Seven Days, April 14, 2021

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for ages 21 and up

THE CANNABIS ISSUE: Inside a Massachusetts weed shop PAGE 16 / Docs worry over teen use PAGE 17 After a boom-and-bust, Vermont’s hemp industry rebounds PAGE 20 / Who will advocate for medical marijuana? PAGE 30 Ben Cohen’s “joint” venture PAGE 38 / How to grow your own PAGE 40 / Cooking with cannabis PAGE 46

MeDical Cannabis is for Everyone


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

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Vermont has followed federal recommendations to suspend the use of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, but officials delivered an upbeat message Tuesday at the administration’s twice-weekly news briefing. “This is a bump in the road in terms of the Johnson & Johnson pause,” said Gov. Phil Scott. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported early Tuesday that six women developed blood clots after receiving the vaccination. More than 6.8 million doses of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine had been administered in the U.S. as of April 12, the CDC said. The CDC recommended that states suspend Johnson & Johnson vaccinations, and Vermont is one of several that did so, officials said. “But we’re still, even without the J&J vaccine, going to vaccinate more than 20,000 people this next week,” said the governor. “Think about how far we have come. Three to four months ago, we didn’t even have a vaccine in place. We should be proud of what we are doing. I believe J&J will be back online sooner rather than later.” The state Department of Health was reaching out to 4,000 Vermonters who were scheduled for a Johnson & Johnson shot to make an appointment for one of the


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A patient receiving a vaccine dose

other two vaccines available — from Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna — both of which require two shots. The health department reported that 48 percent of Vermonters had received at least one dose of vaccine as of Tuesday. In all, 174,000 Vermonters have been fully vaccinated. Vaccination registration opened for people ages 30 and over on Monday. On April 19, registration will open for anyone over age 16. Health Commissioner Mark Levine and others are promoting vaccination to people in their twenties, a population whose cases have been spiking over the last few weeks. Levine said he wasn’t happy to see photos that circulated on social media last weekend of a dense crowd of merrymakers enjoying the sunshine — unmasked — on Burlington’s North Beach, saying he “was really disappointed to see such a blatant disregard for the rules.” Asked whether the removal of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine would have an impact on the state’s plans to largely reopen by July 4, Gov. Scott said it was too early to know. “We are four to five hours into this,” he noted. “We’ll know more in the next day or two.” Read Anne Wallace Allen’s full story and keep up with developments at

WIDE OPEN SPACES Vermont has begun its phased reopening plan, which includes ditching the state’s quarantine rules for travel. Don’t fence us in.

100 That’s how many permits the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department will issue for this year’s moose hunt.




The B.1.1.7 coronavirus variant is now prevalent in Burlington, according to city officials, who urged caution. Someone tell the college kids.


The Burlington City Council passed an ordinance that bans the use of gas-powered leaf blowers during the summer, starting next year. Raking is back, baby!

1. “Burlington Mourns Beloved Bartender Monique Ford” by Dan Bolles. As word of the 43-year-old bartender’s sudden death spread, a shrine sprang up outside Three Needs Taproom. 2. “Bracing for Impact: As Vaccinations Progress, Writers — and a Cartoonist — Reflect on Reentry Anxiety” by Seven Days staff and contributors. Who’s worried about returning to normal? These writers. 3. “Burlington Beer Company to Move Taproom to Flynn Avenue” by Melissa Pasanen. Burlington Beer ’s taproom, restaurant and barrel-conditioning operation are moving from Williston to Burlington’s South End. 4. “Burlington Coffee Classic Muddy Waters to Reopen This Month With New Owners” by Jordan Barry. The Main Street mainstay is preparing to reopen for takeout under new ownership in mid-April. 5. “Scott Defends Decision to Open Vaccinations to All BIPOC Vermonters” by Colin Flanders. Gov. Phil Scott painted the move as necessary to address racial disparities in both COVID-19 infection rates and vaccinations.

FLATLANDER INFLUX The state estimates some 5,000 additional people spent the summer in Vermont last year, and a survey found most plan to stay post-pandemic, the Boston Globe reported. State officials are psyched.

tweet of the week @fabfagkalob Today while cleaning an outside dining table at work, I found some ground up weed in a knot of wood. Just describes Vermont so well




Got “BONG?” Colorado is auctioning off weedthemed license plates to the highest bidders. The “4/20” auction is selling the rights to more than a dozen cannabis-related plates, such as “GOTWAX,” “STASH” and “SATIVA.” The online auction began April 1 and ends, naturally, at 4:20 p.m. on April 20. The auction will raise money for the Colorado Disability Funding Committee, which makes grants to community organizations that benefit people with disabilities. So far, it seems to be a hit. Besides

national news coverage, the auction has already fetched bids as high as $6,500, for “ISIT420.” Another plate, “TEGRIDY,” refers to the fictional cannabis farm in the TV show “South Park,” which is set in Colorado. More than 120 bids have pushed the price past $3,200. No doubt some local aficionados would jump at the chance to celebrate Vermont’s long-awaited embrace of recreational marijuana by stamping “GANJA” on their Green Mountain State plates. But don’t expect a similar auction here anytime soon. State law expressly prohibits the Department of Motor Vehicles from issuing vanity plates that refer to drugs. “Such a program would almost certainly require approval from the

Legislature and the Administration,” Commissioner Wanda Minoli said in a written statement. At least one dank plate has made it to the street, on either end of former attorney general Bill Sorrell’s Jeep. Sorrell was given the “420” plate by an apparently oblivious former governor Howard Dean, through a long-standing political patronage system for three-digit plate numbers. Drivers have been complimenting Sorrell ever since, he said, flashing a thumbs-up or yelling “Smoke ’em if you got ’em.” “It still makes me laugh every time I look at it,” he said. DEREK BROUWER SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


KINDNESS MATTERS. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers

Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy


deputy editor Sasha Goldstein

Consulting editor Candace Page

stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,

Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen politiCAl Columnist Dave Gram ARTS & LIFE editor Pamela Polston

AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison

AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Jordan Adams

CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin

speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox

stAff writers Jordan Barry, Margaret Grayson, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssistAnt proofreAder Katherine Isaacs D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert

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CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Chris Farnsworth, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.

DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Thayer With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

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[Re Off Message: “Amid Uproar Against Garimella, UVM Warns a Faculty Critic,” March 29]: The president, the provost and other leaders at the University of Vermont are asking us to imagine new possibilities and approaches for UVM. They are doing this because they want our university — and its students and graduates — to thrive for the years, decades and centuries to come. And they are doing it now because we are at a pivotal moment for higher education in this nation and around the world. We may disagree on the merits of some of the plans being proposed, but the commitment and the inclusive approach of our leadership are evident. We must hear and support one another as we move through this process. And we must ensure that our priorities — the education and well-being of our students, the knowledge we create and share, and a strong future for the University of Vermont — remain in place. We are confident that these are priorities we all share. It is important that they remain front and center as we work together — as faculty, staff and administrators — to establish our path forward. Deans: Noma Anderson, College of Nursing and Health Sciences; Cynthia Belliveau, Continuing and Distance Education; William Falls, College of Arts and Sciences; Cynthia Forehand, Graduate School; Bryn Geffert, Libraries; David Jenemann, Honors College; Nancy Mathews, Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources; Richard Page, Larner College of Medicine; Leslie Parise, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; Linda Schadler, College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences; Sanjay Sharma, Grossman School of Business; and Scott Thomas, College of Education and Social Services


[Re “A New Leaf,” March 31]: Anne Wallace Allen’s article on New Leaf Tree Syrups highlights a long-standing problem: the industrialization of Vermont’s countryside. That industrialization takes many forms: big-time tree-tapping operations, wind farm factories on ridge lines, forest harvests for biomass and, not least, slimemold-like real estate developments posing as ski areas. The article reminded me of what Ernest Hemingway said good writers



All these millions of us without pensions, too little Social Security and unpredictable 401ks are coming down the road to haunt federal and state budgets, and there is nothing to stop this from hitting us. Walter Carpenter



have: “a built-in, shockproof shit detector.” The Vermont Natural Resource Council’s Jon Groveman triggered mine, which sounded like the klaxon on a submarine. Though instead of a captain shouting, “Dive, dive,” I heard the Bee Gees’ song “Jive Talkin’” going off like a persistent ringtone in my soul. My colleague Justin Lindholm has long warned of these massive sap operations, including those up in the Northeast Kingdom and down in the ChittendenMendon area. Now, when industrial sap appears in his backyard, Groveman finds religion. “They’re exempt from everything because they’re considered agriculture,” he rightly claims, listing exemptions from zoning and wetlands laws. Where has Groveman been? Might he and VNRC have been too busy conjuring Act 250 exemptions for their own favored projects? (See Kevin McCallum’s “Housing Bill Advances Despite Water Pollution Concerns,” March 26.) Seriously, I believe VNRC and its coterie of coconspirators want to do to Act 250 what right-wingers want to do to government: shrink it so they can drown it in a bathtub … of polluted Lake Champlain water! Bruce S. Post



[Re Off Message: “Art Broken: A Mural Defaced, Then Cleaned Up, in the Old North End,” March 30; “Tag Team,” February 17]: The pandemic of graffiti in Burlington knows no bounds. Vandals have now defiled one of Tony Shull’s beautiful murals in the Old North End. The city says it will start cleaning up graffiti now that the weather is warm enough to paint over defacements.

But that’s not enough. It needs to convene a task force with a mandate to seek, apprehend and prosecute taggers. Part and parcel of any punishment should be assignment to a public works crew tasked with cleaning up this malicious damage to public property. Jack T. Scully



Many thanks for Kevin McCallum’s article on the state pension crisis [“Pension Pinch,” March 31]. Things should never have gone this far. It is sad that the working people who labored for these pensions were slated to take the beating for the irresponsibility of past administrations and legislatures of both parties. Kudos to those brave administrators, such as state Treasurer Beth Pearce, for keeping it up front, and House Speaker Jill Krowinski for having the courage to see that she made a mistake. This is just the beginning. A bigger crisis is coming, also caused by the profound irresponsibility of our federal and state leaders. It is the tens of thousands of working people in Vermont and the millions across America who have no pensions. Many of them, like me, will have to work into our seventies, eighties and even nineties. Social Security is not nearly enough for retirement. It might be if our national politicians would stop subsidizing their mania for corporate tax cuts with our Social Security Trust Fund. A 401k, which now passes for most retirement pensions, is another abdication of responsibility. These simply leave the employee to the moods of Wall Street, where a life’s savings could disappear in a moment and without any predictable benefits.

I was thoroughly disappointed that last week’s issue did not cover the shooting in Atlanta. As national news, a hate crime and yet another mass shooting in the U.S., I find it unnerving that there was no article addressing the racial bias, gun violence and white supremacy involved. As a part of the BIPOC community here in Vermont, I think it is a disservice not to cover events such as this. There could be an entire column dedicated to BIPOC events, workshops, organizations, news, etc., preferably written by a member of the BIPOC community, that would bring a much-needed change to the content of the recent issues. Lily Hammerling


Editor’s note: Seven Days is a local newspaper that covers Vermont news, culture and events. We write about national tragedies as they relate to our state and the people who live here. To that end, last week’s collection of stories, “Bracing for Impact,” contained an essay, “Minor Anxiety,” that directly addressed the shooting in Atlanta; author Stephanie Cuepo Wobby is Filipino American. The poem “Familiarity,” by Devyn Thompson, touched on white supremacy. Thompson, who is Black, is a sophomore at Northern Vermont University. That same issue contained a story about a Vietnamese restaurant, an interview with a Chinese American children’s book illustrator, and a review of the Ivory Coast film Night of the Kings. The previous issue of Seven Days, published on March 31, had four stories with BIPOC subjects.

SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

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contents APRIL 14-21, 2021 VOL.26 NO.28

Vermont Sole Proprietor Stabilization Grant Program Application Now Open The Vermont Sole Proprietor Stabilization Grant Program assists small businesses impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. From now through May 26th, qualifying sole proprietors will have the opportunity to apply for grants between $1,500 and $10,000.

Grants will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis. For eligibility information and application instructions, please visit:

The grant program is funded by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development’s (HUD) CDBG program, through the Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD). Two Rivers-Ottauquechee Regional Commission and the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation are administering funds on behalf of ACCD.

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Welcome to the Cannabis Issue

Essex’s cannabis café serves up CBD-infused takeout with a side of education

Magic Touch

Weed All About It

Higher Education 17

NEWS & POLITICS 11 From the Publisher The Grass Is Greener

A Lee, Mass., marijuana outlet

Troubling Trend

As recreational marijuana sales boom, doctors worry about teen use



Saint Michael’s College professor develops app to help cannabis users “quantify their high”

The Cannabis Market

On the Verse Beat

A conversation with Gardener’s Supply founder Will Raap

The Art of Mending

Ben Cohen’s new joint business will fund Black-owned cannabis companies

Book review: The Disintegration Loops by Stephen Cramer A tripartite performance encourages coming together post-pandemic

After the Hemp Rush

Growers can learn from the recent cannabis boom-to-bust

Low THC, Higher Purpose Grow Your Own

Why wait for a retail pot shop when you can cultivate cannabis yourself? Here’s how.


Green Cuisine

New cannabis cookbook by Vermonter Tracey Medeiros offers inspiration and instruction PAGE 46

Budding Heads

Lawmakers seek to revise of last year’s retail pot bill


Online now

COLUMNS Fair Game WTF Bottom Line Side Dishes Soundbites Album Movie Ask the Reverend



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As vaccination rates rise, Vermonters are contemplating a return to “normal” life in the not-too-distant future. Eva Sollberger checked in with locals, tourists and college students in downtown Burlington about their pandemic experiences and anxieties.

4/9/21 11:26 AM

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

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North Beach revelers on April 10

Cruel World

The weekend’s stretch of glorious, unseasonable weather reminded me of T.S. Eliot’s poem “The Waste Land,” which famously calls out April as “the cruellest month.” Like everyone, I can’t get enough of the sun on my skin, fresh air blowing in the windows and exposed toes. But I’ve learned from experience — specifically, too many dreary April 13 birthdays — that over-exuberance is ill advised. It could still snow! Grateful but cautious is the best approach to spring in Vermont. The same applies for the public health crisis that has dominated our lives for more than a year. We’ve reached a tantalizing point: Half of adult Vermonters have received at least one shot of the vaccine, and on Monday everyone 30 and older became eligible to get one. Meantime, more infectious variants of the virus are circulating in the state, and case numbers have increased dramatically among young people. There’s bad news about the long-term neurological effects of COVID-19 on survivors of all ages and, yesterday, about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. On Saturday, during the 2.5-mile walk I take almost daily, I turned west on Institute Road just in time to witness the biggest local news story of the weekend: mask-less throngs descending on Burlington’s North Beach. They parked by the high school and headed for the water in groups, carrying coolers, like sea turtles heading to the sand to lay their eggs — a human nature show. I walked in the road to avoid people but got close enough to see the resulting crowd, a flesh fest of pre-pandemic proportions, before taking the bike path south. By then, I had stopped stressing about my own coronavirus indiscretion earlier in the week. We had hosted an Easter dinner — outside — for eight, including two dear friends and their 20-year-old daughter. Three days later we discovered that one of the daughter’s friends had contracted the virus. Last Thursday, my friend and her daughter got tested. So did my partner, in hopes that he wouldn’t have to cancel a scheduled vaccine on Sunday. The rest of us half-vaccinated, middle-aged Easter-goers regretfully resumed If you like what we do and can afford to help quarantining while we awaited the results. They pay for it, become a Seven Days Super Reader! came in late Friday afternoon: all negative. Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of Although it didn’t last long, the setback was Or send a check with your nerve-racking and humbling: To take any risk, so address and contact info to: close to the end of this ongoing ordeal, is stupid. SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS Cruel but true: We just have to wait a little bit P.O. BOX 1164 longer. BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 I’ve learned my lesson. Not sure what it will For more information on making a financial take for the young and happy-go-lucky. contribution to Seven Days, please contact Corey Grenier:

Paula Routly


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021




Capitol Offense

During a discussion of bias against LGBT victims, a senator invokes a racist trope


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021



wo grim topics this week: One concerns sexual encounters that end in violence; the other involves racist comments by a Vermont lawmaker. First, the “gay/trans panic defense.” In one scenario, a cisgender man learns mid-seduction that his partner in a sexual encounter is transgender. In another, a man who is conflicted about his sexual orientation suddenly recoils during an encounter with a gay man and turns violent, sometimes killing the person. In court, the perpetrator’s lawyer argues that his client’s panic was so disorienting that it mitigates or even justifies his violence. No one knows of a Vermont case unfolding like this, but there have been examples around the country. And, believe it or not, this panic defense — playing as it does to the anti-gay and anti-trans biases of too many judges and juries — has met with some success in winning reduced charges or sentences, and even verdicts of “not guilty.” Enter Rep. TAYLOR SMALL (P/D-Winooski), the first transgender member of the Vermont legislature and the cosponsor of a bill, H.128, that would bar use of the panic defense during a trial or at sentencing. The bill would block juries and judges from considering it. In an interview, Small described the thinking behind the proposal. First, allowing the panic defense encourages and, to some extent, codifies bigotry. Second, transgender people who survive an attack by someone who panics in a sexual encounter gone sideways could be reluctant to seek justice. “How can you come forward about a crime that has happened to you because of your identity … when there is that option in a court of law that we can legally victimblame?” Small asked. She noted that the person who becomes violent often is panicking as much about himself as about his partner and sometimes has to ask himself, What does this mean about me? The bill passed the House easily and is under consideration in the Senate Judiciary Committee. Sen. JOE BENNING (R-Caledonia) is a defense lawyer; he has been leery of legislative interference with the decision-making power of judges and juries, and particularly the ability of judges to consider any mitigating circumstances at sentencing. Benning suggested that judges be allowed but not required to instruct jurors to ignore the


THIS IS AN ENTIRELY POLLUTED WELL AND TO STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM IT. panic defense. “I can’t agree to a bill that is going to hamstring the judicial process from imposing a sentence that is appropriate for a given criminal defendant,” he said. That’s not good enough for the bill’s supporters. The approach could allow anti-gay or anti-transgender bias to creep into court proceedings, they say. And as JESSICA BARQUIST, the director of policy and organizing for the Vermont Network Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, told the Senate committee, “It is never OK

to say that a victim’s identity is to blame for a defendant’s violent reaction.” In the end, this should not be a close call. If you can close the door in Vermont against a type of bias that has shown up in courtrooms around the country, you do it. One big exception to the generally high quality of the Senate committee’s debate were the truly egregious comments Sen. JEANETTE WHITE (D-Windham) made during its April 2 discussions. “What if I’m this nice white little woman and I get attacked by, or I think I’m

getting — not attacked, but … uh, a Black man is coming on to me, and I say that it just made me so nervous that I had to shoot him?” White asked. Someone in the online meeting gasped audibly. White continued: “I mean … or a guy from — with a motorcycle jacket on — was coming on to me, and I’m so afraid of motorcycle people because I know about the Hells Angels, so I had to shoot him. Aren’t we going down some kind of a slippery path here…?” By late last week, the reactions to White’s comments were blowing up on Twitter. The tweets have been brutal. MICHAEL HARRIOT, a senior writer for the Root, a Black-oriented and socially critical online magazine, tweeted a picture of 77-year-old White with these comments: “I joke around on this app but I need to speak to the black men (especially if you own a motorcycle or a leather jacket).” He continued, “I know it’s gonna be hard, but can you vow not to ‘come on’ to ‘nice, white’ Vt. Sen. Jeanette White? She’ll vote against shooting trans people if we promise.” White complained that her comments were taken out of context. But go ahead and watch the brief clip on Twitter or the entire committee meeting on YouTube. White’s comments are offensive either way, in or out of context. A week after her remarks, and after being lacerated in more than 100 tweets, emails and other communications, White issued an apology of sorts during a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. “Over the past few days, I’ve received numerous emails and phone messages, some of them pretty vitriolic, accusing me of being racist, homophobic and in general not a good person,” she said. “First, let me apologize to anyone I offended for anything I said. My comments and questions were not meant to be hurtful, nor offensive.” She should have stopped there. But instead White went on, effectively erasing her apology by trying to excuse her earlier comments. “As legislators, we need to examine all aspects of proposed laws for consequences we may not anticipate,” she said. “That might mean asking questions that, when taken out of context, seem inappropriate. As an example is this one single sentence that has been pulled out of a question that I asked, that has been used in form letters sent to me as proving that I am racist.” In other words, “Poor me, I’m being taken out of context and labeled a racist.” White continued, “Without going into


the weeds, I believe what I was trying to wrap my head around was … should a prohibition of the panic defense be broadened to include more than just gender? … As we grapple with important and complex issues, we must be able to ask questions that might seem inappropriate or hurtful when taken out of context. If we can’t, we cannot continue to learn and grow, and our legislation will not be the best it can be.” In an interview, she added, “When I made that comment about being a nice little white lady, what I was trying to do was determine whether, if we were going to prohibit this kind of defense to be used, should it be limited to gender identity, or should it be extended to also include other identities.” OK, maybe what happened was that White butchered a legitimate question. She could have asked something like, “What if you have a racist white woman who panics when a Black man tries to talk to her and she shoots him? Should we extend this ban on the panic defense beyond cases of sexual bigotry and cover racial bigotry, as well?” Using the third-person would have helped a lot. Instead, White used the words “I’m” or “I” six times and “me” twice in the first sentence of the comments that caused so much grief. One person not accepting her apology was JAMES LAWTON, the husband of former Vermont state representative KIAH MORRIS of Bennington. Morris, who is Black, resigned in 2018 after she and her family were racially harassed. White forwarded Lawton’s email to Fair Game. Lawton later said his wife didn’t know he was emailing White. “It does not matter if you think it was perceived wrong or that it is ‘not what you meant,’” Lawton wrote to White. “This is how a prominent black man who is the senior writer for perceived what you had to say! And trust me he is not the only person of color that already received your message that way.” Lawton continued, “As a white man born and raised in Vermont and lifetime, black leather jacket, Harley Davidson motorcycle rider, who has had no association with anything unlawful, I am also taken back by your statement. But as the husband of a black woman and father to a black son, [I have] seen clearly in the state of Vermont how white progressive democratic people are one of the state’s largest problems when it comes to racism!” “You have become the clearest example of that deep racial bias that makes ‘Nice white ladies’ historically dangerous to Black Men,” Lawton concluded. “There is no apology acceptable except one made along with your immediate resignation!!”

Here’s my call: White’s comments employed the racist trope of a “nice white little woman” confronted by a potentially dangerous Black man. Anyone with an ounce of understanding of America’s history knows this is an entirely polluted well and to stay the hell away from it. Let’s postulate that White was misunderstood — just long enough to say that when a speaker is 180 degrees misunderstood, sometimes it’s on the speaker. And she should have been much clearer and more contrite in her apology. Despite all that, I don’t think White should resign. I’ve watched her work in the Senate for nearly 20 years and have never heard remarks like these from her before. As chair of the Senate Government Operations Committee, she has taken progressive stances on issues that touch on race. Just this year, she has supported the expansion of voting rights and voter access. Last Friday, she reported favorably on an amendment to the state Constitution to make it clear that its ban on slavery applies to people of all ages. After White’s apology, Judiciary Committee chair Sen. DICK SEARS (D-Bennington) thanked her. “Having worked with you for many years, your heart is always in the right place, and I don’t think there’s any one of us who haven’t said things that can be misconstrued,” he said. The best part of what White said was about her desire to learn and grow. We all need to do that, myself included. The only way for that to happen is if we keep everybody in the conversation, and banish no one.

Stephanie Douglas Realtor



Charlotte Redux

I wrote on March 23 about the departure under pressure of CHEA WATERS EVANS from her post as sole editorial employee of the Charlotte News, as well as an uprising of a small cadre of national and international journalists who had settled in town. That was all in response to what appeared to be small-town politics infecting the paper’s operations. Now Evans is launching a new venture, the online Charlotte Bridge, with support from those journalists, including New Yorker contributing writer ADAM DAVIDSON and former foreign correspondent CHRISTINA ASQUITH. “Our goal is to operate completely transparently: from our bank account to our conflicts of interest, we’re dedicated to bringing you unbiased and uncensored stories about small-town government and life — without small-town politics,” Evans said in a written statement announcing the launch. I wish the Charlotte Bridge good luck. m

Tony Shaw Realtor


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leanor Abbot “contracted polio at age 36” and came up with the concept of a classic children’s board game “while convalescing in the hospital polio ward in 1947 with numerous children sufferers,” the San Diego Union-Tribune reported last year. The paper’s headline: “Another epidemic in another era gave birth to Candy Land.” Our cover this week, spawned in this COVID-19 era, is based ever so loosely on the game but is decidedly not for kids. There’s no Licorice Lagoon or Peppermint Forest — just the “hazards” of a Red Tape Snarl and a Governor’s Veto. The board depicts in a whimsical way the twisting path Vermont has taken toward next year’s start of legalized sales of cannabis for adults. There’s a good reason for its adult orientation: MARIJUANA CAN PROFOUNDLY AFFECT THE DEVELOPING BRAIN, as doctors and youth drug prevention counselors told Alison Novak (page 17). Vermont legalized medical marijuana in 2004. By 2015, discussions about legalizing use for all adults were heating up. But legislative inertia and gubernatorial disinterest (or outright dislike) of such an expansion repeatedly sent the process back to start, despite polling that increasingly showed Vermonters wanted legal weed. The delays left Vermont standing still while other states raced to the finish line. Among them was Massachusetts, where retail shops opened in 2018. COLIN FLANDERS VISITED A POT SHOP last week to see what all the fuss is about in the Berkshires burg of Lee (page 16). When the pandemic struck, Vermont’s legislature immediately put cannabis issues on the back burner. But during a lull in the chaos last summer, lawmakers took a shot at legalizing cannabis sales for adults. During a special budget session in

OF GARDENER’S SUPPLY in Burlington, talked to


Welcome to the Cannabis Issue

for ages 21 and up

THE CANNABIS ISSUE: Inside a Massa chusetts weed shop PAGE 16 / Docs After a boom-and-bust, Vermont’ worry over teen use PAGE 17 s hemp industry rebounds PAGE 20 / Who will advocate for medical Ben Cohen’s “joint” venture PAGE 38 marijuana? PAGE 30 / How to grow your own PAGE 40 / Cookin g with cannabis PAGE 46 THE CANNABIS ISSUE

September, the House and Senate passed S.54. Shortly thereafter, Gov. Phil Scott allowed the measure, Act 164, to become law without his signature. Now the race is on to implement a bong-load of rules for the nascent cannabis industry. The players are ready. First, LAWMAKERS ARE CONSIDERING SEVERAL AMENDMENTS TO ACT 164, four of which stood out to Kevin McCallum (page 22). While the rush is on for recreational sales, MEDICAL MARIJUANA PATIENTS WONDER WHO WILL STILL ADVOCATE FOR THEM. Ken Picard explores the topic in this week’s WTF column (page 30). Also potentially overlooked: VERMONT’S HEMP INDUSTRY. After a hot start a few years ago, the hemp market has slumped since late 2019. As planting gets under way this spring, will hemp rebound? Anne Wallace Allen wades in (page 20).

One Starksboro biz is banking on a bounce back: VTERRA FARMS, a 143-acre hemp operation that produces CBD-infused products. Most intriguing, reports Picard, is vTerra’s “nano-encapsulation technology,” which enables the body to absorb CBD in as few as 15 minutes (page 32). Here’s another way to absorb CBD: Eat it in delicious food. Jordan Barry tries the CANNABIDIOL-INFUSED MENU AT MAGIC MANN CAFÉ

in Essex (page 44). Her verdict: “It’s just good takeout.” Absorption rates are an important part of Courtney Lamdin’s story on INDICATOR, AN APP CREATED BY A SAINT MICHAEL’S COLLEGE PROFES-

SOR (page 34). The simple technology can

measure your impairment (from cannabis, alcohol or even lack of sleep) when you play a couple of games on your smartphone. Other Vermont innovators are getting in on the cannabis action. WILL RAAP, FOUNDER

Sally Pollak about his ideas and plans for the new market (page 36). Raap’s contemporary, Ben Cohen, blazed a trail in the ice cream world when he cofounded Ben & Jerry’s in 1978. WILL COHEN FIND THE SAME SUCCESS IN CANNABIS? He has already pledged to donate 100 percent of his profits from the sale of his line of low-THC, pre-rolled joints to advancing racial equity in the industry. Pollak has this scoop, too (page 38). Though shops won’t open for at least a year, it is legal in Vermont to GROW YOUR OWN STASH. Wondering where to start? Longtime grower Matt Leonetti offers step-by-step instructions, from seed to consumption, that will have you harvesting by the fall (page 40). Once you’ve collected that crop, get creative with the latest COOKBOOK BY VERMONT AUTHOR TRACEY MEDEIROS (page 46). Melissa Pasanen recounts some highlights from the tome, speaks with Medeiros and — bonus! — includes a CBD-infused recipe for a Green Goddess Café Jamaican Me Shake. Finally: The world of cannabis has its own lingo, so here is a glossary of sorts. The taxed and regulated retail marijuana market that Vermont has legalized is alternately referred to as the “adult-use” or “recreational” market. We use both terms in this issue. You’ll also see mentions of THC and CBD, acronyms you’ve probably heard before. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the psychoactive ingredient in cannabis (that gets you high); cannabidiol (CBD) is a compound extracted from hemp plants that is thought to have healthful effects on the mind and body. The word “cannabis” itself refers to the plant that produces both hemp and its THC-bearing cousin, marijuana. We use “cannabis” interchangeably to refer to both. The context should make the meaning clear. Got it? Good. Now relax, settle into a sunny spot and start reading. S AS HA GO LDS T E I N SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021







Some Burlington Homeowners Shocked by Reappraisal Figures



A display case at Canna Provisions

The Grass Is Greener In Lee, Mass., a marijuana outlet rings up sales — and generates taxes S TO RY & IMAG ES BY COLIN FL ANDE RS •


white-haired woman from Pittsfield, Mass., disappeared into a building and soon returned holding a paper bag. Sliding into the passenger seat of her sister’s car, she described what she had bought — or, more accurately, what a sales associate had told her she had bought. “She said it has everything: It relaxes you, it makes you creative, and it makes you happy. She said it was her favorite.” The customer was sold. She did, however, have one complaint. “It has a horrible name,” she said, peering at the receipt. “Sour Diesel?” Barbara Sullivan, 78, had just bought weed in Lee, Mass., where I had gone on April 7 to witness this legal exchange of cash for grass — and virtually every other cannabis product imaginable. I wanted a sense of what to expect when Vermont launches its own retail market next year. By the time I met Sullivan, I had toured Lee’s lone pot shop, Canna Provisions, and received an encyclopedic rundown of its inventory, from pre-rolled joints starting 16

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

at $10 apiece to eighths of flower fetching $50 and $60 to a colorful assortment of cannabis tinctures, including one priced as high as $110 (Howl’s limited-edition Winter Double Strength). I had also made a purchase of my own: a $30 cookies-and-cream chocolate bar from Coast Cannabis that I would later give to a relative with arthritis. Yet the most revealing part of the trip came here in the parking lot, where a ceaseless stream of curbside commerce made clear how Canna Provisions had managed to net $16 million in gross sales last year even after being forced to close for 10 weeks during the pandemic: Business was booming. “It’s been like gangbusters,” said Jason Bliss, 45, the store’s manager. He explained that New York State’s legalization of recreational marijuana late last month has eased many travelers’ concerns about bringing the drug across

state lines. “If you were here yesterday, this would be a slow day.” The ebb and flow still seemed quite hectic from my perspective. A half dozen employees scurried around the parking lot all afternoon, joking with regulars, counseling first-timers and taking orders on iPads. Another group inside the store filled those orders, stuffing THC-infused products into paper bags from a makeshift distribution center set up behind displays on the showroom floor, which was open for limited in-person browsing, though most people used the curbside service. Debit cards were swiped outside, while those who paid in cash were escorted into the building so that cameras could pick up the exchange, as required by law. All were then encouraged to enjoy their purchases safely — just not here in the parking lot, please. THE GRASS IS GREENER

» P.18

Shelly Waterman expected her home value would go up as a result of Burlington’s recent citywide reappraisal. But she was still surprised to see the final number on paper. Her three-bedroom, one-bathroom ranch in the New North End was previously valued at $209,100. Its new value: $269,500, a $60,400 increase. “To see your appraisal go up thousands — [for] many, $50,000 or more — really is shocking,” Waterman said. The reappraisal was the city’s first since 2005 and is meant to ensure that all properties are assessed at fair market value. Property values have increased over time in Burlington’s high-demand housing market, but the tax burden isn’t equally distributed, according to City Assessor John Vickery. While some residents saw a modest bump, others are learning that their home value increased by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Seven Days reviewed letters sent to two people whose home values had increased by about 50 percent and about 85 percent, respectively. “On the one hand, it’s like, ‘Wow, I’ve got a great piece of property,’” Waterman reflected. “On the other hand: ‘Oh, I’ve got a piece of property that’s going to make it more difficult for me to afford to live here.” City officials, however, are cautioning people not to panic. Just because a home’s appraised value doubled does not mean its taxes will increase twofold, Vickery said. That’s because the city charter mandates that reappraisals are revenue neutral, meaning the city can’t significantly increase taxes based on higher property valuations. To compensate, both the municipal and education tax rates will be lowered, Vickery wrote in an email to Seven Days. The city is expected to set its tax rate in June, after the city council approves its fiscal year 2021-22 budget. Voters approved the school budget in March, but it’s up to the legislature to set the education rate, also likely in June, Vickery said. Some homeowners will pay more taxes post-appraisal, but others will pay less or approximately the same, according to Vickery. “Over time, equity is lost as properties appreciate at different rates,” he wrote. “This resetting [of] values means that some properties have had a tax advantage because the valuation was low compared to the market relative to others.” Waterman understands the process but said she and her neighbors are still anxiously awaiting their tax bills to see the true impact. Homeowners can request an appeal hearing through April 30. m

A Troubling Trend As recreational marijuana sales loom, doctors worry about teen use BY ALISON N OVAK •


very two years, thousands of Vermont teenagers are asked a series of questions about whether they are drinking alcohol, having sex, using drugs or engaging in other risky behaviors. In the most recent installment of the state survey, fewer teens reported drinking or cigarette smoking. On the rise, though, was cannabis use. The 2019 Vermont Youth Risk Behavior Survey found that the number of high school students who reported using pot in the last 30 days had ticked up to 27 percent from 24 percent in 2017. Experts say they aren’t surprised — but they are worried that even more teenagers will become users when the retail sale of marijuana becomes legal in Vermont next year. That’s bad news, they add, because of the drug’s effect on developing brains and the risk teenagers run of becoming DR. DAVID dependent on it. “For a lot of people, the idea that cannabis makes you mellow and happy and passive is a myth,” said University of Vermont Medical Center child psychiatrist Dr. David Rettew. The recent increase in teen marijuana use occurred as Vermont legalized adult possession and use in 2018. Though the drug remains illegal for those under 21, research shows that teens’ perception of its risks tends to decline and their use can increase in states where it has become legal for adults, according to Mariah Flynn Sanderson, director of the Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community, a coalition that educates about substance-abuse issues and advocates for policy change. “We know that legal substances are usually seen as safer, and they’re more accessible. It’s much easier to go to your

corner store and buy something than it is to find a drug dealer,” Sanderson said. Even before legalization, she said, social conventions and marketing were leading young people to perceive marijuana as safe and healthy, despite data that paint a different picture. “Kids are way more influenced than sometimes even adults are by the changing landscape of things,” Sanderson said. “We know kids are more influenced by advertising than adults. They’re more influenced by community norms.” Rettew shares Sanderson’s concerns about the message legalization sends to teens. “[Marijuana] is playing a role in a troubling percentage of the patients that I see. And it’s often accompanied by close to a complete lack of awareness that cannabis could be part of the problem, rather than part of the solution,” said Rettew, who is also RET TEW medical director of the Child, Adolescent and Family Division of the Vermont Department of Mental Health. Rettew treats young people suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression and anxiety. He’s seen teen cannabis users showing up in the emergency room and needing hospitalization for aggression and out-of-control behavior. His young patients often tell him they use marijuana to control their anxious feelings. The drug may help them in the short term, but when their high wears off, they feel worse than they did before using, he said. This creates a pernicious cycle, he said, in which teens must use cannabis regularly or risk withdrawal symptoms such as irritability and depression.

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4/9/21 9:03 AM




» P.24

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


8/7/20 2:13 PM


Vermont State Trooper, Former Police Officer Deny Assault Charges B Y D EREK BR OUWE R • Two law enforcement officers pleaded not guilty this week to misdemeanor assault charges related to on-duty conduct. Vermont State Police Trooper Robert Zink is accused of punching a handcuffed man in the head during a February arrest in Shaftsbury. Former St. Albans Police Department corporal Mark Schwartz was charged more than two years after he shocked a man with his Taser seconds after arriving on scene. Seven Days published police body camera footage of the incident more than a year ago. Both citations were issued last week at the request of the Vermont Attorney General’s Office, according to state police, which investigated the cases. Zink was on paid leave during the investigation and was moved to unpaid leave last week, state police said in a press Robert Zink release. An internal complaint from a fellow officer sparked the criminal investigation. Zink was responding to another trooper’s request for backup at the scene of a car crash where one of the drivers was visibly intoxicated. The man, Christopher Campbell, was handcuffed after an initial scuffle. But he was able to spin around and bring two officers, including Zink, to the ground, according to court papers. The documents describe body cam and cruiser video of the struggle; that video has not been publicly released. According to the documents: Zink and Trooper Jeremy Sullivan both punched Campbell, who continued to “try to break free.” While facedown and handcuffed, the suspect kicked Zink. Sullivan yelled that Campbell was also reaching for his Taser. At least 17 seconds later, Zink punched Campbell again in the leg or buttocks. He then struck Campbell four times in the back of the head, before Sullivan pushed Zink’s arm away. Sullivan told the state police investigator that Zink’s blows were “too much” and that the last one “sounded like a bowling ball hitting the ground.” He saw Campbell bleeding from the head and watched as Zink dragged the handcuffed man to the nearby police cruiser. A third officer at the scene, David Pfindel, also told the investigator that he didn’t believe the punches to Campbell’s head were justified. Zink’s attorney, David Sleigh, said he was “dismayed” that Attorney General T.J. Donovan would charge the trooper with criminal conduct for his actions under “extraordinarily difficult, emergent circumstances.” “I don’t understand why Bob is charged with a crime when troopers who shot people are never charged with crimes,” Sleigh said.


