND, VOLUME 1 Foraging green things is almost half a year away, but there are plenty of woodland teas you can make in the meantime to get you through the cold, dark days of winter. For those who enjoy wintergreen flavor, black birch (Betula lenta) should be a staple. Brewing is as simple as filling a stock pot with a handful of small twigs and simmering on a cookstove. The simmer part is key — boiling water vaporizes the volatile chemicals that impart the characteristic odor and flavor. And you’ll need to simmer for a long time; we keep a pot on the stove that gets good after a 24-hour steep; even better after 48… Chaga mushroom, also called the clinker polypore or birch conk, is a popular tea medium … Wild food proponents (and not a few venture capitalists) claim it cures everything from the common cold to cancer, and there is some scientific evidence that compounds in chaga can kill cancer cells selectively and stimulate the immune system. The flip side of this is that it might interact with drugs; it’s high in oxalates, and it’s never been scrupulously tested as a regular medicine, so don’t go overboard. We can say that it tastes like the earth, and if flavored with a little syrup or honey and ginger, makes a nice winter drink if you feel a cold coming on. Our go-to technique is to use a hatchet to smash the conk into cube-shaped pieces, steep it on a warm wood stove all day, then drink before a hot bath in the evening.
gardening and farming, animal husbandry, logging and forest management, hunting, fishing, foraging, artisanal crafts, and woods-based industries. Among the contributors are ornithologist BRYAN
Abenaki basket weaver JUDY tree farmer JIM HORST, naturalists MARY HOLLAND and TED LEVIN, tracker SUSAN C. MORSE,novelists CATHERINE TUDISH and KATHRYN KRAMER, community activist BEN
and former state naturalist CHARLES W. JOHNSON, alongside a merry coterie of farmers, loggers, shepherds, orchardists, botanists, geologists and beekeepers. Collectively, the book articulates a perception of our state not as a scenic landscape seen from afar, but as a constellation of particular locales where Vermonters wholly and daily involve themselves in
subsistence and creation amid plants, animals and the elemental forces of earth, air, water and fire. The chapters follow the cycle of a year from October through the following September. Each month begins with an evocative and precise full-page painting by NICK DEFRIEZ, followed by recurring subsections. First comes a meditative essay, then “Weather” (a digest of meteorological episodes for the given month); “Nature Notes” (samples: “Broad-Leaved Helleborine,” “The Gregarious Whirligig Beetle”); and “At Home” (“Sheepskin Care,” “Successful Softwood Pruning,” “Make Your Own Bear Grease”). “A Look Back” examines a historical event or trend of lasting significance (“Sooty-faced Colliers” is about charcoal production), while “Industry” explores the importance to Vermont of a landbased enterprise, such as the production of apples, hemp or dairy. In the earlier chapters, the monthly digest aspect can be disorienting. For example, a commentary on the “RecordBreaking Cold” of “this month” actually refers to November 2019. That’s a result of the editors’ choice to proceed from the end of one agricultural season (October 2019)
through winter and spring to climax with the summer of 2020, with its commotion and bounty in our fields, forests and bodies of water. Some might choose to roam among the book’s contents, but reading in order gives an absorbing sense of temporal flow. Another thought-provoking consequence of the book’s structure is that the major happening in human society in 2020 — the worldwide spread of the coronavirus — appears i n Ve r m o n t Almanac only here and there, and later in the narrative sequence (with Pfeiffer’s essay VIR GINIA “Little Brown Butterflies and the Pandemic”). From the standpoint of those butterflies, blossoms, birds and precipitation that are often this book’s focus, the pandemic has made much less difference than have changes in our planet’s climate. Vermont Almanac’s emphasis on phenomena beyond a single source of human anguish reminds us that we live among other beings with different
challenges and realities. That’s an invitation to aspire to a longer, subtler view of where we are as people in this moment. The book’s preamble states, “We knew we wanted to make something useful in the spirit of the old Foxfire books we loved growing up.” Like the Foxfire anthologies, which appeared from 1972 to 2004, the first Vermont Almanac has loads of hands-on, how-to advice for exuberant do-it-yourselfers, including primers on storing root vegetables; saving seeds; foraging for natural paints; making winter BAR L O W teas, balsam wreaths and homemade bug spray; and sharpening a chain saw. There’s even a helpfully specific response to a momentous question: “My son just shot his first squirrel. Now how, in God’s name, do I cook it?” More like a magazine than a book, Vermont Almanac also features advertisements. But these, like its editorial content, serve to demonstrate the vitality of
land-based businesses and organizations in the state: Alongside companies selling biofuels, cooperative insurance, farm and forest products, and furniture are nonprofits advocating for wildlife conservation, organic agriculture and justice for migrant dairy workers. The book’s preamble evokes Robert Frost, who “spoke of ‘the need of being versed in country things.’ You can read that as either a deep nod to an innate human craving for things that are real and of the earth,” the editors write, “or as a simple, blunt reflection of rural reality: why live here if you don’t want to put something in the ground?” Time lives and thrives in details, and the thrills of this book are likewise in the details. In our still largely rural Vermont, those “country things” are in jeopardy if not learned and shared and carried on. Let’s hope that this Vermont Almanac is the first of many. m
INFO Vermont Almanac: Stories From & for the Land, Volume 1, edited by Dave Mance III, Patrick White and Virginia Barlow, For the Land Publishing, 288 pages. $30. Available at Vermont bookstores or vermontalmanac.org.
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@ N o rthe rnL i ghtsVT
1/4/21 12:25 PM
arts news
Challenge Accepted New executive director Jay Wahl sees a strong, stable, effectual Flynn LUKE AWTRY
B Y D A N BOL L ES • dan@sevendaysvt.com
Jay Wahl
creativity were far and above the rest of the candidates,” Davis said of Wahl in December. Seven Days recently spoke with Wahl by phone about the role of arts in the community, stability at the Flynn and the challenges facing the organization in 2021. SEVEN DAYS: What drew you to the Flynn? JAY WAHL: I think the Flynn has a real grounded sensibility around what artistic practice does for a community and how it brings people together, how it lifts up certain voices and addresses social injustice. And that grounding is very important to me, and I very much feel a kinship to that. One of the ways in which that activates itself is through real education through the arts, so the fact that the Flynn is in schools in 10 different counties, the fact that they’re teaching classes to people with Parkinson’s, that they’re teaching tap dance and burlesque online — they’ve really thought deeply about the ways that arts education helps us find ourselves and put that into practice.
n September, JAY WAHL and his partner took a six-week vacation near Maine’s Acadia National Park. They hadn’t left their Philadelphia home in six months. As he unwound amid the rugged splendor of the Bold Coast, he frequently wondered, Could I live here? For Wahl, “here” meant not just Downeast Maine, but New England generally. He’s about to find out. Shortly after Wahl returned to Philly in October, the FLYNN offered him its executive director position and, with it, an opportunity to move to Burlington. Accepting meant not only leaving the city but also ending his 11-year tenure at Philadelphia’s Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts, where he’d served as producing artistic director. Wahl’s hiring was announced on December 21, and he officially became the head of Vermont’s largest performing arts organization on January 1. Wahl takes the reins of the Flynn at a time of profound uncertainty for the organization and the performing arts at large. 34
Due to the pandemic, the nonprofit hasn’t hosted a show at either Flynn Main Stage or Flynn Space since March — the same month it laid off 12 employees. Interim executive director CHARLIE SMITH, who helmed the Flynn through nearly all of 2020 after Anna Marie Gewirtz abruptly left the position in January, proved a steady hand — he earned an “A-plus” grade for his stewardship from Flynn board chair STAIGE DAVIS. Still, profound questions remain at the art-deco theater on Main Street — not the least of which are when the curtains might rise again and what happens in the meantime. Despite these challenges, there is optimism and excitement among Flynn staff and its board that Wahl, whose Kimmel Center tenure was highlighted by his unconventional approach to production, is precisely whom the Flynn needs. The organization chose him unanimously from more than 100 applicants. “We felt that his experience and his
SD: Do you feel pressure to bring stability to leadership at the Flynn? JW: No. I feel like the team is really strong. These are smart, deep-hearted, brave people. So I think the goal is to jump in and be part of that and help everybody feel proud of that work. I think leadership at the Flynn has been very strong for a very long time. The executive director is an important person, perhaps, but one of a big team. And the team has been very stable and very loyal. I feel like I’m joining a stable organization. So the pressure I feel is doing honor to the legacy of the organization. SD: What is the biggest challenge currently facing the Flynn? JW: How do we continue to create meaningful experiences that are transformative in people’s lives? The things that people need physically and emotionally, the things they’re curious about, the ways in which they connect to their family and themselves — those things have changed. Now, I don’t know how permanently they’ve changed and, of course, it’s different for everybody — it’s very personal. And I
think artistic practice is about how we unlock those personal experiences in meaningful ways. So I think the challenge is to try to understand the questions people have and how we best provide gateways for people to explore that with themselves, with each other, with their neighbors, with people who think differently, people they may not have encountered before — these are all things that the congregational ability of the Flynn can do. SD: But that assumes an ability to congregate. JW: And so the challenge is just that, right? Where do people want to convene? How eager are they to get together in person? How eager are they to stay on Zoom? How much do people want to convene digitally versus physically versus [as a] collective subconscious? There’s a feeling about what it means to be connected to an arts event, to what it means to be living in Burlington. How does the Flynn help to be part of that collective spirit? One of the ways I see the Flynn tap into that collective spirit is through its marquee. It sort of sends out these messages that are meant to spark thought as people move about their lives in Burlington. SD: Are those necessarily pandemicspecific questions? JW: So the challenges are: What are performing arts spaces in the future? How much is the old model of expecting everyone to come to one location going to hold? How much is the Flynn more of an ideal that has to go to where people are? How reasonable is it for us to keep that old model? What responsibility do we have to reach people who have different access abilities? And I mean that in all the different ways you can mean that. Those are pandemic-specific questions in the sense that the ways we ask those questions and think about them have shifted. But they’re also the questions we always ask as people who practice the idea that art is a transformative experience. This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.
INFO Learn more at flynnvt.org.
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1/12/21 6:41 PM
ou would never have known by listening to her crisp, assured voice on Vermont Public Radio that Jane Lindholm was hosting “Vermont Edition” from her kitchen table in Monkton with a dog blanket over her head for soundproofing. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, she’s done some of the live intros and wrap-ups for the governor’s twice-weekly press conferences from home, over a landline, amid all manner of distractions. On a Friday in November, those included the family’s arthritic dog, Oliver; Lindholm’s 4-year-old daughter, Carys, who never stops talking; and a reporter documenting it all from a safe distance on the screened-in porch. Preschool was closed that day, and Lindholm’s husband was working a 12-hour shift at GlobalFoundries. Operating remotely, VPR’s most recognizable radio journalist had to figure out how to
Sometime last summer, Lindholm started weighing in during the press conferences, too, with rapid-fire real-time reports on Twitter. Turns out she’s a very fast typist and is able to explain, in writing, what just happened while also actively listening to what’s currently being said. In her posts, Lindholm packs policy changes, quotes, charts, queries from other journalists — and occasional personal anecdotes about making lunch, dog disasters and looking after her kids. An hour in on the day I visited, she inserted, “My daughter is asking for a pickle and mustard sandwich, with a pickle on the side. So I’m going to multi-task for a few minutes.” At 1:24, “My daughter has taken this opportunity to start drawing on her face. Good times!” got 29 likes. The resulting Twitter thread is a curated transcript of the official proceedings, with humanizing glimpses into the life of the narrator.
Roughly five years ago, Lindholm created “But Why? A Podcast for Curious Kids” without reducing her workload as host of “Vermont Edition.” She juggled the two gigs until the pandemic closed schools and childcare centers last March. Suddenly, her two kids — Carys and her 7-year-old brother, Dylan — were at home all day. Lindholm, a self-described perfectionist, felt she had to make a choice. Last fall the station announced she’d leave “Vermont Edition” in order to focus on expanding and improving “But Why?” with longtime producer Melody Bodette. Since March, the biweekly podcast has been downloaded more than 6 million times. It says a lot about 41-year-old Lindholm that she opted for an uncharted challenge over the reliable local celebrity of hosting Vermont’s highest-profile talk show. After an early, unwanted disruption in her life — her parents’ divorce — Lindholm has sought out risk and change, and their
quiet her daughter, and fast. Their livingroom negotiations — iPad or colored markers? — lasted until seconds before 11 a.m., when Lindholm returned to her laptop and tented herself with it. After a few minutes of silence while VPR was broadcasting national and local news, the fleece pyramid spoke: “And I’m Jane Lindholm, joining you now with special coverage from VPR of Gov. Phil Scott’s Friday press briefing.” With her Montpelier-based cohost, Bob Kinzel, Lindholm has been doing this for months on Tuesdays and Fridays, in lieu of the regular noontime talk show that she has hosted four days a week since 2007. While they wait for the real-time proceedings to begin, she and Kinzel talk on air about what state leaders might discuss that day. After the press conference, they reconvene for a debriefing of what just transpired — often breaking news. Their professional exchange, mostly improvised, is audio therapy, as soothing and reassuring as a pair of voices can be in anxious times. 36
“I just started doing it and people seemed to like it, so I kept doing it,” said Lindholm, explaining that she had to listen and take notes on the press conference, anyway, to prepare for the wrap-up with Kinzel. She figured, “I might as well tweet it.” Then “VPR started noticing that other people were noticing. They now see it as a thing.” The “thing” for which Vermonters know Lindholm best — her role as longtime host of VPR’s “Vermont Edition” — is coming to an end later this month. In the past 13 years she has turned the noontime talk show into the station’s signature news program by “listening, really listening to the stories of the lives of Vermonters,” said John van Hoesen, senior vice president and chief content officer at VPR. Approximately 64,000 people tune in to the show each week, according to the latest Nielsen Audio ratings, and thousands more download the podcast. “Vermonters have been able to see themselves in Jane,” van Hoesen continued. “She is the authentic journalist in pursuit of truths that matter to us. And she uses her own curiosity, persistence and compassion to get at them.”
potential attendant discomforts, in order to keep learning and growing. Nobody would be surprised if she left Vermont; she’s got the requisite talent and ambition to be successful in a bigger market. But for now Lindholm is staying put, balancing work and family, trying to be as good a mom as she is an ambitious, whip-smart radio journalist. And occasionally combining the two.
Everything about Lindholm suggests she’d be a great interview. Her warmth comes through on the air, suggesting openness and self-awareness. Starting with our first chat, walking through the woods at Bristol’s Watershed Center, she did not hold back: “I like to be on the other side of the microphone, but as you can see, I have no problem talking,” she said with a laugh. To clarify, Lindholm doesn’t just “talk.” She utters grammatical, well-constructed sentences that coalesce into thoughtful paragraphs — broadcast-quality meditations. She doesn’t swear and rarely says “like,” “you know” or “um.”
Despite frequent interruptions — from myself and Carys — Lindholm kept multiple narrative threads intact as we hopped from log to log across a beaver pond or stopped to chat with fellow hikers Marjorie Susman and Marian Pollack. In four hours of interviews spread over a month, Lindholm never misspoke or contradicted herself. Some of this can be chalked up to the skills of an experienced radio journalist. Lindholm relayed her own biography with the same thoughtful analysis with which she approaches her guests. She was honest but also freakishly well prepared — down to recalling the topics of her college essays. Ultimately, “profiling” her proved more difficult than expected because she was controlling the story. I came to realize this is someone who has thought long and hard about the best way to tell her own tale. Early on, for example, Lindholm volunteered what seemed to be a preemptive acknowledgment that, in addition to her
Turning the mic around on Jane Lindholm, VPR’s most recognizable voice B Y PAU L A R O U T LY
own hard work, “luck and privilege … have come together in so many ways for me … to give me the life that I have.” The older she gets, Lindholm said, the more weight she gives to “luck and privilege.” She did have some advantages in life: specifically, the kind of education generally reserved for the affluent and the children of academics. At the time Jane was born, in 1979, both of her parents worked at Middlebury College, where her father became the dean of students. When they divorced eight years later, Karl stayed in Vermont, remarried and had two more children. Lindholm’s mom, Jody, reclaimed her maiden name and moved Jane and her younger brother to Massachusetts — first to Wellesley and then to the private Brooks School in North Andover, where she was assistant headmaster. The long, painful breakup of her parents took a toll on Lindholm. “I was 4 when things got bad,” she recalled. It also marked her first exposure to the RADIO HEAD
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complexities of human interaction. Seeking clues that would explain the behavior of the adults in her life — “all my parents” is how she refers to them — she first learned to ask the kind of probing questions that would make her a skilled interviewer. Her mom remarried, too, and Lindholm’s stepfather, Dan Worthman, was a role model and cheerleader in the years when Lindholm attended Brooks tuitionfree. He was the primary caregiver for his stepchildren, wrote short stories on the side and later became a private investigator. “He and I would work on my essays together for English class,” Lindholm recalled, noting they’d often argue into the night about writing and sentence structure. Lindholm had opportunities at Brooks that her family wouldn’t otherwise have been able to afford. She made the most of them, including the chance to spend three months attending high school in Nairobi, Kenya. “I wanted to know: What is it like to see America from not America? And what is it like to experience other parts of the world? And what is it like to be a little uncomfortable in the place where you live?” Studying in Kenya was an eye-opening experience, complete with urban squalor, school uniforms, dormitory living and a knuckle-rapping typing teacher. “Now that I’m a parent, I think that the people who were really brave were my parents. How do you let a 17-year-old get on a plane to Nairobi? … They allowed me to take risks without burdening me with their fears. That’s helped shape who I am, I think.” Lindholm wrote about the African experience in her college applications to Harvard and Yale. She got in to the former but in retrospect believes she would have been happier at Middlebury or Bates. She avoided the alma maters of her biological parents because, she said, “I really wanted to prove to myself that I could get into a school on my own merits.” She also wanted to row crew. Lindholm had the discipline to get up every day at 5 a.m. to set the pace in the first freshman boat. But a persistent back injury from high school forced her to quit the sport in the middle of sophomore year. After a “lazy” stretch, she switched to running. Lindholm tries to squeeze in a jog every morning between dropping off her kids at their schools and a 10 a.m. news meeting. If it doesn’t happen, she runs at night. “I feel so much better when I exercise,” she said, noting she logged 140 miles in December. Participating in a competitive college sport gave Lindholm an identity at Harvard. Losing it caused her to wonder: Do I even 38
Clockwise from top left: Adrian Hicks, Jane Lindholm, Carys, Oliver and Dylan
belong here? Plus, she found her grades — As and Bs — didn’t reliably reflect the magnitude of her effort. “None of the professors or teaching assistants could tell the difference or cared how engaged I was,” she said. She found a new outlet at Let’s Go, the travel book series written, photographed, edited and designed by Harvard students. In the summer of 2000, Lindholm helped edit two books. The next year, after a semester studying in Chile, she went to Spain to report and write another one. Lindholm was determined not to major in English or literature because all four parents had. Guided by her interests in language and travel, she chose anthropology and got a BA in the “study of why we behave the way we do,” which, as it turned out, perfectly prepared her for a career in journalism.
Charting Lindholm’s course from Cambridge to Colchester requires more than a map of New England. While still at Harvard, she had a friend whose father was on the board of the NPR Foundation. He arranged for Lindholm to talk with Kevin Close, a Harvard alumnus who was then president and CEO of the network. Close suggested that Lindholm send a résumé and cover letter to NPR. She did, but there was no immediate response, so she pursued other opportunities.
Vermonters have been able to see themselves in Jane. J O H N VAN H O E S E N
She was in Spain, working on that travel book, when one of her best friends died while doing similar work in Peru. Shaken, Lindholm returned to the United States and was “totally adrift” when she got a call from a producer offering her a spot at a Washington, D.C.-based NPR show called “Radio Expeditions.” The woman had found her résumé and cover letter in a pile. “I thought it was a joke,” Lindholm said. “I really thought it was one of my friends in an ill-advised attempt to cheer me up because they knew I liked NPR.” The unpaid internship, which Lindholm negotiated into a low-paying job, “was mostly to transcribe hours and hours and hours and hours of sound,” she explained — in one case, collected from a trip to an elephant watering hole. She’d note audio such as “‘long moan,’ ‘three grunts in a row,’ ‘loud grunt.’ I mean, it was bizarre,” she said. But the experience
taught her “how sound can tell a story and how involved it can be.” Just five days after she started working, Lindholm was on the subway crossing the Potomac River from Virginia when she saw smoke rising from the Pentagon. Her train had just passed under the building, and Lindholm was facing backward, so she got a clear view of the aftermath of the terrorist attack on Washington on September 11, 2001. She spent a few days calling the families of victims to find out whether any of them would talk to NPR. With no bereavement training, Lindholm joined “the worst phone bank imaginable” and found she had the combination of empathy and thick skin required to handle those difficult conversations. The intensity of the experience had an impact; so did the deaths of three more classmates while abroad. Lindholm remembered concluding: “I’m going to be next. Why am I not in the place where I can be with my family, because I could die at any moment? I really struggled.” One night in early November 2002, Lindholm decided to walk home in lieu of taking the subway. She got mugged within sight of her apartment. She screamed at the guy, and then saw he had a gun. “I thought, Oh, my God, now he’s gonna shoot me. And he didn’t.” “It was totally scary, but it shook me loose. It was this moment where a bad
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Baby Jane with her biological parents, Karl Lindholm and Jody Douglass
At the horse races in Saratoga, N.Y., “reading” the betting sheet
Adrian Hicks and Jane Lindholm in Paris, 2004
thing happened and I didn’t die. And so it made me realize, oh, OK, you have to just keep living your life and you have to just, you know, keep moving forward. And rather than live your life like every day could be your last, I felt like I had to live my life like I was gonna have a long life. And so I had to make plans.” In the months after 9/11, Lindholm had picked up extra hours working at “Weekend Edition,” which was produced in the same building as “Radio Expeditions.” From host Scott Simon and his colleagues, she “learned about the importance of really good audio editing,
for voices.” She moved on to a staff job at the call-in show “Talk of the Nation” but wasn’t moving up in the ranks. “I was a production assistant the whole time I was at NPR,” Lindholm said of that year and a half. So she felt no guilt about jumping on a plane to Australia, two months after the mugging, to do another book for Let’s Go. That gig led to a sojourn in Southeast Asia. Lindholm met her future husband, Adrian Hicks, on a beach in Thailand. Lindholm, whose previous relationship had been with a woman, said the two teamed up to explore Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam, and then “started dating.” The romance survived the tests of time and distance. Hicks returned to his native Wales, and Lindholm got a job as an assistant producer at American Public Media’s “Marketplace” in Los Angeles. She quickly moved into the job of running the show, gaining experience in everything from audio engineering to reporting stories. After three years of it, though, she’d had enough. “All my family was back East. Adrian was in the UK. I had two weeks of vacation a year,” Lindholm recalled. So in December 2006, when she came home for Christmas, she set up an informational interview with thenVPR news director van Hoesen. “That’s when he told me that they were starting up a new show and they were going to be recruiting for producers and a host,” Lindholm recalled. From back in LA, she applied for both jobs and later clarified to VPR that she would only leave “Marketplace” for one of them: to be the live, on-air voice of “Vermont Edition.”
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1/11/21 12:29 PM
After an extraordinary eight months of intense and person-centered work Champlain Community Services wishes to publicly thank our incredible Direct Support Professionals, Crisis Staff, Service Coordinators and Shared Living Providers for working to keep the people we support safe, engaged, and healthy. You developed new skills, donned all manner of PPE, went through gallons of hand sanitizer, stayed cheerful, and kept people safe throughout the pandemic. Your work is committed, complex and essential.
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1/4/21 2:50 PM
whole person is focused on this hour of radio. For me, anyway.” What’s it like to be under that microscope? “She put me so at ease, it was a piece of cake,” said Brookfield cartoonist Ed Koren, who suffers from pre-interview jitters. His positive experience with Lindholm inspired a cartoon that appeared in the March 23, 2020, issue of the New Yorker. It shows a radio journalist — “almost a portrait of Jane, but not quite,” as Koren put it — interviewing “a creative sort” in a broadcast studio. With a stack of books before him, the man responds to his inter-
managed the station’s live coverage of Tropical Storm Irene, which hit Vermont on August 28, 2011. In a departure from its usual format, the show became an information clearinghouse when floodwaters cut off transportation and communications to some Vermont towns. People called in with questions, anecdotes and pleas for help for two to three hours a day, all week. Lindholm facilitated the on-air improvisation. Van Hoesen recalled, “At one point, I remember Jane making an appeal on behalf of one family who wanted to know LUKE AWTRY
Lindholm acknowledges that VPR took a huge risk by hiring her. Although she had national credentials and knew Vermont, “I’d never done a second of live radio in front of a microphone where I was the one speaking as it was being broadcast,” she explained. Vice president of news Sarah Ashworth, who came to VPR a month after Lindholm started, recalled a Post-it note over Lindholm’s desk with the word “so” crossed out — the host’s reminder to herself to break the annoying habit of starting sentences with it. The show itself was a gamble for the station, too. An astounding amount of work goes into creating a single hour of live radio. In the early years, “Vermont Edition” employed Lindholm, an editor and three full-time producers, one of whom was Ashworth. The producers were charged with finding and researching story ideas that could be suitable for the show. Although she wasn’t in charge of finding stories or booking guests, as host Lindholm was supposed to “come to every conversation feeling fresh, curious and excited,” she said. She learned on the job, embracing the daily preparation involved for each episode: formulating the questions, writing the intro, reading the books, synthesizing the notes provided by producers. Ashworth, who later worked for NPR’s national call-in “Diane Rehm Show,” said Lindholm’s “commitment in terms of each individual show and the attention she gives to it … is not typical of hosts at other stations.” Lindholm likened it to “cramming for a test” but with some key differences. “You need to know enough to … ask the right questions … But I don’t need to know all the answers. Because I’m not the expert; the guests are the experts. I don’t like hosts that show off their knowledge. That’s what the guest is for.” That approach has yielded hours of remarkable radio, as Lindholm queried Vermonters about everything from politics and the pandemic to bugs and birds. “She was as eager to go one-on-one in an interview with the governor” as “to get in the field to track bears,” recalled the show’s founding executive producer, Patti Daniels, who now works for Public Radio International’s “The World.” Lindholm’s approach has been versatile, too. Depending on the subject, sometimes “Vermont Edition” sounds more like an intimate conversation than a news show.
She combines a reporter’s precision probing with the nonjudgmental coaxing of a therapist. “It was just a breath of fresh air when she took over,” said Susman, the woodland walker who listens to the show every day on her farm in New Haven. “Don’t you think of her as our own Terri Gross? She’s so eloquent, so well informed and so human. She is a hoot on Instagram.” Lindholm posts about her personal life — Adrian and the kids — on the social media platform. “She is so honest about her flaws at parenting,” Susman added. “We’re big fans.”
