Seven Days, January 22, 2020

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Processing grief through art





How Vermonters are responding to the climate crisis BY C H E L S E A E D GAR , PAGE 3 0


Tuna Ceviche Bank St. Burlington


E. Allen St. Winooski Untitled-38 1

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Wednesday • January 29th An evening of Southern Food galore with Chef Phillip Clayton. Grits, fried chicken, Country ham, pickled shrimp, cornbread & such.

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Oysters & Jams Wild Fleetian Oyster Co. raw bar $5 select drafts Streaming audio of 12.31.19 Phish show

Tuesday, January 28th 4 - 8PM 155 Carroll Road, Waitsfield, VT

Sale ends 2/5/2020. *Discount can’t be combined with any other offers, or applied to rush services. Standard papers only. Discount is only on printing service, not mounting or other nishing options.

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1/21/20 3:30 PM

Need to restore an old picture? We can digitally restore and colorize damaged, torn, or faded pictures. Renew old prints that are cracked, chipped, or just in bad shape. S AT START UST J





WE BUY, SELL, & TRADE CAMERA GEAR OPEN 7 DAYS 802 6514100 STAPLES PLAZA 861 Williston Rd South Burlington, VT Untitled-2 1

1/17/20 4:09 PM

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Turn Your Angst Into Action

Vermonters are deeply concerned about the climate crisis, and it’s taking a significant toll on people’s health, pocketbooks and quality of life.


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1/15/20 11:27 AM

Together, we can push for bold climate action during the 2020 legislative session: Pass a Global Warming Solutions Act turning climate goals into requirements Institute a 100% renewable electricity standard by 2030 Expand Vermont's energy efficiency utilities' work to focus on climate Participate in a just and equitable Transportation & Climate Initiative

Join the movement calling for these essential actions: Paid for by Vermont Public Interest Research Group and Vermont Natural Resources Council.



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Councilor Kurt Wright

Newport residents approved a measure that will allow ATVs on some city streets. Economic boost or a reason to stay away?


emoji that

24 That’s how many students were aboard a school bus when it slid off a snowy road in Moretown last Thursday. No one was injured.




‘WRITE-IN WRIGHT’? The Friends of Kurt Wright group is mounting a writein campaign to reelect the Ward 4 Republican to the Burlington City Council. Wright announced last month on his radio show, WVMT’s “The Morning Drive,” that he wouldn’t seek another term. “To lose him, I’m not really sure the city can afford that,” said Alex Farrell, a leader of the Write-In Wright campaign. Wright wanted to run, but his radio gig complicated matters. Federal rules require that WVMT would have to offer the same amount of broadcast time to any challenger he’d face during the campaign. That wasn’t feasible, so the station told Wright he’d have to take a 60-day hiatus from the show. Wright chose to stay on air. This week, Wright said he supports the write-in campaign and would gladly serve if he wins. He said he told organizers that he can’t participate. The unexpected development has prompted the station to consult with attorneys to ensure that it isn’t running afoul of equal-time rules, according to John Mullett, the station’s operations manager. “The important part is, he’s not a candidate. He’s not behind this, and he’s not on the ballot,” Mullett said. “We do want to make sure that we handle everything properly.”

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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) is known for his frumpy and unkempt attire. His latest sartorial choice, mittens he wore during the Women’s March on Saturday in Portsmouth, N.H., certainly made an impression. The oversize mittens, called “oven mitts” by some, went viral online and soon had their own @BerniesMittens Twitter account. “Feeling the BERN not the BURN,” the account’s profile reads. Jen Ellis, a teacher from Essex Junction, made the mittens and gave them to Sanders. She used repurposed wool from sweaters and lined them with fleece. She generally sells mittens at craft fairs or gives them to

Though the Friends of Kurt Wright just organized last week, the idea of a write-in campaign started weeks earlier. Callers to “The Morning Drive” had vowed to support Wright at the polls, and Wright’s cohost, Marcus Certa, suggested during the show that voters should “write-in Wright.” Certa said his comments were made in “a joking, shticky kind of way” and that “we are not on air pushing this agenda.” Mullett has since cautioned the hosts to steer clear of that kind of talk. Ward 4 candidate Sarah Carpenter, meanwhile, has secured both Progressive and Democratic endorsements at party caucuses this month and last. She is less concerned about airtime than she is about Wright getting the benefit of a campaign without participating in candidate forums and debates. Wright should have run a real campaign if he wanted to serve, whereas she is completely committed to the race, Carpenter said. “I’m a little bit surprised about it going this way,” Carpenter said. “This is the way it goes, I guess, in politics.” Read Courtney Lamdin’s full story and keep up with developments at


Is Something Wrong With

The Rutland fire chief was suspended for allegedly intimidating, bullying and belittling his charges. A combustible situation.


UVM researchers are investigating whether seaweed would reduce cows’ methane emissions. That’s one way to combat climate change.


A Vermont Senate bill would provide free school meals to every student in the state. Full bellies, full concentration.

1. “No Escape: Furloughed Inmates Get Jailed Again and Again ” by Paul Heintz. Vermont lawmakers are considering an overhaul of the state’s furlough system, arguing that it fails to help former inmates break free of the Department of Corrections. 2. “When Bernie Sanders Said He’d Do More for Women Than Vermont’s First Female Governor” by Paul Heintz. When governor Madeleine Kunin ran for reelection in 1986, challenger Bernie Sanders told voters that he would do more for women than she would. 3. “Three Childcare Centers Serving 90 Vermont Youngsters to Close” by Molly Walsh. Three Loveworks childcare centers that serve 90 infants, toddlers and preschoolers will shutter in March. 4. “Chubby Muffin to Close Next Month, Become Co-op Space” by Sally Pollak. The Chubby Muffin will close on February 29, and the space will be shared by two new restaurants. 5. “Executive Director Anna Marie Gewirtz Resigns From the Flynn Center” by Dan Bolles. Gewirtz announced her resignation as the Flynn’s executive director after roughly 18 months on the job.

tweet of the week @telegrahams18 You know you’re at the right gate for the flight to #btv when at least half the people waiting are in Blundstones, wearing @DarnTough socks, and/or Burton bags. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER


friends. Sanders’ daughter-in-law, Liza Driscoll, runs Ellis’ daughter’s daycare, so one holiday season, Ellis made mittens for all the teachers — plus Bernie. “I just put in a little note that was like, ‘I believe in you, I’ve always believed in you and I hope you run again,’” Ellis said. “And now he is running again, and he apparently is wearing the mittens that I made for him!” Sanders has been wearing the mittens on the campaign trail for several weeks. Ellis found pictures online from mid-December showing Sanders lending the mittens to a young woman in Pittsburgh, Pa., who was giving him a tour. Inspired, Ellis on Tuesday

sent the campaign 10 pairs of mittens to distribute on the trail. She wants one pair to go to the young woman in Pittsburgh. Ellis said her experience as an educator has helped solidify her support for Sanders. “You have eyes on the community when you’re a schoolteacher, and you really can see what happens when families don’t have access to adequate health care, don’t have access to basic human rights and needs,” she said. “And so I feel like Bernie is speaking to everyone who interacts with humanity.”

Sen. Bernie Sanders



PREPPER SCHOOL. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers

Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy

deputy editor Sasha Goldstein


Consulting editor Candace Page

stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Colin Flanders,

Paul Heintz, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Molly Walsh speCiAl projeCt intern Violet Bell ARTS & LIFE

editor Pamela Polston

AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison

AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler MusiC editor Jordan Adams

CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin

speCiAlty publiCAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Barry, Chelsea Edgar,

Margaret Grayson, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak

proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler D I G I TA L & V I D E O

dAtA editor Andrea Suozzo

digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior MultiMediA produCer Eva Sollberger MultiMediA journAlist James Buck

AudienCe engAgeMent speCiAlist Gillian English DESIGN

CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert

Art direCtor Rev. Diane Sullivan

produCtion MAnAger John James

designers Jeff Baron, Brooke Bousquet, Kirsten Cheney SALES & MARKETING


I read most of Seven Days every week, but my favorite part is the crossword. We work on it together as a family. But the last two weeks have been reruns?! Not nearly as much fun. Is this a permanent thing, and we’ll never see another new riddle or bad pun? Or is your puzzle department taking a long winter break? Hope there’s some fresh material in the crossword to go along with all the other fresh news in the rest of the paper. Luke Donforth


Editor’s note: Good catch! We’ve verified that King Features, our crossword supplier, sent year-old reruns for the first two weeks of 2020.

direCtor of sAles Colby Roberts

senior ACCount exeCutive Michael Bradshaw

ACCount exeCutives Robyn Birgisson, Michelle Brown, Kristen Hutter, Logan Pintka MArketing & events direCtor Corey Grenier sAles & MArketing CoordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N

business MAnAger Cheryl Brownell

direCtor of CirCulAtion Matt Weiner CirCulAtion deputy Jeff Baron

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Rick Kisonak, Jacqueline Lawler, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Melissa Pasanen, Jernigan Pontiac, Julia Shipley, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Susan Norton, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 6 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.

DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Bill Mullins, Dan Nesbitt, Ezra Oklan, Dan Thayer, Steve Yardley With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-Month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-Month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below.

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Burlingington, VT | Williston, VT | Lebanon, NH


©2020 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.



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Your “Worse for Care” series [November 27; December 4, 11 and 18] shed light on issues that are troubling, to say the least. Thankfully, the deficiencies you cite in assisted living/residential care are the (tragic) exception, not the rule. Nonetheless, there is clearly a need for greater oversight and inspection, which of course speaks to the very real need for additional funding — a need that will only grow in the years ahead. The growing need for caregivers is a serious issue. We are fortunate at Cathedral Square to have compassionate, hardworking caregivers who treat our residents as beloved family members, just as Malinga Mukunda, the inspiring woman you beautifully profiled, cares for hers [“A New American Finds Purpose, and ‘Family,’ in Caregiving,” December 4]. Some have been with us since we created Vermont’s first assisted living residence nearly 20 years ago. Yet although we offer higher-than-competitive wages and benefits, we struggle to fill vacancies. What people in these critically important positions need — and deserve — is higher pay and benefits. And this requires a higher reimbursement rate from Medicaid, something for which everyone in this field has been clamoring for years, if not decades. As noted in your final article [“Carepetbaggers,” December 18], we did submit a bid to purchase the Pillsbury properties, which were in receivership due to unthinkable circumstances. We were quite disappointed our bid was not considered,



shooting sparks a gun debate, and if there are inconsistencies in the media about what took place, we should be able to question it, just like with 9/11 or any other major event we are given an official story for. In addition to that, InfoWars is not anti-immigration. As someone whose family legally came from Lebanon, I find it upsetting that people consider it antiimmigrant to be against illegal immigration and screening people coming in. InfoWars is against illegal immigration, a real issue in our nation today, but supports anyone legally coming to America who loves the country and American values. While I do agree that we need to stop the flow of attention to hate groups like Patriot Front and others, I don’t like the way you paint InfoWars with the same brush, and it’s completely false. Joey Handy

because we thought it was important to bring the homes under local ownership — better yet, by a highly reputable nonprofit. Your mammoth undertaking in creating the Vermont Eldercare Navigator database is greatly appreciated and a tremendous public service. Thank you. Kim Fitzgerald


Fitzgerald is the CEO of Cathedral Square.


As a big “Calvin and Hobbes” fan, I was shocked to read in your recent article [“Strip Teaser,” January 15] that this beloved comic strip “ran in dozens of daily newspapers from 1985 to 1995.” “Dozens”? According to Business Insider magazine, “By the time [creator Bill] Watterson ended the strip in 1995, it was appearing in more than 2,400 newspapers.” That’s thousands of papers, not dozens. Or 200 dozens? Thanks for Seven Days’ ongoing support of cartoons and cartoonists, but please respect “Calvin and Hobbes,” too! Jeff Lindholm



Welcome back, Rachel [“Rachel Lindsay,” January 8]! Your loyal fans missed your sparkling wit and unusual take on the world around you. Harry Goldhagen EAST FAIRFIELD



As I read “Unstuck” [January 8], I became immediately unglued at the sudden realization that the Burlington “vigilantes” who are targeting hategroup stickers are using Windex to remove the stickers. Being a private, civilian vigilante removing my own stickers from various things, I do know that gasoline — not Windex — dissolves the stubborn glue-backed stickers. I became further unstuck reading that one of the “vigilantes” in your story tried to unseat part of an unforgiving sticker with a car key. Pulleaze, removing sticker glue with Windex and a car key versus gasoline and a razor blade scraper is grounds for going to Vigilante Sticker Removal Prison. Dan Cohen



[Re “Unstuck,” January 8]: I am in disagreement with the way your publication portrayed InfoWars as a hateful organization. As a daily listener of Alex Jones and a person who buys InfoWars products, I know that it is not a hateful organization, rather just an organization that has different political views than the liberals in Vermont. Time and time again, I hear about Sandy Hook, which we have a right to ask questions about, and everyone forgets that recently our own mainstream sources pushed a fake Russia collusion story for three years straight, which is somehow OK. Any mass

Editor’s note: In his role as a radio show host and professional conspiracy theorist, InfoWars owner Alex Jones has asserted that the school shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School never happened. He claimed that gun-control advocates staged the massacres, the children were “crisis actors” and “no one died.” That has led a number of grieving parents to file defamation lawsuits against him. Those cases are working their way through the courts in Connecticut and Texas, where InfoWars is based.


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In the January 8 Soundbites column, the name of Robot Dog Studio was incorrect. Also in the music section, last week’s “Return to Ozzy” misspelled the name of Black Sabbath member Tony Iommi. A feature in the same issue, entitled “Under the Influence,” misidentified where Margaret Pitkin attended college. She went to St. Lawrence University. Last week’s news story about Jennifer Caplin’s experience with the Vermont Department of Corrections, “No Escape,” understated the extent of her criminal history. She was charged with aggravated assault in 2013 and assault, robbery and unlawful restraint in 2016.

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JANUARY 22-29, 2020 VOL.25 NO.17 38



Vermont’s “Fishin’ Politician” faults the ethics panel that let him off the hook BY KEVIN MCCALLUM


Sanders Tries to Target Biden’s Social Security Record, but Distractions Abound BY PAUL HEINTZ



The One That Got Away



Leahy Fears ‘Farce’ as Trump Impeachment Trial Begins

Burlington considers allowing noncitizens to vote — again


Brattleboro’s mental hospital skirts a crisis, but its future is uncertain

Scott Budget Proposal Would Expand Gambling in Vermont

Seeking Suffrage





Good Grief

Culture: Art therapist Emily Piccirillo wants to help you deal with loss

Breakfast Bounty


SECTIONS 11 21 40 46 54 58 66 72 76 80 C-1

Mirabelles on the Move

Food: Beloved café to focus on bakery biz in the burbs BY SALLY POLLAK


WTF Work Side Dishes FOOD Soundbites MUSIC Album Reviews Art Review Movie Reviews Ask the Reverend

fresh JAN 22 - FEB 4

available while supplies last


Food: Burlington’s downtown destinations that can power your day BY JORDAN BARRY, MARGARET GRAYSON, MELISSA PASANEN & SALLY POLLAK

A once-banned Mae West play gets a staged reading in Randolph BY DAN BOLLES

26 28 41 59 63 66 72 81

Climate: How Vermonters are responding to the climate crisis


New Karma Bird House presentation series challenges us to learn new things

Drag Racy


Degrees of Panic


Brain Waves







Shock Doctrine

New excessive-force allegations in St. Albans elicit calls for police department reform BY DEREK BROUWER



No Retreat?


Forever Young

Music: A2VT make a confident return with new album Twenty Infinity BY JORDAN ADAMS

The Magnificent 7 Life Lines Food + Drink Calendar Classes Music + Nightlife Art Movies Fun Stuff Personals Classifieds + Puzzles


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Processing grief through art






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How Vermonters are responding to the climate crisis BY CHELSEA EDGAR, PAGE 30

Underwritten by:

Stuck in Vermont: Monica Kaigle, aka “Spin,” has lived in Burlington for 89 years. She talked with Eva about her parents, who worked in mills on the Winooski River, and her memories of the Queen City back in the days when porch-sitting was a sport.



South End

82 S. Winooski Ave 207 Flynn Ave Open 7am - 11pm daily Open 7am - 9pm daily SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020 4v-citymarket012220 1

9 1/20/20 11:04 AM



As a 110-year-old mutual bank and a Certified B CorporationÂŽ, Mascoma Bank is committed to being a force for positive change. Visit our new branch office at 431 Pine Street in Burlington and discover the difference banking with us can make. Ask Scott Anderson, our Branch Manager, about using one of our community conference rooms for your next meeting. 10


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In the Groove Since Justin Spencer formed Recycled Percussion in New Hampshire in 1995, the band has kept the beat by turning everyday items — think ladders, doors and power tools — into nontraditional percussion instruments. Performances on “America’s Got Talent” in 2009 propelled the group onto the national stage. Spencer and company return to the Lebanon Opera House with their high-octane combo of dance, acrobatics and junkrock music.





Farm Fresh


The Green Mountain State’s bountiful agricultural industry takes center stage at the annual Vermont Farm Show. More than 150 exhibitors set up shop at Essex Junction’s Champlain Valley Exposition to share products and innovations related to rural life. Locavores: Be sure to swing by Wednesday’s Consumer Night and Capital Cook-Off to browse local eats and drinks and watch state legislators compete, “Iron Chef”-style.

MUSICAL EXPERIENCE In her powerful program “Westward,” prize-winning classical pianist Gabriela Montero addresses one of today’s most pressing topics. The Venezuelan-born composer examines the immigrant experience through works by Sergei Prokofiev, Sergei Rachmaninoff and Igor Stravinsky. Adding a unique element to her concert on Burlington’s Flynn MainStage, Montero also improvises a live score to Charlie Chaplin’s 1917 silent short “The Immigrant.”



Seasonal Celebration Vermonters sure know how to make the most of the frigid season after fall. Just look at the 46th annual Stowe Winter Carnival. Themed “Stow-Zen in Time,” this family-friendly fest features four days of arctic activities such as ice-carving competitions, live music and dancing, and snow volleyball and snow golf tournaments. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 48




Heart Attack What is love, and what power does it hold? “Love Letters,” a group exhibition at the Helen Day Art Center in Stowe, shines a light on the L-word in its various guises. Works by nine artists, including Robert Buck, Tracey Emin and Vermont Rep. John Killacky (D-Chittenden 7-3), examine love as a driving force within individuals and as fuel for global change.




Dating Game “What the hell do you do when you’re 50 and single again?” standup comedian Tracie Spencer asked Seven Days’ Dan Bolles in a 2019 interview. The two were discussing 60 First Dates, Spencer’s oneperson show about her midlife reentry into the dating scene. See the Vermont comic’s hilarious and heartfelt performance as part of the One & Only Series at Waterbury Center’s Grange Hall Cultural Center. SEE CLUB DATE ON PAGE 64


Laugh Until You Cry New York City-based comedians Kendall Farrell and Jade Marcotte return to their former Queen City stomping grounds to host “Rude!: A Comedy Show” at the Vermont Comedy Club. Joined by a lineup of fellow funny people, Farrell and Marcotte take audience members on a journey through dating horror stories. SEE SOUNDBITES ON PAGE 59




Sanders Tries to Target Biden’s Social Security Record, but Distractions Abound





The One That Got Away


With just two weeks remaining before the Iowa caucuses, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) has been trying to stay focused on a major vulnerability of a top rival: former vice president Joe Biden’s past willingness to pare back Social Security. But events have conspired to change the subject. First, there was a dustup over a private conversation between Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), a longtime friend and current opponent for the Democratic presidential nomination. Then, there was an overreach by Sanders’ campaign, when it took out of context a 2018 video of Biden discussing his views on Social Security.

Vermont’s “Fishin’ Politician” faults the ethics panel that let him off the hook S T O RY & PHO TO B Y KEVIN MCCAL L UM


he Vermont House of Representatives Ethics Panel had to wrestle with some unusual questions last year as it considered a wide-ranging complaint against Rep. Chris Bates (D-Bennington). Is it unethical for a Vermont lawmaker to have an outstanding felony arrest warrant from another state, or to misstate one’s criminal background during a radio call-in show? And how should lawmakers deal with a colleague who calls a constituent a “Pussy” on Facebook? Critics of the first-term lawmaker and outdoor enthusiast, aka “The Fishin’ Politician,” paint Bates as a felon who won election in 2018 only after eluding justice and concealing his criminal past from voters. Bates admits he’s made mistakes but says he started a new life in Vermont only to find himself the victim of a smear campaign by some of the same online trolls who harassed former Bennington representative Kiah Morris out of office. The ethics panel could have opened a full investigation and — had it found unethical conduct — recommended penalties ranging from public censure to removal from office. But six months after it received the complaint, the panel last month closed the case with a warning. In a confidential December 30 letter, the panel admonished Bates for behavior that “appears inconsistent with the public trust committed to a member of the Vermont House of Representatives.” That conclusion has satisfied exactly no one and raises questions about the effectiveness of the secretive system state legislators use to police themselves. The House formed its ethics panel in 2014 after questions were raised in the media about conflict-of-interest rules. The Senate set up its Committee on Ethics two years later. Bates, 60, says he’s been treated unfairly and saddled with huge legal bills. He’s now requesting taxpayers reimburse him for the $9,540 he spent on lawyers. “This has been like a nightmare for me,” 12



Rep. Chris Bates

Bates said last week. “And I don’t want other legislators … to have to endure this.” His critics are equally disappointed. Colleen Harrington, the girlfriend of Bates’ failed Republican political rival in the 2018 election, gun rights activist Kevin Hoyt, filed the formal complaint labeling Bates a “fugitive felon on the run.” “I think they should have asked him to step down,” Harrington said last week. “I provided them with droves and droves of information, but they just brushed everything under the rug.” Caught in the middle of the whole mess was Rep. John Gannon (D-Wilmington), chair of the ethics panel. The attorney and former investigator for the federal Securities and Exchange Commission says he “can neither confirm nor deny” a case against Bates exists. Cases remain secret unless the panel informs the full House that ethical violations have occurred. Confidentiality is crucial to protecting representatives’ reputations from unfounded allegations, he said. The panel’s documents are exempt from disclosure under the Vermont Public Records Law. It’s only required to report annually how many complaints it addressed and how they were resolved. Complaints are few: Bates’ was the only one last year, and Gannon, the chair for

two years, said he’s only encountered five. No details of the complaints were disclosed. “I’m confident that our process is fair, especially as it pertains to complaints against members,” Gannon said. While the members of the panel — two Democrats, one Republican, one Progressive and one independent — are sworn to keep complaints confidential, the people who file or face them are not. Last year, claims surfaced that Bates had an outstanding warrant in Illinois. Earlier this month, Bates approached Seven Days with a claim of his own: The same people who had publicly disclosed his warrant had filed an ethics complaint to, in his view, further harass him. He wanted to go public to expose what he views as a flawed process. The ethics panel is charged with looking into House members’ behavior during the biennium. So the complaint, Bates said, “should have been dismissed, by their own rules.” Bates noted that his 2012 criminal case, which stemmed from a third DUI two years earlier, occurred well before he took office. The outstanding warrant, which an Illinois judge issued in 2013 after Bates failed THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY

» P.14

Then, on Monday, Sanders found himself apologizing to Biden for an op-ed penned by Sanders surrogate Zephyr Teachout, who wrote that the former VP had “a big corruption problem” because he’s gone to bat for major donors. “It is absolutely not my view that Joe is corrupt in any way,” Sanders told CBS news. “And I’m sorry that that op-ed appeared.” Finally, on Tuesday, 2016 rival Hillary Clinton took aim at Sanders. According to the Hollywood Reporter, Clinton attacked Sanders’ record in a documentary set to be released by Hulu. “He was in Congress for years. He had one senator support him,” Clinton says in the documentary. “Nobody likes him; nobody wants to work with him; he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It’s all just baloney, and I feel so bad that people got sucked into it.” Asked by the Reporter whether she would endorse Sanders if he won the nomination, Clinton said she was “not going to go there yet” and accused his staff and supporters of sexism. Sanders himself has sought to keep the conversation focused squarely on Biden’s Social Security record. Indeed, though the Sanders campaign took the 2018 video out of context, Biden has repeatedly made the case over the years that Social Security and other entitlements must be scaled back in order to restrain federal spending. That’s a sharp contrast with Sanders’ staunch support for the popular programs. Contact:

No Retreat?

Brattleboro’s mental hospital skirts a crisis, but its future is uncertain BY COL IN F L ANDERS



Agency of Human Services Secretary Mike Smith (left) watching Brattleboro Retreat CEO Louis Josephson testify in Montpelier


n January 5, Agency of Human health beds to be located in general Services Secretary Mike Smith hospitals around Vermont. That suggests issued a press release saying the Brattleboro’s stand-alone psychiatric Brattleboro Retreat’s CEO had threatened hospital would have a diminished role. to close the psychiatric hospital unless Some believe the Retreat should close it received a $2 million infusion in state entirely. aid. Instead of coughing up the money, “[The Retreat] represents part of the Smith publicly chastised the old history of mental health hospital’s leader for asking that’s isolated, stigmatized the state for a life preserver. and not part of the health The closely watched care system,” said Rep. Anne drama played out in a state Donahue (R-Northfield). where, if the hospital were to Donahue, a longtime suddenly close, the already legislator, is in her fourth overburdened mental health year as vice chair of the House system would plunge into a Committee on Health Care full-blown crisis. and, for two decades, has But the Retreat quickly edited Counterpoint, a trianbacked off: Within days, it nual newspaper produced was no longer threatening by the Vermont Psychiatric a shutdown. The hospital’s Survivors organization that board began meeting regufocuses on mental health larly with state officials to issues. She’s had a front-row resolve its financial trouble. seat for the Retreat’s evoluThe scare did highlight tion into the state’s biggest a prominent question that provider of inpatient mental will underscore discushealth services, and she’s sions about how to best fix convinced that the state RE P. AN NE Vermont’s overall mental would be better off gradually DONAHU E health system in the years to closing it down for good. come: Where, if at all, does “It’s trying to maintain the Retreat fit into the equation? relevance in a world that it isn’t really suited Long-term, Vermont wants to create for,” Donahue said. a more integrated health care system. A A former patient agrees that the hospinew state report expected to be released tal’s approach has become antiquated. Jodi this week will broadly detail how to Girouard, a writer from South Burlington, further that goal over the next decade, encouraging more inpatient mental NO RETREAT? » P.16







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1/2/20 11:17 AM

news The One That Got Away «P.12 STATEHOUSE

Scott Budget Proposal Would Expand Gambling in Vermont BY PAUL H E I N TZ

Vowing to focus on Vermont’s “fiscal fundamentals,” Gov. Phil Scott on Tuesday proposed a $6.3 billion state budget that would represent a modest 2 percent increase over current spending levels. In a joint address to the Vermont House and Senate, the second-term Republican said his proposal would help grow the state’s stagnant population and revitalize its rural communities. “Our demographic crisis is — without question — the greatest challenge we face as a state,” Scott said, repeating his oft-stated warning. “Addressing this reality is crucial to Vermont’s future.” The governor’s proposed budget would not raise any existing taxes or fees, but it would create two new ones: Scott pitched legalizing and taxing online sports betting, as neighboring New Hampshire recently did, and he called for the introduction of Keno lottery machines. The two forms of gambling would generate at least $4 million in new revenue, according to Finance Commissioner Adam Greshin. Of that, $2 million would be directed to boosting childcare subsidies, rather than supporting the Education Fund, as lottery proceeds currently do. Scott’s gaming proposals, which he barely mentioned in his 38-minute address, are likely to meet resistance from the Democratic legislature. At a press conference following the governor’s speech, House Speaker Mitzi Johnson (D-South Hero) threw cold water on the ideas. “We’ll certainly wait and listen to the details,” she said. “Expanding the lottery and stealing money from the Education Fund haven’t gone all that well in the House in the past.” Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman, a Progressive/Democrat who is challenging Scott for governor, said that such revenue schemes typically target “those who are struggling to make their way,” rather than wealthier Vermonters. “I just don’t think that hooking people in with gambling and taking lunch money and heating bill money and gas money … to pay for state services is the best way to help people who are struggling,” Zuckerman said. m Contact:



to pay fines and complete the terms of a “conditional discharge,” was not enforceable in Vermont, he contended. “I didn’t do anything during the biennium,” Bates said. “I did nothing wrong.”


Since moving to Vermont from Illinois in 2012, Bates has worked mainly as a fishing guide, regularly gushing about the state’s natural beauty and well-stocked trout streams. He has also cultivated a persona — on “Outdoor Secrets Unwrapped,” his show on community radio station WBTN, on social media and in person — as kind of an amiable goofball. “Did you ever realize how hard it is to eat pistachios. Argh!” reads one of his recent Facebook posts. His online presence is a mix of sophomoric, political and self-promotional posts. In one video he shared recently, a drunk Buffalo Bills tailgater face-plants in a parking lot. In another, Curly from “The Three Stooges” stuffs a Thanksgiving turkey with absurd ingredients. “I am such a man-child,” Bates admits in a video of himself marveling at a toy fan that displays characters from the movie Frozen. He’s also fascinated with bigfoot. His Facebook page is adorned with photos of bigfoot holiday ornaments, mugs and playing cards given to him by friends. In a video he took during a walk through the woods with his dog, Toro, Bates refers to himself with a chuckle as a “renowned bigfoot hunter.” “This has got to be the start of a bigfoot home here,” Bates observes of some “stick things” he found in woods near Bennington. “It’s gotta be!” The conservative Democrat also injects occasional commentary on pending state legislation, including skepticism of proposed climate regulation and whether he should start a segment called “Stupid Vermont Bills.” “Do we really need a law for this?” Bates asks of a proposal to require dog trainers to disclose their training methods. At the Statehouse last year, Bates made plain his bewilderment over some of the legislation he’d been asked to help draft, including the House Natural Resources, Fish and Wildlife Committee’s complex work to modernize Act 250. In a recent interview, he said he decided to seek office because he felt candidates didn’t represent the views of Bennington residents. “I am not a politician. I know nothing!” Bates declared. While he now claims to have a better handle on the legislation facing

lawmakers, professing ignorance appears to be a pattern for Bates. He said he didn’t know about the 2013 warrant for his arrest until it was brought to his attention toward the end of last year’s legislative session. “Are you a felon from another state?” a caller asked Bates during a radio show last September, according to a transcript. “Uh. Absolutely not,” Bates replied. He went on to say that the arrest warrant stemmed from his failure to pay a $400 fine that he didn’t know about. When the caller asked about previous convictions on his “rap sheet,” Bates replied, “I don’t know anything about those, to be honest with you.” But Bates had acknowledged to Seven Days last May that he had struggled with alcohol and was convicted of misdemeanor assaults in his late teens and early twenties.



That radio interview, which Harrington brought to the panel’s attention in the fall, piqued members’ interest. “The Panel is considering these statements Rep. Bates made in relation to the original complaint against him” in June, Gannon wrote in an October letter, asking Bates to address the “misstatements.” Bates told Seven Days last week that he thought resolving the matter would reduce the felony to a misdemeanor. He now acknowledges that the case, which was closed December 13 after he paid the outstanding fine and completed counseling, remains a felony conviction.


Bates’ freewheeling use of social media also dogged him after one particular post came to the committee’s attention. “LOL your not so tuff when I see you in public you Pussy!!!!” Bates wrote last June 22. “Bawahaaaaa just remember people, at some point you will run into me here in Bennington! And you can’t hide behind your keyboard. LOL LOL. I Owned You !!!!. # THE FISHINPOLITICIAN2020.” The post caught the eye of Aaron Sawyer, the former Democratic chair of Bennington County. “Anyone feel like there should be a different representative in 2-1?” Sawyer wrote, referring to Bates’ district. Bates declined to name his target, but said he meant the post more as a taunt than a threat.

“I just lost my cool,” Bates said. “I was typing what I was thinking. I was totally out of line.” The post was a “lapse in judgment, born out of his frustration with a very public personal harassment campaign against him” by Hoyt and Harrington, who were “acting in concert” against Bates, his lawyer, Lisa Shelkrot, wrote in a letter to Gannon. Bates took his post down at the request of House Majority Leader Jill Krowinski (D-Burlington), Shelkrot wrote. Shelkrot also noted that Harrington had claimed that if Bates were removed from office, the seat should fall to the next highest vote getter — Hoyt. She asked the panel to take note of the long list of public figures against whom Hoyt and Harrington have made “spurious complaints,” including Attorney General T.J. Donovan, Bennington Police Detective Sgt. Larry Cole, and former state representative Morris, who stepped down in 2018 citing racial harassment. “The Complainants’ credibility is diminished substantially by their evident bias, their motive for political gain, and their pattern of false and frankly paranoid complaints against a large variety of state and local officials,” Shelkrot wrote. Harrington denied all of Shelkrot’s claims, including that she was trying to get Bates the boot to help Hoyt.

End Game

By last fall, after Gannon asked Bates to explain his radio comments, Bates and his attorney had had enough. Shelkrot argued that the panel was effectively on a fishing expedition of its own against her client. She questioned the fairness of the panel gathering information months after the original June ethics complaint and lamented that Bates was “being investigated for alleged violations of unspoken, unstated and unknowable rules.” No code, statute or rules prohibit “immoderate or careless speech” by a member or service in the legislature while “being subject to the jurisdiction of a criminal court,” she wrote. A month later, in late December, she forwarded proof that the Illinois case had been closed. A week after that, the panel did the same to the ethics case. The panel warned Bates, however, to demonstrate the respect that both “the House and the public trust committed to you as an elected Representative.” The panel could reopen the matter, the letter said, if his future conduct “does not conform to these expectations.” m Contact:


Leahy Fears ‘Farce’ as Trump Impeachment Trial Begins BY PAUL H E I N TZ

The dean of the U.S. Senate castigated the body’s Republican leadership this week for failing to guarantee a fair and impartial trial of President Donald Trump. In an interview Monday with Seven Days, Sen. Patrick Leahy (DVt.) accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) of bending to the wishes of the White House. “He’s treating the Senate as though it is a branch of the executive, which of course it’s not,” Leahy said. “I think no matter what comes of this, if there’s not some significant changes in the procedure, history books are always going to [say] the whole thing was a farce.” Vermont’s two U.S. senators are likely to play notable, if different, roles in the trial, which began in earnest this week. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a leading candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, will have to divide his time between the Senate proceedings and the campaign trail. He was scheduled to hold a rally in Iowa on Wednesday evening but canceled it Tuesday when it became clear that the Senate would likely still be in session. “I’d rather be in New Hampshire and Nevada and so forth,” he told reporters last week. “But I swore a constitutional oath as a United States senator to do my job, and I’m here to do my job.” Leahy’s role may be notable for a different reason: the institutional memory he brings to Trump’s trial. First elected to the Senate soon after president Richard Nixon resigned, Leahy has previously participated in three impeachment proceedings: two for federal judges and one for president Bill Clinton, whom the Senate ultimately acquitted. This trial, Leahy said, is likely to be “entirely different” from what he’s seen in the past. During Clinton’s trial, Senate leaders of both parties “felt the reputation and the meaning of the Senate was also on trial,” Leahy said. “Now, we have the majority leader saying he’s coordinating everything with the accused, the president. He wants to make it as quick as he can and acquit him.” m

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1/20/20 4:11 PM

news No Retreat? « P.13



the state at least two years of breathing room to plan ahead. The state must then “selfevaluate” where its mental health system is heading, the secretary told Seven Days. Decision makers will soon have a road map for that work, thanks to the 10-year “vision” plan the Department of Mental Health expects to release this week, which will encourage developing a more decentralized system. “Psychiatric care, when it’s at a hospital level, needs to be part of a medical hospital,” said Donahue, the state rep. “When it reaches that point, you need to be in a place where all the different components of medical care are there for you.” Girouard, the South Burlington patient, echoed Donahue’s comments. She said she’s COLIN FLANDERS

recently spent eight days at the Retreat after she was told she would have to wait a week for a bed closer to home. She described the hospital as a “holding cell” that did little to alleviate her suffering. “I don’t think the model that they have right now is a working model,” Girouard said. “They’re like a generation or two behind.” The state contracts with the private, nonprofit Retreat, one of seven so-called “designated hospitals,” to provide mental health services. The campus houses more than half of the state’s inpatient mental health beds and Vermont’s only unit for children and adolescents. The Retreat has nearly doubled in size since 2011, increasing its bed count from 62 to 119 — a number that will further grow with the expected completion this year of a new 12-bed unit for patients requiring high-level services. Hospital leaders describe the growth as a consequence of the facility stepping up to meet the state’s needs. For instance, the Retreat took in 14 patients from the Vermont State Hospital in Waterbury after floodwaters from Tropical Storm Irene in 2011 forced it to close. But skeptics like Donahue view the expansions through a different lens. “The Retreat very strategically saw a way to make itself sustainable, and eventually essential, to the state,” she said — suggesting its administration maneuvered to make it too big to fail. The hospital’s relationship with the state has changed significantly over nearly two centuries. Founded in 1834, the Retreat was initially the only psychiatric hospital in Vermont and served some of the state’s sickest mental health patients for decades. But the Retreat went on to carve out a niche during the 20th century by catering to wealthy patients, according to Ken Libertoff, who became director of the advocacy group Vermont Association for Mental Health in 1981. He recalled seeing ads for the hospital in upscale magazines around that time touting the benefits of a stay in “beautiful Vermont.” Despite its location, the Retreat in those days served few Vermonters, said Libertoff, who retired in 2011. The hospital benefited from “generous” reimbursements from private insurance, with patients often spending up to 30 days in Brattleboro, finding in the sprawling campus a therapeutic respite that lived up to its name, said Louis Josephson, the Retreat’s CEO and president. “The whole field was different,” recalled Josephson, who has worked in mental health for 30 years. But insurance companies grew resistant to paying for long-term mental health

hospitalization, and waves of coverage reductions rolled in around the 1990s. The Retreat struggled to attract as many private clients. “The Retreat was looking to survive,” Libertoff said. An obvious choice was to seek contracts with the state and take more Medicaid patients, Libertoff said. Today, the hospital gets more than half of its overall revenue from Medicaid, which only serves qualifying clients, leaving it largely dependent on the state-set reimbursement rates. “We have completely flipped, as we’ve fallen into becoming an arm of the state’s mental health system,” Josephson said. The average length of stay hovers around one week.

Louis Josephson, CEO and president of the Brattleboro Retreat

The Retreat’s problems have been a long time coming. Last week, the Green Mountain Care Board reported that, over a four-year period starting in fiscal year 2015, the hospital lost a combined $4.7 million while burning through its reserves to stay afloat. Josephson has blamed the hospital’s woes partly on a recent dip in patients — the result of workforce shortages that have limited how many units the hospital can staff and a slower-than-usual holiday season. But he claimed the real culprit is the state’s stingy Medicaid reimbursements. Smith has argued that the Retreat has received several sizable rate increases in recent years. He criticized the hospital’s leadership for failing to address its problems. His agency is now trying to determine why admissions are down at the Retreat when the rest of the state’s numbers remain high. He’s also working with the hospital’s board to ensure its fiscal stability moving forward, saying his short-term goal is to give

been hospitalized for her mental illness more than 40 times and has had better experiences in facilities that treat it “like any other illness.” There has been some recent movement toward this goal. The University of Vermont Medical Center announced that it would use surplus funds to construct 25 additional inpatient beds to augment the 15 on its campus in Berlin. But whether more community hospitals will follow suit remains an open question. “Mental health is not a big fiscal winner compared to other entities,” Libertoff said. “Clientele is challenging and difficult, and obviously you need specialized staff that are not easily available.” That’s why, Josephson said, he’s skeptical that some of the state’s smaller community hospitals are willing and ready to build new psychiatric units. “Hospitals are really glad we’re there and glad we’re 50 percent of the beds, because it would be a huge burden on

them financially and programmatically to stand up a bunch of psychiatric units all over the state,” the CEO said. Department of Mental Health Commissioner Sarah Squirrell said changing an entire system is “a business of small steps.” But while the goals outlined in the 10-year vision would “ideally” mean less reliance on inpatient beds at the Retreat, the hospital “absolutely” fits into the state’s long-term plan. “It’s just a matter of how,” she said. State officials are also focused on the present needs of the system. Psychiatric patients increasingly get stuck in emergency rooms of Vermont community hospitals, unable to access a mental health bed because there aren’t enough available. A 2018 study by the UVM Health Network identified a need for 35 more beds, and with the new beds in central Vermont, the dozen under construction at the Retreat should make a big difference — as long as the state can finish the project. Legislators recently learned that it has come in over budget — at least $1.2 million beyond the original $5.5 million price tag — requiring that lawmakers consider whether to earmark more money to finish it up. Some advocates have argued that the money for the beds would have been better spent addressing the root causes of mental health crises, such as a lack of housing and social services. Noting the emphasis on integration, even the Retreat’s CEO has wondered why the state is spending millions to expand his stand-alone hospital’s capacity, especially given the financial challenges. “I would argue we should be shrinking our footprint,” Josephson said. He made that statement just two weeks after threatening to close the hospital if it didn’t get an injection of state cash. After calling the Retreat’s bluff, Smith is now touting the hospital’s expansion project as vital. “If you get onto the ground and talk to those people who are there day in and day out, working with people that have mental health issues, they will tell you we need [these] beds,” Smith said. Josephson said the Retreat will adapt as necessary. In fact, he understands Donahue’s desire to eventually close the hospital. If the state manages to build a system of care so robust that it makes the Retreat obsolete, he said, he would shut it down himself. “There’s no law in heaven that says we have to be around another 185 years — or five years,” Josephson said. “It’s just [a question of ]: Are we of use to Vermont?” m Contact:

Shock Doctrine

New excessive-force allegations in St. Albans elicit calls for police department reform


Vincent Ford as captured on bodycam footage


ne Thursday night last February, St. Albans police officers received a call that a man had broken the glass door of a downtown pub and left on a bicycle. Cpl. Mark Schwartz drove down Main Street to find him. He spotted a man on the sidewalk, stopped his cruiser and flicked on its blue lights. The man turned away and strode to a nearby bike. Dashcam and bodycam video obtained by Seven Days captured what happened next. As Schwartz exited the car, he yelled, “Hey, get over here!” at the man, later identified as Vincent Ford. “Stop! Get on the fucking ground! Get on the fucking ground!” Schwartz continued as he pulled out his Taser and pointed it at the 22-yearold man.

Ford stopped moving. Standing with a lit cigarette hanging from his mouth and one hand holding the bike, he asked Schwartz, “What’d I do? What’d I do?” “Get down! Taser! Taser!” Schwartz exclaimed as he aimed and fired the weapon at Ford, striking him with its probes. Ford’s body stiffened, and he toppled onto the bike, which broke his fall. Two other officers rushed in and helped handcuff him. The time elapsed between Schwartz stepping from his cruiser and firing his Taser was a mere five seconds. The incident is the latest violent interaction to surface involving a member of the public and a St. Albans police officer. Last August, Seven Days reported that a shift supervisor, sergeant Jason Lawton,

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Ford falling after being Tased

slugged a handcuffed woman in the face. The department didn’t investigate until the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont requested video of the haymaker. Lawton was ultimately fired and has been criminally charged. That prompted Chief Gary Taylor to reform the department’s internal review process. Ford filed a handwritten complaint about his arrest later in August. He argued that he had been Tased “without justification.” The department used Taylor’s new internal review process to consider Ford’s complaint and “exonerated” Schwartz in a three-sentence decision. Based on a review of the dashcam video, Lt. Jason Wetherby


wrote last September, the Taser was used “in adherence with proper and appropriate police

procedures.” Jay Diaz, a staff attorney at the ACLU, disagrees. He and other civil rights advocates say the agency’s response, coupled with other recent cases of alleged police abuse, shows that St. Albans has a systemic problem of using excessive force. “It makes you think there may be a significant need for retraining and culture change,” Diaz said. Tasers are considered a “less-lethal, but not necessarily nonlethal” alternative to firearms, according to a policy directive from the state Criminal Justice Training SHOCK DOCTRINE

» P.18


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news Council. Vermont has uniform, statewide guidelines for when cops at any agency can deploy them — rules that state lawmakers enacted in 2014 after a man experiencing a mental health crisis died of cardiac arrest when Tased by Vermont State Police. Cops must file a report with the state every time they aim a Taser at someone, even if they don’t fire it. According to the state policy, officers may only use the weapons on people “exhibiting active aggression or who are actively resisting in a manner that, in the officer’s judgment, is likely to result in injuries to others or themselves.” The policy specifies that the act of fleeing alone is not grounds to use a Taser. Cindy Taylor-Patch, director of training at the Vermont Police Academy, confirmed to Seven Days that merely refusing an officer’s verbal order from a distance does not justify their use, either. She declined to review any specific use-of-force incident, citing the Criminal Justice Training Council’s formal oversight responsibilities. The ACLU provided video of the Ford incident to Seven Days because the organization was disturbed that departmental leadership condoned Schwartz’s use of force under its new internal review, Diaz said. “It seems obvious to the eye that the policies don’t contemplate using a Taser in this situation,” he said. “Once again, we have St. Albans police officers going pretty much straight to force to resolve a situation when somebody doesn’t immediately obey their command.” Chief Taylor said that the “totality of the circumstances” — Ford’s “fleeing,” the fact that he was believed to have just committed a crime, and his noncompliance with verbal orders — justified the Taser use. “It was pretty obvious that he didn’t have any intention of complying, which was likely to lead to a physical struggle,” Taylor said. Asked about how rapidly the officer used force, Taylor conceded, “I found the quickness concerning.” Tasers are used infrequently compared to most other types of force available to police. In a 2019 report, for example, Burlington police recorded firing Tasers 65 times during the previous seven years. Over the same period, officers used pepper spray 300 times and employed force without weapons 1,000 times. Vermont State Police, the state’s largest patrol agency, used Tasers 15 times in 2018, the most recent year for which records were available, the agency said. St. Albans officers deployed Tasers 22 times over the last three years, according 18



Shock Doctrine « P.17

Ford on the ground after being Tased

to figures provided by the department. criminal investigation last month, saying Schwartz, who was hired in August 2017, he’d discovered “new information” while accounted for six of those times, accord- preparing to release video and other case ing to a review of use-of-force records documents requested by VPR. obtained by Seven Days. “I think I might have gotten this Schwartz used his Taser again two wrong,” Donovan told the news outlet. weeks after the Ford arrest, the records The number of questionable use-ofshow, during an altercation outside a force incidents by a department with supermarket in which the officer was fewer than 30 sworn officers suggests bruised. Three weeks after that encoun- deeper problems, civil rights attorney and ter, he pointed a Taser at someone else, a former Vermont Human Rights Commiscitizen complaint alleged. sion executive director Robert Appel said. Schwartz also used a Taser “When there’s this much and pepper spray on a suspect smoke, there’s probably fire. in 2016 while working for the There’s just been a rash of Shelburne Police Departproblems within that department. At the request of town ment, and you’ve got to wonder officials, Chittenden County why,” he said. “Is it a lack of State’s Attorney Sarah George accountability, a lack of leaderlater reviewed whether the ship? I’d venture to say probforce used was appropriably both.” ate and cleared Schwartz of Rosie Chase, Ford’s Frankwrongdoing. lin County public defender, Ford isn’t the first person said his case isn’t the only to accuse St. Albans police of one in which she believes St. using their Tasers inapproAlbans officers abused one of R O S IE C H AS E her clients. priately. Marlene Lambert “It can’t be isolated incicriticized the department in 2017 after an officer used the weapon on her dents of rogue police officers, as Chief 15-year-old son inside a gas station, where Taylor would like everyone to think,” she he’d allegedly stolen drinks and punched said. “It’s a systemic problem, and reform a clerk, WCAX-TV reported at the time. is needed.” Lambert told Seven Days that the officer Chase said the city needs independent who Tased her son was Cpl. Joel Daugreilh. oversight of all use-of-force cases and of Daugreilh later resigned while under citizen complaints filed against the departinvestigation for behavior toward a ment. A Seven Days records request turned different suspect. Vermont Public Radio up eight citizen complaints against St. reported last week that Daugreilh pepper- Albans cops during the first 10 months of sprayed a handcuffed man in a holding 2019. Half of them accused Schwartz of cell in November 2017. Attorney General using excessive force. T.J. Donovan had initially declined to Taylor said he doesn’t believe there’s prosecute Daugreilh but reopened the a “culture of police violence” but is



considering whether any additional training might be useful. “There are a fairly significant, high number of physical resistance incidents,” he said, referring to the actions of the people his officers arrest. Both Taylor and city manager Dominic Cloud emphasized that the incidents garnering media coverage are few compared to the total workload of the department, which serves both the city and the surrounding town. The department is busy. Officers made 1,037 arrests last year, department data show. Burlington’s municipal force, which is more than three times the size of St. Albans’ and serves triple the population, made 1,574 arrests last year. Plus, Cloud said, the city’s small department, like many around the country, struggles to recruit officers. As a result, recruits with the wrong temperament, or undetected mental health problems, can sometimes slip in. Rather than evidence of a problem, those factors are proof that the media, and Seven Days in particular, have provided a distorted picture of the St. Albans PD, Cloud said. He claimed the newspaper’s coverage of the agency showed an “alliance” with the ACLU. He invited the advocacy organization to sue the city if it believes police there are using unlawful force. “I just feel like, with all due respect, they’re playing you guys,” he said. Burlington and Rutland have empaneled citizen police commissions to provide additional review of police conduct — though the effectiveness of those mechanisms is under scrutiny in Burlington. Cloud said such outside review isn’t necessary in his city. “These are concerns that are driven by an interest group and a media agency,” he said. “Our citizens aren’t asking whether we should disarm the police,” Cloud added, referring to a Burlington city councilor’s recent proposal. “Our citizens are asking whether we need more.” Video of Ford’s arrest provides some support for Cloud’s position. Once Ford was loaded into the cruiser, Schwartz entered 84 Main Sports Grill to speak to managers and take witness statements. A customer can be heard telling Schwartz that Ford had been drunk and “mouthy” before he walked out and broke the glass door. “Thank the officer that Tased him!” another patron called out. “You’re welcome,” Schwartz replied, prompting the bar customers to break out into cheers and applause. m Find the video of Vincent Ford getting Tased on Contact:

Seeking Suffrage

The key to health...

Burlington considers allowing noncitizens to vote — again BY C OURT NEY L AMDIN


artin Baumann and his wife, drive, said of Roof. “There’s been very Gabriele, moved to Burlington little dialogue.” in 1998 and sent four children Baumann, too, worries that could through the local school system. Gabri- spell trouble. He’s been engaged on ele volunteered as the Parent Teacher the issue since 2007, when he joined Organization’s fundraising chair, helping t h e Ve r m o n t organize pancake breakfasts and silent Immigrant Voting auctions. Alliance, a group But when it came time to consider the l e d b y f e l l ow school budget, the Baumanns couldn’t European expats. The alliance members cast a ballot. As German citizens, they complained that it can take years to had no right to vote here. obtain a green card, which bestows Baumann was excited when, in 2015, status as a legal permanent resident, Burlington put a proposal on the ballot and even longer to become a naturalized to allow noncitizens to vote in local elec- citizen with the right to vote. That year, tions. His progressive city was taking a they staged a mock election at city hall — stand; he’d finally have a voice. but disbanded after seeing hateful FIL E: online comments on the news “If any town can make this stories about their efforts. happen, it might be Burlington,” Baumann told Seven “It’s unfortunately one Days then. To his disapof these topics where it pointment, the measure gets very prickly, very failed. emotional,” Baumann said This year Baumann last week. “I just wish we has reason to hope again. could have a more rational discussion.” On Town Meeting Day, Queen City residents will The noncitizen voting vote — for the second time drive resurfaced in spring — on whether to extend 2014, after the city rejected suffrage to legal noncitia Bhutanese refugee’s zens. Although immigrants application to serve on provided the impetus in the Parks & Recreation 2015, this year City CounCommission because he cilor Adam Roof (I-Ward wasn’t a citizen. Jeetan 8) introduced the measure, Khadka applied anyway: unprompted. “I wanted to make sure CITY COU N CILOR Roof believes the my voice had been heard,” ALI DIEN G right to vote is an issue of he told Seven Days then. Also that spring, the city fundamental fairness for Burlington’s 3,000 noncitizens who, like published its diversity strategic plan with their neighbors, pay taxes, send their goals that included allowing noncitizens children to city schools and contribute to serve on city government boards and to to the community. But his proposal faces vote in local elections. Those objectives opposition — not only from those who turned into ballot items; both failed at the believe voting should be restricted to polls in 2015. citizens, but from some immigrants who Roof and others say times have worry that casting votes could expose changed. Mayor Miro Weinberger has noncitizens to unexpected legal danger. endorsed the proposal and, in an email, An additional uncertainty: whether wrote that he expects President Donald Roof has raised awareness and organized Trump’s anti-immigrant stance will enough support to win a majority of “yes” inspire voters to be “open to welcoming, votes. pro-immigration policies in a new way.” “Maybe there are tons of noncitizen Councilor Brian Pine (P-Ward 3) agreed, folks he’s been working with who are saying he thinks Burlington voters won’t asking for his help, but I haven’t heard,” stand for what he described as Trump’s Infinite Culcleasure, a Burlington resi- xenophobic rhetoric. dent who led the 2015 noncitizen vote







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“We need to make a very clear statement that Burlington is not part of that, and those are not our values,” Pine said. “I believe that will result in more support for this at the ballot box than would normally happen.” City Council President Kurt Wright (R-Ward 4) predicts the measure will pass because this year’s Town Meeting Day falls on Super Tuesday, when the Democratic presidential primary will feature Vermont’s own U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “That may bring out more students and other voters who didn’t vote the last time, who may typically support this type of thing,” Wright said. “That’s my theory, and that’s my concern.” Wright and Ali Dieng (D/P-Ward 7) are the only city councilors who opposed the measure. Wright said he believes voting is a sacred right reserved for citizens. Dieng, an immigrant from Mauritania, said the right to vote was the ultimate reward when he became a U.S. citizen in 2014. Baumann is not the only resident immigrant who would happily participate in the democratic process. On a recent Friday, 28-year-old Zakaria Hassan chatted with a group of young men and women at his mother’s halal grocery store on Burlington’s North Street. He piped up as soon as this reporter asked the cashier about the ballot item. “I wanna vote for Trump, but I ain’t got my citizenship,” Hassan called out. Hassan’s family immigrated from Somalia in 2005; he got his green card the following year. He hadn’t heard about Burlington’s ballot drive but said he would vote — albeit not for president — if granted the right. A lot of Somalis he knows have attained U.S. citizenship but still don’t go to the polls, Hassan said. “They just go to work and come back; that’s all they care about. But in reality, they’ve gotta come out and vote,” Hassan said. “Let’s save the kids, our second generation ... that’s the most important.” Baumann agreed. “Most people that come to the United States and stay here, they want to make a contribution and make [their country] better,” he said, adding, “The process of integrating immigrants would be greatly accelerated if they had a voice.” Burlington would not be the first Vermont city to allow noncitizen voting — Montpelier voters approved the concept in November 2018. That measure has not taken effect because the state legislature must approve such municipal charter changes. The Vermont House approved it


Seeking Suffrage « P.19

Zakaria Hassan

last year; the Senate Government Operations Committee heard testimony about it on Tuesday. The committee chair, Sen. Jeanette White (D-Windham), declined to predict whether the panel would act on the bill, calling opinions on it “mixed.” “Even people who are really predisposed to say yes are asking questions,” White said, adding, “If we do something for Montpelier, one way or another, it will definitely send a message about how we would deal with Burlington.” Winooski, the state’s most diverse city, delayed action on noncitizen voting in 2018 because New Americans were noticeably absent from debates leading up to the city council’s vote. The city subsequently formed a charter commission that is expected to recommend that residents vote on the issue in November, according to city manager Jessie Baker. In both Winooski and Montpelier, some residents worried that federal

immigration officials would have easy access to noncitizens’ names and addresses if they registered to vote in local elections. These residents come to the United States legally, but some overstay their visas, according to Erin Jacobsen, an immigration attorney with the South Royalton Legal Clinic at Vermont Law School. Such concerns are central to Councilor Dieng’s opposition to the Burlington plan. “We should let people go through the process safely, without any fear,” he said. “I think this measure in front of us is taking that away.” Dieng said he’ll lobby against the ballot item in his uncontested reelection bid. The New Americans he’s met want help navigating the arduous and expensive naturalization process; none has asked for the right to vote, he said. Dieng criticized Roof ’s plan as coming out of nowhere. “This resolution has no input from the community,” Dieng said. “Zero.” Culcleasure, the 2015 advocate and a former candidate for mayor, agreed. He said he’d feel differently about the issue if noncitizens were leading a robust dialogue about voting rights instead of “some middle-class white folk who are thinking more strategically than anything else.” “How this coalition is going about it, to me, is a little suspect,” Culcleasure added. “I need more [explanation] than Adam Roof’s oversimplistic ‘people are paying taxes; they deserve to vote.’” Roof dismissed the notion that he’s pandering for votes as “cheap” and “absurd.” “I don’t claim to be some great white knight,” Roof said. “I believe that we should, as a city government, be looking to ways to improve access to the ballot for those that don’t have it.”

