Former BHS principal faults school board
VT health clubs feel the burn in the pandemic PAGE 32 Talking shots with a vaccine test subject PAGE 34 The importance of hope for mental health PAGE 36
I chose
Mascoma. Julie Goodall
888.627.2662 mascomabank.com
ulie Goodall had run two businesses of her own — and been the “right arm” at several others — when she discovered her true calling: helping entrepreneurs. Prospective clients of her company, Genesis Consulting, come to her seeking advice. “‘Some of the most common questions are: Should I become an LLC? What kind of insurance should I have? Can you help me set up my bookkeeping?’” Goodall said. “And: ‘By the way, do you know a CPA?’” In fact, she does know a CPA. Part of Goodall’s service as a business consultant is connecting clients to the specialized services they need, from websites and IT, to marketing and logistics. Working out of a spotless office off Shelburne Road in South Burlington, she seems to do everything else: financial analysis, custom reporting, CFO services, budgeting and forecasting, even live classes on business and bookkeeping basics. Genesis itself offers a full-service virtual finance department, including accounts payable and receivable, payroll, reconciliations and reporting. Its diverse collection of clients includes Davis Studio, Quantum Leap Capital, Hinesburgh Public House and the Flying Pig Bookstore. A native of Georgia, Vt., Goodall, 39, grew up around spreadsheets and adding machines; her mother, Claire Shepard, was the chief financial officer for the city of Burlington, working there for more than four decades. Goodall’s first job, at 16, was in the city’s finance department. “I’m a numbers person and big-picture thinker,” said Goodall, now with two daughters of her own. She enjoys transforming the chaos of others into something orderly — maybe even color-coded. “For a long time I didn’t realize that was a skill.” When clients ask Goodall where to bank, she recommends Mascoma. Her own accounts are there because she likes that fact that the bank is a certified B-Corp, balancing people and profits to “make business a force for good.” But there are other selling points. “I want my clients to be treated well and I know they will be,” Goodall said. The team at Mascoma “are personable and kind. They’re not pressured to sell financial services my clients may not need. They are relationship-centric, and so am I.” One example: When the federal government rolled out the Paycheck Protection Program earlier this year, “before I could even determine if I was eligible, my rep from Mascoma called me. She was, like, ‘I noticed you didn’t apply for the PPP yet. Can I help you?’” Goodall has since become something of an expert on the program: She’s successfully helped a number of companies through the nerve-wracking process of applying for loan forgiveness. Once again, Mascoma impressed her. “They were one of the first banks that I’ve seen to offer the forgiveness application online with an e-signature,” Goodall said. Now she’s getting messages every day. “I hear you’re the PPP forgiveness application specialist,” she quoted from one recent voicemail, acknowledging it could be a reliable revenue stream over the next few months. But what might seem like good fortune and timing is the result of years of hard work. “When you do right by people, they stay with you,” she said. “And they tell their friends.”
* All credit requests subject to commercial underwriting standards established by Mascoma Bank.
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emoji that
Helen Porter Rehabilitation & Nursing resident Elsie Johnson getting vaccinated
Vermont will begin offering COVID-19 vaccines to people age 75 or older starting the week of January 25, prioritizing those most likely to succumb to the virus. But officials stressed that the vaccine rollout remains hampered by limited supply, noting that Vermont is getting roughly 9,000 doses from the federal government each week — a third fewer than the 12,000 weekly doses initially promised. “We know many are anxiously waiting for their vaccines — and rightfully so,” Gov. Phil Scott said in his twice-weekly press conference last Friday. “We want to get every dose out just as quickly as we possibly can. But with so few doses available, we need everyone to be patient.” State officials say the current supply chain should allow them to vaccinate the 49,000 or so Vermonters in this age bracket in about six weeks. The state will then continue vaccinations based on age — moving next to those 70 or older, then to 65 or older — in hopes of immunizing those groups by the end of winter. Officials reiterated that the vast majority of deaths and hospitalizations in Vermont have been in the older population, so protecting that demographic first will ease the burden on the state’s health care system and keep more people alive. Next in line: Vermonters with health conditions considered high risk, including cancer, kidney disease, emphy-
sema, severe obesity, pregnancy, diabetes, Down syndrome, sickle cell anemia and various heart conditions. “We believe this is the simplest and easiest-to-understand — as well as the most efficient and effective — way to vaccinate Vermonters more quickly,” Scott said. Eligible Vermonters will be able to register online or by phone starting January 25, and more information about the process is expected to be released on January 22. The state has contracted with an outside company to run its reservation call center. Officials said the initial workforce of schedulers will number 200 and could double in size. By Tuesday, nearly 35,000 Vermonters, including skilled nursing home staff and employees and health care workers, had received at least one vaccine dose, according to the Vermont Department of Health. The expectation is that all assisted-living and residential-living facility residents will have received their first shots by the end of the month. President Joe Biden has said he intends to quickly ramp up distribution. “The more doses we get,” noted Vermont Human Services Secretary Mike Smith, “the faster we can end this pandemic.” Read Colin Flanders’ full story and keep up with COVID19-related developments on sevendaysvt.com.
The amount of weed seized at the Vermont-Canada border has grown in the last year, the St. Albans Messenger reported. Legal north of the border, illegal south…
Vermont Treasurer Beth Pearce recommended cuts to pensions for teachers and state employees. Union leaders aren’t thrilled.
Lake Champlain Chocolates has issued a 50-state recall after someone found plastic in a milk chocolate bar. That’s nutty.
That’s the amount Barry Roy, a Saint Michael’s College alumnus who died in 2019, left to the school. It’s the largest gift St. Mike’s has ever received.
1. “Rough Francis Fire Bassist for Allegedly Attending ‘Terrorist Insurrection’ in D.C.” by Dan Bolles. The Burlington punk band announced the decision in an Instagram post. 2. “In Trump They Trust: Vermonters Bring Fresh Conspiracy Theories Back From D.C.” by Colin Flanders. Vermonters who headed to Washington, D.C., on January 6 came back blaming antifa for the mayhem. 3. “After Early Uncertainty, Vermont Plans to Vaccinate the Elderly Next” by Derek Brouwer. The state’s vaccination plan prioritizes age over employment. 4. “Del Pozo Resigns From Howard Center Board” by Courtney Lamdin. The former Burlington police chief resigned as the mental health agency wrapped up an investigation into his social media use. 5. “Vermont State Trooper Quits Amid Probe of His Posts About D.C. Insurgency” by Sasha Goldstein. The sergeant resigned amid an investigation into Facebook posts he’d apparently made in support of the January 6 siege of the U.S. Capitol.
tweet of the week @honeystaysuper Shout out to the Vermont driver with the EW DAVID vanity license plate, the only good thing that’s happened this year FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
The station
About 100 Vermont Army National Guard members headed south to help secure Washington, D.C., for Joe Biden’s inauguration. Protecting the home front.
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$4 million
SENSE OF PLACE After months of watching the coronavirus pandemic squeeze the life out of downtown Poultney, Carl Diethelm and Danny Lang decided to enliven their community. The young men were well set up to do so: They cofounded and run REclaimED, a nonprofit maker space and community hub full of equipment and tools. Diethelm found inspiration at a workshop hosted by AARP Vermont last October, then applied for a $3,000 “placemaking” grant from the organization. He and Lang proposed creating a “rest and recharge station” outside of their building at 169 Main Street, which sits just off the popular D&H Rail Trail.
Their proposal was one of three the AARP chose for its “focus on creating public spaces and streets that are safe and accessible for everyone,” the organization said last month. Lang used reclaimed tongue-andgroove pine to create a small covered area with a counter. He employed a Japanese preservation technique known as shou sugi ban to torch star shapes into the wood. A sign made of reclaimed redwood hangs above the structure. From about 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, the men will offer passersby free coffee, tea and hot chocolate, plus a place to rest. There’s a picnic table and a small firepit. The trail is well used year-round,
and skiers, snowshoers and snowmobilers cruise by in the winter. Though few people stopped by during a soft opening over the weekend, Lang said he and Diethelm expect things to pick up as word spreads. The makers have plans to offer art, live music and local information. Such an outdoor community space is key during the pandemic, Lang said, and still will be important when social distancing is a thing of the past. “It’s a pretty lively place,” Lang said. “We’re hoping to bring some people in and offer something to them that hopefully will be enjoyed by many.” SASHA GOLDSTEIN SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 20-27, 2021
HOW’S THE RIDE FEELIN’? Let us keep the wheels rolling along with your mojo! Call for an appointment today!
ORANGE YOU GLAD? founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly
deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers
Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy
deputy editor Sasha Goldstein
Consulting editor Candace Page
stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,
• • • • • • •
diagnostics alignments tire repair brake service oil changes exhaust systems inspections
Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak politiCAl Columnist Dave Gram ARTS & LIFE editor Pamela Polston
AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison
AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Jordan Adams
CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin
speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox
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1/14/21 1:39 PM
stAff writers Jordan Barry, Margaret Grayson, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssistAnt proofreAder Katherine Isaacs D I G I TA L & V I D E O dAtA editor Andrea Suozzo
digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck
produCtion mAnAger John James
designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING direCtor of sAles Colby Roberts
Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka
mArketing & events direCtor Corey Grenier
sAles & mArketing CoordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business mAnAger Marcy Carton
direCtor of CirCulAtion Matt Weiner CirCulAtion deputy Jeff Baron
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Chris Farnsworth, Rick Kisonak, Jacqueline Lawler, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Julia Shipley, Molly Zapp
l Ea
CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.
Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.
DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Monica Ashworth, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Thayer, Steve Yardley With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
@SW I TCH BACKB E E R I B U R L I N GTO N , V T I SW I TC H BAC K V T. C OM ©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
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Art direCtor Rev. Diane Sullivan
ACCount exeCutives Robyn Birgisson,
Jane Mitiguy
senior ACCount exeCutive Michael Bradshaw
k n i r
Thank you for reinstating the Fair Game column and giving Dave Gram a public voice. I’ve been in withdrawal since his sudden departure from WDEV Radio [Off Message: “Media Note: WDEV Cancels Dave Gram’s Talk Show,” November 9, 2020]. I don’t always agree with him — or any others who have written Fair Game — but I appreciate being challenged to think about and reevaluate my positions. I also appreciate insights and facts that I hadn’t heard before. Once again, I’m very grateful for the way you carry out your mission and for bringing back both Fair Game and Dave Gram.
CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert
1/18/21 12:32 PM
Ken Picard’s Bottom Line story titled “Precious Mettle” [January 13], profiling Randolph jeweler and now licensed pawnbroker Luke Ward, is informative and interesting, qualities I expect from my favorite newspaper. What I don’t expect, but find too often, are proofreading errors — that is, I hope they are proofreading errors and not the work of the journalist whose writing is thus enfeebled. I refer in this case to the use of “lay” in the first sentence: “When Luke Ward was 5 years old, he would lay on his belly in parking lots.” The correct word is, of course, “lie.” “Lay” means to put something somewhere, as in “lay the book on the table.” “Lie” means to assume a recumbent position: The young Luke “would lie on his belly.” (I know that Bob Dylan, a Nobel Laureate, got away with this in “Lay, Lady, Lay,” but he doesn’t answer my letters.) I trust that your proofreader will be duly abashed by this missive. I hope that I shall
The November 25, 2020, story headlined “Art for All” misreported the number of acres the Nature Conservancy has protected in Vermont. It is 300,000. Last week’s story “Changing of the Prog?” inaccurately stated that a man whose behavior prompted Tiki Archambeau to call the police last June was the subject of a restraining order. There was no such order in place.
not encounter such egregious misuse of English in the future. I have had to accept that “their” is now a singular possessive, and I am being forced to the wall about the Oxford comma (though I shall never surrender), but please: “Lie” and “lay” must not be confused; to do so is to open the door to even more appalling usages, which will tempt me to despair. Please, dear Seven Days, do not so abuse your devoted readers. Gina Logan
I just loved Paula Routly’s cover article about Jane Lindholm [“Radio Head,” January 13]. Clearly they had a great time, and the mutual respect and trust is obvious. My admiration for Jane began decades ago, when she interviewed me in a trailer attached to the Vermont Public Radio studio. She was prepared, engaging, funny and generous. I make an effort to attend or listen to any event Jane hosts. I was unprepared for how transparent and even vulnerable she was in this remarkable interview, and Paula gives her well-deserved credit. Two exceptional journalists crafting an encouraging and joyful story. The photographs by Luke Awtry are wonderful, too. Thank you, Seven Days.
is banging my husband,’” I feel that the columnist is not fully qualified for their job. Should not a relationship-advice columnist at least have some understanding of nonmainstream relationship models? Even if they themselves do not subscribe to or approve of the model, they should at least not react like this, to denigrate the concept in such a manner, especially since the viability of the concept was not the main thrust of the question the person was posing. While the columnist did follow with “I know there are all sorts of ways to be in this life,” it’s still insulting to the person to bash their relationship model like this — and insulting to the poly community in general. Vermont has a thriving poly community and, as an alternative weekly, Seven Days is popular among non-mainstream communities. As such, I don’t see this as a good look for the paper. Paul Hyson
I thoroughly enjoyed [“Breaking In,” December 23, 2020]! It was funny, accurate and witty! Thanks. Tim Crowley
Lynn Vera
[Re “Ask the Reverend,” August 5, 2020]: When a person writing in says that they’re in a polyamorous relationship and the columnist responds, “My first reaction was, ‘Whatareya, nuts? — because I can’t imagine palling around with someone who
[Re “Breaking In,” December 23, 2020]: My husband and I are also new residents of Burlington, although we have visited often, since our daughter and granddaughter live here. In November, we bought a condo in the Old North End. We often comment on the “culture of sharing,” the helpfulness and friendliness
of people. Everybody knows everybody. We go to City Market or Church Street or Speeder & Earl’s and run into friends or neighbors. There’s always a connection. Our mail carrier knows our daughter. Describing the table we just bought at Anjou & the Little Pear, my daughter’s friend said, “That’s my mother’s table!” Pedestrians have the right of way! I do not step off the curb in my hometown of New York City until the light is green. Here people confidently cross the street. Everybody keeps warning us about the cold. When I chide my granddaughter about zipping her jacket, she says, “I’m a Vermonter, Grandma!” But what most resonated with me about Mark Saltveit’s piece was his reaction to the obituaries in Seven Days. I, too, read them word for word and marvel. I, too, made the same resolution, the wish “to be remembered as a ‘character,’ a good guy without any operatic moral flaws, who took care of his responsibilities” — but doubtful if I can pull it off. Nancy Haiduck
Thanks for the tips about so much music I had not yet listened to [“Simply the Best,” December 30, 2020]. I understand that you can only pick so many musicians to highlight at a given time, and from what I’ve listened to already, your choices were spot-on. Let me throw out a couple of local albums that really helped me get through this past year. King Margo are a Killington duo by way of Nashville playing folk rock with a tad of sarcasm thrown in. Barely Gettin’ By is the album; check out “Monsters” or “Bones” for my fave singles. And an artist from your hometown, Marcie Hernandez, mixes two cultures in a melodic and thoughtful musical voyage on her album Amanecer. Her “Light a Torch” video has wonderful scenes from the Burlington area. Steve Dushan
SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • sevendaysvt.com/feedback • feedback@sevendaysvt.com • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
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1/15/21 5:14 PM
contents JANUARY 20-27, 2021 VOL.26 NO.16
Spruced Up Tacos, enchiladas and tequila cocktails in Richmond
NEWS & POLITICS 11 From the Publisher Significant Figures
Pressured to return to the classroom, teachers begin checking the state’s COVID-19 math
Matter of Principal
Burlington High School’s former leader blames the school board for his abrupt departure
In a new graphic novella, dug Nap examines friendship
Welcome to the Wellness Issue
Rebuffing Bob Voice Control
Signs of Hope
Raising the Barbell
Health clubs are adapting to the pandemic
How does a choir keep going — safely — in a pandemic?
Quick Lit: High Stakes
Street of Storytellers, Doug Wilhelm
Titer Security
A COVID-19 vaccine volunteer explains why he got a shot in the arm
1/18/21 12:16 PM
Kitchen Prescription Food and wellness go together for UVM Medical Center executive chef R. Leah Pryor
On the Horizon
Vermont experts discuss the value of hope
Nothing to Siege Here
Outside Influence
Vermont House vote on the U.S. Capitol riot was anonymous
8v-maplestandard012021 1
Author Aaron Hoopes has a prescription for stress relief: going back to nature
Online Now
COLUMNS 12 40 42 45 50 52 54 77
Fair Game Bottom Line WTF Side Dishes Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend
SECTIONS SUPPORTED BY: Walk off the beaten path in Westford with Eva and hunter Mike Frisbie, who identifies animal tracks and scat. Frisbie has 11 cameras set up along a two-mile loop and shares his footage of deer, fox, otters and coyotes online.
22 44 50 55 57 72 76
hemp bud
We have
& pre-rolls
Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 62 and online at sevendaysvt.com/jobs.
Life Lines Food + Drink Music + Nightlife Classes Classifieds + Puzzles Fun Stuff Personals SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 20-27, 2021 8v-maplestandard012021 1
9 1/18/21 12:17 PM
STAY LOCAL SAVE BIG Calling all Vermont Residents! Get away to Killington through February 28 and save 25% off tickets and lodging with our Vermont Staycation ski and stay package. Plus, Vermont and New Hampshire residents can ski or ride Monday-Thursday, non-peak for just $65. Learn more at killington.com/vtresident.
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1/18/21 4:15 PM
Virus sinks stat
e finances
VOIC E APRI L 8-15, 2020 VOL.2 5 NO.2 8 SEVE NDAY SVT.C
Variations on a Theme
Seven Days has published many “theme issues” over the years. Devoting the entire paper to a single, usually seasonal subject MO NE Y has turned up some great stories that we might not otherwise ISSU E have discovered. Similarly, from a business perspective, it has attracted new readers and advertisers. Whether the focus has been on food, music, travel or the Adirondacks, having a concept has helped us plan ahead and reliably generate unique and interesting content for this newspaper as it has grown. There have been a few cringe-worthy moments: On the day after 9/11, we published our annual Performing EMERGENT FIELD Arts Preview. Focusing on one thing can result in THE COVID UNDER SIEGE missing something else that’s more important. But, SEMESTER generally speaking, the strategy worked well until we INSIDE! WAIT FOR IT MINDING MONEY started hiring full-time writers whose reporting could drive our coverage. As our editorial team has expanded, we’ve reduced the number of annual theme issues to accommodate more breaking, timely and cover-worthy journalism. A year ago at this time, the list had been whittled INSIDE! RIGHT ANGLE BUMP AND RIND Winter down to one theme issue per month. Before the pandemic Preview hit, we wondered if even that might be too much. SLIPPERY SLOPES THAT’S CHILLAXING SNOW RESERVATIONS Then a strange thing happened. Just in time for the IN-TENTS FEELINGS MONEY ISSUE, on April 8, 2020, the story of the hour became the economic impact of the coronavirus — on businesses, individuals and the state budget. Marc Nadel’s brilliant cover caricature, of president Donald Trump tossing out toilet paper rolls of cash, perfectly captured the moment. The SUMMER PREVIEW, on May 20, came at just the right time, too: as Vermonters were beginning to wonder what they could and couldn’t do outside safely. We wrote about summer camps, foreign workers, arts organizations, food trucks and the call for mask mandates in stores. The ANIMAL ISSUE, on August 18, paid timely attention to the role pets have played in keeping us sane. Other themes, such as BACK TO SCHOOL, WINTER PREVIEW and WINTER SUMMER PREVIEW READING, have similarly helped us package and present the news of the day. Which brings us to the WELLNESS ISSUE. Under normal circumstances, it would explore new angles on perennial subjects such as improved eating habits and fitness routines. Instead, the topic has taken on an importance we never could have imagined a year ago. In the past 10 months, COVID-19 has claimed 400,000 Americans and turned our lives upside down. Surviving is not just a matter of Interested in becoming a Super Reader? avoiding infection; it’s about finding ways to stay Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of well and hopeful while the public health crisis sevendaysvt.com. Or send a check with your runs its course. In our prolonged isolation, in address and contact info to: which each of us is weighing risk factors, nothing SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS could be more personal. Or essential. P.O. BOX 1164 BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 Whether you’re seeking solace in the pool, at the gym, in the snowy woods or on the couch, we For more information on making a financial hope you find our focused reporting on this topic contribution to Seven Days, please contact useful and restorative. Corey Grenier:
Boosting women candidates in VT
Cyberattack stymies UVM Health Network
Aid for self-em
Vermont colleges laid testing plans to restart safely. Will they work? BY DEREK BROUWER PAGE 18
ployed is PA G E 2 8 weeks off
Kids VT April
Therapists ease
financial ang st
Marvel! at bird-saving cat
Delight! in Vermont’s pandemic pets PAGE 8
wonder! at the metamorphosis 14 of butterflies PAGE
ALSO... Meet the amazing 6 horse lady! PAGE
the They came from 12 deep (South)! PAGE
Ski areas prep for the pandemic
Winter swimmers in Charlotte
All about animals
Steve Benen book blasts GOP
Cheesemakers’ changing market
Vermont restos brace for the cold
Summer camps open for business
V E RM O N T ’ S I N D E P E N D E N T V O I C E MAY 20-27, 2020 VOL.25 NO.34 SEVENDAYSVT.COM
• An uncertain season for baseball in Vermont PAGE 34 • Hiking & human behavior in the summer of COVID-19 PAGE 38 • Vermont’s food trucks roll on PAGE 44
Paula Routly
Wild West Pawlet
Neighbors of an unpermitted shooting range plead for government help — and get none
of criminal threatening to charge Banyai or his associates; and cops don’t investigate Act 250 or zoning violations. “I completely understand the concern and frustration of the neighbors, as I’m frustrated, as well,” Scott told Fair Game. “I want them to know I have assigned a high-level team at the Department of Public Safety to continue to monitor the situation. And I assure them, if an actionable threat or sufficient evidence of a crime is brought to light, we will act.” Here’s what Public Safety Commissioner MICHAEL SCHIRLING, whose department includes the Vermont State Police, told VPR. “It’s unprecedented to use a law enforcement organization to investigate a land-use issue … Our investigators don’t know anything about Act 250,” he said. “So to ask that we investigate that kind of event is just — there’s no basis of knowledge from which to launch that kind of investigation.” Call it the we-don’t-do-windows defense. There was a time when the state police weren’t investigating internet-based sex crimes against children, either, because the internet wasn’t a thing. Under previous leadership, they’ve shown the ability to adapt. Maybe the cops who used to fly around in helicopters looking for pot crops could get some training in Act 250. Or is protecting Vermont’s environment just not as high a priority as keeping people from getting stoned used to be? This is pretty basic stuff. THOMAS JEFFERSON wrote in the Declaration of Independence that we are “endowed by (our) Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted…” Earlier this month, the U.S. Capitol Police could not — or, in the case of some officers, would not — defend the Capitol against marauders. Here in Vermont, petrified neighbors of an apparently illegal gun range, whose pursuit of happiness led them to make homes on a peaceful rural hillside, lie awake at night with revolvers next to their pillows. They wonder: Where’s the government? TIM NEWCOMB
e Vermonters have been telling ourselves an unhappy story that nevertheless delivers a twinge of satisfaction: If the rest of the nation had Vermont’s per capita coronavirus death rate, only about 86,000 Americans would have died since the pandemic’s onset. Instead, the national toll stood at more than 400,000 deaths as of Tuesday. What accounts for the excess deaths? There are several explanations, including relative population densities, but the first thing many people will point to is the difference in basic governmental competence and leadership. We’ve had Gov. PHIL SCOTT and Health Commissioner MARK LEVINE . The federal government has had Bozo in Chief DONALD TRUMP, corrupting nearly everything he touches. But before we crow too much that Vermont is better run than the federal government or other states, consider a place called Slate Ridge in West Pawlet — and the state’s failure, at least so far, to enforce its laws against a man accused of terrorizing his neighbors. Late last October, VTDigger.org delivered an excellent, long and detailed report exposing Slate Ridge, a tactical firearms training center run by 47-year-old DANIEL BANYAI. He faces felony firearms charges in New York and operates his “school” just over the state line in Vermont. You might ask: Why is it permissible for someone facing felony firearms charges in one state to cross into a neighboring state and start a firearms training school? Good question. More than two years ago, the Natural Resources Board wrote to the Vermont Attorney General’s Office to ask that Banyai be investigated and warn that he might be a “safety risk.” Just last Friday, Judge HELEN TOOR of the Rutland Superior Court issued a no-stalking order against him on behalf of a neighbor and her two teenage children. The judge referred to several threatening Facebook posts on Slate Ridge’s page. “One described [neighbor MANDY] HULETT and her husband as pieces of garbage and racists who hated the Second Amendment and needed to ‘go to HELL!,’” the judge wrote in her order. “It went on to say, ‘We must eradicate these people…’” and listed the Huletts’ home address, as well
as Mandy Hulett’s work address with the notation “midnight shift.” (For the record, Hulett told Fair Game she is a hunter.) One video on the Facebook page showed “Hulett Trucking” — the name of a Hulett family business — written on the bullet-riddled door of a car that had been targeted in a “vehicle assault class.” Banyai denied responsibility for the threats, but the judge wasn’t buying MAND Y it. “While he denied that he operated the shooting range, said that only his family uses it, and denied he had any authority over its operations or its Facebook page, the court did not find that testimony to be credible,” Toor wrote. Hulett and other neighbors in the Rutland County town say they live in fear. They argue that the noise of target practice and the apparent commercial use of Banyai’s property add up to violations of local zoning rules and the state’s Act 250 land-use law. What have state officials been doing in the years since the situation came to light? Not much. “We’re just looking for some sort of assistance,” Hulett said in court last week, according to VTDigger. Vermont Public Radio published its own reporting by NINA KECK and PETER HIRSCHFELD last week that highlighted a stunning amount of bureaucratic buck
passing and responsibility ducking by a range of government agencies. So far, the Vermont State Police, the Rutland County Sheriff ’s Office, the office of Rutland County State’s Attorney ROSE KENNEDY, the office of Vermont Attorney General T.J. DONOVAN , town zoning officials and constables, and the state Natural Resources Board haven’t been able or willing to provide neighbors the assistance they’re seeking. Donovan told Fair H UL E T T Game that state police had offered to have a trooper accompany a Natural Resources Board investigator looking into whether Banyai’s operation complies with Act 250. That offer was declined. Donovan attributed the problem to “a difference of opinion as to investigative strategies.” EVAN MEENAN, an attorney with the board, pointed Fair Game to a November 12 email he wrote to JASON GIBBS, Scott’s chief of staff. “The Vermont State Police has offered to provide a police escort for the Board’s civilian investigators who may need to visit Mr. Banyai’s facility,” it said. “While the NRB most definitely appreciates that offer, the NRB has decided that due to the safety concerns that it has repeatedly expressed … it is not going to send civilian investigators to the facility regardless of whether a police escort is present.” Officials including Scott and Donovan offer arguments that boil down to two: They haven’t gathered sufficient evidence
Killing the Messenger?
It’s an old story by now — out-of-state investor buys venerable local newspaper and launches a campaign of cost cutting.
Erin Dupuis
Newsroom staff is cut to the bone. The paper contains less and less of local substance and more puffy features about the latest trends in fireplaces or some such. The New York Times had a terrific, sad story last year featuring EVAN BRANDT, the last reporter covering Pottstown, Pa., for the once-proud Mercury. Newspapers have lost readers and advertisers to the internet and, in the past year, the economic devastation wrought by the pandemic. Meanwhile, as in Pottstown, hedge funds and other investors have been swooping into communities and snapping up local newspapers as easily as inserting a quarter in the slot and taking a copy. The next move, as the Times put it, is to “siphon away profits rather than reinvest in local journalism.” The St. Albans Messenger and three affiliated weekly newspapers, the Colchester Sun, the Essex Reporter and the Milton Independent, appear to have suffered greatly under this triple threat. The weeklies have halted print publication and gone fully online. The Messenger announced last week that it was cutting back publication from five days a week to two. The decline follows the sale of the papers two years ago by EMERSON and SUZANNE LYNN to O’Rourke Media Group, based in the Chicago area. Emerson Lynn had been the Messenger’s publisher and editor — or, as U.S. Sen. BERNIE SANDERS (I-Vt.) liked to call him when he wrote an editorial that annoyed the senator, “the ownah” — since 1981. Lynn also — and this appears to correlate strongly with the quality of a local newspaper — lived in the community his paper covered and cared deeply about it. The Messenger consistently punched above its weight, with strong local and state coverage, excellent photography, and Lynn’s often business-oriented editorials, which were read by leaders around Vermont. Former and current Messenger employees I’ve reached in the past couple of weeks would talk only if they were not identified, if they would talk at all. Some spoke of their loyalty to the papers, saying they didn’t want to harm any chance they might have at a rebound. Others were worried about the effects of any criticism on their own jobs or future prospects. But those who talked described a profit-first pattern. The Messenger and
three weeklies combined had a newsroom staff of 11 or so at the time of the sale, a figure that has been cut in half, my sources said. They added that turnover has been rapid. Nearly everyone working on the editorial and sales staffs in 2018 has left, and many of their replacements have left, as well. Publisher JIM O’ROURKE , CEO of O’Rourke Media Group, did not return a call seeking comment. Lynn also had no comment about his former life’s work. Former executive editor MICHELLE MONROE, who left in December, provided a prepared statement, which said in part, “My departure was long-planned, but delayed by a combination of my love for the community and the work, and COVID-19. My affection for the Messenger remains, and I hope to see it succeed.” What have the changes meant for content? Too much cutting-and-pasting of press releases from the governor’s office, as opposed to any serious analysis or tough questions about policy changes. Last week, one reporter wrote a feature on “the most wishlisted Airbnb in Vermont last year.” O’Rourke Media Group was formed in October 2018, two months before it bought its Vermont properties. It now owns papers in Arizona, Minnesota and Wisconsin, as well. The “About Us” page on its website promises locally based “content producers” (those used to be known as “reporters”) and “sales leaders,” as well as “a full suite of advertising and marketing solutions” for local businesses. Even before the pandemic, O’Rourke had reduced the publication schedule from six days a week to five. “Once our playbook takes full form (year two or sooner), we run at a 25-30% profit margin,” the “About Us” page says. The American Enterprise Institute reported not long ago that the average profit margin for an American company was 7.5 percent. One word the “About Us” page doesn’t mention: journalism. O’Rourke did use that word when the Messenger’s change to twice weekly was announced last week: “Local news and information combined with meaningful journalism will always be front and center at the Messenger,” his statement said. Journalism front and center? I hope I am wrong, but count me as skeptical. m
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1/13/21 12:30 PM
Significant Figures Pressured to return to the classroom, teachers begin checking the state’s COVID-19 math B Y DE REK B R O UW E R • derek@sevendaysvt.com
ore than most, teachers tend to respect the rules, and Amy Cudney is no exception. The J.J. Flynn Elementary School librarian dutifully canceled her Thanksgiving plans last fall and ceased outdoor visits with friends as soon as Gov. Phil Scott restricted household gatherings. Cudney sent her husband, who works remotely, to retrieve their daughter from Syracuse University at the end of the fall term and saw that they quarantined upon return. Besides her time in Burlington school classrooms, Cudney said, her only out-of-home activities are bicycling to and from work and running errands. When Cudney fell ill last month with COVID-19, a likely source of her exposure seemed obvious. One of the classrooms she works in had just gone remote because a student had tested positive; Cudney had already been told by her principal to quarantine as a close contact, she said. A day after Cudney’s positive result came back, on December 18, Superintendent Tom 14
Flanagan announced that the entire district was switching to remote learning due to an increase in COVID-19 cases. His letter to employees and families included a reassuring statement that Cudney thought was surely in error. “The Vermont Department of Health still does not see evidence of the spread of COVID-19 in our schools,” Flanagan wrote, “and continues to reinforce that our schools are safe.” In other words, while students and teachers brought the virus to school, they weren’t infecting each other while they were there. Cudney spent more than three weeks going back and forth with the district and the health department trying to understand how Flanagan’s statement squared with her own situation. She eventually learned that the superintendent’s message wasn’t a mistake. The health department could not confirm that she was infected at J.J. Flynn, and because of the narrow way the state reports school-related cases, Cudney likely wasn’t
included in the department’s public data, either. Her case, she realized, was effectively invisible. The discrepancy might have seemed merely curious if not for the pressure teachers are facing to spend more time inside physical classrooms. Scott, in his January 7 inaugural address, said he wants Vermont schools to resume fully in-person learning sometime in April, but he did not promise to vaccinate teachers before then. More than 125,000 older and medically vulnerable Vermonters are still ahead of younger essential workers in the state’s vaccination line, frustrating many teachers who want to get their shots. The Scott administration’s rationale is that schools with vigilant mitigation efforts are relatively lower-risk places. In Vermont, as elsewhere, the state’s data
» P.20
Nearly 100 People Apply to Be on Vermont’s Cannabis Control Board B Y S A S H A G O LDS TE I N sasha@sevendaysvt.com
Nearly 100 people have applied to be one of three representatives on Vermont’s Cannabis Control Board, a powerful entity that will implement rules and regulations and oversee licensing for the state’s nascent adultuse marijuana marketplace. Applicant names are considered confidential under Act 164, the law passed last year that legalized recreational cannabis sales in Vermont starting in 2022. But Gov. Phil Scott’s office, which is overseeing the application process, released some demographic information about the 94 people who applied during a two-week period in December. • 57 identify as men and 30 as women; seven did not disclose. • 72 identify as white; two as Black/ Hispanic; two as Native American; one as Hispanic; three as Black, Indigenous, other people of color/mixed race; and 14 did not disclose. • 77 applicants are from Vermont; 17 live out of state. The governor ultimately appoints the three board members, but a seven-member Cannabis Control Board Nominating Committee first vets the applicants. Once hired, the Cannabis Control Board members will be full-time state employees. The chair will serve three years and earn an annual salary of about $107,000. One member will serve two years; the other member, one year. Those members will each make about $80,400 annually. The board will hire an executive director and administrative assistant and will have a $650,000 budget during the current fiscal year. The process for creating the board is already behind schedule. By law, Scott was supposed to have named his picks by January 8, with Senate confirmation on or before January 15; their terms were to begin on January 19. Instead, the vetting of applicants is only just beginning. Sen. Chris Pearson (P/DChittenden), a nominating committee member, said the delays were understandable, especially given the pandemic. He didn’t think the lag would have an impact on other, later dates in the process. “Being a few weeks behind, to my mind, is not the end of the world,” Pearson said. “We can catch up. I think we have a decent structure and, once the board is up and running, I’m sure they’ll take it seriously and presumably be able to make up for some of the lost time.”
Matter of PrincipalÂ
Burlington High School’s former leader blames the school board for his abrupt departure
Stay healthy,
B Y ALISON NOVAK • alison@kidsvt.com
hortly after Burlington High million project to transform the former16t-vcam-weekly2021.indd Say you 524-3769 1 saw it in... 1/19/21 16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1 11/2/20 12:08 3:07 PM School interim principal Noel Macy’s department store into a downCurbside pick-up available Green suddenly resigned on Janu- town campus. That work is set to wrap ary 8, both the superintendent and the up at the end of February, and students sevendaysvt.com RAILC IT Y M ARK E T V T.CO M school board expressed shock about his will return to some in-person learning decision. there in March. In fact, the Green says those issues weren’t a factormini-sawit-white.indd 1 11/24/09 1:32:18 PM 12v-RailCityMarket060320.indd 1 6/2/20 board wrote in in his departure. What drove him out a January 10 were his long-term interim status and the statement, Superintendent Tom Flana- board’s unwillingness to meet with him gan had planned to recommend Green to explain why members rejected recomfor the permanent principal mendations to make his position position at an upcoming permanent. board meeting, something In his resignation email school commissioners to Flanagan, published last supported. week by the high school Yet last week, Green, newspaper, the Register, who quit without Green went even further. another job lined up, told “I have spent a significant Seven Days that the board amount of time being had strung him along for disrespected and not being Introductory nearly two years, and the supported by the board,â€? he trust between the sides wrote. “The job is difficult had been irrevocably enough and dealing with broken. In a district that an overbearing board and No balance transfer fee! has emphasized hiring manipulative board-chair and retaining educators makes it almost an imposof color, he is the second sible job.â€? Black administrator to Green arrived in the leave in the last seven district as a high school assistant principal in 2016 months; former superintendent Yaw Obeng and was named interim principal in 2018. At a departed at the end of June for a job in Kansas school board meeting in City. March 2019, then-superNo exercise! No pills! No counting calories! “I think the board intendent Obeng recomshould look deeply at the mended Green for the Move your balance to NorthCountry’s Visa Platinum Rewards NOEL GREEN question: Are we truly permanent principalship. credit card. You’ll be showing off your smaller waste line in no time. supporting leaders of After a national search, 2.99% annual percentage rate (APR) for six months on balances transferred from external sources color to be successful long term?â€? city three other finalists had dropped out. only. APR will then range from 7.45% to 16.95%, depending on your qualifications. Balance Councilor Ali Dieng (I-Ward 7), who Members of the school board, known transfer offer may end at any time. Rates are subject to change. The total of your transferred balances and any additional charges, including purchases, may not exceed your credit limit. works for the district and whose kids as commissioners, talked it over in execuattend its schools, wrote in an email to tive session. When they emerged, they Seven Days. recommended that Obeng offer Green Green’s departure creates a leader- another year as interim principal without ship void at a trying time for the high providing any public explanation. The school. Its 970 students have been learn- board voted 6-3 in favor. ing almost entirely remotely since last The board’s rejection, Green said, March, first because of the pandemic, “completely blindsided me.â€? then because the district discovered “I was the only remaining candidate airborne cancer-causing chemicals that www.northcountry.org Insured by NCUA forced the closure of the school. (802) 657-6847 (800) 660-3258 The district is in the middle of a $3.5 MATTER OF PRINCIPAL Âť P.16
9:47 AM
3V-northcountry012021 1
1/15/21 10:01 AM
B Y COL I N FL A ND ERS colin@sevendaysvt.com A bill that Gov. Phil Scott signed into law on Tuesday will enable Vermont municipalities and school districts to conduct mail-in Town Meeting Day voting this year. It also allows for voting to be delayed until later in the spring, when it might be safer to hold some form of in-person meetings. “This means they can, if they choose, mail ballots to all registered voters in place of more traditional town meetings or the typical in-person elections used by many cities and towns,” Scott said at a press briefing Tuesday morning. The new law seeks to keep residents safe during the coronavirus pandemic by offering flexibility ahead of Vermont’s traditional March voting day. It will empower municipalities and school districts to send out ballots in a system similar to the one used during Vermont’s first-ever mail-in election in November. State lawmakers rushed to get the bill to Scott’s desk early this legislative session so that local officials would have time to alter their plans ahead of important deadlines. Public warnings must be filed at the end of this month, and ballots must be finalized by February 10. Noting that the coronavirus is far more prevalent in Vermont than it was in November, some lawmakers wanted to mandate mail-in Town Meeting Day voting. But the legislature ultimately decided to leave it up to local officials. Those that choose to take advantage of the change will receive financial help from the state: Lawmakers agreed to spend up to $2 million of Vermont’s remaining share of federal CARES Act funds to reimburse costs related to mailing out municipal or school budget ballots. In a statement on Tuesday, Scott acknowledged that Vermonters value their Town Meeting Day traditions. But he urged local officials to take advantage of the law. “Not only would it accomplish the primary objective of helping keep our friends, families, and neighbors safe,” he wrote, “but it will also increase access to the democratic process, ensuring Vermonters don’t need to choose between their right to vote and risking attending a town meeting gathering during a pandemic.”