Jane Lindholm
Don’t you think of her as our own Terri Gross? MAR J O R IE S US MAN
Asked what it takes to be a good host, Daniels first described the qualities of a good journalist: “deep knowledge and preparation and reading” and “genuine curiosity to seek diverging points of view and information that supports those points of view.” But after all the research, “Vermont Edition” is a show. Although she’s not acting, “it is a performance,” Lindholm said. “You have to turn it on the minute you go on air, and then just focus. You don’t check your texts or your emails. Your
rogator: “That’s a great question! In fact it’s a wonderful, probing, sensitive question that’s making me reassess all my life’s work.” Grilling elected officials has been trickier. “I often feel like I don’t know enough to really dig into what the politicians are saying … to be able to poke holes,” Lindholm said. “That sort of live factchecking element has become something that people want.” To extract the best material from a subject requires “an instantaneous ability to prioritize,” Daniels said of the “high-wire act” of live radio. “You are just constantly triaging and making decisions, second by second.” Being able to take the conversation to unexpected places “takes a real willingness to be authentic and comfortable with risk, while also managing the sheer volume of information.” In addition to countless episodes of “Vermont Edition,” Lindholm and Daniels
if anyone had seen one of their family members. It was just one moment that characterized the anxiety that so many people were experiencing. It was one family’s circumstance, but in a flash it was all of our circumstances. You can see something similar in her live-tweeting of the governor’s press conferences on the COVID pandemic.” Learning how to respond to such unpredictable circumstances prepared Lindholm for live election coverage, which she also cohosts with Kinzel. “Bob and I have a system,” Lindholm said. “I’m air-traffic control. He’s analysis. It works for us.” Daniels and Lindholm, in contrast, didn’t always get along. Although they remain friends and mutual admirers, “We both wanted to be in control, so that was really challenging for both of us,” Lindholm acknowledged. “We did some professional marriage counseling for a while, and we did one of those personality tests.” Not
Please visit our website for © THE NEW YORKER, MARCH 23, 2020/COURTESY OF ED KOREN
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Asked how she would describe her colleague, Ashworth said Lindholm is just as she appears on the air. “You know, she’s really smart. She’s really curious. She’s really sharp. And, like, on it. She sees things clearly from the start.” On the day of our interview for this story, Ashworth canceled at the last minute. She’d just found out her dad was en route to the emergency room in
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Minneapolis, close to where she grew up. It was nothing serious, she told me the next day — possibly dehydration. But she’d texted Lindholm, too, before she knew her father was OK. “The phone rang within 30 seconds,” Ashworth told me. “I mean, that’s Jane. She makes time for friendships. She’s a good advocate, too.” Ashworth and Lindholm bonded in the early days of “Vermont Edition.” Together they pondered questions such as: “Do we want kids? Can we ever afford to own a house? We were together, trying to figure that out,” Ashworth recalled. When Ashworth left VPR in 2010, the two women stayed friends, despite long stretches without seeing each other. For example, Lindholm was not going to let Ashworth give birth to her daughter, Anna, without a proper baby shower. Lindholm and Daniels drove to New Hampshire, where Ashworth was living at the time, and “just descended on the house. It was wonderful,” Ashworth recalled. “She does that kind of thing for you. When she gives you a gift, it’s like a homemade tincture” — something she grew or made herself. Three years ago, Ashworth returned to VPR, this time as news director. Now
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surprisingly, they turned out to be very similar: both perfectionists, aka control freaks. “Jane has rightfully earned the trust and the respect of listeners,” said Daniels, who left VPR in 2017. And Lindholm has effectively become the face of the station, emceeing public events, speaking at graduations, visiting schools. Ten weeks after Carys was born, Lindholm hosted an annual Vermont Women’s Fund event and introduced former Vermont governor Madeleine Kunin. She wound up nursing her daughter in front of a huge audience. “That was fun,” she said, as if surprised by her own audacity. It seems that Lindholm, who for almost 14 years has drawn out others, is increasingly comfortable revealing herself.
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11/9/20 1/4/21 10:49 3:45 PM AM 11/9/20 10:49 AM
Jane Lindholm in the VPR studio
Jane Lindholm (left) and “But Why?” producer Melody Bodette in 2019
in their forties, she and Lindholm have houses and children. Dylan and Anna are both in first grade. “She and I talk a lot about having young kids at home … the day-to-day, and just how hard it is to try to figure out what’s best for your kid,” Ashworth said. Last week Lindholm learned that a school friend of her son had tested positive for the coronavirus, so Dylan would have to quarantine at home for two weeks. She or Adrian will have to be there with him. “I know she has struggled a lot in the last year,” Ashworth continued. “I also know she’s thought about and looked at other positions on a more national level or a larger market. But something has kept her here. And that’s the mix of Jane.” The experience of developing “But Why?” has satisfied some of her friend’s “internal ambition,” Ashworth said, noting that each episode of the kid-focused podcast now reaches hundreds of thousands of people around the world. Lindholm and VPR share rights to the podcast, which has already generated interest from Hollywood film directors for a possible video series. In December, they inked a two-book deal with Random House. The first book is about farm animals; Lindholm wrote the second one — a 13-chapter book about ocean life for young readers — over the Thanksgiving break. “But Why?” was entirely her concept, although the idea came from a Vermont mom who shared a parenting conundrum on social media: “How should I answer my son,” she posted during breaking news coverage in 2012 of the Secret Service scandal in Cartagena, Colombia, when he asks, “What are prostitutes?” Lindholm said, “I thought, There needs to be something that you can put on for your children that sounds like NPR but is geared toward them and won’t make parents tear their hair out.” Researching the market, she was surprised to find there weren’t too many offerings in the kids-podcast genre. Lindholm also discovered that people — including high-profile guests — are more likely to say yes to a kids’ show. Before Thanksgiving, children could tune in to an episode titled, “Why Are We Still Talking About the Election?” with NPR White House correspondent Ayesha Rascoe, who simplified complicated concepts such as voter fraud and the Electoral College. A month later, the headline question was: “Why Do Things Seem Scary in the Dark?” featuring author Daniel Handler, aka Lemony Snicket. “I think there’s a lot of growth that we haven’t explored for ‘But Why?’ and what it could be,” Lindholm said, noting 42
I feel a real pull to speak to children and give them confidence that their ideas are valid. JANE L IND H O L M
that, without her, VPR would discontinue the project. “It’s not in our mission,” she acknowledged. “It was this weird show that sort of has grown into something big. ‘But Why?’ could be a brand.” “I’m energized by this new opportunity,” Lindholm continued. “I feel a real pull to
speak to children and give them confidence that their ideas are valid, that their curiosity should be cultivated, that they should feel safe and secure.” Adult Vermonters will still hear Lindholm’s voice, though not every day. Her new arrangement with VPR, aka “the
transition,” includes producing quarterly special projects for broadcast. Lindholm seems equally excited about the chance “to do important work … things that make a splash or that feel like they’re adding to the Vermont conversation in a big way.” I asked Lindholm what 17-year-old Jane would think of the 41-year-old version. She imagined the teen would be shocked to find herself living in rural Addison County, where she was born, instead of “living abroad, probably traveling — maybe in the foreign service.” Another expectation: “Definitely cooler looking.” Two years ago, Lindholm cut her hair super short and dyed it purple. Now she’s back to a brown bob and given to practical outdoor wear. Something else was happening when Lindholm was 17, though. She had a 1-yearold half brother and a half sister on the way. “There was always a sense for me that I would have kids and be focused on family life,” she said. “It doesn’t look quite like what I thought. “I struggle with how to keep myself professionally and creatively satisfied, while also realizing that it’s not just about me,” Lindholm continued. Hicks loves Vermont and doesn’t want to leave; he’s an avid hunter. Lindholm said she appreciates what her kids are gaining from growing up here — the family keeps bees, grows a garden and spends a lot of time in nature — but she also wants them to see the world. “How do we do all of that?” she wondered. Good question. m
Want to preserve our democracy? Help your kids take the
Good Citizen At-Home Challenge!
Choose from a wide variety of 40+ civics-related activities, including: Government #2:
History #6:
Stream the 2020 documentary Boys State (rated PG-13). Winner of the U.S. Grand Jury Prize for a documentary at last year’s Sundance Film Festival, the movie follows 1,000 teenage boys as they attempt to form a government during a weeklong summer camp in Austin, Texas. Available on Apple TV+.
Test your knowledge of Vermont by playing Virtual Vermont Trivia. The Vermont Historical Society hosts these free, all-ages competitions on Zoom on Wednesday nights in January at 7 p.m. Each night focuses on a different theme: Geography and Place Names, Famous Vermonters, People and Customs, and Vermont Miscellany. Find more information at vermonthistory.org/calendar.
“We learned that Jay Peak, which is where we ski, was named after John Jay AND it used to be named Carthage. And many other factoids.”
News Literacy #1: Tune in to one of the governor’s twice-weekly press conferences about COVID-19 on Tuesdays and Fridays at 11 a.m. Pay attention to how the governor and other state officials explain what’s going on, and how the reporters ask them to clarify and expand on the topics. Send in an entry every time you listen. Find more information about how to listen at vpr.org/term/coronavirus. Find all of the press conferences archived at the ORCA Media YouTube channel.
“I absolutely loved this documentary!” Hannah S., MILTON
“We learned a lot about WHY the governor made his decisions, not just the decisions that were made.” Team Hami, LINCOLN
Colodny Crew, SOUTH HERO
Complete activities like these for a chance to win a $50 gift card to a locally owned independent bookstore or a one-year subscription to The Week or The Week Jr. in a prize drawing on January 27. There are 40+ activities to choose from. See them all at goodcitizenvt.com. Complete one activity in each area to be entered in the grand-prize drawing on March 10 for a $500 gift card to a locally owned business. Powered by:
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Partners in the Good Citizen At-Home Challenge include:
Empowering Vermont’s youth to close the opportunity gap.
Find more activities and take the Challenge at goodcitizenvt.com.
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1/12/21 4:35 PM
Luke Ward of Red Door Jewelers in Randolph
Precious Mettle W Amid the pandemic, a Randolph jeweler finds new facets to his business
hen Luke Ward was 5 years old, he would lay on his belly in parking lots searching the pebbles on the pavement for tiny bits of amethyst, a semiprecious stone common to his native New Hampshire. It took another 25 years before Ward fulfilled his dream of selling these and other gems for a living — a dream the pandemic nearly ended for him. Ward is the owner of Red Door Jewelers in Randolph, a business he founded four years ago. He buys diamonds, coins, overstocked jewelry and scrap precious metals, then sorts through them to decide which ones should be recycled and which can be resold. Ward purchases precious metals in nearly any form: old coins, jewelry, gold nuggets, watches, even dental fillings. He said he also enjoys discovering antique jewelry inscribed with dates, such as one “super-cool” item he sold just before Christmas: a wedding band engraved with the date December 25, 1890. “It’s like a treasure hunt,” he said. Before moving to Randolph Center, where his wife, Rebecca, is from, Ward cut 44
his teeth in the jewelry industry after the Great Recession of the late 2000s, when he spent a year working in a retail jewelry store in Connecticut. But business there was lackluster, he recalled, and he didn’t learn much “except for some basic sales skills and how to change watch batteries.” Much of what Ward knows today about the jewelry profession he either picked up from mentors or taught himself, he explained. Those skills include how to grade a diamond, or evaluate its market value based on its cut, clarity, color and weight in carats. Until a few months ago, the bulk of Ward’s income came from wholesale business he did online with retail jewelers around the country. He’s always done a small amount of retail business himself, such as fixing broken clasps and changing watchbands and batteries. But because his former shop in Randolph was tiny and located on a one-way side street with low visibility and virtually no foot traffic, most people didn’t even know he was there. Then, in March, when the pandemic closed most businesses across the country, the bottom completely fell out for him.
“With COVID, everything shut down. I just sat on my butt for three months,” Ward said with a laugh. “There was no one to buy from, and there was no one to sell to.” With no employees but Rebecca, Ward secured a modest federal Paycheck Protection Program loan and got through the lean months by doing a small amount of online and mail-order business. He continued paying the rent and utilities on his tiny, 250-square-foot shop, which amounted to only $500 a month. “It wasn’t a hardship,” he said, noting that his family of seven is frugal with its funds. “We run a tight ship on our finances.” Ward reopened in mid-June, and business slowly picked up again. “People have been cooped up in their houses, and they wanted to spend their money,” he said. “They had to do something, and retail therapy was it.” Then, in October, shortly before the start of the holiday shopping season, Ward moved Red Door Jewelers into a new space on Main Street five times larger than his old shop. Though the rent is higher, he considers it an advertising expense.
“Being here has increased my visibility a hundredfold,” he added. “I’ve seen more people in three months than I did in two years.” Indeed, on a recent weekday morning, a couple of walk-in customers visited the very Vermonty space. In addition to the requisite glass display cases, which are filled with necklaces, rings, brooches and earrings ranging in price from $25 to $2,500, the walls are covered with New England-themed paintings and photos sold on consignment by local artists. Shelves offer maple syrup made by Silloway Maple, a Randolph Center business owned by Rebecca’s family. Even the coatrack at the door is Vermont-themed: a repurposed wooden cow stanchion salvaged from a nearby dairy barn. Ironically, Ward, 34, wears no jewelry himself except for a wedding band made of stainless steel, and a tie tack Rebecca once bought him. But even wearing the latter is a rarity, he noted, as ties seem overly formal in the central Vermont town. Recently, Ward found another way to buffer his business from future economic downturns. Last month he became a licensed pawnbroker which, under federal law, designates Red Door Jewelers as a “financial institution” and thus an essential service. This, he suggested, should permit the store to remain open even if other retailers are ordered to close due to COVID-19. “That was my strategic move, if you will, to try to stay alive,” he said. And with many Vermonters out of work and strapped for cash, Ward sees the pawn business as a community service. As he pointed out, most banks won’t write loans for less than $1,500. So if someone needs a few hundred dollars to get by, he explained, they can pawn an item and then have six months to pay back the cash they receive. Under Vermont law, if the person fails to pay it back, Ward can then resell the item. But he can only recoup the price of the original “loan” plus interest, which the state also caps. By year’s end, Ward realized that 2020 wasn’t such a bad year after all. Though he estimates that he lost about a half a million dollars in gross sales, Red Door Jewelers still recorded one of its most profitable years ever, going from $1.5 million in gross sales in 2019 to $1.8 million in 2020. “They’re low margins,” he clarified, “so don’t think I’m rich.” Still, for Ward, it was a remarkable reversal of fortune. m
INFO Bottom Line is a weekly series on how Vermont businesses are faring during the pandemic. Got a tip? Email bottomline@sevendaysvt.com.
Grin and Bear It Book review: A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears), Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling B Y M ARG OT HAR RI S ON • margot@sevendaysvt.com
any volumes have been written about the back-to-thelanders who flooded into Vermont in the 1960s and ’70s, chronicling their colorful experiments with communes and other new forms of community. Even as we celebrate our own quirky utopians, however, Vermonters may know considerably less about a back-to-the-land movement of more recent vintage that happened right next door to us in the Granite State. Unlike those older experiments, the Free Town Project was a movement of libertarians who organized to free themselves from the shackles of government. And Vermont journalist Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling, a contributor to the Valley Reporter, Foreign Policy, USA Today and more, is here to tell us all about it in an eminently readable, frequently hilarious book with the meme-able title A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears). On one level, the book is a history of the Free Town Project, which kicked off in 2004. That’s when a vanload of libertarians arrived in Grafton, N.H., a spread-out rural community with just 800 registered voters, dreaming of a “naked power grab of the town government,” Hongoltz-Hetling writes. The newcomers counted on Grafton’s dearth of civic institutions and proud tradition of tax resistance, dating back to the Revolutionary War era, to sell their cause to the locals at town meeting. But they met with more opposition than they expected — Graftonites liked their public library — and sometimes with dissension in their own ranks. Seventeen years later, the Free Town Project might seem like a historical footnote, subsumed by the like-minded Free State Project, which led to the 2017 rise of a libertarian caucus in New Hampshire’s legislature. In the book, even one of the Free Town Project’s founders refers to it as “a blip on the radar.” But Hongoltz-Hetling has bigger concerns than that blip. On another level, he uses the Free Town Project as a case study in what happens when lofty political theories meet brute realities — the latter embodied by Grafton’s burgeoning population of hungry, human-habituated bears.
Matthew Hongoltz-Hetling
If you’re wondering whether the punny title promises a scene in which a libertarian literally ends up inside a bear, the answer’s no. Hongoltz-Hetling, who started reporting from Grafton in 2016 in response to various bruin-related complaints, chronicles a series of sadly predictable incidents of carnage: bear on house pet; occasional bear on human; more frequently, gun-toting human on bear. (If you shun tales of violence committed to and by animals, this book will test you.)
While the bears were just busy being bears, Grafton’s human population exhibited a baffling array of sympathies and follies. Spotlighting anecdotes within a roughly chronological framework, the author introduces us to a highly entertaining cast. There’s Free Towner John Babiarz (see excerpt), whose role as a volunteer firefighter led to a clash with his fellow libertarians; and John Connell, a religious free spirit who bought the town’s historic church but refused to pay taxes on it or request an exemption from the hated IRS. Unification Church devotee Jessica Soule, who loved her isolated home until bears besieged her there, stands in stark contrast to the anonymous “Doughnut Lady,” who flouted wildlife regulations by feeding the bears a daily spread of … you can guess. From the reporter’s encounters with Grafton’s motley residents a humble thesis emerges: Like it or not, we’re all connected. While government may not be the panacea for all ills, it beats a free-forall in which some people wantonly court bears, creating a nuisance to which other people respond with equally wanton bear slaughter. As Hongoltz-Hetling puts it, “Graftonites may have thought they had a bear problem, but you could equally say it was
FROM A LIBERTARIAN WALKS INTO A BEAR: THE UTOPIAN PLOT TO LIBERATE AN AMERICAN TOWN (AND SOME BEARS) When I visited [John] Babiarz on a Saturday morning in 2017, he invited me into his home, an 1848 one-room schoolhouse that he’d renovated and outfitted with solar panels. Amid the potted plants and political detritus that cluttered the small kitchen, a lawn sign urged me to elect Harry Browne president in 1996. Babiarz had run for public office himself, several times. He was a politician, and I was a journalist. We’d both learned that smiling while talking can patch over vast political differences, and so there we stood, smiling and nodding at each other while he explained how the libertarian philosophy of unfettered personal and property rights intersects with the issue of bear management. He told me the town’s bear problems were just the natural result of an incompetent government. “If the government won’t do its job, the people will,” he said, chuckling. Babiarz had a very distinctive laugh, one that I slowly realized reminded me of Krusty, the clown from The Simpsons. It was very disarming; I soon found myself agreeing with him. Dang government! Babiarz was shot once, not during his tenure with the US Air Force, but in his own front yard. A confused pheasant hunter shot him in the ass. “Did that hurt? Oh Jesus, the guy is lucky I didn’t pull out my gun,” he said, referring to one of the many guns he had cached throughout his property. More smiling. I was really getting to like Babiarz. Dang pheasant hunter! Finally, Babiarz got around to the topic of the bear that had been watching him. During the summer of 2016, the two had a disagreement that defied easy compromise: Could the bear eat all of his chickens? Or none of them?
a problem caused by the retreat of their sworn enemy: taxes.” In a chapter called “A Bureaucracy of Bears,” he places that problem in the context of New Hampshire’s “cash-starved Fish and Game Department,” which “has developed a budget-friendly stance on bear conflicts: it’s not him [the bear], it’s you.” While high-taxing Vermont has a comparable acreage and bear population, the author claims, it “has about half the number of bear complaints.” Vermonters who are tempted to be smug about that figure perhaps shouldn’t be, given that they, no less than their libertarian neighbors, stand a good chance of having their supposedly free will hijacked by tiny parasites, such as Toxoplasma gondii, which can infect bears and humans alike. Hongoltz-Hetling devotes an entire chapter to this favorite topos of pop science; it’s tangential at best to the Grafton story, but it does allow him to set up an outrageous pun involving a certain Professor Butt. That digression is a bit of a misfire; a bigger one is an offhand reference to Sen. Bernie Sanders as “the socialist governor of Vermont” (one hopes future editions will correct the gaffe). Overall, though, Hongoltz-Hetling deserves ample praise for the book’s menu of information, entertainment and Swiftian humor. As much satirist as reporter, he seems fascinated and bemused by the complicated schemes that humans of all ideological persuasions dream up to justify and aggrandize themselves. In the wake of the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, some readers may understandably feel disinclined to have a lighthearted laugh at anti-government activism. But Hongoltz-Hetling’s humor is always tinged with dismay, not least at how American radicals evoke their own dubiously glorious history. Just as dreams of reviving a preindustrial past motivated many early back-to-the-landers, so the Free Town Project was a crew of suburbanites who set out to tame the wild frontier all over again — and found out the frontier sometimes bites back.
INFO A Libertarian Walks Into a Bear: The Utopian Plot to Liberate an American Town (And Some Bears) by Matthew HongoltzHetling, PublicAffairs, 288 pages. $28. SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Source Material Vermont makers rework handmade quilts into clothing
B Y M ARG A RET G RAYSON • margaret@sevendaysvt.com
Quilt coats by Kathleen McVeigh
f 2020 made you crave a simpler life, you’re not alone. The pandemic year motivated Americans to take up embroidery, install chicken coops in their backyards and, for those who could afford it, buy property sight-unseen in rural states, including Vermont. Aesthetics, both in fashion and home design, quickly followed. News media documented the proliferation of the nap dress, a flowing dress-nightgown hybrid. Pressed and dried flowers proliferated. Handknitted sweater tutorials abounded on social media. Terminology sprang up around the trends, too, and words such as “cottagecore” and “cabincore” quickly became part of the online lexicon. To better understand the style — and whether your clothes fit the definition — you can ask yourself: Might I wear this item walking through a meadow with a wicker basket or putting my vintage kettle on the stove as rain pounds the windows of my woodland chalet? One particular trend has brought a boom in business for two Vermont makers: the quilt coat. A November story in the New York Times attributed the trend’s origins to a high-fashion menswear line from 2018, but the real purveyors of this rustic, patchwork outerwear are individual craftspeople. They’re reworking
antique, hand-stitched quilts into wearables in hopes of bringing fresh perspective to a historic art form. South Burlington’s Kathleen McVeigh, 33, first saw quilting at a young age. She would spend days with her grandmother, who sat in a recliner sewing quilts, an afghan over her lap. She was loyal to a single pattern, an array of triangles, McVeigh said, and worked with material from the family’s old clothing or household items. It wasn’t until she was studying art at Sarah Lawrence College that McVeigh began to seriously consider the work of her grandmother and other quilters. “I never really thought about it as an art form until I went to college,” she said. “I don’t know why I kind of separated those two things, craft and art, in my head.” A professor encouraged her to experiment with textiles, and McVeigh’s work soon evolved to feature tapestries and other fiber arts. After she moved to Vermont, in 2016, McVeigh made her first traditional quilt. She found the math intimidating at first — quilting is fundamentally an exercise in geometry. McVeigh’s quilts often feature large, bold shapes and color palettes that hark back to the 1970s; by quilting standards, her work is minimalist and modern. Her enthusiasm for quilting led McVeigh to begin collecting quilts made by others “probably since 2012,” she said. In
early 2020, she transformed one for the first time. “If COVID hadn’t happened, I never would have made a quilt coat,” McVeigh said. “I was really just dealing with a space issue.” S h e ’d s t o p p e d sewing at her studio at the Hive on Pine in Burlington’s South End and needed a project that could be done at home. Her first coat was made from a thrift-store quilt that was stained. The response from friends was enthusiastic, so she made more. Then she began selling her quilt coats under her moniker Kitty Badhands. “I think I’m really lucky to have had this idea at the time that I did, because it seems like quilt coats are really a thing right now,” McVeigh said. Though McVeigh has drawn from her own collection of quilts to make the coats, some customers request custom coats
made from family quilts that have special value. And McVeigh occasionally has been asked to design and make a new quilt, and then turn it into a coat, but so far she’s turned down those jobs. “The center of the idea of the quilt coat is bringing new life into something that isn’t being used,” McVeigh said. If a quilt still can be used as a quilt, she thinks it should be. “I’m really not interested in finding a pristine quilt and chopping it up,” she said. Ashley Saville of Winooski, who launched a business making quilt coats and overalls a few months ago, is similarly respectful of the quilts with which she works. She looks for old “cutter quilts,” which are ripped or stained, and tries to use every scrap of the fabric. “There is so much skill and time and love that goes into creating each quilt, and I don’t take it lightly, cutting them. I really want to honor the work and highlight it in a new and perhaps unexpected way,” Saville said. “At least it’s out in the world, being appreciated and used daily — and hopefully becoming an heirloom piece that folks will pass down.” Saville, 34, has no formal art and sewing background, though she’s been a knitter for most of her life. But, having grown up around her father’s bedand-breakfast in southern Vermont, she was familiar with the value of quilts as antiques. “As I got older and learned more about t h e f a s t- f a s h i o n industry, and [with] consumerism all around us, I really started focusing on shopping secondhand; mending and slow fashion; having fewer, better things; and investing in pieces that will be around for a long time,” Saville said. “I think the next logical step from there, really, is making things for yourself … When I started sewing, it made sense to me.” When Saville made her first quilt coat, the mental task of creating a symmetrical design from a limited quantity of patterned material appealed to her. She started an Instagram page last September Ashley Saville in her quilt coat COURTESY OF ERICA ALLEN STUDIO
under the name Anemone VT, intending that her quilt coats would be a side project. But, unexpectedly, the business took off. Saville was able to reduce her hours working in a restaurant and move her sewing to a studio. She also started making overalls, born out of her love for one-piece clothing. Demand for both coats and overalls is strong; she currently has commissions scheduled through May.
Saville said she’s happy to see that her customers value the age and craftsmanship of the quilts she uses.
Kathleen McVeigh
Quilt coat by Ashley Saville COURTESY OF ERICA ALLEN STUDIO
“The idea is keeping [quilts] on our bodies and fitting [them] into our modern lifestyle and keeping them in active rotation instead of being relegated to a closet or barn or a landfill, potentially, which is horrible,” she said. Both Saville and McVeigh said many of the people who buy their items are invested in sustainable fashion and value quality.
“Now different people are appreciating the quilts, and I think it’s awesome that someone who made a quilt in 1910 or 1920 is getting the attention of some 26-year-old skater,” McVeigh said. “I hope the original maker would be excited about that.”
INFO Learn more at kittybadhands.com and anemonevt.com.
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“I had a doughnut there, and it changed my life,” she said. Ed, 32, had quit his job to attend welding school, and Erica was hoping to supplement the income from her fulltime job at the St. Albans Office of the Defender General. After that transformational experience in New York, she immediately started experimenting. Though she loves to bake, she’d never made a doughnut before. “So many failed attempts,” she said. “But, through the grace of God, I came up with this recipe, and I was like, ‘Honey, this is actually good!’” The McClains moved to Vermont from Florida six years ago. From his youth in the South, Ed has fond memories of seeing the neon “hot doughnuts” sign lit up at Krispy Kreme. “We want to be like Krispy Kreme, but we want it to not be so bad for you,” he said. “Even though it’s rich, it’s got good stuff in it.” DOUGHNUT DIET
Doughnuts at Kru Coffee
» P.52
Doughnut Diet A trio of new businesses fulfills sweet needs B Y J O R D AN BAR RY, ME LISSA PASANEN & SALLY P O L L AK
sweet tooth and leave room for lots of kale. In January, others may diet; we doughnut. M.P.
said. They love to travel, planning whole trips around eating destinations. Visiting a former coworker in New York City in January 2020, Erica made one of those stops at a West Village shop called the Doughnut Project.
Hangry the Donut Bar, St. Albans, hangrythedonutbar.company.site
Above from left: Erica and Edmond McClain with George Angov and Edmond McClain Jr.; below: a dozen doughnuts from Hangry the Donut Bar
Erica and Edmond McClain have figured out the best possible use of the St. Albans Park and Ride: doughnut dropoff. That’s where I met Ed on a recent Tuesday afternoon to receive a dozen assorted doughnuts — lemon poppy, chocolate peanut butter, orange whiskey and cookie butter. The McClains launched St. Albansbased Hangry the Donut Bar in March 2020, and their doughnuts have been selling out at pop-ups and drop-offs ever since. The business is a natural fit for the couple, if an unexpected one. “We do everything based on food,” Erica, 27, FOOD NEWS SERVED TO YOUR INBOX
anuary is typically diet month. Among the tangle of New Year’s resolutions that follow a season known for overindulgence are countless vows to eat better. The media feed the frenzy with articles on “clean eating” and the latest magic-bullet diets promising “no more belly fat” and other unreasonable goals. Cut all sugar! Cut all carbs! Eat like a caveman! While we at Seven Days agree that almost everyone should eat more vegetables and fewer processed foods, we (and most nutrition professionals) don’t believe that deprivation is the path to sustainable dietary change. To wit: Many newly hatched diets are history by the time February rolls around. To buck the tide, we’re launching our 2021 food coverage with a celebration of high-quality, locally made doughnuts from three businesses that opened in Vermont over the past 12 months. While decidedly not health food, when eaten occasionally, doughnuts satisfy your
In 2018, while eating a sandwich at RED HEN BAKING in Middlesex, BRIAN LEWIS looked across the street at an old service center and said, “That’s my next restaurant.” When FILLING STATION opens at 970 Route 2 in late January or early February, his declaration will come true. The Middlesex restaurant will be the second for Lewis, who opened Waitsfield’s TOAST & EGGS in 2018. Toast & Eggs regulars will notice a handful of familiar dishes on Filling Station’s weekend brunch menu, but the new restaurant will focus on dinner — something that Middlesex is missing, Lewis said. “With this new place, I want to offer more of a nightlife experience,” Lewis said. “As much as I love creating hearty breakfast dishes for Toast & Eggs, my experience is more at night.” Lewis spent 15 years cooking on the West Coast, including sushi
Kris Nelson and a six-pack of Rescue Club
said. “Rather than retrofitting it, it’s outfitted to deal with the pandemic.” Jordan Barry
Booze-Free Beer Brian Lewis in front of a mural by Tara Goreau at Filling Station
training at Nobu in Los Angeles. He’ll bring that influence to Filling Station, serving a small menu of vegetable dishes, burgers, salads and sushi. Filling Station will also offer a robust bar program of creative cocktails and nonalcoholic drinks developed by bar manager REBECCA ROGERS, a native Vermonter who returned to the state during the pandemic.