Roof said he hopes to consult with organizations that support immigrants, including Migrant Justice and the Association of Africans Living in Vermont, before the election. Roof said the noncitizens with whom he spoke were afraid to advocate for themselves at council meetings and also declined to speak with Seven Days. Pine, Roof ’s fellow councilor, said it’s unreasonable to expect disenfranchised residents to lead the charge. “People are busy establishing their lives,” Pine said. “As allies, I think we need to step up and do the work.” Another prominent Progressive has reservations. Mohamed Jafar, who emigrated from Kenya at age 7, ran unsuccessfully for city council last year on a platform of giving New Americans a greater voice in Burlington politics. But as a volunteer on Election Day, he’s seen new citizens struggle to navigate the polls. Jafar worries that noncitizens, if allowed to vote, could accidentally cast a ballot in a federal election. That could get them deported, Jacobsen, the immigration lawyer, said. “It takes a lot of effort and diligence on the part of the municipality to make sure they’re not putting people at risk,” she said. Jafar has gone about helping New Americans in a different way. Since last February, he has worked with the Vermont Secretary of State’s Office to translate state ballots in Burlington and Winooski into six languages — Arabic, Burmese, French, Nepali, Somali and Swahili — to be used in the March presidential primary election. NonEnglish-speaking voters will be able to take a translated sample ballot into the voting booth and mark the corresponding English one to vote. The project kicks off with a presentation at the Old North End Community Center on January 25. “In order to bring people to the table, sometimes we have to take the extra leap to pull them in,” Jafar told a crowd at the Progressive Party caucus last month, announcing the initiative. “I think that this project is something that will pull even more people in.” Roof says the same about his initiative. The best way to increase participation in local politics, he said, is to let everyone have a say, regardless of citizenship. “It’s been a long five years since 2015,” Roof said. “We’ll see what voters decide in March.” Kevin McCallum contributed reporting. Contact:





Gladys Zelman 1943-2020 JERICHO, VT.

Beloved wife, mother and grandmother Gladys Dinnany Zelman, 76, of Jericho, Vt., passed peacefully on Monday, January 13, at Vermont Respite House following several severe strokes. Having been one of the first hospice nurses in Vermont, and knowing that there were no acceptable paths to recovery for herself, she elected to leave on her own terms, refusing further treatment. Gladys was born in Jackson Heights, N.Y., and spent much of her childhood living near Long Island Sound. This inspired a lifelong love of the ocean and the outdoors. She always wanted to be a nurse. Her many educational attainments, including an RN degree from the Mary Fletcher School of Nursing, a BA from Trinity College and an MS from Saint Michael’s College, prepared her for a fruitful and productive career in both nursing and health care administration in Vermont. She served as a birthing trainer, as a nurse in emergency, psychiatric and hospice settings, and as a home care nurse (Support and Services at Home, SASH). She was medical director at the Lund Family Center, a nurse supervisor at Fanny Allen Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, the CEO of Maple Leaf Farm addiction treatment center and the site manager for CHP Burlington. She also owned her own business, Baby Sense, helping to care

for high-needs babies and their parents in the home. Gladys is survived by her husband, Eric Zelman; daughter Alice and her spouse, Chris Norris; son George Peterson; grandson George Peterson Zelman, who is her adopted son; brother Ed and his spouse, Caroline Dinnany; sister Carol Lippencott and her fiancé, Harvey Portnoy; stepdaughters Anna Zelman and Beth Zelman; and sisterin-law Diane Zelman and her spouse, Michael Chaplin. All of these she loved and touched deeply. She also loved animals and is survived by her sweet dog, Sophie, and cat, Misty. She is predeceased by her son Brian Trevor Peterson and her parents, Ed and Gertrude Dinnany. Her love of the outdoors included skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, diving, snorkeling and white-water rafting. She loved sharing with longtime friend Margaret; going for walks with Jody and their dogs; and laughing hysterically with Eric, Bob and Mary. She loved loving her grandchildren Bella and Brody and working with Eric to raise their adopted son George, who is the capstone to their lives together. A memorial service will be held on Saturday, February 15, at 1 p.m. at All Saints Episcopal Church in South Burlington, with a reception afterward at the Best Western Conference Center located behind the Windjammer Restaurant. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Homeward Bound-Addison County Humane Society (homeward, the Lund Family Center ( and the Janet S. Munt Family Room ( A lifetime of love and service to others — thousands of others — is something to honor as a model for what one person, any person, can accomplish. Gladys’ courage and compassion were beyond words. We feel deep grief, yet we celebrate her passing as she chose, in comfort and surrounded by love.

Scott Campitelli 1959-2020 BURLINGTON, VT.

Scott Anthony Campitelli, age 60, died on January 13, 2020, of lung cancer. He was born and raised in a closeknit neighborhood in the New North End of Burlington. Scott was predeceased by his parents, Haroldine (Honey) Lois Sutherland and Robert Anthony Campitelli; his brother Bob Campitelli; and his crazy yet beloved dog Brody. Scott is survived by the love of his life, Manny Neuzil; his brother Jim Campitelli; his adored nephew and niece, Adam and Julia Campitelli; and Samantha Ringer and Marissa Neuzil, two young woman he loved as family. He is also survived by countless friends, both human and canine. If you knew Scott, you knew he loved dogs. Pilot, Ty, Wilbur, Maple, Ernie ... the list goes on. While discussing

his obituary with Manny, he wanted to acknowledge the special place these dogs and others have had in his life. Scott’s work in the community touched the lives of many. He graduated from the University of Vermont and worked in the Burlington area as an educator and media professional. Scott was dedicated to education, whether it was as a teacher in the Essex and Winooski school systems, running the In-School Programing Department at Vermont PBS or his many years as the executive director at RETN. His passion was to bring information and direction to everyone he could. For most of his career, he did that through telecommunications — either through traditional television broadcasting or through digital content online. He firmly believed that all communities needed to have access to accurate and unfiltered information. Most recently, Scott returned again to Vermont PBS, where he helped revive local programming for the station and hired some of the best and brightest production staff. He was a strong advocate for the state where he lived and worked his entire life. He felt that the world should know about the special place he called home. Scott loved Vermont. He loved paddling his Hornbeck boat at the Green River Reservoir with Manny, riding

his bike along the Burlington bike path and gardening in his backyard. His home was his haven, surrounded by his magnificent morning glories and the pear tree he watched grow to maturity. He ran the Burlington marathon three times and loved Mister Rogers, a story well-told and live music, especially Leonard Cohen. To his friends, Scott was an ever-present source of humor, insight, and deep conversation on politics or events of the day. No matter how long it had been since you last spoke to him, you were always greeted with a wide smile and then parted with a bear hug. Phone calls could last hours, and he was ever ready to share a discovery. He looked at humanity and community with a sometimes skeptical and sometimes hopeful eye and regularly commented on either with the word “interesting.” Even when asked, during his last days, if he was afraid of dying, he paused, thought for a moment and said, “No, I’m not afraid ... I’m curious ... It should be interesting.” In his college radio days, he had the opportunity to interview Hunter S. Thompson at UVM. Scott asked him, “What would you advise us college students to do?” Hunter responded, “What are you asking me for? That’s what you’re supposed to figure out.” That response stayed with Scott and became part of what he

was trying to teach everyone. He believed that it was up to us to figure out our future and ask ourselves, “What do we want?” Before he died, when asked what was most important to him to have in his obituary, Scott laughed and said, “Community and connection. I’ve been harping on this for years. It’s the most important thing! That’s why I needed to stay here, in my community.” It goes without saying that Scott Campitelli will be greatly missed by his friends and his family, but he will also be missed by many people who have never met him but were touched by his work. That is his legacy. We would like to express deep gratitude to all medical and nursing staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center. From Scott’s arrival in the ED in late May to his passing in the ICU, the staff was endlessly kind and thoughtfully candid. And, fortunately, they all appreciated Scott’s sense of humor. In particular, we would like to thank the nursing and medical staff on Miller 5, Oncology and the Medical Intensive Care Unit. A celebration of Scott’s life is being planned for the spring. There will also be a scholarship fund established in his name. Further information about both will be found at Scott’s CaringBridge page ( visit/scottcampitelli) as it becomes available.

BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT On January 14, 2020, at Porter Medical Center, Haley Thomsen and Austin Haynes welcomed a girl, Hazel Evans Thomsen.

Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at Or contact us at or 865-1020, ext. 10.

Mark your family’s milestones in lifelines. SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020



arts news


Michael Jager of Karma Bird House

Brain Waves

New Karma Bird House presentation series challenges us to learn new things B Y M AR GA R ET GR AY SON


lot is going on at Burlington’s KARMA BIRD HOUSE. The coworking space at 47 Maple Street is a maze of hallways and creaky wooden floors leading to shared spaces and the offices of therapists, acupuncturists, environmental nonprofits and marketing firms. It includes, as well, Kestrel Coffee Roasters and ISKRA PRINT COLLECTIVE. Now, building co-owners MICHAEL JAGER and GIOVANNA DI PAOLA JAGER, are launching a new event series, aiming to bring together locals from different disciplines to learn about new subjects and make new connections. Michael Jager said the series, dubbed the HEAD STRETCHERS SOCIETY, is inspired by a quote from 20th-century Supreme Court justice Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.: “One’s 22


mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions.” Karma Bird House, in partnership with the Jagers’ design and branding firm SOLIDARITY OF UNBRIDLED LABOUR, will host the first event on Thursday, January 23. “There certainly is no lack of startup interactions and meetings or lectures and talks,” Jager said. “There’s a lot that goes on with that, and a lot of it is very interesting … But one of the things that we’ve been finding is missing is trading opportunities where people have diversity of learning [opportunities].” Head Stretchers was born out of what Jager sees as a need to return to hands-on learning in the age of YouTube and smartphones. He thinks audience involvement will

differentiate these presentations from other lecture series. The events will begin with an expert presenting on a topic, followed by the opportunity for attendees to try out the subject at hand. At the first Head Stretchers event, attendees will hear from Alex Coulombe, cofounder and creative director of New York City-based Agile Lens: Immersive Design. An alum of St. Johnsbury Academy, Coulombe creates virtual-reality experiences for architecture, so that people can experience a space before it’s even built. He’s also looking at ways to integrate virtual reality into opera and theater. “The fact that he was doing it with operas around the world really captured BRAIN WAVES

» P.25




Drag Racy

A once-banned Mae West play gets a staged reading in Randolph B Y DA N B O LLES


hen it debuted in Connecticut in January 1927, Mae West’s play The Drag lasted all of 10 performances before it was banned. The play’s subtitle, A Homosexual Comedy in Three Acts, explains why the prudish powers of the day deemed it too titillating for public eyes. But here’s the thing: That was probably only the second most controversial thing that West endured in the early part of 1927. In February, she and the cast of her Broadway hit Sex were arrested on indecency charges. West was fined $500 and sentenced to 10 days in jail. Those twin acts of moral turpitude helped set the course of West’s career, not only as an entertainer and sex symbol but as an enduring champion of sex positivity long before that term entered the lexicon. On Saturday, January 25, local audiences will get a taste of just how ahead of her time West was when the VERMONT PRIDE THEATER presents a staged reading of The Drag at the CHANDLER CENTER FOR THE ARTS in Randolph. The play, which West wrote under the pen name Jane Mast, orbits Rolly

Kingsbury, a closeted New York City socialite whose father is a homophobic judge and whose father-in-law, Dr. James Richmond, is a psychotherapist specializing in gay conversion therapy. Over the course of three acts, a tangle of increasingly thorny love triangles is revealed, most stemming from Kingsbury’s sham marriage to Dr. Richmond’s daughter, Clair. “And then it all turns into a murder mystery,” said TESS HOLBROOK, who directs the reading. “The Drag is about exploring one’s own sexuality,” she continued. “It resonates today for the same reason it was banned Mae West in the 1920s: It was a celebration of these gay characters’ sexuality.” Holbrook added, “It’s fun; it’s a comedy. It’s colorful and loud and unapologetic.” Holbrook believes that celebratory aspect of the play still appeals to audiences more than 90 years later because it’s a welcome counterpoint to how modern films such as Brokeback Mountain and Carol have told the stories of gay characters.



The Drag in rehearsal


» P.24

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Drag Racy « P.23 “Those are tragedies,” she said. “The Other characters in the 13-member LGBTQ community hasn’t really had a cast represent views aligning more with lot of just fun stories with characters that West’s philosophy of acceptance and reflect them.” understanding. The director conceded The Drag is most certainly a fun that certain elements of The Drag don’t story — the climactic act is set at a lavish hold up to evolved modern views on sexudrag ball, for starters. But it’s also an ality and gender. But she said much of the important work, and one in which West play was well ahead of its time. addressed issues — not only sexuality but Specifically, Holbrook cited a scene in the corrupting power of wealth — that which a straight character, Allen Greyfew other playwrights at the time would son, chastises Rolly Kingsbury for hiding approach. his sexuality behind his wife. It’s not “In the end, the show shines light Kingsbury’s sexuality that’s despicable, (in a black Vaudevillian argues Greyson — who, comedic way) on sexual by the way, is in love with identities, how they evolve Clair — but the act of using due to societal pressures someone else to hide who and that wealth can hide he really is. corruption,” actor MARK “That’s something that ROSALBO wrote in an email. we’re only now discoverRosalbo plays Judge ing,” Holbrook said. “That T ES S HO L B R O OK Kingsbury, a character he you shouldn’t hide behind says represents “the predominant 1920s someone, because you’re hurting them.” view of homosexuality … that it was as As for those more progressive presentpernicious as cancer. day attitudes toward sexuality, she believes “My character, Judge Kingsbury, West would approve. at least outwardly, concludes, much “I think one of her main things was like all of society at the time, that if left accepting one’s sexuality, embracing unchecked, those with ‘inverted sexual it and being more open about sex in desires’ would destroy the strong moral general,” Holbrook said. “I see that in the foundations of any society,” Rosalbo dialogue in this play.” continued. West, of course, disagreed that homoContact: sexuality would destroy the fabric of civilization. But she didn’t necessarily INFO hold a grudge against those who tried to Vermont Pride Theater presents a staged silence her for expressing that viewpoint reading of The Drag: A Homosexual Comedy in her work. in Three Acts, Saturday, January 25, 7:30 p.m., “I believe in censorship,” she once Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph. $5famously said. “I made a fortune out of it.” 25.



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Brain Waves « P.22 my imagination,” Jager said. “That’s something that would be so interesting, that would really, truly stretch people’s imagination of what could be done with that technology.” Jager also believes virtual reality can transform technology into more than what we experience on our smartphones. It’s important, he said, that learning experiences include more than simply visual experiences. “We are so inextricably linked to technology and the wonder and awe of it, but I think we have to be eyes wide open about how we engage with it and not underestimate the fact that we are a multisensory species,” Jager said. “We need to keep those things vital.” Coulombe will give attendees a chance to experience virtual reality for themselves. Head Stretchers events will take place every other month and will feature experts in architecture, agriculture, writing, cooking, yoga and more. Jager wants to connect innovators around Vermont with new audiences, as well as bring in talent from outside the state. “One of the things that Vermont undeniably has is countless numbers of people doing creative and amazing things, all over the state,” he said. “But there’s so many that people just don’t know about.” The Jagers were two of the partners behind JDK Design, the former powerhouse firm credited with helping launch Burton into mainstream culture and working with countless other national brands. In 2014, Michael Jager redesigned the downsized firm and renamed it Solidarity of Unbridled Labour; he is its chief creative officer. Giovanna Jager is the director of Karma Bird House. The first Head Stretchers event will take place in the gallery adjacent to Kestrel’s coffee shop. “There’s a spirit to Vermont and Burlington that is, to my mind, a beautiful, unpretentious kind of quality, which is great,” Jager said. “I think that invites more discourse than many other cities have. And that, I think, is one of the key conditions for curiosity.” m Contact:

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INFO Head Stretchers Society presents Alex Coulombe, Thursday, January 23, 5:30-7 p.m., at Karma Bird House in Burlington. | Untitled-6 1

| 802.654.2100 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020


1/2/20 12:08 PM


Where on the Connecticut River Is the Vermont-New Hampshire Border?


nline and mobile GPS mapping programs have improved considerably in recent years but are still a far cry from the gold standard of cartography. Ask Google Maps for driving directions from any U.S. city to Vermont without entering a specific address, and it’ll direct you to a forest clearing in Morristown owned by Kristine and Brad Blaisdell. As Seven Days explained in a May 11, 2016, WTF column, Google’s algorithms arbitrarily chose a spot where the couple stores firewood to represent “Vermont.” Go figure. But occasionally, digital maps reveal deeper truths. Such was the case recently when a reader noticed that his smartphone app identified the Vermont-New Hampshire border as running not along the midpoint of the Connecticut River, where one might expect, but along the river’s western edge. Our reader also observed that the “Welcome to Vermont” sign on Interstate 89 north isn’t posted in the middle of the bridge but on its western side. Is that because it’s easier to erect highway signs on terra firma? Or does New Hampshire actually extend to Vermont’s shore? Turns out, the Green Mountain and Granite states bickered over this question for decades. This West Bank brouhaha, which is even older than the one between the Israelis and the Palestinians, wasn’t resolved until a 1933 U.S. Supreme Court decision. Short answer: The Vermont-New Hampshire border is the low-water mark on the western side of the Connecticut River. It’s not the thread of the river, or centerline, which is the general rule when a body of water separates two states, as is the case with Lake Champlain between New York and Vermont. Why not? For an explanation, we consulted Jere Daniell, 87, professor emeritus of history at Dartmouth College and a scholar of New England colonial history. In 1664, King Charles II of England gave his brother, James, the Duke of York, the area currently known as New York and Vermont. As Daniell explained, that grant defined the province as running east “to the Connecticut River.” But Benning Wentworth, the Britishappointed colonial governor of New Hampshire from 1741 to 1766, didn’t toe that line. Between 1749 and 1764, Wentworth issued 135 land grants west of the 26


Connecticut River in territory already claimed by New York. Wentworth’s New Hampshire grants led to the chartering of 131 townships in what is now Vermont — including the first, which the selfaggrandizing gov named after himself: Bennington. Then, in 1763, the British government decreed that Wentworth’s grants were still part of New York. “From 1763 until the American Revolution, there were conniption fits with the owners of the New Hampshire grants,” Daniell said. A few residents purchased new titles from New York, others ignored the British decree, and “the more entertaining ones kept two sets of records, depending upon which authorities showed up at their door,” he added. Armed conflicts between rival claimants

eventually led to the formation of the Green Mountain Boys to stop the influx of New York settlers. In 1789, New York and the Vermont Republic agreed to bury the hatchet. Vermont paid New York $30,000 to drop its land claims. Two years later, Vermont joined the Union as its 14th state, but the boundary dispute remained unresolved. Fast-forward to the 20th century. In 1915, Vermont sued New Hampshire, claiming that it had been admitted to the Union as a “sovereign independent state” with its boundaries established by the revolution. Its eastern boundary, Vermont argued, was the thread of the Connecticut River. New Hampshire cried foul, and Vermont v. New Hampshire landed before the U.S. Supreme Court. As Vermont Law School professor

Jared Carter explained the 1933 decision, “the court split the difference.” Vermont asked that its boundary extend to the center of the river; New Hampshire asked that its border run to where the vegetation stops on the west bank. But the justices chose neither, opting instead to put the boundary at the river’s low-water line. As Carter put it, “Neither of them got what they wanted.” The case, Daniell noted, was rooted in property taxes and who could charge tolls on bridges across the river, but it also created other “entertaining consequences.” For example, Daniell once took his grandchild on a tour of the Wilder Dam that spans the river between Lebanon, N.H., and Hartford, Vt., where, he learned, one of its six generators sits in Vermont. Carter himself discovered on a riverfloat trip that the ruling also affects fishing rights. According to the Connecticut River Joint Commissions, resident Vermonters may use a Vermont fishing license anywhere on the river, and those holding nonresident Vermont licenses may fish the river from Vermont’s shoreline. However, nonresidents who wish to fish from a boat “in these New Hampshire waters” must purchase a Granite State license. Does that mean Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources has no jurisdiction over the Connecticut River? No, the agency does have jurisdiction, clarified Jeff Crocker, supervising river ecologist in the watershed management division of the agency’s Department of Environmental Conservation. As Crocker explained via email, the federal Clean Water Act gives Vermont authority to regulate activities that affect its own waters, such as hydroelectric projects, water withdrawals, wastewater discharges and disturbances to wetlands. “It’s a fascinating story, steeped in revolution, kings, congressmen, dukes and governors,” Carter added. “What Vermont and New Hampshire ended up fighting over, ultimately, was where the vegetation ends on a bank.” And while it’s “probably just a lot of sand and mud, there are real-world repercussions.” Isn’t that always the case with border wars? Contact:

INFO Got a Vermont head-scratcher that has you stumped? Write us!




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1/9/20 4:27 PM


Budding Entrepreneur B Y K E N PI CA R D





ack Nichol had a long career helping others get high — airborne, that is — before he started Canna-Trim, a mechanized bud-trimming business that serves Vermont’s cannabis industry. The 37-year-old San Jose, Calif., native is a retired U.S. Marine who spent five years as an avionics technician, repairing military helicopters. He deployed twice to Iraq as a Marine, in 2003 and 2005, and a third time in 2008 as a civilian contractor. After his last tour, Nichol decided that deployments were “a young man’s game.” So he returned to college, earned an engineering degree and, in 2009, took a job in Vermont repairing civilian aircraft. But after working a “big-boy desk job” for five years, Nichol still found his work unrewarding. “I’ve always had the entrepreneurial spirit and wanted to do something on my own,” said Nichol. “I just didn’t know what or where or how.” In the summer of 2019, as Vermont’s hemp production boomed, he saw an opportunity to “jump into the industry with both feet.” Recognizing that most of Vermont’s small- and medium-size hemp growers trimmed their plants by hand, he took out a business loan and invested in bud-trimming equipment. The machines mechanically separate the plant’s buds, or “flowers,” from its leaves and stems. Just weeks before harvest season began, Nichol emailed every hemp farm in Vermont — more than 560 of them — and invited them to rent his equipment. From mid-September until November 1, he worked on 14 farms and processed more than 1,500 pounds of the skunky stuff. He would have worked longer, Nichol said, but he was due back at his desk job. In December, Nichol quit his engineering job and devoted himself full time to growing Canna-Trim. Just last week, he signed a deal with CenturionPro Solutions, the Canadian manufacturer of his equipment, to be the company’s New England sales and service rep. Nichol uses cannabis himself to treat deployment-related pain and posttraumatic stress disorder. And because his machinery can trim plants grown for either cannabidiol or recreational marijuana, he sees huge future growth potential for Canna-Trim once Vermont legalizes its cannabis retail market. “The rock stars of Vermont [cannabis] are the growers. I’m just the bucket-andshovels guy,” he added. “As long as they’re healthy, I’m healthy.”



Jack Nichol


Mobile mechanized hemp processor


St. Albans

CenturionPro hemp trimmer

SEVEN DAYS: How busy were you during the fall harvest? JACK NICHOL: I was insanely busy. Every day off, I had to stop and clean the machines. It was just me, my truck and my machines. Once I had a customer down in Bennington, so I was up at 3:30 a.m. to drive down there, trim — that was a multiday job, so I slept in my truck. Then I drove back up here the next day. SD: Did you harvest the plants for your customers as well as trim them? JN: No. Trimming is just one step in the process. Harvest time for macro-scale growing is always a team effort and always will be, whether you’re doing mechanized

trimming or trimming by hand. The difference with [Canna-Trim] is, I insert myself into your process so that you have people bringing cut plants to where I’ve set up, and from there we strip the plants and then they take the buckets full of flowers and lay them out to dry. SD: Is anyone else providing this service locally? JN: I had at least one competitor last year. We were at the same site one day. I didn’t know them; they didn’t know me. We have a different way of doing things. I’m much more into allowing the growers to [rent] the equipment, because they can save money and not pay me to run the machines. SD: How much time does mechanized trimming save? JN: Lots! Let’s say you have a team of amazing hand trimmers doing two pounds of

trimming per person per day. The machines I was using were doing 250 pounds per day. SD: What are the biggest challenges you’ve encountered? JN: That nobody in Vermont really knows what mechanized trimming is yet. They don’t know that there are awesome products that they can use to really speed up their process and use their time more efficiently. The second big challenge [was] the market prices, which were drastically lower than a lot of people were promised. If the small- and mid-size growers can’t make money, nobody can make money [except] the big, out-of-state growers. SD: Do you see Vermont’s growers competing with large industrial growers in other states? JN: Whether it’s [grown for] CBD or THC, five or 10 years from now cannabis is going to be just like Vermont maple syrup and cheese. We don’t do a lot of volume in either of those [products]. We just do highquality stuff. And that’s what Vermont cannabis is going to be: low volume, high quality. SD: What’s the best part of your job? JN: Just everyone I meet out there on the road. I knew this was going to be just me and my truck and my trailer, driving to farms around Vermont and talking to awesome people. I got to trim UVM’s flowers up in Alburgh. I trimmed [Lt. Gov. David] Zuckerman’s flowers. Just meeting those people and soaking everything up, because I’m the new guy and I still have a lot to learn. SD: Does Canna-Trim have a social mission, too? JN: Yes, [to demonstrate that] you can be an upstanding, taxpaying, hair-combing, clean-clothed person and be a cannabis consumer and businessman, not the stereotypical lazy stoner. It’s 2020, and I’m so tired of that stereotype. m This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length. Contact:

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1/15/20 11:29 AM


How Vermonters are responding to the climate crisis B Y CHEL SEA ED G A R


ast spring, 27-year-old Lauren Weston quit her job as a water resource engineer at Milone & MacBroom in Waterbury and moved to a yurt on a farm in Franklin County. Over the last decade, the path from the corporate world to the yurt has seen plenty of millennial foot traffic, but Weston’s reasons for abandoning her nineto-five existence reflect a cultural undercurrent that has only recently entered the mainstream lexicon: climate panic. It has other names, too — ecological anxiety, climate anxiety, climate grief, ecological grief — but each of those labels refers to the same malaise: a growing sense that everything is hurtling toward cataclysm, that we’ve trapped ourselves in a hell of our own making. Weston interned on the farm for six months, an experience she described as transformative and humbling. “I had no idea about how crops grew, or the timing of seasons,” she said. At night, she liked to hear the animals rustling in the woods outside her yurt. But since the internship ended and she moved to Burlington last fall, the despair has crept back in. Weston won’t attend events that require her to drive; this year, she stayed home alone on Thanksgiving, because she didn’t think she could bring herself to make small talk with anyone. Sometimes, Weston said, the only thing she can do is lie on the couch all day and watch TV, pretending to be normal. Earlier this month, when protesters interrupted Gov. Phil Scott’s State of the State address with chants of “Climate collapse means starvation in Vermont!” and “I’m afraid I’m going to die!” they were, in effect, demanding that he stop pretending to be normal. 30


A few hours before Scott’s speech, a troupe of activists calling themselves the Red Rebels staged a glacially slow procession from the Unitarian Church of Montpelier to the Statehouse. They were mute and elaborately painted, like Elizabethan mimes or extras in a Stanley Kubrick movie, dressed entirely in scarlet. Their theatrical refusal of the pedestrian social contract — walk briskly, make friendly eye contact, try not to look creepy — was itself a demand: The world is on fire. Why are you in such a hurry to get to the office? While Weston and the Red Rebels represent arguably extreme manifestations of climate panic, Vermonters in general are increasingly feeling its destabilizing effects, a seesaw of activism and nihilism. A survey by the Vermont Public Interest Research Group, released at the end of 2019, found that 61

“Climate panic” is a growing sense that everything is hurtling toward cataclysm,

that we’ve trapped ourselves in a hell of our own making.

percent of respondents feel “very worried” about climate change, compared to just 35 percent of respondents who took the same survey in 2016. In those three intervening years, we elected a president who has, among other things, called climate change a hoax, undermined the role of scientific research in federal policy making and overturned Obama-era regulations on offshore drilling. More than 23 million acres of California — an area larger than the state of Maine — have burned. Three of the five costliest hurricanes in United States history struck in 2017, causing $265 billion in damage. And that’s just in this country. Within the last few months, fires in Australia have killed an estimated billion animals. Flooding in Jakarta has displaced almost half a million people and forced the Indonesian government to move

its capital to the island of Borneo. In light of these catastrophes, Oxford Dictionaries chose “climate emergency” as its phrase of 2019. Over the last year, use of the term has increased a hundredfold in the English language. Oxford’s short-listed words of the year were also climate-centric: “climate action,” “climate denial,” “ecoanxiety,” “extinction” and “flight shame.” On a recent morning at Pingala Café, a vegan eatery in Burlington, a twentysomething commented to her friend that on top of her “hangover shame,” she was feeling “eco-shame” for drunkenly requesting an Uber home the night before. “I know what you mean,” her friend said solemnly.


Since the mid-1800s, the advent of the industrial era, the average global temperature has risen by 1 degree Celsius. For decades, the scientific community has regarded an increase of 2 degrees Celsius as the precipice of the unthinkable. A glimpse over the edge: hundreds of millions of people exposed to deadly heat, floods, drought, and water and food shortages; 99 percent of coral reefs turned into underwater graveyards; up to 965,000 square miles of Arctic permafrost vulnerable to thaw, which could trigger the release of a gas 86 times more powerful than carbon as a greenhouse-effect multiplier. These predictions aren’t the doomsday prophesies of some fringe blogger; they come from the United Nations and NASA. In 2016, the 187 signatory nations of the Paris Agreement (a number that, as of


The Red Rebels

If you find this story alarming, you’re not alone. This month, Seven Days is launching a semi-regular series called “Fired Up: Vermonters respond to the climate crisis.” We’ll explore the state’s climaterelated challenges and what residents are trying at a local level to mitigate the planet’s heating trend — noting what’s catching on and what isn’t. We’ll also look at ways to become more resilient in the face of changes that may be inevitable. All of these stories will be tagged with the Fired Up icon. Look for them in upcoming issues. Got a suggestion for the series? Send it to coordinator Elizabeth M. Seyler at

Extinction Rebellion activists at Gov. Phil Scott’s State of the State address

November 4, 2020, will no longer include the U.S., per President Donald Trump) agreed to “take action” to limit warming to 1.5 degrees. That increase, scientists now acknowledge, would still have dire consequences for much of the planet’s human and nonhuman population. Seventy to 90 percent of the world’s coral reefs would be wiped out, as opposed to 99 percent; a NASA study of 105,000 species of plants and animals found that 8 percent of plants, 6 percent of insects and 4 percent of vertebrates would suffer massive habitat loss. Fires and floods, already occurring with nightmarish regularity in a world currently 1 degree Celsius warmer, would

get even worse. Places like Miami and Bangladesh and the Marshall Islands might have a few more years to figure out how to get their citizens to higher ground. In the wake of the Paris Agreement, 1.5 degrees of warming became our collective ecological Narnia — an alternate reality that seemed accessible via some combination of doing particular things and closing our eyes and wanting it badly enough. Not that the science was unclear: To achieve that goal, net global emissions would have to decrease. Instead, they’ve risen. And while net emissions have begun to plateau and even decline in the U.S. and the European Union, those trends aren’t

significant enough to atone for the staggering amount of carbon we’ve already injected into the atmosphere over the past three decades. Nor are they enough to offset the footprint of the world’s rapidly expanding economies — particularly China, which was responsible for more than a quarter of all global emissions in 2019. The question — the same one that world leaders, scientists, policy wonks and technocrats have haggled over since before the invention of the DVD — is how to reduce emissions on a scale that would set us on the path to 1.5 degrees without crippling developing countries. A recent simulation by Carbon Brief, a UK-based climate change science and policy research group, projected that net global emissions would have had to fall 3 percent every year, starting in 2000, to maintain any probability of curbing warming to 1.5 degrees within this century. Now, in 2020, emissions would need to decline by exponentially steeper increments each year, reaching net zero by 2040. That vertiginous slope doesn’t just represent a drop in fossil fuel emissions; it implies a total transformation of the structures and systems and human behaviors that produce them in the first place. We’re not there, not even close. In October 2018, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the historically sober-minded arbiter of climate data, released a report that decisively shifted the discourse: Even if every country met its Paris targets — a feat that would require cutting global emissions by 45 percent below 2010 levels, which are lower than current levels — the IPCC found that global temperatures are still on track to rise 3 degrees by 2100, barring immediate and drastic measures. As one University of Oxford climate scientist and report contributor put it to the New York Times, “It’s telling us we need to reverse emissions trends and turn the world economy on a dime.” And the 3-degree scenario — 1 degree warmer than the aforementioned hellscape — represents only the median portion of the probability spectrum. The IPCC projections, according to journalist David Wallace-Wells in his 2019 disaster panorama, The Uninhabitable Earth, run as high as 8 degrees. In that world, he writes, “the oceans would eventually swell 200 feet higher, flooding what are now two-thirds of the world’s major cities; hardly any land on the planet would be capable of efficiently producing any of the food we now eat…” He continues with one apocalyptic example after another. In sum, Vermont would become coastal. DEGREES OF PANIC SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020

» P.32 31


Degrees of Panic « P.31


In Vermont there is, as yet, no equivalent to a billion dead animals, which can help create the illusion that ecological disaster is something that happens elsewhere — that the state is too small and insignificant to affect or be affected by the worst impacts of climate change. But climate change is an open system; Vermont’s greenhouse gas emissions don’t localize their long-term consequences. And even though Vermonters may be at considerably less risk than the approximately 600 million people who live within 30 feet of sea level, higher elevation in no way means imperviousness. Already, in our present 1-degreewarmer reality, the amount of rainfall in the most intense storms in the Northeast has risen 71 percent since 1958. The Fourth National Climate Assessment, completed in 2018, found that the region is locked in to more than 2 degrees of warming by 2035, the greatest temperature increase in the contiguous U.S.; the intensity and frequency of precipitation events is only projected to get worse. The Green Mountain snow season, on average eight days shorter now than it was three decades ago, will continue to shrink, affecting communities that depend on the winter recreation industry for jobs and revenue. More people will die of mosquito- and tick-borne illnesses, which are already on the rise: In 2017, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found that Vermont now has the nation’s highest per capita rate of Lyme disease. Perhaps the least of our worries is that the maple sugaring season could begin a month earlier by the end of this century; as the probability of major coastal flooding increases, so does the likelihood that Vermont will become a “receiving state,” in the words of the 2014 Vermont Climate Assessment, for people displaced by hurricanes and higher sea level. Vermont, of course, is no stranger to floods. According to data from the National Weather Service, average precipitation in Vermont has increased by almost six inches since 1960. In parallel, the number of federal disaster declarations in the state has been climbing. Since 2010, there have been 18, 13 of which have been issued since 2011. The most recent, last fall’s Halloween storm, left more than 100,000 people without electricity, making it the fifth-largest outage event in the history of Green Mountain Power. The worst of them all so far, Tropical Storm Irene, in August 2011, caused $733 million in damage. That figure represents only what the state and federal government 32


Jane Dwinell

spent on recovery efforts. The human cost percent of fair market value for their homes; — long-term physical and mental health under certain circumstances, municipalieffects, lost wages, the unseen economics ties will cover the difference. To date, 130 of disaster — is much harder to calculate. homeowners have taken a buyout. But there One grim snapshot: A 2012 study by the are some major obstacles, said Vermont U.S. Department of Commerce estimated Emergency Management director Erica that the relocation of state workers due to Bornemann. Irene deprived Washington County of $32.7 “A lot of people don’t know that this million in potential revenue. program exists,” she explained. “And the Christine Carmimunicipality has to apply chael, a postdoctoral on behalf of the homeowner. It can take a long fellow at the University of Vermont’s Gund Institime — a year to 18 months tute for Environment, has from the time the applicaspent the past few years tion is submitted — to get studying the psychologian approval. So it’s not the cal toll of Irene on Watersilver bullet in terms of bury residents. In her getting folks out of floodJANE D W INE L L research, she found that vulnerable areas.” the overwhelming majorAccording to data from ity of people who experienced catastrophic the state’s Watershed Management Diviflooding from the storm live in perpetual sion, some 10,000 structures in Vermont’s fear of losing everything again. Several floodplains still await their turn. people Carmichael interviewed said that they consistently wake up at night during heavy rainstorms to make sure the river isn’t overflowing its banks. The internet has a kaleidoscopic effect To accommodate a reality in which on climate anxiety, refracting it into a deluges are no longer an anomaly but a million tessellations of fear and rage and persistent fact, the state’s Hazard Mitigation spookery. The omniscience of Facebook Plan includes a voluntary buyout program and Google virtually guarantees that once for homeowners who live in flood-prone you start clicking on articles about the areas. The program, part of a post-Irene wildfires ravaging Australia and the everFEMA aid package, offers residents 75 shrinking window in which we might

I’m prepared. I know how to grow and find food.


avert catastrophic warming, the nightmare stories will begin to find you. The instant proliferation of social media content, the simultaneity of the hellish and the trivial, only amplifies the absurdity. In early January, Vermont-based writer and environmental activist Bill McKibben tweeted a photo of a beach encampment in Mallacoota, Australia, where nearly 4,000 people had sought refuge from the flames. An hour later, McKibben retweeted ExxonMobil Australia’s New Year’s wishes: “Stay safe and have fun this new year, from all of us at ExxonMobil Australia.” The next item in my Twitter feed was an ad from the Wall Street Journal: “You’re feeling depressed. What have you been eating?” Memes, the tea leaves of the internet, have increasingly begun to reflect this existential distress, a self-mocking disgust at the squalor of our present condition. Recently, a photo of a humanoid-shaped shadow in an empty bedroom surfaced on Instagram, accompanied by this text: “in 2020 i’m shedding my physical vessel and becoming a void.” Among the more soul-obliterating corners of the doomsday web is a PDF titled “Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating Climate Tragedy.” The author, Jem Bendell, is a professor of sustainability leadership at the University of Cumbria in Carlisle, UK; he published the paper on his own website in July 2018, after a peer-reviewed journal

requested “major revisions” to the draft he submitted. “Deep Adaptation” regards the climate crisis not as something to be understood purely through quantitative data — rising temperatures, melting Arctic ice — but as an all-encompassing juggernaut that requires a new philosophical framework. Bendell posits that most climate change research proceeds from the assumption that we can effectively manage the impacts of warming while maintaining the standard of living to which the affluent Western world has grown accustomed. Based on his review of the latest climate science, Bendell concludes that that premise is both false and reckless — that humanity is, in fact, headed for “inevitable near-term social collapse due to climate change . . . with serious ramifications for the lives of readers.” Now, he suggests, is the time to “step back, to consider ‘what if ’ the analysis in these pages is true, to allow yourself to grieve, and to overcome enough of the typical fears we all have, to find meaning in new ways of being and acting.” A number of scientists and scholars have taken issue with Bendell’s argumentative approach — namely, that he conflates “likely” collapse and “inevitable” collapse, without adequately substantiating either characterization. In spite of, or maybe because of, that epistemological thumb wrestling, “Deep Adaptation” has achieved a niche virality; in a February 2019 Vice story (titled “The Climate Change Paper So Depressing It’s Sending People to Therapy”), Bendell claimed that it had been downloaded more than 110,000 times. (An illustration of its nicheness: “Someone in the alternative economics and Bitcoin crowd told me, ‘Oh, everyone’s talking about deep adaptation in London at all the dinner parties,’” he told Vice.) One of the paper’s downloaders was Jane Dwinell. A lifelong homesteader and semiretired Unitarian Universalist pastor, she currently lives in a net-zero house in Burlington’s Old North End. She and her husband, Sky Yardley, grow most of their produce in their backyard. A framed 15-by-17-inch drawing of the death card from the Tarot deck hangs in their kitchen, a reminder of the inevitability of endings and the promise of regeneration. Dwinell, who used to work as a labor and

delivery nurse at Gifford Medical Center in Randolph, is fond of the metaphor. As we sat at her kitchen table one chilly November morning, warmed by a space heater that drew electricity from the solar panels on her roof, Dwinell told me that she had abandoned hope of reversing the trajectory of climate change long before she read Bendell’s work. “I mean, 20 years ago, even 10, I thought we could still turn it around,” she said. In 2010, Dwinell published a book, Freedom Through Frugality [spend less, have more], a practical guide to releasing oneself from the manacles of consumerism and doing less harm to the planet. (A snippet: “If you feel you can’t leave home without lipstick or nail polish, think about why that is.”) But the book didn’t sell very many copies, and carbon emissions kept rising. Dwinell got discouraged. “Then, it started to feel like it was too late, with the feedback loops and everything,” she said. “I’d read Bill McKibben’s The End of Nature, and it seemed like climate change was Tarot death card accelerating.” This is a common refrain among the climatologically woke — the sensation that the world is deteriorating presently, rapidly, at double or triple speed, while everyone else’s lives proceed at a normal pace. When Dwinell first encountered “Deep Adaptation,” in March 2019, she felt vindicated. Not long after, she became a moderator of the then-newly launched Facebook group Positive Deep Adaptation, named for its emphasis on productive, nonshaming discussion about how to physically and spiritually prepare for ecological collapse. Today, the group has nearly 9,000 members; Dwinell is the sole moderator on the East Coast of the U.S. As a moderator, her main job is reviewing membership requests — the group receives, on average, 150 each week — and deep-sixing occasional trolls. The vast majority of members are concentrated in the U.S., the UK, Australia and Canada; seven, including Dwinell, live in Vermont, mostly in Chittenden County. She divides the group into two categories: those for whom the prospect of climate-change-induced societal breakdown is “new news,” and those, like her, who have been bracing themselves for decades. Most newcomers, Dwinell DEGREES OF PANIC

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1/6/20 12:19 PM


Degrees of Panic « P.33 said, are looking for community, a place to express the all-consuming dread they can’t talk about with the people in their off-line lives. In the discussion thread, parents grapple with how to speak to their young children about what the world might look like by the time they enter adulthood. Recently, one mother from the UK wrote that she told her daughter, “We are going into a period that is going to be a lot like, you know, being in Europe and going into World War II. There may be a lot of chaos and confusion. There may be food shortages. Your dad and I are looking into buying some land to grow food — and I am doing my best to try to help in our community.” Others seek advice on what to do with their 401ks, fearing that retirement plans will offer no purchase in a warmer world. In late December and early January, members from Australia shared their terror and hopelessness — the sense that collapse was no longer a distant specter, but actual and unfolding over more than 23,000 square miles of the continent. One woman posted: “It’s too late for growing or relearning. It’s about survival now.” A disaster of that magnitude is unlikely to strike Vermont anytime soon. But Dwinell has steeled herself for whatever comes, whenever it comes. “I’m prepared,” she said. “I know how to grow and find food. I know how to slaughter animals. I’ve built eight houses and renovated two. I know how to deliver a baby, and I know how to help somebody die.”


In 1816, known as the “Year Without a Summer” or “1800 and Froze to Death,” a June blizzard dumped a foot and a half of snow on Cabot. Farmers who had already shorn their sheep tried to keep them warm by tying their fleeces back on, but whole flocks still died of exposure. In July and August, the temperature regularly dipped below freezing, killing the corn harvest for the year. The sun was dimmer, shrouded by a fog-like veil that wouldn’t lift. The culprit, though no one living then knew it, was the 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora in Indonesia, which launched enough sulfur and ash into the atmosphere to produce a sudden global winter that devastated crops throughout the northern hemisphere. Food shortages in New England prompted a mass westward migration. Vermont alone lost nearly 15,000 people, reversing seven generations of population growth. 34


Lindsey Berk and Matthew Orchard

Those who stayed behind noticed other strange things. In January 1817, steeples and fence posts began to glow. People’s hair would spontaneously acquire a mysterious aura, as if lit from behind — a phenomenon called St. Elmo’s Fire, the result of a strong electrical field generated by the volcanic eruption. In an interview with Seven Days last fall, Vermont historian Howard Coffin noted that the religious fervor of the Second Great Awakening, which had begun a decade earlier, led many people to conclude that only the wrath of God could have been responsible for the surreal occurrences they were witnessing. Terrified, they prayed in droves. New England governors even prevailed upon their constituents to build more churches, hoping to regain divine favor. Religion no longer wields the social and metaphysical authority that it possessed in the early 19th century. Today, we have the gospel of wellness and self-care, a $4.2 trillion industry predicated on the notion that the human vessel, particularly the female vessel, can and should be optimized. In its most blatantly capitalistic forms (SoulCycle, $8 cold-pressed juices), this relentless pursuit of optimization has

taken on the zeal of spiritual pilgrimage, a culturally enforced ritual of self-flagellation and purification that feels entirely wrapped up in the fossil-fuel-powered narrative of economic productivity. Viewed in this context, goat yoga starts to look like an insanely depressing attempt to rectify our depraved ecological situation. It’s no coincidence that eco-anxiety tends to afflict the privileged — those for whom climate change is an internet rabbit hole rather than a life-upending reality. (“This is all about white people,” said Dwinell, who is white herself.) At its extremity, one symptom is an obsessive preoccupation with the carbon impact of everything, analogous to the way someone with anorexia perseverates on calories. As the enormity of the climate crisis dwarfs all of our psychological and political faculties, as things keep getting weirder and bleaker — what former Democratic presidential candidate Marianne Williamson called the “dark psychic force” of the Trump era — there seems to be a growing demand for new-age spirituality and its promises of transcendent self-soothing, unyoked from organized religion and capitalism. Astrology, in particular, has had a mainstream resurgence, especially among

millennials. In a New Yorker story last October, an internet astrologer summed up the field’s renewed appeal: “‘In the Obama years, people liked astrology. In the Trump years, people need it.’” Since climate panic has emerged as a specific ailment that requires specific therapeutic acknowledgment, a cottage industry of conferences, workshops and seminars has rapidly spawned to treat it. The American Psychological Association included half a dozen sessions on ecological grief at their 2019 annual meeting; in Burlington, Railyard Apothecary hosted an ecological grieving circle last November and has scheduled another on January 26. A climate panic-adjacent herbal workshop (“Inflammation, Anxiety and Climate Change”) is planned for April. In 2016, a year before the APA officially recognized “eco-anxiety” as “a chronic fear of environmental doom,” a married duo founded the Good Grief Network — a free support group for people struggling with the weight of the climate crisis, modeled loosely on the Alcoholics Anonymous approach. (Step one of 10: “Accept the severity of the predicament.”) In January, activist Lindsey Berk launched the first Vermont chapter of the


Good Grief Network. Berk and her part- the 13 people in the circle of yoga mats, only ner, Matthew Orchard, are also members three, including Orchard, were men. of Extinction Rebellion, which helped After acknowledging that we were organize the protests during Gov. Scott’s on the land of the unseated Abenaki — a State of the State address earlier this standard disclaimer within Vermont’s - PRESENTING SPONSORS month; Orchard was one of the chant- climate-justice movement — Berk asked Waterbury Winterfest is a 10-day, family ers who interrupted Scott’s speech. each person what they hoped to gain from friendly festival featuring indoor and Recently, climate tragedy has struck the workshop. Several people mentioned outdoor venues, traditional and close to home for them: Orchard, who “resilience.” Others spoke about “adaptanot-so-traditional events. grew up in Australia, has been watching tion” and “community.” One woman said his country burn on the news. she wanted to “find her feelings again.” JANUARY 24 to FEBRUARY 2 The couple recently bought a Yet another woman explained that 140-year-old farmhouse a few blocks ecological grief has made her day-to-day from downtown Brandon. life feel like “playing house,” Most events are free but some Ideally, said Berk, she and an elaborate and pointless require a registration fee. Orchard would like to install game. “Seeing birds used to for event LOCATIONS, details, & more, please visit solar panels on the roof and give me a sense of joy,” she purchase an electric car, but said. “But now it’s like, ‘How for the time being, they can’t much longer will I be able to afford to do both. The two of see them?’” Untitled-23 1 1/20/20 4:21 PM them are so panicked about Eventually, Bianca the state of the planet that Zanella, poet-in-residence they’re not sure if they want at Phoenix Books in to have children — a sentiRutland, led the group in ment that many people in a writing exercise, aided their activism circles share. by tea lights, essential oils When the topic came up at and crystals. (“Does anyone a recent Extinction Rebelneed a rundown of which lion gathering, Berk told crystals do what?” Zanella me, several women started asked before passing them crying; to them, bringing around.) After a warm-up new life into the world meditation, several people no longer seems morally shared the images that had justifiable. appeared to them — a tree In Berk’s view, Good with a missing branch, a Grief provides a necessary dry riverbed, bees carrying outlet for these complitheir dead from a hive. cated feelings. “We live in At the end of the class, an emotionally constipated Zanella invited everyone LINDSEY BERK society,” she said. “We’ve to stay in touch via email. lost community, we’ve lost “Also, I’ve been told that I’m our bodies, we’ve lost nature. This is a a really good hugger,” she said. “So if anyone safe space for people to move through needs a hug, feel free to come and get one.” their ecological grief without letting it At least one person — the woman who said The 2020 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. The culmination of more than two decades of design, paralyze them.” that her life felt like playing house — took The 2020 Mercedes-Benz luxury C-Class. The culmination of more —than two decades of design, refinement and outright exhilaration the C-Class is more advanced, more agile and Berk, 36, is trained in vinyasa yoga and Zanella up on the offer. I almost did,refinement too. saferexhilaration than ever. Including KEYLESS GO® advanced, with HANDS-FREE ACCESS, LED headlamps luxury and outright — thestandard C-Class is more more agile and The 2020 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. The culmination of more than two decades of design, and BlindKEYLESS Spot AssistGO for ®unmatched peace of mind. Learn more at restorative yoga for trauma. Last fall, she led safer than ever. Including standard with HANDS-FREE ACCESS, LED headlamps luxury refinement and outright exhilaration — the C-Class is more advanced, more agile and a women’s retreat in Joshua Tree National and Blind Spot Assist for unmatched peace of mind. Learn more at ® safer than ever. Including standard KEYLESS GO with HANDS-FREE ACCESS, LED headlamps Park in California; she has since decided she STARTING AT and Blind Spot Assist for unmatched peace of mind. Learn more at THE 2020 will no longer organize events that require The 2020 Mercedes-Benz C-Class. The $ * culmination of more than two decades of design, C-CLASS , 400 her to get on a plane. The retreat agenda luxury refinement and41 outright exhilaration — the C-Class is more advanced, more agile and STARTING AT 2020 safer than ever. Including standard KEYLESS GO® with HANDS-FREE ACCESS, LED headlamps included a sound bath in the Integratron, For the better part of the THE last decade, $ and Blind Spot*Assist for unmatched peace of mind. Learn more at a wooden-domed cupola in the desert. Its Vermont’s war against the climate crisis STARTING AT C-CLASS THE 2020 architect, the prominent UFO apologist has played out primarily on the rhetorical $ * C-CLASS George Van Tassel, believed the structure front. In spite of its environmental activismSTARTING AT THE 2020 was capable of facilitating both cellular industrial complex and smorgasbord of C-CLASS $ 41, 400* rejuvenation and time travel. nonprofits with regenerative-sounding Berk plans to incorporate a few differ- names — Community Resilience ent modalities into the 10-week Good Organizations, Vital Communities, Grief curriculum — “ecstatic dance, Efficiency Vermont — the state’s 2020 C 300 Sedan shown in Mojave Silver metallic paint with optional equipment shown and described. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model soundbaths” — to help people get out greenhouse gas emissions have risen 16 availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2019 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit of their heads and live more fully in the percent since 1990. present, even if that present is an increasAfter President Trump announced in 3328 Shelburne Rd. | Shelburne, Vermont 05482-6849 ingly uncomfortable place. 2017 that he planned to withdraw the U.S. 802.985.8482 | The evening after the Statehouse from the Paris Agreement, Gov. Scott issued 2020 C 300 Sedan shown in Mojave Silver metallic paint with optional equipment shown and described. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model protests, Berk held the first Good Grief availability and actual dealer price may vary. See2020 dealer for details. ©2019 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit C 300 Sedan shown in Mojave Silver metallic paint with optional equipment shown and described. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2019 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit session at a Pilates studio in Brandon. Of DEGREES OF PANIC » P.36 2020availability C 300 Sedan shown in Mojave Silver metallic paint with optional equipment shown and described. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dea

25+ Events!

This is a safe space for people to move through their ecological grief

without letting it paralyze them.