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

The latter comment echoed a critique of Donovan levied by Chittenden County State’s Attorney Sarah George on Vermont Public Radio the day before Donovan asked state police to cite Zink. George and Donovan have been feuding over a trio of high-profile murder and attempted murder cases that George dismissed on the grounds that the defendants were criminally insane. Donovan refiled charges in all three cases, arguing that a jury should decide the matters. George said the attorney general was being hypocritical by not applying his same standard to police shootings, none of which he has prosecuted. The Attorney General’s Office did not make Donovan available for an interview on Tuesday. At the attorney general’s request, state police began investigating Schwartz’s use of a Taser in May 2020, more than a year after the incident and three months after Seven Days published body cam video showing the encounter. The St. Albans Police Department had previously defended Schwartz’s force as justified. But in a charging affidavit dated April 5, 2021, Vermont State Police Det. Sgt. Drew Cota concluded that the man was not attempting to flee when Schwartz shocked him. During Schwartz’s arraignment in Franklin Superior Court on Tuesday, Judge Michael Kupersmith seemed to look askance at the unusual case. “This is only simple assault, instead of an aggravated assault?” he said to assistant attorney general Earl Fechter. “I thought those Tasers could do some real damage.” “The attorney general is pursuing this, huh?” the judge added. Schwartz is the third former St. Albans police officer to face an assault charge for excessive force after an incident that garnered media attention. Former sergeant Jason Lawton is accused of punching a handcuffed woman in a holding cell; the criminal investigation began two days after Seven Days published video of his actions. Donovan’s office initially declined to prosecute former officer Joel Daugreilh, who pepper-sprayed a teen in the same holding cell in 2017. But Donovan reopened the case when VPR requested documents from the investigation. Those cases are pending. Meantime, Franklin County State’s Attorney Jim Hughes said he is continuing to call the three former officers as witnesses in other criminal cases. “The pending charges are not offenses of moral turpitude or dishonesty,” he wrote in an email. m

A billboard directing traffic to the Lee pot shop

The Grass Is Greener « P.16 Similar scenes are now playing out in dozens of other Massachusetts towns. More than 100 pot shops have opened in the Bay State since its retail market came online in 2018. Canna Provisions runs two of them, one in Lee and another in Holyoke. Nearly two years in, Lee seems to be comfortable with its new industry. Local officials report no spikes in crime nor many traffic-related issues. The store itself continues to be in high demand, particularly among out-of-state custom-



ers, who often go on to spend money at other local businesses, buying food or refueling gas tanks. And the pent-up demand illustrated by last week’s rush suggests there is still ample room for growth, leading some in Lee to believe that weed may breathe new life into their former mill town. “That’s what I’m hoping to see,” said Sean Regnier, 32, a member of the town selectboard. “A rebound.” Meg Sanders, Canna Provisions’ cofounder, began her cannabis career in Colorado during the western weed boom of the late 2000s. She started and ran a chain of dispensaries called Mindful for seven years, then stepped down as CEO to consult with other upstart cannabis companies.

That led her to Massachusetts, where, after voters made weed legal in 2016, she and her business partner, Erik Williams, began eyeing potential spots for a new chain of retail stores. Lee ranked high on their list due in part to its charm: A walk down the brick corridor that is Main Street leads visitors past two churches, three barbershops and Joe’s Diner, best known as the setting of Norman Rockwell’s famed Saturday Evening Post cover “The Runaway,” which shows a police officer sitting at a lunch counter next to a little boy who had fled his home. But Sanders wasn’t willing to settle for just anywhere in Lee. “I said, ‘The only reason we should open in Lee is if we can get that location,’” Sanders recalled, referring to the lot where Canna Provisions now operates. “That is a home run.’” It’s not hard to follow her thinking: The property is just 300 yards from Exit 2 of the Massachusetts Turnpike and 10 miles from the New York border. Town officials recalled mixed reactions when Canna Provisions came seeking a license in 2018. “A lot of people were for it,” Regnier said. “A lot of people were, well, not so much against it but worried about the negative impact that it could have — the type of crowds it might attract, the potential smell that could come.” The older population appeared most reluctant, according to selectboard member Patricia Carlino, 70. Nearly two years later, “there’s still some hesitancy,” she said. “But I believe the majority of people, whether they like it or not, have accepted it.” Steve Hickson, a 69-year-old who runs Steve’s Barber Shop in downtown Lee, agreed with that assessment. “Even if people are really not into it, they don’t have a big problem with it,” he said.

Officials say part of the reason for this shift is that the town has yet to see any negative effects from the shop. Sure, there was that day last summer when a computer glitch backed up orders so much that weed store traffic spilled into neighboring businesses’ parking lots, prompting complaints. “But they fixed it within 24 hours, and it was back to normal,” Carlino said. “I go by there quite often, and I never see problems.” The most frequently cited explanation for residents’ acceptance of the pot shop, officials said, is taxes. Lee took in $988,000 last year through a 3 percent local tax on weed sales and a statemandated “community impact fee,” which the town has set at 3 percent, the highest it can go. The windfall allowed Lee to avoid raising property taxes to fund its $25 million budget last year, despite the financial crunch wrought by the pandemic. Canna Provisions staff anticipate that its revenues will go up by half, to $24 million, in the store’s second year, according to the Berkshire Eagle. “It’s been a success, as far as what was promised,” Carlino said. Vermont towns and cities can expect far less in dividends from their own retail weed market. While lawmakers imposed a 6 percent sales tax and 14 percent excise tax on retail shops, all of that money goes to the state, not the municipalities that opt to host them. Towns and cities will only take in tax money if they have a 1 percent local option levy on the books; only 16 Vermont municipalities do today. Of course, not even the financial incentives have been enough to bring everyone in Lee on board. Dave Consolati, chair of the selectboard, said he opposes marijuana sales despite the influx of tax revenues, because there’s no guarantee the funds will keep coming. He was referring to the long-standing controversy about Massachusetts’ community impact fees, which cannabis professionals have long viewed as overly burdensome and unnecessary. One store owner is now suing the Town of Haverhill over them, arguing that officials there have failed to explain how the fee is “reasonably related” to mitigating the detrimental impacts of pot shops, as the law requires. Consolati said he also worries that marijuana legalization will lead to an increase in drug-related crimes and youth use, even though the local police department has reported no such spike. But he fears that it may be too soon to tell. “When you take a certain drug, what is the next step? Does it give you the next

high?” he said. “My concern is always about the kids stepping up to the next level of whatever it is.” Despite this, Consolati took no issue with Canna Provisions, saying its owners have been “very up-front” about their business. “I can’t criticize them in the least,” he said. Canna Provisions will soon face more competition. Another company is seeking to obtain the Town of Lee’s second and final retail license, while residents in New York — who have made up nearly 50 percent of Canna Provisions’ purchases in recent months — will soon be able to buy legal weed at home. Still, Sanders didn’t seem too concerned. She said she believes tourists will still hop off the turnpike’s second exit to pick up their vacation treat, even if they are coming from a place that has its own weed shops. The company also plans to continue evolving. Case in point: Canna Provisions expected to unveil a new strain of cannabis this week from iconic cultivator Greg “Chemdog” Krzanowski that will only be offered in its stores. I will leave a description of the strain, named 3 Dog Giesel, to the experts at Northeast Leaf magazine. “For consumers and flavor chasers: Expect a dominant flavor profile of citrus and orange peel leading the front, with a lot of deep skunky technicolor fireworks making for a rich and tasty powerhouse flower,” reads a story in the April issue. Right on. Time will tell whether Sanders’ optimism is warranted — or whether Vermont retail shops will have similar luck winning over their own skeptics. Judging from the scene outside of the Lee store last week, however, the most immediate challenge seems to be keeping up with demand. As Sullivan and her sister left the parking lot, Luis Foster waited in the passenger seat of a beat-up convertible driven by his father. A 31-year-old from Coxsackie, N.Y., Foster had made the 45-minute trip to Canna Provisions “many, many times” and said that towns everywhere should be opening their arms to pot shops. “The shit on the street?” he asked. “You don’t know where it’s from.” He then assumed the role of a drug dealer: “Say you came to me. I could be like, ‘Yo, this is OG Kush,’” he said, pretending to throw a bag of weed in my direction. “You wouldn’t fucking know! Just like I wouldn’t. Here, you can trust it.” A few minutes later, his dad started the convertible, nosed it through Canna Provisions’ crowded parking lot and turned toward the Mass Pike. m


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/12/21 2:19 PM


After the Hemp Rush

Before banking on marijuana, growers can learn from the recent cannabis boom-to-bust B Y A NNE WAL L A CE ALLE N •



SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

Jahala Dudley with a hemp plant


ust two years ago, hemp looked like a crop that could inject some life into Vermont’s flagging agricultural economy. At Statehouse meetings, entrepreneurs, lawmakers and regulators who were giddy with optimism talked of harnessing the profits of the fast-growing industry for societal good. One of them was Carl Christianson, who had just set up a hemp processing facility and testing lab in a newly purchased 10,000-square-foot former bread bakery in Brattleboro. But a nationwide rush to plant in the summer of 2019 led to an oversupply in the fall. Would-be purchasers backed away, so many farmers left their plants standing in the field and took a loss. Others harvested their crop and were left high and dry by buyers who never paid up. Months later, the pandemic descended. In March 2021, Christianson’s company, Northeast Processing, declared bankruptcy. Though he recently built a house in Vermont, Christianson is looking at job offers — none of them local. “It was a pretty brutal one-two punch,” Christianson said of the crash in prices and the pandemic. He has no wish to try again as a hemp entrepreneur. “I really care about the people that I have met over the years, and I really want to see people succeed,” Christianson said. “It’s been tough across the board. I’m hopeful that there remains a solid marketplace in the Vermont ecosystem.” Christianson isn’t the only entrepreneur who flamed out. Stories abound of inexperienced growers who had hoped to cash in on the hemp gold rush, only to learn firsthand why some have dubbed the industry the Wild West. Yet there are signs that a market not only remains, but is staging a comeback. By this point in 2019, the state had issued registrations for 250 growers or processors, said Stephanie Smith, cannabis quality control policy administrator for the Agency of Agriculture. In 2020 — the year registration fees rose sharply and the registration window didn’t open until March — that number dropped to 30. So far this year, it’s rebounded to 235 growers and processors, Smith said. Some of them, like Jahala Dudley, are staying in the game until next year, when legal retail sales of marijuana begin. Dudley made headlines in 2019 when police mistakenly seized more than 100

pounds of the legal, Vermont-grown hemp that she and her business partner had shipped to a client in New York City. She still grows hemp, along with flowers, on land in Colchester. But earlier this month, she bought a large property in central Vermont with greenhouses, processing space and fields where she plans next year to grow cannabis that contains tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC — the stuff that gets you high. “There are going to be a ton of small farmers applying for licenses to grow next year when the THC thing opens up in Vermont,” she said. “The majority of these hemp farmers are not growing hemp because they want a future in the hemp business; they are growing hemp because they want to have a future in the THC business, and I think it’s a stepping-stone.” That’s what attorney Tim Fair, co-owner of Vermont Cannabis Solutions in Burlington, is hearing from clients. In 2019, Fair said, the law firm’s phone calls about hemp outnumbered those about marijuana by a radio of 9 to 1. In 2021, that ratio has flipped. “Most people are now positioning

themselves to get ready for the Vermont adult-use market, which will absolutely dwarf the hemp and CBD market,” Fair said. “We’re talking about a $200 million-a-year industry that has to be created in the state. If it takes one year, two years, it’s happening.” Money will surely be made, but it might take time for the market to form, warned Christianson, the hemp entrepreneur. Vermont’s delays in legalization have let nearby states such as Maine and Massachusetts gain a foothold. New York’s legislature just reached a legalization deal, too, and recreational sales there could start in a year or so. “I would like to think that it will be more like the beer industry, where there are high-quality craft options, as well as a mass market, mass-produced commodity product,” Christianson said. “But if federal legalization comes down the road and it fully leads to a federal marketplace and true commoditization the way hemp was,” Christianson added, “[that] makes it even more difficult for niche, high-quality producers to do anything more than having small products available on a local market.”

Those hoping to participate in the legal adult-use marijuana market would do well to study Vermont’s roller-coaster ride with hemp, veterans of the industry say. Spurred by the 2018 federal Farm Bill, which legalized the production of hemp as an agricultural commodity, hundreds of people planted it in Vermont in the spring of 2019. Most hoped to sell the plants for the production of cannabidiol, aka CBD, one of many compounds in cannabis that are sold as alternative health products. Private businesses and the state Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets heavily promoted growing Vermont hemp for CBD. They saw it as a specialty crop that would stand out for its high quality from the commodity product that was being produced on huge farms in states such as Colorado and Oregon. “It was almost a dream come true,” said Ryegate agronomist Willie Gibson. He’d been hired in 2019 to work as entrepreneur Jeffry Knight’s liaison with about two dozen farmers who had agreements to sell their crop to Knight, owner of VT-CBD Labs in Winooski. At first, Gibson said, the hemp crop


Knight’s lawyer, Pietro Lynn, said Knight is just waiting for prices to rebound so he can sell the dried flower he’s storing in a Winooski warehouse. Knight is registered with the state as a processor this year, according to Smith. “He lives in Florida, but the business is still here,” said Lynn. “It’s still active and has every intention of processing and selling the hemp, and VT-CBD Labs continues to have good relationships with its partner farmers.” He acknowledged that Knight is facing one lawsuit from a farmer. Gibson isn’t the only grower who feels burned. Patrick Sullivan, who owns Ananda Gardens in Montpelier, said he grew two acres of hemp last year under contract for a company called CBD Vermont. Sullivan says he was promised $50,000 for his crop and got only a bad check. According to Vermont State Police, the owner of that now-defunct Waterbury company, Douglas Bell, shorted 15 farmers, including Ananda Gardens, the

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money he’d promised for hemp harvests. Estimated cumulative losses were about $500,000. “Legally, there was no route for us,” Sullivan said earlier this year on a University of Vermont Extension “Ag Engineering Podcast.” “The guy who scammed us claimed he didn’t have any money; the lawyers said we would have been looking at $20,000, $30,000 of legal fees going after someone who claimed they had $17 in their bank account.” The experience soured Sullivan and his wife on cannabis altogether. “We do not want it on the farm,” Sullivan told Seven Days. “I’m sure there are great people associated with hemp, and there are people with good intentions,” he said. “It’s just not where our interests are. We don’t feel good about it; it doesn’t fall in line with our overall mission.” He and his wife operate a 150-member CSA. Bell pleaded innocent to charges that he failed to pay several farmers in 2019. The case is pending, said Washington County State’s Attorney Rory T. Thibault. “I had several clients ripped off by him,” said Fair, who noted that last year’s depression in the cannabis market hit his bottom line, too. He and his business partner, Andrew Subin, started taking general legal work to pay the bills. “There were a lot of handshake deals, things weren’t contracted; there were a lot of unsavory characters in the space,” Fair said. “But it’s hard to say it was all intentional fraud. I don’t believe much of it was. People made an agreement to pay more at the beginning of the season than it was worth at the end of the season.” The crash affected Christianson, who has a PhD in chemistry and who was seen as one of the local leaders when the hemp industry was presenting its case to lawmakers in early 2019. Christianson had obtained a mortgage from Brattleboro Savings & Loan to buy the former bread factory, and he had 12 employees when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. “We’re talking about hemp prices that were $300 a pound three or four years ago, to $3 a pound” in late 2019, said Christianson. The value of the oil used in CBD production dropped from about $30,000 a liter to $400 a liter. Gibson, the former VT-CBD employee, said he’s pretty sure none of the 25 farmers he worked with in the summer of 2019 plans to grow hemp again. He’s still advising farmers at his new job, with Northeast Agricultural Sales in Lyndonville, and said a few of those farmers have small hemp crops. “They have kept their business scope within the realm of what they can risk,” he said. m


seemed like an ideal way for dairy farmers to prosper after several years of low milk prices. “They were pulling in family and friends and neighbors; it was like what farming used to be like,” Gibson said. “It was very social, and it was exciting. We were all learning about this crop we had never grown before.” But in the fall of 2019, hemp flooded the market in Vermont and other states. Some farmers quickly learned they didn’t have the capacity to dry or store the plant material; others just couldn’t find buyers. And some buyers disappeared. Knight was one of those, according to Gibson. “As far as I know, nobody has been paid a dime for anything they grew in that group,” Gibson said, adding that Knight fired him in December 2019 and moved to Florida. The last Gibson knew, the five-acre hemp crop he and his wife grew and harvested that summer was in Winooski, being prepared for processing. “I haven’t heard a thing for over a year, and I have not inquired,” Gibson said. “I am trying to walk away from it.”




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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/12/21 11:59 AM



Budding Heads Lawmakers seek to revise last year’s retail pot bill B Y K E V I N MCCAL L UM •


ow that Vermont has legalized the sale of cannabis for recreational use, growers and entrepreneurs can get on with the business of hawking weed, right? Not so fast. Six months after the passage of the legalization bill, lawmakers are still monkeying with the rules governing Vermont’s future ganja marketplace. Some of the proposed changes are the expected technical tweaks to a complex bill pulled together at the end of a marathon 2020 legislative session dominated by COVID19 relief efforts. Others could have significant impacts on the businesses hoping to capitalize on recreational weed sales, which are set to begin in 2022. These changes include proposed rules about advertising, assistance for minorityowned pot businesses and delayed deadlines for towns to decide whether to ban retail sales of the drug within their borders. The changes are far from assured. The Senate has focused on updating the law, passing S.25 in late March. It’s now in the House Government Operations Committee, whose chair, Rep. Sarah Copeland Hanzas (D-Bradford), said she’ll be getting to it as soon as the committee finishes work involving pension reform and mail-in voting proposals. “We’re absolutely going to take up the bill,” she said. “What I don’t know is whether any particular item will have the sense of urgency that it needs to pass at this moment.” The House has its own bill focused on social equity issues, H.414, which hasn’t yet made it to a floor vote. So, the smart money in Montpelier is on the Senate bill surviving the legislative gauntlet in some form. Here are a few highlights of S.25.


The bill seeks to help members of minority groups participate in the new recreational marijuana market in two ways. One is to reduce or eliminate licensing fees “for individuals from communities that historically have been disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition or individuals directly and personally 22

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

impacted by cannabis prohibition.” The bill tells the three-member Cannabis Control Board to figure out how to untangle that knot. The other is to establish a Cannabis Social Equity Program that would give money to “social equity applicants” for “ordinary and necessary expenses to start and operate a licensed cannabis establishment.” The program would be funded by $500,000 in seed money from the legislature, plus a 3 percent gross sales tax on medical marijuana license holders for the five months these retailers would be allowed to sell recreational marijuana ahead of others. The taxes would be capped at $50,000 per dispensary, of which there are currently five. The program would be run by the Agency of Commerce and Community Development. Eligibility would be established by the Cannabis Control Board advisory committee. Just who should receive the lowinterest loans and grants envisioned by the program has not been determined. Social and racial justice advocates have argued that eligibility should not be defined solely by race or contact with what Mark Hughes called the “so-called criminal justice system.” “We’ve sought to identify folks as being impacted not solely because they were incarcerated,” Hughes, executive director of the racial equity organization Justice for All, told lawmakers. But Sen. Jeanette White (D-Windham) noted that without explicitly tailoring the money to racial minorities, anyone who ever got popped for pot possession could claim to have suffered and theoretically snag a grant. “I know a lot of people who were arrested for marijuana, in the ’60s and ’70s, who are not disproportionately impacted individuals — they came from wealthy families,” White said. “There is no way they should be considered.” Sen. Joe Benning (R-Caledonia), an attorney, counted himself among those who had a brush with the law but shouldn’t be considered harmed by the experience. “I personally was arrested in 1975 at a time when I had long hair and played guitar in a rock-and-roll band,” Benning said. He noted that it was his pot-smoking bandmates the cops were after, not him.


In the majority of states where recreational marijuana sales are legal, stores can be set up in any city or town unless the community specifically bars them. Vermont took the opposite approach in last year’s law, allowing retail sales only in towns that have voted to permit them. Towns are supposed to make that decision by Town Meeting Day 2022. Because of delays in the formation of the Cannabis Control Board, however, the

statewide rules governing the operation of marijuana businesses now aren’t due until April 2022. So S.25 would give cities and towns an additional year to hold a vote after the rules are clear. And instead of allowing retail cannabis sales only in towns that approve them, the bill would instead allow such sales in any community that doesn’t ban them by March 8, 2023. The Vermont League of Cities & Towns, which advocated for the original “opt-in” structure, is now OK with changing to this

HOW’S THE RIDE FEELIN’? “opt-out” model because towns will have sufficient time to make up their minds. “We’re not super excited about it,” said Gwynn Zakov, the group’s lobbyist. “But we’re not going to object to it either.” The extension also reflects the reality that COVID-19 made petition drives more difficult and many town leaders did not put the question of whether to allow weed stores on the ballot in March. Of the 26 towns that did vote, Burlington and 22 others said yes.



Benning has long supported the idea that consistency in the state will help the market thrive, and he always thought the default should be that retail sales were allowed until towns said otherwise. But he worried last month that the new opt-out rule might again stir opposition in the House and act as a poison pill preventing the two chambers from reaching a deal. The provision illustrates how the bill is still largely a “Senate wish list” with an uncertain future, said Andrew Subin, cofounder of Burlington law firm Vermont Cannabis Solutions. “Politically it’s not clear how much of this survives a journey through the House,” Subin said.


Restrictions on cannabis advertising have also resurfaced in S.25. Proposed advertising rules were stripped out of the bill last year after House members sought an outright ban, despite concerns that it would violate businesses’ right to free speech. Following some last-minute legislative wrangling, the final bill remained silent on advertising, but the prospect of a possible ban loomed. This left businesses wondering how they would get the word out about their products. “A lot of business owners are very upset about a total ban. Does that mean no website?” Subin asked. After officials from the Attorney General’s Office told senators they could not defend an outright ban, they reverted

to strict rules on advertising, which most business owners are fine with, Subin said. The bill would restore proposed rules that bar “deceptive, false, or misleading” ads or ones that “promote overconsumption” or represent that cannabis has “curative effects.” Also forbidden are ads that show anyone under 21 using cannabis or that are “particularly appealing to persons under 21 years of age.” Marketing efforts that involve free samples or prizes and awards are also barred, nor can advertising appear in any media where “more than 15 percent of the audience is reasonably expected to be under 21 years of age.” Ads would need to be approved by the Cannabis Control Board, which could charge fees for the review.

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3/8/21 3:18 PM


The five existing medical marijuana dispensaries in the state will be eligible to receive something called an integrated license, which would allow them to both grow and sell to recreational users, among other things. Because they already have established businesses, they’ll be allowed to start selling five months earlier than other retailers, on May 1, 2022. To make sure local growers aren’t shut out of that early sales boom, S.25 says 25 percent of cannabis flower that integrated license holders offer “shall be obtained from a licensed small [Vermont] cultivator, if available” between August 1, 2022, and October 1, 2022. Other licensees can open their doors on the October date. But while some small growers may appreciate that opportunity, most won’t bother trying to sell through Vermont’s existing operations, some of which are connected to big national chains, Geoffrey Pizzutillo predicted. Pizzutillo, executive director of the Vermont Growers Association, told lawmakers this year that people interested in shopping at such cannabis retailers can already do so in Massachusetts and Maine, and local growers are looking to distinguish themselves from that market channel. “We’re looking for a Vermont brand and to transition Vermonters into the market,” he said, so many local growers are planning to wait to sell their crops to locally owned retailers able to operate after October 1, 2022. Sen. Phil Baruth (D/P-Chittenden) disagreed, predicting that small growers would leap at the chance to sell their products when the markets open. “Maybe they are much more guided by principle than profit,” Baruth said. “But I think these guys have bills to pay, too.” m


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


8/27/20 8:01 AM

A Troubling Trend « P.17 “I have a pretty low tolerance for saying ‘no big deal’ about youth cannabis use because of what we know about how cannabis affects developing brains,” Rettew said. For example, a recent study found that 11 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds became addicted to marijuana within a year of first trying it, compared to 6.4 percent of 18- to 25-year-olds. Within three years of trying marijuana, that percentage for 12- to 17-year-olds rose to 20 percent. Dr. Nora Volkow, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse and a senior author of the study, attributed the finding to the plasticity of the developing brain. “It’s a learning process when you become addicted. It’s a type of memory that gets hardwired into your brain. That occurs much faster in an adolescent brain,” Volkow told the New York Times last month. Burlington pediatrician Dr. Jill Rinehart shares many of Rettew’s concerns. Most distressingly, she said, she has seen a few teens who are chronic users experience episodes of psychosis — irrational and disoriented thoughts — and early onset schizophrenia. More often, marijuana use leads to a lack of drive or motivation, she said. “Suddenly, that 10th-grade girl who wants to be a neuroscientist is hoping that she will maybe graduate,” she said. As youth anxiety and depression spiked during the pandemic, Rinehart also saw an increase in marijuana use among teenagers who already used it prepandemic. “Kids think smoking cigarettes is disgusting, but weed is perceived as OK,” she said. “I think what I’m asking is that we be very respectful of this complicated plant that has over 300 components to it [that] are not benign in any sense of the word,” she said. It’s not just the cannabis itself but the method teens are using to consume it that troubles those in the medical community. The 2019 risk behavior survey found that vaping as the primary method of use increased from 2 to 17 percent during the two-year period. That’s worrisome, because new research from the University of Michigan indicates that adolescents who vape cannabis are at greater risk for respiratory symptoms such as wheezing than are teens who smoke cigarettes or marijuana, or vape nicotine. UVM Medical Center pediatric pulmonologist Dr. Lauren Faricy said that smoking and vaping cannabis is “just really normalized” among the young people she treats. “I think in Vermont, 24

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021






in particular, people see it as kind of this natural thing: ‘It’s a plant, and therefore it’s not harmful.’” But that’s not the case, she said. “There’s a real assumption that vaping is safer or cleaner for teens,” she said. “[But] your lungs are not meant to have irritants and chemicals inhaled on a regular basis, over and over … Oils are incredibly inflammatory in the lungs.”

Some of those assumptions come from the way vaping has been marketed as a safer alternative to cigarettes, said Faricy. Rettew said the cannabis industry promotes the message that marijuana is natural and not addictive, and it “cherry-picks the science” to promote its health benefits. “One of the techniques of the industry that I find particularly deceitful and irritating is this kind of bait-and-switch that will happen,” Rettew said. “There might be a study out there that shows some medical benefit from some pure extract from cannabis like cannabidiol [CBD] … Then that study over social media … gets used to support people smoking some 80 percent THC product with a name like Monkey Head Explosion. I just find that very, very deceitful.” Sanderson, of the Partnership for a Healthy Community, said she regretted that she and others who work in prevention hadn’t been able to persuade the state to spend more on educating teens

and parents about the drug’s risks in the years leading up to legalization. There are challenges to doing youth prevention work now that marijuana is legal, Sanderson said. But with legalization a fact of life, Sanderson and her peers must face that challenge. Simply trying to scare teens into abstaining isn’t effective, she said: “The focus is really going to be more on, ‘How do you live life in such a way that helps you accomplish the things you want for yourself?’” Because 90 percent of those who develop a substance-use disorder started using drugs or alcohol before age 18, Sanderson said, “our goal as a community should be how we can delay use as long as possible so that those brains can fully develop.” The retail cannabis law specifies that 30 percent of a 14 percent excise tax on recreational marijuana will be directed at substance-abuse prevention. Sanderson hopes the revenue will be used to support a variety of strategies tailored to different areas of the state, with the aim of supporting healthy decisions at the individual, community and policy level. At the doctor-patient level, Rinehart said, one of her go-to prevention strategies is to help teens understand that “it’s in the best interest of the [cannabis] industry to create new users, and so they’re going to be as creative as they can” to market their products to young people. “I don’t think kids want to be taken advantage of … They want to be seen as smart and good decision makers,” said Rinehart. “When we give them good information, I think they can make good decisions. But it’s a really skewed place that we’re in right now.” Some Vermont teens are educating themselves. For three years, Winooski eighth grader Netalya Hill has been a member of Above the Influence, a school-based youth program that supports healthy choices and living substance-free. Participants discuss ways to cope with problems using strategies other than taking drugs or drinking alcohol. They also look at how some tobacco and drug companies pitch their products to young people. “It’s definitely not OK that they are targeting children, which they’ve been doing for a while,” said Hill. “While your brain is still developing, especially as a teenager, it [has] a huge effect and it makes it harder to focus; it makes it harder to learn; it makes things way more difficult.” “Drugs and alcohol, they can really damage a person,” she said. “There are a lot of people that purchase these things, and they’re not as educated on what they are and what they can do to a person.” m



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4/5/21 3:25 PM




JUNE 11, 1955MARCH 26, 2021 ESSEX JUNCTION, VT. Britt Joan Vitols (formerly Joan Fishwick), 65, of Essex Junction, Vt., passed away in her home on March 26, 2021. She was a vibrant force of being, loved and respected by many, and her humor, tenacity, grit and supportive nature will live on in memory. Born in Springfield, Mass., she grew up in Shelburne, Vt., attended Shelburne Middle School and graduated in the class of 1974 from Champlain Valley Union High School, where she was active in field hockey, basketball and track. She was a loyal friend, there to support and encourage at all times. Her spirit was gentle and kind, and she is recalled by childhood friends as a beautiful, athletic, blond, sunny girl who climbed trees and built forts. She is already greatly missed. She attended Springfield College in Massachusetts as a social sciences major, also learning to manage and work around a late diagnosis of dyslexia. She helped to run a very popular open mic event at Danny Boys, where she worked as

a waitress. She later transferred to the University of Vermont and completed her education in computer sciences, which served her well in a productive career with IBM for many years. As an independent adult, she changed her name to reflect her mother’s heritage and settled in Essex Junction for the remainder of her life. After moving on from IBM, she explored other employment adventures, including at Vermont Teddy Bear, and eventually settled into her passionate final career as a skilled veterinary technician. “Grand master” Britt Vitols had a lifelong and dedicated career in tae kwon do. She was one of only a few pioneering

women in what was then a male-dominated sphere, and she inspired all who knew her as a ferocious competitor and generous teacher, climbing the ranks and blazing a bright path for other students to follow in her ongoing practice of martial arts. She leaves an enduring legacy with many whose own paths have been shaped by the example and knowledge she shared with grace and abundance, truly embodying the tenants of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control and indomitable spirit. She was many things to many people: a generous and loving friend, sister, adviser, confidant, philanthropist, coworker, sponsor, godmother, vet tech, pet sitter, cat whisperer and fierce champion to all underdogs, human and animal alike. Britt is survived by her sister, Diana Douglas of Plainfield, Vt.; her beloved cat, Mikhail; and a network of devoted friends. A memorial celebration of Britt’s life and memory will be held at the United Fighting Arts Institute at a future date to be determined. A formal announcement will be forthcoming once details become available.

IN MEMORIAM Connie Marshall 1948-2019

Happy birthday, Connie. You should have had so many more years to be with us. We cherish our memories of you — our sister, aunt, great aunt, and Mimi to Lucy. There isn’t a day that passes that tears are not shed. We pray so much to see you again. Much love forever, Your family

Anne Adoian Nalbandian Bemis

MARCH 3, 1933MARCH 30, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. “You’ll never get married; you laugh too much,” Geraldine told Anne. They were hospital mates — children in the polio ward at Bellevue Hospital in New York City. But Anne Adoian Nalbandian Bemis paid no heed to Geraldine — she went on to live a long and accomplished life full of laughter — and marry she did. Anne always said she was born lucky, having come into this world on the auspicious date of 3/3/33. She was born in New York City’s Chelsea neighborhood to Lucia Adoian Nalbandian and Paul Nalbandian, survivors of the Armenian genocide. (Lucia’s cousin was renowned artist Arshile Gorky, born Manoug Adoian. Art was in Anne’s blood...) Both sides of her brain worked in a beautiful balance. Despite her physical handicap and years in and out of the polio ward, she excelled in academics, skipping two grades. Upon graduation from the all-girls’ Washington Irving High School (which Anne referred to as “Washing and Ironing High School), the CIA tried (unsuccessfully) to recruit her. Anne graduated from Hunter College, where she studied statistics and physiology. She studied biostatistics at Columbia University and art at the Art Students League and the New School, and she began graduate work at Cooper Union. She left when she married, and then soon after became pregnant with her first child. Anne put her statistics degree to good use while working for Nielsen ratings in New York City and at the Vermont Department of Health. A prolific painter, she studied with Robert Motherwell and Richard Pousette-Dart. During her


Britt Vitols

lifetime, Anne showed at a number of galleries throughout North America and went on to launch the Vermont women’s art group Visibility Arts in the 1970s. Her “Lake Series” collection is a love letter to Lake Champlain, painted over many decades. There isn’t the space here to list Anne’s accomplishments. She would tell you that she had a great life and she was the luckiest woman in the world. She knew true love with Edmund Augustus Bemis Jr. (1928-2012), whom she met while walking their dogs in Washington Square Park (you can hear about their meeting and lifelong love at She was immensely proud of her three daughters, Mary, Lucy and Amanda, and she found tremendous joy in her grandchildren, Béatrice and Tobias. Though she had a direct connection with some of the worst of human experience — genocide and polio — she concentrated on the best. Anne lived true to the Armenian maxim, serged line ede — “make your heart wide.” Her outlook was always positive; her sense of wonder and her pursuit of knowledge were insatiable and remained with her until her last breath. Anne’s interests, in her own words, were “poetry; astronomy; sciences; politics; art history; languages; music; film; my pals.” Her range of interests was showcased in

her large group of friends of all generations and backgrounds. Her dispassions, in her own words, were “housekeeping and technology.” Anne was a brilliant thinker and doer. Having moved to Vermont in the 1960s, she was at the forefront of the arts and politics scenes and, along with husband Ed, played a pivotal role in bringing jazz and art to Vermont. She helped launch the Vermont Progressive Party and worked tirelessly with the American Association of University Women, Historic Preservation and UNICEF. She taught at Pine Ridge School, where she wove her love of the arts into her lessons. Anne was known for her deep and lasting connection with her students. Her lessons were punctuated with laughter, which could be heard throughout the halls. Over the years, Anne also taught cooking classes and art classes. She was an outstanding cook (she once called Craig Claiborne to ask how he boiled his eggs), and she knew how to throw a great party. Anne was fearless. She loved people, and she loved life. Throughout her 88 years and in spite of her physical challenges, she remained fiercely independent. She died peacefully at home on March 30, 2021, with her three daughters by her side. She went with a smile on her face, a full heart and no regrets. She is survived by her two younger sisters, Mary Yacoubian and Rose Nalbandian; daughters Mary Bemis Kiesling (Stephen Kiesling), Lucy Bemis (Mike Lyons) and Amanda Bemis Schueller (Olivier Schueller); and two grandchildren, Béatrice Schueller and Tobias Schueller. A celebration of Anne’s life is being planned for the summer. To share a memory of Anne or send a condolence to her family, please write to


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

Sandra Lee (Bailey) Wooster SEPTEMBER 1, 1942APRIL 7, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT.

On April 7, 2021, Sandra Lee (Bailey) Wooster passed away due to complications from COVID-19. She is now reunited with her parents, Edward and Ada (Stoodley) Bailey, and her sweetheart and husband, Harold Wooster. Born in Claremont, N.H., she lived in both New Hampshire and Vermont. She met her cowboy sweetheart, Harold, and they had two beautiful daughters, Tammy and Carol (“Sunshine”). Born with disabilities, she needed extra assistance, yet she was studious. Her impish smile lit up the entire room whenever she saw someone she knew. Sandy, as she liked to be called, loved to volunteer and raise money for various charities. She enjoyed church, reading the Bible and the Daily Bread, vanilla milkshakes, and anything sweet (Little Debbie snack cakes were her favorite dessert). Orchid was her favorite color. She liked robins, dancing, singing silly songs and hymns, the “bumpie cars,” Ferris wheels, hugs, bedtime stories, teddy bears, the choo-choo train, alumni parades, adult day, coloring, word searches, camp, Bernie Sanders, romance novels, TV, and saying “I love you.” In December 2020, she got infected with COVID-19. She survived the initial infection only to suffer the long-haul effects of COVID-19 that led to her death. It is not a hoax. For my family and

many others, our lives shall never be the same. When Irish eyes were smiling, her once jet-black wavy hair made us laugh. The now-silver locks never would stay down. Singing together the Barney song, “I love you, you love me,” made her smile right up to the end. To Mom: My fondest memories of Mom were when we all sang in front of the church: “This little light of mine, I’m going to let it shine.” My husband, Wayne, and I send hugs and kisses. We will miss Mom writing us, coloring us pictures and her phone calls most of all. We love you, Ma, forever and a day. Love, Tammy and Wayne. Right before she became an angel, the song “Rockin’ Robin” came on the radio. Soon after, I heard birds outside her window. Fly high, Mommy, over the rainbow. We love you. God bless. She is survived by her daughters Tammy Thompson and her husband, Wayne, of Winooski, Vt., and Carol Ann Wooster and her partner, Bob Clark; and by her brothers Edward Bailey and his wife, Sue, of Connecticut, and Billy Bailey and his wife, Betty, of Claremont, N.H. She also had a half sister, Constance Bailey; granddaughers Katana Lynn O’Keef and

Debbie O’Keef of South Carolina; great-grandchildren Anna, Lexi, Drew, Aden, Landen and Laken; and several nieces and nephews. The family would like to thank the staff at Essex Adult Day, Cathedral Square Assisted Living, Bayada Home Health, and special caregivers Pam and Mert Huntley, along with Ellie Beltrami, Diana and Hakka Khadka, and Sharon Williams and their families. Donations in her memory may be sent to First Congregational Church of Burlington. They will be used to purchase books for the church library. A swing set and/or a bench, at a yet-to-be-determined space, will be placed here and in New Hampshire in her memory. They will be places where others will be encouraged to sit and read a book. If you wish to contribute to this, please send donations in care of Carol Wooster, 238 North St., Burlington, VT 05401. There will be visiting hours at Elmwood-Meunier Funeral Home, 97 Elmwood Avenue in Burlington on April 17 from 2 to 4 p.m. Masks and social distancing will be required. Services will take place on May 8 at a yetto-be-determined time. You can look for updates on the Elmwood Meunier Funeral Home website, As part of who Mom was, she will be going to heaven in her pajamas with a teddy bear and a Bible in her hands. If you wish to wear pajamas to either service, please do so, as it is encouraged. Any teddy bears that are received will be later donated to the children in various organizations throughout the community.

