Seven Days, April 7, 2021

Page 1


Church hosts 24-hour Bible reading




IMPACT As vaccinations progress, writers — and a cartoonist — reflect on reentry anxiety B Y SEV EN D AYS STAFF & CONTRIBU TORS, PAGE 3 0




A haiku competition in Weybridge



Meet food entrepreneur Joe Bossen

INSIDE! April issue





Rite Stuff

In a pandemic year, parents and kids share how they marked milestones

P. 22


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Health Commissioner Mark Levine (left) and Gov. Phil Scott

emoji that SHOW AND TELL

Gov. Phil Scott got his one-dose Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vax and urged Vermonters to sign up as soon as they can. Leading by example.



Gov. Phil Scott’s administration laid out a phased plan on Tuesday that would end most COVID-19 restrictions over the next 90 days, starting with the elimination of quarantine rules for travelers later this week. The strategy, dubbed “Vermont Forward,” will reopen the state in four monthly steps, culminating on July 4, when Scott expects to remove the mask mandate and final restrictions on gatherings. Senior state officials characterized the plan as “gradual” and said it will align with progress in the vaccination campaign. “We’re in the last laps of this very long and difficult race,” Scott said. “This plan shows how we’ll finish strong.” Step one will take effect on Friday, April 9. It will eliminate the requirement that unvaccinated people who travel to Vermont and residents returning home quarantine upon arrival, so long as they receive a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours. Outdoor and lower-risk businesses will also move to a new set of operational guidelines. Commerce Secretary Lindsay Kurrle said the forthcoming guidance will be simpler for businesses to follow and will incorporate five main tenets: Stay home if sick, wear a mask, ensure sixfoot spaces, practice good hygiene, and know the travel restrictions. Closer-contact businesses, such as gyms, houses of



Burlington will no longer provide two hours of free parking in its downtown marketplace garage. Just as people are reemerging from the pandemic.


Vermont will adopt federal guidelines that allow students in all grades to maintain a threefoot — down from six — distance in the classroom. Closer, together.



1. “COVID-19 Infection Rates Continue to Rise in Vermont, Northeast” by Anne Wallace Allen. Vermont officials struck a cautious but optimistic tone last Friday as they discussed rising case counts. 2. “Amid Uproar Against Garimella, UVM Warns a Faculty Critic” by Chelsea Edgar. A professor was told to stop using her college email account to protest program cuts. 3. “Vermont Senate Committee Turns Off Video During Public Meeting” by Kevin McCallum. Sen. Michael Sirotkin (D-Chittenden) abruptly killed a YouTube feed of a Vermont Senate committee meeting. 4. “Soundbites: Matthew Evan Taylor Criticizes VSO’s BIPOC-Focused Closing Concert” by Jordan Adams. Though he was the only BIPOC person who helped plan the event, Taylor said his voice was silenced. 5. “Scott Announces Picks for Vermont’s Cannabis Control Board” by Colin Flanders. The governor appointed people who will make key licensing and regulatory decisions for Vermont’s budding marijuana marketplace.

tweet of the week @tenderwarriorco It’s not spring in #btv until I absolutely lose my shit on a 19 year old parked in the South Union bike lane staring at his phone and TODAY WAS THE DAY PEOPLE HAPPY SPRING FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER




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worship, restaurants and hair salons, will become subject to the new guidance on May 1, when step two takes effect. As part of step two, the governor plans to allow much larger gatherings: up to 150 people indoors and 300 outdoors. Any number of fully vaccinated people could attend events beyond those limits, should a host elect to verify that attendees are vaccinated, Kurrle said. Step three is projected to take effect on June 1. It will eliminate all travel restrictions and increase the size of large gatherings to a maximum of 300 unvaccinated people indoors and 900 unvaccinated people outdoors. By July 4, the state plans to lift all capacity restrictions and physical-distancing requirements. Masking would still be “encouraged.” Scott said the dates for each phase could be adjusted based on vaccination rates and COVID-19 prevalence. But his administration issued the full road map in an effort to help businesses and others begin planning for the months ahead. “Our goal with this plan,” Scott said, “is to give Vermonters a transparent look at how we’ll be able to work our way out of this pandemic, moving forward together at a time when we can manage this virus like we do the flu — with simple, everyday measures, rather than the state of emergency we’ve been in for over a year.”

In response to pushback, Vermont officials will likely offer shots to students from out of state by the end of April. They do live here, after all.

That was the decrease in Vermont ski areas’ revenue this season over last, according to the state’s ski trade organization.

Participants Sam and Logan during the Sleep Out

For the past 10 springs, Spectrum Youth & Family Services has hosted a Sleep Out to raise money for the programs it provides young people, some of whom are homeless. A large group would gather at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington at the top of Church Street. Spectrum execs and their clients would talk up the organization before everyone camped outside on the downtown church’s lawn to approximate the experience of sleeping unhoused in Vermont’s biggest city. “What you hear are the garbage trucks and people yelling at each other,” said Erin Barnaby, Spectrum’s communications

officer. “You feel a little bit unsafe, but not even close to the amount of unsafeness you’d feel if you were lying there by yourself.” That all changed last year with the coronavirus pandemic. Spectrum quickly turned the Sleep Out into a virtual event, allowing people to bed down wherever they were. The changes, and the pandemic, led the nonprofit to fall short of its fundraising goal of $300,000. With more planning this year, Spectrum’s Virtual Sleep Out raised more than $440,000 from some 400 participants, about 270 of whom were students and their families. Both figures were record highs, according to Barnaby. People slept in tree houses, backyards

and parks. The weather that night was cold, in the thirties, with some drizzle. One of the top fundraisers was the Red Hot Chilly Dippers, a group of women who swim in Lake Champlain all winter. They raised nearly $38,000, according to Barnaby. One member, Tian Berry, has spoken previously about benefiting from Spectrum’s services when she was a young person dealing with mental health and housing challenges. Barnaby said that younger, at-risk people have been adversely affected by the pandemic. “They had all of this stress to begin with, and now it’s gotten even greater; it’s gotten that much harder,” she said. SASHA GOLDSTEIN SEVEN DAYS APRIL 7-14, 2021


TURNING THE PAGES. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers

Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy


deputy editor Sasha Goldstein

Consulting editor Candace Page

stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,

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AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison

AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Jordan Adams

CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin

speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox

6H-oldspokes040721 1

4/5/21 1:12 PM



stAff writers Jordan Barry, Margaret Grayson, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssistAnt proofreAder Katherine Isaacs D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert

Art direCtor Rev. Diane Sullivan

produCtion mAnAger John James

designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING direCtor of sAles Colby Roberts

senior ACCount exeCutive Michael Bradshaw ACCount exeCutives Robyn Birgisson,

Refinancing Your Mortgage Thursday, April 15, 2021 6:00 - 7:00 pm

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Chris Farnsworth, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Molly Zapp

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CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur

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C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.

DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Thayer With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.


FEDERALLY INSURED BY NCUA ©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.



3v-NEFCU033121 1

3/24/21 8:31 AM


[Re “EZ Does It,” March 31]: Your article about the company EZ-Probate stated: “The estate can cover any legal fees, but the assets are often tied up in property that has to be vacated or sold. And outstanding debts can sometimes wipe out what little money an estate has, leaving families to pay the attorney’s bill.” This is generally false, since attorney fees and other costs of administering the estate are a first priority. “Outstanding debts” would not be paid until there are sufficient funds to pay the estate legal fees and other costs of administration, including the fee to the executor or administrator. If you hire a lawyer to help you with an estate, you are hiring a highly regulated professional who has a professional code of responsibility and who is accountable to the client, to the court and to the professional conduct board. To whom are Byron Batres and his company EZ-Probate accountable? Most information about starting the probate process and managing a straightforward estate is available at under the Probate Division section, including all forms necessary to open an estate. George Belcher



[Re “Out With the Old,” March 17]: New Haven’s historic train station has been a community landmark since the summer of 1868. The Burlington Free Press of August 17 that year reported that “a new and commodious brick depot is in the process of construction on the east side of the track...” Middlebury and Vergennes papers reported similar progress. I find it mind-boggling how the media has been taking wild guesses at its birth year, ranging from 1841 to 1903! The correct year is 1868! This classic country depot has stood its ground for 152 years and six months. There was a time when this venerable building served a second railroad. From 1892 to 1929, the six-mile Bristol Railroad chugged into town, pulling up to the east side of the station. So much history took place within the shadows of its eaves, including the transfer of agricultural goods and coffins from Bristol



Manufacturing Company — the largest of its kind in the Northeast. I was disappointed even Seven Days couldn’t find this information with a quick newspaper search. My recently published book, New Haven Junction to Bristol, Vermont: Crossroads to Caskets, provides this information, as well. The sadness and anger I feel about the likely loss of this beautiful brick landmark runs deep. I’m grateful veteran railroaders such as George Smith, a former agent there, didn’t live to see this travesty. I encourage anyone who feels as I do to speak with their representatives. Ask them to save New Haven station, a link to the past since 1868. James Jones



[Re “Race for Equity,” March 3]: Saturday, March 20, was the perfect first day of spring to walk to the University Mall from Burlington. As I approached the Interstate 89 overpass, I saw a white man holding a big American flag fluttering in the wind. I immediately tensed up. I’m Black. I was so relieved he was friendly. This is the legacy of Donald Trump. Instead of automatically feeling solidarity with someone holding the American flag, I felt fear. Gwen Shervington



[Re Kids VT: Growing Up Green: “DIY Kids,” February 28]: I am very grateful to

my parents, who had the nerve to let me make my own choices at a very early age. I was a juvenile diabetic in a universitybased program regulating the diabetes with a strict diet. No insulin. Just diet and exercise. When I started first grade at age 5, my mother told my teacher and the cafeteria staff not to try to second-guess what I should eat. She told them I knew that I had to be careful, that I couldn’t have bread and potatoes, that I had to skip the gravy, and so on. I knew that, on the rare occasions when nothing was suitable, my mother had left cans of soup for me. Everybody wanted to sit next to me because I always chose dessert and gave it away. My father took charge of the exercise. In fourth grade, I took physical education with the boys because I was the only girl who knew how to play baseball. Looking back, I’m amazed and impressed that my parents had the courage and steadfastness to put a 5-year-old in charge.

from the university community. But then it occurred to me that UVM has long since ceased to be an oasis for diverse intellectual thought and freedom of expression and instead has become a hotbed of intolerance, where color of skin and ethnicity are elevated above all else. In this environment, Kindsvatter’s protest video was the act of a very brave man. He is willing to raise his voice against a hypocritical and intellectually dishonest ideology that holds one to be racist if one doesn’t confess that by being white, one is, of course, a racist. For his temerity in speaking up and not acquiescing to this twisted logic, the university will be avenged. Tenured or not, Dr. Kindsvatter will be made an example of. The Inquisition tolerates no dissent. Heretics must burn. Students will be encouraged to avoid his classes; his lectures will be boycotted. His fellow faculty will shun him. By some pretext or other, he may possibly lose his job. Shame on the dean and provost, who rushed to breathlessly announce that students who were upset with Kindsvatter’s views could avoid his classes and still complete their majors! Rather, these students should be required to attend his lectures so that they might actually be exposed to a different point of view, something that these sheltered minds have likely never experienced, to their great loss. Crocker Bennett



» P.21


Last week’s Bottom Line column, headlined “EZ Does It,” misidentified Byron Batres’ college degree. It was in physiology.

Susan Ohanian



After reading [Off Message: “UVM Professor’s Viral Video Prompts Calls for His Resignation,” March 16] on the most recent “woke” kerfuffle at the University of Vermont, I watched the YouTube video by professor Aaron Kindsvatter. I was surprised that such a thoughtful, careful analysis of the problem he sees in his department’s decision to enforce a dubious orthodoxy upon its members would provoke such a howl of protest

SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164


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contents APRIL 7-14, 2021 VOL.26 NO.27



COLUMNS & REVIEWS 12 28 41 46 48 50 81

Fair Game Bottom Line Side Dishes Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend


SECTIONS 22 40 46 50 52 53

Life Lines Food + Drink Music + Nightlife Movies Classes Classifieds + Puzzles 76 Fun Stuff 80 Personals

Hot, Fast and Spicy Pho Hong anchors Burlington’s Old North End restaurant district PAGE 40

Seeds of Change Joe Bossen’s entrepreneurial journey into bean burgers, tortillas and balance

As vaccinations progress, writers — and a cartoonist — reflect on reentry anxiety





Online Thursday






From the Deputy Publisher

‘Lost’ and Found

Under the Gun

All eyes are on a consultant reviewing Burlington’s police department

The Holy Sprint

A Northeast Kingdom church reads the Bible in 24 hours

Building Broadband 15


Vermont considers giving communities more say in how to bridge the digital divide

Seth Steinzor reflects on his now-complete trilogy based on The Divine Comedy

Tiny and Mighty

The Weybridge Haiku Competition enters year four, virtually

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Flight Patterns

Short doc “Jet Line” presents Vermonters’ voices from the F-35 flight path

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As vaccination rates rise, Vermonters SUPPORTED BY: are contemplating a return to “normal” life in the not-too-distant future. Eva Sollberger checked in with locals, tourists and college students in downtown Burlington about their pandemic experiences and anxieties.


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4/5/21 3:16 PM


Civics Test

On Wednesday, January 6, my wife barged into my home office. “A mob has broken into the Capitol building,” she announced with alarm. I was immediately transfixed by the violence in Washington, D.C., and spent the rest of the day watching the live coverage and news analysis. As someone who cares deeply about politics and government, I couldn’t tear myself away from the spectacle. But at 7 p.m., I did: My son, Graham, and I had planned to play Virtual Vermont Trivia, hosted by the Vermont Historical Society, that evening. We sat down at the kitchen table with my laptop and joined 53 other groups also logged on to the Zoom event. In an email, public programs manager Amanda Gustin said she had briefly considered canceling because of the crisis 500 miles away. But “I felt like people would appreciate a space to come together to learn about a place we all love so much,” she wrote. Indeed, it lifted my spirits to focus on questions about Vermont geography and place names. Which town was originally known as Carthage? Jay. Also exciting: I recognized some of the team names as participants in the Good Citizen Challenge, a youth civics project organized by Seven Days and our parenting publication, Kids VT. The Challenge rewards kids for learning about their communities and for being Good Citizens. We launched it in 2018 with support from the Vermont Community Foundation, and it’s evolved over the years to meet the needs of the moment. For example, the At-Home Challenge, which began in December and ended in March, included more than 40 activities that kids and families could do at home or while following COVID-19 protocols, such as play a video game about political gerrymandering or deliver care packages to isolated seniors. Competing in Virtual Vermont Trivia was also on the list, available at Seventy teams from across the state participated, including a group of 60 St. Albans teens and a pair of Springfield siblings. As the Challenge Master, I got an email every time one of them submitted an entry. After a snowstorm, I’d get a blizzard of submissions from kids who’d shoveled snow for their neighbors. On Tuesdays and Fridays, I’d hear from teams that listened to Gov. Phil Scott’s COVID-19 press conferences. As Town Meeting Day approached, debate watching spiked in popularity. We’ve collected some of our favorite At-Home Challenge entries in the April issue of Kids VT, inserted in this week’s paper. It includes a write-up about the team that completed the most activities — 586 of them, to be exact. That team, the Malikians, is a fourth-grade class from Champlain Elementary School in Burlington; teacher Aziza Malik inspired the name. If you like what we do and can afford to help They listened to Vermont history podcasts, pay for it, become a Seven Days Super Reader! watched a Burlington School Board meeting, Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of gathered food donations for a nearby Little Or send a check with your Free Pantry, read newspapers and wrote a rap promoting Green Up Day on May 1 — “Pick up address and contact info to: trash, do the math, helping each other is such a SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS blast. Pick up trash, it’s so fast, garbage will soon P.O. BOX 1164 BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 be part of the past.” If you’re feeling anxious about American For more information on making a financial democracy, these Good Citizens offer glimmers contribution to Seven Days, please contact of hope. Corey Grenier:

Cathy Resmer

Clockwise from top: 2021 Challenge winners the Malikians; a “Hope” sign by Lienna Monte; Aria Leff of the Malikians with a note from a care package she sent






Learning Curve

Pension reform tested Vermont leaders. Here are their grades.





K, class, it’s time to hand out grades for our graduate-level seminar, Pension Reform 560. Last Friday, House Speaker JILL KROWINSKI (D-Burlington) ducked and withdrew her proposal, made 10 days earlier, for closing the enormous gap of more than $3 billion between what’s on hand in the state’s pension funds and what’s needed to cover pensions for retired state workers and teachers in coming years. Instead, she announced plans to appoint a summer task force to study the issue and recommend reforms to lawmakers in January. Of course, pension fund problems compound with time; waiting another year to fix them only makes matters worse. So let’s call this the midterm report card, or perhaps the end-of-semester assessment in a tough, two-year course. And by tough, I mean two things should be acknowledged: 1. It will be difficult to come up with a solution that no one will like but everyone will deem tolerable. 2. It absolutely has to be done. Here we go. Krowinski: B. The first-term speaker gets credit for courage. She stepped into the spotlight with a workable, though not palatable — and, to some, not even morally correct — plan to fix the pension system. It called for state employees and teachers to chip in more money during their working years and wait until age 67 to collect less generous benefits in retirement. Krowinski loses points for apparent naïveté. While she made her proposal a House leadership project, she failed to do enough to bring in others, insisting it was just a conversation starter. When the inevitable pushback came from the Vermont State Employees’ Association and Vermont-National Education Association teachers’ union, the speaker was all alone. Gov. PHIL SCOTT: D-minus — and that’s generous. The Republican governor has made the right noises about the need to fix Vermont’s troubled pension funds, but so far he has not lifted a finger to address the problem. Scott keeps insisting he wants to see the “majority party,” meaning the Democrats who control the legislature, lead the way. “The executive proposes, the legislature disposes,” goes the adage, and Scott has yet to explain why this case should be different. Scott wants to wear the mantle of the responsible fiscal steward. The pension crisis is the biggest fiscal problem facing state government. It’s time for Scott to step up and spend some of the political capital he has earned from his

OVERALL, NOT A GREAT PERFORMANCE, CLASS. management of the pandemic. That stuff has a short shelf life, and he shouldn’t let it spoil. State Treasurer BETH PEARCE: C-minus. Pearce raised the alarm in January about the growing unfunded liability in the retirement systems, but that was late in the game for the state official most responsible for ensuring that the funds are properly managed. Nor has she been as outspoken in her message as she might have been over the winter. Seven Days’ KEVIN MCCALLUM reported last week that the benchmark S&P 500 U.S. stock index enjoyed an average annual return of 13.6 percent during the past decade. The Vermont funds earned an average of just 7.2 percent per year. Yes, public pensions are invested conservatively, but even among those funds, Vermont was a below-average performer. Lt. Gov. MOLLY GRAY: D. Gray skipped class and thought she could ace the exam anyway. She’d been quiet on the pension issue, other than saying vaguely that it should be fixed. Then, when Krowinski

issued her plan and union activists were at the gates, Gray said the speaker’s proposal “represents a broken commitment to our teachers and employees made at the time of hiring.” Good progressive rhetoric and red meat for the Democratic base in organized labor, but, as Senate President Pro Tempore BECCA BALINT (D-Windham) told Fair Game, Gray’s statement was not helpful. Speaking of Balint, she gets a C-plus. She also didn’t do much heavy lifting in addressing the pension crisis, but she gets credit for not running for the hills in the face of the heat that blasted Krowinski as soon as the speaker released her proposal. Balint spoke respectfully of the plan while also reserving the Senate’s right to change it in big ways. Vermont-NEA teachers’ union: C. Another party that hasn’t contributed much to class discussion, other than saying: Don’t touch our pensions, just tax the rich. Vermont State Employees’ Association: F. Full disclosure: I’m a labor guy; I’ve belonged to five unions in my life,

beginning with the American Federation of Musicians when I was a teenager and including more than 30 years as a member of what’s now called the News Media Guild while working at the Associated Press. Thanks to the union’s good work, I still get a modest, defined-benefit AP pension. My first instinct is to keep the teachers and state workers whole. But the VSEA’s threat of a vehicle rally in Krowinski’s Burlington district on Saturday was a Tea Party-ish, bullying move, the politics of intimidation. Singling out the legislative leader who tried to do something about a tough problem and saying you were going to take it to her backyard? What we need after four years of Trumpism is more civility and fewer in-your-face confrontations, especially with someone who’s trying to be reasonable and responsible. Going to a public official’s home is clearly an escalation in tactics over past dustups between the executive branch or lawmakers and the VSEA. If someone wanted to argue that there was sexism behind the extra vehemence, that would be tough to disprove. Overall, not a great performance, class. Summer school starts when the legislature lets out in May.

Imagining Reverse Racism

If your sole source of local news was the Vermont Daily website, edited and published by conservative blogger GUY PAGE, you could be forgiven for thinking that the main victims of racism in Vermont were white people. Page fashions himself as an investigative journalist and give-me-liberty-orgive-me-death-style advocate for the First Amendment and constitutional principles of equality. It’s just that an awful lot of his zeal is reserved for cases in which people of color pick on poor, oppressed whites. Last week, an important story about race in Vermont appeared in the news. Seven Days’ DEREK BROUWER reported that SHANDA WILLIAMS, a Black woman and former clerk at the Washington County Courthouse in Barre, had reached a $60,000 settlement with the State of Vermont. Williams filed an employment discrimination lawsuit in 2019, saying she was subjected to a hostile work environment as the only Black employee in the clerk’s office. TAMMY TYDA, Williams’ supervisor at that time, would “constantly bully and scream” at her, court filings alleged, while white coworkers purposefully undermined Williams’ work by refusing to help her and,


in one instance, hiding a file she needed. Tyda is still working for the judicial system. This story involved a hostile work environment in a Vermont state agency — the one that is supposed to deliver justice. It involved allegations of actual harm to an individual. It involved an outlay of $60,000 in taxpayer money to redress the alleged bad behavior of someone who is still in Vermont state government. But I couldn’t find coverage of this story on Page’s Vermont Daily website. He was busy writing his own story on what he described to Fair Game as “apparent racism.” Two days before she was hired as a senior editor at, AUDITI GUHA, a woman of color, had tweeted something that Page considered racist, apparently because it vaguely skewered — gasp! — white people. The MassLive website had published one of the dozens of insipid and thinly verified “best of ” lists that marketing firms send to newsrooms every day. This one was about “the top 25 places to live in Massachusetts.” Guha, a Providence, R.I.-based journalist, tweeted a link to the MassLive piece with this comment: “Ugh another whitewashed Boston piece. This is what happens when white people make news according to their income and limited interests. These are all extremely wealthy communities that maybe 5% can afford to live or buy in. They are also largely boring and full of white people and entitlement. Perspective, dear.” I don’t have the space to tell you why Guha’s tweet was a ham-fisted way of expressing at least one good thought, so I’ll focus on the good thought: Guha, whose bio says she worked at some Massachusetts papers after starting her career in India, is correct when she says the communities included on the MassLive list are largely white and wealthy. She’s right to criticize MassLive’s story selection. One of the key reasons newsroom diversity is so important is that you want a broader collective imagination than what was evident in MassLive’s choice of a story. As Guha says, “Perspective, dear.” But what got Page so upset, he told Fair Game, was his interpretation that the tweet described white people as boring. “What do we do with boring people? We ignore them. Boring people have nothing interesting to say,” Page said. “There’s a policy consequence of saying that white people are boring. They don’t get listened to.” OK, have a look at the VTDigger website on just about any given day and tell me the vast majority of stories aren’t about and mostly quoting white people.

Adding one editor of color who called rich, mostly white Massachusetts communities boring isn’t likely to change that ratio soon. The Vermont Daily story is of a piece with the national right-wing freak-out over Gov. Scott’s announcement last week that the state would allow all Vermonters of color 16 and older to get vaccinated now against COVID-19. The baying immediately began on Fox News, on the National Review and in the conservative Twittersphere: It’s racism! Sue the governor! White people are being discriminated against — AGAIN! The governor, of course, is merely following the science, as he has described his strategy since the start of the pandemic. Google “Do people of color suffer worse from COVID?” and you’ll come up with articles from the Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins University, the Kaiser Family Foundation and other health experts saying the answer is yes. Fox News didn’t panic about reverse ageism when old people were put first in line to be vaccinated. The science showed that old people were much more vulnerable to developing serious, life-threatening cases. But when it came time to prioritize people of color because they were more vulnerable, the outrage machine kicked into gear. Meanwhile, here at home, at the same time Guha’s hiring was announced, VTDigger also said it was bringing on two others: MAGGIE CASSIDY from the Valley News and NATALIE WILLIAMS from the Bangor Daily News in Maine. Fair Game reached out to Guha via Facebook Messenger but had received no reply by deadline. VTDigger’s founder and editor, ANNE GALLOWAY, said Guha would be joining the staff later this month. “We’re thrilled to welcome Auditi to VTDigger and are sorry that Mr. Page doesn’t see the value of hiring top-notch journalists with diverse lived experiences,” Galloway said in an email. We were talking about this upcoming column among Seven Days staff, and a colleague asked an excellent question. ANNE WALLACE ALLEN, whose mother emigrated from India, texted: “I wonder if Guy Page has researched all the Digger editors, or just the brown-skinned one?” So I relayed the question to Page in an email: “Did you see anything noteworthy in the Twitter feeds of Natalie Williams and Maggie Cassidy?” He replied: “I don’t know who these women are. So no comment.” During our interview, Page spoke extensively about his desire for equal treatment of people of all races. Somehow that didn’t extend to how he checked up on the new editors at VTDigger. m


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4/6/21 11:04 AM








Under the Gun

All eyes are on a consultant reviewing Burlington’s police department B Y CO UR T NEY L A M DIN •


ast June, hundreds of people called in to public meetings to demand that the City of Burlington reduce its reliance on police officers and instead invest in other public safety measures. City councilors listened, voting 9-3 to reduce the police force by 30 percent, through attrition. They also ordered up a study to answer a vital question: If police were no longer responding to certain calls, who would? Nine months later, that study is just getting under way. A joint committee of city councilors and police commissioners has hired CNA, a Virginia-based nonprofit, to assess “who, what, where and how” the department polices, to quote a city document. CNA’s team of nine — a social worker, a police oversight expert, two retired police officers and several data analysts — officially started the job 14


last week. The agency, which the city will pay about $100,000 for the analysis, is expected to deliver its report by the end of June. Though the CNA consultants have just begun their work, much already hinges on their findings. About a dozen officers have

LAW ENFORCEMENT left since the council’s roster-cutting vote, plunging the department into what Mayor Miro Weinberger has labeled a staffing “crisis.” A handful of those officers have said the Progressive-led council’s recent decisions spurred them to leave. Adding to the instability, the department has been without a permanent police

chief for more than a year, and the city has yet to reopen its nationwide search for one after putting it on hold because of the pandemic. Meanwhile, a lackluster and largely plagiarized final report from Kyle Dodson, who recently completed a six-month stint as the city’s first director of police transformation, has made CNA’s assessment all the more vital in charting the city’s police reform efforts. Members of the joint committee are optimistic that CNA will deliver what Burlington needs: a plan to move forward after months without one. “Right now, the practice in Burlington is to do what we’ve been doing, but policing is changing all over the country,” said Stephanie Seguino, a police commissioner UNDER THE GUN

» P.16

Scott Defends Decision to Open Vaccinations to All BIPOC Vermonters B Y C O L I N F L A N D ER S Responding to a wave of Fox Newsfueled criticism, Vermont Gov. Phil Scott on Monday defended his decision to make all Black, Indigenous and people of color eligible for a vaccine, painting it as a necessary attempt to address racial disparities in both COVID-19 infection rates and vaccine uptake. Scott cited the same statistics his administration used to justify the move when it was announced last week, noting in a press release that just 20 percent of BIPOC Vermonters have been vaccinated compared to 33 percent of non-Hispanic white Vermonters. He also argued that the approach aligns well with Vermont’s long-stated goal of prioritizing those most likely to suffer the worst impacts from infection, given research showing the BIPOC population faces a higher risk of complications that can lead to hospitalization. “This is a population of our neighbors already facing health equity disadvantages as a result of historical inequities and injustices,” Scott, a Republican, said in the release. “These disparities are unacceptable to me.” Scott’s comments follow days of harsh criticism from high-profile right-wing provocateurs, including Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), who referred to the policy as “blatantly racist.” Conservative commentator Matt Walsh tweeted that the move was “wildly unacceptable and absurdly unethical.” Others argued that it violates the constitution and encouraged public interest attorneys to sue the state. Scott took issue with the “racist response,” saying state officials, employees and others have been subjected to “vitriolic and inappropriate comments.” He chalked this up to the “legacy of racism in America, and in Vermont, [which] still drives a lot of anger and fear.” “We understand that these are stressful, uncertain times and people have different ways of dealing with that stress,” Scott said in the release. “That is no excuse, however, to resort to hateful attacks on fellow Vermonters — especially those comments including racist slurs.” “And to my fellow Vermonters who find themselves the target of these comments and actions of prejudice, please know that we stand with you,” he added. “Do not be intimidated by the hate speech. Do not allow these comments of racism to keep you from getting vaccinated or from anything you deserve as members of the Vermont community.” All Vermonters, regardless of age, will be eligible to sign up for a vaccine by April 19. m

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The Holy Sprint

A Northeast Kingdom church reads the Bible in 24 hours

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1/7/21 1:43 PM

Where banking stays personal. Green Mountain Bible Church in Island Pond


n a hammer-shaped church not far from the waters of Island Pond, a pilgrimage of faith was under way on Saturday. The journey followed a familiar course, from creation to revelation, but promised to conclude in time for Sunday brunch. At 8 a.m., Pastor Neal Perry stood on the sanctuary stage, opened his Holman Christian Standard Bible to Genesis 12 — God had created the Earth during a Friday night service that included a reading of Genesis 1-11 — and read, “The Lord said to Abram: Go out from your land, your relatives and your father’s house to the land that I will show you.” In a nearby dining hall and in a small back room, two of Perry’s parishioners read simultaneously from later books of the Bible. By early afternoon, new shifts of readers were on to Exodus, 1 Chronicles and Micah, inching toward their ambitious goal. On this day before Easter, the Green Mountain Bible Church congregation had set out to read the Protestant Bible aloud from cover to cover, a feat it has completed twice before, but never so quickly. Previous readings began on Good Friday and lasted 72 hours, which


is basically how long it takes a person to read aloud all 1,189 chapters and 31,102 verses of the New and Old Testaments. This time, the congregation gave itself just 24 hours, saving the final passages for Sunday’s 8 a.m. Easter service. To meet the deadline, the church held three simultaneous readings in three different rooms. Participants signed up ahead of time and trickled in through the day and night to contribute anywhere from a few minutes to several hours of their time, often reading to empty rooms. During the three hours when a Seven Days reporter attended, maskless readers stumbled over ancient pronunciations, endured dense passages and drank ample coffee — whatever it took to stay on schedule. The net result was a sort of scriptural speed dating. Turned off by the prescriptive Exodus? (Thou shalt not suffer a sorceress to live.) Bored by the oft-cited Psalms? (Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.) Rejoice, new adventures awaited down the hall. Around 1 p.m., the pastor’s 9-year-old daughter, Dawn, sounded her way through a chapter in the Book of Micah, her voice rising ever so slightly as she assumed the THE HOLY SPRINT

» P.20

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3/18/21 3/15/21 10:09 8:28 AM

news Under the Gun « P.14


Scott Proposes Divvying Up $1 Billion in Aid to Housing, Broadband and More B Y A NNE WAL L A CE ALLE N • Gov. Phil Scott’s administration on Tuesday announced plans for how to spend more than $1 billion in federal pandemic relief, with housing, broadband, climate change mitigation and economic development programs all slated for massive spending infusions. Vermont is receiving $1.03 billion from the American Rescue Plan Act. The state has until December 2024 to allocate the money. The administration aims to present its plan to lawmakers this legislative session, although the spending would be distributed over the next few years, “with needed adjustments on the way,” said Administration Secretary Susanne Young. The proposal calls for the state to spend $250.5 million to improve broadband in underserved rural areas. Of that, $225 million would be allocated as grants to communications union districts, the governor’s office said.


E: T






Another $200 million is proposed for climate change mitigation and adaptation, including $25 million to add to Vermont’s existing 292 public electric vehicle charging stations. More than $20 million would go to improving energy efficiency in buildings and providing incentives for consumers to buy energy-efficient electric equipment for heating, cooling and transportation. The administration also proposes spending $250 million to create 5,000 units of housing, which would address a critical shortage that is seen as a contributor to rising home prices in Vermont. Housing has been a major economic development priority in the legislature for the last few years; employers have said they can’t find workers because home prices are too high. The money would be used to increase the capacity of emergency shelters; build new, permanent multi-family housing; and pay for mixed-income rentals, manufactured homes and farmworker housing, said Housing Commissioner Josh Hanford. Chris Donnelly, director of community relations for the Champlain Housing Trust, said he was pleasantly surprised by the size of the proposal. “It’s quite a demonstration of priority that we share,” said Donnelly. He noted that 2,000 Vermont families are living in motels. “It’s going to make a huge difference,”



he said. “People will hopefully have more choices about where they can live. And if we can move people out of motels and into permanent housing, that should be a moral imperative.” Rep. Laura Sibilia (I-Dover), a longtime proponent of broadband expansion, also said she liked what she saw. “I was kind of holding my breath” before seeing the administration’s plan, she said. “I was really pleased to see that we continue to kind of be moving along conceptually in the same way.” Also on the list: $143 million for economic development and recovery. That includes $50 million in business grants, a number that disappointed business advocates who have said the unmet need is closer to $400 million. The state gave out $340 million in grants to businesses last year to help them stay afloat in the face of COVID-19 closures. “If you’re [in] lodging, you’ve been pretty much shut down by virtue of the travel guidance for the longest time now, and restaurants have not been operating at full capacity,” said Austin Davis, government affairs manager for the Lake Champlain Chamber. “It’s difficult for these folks. There’s a lot of pain across the state.” The overall economic development package is designed to incentivize business growth, said Commerce Secretary Lindsay Kurrle. She said the administration has been working with lawmakers for the last four months to come up with a program that would direct aid to businesses that aren’t eligible for federal relief such as the Paycheck Protection Program. About $25 million would create a statewide hazard mitigation program targeted to low-income communities that repeatedly suffer losses from climate-related emergencies such as flooding. And another $100 million would support implementation of Vermont’s climate action plan. The administration also included $170 million to develop and improve water and sewer infrastructure, saying that there are several parts of the state where work in these areas is long overdue. “Projects can range in size from serving a small number of properties to connecting a whole village,” the administration said in prepared materials. Not everyone was pleased with the proposal. Brian Shupe, executive director of the Vermont Natural Resources Council, questioned a measure to exempt development projects from Act 250 land use regulation. “We appreciate that the governor is prioritizing climate change, clean water and affordable housing in the use of the money,” said Shupe. “We applaud that and share those priorities.” But, he added, “We have four years to roll out this spending plan, and it shouldn’t come at the expense of our environmental standards.” m

and a University of Vermont professor of economics who has studied racial disparities in local policing. “There’s a lot of weight on this, there’s no doubt, because we are at a stalemate,” Seguino said of the study. “I hope in general that what we have is an objective, outside entity that can come in … with a lot of deep experience [and] be able to help us.” CNA is nationally recognized for its work studying law enforcement agencies, but the organization got its start as a military contractor during World War II. The agency formed in 1942 to help the U.S. Navy fight Nazi Germany’s U-boats, and military contracts now make up the bulk of its income. CNA spent $29 million on its Operational Warfighting division, which helps the U.S. Navy “organize, plan, train and execute at the operational level of warfare,” according to its 990 federal tax form for 2018, the most recent available on the GuideStar website. CNA has a Public Research Institute that is distinct from the rest of its operations. Its proposal was one of 12 reviewed by the joint Burlington committee, with cost estimates ranging from $32,500 to nearly $219,000. Seven Days’ public records request for the other proposals is pending. When the committee chose CNA, some questioned whether a company rooted in militarism could objectively critique a police department. Councilor Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1), a member of the committee whose father was in the U.S. Army, said she was skeptical until she read about the team assigned to Burlington. Seguino, too, said she was impressed by the team’s credentials. For 20 years, CNA has worked on various reforms with more than 400 law enforcement agencies, from Maricopa County, Ariz., to Methuen, Mass. The Burlington project lead, Julie Solomon, is a licensed clinical social worker who has experience with “supervision, oversight and compliance with policies, practices, [and] procedures related to police interactions with community members,” the company said. Solomon and another team member, Stephen Rickman, currently work as independent monitors to ensure that the Chicago Police Department carries out court-ordered reforms related to a federal civil rights investigation. The team is also racially diverse. No member has a military background, according to Brittany Cunningham, a research scientist and the deputy project lead in Burlington. Those qualifications are more important to Seguino than CNA’s Navy ties. “The firm itself is not the issue here,” Seguino said. “Consulting firms have wide ranges of portfolios; it’s who is writing the reports that matters.”

Indeed, in Burlington, the person overseeing the assessment has been more controversial than the company performing it. Dodson, the director of police transformation, was initially tasked with leading the project, but his tenure ended before CNA’s contract was inked. Weinberger then appointed Darren Springer, the general manager of the Burlington Electric Department, to be CNA’s point of contact, despite a city council resolution that directed Tyeastia Green, the city’s director of racial equity, inclusion and belonging, to sign the contract. Weinberger said he made the switch because Springer, a white man, had been “neutral” in debates over police staffing, implying that Green — the city’s only Black department head — was not. After public backlash, however, the mayor put Green in charge. Green said she will make sure CNA sticks to its budget and its proposal. That includes pushing the team to present “creative” recommendations for police reforms — not “recycled options that have failed in other cities,” she said. “They have to be tailor-made for Burlington,” Green added. “Having a public safety apparatus that is focused on the community and community input, I think, will go a long way.” Green has already given CNA a list of nearly 50 people and organizations to interview, though the group’s proposal only anticipated talking to 20. Researchers will interview police personnel and rely on the work of Talitha Consults, a Washington State-based firm that has been surveying residents about their vision for public safety. Talitha’s final report is due in early May. Green will post those findings, along with CNA’s work, on a project website that she hopes will launch this week. “Policing has been such a volatile topic, for good reason,” Green said. “Because of that, because of the high-profile status of this report, I think it’s important to be transparent as much as we can along the way.” CNA also plans to issue findings on racial disparities in traffic stops and in police use of force. The team will review call volumes and suggest types of incidents that could be handled by civilian staff. This could include embedding mental health clinicians into 911 call centers and creating “intensive case management teams within police departments,” CNA’s proposal says. The city has already planned to hire unarmed workers to help people with substance abuse and mental health issues. Weinberger aims to have those employees on board by this summer. The city has asked CNA to provide a “menu of services and options” for public safety instead of simply suggesting a certain number of officers.