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12/16/19 4:02 PM

Deep down, I know

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we won’t make it out of this. CLARISSA SPRAGUE


a statement affirming Vermont’s commitment to “reducing the region’s carbon emissions.” While utility companies have made some progress toward transitioning to renewable energy sources, the state still hasn’t achieved a single one of its emissions reduction goals. Johanna Miller, the energy and climate program director of the Vermont Natural Resources Council, feels this dissonance acutely. In 2017, Scott appointed her, along with 20 others, to his newly formed Vermont Climate Action Commission. A year later, the commission submitted 53 proposals to Scott; he has yet to act upon any of them. “The governor has said the right things, but, substantively, there’s virtually nothing there,” Miller said. “But most Vermonters aren’t following the minutiae of policy progress, so when you hear him saying the right things, you assume that he’s also doing the right things.” This false equivalence of language and action is partly what enables us to live in a seemingly consequence-free present, a world in which reusable shopping bags and compostable forks have become proxy signifiers of virtue. At the start of the 2020 legislative session, Vermont’s Climate Solutions Caucus outlined several policies to help reduce emissions, including urging the state to join the Transportation and Climate Initiative — a cooperative agreement among 12 Northeast and Mid-Atlantic states, plus Washington, D.C., that would generate revenue for green transportation programs by raising taxes on fossil fuel companies. Early projections have estimated that the proposal could drive up the price of fuel as much as 17 cents a gallon, an increase that Scott has indicated he wouldn’t support. The governor has, however, indicated that he would support more electric vehicle incentives for consumers. (He is particularly excited about the electric Ford Mustang, which, as he noted in his State of the State address, can do zero to 60 in 3.3 seconds, with zero emissions.) Meanwhile, the Sunrise Movement, a national youth coalition with more than 10,000 members, has been ramping up its efforts to swing elections in favor of environmentally progressive candidates. Sunrise launched in 2017 to advocate for politicians who support renewable energy; in the 2018 midterms, half of the 20 candidates whom Sunrise endorsed won office. Among them were Democratic Representatives Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Debra Haaland of New Mexico, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota. Over the past year, Sunrise has pivoted to fighting for the Green New Deal, a resolution introduced in the U.S. House of

Representatives last February by OcasioCortez and Democratic Sen. Ed Markey of Massachusetts. The concept of a Green New Deal predates the House resolution; the writer Thomas Friedman was among the first to popularize it in a 2007 column for the New York Times. In its current iteration, the Green New Deal proposes a transition away from fossil fuels on a macro level. Among the systemic reform goals it outlines are zero-emissions public transportation, universal health care, guaranteed wages and ending the oppression of “frontline and vulnerable communities” — including “indigenous peoples, communities of color, migrant communities, deindustrialized communities, depopulated rural communities, the poor, low-income workers, women, the elderly, the unhoused, people with disabilities, and youth.” The Green New Deal isn’t legally binding, nor does it contain any specific legislation. But from Sunrise’s point of view, the resolution has come to represent a political litmus test: If you don’t sponsor it, you don’t grasp the extent of the climate crisis. In the House, 67 Democrats — including Vermont Rep. Peter Welch — have signed on

as cosponsors. Thirteen Senate Democrats, plus independent Bernie Sanders, whom Sunrise endorsed for the 2020 presidential race, have also sponsored the resolution. Vermont’s senior senator, Democrat Patrick Leahy, has publicly voiced support for some of the principles of the Green New Deal but has stopped short of signing it. In an interview with WCAX-TV shortly after the resolution was introduced in the House, Leahy acknowledged its contents vis-à-vis his own legacy: “I’ve already written a lot of things that are in there — in housing, in conservation, in environmental standards, in alternative forms of energy,” he said. Leahy continued: “It’s nice to say, ‘We’re all for this,’ but then do the hard work to get there. I’ve been doing the hard work for decades, and so much of what’s in the green plan reflects things I’ve gotten for Vermont and gotten for the country and will continue to, as long as I’m on the Appropriations Committee.” UVM junior Clarissa Sprague leads the 40-some members of the Burlington chapter of Sunrise. Sprague stayed on campus over Thanksgiving break to organize a protest calling out Sen. Leahy’s inaction

on the Green New Deal, which took place on a Friday afternoon in early December, a coordinated day of climate strikes for Sunrise chapters across the country. Wielding hand-painted banners (“LEAHY, WHAT SIDE ARE YOU ON?”), Sprague and about 15 student activists crammed themselves into the elevator of Courthouse Plaza on Main Street in Burlington and rode it up to Leahy’s state office on the fourth floor. Sprague knew that Leahy wouldn’t be there, so the plan was to talk to his chief of staff, John Tracy, and whoever else answered the door. (When the group convened an hour or so beforehand to strategize, Sprague advised them: “They’re going to take whatever you say and twist it to serve their purposes. Stay on message.”) There was barely enough room for everyone in the waiting area of Leahy’s office, where Tracy and Leahy’s environmental policy adviser, Tom Berry, met the protesters. As members of the group introduced themselves and shared why they wanted the senator to support the Green New Deal, Tracy and Berry waited patiently, wearing the impenetrably forbearing expressions of parents considering whether to grant an allowance raise.

the second half of the semester leading Sunrise and working on other climate actions in Vermont. “Deep down, I know we won’t make it out of this,” Sprague said. “But the next election determines whether we do it with grace.”


Extinction Rebellion, whose official Facebook page has approximately 364,000 likes, consists of hundreds of autonomous chapters in dozens of countries and at least 30 states; its deliberately nonhierarchical structure makes precise membership statistics elusive. The group has a penchant for tactics with a theater-of-the-absurd vibe. Last October, for instance, Extinction Rebellion protesters in New York City hauled

cropped hair and the general aura of someone who has never seen the inside of a jail cell. In fact, Extinction Rebellion is his first foray into the world of civil disobedience. Batten and his family are, in a sense, climate migrants: They moved to Vermont last year from Richmond, Va., where they had a small farm with chickens and rabbits. Batten said they had considered installing solar panels on their property and going off the grid, but southern Virginia’s increasingly hot summers, combined with the bleak ecological prognosis, compelled them to go north instead. “We figured that people are going to be on the move in the decades to come, so we wanted to move to a state that had already done some work as far as renewables are concerned,” Batten said. “Our daughter is 13, and we thought it would be really helpful for her, 30 or 40 years from now, to be estabCHELSEA EDGAR

Thirteen-year-old Veronica Lindstrom, an eighth grader at Lyman C. Hunt Middle School, spoke first: “It’s terrifying to think about what my future might look like, and having an idea like the Green New Deal gives me a little bit more hope that I’ll have a future to look forward to.” Tracy then explained that the Green New Deal was nonbinding, and that while Leahy thought it was a good platform, he was more interested in sponsoring legislation that would “actually make a difference.” At one point, Tracy said that the senator would be cosponsoring the 100% Clean Economy Act, which would direct organizations under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to create a plan to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Chris Harnell, a UVM junior, interjected: “That’s not soon enough.” Tracy looked fatigued. “I’m just telling you the legislation he’s signed on. They can always work on dates.” “Well,” said Harnell, “that makes me feel like he doesn’t understand the scope of the crisis, because I know that it has to be by 2030, and the UN knows it has to be by 2030. So why doesn’t Sen. Leahy know that it has to be by 2030?” Tracy sighed. “I appreciate your perspective, and trust me when I tell you that Sen. Leahy has been focusing on these issues forever.” Afterward, Sunrise held a candlelight vigil in front of the “Democracy” sculpture outside of Leahy’s office building. In spite of the snow, nearly 100 people turned out, including Tracy, Berry and 73-year-old Anne Damrosch. In tears, Damrosch told me that she came because she was terrified for her grandchildren. “This isn’t fair,” she said. “I’ll be gone before it gets too bad.” Two days later, posted an article about the vigil, and several commenters mocked the student activists. “I see lots of polyester jackets in those photos,” one person wrote. “Lead by example, kids.” Another posted: “You think decades of declining test scores does not matter? This here is what it translates into.” In response, someone lamented: “Condemning protestors for wearing polyester or burning candles is akin to arguing that because they breathe out CO2, they must either be ignorant of or not care about global warming … It’s hard to read this junk and not despair.” Sprague had been planning to spend her spring semester abroad in New Zealand. But over the past few months, she’d begun to feel uneasy about abandoning her role at Sunrise and getting on an international flight. A few weeks after the vigil, she made up her mind: She would go to New Zealand for three months, not six, then return to Burlington to spend

Sunrise Movement vigil

an 18-foot fishing boat into the middle of Times Square. Dozens of people handcuffed and superglued themselves to the boat, a visual allegory of the plight of refugees escaping deteriorating social conditions due to climate disaster. A week and a half later, Extinction Rebellion organized a three-day encampment in front of the Vermont Statehouse to protest the legislature’s inaction on climate change. They weren’t there to make any specific policy demands; philosophically, the group is more interested in large public displays. To that end, the encampment involved several days of speeches, at least one dance party and a draft horse, which belonged to Hartland farmer Stephen Leslie. Dan Batten, the group’s Vermont coordinator, said that some people had hoped to raise the profile of their demonstration by getting arrested — sleeping on the Statehouse lawn is technically illegal — but the Montpelier police accommodated their presence without so much as issuing a fine. Batten, 52, who works as a technical writer for an insurance company, has neatly

lished here already.” The family now lives in Bristol Village Cohousing, a solar-powered community of 14 households. Batten first learned about Extinction Rebellion in the fall of 2018, shortly after the IPCC released its sobering report. Around that time, members of the group in London, where the movement began, staged a human blockade of the city’s major tunnels and bridges, effectively forcing a shutdown of the daily commute. The demonstration, intended to physically enact the disruptive impacts of climate change, prompted a smattering of press coverage in the U.S., including a New York Times story headlined: “Commuters Drag Climate Activists From London Trains.” Batten was impressed. When he discovered that Vermont had a fledgling Extinction Rebellion chapter, with a 12-person mailing list and no designated leader, he volunteered to take charge. Since then, five regional chapters have sprung up across the state, and the general mailing list now includes more than 600 people.

Extinction Rebellion’s steady growth in Vermont is at least partly attributable to what members refer to as “the talk.” That’s an hour-plus-long PowerPoint — equivalent to a fifth-grade sex-ed lecture in terms of its life-altering potential — that lays out a précis of our collective ecological fate. By Batten’s estimate, he’s given the presentation, titled “Heading for Extinction and What to Do About It,” at least 15 times. On a Wednesday evening in early November, the prospect of extinction was enough to summon nearly 50 people to the basement of Montpelier’s KelloggHubbard Library, where Batten was delivering an iteration of “the talk.” That night, Batten was struggling to get the PowerPoint to display on the projector. As more and more people filed in, widening the circle of chairs until almost every available inch had been annexed, there was a sense of thwarted medieval expectation, as though we had come to witness a hanging, but the noose wasn’t tight enough. A woman with shoulder-length gray hair took a long, noisy drag on a juice box. “I have a friend who’s a member of the Colorado astrology association,” she offered. The projector sighed briefly to life, then conked out again. “She told me that Mercury is in retrograde.” Someone suggested that it might be time for Extinction Rebellion to invest in a new projector. Someone else corrected: a new used projector. The consensus was that we were witnessing but the first sneeze in industrial civilization’s long, consumptive decline. Eventually, Batten gave up on the projector and decided to show the slides from his laptop. “This is not a fun talk,” he announced grimly. “I hope you didn’t come to be entertained.” For the next 90 minutes, Batten waded through Extinction Rebellion’s synopsis of the latest climate science. The only viable course of action, the presentation concluded, is mass mobilization to demand radical and immediate change, on par with the civil-rights movement and Mahatma Gandhi’s nonviolent resistance to British imperial rule. A few weeks later, a woman who had attended the talk in Montpelier went to an Extinction Rebellion meeting in Burlington. She told me that she probably wouldn’t go back to the Montpelier chapter, because she noticed that Batten had been drinking out of a single-use plastic water bottle during his presentation. She then confessed — glancing around the room furtively, as though someone might be eavesdropping — that she drives a gaspowered SUV. m Contact: SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020




Emily Piccirillo and Izzy

Good Grief

Art therapist Emily Piccirillo wants to help you deal with loss


mily Piccirillo keeps a six-inch stack of index cards, soft and fraying at the edges, bound with a length of red ribbon. Each card is marked with a name and a few notes and dates. Each represents a person Piccirillo 38


knew who died during the 18 years she served the AIDS community as an art therapist around New York City. She still has a lot of the art, too. Stacks and stacks of drawings, paintings and collages fill large portfolio bags in


Piccirillo’s Burlington home. There’s a rag doll someone made for her, and long strings of beads in no apparent pattern, which she keeps in boxes. On an afternoon in December, Piccirillo took everything out slowly to

show a reporter. The process took more than an hour. As she looked at each work, she seemed to be looking through it, back in time to its creator. She remembered all of the artists, murmuring comments about them as she went. Some were troublemaking, some brilliant, some simply lost. A few of them were in love with her. “He was such a hoot,” Piccirillo said about one man. “He thought I was his wife,” she said about another. Nearly all of the stories end sadly. Many of the drawings are populated with eyes, which Piccirillo said often signify the fear of being watched or “othered.” Some depict natural disasters, such as storms or scribbled tornados, symbols for the destructive power of disease. Some simply reflect physical and cognitive decline, the work of minds too addled to understand the boundaries of a piece of paper and hands no longer able to write letters. “Often when the residents died, there was nobody there to take their artwork,” Piccirillo said. When patients gave their art to Piccirillo for safekeeping, she said, “they felt like they were leaving their mark on the world. It became a really important legacy to them.” To be an HIV/AIDS patient in the 1990s was to be surrounded by death. Piccirillo worked with men, women and children who were not only dealing with the disease’s effects on their own bodies but witnessing the suffering of their friends and loved ones. She is deeply familiar with grief — her own and that of others — and she believes making art is a way for people to express feelings that they don’t fully understand or can’t articulate. With some patients, Piccirillo provided prompts, such as a classic art therapy assignment: Draw a house, a tree and a person. One such drawing from a young girl showed a tangled, dark scribble inside the outline of a house. Piccirillo called it “very concerning.” With adult patients in the AIDS units, she often took a less structured approach, holding studio hours and providing materials. As people created whatever they wanted, she parsed out ways to help them. “Art therapy is magic,” Piccirillo said. “It’s this archetypal language that we all share … It’s a fluency that you develop like any other language.” Now Piccirillo, 60, wants to use her knowledge of loss and grieving to help people handle a different type of death: that of a beloved pet. In February, she plans to release a product called RemembeRing, which consists of a cardboard picture frame with a token to bury or cremate with the dead animal.

The idea stemmed from her work with Piccirillo’s ability to weather and children who lost parents during the witness the pain of sick, dying or grieving AIDS crisis. Piccirillo spent a lot of time individuals is one of her strengths, accordpreparing them for, and accompanying ing to her friend Stephanie Handel. Handel them to, funerals. She wanted something is a grief and trauma therapist at the Wendt tactile that she and the child could work Center for Loss and Healing in Washington, on during the funeral, to let them partici- D.C. Like Piccirillo, she works with chilpate in an age-appropriate way. dren, often using play and tangible objects “I recognized something was missing. to help her patients process. There wasn’t the right tool,” Piccirillo Handel offers an insider’s perspecsaid. “I had nothing that I could do tive on the solace that Piccirillo’s with them to help them be part of the RemembeRing could offer. “In general, memorialization.” when a death happens, it can feel so She came up with the simple idea of much bigger than any of us, whether a circle with the middle section cut out. we have the opportunity to say goodThe child would write a message on the bye or not,” she said in a phone intermiddle section and put it in the coffin with view. “When we invite people into the their loved one, then keep the matching process of creating something, it allows outside ring as a frame for a treasured them to see their grief. It allows them photo. Both sections of the to memorialize … It’s an RemembeRing are printed externalization of our pain, with art by Piccirillo, though our relief, our despair, our people can add to it or decoloss.” rate it as they see fit. Why focus on pets? For A lifelong artist with a one thing, Piccirillo has had bachelor of fine arts degree many of them. She grew up from Brown University, in Connecticut with dogs and cats, raised ducklings, Piccirillo came to art therapy from a job in Manhattan and once rescued an injured in print production. She starling and nursed it back was making a lot of money to health. “making kitty litter liners,” Today she and her husband have a puppy, as she put it. “I wanted to do more to Izzy, who curled up at this EMILY PICCIRILLO touch people’s lives,” she reporter’s feet during a visit said. She pursued graduto Piccirillo’s home. ate studies in art therapy at New York Animals have been “vital” to PiccirilUniversity and spent two years learning lo’s life, she said. And she knew she was to integrate psychological techniques far from alone. Often in therapy sessions, with her art background. she found that patients who had lost a In 1990, Piccirillo began working at family member would also talk, and cry, Saint Clare’s Hospital, considered by about the loss of an animal. some to have been the first in New York “They often would weave in very to care for HIV and AIDS patients. (Saint poignant stories of early losses of a pet Clare’s eventually became St. Vincent’s that were very unresolved,” Piccirillo Midtown Hospital and closed in 2007.) said. “I realized there was something Later, Piccirillo would help found Broad- missing there, too.” way House for Continuing Care, a living Piccirillo plans to sell the Rememfacility for patients in Newark, N.J. beRing online starting next month. She “New York was ground zero for HIV,” believes the only way to handle grief is Piccirillo said. For three years, she had a to process and work through it, but she caseload of 75 patients and saw an aver- also thinks that creative tools, such as the age of 15 deaths per month. Some patients RemembeRing, can give people an easier came into the hospital and died within place to start. a day. She aims, Piccirillo said, to remind “These people made me a better people that grief is ultimately born of person,” she said. “I got good at crying.” love. From New York, Piccirillo and her “One of the ways that I learned to draw husband moved to Washington, D.C., where strength in the situation was to remember she transitioned her career from therapy to that your heart can always open wider,” grant writing in 2005, giving herself more she said. “The heart isn’t a particular time to focus on her own art. In 2016, the shape … It has infinite capacity.” m couple moved to Burlington, concerned about the United States’ shifting politics Contact: and in search of a friendly community in which to handle the changing climate. INFO (Canada was their original idea.) Learn more at


Untitled-13 1


1/20/20 11:25 AM



TUESDAY, JANUARY 28 • 4:00-5:30 PM UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT IRA ALLEN CHAPEL THIS IS A TICKETED EVENT. TICKETS ARE FREE. Tickets are limited and available to the general public beginning Friday, January 24 at 8:00 a.m. Tickets are available online at or in person at the Dudley H. Davis Center, Miller Information Desk (3rd floor) during business hours. Free shuttle starting at 3:00 p.m. from Patrick Gym. Parking available in Gutterson Garage. To request a disability-related accommodation, please contact Student Accessibility Services at 802-656-7753. Sponsored by President Suresh V. Garimella, the Department of Student Life and the Office of the Vice President for Human Resources, Diversity and Multicultural Affairs • 4t-uvmengagment012220.indd 1



1/2/20 3:26 PM


Half order of chicken and waffles at Monarch & the Milkweed, with brunch beverages

Breakfast Bounty


Burlington’s downtown destinations that can power your day BY J ORDAN BAR RY, MAR GAR E T GR AYS O N, ME L IS S A PAS ANE N & S A L LY P O L L A K






First Things First



ith the closing of Mirabelles Café on January 25 before its move to the burbs — where the staff will no longer serve cooked breakfast — Burlington loses one of its longtime morning meal favorites. (See story, page 44.) But not all is lost! Perhaps devotees of the Main Street institution need to be reminded about the other Queen City venues that offer breakfast. We rounded up the deets on eight of them within easy walking distance of Church Street — places where you can sit down for a hearty veggie-and-grain bowl, a protein-laden breakfast sandwich, or a popover fix. Whether or not breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as our parents taught us, it will always be the first.

August First Bakery, 149 S. Champlain St., 540-0060,

August First, a high-ceilinged space in a former garage, is just a short walk down the hill toward Lake Champlain. In mornings, it is suffused with light and the intoxicating scents of coffee drinks and just-from-the-oven breads and pastries. The breakfast menu, served until 11 a.m., includes an Instagrammable avocado-and-beet toast ($9), a New Year’s-resolution-fulfilling grain bowl loaded with veggies and a soft egg ($10.50), rib-sticking scramble skillets (from $10), and hearty breakfast sandwiches (from $7). The sausage, egg and cheese sandwich, upgraded on the bakery’s legendary maple biscuit, is a contender for the best in town. LISTEN IN ON LOCAL FOODIES...

because laptops and tablets have been technology non grata at August First since 2014. And that’s OK, because breakfast deserves more of your attention. M.P.

Any Way You Slice It Handy’s Lunch, 74 Maple St., 864-5963,

Breakfast sandwich on a maple biscuit at August First Bakery

Order at the counter and settle into a cozy corner to catch up with a friend, meet a colleague, or flip through a book or newspaper. But please keep it old-school,


Since 1945, three generations of family members have manned the grill at Handy’s Lunch. The horseshoe-shaped counter is always bustling, and the breakfast sandwiches come in sizes ranging from fairly large to absolutely absurd. You can get a McHandy, consisting of an egg, cheese, an English muffin, and your BREAKFAST BOUNTY


» P.42




Jordan Barry


and longtime owners of OTTER

CREEK BAKERY in Middlebury,

sold their business to a Nashville-based entrepreneur at the start of 2020. The new owner of the bakery and café at 14 College Street is NED HORTON, 59, a Vermont native and graduate of Middlebury Union High School. Horton, who owns property in Addison County, said he was looking for local real estate investments when he learned the bakery was for sale. “I started conversations with Ben and Sarah, and one thing led to another,” he said. He’s brought back baker CHIYO SATO to manage the business. Sato, 29, worked at Otter Creek Bakery for three years before leaving in 2018

local, fresh, original

Einstein's Tap House

to help open HAYMAKER BUN


The oft-changing nightlife venue upstairs at 165 Church Street in Burlington is smartening up. When it opens in February, EINSTEIN’S TAP HOUSE will work to “shake the reputation” of the space, owner TOM MASSEY told Seven Days. Food, ample seating and an emphasis on safety will characterize the bar in the former home of a string of clubs, including Millennium, Second Floor, Lift, Zen Lounge and, most recently, Social Club & Lounge. “We want to be a bit of everything for everybody, but we’re geared toward an older crowd,” Massey said. The bar — which will open as soon as its final permits are granted — will start serving at 5 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday, with half-price appetizers until 6 p.m. The food menu will feature small plates and flatbreads made on-site in an open kitchen, with vegan and gluten-free options. “The food’s really going to be good, and it’s going to be casual and fast,” Massey said. The fully renovated space is anchored by a new wraparound bar with four service stations and 32 taps. A large selection of local beers will be on draft to maximize drink options and minimize waste, with cider and wine also available. Massey, who also owns the adult retail chain Good Stuff, is an industry veteran. He opened his first bar at age 19, once managed the largest nightclub in San Diego, and has owned bars and restaurants throughout Vermont, including Rave Nightclub in St. Albans. Those experiences taught him the importance of creating a clean and safe space for his patrons, he said. Massey,

who has had legal trouble at his businesses in the past, cited a strong relationship with the Burlington Police Department. “I’ve dealt with police departments in other places, and the Burlington Police Department is awesome. They’ve helped us with our store [Good Stuff ],” he said. At Einstein’s, IDs will be scanned at the door, and the security team will most likely use a metal detector. “Safety is the first key,” Massey said. Named for everyone’s favorite physicist — whose name can be translated as “one [beer] stein,” Massey suggested — the bar will have a dance floor, a wide variety of music, three pool tables, karaoke and a free photo booth. “It’s a fresh concept. You can eat; you can dance,” Massey said. “Burlington deserves something new like this.”


All Relative

COMPANY, also in Middlebury.

“I was looking for the next move in my career, the next big step, and it felt like a good fit,” Sato said. Otter Creek Bakery, open daily, prepares a variety of baked goods and savory offerings such as sandwiches, salads, soups and daily specials. The menu will stay the same, Sato said, with the addition of more vegan items and gluten-free and dairyfree baked goods. Future changes could include expanding the café’s dining area, Horton said. The owner of three Nashville coffee shops called Tin Cup Coffee, Horton also wants to revamp Otter Creek’s coffee program to feature local roasters. The Woods launched their bakery in 1986 in the STONE MILL, at the current site of the MAD TACO’s Middlebury location. For a few years, they operated two businesses, the original one on Otter Creek and the one on Middlebury’s College Street, former site of Emilio’s Delicatessen. In 1991, the Woods consolidated into their

Muffins at Otter Creek Bakery in Middlebury

Untitled-2 1

current space, where Ben ran the savory side of the café and Sarah managed the bakery. They’re both working at Otter Creek during the ownership transition. “We’re hiring a baker,” Sarah, 57, told Seven Days late Monday morning, after her early-morning baking shift. “I have to find my replacement. We worked hard for this, and we want it to succeed.” Noting the benefits of change, Sarah went on: “We wanted it to have new wings. It’s sort of like a baby bird. We’re ready to boot it out of the nest, and it can grow up now. We’re excited for it.” Sally Pollak

CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: @vtpollak. On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry.

1076 Williston Road, S. Burlington


1/3/20 2:31 PM

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41 1/20/20 3:19 PM



The Chuck Norris at Handy’s Lunch

Doughnut Stop Believin' at the Friendly Toast

Red flannel hash at Juniper Bar & Restaurant

Breakfast Bounty « P.40






The Vermonter corned beef hash skillet at Henry's Diner


them any way with a side of housemade Anadama toast ($8), or spice things up with breakfast lo mein ($14). The Doughnut Stop Believin’ — sausage, egg and cheese on a French-toasted doughnut ($13) — is a solid breakfast sandwich and just the right amount of pun to wake up your brain. Cocktail flights simplify the whole ordering-before-coffee thing. Weekends are busy, and the restaurant doesn’t take reservations, but savvy diners join the wait list on Yelp to skip waiting out in the cold. The restaurant used to charge $2 extra for real Vermont maple syrup but has since assimilated to the culture and included it with “sweet stuff.”

The Friendly Toast, 86 St. Paul St., 495-5491,

With glittering retro booths, vintage advertisements lining the walls and a soundtrack of early 2000s dorm-room hits — ahem, “Hey There Delilah” — the Burlington outpost of the Friendly Toast hits all kinds of nostalgia receptors. The regional chain, started in Portsmouth, N.H., in the 1990s, is a family restaurant dressed up as a diner. It’s a crowd-pleaser, and the menu contains an exhaustive list of variations on breakfast classics. Customize pancakes (from $7) to your heart’s content, including a glutenfree/vegan option. For eggs, choose from five types of Benedict (from $12.50), get


choice of bacon, ham or sausage, for just $4.50. But why not add another egg and sub a roll for the muffin, also known as a Super G ($8.75)? Or try your McHandy served on French toast — this is called the SST ($8.75). When you’ve got a long workday ahead, you need protein. So add another egg, all three kinds of meat and a cheeseburger — yes, a cheeseburger — and you’ve got a Master Black Belt ($13.75). At that point, you might as well go all in with the great-granddaddy of breakfast sandwiches: the Chuck Norris ($16.75). It comprises four eggs, cheese, bacon, ham, sausage, a cheeseburger and a hunk of corned beef, stacked high and interlocked with five pieces of French toast. It’s a dare, a Jenga tower of sandwich, a testament to humankind’s courage — and maybe hubris. Handy’s may be a popular spot for nearby nine-to-fivers on a quick break, but for this sandwich, you might want to clear your schedule.


Downtown’s Diner Henry’s Diner, 155 Bank St., 862-9010,

If Henry’s could talk, it would have almost a century’s worth of stories to tell. A downtown fixture since 1925, this modest pukegreen building (sorry, but it’s an apt description of the color) with a red neon sign hosts a solid breakfast game all day. It also offers the requisite vinyl booths and friendly servers who greet regulars by name. One such regular sat at the counter on a recent Tuesday. “Every classic diner food they just do really well,” said Dylan Wing of Burlington. “A diner is not going

to be fancy schmancy, but it’s going to be good.” “Good” means fresh buttermilk biscuits, thickly sliced toast and housemade corned beef hash, plus some Greek accents. That’s due to the heritage of the Maglaris family, who have owned Henry’s for the past 16 years. Patrons from students to retirees appreciate the well-stuffed Western omelette ($9.95) or carb-loading gravy and biscuits with home fries ($9.25). Breakfast skillets ($11.25) arrive, literally, in a small castiron skillet piled with home fries, a scattering of melted Vermont cheddar and two eggs; variations include the housemade hash, Philly cheesesteak, or fresh spinach with feta. A recent order was topped with perfectly poached eggs. Not fancy but, yes, really good. M.P.

All-Day Eats in the A.M. Juniper Bar & Restaurant, 41 Cherry St., 651-5027,

The morning meal at Juniper in Hotel Vermont is called brunch. It’s served

daily from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and offers more range than standard breakfast-plus-lunch menus. A diner can find a meal to match any time of day and every appetite. If you want a cheeseburger and fries with your mimosa, or a Negroni with a side of steamed greens, this is your spot. Juniper presents a range of seating areas, too: dining room, bar, fireside lounge, outdoor patio (in season). For light breakfast fare, Juniper serves a bowl of Butterwork Farms yogurt topped with berries and housemade granola ($8), a green salad with apples and blue cheese ($12), and a pair of local eggs ($4). Diners who prefer a “classic” morning meal can choose blueberry pancakes ($12), biscuits and sausage gravy with eggs ($15), or red flannel hash, toast and eggs ($14).

food+drink OLIVER PARINI


The Across the Pond breakfast at Penny Cluse Café


Popover stuffed with egg and cheese with a side of bacon gravy at the Swingin' Pinwheel

Champlain to the University of Vermont. To enter the restaurant, diners ascend a set of stairs, gaining altitude before chowing down. Spiritually: The café has gained near mythical status in Burlington since Charles Reeves and Holly Cluse opened Penny Cluse; chef Maura O’Sullivan has run the kitchen for the past 16 years. Its legend could spring from a bucket of spuds, from the spirit of the dog for whom Penny Cluse is named, or from a bottomless cup of coffee. In other words, it’s a commingling of food, vibe and caffeine. Culinarily: Breakfast is served all day at Penny Cluse, where you can sneak a peek at cooks frying eggs and flipping pancakes. Choices range from a breakfast plate called Across the Pond ($16) — eggs, baked beans, meat, grilled tomatoes and marinated mushrooms — to a dreamy slice of banana bread with maple-walnut cream cheese ($4.50) to tofu scram ($12.25). S.P.

Eat ’Em, Cowboy! The Swingin’ Pinwheel, 11 Center St., 448-3961,

A section of the menu falls into the live-it-up-for-breakfast category. Juniper diners — whether hotel guests or locals stepping out in their hometown — will find food that’s not commonly served (or eaten) at 7 a.m., including a perch sandwich ($17), lentil and barley soup ($12), and a local cheese plate ($10). Or try the hemp-seed patty melt ($16) and start the day with a mellow high. (You might not feel it, but you will dig it!) S.P.

Finer Diner Monarch & the Milkweed, 111 St. Paul St., 310-7828,

If the concept of “brunch” stresses you out, Monarch & the Milkweed’s CBD confections can provide a gateway treat to

enjoying breakfast. Hit the pastry case for a Little Chocolate Smoke Toke, then tuck into a plate of chicken and waffles. The small but mighty “fine diner” is equally appropriate for hiding out with a laptop and grabbing a window seat with friends to oversee the construction in City Hall Park across the street. The chic spot looks arty-fancy, but the menu plays with diner staples and local ingredients. Biscuits and gravy ($10) and the aforementioned chicken and waffles (half order, which is plenty, for $13) are slathered in a fortifying sausage-pepper gravy. “Pepper” is underlined on the menu, and the punch earns its warning. Breakfast sandwiches (from $6 for the veggie option) include the Milkgriddle, a welcome update to the McDonald’s favorite. If you’re dining with a group, consider ordering a towering stack of pancakes for

the table. Why should appetizers be relegated to dinner? Breakfast is served all day at Monarch, and the chicken and waffles pairs just as well with an amaro at 10 p.m. as it does with Brio Coffeeworks’ drip first thing in the morning. J.B.

Rising High Penny Cluse Café, 169 Cherry St., 651-8834,

Among Burlington breakfast spots, Penny Cluse stands above the crowd physically, spiritually and culinarily. The café also draws a mighty crowd: AOC eats there when she’s in town. So do Bernie and Biden; you probably do, too. Physically: Penny Cluse opened in 1998 in a former Ben & Jerry’s scoop shop on the uphill edge of downtown — partway up the one-mile incline that runs from Lake

Cowboy kitsch décor, cowboy coffee and a cowboy-influenced menu distinguish this relative newcomer to the downtown breakfast scene. Tucked off the main drag for the last five and a half years, the Swingin’ Pinwheel has built a devoted following but maintained a low profile, which sometimes means it’s easier to score a table. Named for the Wild West legend Butch Cassidy, Eggs Cassidy ($14) consists of two crispy cornmeal cakes topped with tangyspicy-sweet shredded beef chili, poached eggs and hollandaise. Freshly puffed popovers come savory or sweet, with eggs and cheese ($7.50) or with chunky apple compote and whipped cream ($8.50). Wafflinis employ the restaurant’s eponymous pinwheel pastry dough to create flaky pressed waffles that cradle a choice of fillings ($6.75 half/$13 whole). Plate-size hash browns called Haystacks can also be topped with cheeses, eggs, meats or smoked salmon (from $5.50). While many patrons opt for a side of hollandaise, I suggest smothering almost any savory item with the excellent peppery bacon gravy ($2.50). On a recent visit, I ran out of food before gravy and finished the rest with a spoon. “We don’t judge,” said the server with a smile. M.P.

Contact:,, pasanen@, SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020



Crème brûlée cake at Mirabelles

Mirabelles on the Move Beloved café to focus on bakery biz in the burbs BY S AL LY P O L L AK


lmost 30 years ago, two friends who met at the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier opened a bakery and café on Main Street in Burlington. Alison Lane and Andrew Silva, then in their twenties, named their business Mirabelles. Tablecloths made by Lane’s mother covered a set of glass-topped tables. The deli case held imported cheese and olives. Customers ordered at the counter and could pair their croissant with a latte — the espresso drink still a rarity in Burlington in the early ’90s. Over time, Mirabelles expanded in size and scope into its well-loved current form: a table-service breakfast and lunch restaurant, now called Mirabelles Café, that turns out meals of consistent top quality, pleasing looks and affordable price. In addition, its on-site bakery produces an eye-popping and scrumptious array of cakes, cookies, pastries, muffins, pies, macarons and other sweets. Now Mirabelles is embarking on its most radical transformation in three decades. Lane and Silva will close their 44


Chef-owners Alison Lane and Andrew Silva

downtown café on January 25 and move to new and bigger quarters in South Burlington, they announced on January 6. In the new space, to open the week of February 10, Mirabelles will rebrand as Mirabelles Bakery. No longer offering

breakfast and lunch service, the business will focus on its retail bakery and expand its line of frozen pastries and pies, with an emphasis on four-packs of frozen croissants, the chef-partners said. “Andrew and I decided that we just

wanted to simplify things,” said Lane, 55. “We’ve done this so long; simple was the direction.” Silva, 58, added that people often have a variety of work experiences and opportunities over the course of 30 years. “When you have your own business, you have to reinvigorate and make some changes, too,” he said. “And get excited about things.” The loss of Mirabelles’ renowned breakfast and lunch has been lamented on social media even as its new venture is applauded. Among more than 200 comments about the news on Mirabelles’ Facebook page is one from Frank Pace, chef at Burlington’s the Great Northern. “Congratulations!!” Pace wrote. “You guys are an inspiration and institution here in Vermont!! Thank you for your amazing work and passion.” Constantine Poulos, owner of the building on Main Street that houses Mirabelles, paid verbal tribute to his longtime tenants. “They’re a great duo, Alison and Andrew,” Poulos told Seven Days. “They’ve been terrific … The only problem was, the cakes and the pies and all that stuff, great


food+drink stuff. You can’t eat too much of that, [or] the last stage of renovation. Mirabelles you get fat.” Bakery occupies the back of a block of Lane herself called the transition businesses that houses Vacuum City “bittersweet.” But, talking with Seven closer to the street. The construction Days last week at their new South Burl- project involves converting an electrical ington site, the chefs said they’re “super contractor’s former headquarters into a excited” to work in a bigger space production kitchen and retail space. designed to fit their needs. They’re also The front retail area will display the excited about the opportunities their baked goods that Mirabelles customnew pared-down business model will ers know well: chocolate-raspberry bring. mousse cake, croissants, blueberry While the conversation focused on muffins, opera bars, fruit tarts, holiday plans for the new bakery, Lane and Silva pies and weekend doughnuts. Coffee, also looked back on the making of Mira- tea, espresso drinks and pastries will be belles. They recalled having the initial available to take out or eat at a counter. impulse to open a café in 1990, after a year A freezer case and refrigerator will be of teaching at NECI’s then-new Essex stocked with the line of foods — chicken campus. “We became pot pie, tourtière, puff really good friends, and pastry, quiche, croiswe decided, ‘Let’s do sants — that Lane and something different,’” Silva intend to develop in their new location. Lane said. Mirabelles was both The kitchen is ALISON L AN E a new career for the big, open and conveyoung chefs and somenient for deliveries thing new and different for Burlington, and distribution. Twelve to 15 people predating the coffee shops and cafés that will be employed in South Burlington, would become prevalent in the city. down from about 24 full- and part-time Lane and Silva can still picture the employees in Burlington, according to curlicue design of the dining chairs and the owners. The expanded baking operthe galley kitchen where they worked ation reflects the current state of the labor together in the early years, making market, Lane and Silva said: While line sweets, soups and sandwiches. But they cooks are increasingly hard to find, bakers can’t remember what they paid for the are not. business, a transaction that entailed The new business plan includes purchasing the equipment from the distributing Mirabelles’ frozen food defunct Main Street Bakery and Café. beyond Chittenden County and Vermont. Was it $38,000? Or maybe $50,000? The bakery has hired a PR and marketLane and Silva looked at each other ing firm, Charlotte-based Junapr, to help and shrugged. Now they’re transport- expand the market. ing an 80-quart mixer across town and Junapr’s owner, Nicole Junas Ravlin, moving on. thinks Mirabelles could grow beyond the They’d been seeking a new space for East Coast and ultimately have national several years, they said, having outgrown reach. “People who care about quality the kitchen and storage area on Main products that are made by hand from Street. The search included locations scratch — and supporting smaller busiin Burlington, where they hoped to stay nesses — would be the right kind of mix downtown. But they couldn’t find a place for them,” she said. “I would expect that, with the essential ingredients: a big box next year, you’ll be seeing [Mirabelles to build out, and a loading dock. products] beyond the borders of Vermont, The 3,000-square-foot space they for sure.” settled on, at 3060 Williston Road, is in In the meantime, the Mirabelles team, which has baked thousands of cakes for other people’s occasions, doesn’t plan to make itself a goodbye cake. Instead, the MIRABELLES IN 2019 owners will throw a party to celebrate BY THE NUMBERS their move and welcome people to their • No. 2 breakfasts served (eggs, hash new location. browns, choice of meat, choice of “I feel like it will be too sad to have a pancakes or French toast): 4,919 party on the last day,” Lane said. “We’ll • Potatoes peeled: 14,400 POUNDS do a more festive thing, a grand opening • Butter used: 19,000 POUNDS in February.” m • Crème brûlée cakes made: 980





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• Eggs cracked: 207,360 • Croissants hand-rolled: 65,000 • Chocolate used: 5,736 POUNDS SOURCE: MIRABELLES CAFÉ


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calendar J A N U A R Y


and healthy eating habits. Aikido of Champlain Valley, Burlington, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 985-8228.

RESILIENCE HUBS LAUNCH: Community members learn about creating centers for sharing resources, growing food and engaging with issues of the climate crisis. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,




CENTRAL VERMONT CHAMBER OF COMMERCE ANNUAL MEETING: Dinner and a business meeting pave the way for presentations on economic and workforce development policies. Capitol Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, Montpelier, 4:30-7:30 p.m. $50-350; preregister. Info, 229-5711.


KNITTER’S GROUP: Crafters share their latest projects and get help with challenging patterns. All skill levels are welcome. South Burlington Community Library, University Mall, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


DANCING UPHILL: An annual recital spotlighting dance student performers features guest artists Laurel Jenkins and Lida Winfield. Mann Hall Gymnasium, University of Vermont Trinity Campus, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10-15. Info, 656-3131.


NURSING BEYOND A YEAR MEET-UP: Breastfeeding parents connect over toddler topics such as weaning

See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘EARTH FLIGHT 3D’: Revolutionary aerial techniques and state-of-the-art 3D cameras take viewers on a journey across the world on the wings of birds. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: Advanced filming techniques expose the planet’s top hunters on land, under the sea and in the air. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘THE PIANIST’: Adrien Brody plays a Polish Jewish musician in the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘THE PROPOSAL’: Shown as part of the Architecture + Design Film Series, the film focuses on artist Jill Magid’s quest to unearth privately held drawings, models and letters by 20th-century architect Luis Barragán. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, reception,



2 0 2 0

6 p.m.; screening, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: A growing ring of orbiting debris is at the center of an out-of-thisworld film showing natural and man-made collisions. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: An immersive film reveals the astonishing lives of the smallest of animals — think chipmunks and grasshopper mice. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

food & drink

COMMUNITY DINNER: Friends and neighbors forge connections over a shared meal and a discussion of Vermont Family Network’s services for children with special needs. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister for childcare. Info, 655-4565. COOK THE BOOK: Home cooks bring a dish from Joy of Cooking: 2019 Edition Fully Revised and Updated to a palate-pleasing potluck. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918. WED.22

Brookfield-area residents experience a (cold) blast from the past, thanks to the Brookfield Ice Harvest & WinterFest. The centerpiece of this 41st annual frozen fête is a demonstration of 1800s-style ice harvesting, replete with period tools and techniques. Feeling adventurous? Attendees can even cut and haul their own blocks. After the harvest, folks warm up with athletic activities such as skating, cross-country skiing, sledding and pond hockey, as well as chili, hot chocolate and baked treats sold to benefit Brookfield Elementary School enrichment programs.


BROOKFIELD ICE HARVEST & WINTERFEST Saturday, January 25, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., at Floating Bridge in Brookfield. Free. Info, 276-3260.

Heart Strings “Clearly, we aren’t a band all for money,” says Greensky Bluegrass mandolin player Paul Hoffman in the band’s bio. “We did it for romantic reasons such as love, catharsis and because it mattered to us and the listeners.” Whatever their motivation, the members of this Kalamazoo, Mich., quintet are going strong. They’ve been a band for nearly two decades and have sold out major venues such as Red Rocks Amphitheatre in Colorado and the historic Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tenn. Known for adding rock-and-roll flair to the classic genre of bluegrass, Hoffman and company released their seventh full-length album, All for Money, in 2019. Ghost Light open for the so-called “bluegrass mavericks” in the Queen City.

GREENSKY BLUEGRASS Tuesday, January 28, 8 p.m., at Flynn MainStage in Burlington. $38-41. Info, 863-5966,

» P.48

FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

film See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the music + nightlife section and at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at





2 2 - 2 9 ,

Ice, Ice Baby


Winter Blues Begone As much as Vermonters value certain aspects of the cold-weather months — snow sports, bonfires, hot toddies! — winter can become drab. What better way to beat the blahs than with a spirited celebration of roots and contemporary folk music? Presented by the Summit School of Traditional Music and Culture, the annual Spice on Snow Winter Music Festival features four days of tunes, ranging from honky-tonk to Cajun to swing, as well as dances, workshops and jam sessions on stages throughout Montpelier. Trad fans should be sure to catch acoustic trio Molsky’s Mountain Drifters (pictured), led by Grammy Awardnominated fiddler Bruce Molsky, in a Saturday evening concert with Young Tradition Vermont’s Youth Commission Ensemble.

SPICE ON SNOW WINTER MUSIC FESTIVAL Thursday, January 23, 9 p.m.-midnight; Friday, January 24, 4:30-10 p.m.; Saturday, January 25, 10 a.m.-midnight; and Sunday, January 26, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., in downtown Montpelier. $85-100 for festival pass; prices vary for individual events. Info, 613-3922, summitschool.


IN GOOD TASTE Friday, January 24, 4:30-6:30 & 7-9 p.m., at St. Albans City Hall. $15. Info, 524-1219,



here does your food come from? Locavores come face-to-face with area growers, producers and food artisans — and sample their irresistible offerings — at the fourth annual In Good Taste. Presented by the Northwest VT Healthy Roots Collaborative, this emporium of all things edible hosts more than 25 vendors serving up mouthwatering morsels, including sweet treats, savory eats, and craft beer, wine and spirits. Hudak Farm, Groennfell Meadery and Champlain Islands Candy Lab are just a few of the participants on-site during two tasting sessions. Bon appétit!



calendar BRIDGE: Players of varying experience levels put strategic skills to use. Milton Public Library, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 893-4644. BRIDGE CLUB: Players have fun with the popular card game. Burlington Bridge Club, Williston, 9:15 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. $6. Info, 872-5722.

LUNCH IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: SPANISH: ¡Hola! Language lovers perfect their fluency. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

FAMILY GAME NIGHT: Folks while away the hours with puzzles, board games, beer and free juice boxes for kids. Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 4 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 496-4677.



health & fitness

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 7:30, 9 & 10:40 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322. CHAIR YOGA: Whether experiencing balance issues or recovering from illness or injury, health-conscious community members drop in for a weekly low-stress class. Waterbury Public Library, 10:1511:15 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. RESILIENCE FLOW: Individuals affected by traumatic brain injuries engage in a gentle yoga practice. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262. YOGA4CANCER: Meant for anyone affected by the illness, this class aims to help participants manage treatment side effects and recovery. Sangha Studio — North, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262.


DAMIEN SNEED’S ‘WE SHALL OVERCOME: A CELEBRATION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.’: The bandleader highlights African American music that inspired generations of civil rights activists, interspersed with segments of speeches by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15-50. Info, 863-5966. MERCEDES CARNETHON: The MLK Health Equity lecture “Racial Segregation and Obesity: An Unhealthy Connection” provokes thought as part of UVM’s MLK Celebration, Education and Learning Series. Sullivan Classroom, Room 200, University of Vermont Robert Larner College of Medicine, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-8426.


ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN REGION SOCIAL HOUR: Francophones fine-tune their French-language conversation skills over cocktails. Hilton Garden Inn Burlington Downtown, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES: Learners take communication to the next level. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.



« P.46

FOURTH WEDNESDAY CONVERSATION GROUP: Frenchlanguage conversation flows at a monthly gathering. Alburgh Public Library, 5:15-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, ajp4561@gmail. com.


SAT.25 | FILM | David Crosby: Remember My Name

Find club dates in the music section. FARMERS NIGHT CONCERT SERIES: VERMONT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: Longtime music director Jaime Laredo leads the VSO in works by Holst, Sibelius and others. House Chamber, Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 828-0749. MENTALLY INTUNE: Singers find harmony in a community chorus for people living with depression. No experience or talent required. Rumney Memorial School, Middlesex, 6:30-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 272-7209. OLD NORTH END NEIGHBORHOOD BAND TEEN MUSIC JAM: Be they accomplished or beginner musicians, young players find harmony in the traditional music of Burlington’s past and present immigrant groups. Boys & Girls Club, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 881-8500.


IMPLICIT BIAS: In a League of Women Voters Criminal Justice in Vermont Speaker Series workshop, the State of Vermont Human Rights Commission’s Bor Yang examines how humans unconsciously attribute certain qualities to members of particular groups. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.


TETON GRAVITY RESEARCH: ‘ROADLESS’ PREMIERE: In this new snow sports flick, snowboarders Bryan Iguchi, Jeremy Jones and Travis Rice team up in search of first descents in Yellowstone National Park. Outdoor Gear Exchange, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10. Info, 860-0190. ‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: See WED.22.

food & drink Flanders’ lecture on the Mount Mansfield Electric Railroad. Waterbury Municipal Building, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-8089.


TECH SUPPORT: Need an email account? Want to enjoy ebooks? Bring your phone, tablet or laptop to a weekly help session. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.


‘KING LEAR’: Northern Stage presents Shakespeare’s tale about a ruler’s descent into madness. Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 7:30 p.m. $19-59. Info, 296-7000. ‘RELATIVITY’: A reporter questions Albert Einstein about a mysterious piece of his personal history in Mark St. Germain’s full-length drama presented by Vermont Stage. Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $29.70-38.50. Info, 862-1497.

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

‘CAN PREJUDICE AND STEREOTYPES KILL?: A CONVERSATION ON THE WAGES OF BLACKNESS AND THE BLINDNESS OF THE PRIVILEGE’: Panelists respond to the film American Son, as well as the impact of preconceived judgements. Dion Family Student Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2000.


‘FLAMES OF WINTER’ RAPID-FIRE DATA SCIENCE TALKS: Those interested in science huddle around the projector light for seven exciting seven-minute talks. The Gallery at Main Street Landing, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,

All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at

WATERBURY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING: Pictures and clippings add color to Skip


‘JERSEY BOYS’: Clint Eastwood directs the big-screen version of the Tony Award-winning play about the musical group the Four Seasons. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22.

WINTER RENDEZVOUS: Temperatures rise during the East Coast’s longest-running gay ski week. See winterrendezvous. com for details. Various Stowe locations. Prices vary. Info, info@



See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at

music + comedy Find club dates at local venues in the music + nightlife section and at

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.


TERESA M. MARES: Drawing on her research of Latinx farmworkers in Vermont’s dairy industry, the University of Vermont associate professor speaks about her book Life on the Other Border: Farmworkers and Food Justice in Vermont. Richmond Free Library, 4:30-5:45 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3036.



BURLINGTON WALK/BIKE COUNCIL MONTHLY MEETING: Two-wheeled travelers get in gear to discuss ways to improve conditions for cyclists and pedestrians. Room 12, Burlington City Hall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 430-4652.


VERMONT ECONOMIC CONFERENCE: Attendees aim to understand national and global perspectives combined with statewide economic trends impacting the year ahead. DoubleTree by Hilton, South Burlington, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. $75-150. Info, 223-3443.




OPEN HOUSE: Potential pupils meet teachers, students and staff members while exploring a small boarding and day high school. Rock Point School, Burlington, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1104.

H.O. Wheeler Elementary School, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, superintendentsearch@


‘LAST TRACKS’: A panel discussion augments a screening of a 35-minute film on the impact of the climate crisis on skiing. Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, Jericho, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 760-7400.


WAX & RELAX: Snow sports enthusiasts sip suds as REI Co-op techs wax their skis and snowboards. Partial tap room sales benefit Make-A-Wish Vermont. The Tap Room at Switchback Brewing Co., Burlington, 5-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 316-3120.

fairs & festivals

SPICE ON SNOW WINTER MUSIC FESTIVAL: Cajun sounds inspire a multi-day fest of music, dance and food. See calendar spotlight and for details. Downtown Montpelier, 9 p.m.-midnight. $85-100 for festival pass; prices vary for individual events. Info, 613-3922. STOWE WINTER CARNIVAL: The 46th annual frozen fête features a varied lineup of wintry wonderment, including snow golf, ice carving and live music. See for details. Various Stowe locations. Prices vary. Info, 253-7321.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section.

ROOTED & READY: WALDORF EDUCATION FROM EARLY CHILDHOOD THROUGH GRADE 12: Curious minds learn the benefits of an interdisciplinary and developmentally aligned curriculum. Snow date: January 30. High School Campus, Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Shelburne, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2827.

BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR: Mountaineering buffs and outdoor enthusiasts tap into the spirit of adventure with films from around the globe. Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, 7 p.m. $16-20. Info, wills@skirack. com.

SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH COMMUNITY INPUT MEETING: Locals offer input regarding desired qualities of the Burlington School District’s next superintendent. Childcare, refreshments and interpretation services are provided. Integrated Arts Academy,

HOME MOVIE NIGHT: Ski historian Greg Morrill hosts a screening of amateur skiing and snowboarding films. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum, Stowe, 7 p.m. Free; preregister to show a film. Info,


COMMUNITY LUNCH: Gardengrown fare makes for a delicious and nutritious midday meal. The Pathways Vermont Community Center, Burlington, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 309.


CHITTENDEN COUNTY CHESS CLUB: Checkmate! Strategic thinkers make calculated moves as they vie for their opponents’ kings. Shaw’s, Shelburne Rd., South Burlington, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5403. ESCAPE ROOM: Groups solve puzzles to break free from a mad scientist-themed space. Sugarbush Resort, Warren. $45 per group; preregister. Info, 583-6300.

health & fitness

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Barre Area Senior Center, 8:309:45 a.m. Free. Info, 479-9512. CHAIR YOGA WITH SANGHA STUDIO: Supported poses promote health and wellbeing. Champlain Senior Center, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 448-4262. COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS: A 20-minute guided practice with Andrea O’Connor alleviates stress and tension. Tea and a discussion follow. Winooski Senior Center, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 233-1161. FALLS PREVENTION TAI CHI I & II: Students improve their ability to stay steady on their feet. Barre Area Senior Center, 3:45-4:45 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512. SEED CLINIC: Small magnetic beads taped to acupressure points offer support for those experiencing difficult or stressful times. Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, 6:30-8 p.m. Donations. Info, TAI CHI FOR FALL PREVENTION: Active bodies boost their strength and balance through gentle flowing movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 9:30 & 10 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.


YANG-STYLE TAI CHI: Slow, graceful, expansive movements promote wide-ranging health and fitness benefits. Wright House, Harrington Village, Shelburne, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 735-5467. YOGA: A Sangha Studio instructor guides students who are in recovery toward achieving inner tranquility. Turning Point Center, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 448-4262.


ALICIA BRUNSON: In a keynote speech for Saint Michael’s College’s MLK Week, the Georgia Southern University assistant professor delivers “Prejudice in the Press as Practices of Oppression: Investigating Bias in Coverage of Race, Gender, Sexuality and Religion.” Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2000. NEW ALPHA GOSPEL CHOIR: The lively MLK Gospel Music Commemorative Concert lifts spirits as part of UVM’s MLK Celebration, Education and Learning Series. Ira Allen Chapel, University of Vermont, Burlington, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 656-8426.




Find club dates in the music section. GABRIELA MONTERO: The classical pianist performs “Westward,” a two-pronged program that examines the immigrant experience through works by Prokofiev, Rachmaninoff and Stravinsky, as well as improvised accompaniment to Charlie Chaplin’s 1917 silent short, “The Immigrant.” Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15-48. Info, 863-5966. KRONOS QUARTET: The acclaimed foursome known for its adventurous programming joins forces with longtime collaborator composer Terry Riley. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $18-55. Info, 603-646-2422. THURSDAY NIGHT LIVE: JAZZ LOUNGE: Members of the Coast Jazz Orchestra and the Dartmouth Symphony Orchestra band together with visiting group SoundNoiseFUNK3. Top of the Hop, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 9 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422.


BIRD MONITORING WALK: New birders and members of the Rutland County Audubon Society flock together to seek feathered friends on a 3.7-mile loop. Meet at the boardwalk on Marble St., West Rutland Marsh, 8-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, birding@rutland


DESIGN & LAYOUT 101: A FREE WORKSHOP FOR THE INADVERTENT DESIGNER: Be they students or small business owners, beginners learn the basics of graphic design. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. HOME-BUYING WORKSHOP: Experts demystify the homebuying process for newbie house hunters, from identifying your family’s needs to closing. Light refreshments are provided. Chef’s Corner Café & Bakery, Williston, 8-9 a.m. Free. Info, 879-8790. PLAY YOUR WAY HOME: Parents of kids with special needs explore games and stories from multiple cultures in a three-part workshop series. Vermont Family Network, Williston, 8:30-10 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 876-5315, ext. 218.


DAVID HARRINGTON & TED LEVIN: Kronos Quartet founder and Dartmouth College music professor, respectively, the speakers reflect on the string ensemble’s four decades of commissioning new works and arrangements. Top of the Hop, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422. HEAD STRETCHERS SOCIETY: A new bimonthly event series features special presenters discussing unique topics and encouraging audience involvement with activities. Karma Bird House Gallery, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-5884. JOHN SNELL: Attendees at a Green Mountain Club membership and social meeting are treated to “Seek No Further: In Our Backyard,” a slideshow by the Montpelier photographer. T.W. Wood Gallery, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 262-6035. LEGISLATIVE SERIES: ‘MAKING THE JUSTICE SYSTEM WORK WITH DATA’: A community discussion sheds light on the origins and emergence of race data collection in the Vermont justice system. Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 532-3030. STEVEN HURD: In “Hiking the John Muir Trail,” the outdoor adventurer shares photos and experiences from the field. Green Mountain Club Headquarters, Waterbury Center, 7-8:30 p.m. $5-8. Info, 244-7037. TAX TALK: A TIMELY CONVERSATION: Do you understand how the new tax laws will impact you? New England Federal Credit Union offers a panel discussion with professionals from the Internal Revenue Service, Vermont Department of Taxes and others. Delta Hotels Burlington, South Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-8790.