Stephen Crevoshay

OCTOBER 12, 1944APRIL 7, 2021 GLOVER, VT. Steve Crevoshay died on April 7, 2021, surrounded by family. He had lived with cancer for several years but continued to enjoy life, particularly time with family, tending his prolific and beautiful garden (including the most beautiful marijuana), playing piano and recorder, singing, cooking, voluminous reading, and watching classic films. Steve was born on October 12, 1944, in Boston, Mass., and grew up in a large, three-story house at 41 Hamlin Road in Newton with his parents, siblings and maternal grandparents. The house was the site of many shenanigans, including simultaneous trumpet playing on all three floors by all three children and teenage parties that resulted in broken furniture. Steve is best captured in his own words, through recollections and commentary written over the past year: “With the certainty of limited time here, I enjoy not only old age, but also the pleasures, simple ones mostly, that abound, especially here in bucolic completeness. Colored as my mental wanderings are by all the new ageness absorbed over the years, and reinforced by Alan Watts’ lectures, I gladly drink in nature, clouds, sky, grass, trees, bees, flowers, birds, deer, gardens, sun & moon, all in their very own preciousness. The greatest sustenance is people. Family is my guiding star. When all is well, with everyone, as it is at the moment, I can be a satisfied lump in the easy chair, just breathing & images gliding by in my own private cinema.” He held a number of jobs over his life. These included

camp counselor, librarian of the Botany Department of the Chicago Public Library, film lackey, shoe salesman, delivery driver, picture framer, harpsichord builder, tax assessor, coop manager, substitute teacher and natural products salesman. The job that he used to help weave an incredible community across the Northeast Kingdom was that of owner of Newport Natural Foods in Newport, Vt. He ran the store with his wife, Madeleine, for 28 years. He knew nearly every customer by name and regularly provided those in need with purchases on credit. He was a mentor to many employees and fostered a community of artisans and healers through the store. Steve also volunteered as a Little League coach and Hebrew school teacher, helped local migrant farmworkers through the Vermont Migrant Justice program, and was involved in a number of food justice efforts in the Northeast Kingdom. Music was his great joy, beginning with piano and trumpet lessons as a child. For over 30 years, he was a tenor in the Northsong Chorus. Prior to that, he was a singer with a group called the Doo Wops, performing all over the Northeast Kingdom. A particular delight was shape-note singing. He also participated in Bread and Puppet Theater performances as a singer and Garbage Man

(and, memorably, once as Bernie Sanders). Over the last 20 years, he developed his skill on the recorder and enjoyed playing baroque music with a number of friends and family. In his last year, he began to provide video piano lessons to his granddaughter in Seattle. He was especially proud of the musical career and accomplishments of his son, Gideon, which began with the two of them singing together in the car on the way to Little League practices. He is survived by his sister, Amrita Crevoshay; his children, Eve Crevoshay, Gideon Crevoshay and Laila Copperansky; his partner Mariel Hess; his granddaughter Aria Edery; his son-in-law David Edery; the mother of his children, Madeleine Winfield; the parents of Laila, Ruth Coppersmith and Sara Lisniansky; Mariel’s daughters Kit and Reeve and their partners; his niece Shulamit Crevoshay and nephews Avi Crevoshay and Sholem Futran; and numerous dear cousins and friends. He is predeceased by his parents, Maurice “Maish” Crevoshay and Selma Leah (Levine) Crevoshay, and by his older brother, George Crevoshay. Steve chose to have a green burial, in keeping with his deep connection with the Earth and attunement to the cycles of nature. A beloved beech tree will be planted above his gravesite at the first anniversary of his death. In keeping with Jewish tradition, the family requests that no flowers be sent. Those who wish to honor his memory may do so by planting a tree or by making a donation in Steve’s honor to reforestation or tree planting efforts locally or worldwide. Shiva, the Jewish mourning period, will be observed at his home through Wednesday, April 14, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at Or contact us at or 865-1020 ext. 10. SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


10/8/19 3:37 PM


arts news

On the Verse Beat Book review: The Disintegration Loops by Stephen Cramer


Stephen Cramer




The Disintegration Loops comes at the reader in leaps and bounds. Author of six previous books of poems and a volume of translations, and editor of the anthology Turn It Up! Music in Poetry From Jazz to Hip-Hop, Cramer teaches literature and writing at the University of Vermont and lives in Burlington. For this poet, music is a cause for celebration. The book’s title poem has a musical genesis, drawing its inspiration from a real situation on which Cramer then improvised fictionally. In a 14-page sequence in sections, the poet reenacts a composer’s rediscovery of a recording made decades ago, alternating his narration with observations in a ghostlier voice. When retrieved from a dank basement, the tapes are “already / flaking, the magnetic film / sifting to the floor like sepia / dandruff.” What had been a complex acoustic architecture is now “shredded” and “peeling,” with gaps widening eventually into silence. “Off Minor: Sonnets for Thelonious,” another poem in a series of “cuts” like audio tracks, invokes jazz innovator Thelonious Monk, whose zigzag cadences are recognizable in Cramer’s syncopated homage. On constant display in the collection are Cramer’s rhythmic nimbleness and metaphorical daring. To see how enjoyably his phrasing and lineation ricochet, take one of his spring-loaded segments, transform the verse into prose and compare the two. With line breaks removed, here’s an excerpt from “Lipstick,” in which a passel of boys war-painted with their mothers’ makeup run amok in a neighborhood: The knot of six or seven boys dashed back and forth against the strobe of sun through pines, lipstick slurred across their chins and cheeks. 28

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

This is potent writing, but it’s striding rather than leaping, in contrast with how Cramer actually stages that passage: The knot of six or seven boys dashed back & forth against the strobe of sun through pines, lipstick slurred across their chins & cheeks. I stumbled, a few delirious streaks crosshatching my brow… This isn’t just sitting on the page. It’s happening there, switched on, with long sentences stretched over an armature of short lines. Many poets use ampersands in lieu of “and,” a choice that sometimes seems affected. But Cramer turns a phrase on this typographical device as a dancer swivels, propulsively. From “The Muddy Tavern Blues”: …Out back, the riverbed is silvered with scales, a living schist, a thrashing hoard of glitter & blood. Wave after wave of salmon, coiling & uncoiling in the dark. Also unusual in this book is the way Cramer plants anecdotal bits — gleaned from the news, plucked from the internet? — in a poem and then expands and amplifies them. In “Space Oddity,” an endangered rhinoceros is airlifted by helicopter to elude poachers. In “Spur,” German villagers in 1347 throw jewelry and money over a monastery wall in hopes of buying safety from the plague, but the monks throw the valuables back. In “Moonlight,” a window washer, costumed as a superhero and suspended alongside a high-rise children’s

From “Tattoo Suit” I can step into attitude or shed it with this sham skin aswarm with ornaments & charms: the weightless anchor on my forearm, the choker of barbed wire shielding my clavicle, the inky blooms climbing the trellis of my ribs. It’s thrilling to slip so easily into another’s skin. As I wander among half-dressed vampires & ghouls, & the poor mermaid on my side stares from her puddle of blue, I feel for moments at a time that I’ve entered the ranks of the cool…

hospital, gives the kids inside an astonishing visitation. Cramer uses such incidents to launch extended metaphors and spiraling story lines. The rhino poem slides lyrics from a David Bowie song in among quick depictions of the rescue crew, “Becky & the boys.” Poems about a musical genius’ addiction to sugar (“Coltrane’s Teeth”), the forgotten painting “a quarter inch behind” Michelangelo’s Vatican masterwork (“Sistine Ceiling”), a sea turtle that mistakenly ingested 915 coins (“Bank”), and a soldier in Zimbabwe who transforms a machine gun into a saxophone (“Solder: A Debate”) all originate in the snippets of “information” that bombard us in broadcasts, streams and feeds. As an artist, Cramer reaches into that pell-mell torrent and takes hold of what he can use, finding not only detritus but also the heartrending predicaments of fellow humans. Ever on the go, he keeps changing his point-of-view persona. A reader moving from one poem to another will need a moment to adjust to the new voice he’s using: a man whose skin is entirely inscribed (“Tattoo Suit”) or a primeval elephant, just unearthed (“Mastodon”). Even at its most serious, The Disintegration Loops is a rollicking reminder that one of poetry’s most welcome offerings is the sight and sound of words at play. m

INFO The Disintegration Loops by Stephen Cramer, Serving House Books, 104 pages. $15.95. Listen to Cramer reading selections from the book (with a guest appearance by a chicken) on his YouTube channel.


Jen Berger with laser-cut quilt squares




The Art of Mending An outdoor performance on a spring afternoon is a welcome antidote to months of hibernation. But with “The Opposite of Hate Is Mending,” JEN BERGER has more in mind than simply emerging from winter — or the clutches of a pandemic. Her title tacitly acknowledges a society grappling not just with a virus but with political divisions and the mortal ills of racial, economic and social injustice. In the face of those divisions, Berger, a Burlington interdisciplinary artist, activist and Champlain College adjunct faculty member, chooses to focus on what might unite us. Over the past year, she says, “I have thought about the role of artists and the best way to serve our community.” What bubbled up was the idea of a quilt, an apt symbol of piecing things together. Her quilt won’t be just figurative. One day last fall, on a walk along Flynn Avenue, Berger says, she spotted an empty signboard on the green just west of the railroad tracks, adjacent to Switchback Brewing. It was her eureka moment. “I needed to build this wooden quilt,” she remembers thinking. “And it needed to represent different parts of our community coming together.” “The Opposite of Hate Is Mending” will be held on that very green on Saturday, April 17. It’s a tripartite performance and art installation “that brings us together to think about shaping our post-pandemic future,” Berger writes on her website. Berger has been laser-cutting wooden “quilt” pieces at GENERATOR; she will invite attendees to write on their backs. “I’m not sure of the prompt yet,” she says, but it will have something to do with the question of “What do we need [to come together]?” The artist will then assemble the pieces on the signboard à la granny squares, with musical accompaniment. Composer MATT LAROCCA will play, on violin and guitar, an original “improvised

score,” he says, along with RANDAL PIERCE on accordion, POLLY VANDERPUTTEN on cello and MARIE HAMILTON on harp. “I create musical benchmarks and phrases that we play off of,” LaRocca says of such collaborations. “I don’t ever know what’s going to happen — that’s what makes it fun.” A member of the music faculty at the University of Vermont and chair of creative projects at VERMONT SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA, LaRocca has been no stranger to creatively adapting, aka improvising, in his professional life over the past year. He says the music he’s prepared for “The Opposite of Hate Is Mending” will work in tandem with dancers to provide “a sense of actively moving together.” Those dancers are HOLLY CHAGNON, TRINA ISLEY and BROOKE MOEN, who will braid long strands of fabric, underscoring the theme, while Berger installs the artwork. Chagnon, who served as choreographer, notes that her trio took a collaborative approach to creating “gestures and phrases we can go back to” for the duration of the performance. “It’s so nice to get my brain thinking again” after the pandemic hiatus, says Chagnon, who also plays drums with local indie band the SMITTENS. “I really appreciated that Jen asked me to participate and that she trusts me and Matt to do this.” Like Berger, she adds, her background in the arts is “entirely community based.” LaRocca, too, is feeling sanguine about Saturday’s performance. “There’s been more divisiveness than I’ve ever felt in my life, nationally and globally,” he remarks. “We really need to come together. There’s this hope for positivity now.”






INFO “The Opposite of Hate Is Mending,” conceived by Jen Berger, Saturday, April 17, 2 p.m. (rain date April 24), on the green at 180 Flynn Avenue, Burlington. Free. Masks and social distancing required.


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Burlington City Arts is supported in part by the New England Foundation for the Arts through the New England Arts Resilience Fund, part of the United States Regional Arts Resilience Fund, an initiative of the U.S. Regional Arts Organizations and The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, with major funding from the federal CARES Act from the National Endowment for the Arts, and by the Vermont Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts.

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/12/21 1:59 PM


Who Speaks for Medical Cannabis Patients in an Adult-Use Market?



SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

has included a registered nurse, a physician and patients representing each of the state’s five dispensaries. Yet that committee is slated to disband in 2022, with no plans to extend its term or roll it into the new regulatory structure. Evidently, state lawmakers wanted some health care expertise on the advisory committee. Specifically, Act 164 requires that the governor appoint two people: one with expertise in “public health” and one with professional chops in “laboratory science or toxicology.” But, as Dolan pointed out, neither of those appointments requires knowledge of or experience in cannabis as medicine. And the only other public health professional mandated on the advisory committee is an expert in substance misuse prevention. As of late last week, the governor’s team had yet to choose its advisory committee appointees, or even compile a list of names to recommend for Scott’s approval. “Ostensibly, the person we would appoint to that position would have an interest in public health and how cannabis relates to it,” said Scott’s press secretary, Jason Maulucci. Several weeks ago, a fix seemed possible through S.25, a largely technical bill intended to correct some of the original language and timeline in Act 164. But, according to Dolan, a recent amendment “threw a monkey wrench into the works” when it added a 13th seat to the advisory committee. The Vermont Cannabis Trades Association, an industry group representing three of the state’s five medical dispensaries, will chose that committee member. While the 13th seat could go to someone with a medical background, the bill doesn’t mandate it. As Dolan noted, that appointment could just as easily go to a lobbyist or a lawyer. She and other cannabis caregivers fear that, ultimately, they won’t have a voice on the Cannabis Control Board or the advisory committee, which she called “kind of scary.”

Why? Because guaranteeing the safety and purity of cannabis products is arguably even more critical for medical patients, many of whom have compromised immune systems and are highly sensitive to impurities such a molds, pesticides and other contaminants. And unlike states such as California and Oregon, where medical cannabis programs require independent, third-party laboratory testing of all medicinal cannabis, Dolan said, Vermont has no such requirement. “The lab testing for the Vermont Hemp Program is 10 times more stringent than [that of ] our medical marijuana program,” added Dolan, who is also cofounder of NurseGrown Organics, a hemp and CBD producer. “No one talks about this.” Not all legalization advocates are as critical of Vermont’s medical program. The Marijuana Policy Project noted in a recent policy update that Vermont has continued to improve its medical program since 2004, when thengovernor Jim Douglas signed the legislation into law. The state legalized medical dispensaries in 2011, and it has steadily expanded its list of qualifying conditions. In 2016 it added chronic pain and, in 2017, Parkinson’s disease, Crohn’s disease and PTSD. Dolan, who is also a research nurse studying opioid use and cannabis at the Robert Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont, hopes the state will one day include opioid-use disorder on that list, as well. But such a change may require that Vermont’s cannabis patients have a seat at the table when those discussions take place. m

INFO Got a Vermont mystery that has you flummoxed? Ask us! COURTESY OF JESSILYN DOLAN

hese are heady times for cannabis legalization advocates, many of whom have fought for decades to end prohibition. Vermont now stands on the threshold of implementing a taxed and regulated adult-use market, which will allow anyone 21 or older to purchase marijuana and other THC-containing products at state-licensed dispensaries. Regulation and oversight of Vermont’s nascent cannabis industry will soon fall under the auspices of the newly created Cannabis Control Board. The independent, three-member body, recently appointed by Gov. Phil Scott, awaits Senate confirmation before it can get to work. Policy watchers liken the Cannabis Control Board to Vermont’s Public Utility Commission. But instead of overseeing industrial solar fields, natural gas pipelines and cable TV franchises, the board will regulate ganja greenhouses, edible testing laboratories, and recreational and medical marijuana dispensaries. Even before the board wades into the weeds of Vermont’s budding pot sector, some medical cannabis patients and their caregivers fear that their voices won’t be heard amid the stampede to open the recreational market. Last October, when the legislature enacted Act 164 without the governor’s signature, lawmakers recognized that a three-person board couldn’t possibly possess all the knowledge and experience needed to promulgate rules and regulations for such a vast emergent industry. For this reason, Act 164 created a 12-member advisory committee, whose participants are chosen by state officials, agencies and legislative committees for their areas of expertise. Vermont’s attorney general will appoint two public safety and criminal justice reform experts; the state treasurer will choose a business management and regulatory compliance expert; the speaker of the House of Representatives will select an expert on women- and minority-owned businesses; and so on. But there’s a glaring omission amid that pantheon of presumably cannabis-competent professionals — a medical professional with knowledge and experience in therapeutic cannabis use. With oversight of the medical marijuana program moving from the Department of Public Safety to the Cannabis Control Board, some patients who use cannabis to relieve chronic pain, nausea, seizures, PTSD and other debilitating conditions worry that their priorities will get lost in the haze. “Our voice hasn’t been heard,” said Jessilyn Dolan, a registered nurse, medical marijuana registry patient and cannabis caretaker — a grower who supplies other registry patients. “All this effort is going to tax and regulate, but patients are being left out to dry.” Dolan, 42, of Underhill is founder and president of the Vermont Cannabis Nurses Association and serves on the board of directors of the American Cannabis Nurses Association. She explained that the Marijuana for Symptom Relief Oversight Committee, which for years has served as an advisory group to the legislature and the governor,

Jessilyn Dolan

EST. 2004








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4/9/21 8:37 AM


High-Tech Tonics

Hemp producer vTerra Farms adopts a pharmaceutical approach to creating CBD products


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021



hen Kevin Kennedy’s sister, Taryn, was dying from an aggressive form of cancer a few years ago, she used cannabis — both THC- and CBD-infused products — to manage her pain, help her sleep and treat the nausea brought on by chemotherapy. At the time, Kennedy said, Taryn was on a very strict diet that virtually eliminated her intake of sugar and fat. But in the world of cannabis therapeutics, almost all of the available products either had to be smoked or vaped, which she didn’t want to do, or were edibles that were steeped in sugar, butter or oil. “We found it very difficult to find cannabis-based products that actually had any nutritional qualities,” Kennedy said. Taryn’s experience became a major motivator for Kennedy to bring to market cannabis-based products that are not just therapeutically effective but also have more nutritional value than a piece of candy or a pot brownie. Taryn, who died in late 2019, inspired him to found vTerra Farms, a 143-acre hemp farm in Starksboro that produces its own CBD-infused products, including a concentrated extract, a fire cider, fruit gummies, and a hand and body lotion. In keeping with its focus on health and purity, vTerra’s products are all lab tested and certified free of pesticides, heavy metals, petroleum products and other contaminants. vTerra, which planted its first experimental hemp crop in 2018 and expanded to commercial-scale production the following year, launched its products shortly before the pandemic struck. The company survived the lockdown and economic downturn of 2020 by selling almost exclusively online, and, Kennedy added, it received a modest Paycheck Protection Program loan that’s since been forgiven. vTerra began selling products in local brick-and-mortar stores earlier this year. Among vTerra’s biggest selling points is its use of nano-encapsulation technology, which speeds the body’s absorption of hydrophobic compounds, or those that aren’t water-soluble. Pharmaceutical and diet-supplement industries have used this method for decades when manufacturing lipid-based medicines and supplements, such as vitamins D and E. Kennedy, who has a background in biology and engineering and is currently completing a graduate degree in biochemistry, explained how nano-encapsulation

Kevin Kennedy (second from left) and staff at vTerra

vTerra products



works. Conventional, oil-based CBD products must be absorbed through the body’s fat digestive process, which he called “long and slow and quite wasteful.” Typically, the pace of CBD digestion varies widely and depends on when it’s consumed; other foods eaten that day, such as those that contain triglycerides; and one’s own genetics. As a consequence, he said, accurate dosing with conventional CBD can be difficult and vary from day to day, and as much as 96 percent of a dose can be excreted before absorption. As a result, many consumers give up on CBD because

they assume it “doesn’t work” on them, Kennedy said. In contrast, nano-encapsulation shatters the large, oily cannabinoid molecules into ultra-tiny particles that are 100 nanometers or smaller in diameter. These particles are then encapsulated, or coated, in natural plant-based emulsifiers and suspended in a water-based solution. After ingestion, CBD in this form can be absorbed through the small intestine in as little as 15 minutes. Kennedy, a 44-year-old native of Asheville, N.C., moved to Vermont in 2003 to attend graduate school. During his studies, he got involved in the cannabis industry out West just as other states began legalizing medical marijuana. He helped newly licensed dispensaries design and operate their own greenhouses and then began exploring the biochemistry of the cannabis plant itself. Kennedy and his half dozen or so employees — the number varies depending

on the season — began farming hemp on leased Starksboro land about three years ago before he purchased the farm last December. Given all the market uncertainties of the pandemic, vTerra decided not to cultivate hemp in 2020, in part because the company had inventory on hand from the previous year’s harvest. Instead, vTerra focused on R&D and new product formulation and began the process of organic farm certification. In the next month, vTerra will employ two guest workers from Guatemala coming to Vermont on H-2A temporary work visas. Though vTerra survived 2020 with few major interruptions, Kennedy noted that the year wasn’t without its challenges. Among the biggest difficulties, he said, was sourcing packaging materials. Because a lot of plastic and glass was diverted for personal hand-sanitizer products, finding quality packaging was often difficult. Fortunately, vTerra had enough inventory on hand to get through temporary periods of scarcity. Concurrently, Kennedy noted, the pandemic boosted many health-based businesses like his as people reexamined their physical and emotional health regimens. He heard of many customers “replacing the end-of-the-day glass of wine or cocktail with something that is less impactful to the liver” — such as a CBD supplement. It’s worth noting that vTerra’s nanoencapsulation technology may have applications in Vermont’s emerging adult-use cannabis market. The technology makes it possible to add THC to water-based products, Kennedy said, greatly expanding the types of edibles vTerra and other companies can produce. In addition, the technology will make THC dosing faster and its effects more predictable. Kennedy plans to apply for a license to cultivate and process cannabis when it becomes available. As for the company’s name, vTerra is partly an homage to Taryn, Kennedy explained, and comes from the Latin word for Earth or land: terra. The company is requesting that the Town of Starksboro rename the road the farm is on to Taryn’s Way, in her honor. m

INFO Learn more at Bottom Line is a series on how Vermont businesses are faring during the pandemic. Got a tip? Email

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Seven Days is celebrating the herculean efforts of the people and programs that helped Vermonters survive the last year.




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We’ll write about the standouts among your nominees in the June 9 issue — don’t miss it!

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 7:04 PM

Higher Education

Saint Michael’s College professor develops app to help cannabis users “quantify their high” B Y CO UR T NEY L A M DIN •


ri Kirshenbaum has never thought of himself as a “cool” professor, but a new smartphone app he helped develop is, well, pretty dope. Kirshenbaum, a psychology professor at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, is the brains behind Indicator, a free mobile app that uses a series of games to show cannabis users how the drug affects cognition. In one simulation, the player must keep a car from weaving between lanes of traffic as it accelerates and the road becomes icy. In another, a traffic light turns from yellow to red, and the player must correctly estimate the time it took the signal to change. The exercises are fun, but as players click and count, Indicator measures their focus, reaction time and impulse control — all of which marijuana use can impair. But unlike with alcohol, there is no standardized unit of tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the psychoactive chemical found in cannabis. So while average drinkers may know they can down one beer per hour without becoming intoxicated, they may not understand whether popping an edible would make them higher than passing a joint among friends. Indicator can help answer those questions, Kirshenbaum said, and at the right time: Vermont’s retail weed market is scheduled to open next spring, and consumers will be able to purchase all kinds of marijuana products. The app can help users, particularly inexperienced ones, make informed choices, Kirshenbaum said. “We saw an immediate need to educate the public,” he said. “If we can just get that information into the minds of the public ­— that this is how cannabis might affect your function in a negative way — I feel like I’m doing a public service.” Kirshenbaum has long been interested in public health. A former researcher at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, he came to Vermont in the early 2000s to study heroin dependence. He’s currently working on a National Institutes of Health-funded study of e-cigarette use by young adults and has taught at St. Mike’s for 15 years. Kirshenbaum was inspired to study cannabis to help make the roads safer for his own growing children. And his interest in the drug became personal when he was 34

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

diagnosed with cancer in 2019. His friends were happy to supply him with “more than just casserole” to help him heal, Kirshenbaum said, noting that he relied on cannabis to sleep through the night. He realized that other patients, and cannabis users in general, could benefit from understanding how the drug affects them. Enter Indicator. The app, whose name is a play on the cannabis plant species indica, was born after Kirshenbaum received a $224,000 grant last September from the National Science Foundation to create it. The professor and his partners — Andrew Kaplan, an orthopedic surgeon at the University of Vermont Medical Center, and

Chris Lewis, a trained physical therapist — found that Indicator can detect changes in cognition among test subjects who got stoned before using the app. Indicator asks users what strain of cannabis they consumed, in what form they took it and how long prior to using the app they’d consumed it. They’re also asked to rate, on a scale of 1 to 10, how high they feel and to note other feelings — creative, sleepy, focused and so on. The app then spits out a numeric score that tells users how well they performed. The closer to 100, the better they did. The user’s baseline score, taken while sober, can be compared to their

performance under the influence to “quantify their high,” as Indicator’s tagline says. The team will use the data — which are not personally identifiable — collected from the app to gain insight into how products affect users, Kirshenbaum said. That info will be used in the app, in articles for scientific publications and in press releases, he said. “We know that right now these games, they feel a little bit like a digital SAT, and we hope that will change over time,” Kirshenbaum said. “We’re asking people to help us with our data acquisition, and, eventually, we’re hoping to produce something that can be used nationwide, or worldwide, as cannabis legalization changes.” Kirshenbaum is quick to caution that Indicator is not meant to tell users whether they’re OK to drive — at least not yet, he said. The app also isn’t sophisticated enough to be used as a roadside test for law enforcement, a topic that lawmakers have long debated. Gov. Phil Scott had originally pledged to oppose legislation that didn’t mandate a warrantless saliva test for THC, but he let Vermont’s bill — without such a provision — become law last October. Lewis, the CEO of Indicator’s parent company, said it would take far more research and data for the app to someday be used like a “pocket Breathalyzer.” “For now, we’re focused on home users and their safety,” he said. Kirshenbaum thinks Indicator will be especially useful when the legal weed market opens next year. Data collected from the app could inform dispensary customers how certain products have affected other buyers, he said. Bridget Conry, director of brand experience at Champlain Valley Dispensary, said she likes the idea of Indicator because it could help people consume cannabis responsibly. The company currently serves medical marijuana users but will apply for adult-use permits next spring, she said. Dispensary staff already educate clients about products — and recommend that they keep a journal to document their experiences — but Indicator could be another tool, Conry said. The app might even show that cannabis can improve some people’s functionality rather than worsen it, particularly if they have chronic pain, she said. The app provides “a great opportunity

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do to collect more data on how cannabis can actually help,” Conry added. Indicator isn’t the only app of its kind. Druid, which bills itself as the “gold standard for impairment testing,” has been on the market since 2018 and has shown in peer-reviewed studies that a cannabis user’s level of impairment declines as THC leaves their system. Druid, founded by Mike Milburn, a former psychology professor at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, uses games similar to Indicator’s. In one exercise, players are told to keep

Druid is now being used in other ways. The team has contracted with construction companies, railway agencies and other high-risk job sites to test employees’ fitness for duty — not necessarily for drug use. Druid can detect loss of coordination and focus due to fatigue or illness just as accurately as it can due to cannabis use, Schiller said. “This is the beginning of how one can use neuroscience in an app for a lot of different applications,” he said. Kirshenbaum, too, can imagine his app being used in the workplace. Ride-

is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing at all.” — Theodore roosevelT

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their finger on a white dot that jumps around the screen while simultaneously counting yellow squares that pop up at random. Druid then produces a numeric score, also on a scale of 1 to 100, and a higher number suggests greater intoxication. Milburn has found a strong correlation between these scores and blood alcohol levels: Subjects who scored a 50 on the app were likely to have a 0.05 percent blood alcohol concentration in lab tests, he said. “The app itself is really sort of primitive,” said Robert Schiller, the company’s CEO, but “the statistical analysis of how you put together a test, and how you make it valid, and how it actually correlates with impairment is extremely sophisticated and complicated.”

share companies, for instance, might want to ensure that their employees are fit to drive. For now, though, the professor is focused on the short term. His team has applied for a $1 million grant, which would allow researchers to test Indicator in a controlled setting at medical schools across the country. St. Mike’s students would also pitch in by using the app — in a sober state, he clarified with a chuckle. Kirshenbaum said the Indicator project has put Vermont at the forefront of cannabis technology, but for him the reward is more personal. After surviving cancer, “I asked myself, ‘What could I do to help?’” Kirshenbaum recalled. “This is something that I might be able to do with whatever time I have remaining.” m

INFO Indicator for Apple devices is available for free at the App Store and will soon be available for Android devices.

4/12/21 6:51 PM

for Spring! Inside the next issue, you’ll find stories and profiles highlighting Vermont’s thriving mountain biking scene. Whether you’re an advanced rider or just getting started, there is a lot to discover in your own backyard.


Find it all inside the April 28 issue of Seven Days or online at SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

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3/24/21 11:58 AM

The Cannabis Market A conversation with Gardener’s Supply founder Will Raap B Y S A LLY POL L AK •

SEVEN DAYS: What do you think Vermont lost in the cannabis industry when neighboring states beat it to legal sales of recreational pot? WILL RAAP: When I was in high school, in the ’60s, [cannabis] was very risky, very illegal, but I was in California, so it was pretty available. And the center of the U.S. [market], maybe even the Americas, was the Emerald Triangle in northern California, where the cannabis industry thrived — partly because the growing conditions were good, partly because it was remote, partly because it was a cultural phenomenon and partly because 36

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021



ill Raap moved to Burlington in 1980 to work for Garden Way. Just three years later, he started his own business, Gardener’s Supply, in a former carpet factory in Winooski. In 1986, Raap relocated Gardener’s Supply to the Burlington side of the river, on a piece of land in the Intervale. Raap built his business at the site of an old slaughterhouse on property he leased from dairy farmer Rena Caulkins. A dump was behind her house; a car junkyard occupied land that would soon become the Intervale Community Farm, other organic farms, and greenhouses. “You wouldn’t go down there after dark,” Raap recalled of the Intervale at that time. “It was the wrong side of town.” Today, the Intervale is an agricultural and recreational hub in Burlington with numerous organic farms and a network of trails for walking and biking. “I always wanted to create a catalyst,” Raap said. “My original [interest] was community development. I really had an interest in a business that fostered that point of view.” From early on, Raap allocated a share of profits to employees; the company became fully employee owned in 2009. From its inception, Gardener’s sold grow lights and organic fertilizers. “We had a contingent of people, some of our customers, come in with cash and no address they wanted to give us, and they were cannabis growers,” Raap said. “Back then, grow lights and organic fertilizers — the best cannabis growers would be using those.” Nearly four decades later, Vermont is set to establish a regulated and taxed cannabis industry. Raap, now 71, talked to Seven Days about how to cultivate that market.

Will Raap

there was a degree of leniency in law enforcement there. The East Coast center on innovation and excellence in cannabis production was Vermont. Vermont was ahead of the game because there was a constituency here that said, “We’ve been doing this for a generation or two. We’re already earning our incomes from this industry, already leaders in our industry in growing cannabis at home.” A lot of that constituency was advocating to be one of the first on the East Coast to legalize adult recreational use. I’m talking hundreds or thousands of people who made their living out of growing cannabis in Vermont. We lost the potential of taking that 50 years of groundswell and opportunity [and] releasing it in an East Coast

cannabis center for excellence. I think Vermont lost a huge advantage. On the other hand, I think the caution around making sure kids don’t have inappropriate access, and making sure drivers don’t drive under the influence, is a good thing. The [opportunity] is the same as it always is for Vermont agriculture: We’ll never be a commodity success story; we’ll never produce commodity milk in the competitive market place. Whether you’re moving from sheep to cows to cannabis, you have to be small-scale, highly branded, unique and innovative. You have to do what Vermont is doing to be the No. 1 per capita grower of local food. Engagement of the consumer to want to support the working landscape and small farming … Vermont hasn’t lost [that].

SD: One of your interests and priorities is a cannabis industry that’s on a scale appropriate to Vermont: small and local. Do you think the law’s limit of one license (growing, manufacturing or sales) per new licensee will mitigate the possibility of out-ofstate corporations controlling a significant portion of the market? What ideas do you have to help ensure a local market? WR: If having enough money to build a business matters, which it does, and if a head start and a duopoly matter, which they do, then those five [current medical marijuana] license holders will [have] a huge advantage. They also have a commodity mindset, so they are not going to do it the Vermont way. They have not done it the Vermont way. They have not opened up to transparency and small-scale opportunities and ownership spread among Vermonters. The other half of the legalization parade will be all the license holders that are authorized to start six months after legalization is authorized for the five vertical license holders. [Vertical licenses are known as integrated licenses in Vermont. They will only be available to the state’s five medical marijuana license holders. The integrated license will allow them to engage in five different aspects of the adult-use industry, including growing, manufacturing and sales.] Smart people will, from today until October 2022, be organizing to try to figure out how to bring the efficiencies of a vertical license to compete against those five existing vertical licenses. I think the legislature should not allow outside money: 51 percent-plus of any capital coming into a Vermont marijuana business must come from a Vermont address. Our consumers want that authenticity. SD: You recently met with a group of Vermont business people, including some in agriculture, to talk about a possible cannabis collaboration, an offshoot of a group you were part of five years ago — the Vermont Cannabis Collaborative. Do you expect a formal group to form? If so, what priorities and initiatives will you focus on? WR: We’re trying to build a Vermont Botanical Commons and branding [the] framework around all of these emerging

All these grains and crops need highquality soil, access to water, and ideally an organic and regenerative point of view in how they’re grown. They need harvesting and processing capacity, drying capacity, extraction and testing capacity, manufacturing capacity. We could develop a cooperative structure to do this. We came to an agreement to try to raise a fund of $5 million plus to advance a Vermont Botanical Commons on an old dairy that needs to be renovated — and to use that fund to also help capitalize businesses that could become part of that regenerative farm.


We’ve got three locations in play right now: one in Middlesex, one in Richmond and one in Charlotte [at Nordic Farms]. There’s a certain urgency now. There will be smart people planning for October 2022 and how they might be able to get one or more licenses in the cannabis world. If we already have a facility, generating capital from other botanicals, and it already has a retail operation [it could facilitate and complement adding cannabis to the venture]. SD: You established the nonprofit Intervale Center in 1988, an effort that involved reclaiming agricultural land by the Winooski River and creating a local food hub in the north end of Burlington. Do you think a similar model — incubator farms, shared resources, affordable farmland — would work for cannabis farming? Is the Intervale a viable location? WR: No, it’s not. We’re fully employing it for growing Burlington’s fresh food. That was our goal.

SD: Do you remember the first time you smoked pot? What did you think of it? WR: I was a junior in high school, and I was in a Volkswagen bus with [friends]. We were scared to death. We all ducked down on the floor of the microbus driving to Haight Ashbury from Fremont, which was 30 miles away. It was scary; it was really scary. And it was ditch weed. We didn’t get very high. It wasn’t like my life was transformed and I thought, I need to do this a lot. SD: What’s the best growing environment for cannabis: indoors or outdoors? WR: What’s the purpose? If you’re talking about use, which is about flower [to smoke], the best flower is going to come from indoor grows. If you’re talking about edibles or tinctures, cannabinoids are cannabinoids. Whether you grow them indoors or outdoors, it doesn’t make that much difference. m

















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At the Intervale, we created a structure that became the parent and host for dozens of farms, but also for shared business incubation capacity: refrigeration, tractors, compost, irrigation. That’s exactly what we are envisioning can happen at Vermont Botanical Commons. We can do that by repurposing an old, declining farm. For the last four years, we’ve reviewed about 10 dairies that we might move this idea to, just like we did with Rena Caulkins’ farm [at the Intervale]: refurbish the farmstead, build barns, buy equipment, and make it available on a lease basis to people who could come in and farm the land. You’re talking about a 600-acre farm: 200 acres of grain, 20 acres of hops, 50 acres of culinary and medicinal herbs, 100 acres of hemp, 10 acres of cannabis, and five acres of solar array. The whole vision here is, how do we develop the next generation of agriculture in Vermont?





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This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 1:09 PM

Ben Cohen’s new joint business will fund Black-owned cannabis companies B Y SA L LY POL L AK


Low THC, Higher Purpose


y July, Ben Cohen will launch a cannabis business in Colorado. If it were a pot-infused ice cream company, the cofounder of Ben & Jerry’s could call it Stoned Cold. But Cohen’s venture will produce low-THC, high-terpene pre-rolled joints. In an interview with Seven Days, he wouldn’t reveal its name — despite the pun potential. The Vermont entrepreneur did, however, talk about other aspects of his plan. The company’s profits will help fund cannabis businesses owned by people of color and nonprofits that work for criminal justice reform, Cohen said. “Its purpose, aside from selling great pot, is to right the wrongs of the war on drugs,” Cohen said of the business. “You have the situation where there’s all these poor Black people in jail for something that now’s legal, and all these rich white people making gobs of money off it.”



