Seven Days, June 19, 2019

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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Burton Gets Zoning Approval for Burlington South End Concert Venue


he Burlington City Council on Monday night approved a controversial zoning change that will allow Burton Snowboards to move forward with a conceptual plan to build out its Industrial Parkway facility with music venue Higher Ground as an anchor tenant. Councilors voted 10-1 to approve an amendment to allow performing arts centers of up to 15,000 square feet on Industrial Parkway, where Burton owns 155,000 square feet of space between two buildings. Councilor Joan Shannon, a Democrat whose South District includes the affected area, cast the lone no vote. Councilor Chip Mason (D-Ward 5) recused himself. Burton also wants to create a food hall at the complex. Mad Taco co-owner Wes Hamilton said Monday that his restaurant is eager to open there, as is Misery Loves Co. The vote followed impassioned testimony on both sides of the issue. Proponents said the project aligns with the South End’s vitality as an arts hub, while opponents expressed worries over increased noise and traffic in what is largely a quiet residential area. “Dropping the state’s largest rock venue in the middle of a residential neighborhood that has one residential street to transport patrons in and out?” South End resident John Creason said. “I just can’t believe that’s actually on the table.” Justin Worthley, a senior veep at Burton, said the company would address concerns during the

permitting process. He said Burton has envisioned this build-out for at least 12 years. While Burton may have good intentions, neighbor Ben Traverse said, the company won’t be able to build better city infrastructure. That is up to officials, whom Traverse said should wait until the area is better equipped to handle the increased traffic before allowing the zoning change to go forward. Brett Smith, who lives near the project area on Austin Drive, thinks the Burton project is aligned with other “vibrant and livable” South End improvements such as the new City Market, Onion River Co-op, which also required a zoning change. He said the amenities could attract young professionals to the area and help keep them around. “To me, it’s phenomenal that me and my family could walk to these venues soon,” Smith said. South Burlington City Councilor Meaghan Emery said in a letter Tuesday that residents and officials are concerned about young people partying near Red Rocks Park, which is known for risky cliff-diving, and venue impacts to the Queen City Park neighborhood. They’ll be brought up at future permitting sessions, she wrote. Read Courtney Lamdin’s full story on


Kevin Bacon — not the actor — was allegedly searching the internet for a “Saved by the Bell” episode when he hit a trooper’s car on Interstate 91. Screech-worthy.


Enrollment for a new federal dairy insurance program opened on Monday. Vermont farmers need all the help they can get.


Vermont State Police say new data suggest there is more racial parity in who gets stopped by the cops. The total number of stops dropped by 6,129. Keep measuring.



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That’s how many gallons of maple syrup Vermont produced during the 2019 season, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. That’s a 6.7 percent increase over 2018.



1. “Between a ‘Hub’ and a Hard Place: Three Stories of Opioid Addiction in Rural Vermont” by Kate O’Neill. In some rural Vermont towns, it’s easier to get drugs than treatment. 2. “Burlington Citizen Group Sues to Stop Champlain Parkway” by Courtney Lamdin. The group contends that the project’s 2009 environmental impact statement is outdated. 3. “Long Lines, Missed Flights: Airport Rush Hour Prompts Reconfiguration of TSA Access” by Molly Walsh. The busiest departure window at Burlington’s airport is 5:30 to 7 a.m., when there’s a crush of people trying to get through security. 4. “Greg’s Market to Reopen in Middlebury” by Melissa Pasanen. The market will reopen in July with a new owner and a slightly different name. 5. “Burlington Mayor’s Attempt to Diversify Leadership Falls Short” by Courtney Lamdin. In seven years as mayor, Miro Weinberger has appointed 29 department heads and hired seven senior staffers. Only two of those hires represented any racial diversity.

tweet of the week @zoecello Empty fridge, moldy teapot, ants... welcome home from tour! ;-) FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER



The red-eared slider turtle COURTESY OF JOANN NICHOLS

The goldfish

Gov. Phil Scott signed a bill banning singleuse plastic bags, giving Vermont the most restrictive law in the nation. Every little bit…


he concerned citizen on the phone described a scenario JoAnn Nichols had never encountered. A couple dozen goldfish — and a turtle — were swimming in the fountain in Burlington’s City Hall Park. Could Nichols, a wildlife removal expert, fish them out? The fountain hadn’t been in use because the city is preparing to begin construction on the park. Instead, it was filled with six inches of stagnant rainwater. A city parks employee tagged along with her last week to drain the fountain.

Nichols scooped out some coins, a locket, a die and a cellphone — along with 24 fish and a red-eared slider turtle. All were healthy, though the terrapin had “shell rot,” a common condition caused by constant submersion in water. Red-eared sliders are semiaquatic, “so they do need to be able to haul themselves out on land and be able to bask to regulate body temperature,” Nichols said. “And this turtle wasn’t able to do that.” “He’ll heal from that really easily,” she added. A group of homeless folks hanging out in

the park told Nichols that they had purchased the pets and put them in the fountain. But because none of them could prove it or adequately care for the pets, Nichols took the creatures home. She’s trying to adopt them out through the Humane Society of Chittenden County, an organization with which she works part time as an investigator. There’ve been no takers yet, though one person offered to help pay for the animals’ care, according to Nichols. “Lots of times I’m working with wildlife that have gotten themselves into situations that are kinda funky,” said Nichols, who operates a business called HEART Wildlife Removal. “So I’m used to dealing with trying to sort things out.” SASHA GOLDSTEIN SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



INVENTIVE SENTENCES. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly owners Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Cathy Resmer,

Colby Roberts, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers

Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein politiCAl editor Paul Heintz Consulting editor Candace Page politiCAl Columnist John Walters stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Courtney Lamdin,

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intern Sabine Poux proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Elizabeth M. Seyler D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl editor Andrea Suozzo digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck AudienCe engAgement speCiAlist Gillian English DESIGN CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert Art direCtor Rev. Diane Sullivan produCtion mAnAger John James designers Brooke Bousquet,

Michelle Brown, Kristen Hutter, Logan Pintka mArketing & events direCtor Corey Grenier sAles & mArketing CoordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business mAnAger Cheryl Brownell direCtor of CirCulAtion Matt Weiner CirCulAtion deputy Jeff Baron generAl pAtent Rufus CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Rachel Elizabeth Jones, Rick Kisonak, Jacqueline Lawler, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Melissa Pasanen, Jernigan Pontiac, Julia Shipley, Molly Zapp

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CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Harry Bliss, Caleb Kenna, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Susan Norton, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur

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ARTS & LIFE editor Pamela Polston AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Jordan Adams CAlendAr writer Kristen Ravin speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Chelsea Edgar, Ken Picard,

SALES & MARKETING direCtor of sAles Colby Roberts senior ACCount exeCutive Michael Bradshaw ACCount exeCutives Robyn Birgisson,

June is Allergan Month!


speCiAl projeCt interns

Lena Camilletti, Claire Skogsberg

Kirsten Cheney, Todd Scott

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Kevin McCallum, Molly Walsh speCiAl projeCt stAff writer Kate O’Neill

C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 6 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Jeff Baron, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Bill Mullins, Dan Nesbitt, Ezra Oklan, Dan Thayer, Josh Weinstein, Steve Yardley With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below.

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©2019 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019 6/17/19 12:17 PM



On June 11, the city hosted the Burlington Housing Summit. Over the course of two meetings and dozens of small group conversations, the city got to hear from more than 200 Burlingtonians about our community’s housing challenges and opportunities and how to reform our housing policy to create more homes in Burlington. It was an exciting day focused on one of our city’s most critical issues. Unfortunately, readers of Seven Days wouldn’t know. Instead of covering this major community conversation, on the same day Seven Days decided to instead write about the latest lawsuit filed by a group seeking to block the construction of the Champlain Parkway [Off Message: “Burlington Citizen Group Sues to Stop Champlain Parkway,” June 11]. While hundreds in our community were focused on productive, forward-looking solutions, Seven Days’ coverage spotlit those who are seeking to block any change. Later in the week, the New York Times editorial board published a piece putting our efforts in the national context. “The United States is suffering from an acute shortage of affordable places to live,” the piece reads, “and perhaps the most important reason is that local governments are preventing construction.” The Times goes on to discuss ways that progressive cities around the country are exploring how to reform restrictive land-use policies and say yes. By choosing not to cover a conversation about solutions to one of Burlington’s most urgent issues and instead continuing to give a megaphone to obstructionists, Seven Days is slanting its coverage in favor of those who are focused only on saying no. Miro Weinberger


Weinberger is the mayor of Burlington.


[Re Off Message: “Burlington Council Hears Updates on Kilburn Case, Mall Development,” April 29]: Finally! We have our long-awaited multiple warm, sunny days in a row. We can enjoy the sounds of birds, the gentle breeze in the fresh green leaves, lovely jazz music and ... construction? No on that last bit, because despite amenable weather and a desperate need

for housing and high-paying jobs, a gigantic hole in the heart of my hometown is doing little more than breeding mosquitos in the idle puddles of mud on the site of what was promised by Don Sinex and Mayor Whatsisname to be the beginning of an unimaginably glorious future for us all. How’s that looking right now? We run the risk of becoming one more comically dysfunctional town that tried to do everything it could to please billionaire investors and millionaire tourists while forgetting that our waitresses and clerks, our janitors and security guards, our nurses and even our cops also need to be able to afford to live, love and play downtown, right along with the coddled students and tourists. There is a gigantic muddy hole in the heart of my hometown, and I am angry — not least of all because I supported this project in its early days. Now I feel ashamed and guilty, but I should not be alone in feeling that way. Build something, damn it! Mac McGill



[Re Off Message: “Burlington Council Hears Updates on Kilburn Case, Mall Development,” April 29]: I worked in Budapest, Hungary, for 10 years. While I was there, the government decided to build a new National Theatre in the center of the city. They dug the foundation, and then construction stopped.


Last week’s cover story, “The Mighty Bucks,” misstated the affiliation of the Howard E. Brush Arena in Middlebury. It is part of the town-owned Memorial Sports Center. Drummer Ezra Oklan, subject of “Front and Center,” has two children: a son and a daughter. “Sea Change” incorrectly characterized Liz Canner’s gaming experience. She grew up on Pac-Man and has also played and tested other video games and taken game design classes. In the Last 7, “No-Way Champlain Parkway?” omitted a key detail in reporting how much the City of Burlington would pay for the Champlain Parkway project. The city’s $3.2 million would cover its 2 percent share of the nearly $45 million project, plus expenses such as street lighting, landscaping and other amenities.





JUNE 7–24

This is much like CityPlace Burlington. In Budapest, the government decided to relocate the National Theatre to another location. The hole in the center city remained for five years and was called the “National Hole.” In Budapest, the National Hole has been put to good use. Might we call the hole in the center of Burlington “City Hole” until it, too, gets put to good use? Sandy Kish



[Re Off Message: “Three Arrested After Climate Protest Halts Vermont House Action,” May 16]: While I appreciate Seven Days’ coverage of the climate change demonstration in the Vermont Statehouse, I think ORCA Media should have also been mentioned in [“‘Just Right?’ Vermont Lawmakers Finesse Final Bills in Overtime,” May 22]. ORCA Media published the whole 25-minute interaction without interruption, which gave me a fuller understanding of what had happened from the beginning to the end: shouting protesters showering many hundreds of small paper messages into the well; Speaker Mitzi Johnson’s clearing of the well of the House of the Representatives without listening to the protesters; seeing the two representatives who stayed; the Statehouse police talking with the press and removing the demonstrators. It was clearly the in-your-face, awkward confrontation that it was meant to be and showed the frustrations of trying to work within our government’s

rules to get something done about this life-or-death issue. The ORCA video is on YouTube under the title “Extinction Rebellion Vermont — Swarm the Statehouse.” Peter Harvey



I must commend Rick Kisonak for refusing to nurture the lionization of the late John Lennon in his review of the film John & Yoko: Above Us Only Sky [Movie Reviews, May 22]. His point is especially well taken about the persona of the man as a younger Beatle, particularly in contrast to the sanctimonious, self-righteous and often strident tone of Lennon late in his tenure with the group and early on as a solo artist and in collaboration with Yoko Ono. And the description of the latter segments of the documentary sound particularly on-point in terms FEEDBACK

» P.23

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JUNE 19-26, 2019 VOL.24 NO.39




Volunteers Fear Respite House Is Trading Hominess for Solvency



As Act 46 Deadline Looms, Districts Rush to Finish Their Math Homework BY KEVIN MCCALLUM


Correct Change? Green Mountain Transit Rolls Out New Routes, Apps



Where Art Meets Science: SHIFT 2019 Opens Up ‘A Portal to the Sky’

Unreal Genius

Business: For entrepreneur Matt Benedetto, necessity is the mother of reinvention

Excerpts From Off Message



Book review: The Rationing, Charles Wheelan


Robert Resnik Awarded the Herb Lockwood Prize in the Arts





Greetings From Vermont: A ‘Green Record’ BY MARGARET GRAYSON

Mission: Incredible

History: A Charlotte writer’s book tells the story of the man who tried to destroy Auschwitz from inside

Last Rewind

Culture: As another video store closes, Vermonters ponder the end of an era

Good Neighbors


Food: Daytripping to Frelighsburg, Québec, for eats, art and history

11 22 44 50 64 68 78 84

Share the Fare

Food: Grilling the Chef: Adam Woogmaster cooks without a menu — or prices — at Chez Mami Catering food truck BY SALLY POLLAK


Fair Game POLITICS WTF CULTURE Work JOBS Side Dishes FOOD Soundbites MUSIC Album Reviews Art Review Movie Reviews Ask the Rev ADVICE

88 88 88 88 89 89 90 90 90 91 92

CLASSIFIEDS vehicles housing services homeworks buy this stuff music legals crossword fsbo calcoku/sudoku support groups puzzle answers jobs



JUN 19 - JUL 2

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Music: Post-Madaila, Mark Daly takes stock of his life on a new solo album

COLUMNS + REVIEWS 12 28 30 45 69 73 78 84 94

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Dad Rock
















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BENEDETTO, necessity is the mother of reinvention


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Stuck in Vermont: More than 50 years after her death, author Shirley Jackson is having a moment. She wrote many of her novels, memoirs and short stories in her North Bennington home.



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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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Breathe Easy Lung cancer is the No. 1 cancer killer of men and women, according to the American Lung Association. Participants in Burlington’s LUNG FORCE Walk take steps to raise awareness and funds for lung health. Amblers may register as individuals or in teams for this 1.75-mile jaunt along Lake Champlain. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 54


Living History From basket making to drumming to storytelling, Native American traditions take center stage during Abenaki Heritage Weekend. Presented by the Vermont Abenaki Artists Association, this two-day cultural celebration features short films, an arts marketplace and other activities offering “an Abenaki perspective on life in the Champlain Valley.” Experience Vermont’s indigenous past and present at the Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 56



POSITIVE THINKING In a 2014 review, the Guardian calls Every Brilliant Thing “one of the funniest plays you’ll ever see about depression.” Playwright Duncan Macmillan’s one-person show follows a young woman in her efforts to help her chronically depressed mother see the beauty in life. Middlebury Actors Workshop presents the Vermont premiere of this long-running OffBroadway hit at the Vermont Coffee Company Playhouse. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 54

Summer in Vermont provides no shortage of natural beauty. Green thumbs take time to stop and smell the roses during the Hinesburg Garden Tour. Tickets are available at the Carpenter-Carse Tour Library and Red Wagon Plants, where folks can grab a map before embarking on a self-guided excursion of seven stunning plots. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 58


Name Change Burlington indie-pop band Madaila may be on hiatus, but front person Mark Daly is keeping busy. The Middlebury native debuts I’m Gonna Do It (Anyway), his double album under the moniker (Anyway) Ernest. Daly introduces fresh introspective pop Ernest tunes on Saturday at the Light Club Lamp Shop in Burlington and on Sunday in a hometown show at the Middlebury culinary celebration Foodaroo 5. SEE STORY ON PAGE 68


By Design FRIDAY 21

Decades of Dedication Outright Vermont’s tagline is “Making it better since 1989.” The Burlingtonbased nonprofit celebrates three decades of supporting LGBTQ youth with the Outright 30th Birthday Gayla. Held at the University of Vermont Alumni House during Pride Month, this sparkling soirée serves up food, drinks and a dance party with DJ Crystal Jonez. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 55

Montpelier artist Sam Talbot-Kelly dreams big. Just look at her current exhibition at Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop in Waterbury. “Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket” demonstrates Talbot-Kelly’s experimental approach to costume and set design in a lofty reimagination of Greek myth and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s transcendentalist views on nature. Amy Lilly reviews the installation. SEE REVIEW ON PAGE 78

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019




8TH SEASON! 6/19 The Stragglers



Vermont Democrats Begin to Explore 2020 Bids for Governor


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019 11/19/15 11:03 AM


ast week, Gov. PHIL SCOTT dismissed a question about running for 6/26 Hard Scrabble reelection in 2020. “It was just 7/3 Blackwolf five or six months ago that I 7/10 Jamie Lee Thurston was sworn into office,” Scott said. “Any 7/17 Pete’s Posse decision will come after the legislative session. It’s just way too early.” 49 Old Main St., Jeffersonville | Every Wednesday Early or not, potential challengers are 4:30PM - 8PM | MUSIC 5:30 already sniffing around. Two Vermonters Sponsored by are actively considering a Democratic Cambridge Arts Council, Great Big Graphics, Smugglers’ Notch Resort, N.A.Manosh, Switchback candidacy, and two more are giving it Brewing Co., Rock Art Brewery, Aubuchon Hardware, G.W.Tatro Construction, Kingdom Creamery of VT, JFAM, serious thought. Plus, a well-known Jack F. Corse, Brewster River Pub & Brewery, Ed Brannigan Excavating and Leroux Concrete Montpelier lobbyist is promoting Construction, Rockin’ Ron the Friendly Pirate an activist agenda in an essay called “If I Were Governor.” Participants Needed for a 1:46 PM Interesting times. 12v-jeffersonvillefarmersmarket061919.indd 1 6/13/19 Scott’s bland denial contained Research Study on the Brain some hidden spice. Putting off an announcement until May 2020 could be an earnest slam at perpetual campaigns — but it also puts Scott in firm control of the process. Democratic hopefuls have to ponder the risk of taking on a popular incumbent, and potential Republican candidates are stuck on ice for another 11 months. Indeed, if Scott is serious about Healthy, non-smoking participants waiting until next spring, he’d better (18-30 years old) needed for a 4 visit be planning to run. Otherwise, he’d be UVM study on a chemical system in the effectively ceding the governorship to healthy brain. Participants will receive the Democrats. $400 for completion of the study. If he does run, he would be a strong Contact us at 847-8248 or favorite. He hasn’t lost an election — ever — going back to his first bid for state Senate in 2000. There are no visible CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE RESEARCH UNIT dents in his popularity. He’s upset liberal voters with some of his vetoes, but not his moderate, centrist base. Democratic leaders insist that Scott will be beatable. “It’s a presidential year,” said 12v-uvmdeptpsych-Brainstudy062718.indd 1 6/28/18 11:38 AM the state party’s political director, BRANDON BATHAM. “We typically do well in those years. I’d really hate to be running on the same ticket as [President] DONALD TRUMP.” You’d expect Batham to be talking up Find, fix and feather with his party’s prospects. But there may be Nest Notes — an e-newsletter some truth in his assessment. Last year, the Dems went begging for a credible filled with home design, candidate. This year, some relatively big Vermont real estate tips names are already in the mix, starting and DIY with Attorney General T.J. DONOVAN. He’s widely seen as a political climber, but until decorating recently he has professed undying dedicainspirations. tion to his current job. Now? “People have been asking me about running,” Donovan said last Friday. “I’m having conversations. I haven’t made any decisions.” But then he offered the abridged Sign up today at version of a stump speech. “We need to move the state forward,” he said. “For me, Offering Live music, local food and art. Please join us in an unhurried space with views of beautiful Mount Mansfield.

it’s about the economy. We need vision, investment, ideas.” Donovan talked health care, education and creating “a good environment for job creation.” Also, while he praised Scott as “a good guy,” Donovan slammed the governor’s much-publicized grant program for remote workers who move to Vermont. “I don’t think giving $5,000 to outsiders



is going to set us on the path to prosperity. We’ve got to invest in Vermont and Vermonters.” Those “outsiders” can actually get up to $10,000 over two years. Donovan would be a formidable candidate, arguably the early favorite for the party nomination. He springs from the Leddy-Donovan tree of Burlington Democratic royalty. He’s an energetic campaigner who has shown the ability to fundraise both in-state and elsewhere. That will be key to anyone hoping to take on the governor. Donovan’s early expression of interest may discourage other potential candidates who fear they can’t match his positives, but he is not without weaknesses. There isn’t much in his record to inspire enthusiasm among liberal and progressive voters. He has sided with law enforcement on many issues, his advocacy for reducing the prison population has been ineffective, his

support for justice reform has been more rhetorical than tangible, and he declined to bring hate-speech charges for the harassment that led to the resignation of former state representative KIAH MORRIS. His talking points could use some sharpening, too. His “job creation” emphasis sounds a lot like Scott’s position. And Donovan will have to develop a broader critique of the incumbent than an applause line about a low-cost grant program. Which brings us to the other statewide officeholder believed to have higher ambitions: Progressive/Democratic Lt. Gov. DAVID ZUCKERMAN. The Hinesburg farmer has got the liberal-progressive credibility Donovan lacks, but he’s much more circumspect about running. “I’m noodling it around, but nothing significant at this point,” Zuckerman said on Monday. “My family and the farm are much more on my mind.” But doesn’t a potential candidate need to get going in the near future? “T.J. and myself, we’ve won statewide,” Zuckerman replied. “We don’t have to start as early as someone lesser known. If I’m going to challenge the governor, I’ll have my kickoff in November or December.” Former education secretary REBECCA HOLCOMBE toyed with a run for governor last year and is now considering it seriously. Holcombe served under Democratic governor PETER SHUMLIN and continued under Scott — until March 2018, when she resigned with one week’s notice and little explanation. She was rumored to be mulling a Democratic



candidacy at the time but never pulled the trigger. Now she’s actively pursuing the idea. “I love this state. It has tremendous potential, but it needs a new direction,” Holcombe said last Friday. “I’m seriously considering a run for governor. I’ll make a decision in the next couple of weeks.” As education secretary, Holcombe was more policy wonk than political figure. She doesn’t have a public record on most issues, and she isn’t sharing just yet. “I’ve got a lot to learn about politics,” she acknowledged. Holcombe is getting some high-level assistance from EMILY’s List, the national organization that supports prochoice female Democratic candidates. There’s no endorsement or fundraising (yet), but there is some tangible help with Politics 101. “We like to see women step up and take on tough races like this,” said BENJAMIN RAY, EMILY’s List senior director for campaign communications and longdistance Holcombe adviser. “It’s a lift we hope we can make lighter.” That should be a big help — unless it’s not. Recall that in 2016, EMILY’s List endorsed Democratic candidate SUE MINTER and even provided a campaign manager, MOLLY RITNER. But Ritner’s ignorance of Vermont politics was widely seen as a key factor in Minter’s underperforming campaign. Holcombe may turn out to be a compelling candidate with plenty of ideas. But after the party lost badly in 2018 with first-time candidate CHRISTINE HALLQUIST, will Dems be inclined to turn the reins over to another newcomer? Also contemplating a run: BRENDA SIEGEL, the Brattleboro resident who finished a strong third in the 2018 Democratic primary despite getting a very late start and raising little money. Last year’s field, of course, was notable for its weakness. Siegel would likely face stronger candidates in 2020. Siegel has been a frequent presence at the Statehouse this year, lobbying on economic justice issues and for increased access to treatment for those with substance-use disorders. “I’m considering a run for governor,” she said, before thoroughly slamming the idea of 18-month campaigns. “It’s way too early to make a decision,” Siegel added. “Anyone who wants to make Vermont better should be doing that work right now. Money should be going into causes, not campaigns.” OK, we’ll check back later. Which brings us to a wild-card entry who’s probably not an entry at all. On Monday, longtime Statehouse lobbyist KEVIN ELLIS posted an essay called “If I Were

Governor” on his blog, It’s a wide-ranging call to action, positing that Vermont is “at a dangerous fork in the road,” echoing Gov. Scott’s concerns about economic stagnation and demographic decline. But unlike the incumbent, Ellis is calling for a complete change of direction. Ellis calls for a modernization of the tax code, an end to state subsidies for past-their-prime industries such as large dairy farms, a climate-resilient economy and an open door to in-migration. “We need to be the beckoning country,” he said, recalling Vermont’s economic development slogan in the 1960s. But while Ellis would like to be governor, he’d prefer that someone like-minded take on the job of campaigning. “I’ve got something to say, and I intend to say it,” Ellis said. “If that drives people like Rebecca Holcombe to run, I’d be glad to step aside.” One final note: Absent from this list of prospective candidates is anyone serving in the legislature. There are no hints, signs or even rumors surrounding any member of the House or Senate. And given the way this year’s session ended, with a failure to pass key legislation and plenty of House-Senate sniping, perhaps that’s just as well.

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6/7/19 2:02 PM


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6/6/19 1:04 PM

Media Note The Vermont press corps is down another experienced reporter this week. NEAL GOSWAMI resigned from WCAX-TV and began work Monday as a media relations specialist for the University of Vermont Medical Center. “This was not a job I was looking for,” said Goswami. But when the offer came, he added, it was “too good to pass up. Hours, pay, vacation, essentially all the things I was yearning for.” The 38-year-old Goswami has been a reporter since 2006, when he signed on at the Bennington Banner. Seven years later he was hired as a reporter for the Vermont Press Bureau, the Statehouse news service then operated by the BarreMontpelier Times Argus and Rutland Herald. He moved to WCAX in late 2017 as the station’s lead Statehouse reporter. “We’re sorry to see Neal go,” wrote WCAX news director ROGER GARRITY in a Monday email. “His ability to break down complex policies and make them relatable to viewers will be missed.” m




Listen to John Wednesdays at 8:10 a.m. on WVMT 620 AM. Blog: Email: Twitter: @jwalters7D








Untitled-21 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/14/19 2:54 PM

Volunteers Fear Respite House Is Trading Hominess for Solvency B Y M OLLY WA LSH



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



olunteers organized to create the McClure Miller Respite House back in 1991. Thousands of terminally ill people have since lived their final days in the homelike setting of a hospice that has become a beloved Chittenden County institution. Although the 21-bed nonprofit in Colchester still benefits from plenty of free labor, it’s no longer a stand-alone organization. For the past 22 years, the Respite House has been operated by what used to be known as the Visiting Nurse Association of Chittenden and Grand Isle Counties, which, in 2018, affiliated with Burlington’s sprawling hospital group and changed its name to the University of Vermont Health Network Home Health & Hospice. Now there are fears that more than monikers are changing at the Respite House due to the growing influence of the big health care group that oversees it. This spring, after 18 years serving as its public face, Sharon Keegan learned that her days were numbered there. Although her house administrator position is the sole job being cut at the hospice care home, it’s one of 10 the agency is eliminating across its operations to reduce a $2.5 million budget shortfall. News of Keegan’s termination, announced publicly last month, did not go over well with many of the Respite House’s 200 volunteers, who do everything from bake cookies to wheel residents through gardens blooming with irises and begonias. “Everybody thought it was a really, really dirty thing to do to Sharon,” said volunteer Mary Post of Essex Junction, who quit last week in protest. Post is also worried that plans to officially designate a wing at the Respite House for higher-skilled nursing care will make the environment less homey. Volunteers call the individuals they care for “residents,” not patients. “People are afraid it’s going to change the whole soul of the place. It’s going to be an institution; it’s just going to be like the hospital. That’s the fear,” Post said. Her husband, Bruce Post, an occasional volunteer, called Keegan’s termination “the worst decision since the Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees.” The Posts aren’t the only volunteers who are upset. Letting Keegan go is a mistake “beyond any reasonable explanation,” said volunteer Charlene Young of Jericho. “To say I’m disappointed” would be an “understatement.” Now that the Respite House is part of the UVM Health Network, “I’m very, very worried that they will lose their identity,” said Young, a retired medical assistant and secretary at UVM Medical Center. “They need to remain as independent as they possibly can.” In an interview with Seven Days last Thursday, 62-yearold Keegan expressed appreciation for the support of her volunteer colleagues but seemed resigned to her fate. If it’s what the administration had to do, then so be it, said Keegan, who plans to go on a meditation retreat when she leaves her post in July. “It’s just a privilege,” she said about her tenure at the Respite House. “It’s a deep human privilege to be able to be with humans who are dying, and their families.” Keegan’s job has been to meet with families and friends of prospective residents, then facilitate their admission and care. She trained many volunteers, and then trainers

Sharon Keegan

of volunteers. She comforts both the residents and their grieving loved ones. To let her go is “a real kick to the stomach,” said Mary Post, who joined many other volunteers at a June 4 meeting at Home Health & Hospice’s administrative building in Colchester. Philanthropists Bob and Holly Miller also attended the emotional gathering about cost-cutting measures. The couple has given at least $4 million to the Respite House — enough to share naming rights on the building with Warren and Lois McClure. According to numerous accounts, Bob Miller offered to personally pay Keegan’s salary, if she would agree to stay on. That would cost roughly $100,000 including benefits, he estimated. Keegan was not at the meeting and later politely declined. “We wanted to make sure that we didn’t lose some of the volunteers if they said, ‘Well, without Sharon, we’re leaving,’” Miller explained. “Because she’s been a big part of the organization for the last 10 or 15 years.” But Miller, who owns a construction company, isn’t opposed to some cuts and restructuring at the Respite House. “Typically, nonprofits operate from the heart and not from the pocketbook,” he said. The administrators “are addressing the situation that they’ve got in front of them.” He added, “I’d rather see them do that than go down the rabbit hole.”

Fears that Keegan’s departure will change the character of the Respite House are unfounded, said Judy Peterson, CEO and president of Home Health & Hospice. Despite affiliating with the UVM Health Network, a growing consortium of hospitals, the Respite House will operate as it has, but with seven beds specifically designated for people who need higher-skilled nursing care, Peterson said. The facility is already serving such residents, but they are scattered through the building — an inefficient setup for nurses, according to Peterson. Further, designating the beds will help the bottom line, because Medicaid and Medicare reimbursements are much higher for patients in the care of registered nurses than those tended by aides. On average, it costs $828 per day to stay at the Respite House. Currently, “The reimbursement system does not support the care that we’re providing,” Peterson explained. That means the facility is operating in the red. Fundraising helps cover shortfalls, but the current gap is large and must be addressed, Peterson said: “We just don’t feel that’s sustainable going forward.” Agency-wide, 10 full-time equivalent positions will be cut by October 1. Due to retirements, only about seven people will actually be laid off, according to Peterson — most of whom are in administrative positions. The organization’s private care program, which offers


in-home care not covered by insurance, is being eliminated entirely. Because for-profit companies now offer similar services, Home Health & Hospice doesn’t have to. The 21 employees affected, who work per diem as caregivers, have all been offered other jobs at the agency, Peterson added. At the Respite House, various staff members will absorb Keegan’s duties. “These have been very, very difficult decisions,” said Peterson. She added: “We understand why some of the volunteers are distraught.” The original Respite House was located in Williston and had room for 12 residents. The founders wanted to offer both shortterm stays as a respite for caregiving families and a place where terminally ill

so do volunteer choir singers and loved ones bringing the family pet for a visit. While volunteers are crucial, the administrators who run the Respite House and 10 other programs are paid well. Home Health & Hospice had at least seven execs pulling down six-figure incomes in 2016, its most recent Form 990 IRS filing shows. Peterson earned total compensation of $270,679, including a $20,000 bonus. Peterson said there will be no pay increases for the executive team in next year’s budget, fiscal year 2020, which starts in October. Raises for other employees will average around 2 percent. She also said the cost cutting at Home Health & Hospice was driven by its own board and leadership, not by its parent organization, the UVM Health Network.


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patients could die in a comfortable setting. The VNA partnered to provide care to residents from the beginning, and in 1997 the home health nonprofit acquired the house. Demand grew, and in 2016, the VNA opened its current $7.9 million Respite House off Roosevelt Highway in Colchester. To qualify for admission, residents must have a dire medical prognosis: less than six months to live. Around 95 percent of those who come to the Respite House die there. Occasionally, because of the exceptional care, residents improve and return home. During the past month, the average length of stay was nine days. Last Thursday, preparations for dinner were under way in the tidy kitchen next to the living room, where big couches face a large gas fireplace. An employee pushed a resident in a wheelchair down a warmly lit hallway. Although carefully designed to be handicap accessible, the passageways look more like hotel corridors than floors on a hospital. Ambulances come and go, but

The network does, however, have final say over the Home Health & Hospice budget, as well as other levers of control. UVM Medical Center CEO John Brumsted responded last Friday to a request for comment about the cuts with a written statement. “Like many health care organizations, it is necessary for UVM Home Health and Hospice to make changes and evolve the way they deliver care to ensure they can be strong and sustainable into the future,” it said. “This work can sometimes require difficult, but important decisions. I know that Judy, her leadership team and their board of trustees are all fully committed to doing what is right for their patients.” Mary Post, the volunteer who once worked at the UVM Medical Center, doesn’t buy it. “As a former employee of the big gorilla, I am not going to work for free for them,’’ Post said. “As far as I’m concerned, they can just give people jobs. Pay them.”

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/10/19 2:05 PM

As Act 46 Deadline Looms, Districts Rush to Finish Their Math Homework B Y K E VI N MCCA LLUM


n July 1, the Huntington School Board will effectively cease to exist. Unless a court intervenes, the five-member board overseeing Brewster-Pierce Memorial School will lose its authority over how the school’s 136 K-4 students are educated and its $2.1 million annual budget is spent. Instead, that responsibility will shift to the 15-member board of the Mount Mansfield Modified Union School District, which governs eight schools in four towns north of Huntington: Bolton, Jericho, Richmond and Underhill. In some ways, the reshuffling seems modest. A district with eight schools in four towns will now govern nine schools in five. And Huntington already has two seats on the Mount Mansfield board, representing the town’s fifth to 12th graders, who attend schools in the larger district. That won’t change. But Act 46, the most significant overhaul of Vermont school governance in decades, has cost the town control of its elementary school. Huntington resident Megs Keir feels dejected and disillusioned. “They just created a mess,” Keir said of the legislators who passed Act 46 and the state education officials who enforce it. The state’s torturous four-year effort to encourage — and, failing that, require — school districts to consolidate under the law is lurching toward a confusing, messy conclusion. Following the collapse of efforts by lawmakers to extend the July 1 deadline for some districts, that date now looms large. Districts have begrudgingly scrambled to take steps required to meet the state deadline, even as they hope that courts will undo it all. “We’re pretending that the illegal things they are doing are legal, long enough to get our students safeguarded,” said Jack Bryar, a member of both the Grafton and the Bellows Falls Union school boards, and a driving force behind local opposition to consolidation. The state ordered the towns of Athens, Grafton and Westminster to dissolve their school boards and create the Windham


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Northeast Union Elementary School District for prekindergarten through eighth graders. For months, the district resisted taking the steps the state demanded, though Bryar blames education officials and the attorney general for their share of foot-dragging. Whoever is to blame, the district is now the only one in the state that cannot meet the July 1 deadline when the new districts are supposed to be fully operational, meaning they have a board and an approved budget in place. On June 6, after a series of delays, a new six-member transitional school board was established, made up of two members from each town. At that point, however, the earliest the new board could warn a budget vote for was July 15 — two weeks after the deadline. The fact that districts are now taking steps they long resisted is a sign that

districts had agreed to consolidate. By January 1, 2019, voters in 154 districts had agreed to create 38 new consolidated districts, a reduction of 113 districts. Of the 96 districts that had refused to voluntarily merge, 47 were able to convince the State Board of Education that they had good reason to maintain the status quo. But 45 others received no such accommodations. Last November, the state board ordered them to merge by July 1, 2019. Four elementary school d i st r i c t s we re a l s o required to merge with union districts, subject to voter approval. Many of those 49 total districts, including Huntington’s, have sued to block Act 46 as unconstitutional. Those cases, one of which has 30 districts as plaintiffs, are pending and likely heading to the state Supreme Court. Aware that some districts might not have budgets i n place by July 1, state officials last week reiterated what SE AN would happen to ME TC AL such recalcitrant F districts. In essence, they’d many school boards felt backed into a be given some financial maneuvercorner, said Bryar, a retired management ing room, but would receive far from the consultant. funding levels districts with approved “What individual school districts faced budgets would enjoy. across the state was a North Korean-style Taxes would still be levied to pay for election, where they were asked to vote schools, but a new district couldn’t spend on something and threatened if they did those revenues until voters approved a not vote a certain way,” Bryar said. “That budget. is an obscenity.” The state would also make 25 percent Act 46 went into effect July 1, 2015, of the annual per-student state funding and is meant to save money and improve available to the district on September 10. educational opportunities for Vermont’s State grants, federal funds and the reserve shrinking population of K-12 students. At funds in the budgets of the dissolved that time, there were 247 school districts districts would also be available to the in the state, ranging from independent consolidated districts. rural districts with a single school — And if no one has been appointed to a such as Huntington’s — to large unified transitional board, the state would step districts made up of schools from multi- in. If all seats on the board were vacant, ple towns. the secretary of state would call a special Three and a half years later, due largely election and, in the interim, “authorize to tax incentives, promises of cost savings a qualified person” to pay the district’s and potential financial penalties, most bills.


