Seven Days, February 24, 2021

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These Vermonters of color want to bring their perspectives to local office B Y A L I S O N N O VA K & S A S H A G O L D S T EI N PA G E 28



Harlan Mack’s unique worldview

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2/23/21 8:18 AM


Photo Credit: Jesse Schlott

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2/23/21 1:15 PM

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A sign in Burlington’s Old North End


A merger plan for Northern Vermont University, Vermont Technical College and Castleton University is moving ahead. Fewer students, fewer schools.


The Vermont attorney general sued the owner of a Newport UPS Store for disobeying the governor’s mask mandate. UPS cut ties with the franchise for a similar reason.

SIGNS STRIKE A NERVE Several dozen lawn signs popped up in Burlington last week instructing, “Vote No on #5 Just Cause.” The unsigned placards also read: “Protect BIPOC tenants from racist neighbors.” They seemed to be saying: If Question 5 passes this Town Meeting Day, landlords would not be able to evict tenants who harass neighbors who are Black, Indigenous or other people of color. Renter-rights advocates swiftly condemned that logic. They say the proposal to end no-cause evictions would help, not harm, those tenants. “This is about power wanting to maintain power,” City Councilor Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1), the first woman councilor of color, said in a video she posted to Twitter. “The fact that they’re using racial justice language to justify hurting BIPOC people is disgusting.” Sunday evening, Burlington landlord Betsy AllenPennebaker owned up to the signage. She said she’s part of a group of “mostly landlords” who came up with the slogan. Other signs with similar color and design have more benign messages, such as “Just cause = higher rent.” Allen-Pennebaker, a 20-year Burlington resident and longtime Progressive, became a vocal opponent of justcause evictions because of her own bad experience with a tenant who sexually harassed her. She was only able to get

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In its ongoing efforts to reform the state’s criminal justice system, Vermont owes a debt to the civic hackers at Code for BTV. Since 2018, volunteer attorneys at expungement clinics have used an internet browser extension created by the group. It allows them to cut nearly an hour of work from the process of preparing legal petitions to erase certain qualifying misdemeanors and felony convictions from an individual’s criminal record. Those black marks often get in the way of rehabilitation. “In many cases, we’re talking

That’s how much the federal government is giving Burlington International Airport to expand its terminal and merge its two security checkpoints.



1. “Charlie Auer, Proprietor of Charlie’s Boathouse, Dies at Age 89” by Matthew Roy. Friends recalled the generous and goodnatured storyteller who ran a one-of-a-kind waterfront business in Burlington. 2. “Burlington Grapples With Pandemic-Era Graffiti” by Sally Pollak. One activity that’s actually increased in the time of COVID-19: tagging downtown buildings. 3. “A Just Cause? Landlords, Tenants Battle Over Burlington Eviction Proposal” by Courtney Lamdin. Burlington voters will weigh in on whether to change the city charter to ban no-cause evictions. 4. “Vermonters, Visitors May Travel Freely Once Vaccinated, Scott Says” by Derek Brouwer. Those fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can travel to and from Vermont without having to quarantine. 5. “Finances Threaten Local Schools Such as Lincoln’s. Can Towns Afford to Lose Them?” by Jonathan Mingle. Like many rural Vermont towns, Lincoln is fighting to keep its local schools open despite demographic and financial pressures to close or repurpose them.


Vermont will install 11 electric vehicle fast-charge stations across the state over the next two years. A batterypowered future.

tweet of the week @shapsio happy 156th birthday Burlington, Vermont (founded 1865) #btv #vt


Vermont lawmakers are considering an apology for a statesanctioned eugenics program that began nearly a century ago. Long overdue.



about people getting jobs, getting better jobs, getting access to social services,” said Micah Mutrux, the cofounder of Code for BTV and one of the project leaders. “And if we can help the attorneys do that twice as fast or more, that’s really important.” The software took a combined 30 weeks of work for about five coders to create, according to Mutrux. They’ve worked out some kinks and had to update it recently after the Vermont Judiciary switched to a new case management system. The software allows an attorney to hit a button on a web page and “parse”



rid of him by threatening eviction, she said. After learning about the Queen City ballot initiative, she put one of her apartment houses on the market out of fear she’d have no recourse in a similar situation. But the blowback caused her to realize that her messaging in this case “was a colossal failure of thought.” “It made it seem like [no-cause eviction] is the best protection for people of color, and I don’t think that is accurate,” she said, calling the signs “a toxic, dreadful mistake that I will always regret.” The Just Cause Coalition, an arm of political advocacy group Rights & Democracy that supports the measure, held a news conference Monday to denounce the signs. Among the speakers were Sen. Kesha Ram (D-Chittenden), Mohamed Sharif of the activist group the Black Perspective and C.D. Mattison, vice chair of the Burlington Democratic Committee. The signs’ claim “ignores the history of how evictions and the threat of evictions have been used as a tool disproportionately against BIPOC tenants,” Mattison said. “This attempt, and any other attempt, to confuse and conflate issues has no place in our community.” By Saturday morning, most, if not all, of the signs had disappeared from city streets. Read Courtney Lamdin’s full story at

$14.5 million

Before they had the browser extension, attorneys had to enter that information manually, said Mairead O’Reilly, a staff attorney with Vermont Legal Aid, which helps put on the expungement clinics. She recalled the first time she used the tool with a client. “I could actually talk to her A sample of the program and hear more about what was bringing her in, and what her life was like, and what the relevant information from it — she was hoping to get from such as criminal history records in this,” O’Reilly said. “Which I think was the state database and the name and also able to enhance the petition we address of the petitioner. That info were drafting for the court.” auto-populates the legal petitions. In 2018, Vermont’s criminal re-

cords repository expunged or sealed about 2,500 records. In 2020, that number jumped to nearly 15,000 — due in part to the speed with which attorneys can fill out the expungement petitions, O’Reilly said. Mutrux said the team is thrilled by the results. Another remote clinic is scheduled for March 5. “This is our favorite way to approach projects: finding a partner who is a rock star in some area of social justice, identifying a way we can help them do their work even better, and then developing whatever technology will help them get there,” he said. SASHA GOLDSTEIN



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DEMOCRACY TUESDAY. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers

Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy

deputy editor Sasha Goldstein

ARTS & LIFE editor Pamela Polston

AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison

AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Jordan Adams

CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin

speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox

stAff writers Jordan Barry, Margaret Grayson, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssistAnt proofreAder Katherine Isaacs D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert

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produCtion mAnAger John James

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Chris Farnsworth, Rick Kisonak, Jacqueline Lawler, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Julia Shipley, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.

(877) 424-6909 | Williston, VT | West Lebanon, NH | Locally Owned & Operated * Discount of $100 off the installation of each new residential window and/or door from Marvin installed by Windows & Doors By Brownell. Offer does not apply to retail sales, previous quotes and cannot be combined with any other financing offer, any other promotion or discount. Deposit must be placed by 03.06.2021 to qualify. See Windows & Doors By Brownell for complete details. ** Your safety and that of our team members is top priority, so we will be following safety guidelines at our visit. Masks, sanitizing before and after the visit, limiting time in-home as well as reducing touch Scan to learn more! points are among a few of the precautions we will be following. SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

I am writing to say thank you. I just read Jonathan Mingle’s article [“Cliff Notes on Rural Education,” February 17]. It was one of the best written, well-researched and thoughtful pieces I have read on the future of our schools in rural Vermont. I find it heartbreaking that our leadership in Montpelier chose to send us down this path. We are capable of shaping a wiser future for the small towns that define the Vermont character and for the children who live in them. There are important steps we can take that are far wiser than the path we are on. A good first step would be to adopt the recommendations of the University of Vermont Weighting Study. A good second step would be to revisit the entire administrative structure of our public school system. David F. Kelley


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Consulting editor Candace Page

stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,

Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen politiCAl Columnist Dave Gram



DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Thayer With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.


©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

2/1/21 2:06 PM

Kelley is the former chair of the Hazen Union School Board.


It is ironic that [“Cliff Notes on Rural Education,” February 17] quotes Jeffrey Francis, the head of the Vermont Superintendents Association, sanctimoniously telling towns about to lose their small schools to “face the future” while heading up an association of 55 superintendents, each making in excess of $150,000 a year! Vermont has more superintendents now than independent school districts! Other states with our student population make do with one superintendent. How much supervision does a school principal making $100,000 a year really need? The Vermont Constitution very clearly states that “a competent number of schools ought to be maintained in each town” — not each county, district, region or supervisory union. Each town. The legislature needs to step up to the plate. It is now responsible for funding our town schools. The revised weighting study now shows that our small-town schools have been shortchanged for the


Due to an editing error, last week’s story “Language Lifeline” misspelled the name of Tul Niroula.


The community needs and desires weigh on all of us — yes, they include housing; yes, they include stores and banks — but they aren’t necessarily solved by building! There is often a reason projects get delayed, and it is not because the money isn’t there. It is because they are the wrong things at the wrong time. When the timing is wrong, things go bad.


Diane Gayer



past 20 years in violation of the Vermont Constitution. The town of Lincoln needs to lawyer up and hold the state accountable for making it impossible to run its town school if that’s the end result of these disastrous policies. Howard Ires


Ires is a school board member in the West River Modified Union Education District.


I was happy to see an article about Burlington’s scourge of graffiti [“Tag Team,” February 17] but disheartened by the tone. If I were a “tagger” and read it, I’d feel pretty proud and certainly not educated about the harm I was causing. You must have interviewed Burlington’s two most neutral victims of graffiti. Even referencing this crime repeatedly as “tagging” rather than as vandalism gives a certain “hip” validity to actions that result in harm. Graffiti is violence. It is thievery. In minutes, perpetrators trash restored brickwork, crafted woodwork, art murals and even nature that took months, years or centuries to create, robbing the steward of that property and the entire community who enjoyed it. Emboldened by lack of restraint, they will target increasingly precious structures: The granite sculptures along the lakefront will be next. I think most of us feel angry, saddened and disgusted at seeing our beautiful city destroyed by graffiti. Perhaps in a future article you could strike a more concerned tone. Educate us on what steps we can take to stop it, as my calls to city hall and the Burlington Police Department have

gone unanswered. Research how the BPD can maintain the resources to catch these people in the context of policing reform. Investigate how other cities have conquered this. If Rudy Giuliani could do it in New York City during the ’90s, then surely Burlington can figure it out today. Perhaps we need to start with a new mayor. Lorilee Schoenbeck



[Re Off Message: “Burlington Settles Lawsuit With CityPlace Developers,” February 5]: Why are we calling a central core of downtown Burlington “the pit”? This demolition site of the old Burlington mall is not a hole in the ground or a cavity. It might be a pitfall, for some; for the rest of us, it’s an opportunity. It is a clean slate for open-space thinking. It is broken ground needing to heal. It is a world of light and air in the thick of a moneyed economy. The last thing we need right now is more empty space in downtown Burlington. It seems prudent to wait until existing buildings, restaurants, offices and retail begin to rebound from the enormous impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no need to rush and fill the land with an unidentified amalgam of building. If we think of this place as the whole, we can begin to give it a chance to rebound on its own. It has carried a huge weight over the decades — that of neighborhood destruction, of diminishing demand in commercial retail, of destabilizing groundwater patterns, and of compacting and poisoning the earth itself.

I’m very glad that Dave Gram has landed on his feet at Seven Days. The paper really needs that political column, and I personally feel that he shines on the page. I especially liked the one in which he called out the various Vermont authorities over not tackling the Slate Ridge issue [Fair Game, January 20]. Hopefully, his article and the recent legal ruling will result in some help for the town and neighbors. Wouldn’t hurt for the problem to be raised again at the governor’s COVID-19 press conference. Here’s to a long and productive tenure for Gram writing Fair Game. Craig Allen



After reading your piece “Cops Out” [Last 7, February 10], I thought that a possible solution to the issue of staffing for the Burlington Police Department might be to reduce police presence by one shift in wards that favor reducing police presence and shifting them to wards that favor more. Simplistic? Sure. Workable? I have no idea, but it might merit a discussion. Mike Gijanto



The two Ethan Allen Institute men, Rob Roper and Jack McMullen, complain FEEDBACK

» P.20



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Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164

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contents FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3 VOL.26 NO.21




12 36 41 46 48 50 77

22 Life Lines 40 Food + Drink 46 Music + Nightlife 50 Movies 51 Classes 53 Classifieds + Puzzles 72 Fun Stuff 76 Personals

Fair Game Bottom Line Side Dishes Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend


Takeout to the Limit “Pegulars” help Peg & Ter’s weather the pandemic PAGE 40

Waste Not Pastured eggs, composting and human rights are linked at Black Roots Farm PAGE 42


These Vermonters of color want to bring their perspectives to local office


Online Thursday






From the Publisher

The Reality of Virtual

Arts and humanities organizations consider the digital post-pandemic future

Nothing to See Here

Williston agreed to limit disclosures about two cops accused of misconduct

Interdisciplinary artists create volume two of Caddisfly Project

Can once-maligned ranked-choice voting make a comeback in the Queen City?

Page 32

The Vote Goes On

Short takes on five Vermont books

Despite the pandemic, Vermonters will decide on swimming pools, road salt and “Sparkles”

Let us service you!

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Feeling the Pressure

The Notorious RCV


Every week, chef Jonathan Davis bakes 80 SUPPORTED BY: to 100 pies for customers of his Pie Society. Eva joined Jonathan for pie prep at the Davis Studio in South Burlington to hear about his longtime love of the buttery nine-inch pastries.




We have

Forging Ahead

From painting to sculpting to blacksmithing, Harlan Mack’s artwork relays a worldview

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Last Word

The United States passed a morbid milestone on Monday: half a million lives lost to the coronavirus. Many of those souls died surrounded by strangers — health care workers who were trying their best to provide some comfort and connection. Loved ones left behind have also had to forego the ritual of saying goodbye in more formal ways. For the past year, there have been almost no graveside gatherings. Nearly every funeral and memorial service has been postponed until COVID-19 restrictions lift. When it comes to grieving the dead, only obituaries have turned out to be pandemic-proof; these notices attempt to capture and commemorate the enormity of a life. In the past decade, Seven Days has been publishing more obituaries, for reasons unrelated to the coronavirus. Although funeral homes and crematoriums still help write and place obituaries in newspapers like ours, more and more families are making their own arrangements. Seven Days has now been around for more than a quarter century. Vermonters who are leaving this patch of Earth, and those staying, are more likely to be our readers than they were 25 years ago. Everyone has a story. Recounting someone else’s is an awesome duty, whether they’re living or not. Done right, it’s a gift. Good obituaries are full of specificity — revealing anecdotes, favorite jokes, defining adventures — that call up a person’s spirit, at least on the page. Sadly, I’ve had quite a bit of experience writing them. And in the past 12 months, I’ve helped a number of friends through the process. Seven Days has always sought out and celebrated the people who make our community unique. The paper is no Clockwise from top: less interested in memorializing them. Ed Hanley, Angie Routly, Mark Saltveit, a newcomer to Vermont who has become Dr. Frank Fiermonte, Tennant Glenn Davitian one of our freelance writers, mentioned the quality of our death notices in an essay he wrote for the paper last year. “I have a new life goal,” he announced: “to spend the rest of my days earning, in the end, one of those wonderful obituaries that makes friends bite their lip and brings a fond smile or head shake to acquaintances. To be remembered as a ‘character,’ a good guy without any operatic moral flaws, who took care of his responsibilities.” A recent letter to the editor expressed the same sentiment. “I, too, read them word for word and marvel,” Nancy Haiduck wrote of our Interested in becoming a Super Reader? obituaries. Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top We’re grateful that so many families of Or send a check with trust us with their stories. In this issue you your address and contact info to: can read about Charlie Auer of Burlington boathouse fame, globe-trotting Leobardo SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS P.O. BOX 1164 Perez-Rivas and racquetball-playing retired BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 Lt. Col. Harvey L. Ottinger. Each personal For more information on making a financial history is a reminder of the human toll contribution to Seven Days, please contact behind the statistics. Numbers are important, Corey Grenier: but we need words to make sense of them.

Paula Routly






Are the Parties Over?

Strife is evident in Vermont’s political orgs, but they still have an important role




EVIN BURGESS, the Vermont Democratic

Party’s director of outreach, quit earlier this month, citing a “toxic” work environment and a “complete and utter failure of party leadership.” Days later, SCOTT MCNEIL, the party’s executive director, announced he’s leaving, too. The Vermont GOP is also in disarray, split between fealty to and disdain for former president DONALD TRUMP. Burlington’s 19-year-old GOP chair, KOLBY LAMARCHE, recently called on state party chair and Trump supporter DEB BILLADO to resign. When that didn’t happen, he stepped down himself. Meanwhile, groups such as Emerge Vermont, an affiliate of a national group that recruits and trains Democratic women to run for office, and the newly formed Bright Leadership Institute, a stand-alone, nonpartisan group supporting candidates of color, have taken up some of the functions formerly handled by political parties. And for some time, politicians ranging from Trump to Republican Gov. PHIL SCOTT to former Progressive/Democratic lieutenant governor DAVID ZUCKERMAN have been freelancing, running their own campaigns 12


without marching in lockstep with any had their own political action committees party platform. that raised money for their members’ The casual observer might conclude campaigns. In 2015, Vermont passed the parties are about to implode and politi- legislation that banned lawmakers from cians don’t need them collecting contributions anymore. But despite from lobbyists while their current problems, the legislature was in Vermont’s political session. That actually parties play a critical — increased the role of the though often invisible parties. When House and thankless — role in Democratic lawmakers recruiting and electing and lobbyists get together candidates, especially to on Thursday, February the legislature. 25, for a virtual version “For us in the House, of the annual Speaker’s the critical connection Soiree fundraiser, it will S E N. K E S H A R AM between the Vermont be under the auspices Democratic Party and of the state Democratic the House Democratic caucus is our House Party, not a PAC run by the speaker or the campaign director, and that’s SPENCER DOLE,” House Democratic caucus. said Rep. EMILY LONG (D-Newfane), who is On Monday former representative KURT in her fourth term in the House and first WRIGHT, a Burlington Republican who sponas majority leader. Dole’s full-time party sored the 2015 ban, called it “disappointjob is crucial to members, she said: “That ing” that House Democrats had figured staffer runs the House campaign and gives out a way to skirt the ban on hitting up all of us in the caucus the staff support that lobbyists for cash while lawmakers are in we need, because members don’t have staff session. … We have that in spades in Spencer Dole.” As for the recent departures of two senior For years the House and Senate caucuses staff members from party headquarters,



Long said she wasn’t worried: “I think that if there are challenges, the [party] executive committee and the state committee will look at those, and they will address any issues that arise and grow from it.” Senate Majority Leader ALISON CLARKSON (D-Windsor), who, like Long, is in her first term in that role, said the “party so far has been a very productive partner, very enabling.” She pointed to its role as coproducer of a February 4 Senate fundraiser that drew about 125 people and raised more than $20,000. But in the eyes of Sen. KESHA RAM (D-Chittenden), the first woman of color to serve in the Senate, the parties, including her own Democratic Party, have a lot of work to do to remain relevant to people from historically marginalized communities. Ram spoke at a news conference announcing the founding of the Bright Leadership Institute earlier this month. “In order to have a representative democracy, our political parties must commit to making it safe and affordable for candidates to run,” Ram said in an email to Fair Game. “Progress in that area has been slow and uneven, and Black women particularly have borne the brunt of that lack of support.


Meanwhile, Black and Brown people have constantly stepped in to save the Democratic Party, despite being under-resourced and underrepresented in its leadership and networks.” Ram, a first-term senator who previously served in the House, cited herself as an example. “The outgoing Executive Director of the Democratic Party has never spoken to me once,” she wrote. “He never asked me as a candidate nor as the only woman of color in the State Senate how we could collaborate to address injustice or bring more voices into our process. I am sure I am not alone in that experience, and it was built on years of tokenization and marginalization from the party leaders before him.” She’s hopeful for improvement, though, Ram wrote. Now that people of color are coming to the table, “I do see a willingness to change and dismantle the toxic culture within the party. We have to get it right this time or the party will not be of great service to Vermont’s future.” If the Democratic Party is traveling a bumpy road, the wheels may be coming off the VTGOP. A feud has been going on for much of the Trump administration and its aftermath, with exchanges of rhetorical fire between moderates, including the governor, and Trump supporters, including some county committee chairs and Billado, the party chair. LINDA FOWLER, a professor emerita of government at Dartmouth College, said she does not see loyalty to Trump as the key to success for the GOP, at least in Vermont. If Trumpists dominate the party, “they choose to be less relevant by following a path that is so inconsistent with where Vermont voters are,” she said. Fowler added, “Vermont has quite a centrist electorate, I would say. If the Republicans in the state want to continue to be a minority party, they should keep doing what they’re doing.” Sen. CHRIS PEARSON (P/D-Chittenden) said he thinks Republicans and Democrats have one big thing in common: Both are straining to reconcile more centrist and more extreme elements within their ranks. He suggested that American politics might be heading for a four-way split, with left, center-left, center-right and right parties. Such a realignment, coupled with ranked-choice voting, could make for a healthier democracy, Pearson argued. If I had to bet, I’d wager against Pearson’s vision coming to pass. I’d put money on the Democratic Party growing more diverse and weathering occasional internal blowups as it muddles its way into the future. And I wouldn’t bet a dime for or against Republicans getting their act

together, because as long as there’s still even a whiff of Trump in the air, that party’s future is too difficult to predict with any confidence.

Not-So-Massive Fraud

On January 27, I wrote about efforts by ROB ROPER, president of the Ethan Allen Institute, to raise alarms about fraud connected to mail-in voting. I said there did not appear to be evidence that it was a problem in Vermont’s November election, given that the Secretary of State’s Office found only seven out of about 374,000 ballots were questionable enough to warrant alerting law enforcement. Attorney General T.J. DONOVAN, in turn, deemed only one of those seven cases worthy of prosecution. That one involved a “provocateur” who was trying to prove there are security flaws around mail-in voting, Donovan said. CHRIS GODDARD of Burlington mailed in a ballot but then headed to vote in person, authorities said. “Goddard was told by the Ward 7 clerk that records indicated he had already cast an absentee ballot. Goddard asserted that he had not,” according to a copy of the settlement agreement obtained by Fair Game. “The Ward 7 clerk gave Goddard a provisional ballot, a provisional ballot envelope and an ‘Affidavit of No Ballot Cast,’” the document said. Goddard signed the sworn affidavit and the ballot envelope, placed the provisional ballot — still blank — in the envelope and “returned all items to the Ward 7 clerk.” It appears that, by leaving the ballot blank, he didn’t actually vote twice but did enough to get in trouble. His case concluded with a $400 civil fine. So that’s where we are three months after the election. Out of about 374,000 voters, it appears one tried to game the system in just-kidding style to prove a point — and got caught.


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Media Note: New Seven Dayser

Veteran Vermont journalist ANNE WALLACE ALLEN joined Seven Days as of this week. She comes to us from “She’ll be doing for us pretty much what she did there ... covering business and the economic impact of COVID; guber press conferences and breaking news,” Seven Days publisher and coeditor PAULA ROUTLY wrote in an email to staff. Allen told Fair Game she’s psyched for the change. “I am really looking forward to being part of this talented team,” she said. I know Anne from our days working together at the Associated Press a couple decades ago. My prediction is: We’re going to be happy to have her skills and energy at Seven Days. m



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Nothing to See Here

Williston agreed to limit disclosures about two cops accused of misconduct B Y D E REK BR OUW ER •


omeone had slammed a car into the mailboxes. Colchester police officers who responded to a rental home near Clay Point on September 13 found car parts strewn about the broken posts — and a clue not far away. A gray Volkswagen in the home’s driveway had a damaged front end, a missing side-view mirror and a rear windshield that was “broken out,” the officers noted. The car’s owner, Timothy Oliver, a police officer in Williston who lived at the home, was not at the scene. His landlord had called in the crash just before 8 a.m. on a Sunday morning. The Colchester officers contacted Oliver and asked him about it. He initially told them that he would fix 14


the mailboxes but claimed the damage to his car was old. When one of the officers replied that the damage appeared to be fresh, Oliver said he hadn’t been driving the car, according to court records. Later the same day, Colchester police returned to Oliver’s residence, this time after an anonymous caller requested a welfare check on a woman who lived with him. She told the officers she was upset because her Harley-Davidson parked in the yard had been mangled, and she didn’t believe Oliver’s explanation that it had simply fallen over. But the woman, who later said she didn’t know whether she could trust the officers, told them she did not need a protective order and wasn’t scared for her safety. They left.

Colchester shelved its investigation, even though Chief Douglas Allen said the department had “indicators” that Oliver “may not have been honest” with his officers. They couldn’t prove their cross-county colleague had been driving the car, Allen said. The chief instead called up Williston Police Chief Patrick Foley to convey his concern. It wasn’t the first heads-up Williston had received about Oliver. A month earlier, on August 15, a Milton officer on the overnight shift clocked a Williston police cruiser barreling along Interstate 89 at 107 miles per hour without its emergency lights on. Forty minutes later, the same NOTHING TO SEE HERE

» P.16

Vermonters 65 and Older Can Make Vaccine Appointments Starting March 1 B Y A N N E WA L L A C E A L L EN Vermonters age 65 and older can begin making COVID-19 vaccination appointments on Monday, March 1, state officials said Tuesday. About 42,000 people in that category will be able to go online starting at 8:15 a.m. to pick a time and site to be vaccinated. Meanwhile, Gov. Phil Scott’s proverbial spigot, which has been nearly frozen shut for months, was opened up a bit on Tuesday. Once Vermonters have had both doses of the vaccine, they will be free to gather with members of another household. “If your parents are fully vaccinated, you can go to their house for dinner, or vice versa,” Scott said at one of his twice-weekly press conferences. The state had announced last Friday that people with proof of full vaccination — including those from out of state — could travel in Vermont without needing to quarantine. Last fall, Scott put a stop to multihousehold gatherings, a ban that was briefly lifted — though many restrictions applied — around the holidays. Scott said the change announced on Tuesday was made in accordance with new U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance. “They concluded not only do vaccines protect you from COVID-19, but they also prevent you from spreading it, which is very encouraging news,” he said. Scott said that the state is going to receive about 14,500 doses of vaccine for each of the next three weeks, about 1,000 more than it did last week. Second doses, which are not included in that number, will arrive separately. The state will reactivate the Vermont National Guard to help with vaccine administration. Meanwhile, the governor — who had just gotten off a call with other governors and the White House — said Johnson & Johnson was seeking emergency authorization from the federal Food & Drug Administration for its vaccine, which requires just one shot. If it’s granted, Vermont would receive additional doses. Last Friday, the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development issued a small hint of more spigot-turning to come. Sometime in the spring, the agency said, the rules for traveling and gathering will return to what they were last August. The agency has been under pressure to help the hospitality and events industries to develop expectations that those businesses could use to make reservations for the coming spring and summer.

The Notorious RCV


Can once-maligned ranked-choice voting make a comeback in the Queen City? B Y CO UR T NEY L A M DIN • SEAN METCALF


hen Burlington voters cast their Town Meeting Day ballots on or before March 2, they’ll have the opportunity to resurrect a voting system that some residents had hoped was long dead. Question 4 asks whether the city should change its charter to bring back ranked-choice voting, a system that allows voters to rank candidates in order of preference. If no candidate receives a majority of votes, lesser-ranked choices come into play to determine a winner. The measure would only apply to city council races and would need approval from the governor and legislature before it could go into effect in Burlington. It would first be used in the 2022 Town Meeting election. Proponents say ranked-choice is more democratic than the city’s current voting system, which does not require a majority of votes to win; the bar is set at 40 percent. If no candidate earns that much, the city holds a runoff election no more than 20 days after it is publicly warned. The proponents argue that ranking candidates lets voters choose whom they really want instead of feeling pressured to pick the person most likely to win. “That’s a terrible thing to tell someone, to put their ideals up against practicality. It means you vote for the least of two evils all the time,” said former Vermont governor Howard Dean, a Burlington resident, Democrat and longtime backer of rankedchoice. Using the system, Dean said, “you can still get your second-choice vote.” Skeptics, however, say candidates would be less likely to take strong stances since they’d be campaigning for those secondplace scores. They say ranked-choice voting is flawed and point to the city’s 2009 mayoral election — in which a candidate won despite falling short in the first two voting rounds — as evidence that the system doesn’t represent the people’s will. The city repealed ranked-choice voting in 2010. “We got rid of it, and now it’s back like a friggin’ nightmare,” said Sandy Baird, who helped lead the repeal effort. “If you really want [a candidate] to get over 40 percent, then have a real runoff. That’s the system, and it’s fine.” More than a decade later, this ballot item will measure whether Burlingtonians see ranked-choice as a way to strengthen democracy or as an experiment not worth repeating.

When the Queen City adopted the system for mayoral contests in 2005, it was just catching on as a model for election reform. More than a dozen cities use ranked-choice voting now, including New York City and San Francisco. Maine uses

continues until one candidate hits the 50 percent-plus-one threshold. Burlington first used ranked-choice voting in the 2006 mayoral contest, electing Progressive Bob Kiss over Democrat Hinda Miller and Republican Kevin



the system for state and federal primaries, general elections for Congress, and the presidential election. Instead of just picking one candidate, the method allows voters to rank them in order of their liking. The contest is decided if any candidate gets more than 50 percent of the vote in the first round; otherwise, it goes to an instant runoff. The last-place finisher is eliminated. Votes that were cast for that candidate are assigned to those voters’ second choices. The process

Curley after two rounds. And while some residents disliked the system then, it didn’t gain notoriety until the 2009 race, which pitted Kiss against then-council president Kurt Wright, a Republican; Democrat Andy Montroll; and two minor-party contenders. Wright got the most votes in both the first and second rounds but still fell short of the 50 percent mark, forcing a final round between him and Kiss, who had the second most votes. Kiss won with 51.5 percent of the vote.

Some voters cried foul and questioned a system that could crown Kiss the winner when he hadn’t received the most firstplace votes, as Wright had, or even the most first- and second-place votes, as Montroll did. “No one had any confidence in [Kiss], because he came in third,” Baird said. Kiss soon became embroiled in a scandal for using $17 million in city funds to prop up Burlington Telecom, the city’s failing utility. When the city repealed ranked-choice voting in 2010, it was hard to tell whether the vote was a referendum on the voting system or on the mayor himself. The issue lay dormant until late 2019, when Progressive councilors proposed ranked-choice elections for mayor, city council and school board. The effort was stymied, however, when a Democrat-led council subcommittee adjourned a meeting before the item could be moved to the full council for consideration. Progs tried again last July, aiming to place a question on the ballot last November, but Democratic Mayor Miro Weinberger vetoed the measure, saying he couldn’t justify the expense of printing an extra ballot during the pandemic. Councilors failed to override Weinberger’s veto by a thin margin but later came back with the current proposal, which passed on a 7-5 vote. Councilor Jack Hanson (P-East District), who led the ballot initiative, said he dislikes plurality voting because candidates can win even if 60 percent of voters disapprove of them. It’s also costly to run a separate runoff election, which typically has lower turnout, he said. Hanson and other ranked-choice proponents say the system does away with the “spoiler effect,” in which a thirdparty candidate “steals” votes from a likeminded competitor and thereby helps their least-preferred candidate to win. The textbook example is the 2000 presidential election, in which Green Party candidate Ralph Nader is generally assumed to have taken votes from Democrat Al Gore, delivering a razor-thin Florida victory and the Electoral College to Republican George W. Bush. A plurality system reinforces two-party politics and encourages people to vote for


» P.17 15

news Nothing to See Here « P.14 cruiser sped by in the opposite direction at about 90 mph, Milton Police Chief Steve Laroche said. Word of the encounter made its way to Williston supervisors, who later told Laroche that it was Oliver’s cruiser. Ten days after the Colchester incident, Oliver was out of a job. He wasn’t fired — not technically, at least. He and the town of Williston made a deal, spelled out in a nine-page separation agreement obtained by Seven Days. Oliver is one of two Williston cops who departed last year after being accused of wrongdoing, only to secure separation agreements that could help them land on their feet. In exchange for leaving quietly, Oliver, who had been hired in 2018, received benefits “over and above” those which he was entitled in the union contract, including two extra weeks of pay at his $24.28 hourly wage, the cash equivalent of 95 hours of accrued vacation and an agreement that Williston would not oppose his unemployment eligibility. These deals contained more than financial assurances. The town also promised to limit how the officers’ alleged misconduct would be disclosed to future employers and to a state oversight agency. That’s despite a 2017 state law known as Act 56 that is supposed to stop police misconduct from being brushed under the rug. In Oliver’s case, the town agreed not to make any statements that might harm his reputation and to provide only basic information to prospective employers. In the other instance, Williston negotiated with 20-year veteran sergeant Scott Graham over how the department would report on-duty misconduct allegations to the Vermont Criminal Justice Council, which regulates police officers’ certification. “It appears that agencies are using these separation agreements to undermine the intent and effectiveness and spirit of Act 56,” said Lia Ernst, a senior staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont, when presented with the documents. Williston Police Chief Foley and Town Manager Erik Wells declined to answer questions about the officers or the allegations against them, describing their departures as personnel issues. Wells provided the separation agreements in response to a public records request and maintained that they were executed in compliance with Act 56. “The process of terminating a public employee may be drawn out, and it may be costly,” Wells wrote in an email. “On a general basis, municipal employers may use separation agreements to ensure a quick separation that prevents further 16


litigation and allows the employer to be a good steward of public funds.” The circumstances surrounding Oliver’s resignation are only emerging publicly because the woman who lived with him came forward to police in December to accuse the former officer of domestic abuse and to offer an account of the September 13 crash. As a result of the renewed criminal investigation, Oliver was charged this month in Vermont Superior Court with misdemeanor domestic assault for allegedly breaking the woman’s finger, as well as unlawful mischief, providing false information to police and leaving the scene of an accident. Oliver’s court-appointed attorney declined to comment. The criminal case is pending. Lawmakers passed Act 56 in response to cases in which police chiefs were not effectively screening out recruits who had committed serious misconduct in previous law enforcement jobs. The law mandates that Vermont police departments fully investigate misconduct, even if an officer has already resigned, and report the findings to the Vermont Criminal Justice Council. The council was in turn tasked with tracking the reports and given broader authority to sanction or decertify an officer. The law also requires that police departments obtain information about prospective recruits from other law enforcement agencies where they’ve previously worked. The Williston deals raise questions about whether separation agreements have been used to skirt that requirement. The council’s interim director, Bill Sheets, said the requirement “essentially” means that departments must hand over a former officer’s personnel file, regardless of any deal struck between an officer and the former employer. The law itself isn’t so specific: Departments must simply “disclose the reason that officer is no longer employed,” according to the statute. And new legal paperwork used by departments states that the mandate doesn’t apply in instances when the officer has in place “a binding non-disclosure agreement executed prior to October 1, 2020.” Williston’s June 2020 separation agreement with Graham states explicitly that the town will only confirm his dates of employment, wage rate and “that he resigned without disparagement, implied or actual.” “No other information will be released, and it will be explained that it is standard practice for the Town to not provide any other information with respect to former employees,” the agreement reads. Ernst said the provision appears to

be “in direct violation” of the state law. But Wells, the Williston manager, said neither agreement prevents the town from “disclosing the officer’s personnel file, or its analysis of the officer’s performance, to a prospective employer.” What Graham is accused of doing remains unclear. His separation agreement states that the town completed an investigation “into various allegations of misconduct” but agreed not to take a position on whether RO







any of his actions qualify as misconduct under Act 56. It does state that the town determined it had to report the allegations to the Criminal Justice Council. Curiously, it also stipulates that the town “has determined it is not obligated to report the nature of the allegations” to the council [emphasis added]. Sheets said chiefs must report allegations in a timely fashion, and then complete a full investigation of them. Once the investigation is finished, chiefs must send the investigation file to the council for review. The council is then supposed to verify that the local department’s investigation met minimum standards. If the allegations are substantiated and meet certain criteria, the council can sanction the officer’s certification, though it has not disciplined any officers since the law took effect. Practically speaking, all of these cases play out under a legal shroud of

confidentiality. The council posts a register of all closed cases online, but the details are minuscule and inconsistent. The register doesn’t even identify which department submitted the report. A listed report for June 2020, the month Graham agreed to resign, described a firstoffense “gross professional misconduct” complaint and policy violation. As for the investigation outcome, the register states: “Officer Resigned. Cased close [sic].” Sheets acknowledged that the public register needs improvement, though the overall misconduct process remains largely secret unless the council ever formally sanctions an officer. The council had a leadership void for most of 2020 and still has a backlog of more than 30 reports to review, Sheets said. The council has asked lawmakers to fund investigator and staff attorney positions to better carry out its oversight responsibilities. Last fall the legislature expanded the council’s membership, and in January the council convened a subcommittee that is now dedicated to overseeing misconduct reporting. Under the current process, Sheets said, any separation agreements between agencies and former employees would not affect how Act 56 proceedings are conducted. “We are going to do due diligence,” he said. Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George said her office dropped an unspecified number of criminal cases that had been investigated by Graham and Oliver. She cited the opaque references to a misconduct investigation in Graham’s separation agreement as “enough for me not to feel comfortable calling him as a witness.” Seven Days was not able to locate contact information for Graham. As for Oliver, George took the additional step of writing a letter to Foley, the Williston chief, on September 28, the week after the separation agreement was inked, in which she said she would not prosecute any cases investigated by Oliver should he return to law enforcement. She also instructed Foley to include her letter in Oliver’s personnel file “so any future law enforcement agencies that he may apply at will have access to this information.” George’s intervention was likely enough to prevent Oliver, 29, from wearing a badge again in Chittenden County, even before the criminal case against him was filed. Sometime last fall, he walked into the Winooski Police Department and asked a lieutenant if they had any open positions, Chief Rick Hebert confirmed. The department was hiring at the time, the chief said, but Oliver never submitted an application. m


whom they dislike least instead of like most, Hanson said. “That’s just something we take as a given in the U.S., but it’s a totally unnecessary, undemocratic system where you have to engage in that sort of strategic voting,” he said. Councilor Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1) said more people may participate in city politics with a ranked-choice system. When she ran for council last year, Hightower challenged independent councilor Sharon Bushor, a popular 32-year incumbent. But Hightower admits that she wouldn’t have run at all had a strong Democratic challenger already been in the race at that point. She wouldn’t have wanted to play a spoiler’s role, she said. Along with Dean, Hightower is cochairing Better Ballot Burlington, an initiative run by the Vermont Public Interest Research Group to educate voters about the system. During a VPIRG webinar last week, Hightower said she supports ranked-choice voting because it has helped elect people who have been historically underrepresented. Between 2010 and 2019, women candidates across the U.S. won nearly half of the 227 seats elected by ranked-choice; close to 40 percent of them were women of color, according to a report from RepresentWomen, an organization that aims to increase gender parity in politics.