In April 2020, the American Civil Liberties Union published a paper called “A Tale of Two Countries: Racially Targeted Arrests in the Era of Marijuana Reform.” It reported that Black people are nearly four times more likely than white people to be arrested for marijuana possession, despite similar rates of use. “This report should be the final nail in the coffin for the inane War on Marijuana,” the report reads, “and sound yet another abolition knell for this country’s 45-year drug prohibition charade.” The racial disparity applies in all 50 states and is significantly larger in Vermont than the national average: Black people in the state are about six times more likely to be arrested for pot possession than white people, according to the ACLU report. “What many states are doing, and I hope Vermont will do as part of their law, is decarcerate people who are still in jail for nonviolent marijuana offenses,” Cohen, 70, said. “And expunge the criminal records of people who got arrested for it.” Vermont has done better in recent years at expunging records. Vermont Legal Aid and state’s attorneys’ offices have held clinics to help clients wipe out old low-level offenses, including marijuana convictions. But demographic data on expungements, including racial data, are 38

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

not available because expungement is, by definition, the erasure of a record. “This is truly one of the only downfalls to expungements,” Sarah George, Chittenden County state’s attorney, wrote in an email to Seven Days. “When something is expunged, all records are destroyed — and if the records are destroyed, the data presumably is as well.” Meanwhile, Cohen thinks licensing and capital should be accessible and available to Black-owned cannabis businesses. That mission drives his new company. “What our company is planning on doing with our profits is to use about 80 percent of them as grants to people of color to expand or grow their pot businesses,” Cohen said. The remaining 20 percent will be donated to two nonprofits, the Colorado Criminal Justice Reform Coalition and the Last Prisoner Project. The latter organization was founded in 2019 on the premise that people profiting and building wealth from the legal cannabis industry should work to “release [from prison] and rebuild the lives of those who have suffered from cannabis criminalization,” said Mary Bailey, the organization’s managing director. The nonprofit’s name refers to

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Expungements of Marijuana Possession Convictions in Vermont

2018: 50 2019: 79 2020: 309 2021: 33 Source: Vermont Judiciary

the roughly 40,000 people imprisoned for pot convictions. Bailey told Seven Days that the Last Prisoner Project’s executive team has been working with Cohen to “walk him through our organization” in advance of his company’s launch. “It’s really inspiring when people who have a platform want to come to the table and make a positive impact,” Bailey said. In Vermont and around the country, the issue of social equity and cannabis legalization “is by far the No. 1 concern that has developed in every single legal jurisdiction,” said Tim Fair, a Burlington attorney who specializes in cannabis law. “For the last 40 years, the war on drugs

has caused destruction to countless people,” Fair said. “The brunt of that harm was suffered predominantly and disproportionately by minority communities.” A bill in the Vermont legislature, S.25, would direct the five medical marijuana dispensaries that are eligible to receive the first retail licenses to donate 3 percent of their gross sales to a cannabis community business development fund that the state would seed with $500,000. The fund would provide grants and loans to “social equity” applicants for cannabis businesses, and the requirement would be in place for the five months that the inaugural licensees will operate before other businesses can join the market in October 2022. (See page 22 for more on S.25.) Fair’s firm recommends that its clients in the industry sign a pledge to donate 1 percent of gross sales to a community fund for social equity for three years. “What we’ve been trying to do is come up with solutions to help the social equity problem, separate from the legislature,” Fair said. For his new business, Cohen will buy pot in bulk from Colorado growers who

use organic practices. (The crop can’t receive U.S. Department of Agriculture organic certification because cannabis remains illegal at the federal level.) He expects that the low-THC joints will eventually be available in 200 retail outlets in Colorado. “It’s low THC because today’s pot is so strong that you take two tokes and you’re stoned on your ass,” Cohen wrote in a text message. “The idea is to prolong your smoking pleasure and dose more accurately.” Cohen envisions his business model expanding and being replicated elsewhere. “If the business is successful in Colorado, we would grow it by licensing the brand to Black entrepreneurs in other states,” he said — including Vermont. As legalization is established, Cohen hopes to see the Vermont cannabis industry take shape “in the spirit of family farming.” “It’s pretty unusual that a new industry is born,” he said. “And I think we can take this opportunity to kind of solidify some Vermont values.” m

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 1:11 PM

Grow Your Own

Why wait for a retail pot shop when you can cultivate cannabis yourself? Here’s how. S TO RY & IMAG ES BY MAT T LEON E T TI


fter three decades as a cultivator and a horticulturist with a degree in plant and soil science, I’ve learned a lot about cannabis — sometimes the hard way. About 22 years ago, I was swept up in the war on drugs and earned a felony conviction for an Arizona pot bust. But I’ve always landed on one basic truth: I love this plant! I love growing it, I love consuming it, and I love making things with it. Most of all, I love sharing it — especially with folks who have no previous experience. I love watching fear and judgment turn to appreciation and gratitude for the numerous gifts this versatile, useful, healing plant has to offer. Before we dive in, it’s worth asking why you want to grow it and what physical and emotional effects you’re trying to achieve. Do you want a light, heady buzz that helps you breeze through the dishes before you go on a walk? Do you want profound spiritual insight or sensual fun? Are you trying to get a good night’s sleep or deal with an acute medical condition? Every strain (also called “cultivar” or “chemovar”) of cannabis contains hundreds of chemical compounds called cannabinoids. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) are the most well-known, but all cannabinoids have a wide range of effects on the mind, body and spirit. In fact, cannabis strains are differentiated specifically by their combination of cannabinoids — but they all belong to the same scientific plant family. For example, hemp is legally defined as cannabis that contains less than 0.3 percent THC. Cannabis strains also have a wide range of tastes and smells, which come from chemical compounds called terpenes. Terpenes can make cannabis taste or smell like blueberry muffins, lavender, lemon, pine or freshly cut grass. Just like in aromatherapy, terpenes contribute to your plant’s therapeutic effects.


If you’re familiar with growing tomatoes, you’ll understand that cannabis plants need water, lots of light, supplemental nutrition and the right-size container. Cannabis is a gifted bioremediator, which means she’ll suck up whatever’s in your water, soil and fertilizer. That makes it important to test your water and soil to ensure that you don’t have any heavy 40

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


metals, pesticides or other contaminants. What goes into the plant goes into you, so keep it clean! By the way, I call the plant “she” because, unless you’re breeding, you only want females. If male plants are present, they’ll create pollen and fertilize the female plants, reducing female flowers’ yield and potency. Be responsible and don’t cultivate male plants that can negatively impact other nearby growers. Much like with baby chicks, sexing the plants can be tricky, but you’ll know for sure when they start to flower. To be blunt: Boys have balls.


Once you have your seeds in hand, the easiest way to get them to germinate is to place them between the halves of a folded, unbleached paper towel. Get the towel wet, and then sandwich it between two plates to keep it from drying out. Seriously, do not let the towel dry out, otherwise sadness will happen! Put the plates on a heat mat or in a sunny w i n d ow. Wa r m e r temps encourage faster germination, which can take 24 to 72 hours, depending on your specific setup and the age of your seeds. Once you have a small root protruding from the seed, plant it root down in your pot of choice, no more than an inch deep, and water thoroughly. Once the seedling has penetrated the soil surface, you’ll want to love that baby up with strong sun — or a grow light — to give it a great start. Don’t leave it outside overnight until the last frost. In Vermont, that can be mid-May or even early June. To grow a plant in a single container from start to finish, I’d suggest nothing smaller than a 20-gallon pot. Like Mama used to say, “The bigger the roots, the bigger the fruits!” Personally, I prefer to start them in smaller pots and periodically pot up to larger sizes, which can make nutrient management easier.


If you’re growing in containers, I suggest using Vermont Compost Company’s Fort Vee potting mix. The local company does an amazing job of providing a fortified, compost-based mix that is packed with nutrition and microbial life. If you’re growing outside, add compost for nutrients, add lime if your soil is too acidic, and add mycorrhizal fungi and microbial inputs to boost soil life. Come


July, when the plants are well watered and cranking, it’ll be a good time to give the ladies some supplemental nutrition. Humic acids, kelp meal or fish meal will help keep them healthy and bodacious. Avoid plastic bottles by using Down to Earth dry soil amendments or White River Growpro’s locally made mineral and grow mix. You can also use bloomsupporting mixes just prior to and during the flowering stage. These products are super simple to use: Just scratch in the recommended amounts on the top layer of the soil, and water!

While the ladies are growing, you’ll need to monitor them for pests and diseases. Prevention is key here. Check your plants daily — including the leaf surfaces and undersides, stems, and even surrounding vegetation for harmful insects, such as aphids, spider mites and thrips. Also keep an eye peeled for diseases, such as powdery mildew (roundish white powdery spots) on the leaves and gray mold on the flowers. I do not recommend using any harsh chemicals — ever. Fortunately, products such as Lost Coast Plant Therapy and those of the Amazing Doctor Zymes offer nontoxic, essential oil-based options for dealing with pests and disease.


In late September and early October, harvest is almost upon us! This is a great time to remove many (but not all) of the hand-size fan leaves for increased sun and air penetration into the canopy. This gives the lower, smaller buds a chance to fatten and ripen. You want to be able to look into the center of the plant and see stems, not green leaves — but be sure to keep the smaller bud-site leaves intact. Determining exactly when to cut down your plants depends on a number of variables. Every cultivar responds differently to the waning length of daylight and will finish at a different time. The most accurate way to determine your plant’s ripeness is by using a jeweler’s loupe (a sort of magnifying glass) to check the trichomes — tiny mushroom-like glands covering the surface of your buds. When trichomes are clear, they are not ready, but as they become milky, they’re getting close. This is when personal GROW YOUR OWN

» P.42


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1/7/21 1:43 PM

WE’RE SO CLOSE! Encourage everyone to cross the Covid Finish Line. Each shirt sale supports 10 meals at the Vermont Foodbank.

Original Tee

Finish Line Tee SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021 6h-onecowvt.com041421.indd 1


4/12/21 4:05 PM

Grow Your Own « P.41 A field of hemp plants

can’t maintain this kind of atmospheric consistency, but aim for these ranges and you’ll get a nice, slow dry. Slow and low is the rule of thumb. Once the plants are dry, it’s time for the final trim with the help of a pair of pruning snips, a comfy chair and some good music. The goal is to remove as much leaf material as possible while minimizing damage to the glandular trichomes. Also remove as much stem as possible, but your personal preference will dictate the final look — or “bag appeal,” as it’s known in the biz.


preference comes in. Some folks like a bit of amber in their trichomes, which gives more of a sedating effect. Some prefer a milky color, which gives a more uplifting experience; both of these qualities are also cultivar dependent. Weather conditions will play into harvest timing, as well, especially if there is a blast of cooler, rainy days, which can lead to fungal and mold issues. Wet weather can force some growers to simply make the call and cut down the plant before any issues develop. Cannabis plants can also be damaged by hard frosts. Depending on the size of your grow, you can put a sheet or tarp over the plants to insulate them. Some people even use small heaters if temps drop too low.

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It’s worth getting crafty to protect your months of effort.


You’ve grown your plant, checked the trichomes and decided she’s ready to harvest. Now you need to cut the stalks, trim the leaves and let everything dry. Here are a few tips. Trimming: Strip the stalks of their remaining big fan leaves and gently remove the smaller sugar leaves on the buds themselves. Small scissors can work, but trimming tools such as Pocket Snips from Gardener’s Supply will make your life much easier, and your hand will thank you.

Hanging: Dry cannabis with the stalks hanging upside down. You can use anything from clothesline strung across the room to snow fencing hanging vertically. Space the stalks far enough apart to allow for good air flow. Light management: The drying space should be dark. Cannabinoids degrade in sunlight, so protect the potency of your harvest by covering the windows and doors. Air flow: Use a fan to create a slight breeze in the room that gently sways the branches, but be sure it doesn’t blow directly on the drying material. Ideal conditions are roughly 65 to 68 degrees Fahrenheit with 60 percent humidity. Most folks

With trimming and drying complete, it’s time to pull the buds off the stalks and seal them in glass jars or five-gallon food-grade buckets for the next few weeks (or months, depending on your level of patience). You’ll need to open or “burp” your jars daily, which will allow certain compounds such as chlorophyll to break down and give you a more refined terpene profile for better taste and smell. Of course, you can sample your buds before you cure them, but curing will help the flowers explode with smoother, more intense flavor. Information and techniques abound for cultivating this amazing plant, but these basics will get you started. I’ve found that most people have a very personal relationship with cannabis, and everyone has their favorite tips and tricks. So, have fun with it, enjoy the process, celebrate the plant and remember: The best weed is always the stuff you grew yourself! m Matt Leonetti is a farm compliance inspector for Clean Green, the largest nationally recognized third-party certifier for the cannabis industry, promoting responsible, organic and sustainable agriculture. He is also cofounder and farm manager for NurseGrown Organics.



SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

4h-MagicMann041421 1

4/13/21 1:52 PM


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/12/21 4/12/21 10:46 9:34 AM AM



Good To-Go is a series featuring well-made takeout meals that highlights how restaurants and other food establishments VERMONT are adapting during the COVID-19 era. Check out GOODTOGOVERMONT.COM to see what your favorite eateries are serving up via takeout, delivery and curbside pickup.


Magic Touch




Small-batch infused Magic Bar to-go

Essex’s cannabis café serves up CBD-infused takeout with a side of education B Y J O R D AN BAR RY •


few years ago, my go-to café updated its menu with an option to add CBD to its coffee drinks. Wow, you can put CBD in anything these days, huh? I thought to myself, politely declining the legal version of a hipster speedball. Since then, the variety of cannabidiol tinctures, oils, capsules, topical salves and infused edibles on the market has exploded, making my earlier thought seem pretty naïve. CBD has become commonplace. People use the nonpsychoactive chemical compound to help with anxiety, epilepsy, insomnia and chronic pain. But until I went to Magic Mann in Essex, I’d never had it in a root beer float or a cup of matzo ball soup. Magic Mann bills itself as “Vermont’s first canna-café.” While many businesses around the state offer CBD products on their menus, no one is infusing its menu — and entire business model — quite like this. Prior to starting her own company, Magic Mann cofounder and CEO Meredith Mann was a dispensary supervisor. She’s also a longtime medical marijuana patient and has amassed decades’ worth of anecdotal and lived experience with cannabis. “I had to make my own medicine for a long, long time,” Mann, 50, explained. “I wanted a better platform to be able to




SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

Hemp salad, infused Buffalo chicken pot pie and lemon-berry cake from Magic Mann

Meredith Mann

talk to people and give them the information that I had, and I just felt like taking a risk.” Magic Mann first launched as BTV Local 420 with her brother, Brian Drourr, in April 2019. The cannabinoid edible and event business worked out of a commercial kitchen in South Burlington’s Chittenden Cider Mill. As the company started to outgrow that space, it also evolved into

Magic Mann, a rebrand to give it broader appeal. Around the same time, the COVID19 pandemic gave the team time to think creatively about the future of the business. When an opportunity to open in the Essex Experience arose, they jumped on it. “This place is really changing around, and it had the magic I wanted,” Mann said. Magic Mann completely transformed



a former Gymboree outlet and opened for business on January 14 this year. Launching during the pandemic was a conscious choice, Mann said. She and her team saw a clear and immediate need in the community for two things: takeout food and CBD. Magic Mann combines the two and also serves as a resource for customers to learn about the cannabis world, no matter their previous experience or reason for seeking it out. “Usually, when people are asking a question about cannabis, it’s personal,” Mann said. “To walk in somewhere and say, ‘I’m anxious’ or ‘I’m depressed’ — it’s an honor to have people trust me enough to be able to help them.” Much like the name, the shop itself doesn’t scream “cannabis.” Sure, there are weed-shaped Adirondack chairs in one corner, but the space is closer to a sleek



» P.48



Joe Lemnah at the future home of Burlington Beer




LEMNAH has announced that

the craft brewer will move its taproom, restaurant and barrel-conditioning operation from Williston to Burlington’s South End later this year. The brewery itself will remain in its original Omega Drive location, where it has grown to 25,000 square feet since its start in 2014. Lemnah said he hopes to open the relocated taproom in July. It will occupy 14,000 square feet of the former Vermont

Hardware space at 180 Flynn Avenue. “It’ll be great to put the Burlington back in Burlington Beer Company,” he joked. “We’ll have a more accurate name.” The building, which also hosts a CITIZEN CIDER production facility, is owned by Trey and Dominique Pecor. SWITCHBACK BREWING is next door at 160 Flynn Avenue. “180 Flynn is emerging into a fun beverage hub,” Dominique Pecor wrote via email. The brewery will be “joining the many artisans that have always been a draw in this area,” she added. Lemnah said he had




Friendly Fox

wanted to open in his brewery’s namesake city from the beginning, but he couldn’t find the right spot at the right price. He continued to dream of adding a taproom and second location in Burlington and kept his eye

open for suitable spaces. After a mid-February 2021 article in Seven Days, Lemnah said, “I started getting cold calls from real estate agents.” He looked at a few different spaces and fell in love with the 1902 brick building, which the

Pecors had been restoring for about a year. The Burlington expansion will also allow Lemnah to double production in Williston over the next two years. “Guess it all ended up working out,” he said.

After years of working for local co-ops, DONI CAIN will get a market of his own when he opens FOX MARKET AND BAR in East Montpelier in early June. Cain, who most recently helped open Barre’s AR MARKET in September 2020, has some rehab work to do on the building at 3070 Route 2. It has been a pizza place, a video rental store and, for the past decade or so, Route 2 Antiques and Restorations. Fox Market will feature counter service only at a bar stocked with wine and beer and “plenty of nonalcoholic drinks,” Cain said. In addition to beverages, SIDE DISHES

» P.49

You Deserve a Night Out April Hours Fri - Sun, 4pm - 9pM Reservations Only Deep City 112 Lake Street Burlington, VT DEEPCITYVT.COM 2H-FoamDC041421 1

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 1:04 PM

Green Cuisine

New cannabis cookbook by Vermonter Tracey Medeiros offers inspiration and instruction B Y M E L I SSA PASANEN •








Tracey Medeiros


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021




Among the recipes are CBD-infused flax seed crackers and a grilled, smoky eggplant dip enriched with CBD oil. In the second chapter, “Hemp,” recipes showcase hemp seeds and their oil, hemp-infused products, and hemp leaves. One recipe is for a vegan pesto made with raw hemp


lice B. Toklas gets misplaced credit for spreading the gospel of pot brownies. That’s thanks largely to the 1968 movie I Love You, Alice B. Toklas, in which a young woman bakes up brownies liberally laced with an extra leafy ingredient. In fact, The Alice B. Toklas Cook Book does include a Haschich Fudge recipe, as well as vignettes of the author’s life with her partner, Gertrude Stein. Toklas’ recipe, however, is not for brownies or even fudge, but for driedfruit-and-nut balls spiced with nutmeg, cinnamon, black pepper and a “bunch of canibus [sic] sativa … pulverised.” Toklas’ cookbook was published in 1954, but American readers didn’t see this recipe until the 1960 paperback appeared. The foreword to the 1984 edition explains that Haschich Fudge was omitted from the first U.S. printing “for legal reasons.” How times have changed. In 2021, an internet search for “cannabis cookbooks” turns up a plethora of options, including one solely about “cannabutter,” a key ingredient in many baked goods; one of vegan recipes; and several with punny titles, such as Bong Appétit: Mastering the Art of Cooking With Weed. This month, Essex Junction author Tracey Medeiros steps into that crowded ring with her fifth cookbook, The Art of Cooking With Cannabis: CBD and THCInfused Recipes From Across America. Unlike Toklas, Medeiros does include a brownie recipe. Rich with chocolate and cannabis, topped with marshmallows and graham cracker crumbs, S’Mores Brownies was contributed by Hope Frahm, corporate executive chef of Love’s Oven, a bakery and producer of cannabis edibles in Denver, Colo. Frahm is one of 45 chefs, farmers and cannabis entrepreneurs whose recipes, expertise and stories appear in the book. Each of its three chapters is devoted to one type of cannabis ingredient and liberally interspersed with information on the science, complexity and caution involved in cooking with cannabis. The first chapter, “CBD — Cannabidiol,” focuses on one of the nonpsychoactive cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.

THIS IS NOT THE TYPE OF BOOK [THAT SAYS,] Chicken kale meatballs with CBD-infused cherry tomato and pesto sauces


leaves; another, for spicy maple cauliflower wings with toasted hempseed coating. Hemp, Medeiros explains, is a variety of Cannabis sativa that contains CBD but no significant levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the primary psychoactive component found in cannabis plants. That ingredient is the focus of the third chapter, “THC — Tetrahydrocannabinol.” Here the recipes include cannabis flower, THC concentrate, THC-infused oils or butter, and specialty ingredients such as chocolate made with THC. Alongside recipes for dishes such as cannabis-cured salmon and Sh’mac and Cheese, Medeiros offers notes on moderation and safety. The macaroni and cheese recipe, for example, bears a warning that it is a “high-dose recipe not for beginners.” Five Vermont businesses contributed recipes to the CBD or hemp chapters. Green Goddess Café in Stowe offers a Jamaican Me Shake CBDspiked smoothie with fruit, spinach and avocado. (See sidebar on opposite page.) A recipe for hemp-infused chocolate coconut bars comes from Luce Farm Wellness in Stockbridge. Zenbarn in Waterbury, 5 Birds Farm & Regenerative Wellness in Woodstock, and Elmore Mountain Therapeutics also made contributions. The book includes profiles of many of the contributors, who share their personal paths to cooking with cannabis, often to alleviate symptoms of conditions ranging from inflammation to anxiety to cancer. Stories like these were what initially piqued Medeiros’ interest, she told Seven Days. The culinary school graduate and cookbook author had never cooked with cannabis, but she kept coming across articles about what she described as its “wellness properties.” For those who use cannabis for health reasons, Medeiros believes that integrating it in food provides “creative variety. You cannot get chicken-and-kale meatballs at a [medical marijuana] dispensary,” she said, referring to a recipe in her




Open daily 11am-8pm • 373 Blair Park Rd, Williston 137 Pearl Street, Essex Junction Online & Walk-up Orders • Vegan & Gluten Free Options 8h-scalepoke041421.indd 1

3/25/21 4:37 PM

From The Art of Cooking With Cannabis: CBD and THC-Infused Recipes From Across America by Tracey Medeiros Makes one 15-ounce drink. This refreshing, creamy, drinkable treat is best enjoyed right away. INGREDIENTS:

• • • • • • •

8 ounces organic apple juice 1/4 cup fresh pineapple chunks 1/4 cup mango chunks, fresh or frozen 1/4 cup organic coconut milk 1/2 Hass avocado, pitted and peeled 1/4 cup fresh local baby spinach, packed 20 milligrams CBD oil, preferably Sunsoil

Now open at 42 Church St. in Burlington!

Espresso / Lattes Locally Roasted Coffee

Garnishes: whipped cream, cannabis leaf and cantaloupe slice (optional) DIRECTIONS:

Place all of the ingredients except garnishes in a blender and process until smooth. Pour into a chilled 15-ounce glass. Top with whipped cream and garnish with a cannabis leaf and a cantaloupe slice, if desired. Serve at once.

book for meatballs with CBD-infused cherry tomato and pesto sauces. Medeiros is careful to clarify that “CBD and THC are never a substitute for professional health care.” She also emphasizes responsible, informed and legal consumption. “This is not the type of book [that says,] ‘Oh, let’s go party,’” the author said. In choosing her contributors, Medeiros said, she sought out experts “who look at this seriously and try to use this plant not only to elevate the culinary landscape but also to help folks.” Historically, cannabis cooking has often involved masking the plant’s naturally strong taste and smell. Now, though, Medeiros said, cannabis is gradually being taken more seriously as an ingredient that contributes unique and desirable flavors. Chefs with expertise sometimes specify the strains that work best in a particular dish. Medeiros envisions a day when people will show a recipe to a budtender at their local cannabis retailer and ask for specific recommendations, just as they might at their fishmonger, butcher or wine merchant. While the cookbook’s target

audience is cooks of all levels who want to know more about cooking with cannabis for themselves, she hopes it will also be useful to culinary professionals. Medeiros acknowledges that it’s difficult to dose with precision when consuming cannabis as part of a home-cooked meal. The actual amount per serving can vary with the strain, the processing method and how the portions are measured. Hence, although one could easily plan and execute a multicourse dinner from The Art of Cooking With Cannabis, she recommends that novices test the waters gradually. Though all of the recipes were tested with cannabis ingredients, they can be made without them, using substitutes when appropriate, Medeiros said. Newbies could cook some of the recipes without cannabis, or cook for a group and offer (clearly distinguished) versions of a dish both with and without cannabis, just as hosts offer mocktails beside cocktails. Medeiros said she wanted the recipes to stand alone, so that “if you took the cannabis out, this was a cookbook in itself.” GREEN CUISINE

» P.49

Breakfast / Lunch / House-made Pastries Craft Beer Store Fine Art & Gifts Visit our other locations 63 Lower Main Street, MORRISVILLE 144 Main Street, STOWE


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2/12/21 10:59 AM


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for a taste of this week’s flavorful food coverage. SUBSCRIBE AT SEVENDAYSVT.COM/ENEWS SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 3:42 PM

Magic Touch « P.44


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

Infused mint chocolate brownies, peanut butter brownies and peanut butter sandwich cookies


Buffalo Chix Mac + Cheese


boutique than a typical dispensary or head shop. The experienced staff takes a budtender approach, educating customers about dosing and potential effects of various products. Customers who are new to cannabis, scared of its potential effects or even against using it are among Mann’s favorites, she said: “My approach is really to listen and see what they need. We’re not doctors, and we’re not pharmacists, but we have a lot of information to share.” Magic Mann sells its own line of fullspectrum CBD products, including edibles, tinctures, dog biscuits, pre-rolls and topical salves made in the on-site kitchen. The company is currently partnered with Essex-based Farm Fresh Hemp, infusing its CBD into an olive oil or coconut oil base for most products. The shop also offers CBD products from other local producers. On the café side, the business cooks up a full menu of savory and sweet dishes — infused or un-infused — ranging from Buffalo chicken mac and cheese and aptly named pot pies to brownies made from Mann’s grandmother’s recipe. I was overwhelmed with choices as I scrolled through the online menu. It was lunchtime on a workday and, had I consumed it all, I would have needed to take the afternoon off. My takeout order: hemp salad with CBD-infused garlic croutons ($6), Buffalo chicken pot pie ($11.50, 40mg), mac and cheese ($7.50, 20mg), mango-banana smoothie ($5, 16mg), lemon-berry cake ($9, 10mg), maple lollipop ($2.50, 25mg), twix bar ($5, 40mg), Nana’s Magic Brownie ($12, 50mg) and a Rookie’s root beer float ($5.50, 16mg). To be safe, I ate a few items that day and spread the remainder out over the rest of the week. Mann later told me that 50mg of CBD is the “sweet spot,” or the average dose that most customers seek out. It’s OK to exceed that amount, she said — some customers can handle eating up to 1,000mg if they’ve worked their way up to it. But because the products are full spectrum (which contains small amounts of all of the compounds found in the cannabis plant, including terpenes, and up to 0.3 percent THC), it is possible to overdo it “and find yourself like, whoa,” as Mann described. She further explained that, while CBD can sometimes make you sleepy, it’s also a stimulant and can help you focus. “What gets people stressed out about cannabis is getting the opposite effect of what they expect,” she explained. “If somebody takes CBD and gets that uppity, racy feeling and they wanted to

relax, then that’s going to stress them out. Or, if you eat a cannabis product to focus and it makes you sleepy, then you’re stressed.” The delivery vehicle — eating something fatty, such as mac and cheese, versus sucking on a lollipop — can alter CBD’s effect, as can one’s body chemistry, Mann said. She looks at cannabis as a medicine cabinet, with different products filling specific needs in terms of timing and desired effect. It was reassuring to have that clear dosing information — printed on the menu, my receipt, and most of the products themselves — compared to most of the homemade cannabis-infused edibles I’ve

had in the past, where dosing is a guessing game and you have to trust that whoever made them isn’t bad at math. Another benefit of Magic Mann’s wellcrafted, CBD-infused takeout is the taste: Nothing had the overwhelming, hardto-mask flavor that I’ve always associated with eating cannabis. Sipping on the smoothie and the Rookie’s float, the only hint that anything was in there were the stickers on the cups that read, “Contains CBD.” (And maybe the iridescent paper straws.) In fact, it’s just good takeout. The hemp salad — chopped into easy-to-eat bites in a nod to Mann’s other grandmother, who “hated having to shove lettuce in her

mouth,” Mann said with a laugh — was hearty and fresh. In addition to hemp leaves and hearts, it contained romaine, kale, carrots, red onion, cucumber, goat cheese and a tangy maple-balsamic dressing. The infused garlic croutons were so tasty that I wished I’d bought a whole bag of them to up my salad game at home. Many items, including Mann’s matzo ball soup — which she made for Burlington’s Sadie Katz Delicatessen back in the day — are available without CBD, too. The baked goods are the café’s top sellers, but the soup has a “cult following,” Mann said. I tried it on a return trip, and it’s safe to say she can add me to the cult. As the weather warms and summer approaches, Magic Mann is expanding its on-site seating — both indoors and out — and adding to the menu. Made-to-order grilled cheese sandwiches, infused or un-infused, with Vermont cheddar, pesto or Buffalo chicken will be available soon. So will ice cream, sold through a walk-up window during concerts and events on the Essex Experience green. Mann hopes to move from pandemicera grab-and-go items into a full-spectrum café, including brunch — complete with mocktail Bloody Mares garnished with candied bacon and a CBD joint — and cannabis cooking classes. To celebrate its second anniversary, Magic Mann is currently taking preorders for a 4/20 infused dinner, with smoked meats, classic barbecue sides, dessert and a whole bottle of infused barbecue sauce. Mann’s business partner, COO Brian Armstrong, will be smoking the meat on-site — something they hope to continue through the summer. The celebration includes a raffle to benefit the Magic Mann Global Indigenous Fund, an ongoing fundraising campaign in collaboration with the Pennywise Foundation in Richmond to support the Nulhegan Band of the Coosuk-Abenaki Nation’s food and education drive. The business also donates 5 percent of its net profits to the fund as part of its social mission. In the future, Mann hopes her business will be among the first in the state to hold a recreational marijuana license, though the Essex community has not yet voted on whether to allow recreational sales of THC products. For now, she’s happy to have the support of the community for the business’ CBD offerings and to see the stigma of cannabis disappearing. “People are much more comfortable walking in the door now,” Mann said. “Everybody just walks in with pride.” m

INFO Magic Mann, 21 Essex Way, Suite 216, Essex,

food+drink Green Cuisine « P.47 Customizing a menu to individual comfort and experience levels sounds sensible to Amy Bacon, who has worked for more than six years to incorporate CBD and THC into edibles and potables that are typically used for symptom relief. She’s a professional chef and production manager for Champlain Valley Dispensary and Southern Vermont Wellness, whose sister organization, Ceres Natural Remedies in Burlington, will be selling The Art of Cooking With Cannabis. While Bacon’s work is all about lab testing and precise dosage, she sees the appeal of home cooking with cannabis and thinks Medeiros did a solid job of illuminating the complex subject. People who are newer to cannabis edibles, Bacon said, may want to start with recipes that call for purchased tinctures, oils or infusions with certified concentrations. “Pay attention to the serving size,” she added. “These are hard things to measure, [and] not many people really have scales at home.” The chef also noted that cannabis works slowly, and its effects vary with the person: “When you ingest it, it takes time to start working.” A THC-infused meal should be planned as a leisurely evening,

with ample time between courses for those who are unsure of their tolerance levels. “Cannabis is not a one-size-fits-all,” Bacon said. “It’s hard to say what five milligrams would do to Grandma sitting next to you.” From her perspective developing products for the medical marijuana clients of Champlain Valley Dispensary and the customers of Ceres Natural Remedies, Bacon liked “the foodas-medicine aspect” of Medeiros’ cookbook. She also found plenty of appealing recipes in its pages — for instance, the Korean-style CBD-infused short ribs, and the sweet corn ice cream flavored with cannabis flower and thyme and topped with brown sugar crumble. She would be most likely to make them without cannabis, she said with a laugh, “because these sound so delicious, and you don’t want to overconsume.” “I like that it’s just bringing cannabis into more of a mainstream,” Bacon said of Medeiros’ book, “[like] people thinking of it in relation to what they might have for dinner that night.” m

INFO The Art of Cooking With Cannabis: CBD and THC-Infused Recipes From Across America by Tracey Medeiros, Skyhorse, 424 pages. $29.99. Learn more at

4T-Dedalus041421 1

4/13/21 12:57 PM



The Mobile Mortgage Feel in Control of Your Home Loan With the FairwayNOW Apply for a loan in under 10 minutes Calculate loan scenarios with full monthly payments Easily track loan progress with real-time push notifications Connect to home searching sites in the app Doni Cain at the future location of Fox Market and Bar

Side Dishes « P.45 Cain knows the Route 2 Market as a community the store will carry local corridor well. He believes hub, hosting groups devoted to reading and organic produce, Vermont his market’s spot is “the perfect location for people “stitch-and-sip.” Outdoor cheeses and other specialty products, such to stop on their commute games will be available, as locally made granola. home” to pick up a few and Cain will donate all “I want to start things. tips to local nonprofits, he He also envisions Fox said. m something fun, a little bit different, where everyone feels included,” Cain said. CONNECT “I love food. I enjoy the Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: industry.” @vtpollak. On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan A Plainfield resident, Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


3/16/21 8:17 AM



Barbacoa in May 2020

S UNDbites

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene B Y J O R D A N A D A MS

Somebody Told Me


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

It’s Alive

Remember last week when I wrote that I did something recently I hadn’t done in a long time, and that thing was buying concert tickets? Well, over the weekend I did something else I hadn’t done in a long time — not quite as long as it had been since I bought concert tix, but a long time nonetheless: I saw live music. COURTESY OF LUKE AWTRY PHOTOGRAPHY

Let’s start this week’s column off with a short rant, shall we? I recently received an email from someone who told me they had some “very concerning” news regarding an artist whose music I once reviewed. Without going into detail, I’ll simply say that this troubled citizen informed me that the artist in question is involved in a romantic/sexual relationship that they believe to be problematic. I can’t even begin to comprehend what this person expected me, of all people, to do about something like that. Wait, actually, of course I can. I assume this whistleblower wanted me to take them completely at their word and write some sort of scathing indictment. Where might they have gotten the idea for something like that? Oh, I know: social media, which has essentially become a never-ending string of callouts and takedowns — a kangaroo court of public opinion. But, not wanting to make assumptions, I asked the sender explicitly what they expected me to do with this dubious information. Unsurprisingly, they didn’t respond.

Had they told me, perhaps not in so many words, “I want you to cancel this person,” I would have said the following: If you believe a crime has been committed, go to the police. If you believe some kind of rules/policy/ conduct violation has occurred within an institution, company or some other body, go to the people who oversee policy violations within

those organizations. Unless you’ve taken these steps, I can’t help you. Otherwise, you’ll have to go on social media and cancel them yourself. Today’s lesson: Don’t serve me up gossip and pretend it’s news. Those are two very different things. Now, on to more important matters.

Marcie Hernandez

Burlington surf-rock band BARBACOA popped up in a Winooski park on Saturday as part of a string of semispontaneous, out-in-the-streets shows the group has hosted over the past few weeks. A little less than a year ago, when everyone was trapped in the first of many holding patterns brought on by the pandemic, Barbacoa were the first local group to break quarantine and play live. (Not-so-fun fact: The show last May was shut down by police after about 30 minutes, though only because the band didn’t have a permit.) As always, it was a pleasure to see and hear the group throw down surf standards and surfed-up covers of other pop and rock tunes. Also pleasurable was bumping into BRIAN NAGLE, aka DJ DISCO PHANTOM, the talent buyer at Onion City nightclub the Monkey House. (OK, I can’t technically say we “bumped” into each other because he told me beforehand he’d be at the show.) While chatting on Saturday and during a subsequent phone call on Monday, Nagle gave me a few updates about the Monkey House, which is ready to host entertainment once again. Last year, when venues were first figuring out how to operate amid crushing capacity limits, the Monkey House booked DJs in its front window to entertain outdoor drinkers, leaving its stage empty and the actual bar space closed to customers. Now, the venue has reopened its stage, and its doors. The Winooski club’s first official offering of the year was the revival of DJs FATTIE B and CRAIG MITCHELL’s recurring vinyl night, Motown Mondays, on April 12. Expect to see the DJs laying down sweet soul and R&B wax every other Monday night from now on. Their next gig is on April 26. As for when live bands will return to the Monkey’s stage, Nagle said that’s a bit more complicated and unforeseeable. “I think it’s just gonna be step by step, with maybe doing solo folks and then duos and, moving on from there, bands, and see how comfortable [they] are,” he explained. Nagle stressed that, beyond complying with state-mandated guidelines, the comfort level of artists and audiences is the most important consideration. “Putting on a show and making it successful … is kind of a lot of [puzzle] pieces,” Nagle said, noting that, as of right now, DJs are the club’s top priority. But the Monkey isn’t the only venue currently offering live music. On Tap Bar & Grill in Essex Junction, Zenbarn in


Birdcode Duo’s Amber deLaurentis and Tom Cleary


WHAT’S Waterbury, and Orlando’s and Nectar’s in Burlington are all booking and hosting shows. Speaking of Nectar’s, after months of being closed, the club resumes its live offerings on Tuesday, April 20, with the relaunch of its long-standing reggae night, Mi Yard. (Insert obligatory 420 joke here.) Nectar’s will put some artists, including DJs, in its front garage-style window. Live bands, such as jam outfit DOUBLE YOU, who kick off a residency on Wednesday, April 21, will perform outdoors on the pandemic-era patio. And if things go well, bands may return to the indoor stage sooner than later, which talent buyer BRIAN MITAL confirmed by phone on Monday. Another live-event series kicking off this week is the Flynn’s long-awaited The Window on Main. The run of shows was originally scheduled to take place in two weekends last December. But because of rising COVID-19 case counts in the fall — a trend that’s continued this spring, I might add — the series was postponed until now. On Friday and Saturday, April 16 and 17, a slew of locals are scheduled for short sets. Artists from several disciplines will perform in the window of the theater’s Chase Studio with audio piped onto Main Street, where audiences can safely watch and listen. Friday’s lineup consists of IberoAmerican duo 8 CUERDAS, Afropop outfit A2VT, dancer HANNA SATTERLEE and singersongwriter JOSHUA GLASS. Saturday brings members of HANNAH DENNISON’s performance piece The Quarry Project,

dance troupe MERDE!, Malagasy singersongwriter MIKAHELY and surf-rock outfit the WET ONES. The series continues the following weekend. On Friday, April 23, the lineup includes experimental cellist OUZKXQLZN, Tibetan storyteller and musician MIGMAR TSERING, nonprofit comedy troupe SAY IT FORWARD, and chamber music group IMAGO TRIO. The Window on Main concludes on Saturday, April 24, with jazz artists BIRDCODE DUO, Puerto Rican singer-songwriter MARCIE HERNANDEZ, composer MATT LAROCCA with choreographer JESSIE OWENS and company performing dance piece They Say a Lady Was the Cause of It, and burlesque ensemble GREEN MOUNTAIN CABARET. m Disclosure: Members of Barbacoa are Seven Days employees.

Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours. SAM SPARRO, “Are You Alright” SKIN TOWN, “Mute” JUNGLE, “Keep Moving” SQUEEZE, “Goodbye Girl” STRANGLED DARLINGS, “Robin Hood”


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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 2:51 PM





Katy Hellman and Steven Lebel’s former band, “free-bleeding indie” outfit Julia 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy Caesar, was a short-lived yet powerful New Haven, VT 05472 force in Burlington music. 802-453-5382 The quintet seemed to satisfy a deep craving in the Queen City’s young, progressive circles and was 16T-greenhaven041421.indd 1 4/6/21 6:08 PM synonymous with social justice. Legend has it a fulllength Julia Caesar album sits unfinished, unreleased and unheard by the band’s devoted followers. After Julia Caesar broke up a couple of years ago, Hellman and Lebel briefly moved to Philadelphia. But the multi-instrumentalists quickly returned to where their musical partnership began. Under the name Ruby, WEDNEDAYS > 4:00 P.M. the pair continues to make psychedelic rock music with meandering melodies and deeply affecting lyrics. For Marrow, Ruby’s debut, Hellman and Lebel teamed up with producer (and Grace Potter guitarist) Benny Yurco, a smart and effective choice. Yurco’s


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Opening cut “Rapture” projects a feeling of tumbling down a dandelioncovered hill in slow motion. It’s beautiful and nostalgic, with Yurco’s guitar licks floating by like soap bubbles. But its lyrics flirt with a loss of control and existential crises as Hellman sings, “If I will you to break / Then I will break instead / The fish are all dying / And so are our friends.” “The Burning Sun” is a pared-down, golden-hour song featuring just Hellman’s vocals, her guitar and some piped-in birdcalls. You can practically feel the arcs of sunlight warming your face as they cut through a towering canopy and limn Hellman’s profile with golden edges. “Muted Greens” and “Cascades” are bustling, exploratory tunes that center natural imagery. Both pulse with clattering drums and cymbals, their connective tissue laced with synths and atmospheric tones. Ruby is Hellman and Lebel’s grand destiny, a boundless space that lets them push and expand their sound. The title of their LP perfectly encapsulates what drives them: the things felt in the deepest, most protected part of the self. Marrow is available at

and Don Rico, the trio can produce that elusive spark, one that can ignite both their collegiate peers and the greater music-listening public. The last time a local college act pulled that off was when Bison lit up the city before predictably imploding, as younger bands so often do. With two excellent full-length records under their belt, as well as the 2018 GIRLS CRUISE EP, boys cruise seem poised to shake that trend. Featuring Johnny Clarke on lead vocals and guitar, Jack Parker on the bass, and Sammy Josh on the drums, the trio excels in channeling raw energy into a hyper-pop focus. Even when they go heavy or dark on the record, boys cruise manage to make every line sound like an anthem. Never mind that it isn’t always clear what or for whom that anthem might be. It’s pointless to call any of the album’s 14 songs a highlight, because the entire record is stunning — easily the year’s best for me so far. The band has the ability to shift from heavy, pounding riffs to unhinged surf rock on “Flying Colors,” before transitioning into a Strokes-like

fuzz-pop number with “Fool’s Gold.” Both songs are laments for a lover leaving the city, a theme throughout boys cruise. Lost love and regret for taking a partner for granted permeate many of the tracks, most strongly evident in “Eyes Without a Face” and “Whisper Machine.” In the latter, Clarke sings, “Sometimes I doubt you / when you say we’ll be fine in 2050,” a line that cuts a little deeper after the past year. “Crustacean” finds the trio thrashing about like a fish pulled from its bowl, all aggression and punk. When the boys hit this gear, equal parts menace and tonguein-cheek lyrical metaphors, it’s hard to deny the band’s pull. By the time the record concludes with “The Astronomer’s Dream,” boys cruise have opened their entire tool kit. Though traces of the playful pop that dominated 2019’s Jerry are evident, boys cruise is defined by a noticeable shift toward a less refined but edgier aesthetic. This is a record full of raw power, unbridled youth and the feeling of urgency that only the best college rock can encapsulate. Check out boys cruise at boyscruise. and on all streaming platforms.


obsessed? Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY decorating inspirations. Sign up today at


College rock, how I love thee. To be more specific: A small demographic exists among the college band set that strikes a chord deep in my heart. Beyond the urgent amateurs, devoted cover acts and meandering jammers, there’s a higher form of the genre to be found. Burlington’s boys cruise dwell solidly in that elevated stratum. The band possesses the same chaotic energy of other acts composed of early twentysomethings. But boys cruise have the focus and drive to outshine their contemporaries. Their new self-titled LP exudes a feeling of freshness, of the unexpected. The most precious currency in music is being the next thing, and the Queen City indie rockers might just have that coin. Boys cruise are part of a new wave of University of Vermont-based acts that have reestablished a robust scene at the school in recent years. Along with Pons


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boys cruise, boys cruise


2020 album, You Are My Dreams, was a fascinating, textural triumph of both songwriting and production. Here he elevates Ruby’s tracks to panoramic proportions. As was true of Julia Caesar’s canon, Ruby’s songs are gut-punch anthems that burrow into the dark recesses of the human condition. Titles such as “Marrow,” “Cascades,” “Carnivores” and “The Burning Sun” all point toward the deepest, most primordial feelings. Delivered in her signature quivering belt, Hellman’s lyrics evoke rage, longing, consternation, quietude and a powerful urge to understand the world — and the self — at a molecular level. Writers mostly agree on the following: You have to know the rules in order to break them. Hellman’s songs are as unpredictable as they are powerful, charting courses that only she and her bandmate can navigate. Her melodies spiral upward and down, their highs and lows emphasizing a similar ebb and flow in the stories she tells.

4/13/21 4:39 PM



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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/12/21 9:52 AM

movies This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection HHHH


ur streaming entertainment options are overwhelming — and not always easy to sort through. This week, the Vermont International Film Foundation starts a new installment of its Split/Screen series, running April 16 through 25. As befits the week of Earth Day, the focus is on the intersection of environmental and human rights. I watched This Is Not a Burial, It’s a Resurrection, a 2019 drama from Lesotho that delivers an indictment of environmental imperialism in haunting form. Learn more at

The deal

In a village called Nasaretha, in the shadow of a looming mountain range, 80-year-old Mantoa (Mary Twala) has just lost her last hope. Having buried her husband, daughter and grandchild, she must now bury her son, a casualty of the South African gold mines. Even the village priest (Makhaola Ndebele), who is no stranger to loss, can’t stop her from “regarding God and nature with … contempt.” A new blow falls on Mantoa when she learns that the central government is at work on a dam that will flood her highland home. The villagers will be relocated to the city in the name of progress. Mantoa’s first thought is for the graves of the dead, which must be moved or abandoned to the waves. Determined to stay, she rallies the villagers behind her, but how much can they do to change their fate?

Will you like it?

If the above description leads you to expect

NEW IN THEATERS THE GIRL WHO BELIEVES IN MIRACLES: A kid faces the blowback of fame after she starts healing the sick with prayer in this faith-based film starring Mira Sorvino, Austyn Johnson and Kevin Sorbo. Richard Correll directed. (100 min, PG. Essex Cinemas)

NOW PLAYING 2021 OSCAR NOMINATED SHORT FILMS: Watch the Animated (99 min, PG-13) and Live Action (130 min, R) selections at Essex Cinemas. ANOTHER ROUNDHHHH1/2 Four middle-aged teachers try an experiment to see if constant drunkenness will improve their lives in this dark Danish comedy from director Thomas Vinterberg, starring Mads Mikkelsen. (117 min, NR. Savoy Theater; reviewed by M.H. 2/3) CHAOS WALKINGHH Tom Holland and Daisy Ridley star in this adaptation of Patrick Ness’ dystopian YA trilogy. Doug Liman (The Bourne Identity) directed. (109 min, PG-13. Sunset Drive-In)


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

an African Erin Brockovich, a can-do story of ordinary people fighting the power — don’t. To the extent that This Is Not a Burial is a story at all, the closest Western analogue might be the Sophocles’ Antigone or the Book of Job. Writer-director Lemohang Jeremiah Mosese, a Lesotho native who lives in Germany, has created something semidetached from the conventions of narrative filmmaking: a stately series of scenes that play out in long takes, narrated by a nameless man (Jerry Mofokeng) whom we periodically glimpse in an urban bar. He punctuates his tale with the sharp buzzing vibrations of the lesiba, telling it with the ritual air of something that has already passed into the realm of legend. That’s fitting, since legend is a living presence in Mantoa’s life. Though the recent history of her village was shaped by Christian missionaries, she’s also intimately familiar with the precolonial, plague-driven migration that brought her ancestors there, telling the story as if it had happened in her own lifetime. This Is Not a Burial is a story of repeated loss, of “the dead bury[ing] their dead,” but also of endurance and sometimes of beauty. In a 2020 interview with Film Comment, Mosese said he chose to shoot in the boxy 4:3 aspect ratio “because otherwise the movie would be way too beautiful and that would overshadow the story.” It’s a valid concern, because the film’s landscapes are stunningly beautiful, as are its interiors. (Mantoa’s hut features a drapery that rivals the credits of Blue Velvet THE COURIERHHH Benedict Cumberbatch plays a businessman who is recruited by MI-6 and the CIA to work with a Soviet agent in this Cold War spy thriller. With Merab Ninidze and Rachel Brosnahan. Dominic Cooke (On Chesil Beach) directed. (111 min, PG-13. Savoy Theater) FRENCH EXITHHH Michelle Pfeiffer generated awards buzz with her performance as a socialite who decamps with her grown son (Lucas Hedges) to Paris in Azazel Jacobs’ adaptation of Patrick deWitt’s comic novel. (110 min, R. Savoy Theater) GODZILLA VS. KONGHHH Ready to go back to the theater and see giant monsters smash each other in a would-be blockbuster directed by indie horror filmmaker Adam Wingard? Alexander Skarsgård, Millie Bobby Brown and Rebecca Hall star. (113 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In) THE LITTLE THINGSHH1/2 Denzel Washington and Rami Malek play LA cops on the trail of a serial killer in this dark crime drama directed by John Lee Hancock (The Highwaymen). (127 min, R. Sunset Drive-In)

MOTHER COURAGE The late Twala plays a matriarch resisting the destruction of her way of life in a landmark film from Lesotho.

for the dreamlike intensity of its color.) Add to this the soundtrack by Yu Miyashita, which ranges from eerie choral motifs to abstract walls of noise, and you have a film that’s indelible on an aesthetic level. Many moments impress themselves on us with the weight of dream or nightmare. But it’s equally clear why Mosese doesn’t “want the conversation to end in beauty,” as he told Film Comment. He noted in that interview something that isn’t spelled out in the film: The dam being built in the name of “progress” doesn’t directly benefit the people whose displacement it demands. The drinking water thereby produced goes to South Africa. Not that it matters either way to Mantoa, for whom home is not a negotiable good. But her resistance, futile as it may be, resonates with the fierce power of a tale passed down over centuries — a tale of those who refuse to forget, and will keep fighting back.

If you like this, try...

• Anbessa (2020; VTIFF Split/Screen, April 16 to 25): For another take on the

all-too-relevant theme of displacement, watch Mo Scarpelli’s documentary about a mother and son living in a condominium complex newly built on what was once farmland in Ethiopia. • Hyenas (1992; Mubi, Kanopy, rentable): Mosese was influenced by this film from acclaimed Senegalese director Djibril Diop Mambéty, about a woman thrown out of her village for unwed pregnancy who returns decades later rich and seeking payback. • I Am Not a Witch (2017; Kanopy, Tubi, Sundance Now, AMC+, rentable): Set in modern Namibia, Rungano Nyoni’s award-winning fable tells the story of a young girl who is sent to a “witch camp.” • Honeyland (2019; Hulu, rentable): This acclaimed Macedonian documentary profiles one of the last keepers of wild bees in Europe, showing how new neighbors disrupt her traditional way of life. MARGO T HARRI S O N

NOBODYHHH1/2 Bob Odenkirk plays a put-upon dad who goes on a Death Wish-style vigilante spree in this action flick from director Ilya Naishuller. With Connie Nielsen and RZA. (92 min, R. Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In)

WOLFWALKERSHHHH1/2 An apprentice wolf hunter in Ireland discovers a different point of view in this family animation from the makers of The Secret of Kells. (103 min, PG. Savoy Theater, Sat only; reviewed by M.H. 1/13)

RAYA AND THE LAST DRAGONHHHH A young warrior seeks the help of the last living dragon in this Disney animated fantasy. (114 min, PG. Essex Cinemas)


TOM AND JERRYH1/2 Cartoon cat attempts to catch cartoon mouse, over and over and over. But what is their origin story? This family animation reveals all. Tim Story directed. (101 min, PG. Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In) THE UNHOLYHH A seeming miracle may be something darker in this horror flick in which a girl gains supernatural powers after a visitation from the Virgin. (102 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas) VOYAGERSHH1/2 Astronauts on a generation ship start losing touch with reality in this science-fiction thriller from writer-director Neil Burger (Limitless). 108 min, PG-13. Essex Cinemas, Sunset Drive-In)


OPEN THEATERS ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,



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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/12/21 10:53 AM


art ART CLASSES FOR ADULTS & TEENS: Add some art time to your springtime with an in-person art class! Excellent teachers, small class size. All COVID-19 guidelines are followed. Wednesday a.m.: Oil and Acrylics, starts April 7. Monday p.m.: Oil Painting, starts April 19. Thursday a.m.: Pastels, starts April 1. Thursday p.m.: Oil Painting, starts April 22. All levels welcome. Class times vary. Cost: $155/2-hour class session of 4 to 5 weeks, up to $155. Location: Middlebury Studio School, 2377 Rte. 7, Middlebury. Info: Kathy Hall, 458-8979, info@, ZOOM ART CLASSES: ADULTS & TEENS: Zoom into fun, interactive art classes this spring! No need to leave the comfort of home while you take a class with experienced teachers: Explore With Acrylic Paint starts Monday, April 7; Expressive Landscape Painting starts Wednesday, April 14; Elements of Chinese Painting starts Sunday, May 2. All levels welcome, teens and adults. Class times vary. Cost: $120/1.5- to 2-hour class sessions of 3 to 4 weeks, $90-$120. Location: Online through Middlebury Studio School, 2377 Rte. 7, Middlebury. Info: Kathy Hall, 4588979, info@middleburystudio, middleburystudio

BCA Studios

Burlington City Arts spring class registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at DIGITAL PHOTO: Learn the basics of making a great photograph, from home, with your digital camera. Our photography expert, Mark La Rosa, guides you through basic camera controls such as aperture, shutter speed, ISO ratings, shooting in RAW, lens choices, metering techniques and more. Students must have their own DSLR or digital mirrorless camera. Mon., May 3-24, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $120. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,,


FAMILY CARDMAKING: Six families max. Ages 6 & up. Create handmade cards to share with those you love! Family Cardmaking is a great class for making art as a family at home on a Sunday morning. Includes one hour of instruction plus all the materials you will need, provided in a kit. Sun., May 2, 11 a.m.-noon. Cost: $20/per family. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,,

HOME STUDIO: PAINT NIGHT: Ages 13 and up. Twelve students max. Get creative at home with Vermont artist Jess Graham, known for her strikingly colorful designs and paintings. Jess shares pro tips and techniques with you as you paint together via Zoom. Includes two hours of instruction plus materials. Tue., Apr. 13, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $40. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,, HOME STUDIO: SCREEN PRINTING: Eight students max. Bring the BCA Print Studio to you via this four-week-long introduction to silkscreen. Local artist Kate McKernan leads a Zoom class live from BCA’s studio. Discover how screen printing works, and print your design in the comfort of your home. Materials and instruction included. Tue., Apr. 20-May 11, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $80. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,, HOME STUDIO: STILL LIFE PAINTING: Ages 13 and up. Four weeks. Six students max. Drawing and oil painting experience recommended. Local artist and master teacher Gail Salzman leads a live Zoom class with painting demos, examples, lots of tips and encouraging feedback. Using watersoluble oils, students create one or two small paintings on primed panels. Tue., Apr. 6-27, 1-3 p.m. Cost: $160. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@,

HANDBUILDING: Join local clay artist Sarah Camille Wilson, Zooming live from BCA’s Clay Studio! Sarah covers basic handbuilding techniques, such as creating a strong, even slab; soft slab construction; hard slab construction; pinch pots; and coil building. Students learn simple tips for creating texture and decoration to make their work unique. Wed., May 5-26, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $80. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,, HOME STUDIO: FAMILY CLAY: All ages. 10 families max. Make art with your family from the comfort of your home! Our clay experts join you live, via Zoom, from the BCA Clay Studio to lead you through a fun, family-friendly hand-building clay project. Includes supplies, an hour-long demonstration, glazing and firing of four pieces. Option 1: Fri., Apr. 9, 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Option 2: Fri., May 14, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Cost: $20/family. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@, burlington

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

PHOTOGRAPHY: Four students max. Learn to expose blackand-white film, process film into negatives, and make silver gelatin prints. All 35mm film, paper and darkroom supplies included. Bring your manual 35mm or mediumformat film camera, as well as an exposed roll of black-and-white film to the first class. Wed., Apr. 21-May 12, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $145. Location: BCA Studios, Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, , WHEEL PROJECTS: Four students max. Prerequisite: Students must have previous experience working on a pottery wheel and basic knowledge of throwing and trimming. Join master potter Jeremy Ayers in an exploration of intermediate and advanced wheel-throwing techniques. One-on-one instruction and group critiques are included. Wed., Apr. 21-May 19, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225. Location: BCA Studios, Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, ,

WOODCUT: Three students max. Discover the unique process of woodblock printing with local artist Ashley Stagner. Focus on fundamental relief printing techniques and transform designs into unique prints. The class will then progress to more sophisticated processes, including multicolor printing and two- and three-color reduction block printing. Includes materials. Mon., Apr. 19-May 10, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $180. Location: BCA Studios, Zoom class. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, ,


martial arts

DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New hybrid classes (Zoom and in-person) starting! Taiko Tuesday and Wednesday. Djembe Wednesday. Kids and Parents Tuesday and Wednesday. COVID-19-free rental instruments, curbside pickup, too. Private Hybrid Conga lessons by appointment. Let’s prepare for future drumming outdoors. Schedule/register online. Location: Online and in-person at Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required. Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World JiuJitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventh-degree coral belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,

culinary BASIC BREADMAKING WITH CHEF EMERY: Ever thought that a fresh loaf of bread was too much work or too intimidating? Participants follow along as Chef Emery shows how to make a savory cheddar herb and caramelized onion quick bread. She demonstrates the step-by-step process of making your own loaf of delicious crusty bread at home. Sat., Apr. 17, 10-11:30 a.m. Cost: $15/person; $10 for BF&M members. Location: Billings Farm & Museum, Zoom. Info: 457-2355, mwakefield@bill, VERMONT EATS! COOKING CLASSES: Have fun with food and learn about local history in the comfort of your home kitchen. Our spring cooking class series features traditional dishes from three immigrant communities in Vermont. April 13: Italian American Stoneworkers in Barre. April 20: Mount Lebanon to Vermont. April 27: The Kitchens of Ohavi Zedek. Tue., Apr. 13, 20 & 27, evening. Cost: $10/90-minute classes. Location: Vermont Historical Society via Zoom, 60 Washington St., Barre. Info: Shana Goldberger, 828-2291, srgoldberger@gmail. com,


language LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live video conferencing. High-quality affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers’ lesson package. Our 15th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanish, spanish ONLINE SPANISH CLASSES FOR ALL AGES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive online lessons to improve comprehension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audiovisual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” -Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on our website: spanishclassesvt. com. Location: Maigualida Rak, Online. Info: Maigualida Rak,,

FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION & HEALTH: This class will have five modules that will allow students to pick the subjects they want to study, or they can take the entire five modules for the practitioner training. The modules are: Anatomy & Physiology, Essential Oils, Nutrition, Qi Gong, and SelfCare/Lifestyle. Mon., starts Sep. 13, 9 a.m.-noon. Cost: $2,500/120 hours; individual modules are less. Location: Elements of Healing, 21 Essex Way, Suite 109, Essex Junction. Info: Scott Moylan, 2888160, scott@elementsofhealing. net,

yoga EVOLUTION YOGA: Bring your body and mind toward balance and find connection in community. All are welcome. Find support you need to awaken your practice. Offering livestream and recorded classes. Give the gift of yoga with a gift card on our website. Flexible pricing based on your needs; scholarships avail. Contact Single class: $0-15. Weekly membership: $10-25. 10-class pass: $140. New student special: $20 for 3 classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 8649642,

Extravagant AGE/SEX: 2-year-old spayed female ARRIVAL DATE: April 6, 2021


REASON HERE: She was not a good fit in her previous home. SUMMARY: Not every dog can pull off a name like Extravagant, but this one sure can! She’s a fun-loving, up-for-whatever kind of dog who would love to join an active family for all kinds of adventures. Extravagant is new to Vermont but has made herself right at home. She enjoys going for walks and investigating all the new sights and smells, and she could make a great hiking buddy! She’ll benefit from some basic training to help her be her very best self and manage all her excitement for life, but we bet she’ll be an extra good student. Stop by HSCC to meet this special lady!

housing »


HSCC employs two expert dog trainers to provide our canine residents with personalized training and group lessons. They also help newly adopted dogs who need a little more support to boost their chance of long-term success at home. Our trainers also work with dog owners in the community to reduce the chance of relinquishment and keep pets with the people who love them. Sponsored by:

DOGS/CATS/KIDS: She has no known experience with dogs or cats. She briefly lived with a young child. Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.



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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


CLASSIFIEDS We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!

on the road

housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)

HW incl. Open floor plan, fully applianced kitchen, fitness center, pet friendly, garage parking. Income restrictions apply. 802-655-1810,

KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 802-472-5100 1-BR, $983/mo.; 2-BR, $1,191/mo.; 3-BR, $1,376/ 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston mo. Spacious interiors, 802-793-9133 fully applianced kitchen, fitness 2014 CAMRY HYBRID center, heat & HW incl. FOR SALE Income restrictions Single owner. 65K. sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM apply. 802-655-1810, Excellent condition. Many safety options, premium sound system, navigation, wired for satellite radio. Also includes 4 studded A HOME FOR 2 VT snows. Asking $12,000. TEACHERS? Tel: 802-425-4899. Do you have a home in Chittenden County CASH FOR CARS! that you’re thinking We buy all cars! Junk, about selling? We are 2 high-end, totaled: It public school teachers doesn’t matter. Get free in Chittenden County. 2-BR, NORTH END towing & same-day Thank you! bnorthward@ 2-BR, 1-BA, North End cash. Newer models, apt., W/D, $1,700/ too. Call 1-866-535mo., driveway parking, 9689. (AAN CAN) 1- or 2-year lease, NS, indoor cat only, security down, avail. Jul. 15. Call 323-821-5941.

Route 15, Hardwick






display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x21

AUTO DONATE YOUR CAR TO CHARITY Receive maximum value of write off for your taxes. Running or not! All conditions accepted. Free pickup. Call for details. 855-9780215. (AAN CAN)


CLASSIFIEDS KEY appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer

LOOKING TO LAUNCH A BUSINESS? The Welcome to Montpelier Program offers business support & funding opportunities for new Montpelier businesses! Learn more at welcometomontpelier. com.

BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do the work; you reap the rewards! Call for a free Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN)



AFFORDABLE 2-BR APT. AVAIL. At Keen’s Crossing. 2-BR: $1,266/mo., heat &

FLOWER GIFT SHOP FOR SALE Located in central Vermont. Wire-services affiliated. Long-term retail space lease avail. Inventory stock, display cases, delivery rack system & 2 coolers incl. Inquiries: Please call 802-485-4531, or email tromblysflowerandgift

EDUCATION ATTENTION ACTIVE DUTY & MILITARY VETERANS! Begin a new career and earn your degree at CTI! Online computer & medical training avail. for veterans & families! To learn more, call 855-541-6634. (AAN CAN)

FINANCIAL/LEGAL AUTO INSURANCE Starting at $49/mo.! Call for your fee rate comparison to see how much you can save. Call 855-569-1909. (AAN CAN)


List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Katie, 865-1020, ext. 10,

OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.

COLCHESTER HOME 4 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Hardwood Floors Well Maintained Natural Gas Heat/ Hot water Approx. .61 Acre +/Approx. 1932 Square Feet +/802-793-5185 $399,900



FSBO-O'Brien041421.indd 1

COUPLE HOPING TO ADOPT Kind & fun-loving VT couple can provide a safe & loving home for your baby. If you are pregnant & considering adoption, we would welcome hearing from you. jonandtessa.weebly. com, 802-272-7759.

print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x10

DO YOU OWE OVER $10K to the IRS or state in back taxes? Our firm works to reduce the tax bill or zero it out completely fast. Let us help! 855-955-0702. Mon.-Fri. 7 a.m.-5 p.m. PST. OVER $10K IN DEBT? Be debt-free in 24-48 mos. Pay a fraction of what you owe. A+ BBB rated. Call National Debt Relief: 877-590-1202. (AAN CAN) SAVE BIG ON HOME INSURANCE! Compare 20 A-rated insurances companies. Get a quote within mins. Average savings of $444/year! Call 844-712-6153! Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-8 p.m. Central. (AAN CAN) SAVE YOUR HOME! Are you behind paying your mortgage? Denied a loan modification? Is the bank threatening foreclosure? Call Homeowners Relief Line now for help: 1-855-4395853. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Sat.: 8 a.m.-1 p.m. All times Pacific. (AAN CAN)

HEALTH/ WELLNESS GENTLE TOUCH MASSAGE Men, I specialize in relaxation massage, deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish massage and other techniques just for you. I have been practicing massage therapy for more than

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

HEARING AIDS! Buy 1 & get 1 free! High-quality rechargeable Nano hearing aids priced 90% less than competitors. Nearly invisible. 45-day money-back guarantee! 1-833-585-1117. (AAN CAN) PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes, more. 802-899-3542,

HOME/GARDEN CLASSIC SHADES PAINTING Update the look of your home or business. Classic Shades Painting offers high-quality work at an affordable price. Quality craftsmanship & courteous customer care, interior & exterior painting. For a free estimate, please call 802-345-2038 or classicshadespainting@ Local references avail. Lead certified & fully insured. LAWN-CARE SERVICES It’s that time of year again, so if you need lawn care, we can do the job. Mowing & trimming, & we also do spring cleanups. Call or text 802-355-4099.

4/9/21 10:02 AM

Homeshares SOUTH HERO

Travelled, avid reader in her 90s seeking a housemate to provide simple evening meal prep, light housekeeping & errands in exchange for no rent ($100/mo. utils). Private BA.


17 years. I’m Gregg. My website: gentletouchvt. com. Email: motman@ Phone: 802-234-8000 (call or text). Located in Milton. Out calls avail.

Share a home just a short walk to bike path & the lake with woman in her 70s who enjoys swimming, meditation & the arts. $650/mo. Private BA. No pets.

MONTPELIER Share lovely home, walkable to downtown, w/active, senior gentleman looking for companionship, help w/meals and household chores. Furnished BR, shared BA. $400/mo. all inc.

buy this stuff

ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES COINS! Let me fill your collection! Also have starter collections for the young kids, extra fine rolls. Call Jim, 802-528-9716. Always buying coins.

Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO

BUY THIS STUFF » Homeshare-temp2.indd 1

4/9/21 1:56 PM

Show and tell. Calcoku »

and post up to SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS Using the enclosed math operations asView a guide, fill the grid 6 photos per ad online.

using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.


Fresh. Filtered. Free.

15+ 4-


9 5 8 4 7 8 1




2÷ 3÷

Open 24/7/365. Sudoku Extra! Extra!

Post &the browse ads no limit the to Complete following puzzle There’ by susing ad length online. at your convenience. numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.

5+ 3÷



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1/13/14 1:45 PM

9 3


2 6


4 2 8 1

2 Difficulty - Hard




No. 683





Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.























8v-daily7-coffee.indd 1

2 6 3 9


What’s that




















6 9 3 5 7 1 4 8

3 4 8 6 9 7 5 2

5 7 1 4 2 6 3 9

8 1 7 2 5 3 6 4

4 5 6 3 8 2 9 1

2 6 4 9 1 8 7 5

7 2 9 8 3 4 1 6

9 3 2 1 6 5 8 7

1 8 5 7 4 9 2 3

SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021





2 1






8 5 7 1 4 2 6 3 9

3 5 4 6 9 8 21 7 2 5 3 6 4

5 4 2 1 714 15 6 338 2 9 1

3 2 6 4 9 1 8 7 5


6 3 1 4

4 1 6 3 2

5 4 6 7 9 1 108x 2 3 8 9 2 5+5 8 1 7 50x 3 6 4 4 5 9 1 Difficulty 8 2- Hard 6 7 3 1-

Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021



5 60




List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45!

No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before April 27, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised.

143 4 8 63÷ 9 735 2

CALL FOR GALLERY CURATOR South Burlington art committee seeks curator for 1-year appointment, unpaid w/ $4,000 honorarium. Submit LOI & CV by Apr. 23, 2 p.m., to iblanchard@south

4-2 6 9 2÷3 5 3÷ 7 1 4 8



WE BUY LEVIS & USA DENIM We buy your used Levis & USA-made denim at Downtown Threads in Burlington & Camille’s Experienced Clothing in Rutland. james@ or 802-773-0971.

GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, stepby-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,


The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0284-3B.”


4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast


BASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, VOICE LESSONS & MORE Remote music lessons are an amazing way to spend time at home! Learn guitar, bass, piano, voice, violin, drums, flute, sax, trumpet, production & beyond w/ pro local instructors from the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine St. All levels & styles are welcome, incl. absolute beginners. Come share in the music! burlingtonmusicdojo. com, info@burlington

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C02843B 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On March 30, 2021, Shelburne Cliffs Condominium Owners’ Association, Inc., c/o Strong Will Property Management, 68 Randall Street, South Burlington, VT 05403 filed application number 4C0284-3B for a project generally described as installation of gutters, downspouts, and area drains in front of southerly facing units with discharge to a new level spreader located along the edge of the development footprint. The project is located at 355 Morgan Drive in Shelburne, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on April 1, 2021.



WARDS: VERMONT PUNK BAND 34-song live CD. 1978-2018. $10. Proceeds paid to Paul Allison, 33 West St., Bolton, VT 05676. paulbolton9@gmavt. net, 802-434-5459.




FURNITURE SALE Saint Michael’s College furniture sale: chairs, desks, beds, mattresses & dressers. Sat. & Sun., Apr. 17 & 18. 3 locations: 33, 81, 244 Ethan Allen Ave., Colchester.

HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo.! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN)


Legal Notices



REHEARSAL SPACE Safe & sanitary music/ creative spaces avail. by the hour in the heart of the South End art district. Monthly arrangements avail., as well. Tailored for music but can be multipurpose. info@ burlingtonmusicdojo. com, 802-540-0321.


FREE MITSUBISHI MEDALLION HD TV Free HD-1080 TV on wheels. (Tube TV) Screen is 48”x26’’. Entire TV is 50’’ across x 22’’ wide. Nice picture. Capable of surround sound. 802-495-1954.

ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN)





buy this stuff [CONTINUED]

speeds + take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888519-0171. (AAN CAN)

Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than April 27, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 2nd day of April, 2021. By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C033118C 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On March 23, 2021, City of Burlington, Burlington International Airport, 1200 Airport Drive, c/o Gene Richards, South Burlington, VT 05403 filed application number 4C0331-18C for a project generally described as a two-story, 34,660 sf. expansion to the existing airport terminal building to extend along the service road. The project is located at 1200 Airport Drive in South Burlington, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on April 2, 2021. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0331-18C.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before April 27, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this

case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than April 27, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 5th day of April, 2021. By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C0519-3 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On March 29, 2021, David A. Waller Family Trust and Dorothy A. Waller Family Trust, 3602 Mt. Philo Road, Charlotte, VT 05445 filed application number 4C0519-3 for a project generally described as construction of a single-family home and associated driveway, water and wastewater infrastructure for Lot #4. The project is located at 360 Pease Mountain Road in Charlotte, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0519-3.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before May 3, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than May 3, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 9th day of

April, 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658

BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2021, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE REMOTE MEETING Zoom: pwd=elVReUk0WklkVjgyaklaUUIvSmc4Zz09 Webinar ID: 838 4749 8134 Password: 191951 Telephone: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 1. 21-0837CA; 180 North Street (NMU, Ward 3C) 180 North, LLC Demolish historic garage and rebuild on existing footprint. Add accessory dwelling unit above garage. Add driveway and landscaping. 2. 21-0785CU; 57 South Williams Street (RH, Ward 1E) VT Organization for Jewish Education, Lubavitch Convert apartments within existing facility to an elementary school use. Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.

INVITATION TO BID The Burlington School District, in conjunction with the Essex Westford School District, will receive electronic bids for the following services: knife rental sharpening and delivery, and preparation/ delivery of hot, sliced, and ready to serve pizza. Bids must be received on or before, but no later than, 10:00 AM, Monday, May 10th at ddavis@ Please place the following in the subject line of the electronic submission: BID SUBMISSION ATTACHED- OPEN ON MAY 10, 2021 The electronic proposals will be opened at the same time and address. Notification of the award, if any, will be made no later than 30 days from the date of opening. Anyone interested in receiving a full bid packet or more information, contact Doug Davis, Director of Food Service at 802 864 8416 or

LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF BURLINGTON ONE-YEAR ACTION PLANS The City of Burlington is soliciting input in connection with the development of its 2021 One Year Action Plan for Housing & Community Development, as part of federal requirements under 24 CFR Part 91.105 for planning and allocation of federal funds from Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME and other HUD administered programs. The City anticipates receiving $759,765 in CDBG funds and $414,413 in HOME funds to support housing, community and economic development activities for the 2021 program year (7/1/2021-6/30/2022). The City will also amend the 2020 Action Plan to better focus the funds in response to the Covid-19 economic recovery effort. On Monday, April 26, 2021, at 7:00 pm, there will be a Public Hearing before the Burlington City Council to hear comments on housing and community development needs, the draft 2021 One-Year Action Plan, and the revised 2020 One-Year Action Plan. These plans also report the funding recommendations of the CDBG Advisory Board, which serve as the basis for the

2021 One-Year Action Plan and the substantial amendment to the 2020 Action Plan. The Action Plans and Advisory Board’s recommendations are available online at The public is encouraged to review the Plans and funding recommendations, attend the Public Hearing, and comment. Written comments will also be accepted on the Plans through May 9, 2021 via email at For more information, or information on alternative access, contact Christine Curtis, Community & Economic Development Office, at (802) 735-7002.

OPENINGS: BURLINGTON CITY COMMISSIONS/ BOARDS Airport Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 Two Openings Board of Assessors: Term Expires 3/31/24 One Opening Cemetery Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening Chittenden County Regional Planning Comm.: Term Expires 6/30/23 One Opening Chittenden County Regional Planning Comm.-alt: Term Expires 6/30/23 One Opening Church Street Marketplace Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 Two Openings Conservation Board: Term Expires 6/30/25 Four Openings

City Council President Tracy will plan for appointments to take place at the June 28, 2021 City Council Meeting/City Council With Mayor Presiding Meeting.

STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FAMILY DIVISION DOCKET NO. 379-9-18 CNJV In re: M.M. Notice of Hearing TO: Peter A. Morel father of M.M., you are hereby notified that a hearing to consider the termination of all your parental rights to M.M. will be held on May 7, 2021., at 8:30 am; at the Superior Court of Vermont, Family Division, Chittenden County, Costello Courthouse, 32 Cherry St. Burlington, Vermont. You are notified to appear in this case. Failure to appear may result in the termination of your parental rights to M.M. Thomas J. Devine Superior Court Judge March 31, 2021 Date STATE OF VERMONT PROBATE COURT DISTRICT OF CHITTENDEN SS. DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-01104 In re the ESTATE of Annette L. Lazarus late of Shelburne, Vermont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS

Design Advisory Board: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening

To the Creditors of Annette L. Lazarus late of Shelburne, Vermont.

Development Review Board - alternate: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening

I have been appointed personal representatives of the above-named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the Register of the Probate Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented as described above within the four (4) month period.

Development Review Board: Term Expires 6/30/24 Two Openings Electric Light Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening Fence Viewers: Term Expires 6/30/22 Three Openings Fire Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening Board of Health: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening Housing Board of Review: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening Library Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 Three Openings Parks and Recreation Commission: Term Expires 6/30/22 One Opening Parks and Recreation Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening

Dated: March 25, 2021 Signed: /s/ Lee Gadbois-Loisel and David Coen Print name: Lee Gadbois-Loisel and David Coen Little & Cicchetti, P.C. P.O. Box 907, Burlington, VT 05402-0907 802-862-6511 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 7, 2021, April 14, 2021 Address of Probate Court: Chittenden District Court, P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402-0511

Planning Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 Four Openings


Police Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening


Public Works Commission: Term Expires 6/30/24 Three Openings

DENIS N. LINEHAN, W.C.A III ASSOCIATION, and OCCUPANTS residing at 4232 Bolton Valley Access Road, Unit 3-L, Bolton, Vermont, Defendants.