COME JOIN US! For a while, it looked like that might even more complicated, the elementary actually happen to the new Windham school has technically been part of its Northeast Union Elementary School own subdistrict called the Chittenden District, Bryar said. East Supervisory Union School District, Finding volunteers willing to sit on which will also be dissolved as of July 1. the transitional board of the new district “This has been the law since 2015. proved nearly impossible, he said, As the date gets closer, we’re feeling because community members feel so like we should comply with the law,” disenfranchised by the process. Hayes said. “ We l c o m e t o w h a t Sticking to the original happens when you suppress deadline will bring some democracy and you rub it in finality to the process, said people’s faces,” he said. House Education CommitThat kind of visceral t e e c h a i r K a t e We b b response to Act 46 is something that (D-Shelburne). She got a lot of calls Nicole Mace, executive director of the during the session from superintenVermont School Boards Association, dents who begged lawmakers not to has seen plenty of in the extend it. last couple of years. The “They just said it’s going association has tried to steer to keep them locked in the Act 46 vortex,” Webb said. members through what she calls a “hugely historic piece Whatever the future of public policy.” holds, Keir wants the consoliAs the deadline dation process resolved soon approaches, however, more so the community can move school board members are past the acrimony it stirred. viewing the end of the fourShe and her husband, year process with a sense Duncan, have lived in the of relief, Mace said: “Many town of 1,900 on the westschool board members I’ve ern flank of Camel’s Hump talked to are like, ‘I don’t mountain for 40 years, and want to talk about this their two grown daughters anymore. I want to get back attended the elementary JACK BRYAR to kids.’” school. Keir, who served on Mace said she underthe school board for several stands residents’ commitments to cher- years, always marveled at how the town’s ished local institutions but noted the diverse residents — a mix that includes effects of declining enrollment. retired tech executives, farmers and “We had schools that had one teacher loggers — pulled together to solve school teaching three grades, or like, two second problems creatively. graders, or no kids at all in second or third That cohesion has been strained. grade,” Mace said. While many residents opposed losing Instead of viewing a merger with a control of the school, a number of teachlarger district as a threat to their schools, ers signed a petition urging a merger, Mace has always seen it as an opportunity stressing the benefits of improved trainto provide the resources necessary to ing opportunities in the larger district. keep schools open. Act 46 also created tension between Brewster-Pierce principal Sally Hayes Huntington and nearby towns, where said there is a great deal of confusion residents at times complained that in Huntington over the merger. While Huntington’s repeated opposition to many opposed to Act 46 mergers worry merging was tantamount to holding that consolidations will accelerate the them hostage, Keir said. closure of small schools, that’s not actuThe hard feelings will likely fade ally a risk in Huntington. Enrollment has once the legal challenges are resolved been steady. and the future is certain, Keir said, but School staff support the merger until then, residents feel in limbo. because it makes sense for the town to “It’s totally confusing and crazy,” she merge into the same district attended said. m by the town’s middle and high school students, Hayes said. To make things Contact:



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Untitled-4 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/12/19 1:07 PM

Correct Change? Green Mountain Transit Rolls Out New Routes, Apps S T O RY & PHO TO S B Y C OURT NEY L AMDIN


stood waiting for the bus on Monday at the corner of Hickok and Elm streets in Winooski like a kid on the first day of school: a backpack slung over my shoulder, a shiny red apple in one hand, full of nervous anticipation. It was my first time riding a Green Mountain Transit bus, and I had picked quite the day for my maiden voyage. June 17 marked the rollout of GMT’s NextGen Service Plan, the most significant route change since the state legislature created the regional transportation agency in 1973. The launch was paired with the introduction of two new apps for mobile ticketing and real-time bus tracking. Or so GMT promised. The tracking app kept telling me to walk a block away to another stop, but I stayed put, hedging my bets on the hard-copy bus schedule that a coworker had given me the week before. “Hickok & Elm: 8:25 a.m.,” it said. So I waited, counting and recounting exact change before the big blue bus lurched around the corner, about four minutes behind schedule. I boarded, and the driver pushed off, making his way through the roundabout traffic before looping around in front of the Champlain Mill, where about 20 people waited. “Does this go to the hospital?” one young man asked him. “No,” the driver responded. “Oh, that’s the Blue Line?” the man tried again. “It’s coming,” the driver said. A woman overheard and disembarked when she realized she was on the wrong bus. As we peeled away from the curb, I saw her, wide-eyed, conversing with a fellow passenger who looked just as nonplussed. Such scenes were commonplace during that morning’s commute. Despite years of planning for the route updates, GMT provided little advance warning to its riders. Much of the advertising was done online instead of accessible-to-all places such as on the buses themselves or at the transit center in downtown Burlington. “Any big changes like this to all the routes, they definitely need to publicize about it more,” said Escha Bullard, a frequent GMT rider. “It’s not OK to do that without letting everyone know. People are going to go to the set time and set place and be like, ‘Where’s the bus?’”

Passengers at the downtown Green Mountain Transit center



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Indeed, GMT made wholesale changes. The agency took what were 12 numerically labeled urban routes and condensed them into seven colorcoded ones to make bus travel more consistent and require fewer transfers downtown. The end product looks more like a subway map than a collection of disjointed lines. “Transit needs to find a way to constantly reinvent itself and be relevant to the needs of today,” said Burlington Public Works Director Chapin Spencer, who has served on the GMT board for 18 years. Buses on major routes — to Williston, Essex Junction, Shelburne Road and North Avenue — now run every 20 minutes from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Most other Burlington routes run on the half hour. “That dependability,” Spencer said, “is going to improve our riders’ experience.” The goal is essentially an imperative for GMT, which saw ridership decline by 11.4 percent between 2015 and 2018; numbers this year are up. Nationwide, ridership decreased 6.9 percent over the same period, according to data from the American Public Transportation Association. Public buses have always competed with private vehicles. But the advent of ride-sharing companies such as Uber and Lyft, plus scooters and e-bikes, has contributed to its decline, Spencer said. The bus needs to be convenient in order for people to use it. “If you don’t know if you’ve missed the bus or you don’t know when it’s coming, you can’t plan your life,” Spencer said.

Kimber Clark reviewing the new GMT schedule

Riders couldn’t rely on GMT’s previous app, RouteShout. GMT board chair Tom Chittenden said RouteShout struggled during bad weather and other delays — in other words, when customers needed it most. The $7.7 million transit center on St. Paul Street, which opened in 2016, features digital signs meant to display when a bus would arrive. But since the app didn’t work, they became glorified clocks. GMT discontinued RouteShout two months ago. On Monday, GMT introduced Transit, an industry-leading app used in more than 200 cities worldwide. I downloaded that and the ticketing app Token Transit and used them with varying degrees of

success. Transit was using route numbers instead of colors and showed the Green Line to Winooski in blue on its map. The ticketing app worked, but not every driver knew what it was or how to tell whether I’d paid my way. The clocks at the transit center still just showed the time; Transit doesn’t integrate with the overhead digital signs, according to GMT marketing and public affairs manager Jamie Smith. But on my phone, Transit did report how many minutes away my bus was. Other changes: The cost of single-ride passes increased by 25 cents, to $1.50 — though some buses’ fare boxes still showed the fee at $1.25 — and monthly passes now cost $40 instead of $50. There are also more night and weekend trips, plus all-day service from downtown to the Burlington International Airport. That leg is now part of the former College Street shuttle, which ferries folks for free between the waterfront and the University of Vermont Medical Center. Riders who take it to the airport must pay a fare. “Key high-traffic routes that serve a number of low-income, transit-dependent people are going to be running more frequently throughout the day,” Spencer said. “As with any big plan … there’s going to be some pros and cons.” Regular bus rider Judith Pelton, 81, thinks NextGen is overdue but wishes GMT had been more proactive about advertising it. The Burlington woman didn’t know about the changes until she spoke with me. “Maybe the assumption is people use social media, and of course, I just don’t,” she said last Thursday. The day before, four GMT customers at the transit center expressed the same concerns. James Otto, a City Market, Onion River Co-op employee who rides the bus several times a week, hadn’t heard about the changes to the routes and fare, or the new apps. “You’d think they would advertise it a little more heavily, given that people rely on it for work. [They should] definitely have stuff plastered in here, maybe in the bus stops, have some posters up,” he said. “They probably should have done that weeks ago so people would know ahead of time.” The GMT board approved NextGen in April. Even Chittenden, the board chair, admitted the agency could have been more proactive. But with any big change, he said, “the major refrain is that it’s not communicated well enough.”



After Several Years of Decline, Green Mountain Transit’s Ridership Rose in 2018 2.8 million


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Smith said the agency advertised on I told Robertson that GMT wanted to its website, social media and Front Porch make bus travel simpler. As I listened to Forum, and with print ads in local news- him disagree, an eavesdropping fellow papers. She said it also held a series of passenger silently mouthed, “It’s not.” public meetings earlier this spring. Our driver, Christine Palin, said the But it wasn’t until last Friday — the morning wasn’t total chaos. She thinks final business day before NextGen the new schedule gives passengers more launched — that drivers handed out time to transfer to other buses. paper route maps. There were no post“People have a hard time adjusting ers to be found on the buses to change, too, if it’s been or at the transit center, though like that for years and years,” the digital signage there did Palin said as she took a drag include one slide that directed on a cigarette outside of the people to Smith, Williston Walmart during GMT’s general manager and a break between rides. “It’s its director of planning were going to take a little bit.” all out of the office that day. Smith, GMT’s marketing Come Monday, a lot of manager, expected some passengers were confused. hiccups on the first day but Kimber Clark, a Burlingsaid most people she talked to ton resident who rides the on Monday understood why bus nearly every day, heard GMT made the changes. She about the changes in April thinks the authority’s chalCHAPIN SPE NCER but said that didn’t make day lenge now is recruiting new one any easier. She picked up riders, people who have never a comment card at GMT’s information taken the bus and can be convinced it’s a table. “I do not like the new bus service,” viable commuting option. she wrote. “Go back to the old way. It is People like me. easier.” “I hope you fall in love with it,” ChitRichard Moody, a homeless man who tenden, the board chair, told me last week. rides the bus to the Howard Center’s Love might be too strong a word — at Chittenden Clinic in South Burlington least for my first go at Queen City public every morning, waited at the other end transit — but it was definitely a different of the platform. He, too, was a little lost. experience from riding alone in my car, “We all expected it, [but] it’s new, you getting frustrated at the innumerable fourknow?” he said. “It’s going to be a while, way stops on the way to the newsroom. but once we get the hang of it, we should I’m not sure the bus can replace the be OK, I guess.” convenience of my own vehicle, but I now As Moody looked for the bus to the see it as an option. If I can survive day one hospital, William Robertson hopped on of GMT’s biggest transit change in nearly the Red Line (formerly the No. 1 bus) 50 years, why not? headed to Williston. The Burlington resiAs long as the bus arrives on time, dent rides GMT buses up to four times a that is. m week and said he’d already heard a lot of complaints from fellow passengers. Andrea Suozzo contributed reporting and “I’m going to have to sit down and data analysis. figure [it] out,” he said of the schedule. “I don’t know why they made the changes.” Contact:



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6/14/19 10:15 AM



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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/18/19 6:36 AM



Laackman said in a June 12 press release. “I’m proud of what we have accomplished together over the last five years.” Provost and senior vice president Laurie Quinn will serve as interim president beginning in July. A national search is planned for the upcoming year. The school is a nonprofit, so its tax returns are public. In the fiscal year that ended in June 2017, Laackman earned a salary and benefits package worth $551,511, Champlain College reported on its Internal Revenue Service Form 990. Laackman started at Champlain in 2014. He is the school’s eighth president. During his tenure, the competition for students increased markedly as the number of high school graduates in Vermont and the Northeast declined. Adam Roof The demographic challenge has been felt across Vermont’s higher ed landscape. Three Vermont colleges have closed so far this year. Champlain officials acknowledged to the campus community and others that numbers for first-year students in the fall of 2018 were below targets. Last year, the college announced that it would slash tuition by half for online undergraduate degrees and certifications in an effort to boost digital enrollment. Laackman made no mention of budget or enrollment problems in a press release sent out by his public relations team at the college. But he did allude in his farewell email to the college community to having restructured the school’s debt to avoid “a potentially crippling series of balloon payments.”

Gov. Phil Scott with (from left) Agency of Natural Resources Deputy Secretary Peter Walke and Bennington County Sens. Dick Sears and Brian Campion


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


President of Champlain College to Step Down


Champlain College President Donald J. Laackman will step down June 28, he announced last week. “I am deeply grateful for the privilege of leading Champlain College and will forever hold this community close to my heart,”

Burlington City Councilor Hired to Lead BTV Ignite COURTESY OF CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE

Gov. Phil Scott on Monday vetoed a bill that would have allowed Vermonters affected by the release of toxic chemicals to more easily recoup medical monitoring expenses. Scott said the state has recently passed numerous drinking water protections, but he worried that the bill, S.37, lacked clarity and could negatively affect the business climate in the state. “Numerous Vermont employers have expressed concerns to me, and to Legislators, that the unknown legal and financial risks, and increased liability, is problematic for continued investment in Vermont,” Scott wrote in his veto letter. Businesses might have difficulty obtaining insurance if the bill became law, he said. He asked lawmakers to consider changes to the bill next session. In a joint statement, environmental groups said Scott’s veto “protects corporate polluters rather than Vermonters.” The bill would have provided Vermonters harmed by toxic releases “just a little bit of fairness,” Jon Groveman, policy and water program director for the Vermont Natural Resources Council, said in a written statement. “Instead of holding polluters responsible for medical costs and damage to Vermont’s environment, he has sided with corporate lobbyists that have misinterpreted the impacts that S.37 will actually have on business in Vermont,” Groveman said. Sens. Dick Sears (D-Bennington) and Brian Campion (D-Bennington) sponsored S.37 in response to the contamination of dozens of private wells in North Bennington. State officials say toxins known as PFOAs released from the former Chemfab plant were to blame.

Several business groups objected to liability provisions that would have allowed the state to recoup cleanup costs from companies that “knew or should have known that the material presented a threat of harm to human health or the natural environment.” “Companies that act negligently and put people at significant risk of developing a serious disease should be accountable,” William Driscoll, vice president of Associated Industries of Vermont, said in a release. “But we should have fair and reasonable standards for determining liability like the other states around the country that have addressed this issue.”


Scott Vetoes Bill That Would Force Polluters to Pay for Medical Monitoring

Donald J. Laackman

to its website. Burlington is one of two dozen member cities affiliated with US Ignite, which gives municipalities a platform for projects that enhance health, education, transportation and other services. Torti said Roof was chosen from about two dozen applicants. “Adam brings a passion and knowledge of the community along with consensus building skills that are hard to replicate,” he wrote in a press release. “I am thrilled that someone with Adam’s credentials is joining the Chamber team.” Roof was previously a self-employed communications consultant for businesses in Massachusetts and as far west as San Francisco. He also cofounded Kinzly and Co.,

A local nonprofit with a mission to spark tech innovation and growth in the Queen City has hired Burlington City Councilor Adam Roof (I-Ward 8) as its project manager. BTV Ignite announced Roof’s hiring in a June 12 press release. He started the position on June 10, said Tom Torti, president of the Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce, which manages the organization. Roof replaces Dennis Moynihan, who stepped down as Ignite’s executive director in March after about two years. Founded in 2014, BTV Ignite is supported by a consortium of public and private partners who promote Burlington’s fiberoptic network as a means of increasing economic development in the city, according

a clothing company that makes terry cloth apparel and vends on Church Street. Roof is BTV Ignite’s only staffer. He reports to Torti and is technically a chamber employee, but BTV Ignite is also governed by a board of directors composed of four Burlington city department heads and five representatives from local institutions such as People’s United Bank and the University of Vermont. Each of those groups pay BTV Ignite an annual fee to fund its efforts — and, effectively, Roof’s salary. Roof said he recognizes the conflict and vowed to recuse himself from any city council vote that allocates money to his new employer. He spoke to City Attorney Eileen Blackwood before he even applied for the job to ensure that he wasn’t violating any city policies or ethics. “It’s not a city department, and it’s not fully [supported] by city dollars,” Roof said of BTV Ignite. “I really think it’s a mischaracterization to say I’m paying myself from the city.” Both Roof and Torti said last week that it’s impossible to avoid conflicts in a state as small as Vermont. “It’s not a goal to eliminate conflicts; the goal is to declare them,” Roof said, adding, “If people have questions, I’m going to answer them. There’s no conflict here that hasn’t been fully addressed and fully transparent.”


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/18/19 5:43 PM


lifelines OBITUARIES

Terrance Sweeney

1945-2019 ST. ALBANS, VT. Terrance (Terry) John Sweeney, 73, died on June 15, 2019, after a courageous battle with lung cancer. Terry was born in Ilion, N.Y., on July 21, 1945, the son of John and Arletta (Armstrong) Sweeney. Terry graduated from Ilion High School in 1964 and attended the University of Houston on an athletic scholarship. He served in the U.S. Army here and in Germany. Terry


traveled extensively as a field representative and as a technical writer for G.E./Lockheed Martin. Terry is survived by his sons: Kenneth and his wife, Robin, of Georgia, and Kevin and his wife, Wendy, of Charlotte; as well as six grandchildren and one great-grandchild. He is also survived by his brothers Kenneth and John Jr. and his sister Deborah Tennant, all of New York; and by many nieces and nephews. Terry is also survived by Jeri Anderson, his girlfriend of the past three years. Also playing a large role in Terry and his children’s lives is their mother Christine Sweeney, Terry’s former wife. Services will be held at the Georgia Plain Baptist Church in Georgia Plains, Vt., later this week. Burial will be in Ilion, N.Y., at a later date. We would like to thank all the wonderful and loving nurses and staff at the McClure Miller Respite House. In lieu of flowers, please forward donations to the UVM McClure Miller Respite House, 3113 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, VT 05446. A finer facility would be hard to find.

Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at Or contact us at or 865-1020, ext. 10

Sallie Thompson Soule

1928-2019 SHELBURNE, VT., AND FORT MYERS, FLA. Loving wife, mother and mentor to many, Sallie Soule, 91, long of Shelburne, Vt., and lately of Fort Myers, Fla., died of congestive heart failure on June 11, 2019, at the Shell Point Retirement Community in Fort Myers after a life well lived. Sallie was born in Detroit on May 13, 1928, and was raised in Grosse Pointe, Mich. She was the second of three daughters born to Hayward and Elizabeth Thompson. Born Sarah Goodwin Thompson, she adopted the name Sallie as an elementary school student, and it stayed with her throughout her life. She graduated from Milton Academy in Massachusetts in 1946 and went on to earn a BA in history from Smith College in 1950 and an MA from the University of Vermont in 1952.

Following her studies at UVM, she moved to New York City and worked for Macmillan Publishing. In 1957, she moved to Rochester, N.Y., where she met her future husband, Gardner Northup Soule. They were married in Charlotte, Vt., on July 26, 1958. For 10 years, she worked at the Brighton-Pittsford Post, a suburban weekly, in the Rochester area, writing feature articles and profiles. In 1968, the Soule family moved to Vermont to make their home in Shelburne. Together, they purchased Horsford’s Nursery in Charlotte, which Sallie managed for almost a decade. In 1976, Sallie was asked to run for the Vermont legislature as a Democrat representing both Shelburne and Charlotte. In that tight election year, she didn’t know she had won until 11 p.m., when the town clerk told her that her pile of ballots was higher! She was reelected in 1978 and, in 1980, she ran for the state Senate, winning her seat in the Senate with a campaign fund of just $2,000. Sallie earned a reputation as an honest politician who always listened to both sides and then stated exactly where she stood on an issue. Believing in term limits, Sallie chose not to run for reelection in 1984. At that time, the Burlington Free Press headlined an editorial, “A Champion Bows Out,” that acknowledged her tenure in Montpelier. It highlighted her work on the appropriations, energy, natural resources and administrative rules committees and as a legislative representative to the Vermont Judicial Nominating Board. Sallie then became the

commissioner of employment and training at what is now called the Department of Labor in May of 1985 in the administration of Vermont’s first woman governor, her dear friend Madeleine Kunin. During her political career, Sallie was in business with four women friends who together, in 1978, founded Bygone Books, a used bookstore in Burlington, Vt. The business dissolved in 1998, but the devoted friendships were lasting. The National Governor’s Association recognized Sallie for distinguished service to state government. Other accolades continued throughout her life, the most recent coming two years ago, when, in 2017, she was the recipient of the first annual Madeleine Kunin Lifetime Achievement Award by Emerge Vermont. Sallie adored her husband, her family, her community and the beautiful state of Vermont. While wintering in Florida, she was an active volunteer at the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation for 20 years. She cared deeply about books, bridge, backgammon and the environment. Sallie’s loving husband died in 2006. She was predeceased by her parents and her elder sister, Katharine Thompson Serrell. She is survived by her daughter, Sarah Soule, of Shelburne, Vt.; her son, Trumbull Soule and his wife, Linda, of Ellicott City, Md.; her stepson, Gardner N. Soule Jr. and his wife, Sally, of Victor, N.Y.; and her stepdaughter, Nancy Soule Carroll, and her husband, Edward, of Brevard, N.C. She leaves six grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. Her sister, Marion Thompson Adams of Exeter, N.H., also

survives her, along with numerous nieces and nephews. A celebration of life will be held at the Charlotte Congregational Church in Charlotte, Vt., at 3 p.m. on Sunday, July 7. Interment at the Thompson-Stone-Patrick Mausoleum at Lakeview Cemetery in Burlington will be private. She will be interred with five generations of her family. In lieu of flowers, donations in Sallie’s honor can be sent to the Vermont Women’s Fund, c/o Vermont Community Foundation, Box 30, Middlebury, VT 05753, or Sanibel Congregational United Church of Christ, 2050 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, FL 33957. A longer and more detailed biography is available at obituaries, or simply google “Sallie Soule Vermont.”

IN MEMORIAM Scott Skinner Scott Skinner died on December 15, 2018. A celebration of life will take place on Saturday, June 29, 2 p.m., at Old Labor Hall, 46 Granite Street, Barre, Vt.

Mark your family’s milestones in lifelines. 22

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Feedback « P.7 of Ono’s self-serving interests — even to someone like me who doesn’t subscribe to the conspiracy theories about how she contributed to the breakup of the iconic foursome. Let’s hope Kisonak brings an equally discerning eye to the forthcoming film covering the Let It Be phase of the band’s career, to be overseen by The Lord of the Rings filmmaker Peter Jackson. (Yikes!?) Doug Collette



[Re “Mentally Ill or Criminal? Dismissals of Murder Cases Spark Firestorm,” June 12]: So, in one week, Gov. Phil Scott takes a cheap political shot at the lady prosecutor from Chittenden County by encouraging the attorney general to spend millions in feel-good trials ostensibly in the name of public safety. As if she didn’t make a thorough review in reaching her own conclusions. He does this even after a grueling trial that brought relief — but not much justice

— to five families in central Vermont with the Steven Bourgoin verdict. Is that what the governor believes constitutes public safety? Because that would have been the likely outcome in the three cases that were dismissed. I wonder, because true public safety and prevention of impulsive decisions that result in tragic circumstances certainly could have been the outcome of a waiting period to buy firearms. Sorry to see that despite being “a good guy,” Scott is also quite exposed as a cheap political hack. In appeasing a minority of rabid people (many of whom I imagine have no problem imposing a waiting period on women for health procedures), he sandbagged a democratically reached decision after legislators left town and weren’t there to challenge him. In the limited words of our Dear Leader: sad. David Lines



I found your back-cover ad on June 12 to be a little ironic. The ad was for

Shelburne Museum and shows a dog standing on its front paws next to the lake. Shelburne Museum used to sponsor Shelburne Museum Goes to the Dogs, an extremely popular community event that drew thousands of canines plus their people from a wide area for a day that all participants truly gloried in. A few years ago, the museum stopped it abruptly with little explanation. So the museum is now going back to the dogs — that is, to use them for a corporate marketing campaign. Just don’t try to bring a real dog to the museum anymore. It’s a museum. Jim White



[Re 802much: “Dude, Where’s My Scooter?” June 5]: I’m new to Burlington and find the city to be clean and quiet. The people are friendly and will go out of their way to help in getting around. Even drivers will anticipate a pedestrian wanting to cross the street and wait. But what I don’t like is this laissezfaire attitude toward cyclists and

skateboarders. Even though there are signs — for example, on Church Street — against their use, you can see at least a few who gleefully ride through. Why gleefully? There is no visible law enforcement on any steady basis, even in the dark, when the danger is obviously more of a concern. No, that thoroughfare shouldn’t look or feel like an armed camp, but we shouldn’t have to look out for rolling individuals who are going faster than us, either. And what about that narrow space on the side of the Macy’s building? For cyclists and skateboarders, it’s a fun ramp starting from Cherry Street, but do we have to look over our shoulders to avoid the speeding riders, instead of relaxing and enjoying this nice shortcut? What about the parent who comes out of the garage pushing a baby stroller just ahead? When that child comes of age — assuming it’s undamaged — will that parent instruct the child to “look both ways when crossing the sidewalk”? Tom MacDonald


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5/23/19 1:43 PM

Robert Resnik Awarded the Herb Lockwood Prize in the Arts B Y C HR I S FA R N SWO RT H







OBERT RESNIK might be best known

as the host of “All the Traditions,” the freeform Vermont Public Radio show devoted to local and regional music — folk and traditional especially — that he’s helmed for 23 years. A respected critic and scholar, Resnik has also reviewed music for numerous publications, including Seven Days. In 2013, he wrote a book detailing the Queen City’s rich history, musical and otherwise, called Legendary Locals of Burlington. He’s an equally accomplished performer, a multiinstrumentalist with countless credits both live and recorded. And until last year, he was the codirector of the FLETCHER FREE LIBRARY in Burlington, where he worked for 28 years before retiring. While Resnik would modestly tell you he’s simply followed his heart all these years, his dedication to Vermont music and culture has been immeasurable. And his efforts have recently been acknowledged in a big way. On Tuesday, Resnik received the sixth annual Herb Lockwood Prize in the Arts, a cash endowment of $10,000. 24

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Local resident TODD R. LOCKWOOD and his family created the prize — the largest artsspecific award in the state — in honor of his late younger brother. It is intended to “reward the pinnacle of arts leadership in a state blessed with creative energy disproportionate to its population.” Says Lockwood of Resnik: “Many area musicians feel a debt of gratitude for the work Robert does on their behalf. This makes him a natural choice for the Herb Lockwood Prize.” Seven Days spoke with Resnik about the prize, living with Parkinson’s disease and what a life devoted to music has given him. SEVEN DAYS: First things first: Congratulations! ROBERT RESNIK: Thank you! It’s so sweet of them. I almost passed out when I found out. It makes me feel lucky, indeed. SD: I mean, just on the sheer body of work you’ve amassed alone… RR: True, though I also think a lot of the appreciation is for my 23 years on the

radio. That’s where most of my influence is, really. Most of Vermont wouldn’t know me from Adam but for the show. SD: So how did you get that gig? RR: My friend Doug Jaffe was working at VPR back then. He rang me up and told me they were looking for someone to host a show about folk music. I was up against something like 30 other applicants, but they chose me! And I think they did so because I told them, “Look, I have no preconceptions of how this is going to go, but I can tell you that I’m going to play some great music. And I’m going to focus on Vermont music.” And that was my ace in the hole, honestly. SD: You started in radio much earlier though, correct? RR: Yes! I cut my teeth in high school listening to WFMU in East Orange, N.J., which was freeform radio. So in September of 1970, when I got to UVM, the first thing I did was go down to the station [WRUV 90.1 FM], which was in a barn behind Pomeroy Hall. I just about flunked out and got my ass sent to Vietnam because I spent all my time there! I had a show for years called “The Shirley Temple Show.” Of course, it wasn’t the same as “All the Traditions,” but you could recognize it was my show. Because it’s the only show I know how to do! SD: Why do you think people have gravitated toward you as a DJ? RR: I’m realistic [enough] to know I’m basically listening to music with friends, so I try not to talk too much. You can give little interesting factoids, but you need to let the music do the work. I’m not what’s interesting — the music is. I’m a vessel. It’s a gift I was born with, and I just try to pass it on. SD: So it’s in the blood, then. RR: For me, absolutely. I grew up singing songs in the car, learning radio jingles. I was one of those kids who could sit down at a piano and pick out a melody. The Force runs deep in my family. My great-grandfather played clarinet in the Russian military, my brother-in-law plays woodwinds, my uncle plays woodwinds, my aunt plays woodwinds, and so do I, actually. My first instrument was clarinet. Full circle! [Laughs.]

SD: Do you find it difficult being on both sides of the equation, musician and critic? RR: It’s hard, for sure. One time I was reviewing a record — real wimpy, new-age stuff. You can’t really listen to that stuff while you’re driving because you might fall asleep and crash into a tree. I wrote something to that effect, and the artist sent me a message saying, “How could you do this to a fellow musician?” So now I try to write in code a little bit. I reserve the term “clinically accurate” for two or three specific musicians that drive me crazy. SD: How has being diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease affected you musically? RR: Well, I’m a little clumsy with my hands now. I’m also doing the Brian Wilson thing, which means I’m not playing as much as I used to. But I still play with friends a few times a week. I’m resisting eliminating any of my instruments, but eventually, if I can’t play them, I’ll get rid of them. My sons are both very musically talented, and I have two acoustic guitars I’m going to give them at some point. SD: What does winning the Lockwood Prize mean for you? RR: It’s unbelievable. I’m just so pleased and lucky. I’ve been blessed. My mother told me never to make music to make money, and she was sort of right. I have a nice city pension that allows me to retire, so [the award] is very much like pennies from heaven for me. In a way, I want to pass some of it along to my friends who are struggling musicians — which I may do. SD: As the first musician to win the prize since it was introduced in 2014, do you feel a sort of validation for your lifelong commitment to music? RR: You know, I’ve been doing what I love pretty much all along. I spent a lot of time watching my father do things he didn’t like for a living. It taught me not to do that. Besides, with me, it always comes back to music. I can’t help it! It’s what I’m made of. I’m made of musical notes!

INFO “All the Traditions” airs Sundays at 7 p.m. on Vermont Public Radio. For more on the Herb Lockwood Prize, visit

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6/20, 5-8pm Passion 4 Paws 5th Birthday Party with Farmers and Foragers' food truck

Trish Denton (left) and Vermont Folklife Center media producer Mary Wesley

Roughly 13.5 billion miles from Earth, human voices hurtle through the yawning unknown of interstellar space at more than 30,000 miles per hour. They’re recorded on a goldplated disc and stored in a perfect vacuum, all in the hopes of someday transmitting a greeting and a message to extraterrestrials: We were here. This project was called the Golden Record, a collection of music, nature sounds, images and greetings in 55 languages, placed aboard the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft and launched into space in 1977. The challenge of encapsulating life on Earth on a single record was, for the scientists and researchers involved, both daunting and thrilling. That mission is what the VERMONT FOLKLIFE CENTER, along with the FLETCHER FREE LIBRARY and CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE EMERGENT MEDIA PROGRAM, aim to re-create with this summer’s Green Record Project, a “series of audio stories that represent life in Vermont to the universe at large.” Vermonters young and old can sign up in teams or individually to become audio explorers of the community around them and, with support, to produce an audio record of life in this state. It’s all totally free. The idea, according to TRISH DENTON, education program co-coordinator at the VFC, emerged from conversations about the kids and teens who spend their summer days hanging around at the library and playing video games. Denton and her colleagues wondered how they could encourage those young people to use technology in a more positive way to explore the world around them. “How can we use our expertise in media making and access to all this cool equipment to get these kids back in the game?” Denton asks.

6/22, 1-5pm The Tap Room’s 5th Birthday PAW-ty


The VFC is a Middlebury-based education organization dedicated to ethnography, the study of people and cultures. Denton says its mission is representing people’s lived experiences and shared realities. “Oral history kind of has a dry sound to it,” she says. “But really what we’re doing is really exciting.” Participants can check out audio kits if they want, but recordings can also be done on any smartphone or tablet. VFC will offer guidance and resources for anyone who wants to undergo the project on their own. People can also opt to attend workshops throughout the summer and work with and learn from other community members. The project will culminate with events on August 9. It’s unlikely these recordings will ever be part of a space expedition. But they may be archived at VFC, heard at listening parties and possibly even transmitted at some point. The organizers are still working out these details. The point of the project, however, isn’t necessarily the end product. Denton says the main goal is to get people out exploring Vermont in the summertime, capturing it from their unique perspective and listening to the world around them. VFC, Denton says, is committed to making ethnography accessible to everyone. “How do we understand and encapsulate our place in the world?” she asks. “It doesn’t take an expert or an academic to have an understanding of culture.”

with Humane Society of Chittenden County

6/23, 10-11am Stretch & Sip Yoga

with intructor Sarah Quinttus

6/26, 5:30pm-7:30pm BYP Meet-Up

with Burlington Young Professionals






7/1, 7-9pm Happy Camper Comedy Tour with Mary Mack & Tim Harmston

7/3, 6:30pm-9:30pm Pre-Fireworks Party with live music from The Flycatchers




7/7, 10-11AM POUND & Pour

with intructor Stacey Mercure

Visit for more info



6/21 Jeff & Gina Duo 6/28 Bob Cotton 7/5 AliT 7/12 Ryan Sweezey 7/19 Jacob Green 7/26 Happy Spangler “Unplugged”

Sign up to be an audio explorer at The deadline for audio projects is August 2.



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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/17/19 3:52 PM

Word on the Street to Bring Poetry to Pavement B Y S A BI N E PO UX



n a few years’ time, stanzas of poetry will dot the town of Middlebury like X’s marking hidden gems on a treasure map. By the end of next year alone, five original poems will be engraved into the town’s sidewalks, fusing literary history with the creative energy that buzzes there today. The poems are part of a new project called Word on the Street, the brainchild of COMMUNITY WORKSHOP co-owner DAVID HOHENSCHAU. Community Workshop collaborates on “placemaking” projects with towns and cities all over North America. But 44-year-old Hohenschau, who’s lived in Middlebury for a decade, has been on the lookout for a project he could bring home for a while, he said. Given Middlebury’s poetic tradition, which includes Robert Frost and JULIA ALVAREZ, poetry seemed like a fitting locus for community building. “People who live here will go find the poems and read them and feel inspired and feel more connected to their community,” Hohenschau told Seven Days, “deepening people’s relationships to where they live.” Now, equipped with a $15,000 Animating Infrastructure Grant from the VERMONT ARTS COUNCIL, he’s ready to break ground on the initiative. The poetry featured in the project will be as homegrown as it comes; Middlebury residents will pen poems using their town as a muse. “Poems in the sidewalk is cool,” Hohenschau said, “but it’s way more exciting that hundreds of people might take a moment to be thoughtful and try to write a poem about their community.” He will solicit contributions once the town’s schools are back in session, asking for works that relate to Middlebury’s built environments. A poem etched into the sidewalk in front of ILSLEY PUBLIC LIBRARY, for example, should somehow evoke libraries. A panel of jurors will pick five poems to be immortalized in cement. Hohenschau wants that jury to represent all ages and all walks of life, he said, provided they have “poetry chops” to give some legitimacy to the selections.



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Like the Saint Paul Sidewalk Poetry project in Minnesota, to which Hohenschau looked for inspiration, Word on the Street embodies the philosophy of “creative placemaking,” a practice that harnesses artistic and cultural means to make places more inviting. As construction continues to mar the idyllic college town over the next year and a half, Hohenschau hopes the poems will offer an aesthetic alternative to the unsightly jumbles of concrete and metal fences on its main streets.



The organizers also anticipate that, beyond strengthening residents’ sense of Middlebury-ness, the poems will bring

all this construction right now, to have something really exciting for the community to focus on,” Bailey added. A shared story and an inviting aesthetic can be key to creating better communities, she said. Hohenschau’s proposal was one of 52 submitted to Bailey’s team by 45 communities. Earlier this month, that team picked four winners. The grant for Word on the Street went to MIDDLEBURY UNDERGROUND, the local arts- and event-producing nonprofit that will be the project’s fiscal sponsor. Engraving words into already-set pavement isn’t cheap; Hohenschau estimates the cost at $1,000 to $2,000 a poem. His friend NATHAN CHRISTNER of MergeCrete, a local concrete specialist, will start doing the etching in spring 2020 at a rate of one poem per month, using stencils and tools such as sandblasters. David Hohenschau in front of construction in downtown Middlebury While Hohenschau seeks poetry submissions of all types, he may draw the line at epics visitors — and their patronage — to town. or ballads. Stencil size and installation Previous Community Workshop initia- technique will ensure that, like tweets, the tives have had positive ramifications for poems have a character limit. towns’ economic development, HohenOrganizers are working on ways for schau said. In 2016, his business partner, people to get involved without consigning REBECCA SANBORN STONE, organized Bethel’s their words to the pavement. This summer, Better Block project, which stimulated with Middlebury Underground’s help, new investment by making over the down- Community Workshop will bring poetrytown for a weekend. related activities to town events, such as Hohenschau likes the idea of keeping stations at which kids can type or handthe poems exclusively on the sidewalk, write poems at the Middlebury Festival like cached treasures. If, over the next on the Green in July. few years, he can gather enough poems “This is the land of Robert Frost, the to get a trail going, he envisions a map home of Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, leading poem hunters toward each jewel, a haven for writers and scholars from Julia from Washington Street Extension toward Alvarez to JAY PARINI, a place where local downtown and the college. poetry groups thrive and where schools and The VAC’s MICHELE BAILEY, who was local organizations love to pitch in,” said involved in administering the grant, said LISA MITCHELL of Middlebury Underground. the growth potential was part of the proj- “Middlebury is the perfect place for the ect’s appeal. Word on the Street poetry trail.” m “What we really like about this project is that they’re starting with five sites, but they have a vision for expanding this Contact: beyond, to a much bigger walking tour,” she said. “So there’s potential for growth INFO and continuation after the grant. David Hohenschau will begin accepting “This seemed to be at a really timely poetry submissions in the fall. Contact david@ point for Middlebury, as they go through for details.