Hightower, the first-ever woman of color to serve on the Burlington council, said she thinks ranked-choice voting could encourage more of her peers to seek office and help close the electability gap. “Our society still has a preference for white men, and ranked-choice voting can’t fix that completely, but I think it can do a lot to start to undo that,” she said. Wright, the 2009 mayoral candidate, said people of color have done well in Burlington elections without the help of ranked-choice ballots. Aside from Hightower, the council has two other nonwhite members, including mayoral candidate Ali Dieng (I-Ward 7) and outgoing Councilor Franklin Paulino (D-North District). Wright said any shortcomings in the plurality system don’t justify reinstating ranked-choice voting, which he argues is deeply flawed. He said candidates take weaker stances on issues in fear of alienating second-choice voters. “Letting voters know where you stand on the issues in a strong, vigorous way — that’s what you want your city leaders [to do],” he said. “I don’t want a system … where we just find the candidate that is the least objectionable.” Weinberger, who worked on Miller’s 2006 mayoral bid, agrees with Wright’s assessment that campaigns are more vanilla in a ranked-choice system. He argues that the current model has fostered competitive races and strong third-party candidates, including his predecessor


Vermont Supreme Court Upholds Gun Magazine Limits B Y D ER EK B R O U WER

Max Misch


The Notorious RCV « P.15

Bernie Sanders, who won his first mayoral bid in 1981 without a true majority of votes. Weinberger has also been elected with a plurality, earning 48 percent of the vote in 2018. The mayor, who is running for his fourth term, said he’s disappointed that the council didn’t consider other methods before settling on the same version of ranked-choice that residents have already voted on twice. Weinberger said he’s recently become aware of “approval voting,” in which voters are given a list of candidates and can indicate whether they approve of each person. The candidate with the highest approval rating wins. The system could be “an interesting alternative,” Weinberger said. “I’m not categorically opposed to alternative voting systems,” he said. “I do think this particular [ranked-choice voting] system did not serve the city well for the elections that we used it ... and I’m concerned that if it is reinstituted, we will in the future be dissatisfied by it again.” On that point, Weinberger has an ally in Robert Bristow-Johnson, a New North End resident and self-professed rankedchoice voting scholar. He argues that 2009 showed that the proposed model of ranked-choice voting doesn’t guarantee that the most-favored candidate will actually win. According to his analysis, more voters preferred Montroll over Kiss, but Kiss still won because of how the votes were tabulated. Bristow-Johnson has lobbied the council for months to consider a different method of ranked-choice. In his preferred version, the candidate who finishes last in a voting round isn’t immediately eliminated. Rather, that person enters a runoff with the penultimate finisher, and whoever has more support advances to the next round. If applied to the 2009 race, Montroll would have defeated Kiss, Bristow-Johnson says. He says he will vote against the ballot item for this reason. “When the election method simply elects the wrong person, wouldn’t you think that’s a flaw?” he asked. Councilor Hanson acknowledged that Bristow-Johnson’s preferred version of ranked-choice counts votes differently, but he said the proposed model in Burlington is the standard across the country. Hanson said he’s confident the ballot item will pass on March 2. He noted that when voters repealed ranked-choice voting in 2010, it was in a low-turnout election and only by a 52-48 margin. “There’s enough people who don’t conflate the entire system with one particular election,” he said. “That’s not how we should make these decisions. We have to look at which system is fairer.”

The Vermont Supreme Court has unanimously upheld a state gun law banning large-capacity magazines against a legal challenge brought by a Bennington white nationalist. The 51-page ruling issued last Friday concludes that the 2018 law, intended to prevent mass shootings, is a reasonable regulation that “leaves ample means for Vermonters to exercise their right to bear arms in self-defense.” To reach that conclusion, the high court produced its most expansive interpretation yet of the gun rights established by the state Constitution. The decision settled the first challenge to the trio of landmark guncontrol bills that lawmakers approved and Republican Gov. Phil Scott signed in the wake of the February 2018 school shooting in Parkland, Fla., and a local scare at Fair Haven Union High School. The law banned the acquisition of magazines that contain more than 10 rounds for a long gun or 15 rounds for a handgun, though people who owned larger magazines before the law went into effect can legally possess them. Max Misch, known for his online harassment of former state representative Kiah Morris, contended that the ban ran afoul of Article 16 in the state Constitution, which provides “that the people have a right to bear arms for the defense of themselves and the State.” Misch is accused of traveling to New Hampshire to buy two 30-round magazines for a rifle, then bringing them to Vermont. In 2019, then-Superior Court Judge William Cohen ruled against Misch, who appealed to the Vermont Supreme Court. In their ruling, the justices defined the scope of the right to bear arms as described in the state Constitution — something the high court had never explicitly done. The justices also ventured to set a standard to determine whether a law infringes on the right. “With the constitutionality of Vermont’s large capacity magazine ban resolved once and for all, our focus is now on the resumed criminal prosecution against Max Misch,” Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan said in a statement. SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021



The Vote Goes On

Despite the pandemic, Vermonters will decide on swimming pools, road salt and “Sparkles”




n Tuesday, March 2, Vermonters will participate in a Town Meeting Day unlike any other. At least a dozen towns are mailing ballots to all active registered voters. A handful have moved their polling stations outdoors, and several have postponed their votes altogether. While the coronavirus threatens to rob Town Meeting Day of its vaunted charm, it has not diminished the day’s local importance. As more people get vaccinated and the prospect of life A.P. (After Pandemic) grows nearer, towns and cities will gradually need to shift from crisis to recovery mode. Decisions made at the polls could help or hinder those efforts. COVID-19 aside, figuring out how much to spend on school budgets, who should serve on selectboards and school boards (see “Stepping Up,” page 28), and whether or not communities such as Montpelier should host marijuana stores just can’t wait. Nor can Peacham’s proposed snowplow monikers. Here is a sampling of issues that local voters will consider around Vermont.


Last year, the Town and City of St. Albans sought to jointly fund a new $5.5 million community pool. The project earned strong support among city voters. But it belly flopped in the town, where residents shot it down by 37 votes. Instead of scrapping the plan, the city now wants to plunge ahead alone, proposing a $5 million bond to cover the costs. City Councilor Mike McCarthy said residents urged the council to put the matter to another vote even if it meant taking on debt, because the Hard’ack Recreation Area’s seasonal pool is barely treading water. Built four decades ago, the public pool has lasted 15 years beyond its estimated lifespan. “Every year, there are huge issues with whether it will be able to open,” McCarthy said. “It’s not going to be operable, maybe, in a year or two. It’s time for us to make this investment.” Among the new pool’s features would be a sloped entry providing easier access 18


for people of all ages and abilities. Amenities would include a new pool house and snack bar; an inflatable dome encasing the facility would make it usable year-round. The city would pay off the bond’s estimated $300,000 annual debt using revenue from an existing local option tax, and daily operation would be funded through user fees, McCarthy said. City residents would pay a reduced fee; the facility would be open to others, but at a higher rate. Some neighboring towns already partner with the city to use its recreational offerings and might also qualify for the lower fee, McCarthy said. He imagined the city might even be open to negotiating a similar agreement with St. Albans Town, too, should the latter feel so inclined. “We would hope to partner with them on that,” he said.

selectboard and finally felt established enough to do so. He declined to comment on Banyai beyond saying that his own candidacy had nothing to do with Slate Ridge. Yet while discussing several goals should he be elected, Hulett said, “I think it’s important the Town of Pawlet has a board that will listen to [resident] requests and investigate their requests on their behalf.” He declined to elaborate. Seven Days sought an interview with Banyai, as well, via Slate Ridge’s Facebook page. In response, he asked whether Seven Days had ever written negatively about him. He later indicated he had read the paper’s coverage and wrote, “NO COMMENT.”


On its most basic level, Town Meeting Day is about permission: Towns want the go-ahead to spend taxpayer money; candidates, to represent voters. In Charlotte, one ballot item takes this civic exercise to a new level. “Shall the town vote to endorse the Road Commissioner continuing to use his sole discretion to independently determine and apply the best suited ratio of salt to sand, including circumstances when 100% salt may be applied?” the ballot items reads, adding, “Advisory motion only.” The question was sought by Hugh Lewis Jr., who has held the road commissioner post for more than two decades, giving him authority over Charlotte’s plowing operation. While Lewis technically has the power to use whatever mixture of sand and salt he sees fit, the selectboard has long encouraged him to rely more on sand — even though, he contends, salt is more effective. He currently favors sand over salt for the nitty-gritty task, by a ratio of 6 to 1, but said he wanted to gauge how voters felt about turning the tables. “Do they think they want to stay using sand?” he said. “Or do we want to come up to the 21st century and be with everyone else?”

The owner of Slate Ridge, a controversial weapons training center in Pawlet, is running for his local selectboard — despite the fact that it is suing him. Daniel Banyai told the Rutland Herald earlier this month that he was running a campaign against “favoritism, nepotism and corruption.” Should he be elected, he said, he would seek to have town officials removed from office and would use his access to town records to prompt federal investigations. Banyai himself is already under scrutiny following media reports about his aggressive behavior toward town officials and neighbors. Pawlet is suing him in environmental court for running Slate Ridge without a necessary town permit. Last month, a judge ordered him to stop all training activities until the case is decided. Among Banyai’s competitors for the Pawlet Selectboard is Rich Hulett, a business owner who lives on property that abuts Slate Ridge. Hulett’s wife, Mandy, recently obtained a two-year protection order against Banyai based on threatening posts he made against her family on Slate Ridge’s Facebook page. Posts cited in that ruling included one that named the Huletts and said they must be “eradicate[d].” Reached last week, Rich Hulett said he had long wanted to run for the


The granular debate is by no means new: Town Administrator Dean Bloch said it has come up repeatedly during annual meetings, sometimes earning more than 30 minutes of floor time. Sodium critics — the town’s two most recent tree wardens among them — cite environmental concerns, noting that salt harms trees such as sugar maples and can end up in waterways. Supporters, meanwhile, say there are times when sand only makes matters worse. Drivers often complain to Lewis that roads in other towns are far clearer after a big winter storm, he said: “I tell them that’s because they use salt. It’s hard to melt snow and ice with sand.” Lewis said he would likely use 100 percent salt more often should the vote come back in his favor, but only as conditions warrant. “A little bit of salt,” he said, “would go a long way.”


If women in Brandon took “no taxation without representation” literally, they’d rarely pay a tax bill. That’s because the town has gone more than six years without a woman on its selectboard — and, according to one count, has had only four women serve during the last three decades. Lindsey Berk and Alexandra “Allie” Breyer want to change that. They’re running a joint campaign for two one-year seats on the selectboard, which, they say, is not seeking out or listening to a wide range of perspectives. “Some [women] community leaders feel they’re forgotten, that there’s not a seat at the table,” Berk said. “People who don’t look like the selectboard don’t even want to go to those meetings.” Breyer agreed. “They haven’t felt that it is a welcoming space for them to have their voices heard,” she said. “We hope that we’ll be showing people in our community that diverse perspectives and backgrounds and values are desired.” In separate interviews, the two candidates told Seven Days they are running as a team because they share values and are both newcomers, at least in Vermont terms; both moved into Brandon within

the last six years. “We wanted to be able to boost our networks,” Breyer said, “[and] we felt by collaborating that we could also show partnership building in action.” They’re campaigning as a unit, but voters will still need to check off both of their names. Other choices on the ballot are Michael Markowski, whose family owns a local excavation company, and Seth Hopkins, the selectboard chair. Hopkins was appointed in 2015 to fill the seat of the last woman to serve. He said he’s running again because he wants to help Brandon continue to rebuild its infrastructure and finances after some difficult years. This spring, the town plans to put the finishing touches on a multiyear, $25 million-plus reconstruction of its downtown corridor along Route 7. He said he was sorry to hear his competitors’ criticisms of the current board but that he believed most observers would say he’s gone to lengths to facilitate public comment during his four years as chair. “I really believe we represent the whole community — each one of the five of us — and not an individual constituency within it,” he said.


The Town of Essex is weighing a question older than many of its voters: whether to merge with the Village of Essex Junction. The debate has spanned generations of Essex families since the first merger vote more than five decades ago, but it could finally near a conclusion should voters approve a proposed charter for a merged community. Before diving into the specifics, a brief primer: Because the Village of Essex Junction is within the Town of Essex, village residents vote — and pay taxes — in both municipalities, while “townoutside-the- village” residents only do so in the town. Proponents of the merger view this as unfair. Opponents argue that the merger would only create new inequities. “The problem they have is, the village folks keep on voting for bigger budgets — they have their 7:30 a.m. sidewalk plowing, lots of park and rec [services],” said Ken Signorello, a town-outside-the-village resident and leading critic of the merger plan. “They voted for those things. Town-outside-thevillage didn’t. Merger basically shifts all those expenses.”

The proposal seeks to lessen the tax blow by phasing in the shift over a 12-year period. For a non-village homeowner with a median-value, $280,000 house, that means taxes would increase at the rate of $25 a year until the bill was $330 higher than today. The owners of a similar-value home in the village, on the other hand, would see their property tax bill gradually decrease to $500 less than today. The two groups would eventually pay a similar tax rate. “It finds a middle ground … and spreads the cost evenly and fairly across the community,” said town selectboard chair Elaine Haney, who favors the merger. Voters have a preview of how a merger would actually work in practice. During the past five years, the two municipalities consolidated departments in an effort to save money and inch toward the merger; they now share a town manager, a finance director and other employees. To make the full plunge, the communities would have to agree on a single charter. The village already approved one last November, while the town votes on a slightly different version next week. The proposals would then head to the Vermont legislature, where lawmakers would need to settle several notable differences.

council demurred, the citizens started a petition to force the issue. They fell 10 signatures short of what was needed to officially request a ballot item — 248, or 5 percent of registered voters. But the council took up the request regardless, approving it last month by a 3-2 vote. Hal Colston, one of the three councilors to approve the request, doesn’t expect the resolution to make much of a difference. “But it’s great for people to feel that they do have a voice,” he said.


Another fleet of vehicles is up for judgment in Peacham, though residents face a slightly different request: “Shall the voters adopt the names chosen by students of Peacham School for the 5 town plow trucks: Sparkles, Day Blaze, Fearless Frosty, Ice Cream and Got Snow?” Town Clerk Thomas Galinat said the idea came from a resident who appreciated Scotland’s tradition of naming snowplows. Peacham officials collaborated with Peacham Elementary School staff to hold student elections; the five names on the ballot won.


Take ’em somewhere else: That’s the message a concerned group of citizens in Winooski hopes to send to the state about the highly controversial F-35 jets, which have been based in Vermont for more than a year now. A resident-driven ballot item asks voters whether the city should “urge the State to halt F-35 training flights in a densely populated area,” such as the Onion City. Winooski isn’t the first municipality to howl foul. Last April, the Burlington City Council asked Gov. Phil Scott and Vermont’s congressional delegation to ground F-35 training flights while people were forced to stay home in the early days of the pandemic. Those in the flight path need only lift their windows to know how that went. Yet some Winooski voters wanted to send the message anyway and urged their city council to put language similar to Burlington’s up for a vote. When the

The town rotates in different plows each year under its road contract, so the inaugural vote would apply to next winter’s fleet. Officials hope to make it an annual tradition — as long as the vote passes. There’s already an “enormous amount of hype” about which driver will end up clearing roads aboard Sparkles, Galinat said. He had his fingers crossed for one staffer in particular: road foreman Jeremy Withers. “He’s got a twinkle in his eye that would just really go well with it,” Galinat said.


One of the more unusual Vermont political stories in recent years enters a new chapter next week as Vergennes plans to elect yet another mayor. Matthew Chabot, a former city manager, is running unopposed to replace Lynn Donnelly, whose short-lived tenure as mayor is ending as it began: controversially. Donnelly took over last summer after then-mayor Jeff Fritz resigned — along with a majority of the city council — in the wake of a controversy over texts that he exchanged about the police department with the city manager. After getting repopulated by a special election last fall, the council started discussing whether Donnelly should be able to finish out her two-year term on the council after stepping down as mayor. Instead, she decided to call it quits entirely, but not before unleashing a series of ominous warnings on her way out the door. “If you had any idea — any idea — of the corruption that has happened in this city, and no one would stand up to it except me, you guys don’t have a clue. The city is in a mess,” she said at a city council meeting last month. “The financial mess is going to be somebody else’s problem. But when this all collapses around you, I want you to look around at each other and remember who was here.” Pressed for proof at a subsequent meeting, Donnelly said she regretted using the word “corruption.” Yet the damage was done. Enter Chabot, who said he believes residents have a “strong desire” to move past the tumult of the last year. Many voters likely agree with that sentiment, and yet Chabot knows steadying the ship won’t be an easy task. So why does he want to be the one at the helm? “My wife,” he said, “keeps asking me the same question.” SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021


FEEDback «P.7

that Vermont lacks “meaningful ballot security” in our vote-by-mail program [Fair Game, January 27; Feedback: “All Is Not Well,” February 3; Feedback: “Column ‘Does a Disservice,’” February 10]. I’ve never been able to see the danger in this other than as a ruse by the right to justify restricting the voting process. Think about it: When you vote, you go to your assigned place, tell a polling official your name and the official then checks you off. If someone came in and voted as me, I would know it immediately — as would that polling official. Ditto with mail-in ballots — not too difficult to verify. I have never heard of anyone going to vote only to discover someone else had beaten them to it, stealing their name and voting spot. Can that happen? Sure, easily. But it doesn’t, or we would be hearing about it. Who’s going to keep losing their vote a secret? No one. I would howl like a wounded bloodhound, wouldn’t you? Now, can you imagine this happening to a dozen people? That would be big news, nationwide news. Which is why I know it doesn’t happen. Eric Johnson



Graffiti is getting out of hand in Burlington [“Tag Team,” February 17]. When this visual blight is not forcefully addressed, it often signals that a neighborhood is starting to deteriorate. Similarly, it creates alarm among residents. Rampant graffiti also sends the wrong message to youthful vandals, who encourage one another to show off their “tags.” Petty and serious criminals also sense illegal opportunities in public disfigurement. Public safety studies confirm that graffiti is an early indicator of rising crime, drugs and gangs. From the mayor’s office and the city council, from the police and public works departments and the state’s attorney’s office, it is time for parties to begin working together to adapt a zero-tolerance posture toward defacement of public and private properties. Cooperation among public officials, including immediate removal of tags, investment in security cameras and prosecution of people who vandalize the community, is needed now. Jack T. Scully



“Star Struck” [February 17] was heavily biased for Elon Musk’s telecommunications company Starlink. The interview with Vermont resident Dennis Roland seemed like an ad for Musk. Roland extolled how easy his satellite was to set up. Under his photo was a large, bold pull quote that read: “Getting fiber optic here in Vermont is probably years away…” Roland is no expert. Fiber optics is happening. The Vermont House Energy and Technology Committee favors it. It is healthier, faster, private and community-based. In New Hampshire, a state-supported scientific study on the health effects of Wi-Fi on people spurred protective legislation in that state and others. However, the federal Telecommunications Act of 1996 gave full legal rights to the telecommunications industry over human and environmental health. There are no laws to protect us — yet. It is the states that might make a difference here and create protective legislation. Musk has $900 million in federal funds for Starlink. He is probably the wealthiest man in the world. He doesn’t need our state funding. I hope the media will stop making him into a knight with a quick fix for us all. It would be at great health cost to us. Many are frightened and hungry for that quick fix. Somewhere in our history, corporations were granted human rights. That was a bad turn for humanity and the Earth. Let’s not make another bad turn and move slowly toward the best possibilities for now. Judith Ruskin



Regarding Dave Gram’s quote in the February 17 Fair Game: “I won’t bother defining ‘uppity’ here or discussing its historic use to demean Black people and women, because everyone knows its definition and context.” My wife and I both graduated from the University of Vermont, she in liberal arts and myself in sciences. We have had five kids graduate from college. I grew up as a kid on a dairy farm. We always thought an uppity person was snobbish. Sorry, Dave, besides Michael Schirling, there are an additional seven that were not aware of this definition and context. We will refrain from using it in the future. We will stop watching BBC programs since some Vermont people think it is snobbish, aka uppity. Bob Belisle





[Re Debate: “Burlington’s Mayoral Matchup,” on Town Meeting TV, February 5]: Mayor Miro Weinberger has timed his attack on the Racial Justice Through Economic and Criminal Justice Resolution conveniently just before the March election. I watched him bully mayoral candidates Ali Dieng and Max Tracy during the Seven Days debate, demanding that they vote his way or stand against public safety. It took national attention and the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor for Burlington to recognize we have problems, too. Weinberger repeatedly criticizes our six Progressive counselors, saying they were not relying on facts when they formed this resolution. A 30 percent reduction in force did not come out of a hat. Compared to comparable communities, the Burlington police historically have been overstaffed by 30 percent. This 30 percent will not disappear but will be specialized and appropriate. During the Seven Days debate, one candidate asked Weinberger why he tried to get the state coroner’s report modified when Douglas Kilburn’s death was ruled a homicide. Weinberger replied that he considered the report mistaken. Mayoral candidate Haik Bedrosian had a good comeback: But you are not a medical doctor. Weinberger was undeterred, responding that just because you are an expert doesn’t mean you cannot be challenged. Now who is working with the facts? Transforming our public safety system will be a good thing, providing a larger safety net for victims in toxic living situations. How often do victims stay with their abuser because they have nowhere to turn for support, confidence and strength? I hope councilors who originally supported this resolution do not waver. There is room and need for change. Caryn Long



In your piece on Max Tracy [“Max-imum Effort,” February 3], Mayor Miro Weinberger is dubbed “Status Quo Miro.” Many labels have truth. Weinberger guided Burlington’s taxpayers away from a financial cliff during his time in office. While monikers are being assigned, there is definitely room for one for Tracy. He and the young Progs plan to: 1. locally

tax every $500,000 Burlington home; 2. seek local income tax; and 3. impose a middle-class-crushing fossil fuels tax of an estimated $7,000 per year on existing homes. Each of these Max taxes requires voter approval but is planned in the least transparent way possible — after the election, placed on a November ballot. Burlington voters deserve better. Perhaps “Tax Tracy” is the moniker most apt. Better yet, tell us your plans before the election, lest the nickname become “Cover Those Tracks, Max.” Bruce Baker



[Re “Max-imum Effort,” February 3]: Max Tracy has consistently opposed the F-35 basing with the Vermont Air National Guard. Mayor Miro Weinberger worked for U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy and was on the Burlington Airport Commission from 2003 to 2012 when they decided to buy out and demolish more homes in the Chamberlin neighborhood next to the airport. Over 200 homes have been destroyed in that neighborhood. That represents a huge loss of affordable homes in the greater Burlington area. As mayor, Weinberger has consistently supported the F-35 basing. Leahy pressured the U.S. Air Force to base the F-35s in Burlington, even though it’s been reported that the Air Force did not want to base them here. Why were the homes bought out and destroyed? The reason given is that they were in a high-noise zone. Now a much greater area is in a high-noise zone, because the F-35s are much louder than the F-16s. But there was also a plan to expand the airport, which came crashing down after the 2008 financial crisis. Yet the home demolitions continued. Weinberger was a developer at the time. The Pomerleaus have been one of the biggest developers in the area. Leahy’s wife, Marcelle, is a Pomerleau. The Pomerleaus have given back a lot to the community, and for that they should be thanked. Leahy has done much to support organic agriculture, and for that he should be thanked. But they have also supported the F-35 basing. Please support Max for mayor, as he has been consistent in opposing the F-35s and advocating for much more affordable housing. Matthew Ennis



[Re “Max-imum Effort,” February 3]: The city of Burlington needs the balanced, durable leadership of Mayor Miro Weinberger. Mayor Weinberger gives credible consideration to all community voices and is the only candidate for mayor who studies all viewpoints. Progressives on the city council want to add a carbon tax to drive up your heating bill, gut the police department and take steps that hurt our community. Mayor Weinberger takes time to research and talk to people, even if he does not agree with them. I respect his pursuit of a well-thought-out policy to overhaul our police department, rather than knee-jerk plans to eliminate it. He has played a key role in resolving the downtown marketplace debacle, reducing the size of the development to a more human scale. On several occasions I have personally confronted Mayor Weinberger at the YMCA, in email and on the street. Even though we occasionally disagree, he takes the time to hear me out. I respect his integrity and encourage you to vote for Mayor Weinberger on March 2. Ben Luna, Esq.



I appreciated Courtney Lamdin’s cover story on Max Tracy’s campaign for mayor [“Max-imum Effort,” February 3]. It conveyed a lot of Tracy’s dedicated history and passion for Burlington’s growth and well-being. Lamdin cites some of Tracy’s detractors, quoting Republicans and former Progressives defeated in primaries who may have personal reasons to resent a Progressive run for mayor. But considering recent campaign finance reports, I can’t help but feel that both candidates’ supporters deserve additional attention. Much of Weinberger’s support comes from angry landlords, developer friends and others who are doing fine financially despite a pandemic and recession. A long list of individuals made maximum donations out of personal fortunes. And Tracy’s supporters? They are community leaders, business owners, local representatives and heads of nonprofits that support our kids.

TOWN MEETING DAY Vermont’s leading racial justice organization has endorsed Tracy. Unions of mental health workers, teachers and nurses all back him. Besides Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, Tracy’s “bigmoney donors” include schoolteachers and bartenders. There may be many reasons why someone would criticize a candidate in the media. So I choose to take note of who is willing to put themselves out there for candidates like Max Tracy. Dan Quigley



A “YES on 4” vote will give Burlingtonians the option to rank city council candidates in order of preference starting next year. It’s a system already used by more than 9 million Americans — in red and blue states. Our neighbors in New York and Maine use it to elect city councilors, mayors and even the president. Unlike our current system that allows someone to win with only 40 percent of the vote, ranked-choice voting allows only majority winners. And in cities that use the system, more women and people of color are running for office — and winning — because ranked-choice voting discourages negative campaigning and improves the quality of discourse. Ranked-choice voting also saves money by eliminating costly runoff elections. Former Democratic governor Howard Dean and current Progressive City Councilor Zoraya Hightower are leading the effort to institute rankedchoice voting in the Queen City. A group of Democratic, Republican, Progressive and independent legislators in Montpelier recently proposed similar legislation for the whole state.

For a more fair and functional democracy, I hope Burlington voters vote “YES on 4.” Cecilia Crews



I was especially interested in your account of the race between Tiki Archambeau and Perri Freeman as we near the election of the city councilor from the Central District [“Changing of the Prog?” January 13]. As a retired professor of philosophy who specializes in writing about the integral links between true liberalism and true radicalism, it is very easy for me to choose Archambeau. The most obvious way that Archambeau represents both true liberalism and true radicalism is in his opposition to what Freeman has helped to do against the police, including stripping them of funds to hire new officers, to get bulletproof vests and even to have some semblance of liberal due process rights in terms of job security. However, I like to link this issue to what all of my four letters in Seven Days over the past two and a half years have emphasized, namely defense of free speech against the Burlington Progressives’ misguided efforts to ignore, if not destroy, it. Three of those letters dealt with the misguided censorship of famed artist Pierre Hardy’s downtown mural by removing it from public sight. The reason that I link my opposition to the censorship of the mural by Freeman, and Archambeau’s opposition to Freeman’s attack on the police, is that what both issues require is a little common sense. Ever since Aristotle, this has been a vital component of true philosophical thinking about political issues. Common sense is also at the heart of the true liberalism and true radicalism represented by Tiki Archambeau. Norman Arthur Fischer



[Re Off Message: “A Just Cause? Landlords, Tenants Battle Over Burlington Eviction Proposal,” February 15]: In the first paragraph, your writer Courtney Lamdin states that tenants can be evicted for no reason under Vermont law. Lamdin should first check the law, because that is total nonsense. That whole ballot question No. 5 is nonsense. It is based on ignorance, or it might be purposefully

misleading. Every eviction case has to go to court if the tenant doesn’t want to leave, and only after the court decides that there was a just cause — and housing courts are very harsh to landlords. Then the tenant is ordered to leave. City Councilors Brian Pine and Max Tracy — who presumably are authors or coauthors, or who support voting “yes” on this question — either have no idea what they are talking about or are misleading the public in a pretty nasty way. In any case, just for that alone, they shouldn’t be either councilors or considered mayoral candidates. Evzen Holas



[Re Off Message: “A Just Cause? Landlords, Tenants Battle Over Burlington Eviction Proposal,” February 15]: Of the 370 “no cause” evictions in Chittenden County, I wonder what percentage was for the benefit of the other tenants or the benefit of the person being evicted? Tenants don’t want a “for cause” eviction on their record because that makes it more difficult for them to find housing the next time. I evicted a tenant for nonpayment of rent, threatening violence, multiple people living there and much more. I paid for her moving costs and didn’t take her to court or pursue damages even though the apartment was destroyed. I would wager that 90 percent of the “no cause” evictions were to avoid costly legal proceedings that both parties want to avoid. Vermont is last in the country for evictions. This is a solution in search of a problem. I think we have more affordable housing per capita than any other city in the country — why isn’t this ever mentioned? We are growing because people want to live here — and that’s a good thing — so we need to add density to the downtown, and we need people to want to invest here. Have the Progs thought about the unintended consequences of their proposed policies? Rent costs will continue to spiral out of control because landlords won’t take a chance on anyone other than students and short-term tenants, and small landlords will be squeezed out in favor of large holding companies that have no connection to the community. Lincoln Huston




lifelines OBITUARIES Leobardo Perez-Rivas

SEPTEMBER 12, 1942-FEBRUARY 8, 2021 CHARLOTTE, VT. (1988-2004) Leobardo “Leo” Perez-Rivas passed away on February 8, 2021, at age 78. He was born near the Andes in a little village called Pueblo Nuevo in the state of Merida, Venezuela, on September 12, 1942. His life was cut short while living in Seville, Spain, when he became ill from COVID-19. Leo was the third of 10 children. He was raised in Venezuela and attended Liceo Libertador school before completing a degree in economics at the University of the Andes in 1965. He was then awarded a grant to travel and study in England. He completed a master’s degree in economics at the University of Exeter and a second master’s degree at the University of Cambridge. Whilst at Cambridge, Leo met Juliet Adamson, whom he married at St. Wulfram’s church in Grantham, Lincolnshire, in 1970. In the same year, the couple settled in Caracas, Venezuela. They had three daughters (Laura, Sally and Clara) and a son (Leo). In 1983, the couple moved back to England; they divorced in 1984. Following the divorce, Leo moved first to Madrid, Spain, and then, in 1988, to Charlotte, Vt., with his children. When asked what attracted him to Vermont, Leo always referred to a National Geographic magazine issue with beautiful images of fall and covered bridges. Vermont captured his imagination as an ideal place to raise his children. Leo dedicated himself to a range of businesses throughout his working life. In Venezuela, he became the company treasurer of Alcasa, one of the world’s largest aluminum production companies. In Madrid, Leo set up TeleMensaje, which pioneered the importation and supply of pagers to Spanish doctors and other health care workers. In Vermont, he was best known for owning Marbles Store in Charlotte, a local country store and gas station. He worked there with a farmer from Charlotte, whom he regarded highly, and his children enjoyed pitching in. Leo loved running Marbles, especially as he became a well-known and much-loved member of the community. In 2004, Leo moved to work at the International Monetary Fund in Washington, D.C., where he worked in the publications department until his retirement in 2014. He was a cherished colleague and friend to many. Leo returned to Spain once he had retired, this time to Seville, with a long-term plan to settle in England close to his three daughters who had since moved there. Sadly, this long-term plan never came to fruition due to the complexities of European immigration.




Despite the geographical challenges experienced in later life, no journey was too long to see his beloved family. Leo rarely missed a birthday, holiday or family gathering. Leo led an active lifestyle. A keen runner and cyclist, he completed the Caracas Marathon in 1983 and the New York City Marathon in 1989. He was also a motoring enthusiast who owned a number of sports cars and his beloved yellow Morgan. In Vermont, he owned a boat, Sunshine, and enjoyed many joyful and adventurous days sailing around Lake Champlain with his family. Leo possessed an independent, creative, adventurous and idealistic spirit. A true man of the world, he was interested in global politics, economics and current affairs. Raised a Catholic, Leo was a man of faith and continued to attend church consistently throughout his life. Don Quixote de la Mancha was Leo’s favorite story; he kept an old edition of this wherever he went. Leo loved antiques; over the years he collected a special model train set, which, to his children’s delight, he unpacked and assembled at Christmas. Above all, Leo was a devoted and adoring father who raised his children and inspired them to think openly and creatively and to pursue adventure. The love that Leo felt for all his children, and later his grandchildren, was the true “engine” of his life. Leo is survived by his four children, as well as five grandchildren (Tily, Michael, Ellis, Hunter and Odin), seven brothers and sisters in Venezuela, and many great-nephews and -nieces living around the world. He will be greatly missed by family and friends. A memorial service was recently held in Merida, Venezuela. Leo will be laid to rest in Lincolnshire, England. Donations in honor of Leo’s memory may either be made to the Vermont Chapter of the American Heart Association or to the Lewis Creek Association. Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. The woods are lovely, dark and deep, But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep.

Lt. Col. Harvey L. Ottinger (Ret.)

MARCH 25, 1929-FEBRUARY 20, 2021 SHELBURNE, VT. It is with great sadness that the family of longtime Shelburne, Vt., resident Harvey L. Ottinger announces his passing on February 20, 2021. He died peaceably at the Arbors in Shelburne at the age of 91. At his side was his bride of 67 years, Kathryn “Kay” Ottinger. Harvey will be lovingly remembered by his wife, Kathryn “Kay” Ottinger; children Debra Petersen (Tommy), Harvey Ottinger, Matthew Ottinger (Margaret), Jean Golightly (Gary), Judy Gover (David), Mary Ottinger (Pete) and Sarah Misiak (Brian); 12 wonderful grandchildren; and five great-grandchildren. Harvey was born on March 25, 1929, in Granite City, Ill., to Harvey and Thelma Ottinger. He was the second born (preceded in death by his three siblings, Marjorie, Doris and Robert). He had a passion for learning and adventure and served 30 honorable years in the U.S. military. He enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1947 after his high school graduation at the age of 18 and served two years. Striving for more, he then used his G.I. Bill to go to college and earn his degree and entered the U.S. Air Force as a second lieutenant. He bravely served in both Korea

and Vietnam and was noted as one of the Air Force’s best electronic warfare officers in the B-57. In 1981, Harvey retired as a lieutenant colonel with numerous awards and medals. After his military retirement, he also worked for General Electric and IBM. Harvey had a lifelong passion for athletic competition. He loved to play golf, basketball, volleyball and Ping-Pong but was best noted for his achievements in racquetball. He was a member of the YMCA throughout most of his life and a member of the EDGE Sports & Fitness, where he had many dear friends. He also competed in several Senior Olympics in racquetball and running, the last time at the age of 90. He will miss his 30-year, twicemonthly poker games with his friends. Harvey loved to travel and, through the military, saw much of the world. His lifelong journey of learning and reading books, newspapers and higher education textbooks led him to many happy hours spent in the library. Harvey will always be known and loved for his humble spirit. The family would like to thank all of his caregivers, the University of Vermont Hospice and everyone at the Arbors. Arrangements are in care of the Cremation Society of Chittenden County. To send online condolences to his family, please visit



James Edward Little, 1952-2021 The Zoom access information for the virtual service on Saturday, February 27, 2021, is available on the Corbin & Palmer Funeral Home website, corbinandpalmer. com/obituary/james-little. The information may also be found on the website of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul,


Charles Konrad Auer Jr. AUGUST 1, 1931-FEBRUARY 17, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT.

Grief is love with no place to go. Charlie knew that well. He never said no to anyone and was always there to offer help and a hug to anyone who needed it. Charlie was a hugger. To know him was to love him, and he will be forever missed and irreplaceable. His family learned a long time ago to share him with the rest of the world. He spread joy to everyone he met, and there were thousands of people in his world. His laugh was infectious, and his love for life and youthful heart were inspiring to all who knew him. And jeepers creepers! Did anyone ever see him sit and eat a meal while it was still hot?! Everybody who has ever met Charlie has a unique story about him. Anyone who has ever visited the Auer Family Boathouse at the end of North Avenue can tell you that he grew up during a bygone era of Burlington. Charlie was recruited in his twenties by the New York Yankees Farm Team. He was an excellent athlete. He had already met the love of his life by then and chose to stay and raise a family in the state he loved, Vermont. He had a reputable career in the National and Civilian Guard, as well as the Mountain School, and was actively part of them well after retirement. He was proud to be a member of the Elks Club, the Eagles Club and the American Legion, and he loved socializing with his friends there. “Charlie’s Angels,” his four daughters, know

how blessed they are to have had the very best dad ever. Through his selfless love and support, we had the most wonderful childhood imaginable. Growing up at the Auer Family Boathouse was a treasure beyond compare, especially Hot Dog Sundays with Grandma, Grandpa and all of the family. Charlie was welcomed home to heaven by his loving wife, Norah; his infant son, Charles K. Auer III; his parents, Charles Sr. and Ida Auer; and his siblings Vernon Benoit and Julia (and her husband, Pete) Hamiwika; and many other family members. Charlie is survived by his loving daughters, Kimberly Auer and her sons Chad and Drew Abramovich; Terri and her husband, Dave Mitchell, and their children Mallory, Bailey and Schuyler and great-grandson Rowan; Wendy and her husband, Geoff McLoughlin; and Kerry-Ellen Rock and her daughter Mia; as well as by his beloved beagle, Mama; his sister Christine Hebert and her husband, Ken; his sister-in-law Bea; and many nieces, nephews and cousins. There will be no services at this time, due to COVID-19. We will have a service and celebration of his life this summer and will post then to keep people informed. Arrangements are under the care of LaVigne Funeral Home and Cremation Service. Condolences can be shared with the family at and Donations can be made in Charlie’s name to the Franklin County Humane Society, in honor of all of the loving beagles Charlie adopted from there (including precious Mama) throughout the years.

Want to memorialize a loved one? We’re here to help. Our obituary and in memoriam services are affordable, accessible and handled with personal care. Share your loved one’s story with the local community in Lifelines.


Alice Matilda Gaynor

lifelines Welcome, Baby Alice! Julianna, Joe and Mads Gaynor welcomed Alice Matilda to their family on snowy February 2, 2021. We love you so much already!