“I really am hoping they give us data and that we can make decisions [based] on that,” Hightower said. Cunningham said the report will include numerous recommendations “that are feasible and actionable” in Burlington. CNA will also collect feedback on its draft report, which should be finished by midJune, she said. Acting Police Chief Jon Murad thinks the council should have ordered the assessment before reducing police staff, but he said he’s pleased the study is finally under way. “I think we all want public safety that is equitable, non-discriminatory, and respectful of community values — and that also keeps people safe,” he wrote in an email to Seven Days. “I’m hopeful the CNA assessment helps Burlington continue working towards that, and I’m eager to supply the consultants what they need to do their work.” Weinberger believes the report is a chance to finally find consensus after months of public controversy. He encouraged residents to attend the joint committee’s monthly meetings and share honest feedback on CNA’s progress. “We’re putting significant time and resources into this report,” he said. “It’s important that this report be trusted and seen as an excellent report by all Burlingtonians.” CNA’s work elsewhere has garnered mixed reviews. Its 2019 audit of the police TYEASTIA department in Charleston, S.C., found staggering evidence of racial bias. Black people there were subjected to force at a rate nearly three times higher than would be expected based on their percentage of the population, the report said. CNA also identified major deficiencies in police record keeping and training and recommended “sweeping reforms,” the Post and Courier newspaper reported. One city council member described CNA’s report as “obviously not sugar-coated,” and Black residents told the newspaper that it affirmed the discrimination they’d experienced for years. Anthony Erace, the acting director of Philadelphia’s citizen-led Police Advisory Commission, was less impressed with CNA’s work in his city. Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney hired the nonprofit to perform an “after-action report” of the police

response to civil unrest following George Floyd’s killing by a white police officer in Minneapolis last May. Philly police used tear gas and, at times, physical force in response to the demonstrations, during which protesters burned police cruisers and looted businesses. “The city burned for a month,” Erace said in an interview with Seven Days. Erace said parts of CNA’s debrief were useful, including a comprehensive timeline of events the consultants compiled, but he thought the team relied too heavily on officials’ accounts rather than those of “civilians who lived through it.” Other recommendations were too broad, Erace said. He pointed to one section of the 110-page report that described how police ran out of radios, hampering their ability to communicate during the riots. But instead of reporting how many radios were available and how much new ones would cost, CNA’s analysis was brief: The department “should issue every officer a police radio,” the report says. “It doesn’t tell us what the actual failing was,” Erace said. “If it was gonna pay that much money, [Philadelphia] needed a plan.” The city paid CNA $268,000 for the report. Soon after, Philadelphia City Controller Rebecca Rhynhart ordered a separate report that largely blamed Mayor Kenney and the city’s police commissioner for the response to the protests. Many saw the move as Rhynhart’s attempt to curry political favor ahead of the mayoral election in 2023; she is considered a GREEN potential candidate. To Erace, the situation shows that independent consultants can tailor their reports to their clients’ biases. He encouraged Burlington officials to allow CNA unfettered access to data and to guard against political influence. “It’s hard to do,” he said. “You might not come out looking nearly as well as you think you will.” Seguino, the police commission member, is hopeful that CNA will produce an objective report that includes input from a wide range of Burlingtonians. The joint committee expects an honest assessment with real recommendations for change; Burlington can’t accept anything less, she said. “We’re a divided city,” Seguino said. “My hope is that they deliver on what they’ve promised.” m


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4/5/21 3:35 PM



Building Broadband

Vermont considers giving communities more say in how to bridge the digital divide B Y K EV I N MCCAL L UM •


nternet service was agonizingly slow when Ed and Elizabeth Childs moved into their rural Corinth home in 2012. Nearly a decade later, it’s not much better. The couple pays $75 a month for DSL service over the copper wires of their local telephone company, but it’s useless for many modern tasks. “Any kind of teleconferencing or uploading files is a real problem,” Ed said. “To upload video, even in a compressed format, you’re talking hours and hours — even days.” So Ed, a retired electrical engineer, did two things. He joined the Space on Main in nearby Bradford, a coworking space where he has the high-speed internet connection he needs to develop a new business venture. And he joined the governing board of the East Central Vermont Telecommunications District, better known as ECFiber. Formed in 2016, ECFiber was Vermont’s first communications union district, a type of municipal entity that is proliferating rapidly as more communities seek to improve internet services. Such districts can build broadband infrastructure themselves or work with private internet providers to expand service. Childs serves on the board to ensure that someone will advocate for extending to all of Corinth the kind of lightning-fast, fiberoptic internet connections that ECFiber has rolled out to parts of two dozen towns in the Upper Valley. 18


“I don’t see why their success couldn’t be replicated across Vermont,” Childs said. Lawmakers agree. They are betting big that these new volunteer-run districts can do exactly that. As Vermont faces a digital divide brought into sharp relief by the pandemic, lawmakers increasingly view local communications districts modeled after ECFiber as the best chance to bring broadband to the 60,000 homes that lack it. After the state passed a law in 2019 encouraging the formation of the districts, communities responded enthusiastically. Seven more have organized, bringing the total to nine; more than 200 towns now count themselves as members of a communications union district. This year, there’s an effort in Montpelier to designate the largely untested entities as the engines of the state’s broadband internet strategy. The House voted 146-2 last month for a bill, H.360, that would elevate the new districts in two ways. First, it would effectively make the districts the gatekeepers for future state broadband funding by funneling through them $150 million in federal aid for universal coverage. The state would no longer issue grants directly to a patchwork of internet service providers that includes large corporations such as Consolidated Communications and local telephone companies that serve a single town. The bill would mean that organizations accountable to the public and dedicated

to bringing high-speed internet to all the customers in their respective districts would manage the tax dollars meant to solve the problem, instead of for-profit companies with spotty track records on rural internet. The bill would also create a new state agency, the Vermont Community Broadband Authority, to coordinate and support the work of the districts. The authority effectively would be a



revamped version of the Vermont Telecommunications Authority, which was mothballed in 2013 after seven years of mixed results. The new authority would provide the local communications districts with financial, technical and administrative support. Funneling public money through communications districts and creating an agency to support them represent a fundamental shift in how the state is tackling the long-promised goal to make high-speed internet available for all.

“We need a paradigm shift in order to build broadband to the last mile in Vermont,” Rep. Laura Sibilia (I-Dover) told her colleagues. The ambitious effort enjoys strong support. Gov. Phil Scott released an infrastructure plan on Tuesday that backed the House’s strategy and then some, proposing $225 million in funding over three years, routing much of the aid through communications districts. But the bill also faces potential obstacles. It has yet to make it past the skeptical Senate Finance Committee. “We’ve got our work cut out for us,” Sen. Anne Cummings (D-Washington) said upon taking a first look at the 47-page bill last week. Senate Minority Leader Randy Brock (R-Franklin) has introduced a rival bill that would instead focus funding on short-term solutions aimed at helping lowincome residents get internet services that already exist. “All the technology in the world is useless unless it is affordable, particularly to those people at the lower scale of income in Vermont,” Brock said this week. And telecommunications and internet providers that have relied on state grants for years now fear they could be barred from a vital revenue source and forced to compete with government entities backing one particular technology. The House bill insists that public funds be spent on fiber-optic connections to homes and businesses with speeds of at least 100 megabits per second — 20 times faster than what Ed Childs receives. Telephone, cable television and wireless providers fear their technologies may not measure up. Requiring fiber at such specific speeds “destroys the notion of being technology neutral and puts government in the position of choosing winners and losers,” Timothy Wilkerson, president of the New England Cable & Telecommunications Association, wrote to Scott last week. Local telecommunications companies urged the House Energy and Technology Committee to consider the impact such a shift might have on their businesses. Tim Nulty is the CEO of Jericho-based startup Mansfield Community Fiber, which has gotten state grants but would be guaranteed nothing should the funds be routed through communications districts. He lambasted the committee for what he said would be a “grossly discriminatory and counterproductive action.” He called the draft bill an “obviously unfair, discriminatory and destructive” one that “could kill our business,” as well as that of other small telecoms across the state. “That our own legislature would cut off this proven, locally grown enterprise at the

knees is truly shocking,” Nulty wrote in a scathing letter to the committee. When Nulty, who was involved in the founding of ECFiber and Burlington Telecom, testified about his concerns, lawmakers told him that if he were as big a supporter of communications districts as he professed, he should start figuring out how to work with them instead of undermining them. Nulty said he’d be happy to do so but that representatives of the ones he’s met don’t seem up to speed. “They’re good people and they’re well-intentioned, but they look a bit like deer in the headlights,” Nulty said. Kim Gates, manager of Franklin Telephone, told lawmakers that her small outfit serving about 800 rural residents along the Canadian border is rolling out fiber where possible, but the economics are challenging. She is losing customers to competitors in some areas and having trouble recouping the costs of upgrading to fiber in others, she said. “They’re happy to have the fiber,” she said of potential customers, “but they don’t really want to pay for highbandwidth packages.” Many states are struggling with the core question of whether to push existing internet service providers to serve the last mile in rural areas or to find ways to do it themselves, said Patrick Clemins, a computer science adjunct professor at the University of Vermont and a cyberinfrastructure expert. States with Republican-controlled legislatures tend to favor the free-market approach; Democrats tend to favor frameworks that allow municipalities and nonprofits greater control over their networks, he said. With vast amounts of federal money on the horizon for broadband investments, many states are scrambling to figure out how to spend the funds most effectively. The idea of routing it all through grassroots organizations is not unique to Vermont, but the state seems further along than others. “We’re seeing an opportunity, and Vermont, because of its ability to act quickly and be nimble, has been able to put its framework into place earlier than others,” Clemins said. One of the hurdles the bill would need to overcome is to distinguish the new broadband authority from the defunct Vermont Telecommunications Authority, which didn’t live up to all of its promises. That authority was formed in 2007 to advance broadband and wireless communications infrastructure. Soon afterward, the Great Recession hit. By 2011, despite an annual

operating budget of $900,000 and $8.9 million appropriated by lawmakers for capital projects, the authority had only completed projects worth $280,000, the legislature found. The authority went dormant in 2013, and some of its roles were transferred to the Department of Public Service. Some may be hesitant to reestablish an authority with a similar mission, but a state-level coordinating role would be crucial to communications union districts’ success, said Evan Carlson, chair of NEK Community Broadband, which is trying to improve connectivity in one of the most underserved parts of the state. The districts popping up around the state will need to do some air traffic control to help them work together while keeping an eye on federal and state telecommunications policy in a way volunteer boards can’t, Carlson said. F.X. Flinn, chair of the ECFiber board, agreed that the coordinating role of the Vermont Community Broadband Authority board would be crucial. He likened it to the independent groups that gather at base camps before attempting to scale Mount Everest but find themselves needing to work together. “If they don’t attack the routes in a coordinated fashion, it creates problems,” Flinn said. Christine Hallquist has been thinking strategically about utilities for years, both as the former CEO of the Vermont Electric Coop and as a 2018 candidate for governor. “We’ve tried to treat high-speed internet as a competitive business instead of treating it as infrastructure,” Hallquist said. Now the administrator for NEK Community Broadband, Hallquist said internet access has become as essential to modern life as electricity was in the 1930s, when the Rural Electrification Act was adopted to string power lines to rural areas passed over by for-profit power companies. She views the volunteers now stepping forward to form communications districts as akin to the pioneers who formed the states’ original electric cooperatives. There will be huge challenges, including coordinating with utilities to get poles ready for fiber, building a workforce to get the work done and making the service affordable. The federal funding nevertheless represents a once-in-a-lifetime shot at building the kind of robust networks that can help small businesses and “high intellectual capital” businesses thrive outside urban centers, she said. “It really is a decision about our future,” Hallquist said. “We either become a total economic backwater or we do this and regain our competitive edge.” m

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The Holy Sprint « P.15 words of the Lord: “I will destroy your cities. Some people won’t obey me. I will show my anger and punish them.” Carolyn and Bryan Miller followed along and waited for their turn, reading glasses slipping down the bridges of their noses. The married couple moved to Island Pond from Oklahoma two Easters ago and found a new family at the Bible Church. “It’s beautiful up here,” Carolyn, 59, said with a wave of her hand. “I mean, God’s beauty.” Bryan, 64, nodded his U.S. Army Veteran hat in agreement. In the nearby dining hall, Kaitlyn Maxwell, 28, and Kim Lambertz, 70, took

in the soft light of the afternoon sun. Before him: a nearly empty room, to which he intoned in a steady voice how Aaron and his sons slaughtered a calf, then splattered the blood on an altar and burned the organs in a “sin offering” to God. The message resonated with the only other person in the room: Buba Humphrey, 61, a brick of man who bowed his shaved head to follow along with a Bible in his lap. Asked why he was there, he replied, “I need the Lord in my life, and [for Him] to take care of all our sins that we’ve done.” For Perry, 53, who became the church’s permanent pastor shortly after

3/8/21 3:18 PM

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4/5/21 1:08 PM

Pastor Neal Perry

turns reading from the Book of 1 Chronicles, ignoring the loud buzz of a miniature fridge and the occasional sputter of the coffee machine. Maxwell shifted from foot to foot and spoke in a soft voice, while Lambertz sat nearby and sped through her passages. Together, the women read about King Solomon, the construction of God’s temple and all that gold — the gold flowers, lamps, and tongs (all solid gold); the gold wick trimmers, bowls, ladles, and censers — their voices rising to the popcorn ceiling. Pastor Perry, meanwhile, stood on the sanctuary stage and read from the Book of Leviticus, the wooden pulpit hiding his silver Dickies belt buckle. To his left, a hot tub used for baptisms; five were scheduled for Easter. To his right, the polished surface of a piano gleamed


receiving Liberty University’s online undergraduate certificate in Biblical studies six years ago, the reading marathon serves three purposes. First, it encourages other churches to “bring the Bible back to [their] pulpits.” He recalled how one service he attended on a recent Sunday morning included just five verses. “I felt like I had gone to a restaurant for a meal and got a couple crackers,” he said.

Second, the ritual allows participants from all walks of life to look at the Good Book as, well, just a book. “It’s incredible literature, if nothing else,” Perry said. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it allows the congregation to pay tribute to the Bible’s source of inspiration. “We want to say to Him, ‘We love this,’” Perry said. “Even the hard parts, the things that are hard to understand, the things that sound awful and gory and everything else. Most authors would leave that out of the book if it was part of their story, but He puts it in, so that kind of verifies it for us: This is a true story.” Perry’s story holds its own harsh truths, some of which he shared after slipping on a face mask and welcoming a visiting reporter into his small office, where a messy desk hosted a bottle of hand sanitizer and a wooden replica of Noah’s Ark. The only entry on an animal-themed calendar read more like a command than a reminder: April 3, “Bible.” He recalled how youthful considerations of priesthood evaporated after a middle school crush. How he went on to take over his family’s third-generation farm in Brownington and then nearly lost it amid the dairy crisis of the 1990s. How stress and shame dragged him so deep into darkness that he believed his only option was suicide. And how, when he opened the Bible to read himself his last rites, he landed on the words he now credits with saving his life. He put on his wire-rimmed reading glasses and read that passage, Matthew 6:34, in which Jesus assures his followers that all will work out so long as they place their trust in God. “Tomorrow will worry about itself,” the chapter ends. “Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Like most spiritual leaders, Perry has no shortage of trouble to busy his mind with these days, from the dividing presence of politics to the pandemic’s biblically proportioned upheaval to the everyday anxieties of his 50 or so parishioners. Yet in spite of this — or perhaps because of it — he still took the time to say a prayer over a visiting reporter: “I pray, Lord, that this story is something maybe a little lighter than what he’s had to endure in the last year.” Perry then retook his place onstage. When Sunday morning came, he would preside over Easter service, completing his own 24-hour pilgrimage with a description of New Jerusalem, where the trees bear fruit and the river runs clear. Then, the exhausted pastor would sleep. But for now, he seemed content with where he was: in a nearly empty church beside a parking lot of mud, reading aloud from a book he holds dear. m


Weinberger Devotes State of the City Speech to Racial Justice B Y COU R TNE Y L AMD IN Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger began his fourth term on Monday night by pledging to fight for racial justice, an issue he called the city’s “most pressing emergency and our hardest challenge.” In a virtual State of the City speech that was at times somber and contrite, Weinberger said that Burlington must shift its focus to eradicating systemic racism now that an end to the coronavirus pandemic in sight. “My administration has attempted to work on racial justice in the past,” Weinberger said. “However, it is clear to me now that our efforts before this past year were inadequate.” Some of these initiatives included forming a Racial Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Office; declaring racism a public health emergency; launching a task force on reparations; and supporting COVID-19 vaccine clinics for Black, Indigenous and other people of color. But much of Weinberger’s last term was marked by turmoil and heated debate, including a lengthy protest in a city park and continual disagreements with Progressive councilors over police staffing levels and increased police oversight. Just last month, Weinberger caught flak for appointing a white department head to oversee a vital police assessment instead of Tyeastia Green, the director of racial equity, inclusion and belonging and the city’s only Black department head. The study is now under way, with Green at the helm. On Monday night, Weinberger apologized directly to Green and to the larger Black community. He pledged to become “an anti-racist leader who identifies racism and works to dismantle it.” Weinberger also announced several initiatives to combat systemic racism. He said his fiscal year 2022 budget, which the city council will vote on in June, will seek to “substantially increase” the size of Green’s department and make permanent the city’s Trusted Community Voices program, which bolsters city communications with immigrants and refugees. All city employees will undergo anti-racism training developed by Green and her team, Weinberger said. The city will also host a second housing summit this summer focused on helping Black residents achieve home ownership. m



[Re Feedback: “Pension Tension,” March 31]: Responding to the state health department worker’s understandable grievance about her pension being cut, I would like to point out that there are significantly varying tiers of pay and benefits for public servants in Vermont. Community mental health workers are paid much less than state workers with comparable education and skills, and they receive no pensions at all. I sympathize with her loss of expected pension amounts yet must say that better pay for mental health workers is the greater need. Pensions for us are simply not going to happen. Jim Scheid



[Re Off Message: “Senate Passes Measure to Regulate and Inspect Short-Term Rentals,” March 30]: This bill is recommending a standard fire inspection and registry for short-term rentals and longterm rentals. However, this story implies that short-term rentals are an unruly and even rogue form of lodging in our state. This is simply not true. When all lodging was shut down during the pandemic, so were short-term rentals. In fact Airbnb and Vrbo both turned off reservations for Vermont. Very fair. A VP of the Vermont Chamber of Commerce is quoted as saying: “The pandemic has put a fine point on what can happen during a public health crisis.” I can tell you exactly what happened during this public health crisis: Hotels were being used to house our homeless and unfortunately seeing a rise in crime rates that made them unsafe lodging options for tourists. Family inns became less available due to strict COVID-19 guidelines. Therefore, the only “COVID-safe” places for visitors to stay were privately owned, short-term rentals. This reporter says that the “impact on the state’s economy is unclear.” However, it’s very clear. Short-term rentals pay millions of dollars in rooms and meals

taxes, property taxes, and income taxes. Guests spend plenty of money in the local economy. Now, on the verge of a travel boom, the commercial lodging industry and the Vermont Chamber of Commerce are starting a smear campaign against the most viable, popular and safe places to stay in Vermont. Lisa Ford



[Re Off Message: “Dodson Plagiarized Portions of Report on Burlington Police Transformation,” March 26]: I am a longtime YMCA member and personally do not know Kyle Dodson. As the CEO of the Y, Kyle deserves much credit for the successful move of the Y to its new location. He has done an amazing job of turning the Y into a huge success. He was asked to do an impossible job mediating between those who want to keep the status quo of policing and those who want immediate reform. Both sides are engaged in a character assassination and demonizing Dodson. This tactic is a distraction and does nothing to solve the problems at hand regarding police reform. I am not interested in seeing a report with recommendations. We need action, with both sides coming to the table with open hearts and a willingness to work hard and actually develop a plan for police reform. Debra Clemmer



[Re Off Message: “‘I Made a Mistake’: Weinberger to Allow Racial Equity Director to Oversee Police Study,” March 17]: During David Goodman’s April 1 “Vermont Conversation” podcast, Tyeastia Green, Burlington’s director of racial equity, inclusion and belonging, made the statement: “I do believe that there are probably good people — more than likely there are good people — in the Burlington Police Department. However, they are abiding by rules of a system that says that my life does not matter, and that’s a problem.” Maybe the mayor wasn’t so off when he worried about her biases.

Say you saw it in...


Patrick Cashman PORTLAND, OR






as a young boy. He was, as they say, “a born performer.” Marty began visiting Vermont as a teenager when he got hooked on downhill skiing. He decided to try to get a job in Vermont, learned about typesetting and printing during a stint in the U.S. Navy and, after graduating from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, landed a job as a printer at George Little Press in Burlington. He stayed until 1992, when the company was sold. Meanwhile, his future career as a professional musician began to take shape in the early 1980s. During the 1960s, Marty’s musical taste ran toward country music and pop vocalists like Rosemary Clooney. He did attend the Newport Folk Festival a few times but

managed to miss (maybe on purpose) Bob Dylan’s first game-changing electric performance at Newport 1965. It was the middle of the 1970s before Marty started listening regularly to the Clancy Brothers and to folk singers like Louis Killen and Ewan MacColl. At about the same time, he discovered the Burlington Coffeehouse and spent many happy evenings playing music and organizing jam sessions at the Woolen Mill in Winooski and the Dockside Tavern in Burlington. In 1981, Marty formed the Highland Weavers with Tim Whiteford and Matt Buckley. This popular Celtic music trio performed around the Northeast for more than 35 years. Marty sang and played guitar and concertina with the band, and he also provided all kinds of percussion for the jazzy Tin Pan Valentinos, Burlington’s Celtic pub punks Bootless and Unhorsed, and many other musical combos. Marty released two solo recordings, three with the Highland Weavers, one with the folk trio Swing and Tears, and two collections of Vermont songs with his longtime musical partner Robert Resnik. In his mid-seventies, Marty returned to his country music roots and began playing with a band called Classic

Country. He was also a founding member of a Johnny Cash tribute band that has played at, among other venues, every prison in Vermont. Until the COVID-19 limitations began last year, Marty also provided regular performances at a retirement home in St. Albans. And that’s not all. In his “spare time,” Marty grew impressive vegetable gardens; hiked the entire Long Trail in sections; taught tai chi at the Charlotte Senior Center; put up gallons of homemade tomato sauce every year; visited Ireland at least 10 times for pleasure and/or to do genealogical research; found the time to read and discuss new titles he received each month from the History Book Club; was an active member of the Chittenden County Stamp Club; and still enjoyed hiking, golf and skiing well into his eighties. Marty could also bake a mean and magnificent key lime pie. Marty was predeceased by his parents, Martin J. Morrissey II and Mildred Gallagher Morrissey, and is survived by Joan Rising, the love of his life, and also by his dear friend Harriet Patrick. We would also like to give special thanks to the staff at the Respite House in Colchester for their kindness and expertise.

Essex Junction, Vt., for 24 years as a plant engineer. Following an early retirement, Roger dabbled in sales before starting a vacation management company, Vermont Lake Rentals. In 2011, he chose not to endure one more Vermont winter. He found great

pleasure in his new home in Fort Myers, which allowed him to enjoy, until his death, his many athletic passions, including golf and tennis. Roger actively volunteered his time and resources at numerous organizations, including the Humane Society of Chittenden County, the University of Vermont Medical Center, and J.N. Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Roger was a voracious reader, a true fan of the arts and an excellent cook. Roger is survived by his four children and nine grandchildren: Amanda Tosch (husband Bill Liddle, Louisa and Sam Liddle) of Nantucket, Mass., Melissa Schaefer (husband Scott Schaefer, Thomas and Colin Schaefer) of Bellevue, Wash., Matthew Tosch (wife Johanna Tosch, Mason, Mia, and Zoe Tosch)

of Andover, Mass., Andrew Tosch (wife Amy Tosch, Sadie and Carter Tosch) of Jericho, Vt.; and the mother of his children, Mary Ann Minardo of Essex, Vt. Roger is also survived by his siblings and their families: Sharon Ley of Cape Coral, Fla., Robert Tosch of Hobart, Ind., Richard Tosch of Shelbyville, Ky., and Linda Smith of Jacksonville, Fla., as well as numerous nieces and nephews. Roger was predeceased by his mother, Lucille Rose (Beckman) Tosch, and stepfather, Elton Tosch, and siblings Robin Tosch, Joyce Tosch and Larry Tosch. Roger leaves old and true friends Connie Thompson and Lora Phillips. In recent years, Roger was especially happy with the love, companionship, travels and adventures he shared with Madeline Seefeld of Fort Myers, Fla.

OBITUARIES Marty Morrissey MAY 7, 1938MARCH 30, 2021 COLCHESTER, VT.

Marty Morrissey, one of Vermont’s best-known folk musicians, died peacefully from metastatic melanoma in the early morning hours of March 30, 2021, accompanied by a roaring northwest wind and with a nearly full spring moon lighting up the sky. He leaves behind hundreds of heartbroken friends, bandmates and fans whose lives have been enriched by knowing this kind and amazing Renaissance man. Martin John Morrissey III was born in May 1938 in Essex, Mass., a small town on Cape Ann that Marty insisted was the place where fried clams were invented (at Woodmans of Essex, to be exact). His father was an Irish tenor, and his mother and aunt both played the piano. His aunt’s wild rendition of “Kitten on the Keys” made a lasting impression on him, and Marty remembered “singing and dancing on tabletops”

Rogert Tosch

SEPTEMBER 24, 1939MARCH 19, 2021 FORT MYERS, FL. Roger Tosch, 81, of Fort Myers, Fla., and formerly of South Burlington, Vt., died March 19, 2021, surrounded by loved ones after a short illness. Roger was born September 24, 1939, in Gary, Ind., and was the eldest of eight siblings. Roger attended Hobart High School; then, as a testament to his lifelong commitment and drive, he worked tirelessly to pay for his education at Purdue University, where he graduated with a degree in engineering in 1964. He was the first member of his family to attend college. Roger was employed by IBM in Endicott, N.Y., and



Thomas William Hitchcock FEBRUARY 7, 1936-APRIL 2, 2021 RICHMOND, VT.

Thomas William Hitchcock passed away on April 2, 2021, with his daughters nearby. He had been kindly cared for at the Respite House in Colchester during his last days. Tom was born at home in Manchester, Vt., on February 7, 1936, the son of Eleanor Stone and William Hitchcock. He grew up in the Manchester area and enjoyed hunting, fishing and scouting. He earned the Eagle Scout badge with his childhood friend Dave Harwood. In 1950, his mother moved Tom and his two sisters, Barbara and Elizabeth (Betty), to Texas. His football coach arranged for Tom to move back to Manchester to be cared for by his aunt and uncle, Bob and Ruth (Stone) Fowler, who ran a chicken farm. While in high school at Burr and Burton Seminary (1954), sports were Tom’s main focus. He played football (Texas Tom), baseball and basketball, as well as downhill skied. During his junior year of high school, he met the love of his life, June Gilbert, on a blind date. They continued to date while she was in nurse’s training at Mary Fletcher Hospital and he attended the General Motors Mechanic’s program in Flint, Mich. They were married in 1956 in the Dorset Congregational Church. They spent a few years living in Pittsfield, Mass.; South Dorset, Vt.; Charlottesville, N.C.; and Burlington, Vt., before buying a house on the River Road in Underhill, Vt. There they raised their family and were a fixture of the community. Tom was an accomplished builder who supervised the building of the original Bolton Valley base lodge, the original Sheraton hotel before the interstate was built and many homes throughout Chittenden County. He was also the clerk of the works for the Underhill Central School addition. In 1978, he took a job at the Essex Vocational School teaching home building to high school students until his retirement in 1997. In 1967, he joined the Mount Mansfield Lodge of the Masons, then in 2018 was awarded a 50-year certificate. In the early 1970s, he served in several town government positions as a board of adjustment and on the selectboard. He is survived by his five daughters: Ginger McDowell (Greg and Michele Boomhower), Sandra Wilmot (Tim), Jennifer Bedell (Jim), Carol Hitchcock (Ed Salls) and Mary Streeter (Bob); his 11 grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren; his sister Elizabeth Rood; and his aunt Ruth Fowler. He is predeceased by his wife, June (2017); grandson Will McDowell (2019); and sister Barbara Genzabella (2015). The family will have a private burial at a later date and is planning a memorial service in Underhill/Jericho in July. Those who wish may make a memorial contribution to the University of Vermont McClure Miller Respite House.

Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at Or contact us at or 865-1020, ext. 10.

Joyce Stone

JULY 9, 1944-APRIL 1, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. On Thursday, April 1, 2021, Joyce Elaine (Gamble) Stone, beloved mother of two and grandmother of four, passed away at the age of 76. Joyce was born in West Chester, Pa., on July 9, 1944. Her father was a mushroom farmer in Kennett Square, Pa., where she was primarily raised. She was the first in her family to graduate college, earning a BA in Spanish from Dickinson College. She went on to get her master’s degree in Latin American studies from Tulane University. It was at Tulane where Joyce met her future husband, William Stone. They married in 1971 and had two children born in Boston. They later moved to St. Louis before settling in Vermont, where Joyce lived for over 30 years. She moved to California in 2018 to be closer to her daughter. In her remarkable life, Joyce was a freedom rider, traveling to the South to register voters. She was an avid reader and traveler, and she spoke Spanish and French

fluently. During her long career, she sustained deeply productive relationships with high school students she encountered throughout her many years as a teacher and administrator. She developed teacher and administrator leaders who today still lead within and outside of her home base, Colchester School District. She was deeply committed to making schools inclusive and equitable through differentiation in heterogeneous classes. She endorsed Meticulous Attention to Detail and championed the acronym MAD — which she often was as she confronted

obstacles to improving schools. She served as a mentor to countless administrators throughout Vermont and demonstrated understanding and empathy for all she encountered. She had a passion for living, cultivated a tight circle of friends, was artistically gifted, and spent time with her beloved cats, Ziggy and Honey Bee. Joyce is survived by her sister, Linda (Gamble) Shepherd, of Landenberg, Pa.; her ex-husband, William Stone, of Oaxaca, Mexico; her children, Kevin Stone (Debbi) of Tampa, Fla., and Emily Stone (Ram) of Oakland, Calif.; and her four granddaughters, Katherine Stone, Kira Stone, Olivia Stone and Jillian Sriharsha. In lieu of flowers, please send your support to the Joyce Stone Scholarship Fund, c/o the Colchester School District, 125 Laker Lane, P.O. Box 27, Colchester, VT 05446. Please write “Joyce Stone Scholarship Fund” in the memo line. All donations will be awarded to a Colchester High School senior who will attend college to become a teacher.

In loving memory of

Alexa Rose Cioffi

11/21/1985 - 04/09/2016

You are always and forever in our hearts alexa-rose-cioffi/

John Duffy Gallagher


John Duffy Gallagher, age 61, of North Ferrisburgh, Vt., died on Friday, April 2, 2021. John was born in Jersey City, N.J., on June 30, 1959, to proud parents Agnes and John Gallagher. Young Finnegan, as he was known, had the gift of gab and an entertainer’s spirit. Four sisters, Maura, Marykate, Colleen and Erin, followed, and John became an adored big brother and second father. He went to Catholic grammar school, where Sister Sheila taught him to love grammar, a love he never outgrew and one which was transformed over time into a love of literature, dance and music. His tastes in literature ran to the classics, while the dance was all Fosse, all the time. As for the music, it was diverse, starting with Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan and blossoming into a true love affair with the Grateful Dead, whom he followed throughout his life. John attended Saint Michael’s College in Winooski, Vt., where he developed a close group of friends and a lifelong love of poetry, literature and philosophy. Having cut his teeth on the Watergate hearings, John became an avid consumer of news and political commentary. When, in the mid-1980s, the White House was no longer in the hands of a Democrat, John was distraught. But he quickly recovered when he learned that there was a socialist, Bernie Sanders, right under his nose in Burlington, and he dedicated many hours to working for Bernie and the progressive ideals he represented. Working with and for Bernie led John to dedicate much of his working life to supporting labor unions and fighting for rights for workers. He worked tirelessly to organize the nurses’ union at the University of Vermont Medical Center, persuading where possible and taking no prisoners when necessary. During the last year of his life, when he spent some time at the medical center, he was surrounded by nurses he worked with and for to ensure they received the compensation and dignity they deserved. And they remembered him and repaid him in kindness after kindness. In 1990, John welcomed his first child, his beloved daughter, Cara. A proud papa, John and Cara would dance while he hummed Stevie Wonder’s song “Isn’t She Lovely” over and over. Less than two years later, John’s second child, Luke, was born, and finally there was another boy to round out the

family. He and John spent many an hour watching their beloved New York Giants through good years and bad. John made it a point to be involved in his community, most particularly as a coach. Known as “Jelly Jar” to many of the Burlington kids, he helped them to live the B.A. way, developing skills and, more importantly, character along the way. And he continued this work professionally, coaching for 11 years at Charlotte Central School. With the luck of the Irish, John was blessed to find the love of his life, Elizabeth, better known as Betsy. She charmed him with her beauty, wit and kindness. With their dog, Dewey, they made a lovely home together for well over a decade, finally marrying in March 2020. They were perfect together — funny and caring — helping each other through difficult times but finding joy always. And when Cara gave John the great gift of grandchildren, Liam and Riley had an opportunity to love and learn not only from Poppy but from Moppy, as well. John is survived by his adored wife, Betsy Skypeck, of Ferrisburgh, Vt.; his beautiful daughter, Cara Gallagher, and her fiancé, Derrick LaMarche, of Randolph, Vt.; and his son and partner in crime, Luke Gallagher, of Burlington, Vt. He is also survived by his beloved sisters Maura Callanan and her husband, Michael, of Daniel Island, S.C.; Kate Gallagher of Williston, Vt.; Colleen Ritter and her husband, Scott, of Franklin Lakes, N.J.; and Erin Campbell and her husband, Kevin, of North Haledon, N.J. He is also survived by his grandchildren, the very apples of his eye, Liam and Riley Gallagher, “the Boyos” he so loved. He will be missed by many family and friends. John was preceded in death by his parents, Agnes and John Gallagher, as well as beloved aunts, uncles and cousins too numerous to count. A private ceremony commemorating John’s life was held for the family on Monday, April 5, 2021. A celebration of his life will take place in June, in honor of his and Betsy’s shared birthday, when vaccination makes it safer for all to travel and be together in person, as we are now in our hearts. In lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to Vermont Public Radio/ Broadcasting, 365 Troy Ave., Colchester, VT 05446. Arrangements are in the care of the Ready Funeral Home South Chapel, 261 Shelburne Rd., Burlington. Please visit readyfuneral. com to place online condolences.



arts news ‘Lost’ and Found

Seth Steinzor reflects on his now-complete trilogy inspired by The Divine Comedy B Y A M Y L I L LY •

where I’m going to go, too — the preceding 20 to 30 years in America and sometimes in Vermont.



outh Burlington poet SETH STEINZOR recently completed a 17-year project: writing a modern, personalized version of Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy. Steinzor’s three books — To Join the Lost, Among the Lost and Once Was Lost — take their form from Dante’s Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso, respectively, using the same structure of 100 cantos written in verse. But instead of featuring Dante being led through the afterlife by his beloved Beatrice, the story follows a secular Jew named Seth who tours hell, purgatory and paradise under the double guidance of an old flame named Victoria and Dante himself. Steinzor, 68, worked in the Vermont Attorney General’s Office for 32 years, 27 of them as an assistant attorney general primarily focused on civil rights and Medicaid fraud. His moral universe is not Dante’s — the Florentine poet’s trilogy ends in a face-to-face, of sorts, with God. But Steinzor’s is similarly ambitious in scope, political relevance and philosophical depth. And it contains some beautiful lines of poetry. Seven Days reviewed Steinzor’s first two books. For the third, which comes out in June, we opted to interview the author. During a phone call, Steinzor said that Dante took slightly longer than he did to write his trilogy — approximately 20 years. It’s no wonder each project took so long: As Steinzor writes in his third book, poetry is “unsurpassable in its power to posit / with precision what can’t be said.” What follows are those things that could be said.

SD: You set Among the Lost, about purgatory, in a rust-belt city similar to Buffalo, N.Y., where you grew up. Why is your paradise, in Once Was Lost, a beach with a fried-clams shack? SS: A beach on the North Atlantic eating fried clams — I mean, how much closer to heaven do you get? I happen to have very fond memories of standing on a beach on the Gaspé Peninsula [in Québec] at night, looking at the moonlight coming across the water. I felt, looking out at the stars and the water, their utter indifference to me; and I felt behind me, reaching back to the campground and the communities behind, the huge network of people in which resided all the love that sustained me. I felt both of those things at the same time. That’s where I got the idea for the setting for paradise. Heaven isn’t in the spheres, for me; it’s all right here with us, right now, coexisting with hell and purgatory.