The garage-like building most recently housed Sally’s Second Act Thrift Shop; renovating it into a restaurant has been a big project, but Lewis said COVID-19 didn’t slow down his plans. Filling Station will have a walkup takeout window, an upgraded air filtration system and extensive outdoor dining space. “This place will be prepared for COVID,” he
Get Your Fill
Beer fans who want to pass on the buzz have a new option from Burlington’s ZERO GRAVITY CRAFT BREWERY: a line of nonalcoholic beer called RESCUE CLUB BREWING. Its first beverage, an IPA, was released on January 2. Available by the six-pack at the Pine Street brewery, the nonalcoholic brew will be distributed statewide starting January 18, according to KRIS NELSON, Rescue Club’s cofounder and director of sales.
“Rescue Club has its own goals and concept and trajectory,” Nelson said. “Our whole focus is nonalcoholic beer.” A cofounder and co-owner of CITIZEN CIDER, Nelson left his job there in the fall of 2019 to help develop the new product at Zero Gravity. He and others at Zero Gravity think Rescue Club is the first nonalcoholic beer made in Vermont, Nelson said. The “level of competition” in the craft brewing industry was a factor in Zero Gravity’s decision to create its new product line, according to Nelson.
“It’s being able to see a trend ahead,” he said. “I think that there was an awareness in where the market’s going and what the brewery could do.” Rescue Club uses the same equipment that Zero Gravity does to brew beers such as Conehead and Green State Lager. After the alcohol is extracted from Rescue Club’s IPA, the beverage is dry-hopped a second time and pasteurized, according to Nelson. At the IPA’s launch at the brewery, several people told Nelson they couldn’t tell the drink was alcohol-free, he said. “I was hanging out talking to people, everybody with masks on, and there I was drinking these nonalcoholic beers the whole time,” Nelson said. “And that felt really good. People need to be able to have another option, an alternative. I like it even more than I thought I would.” Sally Pollak
CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: @vtpollak. On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
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Good To-Go is a series featuring well-made takeout meals that highlights how restaurants and other food establishments VERMONT are adapting during the COVID-19 era. Check out GOODTOGOVERMONT.COM to see what your favorite eateries are serving up via takeout, delivery and curbside pickup.
Open Hearth
Sandwich of balsamic blueberries, spinach and brie from Round Hearth Café
Stowe’s former ski dorm now offers grilled cheese, doughnuts and artisan goods B Y J O R D AN BAR RY • jbarry@sevendaysvt.com
ntil March 2020, the Round Hearth at Stowe was known as “Vermont’s Most Famous Ski Dorm.” Now, in its new life as the Blue Moon Vintage & Artisan Market and the Round Hearth Café, the large building just off Mountain Road has traded bunk beds and group trips for breakfast and grilled cheese. After Grady and Merry Vigneau bought the Round Hearth in 1988, they restored the building and ran it as a youth dorm, hosting high school groups for ski trips and summer
camps. Ali Vigneau was just 6 months old when her parents moved to Stowe from Boston to operate the business. “While we were growing up, my siblings and I took turns working in the dish room and making beds,” she said. “We all had our summer jobs here.” As adults, the four siblings took turns taking over the office work and general management of the family business from their parents. In recent years, though, interest in bunk-style dorm trips has waned, “for nobody’s fault,” Vigneau said. “Lift ticket
prices went up, and it was not the unbelievably affordable trip it used to be, considering you’re sleeping in a dorm with six or seven other kids in bunk beds.” In October 2019, the family decided to sell the building. “It was heartbreaking,” Vigneau said. “This had been our home for 30 years; this was where we grew up. But it was time to sell, and it was time to move on.” But shortly after Round Hearth went on the market, the COVID-19 pandemic hit and prevented interested buyers from
viewing the building in person. Despite earlier interest, a sale seemed unlikely. TheVERMON family contemplated their options: affordable housing, a boutique bed-and-breakfast, a massive house with 27 bedrooms? Merry had the idea that stuck. “She was chatting with her best friend one night, and they had the idea of turning it into a café,” Vigneau explained. “We had the existing kitchen space, we had the dining room, and we had our namesake indoor fire pit — the Round Hearth.” Vigneau thought it sounded “a little crazy,” she said, but she was on board with her mom’s idea. In addition to the café, they dreamed up an artists’ market and ripped out the dorm’s 150 bunk beds to create space for local vendors of crafts, art, antiques and vintage goods. They started renovating in July and opened the reimagined business in late August. The café’s menu is centered on a piece of equipment from the kitchen’s dorm days: a flattop griddle on which some 150 pancakes were made every day. The Vigneaus weren’t interested in operating a dinner restaurant; they just wanted to serve simple, fresh food featuring local ingredients. “We realized we could have a really good grilled cheese menu,” Vigneau said. Merry researched, tested and tweaked recipes, and the family sampled platters of sandwiches at dinner, ranking their favorites. They landed on a selection of grilled sandwiches ranging from beets, goat cheese and arugula to roast beef.
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Merry and Ali Vigneau
At about the time the Vigneaus decided to start the café, two bakers approached them looking to rent commercial kitchen space. Shari Vermeulen now operates Shugah Cookie Baking in half of the Round Hearth’s kitchen, which was expanded into the former staff rooms; she also bakes quiches and cookies for the café. Stowe Dough — the doughnut business that Maurizio Odermatt and Brandon Tindal launched this month — rents the other half. The café will sell doughnuts each day, but customers can also order online directly from Stowe Dough for pickup at the Round Hearth. “They’re good partnerships,” Vigneau said of the bakeries. “People come in for Shari’s cookies, and they buy a coffee. Or they come in for breakfast and get a doughnut for dessert. It helps get people through the door.” As a dorm, the Round Hearth mostly catered to people from elsewhere. The new business model is a draw for locals, as well as skiers and tourists. “When we were pivoting, we knew we needed to keep the Round Hearth in the name somehow,”
Chris Vigneau making coffee
Vigneau said. “It’s got brand recognition, if you will, with everybody in town. They’ve driven by it for 30 years.” To connect with Stowe residents in the fall, the business offered a clever special. Vigneau asked everyone who came in how many years they’d lived in town without coming into the Round Hearth. Their numeric response was their discount. I’m not a Stowe resident, and I didn’t come from the mountain when I stopped in on a recent Monday, but I felt welcome around the hearth’s crackling fire. Rather than order online or call ahead, I decided to place my takeout order in person at the café; while I waited, I browsed the goods of some of the market’s 45 vendors and sat by the fire. The café’s namesake hearth is a real showpiece — it’s the focal point of the large, open dining room and the first thing you see when you walk in. It features an appropriately wintry mountain scene, painted by artist and musician Jim Charonko. “It’s the most amazing piece of history in the whole building,” Vigneau said of the hearth. “And it’s the best ski-boot dryer in all of Vermont.”
Since I’d stopped in for lunch, I chose a grilled sandwich of balsamic blueberries, spinach and Brie on honey-oat bread from Northfield’s La Panciata bakery ($8). The sandwich came with a choice of salad, fruit or chips; I opted for greens topped with apple cider vinaigrette. My husband ordered a Buffalo chicken sandwich on La Panciata’s pane Siciliano ($9), and greens with Parmesan vinaigrette. Both sandwiches were stuffed. I was blown away by the quantity of blueberries stacked between the griddled slices of bread on mine — the melty Brie held everything together. The flavors were delightfully balanced, and a pop of acidity from the blueberries cut through the richness of the cheese. The sandwiches were sturdy, too, holding up well in their compostable takeout boxes until we reached our dining destination. I stole a bite of the Buffalo chicken, which had a just-right degree of tingle. For customers looking to dine on-site, the Round Hearth has plenty of seats in its spacious dining room. The Vigneaus also recently added private dining rooms
e h T
INFO Blue Moon Artisan & Vintage Market and the Round Hearth Café, 39 Edson Hill Rd., Stowe, 253-7223, bluemoonvintagestowe.com
The Kinney Wine Trail! Check out our expanded selections at amazing everyday prices!
. e n i w e m o s e u c s e “R It’s trapped in a bottle.“ Untitled-54 1
upstairs, which can be reserved online. The kitchen closes daily at 2 p.m., but an après-ski menu with snacks, beer and wine is available until 5 p.m. On Saturday and Sunday from 7 to 9 a.m., the café slings breakfast sandwiches and hot coffee from an express walk-up window — convenient for skiers on their way to the mountain. The Black Diamond has one egg, the Double Black Diamond has two, and so on. The Vigneaus are still adapting the space and developing their new business model; they’re planning to add vendors to the artists’ market, host a jazz brunch with nonprofit event producer Stowe Vibrancy, and create grab-and-go dinners. And those are just a few of the ideas on the table. “There’s no going back to bunk beds,” Vigneau said. “We have loved the opportunity to open up our home, and we’re glad we found a business model that lets us keep it.” m
7/21/20 12:56 PM
Kru Coffee, 2 Church St., Burlington, krucoffee.com
About six months before Ryan Miller and his relatives opened Kru Coffee at the top of Church Street in Burlington, he embarked on a doughnut mission. Miller, 40, is based in Saratoga Springs, N.Y., site of the original Kru Coffee. After he and his co-owners decided to open a Burlington branch, Miller took trips to New York City to taste-test doughnuts. He traveled to Las Vegas to learn from experts at a baking conference. He worked on the doughnuts, practicing his craft, at a café he owns (and is now selling) in Glens Falls, N.Y. Developing his recipe, Miller considered texture, aftertaste (there should be none), dough temperature, and the optimal amount of rise and oil absorption. “It’s an art in baking,” Miller said. Kru opened in Burlington in February 2020, and doughnuts debuted there last summer, when a kitchen-building project was complete. The Kru crew offers them Friday through Sunday at the coffee shop, which is open daily for takeout. The doughnuts are made by Leslie 52
Chocolate mocha truffle (left), honey cardamom (right) and others from Local Donut
Stewart, 28, a trumpet player who grew up in Colchester and studied music education before deciding she’d rather bake than teach music in schools. She’s baked in commercial kitchens in Wisconsin and at Great Harvest Bread in Burlington. “I just grew up baking and cooking with my parents,” Stewart said. “I think doughnuts were about the only thing we didn’t make when I was a kid.” She worked with Miller a few times to learn his doughnut recipe and technique. “It’s pretty straightforward,” Stewart said. “You have to know how a yeasted dough behaves. It’s a great, versatile kind of dough. You get a lot out of using the same dough.” She typically makes a few varieties each doughnut day: a warm sugar version that’s light and lovely, plus specials such as chocolate caramel, strawberry crème and blueberry lavender. The dough is vegan; the creams and glazes contain dairy. Working in the food business is “scary” these days, Stewart said. Her concerns range from health risks — especially for her coworkers who are face-to-face with customers — to worries about the possibility of a mandated shutdown. But she’s grateful to have a job doing what she loves, and she appreciates the community support. “I can’t believe how well we do,” Stewart said. “People really love Kru. The coffees are fantastic.” She paused and added with a laugh: “And the doughnuts are OK, too. “Sharing food with people feels like a really special thing — right now, especially.” S.P.
Local Donut, Woodbury, localdonutvt.com
Nate Doyon and Nina Livellara started their first date four years ago at the downtown City Market, Onion River Co-op cheese counter. A mutual friend set them up thinking they had a lot in common.
Livellara, 39, grew up on a Danby homestead, has worked for restaurants and wine sellers, and holds a master’s in culinary arts from Slow Food’s University of Gastronomic Sciences in Italy. Doyon, 34, was raised in Orleans, waking each morning to the Ethan Allen furniture mill whistle. He graduated from New England Culinary Institute’s pastry program and spent a decade baking at Trapp Family Lodge before moving to Stowe Mountain Resort. As Livellara recalled, “We just knew it was meant to be.” Not so obvious was a future in which the couple would start 2021 juggling the fulltime care of two children and Local Donut, their youngest “offspring.” The pair married in 2017 and soon welcomed their daughters, now 3 and 20 months. They bought a house in Woodbury, and Doyon stepped off the corporate pastry track to spend more time with his family. Heading into 2020, Doyon was working as a barista at Carrier Roasting in Northfield and getting steady gigs as a recipe development consultant. The couple also supplied Carrier with pastries, including doughnuts. Then, in March, COVID-19 put Doyon out of work. “We said, ‘What the heck are we going to do?’” Livellara recalled. Devoted Carrier customers had an idea. “We started hearing, ‘Can you deliver a dozen doughnuts to our house? We’re in a funk and can’t go anywhere,’” Livellara said. “People are craving the comfort and the nostalgia of a doughnut.” Local Donut’s freshly fried, yeast-raised doughnuts reflect Doyon’s own nostalgic memories of the ones made by his Gram and aunts. But the cloudlike puffs of dough, anointed with from-scratch fruit preserves, lemon curd or chocolate ganache, also testify to his professional expertise. Each batch starts with a piece of mother dough plus yeast, to which the
Leslie Stewart making doughnuts at Kru Coffee
That “good stuff’ includes local eggs and flour from Nitty Gritty Grain. Hangry’s creative flavors change frequently; some are nods to nostalgia, such as frosted animal cracker and Oreo cookie; others are inspired by the couple’s travels and Florida roots. Passion fruit, Ed’s favorite, returns to the menu this week. The couple makes all of their briochestyle doughnuts together in their home kitchen. “It’s Hangry’s kitchen now,” Erica said, laughing. “We only go in there to do doughnut stuff; that’s how much it’s taken over our lives.” Hangry currently sells about 20 dozen doughnuts a week directly to customers, taking orders online for Tuesday-throughSaturday pickup at the Park and Ride. The minimum order is a dozen, but the McClains plan to offer smaller quantities on Saturdays. They supply doughnuts to Catalyst Coffee Bar in St. Albans every Friday and are expanding to other wholesale accounts. This summer, they hope to find a commercial kitchen space and operate a food truck. The McClains try to hand off the doughnuts while they’re hot, but in case yours aren’t, they offer a hot tip: Pop the doughnut in the microwave for 15 seconds to return it to just-out-of-the-fryer condition. That is, if any doughnuts make it beyond the Park and Ride.
Doughnut Diet « P.48
Nate Doyon and Nina Livellara of Local Donut
couple adds mostly local ingredients: eggs from Black Dirt Farm in Stannard, milk from Rogers Farmstead in Berlin or Sweet Rowen Farmstead in East Albany, and flour milled by Elmore Mountain Bread from grain grown by NEK Grains in Waterford. Local sourcing “is the root of what Local Donut is,” Livellara said. While Local Donut offers classics, such as maple-glazed and raspberry jam-filled doughnuts, it ascends to another level with flavors such as Lemon Beauty, oozing rich, velvety curd; and honey-cardamom, speckled with nutty sesame seeds. For chocolate lovers, the chocolate mocha truffle doughnut, gilded with ganache, frosting, a full-size truffle and a sculptural chocolate swirl, will ring all the bells. “I know it’s a doughnut, but I want it to be memorable,” Doyon said. Over the past year, Local Donut has grown to produce and deliver up to 1,000 doughnuts weekly out of a newly built bakery addition. The couple still does some home delivery but mostly sells through about a dozen farmstands, small stores and coffee shops, from South Royalton to Middlesex to Hardwick. The hours are long, but “this is our dream,” Livellara said. Her husband affirmed: “It’s not a job to me. My work is what I love to do.” M.P.
1T-AWN(LS)011321 1
1/7/21 2:44 PM
S UNDbites News and views on the local music + nightlife scene
Insert Hilarious, Punny Headline Here
Window of Opportunity
Normally, this is the time of year when I’d start sniffing around the rotary in Winooski looking for Waking Windows folks with any newsy tidbits. Usually by January or early February, the creators of the indie music festival, historically scheduled for the first weekend of May, have something to reveal. Obviously, things are different this year. In the spring of 2020, when the pandemic shut down life as we know it, Waking Windows was one of the first major local events to throw in the towel. It was particularly tragic given that Waking Windows 2020 was meant to celebrate the three-day hoopla’s 10-year anniversary. At the time, rescheduling for May 2021 seemed reasonable. It doesn’t seem so reasonable now, and the festival’s organizers are in agreement. “At the moment, it’s pretty hard for us to predict what this year will end up looking like,” cofounder BRIAN NAGLE (aka
Clever Girls (from left): Winfield Holt, Diane Jean, Rob Slater and Tobias Sullivan
Greetings, music lovers. Apologies for not having a quippy headline to start things off. You see, I’ve written and rewritten this section so many times, including its head, because nothing feels right. I desperately want to be something like a cheerleader at the big homecoming game who just did an espresso enema. I want to shout, “Ho ho, hey hey, everything’s going to be OK!” But it’s feeling really hard to muster that kind of manic Bring It On enthusiasm when, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we’re staring down the barrel of almost 400,000 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. Oh, and violent insurrection at the national Capitol. The beginning of a new year is always meant to be a metaphorical rebirth, and the pressure is on for 2021. One particularly apt meme I saw shows Marvel’s Jessica Jones in the clutches of nemesis/abuser Killgrave, captioned “2021” and “Everyone,” respectively. I assume not everyone has seen “Jessica Jones,” so I’ll explain: Holding the year hostage (with our unreasonable expectations) will likely end with 2021 kicking our asses into a bloody pulp. But there are some reasons to be hopeful about performing arts in the new year, such as the recently passed Consolidated Appropriations Act. $15 billion of the legislation is dedicated to the Save Our Stages Act. The grant package will provide aid to music venues, performing arts centers and the like, which have been devastated by the pandemic. (Is anyone surprised that we figured out how to bring back sports before live theater? I didn’t think so.) For folks wanting to know more about how and when that sweet stack of cash will be put to use locally, the Vermont Arts Council is hosting an online information session about Save Our Stages at 1 p.m. on Friday, January 15.
Visit vermontartscouncil.org to register for the virtual info sesh, and check back here next week for a recap and analysis. Some more good news: The Burlington Discover Jazz Festival recently announced the Vermont Musicians COVID Relief Fund, which will “create paying gigs for Vermont musicians starting in January,” according to a press release. Details on the fund are scarce at present. BDJF managing director CHELSEA LAFAYETTE said in a December email that the organization was still “nailing down the process for distribution.” Attempts to reach Lafayette last week were unsuccessful. We’ll have more information about the program when it’s available. Finally, a pretty massive virtual benefit concert called VT Sounds is in the works for Friday, January 22. Tune in for more on that next week, too.
San Mateo’s Matt Hagen (left) and Matt Burr
DJ DISCO PHANTOM) wrote on behalf of the team in an email to Seven Days. “To be honest, it does not seem realistic that the first weekend in May … will look like what we’d want it to in terms of a fullfledged festival experience.” The gist of Nagle’s email is that there’s just no way to be COVID-19compliant and retain the qualities of the festival that make it so special. The event annually has drawn crowds of 5,000 to 8,000 people to nearly a dozen stages scattered around the ’Noosk. Many were in smallish dining and retail establishments where, to accommodate pandemic-era restrictions, the capacity would have to be slashed. Beyond those logistics, Nagle mentioned that the very act of booking the festival during a pandemic is next to impossible, given how many nonlocal artists are usually on the bill, especially in the headlining slots. “We’d ideally come back with a proper event that we’re really proud of,” Nagle wrote, versus “trying to pull anything off that isn’t our style or isn’t fully safe.” As much as I miss live music and festivals, I have to agree with the group’s wait-and-see approach.
Living Single
Some recently released singles demand your instantaneous, undivided attention! Burlington rock band CLEVER GIRLS just issued “Baby Blue” from their forthcoming album, Constellations. The track is available at egghuntrecords.bandcamp.com. “I am unbelievably excited to put this song out,” front person DIANE JEAN wrote in an email. “I wrote this song when my life turned a corner, and when I committed to making better decisions for myself and to being better for the people around me. It’s really about finding love, and about finding a sense of peace with the people around you.” “Baby Blue” shows the band’s trend of constant growth and expansion in sound since its debut release, 2017’s Loose Tooth. Though Clever Girls started strong, they’ve consistently pushed their own boundaries and created a heady, proprietary concoction of grunge- and shoegaze-inflected rock, magnified by Jean’s deeply affecting lyrics.
Upper Valley Services wants to COMMEND and THANK our Shared Living Providers, Direct Support Professionals, Respite Care Providers, and Vermont Comforts of Home:
Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours. KELLEY POLAR,
“Cosmological Constancy” VV BROWN, “Shark in the Water” THIS MORTAL COIL, “Song to the Siren” ORANGE JULIANS, “Testament” THE BEATLES, “I Am the Walrus”
THE UPPER VALLEY SERVICES COMMUNITY shares high praise, respect and the warmest thanks to our ESSENTIAL WORKERS who work tirelessly and behind the scenes to help people stay safe and thrive during COVID and beyond. Thank you! We are so grateful for the work you do and the difference you make in the lives of people that Upper Valley Services supports. Your contributions make a big difference in helping people to live their best life! We are forever grateful for your commitment to our Upper Valley Services community.
All the best to you and your families in 2021! Constellations will be released on March 26. Also worth your attention this week is “Sorry Doesn’t Dry These Tears,” the second song from new band SAN MATEO. A trio featuring MATT BURR (GRACE POTTER AND THE NOCTURNALS), MATT HAGEN (the HIGH BREAKS) and CRAIG MITCHELL (PURPLE: A TRIBUTE TO PRINCE), the preposterously smooth and sexy group lays on buttery R&B vibes with even more oomph on the new cut. It hits the interwebs and streaming services on Friday, January 15. In an email, Hagen wrote that the song is “a universal message that can be applied to anything from a personal relationship to historical injustices.” He added, “It can be about gaining a life out of a loss. The acute process of when holding on means letting go. Tears can reflect an eye-opening experience. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.” When it drops on Friday, be sure to check out the song’s trippy music video, which was filmed at Nectar’s in November. Directed by Burr and MONTANA COPPOLA, the clip features San Mateo’s members appearing as kaleidoscopic silhouettes superimposed with vibey, tropical imagery. “Sorry Doesn’t Dry These Tears,” along with the previously released single “Can’t Get Enough,” herald a forthcoming album, though no release date has been announced. Disclosure: Matt Hagen is a Seven Days employee.
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ow n WHAT?
1/12/21 3:54 PM
STAY SAFE, STAY ACTIVE The Seven Days team has reenvisioned our weekly Notes On the Weekend newsletter to include creative, constructive and fun ways to spend your time from a safe social distance. From virtual yoga classes to delicious recipes to day trips, there is something for everyone asking, “NOW what?” S U B S C R IB E AT S EV EN DAYS V T.C OM 4t-Now0520.indd 1
1/12/21 6:51 PM
Let’s start 2021 with an ending — specifically, that of Burlington rockers the Pyros. Alas, the band has unceremoniously called it quits. But before fully extinguishing themselves, last week the Pyros left fans with a pair of new releases: a self-titled LP and a companion album of live material, The Basement Tapes. Front person and creative mastermind Steven Yardley is perhaps best known for his custom “Jammbulance,” a retrofitted vintage ambulance turned mobile concert venue, which he operated, pre-pandemic, at
Pete’s Posse, Ya Know, Ya Never Know (SELF-RELEASED, CD, DIGITAL, FLASH DRIVE)
Contra dancing is a popular pastime in the Green Mountains. And yet, unless you know to look for it, it’s almost completely invisible. There’s no dress code, no teenagers walking around Burlington blasting fiddle reels on their phone speakers. Pre-pandemic, its fans convened at town halls and barns, not clubs and bars. If not for the packed parking lots at rural granges, you’d hardly know they were there. So if you’ve never heard of Pete’s Posse, it ain’t necessarily your fault. The multigenerational “trad roots power
small festivals and other live events. In an email to Seven Days, Yardley sounded wistful yet confident in the band’s decision to move on — fortunately, most of its members will still be around in other local bands. With a string of quirky music videos and three solid releases under their belt, the Pyros have plenty to be proud of. Still, what’s saddest about the band’s demise is its short tenure. Because the Pyros were only active for three years — actually just two, since 2020 didn’t count — they didn’t have quite enough time to figure themselves out. Were they a nouveau indie-rock outfit? A subversive pastiche of ’60s garage and doo-wop? Something too eclectic to be pigeonholed?
The Pyros’ seven tracks consistently bring new ideas to the surface, each worthy of further exploration. Slow-jam opener “Hydroplaning” is a tempered, unflinching song about feeling out of control. The gentle interplay between Liz Stafford’s bass and Yardley’s guitar ebbs and flows with grace and precision, solidified by Evan Raine’s committed drumming. Starting the LP in power-save mode gives subsequent cuts greater impact. “King of the Internet” interjects stinging jabs of elastic guitar chords atop 8-bit synth and old-school Super Mario Bros. coin-collecting blips. Using dated electronic sound effects in a song about contemporary internet culture is deliciously ironic and nods to the simplicity of the e-cultures that came before the hot mess we have today. The track is a bold move forward for the
Pyros, a particle-accelerated collision of arena rock and electro influences. Most of the other tracks align more closely with the scrappy garage rock of the band’s 2019 Christian Mingle EP. But even in familiar territory, Yardley and co. find ways to push the sound forward. “Swamp Monster” dips a toe in psychosurf waters, while “Tears I Cry (Shoobie Doo Wop)” is a sloppy-on-purpose ditty that sounds like it came from some kids too cool to join their square counterparts at the ice cream social and sock hop. More bands should take the Pyros’ approach to throwing in the towel. The Basement Tapes gives listeners a snapshot of what they were in the live setting, but The Pyros encapsulates all that they strove to be. The Pyros is available to stream on Spotify.
trio” is built around the tutelage of master fiddler and local legend Pete Sutherland. A musician, educator and prolific producer, Sutherland’s résumé spans decades of accomplishments and acclaim. He’s also mentored some dynamite talent over the years, including multiinstrumentalists Tristan Henderson and Oliver Scanlon, who round out his handpicked Posse. Their latest release, Ya Know, Ya Never Know, is a career milestone. Double albums are often indulgences, but in this case it was the only way to do justice to the crew’s roots as well as its horizons. While many of the medleys featured here are dancehall-ready, this is hardly a live contra dance reproduced in a studio. (If that interests you, however, check out Pete’s Posse’s earlier Dance Party! project.)