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9/12/19 3:05 PM

arts news The Reality of Virtual Arts and humanities organizations consider the digital post-pandemic future B Y M ARG A RET G RAYSON •





he words “historical society” probably don’t call to mind images of technological innovation. But during the pandemic, the digital sphere has offered the only way for Vermont’s nearly 200 historical societies to reach their audiences. These organizations, many of which run on volunteer power, responded with creativity. The NORWICH HISTORICAL SOCIETY created podcast driving tours of the town for people to download and explore. The PEACHAM HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION, which will celebrate its 100th anniversary this year, created a pandemic-themed scavenger hunt that linked historic sites with disease outbreaks of the past. The WESTMINSTER HISTORICAL SOCIETY completed a project that developed free, downloadable sewing patterns to accompany online photos of historic garments. EILEEN CORCORAN, community outreach coordinator at the VERMONT HISTORICAL SOCIETY, pointed to these as examples of how some historical societies have adapted this year. But for many others, there were no podcasts or virtual exhibits, which require resources and tech-savvy presenters. “[At] these small organizations and local historical societies, especially, it tends to be older folks who aren’t as tech savvy to begin with,” Corcoran said. “They tend to have audiences that are older, as well.” That’s one reason Corcoran organized a virtual roundtable Tuesday on the “mechanics of an effective online presence,” at which a marketing professional discussed, among other things, the nitty-gritty of search engine optimization. Corcoran, like many in the arts and humanities fields, doesn’t believe virtual content should disappear anytime soon. Even as the vaccine rollout offers a light at the end of the pandemic tunnel, she thinks historical organizations will continue to want to host digital exhibits, talks and shows — and that audiences will continue to want them. The VHS is offering another webinar in March and may well host more. “One of the good things about the virtual programming that we saw, and I think other organizations saw, especially at the local

TECHNOLOGY level, is an audience engagement beyond Vermont,” Corcoran said. For VHS, which bills itself as for “Vermonters and ‘Vermonters DOREEN at heart,’” this is a natural extension of their work. “But it’s true even for local societies,” she continued. “You have a lot of their audiences that maybe grew up in the town, or they have a seasonal home in the town. They wouldn’t have been able to go to a talk at the local historical society, but now they can because it’s virtual.” Corcoran also pointed out that for a historical society’s Vermont-based audiences, online events might be welcome during the winter when road conditions can be iffy. History is not the only field reckoning with how it will deliver content

long-term. In the performing arts sector — one of the hardest hit by the pandemic — artists and organizations have invested heavK R AF T ily in livestreaming performances. And it hasn’t been cheap. For the VERMONT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, said executive director ELISE BRUNELLE, hosting concerts online instead of in person adds $6,000 to $8,000 in operating costs per show. “I thought, If we’re going to want people to continue to listen to us, they need to be able to watch something that’s equally as exciting as what they listen to,” Brunelle said. That meant multiple cameras and professional editing, along with hiring a company to do the ticketing and streaming itself. “Those were things that we just felt were too important to say no to or to skimp on.”



All of the VSO’s virtual performances are priced on a sliding scale, with tickets starting at $5. And though ticket sales don’t cover costs, Brunelle said they’re selling more tickets and seeing an expanded audience outside of the state. While she thinks nothing can replace live music, Brunelle suggested that the symphony could continue to be more accessible by offering online concerts, even after in-person shows are permitted again. “The peer organizations that I’ve been talking with all hope to be able to do both,” Brunelle said. “We absolutely are committing ourselves, and just simply putting the budget line in there, to record and stream our performances going forward.” DOREEN KRAFT, executive director of BURLINGTON CITY ARTS, said her organization is also considering its long-term digital strategy and likely will keep presenting some classes and programming online. “I believe that we’re going to continue to live in two worlds,” she said. “The virtual world is not going away.” That’s exciting, but it also worries her. Creating dual programming “means your budget is going to go up, and I’m not sure how we’re all going to support this,” Kraft said. “How much funding is going to be needed to create the level of sophistication that audiences are going to demand?” For BCA, Kraft sees a need to support artists as they delve into virtual presentation. That might mean operating studios where artists and performers can have access to professional livestreaming and filming equipment, offering professional development courses, and funding grant programs for artists to invest in their own online presence. Still, that doesn’t mean all online content has to be completely slick and professional. There’s still charm in an iPhone-in-a-bedroom recording. “People love the intimacy of that,” Kraft said. “The technology is in service to your intention. I don’t want it to get so sophisticated that you lose that.”

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Whitney Ramage

Feeling the Pressure Interdisciplinary artists create volume two of Caddisfly Project B Y B E NJA M I N AL ESHIRE •


ince poets and fiction writers abound in the 802, literary magazines do, as well. But when a fullcolor, handsomely designed art magazine appears, it’s noteworthy. Caddisfly Project, edited by artists Whitney Ramage of Middletown Springs and Karen Y. Chan of New York City, presents the work of 12 internationally connected artists in lush photographs. The sculptures, paintings, mixed-media works, translucent textual “love-letters” and fabric arts featured in the second issue were collected in response to the theme of “pressure.” Synonyms of this broad concept are printed on the back cover, from “confinement” to “duress” to “call-to-action.” “The Caddisfly Project explores the ways in which artists are meeting the

immense burden of this ungraspable moment,” the editors state in an introductory note. “We’re looking at the strain artists are under to be what the world needs.” Contributors were asked to send “studio outcomes”: sketches, lists, drafts and experiments, in addition to finished work. This focus on the artists’ processes, rather than products, echoes the magazine’s name and concept. The caddisfly is one of nature’s most creative specimens: Immediately upon hatching, it begins building a protective casing around itself, using whatever materials are readily at hand. A caddisfly will cloak itself with bitten-off pieces of plants, fragments of rocks or debris, even snail shells. FEELING THE PRESSURE

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2/18/21 4:34 PM

arts news

PAGE32 The Business of Botanicals: Exploring the Healing Promise of Plant Medicines in a Global Industry Ann Armbrecht, Chelsea Green Publishing, 288 pages. $24.95.

“It was a hippie dream,” Drake said, “to make $10,000.” In the 1970s, herbalist ROSEMARY GLADSTAR and Drake Sadler founded Traditional Medicinals, bagging and selling Gladstar’s teas to fund a trip to Mexico. Today, you can get those teas at Walmart. ANN ARMBRECHT is a student of Gladstar’s who coproduced the documentary Numen: The Healing Power of Plants with her husband, former SAVOY THEATER owner TERRENCE YOUK. In The Business of Botanicals: Exploring the Healing Promise of Plant Medicines in a Global Industry, Armbrecht examines what happens when the traditional lore of healing plants becomes a multibillion-dollar business. As she puts it, “Can the life force of a plant find its way into products manufactured according to the requirements of capital?” With her crowdfunded Sustainable Herbs Program, Armbrecht visited farmers and producers enmeshed in the global herbal supply chain, from the U.S. to Poland to India. She presents her findings in a lively, thoughtprovoking narrative, writing, “I discovered that claims of being natural were often far from true.” Rather than being simply an exposé of the “business of botanicals,” Armbrecht’s book asks hard questions about how to keep that business closer to its roots.

Seven Days writers can’t possibly read, much less review, all the books that arrive in a steady stream by post, email and, in one memorable case, a richness of minks. So this monthly feature is our way of

The Steep Side of the Marble Jones Deady, Rand-Smith Publishing, 338 pages. $22.

Lily narrowed her gaze on her mother, whose posture had gone the way of a dying flower. There is no sharper eye on a woman than that of her daughter, and The Steep Side of the Marble revels in the conflicts of that relationship — camaraderie one moment, ire the next. This debut novel centers on mother and daughter Dar and Lily, opening in the immediate aftermath of Dar’s divorce from Lily’s father. Lily is smart, sharp-tongued and growing up quickly; Dar is reckoning with her troubled familial relationships and her sexuality. The story fills out with other family members, mostly female, as Dar and Lily attend a family reunion on a tea plantation. The book was born of Vermont author JONES DEADY’s own reckonings with his Southern homeland, its beauty and its insularity and intolerance. His writing is strong at a sentence level and downright thick in sensory detail as the novel winds toward daunting family secrets.



Short Takes on Five Vermont Books



On My Way Out II: A Reflection on Closure Richard Hawley, Orchises Press, 340 pages. $24.95.

Last night’s NBC news included a finding that American high school graduation rates have risen to eighty per cent — and this was presented as a positive finding. Ripton author RICHARD HAWLEY is not going gently into that good night. Not yet, anyway. Born in 1945, the novelist and retired headmaster is chronicling his aging process in a series of diaristic memoirs of which this is the second, covering 2014 to 2017. That includes the rise of Donald Trump: “Are there really millions of American people in this ‘base?’” Hawley asks incredulously in a 2016 entry. It may be tempting to write off the author as an exemplar of the genteel liberalism of yesteryear, the equivalent of a Victorian gentleman contemplating modern trends from his settee. Hawley has a young daughter from an extramarital relationship — about which he speaks with refreshing candor — and we watch him navigate her world of water parks and Taylor Swift like a slightly bemused visitor from another land. But Hawley is too broad-minded and subtle a thinker to be truly out of touch. Even as he acknowledges that he tends to “[assume] the continuity and rightness of liberal democratic life from my cozy outpost in Ripton, Vermont,” he peers beyond his bubble, expressing his findings with an elegance that makes for good reading. MARGOT HARRISON

introducing you to a handful of books by Vermont authors. To do that, we contextualize each book just a little and quote a single representative sentence from, yes, page 32.

Uncertain Harvest

Gateway Keep

Charles Simpson, Fomite Press, 486 pages. $16.50.

E Ray Sokol, self-published, 437 pages. $13.50.

“You on the lookout for assassins or a raging husband?”

Once the fighting started honor demanded that justice be served by one more act of revenge.

A sociology professor emeritus at the State University of New York-Plattsburgh, CHARLES SIMPSON is carving a new path as a novelist. But the underlying theme of Uncertain Harvest is in his wheelhouse. The Burlingtonbased writer and activist has worked on development and food insecurity issues; the not-implausible villain of his book is an agrochemical giant aggressively pushing genetically engineered seeds that grow for a single season, forcing farmers to buy new ones every year. This profit-motivated monster will mess with Mother Nature in other ways, too. Think pollinators. Think Earth’s entire, interconnected food system. Uncertain Harvest posits an almost dizzying matrix of science, politics and corporate hegemony, yet in the foreground are engaging individuals with relatable foibles. There are even romantic and sexy subplots. Simpson’s narrative, if a bit leisurely at times, steadily ramps up — fueled by murders, malfeasance and truly frightening technology. PAMELA POLSTON

That E RAY SOKOL is an eager student of science fiction is obvious from his debut novel, Gateway Keep. Throughout his dense mini-epic, the Colchester author drops references, subtle and otherwise, to the likes of Star Wars, Star Trek and Dune, liberally adapting quotes and concepts from such works to display his affinity to the pillars of the genre. Gateway Keep is set long after aliens make first contact with Earth. Spoiler for sci-fi noobs: That rarely goes well. In the intervening centuries, the world has plunged into a feudal dark age; science is practiced like magic, and aliens exert shadowy control over humanity’s fate. It’s the sort of classically sprawling setup that George R.R. Martin or Philip Pullman could spend decades playing around in, to the delight (and torture) of their fans. Sokol’s grand ambition is admirable, and his genuine affection for his genre comes through in these 400-plus pages, despite inconsistent pacing and sometimesconfusing exposition. If his future attempts can harness that energy into a more focused approach to storytelling, his books might boldly go where … well, you know. DAN BOLLES

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Feeling the Pressure « P.25

“Art is in the business of cross-pollination,” she continues. “Our communities Anyone who’s visited an artist’s studio and artists here in Vermont benefit from will recognize the similarity; artists tend contact with artists from elsewhere, and to make use of anything and everything national and international artists learn at hand — physical objects, as well as a lot by embedding themselves in our memories and dreams. Like the caddis- community. I love that I can’t decide fly’s casing, art can function in a variety who’s benefiting more.” of ways — as a survival instinct, as armor Ramage knows a thing or two about and camouflage, as an cross-pollination. For most of her career aesthetic impulse. she’s divided her time The contributions to between Brooklyn Caddisfly Project Vol. 02 and her hometown of are every bit as varied Middletown Springs, as the creations of the where she’s spent most magazine’s namesake. of the past pandemic Yorgos Maraziotis, based year immersed in her in Belgium and Greece, studio practice. constructed familiar but The inspiration for unsettling sculptures — Caddisfly Project first something that looks hatched at the Massachulike an ottoman filled setts Museum of Contemporary Art in 2016, when with motor oil, and a wooden bowl with Ramage and Chan met honeybees piled at the while in residence there bottom. and decided to create a platJodie Lyn-Kee-Chow, an interdisci- form for future collaborations. Graphic plinary artist born in Jamaica and based designer and sculptor Adriana Gallo, who in New York City, contributed photos of has roots in Milan, Italy and New England, several performance pieces. One shows met Ramage while in residency at 77ART. a widow in a cityscape, mantled in black Ramage, Chan, Gallo and artist/writer and clutching roses; another depicts a Jessica Adams also contribute to Vol. 02, in massive quilt as seen from above, with the form of love letters printed as inserts participants seemingly conducting on translucent paper. Halfway through the a séance or perhaps just enjoying a magazine, these letters provide a pleasant picnic. text break from the visual art. Tehran-born Nazanin Noroozi, now “To write a love letter (or to make art) also based in New York City, makes we will have to live with the lingering lush, multilayered specter of the thing prints using a variwe desire, to coax ety of techniques. it and commuHer pieces in nicate to it,” the Vol. 02 sandwich editors write in the cyanotype photointroduction. “We W HIT N E Y R A M A G E graphs between hope to manifest layers of other our deepest longmedia, the images emerging in the same ings, bringing nearer to us, in physical striking Prussian blue tones used to form, the visions that haunt us.” create architectural blueprints. Each love letter takes a different Many of the contributors have been form, from the more traditional letters in residence at 77ART, the art residency of Adams and Ramage to Gallo’s visual center in Rutland that Ramage directs. letter in the form of a handprint and a Although the two projects aren’t explic- deliriously good incantatory poem by itly connected, they cross-pollinate one Chan, who is also a published poet. another. Artists may appear to be hibernating “A majority of the artists featured in during the pandemic winter, but this the first two volumes of Caddisfly Project magazine offers evidence that artistic have spent at least a month in residency activity is just waiting, like the caddisfly, at 77ART in Rutland,” Ramage says, “and to reveal itself. that experience will shape their worldview throughout their careers, bringing a INFO little bit of Vermont (and Rutland specifi- Caddisfly Project Vol. 02, $25, is available at cally) out into the world.



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These Vermonters of color want to bring their perspectives to local office BY AL ISON N OVAK & SASHA GOLDSTE IN,

unning for local government in Vermont requires an investment of time and effort by any office seeker but demands something more from a candidate of color. Often, it means being the first nonwhite person to run in a municipality. And it always carries the risk of racial harassment such as that suffered in recent years by successful campaigners of color. Nevertheless, this Town Meeting Day, March 2, at least a dozen Black, Indigenous and other people of color are seeking seats on town councils and school boards, hoping to bring a greater diversity of voices to local decision making. “I’m going to fix the structures that have been historically difficult for the most marginalized, and then everyone can benefit from that,” Tina Cook, who would be the first Black member of the Bennington Selectboard, said in an interview last week. She and the other candidates of color are running during the largest racial justice movement the United States has seen since the 1960s — and amid a surge of racial harassment aimed at Black officeholders in Vermont.

THESE CANDIDATES ARE RUNNING DURING THE MOST SIGNIFICANT RACIAL JUSTICE MOVEMENT THIS COUNTRY HAS SEEN SINCE THE 1960S. Kiah Morris sounded the alarm in 2018 when she resigned as a Bennington state representative in the face of a sustained harassment campaign involving a local white nationalist. At the time, Morris was the only Black woman legislator. That same year, 130 miles to the north, Burlington City Councilor Ali Dieng (I-Ward 7), a Black man who grew up in Senegal, went to the police about racist emails he had received since being elected in 2017. The screeds had turned threatening and mentioned his family. Dieng, who is now running for mayor of Burlington, still encounters racism, though he said he tries to brush it off. And after years in local politics, Dieng said, he knows which houses to avoid when he’s knocking on doors. “There are people who have ideologies of white supremacy,” Dieng told Seven Days last week. “It exists here.” Another Black officeholder, Alicia Barrow, stepped down from the



Hartford Selectboard last month, citing the “blatant bigotry” in a town where she said she no longer felt “safe nor welcome.” And in Rutland, the first person of color elected to the city’s board of aldermen has decided not to seek reelection. Lisa Ryan, a Black woman who was the top vote-getter in 2019, was harassed after she advocated for implicit bias training for city officials. “We have some communities around the state that have made it clear they’re not interested in equity and diversity,” said Xusana Davis, the Vermont official whose job is to promote both. “And they’ve made it clear through things like lax enforcement of laws or criminal protections for people who are victimized based on their demographics.” That has contributed to harassment and “terrorizing residents of color,” she said. Those experiences, and a desire for truly representative government, prompted several racial justice advocates to create the Bright Leadership Institute. Named after Louvenia Bright, the first Black woman to serve in the Vermont House of Representatives, the institute was unveiled earlier this month and is intended to mentor and guide BIPOC Vermonters who want to run for office. Applications for the first session should open in mid-spring, according to Steffen Gillom, president of the Windham County NAACP. “It came about from a vision of a more diverse and inclusive political Vermont,” Gillom said. The group, seeded with a $100,000 grant from the Northfield Savings Bank Foundation, has partnered with a public communications firm to help with campaign basics: speaking to the media, speechwriting and living in the public eye. The training will include strategies to deal with pushback and harassment. The institute is intended to create a community and a sounding board for people of color in the political arena. “So we can not only be elected to these positions — but we can stay there,” said Mia Schultz, president of the Rutland Area NAACP. Her predecessor, Tabitha Moore, resigned and moved out of Wallingford last year after being harassed. “Being in the spotlight, being out in front of everybody speaking your truth is not an easy thing to do, especially in a state that’s majority white,” Schultz added. The goal is to empower candidates to feel that “I deserve to be here, and the things I say are true,” she continued. “They’re my lived experiences, and the things I say matter.” Seven Days spoke with five candidates of color seeking local office this Town Meeting Day. Here are their stories. m





ina Cook visited Vermont in 1999 and never left. Originally from southeastern California, she was dating someone from the Green Mountain State and they came here on a vacation. A blizzard hit just as they arrived. The 12-foot snowdrifts outside of their small cabin near Rupert didn’t turn her off. She applied for a job in Manchester on a whim, was offered the position and accepted. She soon got a taste of small-town charm. When her boyfriend’s old Ford pickup broke down on a snowy road as she commuted to her first day of work, a passing driver stopped and offered her a ride. Oh man, I’ve read about this in books, Cook recalled thinking. This is where I die! Not only did she survive, but the driver offered her daily rides to work. “It’s what kept me in Vermont,” Cook said. “The people are just so amazing.” Cook still believes that, but in nearly 22 years in Vermont, she has also seen the ugly side of the state. Last summer, as she contemplated running for the Bennington

Selectboard, she took a step few candidates would feel was necessary: She sent her 12-year-old son to live in New York with his father. Though the boy wanted to go, she also feared for his safety. “I expect to be a target,” she explained. “Motherhood is most important for me,” Cook said. “So for me to have to sacrifice that, I feel a little bit bitter … I’m mad at the people that are forcing people to live scared like this.” Even before running for office, she had encounters with local police officers that made her feel unwelcome, she said. She’s not alone: An outside review and report released in 2020 found that the Bennington Police Department fostered a “warrior mentality” and had “sown deep mistrust” in the community. Soon afterward, the town paid a Black man $30,000 to settle a lawsuit he’d filed claiming he had been racially profiled during a 2013 traffic stop that led to his imprisonment on drug charges. The Vermont Supreme Court threw out his conviction, ruling that the stop was unlawful. “This settlement does not alleviate the need for top-to-bottom changes to a deeply

troubled police department and to a municipal leadership that continues to deny there is even a problem with unconstitutional police practices in Bennington,” Lia Ernst, an American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont senior staff attorney, said in a statement announcing the settlement. “The people of Bennington deserve far better.” Cook said the police have pulled her over some 20 times, though they’ve often let her off with a warning or reminder to fix something on her car, such as a cracked windshield. An officer once stopped her just a block from her home. As he looked at her Vermont driver’s license, which naturally displayed her address, the cop asked if she was “from around here.” Whatever his intent, Cook said, the question made her feel like an interloper. “It’s just an old-boy network here,” she said. Cook wants to upend the status quo. She described herself as a “bully basher,” someone willing to step up for those in need. The first-time candidate serves on both the homeless and education

committees of the Rutland Area NAACP and said she would like to eradicate hunger in town by opening community food gardens. “We’re going to look into possibly finding ways to deliver free food to people who want it, not even just people who need it,” she said. Citing the opioid epidemic as an urgent problem in the town, Cook also pitched the idea of expanding telehealth and mobile mental health services “to treat the trauma so that we don’t have to have the intervention in expensive programs at the other end, such as policing.” A website design and internet marketing professional, Cook said she’s heard complaints about how the town communicates with its residents. “The information is there,” she said. “It’s just not easily accessible. I’d like to streamline a lot of that.” Laura Payne met Cook a couple of years ago at Soul Food Sunday, a local gathering where people of color share a meal and conversation. Adding Cook’s perspective to an all-white board is important, Payne said. “Tina’s a great person,” Payne added. “She’s very approachable, she loves helping people, and I think this is just a continuation of that for her.” Cook said her son encouraged her to run for office. “You could get a job at an abuse shelter and help some people,” he told her, “or you could run for town government and help more.” Candidates don’t run for local office in search of fame and fortune, Cook noted. “These are relatively volunteer positions,” she said. “We’re not doing this for personal gains; it certainly isn’t financial.” She’s in a crowded field. Eight candidates, including incumbent Jim Carroll, are vying for two at-large seats on the board. Win or lose, Cook said, she will continue to contribute to her community. But if elected, she wants to transform town government so that it listens to voices of color and “is equitable for all.” “There’s so much potential here,” Cook said, “if we could have the proper leadership.” S .G.


» P.30 29



« P.29

homas Franco was an aspiring doctor when he realized that his real passion was policy. While a premed student at Case Western Reserve University in Ohio, Franco volunteered at a free health clinic outside of Cleveland. Talking to the patients helped him recognize the societal inequities that lead to poverty and, in turn, poor health outcomes. “It was just like this moment where I realized, OK, if I’m going to make a difference, and I am going to change the narrative here, I have to dig deeper,” Franco said. That change in direction ultimately helped lead 25-year-old Franco to Rutland, where he lives with his partner, George Hodulik. A first-time candidate, Franco is one of 17 people — including three incumbents — running for six at-large seats on the city’s board of aldermen. Though he’s only lived in Rutland since last October, Franco says he can help make a difference using his “unique perspective.” “I also have skills, both from my lived experience and also my professional and educational background, that are often missing from that conversation of, how do we move forward?” Franco said. “And I thought, I can either sit down and wait my turn, or I can just start talking to people and start getting out there and start running. I chose to do the latter.” Franco was born in conservative West Texas, the son of two pastors. His father emigrated from Mexico as a teen, attracted by the story “that the streets in the U.S. were literally lined with gold,” Franco said. His father worked on farms across the South before starting a landscaping business in their hometown, San Angelo. “I grew up in poverty, not really knowing I was living in poverty,” Franco said. “I think my parents made a lot of hard choices and sacrifices so that, in the end, we never really went without. But that just wasn’t the case for a lot of my community members.” It wasn’t until he took advanced classes in middle and high school with students from upper-class neighborhoods that he understood inequity. Before that, “everyone around me was going through [poverty] at the same time,” he said. He was attracted to politics in November 2015 after attending a fiery speech on the Cleveland State University campus by 30



an underdog presidential candidate: Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.). “It just was like this breath of fresh air” compared to the conservative views he’d been exposed to in Texas, Franco said. “It inspired me to be bold.” The aspiring pol went on to intern with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute and U.S. Rep. Filemon Vela (D-Texas)


in Washington, D.C. After graduating, he joined Teach for America and taught sixth-grade math in California. Franco and Hodulik eventually came east to Cambridge, Mass., so that Franco could study public policy at Harvard

University. As the pandemic took hold, he took the year off from school and moved to Vermont, Hodulik’s home state. Franco has kept busy. He recently completed a remote fellowship in Oregon Gov. Kate Brown’s Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. He’s now designing analytical tools for educators to monitor and support student success for the Virginia Department of Education, and he’s working part time with Rural Innovation Strategies, a Vermont firm consulting on broadband deployment issues. Franco only launched his campaign on January 19. If elected, one of his first priorities would be to advance social and racial justice by creating a city equity committee and implementing bias training for officials. “There’s a history here,” he said. Advocating for such training prompted harassment directed at Alderwoman Lisa Ryan, the first person of color to serve on the board. She’s told media outlets that’s why she’s not running for a third term this year. Ryan and other members of the board condemned one of their colleagues, Paul

Clifford, in 2019 after he posted an insensitive meme about white privilege. Clifford later apologized. Franco said he feels supported by the community and is ready to put himself out there as an elected official. “I think too much is at stake for me to fall into fear, which is the goal for a lot of those folks who make those harassments,” he said. Franco has collected endorsements from state Rep. William Notte (D-Rutland City), as well as two current members of the board of aldermen. Jennie Gartner, a politically active high school teacher, said she’s impressed with Franco’s vision for the city. He spoke passionately about economic development, how poverty can impact kids’ lives and how city government can help. “Thomas has a really unique combination of expertise and skills, especially for such a young person,” Gartner said. “I think anyone who meets Thomas is going to say, ‘This is a wicked intelligent, really thoughtful, really open-minded and really caring individual.’” S .G.

‘There’s someone like me on there.’




t’s not every day that a candidate for local government receives a musical endorsement from Officer Clemmons, the singing policeman from “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood.” But Esther Thomas, who’s running for a one-year seat on the Middlebury Selectboard, recently won his backing. A video posted on her campaign’s Facebook page features actor François Clemmons — former artist in residence at Middlebury College, and one of the first Black actors with a regular role in a children’s series — decked out in a periwinkle blue tunic and chunky strands of beads, singing an original song in support of Thomas. The two became friends through their church, the Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society. “Won’t you vote for Esther?” Clemmons beseeches in his soulful baritone. “Esther, Esther Thomas, so kind and thoughtful. Esther Thomas — oh Lord, she’s our gal.” The gal in question is a residence director at Middlebury College who moved to Vermont in June 2019 with her two young children. She had recently separated from


her spouse and was in search of a fresh start and a place to put down roots, she said. Thomas grew up in what she calls “the inner city” of Bridgeport, Conn. She went to Western Connecticut State University, and then earned two master’s degrees — one in corporate communications and

public relations and the other in teaching — before launching a career in higher education at universities in Connecticut and Rhode Island. When she toured Middlebury before accepting a job offer, she asked herself whether she could imagine her kids playing in the parks there. “I saw this as a place where kids could be kids longer,” she said. “I wanted them to have the experience of playing outside, going hiking. I saw that I could have that here.” She accepted the position: overseeing residence advisers and helping students navigate problems, including disciplinary issues. Thomas quickly dove into the community, joining the Unitarian congregation, participating in coffee meetups with fellow parents and joining the Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op, where she now sits on the board. When a seat opened up on the Middlebury Selectboard in November, a friend encouraged Thomas to run. “My answer was, ‘Why not?’” Thomas said. “I feel I can bring something different

to the table from my experience as a single mom working full time, but also as a woman of color living in Vermont.” One of her goals, she said, is “to make the board a place where folks can see, ‘Hey, there’s someone like me on there.’” Thomas is interested in affordable housing, access to healthy food and policies that encourage young, working families to stay in Vermont, but she doesn’t have a formal platform. Instead, she said she sees the one-year position as an opportunity to listen to and learn from constituents. She’s campaigned by connecting with people on social media and holding virtual Sunday teas. She’s mailed postcards to every resident in Middlebury. “I feel the love,” she said of the community’s response. People have donated to her campaign via ActBlue, and they’ve written letters to the editor of the Addison County Independent and posts on Front Porch Forum showing their support. But, she said, some residents have demonstrated a potential leeriness about electing a single mother with young children. People have posed questions like, “Do you have the time to do this?” “Instead of saying, ‘Your voice is important … How can I support you?’ It’s like, ‘Girl, you can’t do that,’” she said. “They don’t say it like that. But that’s what I’m hearing … ‘You’re taking too much on.’” “If we all thought like that, let me tell you, women wouldn’t be doing half of what they’re doing right now,” she said. “We wouldn’t be working. We would just be home. Because, yes, it’s hard.” Joanna Colwell, who directs Otter Creek Yoga, befriended Thomas through their church and is a campaign volunteer. Colwell noted that the Middlebury Selectboard has historically been composed of older, white men. The positions are unpaid and require a lot of time, she said, and tend to attract people in positions of privilege. When Colwell learned that Thomas was running, she said she, too, initially thought it would be a lot for Thomas to take on. But then, she asked herself, Don’t I want to live in a world where single parents and younger people and people of color and moms are at the table? Her answer: Yes. I’d love to live in that world. A.N .


» P.32 31



« P.31

efore the pandemic, Travia Childs would ride her tricycle around Burlington, passing out cupcakes, fruit and cold water to those in need, she said. She’d finish her ride at the patch of grass next to the downtown Green Mountain Transit depot, where she’d chat with people while they ate together. Her custom trike, with a basket on the front and back, is “the only one in Vermont,” she wrote recently on her Facebook campaign page, “just like me.” The U.S. Navy Reserve lieutenant and mother of four is running for a two-year seat on the South Burlington School Board. She faces two candidates, James P. Johnson Jr. and Scott Bronson; if elected, she would be the only person of color on the board. Childs moved to Vermont from Tennessee in 2017 to lecture as an adjunct faculty member in Champlain College’s MBA program. She now teaches online business classes for American InterContinental University and Colorado Christian University. She is in the process of retiring from her Navy Reserve position as a supply officer after 11 years of service. After moving to Vermont, Childs recalled, she visited a fair where the Skinny Pancake was serving crêpes, which she’d never tasted. “This older Caucasian lady was standing there and said, ‘Well, baby, try mine first.’ So, I’m thinking, It’s going to be good. It’s going to be all right. Because she saw me as a person.” Her youngest child is a senior at South Burlington High School. Childs said she chose the city based on the strength of its school system — even though a fellow professor of color told her that her son might be more comfortable in Burlington, which has three times as many nonwhite students. But Childs thought the South Burlington school would give her son “an equal opportunity to be successful.” His positive experience there has prepared him for the future, she said. Childs declined to weigh in on the Rebels mascot controversy, which flared just before her son started at the school. The board voted to drop the name in 2017 because of its association with the Confederacy. Childs said she’d like the district to hire more teachers and staff of color. When BIPOC students see a person of color who is successful, “they believe they can do the same thing,” Childs said. While the school board recently voted 32


She saw me as a person. TRAVIA CHILDS, SOUTH BURLINGTON SCHOOL BOARD CANDIDATE unanimously to raise the Black Lives Matter flag at district schools, Childs said that is a symbolic, not a substantive, step. “The Black Lives Matter flag is just like a Band-Aid,” she said. “It’s not solving a problem.”


She said she’s also wary of diversity training, something she’s heard the school board promote at a recent meeting. “Diversity is not throwing a bunch of people in one room or class,” she said. “You have to understand the culture of the

people, and you can’t do that unless you’re one of the people.” As she campaigns, most people she’s talked to seem ready for a change, she said, but on Facebook she’s received messages questioning her military rank and credentials. Childs received an undergraduate degree from Georgia Southwestern State University, an MBA from the University of Phoenix, and a PhD in global operations and supply chain management from Capella University. The latter two schools are online. “They’re trying to find stuff, but there’s nothing out there,” she said. “I guess it’s hard to see a woman of color that has a bachelor’s in chemistry, an MBA and a doctorate.” She’s focusing on the issues. She said she’d take a student-centered approach to her work on the board. “It’s imperative that our minority student body and parents feel represented,” she said during an online forum. She also believes in bringing back high school classes in finance and life skills that the district eliminated. Childs said her experience managing finances as a Navy disbursing officer would

come in handy when reviewing future school budgets. “Being in the military, you need to make sure you know where every penny is,” she said. As a single mother, she said she also understands the importance of keeping property taxes down to make living in the community affordable. She favors keeping the district’s school resource officer, a role that has been under debate statewide. At a candidates’ forum, she said SROs protect students and, in light of school shootings, the position is “a must, not an option.” Sally Borden, a South Burlington resident and executive director of the nonprofit KidSafe Collaborative, attended one of Childs’ Zoom sessions. She was impressed with the candidate’s qualifications and was encouraged that a woman of color is running. “Diversity brings a different lens” that affects everything from budget issues to the school district’s mission to the daily operations of the school system, Borden said. “That lens enriches all of us as a community.” A.N .



Reier Erickson with his wife, Lauren; daughter, Dune; and son, Darwin


hen Reier Erickson and his wife, Lauren Dees-Erickson, moved to Vermont in 2012, they were smitten. “It was like my childhood,” said Erickson, who grew up in International Falls, Minn., a town on the Canadian border with a population of roughly 6,000 people. The couple lived in Middlebury, then Bristol, but left in 2018 with their small children for a two-year stint in the West African nation of Liberia. Lauren worked as a U.S. Agency for International Development contractor, and Erickson was a stay-at-home dad who volunteered as PTA vice chair at the American International School in Monrovia. They returned to Vermont last year and purchased a home in St. Albans City. As rallies for racial justice spread during the summer, Erickson helped form a community group, Neighbors for a Safer Saint Albans, to examine local police misconduct and the presence of the three school resource officers in the Maple Run Unified School District. Seven Days has reported on several incidents of police misconduct in St. Albans,

including a case in which a school resource officer directed a slur at a disabled student. The student’s family recently received a $30,000 payout from the school district. In September, Erickson had an exchange with a St. Albans resident, Katie Messier, on the St. Albans Neighborhood Watch Facebook page. Erickson attempted to


explain why, as a Black man, he felt school resource officers make schools less safe for his children. One of Messier’s responses read, in part: “If you think it’s so unsafe here then leave. Go to a place where you think your family will be ‘safer.’ As a parent that’s your job … I would never live in a place where I didn’t feel like my children were safe.” Messier declined to comment to Seven Days.

“I was taken aback because I really did my best to be very considerate of the white fragility I was kind of pushing up against,” said Erickson. “It was hurtful. It was sad, and it made me feel emotional.” That interaction was the main reason Erickson — now a mail carrier in Burlington — decided to run for the Maple Run Unified School Board, whose members are elected from St. Albans City, St. Albans Town and Fairfield. He’s running for one of two open St. Albans City seats, against incumbent Nilda Gonnella-French and former city mayor Peter DesLauriers — who, in a small-town twist, is Messier’s father. (Messier is also running, for a St. Albans Town seat on the school board but faces a different opponent.) DesLauriers supports keeping the school resource officers; Erickson does not, citing the incident involving the resource officer’s slur and the sizable annual cost of employing police officers in the schools. Gonnella-French noted in a recent forum that the jobs are currently under review by a district committee. Steven LaRosa, who is retiring this year

from the school board, recalled Erickson reading from the district’s mission statement during a board meeting months ago, noting the district strives to be a place where “all can learn, achieve and succeed.” Erickson said that the presence of armed officers in the schools hinders his children’s success. That convinced LaRosa, who helped pen the mission statement, that the SRO positions are a bad idea. He’s endorsed Erickson. Erickson said he knows that running against DesLauriers, someone with deep roots in the community, means he has his work cut out for him. But he sees his experience living abroad and in different parts of the country, including Baltimore, Md., and Washington, D.C., as an asset. “I think one thing that is really common in Vermont is the idea that I’ve been here so long, so that makes me more than you, and I think that’s a really weird way to view the world,” said Erickson. “I think it’s fine if you live in the same place your entire life. I also see travel and … seeing different places as being kind of advantageous in terms of policy making.” DesLauriers, who taught in the district for 42 years, said in an email that he feels that it’s “an advantage to know the area, the people, the history, and the past problems faced and conquered.” Kate Larose, who met Erickson through Neighbors for a Safer Saint Albans, said the notion of who is a “real Vermonter” is pervasive in Franklin County politics. As new people move into the community, she said, it’s important to have elected officials who reflect this demographic shift and who are actively working to improve the lives of all students. Change, Erickson believes, requires introspection to “see what we can do to make our schools better and safer for everyone.” That means history lessons should cover the Abenaki, slavery and Japanese internment camps during World War II. Erickson said the racism directed at some public officials has sent the message that “doing this kind of thing puts a target on your back, especially as a BIPOC member.” Before deciding to run, Erickson talked with his wife about what it could mean for their family. They agreed that it was an important thing to do — not just for their own kids, but for all marginalized students. Despite some of the ugliness he’s faced, Erickson still believes in the potential of rural America — which he said often is miscast as “this factory for bigotry.” “I think small-town America actually really cares for each other,” he said. “And I think that’s the place where people can come together in a way that’s much more real and authentic.” A.N .