SEVEN DAYS: When did you first read The Divine Comedy? SETH STEINZOR: My parents had a copy of the John Ciardi translation, and I remember dipping into that in high school, then coming back to it in college. I kept on coming back to it because, apart from the fact that it’s an exciting and vivid story — I 24


Seth Steinzor

like science fiction SD: What span of a lot, and this American history was unfolding is 14th-century while you were science fiction — I just kept on writing your trilogy? How feeling like I’d never reached the much did current S E TH S TE INZO R bottom of it. Every events act as time I dived in, prompts? there was something more to understand SS: I started writing it during the [George about what he was saying about the world. W.] Bush administration. The time frame It’s a funny sensation because you’re in in which the story occurs is roughly the dialogue with this very opinionated guy end of August 2005; there’s a [Hurricane] from the 14th century who’s devoutly Catho- Katrina victim in the third book. Dante was lic, and yet, despite the archaic and obscure intensely political. He was talking about the ideas he’s presenting, I could never escape political figures and events of his time. He this sense that he was accurately describing was extremely specific about Florence in the world that I live in. the late 1200s, early 1300s. I decided that’s



SD: Seth meets a large array of figures in paradise, including Karl Marx, Sigmund Freud, Eleanor and Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Bob Moses, who helped lead the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the civilrights era. How did you decide who was going to be included in heaven? SS: Each of Dante’s cantos is directed at a certain set of ideas. I used those as prompts: Who would come to mind in relation to this? was basically it. One of the things that blows me away about Dante is how all-inclusive he is; he just gets the whole world into his story. I tried to accomplish that, but even in a huge work like this, you’re constantly trying to limit yourself because you’ve gotta maintain some focus. SD: I had to google some of your characters in paradise. How did you come up with the ones that take shape from columns of sand, named


Dawash of Akhvilli? I couldn’t find anything about them. SS: Sometimes a character pops up and says, “You’re going to write about me. I just belong here.” That’s what happened with that canto. It made it very difficult to write. Actually, I googled [Dawash of Akhvilli], too. I thought maybe this is some sort of memory of something I had read somewhere, but no. They’re the spirit of welcoming. Dante has things transforming into other things. In Paradiso, the stars will dance around and form patterns. SD: Does Victoria correlate to anyone in your life, as Beatrice did for Dante? SS: Vicky was someone I knew the year I spent in Italy. I was 16; she was a year younger. My dad was a college professor of ceramics in charge of a junior year in Siena. [My parents lived in Siena while] I attended a private school in Florence. I stayed in a pensione during the week and took the train home on weekends. (Get this: The name of the pensione was Pensione Beatrice.) Vicky attended the same school. She was the first girl I fell in love with. When we returned to the U.S., she to California and me to Buffalo, we corresponded. After only a couple years, she ended up dying in a car wreck. It was traumatic — for her, certainly, but also for me. The character is drawn from her, but it isn’t her. She’s my Beatrice. SD: You write in verse, like Dante, but he used terza rima — three-line stanzas with an ABA, BCB rhyme pattern. How did you choose 10-line stanzas? SS: You can do [terza rima] in Italian because everything rhymes with everything else. I can’t do that in English — though it’s been done, which amazes me. I wanted to pay homage to at least some of his formal work. Numerology is really important to Dante, especially the number nine. My stanzas are Dante’s nine plus one more line. [For the meter,] the

first line will have five stressed syllables, the next will have four, and back and forth. In the third book, every line begins with a stressed syllable because we’re in paradise and something is needed to set that off from the other two places. SD: Your first volume, To Join the Lost, seemed to have more humor in it than your third, Once Was Lost. What was the progression like, from writing the first one to writing the last? SS: It got harder. [In Inferno,] greed is greed and solipsism is solipsism and callousness is callousness. As you go higher in [Dante’s] moral universe, you gotta go deeper to find out what he’s talking about. Inferno is the best story: It’s got monsters; it’s got violence. There are times when he’s escaping from demons. It’s got Satan. It’s really an action flick. It blows me away that nobody has made a blockbuster movie. Matthew McConaughey is Dante; maybe someone will figure that out. But in purgatory, not a hell of a lot happens. Then you get to paradise, and the whole thing is him talking to various saints about theology.

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4/6/21 11:14 AM




SD: What have you been reading lately? Will you ever reread Dante? SS: I’m reading Anthony Trollope. I love Victorian novels, and Trollope was a particular favorite of my mother’s. Oh, yeah, [I’ll reread Dante]. He’s the indispensable writer. You could burn the rest of [literature] and, if you kept him, you wouldn’t have lost that much. m This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.

INFO Once Was Lost: In Dante’s Wake: Book 3 by Seth Steinzor, Fomite Press, 226 pages. $15. Also available on To Join the Lost: In Dante’s Wake: Book 1 and Among the Lost: In Dante’s Wake: Book 2.



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Burlington City Arts is supported in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts through the New England Arts Resilience Fund, part of the United States Regional Arts Resilience Fund, an initiative of the U.S. Regional Arts Organizations and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with major funding from the federal CARES Act from the National Endowment for the Arts, and by the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.



4/5/21 3:39 PM

arts news

Tiny and Mighty The Weybridge Haiku Competition enters year four, virtually






Jay Parini

Julia Alvarez


think Weybridge may now have more writers than cows,” speculates GEORGE BELLEROSE, the administrator — and multi-year winner — of the Weybridge Haiku Competition. He just might be right. According to Bellerose, the number of entries to the contest has increased by a whopping 278 percent since it began in 2018. The U.S. Census Bureau puts the Weybridge population at 821; the poets among them keep coming out of the woodwork. Held virtually by necessity this pandemic year, the previously local competition opened to, essentially, the entire world, and it drew entries from as far away as Croatia. Still, most of the poems came from Weybridge itself. The delightfully eccentric competition was the brainchild of two residents who, in addition to teaching at Middlebury College and serving as co-poet laureates of Weybridge, also happen to be literary luminaries. Author JULIA ALVAREZ received 26




the National Medal of Arts from president Barack Obama in 2015; JAY PARINI is a Guggenheim Fellow whose best-selling novel The Last Station was adapted into an Oscarnominated film. (One of the most interesting details on Parini’s résumé: driving Jorge Luis Borges around Scotland while evading the Vietnam draft, which became the subject of his latest book, Borges and Me: An Encounter.) In the past, the winning haiku would be recited at the annual town picnic in July, an occasion that also included live music

and a barbecue. This year’s winning entries have been announced early, in conjunction with National Poetry Month. Following the perhaps inevitable contest theme, “Life During the Pandemic,” the haiku also serve as a poetic document of our plague year. In clear, concise language, they record grief, isolation, hope and solidarity. ELLEN and ERIKA BODIN, of North Chittenden, took home first prize in the Vermont Winners category of “Best Mother/ Daughter Duet Haiku-Writers” — one of 26 amusingly specific categories devised by Alvarez for each of the entrants. Ellen wrote the first, Erika the second: the sparrow singing its heart out — neither of us with places to go I am dancing and you are the song though sometimes I cannot hear you

“In times like this, when many of us are quarantined, cooped up, and spending a lot more time in nature, we see, hear, touch, smell and taste things that we might have missed before in our hurry and busyness,” Alvarez said via email. “We need to be nurturing our spirits as well as our bodies in this difficult time.” Though Alvarez and Parini will remain as consultants, 2021 marks their last year as judges. Next year, another member of the Weybridge literati, novelist and journalist CHRIS BOHJALIAN, will take up the mantle. Best-selling author of 20 books translated into dozens of languages, he’ll team up with one of this year’s first-place Vermont Winners, MARTHA WINANT, and NARGES ANZALI, a high school student and new youth poet laureate of Weybridge. What exactly is haiku? If you answered, “A three-line poem written with five, seven and five syllables per line,” you’d be correct, but only as


defined by the broad and somewhat arbitrary interpretation of Japanese literature that most of us were taught in elementary school. In fact, there’s much more pleasure to be had in writing haiku than simply counting and dividing up syllables. As a longtime lover and occasional practitioner of haiku — and something of a haiku truther — this writer feels obliged to provide a more expansive definition than the reductive 5-7-5 format. First of all, Japanese and English are so different linguistically that the units of sound counted in Japanese, called on, do not equate to English syllables, either mathematically or rhythmically. For example, in Japanese poetry, the word “Tokyo” counts as four on. Traditional haiku also employ a kigo, a seasonal word, and a kireji, a “cutting word,” which is used to separate the two images that the poem depicts, sometimes paradoxically. The 17th-century haiku master Matsuo Basho wrote: In Kyoto, hearing the cuckoo, I long for Kyoto. Rules, of course, are made to be broken. And we aren’t in Edo Period Japan. However, reducing a thousand years of a culture’s literary tradition to 17 syllables is a double-edged sword. To be sure, it provides a welcoming entry point into poetry for anyone who might be intimidated by longer rhyming forms such as the sonnet. Yet by focusing solely on syllable count, the whole essence of haiku — juxtaposing two concrete images in order to convey a complex idea or emotion without describing it directly — gets lost. For anyone interested in contemporary haiku in English, online magazines Modern Haiku and Frogpond provide plenty of background on the nuances of the tradition and its evolution. But this is not to say the Weybridge Haiku Competition doesn’t adhere to tradition: The form itself evolved from haikai-no-renga gatherings in Japan, where people would collaborate and compete with linked verses. Basho was a haikai master, holding contests at his hut when visitors congregated there. It’s a testament to the power of poetry that his spirit has lived on, manifesting centuries later across vast oceans, to guide the citizens of a small Vermont town. m

INFO Learn more about the Weybridge Haiku Competition at


Flight Patterns The callers are variously angry, sad, resigned, fearful. They report babies being woken from naps, dogs being frightened, blood pressure rising, houses shaking, peace shattered. One lone caller suggests we should just get over it. “You really think you’re going to go up against the military or the National Guard? Fucking good luck.” They’re all talking, of course, about F-35 jets, which have been roaring to and from the Vermont Air National Guard base at Burlington International Airport since October 2019. The comments were recorded for “Jet Line: Voicemails From the Flight Path,” a 12-minute documentary created by PATRICK MCCORMACK, 31, and DUANE PETERSON III, 27. The film will premiere virtually on April 15, to be followed by a live discussion. More than 100 callers responded, McCormack said, to a flyer the filmmakers distributed in recent months in Chittenden County. It announced, in bold type, “SEEKING F-35 COMMENTS” above a line drawing of the fighter jet. “All voices wanted, all anonymous,” the flyer promised. “Leave a voicemail.” This “hotline” was the pandemic-era alternative to in-person interviews, McCormack explained. Peterson added that the filmmakers thought locals would be more inclined to share their thoughts candidly if they could do so anonymously. “We felt there was a story not being told,” McCormack said. “A lot of people who called in were pleading with us to listen to them.” He noted that the comments included in the film represent the exact ratio of positive to negative responses the hotline received. The filmmakers’ goal, he said, was simply to document the local community’s experience living with the jets, and their decibels, over the past year and a half. “We didn’t know what to expect” from the queries, McCormack said. “We tried to make the advertising as neutral as possible.” Yet the responses tipped the scale; about 95 percent of the callers were unhappy with the jets, he said. Accordingly, the film — which begins with the sound of an unseen F-35 taking off — has a decidedly oppositional flavor. The comments are heard over images of quotidian life in otherwise tranquil residential neighborhoods. In a written statement, the filmmakers describe “Jet Line” as “a poetic portrait of a community plagued by war machines, documenting untenable conditions in a small city once voted one of the best places to live in America.” McCormack and Peterson have amassed two and a half hours of audio

A still from “Jet Line”

recordings — an archive they intend to make available — but wanted to make a short film that would be “digestible” and accessible to viewers. Indeed, those 12 minutes do the job. Asked why they didn’t include any narration, McCormack replied, “This isn’t our story to tell. The fact-based arguments have already been made … It’s about our neighbors.” Similarly, they made a conscious decision not to show an F-35 in the film. “This isn’t about what the planes look like,” Peterson said. “It’s about the visceral experiences of the people living with them. And [the planes’] image carries a lot of baggage.” In addition to the local showing next week, the filmmakers aim to present “Jet Line” in other cities scheduled to get the F-35s. “We got our first call from Madison last night,” McCormack said. The planes are expected to begin arriving in the Wisconsin capital in 2023. “We feel that those communities deserve to know what it’s like to live in the flight path.” “The quality of life here has changed dramatically,” Peterson said. “I consider [‘Jet Line’] a historical document.” The filmmakers also intend to enter the short in independent film festivals.

McCormack and Peterson, both of whom studied filmmaking in college, cocurated the Climate Action Film Festival, which was held virtually last month and presented by SunCommon. McCormack is on staff as a “storyteller” and photographer at the Waterbury-based solar company; Peterson is the son of founder and copresident DUANE PETERSON. But creating “Jet Line” was an independent pursuit, McCormack emphasized. “This is very much a weekend effort for me,” he said. A subtler but core theme of the film, McCormack posited, is empathy. “People believe these jets are ‘the sound of freedom,’” he said. “Another goal of ‘Jet Line’ is to open the idea that some people have a different idea of freedom. Some of their neighbors feel differently.” PAMELA POLSTON

INFO “Jet Line: Voicemails From the Flight Path” premieres on Thursday, April 15, 7 p.m., with discussion following. Free. Details and registration on Eventbrite or SEVEN DAYS APRIL 7-14, 2021



Canine Care

Through the pandemic, Oh My Dog keeps the pups at play


Whitney Troy-Vowell with one of his dogs, Mac


hitney Troy-Vowell was watching through the front door of Oh My Dog in South Burlington last week as a blue pickup truck pulled into the parking lot. “Gracie B, please,” Troy-Vowell called to one of his employees. She retrieved the retriever, a golden with silky hair and a jolly disposition, from the play yard in the back of the building on Lime Rock Road. It was the busy time, about 5:30 p.m., when a steady stream of clients arrived to fetch their pups after a day of play, naps and loving attention from the Oh My Dog staff. Troy-Vowell manned the front of the house like a multitasking maître d’, stepping outside to chat with his customers and ask after their well-being. 28


For the past year, customers have asked about his well-being, too. TroyVowell has struggled to keep his pet daycare and boarding operation afloat; the pandemic has cost him some 70 percent of his normal annual revenue. But customers’ concern helped Troy-Vowell weather the most difficult period of Oh My Dog’s 10 years in business. “I had so many clients say, ‘You know, we’re not going to let you fail,’” he said. In mid-March 2020, when Gov. Phil Scott ordered a shutdown of nonessential businesses to stem the spread of the coronavirus, dog daycares were allowed to stay open for working people. But many of Oh My Dog’s clients shifted to working from home, where they could entertain their dogs themselves. They also stopped

traveling, causing Oh My Dog’s boarding business to plummet. Before the pandemic, Oh My Dog hosted 150 to 180 dogs most days, TroyVowell said. The average is now 130 to 170, climbing back up from a low in late fall. For Thanksgiving weekend, Oh My Dog would normally board 105 to 115 overnight canine guests. Last November, just 11 dogs came to stay, Troy-Vowell said. This March, Oh My Dog’s ledgers returned to the black — tallying more earnings than expenses — for the first time since February 2020, according to Troy-Vowell. He said he plans to resume providing employee health and dental benefits, which he had to cut last year. But Oh My Dog’s 26 employees have never missed a day of pay since the

pandemic began, even when the facility closed for six weeks in March and April last year, Troy-Vowell said. In June, he gave them raises. A bit of serendipitous foresight early last year made this possible. In 2019, Oh My Dog had its best year ever, turning a healthy profit, Troy-Vowell said. He gave his staff holiday bonuses and put the balance in the bank. Normally, he would have turned the cash back into the business for some major project, he said, but he decided to keep it in reserve this time. That money helped carry Oh My Dog’s payroll, while Troy-Vowell himself took no salary. By the time the daycare reopened at the end of April 2020, a federal Paycheck Protection Program loan brought $434,000 into the business, he said. “Without [the employees], without the clients, I don’t have the life that I have,” Troy-Vowell said. “And I never forget that. I always keep that up front. Many, many times a day, I remind myself how lucky I am.” In Troy-Vowell’s back corner office at Oh My Dog, the walls are covered with music posters and photographs, and a speaker blasts rock music outside. His elderly rescue pup, Mac, sleeps under the desk in a cushy bed, his graying muzzle tucked in a blanket. Including Mac, 12 rescued dogs live with Troy-Vowell at his home in Cambridge. He lost six others last year, mostly due to old age, he said. His daughter, Soleil, also lives there and works at Oh My Dog. Troy-Vowell, 46, grew up in Cape Cod, Mass., and came to Vermont in 2006. Before opening Oh My Dog, he worked for the Howard Center with people on the autism spectrum. Oh My Dog started in 2011 as a partnership with Williston-based All Breed Rescue. Troy-Vowell and his now ex-wife, Mia, signed a contract with the organization to house and care for the dogs it rescued and slated for adoption. The couple served as the primary conduit for canines transported from high-kill shelters, mostly in the South, to Oh My Dog. “I personally drove down and brought back over a thousand dogs,” Troy-Vowell said. They hadn’t planned to get into a commercial dog daycare and boarding business. Within a couple of years,

though, All Breed had trouble paying Oh My Dog under the contract terms, TroyVowell said. In 2013, the owners shifted to offer their service to the public, adding grooming and a limited retail section. Over the years, Troy-Vowell has continually renovated the sprawling building — and invested $125,000 in dog-friendly faux grass for the play area. The business operates seven days a week, and he often works 16-hour days. “This is a community-driven small business because of how we started,” Troy-Vowell said, referring to the rescue mission. “That is part of the roots and the foundation of this business that I never want to change.” Marc Pratico and his wife live in North

Hero, work in Burlington, and drive a few believer that if you find somewhere that miles farther to bring Tyrone, their high- gives you great service, it’s not a problem energy terrier mix, to Oh My Dog. Though going out of the way.” his wife began working from home during To keep clients and staff safe during the the pandemic, Pratico pandemic, Oh My still drops off Tyrone Dog abandoned the at the daycare at least communal evening once a week. gatherings in the “I applaud smalllobby during pickup business owners like time. Instead, it him, because he kept started curbside service, with staff the doors open, kept W H ITNE Y TR OY- VO W E L L staff on,” Pratico said walking pets to their when he picked up owners’ cars upon his bouncy black-and-white pooch last arrival. week. He and his wife like that they can see “The curbside service ended up being photos of Tyrone enjoying himself on Oh the best thing that has happened to this My Dog’s social media posts. “I’m a firm business,” Troy-Vowell said, admitting he


disliked the idea at first. “It’s just so much more personal.” Now, Troy-Vowell is looking forward again, past the pandemic. For one thing, he’s returning to a long-considered idea of making Oh My Dog an employee-owned business. “There’s something so special about this particular iteration of the Oh My Dog family, and a lot of it is because of COVID,” Troy-Vowell said. “We went through hell together that we didn’t ask for, and we’ve come out the other side.” m

INFO Bottom Line is a series on how Vermont businesses are faring during the pandemic. Got a tip? Email

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4/5/21 12:49 PM

BRACING FOR IMPACT As vaccinations progress, writers — and a cartoonist — reflect on reentry anxiety


y partner got her first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine the other day. She sat anxiously in a plastic chair in a makeshift curtained cubicle next to the Polar seltzer cooler in the back of a CVS Pharmacy in Rutland. Instead of wincing in pain when the nurse jabbed her, she had an entirely unexpected reaction. As the needle went in, she exhaled in relief like she was slipping into a hot bath at the end of a long day: “Ahhhhh.” She then giggled self-consciously, which elicited a chuckle from the nurse. “You’d be amazed how many people do that,” the nurse assured her. Or maybe you wouldn’t. Is it really any wonder that even people who normally loathe needles would react to the shot by unclenching and letting go of more than a year’s worth of death, dread, isolation and unrelenting angst brought on by the coronavirus? (I whooped just registering for my vaccine appointment, and then high-fived my dog.) The truth is, those little needles are piercing through a whole lot more than skin. They’re puncturing the veil that has shrouded a pandemic-stricken world. And they’re delivering more than just miracle serums and antibodies. They’re offering hope and, with any luck, a future. Indeed, earlier this week, Gov. Phil Scott unveiled his new vaccine-era blueprint “Vermont Forward: Roadmap to Reopening.” The four-step plan projects a gradual easing of capacity restrictions and mask mandates in the coming months, aiming to reopen Vermont entirely by July 4 — Independence Day, naturally. It’s all terribly exciting, isn’t it? But (whispers nervously) it’s also kind of terrifying. For many, especially those who struggled with anxiety before the pandemic, the prospect of an impending return to something like normalcy is in itself cause for major apprehension. For starters: What does “normal” even mean anymore? And is a return to it necessarily a good thing? That debate could fill several issues of this newspaper — and just might at some point. For now, the stories in the following pages explore some of the apprehension around reengaging with the outside world — aka “reentry anxiety.” Essays, poetry, reported stories and even a cartoon touch on both serious and lighthearted emotions that many of us are feeling as we move 30




from “together apart” to “together again,” in some cases with real trepidation. (For even more, check out this week’s episode of “Stuck in Vermont,” in which host Eva Sollberger talks to folks in downtown Burlington about their reentry anxieties.) Here’s a confession: I’ve mostly enjoyed the isolation. Do I miss my friends, family and coworkers? Every day. But as an introvert by nature, I thrive with time and space to myself. And as someone who equally looks forward to and resents social and professional obligations, my genuine excitement for doing normal things again is dampened by genuine anxiety about making plans. I’m late for meetings when my commute is across the hall from bedroom to desk. How am I going to fare when I have to account for putting on real pants and driving to an office?

We’re going back with an entirely different set of experiences than before. R E B E C CA MACK

I’m hardly alone in feeling tension about post-vaccination life. Hell, google the term “reentry anxiety,” and you’ll find articles dating back to June 2020. Those wellmeaning scribes jumped the gun by about a year. But psychologist Cath Burns, the clinical supervisor at COVID Support VT (learn more about her and that organization on page 39) affirmed that reentry anxiety is real and something she’s been addressing more frequently with her patients. “It’s certainly something people are struggling with,” Burns said, adding that people experience a wide spectrum of concerns. For those like me, who were privileged enough to continue working from home during lockdown, there’s anxiety about what returning to in-person work environments might be like. Ditto for kids facing the prospect of returning to in-person school full time. These are especially acute worries for anyone with preexisting social anxieties, given that everyone’s social skills have surely atrophied over the past 13 months, Burns noted. “One person said to me that the pandemic has been like fuel for his anxiety and his depressive disorder,” she recalled. “So for people who already struggle with social anxiety, I think it will be harder … because it was already hard.” Even so, vaccinations herald a new chapter in the pandemic era: the prospect

of life beyond the shadow of COVID-19. But not everyone can turn the page so easily. Rebecca Mack was the first person I ever spoke to who had COVID-19. I interviewed the Burlington musician in late March 2020, when the novel coronavirus was still, well, novel. By that point Mack had mostly recovered, she thought, and was looking ahead to the very moment many of us are now anticipating. “Imagine the amazing parties and shows and family dinners and stuff we’re gonna have when we’ve finally gotten past this,” she told me then. “That’s how I give myself a little boost when I need it.” But Mack, leader of the vocal band Amerykanka, is a long-hauler — meaning someone who has lingering and sometimes severe complications from COVID-19. She’s been to the emergency room several times in the past year for cardiac and neurological issues stemming from her infection. “There’s no promise for me that I will ever be normal like I was before,” Mack said in a recent phone call. “It’s pretty terrifying and gruesome. The symptoms are serious and unpredictable.” As for reentry anxiety, she said, “It almost doesn’t apply to me.” Which is not to say that Mack, the mother of two boys, doesn’t have anxieties about what the new, post-vaccinated world will bring, particularly since a vaccine for children is not yet approved. “Knowing that COVID is on the rise among children globally and that children are becoming long-haulers, like me, makes me extremely wary,” Mack said. “Because I don’t want anyone to go through what I’ve been through this year. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. “My hope is that, as we meet each other again, we’re extremely understanding of the pain and struggle, however it’s been for each person,” she continued. “I want to see people at their best with compassion for each other. People have gone through depression; they’ve been sick for an entire year like me; they’ve been caring for people or lost loved ones. “That means,” Mack said, “when we go back to each other, we’re going back with an entirely different set of experiences than before.” And perhaps a different set of anxieties. A very important caveat: Based on the alarming recent spike in COVID-19 cases in Vermont and nationally, a positive trajectory is not guaranteed. But for the sake of discussion — and the next several thousand words in this collection of stories — let’s assume, hope for and take action for the best.

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1/25/21 11:07 AM


As the weather has improved, Vermonters have been staggering into the streets like pajama-clad zombies but with paler skin. I have been running into old friends, and it is difficult not to treat everyone as a Dangerous Droplet Assassin. Sure, I am glad to see you, but I am also distracted, calculating the number of times you’ve exhaled upwind from me in the past six minutes. I’ve also forgotten how to talk to people. Each exchange begins with me staring at someone, trying to mentally assemble — and then verbally articulate — the unique assortment of consonants and vowels that make up that person’s name. (Krimlon? That can’t be right. Shimbly?) This takes a full minute, and then we can move on to the rest of the interaction, which includes: 1.

The Threat of Normal A Vermont comedian fears emerging into the light


fter spending a long year in a dark place and mentally preparing to transition back into the light, I have been thinking a lot lately about the humble cicada. This miraculous and disgusting little insect undergoes its own “quarantine” of sorts, spending an incredible 17 years underground. Presumably it spends much of this time baking sourdough bread and watching “The Crown” several thousand times, after which it emerges with a zillion of its closest nymph friends, eating and screwing its way through the southeastern United States before dropping dead after just one month. And you thought your 2020 was bad. After just one-seventeenth the time in isolation as the cicada, many of us are pondering our own emergence and looking forward to all the experiences we’ve been deprived of since the Ides of March last year. I am eager to hug my family. I can’t wait to eat at a restaurant with a bunch of friends. I am stoked to get on an airplane and worry only about dying in a fiery crash before I have written — or, er, started — my prizewinning novel. But taking those first steps into the world also scares me, mostly because I have been under-practicing my social skills and over-practicing seeing people as a deadly threat. Who knows how long it will be until I feel 100 percent comfortable around people again? (OK, let’s be honest: 32


If I get to 65 percent comfortability with people, that’s better than I was doing before.) I think most of us are feeling some version of this trepidation. If you are not, you probably belong to one of the following two categories of American citizen: People With Pancake Batter for Brains. These dum-dums are not nervous to reenter society chiefly because they never left it to begin with, seeing no reason to stop attending megachurch services simply because everyone over 65 in their family died of a “minor flu” on Christmas Day. Nice job, Peg! Fewer stockings to stuff next year! People Who Did Not Have the Luxury of Choice. They worked in the public sector all year and have the permanent mask scar on the bridge of their nose to prove it. We do not deserve these heroes. As a token of our gratitude, they should be given Jeff Bezos’ fortune and his most critical internal organs. But those of us who were able and willing to spend a year hiding from the world now face the prospect of reentering it again. For some, this will be a cautious but steady process of checking the local infection rate, popping into stores while still wearing a mask, and finally becoming confident enough to sit indoors at a bar for however long it takes to drink away the worst year of your life to date.

For me — and others who were diagnosed with anxiety before the pandemic — reentry will be more stressful. Anxious people are often in a state of high alert — mostly about unfounded threats we cannot control. In 2020, our anxiety was upgraded with a brand-new feature: founded threats we cannot control. This is why most of us held our breath while disinfecting individual bananas for 10 months in a row.

I am stoked to get on an airplane and worry only about dying in a fiery crash. Luckily, by about June 2020 scientists had figured out the coronavirus could only be spread by “the breath of every human being and bat on the planet,” so all I had to do was train myself to believe that each person I encountered was a terrifying existential threat. (My behavior toward bats didn’t change: I didn’t fuck with them in the before times.)

2. 3. 4. 5.

Small talk about how the pandemic is affecting us Silent concern that the person is getting too close and Oh, God, their mask slipped off their nose Total mental exhaustion Pleasant goodbye Four-hour stress nap

As I wrestle with the anxiety of all this, I ask myself: When the cicada is freed from its underground prison, does it feel awkward socializing with other cicadas? Of course not. That little prick busts out a new set of wings and goes cruising for other horny bugs immediately. Does it scrub all of its food with an alcoholic wipe before eating it? Shit no. It strips the trees bare in order to fuel its revolting 30-day sex romp. If a cicada were to let anxiety control its life, the poor bastard would stay buried in the mud and miss out on the best month of its life. Fun fact: In late spring of 2021, “Brood X” will be hatching in America, the largest colony of 17-year cicadas in recorded history. Billions of them will emerge triumphantly; they will kick off the dust, take flight together, feel the sun on their skin (scales? shells? I’m not an entomologist), and ingest everything life has to offer with such confidence, desperation and voraciousness that absolutely nothing is left on the vine. And if they can do it … well, maybe there’s hope for the rest of us, too. But hey, just to alleviate my personal anxiety: Can we all agree to get the goddamn vaccine first? N AT HAN HART S W I C K Nathan Hartswick is a writer, educator and comedy performer who owns several dogs. He and his wife, Natalie Miller, are co-owners of Vermont Comedy Club in downtown Burlington.


» P.34 33


Minor Anxiety An essay on a community’s collective trauma


’m falling asleep at two-thirty in the morning again,” I tell my therapist on a Tuesday afternoon. “And I don’t know why.” We look at our cameras, at each other. We talk about “what’s been going on,” a catchall phrase that I’m getting tired of saying (and hearing). I tell her that I’m scared for my parents, my aunts, my uncles, my cousins. I say, “They live in Sacramento, in San Jose.” I say, “I don’t understand why they’re not reacting the same way.” Thinking back on that conversation, I realize that anyone could have eavesdropped and thought, She’s talking about the pandemic. And in a way, I am. Most of my relatives, after all, are nurses, and most of them have spoken to me about their struggles in the last year, about the caution and the worry that come with each workday. The week before my therapy session, on March 16, eight people — six of whom were women of Asian descent — were murdered in Atlanta. On the 17th, an elderly woman of Asian descent was attacked in San Francisco. On the 21st, a woman of Asian descent, on her way to an anti-Asian violence protest, was attacked in New York City. The victims’ 34


ages range from their early thirties to their mid-seventies. To talk about the pandemic, then, is to talk about anti-Asian violence. And to talk about reentering a world where it’s rising — well, you can imagine the anxiety of someone of Asian descent, someone like me. Early last year, when whispers of the coronavirus were just that, I was a senior at the University of Vermont. Masks and social-distancing measures were unheard of. Students who came to school sick — say, with a stuffy nose, a cough, a sore throat — still mingled with other students. At the same time, anti-Asian incidents began to happen. One of the first articles I read was about a group attacking a 23-yearold man in London. Another, in Washington, concerned a 26-year-old woman, harassed and verbally abused on her way to the gym. Another, in New York, was about a 59-year-old man who was kicked and spit on in two separate occasions. I could go on. I remember that Friday before our spring break, during the last minutes of my last class for what would be our last in-person day together, my professor asked us where we all planned to spend our vacation. Some of us said “home”; some of us said “here.”

“Well,” I remember him saying, halfjokingly, “wherever you go, I would just say, take your books with you. You never know what’s going to happen.” And I remember all of us saying, “Sure. See you in two weeks.” Of course, we didn’t see him in two weeks. At least not in person. Our spring break came to a soft end, met with adjustments that allowed for us to finish the semester virtually. That stretch of time became synonymous with shelter-in-place, quarantine periods, COVID-19 tests and Google searches: Scratchy throat covid. Toilet paper subscription. Traveling restrictions. There was a spectrum of reactions. Some panicked, stocking, hoarding and fighting over supplies. Others questioned the science, denying the risks, complaining about what they deemed to be an overreaction. Many tried to give it a deadline: By fall, life will be back to normal. Still, the numbers rose — of cases, of deaths. Of anti-Asian violence: In Texas, a family of three, including a 2- and a 6-yearold, are stabbed in a Sam’s Club; in Illinois, a 60-year-old man has a log thrown at him mid-jog; in New Jersey, a 55-year-old woman is yelled at and punched. Me, I stayed home. I toggled between the Johns Hopkins University COVID-19

dashboard and the New York Times maps, staring at the growing coronavirus splotches. I followed and unfollowed NextShark, a website that covers Asian American news. I checked in on my family, using different approaches to address the question of safety — not only from the pandemic but from the possibility of violence, too. I scrolled through the Apple News app late into the night, testing my boundaries: 2 a.m. 3 a.m. 4 a.m. I kept myself up thinking about the what ifs. It didn’t matter how late I slept in, anyway. It wasn’t like I had anywhere else to go. The maps that I watched a year ago now show a different legend: percentages of those vaccinated per state. You would think that this would change things — that with the rise in vaccines maybe we would see a decline in anti-Asian violence. I don’t know. For the past year, I’ve worried about my parents — about my mother, in particular, who likes to take long walks around our neighborhood. About my California aunts and my cousins, who work in hospitals and in assisted living facilities — who had to, at one point, navigate the pandemic, the wildfires and preparing their families for possible evacuations. About my uncles, some of whom have medical conditions that put them at risk for the coronavirus, some of whom have difficulty reconciling that their wives — and their children — are at a higher risk of contracting the coronavirus because of their jobs. And I’ve worried about the Asian and Pacific Islander communities — about our trauma, our grief, our futures. I’m scared. Stop AAPI Hate received 3,795 selfreported incidents of anti-Asian violence between March 19, 2020, and February 28, 2021. Anti-Asian hate crimes, according to NBC News, increased by nearly 150 percent in 2020. In what direction will these numbers go in the next year? I don’t know. It’s 2:30 a.m. I think about next fall, about adjusting to interactions outside of a virtual space, about leaving my dogs alone, about commuting between graduate school and home. I scroll through my phone, see that a young woman in San Francisco has been shot in the eye. “A potential ‘hate crime,’” the articles say. I wait a second before texting one of my cousins. “Be safe,” I say. Be safe, be safe. S T E P HAN I E C U E P O W O BBY Stephanie Cuepo Wobby is a Filipino American writer who has been published in Guernica. She is currently pursuing her MFA at Columbia University.

Our 4th Annual

Evening of Storytelling


Rescheduled (from 2020), Reformatted (online but still live), Pandemic Edition

“A Shot in the Arm”


Wednesday, April 14, 2021, 7-8 pm

Register for free: or call 863-5625

It’s hard to believe we’re quickly approaching life without the beloved coronavirus hanging over our heads. Back to reality Back to having to get fully dressed for events ’cause they’re in person now. Back to classes, and this time I can’t skip and blame it on “shitty Wi-Fi” For most this means going back to a life without fear. I don’t know about y’all but I’m just here for all the cookouts! The comforting taste of sweet barbecue ribs is long, long overdue The smell of freshly cut watermelon and homemade lemonade. A type of security I haven’t felt in a long time. In the midst of water gun fights with the little cousins in the scorching southern heat I forgot about the neighborhood watch watching what was a water gun now a real one Watching what was innocent laughter turn into piercing silence. I forgot the way blood looked on concrete. Spending all afternoon in the backyard With the Cupid Shuffle on repeat My feet dance to the beat so naturally it’s second nature Just as much second nature as cruising down the Spotsylvania back roads in the summertime just in time for southern trees to bear their annual strange fruit. Reentry anxiety into the reopened country isn’t the half of it Back to classes, and this time I can’t skip and blame it on “shitty Wi-Fi” Back to work, woken up before dawn to the sounds of gunshots louder than any alarm Just to dismiss it all before I clock in I almost forgot my switch at home Excuse me, it’s been a year since I’ve had to speak code The instead of Da Your instead of Yo Water instead of Wata Reentry anxiety kicking in because I can’t afford to become another martyr Reentry anxiety spiking because we forgot how deadly our normal is for me. D E V Y N T HO M PS O N Devyn Thompson is a sophomore secondary education major at Northern Vermont University. She is from Waldorf, Md. Her debut poetry book Soul was published in 2020.