METROPOLITAN OPERA LIVE IN HD: ‘AKHNATEN’: Countertenor Anthony Roth Costanzo stars in a broadcast production of this contemporary opera written by American composer Philip Glass and set in a mystical ancient Egypt. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, preshow talk, 1 p.m.; talk, 2 p.m. $10-17. Info, 760-4634. ‘RELATIVITY’: See WED.22.

FRI.24 dance

BALLROOM & LATIN DANCING: Singles, couples and beginners are welcome to join in a dance social featuring waltz, tango and more. Williston Jazzercise Fitness Center, 8-9:30 p.m. $10. Info, 862-2269. DANCE COMPANY OF MIDDLEBURY: In collaboration with butoh artist Meshi Chavez, scholar-in-residence Karima Borni directs student dancers in Presence as Performance. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. $6-15. Info, 443-3168. DANCING UPHILL: See WED.22. ECSTATIC DANCE VERMONT: Inspired by the 5Rhythms dance practice, attendees move, groove, release and open their hearts to life in a safe and sacred space. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, 7-9 p.m. $10. Info,


JANE AUSTEN WEEKEND: ‘PERSUASION’: A leisurely weekend of literary-inspired diversions includes tea, a Regency-style dinner party, Sunday brunch, a quiz and talks. Governor’s House in Hyde Park. $395-445 for weekend; $15-35 for individual activities; preregister. Info, 888-6888.

fairs & festivals

SPICE ON SNOW WINTER MUSIC FESTIVAL: See THU.23, 4:30-10 p.m. STOWE WINTER CARNIVAL: See THU.23. WATERBURY WINTERFEST: Folks revel in all that winter has to offer, including broomball, beer trivia, bonfires and much more during this annual 10-day bash. See for details. Various Waterbury locations. Prices vary; most activities are free. Info, waterbury.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section.

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‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22. ‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: See WED.22. FRI.24

» P.50


The first-ever extensive biography of Tibet’s most famous nonsectarian Buddhist lama. Book discussion & signing.


A cozy book of gnomes (and gnomes)! Book signing, free.



Young wizards, witches and Muggles will be treated to an evening of magical games, activities, readings and quizzes. All ages are welcome to this free event. Costumes encouraged.

Phoenix Books Burlington events are ticketed unless otherwise indicated. Your $3 ticket comes with a coupon for $5 off the featured book. Proceeds go to Vermont Foodbank.


‘KING LEAR’: See WED.22.

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191 Bank Street, Downtown Burlington • 802.448.3350 2 Carmichael Street, Essex • 802.872.7111 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020

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calendar FRI.24

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food & drink

DRINK YOUR VALUES HAPPY HOUR: Mead in hand, eco-conscious community members talk solar options with SunCommon representatives. Groennfell Meadery, St. Albans, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 398-7118. IN GOOD TASTE: Foodies enjoy tasty eats and handcrafted beverages from Vermont’s variety of farmers, vintners, brewers and chefs. Choose from two tasting sessions. See calendar spotlight. St. Albans City Hall, 4:30-6:30 & 7-9 p.m. $15. Info, 524-1219. PUBLIC CUPPING: Coffee connoisseurs and beginners alike explore the flavor notes and aromas of the roaster’s current offerings and new releases. Brio Coffeeworks, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 777-6641.


BRIDGE CLUB: See WED.22, 9:15 a.m. ESCAPE ROOM: See THU.23.

health & fitness

CHAIR YOGA: Students with limited mobility limber up with modified poses. Sangha Studio — North, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262. EXERCISE FOR HEALTH: Strength training with light weights focuses on balance and lower body strength. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10:40 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322. FELDENKRAIS COMMUNITY CLASS: An open mind and the ability to get on the floor and back up are the only requirements for participating in slow, gentle movements that reveal new ways to live with the body. The Wellness Collective, Burlington, 8:30-9:30 a.m. Donations; preregister. Info, 540-0186. GONG MEDITATION: Sonic vibrations lead to healing and deep relaxation. Yoga Roots, Williston, 7:30-8:30 p.m. $18. Info, 318-6050. QIGONG FLOW: Gentle movements promote strength, balance and well-being. Waterbury Public Library, 10:15-10:45 a.m. Free; limited space. Info, 244-7036. SUN 73 TAI CHI: A sequence of slow, controlled movements aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3322. TAI CHI FOR FALL PREVENTION: Beginners and older adults in this eight-week class with instructor Kenneth Russell engage in a gentle workout done seated or standing. Waterbury Public Library, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 244-7036. WARM GENTLE YOGA: Not too hot, not too difficult and not too expensive, this class is open to all ages and ability levels. Hot Yoga Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Donations. Info, 999-9963.

exercise said to benefit internal organs. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.


POETRY SLAM: Mic-Andre & Associates and Reuben Jackson regale listeners with works of spoken word as part of Saint Michael’s College’s MLK Week. Dion Family Student Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2000.




Find club dates in the music section. RECYCLED PERCUSSION: Keeping a beat on industrial junk, power tools, buckets and more, the group delivers three jaw-dropping performances over two days. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $35-45. Info, 603-448-0400. WINTER WINE DOWN MUSIC SERIES: Oenophiles let loose with live music by Jon Sochin, awardwinning wine and mouthwatering eats. Snow Farm Vineyard, South Hero, wine service begins, 5 p.m.; music, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 372-9463.


GENEALOGY: Using their memories, the internet and a library card, folks work with Carl Williams to record their own family history. Barre Area Senior Center, noon1:30 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info, 479-9512.


NATURALIST JOURNEYS SLIDESHOW & LECTURE SERIES: Kerstin Lange ponders “The Birds at the End of the World.” North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 7-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 229-6206. SUZANNE BODEN: “Jane Austen’s Royal Navy” examines the ships, the men and the customs of England’s navy at the time Austen was writing. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 8-10 p.m. $15 includes refreshments; preregister. Info, 888-6888.


‘THE 39 STEPS: A LIVE RADIO PLAY’: Voice-over techniques and live sound-making enliven a one-act adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1935 film. Spaulding High School, Barre, 7-8 p.m. $5. Info, ‘KING LEAR’: See WED.22. ‘THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA’: In collaboration with Town Hall Theater, the Middlebury College Department of Music offers its 15th annual winter term musical. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $6-20. Info, 382-9222.

‘OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MURDER’: Romance, suspense and cosmic wit propel Fred Carmichael’s mystery-comedy, presented by the Valley Players. Valley Players YANG 24 TAI CHI: Students get an Theater, Waitsfield, 7 p.m. $10-16. introduction to a gentle form of Info, 583-1674. 50 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020



SPIRITUAL BOOK STUDY GROUP: Not a religious book club, this group focuses on examining worry, doubt, depression and other obstacles in everyday life. Barre Area Senior Center, 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512.

SAT.25 activism

FAIR TRADE LABELS: A presentation and discussion break down designations within the fair trade movement. Stick around afterward to learn about PJC volunteer opportunities. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345, ext. 9. POC IN AFFINITY GROUP: People of color come together in the name of sharing stories and building community in a predominately white state. Newcomers are welcome. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345, ext. 9.


WINTER AT THE FARM: Families experience the season in 19thcentury style by visiting animals, touring an 1890 farmhouse and learning from interactive programs. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $4-16; free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 457-2355.


NEW AMERICAN VOTING EVENT: Community members enjoy food from Nepali Kitchen and Kismayo Kitchen while learning to register and vote using new translated ballots. Childcare and interpretation are available. O.N.E. Community Center, Burlington, 2.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7000.




DEVIL’S BOWL SPEEDWAY BANQUET OF CHAMPIONS: Start your engines! Top drivers are honored for their achievements in the 2019 auto racing season. Holiday Inn, Rutland, 6 p.m. $3050; preregister. Info, 265-3112. INDIAN DINNER & CONCERT: Indie-folk tunes by Burlington duo Cricket Blue set the mood for a mouthwatering meal catered by Sustainable Kitchen chef Kate Halladay. River Arts, Morrisville, 7 p.m. $15. Info, 888-1261. JANE AUSTEN WEEKEND: ‘PERSUASION’: See FRI.24. LEGAL CLINIC: Attorneys offer complimentary consultations on a first-come, first-served basis. 274 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 383-2118. STUNT KITE FLIERS & ARCHERY HOBBYISTS MEETING: Open to beginning and experienced hobbyists alike, a weekly gathering allows folks to share information

and suggestions for equipment, sporting locations and more. Presto Music Store, South Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 658-0030. THEY SAY A LADY RAISED THE ROOF: Patrons of the arts support an upcoming dance production, They Say a Lady Was the Cause of It, at a benefit bash boasting live entertainment by Ergo Movement dancers and Burlington rock band Swale, as well as a silent auction. Kestrel Coffee Roasters, Burlington, 7-10 p.m. $10-20. Info,

fairs & festivals

BROOKFIELD ICE HARVEST & WINTERFEST: Community members celebrate the frigid season with demonstrations, skating, skiing, sledding, pond hockey and hand-warming refreshments. See calendar spotlight. Floating Bridge, Brookfield, 10:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 276-3260. SPICE ON SNOW WINTER MUSIC FESTIVAL: See THU.23, 10 a.m.-midnight. STOWE WINTER CARNIVAL: See THU.23. WATERBURY WINTERFEST: See FRI.24.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR: See THU.23. ‘DAVID CROSBY: REMEMBER MY NAME’: A 2019 documentary shown as part of the Woodstock Vermont Film Series provides a portrait of the musician and founding member of the Byrds and Crosby, Stills & Nash. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 3 & 5:30 p.m. $6-11. Info, 457-2355. ‘EARTH FLIGHT 3D’: See WED.22. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See WED.22. ‘IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT’: Shown on 16mm reel-to-reel film, an Academy Award-winning crime drama stars Sidney Poitier as a Philadelphia detective investigating a murder in Mississippi. Newman Center, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. Donations. Info, serious_61 ‘MADE IN VERMONT’: Featuring performances from local personalities such as comedic actor Rusty DeWees, this independent comedy follows a group of struggling creatives as they scheme to win the coveted Golden Gizzard award. Grange Hall Cultural Center, Waterbury Center, 4:30 & 7 p.m. Donations. Info, ‘THE RESURRECTION OF VICTOR JARA’: A Q&A with writer and producer John Summa follows a screening of this documentary on the Chilean activist and musician known as the Woody Guthrie of South America. Old Labor Hall, Barre, 7-9:30 p.m. $10. Info, 479-5600. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22. ‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: See WED.22. ‘VARDA BY AGNÈS’: Illustrated with photos and film excerpts,

the late director Agnès Varda’s final picture is an idiosyncratic and imaginative autobiography. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 3 & 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168.

food & drink

JANE AUSTEN DINNER & WHIST PARTY: Period dress is encouraged during a Regency-style dinner party highlighting Austen’s 1818 novel Persuasion. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 6-10 p.m. $35; preregister. Info, 888-6888. PIE FOR BREAKFAST: Dessert comes first when diners dig into all-you-can-eat doublecrusted pastries. Proceeds benefit the Waterbury Rotary Club. Cambridge Elementary School, Jeffersonville, 8-11 a.m. $5. Info, ROBERT BURNS DINNER: Scottish traditions thread through an evening of food, music and dance. Barre Elks Lodge, 5-11 p.m. $40. Info,


BOARD & TABLETOP GAMES: By thinking, reasoning, strategizing and playing together, teen and adult gamers build a sense of community. Waterbury Public Library, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. ESCAPE ROOM: See THU.23.

health & fitness

NEWBIE NOON HOT YOGA: First-timers feel the heat as they get their stretch on in a (very) warm environment. Hot Yoga Burlington, noon. Free; preregister. Info, 999-9963. TAI CHI FOR HEALTH: A demonstration of basic movements follows a lecture on the history, origin and benefits of this ancient practice. The Residence at Quarry Hill, South Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 652-4114.


‘THE DRAG: A HOMOSEXUAL COMEDY IN THREE ACTS’: Vermont Pride Theater presents a staged reading of Mae West’s work centered on two love triangles that defy 1920s norms. Proceeds benefit Vermont CARES. Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, 7:30-10 p.m. $5-25. Info, 728-9878. PRIDE YOGA: LGBTQ individuals and allies hit the mat for a stretching session suited to all levels. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262. WINTER RENDEZVOUS: See WED.22.


Find club dates in the music section. BLOODROOT GAP: Rob and Jim McCuen of Swing Noire and Freeman Corey of Catamount Crossing get toes tapping with their unique blend of bluegrass. Brandon Music, 7:30 p.m. $20; $45 includes dinner; preregister; BYOB. Info, 247-4295.

CELTIC MUSIC & DANCE: Irish and Scottish traditions propel an evening of highland dance and Québecois and Appalachian tunes. Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Jericho, 7-8:30 p.m. $1012; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 878-3840. RECYCLED PERCUSSION: See FRI.24, 4 & 7:30 p.m. SATURDAY KARAOKE: Amateur singers belt out their favorite tunes. Burlington VFW Post, 7:3010:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-6532. SECRET STASH: Anchored by Stefan Lessard of Dave Matthews Band, a benefit for the Spruce Peak Arts Center Foundation features members of Guster, O.A.R. and others. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7-9 p.m. $100. Info, 760-4634. SPENCER LEWIS: The folk-rock troubadour employs live looping in a solo concert of guitar and violin instrumentals and songs. Congregation Ruach haMaqom, Burlington, 7:15-9:30 p.m. $10-20. Info, spencer@spencerlewis VERMONT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: Violin virtuoso Leila Josefowicz joins the VSO for “Love, Leila and Luther,” a program that features works by Wagner, Berg and Mendelssohn. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, preconcert talk, 6:30 p.m.; concert, 7:30 p.m. $15-60. Info, 863-5966. WU MAN & FRIENDS: Joined by an ensemble of collaborators, the pipa virtuoso launches the Lunar New Year with “A Night in the Gardens of the Tang Dynasty.” Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $18-60. Info, 603-646-2422.

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

film See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at

music + comedy Find club dates at local venues in the music + nightlife section and at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.



BIRD MONITORING WALK: Adults and older children don binoculars and keep an eye out for winged wonders. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 8-9 a.m. Donations; preregister. Info, 434-2167. WINTER BIRDING: Folks seek feathered friends on an easy excursion. Contact trip leader for details. Free; preregister. Info, WORKING WOODLANDS WORKSHOP: WINTER TREE IDENTIFICATION: With guidance from Jon Bouton, nature lovers become familiar with twig, bud, needle and bark characteristics. Bring a bag lunch. Forest Center, Marsh-BillingsRockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 457-3368, ext. 226.


PUBLIC SKATING: Active bodies coast across the ice. Plattsburgh State Fieldhouse, N.Y., 5:30-7:30 p.m. $2-3; additional cost for rentals. Info, 518-564-4270.


‘KING LEAR’: See WED.22. ‘THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA’: See FRI.24. NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE: ‘FLEABAG’: Fans view a broadcast production of Phoebe Waller-Bridge’s acclaimed one-person show that inspired the BBC TV series about a selfobsessed, emotionally fractured thirty-something seeking redemption through heartbreak — and a guinea pig. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $10-15. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MURDER’: See FRI.24. ‘RELATIVITY’: See WED.22, 2 & 7:30 p.m. RUSTY DEWEES: The Vermont performer known for his persona the Logger brings his signature blend of music, comedy and acting to the stage at the Vergennes Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $15-25. Info, 877-6737.



ANTIQUES MARKET: The past comes alive with offerings of furniture, glassware, jewelry and more at this ephemera extravaganza. Canadian Club, Barre, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. $2-5. Info, 751-6138.


NEW YEAR’S CANNABIS NETWORKING EVENT: Lt. Gov. David Zuckerman and a panel of industry experts look at the current state of cannabis tax-andregulate legislation in Vermont. Mary’s Restaurant, Bristol, 1:30-3 p.m. $10. Info, 759-8100.


COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: Sessions in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh include sitting and walking meditation, a short reading, and open sharing. Evolution Physical Therapy & Yoga, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, newleafsangha@


BALKAN FOLK DANCING: Louise Brill and friends organize participants into lines and circles set to complex rhythms. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 3:30-6:30 p.m. $6; free for firsttimers; bring snacks to share. Info, 540-1020. BOLSHOI BALLET IN HD: ‘GISELLE’: World-renowned choreographer Alexei Ratmansky breathes new life into the story of a young peasant girl who dies of a broken heart. Shown on screen. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 12:55 p.m. $6-18. Info, 748-2600.


JANE AUSTEN WEEKEND: ‘PERSUASION’: See FRI.24. SOCIAL SUNDAYS: A weekly community event offers music, refreshments and art workshops for families. Milton Art Center & Gallery, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 355-6583.

fairs & festivals


JANE AUSTEN TEA: Fans of the famed writer sit down to a Victorian-style affair complete with readings and discussions. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 2:30 p.m. $25. Info, 888-6888.


MIDWINTER BOOK SALE: Looking to cozy up with a good read? Bookworms stock up on hardcovers and paperbacks. United Church of Hinesburg, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 482-3366.






See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See WED.22. ‘THE NUMBER ON GREATGRANDPA’S ARM’: Shown as part of International Holocaust Remembrance Day, a documentary short from 2018 centers on a conversation between a boy and his grand-grandfather who survived the Auschwitz concentration camp. Jewish Community of Greater Stowe, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 253-1800. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22.


food & drink

BOLTON LODGE POTLUCK: All are welcome to join the Green Mountain Club Burlington section for a shared meal and an afternoon of skiing or snowshoeing. Email for details. Free; preregister. Info, gmc@gmc SUNDAY FRIED CHICKEN SUPPER: Nashville hot fried fish, baked mac and cheese with tomato, braised greens, and more complement Southern Smoke’s crispy poultry. Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6-9 p.m. $27; preregister; limited space. Info, fourquartersbrewing@gmail. com.



PERSONAL ATTENTION, BEAUTIFUL RESULTS 105 Westview Rd, Suite 120, Colchester, VT 802-444-4421 •


health & fitness

TECH-ASSISTED MEDITATION MEET-UP: Mobile devices and headphones in tow, participants explore digital tools and techniques for achieving deep focus. Satori Float & Mind Spa, Shelburne, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 498-5555.

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CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION: Foodies ring in the Year of the Rat with a traditional 13-course feast benefiting the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts. A Single Pebble, Burlington, 6 p.m. $125; preregister; limited space. Info, 863-5966.


‘DIMANCHES’ FRENCH CONVERSATION: Parlez-vous français? Speakers practice the tongue at a casual drop-in chat. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, steve


LGBTQ FIBER ARTS GROUP: A knitting, crocheting and weaving session welcomes all ages, gender identities, sexual orientations and skill levels. Pride Center of Vermont, Burlington, noon-2 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812. WINTER RENDEZVOUS: See WED.22.


Find club dates in the music section. SHAI WOSNER: An Israeli-born pianist performs works of Beethoven, Scarlatti, Rzewski and Schubert in a Northeast Kingdom Classical Series concert. South Church Hall, St. Johnsbury, 3-5 p.m. $6-18. Info, 748-7135. UKULELE MÊLÉE: Fingers fly at a group lesson on the fourstringed Hawaiian instrument. BYO uke. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. VERMONT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA: See SAT.25, SUN.26

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WOODS TEA COMPANY: Sea shanties, folk songs and Celtic music make up a high-energy program with a sense of humor. Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Upper Valley, Norwich, 4:30-6:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 649-8828.

YOU ARE THE HELP UNTIL HELP ARRIVES: A FEMA-sponsored course prepares community members to respond in emergency situations. Craftsbury Public Library, 1-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 586-9683.

WOOD CARVING: Don Heuerman leads individuals in fashioning ornamental objects from wood. Barre Area Senior Center, 1-3 p.m. Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 479-9512.


ELIZA WEST: “The 1920s Style of Vermont’s Mill Girls: A Costumed Presentation” reveals the practical side of the decade’s attire. Heritage Winooski Mill Museum, 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 355-9937.


‘KING LEAR’: See WED.22, 5 p.m. ‘THE LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA’: See FRI.24, 2 p.m. ‘LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS’ AUDITIONS: Thespians vie for spots in a Valley Players Theater spring production of this comedic musical about a socially awkward florist and a giant man-eating plant. Valley Players Theater, Waitsfield, noon. Free. Info, 583-1674. ‘OUT OF SIGHT, OUT OF MURDER’: See FRI.24, 4 p.m. ‘RELATIVITY’: See WED.22, 2 p.m.

MON.27 crafts

CRAFTS NIGHTS: Inspiration flows as folks drop in to work on creative endeavors. Waterbury Public Library, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. HANDWORK CIRCLE: Friends and neighbors make progress on works of knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch and other creative endeavors. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


350VERMONT BURLINGTON NODE MEETING: Environmentally conscious individuals deepen their involvement in issues related to the climate crisis. 350Vermont, Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,



‘ALMOST FAMOUS’: A teenage writer played by Patrick Fugit goes on the road with an up-andcoming rock band. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Donations. Info, 540-3018.

COMMUNITY CRAFT NIGHT: Makers stitch, spin, knit and crochet their way through projects while enjoying each other’s company. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.




COMMUNITY DROP-IN CENTER HOURS: Wi-Fi, games and art materials are on hand at an open meeting space where folks forge social connections. GRACE, Hardwick, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 472-6857.

Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 3 p.m. $10-32. Info, 775-0903.

SPLIT & SURFEST: Snow sports enthusiasts join members of the Catamount Trails Association for some backcountry exploring on splitboards and mountain snowboards. Clinics, games, tours, food and beer round out the day. Bolton Valley Resort, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost of day pass, $55-70. Info, 434-3444.



SAT.25 | ETC. | Indian Dinner & Concert NANCY PATCH: The Franklin/ Grand Isle County forester gets to the root of “Climate Change and Vermont Forests.” Community Center in Jericho, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 829-8168.

fairs & festivals



See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘EARTH FLIGHT 3D’: See WED.22. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See WED.22. ‘JACKIE’: Viewers see a tragic moment in American history through the eyes of First Lady Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, played by Natalie Portman. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22. ‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: See WED.22.


802 CORN HOLE: Competitors vie for points in this popular lawn game during 10 weeks of league play. Barre Elks Lodge, registration, 6 p.m.; games, 6:45 p.m. $10; cash bar. Info, 479-9522. BRIDGE CLUB: See WED.22, 6:30 p.m. MAGIC: THE GATHERING — MONDAY NIGHT MODERN: Tarmogoyf-slinging madness ensues when competitors battle for prizes in a weekly game. Brap’s Magic, Burlington, 7-11 p.m. $8. Info, 540-0498. PITCH: Players compete in a tricktaking card game. Barre Area Senior Center, 1-3:45 p.m. Free. Info, 479-9512.


CHAIR YOGA WITH SANGHA STUDIO: Supported poses promote health and wellbeing. Heineberg Senior Center, Burlington, 10:45-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 448-4262.


COMMUNITY HERBAL CLINIC: Supervised clinical interns offer guidance and support to those looking to care for themselves using natural remedies. By appointment only. Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, and Railyard Apothecary, Burlington, 4-8 p.m. $10-30; additional cost for herbs; preregister. Info, 224-7100. ONENESS COMMUNITY INNER PEACE PRACTICE: Happy people create a happy world. All are welcome to join a guided meditative breath circle for embodying peace. All Souls Interfaith Gathering, Shelburne, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 383-8583.


PLATTSBURGH CONVERSATION GROUP: French speakers maintain their conversational skills in a weekly meet-up. Plattsburgh Public Library, N.Y., 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, ajobin-picard@


Find club dates in the music section. MAD RIVER CHORALE REHEARSAL: The community chorus welcomes newcomers in preparation for its spring concerts. Chorus Room, Harwood Union High School, South Duxbury, 7-9 p.m. $75 for the season. Info, 496-2048. VERMONT CHORAL UNION AUDITIONS: Singers lift their well-tuned voices when vying for spots in the vocal ensemble specializing in medieval, Renaissance and contemporary works. Essex St. James Episcopal Church, 6-6:45 p.m. Free. Info, 777-5529.


STATE OF THE WORLD COMMUNITY DISCUSSIONS: Activist Sandy Baird leads an open forum reflecting on and analyzing current events in a nonjudgmental setting. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.




LOUELLA BRYANT: The Vermontbased author reads from her latest page-turner, Cowboy Code. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 1:30-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. MONTHLY BOOK GROUP FOR ADULTS: Boris Fishman’s Savage Feast: Three Generations, Two Continents, and Dinner Table sparks conversation. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.

TUE.28 activism

MOTHER UP! FAMILIES RISE FOR CLIMATE ACTION: MONTHLY GATHERING: Parents discuss the realities of the climate crisis and its effects on young people. Dinner and childcare are provided. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


VERMONT FARM SHOW: From barnyard animals to giant tractors, the annual showcase celebrates the state’s agricultural industry. See for details. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3579.


JUMPSTART: ‘HOW TO CUSTOMER-FUND YOUR BUSINESS’: Steve Arms delves into the art of forming partnerships with customers to fund product development. Generator, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 540-0761.

SWING DANCING: Quick-footed participants experiment with different forms, including the Lindy Hop, Charleston and balboa. Beginners are welcome. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:309:30 p.m. $5. Info, 448-2930. ‘WELTER’: Elena Demyanenko, Chloe Engel and Laurel Jenkins carry out simultaneous solos while saturated in light. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168.


GENEALOGY QUEST: Family-tree enthusiasts get amped up about ancestry at a monthly meeting. Waterbury Municipal Building, 7 p.m. Free. Info, jlattrell@gmail. com.

fairs & festivals


FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

film See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at

music + comedy Find club dates at local venues in the music + nightlife section and at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section.

BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR: See THU.23, Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7 p.m. $21-24. Info, 603-448-0400. ‘EARTH FLIGHT 3D’: See WED.22. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See WED.22. ‘JIRO DREAMS OF SUSHI’: Mouths water as this 2011 documentary turns the lens toward 85-year-old sushi master Jiro Ono. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘THE NEED TO GROW’: Shown as part of the Sustainable Woodstock Climate Change and Sustainability Film Series, a 2019 documentary focuses on trailblazers in soil regeneration and sustainable food systems. Woodstock Town Hall Theatre, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3981. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22. ‘TINY GIANTS 3D’: See WED.22.

food & drink

TUESDAY LUNCH: An in-house chef whips up a well-balanced hot meal with dessert. See for menu. Barre Area Senior Center, noon. $6; preregister. Info, 479-9512.


BRIDGE CLUB: See WED.22, 7 p.m. CRIBBAGE: Friends connect over a fun-spirited card game. Barre Area Senior Center, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 479-9512. HAND & FOOT CARD GAME GROUP: No experience is required to join in a fun-spirited amusement. Barre Area Senior Center, 1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 479-9512. MAH JONGG IN MILTON: Fun, friendship and conversation flow as players manipulate tiles. Milton Public Library, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 893-4644.


COMMUNITY HERBAL CLINIC: See MON.27, Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalist, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. NAMI VERMONT ‘IN OUR OWN VOICE’: Trained presenters draw on their own experiences to provide practical information about mental illness. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 800-639-6480. REIKI CLINIC: Thirty-minute treatments foster physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. JourneyWorks, Burlington, 3-5:30 p.m. $10-30; preregister. Info, 860-6203. RESISTANCE BAND STRENGTH TRAINING 101: Those looking


to increase muscle strength, range of motion or bone density participate in a four-week fitness class with instructor Becky Roy-Widschwenter. Waterbury Public Library, 10-10:45 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 244-7036. TAI CHI FOR FALL PREVENTION: See THU.23. TUESDAY GUIDED MEDITATION: Participants learn to relax and let go. Stillpoint Center, Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 318-8605. WARM GENTLE YOGA: See FRI.24.


IBRAM X. KENDI: Winner of the 2016 National Book Award for Nonfiction, the author and historian keynotes UVM’s annual MLK Celebration, Education and Learning Series. Ira Allen Chapel, University of Vermont, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 656-8426.


‘LA CAUSERIE’ FRENCH CONVERSATION: Native speakers and learners say it all in French at a social conversational practice. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 540-0195. ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Parla Italiano? Language learners practice pronunciation and more in an informal gathering. Hartland Public Library, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 436-2473. LUNCH IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: ITALIAN: Speakers hone their skills in the Romance language over a bag lunch. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATION: Frenchlanguage fanatics meet pour parler la belle langue. ¡Duino! (Duende), Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 430-4652.


Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON SONGWRITERS SONG-SHARING & FEEDBACK MEETING: Area songsters trade constructive criticism. O.N.E.

Community Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 899-1139. GREENSKY BLUEGRASS: Together nearly two decades, the band adds eclectic flair to a classic genre. Ghost Light open. See calendar spotlight. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $38-41. Info, 863-5966.


FINANCIAL WELLNESS WORKSHOP: Participants in this New England Federal Credit Union workshop develop healthy money-management habits. New England Federal Credit Union, Essex Junction, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 879-8790. HOW TO ORGANIZE: PUT YOUR HOUSE ON A DIET SERIES: CLEAR THE CLUTTER: Melanie Saia, director of staging services for the Malley Group at KW Vermont, offers tips for lightening the weight of one’s home. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


FREE AIKIDO CLASS: A one-time complimentary introduction to the Japanese martial art focuses on centering and finding freedom while under attack. Open to prospective students. Aikido of Champlain Valley, Burlington, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Free. Info, 951-8900.


BASIL TANGREDI: Covering dinosaurs to present-day feathered fliers, the wildlife veterinarian details bird evolution. Grace Congregational Church, Rutland, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, birding@ ‘MEDICAL AID IN DYING: THE STORY OF ONE MAN’S CHOICE’: A panel discussion familiarizes listeners with Medical Aid in Dying, which allows terminally ill adults to request and receive medication to facilitate a peaceful death. Larner Classroom, Room 100, University of Vermont Medical Education Center, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, ‘YOU ARE ENOUGH EVEN WITHOUT THE STUFF’: Two speakers reveal how an emotional

connection with physical items can be a barrier to joy. Lacillade Home Design Center, Williston, noon. $15. Info, 598-4782.


‘KING LEAR’: See WED.22, 7:30 p.m.


BRIT READERS OF THE NEK BOOK CLUB: Magpie Murders by Anthony Horowitz and Mamie Garrison by Teresa McRae are the featured volumes in this monthly series. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 745-1392. BURLINGTON FREE WRITE: Aspiring writers respond to prompts in a welcoming atmosphere. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 999-1664.

WED.29 activism

COMMUNITY AWARENESS & ACTION EVENT: Pizza and informational materials are on hand at a gathering marking National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: THE TRUTH ABOUT SYSTEMIC RACISM: Through personal stories and the research of national experts, Vermont Racial Justice Alliance coordinator Mark Hughes unpacks systemic racism and discusses solutions. St. Albans Free Library, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 532-3030.


VERMONT FARM SHOW: See TUE.28, 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.


next superintendent. Childcare, refreshments and interpretation services are provided. Champlain Elementary School, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info,


JOSEF GÖRRES: A lecture series rooted in farming and gardening with an eye on the climate crisis kicks off with a discussion of the effects of erratic and extreme weather on soil ecology and plant growth. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.

fairs & festivals



See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. BANFF CENTRE MOUNTAIN FILM FESTIVAL WORLD TOUR: See THU.23, Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7 p.m. $21-24. Info, 603-448-0400. ‘EARTH FLIGHT 3D’: See WED.22. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See WED.22. ‘JUNO’: Ellen Page stars in this quirky and heartfelt comedy about a pregnant teen. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘SPACE JUNK 3D’: See WED.22. ‘SUPPRESSED: THE FIGHT TO VOTE’: A 2019 documentary short reveals systemic efforts to disenfranchise voters in the United States. Proceeds benefit Fair Fight, a voter protection group founded by former Georgia House Democratic leader Stacey Abrams. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info,




food & drink

SUPERINTENDENT SEARCH COMMUNITY INPUT MEETING: Locals offer input regarding desired qualities of the Burlington School District’s

CONSUMER NIGHT: State officials compete in the Capital Cook-Off while locavores load up on the best of local cheeses, meats, produce, beer, wool, crafts and more. Blue Ribbon Pavilion, Champlain


Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 505-1661.


BRIDGE: See WED.22. BRIDGE CLUB: See WED.22. FAMILY GAME NIGHT: See WED.22. MAH JONGG IN WILLISTON: Participants of all levels enjoy friendly bouts of this tile-based game. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

VERMONT WOMEN’S MENTORING PROGRAM: MENTOR TRAINING: Community members prepare to be matched with incarcerated and court-involved women in order to coach them in transitioning to life in Northwest Vermont and Chittenden County. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 846-7164.



HIAWATHA’S INFORM & INSPIRE SPEAKER SERIES: Psychologist and Hiawatha Elementary School parent Marissa Coleman shares “Raising Inclusive Kids: Talking to Kids on Race.” Hiawatha Elementary School, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free; preregister for childcare; $1 for a slice of pizza. Info, 878-1384.




TECH TUTOR: Techies answer questions about computers and devices during one-on-one help sessions. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.





SOUTH HERO FRENCH CONVERSATION: Catherine Hellman hosts a French-language chat fest. Worthen Library, South Hero, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 372-6209.


‘KING LEAR’: See WED.22, 7:30 p.m. ‘RELATIVITY’: See WED.22.



Find club dates in the music section.

DAN SWAINBANK: The author reads from his latest pageturner, Fairbanks: The Family That Created an Industry, Built a Thriving Town, Endowed it With Cultural Institutions and Led the State of Vermont. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 745-1393.

FARMERS NIGHT CONCERT SERIES: JULIAN GERSTIN SEXTET: The six-piece ensemble navigates Caribbean and Eastern European sounds through original, lyrical jazz compositions. House Chamber, Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 828-0749.

ELIZABETH THOMPSON, ERIC SORENSON & ROBERT ZAINO: A slide show familiarizes folks with a new edition of the book Wetland, Woodland, Wildland: A Guide to the Natural Communities of Vermont. Richmond Free Library, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3036. m

OLD NORTH END NEIGHBORHOOD BAND TEEN MUSIC JAM: See WED.22. SONGWRITING WORKSHOP SERIES: Local musicians Pat and Alison McHugh share tips and tools for structuring original tunes. Waterbury Public Library, 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.

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Access CVU

Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,

225+ Classes for Everyone. CVUHS Campus HINESBURG. Full descriptions at

ACCESS EMPOWERMENT: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. SAT Bootcamp, CPR and AED Training, First Aid Training, Women’s SelfDefense, Mindful Meditation, SelfHypnosis, Massage, Mind-Body Practice, Reflexology, Biofield Tuning, and Juggling. Writing Workshops, Using LinkedIn, Knowledge With Girlington Garage. Talks on: Donner Party, Secrets of Mt Philo, Islamic Art, Temperance and Prohibition in the Champlain Valley, Sailing, Life in a Jar book talk, Alzheimers. Also, Bridge (two levels), Mah Jongg, Reiki, Herbals (three choices), and Tarot Reading. Full descriptions at cvsdvt.ce.eleyo .com. Or call 482-7194 or email Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,

ACCESS ART: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Watercolor With Ginny Joyner (three levels), Drawing, Ink Art, Landscape, Mixed Media, Oil Painting, Beginner Calligraphy, Art Journaling, Terrarium Design, Flower Arranging, Wreaths, Leaf Collage, Fly Tying. Full descriptions at Or call 482-7194 or email access@ Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, ACCESS CRAFT: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Ceramics (eight choices), Bowl Turning, Woodworking Workshop, Welding, Machining, Plasma Cutting With CAD Design, Chainsaw Maintenance, Soap Making, Jewelry Making, Carving a Spoon, three more carving choices, Rug Hooking, Collage, Spring Flower Centerpiece, Bracelets, Necklace, Basket Making With Alexa Rivera, Sewing, Macrame, Needle Felting, Embroidery, Terrarium Design, Plus Women and Tool Use: Custom Shelf Unit. Full descriptions at Or call 482-7194 or email access@ Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, ACCESS CUISINE: All one night at CVUHS in Hinesburg: Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Chinese Feast, Thai Feast, Vietnamese With Kim Dinh, German, Middle Eastern, Vegetarian, Risotto, Pasta, Soup and Focaccia, Swedish, Chocolate, Mediterranean, Wild Crafting, Vegetarian, Pierogi With Luiza, Fermented Drinks, four different Ethiopian/Eritrean With Alganesh, Irish, Italian Easter Desserts, Sweet Desserts, Cake Decorating, yum! Full descriptions at cvsdvt. Or call 482-7194 or email Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12.


ACCESS KIDS: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. These classes designed specifically for younger learners. Haircare, Macrame, Wood Slice Art, Yoga for Kids, Sewing, Soap Carving, Whittling, Fun with Fondant, Hip-Hop (two levels). Check website for appropriate ages for each of these great classes. Guaranteed. Full descriptions at Or call 482-7194, or email access@ Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, ACCESS LANGUAGE AND MUSIC: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Intro to ASL, ASL 2, French (three levels), Spanish (four levels), Italian for Travelers, German (two levels), Ukulele, Guitar (two levels), Banjo, Harmonica, Mandolin, Ukelele, Circle Singing. Low cost, handson, excellent instructors, limited class size, guaranteed. Materials included with few exceptions. Full descriptions at cvsdvt.ce.eleyo .com. Or call 482-7194 or email Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg, Info: 482-7194, ACCESS NATURE: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Beekeeping, Birding, Woodlot Management, Chainsaw Maintenance, Gardening for Pollinators, Fabulous Foliage, Edible/Medicinal Plants, Herb Container Gardening, Growing Mushrooms, Blueberries, Homesteading, Backyard Farming, Feline Behavior, Spring Tree ID, Reptiles, Herbals (three choices),


Soap Making, Wildlife Rehab. Guaranteed. Full descriptions at Or call 4827194 or email Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, cvsdvt COMPUTER CLASSES: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Cybersecurity: Personal Info, Tech Tutorial, Webpage program, Excel (three levels), Smart Phone Photography, Digital Photography (three choices), Intro to Digital Darkroom, Photo Composition, Nature Photography, Photoshop. Full descriptions at cvsdvt.ce Or call 482-7194 or email Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, YOGA, FITNESS AND DANCE: at CVUHS in Hinesburg. Part of 230+ classes for all ages. Strength Training With Jess Voyer, Weight Training for Women, Weight Training for Seniors, Zumba, Women’s Yoga Hour Mondays, Yoga Tuesdays, Yoga Thursdays, Tai Chi, Swing or Ballroom With Terry Bouricius, Kickboxing, HipHop for Kids, Hip-Hop for Adults. Low cost, excellent instructors, guaranteed. Full descriptions at Or call 4827194 or email access@cvsdvt .org. Senior discount. 10 minutes from Exit 12. Location: CVUHS, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, cvsdvt

agriculture BEGINNER BEEKEEPING CLASSES: Get ready to begin your beekeeping journey. Start your adventure with a good foundation. Questions and conversation are encouraged. We cover all the basics from history to the latest struggles of the bees. Several dates available. To register, go to Shop, then Books & Education on our website. Feb. 15, Mar. 21 or Apr. 20. Cost: $30/4-hour class. Location: Williamstown Masonic Lodge, 111 Brush Hill Rd., Williamstown. Info: Vermont Beekeeping Supply, LLC, Sheri Englert, 433-9897,,

art ART & POTTERY IN MIDDLEBURY: Adults: Book Binding With Jane Ploughman, Watercolors With Ashley Wolff, AM & PM Oils, Drawing, Pastels, Garden Design With Judith Irven, Clay Mon. & Thu. PM Wheel & Mon. PM Hand Building. Kids: Create Your Own Tree House, Adventures in Art, Where the Elves & Fairies Live, Clay Wheel & Hand Building. Location: Middlebury Studio School, 2377 Rt. 7, Middlebury. Info: Barbara Nelson, 247-3702,,

BCA Studios

Burlington City Arts Fall Class Registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at ABSTRACT DRAWING: Generate new energy in your drawing through the expressive style of abstraction. Develop confidence and expand your intuitive drawing language. We’ll combine a variety of drawing mediums, sizes and techniques in fresh new ways. Constructive group feedback and individual coaching create a supportive environment for experimentation. Class price includes basic drawing materials. Prerequisite: Some drawing experience recommended. Ages 18+. Instructor: Gail Salzman. Thu., Jan. 30-Mar. 5, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@, DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY, OPTION 1: No experience necessary. Learn the basics of a great photo, initial exposure, editing and printing in this eight-week class. Learn camera controls and functions, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO ratings, shooting in RAW, lens choices, metering techniques, and more. Organizing and editing files in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop are covered. Students leave with high-quality prints made on our archival Epson printer. Assignments and supportive critique sessions discuss the composition, content and concepts explored. DSLR Camera and a Mac-compatible portable flash or hard drive required. Fri., Jan. 24-Mar. 13, 10 a.m.noon Cost: $240/person; $216/ BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166,, DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY, OPTION 2: No experience necessary. Learn the basics of a great photo from initial exposure to editing and printing in this eight-week class. Includes overview of camera controls and functions, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO ratings, shooting in RAW, lens choices, metering techniques and more. Organizing and editing files in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop are covered. Students leave with high-quality prints made on our archival Epson printer. Assignments and supportive critique sessions to discuss the composition, content and concepts explored in your photographs. DSLR camera and a Mac-compatible portable flash or hard drive required. Mon., Jan. 27-Mar. 16, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $240/ person; $216/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405

Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@, FAMILY CARD MAKING: Ages 6 and up. Instructor: Kate McKernan. Join us in BCA’s print studio using our inks and tools to create handmade cards to share with those you love. Make art as a family while not making a mess at home. Supplies are provided; no experience needed. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. Adults may assist their child(ren) free of charge. Additional tickets are required for adults who’d like to make their own work. Sun., Feb. 9, 10 a.m.-noon. Cost: $10/person; $9/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@burlington, FAMILY PAINT: Spend a morning with teaching artist Kate McKernan. Using our paints, brushes, easels and more, your family creates beautiful works of art. Supplies are provided; no experience needed. Youth must be accompanied by an adult. Adults may assist their child(ren) free of charge. Additional tickets are required for adults who’d like to join the fun and paint on their own. Sun., Jan. 26, 10 a.m.-noon. Cost: $10/person; $9/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine Street, Burlington. Info: BCA Studios, John Flanagan, 865-7166,, HAND-PRINTED FABRIC WORKSHOP: Get to know our print studio at this one nightworkshop and explore the possibilities of printmaking. Students will explore simple and satisfying ways to add design to fabric goods to bring home. Class includes all materials, no experience necessary. Ages 18+. Instructor: Kate McKernan. Tue., Feb. 4, 6-9 p.m. Cost: $45/person; $40.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@burlington, HIGH SCHOOL PHOTO & SCREEN PRINTING: Ages 14-18. No experience required. Learn a variety of digital photography and screen printing processes! On guided photo walks, students learn digital shooting techniques with a focus on making a great image. Then, using the digital lab and printmaking studio, students will transform their photographic images into a variety of prints on paper and alternative media such as T-shirts, posters, bags and more. Bring your camera or use one of ours. All supplies provided. Scholarships available. Fri., Feb. 7-Mar. 20, 5-7:30 p.m. (No class Feb. 28.) Cost: $180/person; $162/ BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166,, LIFE DRAWING OPTION 1: Ages 18 & older. Instructor: Misoo Bang. Purchase a drop-in card and get the 6th visit for free!

Spend the evening with other local artists drawing from one of our experienced models. Please bring your drawing materials and paper. Purchase a ticket to hold your spot; drop-ins are welcome if space is available. Ticket purchases for this class are nonrefundable. Fri., Feb. 7, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $10/person; $9/ BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166,, PHOTOGRAPHING YOUR ARTWORK, OPTION 1: No experience required. 90-minute, assisted photography session. Work one-on-one with a BCA pro to photograph your 2D or 3D artwork in the BCA Lighting Studio. Your work is professionally lit and photographed by BCA staff, and you receive one high-res TIFF and JPEG of each image. BCA staff handles lighting and camera work during the shoot and applies basic color correction, density and contrast adjustments to each image in BCA’s Digital Lab. Additional digital post-production is your responsibility. You may bring up to 10 unframed pieces no larger than 40” x 60” or 10 objects no larger than 24” x 24”. BCA provides a digital camera during the session and a flash drive for taking home. Registration is required and cancellations within a week’s time will be nonrefundable. Wed., Jan. 22, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Cost: $120/person; $108/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@, PHOTOSHOP FOR PHOTOGRAPHERS: Ages 18 & up. Instructor: Mark LaRosa. No experience necessary. Demystify Adobe Photoshop and create the images you envision! This class starts with the basics of the Photoshop toolbox and will cover exposure and color corrections, working with layers and masks to selectively edit, removing and adding content within images, appropriately sizing files for print or the web, and printing on our Epson archival printer. Bring a selection of digital image files or scanned negative files on a Maccompatible flash or hard drive to the first class. Thu., Feb. 6-27, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $120/person; $108/ BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166,, PRINTMAKING OPTION 2: Learn a range of printing techniques to use individually or in combination to create unique artwork. Over six weeks, learn about the studio’s equipment and materials and discover techniques such as block printing with linoleum, collagraph (a low-relief intaglio technique) and monoprinting. Class price includes basic supplies and open studio access during the weeks of class. No experience needed. Ages 18+. Instructor: Susan Smereka. Thu., Jan. 30-Mar. 5, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $255/person; $229.50/


BCA members Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166,, PRINTMAKING OPTION 1: Learn printing techniques that can be used on their own or in combination to create unique artwork. Over six weeks, learn about the studio’s equipment and materials and discover techniques such as block printing with linoleum, collagraph (a low-relief intaglio technique), and monoprinting. Have fun experimenting. Includes basic supplies and open studio access during weeks of class. No experience needed. Tue., Jan. 28-Mar. 10, 9:30 a.m.-noon Cost: $255/person; $229.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@, RINGS: Ages 18 & up. Instructor: Sarah Sprague. Make your own silver ring in BCA’s state-of-theart jewelry studio. Open to all skill levels. All materials are included. Thu., Feb. 6, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $45/person; $40.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@, SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING: Ages 18 & up. Instructor: Carolyn Crotty. Currently a hot topic in education, social emotional learning (SEL) is strongly connected to social and academic success in school. In this workshop, participants will learn the basics of SEL and why it’s not just important for students but for educators and parents, too. We will explore different frameworks for understanding the core competencies of SEL and learn some classroom strategies for fostering wellness among students. Fri., Feb. 7, 10 a.m.-noon Cost: $25/person; $22.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlingto., Info: John Flanagan, 865-7166, jflanagan@burlington,

climbing ADULT CLIMBING CLINICS: In addition to being a full-body workout, climbing is a great way to meet new people. Our adult clinics offer a friendly environment to learn (or improve upon) skills while experiencing the growing Vermont climbing community. Our instructors are trained to focus on movement while also building proper technical skills. Weekly evening classes start Feb. 11. Cost: $105/3 2-hour sessions, incl. gear & 3 additional visits. Location: Petra Cliffs Climbing Center, 105 Briggs St., Burlington. Info: Andrea Charest, 657-3872,,

craft BLOCK PRINT VALENTINES: Presenter: Jen Berger. Carve your own valentine cards! Learn the basics of carving linoleum and leave with your own reusable linoleum block, valentine cards and the knowledge to make many more! Register at: gardeners .com/store. Sun., Feb. 2, 1-4 p.m. Cost: $40. Location: Gardener’s Supply-Burlington, 128 Intervale Rd., Burlington. Info: Meredith White, 660-3505, meredithw@, store.

dance DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Salsa classes: nightclub-style, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Tue., 7 p.m. $15/ person for one-hour class. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in anytime and prepare for an enjoyable workout. Location: 32 Malletts Bay Ave., Winooski. Info: Victoria, 598-1077,, RISE & SHINE! SUNDAY 5RHYTHMS: Created by Gabrielle Roth and danced around the globe, 5Rhythms is a dynamic guided dance experience as a catalyst for body-based energetic shifts to occur. Deejayed, guided journey through the WAVE of Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness. Get your dance on!

No experience necessary. Sun., Feb. 16, Mar. 15, Apr. 12, May 24, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Cost: $15/1.5hour class; drop in or preregister on website. Location: Grange Cultural Arts Center, 317 Howard Ave., Waterbury Center. Info: Shoshana Diamond, 266-0620,

to register. Location: Whole Health Nutrition, 302 Mountain View Dr., Suite 101, Colchester. Info: Michelle Tomasi, 999-9207,,


drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO: Open classes in January! New sessions start in February! Classes for adults, kids & parents. Parade & conga classes, too. Intermediate Taiko: Mon., 6-8:20 p.m. Taiko for adults: Tue., 5:30-6:20 p.m., and Wed., 6:30-7:50 p.m. Djembe for Adults: Wed., 5:30-6:20 p.m. Kids and Parents World Drumming: Wed., 4:30-5:20 p.m. Kids and Parents Taiko: Tue., 4:30-5:20 p.m. Drums provided. Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,

empowerment A SENSE OF PLACE: A sense of place is required as the setting for our lives to unfold. Through a series of short reading and writing assignments, we will explore the role that place has had in each of our lives. Come explore your sense of place. Led by Ann Turkle. To register, call Sue. Mon., Feb. 10, 17 & 24 & Mar. 2, 7-9 p.m. (snow day, Mar. 9, 7 p.m.). Cost: $60/ person; registration required. Location: Jungian Center, 55 Clover La., Waterbury. Info: Sue Mehrtens, 244-7909, info@jung,

family COMMUNITY CLASS: HEALTHY EATING FOR FAMILIES : (Quick Meals for Your Health) Whole Health Nutrition. This class is taught by one of our skilled registered dietitians, and it will include a food demo and tasting. Registration is required. Please call us at 999-9207 or to register. Wed., Feb. 12, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Please call us at 999-9207 or email

ACTING FOR BASHFUL BEGINNERS: Teen and adult. Instructor: Susan Palmer. Thu., Jan. 16-Feb. 20, 6:45-8:15 p.m. Cost: $135/6 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, ADULT JAZZ COMBO: Adults. Instructor: Andrew Moroz. Contact FlynnArts manager to sign up at registrar@flynncenter .org. Final performance on May 5. Wed., Feb. 26-Apr. 29, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $280/10-week class. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter. org, ADVANCED CONTEMPORARY: Teen and adult. Instructor: Hanna Satterlee. Tue., Jan. 28-Mar. 24 (no class Mar. 10), 7:15-8:30 p.m. Cost: $140/8 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, BALLET I & II: Teen and adult. Instructor: Elizabeth Brody. Level I: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Level II: 6:35-7:35 p.m. Mon., Jan. 13-Apr. 27 (no class Feb. 24 & Apr. 20). Cost: $210/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, BURLESQUE ACT DEVELOPMENT: Ages 18+. Mon., Jan. 20-Apr. 27 (no class Feb. 24 & Apr. 20) 7:408:40 p.m. Cost: $205/14 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo,

652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, BURLESQUE TECHNIQUE I & II: Ages 18+. Level I: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Level II: 6:35-7:35 p.m. Mon., Jan. 20-Apr. 27 (no class Feb. 24 & Apr. 20). Cost: $205/14 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, CABARET JAZZ EXTRAVAGANZA: Teen and adult. Instructors: Isaac Euler and Rose Bedard. Tue., Jan. 21, 7:15-8:15 p.m. Cost: $40/1 week. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@, DANCE FLOOR MOVES: Ages 55+. Instructor: Rose Bedard. Tue., Jan. 14-May 5 (no class Feb. 25 & Apr. 21) 5:30-7 p.m. Cost: $250/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@, ELLA-VATED IMPROVISATION: Adults and teens grade 9+. Instructor: Tom Cleary. Wed., Jan. 8-Feb. 19 (no class Jan. 22), 7:15-8:45 p.m. Cost: $135/6-week class. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@, FILMMAKING: Grades 5-8. Instructor: Jamie Watkins. Fri., Jan. 17-May 1 (no class Feb. 21 & 28, Apr. 17 & 24), 3:45-5:15 p.m. Cost: $250/12 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter. org, FLYNN SHOW CHOIRS!: Rehearsals: Sat., Jan. 25-May 23 (not Feb. 15 & 29 & Apr. 25). Performances: May 30 & 31. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main Street, Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537,, HIP-HOP: Teen and adult. Instructor: Rose Bedard. Thu., Jan. 16-May 7 (no class Feb. 27 & Apr. 23), 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $225/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@,

I AM MY ANCESTOR’S WILDEST DREAMS: Voices of Color through Storytelling. Adults. Instructor: Ferene Paris Meyer. Final performance at 6:30 p.m. on Mar. 10 in the FlynnSpace! Price includes ticket to ArtsRiot Moth Story Slam on Feb. 11! Tue., Jan. 28-Mar. 3 (no class Feb. 25), 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $95/5 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington, Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, JAZZ & CONTEMPORARY COMBO: Teen and adult. Instructor: Rose Bedard. Thu., Jan. 16-May 7 (no class Feb. 27 & Apr. 23), 6:358:05 p.m. Cost: $255/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington, Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, KINETIC KIDS: Dance Class for Homeschoolers. Ages 5-8. Instructor: Tracy Martin. Session II: Feb. 12-Mar. 11 (no class Feb. 26). Session III: Mar. 18-Apr. 8. Wed., 1:45-2:45 p.m. Cost: $55/4 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@, MINI DANCERS: Ages 3-5. Instructor: Tracy Martin. Session I: Jan. 15-Feb. 5. Session II: Feb. 12-Mar. 11 (no class Feb. 26). Session III: Mar. 18-Apr. 8. Wed., 3-3:45 p.m. Cost: $45/4 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter. org, MOVEMENT FOR PARKINSON’S 2: Level 1: Mon., Jan. 27-May 4 (no class Feb. 24, Mar. 16 & Apr. 20), 10-11:30 a.m. Level 2: Wed., Jan. 29-May 6 (no class Feb. 26 & Apr. 22), 10-11:30 a.m. Free! Supported by Wake Robin and the UVM Binter Center. Instructor: Sara McMahon. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington, Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537,, MUSIC TOGETHER: For caregivers and children, ages 3 months to 5 years. Instructor: Alison Mott. Session 1: Jan. 6-Mar. 16 (no class Feb. 24). Session 2: Mar. 30-Jun. 8 FLYNNARTS

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(no class Apr. 20). Mon., 10-10:45 a.m. Cost: $155/10 weeks; incl. materials. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537,, MUSICAL THEATER DANCE: Teen and adult. Instructor: Annalisa Ledson. Thu., Jan. 16-May 7 (no class Feb. 27 & Apr. 23), 5:306:30 p.m. Cost: $210/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, RHYTHM KIDS: Ages 5-8. Instructor: Alison Mott. Session 1: Jan. 5-Mar. 15 (no class Feb. 23). Session 2: Mar. 29-Jun. 7 (no class Apr. 19). Sun., 11-11:45 a.m. Cost: $155/10 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org, TAP I, II, & III: Teen and adult. Instructor: Elisa Van Duyne. Level I: 5:30-6:30 p.m. Level II: 6:35-7:35 p.m. Level III: 7:40-8:40 p.m. Wed., Jan. 15-May 6 (no class Feb. 26 & Apr. 22). Cost: $210/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@, YOUTH JAZZ COMBOS: Grades 7-12. Contact FlynnArts manager to sign up at flynnarts@flynncen Final performance on May 5. Tue., Jan. 28-Apr. 28 (no class Feb. 25 & Apr. 21). Cost: $250/12week class. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537,, YOUTH THEATER: Students age 4-grade 8 in the Flynn Youth Theater program progress through two age groups. 1. Sprouts: age 4-grade 1, Wed., 4-4:45 p.m., $55/5-week session, Tracy Martin. Session 1: Jan. 15-Feb. 12. Session 2: Feb. 19-Mar. 25 (no class Feb. 26). Session 3: Apr. 1-29 (no class Apr. 22). 2. Thespians: grades 2-8, Thu., Jan. 16-May 7 (no class Feb. 27 & Apr. 23), 3:45-5 p.m., $210/15 weeks. Location: FlynnArts, 153 Main St., Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537, scaliendo@flynncenter .org,


for pain-free gardening. Register at Sat., Jan. 25, 9:30-11 a.m. Cost: $15. Location: Gardener’s SupplyBurlington, 128 Intervale Rd., Burlington. Info: Meredith White, 660-3505, meredithw@gardeners .com, MAXIMIZING SMALL SPACES: Presenter: Markey Read. Grow more food in less space! Register at Sat., Feb. 1, 11:30-1 p.m. Cost: $15. Location: Gardener’s Supply-Burlington, 128 Intervale Rd., Burlington. Info: Meredith White, 660-3505,,

herbs HERBAL ROOTS APPRENTICESHIP: This apprenticeship-style program emphasizes hands-on, embodied learning and is ideal for the beginning herbal student. You will grow and harvest common herbs, prepare remedies and learn to use herbs to maintain health, as well as address common complaints safely and effectively. Weaving in history, energetic systems and health justice, this course offers students a comprehensive foundation in self and community care, along with a full kit of remedies to get you started on your path. Mon., Apr. 6-Nov. 9, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $2,500/210 hours. Location: Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St., Montpelier. Info: 2247100,,

language LEARN SPANISH & OPEN NEW DOORS: Connect with a new world. We provide high-quality affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers lesson package. Our 14th year. Personal instruction from a native speaker. Small classes, private lessons and online instruction. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025,,

martial arts

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: Brazilian jiujitsu is a martial arts combat style based entirely on GROWING MICROGREENS : leverage and technique. Brazilian Presenter: Ethan Thompson. jiujitsu self-defense curriculum Learn to grow nutrient-dense, is taught to Navy SEALs, CIA, FBI, flavorful greens year-round. military police and special forces. Microgreens are rapidly increasNo training experience required. ing in popularity as people Easy-to-learn techniques that recognize the benefits of adding could save your life! Classes them to their meals. Register at for men, women and children. Sat., Feb. 1, Students will learn realistic 9:30-11 a.m. Cost: $15. Location: bully-proofing and self-defense Gardener’s Supply-Burlington, life skills to avoid becoming 128 Intervale Rd., Burlington. victims and help them feel safe Info: Meredith White, 660-3505, and secure. Our sole purpose is to, help empower people by giving them realistic martial arts trainINJURY PREVENTION FOR ing practices they can carry with GARDENERS: Presenter: Jenn them throughout life. IBJJF and Cadorette. Learn about common CBJJ certified black belt sixthinjuries and prevention strategies degree instructor under Carlson 56 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020

Gracie Sr.: teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A five-time Brazilian National Champion; International World Masters Champion and IBJJF World Masters Champion. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,

massage ASIAN BODYWORK THERAPY PROGRAM: This program teaches two forms of massage: amma and shiatsu. We will explore oriental medicine theory and diagnosis, as well as the body’s meridian system, acupressure points, and yin-yang and five-element theory. Additionally, Western anatomy and physiology are taught. VSAC nondegree grants are available. FSMTB-approved program. Starts Sep. 2020. Cost: $6,000/625-hour program. Location: Elements of Healing, 21 Essex Way, Suite 109, Essex Jct. Info: Scott Moylan, 2888160, scott@elementsofhealing .net,

Media Factory

360-DEGREE VIDEO MAKING: Expand your horizons with this little, powerful camera. Learn how to shoot video and photos in 360 degrees and edit using an iPad (app download required). Try out different techniques and strategies used in wraparound video making, including tracking shots, tiny worlds and more. Wed., Jan. 22, 6 p.m. Cost: $25 suggested donation. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 2G + 2K, Burlington. Info: Gin Ferrara, 651-9692,, btvmediafactory. IMOVIE FOR IPADS: Discover how easy it is to make great videos with your iPad! Learn how to edit clips into simple projects; create voiceovers, titles, and effects; manage media; and share your finished masterpiece. We’ll supply Pads participants can use, or bring your own with the latest iOS and iMovie installed. Register at or call 651-9692. Mon., Jan. 27, 6 p.m. Cost: $25 suggested donation. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 2G + 2K, Burlington. Info: Gin Ferrara, 651-9692,, btvmediafactory. IMOVIE ON COMPUTERS: Create a powerful story with this easy-touse editor. You will learn and practice essential iMovie editing skills, including creating and managing new projects; importing videos and photos; inserting and trimming clips; and adding music, text and graphics. We will supply iMac computers for your use during this workshop. Register at btvmediafactory or call 651-9692.