Harlan Mack posing in front of some of his work in a coat and vest he sewed himself at his studio in Johnson

Forging Ahead

From painting to sculpting to blacksmithing, Harlan Mack’s artwork relays a worldview B Y A M Y L I L LY •


arlan Mack is a 40-year-old artist who lives in Johnson about a mile from the Vermont Studio Center, where he has worked for the past 17 years. Last week, when Seven Days visited him at the VSC sculpture studio, the campus was eerily empty, rendering Mack’s jobs as sculpture shop manager and resident life manager moot. Normally, a new group of 50 resident artists from around the world crowds the campus every month, keeping Mack busy in his two positions. He helps the newcomers safely operate the hulking studio tools for shaping metal and wood: welder, plasma cutter, jump shear, drill press, miter saw, belt sander. Soft-spoken, humorous and peopleoriented, Mack also facilitates the making 34


of community among “50 individuals who specialize in individuality,” as he put it. When he talked to a reporter, the artist was hanging an empty studio wall with what seemed like stand-ins for the missing residents: 51 individual faces, each about the size of his hand, that he had forged from steel, affixed to vividly painted backgrounds and framed with reclaimed wood. Called “Future Kin,” the collection recently returned from a show at Jenkins Johnson Gallery in San Francisco. While he hung the collection and gestured to other work, Mack talked for three and a half hours straight. “I guess I have been a little starved for in-person time,” he admitted later by email. It’s no exaggeration to say that three and a half hours barely touched the surface of

this artist’s life and work. Mack is a thinker — a self-made philosopher — and an enthralling storyteller. Over the years, he’s developed an all-encompassing mythology to explain his work to himself. He’s also deeply interested in the narratives others see in his art. Mack’s searching extends to his startlingly varied material practice. A spin through his website reveals 3D human figures welded from metal filaments and handpainted; a sunburst arrangement of handcrafted spades, each shovel bearing a face; wood collages that fit together like puzzles; and animal figures made from scrap metal that convey uncannily lifelike movement and emotion. His representational paintings, which often show apocalyptic scenes, explore

ART his ever-evolving mythology. Their forms can resemble cinematic storyboarding or frames from graphic novels. Mack’s fictitious epic spans humanity’s past and future and is shaped by a character he calls Death — not a particularly dark force but a powerful one. Often, Mack re-creates a figure from a painting — a rabbit, a sphere — as a metal sculpture. He describes his multimedia practice as a “fluid dialogue.” “What his work has become is a visual language of storytelling,” said Leila Bandar, a sculptor who taught Mack during his undergraduate years at Johnson State College (now Northern Vermont University-Johnson), where he earned his bachelor’s and master of fine arts degrees. Bandar also served as his senior thesis exhibition adviser. (She is now a writing and humanities specialist at NVU.) “It’s more than just sculpture or painting or graphic novels,” Bandar said. “It’s an emerging hybrid of elements, which makes his artwork unique and, I think, reflective of something in the human experience. He’s bridging worlds.” Kathy Black, a painter and VSC’s

program director, has known Mack since her husband, painter Joe Salerno, taught the young artist as an undergrad. She sees Mack’s work as a world to be discovered by the viewer. “It has a kind of menace in it and a happy world in it, too, side by side. I don’t really understand his narrative, but I don’t feel like I need to,” Black said. “Those cheery little bunnies — I don’t know, they just kill me. The work is engaging enough that I can make my own narrative. It’s mine to experience.” Mack’s work can currently be experienced in three Vermont venues: Whirligig Brewing in St. Johnsbury; the Open Air Gallery Ski & Snowshoe Trail, an outdoor group sculpture exhibition at Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro; and “Looking Outward,” a group show at Spruce Peak Arts in Stowe. Photographer Kelly Holt, who curated “Looking Outward,” has known Mack since 2006, when he was an undergrad and she was earning her master’s in art education. Holt selected a “mini-retrospective” of Mack’s work that demonstrates its range from “the whimsical to the very serious,” she said. The Stowe exhibit includes “Nimbus,” a playful monkey sculpture from Mack’s early days as an artist; “Beachfront Property and Other Disasters,” a painting that reminds Holt of Anselm Kiefer in its foreboding; and “A Harvest,” a wood collage made from a dismantled fence at VSC. “Those [wood collages] can take him a year to make. He waits for pieces with the right weight and texture,” Holt said. The collage depicts a figure in the forest beside stacked wood; Mack didn’t include a chain saw “because he doesn’t want people to think he’d cut down a tree in order to make art,” she added. (Mack later said that his intention was “to preserve the tranquility of the moment.”) Mack is also a bladesmith who handcrafts knives using a forge, hammer and anvil. He immersed himself in bladesmithing after a friend in New York asked him to make one, he said. Dissatisfied with the result, he began making three or four at a time until the chef’s blades and precisely fitted wood handles attained the perfection of Japanese knives. Since the pandemic began, Mack has taught himself to sew on a machine left behind in the studio. For the interview, he wore part of his inaugural sewing project, a custom three-piece suit that he is fashioning from multiple paint-spattered pairs of his old Carhartt work pants. Mack cut the shiny vest buttons from a sheet of brass and shaped them with a screw press — a hand tool from a century ago that he spent “months” searching for online. He fashions many of the tools he

needs on his 350-pound anvil, or he buys castoffs. The artist attributes his maker’s mentality to his father, Glenn Mack, who is half Dutch and from a family of builders. Harlan grew up in the woods of Washington, just south of Montpelier, in an off-the-grid house built by his dad. (Glenn, an independent filmmaker, still lives in Washington in the third house he has built for himself there.) “You know how people talk about being in the sticks? People in the sticks would say we lived in the sticks,” Mack said with a laugh. The family — his father and a shifting crowd of half-siblings and cousins — relied on gaslight and candles until they got solar power when Mack was

hand for a shake, took inspiration from a plastic gorilla toy. Both sculptures are on display at the Highland Center. “When I began making steel sculpture, I realized that I was finally understanding that I could make the toys that I would have wanted in my yard as a child,” Mack wrote in an email. “I never really got bored of stuffed animals, action figures and dolls; I just moved on to a different vehicle to express and develop what I was really up to, which was building my own narrative worlds.” Those worlds have brought Mack real-life recognition. In October 2018, he was selected for a residency at the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation in Captiva, Fla. The opportunity was “amazing,” he said.

Works in progress at Harlan Mack’s blacksmith shop



12. He attended Washington Village School and Chelsea High School, which no longer exists. “It was all in the woods,” he recalled. Mack’s mother, whose ancestry has been traced to the West Indies, died of breast cancer at age 29, when Mack was 4. (The artist identifies as “Black or African American and/or mixed race,” he wrote in an email.) At the time, he recalled, he dealt with the fear of his own mortality by telling himself that he had already lived four long and full lifetimes. Many of Mack’s early sculptures, of animals, were inspired by childhood play. “Bear Suit,” made from rusted bicycle parts, was based on his toy black bear. It won the Upcycle Art Bike Competition organized by Kingdom Trail Association and Catamount Arts in 2016. “Granilla,” a lifelike gorilla that reaches out its scrap-metal

He and nine other artists “used Rauschenberg’s tools; we played his grand piano. It was rabbits and bobcats and sunsets. I wrote six poems and made 40 paintings in two weeks.” In May 2019, Mack participated in a three-week international sculpture symposium in China. Its cohosts were a steel factory near Tangshan, the center of the country’s steel fabrication industry, and a nearby university sculpture program. Participants, who came from countries with a history of steel sculpture making, were given access to a huge pile of scrap metal. Mack made an abstract work more than three meters tall; it’s permanently sited in the public sculpture park that the factory built to display the participants’ creations. Mack’s insights on race and rural

artists are in demand, too. On March 11, he’ll join Juniper Creative artists Will Kasso Condry and Jennifer Herrera Condry in a Zoom panel titled “Being a BIPOC Artist in Vermont.” Holt organized the event as part of the Spruce Peak exhibition. “I’m excited,” Mack said. “It’s nice to have an opportunity to share an uncommon story. The stories that are promoted in this country about artists of color aren’t typically rural. We only hear about Black people existing in cities.” Rachel Moore, executive director and director of exhibitions at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe, included Mack in a late 2019 show of six Black artists’ work, “Unbroken Current.” She hung his “Revival Lineage” — a pair of spades with forged faces — from a hook beside a quartet of tinted slave portraits by the nationally known juggernaut Carrie Mae Weems. Moore sees a difference between Mack and artists like Weems, whose work is pointedly about race. “Weems’ piece ... cuts right through to the heart of what she’s trying to say about this bigger issue in history, but immediately that can kind of bring you to your knees. Then you have Harlan’s work,” she said. “Not all of it is overtly about his identity as a Black artist. To me, looking at [“Revival Lineage”], it’s about his experience as a human being, as an artist, a maker, a Vermonter, a son.” Moore has engaged Mack for a “social media takeover”; he’ll commandeer Helen Day’s Instagram account from February 22 to 28 and post about his own work. While such exposure gives his art a wider audience, the digital medium can’t convey what many people have described as Mack’s deeply thoughtful, communicative presence. Elyzabeth Joy Holford, who became VSC’s executive director last year, first met Mack during her Zoom interview process. “Every time he was on-screen, I felt like I knew him,” Holford recalled. That connection only increased after she met him in person, she added: “I’ve worked literally all over the world, and Harlan is — this is nothing to do with age — he has so much experience and can read people well and accept them where they are, with a loving kindness. “There’s always a gracefulness to his work,” Holford said, “and to him, to be honest.” m

INFO Harlan Mack’s work is on view at Whirligig Brewing in St. Johnsbury until further notice; the Open Air Gallery Ski & Snowshoe Trail at Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro through March 31; and “Looking Outward” at Spruce Peak Arts in Stowe, through March 31. Learn more at SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021



IV League

How COVID-19 nearly killed, then resuscitated, EMS provider Garnet Health





n September 2019, Ryan Ferris opened his new emergency medical services company, now called Garnet Health. Six months later, the business nearly flatlined. Why? Its customer base virtually disappeared. Garnet’s ambulances and medical crews are licensed and equipped like those of any EMS rescue squad in Vermont, but they don’t respond to 911 calls. Instead, they transport patients from one medical facility to another throughout New England and northern New York, provided those patients start or finish their trips in Vermont. “When the pandemic hit, the hospitals didn’t move patients unless it was absolutely necessary,” explained Ferris, Garnet’s cofounder, president and CEO. “In the EMS industry, you don’t make money unless you have billable services, and billable services means patients on board.” Within weeks of COVID-19’s arrival in Vermont, transports by the for-profit company, headquartered on the GlobalFoundries campus in Essex Junction, fell by half. For a time it looked like the business might succumb, and Ferris wasn’t sure how to save it. Nearly a year later, Garnet hasn’t just fully recovered. It’s grown to more than 80 employees and is now the state’s sole commercial provider of COVID-19 testing. It tests travelers arriving at Burlington International Airport and provides in-home swabs of high-risk patients for the University of Vermont Medical Center. Garnet also operates the state’s two busiest testing sites, in Burlington and Middlebury, and has a contract with the Vermont Department of Corrections to screen inmates and staff. The company provides testing for corporations, summer camps and individuals. Ferris estimated that in December, Garnet performed more than 1,000 swabs per day. “I’d be lying if I told you that [COVID-19 testing] didn’t have any effect on keeping the business solvent,” he said, noting that the company avoided layoffs and only reduced pay for its top management. “As awful as COVID is, and as much as I want it to be over as the next person, quite honestly, it saved the business from going under.” It’s been a meteoric rise for Ferris, who didn’t set out for a career in EMS. The 35-year-old Montpelier native earned a degree in television studies from what’s now called Northern Vermont UniversityLyndon. During his first year, he trained as an emergency medical technician; later

Ryan Ferris

in his college years, he rode with Lyndon come in and start taking over, which couldn’t Rescue, then CALEX Ambulance Service be further from the truth.” in St. Johnsbury. To get licensed by the state health Ferris freelanced for ESPN after college, department, Garnet needed recommendaplanning to follow in the footsteps of his tions from other regional EMS providers, great-great-uncle, legendary Vermont broad- including competing for-profit ambulance caster Jack Barry. But services. Garnet after the 2008 recesTransport Medicine, sion, when broadcastas the company was ing jobs evaporated, initially named, evenEMS work became his tually got the green lifeline. light. Then came the In 2010, Ferris took a job with the UVM pandemic. Medical Center’s critiGarnet ’s foray cal care transport team into COVID-19 testwhile training as a ing happened almost paramedic. For several by accident. Ferris RYAN F E R R IS years, he worked in was working late one Seattle for Remote Medical International, evening when a call came in from an assistedproviding medical services to the oil and gas living facility requesting an ambulance to industry. In 2015, he returned to Vermont — transport an infirm woman to and from a where, two years later, he began working on testing site. Realizing that this would be a Garnet’s business plan. very expensive ride — at least $500, by his The new, for-profit ambulance service estimate — Ferris contacted the UVM Medifaced resistance in Vermont’s EMS commu- cal Center to see whether, together, they nity. In a 2019 letter to the Vermont Depart- could devise a more cost-efficient solution. ment of Health, the nonprofit Essex Rescue Ultimately, Garnet didn’t transport the voiced concern that Garnet would undercut woman, Ferris said, but the call prompted its revenue stream by taking 911 calls and discussions with the hospital and the state, would have “widespread destabilizing which eventually gave Garnet permission to effects” on Vermont’s EMS system, accord- do mobile in-home testing. This approach ing to the Essex Reporter. isn’t just cheaper, Ferris explained, it’s safer “We were seen as a threat,” Ferris recalled. for patients, especially those with mobility “There was this fear that we were going to issues and underlying health conditions.



By June, Garnet was providing mobile testing to summer camps throughout Vermont and Maine, processing 300 to 400 campers per day. The service was so popular that Garnet had to turn down requests. In October, it started offering rapid-result testing at the airport and direct-to-consumer testing to corporate staffs and individuals. Protecting Garnet’s patients and staff from the coronavirus has been costly and time-consuming. When the pandemic heated up last March, the company bought its employees durable respirators, which are similar to gas masks. Having them also safeguards Garnet from supply-chain shortages of the disposable N95 masks. The company implemented other safety measures. Ambulances that transport known COVID-19 cases — such as the patients from Burlington Health & Rehabilitation Center whom Garnet transported during last spring’s outbreak — are thoroughly disinfected. All equipment is wiped down by hand and decontaminated with hydrogen peroxide foggers, then taken out of service for 48 hours before being disinfected again. “Maybe it’s overkill … but obviously it’s done us well,” said Ferris, none of whose employees has contracted COVID-19 from an occupational exposure. The company hit other bumps in the road. Weeks after Garnet Transport Medicine changed its name to Garnet Health, in June, a corporate health care system in New York’s Hudson Valley adopted the same name. That company made news in January for allegedly administering COVID-19 vaccines to board members and fundraisers of its hospitals — who, not being clinical staff, were ineligible under New York’s vaccine prioritization system. “We are most certainly not affiliated with them,” Ferris clarified. He said another name change is likely. The new moniker could reflect Garnet’s still-expanding mission, which will involve even more mobile services. Last week, Garnet’s crews began administering 50 doses of COVID-19 vaccines to homebound and high-risk patients too weak or infirm to travel. As Ferris put it, “We’re looking at bringing back the house call.” More evidence that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. m

INFO Bottom Line is a series on how Vermont businesses are faring during the pandemic. Got a tip? Email

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2/23/21 8:01 AM

P R O D U C E D B Y 7 D B R A N D S T U D I O — PA I D F O R B Y P O M E R L E A U R E A L E S TAT E


FOR BTV The runway at Burlington International Airport

Burlington’s Airport Is Ready for Takeoff


ood news: Those who have been fully vaccinated for COVID-19 can now enter and leave Vermont without quarantining. In other words, it’s almost time to start planning vacations again. For many Vermont residents, that will mean returning to Burlington International Airport, known by its three-letter airport code, BTV. The number of passengers flying into and out of Burlington plummeted during the coronavirus pandemic. So how is Vermont’s largest airport faring now? Turns out things are going “amazingly well” at BTV, says aviation director Gene Richards. In fact, given the circumstances, “we couldn’t be doing any better.” Richards and his team have managed to stabilize the

airport’s finances over the last few years, even through the pandemic, thanks in part to federal COVID-19 relief funds. They’ve also improved efficiency, sanitation and safety and enhanced traveler amenities at the airport, which observed its 100th anniversary in 2020. The team also has strengthened the airport’s interdependence on local businesses and organizations, so that it both reflects and benefits the community it serves. When Vermonters return, says Richards, “You’re going to feel like this is your airport.” Richards and his crew have compiled a progress report touting recent improvements. Here are a few highlights and hidden gems.

From left: Nic Longo and Gene Richards, BTV; Blain Newton and Kyle Clark, Beta; Shelby Losier, BTV; Erin Desautels, Vermont Small Business Accelerators

FINANCES According to Richards, the No. 1 thing to notice about the airport is something that passengers may not even consider — its financial health. Though BTV is owned by the City of Burlington, it can’t tap into taxpayer funds. That means it has to pay for itself. The operation hit some turbulence in that regard a decade ago, causing bond ratings agencies to downgrade its status. When Richards took over as aviation director in 2012, he made some course corrections. Since then, BTV has gone from not much cash on hand to more than 400 days’ worth. The ratings agencies have upgraded the airport’s status accordingly.

INFRASTRUCTURE BTV’s improved financial outlook is partly due to its team’s success at attracting federal funds. Money from the Federal Aviation Administration enabled the airport to upgrade its stormwater management and security systems, and to invest in sound mitigation in surrounding communities. The FAA also has funded some major projects, including: • A new 1.7-mile taxiway. This fulllength taxiway, which opened in December, runs parallel to the main runway; it allows planes to line up while waiting their turn to take off and to exit the runway quickly once they’ve landed. Not only is it “so much more efficient,” says Richards, it’s safer, too. The project took 10 years of planning and construction and cost a whopping $35.4 million — 90 percent of which came from the FAA. Nic Longo, deputy director of aviation, points out that BTV competes with 50 other airports in the Northeast for these funds. Landing this kind of investment is a huge win. • A rehabbed “apron.” This is the paved area where planes are parked. The old one needed 600 patches a year. The new 35,000-square-foot space, a $13 million investment, includes new pavement markings and drainage improvements. • A terminal integration. After years of planning, BTV is about to merge its North and South terminals into a single entity. This will make the airport more efficient to operate; Richards estimates that consolidating the two security checkpoints will reduce TSA costs by 30 percent. It will also be easier for passengers to navigate. The project, which will take 12 to 18 months to complete, will be paid for by a $14.5 million FAA grant.



Solar panels at BTV

The Flynn display inside BTV

COMMUNITY Fly into BTV, and you’ll know as soon as you walk off the plane that you’ve arrived in Vermont, and not just because of the majestic mountain views. Visitors can buy products, eat food and enjoy art produced locally; they also can learn a bit about Vermont companies and culture. • Since 2013, BTV’s airport concessions have been managed by Burlingtonbased Skinny Pancake, which sources food from local farmers. It has increased annual sales from $500,000 to more than $3 million — prepandemic — and has invested $1 million in outfitting its airport facilities. • When Hudson News opened its BTV gift shops in 2018, the airport required that 50 percent of the products it carried be Vermont-made; customer demand has pushed that percentage even higher. In 2019, Hudson News sales at BTV topped $2.4 million a year. • Iconic Vermont brands have paid BTV for displays on walls and digital signage, including Burton Snowboards, Vermont Flannel,, the Flynn and the Town of Stowe. • Burlington City Arts curates the airport’s rotating selection of local art.

AMENITIES BTV has long been known for its passenger-friendly amenities, including free access to baggage carts, free Wi-Fi and a quiet yoga room. Other recent additions: • Two Mamava “nursing pods” and a nursing room for breastfeeding moms. Burlington-based Mamava has installed nursing pods at dozens of airports around the world. “We were the first airport to have one,” boasts Richards. • 18 free electric vehicle charging stations, which BTV obtained free of charge from Tesla. There are 12 in the main garage and six at the Beta Technologies facility. • A new pet relief area inside the security checkpoint, for those who travel with pets or service animals. • Touchless restroom facilities. • Free hand sanitizer and cloth face masks. BTV is believed to be the first airport in the country to offer branded face masks.  THIS ADVERTISEMEN T COMMISSIONED AND PAID FOR BY:



BTV’s creative and entrepreneurial management team has transformed airport properties into commercial space for beloved local businesses, as well as cutting-edge startups. Some generate revenue for BTV; others help drive economic activity in the region. • Businesses such as Mirabelles Bakery and Queen City Kombucha are now operating from an airport-owned space on Williston Road, providing rental income. • BTV worked with local health care company Garnet Health to turn the old Park & Shuttle building on White Street into a COVID-19 testing site. • One of the airport’s hangars is now occupied by Beta Technologies, which is racing to develop a fleet of rechargeable electric aircraft. Its prototypes can occasionally be spotted on the tarmac and in the air. Before Beta moved in, Richards says, the space needed about $80,000 worth of improvements. He offered it to the company rent-free; in exchange, Beta poured $6 million into outfitting the space, which is now the home base for its 180 employees. Says Richards, “That was what we call a win-win.”

Beta Technologies is developing a fleet of rechargeable electric aircraft at BTV.





Takeout to the Limit “Pegulars” help Peg & Ter’s weather the pandemic B Y SAL LY POL L AK •

Steak and French fries, an old fashioned cocktail, and falafel from Peg & Ter’s


alentine’s Day 2020 marked a top day of business for Peg & Ter’s in Shelburne. The restaurant on Route 7 threw a party with music by the Hokum Brothers; couples and noncouples attended the festivities. “It was so much fun,” Peg & Ter’s co-owner Johnny Helzer said. “We finally got some momentum — and then it was just, like, boom!” A month after the holiday, restaurants in Vermont were forced to halt in-person dining in order to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Not yet two years old, Peg & Ter’s had been finding its place in the community: a bar for grown-ups, with cocktails and tapas-style plates. You’d go for the gin and stay for the Brussels sprouts. In the months since the mandated closure was lifted — and replaced by an evolving set of requirements — Peg & Ter’s has operated in a variety of modes: in-house dining at reduced capacity,





outdoor dining, takeout and specialty products for purchase. This winter, the restaurant that Helzer and his wife, Tina, opened in June 2018 is open for takeout three nights a week. The menu changes regularly, offering items to suit a range of tastes — vegetarian, kidfriendly, adventurous, comforting. The chef is Karina Curcio, who worked as sous chef with Corey Perkins, the restaurant’s opening chef. After Perkins left last fall to become manager at Stone’s Throw Pizza in Richmond, Curcio replaced him. “She stepped up and took it on and had an amazing attitude,” Helzer said. “We’re so thankful to have her back there.” My daughter and I ate dinner from Peg & Ter’s in our kitchen twice in the past two weeks. While I missed sitting at the bar in the center of the restaurant’s casual

and convivial dining area, I discovered a few unexpected takeout pleasures. One of these was frying my leftover herby French fries for breakfast and eating them with a sunny-side-up egg. That breakfast delight followed the realization that fries don’t travel well in 3 degree weather. But a Peg & Ter’s mediumrare steak, happily more rare than medium, was A-OK after my six-mile ride back home. The six-ouncer was the first takeout steak ($16) I’ve ever eaten. It retained all the qualities I savor (about twice a year) in a steak: bloody red and juicy, plus texture more chewable than pasta or tofu. The wondrous aroma of cauliflower also holds its own on a trip from the suburbs to the city. I inhaled it through a mask while singing along to a Richard Thompson tearjerker.





Good To-Go is a series featuring well-made takeout meals that highlights how restaurants and other food establishments VERMONT are adapting during the COVID-19 era. Check out GOODTOGOVERMONT.COM to see what your favorite eateries are serving up via takeout, delivery and curbside pickup.



At home, I piled the cauliflower ($13) and crispy Brussels sprouts ($11) on a plate alongVERMON with the steak; the meat’s juices and house chimichurri melded with the vegetables. My daughter and I nibbled on lemon cake ($6) as she ate falafel ($12) and I ate my meat. (Another bonus of eating restaurant food at home: You can mix and match the courses.) On our second haul from Peg & Ter’s, my dinner more closely resembled something



» P.44



The village of East Middlebury has a new breakfast and lunch destination, and it’s easy to spot: OTTER EAST BAKERY & DELI is painted sky blue, with its namesake aquatic mammal grinning over the entrance. The bakery and deli opened on February 17 at 51 Ossie Road. It’s the second local business for owner NED HORTON, who purchased OTTER CREEK BAKERY & DELI in downtown Middlebury from its founders, SARAH and BEN WOOD, in January 2020. Otter East is located in the former Downhome Deli & Market building, which Horton purchased in March 2020 and planned to use as additional production space for his bakery. “The future was pretty cloudy, but I thought it would give us some options and more elbow room,” he said. Community interest led to a change of plans. “People kept knocking on our door, and it was clear they wanted to see something there again,” Horton said. Otter East shares some of its menu items with “the mothership,”


Vermont Foodbank January distribution including local squash



Why I Otter



WEDNESDAYS > 2:00 p.m.

Snack on the BITE-CLUB NEWSLETTER for a taste of this week’s flavorful food coverage. It’ll hold you over until Wednesday. SUBSCRIBE AT

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Otter East Bakery & Deli

as Horton calls the downtown bakery, which is managed by CHIYO SATO. But beyond the legendary croissants, the new location is a “laboratory,” he said, for executive chef DAVE DERICK and pastry manager NICOLE GREEN. Formerly the pastry chef at Tartine in San Francisco, Green is experimenting with hand pies, cookies, and other grab-and-go baked goods that travel well. She also repurposes leftover ingredients from the downtown business, such as “croissant knots” made from scraps of croissant dough. “We’re hoping to get that local crowd coming in every day to get their coffee and a bacon-eggand-cheese sandwich,” Green said. “We’re trying to see what people want and need, especially in tougher times.”


Otter East ( is open Tuesday through Saturday for takeout and curbside pickup.

Open daily 11am-8pm • 373 Blair Park Rd, Williston 137 Pearl Street, Essex Junction

Jordan Barry


On February 12, Vermont’s congressional delegation sent a strongly worded letter to the U.S. Department of Agriculture about the failure of a New Jerseybased federal contractor to deliver food assistance to Vermonters. It bore results. Global Trading Enterprises of Swedesboro, N.J., “has been directed by USDA to work with the state and the [VERMONT] FOODBANK” to coordinate delivery of Farmers to Families Food Boxes, Foodbank CEO JOHN SAYLES said. The collaboration will start in March and also involve WILLING HANDS, a Norwichbased nonprofit. According to the letter, signed by Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), federally funded SIDE DISHES

Online & Walk-up Orders • Vegan & Gluten Free Options 8h-scalepoke021021.indd 1

2/3/21 11:05 AM




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Burlington City Arts is supported in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts through the New England Arts Resilience Fund, part of the United States Regional Arts Resilience Fund, an initiative of the U.S. Regional Arts Organizations and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with major funding from the federal CARES Act from the National Endowment for the Arts, and by the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.



2/23/21 8:05 AM

Tom Gilbert

Waste Not

Pastured eggs, composting and human rights are linked at Black Dirt Farm S TO RY & PHOT O BY MOLLY ZAPP


ggs from Black Dirt Farm often come with unexpected side dishes: printed notes nestled between the ungraded brown eggs and the cardboard carton. In the fall, those messages showcased the MerriamWebster definitions of “democracy” and “white supremacy” to show that the two are mutually exclusive. This winter, pink inserts cite the figure that one in three Vermont women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime, along with contact information for shelters. If the fridge and breakfast table seem like unconventional places for sparking discussions of human rights, Black Dirt Farm owner Tom Gilbert is not worried. “We are intentionally provoking a conversation, and we’re open to feedback,” he said during a recent tour of his Stannard farm. The farmer, composting professional and activist, 43, said he began thinking about environmental racism after observing how often landfills and incinerators are located near low-income communities and communities of color. In Gilbert’s view, 42


ecology, food systems, democracy and racial justice are intertwined, and Americans can effect real change only by facing those issues directly, with clear eyes. Through his diversified farm, Gilbert himself hopes to foster change in how Vermonters deal with food scraps. The former executive director of Highfields Center for Composting in Hardwick, he helped draft the part of Vermont’s Universal Recycling Law that bans food scraps from landfills. Black Dirt Farm helps local institutions follow that law, which came into full effect in July 2020. Alongside its egg production, the farm has a commercial composting facility that collects 25 tons of compost per week from businesses and schools in the northeastern part of the state. The compost nourishes the chickens, which in turn enrich the compost — and, when the finished compost is sold to food producers, the cycle begins all over again. On a frigid February afternoon, Gilbert showed a reporter some of the food scraps that will become soil amendments and nourishment for his flock of hens.

Commingling in the pile of uneaten food were winter squash innards and saucy spaghetti; not far away was a decentlooking whole bell pepper. A green bioplastic “compostable” bag lurked in the back corner; Gilbert said the team would remove it before continuing with the composting process because such bags are difficult to compost. The next step in that process is to add the food scraps to a “hot mix” of alreadycomposting material, and then to combine the mixture with carbon-rich substances that “cultivate a full spectrum of microorganisms,” he explained. The decomposition activity heats the pile up to at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to kill most pathogens; even in single-digit weather, the giant piles of compost give off a heat you can feel. They’re also hot enough to cook food in; Gilbert has slow-cooked roasts, kale and tomato sauces in piles of hot compost. Wrapped in multiple layers of foil, according to him, meat roasts better there than in a Dutch oven. Midway through the composting process,

hens get to feast on the compost, drawing part of a healthy diet from this “forage” of food scraps, bugs and microorganisms. The birds’ waste adds nutrients that help transform the remaining materials into compost suitable for organic farming. The farm uses finished compost on the tomatoes and salad greens it grows commercially and as feed for its Red Wiggler worms, which make worm castings. It then sells the compost and worm castings as soil amendments. In Southeast Asia, where they originated, chickens forage in the jungles. Gilbert said that providing his Northeast Kingdom hens with access to forage and pasture “allows them to express their natural behaviors more so than pecking a grain, because they can scratch, peck around and chase bugs.” The hens, which are a cross between white rocks and Rhode Island reds, also eat non-GMO, Vermontgrown grain. The hens produce roughly 2,100 dozen eggs per month — less in the winter and more in the spring. Black Dirt Farm’s ungraded eggs have more character than conventional eggs, varying in size, shape and shade of brown. Crack one into a hot skillet, and the rich, golden yolk retains its rounded shape. (Eggs that spread out flat lack freshness.) In the warmer months, when the hens have regular access to pasture, their yolks become a deeper orange. The farm sells its eggs at Buffalo Mountain Food Co-op in nearby Hardwick, Hunger Mountain Co-op in Montpelier, and a smattering of smaller markets in northeastern and central Vermont. Black Dirt Farm eggs also show up in Local Donut’s sweets, made in Woodbury. Unlike its produce, Black Dirt Farm’s eggs are not certified organic. Gilbert believes it’s more important to work with the local food system “in the moment we’re in” than to source organic grains from farther away, he said. Composting breaks down antibiotics and is generally considered a best practice for mitigating pesticides, but Gilbert remains concerned about soil integrity. He and his workers have test fields where they apply finished compost at excessively high rates to inspect crops for signs of lingering herbicides, as defined by standards developed at Washington State University. So far, he said, they haven’t observed any. “There are certainly gaps in our knowledge, and there’s a lot of research to be done, but we’re trying to be clear-eyed and honest,” Gilbert said. “We keep looking for


opportunities to be wrong and are willing is interpreted as keeping food waste to change if there arises a reason for it.” and packaged food waste separate from Gilbert has been source-separating trash,” he told Seven Days. “There are compost since his days as an undergrad points of generation that don’t have a at Evergreen State College in Washing- depackager on-site, but there are service ton, 25 years ago. Before starting Black providers that can achieve that source Dirt Farm in 2014, he worked for Vermont separation on their location.” Compost. Gilbert views Vermont’s Universal RecyAnd he has strong opinions on how the cling Law as a model that other states are state manages its compost today. In partic- watching closely to see how well it works ular, Gilbert expressed or how easily it can be frustration at how watered down. He fears the Vermont Agency that neoliberal interpreof Natural Resources tations of the law will fail interprets and enforces to produce the environthe Vermont statute mental shift the moment on waste management, requires. This Februwhich specifies that food ary, he and a coalition residuals must be sepathat includes Vermont rated from solid waste, Compost and environsuch as packaging, at the mental groups sent the source. legislature’s natural In fall 2018, food resources committees scrap collection compaa request for a formal nies that don’t require legislative review of the food separation at the organics management TOM GILB E RT source began getting hierarchy and the source permits to operate in Vermont. After separation provision of the Universal Recythat, Black Dirt Farm lost long-standing cling Law — and of ANR’s current implecontracts with Hannaford and Price Chop- mentation of these sections. “If we can’t figure out how to steward per, according to Gilbert. Rutland-based Casella Waste Systems food scraps in a small state like Vermont,” and Agri-Cycle, a Maine-based compost- Gilbert asked, “then how can we ever ing company that operates in Vermont tackle climate change?” through a partnership with Grow Black Dirt Farm requires that its Compost of Vermont, use machines customers go through training to learn that “depackage” food solids from their how to properly separate food scraps containers, Gilbert said. The depackag- from non-compostable materials, ing systems have their drawbacks: 0.5 including removing the loathsome PLU to 3 percent of the resulting compost is stickers from produce. Gilbert said the plastic — which, according to Gilbert, far farm trains the staff who handle food exceeds the plastic content in source- scraps at customer institutions, not just separated compost like his own. their managers. The aim is to foster a “We have a law that says that’s not clarity of purpose and sense of environsupposed to be happening,” Gilbert said. mental stewardship that keep the farm’s “If I was getting a permit from the State food scraps “by and large very clean.” of Vermont, and I wanted to compost Back at the hen house, Gilbert walked 100,000 tons per year, and I applied comfortably among his chickens, who saying I was applying for a permit for eagerly flocked around and pecked the 98,000 tons of food scraps and 2,000 shoes of visitors. In the early spring, he’ll tons of plastics, who would give me the set up a mechanism to pull heat from a permit? [Vermont] has done nothing to compost pile to warm the greenhouse. It’s actually try to achieve source separation.” all part of an integrated system that puts He’s especially concerned that depack- ecology at the forefront. aging machines could contribute more “If we start clarifying what our goals microplastics to our food system. and values are,” Gilbert said, “and build Josh Kelly is the materials manage- a system that fulfills those, then we start ment chief at ANR; Gilbert was his boss actually eliminating our problems instead when they both worked at Highfields. of shifting them.” m Kelly stands by the agency’s issuing of permits to companies that mechanically INFO depackage off-site. “Source-separated Find more info at



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we often prepare for supper at home: soup ($9) and salad ($10). We also ordered the fried chicken sandwich ($13) and macaroni and cheese ($10). This time, the temp was mid-20s, and the three-cheese mac was warm and luscious even after transport. The romaine salad was top-notch: crunchy as advertised and pretty, with slivers of red pepper and toasted almonds. It also was sprinkled with black and white sesame seeds, a nod to the sesame-ginger vinaigrette. I ate the salad for a first course while reheating the soup and toasting my roll. (Bonus No. 3: You can’t make toast in a restaurant.) The white bean soup with mixed vegetables, including kale, potato, carrots and celery, was just right for a wintry night. Because we were so hungry when we began our meal, I set aside my showstopper cocktail: an old fashioned made with cocoanib-infused bourbon, Angostura bitters, orange flower water and simple syrup ($17). I saved the drink to have with our dessert: Peg & Ter’s tiramisu ($7) with toasted almonds and amaretto. We ate this in front of the TV, watching “Law & Order: Special Victims Unit.” If you get the chance to re-create this experience, I recommend it. It’s possible even if you don’t carry home the drink in a jar. Bar manager Nick Roy’s cocktail syrups are available for purchase, so you can attempt to mix his old fashioned — and other house cocktails — at home. In another business adaptation, Peg & Ter’s is partnering with Meg Dawson, owner of Das ButterHaus. She’s baking in the restaurant, which will feature her desserts on the menu, according to Helzer. And on Thursdays, Peg & Ter’s is a pickup spot for seafood purveyor Wood Mountain

Side Dishes « P.41 food boxes were being delivered to only five of Vermont’s 14 counties, and Global Trading Enterprises had “failed to communicate even the most basic information to the State of Vermont or Vermont Foodbank.” This state of affairs, the delegation continued, “will leave … hundreds [of ] Vermont families without the food assistance they were promised under this federal program.” The $5 billion national Farmers to Families Food 44

Fish, which trucks seafood to Vermont from the Boston waterfront. Folks known to the restaurant as “Pegulars,” aka local frequent diners, have helped sustain the business through a challenging year, Helzer said. Week after week, he noted with appreciation, they’ve “put their money where their mouth is.” The restaurant has also received financial assistance in the form of loans and grants — an aspect of the business managed by Tina. The Helzers live with their three young daughters in Charlotte, where Johnny grew up. He’s looking forward to the time when people can gather again at the restaurant, which he hopes will be open to diners in May. “I think about it every day,” Helzer said. “I come in here; it’s like an empty place. You miss that interaction so much. We’re thinking about bringing that back and how meaningful these social interactions are going to be.” m

INFO Learn more at

Chef Karina Curcio and house manager Nick Roy

Crispy chicken sandwich with herb fries, cauliflower wings in a housemade maple barbecue sauce, and a Loral Lager by Zero Gravity

Box program launched in May 2020 in response to the spike in food insecurity during the pandemic. It was also intended to provide markets for American-grown food and generate business for regional and local distributors. The first two main contracts for Vermont, totaling $13.9 million, were awarded to the ABBEY GROUP, a familyowned food service management company based in Enosburg Falls. The Abbey Group worked closely with the Foodbank and the state’s emergency



Takeout to the Limit « P.40

management team to distribute more than half a million boxes through August 2020. Subsequent Vermont contracts have gone to outof-state companies. When Global Trading Enterprises received its contract on January 19, Sayles said, it did contact his organization, but the conversation dead-ended when it became clear that the New Jersey company had no plan to do daily deliveries or distribute boxes directly to those in need, as the contract required. The Foodbank had already planned for

Apple brandy sour to-go (left) and in a glass

the possibility that the federal program might end in 2020, leaving the nonprofit to fill the gap. “Looking at the landscape in Vermont in the middle of winter, the need [was] still incredibly high,” Sayles said. For January through March, the Foodbank subcontracted with the Abbey Group and coordinated with the state to deliver 28,224 boxes through 19 sites. The 30-pound food boxes are more than half full of Vermont products, Sayles said. Community donations to the Foodbank cover

the $2.2 million cost, although Sayles is talking with the state about possible reimbursement from remaining CARES Act funds. Both Foodbank-funded boxes and federally funded boxes will be distributed in March. “We don’t mind having more food out there,” Sayles said. The recent $9 million gift to the Foodbank from philanthropist

MacKenzie Scott did not directly contribute to the effort, but Sayles acknowledged that the donation “has certainly given us the kind of breathing room to be able to make some really needed intense investments.” Learn more about the program at or 476-0316. Melissa Pasanen

CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: @vtpollak. On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

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S UNDbites

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene B Y J O R D A N A D A MS

Let’s Have Some Fund



with Seven Days. “These artists are still working really hard at what they do. If we can pay them for their work — because it is work — that’s what we want to do.” Lovers of the arts who want to ensure the fund’s longevity can consider donating. That’s what’s so cool about it: As long as donations keep coming in, BDJF can continue to funnel money to musicians. In fact, this could be a fairly lucrative opportunity for many. “The goal is for each person participating to get [paid],” Lafayette said. She clarified that the money is not awarded per band or performance but to each individual performer involved. According to a press release, individual compensation will range from $500 to $1,000. As of last week, BDJF

Moira Smiley (center) and VOCO

had received 18 applications, but the total number of potential recipients is significantly greater. Again, as long as the fund is flush with donations, the organization can pass money along to musicians. “We’re prioritizing people who are creating music and who are really working with their instruments,” Lafayette said. “I hope we’ll have some content in a couple of weeks.”

Window’s 2.0

Remember last fall when the Flynn announced its new pandemic-safe live performance series, the Window on Main? The series was to take place over two consecutive weekends

I Want My VT-MTV

Seven Days has been absolutely bombarded with music video submissions lately. Locally produced videos aren’t an unusual occurrence, though they do arrive much less frequently than locally produced albums. Still, a video deluge of this magnitude doesn’t happen every week. The videos range from timely and issue-based to just plain wacky. All are available to view on YouTube. Let’s take a brief look at a few vittles flowing out of this cornucopia, shall we? First on the docket is a video for Afro-pop outfit A2VT’s latest single, “I’m a Soul Survivor.” The group, composed of African refugees who put down roots in Vermont more than a decade ago, has been a thriving artistic force in and beyond Burlington’s resettled African community. A2VT made their presence known in 2012 with a locally viral ode to the Onion City, “Winooski, My Town.”