» P.36

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4/5/21 12:51 PM

Burlington Water Resources

VIRTUAL OPEN HOUSE April 14th @ 7 pm

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TOPICS: We will be discussing proposed changes that 1) make essential water usage more affordable; 2) provide bill discount opportunities for seniors and income qualified rate payers and; 3) better recover costs of service for certain types of water access (irrigation and private fire protection). You can find the link to this event, review all progress to date including previous presentations, request an impact summary for your account, and find out whether you qualify for assistance by visiting:

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4/5/21 2:17 PM

f minding your manners has felt low on your list of concerns over the past year, you’re not alone. According to psychologist Christine Runyan, in an interview last month with public radio show “On Being,” our nervous systems have been in fight, flight or freeze mode since the pandemic and its accompanying disruptions began. That has led to irritability, aggression, rigid thinking, a lack of cognitive flexibility to share others’ perspective or ideas, and a “massive loss of empathy,” she said. In other words, many of us are difficult to be around right now and are more likely to be rude or reactive to the stress and anxieties of others. For author and etiquette expert Lizzie Post, a consideration of manners can help us better relate to one another as we retrain ourselves to socialize. Post, who is copresident of the Emily Post Institute in Waterbury, suggests starting with an “overarching recognition that everyone is going to be dealing with this [time] differently.” Remembering that grief, loss, anxiety, health problems, and un- and underemployment are struggles for millions of people can help us bring sensitivity, compassion and awareness to social situations. “You don’t know how the pandemic’s affected someone else,” Post said. “It’s great that those of us who have made it this far have made it, but be aware that over half a million people haven’t. The effects of this will be with us for a long time. It’s not like you get the vaccine, and then you can pay your back rent. [President Joe] Biden said this really well: This is a time to heal.” For those who have fared well during the pandemic — someone whose business has been booming, for example — Post suggested speaking about it tactfully. Healing will begin to happen as more of us are able to spend extended time with folks outside of our households. Since comfort or anxiety about resocializing varies widely, she acknowledged that sharing space with each other is something we need to relearn — much as we learned, at the beginning of the pandemic, to keep our distance. Post, the great-greatgranddaughter of Emily Post, thinks that some individuals will choose to keep more space around themselves for some time, even as government-imposed restrictions ease. “Close is going to be uncomfortable for a while,” she said. On the other hand, plenty of people are craving physical nearness and opportunities to mingle. Curious to see how resocializing plays out, Post said she wouldn’t be surprised to see more people crying or having emotional breakdowns in social situations. 36





Lizzie Post

Social Graces Etiquette expert Lizzie Post on reconnecting post-pandemic For those who are ready to, say, have some friends over, she recommended calling potential guests beforehand to determine their comfort level with proximity and their expectations for social situations. Emailing a bulleted list of party rules is less effective than simply talking to people. Post also suggested allowing guests to bring their own drinking glasses or anything else that might make them feel more comfortable. One way for people to navigate anxiety around resocializing is to do a bit of self-coaching. “Heck, even before the pandemic, I would need to remind

I’m hoping that people will have a lot of patience and gracious attitudes toward socializing with others. L IZZIE P O S T

myself, You just need to shake hands and introduce yourself, and that’s how things go,” Post relayed. “Even people who were perfectly confident with those things before might be feeling apprehensive. Reminding yourself, I know what to do, can give us confidence in situations that are kind of new to us after a year.” Post herself recently began meeting up with friends indoors, after spending much of the pandemic “procrastibaking ” and doing a full rewrite of Emily Post’s Etiquette (its 20th edition will coincide with the original book’s 100th

anniversary). Although she enjoyed the time with friends, Post admitted to feeling a sense of relief when she returned home, where she lives alone. Indeed, some of us might be leery of being around other people for extended periods, even as others are eager to spend lots of time finally socializing again. If anxiety arises and you feel the need to cut a conversation short or leave quickly, Post’s advice is to vocally acknowledge it and apologize. “The nice thing about ‘I’m sorry’ is that it can get us out of a lot of awkward things,” she said. “Many people have a lot of understanding for how awkward and difficult this year has been. “There was so much uncertainty for a year, and we turned out to be able to do it,” Post continued. “I’m hoping that people will have a lot of patience and gracious attitudes toward socializing with others. There will be some bumps, but the more we lean into it, the better it’s going to be in the long run.” If other people act in ways that make you feel unsafe — say, a stranger getting too close in the grocery store, or a friend acting outside of agreed-upon behavior — you should first do what you can to mitigate the effect on yourself, Post said. Examples might be offering a coughing person a tissue, or moving onto the grass if people are hogging the sidewalk. If someone makes a polite request of you, Post said, “really consider having a polite response in turn: ‘Oh, I’m so sorry, didn’t realize I was so close.’ ‘Pardon me,’ ‘Excuse me’ are really magic words that transform demands into requests.” She also noted that, with many friends, it’s worth saying hello again. Plenty of relationships have faded into the periphery over the last year, she noted. Some might have ruptured in disagreement over COVID-19 protocols or political views, while others have wilted from the effects of stress or simple lack of upkeep. Whatever the reason, Post urged people to try to reconnect, regardless of who dropped the ball. If apologies are in order, that’s a good place to start. Sending a letter or postcard is another way to show care and maintain relationships. “It really is a special thing to receive something that somebody else wrote by hand for you,” she said. Simply acknowledging that it’s been a long time can break the ice and help to rebuild relationships. “Reaching out is so important right now,” Post said emphatically. “Regaining connection is important. If you feel any kind of inkling toward that, just do it. The reward can be so big. ” MO LLY ZAP P

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House by the Railroad

4T-Dedalus040721 1

My phone burned late into the last nights of my pregnancy, casting friends’ photos blue and flat as closed windows. Sleepless, I typed, When will the baby come? into Google. Her father and I wanted a fresh face around here. We pushed furniture back and forth across the nursery for long months inside. I hung a print of Edward Hopper’s “House by the Railroad” over the changing table. People love to say that Hopper’s paintings were about isolation, but he insisted he just painted the facts. This from a man who isolated with his wife Jo voluntarily, violently, virtuosically for decades, both dying in the same apartment in the same year. Now the baby’s here and she stares at the painting while I change her diaper. She doesn’t look at me as much as she looks at that blue house, alone on the hill, her gaze crossing over and over the train tracks. We haven’t left the apartment in days. It’s safer in here, outside forces pressing evenly all around us to keep us inside. I press and scatter milk across the couch, thread her mouth to my breast with a thin white line. We roam the rooms with her in my arms like it’s the whole world. I wait for her to know me, know her father, like we are the only ones she’s ever going to know.

4/6/21 11:03 AM


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MEG REYNOLDS Meg Reynolds is a poet, artist and teacher in the Old North End of Burlington. Her first book, A Comic Year, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in October 2021.


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7/21/20 2:29 PM


A Different Animal How to help your dog adjust to the post-pandemic world


ver the past month, my partner and I have developed a new hobby. We give our dog, Walnut, a toy, leave our apartment, go sit in the lobby of our building and spy on him. Two cameras placed at different angles in our apartment allow us to monitor Walnut’s every move from our phones. Mostly he lies near the door or climbs the sofa like a graceless mountain goat. If you’d asked me a year ago what I thought of dog nanny cams, I would have scoffed. But when we adopted Walnut in January, we were told he showed some signs of separation anxiety. Since then we’ve introduced him to a life where my partner and I are home all day, every day, while working remotely. I’m worried that when we’re vaccinated and ready to reemerge into the world, he’ll freak out. So here I am, the definition of a helicopter parent, practicing separation while stalking him in his own home. I’m far from alone in my concerns. When I asked Emily Lewis, a behavior consultant at Dogs Rock, an Essex Junction-based training center, whether she was hearing 38


Separation anxiety is actually a specialized term in dog behavior. from dog owners about separation anxiety, she responded, “Every day.” The wellreported surge in dog adoptions during quarantine has led to trainers around the state being “inundated” with requests for help, she said. If reading this has you suddenly worried about your own canine companion, take a breath. Lewis said it’s important, first of all, to understand what you’re dealing with.

Walnut home alone, as seen through a dog nanny cam

Separation anxiety is actually a specialized term in dog behavior, referring to when a dog is attached to a specific person and that person’s absence is triggering to the dog. Much more common is isolation distress, which refers to a dog that gets anxious being left alone, no matter who’s leaving. Lewis tests this by having clients leave their dog alone with her for a few minutes.

“If the dog is able to engage with me, remain somewhat relaxed, take food — all of those things indicate … this is isolation distress, versus true separation anxiety,” she said. There’s also confinement anxiety, which is when a dog is afraid of being trapped in a room, in a crate or behind a gate. But just because a dog doesn’t seem to like being alone doesn’t mean there’s a severe problem. “Destruction of the house, in and of itself, isn’t separation anxiety. That’s what a lot of people point to: ‘Oh, my God, I leave my dog and my couch is gone,’” Lewis said. “Which is unfortunate, but your dog probably doesn’t actually have separation anxiety. They’re probably really bored and don’t know what to do when you’re gone.” For the more basic cases, Lewis said owners can make sure their dog has a toy or treat to keep them entertained, and then practice leaving the house for short periods. For a dog that’s merely bored and confused, this can solve the problem. But if that doesn’t do the trick, or if the dog shows severe symptoms such as fixating on exits, digging and chewing through doors and walls, drooling, pacing, or eliminating indoors, Lewis said, it’s best to call in a professional, “because you can make the problem worse if you push the dog too far, too fast.” A trainer will assess the problem and establish a training plan, which would likely include desensitizing the dog to departure cues such as putting on shoes, using relaxation protocols to help the dog feel more comfortable and confident, and introducing actual alone time very slowly. The process can take months, though puppies will likely adjust quicker. Lewis said dog owners shouldn’t rule out medication, either. Anti-anxiety meds can be a stepping-stone or a permanent aid for nervous dogs. “It doesn’t necessarily change your dog’s personality, but it allows them to be their true selves without this giant wall of anxiety between you and them,” Lewis said. Whatever approach you take, be prepared to be patient, as dog trainers and behaviorists are busy right now. There’s a lot of variety in trainers’ approaches. Lewis maintains a list of trainers, vets, groomers and doggy daycares she likes at “Being patient and waiting for the trainer that you feel like is really going to fit you, your lifestyle and your dog is really important,” Lewis said. “I definitely think it’s worth it.” MARGARE T GRAYS O N

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All Together Now Psychologist Cath Burns on handling the anxiety of social reengagement


n the year since the pandemic hit the Green Mountains, COVID Support VT has become a go-to for Vermonters trying to make sense of a senseless time — and maintain sanity and well-being while being disconnected from pretty much everything. The organization’s website is a comprehensive repository of directories, mental health resources, and local and national hotlines that make finding help easy and accessible. COVID Support VT also hosts regular online workshops on topics such as compassion fatigue, grief and loss, and developing wellness and coping skills. Until recently, the group’s counselors have primarily fielded inquiries on nowfamiliar topics such as social distancing, quarantining and the stress of isolation. But as an increasing number of Vermonters are getting vaccinated and looking toward a post-pandemic future, a new sphere of anxieties has emerged. “What I’ve been hearing in the workshops is stress about ‘How do I go back

to my job? I’ve been home 100 percent of the time, and now I’ve gotta go back,’” Cath Burns said in a recent phone call. “‘I haven’t been working with other people, and I’m out of practice. I’ve developed this pattern, and now I’ve gotta go back, or forward, to this new life.’”

Social skills are a skill like any other. C ATH BUR NS

Burns is the clinical supervisor at COVID Support VT and a licensed psychologist doctorate who practices privately and at Essex Pediatrics. She said anxiety over going back to work or school is increasingly common among her adult and child patients. “I’m hearing a lot of kids saying, ‘I want to go back, but I don’t,’” she said. Burns

explained that many of those kids are anxious and scared about having to socialize again. Cath Burns “They say, ‘I’ve been told for a year to keep my distance, and all of a sudden I’m going to be in a building surrounded by people. So how do I do that?’” It’s a question many adults are asking as well, she said. “Social skills are a skill like any other,” Burns said. “If you haven’t practiced them for a long time, it’s gonna feel strange.” She then offered a pitch-perfect Vermonty analogy. “If you don’t chop wood for a year, and then you’ve gotta chop wood, it’s gonna take a while,” Burns said. “It doesn’t mean you don’t know how; it means it might be clunky for a while.” So how does one practice social skills at a time when socializing is still a high-risk activity?

The answer: very carefully. “The first thing I tell people is to follow the rules,” Burns said. “Follow the guidance and do what the people who know about this disease are telling us to do. That’s just smart.” The next thing Burns advises is to start small. “When you’re starting to run, you don’t start by going five miles,” she said. “You start with a lap around the track. So start with people you trust, doing something you love — ideally outside — for a short period of time, and then build up. “Follow the rules, start small and do something you like,” Burns repeated. “Too simple, huh?” DAN BO LLE S

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THE SMOKE SHOP WITH THE HIPPIE FLAVOR Exclusive dealer of Illuminati, Illadelph and Sovereignty Glass. 75 Main St., Burlington, VT 864.6555 • Mon-Thur 10-9 Fri-Sat 10-10 Sun 10-8 Must be 18 to purchase tobacco products, ID required

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3/2/20 3:18 PM



Hot, Fast and Spicy

Pho Hong anchors Burlington’s Old North End restaurant district Pho Hong’s No. 15 with tofu



bout a year ago, Seven Days launched Good To-Go Vermont, an online directory of takeout restaurant options. It’s a pandemic-era platform designed to highlight and facilitate takeout dining. But some places, including pizzerias and Chinese restaurants, have been good to-go forever. Who can possibly count the number of Friday nights at home with a pepperoni pizza and a six-pack, or an order of egg rolls and sweet-and-sour chicken with a fistful of fortune cookies? (I’ll never forget the strip of paper I pulled from a fortune cookie one night, whose message in fading blue print read, “The position you desire will soon be yours.” That’s something you want to find out at home.) For our family — and many others in and around Burlington — one restaurant in particular has been good to-go for a dozen Good To-Go is a series featuring well-made takeout meals that highlights how restaurants and other food establishments VERMONT are adapting during the COVID-19 era. Check out GOODTOGOVERMONT.COM to see what your favorite eateries are serving up via takeout, delivery and curbside pickup.

years: Pho Hong, a Vietnamese restaurant in the Old North End. Located in a converted bus station on North Winooski Avenue, Pho Hong opened in 2008. Founded and owned by husband-and-wife team Dao Le and Lan Hong, Pho Hong made an early mark on a neighborhood that’s since become home to an enclave of eateries: Butch + Babe’s, Knead Bakery, Pizzeria Ida, Taco Gordo and Little Morocco Café. Pho Hong is an order-by-number kind of place. Regulars, including myself, can get in a Pho Hong rut — meaning repeatedly ordering a meal you want to eat again and

again. For us, that’s No. 10, No. 15 with tofu, No. 21, No. 26, and the numberless mango salad, or goi xoai, that tops the appetizer menu. “Sometimes people mix up the menu,” said Jade Le, daughter of the owners. “We have to make whatever they order: 21 and 20 added together and divided by two.” Everything is made to order in a small kitchen that’s visible through a window in the dining room. On a busy night, six people work in the kitchen. Le’s role is to be “everywhere.” When I pick up an order, or on the occasions we have eaten in the Pho Hong dining


From left: Thao Le, Huy Tran, Jade Le and Con Nguyen

room (closed during the pandemic), I love to peek into the kitchen to glimpse the highwire stir-fry action. This past year, as many Vermont restaurants adopted an online ordering system to accommodate the demand for takeout, Pho Hong stayed true to its roots: ordering by telephone. “We do it manually,” said Le, 40. “Old-fashioned.” A little old-fashioned patience can come in handy — and is worth developing — to place an order at Pho Hong. On a Saturday evening in February, we called about a dozen times over 20 minutes before we got through. Other times, the connection is made in a call or two. Most of the people who work in the kitchen speak Vietnamese, Le said. The front-of-house staff that takes telephone orders and packs the takeout (or serves it, in normal times) speaks English. But they know some Vietnamese, including menu numbers, for communicating with the kitchen, she said. For non-regulars, I should elaborate that No. 21 ($11) is stir-fried Japanese eggplant mixed with a heaping mound of accompanying vegetables, including green beans, wedges of red and green pepper, quartered mushrooms, sliced carrots, and yellow squash thickly cut on the bias. This generously portioned meal comes with rice or noodles and a choice of protein. The mango salad ($5) speaks for itself, its voice an alluring blend of sweet and tangy: matchstick-like strips of mango and carrot, vibrant in color and flavor, dressed in lime juice, garlic, sugar, red chiles and peanuts. No. 15 ($11) with tofu is a stellar dish perhaps best described as a hot-and-cold salad. A base of rice vermicelli noodles is topped with deep-fried tofu triangles, in turn complemented by crunchy raw vegetables and herbs: sprouts, lettuce, cucumber and mint. Crowning this meal are little egg rolls, sliced for easy eating, that add crispness and flavor. I can’t think of a better “bowl” meal in Burlington. In our house we consume pho, the traditional Vietnamese soup, in the form of No. 10 with chicken ($10.50 for a large). It’s rich and steamy, with shredded chicken floating in a broth with scallions, onions and noodles. An accompanying bag of DIY extras includes a wedge of lime, bean sprouts, Thai basil sprigs and hot sauce. The soup broth is made by Pho Hong’s founders, now in their sixties, who immigrated to the U.S. in 1992. Dao Le, retired from his job as a landscaper at the University HOT, FAST AND SPICY









» P.44



WE’RE MOVING! From Winooski to... Winooski!





Trenton Endres in his previous job at Black Flannel Brewing


Three established Vermont chefs have started new jobs over the past month. TRENTON ENDRES has become executive chef at PRO PIG RESTAURANT AND BREWERY

in Waterbury. CHRISTIAN KRUSE moved into Endres’ previous role as executive chef at BLACK FLANNEL BREWING in Essex Junction. And MICAH TAVELLI is the new chef de cuisine at DEDALUS WINE SHOP, MARKET & WINE BAR in Burlington. Endres is returning to Pro Pig, where he worked as brewery chef before leaving in 2020 to become opening chef at Black Flannel. Now he’s taking charge of both Pro Pig’s restaurant and brewery menus, which he plans gradually to shift toward a Québec smokehouse and sugar shack theme. “We’re kind of an extension of Québec,” Endres joked. New items, which will make their debut as specials, might include a Montréal deli-style smoked brisket sandwich, the French Canadian meat pie known as tourtière and freshly made sausages.

Kruse left EDELWEISS


for the opportunity at Black Flannel. Prior to that, he was chef-owner of Vergennes Laundry by CK, which he sold in September 2020. The chef is excited to get back to cooking for seated diners after serving takeout only at Edelweiss, he said. Kruse plans to bring the restaurant’s unique Argentinian-style wood-fired grill “front and center” with grilled plates of local beef tenderloin, pesto salmon or marinated tofu kabobs. Tavelli comes to Dedalus from HEN OF THE WOOD in Burlington, where he was most recently sous chef; he worked there with Endres from 2016 to 2017. He also worked for Kruse at BASIN HARBOR in Vergennes. The Dedalus wine bar reopened on April 1 after being shuttered for six months. (The retail store remained open.) Tavelli and his team will work out of an expanded kitchen that was completed in March 2020 to offer shareable plates designed to pair with Dedalus’ expansive wine list. Guests might sip a Spanish albariño

Last day in our current location is Saturday, April 10. New Location: 293 Main St., Winooski • Grand Opening TBD!


Christian Kruse in his previous job at Edelweiss Mountain Deli

with their striped bass crudo with mint pistou and spicy cucumber, or a California rosé with housemade spinach ravioli with sage brown butter sauce. Melissa Pasanen

Muddy Season

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3/31/21 10:50 AM

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The “Distance Beasts” are stirring inside Burlington’s MUDDY WATERS. Artist Abby Manock’s colorful creatures have been hibernating along with the coffeehouse since mid-November 2020. Now the Main Street mainstay is preparing to reopen for takeout in mid-April, and when it does, it will be under new ownership. Longtime general manager TIERNEY MUNGER has teamed up with MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB

owners SAM TOLSTOI and

MATT SMALL to purchase

Muddy Waters from MARK MACKILLOP, who owned the business for 26 years. Munger, 31, who will be the managing partner, has been behind the SIDE DISHES

» P.45

2021 GLE 350 SUV shown in Iridium Silver metallic paint with optional equipment. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2020 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit

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802.985.8482 | 2021 GLE 350 SUV shown in Iridium Silver metallic paint with optional equipment. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2020 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit

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3/12/21 10:56 AM

Seeds of Change

Joe Bossen’s entrepreneurial journey into bean burgers, tortillas and balance B Y M E L I SSA PASANEN •


Organic tepary beans



varieties and cultivation methods. Bossen plans to plant apple trees and hazelnuts and will continue to partner with the Abenaki Land Link project to grow and process traditional crops for Abenaki citizens. After a decade of paying himself little to nothing, Bossen said he finally turned a corner about two years ago. “Between Bean Crafters and All Souls, I’m able to make the living that I need to,” he said. The bonus: “I don’t need everything that we do or grow to be for sale or turn a profit. There’s more to life than dollars.” The road Bossen has traveled since he first started Bean Crafters in 2009 in a cramped kitchen on a West Rutland farm has run into many detours and dead ends. There was even a literal car accident during a period when he was cooking through the night and fell asleep on his drive home. Though he was not seriously hurt, the car was totaled. When the crash jolted him awake, Bossen recalled, all he could think about was the precious $400 he’d just spent on winter tires. “That could have been where Bean Crafters stopped,” he reflected. A generous mechanic gifted him a van that kept his business rolling. When asked why he persevered, Bossen cited “the optimism disease” from Salman Rushdie’s 1981 novel, Midnight’s Children. “I think it can get people through really hard times but also keep them mired in hard times,” he observed. Bossen’s father, a carpenter with a small woodworking company, provided an example, too. “I remember growing up and watching him be the last person to cash his paychecks,” he said. Bossen almost skipped college: He had a hard time justifying the expense — especially since he had no idea what he wanted to do. But the New Jersey native had fond memories of snowy visits to Vermont with loads of cousins, so he applied to Green Mountain College in Poultney and landed a substantial scholarship. During his sophomore year, Bossen started a biofuel cooperative. “I would take a grocery cart from Shaw’s and go to the different restaurants in town, pick up their used frying oil [and] bring it back to an empty dorm to filter through old jeans,” he explained. The venture taught him “how not to



y noon on a recent Wednesday, the All Souls Tortilleria flour tortilla operation on Oak Street in Burlington was in full swing. Fresh balls of dough were flattened in a wedge press before heading into a carousel oven, from which they emerged puffy with air bubbles. A bite of a tortilla hot off the line evoked the toasty aroma of a latesummer wheat field and had a pastry-like flakiness. Between these Sonoran-style tortillas made with lard and the company’s Four Corners version made with sunflower oil, All Souls produces about 5,000 flour tortillas a week. Since January, these have gradually joined the company’s corn tortillas in retail coolers. Twelve employees split their week between two facilities, making up to 25,000 corn tortillas, plus chips, hominy and masa, in a wheat-free production space on North Union Street. Two days a week, All Souls’ co-owner Joe Bossen joins the crew. “He’s our ringer,” joked co-owner Sam Fuller as Bossen pulled warm tortillas off a conveyor belt. The business partners started All Souls in 2016. (A third cofounder has since moved on.) Fuller, 38, initially juggled the startup with his job at the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont. Bossen, 34, added it on top of his now12-year-old enterprise, Vermont Bean Crafters, which produces a line of beanbased foods that is distributed throughout the Northeast. In an outbuilding at the 20.2-acre Kingsbury Market Garden in Warren, the Bean Crafters team of six makes more than 5,000 bean burgers in a typical week. On April 9, Bossen expects to complete the purchase of the conserved farm, which includes a big old barn, farmhouse, Bean Crafters’ production space and six croppable acres. Both the tortilla and bean businesses are on solid footing, he said, even though Bean Crafters’ sales to colleges and restaurants took a serious hit in 2020. But the pandemic pause was valuable. “One of the things that COVID clarified for me [was] how I wasn’t getting all of my life goals and needs met by kitchen work,” Bossen said. The soon-to-be-renamed Cloud Water Farm will provide a place to trial bean

Four Corners flour tortillas fresh out of the carousel oven at All Souls Tortilleria’s Oak Street operation

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run a business,” Bossen said dryly. A professor had helped seed the project with some grant funding, which led to another epiphany: Bossen determined to build something that people valued enough to spend their money on. He also worked on the college’s draftpowered farm. Even as he recognized that it was a “completely financially

unsustainable, overly idealistic farm,” Bossen found “every aspect of it just life-affirming.” Bossen has eaten mostly plant-based since he was 16. He began making his own veggie burgers from scratch because he saw room for improvement. “There’s just no joy in that salted cardboard,” Bossen said with a laugh.

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Then he started thinking about it as a business opportunity and a way to support local farms. “Every grocery store, every restaurant had these really lousy burgers that weren’t doing anything to participate in the local food economy,” he said. “You know that Annie Dillard line, ‘How you spend your days is, of course, how you spend your life’?” he paraphrased. “Cooking with people for our community seemed like the most life-affirming thing I could do.” Greg Cox, who owns Boardman Hill Farm where Bossen first made his burgers, has mentored generations of missiondriven students. “Joe was just so filled with ideas and energy. He wanted to change the world,” Cox recalled. Bossen stood out for his work ethic. And, the farmer said, “He wanted to make sure everyone else did well around him.” It took Bossen time to learn that he needed to look out for himself, too. In 2011, he moved Bean Crafters into the Mad River Food Hub in Waitsfield, where it stayed until its 2015 move to Warren. The business grew and diversified to include catering, new products, even a short-lived foray into a University of Vermont campus café. “We went from one and a half employees to 16,” Bossen said. “It was exhausting but kind of exhilarating and affirming.” Mad River Food Hub founder Robin Morris has worked with many visionary SEEDS OF CHANGE

3/30/21 11:05 AM

Fresh Healthy Food

» P.44

3/25/21 4:35 PM

for Spring! Inside the next issue, you’ll find stories and profiles highlighting Vermont’s thriving mountain biking scene. Whether you’re an advanced rider or just getting started, there is a lot to discover in your own backyard.


4T-StaytripperTeaser040721.indd 1

Say you saw it in...


Find it all inside the April 28 issue of Seven Days or online at 3/24/21 11:58 AM




Hot, Fast and Spicy « P.40

Seeds of Change « P.43





INFO Pho Hong, 325 N. Winooski Ave., 865-8031,


vation organization based in Tucson, Ariz., Bossen first tasted tortillas made from handground, open-pollinated corn. “I wanted other people to know what they had been missing, too,” he said. Over his years selling to City Market, Onion River Co-op, Bossen had gotten to know Lynn Ellen Schimoler, who held various roles there and currently works for the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. The two had regular conversations about agriculture and food systems. “He’s always in that space of deep thinking and care for the land and care for other people,” Schimoler said. She believed there was demand for locally made corn tortillas and chips. Through the

co-op’s Local Farm and Producer Investment Program, All Souls landed a no-interest, four-year loan of some $50,000. Diversification was also a pragmatic move for Bossen. He figured two businesses would hedge his bets and potentially generate one decent salary. And, he added, “I have that personality that wants a lot of things going.” 2020 could have dealt a mortal blow to Bean Crafters, which was about to scale up significantly to meet the demand generated by its first dedicated salesperson. “[College of the] Holy Cross in Massachusetts had literally just placed their first purchase order the week before they vacated campus,” Bossen said. JAMES BUCK

entrepreneurs. He never doubted that Bossen would be successful — eventually. “His food is very authentic, and that carries him a long way,” Morris said. “He just had to find a way of doing business around that authenticity.” One challenge: “Joe’s lack of self-interest was sometimes detrimental to his business,” Morris said. Five years in, despite steadily increasing sales, Bossen acknowledged, “I was not able to pay myself a dime.” To make ends meet, he worked weekends tending bar, and his frustration grew. “I was trying to do all this stuff that I found really meaningful,” he said, “but the best way that I could get paid was [serving] a drug, basically.” Finally, it dawned on Bossen that he had amassed enough experience and contacts to land a job doing meaningful work for someone else. The realization that he had options was empowering. “It took me a long goddamn time,” he admitted, but “I committed to valuing myself and my time.” Launching a second business was not the obvious next step, but All Souls checked several boxes for Bossen. He had become excited about rotating legume production with cereal crops, such as corn, for improved soil health and reduced disease and pest pressures. As with bean burgers, there was a market for a better, locally made product. During a program offered by Native Seeds/SEARCH, a nonprofit seed conser-

Con Nguyen behind the counter at Pho Hong


of Vermont, arrives at the restaurant at 3 a.m. to start cooking the stock — a five- or six-hour process, his daughter said. Later, Hong, who worked as a housekeeper, adds spices and seasonings. In the early years of the restaurant, they worked at Pho Hong and their other jobs, Jade Le said. Back in Vietnam, Hong was a food street vendor who dreamed of opening a restaurant. “One day she decided to find a place, and we open it,” Jade Le said. “And that’s why we’re here.” Pho Hong closes at 10 p.m., but Hong is there well past midnight to clean. “Everything has to be spotless before she leaves the place,” Le said. Hong trained the chef, 24-year-old Huy Tran, who’s worked at Pho Hong since he came to this country six years ago. He runs a kitchen that fills 400 to 500 orders a day. These are prepared and then passed to the front of the house, where staffers organize and pack meals that belong together, a feat of memory, timing and dexterity. (This task is juggled with taking phone and walkin orders.) The crew up front might remind

Tortillas headed out of the oven at All Souls Tortilleria

the kitchen that they’re waiting on a No. 24, for example. That No. 24 ($11.50), I discovered recently, is a beauty — a Vietnamese crêpe we ate the other night on a recommendation from the restaurant. I was fooled into thinking the fluffy yellow crêpe had egg in it. Nope, just rice flour, coconut milk and turmeric is in the shell that’s stuffed with bean sprouts, shrimp, pork and onions. It’s served with a tangle of lettuce and carrots, and house dipping sauce. The tip to try the crêpe came from a counterman who’s worked at Pho Hong since shortly after it opened. (He asked that his name not be published.) A couple of years ago, I approached the man with a story idea — a riff on a Seven Days feature called Grilling the Chef. I wanted to adapt it to him and title the piece “Talking to the To-Go Guy.” I pitched it one afternoon as a line formed behind me. “I’m good,” he demurred. Actually, he’s very good. And so is Pho Hong to-go. m

A Bean Crafters production facility fire in January 2020 delayed the expansion and probably saved the company. “We really could stop and take stock,” Bossen said. He and his team “realized if we want to be profitable, we actually need to just grow slower.” While sales into the education market remain in flux, Bean Crafters has focused on a retail packaging redesign stating its racial justice commitment and touting that 86 percent of the burger ingredients are sourced within 350 miles. In Warren on a late March morning, Bossen gestured to the far edge of a snowy field. By the time he reaches his sixties, he mused, hazelnuts will form 10- to 12-foot hedges, and “that whole western border will be an apple blossom promenade in the spring.” Before then, Bossen plans to build a “fermentory” in the barn, where he will tinker with cider, vinegar and miso. He’d love to make more products that are preserved with salt, yeasts and time “versus in plastic or the freezer,” he said. The world still needs changing, but Bossen recognizes that, like building a business, it won’t happen quickly. “I don’t really expect it to change in my lifetime,” he said. “But I’d like to at least shift toward things that do make a little bit more sense to me — even if the world’s not gonna make more sense to me.” m

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food+drink coffee shop’s bar for 10 years. Mackillop first asked whether she’d be interested in buying the business a couple of years ago, she said; she was, but they agreed to take the process slowly. “Then COVID hit,” she said. “Mark was ready to move on to something different, and I was really fortunate to be here at that time to say, ‘Yes, I want this business.’” Munger approached her friends Small, 37, and Tolstoi, 35, with the opportunity, and they quickly agreed. “It was really pretty straightforward,” Small said. “We

get to work with Tierney, and we get to keep the car running. Mark started it, and we’ll keep it in the lane.” “We know this business really well just from coming in here every day and drinking caffeine,” Tolstoi added. “It’s a natural progression of one generation passing it on to the next.” The reopening menu will stick to tried-andtrue “Muddy’s” coffee and food items, with new pastries from SISYPHUS BAKING. Manock’s alienlike beasts will continue to block off seats and help customers keep their distance.

Eventually, the new owners plan to use the larger kitchen at Manhattan Pizza & Pub — which will also reopen for takeout in late April — to expand the café’s food offerings. They hope to bring live music back to Muddy’s, add an art gallery, and host pop-up dinners for new businesses and area chefs as they put their own stamp on the rustic space. “It’s a Burlington institution and a place of comfort for a lot of people,” Munger said of Muddy’s. “We all want to keep it that way.”


Side Dishes « P.41

Jordan Barry


From left: Sam Tolstoi, Tierney Munger and Matt Small with Abby Manock's "Distance Beasts" at Muddy Waters

Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: @vtpollak. On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

SALES FOR APRIL 2021 Items on sale April 1 - 30, 2021.
























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4/5/21 1:15 PM


News and views on the local music + nightlife scene B Y JO R D A N A D A MS

It’s a Jungle Out There

I did something the other day that I hadn’t done in well over a year: I bought concert tickets. If all goes as planned, I’ll head down to Boston in early October to commune with British electro-soul outfit JUNGLE, my current favorite band to see live. I’m beyond stoked, especially because a dear old friend of mine moved to Boston during the pandemic. I can’t wait to impose on her this fall. I imagine I’ll have seen plenty of live music before then. (More on that below.) But it’s appropriate for my first ticket purchase of the (hopefully) latepandemic world to be Jungle. Truth be told, I’ve bought tickets to see them four times. But through a combination of my own poor planning and forces beyond my control, I’ve only managed to see them twice. My alternating one-to-one success/fail ratio predicts good things for the show in October. More than any band’s live performance I can think of as I write this, Jungle’s activates for me what moral psychologist JONATHAN HAIDT calls “the hive switch” in his 2012 book, The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion. Of humans’ mostly self-centered nature, he wrote, “We have the ability (under 46


special conditions) to transcend selfinterest and lose ourselves (temporarily and ecstatically) in something larger than ourselves.” There is no better way to describe what I feel when I see a mind-blowing show. For secular types like me, who are also not interested in sports, live music is one of the only ways to achieve the feeling of oneness with a group of strangers. And I miss it like crazy. The only time I’ve felt it in the last 12 months was on Saturday, November 7, when the Associated Press called the 2020 U.S. presidential election for JOE BIDEN and people poured into the streets of Burlington to celebrate. So what happens when we’re all able to start seeing shows again? I don’t mean the outdoor, scaled-down, socially distant kind we enjoyed during last year’s warmweather months. Those were a nice and much-needed stopgap, especially for outof-work musicians. I mean the unbridled, pre-pandemic kind of shows, the ones where you’re pressed up against each other, with strangers sweating and breathing all over you, ponytails occasionally brushing your tongue as their owners whip their heads back and forth. We’ve all been there, am I right? No? That’s only happened to me? I admit to feeling a fair amount of reentry anxiety regarding concerts.


S UNDbites

Jungle in Montréal, November 2017

Supporters of Joe Biden celebrating his presidential electio n in Burlington on November 7, 2020

Piggybacking on what etiquette expert (and my former grade-school classmate) LIZZIE POST discusses as part of this week’s package of stories about reentry anxiety — see “Social Graces” on page 36 — I’d like to propose the Seven Rules of Concert Etiquette. We all could use a refresher course on being good club kids once we start packing ourselves into crowded venues again. These are rules we should have followed before the pandemic, too. But they’re especially important to keep in mind as we all figure out how to access our hive switches after so much time apart.

Rule One: Center of Attention

This is the most important rule, and it probably goes without saying. But I’ll say it anyway: At any given show, you are not

the only one having a good time. How you choose to celebrate and express your feelings affects the people around you. Find a balance between giving into your pleasure centers and being courteous to the other people who paid to be there — not to mention the people onstage.

Rule Two: Authority Complex

Even as we approach normal, we’re probably in for some new rules and regulations once live shows start up again. And you know who doesn’t want to hear your thoughts on said new rules and regulations? Venue staff. Please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t be a dick to nightclub workers. It’s hard enough to work in a party atmosphere, and no one wants to be a party pooper. Plus, the staffers you’re likely to interact with are not the ones


setting the rules. They just enforce them. If security or other employees ask you to do something — or, more likely, not do something — just comply. If you really have problems with new rules and regulations, email the club’s general manager the morning after.

Rule Three: Silence Is Golden

This one might sound weirdly specific, but stay with me. Silence makes some people feel uncomfortable and awkward to the point where they just have to break it by hooting or otherwise making noise. Resist that urge. If the performer is taking a moment to be quiet, for any reason, don’t be the jerk who has to fill that silence. I’ve seen this happen too many times, especially when the person onstage is female.

Rule Four: Church of Merch

Bands make more money from merch sales than anything else. Though not everyone will always be financially able, concertgoers should try to factor in a merch purchase with their nightly budget. And bands should consider offering at least one affordable item, such as stickers or pins. Not everyone can afford to buy a $40 T-shirt every time they go to a show. And if you can, maybe buy two.

Rule Five: Silence Is Golden, Part Two

If you need to constantly talk to your concert buddy the entire time the band is onstage, I first question why you are even there. Most people who ensure a prime place in the crowd are there to listen to the music, not to hear your thoughts on how post-punk is representative of the larger punk movement. If your thoughts are simply too hilarious and insightful to stay locked up in your head until the end of the set, please do us all a favor and stand in the back.

Rule Six: Standing Room Only?

This one might be the most controversial. If you’re at a seated show, it’s probably best to stay seated. There are some exceptions to this, however. If the artist onstage invites a seated crowd to stand — like VICTORIA LEGRAND did when BEACH HOUSE played the Flynn in August 2019 — then it’s OK. But keep in mind that not everyone is physically able to stand at shows. By

getting up on your feet, you might be obstructing the view of someone who can’t compensate by also standing up. This relates back to Rule One. Just because you want to stand up doesn’t mean the person sitting behind you does. If the person behind you is already up on their feet, then it’s OK to join them. Hopefully they aren’t blocking anyone, though. You can see how there’s kind of a domino/house of cards effect at play here. (The best kinds of venues are like the Fox Theater in Oakland, Calif. Anyone who wants to stand buys a floor ticket. Those who want to sit snag seats in the loge, mezzanine or balcony sections. Everyone wins; no one compromises.)

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3/26/21 4:31 PM

Rule Seven: Mo’ Money, Mo’ Problems

Music fans are going to be in a frenzied rush to see shows again. I predict more shows will sell out in advance, and much earlier than before. This will likely lead to an explosion in the secondary market, which comes with its own set of precautions and considerations. Ticket holders looking to offload seats to sold-out events are likely to feel the urge to jack up prices, as was always the case. And concert-starved audiences might be more likely than ever to pay whatever it takes — even if that means paying 200 percent of face value. How about we all decide to be good humans and not rip anyone off? In fact, there’s a great way to deal with unwanted concert tickets right in our backyard: secondary marketplace CashorTrade, a Burlington company that connects ticket holders with ticket needers. All tickets on CashorTrade are sold at or below face value. m

Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours. THE 1975, “The Sound” ALTIN GÜN, “Yüce Dağ Başina” JUNGLE, “Keep Moving” DURAN DURAN, “The Chauffeur” MIAMI HORROR, “Real Slow (featuring Sarah Chernoff)”

200-HR Yoga Teacher Training Training begins late August 2021

Meet Yoga School Director John McConnell at the upcoming info session. Sunday, April 11, 12:30-1:30pm Info sessions on Zoom. Visit website for link.

Details & videos ~ 3V-UVMAthletics040721 1

Say you saw it in...


4/6/21 5:05 PM






MONDAYS > 12:00 P.M.