Matter of Principal « P.15 but still the one the superintendent picked,” Green said. Clare Wool, the board chair since 2018, said she and her colleagues “regarded having only one candidate as a failed process.” She declined to say more, citing personnel issues. Green said that explanation feels disingenuous to him, since the board didn’t object to the search process until it was completed. He recalled participating in a candidate forum for parents the day before the board meeting. As the final remaining candidate, he sat by himself, next to empty chairs, answering a moderator’s questions. “Where at any point did [the board] say that the process was flawed?” Green said. “It was flawed when I ended up being the last one standing, in their perspective.” Afterward, Green said, he reached out “several” times to the school board to get more clarity on members’ thinking, without response. “One of the things I wanted to talk to them about was, ‘OK, so you gave no rationale as to why you said no, so what should I aspire to? What are my goals? What should I be doing?’ I never got that opportunity,” he said. Despite his dissatisfaction with the board’s decision, Green said, he requested that his contract for the interim post be extended from one year to two. The board consented. The guarantee of two years would at least provide some job security, he said. In June 2020, Obeng wrote Green a positive final evaluation and again recommended Green for the permanent principal position. Over the summer, Green said, he again reached out to the school board for a meeting to discuss his status — but was rebuffed. Wool agreed that Green did contact her about Obeng’s recommendation. But the board chair asserted that he never asked for a meeting to discuss his status. And even if he had, she said, the board would have turned it down. “The board does not evaluate principals,” she said. Wool instead pointed Seven Days to an email she sent Green in August on behalf of the board, thanking him for his leadership and pledging its “unwavering support.” Green declined to discuss whether he thought race played a role. But others say the district, where 39 percent of students are nonwhite, has had trouble hiring and retaining administrators and staff of color, something that Superintendent Flanagan has said is a top priority. Liz Curry, who served as a school commissioner from April 2013 through
Scott Signs Bill Enabling Mail-In Voting for Town Meeting Day
Clare Wool (left) and Noel Green (right) with late U.S. representative and civil rights icon John Lewis in 2019
March 2020, was one of the board requires, above all, a really tight strategy members who objected to keeping Green and the funding to implement that strategy on interim status in 2019. At the time, she and the skills of people who know how to referenced “the legacy of certain district do that,” she said. “And the district has not constituents of holding people of color had that opportunity to really implement to a higher standard that sadly can rarely that full process.” be met.” Patrick Brown, executive director of Almost all school administrators have the Greater Burlington Multicultural problems of one kind or another, Curry Resource Center and an adjunct lecturer said in an interview last week. “The ques- at the University of Vermont, said the tion for me is, as a predomidistrict cannot afford to nately white community, lose employees of color. It when building administraneeds “significant help” tors who are white are not in areas of diversity, he exemplary, do we scrutinize said, while the school them at the same level?” she board could use sensitivsaid. “And in my experience, ity training. the answer is no.” “Because I’ve been Starting in the 2014-15 involved in this argument school year, Curry said, in many scenarios in the C L A R E WO O L the board helped institute Burlington area for many affirmative hiring practices years, I am pushing back that resulted in more administrators of and saying it’s time to stop strategizing and color joining the district. According to the planning,” Brown said. “It’s time to make district’s 2018-19 Equity and Inclusion good on the word now.” Data Report, 32 percent of its 22 buildFlanagan said that he’s committed to ing administrators identified as people following through. Forming partnerships of color, while fewer than 4 percent of its with local colleges is one way to recruit teachers did. paraeducators, multilingual liaisons and After 2018, Curry said, those hiring former students to become teachers, he practices fell by the wayside. said. “Diversity recruitment, hiring and “Then, we have to make sure that we retention is a comprehensive program that are a supportive place for people of color,”
“There was never a signal that he was unhappy, and I was in constant dialogue with him,” added Wool. Last June, she said, she helped Green carry out graduation ceremonies, spaced out over three days to avoid a large gathering. Assistant principal Lauren McBride is currently serving as acting principal. The district will conduct a national search for its next principal. Flanagan said he’ll ensure that the process is fair and open. He’ll ultimately choose a finalist, who will be subject to board approval. Wool said she knows there are lessons to be learned from the experience with Green, but she feels troubled and disappointed by how it unfolded. “We’re in the business of education, and working together and collaborating and strength in communication is essential. We model it every day to the future generations,” she said. “It’s harmful to say the school board and the chair are disrespectful,” she said of Green’s comments. “And I would love nothing more than to meet with Noel and really have a professional, human conversation so that I understand where he’s coming from.” Green said he’s proud of the work of the Burlington High School faculty and staff and the job he did as principal, and he’s sorry his tenure is ending this way. “I’m moving on,” he said. “I might not get answers. It’s probably too late.” He’s curious to see how the principal hiring process unfolds. “What happens if there are only two candidates, and one drops out?” he said. “Don’t you know — I will be watching closely.” m
Scott to Quarantine After Potential COVID-19 Exposure at Press Conference B Y CO LIN FL AN D ERS • colin@sevendaysvt.com FILE: JEB WALLACE-BRODEUR
Flanagan said. That means undertaking initiatives such as affinity groups that enable staff of color to have deeper conversations about their experiences, an effort Flanagan said is already under way. Members of Flanagan’s cabinet — composed of 27 district leaders — are also having conversations about how implicit bias, systemic racism and white supremacy can “undermine our colleagues of color and, ultimately, our students of color,” he said. Dieng, who is also running for mayor, said the board “now has the opportunity to show the community that they are ready and able to support and retain teachers and administrators of color who are performing well and doing good work.” But Wool said that it was Green, and not the board, who was ultimately responsible for his departure. A clause in Green’s contract specified that he would transition into the permanent principal role if the board didn’t object by December 1, 2020. Flanagan told Green the change would happen, according to Wool. But without direct assurance from the board, Green said, he didn’t feel confident that commissioners would approve Flanagan’s nomination. “Why would I?” he said. “My fate had already been in the hands of the board before. I don’t think I was willing to do that again.” Being turned down a second time would have been “devastating,” he said. “Are you kidding me? I couldn’t even imagine the stigma.” Wool said that wouldn’t have happened; Green’s principalship would have been “officially memorialized” at a January 12 school board meeting. “He had the job,” she said. “If he wanted the job, he would be here.”
Gov. Phil Scott and Health Commissioner Mark Levine
Gov. Phil Scott and Vermont Health Commissioner Mark Levine will quarantine and be tested for the coronavirus after a “contractor” who worked at two recent press conferences tested positive for COVID-19. “The briefings are conducted under state guidance, with safety protocols, including physical distancing, in place,” the governor’s office announced on Tuesday evening in a statement. But “out of an abundance of caution,” administration officials who attended press conferences on January 15 and 19 will quarantine, while Scott will continue to fulfill his duties remotely “until further notice.” Scott has hosted the regular press briefings at the Pavilion Auditorium on State Street in Montpelier at least twice a week since the pandemic began. His office said roughly 17 people attended both briefings in question. Among the
typical attendees are several administration officials and staffers from Scott’s office, a handful of broadcast journalists, and at least one certified American Sign Language interpreter. Two interpreters worked at Tuesday’s briefing. State contact tracers have begun investigating the incident and will reach out to anyone identified as a close contact, or those who spent more than 15 minutes within six feet or less of the positive case. Scott’s office has also reached out to everyone at the briefings. Neither Scott nor Levine has been vaccinated; Scott’s spokesperson told VTDigger.org last month that both he and Levine planned to wait for their turn in Vermont’s vaccine rollout. The state expects to begin vaccinating people age 75 and older starting the week of January 25. Scott is 62; Levine is 67. Scott’s spokespeople did not immediately respond to questions about whether regular press conference attendees receive COVID-19 tests or whether the contractor was symptomatic. And it was not immediately clear when the contractor was last tested for the coronavirus. Scott’s press briefing on Tuesday lasted two hours and concluded around 1 p.m., five hours before the press release went out. m
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1/18/21 12:34 PM
Nothing to Siege Here Vermont House vote on the U.S. Capitol riot was anonymous B Y K E V I N MCCAL L UM • kevin@sevendaysvt.com
he day after a mob stormed the U.S. Capitol seeking to overturn the results of the presidential election, outraged Vermont lawmakers weighed in on the historic moment. Rep. Jill Krowinski (D-Burlington), the new speaker of the House of Representatives, stood at the rostrum in the nearly empty chamber, a portrait of George Washington towering over her, and asked the clerk to read the hastily drafted declaration. It condemned the violence as a “direct attack upon our democracy” that was “instigated by President Donald Trump” to “overturn the results of a fair and free election that he lost in order to keep himself in power.” As Gov. Phil Scott had done the previous day, it called on Trump to resign or be removed from office. Krowinski asked the 149 other representatives, visible to her on a large computer screen, if they were “ready for the question.” “I paused. And I asked the question, ‘Shall we adopt JHR 1?’ And there was silence,” Krowinski (D-Burlington) recalled last week. Then, on just the second day of the legislative session, Vermont’s elected representatives, without a peep of debate, approved the measure by a vote of 130 to 16, with four members not voting. The lack of debate on a subject of such intense public interest surprised many, but not Krowinski — she had helped orchestrate it. Earlier that morning, the speaker had reached an understanding with Rep. Pattie McCoy (R-Poultney), the leader of the divided Republican caucus, and Rep. Selene Colburn (P-Burlington), the new head of a small band of Progressives, for the vote to go forward without a divisive debate and lengthy roll call vote. The goal, Krowinski and others said, was to send a swift message of unequivocal condemnation, unity and resolve. The agreement, however, also obscured from the public how members — including the 16 opponents — had voted on an issue of intense interest. The vote was taken using the electronic platform Everbridge, which is being utilized for remote voting during the pandemic. Under current House rules, the process is anonymous. A representative could still have objected and forced a roll call vote over Zoom. All members would then have had to publicly say yea or nay, and they could
Rep. Jill Krowinski
have made short speeches to explain their votes. But Krowinski encouraged party leaders to urge their members to forgo such a drawn-out process that might have further stoked division. Krowinski’s chief of staff, Conor Kennedy, likened the electronic voting process employed that day to the “voice vote” procedure used routinely in the chamber, which creates no record of who voted how. While the Everbridge system informs the House clerk about the votes cast, that information may be incomplete because legislators can also vote by phone. Legislative attorneys take the position that “transitory” records of these votes are exempt from the state’s public records law, Kennedy said. Seven Days has filed a request under the state Public Records Act for any documents related to the vote. Democratic and Progressive leaders say the public has a right to know how their representatives vote on any matter. “It’s up to us to be open and transparent with the media and with our constituents, and if someone chooses not to do that, then it’s up to their constituents on how they want to support or not support that member moving forward,” Krowinski said. The House process, however, makes it difficult to determine who the 16 who voted no are.
That’s in contrast to the Senate. That 30-member body also voted by voice, passing the same resolution 29-1. But on Zoom, each of the senators is visible on viewers’ screens when voting, and it was apparent that first-term Sen. Russ Ingalls (R-Essex/Orleans) voted no. He later
issued a lengthy explanation of his stand. Seven Days has identified 14 House members who indicated that they planned to vote against the resolution or acknowledged that they had. That leaves two who voted against it but have not publicly disclosed it — and four who, for whatever reason, did not vote.
“I can definitely understand Vermonters who are frustrated and want more transparency around how their representatives voted on this,” Colburn said. A House resolution introduced by Rep. Charlie Kimbell (D-Woodstock) would provide that transparency. H.R.6 would require that future votes taken on Everbridge be made public. Past efforts to institute electronic voting in the legislature have gone nowhere out of respect for tradition and concern about the cost of rewiring the House and Senate chambers to make such voting possible, Kimbell said. But taking votes on Everbridge and keeping the names secret is out of line with the increased transparency that remote legislating otherwise provides and that the public has come to expect, he said, “We already have the technology in place,” Kimbell said. “We should just be making those votes public.” House leaders worked hard to avoid starting their session with a contentious debate. Rep. Mike McCarthy (D-St. Albans), the new Democratic whip, said Democrats had been messaging him “furiously” in advance, asking how the vote should be conducted. He counseled against an “undignified debate” that could have set an acrimonious tone so early in the session, but still wanted to pass the strongest resolution possible. “A frequent phrase I was using to individual members in my communications with them was, ‘I don’t think this is a good opportunity to dunk on Republicans,’” McCarthy said. The resolution, he and other caucus leaders told members, should speak for itself, and the best way to express support was by cosponsoring it. In the end, 121 of 150 representatives did so, including nearly all Democrats, all Progressives and 19 Republicans. That enabled lawmakers to register their support without a potentially contentious debate. After McCoy spoke with Krowinski and Colburn the morning of the vote, she tried to reassure anxious GOP caucus members. Many lawmakers were worried about being put on the record. “Everyone’s had caucuses, and everyone knows exactly what is happening,” McCoy told Republicans in their publicly broadcast caucus meeting. “So, in order to move this thing along, there will not be a roll call vote.”
McCoy did not respond to requests for comment. Not everyone in her caucus was convinced. First-term Rep. Sally Achey (R-Middletown Springs) expressed concern that if someone did ask for a roll call, because they are conducted alphabetically, she’d be the first one on the spot. Every member has the right to request a roll call; if five others agree, that is how the vote takes place. Achey did not reply to Seven Days’ multiple requests for comment. Rep. Anne Donahue (R-Northfield), who supported the resolution and has called for Trump-supporting leadership of the Vermont GOP to resign, stressed to her colleagues that McCoy could not guarantee there would be no roll call. “You can bet Cina will call one!” predicted Rep. Marcia Martel (R-Waterford), referring to Rep. Brian Cina, a passionate Progressive/Democrat from Burlington. “There will be a roll call,” predicted another Republican lawmaker. Supporters of the resolution worried that lawmakers incensed by Trump’s role in inciting the mob would defy leadership and try to put everyone’s vote on the record. “I was holding my breath,” Rep. Laura Sibilia (I-Dover), one of the resolutions’ main sponsors, later told Seven Days. She heard from colleagues “across the political rainbow” who were “really, really upset” and wanted a roll call. Some wanted to call out those who continued to support Trump, while others hoped to reveal who didn’t, Sibilia said. While she sympathized with both those views, she worked to make sure the resolution struck a resounding note of unity while sidestepping a debate that might detract from the overwhelming support the measure enjoyed. “I think we were able to persuade enough people that the message that ‘the Vermont legislature condemns this’ was more important than ‘We don’t all agree,’” she said. It wasn’t just political spin and messaging, however, McCarthy said. House leaders recognized the importance of preserving the chance that the three parties would be able to work together to address huge issues facing Vermonters. Leaders considered keeping a lid on the discussion key to keeping that possibility alive. “If there had been a huge fight on the floor and long debates and animosity right from the first thing that we did,” McCarthy said, “then we wouldn’t have had the ability to move forward in a tri-partisan way on a whole host of things.” m
THE SIXTEEN: WHO VOTED AGAINST CONDEMNING THE CAPITOL RIOT? Sixteen representatives voted against the resolution calling for President Donald Trump to resign or be removed from office. Who were they? In an attempt to answer that question, Seven Days assumed all 121 representatives who cosponsored the resolution voted in favor. That left 29 lawmakers. Of those, 14 acknowledged either to the GOP caucus, Seven Days or constituents that they voted against the measure. Not all were Republicans. Reps. Kristi Morris (D-Springfield)
CONFIRMED ‘NO’ VOTES 1. REP. TERRI WILLIAMS (R-Granby): “I believe President Trump asked for the support but not the violence. I believe that came from elsewhere.” 2. REP. KRISTI MORRIS (D-Springfield): “Even
though we may agree with [the resolution], it seemed to me that it was a further ploy to try to divide the two parties. I would have preferred to see an extension of the hand for collaborative legislation that can move this country forward.” 3. REP. ART PETERSON (R-Clarendon): “I did
not sign on to the resolution because it condemned our President, not the violence. I would gladly sign a resolution condemning ALL violence against our government, our institutions, and private citizens.”
and Terry Norris (I-Shoreham) said they couldn’t back the measure, either. First-term Rep. Samantha LeFebvre (R-Orange) took the novel position that she was under no obligation to tell the media, including Seven Days, how she voted, but would tell constituents. She’s not the only lawmaker who wouldn’t publicly acknowledge their position. Some wouldn’t even talk to Seven Days. Here’s what we learned.
6. REP. TOM TERENZINI (R-Rutland):
“I would just like to see the president quietly leave office without all this other nonsense about impeachment and removal from office.”
just don’t like being put in a box.” 8. REP. LISA HANGO (R-Berkshire): “I feel
like the language that [the resolution is] using is reactionary, inflammatory and politically motivated.” 9. REP. BRIAN SMITH (R-Derby): “We’re
condemning 100,000 people for the acts of a couple hundred. It’s not right. It’s too harsh.”
4. REP. BOB HELM (R-Fair Haven): “Our country is absolutely divided, and I think that now is the time to put everything to rest and to try to heal our country.”
10. REP. CARL ROSENQUIST (R-Georgia): “Demanding that the president step down or be removed from office just goes over the top for me.”
5. REP. TERRY NORRIS (I-Shoreham): “I find these kinds of resolutions political ways to divide the legislature and [they] have no real impact to the people they were meant for.”
11. REP. LYNN BATCHELOR (R-Derby Line):
“I don’t like what happened. However, it’s not much different than what happened in [Portland] or Seattle … which nobody said a word about — no press, no nothing.”
14 12. REP. RODNEY GRAHAM (R-Williamstown): “I don’t agree with what Trump did. The governor has made a statement saying that, including stating that the president needs to be removed. I think it should be left there, and let us get to our business of helping out Vermonters.” 13. REP. MARK HIGLEY (R-Lowell): “I
completely agree with [resolution sponsor Rep. Heidi Scheuermann (R-Stowe)] about what happened down there, but I’m not willing to sign on to their political agenda.”
REPORTEDLY VOTED NO 14. REP. SAMANTHA LEFEBVRE (R-Orange) said she would tell constituents how she voted, so Seven Days found a constituent who asked her. “She told me she absolutely voted no,” Kerry DeWolfe of Corinth said.
news Significant Figures « P.14
College Students Return to Vermont Amid Soaring COVID-19 Case Counts BY ANDREA SUOZZO • andrea@sevendaysvt.com COURTESY OF SALLY MCCAY
University of Vermont campus in Burlington
Thousands of students are moving back into college residence halls around Vermont this week in the midst of a winter surge in the pandemic. At many schools, the start of the spring semester will resemble the kickoff of the fall term nearly five months ago, with students undergoing a rigorous quarantine and testing process required by the state upon their arrival. Confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Vermont are more than 25 times higher than when students arrived at schools late last August. Back then, daily new case counts hovered around six. This week, they’ve averaged 160. And in some areas of the country where students live, the levels are much higher. State and college officials alike are banking on the success of the virus mitigation strategies that kept levels of COVID-19 low on Vermont’s campuses during the fall semester. “We’re hopeful,” said Tracy Dolan, deputy commissioner of the Vermont Department of Health. “We still think what we’re doing is probably the best thing that we can do.” Those measures include a mandated quarantine period for all students. Also mandated: testing for all students after their first seven days on campus. Beyond that, said Gary Derr, the University of Vermont’s vice president for operations and public safety, the on-campus strategy resembles the fall’s. Students will be reminded to wear facial coverings, wash their hands and maintain social distance. And just as during the fall semester, UVM will continue mandatory weekly student testing. During the fall semester, the more than 150,000 tests at UVM revealed 99 cases among students and 19 cases among faculty and staff, according to weekly reports on the school’s website. Those numbers are expected to soar this semester, however. “We’re preparing to see more positives, just like the state is,” said Derr.
During the two weeks ending January 17, 59 students — nearly all of whom live off-campus — tested positive. That’s more than half the number of positive student tests during the entire fall semester. But those numbers, Derr noted, were reported after the holidays. State officials have confirmed that, based on their contacttracing data, Christmas gatherings helped drive a surge in cases. “I think what we’re expecting and hoping for is that that [weekly case number] will start to drop,” said Derr. If students fail to show up for weekly testing, the penalties can be steep. The tests are mandated by the school’s Green and Gold Promise, which lays out student conduct requirements during the pandemic. Students in “egregious” violation of the pledge may be fined $250 on their first offense and suspended on the second. A UVM spokesperson said the school fined 799 students for violations during the fall semester and suspended nine. Though many campus strategies will be the same this semester, one thing will look different: Because of the statewide ban on multi-household gatherings, schools must define what a “household” means on their campuses and ask students to restrict nonacademic gatherings to members of their “household.” That will look different from campus to campus, depending on how each school’s housing is set up, explained Dolan. “We asked colleges to keep with the spirit of what we were trying to do with social gatherings,” she said. At a student town hall earlier this month, officials at Saint Michael’s College, which reported 79 cases during the fall semester — with dozens connected to a hockey-related outbreak in Montpelier — urged students to abide by the household restrictions. The school defines a household as either the residents of a townhouse, suite or apartment or, for those in single and double rooms, up to four people from the same wing of a residence hall. m
suggest that schools are not hotbeds of viral transmission, unlike meatpacking plants and nursing homes. To the contrary, the state has said that infection rates among teachers appear to be markedly lower than among the general population. Vermont Education Secretary Dan French touted the latest surveillance-testing figures at a January 15 press conference: Of 2,200 asymptomatic teachers across the state who were tested that week, only one was positive for the coronavirus. “These test results are a good indicator that our schools are operating very safely,” he said. Some teachers, girding for a showdown over vaccines and in-person learning, are beginning to publicly question the state’s rosy assessment. They contend that the state’s school infection data is incomplete at best, or misleading at worst. A Jericho teacher’s online petition, which gained more than 3,500 signatures in five days, says the state’s data lowball the number of teacher infections and should not be used to justify delaying their vaccines. Cudney is among those who believe the state’s record keeping is flawed. “It is critical that the data you are using to determine this disease’s risk to school staff is reinvestigated and improved,” Cudney wrote in a January 16 letter to Scott. The pushback comes as some larger districts in Chittenden County have been disrupted by their first cases. All 38 of the Burlington School District’s confirmed student and staff cases have cropped up since December 10, sending the district into remote learning for several days. Schools in Essex, too, went remote for a few days this month after a series of cases emerged. The situation has been especially serious in Winooski, where the district reported that at least 76 out of roughly 1,000 students and staff have tested positive since December 1, and that 200 have been asked to quarantine for various reasons. Over the same time period, the school infection rate is twice the citywide rate, which has also spiked in recent weeks. Still, a district spokesperson said the health department hasn’t found evidence that anyone was infected while at school. The health department posts COVID19 case data for every Vermont school twice a week. It has counted 325 cases in which an individual was at school while infectious since the pandemic began, up 66 percent from a month ago. The increase is roughly in line with a statewide surge in cases this winter. The total figure remains
remarkably low for a system with 75,000 students, but it’s not a complete picture of infections among teachers and students. The state data table only includes instances when an infected person was on school property during their “infectious period,” which the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines for purposes of contact tracing as beginning 48 hours before experiencing symptoms or receiving a positive test, whichever is first. In Winooski, 14 of the 76 infected students and staff were at school during their infectious period, the district’s communications director, Emily Hecker, said. The state table lists only 10. Winooski officials elected to publicize every case of which they were aware so families would understand why the district needed to go remote, Hecker said. Cudney’s illness in Burlington was among those that did not meet the “infectious period” criterion. The school librar-
ian said she began feeling ill on Tuesday, December 15, while quarantining due to exposure to a positive student. Her last day at the school was the previous Friday, four days earlier. “Teachers aren’t being prioritized for vaccinations because the level of risk potentially involved in our job isn’t demonstrated in that chart,” Cudney said. Any count of school-related cases is bound to be an approximation, because the source of an individual’s exposure to the virus isn’t always clear. Vermont’s reporting criteria is more limiting than in states such as Massachusetts, which includes students or employees who were on campus up to seven days before getting sick. Deputy Health Commissioner Tracy Dolan said the state’s table is intended to convey information on “potential risk.” Jericho Elementary School teacher Samantha Brehm, who started the online vaccine petition, thinks the state should begin tracking and reporting the total number of teachers who have tested positive, regardless of when they were last in school, to better reflect the disruptive effect COVID-19 infections have on school
contact tracers generally presume two cases are linked if the individuals were identified as close contacts and “there is no other more likely source of exposure.” Cudney believes, based on her experience, that the state’s standard may be too restrictive. As she pressed district and health department officials for answers about her case, Cudney said she was told the contact tracers didn’t believe she’d acquired the virus at school. The alternatives, however, didn’t seem any likelier, at least to her. Cudney’s husband got sick a couple of days after she did, while her high school- and college-age children tested negative multiple times. On the other hand, as a teaching specialist, Cudney only taught in the infected student’s classroom for 45 minutes each day, and she isn’t aware that anyone else in the class, including other
paper in the journal Pediatrics found “extremely limited” transmission during the first nine weeks of classes at 11 North Carolina school districts with in-person learning. Still, other statistical research suggests that schools do spread the virus, particularly as overall community prevalence increases, and more so in high schools. “Schools can still be the home of outbreaks and drive community transmission,” even if they don’t often become super-spreaders, two Johns Hopkins University epidemiologists wrote in the Washington Post this month. They nonetheless called for more in-person classes, with mitigation strategies in place and teachers moved “near the front of the line” for vaccination. The Vermont health department has confirmed 53 cases of in-school transmission as of January 18, up from 31 cases that VTDigger.org reported as of December 15. One of those instances took place in Burlington schools, the district said. Dolan told Seven Days that the department’s
teachers, tested positive. “The thing that was said to me was, ‘You could have gotten it from the grocery store,’” she recalled. The Vermont National Education Association hasn’t heard of experiences similar to Cudney’s, spokesperson Darren Allen said. The union itself has not seized upon some of its members’ demand for better infection data. Allen instead characterized their frustration as a reflection of teachers’ legitimate safety concerns. “In times of uncertainty, in times of confusion, without clear delineation of how and when educators are going to be vaccinated, fear takes over,” he said. For Cudney, exhaustion has, too. After recovering from her infection, she began working half days at school earlier this month. Her stamina still diminished, she’s taken long naps each day after returning home. One day last week, a colleague covered for her on recess duty. Cudney used the reprieve to retreat to her office chair, where she fell asleep sitting up. m
operations. She pressed her position in a letter to Scott this week after her petition took off. The more comprehensive data, she wrote, “will highlight the urgent need to include teachers and school staff in the next phase of COVID-19 vaccinations.” Dolan said the state is not undercounting school cases. Rather, she said, multiple measures all indicate that case levels and instances of school transmission remain relatively low. “We don’t want to spin this,” she said. “We want this to be as accurate as we can … so we make the right choices.” Beyond the state’s borders, some recent studies back up the health department’s conclusions. A recent CDC analysis found that the incidence of COVID-19 in counties with in-person learning was no higher than those with remote learning through early December. A preprint
Be a Tourist in Your Own State!
Gear Up and Explore the Great Outdoors
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This month’s Staytripper, Seven Days’ road map to safely rediscovering the state during the pandemic, is all about snow. Even though socializing is still limited, we can commune with Mother Nature off-piste on powdery slopes, shooting down a sledding hill on a Mad River Rocket, or carving the ice on frozen Lake Morey.
1/19/21 1:54 PM
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9/12/19 3:08 PM
OBITUARIES Michael A. Loyer
NOVEMBER 2, 1989JANUARY 9, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Michael Alexander Loyer of Burlington, Vt., died suddenly on January 9, 2021, in a tragic early-morning fire that also took the life of his neighbor and friend, Henry Burawa. Michael was born on November 2, 1989, in Burlington, Vt., the son of Michael Bradley Loyer and Sandra Racine Bradshaw. He graduated from South Burlington High School with the class of 2008. Throughout his childhood, Michael was an active, precocious boy, always outside and exploring. He loved the outdoors, especially camping and fishing with his father and diving at his favorite swimming holes. He was an enthusiastic music lover, which led him to pick up the guitar. He also had a natural talent for both snowboarding and photography — an art form he had recently rededicated himself to and had received a small scholarship to study. His hopes were to use photography and screen printing to showcase his longtime love of graffiti art and culture. He also had a lifelong passion for history, politics and social sciences. Michael felt very fortunate to have traveled throughout the U.S. and to have visited countries such as South Africa, Ecuador and Jamaica. Those travels reinforced his strong belief in advocating for those in need — for close friends and strangers alike — by lending a hand or sticking up for the underdog whenever he could. Mike was a hard worker who was good with his hands and hated to ever be late. He gained valuable skills from and took particular pride in his time spent working at
local businesses Dynapower in South Burlington and Logical Machines in Charlotte, as well as working beside his father and uncle at Trenchless Technologies in South Burlington. He truly appreciated those opportunities. Unfortunately, for much of his time, Michael was also fighting for his life. What started as innocent experimentation in middle school grew into a repeated pattern of substance use, which later became a much deeper dependency after the tragic death of his father in a construction accident in 2011. Michael’s heartbreaking struggles with addiction and the loss of his father led to many years of pain, mixed with wonderful stretches of hope. His shining light through it all was the unconditional love of his only daughter, Saedi, and his parents, Sandra and Michael. Their belief in him helped him see what might be possible. With a six-footseven frame, he could be an imposing figure ... until he smiled. He had a laugh that could go from a chest rumble to a high-pitched, childlike giggle. And once it started, it was infectious. Mike’s family is comforted in knowing that on his last day here on Earth, he was happy. He had his family, a great roommate, a new friend, a few bucks in the bank and possibly a new job.
His last words to his daughter and parents were simply, “I love you.” Michael is survived by his 8-year-old daughter, Saedi Jane; Saedi’s mother, Tess Scott; his parents and Saedi’s guardians, Sandra and Michael Bradshaw; step-grandparents David and Marilyn Bradshaw; stepgrandfather John Morin; step-grandmother Barbara Loyer; aunt Darlene Loyer; uncles and aunts Steve and Mary Loyer, Tom and Lori Loyer, Shawn Morin, Jay Morin, Jack and Lauri Morin, Scott Loyer, and their families; step-uncle and step-aunt, Terence and Julie Bradshaw; and many cousins, friends and extended family on all sides, whom Michael cared about very much. He was predeceased by his beloved father, Michael B. Loyer; grandparents Carl and Ernestine Racine; grandmother Theresa Morin; and grandfather Alexander J. Loyer. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, a graveside service for immediate family only will be held on Saturday, January 23, at 11 a.m. at Resurrection Park Cemetery, 200 Hinesburg Rd., South Burlington. No indoor gatherings or funeral procession will be taking place, but the family encourages friends to pay their respects at their convenience later. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions in Michael’s memory may be made to an education fund to benefit his daughter, Saedi, at gofundme.com/f/dads-lovefor-saedi-education-fund or to the Northern New England Region — American Red Cross to benefit Michael’s neighbors or anyone displaced or affected by fire tragedies: redcross.org/local/me-nh-vt. html. Arrangements are in the care of the Ready Funeral & Cremation Service, 261 Shelburne Rd., Burlington.
Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at sevendaysvt.com/lifelines. Or contact us at lifelines@sevendaysvt.com or 865-1020, ext. 10.
Jean “Ruth” Connolly
MAY 1918-JANUARY 3, 2021 DUXBURY, VT. Ruth passed away peacefully in her sleep at the age of 102 on January 3, 2021, surrounded by her immediate family in Duxbury, Vt. Ruth was born in 1918 in Saskatchewan, Canada, during the Spanish flu pandemic. Her father was a bank manager, and her mother was a schoolteacher. Ruth had two siblings, Helen and Gordon. Ruth overcame many difficult challenges during her lifetime, starting with her turbulent childhood. After losing everything during the 1929 Depression, her parents divorced and the children were separated, growing up with different relatives. She gained independence, a sense of responsibility and maturity at an early age. Ruth met her future husband, Robert “Bob” Smith, while skiing just before he left for the Navy during World War II. Her adventurous spirit came out when she decided to join the war efforts. She was accepted by the Mechanized Transport Corps to become an ambulance driver in England. Ruth showed incredible bravery transporting wounded soldiers from ships in the night amid buzz bombs and inclement weather. Ruth and Bob were married in Warsash, England, in 1942. Ruth and Bob had three children. Jillian Smith was born in England in 1944. Their second child, Janis Smith, was born in Canada four years later. Because doctors were not paid unless they were present at the birth, the nurses held the baby back until the doctor arrived. This caused Janis to have a stroke in the womb, resulting in permanent developmental delays. Ruth’s third child, Patricia Smith, was born four years later in Canada. Ruth’s business career began as a sales clerk in
Morgan’s Department Store in Dorval, Québec. She then got a job as supervisor for the lingerie department of D’Allairds, a chain of women’s clothing stores in Montréal. Her keen business sense came to light after she increased the company’s sales by 34 percent. Robert Connolly, then president of D’Allairds, and Ruth felt they were the perfect team in business and fell in love. They each divorced their spouses and were married in 1972. Ruth and Robert grew the company from 30 to 121 stores across Canada. Ruth worked when women were not treated equally regarding status and pay. She put a crack in this glass ceiling when she opened her own factory under the D’Allairds brand and appointed the first woman factory manager. Marks & Spencer of England purchased D’Alliards, and the chair of Marks & Spencer, Sir Marcus Sieff, voted Ruth onto its board of directors, as the first woman to hold that position. Ruth was motivated by the needs of others, and her desire to care for Janis was a great inspiration in pushing her to excel in business beyond her expectations. Ruth and Robert purchased 69 acres in Duxbury, Vt., and built a new home for Janis and her care providers. Ruth’s youngest daughter, Patricia (“Tish”), married an Italian chef, Antonino “Tony” DiRuocco, and their focus changed to helping them build a restaurant. In 1978, Ruth and Robert purchased
an 1820 Vermont farmhouse with a detached barn in Waterbury Center. After two years of renovations, Villa Tragara Ristorante was born. When Robert passed away, Ruth wanted to meet new people and went to the local bridge club in Waterbury, where she met Gordon Johnson. For the past 27 years, Ruth and Gordon have been close companions, sharing their love of cards, travel, common friendships and family. A gambler at heart, Ruth was a shrewd and successful investor, making her money in the stock market. She believed that if you have the talent of making money, you should use it to the best of your ability to help others less fortunate. She regularly donated to the food bank, organizations for holiday toys for children, and several other organizations that help those in need. Ruth survived two pandemics, and her remarkable life inspired all who knew her. A realist, Ruth was spicy, generous, intelligent, witty, down-to-earth and enamored with politics. She was a tiger — determined, confident, trustworthy and frank. She lived her life to the fullest, and she did it her way! Ruth was dearly loved and will be terribly missed. She is survived by her companion, Gordon Johnson; her three children: Jillian Hutchinson of Ontario and Janis Smith and Patricia DiRuocco of Vermont; five grandchildren: John Hutchinson, Carl Hutchinson, Lynda Hutchinson, Luciana DiRuocco and Ciro DiRuocco; five greatgrandchildren; and two great-granddogs. In lieu of flowers, please send donations to your local food bank in Ruth’s name. We will celebrate Ruth’s amazing life at a time when it is safe to congregate. To send online condolences, please visit perkinsparker.com.