Wed., Jan. 29, 6 p.m. Cost: $25 suggested donation. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 2G + 2K, Burlington. Info: Gin Ferrara, 651-9692, ginf@retn .org,

meditation LEARN TO MEDITATE: Taught by qualified meditation instructors at the Burlington Shambhala Meditation Center: Wed., 6-7 p.m.; Sun., 9 a.m.-noon. Free and open to anyone. Free public meditation: weeknights, 6-7 p.m.; Tue. and Thu., noon-1 p.m.; Sun., 9 a.m.-noon. Classes and retreats also offered. See our website at Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 658-6795,

music HEALING AND RITUAL SONGS: Sing your way through the darkest and coldest months! We will explore folk traditions of healing and ritual songs from Lithuania, Georgia and Eastern Europe. Through melody, harmony, dissonance, rhythm and images of nature, these ancient songs create a deep and powerful experience that resonates through mind, body and soul. Tue., noon-1:30 p.m., Jan. 28- Mar. 17. Cost: $120/8 1.5-hour classes. Location: Bluebird Fairies Studio, 4a Howard St. Burlington. Info: Cate Hill Orchard, Maria Schumann, 586-2059,, -Sheep-Dairy-779945442165847.

pilates PILATES MATWORK: Ongoing pilates classes. Tue.: Pilates/ Stretch, a flowing mat-work class that includes deep stretching. Thu.: Therapeutic Pilates, a mindful approach to pilates mat work. 5:15-6:15 p.m. All levels of ability welcome. Cost varies. Location: Burlington Acupuncture and Therapeutic Pilates, 215 College St., #2C, Burlington. Info: Sharon, 522-3992, sharon@,

tai chi method that mobilizes the spine while stretching and strengthening the core body muscles. Practicing this ancient martial art increases strength, flexibility, vitality, peace of mind and martial skill. Beginner classes Sat. mornings & Wed. evenings. Call to view a class. Location: Bao Tak Fai Tai Chi Institute, 100 Church St., Burlington, Info: 3636890,

well-being 200-HOUR AYURVEDA INTEGRATION PROGRAM: Join us in learning and immerse yourself in the oldest surviving preventative health care system. This program is ideal for yoga teachers, counselors, therapists, bodyworkers, nurses, doctors, wellness coaches, herbalists, etc. VSAC approved and payment plans available. Can transfer hours to Kripalu’s Ayurveda Health Counselor program. More information at ayurvedavermont .com/classes. 2020 schedule: Feb. 8-9, Mar. 7-8, Apr. 4-5, May 2-3, Jun. 6-7, Jul. 11-12, Aug. 15-16, Sep. 12-13, Oct. 17-18, Nov. 14-15. Cost: $2,795/person. Location: The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont, 34 Oak Hill Rd., Williston. Info: Allison Morse, 872-8898, ayurvedavt@, ZERO BALANCING 1: ZB is a profoundly effective, leading-edge, body-mind therapy changing lives by promoting resilience, coherence and integration in the nervous system through somatic repatterning. 25 CEUs for MT, PT, OT, LAc, DC, RN. Applicable for yoga teachers and mental and integrative healthcare. Michele Doucette, DC, practices in VT and teaches internationally. Apr. 2-5, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $595/person if registered by Feb. 2; $695 by Mar. 2. Location: Vermont Center for Acupuncture & Wellness, 161 North St., Burlington. Info: Michele Doucette, 464-2361,,

Wingspan Studio

psychology SHADOW: RECOGNIZING WHITE PRIVILEGE: Get wise to how concepts like white superiority and implicit bias serve to maintain our racist culture in this handson experiential workshop, and learn how we can all benefit from becoming more conscious of our collective and personal shadow. Led by Sue Mehrtens. To register, call Sue at 244-7909. Feb. 8,15, 22 & 29, 2-4 p.m. (Snow day, Mar. 7, 2 p.m.) Cost: $60/person; registration required. Location: Jungian Center, 55 Clover La., Waterbury. Info: Sue Mehrtens, 244-7909,,

tai chi SNAKE-STYLE TAI CHI CHUAN: The Yang Snake Style is a dynamic

ART, SEA & SOUL RETREAT, WINGSPAN: Join my Art, Sea & Soul Retreat! Open to all levels. “I had the pleasure of taking several painting classes from Maggie. I am a total beginner. Maggie is a perfect balance of being an excellent instructor, teaching the fundamentals of painting, and also allowing self-expression. We had fun, and I learned a lot, especially an appreciation of what it takes to be a true artist. Maggie’s talents as an artist are an inspiration.” Mar. 1-8. Cost: $1,430/7-day retreat. Location: Wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., Burlington. Info: Maggie Standley, 233-7676,, art-sea-soul-retreat-mahahual -mexico.

FRENCH AT WINGSPAN STUDIO: “Maggie is a creative and accomplished teacher with capability to adapt to student needs and accommodate multiple skill levels. She fosters a welcoming class, making learning French very fun. My children have really enjoyed her vacation camps and have grown as artists from her guidance.” Private and group French lessons; all levels/ ages. Adult French: Thu., Jan. 23-Feb. 27, Beginner, 5-6:25 p.m.; Intermediate, 6:30-8 p.m. Kids Afterschool FRArt! (Art & FRench): Thu., Jan. 23-Feb. 27, 3:45-5:15 p.m. Pre-K FRArt!: Fri., 10-11:30 a.m., Jan. 24-Feb. 28. Cost: $180/6 weekly 1.5-hour classes. Location: Wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., Burlington. Info: Maggie Standley, 233-7676,, ART WORKSHOPS WINGSPAN STUDIO: Beginners & advanced beginners delve into painting during one-day art workshops. Held in beautiful working atelier in Burlington’s South End arts/ industry district. Abstract and still life explored different Saturdays. Teens/Adults welcome! No previous experience required. Includes demos, drawing, painting technique, color mixing, form, line, composition focus. Bring own sketchbook, lunch. All else provided! Sat., 9 a.m.-3 p.m.: Feb. 1, Abstract Painting; Feb. 8, Still-Life Painting; Ages 15+. Cost: $200/6-hour workshop. Location: Wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., Burlington. Info: Maggie Standley, 233-7676, maggiestandley@gmail .com,

yoga EVOLUTION YOGA: Practice yoga in a down-to-earth atmosphere with some of the most experienced teachers and therapeutic professionals in Burlington. All are welcome. Fundamentals Series: Thu., Jan. 23-Feb. 27. Yoga for a Healthy Back: Tue., Jan. 14Feb. 18. We are all beginners. This is your invitation to enjoy learning the basics and start exploring the benefits of a yoga practice. Daily drop-in classes, including $10 community classes, Yoga Wall and Yoga Therapeutics led by physical therapists. Dive deeper into your practice! $10-$15/ class; $140/10-class card; $10/ community class. New students $100/10-class card. New! Student Monthly Unlimited just $55/ mo. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington, Info: 8649642,












K1T-CampFair1219.indd 1





11/20/19 4:23 PM



Forever Young A2VT make a confident return with new album Twenty Infinity B Y JORD A N AD A MS

Said Bulle (left) and George Mnyonge at the A2VT album release party


n 2012, the City of Winooski got a new, unofficial motto: “Winooski, my town.” The simple catchphrase, meant as a symbol of pride as well as a statement of residence, came from a song of the same name by A2VT, a local global-pop band composed of three young African refugees. The song’s music video went viral in Vermont, launching the young upstarts to regional notoriety. The track was the most popular single from the band’s debut album, Africa, Vermont, the title of which underscored the concept behind the pop-hybrid group. The young men, Said Bulle, George Mnyonge and Cadoux Fanoy, were at the center of a cultural crossroads after arriving in Vermont as teenagers in the early aughts. Their wellreceived debut earned the band a noteworthy place in the burgeoning Chittenden County refugee community. After a nearly eight-year gap, A2VT have just released their long-awaited sophomore LP, Twenty Infinity. With faster tempos and catchier hooks than its predecessor, the record marks an overall push into upbeat dance music and opens a new chapter in the group’s continuing fish-out-of-water story. Now primarily a two-piece with Bulle and



Mnyonge — who, in the context of the band, go by Jilib and Pogi, respectively — A2VT feel they’ve come into their own artistically with the release of the new album. “On the first record, I was still like, What are we doing here?” recalls Bulle while hanging out at Creamy Goodness, a Burlington recording studio owned by A2VT general manager David Cooper.

Bulle and Mnyonge say that confidence comes from age and experience, as well as growing into their roles as family and community leaders. Bulle, now 31 and a father of three, says that he’s become a role model for his extended family members, many of whom still live in Somalia, where he’s originally from. Bulle laughs as he explains that his



Cooper is a longtime music engineer and member of the local tribute band Mellow Yellow who moved to Vermont in 2007. He was essential to launching A2VT’s career, acting as the band’s mentor, producer, audio tech and creative consultant since before the group had a name. “Then, they were novices with a lot of passion and desire and no experience,” he says of the nascent group. “Now, they’re seasoned professionals. They know exactly what they’re doing.”

family in Africa thinks that because he lives in America and can be seen in music videos on YouTube, he must be wealthy. Mnyonge, 29, who was born in Tanzania, notes a change in the attitudes of local refugee youth from when he was a teenager, perhaps in part due to the influence of A2VT. “Before, I used to fight a lot,” he says. In his teen years, he says, it was common to get into multiple altercations on his relatively

quick walk from home to Winooski High School. “What I’m seeing right now: Nobody’s fighting, and the kids do good in school,” he notes. “And they’re trying to be like me and do music.” Mnyonge goes on to explain that A2VT’s first album “was just a trial.” But of the new one, he says, “It’s crazy.” The biggest difference between Africa, Vermont and Twenty Infinity is energy. While hardly a chilled-out affair, the debut album had a relaxed atmosphere, emphasizing traditional hip-hop beats and downtempo vibes. But Twenty Infinity’s opening track, “Halima,” makes it clear that A2VT want listeners to get up on their feet. “From the beginning, I had this dream that I wanted to be a musician and make people dance,” says Bulle. “Halima,” which was originally written as a wedding song for a bride of the same name, is a hyped-up monster of sound. Crisper and cleaner than anything A2VT released previously, the celebratory opening song exemplifies the new sonic space the band now occupies. The synth-driven FOREVER YOUNG

» P.64


S UNDbites

SAT The Ghost of Revere 1.25 Paul Saints & Liars

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene B Y J O R D A N A D A MS

Why You Gotta Be So Rude?

Anyone who’s been single in Vermont knows that the dating scene here can be rough. Like, really rough. Our isolated communities and slow trickle of newly arrived singles are probably what make it so tough for lonely hearts to connect in the Green Mountains. I have a little saying about it: Vermont is BYOB — bring your own boo, or go without. But according to my sources, finding love — or even just some good lovin’ — is just as hard in a thriving, vibrant metropolis like New York City. This week, a few comedians from Gotham descend on Burlington for “Rude: A Comedy Show.” Burlington expats JADE MARCOTTE and KENDALL FARRELL host the one-off event highlighting queer voices on Sunday, January 26, at the Vermont Comedy Club. Farrell, named Vermont’s Funniest Comedian in 2015, is also known for hosting another local queer showcase, “LGBTQLOL,” which still materializes now and then, even though its founder

is no longer local. Along with locals LIZ THOMPSON, TRACY DOLAN, GLADYS DEE and SHANI STODDARD and NYC-based comic XAZMIN GARZA, the comedic crew delves into the dark and dirty corners of modern dating. Garza also headlines “Comedy & Crêpes” on Monday, January 27, at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington. “I get sexually harassed a lot,” Marcotte said in a recent phone call. “One time, I got a DM [that read], ‘You have big boobs but you’re rude.” Despite the fact that Marcotte thinks it was horrible and “such an odd thing to say,” the line did give her the title for this week’s showcase. Much of Marcotte’s material comes from growing up black in the Northeast Kingdom, one of the whitest parts of one of the whitest states. Before making the move to the city, she hosted “The Darker Side of Comedy,” which featured comedians of color. “I didn’t meet a person of color until high school,” said Marcotte. But her “Rude” set mainly focuses on the uphill battle of modern romance. She said she’s been on “hundreds of

dates” in the past couple of years since moving from Vermont to the Big Apple, and “only about 10 have been positive.” “There are just so many people,” she said. “People can kind of just be however they want to be toward you, because they know there’s another 8 million people to come after you.” Given the subject matter, attendees can expect the show to get pretty raunchy. “I find sexual humor the funniest thing in the world,” said Marcotte. “I’m a gross comic. The things I have to say are disgusting.”


Folk-rock singer-songwriter SPENCER LEWIS gives his first concert in Burlington since 2007 on Saturday, January 25, at Congregation Ruach haMaqom. The Randolph-based artist has one of the thickest music catalogs, locally speaking. His latest album, 2019’s sprawling instrumental folk record Riffs on a Broad Reach, is just one of 19 SOUNDBITES

» P.61

THU 1.23


FRI 1.24

Garcia Peoples

FRI 1.31

The Mallett Brothers Band

WED 2.5


WED 2.5

Sammy Rae & The Friends

SAT 2.8

Matt Valentine

Kompany, Effin, Black A.M.

The Bubs

104.7 The Point welcomes

Bonny Light Horseman Erin Rae

Kendall Farrell (left) and Jade Marcotte

SUN 2.9


SUN 2.9

The Music of Grateful Dead for Kids

MON 2.10

Galactic feat. Anjelika Jelly Joseph

WED 2.12


2.21 4.10 4.22 4.23

Erin & The Wildfire The Unlikely Candidates The Cadillac Three John Craigie

Southern Avenue

HE$H, Chee, Bommer, Level Up

1214 Williston Road, South Burlington 802-652-0777 @higherground @highergroundmusic SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020 4V-HG012220.indd 1

59 1/21/20 4:05 PM



live music

COMEDY ›› P.64 | DJS ›› P.62 TRIVIA, KARAOKE, ETC. ›› P.64



Allison Fay Brown (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Familiar Faces with Matt Dolliver & Friends (open jam) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Jake Whitesell Trio (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Irish Sessions at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Joe Redding (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic at Stone Corral, Richmond, 8 p.m. Free.

Julia Rose (singer-songwriter) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with Andy Lugo at Manhattan Pizza & Pub, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Lesley Grant (Americana) at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 8 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with Austtin at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

The Mosaic Band (funk, jam) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5/8. 18+.

Open Mic with Jason Baker and Denny Bean at the Double E Lounge at Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Nico Suave’s Improv Surprise (rock, experimental) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. The Ray Vega Latin Jazz Sextet at Juniper, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Sarah King (singer-songwriter) at Bar Antidote, Vergennes, 7 p.m. Free. Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead tribute) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. Free.

THU.23 Bella and the Notables (jazz) at Rabble-Rouser Chocolate & Craft Co., Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Berklee American Roots Night at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. Free. Blackwolf (blues, Americana) at Edson Hill Dining Room & Tavern, Stowe, 6:30 p.m. Free. The Chicago-Boston Connection (rock) at Babes Bar, Bethel, 6 p.m. Free. Damien Jurado and Nick Thune (rock, standup) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $27. Dino Bravo, Preece (rock) at SideBar, Burlington, 8 p.m. $3. Driftwood (Americana) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $10/12. First Taste: Chazzy Lake, David Chief (indie) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $1. Frank Springer (singersongwriter) at Tap 25, Stowe, 7:30 p.m. Free. The Hi-Lo Aces (Cajun) at CharlieO’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free. Joe Adler’s Burgundy Thursdays (folk-rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. The le duo (jazz, experimental) at Deli 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. Light Club Jazz Sessions and Showcase at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 10:30 p.m. Free.


Irish Sessions at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.


No Strings Australian standup comedian

Mike Brinkman’s Open Mic at City Limits Night Club, Vergennes, 8:30 p.m. Free. RANDY FELTFACE

quips and gripes about all of the typical things most

comics do. Through a combination of anecdotal and observational styles, he riffs on the preposterousness of modern life, family drama and other things that beset humanity with constant struggle. Yet Randy isn’t human — he’s a puppet. Thanks to mastermind Heath McIvor’s exceptional puppetry skills, the character exudes an all-too-real humanity, right down to his nervous tics and effusive hand gestures. Catch Randy Feltface on Thursday, January 23, at the Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington. A House on Fire (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Milton Busker & the Grim Work (Americana) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Tim Brick (country) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

West End Blend (funk, soul) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 8 p.m. $10.60.

How About Some Hygge?! featuring Reid Parsons and Bear’s Tapestry (folk) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Mitch & Devon (rock) at the Tap Room at Switchback Brewing Co., Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Twist of Fate (rock) at City Limits Night Club, Vergennes, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Nobby Reed Project (blues) at the Double E: T10 Listening Room, Essex Junction, 7:30 p.m. $15/18.

Western Terrestrials (honky-tonk) at Sweet Melissa’s, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free.

Packed Powder Blues Band at James Moore Tavern, Bolton, 9 p.m. Free.

Wickmore Funktet (funk) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

The Restless Age (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.

Will Bradford (SeepeopleS) and Sparxsea (folk-rock) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Zach Nugent (acoustic) at the Double E Lounge at Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

FRI.24 Brett Hughes (country) at Juniper, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. Chris Killian and the Vermont Bridage (rock) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9 p.m. Free. Diamond Special (rock) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9:30 p.m. $5. The Dirk Quinn Band (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5. The Duel (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free. Friday Morning Sing-Along with Linda Bassick & Friends (kids’ music) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 a.m. Free.

Maple Run (Americana) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10:30 p.m. Free. The Markus Daniels Band (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free.

Honky Tonk Happy Hour with Mark LeGrand at Sweet Melissa’s, Montpelier, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Roy and the Wrecks (rock) at North Hero House Inn & Restaurant, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Hope Waidley (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Jeff and Gina (jazz, rock) at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Joe Adler (singer-songwriter) at the Old Foundry at One Federal Restaurant & Lounge, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. Free. Jonathan ‘Doc’ Kaplan (singersongwriter) at Highland Lodge Restaurant, Greensboro, 6:30 p.m. Free. Josh Panda & the Madmen Across the Mountain (Elton John tribute) at Tres Amigos & Rusty Nail Stage, Stowe, 9 p.m. $12/15. Katie Lyon (singer-songwriter) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 8 p.m. Free. Kevin McEnerney (singersongwriter) at Gusto’s, Barre, 5 p.m. Free. The Lemon Flyers (rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11:30 p.m. $5. Lost in Paris (covers) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 8 p.m. $10-20. M.A.K.U. Soundsystem, Marcie Hernandez (global, funk) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 9 p.m. $8/10.

The Rough Suspects (country, rock) at Jerry’s Sports Tavern, Barre, 9 p.m. Free. Rushmore (rock) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free. Savage Hen, the Brand New Luddites (metal) at Hostel Tevere, Warren, 9 p.m. Free. Sergio Torres (Americana, Latin) at El Toro, Morrisville, 7 p.m. Free. Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Shane Hardiman (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Seafood, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Shane Murley Band (folk-rock) at 1st Republic Brewing Company, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free. Taarka (Americana, global) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 9 p.m. $15.

The Wormdogs (bluegrass, rock) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7:30 p.m. Free. Z-Jaz (jazz) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.

SAT.25 Abby Sherman and the Way North (folk-rock) at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 9 p.m. Free. Adam Agee and Jon Sousa (Irish folk) at the North Branch Café, Montpelier, 11:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic Night at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 8:30 p.m. Free. Open Mic with Alex Budney at Localfolk Smokehouse, Waitsfield, 8:30 p.m. Free. The Big Pick (open bluegrass jam) at Hatch 31, Bristol, 8 p.m. Free. Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue at Red Square, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free.


Bluegrass Jam at the North Branch Café, Montpelier, 1 p.m. Free. Irish Session at Bagitos Bagel and Burrito Café, Montpelier, 2 p.m. Donation.


Traditional Pub Sing-Along at Radio Bean, Burlington, 3:30 p.m. Free.


Family Night (open jam) at SideBar, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. Open Mic at SideBar, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Irish Sessions at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

The Aerolites (jam) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.

Open Mic with Andy Lugo at Manhattan Pizza & Pub, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.

The Aerolites (jam) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with Austtin at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.


Open Mic at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.


Shane Hardiman Trio (jazz) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Garcia Peoples, Matt Valentine (rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $10/12.


open mics & jams

» P.62


EMERALDROSE GROWS has that perfect gift, Lights, Tents, Books, all kinds of soils and amendments, as well as gift certificates and of course our novelty seeds selections

Bleach Day



Open Tues-Sat 11-5 453-GRWS (4797) 11 Main St., Bristol Ask about our workshops


currently available to stream on Spotify. Lewis will perform solo, utilizing livelooping to layer guitar and violin in “unpredictable directions,” he wrote in an email. Queen City psych-pop outfit BLEACH DAY are soon to make a long-awaited return with their upcoming sophomore album, as if always. Originally the brainchild of LOUIE KILEY and VINNY MARKSOHN, the group has expanded to a five-piece to include JON KRAUS and MITCH MANACEK, both of garagepunk ensemble the BUBS, as well as experimental electronic artist AMELIA DEVOID. Bleach Day’s 2016 debut, Where to Dream, was a wonky analog hallucination of mind-numbing indie rock. New singles have yet to surface. Speaking of long-awaited follow-ups: Despite the fact that “free-bleeding” indie-rock band JULIA CAESAR broke up in mid-2019, their debut album, MARS, is very close to completion, according to the band’s LIZ STAFFORD. Look for a posthumous review in the coming weeks. The Grand Point North music festival recently confirmed its 2020 dates. Produced by Higher Ground Presents and GRACE POTTER, the event returns to Burlington’s Waterfront Park on Saturday and Sunday, September 12 and 13. No headliners have been announced yet, but given that it’s the fest’s 10-year anniversary, expect big things. Ditto for Waking Windows, which takes over the Onion City from Friday, May 1, through Sunday, May 3. Are any other major local festivals celebrating a decade of merriment this year?

Two-second rant: There are hardly any good places to sit and watch music at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge in Burlington. Despite being a spacious venue with more than adequate seating, a large support column in the center of what could be the dance floor completely rock-blocks most sightlines to the stage. I hadn’t really noticed until I showed up for Hotel Karaoke on a recent Tuesday. Now, I’m no architect. I understand the concept of a load-bearing post, wall, beam, etc. But isn’t there a way to transfer a load? Something about joists? If only the subterranean space could eliminate that central pillar, it would really open things up. What do you think, Orlando’s? Are you up for a potentially exorbitant construction project with a relatively small payoff ?

Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours. Follow sevendaysvt on Spotify for weekly playlists with tunes by artists featured in the music section. HAMILTON, JOE FRANK & REYNOLDS,

“Don’t Pull Your Love” DEPECHE MODE, “World in My Eyes” EL PERRO DEL MAR, “Dog” PACIFIC!, “Hot Lips” THE ARK, “Hey Kwanongoma!”

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11/27/19 10:50 AM

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1/6/20 11:14 AM



live music

Green Mountain Roots (rock, Americana) at the Skinny Pancake, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. Free.


Half Pint, the Yellow Wall Dub Squad, Andrew Bees (reggae) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 9 p.m. $22/25.

Alex Stewart (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Seafood, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Allen Church Project (Celtic, bluegrass) at El Toro, Morrisville, 7 p.m. Free. AmerikanaBlue (Americana) at the Old Foundry at One Federal Restaurant & Lounge, St. Albans, 6:30 p.m. Free.

MON.27 MAD (synth-pop) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Matthew William Charles (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Seth Yacovone at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 7 p.m. Free.

In the Round Sessions with Steve Hartmann, Ryan Sweezey and Hannah Fair (singer-songwriter) at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


The Insiders (Americana) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.

Chris Peterman Trio (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Barbacoa (surf) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

John Abair and His Good Pals (folk) at Juniper, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Bean (jam) at James Moore Tavern, Bolton, 9 p.m. Free.

David Karl Roberts (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

John Lackard Blues Band at Hostel Tevere, Warren, 9 p.m. Free.

Bethany Conner and Troy Millette (folk-rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Josh Carey & the Close to Nowhere Friends (rock) at Smitty’s Pub, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5/8. 18+.

Blackwolf (blues, Americana) at Tap 25, Stowe, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Katie Lyon (singer-songwriter) at 1st Republic Brewing Company, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Blowtorch (punk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5. Call Shotgun, Doom Service, the Intentions (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free. Cam Gilmour Sunburst Band (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11:30 p.m. $5. Can-Am Jazz Band at Parker Pie Co., West Glover, 8 p.m. Free. Chris and Erica (rock, country) at 14th Star Brewing Co., St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free. Cole Davidson (singer-songwriter) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Devon McGarry (rock) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7:30 p.m. Free. Django Soulo (singer-songwriter) at Twiggs — An American Gastropub, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free. The Flycatcher (roots) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. The Forks (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Fran Briand (singer-songwriter) at Waterworks Food + Drink, Winooski, 9:30 p.m. Free. Fred Brauer (singer-songwriter) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 8 p.m. Free.

Mal Maïz (cumbia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. MIRAGE (rock) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. The Mud City Ramblers, the Wormdogs (bluegrass) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 9 p.m. Free. Muscle Tough (jam) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free. Old Fashioned Aced (Cajun) at Positive Pie, Montpelier, 10 p.m. $10. Old Sky (Americana) at the Skinny Pancake, Montpelier, 1 p.m. Free. Opal Canyon (country) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free. Reid Parsons Band, the Red Newts, Erin Cassels-Brown (folk) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.

Shane Murley Band (folk-rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

DJ Two Sev (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.


D Jay Baron (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


Wylie Shipman (singer-songwriter) at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Lost in Paris (covers) at Pickle Barrel Nightclub, Killington, 8 p.m. $10-20.

Green Heron (Americana) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.

DJ KermiTT (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Ukulele Kids with Joe Beaird at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, 9:30 a.m. Free.

Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

Ren Thomas (hip-hop) at Babes Bar, Bethel, 7 p.m. $10.


Lowell Thompson and Friends (roots-rock) at Hatch 31, Bristol, 7 p.m. Free.

Last Train to Zinkov (old-time, klezmer) at the Skinny Pancake, Montpelier, 11 a.m. Free.

The Ghost of Paul Revere, Saints & Liars (Americana) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 9 p.m. $15/18.


Honky-Tonk Tuesdays with Pony Hustle at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.

Sabor 2.0 (Latin) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5.

DJ A-RA$ (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. DJ Abby and Friends (vinyl DJs) at Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. DJ Bay 6 (hits) at Gusto’s, Barre, 8 p.m. Free. DJ Bodel (hip-hop, R&B) at SideBar, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free. DJ Craig Mitchell (open format) at Ruben James, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. DJ Cre8 (open format) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.




Doubling Down


Allison Fay Brown (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

(pictured) is a Seattle-bred singer-

songwriter known for low-key, psychedelic indie rock. He just released his 14th studio album, In the Shape of a Storm. Comedian NICK THUNE, who also hails from Seattle, has been known to pair acoustic guitar with his sad-sack slacker material. He’s about to appear in the new HBO Max anthology series “Love Life.” Together, the two artists present the “Sad Music. Sad Comedy.” tour, a rare co-headlining event in which they combine their dour sensibilities into a spiral of self-deprecating entertainment. Jurado and Thune perform on Thursday, January 23, at ArtsRiot in Burlington. Songiver Piano Teens (pianists) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free. The Turning Stile (folk) at Rabble-Rouser Chocolate & Craft Co., Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.

SUN.26 Endling, Lake Waves, nodrums (indie) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8 p.m. $3/8. 18+. JC Sutton & Sons (bluegrass) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. Jingle Jam (eclectic) at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 4 p.m. Donation.

Old Sky (Americana) at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, noon. Free. Old Sky and Friends (Americana) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Southern Old Time Music Jam at Bagitos Bagel and Burrito Café, Montpelier, 10 a.m. Free.

Foster Powell (indie rock) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free. HomeBrew (Celtic jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Jason Baker (singer-songwriter) at the Double E: T10 Listening Room, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free. Lesley Grant (Americana) at Moogs Place, Morrisville, 8 p.m. Free. The Mosaic Band (funk, jam) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5/8. 18+. Nico Suave’s Improv Surprise (rock, experimental) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. Paul Asbell Trio (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


DJ Disco Phantom (open format) at Finnigan’s Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ New City (open format) at Rí Rá Irish Pub & Whiskey Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ Earl (hits) at City Limits Night Club, Vergennes, 9 p.m. Free.

Throwback Thursday with Ron Stoppable (hip-hop, R&B) at Half Lounge, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (eclectic vinyl) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 11 p.m. $5.

DJ LaFountaine (EDM) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9:30 p.m. $3.


Blow Out Party 2020 with DJ Steve Sidewalk (open format) at Tres Amigos & Rusty Nail Stage, Stowe, 9 p.m. $35.

CRWD CTRL (open format) at Monkey House, Winooski, 10 p.m. Free. DJ Craig Mitchell (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. $5.


DJ A-RA$ (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.

DJ Raul (Latin) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free. DJ Rekkon (open format) at Rí Rá Irish Pub & Whiskey Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. DJ Taka (eclectic vinyl) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 11 p.m. $5.

» P.64


Disco Brunch with DJ Craig Mitchell at Misery Loves Co., Winooski, 11 a.m. Free. Open Decks at Half Lounge, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


DJ KermiTT (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. DJ Two Sev (open format) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.





PREECE are a pop-punk project carried almost entirely by multi-instrumental songwriter Sean Preece. The band’s latest release is an unlikely stylistic turn. Rather than another slab of anthemic angst, Give Preece a Chance consists of acoustic versions of songs from his strong 2018 debut, Bad Choices Make Good Stories. Now, if you’re thinking “MTV Unplugged” … well, don’t. These are all studio-polished tracks, rather than live cuts or bootleg demos. Every track here is truly a new version of the songs, awash in reverb and delay and carefully mixed. In fact, the presentation leans so heavily on the “pop” end of pop punk that the songs are basically ready for a car commercial or an extended musical montage in an episode of “Grey’s Anatomy.” Hopefully Preece, the person, doesn’t take that as an insult. Either

Bear’s Tapestry, Wind & Water (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

Wind & Water, the debut record from Bear’s Tapestry, is the latest offering in what has been a banner couple of years for Vermont’s indie-folk scene. A project of Burlington singersongwriter Bear Borges, this is a gorgeous, lush EP. It’s played brilliantly and recorded adroitly with equal parts movement and theme. In fact, the record is so good, I wonder if I’ve been taking for granted the evolution of local indie folk. Every few months it seems like another Vermont folk act drops a fabulous release and I duly react with mild surprise. Why? At this point, it’s clear a definite thing is happening


way, he’s got a potentially lucrative calling, crafting earworms beyond the constricted genre conventions of punk. Putting Preece’s vocals squarely in the spotlight only emphasizes his natural gifts. Dude won’t win “American Idol” or anything, but his easy lilt is perfectly suited to this kind of material. The performances here are animated and heartfelt, especially the EP closer “Girl in My Bed,” which is also the longest cut, at a whopping three minutes. (After all, Preece’s songs are more Fat Mike than Bob Dylan.) For a five-song set built around acoustic guitar jangle, Give Preece a Chance exhibits remarkable sonic range. Chalk that up to Preece’s role as a busy sideman about town — he’s been an asset to dozens of bands over the years, especially as a drummer. The other big factor is Preece’s longtime collaborator and producer, Jer Coons. The famously bearded, blue-eyed hunk is credited as producer, engineer and mixer, and you can detect his fingerprints throughout. There are

subtle touches on the margins and some knockout orchestration work on the hooks. In other words, it’s what you’d expect from an experienced session musician who doubles as an inventive RANDY A&R guy. What makes this oddball gem work, though, is the synergy between the two artists. No amount of polish THIS WEEKEND: could redeem bad songs when the FRI 24 | SAT 25 arrangements are this sparse, and Preece has picked his battles carefully. Even on “Tomorrow Today,” the only track to feature a full drum set, the percussion blends into the background of the song itself. The focus is always on the melodies and the lyrics. Preece has a knack for balancing the genre’s usual FOUR SHOWS! lovesick-loser lamentations with sly selfCOMEDIAN BOB MARLEY awareness. Not that there aren’t clichés here. SOLD OUT! | JAN 21 & 22 In fact, Preece revels in them. He loves them, and respects them the next morning, too. That authenticity is the lifeblood of Give Preece a Chance, a downright weird idea that wound up as (802) 859-0100 | WWW.VTCOMEDY.COM a rock-solid little project. 101 main street, BurlingtoN PREECE perform with Dino Bravo on Thursday, January 23, at SideBar 1/17/20 in Burlington. Give Preece a Chance is Untitled-4 1 available at

here: an onslaught of talented and distinctive acts. Bear’s Tapestry have what it takes to stand out in an increasingly strong pack. Borges excels at both ends of the singer-songwriter spectrum. His songs are colorful, his lyrics imbued with a sense of nature — a link between love and the ocean, the moon, the tangible world. The title track particularly showcases Borges’ ability to ground an ethereal composition, as if wrapping it in wood and vine. Producer Dan Kruglak, who doubles as the band’s bassist, contributes to the defined sonic identity that Bear’s Tapestry achieve on their debut. Wind & Water wafts out of the speakers like a softly spoken tale. The entire EP seems to pulsate with gentle intensity. “Death’s Bird” is an especially

arresting song. As his acoustic guitar chimes like a dulcimer, Borges sings of regret, love and learning from mistakes. “How unfair of me to dare to be entirely dependent upon just you,” he croons. He vows later, “I want to be by your side until your death’s bird comes to call.” The Dead Shakers’ Kevin Bloom engineered the track, and he plays a mean wine glass on the EP, as well. So maybe I’m slow to realize how good indie-folk music is around these parts. But a thriving scene keeps sending out beautiful reminders. Wind & Water is one of them, even if it barely tops 20 minutes in length. Check out Wind & Water at Then head over to ArtsRiot in Burlington on Friday, January 24, to see the band play “How About Some Hygge?!” That’s a candlelit night of mellow music, dedicated to getting cozy in the winter. Once you listen to this EP, you’ll understand why Bear’s Tapestry will fit right in.






4:13 PM




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63 1/13/14 1:45 PM

music+nightlife live music WED.29 CONTINUED FROM P.62 The Sixth Finger of Jazz at Juniper, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free. Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead tribute) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. Free.

trivia, karaoke, etc.


Coming ’Round the Mountain Married couple Enion and

David Pelta-Tiller lead the eclectic Americana four-piece


Based in Lyons, Colo.,

the group plays a progressive take on traditional folk. Flourishes of Celtic and Eastern European melodies embellish the band’s primarily New World folk sound. Their blend of ancient and contemporary techniques fit together in seamless harmony, as do the artists’ powerful singing voices. Their most recent album, Fading Mystery, is a quiet collection of stories full of fascinating characters. Taarka play on Friday, January 24, at the Light Club Lamp Shop in Burlington.

Karaoke with Rob Jones at Manhattan Pizza & Pub, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free. Lamp Shop Lit Club (open reading) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Bob Marley (sold out) (standup) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9 p.m. $34.50.



Death Talks: Bring Death to Life (storytelling) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Karaoke at JP’s Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with DJ Molotov at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with DJ Amanda Rock at City Limits Night Club, Vergennes, 9 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night at the Skinny Pancake, Hanover, N.H., 6:30 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with Glitter Bomb Entertainment (Spanish karaoke) at Dale Boca Argentinean Café, Winooski, 8-11 p.m. Free.

Trivia with Top Hat Entertainment at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free.


Trivia Night at Parker Pie Co., West Glover, 7 p.m. Free.

Karaoke at JP’s Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night at Spare Time Family Fun Center, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Trivia with Tim Rouselle at Mill River Brewing BBQ & Smokehouse, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with DJ Amanda Rock at City Limits Night Club, Vergennes, 9 p.m. Free. Karaoke with Glitter Bomb Entertainment (Spanish karaoke) at Dale Boca Argentinean Café, Winooski, 8-11 p.m. Free.



Bingo Boogie with DJ Matt Hagen at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 5 p.m. Free. Karaoke at JP’s Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free. Karaoke with DJ Jon Berry & DJ Coco at Olive Ridley’s, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 8 p.m. Free. Trivia Mania at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Happy Hour Tunes & Trivia with Gary Peacock at Monopole Downstairs, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5 p.m. Free. Harry Potter Trivia at Magic Hat Artifactory, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Karaoke at JP’s Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Forever Young « P.58 jam vibrates with pure vigor, its hybrid beats nodding to both American club music and traditional African rhythms, a motif heard throughout. For inspiration, Bulle and Mnyonge look to major African stars such as Diamond Platnumz and Davido, artists who make candy-coated pop that connects 21st-century R&B, trap and hiphop to their individual African cultures. A2VT do so by continuing to write in English as well as Swahili and Maay Maay and, sometimes, a combination they refer to as “Swahenglish.” Cooper says that when he first met the A2VT crew, they were “between languages.” A2VT also stay connected to their roots through their songs’ subject matter. “Wave Your Flag,” a lead single released in 2019, is emblematic of the group’s vision and philosophy. The song, which is largely sung in English by guest vocalist Meax, details not only the plight of refugees but that of marginalized people from all over the world. “Nobody knows what we go through / To 64


Karaoke with Dave Bourgea at Burlington St. John’s Club, 8:30 p.m. Free. Trivioke with Glitter Bomb Entertainment (trivia and karaoke) at Dale Boca Argentinean Café, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.


Karaoke at JP’s Pub, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with Mike Lambert at Park Place Tavern & Grill, Essex Junction, 9:30 p.m. Free.


Karaoke with Samantha Dickey at Ruben James, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


‘Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire’ (film screening) at Babes Bar, Bethel, 7 p.m. Free.

make a difference / To make a change in this world / Takes patience / The upper class tryn’ to bring us down / They don’t understand / To be happy / We must make change,” Meax sings. The Ken French-directed music video features body-painted dancers superimposed atop the flags of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ghana, Mozambique, Somalia and other African nations intercut with protest footage, shots of refugee camps and scenes of African natural beauty. “We don’t want to show the kids bad things,” Mnyonge says. “Whatever we do, they’re gonna do it, too. Why not teach them good things?” “When you’re an artist, every message you write is truth,” Bulle says. The song and video exhibit pure pride and joy. A similar purity, albeit one of romantic love, fills the group’s latest visuals for single “You Ma Numba 1.” The summery clip oozes warmth and togetherness while a four-on-the-floor beat contrasts the plucky, syncopated rhythm of the lyrics. A2VT’s positive messaging has made the group a popular pick to perform at Vermont


Trivia with Jen and Ian at CharlieO’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Hotel Karaoke at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.



String Band Karaoke at the Skinny Pancake, Hanover, N.H., 6 p.m. Free. Trivia Night at Parker Pie Co., West Glover, 7 p.m. Free. Trivia Night at Spare Time Family Fun Center, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Trivia with Tim Rouselle at Mill River Brewing BBQ & Smokehouse, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. m

schools. Often in connection with diversity days or racial justice awareness programs, A2VT perform for students all over Vermont. They also share stories of their lives before and after their move to the United States. Cooper says that the kids react like young fans screaming for the Beatles on “The Ed Sullivan Show.” To celebrate the album’s release, A2VT recently hosted a party at Burlington’s North End Studios. About 70 people turned up despite zerodegree weather. But rather than a typical music concert, the night had a loose feeling of fellowship. Backup dancers and guest vocalists accompanied the group, but, at certain points in the evening, audience members spontaneously joined the artists onstage — including Bulle’s 3-year-old son. It seemed that anyone was welcome to do so. “I see them winning hearts and minds, connecting with the community,” says Cooper. “That’s the work they’re here to do.” m Contact:

INFO Twenty Infinity by A2VT is available at

Bob Marley (standup) at Barre Opera House, 7 p.m. $32.50. The Mainstage Show (improv) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $5. Randy Feltface (standup, puppetry) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $15.


‘60 First Dates’ (standup) at Grange Hall Cultural Center, Waterbury Center, 7:30 p.m. $20. Bob Marley (standup) at Barre Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $32.50. Roy Wood, Jr. (standup) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9:30 p.m. $25/32. Weird & Niche: A Comedy Showcase (variety) at Revelry Theater, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $7/8.


Bob Marley (standup) at Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 5:30 & 8 p.m. $25-40. Butterfly (storytelling, improv) at Revelry Theater, Burlington, 8 p.m. $7/8. Roy Wood, Jr. (standup) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9:30 p.m. $25/32. Sex w/Jenna (variety) at Revelry Theater, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $10. Stand Up, Sit Down & Laugh (standup) at FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $16/20.


Cup of Comedy: A Standup Showcase at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free. ‘Rude: A Comedy Show’ (standup) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $7.


‘Comedy & Crêpes’ featuring Xazmin Garza (standup) at the Skinny Pancake, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Indie Rumble (improv) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Open Mic at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

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1/20/20 11:32 AM


Love, Actualized “Love Letters,” Helen Day Art Center B Y AMY LI LLY




print in drypoint, etching and aquatint, depicts a child in red outline standing inside a Janus-like head that bears the profiles of the parents on either side. The whole is snugly contained within a globe shape on

a blue background. Bourgeois created the image in 1940 after the birth of her son and returned to it in the early ’90s, trying out numerous colors until she arrived at the artery-like red and tranquil blue. IMAGES COURTESY OF HELEN DAY ART CENTER/MOMA

ast week, Stowe’s Helen Day Art Center opened “Love Letters,” a nine-artist exhibition that, despite what the title might suggest, isn’t at all about impending Valentine’s Day. The small show exemplifies the acutely intelligent curation that visitors have come to expect from Rachel Moore, who is also the art center’s executive director. Moore reimagines the predictable romantic notion of love letters as something unconstrained by expectation. The expressions of love threaded through the show’s 11 works range from self-love to love of nostalgia to loved ones’ memorials to — in Moore’s introduction — love as a “call to action and a global changemaker.” “Love Letters,” too, is multivalent. The show is linked to the statewide exhibition initiative “2020 Vision: Seeing the World Through Technology,” a project of the Vermont Curators Group. The “letters” here explore digital and print technology, straying far from traditional written missives. Herself an artist, Moore holds an MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. For this show, as she often does, she mined her ties to fellow artists (or their galleries) to bring in works by art-world stars, as well as locally known practitioners. These she pairs for reasons both organic and enlightening; the results are “conversations” between carefully chosen works that might seem unlikely at first glance. For instance, a print by Louise Bourgeois (1911-2010), a powerhouse sculptor known internationally for her giant steel spiders, is positioned opposite a video by John Killacky. The former executive director of the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, he is now a Democratic state representative from South Burlington. In addition to having had a long career in arts administration, Killacky has been a dancer and a filmmaker. The two artists couldn’t seem less alike, in personality as much as medium. Killacky is a gentle, expressive communicator; Bourgeois was known for her “burdened, crazed, aggressive, monstrous, aggrieved, fraught” work, in the words of critic Jill Spalding in the online publication Studio International. Yet Killacky and Bourgeois meet in their ability to process raw emotion — specifically, the complexities of parental love. Both works are surprisingly touching. “Self Portrait,” Bourgeois’ flat-perspective


“And I Love You” by Tracey Emin

“Self-Portrait” by Louise Bourgeois

Evoking a sense of comforting safety, the image also appears to cast the child as a memory in the parents’ heads — a memorial that is always part of them. (Bourgeois buried one of her three sons in 1990.) “Elegies,” the video Killacky made with movement artist Eiko Otake, is a kind of generational mirror image of Bourgeois’ work that memorializes both his mother and Otake’s. Killacky has been making videos, alone or collaboratively, since 1993. In this case, Brian Stevenson, production manager at Vermont PBS, helped produce the nine-and-a-half-minute work. First Killacky, then Otake, faces the camera and speaks directly to his or her absent mother, recalling her dying moments and many earlier memories. These word portraits — spoken love letters — are deeply moving, revealing as much about the speakers as their mothers. Otake, who left Japan at age 20 and stayed away for 46 years, recalls both her mother’s last words and the last ones she spoke to her mother, which she repeats in English and Japanese. “Did you hear me?” she wonders aloud. Two other artists, Jeroen Nelemans and

An image in Jeroen Nelemans’ “Unrequited Love” series


Robert Buck, engage the smartphonewielding viewer in the creation of their art. Moore said that Nelemans’ three digital portraits, “Unrequited Love 1,” “2” and “3,” were her starting point for the exhibit. They depict his high school crushes. The 45-year-old Netherlands-born photographer, now based in Chicago, happened to be taking installation shots of his work during Seven Days’ visit. He explained that his former crushes don’t know they are now in artworks; he had to hunt down their photos online. One man had no social-media presence at all. In any case, Nelemans’ method renders the individuals unrecognizable. He ran their thumbnail-size portraits through a high-end scanner, enlarging them to their current size of 50 by 40 inches. As a result, each sub-pixel, composed of red, green and blue bands, is roughly two inches wide. RGB color values, Nelemans explained, can vary among 256 levels of intensity and are the building blocks of even black-and-white photos (such as his “Unrequited Love 1”). At close range, each portrait is a pattern of abstract RGBs that seem to bend or melt around one another. From afar, however, a viewer can detect faces in the images. They appear even clearer in a cellphone-camera capture, as Nelemans demonstrated. Evoking nostalgia for both youth and lost love, the portraits also recall the (all but) lost days of pre-digital photography in their reference to materiality: an image’s building blocks writ large, printed on dibond (thin sheets of aluminum composite) and framed in wood. Buck’s “iPainting (186230889)” from 2016 becomes something else entirely in the viewer’s hands. The square black acrylic painting with a central black ring made with Alert paint — containing tiny glass beads that render it reflective — becomes an ellipse in the flash of an iPhone. Take a selfie with your head centered in the ellipse, and you will appear haloed. The phone camera doesn’t merely record; it participates in the work. One of the artists that Moore identifies as “rigorously conceptual,” Buck is steeped in Lacanian psychoanalysis. His other work in the exhibition, “The Letter! The Litter! (“1:45 a.m., eyes open, full moon, last breath”) / South,” is from a series that takes its title from an amusing line in James Joyce’s Finnegans Wake: “The letter! The litter! And the soother the bitther!” French psychoanalyst

Jacques Lacan famously seized on the one-letter slippage to plumb the gap between language and meaning. Buck’s square black-on-black work takes its title from — and memorializes the words of — a discarded note the artist happened on shortly after his mother died. One can just make out the (rearranged) words painted in cursive against a black background. The writing is evenly overlaid with a painted pattern of interlocking geometric spoke-and-wheel shapes, pointy silver metal grommets, and the red-embroidered rings of the storebought fabric used in place of canvas. The everyday materials may be their own memorial to Buck’s mother. The untrained “Sunday painter” — as he described her in a 2018 interview with William Jess Laird on his podcast “Image Culture” — sparked Buck’s desire to become an artist. Positioned beside Killacky’s and Otake’s spoken elegies to their dead mothers, the work memorializes the poetic recording of an anonymous, and therefore universal, death. Oddly, one of the most beautiful images of love in the show is Tracey Emin’s 2015 nude line portrait of herself, “And I Love You.” The monotype print depicts the artist lying on her side, propping her head with a hand, facing the viewer. Its lines are both elegant and troubled, connoting pain and honesty. Emin, known as the enfant terrible of the 1980s Young British Artists movement who once exhibited her slept-in bed, collaborated with Bourgeois in the last years of the older artist’s life. That connection is recalled at Helen Day by the proximity of the two artists’ prints. Moore writes in her introduction that the works in “Love Letters” lack the “preconceived ideals or prescribed structures” typically associated with love. Yet each is thoroughly accessible, even familiar. That’s particularly true of the two road-trip videos by Molly Davies that round out the show in a side room. Viewers may find themselves reimagining love as a concept as they connect to work that, outside the context of this show, might seem too ethereal to access. m

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INFO “Love Letters,” on view through April 18 at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe. Untitled-56 1



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Guerresi, Shahzia Sikander, Zarina, and Vermontbased artists Sandy Sokoloff and Shelley Warren. ‘TRAVIS SHILLING: TYRANNOSAURUS CLAN’: The Canadian Ojibwe painter debuts a new series of work that explores the environmental impact of industry and the threat of extinction to the animal realm and indigenous culture. Through February 8. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.


f ANN DEMARLE: “Pixel,” work from more than 20 years of virtual and physical painting, including a current series of six-inch-square oil paintings. Reception: Thursday, January 23, 4-6 p.m. January 23-February 1. Info, 865-8980. Champlain College Art Gallery in Burlington.

VANESSA KOTOVICH: “Lugo-Natura,” photographs by the Hinesburg artist focused on sanctuary and history. Through February 29. Info, 391-4083. The Gallery at Main Street Landing in Burlington.


f BREAD AND PUPPET THEATER: “The Bad Bedsheet Existibility Show Part I,” featuring works by founder Peter Schumann and the renowned Vermont-based puppet theater troupe. Reception: Friday, February 7, 4-8 p.m., with a Bread and Puppet performance at 5 p.m. January 25-February 20. Info, 262-6035. T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier.

chittenden county

JAMES BENOIT: “New York City: Sensory Overload,” large color prints of Manhattan scenes by the local photographer. Through January 25. Info, 238-8516. Mirabelles Café in Burlington.

f MAGGIE DALEY: “Still Remembered,” acrylic paintings on canvas that investigate absence and presence through the removal of content. Reception: Saturday, January 25, 5-6 p.m. Through January 26. Info, McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester.


Visual Arts Winter Residency presents works by the new and returning candidates. Reception: Saturday, January 25, 8-9:30 p.m. January 26-February 1. Info, 866-934-8232. Alumni Hall, Vermont College of Fine Arts, in Montpelier.


EXHIBITION: Works by the master’s degree candidates. Reception: Monday, January 27, 7-8:30 p.m. January 28-February 1. Info, 866-934-8232. College Hall Gallery, Vermont College of Fine Arts, in Montpelier.

middlebury area

HONG CHUN ZHANG: “Hair Story in Charcoal and Ink,” drawings by the contemporary Chinese American artist in which waves of hair become a channel for her explorations of personal identity. January 24-May 3. ‘LOST LUXURIES: ANCIENT CHINESE GOLD’: An exhibition exploring the artistry and history of ancient Chinese gold (circa 500 BCE to 900 CE) and the story of how it entered American museum collections. Digital features bring to life recent excavations and traditional goldsmithing techniques. January 24-April 19. Info, 443-5007. Middlebury College Museum of Art.