Retirement Board: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening


Board of Tax Appeals: Term Expires 6/30/23 Three Openings Board of Tax Appeals: Term Expires 6/30/24 Two Openings Board for Registration of Voters: Term Expires 6/30/26 Two Openings Vehicle for Hire Licensing Board: Term Expires 6/30/24 Three Openings Winooski Valley Park District: Term Expires 6/30/24 One Opening Applications may be submitted to the Clerk/ Treasurer’s Office, 149 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Attn: Lori NO later than Friday, May 14, 2021, by 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Lori at (802) 865-7136 or via email lolberg@

By virtue of the Judgment Order, Decree of Foreclosure, Shortened Redemption Period and Order for Public Sale entered on November 19, 2020, and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage given by Denis N. Linehan, dated March 31, 2015, and recorded in Volume 89 at Page 124 of the Town of Bolton Land Records, which Mortgage Terese M. Ayer is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said Mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same, the undersigned will cause to be sold to the highest bidder at Public Auction at 4232 Bolton Valley Access Road, Unit 3-L, Bolton, Vermont, at 10:00 a.m. on the 5th day of May, 2021, all and singular the premises described in said Mortgage. The property is known as 4232 Bolton Valley Access Road, Unit 3-L, Bolton, Vermont. The real estate is described in the aforesaid Mortgage is as follows:



Legal Notices Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Denis N. Linehan by Warranty Deed of Patrick Ayer and Terese M. Ayer dated March 31, 2015 and recorded in Volume 89, Page 122 of the Bolton Town Land Records, and being more particularly described as follows: Being Apartment 3-L, so-called, in the Bolton Valley Corporation known as Wentworth Condominium No. 3 located in the Town of Bolton, and being as designated in the Declaration establishing a plan of condominium ownership of certain land and buildings in the Town of Bolton, said Declaration being dated January 12, 1973 and recorded in Volume 24, Page 493 of the Bolton Town Land Records. Said Apartment 3-L and as referred to in said Declaration as “free-hold-estate” being entitled Apartment 3-L is conveyed in conformity with Title 27 V.S.A. Section 1301 of the Condominium Ownership Act of the State of Vermont, No. 228 and any amendments thereto, and includes the fee in an undivided 5.46 percentage interest in the common areas and facilities in said Wentworth No. 3 apartments and the real property described in said Declaration. This conveyance is made subject to the provisions of said Condominium Ownership Act and, also specifically, the provisions, restrictions, covenants and agreements set forth in said Declaration above-referred to and to the By-Laws of the Wentworth Association No. 3 attached to the Declaration. Included herewith is an easement in common with the owners of other Units of said Condominium, to the use of any roads, pipes, wires, ducts, cables, conduits, public utility lines and other common elements located in any of these Units or elsewhere on the property and serving this Unit. Included also is an easement of necessity in favor of this Apartment or other Apartments of this Condominium, in all of the common elements above-mentioned. The Condominium Unit herein conveyed is being conveyed to an easement in favor of other Apartment Units in said Condominium to the use of the roads, pipes, wires, ducts, conduits, cables, public utility lines and other common elements located in the Condominium or elsewhere on the property and serving said Units. Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained, all in further aid of this description. The description of the property contained in the Mortgage shall control in the event of a typographical error in this Notice. TERMS OF SALE: The sale will be held at 4232 Bolton Valley Access Road, Unit 3-L, Bolton, Vermont. The property shall be sold AS IS, WITH ALL FAULTS, WITH NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, subject to all easements, rights-of-way, covenants, permits, reservations and restrictions of record, title defects, unforeclosed liens, environmental hazards, unpaid real estate taxes (delinquent and current), current and delinquent assessments in favor of homeowners associations, if any, and municipal liens, to the highest bidder for cash. At the sale, the successful bidder, other than the Mortgagee, shall pay $10,000 down (non-refundable) in cash or bank treasurer check (or a combination thereof). The deposit must be increased to at least 10% of the successful bid within five (5) calendar days of the public sale by an additional payment in cash or by bank treasurer’s check. The successful bidder shall execute a Purchase and Sale Agreement requiring payment of the balance of the purchase price within ten (10) days of entry of the court order confirming the sale. Before being permitted to bid at the sale, bidder shall display to the auctioneer proof of the ability to comply with these requirements. The successful bidder, other than


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

the Mortgagee, must sign a NO CONTINGENCY Purchase and Sale Agreement satisfactory to Mortgagee at the sale. Title will be transferred by the Order Confirming Sale. The person holding the sale may, for good cause, postpone the sale for a period of up to thirty (30) days, from time to time, until it is completed, giving notice of such adjournment and specifying the new date by public proclamation at the time and place appointed for the sale, or by posting notice of the adjournment in a conspicuous place at the location of the sale. Notice of the new sale date shall also be sent by first class mail, postage prepaid, to the Mortgagor at the Mortgagor’s last known address, at least five (5) days before the new sale date. The public sale may be adjourned for a period of time in excess of thirty (30) days by agreement of the Mortgagor and Mortgagee or by order of the court. Other terms to be announced at the sale or contact Ward Law, P.C., 3069 Williston Road, South Burlington, Vermont 05403; (802) 863-0307. The record owner is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the Judgment Order, Decree of Foreclosure, Shortened Redemption Period and Order of Public Sale dated November 19, 2020, including the costs and expenses of sale. Dated at Bridport, Vermont this 25th day of March, 2021. WARD LAW, PC Attorneys for Plaintiff By: /s/ Cynthia R. Amrhein Cynthia R. Amrhein, Esq. 3069 Williston Road South Burlington, VT 05403 (802) 863-0307 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT, DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-01256 In re ESTATE of Estate of William M. Aldrich NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of William M. Aldrich, late of Shelburne, Vermont: I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented as described within the four (4) month period. Dated: 4/7/2021 Signed: /s/ Alexandra M. A. van Breen Executor/Administrator: Alexandra M. A. van Breen 9585 28th Bay Street Norfolk, VA 23518 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 14, 2021 Name of Probate Court: Chittenden Unit, Probate Court Address of Probate Court: P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT, DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-01592 In re ESTATE of Timothy Milne NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Timothy Milne, late of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing

within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented as described within the four (4) month period. Dated: April 12, 2021 Signed: /s/ Robert Milne Executor/Administrator: Robert Milne; c/o Corey F. Wood, Esq. 34 Pearl Street Essex Jct, VT 05452 802-879-6304 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 14, 2021 Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Unit, Probate Division Address of Probate Court: 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION WASHINGTON UNIT, DOCKET NO.: 68011-20 WNPR In re ESTATE of Diana Lawler NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Diana Lawler, late of Dallas, Texas. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented as described within the four (4) month period. Dated: April 12, 2021 Signed: /s/ Cynthia Valenti Executor/Administrator: Cynthia Valenti; c/o Corey F. Wood, Esq. 34 Pearl Street Essex Jct, VT 05452 802-879-6304 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: April 14, 2021 Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Washington Unit, Probate Division Address of Probate Court: 65 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05602 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO. 20-CV-00764 KEVIN VAIL, Plaintiff, v. ELMWOOD MEMORIAL, INC. d/b/a ELMWOOD MEUNIER FUNERAL HOME, JAMES A. MEUNIER, and JOHN J. MEUNIER, Defendants. SUMMONS AND ORDER OF PUBLICATION THIS SUMMONS IS DIRECTED TO: JOHN J. MEUNIER YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has filed a lawsuit against you. A copy of Plaintiff’s Complaint against you has filed been and may be obtained at the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Civil Division, 175 Main Street, Burlington, Vermont 05401. 2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is for relief for personal injuries he sustained as a result of being assaulted by John Meunier at 97-101 Elmwood Ave, Burlington Vermont on June 24, 2019 and the negligent conduct of the named Defendants in this action. 3. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 42 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must file a written Answer Plaintiff’s Complaint within 42 days after the date this Summons was first published on April, 2021 and file it with the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Civil Division at 175 Main Street, Burlington, VT 05401. You must send a copy of your Answer to Plaintiff’s attorney, Stephanie M. Greenlees, at KAPLAN AND KAPLAN, 95 Saint Paul St., Ste. 405, Burlington, VT 05401.

4. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to Plaintiff’s Complaint. Your Answer must state whether you admit or deny each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer. 5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not file your Answer with the Court within 42 days after the date this Summons was first published and send a copy of it to Plaintiff, the Court may enter judgment by default against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. 6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST PLAINTIFF IN YOUR ANSWER. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against Plaintiff, which are called Counterclaims. If your Answer does not state in writing any counterclaims you have against Plaintiff, you will thereafter be barred from making such claims. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you have. 7. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you may ask the court clerk for information about getting free legal help. ORDER IT IS ORDERED that service of the Summons and Complaint cannot be made with due diligence by methods provided in Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure 4(d)-(f), (k), and (l). Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the Defendant, John Meunier, by publication pursuant to V.R.C.P. 4(d) (1) and (g). This Order shall be published in Seven Days, a newspaper of general circulation in Chittenden County, Vermont, once a week for two weeks beginning on April 14, 2021. A copy of this Summons and Order as published shall be mailed to the Defendant, John Meunier, if an address is known. DATED at Burlington, Vermont this 8th day of April, 2021. /s/ Samuel Hoar Presiding Judge Vermont Superior Court Chittenden Civil Division STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 233-4-19 WNCV WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. v. JAMES MCSPARRAN A/K/A JAMES A. MCSPARRAN AND NANCY MCSPARRAN OCCUPANTS OF: 49 Country Way, Barre VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered November 6, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by James McSparran a/k/a James A. McSparran and Nancy McSparran to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., dated April 23, 2013 and recorded in Book 276 Page 415 of the land records of the City of Barre, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 49 Country Way, Barre, Vermont on May 12, 2021 at 10:00AM, all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: ALL THAT CERTAIN LAND SITUATED IN THE STATE OF VERMONT, COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, CITY OF BARRE, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEING LOT #5, TOGETHER WITH IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, AND LOCATED ON AND KNOWN AS 49 COUNTRY WAY, BARRE CITY, SAID LOT CONTAINING

SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS APPROXIMATELY 13, 577 SQUARE FEET, AS SHOWN ON A PLAN OF LOTS ENTITLED “COUNTRY WAY, OFF WESTWOOD PARKWAY, BARRE CITY, VERMONT, PROPERTY SUBDIVISION” RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 3, 1989, IN PLAT BOOK 3, PAGE 48 OF THE CITY OF BARRE LAND RECORDS. APN #: 0432-0049-0000 Commonly known as: 49 Country Way, Barre, VT 05641 Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED: March 31, 2021 By: /s/ Loraine L. Hite Loraine L. Hite, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT WINDSOR UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 3548-18 WRCV ARGOLICA LLC v. JANET DIMICK, AS ADMINISTRATOR TO THE ESTATE OF NINA GRACE DIMICK, CREDIT ACCEPTANCE CORPORATION, CAPITAL ONE BANK (USA), N.A., HSBC FINANCE CORPORATION AND BENEFICIAL MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW HAMPSHIRE OCCUPANTS OF: 2247 E Woodstock Road, Woodstock VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered August 2, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Nina Grace Dimick to Beneficial Mortgage Co. of New Hampshire, dated May 13, 2002 and recorded in Book 159 Page 70 of the land records of the Town of Woodstock, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Beneficial New Hampshire Inc. to Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB d/b/a Christiana Trust, not in its individual capacity but solely as trustee for the RMAC Trust, Series 2015-5T dated August 20, 2015 and recorded in Book 252 Page 667; (2) Assignment of Mortgage from Beneficial New Hampshire Inc., successor by merger to Beneficial Mortgage Co. of New Hampshire to Citibank, N.A., not in its individual capacity, but solely as trustee of NRZ Pass-Through Trust VI dated January 12, 2018 and recorded in Book 263 Page 171; (3) Assignment of Mortgage from Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB d/b/a Christiana Trust, not in its individual capacity but solely as trustee for the RMAC Trust, Series 2015-5T to Citibank, N.A., not in its individual capacity, but solely as trustee of NRZ Pass-Through Trust VI dated June 14, 2018 and recorded in Book 264 Page 582; (4) Assignment of Mortgage from Citibank, N.A., not in its individual capacity, but solely as trustee of NRZ Pass-Through Trust VI to Atlantica, LLC dated July 9, 2019 and recorded in Book 269 Page 339; (5) Assignment of


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Mortgage from Atlantica, LLC to Cilici, LLC dated July 11, 2019 and recorded in Book 269 Page 340; (6) Assignment of Mortgage from Cilici, LLC to Alaska Louisiana Partners, a Limited Partnership, an Alaskan Limited Partnership dated July 7, 2020 and recorded in Book 274 Page 370; and (7) Assignment of Mortgage from Alaska Louisiana Partners, A Limited Partnership, An Alaska Limited Partnership to Argolica, LLC dated September 16, 2020 and recorded in Book 275 Page 577 all of the land records of the Town of Woodstock for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 2247 E Woodstock Road, Woodstock, Vermont on May 7, 2021 at 10:30 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: BEING ALL AND THE SAME LANDS AND PREMISES CONVEYED BY MARION K. DIMICK TO NINA GRACE DIMICK BY WARRANTY DEED DATED JUNE 27, 1977 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 67, PAGE 260 OF THE WOODSTOCK LAND RECORDS, AND FURTHER: BEING LIKEWISE ALL THE SAME LANDS AND PREMISES CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED OF HAROLD L. POTWIN AND MYRLE E. POTWIN TO HOWARD A. DIMICK (NOW DECEASED) AND MARION K. DIMICK ON MAY 17, 1956 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 53, PAGE 550 OF THE WOODSTOCK LAND RECORDS. THE KNOWLTON PLACE SO-CALLED CONSISTING OF ABOUT TWO ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, WITH HOUSE AND OTHER BUILDINGS THEREON STANDING NEAR THE VILLAGE OF TAFTSVILLE ON THE EASTERLY SIDE OF THE HIGHWAY LEADING FROM WOODSTOCK TO TAFTSVILLE. BOUNDED ON THE EASTERLY BY OTTAUQUECHEE RIVER AND WESTERLY BY THE HIGHWAY KNOWN AS U.S. 4. INCLUDING WHATEVER WATER RIGHTS WE HAVE IN THE ARTESIAN WELL LOCATED ON SAID PREMISES BUT NOT INCLUDING THE RIGHT TO A SPRING WATER CONVEYED TO US TO (SIC) BY ZINA GEORGE WHICH SPRING IS NO LONGER USED AT THIS RESIDENCE. ALSO CONVEYING A SMALL PARCEL OF LAND ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF THE MAIN HIGHWAY ABOVE REFERRED TO AND BEING ALL THE SAME LAND AND PREMISES CONVEYED TO HAROLD L. POTWIN AND MYRLE E. POTWIN BY HENRY G. GRAMLING AND EUNICE B. GRAMLING BY DEED AUGUST 21, 1951, RECORDED IN THE LAND RECORDS OF WOODSTOCK ON PAGE 323 OF BOOK 51. THE PARCEL HEREBY CONVEYED IS DESCRIBED AS BEGINNING AT AN IRON STAKE AND STONES SITUATED ON THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAID HIGHWAY NEAR A BIRCH TREE, WHICH IS THE SOUTHEASTERLY CORNER OF THE PREMISES HEREBY CONVEYED; THENCE FOLLOWING WESTERLY 665 FEET ALONG THE HIGHWAY ABOVE MENTIONED TO A CORNER MARKED BY AN IRON STAKE AND STONES; THENCE NORTHERLY DOWN THE BACK TO THE OTTAUQUECHEE RIVER; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG THE OTTAUQUECHEE RIVER 665 FEET TO A CORNER AND THENCE SOUTHERLY UP THE BANK TO THE IRON STAKE AND STONES FIRST ABOVE MENTIONED AS THE POINT OF BEGINNING. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale.

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DATED: March 24, 2021 By: /s/ Loraine L. Hite Loraine L. Hite, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032

Section 7.2: General Standards Section 7.3: Protection of Natural and Cultural Resources Section 8.5: Review Standards Section 10.2: Definitions

TOWN OF BOLTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Bolton Select Board, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Hwy. Bolton, Vermont 05676

Copies of the proposed amendments are available for inspection, with an appointment, at the Bolton Town Office, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway (RT 2) Bolton, VT 05676, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday to Thursday, except holidays, and on the Town’s website selectboard/

The Bolton Select Board will hold a virtual public hearing on Monday, May 3rd, 2021 at 6:00 pm to obtain public feedback regarding a proposed amendment to the 2017 Town Plan, and proposed amendments to the Bolton Land Use and Development Regulations. To participate in this virtual meeting via computer, please use the following link: join/666527389 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (872) 240-3311 - One-touch: tel:+18722403311,,666527389# Access Code: 666-527-389 Town Plan proposed amendment

Zoning Map

The hearings are open to the public. If you cannot attend the hearing, comments may be made in writing prior to the hearing and mailed to: Town Clerk, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway (US Route 2), Bolton, VT 05676, or via email to: clerkbolton@

TOWN OF ESSEX ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT PUBLIC HEARING MAY 6, 2021 - 6:00 PM This meeting will be held remotely.

The purpose is to amend the Proposed Land Use map by adjusting and expanding the Forest and Conservation Districts, which will improve forest block and wildlife habitat connectivity, and by expanding the Village District, which will provide regulatory relief to property owners on the Bolton Valley Access Road who want to enlarge homes or accessory structures.

Join via Microsoft Teams at https://www.essexvt. org/870/5481/Join-ZBA-Meeting

Geographic areas affected include properties located near or on the following roads: Stage, Theodore Roosevelt Hwy, Notch, Mountain View Dr, Bear Mountain, Fern Hollow, Green Mountain, Bolton Valley Access, Curtis Ln, Hummingbird Ln, Duxbury, Honey Hollow, and Sharkeyville. Additionally, any property that is undeveloped, that lacks road frontage, or contains the Forest zoning district may be affected by these amendments.

- Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed here: https:// public-wifi-hotspots-vermont

Specific sections to be amended: Map 12

Depending on your browser, you may need to call in for audio (below). - Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 480 347 627#

1. VARIANCE: Matt & Cara Bogaczyk: Proposal for a 5’ variance to construct a garage with a portion being 10’ from the westerly-side property line located at 16 Foster Rd in R2 Zone. Tax Map 45, Parcel 29. 2. Minutes: March 4, 2021 Note: Visit our website at if you have questions or call 802-878-1343.

Land Use and Development Regulations proposed amendments The purpose of these amendments is to: 1. Improve protections for existing contiguous forest blocks and provide increased connectivity for wildlife habitat, and to provide regulatory relief for property owners on the Bolton Valley Access Rd. who want to expand homes or accessory structures.

VILLAGE OF ESSEX JUNCTION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING MAY 6, 2021 6:00 P.M. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this meeting will be held remotely. The meeting will be live-streamed on Town Meeting TV. • JOIN ONLINE: Click here to join the meeting.

2. Improve the protection and review of natural resources identified in the 2017 Bolton Town Plan.

Visit for meeting connection information.

3. Lessen the need for DRB review by allowing administrative approval of dead tree removal within stream buffers.

• JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 465996112#.

4. Disallow motor vehicle salvage yards as a conditional use in town.

Work Session for updates to the Village of Essex Junction Land Development Code. Design Five Corners and design review amendments.

5. Increase the size and variety of accessory dwelling units as associated with primary dwelling units.

This DRAFT agenda may be amended. Any questions re: above please call Robin Pierce or Terry Hass – 878-6950

6. Provide increased regulatory guidance to accessory on-farm businesses. All geographic areas in Bolton will be affected by these amendments. Specific sections to be amended: Section 2.3: Application of District Standards Section 3.4: Equal Treatment of Housing Section 3.17: Surface Waters and Wetlands Section 4.2: Accessory Dwelling Section 4.18: Salvage Yard Section 4.21: Addition of new section on agricultural businesses Section 5.2: Application Requirements Section 5.3: Site Plan Review Section 5.4: Conditional Use Review

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Saint Michael’s College is seeking applications from dependable, efficient painters to work from May 17 - August 20. Employment is full-time with tasks that include but are not limited to:

You are a systems mastermind who likes people. You know first-hand the power of technology to unlock potential. You will bring your expertise to a mission-driven organization. We are seeking a people-focused leader, someone: • who can transform our Information Technology in support of our strategic evolution • who is customer-focused to the core • who seeks to join a collaborative and respectful culture of fun, dedicated people.

• Interior and exterior painting of academic buildings and residence halls • Prewashing of wall • Minor drywall repairs to include taping and sanding Experience preferred and should have ability to work independently. An offer of employment will be contingent upon the successful completion of a background check and a physical screening. To apply online, please visit:

Is currently seeking:

Apply today at Position will stay opened until filled. The Vermont Land Trust is an E.O.E. We honor and invite people of all backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.

Maintenance Work at Camp Keewaydin Looking for someone to help with maintenance at our two summer camps on Lake Dunmore, 12:57 PM April-October. Work includes repairs, mowing, painting, cleaning and firewood. Great work environment and competitive pay. Contact Lee Randlett at 2v-KeewaydinFoundation041421.indd 1

4/13/21 9:39 AM


The Town of Jericho, VT is seeking the services of a Recording Secretary for 4t-StMichaelsCollegePAINT041421.indd 1 4/12/21 4t-VTLandTrust040721.indd 10:15 AM 1 4/6/21 2:12 PM the Jericho Selectboard. Services required include attending meetings (1st & 3rd Thursday of each month starting at 7pm for Jericho Selectboard) and furnishing STERILE PROCESSING TECHNICIAN written minutes of each Vermont Tent Company is currently accepting applications (CSR TECH I) meeting to town staff within for immediate employment as well as future summer/fall five days of each meeting. employment starting in May. We have full time, part time, after Evening and Night Shifts The expected hourly rate school and weekend hours available for each position. Pay rates This position is responsible for all sterilization in the range is $12.00-$15.00. vary by position with minimum starting wage ranging from $15hospital including: cleaning, preparation, assembling $20/hour depending on job skills and experience. and packing of all surgical instruments; and quality Interested persons may control testing, monitoring all cleaning and sterilization Opportunities include: submit a resume for service to equipment, maintaining records, and following the surgical • Tent Installation/Delivery Team Paula Carrier, Administrative schedule. Must be a high school graduate; 1 year of • Driver/Warehouse Team – Event Division Assistant, via email at college and 1 year of health care experience is preferred. • Drivers/Delivery or via Certification as CRCST must be obtained within 12 months • Linen Team mail at P.O. Box 39, Jericho, in this role (will provide training). • Inventory Maintenance Team – Wash Bay & Warehouse VT 05465. The town will • Load Crew Team Members receive applications until Learn more and apply: person is selected. For job descriptions and application.

4t-UVMMedCenter042121.indd 1

3/19/214v-VTTentCo031721.indd 2:03 PM 1

1 3/15/213v-TownofJericho032421.indd 4:30 PM

3/23/21 11:56 AM




Full or Part Time Bergeron, Paradis & Fitzpatrick has an immediate opening for a full or part-time legal assistant for real estate transactional work. Please send resumes to the attention of Robin Beane, PO Box 174, Essex Jct., VT 05453, or email to:

65 APRIL 14-21, 2021

NOW HIRING! Join Community Health Centers of Burlington (CHCB), where we strive for and work toward our mission to provide health care to all people, regardless of their life circumstances.

The Norman Williams Public Our employment opportunities are continually changing! Library is seeking a Youth · Medical Assistants · Human Resources Specialist Services Librarian. The ideal 2h-BergeronParadis&Fitzpatrick041421.indd 1 SALAMI AND SAUSAGE 4/9/21 9:45 AM · Payroll Specialist candidate will exhibit a · Medical Records Representative PRODUCTION SPECIALIST collaborative and energetic · Dentists · Director of Behavioral Health spirit while maintaining a Programs · Dental Hygienist safe & inviting environment Babette’s Table, an award winning cured meat for all. Excellent customer Applicants can apply to business in Waitsfield, is looking for a full-time service skills and an eagerness salami and sausage production specialist. We are an equal employment opportunity employer, and are especially interested in to connect with community candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the organization. We will train the right candidate! members through engaging Apply at: Check out our careers at programs and other library services are crucial to this position. If you have a genuine care for youth, and a passion2h-BabettesTable040721.indd 1 4/6/21 4t-CHCB041420.indd 10:52 AM 1 4/12/21 11:08 AM ASSOCIATE ATTORNEY Centers for Wellbeing for encouraging & inspiring Hayes, Windish & Badgewick is seeking readers, then we want to hear from you. This is a 30-hour/ an associate attorney to join our team. Counselor/Social Worker week benefited position. Preference is given to those with 3-5 Saturday hours are required. years’ experience in civil litigation, but The Invest EAP Centers for Wellbeing is seeking a skilled For the full job description: Librarian_Job

3v-NormanWilliamsLibrary040421.indd 1

4/5/21 10:18 AM


Master’s level counselor or social worker. We’re a growing and dynamic team with diverse and engaging responsibilities. Our clients represent a broad cross-section of mostly adults throughout Vermont, and our dedicated counselors work collaboratively to provide short-term solution-focused counseling, resources, and support.

This position will join our mission to provide a high-touch and individualized response to each Vermonter to help with the daily life challenges that we all experience. Cover letter and resume to Marc Adams, by May 3, 2021. Steady salary with high-end health and retirement benefits. Equal Opportunity Employer.

those just starting with strong work ethic and motivation will be considered too.

We are a small general practice firm with an emphasis on civil litigation, insurance defense, and workers’ compensation matters. We seek a candidate who is interested and has high ethical standards, strong skills in research and writing, along with the patience and desire to learn the profession. Competitive pay and benefits offered. Position to remain open until filled. Please send your resume and cover letter electronically to: Penny Webster, Office Manager HAYES, WINDISH & BADGEWICK

Shelburne Museum is hiring seasonal, full time groundskeepers. The groundskeepers are responsible 4t-InvestEAP04142 1 4/12/214t-HayesWindish&Badgewick012021.indd 2:17 PM 1 1/19/21 for general maintenance of Shelburne Museum’s landscape on the main campus and our founders’ estate, Brick YOU WILL FIND House. They also operate and maintain a variety of landscape equipment including string Saint Michael’s College is seeking applications from dependable, trimmers, push mowers and efficient carpenters to work from May 17 - August 20. Employment backpack blowers, provide is full-time with tasks that include but are not limited to: CRACK OPEN YOUR FUTURE... regular maintenance of gravel roads and walking paths, with our mobile-friendly job board. • Repairs building construction (drywall, doors, roofs, floors, etc.) repair fences and prune trees in academic buildings and residence halls Job seekers can: and bushes. • Minor repairs to furniture in academic buildings and



Other Duties include Spring and Fall cleanup, mulching gardens, and occasional maintenance of gardens as needed. For more information and how to apply, visit about/employment/.

3v-ShelburneMuseum032421.indd 1

residence halls • Supports other trades within Facilities Experience required and should have ability to work independently. An offer of employment will be contingent upon the successful completion of a background check and a physical screening.

• Browse hundreds of current, local positions from Vermont companies. • Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type. • Set up job alerts. • Apply for jobs directly through the site.

Please apply online at:

4/13/21 4t-StMichaelsCollegeCARPENTER041421.indd 10:11 AM 1

11:09 AM


1 4/13/21 4t-JobsFiller_.indd 10:01 AM

10/13/20 1:25 PM




APRIL 14-21, 2021

COMMERCIAL ROOFERS • Full time year round employment • Good benefits • Experience in installing Epdm, Tpo, Pvc roofing • EOE/M/F/VET/Disability employer • Pay negotiable with experience

Apply in person: 252 Avenue C, Williston, VT 05495 802-862-6473 E.O.E.


2h-ACHathorne032421.indd 1

Hotel Vermont is looking for warm and engaging Vermonters to help our guests explore like a local and relax like it’s their job. Do you like connecting with others? Are you passionate about Vermont winters? And springs, summers and autumns? What year is your Subaru? What’s your idea of a perfect day in Vermont? Or night? Do you embody our ideals of community through your positive and respectful attitude? Do you like questions? We can’t wait to hear your answers! Hotel Vermont - Cherry St, Burlington


Community organizer sought to coordinate our Brattleboro chapter and build out a chapter in Bennington County. Salary commensurate with experience. Generous benefits. For more details:

3/23/211t-VTInterfaithAction041421.indd 9:45 AM 1


4/13/21 9:36 AM

At Vermont Creamery, our employees are our greatest resource. We are a community that empowers our team to engage and live our mission every day. We know that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts, and here, the whole is powered by a spirit of collaboration and transparency.

Full time

Competitive pay & benefits, includes a sign on bonus and a superior work environment! 1t-WaterburyPublicLibrary040721.indd


Benefits matter; that’s why we offer a competitive package. Our benefits program includes medical, vision & dental insurance, retirement plans & a total well-being approach. Perks to keep you healthy & happy include a wellness program, time off & tuition assistance. A certified B Corp since 2014, we’re using our business as a force for good.

4/2/21 1:01 PM

Full Time


Interested in learning more, contact us at:

Multiple Shifts Available


4/12/21 1:49 PM

Allied Universal is Currently Hiring Full Time Security Officers for a Manufacturing Site in Essex Junction VT 5v-VTCreamery041421.indd

Ideal Candidate Would Possess: • Military/Law Enforcement work history or College Degree • Valid Driver’s License

Assistant Director of National Service Programs

Apply at:

2v-AlliedUniversal033121.indd 1 4/9/21 If you are an organized and detail-oriented person with good written and verbal communication skills, computer proficiency, administrative experience, and a positive attitude, then this may be the job for you. Prior National Service or Peace Corps experience a plus. This position is one of three Assistant Directors who help Bee’s Wrap shapes intentional manage two statewide AmeriCorps programs.

Duties: recruit, support, and manage AmeriCorps members and sites; help manage grants and write reports; coordinate and facilitate monthly training; implement public relations campaigns; maintain data bases and websites; and monitor members and sites. Send cover letter and resume to Hiring Committee at by 21 April 2021. Position starts in May. • Salary Range $37,000 – 43,000 • Health Insurance & Generous Leave Policy.

To apply, please call 802-479-9371 or apply online at:

• Starting Wage - $18.50/hour • Multiple Shifts Available

We’re looking for a dynamic individual to help support the VT Youth Development Corps AmeriCorps State and VT Youth Tomorrow AmeriCorps VISTA Programs.

5v-WCYSB040721.indd 1

• Safety & Training Coordinator • Creamery Supervisor - 2nd Shift • HR Coordinator


We are interviewing for:

4t-HotelVTnightAudit041421 1

We are an E.O.E. Background Check Required.


habits without compromise for people, our core purpose, and the planet. We thrive in a fast-paced, collaborative environment and employ a growing workforce in Middlebury. We are currently hiring for the following positions:

• Production Staff • Staff Accountant • Customer Experience Manager • Purchasing & Supply Chain Specialist Visit our website to apply!

4/2/212v-BeesWrap040721.indd 4:18 PM 1


4/9/21 10:26 AM

Reporter, Environment and Climate Change

VPR is hiring a full-time reporter to cover climate change and the environment in Vermont. We seek an enterprising, thoughtful journalist to cover this new beat in our growing, award-winning newsroom.

We’re looking for a graceful storyteller and dogged 9:05 AMpursuer of truth. You must have a passion for covering Vermont communities and be equally adept at breaking news and creating engaging and deeply reported enterprise stories. You must also be committed to diversity in reporting and sourcing. A mastery of many skills is needed for today’s reporters: broadcast and digital storytelling, editing, photography and social media know-how. You must love the medium of public radio, but you don’t need direct broadcast experience. We’re looking for at least one year of journalism experience, more preferred. Read the full job description and the application requirement at Vermont Public Radio provides equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment, and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type, without regard to race, color, religion, age, sex, national origin, disability status, genetics, protected veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

4/5/21 4:14 PM 5v-VPR040721.indd 1

4/5/21 10:06 AM



Good Samaritan Haven is looking for a Donor Manager to support its fundraising efforts. This team member is responsible for managing the database and donor relations with an ability to focus on both big picture needs and the smallest details. This position requires comfort and experience with technology as well as an ability to be congenial and effective with both staff and donors. The successful candidate will be professional, and have a demonstrated commitment to serving those in need. This position for the right candidate is a great opportunity for professional growth and advancement in the field of philanthropy. The Donor Manager reports to the Executive Director, works closely with the development team and collaboratively with all staff.

POSITION DETAILS: Full time position, though willing to consider candidates who want to work 30+ hours. Flextime. During covid work will be performed remotely. After, the job will require some time in the office along with remote work. Must be willing to work occasional evenings and weekends. Salary range $39,000 - $45,000. Good Samaritan Haven is committed to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace. We seek to strengthen our organization by encouraging candidates from various backgrounds and experiences. For more information and to apply:

APRIL 14-21, 2021

Restaurant Managers

Business Analyst




Select is searching for an experienced business professional to support project management and logistics of our internal and external resources, domestically and internationally, to ensure that we meet our clients’ delivery expectations. The ideal candidate will thrive through adaptability and bring a brave, curious mind to generate solutions. Responsibilities: manage fulfillment & warehouse process development, maintain activity and communication with third party (3PL) partners, collaborate and communicate with internal stakeholders, and distribute accurate shipping and receiving details to all parties. Qualifications: 2-years experience working in a logistics or project management role, proficient in Microsoft Office Suites & navigating marketing technology products. Bachelor degree preferred.

Get ready Burlington restaurant managers because we are getting ready to open a super high quality, take-out sandwich, proven franchise with plans to open several more around the state. As Assistant Manager to start, you will take part in front of house and back of house responsibilities, including hiring, ordering and customer care. We are looking for a dynamic leader who is looking for a career with flexible hours. Some equity ownership is part of this amazing opportunity. $21 an hour start plus plenty of upside & benefits. Let’s talk about details!

2v-EdgarRoadPartners041421.indd 1

4/12/21 4:17 PM

Apply: Full Listing:

Sales & Estimator Associate

We are looking for a Retail Sales Representative to provide excellent customer service for our business. 5v-GoodSamaritanHaven040721.indd 1 4/6/215v-SelectDesign041421 2:16 PM 1 4/12/21 10:49 AMCandidates with strong communication skills who can make customers feel welcome in our store will stand out. You will help identify client needs, present and answer questions about our products and services and recommend solutions. A positive attitude EXPERIENCED PROJECT MANAGER / and a desire to promptly COMMERCIAL MECHANICAL ESTIMATOR Join our team, evaluating farmland conservation grant applications resolve potential customer issues or complaints will make and assisting with the administration of the VHCB Farmland A successful candidate will be dedicated, organized, focused, and able you successful in this role. Conservation Program to conserve important agricultural land. to balance multiple deadlines and priorities. This role requires the Ultimately, you will ensure that customers leave our store ability to collaborate with others with a high level of partnership and Help with policy development and provide technical assistance satisfied and you provide an accountability. Excellent interpersonal skills and customer service a and capacity-building support in collaboration with applicants amazing shopping experience. must as well as the ability to self-motivate and work independently. A successful member of the OPH Corp. is kind, flexible, and a go getter! and partners. Qualifications include experience with agricultural • Full-time 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington, VT (802) 864.9075


Farmland Conservation Analyst

Qualifications • 3 + years' experience with Commercial Plumbing construction estimating/Project Management • Possess skill and understanding in conceptual estimating • Experience with Trimble estimating/Onscreen takeoff program a plus. • Proven project estimating and/or project management success. • Excellent verbal and written skills. • Advanced knowledge or estimating strategies and techniques. • Knowledge of estimating software programs Microsoft Word/Excel OPH offers a competitive salary, paid time off, health, dental, and vision insurance. Come join a team where you are not just an employee, you are part of the OPH Family. Please email resumes to or call 802-878-6004 with questions.

5v-OuellettePlumbing&Heating041421.indd 1

land conservation easements and transactions; addition• Pay: $11.00 - $17.00 per hour based on experience ally, knowledge and experience in natural resources and land Send resumes to: eric@ use planning desired. Proficiency in data and financial analysis and management is important. Strong organizational skills, keen attention to detail, and excellent written and oral communication skills and proficiency with Word, Excel, and3v-CountrysideCarpet&Paint040721.indd 1 4/2/21 2:05 PM PowerPoint required. Experience working with non-profit organizations, municipalities, and state and federal agencies is important. Full-time position with competitive salary and comprehensive benefits package. For the full job description visit: EOE. Please reply by April 27 with cover letter and résumé to:

4/13/21 5v-VHCB041421 10:03 AM 1

4/9/217spot.indd 9:05 AM 1

10/29/19 12:12 PM




APRIL 14-21, 2021


FULL TIME HOME HEALTH CARE Nights (License not required)

ROOM ATTENDANTS/ MAINTENANCE STAFF Waterbury hotel is hiring full-time room attendants (32 hours or more). We are looking for detailed oriented people who can clean 10-15 rooms daily, be reliable, and work weekends and holidays. Excellent attendance is imperative. We will provide you a uniform, and sick and vacation days, use of our health club and pool. Our award-winning team can take home $100-200 additional in tips. The usual working hours are 8:30-4:30 daily. If you have experience, we will compensate you accordingly. If you are new to the trade, we will train you and re-evaluate your skills in 90 days. The salary range is $15-17 p/hr. We are also hiring a full-time maintenance person and full-time breakfast staff. We have a great team, lots of company perks, and we look forward to hearing from you. Email your resume to or call 802-244-7822 to schedule an interview.

3v-BestWesternWaterbury041421.indd 1

We are interviewing for:

Are you interested in a fulfilling experience in home care away from institutional stress? Do you want to be able to provide the quality of care that you know you can give?

Hotel Vermont is looking for warm and engaging Vermonters to help our guests explore like a local and relax like it’s their job.

We’re looking for a compassionate and reliable caregiver to make a difference in the quality of life for our special needs son in our home. He is a very mild-mannered individual with no behavioral issues.

Do you like connecting with others? Are you passionate about Vermont winters? And springs, summers and autumns? What year is your Subaru? What’s your idea of a perfect day in Vermont? Or night? Do you embody our ideals of community through your positive and respectful attitude? Do you like questions? We can’t wait to hear your answers!

Please talk to us about working in a peaceful and pleasant home environment. The relaxed and personal one-to-one care enables you to develop a close patient connection instead of the overloaded, multi-patient expectations that leave you exhausted. Care includes administering meds, nighttime personal care, companionship, and overnight monitoring.

Hotel Vermont - Cherry St, Burlington

Work independently and feel appreciated knowing that you were a big part of making someone safe, content, and wellcared for overnight. Quiet lakeside home with separate suite creates an enjoyable working environment, yet provides close proximity for family and support. Cheerful setting has bath, galley kitchen, and living area.


4t-HotelVTgeneral041421 1

4/12/21 1:47 PM

Full-time position, $17.85/hr, with paid training. COVID-19 vaccination required. Call, text, or email Don. Cell: 802-578-5888 email:


1 4/12/215v-DonPierson033121.indd 1:14 PM

3/26/21 4:11 PM

Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company!


Carpenters, Carpenters’ Helpers, Laborers

The Charlotte News is a 62 year-old, bi-weekly, nonprofit, community newspaper. We are hiring an editor with these responsibilities:

DEW Construction Corporation is seeking reliable and self-motivated Carpenters and Carpenters’ Helpers to work in the Chittenden County/Northern, VT area. Commercial construction experience is a must and an exceptional safety record is required.

• plan and edit the paper • ensure coverage of town meetings & newsworthy issues • manage production staff, community writers and freelancers • contribute bylined stories Full job description at Send resumé and three writing samples to john@ Applications considered in order received, deadline is April 30.

We also have immediate full-time openings for Laborers. We want people who are willing to do whatever is asked while learning a trade. This includes odd jobs, cleaning, and helping out where needed. DEW offers an excellent benefit package including: health and dental insurance, 401(k) with a company contribution, life insurance, short and long term disability, paid holidays and vacation. If you would like to become part of one of Northern New England’s most dynamic construction companies and a named best place to work for 3 years in a row, please e-mail us a resume. Please also complete an application, which can be found on our website, A signing bonus is offered. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. • Job Type: Full-time • Pay: $18.00 - $28.00 per hour COVID-19 considerations: We have a COVID-19 Safety Plan in place for all job sites and follow all federal and state guidelines. Employee safety is our primary concern.

5v-DEW041421.indd 1

We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!

Social Media Leader: This person will update

and implement our social media strategy, creating phased, macro goals and KPIs for the portfolio overall. The SML will be proficient in social media functionality and best practices, and will create differentiated strategies for all of our significant branded social properties on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube and Vimeo. S/he will provide analysis about all platforms and the portfolio, in cooperation with our business analysts and agency. Our ideal candidate will have 2-5yrs pertinent digital/social marketing experience; a 4-Yr college degree or equivalent life experience; be proficient in marketing/social media analysis; and able to craft and implement social marketing strategy for growth.

Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

4/9/21 6t-GardenersSupplySOCIALmedia041421 11:21 AM 1 SocialMedLead7D_041221.indd 1

4/12/21 11:56 10:41 AM



Just Cut is a social enterprise of the Center for Agricultural Economy and an essential connection between food growers and buyers that operates out of one of the Vermont Food Venture Center’s (VFVC) commercial kitchens. We purchase, inspect, wash, prepare (by hand and machine) and deliver Vermont-grown produce to kitchens both large and small. By partnering with local farmers, food buyers across New England, and a regional delivery network, we help ensure the viability of Vermont’s working landscapes and provide greater accessibility of high-quality produce to all markets. Just Cut’s highest aspiration is to show that a conscious, conscientious supply chain is possible - one that strives to do well by all food system participants, from the land to the farmer to the processor to the consumer. For more info visit: Days Employment Ad.pdf 1 4/12/21 4:16 PM hiring-local-food-production-manager.