The new album’s 23 tracks wind through folkways from New England to Appalachia, touching on ballads, gospel and stories older than America. There are also a few a cappella numbers, a nod to the group’s 2020 Acapella EP. Opener “Fine Times” is a ripping fiddle showcase that establishes the band’s chops and sets a jubilant tone. The record is not all upbeat whimsy, however. Heavy, mournful moments abound, befitting trad music’s emotional weight. The album also honors the band’s extensive collaborative network. It features guest vocals from folk luminary Patti Casey, cello work from Vermont Symphony Orchestra mainstay John Dunlop and vibrant accordion courtesy of Jeremiah McLane, Sutherland’s longtime partner in the Clayfoot Strutters. Baltimore bass virtuoso Alex Lacquement is a steady presence on his five tracks. The lineup also nods toward the future with young fiddle prodigy Romy Munkres, who tears through one
of her own compositions on the lovely “Three Bird.” Despite that packed guest list, the bonds among Sutherland, Henderson and Scanlon are evident on every song. Colin McCaffrey’s engineering and mixing are the perfect complement to the unvarnished glory of these performances — he simply captures the magic. He confines his meticulous touch to the margins, and the result is simultaneously polished and transparent. Ya Know, Ya Never Know is a blender full of original and traditional songs and styles. Where Pete’s Posse’s mastery really shines, though, is how effortlessly the tracks mix together. The careful pacing and arrangements are a testament to Sutherland’s legacy and proof positive that contra dance music will thrive for generations to come. Ya Know, Ya Never Know by Pete’s Posse is available at petesposse.com/ store.
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INTO THE WOODS A small girl ventures into a big forest and finds a delightfully un-Grimm fairy tale in Cartoon Saloon’s latest.
Wolfwalkers ★★★★★
If you love hand-drawn animation, you
probably already know about Cartoon Saloon. Tomm Moore, who cofounded the company and codirected Wolfwalkers with his former schoolmate Ross Stewart, told the New Yorker he was inspired by Japan’s Studio Ghibli and older Disney films such as Bambi. As the rest of the industry moved to computer animation, “I wanted to be a classical animator in the way of the old Disney movies,” he said. With none of the 3D “realism” we’re now used to seeing in animated movies, Wolfwalkers has the gorgeous idiosyncrasy of a favorite picture book, rendering the world into its own visual language. The city and its Puritan inhabitants are composed of harsh angles and brutally contrasting colors such as black and fiery red. Seen from the exterior, Kilkenny’s fortifications flatten into grotesque abstraction. Meanwhile, the forest is a dreamy realm of greens and browns, of roundness and fluidity. Defying the wasp-waisted model of so many animated heroines, Mebh and her wolfwalker mother (Maria Doyle Kennedy) are all generous curves, too. With her tiny form and severely pointed chin, Robyn seems like a different species, a Jack Russell terrier dashing frantically to and fro while the wolfwalkers stand calm in their inherited, seemingly matriarchal wisdom. But then the forest gets under Robyn’s skin, and she softens and discovers her own wildness. On the level of script and story, Wolfwalkers lacks the clever dialogue and subtly fleshed-out characters that I associate with the best of Pixar or Studio
THE MARKSMAN: Liam Neeson plays an Arizona border rancher who protects a young Mexican from cartel assassins in this action thriller from director Robert Lorenz (Trouble With the Curve). With Katheryn Winnick and Juan Pablo Raba. (108 min, PG-13; Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In)
THE CROODS: A NEW AGE★★★ In this sequel to the animated comedy hit, a prehistoric family finds itself forced to cohabit with its more evolved neighbors. With the voice talents of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds; Joel Crawford directed. (95 min, PG. Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In)
MLK/FBI: This documentary from Sam Pollard (Sammy Davis, Jr.: I’ve Gotta Be Me) uses newly declassified materials to illuminate the FBI’s treatment of Martin Luther King Jr. (104 min, NR; Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater)
MONSTER HUNTER★★ The Capcom video game becomes an action adventure in which a team of U.S. Army Rangers find themselves in another dimension fighting terrifying monsters. Milla Jovovich and Tony Jaa star. Paul W.S. Anderson, the auteur behind the Resident Evil movies, directed. (99 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)
The deal
In 1650, the walled city of Kilkenny, Ireland, is under the thumb of Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell (voice of Simon McBurney), who vows to clear the surrounding wild woods for cultivation. Problem: The woods are full of wolves. Enter Robyn Goodfellowe (Honor Kneafsey), a little English lass who comes to Kilkenny with her widowed dad (Sean Bean). His job is to slaughter the wolves, and Robyn, no enthusiast of “women’s work,” is eager to help. When Robyn sneaks into the forest with her pet falcon and her crossbow, she finds dangers she didn’t bargain for — but also a new friend, the elusive, bewitching Mebh (Eva Whittaker). A “wolfwalker” whose spirit alternates between a lupine and a human body, Mebh convinces Robyn to change her attitude toward the wolf pack. But can Robyn convince anyone else?
Will you like it?
ONE NIGHT IN MIAMI: Regina King makes her narrative feature directorial debut with this adaptation of Kemp Powers’ play in which Malcolm X (Kingsley Ben-Adir), the future Muhammad Ali (Eli Goree), Jim Brown (Aldis Hodge) and Sam Cooke (Leslie Odom Jr.) clash and bond during a memorable night in 1964. Expect lots more awards for this acting tour de force. (114 min, R; Savoy Theater)
NEWS OF THE WORLD★★★1/2 In this western from director Paul Greengrass (22 July), Tom Hanks plays a Civil War vet who travels hundreds of miles to return a girl raised by the Kiowa to her family. With Elizabeth Marvel, Ray McKinnon and Helena Zengel. (118 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas, Stowe Cinema, Sunset Drive-In)
ur streaming entertainment options are overwhelming — and not always easy to sort through. This week, I watched Wolfwalkers, the fourth feature from acclaimed Irish animation studio Cartoon Saloon, which was profiled in a recent issue of the New Yorker. Suitable for older kids and up (there are some scary battles), this visually sumptuous adventure inspired by Irish folklore is currently playing at Montpelier’s Savoy Theater and streaming on Apple TV+.
Ghibli. While Robyn’s father gets some interesting nuance, the Lord Protector is a Bible-thumping villain, and not a particularly memorable one. It’s never unclear where the filmmakers stand in this conflict — with the tree huggers and the wolves — but that conviction is also the movie’s strength. Wolfwalkers becomes something truly special in the scenes in which Robyn and Mebh frolic in the woods, a portrait of female friendship that’s rough-and-tumble and tender and free of typical distractions such as romantic rivalry. The film is less compelling when it presents a traditional battle of good and evil, partly because of the flat antagonist and partly because any happy ending can only be a stopgap: The ultimate fate of wolves in Ireland wasn’t a good one. For older viewers, that knowledge makes the sweet final scene especially poignant. For younger viewers, this could be one
of the early animation experiences they never forget.
PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN★★★1/2 Carey Mulligan plays a med school dropout who has a few lessons to teach men about the concept of consent in this dark satirical thriller from writer-director Emerald Fennell, also starring Bo Burnham and Alison Brie. (114 min, R. Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater, Stowe Cinema)
THE WAR WITH GRANDPA★★ Forced to share a room with his grandfather (Robert De Niro), a kid (Oakes Fegley) goes on the offensive to get his space back in this family comedy directed by Tim Hill (Hop). With Uma Thurman and Rob Riggle. (94 min, PG; Sunset Drive-In) WOLFWALKERS★★★★1/2 An apprentice wolf hunter in Ireland discovers a different point of view in this family animation from the makers of The Secret of Kells, featuring the voices of Honor Kneafsey, Eva Whittaker and Sean Bean. (103 min, PG. Savoy Theater; reviewed by M.H. 1/13) WONDER WOMAN 1984★★★ She’s back! Sixty-odd years after her first film showcase — but no older, of course — the Amazon princess (Gal Gadot) faces Max Lord and the Cheetah in the latest DC Comics adventure. With Chris Pine and Kristen Wiig. Patty Jenkins again directed. (151 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater, Stowe Cinema, Sunset Drive-In)
If you like this, try...
• The Secret of Kells (2009; rentable): Cartoon Saloon burst on the scene with this Oscar-nominated adventure in which a ninth-century Irish boy aids the monks who are creating the illuminated Book of Kells, even as Vikings threaten their way of life. • Song of the Sea (2014; rentable): A girl fights to reclaim her identity as a selkie, or seal shape-shifter, while evading an owl witch in the studio’s second feature based on Irish mythology. • The Breadwinner (2017; Netflix, rentable): Living under Taliban rule in Afghanistan, a girl dresses as a boy to support her family in Cartoon Saloon’s third feature and second Oscar nominee. Studio cofounder Nora Twomey directed. MARGO T HARRI S O N
DESPICABLE ME 2 (Sunset Drive-In) THE EXORCIST (Sunset Drive-In) SHREK (Sunset Drive-In)
OPEN THEATERS ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, essexcinemas.com THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, savoytheater.com STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, stowecinema.com SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, sunsetdrivein.com
BCA Studios
Burlington City Arts Winter Class Registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: PORTRAIT PAINTING: Ages 13 and up. Six students max. Prerequsite: Figure drawing/oil painting experience recommended. Local artist and master teacher Gail Salzman instructs students to create small portraits on primed panels. Class includes eight hours of instruction and all materials you will need in a kit, including panel, paints and brushes. Tue., Jan. 19-Feb. 9, 1-3 p.m. Cost: $200/ person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Zoom. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DARKROOM INSTITUTE: Ages 12-18. Limit: 4. Experience the magic of a traditional photographic darkroom. Go on guided photo shoots in the South End of Burlington with a manual 35mm SLR film camera and learn how to print photographs in our blackand-white darkroom. All materials (including a camera) are provided. Option 2: Mon., Jan. 11, 25, Feb. 1, 8 (no class Jan. 18), noon-3 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DARKROOM PHOTO: Ages 9-12. Limit: 4. Experience the magic of a traditional photographic darkroom. Go on guided photo shoots in the South End of Burlington with a manual 35mm SLR film camera and learn how to print photographs in our black-andwhite darkroom. All materials (including a camera) are provided. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Option 6: Wed., Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3; Option 7: Wed., Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3. Cost: $400/person; $360 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DEVELOPING A PERSONAL BRAND: Ages 18 and up. 20 students max. Your brand is more than a logo or
product; it’s an emotion that influences your relationships with customers. Join Mieko Ozeki, Vermont Womenpreneurs Cofounder and Radiance Studios branding consultant, to learn the concepts and tools for building a brand that markets your message. Wed., Jan. 27, 2021, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25/person; $22.50 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncity arts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DRAW, PAINT & PRINT INSTITUTE: Ages 12-18. Limit: nine. Explore drawing, painting and printmaking in our professional studios. Students develop a deeper understanding of 2D artistic techniques and create drawings, paintings and prints to add to their portfolios. All materials provided. Option 2: Mon., Jan. 11, 25, Feb. 1, 8 (no class Jan. 18), noon-3 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: CLAY COACHING: Ages 13 and up. Eight students max. Join local clay artist Sarah Camille Wilson to create clay work at home. This class is designed for students with some clay experience who are interested in growing their own creative voice and trying more advanced techniques in either wheel- or hand-building work. Mon., Jan. 25-Feb. 22 (no class 2/15), 6-8 p.m. Cost: $200/ person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-8655355, jflanagan@burlingtoncit yarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: DRAWING: Ages 13 and up. 12 students max. Learn a variety of drawing techniques including basic perspective, compositional layout and use of dramatic light and shadow, all from the comfort of your home. Local artist Ashley Stagner leads students through a variety of drawing exercises and group discussions over Zoom. Mon., Jan. 25-Feb. 22 (no class 2/15), 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $150/person; $135 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: FAMILY CLAY: All Ages. 10 families max. Our clay experts lead you through a fun, family-friendly hand-building clay project. After class, BCA will glaze and fire your beautiful clay creations for you to keep forever!
A ticket includes supply kit, Zoom demonstration, and glazing and firing for 4 pieces. 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Option 1: Fri., Jan. 22; Option 2: Fri., Feb. 5; Option 3: Fri., Feb. 19; Option 4: Fri., Mar. 5; Option 5: Fri., Mar. 19. Cost: $25/family; $22.50 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-8655355, jflanagan@burlingtoncity arts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org.
craft while also getting time for outdoor activities. All materials provided. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Option 6: Wed., Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3; Option 7: Wed., Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3. Cost: $400/person; $360 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine Street, Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org.
HOME STUDIO: HANDBUILDING: Ages 13 and up. 10 students max. Join local artist Sarah Camille Wilson in a Zoom class live at home. Explore basic handbuilding techniques and tips for creating texture and decoration. Includes four hours of instruction, materials (including a bag of clay and hand tools), glazing, and firing. Wed., Jan. 27-Feb. 17, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $100/person; $80 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: SCREEN PRINTING: Ages 13 and up. Eight students max. Four-week-long introduction to silk screening taught by local artist Kate McKernan. Discover how screen printing works and how to print your own design. Create personal artwork through drawing or tracing images. Includes four hours of instruction and materials, including paper and a tote bag. Tue., Jan. 26-Feb. 16, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $100/person; $90 BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncity arts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. POTTERY INSTITUTE: Ages 12-18. Limit: 8. Create bowls, cups, sculptures and more through wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques. Learn surface design and decorating tips to make your pieces amazing. All items will be food/ dishwasher/microwave safe and lead free. All materials provided. Option 2: Mon., Jan. 11, 25, Feb. 1, 8 (no class Jan. 18), noon-3 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. YOUTH POTTERY: Ages 9-12. Limit: eight. Create bowls, cups, sculptures and more through wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques. Learn surface design and decorating tips to make your pieces amazing. All items will be food/dishwasher/ microwave safe and lead-free. All materials provided. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Option 6: Wed., Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3; Option 7: Wed., Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3. Cost: $400/person; $360 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. YOUTH STUDIO ART: Ages 6-9. Limit: nine. Explore a variety of art projects, including drawing, painting, printmaking and
empowerment MEETING YOUR INNER PARTNER: Discover the inner men and women living in your “inner city” who deeply influence your relationships and love life in this workshop full of hands-on experiential material. Led by Dr. Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. Wed., Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60/person via PayPal or check. Location: Zoom. Info: Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, Sue Mehrtens, 802-2447909, info@jungiancenter.org, jungiancenter.org.
culinary ADD FLAIR TO YOUR FAVORITE WINTER DISHES: Join Billings Farm’s chef Emery Gray and learn how to add flair with Quick Pickles! Creates a variety of tangy pickles using hearty veggies, like carrots, cauliflower, beets and cabbage, and delicate favorites, like red onions, grapes, ginger and cucumbers. Preregister by Jan. 21 to receive recipes and prep details. Sat., Jan. 23, 10-11:30 a.m. Cost: $15/person; $10 for BF&M members. Location: Zoom. Info: Billings Farm & Museum, 802-457-2355, billingsfarm.org/ classes-workshops.
AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT: Self-care at home with the Feldenkrais Method. Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Zoom classes will help you deal with stress and pain, keep you moving, feel good in your body and create a greater sense of well-being. The results can be extraordinary. See online testimonials! Uwe Mester has 15 years of experience and will guide you verbally through simple and highly effective gentle movements. The instructions are easy to follow. Pay what you can. Register with vermontfeldenkrais. com. Tuesdays. Cost: $10/1-hour class. Location: Online, Please register w/ Uwe Mester, At your home. Info: Vermont Feldenkrais, Uwe Mester, 802-735-3770, movevt@gmail.com, vermont feldenkrais.com.
well-being SKY BREATH MEDITATION: This is a nine-hour holistic happiness and well-being program taught over three days in which the participants are trained in evidence-based SKY meditation practice, breathing techniques, yoga, social connection and mindful leadership. SKY has been shown to significantly reduce anxiety and depression, lower stress markers, and increase well-being, focus and optimism. Fri., Jan. 8, 6:30-9 p.m. EST, Sat. Jan. 9-Sun., Jan. 10, 9:30-noon EST. Location: Online. Info: Art of Living, Rondi Sewelson, 718-2075684, rondi.sewelson@artofliving. org, artofliving.org.
EVOLUTION YOGA: Bring your body and mind toward balance and find connection in community. All are welcome. Find support you need to awaken your practice. Offering livestream and recorded classes. Give the gift of yoga with a gift card on our website. Flexible pricing based on your needs; scholarships avail. Contact yoga@evolutionvt.com. Single class: $0-15. Weekly membership: $10-25. 10-class pass: $140. New student special: $20 for 3 classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 802864-9642, evolutionvt.com.
SHARE THE JOY OF DANCE: Get moving in the new year! Ballet Wolcott offers quality dance classes in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom for all ages. Classes include ballet, hip hop, jazz and tap. Visit our website and Facebook page for the full schedule. Tuition and payment plans available. Contact us to learn more. Location: Ballet Wolcott, Wolcott Town Hall, 4176 VT-15, Wolcott. Info: Helene Nilsen, 802-8885689, admin@balletwolcott.com, balletwolcott.com.
DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: Hybrid classes (Zoom and in-person) starting Jan 4, 5, 6! Taiko Tuesday and Wednesday. Djembe Wednesday. Kids and Parents Tuesday and Wednesday. COVID-19-free rental instruments, curbside pickup, too. Private Hybrid Conga lessons by appointment. Let’s prepare for future drumming outdoors. Schedule/ register online. Location: Online and in-person at Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 802-999-4255, burlington taiko.org.
LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live video conferencing. High-quality, affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers lesson package. Our 15th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 802-5851025, spanishparavos@gmail. com, spanishwaterbury center.com.
Location: Maigualida Rak, Online. Info: Maigualida Rak, spanish tutor.vtfla@gmail.com, facebook. com/spanishonlinevt.
language EXPERIENCED NATIVE PROFESSOR OFFERING ONLINE SPANISH CLASSES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audio-visual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” -Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook at facebook.com/spanishonlinevt.
LIVESTREAM YOGA AT THE YOGA BARN : Bring movement back into your life with livestream yoga. The Yoga Barn offers daily group and private classes online. Organize a private class and practice with friends from afar. Peruse our schedule at theyogabarnstowe. com. Sliding-scale rates for those experiencing financial hardship. Questions? Email us at: theyogabarnstowe@gmail.com. Location: The Yoga Barn, Online classes. Info: The Yoga Barn, Erica Sussman, 825-585-1356, theyogabarnstowe@gmail.com, theyogabarnstowe.com.
of Chittenden County
Tyson AGE/SEX: 1-year-old neutered male ARRIVAL DATE: December 11, 2020 REASON HERE: His owner could no longer care for him. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Tyson is available for foster-to-adopt for Vermont residents only who are committed to working with him on training. SUMMARY: Tyson is a bouncy, energetic pup looking for a home where he’ll get plenty of playtime. He loves fetch, squeaky toys and running around in the snow. We’re betting he’ll make a great hiking or running buddy, too! Tyson is a social guy who tends to greet human friends with a big tail wag and a smile, and he has played well with other high-energy, “rough-and-tumble” dogs. Tyson has been a great student and has already learned some new skills — it helps that he’s very motivated by cheese rewards! Our staff and dog-training partners will be there to support his new family in working with him, and we know it will be rewarding to see him become an even more awesome dog!
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HSCC offers a foster-to-adopt option for animals who are ready to go home but are awaiting nonemergency medical procedures or have particular behavioral needs. Rather than waiting at the shelter, they can go home with their new family as foster pets and start getting comfortable in their new environment. After the necessary steps are complete, their adoption becomes official! Sponsored by:
DOGS/CATS/KIDS: Tyson has no known experience living with other dogs or cats. He needs a home without young children.
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CLASSIFIEDS We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!
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housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)
BURLINGTON Single room, Hill Section, on bus line. No cooking. Linens furnished. 862-2389. No pets.
KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 1-BR, $1,054/mo.; 2-BR, 802-472-5100 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston $1,266/mo.; 3-BR, $1,397/mo. Spacious 802-793-9133 interiors, fully applianced kitchen, fi tness 2015 RAV-4 & TIRES center, heat & HW incl. FOR SALE Income restrictions RAV-4 XLE AWD, sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM apply. 802-655-1810, 42K miles, excellent keenscrossing.com. condition, new rear brakes & tires, 6-speed, PINECREST AT ESSEX 17” chrome alloy wheels, Joshua Way, Essex Jct. moon roof, roof rack, Independent senior etc. $14,950. List price living for those 55+ in Kelly Blue Book over years. 1-BR avail. now, $16,000. Almost-new $1,260/mo. incl. utils. mud & snow tires: & parking garage. NS/ 225/55 R17 Yokohama pets. 802-872-9197 or Ice Guards, used rae@fullcirclevt.com. approximately 3K miles. AFFORDABLE 2-BR APT. New $600, price $450. TAFT FARM SENIOR AVAIL. Text only from 9 a.m.-8 LIVING COMMUNITY At Keen’s Crossing. p.m., 802-363-3422. 2-BR: $1,266/mo., heat & 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior HW incl. Open floor plan, CASH FOR CARS! fully applianced kitchen, living. Newly remodeled We buy all cars! Junk, 2-BR unit on 2nd floor fi tness center, pet high-end, totaled: It avail., $1,410/mo. inc. friendly, garage parking. doesn’t matter. Get free utils. & cable. NS/pets. Income restrictions towing & same-day Must be 55+ years of apply. 802-655-1810, cash. Newer models, age. cintry@fullcirclevt. keenscrossing.com. too. Call 1-866-535com or 802-879-3333. 9689. (AAN CAN)
Route 15, Hardwick
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EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
TAFT FARM SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior living. Newly remodeled 1-BR unit on the main floor avail., $1,200/ mo. incl. utils. & cable. NS/pets. Must be 55+ years of age. cintry@ fullcirclevt.com or 802-879-3333. TAFT FARM SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior living. Newly remodeled 1-BR unit on the ground floor, w/ restricted view avail., $1,110/mo. incl. utils. & cable. NS/pets. Must be 55+ years of age. cintry@fullcirclevt. com, 802-879-3333.
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010 hrc@vermont.gov
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OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit mainstreetlanding.com & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.
ADOPTION COUPLE HOPING TO ADOPT Kind & fun-loving VT couple can provide a safe & loving home for your baby. If you are pregnant & considering adoption, we would welcome hearing from you. jonandtessa.weebly. com, 802-272-7759.
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SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your mortgage? Denied a loan modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? Call Homeowners Relief Line now for help: 1-855-4395853. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. All times Pacific. (AAN CAN) STRUGGLING W/ YOUR PRIVATE STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT? New relief programs can reduce your payments. Learn your options. Good credit not necessary. Call the Helpline: 888-670-5631. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET. (AAN CAN)
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DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-9780215. (AAN CAN)
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1/8/21 11:12 AM
Share home with woman in her 70s who enjoys music, travel & theater. Seeking housemate with very little exposure to Covid to prepare 3-4 meals/week, share companionship & help around the house. $200/mo. Familiarity with memory loss ideal. Private BA.
EAST MONTPELIER Share home w/ lovely mountain views with woman in her 90s who enjoys audio books & news. Provide evening meal prep, transportation, laundry & cleaning. No rent/utils. Private BA.
JOHNSON Share a newer rural home w/ active, professional couple. $550/mo. plus occas. help with pet care. Private BA.
Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit HomeShareVermont.org for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO Homeshare-temp2.indd 1
1/8/21 2:06 PM
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
7+ 5+
8 6
4 8
Difficulty - Hard
2 8 9 1 8 7
No. 670
Difficulty: Medium
3 9 6 5 7 1 4 8 2
What’s that
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
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crossword 3 5 6 1 4 2
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Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
4 4
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7 1 4
3 5
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Viewfollowing and post up to Postthe & browse ads Complete the puzzle by using 6 photos per ad online. at your convenience. numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.
6 2-
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2 4 1 7 8 9 6
4 5 2 6 7 1 3
7 8 9 3 2 4 5
3 2 8 1 4 7 9
8 9 6 4 3 5 1
9 7 3 5 6 2 8
1 6 5 2 9 8 7
6 1 4 9 5 3 2
5 3 7 8 1 6 4
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1/13/14 1:45 PM
No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before January 20, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than January 20, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.
3 5 2 4 21 7 8 29 6
Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons
9 6 5+ 8 1 4 7 5 8 30x 2 9 6 3 7 2 1 4 3 5 7+
4 5 10+ 6 3 2 58 1 4 3 7 9
4 2
7 1 2 4 8 9 9 7 6 3 410x5 3 6 5 2 1 8
4 2 5 3 1
4 8 2 3 7 9 21 6 3- 5 6 1 3 5 4 7 12 9 8 9 5 1 58 3 6 7 Difficulty 2 - Hard 4
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
No. 670
Difficulty: Medium
6 62
REHEARSAL SPACE Safe & sanitary music/ creative spaces avail. by the hour in the heart of the South End art district. Monthly arrangements avail., as well. Tailored for music but can be multipurpose. info@ burlingtonmusicdojo. com, 802-540-0321.
The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb. vermont.gov) by clicking
FREE CAT TO GOOD HOME Lily, 3-y/o female Maine coon. Healthy & strong indoor/outdoor cat. Needs to be the only pet in household. Prefers no other pets/children. Contact 495-1954.
GUITAR LESSONS All ages/levels. Jazz, rock, funk, classical, Indian classical. Technique, theory, learn your favorite songs, express your unique voice. Student-centered lessons. 20 years’ teaching experience. Xander Naylor, 318-5365, contact@xandernaylor. com.
HARMONICA LESSONS W/ ARI Online harmonica lessons! All ages & skill levels welcome. First lesson just $20. Avail. for workshops, too. Pocketmusic. musicteachershelper. com, 201-565-4793, ari.erlbaum@gmail.com.
HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN)
GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195, rickb@rickbelford.com.
LEO’S ROOFING Shingle, metal & slate repair. Standing seam replacement. Roofing repair or replacement. Call for free estimate: 802-503-6064. 30 years’ experience. Good refs. & fully insured. Chittenden County.
ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN)
BASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, VOICE LESSONS & MORE Remote music lessons are an amazing way to spend time at home! Learn guitar, bass, piano, voice, violin, drums, flute, sax, trumpet, production & beyond w/ pro local instructors from the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine St. All levels & styles are welcome, incl. absolute beginners. Come share in the music! burlington musicdojo.com, info@burlington musicdojo.com.
IB COMPOSTIN REMOVAL We provide everything you need, incl. starter kits, biodegradable bags & a selection of containers that we come & pick up at your home or business. Call us today to set up your membership. 802-595-9942.
4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast speeds + take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888-519-0171. (AAN CAN)
CLASSIC SHADES PAINTING Update the look of your home or business. Classic Shades Painting offers high-quality work at an affordable price. Quality craftsmanship & courteous customer care. Interior & exterior painting. For a free estimate, please call 802-345-2038, or classicshadespainting@ gmail.com.
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C0866-2 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On December 18, 2020, Cathedral Square Corporation, 412 Farrell Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 filed application number 4C0866-2 for a project generally described as re- permitting the stormwater pond in the Allen Brook Flow Restoration Project (previously permitted under 4C0866-1), along with additional site and building improvements including repair/replace old sidewalks, stairs, windows, roof shingles, siding, sprinkler system and lighting. The Project is located at 101-144 Whitney Hill Road in Williston, Vermont.
on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0866-2.”
services [CONTINUED]
buy this stuff
GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/levels. Emphasis on building strong technique, thorough musicianship, developing personal style. Paul Asbell (Big Joe Burrell, Kilimanjaro, UVM & Middlebury College faculty, Daysies). 233-7731, pasbell@ paulasbell.com.
to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 23rd day of December, 2020. By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662 stephanie.monaghan@ vermont.gov
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C10659C 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On May 26, 2020, City of Winooski and Vermont State Colleges filed application #4C1065-9C for a project including: (1) a boundary line adjustment where 0.209 acres is transferred from the property at 1 Abenaki Way to Lot 1 and where 0.110 acres is transferred from the property at 1 Abenaki Way to Lot 7D; (2) a boundary line adjustment where 0.158 is transferred from Lot 1 to Lot 7D; (3) the conveyance of 0.199 acres from Lot 7D and 0.009 acres from Lot 1 to the City of Winooski for use as a public street right-of-way; (4) construction on Lot 7D of a three-story 304- space parking garage with a six-story 125-room hotel and a two-story 36,000sf commercial building; and (5) construction of two public streets to the north and south of Lot 7D. The project is located at 1 and 17 Abenaki Way in Winooski, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on December 30, 2020 after the receipt of supplemental information. The District #4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51 — Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb. vermont.gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1065-9C”.