ART EVENTS ARTIST TALK: ANILA QUAYYUM AGHA: The internationally renowned contemporary artist discusses her artistic practice and newest work featured in “Transcendent, Hidden Diamond–Saffron.” Agha is a cross-disciplinary artist who explores global politics, culture, religion, and social and gender roles in multimedia works. Williams Hall, University of Vermont, Burlington, Wednesday, January 29, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-2014. COMMUNITY ART OPEN STUDIO: A self-guided art-making event for all ages. Many art materials to choose from. Expressive Arts Burlington, Wednesday, January 22 and 29, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., and Thursday, January 23, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 343-8172. ‘KNITTED ART: UPENDED EXPECTATIONS’: Knitting sculptor and blogger Eva Jacobs-Carnahan gives an illustrated talk about using yarn and humor to explore people, climate change and society. Waterbury Public Library, Wednesday, January 22, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. NATURE PHOTOGRAPHY GALLERY: The retailer and LeZot Camera present an evening with local photographers of all skill levels, and refreshments. Fjällräven, Burlington, Saturday, January 25, 5-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 448-7197. PAINTING ON THE ROCKS WORKSHOP: Kristina Rodanas, author-illustrator of more than 25 children’s books, leads participants in a paint-and-sip session using provided materials. Registration required at Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, Saturday, January 25, 2-4 p.m. Info, 457-2355. TALK: KATE-HERS-RHEE: The MFA in Visual Art artist-in-residence discusses the evolution of her politically engaged work, her cultivation of creativity and playful improvisation in her practice,



‘Thank Our Farmers for the View’ An exhibition

at River Arts in Morrisville addresses a quintessential Vermont subject with an unusual curatorial approach. Organized by Silene DeCiucies, “Thank Our Farmers for the View” is a collaboration of local artists Jess Graham, Jennifer Hubbard and Rett Sturman; art and literature students at Peoples Academy High School; the Lamoille County Conservation District; and area farmers. The idea, DeCiucies writes, is “to bring attention to the importance of small farms to our beautiful landscape.” Indeed, the bucolic version of Vermont so admired by tourists and storied by locals is at risk because those small farms are an endangered species. According to the most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture census, the number of farms in 2017 was down 7 percent from 2012. That may not sound like much, but it’s another notch in a general downward trend. The River Arts exhibition, comprising artworks and poetry inspired by farms in Lamoille County, honors the state’s agricultural heritage and its hardworking farmers. Through February 25. Pictured: installation view, photograph by DeCiucies. and her interdisciplinary project “Wunderkammer and Things.” Chapel, Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, Friday, January 24, 7:15-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, 866-934-8232. TALK: SHANA LUTKER: The MFA in Visual Arts Winter Residency program presents a discussion with the Los Angeles-based visiting artist. Chapel, Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, Tuesday, January 28, 10:45 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Free. Info, 866-934-8232. ‘WHAT REMAINS: THE LIFE AND WORK OF SALLY MANN’: A documentary featuring one of America’s foremost photographers. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum, Sunday, January 26, 2-4 p.m. Info, 985-3346.

ONGOING SHOWS burlington

BRENDAN BUSH: “A Cross Section,” artwork with intersecting colors, interrupted visual patterns and imperfect lines, reflecting the artist’s attempts at love and acceptance of self. Through February 29. Info, 859-9222. Speeder & Earl’s Coffee in Burlington.


‘CREW NECK’: New artwork from 12 artists using T-shirts as their canvas: Annemarie Buckley, Noah Butkus, Aaron Draplin, Cody Hudson, Marin Horikawa, Scott Lenhardt, Sarah Letteney, Zak Jensen, Byron O’Neill, Tyler Stout, Jackson Tupper and Ty Williams. Proceeds from sales will be used to provide art classes for children. Through March 5. Info, 2332943. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington. JUSTIN LEE HOEKSTRA: “The Pleasures of Being a Ghost,” a suite of seven site-specific paintings, the continuation of a yearly series of paintings in which the artist eliminates all color from the process and utilizes only black and white paint. Through February 28. Info, Flynndog Gallery in Burlington. RUSSELL FOX: “The Soil to the Skies,” photographs taken over the past year, from macrophotography to astrophotography. Through January 31. Info, 391-4083. Gallery at One Main in Burlington. ‘TRANSCENDENT: SPIRITUALITY IN CONTEMPORARY ART’: A group exhibition of nationally recognized artists who explore or evoke themes of spirituality through their work, reflecting on questions of human nature, cultural identity and sanctity in everyday life. Artists include Anila Quayyam Agha, Leonardo Benzant, Maïmouna


‘NOT MY AMERICA’: An exhibition of film, visual and performance art featuring Aaron Masi, Bettina Desrochers, David Schein, Dominique Vitali, Doug Hoffman, Eden Stern, Jen Berger, Jennie Bee, John Douglas, Kate Longmaid, Kelly Hickey, Kristian Brevik, Matt Morris, Maxwell Comejean, Michael Kuk, Rhoda Ratray, Rob Koer, Ross Connelly, Sara Baker, Travis Will and Vanessa Compton. Through February 17. Info, 718-415-7135. 2Creative Community in Winooski. ‘TIME LAPSE: CONTEMPORARY ANALOG PHOTOGRAPHY’: An exhibition of 14 national and international artists who use the darkroom as a laboratory and find inspiration in 19th-century photographic processes. Also on view are historic photographs from the museum’s permanent collection. Through March 8. Info, 985-3346. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum. ‘TRANSITIONS’: A group exhibition of some 16 artists represented by the gallery, marking the change of ownership from founders Joan Furchgott and Brad Sourdiffe to longtime employee Lara Maloy. Through January 31. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.


f ‘20 YEARS OF SPA!’: A celebratory exhibit including highlights from shows that took place in each of the years since 2000. 3rd Floor Gallery. Reception: Saturday, January 25, 3-5 p.m. Through March 7. f ‘BOTANICAL BLITZ’: A group exhibit of colorful works that depict the plant, insect and animal worlds. Reception: Saturday, January 25, 3-5 p.m. Through March 7. JIM DODDS: “Psychedelia,” 12 inkjet prints of original drawings from the 1970s influenced by psychedelic art and art nouveau. Quick Change Gallery. Through January 27. f LOIS BEATTY: “Making My Mark,” recent monoprints. 2nd Floor Gallery. Reception: Saturday, January 25, 3-5 p.m. Through March 7. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre. f 8TH ANNUAL JURIED SHOW OF HIGH SCHOOL ART: An exhibition featuring 80 works of art by 30 artists from Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine high schools, juried by Norwich associate professors Jason Galligan-Baldwin and Danny Sagan. Closing awards ceremony: Sunday, January 26, 1-2 p.m. Through January 26. Info, 485-2886. Chaplin Hall Gallery in Northfield. ANNUAL INVITATIONAL GROUP ART SHOW: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by 17 artists, each of whom has previously had solo shows at the library. Through February 27. Info, 426-3581. Jaquith Public Library in Marshfield.




HEATHER KRALIK: “Within Landscapes,” paintings by the Vermont artist. Through March 31. Info, 2296206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. JAMES SECOR: “Peanut Butter Garlic Toast,” 12 acrylic paintings that include responses to scenes in Montpelier, Barre, Idaho and Québec, curated by Studio Space Arts. Through February 29. Info, 479-7069. Morse Block Deli & Taps in Barre. NITYA BRIGHENTI: “Of Cities and Deserts,” oil paintings and watercolors featuring nomadic landscapes, still lifes and portraiture by the Vermont artist, poet and architect. Through March 30. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier. ‘NORMAN ROCKWELL’S ARLINGTON: AMERICA’S HOME TOWN’: An exhibit chronicling Rockwell and other artists who lived in Arlington, as well as many local residents who posed for the scenes of everyday life they portrayed. A collaborative effort of the Canfield Gallery and the Russell Collection of Vermontiana. Through January 31. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier.


Project,” portraits of Vermont lawmakers by the photographer and Statehouse employee. Closing reception: Thursday, January 30, 4-6 p.m. Through January 31. Info, 828-0749. Vermont Statehouse Cafeteria in Montpelier. ‘SPILT MILK: THREE VERSIONS OF WORLDLY UPSET’: Multimedia work including video, sculpture and work on paper by Susan Calza, Ginger Pearl Irish and Nina DuBois that responds to the theme. Artists on-site for informal discussion in conjunction with Montpelier Art Walk. Through January 26. Info, 224-6827. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier.


f ‘COME TOGETHER’: An exhibit of work by fine

arts and visual arts faculty and staff at the college’s campuses in Johnson and Lyndon: Bryce Berggren, Kelly Glentz Brush, Sean Clute, Isaac Eddy, Robby Gilbert, Ken Leslie, Michael Mahnke, Mary Martin, Kate Renner, Phillip Robertson, Joe Salerno, Shona Sladyk, Tara Thacker, Barclay Tucker and Victoria Zolnoski. Reception: Thursday, February 6, 3-5 p.m. Through February 7. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University-Johnson.

f LAURA HEIJN: “End of Day,” plein-air paintings

by the January featured artist and local resident. Closing reception: Wednesday, January 29, 6-8 p.m. Through January 31. Info, 635-2727. Red Mill Gallery at Vermont Studio Center in Johnson. ‘LOVE LETTERS’: A group exhibition of nine local and international artists that celebrates the concepts of love and relationships of many kinds. Through April 18. Info, 253-8358. Helen Day Art Center in Stowe. ‘ORIGINS: SKIING AND RIDING IN VERMONT’: “Green Mountains, White Gold” is a photographic journey through Vermont’s ski history; and “Surfing Snow: Vermont Inspired Boards” tells the story of snowboard technology with examples from Burton’s archives, curated by VTSSM Hall of Famer John Gerndt. Through October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe. ‘THANK OUR FARMERS FOR THE VIEW’: The Lamoille County Conservation District; artists Jess Graham, Jennifer Hubbard and Rett Sturman; and local high school students partner on an exhibit that highlights the fragile beauty of Vermont’s agricultural landscape. Through February 25. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville. ‘WINTER IS HERE’: Photographs of the season by Orah Moore, Dorothy Koval and Ross Connelly, members of the River Arts Photo Co-op in Morrisville. Through April 23. Info, 253-2691. Plate in Stowe.

mad river valley/waterbury

AXEL STOHLBERG: “Structures,” the artist’s continuing exploration of the house shape in collage and sculpture. Through February 15. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop in Waterbury.

‘RUSSET RESPLENDENCE’: Engraved designs using pyrography — the art of applying burn marks on wood with a heated object — by Barb Godwin; and digitally manipulated fine-art photography by Roarke Sharlow in which color is removed from an image and replaced with a sepia tone. Through February 29. Info, 496-6682. Vermont Festival of the Arts Gallery in Waitsfield.

middlebury area

CORRINE YONCE: “Somewhere Between Place and Home,” a multimedia exploration of three projects by the community organizer, artist and documentarian that considers what it means when one’s primary residence is something other than fully home. Through February 29. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury. ERIN DAIGLE: A dozen plein air oil paintings of downtown Vergennes storefronts, restaurants and street scenes, all of which are featured in a 2020 calendar. Through February 29. Info, 324-7140. Kennedy Brothers Building in Vergennes. ‘FROM THE EDGEWATER COLLECTION’: A selection of works by gallery artists including Homer Wells, Gary Hall and Alexis Serio. Through January 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls.


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KATHLEEN KOLB: “A Winter Series,” realist paintings that capture the magic of the season. Through February 29. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury. NANCY CUSTER CARROLL: “The Garden Series,” small oil paintings from life. Through January 31. Info, 349-5213. Lincoln Library.


‘CELEBRATE WITH ART’: All-member, all-media show. Also, the debut of three new artist-members: Catherine Palmer (colored pencil), Winslow Colwell (photography on kite forms) and Michael DiMeola (photography). Through January 28. Info, 247-4956. Brandon Artists Guild. ‘PORTRAITS & DREAMS’: Works by community artists and juried gallery members that fit the theme. Through February 14. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland.

upper valley

‘ELEMENTS OF GLASS: FROM THE WORKSHOP OF SIMON PEARCE’: A collaborative exhibition with the renowned Vermont glassmaker explores the transformation from sand to glass, from design to finished product. Through March 31. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich.

f JOAN HOFFMAN: “America’s Public Lands,” impressionistic plein air oil and watercolor landscapes at national parks and monuments by the South Royalton artist. Reception: Friday, February 7, 5-8 p.m. Through March 31. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery & Gifts in White River Junction.

northeast kingdom

f ‘2-BY-2’ COMMUNITY EXHIBIT: Tiny works measuring no more than two inches square by artists of all ages. Closing reception: Tuesday, March 17, 6 p.m. Through March 19. Info, barclay.tucker@ Quimby Gallery, Northern Vermont University-Lyndon. THE 99 FACES PROJECT: Photographic portraits, without labels, featuring people on the bipolar or schizophrenia spectrum and those who love them. Through March 2. Info, 748-7313. Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital in St. Johnsbury. MARK BARRY: “Snow Daze,” paintings depicting the joyful activities of winter. Through February 16. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. MWANGA WILLIAM: “From Uganda to Vermont,” paintings by the native Ugandan and Newport resident. Through January 25. Info, 323-7759. The 99 Gallery and Center in Newport.


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TERESA CELEMIN: “Look at Me & Let Me Explain,” colorful new drawings by the Vermont artist. Through February 22. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. VANESSA COMPTON: “Sisters of the Dune,” collages by the Vermont artist. Through February 26. Info, Bread & Butter in St. Johnsbury.

brattleboro/okemo valley

‘ALCHEMY: METAL, MYSTERY AND MAGIC’: A group show featuring sculptures and painting by Jeanne Carbonetti, Sabrina Fadial, Alexandra Heller, Peter Heller, Pat Musick, Dan O’Donnell, Gerald Stoner and Johnny Swing. Through February 29. Info, 258-3992. The Great Hall in Springfield. DOUG TRUMP: “By Rail,” 12 oil and mixed-media works on repurposed wood. Through February 9. FAFNIR ADAMITES: “Interfere (with),” a sculptural installation created with felted wool and burlap that focuses on intergenerational trauma and generational emotional turmoil. Through March 7. GORDON MEINHARD: “The Lives of Tables,” modernist still life paintings of tables that appear to become more animated as the series progresses, by the cofounder of the museum. Through March 7. MARÍA ELENA GONZÀLEZ: “Tree Talk,” an installation that uses rubbings and tracings of birch bark as templates for laser-cutting paper piano rolls. Through February 9. THELMA APPEL: “Observed/Abstract,” a survey of the career of a cofounder of the Bennington College Summer Painting Workshop, whose work now centers on the tarot. Through February 9. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.


‘MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE’: A suite of exhibitions addresses topical issues: Photographic portraits from the Yellow Tulips Project tackle the stigma associated with mental illness; the Forty-Seven Main Street Artists Group demonstrates the inspirational power of abstract self-expression in paint; Gisela Gamper documents her personal journey of love and mourning; Terry Boddie examines the legacy of the transatlantic slave trade; Carl Austin Hyatt shows portraits made from two decades of travels in the Andes of Peru; and local students present themselves as they want to be seen in mixed-media portraits. Through March 15. Info, 362-1405, info@

artist, who over two decades has worked in oil, watercolor and drawing, as well as interactive design, digital media and motion graphics. DeMarle is the founder of the school’s gaming degrees and Emergent Media graduate program and an emerita professor, as well as a multiple award

JORDAN LAURA MCLACHLAN & MORTON BARTLETT: “Family Matters,” a special exhibition of outsider art, in association with Marion Harris Gallery in New York City. Through February 29. Info, 767-9670. BigTown Gallery in Rochester. KATE REEVES: “My Winter World,” a solo show of acrylic and watercolor paintings by the Barnard artist. Through February 18. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library.

outside vermont

‘CIPX DARTMOUTH WITH KALI SPITZER & WILL WILSON: Photographer Wilson conceptualized the Critical Indigenous Photographic Exchange, which responds to ethnographic photography of Native Americans in the early 20th century. He and Spitzer take tintype photos of locals during a residency and display them alongside labels written by the subjects. Through March 29. COLLEEN RANDALL: “In the Midst of Something Splendid,” abstract paintings on canvas and paper by the art faculty member. Through May 31. ‘RECONSTITUTION’: A group exhibition of artists who counter the long-held Eurocentric narratives of museums and encourage agency in creating current and future histories. Through May 31. ‘SCHOOL PHOTOS AND THEIR AFTERLIVES’: An exhibition that sets an array of school photographs

‘2020 VISION: SEEING THE WORLD THROUGH TECHNOLOGY’: Now accepting applications for a partially crowdsourced exhibit on Vermont innovation and technology in the Local History Gallery as part of this statewide project. Details and application at Deadline: February 28. Vermont Historical Society, Barre. Info, 479-8500. ‘ALL THE FEELS’: Whether in the creation process from the artist, in the content of the piece, or in the response from the viewer, we want to feel something. Submit artworks for a juried February show that exude emotion and feeling and cause reactions. All mediums accepted. Details at Deadline: February 2. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery, Burlington. $15; $10 for gallery members. ARTS SO WONDERFUL GALLERY OPENING: The nonprofit gallery is accepting applications for its grand opening January 31 in CityPlace Burlington. Put your art up for sale and keep 100 percent of the proceeds. Send photos of your artwork to artssowonderful2@gmail. com. Deadline: January 24. Arts So Wonderful Gallery, Burlington. ‘BORDERS: ILLUSIONS THAT CONSTRAIN US’: The museum seeks works that share visions of birds, borders and boundaries for our 2020 art exhibit. What borders do birds encounter? How do their boundaries connect to human borders or those of other species? How do and


College Art Gallery by the multivalent

randolph/ royalton

‘2-BY-2’ COMMUNITY EXHIBIT: Artwork measuring two inches square welcome from artists of all ages for an exhibit January 20 through March 19. Work can be brought to the gallery or mailed to gallery director Barclay Tucker, Quimby Gallery, NVU, 1001 College Rd., Lyndonville, VT 05851. Quimby Gallery, Northern Vermont UniversityLyndon. Through March 17. Info,

“Pixel” is

the title of an exhibition at the Champlain

RICHARD D. WEIS: “Beyond Words,” a solo show of paintings by the Vermont artist. Through March 14. Info, 768-8498. Ellenbogen Gallery in Manchester.



Ann DeMarle Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.

recipient for her technology innovations. Her current exhibition includes larger works and oil paintings just six inches square. A reception takes place Thursday, January 23, 4 to 6 p.m. Through February 1. Pictured: a painting by DeMarle.

in dialogue with works by contemporary artists who have reframed them, drawn from the museum’s permanent collection as well as loaned images. Through April 12. Info, 603-646-2426. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. COOPER DODDS: Photographs of midwestern ski jumping, in the Lobby Gallery. Through January 31. PHYLLIS NEMHAUSER: Portraits and other selections from the artist’s collection. Through January 31. SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Collage, drawing, encaustic and prints by Athena Petra Tasiopoulos, Margery Thomas-Mueller, Debra Claffey and Sue Katz. Through February 7. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H. ‘EGYPTIAN MUMMIES: EXPLORING ANCIENT LIVES’: An international exhibition created by the British Museum combines arts and science to tell the stories of six people who lived along the Nile in ancient times. Through March 29. Info, 514-2852000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.

will these encounters alter us, birds and the borders themselves? Submission info: Deadline: March 16. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington. Free. Info, 434-2167. CALL TO ART-LOVING WRITERS: VOICING ART POETRY READING: Calling for original poetry written by all ages and experience levels in response to Justin Hoekstra’s “The Pleasures of Being a Ghost: Burlington” art exhibit at Flynndog Gallery, or other art of the writer’s choice, for the February 15 Voicing Art poetry reading. Submission guidelines at Deadline: February 14. Nomad Coffee — South End Station, Burlington. Free. Info, CALL TO ARTISTS: ‘FUTURES’: Science-fiction artists often predict the future and its technology with surprising, sometimes alarming, accuracy: space travel, electric vehicles and alternative energies, cloning and gene manipulation, weaponized drones, AI. This show invites artists to share works of science fiction in traditional and nontraditional mediums (proposals for installations are welcome). Deadline: January 24. Exhibit dates: March 17 to May 2. Details at Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069. CALL TO ARTISTS: ‘THE PARADE IS COMING!’: This show (July 7 to August 22) includes work in a variety of mediums and installations that depict the excitement, content and colors associated with parades, as well as more solemn processions and marches. In addition to works on the walls, we’ll assemble a parade involving a group of artists’ sculptural works. Deadline: April 24. Info at Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069.

‘IMAGINE VAN GOGH’: An immersive installation presented by Paul Dupont-Hébert and Tandem that brings viewers inside large-scale 3D versions of the painter’s famous works, accompanied by music from composers Saint-Saëns, Mozart, Bach, Delibes and Satie. See to make appointment for visit. Through February 2. Info, 514-931-9978. Arsenal Contemporary Art in Montréal. JOHN BOLLES: Sculpture and drawings focused on stylized vessels by the late Plattsburgh artist on the 30th anniversary of his death. Through January 31. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Main Gallery in Plattsburgh, N.Y. NANCY ARMITAGE: The ceramicist is the Cooperative Gallery’s featured artist of the month. Through January 31. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y. m

CALL TO MAKERS AND ARTISTS: A wholesale opportunity to be showcased at the downtown Burlington shop for a monthlong celebration of Vermont makers. Post a photo of your work and in the caption tell us your favorite thing about being a maker or artist. Include #vtworkshopshowcase and @commondeer on Instagram by January 31. Post up to three times with unique works. Details at Common Deer, Burlington. Info, 497-0100. ‘ECOSYSTEM SERVICES THROUGH AN ARTISTS’ EYE’: The MAC Center, in partnership with the Orleans County Natural Resources Conservation District, seeks artwork related to ecosystem services protected and enhanced by Vermont farmers and foresters. All mediums welcome, must not exceed 48 inches in height or width. Deadline: March 2. Juried show to open April 3. More info at conservation-districts/orleans-county, or contact Emily Irwin at emily. MAC Center for the Arts, Newport. Free. Info, 624-7022. PRINTMAKERS EXHIBIT: This time of year, we hope to honor that which has begun to grow, out of sight, in the darkness and far from warmth. What is it that causes or allows anything to make its first emergence or transformation? What is left behind or let go of? Submissions accepted through February 22 for an exhibition March 5 to April 18. Info at Northern Daughters, Vergennes. Free. Info, 877-2173. RESIDENCY FELLOWSHIPS: Fellowships are merit-based awards open to all artists and writers living and working anywhere in the world. More than 63 new residency fellowships will be awarded. There are also a number of special awards, many with stipends. See complete list and other info at Apply at vsc.slideroom. com. Deadline: February 15. Vermont Studio Center, Johnson. $25. Info, 635-2727.

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1/20/20 11:14 AM

movies Bombshell ★★★


came this close to working for Roger Ailes, the mastermind behind Fox News and the #MeToo monster in Bombshell. I reviewed movies for an NBC affiliate and had acquired an agent to propagate my wit and wisdom beyond the tristate area. The guy happened to know Ailes. In the months leading up to Fox News’ debut, he sent the network’s president my reel, and the two discussed the reviews on it for weeks. In the end, Ailes decided they didn’t fit his vision. Too acerbic and funny. Funny wasn’t a big part of the business plan at Fox. Watching the latest from Jay Roach (Meet the Parents), I was reminded what a lucky break it was not to have gotten that break. As scripted by Charles Randolph, Bombshell paints an unappetizing portrait of life behind the Fox News desk. Not making things one iota more appetizing is the fact that the story is set in motion by Donald Trump. Early scenes track Megyn Kelly (Charlize Theron) as she hosts a presidential debate and attracts the candidate’s ire by bringing up his record of inappropriate behavior toward women. Ailes, played by John Lithgow in a fat suit that appears to be in its own fat suit, real-


izes Trump is a ratings bonanza, so he offers his star only so much consolation when she complains about the Donald’s pushback. At this point, the relationship between Kelly and the office ogre appears to be one in which each is satisfied with what they’re getting from the other. Only later — much later — do we learn this hasn’t always been the case. Meanwhile, we watch as the broadcaster’s bad behavior catches up with him. When Gretchen Carlson (Nicole Kidman) is forced to relinquish her spot on the “Fox & Friends” couch, she takes action against discrimination and ageism by spilling the beans to her lawyers about her boss’ history of trading professional favors for sexual ones. She assures them female coworkers will jump on board her harassment suit — but, for the longest time, none do. So Ailes continues to prey on young staffers. Margot Robbie plays a composite character named Kayla Pospisil. In the film’s most unsettling scene, she finds herself in Ailes’ office and is ordered to hike her skirt higher and higher as he leers and coaxes, “It’s a visual medium, come on.” Ick. We know what happened. Ailes was found out and received millions to leave Fox. A year later, he died. Because we know and because he’s dead, Roach’s picture isn’t the gripping,

OUTFOXED Roach’s latest chronicles the downfall of a broadcasting titan and #MeToo monster.

gutsy exposé it aspires to be. Like a number of recent films — including Vice and The Laundromat — the movie appropriates elements from The Big Short in the hope of duplicating its satiric bite but comes up comparatively toothless. It doesn’t help that the script can be curiously inert here and baffling there. Kate McKinnon, for example, is introduced as a coworker who befriends Kayla, giving her the dirt on Ailes and his enablers. When Kayla herself is targeted, though, all McKinnon’s character

Dolittle ★★


as the surreal cockroach chorus line in Cats the highlight of your holiday moviegoing? Are you unafraid of walking through the Uncanny Valley where disturbingly realistic CG critters reside? You’re in luck. The new family film Dolittle features a scene in which a dragonfly (voice of Jason Mantzoukas) negotiates a deal with a Sicilian-accented ant who complains, “You come to me on the day of my daughter’s wedding.” The dragonfly laments that he had set his cap for the ant heiress. In the next scene, the lovesick insect makes a pass at a prim parrot (Emma Thompson). At this point, we are roughly halfway through the movie, which is set in 19th-century England and involves the quest for a mystical remedy for a dying Queen Victoria. This is our introduction to the dragonfly, one of a seemingly endless parade of gleefully anachronistic animals who make their home with Dr. Dolittle (Robert Downey Jr.), a gruff Welsh physician who can speak to and understand them. Halfway through the film, you’d think we might be acquainted with all its main players. You’d think we might even care a bit about the widowed doctor, or his freshfaced protégé (Harry Collett), or the gorilla (Rami Malek) with fear issues, or the squirrel (Craig Robinson) on a revenge mission. But this whirligig of bad wisecracks doesn’t give us a second to care about anything. The animals are voiced by actors of note — Malek, Octavia Spencer, Kumail Nanjiani, 72 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020

DR. NO Downey and his comical menagerie offer more fracas than fun.

John Cena, Marion Cotillard, Ralph Fiennes. They pop in and out of the ragged plotline like members of an improv troupe who’ve been given no space to build characters and are trying desperately, desperately to be funny. Mainly that means disconnected riffing: “I got a front-row seat to crazytown!” Robinson scoffs. Cotillard’s character randomly pro-

claims “Vive la résistance!” and then vanishes for the rest of the movie. Meanwhile, Downey mumbles, twitches and grimaces his way through the film’s steampunk settings as if he’s angling to usurp Johnny Depp’s niche in blockbuster cinema. Only Michael Sheen, as the preening villain, manages to generate any authentic comic sparks.

can say is, “It’s better for you if you don’t involve me.” What’d I miss? There’s a reason the movie’s award-season kudos have largely been limited to nods for hair and makeup. Its hair and makeup are amazing. Charlize Theron’s, anyway. She has Megyn Kelly’s eyes! How’d they do that? There’s not much question about how everything else in Bombshell was done, though. It’s all been done so many times before. And so much better. RI C K KI S O N AK

While it may frequently feel like bad improv, Dolittle actually appears to suffer from overthinking. When Universal higher-ups didn’t like the cut from director Stephen Gaghan (known for such incongruously adult fare as Traffic and Syriana), they reportedly ordered extensive reshoots from the folks behind The Lego Batman Movie and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, hoping to give the film greater appeal to restless kids worldwide. Was there ever anything smart in Dolittle to dumb down? We’ll never know. An animated prologue devoted to the doctor’s backstory does suggest that his status as a grieving widow was intended to have more emotional impact than it does in the final product. The final cut of Dolittle seems to aim for the punch-drunk vaudeville of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, but at least those maintained a consistent tone. This movie practically comes with its own Riff Trax: While the humans impersonate Victorians, the animal voice actors offer their snarky commentary in the vernacular of 2020. In a movie that is mostly but not wholly animated — i.e., a movie where real human beings still appear — the effect is … bizarre. The animation has its cringe-worthy moments, too: Jip the dog (Tom Holland) moves all wrong. When the creature on-screen is an anthropomorphized ant or dragonfly, we can suspend our disbelief and enjoy the ride. But a movie that constantly preaches love for animals should probably at least get a dog right. MARGO T HARRI S O N


NEW IN THEATERS CLEMENCY: Alfre Woodard gives a powerhouse performance as a prison warden preparing for the execution of an inmate in this drama from director Chinonye Chukwu (alaskaLand), with LaMonica Garrett and Aldis Hodge. (113 min, R. Savoy)

DARK WATERSHHH A lawyer (Mark Ruffalo) takes on DuPont for polluting West Virginia farmland in this fact-based drama from Todd Haynes (Carol), also starring Anne Hathaway, William Jackson Harper and Tim Robbins. (126 min, PG-13; reviewed by R.K. 12/11)

THE GENTLEMEN: An unscrupulous private detective (Hugh Grant) tangles with a drug lord (Matthew McConaughey) who has ties to Britain’s aristocracy in this action flick from cowriter/director Guy Ritchie, also starring Charlie Hunnam and Michelle Dockery. (113 min, R. Essex, Majestic)

DOLITTLEH1/2 The doctor who can talk to animals, last played by Eddie Murphy, returns in an adventure-comedy reboot of the classic children’s property starring Robert Downey Jr. The actors voicing the menagerie include Emma Thompson, Rami Malek and John Cena. Stephen Gaghan (Syriana) directed. (106 min, PG; reviewed by M.H. 1/22)

THE TURNING: Mackenzie Davis plays the governess sent to care for two orphans in a spooky house in this update (yep, another) of Henry James’ The Turn of the Screw. Floria Sigismondi (The Runaways) directed the horror flick, also starring Finn Wolfhard and Brooklynn Prince. (94 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Palace)

FANTASTIC FUNGIHHH1/2 This documentary that the New York Times called “informative and kooky” suggests that mushrooms might be the cure for what ails us — and the planet. Louie Schwartzberg directed; Brie Larson narrates. (81 min, NR)

NOW PLAYING 1917HHHH1/2 Director Sam Mendes brings us a one-take World War I movie about two privates tasked with carrying a crucial message across enemy lines. With Andrew Scott, Benedict Cumberbatch and Richard Madden. (118 min, R; reviewed by R.K. 1/15) BAD BOYS FOR LIFEHHH Will Smith and Martin Lawrence return as the titular maverick cops (last seen in 2003) to take down a Miami drug boss in this action comedy threequel. With Vanessa Hudgens. Adil El Arbi and Billal Fallah (Gangsta) directed. (123 min, R) BOMBSHELLHH1/2 Charlize Theron plays Megyn Kelly in this ripped-from-the-headlines docudrama about the women who brought down Roger Ailes at Fox News, also starring Margot Robbie, Nicole Kidman and John Lithgow. Jay Roach (Trumbo) directed. (108 min, R; reviewed by R.K. 1/22)

FROZEN IIHHH1/2 Royal sisters Anna and Elsa must find the source of Elsa’s icy powers to save their kingdom in the sequel to Disney’s animated mega-hit. With the voices of Kristen Bell, Jonathan Groff and Idina Menzel. Chris Buck and Jennifer Lee again directed. (103 min, PG; reviewed by M.H. 11/27) JOJO RABBITHHHH Everybody has an opinion on this anti-Nazi satire from Taika Waititi (Thor: Ragnarok), in which a young follower of Hitler (Roman Griffin Davis) makes discoveries that change his world. With Thomasin McKenzie, Scarlett Johansson, Sam Rockwell and Rebel Wilson. (108 min, PG-13; reviewed by R.K. 11/13) JUMANJI: THE NEXT LEVELHH1/2 Teens caught in a virtual-reality game face yet more dangerous challenges in this sequel to the 2017 comedy-action hit Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle, again directed by Jake Kasdan. Karen Gillan, Dwayne Johnson, Jack Black, Kevin Hart and Awkwafina star. (123 min, PG-13; reviewed by M.H. 12/18)

JUST MERCYHHHH Michael B. Jordan plays civil rights attorney Bryan Stevenson in this drama about his fight to free a death-row prisoner. With Jamie Foxx and Brie Larson. Destin Daniel Cretton (Short Term 12) directed. (136 min, PG-13; reviewed by M.H. 1/15)

Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker

KNIVES OUTHHHH1/2 Daniel Craig plays a detective investigating the death of a crime novelist in writerdirector Rian Johnson’s dark comic riff on Agatha Christie-style mysteries. The all-star cast includes Chris Evans, Ana de Armas, Jamie Lee Curtis, Michael Shannon, Don Johnson and Toni Collette. (130 min, PG-13; reviewed by M.H. 12/4) LIKE A BOSSH1/2 Rose Byrne and Tiffany Haddish play friends who discover the cutthroat side of the beauty business when they run afoul of a power player (Salma Hayek) in this comedy from director Miguel Arteta (Beatriz at Dinner). (83 min, R) LITTLE WOMENHHHH1/2 Director Greta Gerwig offers her take on the Louisa May Alcott novel about four spirited young New Englanders weathering the Civil War, with Saoirse Ronan, Emma Watson, Florence Pugh and Eliza Scanlen as the March sisters. (134 min, PG; reviewed by R.K. 1/8) STAR WARS: EPISODE IX — THE RISE OF SKYWALKERHH1/2 The Resistance and the First Order face off as the third trilogy of this space-opera saga draws to a close. With Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, Billie Lourd and Keri Russell. J.J. Abrams directed. (141 min, PG-13) UNCUT GEMSHHHH1/2 Adam Sandler plays a New York jeweler with a high-stakes gambling habit in this acclaimed drama from directors Benny and Josh Safdie (Good Time). With Julia Fox and Idina Menzel. (135 min, R) UNDERWATERHH1/2 The crew of a subterranean laboratory struggles with malfunctions and an aquatic menace in this action/horror drama. Kristen Stewart, T.J. Miller and Vincent Cassel star. William Eubank (The Signal) directed. (95 min, PG-13)



Help Build Community One Story at a Time. Have you lost a loved one to opioid-use disorder? Please consider submitting their story to All Our Hearts, Seven Days’ online opioid-crisis memorial. Your remembrances can educate, change minds, awaken empathy — and inspire action.


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1/6/20 3:33 PM


friday 24 — wednesday 29

BETHEL DRIVE-IN 36 Bethel Drive, Bethel,

Schedule not available at press time.

Closed for the season.

Open-caption screenings on Wednesdays (first evening show) and Sundays (first matinee).



48 Carroll Rd. (off Route 100), Waitsfield, 496-8994,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23

wednesday 22 — thursday 23

Dark Waters (Wed only) Little Women

1917 Bad Boys for Life Dolittle *The Gentlemen (Thu only) Jumanji: The Next Level Just Mercy Like a Boss Little Women Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker **TCM Big Screen Classics Presents: An American in Paris (Wed only) *The Turning (Thu only) Underwater

Closed Mondays. Rest of schedule not available at press time.


Route 100, Morrisville, 888-3293,

wednesday 22 — tuesday 28 Dolittle Jumanji: The Next Level Little Women Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker

friday 24 — wednesday 29


93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23 1917 Knives Out Like a Boss Little Women Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker

21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,

1917 (with open-caption screening Sat only) Bad Boys for Life Dolittle (with open-caption screening & sensory-friendly screening Sat only) *The Gentlemen Jumanji: The Next Level Little Women (with opencaption screening Sat only) Parasite Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker *The Turning

movies MAJESTIC 10

190 Boxwood St. (Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners), Williston, 878-2010,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23 1917 Bad Boys for Life Bombshell Dolittle Frozen II Jumanji: The Next Level Knives Out Little Women Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker Underwater friday 24 — wednesday 29 1917 Bad Boys for Life Dolittle Frozen II *The Gentlemen Jumanji: The Next Level Knives Out Little Women Star Wars: Episode IX — The Rise of Skywalker *The Turning


65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841,

wednesday 22 — wednesday 29 Dolittle Little Women


222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23 1917 Just Mercy Knives Out Little Women Parasite Uncut Gems

friday 24 — thursday 30 1917 Bombshell Just Mercy Knives Out Little Women Parasite Uncut Gems

PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23 Jojo Rabbit friday 24 — sunday 26 & wednesday 29 — thursday 30

PALACE 9 CINEMAS 10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,


wednesday 22 — thursday 23

Closed on Monday and Tuesday.

1917 Bad Boys for Life Dolittle **Gauguin From the National Gallery, London (Thu only) Jumanji: The Next Level Just Mercy Knives Out Like a Boss Little Women Underwater

THE SAVOY THEATER 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23 Fantastic Fungi Jojo Rabbit friday 24 — thursday 30

friday 24 — wednesday 29 1917 Bad Boys for Life **Bolshoi Ballet: Giselle (Sun only) Dolittle Jojo Rabbit Jumanji: The Next Level Just Mercy Knives Out Little Women *The Turning

Bombshell (except Thu) *Clemency **Enoptromancy, or When We Meet As One (Thu only) Fantastic Fungi Jojo Rabbit (except Thu) Open-caption screenings on main screen on Mondays.

STOWE CINEMA 3 PLEX 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,


wednesday 22 — thursday 23 Bad Boys for Life Dolittle Little Women

241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23

friday 24 — thursday 30

Dolittle Jumanji: The Next Level

Schedule not available at press time.

friday 24 — thursday 30

The Turning


155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,

Closed for the season.


104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,

wednesday 22 — thursday 23 Dolittle Jumanji: The Next Level (Thu only) Little Women friday 24 — thursday 30 1917 Dolittle (except Wed) Jumanji: The Next Level (Fri-Sun only) Little Women

Schedule not available at press time. Open-caption screenings on Wednesdays (first evening show) and Sundays (first matinee).







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1/6/20 11:14 AM

fun stuff


Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.





Faith statement on escalating violence with Iran As people of faith, the Burlington Friends Meeting (Quakers) joins in condemning the United States’ dangerous aggression towards Iran, including the assassination of Gen. Qassem Soleimani and the deployment of additional troops to the region. We urge the Administration to step back from the brink of war. Our faith communities see the futility of war, and its power to dehumanize. We know that human flourishing entails breaking cycles of violence, being courageous peacemakers, and focusing on the root causes of conflict. Violent conflict is a path of mutual destruction.

Instead, all actors must move forward in a way that upholds our shared, sacred human dignity: • All parties must begin by re-humanizing each other without excusing unjust and violent actions. • The U.S. Administration must halt violent attacks and military escalations. It must return to a diplomatic process, recognizing that lasting peace requires a commitment to the shared well-being of every human, from Iran to the United States and everywhere in between. • The U.S. Congress must act to reassert its war powers by refusing authorization for war with Iran and related attacks, and to block funding for war with Iran. • U.S. actions and strategy in the region must address the root causes of the conflict, such as distrust, trauma, economic resources, and political influence. • All of us must support nonviolent creative actions of resistance to any unjust and violent actions.

As communities of faith, we renounce the escalation of violence, and call on the United States to work towards lasting peace with Iran. Signatories,

Say you saw it in...




American Friends Service Committee Center on Conscience and War Christian Peacemaker Teams Church of the Brethren Office of Peacebuilding and Policy Churches for Middle East Peace Coalition for Peace Action Columban Center for Advocacy and Outreach Conference of Superiors of Men (Catholic) Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Good Shepherd, US Provinces Faith in Public Life Franciscan Action Network Friends Committee on National Legislation

Leadership Conference of Women Religious Maryknoll Office for Global Concerns Mennonite Central Committee U.S. National Advocacy Center of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund Presbyterian Church (USA) Provincial Council Clerics of St. Viator Sisters of Mercy of the AmericasInstitute Leadership Team Unitarian Universalist Association United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society




1/16/20 1:30 PM

fun stuff JEN SORENSEN





FREE WILL ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY REAL JANUARY 23-29 TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus-born Johannes Brahms (1833-1897) was a renowned German composer who lived most of his life in Germany and Austria. He became so famous and well-respected that England’s Cambridge University offered him an honorary degree if he would visit the campus. But Brahms was too timid to risk crossing the English Channel by boat. (There were no airplanes and Chunnel in those days.) He declined the award. I beg you not to do anything even remotely like that in the coming weeks, Taurus. Please summon the gumption necessary to claim and gather in all you deserve.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): According to my

(JAN. 20-FEB. 18):

I’m a big fan of self-editing. For example, every horoscope I write evolves over the course of at least three drafts. For each book I’ve published, I have written but then thrown away hundreds of pages that I ultimately deemed weren’t good enough to be a part of the finished text. And yet now and then, I have created a poem or song in one rapid swoop. My artistic artifact is exactly right the first time it flows out of me, with no further tinkering needed. I suspect you’re now entering a phase like that, Aquarius. I’m reminded of poet Allen Ginsberg’s operative principle: “first thought, best thought.”

ARIES (March 21-April 19): German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) declared that English writer Lord Byron (1788-1824) was the greatest genius of the 19th century. Here’s an interesting coincidence: Byron regarded Goethe as the greatest genius of the 19th century. I bring this to your attention, Aries, in the hope that it will inspire you to create a similar dynamic in your own life during the coming months. As much as possible, surround yourself with people whom you think are wonderful and interesting and enlivening — and who think you are wonderful and interesting and enlivening.

analysis of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be one of those rare times when you can safely engage with influences that might normally rattle you. You’ll be protected as you wander into the unknown and explore edgy mysteries. Your intuition will be highly reliable if you make bold attempts to solve dilemmas that have previously confounded and frustrated you. If you’ve been waiting for the perfect moment to get a bit wild and exploratory, this is it.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851) is regarded as one of England’s greatest painters. He’s best known for his luminous and imaginative landscapes. His experimental use of light and color influenced the Impressionist painters who came after him. But the weird thing is that after his death, many of his works were lost for decades. In 1939, a famed art historian found over a hundred of them rolled up like tarpaulins in the basement of an art museum. Let’s apply this event as a metaphor for what’s ahead in your life, Cancerian. I suspect that buried or lost elements of your past will soon be rediscovered and restored. I bet it will be fun and illuminating! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): In my early adult life, I lived below the poverty line for many years. How did that impact me? Here’s one example: I didn’t own a mattress from ages 23 to 39, but rather slept on a two-inch-thick foam pad that lay directly on the floor. I’m doing better now, thank you. But my early experiences ensured that I would forever have profound

empathy for people who don’t have much money. I hope this will serve as inspiration for you, Leo. The next seven weeks will be the Empathy Building Season for you. The cosmos will reward you if you build your ability to appreciate and understand the pains and joys of other humans. Your compassion will be tonic for both your mental and physical health.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Ancient Greek author Theophrastus was a scientist before the concept of “scientist” existed. His writings on botany were influential for hundreds of years after his death. But some of his ideas would be considered unscientific today. For example, he believed that flute music could heal sciatica and epilepsy. No modern research suggests that the charms of the flute can literally cure physical ailments like those. But there is a great deal of evidence that music can help relieve pain, reduce anxiety, reduce the side effects of drugs, assist in physical therapy and even make you smarter. And my reading of the current astrological omens suggests that the therapeutic effects of music will be especially dramatic for you during the next three weeks. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “Learning to love is difficult, and we pay dearly for it,” wrote the serious and somber author Fyodor Dostoevsky. “It takes hard work and a long apprenticeship,” he added. All that’s true, I think. To hone our ability to express tenderness and warmth, even when we’re not at our best, is the most demanding task on Earth. It requires more courage than that of a soldier in the frenzy of battle, as much imagination as a poet, and diligence equal to that of an architect supervising the construction of a massive suspension bridge. And yet on the other hand — contrary to what Dostoevsky believed — sometimes love is mostly fun and inspiring and entertaining and educational. I suspect that the coming weeks will be one of those phases for you. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): How well do you nurture yourself, dear Scorpio? How diligent are you in providing yourself with the sustenance that ensures your body, mind and soul will thrive? Are you imaginative in the ways that you keep yourself excited about

life? Do you take strong measures to avoid getting attached to mediocre pleasures, even as you consistently hone your focus on the desires that lead you to joy and deep satisfaction? The coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to meditate on these questions.


(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Seven books of the Bible’s Old Testament refer to a magical place called Ophir. It was a source of exotic finery and soulful treasures such as gold, peacocks, jewels, frankincense and precious sandalwood. One problem: No one, not even a Biblical scholar, has ever figured out where it was. Zimbabwe? India? Tunisia? Its location is still unknown. I am bringing this to your attention because I suspect that in 2020 there’ll be a good chance you’ll discover and gain access to your own metaphorical Ophir: a fount of interesting, evocative resources. For best results, be primed and eager to offer your own skills and riches in exchange for what this fount can provide to you.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn filmmaker Steven Soderbergh says it’s crucial for us to have a well-developed story about who we are and what we’re doing with our lives. It’s so important, he feels, that it should be the trigger that flings us out of bed every morning. We’ve got to make our story so vivid and interesting that it continually motivates us in every little thing we do. Soderbergh’s counsel is always good to keep in mind, of course, but it will be even more so for you in the coming months. Why? Because your story will be expanding and deepening, and you’ll need to make the necessary adjustments in how you tell your story to yourself. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Who don’t you want to be, Pisces? Where don’t you want to go? What experiences are not necessary in your drive to become the person you were born to be? I encourage you to ask yourself questions like those in the coming weeks. You’re entering a phase when you can create long-term good fortune for yourself by knowing what you don’t like and don’t need and don’t require. Explore the positive effects of refusal. Wield the power of saying NO so as to liberate yourself from all that’s irrelevant, uninteresting, trivial and unhealthy.


Eva Sollberger’s



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1/21/20 4:54 PM

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... NYC IN VERMONT FOR KEEPS Looking to find someone who is happy with their life and loves food, fixing stuff and lovin’ Vermont. STARRLADY, 57, seeking: M, l FAIRLY DELIGHTFUL The directions for this section suggested answering, “Just how delightful are you?” Is there a scale? I’ll say 81 percent. I’m a good listener who loves to chat, an irreverent truth-teller who is full of respect, and a gregarious goddess who doesn’t take herself too seriously. I enjoy my life. Dating a man with complementary qualities would be 100 percent delightful, indeed. ConradK23, 48, seeking: M, l NEW BEGINNINGS I am an honest, easygoing person with a great sense of humor. I am looking for a nice man who also has a great sense of humor. I am not into drama. So if you are into drama, don’t respond. I like to go to the gym, go for rides, and I am a girl who loves to fish and do a little traveling. Newbeginnings52, 67, seeking: M DANCIN’ FEET I’m a friendly, lighthearted girl. I don’t ask for much and live simply. As I’ve aged, I’ve realized it’s easier to be my true, authentic self. I accept others for who they are and am gentle on myself. I love to dance! Graceful on the dance floor but not always everywhere else. My family is everything! Twominutes, 58, seeking: M, l


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.


See photos of this person online.

W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people GNC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


SEEKING OUTDOOR PLAYMATE, FUTURE BEST FRIEND Fun, flexible and friendly. happyfeet, 62, seeking: M IT’S A NEW YEAR! Words to describe myself: fun-loving, caring, romantic, funny, passionate, honest, professional. Looking for someone who is open-minded with a “glass half full” outlook. Someone who does not get thrown off by spontaneity but can also stick to a plan. I have great appreciation for those who can make me laugh until tears run down my leg. sjbvt, 55, seeking: W, l LOOKING FOR THAT CLICK Adventurous and spontaneous. Looking for stimulating conversation and laughter. Social and outgoing. Love the outdoors. Nicki, 41, seeking: M, l NEW YEAR, NEW CHANCES In search of a confident, fun 58- to 68-y/o white single male who is honest, selfless and likes adventures. I really love to go out and seek new places. Sucks going it alone. Really would like to finish the short time I have left on a good note. Still have few things left on my bucket list. You? highgatecat, 56, seeking: M FUNNY, CUTE, SHORT, EDUCATED, MULTIRACIAL “In a relationship, you’re promising to care about everything. The good things, the bad things, the terrible things, the mundane things ... all of it, all of the time, every day. You’re saying, ‘Your life will not go unnoticed, because I will notice it. Your life will not go un-witnessed, because I will be your witness.” ShortyBoots, 60, seeking: M, l FUN IN SAND OR SNOW Youthful spirit and in shape for new adventures. Politically liberal. 5’6 attractive brunette in good shape with a fun and active lifestyle and a great smile! Retired from a successful business career and love to travel the world, but still have a lot to see locally. Lifelong skier and paddler, plus enjoy gardening, reading and anything on the water. Happy_Traveler, 65, seeking: M, l INSIGHTFUL, CREATIVE, ADVENTUROUS Outdoorsy attractive brunette. Poet, explorer of spirituality and personal growth, lover of nature. I love hiking, paddling, exploring new mountains, towns, and ideas with others ... feeling what we’re drawn to along the way, sharing thoughts and impressions. Fairly flexible and easygoing. Healthy minded; not big into alcohol, not into drugs. Waterpoet, 57, seeking: M, l PLAYFUL, FUN-LOVING COWGIRL I am hopeful this ad will catch your eye and you might become a good friend. It will be an adventure either way things turn out. I like meeting new people and look forward to some brief conversation to see if we want to meet. Backwardscowgirl, 60, seeking: M, l


PREFER BEING OUTDOORS AND ACTIVE Genuine, honest and an active listener. I like to cook and eat real food that is locally produced/raised. Gardening (veggies, not so much flowers), hiking, biking, running, snowshoeing, eradicating invasive plants — most anything outdoors will do. VTu4ia, 44, seeking: M, l SEEKING LIKE-MINDED FUN FRIENDS Here’s the deal: We are a good-looking couple with pretty awesome physiques for being on this planet for four decades. We like food, wine and good times with other consenting adults. DD-free; expect same. Professionals who require discretion and mutual respect/trust. Will gladly exchange pictures privately. Prefer a woman but would consider a hot couple. Sexual attraction is a must. Likemindedfun, 42, seeking: W

MEN seeking... REDNECK I’m the type of person who will give you the shirt off my back. I’m always willing to help others. I’m not someone who gives up easily. I spend most of my time working or playing in the garage. Bigtank209, 27, seeking: W, l MOTIVATED, ATTENTIVE, GOOFY, KIND, ADVENTUROUS I am more than halfway through my life, my kids are grown, and I’m looking to spend the rest of my life exploring people, cultures, languages and places — hopefully with someone else. inquisitive, 53, seeking: W, l KIND, GOOD FRIEND Looking for a guy for fun and...? salman64, 61, seeking: M NEW TO AREA Laid-back guy just looking for new friends and fun. Human67, 52, seeking: W 44-Y/O BI M Authentic, honest, fit, bearded, sexy yogi. Ask me to do a striptease for you! hotbiguy, 44, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp, l BLUES/ROCK-LOVING DANCING FOOL I’m pretty easygoing and would love to meet somebody to maybe dance, catch a movie or even go out to dinner with. I believe life is what you make it, and I choose to make mine as enjoyable as possible and will not put up with somebody bringing me down. Life is just too short. wickedgoodguy, 59, seeking: W FUN-LOVING OLDER GENTLEMAN I am in search of one special friend with benefits. Not looking to change my living situation or have them change theirs. Hoping we can enhance each other’s lives. Harleyrider, 61, seeking: W ATHLETIC, ROMANTIC, MYSTIC Active, contemplative backcountry skier, writer, dream coach, sugarmaker, soccer official, paddler seeks active, contemplative person who will leave with me at the drop of a hat for a foot of fresh snow in Sterling Valley. sugarmaker10, 66, seeking: W, l

OPEN FIELDS AND THE WOODS Liberal retired teacher, raiser of organic Angus beef in the Northeast Kingdom and restorer of stained-glass windows. Selfemployed, brewer, reader of the natural and historic landscape, funky welder, pasturedout educator, community volunteer, gardener with too much garlic, player with words, viewer of the scene, yet with a handsome compost heap. Come mulch with me. nekfarmer42, 77, seeking: W, l SOUTHERN GENTLEMAN SEEKS HONEST COMPANION Friends describe me as kind and giving. I’m also easygoing, a good listener and hardworking. I love my dogs, playing or working outdoors, the water, music and traveling. If you are kind and honest, let’s connect and see if there is a mutual spark. Start with friendship and see where things go. GreenMtnCajun, 59, seeking: W, l SOCIAL, FRIENDLY, INDEPENDENT, HONEST Am a bi, divorced male. Masculine with a stocky build. I am a nature lover and gardener. Enjoy being home, swimming, cooking, gardening, walking, reading and art. Environmentally conscious and politically left. Discretion and privacy are important to me. Long winter in the NEK; looking for pleasant enjoyment and male company to share the seasons. orion, 66, seeking: M KINKY ROMANCER God, the hard sell: Creative, fun, familyoriented, and I do dishes and laundry. And iron! romantic77, 62, seeking: M HEY, NEVER KNOW. ATTRACTION. Honesty, attraction, fun, funny, goofy, adventurous, weekend getaways, passion, sensual, attention. Respect, loyal, dining out, shopping, walks, drives. Love pleasing and being pleased. I’m a touchy-feely kinda guy. Having fun. Being happy. Bake04, 55, seeking: W

TRANS WOMEN seeking... IS THERE ANY HOPE? I’ve been a closeted trans ever since childhood, but just starting transition now, at 63. So many regrets. Life has not been kind. Wondering if there’s anyone out there who can love me for who I am, and let me love them for who they are. LaydeeBird, 63, seeking: M, l SUBMISSIVE SEEKING... Looking to expand my experiences. I am open to many different scenes and roles. luke1966, 53, seeking: W, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp GENEROUS, OPEN, EASYGOING Warm, giving trans female with an abundance of yum to share (and already sharing it with lovers) seeks ecstatic connection for playtimes, connections, copulations, exploration and generally wonderful occasional times together. Clear communication, a willingness to venture into the whole self of you is wanted. Possibilities are wide-ranging: three, four, explorations, dreaming up an adventure are on the list! DoubleUp, 62, seeking: Cp, l

COUPLES seeking... INVITING, FOODIES, GO RED SOX Her: 32, 36DD, thick, 5’8, freak gamer, blue eyes, curly brown hair, tattoos. Him: 38, 5’10, husky, hazel eyes, brown hair, beard, veteran. Together 11 years. Looking for fun, noncommittal man/woman couple. Friends for occasional hookup; go out for few drinks and pool. 420 friendly. If you have a dog, it’s the best dog. All dogs are the best dog. CurvyAndBear, 32, seeking: Cp, l

ONE NIGHT We are a really fun couple looking for a man to join us for a threesome. No sex, just oral, but will make it worth your while. Photos available if you’re interested, and will ask the same from you. WEX, 45, seeking: M SWINGER COUPLE Couple in early 50s looking to have fun with a male partner. Husband likes to watch but also join in. Wife is a knockout little hottie who likes to cut loose. Looking for a male between 40 and 50 for some serious adult fun. Only well-hung men need apply — at least nine inches, please. Spaguy, 51, seeking: M, Gp FUN COUPLE SEEKING COUPLE Married 37-y/o female and 36-y/o male, looking to explore with another couple. We want a friendship with equal playtime. We like to eat, drink and enjoy cannabis. We are clean, disease-free and non-tobacco-smoking and expect the same from you. She is 5’4, 250 pounds, dirty blond hair. He is 5’11, 240 pounds, dark brown hair. Let’s play. Bruinsfans61, 36, seeking: W, Cp, l EXPERIENCE SOMETHING NEW We are a loving couple of over five years. Love to play and try new things. Spend free time at the ledges. Looking for people to play with. Perhaps dinner, night out and maybe breakfast in the morning. Looking for open-minded men, women or couples who enjoy fun times and new experiences. 2newAdventurers, 51, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp ATTRACTIVE MARRIED COUPLE Attractive, caring and honest married couple looking to meet a female for fun times both in and out of the bedroom. She is bi-curious; he is straight. We are very easygoing and fun to be around. Will share a photo once we communicate. Let’s see what happens. VTcouple4fun, 48, seeking: W SEASONED, REASONED, FRIENDSHIP AND CONVERSATION Older couple seeks new friends to enjoy honest conversation. Couples, women, or men. We are not seeking benefits though we are open to discussion if all are inspired. We’d love to meet and converse over a nice meal. We love warmth and open people. Our place has a hot tub for cold winters, and we have a massage table. Seasoned, 69, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp, l 2 + 1 = 3SOME My husband and I are a very happily married couple looking for a woman to add to our relationship. We have talked extensively about a third and look forward to meeting the right woman. We are a very down-to-earth, outdoor-loving couple. Very secure in our relationship. We would like a relationship with a woman with an honest persona. Outdoorduo1vt, 51, seeking: W, l FREE-SPIRITED COUPLE We are a fun-loving, committed couple with good energy and open minds. Looking to enjoy some fantasies with the right woman or couple. Discretion is a must. We are drug- and diseasefree and require the same. Let’s meet up sometime and go from there. letsenjoyus, 41, seeking: W, Cp, l FULL TRANSPARENCY Adventurous, educated, open couple married 12 years interested in meeting another open couple for some wine, conversation, potential exploration and fun. She is 40 y/o, 5’11, dirty blond hair. He is 41 y/o, 5’10, brown hair. ViridisMontis, 42, seeking: Cp, W


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

THE LAMP SHOP BATHROOM We both wanna move in. We were at Emma’s show a few weeks ago. I almost went last night to see if you were there, but I couldn’t think of a way to ask if you are single. If you are, reply to this message. When: Friday, December 13, 2019. Where: LCLS. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914967 RUNNING MAN OBSESSED WITH GREEN Your lean physique more than makes up for your questionable penchant for lime tones. Running in 25 degrees must mean you have a stoked inner fire. Let me warm my hands over you? When: Saturday, January 30, 2016. Where: OP. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914966 STEALING GLANCES AT TACO GORDO We stole a few glances. Couldn’t decide if it was reciprocal. When my takeout order was ready, I got toppings. You followed, asked what they were. I ran out the door. Honestly, every part of me wanted to stay, but I was terrified, because, for years, I was convinced I was gay. And you made me think twice about it. When: Friday, January 10, 2020. Where: Taco Gordo. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914965 DANCING AT RED SQUARE I danced with an attractive women. She took my hand to dance. I hope she is not already significant to someone else. Would love to go to dinner and get more acquainted. When: Sunday, December 29, 2019. Where: Red Square. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914964 CUTIE AT THE GAME STORE Hey. I was buying a game. You were working: dyed bright blond hair, and I think you had snake bites. Me: tall, awkward and feeling like a fool. Wanna connect and play a game or share some coffee? P.S. This is making me choose gender, but I don’t know ‘cause I didn’t ask. When: Thursday, January 9, 2020. Where: Williston. You: Group. Me: Man. #914963

HAMBURGERS AT BK Very nice lady in line, way back in June of 2019. We had a very nice chat as we worked our way through the line, and you asked the cashier about me after I left. I would love to chat more over coffee. Tell me what we talked about. When: Friday, June 28, 2019. Where: Burger King, St. Albans. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914962 SALAD LOVER You followed me around the salad bar. I would love to buy you something more than just salad. I was wearing a headband and pink lipstick; you were wearing a black jacket and hat. When: Monday, January 6, 2020. Where: Hannaford, Essex Junction. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914961 DO YOU STILL READ THESE? There’s a lady with a blue jacket and pink headband ... not pink gloves, though. I stopped ladling chili to watch you and your boy ski for a minute. I love stealing glimpses of you two together; it’s beautiful and makes me smile. Hope you’re good or, at least, not bad. When: Sunday, January 5, 2020. Where: zipping across the snow. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914960 WE MET AT KKD Ken who works at TD Bank: We met over our sandwich order and shared a few laughs. Your cute smile has been stuck in my head since. I’d love to meet up for a Cajun BLT and talk about the seasons again. When: Friday, January 3, 2020. Where: KKD. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914959 SNEAKS Saw, and couldn’t stop peeping, you this morning. Working hard on NYE morning. Heavy metal \m/ Yes! When: Tuesday, December 31, 2019. Where: Sneakers. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914954


Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,Â

A long time ago, I was forced to give up my son for adoption. After becoming an adult, he found me, and it was pure bliss for me. I could finally stop hating myself. For a while it was amazing; we spent a lot of time together. Then he got married, and I saw less and less of him unless I instigated it. Then he became a dad. Almost immediately, it was obvious that I was not allowed to be a grandma. His child was told my first name — not Nana or Grammie. I had to call and ask to see them.