The Payroll Specialist will perform payroll and accounting tasks; will support both internal and external customers and must be detail-oriented, organized, and self-disciplined in time management. Successful applicants will have an Associate’s degree in Accounting or 2-3 years’ related work experience or training in accounting/payroll, or an equivalent combination of education and experience; experience with accounting programs and payroll software; and proficiency in MS Office and Excel.

Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County. Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.

We offer a great working environment and an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, paid holidays, generous vacation and sick leave, and more. learn more about applying for this position, please visit

2v-MJSContracting080818.indd 1

Local entrepreneur pursuing “practice retirement” seeks confidential personal assistant to help with a variety of ideas and tasks. Not sure yet what all it will entail, but certain to include:


Positions Include:

•Customer Service & Sales Coordinator •Creamery Production Manager •Experienced Cheesemaker •Cheese Ripening — Cheddar Focus •Assistant Herdsperson •R&D/Sensory Manager •Purchasing Manager •Continuous Improvement Manager •Sanitation/Quality&Food Safety Specialist •Goat Team Member

8/6/18 10:42 AM


The review of applications begins immediately and will continue until suitable candidates are found.

5v-CVOEOpayroll040721.indd 1

APRIL 14-21, 2021

Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!

Do you want to work for an Agency that positively impacts the lives of over 20,000 individuals? Our Finance team seeks a motivated accounting or payroll professional with a passion for our mission.

4/13/21 9:54 AM To

Yes, you—a passionate individual who takes pride in your work, who is excited to make award-winning cheese, and who wants to preserve Vermont’s working landscape. Submit your application today!




We’re looking for the right mix of production and management skills to add to our Farm-toInstitution social enterprise, Just Cut!

4t-CenterforAgEconomy041421.indd 1


• light bookkeeping social media • contractor management • real estate oversight • scheduling • project chasing • phone wrangling • copy writing • light research • party planning, etc.

4/6/21 2:13 PM •


The Central Vermont Solid Management Waste Management The Central Vermont Solid Waste District (CVSWMD)is is seeking an experienced, District (CVSWMD) seeking an experienced, part- parttime (20 bookkeeper in ourinoffice in ce in time (20hours hoursa week) a week) bookkeeper our offi Montpelier, Vermont. Ideal candidate has bookkeeping Montpelier, Vermont. Ideal candidate has bookkeeping experience, works with staff, vendors, and and experience, workseffectively effectively with staff, vendors, customers, and world of financing. customers, andloves lovesthethe world of financing. Minimum qualifications include an Associate’s Degree in Accounting and twoinclude years of relevant Minimum qualifications an Associate’s experience, plus at least one year using QuickofBooks Degree in Accounting and two years relevant accounting software and Microsoft Office. experience, plus at least one year using Quick Books Compensation: Betweenand $15Microsoft and $19 per accounting software Offihour, ce.

Extremely flexible position. Work as much as you want (if you can help make things happen). Work as little as you want (if you are super efficient). If job structure is important, best not to apply. Spanish speaker a plus. Very good compensation for the right person. Email resume to LITTLEVILLAGEENTERPRISES@ GMAIL.COM

commensurate with experience, plus excellent prorated benefits. Between For more information Compensation: $15 and and $19to per hour,3v-LittleVillageEnterprise041421.indd review the job description visit commensurate with experience, plus excellent employment--rfps pro-rated benefits. For more information and to


4/13/21 9:57 AM

Apply to; include review the job description visit please Bookkeeper in the subject line. Applications must employment--rfps

include a cover letter, resume, and three professional references. This position is open until filled. Apply to; please include

6t-JasperHillFarm041421 1

Bookkeeper in the subject line. Applications must include a cover letter, resume, and three professional 1 4/5/217spot.indd 9:50 AM 1 4/12/215v-CVSWMD040721.indd 4:49 PM references. This position is open until filled.

10/29/19 12:12 PM




APRIL 14-21, 2021

South Hollow Construction is Growing... Business is booming & we are expanding our team!


SHC is a small family run company working primarily in Waterbury, Stowe, and the Mad River Valley. We specialize in new residential builds and additions, with a focus on energy efficiency and green building. We enjoy what we do and it shows in our roster of clients, word of mouth referrals and slate of interesting projects ahead.

Driver wanted to transport an individual twice a day, morning and afternoon, M-F. We provide vehicle, maintenance, fuel, and insurance.

Pay is above industry average. A valid driver’s license and reliable transportation are a must and resumes and references are helpful too. Come work with us; our crew is a mix of veterans and apprentices so you will fit right in! Email contact info to


2v-VTRideNetwork041421.indd 1

For a detailed job description:

2v-TownofGeorgia033121.indd 1



4t-ChamplainCommunityServicesMULTI040721.indd 1

4/2/21 11:52 AM

➢ Dedicated student support

➢ Starting wage of $15.46 with potential to earn $16.25 after one year


Library Assistant

Do you love books? Are you warm, detail-oriented, and flexible? Do you have good customer service skills and knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite? GPL needs a personable bookworm to be responsible for weekly Storytimes, and other programming; interlibrary loans, and checking books in and out for patrons.


Join us and apply today at

➢ Guaranteed employment *

Over the past twenty years, Vermont HITEC educated and employed over 1,600 individuals in the healthcare, information technology, advanced manufacturing, and business services fields. We are accepting applications Apply: for our latest healthcare program. The program offers eight weeks of Phlebotomy training at no cost and immediate employment and 2v-WestminsterStoneWorks040721.indd 1 4/6/21 2:03 PM apprenticeship as a Phlebotomist with the UVM Medical Center (up to 12 positions) upon successful completion.

Georgia Public Library (GPL) is accepting applications for a 20-25 hr/week Library Assistant.

Champlain Community Services is proud to be voted as one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont” for the third year in a row and we want you to be a part of our team! Our current openings for Employment Specialist, Service Coordinator, Direct Support Professionals, Respite, Overnight Supports & Shared Living Providers offer opportunities to make a positive impact on someone’s life, and in yours. CCS employees receive a comprehensive benefits package, including paid time off, affordable health insurance, paid holidays and more.

We are looking for employees with a strong work ethic and the ability to work alone or on a team. We offer a flexible schedule, room for advancement, paid holidays and an enjoyable work environment. Positions range from carpenter’s helper to foreman, with full-time or part-time, over-time and short-time schedules available.

Must have a clean license and must be able to pass a background check. Perfect for people with flexible schedules and/or semi retired. Respond to, subject: DRIVER WANTED.

Looking to Hire a skilled trades person to help at our stone processing facility. Job would include building maintenance, machinery repair and assisting with day to day operations. Willing to train the right person. Must have valid driver’s license and reliable transportation. Wages based upon experience; carpentry skills & electrical experience a plus.

Work at CCS and support our mission to build a community where everyone participates and belongs.

3Enrollment in a Registered Apprenticeship 3Up to 12 full-time positions available 3Guaranteed starting wages with shift differential (where applicable) 3Performance-based increases 3Full benefits, including health, dental, paid vacation, 401k, and more 3No cost for qualified VT residents * Employment guaranteed upon successful completion of the 8-week program. The ITAR Program (Information Technology Apprenticeship Readiness) is a partnership of:

➢ Performance-based salary increases ➢ National Certification as a Phlebotomy Technician

Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company!

➢ Rewarding work

We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!

➢ High-growth occupation

Contact Center Supervisor

JOB FEATURES: ➢ Work for Vermont’s largest employer ➢ Direct patient care ➢ Team environment

➢ Day shifts available


The ITAR Program is funded in part by a grant from the Vermont and U.S. Dept. of Labor. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, political affiliation or belief.

3/26/216t-VTHiTec120920.i6t-VTHiTec032421ndd.indd 1:18 PM 1


We’re searching for a supervisor to join our Contact Center team! As the supervisor you will support and supervise a team of Sales & Service Specialists, coaching the team to continuously improve performance. This position will also maintain a high degree of availability for questions to be able to assist in resolving operational or customer service issues. Our ideal candidate will have previous leadership experience within a customer contact center and have strong interpersonal & communication skills. The shift is Sunday - Thursday, with closing responsibilities. Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

3/23/21 6t-GardenersSupplyContactCenterSuper031021.indd CCCsuperv7D_011121.indd 10:36 AM 1 1

1/11/21 3/9/21 8:58 9:46 AM AM



Architect/Designer EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST Way2Work, a leading developmental service supported employment program, is seeking a creative and outgoing individual to join their dynamic team. The successful candidate will be responsible for supporting individuals in developing career goals, job seeking skills, securing employment, and on-the-job training. In addition, the candidate will collaborate with businesses to build partnerships for long-term community-based employment. Must demonstrate reliability, strong communication skills, and the ability to solve problems effectively and professionally. This full-time position offers a comprehensive benefits package, a great work environment, and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of others.

• 2-5 years of production experience in architectural design and drafting. • Working knowledge of the current version of Revit is strongly preferred. • An accredited architectural degree or equivalent education and experience. • Experience with LEED or equivalent green building certification principles.

New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!

4/2/21 4:43 PM



Chittenden County

There is no better time to join NSB’s team!

Do you want to love your work? Do you want to work in a world-class contract manufacturing company? If so, Manufacturing Solutions Inc. - MSI is looking for a full time Controller for its Morrisville, Vermont corporate office. The ideal candidate will have a Bachelor's degree in Accounting and five years' experience in finance, preferably in a manufacturing environment. MSI offers competitive salaries, benefits, including health, dental, vision and 401k. Visit us at or send resume and cover letter to harry.snyder@msivtcom. MSI is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


Learn more about our firm at To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and portfolio to Catherine Lange at

Resume and cover letter to Ashley Dubois,

4t-ChamplainCommunityServicesWORK040721.indd 1

Freeman French Freeman seeks a full-time Architect or Designer to join its team in Burlington, VT. This person will work under the direction of a Project Manager and will have the opportunity to develop a broad range of skills such as early presentation images and documents, construction documents including BIM development, project detailing, and specifications research.

71 APRIL 14-21, 2021

Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. As an essential workforce, we strive to serve our employees as well as our communities. We are looking for a professional to join our Mortgage Banking team in Chittenden County.


The successful candidate will understand the borrower’s needs and will aid our customers with their purchase from application to closing. This position will be responsible for originating a variety of new residential loans. A bachelor’s degree or two-to-four years of experience in a financial institution or related area is required along with registering with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System.


NSB encourages career development and has a variety of training platforms available, including tuition reimbursement. The average years of service for a NSB employee is 9! If you’re looking to settle down in your career, join our team!


Competitive compensation; combination of base salary plus commissions. Well-rounded benefits package. Profit-Sharing opportunity. 401(k) matching retirement program. Professional development. Work-Life balance!

PLEASE SEND AN NSB APPLICATION + RESUME IN CONFIDENCE TO: or Northfield Savings Bank Human Resources | PO Box 7180, Barre, VT 05641

Equal Opportunity Employer

6t-MSI041421.indd 1

4/12/216t-NorthfieldSavingsBank040721.indd 3:37 PM 1

4/2/21 LongSkinnyJobsFiller.indd 12:24 PM 1

6/18/19 1:24 PM




APRIL 14-21, 2021


Legal Assistant Burlington Office

Prestigious law firm seeks experienced legal assistant. Candidates must possess excellent communication skills, be able to work in a fast-paced environment, have initiative, be detail-oriented, organized, computer literate, capable of learning new technologies and show a willingness to adapt to changing priorities. Law firm experience preferred, competitive salary & benefits package. Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Nikki Stevens, Firm Administrator Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP 210 College Street, P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402-0721 Or via email to:

Vermont State Parks is seeking a full-time, year-round Parks Regional Operations Manager to work in some of the most scenic locations in Vermont. The ideal candidate is an energetic, outgoing, positive individual with a thorough understanding of Vermont State Parks' operations. Candidates must be able to work independently, multi-task, possess excellent communication skills both orally and in writing, provide excellent customer service, and succeed as part of a collaborative team in a fast-paced environment. Based in Rutland, this advanced operations position is responsible for the recruitment, hiring, training and supervision of seasonal park managers and staff that work in up to 12 state parks in the southwestern region of Vermont State Parks spanning from Woodford to Charlotte. Other job duties include, but are not limited to, working on projects involving park interpretation, community partnerships, and park planning. Candidates must be flexible, willing to work in public settings, be customer oriented and enjoy the outdoors. Vermont State Parks strives to ensure a workplace that is welcoming, safe and inclusive for all. Apply at: Application deadline is April 18.

Assistant Planning and Zoning Administrator

4t-LegalAsst-LangrockSperryWool041421.indd 1

4/12/21 4:12 PM

TOWN OF STOWE Under the general direction of the Planning & Zoning Director, the ASSISTANT PLANNING & ZONING ADMINISTRATOR’S primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to, assisting applicants, reviewing zoning permit applications, and enforcing the Town’s land use regulations. This position also assists with planning and policy projects involving land use planning, historic preservation, natural resources, land conservation and stewardship, etc. WHO WE’RE LOOKING FOR Candidates should have a combination of education and experience in land use/ natural resource planning, community development, code or other regulatory enforcement, legal or para-legal studies, or similarly related field. The ideal candidate will have an understanding of the principles, practices, and techniques of community planning and 24 VSA Ch.117. They will have a keen eye for detail, exemplary customer service and communication skills, the demonstrated ability to work well with diverse groups of people, and a passion for public service. The ideal candidate should also have a strong track record of exercising good judgment and be able to interpret and administer regulations in a fair, equitable, and consistent manner.

JOIN THE TEAM AT GARDENER’S SUPPLY! Through gardening, our customers control their access to safe and affordable food, and grow food to share with their neighbors. At Gardener’s Supply, we are committed to doing everything we can to help our customers keep gardening, but we need your help.


· Life-long learner · Strong team player


· Excellent customer service · Positive, can-do attitude

• Provide exceptional customer service to our customers over the phone at our CALL CENTER

This full-time position comes with an excellent benefits package which currently includes health care, vacation and sick leave, and retirement program. Hiring range is $56,000 to $65,000, depending on qualifications. This position offers the opportunity to work with passionate, dedicated staff in a collaborative team environment. A full job description and employment application can be obtained on the town’s website:

• Help customers with their gardening needs at our WILLISTON GARDEN CENTER We are 100% employee-owned and a Certified B Corporation. We offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits (including a tremendous discount!). Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

Submit employment application, letter of interest, resume, references, and salary requirements to: Town of Stowe, c/o Susan Moeck, PO Box 730, Stowe, VT 05672 or email Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Scheduling for interviews is anticipated to begin in early May. T H E TOW N O F S TOW E I S A N E Q UA L O P P O R T U N I T Y E M P LOY E R .

9t-TownofStowe041421.indd 1

4/13/21 10:09 AM 7DPrint_alllocations_seasonals2.indd 6t-GardenersSupply041421 1 1

4/12/21 4/12/21 10:04 9:16 AM


SEEKING reliable, motivated, and enthusiastic individual to join our team. Fast pace work environment filling and packaging products. Prior experience not necessary but encouraged. Must be 18 and over. Starting pay $16.00 per/hr. with full benefits offered after 6 months. Email application and resume to or by mail at: Rozelle Inc. Attn: Sharon, P.O. Box 70, Westfield, VT 05874 Other positions may be available, specify experience on application.


2h-RozelleCosmetics033121.indd 1

Executive Director

APRIL 14-21, 2021

LEGAL ASSISTANT / PARALEGAL We are a small, friendly Hinesburg law firm, seeking a legal assistant / paralegal to add to our very experienced, professional staff. Duties are expected to include obtaining medical records, communicating with clients, preparation of some legal documents, litigation support, and various other assistance as needed. Experience would be helpful but is not a prerequisite. We offer an interesting, collegial, stimulating place to work. Email Amy Modun at

Looking for a Sweet Job?


4/12/21 10:29 AM

Looking for an Adirondack lakefront summer adventure near Lake Placid, NY? Do you like spending time with children in the outdoors? Then come join our staff of activity instructors, counselors, maintenance helpers, cooks and RNs for an exciting 7 week season. Staff children/grandchildren attend at no cost. Contact Emily: 609-651-7241 or

Our mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement.

Start applying at WHERE YOU AND 6/23/20 YOUR WORK MATTER...

1 3/16/21 2v-CampRegisApplejack041421.indd 10:25 AM

4/13/21 2v-jobFiller_workerbee.indd 10:30 AM 1

The Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival, based in Burlington, VT, is currently seeking an Executive Director who will sustain LCCMF’s 12-year history of artistic excellence and community building.

12:31 PM

When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package.

Responsibilities include: • Planning, promoting, and producing the annual summer festival and other events during the year • Nurturing and growing relationships with donors, including individuals, foundations, corporations, and government arts agencies • Managing LCCMF’s education projects in the community • Nurturing collaborations with other arts organizations • Understanding our audience and donors and addressing their needs • Collaborating with the Artistic Directors and Board to refine and refresh the mission, vision, and future plans of the organization • Creating an annual budget of $350,000, and managing the finances of the organization, including its endowment • Operating the organization in a fiscally responsible manner • Managing and leading the day-to-day operations, staff, and volunteers • Facilitating, supporting, and guiding the Board of Directors • Documenting & sharing the history of the organization with the region, nation and the world

FIN ANCIAL MAN AGER II – WATERBURY Support the Department of Children and Families in implementing COVID relief programs! DCF is seeking a flexible financial professional to assist in processing, monitoring, and reporting on fiscal payments for COVID relief programs. This position will involve ensuring that payments to assist Vermont in COVID recovery are made in a timely and efficient manner and maintaining tracking mechanisms to facilitate detailed COVID fiscal reporting. For more information, contact Jillian Niggel at or 802-398-7309. Department: Children and Families. Status: Full time. Location: Waterbury. Job # 12864. Application Deadline: April 21, 2021.

GLOBAL WARMING SOLUTIONS ACT COORDIN ATOR – MONTPELIER The Global Warming Solutions Act Coordinator’s primary responsibilities include administering the work of the Vermont Climate Council and the Subcommittees to advance the development of the Vermont Climate Action Plan and ultimately, the implementation of. This position will work most closely with the GWSA Director to support the Vermont Climate Council and its Subcommittees to make a meaningful impact on climate change impacts in Vermont. Great job for the right person looking to make a substantive impact on climate change in Vermont. For more information, contact Jane Lazorchak at or 802-505-0561. Department: Natural Resources Agency. Status: Full Time. Job ID #13862. Application Deadline: April 19, 2021.

The ideal candidate will have: • A passion for chamber music, collaboration, and communication • A successful track record of fund raising for arts organizations, including writing and management of grants • A working understanding of the greater Vermont community • Comfort and knowledge of a wide range of communication strategies • Comfort and knowledge of management computer tools

COMMUNIT Y PLANNING AND POLICY MANAGER – MONTPELIER Seeking a team player with practical experience in land use and public policy making. Qualified applicants will have hands-on experience in land-use and climate policy, superior written and verbal communication skills, a strong commitment to customer service, and an ability to think creatively and work collaboratively. American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP) certification is preferred. For more information, contact Chris Cochran at chris.cochran@ Department: Commerce & Community Development. Reference Job ID#:13513. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full-Time, Permanent. Application Deadline: April 25, 2021.

Applicants must be located in Vermont or willing to relocate. This position is full-time and offers a competitive salary of $60,000 annually. Ideally, the candidate would begin to take over responsibilities in early June 2021. Send a resume, cover letter, and list of 3 references to or mail to: ED Search, Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival, 20 Winooski Falls Way, Suite, 7, Winooski, VT 05404. MORE ABOUT the Lake Champlain Chamber Music Festival: Our Mission/Our Vision: 9t-LakeChamplainChamberMusicFestival041421.indd 1



3/29/212v-KohnRath041421.indd 4:08 PM 1

Seeking an experienced carpenter to join our team. We are custom home builders with a passion for our trade. Come be a part of an enjoyable and professional building team. Check out our work at Must have own tools and reliable transportation. Send resume and cover sheet to 2h-CultivationDesignBuild031721.indd 1


Learn more at :

The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer

4/9/21 9:19 AM 6t-VTDeptHumanResources041421.indd 1

4/9/21 9:30 AM




APRIL 14-21, 2021



Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP | Cureblindness), a VT-based nonprofit, is actively seeking a Program Coordinator. Please visit our website for complete job description,

Montpelier, VT (Due to COVID-19 the CERF+ office is temporarily closed and all staff work from a fully virtual/home office possible permanent remote/virtual work.)

In this role you will be integral to the expansion of the To apply, please submit resume and cover readiness and relief services that we offer to craft artists. This is letter to: a new position and you will be part of an organization that has worked diligently to understand and serve the needs of craft artists. You’ll help our readiness and relief programs synergize and organize, think differently, plan and implement in a more 2h-HimalayanCataract040721.indd 1 proactive and culturally responsive way, and communicate out what we’re doing and the resources that are available to artists.


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4/6/21 1:59 PM

This is a tremendous opportunity for a dynamic, collaborative individual to help CERF+ expand its emergency relief and recovery services. CERF+ offers a wonderful quality of life, collegial work environment, and competitive compensation, including an attractive benefits package. For a complete job description, please visit

4t-CERF041421.indd 1

4/9/21 12:08 PM

CVABE, a community-based, nonprofit organization, has served the residents of Washington, Orange and Lamoille counties for 55 years. Hundreds of central Vermonters enroll annually to improve basic literacy skills, pursue alternative pathways to high school completion, learn English as another language, and gain skills for work and college. Seeking full-time TEACHER/COMMUNITY COORDINATORS in Washington and Orange Counties. Candidates must have: • High levels of independence, spirit, drive and capacity for student recruitment, outreach and organizing community involvement to support student success; • Strong familiarity with the service area [Preference will be given to residents of the service area]; • Proven capacity for teaching and guiding basic skills instruction for adults and teens in: • Reading, writing, math, computer and financial literacy; • English Language Learning and U.S. Citizenship prep; • High school diploma and GED credentialing; • Career and college readiness; • Experience with developing personalized education and graduation education plans; • Experience with recruiting and managing volunteers. Starting salary: $38,000 – $40,000 annually based on experience. CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental and short-term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions and six weeks of paid vacation annually.

Please submit cover letter, resume and three references by April 16th to:

Executive Director, Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, Inc. 46 Washington Street, Suite 100, Barre, Vermont 05641

$17.50/hour on Day Shift $19.69/hour on Night Shift Offering $2,250.00 Sign-on Bonuses for limited time! Our company produces microelectronic chips, right in your backyard. These chips go into cell phones, computers, tablets, vehicles, medical devices, and much more! Come be a part of a company that is changing the industry that is changing the world through our high-end technology. No experience required; we will train you when you join our team. Location: Essex, VT Schedules: 7pm-7am or 7am-7pm *Work approximately only 14 days per month: Three days one week and four days the next week. Benefits on Day 1: • Medical, Dental & Vision • 401k matching up to 4.5% • Paid Vacation Time: Approx. 3 weeks • Paid Sick Time: 80 hrs per year • Paid Parental Leave: Up to 20 weeks • Gym Reimbursement • Quarterly Bonuses • Occasional Overtime • Opportunity for Growth

Apply today at 6t-CentralVTAdultBasicEd040721.indd 1


4/6/21 2:18 PM

10h-GlobalFoundries040721.indd 1

4/2/21 2:41 PM



75 APRIL 14-21, 2021

DEPUTY CITY MANAGER The Deputy City Manager, in partnership with the City Manager, oversees, directs, and manages the personnel, financial and operational functions of the city. The Deputy City Manager leads the financial oversight functions and day-to-day operations of the city, manages crossdepartmental strategic initiatives, and prioritizes the high level of customer service delivery expected by the community. Additionally, the Deputy City Manager assists in policy development and resident engagement. With the longstanding and exceptional City Manger and Deputy City Manager both retiring in June 2021, the successful professional will work with the incoming City Manager to define roles according to abilities, competencies, and interests in service to fulfilling the Charter obligations of the City and providing the best support to the staff, Council, and community.

Now Hiring for Food Service Positions Supervisory and entry-level roles available. We offer on-the-job training and flexible hours to support childcare and school schedules. Full-time positions include excellent benefits and generous paid time off.

QUALIFICATIONS & REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor’s degree in business, public administration or a related field, Master’s degree preferred; or, ten years’ experience in public management, financial administration or related fields; or, any equivalent combination of education and experience. • Thorough knowledge of the principles and practices of municipal administration. • Knowledge of the principles and practices of municipal accounting, tax collecting, and investing including knowledge of state and federal laws governing municipal finance. • Knowledge of personnel management practices and legal requirements and a proven track record of successful staff management.

Learn more and apply online today:

• Demonstrated ability to exercise independent judgment and discretion in making administrative decisions related to matters of significance when shaping and implementing city policy, and in overseeing the operations of city departments.

or call our Talent Acquisition team at (802) 636-9103

• Demonstrated ability to prepare and manage budgets, maintain detailed records

10v-CitySouthBurlington041421.indd 1

New, local, scam-free jobs posted every day!

1x5new,local,scamfree.indd 1

• Demonstrated ability to establish effective working relationships with employees and the general public. • Demonstrated ability to communicate easily and effectively verbally and in writing with staff, the elected and appointed officials, and the community. • Demonstrated ability to maintain a professional demeanor under challenging circumstances and understand and interpret complex political issues. • Committed to the principles of service, good governance, equitable service delivery, and being a lifelong learner • Demonstrated ability to act according to the highest standards of ethical behavior, including but not limited to any adopted city code of ethics and professional organizational code of ethics.

Please submit your application to Jaimie Held, Human Resource Manager, at and Jessie Baker, incoming City Manager, at with “Deputy City Manager Search” in the subject line. This should include a cover letter, resume or CV, and three references.

Equal Opportunity Employer

8t-UVMHealthNetworkCVMC041421 1

and related confidential information such as personnel records, bid proposals and negotiating positions.

4/13/21 10:13 AM

4/12/21 4:47 PM 5/28/18 3:10 PM




APRIL 14-21, 2021

Beverage Manufacturing Assistant We are a small, local beverage manufacturing copack looking for help on our production team. We currently work with many local small businesses to produce high quality, all natural, organic canned and glass bottled beverages as well as hot sauces, fudge, BBQ sauce and more. The ideal candidate will have the ability to lift up to 50 pounds, work on their feet for up to 8 hours, able to read and write in English and communicate within a small team. Apply:

Bookkeeper Middlebury Office

Prestigious law firm seeks a reliable and detail-oriented bookkeeper to work collaboratively with our primary bookkeeper on a part-time basis. Duties include entering client information into the accounting system, handling invoices, posting payments, and assisting with accounting inquires and vendor statements as well as producing tax reports. Knowledge and experience with general accounting principles and/or bookkeeping is required. Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Nikki Stevens, Firm Administrator Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Email to:

4t-BookLangrockSperryWool041421.indd 1

1t-360VT040721.indd 1


4/2/21 3:08 PM


4/12/21 4:09 PM

Navigate New Possiblities TM 1981 - 2021

We’re proud of our talented, hardworking and diverse team, whose ingenuity is driving exciting new innovations. Our team is growing – won’t you join us? The successful candidates will be joining our team of professionals at the Northern Digital Incorporated (NDI) office located in Shelburne, Vermont.

Electronic Hardware Design Engineer

WEB APPLICATION DEVELOPER PCC, a private, Winooski-based healthcare IT Benefit Corporation, seeks web developers to join our team. Bring your problem-solving skills and creativity to the table building web applications in an Agile development framework, assisting in not only extending current products, but also creating new product lines. Our ideal candidate is fast and flexible, great at finding and squashing bugs, and ready to work well with team members in a cross-functional development environment. Our work culture is casual and our employees are clever and dedicated. We strive for client satisfaction and our customer reviews are among the very best in our industry. While our preferred candidate will have hands on experience with either Ruby on Rails or PHP, we’d love to hear from you if you have any full stack experience utilizing other web-based technologies such as Python or Java. Don’t have full stack experience, but have built a career creating responsive front-end web applications using HTML, CSS, Javascript, or any front-end framework such as React, Angular or Vue? We’d also love to hear from you! In order to keep our employees and families safe while we continue to develop our software and support our clients, PCC’s employees have been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We expect this policy to continue a little longer so there will be virtual interviews for this position. Once our office is fully open, we will be looking for employees to be onsite at our Winooski office. As a Benefit Corporation, we place high value on client, employee and community relationships. Our company offers a friendly, informal, and professional work environment. PCC offers competitive benefits as well as some uncommon perks. To learn more about PCC, this role and how to apply, please visit our website at Position open until filled. No phone calls lease. AA/EOE.

6t-PCC031721.indd 1

350VERMONT IS HIRING A PART-TIME Operations Manager for our Burlington office! Learn more:

3/12/21 10:24 AM

Are you a maker or electronics hobbyist? Do you dream of autonomous lawnmowers, automated hydroponics or anything in between? Can you work in the analog and digital domains, layout a PCB and put all your results on GitHub? Do you have programming experience with Arduino, RaspberryPi or other computing devices? If you answered Yes, then NDI wants you! You will be responsible for detailed design and development of DSP and CPU based systems, along with FPGA and low-level interfaces, powers supplies and analog devices, from conception to implementation, and will work as part of a crossfunctional R&D team, building solutions for our OEM partners. This role requires someone with a proven record of architecting and implementing embedded hardware systems. The successful candidate will be dependable, highly organized, and effective at hardware design, implementation and testing. The successful candidate will be joining our team of professionals at the Northern Digital office located in Shelburne, Vermont. EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering is required; advanced degree(s) preferred EXPERIENCE REQUIRED 2 years: developing Bluetooth and serial interface solutions , such as UART, I2S, I2C, SPI and TDM 2 years: experience with DSPs, ARM, FPGA and digital design 5 years: hardware systems. Please note: This is not an embedded software posting. You must have hardware design experience to be considered.

Full description and to apply:

Project Manager We would like to invite a hands-on, experienced Project Manager to join the R&D team developing our next generation of NDI advanced measurement systems for medical device markets. As the Project Manager, you will work as part of a cross-functional team, driving projects from conception to implementation and release. This role requires someone who has proven leadership ability, as well as the technical acumen to lead projects effectively. The successful candidate will be highly organized, results-driven and effective at working at all levels of our matrix organization. The successful candidate will be joining our team of professionals at the Northern Digital Inc. (NDI) office located in Shelburne, Vermont. EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree required; advanced degree(s) preferred EXPERIENCE REQUIRED 5 years: Project Management experience

Full job description and to apply:

BENEFITS This is a full-time position eligible for participation in the Company’s group insurance plan on day one. NDI offers full range of benefits including flexible work hours and environment. NDI offers paid PTO, Sick time, paid Holiday time and Holiday shut-down. Also, 401k plan with matching contributions by the company. Two kinds of Medical plans + Dental and Vision coverage. The company pays for Basic Life Insurance & AD&D and Short Term/Long Term Disability. After you have been an employee for 6 months you are eligible to participate in the Employee Stock Purchase Plan.


4/13/21 10:22 AM



$1,000 sign-on bonus $1,000 sign-on bonus $1,000 sign-on bonus $1,000 $1,000sign-on sign-on bonus bonus $1,000 sign-on bonus


77 APRIL 14-21, 2021

for manufacturing positions (Assembly, Warehouse, Machine Operator)


for manufacturing positions (Assembly, Warehouse, Machine Operator) for manufacturing positions (Assembly, Warehouse, Machine Operator) for for manufacturing positions manufacturing positions(Assembly, (Assembly,Warehouse, Warehouse, Machine Machine Operator) Operator)


$1,000 sign-on bonus

for manufacturing positions (Assembly, Warehouse, Machine Operator)


for manufacturing positions (Assembly, Warehouse, Machine Operator)

2h_contactinfo.indd 1

4/25/16 6:25 PM

DIRECTOR OF PHILANTHROPY & COMMUNICATIONS The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) serves Addison, Chittenden, Franklin and Grand Isle counties through its Community Action work and we also have statewide programs focusing on education and advocacy. Our mission is to address the fundamental issues of economic, social, and racial justice and work with people to achieve economic independence. CVOEO is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in all its practices. In so doing, we strive for a just society in which everyone belongs.

We’ve been Shaping Possibility We’ve been Shaping Possibility for more than 50 years. We’ve been Shaping Possibility We’ve been Shaping Possibility for more than 50 years. We’ve been Shaping Possibility for more than 50 years. years. We’ve been Shaping Possibility for more than 50 Will you join us? We’ve been Shaping Possibility for more than 5050 years. for more than years. Will you join us? Will you you than join us? us? for more 50 years. Will join Explore job openings at: Will join us? Will youyou join us? www. Explore job openings at: Explore job openings at: www. Will you us? Explore job openingsjoin at: www.

CVOEO seeks an experienced, energetic, and committed Director of Philanthropy and Communications with a high degree of initiative to join our team to work closely with the Executive Director and Board Development Committee to sustain and expand our fundraising program. The Director will be responsible for overseeing philanthropy and communication strategies for CVOEO with a goal of sustaining existing programs and efforts and supporting new program initiatives that align with CVOEO’s strategic planning process. Reporting to the Executive Director, the Director will work closely with and supervise the Associate Director of Development and Communications to create an annual development plan, a communications plan, and to achieve financial objectives. The Director will have experience in effective fundraising practices that support the mission and programs of CVOEO, and coordinate effective marketing and communications strategies to support those practices.

www. Explore job openings at: Explore job openings at: www. We are hiring positions across all shifts and taking every precaution to www. keep our Associates and providing job security through our over Explore jobhiring openings at: safe We are positions across all shifts and taking every precaution to We are hiring positions across all shifts and taking every precaution to 50‑year history of no layoffs. www. keep our Associates safe and providing job security through our over We are hiring positions across all shifts and taking every precaution to

• • • • • • •

keep our Associates safe and providing job security through our over We history are hiring across all shifts taking through every precaution 50‑year of positions no safe layoffs. keep our Associates and providing joband security our overto 50‑year history of no layoffs. •We Consistently rated ofsafe the all best places work in New Hampshire keep our Associates and providing job security through our overto are hiring positions shifts andto taking every precaution 50‑year history of one no across layoffs. 50‑year history of no layoffs. • 100% Consistently rated one theproviding best places work inthrough New Hampshire Associates safeofand jobtosecurity our over •keep our Associate‑owned • Consistently rated oneacross of the best places to taking work inevery New Hampshire We are hiring positions all shifts and precaution to • Consistently rated one of the best places to work in New Hampshire 50‑year history of no layoffs. 100% Associate‑owned •• An essential business • Consistently rated one of the best places to work inthrough New Hampshire keep our Associates safe and providing job security our over • 100% Associate‑owned • 100% Associate‑owned • An essential business •Consistently Career development opportunities including several USDOL registered • 100% Associate‑owned 50‑year history of no layoffs. rated one of the best places to work in New Hampshire • An essential business An•essential business programs •• apprenticeship Career opportunities including several USDOL registered Andevelopment essential business • apprenticeship Career development opportunities including several USDOL registered 100% Associate‑owned programs •Strong Career development including several registered rated one of the best places work inUSDOL New •Consistently commitment toopportunities theopportunities wellbeing ofincluding ourtoAssociates, ourHampshire communities, • Career development several USDOL registered apprenticeship programs An essential business apprenticeship programs and the environment apprenticeship programs • Strong commitment to the wellbeing of our Associates, our communities, 100% Associate‑owned • Strong commitment to the wellbeing of our Associates, our communities, and• the environment Career development opportunities including several USDOL registered • Strong commitment to the wellbeing of our Associates, our Strong commitment to the wellbeing of our Associates, ourcommunities, communities, and the environment An essential business and the environment Hypertherm is proud be an Equal Opportunity Employer apprenticeship programs and thetoenvironment

We are seeking candidates with a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in Communications, Development or Marketing and/or equivalent prior experience. In addition, candidates should have 3-5 years’ development or fundraising experience in a nonprofit organization; proven track record of achieving fundraising targets; effective verbal and written communication skills, bilingual abilities a plus; and a commitment to valuing diversity and contributing to an inclusive working and learning environment. We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. We are especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of our Agency. Please apply by sending a cover letter with salary requirements, resume and a statement explaining your commitment to diversity and inclusion to: Deadline to submit applications is close of business Friday, April 30, 2021. To learn more about CVOEO and this position please visit

and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions • Career development opportunities including several USDOL registered Hypertherm proud toneed, be anjob Equal Opportunityand Employer are based on isbusiness our values • Strong commitment torequirements, wellbeing of our Associates, our communities, Hypertherm is proud tocompany be an Equal Opportunity Employer and we welcome all applications. Allthe employment decisions as an Associate-owned without regard to race, Hypertherm be an Equal Opportunity Employer apprenticeship programs Hypertherm proud toproud be antojob Equal Employer andbased we welcome all isapplications. AllOpportunity employment decisions are onisbusiness need, requirements, and our values color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and the environment and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions and we welcome all applications. All employment arean based on business need, jobveteran requirements, and ourother values as Associate-owned company without regardor todecisions race, age, national disability, or status, any areonorigin, based on business need, job requirements, and our values are based business need, job and as an Associate-owned company without regard to our race,valuesof our Associates, our communities, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, • Strong commitment torequirements, the wellbeing characteristic by federal, state, or localregard laws. as anprotected Associate-owned company without to race, as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual or orientation, gender age, national disability, veteran status, oridentity, any other color,origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, and the environment age, national origin, disability, or Opportunity veteran status, orlaws. anyorother characteristic protected byEqual federal, state, or local Hypertherm isage, proud to be an Employer national origin, disability, or veteran status, any other

age, national all origin, disability, or veteran or any other characteristic protected by federal, state,status, or local and we welcome applications. All decisions characteristic protected byemployment federal, state, or laws. local laws. characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws. are based on business need, job requirements, and our values PLASMA | LASER | WATERJET as an Associate-owned without regard toEmployer race,| AUTOMATION | SOFTWARE | CONSUMABLES Hypertherm is proud to company be an Equal Opportunity color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, PLASMA | LASER | WATERJET | AUTOMATION | SOFTWARE | CONSUMABLES and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions PLASMA | LASER | or WATERJET | AUTOMATION | SOFTWARE| CONSUMABLES | CONSUMABLES PLASMA | or LASER |status, WATERJET | AUTOMATION | SOFTWARE age, national disability, anyour other are based onorigin, business need, jobveteran requirements, and values PLASMA | LASER | WATERJET characteristic protected by 1federal, state, or local laws. | AUTOMATION | SOFTWARE | CONSUMABLES 12t-VTHiTecHYPER041421.indd as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability, or veteran status, or any other

CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 4/12/21 5:19 PM 8t-CVOEOdirectorPhilanthropy040721.indd 1

4/12/21 9:35 AM




APRIL 14-21, 2021

Engaging minds that change the world

Hayward Tyler, a leading manufacturer of industrial pumps and motors in Colchester, is seeking candidates to fill the roles of IT Support Specialist, Inside Sales Representative, Assembly Technician, Quality Control Inspector and Quality Assurance Engineer.