No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before January 27, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the district coordinator as soon as possible, no later than prior to the response date listed above. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by January 27, 2021. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 4th day of January, 2021.
SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 rachel.lomonaco@ vermont.gov
BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND, 2021, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE REMOTE MEETING Zoom: https://us02web. zoom.us/j/8706048225 1?pwd=T2VVNW10bS9S bVlYSjZHL2FQTktFZz09 Webinar ID: 87060482251 Password: 842557 Telephone: +19292056099 or +13017158592 or +13126266799 or +16699006833 or +12532158782 or +13462487799 1. 21-0579CA/CU; 180 North Street (NMU, Ward 3C) Samuel Gardner Demolish and rebuild garage. 2. 21-0609VR/CA; 110 Summit Street (RL, Ward 6S) Amy Mellencamp and Charlie Smith Remove existing garage and construct a new garage with accessory dwelling unit. Setback variance request included. 3. 21-0593AP; 110 Riverside (NMU-R, Ward 1E) Sister & Brothers Investment Group and G4 Design Studios Appeal of Notice of Violation 380795 “Numerous inoperable vehicles being stored about the property without Zoning Approval.” Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at www. burlingtonvt.gov/dpi/ drb/agendas or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.
BAYVIEW CROSSING CATHEDRAL SQUARE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Cathedral Square (CSC) is seeking proposals from qualified Construction Managers for both pre- construction and construction services for Bayview Crossing, a new, affordable, independent living, 30 unit, senior housing project located in South Hero, VT. Complete RFP details and all attachments can be obtained by contacting CSC’s project manager, Greg Montgomery (montgomery@ cathedralsquare.org). Deadline for proposals is January 29, 2021 no later than 3pm. For all questions regarding this project please email Greg Montgomery and David Roy (droy@ wiemannlamphere. com) from Wiemann Lamphere Architects. No questions relating to the proposal will be entertained after January 26th at 5pm. Cathedral Square is an equal opportunity employer. Women Owned, Minority Owned, Locally Owned and Section 3 Businesses are encouraged to apply.
CITY OF BURLINGTON AVAILABILITY OF FUNDS The City of Burlington is soliciting applications from community organizations and city departments for funding through its Community Development Block Grant program. Funding will be targeted to the priorities identified in the current Notice of Funding Availability. Non-CEDO initiated project proposals will be reviewed and scored competitively in this process. Application packets may be requested from the Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO) at ccurtis@burlingtonvt. gov. Applicants will be invited to submit a final application by January 28, 2021 at 4:00 pm. Funding is expected to be available on July 1, 2021; however, at this time it is uncertain how much CDBG funding will be available. A virtual informational workshop for applicants is scheduled for Thursday, January 21, 2021. For further
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** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.
REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon to homeworks@sevendaysvt.com or 802-865-1020, x10.
CITY OF BURLINGTON: IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY, A REGULATION IN RELATION TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION— SECTION 12. TRUCK LOADING AREAS. SECTION 12-1. VEHICLE LOADING AREAS. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 11/18/2020 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 01/13/21 Effective: 02/03/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows:
A rare opportunity to own a piece of Smugglers’ Notch Resort. This move-in-ready 1 bedroom Condo is fully-furnished and has been renovated to allow for a more spacious & open layout featuring an eat-in kitchen. $117,500
Krista Lacroix 802-846-9551 Krista802RealEstate.com
information, please contact Christine Curtis at ccurtis@burlingtonvt. gov or 802-735-7002.
CITY OF BURLINGTON: IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY, A REGULATION IN RELATION TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION— SECTION 10. TWO-HOUR PARKING. SECTION 12-1. VEHICLE LOADING AREAS. SECTION 13. TRUCK LOADING AREAS. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 12/16/2020 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 01/13/21 Effective: 02/03/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 10, Two-hour parking, Section 12-1, No parking except
vehicles loading or unloading, and Section 13, No parking any time except trucks loading or unloading, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 10 Two-hour parking. No person shall park a vehicle for a period longer than two (2) hours between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted, in the following locations: (1)-(18) As written. (19) On the east side of North Winooski Avenue beginning sixty (60) feet south of Riverside Avenue and continuing for sixty (60) feet south. (20) On the west side of Hyde Street, beginning sixty-five (65) feet south of Riverside Avenue and extending south for a distance of forty (40) feet. Section 12-1 No parking except vehicles loading or unloading.
No person shall park a vehicle at the following locations unless engaged in loading or unloading the vehicle: (1)-(8) As written. (9) On the west side of Hyde Street, beginning sixty-five (65) feet south of Riverside Avenue and extending south for a distance of forty (40) feet, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Reserved. (10)-(52) As written. Section 13 No parking any time except trucks loading or unloading. No person shall park a vehicle at any time on the following streets, unless the same is a truck actually engaged in loading or unloading, and for no more than thirty (30) minutes: (1)-(6) As written. (7) On the east side of North Winooski Avenue beginning sixty (60) feet south of Riverside Avenue and continuing for sixty (60) feet south. Reserved.
That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 12, No parking daytime or weekdays except by trucks loading or unloading, and Section 12-1, No parking except vehicles loading or unloading, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 12 No parking daytime or weekdays except by trucks loading or unloading. (a) As written (b) No vehicle other than a truck actually engaged in loading or unloading shall use, for no more than thirty (30) minutes, the following parking spaces: (1) As written. (2) On the east side of North Winooski Avenue in front of 258 North Winooski Avenue starting immediately south of the 258 North Winooski Avenue parking lot entrance and extending sixty (60) feet southward between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. Reserved. (3) As written. Section 12-1 No parking except vehicles loading or unloading. No person shall park a vehicle at the following locations unless engaged in loading or unloading the vehicle:
(1)-(28) As written. (29) Reserved.On the east side of North Winooski Avenue in front of 258 North Winooski Avenue starting immediately south of the 258 North Winooski Avenue parking lot entrance and extending sixty (60) feet southward between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. and between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. (30)-(52) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.
CITY OF BURLINGTON: IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY, A REGULATION IN RELATION TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION— SECTION 9. FIFTEEN MINUTE PARKING. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 11/18/2020 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 01/13/21 Effective: 02/03/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 9, Fifteenminute parking, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 9 Fifteenminute parking. (a) No person shall park a vehicle longer than fifteen (15) minutes, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted, in the following areas: (1)-(37) As written. (38) In the parking space in front of 83 North Winooski Avenue. Reserved. (39)-(126) As written.
Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online.
(1)-(9) As written. (10) In the parking space in front of 83 North Winooski Avenue. (d) As written ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.
CITY OF BURLINGTON: IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY, A REGULATION IN RELATION TO RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION— SECTION 7A. ACCESSIBLE SPACES DESIGNATED. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 11/18/2020 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 01/13/21 Effective: 02/03/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7A, Accessible spaces designated, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 7A Accessible spaces designated. No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations, except automobiles displaying special handicapped license plates issued pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 1325, or any amendment or renumbering thereof: (1)-(158) As written. (159) On the west side of Fletcher Place starting four hundred sixty (460) feet north of Colchester Ave in the first parking space south of the driveway for 43 Fletcher Place. (160)-(170) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.
(b) As written. (c) No person shall park a vehicle longer than fifteen (15) minutes, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Sundays and holidays excepted, in the following areas:
HOWARD CENTER If you received services from Howard Center and would like a copy of your record, please contact Howard Center’s
thinking. [CONTINUED]
Health Information Department at 488-6000. In order to protect individuals’ privacy, the agency routinely destroys healthcare records after retaining them for the number of years required by law.
IDENTITY CHANGE The person formerly known as Miss Jacquelline Roberston is changing her name and gender identity to reflect Rodger Rowdy Robertson designated as male due to the fact that he is no longer desiring to be female.
NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS January 13, 2021 City of Burlington, Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO) Lead Program 149 Church Street, Room 32, City Hall Burlington, VT 05401
for all.
64 4v-free-colors.indd 1
Contact: Margaret Williams, CEDO Lead Program Manager On or about January 21, 2021 the City of Burlington Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO) Lead Program will submit a request to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the release of the LeadBased Paint Hazard Control Grant Program (LBPHC) is authorized by Section 1011 of the Residential LeadBased Paint Hazard Reduction Act of 1992 (Title X of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992, 42 U.S.C. 4852) and funding is provided by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2020, approved December 20, 2019 (Public Law 116-94), and the Consolidated Appropriations Act 2019, approved February 15, 2019, (Public Law 116-16). The Healthy Homes Supplemental funding is authorized under
SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021 6/12/12 3:25 PM
Section 502 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1970 (12 U.S.C. 1701z-2), with funding approved by the same Appropriations Acts, for the following multiyear program/project: Lead Hazard Reduction and Healthy Home grant program between January 4, 2021 to July 3, 2024 for the purpose of reducing lead-based paint hazards and healthy home hazards in eligible Burlington, VT and Winooski, VT housing units. The Burlington Lead Program is requesting the release of $3,093,992.44 of HUD Lead Hazard Control funds and $530,000 of Healthy Home Supplemental funding to be used in conjunction with $$472,454.36 of in-kind community and partner match to complete program objectives from January 4, 2021 to July 3, 2024. The proposed hazard control activities to be funded under this/ these program(s) is/are categorically excluded from the National Environmental Policy Act requirements, but subject to compliance with some of the environmental laws and authorities listed at § 58.5 of 24 CFR Part 58. In accordance with §58.15, a tiered review process has been structured, whereby some environmental laws and authorities have been reviewed and studied for the intended target area(s) listed above. Other applicable environmental laws and authorities will be complied with, when individual projects are ripe for review. Specifically, the target area(s) has/have been studied and compliance with the following laws and authorities have been established in this Tier 1 review: Floodplain Management, Coastal Barriers Resource Act, Coastal Zone Management Act, Air Quality, Coastal Zone Management Act, Sole Source Aquifers, Environmental Justice, Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and regulations associated with Airport Runway Clear Zones and Accident Potential Zones. Site-specific environmental reviews will include compliance with the following environmental laws and authorities for proposed projects funded under the program(s) listed above: Historic Preservation, National
Flood Insurance Program requirements, Explosive & Flammable Operations, Contaminated and Toxic Substances, Noise Abatement and Control, Farmlands Protection, Endangered Species and Wetlands Protection. Should individual aggregate projects exceed the threshold for categorical exclusion detailed at §58.35(a), an Environmental Assessment will be completed and a separate Finding of No Significant Impact and Request for Release of Funds published. Copies of the compliance documentation worksheets are available at the address below. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project, and more fully describes the tiered review process cited above, can be found at: https:// www.onecpd.info/ environmental-review/ environmental-reviewrecords and is on file at https://www. burlingtonvt.gov/cedo. PUBLIC COMMENTS Any individual, group, or agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the City of Burlington Community & Economic Development Office Burlington Lead Program 149 Church St, RM. 32 Burlington, VT 05401 or mwilliams@ burlingtonvt.gov. All comments received by January 20, 2021 will be considered by the City of Burlington Lead Program prior to authorizing submission of a Request for Release of Funds and Environmental Certification to HUD. RELEASE OF FUNDS The City of Burlington certifies to HUD that Miro Weinberger in his official capacity as Mayor of Burlington, VT consents to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under NEPA and related laws and authorities, and allows the City of Burlington Lead Program to utilize
federal funds and implement the Program. OBJECTIONS TO RELEASE OF FUNDS HUD will consider objections to its release of funds and the City of Burlington Lead Program certification for a period of fifteen days following either the anticipated submission date (cited above) or HUD’s actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if the objections are on one of the following bases: (a) that the Certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer of the City of Burlington Lead Program; (b) the City of Burlington Lead Program has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR Part 58; (c) the City of Burlington Lead Program has committed funds or incurred costs not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by HUD; (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality. Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58), and may be addressed to HUD as follows: Karen M. Griego, Office of Lead Hazard Control and Healthy Homes, Program Environmental Clearance Officer, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development LeadRegulations@ HUD.GOV Potential objectors may contact HUD directly to verify the actual last day of the objection/comment period. Miro Weinberger, Mayor, City of Burlington
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Burlington Housing Authority is preparing its Annual Plan for the fiscal year July 1, 2021 June 30, 2022. A public hearing to obtain comments regarding the proposed Annual Plan will be held on Tuesday, March 16th, 2021 on Zoom at 4:00 PM. Details will be available at www. burlingtonhousing.org Written comments
should be sent to: Laura Zeliger, Executive Director Burlington Housing Authority 65 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Copies of the proposed plans will be available at BHA’s 65 Main Street Administrative offices on January 29, 2021. Supporting documents will also be available for review. Equal Housing Opportunity
REVISED NOTICE OF FIRST AND SECOND PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED CHARTER AMENDMENTS FOR MARCH 2, 2021 ANNUAL CITY MEETING Pursuant to the requirements of 17 V.S.A. Sec. 2645, the first public hearing concerning proposed amendments to the Burlington City Charter by the City Council will be held Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be entirely remote and virtual. You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 19, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: First Public Hearings on Proposed Charter Changes Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/83337565692 Or iPhone one-tap: US: +13017158592, ,83337565692# or +13126266799, ,83337565692# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 Webinar ID: 833 3756 5692 International numbers available: https:// us02web.zoom.us/u/ kuveiAOLE Pursuant to the requirements of 17 V.S.A. Sec. 2645, the second public hearing concerning proposed amendments to the Burlington City Charter by the City Council will be held Monday, January 25, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. The meeting will be entirely remote and virtual.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Jan 25, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Topic: Second Public Hearings on Proposed Charter Changes Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/81139678772 Or iPhone one-tap: US: +13126266799, ,81139678772# or +19292056099, ,81139678772# Or Telephone: Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location): US: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 Webinar ID: 811 3967 8772 International numbers available: https:// us02web.zoom.us/u/ kc8dPPJbGp These charter amendments are proposed to be voted on at the Tuesday, March 2, 2021 Annual City Meeting. The following changes (deleted matter in brackets and strikeout and new matter underlined) are being proposed by the City Council: 1. “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to adopt ranked choice voting for the election of the City’s city councilors beginning with the March 2022 election, through the amendment of City Charter § 5 as follows: § 5 Election to be by ballot; method of election[; runoff elections]. (a) The election of the mayor[, all city councilors] and school commissioners shall be by ballot, and the person or persons receiving a plurality of all votes cast for any office aforesaid shall, except as hereinafter provided, be declared elected thereto. However, if no person receives at least 40 percent of all votes cast for any office aforesaid, no one shall be declared elected and a runoff election shall be held. The only candidates in the runoff election shall be the two persons
receiving the greater number of votes or, in case of a tie, the persons receiving the greatest number of votes or the persons receiving the second greatest number of votes. The chief administrative officer shall within seven days warn a runoff election to be held not less than 12 days nor more than 20 days after the date of the warning. The warning shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city and posted in a public place. The person or persons receiving a plurality of all the votes case in a runoff election shall be declared elected. (b) All elections of city councilors shall be by ballot, using a system of ranked choice voting without a separate runoff election. The chief administrative officer shall implement a ranked choice voting protocol according to these guidelines: (1) The ballot shall give voters the option of ranking candidates in order of preference. (2) If a candidate receives a majority (over 50 percent) of first preferences, that candidate is elected. (3) If no candidate receives a majority of first preferences, an instant runoff retabulation shall be performed by the presiding election officer. The instant runoff retabulation shall be conducted in rounds. In each round, each voter’s ballot shall count as a single vote for whichever continuing candidate the voter has ranked highest. The candidate with the fewest votes after each round shall be eliminated until only two candidates remain, with the candidate then receiving the greatest number of votes being elected. (4) The city council may adopt additional regulations consistent with this subsection to implement these standards.?” 2. “Shall the charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to increase the size of the board of airport commissioners to seven members, including adding a representative from
Winooski, through the amendment of City Charter §120 and §276 as follows: 120 Enumerated. There shall be maintained in said city a board of assessors consisting of the city assessor and two (2) legal voters of said city; a board of tax appeals normally consisting of seven (7) legal voters of said city; a board of public works commissioners consisting of seven (7) legal voters of said city; a board of cemetery commissioners, a board of light commissioners, a board of fire commissioners, and a board of health, each consisting of five (5) legal voters of said city; a board of airport commissioners consisting of five (5) [four (4)] legal voters of the City of Burlington and one (1) legal voter of the city of South Burlington and one (1) legal voter of the city of Winooski; a board of police commissioners, consisting of seven (7) legal voters of said city; a board of park and recreation commissioners, consisting of seven (7) legal voters of said city; a board of library commissioners consisting of ten (10) members; a board of planning commissioners, the members of such boards to be appointed by the city council with mayor presiding; a board of school commissioners consisting of twelve (12) legal voters of said city and of the respective wards in which they are elected; and a board of finance to be constituted as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE 84. AIRPORT COMMISSIONERS; AIRPORT MANAGER 276 Composition; terms; powers; manager. (a) (1) (A) The board of airport commissioners of the City of Burlington shall consist of [four] five (5) legal voters of said city to be appointed by the city council with mayor presiding to serve for three years and until their successors are appointed and qualified. (B) In addition, so long as the public aviation field and municipal airport is located within the limits of the City of South Burlington, the board of airport commissioners shall
likewise consist of one legal voter of said City of South Burlington to be appointed by the governing body thereof to serve for three years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. (C) In addition, the board of airport commissioners shall likewise include one legal voter of the city of Winooski to be appointed by the governing body thereof to serve for three years and until a successor is appointed and qualified. (2) The city council shall have the exclusive general management and control of all lands owned or leased and used by the city for the purpose of a municipal airport, and of all buildings, property and equipment of the city thereon, and shall see that the same are kept in good condition and repair. (3) The city council may by resolution delegate any of its powers relating to the airport to the board of airport commissioners. (b) The city council shall have power to make and alter from time to time, all needful rules and regulations for the maintenance of order, safety, and decency within the boundaries of said airport and to fix penalties for disobedience thereof; which rules and regulations shall have the force of ordinances of the City of Burlington; provided, that no such rule or regulation shall be of any effect unless it shall have been published in full in one or more of the daily newspapers published in Burlington, and also printed and posted in conspicuous places within the limits of the property to which such regulation is intended to apply. (c) The director of aviation shall have special and immediate care and practical supervision of the airport department subject to the authority of the mayor as chief executive officer and to the orders and ordinances of the city.?” 3. “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to give the City Council the power to provide by ordinance protections for residential tenants from evictions without ‘just
cause’ by adopting and adding a new section 48(66) to read as follows: (66) (a) To provide by ordinance protections for residential tenants, as defined in Chapter 137 of Title 9 of the Vermont Statutes Annotated, from eviction without ‘just cause,’ where just cause shall include, but is not limited to (1) a tenant’s material breach of a written rental agreement, (2) a tenant’s violation of state statutes regulating tenant obligations in residential rental agreements, (3) non-payment of rent, and (4) a tenant’s failure to accept written, reasonable, good faith renewal terms. (b) Such ordinance shall exclude from ‘just cause’ the expiration of a rental agreement as sole grounds for termination of tenancy. In addition to the exemptions in Chapter 137 of Title 9, the ordinance shall exempt from this provision, subject to mitigation provisions, sublets and in-unit rentals as well as the following properties but not limited to (1) owner-occupied duplexes, and triplexes; (2) those being withdrawn from the rental market, including properties to be occupied by the owner or an immediate family member as a primary residence; and (3) those in need of substantial renovations which preclude occupancy. (c) Such ordinance shall include provisions that (1) mitigate potential negative impacts on tenants and property owners, including but not limited to requirements of adequate notice and reasonable relocation expenses, (2) provide for a reasonable probationary period after initial occupancy, and (3) limit unreasonable rent increases to prevent de facto evictions or non- renewals, although this shall not be construed to limit rents beyond the purpose of preventing individual evictions. (d) The ordinance shall define what is ‘reasonable’ and ‘adequate notice’ in defining just cause and shall require that landlords provide notice of just cause and other legal requirements as
part of the rental agreement.?” 4. “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to permit the City Council to regulate thermal energy systems in residential and commercial buildings, through the amendment of Section 48 Powers of the City Council Enumerated to add the following power: (67) To regulate thermal energy systems in residential and commercial buildings, including assessing carbon impact or alternative compliance payments, for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the city; no assessment of carbon impact or alternative compliance payment shall be imposed unless previously authorized by a majority of the legal voters of said city voting on the question at any annual or special city meeting duly warned for the purpose.?” * Material underlined added. ** Material stricken out deleted and bracketed.
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO: 20-PR-01180 In re the Estate of Laura Kamhi NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Laura Kamhi late of Essex, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated 12/14/20 Signed /s/ Dale E. Finck Dale E. Finck, 36 Platinum Plain, Barre, VT 05641 802-249-5014 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Dates: 1/13/21 Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Unit, 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT CASE NO.: 20-PR-01743 IN RE ESTATE OF: YVETTE DUHAMEL NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of: Yvette Duhamel Late of: South Burlington, Vermont I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: 1/13/21 Signed: /s/ Linda B. Johnson Address: Linda B. Johnson, c/o Mary G. Bouchard, Sheehey Furlong & Behm P.C., 30 Main Street, PO Box 66, Burlington, VT 054020066 mbouchard@ sheeheyvt.com Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/13/21 Address of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court Probate Division, Chittenden Unit, PO Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT CASE NO.: 20-PR-02136 IN RE ESTATE OF: CARLA DENHARTOG NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of: Carla DenHartog Late of: South Burlington, Vermont I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: 1/13/21 Signed: /s/ Gerrit L. DenHartog Address: Gerrit L. DenHartog, c/o Mary
G. Bouchard, Sheehey Furlong & Behm P.C., 30 Main Street, PO Box 66 Burlington, VT 054020066 mbouchard@sheeheyvt. com Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/13/21 Address of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Probate Division, Chittenden Unit
only): 802-377-3784 – Conference ID: 721 901 667#
PO Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402
If approved, it is estimated that the proposed budget will result in a General Tax rate increase of $0.5286, or 2.1%, over the current year. Complete details can be found at www. essexvt.org.
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 638-620 Cnpr In re ESTATE of Helen T. Withers NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of Helen T. Withers, late of Jericho. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: 12/9/2020 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Eric Turnbaugh Eric Turnbaugh 18 Packard Road Jericho, VT 05465 802-355-9387 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/13/21 and 1/20/21 Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Probate Division, P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402
The public is invited to attend and offer comments regarding the proposed budget. The proposed FY2022 budget of $15,985,320 shows an increase in expenditures of $653,185, or 4.3%, over the current budget.
TOWN OF WESTFORD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117 and the Westford Land Use & Development Regulations, the Development Review Board will hold a public hearing via ZOOM at 7:15 pm on Monday, February 8, 2021 in reference to the following: Waiver Public Hearing – Westford Historical Society property (0.25 acres) located on Common Road in the Common and Form Based Code Overlay (T4) Zoning Districts. The applicant is requesting a front setback waiver (10ft required, 0ft requested) due to small lot size and presence of steep slopes. To join Zoom Meeting go to: https://us02web. zoom.us/j/890212700 57?pwd=REdDL2F6bW x2eEhya0dzUE9VV3k 5Zz09 Or dial: 16465588656 US (New York)
TOWN OF ESSEX NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED FY2022 BUDGET JANUARY 19, 2021 6:35 PM A public hearing on the 2021-2022 municipal budget for the Town of Essex will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 6:35 PM online. Visit www.essexvt.org to connect via Microsoft Teams or join via conference call (audio
Meeting ID: 89021270057 Passcode: 0208 For information call the Town Offices at 8784587 Monday–Friday 8:30am–4:30pm. Matt Wamsganz, Chairman Dated January 13, 2021
Say you saw it in... sevendaysvt.com SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
mini-sawit-white.indd 1
11/24/09 1:32:18 PM
GO HIRE. Ready to recruit some new talent? Our readers are planning their next career moves. Employers get results with Seven Days Jobs — our mobile-friendly, online job board at jobs.sevendaysvt.com.
Job Recruiters: • Post jobs using a form that includes key info about your company and open positions (location, application deadlines, video, images, etc.). • Accept applications and manage the hiring process via our new applicant tracking tool. • Easily manage your open job listings from your recruiter dashboard.
Job Seekers: • Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type.
Launch your recruitment campaign today on jobs.sevendaysvt.com!
• Set up job alert emails using custom search criteria. • Save jobs to a custom list with your own notes on the positions. • Apply for jobs directly through the site.
Get a quote when you post online or contact Michelle Brown: 865-1020, ext. 21, michelle@sevendaysvt.com.
• Share jobs on social media channels.
1t-jobsgohire013019.indd 1
1/29/19 3:18 PM
67 JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Office Manager and Administrative Assistant
NOFA-Vermont & Vermont Organic Farmers is seeking an Office Manager and Administrative Assistant to join our team. The Office Manager and Administrative Assistant is responsible for office administration, IT support, and program staff support. To learn more visit nofavt.org/joinourteam.
2h-NOFAVT011321.indd 1
This is a tremendous opportunity for an alumni-focused development star!
The Director of Major Gifts for the Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont plays an integral role in the evolution of medical education and healthcare delivery. The College of Medicine is a special place, known for outstanding education, research and patient care, as well as its many contributions to the community. Students receive an exceptional medical education, scientists have outstanding facilities to conduct groundbreaking research and physicians continually improve the quality of medical care for Vermont and beyond.
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital (NVRH) has a variety of openings available, including RNs, LNAs, Ultrasound Technologist, Radiologic Technologist, Sr. Multi-Modality Technologist and Medical Lab Technician or Medical Technologist.
Salary based on experience. alison@americanflatbread.com.
NVRH also has Administrative Positions, 2v-AmericanFlatbreadLarueFarm011321.indd Information Services and Environmental Services openings. Shift differentials & per diem rates offered!
The Director will be joining the UVM Academic Health Full-time, part-time and per diem positions Sciences team which integrates the fundraising available. Excellent benefits including student operations of the University of Vermont with its primary loan repayment, wellness reimbursement, low teaching hospital, the University of Vermont Medical cost health plan choice and more! For Center, which is an affiliate of the six-member UVM information to apply, visit nvrh.org/careers. Health Network covering VT and upstate NY. This collaborative fundraising model supports increased potential for grateful patient fundraising and the ability 4t-NVRH120920.indd 1 12/11/20 to leverage the resources of the UVM Cancer Center, the UVM Larner College of Medicine, the UVM College of Nursing and Health Sciences, the UVM Foundation, Full or Part Time Nights, Sign On Bonus Offered! and the UVM Medical Center. The Director will be part Welcome to the new year! Welcome to your new career! Join Vermont’s of a highly collaborative, integrated, and successful premier senior living community. At Wake Robin, we are 5-star rated for fundraising team. We are seeking a team player who has a reason; let us show you why. collaborative instincts, and an inclination to strategically We continue to offer generous shift differentials: integrate efforts, as well as effectively navigate ambiguity Nights $4.50/hour & weekends $1.55 and uncertainty in a complex environment.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Search committee review will begin in mid-January.
Wake Robin offers an excellent compensation and benefits package and an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting.
The UVM Foundation is a collaborative, people-centered organization, committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and ages. We especially encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.
Wake Robin offers an excellent compensation and benefits package and an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting. Interested candidates can send their resumes and cover letter to hr@wakerobin.com or fill out an application at wakerobin.com/employment.
For a detailed description of this opportunity, please visit our website: UVMFoundation.org/Careers.
8t-UVMFoundationDIRECTORMajorGifts011321.indd 1
Lareau Farm Bed and Breakfast, home of American Flatbread, located in Waitsfield, VT is looking for a year round managing innkeeper to join our team. This position would encompass all the daily tasks 7:23 PM needed to operate our inn, including preparing a full country breakfast for up to 30 guests. If you are a friendly, detail oriented person who enjoys meeting new people, we would love to talk with you.
Wake Robin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
1/8/214t-WakeRobin011321.indd 5:09 PM 1
1/8/21 1 10:01 AM
Become the teacher who inspired you.