This week a ray of sunshine is beaming down on our beleaguered music community, which has languished in limbo since the pandemic shuttered live music venues nearly one year ago. I’ve said this a few times over that stretch, but never has it been truer than right now: Vermont musicians, help is on the way. In December, the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival announced the creation of the Vermont Musicians COVID Relief Fund. That endeavor is ready to launch and will soon put money directly into the hands of musicians who desperately need it for doing what they do best: playing music. Essentially, the donationbased endowment will compensate artists for producing a variety of online entertainment. What is the BDJF looking for? According to the relief fund application — available at apply — “Concepts include, but are not limited to, virtual conversations/ interviews between musicians, home studio virtual tours/performances, recorded performances at local venues, or engagement on community arts platforms.” The BDJF will disseminate content to viewers through email and social media. “We’re trying to get this money

out really quickly,” managing director

CHELSEA LAFAYETTE said during a recent call

in December prior to Christmas at the Burlington performing arts center’s Chase Studio — in a window overlooking Main Street, to be exact. Onlookers would have watched from a safe distance on the sidewalk opposite the studio’s glass storefront, listening through outdoor speakers. But the series was postponed indefinitely soon after it was announced as Vermont’s COVID-19 case counts skyrocketed. Good news: The Window on Main is coming back, this time over the weekends of April 16 to 18 and 23 to 25. “The goal of this series is to safely gather together artists from multiple disciplines — music, theater, dance, performance art, and beyond — bringing live performance back to Downtown Burlington to entertain passersby as spring weather returns,” read a press release announcing the rescheduled run. Performers who want to be considered for the series can apply at

A2VT on the “I’m a Soul Survivor” video shoot


Out now, “I’m a Soul Survivor” comes a year or so after the band’s second LP, Twenty Infinity, which this publication named one of the best local releases of 2020. The new cut features everything fans love about the group: scores of dancers, vibrant colors, hip-thrusting beats, commingling of cultures and a relentless positive spirit. “We want to mark this time in history; to say, ‘Hey, we made it through,’” co-front person JILIB wrote in a press release.

the film’s forthcoming soundtrack, due out this summer. Its video is a continuous shot panning past leopardprint-clad forest dwellers and mad-teaparty goers. It centers the band on a country jaunt, dressed in its signature pastel accoutrements. Finally, the strangest video that’s landed on the music desk in quite a while is JOSH WORMAN’s “Cow Cow Davenport.” Produced by the MOUNTAIN SAYS NO’s BEN MADDOX, Worman’s tune gets the visual treatment via animator


Still from Josh Worman and Martin Shields’ “Cow Cow Davenport”

Untitled-36 1

Producer DAVID COOPER added that the lyrics “project ahead to a future time when we could reflect back on all that has happened, acknowledge our battle scars and move on to better things.” Next up is a pair of vids from singer-songwriter MOIRA SMILEY, who, backed by a cappella ensemble VOCO, just released a new album, In Our Voices. A kaleidoscopic, live-action video for “How Can I Cry,” as well as an artsy, pen-and-ink-style animated representation of “Sing About It” highlight the themes of social justice and racial equity that permeate the record. Watch for a review of In Our Voices in an upcoming issue of Seven Days. Remember last summer when WESTERN TERRESTRIALS started working on their ETHAN ALLEN concept film, The Ballad of Ethan Alien? Quick recap: After the band’s NICK CHARYK answered a Twitter-based call to action from OLD CROW MEDICINE SHOW’s KETCH SECOR, he penned a tune from the prompt “Ethan Allen was an alien.” The White River Junction band birthed the snappy honky-tonk tune “Ethan Alien,” which appeared on its 2020 video Back in the Saddle of a Fever Dream. The song became the inspiration for that concept film. “1984” is the first new single from

2/23/21 8:22 PM

MARTIN SHIELDS. Described as “the adventures of a two-headed, drugaddled, gender-defying bovine,” the video is … well, just that. If you like psychedelic barnyard antics that go where no cow has gone before, this is for you. Worman is known for penning the stoner anthem “Legal Weed” — also a Maddox collab — which he released just before Vermont legalized cannabis for recreational use in the summer of 2018. Methinks he might have been smoking some of that legal weed when he conceived of “Cow Cow Davenport.”

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Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours.

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2/23/21 10:28 AM


REVIEW this S E V E N D AY S T I C K E T S . C O M

New Erotics, New Erotics (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

Planning a virtual webinar or event? Need to register attendees? Try using our free ticketing/registration service. It's like Eventbrite, but run by Seven Days. Not only is it a great tool for event promoters, it also supports local journalism.

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Surprise, surprise. The record store proprietor with a dedicated post-punk/ new-wave section in his shop now finds himself in a brand-new postpunk/new-wave band. A cadre of Montpelier badasses — including Buch Spieler Records’ co-owner Knayte Lander, recent Long Island transplants Ian Denning and Rob Tav, and mononymous vocalist Henri — have formed as New Erotics, a neon-streaked throwback outfit with modern sensibilities. Leaning hard into the synth-ified sounds of the ’80s, the group delivers an incredibly solid first entry on its self-titled, four-song debut EP. In an email, Lander wrote that inspiration came from mainstays of the decade, such as Missing Persons and Berlin. He also noted that the kind of synth-punk New Erotics play — full of flashy hooks both vocal and synth-strumental — also

The Lemon Flyers, Out to Sea (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

There is a transcendent moment — a little holy explosion of hail, hail, rock and roll! — about halfway through the third track of the Lemon Flyers’ new record, Out to Sea. Guitarist Matt Kavanagh’s solo comes screaming into the previously sedate “Mind on Fire” like a jump cut in a horror film. And while it may be the sonic high point on the LP, the Burlington band’s second, it is hardly the only standout on an intriguing and sometimes mercurial record. Perhaps the solos on “Mind on Fire” colored this notion, but on first listen I was tempted to label the record a guitar album. And, yes, I understand that the very idea of calling something featuring instruments other than guitar a “guitar album” is sort of ridiculous. But as the age of the bitchin’ solo has waned, I’m guilty of being

enjoyed a brief revival in the early to mid-aughts through bands such as the Faint and the Sounds. New Erotics show strength and solidarity through collaborative songwriting. A huge part of the band’s charm comes from Henri’s dazzling vocal performances, which evoke any number of powerhouse front persons: Blondie’s Debbie Harry, the Go-Go’s Belinda Carlisle and, particularly, X’s Exene Cervenka. Mixing tenderness with whitehot fury, Henri, who uses gender-neutral pronouns, makes it clear that they have little time and patience for giving fucks. Opener “Thicc Thighs,” an unambiguous celebration of body positivity, showcases Henri’s prickly, juiced-up vocals crackling between Denning’s stiff peaks of guitar. “No I don’t count the pounds / I count my lucky stars,” they sing while reveling in the presence of a “well-fed femme.” Trading pinched yelps for a more melodic approach, Henri, a cofounder of the local sex workers’ support organization the Ishtar Collective, croons

about resilience and inner strength on “Roses on a Grave.” Lander, Denning and Tav create a punctuated wall of sound, their instruments (synths/ drum programming, guitar and bass, respectively) forming a tight lattice. Pulling no punches, “Out of Time (Guano)” is a withering indictment of fuckbois the world over. After parroting excuses that enablers always give (“But he’s such a nice guy / He’s in such a good band”), Henri calls out bullshit left and right. A rousing call-and-response invigorates the zippy tune. Accentuating their words like a hammer pounding a nail, Henri clinches the EP with some serious zest on closer “Spin Cycle.” Its anthemic chorus draws strength from its simplicity and elegance, riding an ascendant “la la la” to penthouse heights. Consider New Erotics like a free sample. The EP is just enough to pique listeners’ curiosity, grab their attention and make them sweat while they wait for the inevitable forthcoming full-length — which, according to Lander, should arrive “within the year.” New Erotics is available at newerotics.

overexcited when I hear one. Besides, I would have been wrong anyway. There is so much more to Out to Sea than just killer guitar solos. Matt and brother Sawyer Kavanagh certainly do lay down fabulous guitars all over the 10-track record, dispensing bright jangle and distorted grit in equal measure. The third Kavanagh brother, Alex, joins on drums along with the only non-Kavanagh, bassist Pat Buono. Though Matt handles the majority of the singing, the band trades vocals, and occasionally instruments, throughout the album and harmonizes in a way few local bands are able to do. The interplay on tracks such as “Drifting Slowly” — which has an angular, Talking Heads-brand-of-funk feel to it — is easy to pick out. The Lemon Flyers have a lot of tools in their kit. While 2019’s Find a Way was a promising debut from a promising band, the songwriting on Out to Sea is clearly powered up. From the acoustic, folkdriven “Doctor,” with its quavering plea

to “Tell it to me straight / Doctor, doctor, please / We really got a lot to lose,” to the Pavement-like “Keep Your Head On,” the Lemon Flyers aren’t trading in the currency of potential any longer. These aren’t just songs to jam out on during a late night at the Monkey House. The band now displays cleverly crafted pop sensibilities to match its live show. (But, holy shit, do I wish I could see these guys at the Monkey right now.) The Lemon Flyers tracked the record with Ryan Cohen and Sam Mark at Robot Dog Studio in Williston, a popular spot for Burlington bands these days. The sound is crisp and present, but Cohen lets the band’s natural proclivity toward jangly indie rock shine through. It’s a pleasing mix of lo-fi feel and high-gloss finish. Out to Sea is a big stride forward for this quartet. Perhaps even more impressive than its progress is the sense of identity permeating the music. The Lemon Flyers are establishing a distinct sound in real time, and it is fascinating to listen along. Out to Sea is available at


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9/14/20 1:21 PM



movies Minari ★★★★★


ur streaming entertainment options are overwhelming — and not always easy to sort through. Right now, the 2020 films that thrilled festival audiences and garnered award nominations are still trickling onto streaming platforms and into local theaters. Two of those movies are celebrations of America — its roads, its rural heartland, its people — with bittersweet modern twists. In the excellent Nomadland (Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater, Hulu), which I wrote about in December, Frances McDormand plays a woman who embraces an itinerant life in her van after her factory town goes kaput. In writer-director Lee Isaac Chung’s Minari (Savoy Theater, rentable starting February 26 on various platforms), a Korean American family sets its sights on an American dream: making a living from its own land. Already honored with a Golden Globe nomination for Best Foreign Language Film, this quiet spellbinder could be a contender for Best Picture.

Kim), has a heart condition. To watch David and his older sister (Noel Cho) while she and Jacob work, she invites her mother, Soonja (Yuh-jung Youn), to come from Korea. David doesn’t know what to think of his grandmother, who comments acerbically on his bed-wetting habit and would rather teach him to be a card shark than bake him cookies like a “normal” grandma. But she also teaches him to grow a versatile plant called minari that, she promises, will adapt and thrive in this new soil. Can the Yi family do the same?

Will you like it?

In the 1980s, immigrants Jacob and Monica Yi (Steven Yeun and Yeri Han) make their living in California sexing chicks for poultry breeders. Jacob dreams of doing something less soul killing: growing vegetables to sell to Korean markets. Over Monica’s objections, he buys an Arkansas farm and brings the family to live in a trailer on the property. Monica worries about the remote location, given that their son, David (Alan S.

Minari opens with the Yi family arriving at their new home on a hot summer day, and it soon feels as if neither they nor we have ever been anywhere else. With a soundscape of trilling insects and dreamy cinematography by Lachlan Milne, Chung evokes the vastness of summer in a child’s mind, stretching like an ocean to September’s horizon. Much of the story unfolds from the perspective of David, whom young Kim plays without a false move. Chung’s own rural childhood inspired that story, as did Willa Cather — whom, the filmmaker recently wrote in the Los Angeles Times, he had never read until he asked the universe for inspiration and her name popped into his head. “Insecurities and missteps can plague writers and artists who come from rural places,” Chung wrote. Reading Cather’s reminiscences of her farming youth, he was emboldened to turn his own memories into a film.



MUSIC: Golden Globe noms, poor reviews and controversy have greeted Sia’s directorial debut, about a drug dealer in recovery (Kate Hudson) who is given sole custody of her half sister (Maddie Ziegler), who is on the autism spectrum. (107 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)

BLITHE SPIRIT★1/2 A séance leads to trouble when a remarried widow accidentally summons the spirit of his first wife in this new adaptation of the Noël Coward comedy, starring Dan Stevens, Isla Fisher and Judi Dench. Edward Hall directed. (99 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)

The deal

MY ZOE: Julie Delpy (Two Days in New York) wrote, directed and stars in this near-future drama in which a divorced mom takes extreme measures to protect her daughter after a tragedy. With Gemma Arterton and Daniel Brühl. (100 min, R. Essex Cinemas) NIGHT OF THE KINGS: In this acclaimed atmospheric fable from the Ivory Coast, a gang member must spin stories to survive his first night in a prison ruled by the inmates. Bakary Koné and Steve Tientcheu star. Philippe Lacôte directed. (93 min, R. Savoy Theater) TOM AND JERRY: A tale with the existential resonance of Groundhog Day or Waiting for Godot: Cartoon cat attempts to catch cartoon mouse, over and over and over. But what is their origin story? This family animation reveals all. With the voices of Chloë Grace Moretz and Michael Peña. Tim Story (Ride Along) directed. (101 min, PG. Essex Cinemas)



THE CROODS: A NEW AGE★★★ In this sequel to the animated comedy hit, a prehistoric family finds itself forced to cohabit with its more evolved neighbors. With the voice talents of Nicolas Cage, Emma Stone and Ryan Reynolds. (95 min, PG. Essex Cinemas) LAND★★★ Robin Wright directed and stars in this drama about a woman who starts a new life off the grid after a bereavement. With Demián Bichir. (89 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas) THE LITTLE THINGS★★1/2 Denzel Washington and Rami Malek play LA cops on the trail of a serial killer in this dark crime drama directed by John Lee Hancock (The Highwaymen). (127 min, R. Essex Cinemas, Stowe Cinema)

PROMISED LAND A family tries to wring a living from a rural Arkansas farm in Chung’s evocative autobiographical drama.

That story explains a lot about the strange power of Minari. While most of the action takes place in the trailer and its environs, the movie doesn’t feel claustrophobic so much as imbued with the emotional intensity of memory. This is a kind of immigrant tale that modern American audiences may not expect: rural and steeped in love of the land. While the narrative hits some familiar beats, and some poignant ones, Chung steers away from sentimentality. Yeun gives a powerful performance as a man full of frustrated determination to wring profit from a troubled plot. We sympathize easily with Jacob, but Monica’s fears make sense, too. Youn enters the film with an electric jolt; it’s no surprise that critics’ groups have singled her out for awards and nominations. Part teasing trickster and part woman with a past, Soonja galvanizes the family to confront its troubles — and to survive them. Fans of Terrence Malick will recognize something of his rapt attention to pastoral quietness in Minari, but without the flashy stylistic flourishes. This story sinks into viewers and takes hold.

If you like this, try...

MINARI★★★★1/2 In Lee Isaac Chung’s bittersweet autobiographical drama, a Korean immigrant family struggles to make their new Arkansas vegetable farm pay off. Steven Yeun and Yeri Han star in this festival favorite. (115 min, PG-13. Savoy Theater; reviewed by M.H. 2/24)


NOMADLAND★★★★★ Frances McDormand plays a woman set adrift by the Great Recession to travel the country in her beat-up van in this Golden Globe nominee directed by Chloé Zhao. (108 min, R. Essex Cinemas, Savoy Theater)


WOLFWALKERS★★★★1/2 An apprentice wolf hunter in Ireland discovers a different point of view in this family animation from the makers of The Secret of Kells, featuring the voices of Honor Kneafsey, Eva Whittaker and Sean Bean. (103 min, PG. Savoy Theater, Fri & Sat only; reviewed by M.H. 1/13) WONDER WOMAN 1984★★★ Sixty-odd years after her first film showcase, the Amazon princess (Gal Gadot) faces Max Lord and the Cheetah in the latest DC Comics adventure. With Chris Pine and Kristen Wiig. Patty Jenkins again directed. (151 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)

• The Housemaid (2010; IFC Films Unlimited, AMC+, rentable): If you haven’t yet discovered the riches of modern South Korean cinema, Youn’s sly, entertaining performance in Minari should inspire you. She plays a rich family’s scheming servant in this erotic thriller that screened at the Cannes Film Festival. • Mudbound (2017; Netflix): Two families, one Black and one white, work the same unforgiving plot of Mississippi Delta land in this beautifully shot historical saga from director Dee Rees, which examines race in America from a distinctly rural perspective. • The Farewell (2019; Amazon Prime Video, rentable): Up for another tearfulyet-unmawkish drama about an Asian American family? Awkwafina plays a New Yorker who struggles with her family’s decision not to tell her Chinese grandmother about her terminal diagnosis in Lulu Wang’s heartfelt Golden Globe winner. MARGO T HARRI S O N

GET ON UP (Fathom Events, Essex Cinemas, Sat only)


OPEN THEATERS ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, (Note: New listings for this theater were not available at press time.) THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,


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drinks from circa 1700-2020, Shaken & Stirred: A History of Cocktails with Adam Krakowski. Vietnamese Traditional Street Foods with Kim Anh Dinh. From Adele Dienno’s kitchen: Arancini, Cream Puffs, Sfogliatelli, Cannoli & Ricotta Cheesecake, Oh my! March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802-482-7194,,

Over 150 Virtual Classes. Something for Everyone and All Ages! 51 NEW classes starting in March. Sign up TODAY to reserve your spot! Full class descriptions at or Google ACCESS CVU. Register online, call 802-482-7194 or email FINE ARTS & CRAFTS: Painting on Bisqueware: The Platter; Painting on Bisqueware: Pair of Mugs with Jen Labie. Intro to Weaving with Emma Percy. Watercolor for Beginners Parts 1 & 2 with Ginny Joyner. Mixed Media Art Journaling with Cristina Clarimon. March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802-482-7194, access@, FOOD & DRINK: Ethiopian Injera and Vegetarian-Focused Dishes with Alganesh Michael. Special: Fascinating four-part series on

In-depth eight-week series, Four Foundations of Mindfulness with Maggie Mae Anderson. How to Live a Trauma-Informed Life 101 with Kristine Reynolds. Self-Hypnosis with Gary Beckwith. Lydia Solini hosts a Gem and Crystal Workshop and Tarot Card Adventure Part 2 & 3. Boost Confidence and SelfEsteem with RTT by Lydia Hill. March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802-482-7194,, HOME & GARDEN: Dog Body Language with canine trainer Alana Stevenson. Gardening for Pollinators with Hattie White. Managing Invasive Plants in Your Forest with forester Ethan Tapper. Charlotte Albers presents on gardens of Monticello & Colonial Williamsburg and Coastal Maine Botanical Gardens. Growing Mushrooms in Your Yard with Mike Walker. Markey Read and Tim King offer Suburban Homesteading 101 classes! March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802482-7194,, KIDS & TEENS: “Frontloading” Parenting Skills: A Workshop for Parents of Birth to Age 5 Children with expert Deb Chisholm. Intro to Ukulele for Kids with John Creech. Online Yoga for Tweens/Teens with Shelley Hoak. March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802-4827194,,

HEALTH, WELLNESS & HOLISTIC LIVING: Treatment for Insomnia with Acupressure Massage Therapy with Kirstin Wiley.





MUSIC: Intro to Ukulele for Adults: Level Two with Clare Innes. Mandolin for Beginners with Mike Walker. Harmonica For Adults with Clare. March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802482-7194,,

LANGUAGE AND LITERACY: Travel French Phrases for Fun, two-part series. Virtual Book Club Discussion: Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar. Memoir Workshop with Annalisa Parent. Becoming America with Judy Eshleman and Rick Gordon. You’re On the Air!: Intro to Voice-Overs with Will Kamp. March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802-482-7194, access@,

ALCOHOL USE — WHY WE SHOULD BE TALKING ABOUT IT Dr. John Brooklyn, Medical Director Chittenden Clinic, Howard Center

Burlington City Arts winter/spring class registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at ACRYLIC PAINTING: Six students max. Learn the basics of mixing colors, blending and a variety of acrylic painting techniques. Acrylic paint is the perfect medium for beginners and experienced artists who want to try something new. Students will have the opportunity to experiment and create works of art based on their interests. Wed., Mar. 3-24, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $200/ person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-8655355, jflanagan@burlingtoncity,

PHOTOGRAPHY & TECHNOLOGY: Individual Community Tech Help with CVU students, Isaac Kramentsov. Using Social Media Platforms with Isaac. Don’t miss out on Sean Beckett’s online photography classes, Digital Photography 101 and The Digital Darkroom: Photo Editing in Adobe Lightroom Classic. March. Location: Access CVU. Info: 802482-7194,,

the composition and concepts explored in your photographs. Students need a DSLR or digital mirrorless camera. Students receive five 8.5x11-inch prints of selected images. Mon., Mar. 1-22, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $150/person; $135 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355,,

FOR RENT FITNESS STUDIO SPACE Bring students or teach for us! Contact 316-7142 or visit

DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY: MARKETING YOUR BUSINESS: Ages 18 and up. Four students Ages 18 and up. 20 students max. Learn to properly expose 1x1.5-SAC-020321.indd 12/2/21 11:49 AM max. Mieko Ozeki, Vermont black-and-white film, process Womenpreneurs Cofounder and film into negatives, and make branding consultant at Radiance silver gelatin prints. 35mm film, Studios, teaches the basics of marpaper and darkroom supplies keting your professional brand. included. Bring your manual Discuss the various platforms 35mm or medium-format film for your brand and what fits your camera and an exposed roll of goals. Gain inspiration from sucblack-and-white film. Wed., Mar. cessful marketing campaigns with 3-31, (no class Mar. 17), 6-8 p.m. an authentic voice. Wed., Mar. 10, Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25/person; $22.50 members. Location: BCA Studios, for BCA members. Location: Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlJohn Flanagan, 802-865-5355,, burlington, HOME STUDIO: DIGITAL PHOTO: Ages 13 and up. Six students max. Learn about making a great photography from home with your digital camera. Photos are shared for group critiques about

PRINTMAKING: Ages 18 and up. Three students max. This class introduces you to a whole range of printing techniques that BCA STUDIOS

» P.52

Hosting virtual or in-person classes?

Spread the word in the Seven Days Classifieds.

March 9, 2021 | 6:00-7:15 pm Zoom webinar, free registration required at


CONTACT KATIE FOR A QUOTE AT 865-1020 x10 | 802-488-6912

6h-HowardCenterSPRINGCommEdSeries022421 1

BCA Studios

2/23/21 7:57 AM

6H-ClassFillers.indd 1



12/14/20 9:52 AM


Want to strengthen our democracy?


Help your kids take the Good Citizen At-Home Challenge! Complete one activity in each area — History, Government, Community Service and News Literacy — and pass a sample U.S. Citizenship Test by MARCH 5 to be entered into the grand-prize drawing for a $500 gift card to a locally owned business. “We posted on Front Porch Forum, collected food from our neighbors and brought it to the Hardwick Food Pantry. Blaine learned that even as a kid he can make a difference. It was a great activity to help a young person realize that they are powerful and important in their world.”

« P.51

can be used on their own or in combination to create unique artwork. Learn about the studio’s equipment and materials and discover techniques such as block printing with linoleum and monoprinting. Mon., Mar. 1-22, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts. org, SCREEN PRINTING: Ages 18 and up. Three students max. Learn to design and print T-shirts, posters, fine art and more. Discover a variety of techniques for transferring and printing images using hand-drawn, photographic or borrowed imagery. Learn about photo emulsion, using an exposure unit and printing on a variety of surfaces. Tue., Mar. 2-23, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $200/person; $180 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts. org, WHEEL PROJECTS : Ages 18 and up. Four students max. Prerequisite: Students must have previous experience working on a pottery wheel and basic knowledge of throwing and trimming. Join master potter Jeremy Ayers in an exploration of intermediate and advanced wheel-throwing techniques. Learn wheel skills while also helping to problem-solve specific challenges. Wed., Mar. 3-31, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $300/person; $270 for BCA members. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: John Flanagan, 802-865-5355, jflanagan@burlingtoncityarts. org,


Find more information, and 40+ activities, at

drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New hybrid classes (Zoom and in-person) starting! Taiko Tuesday and Wednesday. Djembe Wednesday. Kids and Parents Tuesday and Wednesday. COVID-19-free rental instruments, curbside pickup, too. Private Hybrid Conga lessons by appointment. Let’s prepare for future drumming outdoors. Schedule/ register online. Location: Online and in-person at Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 802-999-4255, burlington

Powered by: With support from:

Empowering Vermont’s youth to close the opportunity gap.


Partners in the Good Citizen At-Home Challenge include:

WORKING WITH SYMBOLS: An introductory class. Learn how to recognize, interpret and work with the images that form the basis of art, creativity and your dream life in this workshop created by students’ requests. Led by Dr. Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. To register for this Zoom class, email us: Wed., Mar. 3, 10, 17, 25, 2-4 p.m. Cost: $90/person via Paypal or check. Location: Jungian Center, Zoom class. Info: Sue Mehrtens, info@, jungiancenter. org.



2V-GoodCitizen022421.indd 1

2/23/21 6:21 PM


martial arts

GET INSPIRED FOR GARDENING: Billings Farm & Museum and the Woodstock Inn & Resort’s master gardener Ben Pauly explains the process of planning and starting a garden using sustainable and holistic practices. Ben shares ideas for plotting out gardens, attracting pollinators and beneficial insects, and how and when to start seeds and seedlings. Sat., Feb. 27, 10-11:30 a.m. Cost: $15/person; $10 for BF&M members. Location: Interactive Live Zoom in the Billings Backyard Series. Info: Marge Wakefield, 802-457-5310, mwakefield@,

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required. Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World JiuJitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventh-degree coral belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Imitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 802-598-2839, julio@,


language ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE ONLINE CLASSES: Join us for adult online French classes this spring. Our session starts on March 15 and offers classes for participants at all levels. The session schedule will be posted soon on our website at, but in the meantime do not hesitate to contact Micheline at education@ for schedule information. Location: Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region, Zoom. Info: Micheline Tremblay, 802-881-8826, education@aflcr. org, EXPERIENCED NATIVE PROFESSOR OFFERING ONLINE SPANISH CLASSES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audio-visual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” -Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook at Location: Maigualida Rak, Online. Info: Maigualida Rak,,

AYURVEDA INTEGRATION PROGRAM : Virtual Program. Join us in learning and immerse yourself in the oldest surviving preventative health care system. Our 200-hour Ayurveda Integration Program is ideal for yoga teachers, counselors, therapists, bodyworkers, nurses, doctors, wellness coaches, herbalists and anyone wanting to improve their own health. Learn seasonal and daily routines, holistic nutrition, stress reduction techniques, and home remedies to slow down, stop and reverse health conditions. VSAC approved. Starts in May, one weekend monthly, Sat. & Sun., 9:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Cost: $2,795/200-hour training. Location: The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont, 34 Oak Hill Rd., Williston. Info: Allison Morse, 802-872-8898,,

yoga EVOLUTION YOGA: Bring your body and mind toward balance and find connection in community. All are welcome. Find support you need to awaken your practice. Offering livestream and recorded classes. Give the gift of yoga with a gift card on our website. Flexible pricing based on your needs; scholarships avail. Contact yoga@evolutionvt. com. Single class: $0-15. Weekly membership: $10-25. 10-class pass: $140. New student special: $20 for 3 classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 802-864-9642,


Society of Chittenden County


REASON HERE: Her owner could no longer care for her. SUMMARY: She enjoys the simple things in life: snuggles, snacks and a cozy place to relax. Cocoa loves being around people and doesn’t mind being the center of attention. In fact, she’d appreciate lots of attention, thank you very much! Social distancing isn’t really in her vocabulary ­— she would much rather cuddle up right next to you (or, let’s be honest, on you) on the couch, and she may prefer to have all the love to herself in her new home rather than share it with other pets. If you’re looking for a pup who will enjoy sitting with you while you work or curling up for a good Netflix binge, Cocoa would love to meet you!

housing »



on the road »

HSCC does not euthanize animals for space nor set time limits on how long an animal can stay with us. We frequently care for animals with medical needs who need extra time and TLC before they can find a home, sometimes for several months. Some animals like Cocoa require more extensive procedures that often cost thousands of dollars. You can help us help more animals in need by making a gift at!

Sponsored by:

DOGS/CATS/KIDS: She has lived with another dog but may be most successful as the only pet in her home. She has no known experience with cats, small animals or children. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Cocoa is available for Foster-to-Adopt for Vermont residents only, as she is recovering from knee surgeries.



pro services »


buy this stuff »


music »


jobs »





housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)

$1,260/mo. incl. utils. & parking garage. NS/ pets. 802-872-9197 or

on the road




CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)

AFFORDABLE 2-BR APT. AVAIL. At Keen’s Crossing. 2-BR: $1,266/mo., heat & HW incl. Open floor plan, fully applianced kitchen, fi tness center, pet friendly, garage parking. Income restrictions apply. 802-655-1810,

RECREATIONAL VEHICLES 1992 NATIONAL DOLPHIN RV Toyota V6, 95K miles, A/C, 21 feet, sleeps 4-5 people. Info at mabatv@ Asking $2,000.

PINECREST AT ESSEX Joshua Way, Essex Jct. Independent senior living for those 55+ years. 1-BR avail. now,

CLASSIFIEDS KEY appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


TAFT FARM SENIOR LIVING COMMUNITY 10 Tyler Way, Williston, independent senior Route 15, Hardwick living. Newly remodeled 802-472-5100 1-BR unit on the ground floor, w/ restricted view 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston avail., $1,110/mo. incl. 802-793-9133 utils. & cable. NS/pets. Must be 55+ years of age. cintry@fullcirclevt. com, 802-879-3333. sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM

OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL CLASS SPACE FOR HOURLY RENT Fitness studio space avail. for rental at Shelburne Athletic Club. Bring your students & rent the space or teach for us. View photos online. Contact 316-7142, rayne@ Visit shelburneathletic. com. OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.


ADOPTION COUPLE HOPING TO ADOPT Kind & fun-loving VT couple can provide a safe & loving home for your baby. If you are pregnant & considering adoption, we would welcome hearing from you. jonandtessa.weebly. com, 802-272-7759.

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010


DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-9780215. (AAN CAN)


print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x10

Nano hearing aids priced 90% less than competitors. Nearly invisible. 45-day money-back guarantee! 1-833-5851117. (AAN CAN)

We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!

KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 1-BR, $1,054/mo.; 2-BR, $1,266/mo.; 3-BR, $1,397/mo. Spacious interiors, fully applianced kitchen, fi tness center, heat & HW incl. Income restrictions apply. 802-655-1810,


display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x21

PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes, more. 802-899-3542,


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BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do the work; you reap the rewards! Call for a free Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN)

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SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your mortgage? Denied a loan modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? Call Homeowners Relief Line now for help: 1-855-4395853. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat.: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. All times Pacific. (AAN CAN) STRUGGLING W/ YOUR PRIVATE STUDENT LOAN PAYMENT? New relief programs can reduce your payments. Learn your options. Good credit not necessary. Call the Helpline: 888-670-5631. Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET. (AAN CAN)

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GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/levels. Emphasis on building strong technique, thorough musicianship, developing personal style. Paul Asbell (Big Joe Burrell, Kilimanjaro,

UVM & Middlebury College faculty, Daysies). 233-7731, pasbell@ GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,

DISH TV $64.99 For 190 channels + $14.95. High-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl., free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. Promo expires Jul. 21, 2021. 1-855-380-250.


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ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now:16t-robbiehandiholmes022421.indd 1 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN)

2/22/21 10:16 AM

USDA Foreclosure: 2BR Walden Home

Tuesday, March 16 @ 11AM Register from 10:30AM

131 Stevens Hill West, Walden, VT Preview: Tue., Mar. 2 from 11AM-1PM

HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN)

245± Acres of Cropland in Essex

HEALTH/ WELLNESS GENTLE TOUCH MASSAGE Specializing in deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish & relaxation massage for men. Practicing massage therapy for over 14 years. Gregg,,, 802-234-8000 (call/ text). Milton.

& beyond w/ pro local instructors from the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine St. All levels & styles are welcome, incl. absolute beginners. Come share in the music! burlingtonmusicdojo. com, info@burlington

Thursday, March 18 @ 11AM Register from 10:30AM

75 Browns River Rd., Essex, VT Walk the Land Any Time


INSTRUCTION BASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, VOICE LESSONS & MORE Remote music lessons are an amazing way to spend time at home! Learn guitar, bass, piano, voice, violin, drums, flute, sax, trumpet, production  800-634-7653

SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021 8v-hirchakbrothers022421 1

2/19/21 10:34 AM

ShowSudoku and tell.


Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.





numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.









15+ 16+

6 2 5 4 1 3 9



There’s no limit to ad length online.

Fresh. Filtered. Free.

1 1

Extra! Extra!

9 6

4 7 9


Open 24/7/365.

View and post up to Post & browse ads Complete the following puzzle by using the 6 photos per ad online. at your convenience.

3 2 9 7


Difficulty - Medium



No. 676


Difficulty: Medium




Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.











crossword 6 2 1 3 5 1

















9 4 8 3 6 7 3 1 SUMMONING JEKYLL 9 SEUSS 7 4 5 AND ANSWERS ON P.56 » 4 8 2 9 1 3 6 2 8 6 1 5 7 5 4 8 3 2 9 7





5 9 6 7 8 3 2 1

7 2 1 3 5 9 6 4

1 8 2 5 4 7 9 6

6 4 8 1 9 2 3 5

2 5 3 6 7 4 1 8

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Find out what’s percolating today. Sign up to receive our house blend of local news headlines served up in one convenient email by Seven Days.

SEVENDAYSVT.COM/DAILY7 8v-daily7-coffee.indd 1

1/13/14 1:45 PM




Legal Notices You may also use the accessible voting system to mark your ballot. If you want to use the accessible voting system tell the entrance checklist official. An election official will take you to the accessible ballot marking device, enter a security code, and then leave you to mark and print your ballot privately. More details about our new accessible ballot marking device are available at https://sos.

NOTICE TO VOTERS FOR MARCH 2, 2021 ELECTION BEFORE ELECTION DAY: CHECKLIST POSTED at Clerk’s Office by Sunday, January 31, 2021. If your name is not on the checklist, then you must register to vote. You may also check your voter registration status at https:// SAMPLE BALLOTS will be posted by Saturday, February 20, 2021.

If you know voters who cannot get from the car into the polling place let them know that ballot(s) may be brought to their car by two election officials. If you have any questions or need assistance while voting, ask your town clerk or any election official for help.

HOW TO REGISTER TO VOTE: There is no deadline to register to vote. You will be able to register to vote on the day of the election. You can register prior by visiting the town clerk’s office or going online to EARLY or ABSENTEE BALLOTS: Due to COVID-19, all registered Burlington voters will be automatically mailed absentee ballots for this election. The latest you can request ballots for the March 2, 2021 Election is the close of the City Clerk’s office at 5:00 p.m. on Friday, February 26, 2021.

NO PERSON SHALL: ! Vote more than once per election, either in the same town or in different towns. ! Mislead the Board for Registration of Voters about your own or another person’s true residency or other eligibility to vote. ! Hinder or impede a voter going into or from the polling place. ! Socialize in a manner that could disturb other voters in the polling place. ! Offer, bribe, threaten or exercise undue influence to dictate or control the vote of another person.

WAYS TO VOTE YOUR EARLY BALLOT: - Mail or deliver the ballot mailed to you back to the City Clerk’s Office before Election Day, dropped off at one of the City’s four Drop Boxes, or return it to your polling place before 7:00 p.m. on Election Day. - Please contact the City Clerk’s Office if you have not received your ballot in the mail. - If you are sick or disabled before Election Day, ask the City Clerk to have two justices of the peace bring a ballot to you at your home. (Ballots can be delivered on any of the eight days preceding the day of the election or on the day of election.)

FOR HELP OR INFORMATION: Call the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-439-VOTE (439-8683). (Accessible by TDD) If you believe that any of your voting rights have been violated, you may file an Administrative Complaint with the Secretary of State’s Office, 128 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05633.


If you believe you have witnessed efforts to commit any kind of fraud or corruption in the voting process, you may report this to your local United States Attorney’s Office.

If your name was dropped from the checklist in error, or has not been added even though you submitted a timely application for addition to the checklist, you can fill out a new registration form.

If you have witnessed actual or attempted acts of discrimination or intimidation in the voting process, you may report this to the Civil Rights Division of the United States Department of Justice at (800) 253-3931.

! If the clerk or Board for Registration of Voters does not add your name, you can appeal the decision to a superior court judge, who will settle the matter on Election Day. Call the Secretary of State’s Office at 1-800-439-VOTE (439-8683) for more information.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR VOTERS using Vote Tabulator Ballots

If you are a first time voter who submitted your application to the checklist individually by mail and did not submit the required document, you must provide a current and valid photo identification, or a bank statement, utility bill, or government document that contains your name/current address.

CHECK-IN AND RECEIVE BALLOTS: - Go to the entrance checklist table. - Give name and, if asked, street address to the election official in a loud voice. - Wait until your name is repeated and checked off by the official. - An election official will give you a ballot. - Enter within the guardrail and go to a vacant voting booth.


bandwidth, you may call (408) 418-9388 to appear by phone. (This is not a tollfree number). You will then enter the meeting number and password listed above. If you have technical difficulties, call the Court at (802) 775-4394. Date: February 19, 2021 Kristie Landon, Deputy Clerk

CAST YOUR VOTE by depositing your voted ballot into the vote tabulating machine.