OBITUARIES Robert C. Jones
1934-2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Robert Cecil “Bob” Jones, 86, of Burlington, Vt., passed away at home of natural causes on January 13, 2021. Often considered the dean of northern New England railroad history, Bob, a graduate of the University of Vermont and Saint Michael’s College, authored, coauthored or edited 24 railroad books. They included the three-volume, award-winning Railroads of Vermont; the seven-volume The Central Vermont: A Yankee Tradition; Two Feet Between the Rails; and many other books and magazine articles on Maine and Vermont railroad subjects. Bob’s infectious love of the rails created a ripple effect in the lives of so many. His wife, Janet, worked in passenger service on the Green Mountain and Vermont Railway. Son Jim continues in the family tradition, having produced more than 40 rail-themed video documentaries and five books of his own. Son Marc worked in four departments on the Central Vermont Railway. Happily, Bob lived to see and hear the contemporary rail tales of his grandson, William, of New England Central Railroad. Bob often reiterated the story of his father Cecil’s own post-high school graduation job search. Cecil had interviews with a local bank and the railroad. Bob was fond of saying: “Had the bank hired him, I might be speaking to a convention of bankers.” It is fair to say the Jones family has been railroaded for more than a century — and counting. Although his family mercilessly teased Bob about being born
at Cottage Hospital in Woodsville, N.H., his very first home address of East Ryegate made Bob a proud native Vermonter. In East Ryegate, Bob’s father, Cecil, served as depot agent. The Canadian Pacific Railroad transferred the family to the busy, international border station of Richford, Vt., at the dawn of World War II. Here in Richford, young Bobby Jones grew into adulthood, along with younger brother Bill, under the watchful eyes of Cecil and Elsie (Pangborn) Jones and several beloved canine companions. Bob leaves pieces of his heart in Richford; the Eastern Townships of Québec; Franklin County, Maine; Colorado; and Burlington’s South End, where together Janet and Bob raised three boys. Priding himself on being well-rounded, with far from a one-track mind, Bob was a high school business education teacher at Shelburne and Champlain Valley Union for 32 years, while simultaneously pursuing railroad work over a 41-year period on the Canadian Pacific, Vermont Railway, Green Mountain Railroad and the New England Central Railroad — all on an average of four hours of sleep a night. In addition to his parents, Bob was predeceased by his youngest son, Steven T. Jones, 16, in 1983.
Bob leaves 65 years of wonderful memories with his loving wife and best friend, Janet (Bailey) Jones, whom Bob met through a mutual acquaintance in 1955. Bob is also survived by son James R. “Jim” Jones and daughterin-law Marilee (Chiarella) Jones, and son Marc and daughter-in-law Carol Ann (Stebbins) Jones. Bob was especially proud of grandchildren Mary (David) Ritchie, William Jones, Chiara M. Evans and Samuel R. Evans, not only for their accomplishments, but for the fine, upstanding young adults they have become. Bob is also survived by his brother, William, and sister-in-law, Grace; five great-grandchildren; many nieces and nephews; fellow Faith United Methodist Church members; legions of rail enthusiasts; and former students. The family wishes to thank all of the amazing caregivers, nurses and doctor who provided top-notch in-home care for the past two years. Bob was many things: devoted husband and father, respected author, talented baseball player (and devoted Red Sox fan), army veteran, bagpipe band drummer, teacher, man of faith, mentor, and friend. Bob left the world a better place. For that, he will be truly missed. We are fortunate to have known and loved him. The pages have turned to the next chapter in Bob’s long, rewarding life. Bob is now gracing Heaven with his dry humor and thoughtful counsel. We will remember him at the sound of every locomotive whistle, with the taste of blackberry pie, and the sight of a handsome guy wearing a plaid shirt — and a smile. A celebration of life gathering will be held at a later date.
Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at sevendaysvt.com/lifelines. Or contact us at lifelines@sevendaysvt.com or 865-1020, ext. 10. 24
Sarah Maeck
AUGUST 23, 1948DECEMBER 2, 2020 DECORAH, IOWA After a long period of declining health, Sarah Maeck died on December 2, 2020, at Wellington Place in Decorah, Iowa, where she had been a resident for several years. Sarah was born on August 23, 1948, in Burlington, Vt., to John Van Sicklen Maeck and Doris Wehrle Maeck. She attended Burlington schools until the age of 15 when the family moved to a farm near Lake Champlain on the Shelburne-Charlotte line. Sarah entered Champlain Valley Union High School as a member of its inaugural sophomore class, graduating in 1966. After briefly attending Colby Junior College in New Hampshire, Sarah returned to Vermont and married Albert “Skip” Williams, with whom she had two children, Christopher and Michele. Sarah devoted the ensuing years to providing a home for her family. After her divorce, Sarah continued to reside and work in the Burlington area to give love and support to her children and grandchildren. In middle age, Sarah
refocused on her education and earned a bachelor’s degree in social work from Trinity College in Burlington. As an outgrowth of that training, Sarah also became a certified riding therapy teacher in the state of Massachusetts. Horses and equestrian life were a singular preoccupation and skill that Sarah practiced throughout her entire life. She was encouraged in this activity by her parents while growing up on the family farm, the South Forty, in Shelburne. Sarah had a natural and intuitive relationship with horses and was both a pleasure and competitive rider. She continued to seat horses until the
summer before her passing as a member of a therapy riding group in northeast Iowa. Sarah leaves her son Christopher Williams, her daughter Michele Williams Hudson and their families, including many beloved grandchildren. She also leaves her brother Steven and his wife, Karleen, of Burr Oak, Iowa. She was predeceased by her parents, Doris and John. People who knew and remember Sarah and recall her lifelong love of horses are encouraged to make a gift in her name to the therapy-riding nonprofit Thunder Rode, located at 1957 Meadowlark Rd., Decorah, IA 52101.
She was passionate about education and taught at all levels. Her last position was editing doctoral dissertations for the Graduate Studies Office at Texas A&M University. She married Dean Corrigan on December 22, 1954. Jane recently celebrated her 66th anniversary with the love of her life, Dean, who always called her “sweetheart” — as
did almost everyone who met her. She was a loving mother who enjoyed being with her children and their families. She loved gardening and traveling. Jane and Dean did everything together and were fortunate to have traveled the world extensively, from Alaska to Europe and Australia. She was adored by all and will be deeply missed by her family, friends and all who knew her. Due to the uncertainty of the current restrictions for gathering and travel, the family is postponing the celebration of her life until a remembrance can be scheduled safely. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in her name to the Residence Appreciation Fund at 350 Lodge Rd., Middlebury, VT 05753 or Addison County Home Health and Hospice at 254 Ethan Allen Hwy., New Haven, VT 05472.
Jane Corrigan
MAY 11, 1932JANUARY 12, 2021 MIDDLEBURY, VT. Jane Ann Corrigan passed away peacefully on January 12, 2021, at the age of 88 at home in Middlebury, Vt. She is survived by her husband, Dean; her sister Ellen Agan; her children Kevin Corrigan, Andrew Corrigan and Sarah Suggs; her grandchildren Elizabeth Moore, Dustin Corrigan, Krystal Bigelow, Dorothy Corrigan, Clara Corrigan, Henry Corrigan, Bailey Suggs, Taylor Suggs and Gracie Suggs; and her greatgrandchildren Evan Corrigan, Ila Corrigan, Audrey Corrigan, Lily Moore and Jackson Moore. Jane was born in Groveton, N.H., on May 11, 1932, to Hunter and Isabelle Kingsbury. She graduated from Keene State College with her degree in elementary education in 1954.
Susan Fay Smith — proud mother, beloved physician, mentor, tae kwon do black belt and tai chi practitioner — died peacefully of Alzheimer’s on January 4, with her devoted partner Glo at her side. She was 76 years old. Born in San Francisco to Charlot and Donald Smith, she grew up in upstate New York and Minnesota. As a teen and a young adult, she worked at Girl Scouts camps in the Northeast, and in 1961 she served as valedictorian of her graduating class in Clifton Springs, N.Y. She was an undergraduate at the University of Michigan. Then, ever adventurous and political, she moved to Sweden in 1965 with $100 in her pocket, to avoid paying taxes to fund the Vietnam War. After three years as a lab tech in a Stockholm hospital, she returned to the U.S. to complete her undergraduate degree and attend medical
school at the University of Michigan. She arrived in Burlington as an ob-gyn resident in 1976, where she would remain to raise her family and care for her patients. Dr. Smith was a true pioneer. It is easy to forget just how hostile medicine was to women in the early years of her career, and Susan contributed greatly to the sea change that allowed women to thrive. As a medical student, she called out her professors on their sexist comments, and as the first woman ob-gyn resident at what is now the University of Vermont Medical Center, she collected more
than her share of war stories. By the end of her training, however, she had earned the highly prestigious position of chief resident, and in doing so she left an enduring mark on a program greatly improved by her efforts. It was there that she began a lifetime of teaching and mentoring young doctors, modeling compassion, caring, competency and respect for colleagues, whether they be nurses, medical students or attending physicians. From a professional point of view, though, most important was Susan’s love and respect for her patients. She was ever humble, and her first commitment was always to women’s health. Whether at the Vermont Women’s Health Center, Planned Parenthood, Vermont Women’s Choice and Vermont Gynecology, or the UVM Medical Center, Susan empowered those she served. When a patient would say, “You delivered my baby!” she would quickly reply, “No, you delivered your baby. I was there to catch her.” And when anti-choice activists tried to intimidate her, she wore a
bulletproof vest to work for years so she could continue to provide safe health care options for all women. Susan left her mark on the Burlington medical community and, as one of her colleagues commented, she “left big Birkenstocks to fill.” Dr. Smith’s commitment to her patients endured as her life changed dramatically in 1990 with the birth of Emma, her first child. This was followed by two trips to India, one in 1991 to adopt Joya, and a second one four years later, when she brought Raina home. Willy, the youngest, was born in 1996, on the Fourth of July. By then, she was an active member of the Schoolhouse (a parent-teacher cooperative, independent elementary school) community and a regular fan at the usual assortment of soccer, softball and baseball games. Indeed, she loved being a mother and all that it entailed. She particularly enjoyed teaching her kids, be it knitting, driving, cooking or woodworking. One memorable example was when they all made stilts, and then learned
to walk on them. There were also many camping trips. No matter what the activity, Susan delighted in her children, and she was a proud, proud mom. Susan was a traveler. Over the years she explored Bali; sampled the variety of Indian food available in London, as a prelude to her multiple trips to India; savored her annual family winter vacation in Mexico with the neighbors; took Spanish classes in Guatemala; and lived on a sailboat off the coast of Florida with Glo. At the same time, she loved Vermont and Burlington, and she never tired of discussing the view of the Adirondacks over the lake. Retirement brought the opportunity to enjoy its possibilities. On a summer day, she and Glo might bike to Charlie’s and rent a canoe or stroll through the woods in search of birds. They sang together and did so with friends, and they shared a commitment to Buddhist meditation. She rollerbladed, she enjoyed martial arts, and she adored her cats. Susan is survived by her life
partner, Gloria Daley; her children, Emma, Joya, Raina and Willy; her honorary daughter Rebecca; her soon-to-be sonin-law Jamie; her sisters Kristi Altrogge and Robin Hope; and her dear friends and extended family far and wide. She was predeceased by her sister, Judy Smith-Gringras. She will be greatly missed by her chosen family: Carol, Polly, Gooch and Beth. Special thanks to Carol Thayer, Deborah Kutzko and Robin Hope for all their work in coordinating Susan’s care and to Susan Cartwright, Alan Robinson, Bayada Hospice and the staff at Ethan Allen Residence for their many kindnesses. A celebration of Susan’s life will be held in late summer or fall of 2021. If you would like to honor her, please consider a donation in her name to the Alzheimer’s Association of Vermont, the food shelf, HOWL, or Planned Parenthood. Susan moved through the world with strength, grace, compassion and humility. She was well loved, and she will be sorely missed; may her memory make you smile.
Rod Billings (his longest friend); Donald Goggins (a close friend since Job Corps); Stanley Carlson (whose company he frequently enjoyed); Maryanne Billings Charbonneau (“best mom ever”); Barry Emmons (whose woodworking skills he admired); Amanda Clark (with whom he shared fun times); and Christine Connors (whom he also loved). On holidays, Henry cooked elaborate meals to share with
his friends, as well as those he saw in need. He was a loyal person, always there to pick up friends when they fell. Henry had a generous and giving heart — he enjoyed visiting local thrift stores and would often thoughtfully choose unique gifts for those he loved. Henry was predeceased by his father, grandmother, sister Nicole and godmother Elizabeth Edgar. He leaves behind his younger sisters Laura and Dawn. He is now surrounded by the many animals he loved: Bubba, Miss Kitty, Bear Poohs, Rod’s dog Tasha, and sweet Claudia, who left this world with him. Henry wished to be an inspiration to never give up. “You put me in a corner, and I’m gonna come out swinging.” “If I can do it, anyone can. I was a wreck.” Help carry on Henry’s legacy. Be loyal to those you love and kind to those in need. “Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life, bringing peace, abolishing strife.” —Kahlil Gibran
Henry C. Burawa Jr. JULY 13, 1965JANUARY 9, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT.
Henry “Hank” Burawa was born in Astoria (Queens), N.Y., to Susan Majores and Henry Burawa Sr. He was raised in the city by his father, grandmother and foster parents. At the age of 8, Henry and his two younger sisters moved with their father first to Utica, N.Y., and eventually to Vermont when he was 13. Henry lived on Alfred Street in Burlington and then at the Allenbrook Group Home. He graduated from South Burlington High School and went on to attend Job Corps in Vergennes and Southern Vermont and Bennington colleges. Henry’s career path as a printer at Lane Press was cut short when, at 23, he was severely injured by a drunk driver in a car accident. After spending months recovering in the hospital relearning to walk and talk, Henry went on
to work several jobs, including as a cook at Sneakers, St. Joe’s and the University of Vermont; inventory stock manager at SAS Auto; janitor at Rice High School; and crossing guard in Burlington. Henry was proud of his Jewish heritage. He considered himself a “city boy” and often said, “I’m going to fight to be an individual.” Henry earned a black belt at Shover’s dojo and fondly recalled being told, “This little guy has a lot of Bruce Lee in him.” Henry had a unique style, with his signature
long-haired mullet, leather pants and vest, silver jewelry, bolo tie, and perfectly shined boots. He dreamed of opening his own vintage clothing shop called Cool Clothes for Rockers and Bluesers. Henry felt music in his heart and soul, particularly the blues. He loved to share his voice and guitar with friends. Among Henry’s favorite artists were Paul McCartney, the Beatles, Bonamassa, Etta James, Dan Hicks, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Carlos Santana, Susan Tedeschi, Wynton Marsalis,
Billie Holiday, Seals and Crofts, Grace Potter, and Journey. Henry frequently said, “My friends are my family.” And, indeed, Henry cherished many best friendships, with Kristina Olson — “the Pooh” (he was by her side through thick and thin — her bodyguard) and her boyfriend Nick Courville; Marty Connors (whom he met at Bennington College and with whom he made music over the years);
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Food insecurity at UVM
How they accomplished that is no mystery: distancing, masks and limiting their time together. There is, however, a mystery in Vermont’s medical cannabis industry: WHY DO DISPENSARIES CHARGE AN ADDITIONAL FEE ON PURCHASES? Ken Picard looks into the matter in this week’s WTF column (page 42). Finally, friends are as important a component of wellness as eating well or exercising, especially in an age of isolation. Local artist DUG NAP EXPLORES FRIENDSHIP — or lack thereof — in a new graphic novella (page 28).
Welcome to the Wellness Issue
Better care through graphic design
The meditative joys of skating
The Yerbary reboots fire cider
Kristen Ravin interviewed local wellness author Aaron Hoopes on why it’s important to RECONNECT WITH NATURE (page 36). Other Vermonters have found relief indoors at local health clubs, yoga studios and fitness centers. 2020 was an especially tough year in THE FITNESS BIZ (page 32). While numbers are still down, due to new health protocols and facility upgrades, many gym owners hope for a 2021 rebound. In Winooski, Conscious Homestead founder Candace Jennifer Taylor is nurturing community and creating a “WHOLENESS CENTER” FOR BIPOC HEALING (page 40). Meanwhile, at the University of Vermont Medical Center, chef R. Leah Pryor promotes HEALING THROUGH FOOD (page 48). In Middlebury, A COLLEGE
ast year, the cover of Seven Days’ annual Wellness Issue, published on January 15, 2020, depicted a young woman in an 802 tank top sitting in a serene, cross-legged lotus position inside a protective bubble. With her were a steaming mug of tea, a vial of CBD and other cozy-healthy accoutrements. Said bubble floated above, wait for it, a flaming dumpster. The image was not meant to be prophetic. We actually thought the world was a dumpster fire at the time. In January. We’ll wait for you to stop laughing. The subsequent months were … well, they weren’t good, folks. You were there, so we’ll spare you the triggering rundown of 2020’s Greatest Hits. Let’s just say things devolved, and quickly. This year, the Wellness Issue again arrives following a crippling run of strife and turmoil. We’d say “unprecedented,” but if 2020 taught us anything, it’s that precedents don’t matter much, and things will — er, can — always get worse. However, there are reasons for optimism if you’re willing to let your guard down and see them. The very day this paper hits newsstands, January 20, president-elect Joe Biden becomes President Joe Biden, which might inspire hope at least among the majority of Americans who voted for him. Sally Pollak spoke to a number of local mental health experts — and one rabbi — on THE IMPORTANCE OF HOPE to our mental and emotional well-being (page 38) and how to find that hope amid current events. Speaking of reasons for hope, you’ve probably heard there are now several safe and effective vaccines against the coronavirus. Ken Picard profiled a South Burlington man, Joshua Schupp-Star, who volunteered as a VACCINE TEST SUBJECT (page 34). Schupp-Star feels fine and dandy, by the way. During the pandemic, many have sought relief from stress by getting outside. A recent University of Vermont study confirmed that trend and found that women, in particular, have been enjoying the great outdoors in increasing numbers.
arts news
Rebuffing Bob In a new graphic novella, dug Nap examines friendship B Y PA MEL A POL ST O N • pamela@sevendaysvt.com
nyone who has frequented Burlington City Art’s Summer Artist Market would recognize DUG NAP. Tall and rangy, with short, salt-and-pepper hair and serious largeframed glasses, he would loom over his display table looking formidable — until he broke into a rather sweet smile. Nap’s work, too, is instantly recognizable: colorful, in a semi-outsider-artist style, and usually featuring wry text. In fact, some of his most popular prints and cards are gaily hand-drawn quips such as “Down with toilet seats,” “Caution: I have needs” and “Chard is the new kale.” An au courant one: “You’d look better in a mask!” The Burlington artist has entered 2021 with a new graphic novella titled Friends & the Distance Between. If that sounds perfectly pandemic-inspired, Nap says that he actually began the project before COVID-19 drove us apart. But the book certainly has an unexpected layer of resonance befitting the times. Or it’s just the product of a paranoid mind. Kidding — mostly! Friends, published by Burlington’s FOMITE PRESS, features a hapless fellow named Bob Klink and a series of other characters, many of whom have eccentric names — Cowboy Steve, Willy the Worm, Brian Ryan O’Brien. (The female characters, inexplicably, are more conventionally named.) What they all have in common is rejecting Bob. And their reasons are as brutally candid as they are funny. Julianne Winnetka, “who sometimes would take Bob to the supermarket,” turned down his offer of lunch thus: “No, I couldn’t have lunch with you because people might see us & get the idea that we’re seeing each other.” Ouch. Even Bob’s insurance agent, John Turnscrew, spurns grabbing coffee: “Uh,
I’m sorry, Bob, but I’m just too compartmentalized to do that.” Mary “White-Bread” Williams likes to email Bob but refuses to speak to him
on the phone. Abby A.B. Burns loves to talk on the phone with Bob but never initiates the calls. When Bob asks his neighbor, Rudy Pearls, if he’d like to go to the movies, Rudy responds: “I can’t come
to the door. I’m surfing the web & I’m completely naked, Bob.” Even his cat, Snooper, avoids him. And so it continues. Alas, Bob can’t catch a break. That is, until he decides to “go in and finally meet the guy who lived in his bathroom.” Then things take a turn that this reviewer will not reveal. One has to wonder whether Bob and his weird interactions with others are in any way autobiographical. On this Nap is cagey, or perhaps diplomatic: “I have experiences with people, and as an artist I play around with it,” he allows. “Whether it’s real or not real, as an audience you get to say if it feels real.” Fair enough. For certain, Nap’s decades-long engagement with therapy is represented in Friends — in the form of Bob’s psychiatrist, Michelle. She is at least marginally devoted to helping him: “Bob, I can’t talk now, but I want to acknowledge that your need to talk with me is really great!” Friends is Nap’s second book; his first, Artsy Fartsy, came out in 2016. He’s recently released a newer, more condensed version of the latter. Nap says he’s been making art since the late ’80s — he openly credits an art therapy class during his brief stint in a mental hospital for getting him started. Now 74, he “ekes out” a living selling prints, cards and original paintings. Nap’s website says that 28 shops around the U.S. carry his work, but he concedes it might be fewer now, given store cuts and closures during the pandemic. His books, which are printed on demand, are not necessarily on the shelves at local independent bookstores but can be ordered, according to Fomite production manager DONNA BISTER. One reliable local outlet for Nap is FROG HOLLOW VERMONT CRAFT GALLERY on Burlington’s Church Street — just blocks from both his College Street apartment and his studio at Union Station. What “really helped” him this past
year, Nap says, particularly during the holiday season, was his pet portrait commissions. Samples of the adorable paintings — based on photographs and anecdotes from the owners and rendered digitally — are on his website. Though executed in his folky, whimsical style, the portraits unfailingly capture some ineffable quality of their guileless subjects. Lately Nap has returned to nonrepresentational work — that is, to the kind
4t-evolutionPT012021 1
1/13/21 12:43 PM
Gear up for winter.
of paintings he made back in college art classes. “The abstracts are really fun for me — I love working with pure color,” he says. Samples of these, too, are on his website and available as prints or original acrylic or oil paintings. Not surprisingly, the pieces are wildly imaginative and riotously hued. Nap is humble about his book ventures — and by his own admission is none too savvy about how the book business actually works. “It’s just something I do — it amuses me,” he says. “I’d like
people who read it to get something out of it. “I like to do a lot of things,” Nap continues. Those things include writing lyrics for his “poetry band,” as well as making art. Public performances are on hold for now, but, Nap admits, “Even just doing it by myself is fun.” m
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INFO Friends & the Distance Between by dug Nap, Fomite, 140 pages. $19.95. dugnap.com, fomitepress.com
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1/18/21 12:28 PM
arts news
How does a choir keep going — safely — in a pandemic? B Y A M Y L I L LY • lilly@sevendaysvt.com
n December, JEFFREY BUETTNER, associate professor of music and director of choral activities at Middlebury College, won a Virtue Family Exceptional Service Award. His achievement? Conducting the MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE CHOIR in person. That’s no small feat in a pandemic. Singing is a perfect delivery service for the coronavirus, as singers can send aerosolized droplets well beyond six feet. One of the pandemic’s first super-spreader events in the U.S. was, in fact, a choir rehearsal in Washington. But Buettner, who joined the college faculty in 2007 and cofounded the Middlebury Bach Festival, was determined to find a way to gather his singers together in the real world. While conducting online courses last spring and
Middlebury College Choir rehearsing during the pandemic
he wrote. “And I began to think about a YA novel, a sort of thriller set there and then.” Wilhelm’s writing is clean and smart. When he describes a street bazaar or two people speaking in a “crackle-edged language,” the setting comes to life. Though the book works hard to illustrate the complexities of another time and culture, Wilhelm’s narrator is distinctly American — a wise choice in a time when the literary world is rightly questioning whether it’s appropriate for white people to tell the stories of people of color. Wilhelm is skillfully true to Luke’s voice, even when Luke is being an idiot. At times, this reviewer wanted to take the teenage character by the shoulders and say, “Just tell your dad what’s going on!” By contrast, moments when Luke thinks of his jihadist kidnappers as “wannabes and losers” were endearingly amusing. No one but an American boy could be so cluelessly defiant in the face of an existential threat. The book also contains something of a story within a story about Peshawar’s Gandhara region, which served as a crossroads of different cultures in the first through fifth centuries AD; from there, Buddhism spread through Asia. The book’s afterword lays out a clear timeline of the SovietAfghan War and how American involvement directly led to the rise of Al-Qaeda, the Taliban and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, known as ISIS. While Luke’s story features plenty of the sort of drama only fiction can provide, it’s a good fit for the YA genre, with stakes set at just the right level to offer young readers an introductory lesson in geopolitics.
Quick Lit: High Stakes Teen angst is universal. Street of Storytellers, a 2019 young adult novel by DOUG WILHELM, is populated with young people facing problems — some interpersonal and some with huge consequences. The story’s protagonist is Luke, an American high schooler in Peshawar, Pakistan, on a court-ordered visit with his divorced father, who’s working on a book about an ancient civilization. Luke resents his dad’s work and knows little about the tensions that are building in Pakistan in 1984; he wants to listen to Bob Marley on his Walkman, not visit museums or ruins. Then Luke is introduced to Rasheed, who’s Pakistani and a devout Muslim. Convinced that the war against the Soviets in Afghanistan is holy, Rasheed is falling under the sway of a nascent jihadist movement in Peshawar. Rasheed’s sister, Danisha, is unlike him in every way and eager to get an education, despite their society’s restrictions on women. Another central character is Yusuf, an Afghani refugee with a disabled sister who worries about the extremists’ growing power. In the first chapter, Wilhelm makes sure readers grasp the historical context and the ramifications of the political tensions that the book describes. Rasheed’s father, a professor, is trying to recall the name of a rich Saudi man who’s in Peshawar talking about a jihad. Finally he remembers — it’s Osama bin Laden. What follows is a fictionalized account of the atmosphere that fostered bin Laden’s power. Luke finds himself part of a jihadist plot and, when he defies orders, he sets off a chain of events that includes his own kidnapping. Street of Storytellers is based on Wilhelm’s two years in Pakistan, India and Nepal in the early 1980s. “I wrote a
MA RG A RE T G RAY S O N margaret@sevendaysvt.com
nonfiction book about my experiences in Muslim Asia, but nobody would publish it,” Wilhelm writes on his website. He put the idea away for years. Then, “After 9/11, it became clear that the Al Qaeda movement, which brought down the World Trade Center, had originated in Peshawar in the 1980s,”
Street of Storytellers by Doug Wilhelm, Rootstock Publishing, 230 pages. $13.95.
Voice Control
facilitating weekly Zoom meetings of the and were able to sing twice a week, choir through the summer — often invit- though they had to forego the community ing alumni to chat and share video clips outreach part of the course. Buettner’s of previous performances — he was also spring course on ensemble singing may poring over studies of aerosol dispersion prove more challenging. The a cappella and consulting with campus medical staff. group, he said, will study “music, its Buettner implemented his plan for safe, context and how to sing together. In these in-person singing at the start of the fall circumstances, this is really hard.” term. He limited his choir, which usually Buettner was able to realize in-person has between 36 and 40 students, to 30 singing partly because the college is an and divided them into three groups. He enclosed society: No outsiders are allowed met with each group twice weekly for 30 on campus, and students who flout safety minutes in MEAD MEMORIAL CHAPEL on campus, rules are promptly sent home. Other which seats 700, and placed them 12 to colleges have faced different challenges. 15 feet apart in the pews. Everyone wore At UVM, Neiweem’s singers were all masks. Students disinfected their areas remote during the fall semester, partly before and after practice. Conversation was because the 300-seat UVM RECITAL HALL was banned, and the students still undergoing renovacould only face forward. But tion. With the space now they sang. reopened, he’ll begin “A number of students in-person rehearsals at the left those sessions weepstart of the spring semester ing because they were on February 1. overjoyed to sing together At Saint Michael’s again,” Buettner said during College, music professor a phone call. NATHANIEL LEW was able to J EFFRE Y B U ET TN E R The in-person rehearsrehearse 12 to 15 choral als, which lasted through students in the MCCARTHY the end of the term in November, resulted ARTS CENTER RECITAL HALL, which seats 330, in zero cases of COVID-19. (Buettner also for only a few weeks. The college went banned his students from meeting outside online in October. of class to sing together, and the college Meanwhile, nearby community banned its half dozen student-run singing choirs have had no choice but to remain groups from meeting.) So the conductor on hiatus. The BURLINGTON CHORAL SOCIETY plans to resume in-person rehearsals in has held only online rehearsals with early March, at the start of the next term. artistic director RICHARD RILEY. Neiweem’s While most singing has moved online Burlington-based AURORA CHAMBER SINGduring the pandemic, substitutes for ERS haven’t met in any capacity since last choral singing are problematic, accord- February. “We have tried to keep in touch ing to professor DAVID NEIWEEM, longtime as a community. However, it’s been stressdirector of the UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT ful, to say the least,” he wrote. CONCERT CHOIR. Lew, who also directs the professional “Choral singers are by definition vocal ensemble COUNTERPOINT, wrote in an members of a team,” he wrote in an email. email, “Counterpoint has not been able “Making, hearing and succumbing to the to rehearse in person for the very good interplay of human voices is the essence reason that no venue is letting strangers of choral singing. Without that, it’s hard to in to engage in potentially dangerous be inspired to breath[e], listen, think and activities. Insurance risk!” perform in unison with other singers.” In that light, Middlebury singers are That interplay of voices presents new perhaps the envy of all choristers, and not challenges when the singers are so far apart. just because they’ve been able to make Buettner has had to rethink his repertoire. music together. In-person rehearsals “Musically, our projects have to be much boost emotional health — something the shorter,” he notes. And because sight lines pandemic has rendered precarious — and are problematic in a 700-seat chapel, the provide social support and community in music that has worked is rhythmic. That a time of distancing. includes “Non Nobis, Domine” by Rosep“It’s really an emotional thing to be hanye Powell, a 2002 piece that’s standard able to gather and sing,” Buettner said. with academic choirs; and the folk-sound- “For many students, half their classes are ing “Meet Me Here” by Craig Hella John- online, and I have a number of students son, from 2016. The latter, says Buettner, with no in-person experience. So, for those is “a little slower but had a continual pulse 30 minutes, you can hear your sound with that we could all feel across a distance.” their sound, and it does a bit of what singThe conductor was also able to hold ing does for those who love it so much.” m his fall course for first-year students called Singing Communities in person. INFO They met in two groups of seven students Learn more at middleburycollegechoir.org.
BCA Exhibitions are funded in part by a grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Vermont Arts Council
4t-BCA012021 1
1/19/21 12:23 PM
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1/15/21 9:59 AM
Raising the Barbell How Vermont health clubs are adapting and faring in the pandemic B Y D A N BOL L ES • dan@sevendaysvt.com
or many of us, the dawn of a new year is a time to clean up our acts. Temporary teetotalers drive their friends to drink, preaching the gospel of a “dry January.” Others hop on the latest fad diet or at least try to eat a veggie now and then. And, of course, still others sign up for new health club memberships or optimistically renew the ones they let lapse the previous February. This year, those legions of would-be workout warriors now returning to the gym or in-person yoga or spin classes are finding a very different fitness environment from that of Januarys past. Let’s say they walk into the EDGE Sports & Fitness on Twin Oaks Terrace, one of two EDGE locations in South Burlington. Before the pandemic, the club’s exercise machines and equipment lived in dedicated rooms scattered around the mazelike facility. Most of that equipment has since been moved to the 21,000-square-foot space that once was a trio of tennis courts. Members may feel like they’re working out in an airplane hangar. “You can literally drive a car through it,” EDGE president and co-owner Mike Feitelberg said on a recent Thursday afternoon tour of the space. Indeed, one could probably squeeze a Mazda3 in the spaces between chipper stationary cyclists whizzing through a spin class, grunting bodybuilders pumping iron and lithe folks gliding away calories on elliptical machines. But for health clubs, such pandemic adaptation comes at a price. You could also drive a car, maybe even a truck, through the holes in the financial ledgers and membership rolls of many area fitness centers. Last March, the State of Vermont mandated the closure of health clubs; on June 1, it allowed them to reopen with pandemic-era restrictions. Many gyms, yoga studios and other fitness centers did reopen, but at 25 percent capacity, often with restructured facilities and sometimes with expensive upgrades. The largest multiuse health club in Vermont, the EDGE operates five locations in Chittenden County: one in Williston and two each in Essex and South Burlington. In addition to reconfiguring workout areas, the company has upgraded or replaced its HVAC systems, adding hospital-grade MERV-13 HVAC filters. It has converted
A health ambassador at the EDGE Sports & Fitness
all of its faucets and dispensers to touchless models, covered high-touch areas in NanoSeptic self-cleaning material, and created a new position, “health ambassador,” to aid in cleaning and to remind guests of protocols such as mask wearing and distancing. Feitelberg put the cost of those measures for each facility at “tens of thousands” of dollars. “Our goal is not just to meet the state’s guidelines,” he said, “it’s to exceed them.” Feitelberg declined to give specific numbers, but he noted that a “significant number” of EDGE members have put their memberships on pause or canceled them outright since the pandemic began. While daily visits to the EDGE were up 20 percent in January over December, he said, overall membership is still down 30 percent. The company has laid off about 50 employees. Steve Hare, the owner of Vermont Sun Fitness Centers in Middlebury and Vergennes, reports a similar lull in membership — he’s at 750 members, down from a January norm of about 1,100. That kind of drop would impact any business at any time of year. But for the fitness industry in January, it’s a critical blow. That’s because, Hare explained, the business models of most gyms are built on a first-quarter surge in membership. “Any fitness center relies on people who don’t come in that often,” he said. “It’s part of the financial structure.” Hare said that 60 to 70 percent of his business is from people who work out regularly. “Our bottom line relies on the
Pool at Vermont Sun
Outdoor fitness class with REV Indoor Cycling
30 to 35 percent of people who don’t,” he continued, “and those folks just aren’t there this year.” “The first quarter is what sustains us,” said Sarah DeGray, owner of REV Indoor Cycling. “In fitness, like restaurants or entertainment, your business model is volume,” she added. “So January is the dream month.” But this year, she said, January is more of a nightmare. At the end of the month, DeGray will vacate her cycling studio on Farrell Street in South Burlington, which she hasn’t opened for indoor classes since last March. DeGray is a member of the Restart Vermont fitness task force that advised Gov. Phil Scott on reopening health clubs. She said she was the only member who advocated against reopening for indoor services.
“Indoor cycling is such a cardiovascular activity. There’s sweat, there’s spit, people breathing heavily,” she said. “So I could never wrap my head around the idea that we couldn’t go into a bank, but someone could come into my fitness studio, remove their mask and start cycling,” DeGray continued, referring to a loophole in the state mandate that allows people to remove their masks “while engaged in vigorous physical exercise.” “It just didn’t make sense,” she said, adding that she understands and supports fitness center owners who opted to open. REV hosted a series of outdoor classes over the summer and into November, when the cold arrived, along with a spike in COVID-19 cases. Otherwise, the business has moved online, offering virtual classes and a library of recorded workouts with local trainers.
DeGray said she’s had some success “We have a remarkable amount of with that model, but not enough to offset information about each person who the loss of her in-person classes. For one comes through our doors,” he explained, thing, she said, “You can’t charge as much citing the specs that members are required for a virtual service.” to give when they join: work and home Such services also face phone numbers, email addresses, corporate national competiemergency contacts. The club tion: Peloton, Nike, Apple also knows when members and others offer similar check in and out and, based ones, often at a fraction on which equipment they of the cost of buying local. signed up to use, where DeGray said she’s been they were in the building forced to offer her classes at any given time. “for free or at bargain-basement prices The EDGE has even created its own just to get people to participate.” internal contact-tracing team, each “I think a lot of local consumers member of which has been certified don’t realize that we’re competing with through a contract-tracing course offered these giants,” she said. “Think of it like by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School a Church Street shop competing with of Public Health. Amazon.” “We’ve found we are often able to do Marla Thomas is another member it faster than the Vermont Department of of the Restart Vermont fitness task Health,” Feitelberg said. force. She and her husband, On March 12, just before Deshawn Thomas, reopened the statewide lockdown, the their South Burlington studio, EDGE facility on Eastwood Queen City Yoga & Fitness, on Drive in South Burlington June 1 after pivoting to virtual closed after a member who classes in the early weeks of had visited the club tested the pandemic. positive for COVID-19. That “The community needs case did not lead to further us, and we can do it safely,” transmissions at the club, Marla said of the decision to according to Feitelberg. open their facility. “Also, how While there have been else can we keep our business other incidents of members going?” contracting COVID-19, he While declining to give added, not a single case has numbers, the Thomases been transmitted at any said the club’s membership EDGE location. is down to 2018 levels after That’s not to say exercisseveral years of growth. ing at a health club is without They also said the club has MIKE FE ITE LB E RG risk. Experts advise caution been operating at a loss since and common sense even at March, and they’ve given up their own facilities that are hypervigilant about health insurance. their COVID-19 protocols. Like other local clubs, Queen City As Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious Yoga, which opened in 2016, has disease professor at Vanderbilt Univerincreased its sanitation protocols sity, recently told NPR, “If you walk into and requires masks and distancing. It a place and see people not wearing masks, has a hot room that was designed by turn around and walk out.” a mechanical engineer and features While they continue to face the a state-of-the-art HVAC system that unprecedented challenges of the turns over the air four to six times per pandemic, Vermont health club owners hour. see positives, too. “If it wasn’t safe to open, I don’t “We were all forced to make changes believe the state would have allowed it,” to how we did things,” DeGray said. “And Deshawn said. I have a lot of gratitude for being allowed “And if it wasn’t safe, we wouldn’t have to think differently about the way that I opened,” Marla added. “This is our life. do business.” We can’t get sick; we can’t put our family In Marla Thomas’ words, “The silver in harm’s way. And that’s how we treat lining here is that it came to be very obviour community.” ous how important we are in people’s While health clubs offer much-needed lives and what a strong community we outings and help relieve stress during the have.” pandemic, Feitelberg suggested they’re uniquely positioned to help the commu- INFO nity in a more concrete way: contact Learn more at edgevt.com, revindoor.vhx.tv, tracing. queencityogavt.com and vermontsun.com.