REVIEW this Strangled Darlings, Twenty Twenty (SELF-RELEASED, CD, DIGITAL)

“Scientists are saying the future is going to be far more futuristic than they originally predicted,” Sarah Michelle Gellar’s pseudointellectual porn star character Krysta Now says in the divisive cult film Southland Tales. As philosopher Steven 16t-vcam-weekly2021.indd 1 4/5/21 2:46 16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1 11/2/20 3:07 PM Shaviro points out in his 2010 book PostCinematic Affect, this line is (intentionally) ridiculous, since “‘futuristic’ is not an objective category but an anticipatory inflection of the present.” That definition aptly describes the futurism of indie-pop outfit Strangled Darlings’ Twenty Twenty, their fifth full-length album. Snack on the BITE-CLUB NEWSLETTER The formerly peripatetic duo of Jess for a taste of this week’s flavorful Anderly and George Veech, now based food coverage. It’ll hold you over in Bethel, assesses the present with until Wednesday. astute commentary and progressive SUBSCRIBE AT production. But the musicians’ vectors shoot unambiguously forward — much like the RV they lived in for three years while touring America. By chronicling and 16T-BiteClubfiller.indd 1 12/21/20 6:07 PM criticizing hot socioeconomic and political


Route 7 - Charlotte, VT


Royalton singer-songwriter Alison “AliT” Turner is used to playing 150 shows a year. When live gigs came to a screeching halt in 2020, Turner turned her attention to songs from her catalog that she thought hadn’t been properly introduced to her listeners. Some Turner had mastered for the first time; others she rerecorded completely. She compiled them all on her third LP, The Makeover, released February 19. Turner is a pop artist through and through, and these songs, written between 2009 and 2016, reveal what she was listening to in that time frame. (Even before I found her “Inspirations” playlist on Spotify, I guessed that she liked Paramore, Michelle Branch and Blink-182.) That last band comes through in the guitar phrase and pop-punk melody of “Spring (Come What May),” an upbeat tune about anticipating the bittersweet

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topics of today — namely consumerism and political division — they linger on societal elements that are likely to shape what’s to come. Are Strangled Darlings pessimists? Not exactly. In fact, I think they gaze hopefully toward the future’s glowing horizon. Just look at that album art. Indeed, Anderly and Veech created life during the pandemic. And I’m sure they imagine a better world for their son, Asa, even as Twenty Twenty immerses listeners in the messy present. Building on a repertoire largely considered modern folk, the quarantined couple pushed their sonic limits for the new record. Often steeped in stimulating minor keys, the songs are more adventurous than ever, such as the dub excursion “Alabama” and the sleek, sophisti-pop intro of “Robin Hood.” Throughout, the electronic production and Veech’s quickly paced, spoken-word breakdowns stand out. “No Accident” opens the album with a nostalgic air. Its acoustic guitar, thick handclaps and smooth organ are friendly, safe and inviting. Switching to a sharp, punctuated groove, “Pocket Full of Maybes” is

Strangled Darlings’ answer to “We Didn’t Start the Fire.” But rather than let listeners draw their own conclusions from an inane list like Billy Joel did, Veech gives listeners more to go on. He braids together contemporary cultural touchstones and current events with vigor, spitting sour rhymes like an auctioneer. The album is so packed with earcatching moments that it’s difficult to properly catalog them. The tinny boombaps on “Linger On” flow forward and backward, as if stepping in and out of a “timestile” in Christopher Nolan’s thriller Tenet. The percussive “Terrible Monsters” is texturally captivating, with marimbas providing a bony foundation. And the aforementioned “Robin Hood,” an earworm of mammoth proportions, is a shape-shifting jam that seesaws between plodding verses and a twinkling chorus. Twenty Twenty captivates from start to finish. Anderly and Veech have always been social commentators, but here their incisive observations and witty verbiage are more precise, relevant and relatable than ever. Twenty Twenty will be available at on Friday, April 9. The same day, the band celebrates its release with a livestream performance on Facebook at 9 p.m.

end of college: “The high heels, the glitter, all the selfies, the highs / We say we’ll stay close when we go our own ways.” It’s easy to imagine the album opener, “Amethyst,” as a soaring self-affirmation anthem like Katy Perry’s “Wide Awake” or “Firework” with more robust production. Turner’s voice even takes on Perry’s throaty quality at times. Turner unveils a darker side of her sound on “Fine Wine,” a standout grungy rock number on which she compares her desire to be a performer to an addiction. The song features a hypnotic guitar line and some of the collection’s most creative lyrics: “It’s hard to wait / Sit like a fine wine / I see friends in ties striking gold / But I’m a mine.” Penned in 2009, “Footprints” is a Chicken Soup for the Soul-flavored reflection on people who pass through our lives and the impressions they leave behind. It’s less sophisticated than some of Turner’s more recent tracks, but then again, she was 16 years old when she wrote it.

A 2020 post on Turner’s Instagram shows her bedazzled pedalboard on the ground next to a lavender cable and capo and a leopard-print guitar strap. The post exemplifies her multifaceted, DIY artistic vision (lavender and leopard print are staples in her visuals). In addition to performing all of the guitar, bass, synths, keyboards and drum programming on The Makeover, Turner did her own graphics and photography for the album, directs and produces her music videos, and gives a live virtual concert called Ali TV almost every Friday night on Facebook. Her grind and audience engagement seem to strike a chord: She’s twice been a finalist for Best Vocalist and Best Pop Artist in the Daysies, Seven Days’ readers’ choice awards. The songs on The Makeover have the feel of the demos that big-name artists sometimes release as bonus tracks. Here’s hoping the big-budget gods smile on AliT so she can give her buoyant pop songs the full-blooded treatment they deserve. The Makeover is available at AliT performs most Fridays at 7:30 p.m. on Facebook Live.





And on the seventh day, we do not rest. Instead we bring you...


Live Virtual Event Friday, April 16 at 5:30pm Online Wine Auction Open April 9-16 Learn more at at Raise a glass to CHCB’s important mission of health care! Sought-after wines, selected by Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, as well as Vermont-made goods and unique local experiences will be auctioned off during the week-long event. We will then celebrate via Zoom Webinar the evening of April 16 with presentations from select CHCB friends and a few live bids! THANK YOU TO OUR SPONSORS:

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3/2/21 6:43 PM

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4/2/21 3:05 PM



9/14/20 1:21 PM



JAIL TALES Koné plays a newcomer to a dreaded prison who must spin stories to survive in Lacôte’s gritty fable.

Night of the Kings HHHHH


ur streaming entertainment options are overwhelming — and not always easy to sort through. This week, I watched a prison drama from Ivory Coast that was short-listed for the 2021 Academy Awards. An inventive blend of realism and fable, Night of the Kings streams through the Vermont International Film Foundation’s Virtual Cinema through April 15. Find more info at

The deal

In most prisons, the warden’s word is law. In Abidjan’s notorious La MACA prison, we’re told, the inmates themselves choose their king. For years, that has been Blackbeard (Steve Tientcheu), but now illness has painted a target on his forehead. Tradition requires an ailing king to surrender his throne and his life, but Blackbeard won’t go down without a fight. Enter a frightened young gang member (Bakary Koné) who’s new to the prison. To buy time for himself, Blackbeard christens him Roman and revives another prison tradition: During tonight’s blood moon, Roman will tell a story to entertain his fellow prisoners. If their attention flags … well, let’s just say most Romans don’t survive the night. But this one, the nephew of a griot, might have some tricks up his sleeve. 50


Will you like it? A tale of storytellers and their place in culture, Night of the Kings grabbed me immediately with its own storytelling, which is traditional in the best sense. In the first 15 minutes, writer-director Philippe Lacôte deftly sets up all the players for a Shakespearean tragedy in a modern setting: the aging king, his steely rival, the allies on both sides, the tricksters and madmen, and the outsider caught in the middle of it all. Powerful performances support that narrative efficiency. We need spend only a few seconds with the guard Nivaquine (Issaka Sawadogo) to feel him seething with rage and resignation, and the same goes for Blackbeard’s jaded weariness and Roman’s terror. This is a movie where even the side characters convince us they’d have great stories to tell. After that traditional beginning, Night of the Kings develops in less traditional ways. An event we expect in the fifth act happens at the midpoint. Roman’s story — which blends reality and fantasy, urban gangs and real-life politics, and mythical kings and queens — sometimes usurps the narrative. A power-struggle drama becomes a fable of how artists survive in times of chaos — by telling the stories that help people make sense of it all.

Even as the ground shifts under us, Night of the Kings remains compelling. The limited setting and time frame of a single night give the film a strong theatrical quality, bearing out what Lacôte told Variety: “Africa is perhaps the very last ancient theater of today, where tragedy and the stakes of power unfurl in a raw, frontal and eminently visual manner.” Lacôte conveys that rawness by using cinematography and blocking to dissolve the distinction between storyteller and audience. Not only is the camera constantly moving, showing us reactions to the twists and turns of Roman’s story, but the inmates become actors. When Roman mentions a scorpion, they mime a scorpion; when he evokes the famous outlaw Zama King, they sing a dirge for the fallen gang leader. What might have been a stagy framing device becomes an immersive, multilayered tragedy. With its crimson moon and animals that wait outside in the jungle to receive the souls of the dead (Blackbeard plans to return as a doe), the frame story is actually more enthralling than Roman’s tale. But then, you try telling a story under the threat of death. The audience of convicts may be receptive, but it’s also easily bored and full of tart critiques, forcing Roman to think fast and change tactics under pressure.

By elevating the sordid story of Zama King to the level of myth, Roman performs an artistic alchemy — and, more importantly, he gets lucky. The film’s muted ending leaves us with no illusions about the power of human creativity to prevent history from happening in all of its violence. Sometimes the most our ingenuity can do, Lacôte suggests, is help us survive to the end of the night.

If you like this, try... • Atlantics (2019; Netflix): Mati Diop’s drama from Senegal, a contender for the Cannes Film Festival Palme d’Or, weaves supernatural elements into the story of a woman torn between a rich fiancé and a mysterious lover. • The Burial of Kojo (2018; Netflix): A rural girl travels through the spirit realm to save her father from death in this film from Ghana that was honored at New York’s Urbanworld Film Festival. • The Inheritance (2020; VTIFF Virtual Cinema through April 15): Part documentary, part scripted drama, Ephraim Asili’s acclaimed film traces the evolution of a community of young Black artists and activists in West Philadelphia. MARGO T HARRI S O N

NEW IN THEATERS ANOTHER ROUNDHHHH1/2 Four middle-aged teachers try an experiment to see whether constant drunkenness will improve their lives in this dark Danish comedy from director Thomas Vinterberg, starring Mads Mikkelsen, Thomas Bo Larsen and Maria Bonnevie. (117 min, NR. Savoy Theater; reviewed by M.H. 2/3) VOYAGERS: Astronauts on a generation ship start losing touch with reality in this science-fiction thriller from writer-director Neil Burger (Limitless), starring Colin Farrell, Tye Sheridan and Lily-Rose Depp. (108 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)

NOW PLAYING 2021 OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS: Watch the Animated (99 min, PG-13) and Live Action (130 min, R) selections at the Essex Cinemas and Savoy Theater; the latter also has the Documentary selections. (136 min, R)

THE BEST MUSIC EVER M ADE! CLASSIC HITS of the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s


THE COURIERHHH Benedict Cumberbatch plays a businessman who is recruited by MI-6 and the CIA to work with a Soviet agent in this Cold War spy thriller. With Merab Ninidze and Rachel Brosnahan. Dominic Cooke (On Chesil Beach) directed. (111 min, PG-13. Savoy Theater) FRENCH EXITHHH Michelle Pfeiffer generated awards buzz with her performance as a socialite who decamps with her grown son (Lucas Hedges) to Paris in Azazel Jacobs’ adaptation of Patrick deWitt’s comic novel. (110 min, R. Essex Cinemas) GODZILLA VS. KONGHHH Ready to go back to the theater and see giant monsters smash each other in a would-be blockbuster directed by indie horror filmmaker Adam Wingard? Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown and Rebecca Hall star. (113 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas) THE MAURITANIANHH1/2 Based on Mohamedou Ould Slahi’s Guantánamo Diary, this Golden Globewinning drama traces his fight to free himself from imprisonment without charge. Tahar Rahim and Jodie Foster star. Kevin Macdonald directed. (129 min, R. Savoy Theater) NOBODYHHH1/2 Bob Odenkirk plays a put-upon dad who goes on a Death Wish-style vigilante spree in this action flick from director Ilya Naishuller. With Connie Nielsen and RZA. (92 min, R. Essex Cinemas) RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGONHHHH A young warrior seeks the help of the last living dragon in this Disney animated fantasy. With the voices of Kelly Marie Tran, Awkwafina and Gemma Chan. Don Hall and Carlos López Estrada directed. (114 min, PG. Essex Cinemas) TOM AND JERRYH1/2 Cartoon cat attempts to catch cartoon mouse, over and over and over. But what is their origin story? This family animation reveals all. Tim Story directed. (101 min, PG. Essex Cinemas)

At Least 50 Minutes of Music an Hour 20 Hours a Day - 10:00 AM – 6:00 AM

THE UNHOLYHH A seeming miracle may be something darker in this horror flick in which a girl gains supernatural powers after a visitation from the Virgin. With Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Cricket Brown. Evan Spiliotopoulos directed. (102 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas)


WOLFWALKERSHHHH1/2 An apprentice wolf hunter in Ireland discovers a different point of view in this family animation from the makers of The Secret of Kells. (103 min, PG. Savoy Theater, Sat only; reviewed by M.H. 1/13)



ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, (Note: New listings for this theater were not available at press time.) THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,

Cl as s icHit sV e r mont .com

STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, 34VRadioVT040721 1



4/5/21 3:38 PM



BCA Studios

Burlington City Arts spring class registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at HOME STUDIO: FAMILY CLAY: All ages. 10 families max. Make art with your family from the comfort of your home! Our clay experts join you live, via Zoom, from the BCA Clay Studio to lead you through a fun, family-friendly hand-building clay project. Includes supplies, an hour-long demonstration, glazing and firing of four pieces. Option 1: Fri., Apr. 9, 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Option 2: Fri., May 14, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $20/family. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@,

roll of black-and-white film to the first class. Wed., Apr. 21-May 12, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $145. Location: BCA Studios, Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@, WHEEL PROJECTS: Four students max. Prerequisite: Students must have previous experience working on a pottery wheel and basic knowledge of throwing and trimming. Join master potter Jeremy Ayers in an exploration of intermediate and advanced wheelthrowing techniques. One-on-one instruction and group critiques are included. Wed., Apr. 21-May 19, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225. Location: BCA Studios, Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,,

PHOTOGRAPHY: Four students max. Learn to expose blackand-white film, process film into negatives, and make silver gelatin prints. All 35mm film, paper and darkroom supplies included. Bring your manual 35mm or medium-format film camera, as well as an exposed


martial arts

BASIC BREADMAKING WITH CHEF EMERY: Ever thought that a fresh loaf of bread was too much work or too intimidating? Participants follow along as Chef Emery shows how to make a savory cheddar herb and caramelized onion quick bread. She demonstrates the step-by-step process of making your own loaf of delicious crusty bread at home. Sat., Apr. 17, 1011:30 a.m. Cost: $15/person; $10 for BF&M members. Location: Billings Farm & Museum, Zoom. Info: 457-2355, mwakefield@,

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required. Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World Jiu-Jitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventhdegree coral belt in Brazilian JiuJitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,

VERMONT EATS! COOKING CLASSES: Have fun with food and learn about local history in the comfort of your home kitchen. Our spring cooking class series features traditional dishes from three immigrant communities in Vermont. April 13: Italian American Stoneworkers in Barre. April 20: Mount Lebanon to Vermont. April 27: The Kitchens of Ohavi Zedek. Tue., Apr. 13, 20 & 27, evening. Cost: $10/90-minute classes. Location: Vermont Historical Society via Zoom, 60 Washington St., Barre. Info: Shana Goldberger, 828-2291,,

drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New hybrid classes (Zoom and in-person) starting! Taiko Tuesday and Wednesday. Djembe Wednesday. Kids and Parents Tuesday and Wednesday. COVID-19free rental instruments, curbside pickup, too. Private Hybrid Conga lessons by appointment. Let’s prepare for future drumming outdoors. Schedule/register online. Location: Online and in-person at Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,

HOME STUDIO: PAINT NIGHT: Ages 13 and up. Twelve students max. Get creative at home with Vermont artist Jess Graham, known for her strikingly colorful designs and paintings. Jess shares pro tips and techniques with you as you paint together via Zoom. Includes two hours of instruction plus materials. Tue., Apr. 13, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $40. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,, HOME STUDIO: SCREEN PRINTING: Eight students max. Bring the BCA Print Studio to you via this four-week-long introduction to silkscreen. Local artist Kate McKernan leads a Zoom class live from BCA’s studio. Discover how screen printing works, and print your design in the comfort of your home. Materials and instruction included. Tue., Apr. 20-May 11, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $80. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,,


WOODCUT: Three students max. Discover the unique process of woodblock printing with local artist Ashley Stagner. Focus on fundamental relief printing techniques and transform designs into unique prints. The class will then progress to more sophisticated processes, including multicolor printing and two- and three-color reduction block printing. Includes materials. Mon., Apr. 19-May 10, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $180. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,,


language LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live video conferencing. High-quality affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers lesson package. Our 15th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanish, spanish

ONLINE SPANISH CLASSES FOR ALL AGES: Premier nativespeaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audiovisual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” -Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook at Location: Maigualida Rak, Online. Info: Maigualida Rak, spanish, facebook. com/spanishonlinevt.

FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION & HEALTH: This class will have five modules that will allow students to pick the subjects they want to study, or they can take the entire five modules for the practitioner training. The modules are: Anatomy & Physiology, Essential Oils, Nutrition, Qi Gong, and SelfCare/Lifestyle. Mon., starts Sep. 13, 9 a.m.-noon. Cost: $2,500/120 hours; individual modules are less. Location: Elements of Healing, 21 Essex Way, Suite 109, Essex Junction. Info: Scott Moylan, 288-8160, scott@, element

spirituality CRYSTAL MAGIC: Explore the power and magic of crystals and gemstones in two classes on Zoom. Taught by Shamanic Reiki Master Maureen Short, who has 40 years’ experience with Mother Earth’s gems. You’ll learn to choose, clear and program crystals in first class. In second you’ll learn the properties of many stones. Mon., Apr. 5 & 12, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $88/for both classes. Location: Lightheart Sanctuary/Zoom, 236 Wild Apple Rd., New Haven. Info: Maureen Short, 453-4433, maureen@,

well-being AYURVEDA INTEGRATION PROGRAM: Virtual Program. Join us in learning and immerse yourself in the oldest surviving preventative health care system. Our 200-hour Ayurveda Integration Program is ideal for yoga teachers, counselors, therapists, bodyworkers, nurses, doctors, wellness coaches, herbalists and anyone wanting to improve their own health. Learn seasonal and daily routines, holistic nutrition, stress reduction techniques, and home remedies to slow down, stop and reverse health conditions. VSAC approved. Starts in May, one weekend monthly, Sat. & Sun., 9:00 a.m.3:30 p.m. Cost: $2,795/200-hour training. Location: The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont, 34 Oak Hill Rd., Williston. Info: Allison Morse, 872-8898, info@ayurvedavermont. com,

yoga EVOLUTION YOGA: Bring your body and mind toward balance and find connection in community. All are welcome. Find support you need to awaken your practice. Offering livestream and recorded classes. Give the gift of yoga with a gift card on our website. Flexible pricing based on your needs; scholarships avail. Contact Single class: $0-15. Weekly membership: $10-25. 10-class pass: $140. New student special: $20 for 3 classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 8649642,

Angel AGE/SEX: 4-year-old spayed female ARRIVAL DATE: February 27, 2021


REASON HERE: Transferred from Baldwin County Animal Shelter SUMMARY: We don’t know all of the details of Angel’s past, but we do know that she will need a patient, understanding family committed to helping her feel comfortable in her new surroundings. She has made incredible progress at HSCC and now spends time lounging in staff offices, joining us for lunch (she loves snacks!) and sunbathing when the weather is nice. She’ll be most comfortable in a quiet home where she can be with people she knows and trusts, and where she doesn’t have to share attention with other pets. Bringing Angel into your life will mean taking the time and putting in the work to help her feel at home, but it will be so rewarding to see her blossom. HSCC will be here to support her new family every step of the way!

housing »


Though some new arrivals are ready to find their new homes right away, those like Angel spend extra time with us while they receive necessary medical care, behavioral training, socialization and more. Between on-site residents and those staying with foster families, HSCC is typically caring for between 60 and 90 animals while they await their new families!

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DOGS/CATS/KIDS: She has no known experience with dogs, cats or kids. Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.



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print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x10

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HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our




ADOPTION COUPLE HOPING TO ADOPT Kind & fun-loving VT couple can provide a safe & loving home for your baby. If you are pregnant & considering adoption, we would welcome

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010

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Woodworking Tools & Machinery Online: Mon., April 12 @ 10AM Preview: By Appointment 131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT

GARAGE/ESTATE SALES ESTATE SALE IN STOWE, VT. Large online estate sale. 8 p.m. Wed., Apr. 7-Fri., Apr. 9, at 5 p.m. Go to estatesalesand


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Foreclosure: 3BR Home on 1± Acre Thursday, April 29 @ 11AM Register & Inspect at 10AM

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Show and tell. Calcoku »

View and post up to SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid 6 photos per ad online.

WARDS: VERMONT PUNK BAND 34-song live CD. 1978-2018. $10. Proceeds paid to Paul Allison, 33 West St., Bolton, VT 05676. paulbolton9@gmavt. net, 802-434-5459.

WANT TO BUY WE BUY LEVIS & USA DENIM We buy your used Levis & USA-made denim at Downtown Threads in Burlington & Camille’s Experienced Clothing in Rutland. james@ or 802-773-0971.


INSTRUCTION BASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, VOICE LESSONS & MORE Remote music lessons are an amazing way

to spend time at home! Learn guitar, bass, piano, voice, violin, drums, flute, sax, trumpet, production & beyond w/ pro local instructors from the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine St. All levels & styles are welcome, incl. absolute beginners. Come share in the music! burlington, info@burlington GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,



using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.






7 4 6 3







Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.















5» 1

















9 4

2 6 1 1 4 7 3 Difficulty - Hard


6 8



2 1







There’s no limit to



2÷ 2÷

Post & browse ads

Complete the following puzzleadby using length online.the at your convenience. numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.




Open 24/7/365. Sudoku Extra! Extra!

7 4 2

No. 682


9 Difficulty - Medium


DIFFICULTY THIS WEEK: HHH Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.

8 4 6 2 1 5 9 3 7 ANSWERS3ON P.556 1 6 9 7 4 8 2 H = MODERATE HH = CHALLENGING HHH = HOO, BOY! 9 2 7 3 4 8 1 6 5 7 8 4 5 6 1 2 9 3 6 3 2 9 8 4 7 5 1 1 9 5 7 2 3 8 4 6 2 6 8 1 3 9 5 7 4 5 1 9 4 7 6 3 2 8 4 7 3 8 5 2 6 1 9



Legal Notices ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1043-1A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On March 19, 2021, University of Vermont and State Agricultural College, 16 Colchester Avenue, Burlington, VT 05405 filed application number 4C1043-1A for a project generally described as the temporary suspension of a 200 space off-campus parking lot as required in item 4(b) of UVM’s Local Parking Management Plan (Exhibit #018 of LUP #4C1043-1). The project is associated with the Health Science Research Facility located at 149 Beaumont Avenue in Burlington, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site ( by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1043-1A.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before April 23, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c) (1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more


Vermont this 30th day of March, 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658

information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than April 23, 2021. The Applicant has requested a partial waiver of notice to adjoining landowners, pursuant to Act 250 Rule 10(F). The District Commission has granted the waiver request based on the determination that the adjoining landowners whose notice has been waived, reasonably could not be affected by the proposed project and that serving notice on all the adjoining landowners constitutes a significant administrative burden without corresponding public benefit. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c) (5). Dated at Essex Junction,

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1335 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On March 25, 2021, Jiddu/Sittu Trust, 124 College Parkway, Colchester, VT 05446 and Gabriel Handy, 124 College Parkway, Colchester, VT 05446 filed application number 4C1335 for a project generally described as (1) the merging of two lots to create a single 1.48-acre lot, (2) the demolition of four existing structures and (3) the construction of a 4-story building with 67 residential units and 3,439 sf of commercial space with associated parking and site improvements. The project is located at 195 & 197 Pearl Street in Essex Junction, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site ( by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1335.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before April 27, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c) (1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria


5 3









2 8 4- 3 9 17 6 1 52 5 4 24x

4 5 2 2÷ 8 32÷ 9 6 17+ 7

6 1 7 4 2 5 8 9 3

















4 2 3-6 3 5 4-9 7 1 4 8







1 5 9 7 4 8 6+ 6 1 8 4 2 3 3 9 713+ 6 5 2 5-

9 2-4 1 2 13+ 7 8 5 3 6

5 3 8 6 9 53 4 7 2 1

7 2 5 3 1 6 4 8 9

Difficulty - Hard


Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.

COMBINED NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS AND FINAL NOTICE AND PUBLIC EXPLANATION OF A PROPOSED ACTIVITY NEAR A WETLAND FINAL NOTICE AND PUBLIC EXPLANATION OF A PROPOSED ACTIVITY NEAR A WETLAND This is to give notice that the Town of Colchester, Vermont (the Town) and the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (Agency) have conducted an evaluation as required by Executive Order 11990, in accordance with HUD regulations at 24 CFR 55.20 Subpart C Procedures for Making Determinations on Wetlands Protection. The activity is funded under the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) (administered by the Vermont Community Development Program) under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (PL 93-383), the National Affordable Housing Act, as amended and HOME Investment Partnership



No. 682

Difficulty - Medium

7 3






at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than April 27, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this pr ocess (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c) (5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 1st day of April, 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658

Program (HOME) funds under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, as amended, and National Housing Trust Funds. The proposed project, known as Stuart Avenue Apartments, is located at 242 Severance Road, Colchester, Vermont and will provide approximately 36 new affordable apartments. It is a small part of a large, mixed-use residential and commercial development known as the Severance Road Planned Unit Development in the Severance Road Designated Growth Center. The proposed Stuart Avenue Apartments project will be accessed by future roads Shea Drive and Stuart Avenue, and adjacent bike paths, all of which have impacts to the Class II wetland and buffer, including beneficial impacts. The Class II wetland is approximately 1 acre in size, has a 50 foot adjacent buffer zone, and contains open water of which is a man-made pond. The property has been visited by Brock Freyer, District Wetlands Ecologist of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation on January 5, 2018, after it had been delineated by Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS) on May 20, 2014. By using sedimentation and erosion control measures during construction, it has been determined that the Stuart Avenue Apartments project itself will not impact the wetland or buffer. The Agency and the Town of Colchester have considered alternatives and mitigation measures to the proposed project to minimize adverse impacts and to preserve natural and beneficial values of the nearby wetland. Alternatives considered included the following: Alternative sites for the affordable housing project in Colchester outside of the Severance Road Growth Center may be available, but the environmental impact, cost of acquisition and construction and availability of utilities were all negative factors when compared to the proposed project. Alternative sites within the master development were available, though none provided any advantage over another in terms of environmental impact. Also, the Town obtained State New Town Center designation and Growth Center designation for Severance Corners in order to help facilitate the development of this area, including for affordable housing. The Agency and the Town of Colchester have reevaluated the alternatives to the proposed work near the wetland and have determined that there is no practicable alternative. Environmental files that document compliance with steps 3 through 6 of Executive Order 11990, are available for public inspection, review and copying upon request at the times and location delineated in the last paragraph of this notice for receipt of comments. There are three primary purposes for this notice. First, people who may be affected by activities near wetlands and those who have an interest in the protection of the natural environment should be given an opportunity to express their concerns and provide information about these areas. Second, an adequate public notice program can be an important

public educational tool. The dissemination of information and request for public comment about wetlands can facilitate and enhance Federal efforts to reduce the risks and impacts associated with the occupancy and modification of these special areas. Third, as a matter of fairness, when the Federal government determines it will participate in actions taking place near wetlands, it must inform those who may be put at greater or continued risk. Written comments must be received by the Town of Colchester, 781 Blakely Road,, Colchester, Vermont 05446 Attention: Mr. Aaron Frank, Town Manager, or via email at or by the Agency, c/o Environmental Officer, Department of Housing and Community Development, National Life Building, 6th floor, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, Vermont 05602 or via email at James.Brady@vermont. gov, on or before April 14, 2021. A description of the project may be requested via email at James. COMBINED NOTICE OF FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT AND NOTICE OF INTENT TO REQUEST RELEASE OF FUNDS STATE OF VERMONT April 7, 2021 Aaron Frank, Town Manager Town of Colchester 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, VT 05446 Phone: 802-264-5509 Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development Josh Hanford, Commissioner, VT Department of Housing and Community Development One National Life Drive, Davis Building, 6th Floor Montpelier, VT 05620 802-828-3080 The purpose of this notice is to satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the Town of Colchester and the State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development. Request for Release of Funds On or about April 23, 2021, the Town of Colchester will submit a request to the Agency to release funds under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (PL93-383), the National Affordable Housing Act as amended; and the Agency will submit a request to HUD to release HOME Investment Partnership Program funds under Title II of the CranstonGonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, as amended to undertake a project known as the Stuart Avenue Apartments project, which comprises approximately 1.3 acres and involves new construction of a four story, 36-unit affordable housing residential building with underground and aboveground parking (approximately 75 total parking spaces) in the Severance Road Growth Center of Colchester. The proposed project is located at 242 Severance Road, Colchester, VT, and within the Severance Road Planned Unit Development (PUD- also known as Sunderland Farms). The 8 step decision-making process was completed due to the existence of a nearby wetland, and during this process

it was determined that any impacts to the wetland and its buffer are from the Severance Road PUD and not from the subject property itself. The building will be constructed using radon resistant construction techniques and activation of the radon mitigation system will be completed if warranted. Share rural farmhouse w/ senior woman who enjoys literature, gardening & classical The estimated total cost of music. Seeking housemate to cook 4 meals/wk, assist with yardwork & grocery shopthe project is approximately $11,245,600 including anticiping. $300/mo., all inc. Furnished bdrm, sitting room & private BA. pated amounts of approximately $650,000 in CDBG Funds and approximately $500,000 in HOME funds, and approximately Share home w/ woman in her 80s who enjoys birds & gardens. Seeking a neat & $500,000 HTF funds. The project tidy housemate to cook 2x/wk, provide companionship & occas. transportation in also anticipates pursuing apexchange for no rent/just share of utils. No pets/smoking. proximately nine Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers. Finding of No Significant Impact The Town of Colchester and Musical senior gentleman who enjoys keeping up on world events, with a home to the Agency have determined share 25 min. to Middlebury. $300/mo. plus light help w/ yardwork & companionship. that the project will have no Must be dog-friendly! significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Statement under the National Call 863-5625 or visit for an Environmental Policy Act of application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO 1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) which will public hearing will3/26/21 take place Homeshare041520.indd 1 4:59 on PM be made available to the public Monday, April 26, 2021 during for review either electronically or the Regular City Council Meeting by U.S. mail. Please submit your which begins at 7:00 pm. You List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! request by U.S. mail to the Town may access the hearing/meeting Contact Katie, 865-1020, ext. 10, of Colchester, 781 Blakely Road,, as follows: Colchester, VT 05446 or via email at or CHURCH ST. VENDOR LICENSE & FOOD CART FOR SALE To join from a Computer, please via U.S. mail to Environmental use the following link: Located in front Officer, Department of Housing https://us02web.zoom. of the bars Akes’ and Community Development, us/j/83978099086 Place & Red National Life Building, One Square. Don’t National Life Drive, Davis Building To join by telephone dial: +1 929 miss out on this 6th floor, Montpelier, Vermont 205 6099 opportunity to 05620 or via email at James. Webinar ID: 839 7809 9086 own a business on Church Street! Public Comments Pursuant to the requirements of 1-514-717-9972. Any individual, group, or agency 24 V.S.A. §4444(b): philoranville@ may submit written comments Statement of purpose: on the ERR to the Town of - ZA-21-03: To rezone approxiColchester regarding the use mately 2.4 acres of the property of CDBG funds, attn. Mr. Aaron located at 925 North Avenue Frank, Town Manager, 781 from RCO-C to R-L. Blakely Road, Colchester, VT - ZA-21-05: To refer to the current 05446, or via email at afrank@ lighting standard for parking related laws and authorities and 58.76) and shall be addressed to or to the garages as established by IESNA. FSBO- mattp021021.indd 2/8/21 3:59 PM allows the Town1of Colchester to the HUD Director of Community Agency for the use of HOME - ZA-21-06: To establish use CDBG funds and the Agency Planning and Development funds, Attn: Environmental maximum front yard setback for to use the HOME funds. Officer, Department of Housing shoreline properties within the for the HOME funds. Potential Objections to Release of Funds and Community Development, waterfront residential zones and objectors should contact HUD via National Life Building, One The Agency will accept objections establish low-mow standards email to verify the last day of the National Life Drive, Davis Building to its approval of the release along the shoreline. objection period. 6th floor, Montpelier, Vermont of funds and acceptance of Geographic areas affected: 05620, or via email at James. the Town of Colchester’s HOWARD CENTER - ZA-21-03: Approximately 2.4 All comcertification, and HUD will accept acres of R-L zoned land located at If you received services from ments received by April 22, 2021 objections to its approval of the 925 North Avenue. Howard Center and would like will be considered by the Town of release of funds and the State’s a copy of your record, please Colchester and the Agency prior certification for a period of fifteen - ZA-21-05: All areas and zoning contact Howard Center’s Health to authorizing the submission days following the anticipated districts within the city. Information Department at of a request for release of funds. submission date or its actual - ZA-21-06: Properties within the 488-6000. In order to protect Comments must specify which receipt of the request (whichever waterfront residential (WRL & individuals’ privacy, the agency Notice they are addressing—the is later) only if they are on one of WRM) zones with frontage along routinely destroys healthcare Finding of No Significant Impact the following bases: (a) the certiLake Champlain or the Winooski records after retaining them for or the Request for the Release fication was not executed by the River. the number of years required of Funds. Certifying Officers Aaron Frank List of section headings affected: by law. / Josh Hanford; (b) the Town/ Environmental Certification Agency has omitted a step or - ZA-21-03: Modifies Map The Town of Colchester is failed to make a decision or find4.3.1-1 Base Zoning Districts; certifying to the Agency that the PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE: ing required by HUD regulations Map 4.4.5-1 Residential Zoning Town of Colchester and Aaron BURLINGTON COMPREHENSIVE at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant Districts; Map 4.4.6-1 Recreation, Frank, in his official capacity as DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE recipient or other participants Conservation, Open Space Town Manager, and the Agency in the development process Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §4442 and Districts; and Map 4.5.1-1 Design is certifying to HUD that the have committed funds, incurred §4444, notice is hereby given of a Review Overlay. Agency and Josh Hanford, in his costs or undertaken activities public hearing by the Burlington - ZA-21-05: Modifies Sec.5.5.2 (f) official capacity as Commissioner not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 City Council to hear comments on 5. Parking Garage Lighting. of the VT Department of Housing before approval of a release of the following proposed amendand Community Development, - ZA-21-06: Modifies Table 4.4.5-3 funds by the Agency/HUD; or (d) ments to the City of Burlington’s consent to accept the jurisdiction Residential District Dimensional another Federal agency acting Comprehensive Development of the Federal Courts if an Standards, Sec. 4.5.4 (a) and Sec pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has Ordinance (CDO): action is brought to enforce 4.5.4 (c) 4. submitted a written finding that ZA-21-03 R-L Boundary at 925 responsibilities in relation The full text of the Burlington the project is unsatisfactory from North Ave to the environmental review Comprehensive Development the standpoint of environmental ZA-21-05 Parking Garage process and that these responOrdinance is available online quality. Illumination Standard sibilities have been satisfied. at Objections must be prepared ZA-21-06 Shoreline Property The Agency’s/HUD’s approval of CDO. A hard copy of the and submitted via email in Setbacks & Buffer Zone the certification satisfies its reproposed amendments are accordance with the required sponsibilities under the National posted and can be viewed on procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. Per Act 92, Secs. 5 and 6, the Environmental Policy Act and the information board located

Homeshares CHARLOTTE




on the first floor of City Hall, 149 Church Street, Burlington, Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. or on the department’s website at https:// Proposed-Amendments-Beforethe-City-Council. STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION DOCKET NO. 379-9-18 CNJV In re: M.M. Notice of Hearing TO: Peter A. Morel father of M.M., you are hereby notified that a hearing to consider the termination of all your parental rights to M.M. will be held on May 7, 2021., at 8:30 am; at the Superior Court of Vermont, Family Division, Chittenden County, Costello Courthouse, 32 Cherry St. Burlington, Vermont. You are notified to appear in this case. Failure to appear may result in the termination of your parental rights to M.M. Thomas J. Devine Superior Court Judge March 31, 2021 Date STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN SS. DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-01104 In re the ESTATE of Annette L. Lazarus late of Shelburne, Vermont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of Annette L. Lazarus late of Shelburne, Vermont. I have been appointed personal representatives of the above-named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Probate Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented as described above within the four (4) month period. Dated: March 25, 2021 Signed: /s/ Lee Gadbois-Loisel and David Coen Print name: Lee Gadbois-Loisel and David Coen Little & Cicchetti, P.C. P.O. Box 907, Burlington, VT 05402-0907 802-862-6511 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 7, 2021, April 14, 2021 Address of Probate Court: Chittenden District Court, P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402-0511 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO. 340-8-19 CNJV In Re: A.B ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Ashley Bonilla, mother of A.B. you are hereby notified that the State of Vermont has filed a petition to terminate your residual parental rights to A.B. and that the hearing to consider the termination of all residual parental rights to A.B. will be held on April 29, 2021 at 8:30 a.m. at the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Family Division, at 32 Cherry Street,

Burlington, Vermont. You may appear remotely by contacting the Clerk’s office at 802 651 1709. You are notified to appear in connection with this case. Failure to appear at this hearing may result in the termination of all of your parental rights to A.B. The State is represented by the Attorney General’s Office, HC 2 North, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2080. A copy of this order shall be mailed to Ashley Bonilla if an address for her is known. /S/ Thomas J. Devine Superior Court Judge 3/25/21 Date STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION ADDISON UNIT, DOCKET NO.: 162-5-20 ANPR In re ESTATE of Estate of Robert Thomas Brooks NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of Robert Thomas Brooks, late of Ferrisburgh, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: Feb. 17, 2021 Signed: /s/ Rhea Brooks Executor/Administrator: Rhea Brooks 285 West Main Road Little Compton, RI 02837 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 7, 2021 Name of Probate Court: State of Vermont - Addison Unit Address of Probate Court: 7 Mahady Court, Middlebury, VT 05753 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT, DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-01405 In re ESTATE of Arthur Ross Shelmandine, IV NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the Creditors of Arthur Ross Shelmandine, IV, late of Jericho. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: March 30, 2021 Signed: /s/ Launa L. Slater Executor/Administrator: Laurel Shelmandine c/o Launa L. Slater, Jarrett & Luitjens, PLC 1795 Williston Rd., Suite 125 South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 864-5951 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 7, 2021 Name of Probate Court: Chittenden Probate Court Address of Probate Court: P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402-0511



58 APRIL 7-14, 2021




APRIL GROUP INTERVIEWS! Visit our website:

Caring for seniors is a labor of love. Home Instead is awaiting 1t-KoFile040721.indd your talents. Flexible scheduling. No experience necessary. P/T and F/T positions. Let’s get to know each other. Sign up today! $14-$18.50 per hour. FT starts at $15/hour.