NOW COMES The Housing Foundation, Inc. (“HFI”), by and through its counsel Nadine L. Scibek, and hereby complains pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6249(i) as follows:

LEAVE the voting area immediately by passing outside the guardrail. REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES Champlain Housing Trust and Evernorth request Construction Management firms to submit proposals for the new construction of 36 units located in Colchester, VT. Qualified applicants will have comparable experience and a bonding capacity of at least 7.8 million dollars. To obtain a proposal response form and specific project information, contact Ted Samuelsen at Evernorth at 802-8613821 or Response forms must be submitted and received by Friday March 5, 2021. Davis Bacon residential wages will apply. Minority-owned, women-owned, Section 3 businesses and locally-owned businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN DOCKET NO. 20-PR-00163 In re the Estate of Edward G. Matthews, late of Shelburne, Vermont NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Edward G. Matthews late of Shelburne, Vermont. I have been appointed personal representatives of the above-named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of publication of this Notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described above with the four (4) month deadline. Dated February 10, 2021 /s/ Lisa A. Smith Lisa A. Smith Address: c/o Little & Cicchetti, P.C. PO Box 907, Burlington, VT 05402-0907 Telephone: 802-862-6511 Name of Publication: Seven Days Address of Probate Court: Chittenden District Court PO Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402-0511

NOTICE OF HEARING A hearing on The Housing Foundation, Inc.’s Verified Complaint to declare as abandoned and uninhabitable the mobile home of Mark A. Prouty, Sr. & Jean C. Geno, located at the Coburns Mobile Home Park, Lot #34, 132 Fire Lane 3B Coburn Court in North Clarendon, Vermont has been set for March 3, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. This hearing will be held remotely as no hearings are being held in person at the Courthouse. To participate in this hearing, the WEBEX Login Information is as follows: App: Cisco Webex Meeting Website: Meeting Number: 179 381 8436 Password: civilonhill

22÷ 3÷

If you do not have a computer or sufficient

30x 1-










4 1 4 1-7 9 8 3 6 5 2




2 6 3 1 4 9 2 5 8 7




2 4 5 9 15+ 6 16+ 7 8 3 2 1













5 8 317 2 6 1 4 9





8 3 7 9 7 9+ 1 6 2 2 8 4 5 1 2 8 3 7+ 3 5 1 6 5 2÷ 4 9 7 9 Difficulty 7 -2Medium4 6 9 3 1 4 6 5 8



Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.


No. 676

Difficulty: Medium




MARK YOUR BALLOT: For each office listed on the ballot, you will see instructions to “Vote for not more than one, or Vote for not more than two, etc.” - To vote for a candidate, fill in the oval to the right of the name of the candidate you want to vote for. - WRITE-IN candidate(s). To vote for someone whose name is not printed on the ballot, use the blank “write-in” lines on the ballot and either write-in the name or paste on sticker, then fill in the oval.


2 9 6 5 4 1 8 7 3





If you have physical disabilities, are visually impaired or can’t read, you may have assistance from any person of your choice. If any voters you know have disabilities, let them know they can have assistance from any person of their choice.



1. HFI, a Vermont non-profit corporation with a principal place of business in Montpelier, County of Washington, State of Vermont, is the record owner of a mobile home park known as the Coburns Mobile Home Park (the “Park”), located in the Town of North Clarendon, Vermont. 2. Mark A. Prouty, Sr. (“Prouty”) and Jean C. Geno (“Geno”) are the record owners of a certain mobile home (the “Mobile Home”) described as 1972 Mark IV, 12’ x 70’, bearing Serial #4657 located at the Coburns Mobile Home Park, Lot #34, 132 Fire Lane 3B Coburn Court in North Clarendon, Vermont according to the Town of Clarendon Land Records. See attached Bill of Sale. 3. Prouty & Geno leased Lot #34 in the Park from HFI pursuant to a written lease and paid a security deposit to HFI in the amount of $250.00. 4. Prouty & Geno’s last known mailing address is P.O. Box 44, North Clarendon, VT 05759. 5. The mobile home has been abandoned and is empty. The last known resident of the mobile home was Prouty’s daughter, Judy Prouty. Geno spoke with HFI’s Counsel on January 12, 2021 and advised that the mobile home had been unoccupied since May, 2019. She further advised that the mobile home was in extremely poor shape and that they had no opposition to HFI obtaining a court order that would allow the Mobile Home to be disposed of. All of Prouty & Geno’s personal property is believed to have been removed from the mobile home and utility services have been terminated. 6. The following security interests, mortgages, liens and encumbrances appear of record with respect to the mobile home: a. Prouty & Geno are in arrears on obligations to pay property taxes to the Town of Clarendon, Vermont in the aggregate amount of $483.10, plus interest and penalties. The delinquent property taxes are now a lien on the property. See attached tax bills. b. Notice of Lien dated August 3, 2015 and recorded in the Clarendon Land Records on August 6, 2015 in Book 150 at Page 332 filed by the Vermont Department of Taxes in the amount of $2,144.24. See attached. 7. Mobile home storage fees continue to accrue at the rate of $414.00 per month. Rent, storage fees, and late charges due HFI as of February, 2021 total $4,848.00. Attorney’s fees and court costs incurred by HFI currently exceed $1,000.00. 8. HFI sent written notice by certified mail to the Town of Clarendon on January 12, 2021 of Plaintiff’s intent to commence this action. See attached. 9. The mobile home is uninhabitable. Thomas Young, Property Manager for the Park, will testify under oath as to the poor and unlivable condition of this mobile home at the abandonment hearing. WHEREFORE, HFI respectfully requests that the Honorable Court enter an order as follows: 1. Declare that the mobile home as been abandoned; 2. Transfer the mobile home which is unfit for human habitation to the Park owner,







Ca. 1840, 1 ½ story, L-plan, wood-sided farmhouse on stone foundation located at 428 Webster Road in Shelburne. House has known structural deficiencies, summary conditions report available for serious inquiries. House has a porch and large addition which do not need to be moved, and can be removed by current owner. Letter of interest due on or before April 16, 2021. House must be moved before May 28, 2021. House must be preserved intact on new foundation post-move, not for parts or salvage. Limited funding may be available to assist the relocation.

A rare opportunity to own a piece of Smugglers' Notch Resort! This fully furnished move-in-ready 1 bedroom Condo has been renovated to allow for a more spacious layout. Enjoy the private deck with mountain views! $117,500

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HFI without a public auction so that it may be removed and disposed of accordingly. 3. Order pursuant to 10 V.S.A. § 6249(j) that the mobile home and any security deposit paid be conveyed to the Park Owner in “as is” condition, and free from all liens and other encumbrances of record. DATED this 12th day of February, 2021. THE HOUSING FOUNDATION, INC. BY: Nadine L. Scibek Attorney for HFI I declare that the above statement is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that if the above statement is false, I will be subject to the penalty of perjury or other sanctions in the discretion of the Court. February 12, 2021 By: Thomas Young, Duly Authorized Agent for HFI STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-00410 In re ESTATE of Morey N. Melnick NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of Morey N. Melnick, late of South Burlington. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: February 19, 2021 Fiduciary: /s/ Launa L. Slater Executor/Administrator: Richard Melnick, ℅ Launa L. Slater, Jarrett & Luitjens, PLC 1795 Williston Rd., Suite 125 South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 864-5951 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: February 24, 2021 Chittenden County Probate Court P.O. Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402-0511

Call Bart at 802-864-0600 or email for more information or to arrange a site visit.

VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL HW-Sterling021721.indd 1 DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT CASE NO. 21-CV-00304 NOTICE OF HEARING St. George Community Cooperative, Inc. v. Robert Russell et al This is to notify you to appear at the Court named above in connection with the above-named case on: DURATION: 15 Minutes DATE: March 10, 2021 TIME: 11:00 AM HEARING RE: Motion to Declare Mobile Home as Abandoned THIS HEARING WILL BE HELD BY Webex VIDEO. The log-in information is included in this hearing notice. Please pre-mark and exchange all exhibits, and supply a copy to the court, at least five days before the hearing. If you believe this requires a live hearing rather than video, file a written request as soon as possible and the judge will consider it. Please call or login to the court at least five minutes before the scheduled time of your hearing and please do not log in or call from a moving vehicle. If you have any technical questions or difficulties, please contact Tyler Bradley, Operations Assistant at If you need an interpreter, please let us know in advance what language you require, and one will be arranged for you at no cost. Join by Video: Click Here to Join Meeting Or Go to Enter the following meeting ID number and password to join: Meeting number: 179 556 1590 Password: mrPWNFPe372

Wake to the sunrise over the Greens in this expansive one-story home with mountain views, a full accessory apartment, 11 acres of land, solar panels/heat pumps, and a pond. All just ten minutes from Middlebury in a welcoming small town. $599,000

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If parties personally appear in court a mask will be remove both mobile homes from the Park within 90 2/15/21 Homework-Olson022421.indd 5:11 PM 1 2/23/21 11:59 AM required. days pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Section 6237(e). The last resident of the mobile homes was Robert R Russell Any individual with a disability requiring assistance with a last known address of 7873 Route 2A, St. accessing the services, programs, and/or activities George, Vermont. at the Courthouse should contact the Clerk’s office at the above address for further assistance. 7. The Russells failed to sell or remove the mobile homes and instead abandoned both mobile homes in the Park. VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 8. The following liens and encumbrances appear of 21-CV-00304 record with respect to the mobile homes: IN RE: ABANDONED MOBILE HOMES OF ROBERT R. RUSSELL, JR, MARIA DOUGLAS AND EDWIN a. Delinquent Property taxes to the Town of St. DOUGLAS George, Vermont in the amount of $ 1,808.58 through March 1, 2021. VERIFIED COMPLAINT NOW COMES Plaintiff, St. George Community Cooperative, Inc., by and through counsel Steven J. Kantor, and hereby makes this complaint:

9. The mobile homes are unsafe and unfit for human habitation. The Affidavit of Phillip Plourde is attached as Exhibit A as verification of the uninhabitable condition of the mobile homes.

1. Plaintiff, with a principal business located in St George, County of Chittenden, State of Vermont, is the record owner of a mobile home park known as St. George Villa , (the “Park”), located in the Town of St. George, Vermont.

10. Mobile home lot rent has not been paid for several years and continues to accrue. Charges for unpaid rent for the two lots, court costs and attorney fees exceed $39,000.00.

2. Defendant Robert R. Russell Jr. is the owner of a certain mobile home in the Park identified as a 1980 Skyline 14’ x 72’, serial number: 0316-0645N, presently located at 89 Birch Road, St. George, Vermont. 3. Defendants Robert R. Russell, Jr., Maria Douglas, and Edwin Douglas are listed as owners of a certain mobile home identified as a 1980 Skyline, 14’ x 70’, serial number: 0647M, presently located at 7873 Route 2A, St. George, Vermont 4. Defendant Russell’s last known mailing address is 7873 Route 2A, St. George, Vermont. His place of employment is unknown. Defendants Maria Douglas and Edwin Douglas mailing address and place of employment are unknown.

+1-408-418-9388 United States Toll Access code: 179 556 1590

5. Defendant Russell along with Deanna Russell leased two lots and resided in the Park under the terms of a written uniform Mobile Home Lot Lease. None of the Defendants has paid lot rent for over 2 years. Plaintiff does not hold a security deposit for the leases.

Electronically signed Friday, February 19, 2021 pursuant to V.R.E.F. 9(d) /s/ Nancy L. Bean Nancy L. Bean Chittenden Docket Clerk Vermont Superior Court 175 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401

6. On October 5, 2020 this Court evicted Defendant Robert R. Russell, Jr. and Deanna Russell from the Park, in the case St. George Community Cooperative v. Robert Russell and Deanna Russell, Docket No. 792-9-19 Cncv, The Court found the Russells engaged in extremely dangerous conduct by manufacturing illegal drugs in in the Park. The Judgment of Eviction ordered that the Russells

Join by Phone:

Jeff Olson

11. Plaintiff sent written notice to the Town Clerk of the Town of St. George on December 8, 2020 of Plaintiff’s intent to commence this action. WHEREFORE, Plaintiff respectfully requests that the Honorable Court enter an order as follows: 1. declaring that the mobile homes have been abandoned; and 2. declaring that the mobile homes are unfit for human habitation pursuant to 10 V.S.A. §6249(i); and 3. approving transfer of the mobile home to the Plaintiff without a public sale in “as is” condition, free and clear of (1) all liens, (2) all taxes, penalties and interest, and (3) all other encumbrances of record. DATED AT Burlington, Vermont this 17 day of February 2021. /s/ Steven J. Kantor, Esq. Steven J. Kantor, Esq. Doremus Kantor & Zullo 346 Shelburne Road, Suite 603 P.O. Box 445 Burlington, VT 05402-0445 (802) 863-9603 Attorney for St. George Community Cooperative VERIFICATION



Legal Notices DATED AT Williston, Vermont this 17 day of February 2021. /s/ Philip Plourde Philip Plourde, President St. George Community Cooperative, Inc STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY, SS. On this 17 day of February 2021, Philip Plourde, President of St. George Community Cooperative, Inc , being first duly sworn, made oath that he has read the foregoing Complaint, and that the facts contained therein are true. Before me, /s/ Steve W. Fontaine Notary Public Printed Name: Steve W. Fontaine My Commission Expires: 1/31/23 VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT SUPERIOR COURT CIVIL DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-CV-00304 In RE: Abandoned Mobile Homes of Robert R. Russell, Jr., Maria Douglas and Edwin Douglas ORDER FOR HEARING A hearing on Plaintiff’s Verified Complaint to declare as abandoned the mobile homes of Robert R. Russell Jr., Maria Douglas and Edwin Douglas and declare the mobile homes unfit for human habitation has been set for Wednesday March 10, 2021 at 11:00 a.m at the Chittenden Superior Court, 175 Main Street, P.O. Box 187, Burlington, Vermont 05402. /s/Nancy L. Bean, Docket Clerk Date: February 19, 2021 VILLAGE OF ESSEX JUNCTION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING MARCH 18, 2021 6:00 P.M. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The meeting will be live-streamed on Town Meeting TV. - JOIN ONLINE: Click here to join the meeting. Visit for meeting connection information. - JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 871 380 172#. Conceptual plan of Village at Autumn Pond Phase II for a PUD to redevelop Amber Lantern Apartments. Construct 3 buildings (40 units each) with underground parking at 169 Autumn Pond Way in the MF-2 District, by Trudell Consulting Engineers, agent for Dr. Jeffrey Rubman, owner. This DRAFT agenda may be amended. Any questions re: above please call Robin Pierce or Terry Hass – 878-6950 VILLAGE OF ESSEX JUNCTION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING MARCH 4, 2021 6:00 P.M. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The meeting will be live-streamed on Town Meeting TV. • JOIN ONLINE: Click here to join the meeting. Visit for meeting connection information. • JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 871 380 172#. Work Session for updates to the Village of Essex Junction Land Development Code. This DRAFT agenda may be amended. Any questions re: above please call Robin Pierce or Terry Hass – 878-6950 WARNING AND NOTICE 2021 ANNUAL CITY MEETING The legal voters of the City of Burlington, Vermont are hereby warned and notified to come and vote at



the Annual City Meeting on Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, 2021 between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in their respective wards, at the voting places hereinafter named and designated as polling places, viz: Ward One/East District: Mater Christi School, 100 Mansfield Ave. Ward Two/Central District: H.O. Wheeler School (Integrated Arts Academy), 6 Archibald St. Ward Three/Central District: Lawrence Barnes School (Sustainability Academy), 123 North St. Ward Four/North District: Saint Mark’s Youth Center, 1271 North Ave. Ward Five/South District: Burlington Electric Department, 585 Pine St. Ward Six/South District: Edmunds Middle School, 275 Main St. Ward Seven/North District: Robert Miller Community & Recreation Center, 130 Gosse Ct. Ward Eight/East District: Fletcher Free Library, 235 College St. The polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. for the purpose of electing certain city officers as follows: MAYOR - Three-year term beginning April 5, 2021; WARD ONE/EAST DISTRICT - one East District City Councilor for two-year term; one East District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward One Ward Clerk for two­year term; one Ward One Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD TWO/CENTRAL DISTRICT- one Central District City Councilor for two-year term; one Central District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Two Ward Clerk for two-year term; one Ward Two Inspector of Election for one-year term; one Ward Two Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD THREE/CENTRAL DISTRICT - one Central District City Councilor for two­year term; one Central District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Three Ward Clerk for two-year term, one Ward Three Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD FOUR/NORTH DISTRICT- one North District City Councilor for two-year term; one North District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Four Ward Clerk for two year term; one Ward Four Inspector of Election for two-year term; one Ward Four Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD FIVE/SOUTH DISTRICT - one South District City Councilor for two-year term; one South District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Five Ward Clerk for two-year term; one Ward Five Inspector of Election for two-year term; one Ward Five Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD SIX/SOUTH DISTRICT - one South District City Councilor for two-year term; one South District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Six Ward Clerk for one year term; one Ward Six Inspector of Election for one-year term; one Ward Six Inspector of Election for two-year term; one Ward Six Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD SEVEN/NORTH DISTRICT- one North District City Councilor for two-year term; one North District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Seven Ward Clerk for two-year term; one Ward Seven Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021; and in WARD EIGHT/EAST DISTRICT - one East District City Councilor for two-year term; one East District School Commissioner for two-year term; one Ward Eight Ward Clerk for two year term; one Ward Eight Inspector of Election for three-year term; all terms beginning April 5, 2021. The legal voters shall also vote upon six special articles being placed on the ballot by request of

[CONTINUED] the City Council by Resolutions duly adopted and approved and one special article being placed on the ballot by request of the Board of School Commissioners by action of the Commissioners duly approved, said special articles being as follows: 1. APPROVAL OF SCHOOL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2022 “Shall the voters of the school district approve the school board to expend $95,105,000 which is the amount the school board has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year? It is estimated that this proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of $17,069.13 per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 0.89% higher than spending for the current year.” 2. PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGE TO ADD MEMBERS TO THE BOARD OF AIRPORT COMMISSIONERS “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298, as amended, be further amended to increase the size of the board of airport commissioners to seven members, including adding a representative from Winooski and an additional Burlington representative, through the amendment of City Charter § 120 and §276?” 3. PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGE TO REGULATE THERMAL ENERGY SYSTEMS “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to permit the City Council to regulate thermal energy systems in residential and commercial buildings, through the amendment of Section 48 Powers of the City Council Enumerated to add the following power: (67) To regulate thermal energy systems in residential and commercial buildings, including assessing carbon impact or alternative compliance payments, for the purpose of reducing greenhouse gas emissions throughout the city; no assessment of carbon impact or alternative compliance payment shall be imposed unless previously authorized by a majority of the legal voters of said city voting on the question at any annual or special city meeting duly warned for the purpose.?” 4. PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGE TO ADOPT RANKED CHOICE VOTING FOR CITY COUNCILORS “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to adopt ranked choice voting for the election of the City’s city councilors beginning with the March 2022 election, through the amendment of City Charter § 5?” 5. PROPOSED CHARTER CHANGE TO PROVIDE PROTECTIONS FOR RESIDENTIAL TENANTS FROM EVICTIONS WITHOUT JUST CAUSE “Shall the Charter of the City of Burlington, Acts of 1949, No. 298 as amended, be further amended to give the City Council the power to provide by ordinance protections for residential tenants from evictions without ‘just cause’ by adopting and adding a new section 48(66) that - identifies certain definitions of just cause; - excludes from ‘just cause’ the expiration of a rental agreement as sole grounds for termination of tenancy, except for certain properties, subject to mitigation provisions such as adequate notice; - limits unreasonable rent increases to prevent de facto evictions or non-renewals?” 6. AUTHORIZING RETAIL CANNABIS SALES “Shall the City of Burlington permit the operation of cannabis retailers that are licensed by the State of Vermont under Act 164, beginning in October of 2022, such sales also being subject to any city ordinances or regulations that the City may lawfully adopt?” 7.ADVISORY QUESTION RE CLIMATE JUSTICE IN BUILDING DECARBONIZATION “Shall the voters of the City of Burlington advise the City Council and Mayor’s Administration, in its regulation of thermal energy systems in residential and commercial buildings, to create policies, programs, and incentives focused on delivering the benefits of the transition to clean energy to low-and moderate-income Burlingtonians, to Black,

Indigenous, and people of color, and to otherwise disadvantaged community members?” /s/ Miro Weinberger, Mayor * Material underlined added Publication Dates: Seven Days, 2/24/2021 Burlington, Vermont WARNING FOR HEARING: CHAMPLAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT MARCH 1, 2021 The legal voters of the Champlain Valley School District are hereby notified and warned that the Champlain Valley School District Meeting warned for Monday, March 1, 2021 via Zoom, at 5:00 p.m., will constitute and be a public hearing on and for those items involving voting by Australian ballot on the succeeding day. Zoom Meeting Details: https://cvsdvt-org.zoom. us/j/98936025245 Meeting ID: 989 3602 5245 Passcode: cvsd11; Phone Participation: 1-646-8769923 Passcode: 528121 Dated this 19th day of January, 2021. Attest: David Connery, District Clerk; Lynne Jaunich, Chairperson

WARNING: CHAMPLAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT ANNUAL MEETING MARCH 2, 2021 The legal voters of the Champlain Valley School District, are hereby notified and warned to meet at their respective polling places on Tuesday, March 2, 2021, at seven o’clock in the forenoon (7:00am), at which time the polls will open, and seven o’clock in the afternoon (7:00pm), at which time the polls will close, to vote by Australian ballot on the following articles of business: BALLOT QUESTIONS ARTICLE I: To elect a moderator. ARTICLE II: To elect a clerk. ARTICLE III: To elect a treasurer. ARTICLE IV: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of School Directors to borrow money by issuance of bonds or notes not in excess of anticipated revenues for the next fiscal year? ARTICLE V: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of School Directors to provide a mailed notice of availability of the Annual Report to residents in lieu of distributing the Annual Report? ARTICLE VI: To establish the date of the Champlain Valley School District Annual Meeting of Monday, February 28, 2022 at 5pm at CVU High School and recessed and opened back up at Australian ballot voting on Town Meeting Day. ARTICLE VII: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District approve the expenditure by the Board of School Directors of the sum of Eighty-Five Million, Two Hundred Eighty-Five Thousand, Four Hundred Forty Dollars ($85,285,440) which is the amount the Board of School Directors has determined to be necessary for the ensuing fiscal year commencing July 1, 2021? It is estimated that the proposed budget, if approved, will result in education spending of Sixteen Thousand, Seven Hundred Fifty-One Dollars ($16,751) per equalized pupil. This projected spending per equalized pupil is 1.0% higher than spending for the current year. ARTICLE VIII: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of School Directors to allocate its current fund balance, without effect upon the District tax levy, as follows: assign Two Million, Fifty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($2,059,000) of the school district’s current fund balance as revenue for the 2021-2022 operating budget, and assign the remaining balance, Nine Hundred Thirty-One Thousand, Four Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars ($931,495) as revenue for future budgets? ARTICLE IX: Shall the voters of the Champlain Valley School District authorize the Board of Directors to borrow money by the issuance of notes not in excess of Three Hundred Five Thousand Dollars

SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS ($305,000) for the purpose of purchasing three (3) school buses? POLLING PLACES Charlotte-Charlotte Town Hall, HinesburgHinesburg Town Hall, Shelburne-Shelburne Town Center Gymnasium, Williston-Williston Armory, St. George-St. George Red Schoolhouse Ballots shall be transported and delivered to the Champlain Valley Union High School in the Town of Hinesburg and there commingled and counted by members of the Boards of Civil Authority of several towns under the supervision of the Clerk of the Champlain Valley School District.


Show and tell.

View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.

CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 16. BUS STOPS Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows:

The legal voters of the Champlain Valley School District are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee/early voting relative to said annual meeting shall be as provided in Section 706u of Title 16, and Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated.

That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 16, bus stops, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:

Adopted and approved at a duly noticed, called and held meeting of the Board of School Directors of the Champlain Valley School District on January 19, 2021. Received for record and recorded in the records of the Champlain Valley School District on January 20, 2021.

(a) The following spaces are hereby designated as bus stops:

Attest: David Connery, District Clerk; Lynne Jaunich, Chairperson

CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION— SECTION 31. TEMPORARY REGULATIONS. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 31 Temporary Regulations, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 31 Temporary Regulations. (a) Notwithstanding Appendix C, Sections 9, 11-1, 12-1, 13, and 25 the following changes shall be made: (1)-(4) As written. (5) The Director of Public Works or his or her designee, may allow parking spaces described in Appendix C to be reallocated as parking for COVID vaccine and testing clinics as needed. Proper temporary signage will be posted. The following spaces are so designated: (a) On the west side of Walnut Street between the hours 8 am - 4 pm, beginning at the Walnut Street driveway for Integrated Arts Academy and extending north for one-hundred forty (140) feet, on Wednesdays, for COVID vaccine related purposes only, for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes. (b) On the west side of Walnut Street, the existing area designated as “No Parking except for Vehicles Loading and Unloading for School Purposes Only”, shall also be available between the hours 8 am - 4 pm, on Wednesdays, for COVID vaccine related purposes only, for a maximum of thirty (30) minutes. (b) Sunset Provision. The provisions set forth in Section 31 shall terminate [November 1, 2020] May 1, 2021. The text of Section 31 shall be replaced at such time with: “[Reserved]”. [The authority of the Secretary to carry out this chapter shall terminate September 30, 2020.] ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.

Section 16 Bus stops.

(1)-(22) As written. (23) On the south side of Cherry Street beginning sixty (60) feet east of the crosswalk at 67 Cherry Street and extending east eighty (80) feet effective between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, from August 20 of any year to June 20 of the succeeding year. (b) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added. CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 12-1. VEHICLE LOADING AREAS. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 12-1, No parking except vehicles loading or unloading, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 12-1 No parking except vehicles loading or unloading. No person shall park a vehicle at the following locations unless engaged in loading or unloading the vehicle: (1)-(46) As written. (47) Reserved. On the south side of Cherry Street beginning twenty (20) feet east of the crosswalk at 67 Cherry Street and extending east forty (40) feet, effective between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, from August 20 of any year to June 20 of the succeeding year. (48) Reserved. On the north side of Cherry Street beginning twenty (20) feet west of the crosswalk at 67 Cherry Street and extending west eighty (80) feet, effective between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, from August 20 of any year to June 20 of the succeeding year. (49) Reserved. On the south side of Cherry Street beginning forty (40) feet west of the crosswalk at 67 Cherry Street and extending west sixty (60) feet, effective between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, from August 20 of any year to June 20 of the

Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience.

Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online.

succeeding year.

Stop signs are authorized at the following locations:

(50) Reserved. On the east side of Pine Street in the first two (2) spaces south of Bank Street, effective between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, from August 20 of any year to June 20 of the succeeding year.

(1)-(151) As written.

(51) Reserved. On the north side of Bank Street beginning directly east of the vehicle loading zone and extending east four (4) parking spaces, effective between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday, from August 20 of any year to June 20 of the succeeding year. (52) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added. CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 7. NO PARKING AREAS. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows:

(152) Reserved. At the westernmost intersection of Hillside Terrace and Riverside Avenue, causing traffic on Hillside Terrace to stop. (153)-(319) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added. CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 7A. ACCESSIBLE SPACES DESIGNATED. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7A, Accessible spaces designated, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 7A Accessible spaces designated.

That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7, No parking areas designated, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:

No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations, except automobiles displaying special handicapped license plates issued pursuant to 18 V.S.A. § 1325, or any amendment or renumbering thereof:

Section 7 No parking areas.

(1)-(162) As written.

No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations:

(163) On the east side of Park Street in front of 192 Park Street. Reserved.

(1)-(59) As written.

(164)-(171) As written.

(60) Reserved. On the south side of Cherry Street in the first space east of the crosswalk at 67 Cherry Street.

** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.

(61)-(193) As written.

CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 15. DESIGNATED SCHOOL ZONES. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21

(194) Reserved. On the south side of Cherry Street in the first and second space west of the crosswalk at 67 Cherry Street. (195)-(199) As written. (200 Reserved. On the south side of Cherry Street in the first space east of the crosswalk at 55 Cherry Street. (201)-(563) As written. ** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added. CITY OF BURLINGTON IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND TWENTY A REGULATION IN RELATION TO: RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE TRAFFIC COMMISSION—SECTION 3. STOP SIGN LOCATIONS. Sponsor(s): Department of Public Works Action: Approved Date: 02/17/2021 Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 2/24/21 Effective: 03/17/21

It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 15, designated school zones, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows: Section 15 Designated school zones. The following streets are hereby designated as school zones. No person shall operate a vehicle at a rate of speed greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour on the following streets: (1)-(25) As written.

It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows:

(26) Cherry Street beginning at Battery Street and extending east to Saint Paul Street.

That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 3 Stop Sign Locations, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:

(27) Bank Street beginning at Pine Street and extending east to Saint Paul Street. (28) Pine Street beginning at Bank Street and extending south to College Street.

Section 3 Stop sign locations.

** Material stricken out deleted. *** Material underlined added.



60 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021





For full job description go to:

Project Manager/Estimator

A.C. Hathorne, one of the largest and well respected commercial roofing contractors in Vermont, is looking for a motivated and dedicated individual to join our growing team. Competitive pay rates and excellent benefits package including 401K, Contact: 802-862-6473 health/dental and paid vacations. Requirements: •Bachelor’s degree or 3-5 years’ experience in roofing and/or commercial construction industry •Strong written or verbal communication skills/Knowledgeable in Microsoft Office products •Capable of reading and understanding blueprints E.O.E. 3h-ACHathorne021021.indd 1

1t-DuncanKeirCAREGIVER022421.indd 1

2/19/21 12:52 PM

F/T starts at $15/hour.

Is currently seeking:

Drop-In Resource Coordinator

Join Our Team!

2h-Spectrum022421.indd 1

Account Manager

2/9/21 11:27 AM

Looking for a team-oriented, self-driven bev. professional to join our growing team! Ideally based in the Burlington Area w/experience in beverage sales (distribution or on-premise, ideally both!). Desire to learn and grow with the company a must. Full-time position with many benefits, including working with a familyowned company determined to ‘do distribution differently.’ E.O.E. and we celebrate diversity in our company.

Bike Mechanics:

Qualified applicants will have a minimum of two years of recent bicycle repair experience, including working knowledge of current bike technology (suspension overhaul service, mountain and road hydraulic disc brake setup and maintenance, wheel-building, etc.). Applicants must be organized, willing to learn, and be able to work efficiently and effectively as a member of a team in a customer-focused environment. Experience working on e-bikes is a plus, as is previous retail work. Both positions: Some weekend and holiday hours are a given, but so is a fun workplace in an active community. Paid vacation, competitive wages, and other benefits available. See our website for complete job descriptions and application information:

Home Instead, a provider of personal care services to seniors in their homes, is seeking friendly and dependable people. CAREGivers assist seniors with daily living activities. P/T & F/T positions available. 12 hours/week minimum, flexible scheduling, currently available. $14-$18.50/hour depending on experience and services provided. F/T starts at $15/ hour. No heavy lifting. Apply online at: Or call: 802.860.4663

2/16/212v-HomeInstead022421.indd 9:43 AM 1

Onion River Outdoors is a community-minded bike and outdoor gear shop in Montpelier, Vermont. We are Central Vermont’s outdoor recreation experts, an eclectic and fun group of active folks seeking healthier, happier ways to live our lives by using the gear we sell as often as we can. We work hard and have fun. We recognize that our shop’s success is tied to the well-being of our Green Mountain landscape and our Central Vermont community.

Passion for outdoor pursuits, great communication skills, positive outlook, and personal experience with outdoor gear required. Bonus points for applicants who have retail background or experience leading/teaching outdoor activities.


Send resume to

2/22/21 2v-VTBeerShepard021721.indd 11:55 AM 1

Sales Associates:


2/19/21 11:40 AM


Greater Lamoille County’s Hospitalis is looking Greater Lamoille County’sExceptional Exceptional Community Community Hospital looking forfor an an

Executive to the CEO BillingAssistant Representative Executive Assistant to Billing Representative Executive Assistant to the the CEO CEO Want to work in a vital role while helping to support your community?

Greater Lamoille County’s CommunityHospital Hospital is looking for an Greater Lamoille County’sExceptional Exceptional Community is looking for an Greater Lamoille County’s Exceptional Community Hospital is looking for an

Want to work in a vital role while helping to support your community? Want to work a vitalrole rolewhile while helping helping totosupport your community? Want to work in in a vital support your community?

Want to work in athe vital roleBiller helping to support community? TheHospital Executive CEO iswhile the primary administrative support to the CEO of Copley isAssistant seeking atofull time to join our Patientyour Financial Services Team Hospital is seeking a fullthe timeBoard Biller to our Patient Services Team functions CopleyCopley Health Systems, Inc. and of join Trustees. TheFinancial Executive Assistant The Executive Assistant to the CEO is the primary administrative support to the CEO of

The Executive Assistant to the CEOCHS isfor the primary administrative support to the CEO of In this role you would beliaison responsible for the following: asCopley the administrative to the Board of Trustees, the Copley Woodlands Board In this role you would be responsible theoffollowing: Health Systems, Inc. and the Board Trustees. The Executive Assistant functions Copley Health Systems, Inc. and thePresident. Board of Trustees. TheasExecutive Assistant functions of Directors, and the Medical Staff They serve the Administrative Support

the administrative liaison the CHS Board of Trustees, the Copley Woodlands Board • submission Claim submission to to insurance asClaim the administrative liaison to the CHSmonitoring Board of Trustees, the Copley Woodlands Board • as to insurance Team Leader, managing projects, workflow, appropriate of Directors, andup the Staff President. They serve as theassuring Administrative Support • Follow forMedical unresolved claims of Directors, and the Medical Staff President. They serve the individual Administrative Supportto support, and coordinating vacation time.asThis is required • administrative Follow up for unresolved claims Team Leader, managing projects, monitoring workflow, assuring appropriate • Resolve patient inquires Team Leader, managing projects, monitoring workflow, assuring appropriate work independently, making decisions and interfaces with internal and externalto • Resolve inquires administrative support, and coordinating vacation time. This individual is required • patient Working closely with other departments to resolve billing administrative support, and coordinating vacation time. Thisissues individual is required to customers at all levels work independently, making decisions and interfaces with internal and external • Working closely with other departments to resolve billing issues • Billing experience helpful but not necessary work independently, making decisions and interfaces with internal and external customers at all levels customers at all levels •If you Billing not necessary haveexperience 5+ years of helpful support but services experience in a healthcare or related setting., we

Qualifications: A team approachwant with customer serviceyou! computer skills. Must be able toexperience hear from If you have 5+ years of support services in and a healthcare or related setting., we If you of support services experience to have work 5+ wellyears with others and bring a positive a healthcare or related setting., we want to hear from you! want to at hear from you! andorcomputer Qualifications: AReach teamout approach with customer service skills. to Shannen Dando apply online at Must be able Reach out tobring Shannen Dando at at apply online at at to work well withReach others aDando positive attitude. or or outand to Shannen apply online

Reach out to Shannen Dando at or apply online at

Reach out to Shannen Dando at or apply online at Exceptional Care. Community Focused. That’s Copley. Exceptional Care. Community Focused. That’s Copley.

Now hiring multiple seasonal positions for specialized Conservation and Forestry crews. Including: Spring Riparian Crew, Watershed Crew, Outdoor Education Instructors, Sustainable Forestry Interns, and Forestry & Conservation Science Intern/Crew Leader. Based out of East Charleston, VT. Pay 40 hours/week, variable season start and end dates depending on crew and with the possibility for continued work from April thru November. Also hiring Youth Conservation Corps Crew Leaders and Members at sites across New England. We are dedicated to hiring diverse, equitable and inclusive crews, that operate safely and according to the State of Vermont's COVID-19 protocols. Visit to learn more and apply.

Exceptional Care. Community Focused. That’s Copley. Exceptional Care. Community Focused. That’s Copley.

Exceptional Care. Community Focused. That’s Copley. 5v-CopleyBILLING022421.indd 1

2/23/21 3v-NorthwoodsCenter022421.indd 11:45 AM 1

2/19/21 12:30 PM





Full Time Nights, SIGN ON BONUS!

Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital has a variety of positions available, including:

Vermont’s premier continuing care retirement community seeks a dedicated nursing professional with a strong desire to work within a community of seniors. Wake Robin provides high quality nursing care in a fast paced residential and long-term care environment, while maintaining a strong sense of “home.” Wake Robin offers an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting.

RNs, LNAs, Radiologic Technologists, MT or MLT, Administrative, Information Services and more!

The Sales and Customer Service Associate supports all tasks related We continue to offer generous shift differentials: to the sales department, while Nights $4.50/hour, and weekends $1.55. providing exceptional customer service to Vermont Compost Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to hr@ Company clientele. This position or complete an application online at will provide direct assistance to the management team in efforts to Wake Robin is an Equal Opportunity further enhance sales, and support Employer. Vermont Compost Company’s long-term business goals. Note: this position is currently operating remotely, so access to high-speed internet/home office space and4t-WakeRobinSTAFFNurseNIGHTS022421.indd 1 2/23/21 ability to adapt to emergent remote training systems is a must.

Multiple Positions Open

To apply, or for a more detailed job description please email a Cover Letter and Resume to

with the subject line “Sales and Customer Service Associate.”

3v-VTCompostCompany021721.indd 1

61 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

Full-time, part-time and per diem schedules available. Shift differentials and per diem rates offered. FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, wellness reimbursement, low cost health insurance and 401k with company match! APPLY TODAY AT NVRH.ORG/CAREERS.

11:20 AM

Now Hiring Laborers for Immediate Openings! We are seeking Solar & Heat Pump Installers, Insulators, and Carpenters. Experience preferred, but not required. We will train the right candidate. Must have a valid driver’s license with a good driving record and reliable transportation. To apply, send your resume to

2/16/21 11:53 AM

Questions? Call 802-859-3384. Maintenance Operator Roll-Off / Food Scraps Truck Driver CSWD is seeking a full-time Maintenance Operator - Roll-Off / Food Scraps Truck Driver to perform skilled technical and manual work in maintaining facilities and driving a roll-off truck. Experience in routine maintenance, repair of vehicles and equipment, and two years’ driving experience with a Class B CDL required. Competitive salary and excellent benefit package. For more information on the position and CSWD, visit job-openings. Submit cover letter and resume to Amy Jewell,, by 3/5/2021.

3v-CSWD022421.indd 1

Building Energy is Offering full time, year-round work.

SHARED LIVING PROVIDER Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider to provide a fulltime home to a social 16-year-old girl who likes animals and dancing. Ideal provider would be an excellent collaborator and have strong observation, interpersonal, and communication skills. This role requires a provider who is able to be engaging and compassionate while being able to establish routine/structure, provide consistent supervision, and follow a detailed support plan. Ideal applicant would have knowledge or experience related to mental health, developmental disabilities, and/or supporting teens. Compensation: $35,000 tax-free annual stipend and access to a generous respite budget. Interested applicants contact or call (802)871-2902.