Where Art Meets Science: SHIFT 2019 Opens Up ‘A Portal to the Sky’ B Y K E N PI CA R D

of eerie, desertlike landscapes, the 2018 black-and-white avant-garde film was meticulously edited from tens of thousands of archival NASA images, captured from space and on the surface of the moon and Mars. “Observando el Cielo” (which translates to “observing the sky”) is a 2007 short by Jeanne Liotta. The 19-minute work, shot on 16mm film, took seven years to make and incorporates sound recordings by Peggy Ahwesh of naturally occurring VLF (very low frequency) radio waves, which are generated by the Earth’s magnetosphere. These recordings “allow the universe to speak for itself,” notes the filmmaker on her website.




A still from ‘Observando el Cielo’

A still from ‘Meridian Plain’


hroughout history, humans have gazed up at the night sky and pondered their place in the cosmos. But only since the moon was first photographed in 1840 have scientists been able to use such technology to advance their understanding of the universe. The study of heavenly bodies has inspired not only knowledge but also art. This week, some astronomy photos will be on view in “A Portal to the Sky: Cinema and Space,” an evening of short films by three experimental filmmakers. The event, billed as “an artistic celebration of the sky, space and worlds beyond,” features works

that use actual stills, archival images and long-exposure photography from space as source material. The evening is part of the second annual SHIFT festival, 10 days of presentations, performances, classes, workshops, films and discussions at the HOPKINS CENTER FOR THE ARTS at Dartmouth College. This year’s festival, which runs from June 21 through 30, explores the push and pull between humanity and nature in the current Anthropocene era. Among the sky-themed films screening on Monday, June 24, is “Meridian Plain” by Buffalo, N.Y., filmmaker Laura Kraning. A frenetic, 18-minute visual exploration

“Lunar Almanac” is a 2013 film by Malena Szlam Salazar, a Chilean-born filmmaker now living in Montréal. This four-minute visual diary chronicles the moon as it moves through the sky in ever-changing phases. The evening will feature two experts from quite disparate academic disciplines: cinema production and computer science. The shorts themselves were chosen by JODIE MACK, an associate professor of film and media studies at Dartmouth College. Joining her is DAN ROCKMORE, associate dean for the sciences and director of the Neukom Institute for Computational Science at Dartmouth. Mack, herself an experimental filmmaker and animator, pointed out that these aren’t space-themed explanatory documentaries in the traditions of Neil deGrasse Tyson and the late Carl Sagan. “But I think they’re definitely creating bridges between artistic representation and science,” Mack said. “They try to represent the soul of the universe.” Rockmore may be familiar to Seven Days readers for his work in launching the Neukom Institute’s Turing Tests in Creative Arts. The annual, yearlong competition challenges teams of mathematicians, programmers and computer scientists from around the world to develop algorithms and software that mimic humans’ ability to create music, poetry and literature. The competition is named in honor of British computer scientist Alan Turing and the Turing test, an assessment of a machine’s capacity to exhibit behaviors that are equivalent to, or indistinguishable from, those of humans. After the film screenings, attendees will be invited outdoors, weather permitting, for a telescope-assisted stargazing event with Dartmouth associate professor of physics and astronomy RYAN HICKOX. m Contact:

INFO “A Portal to the Sky: Cinema and Space,” Monday, June 24, 8 p.m., Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. Free. SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



Can Vermont’s Justices of the Peace Serve as Judges?


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



or two decades, Jay Furr of Richmond worked a tech job that kept him on the road as many as 40 weeks per year. He was eager to do volunteer work, such as serving on the Richmond Selectboard, but his busy travel schedule made it virtually impossible. “I’m a Vermonter, and Vermont is all about participatory citizen democracy,” the 51-year-old said in a recent interview. “I’ve been here all these years, and I’ve never gotten to do a damn thing.” Last year, he got his chance: After the company he works for changed hands and his travel obligations changed, Furr decided to run for justice of the peace. Elected last fall, he diligently studied the 25-page Vermont Justice of the Peace Guide from the Secretary of State’s Office. In its outline of a JP’s mandatory and discretionary duties — which include assisting in local elections, officiating marriages, hearing property tax abatement requests and notarizing documents — Furr came across this provision: “If commissioned by the Supreme Court, a justice of the peace may also serve as a magistrate.” “This is an unusual event,” the guide stated, “one that would occur only in extraordinary cases.” Curious about how often this provision is used and under which “extraordinary” circumstances — JPs don’t have to be lawyers; magistrates do — Furr inquired among his fellow Richmond JPs. None had ever been appointed magistrate, he discovered, nor had any of them heard of another JP serving as one. “Since being a JP is all about the raw exercise of power,” Furr joked in an email to Seven Days, “I was hoping to get to do the whole magistrate thing at some point.” Furr has a distinct interest in minutiae and positions that carry no actual power; as he revealed in a May 11, 2018, op-ed published in the Washington Post, he’s also Richmond’s “weigher of coal.” But he poses a good question: Can JPs ever play the active judicial role that modern magistrates do? And if not, why is that provision on the books? If the official titles “magistrate” and “justice of the peace” sound as anachronistic to modern ears as “fence viewer” and “weigher of coal,” it’s because they date back to roughly the same period in Vermont history. JPs, of which there are nearly 2,000 statewide, are among the earliest established and most numerous

public offices in Vermont. Created by the Vermont Constitution in 1777, JPs once served as magistrates, the lowest tier of judges, hearing minor civil and criminal offenses. “A 1779 law provided that a justice could try any action in which the matter in demand or fine did not exceed ten pounds, or potential corporal punishment did not exceed ten lashes,” according to the Secretary of State’s Office guide. It wasn’t until the passage of a 1974 state constitutional amendment, which reorganized Vermont’s entire judicial system, that JPs were stripped of their judicial authority. By contrast, modern-day magistrates, who must be admitted to the bar, are found primarily within Vermont’s family courts, where they preside over cases involving child support, parental contact and childvisitation rights. For reasons that remain unclear, the 1974 constitutional amendment didn’t remove the magisterial duty clause related to JPs. But, as Jenny Prosser, the secretary of state’s general counsel and director of municipal assistance, explained via email, “We personally have never heard of this constitutional provision being used in recent times.” In his 2019 book Law of the Hills: A Judicial History of Vermont, Paul Gillies noted

that, historically, “There were instances where members of the governor and council sat with the Supreme Court when other judges couldn’t make it or had conflicts.” However, the Montpelier attorney, who served 12 years as deputy secretary of state, knew of no instance in which a JP was appointed to the high court itself. Associate Justice Marilyn Skoglund, who is set to retire from the Supreme Court in September, was perplexed by the provision, describing it in an email as “a truly frightening idea. “We do appoint our judicial magistrates to serve as trial judges when needed,” she added, “but I have never heard of us ‘commissioning’ a justice of the peace to serve as a judicial magistrate.” That’s bad news for Furr, who seems to have a proclivity for choosing positions that are more symbolic than powerful. His post as Richmond’s appointed weigher of coal dates back to the time when many Vermonters heated their homes with the sooty black stuff. His official duties in that position? “Absolutely nothing,” Furr confessed. “I’ve been weigher of coal for four or five years, and no one has ever asked me to weigh a lump.” There’s no official municipal scale — in Richmond or any other Vermont town — to handle the task.

Still, as weigher of coal, Furr signed and abides by an official ethics policy — a standard, he noted, that exceeds that expected of the president of the United States. “I will need to take all this very seriously,” Furr wrote in his brief yet pointed Washington Post op-ed, which hinged on that observation. “I want no conflicts of interest when it comes to my not weighing coal. I want to show no favoritism to family members and other individuals in the nonpursuance of my duties.” Will Furr, or any other JP, ever get to don a black robe, wield a gavel and throw the book at scofflaws? Though the provision remains on the books, Furr isn’t optimistic. “Since the only likely extraordinary circumstances that would cause the Supreme Court to start looking around for emergency magistrates would probably be a zombie apocalypse, an outbreak of civil unrest or open insurrection,” he conceded, “it’s probably never actually going to come up.” Hey, one can always hope. Contact:

INFO Got a Vermont head-scratcher that has you stumped? Ask us!

» » » » » »

À la carte tapas, prices vary. FREE live music. Saturdays, from 6-9p starting June 22nd June 22nd: Shrimptunes One Man Band June 29th: The Franky James Project. More music throughout the Summer.

RE SERV E NO W: (8 02) 32 7-2323 O R RE S TAUR A N T S@ JAY PE A K RE S ORT.C OM Untitled-8 1


6/17/19 12:20 PM



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


3/26/19 12:09 PM




obin Bentley has the kind of voice you want on the other end of the phone in a travel emergency. Both Robin Bentley soothing and bubbling with enthusiasm, hers is the voice of someone who has coached scores of clients through travel highs and lows, from the excitement of booking a trip to the letdown of nor’easter-induced flight cancellations. Last month, Bentley helped a customer rebook a flight from a closed airport in Caracas, Venezuela. When the woman arrived in Middlebury, she came into the office and gave Bentley a big hug. “There are times like that when it is really rewarding to help people,” she said. Bentley, 52, is a travel adviser for Milne Travel, a Barre-born travel agency with locations all over New England. She’s been working at the company’s Middlebury office, housed in a small, shingled building on Washington Street, for more than 22 years and is now the branch’s manager. She’s worked in the travel industry since she graduated from college in 1986. Back then, Bentley didn’t have a computer at work, or voicemail. Now, she has two monitors on her desk; software shows her when staff from each Milne branch are available to talk. “In terms of change, oh, my gosh,” she said with a chuckle. “I’m laughing because we had books that had airline schedules in them, called an OAG. We would look up the schedules and call the airline and write out the because we can really wow them with our knowledge. I ticket. And if we made a mistake on the ticket, we’d have think people are coming back. to void it and start all over again.” It seems only natural that travel agenSD: How do you generate that wealth of cies would have lost traction in Bentley’s knowledge? NAME three-plus decades in the industry — that RB: If I don’t know it, my colleague might, Robin Bentley Travelocity, Expedia and TripAdvisor and we have this whole network of other would have done to local companies what advisers that can share their information. TOWN Amazon did to mom-and-pop bookstores. We’ve also got a lot of online reference Middlebury But Bentley told Seven Days that books that are just for the travel agency. JOB these new travel tools haven’t replaced And if I’ve been to a particular place, I can Travel adviser and her work. And the new ease of booking speak to what it’s like in detail. We get some Middlebury branch flights and hotels has helped her and her opportunities to travel for free, called familcolleagues, too. manager, Milne Travel iarization trips, and they’re exclusively for travel agents. Two years ago I went to SEVEN DAYS: Since you’ve been in the business, Portugal, and I had never been. And we stopped in the Azores. Then, the next year, I was able to sell a trip to the how has it changed? ROBIN BENTLEY: Automation has been huge over the Azores, ’cause somebody wanted to go there, and it’s such last 25 years. It’s really helped us do our job better and an unusual place. I had read about it, but when you’ve be more efficient and give customers more accurate been there, it’s different. You can talk the talk. information. There used to be, back when I started, travel schools. When the internet first came, we were not sure what to think. We thought, Oh, this is the end. Will people still SD: Did you go to one of the travel schools? come to us? We embrace it now because there’s a lot of RB: I went to a college, actually, and got an associate great information out there, but people want an expert. degree in travel. They think, OK, I know Robin’s been to Africa; I’m going to talk to her. Maybe they’ll come in and ask for Italy, and SD: What were the courses like? Terry’s been to Italy many, many times. Her family’s from RB: Oh, my gosh, they were great. You talk about hitting there. So she can give them more details than they could something right and it really sparking your interest. get from most guides. We had a geography course, because you had to learn I think over the last few years we’ve seen 30-year-olds about geography. And we had a computer course, ’cause who will say, “I don’t even know what a travel adviser our computer was different. Now we’ve got an overlay does. How does it work?” And we love those customers, system, but back when I started, you had to learn city



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

[airport] codes. That was the test: You’d have to learn the codes. SD: Do you remember most of them? RB: Yes. And every once in a while, when I get an odd one, it’s back there someplace. It’ll just come out of nowhere. SD: What’s an obscure one that you remember? RB: Kalamazoo[, Mich.]. SD: What’s that one? RB: AZO. There’s no rhyme or reason, right? Like, San Francisco’s SFO. You can see that. LA, LAX. Miami, MIA. I will bore you. Kansas City was another one. MCI. That was a weird one. SD: Do you ever miss the way things were before they were automated? Or are you happy with how things are now? RB: No, I love it. I haven’t thought about the OAG in probably 20 years. It was just like dinosaur age. We spent so much time calling airlines and being on hold and looking for basic information. So it’s made it easier in a way. Yeah, automation has been great. I think it’s really made our job what it is today. m Contact:

INFO Got an unusual job or know someone else who does? Let us know!


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/6/19 10:07 AM

Unreal Genius BY DAN BOLLES

For entrepreneur

MATT BENEDETTO, necessity is the mother of reinvention

And now, a late-night TV commercial for a product that doesn’t (quite) exist. We open on a welldressed couple enjoying a candlelit dinner at a fancy restaurant. As the camera closes in, we see them gaze tenderly into each other’s eyes. NARRATOR Does your loved one constantly ruin romantic dinners by chewing with their mouth open?


The camera closes tighter on the partner on the left, who chews obnoxiously, oblivious to the bits of food tumbling out of their mouth. The partner on the right is visibly nauseated. NARRATOR You should try the Cuisine Curtain. DINER WITH FULL MOUTH Cwuhvine Cuhrfain? Cut to a group of friends in the stands at a ballgame. They’re all laughing except for one guy with a stuffed mouth who gazes sadly at his half-eaten hot dog. NARRATOR Are you tired of having the perfect joke at the ready, only to realize your mouth is stuffed with food? HOT DOG GUY nods slowly. NARRATOR You should try the Cuisine Curtain. HOT DOG GUY Cwuhvine Cuhrfain? Vermont entrepreneur MATT BENEDETTO rises from a seat in the stands and begins walking down the aisle past HOT DOG GUY. MATT BENEDETTO Hi, I’m Matt Benedetto, inventor of the Cuisine Curtain. No longer do you need to live under the tyranny of chewing with your mouth closed or swallowing before you talk. My patented technology provides an elegant solution for open-mouth dining and is perfect for any occasion, including date nights, business lunches, picnics and, of course, big family dinners. Cut to a large family happily eating at a dinner table with a white Scottish terrier sitting obediently nearby. They’re all wearing Cuisine Curtains, including the dog. FAMILY (in unison) Thankff, Cwuhvine Cuhrfain!

Matt Benedetto and his Unnecessary Inventions


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019




Avocado on a Stick™

Cuisine Curtain™


The BurritoTrough™

At home or on the go, no selfrespecting millennial should ever be without their avocado.

An elegant solution for open-mouth dining that’s perfect for any occasion.

Because, let’s face it: Your doughy digits could use some cardio, too.

Everything you love about a burrito, minus the messy hands.


here has never been — nor, sadly, is there ever likely to be — a TV commercial for the Cuisine Curtain. The product exists solely in the form of a single prototype, which isn’t for sale: Red with white polka dots, it’s essentially a mouth-size shower curtain that hangs from your nostrils. Beyond that, it’s simply an exceedingly meme-able product of Matt Benedetto’s exceedingly active imagination. The Cuisine Curtain is among the most popular of Benedetto’s Unnecessary Inventions, which the 29-year-old Burlington resident started showcasing on social media in March. It’s an increasingly viral line of essentially imaginary products that are wildly overdesigned to solve problems that don’t need solving or could be solved in much simpler ways. If Rube Goldberg had teamed up with Steve Martin (during his early prop comedy days) to settle modern society’s most banal conundrums, they might have produced


do that annoying rotate-flip thing. And don’t forget the FlopFlips, sandals that leave backward footprints on the beach to confound would-be stalkers. Those jokey inventions and dozens more have made Benedetto something of an overnight online sensation, though not one of them will ever see commercial production. Since Unnecessary Inventions launched in March, it has attracted more than 117,000 followers on Instagram and 40,000 combined likes and follows on Facebook. Unnecessary Inventions videos for LADbible and other online media outlets have been viewed millions of times. Every week, Benedetto rolls out two to three new inventions, producing mock to semi-functional versions of them using the 3D printer at his Burlington headquarters in the Hood Plant. Each gets posted online with a catchy name, a catalog-style description and professional-looking product shots, often featuring a deadpan Benedetto. Though his creations aren’t for sale, the upscale presentation makes it look like they are. Clearly, Benedetto is more than just a funny guy with high-tech toys. He’s a serial entrepreneur and marketing wiz who started his first business, a crocheted ski hat company, at age 14 in the New York City suburbs. By the time he arrived at Saint Michael’s College in Colchester, he had expanded into all kinds Benedetto sewing a Cuisine Curtain in his of ski apparel, much of Hood Plant headquarters in Burlington it worn by the X Games athletes he was then sponsoring. something like Unnecessary Inventions — though Benedetto switched gears just as iPhone accessories they’d have had an easier time if, like Benedetto, they’d were exploding. You may have seen his fabric-wrapped had a 3D printer. charging cables at J.Crew, Urban Outfitters, Nordstrom Take Benedetto’s Hoverbrella, an umbrella attached and other global retailers. Lately, he’s begun courting to a drone that hovers above the user, leaving their the jet set with a sleek line of boutique travel items. hands free and dry. Or the iDangle, a “NASA-grade” And he’s got side gigs on top of side gigs, from drone suction cup on a plastic wire that hangs from your photography to interior design. ceiling and holds your smartphone so you can scroll “People who only know the Unnecessary Inventions through Twitter and Instagram in bed without are always really shocked when they find out I do real awkwardly craning your neck or making your screen stuff, too,” Benedetto says with mild chagrin.

Despite its popularity, Unnecessary Inventions is the one pursuit from which he hasn’t made a cent — though he hasn’t yet tried. “What’s unique about Matt is how quickly he can take an idea and turn it into something, whether it’s the hats or iPhone cables,” says Joe Tyson of Burlington, Benedetto’s best friend and former college roommate. “Unnecessary Inventions is a more whimsical example, but it’s the same idea.” If Benedetto’s FingerTrack (a miniature treadmill for your fingers) or FingerBeanies (tiny knit caps to keep your fingertips warm) were real, one could easily envision them being hawked on late-night TV alongside such modern marvels as the Shake Weight, the Tiddy Bear and the Snuggie — real items that likewise offer elaborately dumb solutions to what are, at best, negligible problems. That almost-realism is part of the appeal: You might purchase Avocado on a Stick as a gag gift, right? At the very least, you have one fashion-backward friend who would earnestly buy a CargoMAX — an oversize cargo pouch that Velcros to your pants, naturally. Could one reason for Unnecessary Inventions’ popularity be that we can’t have them? “I do think the fact that I give people a little bit, and they’re reaching for it but can’t quite get it, helps,” Benedetto says, trying to make sense of his viral sensation. He suggests picturing a Venn diagram of utility, entrepreneurial savvy, believability and sheer idiocy. “And right in the small dot in the center is the Unnecessary Invention,” Benedetto says.


When he landed at St. Mike’s in 2008, Benedetto had already been running his hat company, EC Headwear — originally East Coast Headwear — for about four years. His mom taught him to crochet when he was 13 because, he recalls, “crocheted hats were kind of a thing.” A serious freestyle skier, he started making hats and selling them to his buddies at Gore Mountain Ski Resort. Word got around, demand grew, and he soon set up a website to take custom orders. “I was crocheting my fingers off,” Benedetto says. Eventually Benedetto started researching overseas manufacturing options. He began designing hats and having them made in China. He remembers the first UNREAL GENIUS

» P.34

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019




The FingerBeanies™

The Hoverbrella™


Walk barefoot anywhere with impunity.

Do you have any idea how much heat you lose through your fingertips?

Never again will you have to wait to reach shelter to complain on Facebook about the rain.

A NASA-grade suction cup keeps your phone at just the right height and angle for optimum in-bed browsing.

Unreal Genius « P.33 time he and his mother drove to the port at New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport to pick up his wares. “It’s all these tractor trailers, and we show up in a Suburban, like, ‘Uh, we’re here for a shipment of hats?’” After high school, Benedetto followed his older brother to St. Mike’s. He pitched the school’s business department on his company and was given an office in an administration building, from which he ran EC Headwear for all four years. Such arrangements have become more common as more first-year students arrive at school with their own online businesses, according to Robert Letovsky, a professor of business administration and accounting at St. Mike’s. But in 2008, he says, Benedetto’s situation was rare. “He’s very resourceful,” Letovsky says of his former student. “He’s always been persistent and resilient, which are the traits all successful entrepreneurs have. Entrepreneurs are doers, and he’s a doer.” “He just has that natural flair and always has,” says Benedetto’s father, Peter. He goes on to tell a story about when Matt attended a big ski race at the age of 8 or 9. The boy approached world-class racers and asked them for their race bibs. “To make a long story short,” Peter says, “Matt got four or five bibs and then turned around and sold them to his friends for a profit.” At St. Mike’s, Benedetto roomed with other serious skiers and skied for the school in his first year. As a sophomore, though, he began traveling to ski events to promote EC Headwear rather than compete on the slopes. One such event, at Loon Mountain in New Hampshire, altered his trajectory forever. Benedetto was taking a run on the freestyle course after the races were over. He hit a jump but missed the landing. That’s when he started screaming. “I shattered my whole leg,” he recalls. His right leg mangled, Benedetto had to be helicoptered off the mountain. He endured 17 surgeries over the course of a four-and-a-half-month hospital stay and was lucky just to keep the leg. “The doctors said that if he hadn’t been young and in such good shape, they would have had to amputate,” his mother, Mary Anne, recalls. 34

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Benedetto keeps an X-ray on his phone. With five metal rods and 21 screws, his leg almost appears to have been fixed by a mad inventor with an erector set. Benedetto didn’t walk again for almost two years. He maintains the fit physique of a high-level athlete and is still an avid skier, but the injury will stay with him for the rest of his life. His right foot is still paralyzed, so he drives using his left to work the gas and brake pedals. “At this point, it’s like second nature,” he says. Unable to ski during his recovery, Benedetto eventually found his enthusiasm for the industry waning. Some people’s careers are derailed by trauma, but for Benedetto, obstacles have always been sparks. Just ask his mom. “When he was a little kid, no matter what he Benedetto’s leg X-ray after 17 surgeries did, I could never come up with a punishment that would work,” Mary Anne recalls. “Because, as soon as I’d send him to his room or whatever, he’d just flip to plan B and come up with something amazing. It’s just who he is.”


During his senior year at St. Mike’s, Benedetto transformed his company from a ski apparel brand into a lifestyle one and rechristened it Eastern Collective. He landed an internship at Winooski’s Fuse Marketing, where he took a job upon graduation in 2012. That’s also when he hatched an idea for a better iPhone charging cable. “The accessory market wasn’t as enormous as it is now,” Benedetto explains. “There were a ton of cases, so you could customize your phone that way.” Options for cables, however, were slim. Plus, they were kinda chintzy. “Everybody has the cable that ends up fraying at the end, right?” he says. Leaning on his clothing background and his manufacturing connections in China, Benedetto developed

fabric-woven cables and branded them as more rugged, longer lasting and more attractive than the white-plastic stock cables that come with new phones. “My theme was mixing textiles and technology,” he says. He launched his first cables in September 2012. By the following March, Benedetto had left Fuse to focus on Eastern Collective full time. “I did more sales in that first month than I ever did in a year of selling clothing,” he reveals. He had already designed his 2013 winter clothing line. Once he sold through that stock, he transitioned Eastern Collective to phone accessories exclusively. J.Crew and other retailers picked up his cables, on which tech taste makers at GQ magazine and Condé Nast Traveler bestowed rave reviews. Benedetto’s new venture was growing exponentially. But there was one problem. Because Apple’s connectors are proprietary, he couldn’t secure a patent for his cable designs. Even if he could have, his lawyers advised, it wouldn’t have been hard for another company to produce legal knockoffs. “All you’d have to do is move the weaves a little bit to get around it,” Benedetto says. Which, of course, is exactly what happened.


As accessories giants such as Belkin began issuing their own woven cables, Benedetto’s business cooled. J.Crew killed its accessory line, and other retailers were dropping him for cheaper alternatives. “It wasn’t as unique anymore,” Benedetto says. “And I was just in the mood to do something new.” So he reinvented his business yet again, this time as Sondre Travel, a boutique travel accessories line. The company’s first product was the Voyage Pillow, Benedetto’s reimagining of the ubiquitous, bulky U-shaped travel pillow. His is both compact and stylish — for a pillow. To unveil his new product, Benedetto turned to that great equalizer of capitalism: Kickstarter. He launched a campaign for the Voyage Pillow in February 2017 and secured $125,000 in preorders in the first month. As the boxes of pillows stacked in the storage loft of his office reveal, the pillow has remained popular — it was among the top 25 best-selling travel pillows on Amazon last year. Given his track record, Benedetto might have had a successful launch without crowdfunding, but he says the method offers certain advantages that traditional business models lack. For one, he never has to worry about overruns, since his backers fully fund his initial production run.

The FlopFlips™


The Anywhere Hook™

The Airsticks™

Stalkers, assassins, religious missionaries. The beach is a perilous place.

When cargo shorts just aren’t enough, accept no substitutes.

Keep your coat, and your cool, and never get left hanging again.

A sushi craving could strike at any time. So always have chopsticks on hand — er, ear.

Also, he reveals, Kickstarter is basically free advertising. “A lot of people would be surprised that 30 to 40 percent of people who back Kickstarter campaigns are just browsing Kickstarter for things to back,” Benedetto explains. “Instead of making a Facebook ad to try and get people to my website for a company they’ve never heard of, Kickstarter already has a reputable name, there’s already people browsing the site, so it’s a free way to get customers.” And, more importantly, repeat customers. Benedetto has launched each of Sondre Travel’s subsequent products through Kickstarter, including a travel bag, a travel organizer, a toiletry bag and a beach chair. In total, his five completed campaigns have yielded more than $325,000 in preorders. He is currently crowdfunding the Voyage Sleep Mask, a companion to the pillow. As with his iPhone cables — which he still produces — and his crocheted hats, Benedetto isn’t reinventing the wheel with his travel line so much as finding ways to make the wheel roll better. “Ideas are worthless,” says Letovsky, the St. Mike’s professor. “What’s important is to have a business concept. Matt’s ideas aren’t groundbreaking products, necessarily, but he puts a spin on it, and then he gets up and does it.” That spin is key to the success of Sondre Travel. The versatile Voyage Bag, for example, works as either a duffel bag or a backpack and features interior shoe compartments, separate spaces for dirty clothes, a laptop sleeve and a charging-port hole — all handy features for the frequent traveler. The Voyage Dopp Kit is a dual-sided toiletry bag for traveling with a partner. The Voyage Chair is a beach chair equipped with insulated can holders and cooler compartments and “tech pouches” perfectly sized to keep smartphones and small tablets out of the sun and sand. “I try to look at existing products and think, Why doesn’t this work, and what can I do to make it better?” Benedetto says. In essence, Benedetto is simplifying and improving on preexisting designs. Put another way, he’s solving problems his customers probably didn’t know they had. That’s not far off from how he approaches Unnecessary Inventions — albeit with markedly different outcomes.


Benedetto draws an important distinction between “unnecessary” and “useless.” “Those are two completely different words,” he insists. And understanding the

difference is key to understanding the quirky brilliance behind his Unnecessary Inventions. “They all do something. They solve a problem, whether it’s a made-up problem or an actual problem,” he says. “However, there’s always going to be an easier way to solve the problem.” That’s undoubtedly true. Still, items such as StubStoppers — tiny yellow hard hats that fit over your big toes to guard against painful stubs — have easier solutions beat when it comes to entertainment value. Unnecessary Inventions was itself the solution to a problem. “I’m always coming up with ideas, and I’ll run them by my friends, and they’ll

Items from Benedetto’s Sondre Travel boutique accessory line (clockwise from left): the Voyage Bag, the Voyage Pillow and the Voyage Cable

be like, ‘Oh, that’s stupid,’” Benedetto says. “So then I’m like, ‘OK, well, I’m not gonna make that.’” Every now and then, though, his endless curiosity gets the better of him, and he orders a sample product made in China based on one of those supposedly stupid ideas. “And I’m usually like, ‘Yup. This is a stupid idea,’” he says. Benedetto’s large Burlington office/workshop is

littered with examples of those one-off ideas, stupid and otherwise. Take the bright yellow emoji doormats he had made in 2011, or the gaudy sunglasses crafted from a single wraparound lens that look like something from a bad 1980s sci-fi action flick. “I thought these sunglasses were so cool,” Benedetto admits. “But now I realize they’re so ugly.” He rarely has any intention of putting such sample products into production. “I just want to see it in its physical form, because I always have such a vivid picture of what this idea looks like,” he says. “So let me just make it, and I’ll get it out of my head. Even if I’m just enjoying it, that’s enough for me. “My brain is just never off, and it’s always firing for something, taking two unrelated problems to create a new problem,” Benedetto continues. “It’s just how my brain operates.” Randy Violette, Benedetto’s boyfriend of four years, agrees. “His mind works at the speed of light, and it continually amazes me,” he says of Benedetto. Violette is often the test audience when Benedetto comes up with an idea. He also sometimes names them, as he did with the Heels Wheels — high heels on roller-skate wheels. “He can go from concept to action amazingly quickly,” Violette continues. “He’ll tell me in the morning about an invention idea, and then by the end of the day it’s posted online and getting reviews.” Which means that when Benedetto doesn’t have something to occupy his mind, he gets antsy. That tends to be a problem every February, when manufacturing in China essentially shuts down in observance of Chinese New Year, he says. This year, Benedetto spent the downtime studying 3D design via YouTube tutorials, hoping to improve his 3D printer skills so he could produce all of his mind’s strange desires himself. One day, he was messing around with 3D designs and pondering, of all things, AirPods. UNREAL GENIUS SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

» P.36 35



My Perfect Hogan™


The FurRoller™

Save the planet in style with this smart plastic carrying case for your metal straw.

Oh, yeah, brother! Never botch trimming that Hulk Hogan ’stache again.

Left or right? The ubiquitous awkward dance with oncoming pedestrians is a thing of the past, thanks to this handy directional signal.

Because the world deserves to know that you have a cat.

Unreal Genius « P.35

in or leave something out, because I know what people are going to comment on,” Benedetto continues. “‘Why are you eating a burrito sideways?’” he says, quoting a common reaction to the BurritoTrough, which looks a lot like a harmonica holder but holds a burrito sideways instead. “A lot of it is just to create fun conversation,” he continues. “I give them just enough to connect the dots themselves … or watch people argue over which way to eat a burrito.” Those fan interactions are often positive, too. Benedetto frequently crowdsources ideas. He estimates that

“When AirPods first came out, everybody made fun of them for how stupid they looked,” he explains. “Now, two years later, they’re ubiquitous. So I always had thought of calling out the design a little more and just making it more ridiculous.” So he did. The first Unnecessary Invention Benedetto produced was the AirSticks, chopstick extensions that attach to wireless headphones so you can always have chopsticks on hand — er, ear. Tickled with how the AirSticks came out, Benedetto bought sushi at City Market, Onion River Co-op to pair with them in product photos. He posted the pics to Reddit, where they promptly blew up. On the suggestion of a Reddit user, Benedetto made his next invention, the Anywhere Hook: a plastic coat hanger that attaches to the back of your shirt collar so you never have to tie your coat around your waist. He started an Instagram feed devoted to his creations, and Unnecessary Inventions was born. “I woke up the next day and had 1,600 followers, and I was like, What the fuck?” says Benedetto. Then he realized, “OK, I guess I have something here.” He kept cranking out ideas and gaining followers and attention. His two biggest breakouts were the Cuisine Curtain and Avocado on a Stick, and the latter indirectly inspired another of his greatest non-inventions. Benedetto enjoys interacting with his fans online. But, the internet being the internet, sometimes not everyone gets the joke. When he released Avocado on a Stick — smashed avocado that comes in a plastic roll-out dispenser, sort of like a deodorant stick — certain commenters were outraged by what they perceived as environmental waste. “They were like, ‘Avocado already comes in a shell!’” says Benedetto. “So I was like, ‘Well, I’m gonna make you hate me even more!’” The result was the Straw2Go, an oversize plastic carrying case Benedetto seated in the Voyage Chair wearing EyeWiped sunglasses and Heels Wheels. Also pictured: the InstaParasol and the Sip N Curl (foreground) for planet-saving metal straws. “I always purposefully put something



30 percent of his Unnecessary Inventions are based on fan suggestions — about one in every 300 suggestions he receives. “I get ‘iPhone case for your iPhone case’ all the time,” he says, rolling his eyes. “It’s a very nuanced thing,” he adds, explaining what separates a good Unnecessary Invention idea from the rest. “Like someone will say, ‘A blanket for when you get cold shitting.’ Well, that’s just a blanket.” (In case it’s not obvious, Benedetto is far lighter and more bubbly in person than his stern-faced product shots for Unnecessary Inventions might suggest.) Even when the ideas are bad, one element might spark a new train of thought. That was the case with the FurRoller — which, instead of removing pet hair from your clothes, adds hair so that everyone will know you have a pet. Benedetto based the idea on a fan suggestion that just needed a little extra something to become a true Unnecessary Invention. Benedetto says he constantly receives inquiries about purchasing his inventions. “Every post, someone comments or DMs, like, ‘I know these are fake, but can you please just make one for me? I need MAT T BE NED ET T O to buy it. My dad always chews with his mouth open, and I need this.’” So far, though, he insists he has no intention of producing his Unnecessary Inventions commercially. “I just kinda love telling people no,” Benedetto says with a chuckle. “I’m an artist, and it’s an art … ish. And I think that’s part of the reason why it’s blowing up: If I was just another brand trying to hawk products at you, you’d scroll past because it’s stupid.” The inventions might also not be that profitable, he suggests: “I think, the people that say they want to buy and the people that actually would, there’s probably not a huge overlap.”



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


While Benedetto doesn’t plan to sell Unnecessary Inventions, he does have a plan for profiting from the prodigious amount of time he spends working on


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them. It involves doing what he does best: improving on an existing idea. In the 1990s, Japanese inventor Kenji Kawakami started a fad he called chindōgu, which translates to “unusual tool” — though Kawakami described his inventions as “unuseless.” He designed a series of joke inventions that didn’t quite work, such as a combination feather duster/cocktail shaker to reward yourself while cleaning, and the “baby mop,” which turned crawling babies into cleaning implements. In 1995, Kawakami published a book that appeared in an English translation by Dan Papia called 101 Unuseless Japanese Inventions: The Art of Chindōgu. Benedetto plans to publish a book of his own by Christmas — when, working at his present pace, he expects to have 80 to 100 completed inventions. “I’ve got to monetize at some point, at least a little bit,” he concedes. Benedetto readily admits that chindōgu is an inspiration for Unnecessary Inventions, sometimes a direct one. My Perfect Hogan, a jig used to shave a perfect Hulk Hogan mustache, is his take on a chindōgu lipstick mold. Avocado on a Stick is based on the push-up butter stick, one of a few chindōgu inventions that eventually became a real thing. Another unuseless invention that became reality is the selfie stick, though Kawakami used a large disposable camera in his version, since smartphones hadn’t been invented yet. “I know I have something,” Benedetto says of Unnecessary Inventions. “I don’t really know what it is yet. And that’s sort of how my whole life has been. “When I was 13, it was hats; then it was cables and then travel,” he continues. “So whatever is occupying my mind, I just sort of peck away at it until I figure out how to make money and make a living at it.” Could that mean he’ll stumble on his own version of the selfie stick one day? “It could. I mean, I like the turn signals,” Benedetto says, referring to the WhichWay, his shoulder-mounted blinkers. Like so many Unnecessary Inventions, those sparked debate; commenters wondered whether the signals indicate which way the wearer is turning or which way other pedestrians should go. The beauty of Unnecessary Inventions is that, for now, Benedetto doesn’t have to decide; going viral online is all about inspiring people to debate and wonder. Of his inventions, he says, “They all have a few kinks that need to be worked out before they go mainstream.” m Contact:

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/14/19 2:51 PM

Incurable Book review: The Rationing, Charles Wheelan B Y CH E L SEA ED GAR


n 2014, former British prime minister David Cameron commissioned a study on the social and economic impact of the rise of antimicrobial-resistant infections — also known, somewhat zombie-apocalyptically, as “superbugs.” The final report predicted that if resistance rates continued to increase, up to 300 million people worldwide could die prematurely by 2050. That word “superbug” is much in circulation these days. Turn on NPR, and the odds are good that you’ll hear a talking head pontificating about why we should all be living in fear of unstoppable microorganisms. As our collective antennae tune to that frequency, Dartmouth College senior lecturer and policy fellow Charles Wheelan brings us a debut satirical novel, The Rationing, with a scenario that feels particularly prescient. In the not-too-distant future, the global medical community has vanquished the threat of superbugs with a miracle pill called Dormigen, which can cure any ailment from the common cold to a raging urinary tract infection. But just when America’s stockpile of the drug starts to run dangerously low — the result of highlevel malfeasance at its manufacturer — a once-innocuous virus called Capellaviridae suddenly turns deadly. Its first victims are otherwise healthy people: a 43-year-old management consultant in San Francisco, followed by five middle-aged men and one female lacrosse player at the University of Vermont. There are only two solutions: acquire more Dormigen from another nation, or find some other means of stopping the virus. The novel, framed as the authoritative account of “the Outbreak,” chronicles the unfolding disaster from the perspective of a National Institutes of Health scientist who bore witness to the whole thing. His account begins with the first fatalities and follows the ensuing scramble of an impromptu task force of Washington, D.C., muckety-mucks, whose chief aims are to insulate themselves from public criticism, prevent widespread panic and minimize loss of life, more or less in that order. Wheelan, a specialist in public policy and economics and a one-time political candidate (he launched an unsuccessful bid for Rahm Emanuel’s Illinois Congressional seat in 2009), has written three previous nonfiction books: Naked



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Statistics: Stripping the Dread From the Data, Naked Economics: Undressing the Dismal Science and Naked Money: A Revealing Look at Our Financial System. His interest in pandemics, at least as expressed in The Rationing, seems to lie more in the palace intrigue they generate than in the toll they exact on human beings. There are no gangrenous limbs, no oozing rashes, nary a cubic milliliter of vomit in this novel. Instead, most of the action centers on a bunch of sleepdeprived D.C. creatures sitting around a conference table and bantering back and forth in sitcom-perfect sentences about which lives would merit saving, should Capellaviridae prove as infectious as the NIH models predict. This novel is, in sum, a very D.C. account of a very D.C. situation, narrated by a guy so painfully D.C. that you can practically hear his Florsheims squeaking down the corridors of power. I have not done the math to back this up, but I would estimate that roughly 75 percent of The Rationing takes place in a conference room, or en route to a conference room, or around some kind of table. This bears mentioning, because the book is 412 pages long. No matter how you break it down, that ends up being a lot of table. Most of the characters go unnamed, including the narrator; in typical Washington fashion, he refers to almost everyone by their job title: Chief of Staff, Communications Director, Acting Secretary of Health and Human Services, Tie Guy. Curiously, the handful of characters who do get named are disproportionately female, and all of them are so one-dimensional that the specificity of a name seems superfluous. Ellen, the narrator’s cohabitating girlfriend, gets cast as an ambassador of the weaker sex, a boring mishmash of stereotypically female attributes who lacks the intellectual capacity to grasp the magnitude of his work. We learn that she attended Duke University and, at the time of the events described in the novel, worked for a public relations firm that represented either a bean dip or a nacho company. (The narrator informs us that he can’t remember which, and it doesn’t matter anyway.) The narrator further reveals that Ellen often accused him of belittling her work — “which was scary given that I had only verbalized a small fraction of my thoughts,” he tells us, as if this is supposed

What if Jenna were not so cute? I still ask her that sometimes: “What if you were a hairy guy who smelled bad? What if we had not gone on that walk?”

to make him look magnanimous. In one of the few scenes in which the two interact, he regards her with what comes across as totally unwarranted contempt, given that he has just resurfaced after vanishing without a trace for several days to work on the top-secret mystery of Capellaviridae: Ellen had relatively little curiosity about my work but great interest in the people I had been doing it with. If I had been less exhausted I might have been more charitable, but I remember wondering if Ellen was going to have me describe their outfits, including the designers. I really wish that this display of douchey masculinity were part of the novel’s astute political satire. But this treatment of Ellen would only qualify as satire if the narrator were remotely selfaware, which he isn’t, or if some external thing later forced him to confront his prickishness, which — spoiler alert — also doesn’t happen. In one passage, the narrator recounts meeting Jenna, a fellow Dartmouth grad and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention employee, whose suggestion that they take a walk together proves fateful on several fronts. He rhapsodizes about what might have happened had he not found her so alluring: I was instantly attracted to Jenna and wanted her to sit down in that conference room with me. [...]