3V-outdoorgear012021 1
1/18/21 12:33 PM
Titer Security
A COVID-19 vaccine volunteer explains why he got a shot in the arm B Y K E N PI CA RD • ken@sevendaysvt.com
oshua Schupp-Star can give you many reasons why he volunteered to join the clinical trial of an experimental COVID-19 vaccine at the University of Vermont’s Vaccine Testing Center. All can be summarized in one word: hope. “After receiving my first dose, I got a taste of the freedom that existed before the pandemic,” said Schupp-Star, who is among the 284 volunteers in Vermont to receive an as-yet-unapproved vaccine made by British-Swedish drug manufacturer AstraZeneca. “It’s such a liberating feeling to walk around in the community knowing that my body had some protection against the virus that has caused so much suffering in the world.” Schupp-Star has seen some of that suffering firsthand. The 39-year-old Saratoga Springs, N.Y., native lives with his wife and 4-year-old son in South Burlington, which, like the rest of Vermont, has been far less affected by the pandemic than most other places in the country. But Schupp-Star has spent much of the last year in the Boston area, where he’s finishing his clinical rotations to become a physician assistant. For months, he worked at the Whittier Street Health Center, a clinic in Roxbury, Mass., that serves a racially diverse and predominantly lowincome and immigrant community that’s been hit hard by the coronavirus. “There were patients we talked to who lost four or five family members,” SchuppStar said in an interview last week. Many of his patients tested positive for COVID-19 themselves or were still recovering from it. Some suffered from what he called “long COVID,” a condition in which symptoms linger for weeks or months. One of Schupp-Star’s patients who contracted the disease last February was still experiencing symptoms seven months later. Once, when the woman experienced fatigue, heart palpitations and shortness of breath after exercising, she called 911, only to have EMS personnel dissuade her from going to the hospital. According to Schupp-Star, they told her she’d need to be put on a ventilator, which at the time were in short supply, and that she’d be better off staying home. So a few months ago, when SchuppStar read that the UVM testing center was enrolling more than 3,100 volunteers for its phase 3 clinical trial of the experimental AstraZeneca vaccine — from which 284 34
Joshua Schupp-Star getting vaccinated
ultimately were chosen to get dosed — he leapt at the opportunity. The first and most obvious reason, he explained, was to protect his wife, son and other members of the community from a disease that’s killed 400,000 Americans, including at least 163 Vermonters. Because Schupp-Star travels back and forth to Boston each week, “I don’t want to be the reason why a lot of people in Vermont get sick,” he said. Another motivation for volunteering, Schupp - Star noted, was the large number of people he encountered at the Roxbury clinic, including fellow medical staff, who told him they didn’t plan to get the COVID-19 vaccine once it became available. Schupp-Star didn’t challenge his patients’ or colleagues’ vaccine skepticism. He suspects that some of their wariness and distrust, especially among people of color, stems from the U.S. government’s
infamous “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.” From 1932 to 1972, public health researchers deceived hundreds of impoverished Black men in Alabama into believing they were receiving free treatments for syphilis when, in fact, they were not. Many died of the disease or associated complications. Even though Black Americans have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic, dying at a rate nearly three times that of white Americans, many remain skeptical of governmental assurances about vaccine safety. A Pew Research Center poll released last September found that Black adults were far less likely than other Americans to say they’d “definitely or probably” take the COVID-19 vaccine — just 32 percent of Black people, compared to 52 percent of white people, 56 percent of Hispanics and 72 percent of Asian Americans.
Because Schupp-Star was working in a community with a large population of New Americans, including many from the Caribbean, he wanted to serve as “an ambassador” for the new vaccine and demonstrate its safety by putting his own health on the line. “I wanted to be able to come back and say, ‘I got the vaccine, and I’m OK,’” he said. “‘I’m not hurt, I’m not sick … and it didn’t alter my DNA.’” Schupp-Star admitted that, initially, he had some mild trepidations of his own. Early on in the pandemic, there was concern that some blood pressure medications, including one he takes, could make him more susceptible to the coronavirus. However, other research suggested that such drugs might even reduce the severity of COVID-19 symptoms. Either way, Schupp-Star’s underlying health condition didn’t disqualify him from the study, and he noted that it would provide useful data to AstraZeneca’s researchers. Still, being a vaccine volunteer is not without inherent risks. Last September,
AstraZeneca briefly halted its phase 3 trial when two female participants developed neurological problems after getting dosed. Both cases were later linked to previously undiagnosed conditions; researchers believed the women’s reactions were not caused by the vaccine itself. To date, no Vermont volunteers have experienced severe adverse events — that is, hospitalizations or deaths — according to Dr. Beth Kirkpatrick, founding director of the UVM Vaccine Testing Center. So, on November 20, Schupp-Star drove to Essex Junction to receive the first of his two doses. Because the trial is a double-blind study, neither he nor the person administering the shot knew whether he was getting the actual vaccine
or a placebo. (According to Kirkpatrick, two-thirds of the study’s 30,000 participants nationwide received the real vaccine, divided equally between men and women.) But Schupp-Star soon had a hunch that he’d gotten the real one. Six hours later, the injection site on his left arm still hurt. The following day, the entire left side of his body ached, as though he had done a strenuous workout the day before. As he put it, “I was very happy that I had a pain in the ass.” There was a strong psychological side effect, too. Schupp-Star said that the first three days after his initial dosage felt “incredibly liberating,” though he was still careful not to let down his guard and stop social distancing, washing his hands or wearing a mask. When he was told that the vaccine wouldn’t fully protect him until he got the second dose, “I was like, OK, I’m not out of the woods yet,” he added. Four weeks later, Schupp-Star returned for round two. This time, the shot left him with only a mild ache in his arm and what he described as a persistent but manageable headache that lasted two or three days. In early January, Schupp-Star went back to Boston for his final year of clinical work at Massachusetts General Hospital. Like other students at the hospital, he was
offered a different COVID-19 vaccine, one which already had been granted emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration. This posed an interesting ethical dilemma: Because Schupp-Star wasn’t certain that he had received the real vaccine, and knowing that the second, already-approved vaccine was 95 percent effective, should he accept the second vaccine before millions of other Americans had gotten one? As Kirkpatrick at the Vaccine Testing Center explained, this is why the AstraZeneca team allows trial participants to be “unmasked” — that is, to find out which shot they got. “If people received the placebo in the AstraZeneca trial, the decision is clear,” she explained. “We say, if you’re willing to take that other vaccine, please take it, because that’s our goal, to get people protected … It’s not fair to ask them to stay with the placebo, because they remain at risk for COVID.” Thus, Schupp-Star was unmasked and his suspicions were confirmed: He had gotten the real McCoy. But even though he was still eligible for the FDA-approved shot, he opted not to take it. “Of course the thought crossed my mind … given all the fears regarding COVID, but this didn’t last long,” he said. “I’m feeling pretty good about my immune status.” Schupp-Star’s involvement in the trial isn’t over yet. For the next two years he’ll be keeping a diary on his cellphone to report any COVID-19-related symptoms. He’s also getting his blood drawn every month, which looks for the titer, or presence and concentration, of coronavirus antibodies. Schupp-Star plans to continue serving as a vaccine “ambassador” by talking about his own experiences publicly, perhaps even including it as part of his standup comedy routine. Before pursuing a career as a PA, he was a four-time finalist in Vermont’s Funniest Comedian competition. While definitely not looking to make light of the deadly pandemic, Schupp-Star emphasized, he might incorporate his experiences in his routine. “I want people to know that there is light at the end of tunnel — and it feels good to be on this side,” he wrote in a follow-up email. “Life may never go back to the way it was, but I do think we will have a chance to live our lives in relatively less fear.” m
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1/7/21 3:37 PM
Burlington Acupuncture
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INFO The UVM Vaccine Testing Center periodically needs volunteers to test other experimental vaccines. Learn more at med.uvm.edu/ vaccinetestingcenter. 4t-burlingtonacupunture012021.indd 1
1/13/21 3:22 PM
On the Horizon Vermont experts discuss the value of hope B Y S A LLY POL L AK • sally@sevendaysvt.com SARAH CRONIN
n her 1891 poem “‘Hope’ is the thing with feathers,” Emily Dickinson compared hope to a bird. The bird “perches in the soul,” she wrote, and keeps singing — even in the harshest circumstances. One hundred and 30 years later, a sighting of that particular bird would be most welcome. In the first week of January, 1.15 million people filed initial claims for unemployment benefits, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. On January 13, one week after armed rioters seized the U.S. Capitol, the 36
U.S. House of Representatives impeached President Donald Trump for “incitement of insurrection” — making Trump the first president in U.S. history to be impeached twice. That same day, more than 3,900 people in the United States died of COVID19 and 230,476 new coronavirus infections were reported, according to the New York Times’ daily COVID-19 tracker. And that was just the first two weeks of 2021. In Vermont, recent news has also been discouraging. Due to a holiday-related spike, the state has logged record-high
weekly growth in coronavirus cases in January, according to the Vermont Department of Health. These are hard days in Vermont, the country and the world. A new year and the January 20 inauguration of a new president are occasions that by their very nature represent change and herald possibility, while the development of new vaccines against the coronavirus offers hope of an eventual return to normal. Still, with all that on the horizon, many are having a tough time finding reasons for optimism.
What do the experts suggest for keeping our spirits up? Last week, Seven Days spoke by phone to a handful of local therapists and a rabbi about the experience of collective trauma, how recent developments might offer hope in a grim time, and why that hope is so important to our mental and emotional well-being. Kristine Reynolds is a licensed clinical social worker and director of the Vermont Center for Resiliency, which she founded 18 months ago and which is affiliated with Otter Creek Associates, a
regional mental health group practice with offices around the state. Since March 2020, in Reynolds’ view, people have been simultaneously experiencing and processing “repetitive collective trauma.” For her clients at the resiliency center, she said, trauma that “continues to happen” is the “constant” in the current uncertainty — see: all of 2020. If these clients are feeling any relief from the promise of a vaccine or of the installation of President Joe Biden, she hasn’t witnessed it yet, but she highlighted how optimism for the future can inspire perseverance. “If a person identifies those [forthcoming] changes as hopeful, it gives us a reason to continue to engage in life’s challenges,” Reynolds said. “If we’re seeing hope, if we’re seeing opportunity, if we’re seeing possibility, it can give us motivation to keep going. “The hopeful side of me wants to say that we are navigating through it,” Reynolds continued. “But it’s hard to heal and feel safe when trauma keeps happening.”
One strategy for building resiliency is to “reframe” a narrative, Reynolds said. That could mean thinking of the isolation brought on by the pandemic as a beneficial pause, one that you didn’t know you needed, she explained. Reframing fear, Reynolds continued, might involve understanding it this way: “I am doing the best I can to keep myself and my loved ones safe.” Elizabeth Flynn Campbell, a licensed psychoanalyst in Burlington, suggested it could be useful to consider the etymology of the word “apocalypse.” Stemming from the Greek apokalyptein, it means to uncover, to reveal. “What helps me during these brutal political times we’re living in is [that] what’s being unveiled is the reality of our situation,” she said. “The reality of the consequences of slavery … and the limitations of our capitalistic model. “These things are brutal to bear,” she went on. “But we won’t make the corrections we need to make unless we see more clearly.”
In an email to Seven Days, psychologist Eric Aronson of Montpelier wrote that his clients, as a general rule, are “stressed … tired and confused.” Their concerns range from the health and safety of family members to how to pay the bills. “Of course, they’re anxious about the spread of the coronavirus here in Vermont and people dying every single day,” Aronson wrote. “The elections had a lot of people worried, and now it seems that a river of bigotry and hatred runs right through our land. And people just want peace and justice; they want a brighter tomorrow, where everyone can find shelter and have enough to eat.” While a new administration in Washington, D.C., and the advent of the vaccine offer hope for some, “there is a lingering sense of insecurity, which people of color, refugees, LGBTQ and other communities have long been familiar with but which is quite widespread now,” Aronson wrote. “That won’t shift until we see real change take hold, until meaningful solutions are enacted.” David Edleson, rabbi of Temple Sinai in South Burlington, provided historical context when he discussed the meaning and value of hope. He recalled prisoners in Nazi concentration camps who sang a song called “Hatikvah,” Hebrew for “The Hope,” as they walked to the gas chambers. The song would later become Israel’s national anthem. That act, Edleson said, “says to me that human beings can get through anything if they feel there is hope for either themselves or their descendants. “By descendants, I mean both personal descendants and cultural descendants: the people who come after us,” he added. “If people know that there’s a hope that things will get better in the future, humans will do tremendous, brave, moving things in order to help that come true.” In Judaism, the concept of hope is partnered with action, Edleson said. And taking action — political action, community organizing, a faith-based activity — helps give meaning to life, he noted. “Hope is the belief that if I work and we do what we need to do, change is possible,” Edleson said. “Humans were created to work to make society fairer and more just.” The development of the coronavirus vaccine, Edleson believes, is already having a positive impact on people in his congregation and beyond. “I think we’re tolerating being isolated now because we think there’s an end in sight,” he said. “There’s the thought that This, too, shall pass.” m
The time is always right to do what is right. — MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR.
4T-sweeney012021.indd 1
1/18/21 2:02 PM
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12/19/20 4:17 PM
Outside Influence
Vershire author Aaron Hoopes has a prescription for stress relief: going back to nature B Y K R IST EN R AV I N • kravin@sevendaysvt.com
In addition to showing that Vermonters’ outdoor activity has increased during the pandemic, the UVM study reveals what it is they value about the human-nature relationship. For example, 59 percent of respondents said they cherished a greater sense of mental health and well-being outdoors. Twenty-three percent said they felt that experiences in nature were important to their sense of identity; 29 percent said they appreciated its beauty. Hoopes agrees that connecting with the natural world takes on a new urgency during the pandemic. “Regardless of what our political beliefs are or how we’ve been indoctrinated by schools and corporations and news,” he said, “we’re all children of this Earth. If the planet dies or the planet breaks down, we’re not going to survive it.” What about people who have limited access to nature? “One of the things that we can all do to help ourselves is to learn to breathe properly, and it doesn’t matter whether you’re indoors or outdoors or wherever,” said Hoopes, who published a 2003 book on proper respiration: Breathe Smart: The Secret to Happiness, Health and Long Life. “If you can start the breathing
f there’s a silver lining to be found in the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s that Vermonters are spending more time outdoors — and finding myriad reasons to embrace nature. According to a University of Vermont Gund Institute for Environment study released on December 16, 2020, Vermonters — especially women — have significantly increased time spent on outdoor activities such as walking, gardening and wildlife watching due to COVID-19. What does this newfound appreciation for the outdoors mean for our mental, emotional and physical wellness? Vershire author Aaron Hoopes offers one way to sum up that shift in his 2019 book Reconnecting to the Earth: Reclaiming Our Relationship to Nature and Ourselves. “If we are able to carve out some time to spend in the natural world, we give ourselves an opportunity to bring some balance back into our lives,” he writes. Hoopes, 57, has published at least five books on wellness-related topics, such as yoga, proper breathing and healthy eating. Around 2007, he developed a yoga style called Zen yoga that integrates elements of Zen meditation, tai chi and qigong. Before he settled on the rural herbal medicine farm where his partner, Suzanne “Zanni” Lacey, runs Z Botanicals and Hemp, Hoopes spent significant time abroad studying martial arts and yoga. “I lived in Japan for many years; I lived in Australia for many years and have tried to learn lots of different cultures and different philosophies that all work toward trying to understand the self,” Hoopes told Seven Days. Those experiences inspired and informed Reconnecting to the Earth. The short book uses quotes from thinkers such as renowned psychologists Bruce K. Alexander and Anne Wilson Schaef and from Hoopes’ original poetry to explain how and why humans have strayed from nature. Among the causes Hoopes cites are the industrial revolution and the pervasiveness of electronic devices. He lays out the big-picture consequences of disconnection from nature for the individual (anxiety, depression and attention deficit problems) and for the planet (pollution, resource exploitation and the climate crisis). The book offers guidance in the form of a program Hoopes calls the Sevens, which he developed with inspiration from
his former yoga teacher Shanti Gowans and others. It consists of 49 principles for living a life more connected to the Earth. Among the recommendations are slowing down, calming the mind and nourishing the body. Does this advice seem obvious? Sure. No one seeking a greater sense of peace and connection to the planet will be surprised by Hoopes’ suggestions to put down their iPhone and embrace values of gentle kindness and generosity. Still, it can’t hurt to have a list handy as a reminder when the path gets foggy.
process in a more healthy way … that’s gonna activate your parasympathetic nervous system so that you’re able to relax more,” he said, “[and] you’re able to get your digestion working and just calm down.” When it comes to his teachings, Hoopes walks the walk, said his former yoga student Sonia Mesa. “He really lives his truths,” Mesa told Seven Days from Miami, where she lives. “Ever since I’ve known him, he really does all the things that he says are important in the world. He backs it up by actually providing excellent examples.” To wit, Hoopes starts each day with tai chi and stretching, and he hikes or climbs every few days. Plus, “All my kung fu classes with the kids are outside now,” he said, referring to his Vershire-based children’s martial arts program Dragon Mountain Kung Fu. As the instructor to 16 young students, Hoopes promotes breathing, meditation, climbing and outdoor
survival skills in addition to teaching martial arts. “If we’re taught as children at a young age about the value, the sacredness, the specialness of having a relationship with the natural world, then as you grow up … [you may] want to take care of it more,” he said. To further connect kids to the Earth,the Vermont native is on the verge of launching a homeschool study course based on Reconnecting to the Earth with the remote education platform Akitsu Learning Program, founded by Mesa. Hoopes said Mesa approached him in the early days of the pandemic about adapting his book to launch a course for young people. “She just went to town creating this comprehensive seven-to-10-chapter homeschool program, and it just kind of blew me away,” he recalled. The course is geared toward students in grades three through eight and meets Common Core State Standards in language arts, science and social studies. It will include videos and live Zoom classes with Hoopes, as well as reading guidelines for instructors, field trip ideas, and a glossary of terms such as “anthropogenic” and “geosphere.” Hoopes hopes a beta version of the course will be available to several families in Vermont and Florida in January and a fine-tuned version will launch widely around March. To skeptics who might view Hoopes and his homeschool program as “woo-woo out there” (his words), Mesa said, “We’re not telling anyone that this is what they need to think or feel or how they even need to approach these ideals of our surroundings. But we’d like them to have a little appetizer … and think of it as an outline or a guideline that they can use as a steppingstone to their own discoveries.” For adults who may be intimidated by the idea of shifting to a more naturefocused lifestyle, Hoopes said it’s fine to start small. Rules and guidelines aside, “It’s really about going outside and spending time in nature,” he said. “You can read all the books you want about how to do it, but until you just go out there and put your bare feet on the ground and start experiencing it, it’s hard to really get a feel.”
INFO Reconnecting to the Earth: Reclaiming Our Relationship to Nature and Ourselves by Aaron Hoopes, Ozark Mountain Publishing, 112 pages. $13. Learn more about the homeschooling course at akitsulearning.com.
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Last October, Vermont Public Radio’s “But Why: A Podcast for Curious Kids” released an episode answering questions about the election. Listen to this episode, called “Why Can’t Kids Vote?” Find it at butwhykids.org.
Research the name of your street, your school or a local park. What can you find out about when and how it was named?
“We called each town office and spoke with the town assessor to find out how the streets we live on were named. It was really interesting!”
Read five stories in your local community newspaper — this issue of Seven Days counts!
“I learned about voting rights, and I enjoyed hearing other kids’ questions.”
Davis Community School team, SOUTH BURLINGTON
Team JW,
“When reading the News & Citizen, I learned that the Energy Committee of my town organized a firewood program to collect wood for families that would not be able to afford it: 16 cords of wood were provided to 13 families in the area. Am so proud of my little community!” Team Frenchie, CRAFTSBURY
Complete activities like these for a chance to win a $50 gift card to a locally owned independent bookstore or a one-year subscription to The Week or The Week Jr. in a prize drawing on January 27. There are 40+ activities to choose from. See them all at goodcitizenvt.com. Complete one activity in each area to be entered in the grand-prize drawing on March 10 for a $500 gift card to a locally owned business. Powered by:
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1/19/21 12:29 PM
Growing Community In Winooski, Candace Jennifer Taylor creates a “wholeness center” for BIPOC healing
andace Jennifer Taylor’s email autoreply might come as a surprise to those used to the breakneck speed of online communication. “Both my life and the work I do in this life is grounded in the desire to dismantle colonial rule, capitalism and dominance culture,” reads the message, which says Taylor may take two weeks to respond. “The pace within which both our culture of living and working functions is rooted in the very things I seek to uproot; it’s toxic, traumatic and deeply harmful. I will not live my life or curate the offerings I create for my business within that colonial pace.” It’s not that Taylor doesn’t want to answer emails — quite the opposite, they told Seven Days in an interview. They want more time to carefully consider the messages sent to them, as well as a healthier pace of business. Taylor, 38, sells medicinals and herbal products, including tinctures, massage oils, face serums and mists, scalp oils, and herbal teas, under the name Conscious Homestead. Taylor also teaches yoga, practices Reiki, is certified as a doula, and leads workshops and mentorships on growing food and medicine and raising chickens. This year, Taylor is beginning work on a bigger endeavor: expanding their Winooski home and garden into a “wholeness center” where Black, Indigenous and other people of color can gather and learn. The use of the word “wholeness” instead of “wellness” is deliberate. “Wellness has become these kind of quick little things that you can do to practice selfcare,” Taylor said. “To me, wholeness is about something radically larger.” In their eyes, wellness perpetuates unreasonable body standards and fat phobia and appropriates from other cultures; wholeness is about connection to the land, about ancestors and systems of oppression, and about choosing to focus on collective healing and self-love. Before turning to food and agriculture, Taylor worked in nonprofits and higher education, focusing on gender and sexual violence and anti-oppression advocacy. It was demanding, both physically and emotionally, and they weren’t sleeping well. “The work that I’d been doing had brought me to a point of being incredibly
Candace Jennifer Taylor
ill and burnt-out,” Taylor said. They saw the people around them getting sick, too. “I thought to myself, We’re doing this wrong.” A family tragedy in 2013 caused Taylor to rethink their career plans for good. “I realized that I could do it differently and that it would be a total experiment,” they said. “I said, ‘How do I really want to spend this life?’” Plants had been a part of Taylor’s life since childhood, which was spent in Brooklyn and Springfield, Mass. But they think it goes even deeper than that: “It’s in all of our DNA to have a relationship with plants and the land.” Taylor learned to cook from their grandmother, who viewed food as medicine. The kitchen led them to the garden. “That’s where all the plants started speaking to me, and I started to see all the ways we’re connected,” they said.
In 2013, Taylor left their job at what was then called the Women’s Center at the University of Vermont. Their first job in food was cooking for a sorority. Taylor eventually started a catering biz, called Conscious Kitchen, and about four years ago began teaching and mentoring through Conscious Homestead. While the pandemic has been difficult for many businesses, Taylor has found that it actually propelled their work forward and solidified their role in mutual aid and community care. Interest has grown in Taylor’s products and workshops. Part of it, they said, is a reinvestment in shopping locally, particularly with BIPOC-owned businesses, in response to the pandemic and the racial justice movement that grew out of George Floyd’s killing. The growing interest nationwide in gardening and self-sufficiency was reflected in Taylor’s mentorship program: Over the summer it jumped from a handful of students to 15.
Meanwhile, last year Taylor launched a GoFundMe and raised $60,000 of a $100,000 goal toward building the wholeness center; the community support has boosted Taylor’s confidence in their vision during uncertain times. Work has already begun on the Winooski property Taylor shares with their partner and son. They’re building a greenhouse that will double as a learning space to continue the mentorship program Taylor already offers for BIPOC people interested in botanical work. Taylor is maximizing their garden space, building a new chicken coop and adding a geodesic dome, which will house workshops, meditation and yoga classes. “I want to literally open our home for BIPOC folks in our community to have a space where they can connect to the land, where they can be fed, where they can connect to each other and connect to themselves,” Taylor said. While Taylor is excited to expand their
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programming, they also see the center as a retreat that community members can use for individual healing. “People just want a space where they can come and, even if it’s just for 30 minutes, be in a beautiful space and write in their journal,” Taylor said. “They just want to find a space where they can rest their head for 30 minutes in silence, or pull some beans and use their hands and connect to the land and lay in the sun.” Taylor will ask people to contribute financially for workshops and events but said no BIPOC person will ever be turned away. The model will be similar to the one Taylor uses to price botanical products, in which they consider time spent working with the land as part of their compensation. “This whole idea came to my mind because I grew my own garden ... and we always had plenty. We always had
“If we can pool in our resources and actually practice being a community for real, I believe that we can care for one another and we can shift this idea of scarcity and need for competition and need for hoarding. I want to have a space where we can experiment with that, where we can practice that,” they said. After Floyd’s killing by police sparked international protests calling for racial justice, Taylor worked with other organizers to coordinate a wealth redistribution document; it encourages white people to give money directly to Black Vermonters as a form of reparations for systemic racism. Taylor didn’t apply for or receive any government assistance during the pandemic. Though they are open to collaborating with nonprofits, navigating the paperwork and bureaucracy of the philanthropic world is a barrier for
extra,” Taylor said. “I’m OK, personally, not increasing the costs to cover my labor when I know I’m enjoying myself tending the garden.” Taylor said they and their husband are committed to maintaining the property and are even making plans for passing it on someday. “I’ve always wanted folks to understand, as far as sustaining this project: We’re going to be here. We’ve chosen Vermont; we’re rooted in Winooski,” they said. Taylor’s longtime friend and collaborator Naomi Doe Moody is the cofounder of SUSU CommUNITY Farm, a group fundraising to start a Black and Indigenousled farm and healing space in southern Vermont. Moody said that in Vermont, BIPOC land ownership is rare. “There’s a lot of trauma that happens through land for people of color, whether they’re migrants, or trafficked, or removed from their ancestral lands. And so coming together on land and with land to heal is very powerful,” Moody said. Taylor talks about building community as something that takes practice because the influences of colonialism and capitalism have divided us from our inherent instincts to connect with one another. Money, for this entrepreneur, is not the goal.
grassroots efforts. Taylor is invested in the concept of mutual aid, in which community members support each other and exchange resources, often outside the bounds of established institutions and nonprofit organizations. In 2020, Taylor began offering free care packages to BIPOC people. Taylor provides the herbal products, and individuals who wish to contribute can buy sponsorships to cover the cost of bottles, packaging and shipping. In September, Taylor sent some 65 care packages to BIPOC people in Vermont and elsewhere; they sent another 115 in December. They are currently working on a third round. “BIPOC people in this world are experiencing incredible trauma,” Taylor said. “We’re afraid of dying if we walk out of our home. This is acute trauma. So to give ourselves some love, even if it’s a little face mist — that is actually radical. It’s a radical and important and necessary thing to do.” m
INFO Learn more at candacejennifer.me. Bottom Line is a weekly series on how Vermont businesses are faring during the pandemic. Got a tip? Email bottomline@sevendaysvt.com.
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1/14/21 3:48 PM
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1/18/21 12:42 PM
Hosting virtual or in-person classes? Spread the word in the
Seven Days Classifieds. CONTACT KATIE FOR A QUOTE AT 865-1020 x10 katie@sevendaysvt.com
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12/14/20 10:01 AM
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1/15/21 5:00 PM
ack in the days of prohibition — cannabis, not booze — a halfgram nickel bag would cost you five bucks on the black market, usually leaving you uncertain of what you just bought. But now that approximately 4,600 Vermont patients can legally access one of the state’s five medical marijuana dispensaries and safely purchase cannabis to treat chronic and debilitating conditions, such as AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease, those financial transactions have become more complicated. Why? Essentially, because the federal government still considers them illicit drug deals. Last month, we received an email from a Chittenden County medical marijuana patient. The woman, who is registered with the Champlain Valley Dispensary, requested anonymity to protect her medical privacy. She was irked that, in addition to the state’s $50 annual registration fee, she is also assessed a 1 percent surcharge on every cannabis purchase, regardless of whether she pays with cash, check or debit card. “Before, debit card fees were passed on. I understand that,” she wrote. “But to hand them cash for a product, and then extra cash to figure out what to do with the cash I paid for the product, seems really exploitative.” Jeffrey Wallin, director of the Vermont Crime Information Center, which oversees the medical marijuana registry, confirmed that any additional fees charged to patients are assessed by the dispensaries themselves, not the state. Under Vermont statute, medical cannabis is exempt from state and local sales and use taxes. So why the 1 percent fee? Shayne Lynne is executive director of Champlain Valley Dispensary and Southern Vermont Wellness, which have three locations in South Burlington, Middlebury and Brattleboro that collectively serve about 3,200 patients. As he explained in an interview and subsequent emails, in November 2019 the dispensaries began assessing a “banking surcharge” on every transaction, which enables them to bank with a Vermont financial institution. How many banks and credit unions did Lynn approach before finding one that would allow him to open an account? All of them, he said. 42
Why Are Medical Cannabis Patients Charged a Fee on Every Purchase?
“We need a bank account to operate for all different kinds of reasons, one of them being safety,” he added, referring to the large amounts of cash that dispensaries handle. Bank accounts are also vital for handling the dispensaries’ payroll, income taxes and other business transactions. Financial institutions that choose to do business with the cannabis industry — most do not — must strike a delicate balance between state and federal laws. Because marijuana is still listed as a Schedule I drug under the federal Controlled Substances Act, banks and credit unions run the risk of losing their charters if they cannot verify to regulators that cannabusiness accounts are not being used for money laundering. The banking industry’s concern about potential exposure to federal prosecution was heightened in January 2018 when president Donald Trump’s then-attorney general, Jeff Sessions, rescinded the so-called Cole Memorandum. That 2013 memo, written by then-deputy attorney general James Cole under president Barack Obama, directed federal prosecutors not to prosecute marijuana offenses in states
that had legalized medical and/or adult-use cannabis. In order to minimize its exposure to federal racketeering charges, Lynn explained, the financial institution he works with — Vermont State Employees Credit Union — has a contract with a Denver, Colo., data-collection firm called NCS Analytics. NCS serves as a third-party auditor, sifting through all the dispensaries’ transactions to alert bankers and regulators of any suspicious activity. Whether it’s money coming in or going out, Lynn said, every transaction is hit with the 1 percent fee. Lynn couldn’t say how the state’s other dispensaries share that cost with their patients, but he insisted that all are subject to the same banking rules. There are other quirks to doing business in the legally gray area of the cannabis world. For one, other health-related items, such as dentures, hearing aids, contact lenses and bathroom commodes, are classified as “medical devices” and thus are tax exempt. But non-cannabis items sold in dispensaries — pipes, vaporizers, grinders, rolling papers — that help alleviate the suffering of terminal and chronically ill patients are still classified as “drug paraphernalia” and are taxed. Also, when dispensaries accept debit card payments — national credit card companies
still won’t touch the transactions — dispensaries are required to round up or down to the nearest whole-dollar figure. Some of these rules are likely to change under President Joe Biden’s administration. In 2019, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act, which would ease many of the financial restrictions on the U.S. cannabis industry. The bill is expected to get a warmer reception in the new, Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate, where it has yet to pass. Last March, as the pandemic forced the closure of many businesses, dispensaries were deemed “essential services,” permitted to remain open and even allowed to deliver their goods to patients’ cars to minimize coronavirus exposure. That wasn’t a difficult adaptation for Southern Vermont Wellness in Brattleboro. As Lynn pointed out, it’s located in a former TD Bank building, which features a drive-through window and still-functional pneumatic tubes. That’s one way to keep them rolling in the green.
INFO Got a Vermont mystery that has you flummoxed? Ask us! wtf@sevendaysvt.com.
FRIDAY FEBRUARY 5 10 a.m. Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center
11 a.m.
Talent Development Institute
Davis Studio
1 p.m.
Bolton Valley
2 p.m.
Tamim Academy
3 p.m.
Farm & Wilderness
Sylvan Learning Center
11 a.m.
ECHO Camps
Humane Society of Chittenden County (Camp Paw Paw)
1 p.m. Learn about opportunities for your child. Connect with representatives from local summer camps and schools. Hear about new safety protocols regarding COVID-19.
Ask questions or just listen in. Attend one session or all — for free!
Camp Stonewall
2 p.m.
Burlington Parks, Recreation & Waterfront
3 p.m.
Camp Farnsworth and Camp Twin Hills (Girl Scouts of the Green & White Mountains)
4 p.m.
YMCA - Camp Abnaki & Day Camps
Spruced Up Tacos, enchiladas and tequila cocktails in Richmond B Y SALLY PO L L AK • sally@sevendaysvt.com
ichmond wasn’t exactly a hot spot of activity on a winter night even before the pandemic. On the recent 12-degree Friday evening when I arrived for takeout from the Big Spruce, the downtown was still. A few people were waiting for their food order in their cars by the restaurant. But I stood outside to feel the night chill and countryish air, anticipating the warmth and comfort of my meal to come. As I waited, a pickup truck parked across the street. A man in ski gear got out and walked up to me. “Where’s the Big Spruce?” he asked. “Right here,” I told him. A newcomer could indeed miss it. Mexican-themed and takeout only, due to the pandemic, the restaurant opened in mid-November in the renovated, charcoalcolored building that previously housed Toscano Café & Bistro and, before that, the Daily Bread Bakery & Café. Lights on the front porch illuminate the pickup windows. A small sign, lit-up that night, announces, “Tacos Are for Lovers; X O.” (The “o” in lovers is represented by a heart.) Unlike the traveling skier, I knew the Big Spruce’s spot on Bridge Street. And I was warmly welcomed to it by a second figure that appeared on the street. “Hey, Sally!” came a familiar voice. SPRUCED UP
» P.46
Good To-Go is a series featuring well-made takeout meals that highlights how restaurants and other food establishments VERMONT are adapting during the COVID-19 era. Check out GOODTOGOVERMONT.COM to see what your favorite eateries are serving up via takeout, delivery and curbside pickup.