IT Support Specialist

This position is responsible for supporting the Information Technology department at Hayward Tyler Inc. They will primarily be responsible for the company’s helpdesk ticketing system and participate in the on call rotation. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated, friendly, courteous, and willing to work as part of a team The candidate should also have experience supporting a Windows based network system.

Inside Sales Representative

This candidate provides daily customer communication and is the main point of contact for activities such as preparing and maintaining accurate and complete quotes, lead times and pricing. Reviews customer requests, technical specifications, terms and conditions and works with stakeholders in collaboration to identify any exceptions or deviations. Close attention to detail and excellent communication skills are essential.

Assembly Technician

This is an entry level assembly team member who should possess the ability to follow work instructions from his/her supervisor and experienced team members. The candidate must be able to work in all areas of assembly (DCI, Build and Wind) with the ability to understand drawings and work instructions.

Quality Control Inspector

The candidate will be responsible to perform receiving and final inspection of parts and units, verification that all operations are signed off and closed prior to releasing to Manufacturing, responsibility for correct materials and batch numbers being issued to Manufacturing.

Quality Assurance Engineer

This position is responsible for providing a high level of quality assurance engineering work. Qualified candidates are able to plan, complete, and direct quality engineering work associated with the HTI Quality Program. Must be able to establish priorities for work assigned and Work co-operatively with all departments and suppliers to exceed customer expectations.

Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Financial Transaction Specialist - Rubenstein School of Environmental & Natural Resources #S2728PO - Responsible for supporting faculty, staff and students of the Rubenstein School with financial transactions, including but not limited to, purchasing card reconciliation, requisitions, accounts receivable, faculty expense reimbursement, journal entries, check requests, and cash deposits. Ensure consistent compliance with all university policies and federal regulatory compliance requirements. Associates degree in a related areas with 1-3 years of business office experience is required. The successful candidate will be attentive to details, have strong organizational skills, experience working in a fast paced environment and have the ability to multi-task. Communications Lead - Rubenstein School of Environmental & Natural Resources - #S2760PO The role of the Communications Lead is to manage the external relations program and communications for the Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources (RSENR), while also working closely with the Chief UVM Communications Officer to ensure continuity and synergy with the overall UVM external relations strategy. This position is part of the Dean of the Rubenstein School’s Leadership Team. Primary responsibilities include: Oversee and provide leadership in facilitating specialized multimedia, digital services, and coordinating marketing, public relations, and design functions to influence, define and support the Rubenstein School’s goal of aspiring to be a leading school of the environment. Supervise a staff writer and web developer, and social media interns. Successful candidates will have a bachelor’s degree and two to four years of related experience working in corporate communications, agency, nonprofit or higher education required. Experience communicating to internal and remote audiences, using multiple types of channels and mediums. Demonstrated experience working both in teams and autonomously. Strategic thinking, planning and facilitation skills. Social media and media expertise. Effective written and verbal communication skills. Interpersonal skills with the ability to interact effectively with all levels of management as well as with people from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Organizational and project management skills. Submit resume and cover letter. Within cover letter, please be sure to address why you believe it is important that the Communications Lead for the Rubenstein School centers Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) in their work. Office and Program Support Generalist - Registrar - #S2725PO - The University of Vermont is seeking a dynamic, self-motivated, team-oriented individual to join The Office of the Registrar as an Office and Program Support Generalist. This position provides clerical support services to the Registrar’s Office and Transfer Affairs including high level maintenance and updating of comprehensive student, course, registration and transfer records. Assist students, faculty and staff by providing information, answering policy and procedure questions and troubleshooting problems via email, telephone and in person. Serve as liaison with internal constituents and external agencies regarding student information and registration, both in person at the Registrar’s Office counter and on the phone. Minimum Qualifications include: Associate’s degree and one to three years of related experience, working knowledge of software applications used to support office functions and familiarity with Internet resources required. Effective customer service skills and experience working in a fast-paced, changing environment. Familiarity with BANNER student information system and experience in higher education highly desired. UVM offers excellent benefits, competitive salary, and a flexible work environment. Library Support Senior - University Libraries - #S2779PO - The University Libraries Interlibrary Loan Department is seeking a Library Support Senior staff member. The position will coordinate processes and application of departmental procedures, use judgment in prioritization of work tasks, and perform operational functions of UVM Libraries Document Delivery & Interlibrary Loan (DD/ILL) Unit. Borrow research materials on behalf of University staff, students and faculty, and University of Vermont Medical Center (UVM MC) employees. Lend research materials to reciprocating libraries and institutions. Provide scanned copies of research materials to university staff, students and faculty, and UVM MC employees and authorized community organizations. Participate in the development and implementation of library policy and procedure for interlibrary loan and document delivery. Manage records, data and files associated with the lending and borrowing aspects of DD/ILL. Candidates are required to submit a cover letter, résumé and contact information for three references. The search will remain open until the position is filled. For best consideration, complete applications should be received no later than May 12, 2021. For further information on this position and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit www. Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application.

For complete job descriptions, please visit:

The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. 10v-Graystone041421 1

Looking for a Sweet Job?

We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you meet our requirements and are interested in an exciting opportunity, please forward your resume & salary requirements to: Hayward Tyler, Inc - Attn: HR Department 480 Roosevelt Highway - PO Box 680, Colchester, VT 05446 Email: Equal Opportunity Employer.

4/12/21 2:20 PM

board is buzzing with excitement.

Start applying at 3h_JobFiller_Bee.indd 1

9v-HaywardTyler041421.indd 1

Seven 4/12/21 Days10:54 AM Issue: 4/14 Due: 4/12 by 11am Size: 5.8 x 8.84 Our mobile-friendly job Cost: $967.73 (with 1 w

6/9/20 3:27 PM


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Visit the Register for all the info on area shopkeepers who are selling their products online for local delivery or pickup. Browse by categories ranging from jewelry to electronics, outdoor gear to apparel. Whether you need something for yourself or that perfect gift for a loved one, shop savvy and keep Vermont strong. SHOP T H ER EGIS T E R .C OM

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SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/5/21 6:33 PM

fun stuff



SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021





Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women THU., APR. 15 VIRTUAL EVENT

VCET Lunch & Learn: Exploring Employee Ownership Models THU., APR. 15 VIRTUAL EVENT

Trauma Sensitive Yoga — Foundational Training SAT., APR. 17; SUN., APR. 18; SAT., APR. 24 VIRTUAL EVENT

Bosnian Takeout


Argentinian Takeout


VCET Lunch & Learn: Turn Failure into Fertilizer: How to Compost Your Setbacks WED., APR. 21 VIRTUAL EVENT

“Admit it, we’re lost.” JEN SORENSEN

Ethiopian/Eritrean Takeout


Greek Takeout


VBSR’s Small Business Toolkit: 101 TUE., APR. 27 VIRTUAL EVENT

Eco-Art: Introduction & Creation with Anne Cummings THU., APR. 29, MAY 6, MAY 13 VIRTUAL EVENT

Somali Bantu Takeout




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Fundraisers Festivals Plays & Concerts Sports

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No cost to you Local support Built-in promotion Custom options


Contact: 865-1020, ext. 10 SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 3:49 PM

fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE


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7/14/20 3:32 PM

Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.


GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Why don’t rivers flow straight? Well, sometimes they do, but only for a relatively short stretch. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, no river moves in a linear trajectory for a distance of more than 10 times its width. There are numerous reasons why this is so, including the friction caused by banks and the fact that river water streams faster at the center. The place where a river changes direction is called a “meander.” I’d like to borrow this phenomenon to serve as a metaphor for your life in the coming weeks. I suspect your regular flow is due for a course change — a meander. Any intuitive ideas about which way to go? In which direction will the scenery be best?


(MARCH 21-APRIL 19):

“Today I feel the whole world is a door,” wrote poet Dennis Silk. In a similar spirit, 13th-century Zen master Wumen Huikai observed, “The whole world is a door of liberation, but people are unwilling to enter it.” Now I’m here to tell you, Aries, that there will be times in the coming weeks when the whole world will feel like a door to you. And if you open it, you’ll be led to potential opportunities for interesting changes that offer you liberation. This is a rare blessing. Please be sufficiently loose and alert and brave to take advantage.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Taurus philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein was called a genius by Nobel Prize-winning author Bertrand Russell. His Philosophical Investigations was once voted the 20th century’s most important philosophy book. Yet one of Wittgenstein’s famous quotes was “How hard it is to see what is right in front of my eyes!” Luckily for all of us, I suspect that won’t be a problem for you in the coming weeks, Taurus. In fact, I’m guessing you will see a whole range of things that were previously hidden, even though some of them had been right in front of your eyes. Congrats! Everyone whose life you touch will benefit because of this breakthrough.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Cancerian poet Denis Johnson eventually became a celebrated writer who won numerous prizes, including the prestigious National Book Award. But life was rough when he was in his twenties. Because of his addiction to drugs and alcohol, he neglected his writing. Later, in one of his mature poems, he expressed appreciation to people who supported him earlier on. “You saw me when I was invisible,” he wrote, “you spoke to me when I was deaf, you thanked me when I was a secret.” Are there helpers like that in your own story? Now would be a perfect time to honor them and repay the favors. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What do you believe in, exactly, Leo? The coming weeks will be a fine time to take an inventory of your beliefs — and then divest yourself of any that no longer serve you, no longer excite you and no longer fit your changing understanding of how life works. For extra credit, I invite you to dream up some fun new beliefs that lighten your heart and stimulate your playfulness. For example, you could borrow poet Charles Wright’s approach: “I believe what the thunder and lightning have to say.” Or you could try my idea: “I believe in wonders and marvels that inspire me to fulfill my most interesting dreams.” VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Virgo poet Charles Wright testifies, “I write poems to untie myself, to do penance and disappear through the upper right-hand corner of things, to say grace.” What about you, Virgo? What do

you do in order to untie yourself and do penance and invoke grace? The coming weeks will be an excellent time for you to use all the tricks at your disposal to accomplish such useful transformations. And if you currently have a low supply of the necessary tricks, make it your healthy obsession to get more.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Kublai Khan, ruler of the Mongol Empire and China in the second half of the 13th century, kept a retinue of 5,000 astrologers on retainer. Some were stationed on the roof of his palace, tasked with using sorcery to banish approaching storm clouds. If you asked me to perform a similar assignment, I would not do so. We need storms! They bring refreshing rain and keep the earth in electrical balance. Lightning from storms creates ozone, a vital part of our atmosphere, and it converts nitrogen in the air into nitrogen in the ground, making the soil more fertile. Metaphorical storms often generate a host of necessary and welcome transformations, as well — as I suspect they will for you during the coming weeks. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): “Unexpressed emotions will never die,” declared trailblazing psychologist Sigmund Freud. “They are buried alive and they will come forth, later, in uglier ways.” I agree, which is why I advise you not to bury your emotions — especially now, when they urgently need to be aired. OK? Please don’t allow a scenario in which they will emerge later in ugly ways. Instead, find the courage to express them soon — in the most loving ways possible, hopefully, and with respect for people who may not be entirely receptive to them. Communicate with compassionate clarity. SAGITTARIUS

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittarian author Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz wrote a poem entitled “Not Doing Something Wrong Isn’t the Same as Doing Something Right.” I propose that we make that thought one of your guiding themes during the next two weeks. If you choose to accept the assignment, you will make a list of three possible actions that fit the description “not doing something wrong” and three actions that consist of “doing something right.” Then you will avoid doing the three wrong things named in the first

list and give your generous energy to carrying out the three right things in the second list.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): In the past few weeks, I hope you’ve been treating yourself like a royal child. I hope you’ve been showering yourself with extra special nurturing and therapeutic treatments. I hope you’ve been telling yourself out loud how soulful and intelligent and resilient you are, and I hope you’ve delighted yourself by engaging with a series of educational inspirations. If for some inexplicable reason you have not been attending to these important matters with luxurious intensity, please make up for lost time in the coming days. Your success during the rest of 2021 depends on your devout devotion to self-care right now. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Sometimes

when a disheartening kind of darkness encroaches, we’re right to be afraid. In fact, it’s often wise to be afraid, because doing so may motivate us to ward off or transmute the darkness. But on other occasions, the disheartening darkness that seems to be encroaching isn’t real or is actually less threatening than we imagine. Novelist John Steinbeck described the latter when he wrote, “I know beyond all doubt that the dark things crowding in on me either did not exist or were not dangerous to me, and still I was afraid.” My suspicion is that this is the nature of the darkness you’re currently worried about. Can you therefore find a way to banish or at least diminish your fear?

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): “Some people, if they didn’t make it hard for themselves, might fall asleep,” wrote novelist Saul Bellow. In other words, some of us act as if it were entertaining, even exciting, to attract difficulties and cause problems for ourselves. If that describes you even a tiny bit, Pisces, I urge you to tone down that bad habit in the coming weeks — maybe even see whether you can at least partially eliminate it. The cosmic rhythms will be on your side whenever you take measures to drown out the little voices in your head that try to undermine and sabotage you. At least for now, say “no!” to making it hard for yourself. Say “yes!” to making it graceful for yourself.


L ATEST VIDEO! Eva Sollberger’s

Watch at 4H-Stuck040721.indd 1

supported by: on rates As vaccinati nters are rise, Vermo ting a return contempla life in the to "normal" . tant future not-too-dis d e ck er che Eva Sollberg , tourists ls ca in with lo students in and college Burlington downtown pandemic about their s and experience anxieties. SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


4/13/21 1:57 PM

LET’S PLAY Submissive male looking for dominant individuals or couples. Obedient, responsive and open-minded. Into humiliation, light bondage and oral worship. Be safe and sane, and get in touch. subplay, 53, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... WALKING THROUGH AN OPEN DOOR I am rebuilding my life and looking for someone to stand beside me through all of life’s adventures. I am loving, devoted and hardworking. I enjoy working on outdoor projects, hiking and helping others. I would like to find a man who is hardworking, open-minded, respectful and kind. NewBeginnings21, 39, seeking: M SAPIOSEXUAL, ADVENTUROUS, WITTY, PLAYFUL Looking for people to get to know and become friends with. Go out of town for an evening of fun, go kayaking, hanging out, whatever strikes us at the moment. I am not looking for a relationship, but if it happens, it happens. I enjoy intelligent conversation, self-reflection, growing and learning about myself and others. Let’s see if we connect! BBWforFUN1234, 45, seeking: M, W, Cp, l GOOD-SPIRITED, HOPEFUL DREAMER Currently I am one of the many bored Vermonters waiting for my life to resume. Can’t wait to laugh out loud at a comedy club, crowd into a theater to see a play and just hug a stranger. I love long bike rides and good hikes, campfires, great food, raw conversations, and chocolate with red wines. oxCindyxo, 54, seeking: M, l COMICMELLOW Love music, outdoors, painting, cooking, building. ComicMellow, 43, seeking: M, W, Q, l


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.


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W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

MERGING HEARTS AND MINDS Looking to add a new best friend and partner to my beautiful tribe to share those intimate moments and maybe grow old with. I believe in great love but know those roots are in the platonic. I like to move, sit, keep it fresh. I love music and silence. Looking for a brave, messy, youthful, mature human with emotional intelligence. Overhere, 56, seeking: M, l

EDUCATED, SENSITIVE, ADVENTURE SEEKER Adventurous, sensitive, fit, optimistic, independent, divorced woman with two wonderful teenage sons. Enjoy walking, hiking, skiing, kayaking, swimming, biking, exploring new places (cities and ruins), connecting with the locals and learning their language. Seeking someone to share adventures. JoySeeker, 53, seeking: M, l

CHEERFUL, OPTIMISTIC, FUN I am divorced, but there are many things I miss about having a partner. COVID has only exacerbated the things I miss. Looking for friendship and whatever may or may not come after! blc, 70, seeking: M, l

YUP, I’M A DREAMER... Are you into conscious living? Spirituality? Nature? Honesty? Compassion? Laughing? Maybe you’re a hopeless romantic? I am seeking a lasting relationship with a likeminded man. Looking for my best friend to share adventures, love and life’s ups and downs. I like to hike, ski, relax, talk, ponder especially with you. naturgirl, 67, seeking: M, l

OUTDOORSY, HONEST, HEALTHY, MUSIC LOVER Vibrant, mature, independent, welltraveled person who is interested in nature, music, culture, arts, travel and enjoying life. Looking for a gent who is positive, kind, honest and enjoys the same. Bella2020, 63, seeking: M, l HAPPY, CARING, SMILEY, UNDERSTANDING, LOVING, I am a believer. I live my life to the fullest. I treat people the way I want to be treated. I enjoy the ocean, playing pickleball, boating, reading, doing my crafts, quilting, photography and more. My family is very important to me. Love animals. katrina44, 76, seeking: M LOVELY NATURE ENTHUSIAST Homemade music, stews, animals, color, light and anything handcrafted make me happy. Active, independent, long-haired, short-bodied, outdoorsy, retired. Good at spontaneous poems and watercolor landscapes. I love the old, odd, rare and recycled. I avoid smoke, cities, pretense, arrogance. Prefer Maine coast and back-road, cold-climate travel. Choosy except to an open-minded, openhearted, kind, communicative honest man. Naturelove, 74, seeking: M, l COMPASSION, HONESTY, EMPATHY Me? Well, I am a very compassionate person. I love to stay active and socialize. I am also a delight to be with because I am a good listener. I desire to find a partner who has at least some of these qualities. Hopeful52, 68, seeking: M, l

MILLENNIALS INQUIRE WITHIN. YEEHAW. Looking for a hot, nerdy dude who has an adventurous, sensitive, techie soul. Good with his hands. Must love cuddles. I don’t mind if you prioritize your alone time as long as you don’t mind that I can be an endearing space case. Be warned: I will ask for your natal chart and when your most recent STI test was. starsaligned, 25, seeking: M AUTUMN LIGHT ...the wild geese, high in the clean blue air, are heading home again. Whoever you are, no matter how lonely, the world offers itself to your imagination ... announcing your place in the family of things. —Mary Oliver. Hope, 64, seeking: M, l

MEN seeking... HUMOROUS SIDEKICK Am a people person. Have a rich background with environmental ethics; this is big with me. Friendships, the basis of relationships, require osmosis. It takes time. I like to cook, especially with another. Food is important. Great films are a bonus. My preference is intelligent, humorous, an interesting life. I prefer jazz and good restaurants. Mornings I prefer sunlit places. orelprenyea, 66, seeking: W, l

CURIOUS, WARM, MATURE I am a curious person by nature and love to explore. I spend a lot of time hiking with my dog Spartacus (Sparky). I love painting and writing and doing home improvement projects indoors and out. I am looking for a mature, confidant man who has it together. Fun and wit are great; chaos and drama are not. LadyL0664, 54, seeking: M, l

BREAKING OUT OF LOCKDOWN Somewhat of a homebody, though I do like an outside adventure. Ready to break out of lockdown and go traveling, or rummage through a few thrift stores in Lebanon or Estrie Aide in Sherbrooke. This follows my complete Moderna vaccination schedule. The COVID scare has kept me isolated beyond belief and devoid of a relationship. greytail2020, 70, seeking: W, Cp, Gp, l

FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, INDEPENDENT, EASYGOING Very honest, loyal, friendly. Enjoy cooking, traveling, walking, driving with no destination, exploring the beauty of the Green Mountains. Would enjoy finding the same in my partner. dyniska, 79, seeking: M

FREE SPIRIT WHO ENJOYS LIFE I enjoy skydiving, hiking, biking, photography, printing, cooking and much more. Looking for someone to share some of this life in a positive manner — friendship or more. Just turned 50 years young. jayspring, 50, seeking: W, l

GEEKY MAKER DAD, SUPER POSITIVE I’ve always pushed myself. Sometimes I do stop to reflect on why, and then, refreshed, I move forward some more. Built my own house. Adding to it now. But not married to it. Almost done with my master’s degree. I love travel and have been waiting out this pandemic to visit places again. Go visit places with me. Descanso, 53, seeking: W, l DECENT DUDE/PLEASURE SEEKER Looking for connection, chemistry, pleasure, exploration. We’re only alive once, and meeting people on Seven Days seems like a quintessential Vermont experience. Let’s enjoy ourselves. Hereforsafefun, 30, seeking: M, W, Cp, l WHERE ARE YOU? I like to think of myself as kind and smart, curious and adventurous, athletic and musical, and much more. A “renaissance person” is what I’ve always considered the ideal. Many years ago, I through-hiked the Appalachian Trail, and that experience, and my many adventures since, have shaped my life and my values in profound ways. somethingdifferent, 61, seeking: W, l JUSTIN THE GENT Laid-back kind of guy with big ambitions and goals. Hard worker with a firm belief that it’s work before play. Very independent and hold my own down, but like to get to know people and have fun! My children come first always, as should they for most people. I don’t plan on changing that. Message me! Cadence0801, 35, seeking: W, l GENUINE FRIEND AND LOVER Are you female with emotional, independent maturity who wants to share friendship, romance, conversation, curiosity, outdoor activity (no motorcycles, skydiving, MAGA)? I’m friends with my ex-wife of 10-plus years and my ex-romances, and they regard me as having modest brilliance, being an incredible pleaser in bed and a fantastic cook. (My favorite ingredient is not vanilla.). YourHappyJack, 50, seeking: W, l LONELY. COVID SUCKS. SUNBATHING NAKED. Looking for fun in the sun. Enjoy being nude. Fires outside. Cut, trimmed and shaving. Woman or a couple. Good times and laughter and sex. Toohorny11, 52, seeking: W, Cp, l ROMANTIC, DOMINANT, KINKY GENTLEMAN Looking for the right person to share my life with, enjoying each other’s company with the goal of finding happiness and having fun and adventures together. Will consider marrying the right person. Kids are a possibility but not a deal breaker. I’m pretty flexible and openminded but definitely seeking a longterm relationship. Value good morals. MASTERBLUEKNIGHT, 59, seeking: W, l TRYING TO PAY ATTENTION Moved to Vermont on a whim many years ago. Appreciate nature and animals. I am on a lifelong learning curve. NPR and live music (once upon a time). Find me at the ocean in Wellfleet, driving on Highway 1 in California or in a Chinese restaurant in NYC. I listen more than speak. Hoping to meet a kind, compatible soul. Mindfully, 67, seeking: W

PIN ME ... EROTIC WRESTLING? Hi all, I’m a discreet, masculine submissive who wants to be dominated, pinned down, tied up, used, played with, you name it. I’m very kinky with few limits, DD-free and play clean. I always have good 420 to share, too. You must host. Hit me up, and let’s party and have some kinky fun. Hlplss, 56, seeking: M, TM, TW, Q, Cp, Gp, l TATTOOS, MUSIC, WORK I am a hardworking man who has been to hell and back and is rebuilding successfully. I would like a woman who works hard and wants to build a future with someone. No games. newlife2021, 46, seeking: W, l CHIVALRY Friendly “man” looking for my sidekick/partner/friend. Bruce2016, 54, seeking: W, l SWEET, SALTY AND SPICY I consider myself fun, charming, creative and an interestingly varied individual. BKind, 29, seeking: W, Cp, l

TRANS WOMEN seeking... FOREVER SEARCHING Still looking for love. Would love to run into a beautiful dominatrix who will, through her grace, help me find the inspiration I need to flourish as a woman. I love to cook, I design board games and Lego sets, and give the best foot and back massages in the world! If this is heaven for you, come claim me! Neneveh, 24, seeking: W, l ONE OF A KIND Looking for fun in northern Vermont. Any women interested, reply. hell666, 28, seeking: W, l GENEROUS, OPEN, EASYGOING Active, healthy trans woman w/ partner seeks ecstatic connection for playtimes, connections, copulations, exploration and generally wonderful occasional times together. You should be fit, in good health, and available (not down low). Ideal is another couple for a foursome. But possibilities are wide-ranging: three, four, explorations and adventure. DoubleUp, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l

NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... SUB MASO FOR DOM SADIST Bio-female, nonbinary gendered, sub/ masochist looking for her Dom/Sadist. Looking for a local sadist who is looking for TPE and to play with the same person! Experienced older men preferred. I have 15 years of experience in BDSM. Looking for that open-minded someone who is OK with some jiggle with their wiggle, looking for full-time TPE and nonmonogamy. CallMeParker, 34, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l

COUPLES seeking... HAPPY, RELAXED, OPEN TO POSSIBILITIES We’re a couple looking for safe, sexy adventures with like-minded individuals or couples. Bluebird, 38, seeking: M, W, Cp I WANT TO WATCH I’m looking for a guy who’s willing to let my guy go down on him while I watch. I will not be joining, just watching. Please be between 25 and 45 years of age. BJ2021, 46, seeking: M COUPLE SEEKING WOMAN We are very open and honest. Clean, safe and totally discreet. We are looking for a woman who wants to try new adult things with a couple. We want to role-play and try some kink. Newboytoyvt, 51, seeking: W, l


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

CO-OP KITCHEN GUY The secret is out and the deli person knows who they are, as I confessed about the ad today. I never intended to cause any trouble for partnered people, and I likely read into it too much — sorry, folks! Awkwardness of the situation aside, you seem like a cool person, and I’d enjoy a friendly hangout if you’re interested. When: Thursday, April 8, 2021. Where: Hunger Mountain Coop. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915255 CO-OP DELI GUY This has been the subject of much discussion, as nearly all the kitchen/deli guys wear black shirts and green hats at one point. Some with partners are already in trouble for giving eyes. Can you be more specific? We do all wear name tags. Just saying. When: Thursday, March 18, 2021. Where: Hunger Mountain Coop. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915254 SHAMWOW And maybe when the time is right, we can meet again as strangers who know each other a little far too well. When: Sunday, April 4, 2021. Where: in my dreams. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915253 YOU ARE MY SUNSHINE Missing my sunshine. MSG needs his ray of light. When: Saturday, April 3, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915252 MAN AT MEHURON’S You had on a Joe’s Pond hat in the liquor department. Your basket was scantily clad with North Country smoked hot dogs, cheese puffs and Cabot Salsa Grande Dip. Your shining silver hair didn’t distract me from the six-pack of Heineken bottles you picked up. Call me Debbie, ‘cause I won’t be late for dinner. When: Monday, March 29, 2021. Where: Mehuron’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915251

GREEN CAP GUY, ESSEX HANNAFORD I saw you loading groceries in your gray Nissan Altima in the Essex Hannaford parking lot. Super cute guy with a green baseball cap. Caught your gaze for a moment. I think we should meet up! Maybe in EJ on Hawthorn? AFsDay! When: Thursday, March 18, 2021. Where: Essex Hannaford. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915250 TATTOOED HOTTIE WORKING AT COSTCO I commented on your gorgeous tattoos. You told me your artist was out of Waterbury. I should have given you my number. I also have lots of ink, but I forgot your artist’s name; let’s grab a coffee and talk tattoos. When: Sunday, March 28, 2021. Where: Costco, Colchester. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915249 RUNNER BABE WITH DOG I was with six friends walking up from the bike path. You were running with your dog, and we passed you right at the bottom of Maple. You were turning onto the bike path. You have a very nice face. Email me; let’s take a walk with your dog. :) When: Sunday, March 28, 2021. Where: Maple St., Burlington. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915248 BIKINI-CLAD WOMEN, BOLTON VALLEY 3/23 and 3/25: Did not mean to be rude to you on the 25th when I saw and spoke with you. In all my years skiing, I’ve never had the pleasure to follow what I did on the 23rd. Next week, if BV still has skiing and the weather is warm? My friends don’t believe I saw you. You both ski quite well! —An old GSr. When: Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Where: Bolton Valley. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915247 BARTENDER AT STONE CORRAL Sir. You are amazing. I was here on Saturday. I could not stop staring. When: Saturday, March 20, 2021. Where: Stone Corral. You: Man. Me: Man. #915245

SEVEN DAYS PERSONALS We met online through Seven Days. Started making a plan to met in person, but somehow we’ve been blocked from communicating with you. Hope to see you sometime at Three Penny! When: Tuesday, March 23, 2021. Where: Seven Days Personals. You: Man. Me: Couple. #915246 COOP KITCHEN DUDE GIVING EYES I see you. Your little looks have become a cute piece of my weekly shopping trip. Am I reading into it too much? Hard to strike up a conversation when you’re across the room — not to mention we both seem a bit shy. Let’s hang out sometime. You: green hat, black shirt. When: Thursday, March 18, 2021. Where: Hunger Mountain Coop. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915244 6 YEARS SINCE FL-FT BP: It’s been six years since our first FaceTime. You are still the first person I think of every morning and the last person when I go to bed. I miss seeing you every day. I miss your gorgeous brown eyes, your sexy voice and your killer smile! iwyrhcimdwc! PP. When: Wednesday, March 23, 2016. Where: FaceTime, Florida. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915243 HEARTTHROB AT HANDY’S Peter — was that your name, or the name I dreamt for you? A gray sweatshirt, dark hair and a jawline that won’t quit. Bellied up to the breakfast bar at Handy’s Lunch. You ordered French toast, or was it eggs? Anyways, let’s French sometime. When: Friday, March 12, 2021. Where: Handy’s Lunch. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915242 FIREWORKS ON THE BIKE PATH It was dusk on the bike path. My dog was freaking out about fireworks at the skate park. You stopped briefly to spare a comforting comment about how your dog does the same thing. Firework-free dog walk? When: Thursday, March 4, 2021. Where: bike path by the skate park (date is approximate). You: Man. Me: Woman. #915241 BEST BUY BABE We locked eyes from across the customer service desk at Best Buy on March 11. Was it the Canadian tuxedo you were wearing that had me interested? I’m not sure, but I’d love to get to know you and your man bun better. Coffee? When: Thursday, March 11, 2021. Where: Best Buy. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915240

Ask REVEREND Dear Cotton Crotch,

ALWAYS ALWAYS LAND You’re still in my thoughts ... every day. When: Saturday, March 6, 2021. Where: my dreams. You: Man. Me: Man. #915239 CARAMN 52 Dating site you said you wanted to meet. I wanted to meet you, too. I sent you a message and checked the next day. It wasn’t there anymore, and I couldn’t find your profile anywhere. Even after asking them specifically, they consistently screwed things up. But I’d still like to meet. Contact me here. I’ll show a picture of me. When: Wednesday, November 4, 2020. Where: on Zoosk dating site. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915237 HOT COP AT CUMBIES UVM officer by St. Mike’s. I don’t know what goes on on campus, but you are definitely prepared for it — from gear to physical fitness. Would be interested in chatting more. Please include the reason you let me go ahead of you in line. When: Saturday, February 27, 2021. Where: Cumbies. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915236 KAREN AT HOME DEPOT I think you know I’m crushing on you. Would enjoy coffee or a walk with you. Actually, anything more than a one-minute conversation on the checkout line. :) When: Sunday, February 21, 2021. Where: Home Depot. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915235 KNOCKOUT WAITRESS AT ROZZI’S Your name is Devan. We’ve made great eye contact a few times in the restaurant, but you were never my waitress. Wondering if you are single. When: Thursday, January 21, 2021. Where: Rozzi’s Lakeshore Tavern. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915234 SUNSHINE SD Just would like to say I’m sorry, and I miss you terribly. When: Wednesday, February 17, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915233 HEY JUNE LETTERPRESS IN RICHMOND I was shopping for some stationery. You were talking to a friend about bullet journals. Wanna meet at Sweet Simone’s for a coffee to-go sometime? When: Saturday, February 13, 2021. Where: Hey June Letterpress Studio. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915232

STARBUCKS ON WILLISTON ROAD 1 p.m. You: a lovely blond woman. We exchanged glances. Care to chat? I’ll buy the next round. When: Thursday, February 11, 2021. Where: Starbucks, Williston Road. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915230 GREASY BABE RADICALIZING KIDS Hey, coach. I saw you at the climbing gym explaining to some kids how to undermine the ruling class. You were wearing a sexy yellow tank top, looked like you could kick my ass, and I can tell you don’t wash your hair, but it still looks hot. How about we eat a quesadilla and talk about late capitalism sometime? When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Where: climbing gym. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #915229 MAPLEFIELDS I saw you around 3:30. You got a 12-pack of Bud, Slim Jim and Doritos. I would like to meet you. I had a black and gray North Face coat. I said hello to you at the beer cooler. When: Thursday, February 4, 2021. Where: Maplefields, Woodstock. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915227 BROWN-EYED SNOW SLIDER Saw you cruising through the hardwoods at Adam’s Solitude. Easy riding with the tan bibs and that fresh purple split, family tree? Popping over that boulder all smooth. Caught your gaze for just a moment, and all I could see were those chocolate brown eyes. Swoon! Catch me at the hill someday, and we can split a hazy. When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Where: Bolton. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915226 NEFCU ESSEX Around 2:20. Exchanged a few glances inside NEFCU. You got into your Highlander and headed toward the center, and then you pulled into Maplefields not too long after you were pulling out of Price Chopper. You smiled and waved. Just wanted to let you know you made my day. Hope to see you around again. When: Friday, January 29, 2021. Where: Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915225 SHOPPING AT TJ MAXX ON 1/28 The most beautiful woman I have ever seen, with blond hair past your shoulders and wearing black low-top Converse and black leggings. You were shopping, and I was scrubbing the floor with a machine. We made severe eye contact with each other. Would you like to get a drink or coffee? When: Thursday, January 28, 2021. Where: TJ Maxx. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915224


Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,

I smoke pot nearly every day. Occasionally it gives me dry mouth. And sometimes when I have sex after smoking, it seems to make my lady parts dry up. How do I avoid this?

Cotton Crotch (FEMALE, 34)

I’m pretty sure that anybody who has used marijuana has had a case of cotton mouth, and likely most people with a vagina have experienced what you’re talking about. Certain strains of marijuana seem to dry up the mucus membranes throughout the body, but luckily it’s a problem with an easy solution. Drink plenty of water — lots of it. Your whole body has to be hydrated to keep everything flowing. If you’re going to get busy, try

to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks, which can cause dehydration. It also can’t hurt to keep your environment moist by running a humidifier in the bedroom. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: Lube is your friend. Keep some handy at all times. If you use condoms, make sure

to use a water-based lube. You can also find CBD- or THC-infused brands. I hear they’re amazing. Different strains of weed can cause different reactions. Some people think that strains with higher levels of CBD than THC are better for sexy time. I think it all depends on the individual and what kind of sex they’re having: solo, partnered, slow, lusty. It’s going to take some experimentation to figure out what works best for you — but what a good time you’ll have along the way. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend What’s your problem?

Send it to SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021


GWM looking for springtime hookups or longer if all goes well. Easygoing, nice guy in Rutland County. I like to play and like everything. Respond with phone number. #L1493 Older yet still younger person seeking any age to bring back that lovin’ feeling. Longdistance runner, speed walker, hiker. 5’9, 160 pounds. Biker, aerobics lover, looking for a fine friendship or more. I love music, drawing, poetry, guitar, literature, yoga, philosophy. Mostly vegetarian looking for values, humility, kindness, smiles, even magic. #L1492

I am as ancient as great Madonna. Need a man in my life with a sense of humor who knows their way around. Soul mate or just friends. Music, zen, health, bodywork, travel. Meet up for coffee? Be the change you seek to become. #L1497 I’m a man who’s served our country honorably, looking for a tenderhearted woman, 56 to 67, with grit. I like to travel, go out to eat, go to the movies, play golf and listen to live music. I own a home in Burlington and a camp in the mountains. I’m financially secure. I have a grateful and humble attitude for everything in my life. #L1496

56-y/o SW. Humbled, thoughtful. Hoping for a safe, kind, honest relationship with a man. Calm in nature, love for nature. Morning coffees, long walks, talks, sunsets, art, music, dance, friends, family, laughs! Willing to see and resolve suffering. Unconditional love and support find me at home. Phone number, please. #L1486 64-y/o SWF seeking SM, 50 to 75 y/o, for companionship. Must be Catholic or Protestant, clean, COVID-free. Interests: the arts, teaching, cooking, watching shows, Hallmark movies. Love animals, walks, coffee, tea, sunrises, sunsets. Consider a man’s heart more important. Phone number, please. #L1494

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check

(made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 10 for a membership (credit accepted).



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We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!


SEVEN DAYS APRIL 14-21, 2021

Bi male, slightly older. Live in New York but can travel. Clean, COVID-free. Slim but in good shape. 6’1, 180 pounds. Mostly a bottom; looking for a nice guy who’s a top. #L1491 I’m seeking a Robert De Nirotype man: handsome, well educated, lots of fun with good manners, class and panache. I’m a 60-something blond girl. Still have my cheerleading legs. Lover of delicious. He must respect my dog. #L1490 Woman with no commitments interested in dating younger to older men. Please answer to talk about music or whatever your passion, work experience or education. Namaste. #L1489

Internet-Free Dating!

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. I’m a 39-y/o male seeking a female 18 to 45. Looking for a friend and pen pal first. I’m an honest, loyal, loving and determined person. I’m a Pagan (Asatru). I’m also a dork. I look forward to writing you. #L1488 60-y/o male seeking 40to 80-y/o male or female. Seeking other nudists for companionship in northern Vermont. #L1487 SWM, late 50s, seeking W, M, Couples roughly 30 miles from capital. Love getting off on phone fantasies. Send number and best times. Meeting or photos possible. No text. Let’s get off safe and hot! Hope to have hot fun. #L1485 Wanted: Black women, young or old. Love Black feet and butts. Nice guy. #L1484 Seeking pen pervs and phone freaks who will share their closet kinks. I’m open-minded, nonjudgmental and eager to hear all of your sexy stories. #L1483

66-y/o bi male, 5’4, 150 pounds, brown eyes, salt-and-pepper hair. Very handsome, warm, kind person. Looking for goodlooking bi or gay male. Must be DD-free, 420-friendly. Prefer little body hair, must shave and be circumcised. Would like to meet good-looking gay couple for ongoing thing. Very oral. #L1482 Do you seek a soul mate who loves music, travel and lively conversation? I’m an active retired woman in Addison County (5’5, slender, nonsmoker) who enjoys the outdoors. Friends consider me smart, funny and caring. My hope: to make a warm, healthy connection, sharing interests and chemistry, with a good man. #L1481 54-y/o SWM seeking 45- to 60y/o SWF. I’m a good man looking for a sweet, fit and attractive lady. A man who will love you for yourself. Central Vermont area. #L1480 I’m a man seeking new friends for adventure. I hike Mount Philo almost every day and love to cross-country ski. #L1478

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

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