2v-HomeInstead040721.indd 1


Sales & Estimator Associate

• Luxury treatment salon in search of a hairstylist. • Must have 2+ years of experience in a salon. • We’re looking for a stylist who can be a team player and can be flexible with salon duties. • Must be willing and eager to learn in salon techniques, treatments, product knowledge, and continue education on up & coming trends. Please send resumé to Lisa Phelps at No phone calls please. 3h-Parlour040721.indd 1


4/5/21 10:42 AM


4/6/21 1:59 PM

Join the Facilities Department as an:

Hotel Vermont is looking for warm and engaging Vermonters to help our guests explore like a local and relax like it’s their job.

Environmental Services Technician • Maintain the overall cleanliness and sanitation of our Facilities • Perform a range of cleaning tasks, such as mopping, sanitizing, 9:17 AM trash & recycling disposal • Full Time, Benefit eligible • Sign On Bonus • Attention to detail is a must Apply at Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery

Do you like connecting with others? Are you passionate about Vermont winters? And springs, summers and autumns? What year is your Subaru? What’s your idea of a perfect day in Vermont? Or night? Do you embody our ideals of community through your positive and respectful attitude? Do you like questions? We can’t wait to hear your answers!

To schedule an interview go to:

is strengthened by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities We are looking for a Retail Hotel Vermont are encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. Visit “About Us” to review Howard Center’s EOE policy. - Cherry St, Burlington Sales Representative to provide excellent customer service for our business. Candidates with strong 4t-HowardCenterEST040721.indd 1 4/5/21 4t-HotelVTMAINTmgr040721.indd 10:47 AM 1 4/5/21 communication skills who can make customers feel welcome in our store will stand out. You will help identify client needs, present and answer questions about our products The Yard Hand is responsible for Haul, block and launch and services and recommend boats. Work closely with the Yard Foreman and assist solutions. A positive attitude fellow crewmembers as needed. Operate yard machinery and a desire to promptly including 75-Ton Travelift, 35-Ton hydraulic trailer, forklift, resolve potential customer Sign On Bonus - Up to $2,000 with a issues or complaints will make power washer, etc. Grounds maintenance and marina you successful in this role. starting salary of $15 an hour. cleanliness. Ability to work in all-weather conditions. Ultimately, you will ensure Ability to lift 50 pounds. Basic boat handling skills a plus. Responsible for the cleaning of all areas of that customers leave our store Positive attitude and willingness to learn. satisfied and you provide an the facility with the exception of the OR. Must amazing shopping experience. know how to handle cleaning issues or know

1:33 PM



• Full-time • Pay: $11.00 - $17.00 per hour based on experience Send resumes to: eric@

3v-CountrysideCarpet&Paint040721.indd 1

Safe Harbor Marinas offers eligible employees healthcare benefits, 401(k) plans, paid time off. Additional disclosures available at

the appropriate resources available to solve the specific problem.

Please submit an application online at Or give us a call: (802)-985-3326.

4/2/214t-ShelburneShipyard033121.indd 2:05 PM 1

3/30/214t-UVMMedCenter093020.indd 1:27 PM 1

LEARN MORE & APPLY: 9/25/20 12:36 PM


Marketing and Communications Content Coordinator


Vermont Tent Company is currently accepting applications for immediate employment as well as future summer/fall employment starting in May. We have full time, part time, after school and weekend hours available for each position. Pay rates vary by position with minimum starting wage ranging from $15$20/hour depending on job skills and experience.

Burlington City Arts is looking for a Marketing and Communications Content Coordinator to create, manage, and track digital and print marketing and communications Opportunities include: assets for BCA’s programming • Tent Installation/Delivery Team and administrative needs, • Driver/Warehouse Team – Event Division including exhibitions, camps • Drivers/Delivery and classes, events and • Linen Team festivals, public/donor relations, • Inventory Maintenance Team – Wash Bay & Warehouse and other projects as assigned. • Load Crew Team Members This role will support the For job descriptions and application. Communications Director and Design Director in managing BCA digital marketing and social media channels, 4v-VTTentCo031721.indd 1 3/15/21 Work at CCS and support our producing high-quality content for posts, ads, and emails that mission to build a community align with BCA’s high aesthetic where everyone participates standards. The coordinator and belongs. will also analyze marketing data for regular reports to Champlain Community Services is proud to be voted as one Communications Director. of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for the third year in a Apply online: row and we want you to be a part of our team! Our current

3v-BurlingtonCityArts040721.indd 1



openings for Employment Specialist, Service Coordinator, Direct Support Professionals, Respite, 11:29 AMOvernight Supports & Shared Living Providers offer opportunities to make a positive impact on someone’s life, and in yours. CCS employees receive a comprehensive benefits package, including paid time off, affordable health insurance, paid holidays and more. Join us and apply today at

CCS-VT.ORG E.O.E. Common Ground Center has a reputation for serving excellent locally sourced meals and we need 4/2/21 your help! Cooks are responsible4t-ChamplainCommunityServicesMULTI040721.indd 1 for meal preparation during multiple programs. Experience with vegetarian cooking a plus and ServSafe certification a must. Full The Bridge, a nonprofit community newspaper in Season: June 28th-August 13th Montpelier, is seeking a highly organized individual (with one week off). with strong communication and collaboration skills to help manage the paper's operations and business HOUSEKEEPING matters. Familiarity with QuickBooks a plus, but STAFF not required. Flexible hours up to 20 hours per Looking to add to our stellar week, $20 per hour. Most work to be conducted at housekeeping team to help us keep The Bridge offices at the Vermont College of Fine our spaces clean and sanitized this Arts in Montpelier. Other employees are working summer. Experience a plus but remotely for the time being. willing to train. Half time and 3/4 To apply with a letter of interest and resume, time positions May through October. or to request more information, send email to: Send resumes:

Part-Time Operations And Business Manager

3v-CommonGround033121.indd 1

3/26/21 4:08 PM 4t-Bridge040721.indd 1

59 APRIL 7-14, 2021

OPEN POSITIONS - ALL SHIFTS • Marketing & Sales Coordinator • Safety & Training Coordinator • Creamery Supervisor - 2nd Shift • HR Coordinator At Vermont Creamery, our employees are our greatest resource. We are a community that empowers our team to engage and live our mission every day. We know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and here, the whole is powered by a spirit of collaboration and transparency. Benefits matter; that’s why we offer a competitive package. Our benefits program includes medical, vision & dental insurance, retirement plans & a total well-being approach. Perks to keep you healthy & happy include a wellness program, time off & tuition assistance. A certified B Corp since 2014, we’re using our business as a force for good.

4:30 PM

To apply, please call 802-479-9371 or apply online at:

5v-VTCreamery040721.indd 1

4/2/21 3:27 PM

Reporter, Environment and Climate Change

VPR is hiring a full-time reporter to cover climate change and the environment in Vermont. We seek an enterprising, thoughtful journalist to cover this new beat in our growing, award-winning newsroom. We’re looking for a graceful storyteller and dogged pursuer of truth. You must have a passion for 11:52 AM covering Vermont communities and be equally adept at breaking news and creating engaging and deeply reported enterprise stories. You must also be committed to diversity in reporting and sourcing. A mastery of many skills is needed for today’s reporters: broadcast and digital storytelling, editing, photography and social media know-how. You must love the medium of public radio, but you don’t need direct broadcast experience. We’re looking for at least one year of journalism experience, more preferred. Read the full job description and the application requirement at Vermont Public Radio provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment, and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type, without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

1 4/5/215v-VPR040721.indd 1:16 PM

4/5/21 10:06 AM




APRIL 7-14, 2021

TRANSACTIONAL PARALEGAL Dinse is seeking to hire a full-time experienced transactional paralegal. Applicant should possess strong analytical skills with the ability to prepare for and assist with closings, perform title searches and draft title documents. Applicant must have a strong knowledge of state and local regulations including Act 250 & subdivision. Position requires communication with title insurance companies, lenders, attorneys and clients, so applicant must be confident in those areas. Duties may also include maintaining corporate books, assist with merger and acquisition, together with private placement transactions and corporate filing with the Vermont Secretary State. If you are detailed-oriented, can work under pressure and have at least three years of real estate law experience, we would like to hear from you. We offer a competitive salary, full benefit package, with 4 weeks of combined time off, and an exceptional work environment.


Bee’s Wrap shapes intentional habits without compromise for people, our core purpose, and the planet. We thrive in a fast-paced, collaborative environment and employ a growing workforce in Middlebury. We are currently hiring for the following positions: • Production Staff • Staff Accountant • Customer Experience Manager • Purchasing & Supply Chain Specialist Visit our website to apply!

1 4/6/212v-BeesWrap040721.indd 2:11 PM

DIRECTOR OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY You are a systems mastermind who likes people. You know first-hand the power of technology to unlock potential. You will bring your expertise to a mission-driven organization. We are seeking a people-focused leader, someone: • who can transform our Information Technology in support of our strategic evolution • who is customer-focused to the core • who seeks to join a collaborative and respectful culture of fun, dedicated people. Apply today at Position will stay opened until filled. The Vermont Land Trust is an E.O.E. We honor and invite people of all backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.

Penny Webster, Office Manager HAYES, WINDISH & BADGEWICK


1/19/21 4t-VTLandTrust040721.indd 11:09 AM 1


Bookkeeper Middlebury Office

Prestigious law firm seeks a reliable and detail-oriented bookkeeper to work collaboratively with our primary bookkeeper on a part-time basis. Duties include entering client information into the accounting system, handling invoices, posting payments, and assisting with accounting inquires and vendor statements as well as producing tax reports. Knowledge and experience with general accounting principles and/or bookkeeping is required.

4t-LangrockSperryWool040721.indd 1

Our generous benefits package includes comprehensive healthcare and dental, life, disability, 401(k) with employer contributions, generous paid time off and holidays.

3/19/214t-OpportunitiesCreditUnion040721.indd 3:01 PM 1

We are a small general practice firm with an emphasis on civil litigation, insurance defense, and workers’ compensation matters. We seek a candidate who is interested and has high ethical standards, strong skills in research and writing, along with the patience and desire to learn the profession. Competitive pay and benefits offered. Position to remain open until filled. Please send your resume and cover letter electronically to:

Please reply to: Nikki Stevens, Firm Administrator Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Email:

Associate’s degree or greater plus 2 to 3 years of directly related experience preferred.

Opportunities Credit Union is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Hayes, Windish & Badgewick is seeking an associate attorney to join our team. Preference is given to those with 3-5 years’ experience in civil litigation, but those just starting with strong work ethic and motivation will be considered too.

4t-HayesWindish&Badgewick012021.indd 1

Successful applicant must have excellent verbal, written, math, problem solving and communication skills. Duties include, one-on-one financial counseling, debt restructuring, budgeting and advocating. Applicant must be positive, professional, motivated and have a can do attitude. Commitment to serving the financial needs for people of modest income and assets. Knowledge of Banking or Financial systems and proficient in Word, Excel, and Outlook are preferred but not required.

Send resumes to

Please e-mail resume to

4t-DinsePC032421.indd 1

Opportunities Credit Union seeks an outgoing, energetic and self-motivated professional for a full time position as a MoneySense Counselor.

4/6/21 2:12 PM

RECORDING SECRETARY The Town of Jericho, VT is seeking the services of a Recording Secretary for the Jericho Selectboard. Services required include attending meetings (1st & 3rd Thursday of each month starting at 7pm for Jericho Selectboard) and furnishing written minutes of each meeting to town staff within five days of each meeting. The expected hourly rate range is $12.00-$15.00. Interested persons may submit a resume for service to Paula Carrier, Administrative Assistant, via email at or via mail at P.O. Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465. The town will receive applications until person is selected.

We are looking for a self motivated person with a "clean" DMV record and reliable transportation, who takes pride in being on time and is willing to work 40+ hours a week. Position requires driving company vehicles. Must pass pre-employment drug test. Strong mechanical and technical abilities and a basic understanding of electrical wiring and plumbing, Must be able to lift and move 100 lbs; ability to work 3v-TownofJericho032421.indd outdoors in all types of weather. Applicants will be able to with training pass the required certifications within 2 years of hire as a condition of employment. All training will be provided including safety training. Competitive wages and benefits offered (health insurance, life insurance, vacation and more). Please submit resume in person or email to our office: Spafford and Sons, 11 North Main St., Jericho Vt. Monday - Friday between 7:00 am and 4:00 pm. Starts immediately.

4/5/214t-Spafford&Sons030321.indd 4:02 PM 1

3/30/21 1:30 PM

4/5/21 4:14 PM


3/23/21 11:56 AM





The on-site network support technician will install, troubleshoot, and service a wide range of systems for clients. Candidates must be able to demonstrate a deep understanding of network infrastructure, the ability to work with a range of network equipment (Ubiquiti, Cisco, HP Aruba, SonicWall, MicroTik), and will have top-notch customer service skills. Experience with low-voltage wiring, phone systems, POS systems, and camera systems preferred, although an otherwise highly qualified candidate could be trained in these areas.

61 APRIL 7-14, 2021

Secretary Office of the Defender General, Montpelier. Previous secretarial experience required. Experience as a secretary in the criminal or juvenile justice system or human services field preferred. Must be able to work independently and as part of a legal team. Requires patience, the ability to work with a wide variety of people, tenacity, a sense of humor, and a can-do attitude.

At the Eye Surgery Center we specialize in cataract, corneal transplant and glaucoma surgeries. We are seeking 2 highly motivated Registered Nurse with Pre-op/PACU or Operating Room Circulating experience to work in our fast For full job description please visit paced, team-oriented, fun, patient centered Ambulatory To apply, please submit your cover letter and resume along Surgery Center. We have 1 with (2) letters of reference to by April part-time and 1 per-diem 16th. NO PHONE CALLS. position. The Part-time position is roughly 3-4 days a Full-time, exempt PG17 (union) position week with variable hours. 4t-AlarioTech033121.indd 1 3/30/21 1:24 PM State benefits. $17.11/hr. minimum. Qualification/Requirements: Current unrestricted Vermont RN License required. Email resume and cover letter by Friday, BCLS & ACLS preferred. April 9th to: EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST One year of Medical/ Surgical clinical experience. Way2Work, a leading developmental service supported employment Knowledge of regulatory E.O.E. program, is seeking a creative and outgoing individual to join their standards. Send resumes to: dynamic team. The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting individuals in developing career goals, job seeking skills, securing employment, 3v-EyeSurgeryCenter033121.indd 1 3/26/21 3:25 PMand on-the-job training. In addition, the candidate will collaborate 5v-OfficeoftheDefenderGeneral032421.indd 1 with businesses to build partnerships for long-term community-based employment. Must demonstrate reliability, strong communication skills, and the ability to solve problems effectively and professionally.

Marketing & Communications Manager

This full-time position offers a comprehensive benefits package, a great work environment, and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

Generator is looking for a skilled professional with killer communications skills and a love of telling stories, creating content, segmenting email lists, creating time-saving database automations, and more! The Marketing & Communications Manager does it all: digital and traditional media, website management, social media, graphic design, public relations, and applying a consistent look and feel across all platforms and touch points. This position is full-time with benefits with room for growth. Learn more and apply at

3v-Generator033121.indd 1


4/2/21 4:43 PM

STORMWATER PROJECT MANAGER Responsible for oversight of stormwater capital improvement projects from development through construction. Assists with management of the stormwater utility. Conducts data collection, data management, and reporting as necessary to facilitate stormwater utility operations. Completes tasks necessary to maintain the City’s compliance with MS4 and other permit requirements. For further information and job descriptions please use our website: To apply, please send cover letter and resume to Jaimie Held, Human Resource Manager at

3/30/214t-CitySouthBurlingtonSTORM040721.indd 9:43 AM 1

3/23/21 11:47 AM


Resume and cover letter to Ashley Dubois,

Empower the next generation of makers, artists, and entrepreneurs by growing an audience and building support4t-ChamplainCommunityServicesWORK040721.indd for your local community makerspace!


About Native Since 2000, Native has worked with clients to develop solutions to their sustainability challenges and to implement community-scale projects that reduce emissions, strengthen businesses, and contribute to global progress on climate change. We’re seeking a Business Administrator to join our Burlington-based team. About the role You’re a good fit for this role if you are detail-oriented, interested in working across business operations, and love creating efficiencies. You’ll work with Native’s Director of People & Culture and leadership team to support administrative projects across People Ops, Legal & Accounting, and Client Strategy operations. We’re looking for: ● A proactive commitment to problem-solving ● Familiarity with business operations and a capacity to learn new software ● Openness to ongoing learning and training Interested? Please send resume and cover letter to

4/5/21 5v-Native033121.indd 10:05 AM 1

3/29/21 12:23 PM




APRIL 7-14, 2021


CASE MANAGER Vermont Comforts of Home is looking for an organized, caring, and positive person to come join our team! We are a program of Upper Valley Services; our mission is to offer a communitybased alternative to older Vermonters who are no longer able to live independently in the community. If you are motivated by helping to make positive changes in someone’s life and enjoy working as part of a team, this may be a great opportunity for you. This position will be focused in the Franklin County area. We offer a competitive salary and a comprehensive benefit package. A bachelor’s degree and related experience required. Please email resumes to E.O.E.

4t-VTComfortsofHome033121.indd 1


Good Samaritan Haven is looking for a Donor Manager to support its fundraising efforts. This team member is responsible for managing the database and donor relations with an ability to focus on both big picture needs and the smallest details. This position requires comfort and experience with technology as well as an ability to be congenial and effective with both staff and donors. The successful candidate will be professional, and have a demonstrated commitment to serving those in need. This position for the right candidate is a great opportunity for professional growth and advancement in the field of philanthropy. The Donor Manager reports to the Executive Director, works closely with the development team and collaboratively with all staff.

POSITION DETAILS: 3/29/21 11:39 AM

Full time position, though willing to consider candidates who want to work 30+ hours. Flextime. During covid work will be performed remotely. After, the job will require some time in the office along with remote work. Must be willing to work occasional evenings and weekends. Salary range $39,000 - $45,000.

Residential contractor looking for lead carpenters, carpenters, & carpenter helpers. Come motivated and ready to work and you will be rewarded with great pay, benefits, & bonuses. Whether you’re looking to take on more responsibility or learn the trade, we have positions for all. Come work with a great team. Call Nic at 802-658-2260.

2v-CunninghamContracting040721.indd 1

4/6/21 2:00 PM

Good Samaritan Haven is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. We seek to strengthen our organization by encouraging candidates from various backgrounds and experiences. For more information and to apply:


5v-GoodSamaritanHaven040721.indd 1

VEDA is looking for a full-time Loan Closing Officer whose primary responsibility will be to prepare loan documents and handle all aspects of closings for VEDA’s agricultural, commercial and SBA loan programs. This position can be based in Middlebury, Montpelier or Burlington but due to COVID-19, it is expected to be remote based for a period of time. The Loan Closing Officer will work under the supervision of the Director of Closing and prepare loan closing documentation based on loan program, borrower, and collateral specifics. Other duties include reviewing commitment letters and other documentation necessary for loan closings, communicating with borrowers, attorneys and other lenders, and scheduling and attending loan closings. Preferred candidates will have a minimum of 5 years of experience within a legal setting. Specialized paralegal and/or financial institution experience is beneficial. Other important abilities include strong written, verbal, and computer skills; excellent customer service; and a proven team approach. This position requires travel within the State of Vermont. VEDA offers a competitive salary and benefits package and is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. We are interested in increasing staff diversity and welcome job applications from all qualified candidates. To apply, please email resume with cover letter to Cheryl Houchens:

6t-VEDA030321.indd 1

4/6/21 2:16 PM


The Central Vermont Solid Management Waste Management The Central Vermont Solid Waste District (CVSWMD)is is seeking an experienced, District (CVSWMD) seeking an experienced, part- parttime (20 bookkeeper in ourinoffice in ce in time (20hours hoursa week) a week) bookkeeper our offi Montpelier, Vermont. Ideal candidate has bookkeeping Montpelier, Vermont. Ideal candidate has bookkeeping experience, works with staff, vendors, and and experience, workseffectively effectively with staff, vendors, customers, and loves the world of financing. customers, and loves the world of financing. Minimum qualifications include an Associate’s Degree in Accounting and twoinclude years of relevant Minimum qualifications an Associate’s experience, plus at least one year using QuickofBooks Degree in Accounting and two years relevant accounting software and Microsoft Office. experience, plus at least one year using Quick Books Compensation: Betweenand $15Microsoft and $19 per accounting software Offihour, ce.

Looking for a Sweet Job? Our mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement. Job seekers can: • Browse hundreds of current, local positions from Vermont companies. • Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type. • Set up job alerts. • Apply for jobs directly through the site.

commensurate with experience, plus excellent prorated benefits. Between For more information Compensation: $15 and and $19to per hour, review the job description visit commensurate with experience, plus excellent employment--rfps pro-rated benefits. For more information and to Apply to; include review the job description visit please Bookkeeper in the subject line. Applications must employment--rfps

Start applying at

include a cover letter, resume, and three professional references. This position is open until filled. Apply to; please include

Bookkeeper in the subject line. Applications must include a cover letter, resume, and three professional 2/26/21 5v-CVSWMD040721.indd 10:48 AM 1 4/5/214v-jobFiller_workerbee.indd 9:50 AM references. This position is open until filled.


4/14/20 2:06 PM




Property Maintenance Local property maintenance company looking for a dynamic person to join our team. We have been in business since 2012, and the owner has been in the industry since 2004. When you work with us, you will join a company that cares more about the quality of the work we do, than the quantity of the work we have. Attention to detail is a must. The ability to communicate with teammates, as well as customers is essential. Hourly rates are determined on experience, and your ability to prove that you are ready and willing to work each day. Wages range from $13.00/ hour to $18.00/hour. Willing to pay more if you have commercial experience, and can lead a crew. Send resumes to:

3v-SeasonsChange040721.indd 1

Red House Building is now looking to expand our team of craftspeople at all skill levels, from laborers, to journeyman carpenters, to project managers. Though based in the Champlain valley, we strongly welcome applicants from Central and Northern Vermont. Our ideal candidate would possess the following qualities: » Cooperative attitude » Eagerness to work as a team member » Stong attention to detail » Exhibit professionalism Hourly wage will depend upon the applicant’s skill level/experience. Generous benefits package. Please send resumes to Learn more about our work at

3v-RedHouseBuilding033121.indd 1

We are interviewing for:


Hotel Vermont is looking for warm and engaging Vermonters to help our guests explore like a local and relax like it’s their job.

Full Time; Benefits Eligible; $18/hour

Do you like connecting with others? Are you passionate about Vermont winters? And springs, summers and autumns? What year is your Subaru? What’s your idea of a perfect day in Vermont? Or night? Do you embody our ideals of community through your positive and respectful attitude? Do you like questions? We can’t wait to hear your answers!

Goddard College in Plainfield, Vermont seeks a Staff Accountant to hold responsibility for all accounting functions as assigned by the Controller. This may include accounts payable, non-student accounts receivable, serving as back up for payroll, supplementing all aspects of the Business Office, and accounting function. Please visit our website to review the complete position description and apply by submitting a cover letter and resume Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

4/6/215v-GoddardCollegeStaffAccountant033121.indd 9:08 AM 1


63 APRIL 7-14, 2021

Hotel Vermont - Cherry St, Burlington

4t-HotelVTgeneral040721.indd 1

To schedule an interview go to: 4/5/21 6:04 PM

3/29/21 1:44 PM

E-Commerce Associate


Our E-Commerce Associate plays a key role in enhancing and maintaining Instrumart’s website, with a focus on inputting and uploading products to our website, maintaining accurate product pricing, descriptions, and supporting materials. We are looking for a candidate who has a keen attention to detail, excellent communication skills, and excitement to join the Instrumart team!


• Inspect landing pages, product information, checkout options, and all other pertinent website-related systems to ensure their visual appeal, accuracy, and ease of use • Review manufacturer provided data sheets, manuals, and other product information • Add product text, options, and pricing into our web pages using inhouse admin program • Build part number and pricing configurators from vendor price lists, updating as new pricing is released by vendor • Use Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop to edit vendor provided photos • Manage website page requests submitted by the Engineering team from a shared inbox • Support fellow web team members with their projects and maintain good communication with all departments

For more information, and to apply, please visit Instrumart is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, Employer. We consider applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital, disability or veteran status.

3/30/21 5v-Instrumart033121.indd 12:04 PM 1


3/26/21 4:41 PM

JOIN THE TEAM GARDENER’S SUPPLY! Through gardening, ourAT customers control their access to safe and affordable food, and grow food to share with their Through gardening, our customers their access neighbors. At Gardener’s Supply, wecontrol are committed to to safe and affordable grow to sharekeep with their doing everything wefood, can and to help ourfood customers neighbors. Supply, we are committed to gardening, At butGardener’s we need your help. doing everything we can to help our customers keep gardening, need your help. We’re hiringbut for we SEASONAL POSITIONS AT ALL LOCATIONS: We’re hiring for SEASONAL AT ALL LOCATIONS: • Pick/Pack customer orders • Pick/Pack customer ordersPOSITIONS at our at our DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN MILTON DISTRIBUTION CENTER IN MILTON • Pick/Pack customer orders at our • Provide exceptional customer service our • Provide exceptional customer to our to customers DISTRIBUTION CENTER service IN MILTON customers the phone at our over the phone atover our CALL CENTER • Provide exceptional customer service to our CALL CENTER • Help customers with their gardening needs at our customers over the phone at our • Help customers with their needs at our WILLISTON & BURLINGTON, VT gardening GARDEN CENTERS CALL CENTER WILLISTON & BURLINGTON, VT GARDEN CENTERS • Manufacture high-quality products at our • Help customers with their gardening needs at our PRODUCTION FACILITY IN GEORGIA, VT & BURLINGTON, VT CENTERS WeWILLISTON are 100% employee-owned andGARDEN a Certified B Corporation. We offer strong cultural values, competitive Weand areoutstanding 100% employee-owned and a Certifi ed B wages benefits (including a tremendous Corporation. We off er strong values, competitive discount!). Please go tocultural our careers page at and outstanding benefits (including and applya tremendous online! discount!). Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

Vacation Planner who possesses the skills to sell vacation reservation packages via inbound and outbound phone calls, emails and online web chats in a positive and professional sales office environment. The successful candidate should be courteous, self-motivated and detail oriented. Full-time position with a mix of day, POST YOUR JOBS AT JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM FOR FAST RESULTS, OR evening and some weekend shifts. Sales commissionsCONTACT MICHELLE BROWN: MICHELLE@SEVENDAYSVT.COM will complement wages earned. Typing skills and friendly personality a must. Great resort benefits!


64 APRIL 7-14, 2021

Apply today at or call 1-888-754-7684

Library Assistant

Smugglers’ Notch Resort Human Resources 4323 Vermont Route 108S Jeffersonville, VT 05464 eoe

Silver Maple Construction is hiring!

Part-time Teachers

• Experienced Carpenters • Project Managers • Assistant Finisher

Pacem School, an intellectually inspiring, joyful learning community for 8 – 18 year olds in Montpelier, is hiring parttime teachers for middle and high school math, middle school science, and Spanish to start in the fall of 2021.

Aquatics Supervisor Seeking water lovers! Smuggs is hiring Aquatics Supervisors for the upcoming Summer Season. Aquatics Supervisors are responsible for the daily operations of our pool facilities.

Georgia Public Library (GPL) is accepting applications for a 20-25 hr/week Library Assistant.

Cooking and Hospitality

Well-rounded fun and energetic people needed to join our small team and share the joys and creativity of running an inn. Seasonal work (possibly (Woodworks - training provided) more) at a small inn located in • Experienced Cabinet-makers a fabulous location surrounded by the Green Mountain If you are a present or past National Forest, with a focus For details please visit lifeguard, this position might on outdoor recreation, good be perfect for you. Have your (fresh and local) food, and best summer yet with great pay, Or email us at genuine hospitality. Looking for More information is at perks, and resort access! Apply an experienced cook/chef as For a detailed job description: online: well as a couple of people to (802) 989-7677 employment/. serve meals, make pizza, clean, welcome guests, garden, and wash dishes. With possible 2v-SilverMapleConstruction031021.indd 1 3/8/21 2v-PacemSchool040721.indd 11:30 AM 1 4/5/21 2v-TownofGeorgia033121.indd 10:50 AM 1 3/26/21 1:18 PM 1 4/2/212v-SmugglersNotch040721.indd 5:00 PM exception of the cook/chef, all other roles may be combined based on skills, experience & interest; we all work together to allow the most flexibility. Attention to detail & open communication is key. Shortterm room and board may be available for one person or a couple. Preference given to Are you looking to join a winning team? Our employees those who can work through PCC, a private, Winooski-based healthcare IT Benefit enjoy doing their jobs with warm smiles and a real pasmid-October and pay is Corporation, seeks web developers to join our team. Bring commensurate with experience. sion for helping customers. We are passionate about food your problem-solving skills and creativity to the table building and take pride in providing exceptional service. Many of Email letter of interest and web applications in an Agile development framework, assisting our employees join us and stay for their entire career. resume providing details in not only extending current products, but also creating new of availability and relevant product lines. Our ideal candidate is fast and flexible, great at We have great growth opportunities for the right people. experience and interests. We finding and squashing bugs, and ready to work well with team Maybe you are one of them! will be following all COVID members in a cross-functional development environment. The retail clerk assists in creating a positive environsafety guidelines provided by Our work culture is casual and our employees are clever and the state of Vermont. dedicated. We strive for client satisfaction and our customer ment for customers and employees. Responsible for reviews are among the very best in our industry. performing all job duties and responsibilities safely, ac-

Do you love books? Are you warm, detail-oriented, and flexible? Do you have good customer service skills and knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite? GPL needs a personable bookworm to be responsible for weekly Storytimes, and other programming; interlibrary loans, and checking books in and out for patrons.


While our preferred candidate will have hands on experience with either Ruby on Rails or PHP, we’d love to hear from you if you have any full stack experience utilizing other web-based technologies such as Python or Java. Don’t have full stack experience, but have built a career creating responsive front-end web applications using HTML, CSS, Javascript, or any front-end framework such as React, Angular or Vue? We’d also love to hear from you! In order to keep our employees and families safe while we continue to develop our software and support our clients, PCC’s employees have been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We expect this policy to continue a little longer so there will be virtual interviews for this position. Once our office is fully open, we will be looking for employees to be onsite at our Winooski office. As a Benefit Corporation, we place high value on client, employee and community relationships. Our company offers a friendly, informal, and professional work environment. PCC offers competitive benefits as well as some uncommon perks. To learn more about PCC, this role and how to apply, please visit our website at Position open until filled. No phone calls lease. AA/EOE.

6t-PCC031721.indd 1

curately and with honesty and integrity. They use equipment safely, follow food safety guidelines and ensure the company and departmental policies and procedures 4v-BlueberryHill033121.indd are adhered to, as well as meet any state/federal law and labor compliance. Champions Company and Division customer service programs to meet or exceed Division customer service goals. Handles customer relations in a positive manner, including effective resolution of customer complaints. As you apply to this position, you will be able to determine which of the below positions you are interested in: • Cashier • Grocery Clerk • Meat Clerk • Seafood Clerk • Produce Clerk

• Floral Clerk • Deli Clerk • Food Service Clerk • Bakery Clerk • eCommerce Shopper


3/30/21 10:16 AM










with our new, mobile-friendly job board.

Availability on nights and weekends strongly preferred. APPLY: Shaw's is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

3/12/216t-Shaw'sSupermarket040721.indd 10:24 AM 1


4/6/212v_JobFiller_Cookie.indd 2:24 PM 1

3/20/17 5:09 PM


MANAGING DIRECTOR Sundog Poetry Center, Inc., a literary-arts non-profit organization, seeks a part-time (15 hours/week, 50 weeks/year) Managing Director. Potential for increased hours, long-term, dependent on fundraising. Resume review will begin April 15, for a contemplated June 1 start. Position will stay open until filled. Send a cover letter, resume, and a list of three references to the following email address: For full job description:

2v-SunDogPoetry033121.indd 1

Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County. Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.

3/29/21 2v-MJSContracting080818.indd 11:49 AM 1

MIDDLESEX, VT We’re hiring for two full-time positions. Each of these offers great pay, health care, paid vacation, a retirement plan and free bread. Best of all, you’d be part of a great team of people. Meet new friends and earn a good living while you do it!


We’re looking for a full-time pastry baker at Red Hen Baking Co. in Middlesex. Professional baking or cooking experience is required. You must enjoy working independently and with a team. Schedule includes early mornings and weekends. Please e-mail a letter of interest and resume to


If you like going to work when most others are headed home, we’ve got just the job for you. We’re looking for a night owl to fill wholesale bread orders four nights a week. Applicants must enjoy physical work, be detail oriented and work well with others as well as alone. Basic computer skills a must. Please e-mail a letter of interest and resume to

4v-RedHen040721.indd 1

Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!


SEASONAL CHEF Knoll Farm Retreat Center is hiring a chef in charge of planning and preparing meals served to our guests. From June-Oct, retreats are 2-8 days long, for 10-30 people. Job responsibilities include: preparing creative, mostly vegetarian menus with seasonal produce, sourcing from local farms, catering to special diets, managing kitchen help, budgeting, timeliness, cleanliness and being a fun, positive, hardworking member of our team. Compensation may include housing. Send cover letter and resume to

8/6/18 10:42 AM

The City of Burlington is seeking a Mayor’s Office Administrative Assistant. The position supports the Mayor and Mayor’s Office team, providing administrative support and coordinating constituent services. The individual in this role must be detail oriented and have strong customer service and writing skills. The City of Burlington is an Equal Opportunity Employer. To learn more and to apply for this position, please visit:

4/6/21 11:27 AM

CVABE, a community-based, nonprofit organization, has served the residents of Washington, Orange and Lamoille counties for 55 years. Hundreds of central Vermonters enroll annually to improve basic literacy skills, pursue alternative pathways to high school completion, learn English as another language, and gain skills for work and college.

Chittenden County

There is no better time to join NSB’s team! Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. As an essential workforce, we strive to serve our employees as well as our communities. We are looking for a professional to join our Mortgage Banking team in Chittenden County.


The successful candidate will understand the borrower’s needs and will aid our customers with their purchase from application to closing. This position will be responsible for originating a variety of new residential loans. A bachelor’s degree or two-to-four years of experience in a financial institution or related area is required along with registering with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System.


NSB encourages career development and has a variety of training platforms available, including tuition reimbursement. The average years of service for a NSB employee is 9! If you’re looking to settle down in your career, join our team!


Seeking full-time TEACHER/COMMUNITY COORDINATORS in Washington and Orange Counties. Candidates must have: • High levels of independence, spirit, drive and capacity for student recruitment, outreach and organizing community involvement to support student success; • Strong familiarity with the service area [Preference will be given to residents of the service area]; • Proven capacity for teaching and guiding basic skills instruction for adults and teens in: • Reading, writing, math, computer and financial literacy; • English Language Learning and U.S. Citizenship prep; • High school diploma and GED credentialing; • Career and college readiness; • Experience with developing personalized education and graduation education plans; • Experience with recruiting and managing volunteers. Starting salary: $38,000 – $40,000 annually based on experience. CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental and short-term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions and six weeks of paid vacation annually.

Competitive compensation; combination of base salary plus commissions. Well-rounded benefits package. Profit-Sharing opportunity. 401(k) matching retirement program. Professional development. Work-Life balance!

PLEASE SEND AN NSB APPLICATION + RESUME IN CONFIDENCE TO: or Northfield Savings Bank Human Resources | PO Box 7180, Barre, VT 05641

4/5/216t-NorthfieldSavingsBank040721.indd 3:08 PM 1

Mayor’s Office Administrative Assistant

4t-CityofBurlington040721.indd 1


Equal Opportunity Employer

65 APRIL 7-14, 2021

Please submit cover letter, resume and three references by April 16th to:

Executive Director, Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, Inc. 46 Washington Street, Suite 100, Barre, Vermont 05641 4/2/21 6t-CentralVTAdultBasicEd040721.indd 12:24 PM 1

4/6/21 2:18 PM




APRIL 7-14, 2021

Assistant Restaurant Manager

SKILLED TRADES PERSON Looking to Hire a skilled trades person to help at our stone processing facility. Job would include building maintenance, machinery repair and assisting with day to day operations. Willing to train the right person. Must have valid driver’s license and reliable transportation. Wages based upon experience; carpentry skills & electrical experience a plus.


2v-WestminsterStoneWorks040721.indd 1

VISITOR CENTER HIKING INFORMATION SPECIALIST GMC is seeking a friendly, dynamic individual to work 1-2 days a week from mid-May to mid-October in our Visitor Center. Weekend and select holidays required. $11 to $13 per hour. Great working environment. EOE. For more information on how to apply visit

4/6/212v-GreenMtnClub040721.indd 2:03 PM 1


We are getting ready to open • Full time year round employment one of the most exciting • Good benefits take-out lunch and dinner • Experience in installing Epdm, franchises in Vermont with Tpo, Pvc roofing plans to open several more. • EOE/M/F/VET/Disability employer As Assistant Manager, you will • Pay negotiable with experience take part in full training with Corporate and then handle hiring and ordering. We are looking for a dynamic leader 2h-ACHathorne032421.indd 1 who is looking for a career. Some equity ownership is part of this opportunity, so we are seeking people with stable finances and lifestyle. Base $40k, plus incentives. Apply: ericwayneg60@



3/23/21 9:45 AM (802-540-6869)


4/2/212v-EdgarRoadPartners033121.indd 2:30 PM 1

Apply in person: 252 Avenue C, Williston, VT 05495 802-862-6473

3/30/212h-BurlingtonHarborMarina040721.indd 2:19 PM 1

4/6/21 10:13 AM

(Job code 21004) The Vermont Judiciary seeks a Chief Technology Innovation Officer ($125K or higher) to provide vision and leadership for developing and implementing information technology initiatives that support a workforce of almost 400 people. As a member for the senior management team, this position serves as the executive level manager for all technology programs, services, and functions for the Vermont Judicial Branch. Under the general direction of the State Court Administrator, responsibilities include, but are not limited to, integrated case management systems, document management systems, electronic filing, data exchanges, applications development, website/intranet solutions, implementation of voice and data communications, statistics and reports, computer training, budget development, staff supervision, desktop and user support, and facilities support across more than twenty-five locations.