Teachers are in high demand! Earn your teaching license in only 8 months in a program designed for professionals wanting to teach grades five through twelve.
Zoom Info. Sessions: Mon, Jan 25: 4pm Tues, Jan 26: 9am Thur, Jan 28: 12 noon REGISTER
champlain.edu/TAP 802.651.5844
1 1/12/21 3v-TAPChamplainCollege011321.indd 10:52 AM
1/11/21 10:37 AM
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Otter Creek Associates
PSYCHOTHERAPIST OPENING The Vermont Center for Anxiety Care, a psychology private practice on the Burlington waterfront, has an opening for a licensed psychotherapist (M.A., MSW, Ph.D, Psy.D., LCMHC) or master’s degree intern.
Department of Planning & Zoning seeks a highly motivated self-starter with excellent customer service skills to join their team. The Manager will administer the permit functions for the Planning & Zoning Department and serve as the Zoning Administrator. Successful applicants for the Development Manager will have a relevant Bachelor’s degree plus five years of increasingly responsible experience or combination of education and experience. Hiring range is $61,950 -$66,853, plus a competitive benefit package.
Adult therapy experience required with child therapy experience an asset. Collaborative group with holistic approach and multiple specialties. Clinical supervision towards licensure provided as needed.
Submit application, cover letter, resume, and references to Sherry LaBarge, Human Resource Director at: slabarge@colchestervt.gov. The Town of Colchester is an E.O.E. For full job description visit: colchestervt.gov/321/ Human-Resources. Application deadline is February 5, 2021.
The Lake Champlain Basin Program Visit website: 4t-TownofColchester011321.indd 1 and NEIWPCC seek candidates vtcenterforanxietycare.com. for paid internships: Send resume and cover letter describing professional interests and goals to: Paul Foxman, Ph.D., 86 Lake Street, Burlington, VT 05401. Or email: paulfoxman@aol.com. T O W N O F D U 1X 3v-OtterCreekAssociates011321.indd
BU RY 1/12/21
Main duties involve plowing with and without a wing, operating all town equipment, and hauling material for the Town. Full job description and application can be found on the town website duxburyvermont.org. Pick up an application at: Duxbury Town Office 5421 VT RT 100 Duxbury VT 05676 Call first: 802-244-6660, or email appilcations to duxburyforeman@gmail.com.
3v-TownofDuxbury011321.indd 1
LEARN MORE & APPLY: uvmmed.hn/sevendays
12/21/20 11:40 AM
Human Resource Director
individuals to deliver aquatic invasive species spread prevention messages and conduct voluntary watercraft inspections and decontaminations. Stewards will work at Lake Champlain boat launches in New York and Vermont to collect survey information Thursday through Monday and holidays from 10:42 AM Memorial through Labor Day/Mid-September.
WhistlePig, offering the most-awarded rye whiskey in the world, is looking for a person with experience in the Human Resource field to direct and develop all aspects of HR.
Please send resume, letter of interest with relevant experience, and two references in .pdf or Microsoft Word format by February 5th, 2021 to jobs@neiwpcc.org, and reference position number 21-LCBP-001 in the subject line.
The Human Resource Director will plan, lead, direct, develop, and coordinate the policies, and activities, ensuring legal compliance and implementation of the organizations mission and talent strategy. This will be balanced with the daily tasks of the HR department. Please send resume and references to: jobs@whistlepigrye.com. More Info: whistlepigwhiskey.com/careers.
1/11/214t-WhistlePig011321.indd 8:30 PM 1
You could be a meaningful part of the climate solution in Vermont’s Champlain Valley. The nonprofit Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County (CEAC) seeks part-time consultant services throughout 2021. The consultant will assist the CEAC Board in facilitating a community engagement process and drafting an action plan. The goal: help direct our community’s efforts to bring down greenhouse gas emissions while growing a sustainable local economy. More information, including a Request for Qualifications, is available at ceacac.org/climate-action-planning. • RFQ Due Date: January 29, 2021 • Expected Effective Date of Agreement: February 10, 2021 • Expected Term of Engagement: March–December. 2021
1/11/214t-ClimateEconomyActionCenter011321.indd 11:40 AM 1
The Clinical Patient Safety Attendant commits to providing and maintaining a safe and caring environment for our patients, their families and our colleagues, while promoting physical, emotional, psychological and cognitive wellbeing.
1/11/214t-UVMMedCenter012021.indd 2:55 PM 1
Full-time, 40 hours per week position with benefits. Looking for a team player. Candidates must have Class B, CDL with manual 1 endorsement, and must be 4t-LakeChampBasinProgram011321.indd SEEKING CLIMATE able to operate a manual ACTION PLANNING tandem truck, wheeled excavator, and loader. SERVICES
VWW seeks a Women’s Program Manager for our Employment & Career Services to provide career coaching and job search support to women through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and maintenance of an online classroom and career mentor network. This includes cultivating and maintaining relationships with employers and community partners to ensure VWW is wellconnected in the workforce development space. The Manager will help develop new programs and outreach methods to meet the rapidly changing employment landscape and to meet the needs of a wide range of women. To see the full job description and details on how to apply, visit vtworksforwomen.org/about/employment. If reasonable accommodation is needed to apply, please contact us: info@vtworksforwomen.org or 802-655-8900 x107.
1/11/214t-VTWorksforWomen011321.indd 9:38 AM 1
1/12/21 10:48 AM
Full Time, All Shifts
Looking for rewarding and steady work in these times of uncertainty? Join the Converse Home, an Assisted Living Community, located in the heart of Burlington. We currently have a 40 hour nights position from 10:30pm-7:00am, 40 hour evening position 2:30pm-11pm, and 32 hour day position 6:30am-3:00pm. Now is the time to make a career move into long term care, which is one of the fast-growing industries in Vermont and the world. Evening and Night staff occasionally will be charge of shift so you should be able to pass our internal medication administration program. • $17.00/Hour for Starting LNA Pay or $15.00/hour for Starting RCA (non-licensed) Pay • $3.00/hour Pandemic Pay Bump • $4.00/hour Night Shift Differential • Plus a $1,000 sign on bonus! All employees at The Converse Home must pass a criminal background check nationally. Visit conversehome.com to apply online or email your resume to kellie@conversehome.com.
Inventory & Purchasing Specialist
4t-ConverseHome011321.indd 1
Is currently seeking: Part-Time
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Coordinator https://bit.ly/2XaX07W
1/12/21 2v-Spectrum011321.indd 10:44 AM 1
The demand for Vasa products is at an all-time high. As an Inventory & Purchasing Specialist at Vasa, you will be playing a key role in this growth. This is a unique opportunity to be a part of a great team at an established, well-respected company.
To learn more about Vasa and to apply to this position, please visit: vasatrainer.com/jobs. This is a full-time (40 hrs per week) position based at Vasa headquarters in Essex Junction, VT. Due to COVID-19, no drop-ins please.
Looking for a Sweet Job? jobs.sevendaysvt.com
1/10/21 4t-ArtsRiot011321.indd 7:12 PM 1
12:53 PM
For more information contact: Sue Gallagher: 241-6547, Sue.Gallagher@vermont.gov Or Ann Courchaine: 241-0221, ann.courchaine@vermont.gov The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
1/8/21 6:46 PM
5h-VTDeptBuildings&GenSvc011321.indd 1
1/12/21 11:00 AM
Seeking Housekeeper as well as attentive Caregivers for an elder woman with Alzheimer's. She is in need of housekeeping and companionship now. As her needs progress we will need several part time caregivers to support her with more hours and eventually 24/7 care. We are looking to begin building our team now so that as the need progresses we are able to respond promptly and efficiently. We would like to begin on an introductory basis to allow the new employees to get to know her and for both parties to feel comfortable moving forward. Housekeeping will have regular, stable hours up to approximately 10 per week immediately with room to grow as a Caregiver if your skill set allows. Caregiver hours presently are relatively flexible on most days. We are currently looking for shorter blocks of time for companionship (approx. 2-3 hours). Housekeeping is needed on both Tuesdays and/or Fridays from approximately 9:30-2 based on household needs. Eventually there will be opportunities for additional hours based on odd jobs, transport to appointments or additional pet care etc. This is a home care opportunity. Part time positions available now, relatively flexible schedule. Multiple openings. Send resumes to: frostmountain123@gmail.com. 5h-FrostMountain011321.indd 1
2h_JobFiller_Bee.indd 1
Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers. DEADLINE TO APPLY: 01/27/21
Check out the job description below. If you have what it takes to be successful in this role, we want to talk to you!
Start applying at
ArtsRiot is seeking an AGM to join our growing team. We are seeking a motivated, organized and hospitality-driven individual to own the nighttime operations and deliver high quality food, beverage, and event services. This is a unique opportunity to participate in the rebirth of ArtsRiot, an iconic Burlington bar and event space located in the beating heart of the South End Arts District.
Waterbury District, Noon-8:30PM, Monday - Friday. Looking for a team player who enjoys a variety of duties, while supporting other employees and the departments goals. Background clearance is required. Lead work includes planning, organizing, directing, and participating in a variety of tasks with a custodial cleaning crew. Ability to make independent decisions and work collaboratively with a team is required. Must be able to read and comprehend service manuals, product information and inventory records. High school diploma or equivalent, and 4 years of building custodial work. Floor care experience a plus.
Based in Essex Junction, Vermont, we are self-reliant, sporty, ingenious New Englanders who develop useful & innovative sports training equipment that helps people be Stronger, Better, Faster!
Our mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement.
If you are a hospitality guru who loves working nights in bars and events, we want you.
Vasa, Inc. is the worldwide leader in dryland swim training exercise equipment and we are growing!
5v-VASA011321.indd 1
69 JANUARY 13-20, 2021
10/13/20 1:31 PM
1/12/21 6:04 PM
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Park Maintenance Technicians:
Statewide affordable housing provider/ manager has several employment opportunities. Make a difference by joining our team & help individuals & families with their housing needs!
40 hours, $16.50/hour Start 3/26
Leadership Annual Giving Officers
Summer Laborers: 40 hours, $14/hour
The Assistant and Associate Directors of Annual giving will discover, cultivate, and solicit new and existing leadership level donors to drive current use University priorities as well as help build the pipeline of major gifts donors. The positions help us maintain the philanthropic momentum that moves UVM Forward. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Search committee review will begin in mid-January. The UVM Foundation is a collaborative, people-centered organization, committed to diversity and building an inclusive environment for people of all backgrounds and ages. We especially encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply, including women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and people with disabilities.
Qualified applicants should apply! E.O.E.
These are tremendous opportunities for creative, motivated, and ambitious professionals that will help drive our program towards success.
Colchestervt.gov for job description & application.
PARKS LABORER 40 hours per week 6 & 10 month positons available
Positions open until filled 2h-ColchesterParks&Rec011321.indd 1
For a detailed description of these opportunities, please visit our website: UVMFoundation.org/Careers.
Program to assist landlords & tenants in need of rental arrearage assistance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several limited-service positions available for 1218 months, subject to funding. Must possess strong organizational, communication, mathematical & data entry skills with the ability to work in a fast-paced atmosphere. Position performs administrative & technical support with heavy public contact. Must be able to work remotely with reliable internet service. 7:21 PM
Apply Today! EOE
Call 264-5640 or visit
Position will coordinate & administer case management to Section 8 program participants for a variety of programs. Bachelor’s Degree & a minimum of 2 years’ work experience in social services with a focus on case management & outreach. Position is home-based & requires working in a field environment covering Franklin, Chittenden, Grand Isle & Addison counties, with driving on a regular basis. Position is funded based on annual appropriations.
We are hiring for a full-time position washing dishes and doing general cleaning around 5v-UVMFoundationLEADERSHIP011321.indd 1 1/11/21 9:58 AM our bakery and cafe. Weekend days are included. Come work with a great bunch of people in our bustling business! There are opportunities for Do you love cars, know how to navigate parts advancement into food prep. catalogs, and enjoy diagnosing problems? Rovers This job has benefits, including North wants you to join our sales team. Since 1979 health care, paid time off, and a Rovers North has specialized in telephone and now retirement plan. Contact randy@ online sales of Land Rover parts. Located in Westford, redhenbaking.com to apply.
Vermont, we offer an informal work environment with excellent pay generous annual bonus, monthly sales commission on top of the hourly salary, and superb 2v-RedHenBaking011321.indd benefits that include paid vacation, paid sick leave, health insurance, disability insurance, 401(k) with matching, generous bonuses, and profit-sharing. About Rovers North: Located in quiet rural Vermont (just 30 minutes from Burlington), Rovers North provides a clean, safe and casual work environment that focuses on bringing together qualified specialists to support Land Rover companies and enthusiasts throughout North America. The atmosphere at Rovers North is one that is open and honest in the way it deals with its employees and customers alike.
Performs professional accounting & technical work related to nonprofits & limited partnerships. Knowledge of GAAP & its application is essential. Bachelor’s degree with major work in accounting, business administration plus two years’ experience with emphasis on accounting & financial management. Additional experience may be substituted for education. Located in Montpelier, VT. 2:06 PM
Receptionist/ Administrative Assistant
To apply, you must first have an affection for Land Rover vehicles and Land Rover work-related technical skills. Experience and integrity are the key strengths that we focus on when considering new members. Upon entering Rovers North you will receive approximately three months of training before joining one of our work teams that best matches your strengths.
South Burlington based independent insurance agency looking for a receptionist. Candidate should have excellent interpersonal skills and familiarity with common software applications. Main tasks are greeting customers, answering the phone, and data processing. Competitive salary and benefit package.
To apply, please send a cover letter and resume to us: employment@roversnorth.com. Thank you!
Send resumes to: jakehynes@tspeck.com.
5v-RoversNorth011321.indd 1
1/8/212v-TSPeck011321.indd 3:31 PM 1
Responsible for all human resource activities including but not limited to recruitment/hiring, orientation, collective bargaining, all employee benefits, policy development, compliance & reporting. Assists Executive Director with agency administration & coordination, board preparation; acts as Fair Housing Coordinator & Records Officer. Batchelor’s, plus 5 years’ progressive responsibility including supervision. Located in Montpelier, VT. Positions are full time, with benefits. Visit www.vsha.org for employment application & full position details. Send cover letter, resume & completed application to HR, VSHA, One Prospect St., Montpelier, Vt. 05602; contact@vsha.org. VSHA is an equal opportunity employer.
1 1/12/21 9v-VSHA011321.indd 10:39 AM
1/12/21 11:10 AM
71 JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Zoning Administrator The Town of Hinesburg seeks applicants for a part-time Zoning Administrator position (up to 20 hours per week). The duties of the Zoning Administrator include, but are not limited to, responsibilities as required under Title 24 Chapter 117: administering the zoning and subdivision regulations; issuing zoning permits; answering questions and providing information to the public regarding zoning and land use; researching permit files; investigating complaints and violations; recommending corrective action as necessary to resolve complaints and violations; maintaining paper permit files and digital permit spreadsheets. This position works collaboratively with three other members of the Planning and Zoning Department. The position requires land use and/or zoning experience, the ability to read/interpret building and engineering plans, and the ability to effectively communicate zoning regulations and permit requirements to the public. The individual must enjoy working in a small office and assisting the public and Town boards with excellent follow-through and attention to detail. Excellent writing and organizational skills are necessary, including proficiency in MS Word and Excel. A full job description and job application is available online at hinesburg.org/ employment.html. Salary based on qualifications and experience within a pay range of $20.00 to $23.00 per hour. First review of applications will begin on January 27, 2021, and the position will remain open until filled. Please email a cover letter, resume, job application form, and three current references to jdubingrossman@hinesburg.org. Questions may be directed to Joy Dubin Grossman at 802-482-4207. Hinesburg is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity and inclusiveness in the community and workplace.
CUSTOMER SERVICE MANAGER Want to work for a vibrant, growing company that’s providing wicked-fast internet to local communities? ValleyNet is hiring! Working through ValleyNet – the operating company of ECFiber – you’ll be part of a team of dedicated people that is designing, constructing and installing fiber optic cable with the goal of reaching every home and business in the East-Central Vermont, White River Valley area. ValleyNet is looking for a Customer Service Manager to help bring on new customers and ensure existing customers have the exceptional service quality they deserve and expect. This position will manage a Customer Service staff of three and coordinate with colleagues in other divisions to ensure information to customers is timely, accurate and responsive. This position requires excellent oral and written communication skills, exceptional interpersonal skills, outstanding organizational and supervisory skills, and the ability to respond to a growing customer base to ensure our customer relationships are second to none. Qualifications include five years of relevant experience, including a minimum of two years of supervisory experience, the ability to work with a computer-based customer management system, comfort with social media and online environments, the ability to work collaboratively and creatively, and the empathy and patience to address customers’ concerns and questions. Job description at valley.net or ecfiber.net. Please complete the online application form and submit it with a cover letter and resume to resumes@ecfiber.net or via U.S. Mail to: Human Resources, ValleyNet, P.O. Box 323, S. Royalton, VT 05068. E.O.E. 7t-ECFiber011321.indd 1
5v-TownofHinesburg011321.indd 1
1/11/21 10:23 AM
and its component unit Vermont Agricultural Credit Corporation
Bus Mechanic - Champlain Valley School District Position: Full-time, full-year bus mechanic to maintain, repair, and modify a variety of district vehicles, engines, and related equipment. Essential duties: · Perform regular inspections and maintenance of vehicles & equipment · Troubleshoot problems with malfunctioning vehicles/equipment and perform necessary repairs or obtain outside assistance as required · Perform a variety of vehicle bodywork tasks · Maintain vehicle records · Commercial Driver’s License required Apply online to schoolspring.com - Job# 3426066.
Champlain Valley Union High School Full time, day shift. Apply online to schoolspring.com or contact Tom Mongeon, tmongeon@cvsdvt.org.
Day Shift (2 positions) one year - CVSD – district wide Champlain Valley School District has immediate openings for two day shift custodians. These will be 30-hour per week positions for the 2020-2021 school year. Hourly rate commensurate with experience and full benefits included. Day Shift hours: 7:30 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. Please apply online to schoolspring.com or contact Chris Giard, cgiard@cvsdvt.org.
VEDA is looking for an experienced Senior Agricultural Loan Officer to join our team located in our new building on Exchange Street in Middlebury, Vermont. Due to COVID-19, this position is expected to be remote based for a period of time. VEDA has a strong commitment to the Addison County agricultural community and this position will work with farm and forestry applicants and borrowers in Addison County as well as throughout the state. Responsibilities include analyzing loan requests, preparing loan write-ups, servicing a diverse loan portfolio and performing annual financial analyses. In addition, the successful applicant for this position will be able and willing to mentor and teach coworkers with less experience. A high level of agricultural and/or forest industry knowledge; strong written, verbal, and computer skills; excellent customer service; and a proven team approach are required. The preferred, successful applicant will have at least 5-7 years of agricultural lending experience, a bachelor’s degree in a related field, and leadership experience. This position requires travel within the State of Vermont. VEDA offers a very competitive salary and benefits package and is an equal opportunity employer. To apply, please submit your resume and cover letter to Cheryl Houchens at chouchens@veda.org. 7t-VEDA011321.indd 1
5v-ChamplainValleySchoolDistrict011321.indd 1
Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA)
1/11/21 10:10 AM
1/12/21 10:26 AM
1/12/21 11:06 AM
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
POSITION OPENINGS ON-CALL SECOND SHIFT CUSTODIAN: General knowledge of cleaning and safety procedures, the ability to perform physically demanding duties including heavy lifting, must be able to work independently with limited supervision. Training provided. High school diploma or equivalent required. SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS: Ideal candidates will have a clear driver’s license, CDL Class “B” with passenger, air brakes, and school bus endorsements. Candidates with clear driving record and willing to commit to CDL training and testing within an established timeframe will be considered. SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL NURSE: Must hold a Vermont State license as a Registered Nurse (RN). Long Term assignments and daily assignments available. PARA EDUCATOR POSITIONS: Provides instructional assistance to students. High school diploma or the equivalent is required. Interested candidates in these positions or other openings may apply online at schoolspring.com or by forwarding a resume and cover letter to the Human Resources Department: kdantzscher@sbschools.net or send resume to:
a semiconductor manuf & tech co. seeks the following in Essex Junction, VT: Senior Engineer Design Engineering #20003604: Design, develop and characterize complex RF circuits required for high frequency RF siliconon-insulator or Bulk technologies.
LEGAL ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Sheehey Furlong & Behm, an established, growing law firm located near the Burlington waterfront, is accepting applications for a legal administrative assistant.
Senior Engineer TD Test Development Engineering #20003605: Participate in the development of designs for mmWave test systems. MTS Equipment Engineering #20003619: Install, support, and continuously improve 200mm semiconductor equipment within the Implant Module.
The successful candidate will be detail-oriented, possess strong written and verbal skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Proficiency in MS Office applications is required and 1-3 years of legal experience is preferred. Competitive pay and benefits. Forward cover letter and resume to hiring@sheeheyvt.com, subject “Legal Admin.”
Farm & Forest Viability Program Manager
4t-SheehyFurlong011321.indd 1
1/12/21 1:48 PM
VHCB's Viability Program provides business planning and technical assistance to farm, food, and forest sector businesses to increase business success. We are seeking a Program Manager to maintain strong To apply, send resume relationships with farm and forest sector partners and to advance initiaand application materials tives to help grow and improve the Viability Program. Applicants should SBSD Human Resources Department, to nadene.layton@ be detail oriented, with excellent organizational and interpersonal skills, 550 Dorset St., South Burlington VT, 05403 globalfoundries.com. and experience providing business assistance to the working lands sector and in program administration and management. The Viability Program delivers services to 150 businesses annually, coordinated Looking for a meaningful job that offers a comprehensive approach to both 1/7/21 13:10 PMthrough a network of partners. The Program Manager works closely 5v-SoBurlingtonSchoolDistrict011321.indd 1 1/12/21 3v-CreativeEffectsGLOBALFOUNDRIES011321.indd 10:23 AM employee and client satisfaction? Champlain Community Services, named with businesses to enroll them in the program and monitor their prog“Best Places to Work in Vermont” for two years in a row, wants you as part ress, evaluate effectiveness of the program, manage contracts, and of our team. Our current openings provide opportunities to make a positive impact on someone’s life, and in yours. conduct fundraising and grant reporting. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assistant Controller
Direct Support Professional Join our Direct Support Professional team to work one-on-one with individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism. Feel good about what you do, enjoy your job, receive a comprehensive benefits package (including $100 sign-on bonus!) and feel a deep sense of appreciation from your employer. This is an excellent job for applicants entering human services or for those looking to continue their work in this field. Send cover letter and application to Karen Ciechanowicz at staff@ccs-vt.org.
Direct Support Professional Overnights Be a part of a team working with a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using man with a budding talent for photography and political activism. Candidates must be able to lift fifty pounds and be comfortable providing personal care. Multiple 24-hour shifts available at $250/day including asleep overnight hours plus $500 sign on bonus after three months of employment. Experience is helpful but will train the right candidate. Send resume to Finlay Miller at fmiller@ccs-vt.org.
Shared Living Provider Open your home to an individual with and intellectual disability or autism. The following positions include a generous tax-free stipend, ongoing supports, assistance with necessary home modifications, respite and a comprehensive training package: • Support a humorous gentleman with autism who enjoys getting out and about, creating puns, crunching numbers and relaxing. • Support a young gentleman who enjoys gaming, having an active social life and being a part of a family dynamic in the greater Burlington area. Contact Jennifer Wolcott at jwolcott@ccs-vt.org for more information.
Join our financial team, producing monthly financial statements, assisting in grants management, requisitioning funds, and supporting the payroll process. Manage state, federal, and private funding sources for programs that create affordable housing and conserve agricultural and recreational land, forestland, and historic public properties. Never a dull moment, a supportive environment to work in, and a great mission to support! Skills and Qualifications: a degree in accounting and a minimum of three years’ experience in accounting functions; additional experience may be substituted for a degree. Working knowledge of fund accounting, GAAP, governmental and/or not-for-profit accounting, and experience with federal grant administration and regulations. Stellar attention to detail and concern for accuracy; ability to work as part of team during periods of high demand; good organizational and time management skills, and ability to work well independently. Proficiency with spreadsheet applications, accounting software, PDF and word processing software is required; experience with databases and document management systems helpful. Full-time positions with competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Read the job description at: vhcb.org/about-us/jobs. EOE. Please reply with cover letter and résumé to: jobs@vhcb.org. Positions will remain open until filled.
Work for a place where we are ‘Building a Community Where Everyone Participates and Belongs’ both within the workplace and out in the community. Visit ccs-vt.org, click on Join Us and apply today! 5v-7t-ChamplainCommunityServices011321.indd 1
1/11/21 8:25 PM 6t-VHCB011321.indd 1
1/11/21 8:01 PM
73 JANUARY 13-20, 2021
New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!
Lareau Farm, home of the original American Flatbread, is seeking a qualified Event Chef to join our team. The successful candidate will have experience in restaurant and/or catering kitchens with a focus on purchasing from local, organic and sustainable sources and creating seasonal menus that highlight local ingredients. Simple, delicious, seasonal food is a must and use of our wood-fired cookery (smoker, grills and oven) is just part of the fun! For a complete overview of the requirements please visit our website. Salary based on experience.
OPERATIONS ASSOCIATE Rock Point Advisors, LLC, based in Burlington, VT, is a wealth advisory firm focused on helping clients make sound financial decisions and take advantage of the benefits of long-term investing. We are dedicated to managing portfolios in the context of plans carefully developed with our clients. Since our founding in 2004, our financial planning and investment management efforts have been guided by our fiduciary duty to our clients and our belief that doing what’s right matters. We work hard to deliver practical advice and responsible investing to help clients achieve their goals.
About Lareau Farm and American Flatbread:
Lareau Farm is a 25-acre farm located along the Mad River in scenic Waitsfield, VT. We operate a 12-bedroom B&B, host weddings & events, operate an offsite catering wood fired oven, and are home to the original American Flatbread restaurant, serving farm to table flatbread baked in a wood fired earthen oven. Send resumes to: alison@americanflatbread.com.
Duties and Responsibilities:
· Provide general operations support to the firm, including client service, trading, answering phones, data entry and records management
· Client-first mentality · Capability to multi-task with attention to detail · Ability to follow documented procedures and handle changing situations on the fly · Dedication to continually learning and improving
4t-AmericanFlatbreadLarueFarm011321.indd 1
1/8/21 10:14 AM
Salary and Benefits
· Salary commensurate with experience and position · Benefits include paid vacation, dental and health care insurance, 401(k) matching Send resumes to: info@rockpointadvisors.com. E.O.E.
5v-RockPointAdvisors011321.indd 1
1/11/21 5:11 PM
Reporting to and working closely with the Executive Director, as well as the Administrative Manager, the Associate Director for Programming at Artistree is a leadership role responsible for developing, supporting and ensuring the effective delivery of a diverse variety of year-round multi-disciplinary adult and children’s arts programs. The Associate Director for Programming supports the strategic vision established by the Executive Director and leads a collaborative approach to program planning and management that brings together all of Artistree’s multidisciplinary programming to advance community engagement and student learning. Because programming is at the heart of Artistree and drives all aspects of operations, the Associate Director for Programming must serve as a collaborative leader, be responsive to the needs of all constituents across the organization and have very strong financial and management abilities and experience. This is a full-time salaried position with benefits, including vacation and sick leave, health plan, and retirement plan. Salary is commensurate with experience.
LongSkinnyJobsFiller.indd 1
To apply, please submit a resume and letter of interest noting why you think you would be a strong candidate to: manager@artistreevt.org. Please visit artstistree. org for information about the organization.
6/18/19 5v-Artistree011321.indd 1:24 PM 1
Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company! We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!
Contact Center Supervisor We’re searching for a supervisor to join our Contact Center team! As the supervisor you will support and supervise a team of Sales & Service Specialists, coaching the team to continuously improve performance. This position will also maintain a high degree of availability for questions to be able to assist in resolving operational or customer service issues. Our ideal candidate will have previous leadership experience within a customer contact center and have strong interpersonal & communication skills. The shift is Sunday - Thursday, with closing responsibilities. Interested? Please go to our careers page at www.gardeners.com/careers and apply online!