Chicken tinga taco
Buoyed by the reception to their downtown Burlington restaurant RED PANDA, business partners DAN RAUT and LAKPA SHERPA have been working with fellow Nepali Americans to launch several more associated restaurants. The third location, RED PANDA ESSEX, will open at 163 Pearl Street by the end of January or beginning of February. The original Red Panda opened at 161 Church Street in July 2019. Its broad menu, which the owners describe as Indian, Nepali and IndoChinese, includes tomato-based curries, dumplings known as momos and less common Nepali specialties such as thukpa noodle soup. A second restaurant, NEW RED PANDA, opened at 199 Route 7 in Milton in November, Raut said. It is run by Sherpa’s nephew, Kamal Sherpa, and “has the same menu and the same spices,” Raut said. Red Panda Essex will open in the spot occupied for a decade by Firebird Café, which moved to Five Corners in early fall 2019. When they first took over the lease, Raut and Lakpa
Vegetable korma, chicken momos and chicken tikka masala at Red Panda in Burlington
Sipha Lam of Wilder Wines
More Momos
Sherpa sublet the space to Sherpa Dahal. That restaurant, which was under Kamal Sherpa’s primary ownership, closed in December 2020 after less than a year in operation. Kamal left to run New Red Panda in Milton in November. A fourth associated restaurant, MAKALU, will open at 49 Heineberg Drive in Colchester in early March, Raut said. Named for the Himalayan peak that is the fifth highest mountain in the world, it will be run by DAWA SHERPA, Lakpa’s sister-in-law, and her cousin, SONA SHERPA. With so many customers ordering online right now,
CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: @vtpollak. On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
differentiating the restaurants by name helps reduce location confusion, Raut noted. Makalu will have a similar menu and the support and experience of the Red Panda founders. “My vision is that every town will get this healthy food,” Raut said. “We will also create businesses and jobs for our community.” Melissa Pasanen
Burlington’s bubbling wine scene is about to get a little wilder. WILDER WINES, a small bottle shop that will exclusively sell natural wines, will
open at 146 Cherry Street in mid-February. Natural wine is made from organically or biodynamically grown grapes with little or no intervention during the fermentation process; in recent years it has boomed in popularity. With Wilder Wines, SIPHA LAM hopes to bring sustainably produced bottles from around the world to local wine lovers. “For me, natural wine isn’t a trend,” Lam said. “It’s the way that wine was made for thousands of years — it’s in its purest form.” Lam, 31, first fell in love with natural wine while working at Boston’s Eastern Standard restaurant. Now, the industry veteran, whose résumé also includes time as the front-ofhouse manager at HONEY ROAD and many years at PENNY CLUSE CAFÉ,
will open up shop in the former Raintree Jewelry space next to Champlain Leather. (Raintree opened a new gallery on the Church Street Marketplace in December 2020.) Lam hopes to demystify the sometimes-cloudy world of natural wine by sharing the stories behind the bottles. Most of those bottles will be in the $20 to $30 range, and Lam plans to offer in-person tastings when it’s safe. For now, virtual events will help educate customers. “The way we eat should also be the way we consume our beverages,” Lam said. “I feel like Vermont is really the place for [natural wine], with the focus on sustainability and farm-totable. We have to set the same standards for wine as we do for restaurants and food.” Jordan Barry
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1/18/21 1:08 PM
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12/19/20 4:12 PM
Spruced Up « P.44 It was Tatiana Bruno, the restau- double my wager about that temptation rant’s general manager. They (Bruno uses when it’s the Friday night of a week when gender-neutral pronouns) were walk- we witnessed insurrection in our nation’s ing from Hatchet, Big Spruce’s compan- Capitol. But I promise I didn’t touch the ion restaurant across the street, back to stuff! the Mexican place. Bruno is director of At home, I dropped a couple of ice operations and general manager at both cubes in a glass and poured a Big Spruce businesses. Margarita ($9). Then I knew Bruno, as we dug into the supermany area diners good housemade chips probably do, from ($3), dusted with salt, Hen of the Wood in chile and other spices, Burlington. They and dipped them in worked at Hen for two salsas: verde and six years, from server roja. to bartender to genI took a bite of my eral manager. (Bruno steak taco ($6), filled also worked at Miswith marinated and GABE FIRMAN ery Loves Co. in Wingrilled local beef, and ooski.) Now here they proceeded to eat most were on a quiet village street, running two of it before even setting it on a plate. The restaurants. Big Spruce’s large Caesar salad ($11), Soon after our brief encounter, Bruno bedecked with avocado and croutons that handed me bags of food and drink through soaked up the dressing, was the only part the front window of the Big Spruce. I set of my meal requiring a fork. the goods in the passenger seat and texted My daughter ate the excellent chicken my daughter before driving back to Burl- enchiladas with sweet-smoky mole sauce ington: “Headed home now, smells great!” ($16), a dish we’d both flipped for on a Though dinner from the Big Spruce previous occasion. was our big event of the week, she seemed A few days after our meal, I had to have other things on her mind: “Trump a conference call with Bruno; Gabe removed from twitter!” my kid texted Firman, founder and co-owner of back. Hatchet and the Big Spruce; and Chuck One of the bags — the one with the Spock, co-owner and chef de cuisine of alluring aroma — held tacos, enchiladas, the two restaurants. Spock’s previous chips and salsa, and a Caesar salad. The chef experience includes Stone Corral other contained two bottles that clinked in Richmond and ¡Duino! (Duende) in together as I drove: a house margarita in Burlington. a little glass flask and a grapefruit Jarritos The Big Spruce was conceived before — a Mexican soft drink. the pandemic and designed to compleI can’t be the only Vermonter who, driv- ment the comfort food, pub-style offering home from a restaurant with a cock- ings of Hatchet. tail in tow, is tempted to take a sip. I’d “We basically take all the very local feedback that our constituents lay upon us, and we take it to heart,” Firman explained. “We need to make sure we are … marrying what we like to do with what our community enjoys.” Though the original plan was to offer outdoor dining at the Big Spruce this winter, in a space outfitted with picnic tables and firepits, that changed when the restaurant’s opening coincided with an increase in COVID-19 cases. (Hardy diners are welcome to eat their takeout meals at the picnic tables.) “It is so challenging in this community to keep people from congregating,” Firman noted. In the spring, when the restaurants expect to resume (or start) in-house dining, the creemee window from Hatchet will move across the street to the Big Spruce. Its offerings will be elevated and enhanced so Chuck Spock that the window will become a full-fledged
Wildfire cocktail
Enchiladas de mole
ONE GENERAL MANAGER, TWO RESTAURANTS, THREE QUESTIONS Tatiana Bruno is director of operations and general manager at the Big Spruce and Hatchet in Richmond. Bruno answered a few questions from Seven Days by email.
SEVEN DAYS: How do you manage the logistics of running two restaurants at once? TATIANA BRUNO: Communication. Instinct. Humor. Lots of brisk walking back and forth across the street. It’s a matter of building programs and systems … communication and prioritizing the time I spend between the two spaces.
SD: How do you approach customer service when your interactions with people are brief and limited: talking on the phone, handing over a bag of food? Tatiana Bruno TB: Authenticity. Empathy. Warmth. Time is experienced differently by everyone; I believe in the ability for strong connections to be forged in brief moments, especially when what we’re talking about is feeding people well. Especially when contact with others is more limited now than we’d become accustomed to. In every interaction, I try to treat everyone as if they were my relatives … relate to them in some way even with the smallest acknowledgment — while always making sure my mother can be proud, and continuing to be a leader in my industry. And also, in Richmond, it helps that we are lucky to see the same smiling-eyed masked faces week to week on both sides of the street; it is truly a tight-knit and interwoven community. SD: What’s your vision for the Big Spruce when it’s open for in-house dining? TB: A party for our guests and us, where we’re having fun and we all feel safe, looked out for, comfortable, inspired, fed and taken care of. This interview has been condensed.
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1/15/21 10:10 AM
Others hibernate. You embrace it. From a day on the lake to a day pushing snow, outside is where it’s at this year.
“creemee program,” according to the restaurateurs. During the phone call, I learned three particularly noteworthy things — one from each person on the line. From Bruno, I got a lesson in bang-up customer service. Though I had asked them by email how they approach this at a takeout place (see sidebar), I got an unexpected and impromptu demo. To my astonishment, Bruno remembered what my family ordered — drinks and food — both times we got meals from the Big Spruce. (The visits were about a month apart). They also suggested I branch out: Try the chicken tinga taco and Wildfire cocktail. Chef Spock suggested that the variety of entrées at the Big Spruce is worth exploring. I silently scolded myself for not getting one. I’d come oh-so-close to ordering a seafood dish — grilled scallops with
roasted corn, chorizo, black beans and citrus — or the shrimp and sautéed vegetables in creamy chipotle sauce. But when the chips were down, no pun intended, I just wanted to stuff a couple tacos in my mouth and down a margarita. Firman explained the meaning of the restaurant’s name. I had associated the Big Spruce with Hatchet — namely, a tree and the tool used to chop it down. But it turns out there’s a big spruce tree, roughly double the height of the building, on the restaurant’s south side. It’s a mystery to me how I failed to notice it during the countless times I’ve been on Bridge Street over the years. Due to enlightenment by telephone, I need to return to drink a Wildfire, eat an entrée and look up at that tree. m
Others hibernate. You embrace it. From a day on the lake to a day pushing snow, outside is where it’s at this year.
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1/7/21 2:39 PM
Kitchen Prescription Food and wellness go together for UVM Medical Center executive chef R. Leah Pryor B Y M E L I SSA PASANEN • pasanen@sevendaysvt.com
I would never have thought, like writing grants, performing research, running our culinary medicine program, working with dietitians.” Pryor spoke with Seven Days about her passion for helping people feel comfortable in their kitchens, using food as medicine, and tips for eating more vegetables. SEVEN DAYS: This interview will be in the Seven Days Wellness issue. What does wellness mean to you? R. LEAH PRYOR: WellR. LEAH PRYOR ness means connection to food. There has been a loss POSITION: Executive chef at the University of Vermont of connection to food and Medical Center how we incorporate it into LOCATION: Burlington our lives. People say, “You AGE: 44 need to eat well,” but then CUISINE TYPE: Farm-tothere’s really nobody saying, institution, from-scratch meals “Well, how do we do this? for patients, staff and visitors How can you start cooking served through room service for [yourself ]? How can you and several on-site cafés access these [healthy] foods EDUCATION: Culinary Institute that we talk about?” of America A lot of people, a lot of EXPERIENCE: Executive chef, Fog Island Café (now Keepers/ educators and a lot of chefs Fog Island Restaurant), say, “Oh, it’s easy. Just do Nantucket, Mass.; chef, this.” They forget, actually, Mary’s Restaurant at Baldwin how hard that is for people. Creek, Bristol, Vt.; pastry chef, When I think about wellTourterelle, New Haven, Vt. ness, I think, How do I help WHAT’S ON THE MENU? Mapleroasted tofu wrap with kale people get to that? A lot of slaw; Southwestern chicken times I’m not really teachbowl with black beans, ing people how to cook; I’m rice, coleslaw, cilantro-lime actually just holding space for dressing and avocado cream; them to feel safe to reconnect herb pita-crusted white fish to their kitchen.
e h T 48
Untitled-54 1
Leah Pryor had just graduated from high school when she got her first cooking job: making pasta at a farm-totable restaurant 45 minutes north of New York City. It was the early 1990s, and Pryor had recently returned to the U.S. after living in Europe. “I just was this kind of crazy 18-year-old. I had no thought of going to college,” she recalled with a chuckle. “I was like, Whatever. I was just in Europe forever. I am a classically trained musician. I speak languages. I don’t need anything like that.” Her parents said fine, but she needed to get a job. “That’s how it all started,” Pryor said. After 15 years as a chef in restaurants, Pryor, 44, moved to dining and nutrition services at the University of Vermont Medical Center, where she has spent the past decade. She started as a line chef, and then created a new role for herself: chef-educator. In July 2020, Pryor was promoted to executive chef, one of the top management positions on a team of about 200 that runs the hospital food service operation. In a normal year without a pandemic or cyberattack, that group plans, sources, cooks and serves more than 2 million meals for patients, staff and visitors. Back when she was 18, Pryor had no idea that she was stepping onto her permanent career path or where it would take her. “Being a chef, you think of cooking on the line or running a restaurant,” she said, “but I’ve done so many things that
R. Leah Pryor
Two versions of oatmeal in a 2018 culinary medicine class
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food+drink worked at the hospital, and he said, “You should look into food service.” I basically looked at him like he was crazy, because I was this powerful, fantastic chef and I would never wear a hairnet or [catch] myself dead in food service. [Laughing] But as I became a new mother and then also newly single, I realized I had to find something where I could create work-life balance. Finding the hospital was really a lifesaver in many ways, because I was then able to really focus on how I [could] start to change the food system. And here I am 10 years later leading that [kind of change]. R. Leah Pryor
SD: For you, personally, what does wellness look like? RLP: I would have to say equilibrium. “Wellness” is also a loaded word for me. I really do feel that we have to meet everybody at their level of wellness; it shouldn’t just be a dictated wellness. SD: You’d been cooking professionally for 15 years when you started working at the hospital in 2010. How’d you land there? RLP: I was one of the head chefs at Mary’s at Baldwin Creek. I had been there for five years and was recently pregnant and running the kitchen. I realized that those two things weren’t going to mesh. I had a friend who was a chef who
SD: What does the job look like on a daily basis? RLP: It’s a lot of “people solving,” as I like to say. There’s five of us who manage the nutrition [services] department. I am in charge of supervisors who then are in charge of the staff that runs the great machine of the kitchen here at the hospital. I have a gaggle of 33 line chefs, six prep cooks, two sous chefs and one buyer. I’m pretty far removed from the actual physicality of cooking, but 2021 is going to be the year that we change our patient menu. We’re going to be involved in a lot of [research and development]. We’re going to change the way we do food here. SD: What kinds of things will change? RLP: We’re still in process, but first of all, looking at the demographics of the hospital, making sure that we are able to meet the needs of our community, making sure there’s equity throughout the menu. Also, making sure that we’re able to continue our sustainability aspects, because that is a huge pillar in our menu planning and how we support the community, including local farmers and food producers. SD: What does equity look like on a menu? RLP: We have an ever-changing demo-
graphic here at the hospital. We want to have culturally appropriate food that is something [patients] want to eat, while making sure we are creating nourishment that is going to help. Instead of stuffed shells, you might see a curry that has a lean protein served with rice and then a garnish. The key is making food that’s going to help heal our patients. SD: Before you became executive chef, you pioneered a new role at the hospital: chef-educator. Can you explain that? RLP: I knew that I loved teaching, and I started to talk to one of the dietitians at the hospital about teaching together. We kind of joke that chefs and dietitians are on the opposite ends but still [provide] the same thing in the end. We started teaching 12 classes a year to staff and patients on top of our full-time jobs. We wrote a grant and were awarded $100,000 to get that culinary medicine program off the ground. All classes were offered with the dietitian and the chef-educator so that we always had the culinary competency aspect of things, as well as the nutrition advice. The chef-educator is the sugar that makes the medicine go down. You put a chef in the room with a dietitian, [and] all of a sudden people kind of relax. They’re like, “This person is not going to tell me that I need to eat this kale. I don’t like kale.” But the chef-educator will say, “Maybe I can show you how to make kale that you might like.” SD: Those two terms — “culinary competency” and “culinary medicine” — what do they mean? RLP: Culinary competencies are a big thing: how we hold our knives, the tools that we use, giving people permission to modify recipes, talking about methods versus recipes.
I do a lot of talking about roadblocks and cooking. People will take a recipe, and most of it they don’t even understand. Like, “What is sauté? How do I properly sauté?” Or “What is a chiffonade?” Why are we using these words? [People] already kind of feel like they’re a failure by just being defeated by a recipe. Every class I teach, I start off with a demonstration of how we hold our knives and how we cut an onion. These are the tools that open the doors for creating confidence in people. I look at culinary medicine as blending what nutrition offers with these kinds of practical tools [in a way that will] actually benefit your life and your health. Food is medicine, but a lot of doctors and a lot of [health care] practitioners will say, “Well, no, it’s not.” Teaching somebody the tools of how to cook will help them with their overall health. That’s a fact. There are many tools in a [health care] practitioner’s tool belt. I just want practitioners to start using us as a tool. SD: We all know that we should eat more vegetables. Got any tips? RLP: Green up your breakfast. Throw as many veggies as you can in that breakfast. If you’re going to have eggs, put some spinach in there. I used to do a great kale bowl for breakfast with quinoa and blueberries, Greek yogurt and marinated kale. SD: Root vegetables are mostly what’s in season locally right now. Any fresh ideas for them? RLP: My favorite is to make pancakes. Grate up your root vegetables, season them, throw some fresh herbs in. A nice little pan-fry; serve it with herby yogurt, and you’ll be good to go. m This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.
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1/18/21 12:27 PM
music+nightlife Pete Bernhard of the Devil Makes Three at the Stone Church
S UNDbites
News and views on the local music + nightlife scene
Clem Snide at the Stone Church
Sending Out an SOS
Much in the same way a political reporter might not be the most qualified person to write an album review or preview a festival, I’m not especially suited to political reporting. But the December 27, 2020, passage of the Save Our Stages Act, or SOS, a $15 billion chunk of the gargantuan Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021 (H.R. 133), compels me to wade into the murky waters of politics this week. While passage of that bit of legislation would be news to local music reporters in any market, it’s especially relevant to Vermont. That’s because our own U.S. Rep. PETER WELCH (D-Vt.) introduced the bill last July. Last Friday, interested parties from around the state gathered for a virtual information session about the spending package. The Vermont Arts Council put on the talk, which included
representatives from the Vermont District Office of the U.S. Small Business Administration. The biggest takeaway: Help is on the way, but not without a bit more thumb-twiddling until the Small Business Administration can assess the influx of applications and subsequently make it rain. Two avenues are available for struggling venues. The first is the Paycheck Protection Program, which was established in March 2020 by the CARES Act. The PPP is specifically intended to cover payroll expenses for operating businesses, has a shorter window of time to be used and may need to be repaid. Another round of the PPP is coming with the Consolidated Appropriations Act. The other option, this one specific to SOS, is the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, or SVO. It offers more flexibility in terms of how and for how long it is used. There are plenty of other nittygritty criteria that venues must meet and consider, some of which we’ll get into shortly. “[SOS] is the biggest key for us,” said ROBIN JOHNSON in a recent call with Seven Days. He owns the Stone Church nightclub in Brattleboro and serves on the membership committee of the National Independent Venue Association, a nonprofit that emerged in the early days of the pandemic and has been instrumental (sorry for the bad music pun) in the creation of SOS. Johnson said it became clear to him early on that the CARES Act, and the PPP specifically, “wasn’t designed for businesses like ours.” That’s because, with the PPP, at least 60 percent of the money has to be used on payroll expenses. But for venues like the Stone Church, which have already shed staff, keeping up with overhead costs is a much greater priority right now than maintaining payroll. SVO grants have much more flexibility than PPP loans in how they can be applied. The Stone Church has managed to stay afloat partially because of an Economic Injury and Disaster Loan and some grant money from Vermont’s slice of CARES Act funding. The SVO grant “should give us up to 45 percent of our 2019 revenue,” Johnson estimated, which should carry the 300-head capacity space through to the fall. The venue opened in its current form in 2017 after years as a DIY space. Despite relaxed state guidelines that allowed for some indoor live music last summer, the Stone Church hasn’t offered live music since before the pandemic. It did, however, present some livestreamed
Lyric Theatre performing at First Night Burlington in 2008
Who will be Burlington’s next mayor? Ali Dieng, Max Tracy, Miro Weinberger and Patrick White get specific about their plans to run Burlington. This virtual debate will be moderated by Sasha Goldstein and Matthew Roy of Seven Days. shows from its stage — until Vermont’s positive COVID-19 case counts began surging last fall. Johnson said that if case counts decrease, the concert hall might begin livestreaming again, potentially with an extremely limited in-person audience. Johnson explained that SVO grant funds would enable his organization to do some work on the Stone Church building. Those projects include a structural renovation that would allow performers to go directly from backstage to onstage. Currently, artists have to walk from the green room to the stage at floor level, putting them in close proximity, however briefly, to the crowd. That renovation is primarily a pandemic-era safety precaution and will keep artists at a safe distance from the audience from start to finish. Johnson said that, despite the pandemic’s overwhelming challenges, the past year has brought his community together like never before. “Traditionally, [live music] is a business that’s friendly but competitive,” Johnson said. “The pandemic has really brought [independent venues] together and allowed them to do so much work.” Not everyone hoping to get a slice of the SOS money is currently feeling hopeful, though. ERIN EVARTS, executive director of musical theater company Lyric Theatre (and, full disclosure, an old high school friend of mine), is fairly certain the volunteer-run organization isn’t eligible, despite sharing some of the same criteria as entities that are. Lyric’s spring 2020 production of Matilda the Musical was canceled due to the pandemic, a first for the 47-year-old institution. “We’re waiting on confirmation
[from our lawyers],” Evarts said by phone, noting that what likely precludes Lyric from access to the SVO grant is that its performers are volunteers. Venues hoping to nab some of that cash must either pay their performers a percentage of ticket sales/door fees or a pre-agreed-upon amount. Evarts is hopeful that funding better suited to her organization, which did manage to present a handful of virtual events in 2020, is on the way. She also said that, though the SVO grant probably doesn’t directly affect an organization like Lyric, it does help the brick-and-mortar venues Lyric needs to be able to produce its shows, such as the Flynn, where Lyric’s mainstage productions are held. “No arts organization in Vermont works in a bubble,” she said. “We want the Flynn and Higher Ground to be successful and get the Save Our Stages money so that we can get back in.”
Watch live on Town Meeting TV’s cable channels (Comcast 1087 and Burlington Telecom 17 or 217) or stream it online at sevendaysvt.com.
Friday, February 5, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Have questions for the candidates? Ask at sevendaysvt.com/btvmayor21
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1/19/21 6:01 PM
Evolution Winter
Hakkapeliitta 9
Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours. YOUNG GALAXY, “Fall for You” AUDIO BULLYS, “Eq-ing” CREME BLUSH, “My Statement” GRIZZLY BEAR, “Two Weeks” ACTION FIGURE PARTY, “Action Figure Party”
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1/18/21 4:14 PM
REVIEW this The Young Love Scene, Bloodstained Man (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
On the cover of Bloodstained Man, the debut EP of Burlington rock singersongwriter Gordon Goldsmith’s project the Young Love Scene, the artist stands as if posing for a mug shot. With cuts, contusions and his left arm bound in a sling, Goldsmith appears to have survived a nasty altercation and subsequently been brought into custody. But what was his crime? Listening through the five-track collection, one might guess loving too hard. Emotions run deep on Bloodstained Man, which was released just a couple of weeks before the end of 2020. Each song frames its creator as irrevocably demolished by love, pinned under a massive load of feelings. His lyrics
The Wet Ones!, The Monster of Jungle Island (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
Every couple of years or so, the National Assessment of Educational Progress — aka “America’s Report Card” — surveys America’s students. And every time that report card is sent home, students are graded terribly when it comes to geography, both in the U.S. and abroad. Maybe this explains the large number of people who ask me whether Vermont is in Canada. (C’mon, guys, just look at Google Maps if you have to. You’re making us all look bad.) But perhaps the mystery is partly Vermonters’ own doing. Let’s be honest, we can be a confusing lot. Exhibit A: For a state nowhere near the ocean, we produce some high-quality, genrebending surf rock. Whether it’s the classic, hard-charging Barbacoa or the
are spare, with the complexities of real-life relationships boiled down to concentrated, near-elemental forms. Goldsmith makes no attempt to obfuscate his love of ’90s alternative rock, as heard in his driving guitar riffs and blasé, almost reticent lyrical drawl. Much like the way Burlington’s Edward Jahn (aka Love and Japan) reimagined the sounds of ’80s post-punk and new wave for his 2020 EP Tears for Vanishing Ways, Goldsmith commands grunge and its descendant sub-subgenres with clear-eyed strength and vision. You know, metaphorically clear-eyed. It must be hard for him to literally see with tears presumably gushing down his face as he sings these sweet, sad songs. He name-checks the Smashing
Pumpkins and Weezer on his Bandcamp page. Silverchair and Bush are appropriate comparisons, as well. Bloodstained Man is suitably hefty and solid for the style to which it aspires, and it’s an invigorating listen despite its often-gloomy tone. Except for a couple of vocal assists from singer-songwriter Jesse Taylor, Goldsmith is the sole creator of everything heard on the album, which he recorded at home. He ushers listeners in with fluid drums on opener “Honey,” followed by a charged riff that curls around his breathy lyrics. Another sonic time machine, “Blueberry Juice” transports listeners of a certain age back to mid- to late ’90s proms, when slow dancing to dour, grungy rock was the norm. An
outpouring of angst soars on cascades of cymbals, jacking up the drama in the song’s lyrics. “Aphrodite’s all in my veins and shit,” Goldsmith sings in a song that seems to draw a parallel between romantic obsession and substance addiction. “Everlasting Glory” somewhat departs from the way-back playback vibes for a more contemporary sound. A little bit shoegaze, a little bit dreampop, the track showcases a brief transformation from alienation to wonderment. “Waterfalls” and the closing title track escalate the EP’s intensity, though Goldsmith eases the latter down bit by bit as his guitar fades out over the final two minutes. It lands the EP with tenderness, a fitting end to the passionate music that precedes it. Bloodstained Man is available at theyounglovescene.bandcamp.com.
tongue-in-cheek pranksters in the High Breaks, the sunny sounds of southern California are no stranger to the shores of Lake Champlain. The Wet Ones! have their own twist on the genre, injecting a dose of punk anarchy. Guitarist John Flanagan, drummer Alex Pond and bassist Amy Wild fit the classic mold of surf godfathers Dick Dale and His Del-Tones, playing instrumentals driven by Flanagan’s wire-taut guitar work. On its second LP, The Monster of Jungle Island, the band simultaneously embraces surf tradition and pushes its own boundaries. Opener “Jungle Jim” is a blast of tom-tom-riding energy. Flanagan’s tone is every bit the cutting, crystalline sound that dominated airwaves in the early ’60s. You can hear the reverb spring in
his amp, and it is gloriously on-brand. Pond and Wild swing and rock in equal turns, locked in as tight as a wet suit. The band avoids mere genre worship with a combination of variation and imagination. With a collective pedigree that includes heavy local acts such as Husbands AKA, In Memory of Pluto and Jessica Rabbit Syndrome, the Wet Ones! embrace their harder edges. On “Death Lily,” for example, surf gives way to a massive, roiling chorus of pure power. That inclination is taken even further on the album’s seventh and final track: “Tombstoning” (a term for wiping out while surfing, as well as the title of the band’s previous album) goes full-on ’90s grunge, with the band chugging and stomping like bastard children of the Pixies and the Surfaris.
Not weird enough for you? The Monster of Jungle Island is also an instrumental visual concept album accompanied by a suitably low-budget 15-minute film. Its story concerns Jungle Jim, who is happily living in isolation on Jungle Island — that is, until a hunter warns that he soon must contend with the isle’s titular monster. Spoiler alert: Jungle Jim (Pond), the Hunter (Wild) and the Monster (Flanagan) all form a happy band by the end and rock out. It’s a testament to the Wet Ones! that their retro aesthetic — whether in surf music or an affinity for monster movies — only serves to augment rather than define them. This is a fiercely original outfit even in the confines of a beloved but sometimes rigid genre. Especially for an instrumental band, that’s saying a lot. Listen to The Monster of Jungle Island at thewetones.bandcamp.com or on Spotify. Watch the accompanying film on YouTube.
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Will you like it?
Breaking Surface ★★★★
COLD COMFORT Gammel plays a woman who must beat the clock to save her sister, trapped underwater, in Hedén’s Scandinavian survival thriller.
ur streaming entertainment options are overwhelming — and not always easy to sort through. This week, I watched the 2020 Swedish/Norwegian survival thriller Breaking Surface, which streams from January 22 through 31 as part of the Split/Screen series, a virtual cinema collaboration of the Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival and Vermont International Film Foundation. Find more info at vtiff.org or middfilmfest.org.
The deal Ida (Moa Gammel) and Tuva (Madeleine Martin) are half sisters who have been diving with their mother (Trine Wiggen) since childhood. Now the freewheeling Tuva makes her living doing underwater
NEW IN THEATERS NO MAN’S LAND: A young man (Jake Allyn) flees into Mexico after the accidental killing of an immigrant on his dad’s border ranch in this modern Western from director Conor Allyn. With Frank Grillo and Jorge A. Jimenez. (114 min, PG-13; Essex Cinemas)
maintenance on gigantic freighters — a high-risk occupation, as we see in a scary early sequence. Ida, by contrast, leads a quiet family life. But she’s harboring worries about the survival of her marriage when she meets up with her mom and Tuva for a chilly Christmastime dive in northern Norway. What could go wrong? So much. First, a cold keeps Mom at home. Second — and much worse — a rockslide traps Tuva 108 feet beneath the icy waves with her oxygen rapidly depleting. Tuva’s survival now depends on Ida’s ability to collect fresh air tanks and call for help. But the women’s phones and supplies have been — wait for it — crushed by that same rockslide. For Ida, it’s improv time.
MLK/FBI★★★★ This documentary from Sam Pollard (Sammy Davis, Jr.: I’ve Gotta Be Me) uses newly declassified materials to illuminate the FBI’s treatment of Martin Luther King Jr. (104 min, NR; Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater)
MONSTER HUNTER★★ The Capcom video game becomes an action adventure in which a team of U.S. Army Rangers find themselves in another dimension fighting terrifying monsters. (99 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)
THE CROODS: A NEW AGE★★★ In this sequel to the animated comedy hit, a prehistoric family finds itself forced to cohabit with its more evolved neighbors. With the voice talents of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds; Joel Crawford directed. (95 min, PG. Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In)
NEWS OF THE WORLD★★★1/2 In this Western from director Paul Greengrass (22 July), Tom Hanks plays a Civil War vet who travels hundreds of miles to return a girl raised by the Kiowa to her family. With Elizabeth Marvel, Ray McKinnon and Helena Zengel. (118 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater, Sunset Drive-In)
THE MARKSMAN★★ Liam Neeson plays an Arizona border rancher who protects a young Mexican from cartel assassins in this action thriller from director Robert Lorenz (Trouble With the Curve). With Katheryn Winnick and Juan Pablo Raba. (108 min, PG-13; Essex Cinemas, Stowe Cinema, Sunset Drive-In)
PROMISING YOUNG WOMAN★★★1/2 Carey Mulligan plays a med school dropout who has a few lessons to teach men about the concept of consent in this dark satirical thriller from writer-director Emerald Fennell, also starring Bo Burnham and Alison Brie. (114 min, R. Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater, Stowe Cinema)
Just recounting the plot of Breaking Surface stresses me out, but stressing out the audience is the point of this kind of movie. Writer-director Joachim Hedén has created a pared-down, efficient thriller that evokes all the frustration of those days when not one damn thing goes right for us — only with life-or-death stakes. Fans of survival horror will inevitably compare Breaking Surface to that 2017 summer hit in which two sisters on a diving expedition find themselves trapped 47 Meters Down with hungry sharks. Both movies feature lengthy underwater sequences, oxygen tanks as ticking clocks and sisters working out their issues through heavy diving gear. For guilty-pleasure popcorn scares, you probably can’t beat the CG shark attacking Mandy Moore in 47 Meters Down, but Breaking Surface generates tension more elegantly. For one thing, the sibling dynamic it establishes in its early scenes feels plausible and not perfunctory. Favored by their mother, Tuva is the brash, capable sister who wouldn’t dream of not stopping to help a stranger change a flat. If either sister has “MacGyver” potential, it’s not Ida — which is why, when Ida becomes the savior by default, her desperation is as believable as it is agonizing to watch. Movie action heroes may be effortlessly competent in emergencies, but Ida’s flailing feels a lot more real. The movie’s secret weapon is its majestic Nordic setting, captured by Anna Patarakina’s cinematography. While the surface resembles a black-and-white etching, the subterranean world is an oil painting in rich greens and blacks, rendered with much-needed clarity by underwater cinematographer Eric Börjeson. Breaking Surface doesn’t introduce any new twists to the survival formula; its main strength is Hedén’s doggedly literal focus on the limited tool set Ida has at
THE WAR WITH GRANDPA★★ Forced to share a room with his grandfather (Robert De Niro), a kid (Oakes Fegley) goes on the offensive to get his space back in this family comedy directed by Tim Hill (Hop). With Uma Thurman and Rob Riggle. (94 min, PG; Sunset Drive-In) WOLFWALKERS★★★★1/2 An apprentice wolf hunter in Ireland discovers a different point of view in this family animation from the makers of The Secret of Kells, featuring the voices of Honor Kneafsey, Eva Whittaker and Sean Bean. (103 min, PG. Savoy Theater; reviewed by M.H. 1/13) WONDER WOMAN 1984★★★ She’s back! Sixty-odd years after her first film showcase — but no older, of course — the Amazon princess (Gal Gadot) faces Max Lord and the Cheetah in the latest DC Comics adventure. With Chris Pine and Kristen Wiig. Patty Jenkins again directed. (151 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas, Stowe Cinema, Sunset Drive-In)
her disposal. (Objects such as a tire jack, a trunk lock and a broken valve assume vital importance.) The mundaneness of the sisters’ plight — no monsters, no sharks, just big rocks and gravity — gives the movie a neat minimalism. Hedén does permit himself one very Scandinavian joke: Throughout the film, as Ida panics, her mom’s good-natured golden retriever, Knut, prances around on shore sublimely oblivious to his humans’ peril. The dog’s indifference highlights the boundary between surface and subterranean worlds that makes films about underwater peril so eerie and compelling. By the end, we might be convinced Knut has the right idea — it’s best to stay dry.
If you like this, try... • The Wave (2015; YouTube, Tubi, Vudu, Hulu, Sling, Crackle): Rockslides don’t just threaten divers in Norway; they also cause town-swallowing tidal waves! At least, that’s the premise of this disaster movie from director Roar Uthaug, which is smaller scale and more thoughtful than its American counterparts. • “Trapped” (2015-19; Amazon Prime Video, rentable): If you could stare forever at bleakly beautiful Scandiscapes, check out this Icelandic mystery series in which a blizzard traps ferry passengers in a small town ... where a freshly dismembered corpse has just been found. • “The Terror,” season 1 (2018; Hulu, rentable): As a fan of cold-weather survival dramas in general, I loved this AMC adaptation of Dan Simmons’ (also excellent) horror novel about the doomed 1845 Franklin Expedition. More harrowing than horrifying, it makes the most of a wonderful cast led by Jared Harris. MARGO T HARRI S O N
OLDER FILMS DESPICABLE ME 2 (Sunset Drive-In) MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (Sunset Drive-In) THE MALTESE FALCON 80TH ANNIVERSARY (Essex Cinemas, Sun only) SHREK (Sunset Drive-In)
OPEN THEATERS ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, essexcinemas.com THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, savoytheater.com STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, stowecinema.com SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, sunsetdrivein.com
Access CVU
Over 150 New Virtual Classes. Something for Everyone! 53 classes starting in February. Sign up TODAY to reserve your spot! Full class descriptions at cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com or Google Access CVU. Register online, call 482-7194 or email access@cvsdvt.org.
February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com. HOME & GARDEN : Vermont’s Winter Duck Show, Managing Forests for Wildlife, Spring Beauty, and Beekeeping Basics! Lots of virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt. ce.eleyo.com. KIDS & TEENS: Beginner’s Acrylic Painting for Kids, and Intro to Ukulele for Kids. Virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com.
FINE ARTS & CRAFTS: Clay, Fire and Glaze, Oh my!, Painting on Bisqueware Tiles, Intro to Bookbinding, Mala Bead Necklace Workshop, Beginners Acrylic Painting for Adults, Acrylic Painting Party, Drawing Nature with Rachel Mirus, and Watercolor Studio with Ginny Joyner. All virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com. FITNESS, DANCE, YOGA & MINDFUL MOVEMENT: Women’s Monday Yoga Hour, Intro to Yang Tai CHi, and Morning Yoga with Jean. All virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt. ce.eleyo.com. FOOD & DRINK: Ethiopian Injera with Alganesh Michael. Decadent Desserts, Focaccia and Minestrone Soup, Tiramisu with Adele Dienno. Wonderful virtual cooking classes for the whole family! Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt. org, cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com. HEALTH, WELLNESS & HOLISTIC LIVING: Rethinking Sugar, Intro to Therapeutic Massage, Cell Phone Mindfulness, Natural Ways to Improve Wellness, Intro to Buddhism, Transform Yourself in 2021 through Wellness Habit Change. Chakra Workshop, Tarot Card Adventure, and Feng Shui for Everyone with Lydia Solini. All virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online.
LANGUAGES & LITERACY: Introduction to American Sign Language (ASL) Parts 1 & 2, French 102, French Conversation: French Films for Foodies (intermediate to advanced speakers), Spanish for Beginners Parts 1 & 2, Spanish Conversation: Advanced Level, German for Beginners, Italian for Beginners, Journaling to Relax and Let Go, and Access Virtual Book Club! February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt. org, cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.com. MUSIC: Intro to Ukulele for Adults, Guitar for Beginners Parts 1 and 2, Let’s Get Singing, and Harmonica for Adults. Virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt. ce.eleyo.com. PHOTOGRAPHY & TECHNOLOGY: Community Tech Help, Using
Zoom, Using Google Meet, and Mastering Photographic Composition with Sean Beckett! Virtual classes. Read full descriptions and register online. February. Location: Access CVU, Zoom class. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt.org, cvsdvt. ce.eleyo.com.
BCA Studios
understanding of 2D artistic techniques and create drawings, paintings and prints to add to their portfolios. All materials provided. Option 2: Mon., Jan. 11, 25, Feb. 1, 8 (no class Jan. 18), noon-3 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org.