ASSISTANT MANAGER -- CADET UNIFORM STORE The Uniform Store provides faculty, staff, and students with their required uniforms. Laundry, dry cleaning, and alteration services are also provided. Some evening and weekend work is required.

ASSISTANT BURSAR COLLEGE OF GRADUATE & CONTINUING STUDIES Responsibilities include maintaining student account billing, refund and collection functions; analyzing student accounts for accuracy; advising students in financial aid and student account matters; and interpreting federal financial aid requirements and regulations.

HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST The HR Specialist processes payroll on a bi-weekly cycle, ensures proper and functional payroll procedures are followed, coordinates summer hires, and completes data entry for new and/or terminating employees, and changes to employee records.

The ideal candidate will have eight or more years of proven organizational leadership experience for a large public or private entity. At least a bachelor’s degree and solid credentials are desired.

MAILROOM CLERK Provides support to the Mailroom Supervisor, including assisting in the training of work-study students. This is an eleven-month position from the second week in July to the second week in June.

This position is open until filled but preferred consideration will be given to candidates who apply before May 15, 2021. Please apply by Email at: JUD. Written employment application and furnished references may be required at a later date. For further information visit: employment-opportunities/staff-openings.

UNIFORM STORE CLERK Seeking a customer-service oriented individual to accept items for laundry services, open/close register, accept payment and make change, Work closely with the Cadets to assist them with their uniform needs, assist with inventory control and seamstress tasks, and maintain records and cleanliness of store.

For further information and to apply for these and other great jobs:

The Vermont Judiciary is an E.O.E. 9t-Norwich040721.indd 1

4/5/21 11:54 AM 6t-OfficeCourtAdministrator033121.indd 1

3/30/21 11:59 AM



67 APRIL 7-14, 2021


EXPERIENCED CARPENTER Seeking an experienced carpenter to join our team. We are custom home builders with a passion for our trade. Come be a part of an enjoyable and professional building team. Check out our work at Must have own tools and reliable transportation. Send resume and cover sheet to 2h-CultivationDesignBuild031721.indd 1




When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package. COMMUNIT Y PLANNING AND POLICY MANAGER – MONTPELIER Seeking a team player with practical experience in land use and public policy making. 10:25 AM Qualified applicants will have hands-on experience in land-use and climate policy, superior written and verbal communication skills, a strong commitment to customer service, and an ability to think creatively and work collaboratively. American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) certification is preferred. For more information, contact Chris Cochran at Department: Commerce & Community Development. Reference Job ID#:13513. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full-Time, Permanent. Application Deadline: April 11, 2021.

Learn more at:

The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer

5h-VTDeptHumanResources040721 1

4/5/21 12:53 PM

There is no better time to join NSB’s team! Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. We are adding to our teams! We are looking for professionals to join our Direct Banking department as Call Center Representatives. Additionally, we are looking for a Community Banker professional to join our team in our Williston, Taft Corners branch. Each position will require a high school diploma or equivalent, excellent customer service skills, and strong written and verbal communication.

CONTROLLER Industry leading company seeks a tenacious taskmaster to lead our finance department in our Williston office. Looking for a finance professional that is methodical, with a keen attention to detail, patient, consistent, strong multi-tasking skills, go-getter who loves to dot i’s and cross t’s. New England Air Systems is a Full-Service Design/Build Mechanical Contractor serving a wide base of clients in Vermont and neighboring states. As the Controller, the primary responsibilities for this position include:


The successful candidate will be comfortable with digital and online banking systems and will be eager to provide prompt, accurate, and confidential information to our customers.


The Community Banker will be responsible for receiving and processing customers’ financial transactions, matching customers’ needs with appropriate products and services, protecting customer information, and maintaining customer confidentiality.

• Weekly cash flow management and reporting • Collection, analysis, and consolidation of financial data • Responsible for month-end and year-end closing, reconciliations, and reporting • Maintain general ledger, aid in processing payroll, payables, receivables, billings and posting journal entries • Provide monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports • Responsible for maintaining accurate financial records and reporting • Responsible for finance and regulatory compliance


• Administration of company inventory processes and reconciliation monthly

NSB encourages career development and has a variety of training platforms available. The average years of service for a NSB employee is 9! If you’re looking for a career in the banking industry, this is a great place to start!

• Taxes and reporting • Development and monitoring of corporate annual budgets, fiscal policies, and activities • Manage the company’s insurance programs • Administration and management of 401(k) plan

WHAT NSB CAN OFFER YOU Competitive compensation based on experience. Well-rounded benefits package. Profit-Sharing opportunity. 401(k) matching retirement program. Professional development. Weekends off!

Please send an NSB Application + your resume in confidence to:, or mail to: Northfield Savings Bank Human Resources P.O. Box 7180, Barre, VT 05641-7180 E.O.E./Member FDIC

• Performing and monitoring all activities related to internal and external financial audits • Ensure maintenance of appropriate internal controls and financial procedures for company The successful candidate will possess excellent communication and interpersonal skills, sound knowledge of accounting fundamentals, auditing experience, compliance oriented with strong analytical skills. They will also oversee a small team of finance professionals. Candidate must have a minimum of 5 years’ experience working as a Controller. The ideal candidate will be a Certified Public Accountant and have experience in the commercial construction industry. Bachelor’s degree in accounting or finance is required. Skilled in office technology, Microsoft Outlook, Word, advanced Excel, query, and database experience, as well as the ability to learn internal financial software. We offer competitive wages and an excellent benefits package including medical/dental/vision insurance, life insurance, 401(k) plan with match and generous time off. Send resumes to or visit to apply.

9t-NewEnglandAir040721.indd 1 6t-NorthfieldSavingsBank031721.indd 1

3/15/21 1:08 PM

4/6/21 2:30 PM




APRIL 7-14, 2021

PROGRAM COORDINATOR Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP | Cureblindness), a VT-based nonprofit, is actively seeking a Program Coordinator. Please visit our website for complete job description,


To apply, please submit resume and cover letter to:

2h-HimalayanCataract040721.indd 1

350VERMONT IS HIRING A PART-TIME Operations Manager for our Burlington office! Learn more: 4/2/211t-360VT040721.indd 1:01 PMSEEKING 1reliable,

motivated, 4/2/21 and enthusiastic individual to join our team. Fast pace work environment filling and packaging products. Prior experience not necessary but encouraged. Must be 18 and over. Starting pay $16.00 per/hr. with full benefits offered after 6 months.

4/2/21 9:20 AM

1t-WaterburyPublicLibrary040721.indd 1

3:08 PM

Email application and resume to or by mail at: Rozelle Inc. Attn: Sharon, P.O. Box 70, Westfield, VT 05874 Other positions may be available, specify experience on application.


2h-RozelleCosmetics033121.indd 1

3/29/21 4:08 PM

$17.50/hour on Day Shift $19.69/hour on Night Shift Offering $2,250.00 Sign-on Bonuses for limited time! Our company produces microelectronic chips, right in your backyard. These chips go into cell phones, computers, tablets, vehicles, medical devices, and much more! Come be a part of a company that is changing the industry that is changing the world through our high-end technology. No experience required; we will train you when you join our team. Location: Essex, VT Schedules: 7pm-7am or 7am-7pm *Work approximately only 14 days per month: Three days one week and four days the next week. Benefits on Day 1: • Medical, Dental & Vision • 401k matching up to 4.5% • Paid Vacation Time: Approx. 3 weeks • Paid Sick Time: 80 hrs per year • Paid Parental Leave: Up to 20 weeks • Gym Reimbursement • Quarterly Bonuses • Occasional Overtime • Opportunity for Growth

Apply today at 10h-GlobalFoundries040721.indd 1

4/2/21 2:41 PM 6t-MiddleburyCollege040721.indd 1

4/5/21 3:08 PM




69 APRIL 7-14, 2021

What we make, makes a difference.

Do you want to work for an Agency that positively impacts the lives of over 20,000 individuals? Our Finance team seeks a motivated accounting or payroll professional with a passion for our mission. The Payroll Specialist will perform payroll and accounting tasks; will support both internal and external customers and must be detail-oriented, organized, and self-disciplined in time management. Successful applicants will have an Associate’s degree in Accounting or 2-3 years’ related work experience or training in accounting/payroll, or an equivalent combination of education and experience; experience with accounting programs and payroll software; and proficiency in MS Office and Excel.

Want to help create cutting-edge technologies for climate challenges? Join our HR team! Visit to apply for our open position:

Senior HR Generalist

We offer a great working environment and an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, paid holidays, generous vacation and sick leave, and more. To learn more about applying for this position, please visit The review of applications begins immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are found.



5v-CVOEOpayroll040721.indd 1

Annual Fund and and Annual Fund Annual Fundand and Annual Fund Gifts Manager Gifts Manager GiftsManager Manager Gifts Champlain Housing Trust is seeking a Champlain Housing Trust is seeking a

Champlain Housing Trust is growing and Champlain Housing Trust is growing and Champlain Housing Trust is growing and we needHousing great people tois join our team. Champlain Trust growing and wewe need great people to join our team. need great people to join our team. One ofgreat Vermont’s Places Work in we need peopleBest to join our to team. One of of Vermont’s Best Places to to Work in in One Vermont’s Best Places Work 2020, CHT is a socially responsible One 2020, of 2020, Vermont’s Best Places to Work in CHT is aissocially responsible CHT a socially responsible employer anresponsible inclusive, friendly 2020, CHT is offering aoffering socially employer anan inclusive, friendly employer offering inclusive, friendly work environment competitive pay employer offering an and inclusive, friendly work environment and competitive paypay work environment and competitive commensurate with experience. Our workcommensurate environment and competitive pay with experience. Our commensurate with experience. Our excellent benefit includes excellent benefit package includes commensurate withpackage experience. Our aa a excellent benefit package includes generous health insurance plan, three generous health insurance plan, three excellent benefit package includes a three generous health insurance plan, weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid generous health insurance plan, threeholidays, sick leave, 403(b) retirement plan with sick 403(b) retirement with sick leave, 403(b) retirement plan with weeks ofleave, paid vacation, 14 paid plan holidays, employer contribution after one year, employer contribution after one year, employer contribution sick leave, 403(b) retirementafter planone withyear, disability and life insurance and more. disability and lifelife insurance more. disability and insurance and more. employer contribution after oneand year, disability and life insurance and more. Equal Opportunity Employer ——CHT isis Equal Opportunity Employer CHT Equal Opportunity Employer — CHT is committed totoaadiverse workplace and committed workplace andand committed todiverse a diverse workplace highly encourages women, persons with disabilities, highly encourages women, persons withwith disabilities, highly encourages women, persons disabilities, Equal Opportunity Employer — from CHT is Section 33low income residents, and people Section low income residents, andand people from Section 3 low income residents, people from committed tocultural a diverse workplace and diverse racial, ethnic and backgrounds to diverse racial, ethnic andand cultural backgrounds toapply. apply. diverse racial, ethnic cultural highly encourages women, persons with backgrounds disabilities, to apply.

Section 3 low income residents, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply. 10h-ChamplainHousingTrust040721.indd 1

4/1/21 12:19 PM

4/6/21 2:13 PM

Champlain Housing Trust seekinga a highly motivated andTrust skilled professional Champlain Housing is is seeking highly motivated andand skilled professional highly motivated skilled professional to joinmotivated its Community Relations team highly and skilled professional to to joinjoin itsits Community Relations team Community Relations team theits Annual Fund and Major Gifts toas join Community Relations team as as thethe Annual Fund and Major Gifts Annual Fund and Major Gifts Manager. This exciting new position asManager. the Annual Fund andnew Major Gifts This exciting position This new position willManager. play aThis key roleexciting in CHT’s fundraising, Manager. exciting new position willwill play a key role in CHT’s fundraising, play a key role ingrant CHT’s fundraising, donor and writing will playcultivation, acultivation, key role and in and CHT’s fundraising, donor cultivation, grant writing donor grant writing activities. donor cultivation, and grant writing activities. activities. • The ideal candidate will have a passion activities. • The ideal candidate willwill have a passion • The ideal candidate have a passion for social justice, equity and CHT’s forfor social justice, equity and CHT’s • The ideal candidate will have passion social justice, equity andaCHT’s model of permanently affordable model of justice, permanently affordable for social equity and CHT’s model of permanently affordable housing, a positive attitude and high housing, a positive attitude and high housing, a positive attitude and high model of permanently affordable level of motivation. level of of motivation. level housing, a motivation. positive attitude and high •• A degree and and aa minimum minimum of of A•bachelor’s bachelor’s degree level motivation. A of bachelor’s degree and a minimum of 55 years of experience in fundraising, fundraising, years of experience in 5 years of degree experience in • Amedia, bachelor’s and a fundraising, minimum of special events, and grant media, special events, and grant media, special events, and grant 5writing, years oforexperience in fundraising, equivalent combination combination of of writing, or or equivalent writing, equivalent combination of media, special events, and grant experience and education are required. experience andand education areare required. experience education required. or equivalent combination ••writing, Supervisory experience is strongly strongly of Supervisory experience is • Supervisory experience is strongly experience and education are required. preferred. preferred. preferred. • Supervisory experience is strongly preferred.

Property Accounting Accounting Property Property Accounting Property Accounting Manager Manager Manager Manager

We are seeking a highly skilled professional WeWe areare seeking a highly skilled professional seeking aa highly skilled professional toWe lead property accounting This areour seeking highly skilledteam. professional to to lead ourour property accounting team. This lead property accounting team. This individual willproperty use a balance of strong technical to lead our accounting team. This individual willwill useuse a balance of of strong technical individual a balance strong technical knowledge and supervisory andofinterpersonal individual will use a balance strong technical knowledge and supervisory and interpersonal knowledge and supervisory interpersonal skills to manage, support andand oversee daily knowledge andsupport supervisory and interpersonal skills to to manage, and oversee daily skills manage, support and oversee daily accounting functions for CHT’s growing skills to manage, support and oversee daily accounting functions forfor CHT’s growing accounting functions CHT’s growing portfolio of multi-family rental properties. accounting functions for CHT’s growing portfolio of multi-family rental properties. portfolio of multi-family rental properties. • portfolio The ideal candidate will have experience with of multi-family rental properties. • The ideal candidate willwill have experience with • The ideal candidate have experience with team cultivation and supervision, creating • The ideal candidate will have experience team cultivation and supervision, creating team cultivation and supervision, creating with internal and GAAP compliant financial internal and GAAP compliant financial team cultivation and supervision, creating internal and GAAP compliant financial statements, overseeing and participating in statements, overseeing and participating internal and GAAP compliant financialin in statements, overseeing and participating audit and budget processes, and performing audit and budget processes, and performing audit and budget processes, and performingin statements, overseeing and participating accountingtasks tasksininaapublic publicorornonprofit nonprofitsector. sector. accounting accounting tasks in a public orand nonprofit sector. audit and budget processes, performing minimumof of55years yearsofofaccounting accounting ••AA•accounting minimum tasks in a of public or nonprofit sector. A minimum of 5 years accounting managementexperience, experience,and andaaBachelor’s Bachelor’s management and a Bachelor’s •orAmanagement minimumdegree ofexperience, 5 years of accounting graduate in Accounting, Finance, or or graduate degree in Accounting, Finance, graduate degree in Accounting, Finance, management experience, and a Bachelor’s or related field are strongly preferred. or or related field areare strongly preferred. AAA related field strongly preferred. or graduate degree in Accounting, Finance, combination of education and experience may combination of of education and experience may combination education and experience may or related field are strongly preferred. A beconsidered. considered. be be considered.

combination of education and experience may be considered.

HomeRepair Repair Home Home Repair Home Repair Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator Coordinator The lending team is growing, and is currently

The lending team is is growing, and is is currently The lending team growing, and currently seeking alending highly motivated person with The team is growing, and is currently seeking a highly motivated person with seeking a highly motivated person with strong administrative and peopleperson skills towith seeking a highly motivated strong administrative and people skills to to strong administrative people skills perform a wide variety and of tasks support of strong administrative andinin people skills perform a wide variety of of tasks support of of to perform a wide variety tasks in support its home repair program. perform a wide variety of tasks in support of itsits home repair program. home repair program. • Responsible for a broad range of tasks in its home repair program. • Responsible for a broad range of of tasks in in •support Responsible a broad range tasks of all for aspects CHT’s lending • Responsible for of aof broad range of tasks in support of of allall aspects CHT’s lending support aspects of CHT’s lending programs, including customer service, data support of all aspects ofservice, CHT’s lending programs, including customer data programs, including customer service, data management, and program administration. programs, including customer service, data management, and program administration. management, and program administration. • The management, ideal candidateand willprogram have excellent administration. • The ideal candidate willwill have excellent • The ideal candidate have excellent interpersonal, conflict resolution, time interpersonal, conflict resolution, time • The ideal candidate will have time excellent interpersonal, conflict resolution, management, organization, creative management, organization, management, organization, creative time interpersonal, conflictcreative resolution, problemsolving solvingskills, skills,and anda acommitment commitmenttoto problem problem solving skills, and a commitment management, organization, creative to equity and inclusion. equity and inclusion. equity and inclusion. problem solving skills, and a commitment to degreeininbusiness, business,management, management,orora a • •A•Adegree A degree business, management, or a equityinand inclusion. related field and a minimum years related field and a minimum ofof 3 3years related field and a minimum of 3 years or a • A degree in business, management, related experience preferred. An equivalent related experience preferred. AnAn equivalent related experience equivalent related field andpreferred. a minimum of 3 years combination ofeducation education andexperience experience combination of and combination of education and experience related experience preferred. An equivalent will also be considered. willwill also bebe considered. also considered.

combination of education and experience will also be considered.

For details regarding these positions or to apply, please visit our career page: For additional Foradditional additionaldetails detailsregarding regardingthese thesepositions positionsor orto toapply, apply,please pleasevisit visitour ourcareer careerpage: page: For additional regarding these positions or to apply, please visit our career page:

Seven Days page horizontal 5.56” 2021 Seven Days page horizontal xx5.56” 2021 Seven Days|| 1/2 |1/21/2 page horizontal|| 9.625” |9.625” 9.625” x 5.56”| | April | April April 2021

4/1/21 10:36 AM




APRIL 7-14, 2021

JULBO EYEWEAR is seeking an individual to work in the warehouse preparing and shipping orders, processing customer returns, and warranty repairs on eyewear. Ideal individual has shipping experience, and the ability to assist our customer service team. Attention to detail and basic computer skills required. Must be able to stand, bend, and walk for up to 8 hours and lift up to 50 lbs. This is an hourly paid position up to 40 hours.

JOIN A TEAM OF LEADERS AT HOWARD CENTER • Assistant Director of Adult Licensed Residential • Clinical Manager, Criminal Justice Outpatient Services • Clinical Supervisor – ASSIST • Clinical Supervisor, Outpatient Services • Director – Chittenden Clinic Opioid Treatment Program • Program Manager – Developmental Services • Residential Program Coordinator

Apply at: 2v-JulboEyewear033121.indd 1

DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS STRATEGIST The ACLU of Vermont is seeking a motivated, organized, and skilled Digital Communications Strategist to oversee and manage digital communications in support of our legal, advocacy, and development programs. Starting salary range for this position is $40,000-$50,000 annually. Full job description, qualification requirements, and how to apply can be found at ACLU of Vermont is an EOE. All are encouraged to apply.

3/24/21 2v-ACLUVT033121.indd 11:46 AM 1

3/26/21 10:53 AM


The world around us continues to change every day. At Howard Center, we believe it is vital to face new and unanticipated obstacles with all of our voices. We welcome applicants of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, identities and expressions, religious beliefs, disabilities, age groups, lived experiences and perspectives. To provide the best care for our clients, our aim is for our staff to be a reflection of the community we serve.

Join the planning team in one of Vermont’s premier recreation destinations. The Lamoille County Planning Commission seeks a versatile, results-oriented planner with experience in community development or local and regional planning. This position is multifaceted and requires broad knowledge of municipal and regional comprehensive planning as well as federal and state planning law. Knowledge of Natural Resources and Transportation planning and of a variety of implementation techniques, including municipal zoning bylaws, subdivision regulations, and nonregulatory tools would be helpful. The planner will help to build strong rural communities by implementing project and programs of the Commission. The planner may also assist communities and the region to integrate land use planning and community development with emergency preparedness and mitigation planning initiatives to build community resiliency.

Go to for more details and to apply!

This position requires effective written and verbal communication skills, including the ability to translate complex planning concepts, data and technical language into a form that is meaningful and accessible to board members and local officials. Applicants must be able to work in a team environment as well as independently and must possess a strong customer service ethic. 10v-HowardCenterLEADERSHIP040721.indd 1

4/5/21 10:23 AM


3h-ContactInfo.indd 1


The position requires a bachelor’s degree in planning or a closely related field and at least 3 years of relevant experience. Salary between $40,000 and $50,000, commensurate with experience. LCPC offers an excellent work environment and health and retirement benefits. Please submit a cover letter, resume, 3 references, and salary requirements by April 30, 2021 via email to Tasha Wallis, Executive Director, at For additional information, visit E.O.E.

6/29/15 5:11 PM 6t-LamoilleCountyPlanningCommission033121.indd 1

3/30/21 1:37 PM



71 APRIL 7-14, 2021

Supported Housing Program Staff Is currently seeking:

2h-Spectrum040721.indd 1


4/5/21 12:57 PM

Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA), located in Burlington VT, is recruiting for a Staff Accountant and Legal Coordinator. Recently named one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont,” VHFA is committed to advancing racial and social equity through its role financing and promoting affordable, decent housing for low- and moderate-income Vermonters. VHFA is looking for individuals who help us to maintain our great reputation and advance our mission, demonstrate a strong work ethic, and work well both independently and as team players.



County) nklin County)


de services in home-based settings to program participants support prenatal education services in home-based settings to program participants to: to: support prenatal education andand es promote to promote healthy prenatal outcomes pregnant women; provide or support to healthy prenatal outcomes forfor pregnant women; provide or support thethe carecare of of s and toddlers so to as enhance to enhance their physical, social, emotional, cognitive development; nd toddlers so as their physical, social, emotional, andand cognitive development; rt parents in the nurturing of their infants toddlers; help parents move parents in the carecare andand nurturing of their infants andand toddlers; andand help parents move Champlain d self-sufficiency and independent living. Valley Office of Economic Opportunity elf-sufficiency andThe independent living.

(CVOEO) Addison, Chittenden, Franklin uiRements: Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field,and Grand Isle Rements: Bachelor’s degree inserves Early Childhood Education or related education field, counties through its Community Action work and demonstrable experience training in the provision of services infants toddlers. monstrable experience andand training in the provision of services forfor infants andand toddlers. 40 40 we also have week, weeks year. Starting wage upon completion of –working period: rper week, 52 52 weeks perper year. Starting wage upon completion of 60 –working dayday period: statewide programs focusing on60 education and advocacy. Our to 18.36/ hour. Health plan excellent benefits. o0 18.36/ perper hour. Health plan andand excellent benefits.

mission is to address the fundamental issues of economic, social,

CESSful appliCantS muSt HavE: excellent verbal written communication SSful appliCantS muSt HavE: excellent verbal andand written communication andandracial justiceproficiency and work with people tointernet; achieve economic skills in documentation and record-keeping; proficiency in mS Word, e-mail internet; ills in documentation record-keeping; in mS Word, e-mail andand independence. CVOEO committed to diversity, equity and tional organizational skills attention to detail. must energetic, positive, mature, nal organizational skills andand attention to detail. must beisbe energetic, positive, mature, ssional, diplomatic, motivated, have a can-do, extra-mile a commitment to onal, diplomatic, motivated, andand have extra-mile attitude. commitment inclusion in alla can-do, its practices. Inattitude. so adoing, wetostrive for a just justice to working with families with limited financial resources is necessary. Clean stice andand to working with families with limited financial resources is necessary. Clean society in which everyone belongs. g record access to reliable transportation required. must demonstrate physical ability ecord andand access to reliable transportation required. must demonstrate physical ability to to out required tasks.CVOEO seeks an experienced, energetic, and committed required tasks.

e submit resume cover letter with three work references via email to ubmit resume andand cover letter with three work references email to Director of Philanthropy andviaCommunications with phone calls, please. NoNo phone calls, please.

a high degree of initiative to join our team to work closely with the Executive CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Director and Board Development Committee to sustain and our fundraising program. VallHeadStart-093015.indd 1 9/24/15 HeadStart-093015.indd 1 expand 9/24/15 1:131:13 PM PM The Director will be responsible for overseeing philanthropy and communication strategies for CVOEO with a goal of sustaining existing programs and efforts and supporting new program initiatives that align with CVOEO’s strategic planning process. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Director will work closely with and supervise the Associate Director of Development and Communications to create an annual development plan, a communications plan, and to achieve financial objectives. The Director will have experience in effective fundraising practices that support the mission and programs of CVOEO, and coordinate effective marketing and communications strategies to support those practices. We are seeking candidates with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Development or Marketing and/or equivalent prior experience. In addition, candidates should have 3-5 years’ development or fundraising experience in a nonprofit organization; proven track record of achieving fundraising targets; effective verbal and written communication skills, bilingual abilities a plus; and a commitment to valuing diversity and contributing to an inclusive working and learning environment. We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our Agency. Please apply by sending a cover letter with salary requirements, resume and a statement explaining your commitment to diversity and inclusion to: Deadline to submit applications is close of business Friday, April 30, 2021. To learn more about CVOEO and this position please visit

The Staff Accountant is responsible for the Agency's accounts payable and daily cash receipts functions and participates in quarterly closing activities. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: review, classification, and input of vendor invoices; generating cash disbursements using an automated accounts payable system; reconciliation, recording and transmitting the Agency’s daily cash receipts for deposit; annual preparation of 1099/1098s; REO/Foreclosure check processing and loan loss claims; create, maintain and update various worksheets, detail schedules and trial balances in support of the monthly, quarterly, and annual closing processes. A more detailed list of the job duties of this position can be found in the job description which is available in the Careers section of Formal coursework or a degree in business or accounting and one year of experience with an accounts payable and general ledger software systems is highly preferred. Applicants must be proficient in Microsoft Office products (Outlook, Excel, and Word) and possess excellent written and verbal communication skills. Organization, attention to detail, and high level of accuracy are required, as is the ability to work well independently and as a team member, and manage multiple priorities.

LEGAL COORDINATOR As part of the Legal Division, the Legal Coordinator will assist the General Counsel in providing legal advice and performing legal functions for the Agency, including oversight of corporate records management, program and procedure compilation, and the closing of multifamily mortgage loans and Agency bond issuances. The position coordinates meetings of the VHFA Board and maintains records of its actions. Common interactions include Agency staff, external advisers, and third parties. The Legal Coordinator accepts assignments for the Legal Department and implements appropriate plans of action under the supervision of the General Counsel. They are also responsible for ensuring optimal utilization of the Agency’s Hot Docs, ShareFile and Document Center systems. Candidates must have a minimum of an associate degree and three years’ experience with commercial real estate and/or financing closings or equivalent experience. Comprehensive knowledge of loan documentation and the closing process for affordable multifamily housing transactions is desirable, as is experience with Hot Docs software. Proficiency in Office 365 products (Word, Excel, and Outlook) is required. In addition, candidates must demonstrate excellent organizational and analytical skills, high attention to detail, and possess excellent written and verbal communication skills. Must possess the ability to work with a wide range of individuals internal and external to the Agency in a coordinated capacity and manage multiple and changing priorities while meeting deadlines. ========================================================================= The salary range for these positions is $22.00 to $26.00/hour with an excellent benefits package. Detailed job descriptions and a benefits overview can be found in the Careers section of To apply, send cover letter (required; otherwise your application will not be considered), resume, and references to the Human Resources Department at Please consider including in your cover letter a description of how your unique background and experiences would contribute to the diversity and cultural vitality of VHFA. Position will be open until filled. VHFA is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to a diverse workplace. We highly encourage women, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ candidates, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply.

CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 12t-VHFA033121.indd 1 8t-CVOEOdirectorPhilanthropy040721.indd 1

4/6/21 2:27 PM

3/30/21 1:46 PM




APRIL 7-14, 2021

We’re Hiring! • Licensed Independent Clinical Social Workers • Licensed Mental Health Clinicians • Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselors


To apply, contact Vicki Emerson at

Location: Burlington, Vermont (We’d love you here, but remote work negotiable!) Reporting to: Director of Creative & Brand

POSITION OVERVIEW Superplastic is seeking a talented, creative and ultra-organized Creative Production Manager to support the growth of our character-based product and entertainment brand. Superplastic creates animated celebrities on social media, as well as movies, streaming shows, and some of the world’s most sought-after art toys, character-based apparel, and other popular products. This role is integral in moving the creative enterprises of the brand forward by applying their design & copywriting expertise and project management skills to deliver high-quality, compelling design outcomes. The Creative Production Manager works closely with the Director of Creative & Brand to assess and prioritize projects within the organization to align with strategic objectives. With a firm understanding of the brand voice and style, the Creative Production Manager will manage the progress of each project, partnering with teams across the organization to inspire action, facilitate high-quality, on-brand deliverables, and ensure goals are met (and celebrated!). The ideal candidate will have a deep passion for the Superplastic universe of characters and products, proven design and branding skills and project management experience, including the ability to manage multiple concurrent projects. This is a collaborative team, so the skills to communicate effectively throughout the organization are key. An eye for detail is a must, and the ability to write edgy, on-brand copy and apply strong design judgment allows the Creative Production Manager to flex their creative skills in this dynamic role. The Creative Production Manager’s success will be measured by their ability to drive creative output and deliver on established goals with complete, high-quality, on-time projects. *Must be a good person and fun to hang out with too!!

RESPONSIBILITIES • Collaborates with creative leadership to prioritize projects and production workloads, and carry out creative campaign visions • Owns the creative intake process and leads campaign briefs for all production requests • Applies design eye and copywriting skills to ensure quality and consistency across creative assets of all mediums • Manages multiple concurrently ongoing high-pace creative projects, including development and maintenance of project plans, deliverables, key milestones, timelines, and schedules • Facilitates creative problem solving and strategic process planning on creative projects • Communicates weekly status updates on schedules, resources, risks and dependencies • Along with the Creative Director, ensures that each project fulfills overall strategic goals

14ta-Superplastic033121.indd 1

Be a part of a community that is dedicated to removing the stigma of mental health and substance use disorders through integrative health care and a strength-based focus on wellbeing that treats the whole person.

• Develops and maintains creative management processes and standards across all projects • Detailed quality control of all assets and output • Diligent focus on process improvement opportunities

The ideal candidate is someone who has found their calling in the mental health field, is passionate about collaboration, and resonates with the mission of Federally Qualified Health Centers: to provide integrated health care services to all people regardless of their ability to pay.

REQUIREMENTS • 4+ years’ successful creative project management experience, including demonstrated ability to manage multiple projects • Proven design and copywriting experience, including skills in reviewing others’ work for quality, brand voice and style • A knack for (and love of) prioritization, decision-making and accountability • Ability to think creatively, problem-solve, and be flexible • In tune with pop-culture, social media, influencers, and competitors • Excitement about working with others. This is an extremely collaborative environment! • Knowledgeable in Adobe Creative Suite: Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop a plus • Graphic design, illustration & video skills desired, but not required

Full time • On-site and remote options • Comprehensive benefits: Vacation and holidays; Medical, dental, vision, life and disability insurance • Continuing education • 401(k) with employer contribution • Educational loan repayment

Lamoille Health Behavioral Health & Wellness 607 Washington Hwy., Morrisville, VT 05661 © 2021 Lamoille Health Partners

3v-LamoilleHealthPartners033121 1

We’re a fast-growing company with strong financial backing, a positive culture, and an incredible creative team. This is a salaried position with equity, benefits, and many opportunities for long-term growth. Email resume and cover letter to

3/29/21 7:33 PM

YOUTH SERVICES LIBRARIAN Join the NWPL Children’s Library Team!


The Norman Williams Public Library is seeking a Youth Services Librarian. The ideal candidate will exhibit a collaborative and energetic spirit while maintaining a safe & inviting environment for all. Excellent customer service skills and an eagerness to connect with community members through engaging programs and other library services are crucial to this position. If you have a genuine care for youth, and a passion for encouraging & inspiring readers, then we want to hear from you. This is a 30-hour/ week benefited position. Saturday hours are required.

Superplastic is an animated entertainment and product company that creates original characters and turns them into celebrities on new and traditional media. Our virtual influencers Janky, Guggimon, Dayzee and Stax have millions of followers and collaborate with celebrities, artists, and premier brands. We produce some of the world’s finest designer toys, apparel, and animated entertainment. The company is based in Burlington, Vermont with funding from Google Ventures, Craft Ventures, Betaworks, Index Ventures, and many other well known investors, and was founded by artist & entrepreneur Paul Budnitz (Kidrobot, Ello, etc.). Superplastic is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion; we are passionate about building and sustaining an inclusive and equitable workplace. We're an equal opportunity employer, and we don’t tolerate harassment or other discrimination based upon sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, caregiver status, pregnancy, military or veteran status, race, color, religion, national origin, place of birth, ancestry, age, physical or mental disability, genetic information or any other legally protected status.

For the full job description: Librarian_Job

4/6/21 10:08 AM 3v-NormanWilliamsLibrary040421.indd 1

4/5/21 10:18 AM




COMPTROLLER/ FINANCE MANAGER Seeking Experienced Comptroller or Finance Manager familiar with nonprofit financial management and healthcare/long term care to join EastView at Middlebury’s dedicated management team to guide the fiscal health of our 99-home senior living/ care community. Rewarding work in a beautiful, community-oriented setting filled with wonderful residents, supportive family members, an active Board, and great colleagues. Go to: join-our-team/ for the full posting and to apply online today. E.O.E.

3v-EastViewMiddlebury033121.indd 1

GARDE-MANGER/PASTRY Tourterelle, a farm-to-table restaurant and events venue, is looking for a garde-manger with baking experience. Responsible for aiding the executive chef in all kitchen activities, including but not limited to prep and cooking, inventories and cost tracking, managing and maintaining a clean and friendly workplace in the kitchen, working with other team members and service staff to ensure guest expectations are exceeded at every meal. Pastry/dessert experience preferred. This position is ideal for someone who brings maturity and experience to the table and offers ample room to grow, learn & teach. Wednesday through Sunday. 40 hours week. We offer a friendly & professional work environment. Base salary and compensation will be based on experience and skills. Please, email your resume Candidates should send the following via email: · Cover letter explaining their interest in this job, related experience, and available start date · Resume, 3 references and their contact information

1 3/29/215v-Tourterelle031721.indd 1:10 PM

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Responsibilities: • Oversees marketing, delivery and evaluation of programs. • Seeks organizational partnerships • Responsible for fundraising, identifying resource needs, funding sources, grant writing. • Recommends yearly budget for Board approval and manages organization’s resources within budget guidelines according to current laws. • Oversees financial management and budget with Treasurer • Manages human resources conforming to HR laws and regulations Qualifications: • Three to five years in a nonprofit leadership role • Passion for mission of healthy youth development • Experience procuring, writing and managing grants and successful fundraiser • Visionary, detail-oriented, highly organized self-starter •Team player – able to work with youth and adults and build strong teams

3v-EssexCHIPS040721.indd 1

Tourterelle, a Farm to Table restaurant (est. 2009) and events venue near Middlebury, is offering a unique opportunity to join our team as a Front of The House Assistant Manager. We are looking for an individual with a minimum of 2 years’ experience in the hospitality industry, someone who is confident yet willing to learn and grow professionally. The Assistant Manager portrays excellent social skills, integrity & a big work ethic. This position would be starting May 1st. We offer a friendly & professional work environment. Base salary and compensation will be based on experience and skills.


Duties: recruit, support, and manage AmeriCorps members and sites; help manage grants and write reports; coordinate and facilitate monthly training; implement public relations campaigns; maintain data bases and websites; and monitor members and sites.

We are an E.O.E. Background Check Required.

4/6/215v-WCYSB040721.indd 2:07 PM 1

VEDA has a strong commitment to the Addison County agricultural community and this position will work with farm and forestry applicants and borrowers in Addison County as well as throughout the state. Responsibilities include analyzing loan requests, preparing loan writeups, servicing a diverse loan portfolio and performing annual financial analyses. In addition, the successful applicant for this position will be able and willing to mentor and teach co-workers with less experience. A high level of agricultural and/or forest industry knowledge; strong written, verbal, and computer skills; excellent customer service; and a proven team approach are required. The preferred, successful applicant will have at least 3-7 years of agricultural lending experience, a bachelor’s degree in a related field, and leadership experience. This position requires travel within the State of Vermont. VEDA offers a very competitive salary and benefits package and is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. We are interested in increasing staff diversity and welcome job applications from all qualified candidates. To apply, please email resume and cover letter to Cheryl Houchens:

3/19/21 12:10 PM

Executive Director

If you are an organized and detail-oriented person with good written and verbal communication skills, computer proficiency, administrative experience, and a positive attitude, then this may be the job for you. Prior National Service or Peace Corps experience a plus. This position is one of three Assistant Directors who help manage two statewide AmeriCorps programs.

• Salary Range $37,000 – 43,000 • Health Insurance & Generous Leave Policy.

VEDA is looking for an experienced Agricultural Loan Officer to join our team located in our new building on Exchange Street in Middlebury, Vermont. Due to COVID-19, this position is expected to be remote based for a period of time.

The Shader Croft School

Assistant Director of National Service Programs

Position starts in May.


3/16/21 5v-VEDA032421.indd 12:38 PM 1

We’re looking for a dynamic individual to help support the VT Youth Development Corps AmeriCorps State and VT Youth Tomorrow AmeriCorps VISTA Programs.

Send cover letter and resume to Hiring Committee at by 21 April 2021.