2/23/21 4t-HowardCenterSLP16yroldgirl112520.indd 11:06 AM 1

11/24/20 12:04 PM

JOIN THE TEAM AT GARDENER’S SUPPLY! JOIN THE TEAM GARDENER’S SUPPLY! Through gardening, ourAT customers control their access to safe and affordable food, and grow food to share with their Through gardening, our customers their access neighbors. At Gardener’s Supply, wecontrol are committed to to safe and affordable grow to sharekeep with their doing everything wefood, can and to help ourfood customers neighbors. Supply, we are committed to gardening, At butGardener’s we need your help. doing everything we can to help our customers keep gardening, need your help. We’re hiringbut for we SEASONAL POSITIONS AT ALL LOCATIONS: We’re hiring for SEASONAL AT ALL LOCATIONS: • Pick/Pack customer orders • Pick/Pack customer ordersPOSITIONS at our at our DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN MILTON DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN MILTON • Pick/Pack customer orders at our • Provide exceptional customer service our • Provide exceptional customer to our to customers DISTRIBUTION CENTER service IN MILTON customers over the phone at our over the phone at our CALL CENTER • Provide exceptional customer service to our CALL CENTER • Help customers with their gardening needs at our customers over the phone at our • Help customers with their needs at our WILLISTON & BURLINGTON, VT gardening GARDEN CENTERS CALL CENTER WILLISTON & BURLINGTON, VT GARDEN CENTERS • Manufacture high-quality products at our • Help customers with their gardening needs at our PRODUCTION FACILITY IN GEORGIA, VT & BURLINGTON, VT CENTERS WeWILLISTON are 100% employee-owned andGARDEN a Certified B Corporation. We offer strong cultural values, competitive Weand areoutstanding 100% employee-owned and a Certifi ed B wages benefits (including a tremendous Corporation. We off er strong values, competitive discount!). Please go tocultural our careers page at and outstanding benefits (including and applya tremendous online! discount!). Please go to our careers page at and apply online!






Engage with FSD staff, trainers, and community partners to include work with diverse populations. Participate in assessment of learning needs, curriculum development, evaluation and training, utilizing a variety of media & technologies. Master’s degree in social work or a related field and three to four years’ experience in child welfare and/or youth justice required. Knowledge and experience in child protection, youth justice, child/ family health/mental health, trauma informed care, racial equity, human development, foster care and/or adoption required. Experience designing curricula and teaching/training for adult learners required. Coaching and supervision experience desired. Ability to manage multiple deadlines and strong written and verbal communication skills required. Ability to travel frequently to off-site work locations around the state required.

Assistant Director of Finance

We are interviewing for a:

Hotel Vermont is looking for warm and engaging Vermonters to help our guests explore like a local and relax like it’s their job.

Work independently and as part of a strong team to implement a comprehensive training program for the State of Vermont, Division of Family Services. Provide consultation, training and coaching to primarily Kin, Foster and Adoptive caregivers.


OSSU is seeking a dynamic financial manager to assist our Director of Finance. Ideal candidates will have Do you like connecting with experience with school, others? Are you passionate about Vermont winters? And springs, municipal, or other types summers and autumns? What of fund accounting and a year is your Subaru? What’s your passion to support learning. idea of a perfect day in Vermont? This position is primarily Or night? Do you embody our responsible for maintenance ideals of community through your of all General Ledgers positive and respectful attitude? ensuring proper posting Do you like questions? We can’t wait to hear your answers! of all transactions, grant administration, state, and To learn more and schedule an interview go to: Hotel Vermont federal reporting while - Cherry St, Burlington assisting the Director of Finance in the administration of the district’s business 4t-HotelVT022421.indd 1 2/22/21 2:16 PM affairs. The OSSU office is in Hardwick, VT, and serves the students and families of Craftsbury, Greensboro, Hardwick, Stannard, Wolcott, and Woodbury. Gravel & Shea PC, a law firm in downtown Hotel Vermont is looking for a creative, forward thinking, and enthusiastic person to fulfill the hotel’s marketing needs. This position is responsible for all marketing initiatives end-to-end. Yep! This is a marketing department of one, meaning collaboration, teamwork, and a go-getter mentality are absolutely essential for this role. Main duties include: social media management, website maintenance, public relations activity, advertising and media planning, graphic design, copywriting, email campaign management, partnerships, sponsorships and more!


The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. Main office located on the UVM campus, off-site work locations may also be available. Please apply online at

5v-UVMChildWelfareCWTP022421.indd 1



Burlington, Vermont, is looking for a legal assistant for its litigation department. The ideal candidate will have experience working as a litigation legal assistant, knowledge of Microsoft Office software, and experience with preparing documents for filing in Vermont courts. In addition, this position requires a strong work ethic, eagerness to learn and acquire new skills, and excellent typing 4:38 PM skills. Communication skills are a must, as Gravel & Shea legal assistants work as a team with paralegals, lawyers and other legal assistants. Minimum qualifications include an Associate’s degree or a minimum of three years of experience as a legal assistant. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package including health insurance, 401(k) and Profit Sharing.

Seeking a Research and Insight Officer Are you a superb writer and storyteller? Are you intensely curious and an information vacuum? If so, we have a job for you! We are seeking a Research and Insight Officer to pull together large amounts of information from many different sources to produce original, insightful content that provides timely guidance to Vermont philanthropists. The content you create will be shared via the organization’s emails, blogs, issue briefs, live events, and more as part of multi-channel marketing campaigns and will play an important role in branding the organization as the first stop for anyone who cares about making a difference in Vermont. This position has the potential to grow and take on a broader range of responsibilities related to research and insight.

If this sounds like a good fit for you, visit for a complete job description and instructions for applying by Friday, March 5th.

Please e-mail cover letter, résumé and references to: GRAVELSHEA.COM E.O.E.

All applicants must apply via, job ID #3439811.


We’re hiring for full-time baking positions. We’re looking for individuals who enjoy RECRUITER/ 4t-GravelShea012021.indd 1 1/19/21 11:07 AM work that exercises both body and mind HUMAN RESOURCES and are interested in pursuing the craft BUSINESS PARTNER of baking. Red Hen are focused on handcrafted breads and pastries. Our breads The Burlington School District is seeking a Recruiter/Human range from hearty whole grain loaves to Resources Business Partner (HRBP) to work as a team member baguettes. Our pastries include a variety within the Human Resources Department. This role serves as of laminated products, pies, scones, the Subject Matter Recruitment Expert and consultant to review cookies and many things in between. and improve the recruitment and placement of BIPOC teachers We are committed to using high quality, across the District. In addition, responsibilities include supporting assigned locations with routine HR functions including assisting organic ingredients and work with management with recruitment, hiring, and interviewing of staff, many local farmers to source these. We administering pay, benefits and leave, and enforcing District opened in 1999 and remain dedicated policies and practices. Experience Required: A minimum 3 years of to the integrity of the baking processes general human resource management experience with recruitment and creating an environment for our experience. A Bachelor’s degree in a related field is required. bakers to thrive. We offer great pay and SHRM-CP, SHRM-SCP and/or AASPA pHCLE highly desirable. benefits including paid vacation/sick days, SHRM’s Talent Acquisition Specialty Credential a plus. retirement plan, and health insurance. To apply for this position and to Join our Team: visit BSD Career’s Page or apply on Job Posting #3438351.

4t-BurlingtonSchoolDistrict022421.indd 1

Contact Randy at 223-5200 x12 or 2/19/21 3v-RedHenBaking022421.indd 12:00 PM 1

2/19/21 3:31 PM



63 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

Vermont Public Power Supply Authority Part-time Zoning Administrator (ZA) The Town of Lincoln, VT seeks a part-time Zoning Administrator (ZA). The ZA administers & enforces zoning regulations & supports the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Adjustment. Min. qualifications include one year of relevant work experience (municipal planning, etc.). Excellent oral & written communication skills, attention to detail, and ability to remain professional at all times required. For complete job description: Zoning-and-Planning or contact the Lincoln Town office at or (802)453-2980.

ASSISTANT CONTROLLER The Vermont Public Power Supply Authority, located in Waterbury Center, Vermont is seeking an Assistant Controller to join our team. This position will have significant direct responsibility and support the Authority’s Controller in all financial aspects of the organization. Primary functions include: Generating financial reports, preparing year-end audit documents, preparing and overseeing the monthly power supply settlement process, processing and administering human resource activities, preparing annual budgets, managing debt activities, overseeing cash management and AP functions, and monitoring and updating the Authority’s policies and procedures. Demonstrated knowledge of fund accounting, GASB standards, governmental and/or not-for-profit utility accounting with a Bachelors degree in Business, Accounting and/or Finance (or equivalent experience) and five to seven years of progressively responsible related experience preferably in the utility industry, operating in a fully regulated environment. Candidate should have strong analytical, problem solving, computer, and financial software skills.

Seeking registered nurses with circulator and/or scrub experience to join our award-winning surgical team.

VPPSA is building a team of professionals who are passionate about helping Vermont communities meet their future energy needs. If you are a team player and enjoy a fast-paced collaborative environment we want to hear from you. Please send resumes and salary requirements to:

� Full-time positions available � Variety of specialty surgeries

Vermont Public Power Supply Authority, PO Box 126, Waterbury Ctr., Vermont 05677 Attn: General Manager, or to The position will be open until filled.

Apply by email with a letter of interest and resume as a PDF attachment to Bill Finger, Selectboard Chair at admin@ or by mail to Bill Finger, Lincoln Town Office, 62 Quaker Street, Lincoln, VT 05443 by March 1st. Position is open until filled.

3v-TownofLincoln021721.indd 1

Experienced OR Nurse

� Exciting practice environment Learn more at or scan the QR code.

2010 2015 2020

2/16/21 11:10 AM

Untitled-35 1

2/23/21 7:50 PM

2020 GlobalFoundries Technician Program

2021 Technician Program

Build Project Supervisor This is a seasonal position for an experienced carpenter that will lead a VYCC Crew made up of young adults (18-26) beginning their careers in the building trades. They will manage the technical and logistical aspects of high priority carpentry projects, maintaining high quality, efficiency and site safety.

Program Logistics Coordinator This is a full time year round position that will be our head vehicle fleet and facilities coordinator, manage our tools and equipment inventory, and a variety of logistical aspects of VYCC programs. If you love managing complex logistics and working collaboratively with teams towards a positive mission then this position could be for you!

Assistant Controller

Take classes while working full-time and save up to $57,000 in college expenses whilefull-time enjoying toup $18.50/hr! Take classes while working andup save to $57,000 in college expenses while enjoying up to $18.50/hr!

We are looking for high school graduates who are 18 years or older** to hire into We are looking Candidates for high school graduates who aretechnical 18 yearsaptitude, or this competitive program. should demonstrate and Opportunity to join a mission-driven, innovative funding organization older** to hirehigh into scholastic this competitive program. Candidates should have achieved and community accomplishments. with a comprehensive approach to affordable housing and community **18 years old by 08/16/2020 demonstrate technical aptitude, and have achieved high development linked with land conservation and historic preservation. scholastic and community accomplishments. Program Overview: **18 years old by 08/16/2021 A mission you can get behind! Program Cost: Free - No Cost Upon Successful Completion (Tuition/Books) Join our financial team to help with monthly financial operations, assist PROGRAM OVERVIEW Course Content: Electrical/Mechanical with the management of state, federal and private funding sources, Course Cadence: 1 VTC Based Course & 1 GF Internal Course per Semester Course Content: Electrical/Mechanical Total Course Work: 9 VTC Based Courses & 9 GF Internal Based Courses reporting and requisitioning of funds, compliance, analysis, audit related Course Cadence: 1 VTC Course & 1 GF Internal Course per Completion: 3+ Years withBased Program Certificate upon Completion functions and supporting the payroll processes. This unique, newly creSemester ~34 Credits of 67 Credits for 2 YR AS Degree College Credits: ated position ensures a challenging and supportive work environment! Starting Level: 1 Mechanic: Up to $18.50/hr days; up to $20.81/hr nights Completion:Level 3+ Years with Program Certifi cate upon Completion Skills and qualifications include a working knowledge of fund accounting, Career Opportunity: Level 2 Mechanic: UpUp to to $21.50/hr days; Starting Level: Level 1 Mechanic: $18.50/hr days;up uptoto$24.08/hr nights . to $26/hr days; up to $29/hr nights Level 3 Technician: Up GAAP, governmental and/or not-for-profit accounting and experience $20.81/hr nights Level 4 Technician: Requires AS Degree with federal grant administration and regulations. Stellar attentionFuture to Growth: Completion of the program offers you multiple opportunities Utilize Tuition Reimbursement Program for career and salary growth! detail and concern for accuracy. An eagerness and ability to learn in a This competitive process includes an extensive screening process, dynamic environment. Proficiency with Excel, Word, PDF and accountThis competitive process includes an extensive screening process, ininterviews, and pre-testing (Quantitative Reasoning,Algebra, & Statistics) ing software is required with additional experience using database and terviews, and pre-testing (Quantitative Reasoning, Algebra, & Statistics)

document management systems helpful. If you have three years’ experiRequirements: Diploma w/ Demonstrated Technical Aptitude Requirements: H.S.H.S. Diploma w/ Demonstrated Technical Aptitude ence in accounting functions with a degree in accounting, or additional Responsibilities: First Call Maintenance, Preventative Maintenance Job Responsibility: First Call Maintenance & Preventative Maintenance experience without a degree, come work with us! Starting Salary: Up to $18.50/hr days; Up to $20.81/hr nights Starting Salary: Up to $18.50/hr days; Up to $20.81/hr nights Job Requisition: 21000210 Full-time position with competitive salary and comprehensive benefits Job Requisition: 19004234 package. For the full job description visit: EOE. For more information about responsibilities, or how to apply contact: For more information required or howqualifications, to apply, contact: Please reply with cover letter and résumé to: Position or Call/Text 802-999-9970 will remain open until filled. or apply on our website: Apply:

3v-VYCC022421.indd 1

1 2/22/21 5v-VHCB022421.indd 10:08 AM

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WILLISTON We offer a clean, healthy and safe work environment, competitive wages, medical and other benefits. Come join our team! Primary Job: Prepare and paint assembled valves or parts prior to final shipping. Follow written and/or verbal instruction, and safely handle finished product. Job Requirements: • Complete Health and Safety training and testing • Mechanically inclined and understand and interpret technical documents and drawings • Maintain written logs neatly and orderly • Able to Operate a forklift Full-time, $20.28/hour VELAN VALVE IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

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Applicants must demonstrate a combination of background and experience of successfully working with the elderly or adults with disabilities. Outstanding organizational and communication skills are required. A team oriented, friendly work environment and mission-driven work makes this an exciting opportunity. Generous benefit package. Interested applicants should email a cover letter and resume to or send by mail to: Debbie Hergenrother - 83 Barlow Street, Winooski, VT. EOE

2/22/21 9:20 AM



Harwood Unified Union School District is seeking a Central Office Administrative Assistant to provide administrative support to our Superintendent and Board of Directors and provide operational support to our Central Office, beginning July 1, 2021. This position will be responsible for maintaining a professional, friendly, positive, and respectful work atmosphere by coordinating and providing a full range of administrative functions; preparing documents for the Superintendent and Board of Directors, managing the Superintendent’s schedule and correspondence, proofreading district documents, clerical and reception responsibilities, and a variety of other administrative tasks. Great communication and interpersonal skills, great accuracy and attention to detail, excellent planning and organization and problem-solving skills, reliable and self-directed, current and well-developed technology skills, and a good sense of humor are some of the attributes for this position.

Union Bank, a highly successful community bank headquartered in Morrisville, VT, with locations throughout northern Vermont and New Hampshire, is seeking an experienced Workout and Collections Officer. This individual will be responsible for the workout and collection of delinquent and problem residential and consumer loans to limit credit losses, following established lending, secondary market, government agency, policies, procedures, and criteria. Activities include establishing trial payment period plans, special payment arrangements, loan modifications, as well as processing foreclosures, repossessions and small claims filings. Working with the Sr. Residential & Consumer Loan Officer, this individual will coordinate the management and liquidation of real estate properties held by the bank. The successful candidate will have a minimum of five years of banking experience, particularly in residential and consumer lending. An Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree in Business or related field is preferred. Having prior experience in residential loan workouts and collections is a plus, but we will train the right individual for the position. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Union Bank offers a comprehensive benefits program including three medical and two dental insurance plan options, 401(k) retirement plan with a generous company match, life and disability insurance, and paid vacation and sick leave along with continuing education opportunities.

Minimum of an Associate’s Degree and solid administrative assistant experience in a fast-paced office environment required. Candidates must be professional, flexible, and have the ability to prioritize work and multi-task effectively. Candidates also must have the ability to work with a variety of individuals and the ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality.

Please submit a cover letter, resume, references and salary requirements to:

Human Resources - Union Bank P.O. Box 667, Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667

Interested candidates must apply through job number 3431132, and complete the essay questions at the end of that application. Position open until filled. Start date: July 1, 2021. E.O.E.

E.O.E. - MEMBER FDIC 7t-UnionBank022421.indd 1

The Winooski Housing Authority is seeking a full-time SASH Coordinator. SASH Coordinators are critical to keeping the elderly living safely at home as long as possible. They work as part of a dedicated team conducting outreach and providing referral and support to residents so that they can successfully age in place. The ideal candidate will have the ability to work effectively as part of a team of community providers and the ability to build trusting relationships with a diverse group of residents and community members.

The New Haven Community Library is seeking a Library Director. The position is 30 hours per week, including Saturdays. We are looking for an enthusiastic individual who is welcoming, serviceoriented, and has a passion for literature and learning. The Library Director, as the only employee, is responsible for day-to-day operation of the library, and works with patrons of all ages. For more information contact nhclsearch21@ or follow the link to the VLA job description. library-director-newhaven-community-librarynew-haven-vt.

• Pass appropriate vision Test

5v-VELAN022421.indd 1


2/23/21 11:24 AM 5v-HarwoodUnion022421.indd 1

2/19/21 11:46 AM



65 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR Do you have a passion for the mission of Feeding Chittenden? The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity/ Feeding Chittenden has an opening for an Administrative Coordinator. As the largest direct service emergency food provider in Vermont, Feeding Chittenden serves over 12,000 people each year. The Administrative Coordinator will work with the Feeding Chittenden Director to ensure budget compliance, improve fiscal and program documentation, and work with CVOEO’s fiscal office to process invoices and bills. If you have an Associate’s Degree in business or human services or equivalent work experience; familiarity with community social services; proficiency with data entry and Microsoft Office; effective communication and organizational skills - bilingual abilities are a plus; and a commitment to valuing diversity and contributing to an inclusive working and learning environment. – we’d like to hear from you! This is a 40 hours/week position with excellent benefits. Please send a cover letter and resume by email to: To learn more about this position, please visit CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

7t-NRG022421.indd 1

Operations Manager/ ASsistant General Manager

OFFICE ADMIN COORDINATOR CENTRAL OFFICE/EQUITY OFFICE The Burlington School District is seeking an Office Admin Coordinator to be shared between the Central Office and the Equity Office. This role will need flexibility and a willingness to work in a collaborative team environment. Excellent computer, communication and organizational skills are mandatory as well as an ability to multitask and work with a wide variety of individuals. Responsibilities include the oversight, and coordination of the general daily Office of Equity operations, while supporting the Director and key support staff. General duties include performing a wide variety of key administrative functions such as creating schedules, supporting budgets, greeting and communicating with staff and guests, and maintaining effective workflow in the office. May also take on many other duties regularly associated with office management, including filing, faxing, creating memos and reports, and performing other clerical duties. Requirements include an Associate’s degree with four years of office management experience or high school diploma or equivalent with eight years of office management experience and a minimum of four years of relevant clerical and administrative experience or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired.

The Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District, a nineteen member union municipality in Montpelier, Vermont, is hiring an Operations Manager/Assistant General Manager to manage all operations and field-based programming and serve as the Assistant General Manager. This is a professional position responsible for all aspects of operating CVSWMD’s award-winning Additional Recycling Collection Center (ARCC) program, Household Hazardous Waste, and special collections. Duties include creating program plans, managing budgets and monitoring revenues and expenses, ensuring compliance with policies and regulations, training and supervising staff, and collaborating with staff and partners. This is a full-time position based in our Montpelier office and Barre City facility. Some travel throughout the CVSWMD service area is required. Preferred qualifications include operations program management and development; knowledge and/or training in the management and diversion of solid waste, recycling materials, hazardous waste; supervisory experience; and program finanicial oversight. This is a non-exempt full-time position. Starting hourly rate is between $22.21 and $27.74, depending on experience. An excellent benefit package including employer sponsored health, dental, and vision insurance is provided. For full details about this available position, please visit This position will remain open until filled.

To apply for this position and to Join our Team: Visit BSD Career’s Page or apply on Job Posting #3447067.

5v-BurlingtonSchoolDistrictOFFICEAdmin022421.indd 1

2/22/21 2:18 PM

2/19/21 1:23 PM

Central Vermont Solid Waste Management District 802-229-9383 |





CUSTODIAN - FULL TIME Saint Michael’s College is seeking applications from dependable, efficient workers to fill an early/weekend custodial position. The shift is: Sunday 6:30am-2:30pm + Monday-Thursday: 5:00am-1:30pm. Successful candidates will join a team that cleans College buildings including dormitories, restrooms, offices and classrooms. Training will be provided for the right candidate. Benefits include health, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k), generous paid time off, employee and dependent tuition benefits, and discounted gym membership. For the full job description and to apply, please visit

4t-StMichaelsCollege022421.indd 1


Human Resources Administrator

Full Time; benefits eligible $43,000 per year Goddard College seeks a resourceful and efficient Human Resources Administrator to perform a variety of Human Resources functions, related to benefits, payroll, recruitment, and compliance administration, and to ensure that the general activities of the Human Resources Department function smoothly. Qualified candidates will hold a BA in human resources management, organizational management, education administration or a closely related field and a minimum of 3 years of Human Resources experience or a BA in any field and 5 years of combined administrative experience in Human Resources and higher education, advanced skills in the Microsoft Office Suite and Google applications; competence in HRIS data management, 11:13 AMADP WorkforceNow preferred; willingness and ability to learn additional applications and programs, a familiarity with general Human Resources laws and principles, an ability to research, interpret, and ensure compliance with all applicable state and federal employment laws; and a familiarity with Collective Bargaining Agreement compliance.

Associate Registrar

With locations in Portland, ME and Burlington, VT is hiring:

Community Investments Officer

We are adding to the Community Investments team a Community Investments Officer. This position is highly specialized and guides complex Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) and New Markets Tax Credits (NMTC) transactions from development through the investment and closing process. This position requires a high degree of skill in communications, both verbal and written for establishing relations with internal and external partners, lenders, and developers to analyze and close Evernorth’s tax credit investment opportunities. Key competencies include project management, analytical and critical thinking; high- level organizational skills with attention to detail; interpersonal skills and promoting the mission of Evernorth to its partners and the public. This position may be in either office location.

Director, Underwriting

We are adding to the Community Investments team a Director of Underwriting. This position is primarily responsible for overseeing and leading the underwriting of Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) and New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) investments and the critical role in the adherence to investor driven expectations. A vital function of the position is to direct and advise underwriting of complex transactions and coordinates with the Capital Management and Asset Management teams to meet organizational objectives and mission impacts related to project investments. Key competencies include real estate finance and underwriting; staff mentoring; outstanding interpersonal skills and promoting the mission of Evernorth to its partners and the public through a variety of means. This position may be in either office.

Full Time; Benefits eligible; $22/ hour

Goddard College seeks an Associate Registrar to coordinate and oversee student record functions and provide enrollment related services and support the Office of the Registrar’s efforts concerning the College’s mission, strategic planning, and social justice and inclusion commitment. Qualified candidates will hold an undergraduate degree and 3 - 5 years of experience in admissions and/or student records or an equivalent combination of education and experience, demonstrated experience and facility with Student Information Systems and Learning Management Systems and databases, Parchment, Google suite, Adobe Creative Cloud, and Microsoft Office. Candidates should also possess good administrative skills, exceptional organizational skills, and attention to detail. Must be able to multitask and work on timesensitive projects with competing deadlines and have the ability to deal effectively with a wide range of individuals and groups inside and outside of the College. To for either of these roles please visit our website to review the complete position description and submit a cover letter and resume: employment-opportunities. Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.


To apply, please send a cover letter with salary requirements and a resume to Beth Boutin, VP Community Investments at We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

3h-ContactInfo.indd 1 6t-Evernorth022421.indd 1

2/22/21 12:16 PM


6/29/15 5:11 PM





67 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

The Preservation Trust of Vermont is looking for an energetic, collaborative, and highly organized development professional to play a key role in supporting the work and mission of the organization. The PTV Development Director will work closely with the President and the Board of Directors to ensure effective, personalized, and professional implementation of our fundraising plan. To learn more visit PTVERMONT.ORG/DEVDIRECTOR

2h-PreservationTrustofVT012021.indd 1

Part-time Administrative Specialist with solid experience juggling responsibilities and maximizing efficiency. Provide support to administrative and development teams, process donations and accounts payable, maintain organized records, and ensure smooth day-to-day operations. If you are someone who enjoys taking independent initiative as part of a diverse, collaborative & supportive team, this may be the position for you! Flexible work schedule. Full position description, benefits summary, and application instructions at

1/19/21 10:01 AM

Work at CCS and support our mission to build a community where everyone participates and belongs.


Champlain Community Services has been named a “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for the third year in a row and we want you to join our team. These positions include a comprehensive benefits package, including paid time off, affordable health insurance, paid holidays and more!

Program Manager Coordinate residential and community supports for a humorous woman who leads an active life and likes to spend time outside. The ideal candidate will enjoy working in a team-oriented position, have strong clinical skills, and demonstrated leadership. Client therapeutic needs require a female program manager, and two overnight shifts are required for this position.


Join us as a Transportation Security Officer (TSO) and discover the rewards of a public service career with integrity, respect, commitment — and great federal benefits.

Employment Specialist Support individuals in developing career goals, securing employment, and on the job training and collaborate with area businesses to build partnerships for long-term community-based employment. The ideal candidate will demonstrate reliability, strong communication skills, and the ability to solve problems effectively and professionally.

Pay starts at

$17.47 PER HOUR*

Direct Support Professionals Join our Direct Support Professional team to work one-onone with individuals with intellectual disabilities and autism. This is an excellent job for applicants entering human services or for those looking to continue their work in this field.

Overnight Supports Seeking experienced individuals to support a dynamic young woman with a quick wit and energetic personality. She loves cars, animals, and a range of indoor and outdoor physical activities. She needs staff with patience, clear communication skills, and the ability to set strong boundaries, who can pass a criminal background check. You will support her in her home and the community in 24-hour shifts at $250 per shift including asleep overnights in a private, furnished bedroom.

Visit our website to apply CCS-VT.ORG

NOW HIRING Part-time Transportation Security Officers at

Burlington International Airport (BTV) Apply online: or text: “BTV” to 95495



U.S. citizenship required. Equal opportunity employer. Standard messaging and data rates may apply. *Pay rates vary by location.


Ensuring Safe Travels

E.O.E. TSA-0222-BTV3-Print-SevenDays-halfpage-v1.indd Untitled-9 1 1

8t-ChamplainCommunityServices022421.indd 1


2/22/21 1:43 PM

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Provide services in home-based settings to program participants support prenatal education Provide services in home-based settings to program participants to: to: support prenatal education andand

The Vermont Department of Health’s You First breast/cervical cancer and heart health program is looking for an services to promote healthy prenatal outcomes pregnant women; provide or support services to promote healthy prenatal outcomes forfor pregnant women; provide or support thethe carecare of of infants toddlers so to as to enhance their physical, social, cognitive development; infants andand toddlers so as enhance their physical, social, emotional, andand cognitive development; experienced Patient Navigator to support low-income Vermonters through the cancer screening process. Strong written Champlain Valley Offi ceemotional, of Economic Opportunity’s (CVOEO) support parents in the nurturing of their infants toddlers; help parents move support parents in the carecare andand nurturing their infants andand toddlers; andand help parents move and oral communication skills are a must, along with problem solving, relationship building, empathy, and attention to Head Startofprogram has an exciting opportunity for an individual to toward self-sufficiency independent living. toward self-sufficiency andand independent living. detail. Health systems and/or clinical social work experience preferred. For more information contact Justin Pentenrieder

lead a community-focused, highly-regarded Head Start program!

at Department: Health. Status: Full Time. Job ID: #11937. Application Deadline: RequiRements: Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field, RequiRements: Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field, with demonstrable experience training provision of services infants toddlers. 40 family with demonstrable experience andand training in the provision of services forfor infants andand toddlers. 40 March 4, 2021. Head Start is ain the federally-funded, national child and


hours week, weeks year. Starting wage upon completion of 60 –working period: hours perper week, 52 52 weeks perper year. Starting wage upon completion 60 –working dayday period: development program whichof provides comprehensive $16.30 to 18.36/ hour. Health plan excellent benefits. $16.30 to 18.36/ perper hour. Health plan andand excellent benefits.


VocRehab is seeking a counselor to provide VR counseling and casework services to individuals who are deaf and hard of for pregnant women, children from birth to age five, and their SuCCESSful appliCantS muSt HavE: excellent verbal written communication appliCantS muSt HavE: excellent verbal andand written communication hearing. This position will serve six district offices and location of base office will be determined by successfulSuCCESSful candidate’s families. Servicesproficiency for children promote school readiness, and skills; skills in documentation record-keeping; proficiency in mS Word, e-mail and internet; skills in documentation andand record-keeping; in mS Word, e-mail and internet; locale. Duties include development and monitoring of case plans in consultation with consumers and provisionskills; of training include early education, health, nutrition, mental health, and exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. must be energetic, positive, mature, exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. must be energetic, positive, mature, and assistance. Proficiency in ASL and technologies used by individuals who are deaf and hard of hearing is required. professional, diplomatic, motivated, and have a can-do, extra-mile attitude. a commitment professional, motivated, and have a can-do, extra-mile attitude. a commitment to to for parents services for children with special needs. Services Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level,diplomatic, social justice to working with families with limited financial resources is necessary. Clean social justice andand to working with families with limited financial resources necessary. Clean promote family engagement, andis include parent leadership and you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact Donna Curtin at donna.curtin@vermont. driving record access to reliable transportation required. must demonstrate physical ability driving record andand access to reliable transportation required. must demonstrate physical ability to to

gov or 802-917-2412. Department: Disabilities Aging Ind. Living. Status: Full Time. Job ID #11901, 12101 &carry 12102. carry required service supports. Our mission is to provide high quality outout required tasks. Application Deadline: March 07, 2021. services to help children and families thrive and reach their full

Learn more at:

Please submit resume cover letter with three work references email to Please submit resume andand cover letter with three work references viavia email to potential. We promote the health, safety and well-being phone calls, please. NoNo phone calls, please.

The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer

5h-VTDeptHumanResources022421.indd 1

of partnerships to meet the changing needs of children, families and communities.


2/19/21 2:31 PM

7t-ChampVallHeadStart-093015.indd 7t-ChampVallHeadStart-093015.indd 1 1

9/24/15 9/24/15 1:131:13 PM PM

As Head Start Director you will lead a team of exceptional administrative and educational staff. You will provide strategic direction and oversee the administration and operation of all programs and services of Head Start. You will provide leadership to the Governance Team to ensure growth and long-term sustainability through implementation of federal Head Start regulations. You will represent Head Start by working closely with a broad range of community and statewide organizations, government agencies, children, families and human services. As a result of the wide area of representation travel will be required.


We are seeking candidates with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree, Master’s degree preferred, in a relevant discipline with proven progressive leadership experience. In addition, candidates must have five-seven years of experience in supervision of staff, fiscal management and administration; excellent verbal and written communication skills, bilingual abilities a plus; demonstrated commitment to valuing diversity and contributing to an inclusive working and learning environment; experience managing programs including evaluation and most importantly, be of high integrity and character as the representative of Head Start and the children and families it serves.

Vermont Legal Aid seeks candidates for a full-time Senior Accountant in our Burlington office. The Senior Accountant works with the CFO and Accounting Assistant to handle all aspects of VLA’s accounting and financial management. We are committed to building a diverse, social justice-oriented staff, and encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds. We welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination- and harassment-free workplace.

We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our Agency. Please apply by sending a cover letter with salary requirements, resume and a statement explaining your commitment to diversity and inclusion by e-mail to: Deadline to submit applications is close of business Friday, March 12, 2021. To learn more about CVOEO and this position please visit

Responsibilities include maintaining accounts receivable and cash receipts, processing quarterly billing, preparing monthly bank reconciliations, maintaining trust accounts and fixed asset depreciation, and processing quarterly revenue transactions. The Senior Accountant works with the CFO on budget preparation. A Bachelor’s degree in Accounting is preferred. A minimum of four years' relevant work experience is required. Base salary is $58,218 with salary credit given for relevant prior work experience. Four weeks paid vacation, retirement, and excellent health benefits.

CVOEO is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Application deadline is Friday, February 26th. Your application should include a cover letter, resume, and three references combined into one pdf, sent by e-mail to Betsy Whyte at with “Senior Accountant” in the subject line.

8t-CVOEOchampvalleyHeadStart021021.indd 1

2/8/21 11:12 AM

Our mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement.

The full job description can be found at

Start applying at

Please let us know how you heard about this position.

9t-VTLegalAid021721.indd 1

Looking for a Sweet Job?

2/10/21 12:03 PM 2h_JobFiller_Bee.indd 1

10/13/20 1:31 PM


PROGRAM DIRECTOR DIRECTOR PROGRAM PROGRAM Dynamic nonprofit Dynamic Dynamic nonprofit children’s center center in in children’s children’s Craftsbury Craftsbury seeks seeks Craftsbury competent and competent and competent collaborative leader with collaborative leader with collaborative aa background in early background in in early early a background childhood education. childhood education. education. childhood Full-time year-round, Full-time year-round, year-round, Full-time $41K $48K based on on $41K -- $48K $48K based based $41K on experience. experience. experience.

Full job job description description for Full for Full job description for this and other positions: this and and other other positions: positions: this 2v-CraftsburySaplings021721.indd 1


69 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

HUMAN RESOURCES COORDINATOR Saint Michael’s College is seeking applicants for the position of Human Resources Coordinator (HRC), an integral member of the HR team. The successful candidate will be an organized, skillful problem-solver with an eye for details and opportunities for process improvements and a knack for customer service. They will be an HR administrative professional committed to maintaining their knowledge of human resources and payroll laws, processes and procedures. The HRC will provide administrative support for the HR Department and will also act as a liaison to the Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium’s Payroll and Benefits shared services teams as we continue to build our collaborative partnership. Prior experience interacting with payroll is highly desirable as this position will be responsible for the setting up of new employees, payments and taxable benefits, and will help maintain data integrity by using Excel reports to verify results both in the payroll and through regular audits. The successful candidate will possess excellent interpersonal and communication skills as well as the ability to work effectively with a wide range of constituencies in a diverse community.

MENTAL HEALTH CLINICIAN Provide clinical assessment using standardized tools, and then utilize health promotion, illness prevention and evidencebased psychotherapy and treatment coordination for children and families. Current State of Vermont Clinical LICSW or Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC) License required.

Full job description and to apply online:

2/16/21 9:30 AM

Learn more and apply:

4t-UVMMedCenter022421.indd 1


2/5/21 10:44 AM

We’re hiring! Vermont’s only non-profit health plan is seeking three creative thinkers to join its brand & engagement strategies team. We offer a balanced, supportive workplace, remote-working flexibility, an onsite gym (post-COVID), fitness and wellness programs, a competitive salary and full benefits package including medical and dental insurance, vision, 401k, paid time off and holidays, and resources to support your ongoing personal and professional growth and development. Manager, Digital Engagement:

Brand and Engagement Strategist:

Digital Communications Strategist:

• Leads a digital team responsible for the development and maintenance of the Blue Cross web and online presence, including online marketing and the intranet.

• Manages, protects, and implements the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont brand.

• Develops and implements communications content that engages peoples and encourages them to take action: e-newsletters, email blasts, writing and publishing weekly blog posts.

• Develops and oversees Salesforce journeys as well as all online marketing initiatives. • Establishes dashboard for monitoring web and digital metrics, supervises SEO, and implements a social media strategy for the organization. • Works closely with digital partners and agencies.

• Leads brand implementation projects such as program alignment, brand resources, and brand communications/messaging. • Develops and implements brandaligned marketing communications plans that are member, consumer, and client focused. • Supports all advertising work for brand, products and programs. This includes content development, creative oversight, reviews and approvals. Works closely with external advertising agencies, design consultants, and media representatives.

• Writes varying types of content, from blogs and essay-style communications to multi-part, journalistic storytelling initiatives. • Collaborates with internal and external teams to oversee the production of editorial, video, and other assets to promote organizational objectives. 13-BlueCrossBlueShield022421 1

2/23/21 4:40 PM






The Town of Bristol is seeking qualified candidates to join the 5-member Public Works Department. Bristol (pop. 3,894) is a steadily growing, vibrant community located in the Champlain Valley in Addison County, Vermont. The Public Works Department supports the community in many ways beyond maintaining roads, sidewalks, and equipment. This position involves a variety of tasks relating to maintaining Bristol’s transportation system, public infrastructure, and municipal facilities. The Public Works Employee is responsible for routine maintenance, repair work, plowing, and following the direction of the Foreman. The position is full-time, requiring a flexible schedule which may include nights, weekends, and holidays.


Must have 1-2 years’ previous leadership and customer service experience. Social media skills preferred.

Grow your career in your community! The vibrant teams at Primary Care Middlebury and Primary Care Brandon are seeking full-time RNs to practice Team Based Care.

We offer a fun, fast paced working environment, 401k, paid vacation & sick time as well as paid holiday days. Competitive hourly salary which includes tips. If interested, please submit a cover letter and resume to:

A detailed job description is available at Wage: $16.00 to $19.00 per hour commensurate with experience. Excellent benefits package. To apply, please e-mail a confidential cover letter, resume, and three references by the end of the day Wednesday, March 10, 2021 to with Bristol Public Works Employee in the subject line or send to:


Go to and click on “Careers” to apply online.


2v-KlingersBread022421.indd 1

2/23/21 10:59 AM

Planning and Zoning Assistant

Bristol Public Works Employee Search P.O. Box 249, Bristol, VT 05443

The Town of Charlotte is accepting applications for a Planning and Zoning Assistant. The primary responsibilities of this position are to (A) support the Planning & Zoning Office and the Town Administrator’s Office by organizing and facilitating office activity and assisting the public; (B) provide staff support to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.

The Town of Bristol is an equal opportunity provider and employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, religion, gender, or familial status.

The position is a permanent position approved for 20 hours per week. Compensation is in accordance with the Town of Charlotte Salary Administration Policy. The starting pay-rate is between $17.55 and $19.86 per hour, based on qualifications and experience. A job description can be viewed at; see right-hand sidebar. To apply, please send a resumé and cover letter to The deadline for submitting an application is February 26, 2021. E.O.E.