Burlington City Arts winter/spring class registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at burlingtoncityarts.org. DARKROOM INSTITUTE: Ages 12-18. Limit: 4. Experience the magic of a traditional photographic darkroom. Go on guided photo shoots in the South End of Burlington with a manual 35mm SLR film camera and learn how to print photographs in our blackand-white darkroom. All materials (including a camera) are provided. Option 2: Mon., Jan. 11, 25, Feb. 1, 8 (no class Jan. 18), noon-3 p.m. Cost: $200 /person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DARKROOM PHOTO: Ages 9-12. Limit: four. Experience the magic of a traditional photographic darkroom. Go on guided photo shoots in the South End of Burlington with a manual 35mm SLR film camera and learn how to print photographs in our black-and-white darkroom. All materials (including a camera) are provided. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Option 6: Wed., Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3; Option 7: Wed., Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3. Cost: $400/person; $360 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DEVELOPING A PERSONAL BRAND: Ages 18 and up. 20 students max. Your brand is more than a logo or product; it’s an emotion that influences your relationships with customers. Join Mieko Ozeki, Vermont Womenpreneurs Cofounder and Radiance Studios branding consultant, to learn the concepts and tools for building a brand that markets your message. Wed., Jan. 27, 2021, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25/ person; $22.50 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 8655355, jflanagan@burlingtoncity arts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. DRAW, PAINT & PRINT INSTITUTE: Ages 12-18. Limit: nine. Explore drawing, painting and printmaking in our professional studios. Students develop a deeper
HOME STUDIO: CLAY COACHING: Ages 13 and up. Eight students max. Join local clay artist Sarah Camille Wilson to create clay work at home. This class is designed for students with some clay experience who are interested in growing their own creative voice and trying more advanced techniques in either wheel- or hand-building work. Mon., Jan. 25-Feb. 22 (no class Feb. 15), 6-8 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: DRAWING: Ages 13 and up. 12 students max. Learn a variety of drawing techniques including basic perspective, compositional layout and use of dramatic light and shadow, all from the comfort of your home. Local artist Ashley Stagner leads students through a variety of drawing exercises and group discussions over Zoom. Mon., Jan. 25-Feb. 22 (no class Feb. 15), 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $150/person; $135 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlington cityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: FAMILY CARDMAKING: Ages 6 and up. Six families max. Join us via Zoom tools to create handmade cards to share with those you love. Class includes one hour of instruction and all the materials you will need. Prior to the session, participants will pick up material kits at BCA Studios. Sun.,
Feb. 7, 11 a.m.-noon. Cost: $25/ person; $22.50 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 8655355, jflanagan@burlingtoncity arts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: FAMILY CLAY: All Ages. 10 families max. Our clay experts lead you through a fun, family-friendly hand-building clay project. After class, BCA will glaze and fire your beautiful clay creations for you to keep forever! A ticket includes supply kit, Zoom demonstration, and glazing and firing for 4 pieces. 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Option 1: Fri., Jan. 22; Option 2: Fri., Feb. 5; Option 3: Fri., Feb. 19; Option 4: Fri., Mar. 5; Option 5: Fri., Mar. 19. Cost: $25/family; $22.50 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: LINOCUT: Ages 13 and up. Eight students max. Artist Ashley Stagner teaches you to make beautiful designs with the relief technique of linoleum block printing. Print blocks by hand and then add watercolors. Please have ideas or sketches (8” x 10” or smaller) ready. Includes eight hours of instruction and materials. Wed., Feb. 3-24, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlington cityarts.org.
Feb. 1, 8 (no class Jan. 18), noon-3 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. YOUTH POTTERY: Ages 9-12. Limit: eight. Create bowls, cups, sculptures and more through wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques. Learn surface design and decorating tips to make your pieces amazing. All items will be food/dishwasher/microwave safe and lead-free. All materials provided. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Option 6: Wed., Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3; Option 7: Wed., Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3. Cost: $400/person; $360 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlington cityarts.org. YOUTH STUDIO ART: Ages 6-9. Limit: nine. Explore a variety of art projects, including drawing, painting, printmaking and craft while also getting time for outdoor activities. All materials provided. 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Option 6: Wed., Jan. 13, 20, 27, Feb. 3; Option 7: Wed., Feb. 10, 17, 24, Mar. 3. Cost: $400/ person; $360 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine Street, Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlington cityarts.org.
HOME STUDIO: PORTRAIT PAINTING: Ages 13 and up. Six students max. Prerequsite: Figure drawing/oil painting experience recommended. Local artist and master teacher Gail Salzman instructs students to create small portraits on primed panels. Class includes eight hours of instruction and all materials you will need in a kit, including panel, paints and brushes. Tue., Jan. 19-Feb. 9, 1-3 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Zoom. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. HOME STUDIO: SCREEN PRINTING: Ages 13 and up. Eight students max. Four-week-long introduction to silk screening taught by local artist Kate McKernan. Discover how screen printing works and how to print your own design. Create personal artwork through drawing or tracing images. Includes four hours of instruction and materials, including paper and a tote bag. Tue., Jan. 26-Feb. 16, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $100/ person; $90 for BCA members . Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org. POTTERY INSTITUTE: Ages 1218. Limit: 8. Create bowls, cups, sculptures and more through wheel-throwing and hand-building techniques. Learn surface design and decorating tips to make your pieces amazing. All items will be food/dishwasher/microwave safe and lead free. All materials provided. Option 2: Mon., Jan. 11, 25,
culinary ADD FLARE TO YOUR FAVORITE WINTER DISHES: Join Billings Farm’s chef Emery Gray and learn how to add flare with Quick Pickles! Creates a variety of tangy pickles using hearty veggies, like carrots, cauliflower, beets and cabbage, and delicate favorites, like red onions, grapes, ginger and cucumbers. Preregister by Jan. 21 to receive recipes and prep details. Sat., Jan. 23, 10-11:30 a.m. Cost: $15 /person; $10 for BF&M members. Location: Zoom. Info: Billings Farm & Museum, 457-2355, billingsfarm.org/ classes-workshops.
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drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: Hybrid classes (Zoom and in-person) starting Jan 4, 5, 6! Taiko Tuesday and Wednesday. Djembe Wednesday. Kids and Parents Tuesday and Wednesday. COVID-19-free rental instruments, curbside pickup, too. Private Hybrid Conga lessons by appointment. Let’s prepare for future drumming outdoors. Schedule/register online. Location: Online and inperson at Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255, burlingtontaiko.org.
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MEETING YOUR INNER PARTNER: Discover the inner men and women living in your “inner city” who deeply influence your relationships and love life in this workshop full of hands-on experiential material. Led by Dr. Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. Wed., Feb. 3, 10, 17, 24, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60/person via PayPal or check. Location: Zoom, n/a. Info: Jungian Center for the Spiritual Sciences, Sue Mehrtens, 244-7909, info@jungiancenter. org, jungiancenter.org.
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complete information or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanish paravos@gmail.com, spanish waterburycenter.com.
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Feldenkrais AWARENESS THROUGH MOVEMENT: Self-care at home with the Feldenkrais Method. Feldenkrais Awareness through Movement Zoom classes will help you deal with stress and pain, keep you moving, feel good in your body and create a greater sense of well-being. The results can be extraordinary. See online testimonials! Uwe Mester has 15 years of experience and will guide you verbally through simple and highly effective gentle movements. The instructions are easy to follow. Pay what you can. Register with vermontfeldenkrais.com. Tuesdays. Cost: $10/1hour class. Location: Online,
please register w/ Uwe Mester. Info: Vermont Feldenkrais, Uwe Mester, 735-3770, movevt@ gmail.com, vermontfeldenkrais. com.
language EXPERIENCED NATIVE PROFESSOR OFFERING ONLINE SPANISH CLASSES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audio-visual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” -Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook at facebook.com/spanishonlinevt. Location: Maigualida Rak, Online. Info: Maigualida Rak, spanish tutor.vtfla@gmail.com, facebook.com/spanishonlinevt. JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASSES: Offering beginning Japanese language courses. Level 1 starts Feb. 17 every Wednesday for 10 weeks. Level 2 starts Feb. 22 every Monday for 10 weeks. 6:30-8 p.m. Main textbook: Japanese for Busy People I. Level 1 covers the first half of the book, and Level 2 covers the second half. Level 1: Wed., starts Feb. 17, 6:30-8 p.m.; Level 2: Mon., starts Feb. 22, 6:30-8 p.m. Location: Japan-America Society of Vermont, Colchester. Info: jasvlanguage@gmail.com, jasv.org/v2/language. LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live video conferencing. Highquality, affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers lesson package. Our 15th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for
POP SONGWRITING WORKSHOP: During this six-week virtual workshop led by award-winning songwriter Julie Frost, participants will explore their creative expression through songwriting in supportive, fun, intimate and inspiring ways while learning the practical tools of crafting their own songs. No prerequisites required, but interested and experienced songwriters are welcome! Open to ages 13-19. Sundays starting Jan. 24, 3:30-4:20 p.m. Cost: $150/person for 6 50-minute classes. Location: Middlebury Community Music Center, Online. Info: Middlebury Community Music Center, Molly McEachen, 989-7538, info@mcmcvt.org, mcmcvt.org.
yoga EVOLUTION YOGA: Bring your body and mind toward balance and find connection in community. All are welcome. Find support you need to awaken your practice. Offering livestream and recorded classes. Give the gift of yoga with a gift card on our website. Flexible pricing based on your needs; scholarships avail. Contact yoga@evolutionvt.com. . Single class: $0-15. Weekly membership: $10-25. 10-class pass: $140. New student special: $20 for 3 classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 864-9642, evolutionvt.com. LIVESTREAM YOGA AT THE YOGA BARN : Bring movement back into your life with livestream yoga. The Yoga Barn offers daily group and private classes online. Organize a private class and practice with friends from afar. Peruse our schedule at theyogabarnstowe. com. Sliding-scale rates for those experiencing financial hardship. Questions? Email us at: theyogabarnstowe@gmail. com. Location: The Yoga Barn, Online classes. Info: The Yoga Barn, Erica Sussman, 825-5851356, theyogabarnstowe@gmail. com, theyogabarnstowe.com.
Society of Chittenden County
REASON HERE: His owner had too many animals in the home. SUMMARY: Handsome, playful and cuddly? Carrots checks all the boxes! Carrots is looking for a new loving home where he can explore all day and cuddle up with his people all night. While he might be OK with having a respectful roommate (after a slow introduction), we think he might enjoy being the only pet in the home and soaking up all the attention himself. Carrots has some medical needs that will need to be managed by his new family, but he promises to make up for the extra TLC with lots of love. If Carrots sounds like he could be the companion for you, schedule a visit with him today at hsccvt.org/cats!
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We love our seniors at HSCC — human and animal alike! If you are 60 years or older and interested in adopting a cat or dog who is 7-plus years, you can make them a part of your family for a reduced adoption fee as part of our Seniors-for-Seniors program. Enjoy your golden retirement years with a furry companion doing the same!
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DOGS/CATS/KIDS: Carrots has no known experience living with dogs or children. He has lived with other cats but might prefer to be the only cat at home.
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CLASSIFIEDS We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!
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housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)
BURLINGTON Single room, Hill Section, on bus line. No cooking. Linens furnished. 862-2389. No pets.
KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 1-BR, $1,054/mo.; 2-BR, 802-472-5100 $1,266/mo.; 3-BR, 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston $1,397/mo. Spacious 802-793-9133 interiors, fully applianced kitchen, fi tness 2015 RAV-4 & TIRES center, heat & HW incl. FOR SALE Income restrictions RAV-4 XLE AWD, sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM apply. 802-655-1810, 42K miles, excellent keenscrossing.com. condition, new rear
Route 15, Hardwick
brakes & tires, 6-speed, 17” chrome alloy wheels, moon roof, roof rack, etc. $14,450. List price in Kelly Blue Book over $16,000. Almost-new mud & snow tires: 225/55 R17 Yokohama Ice Guards, used approx. 3K miles. New $600, price $400. Text only from 9 a.m.-8 p.m., 802-363-3422. CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)
PINECREST AT ESSEX Joshua Way, Essex Jct. Independent senior living for those 55+ years. 1-BR avail. now, $1,260/mo. incl. utils. & parking garage. NS/ pets. 802-872-9197 or rae@fullcirclevt.com.
AFFORDABLE 2-BR APT. AVAIL. At Keen’s Crossing. 2-BR: $1,266/mo., heat & HW incl. Open floor plan, fully applianced kitchen, fi tness center, pet friendly, garage parking. Income restrictions apply. 802-655-1810, keenscrossing.com.
TAFT FARM SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior living. Newly remodeled 2-BR unit on 2nd floor avail., $1,410/mo. inc. utils. & cable. NS/pets. Must be 55+ years of age. cintry@fullcirclevt. com or 802-879-3333.
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EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
TAFT FARM SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior living. Newly remodeled 1-BR unit on the main floor avail., $1,200/ mo. incl. utils. & cable. NS/pets. Must be 55+ years of age. cintry@ fullcirclevt.com or 802-879-3333. TAFT FARM SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior living. Newly remodeled 1-BR unit on the ground floor, w/ restricted view avail., $1,110/mo. incl. utils. & cable. NS/pets. Must be 55+ years of age. cintry@fullcirclevt. com, 802-879-3333.
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010 hrc@vermont.gov
display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs: michelle@sevendaysvt.com, 865-1020 x21
OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit mainstreetlanding.com & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.
ADOPTION COUPLE HOPING TO ADOPT Kind & fun-loving VT couple can provide a safe & loving home for your baby. If you are pregnant & considering adoption, we would welcome hearing from you. jonandtessa.weebly. com, 802-272-7759.
AUTO DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-9780215. (AAN CAN)
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a loan modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? Call Homeowners Relief Line now for help: 1-855-4395853. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat.: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. All times Pacific. (AAN CAN) STRUGGLING W/ YOUR PRIVATE STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT? New relief programs can reduce your payments. Learn your options. Good credit not necessary. Call the Helpline: 888-670-5631. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET. (AAN CAN)
HEALTH/ WELLNESS GENTLE TOUCH MASSAGE Specializing in deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish & relaxation massage for men. Practicing
Full Line of Excellent Condition Woodworking Machinery & Tools Lots Close Mon., Feb. 1 @ 10AM Roxbury, VT Preview: Thur., Jan 28, 11AM-1PM Powermatic and Festool tools 4,300+ board feet of hardwood and softwood lumber 300+ vintage & antique hand planes THOMAS HIRCHAK COMPANY THCAuction.com 800-634-7653
massage therapy for over 14 years. Gregg, gentletouchvt.com, motman@ymail.com, 802-234-8000 (call/ text). Milton. HEARING AIDS! Buy 1 & get 1 free! High-quality rechargeable Nano hearing aids priced 90% less than competitors. Nearly invisible. 45-day money-back guarantee! 1-833-585-1117. (AAN CAN) KAMALIKA-K YOGA WELLNESS Sound healing, meditation, Tibetan singing bowls, crystal singing bowls, tuning forks, bamboo chimes healing crystals, sound bath, asana flow, gentle flow, yin & more. kamalikak. com. PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes, more. 802-899-3542, kelman.b@juno.com. REIKI BALANCE OF VERMONT Anxious? Stressed? Enjoy a relaxing, energizing distant Reiki session w/ Reiki master Leslie Taggart. Phone consultation, energy healing session, follow-up: $80. Text 802-349-8962.
HOME/GARDEN CLASSIC SHADES PAINTING Update the look of your home or business.
BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do 16t-hirchakbrothers012021 1 the work; you reap the rewards! Call for a free Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN)
1/15/21 9:56 AM
ELDERLY CARE AVAIL. Private BR, shared BA. COVID-19 clean. Family home-cooked meals. Pets & good company. All living space on the 1st floor. 802-274-8410.
EDUCATION ATTENTION ACTIVE DUTY & MILITARY VETERANS! Begin a new career and earn your degree at CTI! Online computer & medical training avail. for veterans & families! To learn more, call 855-541-6634. (AAN CAN)
Classic Shades Painting offers high-quality work at an affordable price. Quality craftsmanship & courteous customer care. Interior & exterior painting. For a free estimate, please call 802-345-2038, or classicshadespainting@ gmail.com. LEO’S ROOFING Shingle, metal & slate repair. Standing seam replacement. Roofing repair or replacement. Call for free estimate: 802-503-6064. 30 years’ experience. Good refs. & fully insured. Chittenden County.
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MISCELLANEOUS 4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast speeds + take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888-519-0171. (AAN CAN) ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN)
Homeshares Share home with woman in her 70s who enjoys music, travel & theater. Seeking housemate with very little exposure to Covid to prepare 3-4 meals/week, share companionship & help around the house. $200/mo. Familiarity with memory loss ideal. Private BA.
EAST MONTPELIER Share home w/ lovely mountain views with woman in her 90s who enjoys audio books & news. Provide evening meal prep, transportation, laundry & cleaning. No rent/utils. Private BA.
JOHNSON Share a newer rural home w/ active, professional couple. $550/mo. plus occas. help with pet care. Private BA.
Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit HomeShareVermont.org for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO Homeshare-temp2.indd 1
1/8/21 2:06 PM
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.
9 3 1 3 8 6 7
6 5 9 5 8 3 5 2
6 2
3 2 7 1
Open 24/7/365.
View and post up to Post & browse ads Complete the following puzzle by using theconvenience. 6 photos per ad online. at your
Show and tell. Sudoku
4 6
Difficulty - Hard
No. 671
Difficulty: Medium
Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
crossword 2 1 3 6 4 4
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
8 3 9 4 1 2 6 5 7 ANSWERS 4 ON P.1 60 6 7 3 5 2 9 8 H = MODERATE HH = CHALLENGING HHH = HOO, BOY! 5 7 2 8 6 9 4 3 1 2 9 7 1 4 3 5 8 6 O-E VEY! 3 4 5 9 8 6 7 1 2 ANSWERS ON P.60 » 1 6 8 2 5 7 9 4 3 9 5 1 6 7 8 3 2 4 6 8 3 5 2 4 1 7 9 7 2 4 3 9 1 8 6 5
1 3
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SEVENDAYSVT.COM/DAILY7 8v-daily7-coffee.indd 1
1/13/14 1:45 PM
5 6 4
a. Prior to the site visit, all potential attendees must confirm in writing,
1 4
1 8 4 5 7+ 2 3 1- 1 9 6 7 5-
3 9 113+ 6 7 2 9 7 43÷ 5 63- 8 5 1 2÷ 8 3 2 4 120x
5 4 7 8 1 9 2 6 5 3
4 1 2 32÷ 5 6 9 4 3 82- 6 515x 7 7 8 2 4 9 1 1-
6 5 7 3-2 9 8 4 32- 1 5 8 6 7 1 2 5-9 4 3 3 2 4 21 7 9 8Difficulty 6 - Hard 5 2÷
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
6/12/12 3:25 PM
No. 671
Difficulty: Medium
60 4v-free-colors.indd 1
e. No one may attend the site visit if they have had contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 unless they have self-quarantined for 14 days following
GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/levels. Emphasis on building strong technique, thorough musicianship, developing personal style. Paul Asbell (Big Joe Burrell, Kilimanjaro, UVM & Middlebury College faculty, Daysies). 233-7731, pasbell@ paulasbell.com.
Site Visit Instructions: All site visit participants shall be required to observe the following protocol prior to, and during the site visit:
d. No one may attend the site visit who has displayed any of the symptoms of COVID-19 recognized by the Vermont Department of Health. No earlier than 24 hours prior to the appointment, all attendees must take their own temperatures to determine whether they have a temperature of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or greater. If requested, attendees must submit to a temperature test with a no-contact thermometer.
GUITAR LESSONS All ages/levels. Jazz, rock, funk, classical, Indian classical. Technique, theory, learn your favorite songs, express your unique voice. Student-centered lessons. 20 years’ teaching experience. Xander Naylor, 318-5365, contact@xandernaylor. com.
Virtual Prehearing Conference: 10:00 AM via Microsoft Teams (see below)
c. If any portion of the site visit will be conducted inside, all occupancy limits established by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development must be followed even if that results in a limit of less than 25 people. See https://accd.vermont. gov/content/maximumretail-occupant-loadduring-covid-19 (last visited June 10, 2020).
BASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, VOICE LESSONS & MORE Remote music lessons are an amazing way to spend time at home! Learn guitar, bass, piano, voice, violin, drums, flute, sax, trumpet, production & beyond w/ pro local instructors from the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine St. All levels & styles are welcome, incl. absolute beginners. Come share in the music! burlingtonmusicdojo. com, info@burlington musicdojo.com.
ARTIST STUDIO AVAIL. 517 sq.ft. artist’s work studio (not living space). $495/mo. All utils. & Wi-Fi incl. Beautiful location. Converted dairy barn w/ art community of 15 artists in situ. Plenty of free parking. 20 mins. to downtown Burlington.
In-Person Site Visit: 8:30 AM at 375 North Avenue, Burlington, VT 05401
b. No more than 25 people may attend the site visit.
Date: Friday, February 5, 2021
Note to Prospective Parties: Pursuant to Vermont statute and Act 250 Rules, any person seeking to participate as a party to this proceeding MUST make such a party status request “on or before the first prehearing conference.” Accordingly, all prospective parties are obligated to log in or call into the prehearing conference scheduled below, or to file a written party status petition in advance to the Commission at NRB.Act250Essex@ vermont.gov. Failure to
A Prehearing Conference is hereby scheduled to convene:
for all.
REHEARSAL SPACE Safe & sanitary music/ creative spaces avail. by the hour in the heart of the South End art district. Monthly arrangements avail., as well. Tailored for music but can be multipurpose. info@ burlingtonmusicdojo. com, 802-540-0321.
HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN)
Pursuant to Act 250 Rules 16 and 20, the Commission is convening an online prehearing conference. A prehearing conference, in summary, has narrow goals and is designed to identify the parties and the issues. Th e prehearing conference will be followed by the issuance of a Prehearing Conference Report and Order (“PHCRO”), which will prescribe any informational filing requirements, preliminary party status rulings, and the scheduling of a merits hearing at a later date.
which may be via email to the District Coordinator (rachel. lomonaco@vermont. gov), that they will abide by this protocol.
DISH TV $64.99 For 190 channels + $14.95. High-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl., free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo expires Jul. 21, 2021. 1-855-380-250.
ACT 250 NOTICE APPLICATION 4C1301-3 SITE VISIT AND PREHEARING CONFERENCE 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111 On November 30, 2020, BC Community Housing, LLC, PO Box 1335, Burlington, VT 05402 filed application number 4C1301-3 for the following revisions to the Cambrian Rise Development: (a) increasing the maximum number of units for the Cambrian Rise Development from 739 to 770; (b) converting one level of understory parking in Building C to residential units for a total of 125 units; (c) altering Building M by adding an additional floor for a total of six floors, increasing the building footprint for a total of 117 units, adding a second level of understory parking, expanding the surface parking, revised landscaping, and façade changes; (d) adding an additional floor to Building P for a total of fi ve floors, with no increase in units; and (e) adding an additional floor to Building Q/R for a total of six floors, with no increase in units. Th e project is
timely appear on the prehearing conference call or video conference call, or to timely file a written request by the date of the prehearing conference, thereafter, bars a person from participating as a party in the proceeding, and any such person will thereafter lack legal standing to appeal any decision on this matter made by the District Commission. Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) State of Emergency, all prospective parties are asked to supply an email address, a street address, and a mailing address to the District Commission by email (NRB.Act250Essex@ vermont.gov) for receiving service of notices on the proceedings.
buy this stuff [CONTINUED]
located at 311-375 North Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. This Project will be evaluated by the District 4 Environmental Commission in accordance with the 10 environmental criteria of 10 V.S.A. § 6086(a).
GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195, rickb@rickbelford.com.
Show and tell.
View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.
REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon to homeworks@sevendaysvt.com or 802-865-1020, x10.
Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 13th day of January, 2021.
Experience a genuine country feel in this welcoming 3 bedroom, 3 bath dormered Cape nestled on 1.57 acres. Surrounded by 36.5+/common acres for exploring. Wildlife abounds in a peaceful setting! Vast Trails & skiing nearby! $386,500
Nancy Desany 846.9540 VermontTrademarkHomes.com
such contact or 7 days followed by a negative COVID-19 test. f. No one may attend the site visit if they must travel from any location from which visitors to Vermont are required to selfquarantine unless they have self-quarantined for either 14 days or 7 days followed by a negative COVID-19 test. A map of such locations can be found at the Agency of Commerce and Community Development’s website. See https://accd. vermont.gov/covid-19/ restart/cross-statetravel (last visited August 19, 2020) g. Everyone attending the site visit must observe strict social distancing of six feet. h. Everyone attending the site visit must wear face coverings over their nose and mouth when in the presence of others. i. Everyone attending the site visit must have access to either a hand washing station, consisting of soap and water, or hand sanitizer. j. Everyone attending the site visit must have completed a VOSHA-approved and employer- sponsored training program regarding COVID-19. Additional information about VOSHA- approved training may be found on the Vermont Agency of Commerce
and Community Development’s website. See https://accd. vermont.gov/covid-19/ business/restart (last visited May 21, 2020). k. No more than three people shall occupy any single vehicle traveling to or from the site visit. l. Everyone attending the site visit must refrain from touching communal objects, including but not limited to site plans, unless they are cleaned and disinfected between each touch. Virtual Prehearing Conference Instructions: Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19), this prehearing conference will be conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams video conferencing software. To receive a Microsoft Teams invitation via email, please e-mail the District Coordinator (rachel. lomonaco@vermont. gov) by no later than Friday January 29, 2021, at 4:30 PM. If you are unable to participate using the Microsoft Teams platform, you may still call in to the conference with the following information: • Dial: 802-828-7667 • Enter Conference ID: 749 244 154# If you would like further information regarding participation in this prehearing conference, please contact the District
Beautiful & historic brick Townhouse in the heart of Downtown Burlington. Full of natural light, this home boasts 5 bedrooms including a newly renovated 3rd floor suite. Fireplace, hardwood floors. The charm and Hill Section location can't be beat! $575,000
Coordinator (rachel. lomonaco@vermont. gov) by no later than Friday, January 29, 2021, at 4:30 PM. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Dated this 12th day of January 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 rachel.lomonaco@ vermont.gov
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1026-2 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On December 28, 2020, Jay Felix, 17 Thornton Street, Winooski, VT 05404 filed application number 4C1026-2 for a project generally described as the re-delineation of a class III wetland and the after-the-fact removal of a berm and construction of a concrete retaining wall. The project is located at 17 Thornton Street in Winooski, Vermont. The aplicaiton was deemed complete on January 11, 2021 after the receipt of
By: _/s/Rachel Lomonaco_______ Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 Rachel.Lomonaco@ vermont.gov
Doug & Hillary Boardman 846.9538 DougHillaryBoardman.com
supplemental evidence. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http:// nrb.vermont.gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1026-2.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before February 4, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a
request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than February 4, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners
BURLINGTON, VT PUBLIC WORKS: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The City of Burlington’s Water Resources Division was issued a Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FNSI), for the proposed Manhattan Outfall Repair Project. A hearing will be held on 2/25/2021 at 6:00 p.m., and will be fully remote and virtual. You can find all relevant documents and information on how to access this meeting at: www.burlingtonvt. gov/DPW/water/ manhattanoutfall
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 638-620 Cnpr In re ESTATE of Helen T. Withers NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of Helen T. Withers, late of Jericho. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: 12/9/2020 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Eric Turnbaugh Eric Turnbaugh
18 Packard Road Jericho, VT 05465 802-355-9387 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 1/13/21 and 1/20/21 Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Probate Division, P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402
TOWN OF RICHMOND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD FEBRUARY 10, 2021 7:00 PM Due to precautions being taken during the COVID-19 pandemic, and in accordance with Bill H.681 this DRB meeting will be held via login online or conference call only. Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/81115438175? pwd=K1JOVjhRNWJlNk VOSTBMWnZWbitxZz09 Meeting ID: 81115438175 Passcode: 376237 Call-in: +19292056099 US (New York) Public HearingButtermilk, LLC - SUB2101/CU21-01/SP21-01 to amend the master plan, conditions of approval, and phasing plan of an existing Planned Unit Development. Property at 74 Jolina Court is located within the Jolina Court District. Hillview Heights, LLC - SUB21-02 for Sketch Plan Review for a nine-lot subdivision. Property at 2427 Hillview Road is located within the Agricultural/ Residential District. Application materials may be viewed at http:// www.richmondvt. gov/boards-minutes/ development-reviewboard/ one week before meeting. Please call 802-434-2430 if you have any questions.
NOTICE: VIRTUAL PUBLIC HEARING The State of Vermont’s Department of Housing and Community Development will be holding a virtual public hearing due to the current COVID-19 situation to get input from Vermont residents before writing its HUD Action Plan for 2021. If you are interested in attending the hearing, we ask that you register here https://attendee. gotowebinar.com/ register/2353937572 07380747. You will receive a confirmation
Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online. email with log in instructions. The purpose of the hearing is to listen to residents’ views about the state’s housing, homelessness, public facility and service, and non-housing community development needs, as well as ideas for grant activities the State should consider funding for the next year to establish the annual program year (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022) baseline. The Department also seeks feedback on how the programs funded by HUD under past plans performed in meeting the State’s goals. The Plan outlines priorities for the use of approximately $10.5 million in federal funds provided to the State for the Community Development Block Grant, HOME Investment Partnership Program, and Emergency Solutions Grant program, and $3 million awarded to the State from the National Housing Trust Fund to develop housing that is affordable to extremely low- and very low- income households. The Plan also serves as Vermont’s application to HUD for these funds. The goals of the Plan are to provide decent affordable housing, assure a suitable living environment, and expand economic opportunity for Vermont’s citizens. The hearing will be held on Monday, February 8, 2021, from 4:00 - 4:30 p.m. Accommodations for persons with disabilities and interpreters to meet the needs of non-English speaking persons will be made available upon request. Requests for accommodations should be directed to Arthur Hamlin at (802) 828-3749 or emailed to arthur.hamlin@ vermont.gov by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 28, 2021. For the hearing impaired please call (TTY#) 1-800-253-0191. More information is available on the Department’s website at http://accd.vermont. gov/housing.
62 JANUARY 20-27, 2021
YOUR TRUSTED LOCAL SOURCE. JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR The Preservation Trust of Vermont is looking for an energetic, collaborative, and highly organized development professional to play a key role in supporting the work and mission of the organization. The PTV Development Director will work closely with the President and the Board of Directors to ensure effective, personalized, and professional implementation of our fundraising plan. To learn more visit PTVERMONT.ORG/DEVDIRECTOR TOWN OF COLCHESTER, VT
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WOMEN’S PROGRAM MANAGER – EMPLOYMENT & CAREER SERVICES VWW seeks a Women’s Program Manager for our Employment & Career Services to provide career coaching and job search support to women through one-on-one coaching, workshops, and maintenance of an online classroom and career mentor network. This includes cultivating and maintaining relationships with employers and community partners to ensure VWW is well10:01 AMconnected in the workforce development space. The Manager will help develop new programs and outreach methods to meet the rapidly changing employment landscape and to meet the needs of a wide range of women.
Department of Planning & Zoning seeks a highly motivated self-starter with excellent customer service skills to join their team. The Manager will administer the permit functions for the Planning & Zoning Department and serve as the Zoning Administrator.
To see the full job description and details on how to apply, visit vtworksforwomen.org/about/employment. If reasonable accommodation is needed to apply, please contact us: info@vtworksforwomen.org or 802-655-8900 x107.
We are hiring for a full-time position washing dishes and doing general cleaning around our bakery and cafe. Weekend days are included. Come work with a great bunch of people in our bustling business! There are opportunities for advancement into food prep. This job has benefits, including health care, paid time off, and a retirement plan. Contact randy@ redhenbaking.com to apply.
Successful applicants for the Development Manager will have a relevant Bachelor’s degree plus five years of increasingly 4t-VTWorksforWomen011321.indd 1 1/12/21 2v-RedHenBaking011321.indd 10:48 AM 1 1/11/21 2:06 PM responsible experience or combination of education and experience. Hiring range is $61,950 -$66,853, plus a The Lake Champlain Community Sailing Center competitive benefit package. seeks a mission-driven, experienced sailor to PSYCHOTHERAPIST join our small team in Burlington, Vermont. Submit application, cover letter, resume, and references For 25 years the Community Sailing Center OPENING to Sherry LaBarge, Human Resource Director at: has provided recreational lake access, sailing slabarge@colchestervt.gov. The Town of Colchester is an The Vermont Center for programs and educational opportunities E.O.E. For full job description visit: colchestervt.gov/321/ Anxiety Care, a psychology for the local community and visitors alike through diverse Human-Resources. Application deadline is February 5, 2021. private practice on the programming. The Program Manager position is responsible for Burlington waterfront, has overseeing our adult programs, assisting with our youth and an opening for a licensed year-round sailing programs as needed. An ideal candidate will psychotherapist (M.A., MSW, 4t-TownofColchester011321.indd 1 1/11/21 2:55 PM be friendly, courteous, and enjoy working with children and adults Ph.D, Psy.D., LCMHC) or out on the water. This candidate must know how to sail and be a master’s degree intern. Part Time US Sailing certified instructor. The work schedule of this position is Adult therapy experience SPIRAL International, an education company flexible and may require weekend availability during the summer required with child therapy based in Burlington, seeks a candidate to season. To apply, please email Cover Letter and Resume to experience an asset. market online language classes and international Kay Gallagher at kay@communitysailingcenter.org. Collaborative group with
Otter Creek Associates
Program Promotion Coordinator -
education programs to schools and individuals.
Join the SPIRAL team to create and implement marketing strategies and plans. Develop and maintain relationships with schools to promote online language classes and China-related education exchange programs, and support coordination of education programs. Qualifications include a BA degree and marketing or customer service experience. Some knowledge of Chinese culture from study or travel, and experience working in the field of education is preferred. Strong computer skills are required. Submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three references with “Program Promotion Coordinator” in subject line. Immediate opening. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. Application Email: admin@spiralinternational.org.
4t-SprialInternational012021.indd 1
GRANTS MANAGER Join our development team! The Grants Manager will help sustain and grow the Community Sailing Center’s (CSC) annual philanthropic revenue through the development and implementation of an annual strategic foundations and grant strategy. This position works closely with our Executive Director and Development & Communications Manager to support our work. Qualified candidates will have an exceptional eye for detail, strategic thinking, knowledge of the grant application process, and strong grant writing background. This is a contractual, part-time position, averaging around 15 hours per week. To apply, please email Cover Letter and Resume to Owen Milne at owen@communitysailingcenter.org.
1 1/19/21 5v-LakeChamplainSailingCenter012021.indd 10:10 AM
holistic approach and multiple specialties. Clinical supervision towards licensure provided as needed.
Visit website: vtcenterforanxietycare.com. Send resume and cover letter describing professional interests and goals to: Paul Foxman, Ph.D., 86 Lake Street, Burlington, VT 05401. Or email: paulfoxman@aol.com.
1/18/213v-OtterCreekAssociates011321.indd 1:28 PM 1
1/12/21 10:42 AM
63 JANUARY 20-27, 2021
PAY IT FORWARD Become the teacher who inspired you.
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital has a variety of positions available, including:
HOSPITAL MEDICAL BILLING REPRESENTATIVE The Hospital Medical Billing Representative functions independently within a payer team environment to appropriately resolve patient accounts by performing billing and follow-up activities to effectively collect balances due on assigned accounts.
Teachers are in high demand! Earn your teaching license in only 8 months in a program designed for professionals wanting to teach grades five through twelve.
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Zoom Info. Sessions:4t-UVMMedicalCenter012021.indd Mon, Jan 25: 4pm Tues, Jan 26: 9am Thur, Jan 28: 12 noon
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1/11/21 10:37 AM
Recruiting for temporary employees with primary responsibility for courtroom operations and security in 4t-USDistrictCourtVT012021.indd the court house. The position provides general assistance, security and safety to all users of the court. Located in Burlington,VT. High School graduate and two years in a responsible position required. Starting pay $17.11 per hour. Go to: vermontjudiciary. org/employmentopportunities/staffopenings for more details and to complete application. These positions are open until filled. The Vermont Judiciary is an E.O.E.
We offer a competitive salary and benefits package including health insurance, 401(k) and Profit Sharing. Please e-mail cover letter, résumé and references to: fmiller@gravelshea.com. GRAVELSHEA.COM E.O.E.
Sheehey Furlong & Behm, an established, growing law firm located near the Burlington waterfront, is accepting applications for a legal administrative assistant. The successful candidate will be detail-oriented, possess strong written and verbal skills and the ability to work in a fast-paced environment. Proficiency in MS Office applications is required and 1-3 years of legal experience is preferred. Competitive pay and benefits. Forward cover letter and resume to hiring@sheeheyvt.com, subject “Legal Admin.”
1/15/21 2:40 PM
Gravel & Shea PC, a law firm in downtown Burlington, Vermont, is looking for a legal assistant for its litigation department. The ideal candidate will have experience working as a litigation legal assistant, knowledge of Microsoft Office software, and experience with preparing documents for filing in Vermont courts. In addition, this position requires a strong work ethic, eagerness to learn and acquire new skills, and excellent typing skills. Communication skills are a must, as Gravel & Shea legal assistants work as a team with paralegals, lawyers and other legal assistants. Minimum qualifications include an Associate’s degree or a minimum of three years of experience as a legal assistant.
1/19/21 4t-GravelShea012021.indd 11:35 AM 1
3v-OfficeoftheCourtAdministrator012021.indd 1/19/21 1 4t-SheehyFurlong011321.indd 11:04 AM 1
FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, wellness reimbursement, low cost health insurance and 401k with company match!
1/18/21 4t-NVRH012021.indd 12:04 PM 1
The United States District Court is seeking a qualified individual with excellent analytical, organizational, bookkeeping, and computer skills capable of functioning in a dynamic, team-oriented environment. The duty station is Burlington, Vermont. Full federal benefits apply. Complete job description and formal application requirements are found in the official Position Announcement available from court locations in Burlington and Rutland and the court’s web site:
Full-time, part-time and per diem schedules available. Shift differentials and per diem rates offered.
U.S. District Court
champlain.edu/TAP 802.651.5844
Procurement Administrator
RNs, LNAs, Radiologic Technologists, MT or MLT, Administrative, Information Services and more!