Now it has been three years since I have seen my son or grandson. My son always says we need to get together, but he never calls to set it up, and I don’t feel comfortable begging to see him. I am in limbo, and I want to let him go. It hurts, but not as much as this ambivalence. Should I write and tell him, or just fade away? I know he is happy and has a good life, so what more could I hope for?

Brokenhearted Bio-Mom

(FEMALE, 60)

YOU AND BRONSON AT BURT’S I was meeting up with a friend to go out dancing. You were making new friends with the help of your Newfie/ Mastiff mix, as you had just moved to the area. I have hoped to run into you again, without much luck. Maybe we can arrange for all of us to check out Dog Mountain together? When: Saturday, December 7, 2019. Where: Burt’s, Stowe. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914957 RED LIGHT AND I-89 SOUTH You were at a red light in your baby blue SUV, and I was waiting to get onto I-89 in my gray Highlander. We made eye contact while I had my toothbrush in my mouth. For once I didn’t feel selfconscious about brushing my teeth in the car after you kind of shrugged your shoulders and smiled at me. When: Friday, January 3, 2020. Where: red light in Winooski and south I-89 on-ramp. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914956 BREAKFAST PATRON TO WAYSIDE HOSTESS I visit biweekly for breakfast with my son; you remember me and make attempts to not seat us at a tiny table. You are always extremely focused and professional. Today you wore this very lovely dark lipstick. It would be nice to go somewhere and exchange more than two sentences with you, even with your multiple jobs. Let’s chat. When: Sunday, December 29, 2019. Where: Wayside Diner, Berlin. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914952

DUCKSLAYER Duckslayer, I hate being in love with you ... just sayin’. When: Monday, July 31, 2017. Where: being chased by a skunk. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914955 ABSOLUTELY STUNNING WOMAN You were shopping with your mom. We chatted briefly next to the Crayola markers/pens in the afternoon. You were wearing tights that looked like denim jeans. You have a beautiful smile and good energy. I am funny, good-looking, fun to talk to and have a beard. I am your Christmas present. Let’s talk and get to know each other. When: Sunday, December 15, 2019. Where: Walmart. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914949

HEARTFELT HUG FROM ENTHUSIASTIC DANCER You caught my eye diggin’ A Band of Killers. Wonderful energy, and your moves were nailing the backbeat. Second set I got a warm, heartfelt hug because you “had to.� I have literally never needed a hug so much in my life. I’d love to get together for a cup of coffee so that I can thank you. When: Friday, December 13, 2019. Where: Nectar’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914947 MASS. BEAUTY IN VERMONT You came into the store I work at as you paid for gasoline. I looked out the window and noticed the Mass. plates. We chatted about you being a student at Sterling. You said you were headed back to Mass. for the holiday. I said, “Out-of-state women are smarter.� Maybe I live near Sterling. Let’s date. When: Friday, December 13, 2019. Where: in a store in Hardwick. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914946

BARISTAS’ ALOHAS AT THE OP Playing pool with your coworkers, wearing a black hoodie/peach spaghetti-strap top. Promised myself this summer if I saw you outside of your work, I’d tell you how lovely you are and how peaceful your vibe seems. You were caught up in the game, and I didn’t want to interfere with the vibe y’all had going. When: Monday, December 23, 2019. Where: the OP. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914950

TWO GHOSTS IN THE NIGHT We ran into each other at the yoga studio we both love. You are a yoga teacher whose eyeglasses don’t match. I’m a shy aspiring yoga teacher looking to get to know you better. I am hoping we run into each other again soon. When: Thursday, December 12, 2019. Where: yoga studio. You: Nonbinary person. Me: Nonbinary person. #914945

I’ve known people who seemed to drop off the face of the Earth after they got married and had kids. That’s a fairly common occurrence with friends, but the fact that you gave birth to this guy puts a big spin on the situation. I’d like to think your son has just been busy with married life and fatherhood, but three years is quite a long time not to see each other. You shouldn’t worry about what your grandson is allowed to call you at this point, but writing a letter to your son is a great idea. The tricky part: You need to be completely honest about how you feel but also very

THE MOTH We sat next to each other at the Moth. We talked about how the reporting at the New York Times is getting pretty sketchy. We wondered whether the Burlington Free Press could become any more ridiculous. We speculated about explanations from evolutionary psychology on why public speaking is so terrifying. I would very much like it if the conversation could continue. When: Tuesday, December 10, 2019. Where: ArtsRiot. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914943

ROSE, AT CEDAR A blue ... Scion, was it? A long gaze — do I know you? Finally, the word “gorgeous� floats through my mind — does that ring a bell? If so, try me — for tea? When: Sunday, December 15, 2019. Where: Rose St., just after 4:30 in the afternoon. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914948

SNEAKY STRANGER I first saw you lurking around the woods. After I felt your eyes on me for a while, I was overwhelmed by how great it made me feel. I was wearing a glow-in-the-dark T-shirt. Include a better description of my outfit so I know it’s really you. I hope to see you closer to me soon. When: Wednesday, October 23, 2019. Where: North Branch Nature Center. You: Nonbinary person. Me: Nonbinary person. #914951

Dear Brokenhearted Bio-Mom,

GORGEOUS AND GLOWING AT BARKEATERS You sat at the corner of the bar on burger night, a bit of bare shoulder showing, and it glowed. You were a livelier conversationalist than your ponytailed companion. And yes, I was staring. Hi! When: Wednesday, December 11, 2019. Where: Shelburne. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914944

careful not to place any blame, especially on his spouse or adoptive parents. Let him know how much it meant to you to be a part of their lives and that you would like to be there for them again, in whatever way is most comfortable for them.

BARRIO COUPLE, JOIN US SOMETIME? He’s graying; she’s blonde. Both fit and very attractive. You’re Barrio regulars, her on a Mac and him on a PC. We’ve joked about asking you to join us for an evening of warm drinks and conversation and ... perhaps the four of us can find some new ways to stay warm sometime this winter? When: Thursday, December 5, 2019. Where: Barrio Bakery. You: Couple. Me: Couple. #914937 REI: BLONDE IN REDDISH JACKET Afternoon. You: tall blonde in a redcolored jacket, looking at jackets or other outerwear. Me: tall, darkhaired, also looking at jackets toward the front of the store. We made eye contact two to three times. Was hoping to say something but saw you exit without making a purchase. Are you free to meet for a coffee or other drink? When: Sunday, December 1, 2019. Where: REI, Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914940 AGAIN, AT GARDENER’S SUPPLY I didn’t say enough in my original post ... You are kind, knowledgeable, very good with all sorts of people. You are around 5’10, very much in shape, green eyes and so handsome. An A+. How about an ongoing date? When: Wednesday, December 4, 2019. Where: Gardener’s, Williston. You: Man. Me: Man. #914939

If he doesn’t respond, try a more direct route. He’s said that he wants to get together, so you might have to get uncomfortable and be the one to make it happen. Call him up with a few dates in mind to go out for a meal, get a coffee or bring the grandson somewhere fun. If he means what he’s said, something is bound to work. Simply letting the relationship fade away won’t do any good for anybody. Give rekindling it your best shot. If it doesn’t turn out the way you hope, at least you’ll know you tried. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend

What’s your problem?

Send it to SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020


Internet-Free Dating!

He/him. Musician, athlete, woodsman, metalworker, sculptor, hunter, fisherman. #L1381 Single woman, 61, looking for friendship first with like-minded single man, 58 to 66. Looking for intellectual conversation, sharing mutual interests and activities. Good sense of humor, sense of adventure and spontaneity a plus. Love the idea of a written start to something new. Love of a good cup of coffee a plus. Sorry, nonsmokers only. I’m 5’9, so you should be taller. Write me about what you are looking for. Hope to hear from you soon. #L1380

I’m a single man looking for a single female, age 35 and up, with or without kids. Someone who likes the outdoors and activities. I’m very romantic. I’d like someone to go away with on the weekends, and I love to cuddle. I don’t drink, smoke or do drugs. I got a brand-new hot tub in the backyard. I don’t email often but prefer writing or phone calls. #L1387 I’m a fella seeking interesting humans. Reasonable human searching for interesting people to act as momentary diversions on the road to the grave. Make life interesting! #L1383

I’m a GWM, blonde/blue, seeking a GWM. Like everything but anal. Live near Ticonderoga, N.Y. Seeking between 45 and 70. #L1386 Senior bi male. Top seeking sub. Bottom. Keep me warm all winter. Horny day and night. I’m clean and discreet. Oral is hot. I love to watch every drop. Be my bitch. #L1385 We bumped butts about 8:00 at the Walmart in Berlin. You turned around and asked if I enjoyed that as much as you. You wore rimmed glasses. You had cat food in your cart. I would really like to meet you. Me: woman. You: man. #L1382

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check

(made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 10 for a membership (credit accepted).



Submit your FREE message at or use the handy form at right.


We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!



I’m a 60-y/o male seeking a male. Very fit and clean early senior looking for other seniors for relaxation and fun. #L1379 I’m a GWM, mid-50s, seeking any guys interested in breaking the wintertime blues. I have varied interests, intelligence, and I’m a nice guy. You should be, too. No text or email. Let’s chat. MidVermont, Rutland area. #L1378 SWM, 68 y/o, seeks female companion (50 to 70) for arts and/or metaphysical discussions over coffee. Main passions: classical music, the cinema, literature and a wide range of “spiritual” topics. I’m a good communicator, curious and considerate. (PhD in literature.) I appreciate perceptive, compassionate, sensual women. Take a chance! #L1377

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. SWM. Chronological age: 60s; physical appearance: 50s; fitness level: 40s; activity interests: 30s, include snowshoeing, downhill skiing, more. Seeking friendship/ companionship with F for shared experiences enjoying mutual interests. Burlington area. #L1376 53-y/o discreet SWM, 5’10, 156 pounds. Brown and blue. Seeking any guys 18 to 60 who like to receive oral and who are a good top. Well hung guys a plus. Chittenden County and around. No computer. Phone only, but can text or call. #L1375 I’m a 70-plus male seeking a 60-plus female for companionship. Someone to eat supper with and enjoy what few things we can, like country and history. #L1374 I’m a 60-y/o bi male seeking a CD or sissy or horny W. Closet CD virgin in great shape looking for fun. I can role-play, travel. You must be in good shape, too. Teach me the way. #L1373

64-y/o single white male. I live in “The Kingdom,” and I write — so I look forward to any comments. Who are you? I haven’t a clue, because we haven’t met yet. So, this puzzle is for some woman, somewhere, who can accept “I’m No Angel” who’s had enough “Bad Love,” so I’m “Runnin’ Down a Dream” and I’m looking for that “Sugar Magnolia” who wants to trade “Leather & Lace” so we can get back to the “High Life” of “Better Days” and dance the “Moondance” together. If that makes sense and you’re inspired enough to “Take a Chance on Me,” then you just might be the lady I’m looking for. #L1372 I’m a director of films and reggae music. I’m an American black man, 6’3 and 210 pounds. I’ve been a schoolteacher. I’m seeking people who love to dance. I’d like to find a woman who wants to be in a romance movie about space age in the future. I’d like to take you out and tell you more about what I’m doing for this film. #L1371

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

Required confidential info:



I’m a _________________________________________________ __ ____



seeking a____________________________________________ ___________ AGE + GENDER (OPTIONAL)


__________________________________________ ADDRESS

__________________________________________ ADDRESS (MORE)

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________________________ CITY/STATE

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THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at

EVENTS ON SALE AT SEVENDAYSTICKETS.COM Banff Centre Mountain Film Festival World Tour

Green Mountain Roller Derby #EqualPay Game

Teton Gravity Research Roadless Premiere

Safety Last!





Spice on Snow Winter Music Festival

Vermont Mezze Class



60 First Dates

Artemisia’s Intent

Family Night Out

Ethiopian / Eritrean Pop-Up Dinner

Made In Vermont

Rogue Devising Workshop with The Anthropologists







Winter Wilderness Skills: UnSchool at Audubon

20 Zero Waste Hacks To Adopt in 2020 TUE., JAN. 28 HOTEL VERMONT, BURLINGTON


You Are Enough Even Without the Stuff

A Show with Cookies!

Silents Are Golden

Physical Theater Workshop for Writers and Performers





Tricky Tracks: Family Tracking Program

Annie in the Water with Hayley Jane






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No cost to you Local support Built-in promotion Custom options

SELL TICKETS WITH US! Contact: 865-1020, ext. 10 SEVEN DAYS JANUARY 22-29, 2020


1/21/20 4:50 PM

You + Goals



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1t-NEFCU012220 1

1/21/20 3:34 PM



Lucy AGE/SEX: 3-year-old spayed female ARRIVAL DATE: December 6, 2019 REASON HERE: Lucy was no longer a good fit for her previous home. SUMMARY: With her cute little eye patch, adorable bat ears and funloving personality, Lucy has a lot to offer her new family! She would love a laid-back home environment where she can settle in and get comfortable with her people. She’s a playful pup who enjoys games of fetch with her humans and racing around the yard with her doggy friends, but she is also an A+ snuggler. If you think she could be the Lucy to your Ethel, stop in and meet this friendly lady today!


of Chittenden County


Lucy’s adoption fee includes three sessions with our pawsome dog trainers! While all of our canine residents receive personalized training at HSCC, some dogs need a little more help to boost their chance of long-term success at home. Plus, training is a fun way to bond with your new pet! Lucy loves being in “dog class” at HSCC and promises to be a star pupil for you, too!

DOGS/CATS: Lucy has no experience living with another dog but has done well with other dogs in the past. She has lived with a cat. She has no known experience living with children.

Sponsored by:

Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.


housing »


on the road »


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jobs »


on the road

CARS/TRUCKS CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)


FOR RENT 2-BR NEAR WILLISTON Bright, clean, open living space. 2-BR, shower BA. Large grassed area. Minutes from I-89, Taft Corners. School bus. All appliances. Parking. 900 sq.ft. $1,150/mo.



housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)



display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x21

OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.

MJS Contracting

3-BR HOUSE FOR RENT Off-street parking, Call Mike @ W/D hookups, water & 802-343-0089 rubbish incl. No pets. $1,800/mo. + utils. apply. 802-655-1810, 1-year lease & sec. dep. req. NS/pets. Call Dave, lgclassydisplay-MJScontracting100219.indd 9/30/19 4:29 PM 1 802-318-6075. KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! AFFORDABLE BECOME A PUBLISHED 1-BR, $1,054/mo.; 2-BR, 2-BR APT. AVAIL. AUTHOR! $1,266/mo.; 3-BR, At Keen’s Crossing. We edit, print & distribute 2-BR: $1,266/mo., heat & $1,397/mo. Spacious your work internationally. interiors, fully appliHW incl. Open floor plan, We do the work; you reap fully applianced kitchen, anced kitchen, fi tness the rewards! Call for a center, heat & HW incl. fi tness center, pet free Author’s Submission Income restrictions friendly, garage parking. Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN apply. 802-655-1810, Income restrictions CAN)

Sliding-scale fee. Located in Underhill, Vt., where the former Maple Leaf Treatment Center was located. 10 Maple Leaf Rd. Flexible hours, by appointment. 802-318-5664. Email Cynthia Taylor, MA.

ELDERCARE A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisers help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. 1-855-993-2495. (AANCAN)

print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x10

ENTERTAINMENT DISH TV $59.99 for 190 channels + $14.95 high-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl., free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-855-380-2501. (AAN CAN)

FINANCIAL/LEGAL AUTO INSURANCE Starting at $49/mo.! Call for your fee rate comparison to see how much you can save. Call 855-569-1909. (AAN CAN)

NEED HELP W/ FAMILY LAW? Can’t afford a $5,000 retainer? Low-cost legal services: Pay as you go, as low as $750-1,500. Get legal help now! Call 1-844-821-8249, Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-4 p.m. PCT. familycourtdirect. com/?network=1. (AAN CAN) RECENTLY DIAGNOSED W/ LUNG CANCER & 60+ years old? Call now! You & your family may be entitled to a significant cash award. Call 844-269-1881 today. Free consultation. No risk. (AAN CAN)

STRUGGLING W/ YOUR PRIVATE STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT? New relief programs can reduce your payments. Learn your options. Good credit not necessary. Call the Helpline 888-6705631. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. EST. (AAN CAN)

HEALTH/ WELLNESS 1-STOP SHOP For all your catheter needs. We accept Medicaid, Medicare & insurance. Try before you buy. Quick & easy. Give us a call: 866-2822506. (AAN CAN)


We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!

Route 15, Hardwick


3842 Dorset Ln., Williston




sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM

appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


OFFICE FOR RENT IN STOWE ISO fellow clinician or individual. Space is not limited to therapy or therapists. Route 100 Stowe, Vt., 56 Old Farm Dr. Fully furnished. julie.


Repos, Donations & More! Public Auto Auction Saturday, January 25 @ 9AM Register & Inspect from 7:30AM

298 J Brown Dr., Williston, VT 1-800-474-6132



NEED A ROOMMATE? will help you find your perfect match today! (AAN CAN)

LIFE COACHING Struggles can become hurdles, teaching you how to jump. Travel w/ me to discover your strength, ability & inner peace. Heidi M. Richards, M.Ed. 802-922-4979.

Foreclosure: 3BR/1.5BA cape style home built in 1880 has walkout basement, deck on back, 3-season porch Home is on a 0.27± acre lot. AUCTION: Tuesday, February 4 @ 11AM 2314 Forest Dale Rd., Brandon, VT Open House: Fri., Jan. 24 from 12-2PM Foreclosure: 2BR/1BA cape style home with 2BR/1BA, full basement on a 0.27± acre lot that overlooks Stevens Branch. End of street location, close to area amenities. AUCTION: Thursday, February 6 @ 11AM 103 Smith St., Barre, VT

LOOKING FOR A JOB? We can help! We offer free, customized employment support. No paperwork or prerequisites! Email jobsupport@ or call 888-492-8218, ext. 303 for a meeting. PSYCHOTHERAPY Starting a new psychotherapy practice. Master’s-level practitioner. Areas of interest: core conflict relationship therapy. Trained in modern psychoanalysis.

Two building lots (being sold individually). Lot #2 has 5.4± acres with septic design for a 3BR home. Lot #3 has 4.8± acres with septic design for a 4BR home. Mostly wooded lots have power at the roadside. Walk the land any time. AUCTION: Tuesday, February 11 @ 2PM 1699 East Elmore Rd., Elmore, VT

Thomas Hirchak Company • • 800-634-7653 Untitled-3 1

ADV Thom FRO Phon Adve

TO: COM PHO Foreclosure: 4BR/2BA log home has 2,674± SF, basement, private driveway, and views of Jay Peak. 50± acres. AUCTION: Tue., January 28 @ 11AM 4338 S Main St., Montgomery Center, VT

COMPUTER COMPUTER ISSUES? Free diagnosis by geeks on-site! Virus removal, data recovery. 24-7 emergency $20 off any service w/ coupon 42522. Restrictions apply. 866-996-1581. (AAN CAN)

HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010


GET RID OF YOUR TIME-SHARE TODAY! Safely, ethically & legal. Don’t delay. Call today: 1-844-757-4717. (AAN CAN)

PINECREST AT ESSEX 9 Joshua Way, Essex Jct. Independent senior living for those 55+ years. 1-BR avail. Feb. 1, $1,240/mo. incl. utils. & parking garage. NS/ pets. 802-872-9197 or

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:


1/17/20 4:10 PM

1/16 1/8= 1/4= 1/2=




REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon to or 802-865-1020, x22.







OPEN Sunday 1-3 Don't miss out on this little slice of paradise offering 4 levels of living space with 4-6 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, many recent improvements, stainless kitchen appliances, a fireplace, and beautiful woodwork throughout on 1.8 acres with 285 feet of owned frontage on Lake Sunset! $519,500

Lipkin Audette Team 846.8800

Explore the Model Home and Design Center at Hillside at O'Brien Farm. Located on a picturesque hillside, this 30+ acre neighborhood offers 118 energyefficient homes in the heart of South Burlington. Choose from 20 unique home designs, floor plans, and finishes. Prices Starting at $366,000.


Lipkin Audette Team 662.0162

This well-established restaurant is in a prime down-town St. Johnsbury location! Seating for 74 people, spacious commercial kitchen, alarm system, central a/c, off street parking plus adjacent to additional public parking. Great opportunity to own your own business. Sale includes business and real estate. $500,000

Mary Scott 802-274-8097

HW-timscottrealestate012220.indd 1

1/20/20 12:33 PM


NORTH HERO | 1576 BRIDGE RD | 4783908

List your properties here and online for only $45/ week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon.

OPEN Sunday 12-2 Cedar sided, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home with open backyard, woods, and shed. Close to lake access and set back for privacy. NEW appliances and cathedral ceilings. 45 minutes to Burlington. $229,900

Call or email Kristen today to get started: 865-1020 x22,

Katrina E. Roberts, Broker Greentree Real Estate (802) 989-2833

Untitled-25 1 hw-GreenTree010820.indd GENTLE TOUCH 1

MASSAGE Specializing in deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish & relaxation massage for men. Practicing massage therapy for over 12 years. Gregg,,, 802-234-8000 (call or text). PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes, more. 802-899-3542,

HOME/GARDEN LOOKING FOR SELFSTORAGE UNITS? We have them! Self Storage offers clean & affordable storage to fi t any need. Reserve today! 1-855-617-0876. (AAN CAN)


1/6/20 5:32 PM

buy this stuff

APPLIANCES/ TOOLS/PARTS BASEBOARD HEATERS 3 used electric baseboard heaters w/ 2 separate wall-mount thermostats. 5’ wide. $65 for all. 540-2264478 (texts OK).

6/6/16 4:30 PM



WOOD PELLET STOVE Enviro Empress, pellet fireplace insert. Fits 20-24” wide by 40-44” high opening. Porcelain maroon color. Asking $1,500. Excellent condition. vtabt@

MISC. ITEMS FOR SALE New queen cedar bed w/ 10’’ gel foam mattress w/ drawers & wheels. $500. Total gym & ab crunch w/ manual & DVDs. New inversion table model #201309. Baffin fishing boots, size 13, wool liners. Korker ice cleats. Strikemaster laser auger 2.0 HP. New portable Eskimo shanty (quick fish 3). Hoover Max Extract rug shampooer #F7411-900. Ninja Intelli-Sense kitchen system. 802-495-1954.

FREE STUFF RESIDENTIAL CLEANING Free estimates to clean your house, apt., condo, Airbnb, rentals. Plattsburgh, N.Y., & surrounding areas. Contact Julie at 518-541-5234.

HOUSEHOLD ITEMS MOVING SALE: ALL MUST GO! Microwave, slow cooker, tableware, silverware, cookware, pans, knife set, TV, DVD player, bedding, lamps, Tupperware, wicker chest, coolers, jug, vases. Call 540-2264478 (texts OK).

MISCELLANEOUS ORLANDO + DAYTONA BEACH Florida vacation! Enjoy 7 days and 6 nights w/ Hertz, Enterprise or Alamo car rental incl. Only $298. 12 mo. to use.

855-898-8912. (AAN CAN) PROPERTY SERVICES Free estimates. Basement waterproofing, foundations, sump pumps, French drains, painting, drywall, stonework, hardscapes. Plattsburgh, N.Y., & surrounding areas. Geno: 518-217-2336. RINNAI DIRECT-VENT FURNACE Used Rinnai direct-vent wall furnace, 20,7008,200 BTU. Incl. all parts & installation manual. $950. 540-226-4478 (texts OK). rcserves@

VIAGRA & CIALIS! 60 pills for $99. 100 pills for $150. Free shipping. Money back guaranteed! Call today: 1-844-8795238. (AAN CAN)

PETS ADORABLE BABY BUNNIES 2 sweet, friendly bunnies (both female) need a loving home. They are wonderful pets! About 7 weeks old. Please contact the Vanegas family: 541-580-5322, juan.m.vanegas@gmail. com.



buy this stuff [CONTINUED]

WANT TO BUY WANTED: FREON R12. WE PAY CA$H. R12, R500, R11. Convenient. Certified professionals. www. ad, 312-291-9169.


INSTRUCTION ANDY’S MOUNTAIN MUSIC Affordable, accessible, no-stress instruction in banjo, guitar, mandolin, more. All ages/skill

levels/interests welcome! Dedicated teacher offering references, results, convenience. Andy Greene, 802-658-2462, guitboy75@hotmail. com, andysmountain

just $20! All ages & skill levels welcome. Avail. for workshops, too. Pocketmusic. musicteachershelper. com, 201-565-4793,


BASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, VOICE LESSONS & MORE! Learn piano, voice, guitar, bass, violin, drums, voice, flute, sax, trumpet, production & beyond w/ some of Vermont’s best instructors in spacious lesson studios at the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine St. All levels & styles are welcome, incl. absolute beginners! Gift certificates avail. Come share in the music. burlingtonmusicdojo. com, info@burlington

REHEARSAL SPACE Lovely, air-conditioned & furnished creativespace rooms avail. by the hour in the heart of the South End district. Monthly arrangements avail., as well. Tailored for music but can be multipurpose. info@ burlingtonmusicdojo. com, 802-540-0321.

GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,


CREATIVE SPACE THEATER, REHEARSAL SPACE Theater, rehearsal, event space for rent in Old North End. Off Center for the Dramatic

HARMONICA LESSONS W/ ARI Lessons in Montpelier & on Skype. 1st lesson


Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.




4x 16x

View Date 01/30/2020 Sale Date 01/31/2020

lost & found LOST BOXER DOG IN BOLTON Lost dog from 4181 Notch Rd. in Bolton, since Jan. 13, around 3:30 p.m. Harper, an 8.5-year-old tan colored boxer w/ a black face. Harper is wearing a blue quilted jacket & a shock collar. Harper does not have her collar w/ her dog tags on but is registered in Bolton & is up to date on all of her vaccines. Harper is friendly, has a brain tumor, is mostly blind & deaf, & has weak back legs. She may seem to be wandering & often in

Ethan Lakota Unit #406 Tiffany Thomas Unit #19 Victoria Wilson Units #114, 435

North Country Career Center, Community Room, 209 Veterans Ave, Newport, VT 05855 January 23, 2020 6:30pm – 8:00pm Snow date: February 3, 2020, same time

Easy Self Storage 46 Swift South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 863-8300

Howard Dean Education Center, Atrium, 307 South St, Springfield, VT 05156 January 27, 2020 6:00pm – 8:00pm Snow date: February 5, 2020, same time

NOTICE OF PUBLIC COMMENT The Vermont Agency of Education is soliciting public comment on the draft state plan required under the federal Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Public Law 115-224) (“Perkins 5”). This Act

Bellows Free Academy, Performing Arts Center, 71 South Main St, St. Albans, VT 05478 January 28, 2020 6:00pm – 8:00pm


Complete the following puzzle by using the numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.

2 5


1 2

9 8 3



2 8


Public hearings on the draft Vermont Perkins 5 State Plan will be conducted in the following locations, on these dates:

1 7 4-


provides federal funds to Vermont to assist in improving career technical education programs for students enrolled in secondary and postsecondary career technical education programs. Information on the state plan is posted at https:// student-learning/flexible-pathways/careertechnical-education/ perkins-v.





2 ARTIST STUDIOS AVAIL. 2 large artist’s work space studios, very reasonable rent, all utils. incl., beautiful location. 12 artists in situ., text 802-999-4394.

circles due to her health condition. Please call 434-4373, 802-9992892 or 802-318-1959 or email patti.lou.who@ ASAP w/ any information.


2÷ 1-

Arts: an affordable, accessible, intimate black box theater avail. theoffcenter@gmail. com.

Difficulty - Medium


4 8 6 1 5 5 2 6 4 4 8 3 7

No. 620


Difficulty: Medium




Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.















3 4 8 6 2 5 7 1 9

ANSWERS ON P. C-7 6 1 ★7★ = CHALLENGING 8 9 3 ★2★★4= HOO, 5 BOY! ★ = MODERATE

2 5 9 1 7 4 8 6 3 9 6 5 2 3 7 4 8 1 8 2 4 9 6 1 5 3 7

Snow date: February 4, 2020, same time Central Vermont Career, Conference Room 136, 155 Ayers St, Barre, VT 05641 January 30, 2020 6:00pm – 8:00pm Snow date: February 6, 2020, same time Parents, students and community members are encouraged to attend. Each session will start with a 30-minute information session about the draft State Plan. A limited supply of sandwiches and beverages will be available. Translators and sign language interpreters may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the date of the hearing by contacting Miranda Scott, Program Technician, Vermont Agency of Education by phone at (802) 828-5868 or by e-mail at miranda. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance ZA-20-04 Minimum Parking Requirements Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4441 and §4444, notice is hereby given of a public hearing by the Burlington Planning Commission to hear comments on the following proposed amendments to the City of Burlington’s Comprehensive Development Ordinance (CDO). The public hearing will take place on Tuesday, February 11, 2020 beginning at 6:45pm in the Burlington Police Department Community Room, 1 North Avenue, Burlington, VT. Pursuant to the requirements of 24 V.S.A. §4444(b): Statement of purpose: This amendment is proposed to the Burlington CDO as follows: • ZA-20-04: The purpose of this amendment is establish a new Multi-Modal Mixed Use parking district, to replace the Downtown Parking District, in which there would be no on-site minimum parking requirements for new development. The amendment also eliminates the parking requirement for Affordable Housing, adaptive reuse of a listed historic building, and Accessory Dwelling Units. The proposed amendment further extinguishes parking requirements for existing developments

within this district to enable greater flexibility for shared parking, and introduces a transportation demand management requirement for projects larger than 10 housing units or 15,000 sq.ft. GFA. Finally, the amendment lowers the maximum parking limits for all parking districts citywide, and incorporates minimum parking standards for several uses not already incorporated in Article 8. Geographic areas affected: the proposed amendments are applicable to the following areas: •ZA-20-04: Applicable to mixed-use zoning districts, including the Form Districts 5 and 6; the Downtown Waterfront Public Trust; Neighborhood Activity Center, NAC-Riverside and NACCambrian Rise; and Neighborhood Mixed Use. Further applies to properties with street frontage up to a depth of 200 ft. along North Avenue (Sherman St to Plattsburg Ave), Colchester Ave, Pearl St, N Winooski Ave, Riverside Ave (N Winooski to Colchester), Battery St, Main St, Pine St, St. Paul St, and Shelburne Rd, and to affordable housing, adaptive reuse, and ADUs regardless of zoning district. List of section headings affected: • ZA-20-04: The proposed amendment affects Sec 8.1.3 and Map 8.1.3-1 Parking Districts; Sec. 8.1.6; Sec. 8.1.8 and Table 8.1.8-1 Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements; Sec. 8.1.9 and Table 8.1.9-1 Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements; Sec. 8.1.10; Sec 8.1.11 and Table 8.1.11-1 Minimum Parking Dimensions; Sections 8.1.12, 8.1.13, 8.1.14, and 8.1.15; and adds a new Sec. 8.1.16 Transportation Demand Management. The full text of the Burlington Comprehensive Development Ordinance and the proposed amendment is available for review at the Office of City Planning, City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the department’s website at Proposed-AmendmentsBefore-the-PlanningCommission


STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET # 692-819 CNCV LAKEVIEW LOAN SERVICING, LLC. Plaintiff v. JOHN C. KIRBY, AMANDA BOUVIER AND VERMONT DEPARTMENT OF TAXES OCCUPANTS OF: 66 Village Green, Burlington VT Defendants SUMMONS & ORDER FOR PUBLICATION THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO: John C. Kirby 1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. A copy of the Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file and may be obtained at the office of the clerk of this court, Chittenden Unit, Civil Division, Vermont Superior Court, 175 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont. Do not throw this paper away. It is an official paper that affects your rights. 2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and

Mortgage Deed dated August 5, 2016. Plaintiff’s action may effect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Burlington at Volume 1313, Page 380. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Chittenden, State of Vermont. 3. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plaintiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is January 8, 2020. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney, LORAINE L. HITE, Esq. of Bendett and McHugh, PC, located at 270 Farmington Avenue, Ste. 151, Farmington, CT 06032. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at 175 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont. 4. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s

Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer. 5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the complaint. 6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must


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still file any Counterclaims you may have. 7. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case. ORDER The Affidavit duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the method provided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defendant, John C. Kirby, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4 (g) of those Rules. This order shall be published once a week for 3 weeks beginning on January 8, 2020 in The Seven Days, a newspaper of the general circulation in Burlington, Vermont, and a copy of this summons and order as pub-

lished shall be mailed to the defendant John C. Kirby, at 66 Village Green, Burlington, VT 05408 and 43 Randall Street, Waterbury, VT 05676. Dated at Burlington Vermont this 17th day of December 2019 Hon. Helen M. Toor Presiding Judge Chittenden Unit, Civil Division STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 714-7-14 CNCV HOME POINT FINANCIAL CORPORATION v. MELISSA A. WILLETTE AKA MELISSA WILLETTE, BRUCE E. WILLETTE, JR., DONNA L. DIAZ, GABRIEL DIAZ AND BURGESS ENTERPRISES, INC. DBA ENVIRONMENTAL FOAM OF VERMONT OCCUPANTS OF: 112 Tracy Drive, Burlington VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered May 29, 2019, in the

Post & browse ads at your convenience. above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Melissa A. Willette and Bruce E. Willette, Jr. to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Maverick Funding Corp., dated October 18, 2013 and recorded in Book 1235 Page 281 of the land records of the City of Burlington, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Maverick Funding Corp to Maverick Funding Corp. n/k/a Home Point Financial Corporation dated June 2, 2014 and recorded in Book 1253 Page 532 of the land records of the City of Burlington for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 112 Tracy Drive, Burlington, Vermont on February 4, 2020 at 12:30 PM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Bruce E. Willette, Jr. and Melissa Wil-

lette by Warranty Deed of Donna Orr dated on or about even date herewith and to be recorded in the City of Burlington Land Records. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Donna Orr (k/n/a Donna L. Diaz) by Warranty Deed of Ralph M. Sumner, II dated November 17, 2000 and of record at Volume 663, Page 612 of the City of Burlington Land Records. Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Ralph M. Sumner, II by Warranty Deed of Nicola J. Quintin dated July 31, 2000 and recorded in Volume 655, at Page 711 of the City of Burlington Land Records being more particularly described as follows: A lot of land with all buildings thereon, situated on the northerly side of Tracy Drive; the dwelling house thereon being known and designated as No. 112 Tracy Drive; and being all of Lot No. 29 as shown on a Plan of Land recorded in Volume 148, Page 218 of the city of Burlington Land Records. Said lot has a frontage on Tracy Drive of 70 feet, and a depth of 118 feet.

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Reference is hereby made to the above-mentioned instruments, the records thereof, the referenced therein made, and their respective records and references, in further aid of this description. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled









[CONTINUED] to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale.

Available Summer 2020

• • • • •

Other terms to be announced at the sale.

AVAILABLE FALL 2020 2,400 square feet 438 employees currently on Tilley Drive 8,900 Average Daily Trips 11,327 Households within a 3 mile radius 2,046 Employees within a 1 mile radius

DATED : December 18, 2019 By: /S/Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032



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TO: Elizabeth Matthews, Mother of X.L., you are hereby notified that the State of Vermont has filed a petition to terminate your residual parental rights to X.L. and that the hearing to consider the termination of all residual parental rights to X.L. will be held on January 24, 2020 at 8:30 a.m. at the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Family Division, at 32 Cherry Street, Burlington, Vermont. You are notified to appear in connection with this case. Failure to appear at this hearing may result in termination of all of your parental rights to X.L. The State is represented by the Attorney General’s Office, HC 2 North, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2080. A copy of this order shall be mailed to Elizabeth Matthews if an address for him is known. Superior Court Judge Date: January 9, 2020 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 277-5-17 WNCV NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC D/B/A CHAMPION MORTGAGE v. PAUL GUARE, ADMINISTRATOR OF THE ESTATE OF JEAN BUZZELL-VILLA AND SECRETARY OF

In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered November 6, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Jean Buzzell-Villa to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated August 12, 2009 and recorded in Book 573 Page 329 of the land records of the City of Montpelier, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated April 26, 2017 and recorded in Book 679 Page 657 and (2) Assignment of Mortgage from Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. to Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage dated September 6, 2017 and recorded in Book 682 Page 405, both of the land records of the Town of Montpelier for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 14 George Street, Montpelier, Vermont on February 18, 2020 at 1:00 PM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN LOT, PIECE OR PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE BUILDINGS AND IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, SITUATE LYING AND BEING IN WASHINGTON COUNTY, STATE OF VERMONT, BEING ALL AND THE SAME LAND AND PREMISES CONVEYED TO MARTIN AND JOAN FITZGERALD BY WARRANTY DEED OF G. DAVID AND MURIEL EATON, DATED MAY 12, 1977 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 147 PAGES 304306 OF THE MONTPELIER LAND RECORDS. SAID LAND AND PREMISES ARE CONVEYED HEREWITH TOGETHER WITH ALL RIGHTS OF WAY AS SET FORTH IN THE AFOREMENTIONED DEED AND ITS RECORD. SAID PREMISES ARE

SUBJECT TO SUCH A STATE OF FACTS AS AN ACCURATE SURVEY MIGHT DISCLOSE AND TO ANY AND ALL PROVISIONS OR ANY ORDINANCE, MUNICIPAL REGULATION, EXECUTIVE ORDER OR PUBLIC OR PRIVATE LAW, EASEMENT, COVENANT, RESTRICTION, RESERVATION, AGREEMENT, RIGHT OF WAY, BUILDING AND BUILDING LINE RESTRICTIONS AS APPEARING OF RECORD AND AFFECTING THE SUBJECT PREMISES. MEANING AND INTENDING HEREBY TO DESCRIBE AND CONVEY THE SAME PREMISES CONVEYED TO ALBERT VILLA AND JEAN BUZZELLVILLA BY DEED FROM MARTIN FITZAGERALD AND JOHN FITZERALD, HUSBAND AND WIFE, DATED JULY 23, 1987 AND RECORDED ON JULY 24, 1987 IN VOLUME 208, PAGE 491 OF THE LAND RECORDS IN AND FOR MONTPELIER, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF VERMONT. Commonly known as 14 George Street Montpelier, VT 05602 However, by showing this address additional coverage is provided. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale.

DATED : January 3, 2020 By: /S/ Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CALEDONIA UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 177-7-18 CACV NORTHEAST HOME LOAN, LLC v. GARY GUYER OCCUPANTS OF: 34 Raymond Street, Lyndon VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered June 10, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Gary Guyer to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Northeast Home Loans, LLC, dated July 14, 2011 and recorded in Book 207 Page 84 of the land records of the Town of Lyndon, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Northeast Home Loans, LLC to Northeast Home Loans, LLC dated January 22, 2014 and recorded in Book 221 Page 367 of the land records of the Town of Lyndon for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 34 Raymond Street, Lyndon, Vermont on February 19, 2020 at 10:00 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: Being certain lands and premises consisting of a lot of land with a dwelling house and improvements thereon located on the southerly side of Raymond Street in the Village of Lyndonville, and known and numbered as 34 Raymond Street, as conveyed to Michael Guyer, David Guyer and Gary Guyer by warranty deed of Francis Guyer dated January 2, 2001 and recorded in Book 137 at Page 389 of the Lyndon Land Records; the interests of Michael Guyer and David Guyer having been conveyed to Gary Guyer by warranty deed of near or even date herewith and


ORWELL Share a home w/ active, creative senior man. $300/mo. plus help w/ snow shoveling, companionship, and a bit of lifting. Must be dog-friendly! No add’l pet

Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO Alternative Loan1:48 Trust 1/13/20 PM 2005-1, Mortgage Pass Through Certificates, Series 2005-1, U.S. Bank, National Association as Trustee dated May 6, 2016 and recorded in Book 120 Page 524, both of the land records of the Town of Hardwick for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 1859 West Hill Road, Hardwick, Vermont on February 4, 2020 at 10:00 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit:










45 8 1 7 5 9 6 1- 5 2 4 3 1 7 2 9 3 8 6

3 16x 6 2 9 18 7 5 1 4

4x 1-



2 3 1 4 5 6 8 2÷ 1 2 48x 9 4 3 7 5

5 6 3 2 1 2 5 9 3 7 4 3 15x7 6 1 5 8 8 6 4 2 1 9

1 2 6 5 4 742 8 4 5 9 1 6 3

4 5 2 6 3

1 7+9 4 5 6 3 8 5+1 3 7 2 6 Difficulty - Medium 9 4 5 8 7 2





Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.

No. 620


Difficulty: Medium


given by Richard Cheney, Jr. to CitiMortgage, Inc. dated October 20, 2004 and recorded in Book 120 Page 257 of the land records of the Town of Hardwick, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from CitiMortgage, Inc. to U.S. Bank, National Association as Trustee for MASTR Alternative Loan Trust 2005-1 dated November 14, 2012 and recorded in Book 120 Page 521 and (2) Corrective Assignment of Mortgage from CitiMortgage, Inc. to MASTR


costs and expenses of Homeshare-011520.indd 1 1, MORTGAGE PASS the sale. Other terms THROUGH CERTIFICATES, to be announced at the SERIES 2005-1, U.S. sale. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE DATED : January 6, 2020 v. By: /S/Rachel K. LjungRICHARD CHENEY, JR. gren, Esq. OCCUPANTS OF: 1859 Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. West Hill Road, Hardwick Bendett and McHugh, PC VT 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF Farmington, CT 06032 FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR In accordance with the COURT CALEDONIA Judgment Order and UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION Decree of Foreclosure enDOCKET NO: 15-1-19 tered October 30, 2019, in CACV the above captioned acMASTR ALTERNATIVE tion brought to foreclose LOAN TRUST 2005that certain mortgage


The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the

E. MONTPELIER Share a home w/ lovely mountain views with senior who enjoys community involvement. Provide companionship, transportation & cook 3-4 meals/wk. $300/mo.


TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale.

Senior woman who enjoys antiquing, seeking housemate to help w/ laundry, some lifting, walkway shoveling & sharing companionship. $300/mo. Private BA.


Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.



Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description.



Reference is hereby made to the aforesaid deed and its record and to all prior deeds in the chain of title and the records thereof for a further and more particular description of the lands and premises hereby conveyed.

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to be recorded simultaneously with this deed in the Land Records of the Town of Lyndon.

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Closing Date: October 20, 2004 Borrower(s): Richard Cheney, Jr. Property Address: 1859 West Hill Road, Hardwick, VT 05843 Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Mary Jane Upton and Gerald Upton, Jr. by Warranty Deed of Leo A. St. Denis and Rita M. St. Denis dated April 19, 1989 of record at Book 81, Page 150 of the Town of Hardwick Land Records. Being 10.1 acres, more or less, of land located on the westerly side of Hartick Town Highway No. 20. The premises herein are more particularly described with reference to a survey of Northeast Surveys entitled “Land survey for A. & G. LaCasse - Hardwick, Vermont - Scale 1” = 200’ - Sept. 1985” wherein said premises are referred to as “Lot #1 thereof, as follows: Beginning at an iron pin driven in the ground at or near the westerly right of way limits of said Town Highway No. 20 at a common corner with Lot #2; thence N 74 degrees 45’ W 1,026 feet along a blazed line on said Lot #2 lot line to an iron pipe driven in the ground at a common corner with Lot #2 and on the common line with Lot #4; thence turning left and running S 20 degrees E 687 feet along a blazed line on said Lot #4 lot line to an iron pin driven in the ground at a common corner with an undesignated lot; thence turning left and running S 89 degrees E 714 feet along a blazed line on said undesignated lot line to an iron pin driven in the ground near the westerly right of way limits of said Town Highway No. 20; thence continuing S 89 degrees E 25 feet to the center line of said Town Highway No. 20; thence turning to the left and running northerly 390 feet on said center line to a point opposite the point of beginning; thence turning left and running N 74 degrees 45’ W 25 feet to the point of beginning; all courses, bearings and distances being approximate and more or less only. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles,

municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED : December 3, 2019 By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032

support groups VISIT SEVENDAYSVT. COM TO VIEW A FULL LIST OF SUPPORT GROUPS ADDICT IN THE FAMILY: SUPPORT GROUP FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILIES OF ADDICTS AND ALCOHOLICS Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m., Holy Family/St. Lawrence Parish, 4 Prospect St., Essex Junction. For further information, please visit thefamilyrestored. org or contact Lindsay Duford at 781-960-3965 or 12lindsaymarie@gmail. com. ADULT SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE LOSS SUPPORT GROUP Meetings are every third Thursday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in Williston, VT. The support group is for anyone who has been touched by suicide loss recently or long ago who wants to work through their grief in a safe, respectful environment. Contact Joanna at joanna. or 802-777-5244. Maria at mariagrindle@msn. com or 802-879-9576. Please leave a message

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so we can get back to you for a mutually acceptable time to talk. AL-ANON For families & friends of alcoholics. For meeting info, go to vermont or call 866-972-5266. ALATEEN GROUP Alateen group in Burlington on Sundays from 5-6 p.m. at the UU building at the top of Church St. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Daily meetings in various locations. Free. Info, 864-1212. Want to overcome a drinking problem? Take the first step of 12 & join a group in your area. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION SUPPORT GROUP This caregivers support group meets on the 2nd Tue. of every mo. from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Alzheimer’s Association Main Office, 300 Cornerstone Dr., Suite 130, Williston. Support groups meet to provide assistance and information on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. They emphasize shared experiences, emotional support, and coping techniques in care for a person living with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. Meetings are free and open to the public. Families, caregivers, and friends may attend. Please call in advance to confirm date and time. For questions or additional support group listings, call 800-272-3900. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Tuesday monthly, 4-5:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required (to receive dial-in codes for toll-free call). Please dial the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24/7 Helpline 800-272-3900 for more information. ALZHEIMER’S CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP Meets the second Monday of the month at Milton Public Library. Led by Alzheimer’s Association representative and trained facilitator. Free. For more information, call 802-893-4644 or email library@miltonvt. gov. events/ 547688285632277.




support groups [CONTINUED] ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS W/ DEBT? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Anonymous. Wed., 6:30-7:30 p.m., Methodist Church in the Rainbow Room at Buell & S. Winooski, Burlington. Contact Jennifer, 917-568-6390. BABY BUMPS SUPPORT GROUP FOR MOTHERS AND PREGNANT WOMEN Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of your life. But, it can also be a time of stress that is often compounded by hormonal swings. If you are a pregnant woman, or have recently given birth and feel you need some help with managing emotional bumps in the road that can come with motherhood,

please come to this free support group lead by an experienced pediatric Registered Nurse. Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Birthing Center, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans. Info: Rhonda Desrochers, Franklin County Home Health Agency, 527-7531. BETTER BREATHERS CLUB American Lung Association support group for people with breathing issues, their loved ones or caregivers. Meets first Monday of the month, 11 a.m.-noon at the Godnick Center, 1 Deer St., Rutland. For more information call 802-776-5508. BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP IN ST. JOHNSBURY Monthly meetings will be held on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m., at the Grace United Methodist Church, 36 Central St., St. Johnsbury. The support group will offer valuable resources & info about brain injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe,

secure & confidential environment. Info, Tom Younkman,, 800-639-1522. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT Montpelier daytime support group meets the 3rd Thu. of the mo. at the Unitarian Church ramp entrance, 1:30-2:30 p.m. St. Johnsbury support group meets the 3rd Wed. monthly at the Grace United Methodist Church, 36 Central St., 1:00-2:30 p.m. Colchester Evening support group meets the 1st Wed. monthly at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the Board Room Conference Room, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Brattleboro meets at Brooks Memorial Library on the 1st Thu. monthly from 1:15-3:15 p.m. and the 3rd Mon. monthly from 4:15-6:15 p.m. White River Jct. meets the 2nd Fri. monthly at Bugbee Sr. Ctr. from 3-4:30 p.m. Call our helpline at 877-856-1772. CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group will be

held every 2nd Tue. of the mo., 6-7:45 p.m. at the Hope Lodge, 237 East Ave., Burlington. Newly diagnosed? Prostate cancer reoccurrence? General discussion and sharing among survivors and those beginning or rejoining the battle. Info, Mary L. Guyette RN, MS, ACNS-BC, 274-4990, vmary@aol. com. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Overcome any hurt, habit or hangup in your life with this confidential 12-Step, Christ-centered recovery program. We offer multiple support groups for both men and women, such as chemical dependency, codependency, sexual addiction and pornography, food issues, and overcoming abuse. All 18+ are welcome; sorry, no childcare. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; we begin at 7 p.m. Essex Alliance Church, 37 Old Stage Rd., Essex Junction. Info: recovery@essex, 878-8213. CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery meetings are for anyone with struggles with hurt, habits and hang

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1/20/20 4:47 PM

ups, which includes everyone in some way. We welcome everyone at Cornerstone Church in Milton which meets every Friday night at 7-9 p.m. We’d love to have you join us and discover how your life can start to change. Info: 893-0530, julie@ CENTRAL VERMONT CELIAC SUPPORT GROUP Last Thu. of every month, 7:30 p.m. in Montpelier. Please contact Lisa Mase for location: lisa@ harmonizecookery. com. CEREBRAL PALSY GUIDANCE Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a very comprehensive informational website broadly covering the topic of cerebral palsy and associated medical conditions. It’s mission it to provide the best possible information to parents of children living with the complex condition of cerebral palsy. cerebral cerebral-palsy. CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS CoDA is a 12-step fellowship for people whose common purpose is to develop healthy & fulfilling relationships. By actively working the program of Codependents Anonymous, we can realize a new joy, acceptance & serenity in our lives. Meets Sunday at noon at the Turning Point Center, 179 So. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. Tom, 238-3587, DECLUTTERERS’ SUPPORT GROUP Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe two or three of us can get together to help each other simplify. 989-3234, 425-3612. DISCOVER THE POWER OF CHOICE! SMART Recovery welcomes anyone, including family and friends, affected by any kind of substance or activity addiction. It is a science-based program that encourages abstinence. Specially trained volunteer facilitators provide leadership. Sundays at 5 p.m. at the 1st Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Volunteer facilitator: Bert, 3998754. You can learn more at smartrecovery. org.