Greater Lamoille County’s Hospital is looking for an Greater Lamoille County’sExceptional Exceptional Community Community Hospital is looking for an

ExecutiveAssistant Assistant to Executive tothe theCEO CEO

Greater Lamoille County’s Exceptional Community Hospital is looking for an

Executive Assistant to the CEO

Want to work in a vital role while helping to support your community? Want to work in a vital role while helping to support your community? The Executive Assistant to the CEO is the primary administrative support to the CEO of The Copley Executive Assistant toInc. the CEO administrative support theofCEO of The Executive Assistant to the CEO isthe the primary primary administrative support to thetoCEO Health Systems, and theisBoard of Trustees. The Executive Assistant functions Health Systems, Inc. and theCHS Board The Executive Assistant functions Copley Health Systems, Inc. and Board of Trustees. Trustees. The Assistant functions asCopley the administrative liaison to the the Board of Trustees, theExecutive Copley Woodlands Board the administrative liaison theCHS CHS Board They of the Copley Woodlands Board Board as theofas administrative liaison toto the Board ofTrustees, Trustees, the Copley Woodlands Directors, and the Medical Staff President. serve as the Administrative Support of Directors, and Medical StaffPresident. President. They as as theassuring Administrative Support Team Leader, managing projects, monitoring workflow, appropriate of Directors, and the the Medical Staff Theyserve serve the Administrative Support Team Leader, managing projects, monitoring assuring appropriate administrative andprojects, coordinating vacationworkflow, time. This individual required to Team Leader, support, managing monitoring workflow, assuring isappropriate administrative support, making and coordinating vacation time. This individualand is required to work independently, decisions vacation and interfaces administrative support, and coordinating time.with Thisinternal individualexternal is required to work independently, making decisions and interfaces customers at all levels with internal and external work independently, making decisions and interfaces with internal and external customers at all levels

Want to work in a vital role while helping to support your community?

customers at all levels

If you have 5+ years of support services experience in a healthcare or related setting., we If you have 5+ years of support services experience in a healthcare or related setting., we want to hear from you! want to hear from you! If you have 5+ years of support services experience in a healthcare or related setting., we Reach out to Shannen Dando at apply online at want to hear from you! ororapply Reach out to Shannen Dando at online at

Reach out to Shannen Dando at or apply online at Exceptional Focused.That’s That’sCopley. Copley. Exceptional Care. Care. Community Community Focused.

Operations Manager

Mary Johnson Children’s Center seeks a dynamic Operations Manager to join the leadership team. This well-established nonprofit has served families of Addison County for more than fifty years. MJCC seeks a candidate who can work in partnership with the ED, board, staff, community partners, and current and prospective funders to design and execute a plan for strategic financial structure that allows for fiscal health and growth of the Center. Duties also include human resource responsibilities. Over the last 50 years, the Center has provided a wide array of services to children and families in Addison County and has overseen early childhood and school age initiatives and systems both locally and statewide. Come join our team! For additional details and job description, please go to this link:

Email Resume to Kristen Dunne at

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF LEARNING South Burlington Schools The South Burlington School District is seeking qualified candidates for an Executive Director of Learning. Primary responsibilities are the district’s curriculum, assessment, instructional practice and staff professional development learning. The position has direct supervision of the Office of Learning Administrative Assistant & Grant Coordinator, the Director of Technology, technology integrationists, English Language teachers, the District Math Coordinator, instructional coaches and after school program. The Executive Director of Learning serves a senior member of the educational advisory team for the superintendent. Qualified candidates will hold a Vermont Educator’s license with a Director of Curriculum endorsement. A superintendent’s license or eligibility for licensure is desirable. A minimum of a Master’s Degree is required, with evidence of additional graduate-level coursework preferred. Three or more years in a district leadership role is required with proven analytical skills for evaluating teaching strategies and instructional materials, effective communication, decision making and problem solving skills are essential. Mastery of technology skills to advance the learning capabilities of students and staff is required. A thorough understanding of universal design for student learning and commitment to diversity and inclusion is required. Interested candidates may submit their letter of interest, resume and credential via Job ID #3450546 by March 24, 2021.

Exceptional Care. Community Focused. That’s Copley. 4t-MaryJohnsonChildrensCenter021021.indd 1

2/23/21 1 10:40 AM 2/8/21LS-SouthBurlingtonSchoolDistrict022421.indd 3:24 PM




Green Mountain Transit is seeking individuals who may be interested in helping us provide safe and reliable transportation to our fellow Vermonters! Position Summary: GMT Custodians are expected to maintain the GMT fleet by: • Cleaning the inside and outsides of vehicles • Maintenance of the Bus Shelters • Performing light maintenance tasks and refueling of the buses We are looking for: • We are seeking applicants who have clean driving record, a high school diploma (or equivalent) • Ability to get Commercial Driver’s License (within 90 days of employment). • Ability to use maintenance equipment (lawn mower, snow blower etc) Minimum age requirement is 21 years old Benefits • Amazing CTO plan • Paid CDL Training • Heath, dental and vision benefits Apply online:


Green Mountain Transit is seeking individuals with clean driving records and excellent customer service skills for this exciting Part-time Driver position. No CDL required! Position Summary: As a GMT Driver, you will be expected to transport passengers to and from appointments, all while: • Providing excellent customer service, assistance to passengers when requested • Adhering to traffic regulations • Following GMT driver policies and procedures We are seeking applicants who have clean driving record, a high school diploma (or equivalent) and excellent customer service skills. Apply online:

PART-TIME BUS OPERATOR - BERLIN Green Mountain Transit is seeking individuals with with driving experience and excellent customer service skills who may be interested in becoming a Part-time Bus Operator.


71 FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

Position Summary: GMT Bus Operators are expected to provide excellent customer service while: • Conduct pre-trip inspections to GMT vehicles • Operating various GMT vehicles in a safe and efficient manner. • Provide physical assistance to disabled riders when requested • Obeying all traffic laws and GMT driver policies • Ability to maintain a Class B CDL with a passenger endorsement • Fill in incident reports as needed We are looking for: We are seeking applicants who have clean driving record, a high school diploma (or equivalent), excellent customer service skills and a Commercial Driver's License with a passenger endorsement (by first day of employment). Minimum age requirement is 21 years old and familiarity with transportation systems is a big plus Apply online:

SEASONAL BUS OPERATOR – STOWE & WARREN GMT provides transportation services every ski season for the Stowe and Sugarbush ski resorts and are actively hiring Seasonal Bus Operators for the 2020-21 Ski Season. The service begins in November and runs through early April, with up to 40 hours a week available. A Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) with Passenger and Air Brake endorsements are preferred but GMT is willing to train the right candidate with their permit, a clean driving record, the ability to pass standard background checks, a DOT medical physical and a pre-employment drug screen are required. These positions can develop into year round part-time work in our Berlin location. Benefits of this position are: All Seasonal drivers receive a free season ski pass to either Stowe Mountain or Sugarbush resort, so when you’re not trucking up the mountain you can be carving down it. With the legendary front four in Stowe, or Sugarbush’s three mountains, there is something for all levels. Did we mention the back country skiing? It’s some of the best around! • Competitive Hourly Rate • Free CDL License Training (over $3,000 savings) • Free Season Ski Pass • End of Season Bonus - based on hours worked Apply online:

GMT provides equal employment opportunities (EEO) to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability or genetics. In addition to federal law requirements, GMT complies with applicable state and local laws governing nondiscrimination in employment in every location in which the company has facilities. This policy applies to all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leaves of absence, compensation and training. GMT is committed to providing a workplace that includes people of diverse backgrounds and fully utilizes their talents to achieve its mission. GMT believes that an inclusive and diverse workplace culture enhances the performance of our organization and our ability to fulfill the agency's mission. GMT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AND COMMITTED TO A DIVERSE WORKFORCE. 15t-GreenMtnTransit022421.indd 1

2/22/21 4:40 PM

fun stuff







Shopping from home? Take a break from the big guys and support local first.

“Appears to be a mild case of insufficient wokeness.” JEN SORENSEN

Visit the Register for all the info on area shopkeepers who are selling their products online for local delivery or curbside pickup. Browse by categories ranging from jewelry to electronics, outdoor gear to apparel. Whether you need something for yourself or that perfect gift for a loved one, shop savvy and keep Vermont strong.



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2/16/21 2:33 PM

fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE


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74SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021 1

7/14/20 3:32 PM

Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.


world were alive with special messages just for you, that every situation you’re in will feel like you belong there, that every intuition welling up from your subconscious mind into your conscious awareness will be specifically what you need at the moment it arrives.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You’re entering


(FEB. 19-MARCH 20):

Piscean author Anaïs Nin was a maestro of metamorphosis, a virtuoso of variation, an adept at alteration. She regarded her ceaseless evolution as a privilege and luxury, not an oppressive inconvenience. “I take pleasure in my transformations,” she wrote. “I look quiet and consistent, but few know how many women there are in me.” Her approach is a healthy model for most of you Pisceans — and will be especially worth adopting in the coming weeks. I invite you to be a Change Specialist whose nickname is Flux Mojo.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): I invite you to think about one or two types of physical discomforts and symptoms that your body seems most susceptible to. Meditate on the possibility that there are specific moods or feelings associated with those discomforts and symptoms — perhaps either caused by them or the cause of them. The next step is to formulate an intention to monitor any interactions that might transpire between the bodily states and emotional states. Then make a plan for how you will address them both with your own healing power whenever they visit you in the future. TAURUS

(April 20-May 20): Poet Billy Collins describes “standing on the edge of a lake on a moonlit night and the light of the moon is always pointing straight at you.” I have high hopes that your entire life will be like that in the coming weeks: that you’ll feel as if the

a potentially heroic phase of your astrological cycle. The coming weeks will be a time when I hope you will be motivated to raise your integrity and impeccability to record levels. To inspire you, I’ve grabbed a few affirmations from a moral code reputed to be written by a 14th-century Samurai warrior. Try saying them, and see if they rouse you to make your good character even better. 1. “I have no divine power; I make honesty my divine power.” 2. “I have no miracles; I make right action my miracle.” 3. “I have no enemy; I make carelessness my enemy.” 4. “I have no designs; I make ‘seizing opportunity’ my design.” 5. “I have no magic secrets; I make character my magic secret.” 6. “I have no armor; I make benevolence and righteousness my armor.”

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “The only way to live is by accepting each minute as an unrepeatable miracle,” writes Cancerian author and Buddhist teacher Jack Kornfield. I disagree with him. There are many other modes of awareness that can be useful as we navigate our labyrinthine path through this crazy world. Regarding each minute as an opportunity to learn something new, for instance: That’s an excellent way to live. Or, for another example, treating each minute as another chance to creatively express our love. But I do acknowledge that Kornfield’s approach is sublime and appealing. And I think it will be especially apropos for you during the coming weeks. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): The coming weeks will be a poignant and healing time for you to remember the people in your life who have died — as well as ancestors whom you never met or didn’t know well. They have clues to offer you, rich feelings to nourish you with, course corrections to suggest. Get in touch with them through your dreams, medita-

tions and reminiscences. Now read this inspiration from poet Rainer Maria Rilke: “They, who passed away long ago, still exist in us, as predisposition, as burden upon our fate, as murmuring blood, and as gesture that rises up from the depths of time.” (Translation from the German by Stephen Mitchell.)

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): I’m fond of 18th-

century Virgo painter Quentin de La Tour. Why? 1. He specialized in creating portraits that brought out his subjects’ charm and intelligence. 2. As he grew wealthier, he became a philanthropist who specialized in helping poor women and artists with disabilities. 3. While most painters of his era did self-portraits that were solemn, even ponderous, de La Tour’s self-portraits showed him smiling and good-humored. 4. Later in his life, when being entirely reasonable was no longer a top priority, de La Tour enjoyed conversing with trees. In accordance with the astrological omens, I propose that we make him your patron saint for now. I hope you’ll be inspired to tap into your inner Quentin de la Tour.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with your overall health, Libra. In fact, I expect it’s probably quite adequate. But from an astrological point of view, now is the right time to schedule an appointment for a consultation with your favorite healer, even if just by Zoom. In addition, I urge you to consult a soul doctor for a complete metaphysical checkup. Chances are that your mental health is in fair shape, too. But right now it’s not enough for your body and soul to be merely adequate; they need to receive intense doses of well-wrought love and nurturing. So I urge you to ask for omens and signs and dreams about what precisely you can do to treat yourself with exquisite care. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Love commands a vast army of moods,” writes author Diane Ackerman. “Frantic and serene, vigilant and calm, wrung-out and fortified, explosive and sedate.” This fact of life will be prominently featured in your life during the coming weeks. Now is a fertile time to expand

your understanding of how eros and romance work when they’re at their best — and to expand your repertoire of responses to love’s rich challenges. Don’t think of it as a tough test; imagine it as an interesting research project.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittar-

ian poet and visual artist William Blake (17571827) cultivated a close relationship with lofty thoughts and mystical visions. He lived with his wife Catherine for the last 45 years of his life, but there were times when he was so preoccupied with his amazing creations that he neglected his bond with her. Catherine once said, “I have very little of Mr. Blake’s company. He is always in Paradise.” I hope that you won’t be like that in the coming weeks. Practical matters and intimate alliances need more of your attention than usual. Consider the possibility, at least for now, of spending less time in paradise and more on Earth.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Poet Robert Graves regarded the ambiguity of poetry as a virtue, not a problem. In his view, poetry’s inscrutability reflects life’s true nature. As we read its enigmatic ideas and feelings, we may be inspired to understand that experience is too complex to be reduced to simplistic descriptions and overgeneralized beliefs. In fact, it’s quite possible that, if we invite poetry to retrain our perceptions, we will develop a more tolerant and inclusive perspective toward everything. I’m telling you this, Capricorn, because whether or not you read a lot of poetry in the coming weeks, it will be wise and healthy for you to celebrate, not just tolerate, how paradoxical and mysterious the world is. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): The coming

weeks will be a favorable time to shed old habits that waste your energy and to create constructive new habits that will serve you well for months and years to come. To inspire and guide your efforts, I offer these thoughts from author and naturalist Henry David Thoreau: “As a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind. To make a deep physical path, we walk again and again. To make a deep mental path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we wish to dominate our lives.”


N E W VI D E O ! Eva Sollberger’s

Watch at 4H-Stuck022421.indd 1

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2/23/21 3:11 PM

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... CARPE DIEM Ready to get out and grab life after this pandemic! Me: lovely, kind, creative, energetic, adventuresome. I ski, Nordic skate, sail, play tennis. I love to bike, garden, read. Strong, independent, dry sense of humor. Warm, passionate, caring, emotionally intact. Healthy! I have my teeth! Seeking emotionally available guy ready to enjoy a relationship! Let’s figure it out. BHS72, 67, seeking: M, l COMPASSION, HONESTY, EMPATHY Me? Well, I am a very compassionate person. I love to stay active and socialize. I am also a delight to be with because I am a good listener. I desire to find a partner who has at least some of these qualities. Hopeful52, 68, seeking: M, l TAKE MY BREATH AWAY At this age, I am interested in someone real, a sweet romantic, somebody all sorted out and yet ready to play, to live for ourselves (not the grandkids). My dog and my children are important but not what my life is about these days. I’m told I’m the least judgmental person others know. So give this old gal a try. Cheers! OH52, 68, seeking: M, l SOMEONE TO SPEND TIME WITH I consider myself a hard worker, honest and a good cook. I like to hang out with friends. I also like camping and going for long rides and walks. Looking for someone who is hardworking and honest and likes to do the same. Tuffynut, 58, seeking: M, l


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.


See photos of this person online.

W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


HAPPY. HONEST. KIND. PASSIONATE. This is my first time trying online dating. Not really sure it’s for me, but I’m going to keep an open mind. I do not have time to waste on liars or judgmental people. I’m easygoing, independent and loyal. I love music, singing, painting abstracts and much more! A little mystery is fun! I dare you to figure out the rest! 030303, 64, seeking: M, l

YUP, I’M A DREAMER... Are you into conscious living? Spirituality? Nature? Honesty? Compassion? Laughing? Maybe you’re a hopeless romantic? I am seeking a lasting relationship with a like-minded man. Looking for my best friend to share adventures, love and life’s ups and downs. I like to hike, ski, relax, talk, ponder especially with you. naturgirl, 67, seeking: M, l

ADVENTUROUS, CURIOUS, THOUGHTFUL Politically involved, adventurous and thoughtful woman looking for someone to share meaningful conversations, good food, and appreciation of the natural and cultural world. I’ve always found dating weirdly awkward. Have you? If so, we might enjoy one another’s company. For the sake of my privacy, which I value, I am not including a photo. world_traveler, 58, seeking: M

MILLENNIALS INQUIRE WITHIN. YEEHAW. Looking for a hot, nerdy dude who has an adventurous, sensitive, techie soul. Good with his hands. Must love cuddles. I don’t mind if you prioritize your alone time as long as you don’t mind that I can be an endearing space case. Be warned: I will ask for your natal chart and when your most recent STI test was. starsaligned, 25, seeking: M

CURIOUS, WARM, MATURE I am a curious person by nature and love to explore. I spend a lot of time hiking with my dog Spartacus (Sparky). I love painting and writing and doing home improvement projects indoors and out. I am looking for a mature, confidant man who has it together. Fun and wit are great; chaos and drama are not. LadyL0664, 54, seeking: M, l FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, INDEPENDENT, EASYGOING Very honest, loyal, friendly. Enjoy cooking, traveling, walking, driving with no destination, exploring the beauty of the Green Mountains. Would enjoy finding the same in my partner. dyniska, 79, seeking: M COMICMELLOW Love music, outdoors, painting, cooking, building. ComicMellow, 43, seeking: M, W, Q, l EDUCATED, SENSITIVE, ADVENTURE SEEKER Adventurous, sensitive, fit, optimistic, independent, divorced woman with two wonderful teenage sons. Enjoy walking, hiking, skiing, kayaking, swimming, biking, exploring new places (cities and ruins), connecting with the locals and learning their language. Seeking someone to share adventures. JoySeeker, 53, seeking: M, l

CUCKOO ABOUT ADVENTURES I’m just looking for a new friend. I’m somewhat new to the area and would like to find someone who likes to talk, hike, or do anything that doesn’t involve going to the bar or lots of drinking! NDrootsNYbuds, 38, seeking: M, l INTERESTED Still standing after all these years! I’m interested in getting to know you as a person first, not in any great rush. Honesty, patience and acceptance = trust in my book. My favorite hobby is my new kayak. I can sometimes have a very ironic sense of humor! Just turned 68! Yikes! WayToGo, 68, seeking: M ENJOY LIFE TO THE FULLEST I enjoy gardening, animals and reading, and I split my own wood (electric splitter). I love cooking and contra dancing, and I have a new hobby: shape note singing. countrygirl1, 78, seeking: M, l

MEN seeking... LOOKING FOR A LOVING COMPANION I would like to meet someone who is intelligent, well read, a lover of the arts and nature. I was a theater major in college and have acted and directed beyond my undergraduate days, in high school and college. I am a retired high school and college English, theater arts and public speaking teacher. Trek, 74, seeking: W, l

LET’S PRETEND Let’s pretend the world is healing, and we can celebrate together. I love comedy improv, swimming, my family and great food, reading and being read to, travel and adventures. Looking for a healthy, funny, intelligent guy who likes jazz and world music, cooking, travel, and the outdoors. Are you comfortable with yourself and with me, a strong and independent gal? Mangosmom, 60, seeking: M, l

TRYING TO PAY ATTENTION Moved to Vermont on a whim many years ago. Appreciate nature and animals. I am on a lifelong learning curve. NPR and live music (once upon a time). Find me at the ocean in Wellfleet, driving on Highway 1 in California or in a Chinese restaurant in NYC. I listen more than speak. Hoping to meet a kind, compatible soul. Mindfully, 67, seeking: W

COUNTRY GIRL LOVES MOTORCYCLE RIDES Affectionate country girl looking for a man who knows how to treat a lady. I have a great sense of humor, and you should, too! Love to horseback ride, take walks, bike ride, hike and enjoy each other’s company. I can also make a mean cheesecake! CURIOSITY22, 62, seeking: M, l

PIN ME ... EROTIC WRESTLING? Hi all, I’m a discreet, masculine submissive who wants to be dominated, pinned down, tied up, used, played with, you name it. I’m very kinky with few limits, DD-free and play clean. I always have good 420 to share, too. You must host. Hit me up, and let’s party and have some kinky fun. Hlplss, 56, seeking: M, TM, TW, Q, Cp, Gp, l


FUNNY, AFFECTIONATE DAD! I like to think I’m fun to be around, and others seem to agree. In what little free time I have, you’ll find me watching a good movie or TV show, probably Marvel related. I like to think of myself as very much a nerd. Generic, but also anything Nintendo related (especially “The Legend of Zelda”) and a Disnerd. linkinpark187, 34, seeking: W, l LOVE OR SETTLE FOR FRIENDS Now is the time, or settle. Allow your fears to control your life, or seek a good person with nourishing love, and growth! We have all been hurt! Love is the best nourishment for growth and removing the fears and becoming strong again, maybe even stronger but at least healthy in mind and body! Or settle! Philodave, 73, seeking: W HONEST, LOYAL, STRAIGHTFORWARD, KINDHEARTED I am a man who is looking for a woman who doesn’t play games. I am very honest, hardworking and kindhearted. I am straightforward, and I do not like liars or fake people. Jason676, 52, seeking: W, l LOOKING FOR LOVE I am an average guy. Average looks. Looking for a female relationship. I am happy and content. myflowers10, 60, seeking: W LAUGH AT MYSELF OFTEN! Active: walking, biking, snowshoeing. Love all kinds of music, though acoustic is numero uno. Travel: Have to know what’s on the other side of the fence, but don’t care what color the “grass” is. Enjoy golf as a game, not as a “religion.” Know my way around a kitchen and open to preparing you a meal as a qualifying “test.” DWS789, 74, seeking: W DAD BODY, CARING AND KIND Looking for FWB NSA single partner. As many times a week as you want. Joe30, 29, seeking: W, l HONEST AND LOYAL Looking to see what’s out there. Maybe start a relationship or more. I’m funny, loyal, honest and fun. I love to bake, cook and watch movies in my free time. Looking for SWF, 30 to 50. I’m a SWM, 42. Loyaltyandhonesty, 42, seeking: W, l TATTOOS, MUSIC, WORK I am a hardworking man who has been to hell and back and is rebuilding successfully. I would like a woman who works hard and wants to build a future with someone. No games. newlife2021, 46, seeking: W, l LIFE IS GOOD I’m interested in people, history, languages (I speak Chinese, French and Spanish), movies, and more. I have eight hens and love dogs. I’d like to meet you on the phone and see if we have common interests. Taking it slow and establishing a friendship comes first. When COVID is over, maybe we can savor all Burlington has to offer. BBClovingguy, 25, seeking: W, l CAN YOU KEEP A SECRET? I am seeking an FWB. Seek action on a regular basis. Could develop to be more later on. I am DD-free, safe and tested for COVID twice, both negative. I know how to be discreet and still have fun. I have been told I am good with my tongue. ;) Your willingness for this kind of situation is more important than your age and looks. Csaari, 58, seeking: W, l WANT A MAN FRIEND Older gent looking for discreet relationship with a man. bornagainvergin, 73, seeking: M

SIMPLE VERMONT COUNTRY GUY Hey y’all, I’m a recently separated professional, work-at-home dad just looking to get out (or stay in) with a fun, easygoing woman. NSA is fine by me. I’m open-minded, athletic and willing to take chances, especially with or for the right woman. VTfarmboy213, 36, seeking: W, l READY FOR 2021 Looking for someone to share life’s mysteries and beauty. Looking to explore the world, one adventure at a time. Do you like to swim or go boating? How about a good laugh, a good meal and company, too? Listening and learning all put together in one package. Readyfor2021, 61, seeking: W, l CHIVALRY Friendly “man” looking for my sidekick/partner/friend. Bruce2016, 53, seeking: W, l

TRANS WOMEN seeking... FOREVER SEARCHING Still looking for love. Would love to run into a beautiful dominatrix who will, through her grace, help me find the inspiration I need to flourish as a woman. I love to cook, I design board games and Lego sets, and give the best foot and back massages in the world! If this is heaven for you, come claim me! Neneveh, 24, seeking: W, l GENEROUS, OPEN, EASYGOING Warm, giving trans female with an abundance of yum to share (and already sharing it with lovers) seeks ecstatic connection for playtimes, connections, copulations, exploration and generally wonderful occasional times together. Clear communication, a willingness to venture into the whole self of you is wanted. Possibilities are wide-ranging: three, four, explorations, dreaming up an adventure are on the list! DoubleUp, 63, seeking: M, Cp, l

COUPLES seeking... HAPPY, RELAXED, OPEN TO POSSIBILITIES We’re a couple looking for safe, sexy adventures with like-minded individuals or couples. Bluebird, 38, seeking: M, W, Cp I WANT TO WATCH I’m looking for a guy who’s willing to let my guy go down on him while I watch. I will not be joining, just watching. Please be between 25 and 45 years of age. BJ2021, 46, seeking: M SKI COUPLE SEEKING FUN Attractive, hardworking couple seeking a professional couple or female for fun and new adventures. We enjoy the outdoors. Looking for people who are discreet, healthy and open-minded. New to the game but looking to explore with a single female or couple. Let’s meet up and see if we connect! 3inthevt, 34, seeking: W, Cp HELP US BRANCH OUT We are a couple of over 30 years. We love to spend time together, enjoying good food, good beer/wine and good company. We enjoy the outdoors, camping, hiking, skiing. Looking for other couples to become friends with that can help us explore and branch out. We love each other very deeply and want to share that love with others. CentralVTCpl, 55, seeking: Cp, Gp COUPLE SEEKING WOMAN We are very open and honest. Clean, safe and totally discreet. We are looking for a woman who wants to try new adult things with a couple. We want to role-play and try some kink. Newboytoyvt, 51, seeking: W, l


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

KAREN AT HOME DEPOT I think you know I’m crushing on you. Would enjoy coffee or a walk with you. Actually, anything more than a one-minute conversation on the checkout line. When: Sunday, February 21, 2021. Where: Home Depot. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915235 KNOCKOUT WAITRESS AT ROZZI’S Your name is Devan. We’ve made great eye contact a few times in the restaurant, but you were never my waitress. Wondering if you are single. When: Thursday, January 21, 2021. Where: Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915234 SUNSHINE SD Just would like to say I’m sorry, and I miss you terribly. When: Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915233 HEY JUNE LETTERPRESS IN RICHMOND I was shopping for some stationery. You were talking to a friend about bullet journals. Wanna meet at Sweet Simone’s for a coffee to-go sometime? When: Saturday, February 13, 2021. Where: Hey June Letterpress Studio. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915232 SMOKIN’ Hey there, ordinarycoyote. You found me. So, next question: Astrological sign? Wondering what’s behind the dark eyes. When: Monday, November 30, 2020. Where: Greensboro. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915231 STARBUCKS ON WILLISTON ROAD 1 p.m. You: a lovely blond woman. We exchanged glances. Care to chat? I’ll buy the next round. When: Thursday, February 11, 2021. Where: Starbucks, Williston Road. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915230

GREASY BABE RADICALIZING KIDS Hey, coach. I saw you at the climbing gym explaining to some kids how to undermine the ruling class. You were wearing a sexy yellow tank top, looked like you could kick my ass, and I can tell you don’t wash your hair, but it still looks hot. How about we eat a quesadilla and talk about late capitalism sometime? When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Where: climbing gym. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915229 RE: SMOKIN’ IN THE RAIN You: with a friend driving north. Me: with my dog driving south. I helped you move that log, but we never got it all the way; the weather was nasty on Center Road. Wish I’d seen your I-Spy earlier. When: Monday, November 30, 2020. Where: Greensboro. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915228 MAPLEFIELDS I saw you around 3:30. You got a 12-pack of Bud, Slim Jim and Doritos. I would like to meet you. I had a black and gray North Face coat. I said hello to you at the beer cooler. When: Thursday, February 4, 2021. Where: Maplefields, Woodstock. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915227 BROWN-EYED SNOW SLIDER Saw you cruising through the hardwoods at Adam’s Solitude. Easy riding with the tan bibs and that fresh purple split, family tree? Popping over that boulder all smooth. Caught your gaze for just a moment, and all I could see were those chocolate brown eyes. Swoon! Catch me at the hill someday, and we can split a hazy. When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Where: Bolton. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915226 SHAMWOW My dreams are always of you. My thoughts and hopes are of you. My door is always open to you. You know where I am. Come home! —Scoots. When: Thursday, January 21, 2021. Where: in my dreams. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915222

NEFCU ESSEX Around 2:20. Exchanged a few glances inside NEFCU. You got into your Highlander and headed toward the center, and then you pulled into Maplefields not too long after you were pulling out of Price Chopper. You smiled and waved. Just wanted to let you know you made my day. Hope to see you around again. When: Friday, January 29, 2021. Where: Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915225 SHOPPING AT TJ MAXX ON 1/28 The most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with blond hair past your shoulders and wearing black low-top Converse and black leggings. You were shopping, and I was scrubbing the floor with a machine. We made severe eye contact with each other. Would you like to get a drink or coffee? When: Thursday, January 28, 2021. Where: TJ Maxx. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915224 HIGHLIGHTER HAT CUTIE I’ve spied you bouncing around Red Rocks (probably to a historical podcast), picking up berries (on sale, of course) at City Market and tapping the hell out of Tapper at the Archives. I’ve loved you ever since you helped me get on the scoreboard. Happy birthday, you golden boy! When: Thursday, January 28, 2021. Where: McDonald’s parking lot. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915223 BBQ GIRL Stunningly beautiful Asian working at Mark BBQ. You were wearing a mask, but somehow your smile lit up the room. I nervously stammered through the transaction, and you were so sweet. The food was the best barbecue I’ve ever had, but I can’t stop thinking about you. When: Saturday, January 16, 2021. Where: Mark BBQ, Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915221 UVMMC NIGHT NURSE AMANDA I was recovering from having fluid drained from around my heart, and you were extra nice, getting me those Tessalon Perles to help with my cough so I could sleep better. I enjoyed chatting with you about TV and your dog and such. On the off chance that you’re single, would you like to chat outside of work sometime? When: Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Where: Miller 4. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915220

Ask REVEREND Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

My boyfriend is moving in with me next week. We’ve been together for two years now, and this is the first time we’ll live in the same city. I love him, but my body is convinced I am making a mistake by dating him — everything feels uncomfortable when I think about staying with him long-term. My family thinks I’m repeating a pattern by dating avoidant people. I also am planning to move this year, because I really need a

DOG CONNECTION IN BOMBARDIER PARK Met two days in a row last weekend. First time, I helped return you and your friend’s dog in the field. The second time, on the way into the trails. We talked briefly about our dogs and guarding toys before going separate trails. I should have asked if you wanted company on your walk. Meet up for a walk sometime? When: Sunday, January 17, 2021. Where: Bombardier Park. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915218 NORTH AVE. STORE I opened the door leaving a store, and we made eye contact as you were coming in. I was thinking WOW, SWEET! And instead of thinking it, LOL, it came right out of my mouth as I walked by you holding the door open. You stopped in the doorway, looked at me and said, “Thank you!” Interested? When: Sunday, January 17, 2021. Where: North Ave. store. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915217 KIA BACKING OUT AT HANNAFORD I stopped to let you back out, only to be thanked by the cutest, tiniest lil peace sign ever! Thank you for making me smile and laugh. I don’t think I’ll ever forget that! When: Thursday, January 14, 2021. Where: Hannaford, Barre. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915215 SUNSHINE IN MONTPELIER Sunshine, I haven’t been able to reach you and tell you that you’re the one. Missing my Montpelier girl. When: Friday, September 25, 2020. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915214 THE RIGHT SWIPE. Touch my butt, take me on a date. No particular order. Happy birthday, sweet boy, you are the lightest and brightest. Sending you my love and every free pamphlet I can get my hands on. XOXOXO. When: Sunday, November 22, 2020. Where: Tinder. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915209

Dear Hesitant Hannah,


Dear Reverend,

EARLY SKI AT SMUGGS I greeted you as you cruised past me while skinning up Smuggs. At the bottom, we had a convo about being able to make the WFH and early morning laps happen, mountain biking, and our excitement about Cochrans. Looking to reconnect. It’s not every day you connect so immediately. Even if it means just finding another friend who loves the mountains. When: Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Where: Smugglers’ Notch parking lot 3. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915219

new job. So, is it dumb to stay in a relationship for a few more months to learn and practice emotional maturity? And how much of my trepidation could be due to never having lived with a partner before and never having been in this committed a relationship before? Am I scared of relationships, or is this relationship just not a good fit? How do I tell?

Hesitant Hannah

(FEMALE, 31)

You’ve pretty much answered yourself in your third sentence. When you’re about to be living with someone you truly love, every fiber of your being should be shouting, “Yippie! I’m so excited!” The fact that you feel physically uncomfortable when you consider being with this guy for the long haul means something is definitely amiss. If a relationship just feels wrong, you should listen to your gut and end it before it goes too far. It seems to me that you might be the avoidant person in

XC SKIING SHELBURNE FARMS 2 p.m. You and your two pals were wrapping up your ski while my gang was heading out. I asked if beer was in your future; your friend said, “No, naps.” Want to ski together after you’re rested? When: Sunday, January 10, 2021. Where: Shelburne Farms. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915213 LIKE-MINDED IN BARNES & NOBLE We briefly met in Barnes & Noble. You overheard the book I was looking for and came to check the version. I have never posted one of these before, but how often do you meet people in Barnes over books like that?! If you are the guy I met and felt the same, I would love to meet you! When: Tuesday, December 29, 2020. Where: Barnes & Noble. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915212 MY KNIGHT IN SHINING ARMOR! Molly! You stopped to help me out after I slid off the road. I was flustered, and you were kind and patient. Thank you! When I saw you waiting at the bottom of the hill, I realized that I should have asked for your number. Can I buy you a drink? Or perhaps a new set of ratchet straps? When: Sunday, January 3, 2021. Where: Stone Rd., Brookfield. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915210 NEW YEAR’S ON MOUNT ABE We both hiked up Mount Abraham on New Year’s Day and chatted briefly at the summit before you headed back down. You have a good smile and good taste in mountains — get in touch if you’d want to go for a hike together sometime! When: Friday, January 1, 2021. Where: Mount Abraham. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915208 SHARED A CHAIR We shared a lift at Stowe. You were a PA planning a move back to Boston, and you work occasionally at the hospital in my town. I hate slow lifts, but I wish we’d had longer to talk. Maybe we could plan a ski day and drinks or coffee after? When: Friday, January 1, 2021. Where: Stowe Mountain FourRunner quad. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915207 WERE YOU SERIOUS? BOOH Just want to find out if the flirt that you sent me was sincere! What is the next step? When: Monday, December 14, 2020. Where: Seven Days. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915204

this equation. You say you love this guy and you’re committed to him, but you’re planning on leaving him shortly after he moves in with you. That doesn’t make any sense. It’s also just plain mean. If that’s how you treat someone you love, I don’t want to know what you do to people you don’t like. Your boyfriend is a human being, not your emotional maturity test subject. Before he moves in, you should be absolutely honest about how you’re feeling and give him a chance to reconsider the cohabitation plan. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend What’s your problem?

Send it to SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021


54-y/o SWM seeking 45- to 60-y/o SWF. I’m a good man looking for a sweet, fit and attractive lady. A man who will love you for yourself. Central Vermont area. #L1480 Seeking SWM, 58 to 68, greater Burlington area. Clean-cut, neat appearance, no facial hair, impotent, a bad back a plus. No smoking/drugs. Me: average build, tall, athletic. 38 years with NASA, financially secure. I love beer and burgers. My teepee leans right. Phone number, please. #L1479

SWM, late 50s, seeking W, M, Couples roughly 30 miles from capital. Love getting off on phone fantasies. Send number and best times. Meeting or photos possible. No text. Let’s get off safe and hot! Hope to have hot fun. #L1485 66-y/o bi male, 5’4, 150 pounds, brown eyes, salt-andpepper hair. Very handsome, warm, kind person. Looking for good-looking bi or gay male. Must be DD-free, 420-friendly. Prefer little body hair, must shave and be circumcised. Would like to meet goodlooking gay couple for ongoing thing. Very oral. #L1482

Wanted: Black women, young or old. Love Black feet and butts. Nice guy. #L1484 Seeking pen pervs and phone freaks who will share their closet kinks. I’m open-minded, nonjudgmental and eager to hear all of your sexy stories. #L1483 Do you seek a soul mate who loves music, travel and lively conversation? I’m an active retired woman in Addison County (5’5, slender, nonsmoker) who enjoys the outdoors. Friends consider me smart, funny and caring. My hope: to make a warm, healthy connection, sharing interests and chemistry, with a good man. #L1481

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

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Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required! SEVEN DAYS FEBRUARY 24-MARCH 3, 2021

Artistic, educated, fit, attractive woman, 68, looking for a kind, single man to share adventures. I feel grateful for my life and love skiing, hiking, sailing/boating, biking, long walks in nature and travel. Do you enjoy music, cooking, conversation?! #L1478 I’m a man seeking new friends for adventure. I hike Mount Philo almost every day and love to cross-country ski. #L1478 Person looking to hook up with a new friend. Someone on the slim side. Big, small, everything in between. I return calls. Phone number, please. #L1477 I’m a GWM, early 60s, seeking adult males of any age or race for friendship. I enjoy dinners out, movies, taking day trips, etc. Let’s connect virtually now and in person later. #L1475

Internet-Free Dating!

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. Bi-guy, 70s, happy, healthy. 420 OK. DDF. ISO bi couple, MF or FF, wishing to become mates. Sailing this summer, cruising, racing, picnicking, swimming. Searching now for summer fun coming. Open to all! #L1476 Early 50s female seeking a good, honest man for friendship and possibly more. I’m a very good person and looking for the same in you. I’m fit and attractive, and you should be the same. Any good men left? #L1473 SWM, 60s, seeking a SWF, 30s to 60s. Outlaw, pirate, bandit! Cool cat, overactive libido, reader/writer, RV, ski and sail, fires and wines, films and fun, chef, outdoor bear, music, hopeful romantic, off the grid. #L1472 GM, mid-50s, in Rutland County tired of being cooped up for winter and COVID. Looking for like-minded individuals for some NSA fun. If something more develops, that works, too! No text/email. Phone only. #L1471

Hi, I’m Steve. I’m 69, and I’m a widower. Looking for lonely lady, 58 to 70, who wants friendship and love. I treat people the way I want to be treated: nice and with love. #L1474 64-y/o SWF seeking a SM 50-74 y/o for companionship. Must be Catholic or Protestant, clean, COVID-free. My interests are the arts, teaching, cooking, and watching shows and Hallmark movies. I love animals, walks, coffee or tea, sunrise or sunsets. If you want a woman who will love you for yourself, give me a try. Phone number, please. #L1470 62-y/o female seeking 45- to 65-y/o man. I am loving, caring, honest, etc. Looking for the same. Tired of being alone. I enjoy music, movies, being outside and more. #L1468 Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any well-hung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1467

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DREAMING OF A NEW HOME? Take the first step at the next... Wednesday, March 24, 6-8 p.m. A free online workshop for first-time home buyers. Talk with experts and ask questions from home!

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Bauer Gravel Farnham, LLP Attorneys at Law

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