What if, in other words, he were not a straight man, powerless to resist the most basic urges of straightmanness? Given the consequences of this encounter for the Capellaviridae research efforts, countless more management consultants might have perished. Meanwhile, people are getting sick, and some highstakes diplomatic negotiations are happening. But the central tension becomes less and less interesting over hundreds of pages and interminable tracts of procedural dialogue among faceless politicos. Could the anticlimax be the point — that in the conference rooms of D.C. saving actual human lives matters far less than being the guy who can offer the most incisive synopsis of the stakes? That might yield a satisfying read, but Wheelan’s narrative approach often sacrifices nuance for the panoramic view, and the result more than occasionally feels like a Wikipedia article written by a graduate student. There are some amusing moments in this novel, including a heroic cameo by Google Docs — which, I’ve always suspected, represents the zenith of human achievement. But for the most part, reading this book feels like watching a movie on an old-school projector with the image slightly out of alignment in the frame — you know that something interesting is probably going on, but all you can see is an awkward slice of the action. Perhaps the most chilling part of this future disasterscape is that a certain type of protagonist — white, male, unduly privileged, casually misogynistic, generally unremarkable — seems to persist, like a tenacious microbe that won’t admit defeat. Contact:

INFO The Rationing by Charles Wheelan, W.W. Norton & Company, 412 pages. $26.95.



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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/10/19 11:55 AM

Mission: Incredible


A Charlotte writer’s book tells the story of the man who tried to destroy Auschwitz from inside B Y K E N PI CA RD



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

perspective for me on the camp, this idea that you didn’t have to be a victim and succumb to the death and destruction.”

Jack Fairweather (left) with Bohdan Walasek, 89, who fought alongside Witold Pilecki in the Warsaw uprising

Mass grave where it’s believed Witold Pilecki is buried



n September 19, 1940, Witold Pilecki awoke near dawn, just before German soldiers and plainclothes police pounded on his door to arrest him. Pilecki, a member of the Polish underground fighting the Nazi occupation, made no attempt to hide or flee. He knew already that the soldiers were coming and where they were taking him. In fact, he’d volunteered to go to a then-little-known concentration camp outside the town of Oświęcim. The Germans called it Auschwitz. Before being led from the apartment, 39-year-old Pilecki bent and handed his 3-year-old nephew his favorite teddy bear, which had fallen on the floor. In that moment of extreme danger, Pilecki had the presence of mind to comfort a frightened child. For Jack Fairweather, the Charlotte author of The Volunteer: One Man, An Underground Army, and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz, that small but revelatory detail speaks volumes about Pilecki’s character. And, if the scene seems too cinematically perfect to be true, Fairweather’s rigorous research and meticulous footnoting prove otherwise. “When you’re writing about these sorts of things, you feel intensively the need for every detail to be as accurate as possible,” Fairweather said in an interview with Seven Days last week. “You don’t want to fictionalize what happened. Given the stories of escapes, of assassinating SS men and stealing radios, you don’t need to.” After the war, the story of Pilecki, who was the first to report on the horrific conditions inside Auschwitz, was officially erased from history in his own country. Poland’s communist regime deemed Pilecki an “enemy of the state” and locked away his records for decades. They emerged only after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1989 and the opening of the official archives in Warsaw. To recount this gripping true story, Fairweather adopted a technique he called “literary forensics,” or re-creating “the scene of the crime” in Auschwitz. Working with a team of Polish researchers, the Welsh-born author spent years physically retracing Pilecki’s steps. He accessed official records and pored through camp records and the written testimonies of thousands of Auschwitz survivors. Many of the latter had never


before been translated into English, and more than two dozen mentioned Pilecki by name. Fairweather visited the apartment where the Polish resister was arrested and interviewed at least 30 people who knew him, including Pilecki’s nephew, Marek Ostrowska, whom Fairweather described in the interview as a “hale and articulate 86-year-old Polish gentleman” who speaks English. Fairweather was well qualified to tackle this ambitious project. The 40-year-old Oxford-educated journalist has written two previous books on warfare — War of Choice: The British in Iraq 2003-9 (2011) and The Good War: Why We Couldn’t Win the War or the Peace in Afghanistan (2014) — and knows firsthand the tight bonds that

form among people living in near-constant fear of death. A former war correspondent who was embedded with British troops during the 2003 Iraq invasion, Fairweather served as bureau chief for the Daily Telegraph in Baghdad. There he met his wife, fellow journalist Christina Asquith, while she was on assignment for the New York Times. In Iraq, Fairweather survived an attempted kidnapping and an attempted suicide bombing; later, he covered Afghanistan for the Washington Post. Fairweather defies the stereotype of the war correspondent as a cynical, hardcharging adrenaline junkie. Soft-spoken, sensitive and articulate, he has penned an absorbing and thought-provoking account of the Polish resisters and the extreme sacrifices they made to inform the Allies of Nazi atrocities and convince them to bomb Auschwitz. “The incredible thing about Pilecki’s story is that that was his job — to go [to Auschwitz] and find out more,” Fairweather said. “It was just a whole new

SEVEN DAYS: What was your most startling discovery about Pilecki? JACK FAIRWEATHER: I tried to work out what allowed him to hold to his moral compass when so many others in the camp lost theirs. Obviously, they were all starving; the whole system encouraged them to inform on one another for scraps of bread, and the weakest were weeded out and the strongest rewarded. What made him able to find the strength to connect with others? There’s a scene with [fellow resistance fighter] Kon Piekarski, one of the very rare scenes describing [Pilecki] recruiting in the camp, that showed me something about his qualities. When you think of Pilecki — brave, courageous, heroic — I always found them a little bit distancing. They’re qualities, but they’re not actually motivations that allow you to connect with what he did. When he spoke to Kon and recruited him, it’s one of my favorite scenes. Kon’s like, “What are you, crazy? We’re starving; we’re half dying. How can we resist?” The transformative moment was that Pilecki trusted Piekarski with the secret of his mission. It’s that act of trust, of him putting his life in Piekarski’s hands, that persuaded the other man that they had to believe in something greater than themselves. SD: What’s the greatest tragedy in Pilecki’s story? JF: There’s a lot of death and brutality. But there’s that double tragedy that the world didn’t respond to his reports at the time. And, of course, his whole story was buried and not listened to and remained unknown for decades. His story, one of failure, should be more broadly known. There’s a powerful message contained within those failures, both about why the world didn’t listen at the time and how Pilecki kept trying to alert the world. It speaks to how we think about, or don’t think about, atrocities in war zones, and how we don’t connect with the suffering of others. That’s the heart of the story. SD: Does your book take on added significance with the current rise of authoritarian rulers and white nationalists worldwide?

JF: It’s hard not to see the dangers in the way our leaders talk about groups and communities, and recognize that the values we hold dear are teetering on the brink and how quickly they can be lost. You put in place an ideology and a leader who is prepared to break down the barriers of polite speech, and it pushes you closer to what happened in the past. SD: Did you often ask yourself, “What would I have done under those same circumstances?” JF: For sure. What those guys went through in the camp is unbelievable. There are certain traits and qualities of survivors that I know I don’t have. Of course you think, Could I have survived Auschwitz? That’s one of the questions I hope to challenge people with. Do you have what this man had, to be not just a survivor but a helper, a connecter, a resister? SD: Did your experiences reporting from war zones make it easier to tell Pilecki’s story? JF: I think it allowed me to draw out this element to his story, which was his work as a reporter, this intellectual journey he had to take in order to get his head around understanding what the Nazis were up to. I identified with that, having myself missed big stories in Iraq that were staring me in the face. When the first Jewish families were being gassed in Auschwitz, Pilecki didn’t immediately say, “Aha! This is the Holocaust.” He tried to find some explanation for it. He couldn’t get his head around this notion that the Germans would gas people based on their ethnicity and religion. It didn’t make sense to him. He had this sense that everything the Germans did was very logical. This was a work camp. Why would they be killing workers? So he came up with this theory that the Nazis were stealing their wealth, and that’s why they were killing them. SD: What big stories did you miss in Iraq? JF: I remember hearing about U.S. abuses of Iraqi detainees. It was sometimes featured in stories but often dismissed as propaganda. Of course, [torture at] Abu Ghraib [prison] was happening, and there was systematic abuse of Iraqi

detainees, and I missed that story. I tried to rationalize what I was hearing. I remember talking to a lot of journalists. That was a really important story, but we just couldn’t get our heads around the idea that troops would do that. It’s those kinds of mind shifts that Pilecki had to make — the euthanasia program in the camp, the experiments in the gassing of Soviet POWs, the arrival of the Jewish families. I came to respect and admire his courage in constantly pushing to understand. His struggle to understand is one we all face when we think about the Holocaust. And certainly everyone who read his reports was confronted with the evidence he was presenting, and they, for the most part, didn’t engage but looked away. SD: Pilecki didn’t convince the Allies to bomb Auschwitz. So what was his greatest success? JF: He was the first guy to warn the West about the camp’s horrors. That’s an historical accolade that he should have and one he never got to realize himself. He rescued hundreds of prisoners in the camp through the underground. That’s one of the things that really comes through in the personal testimonies preserved in the [Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial and Museum]. Despite the fact that it was still dangerous [in Poland] in the 1960s and ’70s to speak about him, survivors wanted to say, “Yes, this guy saved my life, and here’s how.” He was a rescuer of all sorts, and it’s historically important that there was a rescuer working in Auschwitz saving lives. That’s important on a human level, too. I was inspired to read about him stealing a radio and the escapes he arranged and killing an SS man. As incredible as those stories are, it makes you think in your own life, Can I be a bit braver? Is there not more I could be doing? Contact:

INFO The Volunteer: One Man, An Underground Army, and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz by Jack Fairweather, Custom House, 528 pages. $28.99. Book release party, Thursday, June 20, 5-7 p.m., at Stoneledge Farm in Ferrisburgh. Untitled-15 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/14/19 10:17 AM

Last Rewind


As another video store closes, Vermonters ponder the end of an era B Y M ARG A RET G RAYSON


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



awn Leroux wants me to stop swearing in her store. We’re standing at the counter of Video King, the last video rental store in St. Johnsbury, when I unwittingly utter the banned word: “Netflix.” No, she doesn’t have a subscription, so don’t ask. While we’re at it, she doesn’t much care for “Redbox,” either. Leroux has been working at Video King for 22 years and has owned it since 2015. When she was first hired as manager in 1997, there were three video stores in St. Johnsbury alone. Until recently, Video King has been one of the last dedicated places to rent movies and TV shows in the state, and now all the movies are for sale. By the end of June, Leroux will close the doors for good. That the store has outlasted the others in town — and stuck it out four years longer than the last video stores in Burlington and Montpelier — is down to Leroux herself. She’s slight with graying hair, but when she leans up against her last rack of new releases, she gives off such a strong Fonzieat-the-jukebox vibe that I have to snap an iPhone photo. She is open, charming and at times brutally candid. “Some people hated me,” Leroux says with a laugh. Her 24-year-old daughter, Jadelyn, who also works at the store, has banned her mom from the Video King Facebook page. As she sells off her inventory, Leroux has had people complain that her DVD prices are higher than Walmart’s. “Then go to Walmart,” she tells them. She says she will lower her prices as the as-yetunspecified closing date gets closer. During my first phone call with Leroux, I tell her how, in 2018, I worked at a video store in Missoula, Mont., that was in the process of going out of business. That storefront is now a Starbucks. We jokingly speculate that I’m the common denominator in these closings, a video store harbinger of doom. But rest assured, superstitious Vermonters: It’s not me. A Google search reveals stories of video store closures in Ohio, Illinois, Idaho, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C., all in the past two months alone. When Burlington’s well-loved Waterfront Video closed in 2013, the milestone earned a cover story in Seven Days. Journalists from nearly every major media outlet have, at some point, made the same pilgrimage to the world’s last Blockbuster in Bend, Ore. In 2015, Seven Days wrote

Dawn and Jadelyn Leroux

about three of the remaining video rental stores in the state. Today, two of them are closed, and one, Harry and Lloyd’s in Barre, stopped renting movies in late May of this year. In the hour or so that Leroux and I spend talking at Video King, only three customers browse the shelves. (It’s the middle of a weekday, after all.) Two come from the town’s library, which will be buying up some of the collection to keep lending it out to locals. The third is a man who reminisces about visiting Video King as a kid, in its original location. When he leaves, Leroux turns to me. “I’ve never seen him in here before,” she says. Her point: It’s one thing to wax nostalgic about video rentals, another to pay for enough of them to keep a video store in business. What were her most popular movie rentals of all time? After some thought, Leroux comes up with Spirited Away, the Marvel movies and O Brother, Where Art Thou? “I didn’t like it,” she says of the 2000 Coen brothers film. Running a small business in a town that, as of 2018, could no longer support a McDonald’s is clearly a labor of love. Leroux loves it, and she loves sharing it with her daughter. The hardest part of closing, she says, was telling Jadelyn, who’s been working at Video King since 2010 and wanted to make it an even decade. Thinking about that, Leroux sometimes tears up.

But she says it’s time for both of them to move forward. Jadelyn is looking for work in Montpelier, and her mom is dreaming of a vacation. “I haven’t taken any time since I bought the place,” Leroux says. She wants to visit Arizona. I tell her about a video store in Tucson that calls itself a “film bar,” with 20 craft beers on tap alongside the rentals, and her eyes light up. “I don’t have the money backing to go the beer route,” she says. “There was talk for years about pizza.” But selling food required too hefty a licensing burden; Leroux says she’s not even allowed to sell Slim Jims anymore. She dabbled in CBD products and animal figurines, but neither could make up for a declining clientele, consisting mostly of older locals. “However you want to put this,” Leroux says, “they’re dying.” She lost four of her regulars at the beginning of 2019. Support from her distributor and the film studios has also declined; they stopped sending movie posters and promotional brochures this year, Leroux says. The store is still in the black, but she’s decided it’s time to pull the plug. In his book Videoland: Movie Culture at the American Video Store, Daniel Herbert contends that video stores are actually the very thing that paved the way

for Netflix, Hulu and other streaming services. Before the advent of the VHS tape, a movie was a viewing experience that was dictated for you, available only at certain times of day in a theater or on your TV. Viewers had little say in what they watched or when. Video stores ushered in an era of individualism and customization in movie consumption. Stores emphasized options — “Over 200 films to choose from!” — and turned spectators into shoppers for the first time. It’s only natural that those shoppers would crave more and more choice. (In 2018, Netflix offered more than 1,500 TV shows and 4,000 movies.) “As a cultural practice,” Herbert writes, “the video store lives on in myriad forms and activities.” Vendors work harder to emphasize and cater to individual needs — using algorithms, for instance. But the conversations about media are becoming increasingly intangible. “At one point, over 150,000 people were employed at video rental stores. There are about half as many [in 2014],” Herbert observes in his book. “Where are these people, and what are they doing? Where will these conversations go? What record of these encounters will there be except our vague memories?” For Seth Jarvis, a former employee of Waterfront Video, the biggest loss accompanying the decline of video stores is curation by real people. On streaming services, it’s hard to figure out what’s good, and sometimes even to find it. Many people now subscribe to multiple services and still end up paying extra to rent the movies they want. After Waterfront closed, Jarvis says, people searching for certain new and acclaimed movies, such as the Tom Hanks film Captain Phillips, couldn’t find them on any big streaming service. “There was this idea that you would be able to get any movie you wanted at any time in one place,” Jarvis says. “That promise has disappeared now.” Seth Greaves, who owns Harry and Lloyd’s in Barre and previously spent 15 years as the manager of Hollywood Video in Burlington, recently stopped renting out movies. He says Harry and Lloyd’s still buys and sells used DVDs and Blu-rays, but its main focus is vintage video games, consoles and toys. When he decided to end his rentals, Greaves says, they made


Blu-rays at Video King

up no more than 10 percent of the store’s business. “It was more kind of window trimming,” he says. His regular renters were in decline, and sales did more to earn the store space. People come from all over New England seeking rare and collectible games and consoles, he says. Greaves suggests people still like the physical act of browsing movies. However, he doesn’t think DVDs will gain the same nostalgia momentum that vintage video games or vinyl have. For one thing, there

are just so many of them in the world, and they’re cheap. “I don’t see DVDs, 10 or 20 years from now, being collector’s items,” he says. Jarvis agrees, because DVDs aren’t built to last that long. And that’s too bad, he adds, because some die-hard collectors still exist. “The physical [medium] itself was flawed,” he says. “It was a real struggle to keep them functioning.” So what’s left for Vermonters looking to browse shelves and rent new movies

or hard-to-find classics? A video store in Plattsburgh, N.Y., offers movie and game rentals. On this side of the lake, you might need to head out to the boonies. On Route 5, just outside Irasburg, lies what may be the video store’s last stand in the state: Nancy’s Video, run by Trish Jones and Brien Lemois. Lemois’ parents started the store in 1990 with their personal collection of some 300 movies after they visited a local video store and saw that the adult titles (you know, pornography) were kept right out in the open. Being fairly conservative folk, they viewed this as sufficient reason to start their own business, albeit a slightly more family-friendly one. “I’ve had customers coming here for 25-plus years,” Lemois says. “They’ve seen me grow up; they’ve seen my kids grow up.” But, like many rental spots, Nancy’s diversified. Lemois is also a gunsmith, and in 2012 the store merged with Green Mountain Sporting Goods, so you can now browse DVDs, fishing bait and rifles all in one handy location. Jones and Lemois use a different distribution method from the other store owners interviewed for this story, one they say helps them keep expenses

down. They pay their distributor a flat $5 fee for each new release (a category that accounts for about 90 percent of their video business) and then 30 percent whenever that movie is rented out. After six months, they can either pay a few more bucks and keep the movie for good, or ship it back. This way they have lower inventory costs than stores that buy all their DVDs outright. Jones says they try to emphasize the family atmosphere of the store, where customers will often see her toddler running around in the mornings. I ask Francis Lemois, Brien’s stepson, if he plans to stay involved in the family business. He answers instantly: “It’s my home.” In recent years, the store has had to downsize its collection and focus on new releases. But plenty of people in the rural area can’t get, or can’t afford, access to high-speed internet or cable, Jones points out. So customers of all ages still come in every day. “As long as there are DVDs, we’ll keep the new ones,” she says. m

INFO Video King is located at 220 Railroad Street in St. Johnsbury. Info, 748-6510 and Facebook.

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866.872.3603 SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/17/19 1:41 PM


Good Neighbors Daytripping to Frelighsburg, Québec, for eats, art and history S TO RY & PHOT OS BY MOLLY ZAPP


s my friend Marcella and I drove up Route 108 toward Frelighsburg, Québec, less than three miles north of the Vermont border, we considered the flow of people and goods that has legally and otherwise traversed this bucolic border for centuries. Best known, perhaps, is the liquor smuggled into Vermont in the 1920s. But North Americans had been violating the laws here for more than a century before Prohibition. Enslaved Americans escaped to Canadian freedom on this route, while Canadian and English goods were brought south in violation of the Embargo Act of 1807, enacted against Great Britain and France. Just over the border from Berkshire, Frelighsburg is a gem of a small town well worth a daytrip. Over the past decade, the Eastern Township of about 1,000 residents has been revitalized as younger adults have moved to town and started families, restaurants and other enterprises. The surrounding area is dotted with apple farms, cideries and a bike path, while its compact downtown offers culinary exploration and appealing local boutiques. The village of Frelighsburg is compact, best explored by foot or bike. The following is a sample tour.


2 de l’Eglise, 450-298-5086,

Consider beginning at the Centre d’Art de Frelighsburg, which is well stocked with free town maps and information. Upstairs is a contemporary gallery and a small museum dedicated to Adélard Godbout, a prime minister of Québec in the 1930s and ’40s who was born in the town. Just across from the Centre d’Art is Aux 2 Clochers, a village staple for 30 years that serves classic bistro fare. On a recent Friday, the cozy interior hummed with what seemed to be a crowd of locals. We opted to sit on the patio overlooking the




SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Rabbit stuffed with foie gras at Aux 2 Clochers

Rivière-aux-Brochets. I ordered the lunch table d’hôte, which includes soup or salad, a main, and coffee or tea — a steal at $12.50. I chose the salad, a generously portioned mesclun mix topped with poached asparagus and dressed with vinaigrette. My main, a lean rabbit stuffed with foie gras and hazelnuts, came with a creamy Dijon sauce, herbed mashed potatoes, zucchini, broccoli and carrots. Savory but not overly rich, it epitomized confidently prepared, no-fuss decadence. Only slightly less indulgent than foie gras for lunch was my friend’s salad with LISTEN IN ON LOCAL FOODIES...

smoked duck ($18.25). The Québecsourced duck breast was sliced and seared medium-rare. Red peppers, almonds, asparagus and mushrooms added texture to the generously portioned salad. The dressing, as with every dish we had, contained mustard, but pas de problème; something about that spicy, grainy ingredient is emblematic of French-inspired bistro food. We passed a lazy two hours eating and sipping as the tranquil river flowed by, cedar waxwings fluttered about, and our good-natured server repeatedly replenished the hot water for tea.


WANDER THROUGH THE SHOPS Downtown Frelighsburg

Just across the river from Aux 2 Clochers is Confiserie Bartlam, a pinch-yourcheeks-cute jam shop with a small café. We stopped at Coeur Nomade, a nonprofit boutique and collective that sells affordable art and artisanal creations by Eastern



» P.46







This market season, as the



relocated from City Hall Park to a parking lot on Pine Street, the VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET made a move in the opposite direction. The Vergennes market decamped from the outskirts of town back to its longtime location on the city green. For two seasons, the Vergennes Farmers Market was located at the Kennedy Brothers parking lot, about threequarters of a mile north of downtown. On June 13, the first market of 2019, it was back in the heart of the city. CHRIS RECK, who manages the market with his wife, SANDY, said the city approached him about returning to the green. Market vendors unanimously supported the move, he said. “We’re happy to be back,� Reck told Seven Days. “It’s [the] prototypical Vermont community, and that’s the center of life in Vergennes. We needed to be part of [that] life.� The farmers market had moved to Kennedy Brothers, a multiuse commercial space, because of lack of parking and bathrooms near the green, Reck said. “We’re always looking for ways to make it better for people and inject some energy into it,� he said. “Sales were decreasing when we were in the green before.� The site and people at Kennedy Brothers were wonderful, he added. But city officials, including city manager MATT CHABOT, worked to make the green a viable location. “The new leadership of the city solved the [parking and bathroom] problem in SIDE DISHES

Say you saw it in...

A Grand Tasting at Burlington Wine & Food


12v-shoplocal-male.indd 1

Wine on the Waterfront Burlington Wine & Food celebrates 10 years in town with a lineup of events highlighted by a food and drink extravaganza on Saturday, June 22, at Waterfront Park in Burlington. More than 300 wines will be available at two Grand Tasting events, along with menu samples from 14 restaurants and food and spirits made by local producers. In the days leading up to the Grand Tastings, guest chefs and winemakers will show up at area restaurants for special dinners and other activities. BURLINGTON WINE & FOOD Wednesday, June 19, through Saturday, June 22, various times, at Waterfront Park and other locations. $60-70 ticket for Grand Tasting; prices for other events vary. Info,


10/30/12 6:04 PM


Produce and flowers at Vergennes Farmers Market

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Âť P.47

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019 Untitled-34 1

45 5/31/19 4:04 PM

Good Neighbors « P.44 Township artists, including pottery and handmade wooden children’s puzzles. Continuing down rue Principale, we stumbled upon a boîte à poésie. The wooden box had a sign inviting the curious to write a poem or take one. Some that had been left were scrawled on the backs of receipts, others carefully crafted and edited with clips from magazines. Not far from the poetry box is Adélard, an artists’ residency venue in its first year, housed in an old barn. Along with scheduled workshops and craft talks, the place is sometimes open for visitors to stop by and chat with one of the three resident artists. Loren Williams showed us the cyanotypes she’d taken of flowers and foliage from the 11 cemeteries in Frelighsburg. Barnes Cemetery, we later learned, has stone steps carved by Justus Billings, who escaped from American slavery.

RESTAURANT LYVANO 4 rue Principale, 450-298-1119,

After an afternoon of roaming, we found ourselves hungry again. The dinner table d’hôte at Restaurant Lyvano offered a good choice of appetizers, mains and desserts, along with soup or salad ($42). The straightforward potage of puréed potatoes, seasoned with white pepper and drizzled with olive oil, was basic but satisfying. Next, for my appetizer, I chose the rabbit rillette, which was spread on crunchy buttery toast along with sweet pepper jelly, candied pecans and microgreens. Its crunch, salt and sweetness tasted rustic yet elevated.

Roasted bone marrow at Restaurant Lyvano


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


Boite à poésie

41 rue Principale, 579-440-8600,


Marcella ordered the roasted guinea hen, which came with gnocchi, carrots and Brussels sprouts in a brown sauce. My main was bone marrow with a flank steak, served au jus with roasted new potatoes and button mushrooms. After tasting it, Marcella said the dish had “classic meat flavors,” and that’s not an insult. As I slathered the rich, gelatinous marrow onto sliced baguette, I realized how enjoyable it can be to eat wellprepared food that eschews novelty in favor of simple, savory pleasure.

Lyvano’s aim to please was further evident in a bilingual restroom sign that politely asked customers to inform them “in case of hygienic failure” or “lack of anything.” Dessert was a delightfully airy cream puff with pastry cream, sliced sweet cherries, granola-like buttery crispies and fresh basil. The only things lacking in this upscalecasual restaurant were food that tries too hard — which is nothing to miss — and more local drink options.

Roasted guinea hen at Restaurant Lyvano

The upside of limited nightlife in small towns is that when cultural events do happen, locals tend to show up. Simultaneously a café, bar and intimate concert venue, Beat & Betterave is the place to be for locals and visitors alike. Ludovic Bastien, who formerly worked in the Montréal music industry, opened the place in 2015 with his girlfriend, Eloise Comtois. Beat & Betterave features live music once or twice a week, along with Wednesday barbecues in summer and occasional film screenings. It’s equally enjoyable during the day, especially on its rear terrace, which overlooks Mont Pinacle and the café’s vegetable garden. On a previous visit, I’d enjoyed the café’s gravlax and crispy falafel. This evening, I was contented with a delightfully floral chai latte. Bastien credits microbrewery and restaurant Brasserie Dunham, about six miles away, as the catalyst for the local food-and-booze renaissance, which has attracted more visitors to the townships. The café keeps its brews on tap, along with Brett-fermented beers from nearby Sutton Brouërie. Occasionally, it will offer one of nearby Clos Saragnat’s dry and complex organic ciders. Artisanal cider lovers would do well to add a tasting tour of Clos Saragnat to their township tour or to their list for next time. Delicious, welcoming and beautiful, Frelighsburg is definitely worth more than one visit. m Contact:

food+drink SABINE POUX


6/17/19 2:36 PM

Do you know an organization that is The old Chef Contos storefront in Shelburne

Side Dishes « P.45 about five minutes,” Reck said. “And it was great.” The city has reserved parking on Park Street for farmers market use all day on Thursdays, when the market operates from 3 to 6:30 p.m. Bathrooms are available in the Vergennes Opera House, where some city offices are located. About half of the vendors at Vergennes Farmers Market represent farms and businesses selling prepared food. The other half sells crafts and other items, according to Reck. A musician performs every week, and the Bixby Memorial Free Library hosts a story group for kids. “We’re jam-packed with culture,” said Reck, who’s also president of Direct Design in Burlington. Sally Pollak

Contos Closes

now my interest is functional medicine and wellness,” she told Seven Days. “I went on my own health journey last year, and it was really successful, and now I want to reach more people.” Contos plans to open an online functional medicine and wellness coaching business. Using the video chat program Zoom, she will work with clients “who are ready to transform their health and take it to the next level, especially if they’re dealing with autoimmune conditions,” said the chef, who expects to announce more details about her plans in two months. On her blog, Contos has been open about her battle with rheumatoid arthritis. On June 6, announcing the store’s closure, she posted on Instagram: “Right now I’m going to take a pause after I close this cute cooking school and kitchen store that I’ve had for 6 1/2 years. My foot and I could use a bit of quality healing time.”


Strengthening Our Local Food System? Tell them about City Market’s Co-op Seedling Grants program. At least $40,000 will be awarded to local non-profits! Applications are due June 28 at 5pm

Grant details and application:

Sabine Poux

COURTNEY CONTOS closed her culinary

classroom and store, CHEF CONTOS, on June 10 after more than six years on Falls Road in Shelburne. “I have outgrown the space and I want to reach more people, because

CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Twitter: Sally Pollak: @vtpollak. On Instagram: @7deatsvt.

Your Community-Owned Grocery Stores Downtown 82 S. Winooski Ave · Open 7am - 11pm every day South End 207 Flynn Ave · Open 7am - 9pm every day Burlington, Vermont ·

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/10/19 2:04 PM



Adam Woogmaster at the Chez Mami Catering food truck

ADAM WOOGMASTER POSITION: Chief cook and bottle washer, Chez Mami Catering food

truck LOCATION: Route 2 in Marshfield, in front of Onion River

Campground through November AGE: 54 TRUCK AGE: Starting its third summer. Parked seasonally at Black

Bear Biodiesel in Plainfield in 2017 and at Dog Mountain in St. Johnsbury over summer weekends in 2018. CULINARY TRAINING: On the job, starting as a dishwasher at age 14 PAST EXPERIENCE: Executive chef at Goddard College, chef at

Positive Pie in Montpelier, cook at now-closed Barre nonprofit LACE (Local Agricultural Community Exchange), breakfast chef at now-closed Easy Street Café & Market in Waitsfield WHAT’S ON THE MENU: Tacos made of housemade tortillas filled with meats and produce, much of which is from local farms. Later in the summer, goat’s milk ice cream will arrive.

Share the Fare

TRUCK ART: By Lani McKay, a high school friend of truck owner Ariel Zevon, who also owns the affiliated catering business. The truck’s chef for its first two seasons, Zevon lives in Peacham and raises food for Chez Mami on her farm.

Adam Woogmaster cooks without a menu — or prices — at Chez Mami Catering food truck B Y S A LLY POL L AK


arked in front of an old farmhouse on Route 2 east of Plainfield is a food truck whose exterior is painted with colorful, fanciful animals and flowers. Inside the truck, Adam Woogmaster cooks up meals with their own sense of fancy: Working without a menu, he asks customers if there’s anything they don’t want to eat. “And then — just let me have creative license,” said Woogmaster, who lives in the farmhouse behind the food truck. Something else sets Chez Mami Catering’s food truck apart: Payment is optional. If customers want to pay for their tacos, they can put money in a jar on the counter, picking their own price — which could mean contributing toward the costs of those who offer no or token payment. If someone wants or needs to eat for free, that’s OK. “Most people want to be generous and good, but there’s no vehicle for them to share good food,” Woogmaster said. “But if they can come to a place and throw in some 48

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

extra money to a donation jar that lets other people eat the same quality food as them, it’s painless. It doesn’t feel like charity; it just feels like people sharing food.” Eaters at Chez Mami can garnish their tacos with nasturtiums. They’re encouraged to pick their own from planters near the truck, where Woogmaster grows the edible flowers in repurposed toilet bowls. The creative use of materials is a theme on Woogmaster’s property. A musician who sang with local bands viperHouse and Mr. Dooley, Woogmaster repaired the plaster walls of his farmhouse with vinyl LPs from the Goddard College radio station. (He purchased the house itself for its musical possibilities, namely the Hammond organ that came with the deal.) “Music and food are both fast tracks to joy,” he said. Woogmaster learned to cook from his grandmother, a Second World War refugee who immigrated to this country in early June of 1939. She came from Vienna via

Panama, which she left by ship when she was 8.5 months pregnant. Woogmaster’s mother, Ellee Celler, was born at Ellis Island three days after her mother arrived there. “My grandmother taught me that love was the most important ingredient,” Woogmaster said. “And she made the world’s simplest salad. The dressing was lemon juice, salt, pepper, water and sugar. It was always delicious and refreshing.” She served it on iceberg lettuce with onions. Last week in the RV in his front yard, where his mother is living for the summer, Woogmaster talked with Seven Days about dropping out of Twinfield Union School after one day, raising four sons who all play music, and food as an equalizer. “We all need food,” he said. “This thing that we all need is available at a high quality to people of means, and at a very low quality to people who don’t have means. It’s a really clear example of what’s not fair in our society.”

SEVEN DAYS: You’ve lived in Plainfield 40 years. How has central Vermont cuisine changed since the mid-1970s? ADAM WOOGMASTER: We used to have the River Run [Restaurant], and before that we had a place called Juanita’s, and Lickety Split, an ice cream shop. There was a hot dog stand. And right in downtown Plainfield, where Positive Pie is now, was a general store. It was more hamburgers and hot dogs kinds of stuff, except Juanita was a brilliant cook. She was kind of hippieleaning — making good, clean fresh food with a Sicilian influence. And she kind of opened me up to that stuff. SD: What’s the trick to food-truck cooking? AW: What I’ve been telling people who come by is, you’re never going to get the same taco twice. Everything is made from scratch with no recipes. So we’re just responding to the foodstuffs: We’re trying to bring the best out of the product.

food+drink The tortillas are made out of masa, water and salt. The meats are all coming from small local farms, and the produce, as the summer progresses, will come only from small local farms. SD: One of your social media collaborators — your 13-year-old son, Xavier — remarked on Facebook Live about your “American work ethic” as he recorded you grilling tortillas. You wondered if that was a compliment and suggested it might’ve been in 1923. What’s your take on the American work ethic of 2019? AW: My experience is that almost everybody wants things faster and easier. And quality comes from slower and harder. SD: On the video, you said that secret recipes are dumb and old punks never die. What do you mean by the first part of that statement? AW: I think a secret recipe panders to the lowest common denominator of exclusivity and competition. I’ll tell anyone anything I remember. If you have something that’s good and people enjoy, why would you want to keep it from them?