1/19/21 11:07 AM
Lareau Farm, home of the original American Flatbread, is seeking a qualified Event Chef to join our team. The successful candidate will have experience in restaurant and/or catering kitchens with a focus on purchasing from local, organic and sustainable sources and creating seasonal menus that highlight local ingredients. Simple, delicious, seasonal food is a must and use of our wood-fired cookery (smoker, grills and oven) is just part of the fun! For a complete overview of the requirements please visit our website. Salary based on experience. About Lareau Farm and American Flatbread:
Lareau Farm is a 25-acre farm located along the Mad River in scenic Waitsfield, VT. We operate a 12-bedroom B&B, host weddings & events, operate an offsite catering wood fired oven, and are home to the original American Flatbread restaurant, serving farm to table flatbread baked in a wood fired earthen oven. Send resumes to: alison@americanflatbread.com.
1/12/214t-AmericanFlatbreadLarueFarm011321.indd 1:48 PM 1
1/8/21 10:14 AM
JANUARY 20-27, 2021
POSITION OPENINGS ON-CALL SECOND SHIFT CUSTODIAN: General knowledge of cleaning and safety procedures, the ability to perform physically demanding duties including heavy lifting, must be able to work independently with limited supervision. Training provided. High school diploma or equivalent required.
Managing Innkeeper of Bed and Breakfast
OPERATIONS ASSOCIATE Rock Point Advisors, LLC, based in Burlington, VT, is a wealth advisory firm focused on helping clients make sound financial decisions and take advantage of the benefits of long-term investing. We are dedicated to managing portfolios in the context of plans carefully developed with our clients.
SCHOOL BUS DRIVERS: Ideal candidates will have a clear driver’s license, CDL Class “B” with passenger, air brakes, and school bus endorsements. Candidates with clear driving record and willing to commit to CDL training and testing within an established timeframe will be considered.
Since our founding in 2004, our financial planning and investment management efforts have been guided by our fiduciary duty to our clients and our belief that doing what’s right matters. We work hard to deliver practical advice and responsible investing to help clients achieve their goals.
SUBSTITUTE SCHOOL NURSE: Must hold a Vermont State license as a Registered Nurse (RN). Long Term assignments and daily assignments available.
· Provide general operations support to the firm, including client service, trading, answering phones, data entry and records management
Interested candidates in these positions or other openings may apply online at schoolspring.com or by forwarding a resume and cover letter to the Human Resources Department: kdantzscher@sbschools.net or send resume to: SBSD Human Resources Department, 550 Dorset St., South Burlington VT, 05403
Zoning Administrator
Salary based on experience. alison@americanflatbread.com.
· Client-first mentality · Capability to multi-task with attention to detail · Ability to follow documented procedures and handle changing situations on the fly · Dedication to continually learning and improving
Looking for a Sweet Job?
2v-AmericanFlatbreadLarueFarm011321.indd 1/8/21 1 10:01 AM
Salary and Benefits
· Salary commensurate with experience and position · Benefits include paid vacation, dental and health care insurance, 401(k) matching Start applying at jobs.sevendaysvt.com.
Send resumes to: info@rockpointadvisors.com. E.O.E.
1/15/215v-RockPointAdvisors011321.indd 3:22 PM 1
The Town of Hinesburg seeks applicants for a part-time Zoning Administrator position (up to 20 hours per week). The duties of the Zoning Administrator include, but are not limited to, responsibilities as required under Title 24 Chapter 117: administering the zoning and subdivision regulations; issuing zoning permits; answering questions and providing information to the public regarding zoning and land use; researching permit files; investigating complaints and violations; recommending corrective action as necessary to resolve complaints and violations; maintaining paper permit files and digital permit spreadsheets. This position works collaboratively with three other members of the Planning and Zoning Department. The position requires land use and/or zoning experience, the ability to read/interpret building and engineering plans, and the ability to effectively communicate zoning regulations and permit requirements to the public. The individual must enjoy working in a small office and assisting the public and Town boards with excellent follow-through and attention to detail. Excellent writing and organizational skills are necessary, including proficiency in MS Word and Excel. A full job description and job application is available online at hinesburg.org/ employment.html. Salary based on qualifications and experience within a pay range of $20.00 to $23.00 per hour. First review of applications will begin on January 27, 2021, and the position will remain open until filled. Please email a cover letter, resume, job application form, and three current references to jdubingrossman@hinesburg.org. Questions may be directed to Joy Dubin Grossman at 802-482-4207. Hinesburg is an equal opportunity employer and values diversity and inclusiveness in the community and workplace.
5v-TownofHinesburg011321.indd 1
Duties and Responsibilities:
PARA EDUCATOR POSITIONS: Provides instructional assistance to students. Associate’s Degree or the equivalent is required.
5v-SoBurlingtonSchoolDistrict011321.indd 1
Lareau Farm Bed and Breakfast, home of American Flatbread, located in Waitsfield, VT is looking for a year round managing innkeeper to join our team. This position would encompass all the daily tasks needed to operate our inn, including preparing a full country breakfast for up to 30 guests. If you are a friendly, detail oriented person who enjoys meeting new people, we would love to talk with you.
1/11/21 5:11 PM
Reporting to and working closely with the Executive Director, as well as the Administrative Manager, the Associate Director for Programming at Artistree is a leadership role responsible for developing, supporting and ensuring the effective delivery of a diverse variety of year-round multi-disciplinary adult and children’s arts programs. The Associate Director for Programming supports the strategic vision established by the Executive Director and leads a collaborative approach to program planning and management that brings together all of Artistree’s multidisciplinary programming to advance community engagement and student learning. Because programming is at the heart of Artistree and drives all aspects of operations, the Associate Director for Programming must serve as a collaborative leader, be responsive to the needs of all constituents across the organization and have very strong financial and management abilities and experience. This is a full-time salaried position with benefits, including vacation and sick leave, health plan, and retirement plan. Salary is commensurate with experience. To apply, please submit a resume and letter of interest noting why you think you would be a strong candidate to: manager@artistreevt.org. Please visit artstistree. org for information about the organization.
1/11/21 5v-Artistree011321.indd 10:23 AM 1
Production Manager At Jasper Hill, our strength is our drive to be the standard bearer for quality and innovation in the artisan cheese industry. To help us continue our growth, we are seeking an experienced Production Manager with food industry experience to join our highly skilled team. While helping to maintain smooth daily business activities, the Production Manager will streamline work and to contribute to the long-term success of Jasper Hill. To succeed in this role, the Production Manager will ensure quality, inspire staff and guard the values of the Jasper Hill Family of Businesses. The ideal candidate is ambitious and performance-oriented with exceptional people skills. Send resumes to: work@jasperhillfarm.com
1/8/213v-JasperHill012021.indd 4:02 PM 1
1/18/21 11:47 AM
350VT IS HIRING A FULL-TIME Lead Organizer to join our staff collective of grassroots climate justice organizers! Learn more and apply by Feb. 15: 350vermont.org/opportunities.
BSD Property Services Division has the following Job opportunities:
Human Resource Director
WhistlePig, offering the most-awarded rye whiskey in the world, is looking for a person with experience in the Human Resource field to direct and develop all aspects of HR. The Human Resource Director will plan, lead, direct, 1t-360VT012021.indd T O W N1 O F D U X B U RY 1/15/21 develop, and coordinate the policies, and activities, ensuring HIGHWAY legal compliance and implementation of the organizations DEPARTMENT mission and talent strategy. This will be balanced with the MAINTENANCE daily tasks of the HR department.
* Starting wage $16.50-$18.00 per hour plus an additional $1.30 per hour for 2nd Shift positions. * Excellent Benefits and Retirement Package For more details about the available jobs and/or to apply, visit www.bsdvt.org and click on “careers” for current listing of employment opportunities or call 802-864-8453.
More Info: whistlepigwhiskey.com/careers. 1/18/214t-WhistlePig011321.indd 2:39 PM 1
SCHOOL BUS AIDE/ BACKUP BUS DRIVER Burlington School District (BSD) Property Services Division has the following Job Opportunity: The Bus Aide will also be the backup school bus driver in the event the regularly scheduled driver is not available. CDL Bus Endorsement is a requirement for permanent employment; however, BSD will offer training and support for an individual to receive any such required school bus licensure. Starting wage $16.00-$18.00 per hour, full time, school year position with competitive benefits and retirement plan. To apply, visit www.bsdvt.org and click on “careers” for current listing of employment opportunities or call 802-864-8453. Equal Opportunity Employer.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR – ALUMNI & FAMILY EVENTS The Assistant Director is responsible for outreach to and engagement with Norwich alumni, students and parents; being the primary point of contact for on and off-campus Club and Regional events; and assisting in the development of an on-going social media strategy to actively engage constituents.
Responsibilities include day-to-day student account billing, refund and collection functions; analyzing student accounts; and advising students in financial aid and student account matters.4t-BurlingtonSchoolDistrictBUS012021.indd This position primarily supports the College of Graduate & Continuing Studies.
Full-time, 40 hours per week position with benefits. Looking for a team player. Candidates must have Class B, CDL with manual 10:31 AM endorsement, and must be able to operate a manual tandem truck, wheeled excavator, and loader. Main duties involve plowing with and without a wing, operating all town equipment, and hauling material for the Town. Full job description and application can be found on the town website duxburyvermont.org. Pick up an application at: Duxbury Town Office 5421 VT RT 100 Duxbury VT 05676 Call first: 802-244-6660, or email appilcations to duxburyforeman@gmail.com.
WHERE YOU AND 1 3v-TownofDuxbury011321.indd 1/11/21 1/18/21 2:32 PM YOUR WORK MATTER...
11:40 AM
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ADMISSIONS Seeking a dynamic individual to join our admissions team to recruit students. Contact and cultivate prospective students; interview and counsel; manage and evaluate admissions applications. Recruitment travel in designated geographic areas may be required as well as supporting campus visits and orientation. In addition, assist in the development of communication and marketing strategies and create a marketing/communications plan for specified academic areas.
Waterbury District, Noon-8:30PM, Monday - Friday. Looking for a team player who enjoys a variety of duties, while supporting other employees and the departments goals. Background clearance is required. Lead work includes planning, organizing, directing, and participating in a variety of tasks with a custodial cleaning crew. Ability to make independent decisions and work collaboratively with a team is required. Must be able to read and comprehend service manuals, product information and inventory records. High school diploma or equivalent, and 4 years of building custodial work. Floor care experience a plus.
For further information and to apply for these and other great jobs: https://norwich.interviewexchange.com
Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers. DEADLINE TO APPLY: 01/27/21 For more information contact: Sue Gallagher: 241-6547, Sue.Gallagher@vermont.gov Or Ann Courchaine: 241-0221, ann.courchaine@vermont.gov The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 5h-VTDeptBuildings&GenSvc011321.indd 1
6t-Norwich012021.indd 1
12:12 PM
Please send resume and references to: jobs@whistlepigrye.com.
Equal Opportunity Employer
4t-BurlingtonSchoolDistrictCUSTODIAL012021.indd 1
65 JANUARY 20-27, 2021
1/19/21 11:13 AM
1/12/21 11:00 AM
JANUARY 20-27, 2021
Farm-to-Institution Production Manager
The Lake Champlain Basin Program and NEIWPCC seek candidates for paid internships:
The Center for an Agricultural Economy is looking for the right mix of production and management skills to add to our Farm-to-Institution social enterprise, Just Cut! If you know food safety, have a background in industrial kitchen-work, have strong leadership qualities, and have an active interest in our local food system, farms, and community, we’d love to hear from you!
Position: Farm-to-Institution Production Manager Full-time: 40 hours/week. Hourly Compensation: Min. $20.00/hour dependent on experience, and CAE’s benefits package The Center for an Agricultural Economy (CAE) is a not-for-profit organization, which works to build a local, healthy, regenerative food system in the greater Hardwick area and beyond. Through education, outreach, infrastructure, and technical services, the CAE uses partnership and collaboration to achieve a food system that can support working lands and working people. The CAE owns and operates the Vermont Food Venture Center, a food-processing facility, food business incubator, and regional food hub. The VFVC serves small food businesses, farmers, and large scale vegetable and fruit producers, as well as our community members.
individuals to deliver aquatic invasive species spread prevention messages and conduct voluntary watercraft inspections and decontaminations. Stewards will work at Lake Champlain boat launches in New York and Vermont to collect survey information Thursday through Monday and holidays from Memorial through Labor Day/Mid-September. Please send resume, letter of interest with relevant experience, and two references in .pdf or Microsoft Word format by February 5th, 2021 to jobs@neiwpcc.org, and reference position number 21-LCBP-001 in the subject line.
Go to http://bit.ly/CenterAgEcon for more information and how to apply! 5h-CenterAgriculturalEconomy012021.indd 1
1/18/21 5:01 PM
Farm & Forest Viability Program Manager
4t-LakeChampBasinProgram011321.indd 1
Small Dog Electronics is looking for a skilled Bookkeeper to maintain our financial records, including purchases, sales, receipts and payments. The bookkeeper will work closely with our management team to create and analyze financial reports, process accounts payable and receivable and manage invoices and tax payments. Our ideal candidate holds an accounting degree and is familiar with accounting software packages. RESPONSIBILITIES • Record day to day financial transactions and complete the posting process • Process accounts receivable/payable • Complete sales tax forms and filing • Reconcile bank statements • Enter data, maintain records and create reports and financial statements • prepare checks, payments and bank deposits • prepare and submit payroll to processor bi-weekly • Bring the books to the trial balance stage • Understand and comply with GAAP REQUIREMENTS • Proven bookkeeping experience • Able to multitask, prioritize, work under pressure and meet deadlines • Hands-on experience with spreadsheets and accounting software • High degree of accuracy and attention to detail • Associates degree in Finance, Accounting or Business Administration preferred • Strong communication skills WORK HOURS & BENEFITS: This is a full-time position located in Burlington. Partially remote work is possible after training period. This position includes a full benefits package including 401K, Health and Dental Insurance along with paid time off.
VHCB's Viability Program provides business planning and technical assistance to farm, food, and forest sector businesses to increase business success. We are seeking a Program Manager to maintain strong relationships with farm and forest sector partners and to advance initiatives to help grow and improve the Viability Program. Applicants should be detail oriented, with excellent organizational and interpersonal skills, and experience providing business assistance to the working lands sector and in program administration and management. The Viability Program delivers services to 150 businesses annually, coordinated through a network of partners. The Program Manager works closely with businesses to enroll them in the program and monitor their progress, evaluate effectiveness of the program, manage contracts, and conduct fundraising and grant reporting. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Assistant Controller
Bookkeeper/ Office Manager
1/11/21 8:30 PM
Building Contractor seeking full charge bookkeeper/office manager. Previous administrative experience working in building construction is highly desirable. Duties to include A/P, A/R and payroll. Experience using QuickBooks Desktop and Excel a must. Experience with DropBox and CoConstruct a plus. Dream person can help create building estimates and manage rental property. 20+/- hours to start with the possibility of more.
Join our financial team, producing monthly financial statements, assisting Send resumes to: aaron@ in grants management, requisitioning funds, and supporting the payroll aaronflintbuilders.com. process. Manage state, federal, and private funding sources for programs that create affordable housing and conserve agricultural and recreational SEASONAL1 PARKS land, forestland, and historic public properties. Never a dull moment,2v-AaronFlintBuilding012021.indd 1/19/21 11:01 AM a supportive environment to work in, and a great mission to support! POSITIONS Skills and Qualifications: a degree in accounting and a minimum of three years’ experience in accounting functions; additional experience may be Park Maintenance substituted for a degree. Working knowledge of fund accounting, GAAP, Technicians: governmental and/or not-for-profit accounting, and experience with federal 40 hours, $16.50/hour grant administration and regulations. Stellar attention to detail and concern Start 3/26 for accuracy; ability to work as part of team during periods of high demand; Summer Laborers: good organizational and time management skills, and ability to work well independently. Proficiency with spreadsheet applications, accounting 40 hours, $14/hour software, PDF and word processing software is required; experience with Qualified applicants should databases and document management systems helpful. apply! E.O.E.
Full-time positions with competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. Read the job description at: vhcb.org/about-us/jobs. EOE. Please reply with cover letter and résumé to: jobs@vhcb.org. Positions will remain open until filled.
Colchestervt.gov for job description & application.
EMAIL RESUMES TO JOBS@SMALLDOG.COM. PARKS LABORER 40 hours per week 6 & 10 month positons available
6t-SmallDogElectronics012021.indd 1
1/18/21 6t-VHCB011321.indd 11:59 AM 1
Positions open until filled 1/11/212h-ColchesterParks&Rec011321.indd 8:01 PM 1 Apply Today! EOE
1/10/21 7:21 PM
67 JANUARY 20-27, 2021
Hayes, Windish & Badgewick is seeking an associate attorney to join our team. Preference is given to those with 3-5 years’ experience in civil litigation, but those just starting with strong work ethic and motivation will be considered too. We are a small general practice firm with an emphasis on civil litigation, insurance defense, and workers’ compensation matters. We seek a candidate who is interested and has high ethical standards, strong skills in research and writing, along with the patience and desire to learn the profession. Competitive pay and benefits offered. Position to remain open until filled. Please send your resume and cover letter electronically to: Penny Webster, Office Manager HAYES, WINDISH & BADGEWICK pwebster@woodstockvtlaw.com
With the retirement of our long-serving CEO, Disability Rights Vermont, our state’s non-profit protection & advocacy system, is seeking a skilled, responsible Executive Director. DRVT lawyers and advocates protect the rights of people with disabilities at systems level and we investigate abuse, neglect, and rights violations. The position includes active connection with the disability community statewide, advocacy with the state administration and the legislature, management of contracts, and all agency operations and development. Applicant must have excellent communication, computer, and organizational skills. Ability to work respectfully with a full range of community partners and clients is a must. Experience with disability is a definite plus. Master’s Degree/professional credentials preferred, management experience required. Details on how to apply can be found on the DRVT website, DisabilityRightsVt.org, and must include a letter of application, résumé and references. Direct questions to Sarah Launderville, DRVT Board President at slaunderville@outlook.com. DRVT is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 5h-DisabilityRightsVT012021.indd 1
4t-HayesWindish&Badgewick012021.indd 1
Vermont College of Fine Arts welcomes applications
for the Director of IT.
A level 3 Residential Care Home
~ Now
The Director of IT is a leadership and operational managerial position overseeing the planning, organizing, and execution of all IT functions at VCFA.
Hiring ~
Full Time RN, LPN and Caregivers
SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES WILL HAVE: • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science or related field or equivalent work experience
11pm – 7am overnight shift
• Minimum 5-8 years’ experience within Information Technology, preferably in higher education
Part Time Caregiver
• Supervisory experience
3pm-11pm evening shift
Candidates must be patient, compassionate and reliable. For more information or to schedule an interview: Call Shard Villa: 802-352-4369
• Ability to think creatively, entrepreneurially, and strategically as part of a collaborative team setting For full job description: vcfa.edu/about/jobs-at-vcfa. Candidates are encouraged to consult VCFA’s website to acquaint themselves with our programs, distinctive academic schedule, learning processes, and educational philosophy.
Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company! We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!
Materials Handler is responsible for the safe, efficient, and accurate handling and transport of physical inventory throughout the building and performs systematic transfers. Materials Handler Evening Lead is
• Cover Letter, CV/Resume • Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, outlining your professional skills, accomplishments, experience, and willingness to engage in activities to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion.
responsible for training new Materials Handling staff, performs daily building closing routines and locking procedures, and heads Bin Maintenance operations. Overall we are interested in applicants with experience operating various materials handling machines. The schedule for both positions is: M - F, 10 am – 6:30 pm regularly, 2 pm - 10:30 pm during peak seasons.
For full consideration, submit application by January 27th. Position will remain open until filled.
Interested? Please go to our careers page at www.gardeners.com/careers and apply online!
To apply send the following to vcfacareers@vcfa.edu: 3v-ShardVilla011321.indd 1
1/18/21 12:56 PM
1/19/21 11:09 AM
1/11/21 12:13 PM
6t-VTCollegeFineArts012021.indd 1
1/18/21 MatHand7D_011821.indd 6t-GardenerSupply012021.indd 12:09 PM 1 1
12:18 AM PM 1/18/21 10:20
JANUARY 20-27, 2021
Legal/Office Assistant Legal/Office Assistant Legal/Office Assistant Legal/Office Legal/Office Assistant Burlington office Burlington office Burlington office Burlington office Burlington office Legal/Office Assistant Burlington office
Entry level position position for for an an energetic, energetic, organized organized Entry level level position position for an energetic, organized Burlington Entry for anoffice energetic, organized Entry level position for an energetic, organized who wishes to train as a while individual wishes to train as alegal legalassistant assistant while Entry levelwho position for anas energetic, organized individual wishes to train a legal assistant while individual who wishes tofor train asenergetic, legal assistant while individual who wishes to train as aa legal legal assistant while supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 Entry level position an organized supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 individual who wishes to train as a assistant while supporting other other staff. staff. Candidates must have 1-3 supporting Candidates must have 1-3 years of relevant work experience, preferably ininan supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 individual who wishes to train as a legal assistant while years of relevant work experience, preferably an supporting other staff. Candidates must have 1-3 years of of relevant relevant work work experience, preferably ininan years experience, an office setting, detail oriented, proficient in supporting otherbe staff. Candidates must have in 1-3 years of work experience, preferably in an office setting, be detail oriented,preferably proficient in years of relevant relevant work experience, preferably an office setting, be detail oriented, proficient in office setting, beand detail oriented, proficient in years of relevant work experience, preferably in an Microsoft Word have excellent typing skills. office setting, be detail oriented, proficient in Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. office setting, proficient Microsoft Wordbeanddetail have oriented, excellent typing skills.in Microsoft Word anddetail have excellent proficient typing skills. officeservices setting, be oriented, in Legal services background aa plus. Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. Legal background plus. Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. Legal services background a plus. Legal services background a plus. plus. Microsoft Word and have excellent typing skills. Legal services background Legal services background aaa plus. We offer a competitive salary Legal services background plus. We offer a competitive competitive salary salaryand andbenefits benefitspackage. package. and benefits package.
When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package. P U B L I C H E A LT H N U R S E I O R I I – B U R L I N G T O N The Vermont Department of Health is seeking a Public Health Nurse with a passion for improving health equity in Chittenden County. Current focus of the work is COVID-19 pandemic response. The Health Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the department’s diversity and commitment to foster an environment of mutual respect, acceptance, and equal opportunity. During COVID-19 response, work outside regular hours is expected. Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact Dana Ward at (802) 951-0185, Dana.Ward@vermont.gov. Status: Full Time. Job ID #11381 or 11182. Application Deadline: January 24, 2021.
Learn more at: careers.vermont.gov
Weoffer offeraacompetitive competitive salary salary and and benefits We benefits package. package. WeWe offer a acompetitive salary andand benefits package. offer competitive salary and benefits package. Please reply with cover letter resume to: Please reply reply with with cover coverletter letterand andresume resume to: to: Please reply Dorfman, with cover letter and resume to: Richard Business Manager Please reply with cover letter and resume Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Richard Business Manager Please replyDorfman, withSperry cover letter and resume to:to: Langrock & Wool, LLP Richard Dorfman, Business Langrock Sperry & Wool, Wool,Manager LLP Langrock Sperry & LLP Richard Dorfman, Business Manager P.O. Box Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Langrock Sperry &721 Wool, LLP P.O. Box 721 P.O. Box 721 Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Burlington, VT 05402 Langrock Sperry Wool, LLP Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402 Burlington, VT 05402 P.O. 721 P.O. Box Box 721 P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402 Burlington, Burlington, VT 05402 05402 or via email to: rdorfman@langrock.com Burlington, VT 05402
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer
5h-VTDeptHumanResources012021.indd 1
1/15/21 10:03 AM
or via email email to: to: rdorfman@langrock.com rdorfman@langrock.com or via email to: rdorfman@langrock.com viaemail emailto: to:rdorfman@langrock.com rdorfman@langrock.com ororvia
4t-LangrockSperryWool011321.indd 1
Our Lady of Providence is a Residential Care Community whose mission is supporting the spiritual, emotional, and physical well being of those entrusted to our care.
Union Bank, your hometown community bank since 1891, is an employer of choice in the markets we serve. We offer challenging and rewarding career opportunities. Currently, we are seeking a motivated individual to join our existing team of dedicated Commercial Service professionals to provide outstanding support as a Commercial Loan Credit Analyst.
We are seeking Resident Care Assistants for day and night shifts to support residents in managing their day to day physical, emotional and psychological care needs. The Resident Care Assistant will provide personal care services to residents who are functionally, physically or socially impaired under the direction of the shift nurse. Previous experience working with the elder population is preferred. Pay is based on experience. We offer benefits including health, dental, vision, short term, and accidental insurance, paid time off, discounted meals while you are working, and a wonderful atmosphere in which to work. We are on the bus route and have on-site parking available.
Responsible for analyzing credit requests to determine the level of risk involved in extending credit. The analysis consists of scrutiny of a potential borrower’s character, capacity, and capital and evaluation of those characteristics in relationship to the current economy and the conditions predicted over the loan period. Assist Commercial Lenders with credit analysis. This position may be located in our Morrisville main office or in one of our branch office locations. Qualified candidate should have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Finance, Accounting or related field with a strong basis in financial accounting, or equivalent experience. Demonstrated analytical and critical thinking skills are essential, and prior experience with commercial lending, credit analysis, underwriting and loan documentation is preferred. Excellent written and oral communication skills are essential, as is the ability to interact with lenders to discuss credit requests and existing loans. The ability to work in a fast paced, high volume environment, with the ability to anticipate and meet deadlines is important. The position requires an individual who is organized and is able to work on several tasks simultaneously while maintaining a positive attitude. The selected candidate must have the ability to work both independently, as well as in a team setting with other credit analysts and bank staff, to successfully follow through on projects as assigned. Good judgment, mathematical aptitude, and self-confidence are important.
Our Lady of Providence is a nonprofit organization providing housing and services to seniors in a residential care community in the heart of Winooski, VT.
RN/LPNs We are seeking RN/LPNS to complete our team of talented and caring nurses. Day and night shifts are available The ideal candidate will have experience in geriatric nursing and staff supervision. The nurse will ensure the provision of care and services to residents who are functionally, physically, or socially impaired as stated in the individualized plan of care. This nurse is responsible for working with the Director of Nursing to support, mentor, and empower the wonderful team of caregivers under their supervision.
Salary will be commensurate with experience. Union Bank offers a generous and comprehensive benefits program for full time employees, including three options of comprehensive medical insurance coverage, two dental insurance options, a robust 401(k) plan with a generous company match, fully paid life and disability insurance, paid vacation, personal and sick leave, and opportunities for professional education.
We offer a strong benefits package including health, dental, and vision insurance, paid time off, and meals while working, parking on-site and we are on the bus route. Pay is commensurate with experience. Must possess a valid and unencumbered Vermont RN or LPN license. Experience in long term care setting preferred.
To be considered for this position, submit cover letter, resume, references and salary requirements to:
Human Resources-Union Bank, P.O. Box 667 Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667 careers@unionbanknh.com
Send resumes to: mbelanger@ourladyofprovidence.org.
E.O.E. - MEMBER FDIC 9t-UnionBank011321.indd 1
1/8/21 12:00 PM
1/11/21 11:58 AM 6t-OurLadyofProvidence011321.indd 1
1/12/21 11:02 AM
Champlain Housing Trust is growing, and we are currently seeking a Staff Accountant responsible for creating and maintaining accurate financial information, and GAAP compliant internal and external financial statements for an assigned portfolio of multifamily residential or commercial rental properties. The ideal candidate for this position will have a degree in accounting and a minimum of 3 years’ relevant experience. A combination of education and experience may be considered. Strong technology skills, a positive attitude, attention to detail, and significant level of self-motivation are required.
Essex High School has a population of approximately 190 students eligible for special education and 100 students eligible for 504 plans all of which fall within the responsibility of this position. The position will serve as LEA for IEP meetings, participate and ensure compliance with 504, and be a key leader on the administrative team in collaboration with teacher leaders. The position will regularly collaborate with outside agencies providing services to students with disabilities. The selected candidate will work with a talented leadership team of school and central office based educators and administrators and provide continued service, support, and leadership to the students, faculty, staff, parents, and communities.
If you are committed to the success of all students but do not meet all qualifications listed above, you are still encouraged to apply. For consideration, please apply electronically through schoolspring.com (Job ID 3418252).
8t-EssexWestfordSchoolDistrict012021.indd 1
Are you a handy person with great people skills? Do you have a willingness to learn, solid work ethic, and positive attitude? Do you care about our community and want to make a difference when you go to work each day? If so, we would like to meet you. Champlain Housing Trust is hiring Maintenance Technicians who will perform a wide variety of tasks to keep our multifamily residential and commercial properties safe and looking their best. Excellent customer service skills are required. Prior experience in light construction or residential maintenance and/or an ability to speak multiple languages are a plus. We are willing to train the right person. One of Vermont’s Best Places to Work in 2020, CHT is a socially responsible employer offering an inclusive, friendly work environment and competitive pay commensurate with experience. Our excellent benefit package includes a generous health insurance plan, three weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, sick leave, 403(b) retirement plan with employer contribution after one year, disability and life insurance and more. Apply for these positions by visiting our career page: getahome.org/about/careers. 7t-ChamplainHousingTrust012021.indd 1
Looking for a meaningful job that offers a comprehensive approach to both employee and client satisfaction? Champlain Community Services, named “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for two years in a row, wants you as part of our team. Our current openings provide opportunities to make a positive impact on someone’s life, and in yours.
1/19/21 11:15 AM
Direct Support Professional Join our Direct Support Professional team to work one-on-one with individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism. Feel good about what you do, enjoy your job, receive a comprehensive benefits package (including $100 sign-on bonus!) and feel a deep sense of appreciation from your employer. This is an excellent job for applicants entering human services or for those looking to continue their work in this field. Send cover letter and application to Karen Ciechanowicz at staff@ccs-vt.org.
Direct Support Professional Overnights Be a part of a team working with a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using man with a budding talent for photography and political activism. Candidates must be able to lift fifty pounds and be comfortable providing personal care. Multiple 24-hour shifts available at $250/day including asleep overnight hours plus $500 sign on bonus after three months of employment. Experience is helpful but will train the right candidate. Send resume to Finlay Miller at fmiller@ccs-vt.org.
Shared Living Provider Open your home to an individual with and intellectual disability or autism. The following positions include a generous tax-free stipend, ongoing supports, assistance 3:44 PM with necessary home modifications, respite and a comprehensive training package: • Support a humorous gentleman with autism who enjoys getting out and about, creating puns, crunching numbers and relaxing. • Support a young gentleman who enjoys gaming, having an active social life and being a part of a family dynamic in the greater Burlington area. Contact Jennifer Wolcott at jwolcott@ccs-vt.org for more information. Work for a place where we are ‘Building a Community Where Everyone Participates and Belongs’ both within the workplace and out in the community. Visit ccs-vt.org, click on Join Us and apply today! 5v-7t-ChamplainCommunityServices011321.indd 1
2h_contactinfo.indd 1
69 JANUARY 20-27, 2021
You're a dedicated and skilled accounting professional in search of a rewarding, challenging and stable career, & we are excited to meet you!
Essex High School, part of the Essex Westford School District, is seeking an experienced special education leader for its highly regarded 9-12 high school serving over 1200 students.
EWSD is committed to considering out-of-state candidates who are eligible to hold a Vermont educator license but do not yet hold a license in this state. EWSD is committed to building a culturally and linguistically diverse and inclusive environment. Successful candidates must be committed to working effectively with diverse community populations and expected to strengthen such capacity if hired.
The District desires a student-centered, collaborative, dynamic, visionary leader who will promote high levels of equity, inclusion, high-quality mental health services, continuous improvement in student achievement, safe and respectful learning environments. The ability to be innovative, stay calm under pressure, and be facile with technology and meeting facilitation will be critical skills. Candidates will possess a wealth of knowledge around multidimensional intervention, crisis management, and data analysis. Preferred candidates will have successful leadership experience in special education. Candidates must be licensed or be eligible for a license as a special education director in Vermont.
4/25/16 6:25 PM
1/11/21 8:25 PM
JANUARY 20-27, 2021
Full Time, All Shifts VTDigger is expanding our dynamic business team We're currently seeking a Creative Director to take our brand to the next level and an Account Executive to help our sales reach new heights. Learn more at vtdigger.org/jobs/ or apply now at cutt.ly/vtdjobs 3h-VTDigger012021.indd 1
1/19/21 11:48 AM
• $17.00/Hour for Starting LNA Pay or $15.00/hour for Starting RCA (non-licensed) Pay • $3.00/hour Pandemic Pay Bump • $4.00/hour Night Shift Differential • Plus a $1,000 sign on bonus!
The Vermont Judiciary is recruiting for a fulltime, permanent manager with our Planning and Court Services Division. This position is responsible for developing and managing court programs with a focus on access to justice and language access. Will research and implement best practices. Will collect and analyze data to support continuous improvement across a range of operational areas. Located in Montpelier.
All employees at The Converse Home must pass a criminal background check nationally. Visit conversehome.com to apply online or email your resume to kellie@conversehome.com.
4t-ConverseHome011321.indd 1
BA in public administration or a related field & 6+ years in managing projects, improving processes, court operations, administration, or grants administration. Salary $75,000 annually with excellent medical, dental, paid leave and retirement benefits. Go to vermontjudiciary.org/employment-opportunities/ staff-openings for further details and an application to apply.
This position is open until filled. Equal opportunity employer.
4t-OfficeCourtAdministrator011321.indd 1
Agriculture Programs Manager
The Vermont Association of Conservation Districts seeks a full-time Agriculture Programs Manager to develop and oversee statewide programs that help agricultural producers protect and enhance soil and water quality, strengthen farm viability, and comply with state water quality regulations. This is a statewide position managing grants and contracts with Conservation Districts. 3-5 years of program management experience required, including grant management, training and supervision of others. Knowledge and experience in agriculture, agronomy, conservation planning, water quality issues, and BA required. Starting salary range $48,000-$52,000 commensurate with experience. Home-based position with generous benefits. Visit www.vacd.org for detailed job description. Send resume, cover letter, three references, and brief writing sample in a single PDF by 8 am Monday February 8th to clare.ireland@vacd.org. EOE
1/12/21 10:44 AM
Engaging minds that change the world
Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Web Developer - University Libraries - #S2657PO - Are you passionate about defining and creating a great user experience on the web? Are you a self-motivated full stack developer who thrives in an academic environment? Join us, a team of service-oriented library professionals, in empowering university students and the community at large to access a broad range of information resources at the University of Vermont. As a member of our team, you will manage, maintain, and develop our web assets in PHP/Drupal while installing new tools and integrating content from third-party 3:55 PM systems. You will also assess data analytics, conduct usability testing, and recommend improvements based on best practices. You will then bring your knowledge and insights to our team serving on our Library Information Systems (LISG) and User Experience (UX) groups, as well as collaborating with the institution’s central web team, to continually improve the customer experience. We invite you to bring your broad web experiences to a flexible but high-impact environment at the University of Vermont Libraries. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree and two to four years’ related experience to include website development required. Experience working with APIs, JavaScript Frameworks such as REACT, and knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript required. Experience developing and conducting usability tests and translating findings to iterative integrated UI enhancements and designing for and implementing web accessibility standards as defined by WCAG required. Experience with full stack development within a web content management system, such as Drupal, required. Working knowledge of PHP required. Effective communication skills and ability to articulate and justify concepts to a team of non-developers required. Statistical Design and Data Specialist - University Libraries - #S2658PO - The University Libraries is searching for a Statistical Design and Data Specialist (Researcher/Analyst) staff member to join our team. This position serves as a consultant to graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdocs at the University of Vermont on statistical methodologies, data interpretation and analysis, experimental design, data management, and the use of software supporting such work. This position will serve as a vital member of the “Statistics Core,” a collaborative, shared resource team that has extended its mission to developing and coordinating statistical support for the entire UVM campus. Formally reporting to the Libraries’ director of access & technology services and functioning as a key element in the libraries’ program of research consultation, this position responds to the needs of students across campus. The incumbent aligns work with the consensus-driven vision of the Statistics Core team and meets regularly with members of the team for strategic planning, tactical planning, and continuing education. Minimum Qualifications: Master’s degree in statistics, biostatistics, or related field and three to five years of experience in statistical consulting required. Effective verbal and written communication skills, together with the ability to communicate statistical ideas and concepts clearly and succinctly to a non-technical audience, required. Ability to work effectively as part of a multi-disciplinary team and to prioritize and manage multiple projects required. Familiarity with institutional research board (IRB) policies, procedures, and protocols required. Comprehensive knowledge of at least two major statistical analysis software packages is required (SAS, R, Stata, or SPSS) required. Demonstrated success guiding students, faculty and staff through stressful projects required. Diversity Statement: The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit www. uvmjobs.com. Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email employment@uvm.edu for technical support with the online application. The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 9v-Graystone020520.indd 1
5v-VACD012021.indd 1
Looking for rewarding and steady work in these times of uncertainty? Join the Converse Home, an Assisted Living Community, located in the heart of Burlington. We currently have a 40 hour nights position from 10:30pm-7:00am, 40 hour evening position 2:30pm-11pm, and 32 hour day position 6:30am-3:00pm. Now is the time to make a career move into long term care, which is one of the fast-growing industries in Vermont and the world. Evening and Night staff occasionally will be charge of shift so you should be able to pass our internal medication administration program.