DIVORCE CARE SUPPORT GROUP Divorce is a tough road. Feelings of separation, betrayal, confusion, anger and self-doubt are common. But there is life after divorce. Led by people who have already walked down that road, we’d like to share with you a safe place and a process that can help make the journey easier. This free 13-week group for men and women will be offered on Sunday evenings, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Sep. 8 through Dec. 1, at the North Avenue Alliance Church, 901 North Ave., Burlington, VT. Register for class at essexalliance. For more information, call Sandy 802-425-7053. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT Steps to End Domestic Violence offers a weekly drop-in support group for female identified survivors of intimate partner violence, including individuals who are experiencing or have been affected by domestic violence. The support group offers a safe, confidential place for survivors to connect with others, to heal, and to recover. In support group, participants talk through their experiences and hear stories from others who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Support group is also a resource for those who are unsure of their next step, even if it involves remaining in their current relationship. Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. Childcare is provided. Info: 658-1996. EMPLOYMENTSEEKERS SUPPORT GROUP Frustrated with the job search or with your job? You are not alone. Come check out this supportive circle. Wednesdays at 3 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602. FAMILIES, PARTNERS, FRIENDS AND ALLIES OF TRANSGENDER ADULTS We are people with adult loved ones who are transgender or gender-nonconforming. We meet to support each other and to learn more about issues and concerns. Our sessions are supportive, informal, and confidential. Meetings are held at 5:30 PM, the second Thursday of each month at Pride Center of VT, 255 South

Champlain St., Suite 12, in Burlington. Not sure if you’re ready for a meeting? We also offer one-on-one support. For more information, email rex@ or call 802-238-3801. FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF THOSE EXPERIENCING MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS This support group is a dedicated meeting for family, friends and community members who are supporting a loved one through a mental health crisis. Mental health crisis might include extreme states, psychosis, depression, anxiety and other types of distress. The group is a confidential space where family and friends can discuss shared experiences and receive support in an environment free of judgment and stigma with a trained facilitator. Weekly on Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Downtown Burlington. Info: Jess Horner, LICSW, 866-218-8586. FCA FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Families coping with addiction (FCA) is an open community peer support group for adults 18 & over struggling with the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one. FCA is not 12-step based but provides a forum for those living this experience to develop personal coping skills & draw strength from one another. Weekly on Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Turning Point Center, 179 So. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. FOOD ADDICTS IN RECOVERY ANONYMOUS (FA) Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? FA is a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. Local meetings are held twice a week: Mondays, 4-5:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Norwich, Vt.; and Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m., at Hanover Friends Meeting House, Hanover, N.H. For more information and a list of additional meetings throughout the U.S. and the world, call 603-630-1495 or visit G.R.A.S.P. (GRIEF RECOVERY AFTER A SUBSTANCE PASSING) Are you a family member who has lost a loved one to addiction?

Find support, peer-led support group. Meets once a month on Mondays in Burlington. Please call for date and location. RSVP or call 310-3301 (message says Optimum Health, but this is a private number). GRIEF AND LOSS FOCUS GROUP FOR MEN Fridays, 10-11:30 a.m. Continues through March 27. Please join us as we learn more about our own grief and explore the things that can help us to heal. There is great power in sharing our experiences with others who know the pain of the loss of a loved one, and healing is possible through the sharing. BAYADA Hospice’s local bereavement program coordinator will facilitate this weekly, eight-week group through discussion and activities. Everyone from the community is welcome; however, space is limited. To register, please contact Bereavement Program Coordinator Kathryn Gilmond at kgilmond@ or 802-448-1610. Start date to be determined, based on registration. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS Meet twice a month: every second Monday from 6-7:30 p.m., and every third Wednesday from 10-11:30 a.m., at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice in Berlin. The group is open to the public and free of charge. More info: Diana Moore, 224-2241. HEARING VOICES SUPPORT GROUP This Hearing Voices Group seeks to find understanding of voice hearing experiences as real lived experiences which may happen to anyone at anytime. We choose to share experiences, support, and empathy. We validate anyone’s experience and stories about their experience as their own, as being an honest and accurate representation of their experience, and as being acceptable exactly as they are. Weekly on Tuesday, 2-3 p.m. Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 802-777-8602, abby@

C-9 01.22.20-01.29.20




Digital Producer VPR seeks a journalist who is excited about new ways to make public radio stories for a digital audience. You must be able to turn a breaking news story and also experiment with innovative ways to tell stories online. You should bring a collaborative spirit & ability to help develop digital content with our newsroom, programs and podcasts. You must love the medium of public radio and audio storytelling, but you don’t need a radio background. We’re looking for 1+ years of journalism experience. Find more information at Vermont Public Radio provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment, and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type, without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Part-Time Graphic Designer Seven Days has an immediate position open on its award-winning design team. A successful candidate is able to design quickly and creatively under intense deadline pressure in a chaotic, yet fun-loving open-office environment. You must be ready to hit the ground running from day one and be available to work on-site Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., each week. If you already have a flexible freelance/contract workload, this could be the steady gig you’ve been looking for. In addition to regular retail display ad production duties, this designer may assist in producing graphics for our monthly parenting magazine Kids VT, newsletters, web banner ads and annual glossy magazines (7 Nights, What’s Good, BTV). Preference will be given to candidates who have significant experience designing for magazines and/ or newspapers. We are looking for a designer with an edgy aesthetic who loves media — both print and digital — and is skilled at designing editorial & advertising for any medium. Required: expert-level knowledge of InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop. No exceptions. Send a cover letter explaining your current employment situation, résumé and three design samples of print work in .pdf format (portfolio links to print work also acceptable) to before Monday, February 3. No phone calls, please. E.O.E. 5h-SevenDaysDESIGN012220.indd 1

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Full Time; Union; Benefits Eligible; $16.41-17.18/hour BASIC FUNCTION:

The Academic Affairs Coordinator (AAC) provides administrative support and coordination to the Office of Academic Affairs (AAO) in a rapidly changing environment with significant responsibilities in information and content management for Academic Program web sites, and administrative support relevant to residency planning and various assessment tasks. For further information please visit: Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

5v-GoddardCollege012220.indd 1

Licensing & Compliance Coordinator


Caregiver – Work From Home! Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider to support a 77 year old man in Chittenden County. He enjoys watching TV, animals, being part of a household, and spending time with his sister. The ideal provider will be understanding of his abilities and his communication style, and must be willing to provide close supervision at all times. Client is able to be within ear range inside the home and must be within sight in the community. The provider will have a generous support package, including respite and a stipend of $29,915.00 annually. Caretaker – Work From Home! Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider to support a 53-year old woman in her home in Chittenden County. She enjoys spending time talking on the phone, watching television, and finding connections in her community. The ideal provider will have a good sense of humor, have experience supporting someone with a history of self-injurious behavior, and must be willing to provide close supervision at times of distress. The provider will have a generous support package which includes an annual stipend of $75,000.00 and a large respite budget for time off.

Please contact Jess Rodrigues at and mention the Seven Days ad in your email to learn more.

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Heartbeet Lifesharing is seeking a professional, highly motivated and organized individual to fill the role of Licensing and Compliance Coordinator. Responsibilities include upholding Heartbeet’s commitment to compliance with the Vermont State Therapeutic Community Residence (TCR) Regulations, and the renewal of our two TCR licenses annually. Additional responsibilities include managing and scheduling Heartbeet’s on-site nurse, coordinating mandatory trainings, pharmacy communications, and file management. To apply contact Leigh: (802) 472-3285 or email

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1/20/20 2:13 PM






DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Champlain Housing Trust is seeking a highly skilled professional to lead its accounting and financial activities as the Director of Finance. This is a dynamic position with a dynamic organization, offering an opportunity to support the development, management, and stewardship of permanently affordable homes in Northwestern Vermont. This individual will use a balance of expert level technical knowledge and excellent interpersonal skills to manage, support and oversee daily Accounting Department operations and financial functions of the organization.

Community & Resident Services Coordinator BARRE

The Services Coordinator is responsible for planning, developing and implementing a full schedule of activities and programs for families, teens, and seniors. The coordinator also acts as a resource referral for residents to connect with services/programs in the wider community; and works closely to support a resident-directed nonprofit ownership entity. Work hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday.

One of Vermont's Best Places to Work in 2018, CHT is a socially responsible employer offering an inclusive, friendly work environment and competitive pay commensurate with experience. Our excellent benefit package includes a generous health insurance plan, three weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, sick leave, 403(b) retirement plan with employer contribution after one year, disability and life insurance and more. For additional details regarding this position or to apply, please visit our career page:

Successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree or higher in social work, psychology, community relations, recreation, or related specialty, or three years of comparable work experience. Must have strong verbal and written communication skills, be customer-service oriented and have a proven track record of working positively with diverse groups. If you are looking to join a dynamic team dedicated to excellence, hard work, and collaboration, apply online via:

E.O.E. - CHT is committed to a diverse workplace and highly encourages women, persons with disabilities, Section 3 low income residents, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply.


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Community & Resident Services Coordinator BURLINGTON We are seeking an experienced Services Coordinator to serve the residents of a large multi-family neighborhood located in Barre, VT. This integral, full-time position provides the dynamic, motivated and skilled individual an opportunity to do meaningful and positive work directly with residents within a resident-centered multi-generational community. The Services Coordinator is responsible for planning, developing and implementing a full schedule of activities and programs for families, teens, and seniors. The coordinator also acts as a resource referral for residents to connect with services/programs in the wider community; and works closely to support a resident-directed nonprofit ownership entity. Work hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. Successful candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree or higher in social work, psychology, community relations, recreation, or related specialty, or three years of comparable work experience. Must have strong verbal and written communication skills, be customer-service oriented and have a proven track record of working positively with diverse groups.


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It is our mission to provide opportunities for children & families to recognize their individual strengths while supporting them to grow & contribute within our communities. We offer highly specialized educational, therapeutic, & behavioral support programs designed to meet the distinctive needs of the children, youth, and families we serve.

LARAWAY SCHOOL Laraway School is located on an old farm site of 39 Acres and is a strengths-based special education/mental health day treatment program with a focus on experiential and hands on learning opportunities. Staff and students engage in active learning partnerships. Laraway School has strong programming in Outdoor Education, the Arts, and land based activities. Clinical Case Manager – Laraway School The Clinical Case Manager works in concert with a multi-discipline treatment team consisting of behavioral staff, special educators and teachers to provide trauma informed care for our students and support for staff. The Clinical Case Manager works in a therapeutic milieu to provide treatment planning, behavior planning and clinical supervision for staff. The Clinical Case Manager represents youth at treatment team meetings and other team meetings. The position requires close collaboration with school staff and partners from outside of the agency. Good communication skills and flexibility is a must for this position. Requirements: Master’s Degree in counseling or social work, licensure preferred (rostered or eligible to be rostered), and prior experience involving direct service work in a clinical setting for youth.

If you are looking to join a dynamic team dedicated to excellence, hard work, and collaboration, apply online via:

All candidates must be at least 21 years of age, pass a criminal record check, have a safe driving record, and have access to a reliable, registered and insured vehicle.

If you are interested in being a part of a dynamic organization that encourages creativity, growth and collaboration…come join our team! A comprehensive compensation and benefits package is offered to all full-time employees. Respond bu submitting resume and three references to: Laraway Youth & Family Services – Attn: Human Resources P.O. Box 621, Johnson, VT 05656 or Email: Phone: 802-635-2805 Fax: 802-635-7273 LYFS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


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Send resumes to:

We are seeking an experienced Services Coordinator to serve the residents of a large multi-family neighborhood located in Barre, VT. This integral, full-time position provides the dynamic, motivated and skilled individual an opportunity to do meaningful and positive work directly 1/17/20 5:06 PM with residents within a resident-centered multi-generational community. 1t-LavoieDental012220.indd 1

The ideal candidate will have significant experience with consolidating financial statements, organizational budgeting, forecast, and corporate accounting in a public or nonprofit sector, over ten years of accounting management experience, and a Bachelor's or graduate degree in Accounting, Finance, or related field. A combination of education and experience may be considered.

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Part-time position available in an established Burlington practice.

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C-11 01.22.20-01.29.20

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR STEPS TO END DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is the largest provider of domestic violence-related support and prevention services in Vermont. Celebrating over 40 years of community service, we are a catalyst for cultural change, working towards the goal of eliminating domestic violence through direct services, survivor empowerment, systems advocacy, education, prevention and outreach.

COMMUNICATIONS POSITION The Vermont Chamber of Commerce works to create a robust economic environment and we are seeking a communications professional to add to our small but mighty team. This position will be responsible for all aspects of the organization’s communications efforts and is best-suited for a versatile professional with experience in several different areas, from content creation to social media and newsletters to strategy.

Steps to End Domestic Violence has an opportunity for an exceptional leader to become its next Executive Director. Candidates will be accomplished professionals with a minimum of 5 years of leadership experience in a multi-program environment; will have demonstrated success in operational & fiscal management; will have extensive fundraising & grant management skills and experience in major donor cultivation; will be able to implement the agency’s strategic plan; will be able to nurture and sustain a trauma-informed organization; and will have experience & knowledge of issues surrounding domestic violence and related public health and social justice issues. The candidate must have demonstrated experience in leading the development and implementation of organizational policies and practices that promote a culture of equity, diversity, and inclusion. The candidate selected will be well versed in the evolving dynamics within the community, will be intentional in supporting and advocating for all individuals regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or physical abilities, and will create an environment for all individuals to thrive and be their authentic selves. The candidate chosen to fill this position will be the face and voice of the agency and must be an accomplished public speaker and an expert in building community relationships. A full job description and information about how to apply can be found at EOE. Members of marginalized communities and those who have experienced domestic violence are encouraged to apply.

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To apply, send your resume to communicationsjob@ with an email message that demonstrates your communications and marketing skills and describes how your skills can advance our organization’s mission. This full-time, in-office position has a competitive salary and robust benefits.

Become the teacher who inspired you. Transition to teaching in only 8 months with our fast-track to a teacher’s license designed for new & mid-career professionals wanting to teach grades five through twelve. TAP Information Session: Thur., January 30 I 6-7pm Champlain Miller Center 175 Lakeside Ave., Burlington

REGISTER 802.651.5844

Senior Project Architect

Work independently and as part of a strong team to implement a comprehensive training program for the State of Vermont, Division of Family Services. Provide consultation and coaching to FSD staff, instructors, and community partners to include work with diverse populations. Participate in assessment of learning needs, curriculum development, evaluation and training, utilizing a variety of media & technologies. Master’s degree in social work or a related field and three to four years’ experience in child protection and/or youth justice required. Knowledge and experience in child protection, youth justice, child/family health/mental health, human development, foster care and/or adoption required Experience designing curricula and teaching/training for adult learners required. Coaching and supervision experience desired. Ability to manage multiple deadlines and strong written and verbal communication skills required. Ability to travel frequently to off-site work locations around the state required. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.

5v-UVMChildWelfare(CWTP)012220.indd 1

The communications position will be responsible for executing regular communications across all channels to our members, policy leaders, the press and the public, promoting our work on networking events, policy issues, tourism marketing and workforce education.

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Main office located on the UVM campus, off-site work locations may also be available. Please apply online at:

We hire when we find the right person for our team who is a professional willing to pitch in on all areas, bring new ideas to advance our mission, enjoy working for business growth and thrive in an environment where there is a wide variety of daily tasks.


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Bread Loaf Corporation, Vermont’s integrated company of architects, planners and builders is excited to add a Senior Project Architect to its highly successful and diversified design team. We are looking for Architects with strong design portfolios, the ability to think on their feet and solve problems. We want people who enjoy working in a team environment and are interested in the integrated project delivery approach. The ideal candidate will have the ability to meet with clients to review and determine project requirements, develop project design alternatives, and collaborate with in-house Estimators and Project Managers to develop estimates and schedules. This person will participate in business development activities, draft, negotiate and execute consultant agreements, acquire necessary approvals and permits, and develop design within prescribed budgets and contracts. A minimum of eight years of experience doing commercial, industrial and institutional work required. Candidates must understand the design process from conception to completion including constructability, schedules and budgets. State license and NCARB registration required. Interested applicants send your resume and work samples to: Bread Loaf Corporation 1293 Route 7 South Middlebury, VT 05753 Email: For more information about our company, and to upload your resume, visit our website at EOE

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1/10/20 11:13 AM

ADULT URGENT NAVIGATION CLINICIAN A full time position with excellent benefits providing clinical needs assessment, case management, and brief psychotherapeutic interventions for adults in crisis who are referred from the CVMC Emergency Department. Services are office/home/field based and include extensive collaboration with community partners. Master’s preferred, experience in crisis services and working with adults in home-based settings preferred. Able to work until 6-7pm 1-2 days a week; other times are flexible. Valid driver’s license, acceptable driving record and access to insured, safe vehicle required. Send resume to or apply online at

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1/21/20 12:12 PM






EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Northeast Employment & Training Organization, Inc. (NETO) is seeking an Executive Director to lead an established non-profit organization. The E.D. manages & oversees the functions, operations & programs of the Agency with an emphasis on delivery of weatherization & comprehensive energy services to qualified households in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont. Qualified applicants possess the ability to lead a large agency; direct, plan, implement & evaluate organization systems & procedures related to weatherization program; responsible for financial management & data processing systems; coordinates all components of the organization; chief liaison between the Office of Economic Opportunity & other program-related organizations.

Full time Paralegal/Legal Assistant needed for busy transactional real estate law firm located in South Burlington. Responsibilities to include assisting with all aspects of real estate closings and administrative support. Send resumes to: 1/10/20 CARING PEOPLE WANTED

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10:34 AM

Qualified applicants should have a minimum of three years’ supervisory experience with multiple employees. Applicant must have demonstrated knowledge in the fields of construction, energy efficiency and/ or weatherization. Experience in Non-Profit business practices and applications beneficial, but not mandatory. The Executive Director reports directly to the Board of Directors and shares responsibilities with the Assistant Executive Director. NETO is an E.O.E. offering competitive benefits: Medical, Dental & Supplemental Insurance Products, 403B, Vacation, Sick Leave and Paid Holidays.


Centurion, the provider of comprehensive healthcare services to the VT Department of Corrections, seeks a full-time Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner to join our team at Southern State Correctional Facility located in Springfield, VT. The Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner provides mental health/psychiatric assessment, diagnosis, and treatment for patients under the clinical direction of a psychiatrist, and collaborates with a multidisciplinary team in providing mental health services to patients in a correctional setting. We offer excellent compensation and benefits: • Health, dental, vision, disability and life insurance • 401(k) with company match • 20 paid days off • Plus, paid holidays Please contact: Diana Connerty,, 508-214-4524 VT Department of Corrections

Home Instead Senior Care, a provider of personal care services to seniors in their homes, is seeking friendly To apply, submit a cover letter, resume and 3 letters of and dependable people. reference to NETO Board of Directors, PO Box 584, Newport, CAREGivers assist seniors VT 05855. Deadline to submit resume is February 28, 2020. with daily living activities. P/T & F/T positions available. 12 hours/week minimum, flexible 1 5v-NETO012220.indd 1 1/21/20 5v-Centurion012220.indd 12:23 PM scheduling, currently available. $12-$16.50/hour depending on BRISTOL, VERMONT experience. No heavy lifting.

POLICE OFFICER The Bristol Police Department is currently accepting applications for full and part-time police officers.

Apply online at: Or call: 802.860.4663

Champlain Community Services is a growing developmental services provider agency with a strong emphasis on selfdetermination values and employee and consumer satisfaction.

SENIOR MANAGER 2v-HomeInstead-Stowe112719.indd 1

CCS is seeking a Senior Manager, QDDP (Qualified Developmental Disabilities professional) with strong clinical & organizational skills to provide leadership to our service coordinators, advocate for funding for the people we serve, and to be an integral part of our dynamic, award-winning team. The ideal candidate will have proven supervisory skills, be familiar with the Vermont Developmental Disabilities System of Care Plan, have knowledge of crisis intervention skills, excellent interpersonal, writing & communication skills & a desire to be a part of a workplace that deeply values its staff & is creating a community where people of all abilities participate & belong.

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Stowe Land Trust, a local land conservation organization in Stowe, VT, is seeking a Summer Naturalist. This VHCB AmeriCorps position offers an exciting opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience with a solid land conservation organization & successful team. Visit for position description and information on how to apply.

This is a great opportunity to be a leader in a distinguished developmental service provider agency during a time of growth. Send your cover letter and application to Elizabeth Sightler, CCS-VT.ORG

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1/17/20 10:45 AM

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We are a community-oriented agency serving the residents of the former Village of Bristol (approximately one square mile) centered around the historic downtown district containing local businesses, eateries and a village green. The Police Department provides a strong community connection by working together with Bristol schools, local committees and groups to offer a presence at longstanding annual events. The department’s regular presence at school and local events also creates a safe, friendly, and special relationship to all its residents and visitors. Minimum requirements: candidates must be a United States Citizen, at least 18 years of age, have a high school diploma, a valid driver’s license and be able to pass an extensive background check and polygraph check. Complete job description & application are available at, by email or at the Bristol Police Department. The Town of Bristol offers a competitive wage and benefits package. Preference will be given to currently Vermont certified police officers with a level IIE or III certification or equivalent. Bruce Nason, Chief of Police Bristol Police Department, 72 Munsill Ave Bristol, VT 05443 Email: Applications will be accepted on a continual basis. Position(s) will remain open until the selection of successful candidate(s). The Town of Bristol is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, gender, or familial status.

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1/20/20 12:40 PM


The Vermont Electric Power Company has an opening for a HUMAN RESOURCES BUSINESS PARTNER.


C-13 01.22.20-01.29.20

Fletcher/CSI is a recognized, global leader in competitive strategy consulting services. We are seeking several qualified people to join our growing team.

Please see the Careers section on our website,, for more information.

2h-VELCO011520.indd 1



1/10/20 3:32 PM

Legal Assistant

Wick and Maddocks has a full-time opening for a Legal Assistant. Must be computer literate, have excellent typing skills, and attention to detail. Please reply to: Jim Wick via email: or by phone: 802-658-3037

2h-WickandMaddocks071019.indd 1

Help shape our planet’s future. NRG Systems is dedicated to designing and manufacturing smart technologies for a more sustainable planet—that means more renewable energy, cleaner air, and a safer environment for all. Join our team today!


The F&I Practice Sales Lead is responsible for revenue generation and practice development and allocates time between generating new business and account management/growth duties with existing clients. FCSI’s F&I Practice works with leading US and global financial companies (banks, investment, credit, etc.) and leading insurance carriers that offer health, life, P&C, and commercial insurance. The Sales Lead engages with senior level executives to sell customized consulting services including win/loss analysis, competitive intelligence, primary research, news feeds and alerts services, and training/consulting. The right candidate should have 3-5 years of direct experience with consulting or services sales, a deep knowledge of the global business environment, and current 1:52 PM knowledge of the F&I space. Prior experience in the F&I space and in competitive intelligence along with use of CRM and other internal systems is a plus. Travel includes trade shows and client/prospect visits and is approximately 20% of total time. The Sales Lead reports to the COO and is based in the Williston office.

HR MANAGER The HR Manager is responsible for activities including recruiting and staffing, employee development, compliance and administrative functions, and overall employee wellness. FCSI works with leading global brands across the Life Sciences, Technology, Financial Services, and Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) industries. Our teams of Analysts provide best-in-class research, analysis, and strategic recommendations for our Fortune 500 client base. FCSI’s customized consulting services include win/loss analysis, competitive intelligence, primary research, market monitoring, and training/consulting. The ideal candidate will have 3-5 years of direct HR experience, knowledge of labor laws & HR best practices, experience with hiring and onboarding, and experience with performance management/employee development. FCSI is in a period of rapid growth and the HR Manager position is critical to our sustained success. The HR Manager reports to the Director of Operations and is based in the Williston office.

SALES LEAD – CONSUMER PACKAGED GOODS PRACTICE The Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG) Practice Sales Lead is responsible for revenue generation and practice development and allocates time between generating new business and account management/growth duties with existing clients. FCSI’s CPG Practice works with global leaders in food, beverages, household products, pet food and products, and other consumables. FCSI also works leading retailers (brick and mortar and E-commerce). The Sales Lead engages with senior level executives to sell customized consulting services including win/loss analysis, competitive intelligence, primary research, news feeds and alerts services, and training/consulting. The right candidate should have 3-5 years of direct experience with consulting or services sales, a deep knowledge of the global business environment, and current knowledge of the CPG industry. Prior use of CRM and other internal systems is a plus. Travel includes trade shows and client/prospect visits and is approximately 20% of total time. FCSI is headquartered in Williston, VT with offices in Boston, Palm Beach, London, and New Delhi. The Sales Lead reports to the COO and is based in the Williston office. Please send cover letter and resume to Indicate which position you are interested in. Fletcher/CSI offers full benefits including 401k match and profit sharing.

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1/21/20 12:57 PM





SENIOR ACCOUNT MANAGER (INVENTORY & LOGISTICS) Gallagher, Flynn is recruiting on behalf of our client for a Senior Account Manager! Experience with supply chain management, inventory, and logistics is highly desirable with this growing manufacturer! For a full description please visit:

PHYSICAL SERVICES MEMBER Saint Michael’s College is looking for a full-time Physical Services Member. This position (Tuesday - Saturday) will perform landscaping tasks, move furniture and facilitate snow removal. Training will be provided in a variety of skills in order to supplement other Physical Services crews as needed. Applicants should be flexible, dependable and motivated. Benefits include health, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k), generous paid time off, employee and dependent tuition benefits, and discounted gym membership.

Experienced Gas ofFireplace erforms a variety custodial, floor maintenance, Technician d repair duties under general supervision

Robin campus, common areas, independent Blazing Design, Inc., is aofVermont h center. A minimum one year family of hands-on owned and operated n/housekeeper or an equivalent combination of fireplace business in Williston, nce is required. VT. We seek an experienced


2v-BlazingDesign011520.indd 1

Exciting Top Finance position with Vermont Economic Development Authority (VEDA)! Senior-Level Accounting and Finance professional needed. Experience in banking or commercial lending is highly desirable. For a full description and to apply, please visit

Vermont’s premier continuing Care Retirement Community seeks a member to join our housekeeping team. Housekeepers work collaboratively to support residents who live independently as well as those who live in residential care. Housekeepers are critical to the well-being of residents and the quality of the Wake Robin environment. Candidates must have housekeeping and/or industrial cleaning or industrial laundry experience.

YOUTH RESILIENCE COORDINATOR The Youth Resilience Coordinator will support and maintain a statewide network of facilitators to inform Vermont communities about how to help all children grow to become resilient through different ages and developmental phrases, ensuring that all have strong healthy brains, meaningful relationships, and supportive networks. Expected compensation level starts at $25/hour and depends on experience and qualifications.



This service position performs a variety of custodial, floor maintenance, light maintenance and repair duties under general supervision throughout the Wake Robin campus, common areas, independent living units, and health center. A minimum of one year of hands-on experience as custodian/housekeeper or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required. Wake Robin offers an excellent compensation and benefits package and an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting. Interested candidates can send their resumes to or fill out an application at

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6/3/19 3:36 PM

Vermont Afterschool is seeking dynamic, self-directed, organized, and team-oriented individuals to lead initiatives in youth resilience and community-led interventions that increase protective factors for youth through traumainformed practices, community connections, out-of-school time activities, and family engagement.

Wake Robin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

2v-GallagherFlynnCFO012220.indd 1

Sign on Bonus up to $4000.

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1/10/20 3:16 PM


This position coordinates scheduling, registration, insurance and payer eligibility management and financial screening for patients, families and visitors. Positions available in Burlington, South Burlington and Colchester.



gas technician to join out elite

and respectful with the understanding that our customers are the lifeblood of our business. A clean driving record is a must. Pay commensurate with experience. Emails only.

Patient Access Specialist

For full job description and to apply online go to:

4t-StMichaelsCollege012220.indd 1 2v-GallagherFlynnSRaccountMgr012220.indd 1/20/20 1 6:10 PM

excellent compensation and benefitsexperts. package and team of gas fireplace d strong relationships with staff and residents in We require that our team be friendly, honest setting.



This is an opportunity to gain experience connecting public health and youth development concepts to actual project strategies being implemented on the ground and in community. Through this project, the VISTA (part of the Corporation for National and Community Service) will gain practical experience working with communities, families, and youth services providers; facilitating meetings and developing workshops; and building communication, evaluation, and writing skills.

These are excellent opportunities to join our strong, nimble, and highly effective team at Vermont Afterschool. We believe in working hard, holding high standards, and bringing positive energy to all that we do. We love our work and care deeply about the children, youth, and families in every Vermont community. Both positions are full-time (40 hours/week) based out of our office in South Burlington with travel required statewide. These positions are open until filled. For more information, see the full job descriptions online at:

1/20/206t-VTAfterschool012220.indd 2:09 PM 1

1/20/20 11:56 AM




MANUFACTURING OPERATORS Location: Essex Junction, VT Night Shift: 7pm to 7am

New year, new opportunity, new challenge! Join VLT to support the productivity, communication, and effective leadership of our President. We are a dynamic and growing organization, a national leader in land conservation. You will be part of a team that values inclusion, curiosity, fairness, and a deep connection to the land and people of Vermont. Visit us at to learn more about this position and how to apply. Deadline: January 31, 2020. EOE.

Find jobs on

2v-VTLandTrust010820.indd 1

Pay Rate: $17.44 (includes shift differential) Schedules: Work approximately 14 Days per Month!! • Includes long, 4-day weekends every other week! Eligible for Benefits on Day 1: • Medical, Dental & Vision Coverage. • Paid Vacation Time: Approximately 3 weeks per year (accrued). • Paid Sick Time: 80 hours per year, 401k Investing Options. Education Assistance: Eligible after 6 months. • Up to $5,250 per year in a degree related field. Apply online at or for more information email

1/6/20 Untitled-29 10:37 AM 1

1 1/21/20 4ta-GlobalFoundries012220.indd 11:10 AM

1/20/20 6:02 PM

Pillsbury Senior Communities are



follow us for the newest: SevenDaysJobs


Are you ready to become part of a dedicated healthcare team? We are looking for a full time cook. Prepares meals, regular and special diets, for residents as determined by daily/weekly menus. Responsible for overseeing kitchen staff and directing as needed. Minimum Eligibility Requirements: • High school diploma or equivalent preferred. • At least six (6) months’ prior experience in a food service department preferred. • Supervisory experience desirable. • Compassion for and desire to work with the elderly. Essential functions: • Must have a strong knowledge of residents’ dietary needs and special diets. • Must communicate closely with nursing department regarding dietary needs. • Prepare food for events & daily meals as needed. • Strong working knowledge concerning proper food storage procedures, e.g., like items together, labels facing front, dating when necessary. • Works cooperatively with other cooks evaluating leftovers and plans for use; labels, dates and stores leftovers properly. • Monitor the temperature for freezer and refrigerator. • Keeps work area clean & sanitizes work surfaces, takes out trash as necessary; performs assigned cleaning duties: dishes, cookware, flatware & trays using approved procedures. • Follows menus accurately, demonstrating accuracy in weighing, measuring, and portioning food. • Receives deliveries in accordance with purchase orders. • Ability to work in a fast paced, multi-tasking environment. We offer a competitive salary & a friendly working environment. EOE. Willingness to undergo a background check, in accordance with local laws & regulations. Send cover letter and resume with job title included to:

4vtwitter.indd 1

C-15 01.22.20-01.29.20

1 11/5/19 6t-PillsburySeniorLiving012220.indd 12:25 PM

COORDINATOR OF ACESSIBILITY SERVICES Seeking an enthusiastic individual to fill the role of Coordinator of Accessibility Services in the Academic Achievement Center. Primary responsibility is coordinating all activities related to support programs and activities established to support residential students with disability.

PROGRAM DIRECTORS Our graduate and continuing education programs are expanding. Accepting applications for several Program Director positions for the new master’s programs in accounting, information systems, and business analytics and for the bachelor’s program in data analytics. The programs are delivered fully online and intended to serve a student population of older adults who are already in the workplace and who are seeking either career change or career advancement. The Program Director will have overall responsibility for the content, quality, assessment, and continuous improvement of the program. For more information and to apply for these and other great jobs: All candidates must be authorized to work in the US without sponsorship now or in the future. A post offer, pre-employment background check will be required of the successful candidate. Norwich University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Norwich University offers a comprehensive benefit package that includes medical, dental, vision, group life & long term disability insurance, flexiblespending accounts for health & dependent care, 403(b) retirement plan with employer match, employee assistance program, paid time off including parental leave, and tuition scholarships for eligible employees and their family members.

1/21/20 6t-NorwichUniversity012220.indd 12:34 PM 1

1/20/20 5:39 PM






New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!

Our farm field crew is vital to the success of our organic family farm, from berry season in July and August to the well being of our flock of Icelandic sheep. We need experienced pickers who are fast, efficient and able to work with our customers and the public.


Our three assistant managers play a vital role in keeping groups happy, comfortable and safe at our hillside retreat center. Your daily tasks will include being a responsible and welcoming presence to the team and our visitors.


The Head Chef at Knoll Farm is most responsible for delivering our mission around food. The seasonal position runs from May-October & includes sourcing & preparing fantastic local meals, interacting with guests on diet, cooking, & health, and being an integral part of our team. The chef interacts closely with the farm itself & has unlimited creative opportunities to bring food to our community. For more information & to apply:

4t-KnollFarm012220.indd 1

For more information, and to apply, go to Jobs.aspx. Applications accepted until position is filled. The City Of Montpelier is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Community Banker

There is no better time to join NSB’s team! Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. We are looking for professionals to join our team as a Community Banker for our College Street Branch and for a Community Banker – Floating for Chittenden County. As a Community Banker-Floating you will have the opportunity to work in multiple branches within our Chittenden County region. Both positions offer an excellent opportunity to work for an established and growing premier Vermont mutual savings bank. Job Responsibilities & Requirements • The Community Banker will be responsible for receiving and processing customers’ financial transactions, matching customers’ needs with appropriate products and services, protecting customer information and maintaining customer confidentiality. We are looking for candidates who will consistently provide outstanding customer service, has excellent communication skills, and will build rapport and develop relationships with our valued customers. A high school diploma, general education degree (GED) or equivalent is required. Opportunity for growth • The Community Banker position offers room for growth and the opportunity to learn about the banking industry. The successful candidates will enjoy a wide variety of changing duties and build relationships with our valued customers. We offer a comprehensive Community Banker training program to assist with learning the fundamentals of this position. What NSB can offer you • NSB offers a competitive compensation and benefits package including medical, dental, profit sharing and a matching 401(K) retirement program. NSB also offers professional development opportunities, and a positive work environment supported by a team culture. NSB has ten paid holidays. Northfield Savings Bank hours of operation are Monday – Thursday, generally 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Northfield Savings Bank appreciates that their employees need to enjoy time with family, friends and community on the weekends.

LongSkinnyJobsFiller.indd 1

The City of Montpelier seeks a Restorative Justice Program Coordinator for its Community Justice Center. Applicants are invited who understand, believe in, and embrace the ideals of restorative justice and have 3-5 years of relevant experience that includes exposure to a robust blend of the following specialties: restorative justice, conflict resolution, dynamics of offending, service to crime victims, corrections system, criminal justice system, process of change, mental health challenges, and/or substance use disorders. The ideal candidate has mediation, facilitation, and training skills and experience working with a program that depends on volunteers.

1/21/20 4t-MontpelierCommunityJusticeCenter012220.indd 12:15 PM 1

College Street Burlington & Chittenden County - Floating

Restorative Justice Program Coordinator

Please submit your application and resume in confidence to: (Preferred). Or mail: Northfield Savings Bank, Human Resources, P.O. Box 7180, Barre, VT 05641-7180 Equal Opportunity Employer/Member FDIC

1 6/18/196t-NorthfieldSavingsBankCOMMbanker010820.indd 1:24 PM

1/21/20 10:53 AM

HTRC, a nonprofit developer, owner and manager of affordable housing properties throughout Rutland County, seeks a full-time Controller. The Controller is a member of the Leadership team and oversees all accounting, reporting, banking, human resource and payroll activity. Specific responsibilities include, but are not limited to: monthly close, variance analysis, financial statements, benefits administration, payroll processing, drafting budgets, cash flow projections, cash management, internal controls, external audits and overall accounting operations. Candidates must have a college degree in accounting and at least five years of professional accounting and reporting experience, preferably with a CPA designation. Ability to learn quickly and independently in a highly detailed work environment is essential. Experience with Yardi and Federal Housing programs desirable.

DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR HTRC seeks a full time Development Coordinator, responsible for supporting and assisting with all organization-wide fundraising and marketing activities. The Development Coordinator works with the Executive Director and Board on the planning and execution of a resource development plan and works to identify and create opportunities to build public awareness of HTRC services and programs. The successful candidate will be a high energy, detail-oriented self-starter with strong writing and organizational skills, as well as experience in database management. Please send cover letter, resume, and 3 references to: Open Positions, Housing Trust of Rutland County, 13 Center Street, 2nd floor, Rutland, VT 05701 or email to

1/6/206t-HousingTrustofRutland012220.indd 1:39 PM 1

1/17/20 12:42 PM




RNs – MED/SURG Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital’s award winning Med/Surg team is hiring RNs. The recipient of the Academy of Medical Surgical Nurses PRISM Award® 2018 & the 1st hospital in Vermont to receive this award, the Med/Surg team provides unparalleled care. Our enthusiastic & passionate RNs continue to learn & grow thanks to our tuition reimbursement, loan repayment & scholarship programs. Using excellent communication skills, RNs coordinate total patient care needs for medical, surgical, outpatient observation, swing bed and pediatric patients.

Financial Advisor One Day In July is hiring financial advisors in Vermont and New Hampshire.

New grads and experienced RNs welcome. NVRH offers competitive wages, including shift differentials. Robust benefits package includes student loan repayment, relocation assistance, free gym memberships, low cost prescriptions, 401k with company match and more. We have opportunities for licensed advisors as well as a training program for people interested in the field.

*Current VT RN License required. Apply:

4t-NVRH012220.indd 1

1/20/20Untitled-23 6:01 PM 1

Experience in sales or hospitality helpful. A great opportunity to be your own boss! Resume to General Manager Dan Dubonnet at Hall Communications is an EOE.

11/18/19 3:13 PM 2V-HallComm011520.indd 1


1/13/20 3:44 PM


Our brand and engagement strategy team has an opening for a newly developed manager, market and business strategy position. About you:

About us and this role:

 The idea of collecting and interpreting data excites you.

 This is a full-time position working as part of an innovative, dynamic, and evolving team.

 You care about the health and wellbeing of Vermonters.

 Our main office is in Berlin with the option to telecommute or work at our South Burlington office a few days a week.

 Your are highly collaborative and bring synergy and strong communication skills to your daily work.

Hall Communications Radio – Burlington, dba WJOY/WOKO/ WKOL/WIZN/WBTZ has an immediate opening for a Marketing Consultant. Duties would include selling both radio and digital platforms. Great benefits including health insurance and 401K with employer match.

One Day In July LLC is an equal opportunity employer.

Manager, Market & Business Strategy

 You have experience in the development, execution, and management of complex, multisegment marketing strategies.

C-17 01.22.20-01.29.20

Choose Care in 2020. Are you in search of a position that brings joy and fulfillment personally and professionally? The Converse Home is Vermont’s premier Assisted Living Facility. Located in downtown Burlington, this nonprofit organization has honorably cared for older Vermonters for over 130 years. Here’s how we’re different: • We have lower resident to staff’ll have time to provide care you’ll be proud of. • Our management is local & focused on long term success. • Zero harm level survey findings in over a decade. • One of the lowest employee turnovers in the industry. • We have both memory care and traditional assisted living, providing a variety of care settings.

 We offer a balanced, flexible workplace, an onsite gym, fitness and wellness programs, a competitive salary, and full benefits package.

The right people will:

To view the job requirements or apply, visit

• Bring their own positivity to strong teams. • Be very organized and excel in time management. • Provide excellent care to our residents.

We are looking to bring All-Stars to our home across all shifts. Below are the base starting salary pay ranges, augmented by shift differentials, call in pay, education/license. RN $27.00-$30.00/hour LPN $24.00-$27.00/hour

LNA $17.00-$20.00/hour RCA $15.00-$17.00/hour

Visit to fill out an application and learn more about our community. Please send your resume to BCBSVT_MgrMKT-BUS-7Days_5.8x7_Jan2020.indd Untitled-11 1 1

1/17/2020 1/20/20 1:28:54 11:17 PMAM 6t-ConverseHome012220.indd 1

1/20/20 6:42 PM





Champlain Valley School District Multiple Job Openings!

Custodial/Maintenance Workers Night custodian at our Williston campus (2:30 p.m.-11:00 p.m.) Job # 3191315

Night custodian at Charlotte Central School (3:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m.) Job # 3219464

Maintenance Technician at Shelburne Community School. Facilities maintenance experience required (7 am - 3:30 pm) Job # 3219458

Fiscal Services Specialist, full time, CVSD office, Job # 3200578 Bus Drivers/Substitutes One regular route driver available and substitute drivers also needed. Job # 3218870

Intensive Paraprofessionals at C.V.U.H.S. 2 full time/school year Special Ed. Paraprofessional positions available. Job # 3179815 To find more information/details on the positions listed above, please go online to with the referenced job #s. 4t-ChamplainValleySchoolDistrict012220.indd 1



Director of Finance & Accounting

The Keewaydin Foundation seeks to hire an Associate Director of Development, a key member of the successful Keewaydin Foundation Development Team. This staff member is responsible for managing specific projects in the areas of fundraising, communications, and constituent relations (e.g., donor, alumni, parent, and friend relations).

PH International is seeking a full-time Director of Finance and Accounting based out of our headquarters office in Waitsfield, Vermont.

Learn more about the skills and responsibilities at: PM director-of-development. Applicants will need to send a resume, one writing sample and a list of 3 references to Mary L. Welz at by February 1, 2020. Finalists will be scheduled for in-person interviews, including a short on-site writing assignment.

PH International is a non-profit organization with six overseas offices and over 35 years of experience. The Director of Finance and Accounting is a leadership position and provides oversight for all accounting and financial functions. A successful candidate will have demonstrated experience in non-profit accounting, business management, and organizational leadership. Strong communication and interpersonal skills are essential. Knowledge of federal grant management and OMB Uniform Guidance is a must. International experience is a plus. PH International is an equal opportunity employer and provides health insurance benefits and generous paid time off. For a full job description and how to apply, please visit our website at

Vermont Oxford Network (VON) is a nonprofit voluntary collaboration of health care professionals at over 1,300 hospitals and organizations worldwide, working together to ensure that every newborn infant and family achieves their fullest potential. VON has established a worldwide multidisciplinary learning community dedicated to improving the 3v-Keewaydin121119.indd 1 12/10/195h-PHInternational012220.indd 12:03 PM 1 1/20/20 quality, safety and value of care through a coordinated program of data-driven quality improvement, education, and research in newborn medicine. Ranked as one of the best places to work in Vermont by the Best Companies Group, VON values innovation, The Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) has an creativity, and respect for every team member. exciting opportunity for a motivated individual to oversee VNRC’s dam removal program, and to provide technical support on a range of policies and programs related to land and water conservation. This is a new, full-time position that will replace a part-time, highly We are looking for a Project Manager to be responsible for qualified Dam Removal Project Coordinator. It provides an excellent opportunity to shape handling our company's ongoing major projects. You will the position so that it aligns with the particular skill sets of the person filling it. be working closely with members of the VON Leadership Team and other VON team members to ensure that all VNRC is Vermont’s oldest independent environmental advocacy organization. VNRC works project requirements, deadlines, and schedules are on track. from the grassroots to the Legislature to advance policies, programs and practices that Responsibilities include submitting project deliverables, strengthen the foundation upon which Vermont’s economy thrives — vibrant communities preparing status reports, and establishing effective project and healthy downtowns, clean and abundant fresh water, working farms and forests, wild communication plans as well as the proper execution of said places, and clean energy. plans. The Project Manager will oversee all aspects of projects, setting deadlines, assigning responsibilities and monitoring and Candidates should have a minimum of 2-4 years’ experience in biological science, ecology, reporting to Leadership on progress of projects. hydrology, engineering, or related professional experience, and a college degree in a related field, although professional and life experience may substitute for formal education. The successful candidate will work directly with internal Qualified candidates must also have: excellent writing and presentation skills; the ability teams to ensure deliverables fall within the applicable scope and deadlines are met. The ideal candidate will need to have to work collaboratively in a busy work environment; strong technical and analytic skills; proven experience in project management, familiarity and attention to detail and the ability to manage multiple projects concurrently; a passion facility with the standard concepts, practices and procedures for Vermont and protecting its environment; a commitment to promoting equity and of project management, and the ability to collaboratively environmental justice; and a belief that individuals working together can effect positive lead project teams of various sizes. A Project Management change. A more detailed job description is available at Professional (PMP) certification is a huge advantage. Starting salary is commensurate with experience. Email a letter of interest, resume and three 40-hour on-site work week. To apply, please email a cover references to on or before February 7, 2020. Letters should be addressed to letter and resume to with “Project Brian Shupe, Executive Director, VNRC, 9 Bailey Ave., Montpelier, VT 05602. VNRC is an EOE. Manager” in the subject line by January 31, 2020.


1:33 PM

Project Manager

7t-VNRC012220.indd 1 6-VTOxfordNetwork011520.indd 1

1/13/20 4:32 PM

1/21/20 12:26 PM




C-19 01.22.20-01.29.20


Vermont’s most awesome bath, hardware and lighting showroom is now 20 years young! We are looking for an energetic and ambitious crew member to help propel us into the next 20! Your opportunity for achievements & growth are as follows:

We are seeking a Program Specialist for the Direct Loan Origination Department.

• • • •

Starting pay is $18.51/hr and includes a defined benefit/ pension plan; holiday, vacation & sick leave; medical, dental & vision insurance; basic life/AD&D insurance, college tuition reimbursement; and others.

Kick ass sales and service for our amazing clients New client outreach, Build e-comm division Expand community involvement Assist with outreach and education for designers, architects and contractors • Grow offerings of products and services

The Program Specialist manages the on-boarding of applicants from across the nation who are seeking financing for manufactured homes.

Schedule: Monday-Thursday, 10:00am-9:00pm

We pride ourselves on offering a fun and fulfilling workplace with excellent benefits and salary. This is a full-time position where positive attitude is more important than experience. We do ask that you have effective communication and writing skills, the ability to learn quickly and a strong desire to be part of our forward thinking creative showroom. Contact our showroom manager with resume:

4t-ClosetoHome012220.indd 1


For full job description go to our website, OR please contact: Lance Boardman, MH Direct Operations & Systems Manager, Office: (877) 475-6852 x 2604.

1/20/204t-CreditHuman022019.indd 5:18 PM 1


We are a Vermont based, food and nutraceutical laboratory with a commitment to quality, exceptional customer care, community involvement and employee wellness.

INFANT TEACHER The Mountain Village School is currently seeking a full time infant teacher to join our nature based school in the village of Stowe. Ideal skills include an attention to detail and strong communication skills. Experience in the field of early childhood education along with a commitment to respectful and responsive interactions are required. Please email cover letter, resume, and references to: sarah@

2/15/19 2v-MountainVillageSchool012220.indd 11:15 AM 1

1/21/20 12:18 PM


PayData Workforce Solutions is looking for an additional team member to join our Client Service Department as a Payroll Processor/Client Service Representative.

If you are a hard worker, enjoy working in a team environment and want to make difference our Customer Our Client Service Representatives workaclosely with in our clients to produce Service Department, PayData may be your next employer. accurate payrolls utilizing various import methods including data entry, Excel worksheets, and time clock imports. The ability to perform multiple PayData and Workforce is looking for an additional tasks efficiently manageSolutions ongoing projects is necessary. Attention to member to join our Client Service Department as a detail isteam a must.

Payroll Processor/Client Service Representative. If you have

Candidates mustworth have prior experience well as customer service a strong ethic,payroll possess excellentascommunication experience and possess strong communication and organizational skills. and organizational skills, and enjoy working in a team Candidates should also have proven troubleshooting skills and be able to environment, we want to hear from you. Service adapt to new and changing technology. Our Client Representatives work in a team environment and cubicle office setting.

Positions available for: based, food and nutraceutical We need people who are – WeaaVermont are a Vermont Weare are Vermont based,food foodand andnutraceutical nutraceutical•laboratory laboratory We based, laboratory Critical thinkers with a commitment to quality, exceptionalcustomer customer care, with a commitment to quality, exceptional customer care,oriented with a commitment to quality, exceptional care, Laboratorycommunity Scientist involvement and employee wellness.• Detail community involvement and employee wellness. community involvement and employee wellness. Science background to include • Good communicators experience with some or all of Positions available for: the following: Positionsavailable availablefor: for: Positions Laboratory Scientist ScienceScientist background include ELISA Laboratory technology, PCR, GMOtotesting, Laboratory Scientist experience with some or all of HPLC,Science Mass and Cannabis analysis; ScienceSpec background include background the following: totoinclude Qualityexperience Control and experience withISO someororallallofof with some thefollowing: following: the experience preferred. ELISA technology, PCR, GMO testing,

HPLC, Mass Spec and Cannabis analysis; Quality Control andGMO ISO testing, ELISAtechnology, technology, PCR, GMO testing, ELISA PCR, experience preferred. HPLC,Mass MassSpec Specand andCannabis Cannabisanalysis; analysis; HPLC,

QualityControl Controland andISO ISO Quality experiencepreferred. preferred. experience

Competitive salary to commensurate

- commensurate Competitiveand salary to with experience education!

Our Client Service Representatives work closely with

our clients to aproduce accurate payrolls utilizing various And most importantly, team players! Experience handling large volume of telephone calls, as well as having

We need people who are:–

including entry, is Excel worksheets strong import number methods skills or prior payroll data experience required; working knowledge theclock “Evolution” payroll desirable. Experience with and of time imports. Thesoftware ability toisperform multiple Windows including Word, Excel, projects and Outlook is required well astostrong tasks, manage ongoing efficiently, andas adhere keyboarding skills. timeline driven deadlines is necessary. Attention to detail

•WeCritical thinkers needpeople people whoas are We need who are –– do! grow we Potential to oriented Critical thinkers ••• Detail Critical thinkers

communicators Detail oriented •••• Good Detail oriented And most importantly, Benefitsteam – players! Goodcommunicators communicators • • Excellent Good is critical to your success. Health Care, Tuition Reimbursement, Apply on line at • Great Andto most importantly, team players! •Potential And most importantly, team players! grow as we do!

five weeks CTO to start and more!

Excellent Benefits Potentialto togrow grow:–asaswe wedo! do! Potential

Great Health Care, Tuition Reimbursement, Great five weekswork CTO to environment! start –and Excellent Benefits – more! Excellent Benefits

GreatHealth HealthCare, Care,Tuition TuitionReimbursement, Reimbursement, Great Great work environment! fiveweeks weeksCTO CTOtotostart startand andmore! more! five

Experience with Windows including Word, Excel, and Outlook is required as well as strong keyboarding skills. This position is a mid-level position and is paid on an hourly basis.

Greatwork workenvironment! environment! Great

with experience and education!

Please direct all resumes and inquiries to:to: Please direct all resumes and inquiries Competitive salary to commensurate Competitive salary to commensurate

PayData is a pet friendly environment...must love dogs!

withexperience experienceand andeducation! education! with

Please send a cover letter with resume by applying online at:

Pleasedirect directallallresumes resumesand andinquiries inquiriesto: to: Please BIA_BFP_EMPAD-010720.indd 1 9T-BiaDiaginostics011520-1.indd 1

BIA_BFP_EMPAD-010720.indd 1

Candidates must have prior payroll experience; working knowledge of the “Evolution” payroll software is desirable. Candidates should also have proven troubleshooting skills, experience handling a large volume of telephone calls, and be able to adapt to new and changing technology.

1/7/20 2:54 PM 1/13/20 5:55 PM

1/7/206-PayData011520.indd 2:54 PM


1/13/20 5:21 PM





Pillsbury Senior Communities are



Care Providers/LNA Are you looking to belong to a warm and loving working family who appreciates your dedication and hard work? LNAs provide direct care assisting residents in their daily activities as outlined in the customized service plan. Must have compassion for and desire to work with the elderly. Must demonstrate the ability to work responsibly as a team member as well as an individual. Previous experience working with the elderly. Essential functions: • Personal care and nursing - Assist residents with activities of daily living, including but not limited to, bathing, dressing, grooming, changing of bed linens, positioning, transfer and mobility. • Keep proper records of care - Report observations to licensed nurse/supervisor promptly. Report any changes in resident’s condition to the supervisor. Be knowledgeable about the residents’ biographies, preferences, habits and interests. • Work as a team with dining services to assist in: Setting up serving carts for each meal, serving meals to residents’ tables according to diet orders, bussing tables and preparing dishes for washing, cleaning dining room, including wiping tables and chairs, setting tables for the next meal. • Collect laundry and distribute linens, garments, etc. in accordance with Community procedures. • Assist in cleaning resident rooms, dining areas, public areas.

Charge Nurse/RN/LPN Are you ready to become part of a dedicated, caring healthcare team? Are you looking to belong to a warm and loving working family who appreciates your dedication and hard work? We are looking for a Full Time Charge Nurse and Part Time Charge Nurse to join our outstanding

team. Our mission is to make a difference in the changing lives of seniors by providing a safe, homelike community with a compassionate and caring staff. Duties include but are not limited to: • Oversight of day-to-day functions to ensure appropriate services are provided to each resident. • Direct nursing care to residents with a variety of conditions. • Assesses, observes and evaluates resident well being, communicates directly with physician and/or medical director, implements physician's orders and communicates changes in orders with staff nurses. Identifies any restorative or rehabilitation needs for long term residents. • Updating resident information. Answering resident calls and dealing with emergency situations. • Check treatment book for treatments that are on your shift and carry out treatment orders. • Assist with charting and monthly summaries. • Supervise caregivers. • Candidates should work effectively with other personnel, residents, family members, visitors, and the general public. • Our company offers competitive wages, a full benefits package after 90 days, and a gracious time off accrual program. • Experience working in a long-term care setting a plus. Dependability is a must!

Medication Technician Provide medication assistance and administration for residents in accordance with training, certification scope of practice and regulatory requirements. The Medication Technician works with other team members to assure an environment which is homelike, safe and supports Resident Rights. Minimum Eligibility Requirements: • High school diploma or equivalent preferred.

Minimum of one-year previous experience as a Medication Technician. • Experience as a caregiver/resident assistant caring for the elderly in an assisted living or long term care setting is preferred. • Must be 18 years of age or older. • Must have the ability to remain calm under stressful situations. • Ability to communicate effectively with residents, families, staff, vendors and general public. • Compassion for & desire to work with the elderly. Essential functions: • Observe residents for changes of condition, communicate observations to the Wellness nurse or Wellness Manager. • Assist in maintaining the medication cart and storage room in a neat and orderly manner. • Accept responsibility for accurate medication counts and for security of the medication cart and medication storage room for assigned shifts. • May be called upon to assist residents with activities of daily living, including but not limited to, dressing, grooming, eating, transferring, and mobility, as needed. • Engage residents in meaningful conversation, socialization, and activity while providing personal care and medication assistance. • Respond to all resident needs/requests for care promptly and provide/obtain assistance as necessary. • Observe residents for changes in physical, emotional, mental or behavioral condition, unusual symptoms, medication side effects, accidents, injuries or unusual occurrence and reports immediately to supervisor. • Complete all documentation such as medication administration records, incident reports, change of condition reports, and behavior documentation as requested and in a timely manner. • Assist in the dining room during resident meal times as needed.

We offer a competitive salary and a friendly working environment. EOE. Willingness to undergo a background check, in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Send cover letter and resume with job title included to:

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