SD: You worked at LACE, the Barre SD: Can you talk about your experinonprofit organization that was ence giving food away, including your founded on principles of food justice work with Food Not Bombs? and equality: getting healthy local AW: The first time I did Food Not Bombs food to as many people as possible at was in San Francisco on the anniversary of an affordable price. the anarchist revolution What connection in Spain. It would’ve do you see between been the mid-’80s. We LACE and the Chez dumpster-dove and Mami truck [both collected food from started by Ariel grocery stores and AD AM W O O GMAS TE R Zevon]? prepared soups and AW: It’s driven by the same principles. gave it away in Golden Gate Park. Our intention is to feed everybody who is I was only there for a week or two; I hungry with the highest-possible-quality got sucked into it. I started a punk rock food regardless of their ability to pay for it. venue in Salt Lake City, the Monastery, and we’d occasionally make meals SD: How do you intend to do that? and share them with the punk kids. [In AW: We’re feeding anybody who shows 1986,] there was a fringe group of radiup hungry, and they are welcome to make cal anarchists that weren’t allowed into donations. I encourage people not to put the [Great] Peace March of people walkany money in the jar until after they eat the ing across the country. They came and tacos. I’m hopeful that the tacos will blow stayed with me, and we fed them. That their mind and they’ll be more generous. was the first time I ever experienced feeding a really large group of people with no resources. SD: What music do you listen to when you cook? How about when you eat? AW: A lot of my friends’ music, my kids’ SD: The truck serves lunch. What do music, and I’m particularly fond of Bolly- you do the rest of the day? wood in the morning. AW: I do all kinds of odd jobs — plumbing,



[being] a sound man, help people with different music projects. Anything that won’t get in the way of me taking care of my kids, that’s what I do. SD: Do you see a connection between making food and making music? AW: Absolutely. I think it’s about making finished things from raw ingredients, both instrumentally and lyrically. The connection for me between the two is improvisation. That’s why you’ll never get the same taco twice. Part of that has to do with a terribly abused memory. Also, I like the idea of things being brand-new. SD: How much newness can there be with a taco? AW: How much newness can there be with a kiss? Every one is new, right? As long as you’re not trying to duplicate the last one, it stays that way. m Contact:

INFO Chez Mami Catering food truck, Route 2, Marshfield, 272-2769. Open (almost) every day, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Find more info on Facebook.

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


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calendar WED.19 activism

TOXIC WHITENESS DISCUSSION GROUP: Peace & Justice Center representatives facilitate a conversation on the harmful effects of white supremacy on communities and individuals. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 8632345, ext. 1.


#ASKMEANYTHING: Q&A DISCUSSIONS FOR CURIOUS BUSINESS OWNERS: Proprietors take notes during a Q&A on buying and selling a business. Center for Women & Enterprise, Burlington, 8:30-10 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 391-4870. WOMEN’S SUCCESS SUMMIT: Sandra Yancy, founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, shares her business evolution with emerging entrepreneurs. Vermont National Country Club, South Burlington, informal networking, 10:15 a.m.; summit, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. $59-99. Info, michellemcglade@


BOOKMARK STITCH-IN: Needle-and-thread enthusiasts embroider items for saving one’s place in a pageturner. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 878-6955. FIBER RIOT!: Creative types get hooked on knitting, crocheting, spinning and more at an informal weekly gathering. Mad River Fiber Arts & Mill, Waitsfield, 5-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 496-7746. KNITTER’S GROUP: Needles in tow, crafters share their latest projects and get help

with challenging patterns. All skill levels are welcome. South Burlington Community Library, University Mall, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


VERMONT DANCE ALLIANCE MEETUP: All are welcome to mix, mingle, network with fellow Upper Valley movers and shakers. Open Door, White River Junction, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,


PARENT UNIVERSITY GRADUATION: Moms and dads celebrate the skills they’ve learned with the Burlington School District organization. Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Burlington, 3:30-6 p.m. Free. Info,


SOLAR HAPPY HOUR: Imbibers sip complimentary drinks featuring Barr Hill Gin while learning the value of pollinators, as well as how to harness the power of the sun. Babes Bar, Bethel, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 398-7118.


AFTERNOON TEA PARTY: Sheldon Historical Society supporters don their best hats for the chance to score a prize at a third annual gathering replete with English tea, soup and pastries. Private residence, 276 Bridge St., Sheldon, 3-5 p.m. $25; preregister; limited space. Info, 933-4630.


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

fairs & festivals

BURLINGTON WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL: Gourmands indulge in tastings, wine dinners and other appetizing events at area restaurants. See burlington for details. Various Chittenden County locations, Burlington. Prices vary. Info, info@burlington


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘DINOSAURS ALIVE 3D’: Audience members embark on a virtual hunt for fossilized clues revealing the behavior and world of extinct reptiles. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. JUST-FOR-FUN MOVIES: Film buffs keep their eyes glued to the screen for an all-ages flick. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581. ‘LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE’: When a bespectacled sevenyear-old played by Abigail Breslin wants to win a beauty pageant, her wildly dysfunctional family embarks on a road trip to help her realize her dream. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 7 p.m. $5. Info, 533-2000.

Top Pick Guitarist Cary Morin has come a long way since earning his chops playing the six-string at neighborhood gatherings in his native Montana. His fingerstyle picking has taken him to stages at major events such as the Paris Jazz Festival and the Copenhagen Blues Festival. The instrumentalist, singer and songwriter also scored an Independent Music Award for his 2017 blues album Cradle to the Grave. Northeast Kingdom music lovers lend their ears as the Crow Tribe of Indians member weaves American musical traditions — think blues, jazz and bluegrass — into his original songs and arrangements.

CARY MORIN Saturday, June 22, 7:30 p.m., at Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. $10-35. Info, 533-2000,

JUN.22, 23 & 26 | THEATER Anchors Aweigh

film See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at


‘LOVING’: Based on true events, this 2016 picture tells the story of Richard and Mildred Loving, a couple arrested for interracial marriage in the 1960s. Fletcher Free WED.19

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FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the music + nightlife section and at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at

Saturday, June 22, 8 p.m., and Sunday, June 23, 3 & 8 p.m., at Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. $11-42. Info, 603-646-2422, Wednesday, June 26, 7:30-9:30 p.m., at Vermont Coffee Company Playhouse in Middlebury. See website for additional date. $20. Info, 398-2776,



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As soon as she read Herman Melville’s 1851 novel Moby Dick,, Judy Hegarty Lovett was hooked. The Gare St. Lazare Players director and her actor husband, Conor Lovett, transformed the epic tome about a seafaring crew in pursuit of a whale into a stark oneperson show starring Conor. Tenstring fiddler Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh of the contemporary Irish American band the Gloaming adds depth with live musical accompaniment. The Irish theater company brings its adaptation to Hanover, N.H., as part of SHIFT 2019, a 10-day Dartmouth College event series exploring the human-nature bond. The show also heads to Middlebury a few days later.

MEMORABLE TIMES CAFÉ: Those living with mild to moderate memory loss and their care partners convene for casual social time. Refreshments are provided. Vermont History Center, Barre, 1:30-3 p.m. Free. Info, 476-2681.



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Pedal Power For the ninth year, Long Trail Brewing presents the Vermont Adaptive Charity Ride. The goal: raising $300,000 for Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports, a nonprofit committed to empowering individuals with disabilities through sports and recreation. Formerly known as the Long Trail Century Ride, the event offers 20-, 40-, 60- and 100-mile road routes, along with a family-friendly 5K ride. Participants and supporters let loose during a post-ride barbecue featuring a silent auction and kids’ activities. Local honky-tonk outfit the Starline Rhythm Boys and Bob Marley tribute band Duppy Conquerors provide the tunes. Mountain bikers aren’t left in the wind: Timed downhill sessions take place on Sunday at Killington Resort.

VERMONT ADAPTIVE CHARITY RIDE Saturday, June 22, 7 a.m.-6 p.m., at Long Trail Brewing in Bridgewater Corners, and Sunday, June 23, 9 a.m.-6 p.m., at Killington Bike Park, Killington Resort. $15-225. Info, 786-4991,



SEASONS CHANGE H anover, N.H.,-based nonprofit arts organization Revels North offers several small- and large-scale events throughout the year that honor traditional song, dance, storytelling and ritual. Vermonters are likely familiar with The Christmas Revels, an annual stage show that highlights global holiday customs. South Pomfret- and Norwich-area residents welcome the solstice with Summer Revels, the group’s familyfriendly seasonal festival. Centered on a performance by the

Summer Revels Chorus, a group of youth and adult singers, this year’s fest fêtes the music, stories and people of a small Vermont village. Food, crafts and activities are on hand, and picnics are welcome. SUMMER REVELS Friday, June 21, 5:30-8:30 p.m., at ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery in South Pomfret, and Saturday, June 22, 5:30-8:30 p.m., on the Norwich Green. Donations. Info, 866-556-3083,

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


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Library, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. ‘MYSTERIES OF THE UNSEEN WORLD 3D’: An awe-inspiring picture reveals phenomena that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: Actor Kate Winslet narrates a virtual odyssey into the largest and least-explored habitat on Earth. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

food & drink

COMMUNITY SUPPER: A scrumptious spread connects friends and neighbors. The Pathways Vermont Community Center, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 300.

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LEDDY PARK BEACH BITES: Lakeside picnickers enjoy games, adult beverages, food-truck fare and live entertainment. Attendees on two wheels make use of free bike valet service. Leddy Park, Burlington, 5:308:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0123.



BRIDGE CLUB: Players have fun with the popular card game. Burlington Bridge Club, Williston, 9:15 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. $6. Info, 872-5722. CRIBBAGE & PINOCHLE: Card sharks engage in friendly competition. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.

health & fitness

BONE BUILDERS EXERCISE CLASSES: Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 7:30, 9 & 10:40 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322. BRENDAN KELLY: Drawing on his understanding of Chinese medicine, the acupuncturist and herbalist discusses “Understanding Late-Stage Neurological Lyme.” Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


CHAIR YOGA: Comfortable clothing is recommended for this class focused on balance, breath, flexibility and meditation. Barre Area Senior Center, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512. RESILIENCE FLOW: Individuals affected by traumatic brain injuries engage in a gentle yoga practice. Sangha Studio — Pine,


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262.

statewide. Free; preregister. Info,

YOGA4CANCER: Meant for anyone affected by the illness, this class aims to help participants manage treatment side effects and recovery. Sangha Studio — North, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262.



BEGINNER & INTERMEDIATE/ ADVANCED ENGLISH LANGUAGE CLASSES: Learners take communication to the next level. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. GERMAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Community members practice conversing auf Deutsch. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. LUNCH IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: SPANISH: ¡Hola! Language lovers perfect their fluency. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.


GAYME NIGHT: Friends bond over contests such as Cards Against Humanity, Jenga Giant and Scrabble. Bring or borrow a game. Pride Center of Vermont, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.


‘A CENTURY SONGBOOK’: An uplifting show by Dora Wasserman Yiddish Theatre celebrates the last 100 years of Jewish history in Montréal through songs and stories. Sylvan Adams Theatre, Segal Centre for Performing Arts, Montréal, 8 p.m. $54. Info, 514-739-7944.


Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON CITY ARTS SUMMER CONCERTS: THE TALBOTT BROTHERS: Guitars in hand, the siblings combine rock, blues and pop stylings with honest storytelling. Lower Church St., Burlington, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. CAPITAL CITY BAND: The community ensemble hits all the right notes at a weekly gig on the green. Vermont Statehouse lawn, Montpelier, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 456-7054. OLD NORTH END NEIGHBORHOOD BAND TEEN MUSIC JAM: Be they accomplished musicians or just starting out, young players find harmony in the traditional music of Burlington’s past and present immigrant groups. Boys & Girls Club, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 881-8500. SONG CIRCLE: Singers and musicians congregate for an acoustic session of popular folk tunes. Godnick Adult Center, Rutland, 7:15 p.m. Donations. Info, 775-1182. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: Young vocalists vie for spots in a professional singing ensemble and education program. Various locations

FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP: Sports fans cheer on their favorite players as Scotland battles Argentina in an international soccer competition. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. KILLINGTON MOUNTAIN BIKE CLUB BIKE BUM RACE SERIES: Mountain bikers of all ages, riding solo or in teams of up to five, tackle the trails. Athletes cool down at an afterparty. Killington Resort, 1-5 p.m. $15-150. Info, 800-734-9435.


CAREY LOHRENZ: Serving as the 2019 Residency Conference keynoter and Todd Lecture Series speaker, the first female F-14 Tomcat fighter pilot in the U.S. Navy doles out “Lessons in Leadership.” Mack Hall Auditorium, Northfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 485-2633.


TECH HELP WITH CLIF: Electronics novices develop skill sets applicable to smartphones, tablets and other gadgets. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, noon & 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-6955.


‘GODSPELL’: This musical retelling of the Gospel of Matthew follows Jesus Christ and his disciples as they sing and dance their way through modern-day New York City, spreading a message love. That is until Judas comes along and … well, you know the rest. Presented by Stowe Theatre Guild, Stowe Town Hall Theatre, 7:30 p.m. $14-20. Info, 253-3961. Presented by Saint Michael’s Playhouse, McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 8 p.m. $36.50-45.50. Info, 654-2281. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA LIVE IN HD: ‘ROMÉO ET JULIETTE’: Tenor Vittorio Grigolo and soprano Diana Damrau embody the star-crossed lovers of Charles Gounod’s dreamy adaptation of Shakespeare’s timeless tragedy. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6-15. Info, 748-2600. ‘THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’: Poor, bored Milo never knows what to do with himself. That is until a mysterious package arrives containing a tollbooth that whisks the boy along a fantastical quest in this theatrical adaptation of Norton Juster’s classic 1961 children’s novel. Weston Playhouse Second Stage at Walker Farm, 4 p.m. $10-20. Info, 824-5288.


WRITING CIRCLE: Words pour out when participants explore creative expression in a lowpressure environment. The Pathways Vermont Community Center, Burlington, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 303.


THU.20 business

FRANKLIN COUNTY REGIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE JUNE MIXER: Friends and colleagues catch up while celebrating the announcement of the Rail City History Project with food, drinks and a raffle. Saint Albans Museum, 5:30-7 p.m. $5-8. Info, 524-2444.


MOUNT MANSFIELD SCALE MODELERS: Hobbyists break out the superglue and sweat the small stuff at a miniature construction skill swap. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:308:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0765.


CYANOBACTERIA VOLUNTEER MONITOR TRAINING SESSION: Citizen scientists prepare to help the Lake Champlain Committee keep tabs on cyanobacteria blooms in local waters. South Burlington City Hall, 9-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 658-1421. SOLAR HAPPY HOUR: See WED.19, The Old Foundry at One Federal Restaurant & Lounge, St. Albans.


FEAST & FIELD MARKET: Prepared foods and folk and roots music by Pete’s Posse are on the menu at a pastoral party. Clark Farm, Barnard, 5-9 p.m. $5-10. Info, feastandfield@gmail. com. VERMONT SKI & SNOWBOARD MUSEUM ANNUAL MEETING: A brief discussion and awards ceremony sets the stage for a screening of the 1935 short ski film “Schlitz on Mt. Washington.” Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum, Stowe, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 253-9911. WEEKENDS ON THE GREEN: Visitors while away the hours with lawn games, craft beer and food-truck snacks. Catch live music on Friday from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. and Saturday from 4-8 p.m. Village green, Spruce Peak Plaza, Stowe, noon-9 p.m. Free. Info, 253-3000.

fairs & festivals

BURLINGTON WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL: See WED.19. WANDERLUST STRATTON: A four-day fest unites revelers with top yoga teachers, musical acts, speakers and more in a breathtaking setting. See for details. Stratton Mountain Resort. $106.08-391.08; prices vary for some individual activities. Info, 212-766-8040.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘DINOSAURS ALIVE 3D’: See WED.19. MAGIC HAT MOVIE NIGHT: A wacky demon played by Michael Keaton haunts an obnoxious family in the Tim Burton-directed

comedy Beetlejuice, streamed in the Artifactory. Beer and food are available. Magic Hat Brewing Company, South Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 862-6114. ‘MYSTERIES OF THE UNSEEN WORLD 3D’: See WED.19. ‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19. ‘ONE TOWN AT A TIME’: This documentary film trains the lens on the 251 Club of Vermont — a group dedicated to visiting each of the state’s 251 towns and cities. Brookfield Old Town Hall, 6 p.m. Free. Info, brookfieldoth@ ‘RETURN TO EARTH’ PREMIERE: Anthill Films’ latest mountain bike movie highlights riders of all ages spinning their wheels around the world. Outdoor Gear Exchange, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $10. Info, ‘TANGERINE’: A 2015 comedic drama shot with three smartphones follows a transgender working girl as she chases down the man who broke her heart. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

food & drink

BURLINGTON EDIBLE HISTORY TOUR: Foodies sample local eats on a scrumptious stroll dedicated to the Queen City’s culinary past. Awning behind ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 1 p.m. $55. Info, eliseandgail@burlingtonedible COMMUNITY LUNCH: Gardengrown fare makes for a delicious and nutritious midday meal. The Pathways Vermont Community Center, Burlington, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 309. FOOD — FIRE — FOAM: Woodfired pizza and other palatepleasing provisions fill bellies as Brett Hughes provides a countrymusic backdrop. Terrace, Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5-9 p.m. Free. Info, 855-650-0080. GET TO KNOW YOUR CO-OP: PARTICIPATION: Shoppers learn about membership benefits and opportunities to lend a hand with their food cooperative. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@hunger PEACHAM FARMERS MARKET: Area residents and visitors alike rejoice in local flavors, kids’ activities and live tunes. Peacham Village Green, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, peachamfarmersmarket@gmail. com. VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local food and crafts, live music, and hot eats add flavor to summer evenings. Vergennes City Park, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180. WATERBURY FARMERS MARKET: Cultivators and their customers swap veggie tales and edible inspirations at a weekly outdoor emporium complete with live music and yoga demos. Rusty Parker Memorial Park, Waterbury, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, waterbury


WORCESTER COMMUNITY MARKET: Fresh organic produce, live bands and kids’ activities bring neighbors together. 66 Elmore Rd., Worcester, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info,


CHITTENDEN COUNTY CHESS CLUB: Checkmate! Strategic thinkers make calculated moves as they vie for their opponents’ kings. Shaw’s, Shelburne Rd., South Burlington, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5403. WII BOWLING: Players vie for strikes in a virtual tour of the lanes. Hartland Public Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 436-2473.

health & fitness

BEGINNERS TAI CHI: Students get a feel for the ancient Chinese practice. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 223-1772. BONE BUILDERS: Seniors rise and shine with an exercise program meant to increase bone density and muscle strength. Barre Area Senior Center, 8:309:30 a.m. Free. Info, 479-9512. CHAIR YOGA WITH SANGHA STUDIO: Supported poses promote health and wellbeing. Champlain Senior Center, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 448-4262. COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS: A 20-minute guided practice with Andrea O’Connor alleviates stress and tension. Tea and a discussion follow. Winooski Senior Center, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 233-1161.


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FALLS PREVENTION TAI CHI: Students improve their ability to stay steady on their feet. Barre Area Senior Center, 3:45-4:45 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512. YANG 24 TAI CHI: Slow, graceful, expansive movements promote wide-ranging health and fitness benefits. Great Room, Wright House, Harrington Village, Shelburne, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 735-5467. YOGA: A Sangha Studio instructor guides students who are in recovery toward achieving inner tranquility. Turning Point Center, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 448-4262.


ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE OF THE LAKE CHAMPLAIN REGION SOCIAL HOUR: Francophones fine-tune their French-language conversation skills over cocktails. Juniper, Burlington, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, FRENCH CONVERSATION: Speakers improve their linguistic dexterity in the Romantic tongue. Bradford Public Library, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 222-4536.

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Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON CONCERT BAND REHEARSALS: Enthusiastic players of brass, woodwind and percussion instruments find perfect harmony. St. Mark Catholic Parish, Burlington, 6:45-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, burlington SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: Oenophiles let loose with live music by House on Fire, awardwinning wine and mouthwatering eats. Snow Farm Vineyard, South Hero, picnicking begins, 5 p.m.; music, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 372-9463. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19.

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LUNG FORCE WALK BURLINGTON: Locals take steps to support respiratory health. Battery Park, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 876-6863.

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FIFA WOMEN’S WORLD CUP: Sports fans cheer on their favorite players as Sweden battles the U.S. in an international soccer competition. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.

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BRENNAN GAUTHIER: “Archival Insights Into the 1778 Battle of the Shelburne Blockhouse” includes accounts of ice skating British soldiers, inebriated officers and a roof fire squelched by beer. Vermont State Archives and Records Administration, Middlesex, archives and exhibit tour, 5 p.m.; talk, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 828-2308. DEATH TALKS: An open dialogue on topics such as mortality and the afterlife destigmatizes the end of life. Wishbone Collective, Winooski, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, HOT TOPICS LECTURE SERIES: Jen Duggan of the Conservation Law Foundation questions “What’s in Your Water?” Room 012, Oakes Hall, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 831-1371.

Featuring photographs and paintings from over four decades of the renowed artist’s work.


William Wegman, Handstanding (detail), 2011. Pigment print, 22 x 17 in. Courtesy of the artist and Sperone Westwater, New York.


‘42ND STREET’: Filmed at London’s Theatre Royale in 2018, this Tony Award-winning musical follows the cast members of a 1933 Broadway show whose onstage drama overflows into real life. Shown on screen. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 3 p.m. $10-17. Info, 760-4634. ‘THE DREAM OF THE BURNING BOY’: MOXIE Productions stages a story about what happens to a young student’s community when his sudden death exposes a shocking secret. Grange Hall Cultural Center, Waterbury Center, 7:30 p.m. $17. Info, ‘EVERY BRILLIANT THING’: Middlebury Actors Workshop


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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treats theater fans to the Vermont premiere of a one-person show about a young woman who helps her chronically depressed mother see the beauty in life. Vermont Coffee Company Playhouse, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $12-20. Info, 382-9222. ‘THE FANTASTICKS’: “Soon It’s Gonna Rain,” “Metaphor” and “Try to Remember” are just some of the classic songs in this Weston Playhouse production of the world’s longest-running musical. Weston Playhouse Main Stage, 7:30 p.m. $45-69. Info, 824-5288. ‘GODSPELL’: See WED.19. ‘THE MUSIC MAN’: Traveling salesman Harold Hill’s scheming ways come back to haunt him in this classic comedy interpreted by the Rutland High School YES Plan. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7 p.m. $8-10. Info, 775-0903. ‘THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’: See WED.19.


DAVID HUDDLE & GREGORY SPATZ: Light refreshments are on hand at readings by the Tupelo Press authors of Hazel and What Could Be Saved, respectively. Vermont Book Shop, Middlebury, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5075. JACK FAIRWEATHER: History buffs join the author in celebrating the launch of The Volunteer: One Man, an Underground Army and the Secret Mission to Destroy Auschwitz. Stoneledge Farm, Ferrisburgh, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 617-852-1922. TERESA MARES: Readers lend their ears for a talk on the scribe’s timely new page-turner, Life on the Other Border: Farmworkers and Food Justice in Vermont. Phoenix Books, Burlington, 7 p.m. $3. Info, 448-3350.

FRI.21 dance

BALLROOM & LATIN DANCING: Singles, couples and beginners are welcome to join in a dance social featuring waltz, tango and more. Williston Jazzercise Fitness Center, 8-9:30 p.m. $10. Info, 862-2269. ECSTATIC DANCE VERMONT: Inspired by the 5Rhythms dance practice, attendees move, groove, release and open their hearts to life in a safe and sacred space. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, 7-9 p.m. $10. Info,


COLLEGE OF GRADUATE & CONTINUING STUDIES COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY: Retired brigadier general Peter A. DeLuca imparts words of wisdom before approximately 500 students. Shapiro Field House, Norwich University, Northfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 485-2000.


CIRCUS ARTS TRAINING JAM: Daring individuals perfect skills ranging from juggling to tight-rope walking with CAMP Burlington members. Aikido of Champlain Valley, Burlington, 6:30-9 p.m. Donations. Info, LOUNGE 91: Green Mountain Railroad passengers delight in live music, cocktails and hors-d’oeuvres as picturesque scenery rolls by. Union Station, Burlington, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $60. Info, 800-707-3530. SHIFT 2019 KICKOFF PARTY: Green themes are woven throughout a shindig marking the start of SHIFT 2019, a 10-day event series exploring the human-nature bond. Maffei Arts Plaza, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, hopkins. SHOOTING FIRE: Attendees observe as Abenaki partners perform a traditional summer solstice ceremony in which an arrow carries good wishes to the sky. Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Burlington, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 865-4556. SOUL COLLAGE: Open-minded individuals access their intuition through a deeply personal creative project. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@hunger THE SPARKLE CLUB: Those in need of a little rest and relaxation start the weekend off right with access to the Healing Lodge, Sanctuary Lounge and locker rooms, plus a mini bottle of Champagne or rosé. The Spa at Spruce Peak, Stowe, 5-7 p.m. $30. Info, 760-4782. WEEKENDS ON THE GREEN: See THU.20.

fairs & festivals

BURLINGTON WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL: See WED.19. SUMMER REVELS: Through singing, stories and games, the young and the young at heart join Revels North in celebrating a day in the life of a small New England town. See calendar spotlight. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 866-556-3083. VERMONT BIKE & BREW: Mountain bikers roll into the season with a weekend of live entertainment, beer and food parings, and rides for all ages and ability levels. Killington Resort, 9:30 a.m. $37-279. Info, 800-734-9435. WANDERLUST STRATTON: See THU.20.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘DINOSAURS ALIVE 3D’: See WED.19. FAMILY MOVIE: Popcorn and drinks augment an all-ages flick.


Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.

deep relaxation. Yoga Roots, Williston, 7:30-8:30 p.m. $18. Info, 318-6050.


LIVING RECOVERY: Folks overcoming substance abuse move, breathe and make positive change in a moderately paced flow yoga class. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 4-5 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262.

‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19. SCHOOL’S OUT ROAD TRIP MOVIE MARATHON: Independent films provide inspiration for future excursions by car. Popcorn and drinks are provided. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

food & drink

TAI CHI STUDIO: Beginners and experienced practitioners alike perfect their steps with limited guidance. Barre Area Senior Center, 11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512.

BACK PATIO OPENER: Imbibers start summer in style by sipping Windfall Orchard cider, Foley Brothers beer and $10 gin and tonics. Oysters and lawn games complete the party. Stonecutter Spirits, Middlebury, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 388-3000.

TAI CHI YANG 24: Students get an introduction to a gentle form of exercise said to benefit internal organs. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.

CHAMPLAIN VALLEY DINNER TRAIN: Passengers feast on a three-course meal while riding the Green Mountain Railroad from Burlington to Middlebury and back. Union Station, Burlington, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $89. Info, 800-707-3530.

THE OUTRIGHT 30TH BIRTHDAY GAYLA: Outright Vermont hosts a lively soirée serving food, drinks and a dance party with DJ Crystal Jonez. Silver Pavilion, University of Vermont Alumni House, Burlington, 6-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info,

PUBLIC CUPPING: Coffee connoisseurs and beginners alike explore the flavor notes and aromas of the roaster’s current offerings and new releases. Brio Coffeeworks, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 777-6641. RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live music connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, info@richmond SUN TO CHEESE TOUR: Fromage fans go behind the scenes and follow award-winning farmstead cheddar from raw milk to finished product. Shelburne Farms, 1:45-3:45 p.m. $20 includes a block of cheddar; preregister. Info, registration@shelburne TRUCK STOP: Mobile kitchens dish out mouthwatering meals and libations. Live DJs and outdoor entertainment add to the fun. ArtsRiot, Burlington, 5-10 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 540-0406.



health & fitness

ADVANCED SUN TAI CHI 73: Participants keep active with a sequence of slow, controlled movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3322. BONE BUILDERS EXERCISE CLASSES: See WED.19, 7:30 & 10:40 a.m. CHAIR YOGA: Students with limited mobility limber up with modified poses. Sangha Studio — North, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262. GONG MEDITATION: Sonic vibrations lead to healing and



‘A CENTURY SONGBOOK’: See WED.19, 6 p.m.


Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON CITY ARTS SUMMER CONCERTS: THE USELESS CANS: Guitar, upright bass, washboard and vocals intertwine in old-time jazz, folk and traditional Russian tunes. Lower Church St., Burlington, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. CORY HENRY & THE FUNK APOSTLES: A charismatic member of Snarky Puppy shows off his chops on the Hammond B-3 organ as the front person of this dynamic ensemble. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $11- 42. Info, 603-646-2422. ERIC RAMSEY: Hailing from Phoenix, Ariz., the seasoned folk and blues songwriter describes his work as “sensitive, at times humorous, sometimes trashy, but always thought-provoking.” Seven Stars Arts Center, Sharon, 7:30 p.m. $12. Info, 763-2334. MAKE MUSIC VERMONT: Musicians of all ages and experience levels take to sidewalks, porches and public spaces around the state as part of the global Make Music Day. See for details. Various locations statewide. Free. Info, vermont@make TONY TRISCHKA: The influential roots musician wows listeners with his banjo chops. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 382-9222. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19.



INTERFAITH SUMMER SOLSTICE LABYRINTH WALK: Individuals celebrate the longest day of the year with a guided introspective stroll. First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9037. SUMMER SOLSTICE FOREST BATHING WALK: Folks take in all the light the day has to offer on a guided meditative stroll. Rock Point Nature Trails, Burlington, 6:30-9 p.m. $25. Info, nature


GOT BATS? MANAGEMENT & RECOVERY OF ENDANGERED BATS: Vermont’s rare insecteating species, their natural history and the threats they face come to the fore in a presentation by biologist Alyssa Bennett. Participants then head outdoors to count Rokeby’s bats. Rain date: June 22. Rokeby Museum, Ferrisburgh, 8 p.m. Regular admission, $8-10; preregister. Info, 877-3406.


SHIFT … THE CONVERSATION: Research ecologist Lindsey Rustad talks about integrating art and cutting-edge scientific research in the SHIFT 2019 keynote presentation. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422.

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‘THE DREAM OF THE BURNING BOY’: See THU.20. ‘EVERY BRILLIANT THING’: See THU.20. ‘THE FANTASTICKS’: See THU.20. ‘GODSPELL’: See WED.19. ‘GODSPELL’: See WED.19. ‘THE MUSIC MAN’: See THU.20. ‘MY MOTHER’S THREE MOTHERS’: Open Door Theater presents a staged reading of Erin Galligan-Baldwin’s new work about a woman’s search for her birth parent. Vermont College of Fine Arts, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Donations; limited space. Info, 595-5158.

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‘THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’: See WED.19. ‘PRIVATE LIVES’: The Dorset Theatre Festival presents a revival of Noël Coward’s hilarious 1930 romantic comedy of manners, directed by Evan Yionoulis and starring Rachel Pickup and Shawn Fagan. Dorset Playhouse, 7:30 p.m. $48-58. Info, 267-2223. ‘WAITING FOR GODOT’: Two men wait by the side of the road for the arrival of a mysterious character in Samuel Beckett’s absurdist tragicomedy staged by BarnArts Center for the Arts. Clark Farm, Barnard, 6:30-9 p.m. $15-20. Info, 234-1645.



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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


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calendar FRI.21

« P.55

Alvarez, Sundog Poetry and members of the local community share poetry that expresses the experiences of becoming and being a new American. North End Studio A, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, WRITER’S BLOCK: Scribes bring essays, short stories, one-act plays and poems to be critiqued by a supportive audience. Barre Area Senior Center, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512.

SAT.22 activism

FAIR TRADE 101: GLOBAL TRADE & RACISM: Attendees gain an understanding of the effects of U.S. trade policies on marginalized populations. Stick around after to learn about PJC volunteer opportunities. Peace & Justice Center, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345, ext. 2.


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waste is a design flaw.

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The landfill is a temporary solution. It only delays our problems for another generation to solve. At CSWD, we are working to design a better system that gives you more opportunities to recycle—and reduce our reliance on the landfill. Together, we can rethink waste in our community.

FARM TOUR: Like goats? How about chickens and community gardening? Folks explore the collaborative farm where New Americans raise traditional foods. Pine Island Community Farm, Colchester, 9:45-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, shelly@


BOOK, BAKE & TREASURES SALE: Shoppers snap up summer reads, yummy treats and eye-catching trinkets. Burlington Friends Meeting House, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, flo1296@yahoo. com. LITTLE CITY YARD SALE: Treasure hunters hope to strike gold as they sift through offerings from dozens of dealers set up around the city and on the green. Grab a map from the info booth on the green at 8:30 a.m. or visit Vergennes City Park, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 870-7199.


‘TURN TO STONE ... A JOURNEY TO NARNIA’: Vermont Youth Dancers venture through the wardrobe and into a land of mystical creatures in a moving recital inspired by the work of author C.S. Lewis. South Burlington High School, 6:30 p.m. $15. Info, 899-4976.


E-BIKE & BREW TOUR: Electric bicycles transport suds lovers to three local beer producers via scenic routes. Lamoille Valley Bike Tours, Johnson, noon-4:30 p.m. $75 includes an appetizer and two souvenir pint glasses. Info, 730-0161. FOUNDERS CELEBRATION DOG PARTY: Canines and their human companions celebrate the lives of founders Stephen and Gwen Huneck with games, live music and Tailgaters Food


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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Truck grub. Dog Mountain, St. Johnsbury, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 800-449-2580. GUIDED TOURS: History buffs explore the home of Revolutionary War patriot John Strong. DAR John Strong Mansion Museum, Addison, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $3-10. Info, LEGAL CLINIC: Attorneys offer complimentary consultations on a first-come, first-served basis. 274 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 383-2118. LOUNGE 91: See FRI.21. STUNT KITE FLIERS & ARCHERY HOBBYISTS MEETING: Open to beginning and experienced hobbyists alike, a weekly gathering allows folks to share information and suggestions for equipment, sporting locations and more. Presto Music Store, South Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 658-0030. SUMMER SOLSTICE COMMUNITY CEREMONY: Folks bring flower offerings to Lake Champlain to celebrate the season with the Green Mountain Druid Order. Burlington Earth Clock, Oakledge Park, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, THE TAP ROOM’S 5TH BIRTHDAY PAW-TY: Pups and their people don party hats for cake, lawn games, a pop-up can bar and a dog selfie station. Proceeds benefit the Human Society of Chittenden County. The Tap Room at Switchback Brewing Co., Burlington, 1-5 p.m. Free. Info, 651-4114. WEEKENDS ON THE GREEN: See THU.20.

fairs & festivals

ABENAKI HERITAGE WEEKEND: The Vermont Abenaki Artists Association presents a two-day cultural celebration complete with drumming, dancing, food preparation, an arts marketplace and more. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $8-14; free for kids 5 and under. Info, 475-2022.

mead, live demos, jousting and more medieval merriment. Mayo Events Field, Stowe, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $5-15; free for kids under 6. Info, WANDERLUST STRATTON: See THU.20.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘GREAT WHITE SHARK 3D’: A new IMAX film unravels the mystery of the creature we love to fear. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘HIDDEN PACIFIC 3D’: Some of the Pacific Ocean’s most beautiful islands and marine national monuments grace the screen. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: Advanced filming techniques expose the planet’s top hunters on land, under the sea and in the air. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘LIGHT YEARS’: A film written and directed by Vermont native Colin Thompson entertains viewers. ArtsRiot, Burlington, 8:45 p.m. $8. Info, 540-0406. ‘MADAME ROSA’: Shown on reelto-reel 16mm film, a 1977 Oscar winner stars Simone Signoret as an Auschwitz survivor and



ETHAN ALLEN DAY LIVING HISTORY WEEKEND: Re-enactors bring the homestead to life with two days of crafts, trades and lifestyle and military demos. Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Burlington, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $610; free for kids under 5. Info, 865-4556.

Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

MT. ASCUTNEY SOLSTICE FEST: From mountain biking to hiking to yoga, outdoor recreation is at the center of an al fresco fest with food and live music. Ascutney Outdoors Center, Brownsville, 9 a.m.-10 p.m. $2040; free for kids 16 and under; $10 for camping. Info, events@


SUMMER REVELS: See FRI.21, Norwich Green. VERMONT BIKE & BREW: See FRI.21, 8:30 a.m. VERMONT RENAISSANCE FAIRE: Enthusiasts engage with artisans and crafters while enjoying

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at

music + comedy Find club dates at local venues in the music + nighlife section and at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at


foster mom to orphans. Newman Center, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. Donations. Info, serious_61@

strength training come together in a stress-relieving total-body workout. Hot Yoga Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 999-9963.

roots selections. See calendar spotlight. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 7:30 p.m. $10-35. Info, 533-2000.

‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m.

COMMUNITY YOGA: Active bodies get their stretch on with Carolyn Hannan and Marger Maldonado, increasing balance and flexibility. Namaste! Old Stone House Museum, Brownington, 10-11 a.m. Donations. Info, 754-2022.

COOIE’S JAZZ ENSEMBLE: Singer Cooie DeFrancesco imbues standards such as “All of Me” and “As Time Goes By” with her own special blend of pathos and humor. Brandon Music, 7:30 p.m. $20; $45 includes dinner; preregister; BYOB. Info, 247-4295.

A FOUNDATIONAL APPROACH TO HEALING FROM LYME DISEASE: Experts elucidate aspects of the tick-borne illness ahead of a question-andanswer period and a showing of an educational video. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 425-6212.

DAMASCUS KAFUMBE: Playing a variety of traditional East African instruments, the ethnomusicologist takes attendees on a journey into art’s role in storytelling and fostering social relations. Light refreshments and conversation follow. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park, Enosburg Falls, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 512-333-2119.

PRACTITIONER FORUM: LYME DISEASE, CO-INFECTIONS & COFACTORS: Doctor Robert Stram, founder of the Stram Center for Integrative Medicine, discusses current thinking on how to restore patients to health. Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Preregister for details. Info, 425-6212.

DAVID ROSANE & THE ZOOKEEPERS: The folk-rock protest band rallies support for literacy during a stop on its Across the Zoo-niverse library benefit tour. Cabot Public Library, 7 p.m. Donations. Info, 563-2721.