1/8/21 CCCsuperv7D_011121.indd 6t-GardenersSupplyCONTACT011321.indd 4:02 PM 1 1
1/11/21 1/11/21 10:44 9:46 AM AM
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Legal/Office Assistant Legal/Office Assistant Legal/Office Assistant Legal/Office Legal/Office Assistant Burlington office Burlingtonoffice office Burlington Burlington office Burlington office Legal/Office Assistant Burlington office
position Entry level position for for an an energetic, energetic, organized organized Entry level level position position for an energetic, organized Burlington Entry for anoffice energetic, organized Entry level position for an organized individual wishes train as aenergetic, while wishes to to train asenergetic, alegal legalassistant assistant while Entry levelwho position for an organized individual who wishes to train as a legal assistant while individual who wishes tofor train asenergetic, a legal assistant while individual who wishes to train as a legal assistant while supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 Entry level position an organized supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 individual who wishes to train as a legal assistant while supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 years of relevant work experience, preferably ininan supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 individual who wishes to train as a legal assistant while years of relevant work experience, preferably an supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 years of of relevant relevant work work experience, preferably ininan years experience, an office setting, detail oriented, proficient in supporting otherbe staff. Candidates must have in 1-3 years of work experience, preferably in an office setting, be detail oriented,preferably proficient in years of relevant relevant work experience, preferably an office setting, be detail oriented, proficient in office setting, be detail oriented, proficient in years of relevant work experience, preferably in an Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. office setting, be detail oriented, proficient in Microsoft Wordbeand anddetail have oriented, excellent typing typing skills. skills. office setting, proficient in Microsoft Word have excellent Microsoft Word anddetail have excellent proficient typing skills. officeservices setting, be oriented, in Legal services background aa plus. Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. Legal background plus. Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. Legal services background a plus. Legal services background plus. Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. Legal services background aa plus. plus. Legal services background a We offer a competitive salary and Legal services background a plus. We offer competitive salary andbenefits benefitspackage. package. a competitive salary and benefits package.
When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package. M E N T A L H E A LT H P O L I C Y D I R E C T O R – W A T E R B U R Y The Department of Mental Health (DMH) is seeking a highly skilled and experienced policy leader with strong organizational and project management abilities. This position provides professional policy leadership and development to strengthen the Vermont mental health system of care. Work involves policy research, formulation, direction, and coordination utilizing partnership and engagement with other state and private partners The Director will help shape, lead and implement policy strategies that support DMH’s broader mission to promote and improve the health of Vermonters. For more information, contact Sarah Squirell at sarah.squirrell@vermont.gov or 802-2410137. Department: Health. Status: Full Time. Job ID #11141. Application Deadline: January 17, 2021.
Learn more at: careers.vermont.gov
Weoffer offeraacompetitive competitive salary salary and and benefits We benefits package. package. WeWe offer salary andand benefits package. offera acompetitive competitive salary and benefits package. Please reply letter resume to: Please reply with with cover cover letter andresume resume to: reply with cover letter and to: Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Please reply with cover letter and resumeto:to: Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Richard Business Manager Please replyDorfman, withSperry cover letter and resume Langrock & Wool, LLP Richard Dorfman, Business Langrock Sperry & Wool, Wool,Manager LLP Langrock Sperry & LLP Richard Dorfman, Business Manager P.O. Box Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Langrock Sperry &721 Wool, LLP P.O. Box 721 P.O. Box 721 Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Burlington, VT 05402 Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Langrock Sperry Wool, LLP P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402 Burlington, VT 05402 P.O. 721 P.O. Box Box 721 P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402 Burlington, Burlington, VT 05402 05402 or via email to: rdorfman@langrock.com Burlington, VT 05402
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer
5h-VTDeptHumanResources011321.indd 1
1/11/21 10:33 AM
or via email email to: to: rdorfman@langrock.com rdorfman@langrock.com ororvia email to: rdorfman@langrock.com via email to: rdorfman@langrock.com or via email to: rdorfman@langrock.com
4t-LangrockSperryWool011321.indd 1
Our Lady of Providence is a Residential Care Community whose mission is supporting the spiritual, emotional, and physical well being of those entrusted to our care.
Union Bank, your hometown community bank since 1891, is an employer of choice in the markets we serve. We offer challenging and rewarding career opportunities. Currently, we are seeking a motivated individual to join our existing team of dedicated Commercial Service professionals to provide outstanding support as a Commercial Loan Credit Analyst.
We are seeking Resident Care Assistants for day and night shifts to support residents in managing their day to day physical, emotional and psychological care needs. The Resident Care Assistant will provide personal care services to residents who are functionally, physically or socially impaired under the direction of the shift nurse. Previous experience working with the elder population is preferred. Pay is based on experience. We offer benefits including health, dental, vision, short term, and accidental insurance, paid time off, discounted meals while you are working, and a wonderful atmosphere in which to work. We are on the bus route and have on-site parking available.
Responsible for analyzing credit requests to determine the level of risk involved in extending credit. The analysis consists of scrutiny of a potential borrower’s character, capacity, and capital and evaluation of those characteristics in relationship to the current economy and the conditions predicted over the loan period. Assist Commercial Lenders with credit analysis. This position may be located in our Morrisville main office or in one of our branch office locations. Qualified candidate should have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Finance, Accounting or related field with a strong basis in financial accounting, or equivalent experience. Demonstrated analytical and critical thinking skills are essential, and prior experience with commercial lending, credit analysis, underwriting and loan documentation is preferred. Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential, as is the ability to interact with lenders to discuss credit requests and existing loans. The ability to work in a fast paced, high volume environment, with the ability to anticipate and meet deadlines is important. The position requires an individual who is organized and is able to work on several tasks simultaneously while maintaining a positive attitude. The selected candidate must have the ability to work both independently, as well as in a team setting with other credit analysts and bank staff, to successfully follow through on projects as assigned. Good judgment, mathematical aptitude, and self-confidence are important.
Our Lady of Providence is a nonprofit organization providing housing and services to seniors in a residential care community in the heart of Winooski, VT.
RN/LPNs We are seeking RN/LPNS to complete our team of talented and caring nurses. Day and night shifts are available The ideal candidate will have experience in geriatric nursing and staff supervision. The nurse will ensure the provision of care and services to residents who are functionally, physically, or socially impaired as stated in the individualized plan of care. This nurse is responsible for working with the Director of Nursing to support, mentor, and empower the wonderful team of caregivers under their supervision.
Salary will be commensurate with experience. Union Bank offers a generous and comprehensive benefits program for full time employees, including three options of comprehensive medical insurance coverage, two dental insurance options, a robust 401(k) plan with a generous company match, fully paid life and disability insurance, paid vacation, personal and sick leave, and opportunities for professional education.
We offer a strong benefits package including health, dental, and vision insurance, paid time off, and meals while working, parking on-site and we are on the bus route. Pay is commensurate with experience. Must possess a valid and unencumbered Vermont RN or LPN license. Experience in long term care setting preferred.
To be considered for this position, submit cover letter, resume, references and salary requirements to:
Human Resources-Union Bank, P.O. Box 667 Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667 careers@unionbanknh.com
Send resumes to: mbelanger@ourladyofprovidence.org.
E.O.E. - MEMBER FDIC 9t-UnionBank011321.indd 1
1/8/21 12:00 PM
1/11/21 11:58 AM 6t-OurLadyofProvidence011321.indd 1
1/12/21 11:02 AM
75 JANUARY 13-20, 2021
The Vermont Judiciary is recruiting for a fulltime, permanent manager with our Planning and Court Services Division. This position is responsible for developing and managing court programs with a focus on access to justice and language access. Will research and implement best practices. Will collect and analyze data to support continuous improvement across a range of operational areas. Located in Montpelier. BA in public administration or a related field & 6+ years in managing projects, improving processes, court operations, administration, or grants administration. Salary $75,000 annually with excellent medical, dental, paid leave and retirement benefits. Go to vermontjudiciary.org/employment-opportunities/ staff-openings for further details and an application to apply.
This position is open until filled. Equal opportunity employer.
CVOEO has an exciting opportunity to help individuals who are most in need at our homeless shelter in South Burlington. We are looking for compassionate advocates to help individuals who are experiencing homelessness and who have low income to find or maintain suitable housing, employment and other social and health supports, and connect clients with local social service agencies organizations, landlords, and funding sources. Weekend and/or overnight hours may be required. Successful applicants will have a Bachelor degree in an appropriate discipline plus two years of community service experience or an equivalent combination of education and experience; the ability to work with diverse populations; and excellent verbal and communication skills, bilingual abilities are a plus. Housing Advocates are temporary, 40 hour/week positions slated to run through June 30, 2021. Pay starts at $33.66/hour. To learn more about this position, please visit cvoeo.org/careers. To apply, please submit a cover letter and resume to HIHousing@cvoeo.org. The review of applications begins immediately and will continue until qualified candidates are found. 5h-CVOEO011321.indd 1
4t-OfficeCourtAdministrator011321.indd 1
1/11/21 10:55 AM
1/7/21 3:55 PM
The Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT) has an excellent opportunity for an insurance professional to join our risk management team and advance our mission of serving and strengthening Vermont local government.
This is a senior level position that performs multiple levels of underwriting administration for the VLCT Property and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund, Inc. (PACIF), a statewide municipal-owned self-insurance fund affiliated with VLCT. The position plays a key role in the operational success of the underwriting division and is primarily responsible for building and maintaining relationships with existing and prospective members (insureds), member retention including the coordination and execution of renewal presentations, and performing the day-to-day underwriting tasks as part of the underwriting team. Significant involvement in renewal pricing and coverage review and development is expected. In-state travel and some evening hours are required. VLCT is working remotely now due to COVID-19, though we anticipate returning to an on-site and in-person position in the future.
Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company We’re America’s leading web-based gardening company based in Burlington, Vermont! We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!
eCommerce Site Merchandiser:
We’re seeking a talented individual to join our Merchandising Team! This person will be responsible for delivering an outstanding online shopping experience by ensuring customers easily find and buy the desired products through the development of sound, data-driven merchandising strategies, with a laser-focus on maximizing conversion. Our ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s Degree in Marketing, Business Administration or related field required; a min of 3 yrs of experience in online marketing, online retail or merchandising; working knowledge of Google Suite and Microsoft Office programs; and excellent project management, communication, analytical, and problem-solving skills.
• BA/BS in business administration, insurance, public administration, or related field and four years of underwriting experience. • Prerequisite experience and a good understanding of local government functions and operations. • Previous work experience developing and executing winning insurance sales presentations in a competitive environment is a plus. • Having a property/casualty producer’s license and/or attaining CPCU, AU, ARM-P, CIC or similar professional designations or current active enrollment in such coursework is highly desirable. Salary commensurate with experience. A detailed job description is available at vlct.org/classifieds. VLCT offers a quality workplace in downtown Montpelier and an excellent total compensation package. Please email a cover letter, resume, and three professional references to jobsearch@vlct.org with Senior Underwriter as the subject. Resume review begins immediately. Applications accepted until position filled. E.O.E. 9t-VTLeagueCities&Towns011321.indd 1
Interested? Please go to our careers page at www.gardeners.com/careers and apply online!
1/7/21 4:43 PM 6t-GardenersSupply011321.indd 1
1/11/21 10:48 AM
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
NOURISH in St. Albans, VT is Hiring!
UTILIZATION REVIEW NURSE Location: South Burlington, VT Status: Full-Time benefits eligible after 90 days This position does not have a remote work option and resides in a commercial office setting. With competitive benefits and a great work-life balance, Cobalt Benefits Group is the perfect organization to call home for the next several years! Cobalt Benefits Group (d/b/a Blue Benefit Administrators, CBA Blue, and EBPA) is a third-party administrator that builds and manages self-insured employee benefit plans, including those associated with the Blue Cross Blue Shield network. Reporting to the Utilization Review Manager, the UR Nurse performs utilization and concurrent review of cases using Milliman criteria, including but not limited to: Acute inpatient stays/ surgeries, acute inpatient mental health/substance abuse stays, elective inpatient surgery admissions, outpatient surgeries, high cost infusions/injections, physical therapy, home health services, home infusion services, infertility treatment, and durable medical equipment.
~ Full-Time Baker ~ Part-Time Baker ~ Full-Time Cooks/Chef ~ Part-Time Cooks/Chef ~ Plant-Based Cheese Style Products Maker We are looking for fun, customer oriented and respectful individuals with upstanding values to join us at NOURISH. Individuals with experience in baking and cooking with a creative side. You have worked in a Bakery, Cafe or Restaurant and have a track record of good performance and creativity, You may also be a recent graduate of a culinary school. We are a Whole Foods, Plant-Based, and Vegan bakery. We are looking for people who are interested in learning more about the food & health We want to make health statement and build a community surrounded by the beliefs of being healthy, helping people, environment, and animals.
Send Resume & Cover Letter to ric@nourishwfbp.com. The UR Nurse is also responsible for helping lead the Utilization team's Intake Analysts with administrative responsibilities related to various stages of the Company’s standard medical review practices. In short, this team reviews medical records and builds cases to further WHERE YOU AND 1/12/21 examine how our group health plans are required to pay or adjudicate certain medical claims.4t-Nourish011321.indd 1 YOUR WORK MATTER... Primary Responsibilities: • Perform medical necessity review for services that require prior authorization utilizing specific criteria • Discuss cases with healthcare professionals to gather necessary information in order to review the requested services or to give verbal determination on a case M E N T A L H E A LT H P O L I C Y D I R E C T O R – W A T E R B U R Y • Request clinical information necessary to review requested services The Department of Mental Health (DMH) is seeking a highly skilled and experienced policy leader with strong organizational and project • Determine need, if any, for intervention and discussion with Case Managers management abilities. This position provides professional policy • Maintain accurate and appropriate documentation leadership and development to strengthen the Vermont mental health system of care. Work involves policy research, formulation, direction and • Consult with the Physician Reviewers as needed to troubleshoot difficult or complex cases coordination utilizing partnership and engagement with other state and • Review high cost prescription overrides as necessary private partners The Director will help shape, lead and implement policy • Performs other duties as assigned strategies that support DMH’s broader mission to promote and improve the health of Vermonters. For more information, contact Sarah Squirell at sarah.squirrell@vermont.gov or 802-241-0137. Department: Health. Status: Full Time. Job ID #11141. Application Deadline: January 17, 2021
Qualifications: • A current, unrestricted LPN/RN license • 3+ years of Med Surg clinical experience • 1 year or more of UM/UR experience required including experience performing admission and continued inpatient stay reviews using medical criteria. • Demonstrate a proficiency in computer skills – Windows, Word, Excel, Outlook, clinical platforms, internet searches • Knowledge of ICD 10 codes and CPT codes • Detail oriented, self sufficient and decisive • Excellent organizational and communication skills • Ability to be flexible and work in a fast paced office environment • Ability to prioritize a high volume of work • Experience in discharge planning and/or chart review • Experience in prior authorizations or related function (utilization review, coverage determination, etc) • Experience with utilization review for an insurance company or in a managed care environment • Familiarity with MCG criteria guidelines
P U B L I C H E A LT H N U R S E I O R I I – B U R L I N G T O N
The Vermont Department of Health is seeking a Public Health Nurse with a passion for improving health equity in Chittenden County. Current focus of the work is COVID-19 pandemic response. The Health Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the department’s diversity and commitment to foster an environment of mutual respect, acceptance, and equal opportunity. During COVID-19 response, work outside regular hours is expected. Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact Dana Ward at (802) 951-0185, Dana.Ward@ vermont.gov. Status: Full Time. Job ID #11381 or 11182. Application Deadline: January 24, 2021.
VocRehab is recruiting for a skilled rehabilitation/career counselor with an ability to support consumers with physical, psychological, or cognitive disabilities in their efforts to access careers and gain employment. Job duties include assessment, guidance and counseling, working with employment staff to secure employment and work experiences, case management, documentation, and collaboration with many community providers. Candidates must possess a master’s degree. Note: Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact William Sugarman at william. sugarman@vermont.gov or 802-917-4143. Department: Disabilities Aging & Ind Living. Location: Barre. Status: Full Time: Job ID # 11541 or #11369. Application Deadline: January 21, 2021.
Benefits: After successful completion of a 90-day waiting period, new hires are eligible for: • Medical, dental, and vision insurance • 401(k) Retirement Plan with • Basic Life and AD&D generous employer-match • Short- and Long-Term Disability • Paid Parental leave • Flexible Spending Accounts
Learn more at :
Send cover letter and resumes to: JOSHUAS@CBABLUEVT.COM. 12t-CBABlue011321.indd 1
10:46 AM
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer
1/12/21 11:11 AM 6t-VTDeptHumanResources011321.indd 1
1/11/21 10:40 AM
What we make, JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM makes a difference.
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
What we make, Want to help create cutting-edge technologies climate challenges? makes afordifference.
Class Operations Coordinator
HOURS: 40 hours per week SALARY RANGE: Non-Exempt Employee $20 - $25 per hour BENEFITS: Medical, dental, vision, vacation and sick time available after a 90-day probationary period is completed. This position supports the Biofield Tuning Training Program by managing all activities associated with courses in learning this unique sound therapy modality. The ideal candidate requires exceptional organizational, written & verbal communication skills, as this individual is the first line of contact for all students and any interested in becoming Certified Biofield Practitioners.
Administrative Coordinator
HOURS: 40 hours per week HOURLY RATE: Non-Exempt Employee | $18-23/hour (based on experience) Full Time BENEFITS Medical, dental, vision, vacation and sick time available after a 90-day probationary period is completed.
What we make, Wantnrgsystems.com/careers to help create cutting-edge to makes a difference. Visit technologies climate challenges? apply for ourfor open positions:
Want to help create cutting-edge technologies for climate challenges? to Visit nrgsystems.com/careers
•apply Accounting Specialist for our open positions: Visit•nrgsystems.com/careers to Engineer Senior Mechanical apply for our open positions: Accounting Specialist ••Production Technicians • Senior Mechanical Engineer • Accounting Specialist • Production Technicians • Senior Mechanical Engineer • Production Technicians
The Administrative Coordinator supports the senior management of the company and others as required. Primary responsibilities include maintaining calendars, scheduling meetings and appointments, arranging travel, working with human resources, sustaining communication with and providing information to internal and external stakeholders, taking and transcribing meeting minutes and following up as required. By successfully carrying out these duties this position will relieve senior management of clerical, administrative and other business details. Qualified candidates will have impeccable verbal and written communication skills, a strong ability to multitask, and a friendly demeanor.
Shipping & Warehouse Coordinator HOURS: 15-20 hours per week HOURLY RATE: $15 - $18 (Rate based on experience.)
The Shipping & Warehouse Coordinator receives, labels, and stores incoming shipments, assesses stock for damages, keeps concise inventory records, accurately fills customer orders, and keeps the warehouse organized. The ideal candidate is hard-working, organized, and detail-oriented. If you would like to apply for any of our job listings, please email your cover letter and resume to HR@BiofieldTuning.com with the job title in the subject line. We will only consider emails containing a cover letter and resume. (PDF formatting is preferred.)
8t-BiofieldTuning011321.indd 1
1/11/21 11:49 AM
4/25/16 6:25 PM
1/4/21 11:14 AM
JANUARY 13-20, 2021
Growing hearts and minds, for a better today and tomorrow: every way, every day, every one.
The Orange County Restorative Justice Center is hiring a Diversion Case Manager to work with youth and adults referred to our programs. The ideal candidate will be passionate about social/racial/economic justice and restorative approaches to address harm, with a demonstrated ability to engage with youth and adults who have experienced trauma, incarceration, and crime, and come from diverse backgrounds.
The Essex Westford School District (EWSD) is student centered educators and other school staff who are committed to the success of every child and understands the importance of integrating social and emotional learning within the classroom and in their interactions with students. We are committed to fostering professional growth and teacher efficacy through Professional Learning Communities (PLCs).
OCRJC is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, recognizing, and respecting that diverse perspectives and experiences are valuable to our team and essential to our public service.
EWSD believes that when we deepen our commitment to each other and to continuous growth for every one, then our practices create equitable, authentic, inclusive learning experiences that benefit all students. EWSD is committed to building a culturally diverse and inclusive environment. Successful candidates must be committed to working effectively with diverse community populations and expected to strengthen such capacity if hired. If you believe you have what it takes to be successful in one or more of these positions, you are encouraged to apply.
For full job description, visit: ocrjvt.org/employment-opportunities.
4t-OrangeCountyRestorativeJusticeCenter011321.indd 1
Town of Enosburgh looking for an Ambulance Director. This position will oversee the management and operation of the ambulance service for Enosburgh. The ideal candidate will have strong leadership skills, be certified with AEMT skills at minimum and work with others to provide a quality service.
We are currently have the following long-term substitute positons available during the 2020-21 school year. These positions pay $260/day: • Grade 3 and 4 Classroom Teacher, Westford School A level 3 Residential Care Home
• School Nurse, Summit Street School (grades K-3) • Physical Education Teacher, Hiawatha Elementary School (grades K-3)
~ Now
• Grade 4 Teacher, Founders Memorial School • Music Teacher, Thomas Fleming School (grades 4-5) • Music/Art Teacher, Summit Street School (grades K-3) We are also seeking other full-time positions that are available immediately as follows. Excellent benefits package available:
Hiring ~
Full Time RN, LPN and Caregivers
11pm – 7am overnight shift
Part Time Caregiver
• Behavior Interventionists, various schools - Pay starts at $19.81/hour • Executive Assistant to the Equity, SEL and Student Support Services Directors – Pay starts at $20.00/hour Our 2021-22 teaching and administrative posted vacancies currently include the following: • Physical Educator Teachers, Essex Middle School – Pay starts at $49,246 (Bachelor’s step 1) • Music Teacher (0.80 FTE), Hiawatha and Summit Street Schools - Pay starts at $39,396.80 (Bachelor’s step 1)
2v-TownofEnosburg011321.indd 1
Candidates must be patient, compassionate and reliable. For more information or to schedule an interview: Call Shard Villa: 802-352-4369
3v-ShardVilla011321.indd • Other vacancies that will posted be in the near future include Science (9-12), Spanish (6-8), Elementary Teachers (K-3) and Speech Language Pathologist (9-12)
Essex Westford School District, 51 Park Street, Essex Jct., VT 05452 EWSD is an Equal Opportunity Employer with a focus on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion 12t-EssexWestfordSchoolDistrict011321.indd 1
For full list of duties, please contact the town clerk Billie Jo Draper by email: townclerk@enosburghvt.org or 802-933-4421.
3pm-11pm evening shift
• Director of Student Support Services, Essex High School – Pay starts at $101,000
For information about these positions and others, or to apply, please visit our website. More positions will continue to be posted: www.ewsd.org/jobs.
1/12/21 10:37 AM
Overnight Asleep Staff Pride Support and Services is a small agency that works with individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. We are seeking an individual to work 3-4 overnight shifts per week in the Barre/Berlin area. Hours are 10 pm to 7 am. This is a vigilant asleep overnight position. 12:13 PM The right person must be alert and able to respond to the individual’s needs quickly when necessary if he awakens. Excellent hourly pay rate. Candidates need to be comfortable providing personal care and pass background check. Experience helpful but willing to train the right candidate. Please send resume:
1/8/21 12:26 PM 2v-PrideSupports&Services011321.indd 1
1/12/21 10:32 AM
Be a Tourist in Your Own State!
Gear Up and Explore the Great Outdoors
This month’s Staytripper, Seven Days’ road map to safely rediscovering the state during the pandemic, is all about snow. Even though socializing is still limited, we can commune with Mother Nature off-piste on powdery slopes, shooting down a sledding hill on a Mad River Rocket, or carving the ice on frozen Lake Morey.
Start exploring at staytrippervt.com 1T-Staytripper011321.indd 1
1/12/21 5:44 PM
fun stuff
BUY ONLINE AT SEVENDAYSTICKETS.COM Facing Change: Life’s Transitions and Transformations THU., JAN. 14 VIRTUAL EVENT
Ethiopian/Eritrean Takeout
Art and the Brain: An Art Making Experience SAT., JAN. 16, 23, 20 VIRTUAL EVENT
Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women THU., JAN. 21 VIRTUAL EVENT
Arabian Takeout
Resolutions for Resilience: A Ritual Based Workshop SUN., JAN. 24 VIRTUAL EVENT
“She got brushed.” JEN SORENSEN
Exploring Spirituality THU., JAN. 28 VIRTUAL EVENT
Bosnian Takeout
Life and Loss: A Gathering for the Grieving THU., FEB. 4 VIRTUAL EVENT
Somali Bantu Takeout
Nature Inspirations: Art explorations Using Nature Observation SAT., FEB. 6, 13, 20, 27 VIRTUAL EVENT
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Contact: 865-1020, ext. 10 getstarted@sevendaystickets.com SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021
1/12/21 5:05 PM
fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE
Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at sevendaysvt.com/super-readers or call us at 802-864-5684.
82SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 13-20, 2021 1
7/14/20 3:32 PM
Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at deep-dark-fears.tumblr.com, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.
Capricorn author Edgar Allen Poe named “four conditions for happiness: life in the open air; love of another human being; freedom from all ambition; creation.” I’m accomplished in three of those categories, but a failure in being free of all ambitions. In fact, I’m eternally delighted by all the exciting creative projects I’m working on. I’m very ambitious. What about you, Capricorn? I’m going to contradict Poe and speculate that your happiness in the coming months will require you to be at least somewhat ambitious. That’s what the planetary omens are telling me. So what are the best goals and dreams for you to be ambitious about?
ARIES (March 21-April 19): As you ripen into a more fully embodied version of yourself, you will summon ever-greater discrimination about where to seek your inspiration. I trust that you will increasingly divest yourself of any tendency you might have to play around with just any old mediocre fire. More and more, you will be drawn to high-quality blazes that provide just the right amount of heat and light — neither too much nor too little. And you will steadfastly refrain from jumping into the flames, as glamorously dramatic as that might seem — and instead be a master of deft maneuvers that enable you to get the exact energy you need.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Denstu is a major Japanese advertising agency headquartered in Tokyo. Annually since 1925, its new employees and freshly promoted executives have carried out a company ritual: climbing 12,388-foot-high Mount Fuji, Japan’s tallest peak. The theme of the strenuous workout is this: “We are going to conquer the symbol that represents Japan more than anything else. And, once we do that, it will signify that we can do anything.” In anticipation of what I suspect will be a year of career gains for you, Taurus, I invite you to do the following: Sometime in the next six weeks, go out in nature and perform an equivalent feat. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Today I received
a new email from a Gemini friend who lives in London. It was date-stamped January 15, 2015. Weird! In it, she talked about applying for a new job at a publishing company. That was double weird, because February 2015 was in fact the time she had gotten the editing job that she still has. Her email also conveyed other details about her life that I knew to be old history. So why did it arrive now, six years late? I called her on the phone to see if we could unravel the mystery. In the end we concluded that her email had time-traveled in some inexplicable way. I predict that a comparable event or two will soon happen in your life, Gemini. Blasts from the past will pop in as if yesterday were today.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): Eugene Sue (1804-1857) was a popular French author whose stories often offered sympathetic portrayals of the harsh living conditions endured by people of the lower economic class. Writing generously about those downtrodden folks made him quite wealthy. I’d love to see you employ a comparable strategy in the coming year. What services might you perform that would increase your access to money and resources? How could you benefit yourself by helping and uplifting others? LEO
(July 23-Aug. 22): The beautiful and luxurious fabric known as silk comes from cocoons spun by insect larvae. Sadly for the creatures that provide the raw material, they’re usually killed by humans har-
vesting their handiwork — either by being stabbed or boiled alive. However, there is a special kind of silk in which manufacturers spare the lives of their benefactors. The insects are allowed to mature into moths and escape. I propose that we make them your spirit creatures in the coming weeks. It’s an excellent time for you to take an inventory of everything you do and evaluate how well it upholds the noble principle “Do no harm.”