73 APRIL 7-14, 2021

Shader Croft School, a small, progressive nonprofit in Burlington Vermont, seeks an Executive Director. Now in our twentieth year, we operate a research-based experiential summer program for atrisk adolescents with a focus on literacy, personal development, and community building. We draw approximately 48 students from five surrounding schools and run our program at two sites with 12 students per group and a 3:1 student-teacher ratio. Responsibilities include directing all aspects of the summer program, including partnering with schools, recruiting students, hiring and supporting summer teachers, developing curriculum, managing budgeting and finance, leading the marketing and fundraising, and collaborating with the Board of Directors. This position is currently part time January–May and August– December. It is full time late June through July. There is potential to grow the program with year-round offerings. The new Executive Director will begin no later than June 15, working under the direction of the current Shader Croft leadership before transitioning to full responsibility. Salary commensurate with experience. Please go to to view the full Job Description and Primary Duties and Responsibilities. Qualified candidates should submit a cover letter, resume, and contact information for three professional references to Janet Francis ( Please use “Shader Croft School ED Application” in the subject line. The job posting will close on May 1, 2021.

4/2/215v-ShaderCroftSchool033121.indd 4:18 PM 1

3/30/21 1:33 PM




APRIL 7-14, 2021

Executive Director


The Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival, based in Burlington, VT, is currently seeking an Executive Director who will sustain LCCMF’s 12-year history of artistic excellence and community building.

Babette’s Table, an award winning cured meat business in Waitsfield, is looking for a full-time salami and sausage production specialist. We will train the right candidate!

Responsibilities include: • Planning, promoting, and producing the annual summer festival and other events during the year • Nurturing and growing relationships with donors, including individuals, foundations, corporations, and government arts agencies • Managing LCCMF’s education projects in the community • Nurturing collaborations with other arts organizations • Understanding our audience and donors and addressing their needs • Collaborating with the Artistic Directors and Board to refine and refresh the mission, vision, and future plans of the organization • Creating an annual budget of $350,000, and managing the finances of the organization, including its endowment • Operating the organization in a fiscally responsible manner • Managing and leading the day-to-day operations, staff, and volunteers • Facilitating, supporting, and guiding the Board of Directors • Documenting & sharing the history of the organization with the region, nation and the world

Apply at:


2h-BabettesTable040721.indd 1

Help us launch a new DREAM mentoring site in St. Albans! We are hiring for part-time support in recruiting mentors and mentees, and laying the foundation for supporting successful mentoring matches. DREAM’s mission is to close the opportunity gap for youth in affordable housing. With our nation’s history of systemic racial and economic oppression, DREAM recognizes that children living in affordable housing do not receive equitable access to educational and enrichment opportunities, which can be pivotal experiences in shaping a young person’s future. DREAM seeks a world in which all children have the opportunities, resources, and relationships necessary to achieve their dreams.

The ideal candidate will have: • A passion for chamber music, collaboration, and communication • A successful track record of fund raising for arts organizations, including writing and management of grants • A working understanding of the greater Vermont community • Comfort and knowledge of a wide range of communication strategies • Comfort and knowledge of management computer tools Applicants must be located in Vermont or willing to relocate. This position is full-time and offers a competitive salary of $60,000 annually. Ideally, the candidate would begin to take over responsibilities in early June 2021. Send a resume, cover letter, and list of 3 references to or mail to: ED Search, Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival, 20 Winooski Falls Way, Suite, 7, Winooski, VT 05404. We will begin to review applications starting on April 25, 2021. MORE ABOUT the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival: Our Mission/Our Vision: 9t-LakeChamplainChamberMusicFestival040721.indd 1

4/6/21 10:52 AM

Apply at: mfoote@

Seasonal Grounds & Maintenance Technician

Laborer with prior experience needed for mowing, trimming, and other projects from midMay through August. This is a semi-flexible 30 hour/ week position. Valid driver’s license, clean driving record, and excellent past work record required. Some mechanical ability helpful. Must have ability to work independently with minimal supervision. Pre-employment physical and drug testing required. Refer to complete job description at shelburnevt. org/237/Human-Resources. Submit resume or application to: Darwin Norris at darwinnorris@shelburnevt. org, or Town of Shelburne, P. O. Box 88, Shelburne, VT 05482. E.O.E.

4/6/21 9:42 AM 3v-DREAMProgram033121.indd 1

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3/16/21 7:06 PM

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VCET Lunch & Learn: E-commerce Strategies for Business THU., APR. 8 VIRTUAL EVENT

Caribbean Takeout


VCET Lunch & Learn: Safety & Stability in the COVID Era with Zero Gravity


Unreliable Narrator: A Comedic Guide to Mental Health TUE., APR. 13 VIRTUAL EVENT

Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women THU., APR. 15 VIRTUAL EVENT

VCET Lunch & Learn: Exploring Employee Ownership Models THU., APR. 15 VIRTUAL EVENT

“Would you mind putting away Words With Friends?”

Trauma Sensitive Yoga — Foundational Training



Bosnian Takeout


Argentinian Takeout


VCET Lunch & Learn: Turn Failure into Fertilizer: How to Compost Your Setbacks WED., APR. 21 VIRTUAL EVENT

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4/6/21 3:12 PM

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7/14/20 3:32 PM

Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Religious scholar Karl Barth (1886-1968) wrote, “There will be no song on our lips if there be no anguish in our hearts.” To that perverse oversimplification, I reply: “Rubbish. Twaddle. Bunk. Hooey.” I’m appalled by his insinuation that pain is the driving force for all of our lyrical self-revelations. Case in point: you in the coming weeks. I trust there will be a steady flow of songs in your heart and on your lips because you will be in such intimate alignment with your life’s master plan.


(MARCH 21-APRIL 19):

Author Susan Sontag defined “mad people” as those who “stand alone and burn.” She said she was drawn to them because they inspired her to do the same. What do you think she meant by the descriptor “stand alone and burn”? I suspect she was referring to strong-willed people devoted to cultivating the most passionate version of themselves, always in alignment with their deepest longings. She meant those who are willing to accept the consequences of such devotion, even if it means being misunderstood or alone. The coming weeks will be an interesting and educational time for you to experiment with being such a person.


(April 20-May 20): In the 1930s, Taurus-born Rita Levi-Montalcini was a promising researcher in neurobiology at the University of Turin in Italy. But when fascist dictator Benito Mussolini imposed new laws that forbade Jews from holding university jobs, she was fired. Undaunted, she created a laboratory in her bedroom and continued her work. There she laid the foundations for discoveries that ultimately led to her winning the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. I foresee you summoning comparable determination and resilience in the coming weeks, Taurus.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): “It is not easy to be crafty and winsome at the same time, and few accomplish it after the age of six,” wrote Cancerian author John W. Gardner. But I would add that more adult Crabs accomplish this feat than any other sign of the zodiac. I’ll furthermore suggest that during the next six weeks, many of you will do it quite well. My prediction: You will blend lovability and strategic shrewdness to generate unprecedented effectiveness. (How could anyone resist you?) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Staring at flames had benefits for our primitive ancestors. As they sat around campfires and focused on the steady burn, they were essentially practicing a kind of meditation. Doing so enhanced their ability to regulate their attention, thereby strengthening their working memory and developing a greater capacity to make long-range plans. What does this have to do with you? As a fire sign, you have a special talent for harnessing the power of fire to serve you. In the coming weeks, that will be even more profoundly true than usual. If you can do so safely, I encourage you to spend quality time gazing into flames. I also hope you will super-nurture the radiant fire that glows within you. (More info: VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Physicist Victor Weisskopf told us, “What’s beautiful in science is the same thing that’s beautiful in Beethoven. There’s a fog of events and suddenly you see a connection. It connects things that were always in you that were never put together before.” I’m expecting there to be a wealth of these aha! moments for you in the coming weeks, Virgo. Hidden patterns will become visible. Missing

links will appear. Secret agendas will emerge. The real stories beneath the superficial stories will materialize. Be receptive and alert!


(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Jungian psychoanalyst and folklore expert Clarissa Pinkola Estés celebrates the power of inquiry. She says that “asking the proper question is the central action of transformation,” both in fairy tales and in psychotherapy. To identify what changes will heal you, you must be curious to uncover truths that you don’t know yet. “Questions are the keys that cause the secret doors of the psyche to swing open,” says Estes. I bring this to your attention, Libra, because now is a prime time for you to formulate the Fantastically Magically Catalytic Questions.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In April 1933, Scorpio-born African American singer Ethel Waters was in a “private hell.” Her career was at an impasse, and her marriage was falling apart. In the depths of despondency, she was invited to sing a new song, “Stormy Weather,” at New York City’s famous Cotton Club. It was a turning point. She later wrote, “I was singing the story of my misery and confusion, of the misunderstandings in my life I couldn’t straighten out, the story of the wrongs and outrages done to me by people I had loved and trusted.” The audience was thrilled by her performance and called her back for 12 encores. Soon thereafter, musical opportunities poured in, and her career blossomed. I foresee a parallel event in your life, Scorpio. Maybe not quite so dramatic, but still, quite redemptive. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): I love to see you enjoy yourself. I get a vicarious thrill as I observe you pursuing pleasures that other people are too inhibited or timid to dare. It’s healing for me to witness you unleash your unapologetic enthusiasm for being alive in an amazing body that’s blessed with the miracle of consciousness. And now I’m going to be a cheerleader for your efforts to wander even further into the frontiers of bliss and joy and gratification. I will urge you to embark on a quest of novel forms of rapture and exultation. I’ll prod you to at least temporarily set aside ha-

bitual sources of excitement so you’ll have room to welcome as-yet unfamiliar sources.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn poet John O’Donahue suggested that a river’s behavior is worthy of our emulation. He said the river’s life is “surrendered to the pilgrimage.” It’s “seldom pushing or straining, keeping itself to itself everywhere all along its flow.” Can you imagine yourself doing that, Capricorn? Now is an excellent time to do so. O’Donahue rhapsodized that the river is “at one with its sinuous mind, an utter rhythm, never awkward,” and that “it continues to swirl through all unlikeness with elegance: a ceaseless traverse of presence soothing on each side, sounding out its journey, raising up a buried music.” Be like that river, dear Capricorn! AQUARIUS

(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Is life not a thousand times too short for us to bore ourselves?” wrote philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche. In response to that sentiment, I say, “Amen!” and “Hallelujah!” Even if you will live ’til age 99, that’s still too brief a time to indulge in an excess of dull activities that activate just a small part of your intelligence. To be clear, I don’t think it’s possible to be perfect in avoiding boredom. But for most of us, there’s a lot we can do to minimize numbing tedium and energy-draining apathy. I mention this, Aquarius, because the coming weeks will be a time when you will have extra power to make your life as interesting as possible for the long run.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): I know of four different governmental organizations that have estimated the dollar value of a single human life. The average of their figures is $7.75 million. So let’s say, for argument’s sake, that you are personally worth that much. Does it change the way you think about your destiny? Are you inspired to upgrade your sense of yourself as a precious treasure? Or is the idea of putting a price on your merit uninteresting, even unappealing? Whatever your reaction is, I hope it prods you to take a revised inventory of your worth, however you measure it. It’s a good time to get a clear and precise evaluation of the gift that is your life. (Quote from Julia Cameron: “Treating yourself like a precious object makes you strong.”)


N E W VI D E O ! Eva Sollberger’s

Watch at 4H-Stuck040721.indd 1

supported by: on rates As vaccinati nters are rise, Vermo ting a return contempla life in the to "normal" . tant future not-too-dis d e ck er che Eva Sollberg , tourists ls ca in with lo students in and college Burlington downtown pandemic about their s and experience anxieties. SEVEN DAYS APRIL 7-14, 2021


4/6/21 12:30 PM

LET’S PLAY Submissive male looking for dominant individuals or couples. Obedient, responsive and open-minded. Into humiliation, light bondage and oral worship. Be safe and sane, and get in touch. subplay, 53, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... GOOD-SPIRITED, HOPEFUL DREAMER Currently I am one of the many bored Vermonters waiting for my life to resume. Can’t wait to laugh out loud at a comedy club, crowd into a theater to see a play and just hug a stranger. I love long bike rides and good hikes, campfires, great food, raw conversations, and chocolate with red wines. oxCindyxo, 54, seeking: M, l MERGING HEARTS AND MINDS Looking to add a new best friend and partner to my beautiful tribe to share those intimate moments and maybe grow old with. I believe in great love but know those roots are in the platonic. I like to move, sit, keep it fresh. I love music and silence. Looking for a brave, messy, youthful, mature human with emotional intelligence. Overhere, 56, seeking: M, l CHEERFUL, OPTIMISTIC, FUN I am divorced, but there are many things I miss about having a partner. COVID has only exacerbated the things I miss. Looking for friendship and whatever may or may not come after! blc, 69, seeking: M, l OUTDOORSY, HONEST, HEALTHY, MUSIC LOVER Vibrant, mature, independent, welltraveled person who is interested in nature, music, culture, arts, travel and enjoying life. Looking for a gent who is positive, kind, honest and enjoys the same. Bella2020, 63, seeking: M, l


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.


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W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups



HAPPY, CARING, SMILEY, UNDERSTANDING, LOVING, I am a believer. I live my life to the fullest. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I enjoy the ocean, playing pickleball, boating, reading, doing my crafts, quilting, photography and more. My family is very important to me. Love animals. katrina44, 76, seeking: M, l LOVELY NATURE ENTHUSIAST Homemade music, stews, animals, color, light and anything handcrafted make me happy. Active, independent, long-haired, short-bodied, outdoorsy, retired. Good at spontaneous poems and watercolor landscapes. I love the old, odd, rare and recycled. I avoid smoke, cities, pretense, arrogance. Prefer Maine coast and back-road, cold-climate travel. Choosy except to an open-minded, openhearted, kind, communicative honest man. Naturelove, 74, seeking: M, l COMPASSION, HONESTY, EMPATHY Me? Well, I am a very compassionate person. I love to stay active and socialize. I am also a delight to be with because I am a good listener. I desire to find a partner who has at least some of these qualities. Hopeful52, 68, seeking: M, l TAKE MY BREATH AWAY At this age, I am interested in someone real, a sweet romantic, somebody all sorted out and yet ready to play, to live for ourselves (not the grandkids). My dog and my children are important but not what my life is about these days. I’m told I’m the least judgmental person others know. So give this old gal a try. Cheers! OH52, 68, seeking: M, l CURIOUS, WARM, MATURE I am a curious person by nature and love to explore. I spend a lot of time hiking with my dog Spartacus (Sparky). I love painting and writing and doing home improvement projects indoors and out. I am looking for a mature, confidant man who has it together. Fun and wit are great; chaos and drama are not. LadyL0664, 54, seeking: M, l FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, INDEPENDENT, EASYGOING Very honest, loyal, friendly. Enjoy cooking, traveling, walking, driving with no destination, exploring the beauty of the Green Mountains. Would enjoy finding the same in my partner. dyniska, 79, seeking: M COMICMELLOW Love music, outdoors, painting, cooking, building. ComicMellow, 43, seeking: M, W, Q, l YUP, I’M A DREAMER... Are you into conscious living? Spirituality? Nature? Honesty? Compassion? Laughing? Maybe you’re a hopeless romantic? I am seeking a lasting relationship with a likeminded man. Looking for my best friend to share adventures, love and life’s ups and downs. I like to hike, ski, relax, talk, ponder especially with you. naturgirl, 67, seeking: M, l

MILLENNIALS INQUIRE WITHIN. YEEHAW. Looking for a hot, nerdy dude who has an adventurous, sensitive, techie soul. Good with his hands. Must love cuddles. I don’t mind if you prioritize your alone time as long as you don’t mind that I can be an endearing space case. Be warned: I will ask for your natal chart and when your most recent STI test was. starsaligned, 25, seeking: M AUTUMN LIGHT ...the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination ... announcing your place in the family of things. —Mary Oliver. Hope, 64, seeking: M, l CUCKOO ABOUT ADVENTURES I’m just looking for a new friend. I’m somewhat new to the area and would like to find someone who likes to talk, hike, or do anything that doesn’t involve going to the bar or lots of drinking! NDrootsNYbuds, 38, seeking: M, l INTERESTED Still standing after all these years! I’m interested in getting to know you as a person first, not in any great rush. Honesty, patience and acceptance = trust in my book. My favorite hobby is my new kayak. I can sometimes have a very ironic sense of humor! Just turned 68! Yikes! WayToGo, 68, seeking: M

MEN seeking... HUMOROUS SIDEKICK Am a people person. Have a rich background with environmental ethics; this is big with me. Friendships, the basis of relationships, require osmosis. It takes time. I like to cook, especially with another. Food is important. Great films are a bonus. My preference is intelligent, humorous, an interesting life. I prefer jazz and good restaurants. Mornings I prefer sunlit places. orelprenyea, 66, seeking: W, l BREAKING OUT OF LOCKDOWN Somewhat of a homebody, though I do like an outside adventure. Ready to break out of lockdown and go traveling, or rummage through a few thrift stores in Lebanon or Estrie Aide in Sherbrooke. This follows my complete Moderna vaccination schedule. The COVID scare has kept me isolated beyond belief and devoid of a relationship. greytail2020, 70, seeking: W, Cp, Gp, l FREE SPIRIT WHO ENJOYS LIFE I enjoy skydiving, hiking, biking, photography, printing, cooking and much more. Looking for someone to share some of this life in a positive manner — friendship or more. Just turned 50 years young. jayspring, 50, seeking: W, l TELETUBBIES RULE! I’m looking for someone with whom I feel comfortable around and whose company I enjoy — someone who shares some things in common with me, but not everything. Most importantly, I want to meet someone with whom I click and who wants many of the same things in a relationship. LakeFamilyVT, 55, seeking: W, l

GEEKY MAKER DAD, SUPER POSITIVE I’ve always pushed myself. Sometimes I do stop to reflect on why, and then, refreshed, I move forward some more. Built my own house. Adding to it now. But not married to it. Almost done with my master’s degree. I love travel and have been waiting out this pandemic to visit places again. Go visit places with me. Descanso, 53, seeking: W, l DECENT DUDE/PLEASURE SEEKER Looking for connection, chemistry, pleasure, exploration. We’re only alive once, and meeting people on Seven Days seems like a quintessential Vermont experience. Let’s enjoy ourselves. Hereforsafefun, 30, seeking: M, W, Cp, l WHERE ARE YOU? I like to think of myself as kind and smart, curious and adventurous, athletic and musical, and much more. A “renaissance person” is what I’ve always considered the ideal. Many years ago, I through-hiked the Appalachian Trail, and that experience, and my many adventures since, have shaped my life and my values in profound ways. somethingdifferent, 61, seeking: W, l JUSTIN THE GENT Laid-back kind of guy with big ambitions and goals. Hard worker with a firm belief that it’s work before play. Very independent and hold my own down, but like to get to know people and have fun! My children come first always, as should they for most people. I don’t plan on changing that. Message me! Cadence0801, 35, seeking: W, l GENUINE FRIEND AND LOVER Are you female with emotional, independent maturity who wants to share friendship, romance, conversation, curiosity, outdoor activity (no motorcycles, skydiving, MAGA)? I’m friends with my ex-wife of 10-plus years and my exromances, and they regard me as having modest brilliance, being an incredible pleaser in bed and a fantastic cook. (My favorite ingredient is not vanilla.). YourHappyJack, 50, seeking: W, l GUY SEEKS LAST FIRST KISS Homeowner, financially secure seeking woman. I’ll love her without end. There is nothing wrong with loving a woman regardless of the age differences. I want to again experience the joys of being a father to new life. Mostly retired, living a relaxed lifestyle. Currently own two businesses. The most important attribute in a relationship is loyalty. SoCal, 57, seeking: W, l LONELY. COVID SUCKS. SUNBATHING NAKED. Looking for fun in the sun. Enjoy being nude. Fires outside. Cut, trimmed and shaving. Woman or a couple. Good times and laughter and sex. Toohorny11, 52, seeking: W, Cp ROMANTIC, DOMINANT, KINKY GENTLEMAN Looking for the right person to share my life with, enjoying each other’s company with the goal of finding happiness and having fun and adventures together. Will consider marrying the right person. Kids are a possibility but not a deal breaker. I’m pretty flexible and openminded but definitely seeking a longterm relationship. Value good morals. MASTERBLUEKNIGHT, 59, seeking: W, l

TRYING TO PAY ATTENTION Moved to Vermont on a whim many years ago. Appreciate nature and animals. I am on a lifelong learning curve. NPR and live music (once upon a time). Find me at the ocean in Wellfleet, driving on Highway 1 in California or in a Chinese restaurant in NYC. I listen more than speak. Hoping to meet a kind, compatible soul. Mindfully, 67, seeking: W PIN ME ... EROTIC WRESTLING? Hi all, I’m a discreet, masculine submissive who wants to be dominated, pinned down, tied up, used, played with, you name it. I’m very kinky with few limits, DD-free and play clean. I always have good 420 to share, too. You must host. Hit me up, and let’s party and have some kinky fun. Hlplss, 56, seeking: M, TM, TW, Q, Cp, Gp, l

TRANS WOMEN seeking... FOREVER SEARCHING Still looking for love. Would love to run into a beautiful dominatrix who will, through her grace, help me find the inspiration I need to flourish as a woman. I love to cook, I design board games and Lego sets, and give the best foot and back massages in the world! If this is heaven for you, come claim me! Neneveh, 24, seeking: W, l ONE OF A KIND Looking for fun in northern Vermont. Any women interested, reply. hell666, 28, seeking: W, l GENEROUS, OPEN, EASYGOING Active, healthy trans woman w/ partner seeks ecstatic connection for playtimes, connections, copulations, exploration and generally wonderful occasional times together. You should be fit, in good health, and available (not down low). Ideal is another couple for a foursome. But possibilities are wide-ranging: three, four, explorations and adventure. DoubleUp, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l

TRANS MEN seeking... COUNTRY BOY SEEKS FRIENDS Not looking for a sexual relationship. I am very happily taken by a wonderful woman for over 20 years. I am just looking for people to go hunting and fishing with. Kayaking in the summer or hitting the trails. My wife has friends she does her hobbies with. Just looking for someone who shares mine! Islander68, 52, seeking: TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l

NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... SUB MASO FOR DOM SADIST Bio-female, nonbinary gendered, sub/ masochist looking for her Dom/Sadist. Looking for a local sadist who is looking for TPE and to play with the same person! Experienced older men preferred. I have 15 years of experience in BDSM. Looking for that open-minded someone who is OK with some jiggle with their wiggle, looking for full-time TPE and nonmonogamy. CallMeParker, 34, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l

COUPLES seeking... HAPPY, RELAXED, OPEN TO POSSIBILITIES We’re a couple looking for safe, sexy adventures with like-minded individuals or couples. Bluebird, 38, seeking: M, W, Cp I WANT TO WATCH I’m looking for a guy who’s willing to let my guy go down on him while I watch. I will not be joining, just watching. Please be between 25 and 45 years of age. BJ2021, 46, seeking: M


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE Missing my sunshine. MSG needs his ray of light. When: Saturday, April 3, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915252 MAN AT MEHURON’S You had on a Joe’s Pond hat in the liquor department. Your basket was scantily clad with North Country smoked hot dogs, cheese puffs and Cabot Salsa Grande Dip. Your shining silver hair didn’t distract me from the six-pack of Heineken bottles you picked up. Call me Debbie, ‘cause I won’t be late for dinner. When: Monday, March 29, 2021. Where: Mehuron’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915251 GREEN CAP GUY, ESSEX HANNAFORD I saw you loading groceries in your gray Nissan Altima in the Essex Hannaford parking lot. Super cute guy with a green baseball cap. Caught your gaze for a moment. I think we should meet up! Maybe in EJ on Hawthorn? AFsDay! When: Thursday, March 18, 2021. Where: Essex Hannaford. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915250

BIKINI-CLAD WOMEN, BOLTON VALLEY 3/23 and 3/25: Did not mean to be rude to you on the 25th when I saw and spoke with you. In all my years skiing, I’ve never had the pleasure to follow what I did on the 23rd. Next week, if BV still has skiing and the weather is warm? My friends don’t believe I saw you. You both ski quite well! —An old GSr. When: Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Where: Bolton Valley. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915247 SEVEN DAYS PERSONALS We met online through Seven Days. Started making a plan to met in person, but somehow we’ve been blocked from communicating with you. Hope to see you sometime at Three Penny! When: Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Where: Seven Days Personals. You: Man. Me: Couple. #915246 BARTENDER AT STONE CORRAL Sir. You are amazing. I was here on Saturday. I could not stop staring. When: Saturday, March 20, 2021. Where: Stone Corral. You: Man. Me: Man. #915245

HEARTTHROB AT HANDY’S Peter — was that your name, or the name I dreamt for you? A gray sweatshirt, dark hair and a jawline that won’t quit. Bellied up to the breakfast bar at Handy’s Lunch. You ordered French toast, or was it eggs? Anyways, let’s French sometime. When: Friday, March 12, 2021. Where: Handy’s Lunch. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915242 FIREWORKS ON THE BIKE PATH It was dusk on the bike path. My dog was freaking out about fireworks at the skate park. You stopped briefly to spare a comforting comment about how your dog does the same thing. Fireworkfree dog walk? When: Thursday, March 4, 2021. Where: bike path by the skate park (date is approximate). You: Man. Me: Woman. #915241 BEST BUY BABE We locked eyes from across the customer service desk at Best Buy on March 11. Was it the Canadian tuxedo you were wearing that had me interested? I’m not sure, but I’d love to get to know you and your man bun better. Coffee? When: Thursday, March 11, 2021. Where: Best Buy. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915240 ALWAYS ALWAYS LAND You’re still in my thoughts ... every day. When: Saturday, March 6, 2021. Where: my dreams. You: Man. Me: Man. #915239

TATTOOED HOTTIE WORKING AT COSTCO I commented on your gorgeous tattoos. You told me your artist was out of Waterbury. I should have given you my number. I also have lots of ink, but I forgot your artist’s name; let’s grab a coffee and talk tattoos. When: Sunday, March 28, 2021. Where: Costco, Colchester. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915249

COOP KITCHEN DUDE GIVING EYES I see you. Your little looks have become a cute piece of my weekly shopping trip. Am I reading into it too much? Hard to strike up a conversation when you’re across the room — not to mention we both seem a bit shy. Let’s hang out sometime. You: green hat, black shirt. When: Thursday, March 18, 2021. Where: Hunger Mountain Coop. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915244

CARAMN 52 Dating site you said you wanted to meet. I wanted to meet you, too. I sent you a message and checked the next day. It wasn’t there anymore, and I couldn’t find your profile anywhere. Even after asking them specifically, they consistently screwed things up. But I’d still like to meet. Contact me here. I’ll show a picture of me. When: Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Where: on Zoosk dating site. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915237

RUNNER BABE WITH DOG I was with six friends walking up from the bike path. You were running with your dog, and we passed you right at the bottom of Maple. You were turning onto the bike path. You have a very nice face. Email me; let’s take a walk with your dog. :) When: Sunday, March 28, 2021. Where: Maple St., Burlington. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915248

6 YEARS SINCE FL-FT BP: It’s been six years since our first FaceTime. You are still the first person I think of every morning and the last person when I go to bed. I miss seeing you every day. I miss your gorgeous brown eyes, your sexy voice and your killer smile! iwyrhcimdwc! PP. When: Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Where: FaceTime, Florida. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915243

HOT COP AT CUMBIES UVM officer by St. Mike’s. I don’t know what goes on on campus, but you are definitely prepared for it — from gear to physical fitness. Would be interested in chatting more. Please include the reason you let me go ahead of you in line. When: Saturday, February 27, 2021. Where: Cumbies. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915236


Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,

One of my best friends is having a bridal shower in a couple of weeks. I couldn’t be happier for her, but I’m nervous about attending. It’s a fairly small group of people, but there will be a few guests from out of state whom I don’t know at all. I’ve been told they’re vaccinated, but I’m not — and I don’t think I will be by then — so I just don’t feel comfortable. How can I tell my friend I won’t be there without hurting her feelings?

Party Pooper

(FEMALE, 26)

Dear Party Pooper, Don’t pussyfoot around. Just be straight-up with your pal. Unless she’s been living under a huge boulder this past year, she’ll understand where you’re coming from. You should never feel guilty about putting your safety first, and I’m willing to bet that you won’t be the only one to decline the invitation. Celebrations during a pandemic are tricky, to put it mildly,

KAREN AT HOME DEPOT I think you know I’m crushing on you. Would enjoy coffee or a walk with you. Actually, anything more than a one-minute conversation on the checkout line. :) When: Sunday, February 21, 2021. Where: Home Depot. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915235

BROWN-EYED SNOW SLIDER Saw you cruising through the hardwoods at Adam’s Solitude. Easy riding with the tan bibs and that fresh purple split, family tree? Popping over that boulder all smooth. Caught your gaze for just a moment, and all I could see were those chocolate brown eyes. Swoon! Catch me at the hill someday, and we can split a hazy. When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Where: Bolton. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915226

KNOCKOUT WAITRESS AT ROZZI’S Your name is Devan. We’ve made great eye contact a few times in the restaurant, but you were never my waitress. Wondering if you are single. When: Thursday, January 21, 2021. Where: Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915234

NEFCU ESSEX Around 2:20. Exchanged a few glances inside NEFCU. You got into your Highlander and headed toward the center, and then you pulled into Maplefields not too long after you were pulling out of Price Chopper. You smiled and waved. Just wanted to let you know you made my day. Hope to see you around again. When: Friday, January 29, 2021. Where: Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915225

SUNSHINE SD Just would like to say I’m sorry, and I miss you terribly. When: Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915233 HEY JUNE LETTERPRESS IN RICHMOND I was shopping for some stationery. You were talking to a friend about bullet journals. Wanna meet at Sweet Simone’s for a coffee to-go sometime? When: Saturday, February 13, 2021. Where: Hey June Letterpress Studio. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915232

SHOPPING AT TJ MAXX ON 1/28 The most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with blond hair past your shoulders and wearing black low-top Converse and black leggings. You were shopping, and I was scrubbing the floor with a machine. We made severe eye contact with each other. Would you like to get a drink or coffee? When: Thursday, January 28, 2021. Where: TJ Maxx. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915224

STARBUCKS ON WILLISTON ROAD 1 p.m. You: a lovely blond woman. We exchanged glances. Care to chat? I’ll buy the next round. When: Thursday, February 11, 2021. Where: Starbucks, Williston Road. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915230 GREASY BABE RADICALIZING KIDS Hey, coach. I saw you at the climbing gym explaining to some kids how to undermine the ruling class. You were wearing a sexy yellow tank top, looked like you could kick my ass, and I can tell you don’t wash your hair, but it still looks hot. How about we eat a quesadilla and talk about late capitalism sometime? When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Where: climbing gym. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915229 MAPLEFIELDS I saw you around 3:30. You got a 12-pack of Bud, Slim Jim and Doritos. I would like to meet you. I had a black and gray North Face coat. I said hello to you at the beer cooler. When: Thursday, February 4, 2021. Where: Maplefields, Woodstock. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915227

and hosts ought to make arrangements to include their rightfully cautious friends. Find out whether there’s a virtual aspect to the party. If there isn’t, you could offer to help make that happen. Having the entire event on Zoom might be a bit much, but it would be easy-peasy to pull off an online moment for people to toast the bride-to-be.

HIGHLIGHTER HAT CUTIE I’ve spied you bouncing around Red Rocks (probably to a historical podcast), picking up berries (on sale, of course) at City Market and tapping the hell out of Tapper at the Archives. I’ve loved you ever since you helped me get on the scoreboard. Happy birthday, you golden boy! When: Thursday, January 28, 2021. Where: McDonald’s parking lot. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915223 BBQ GIRL Stunningly beautiful Asian working at Mark BBQ. You were wearing a mask, but somehow your smile lit up the room. I nervously stammered through the transaction, and you were so sweet. The food was the best barbecue I’ve ever had, but I can’t stop thinking about you. When: Saturday, January 16, 2021. Where: Mark BBQ, Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915221

Alternatively, you could plan an in-person celebration with her at another time. It could be as casual or fancy as suits your friendship — all that really matters is that you spend some time together to mark the occasion. At the very least, you could swing by on the day of the party before all the guests arrive to drop off a gift and give her some love. If all else fails, feel free to use me as an out. Tell her your Reverend said you can’t go. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend What’s your problem?

Send it to SEVEN DAYS APRIL 7-14, 2021


I’m a man who’s served our country honorably, looking for a tenderhearted woman, 56 to 67, with grit. I like to travel, go out to eat, go to the movies, play golf and listen to live music. I own a home in Burlington and a camp in the mountains. I’m financially secure. I have a grateful and humble attitude for everything in my life. #L1496 Bi male, slightly older. Live in New York but can travel. Clean, COVID-free. Slim but in good shape. 6’1, 180 pounds. Mostly a bottom; looking for a nice guy who’s a top. #L1491

56-y/o SW. Humbled, thoughtful. Hoping for a safe, kind, honest relationship with a man. Calm in nature, love for nature. Morning coffees, long walks, talks, sunsets, art, music, dance, friends, family, laughs! Willing to see and resolve suffering. Unconditional love and support find me at home. Phone number, please. #L1486 64-y/o SWF seeking SM, 50 to 75 y/o, for companionship. Must be Catholic or Protestant, clean, COVID-free. Interests: the arts, teaching, cooking, watching shows, Hallmark movies. Love animals, walks, coffee, tea, sunrises, sunsets. Consider a man’s heart more important. Phone number, please. #L1494

GWM looking for springtime hookups or longer if all goes well. Easygoing, nice guy in Rutland County. I like to play and like everything. Respond with phone number. #L1493 Older yet still younger person seeking any age to bring back that lovin’ feeling. Longdistance runner, speed walker, hiker. 5’9, 160 pounds. Biker, aerobics lover, looking for a fine friendship or more. I love music, drawing, poetry, guitar, literature, yoga, philosophy. Mostly vegetarian looking for values, humility, kindness, smiles, even magic. #L1492

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check

(made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 10 for a membership (credit accepted).



Submit your FREE message at or use the handy form at right.


We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!



I’m seeking a Robert De Nirotype man: handsome, well educated, lots of fun with good manners, class and panache. I’m a 60-something blond girl. Still have my cheerleading legs. Lover of delicious. He must respect my dog. #L1490 Woman with no commitments interested in dating younger to older men. Please answer to talk about music or whatever your passion, work experience or education. Namaste. #L1489 I’m a 39-y/o male seeking a female 18 to 45. Looking for a friend and pen pal first. I’m an honest, loyal, loving and determined person. I’m a Pagan (Asatru). I’m also a dork. I look forward to writing you. #L1488

Internet-Free Dating!

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. 60-y/o male seeking 40- to 80y/o male or female. Seeking other nudists for companionship in northern Vermont. #L1487 SWM, late 50s, seeking W, M, Couples roughly 30 miles from capital. Love getting off on phone fantasies. Send number and best times. Meeting or photos possible. No text. Let’s get off safe and hot! Hope to have hot fun. #L1485 Wanted: Black women, young or old. Love Black feet and butts. Nice guy. #L1484 Seeking pen pervs and phone freaks who will share their closet kinks. I’m open-minded, nonjudgmental and eager to hear all of your sexy stories. #L1483 66-y/o bi male, 5’4, 150 pounds, brown eyes, salt-and-pepper hair. Very handsome, warm, kind person. Looking for goodlooking bi or gay male. Must be DD-free, 420-friendly. Prefer little body hair, must shave and be circumcised. Would like to meet good-looking gay couple for ongoing thing. Very oral. #L1482

Do you seek a soul mate who loves music, travel and lively conversation? I’m an active retired woman in Addison County (5’5, slender, nonsmoker) who enjoys the outdoors. Friends consider me smart, funny and caring. My hope: to make a warm, healthy connection, sharing interests and chemistry, with a good man. #L1481 54-y/o SWM seeking 45- to 60y/o SWF. I’m a good man looking for a sweet, fit and attractive lady. A man who will love you for yourself. Central Vermont area. #L1480 Seeking SWM, 58 to 68, greater Burlington area. Clean-cut, neat appearance, no facial hair, impotent, a bad back a plus. No smoking/drugs. Me: average build, tall, athletic. 38 years with NASA, financially secure. I love beer and burgers. My teepee leans right. Phone number, please. #L1479 I’m a man seeking new friends for adventure. I hike Mount Philo almost every day and love to cross-country ski. #L1478

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THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at

Burlington Resource and Recovery Center (RRC) 802.755.7239

Burlington’s Ventilation Improvement Program (VIP) is available to help small

businesses, non-profits, and building owners meet increased ventilation needs due to COVID-19.


........... ............ ........

Why is ventilation important?

Need some ideas? Visit the Register for all the info on area shopkeepers who are selling their products online for local delivery or pickup. Browse by categories ranging from jewelry to electronics, outdoor gear to apparel. Whether you need something for yourself or that perfect gift for a loved one, shop savvy and keep Vermont strong.

Improving air quality through filtration and increased air flow can reduce germs and odors in your indoor space. This protects your staff and guests and helps them feel safer knowing something was done in their best interest.


Selected applicants are eligible for: - A free assessment of ventilation needs.

- A detailed description of recommended improvements, including equipment upgrades. - Grants from the City up to $10,000.

Find more info:

Waxaan xalkaan u joognaa inaan caawinno COVID-19

19-‫ ﻧﺤﻦ ھﻨﺎ ﻟﻠﻤﺴﺎﻋﺪة ﻓﻲ ﻣﻮاﺟﮭﮫ ﻛﻮﻓﯿﺪ‬، ‫ﺑﺮﻟﯿﻨﺠﺘﻮن‬


Burlington, tuko hapa kusaidia dhidi ya Covid-19

बर ्लि ङ्ट न, कोभि ड-१९ वि र ुद ्धको सहयोगको लागि हाम ी यहा ँ छौ ।ँ

The RRC is here to help in response to COVID-19 802.755.7239

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4/6/21 11:00 AM

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4/6/21 11:19 AM

ORDER YOUR BULK MULCH & SOIL FOR DELIVERY ONLINE!!!! Visit to order Mixed deliveries available Minimum delivery required Fast & Easy Schedule fills up quickly. Let us help you place your order, TODAY! *Coming soon… on-line ordering for the Upper Valley Soil_7DFP.indd 1 1t-gardenerssupply040721 1

4/5/21 2:36 2:01 PM

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