‘RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET’: Popcorn is free at an al fresco viewing of this 2018 animated comedy about a group of friends that finds adventure via an arcade Wi-Fi router. Danville Village Green, 8-10 p.m. Free. Info, movienightonthegreen@gmail. com. ‘THE SILVER SCREEN ROADSHOW’: Filmmaker David Metzger and stars Lauren Patterson and Elsha Van Apeldoorn field questions following a screening of this movie about a pair of sisters searching for a theater with a working projector. Vergennes Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $10. Info, 877-6737.

food & drink

BURLINGTON EDIBLE HISTORY TOUR: See THU.20. BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: More than 90 stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. 345 Pine St., 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, burlington BURLINGTON WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL GRAND TASTING: Oenophiles enjoy seminars and taste vino from around the world paired with bites from Vermont’s top chefs. See for details. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 12:30-3:30 & 5-8 p.m. $50-70. Info, 658-6771. CHAMPLAIN VALLEY DINNER TRAIN: See FRI.21. CHOCOLATE TASTING IN MIDDLESEX: Candy fanatics get an education on a variety of sweets made on-site. Nutty Steph’s Granola & Chocolate Factory, Middlesex, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 229-2090. HOT DOG DAYS OF SUMMER: Free frankfurters satisfy snackers. Green Mountain HarleyDavidson, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4778. SHELBURNE FARMERS MARKET: Harvested fruits and greens, artisan cheeses, and local novelties grace outdoor tables. Shelburne Parade Ground, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 482-4279. VERMONT BREAKFAST ON THE FARM: Come and get it! A morning meal gives way to a selfguided tour of a dairy-producing facility. Maxwell’s Neighborhood Farm, Newport, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 828-2430.

health & fitness

BODY POSITIVE YOGA FLOW: Black lights illuminate an uplifting all-levels class led by Jenn Martel of SoulShine Power Yoga with DJ Love Doctor spinning records. Meet outside of Athleta, Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 8-9 p.m. Free. Info, 652-1837. CARVE YOGA CURIOUS?: Yoga, aerobic exercise and resistance


THE ART OF LOVING: CELEBRATING 52 YEARS SINCE LOVING VS. VIRGINIA THROUGH ARTISTIC EXPRESSION: Burlingtonians reflect on the anniversary of the Supreme Court decision that legalized interracial marriage in the U.S. at a gathering offering drinks, light hors d’oeuvres and a silent auction. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, loving SWEDISH MIDSUMMER: Burlingtonians celebrate like Swedes with sweet treats, DIY flower crowns and local maker pop-up shops. Fjällräven, Burlington, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 448-7197.


SPANISH/ENGLISH ‘INTERCAMBIO’: An hour of Spanish speaking gives way to an hour of English conversation. Essex Free Library, noon-2 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0313.


PRIDE YOGA: LGBTQ individuals and allies hit the mat for a stretching session suited to all levels. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. Donations. Info, 448-4262.


Find club dates in the music section. ALLISON MANN & TRIO: Joined by pianist Ira Friedman, bassist Anthony Santor and drummer Steve Weinert, the vocalist breathes life into selections from the Great American Songbook. Adamant Community Club, 7:309:30 p.m. $15; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 454-7103. CARY MORIN: Guitar in hand, the Native American singersongwriter showcases his fingerstyle playing in acoustic

EMMA BACK: “Strife and Joy,” a musical dialogue traversing the inner landscape of the human experience, features vocal percussion, jaunting melodies and jazzand klezmer-inspired violin riffs. Maple Corner Community Center, Calais, 7-9:30 p.m. $10-15. Info, GROOVE PHILTER: Toes tap to funk and classic rock numbers by the local three-piece formerly known as the Five Dollar Band. Old Stone House Museum, Brownington, 4-6 p.m. Donations. Info, 754-2022. HINESBURG SONGFARMERS CELEBRATION: Acoustic players, singers and listeners are welcome at a gathering of musicians, players and poets, including refreshments, a song circle, and special guests Mel & Vinnie and Dan & Faith. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 12:30-3 p.m. Free. Info, 482-2878.

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REMEMBERING PETE SEEGER: A singalong concert and screening of Broad Old River honoring the late musician and activist benefit Hudson River Sloop Clearwater. Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7-10 p.m. Donations. Info, 734-3066. STELLARIA TRIO: The Burlington-based classical ensemble delights listeners with works by Haydn, Brahms and Jennifer Higdon. College Street Congregational Church, Burlington, 7:30-9 p.m. $5-20; free for kids. Info, stellariatrio@ VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19. WEST AFRICAN DANCE: Participants find their footing in an interactive workshop dedicated to key cultural choreography. Clemmons Family Farm, Charlotte, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 765-560-5445.


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BIRD MONITORING WALK: New birders and members of the Rutland County Audubon Society flock together to seek feathered friends on a 3.7-mile loop. Meet at the boardwalk on Marble St., West Rutland Marsh, 7-10 a.m. Free. Info, birding@rutland POINTS OF INTEREST: LAKE CHAMPLAIN BRIDGE WALK: Picnics are welcome before or after a guided stroll by the lake. Meet by the Crown Point State Historic Site museum, Chimney Point State Historic Site, Addison, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $8 includes museum admission. Info, 759-2412.


RELAY FOR LIFE OF FRANKLIN COUNTY VERMONT: Participants complete laps around the track as part of the world’s largest cancer-fighting movement. Collins Perley Sports and Fitness Center, St. Albans, noon. Funds raised. Info, 872-6325.

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VERMONT ADAPTIVE CHARITY RIDE: Cyclists pedal 3.1-, 20-, 40-, 60- and 100-mile routes to support Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports. Live music by Duppy Conquerors and Starline Rhythm Boys follows. See calendar spotlight. Long Trail Brewing, Bridgewater Corners, 7 a.m.-6 p.m. $15-225. Info, 786-4991. WINOOSKI PTO GOLF TOURNAMENT: Players tee off to support the Onion City’s Parent Teacher Organization. West Bolton Golf Club, Jericho, registration, 8 a.m.; shotgun start, 9 a.m. $320 per team of four. Info, 310-2057.

SHOP SPRING CLEANING WITH MEANING! Your store purchases and donations support


ELIZABETH WILSON & CELIA CHEN: Two experts elucidate “The Interconnected Histories of Energy and Whaling” as part of SHIFT 2019. Top of the Hop, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422.


CIRQUE US: In RagTag: A Circus in Stitches, a group of threadbarren, yarn-spinning characters reveals how six separate threads are inevitably intertwined. Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 2-3:30 & 7-8:30 p.m. $15-20. Info, 508-404-9232. ‘THE DREAM OF THE BURNING BOY’: See THU.20. ‘EVERY BRILLIANT THING’: See THU.20. ‘THE FANTASTICKS’: See THU.20, 2 & 7:30 p.m.

30 Granite Street

Barre 58

329 Harvest Lane (Now open Sundays!)

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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‘GODSPELL’: See WED.19, presented by Stowe Theatre Guild, 7:30 p.m.; presented by Saint Michael’s Playhouse, 2 & 8 p.m. ‘MOBY DICK’: Veteran Irish actor Conor Lovett compresses the details, characters and themes of Herman Melville’s 1851 novel

into a riveting one-person show. See calendar spotlight. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $11-42. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘MY MOTHER’S THREE MOTHERS’: See FRI.21. ‘THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’: See WED.19, 1 & 4 p.m. ‘PRIVATE LIVES’: See FRI.21. ‘WAITING FOR GODOT’: See FRI.21.


BOOK LAUNCH: Nonfiction fans fête the Vermont Historical Society’s newest publication, Repeopling Vermont: The Paradox of Development in the Twentieth Century, by Paul Searls. Vermont History Museum, Montpelier, 1:30-3 p.m. Free. Info, 479-8500. VOICING ART POETRY READING: Poets and writers share new art-inspired original works in response to Al Salzman’s provocative political paintings, inperson and via livestream from around the world. Nomad Coffee — South End Station, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, WRITERS’ WERTFREI: Authors, both published and aspiring, meet monthly to share what they have written in a nonjudgmental, value-free atmosphere. Waterbury Public Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.



HINESBURG GARDEN TOUR: A self-guided excursion highlights seven stunning plots. CarpenterCarse Library, Hinesburg, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $15; limited space. Info, 482-2017.


BOOK, BAKE & TREASURES SALE: See SAT.22, 1-4 p.m. BTV FLEA: Marketgoers browse a multifarious mix of local artwork and vintage household goods. Vintage Inspired Lifestyle Marketplace, Burlington, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 488-5766. MAKER’S MARKET IN THE BEER GARDEN: The cure for brunch waitlist blues: A pop-up fair featuring handcrafted wares and tunes spun by a local DJ. The Farmhouse Tap & Grill, Burlington, noon-3 p.m. Free. Info, 859-0888.


COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: Sessions in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh include sitting and walking meditation, a short reading, and open sharing. Evolution Physical Therapy & Yoga, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, newleafsangha@ TINY TWILIGHT CAFÉ: Families refuel for the week with a light supper and the chance to connect with other parents and caregivers of kids ages 3

and under. Older siblings are welcome. Downstreet Housing & Community Development, Barre, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 595-7953.




EARTH SONGS: Guided by pianist and composer Cheryl Connor, participants connect with Mother Earth, each other and their deepest selves through song, meditation and group dialogue. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 4-5:30 p.m. Donations. Info, cheryl GUIDED TOURS: See SAT.22. WEEKENDS ON THE GREEN: See THU.20, noon-6 p.m.

fairs & festivals

ABENAKI HERITAGE WEEKEND: See SAT.22, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. BURLINGTON WINE & FOOD FESTIVAL: See WED.19. ETHAN ALLEN DAY LIVING HISTORY WEEKEND: See SAT.22, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. FOODAROO 5: A street fair of epic proportions serves up foodtruck eats alongside local crafts, street performances and a few surprises. The Marble Works, Middlebury, 4-9 p.m. $5; free for kids 12 and under. Info, lisa@ STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL: Shortcake, homemade biscuits, vanilla ice cream and whipped cream complement ripe red fruit at this 45th annual fest. Work by local artists and craftspeople, live entertainment and Middletown Springs Historical Society exhibits round out the afternoon. Middletown Springs Historical Society, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 235-2421. VERMONT BIKE & BREW: See FRI.21, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. VERMONT RENAISSANCE FAIRE: See SAT.22. WANDERLUST STRATTON: See THU.20.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘GREAT WHITE SHARK 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘HIDDEN PACIFIC 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m.

food & drink

BRUNCH & BLOOMS: A buffetstyle feast fuels diners for a self-guided tour of the cut-flower farm. Attendees also design their own take-home floral arrangements and snag a to-go cookie from the bakery. Ardelia Farm & Co., Irasburg, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $75. Info, 323-4178. CHOCOLATE TASTING IN MIDDLESEX: See SAT.22.


EAT UP! AT THE GREEN: Locals skip cooking dinner in favor of food and drink from area purveyors served amid art, live music and good company. Camp Meade, Middlesex, 4-9 p.m. Free. Info, 496-2108. STOWE FARMERS MARKET: An appetizing assortment of fresh veggies, meats, milk, berries, herbs, beverages and crafts tempts shoppers. Red Barn Shops Field, Stowe, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, stowefarmers WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, baked goods and prepared foods from vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Champlain Mill, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmers

health & fitness

alternative music served with a side of Southern soul. Lincoln Peak Vineyard, New Haven, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7368. UKULELE MÊLÉE: Fingers fly at a group lesson on the fourstringed Hawaiian instrument. BYO uke. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19. VERMONT YOUTH ORCHESTRA ‘BUEN VIAJE’ CONCERT: Fans, friends and families bid farewell to young musicians ahead of their 10-day concert tour in Spain and Portugal. Elley-Long Music Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 655-5030.


SUMMER SERIES WITH SUKHA YOGA: An outdoor class led by instructor Lauren supports the Committee on Temporary Shelter. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 9-10 a.m. Donations. Info, 324-9016.

BRIDGEWATER HOLLOW BIOBLITZ: The Northeast Wilderness Trust leads a daylong survey of local pant and animal life in the proposed Bridgewater Hollow Bramhall Wilderness Preserve. Long Trail Brewing, Bridgewater Corners, 7 a.m.-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 224-1000.



LGBTQ FIBER ARTS GROUP: A knitting, crocheting and weaving session welcomes all ages, gender identities, sexual orientations and skill levels. Pride Center of Vermont, Burlington, noon-2 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.


‘A CENTURY SONGBOOK’: See WED.19, 2 & 7 p.m. PIKNIC ÉLECTRONIK MONTRÉAL: DJ sets and beat-driven music propel a dance party of epic proportions. See piknicelectronik. com for details. Plaine des jeux, Montréal, 2-9:30 p.m. $16-119. Info, 514-904-1247.


Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON CONCERT BAND: Local musicians present a varied program of marches, show tunes and pop classics. BYO blanket or lawn chair. Battery Park, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, burlingtonconcertbandvt@ JEFFERSON STARSHIP: Cathy Richardson carries out lead vocal duties in this Jefferson Airplane offshoot. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7 p.m. $49-69. Info, 760-4634. LAMARTINE QUARTET: Four long-time friends fill the air with works by Prokofiev, Taneyev and Debussy. A reception follows. North Universalist Chapel Society, Woodstock, 4-6 p.m. $10. Info, 457-3981. ROCHESTER CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY: The ensemble takes to the bandstand in celebration of RCMS’ 25th anniversary. Rochester Park, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 767-9234. SARAH KING: The vineyard’s Sunday concert series continues with the singer’s blues, rock and

CHARLIE LADUC MEMORIAL ‘OL’ RELIABLE’ 54 SPORTSMAN MODIFIEDS: Drivers whip around the dirt track in souped-up vehicles. Devil’s Bowl Speedway, West Haven, 7 p.m. $10-12; free for kids 12 and under; $25-35 for pit pass. Info, 265-3112. NINER BIKE DEMO: Cyclists throw their legs over bikes from the Fort Collins, Colo., company. Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 496-4677. VERMONT ADAPTIVE CHARITY RIDE: See SAT.22, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.


WILLARD STERNE RANDALL: Part romance and part tragedy, Alexander Hamilton’s life takes center stage in “Hamilton: The Man, the Musical and his Friend Ethan Allen.” A book signing follows. Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Donations. Info, 865-4556.


CIRQUE US: See SAT.22. ‘DIAGONAL LIFE: THEORY AND PRAXIS’: Papier-mâché puppets bring the bewildering and downright funny implications of diagonality to life in this Bread and Puppet Theater production. Audience members snack on sourdough rye bread with aioli after the show. Paper-Mâché Cathedral, Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 3 p.m. $15. Info, 525-3031. ‘THE DREAM OF THE BURNING BOY’: See THU.20, 2 p.m. ‘EVERY BRILLIANT THING’: See THU.20, 2 p.m. ‘THE FANTASTICKS’: See THU.20, 3 p.m. ‘MOBY DICK’: See SAT.22, 3 & 8 p.m. NATIONAL THEATRE LIVE: ‘ALL ABOUT EVE’: An ingenue

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maneuvers to usurp power from an established actress in this drama broadcast from London’s West End. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 2 p.m. $10-17. Info, 382-9222. ‘THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’: See WED.19, 1 & 4 p.m. ‘WAITING FOR GODOT’: See FRI.21, 5-7:30 p.m.


DONALD E. PEASE: In a SHIFT 2019 address, the professor dives into the modern-day relevance of Herman Melville’s novel Moby Dick. Top of the Hop, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422.

MON.24 crafts

HANDWORK CIRCLE: Friends and neighbors make progress on works of knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch and other creative endeavors. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


fairs & festivals

STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL: The Vergennes City Band entertain locals, who dig into homemade strawberry shortcake at this benefit for the Champlain Valley Christian School. Vergennes City Park, 6-8 p.m. $6 for cake and beverage. Info, 759-2980.

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See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘CALL ME BY YOUR NAME’: Timothée Chalamet stars in a 2017 drama about a relationship between a young man and his father’s research assistant. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘GREAT WHITE SHARK 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘HIDDEN PACIFIC 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. A PORTAL TO THE SKY: CINEMA & SPACE: Otherworldly short films transport viewers into outer space. Outdoor stargazing follows. BYO blanket. Loew Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422.


BRIDGE CLUB: See WED.19, 6:30 p.m. CRIBBAGE & PINOCHLE: See WED.19. MAGIC: THE GATHERING — MONDAY NIGHT MODERN: Tarmogoyf-slinging madness ensues when competitors battle for prizes in a weekly game.


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Brap’s Magic, Burlington, 6:30-10 p.m. $8. Info, 540-0498. PITCH: Players compete in a trick-taking card game. Barre Area Senior Center, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 479-9512.

health & fitness

BONE BUILDERS EXERCISE CLASSES: See WED.19. CHAIR YOGA WITH SANGHA STUDIO: Supported poses promote health and wellbeing. Heineberg Senior Center, Burlington, 10:45-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 448-4262. COMMUNITY HERBAL CLINIC: Supervised clinical interns offer guidance and support to those looking to care for themselves using natural remedies. By appointment only. Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, and Railyard Apothecary, Burlington, 4-8 p.m. $10-30; additional cost for herbs; preregister. Info, 224-7100.

People-powered journalism. Listen at, or wherever you get your podcasts.

GUIDED GROUP MEDITATION: In keeping with the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, folks practice mindfulness through sitting, walking, reading and discussion. Zenbarn Studio, Waterbury, 7:158 p.m. Free. Info, 505-1688.

20% OFF

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Meetings | Small Gatherings | Large Parties Receptions, Reunions and Special Events Flexible meeting space accommodating groups ranging in size from 5 to 300 guests. Full catering menu available.

MORNING STRENGTHEN & TONE: What better way to start the day than with an invigorating all-levels exercise class? Brookfield Old Town Hall, 7:30-8:30 a.m. Free. Info,


‘A CENTURY SONGBOOK’: See WED.19, 7 p.m.


Find club dates in the music section. SAMBATUCADA OPEN REHEARSAL: Burlington’s samba street band welcomes new drummers. Neither experience nor instruments are required. 8 Space Studio Collective, Burlington, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5017. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19.


HOMESHARING INFO SESSION: Locals learn to make the most of spare space in their homes by hosting compatible housemates. HomeShare Vermont, South Burlington, 4-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-5625.


CORN HOLE LEAGUE: Partners vie for cash prizes in a popular lawn game. Barre Elks Lodge, 6:30-10 p.m. $10. Info, 279-5776.

802.660.7516 1117 Williston Road, South Burlington

*20% off room rental – excludes tax, not valid on currently booked events, valid through July 31, 2019, ask for special rate at time of booking.


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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GOLF TOURNAMENT FOR EPILEPSY: A ninth-annual Epilepsy Foundation of Vermont benefit draws competitors to the green. Vermont National Country Club, South Burlington, registration, 11:30 a.m.; tournament, 1 p.m. $150; $600 per team of four; preregister. Info, 318-1575. KING STREET CENTER GOLF INVITATIONAL: Athletes take a

swing to raise funds for youth programming. Burlington Country Club, 7:30 a.m.-3 p.m. $225; $900 per team of four. Info, 862-6736.



TUE.25 business

SAVVY ROUNDTABLE: Whether they’re looking to grow personally or professionally, attendees at this monthly Savvy Professional Women’s Group gathering discover the power of networking and relationship building. Light appetizers and beverages are served. Expressive Arts Burlington, 6-8 p.m. $15. Info, 310-5823.


COMMUNITY DROP-IN CENTER HOURS: Wi-Fi, games and art materials are on hand at an open meeting space where folks forge social connections. GRACE, Hardwick, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 472-6857.


COMMUNITY CRAFT NIGHT: Makers stitch, spin, knit and crochet their way through projects while enjoying each other’s company. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.


SWING DANCING: Quick-footed participants experiment with different forms, including the Lindy Hop, Charleston and balboa. Beginners are welcome. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 448-2930.


SOLAR HAPPY HOUR: See WED.19, Two Brothers Tavern, Middlebury, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 398-7118.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section. ‘THE GOONIES’: A ragtag group of kids seek a hidden treasure, overcoming obstacles along the way in the 1985 adventurecomedy. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7-10 p.m. Donations. Info, 540-3018. ‘GREAT WHITE SHARK 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘HIDDEN PACIFIC 3D’: See SAT.22. ‘THE IMITATION GAME’: Mathematician Alan Turing, played by Benedict Cumberbatch, cracks Nazi code, helping the Allies to win WWII in this 2014 drama based on true events. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘INCREDIBLE PREDATORS 3D’: See SAT.22.

‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. OCTOBER SKY: The 1950s space race inspires four West Virginia teens to create their own rockets in this 1999 drama starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Laura Dern. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. ‘SURVIVING PROGRESS’: Shown as part of the Sustainable Woodstock Climate Change and Sustainability Film Series, a hard-hitting 2011 documentary raises questions about the evolution and sustainability of human society. Woodstock Town Hall Theatre, 6 p.m. $10. Info, 457-2911.

food & drink

FEAR NOT THE INSTANT POT: COOKING DEMO & TASTING: Home cooks learn to get the most out of the popular multicooker. South Burlington Community Library, University Mall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140. HANDS IN THE KITCHEN: Home cooks whip up low-sugar jams in a hands-on workshop series promoting nutritious habits for adults ages 50 and up. O.N.E. Community Center, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. $5 includes a shared meal; preregister. Info, 864-0123. OLD NORTH END FARMERS MARKET: Locavores score breads, juices, ethnic foods and more from neighborhood vendors. Dewey Park, Burlington, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, oldnorth


BRIDGE CLUB: See WED.19, 7 p.m.

health & fitness

BEGINNER/INTERMEDIATE TAI CHI: Whether they’re new to Sun-style practice or wish to review core moves, students join Elizabeth Wirls for some gentle exercise. South Burlington

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the art section and at

film See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section and at

music + comedy Find club dates at local venues in the music + nighlife section and at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting monthly. Look for it on newsstands and check out the online calendar at


Recreation & Parks Department, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 735-5467. BONE BUILDERS: See THU.20. COMMUNITY HERBAL CLINIC: See MON.24, Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. INTERMEDIATE/ADVANCED TAI CHI: Time for individual questions and mentoring augments an hour of instruction. South Burlington Recreation & Parks Department, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 735-5467. REIKI CLINIC: Thirty-minute treatments foster physical, emotional and spiritual wellness. JourneyWorks, Burlington, 3-5:30 p.m. $10-30; preregister. Info, 860-6203. TAI CHI TUESDAYS: Friends old and new share a healthy pastime. Barre Area Senior Center, advanced, 1 p.m.; intermediate, 2 p.m.; beginner, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 479-9512. TUESDAY GUIDED MEDITATION: Participants learn to relax and let go. Stillpoint Center, Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 318-8605.


ITALIAN CONVERSATION GROUP: Parla Italiano? Language learners practice pronunciation and more in an informal gathering. Hartland Public Library, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 436-2473. ‘LA CAUSERIE’ FRENCH CONVERSATION: Native speakers and learners are welcome to pipe up at an unstructured conversational practice. El Gato Cantina, Burlington, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 540-0195. LUNCH IN A FOREIGN LANGUAGE: ITALIAN: Speakers hone their skills in the Romance language over a bag lunch. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATION: Frenchlanguage fanatics meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 430-4652.


‘A CENTURY SONGBOOK’: See WED.19, 8 p.m.


Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON SONGWRITERS SONG-SHARING & FEEDBACK MEETING: Area songsters trade constructive criticism. O.N.E. Community Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 899-1139. MILTON COMMUNITY BAND REHEARSAL: New musicians may join the ensemble as they hone their skills in preparation for their summer concert. Cornerstone Community Church, Milton, 7-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, 893-1398. SHAPE NOTE SING: Locals lend their voices to four-part harmonies at this weekly sing-along

of early American music in the “fa-sol-la-mi” tradition. Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 525-6972. SING FOR THE EARTH: Songbirds ages 12 and up lift their voices in gratitude for Earth’s abundant beauty. Sight-reading skills are helpful but not required. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19.


FREE AIKIDO CLASS: A one-time complimentary introduction to the Japanese martial art focuses on centering and finding freedom while under attack. Open to prospective students. Aikido of Champlain Valley, Burlington, 6:15-7:15 p.m. Free. Info, 951-8900. MICHELOB ULTRA GOLF LEAGUE: Players take swings in a weekly 9-hole scramble tournament. Sign up as a team or an individual. Killington Golf Course, 5 p.m. $25-30 includes dinner and prizes; preregister. Info, 422-6700.


ASHLEY NESBITT & ONGYEL SHERPA: Adventurers join the respective founders of Mountain Kora and US Sherpa Treks for the slideshow “Nepal: Everest Trekking Into the Sherpa Heartland.” Nepalese eats and drinks are on offer. Onion River Outdoors, Montpelier, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 760-9948. HOT TOPICS SUMMER LECTURE SERIES: Anna Marhold of Tilburg Law School delivers “Externalizing Europe’s Energy Policy in EU Free Trade Agreements: A Cognitive Dissonance Between Promoting Sustainable Development and Ensuring the Security of Supply?” Room 012, Oakes Hall, Vermont Law School, South Royalton, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 831-1371.




BILL SCHUBART: As an author of eight works of fiction, the Vermont wordsmith delves into the question “Do I have a book in me?” Phoenix Books, Burlington, 7 p.m. $3. Info, 448-3350. BRIT READERS OF THE NEK: Members of a new book club open the cover of The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 745-1392. BURLINGTON FREE WRITE: Aspiring writers respond to prompts in a welcoming atmosphere. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 999-1664. RICK WINSTON: Forgotten history comes to the fore in

a discussion of the author’s book Red Scare in the Green Mountains: The McCarthy Era in Vermont 1946-1960. Lawrence Memorial Library, Bristol, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 453-2366.

WED.26 business

BUSINESS AFTER HOURS RECEPTION: Area business leaders join Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce members in learning about Capstone Community Action’s work to help end poverty in the state. Capstone Community Action, Barre, 5-7 p.m. $10-15; preregister. Info, 229-5711. SECOND QUARTER WOMENPRENEURS NIGHT OUT: Members of the business community share resources and feedback while enjoying food and spirits. Bring your business cards. Mad River Distillers Burlington Tasting Room, 5:30 p.m. $10-20; free for sustaining members. Info, 870-0903.


EDIBLE WELLNESS: A Q&A demystifies the benefits of consuming cannabidiol. Attendees treat themselves to sweet CBD delights. Nutty Steph’s Granola & Chocolate Factory, Middlesex, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 229-2090.


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$50 OFF



Initial Pest Control Service

DANCE HEGINBOTHAM & ALARM WILL SOUND: Collaborating with the 22-member new music ensemble, eight dancers bring their celebrated athleticism, humor and theatricality to a world-premiere performance as part of SHIFT 2019. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $11-32. Info, 603-646-2422.

Valid on new services only. Expires 06/30/19.

$50 OFF Initial Tick Service


DEATH CAFÉ: Folks meet for a thought-provoking and respectful conversation about death, aimed at accessing a fuller life. Pyramid Holistic Wellness Center, Rutland, 7-9 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, 353-6991. FINANCIAL FUTURES LUNCH & LEARN: An informal get-together attracts community-minded financial professionals who want to support Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity’s financial literacy and empowerment programs. Bobbin Mill Community Center, Burlington, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 660-3456, ext. 110. NURSING BEYOND A YEAR MEET-UP: Breastfeeding parents connect over toddler topics such as weaning and healthy eating habits. Aikido of Champlain WED.26

» P.62

Valid on new services only. Expires 06/30/19.

HIRE THE HERO! Call today for your FREE pest inspection! NY (518) 745-5958 • VT (802) 855-2978 4t-natureswaypestcontrol041719.indd 1

$50 OFF Initial Carpenter Ant Service

Valid on new services only. Expires 06/30/19.

$50 OFF Pest Block Service

Valid on new services only. Expires 06/30/19. SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


4/10/19 3:12 PM

calendar The 17th Annual



« P.61

Valley, Burlington, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 985-8228.




food & drink





MEETING YOUR MIND & BEYOND: THE BENEFITS OF APPLYING MINDFULNESS: The third installment of an ongoing seminar with Carol S. Hyman and Reeve Lindbergh focuses on “The Gift of Challenging Relationships.” St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 745-1393.

JULY 31 See who won in Seven Days!


‘A CENTURY SONGBOOK’: See WED.19, 8 p.m. MONTRÉAL INTERNATIONAL JAZZ FESTIVAL: Legendary performers including the Preservation Hall Jazz Band deliver jazz, blues and contemporary tunes alongside rising talents. See montrealjazzfest. com for details. Various Montréal locations. Prices vary. Info, 855-299-3378.


Find club dates in the music section. BURLINGTON CITY ARTS SUMMER CONCERTS: LOWELL THOMPSON: The Queen City altcountry artist serves up tunes from his 2014 album Stranger’s Advice. Lower Church St., Burlington, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. CAPITAL CITY BAND: See WED.19. OLD NORTH END NEIGHBORHOOD BAND TEEN MUSIC JAM: See WED.19. UKULELE CLUB: Instrumentalists of all abilities meet to practice and play. Hartland Public Library, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 436-2473. VERMONT GIRLS CHOIR AUDITIONS: See WED.19.



ACTIVE ISOLATED STRETCHING & STRENGTHENING: Certified instructor Alicia Feltus lays out unique sequences of limbering up to increase blood and lymph flow, prevent injury, and improve recovery. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@hunger



health & fitness


Pick the best from top finalists.




JUNE 10-24


SIX SURPRISING ESSENTIALS FOR PUBLIC SPEAKING SUCCESS: Coach Leora Dowling leads a seminar and Q&A to help participants become the presenters they want to be. New York Life Vermont, Colchester, 7-10 p.m. Free. Info, 989-3250.



SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

See what’s playing at local theaters in the movies section.

‘SIDEWAYS’: Paul Giamatti and Thomas Haden Church portray two men on a road trip through California’s wine country in search of a bonding experience before one of them walks down the aisle. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 7 p.m. $5. Info, 533-2000.

Write in your favorites.

2V-Daysies061219.indd 1


‘OCEANS: OUR BLUE PLANET 3D’: See WED.19, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m.



SUNSET ON THE LAKE: Sustained by appetizers and drinks, cinephiles support the Vermont International Film Festival and honor VTIFF community champion Bess O’Brien. Private residence, South Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $50-250. Info, 660-2600.




STARGAZING: Clear skies at night mean viewers’ delight when telescope users set their sights on celestial happenings. Call to confirm. Mittelman Observatory, McCardell Bicentennial Hall, Middlebury College, 9-10:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-2266.





FRED MAGDOFF: The presentation “Creating an Ecological Society: Climate Change, Capitalism and Socialism” addresses urgent questions such as “What would a socially just and ecologically sustainable society look like?” Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 373-0329. JOHN HEGINBOTHAM & TYONDAI BRAXTON: The choreographer and composer discuss their long artistic partnership and the origins of their latest work, set to debut at Dartmouth College as part of the SHIFT 2019 event series. Top of the Hop, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2422. TEDX BROWNELL LIBRARY: Lifelong learners watch TED Talk videos centered on the topic

“Universe of Stories.” Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.




ARTSMART: DIALOGUE ON ‘DIALOGUES DES CARMÉLITES’: Classically trained opera professional Kevin Ginter provides background information on Poulenc’s 20th-century work ahead of a broadcast production by the Metropolitan Opera. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, noon. Free for Dialogues Des Carmélites ticket holders; preregister; limited space. Info, 760-4634. ‘THE FANTASTICKS’: See THU.20, 2 & 7:30 p.m. ‘GODSPELL’: See WED.19. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA LIVE IN HD: ‘DIALOGUE DES CARMÉLITES’: Mezzo-soprano Isabel Leonard sings the touching role of Blanche in a broadcast production of Poulenc’s devastating story of faith and martyrdom. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 1 p.m. $10-17. Info, 760-4634. METROPOLITAN OPERA LIVE IN HD: ‘LA BOHÈME’: Soprano Kristine Opolais and tenor Vittorio Grigolostar in the timeless story of young artists in Paris, recorded during the 201314 season and shown on the big screen. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $6-15. Info, 748-2600. ‘MOBY DICK’: See SAT.22, Vermont Coffee Company Playhouse, Middlebury, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $20. Info, 398-2776. ‘THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’: See WED.19. ‘PRIVATE LIVES’: See FRI.21, 2 & 7:30 p.m.


GEORGE’S MYSTERY BOOK CLUB: Bookworms look for clues in Pasadena and Orleans by Sherri L. Smith, who makes a special guest appearance. Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, 6:307:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-0774. ‘THEIR NAMES ARE MINE’: POETRY READING WITH RAJNII EDDINS: The local spoken-word poet and teaching artist shares passages from his latest collection, which confronts white supremacy while affirming our mutual humanity. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. VETERANS BOOK GROUP: Women who have served in the U.S. military connect over reading materials and a light dinner. Women’s Comprehensive Care Center, White River Junction VA Medical Center, 5-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 295-9363, ext. 6134. WRITING CIRCLE: See WED.19. m

Exercise and the Heart Presented by Dr. Gavin Noble Discover the benefits of exercise for prevention and combating heart disease. Gain an understanding of how regular exercise improves factors linked to cardiovascular health, resulting in lower blood pressure, healthier cholesterol levels, and better sugar regulation. Dr. Noble specializes in Cardiovascular Disease, General and Consultative Cardiology, and non-invasive cardiac testing. RSVP: Pat Ryan,, 802-391-4855

Friday, June 28th | 3:00-4:30 pm Independent, Assisted & Memory Care Living 350 Lodge Road, Middlebury, VT | 802-388-1220 | Untitled-3 1

6/12/19 1:05 PM


JULY 5, 6 + 7



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4/24/19 10:39 AM



agriculture ON-FARM GRILLING WITH HERBS: Cookbook author Molly Stevens and Red Wagon Plant’s Julie Rubaud in a demonstration and on-farm dinner of grilling over charcoal with fresh herbs. Dishes demoed include local meat, vegetables and herbs and will inspire new dishes for the summer using local ingredients. Includes handout, instructions and dinner. Sat., Jun. 29, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $80/1.5-hour workshop, instructions, dinner. Location: Red Wagon Plants, 2408 Shelburne Falls Rd., Hinesburg. Info: Julie Rubaud, 482-4060, julie@redwagonplants. com, PLANTING FOR SUMMER SALADS: Take your summer salad garden to the next level with Red Wagon Plants and its expert staff! Learn helpful tips and strategies and the plant varieties that grow the most beautiful salads in the summer heat. We provide recipes and handouts, demonstrate growing techniques in the garden, and provide refreshments. Sat., Jul. 6, 10 a.m.-noon. Cost: $30/2-hour workshop, recipes, handouts, refreshments. Location: Red Wagon Plants, 2408 Shelburne Falls Rd., Hinesburg. Info: Julie Rubaud, 482-4060, julie@redwagonplants. com, events. POLLINATOR GARDENS 101: A step-by-step guide to designing pollinator habitat for all stages of the life cycle. Learn more about different pollinators’ life cycles, how to support them and the plants they need at every stage. Includes a detailed handout and plant lists for many types of gardens, as well as refreshments. Sat., Jun. 22, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Cost: $45/2.5hour workshop, handouts, plant lists and refreshments. Location: Red Wagon Plants, 2408 Shelburne Falls Rd., Hinesburg. Info: Julie Rubaud, 482-4060, julie@redwagon, redwagonplants. com/events.