1/15/21 2:28 PM
1/18/21 12:16 PM
Receptionist/ Administrative Assistant South Burlington based independent insurance agency looking for a receptionist. Candidate should have excellent interpersonal skills and familiarity with common software applications. Main tasks are greeting customers, answering the phone, and data processing. Competitive salary and benefit package.
Stowe Land Trust, a local land conservation organization in Stowe, VT, is seeking a Summer Naturalist. This VHCB AmeriCorps position offers an exciting opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with a solid land conservation organization & successful team.
2v-StoweLandTrust012220.indd 1 1/12/21 2v-StoweLandTrust012021.indd 10:39 AM
2v-TSPeck011321.indd 1
Overnight Asleep Staff Pride Support and Services is a small agency that works with individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury. We are seeking an individual to work 3-4 overnight shifts per week in the Barre/Berlin area. Hours are 10 pm to 7 am. This is a vigilant asleep overnight position. The right person must be alert and able to respond to the individual’s needs quickly when necessary if he awakens. Excellent hourly pay rate. Candidates need to be comfortable providing personal care and pass background check. Experience helpful but willing to train the right candidate. Please send resume:
71 JANUARY 20-27, 2021
VERMONT STATE HOUSING AUTHORITY Statewide affordable housing provider/ manager has several employment opportunities. Make a difference by joining our team & help individuals & families with their housing needs!
Program to assist landlords & tenants in need of rental arrearage assistance due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Several limited-service positions available for 1218 months, subject to funding. Must possess strong organizational, communication, mathematical & data entry skills with the ability to work in a fast-paced mcorrow@pridetbi.com. atmosphere. Position performs administrative & technical support with heavy public contact. Must be able to work remotely with reliable internet service. 1/17/202v-PrideSupports&Services011321.indd 1/19/21 4:17 AM 9:55 PM 1 1/12/21 10:32 AM
Visit stowelandtrust.org for position description and information on how to apply.
Send resumes to: jakehynes@tspeck.com.
Position will coordinate & administer case management to Section 8 program participants for a variety of programs. Bachelor’s Degree & a minimum of 2 years’ work experience in social services with a focus on case management & outreach. Position is home-based & requires working in a field environment covering Franklin, Chittenden, Grand Isle & Addison counties, with driving on a regular basis. Position is funded based on annual appropriations.
HEALTH POLICY ANALYST Vermont Legal Aid seeks candidates for a full-time health policy analyst within the Office of the Health Care Advocate (HCA) based in either Burlington or Montpelier (post COVID). The Policy Analyst advocates for a transparent, affordable, high quality health care system through policy analysis, legislative and administrative advocacy, and participation in Vermont’s health care regulatory process.
We encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds, and welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace. Responsibilities include participation in health care regulatory proceedings by reviewing budgets, preparing questions and working with stakeholder groups; researching, writing, and publishing formal policy papers on a variety of health care-related subjects; and supporting HCA legislative efforts, including some work at the State House (post COVID). The successful candidate must have an extensive knowledge of the health care system, including financing, payment and delivery models, and health policy trends. Graduate degree in public administration, finance, public health, health care delivery, law, or related field; or a minimum of four years’ equivalent work experience required. Base salary is $52,411 with salary credit given for relevant prior work experience. Four weeks’ paid vacation, retirement, and excellent health benefits. Application deadline is February 1, 2021. Your application should include a cover letter, resume, three references, and a writing sample, combined into one pdf, sent by e-mail to Betsy Whyte at bwhyte@vtlegalaid.org with “HCA Position” in the subject line. Please let us know how you heard about this position. Visit our website for more information about the position and our organization and complete application instructions: vtlegalaid.org. 9t-VTLegalAid012021.indd 1
Performs professional accounting & technical work related to nonprofits & limited partnerships. Knowledge of GAAP & its application is essential. Bachelor’s degree with major work in accounting, business administration plus two years’ experience with emphasis on accounting & financial management. Additional experience may be substituted for education. Located in Montpelier, VT.
Responsible for all human resource activities including but not limited to recruitment/hiring, orientation, collective bargaining, all employee benefits, policy development, compliance & reporting. Assists Executive Director with agency administration & coordination, board preparation; acts as Fair Housing Coordinator & Records Officer. Batchelor’s, plus 5 years’ progressive responsibility including supervision. Located in Montpelier, VT. Positions are full time, with benefits. Visit www.vsha.org for employment application & full position details. Send cover letter, resume & completed application to HR, VSHA, One Prospect St., Montpelier, Vt. 05602; contact@vsha.org. VSHA is an equal opportunity employer.
1/19/21 11:19 AM 9v-VSHA011321.indd 1
1/12/21 11:10 AM
fun stuff
Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women THU., JAN. 21 VIRTUAL EVENT
Art and the Brain: An Art Making Experience SAT., JAN. 23, 30 VIRTUAL EVENT
Arabian Takeout
Resolutions for Resilience: A Ritual Based Workshop SUN., JAN. 24 VIRTUAL EVENT
Exploring Spirituality THU., JAN. 28 VIRTUAL EVENT
Bosnian Takeout
Life and Loss: A Gathering for the Grieving THU., FEB. 4 VIRTUAL EVENT
Nachmo Challenge Showcase FRI., FEB. 5 VIRTUAL EVENT
Somali Bantu Takeout
Nature Inspirations: Art explorations Using Nature Observation SAT., FEB. 6, 13, 20, 27 VIRTUAL EVENT
VCET Lunch & Learn: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Digital PR MON., FEB. 8 VIRTUAL EVENT
• • • •
• • • •
Fundraisers Festivals Plays & Concerts Sports
2v-tickets012021.indd 1
No cost to you Local support Built-in promotion Custom options
Contact: 865-1020, ext. 10 getstarted@sevendaystickets.com SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 20-27, 2021
1/19/21 3:43 PM
fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE
Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at sevendaysvt.com/super-readers or call us at 802-864-5684.
74SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 20-27, 2021 1
7/14/20 3:32 PM
Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at deep-dark-fears.tumblr.com, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.
“My business is circumference,” wrote poet Emily Dickinson in a letter to her mentor. What did she mean by that? “Circumference” was an important word for her. It appeared in 17 of her poems. Critic Rochelle Cecil writes that, for Dickinson, circumference referred to a sense of boundlessness radiating out from a center — a place where “one feels completely free, where one can express anything and everything.” According to critic Donna M. Campbell, circumference was Dickinson’s metaphor for ecstasy. When she said, “My business is circumference,” she meant that her calling was to be eternally in quest of awe and sublimity. I propose that you make good use of Dickinson’s circumference in the coming weeks, Aquarius. It’s time to get your mind and heart and soul thoroughly expanded and elevated.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): On May 4, 2019,
my Aries friend Leah woke up in a state of amazement. During the night, she felt she had miraculously become completely enlightened. Over the next 16 hours, she understood her life perfectly. Everything made sense to her. She was in love with every person and animal she knew. But by the next morning, the exalted serenity had faded, and she realized that her enlightenment had been temporary. She wasn’t mad or sad, however. The
experience shook her up so delightfully that she vowed to forevermore seek to re-create the condition she had enjoyed. Recently she told me that on virtually every day since May 4, 2019, she has spent at least a few minutes, and sometimes much longer, exulting in the same ecstatic peace that visited her back then. That’s the Aries way: turning a surprise, spontaneous blessing into a permanent breakthrough. I trust you will do that soon.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): One morning, famous French army general Hubert Lyautey (1854-1934) instructed his gardener to spend the next day planting a row of saplings on his property. The gardener agreed but advised Lyautey that this particular species of tree required 100 years to fully mature. “In that case,” Lyautey said, “plant them now.” I recommend that you, too, expedite your long-term plans, Taurus. Astrologically speaking, the time is ripe for you to take crisp action to fulfill your big dreams. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Someone asked
poet E.E. Cummings what home was for him. He responded poetically, talking about his lover. Home was “the stars on the tip of your tongue, the flowers sprouting from your mouth, the roots entwined in the gaps between your fingers, the ocean echoing inside your ribcage.” What about you, Gemini? If you were asked to give a description of what makes you feel glad to be alive and helps give you the strength to be yourself, what would you say? Now would be a good time to identify and honor the influences that inspire you to create your inner sense of home.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Be sweet to me, world,” pleads Cancerian poet Stephen Dunn in one of his poems. In the coming weeks, I invite you to address the world in a similar way. And since I expect the world will be unusually receptive and responsive to your requests, I’ll encourage you to add even more entreaties. For example, you could say, “Be revelatory and educational with me, world,” or “Help me deepen my sense that life is meaningful, world,” or “Feed my soul with experiences that will make me smarter and wilder and kinder,
world.” Can you think of other appeals and supplications you’d like to express to the world?
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Throughout his many rough travels in the deserts of the Middle East, the Leo diplomat and army officer known as Lawrence of Arabia (1888-1935) didn’t give up his love of reading. While riding on the backs of camels, he managed to study numerous tomes, including the works of ancient Greek writers Aeschylus and Aristophanes. I’d love to see you perform comparable balancing acts in the coming weeks, Leo. The astrological omens suggest you’ll be skilled at coordinating seemingly uncoordinatable projects and tasks — and that you’ll thrive by doing so. (P.S. Your efforts may be more metaphorical and less literal than Lawrence’s.) VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Sculptor Stefan Saal testifies that one of his central questions as a creator of art is to know when a piece is done. “When making a thing I need to decide, when is it thoroughly made, when is it darewe-say ‘perfected.’” He has tried to become a master of knowing where and when to stop. I recommend this practice to you in the next two weeks, Virgo. You’ve been doing good work and will continue to do good work, but it’s crucial that you don’t get overly fussy and fastidious as you refine and perhaps even finish your project. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): You’re entering the potentially most playful and frisky and whimsical phase of your astrological cycle. To honor and encourage a full invocation of gleeful fun, I offer you the following thoughts from Tumblr blogger Sparkledog. “I am so tired of being told that I am too old for the things I like. No cartoons. No toys. No fantasy animals. No bright colors. Are adults supposed to live monotonous, bleak lives? I can be an adult and still love childish things. I can be intelligent and educated and informed and I can love stuffed animals and unicorns. Please stop making me feel bad for loving the things that make me happy.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Nature cannot be ordered about, except by obeying her,” wrote philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626). That paradoxical observation could prove highly useful for you in the coming weeks. Here are
some other variants on the theme: Surrendering will lead to power. Expressing vulnerability will generate strength. A willingness to transform yourself will transform the world around you. The more you’re willing to acknowledge that you have a lot to learn, the smarter you’ll be.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): In his book
The Lover’s Dictionary, David Levithan advises lovers and would-be lovers to tell each other their very best stories. “Not the day’s petty injustices,” he writes. “Not the glimmer of a seven-eighthsforgotten moment from your past. Not something that somebody said to somebody, who then told it to you.” No, to foster the vibrant health of a love relationship — or any close alliance for that matter — you should consistently exchange your deepest, richest tales. This is always true, of course, but it’s especially true for you right now.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): On October 18, 1867, the United States government completed its purchase of Alaska from Russia. How much did this 586,000-acre kingdom cost? Two cents per acre, which in today’s money would be about 37 cents. It was a tremendous bargain! I propose that we regard this transaction as a metaphor for what’s possible for you in 2021: the addition of a valuable resource at a reasonable price. (P.S. American public opinion about the Alaskan purchase was mostly favorable back then, but a few influential newspapers described it as foolish. Don’t let naysayers like them dissuade you from your smart action.) PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Should I quote the wisdom of people who have engaged in behavior I consider unethical or immoral? Should I draw inspiration from teachers who at some times in their lives treated others badly? For instance, Pisces-born Ted Geisel, better known as beloved author Dr. Seuss, cheated on his wife while she was sick, ultimately leading to her suicide. Should I therefore banish him from my memory and never mention the good he did in the world? Or should I forgive him for his sins and continue to appreciate him? I don’t have a fixed set of rules about how to decide questions like these. How about you? The coming weeks will be a good time to redefine your relationship with complicated people.
L ATEST VIDEO! Eva Sollberger’s
Watch at sevendaysvt.com 4H-Stuck012021.indd 1
supported by: beaten path Walk off the ered woods in snow-cov with Eva in Westford , Mike Frisbie and hunter l a im n a es who identifi at. Frisbie sc d n a s track ras set up has 11 came -mile loop along a two his footage and shares otters and of deer, fox, ne. coyotes onli
1/19/21 12:15 PM
Respond to these people online: dating.sevendaysvt.com WOMEN seeking... INDEPENDENT, BULLETPROOF, CURIOUS, CREATIVE, ADVENTUROUS You can read my heading as Miss Fit or Misfit; works both ways. Grew up 50 miles from New York City, where I studied dance. I mostly worked as a technical writer. In Oregon I became certified as a sustainable building adviser. Currently writing family history. Looking for a man with a good sense of humor who is healthy and active. MissFit, 79, seeking: M CURIOUS, WARM, MATURE I am a curious person by nature and love to explore. I spend a lot of time hiking with my dog Spartacus (Sparky). I love painting and writing and doing home improvement projects indoors and out. I am looking for a mature, confidant man who has it together. Fun and wit are great; chaos and drama are not. LadyL0664, 54, seeking: M, l FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, INDEPENDENT, EASYGOING Very honest, loyal, friendly. Enjoy cooking, traveling, walking, driving with no destination, exploring the beauty of the Green Mountains. Would enjoy finding the same in my partner. dyniska, 79, seeking: M COMICMELLOW Love music, outdoors, painting, cooking, building. ComicMellow, 43, seeking: M, W, Q, l
WANT TO RESPOND? You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
See photos of this person online.
W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups
EDUCATED, SENSITIVE, ADVENTURE SEEKER Adventurous, sensitive, fit, deep-thinking, independent, divorced woman with two wonderful teenage sons. Enjoy walking, hiking, skiing, kayaking, swimming, biking, exploring new places (cities and ruins), connecting with the locals and learning their language. If you are a night owl, you have to find another roost. Seeking someone kind, responsible and fun. JoySeeker, 53, seeking: M, l CURIOUS, FUN UNICORN Do you ski at Stowe? Golf in the summer? Play pickleball and tennis? Have a boat? SUP or windsurf? Do you have a current passport that you will be looking forward to using as soon as possible? Are you a traveler, not a tourist? Are you happy and fun and single and available? Send me a note ... and I actually like fishing. 3percent, 59, seeking: M, l JUST CURIOUS Just checking things out. Havana_89, 31, seeking: M, l KEEPING IT LIGHT THESE DAYS Adventurous free spirit looking for someone who is willing to put their body between me and an angry/ unhappy loon — whenever that situation occurs, or one of a similar nature. lupinelady, 42, seeking: M, l OPEN MIND, HEART, ACTIVE COMPANION Kind, curious, open-minded, capable, community-oriented, care-full, creative companion for activity, to ski, swim, sail slowly. Let’s meet on the bike path near Burlington sometime — or my favorite, the Colchester Causeway. 62-y/o woman. Please contact me by sending me a message — and I hope we can meet in person sooner rather than later, as companionship comes down to chemistry. openmindheart, 62, seeking: M, l
JOYFUL Looking for a funny person ’cause I’m funny, too! Creative type! I love going to galleries and museums. Kind, compassionate, like to travel, go boating and be on beaches. I see life through optimistic eyes. Scout, 67, seeking: M, l COUNTRY GIRL LOVES MOTORCYCLE RIDES Affectionate country girl looking for a man who knows how to treat a lady. I have a great sense of humor, and you should, too! Love to horseback ride, take walks, bike ride, hike and enjoy each other’s company. I can also make a mean cheesecake! CURIOSITY22, 62, seeking: M, l MILLENNIALS INQUIRE WITHIN. YEEHAW. Looking for a hot, nerdy dude who has an adventurous, sensitive, techie soul. Good with his hands. Must love cuddles. I don’t mind if you prioritize your alone time as long as you don’t mind that I can be an endearing space case. Be warned: I will ask for your natal chart and when your most recent STI test was. starsaligned, 25, seeking: M WILD-HAIRED, FUN, YET TRUE I’m kind and true. I love Vermont, all the adventures that it offers. I can’t wait to travel, only to come home to garden, hike, paint and create in Vermont. I’m looking for a “partner in crime,” someone to create and dream together. Perhaps I’ll find my best friend and lover all wrapped into one beautiful heart of a man. Verita, 59, seeking: M, l
EARNEST AND AGREEABLE IDEALIST My best friendships have little to do with geography. I’m obsessed with “The West Wing.” I love my students, and I still read young adult novels. ckg802, 31, seeking: M, l
FUNNY, ACTIVE ACTIVIST AND ADVENTURIST Recently moved to Vermont from D.C. Would like to meet people for social/ political activism, hiking, hanging out and socializing. Always up for new adventures, like discussing world events. Am compassionate, enjoy outdoor activities. I’m nonjudgmental and appreciate the same in others. I’ve been involved in activism around racial equity, health care and disability rights ... but don’t take myself too seriously! AnnieCA, 67, seeking: M, l
JOYFUL, HONEST, KIND, HARDWORKING MOMMA I decided a year ago to choose happiness, left my job of 12 years in education to follow my dream of learning to weld. I start school full time in March and cannot wait! In the meantime, I am working security for a local company, walking a lot and enjoying life! Just want to share the joy with someone! Sara82, 38, seeking: M, W, l
INTUITIVE, CREATIVE, A GOOD LISTENER! I’m a good person who enjoys good food to eat, good wine to drink, good books to read, good stories to share and good friends to spend time with. I have been called the “Quick of Wit.” My friends say that I am funny, caring, creative, sometimes edgy, and that I not only tell good stories, I write them! Sentient, 66, seeking: M, l
LET’S PRETEND Let’s pretend the world is healing, and we can celebrate together. I love comedy improv, swimming, my family and great food, reading and being read to, travel and adventures. Looking for a healthy, funny, intelligent guy who likes jazz and world music, cooking, travel, and the outdoors. Are you comfortable with yourself and with me, a strong and independent gal? Mangosmom, 60, seeking: M, l
MEN seeking...
IS COVID DEMENTIA A THING? Hi there! Tired of the pandemic but still want to stay safe? Want to meet a new person or two who, like you, have been super careful and will continue to be, but are ready to take a minor chance and meet someone new? Hit me up, girl. I’m a lot of fun. :) roscoebob, 37, seeking: W, l
INSPIRED BY LIFE I’m interested in people, history, languages (I speak Chinese, French and Spanish), movies, and more. I have eight hens and love dogs. I’d like to meet you on the phone and see if we have common interests. Taking it slow and establishing a friendship comes first. When COVID is over, maybe we can savor all Burlington has to offer. BBClovingguy, 25, seeking: W, l CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? Like others here, my profile is not for just any female. I am seeking a friend with benefits for now. I’ve gone stir-crazy, and my situation dictates a release. I am DDF and safe. I know how to be discreet and still have fun. Your age and looks are not as important as you being ready and willing for this kind of situation. Csaari, 58, seeking: W, TW, l
SINCERE, CARING, LOVING FAMILY MAN I’m a country boy, family man. I enjoy four seasons. Up in the mountains on the lake. I enjoy spending summers enjoying family, friends, campfires, barbecuing and roasting marshmallows, camping, boating, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, and swimming. Spend winters skiing the mountains, snowmobiling and ice fishing. Looking for that special woman who enjoys the simple pleasures, being in a loving, sincere relationship. BlueGreenHorizens, 52, seeking: W, l DOM LOOKING FOR SUB Hi. Non-practicing Dom, looking for long-term sub? I can’t host at this time, so you must. I’m open-minded, as you must be! No games. This is long-term! So could be considered 24-7. More info as we move along. lostsoul, 65, seeking: W, TW
SOULFUL, DEPENDABLE, STEADY, ACTIVE, HUMOROUS I am really a straight shooter who likes good company and being outdoors. I love the water, boating and swimming. Mellow at times, psyched up at other times. Music is my best friend, and I love hearing and sharing with others. Changling, 57, seeking: W
CHIVALRY Friendly “man” looking for my sidekick/partner/friend. Bruce2016, 53, seeking: W, l
SIMPLE VERMONT COUNTRY GUY Hey y’all, I’m a recently separated professional, work-at-home dad just looking to get out (or stay in) with a fun, easygoing woman. NSA is fine by me. I’m open-minded, athletic and willing to take chances, especially with or for the right woman. VTfarmboy213, 35, seeking: M, l
TRANS WOMEN seeking...
WANT A MAN FRIEND Older gent looking for discreet relationship with a man. bornagainvergin, 72, seeking: M OCCASIONAL GET-TOGETHER Looking for an FWB arrangement. jbad, 59, seeking: M HANDSOME MAN LOOKING FOR FUN Hey, I’m single and available for your needs anytime. I love to make people happy. I’m honest, big-hearted and don’t play games. M4forcpl, 35, seeking: W, TW, Cp, l SEEKING OUTDOORSY, EMOTIONALLY AVAILABLE COMPANION Seeking liberal, even-tempered deep thinker for company to share hikes, snowshoeing, cooking, gardening, movies, Vermont road-trip adventures, bicycling, physical affection, and conversations on nature, hiking, children, psychology, relationships, spirituality, religion, politics, music, movies, writing, ideas. Vermontlover, 53, seeking: W, l OLD-SCHOOL WITH NEW ENERGY I’m looking for a spontaneous adventure partner who also would enjoy quiet time being a pillow pal. Shy2try, 59, seeking: W, l COMPASSIONATE, SENSUOUS, CARING I am recently widowed, still miss my wife very much. Would like to invite a lady between the ages of 50 and 60 to a dinner (H/W proportional) prepared by me, no obligation on either’s part, and see where it takes us. I am an avid cook and a great host. kevinwhit, 72, seeking: W READY FOR 2021 Looking for someone to share life’s mysteries and beauty. Looking to explore the world, one adventure at a time. Do you like to swim or go boating? How about a good laugh, a good meal and company, too? Listening and learning all put together in one package. Readyfor2021, 61, seeking: W, l
SWEET, SALTY AND SPICY I consider myself fun, charming, creative and an interestingly varied individual. BKind, 29, seeking: W, Cp, l
SUBMISSIVE SEEKING... Looking to expand my experiences. I am open to many different scenes and roles. tina1966, 54, seeking: W, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp GENEROUS, OPEN, EASYGOING Warm, giving trans female with an abundance of yum to share (and already sharing it with lovers) seeks ecstatic connection for playtimes, connections, copulations, exploration and generally wonderful occasional times together. Clear communication, a willingness to venture into the whole self of you is wanted. Possibilities are wide-ranging: three, four, explorations, dreaming up an adventure are on the list! DoubleUp, 63, seeking: M, Cp, l
COUPLES seeking... COUPLE SEEKING WOMAN We are very open and honest. Clean, safe and totally discreet. We are looking for a woman who wants to try new adult things with a couple. We want to role-play and try some kink. Newboytoyvt, 51, seeking: W, l SWINGER COUPLE Couple in early 50s looking to have fun with a male partner. Husband likes to watch but also join in. Wife is a knockout little hottie who likes to cut loose. Looking for a male between 40 and 50 for some serious adult fun. Only well-hung men need apply — at least nine inches, please. Spaguy, 52, seeking: M, Gp EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW We are a loving couple of over five years. Love to play and try new things. Spend free time at the ledges. Looking for people to play with. Perhaps dinner, night out and maybe breakfast in the morning. Looking for open-minded men, women or couples who enjoy fun times and new experiences. 2newAdventurers, 52, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp OPEN-MINDED ROLE-PLAY We are an open-minded couple looking for others. Must be discreet. Please let us know your interests. If you are a male replying, you must be bi or bi-curious. VTroleplaying, 48, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
KIA BACKING OUT AT HANNAFORD I stopped to let you back out, only to be thanked by the cutest, tiniest lil peace sign ever! Thank you for making me smile and laugh. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that! When: Thursday, January 14, 2021. Where: Hannaford, Barre. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915215 SUNSHINE IN MONTPELIER Sunshine, I haven’t been able to reach you and tell you that you’re the one. Missing my Montpelier girl. When: Friday, September 25, 2020. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915214 XC SKIING SHELBURNE FARMS 2 p.m. You and your two pals were wrapping up your ski while my gang was heading out. I asked if beer was in your future; your friend said, “No, naps.” Want to ski together after you’re rested? When: Sunday, January 10, 2021. Where: Shelburne Farms. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915213 LIKE-MINDED IN BARNES & NOBLE We briefly met in Barnes & Noble. You overheard the book I was looking for and came to check the version. I have never posted one of these before, but how often do you meet people in Barnes over books like that?! If you are the guy I met and felt the same, I would love to meet you! When: Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Where: Barnes & Noble. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915212 MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR! Molly! You stopped to help me out after I slid off the road. I was flustered, and you were kind and patient. Thank you! When I saw you waiting at the bottom of the hill, I realized that I should have asked for your number. Can I buy you a drink? Or perhaps a new set of ratchet straps? When: Sunday, January 3, 2021. Where: Stone Rd., Brookfield. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915210
DOUBLE TAKE: OAK & MANHATTAN CORNER RUN Midday, driving my gold Tacoma, pink jacket, yellow hat. You were wearing red shorts and on a run. I turned to look at you, and you did, too. Stopped at the corner to turn and looked back, and you were looking back again! Wish I had looped back around to say hi and get your name. When: Sunday, January 3, 2021. Where: corner of Oak St. and Manhattan Dr. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915211 THE RIGHT SWIPE. Touch my butt, take me on a date. No particular order. Happy birthday, sweet boy, you are the lightest and brightest. Sending you my love and every free pamphlet I can get my hands on. XOXOXO. When: Sunday, November 22, 2020. Where: Tinder. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915209 NEW YEAR’S ON MOUNT ABE We both hiked up Mount Abraham on New Year’s Day and chatted briefly at the summit before you headed back down. You have a good smile and good taste in mountains — get in touch if you’d want to go for a hike together sometime! When: Friday, January 1, 2021. Where: Mount Abraham. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915208 SHARED A CHAIR We shared a lift at Stowe. You were a PA planning a move back to Boston, and you work occasionally at the hospital in my town. I hate slow lifts, but I wish we’d had longer to talk. Maybe we could plan a ski day and drinks or coffee after? When: Friday, January 1, 2021. Where: Stowe Mountain FourRunner quad. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915207 WERE YOU SERIOUS? BOOH Just want to find out if the flirt that you sent me was sincere! What is the next step? When: Monday, December 14, 2020. Where: Seven Days. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915204
Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums
Dear Reverend,
At the beginning of the pandemic, I was suddenly unemployed and wondering how I was going to make rent. I signed up for the app SeekingArrangement and found myself a sugar daddy. He’s 74 years old and has been paying me a weekly allowance to be his online girlfriend and text with him every day. Now that the vaccine is rolling out, I’m worried he’ll want to meet up for sex, and I really don’t want to do that. What’s the best way to break it off?
Sugar Free (FEMALE, 30)
CUTIE AT KRU (A KRUTIE) You’re a cute guy who works at Kru Coffee. About six feet tall with shorter hair on the side and longer on top. Nice pair of earrings each time I’ve seen you. Next time I saw you I was going to give you my number, but I haven’t seen you in a while. Want to have a drink? When: Monday, November 2, 2020. Where: Kru Coffee. You: Man. Me: Man. #915206 YOU WERE THE ART Hello, I saw you at ArtHound the other day, and wow. You blended in with all the other art around. You were a masterpiece, and I would love to see you again ... maybe make some art together. Hope you visit again. I’ll be there. See you around. XOXO. When: Monday, December 14, 2020. Where: ArtHound. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915205
‘DO I DARE?’ A question on your plate; time for you and time for me? And time yet for a hundred indecisions, and for a hundred visions and revisions before the taking of a toast and tea. In the room the women come and go talking of Michelangelo. And indeed there will be time to wonder... When: Saturday, November 2, 2019. Where: on our feet. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915199
SHAMWOW Not a moment passes that I don’t think of you. —Scoots. When: Friday, May 18, 2018. Where: in my dreams. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915195 TO MY MARILYN MONROE To my forever love, MM. Every lifetime we are drawn to each other. I am so grateful to keep finding you. Our connection is everlasting and worth everything to me. This life and the next, I love you always. Your James Dean. When: Sunday, October 9, 2016. Where: Jericho barn. You: Woman. Me: Nonbinary person. #915191
PUMPING GAS AT VALERO You: black hair wearing a mask in your zippy Nissan Titan. Me: sitting in my tastefully stickered Kia while my gas pumped. Shot in the dark, but you look fun; meet up over a drink? When: Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Where: Barre-Montpelier Rd. Valero station. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915198
MISSING BEAN-DIP DAYS To the woman who needs fancy leggings and cozy at-home leggings: I miss the carefree days of 2019 when we could sit and laugh right next to each other, even high-five if compelled. Hopefully soon we can study and make an epic bean dip, just like old times; until then, wash your hands, wear your mask and stay home. When: Wednesday, November 20, 2019. Where: buck hunter at Akes. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915190
EAVES, SMILE IN THE EYES! You were checking out with wine and a wreath. I was making coffee. We said hello! I miss seeing the smile in your eyes more regularly. I wanted to tell you about the Côtes du Rhône in my car and ask if we could share, but my confidence eluded me. Share a bottle and a walk sometime? When: Saturday, December 12, 2020. Where: City Market South End. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915203
HEY, SMOKING IN THE RAIN It was Center Rd., not Hardwick St. I should have said something while we were moving that tree out of the road in the rain. Your dark eyes struck me. Still thinking about them. We did wave to one another as I drove past you in your truck. Wanted to say hello. Curious. When: Monday, November 30, 2020. Where: Greensboro. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915197
SWEET CLOVER LOVE Hey. You checked me out at Sweet Clover Market — and, wow, did you catch my eye. The SpongeBob mask made me know that it was love at first sight, because I, too, love SpongeBob. I couldn’t see under the mask, but your smile lit up the room. I think this could be the one ... but I don’t know your name. When: Saturday, December 12, 2020. Where: Sweet Clover Market. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915202
KELLEE ON OKCUPID It’s been a while since we chatted on OKCupid. We corresponded about winter and a new snow blower you bought. I hope you’re well. —Chris. When: Friday, February 5, 2016. Where: OKCupid. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915194
DUTTON BROOK DRIVE-BY You: rugged and courteous in a pickup truck. Me: fit but flustered runner with music playing too loud. Us: hiking together next weekend? When: Tuesday, December 8, 2020. Where: Addison County. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915201 SILVER FOX IN SILVER YARIS I saw you pulling out of the skate park in your silver two-door Yaris. Driving all slow. So laid-back you don’t even use your blinkers. I just thought to myself, Damn, he’s fine. Let’s grab a taco? And fries? When: Saturday, December 5, 2020. Where: A_Dog Skatepark. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915200
Dear Sugar Free,
The etiquette of online sugar dating is the same as inperson dating, and honest communication is a key factor. Did you set expectations when you began your arrangement? It sounds like you’re not sure whether he would even want to meet up. If you haven’t discussed it already, now is the time. Even if your texts and chats have been sexual in nature, that’s not a guarantee of anything happening in the real world. You are never obligated to have sex with anybody — ever. Be clear that you are only interested in virtual
LISA ON BURROWS TRAIL SUNDAY We leapfrogged and stumbled down the Burrows Trail. I’m still feeling your warmth. Wondering all sorts of things. Walk in beauty, dear one. When: Sunday, November 22, 2020. Where: Camel’s Hump. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915193
GREG, WE MATCHED ON MATCH Not sure how to connect with you. We have a lot in common, and you seem very fun! When: Friday, November 20, 2020. Where: Match. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915189 NORTHFIELD SEPTUM RING GIRL You complimented my septum ring, and I think yours is perfect. Maybe we can do the coffee thing outside of me buying it from you? When: Friday, November 20, 2020. Where: Northfield. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915188 COLCHESTER AVE. Kelly, I am sorry. Please forgive me. —David. When: Thursday, November 19, 2020. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915187
THANKS FOR THE SMILE Thanks to the Goodwill worker in Williston who appreciated my mother’s antique lantern. Even small interactions can turn a bad day right around. I really appreciate it! You asked for my name and said it was great meeting me. I wish I had asked for yours. I’ll have to find more things to donate. When: Saturday, November 21, 2020. Where: Goodwill. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915192
MIKE B. OF NYC/BUMBLE MISS? Perhaps you were home for a short time, or COVID restrictions made you leave? I saw your match, but my right swipes are rare and can be painstakingly slow. When I finally decided, alas, you were gone. If you return to Colchester sometime soon, try again! Or reach out here. Me: 53, happily independent and active. When: Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Where: Bumble. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915186
interactions and, if he wants more, he can move on. If he’s cool with your boundaries, you may be able to continue your mutually beneficial relationship. If you’d rather break it off entirely, you don’t owe him any grand explanation. If you’ve enjoyed your time with him, just be polite about it and let him down easy. Since the vaccine is being doled out partially based on age, your sugar daddy likely will get it way before you do, so you have some time to figure things out. Good luck and God bless,
The Reverend
What’s your problem?
Send it to asktherev@sevendaysvt.com. SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 20-27, 2021
GM, mid-50s, in Rutland County tired of being cooped up for winter and COVID. Looking for like-minded individuals for some NSA fun. If something more develops, that works, too! No text/email. Phone only. #L1471 I’m a 67-y/o WM. Like hiking, walking, watching Catholic channel. Moved to Williston three years ago from Connecticut. I have two daughters who went to UVM. My wife died from breast cancer 12 years ago. We were happily married for 25 years. Retired 12 years. Please write. #L1469
Hi, I’m Steve. I’m 69, and I’m a widower. Looking for lonely lady, 58 to 70, who wants friendship and love. I treat people the way I want to be treated: nice and with love. #L1474
SWM, 60s, seeking a SWF, 30s to 60s. Outlaw, pirate, bandit! Cool cat, overactive libido, reader/ writer, RV, ski and sail, fires and wines, films and fun, chef, outdoor bear, music, hopeful romantic, off the grid. #L1472
Early 50s female seeking a good, honest man for friendship and possibly more. I’m a very good person and looking for the same in you. I’m fit and attractive, and you should be the same. Any good men left? #L1473
64-y/o SWF seeking a SM 50-74 y/o for companionship. Must be Catholic, clean, COVID-free. My interests are singing, writing, reading, teaching, cooking, and watching shows and Hallmark movies. I love animals and enjoy the simple things of life: walks, coffee or tea, sunrise or sunsets. If you want a woman who will love you for yourself, give me a try. #L1470
I’m a gay male seeking a gay male, 65+. Inexperienced but learning. Virgin. Love giving and receiving oral. #L1465
HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters
P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402
PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check
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We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.
Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required! SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 20-27, 2021
62-y/o female seeking 45- to 65-y/o man. I am loving, caring, honest, etc. Looking for the same. Tired of being alone. I enjoy music, movies, being outside and more. #L1468 Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any well-hung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1467 Honest, loving, kind and fun 68-y/o man seeking his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with! I’d hope she would share similar interests, such as skiing, beaches, boating, hiking, traveling, etc. A nonsmoker who respects nature, is spiritual, and loves music and animals would be great. #L1466
Internet-Free Dating!
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. SWF, 59 y/o, seeking “playmate” (M or F) for companionship and increased joy! Prefer my age, but open. “Old souls” seeking to expand their worlds. Avid reader, writer and news junkie. Love animals, music, food and adventures. I follow the golden rule and expect the same. 420-friendly. Let’s have coffee. Chemistry would be a miracle, but who knows. #L1464
I’m a 71-and-a-half-y/o male from Rutland County seeking a female. Netflix, cable junkie. Hope to dine again post-COVID. Love the Maine coast a couple times a year. Sedate lifestyle. Retired law enforcement. #L1461
I am a 68-y/o male seeking an advanced lady skier between 45 and 58. Jay and Smuggs pass. 19 countries + ALK. Five years Beirut. Zero Druidic. Last reads: Candide, How Fascism Works, Story of O. Adventures best shared. #L1463
49-y/o SWM seeking female for friendship with benefits. I am feminine, fit, mostly vegan. I enjoy yoga, hiking and biking, books, some cooking, and cuddling to a good movie. Seeking romantic lady for friendship. #L1457
I’m a mid-aged male seeking a male or female in these reclusive, masked times. I’m a long-distance runner, walker and aerobic distance-goer looking to share runs in the spirit of Joy Johnstone, Ed Whitlock, Larry Legend, George Sheehan — connecting to that endorphined tranquility and making sense of our lives. Any age. #L1462
I’m a 34-y/o male seeking 18- to 45-y/o female. I’m smart, artistic, funny and open-minded. Love music, books, movies and looking at the cosmos. A cat guy, but like all animals. Looking for love and friendship. #L1456
I’m here now, and you knew me as Yourdaddy921, etc. and Boomer2012, etc. Contact me via mail, please. #L1458
SWM, 60s, seeking woman around 58 to 68. Handyman. Enjoy skiing, cooking, weekend getaways. Tired of quarantine. Are you? NEK. #L1453
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