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “Any time that is
not spent on love is wasted,” declared the Italian poet Torquato Tasso. Although I am sympathetic with his sentiment, I can’t agree that acts of love are the only things ever worth doing. Sometimes it’s healthy to be motivated by anger or sadness or skepticism, for example. But I do suspect the coming weeks will be a favorable time for you to be in intense devotion to Tasso’s counsel. All the important successes you achieve will be rooted in an intention to express love and compassion.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I heard a story about how a music aficionado took a Zen Buddhist monk to a performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5. The monk wasn’t impressed. “Not enough silence!” he complained. I’m puzzled by that response. If the monk were referring to a busy intersection in a major city, I might agree with him, or the cacophony of a political argument among fanatics on Facebook. But to want more silence in one of history’s greatest pieces of music? That’s perverse. With this in mind, Libra, and in accordance with astrological omens, I encourage you to seek extra protection from useless noise and commotion during the coming weeks — even as you hungrily seek out rich sources of beautiful information, sound and art. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal,” wrote Scorpio author Albert Camus. If you’re one of those folks, I’m happy to inform you that you have cosmic permission to relax. The coming weeks will be an excellent time to explore the pleasures of not being conventional, standard, ordinary, average, routine, prosaic or common. As you expansively practice
non-normalcy, you will enhance your health, sharpen your wits and clarify your decisions.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Our lives tend to be shaped by the stories about ourselves that we create and harbor in our imaginations. The adventures we actually experience, the problems we actually face are often (not always) in alignment with the tales we tell ourselves about our epic fates. And here’s the crux of the matter: We can change the stories we tell ourselves. We can discard tales that reinforce our pain and dream up revised tales that are more meaningful and pleasurable. I believe 2021 will be an excellent time for you to attend to this fun work. Your assignment: Be a self-nurturing storyteller. AQUARIUS
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): It’s time to launch Operation Supple Watchdog. That means you should be tenderly vigilant as you take extra good care of everyone and everything that provide you with meaning and sustenance. It means you should exercise rigorous but good-humored discernment about any oppressive or demeaning ideas that are flying around. You should protect and preserve the vulnerable parts of your life but do so with tough-minded compassion, not ornery overreactions. Be skeptical but warm, breezily resilient but always ready to stand up for what’s right. (P.S. The better you shield yourself against weird surprises, the more likely it is you’ll attract interesting surprises.)
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The atoms that
compose your body have existed for billions of years. Originally created by a star, they have been part of many forms before you. But they are exactly the same in structure as they have ever been. So in a very real sense, you are billions of years old. Now that you know that, how do you feel? Any different? Stronger? More expansive? More eternal? I bring these thoughts to your attention, Pisces, because 2021 will be an excellent year for you to come to a more profound and detailed understanding of your true nature. I hope you will regularly meditate on the possibility that your soul is immortal, that your identity is not confined to this historical era, that you have been alive and will be alive for far longer than you’ve been taught to believe.
N E W VI D E O ! Eva Sollberger’s
Watch at sevendaysvt.com 4H-Stuck011321.indd 1
supported by: beaten path Walk off the ered woods in snow-cov with Eva in Westford , Mike Frisbie and hunter l a im n a es who identifi at. Frisbie sc d n a s track ras set up has 11 came -mile loop along a two his footage and shares otters and of deer, fox, ne. coyotes onli
1/12/21 11:32 AM
Respond to these people online: dating.sevendaysvt.com WOMEN seeking... INDEPENDENT, BULLETPROOF, CURIOUS, CREATIVE, ADVENTUROUS You can read my heading as Miss Fit or Misfit; works both ways. Grew up 50 miles from New York City, where I studied dance. I mostly worked as a technical writer. In Oregon I became certified as a sustainable building adviser. Currently writing family history. Looking for a man with a good sense of humor who is healthy and active. MissFit, 79, seeking: M CURIOUS, WARM, MATURE I am a curious person by nature and love to explore. I spend a lot of time hiking with my dog Spartacus (Sparky). I love painting and writing and doing home improvement projects indoors and out. I am looking for a mature, confidant man who has it together. Fun and wit are great; chaos and drama are not. LadyL0664, 54, seeking: M, l FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, INDEPENDENT, EASYGOING Very honest, loyal, friendly. Enjoy cooking, traveling, walking, driving with no destination, exploring the beauty of the Green Mountains. Would enjoy finding the same in my partner. dyniska, 79, seeking: M COMICMELLOW Love music, outdoors, painting, cooking, building. ComicMellow, 43, seeking: M, W, Q, l
WANT TO RESPOND? You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
See photos of this person online.
W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups
EDUCATED, SENSITIVE, ADVENTURE SEEKER Adventurous, sensitive, fit, deepthinking, independent, divorced woman with two wonderful teenage sons. Enjoy walking, hiking, skiing, kayaking, swimming, biking, exploring new places (cities and ruins), connecting with the locals and learning their language. If you are a night owl, you have to find another roost. Seeking someone kind, responsible, well mannered and fun. JoySeeker, 53, seeking: M, l CURIOUS, FUN UNICORN Do you ski at Stowe? Golf in the summer? Play pickleball and tennis? Have a boat? SUP or windsurf? Do you have a current passport that you will be looking forward to using as soon as possible? Are you a traveler, not a tourist? Are you happy and fun and single and available? Send me a note ... and I actually like fishing. 3percent, 59, seeking: M, l JUST CURIOUS Just checking things out. Havana_89, 31, seeking: M, l KEEPING IT LIGHT THESE DAYS Adventurous free spirit looking for someone who is willing to put their body between me and an angry/ unhappy loon — whenever that situation occurs, or one of a similar nature. lupinelady, 42, seeking: M, l OPEN MIND, HEART, ACTIVE COMPANION Kind, curious, open-minded, capable, community-oriented, care-full, creative companion for activity, to ski, swim, sail slowly. Let’s meet on the bike path near Burlington sometime — or my favorite, the Colchester Causeway. 62-y/o woman. Please contact me by sending me a message — and I hope we can meet in person sooner rather than later, as companionship comes down to chemistry. openmindheart, 62, seeking: M, l EARNEST AND AGREEABLE IDEALIST My best friendships have little to do with geography. I’m obsessed with “The West Wing.” I love my students, and I still read young adult novels. ckg802, 31, seeking: M, l JOYFUL, HONEST, KIND, HARDWORKING MOMMA I decided a year ago to choose happiness, left my job of 12 years in education to follow my dream of learning to weld. I start school full time in March and cannot wait! In the meantime, I am working security for a local company, walking a lot and enjoying life! Just want to share the joy with someone! Sara82, 38, seeking: M, W, l LET’S PRETEND Let’s pretend the world is healing, and we can celebrate together. I love comedy improv, swimming, my family and great food, reading and being read to, travel and adventures. Looking for a healthy, funny, intelligent guy who likes jazz and world music, cooking, travel, and the outdoors. Are you comfortable with yourself and with me, a strong and independent gal? Mangosmom, 60, seeking: M, l
JOYFUL Looking for a funny person ’cause I’m funny, too! Creative type! I love going to galleries and museums. Kind, compassionate, like to travel, go boating and be on beaches. I see life through optimistic eyes. Scout, 67, seeking: M, l FLAVORFUL, SPIRITED. I CONTAIN MULTITUDES. It’s virtually impossible to condense a personality into such a small container. I happily contradict myself, if the spirit moves me. I say “yes” to life while remaining grounded. I value connection, honesty and personal insight. I’m looking for someone courageous enough to also say “yes” to life. katya, 54, seeking: M, l STRONG, INDEPENDENT, INTELLECTUAL Ski? Dinner? Speak any foreign languages? No rednecks or men who will break under heavy use. Must be well educated, well traveled and cultured. 420-friendly, and no man-babies looking for a mama! pip, 56, seeking: M, l MILLENNIALS INQUIRE WITHIN. YEEHAW. Looking for a hot, nerdy dude who has an adventurous, sensitive, techie soul. Good with his hands. Must love cuddles. I don’t mind if you prioritize your alone time as long as you don’t mind that I can be an endearing space case. Be warned: I will ask for your natal chart and when your most recent STI test was. starsaligned, 25, seeking: M WILD-HAIRED, FUN, YET TRUE I’m kind and true. I love Vermont, all the adventures that it offers. I can’t wait to travel, only to come home to garden, hike, paint and create in Vermont. I’m looking for a “partner in crime,” someone to create and dream together. Perhaps I’ll find my best friend and lover all wrapped into one beautiful heart of a man. Verita, 59, seeking: M, l FUNNY, ACTIVE ACTIVIST AND ADVENTURIST Recently moved to Vermont from D.C. Would like to meet people for social/ political activism, hiking, hanging out and socializing. Always up for new adventures, like discussing world events. Am compassionate, enjoy outdoor activities. I’m nonjudgmental and appreciate the same in others. I’ve been involved in activism around racial equity, health care and disability rights ... but don’t take myself too seriously! AnnieCA, 67, seeking: M, l
MEN seeking... SOULFUL, DEPENDABLE, STEADY, ACTIVE, HUMOROUS I am really a straight shooter who likes good company and being outdoors. I love the water, boating and swimming. Mellow at times, psyched up at other times. Music is my best friend, and I love hearing and sharing with others. Changling, 57, seeking: W WANT A MAN FRIEND Older gent looking for discreet relationship with a man. bornagainvergin, 72, seeking: M
SIMPLE VERMONT COUNTRY GUY Hey y’all, I’m a recently separated professional, work-at-home dad just looking to get out (or stay in) with a fun, easygoing woman. NSA is fine by me. I’m open-minded, athletic and willing to take chances, especially with or for the right woman. VTfarmboy213, 35, seeking: M, l
CHIVALRY Friendly “man” looking for my sidekick/partner/friend. Bruce2016, 53, seeking: W, l
OCCASIONAL GET-TOGETHER Looking for an FWB arrangement. jbad, 59, seeking: M
BACKCOUNTRY SKIER, HIKER, LEFT ACTIVIST Looking to share recreation, deep friendship and love. About myself: cerebral, intense and passionate. Crave touching, sharing affection. Enjoy sharing hiking, backcountry skiing, mountain biking with peers or a lover. Enjoy the company of big dogs, most music and love to dance. Active for my age. “Retired” into an engaged life doing progressive-socialist organizing, a radio show and outdoor activities. SkiDog, 73, seeking: W, l
HANDSOME MAN LOOKING FOR FUN Hey, I’m single and available for your needs anytime. I love to make people happy. I’m honest, big-hearted and don’t play games. M4forcpl, 35, seeking: W, TW, Cp, l SEEKING OUTDOORSY, EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE COMPANION Seeking liberal, even-tempered deep thinker for company to share hikes, snowshoeing, cooking, gardening, movies, Vermont road-trip adventures, bicycling, physical affection, and conversations on nature, hiking, children, psychology, relationships, spirituality, religion, politics, music, movies, writing, ideas. Vermontlover, 53, seeking: W, l OLD-SCHOOL WITH NEW ENERGY I’m looking for a spontaneous adventure partner who also would enjoy quiet time being a pillow pal. Shy2try, 59, seeking: W, l COMPASSIONATE, SENSUOUS, CARING I am recently widowed, still miss my wife very much. Would like to invite a lady between the ages of 50 and 60 to a dinner (H/W proportional) prepared by me, no obligation on either’s part, and see where it takes us. I am an avid cook and a great host. kevinwhit, 72, seeking: W READY FOR 2021 Looking for someone to share life’s mysteries and beauty. Looking to explore the world, one adventure at a time. Do you like to swim or go boating? How about a good laugh, a good meal and company, too? Listening and learning all put together in one package. Readyfor2021, 61, seeking: W, l SINCERE, CARING, LOVING FAMILY MAN I’m a country boy, family man. I enjoy four seasons. Up in the mountains on the lake. I enjoy spending summers enjoying family, friends, campfires, barbecuing and roasting marshmallows, camping, boating, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, and swimming. Spend winters skiing the mountains, snowmobiling and ice fishing. Looking for that special woman who enjoys the simple pleasures, being in a loving, sincere relationship. BlueGreenHorizens, 52, seeking: W, l DOM LOOKING FOR SUB Hi. Non-practicing Dom, looking for longterm sub? I can’t host at this time, so you must. I’m open-minded, as you must be! No games. This is long-term! So could be considered 24-7. More info as we move along. lostsoul, 65, seeking: W, TW SILVER FOX ARTIST I’m creative, passionate, a problem solver, an adventurist, a respected business owner (30 years), well traveled, educated, secure. Now open to a fit, energetic, passionate female to share adventures and intimacy with. Must love animals, laughing, affection. I’m an artist who has spent the past 30 years creating custom artwork for thousands of clients around the world. Pleasant surprises in many ways! hawaiiartistinvt, 61, seeking: W, l
SWEET, SALTY AND SPICY I consider myself fun, charming, creative and an interestingly varied individual. BKind, 29, seeking: W, Cp, l
NEED SOMEONE IN THE EVENING? Male, 70s, Mad River Valley, recently widowed, wishes to have Zoom meetings with women 55 and up. Hopefully we want to meet in person after the vaccine becomes available. Looking for someone to relax with, talk in the afternoon, or the evening, get to know each other. I want someone to know me and remember who I am, don’t you? jemd, 77, seeking: W, l GRATEFUL, HUMBLE AND HAPPY I’m not gonna bore you here; I’ll keep it short. I’m first and foremost a skier; I could ski every day of the year and not get tired of it. Also am really into biking and now running, along with hiking. Looking for someone I can share a few similar interests mentioned above. Jbvt, 32, seeking: W, l
TRANS WOMEN seeking... SUBMISSIVE SEEKING... Looking to expand my experiences. I am open to many different scenes and roles. tina1966, 54, seeking: W, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp GENEROUS, OPEN, EASYGOING Warm, giving trans female with an abundance of yum to share (and already sharing it with lovers) seeks ecstatic connection for playtimes, connections, copulations, exploration and generally wonderful occasional times together. Clear communication, a willingness to venture into the whole self of you is wanted. Possibilities are wide-ranging: three, four, explorations, dreaming up an adventure are on the list! DoubleUp, 63, seeking: M, Cp, l
COUPLES seeking... AWESOMELY OPEN COUPLE Attractive couple seeking another couple to explore every aspect of open-mindedness and willing to go either way and every way. Gender of couple does not matter. Let’s have fun. salvitag15, 51, seeking: Cp, l COUPLE SEEKING WOMAN We are very open and honest. Clean, safe and totally discreet. We are looking for a woman who wants to try new adult things with a couple. We want to role-play and try some kink. Newboytoyvt, 51, seeking: W, l SWINGER COUPLE Couple in early 50s looking to have fun with a male partner. Husband likes to watch but also join in. Wife is a knockout little hottie who likes to cut loose. Looking for a male between 40 and 50 for some serious adult fun. Only well-hung men need apply — at least nine inches, please. Spaguy, 52, seeking: M, Gp
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
XC SKIING SHELBURNE FARMS 2 p.m. You and your two pals were wrapping up your ski while my gang was heading out. I asked if beer was in your future; your friend said, “No, naps.” Want to ski together after you’re rested? When: Sunday, January 10, 2021. Where: Shelburne Farms. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915213 LIKE-MINDED IN BARNES & NOBLE We briefly met in Barnes & Noble. You overheard the book I was looking for and came to check the version. I have never posted one of these before, but how often do you meet people in Barnes over books like that?! If you are the guy I met and felt the same, I would love to meet you! When: Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Where: Barnes & Noble. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915212 DOUBLE TAKE: OAK & MANHATTAN CORNER RUN Midday, driving my gold Tacoma, pink jacket, yellow hat. You were wearing red shorts and on a run. I turned to look at you, and you did, too. Stopped at the corner to turn and looked back, and you were looking back again! Wish I had looped back around to say hi and get your name. When: Sunday, January 3, 2021. Where: corner of Oak St. and Manhattan Dr. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915211 MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR! Molly! You stopped to help me out after I slid off the road. I was flustered, and you were kind and patient. Thank you! When I saw you waiting at the bottom of the hill, I realized that I should have asked for your number. Can I buy you a drink? Or perhaps a new set of ratchet straps? When: Sunday, January 3, 2021. Where: Stone Rd., Brookfield. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915210
THE RIGHT SWIPE. Touch my butt, take me on a date. No particular order. Happy birthday, sweet boy, you are the lightest and brightest. Sending you my love and every free pamphlet I can get my hands on. XOXOXO. When: Sunday, November 22, 2020. Where: Tinder. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915209 NEW YEAR’S ON MOUNT ABE We both hiked up Mount Abraham on New Year’s Day and chatted briefly at the summit before you headed back down. You have a good smile and good taste in mountains — get in touch if you’d want to go for a hike together sometime! When: Friday, January 1, 2021. Where: Mount Abraham. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915208 SHARED A CHAIR We shared a lift at Stowe. You were a PA planning a move back to Boston, and you work occasionally at the hospital in my town. I hate slow lifts, but I wish we’d had longer to talk. Maybe we could plan a ski day and drinks or coffee after? When: Friday, January 1, 2021. Where: Stowe Mountain FourRunner quad. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915207 CUTIE AT KRU (A KRUTIE) You’re a cute guy who works at Kru Coffee. About six feet tall with shorter hair on the side and longer on top. Nice pair of earrings each time I’ve seen you. Next time I saw you I was going to give you my number, but I haven’t seen you in a while. Want to have a drink? When: Monday, November 2, 2020. Where: Kru Coffee. You: Man. Me: Man. #915206 WERE YOU SERIOUS? BOOH Just want to find out if the flirt that you sent me was sincere! What is the next step? When: Monday, December 14, 2020. Where: Seven Days. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915204
Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums
Dear Reverend,
I am a 20-year-old guy with a crush on my best friend’s little sister. I have known my friend since middle school. I was immediately attracted to his sister the first time I met her. She is three years younger than me. I was always scared to get to know her, because I know how protective her brother is. I started talking to her and hanging out with her behind his back — probably not a great move. I want to get to know her sexually, but I’m scared I am gonna lose my best friend and get the shit kicked out of me. What should I do?
Buddy Wantzer (MALE, 20)
YOU WERE THE ART Hello, I saw you at ArtHound the other day, and wow. You blended in with all the other art around. You were a masterpiece, and I would love to see you again ... maybe make some art together. Hope you visit again. I’ll be there. See you around. XOXO. When: Monday, December 14, 2020. Where: ArtHound. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915205
‘DO I DARE?’ A question on your plate; time for you and time for me? And time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions before the taking of a toast and tea. In the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo. And indeed there will be time to wonder... When: Saturday, November 2, 2019. Where: on our feet. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915199
TO MY MARILYN MONROE To my forever love, MM. Every lifetime we are drawn to each other. I am so grateful to keep finding you. Our connection is everlasting and worth everything to me. This life and the next, I love you always. Your James Dean. When: Sunday, October 9, 2016. Where: Jericho barn. You: Woman. Me: Non-binary person. #915191
EAVES, SMILE IN THE EYES! You were checking out with wine and a wreath. I was making coffee. We said hello! I miss seeing the smile in your eyes more regularly. I wanted to tell you about the Côtes du Rhône in my car and ask if we could share, but my confidence eluded me. Share a bottle and a walk sometime? When: Saturday, December 12, 2020. Where: City Market South End. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915203
HEY, SMOKING IN THE RAIN It was Center Rd., not Hardwick St. I should have said something while we were moving that tree out of the road in the rain. Your dark eyes struck me. Still thinking about them. We did wave to one another as I drove past you in your truck. Wanted to say hello. Curious. When: Monday, November 30, 2020. Where: Greensboro. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915197
SWEET CLOVER LOVE Hey. You checked me out at Sweet Clover Market — and, wow, did you catch my eye. The SpongeBob mask made me know that it was love at first sight, because I, too, love SpongeBob. I couldn’t see under the mask, but your smile lit up the room. I think this could be the one ... but I don’t know your name. When: Saturday, December 12, 2020. Where: Sweet Clover Market. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915202
SHAMWOW Not a moment passes that I don’t think of you. —Scoots. When: Friday, May 18, 2018. Where: in my dreams. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915195
MISSING BEAN-DIP DAYS To the woman who needs fancy leggings and cozy at-home leggings: I miss the carefree days of 2019 when we could sit and laugh right next to each other, even high-five if compelled. Hopefully soon we can study and make an epic bean dip, just like old times; until then, wash your hands, wear your mask and stay home. When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019. Where: buck hunter at Akes. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915190
DUTTON BROOK DRIVE-BY You: rugged and courteous in a pickup truck. Me: fit but flustered runner with music playing too loud. Us: hiking together next weekend? When: Tuesday, December 8, 2020. Where: Addison County. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915201 SILVER FOX IN SILVER YARIS I saw you pulling out of the skate park in your silver two-door Yaris. Driving all slow. So laid-back you don’t even use your blinkers. I just thought to myself, Damn, he’s fine. Let’s grab a taco? And fries? When: Saturday, December 5, 2020. Where: A_Dog Skatepark. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915200 PUMPING GAS AT VALERO You: black hair wearing a mask in your zippy Nissan Titan. Me: sitting in my tastefully stickered Kia while my gas pumped. Shot in the dark, but you look fun; meet up over a drink? When: Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Where: Barre-Montpelier Rd. Valero station. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915198
Dear Buddy Wantzer, I grew up with three older brothers. If any of them had found out that one of their friends and I had been secretly messing around when I was 17, I can assure you the outcome would not have been pretty — mostly for the friend. You may not believe this, but trust me: Sex is great, but nothing beats a best friend. Not everybody has one. You don’t want to do anything
KELLEE ON OKCUPID It’s been a while since we chatted on OKCupid. We corresponded about winter and a new snow blower you bought. I hope you’re well. —Chris. When: Friday, February 5, 2016. Where: OKCupid. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915194 LISA ON BURROWS TRAIL SUNDAY We leapfrogged and stumbled down the Burrows Trail. I’m still feeling your warmth. Wondering all sorts of things. Walk in beauty, dear one. When: Sunday, November 22, 2020. Where: Camel’s Hump. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915193 THANKS FOR THE SMILE Thanks to the Goodwill worker in Williston who appreciated my mother’s antique lantern. Even small interactions can turn a bad day right around. I really appreciate it! You asked for my name and said it was great meeting me. I wish I had asked for yours. I’ll have to find more things to donate. When: Saturday, November 21, 2020. Where: Goodwill. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915192 COLCHESTER AVE. Kelly, I am sorry. Please forgive me. —David. When: Thursday, November 19, 2020. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915187
to jeopardize your longtime friendship, and keeping this secret from your pal is a surefire way to lose it — even more so if things go south with his sister. If you and she are serious about pursuing a relationship, your friend is going to find out sooner or later, so you might as well rip off the BandAid. Perhaps you should tell him together? However you do it, you really ought to get it out in the open before things go too far.
GREG, WE MATCHED ON MATCH Not sure how to connect with you. We have a lot in common, and you seem very fun! When: Friday, November 20, 2020. Where: Match. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915189 NORTHFIELD SEPTUM RING GIRL You complimented my septum ring, and I think yours is perfect. Maybe we can do the coffee thing outside of me buying it from you? When: Friday, November 20, 2020. Where: Northfield. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915188 MIKE B. OF NYC/BUMBLE MISS? Perhaps you were home for a short time, or COVID restrictions made you leave? I saw your match, but my right swipes are rare and can be painstakingly slow. When I finally decided, alas, you were gone. If you return to Colchester sometime soon, try again! Or reach out here. Me: 53, happily independent and active. When: Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Where: Bumble. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915186 HANNAFORD-UPON-ESSEX You were shopping with your daughter, and we made eye contact a couple times. Was it a coincidence or something more? If you would be up for meeting from a distance, I would, too! When: Monday, November 16, 2020. Where: Hannaford, Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915185
Speaking of going too far: The age of consent in Vermont is 16, so technically you wouldn’t be breaking any laws if the two of you did decide to have sex. However, under these circumstances, I recommend taking things slower than slow. If you show that you truly care about his sister and treat her with respect, your buddy will hopefully be happy that she’s with you rather than some weirdo horn dog he doesn’t know. Good luck and God bless,
The Reverend
What’s your problem?
Send it to asktherev@sevendaysvt.com.
62-y/o female seeking 45- to 65-y/o man. I am loving, caring, honest, etc. Looking for the same. Tired of being alone. I enjoy music, movies, being outside and more. #L1468 Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any wellhung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1467
SWM, 60s, seeking a SWF, 30s to 60s. Outlaw, pirate, bandit! Cool cat, overactive libido, reader/ writer, RV, ski and sail, fires and wines, films and fun, chef, outdoor bear, music, hopeful romantic, off the grid. #L1472 64-y/o SWF seeking a SM, 50 to 74 y/o, for companionship. Must be Catholic, clean, COVIDfree. My interests are singing, writing, reading, teaching, cooking, and watching shows and Hallmark movies. I love animals and enjoy the simple things of life: walks, coffee or tea, sunrise or sunsets. If you want a woman who will love you for yourself, give me a try. #L1470
GM, mid-50s, in Rutland County tired of being cooped up for winter and COVID. Looking for like-minded individuals for some NSA fun. If something more develops, that works, too! No text/email. Phone only. #L1471 I’m a 67-y/o WM. Like hiking, walking, watching Catholic channel. Moved to Williston three years ago from Connecticut. I have two daughters who went to UVM. My wife died from breast cancer 12 years ago. We were happily married for 25 years. Retired 12 years. Please write. #L1469
HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters
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Honest, loving, kind and fun 68-y/o man seeking his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with! I’d hope she would share similar interests, such as skiing, beaches, boating, hiking, traveling, etc. A nonsmoker who respects nature, is spiritual, and loves music and animals would be great. #L1466 I’m a gay male seeking a gay male, 65+. Inexperienced but learning. Virgin. Love giving and receiving oral. #L1465 SWF, 59 y/o, seeking “playmate” (M or F) for companionship and increased joy! Prefer my age, but open. “Old souls” seeking to expand their worlds. Avid reader, writer and news junkie. Love animals, music, food and adventures. I follow the golden rule and expect the same. 420-friendly. Let’s have coffee. Chemistry would be a miracle, but who knows. #L1464
Internet-Free Dating!
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. I am a 68-y/o male seeking an advanced lady skier between 45 and 58. Jay and Smuggs pass. 19 countries + ALK. Five years Beirut. Zero Druidic. Last reads: Candide, How Fascism Works, Story of O. Adventures best shared. #L1463
49-y/o SWM seeking female for friendship with benefits. I am feminine, fit, mostly vegan. I enjoy yoga, hiking and biking, books, some cooking, and cuddling to a good movie. Seeking romantic lady for friendship. #L1457
I’m a mid-aged male seeking a male or female in these reclusive, masked times. I’m a long-distance runner, walker and aerobic distance-goer looking to share runs in the spirit of Joy Johnstone, Ed Whitlock, Larry Legend, George Sheehan — connecting to that endorphined tranquility and making sense of our lives. Any age. #L1462
I’m a 34-y/o male seeking 18to 45-y/o female. I’m smart, artistic, funny and openminded. Love music, books, movies and looking at the cosmos. A cat guy, but like all animals. Looking for love and friendship. #L1456
I’m a 71-and-a-half-y/o male from Rutland County seeking a female. Netflix, cable junkie. Hope to dine again post-COVID. Love the Maine coast a couple times a year. Sedate lifestyle. Retired law enforcement. #L1461 I’m here now, and you knew me as Yourdaddy921, etc. and Boomer2012, etc. Contact me via mail, please. #L1458
I’m a male (65) seeking a female (50 to 65). Fit, friendly, frolicsome fella favors fanciful female for fabulous fall friendship. I’m vegetarian, healthy, humorous, reflective and highly educated. Interests are hiking, gardening, dogs, creativity, Scrabble and pillowtalk. #L1455 SWM, 60s, seeking woman around 58 to 68. Handyman. Enjoy skiing, cooking, weekend getaways. Tired of quarantine. Are you? NEK. #L1453
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