Flynn Arts

p.m. Cost: $150/all 4 sessions. Location: Cabot Artisans Gallery Workshops, 3053 Main St., Cabot. Info: Sandy Ducharme, 563-2745,

craft RUG HOOKING: Designed for those with some experience. Focus on colors and use six to eight values in fine shading. Learn varied techniques on decorative stitches using textured wools. Bring your project or have Sandy design the project. Additional material fees may apply. Participants will need to supply hooking tools. Fri., Jul. 19 and Aug. 9, 10-4 p.m. Cost: $90/ person; may be additional materials fee. Location: Cabot Artisans Gallery Workshops, 3053 Main St., Cabot. Info: Sandy Ducharme, 563-2745, sandy.ducharme@

dance DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Salsa classes: nightclub-style, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Wed. p.m. $15/person for one-hour class. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in anytime and prepare for an enjoyable workout. Location: 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Victoria, 598-1077,

BROADWAY KIDS: Our shining stars learn kid-friendly showstoppers, gaining confidence and onstage skills. We even discover some cool behind-the-scenes secrets when we tour the backstage areas of the Flynn MainStage theater. A special Broadwaystyle performance for family and friends ends the week. Instructors: Elisa Van Duyne and David Nacmanie. Ages 8-10, Mon.-Fri., Jul. 8-12, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Cost: $225/person. Location: FlynnArts, Burlington. Info: 6524537, BROADWAY SHOWSTOPPERS DANCE: For students in/interested in Flynn Show Choirs. We’ll explore a variety of Broadway and movie musical styles. Structured to benefit beginning dancers and those w/ training. Learn to feel/ express music through dance. Build new skills in a supportive environment. At week’s end, we’ll perform several show-stoppers. Instructor: Karen Amirault. Mon.Fri., Jul. 22-26; Ages 6-8: 8:3011:30 a.m.; Ages 9-14: noon-3 p.m. Cost: $225/person. Location: FlynnArts, Burlington. Info: 6524537, LATIN JAZZ INTENSIVE: Students work with jazz trumpet and luminary Ray Vega and a variety of artist-educators. Place into one of three combos, apply the principles and nuances of improvisation, investigating chord structure and developing melodic creativity. Latin hand percussion workshops spice up the days and add to your musical toolkit. Ages 13+, Mon.-Fri., Aug. 5-9, 12:30-5 p.m. Cost: $365/ person; incl. jazz performance ticket. Location: FlynnArts, Burlington. Info: Sarah Caliendo, 652-4537,

art WATERCOLORS: Designed for those with little or no experience. Get past the fear of watercolor and get comfortable with the technique and process. Explore the basics of materials, tools, techniques, color, value and seeing your subject. Each class builds painting and observation skills. Recommended materials list will be provided upon registration. Jul. 10-31, Wed., 6-8:30

p.m. Djembe for Adults: Wed., 5:30-6:20 p.m. Taiko for Kids and Parents: Tue., 4:30-5:20 p.m. World Drumming for Kids and Parents: Wed., 4:30-5:20 p.m. Drums provided. Conga classes, too! Visit schedule and register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,

drumming TAIKO AND DJEMBE CLASSES IN BURLINGTON!: Open classes in September. New drumming sessions begin the weeks of 10/8, 11/26, 1/7, 2/4, 3/11, 5/6. Intermediate Taiko: Mon., 6-8:20 p.m. Taiko for Adults: Tue., 5:30-6:20 p.m. Wed., 6:30-7:50

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

SILENT FILMMAKING: Calling all budding filmmakers ages 11-14! Learn the elements of silent moviemaking, including performing, storyboarding, scripting, filming with iPads and editing with iMovie. Work as a team to produce your own short silent film. Instructors: Elisa Van Duyne and Ross Ransom. Mon.-Fri., Jul. 22-26, 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $350/person. Location: RETN, Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: 6524537, TAP DANCE INTENSIVE MINICAMP: Instructor: Elisa Van Duyne. This intensive for ages

8-10, designed for beginning dancers and those with some experience, will catapult young tappers into the world of tap dancing. Various tap styles will be explored as students hone their rhythmic ear and toes, one shuffle-ballstep at a time! Mon.-Wed., Jul. 1-3, noon-3 p.m. Cost: $135/person. Location: FlynnArts, Burlington. Info: 652-4537, UNDER THE BIG TOP: Run away with the circus! Campers create clown costumes and characters for their own circus experience. Theatrical exploration of adventures awaits audiences and performers under the big top. Mesmerize family and friends at week’s end when they join us on the Flynn’s MainStage for our spectacular show. Instructor: Tracy Martin. Ages 6-8, Mon.-Fri., Jul. 15-19, 1-3:30 p.m. Cost: $185/ person. Location: FlynnArts, Burlington. Info: 652-4537,


ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR: Learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator, including the pen tool, pathfinder, image trace and more. This class will include instructor-led exercises and projects. Gain a strong foundation of skills along with learning many “shortcuts” in the program. Perfect class for those who want to be proficient with the laser cutter. Mon., Jun. 17-24 or Aug. 19-26, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $125/person. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 540-0761, education@generator, BLACKSMITH: HAND-FORGED JEWELRY: Students get handson experience with tools like the forge, hammer and anvil. Create bracelets, arm cuffs and pendants. Learn how to control a hammer, incorporating twists, curls and others to practice basic smithing techniques while producing a unique piece of jewelry. Receive 10% off for both workshops, e-mail: Sat., Jun. 22, 9-4 p.m. Cost: $200/person; incl. $25 material fee. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info:

Generator, Sarah Sprague, 5400761, education@generatorvt. com, BLACKSMITHING: CANDLE HOLDERS: Students will get hands-on experience with tools like the forge, hammer and anvil. Learn how to control a hammer while incorporating twists, curls and other flourishes to practice basic smithing techniques while producing a unique candle holder. Pair with Hand Forged Jewelry to receive 10% off for both workshops. Sun., Jun. 23, 9-4 p.m. Cost: $200/person; incl. $25 material fee. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Sarah Sprague, 540-0761, education@ BUDGET BRANDING RAPID VINYL SCREEN PRINTING: Rapid Vinyl Screen Printing (Vinyl Training included). Get your brand out there! Learn how to make affordable merch using Adobe Illustrator and a vinyl cutter. Hands-on workshop teaches students how to make multicolor prints using mesh screen and vinyl application techniques. Learn tools necessary to turn drawings into reproducible designs. Mon., 6-9 p.m., Jul. 15-29. Cost: $235/3-week class; incl. $10 material fee. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Lane, Burlington. Info: Sarah Sprague, 540-0761,, INTRO TO GARMENT SEWING: Students learn to read and follow a sewing pattern, take measurements to choose size, trace patterns, prepare fabric for cutting, cut fabric, and transfer pattern markings. Students will sew the garment on a sewing machine. Students will leave with a wearable garment at the end of the class. Mon., Jul. 8 and 15, 6-9 p.m. Cost: $175/2-week class; incl. $25 material fee. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Sarah Sprague, 540-0761,, INTRO TO PROGRAMMING (WITH ARDUINO): Working with fabric and conductive thread, we will review basic circuitry and the fundamentals of programming an Arduino-based microcontroller by prototyping with alligator clips. You’ll learn how to find and apply Arduino sample code to make your fabric light up in the color and pattern of your choice. More information online. Wed., Aug. 7 and 14, 5-7:30 p.m.; or Sat., Jun. 22, 10-3 p.m. Cost: $180/ person; incl. $30 material fee Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Sarah Sprague, 540-0761, education@generator, KIDS’ SUMMER CAMPS!: Sign up for both camps in the same week and receive 20% off both camps! Learn how to light up your wardrobe, create a game with a 3D printer/laser cutter, build your own chair in the wood shop, or design and print your own stickers and shirts with a vinyl cutter! Jun. 24-29 and/or Jul. 8-12. a.m.-noon and 1-4 p.m. Cost: $295/camp (materials incl.).

Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Sarah Sprague, 540-0761, education@generator, THE BLACKSMITH’S KNIFE: The blacksmith’s knife is a forged blade, handle and all, from a single piece of steel, incorporating twists, curls and flourishes to practice basic smithing techniques while producing a useful tool. Unique options for personal touches. Get hands-on experience with tools like the forge, hammer, anvil and belt grinder. Wed., 6-9 p.m., Jul. 10-31 Cost: $340/person; incl. $40 material fee. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 540-0761,,

language SPANISH CLASSES STARTING NOW: You can still sign up! Our 13th year. Learn from a native speaker in lively small classes or personal instruction. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Traveler lesson packages. Lessons for young children: They love it! English as second language instruction online. See our website or contact us for details. Begin Jun. 17-20. Cost: $225/10 weekly classes of 90+ min. each. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanishparavos@, spanishwaterbury

Media Factory

99.3FM WBTV-LP RADIO GATHERING: Join us for an informal WBTV-LP programmer gathering to connect and learn from each other. Have a snack. Ask questions! Chat with other DJs, podcasters and lovers of community radio. Wed., Jun. 26, 6-8 p.m. RSVP required. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 2G, Burlington. Info: Gin Ferrara, 651-9692, MEDIA FACTORY

» P.66


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6/7/19 11:30 AM

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


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« P.64, BTV-Media-Factory-Meetup/. EDITING WITH ADOBE PREMIERE: This workshop provides an overview of the mostused features of Adobe Premiere. Learn how to configure the workspace, import and organize media, make edits and fine-tune them to create a finished program. Also learn how to add music and adjust audio levels, add titles, and export your finished project. Thu., Jun. 20 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25/Suggested Donation. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 2G, Burlington. Info: Gin Ferrara, 651-9692,, BTV-Media-Factory-Meetup/. THE GOLDEN HOUR: Making Magic with Composition and Lighting. Harness the power of the sun to make your videos shine! You will learn how to frame your shots, choose the best locations outside and use specialized tools that use sunlight to your advantage. Workshop is held at Oakledge Park. Learn more at Meetup. Thu., Jun. 27, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25/suggested donation. Location: Media Factory, 208 Flynn Ave, Suite 2G, Burlington. Info: Gin Ferrara, 651-9692,, BTV-Media-Factory-Meetup/.



S.BURLINGTON MASTER NATURALIST: This program will create a close-knit team of naturalists with specific training in natural history across the earth, life and social sciences, who understand and can “read” the landscapes of South Burlington. The program connects people to the nature of their region through training and volunteer projects. Sun. 9/8, 10/27, 2/9, 3/29 and 5/17. Cost: $425/5 6-hour classes; scholarships avail. Location: Fields and Forests of South Burlington, N/A, S. Burlington. Info: Roberta Nubile, 373-2567,, vermontmaster

200-HOUR AYURVEDA INTEGRATION PROGRAM: Join us in learning and immerse yourself in the oldest surviving preventative health care system. This program is ideal for yoga teachers, counselors, therapists, bodyworkers, nurses, doctors, wellness coaches, herbalists, etc. VSAC approved and payment plans available. Can transfer hours to Kripalu’s Ayurveda Health Counselor program. More information here: 2020 schedule: Feb. 8-9, Mar. 7-8, Apr. 4-5, May 2-3, Jun. 6-7, Jul.

tai chi

meditation LEARN TO MEDITATE: Taught by qualified meditation instructors at the Burlington Shambhala Meditation Center: Wed., 6-7 p.m.; Sun. a.m.-noon. Free and open to anyone. Free public meditation: weeknights, 6-7 p.m.; Tue. and Thu., noon-1 p.m.; Sun. a.m.-noon. Classes and retreats also offered. See our website at burlington. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 658-6795,

SNAKE-STYLE TAI CHI CHUAN: The Yang Snake Style is a dynamic tai chi method that mobilizes the spine while stretching and strengthening the core body muscles. Practicing this ancient martial art increases strength, flexibility, vitality, peace of mind and martial skill. Beginner classes Sat. mornings and Wed. evenings. Call to view a class. Location: Bao Tak Fai Tai Chi Institute, 100 Church St., Burlington. Info: 3636890,

11-12, Aug. 15-16, Sep. 12-13, Oct. 1718, Nov. 14-15. Cost: $2,795/person. Location: The Ayurvedic Center of Vermont, 34 Oak Hill Rd., Williston. Info: Allison Morse, 872-8898,

writing SOURCE WRITING: Source writing is a form of writing focusing on authentic expression from the many layers of our being. In this expressive writing workshop, you will identify your stories and threads of meaning to incorporate new material and find inspiration for those still-untold stories and poems you are yet to write! Sat., Jun. 22, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $75/6-hour class; incl. lunch. Location: Maya Retreat Center, 2755 West Shore Rd., Isle La Motte. Info: Jeanette O’Conor, 370-5075, joconor@, programs.

of the yogic tradition. Check our website to learn more about our life-changing 200-hour teacher training program. All bodies and abilities are welcome. Daily classes, workshops, 200- and 300-hour yoga teacher training. Cost: $65/first month of unlimited classes; workshop and training prices vary. Location: Laughing River Yoga, Chace Mill, Suite 126, Burlington. Info: 3438119,

yoga LAUGHING RIVER YOGA: Located in a beautiful setting overlooking the Winooski River. We offer highquality classes, workshops and trainings taught by experienced teachers who honor the beauty and wisdom







Pop open a cold one with your friends at Seven Days.

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

GG4t-MerchStore112316.indd 1

Designed by local artist Steve Hadeka, this wall-mounted bottle opener makes the perfect gift. $25. 11/17/16 3:31 PM



5/28/19 5:30 PM


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/17/19 1:55 PM


Mark Daly, aka Ernest

Dad Rock Post-Madaila, Mark Daly takes stock of his life on a new solo album B Y JORD A N AD AMS



’ve always put family and relationships first,” singer-songwriter Mark Daly muses on a warm Sunday afternoon. “That’s the most important thing to me.” The tall, bearded artist sits comfortably in a lounge chair on his deck, his bleached-blond hair glistening in the sunlight. He and his family recently traded the convenience of Burlington for the verdant pastures of Charlotte. The 33-year-old Vermont native points out his latest home-improvement project in his spacious backyard: a patch of tilled earth and a forthcoming rabbit-proof fence for the budding garden. Daly seems to be enjoying an idyllic life, along with his wife, Lexie, and their nearly 2-year-old son, Alder. Until late 2018, Daly fronted the psychedelic pop outfit Madaila. In its relatively brief but meteoric run, the band released two albums, The Dance and Traces, and had considerable local momentum. It hosted many extravagant and memorable hometown concerts and had moderate success on the regional and national touring circuits, as well. But Madaila’s trajectory changed drastically when Daly, its primary songwriter and creative force, announced his son’s impending arrival to his bandmates. “I’m really psyched to be a dad, and the opportunity presented itself to actually be a stay-at-home parent and be with my son every day,” says Daly. “And that was really cool to me. I was up for the challenge.”


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

INFO Mark Daly/Ernest performs I’m Gonna Do It (Anyway) on Saturday, June 22, 8 p.m., at the Light Club Lamp Shop in Burlington. AA. Free.

After about a year of balancing family and band life, including a fair amount of touring, Daly and co. pulled the plug on Madaila. But his artistic juices continued to churn. Now a solo artist (he goes by Ernest, his middle name), Daly continues to make decadent, catchy-ashell, emotionally charged music. His first release — a mammoth 80-minute, 22-track double album called I’m Gonna Do It (Anyway) — delves into the beautiful mess of thoughts and feelings swirling around his unanticipated transition. He celebrates its release on Saturday, June 22, at the Light Club Lamp Shop in Burlington. “It seems like that’s what I was put on Earth to do,” Daly says of writing and performing music. “I’ve thought about investigating other things and going down other routes, but there seems always to be an underlying tone of: This is what you’re meant to do. It’s what I’m best at.” Anyone familiar with Madaila will hear the band’s legacy in I’m Gonna Do It (Anyway). As a solo artist, Daly continues to utilize dramatic, full-force choruses, playful synth banter, and a juxtaposition of drawn-out vocalizations and rapid-fire lyrics that zigzag through rhythmically intricate patterns. But compared to his previous

projects, he adds more club-hopping energy, such as trap beats (“Make Us Famous”) and exaggerated pitch correction (“Autotune”). And that’s just side A. Side B reels in some of the former’s excess and trades it for more contemplative, acoustic-driven pop folk. That’s not to say it’s a somber affair. In fact, Daly drives home one of the record’s most emphatic electric guitar solos halfway through side B in “The Other Side.” Throughout, he waxes poetic on topics such as anxiety, ambition and, of course, fatherhood. Though it’s easy to imagine Madaila performing select tracks, such as the funkalicious “Eye Contact,” Daly is content with how his new tunes came into the world. “Right from the get-go, these songs were so personal that it felt like it needed to be a solo record,” he says. “Madaila was still together [when I started it], and I felt like I was cheating on the band. Then I was like, ‘It doesn’t have to be this way. Why should a person have to be tied to one thing?’” A first for Daly, he tracked and mixed everything himself in his home studio, frequently with a napping Alder perched in the crook of his arm as his free hand banged out chords. Prior to the new album, Daly was no


» P.70


Revelry Theater

FRI 6.21

S UNDbites

Fleetmac Wood presents

Gold Dust Disco

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene

SAT 6.22


Revelry’s Reverie

In a recent phone conversation with Seven Days, Revelry Theater founder ANTHONY APODACA said that one of the most frequent things he hears about his petite performance space is that people don’t know it exists. Though located in Burlington’s bustling South End Arts District, the venue has flown somewhat under the radar since its inception in September 2018. This week, Revelry Theater celebrates a bit of a relaunch. No major changes have been made to the space or its programming. The 35-seat spot is still a unique, intimate place to experience standup, improv, storytelling and other eclectic comedic events. But it recently underwent a transition from a private LLC to a Vermont domestic nonprofit corporation and plans to become a fully licensed 501c3. Apodaca serves

on its newly created board, alongside and DANIEL TRIGG. Most DIY arts and entertainment producers in the area work on shoestring budgets. The transition offers Revelry’s community a chance to offer donations to help keep the theater in the black. “I always imagined it to be a community project, and this is a way to ask the community to put their money where their mouth is,” Apodaca said. He also notes that an influx of cash donations not only helps to offset the cost of keeping the lights on but also directly benefits local producers. Revelry offers anyone in the community an opportunity to use the space free of charge, whereas most venues require a booking fee. And after an event’s first 20 tickets are sold, the remaining revenue from ticket sales goes back to the producer. “We never really planned to make any money, but it’s important to keep JENNA EMERSON

Cory Henry & the Funk Apostles

costs low to make it accessible,” Apodaca continued. The theater hosts a two-night relaunch on Friday and Saturday, June 21 and 22. The first evening features back-to-back events Flask Improv Night and Stand Up, Out Loud. The following night includes a session from shortformat improv troupe Boom City, a curious storytelling and improv event called Butterfly, and the return of Sex w/Jenna. For that last one, Emerson hosts a slew of comedians, improvisers and activists who create a hodgepodge of sex- and relationship-related performance art. Revelry is normally a BYOB venue, but Zero Gravity Craft Brewery sponsors this weekend’s celebration.

Making Time

Friday is Make Music Day, an international celebration of, well, making music. Originating in France more than 35 years ago, the international movement highlights a day of free, volunteer-run music events all over the world. According to the org’s website, more than 78 North American cities are set to participate, with a total of 4,728 concerts on the books. This year, Vermont is no slouch in the Make Music Day department. Concert locations range from Bennington to Greensboro, often taking place at multiple locations in the same town. Given that the event occurs on the first official day of summer, most performances take place outside in the (hopefully) glorious sunshine on pedestrian thoroughfares such as Burlington’s Church Street Marketplace and other city street corners. SOUNDBITES

» P.70

Paint: A Drag Cabaret

WED 6.26 FRI 6.28

MC Chris

The Feelies

SAT 6.29 MON 7.1 SUN 7.7

Eleni Mandell Esther Rose

The Native Howl Real Talk

Suburban Samurai, Sounds & Scenarios, The Silent Mile

WED 7.10

Cryptic WIsdom

FRI 7.12

Mike Love

SAT 7.13

Michael Wavves, DoubleYou

Kali Stoddard-Imari


8.4 8.8

Ghost-Note Zac Clark (of Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness) 8.23 Harsh Armadillo, Jaw Gems 9.6 Pinegrove 1214 Williston Road, South Burlington 802-652-0777 @higherground @highergroundmusic SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

4V-HG061919.indd 1

69 6/18/19 4:40 PM


Dad Rock « P.68







While too many concerts are happening to fully highlight them all, here are a couple for your consideration. Assuming we luck out weather-wise, pop down to Ferrisburgh’s Kingsland Bay State Park for a full day of tunes. Locals RIK PALIERI, JASON BAKER and DWAYNE BENJAMIN play rain or shine. The Addison County park is on a lovely patch of lakeside land and is somewhat underrated, in my opinion. Burlington’s August First Bakery & Café hosts a sidewalk showcase featuring two sets from rock group the SQUANDERED MINDS plus an appearance from BEATLES cover band the LIVERPOOL SOCIAL CLUB. And those out Montpelier way should head to City Hall Plaza to catch Malagasy singer-songwriter MIKAHELY and the swingin’ stylings of the STANDARD DEVIATIONS. Visit for a full list of locations and performers. 70

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

stranger to recording demos. But he’d never personally acted as engineer. “I’m learning how to do a lot of the things I never had to do in my other bands,” he notes. “The business side — even putting my album on the streaming services. I’m figuring out all these new things.” The ambiguity of the album’s title is intentional. It can mean many things. “I’m against a lot of odds — but I’m just gonna do it anyway,” says Daly. “I’m gonna do it anyway, even though it’s me doing everything, even though, from a business and commercial standpoint, it would’ve made more sense to just stick with Madaila.” Madaila’s demise was, in some ways, reminiscent of how Daly’s erstwhile band Chamberlin bid adieu. In the early 2010s, after picking up steam on its home turf, the band was swept away on a huge national tour opening for Grace Potter & the Nocturnals. Though it’s unfair to compare the bands and their untimely ends, the déjà vu put Daly in somewhat of a slump. “There’d be days that I’d be so hopeful, but then other days I’d go into a pretty dark place and feel depressed,” he says. Trying to find equilibrium between one’s personal and professional lives is a fairly universal pursuit. But for musicians, whose livelihoods thrive on late-night hours and extended periods of touring, the struggle poses some unique challenges, especially when family enters the picture. While soul-searching during Madaila’s later days, Daly turned to some trusted colleagues and musical mentors: Guster’s Ryan Miller and Elektric Voodoo’s Scott Tournet (of the now-defunct Nocturnals).

Both had faced reevaluating their music careers as fatherhood approached. “Fatherhood is the most massive thing that can happen to you,” says Miller. “When you bring somebody into the world, it doesn’t matter what you want, really. It’s not about you anymore, in a lot of ways. Finding that balance is always really tricky.” “All the bullshit goes out the window,” says Tournet. “I used to have all the time in the world to sit there and stroke my chin and ponder the perfect verse and endlessly redo things and go over things. That can be hard in some ways, but I think it’s really good. It gives you a kick in the ass.” A double-sided beast, I’m Gonna Do It (Anyway) is daunting. But the album’s split structure has a deeper meaning. Given the contrast between side A’s pizzazz and side B’s restraint, it reflects a kind of dichotomy in Daly’s life. “I can be a really social person and love to be the center of attention,” he says. “But I can also be über reclusive.” The record’s examination of duality also recalls Madaila’s second album, Traces, which pondered the age-old question of nature versus nurture. I’m Gonna Do It (Anyway) explores the push and pull between the head and the heart. Daly is unsure about what he ultimately wants for his new project. At the moment, he doesn’t know if Ernest will take to the road. “I’m open to doing it again,” says Daly. “I just knew I needed to sort of take some space and refind my identity and figure out how this all works. I need to find some balance and some form of tranquility within myself.” Contact:

Shifting Gears

A little outside the usual regional scope of this column, a pretty rad music and arts festival kicks off this week at the Hopkins Center for the Arts at Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. The 10-day event, called SHIFT 2019, features a selection of talks, film screenings, theatrical productions and concerts from Friday, June 21, through Sunday, June 30. The opening night’s main event is a performance from dance machine CORY HENRY & THE FUNK APOSTLES. Fans of seriously smooth and sexy STEVIE WONDER-esque funk should take note. And be sure to check out the extended lineup at

Zoning In

On Monday, the Burlington City Council voted in favor of changing zoning regulations in the South End, which would potentially allow Higher Ground to relocate from South Burlington to Burton Snowboards’ Industrial Parkway campus. Seven Days staff writer Courtney Lamdin reports on page 5.

Listening In If I were a superhero, my superpower would be the ability to get songs stuck in other people’s heads. Here are five songs that have been stuck in my head this week. May they also get stuck in yours. Follow sevendaysvt on Spotify for weekly playlists with tunes by artists featured in the music section. BABY BASH, “Suga Suga (featuring Frankie J)” ABBA, “Waterloo” JAI PAUL, “He” DJ SHADOW, “Nobody Speak (featuring Run the Jewels)” BIRDS & BATTERIES, “Out in the Woods”

Untitled-19 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/14/19 2:08 PM

music+nightlife WED.19 burlington



ARTSRIOT: Helado Negro, Tasha (electronic, Latin), 8:30 p.m., $13.


FOAM BREWERS: Familiar Faces (jam, eclectic), 6:30 p.m., free.



JP’S PUB: Karaoke, 10 p.m., free. JUNIPER: The Ray Vega Latin Jazz Sextet, 8:30 p.m., free.


16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1

HALF LOUNGE: IANU (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free.

LEUNIG’S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Paul Asbell Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., free.

LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Irish Sessions (traditional), 7 p.m., free. El’Zabar/Murray Duo (jazz), 9 p.m., 6/17/19 10:49 AM $10. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Open Mic with Andy Lugo, 9 p.m., free. NECTAR’S: Sun Parade, Yestrogen, Miku Daza (indie), 8 p.m., free/$5. 18+.

Introducing a sage and sassy adviser to answer reader questions on matters large and small.

What’s your problem? the


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6/18/19 3:53 PM

RADIO BEAN: Jesse Savio featuring Paul Comegno (rock, blues), 5:30 p.m., free. Vervex (dream pop), 7 p.m., free. Liam Alone (singer-songwriter), 8:30 p.m., free. Mosaic featuring members of Kat Wright and the Welterweights (jam), 10 p.m., $5.

the castle!” The list of cultural references stemming from Rob Reiner’s classic 1987 romantic-

RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: Irish Session, 7 p.m., free.

comedy epic The Princess Bride is practically inconceivable. Now, a group of Vermont-based actors,

SIDEBAR: Godfather Karaoke, 10 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Lowell Thompson and Friends (alt-country), 7 p.m., free. VERMONT COMEDY CLUB: Open Mic, 7 p.m., free. Indie Rumble (improv), 8:30 p.m., $5.

chittenden county

A WEEK FRI 21 | SAT 22

ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Double Shot (rock), 7 p.m., free. STONE CORRAL BREWERY: Trivia Night, 7:30 p.m., free.


SWEET MELISSA’S: John Lackard Blues Jam, 7:30 p.m., free.


MOOGS PLACE: Trivia Night, 6:30 p.m., free. Jim Charanko (Americana), 8 p.m., free.


mad river valley/ waterbury


ORDER YOUR TICKETS TODAY! (802) 859-0100 | WWW.VTCOMEDY.COM 101 main street, BurlingtoN 72 Untitled-19 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019 6/17/19 4:27 PM

in audience participation. Check out The Princess Bride: Live Script Reading on Thursday, June 20, at Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington.

champlain islands/ northwest

THE OLD POST: Karaoke with D Jay Baron, 8 p.m., free.


Julia DiFerdinando, and scads of other locals. Guests are encouraged to dress in costume and engage

THE DOUBLE E LOUNGE AT ESSEX EXPERIENCE: Burlington Songwriters (singer-songwriter), 6:30 p.m., free.

MONKEY HOUSE: Camp Saint Helene, Zack DuPont (indie), 8 p.m., $3/8. 18+.

WED 26 - SUN 30

features Vermont Comedy Club owners Nathan Hartswick and Natalie Miller, VCC creative director

HATCH 31: Tom Caswell Blues Jam, 7 p.m., free.

JERICHO CAFÉ & TAVERN: Bluegrass Session, 7 p.m., free.


comedians and improvisers brings the beloved film to life in a special staged reading. The cast

CITY SPORTS GRILLE: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.

GOOD TIMES CAFÉ: Peter Mulvey (singer-songwriter), 8:30 p.m., $20.


As You Wish Rodents of unusual size. The six-fingered man. “Have fun storming

RED SQUARE: Avery Cooper Quartet (jazz), 7 p.m., free. DJ Cre8 (open format), 11 p.m., free.

NORTH HERO HOUSE INN & RESTAURANT: Bob Gagnon and Tony Pietricola (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free.

northeast kingdom

PARKER PIE CO.: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.

outside vermont

MONOPOLE: Open Mic with Lucid, 10 p.m., free.

THU.20 burlington

ARTSRIOT: Dustbowl Revival, Nina’s Brew (roots), 8:30 p.m., $17. THE DAILY PLANET: The Hot Pickin’ Party (bluegrass), 8 p.m., free. DRINK: Downstairs Comedy Open Mic, 8 p.m., free. FOAM BREWERS: James Harvey (jazz), 7 p.m., free.

ZENBARN: Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead tribute), 7 p.m., free.

HALF LOUNGE: DJ SVPPLY & Bankz (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free.

middlebury area

JP’S PUB: Karaoke, 10 p.m., free.

BAR ANTIDOTE: Sarah King (blues, rock), 7 p.m., free. CITY LIMITS NIGHT CLUB: Karaoke with DJ Amanda Rock, 9 p.m., free.

LEUNIG’S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Queen City Hot Club (gypsy jazz), 7 p.m., free.

LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Shane Hardiman Trio (jazz), 8:30 p.m., $5. Light Club Jazz Sessions and Showcase, 10:30 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Moochie (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. NECTAR’S: Trivia Mania, 7 p.m., free. Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJs Big Dog and Jahson, 9:30 p.m., free/$5. 18+. ORLANDO’S BAR & LOUNGE: Ryan Dempsey’s Open Stage, 7 p.m., free. RADIO BEAN: Andy Lightning (singersongwriter), 7 p.m., free. Useless Cans (gypsy swing, folk-punk), 8:30 p.m., free. JanaeSound (pop, rock), 10:30 p.m., free. RED SQUARE: Red Hot Juba (country, jazz), 7 p.m., free. D Jay Baron (hip-hop), 11 p.m., free. RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Cre8 (open format), 11 p.m., free.

MONKEY HOUSE: 3rd Thursdays with Deuce Ellis and 86 Supreme (hip-hop), 8 p.m., free. THE OLD POST: Salsa Night with DJ JP, 7 p.m., free. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Jenni and the Jazz Junketeers, 7 p.m., free. VILLAGE WINE AND COFFEE: Mary McGinniss & the Selkies (folk-rock), 5 p.m., free.


BAGITOS BAGEL AND BURRITO CAFÉ: Italian Session (traditional), 6 p.m., free. CHARLIE-O’S WORLD FAMOUS: FRO with Alex Budney and Andy Suits (R&B, funk), 8 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (MONTPELIER): D. Davis and Django Soulo (folk-rock), 7 p.m., free.

SIDEBAR: Eastern Mountain Time, Zeus Springsteen, Charlie Chronopoulos (country), 9 p.m., $3.

WHAMMY BAR: Open Mic, 7 p.m., free.

THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Zach Rhoads (singersongwriter), 6:30 p.m., free.

MOOGS PLACE: Open Mic Night, 8:30 p.m., free.

VERMONT COMEDY CLUB: ‘The Princess Bride’ Live Script Reading (comedy), 7:30 p.m., $10. The Mainstage Show (improv), 9 p.m., $5.

chittenden county

THE DOUBLE E LOUNGE AT ESSEX EXPERIENCE: Jam Nation (open jam), 7:30 p.m., free. JERICHO CAFÉ & TAVERN: Irish Session, 7 p.m., free.


mad river valley/ waterbury

LOCALFOLK SMOKEHOUSE: Open Mic with Alex Budney, 8:30 p.m., free.

middlebury area

CITY LIMITS NIGHT CLUB: Mike Brinkman’s Open Mic, 8:30 p.m., free. HATCH 31: Karaoke, 7 p.m., free. THU.20

» P.74


REVIEW this Pro, After Dinner Before Dawn (EQUAL EYES RECORDS, DIGITAL, VINYL)

Pro is a Burlington MC who made his name with the Aztext, one of the most successful hip-hop groups in Vermont history. Pro, alongside DJ Big Kat and fellow rapper Learic, sets a high standard and took savvy advantage of the internet explosion in the mid-2000s and early 2010s, gaining fans around the world. Then, of course, adulthood happened. Released last month, After Dinner Before Dawn is, somehow, Pro’s debut album as a solo artist — Pro is short for “prolific,” BTW. He made his return to the microphone last year with the

Django Soulo, Alone Together (SELF-RELEASED, CD, DIGITAL, VINYL)

Have you ever been at a party — maybe sitting by the fire in early fall, sipping a cold one and not having a single deep thought in your head — when someone suddenly appeared next to you? They had a guitar, or maybe a ukulele, long hair, a long beard, perhaps feverishly stoned eyes, and there they were, suddenly telling you a story through song. Maybe it’s just Vermont, but that is a thing, I swear! It’s happened to me at least five times over the years, and the experience feels very similar to listening to Django Soulo’s Alone Together.

impeccable, melodic GOOD WTHR album Somewhere Shining, collaborating with his longtime friend Kin. That project was a tribute to Ryan Morin, aka DJ BP, an anchor for the local scene who died in 2016 at age 35. While that loss still shapes Pro’s life and music, his new LP is a vastly different animal. This is perfectly timed summer barbecue music, a bright, triumphant parade of diamond-cut bangers. It’s also packed with outstanding guest features: Framework of the Loyalists comes through to rap and lay down some expert scratches; Konflik utterly destroys his mic on “Live Wire Cats”; and Fattie B drops gems on “Naturally,” a laid-back anthem about honesty. Pro remains the undeniable star of

the show, however. From the beginning, he’s had a perfect rap voice, easy on the ears, with clear enunciation and a tone that cuts through any mix. The album’s title refers to the time available for rap dads to put in work on their craft — in other words, when the kids are asleep. As he puts it on the opening track: “I love music, that’s true, but please appreciate: I got three mouths to feed and a lease to pay.” That tightrope walk informs the whole album, which is very much a guided tour of Pro’s adult life. There are some heavy moments in the mix, especially the one-two punch of “Cut Paste Text” and “Dear Anonymous,” both urgent, deeply personal songs that hit like a ton of bricks. Underneath the technical mastery and catchy beats, Pro is a keen observer of the human condition and a writer at the top of his game. The album is also a triumph for Equal

Eyes Records, the Queen City hip-hop label run by producers Rico James and ILLu, who cooked up every beat here. Also behind the recent release of Learic and SkySplitterInk’s remarkable “rap movie” The Theorist, this young label has really stepped up its operation in its second year in business. From here, the big question is when the Aztext are going to return to the studio for their first new project since 2013. But why rush things? After Dinner Before Dawn has so much to unpack, you could keep it on rotation until the leaves start changing. Pro’s debut album is destined to stand as one of the finest Vermont hip-hop releases of 2019 — the busiest, most competitive year the scene has ever witnessed. It’s a distinctly grown-up rap record with universal appeal. After Dinner Before Dawn is available at

“Tiger and the Lion” kicks things off with a beautifully soft acoustic guitar and Django Koenig — the one-man show that is Django Soulo — singing a stirring melody of love. The folksy dirge pauses before it comes back in with full country Technicolor, pedal steel notes peeling off courtesy of Brett Lanier. “Because we are one / just like the moon, stars and the sun,” Koenig croons with the playful energy of a man confident in his message, whatever it might be. Koenig has a local music pedigree. He played drums in the Americana act TallGrass GetDown before moving out west for a few years. Now back, he minds the skins for pop-rock outfit Yestrogen. Yet his third solo offering — following 2015’s We Live On and a 2017 self-titled effort — stands apart

from his work with other bands. The album’s indie-folk framework provides a sort of launching pad, but over eight tracks — and one voicemail epilogue — Koenig displays an eclectic nature as a songwriter. The acoustic Americana vibe ebbs and flows throughout the record as Koenig’s songs stay kinetic, very rarely sounding complacent. There’s a sort of “Hey, everything is gonna be cool” sentiment to certain lyrics, and a ribbon of weathered positivity runs throughout the LP. Occasionally it all becomes a bit much, such as on “Travelin’,” a fine piece of country writing. It’s like that guy sitting next to you at the party is really trying to cheer you up about something that’s actually bothering him. “Yes, I know we’re going to make it through OK” is the song’s final lyric, and it comes across like a very uncalled-for thesis. A cover of indie darling Mac

DeMarco’s “No Other Heart” has no such issue. Koenig’s take on the song lends a jaunty, ’50s-style makeover to a tale of unrequited love. “Water & Wine” is a folksy, ponderous tune that features some gorgeous Spanish-style acoustic guitar leads from D. Davis. “Raise Your Spirit (Snapshot)” is dedicated to Koenig’s friend, and producer of his first two records, Dennis Dragon, who sadly took his own life. Seth Yacovone lends some jazz-tinged licks over the deceptively breezy tune. “We are just a snapshot of life over millions of years,” sings Koenig, all but shrugging before Yacovone unleashes a keening guitar solo. Alone Together is a charming, occasionally uneven record; it sometimes suffers from chill-vibe lyrics but never lacks musical intelligence or heart. Find the album digitally at djangosoulo., and on record and CD at





Say you saw it in...


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


music+nightlife THU.20



Burlington Edible History Tours


The Dream of the Burning Boy


Waiting for Godot by Samuel Beckett FRI., JUN. 21-SUN., JUN. 23; FRI., JUN. 28-SUN., JUN. 30 FEAST & FIELD, BARNARD


Paa Kow & His Afro-Fusion Orchestra TUESDAY, JUNE 25 ZENBARN, WATERBURY CENTER



champlain islands/ northwest THE OLD FOUNDRY AT ONE FEDERAL RESTAURANT & LOUNGE: Nobby Reed Project (blues), 7 p.m., free.

upper valley

chittenden county

HIGHLAND LODGE: Trivia Night, 6:30 p.m., free.

DOUBLE E PERFORMANCE CENTER’S T-REX THEATER: Zephrus (rock), 7 p.m., free.

HARDWICK STREET CAFÉ AT THE HIGHLAND CENTER FOR THE ARTS: Howie Cantor (singersongwriter), 6:30 p.m., free.

randolph/royalton BABES BAR: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free. Karaoke, 7 p.m., free.

outside vermont

OLIVE RIDLEY’S: Karaoke with DJ Jon Berry & DJ Coco, 9 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (HANOVER): Out in the Valley Happy Hour, 6:30 p.m., free.



ARTSRIOT: The High Breaks (surf), 8 p.m., free. BLEU NORTHEAST SEAFOOD: George Petit (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free. BURLINGTON ST. JOHN’S CLUB: Karaoke, 8:30 p.m., free. CLUB METRONOME: Take Care: Drake Night with DJs SVPPLY and Moochie, 10 p.m., free.

MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: DJ Disco Phantom (open format), 10 p.m., free.


NECTAR’S: Marcie Hernandez (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., free. M.A.K.U. Soundsystem, Chica De Maiz, Barbacoa (world, funk), 8 p.m., $7.

West End Blend

ORLANDO’S BAR & LOUNGE: AC Unit featuring Chris and Adrian of Kung Fu (live electronica), 9 p.m., free.


Grippo Funk Band




• • • •

• • • •

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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Contact: 865-1020, ext. 10

6/18/19 6:52 PM

THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Eric George (country, folk), 8 p.m., free.

northeast kingdom

LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Steph Pappas Experience (Americana), 7 p.m., free. Honey & Soul (soulfolk), 9 p.m., $5. DJ Taka (eclectic vinyl), 11 p.m., $5.

Farm Table Dinner Series

RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: DJ Rekkon (open format), 10 p.m., free.

VERMONT COMEDY CLUB: Liza Treyger (standup), 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., $20/27.

JP’S PUB: Karaoke, 10 p.m., free.


REVELRY THEATER: Flask Improv Night, 8 p.m., $15. Stand Up, Out Loud (standup), 9 p.m., $15.

THE PUBLIC HOUSE AT QUECHEE GORGE: Pub Trivia, 7 p.m., free.

HALF LOUNGE: J’Beau (R&B, electro-pop), 8 p.m., free.

Leverage LinkedIn for Personal & Business Success


« P.72


RADIO BEAN: Friday Morning Sing-Along with Linda Bassick & Friends (kids’ music), 11 a.m., free. Mary McGinniss & the Selkies (folk-rock), 6:30 p.m., free. Abby Sherman (folk), 8:30 p.m., free. The Mountain Says No (rock), 10 p.m., $5. Savage Hen (metal), 11:30 p.m., $5. RED SQUARE: Tom Caswell Blues Jam, 3 p.m., free. Crosswalk Anarchy (alternative, R&B), 7 p.m., free. DJ Robbie J (house), 10 p.m., free. DJ Craig Mitchell (open format), 11 p.m., free. RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ KermiTT (eclectic), 9 p.m., $5.

1ST REPUBLIC BREWING COMPANY: Jesse Agan (singersongwriter), 6 p.m., free.

HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: Fleetmac Wood presents Gold Dust Disco (electronic, Fleetwood Mac tribute), 9 p.m., $15/20. JERICHO CAFÉ & TAVERN: Roy and the Wrecks (rock), 7 p.m., free. MAGIC HAT ARTIFACTORY: These Trees (rock), 7 p.m., free. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Shane’s Apothecary (folk-rock), 5 p.m., free. Duroc (’80s covers), 9 p.m., free. STONE CORRAL BREWERY: McKew (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m., free. WATERWORKS FOOD + DRINK: DJ Dakota (hits), 9 p.m., free.


BAGITOS BAGEL AND BURRITO CAFÉ: Diane Tetrault and Ira Friedman (jazz), 11 a.m., free. Dave Loughran (singersongwriter), 6 p.m., free. CHARLIE-O’S WORLD FAMOUS: The Flycatchers (alt-country), 6 p.m., free. Fellership (rock), 9:30 p.m., free. GUSTO’S: Ricky Golden (rock covers), 5 p.m., free. The Roadtrash Band (rock covers), 9 p.m., $5. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (MONTPELIER): Liam Alone (singer-songwriter), 6 p.m., free. SWEET MELISSA’S: Honky Tonk Happy Hour with Mark LeGrand, 5:30 p.m., free. Prudie’s Burly Birthday (burlesque), 9 p.m., $10.


EL TORO: Sergio Torres (Americana), 7 p.m., free. MOOGS PLACE: The Larkspurs (Americana), 9 p.m., free.

mad river valley/ waterbury ZENBARN: Kuf Knotz and Christine Elise, Real Dave (hip-hop, soul), 9 p.m., $5.

middlebury area

CITY LIMITS NIGHT CLUB: DJ Ryan Donnely (hits), 9:30 p.m., free.

champlain islands/ northwest

THE OLD FOUNDRY AT ONE FEDERAL RESTAURANT & LOUNGE: Bob Gagnon (jazz), 6:30 p.m., free. TWIGGS — AN AMERICAN GASTROPUB: AmerikanaBlue (Americana), 7 p.m., free.

upper valley

THE ENGINE ROOM: Found Down (covers), 8 p.m., free.

northeast kingdom THREE PONDS RESTAURANT: Carol Hausner and Jonathan ‘Doc’ Kaplan (roots), 6 p.m., free.

outside vermont

MONOPOLE DOWNSTAIRS: Happy Hour Tunes & Trivia with Gary Peacock, 5 p.m., free. NAKED TURTLE: Jay Lesage & Co. (rock), 6 p.m., free. Movin’ On (country), 9 p.m., free. OLIVE RIDLEY’S: Aaron Martin (acoustic), 6 p.m., free. DJ Matt Mero (hits), 9:30 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (HANOVER): Queens, Queers and Camo: A Drag Cabaret to Benefit LGBTQ+ Veterans, 9 p.m., $12/15.



BLEU NORTHEAST SEAFOOD: James Harvey (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free. CLUB METRONOME: Now That’s What I Call: The Hits with DJs Chromatic and SoBe (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. DELI 126: Maple Street Six (jazz), 9 p.m., free. FLYNN MAINSTAGE: Whose Live Anyway? (improv), 8 p.m., $30-75. THE GARAGE: Junco (rock, folk), 8:30 p.m., free. HALF LOUNGE: OD3 and Friends (house), 10 p.m., free. JP’S PUB: Karaoke, 10 p.m., free. LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Ernest (album release) (pop, indie folk), 8 p.m., free. DJ Taka (eclectic vinyl), 11 p.m., $5. NECTAR’S: Tim Brick (country), 7 p.m., free. The Wormdogs, Papa’s Porch (bluegrass), 9 p.m., free. ORLANDO’S BAR & LOUNGE: One Time Weekend, Zillawatt (jam), 10 p.m., $5. RADIO BEAN: Waves of Adrenaline (folk), 7 p.m., free. Allison Fay Brown (folk), 8:30 p.m., free. I Love You! (post-punk), 10 p.m., $5. RED SQUARE: DJ Raul (Latin), 6 p.m., free. Mashtodon (open format), 11 p.m., $5. RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ ATAK (house), 11 p.m., free. REVELRY THEATER: Boom City (improv), 7 p.m., $7/20. Butterfly (storytelling), 8 p.m., $10/20. Sex w/Jenna (improv), 9 p.m., $10/20.


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music speaks to the experience of New Americans and the fight for visibility. Its latest release, the five-track EP 5 Fuegos, showcases the band’s updated and slightly stripped-down lineup. The resulting tunes have a tighter and more incendiary sound. M.A.K.U. Soundsystem perform on Friday, June 21, at Nectar’s in Burlington. Locals CHICHA DE MAIZ and BARBACOA add support.

RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: DJ Robbie J (house), 10 p.m., free.

BUCH SPIELER RECORDS: Community DJ Series (vinyl DJs), 3 p.m., free.

OLIVE RIDLEY’S: Glass Onion (The Tragically Hip tribute), 9 p.m., free.

SIDEBAR: C-Low (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free.

CHARLIE-O’S WORLD FAMOUS: Lake Superior, Dead Fret (rock), 9:30 p.m., free.

THE SKINNY PANCAKE (HANOVER): Liam Alone (singersongwriter), 6:30 p.m., free.

THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Liam Alone (singer-songwriter), 1 p.m., free. Honey & Soul (soul-folk), 7:30 p.m., free. SMITTY’S PUB: Sean & Gerry (rock covers), 8 p.m., free. VERMONT COMEDY CLUB: Good Clean Fun! (family-friendly improv), noon, $5. Liza Treyger (standup), 7:30 & 9:30 p.m., $20/27.

chittenden county

HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: Paint: A Drag Cabaret, 9 p.m., $15/20. THE OLD POST: Saturday Night Mega Mix featuring DJ Colby Stiltz (open format), 9 p.m., free. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: The Balladeer and the Bluesman (folk, blues), 5 p.m., free. Shake (rock), 9 p.m., free. PARK PLACE TAVERN: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., free. STONE CORRAL BREWERY: Steve Hartmann (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m., free.


AMERICAN LEGION POST 03: Mary Mack and Tim Harmston: Happy Camper Comedy Tour (standup), 7 p.m., donation. BAGITOS BAGEL AND BURRITO CAFÉ: Irish Session, 2 p.m., donation. Elizabeth Renaud (singer-songwriter), 6 p.m., free.

GUSTO’S: Alana Rancourt (rock covers), 6 p.m., free. DJ Kaos (hits), 9:30 p.m., free. SWEET MELISSA’S: Carter Glass (eclectic), 9 p.m., free. THE DEN AT HARRY’S HARDWARE: The Groovebirds (rock, 7 p.m., free. WHAMMY BAR: The Larkspurs (roots), 7 p.m., free.


EL TORO: Leadfoot Louise (Americana), 7 p.m., free. MOOGS PLACE: Blackwolf (Americana), 7:30 p.m., free.

middlebury area

CITY LIMITS NIGHT CLUB: DJ Earl (hits), 9 p.m., free.

champlain islands/ northwest 14TH STAR BREWING CO.: Son of a Gun (rock), 6 p.m., free. THE OLD FOUNDRY AT ONE FEDERAL RESTAURANT & LOUNGE: Justin LaPoint (folk), 6:30 p.m., free. TWIGGS — AN AMERICAN GASTROPUB: Stefani Capizzi (folk), 7 p.m., free.

outside vermont

NAKED TURTLE: Midnight Moonshine (covers), 9:30 p.m., free.

SUN.23 burlington

COMMUNITY OF SOUND: Bleckman & Branciforte (experimental), 7 p.m., $5. FOAM BREWERS: LUX the Band (rock), 9 p.m., free. HALF LOUNGE: Open Decks, 10 p.m., free. LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Hawthorn, Justin Nash Fisher (indie folk), 7:30 p.m., $5. RADIO BEAN: JC Sutton & Sons (bluegrass), 1 p.m., free. Traditional Pub Sing-Along, 3:30 p.m., free. Old Sky and Friends (Americana), 6 p.m., free. Jennifer Cintron, Virginia Marcs (rock, folk), 8:30 p.m., free. The Meddybumps (rock), 10:30 p.m., free. RED SQUARE: Brian Maple and Devon McGarry (rock), 4 p.m., free. Gold Tooth Gator (country, blues), 7 p.m., free. RUBEN JAMES: Karaoke, 10 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Bluegrass Brunch, noon, free. VERMONT COMEDY CLUB: Lack


» P.76 Untitled-10 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/13/19 10:27 AM

music+nightlife SUN.23


« P.75

of Focus Screening and Awards, 7 p.m., $8.


chittenden county

DOUBLE E PERFORMANCE CENTER’S T-REX THEATER: Tony Trischka (bluegrass), 7:30 p.m., $12-40. MISERY LOVES CO.: Disco Brunch with DJ Craig Mitchell, 11 a.m., free.


BAGITOS BAGEL AND BURRITO CAFÉ: Southern Old Time Music Jam, 10 a.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (MONTPELIER): Bluegrass Brunch, 11 a.m., free. SWEET MELISSA’S: Live Band Karaoke, 8 p.m., donation.

champlain islands/ northwest BLUE PADDLE BISTRO: She Was Right (Americana), 6 p.m., free.

outside vermont

LEBANON OPERA HOUSE: Whose Live Anyway? (improv), 7:30 p.m., $44.50-74.50.

MON.24 burlington

HALF LOUNGE: Saint Nick and Jack Bandit (EDM), 10 p.m., free. LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Lamp Shop Lit Club (open reading), 7 p.m., free. Open Circuit: Electrolight (electronic open mic), 9 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., free. RADIO BEAN: Art Herttua and Ray Caroll (jazz), 6:30 p.m., free. Melanie Ida Chopko (folk), 8:30 p.m., free. Sons of Levin, Morningbird (jam), 10 p.m., free. RED SQUARE: Four-D (house, hip-hop), 7 p.m., free. Mashtodon (open format), 11 p.m., free. SIDEBAR: Open Mic, 7 p.m., free. Family Night (open jam), 9 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Comedy & Crêpes (standup), 8 p.m., free.

chittenden county

THE DOUBLE E LOUNGE AT ESSEX EXPERIENCE: Open Mic Night with Kyle Stevens, 6 p.m., free. MONKEY HOUSE: Erin CasselsBrown (indie folk), 6 p.m., free.


MOOGS PLACE: Seth Yacovone, 7 p.m.



HALF LOUNGE: Trap House Tuesday, 10 p.m., free. LEUNIG’S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Cody Sargent Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., free.


Take a Bough The hawthorn tree, with its scarlet berries and sharp thorns, has captured humanity’s imagination for millennia. In ancient

Celtic and Gaelic folklore, the flowering plant is connected to the fantasy world — particularly that of fairies. The Boston-based indie-folk duo of Taylor Holland and Heather Scott, who perform as


chose the name for its mystical connotations. The pair’s music vividly evokes the tradition

of American and Celtic roots genres, tempered with sleek, modern inclinations. Hawthorn perform on Sunday, June 23, at Light Club Lamp Shop in Burlington. JUSTIN NASH FISHER adds support. LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Dan Bishop Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., free. The Rhyme and Unreason Show (hip-hop, comedy), 9 p.m., $5. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Jon Fealy (singer-songwriter), 9:30 p.m., free. NECTAR’S: Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute), 9 p.m., $5. RADIO BEAN: The Krazy Guy Bluegrass Boys, 5:30 p.m., free. The Flycatchers (alt-country), 7 p.m., free. Kyle Chadburn (Americana), 8:30 p.m., free. Wild Leek River (country), 10 p.m., $5. RED SQUARE: CRWD CTRL (house, techno), 7 p.m., free. DJ A-RA$ (trap, house), 10 p.m., free. SIDEBAR: Seth Yacovone (blues), 7 p.m., free. Ron Stoppable (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Ukulele Kids with Joe Beaird (sing-along), 9:30 a.m., free.

chittenden county

ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Trivia with Top Hat Entertainment, 7 p.m., free. WATERWORKS FOOD + DRINK: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


CHARLIE-O’S WORLD FAMOUS: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., free. SWEET MELISSA’S: Blue Fox’s Open Mic, 7 p.m., free.


MOOGS PLACE: The Oleo Romeos (Americana), 7:30 p.m., free.

mad river valley/ waterbury

outside vermont

THE SKINNY PANCAKE (HANOVER): Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.

ZENBARN: Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead tribute), 7 p.m., free.


RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB & WHISKEY ROOM: Irish Session, 7 p.m., free.

middlebury area

CLUB METRONOME: Rodrigo Amarante, Cornelia Murr (folkrock), 7:30 p.m., $15/17.

THE SKINNY PANCAKE (BURLINGTON): Lowell Thompson and Friends (alt-country), 7 p.m., free.


FOAM BREWERS: Familiar Faces (jam, eclectic), 6:30 p.m., free.

middlebury area

HALF LOUNGE: Chromatic (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free.

champlain islands/ northwest 14TH STAR BREWING CO.: Trivia Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m., free.

upper valley


mad river valley/ waterbury

RED SQUARE: Tom Caswell Blues Band, 7 p.m., free. DJ Cre8 (open format), 11 p.m., free.

ZENBARN: Paa Kow & His AfroFusion Orchestra, 9 p.m., $12/15.

HATCH 31: The Welterweights (country), 7 p.m., free.

featuring members of Kat Wright and the Welterweights (jam), 10 p.m., $5.

SIDEBAR: Godfather Karaoke, 10 p.m., free.

JP’S PUB: Karaoke, 10 p.m., free.

VERMONT COMEDY CLUB: ‘25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee’ (musical theater), 7 p.m., $20/27.

JUNIPER: The Ray Vega Quartet (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free.

chittenden county

LEUNIG’S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Paul Asbell Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., free. LIGHT CLUB LAMP SHOP: Irish Sessions (traditional), 7 p.m., free. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Open Mic with Andy Lugo, 9 p.m., free. NECTAR’S: Sun Parade, Grease Face, Batter (indie), 8 p.m., free/$5. 18+. RADIO BEAN: Alyssa Hankey (folk-rock), 7 p.m., free. Thin Lear (folk-rock), 8:30 p.m., free. Mosaic

CITY SPORTS GRILLE: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free. HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: MC Chris (hip-hop), 8:30 p.m., $12/15. THE OLD POST: Karaoke with D Jay Baron, 8 p.m., free.


MOOGS PLACE: Trivia Night, 6:30 p.m., free. Jim Charanko (Americana), 8 p.m., free.

CITY LIMITS NIGHT CLUB: Karaoke with DJ Amanda Rock, 9 p.m., free.

champlain islands/ northwest NORTH HERO HOUSE INN & RESTAURANT: The Duo (rock covers), 5:30 p.m., free.

northeast kingdom PARKER PIE CO.: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., free.

outside vermont

MONOPOLE: Open Mic with Lucid, 10 p.m., free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE (HANOVER): Brooks Hubbard Band (Americana), 7:30 p.m., $7/10. m

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2 1 E S S E X WAY • E S S E X J U N C T I O N • S E R V I N G F O O D 1 1 - 9 DA I LY Untitled-44 1

2H-crook&marker 1

6/4/19 1:50 PM

4T-StatesiReal061919.indd 1

6/18/19 7:41 PM

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/18/19 12:02 PM


Ready to Wear

“Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket: An Installation by Sam Talbot-Kelly,” Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop


am Talbot-Kelly is a mixed-media artist with a special interest in costume and fashion. Her work has appeared locally in Strut, the fashion show of Burlington’s South End Art Hop; in pop-ups at the Salaam clothing store in Montpelier; at the Kent Museum in Calais; and at the Brick Box Gallery Installation Window in Rutland, among other venues. Now the Montpelier artist has installed a singular show at Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop in Waterbury. Whimsical and colorful, the show is an installation of five framed artworks hanging beside a figurative assembly that takes up half the gallery’s floor space. Its title is intriguing: “Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket.” The arrangement of the figures in the installation puts one in mind of a parade: Three female mannequins and four fourlegged creatures about the size of small dogs appear to head toward the gallery’s door. Led by a perched crow with wings spread, the group makes its way among downed furniture, geometrically cut sheets of colored Plexiglas and small metallic silver pillows. The installation continues in a front window display with Talbot-Kelly’s woodpanel pattern paintings, adorned with chains and other gold-colored hardware, arranged on furniture. For those not up on women’s fashion, a slip dress is a silky sheath that’s not much more elaborate than the undergarment it’s named for; it rarely has pockets. TalbotKelly did not add any to the provisionallooking mannequin outfits she created, either. (Only one is a dress, a redesign of a 1930s pattern; the other two are similar to jumpsuits.) Instead, a pastiche of other adornments appears: Scarf-like panels drape from side seams like inactivated wings; necks are wrapped in bunched yellow T-shirts; heads are draped with gold chains. The “new harmony,” according to an information panel, is between humans and nature. Talbot-Kelly cites the poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson as her inspiration. The artist, however, seems far more playful than the transcendentalist, who wrote in the 1830s of the inherent



“Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket”


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



Detail of wood-panel painting in “Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket”

spiritual goodness of both humans and nature. Talbot-Kelly’s “draft” is rendered in an unnatural riot of colors and materials, among them plastic mannequins (one is red), hot-pink feathers and white faux fur. The colors repeat from wall to mannequins to imagined creatures. The framed paintings on the wall feature 3D geometric shapes floating on white backgrounds. The shapes, some impossibly complicated or overlapping, are outlined in black pen and colored in the same yellows, hot pinks and other hues as the mannequins’ clothing and the creatures’ pelts. One organic form — the silhouette of a hybrid creature — stalks through each of the paintings. Similarly, the large appliqué bees on one mannequin’s head covering and the felted-wool wrap worn by another reappear in the felted-wool “hides” of some of the creatures in the assembly, which are adorned with appliqué flowers. And the colored parallelograms and other geometric shapes of the paintings are echoed in the Plexiglas shapes placed amid the broken chair, prone stool and two ladders on the floor. There is a unity to the installation — but to what purpose? At first glance, the work seems to reference women’s marches of recent years. One slip-dress-clad mannequin stands with arms outstretched, like a crossing guard stopping traffic, with a message taped to one upraised hand: “Join Now.” The information panel suggests that such thoughts aren’t entirely out of order. “In a sense, cloth and the body are my political weapons for transformation,” Talbot-Kelly is quoted as saying. In an email, the artist further explained that her intention was to “create a sense of belonging to something greater than our egos, [to] create a space that allows identities to be specific while connected to something larger.” That gesture toward “something larger” could account for the diversity of her approach, which encompasses costumes, set design, painting, wood-panel design and found objects in this show alone. (Other installations have included robotic elements, such as a work involving the human heart that she showed at the 2013 Florence Biennale.) The artist’s wide-ranging education is apparent here. Talbot-Kelly, 50, grew up in Toronto after her family emigrated


from Great Britain when she was a baby. She studied sculpture and fiber arts for her bachelor’s degree in fine art from Concordia University in Montréal. For a master’s, completed at the University of Texas at San Antonio, she focused on painting and performance, including installation. Most recently, TalbotKelly studied costume design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City. “I’ve always been between disciplines,” she said by phone. Her influences range from the contemporary German mixed-media installation artist Isa Genzken to fashion designers such as Alexander McQueen to cubism to sartorial-cultural readings of the 1930s, she added by email. The artist can clearly juggle many interests at once. At some point, however,

the work must stand by itself and communicate some sensibility or emotion. “Draft of a New Harmony” confuses in that regard: Does its apparent celebration of artificiality undermine its stated intent to establish a new harmony with nature? Is its gesture toward women’s strength at odds with its light, fun tone? Whether the work succeeds depends largely on the viewer’s response to such a multifarious vision of harmony. m




INFO “Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket: An Installation by Sam TalbotKelly,” through June 29 at Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop in Waterbury.,

CALL TO ARTISTS CALL TO ARTISTS AND WRITERS: Brattleboro native Desmond Peeples is rebooting Mount Island, a literary publication focused on supporting rural LGBTQ and POC writers and artists, as an online iteration. Accepting submissions from members of underrepresented communities and allies. Details and guidelines at mountisland. com. Rolling deadline. Info, shantaleegander@mount FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS: The Cambridge Arts Council’s 11th annual event is Saturday, August 10; a gently curated showcase of fine art in all mediums, but we are especially interested in increasing the number of painters. Registration and more info at Downtown Jeffersonville. Through August 9. Booth fee $40; $25 for students. Info, JURIED SHOW AT THE AIR GALLERY: The artist-run gallery has monthly jury sessions in July, August and September. Contact artistinresidence. or visit website for more information. Artist in Residence Gallery, St. Albans. Through September 4. Free. Info, artistinresidence. ‘MAG WHEELS: ARTISTRY IN MOTION’: The Milton Artists’ Guild is looking for artists to participate in this August exhibition. It will feature all art related to automobiles including photography, sculpture, 3D, mixed media, paintings and video. More info: director@ Deadline:

June 20. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery. Info, 559-2774. MAKING FLEECE BLANKETS: Volunteers and supplies needed to help patients in a facility to make fleece blankets and quilts. Burlington Health and Rehab Center. Through July 2. Info, 658-4200. ‘ROCK SOLID XIX’: This annual exhibit showcases stone sculptures and assemblages by area artists, September 17 through November 2. We are also looking for 2D works that display the qualities of stone. Visit for submission instructions. Deadline: August 2. Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10 submission fee; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069. SOLO & SMALL GROUP SHOWS: SPA uses its secondand third-floor spaces for solo and small group shows. Artists are encouraged to submit a proposal for consideration of such a show in 2020. Visit for submission instructions. Deadline: June 28. Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10 submission fee; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069. SOUTH END ART HOP: Artists can register to show work or enter the juried exhibit, and businesses can register to show artists’ works for the 27th annual, three-day arts festival in Burlington’s South End. Deadline: July 4. Info: seaba. com. SEABA Center, Burlington. Info, 859-9222. SPA STUDIO RESIDENCY PROGRAM: SPA has received funding to support an 11-month

studio residency program for November 20, 2019, to October 31, 2020. A small private studio on the second floor of the visual arts center will be provided at no charge to an emerging artist from the greater Barre/Montpelier area who wants to build a new body of work for exhibition. If interested, submit proposals to submissions.studioplacearts@ by August 9. Details at Studio Place Arts, Barre. Info, 479-7069. ‘UNBOUND VOL. IX’: Call for entries to the ninth annual juried exhibit of unique works exploring what a book can be and art using the book as material or format. Presented by ArtisTree Gallery in conjunction with the Bookstock Festival in Woodstock. Open to all 2D, 3D, installation, assemblage, film and video artists who are working in New England or New York. More info at Deadline: June 28, 6 p.m. ArtisTree Gallery, South Pomfret. $30 entry fee. Info, 457-3500.

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6/17/19 12:15 PM


Wusthof Classic Deli Knife WAS $135 NOW

VOLUNTEER ARTIST NEEDED: In need of a mural being painted at a downtown business property. Will provide the canvas if you will donate your time. High-traffic area; mural will be highly visible. Please contact Melissa Greenfield at 658-4200. Burlington Health and Rehab Center. Through July 1. Info, melissa.


6/18/19 1:29 PM


» P.80

72 Church Street • Burlington • 863-4226 16 Merchants Row • Middlebury • 349-8803 6H-kissthecook061919.indd 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/17/19 1:10 PM


« P.79

TOUR OF GROUNDS, TWIN FARMS INN & RESORT: Managers at the fabled resort, former home of writers Sinclair Lewis and Dorothy Thompson, lead visitors through the grounds designed by Dan Kiley. In conjunction with Sheldon Museum exhibition, “The Landscape Architecture Legacy of Dan Kiley.” Limited participation; reservations required. Twin Farms Inn & Resort, Barnard, Sunday, June 23, 2 p.m. $30, $15 for members of museum or VT-ASLA. Info, 388-2117.

NEW THIS WEEK burlington

ALISA DWORSKY & BILL FEREHAWK: “Job Site,” a room-size installation that explores the drawing and choreography inherent in architecture and incorporates paper, graphite, wood and video projection. SARAH AMOS: “Unique Multiples,” innovative prints employing multiple techniques by the Australian artist, who spends part of her time in northern Vermont. Reception: Friday, June 21, 5-7 p.m. June 21-October 6. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.

ONGOING SHOWS burlington

AL SALZMAN: Five large painted murals and a selection of round drawings by the Vermont artist. Through June 26. Info, 371-7158. Flynndog Gallery in Burlington.

chittenden county

‘WILLIAM WEGMAN: OUTSIDE IN’: More than 60 works from the renowned artist’s collection, including Polaroid photos of his Weimeraners, pages from his handmade book Field Guide to North America and to Other Regions, drawings and postcard paintings. Artist talk and book signing: Saturday, June 22, 6-8 p.m. Limited seating; advanced ticket purchase required. June 22-October 20. $15 general admission; $12 museum members and seniors; $5 students. Info, 985-3346. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum.


‘SHOW 33’: Recent works by members of the collective art gallery. Reception: Friday, July 12, 4–7 p.m. with live music, food and drink. June 21-August 3. Free. Info, 552-0877. The Front in Montpelier.


‘COMPOSING FORM’: A group exhibition of con-

temporary sculptors working in ceramics, highlighting figurative and abstract work that references human history, intervention and experience. Curated by Rachel Moore. DUSTY BOYNTON: “Reliefs,” painted and cut figures on wood by the Vermont artist. SUZY SPENCE: “On the Hunt,” paintings that consider contemporary power struggles through the metaphor of fox hunting. Curated by Amy Rahn. Reception: Saturday, June 22, 5-7 p.m. June 21-August 24. Info, 235-8358. Helen Day Art Center in Stowe.

middlebury area

KARLA VAN VLIET: Scored and reworked paintings by the Bristol artist. Reception: Friday, June 21, 5-7 p.m. June 21-August 4. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater in Middlebury.

brattleboro/okemo valley

DONA ANN MCADAMS: “Performative Arts,” a major retrospective of four decades of work by the photographer and activist, who now lives in Sandgate, Vt. Curated by John Killacky. Reception: Saturday, June 22, 5:30 p.m. June 22-September 23. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.


CELIA REISMAN: “The Vermont Paintings,” intricate landscapes and neighborhood views, Main Gallery. Reception: Saturday, July 6, 3-5 p.m. June 26-August 11. HELEN MATTESON: “Geometric Exercises,” paintings and drawings by the late Vermont/New York artist, Center Gallery. Reception: Saturday, July 6, 3-5 p.m. June 26-August 11. ROB FISH: Paintings by the Vermont-based, New Yorktrained landscape figurative artist, Projects Gallery. Reception: Sunday, June 23, 4 p.m. June 19-July 21. Info, 767-9670. BigTown Gallery in Rochester.


Kevin Donegan During his recent residency at Burlington’s New City

Galerie, Donegan’s work evolved in “fun and surprising ways,” he reports in an artist

statement. That is, the former stone carver shifted his focus dramatically from quirky, mysterious cloth-and-latex-paint constructions to assemblages of found objects. Moreover, Donegan writes, the process has tracked “changes in my emotional state and internal landscape.” With that in mind, viewers might enjoy plumbing the psychological depths of his creative material juxtapositions. While the gallery is being renovated, Donegan’s exhibition, titled “Low Places: New Constructions,” can be seen by appointment through June and at Pictured: “Altar.”

ART EVENTS ‘ART, NATURE AND THE RIVER’: Armchair Naturalists presents this on-farm Nature and Art event with special focus on the New Haven River. Local Artist Janet Fredericks will share slides of her work; participants can wade in and explore. Golden Well Sanctuary, New Haven, Wednesday, June 19, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 870-0361. ARTIST TALK: MISOO: The Vermont artist discusses her work over 15 years and her process of transformation from a child sexual abuse victim to “powerful giantess,” in conjunction with a current exhibition. GreenTARA Space, North Hero, Sunday, June 23, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, BCA SUMMER ARTIST MARKET: A contemporary outdoor market that offers unique handmade items by Vermont artists, including ceramics, woodworking, jewelry, games, clothing, accessories and more. Burlington City Hall, Saturdays, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free to browse. Info, 865-7166. BURLINGTON GLASSBLOWING CHALLENGE: A glassblowing competition for everyone. Participants have three minutes to gather the largest clear marble they can. Winner takes home a prize and a trophy. The Bern Gallery, Burlington, Saturday, June 22, 1-7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-0994. CHINESE BRUSH PAINTING: A demo of brush painting and calligraphy and talk with artist Yinglei Zhang. B&G Gallery, Rutland, Saturday, June 22, 2 p.m. Info, FAMILY ART SATURDAY: Families can make artwork inspired by current exhibitions. Each Saturday offers a different art-making project. Burlington City Arts, Saturday, June 22, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. FIGURE DRAWING SOCIAL: All skill levels, live model, bring your own supplies, donation based. Wishbone Collective, Winooski, Wednesday, June 19, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 603-398-8206.


FRIDAY ARTISAN MARKET: Featuring a variety of food, local goods, art, music and family activities. Spruce Peak at Stowe, Fridays. Info, 253-3437. IDENTITIES: CULTURAL CREATIONS COLLAGE WORKSHOP & ARTIST TALK: An event with artist Misoo in conjunction with her current exhibition “The Giantess Series.” RSVP at greentaraspace@gmail. com. GreenTARA Space, North Hero, Sunday, June 23, 1-4 p.m. $15. Info, 355-2150. INGRID TREMBLAY: The Montréal sculptor and artist-in-residence talks about her abstract works in a variety of mediums. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center, West Rutland, Wednesday, June 19, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 438-2097. ‘MUSIC AS A VERB’: PERFORMANCE BY DAMASCUS KAFUMBE: A multidimensional presentation by the Ugandan artist, composer and ethnomusicologist, using song and dance to take attendees on a journey of art’s role in storytelling and fostering social relations. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park, Enosburg Falls, Saturday, June 22, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 512-333-2119. OUTDOOR SKETCHING: Artist and naturalist Bill Tulp instructs participants on simple sketches, progressing to more elaborate drawings. Class is outside, weather permitting. Bring a sketchbook approximately 8 by 11 inches. Preregistration is required at Old Stone House Museum, Brownington, Saturday, June 22, 1-4 p.m. $5. Info, 754-2022. PHOTO CO-OP: Lens lovers gather to share their experience and knowledge of their craft. Gallery at River Arts, Morrisville, third Thursday of every month, 6-8 p.m. $5. Info, 888-1261. TALK: JIM BLAIR: The longtime National Geographic photographer gives an informal talk about his work, in conjunction with current exhibit “Being There.” Middlebury College Museum of Art, Friday, June 21, 1 p.m. 802-443-3168.



‘BOUND TO HAPPEN’: An exhibition of artwork by members of the Book Arts Guild, featuring a wide range of subject matter, techniques and mediums. Through June 29. Info, 578-2512. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. CAROL MACDONALD: “Civil Discourse,” prints featuring birds that speak to the 24-hour news cycle and these polarizing times. Through June 30. Info, 863-6458. Frog Hollow Vermont Craft Gallery in Burlington. CHARLIE HUDSON: “Walking Peripherals,” new work by the Brooklyn-based painter that explores dimension, light and movement. Through July 14. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington. FRANCES CANNON: Watercolor paintings, ink drawings and books by the writer and artist. Through June 29. Info, 338-7441. Thirty-odd in Burlington.

JERRY RALYA: “1,” pastel works from the artist’s “Social Justice” and “Vessels” series. Curated by Little Umbrella. Reception: Friday, July 5, 5-8 p.m. Through July 31. Info, 391-4083. The Gallery at Main Street Landing in Burlington. KEVIN DONEGAN: “Low Places: New Constructions,” eclectic found-object assemblages. Open by appointment only. Through June 30. Info, 363-5497. New City Galerie in Burlington. ROBERT WALDO BRUNELLE JR.: Recent paintings by the Jericho artist and seventh-generation Vermonter. Curated by Little Umbrella. Through June 30. Info, 391-4083. Gallery at One Main in Burlington. ‘A SAMPLE OF JAZZ RECORDS’: Archival photographs and posters and commissioned prints from artist Felix Sockwell. Photographs contributed by Luke Awtry and Michael Worthington. Through June 30. Info, 652-4500. Amy E. Tarrant Gallery in Burlington. ‘THE THINGS WE KEEP WITH US’: A collaborative work conceived by mixed-media artist Ashley Roark and featuring works using paper and small saved items by 21 individuals of various ages and backgrounds. The works, and accompanying audio, tell the stories and meaning of these items and what has kept the participants connected to them throughout their lives. Through June 29. Info, 923-6522. The Soda Plant in Burlington. VERMONT COMIC CREATORS GROUP SHOW: Comics and cartoons by the local member group. Through June 28. Info, Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.

chittenden county

‘ALL THE WATERS’: Twenty-five artists from Chittenden County show works in oil, watercolor, pastel, collage, photography, glass and mixed media. Through August 31. Info, 899-3211. Jericho Town Hall. ANTHILL COLLECTIVE: The Burlington graffiti artists install work in the brewery’s Artifactory. Through July 31. Info, 658-2739. Magic Hat Brewing Company in South Burlington. HAROLD WESTON: Works by the modernist painter and social activist (1894-1972) dubbed “the Thoreau of the Adirondacks.” Through August 25. Info,


985-3346. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum. ‘IN THEIR ELEMENT’: An installation of sculptures on the museum grounds by contemporary artists Rodrigo Nava, Jonathan D. Ebinger and Dan Snow. Curated by Carolyn Bauer. Through October 31. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum. ‘SUSPENDED IN FOCUS’: A group show of 18 artists who have diverse stylistic approaches to their individual work but are united in an intense focus on their subject matter. Through July 23. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne. ‘WINDOW ON THE NORTHEAST LANDSCAPE’: Watercolors by Kathleen Manley and Christine Zavgren and oil paintings by Jane Morgan. Through July 21. Info, 899-3211. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho.


‘200 YEARS—200 OBJECTS’: In the final celebratory year of the university’s bicentennial, the museum exhibits a curated selection of artifacts, documents and images from the school’s collections. Through December 21. Info, 485-2886. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University in Northfield. ‘ALLEGORY’: Storytelling works by Julia Zanes, Donald Saaf and Hasso Ewing, presented with Art at the Kent curators Nel Emlen and David Schutz. Through June 22. Info, 738-3667. The Garage Cultural Center in Montpelier. ‘AWAKENINGS’: Floral still life paintings by Kate Longmaid and Asian-inspired abstracted landscapes by Tom Merwin. MICHAEL STRAUSS: “The Magic of Seeing – Inside and Outside of the Frame, Exploring the Illusion of Light, Space, Form and in Landscape Painting, acrylic and ink paintings. Through June 28. Info, 262-6035. T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. ‘FAULT LINES’: Artists explore the current political climate and the resulting fractures in our world that threaten discontinuity and potential explosive energy. ‘TECTONIC PLATES AND TOPOGRAPHIC TILES’: Sculptural stoneware inspired by geologic forces by Deborah Goodwin. Second Floor Gallery. DIANE SOPHRIN: “Present Continuous: Commentary and Form,” drawn and painted writings on stitched, layered paper scrolls. Third Floor Gallery. Through June 29. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre. ‘I LOVE IT WHEN I’M WRONG; YES, WHITE PEOPLE, IMMIGRATION IS ABOUT SKIN COLOR’: This multimedia installation using sculpture, audio and video examines discrimination, opportunity and individual triumph. Through June 29. Info, 224-6827. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier. JAMIE HANSEN: Photography and assemblages from the streets of Cuba. Through September 1. Info, 552-8105. The North Branch Café in Montpelier. JANET CATHEY & LINDA BRYAN: “Deeper Than Blue,” hand-pulled woodblock prints and cyanotypes, respectively. Through June 21. Info, 371-4100. Central Vermont Medical Center in Berlin. JANET VAN FLEET: “Vanishment,” new work by the Vermont artist exploring the fraught relationship between humans and the natural world, and using, in part, materials repurposed from previous bodies of work. Through June 28. Info, 272-5956. Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier. JESSE LOVASCO: Drawings of endangered medicinal plants by the herbalist, artist, poet and 2018 Ecological Art Fellow with United Plant Savers. Through June 30. Info, 229-6206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. KATE BURNIM AND DARYL BURTNETT: “Almost Forgotten: Works Exploring the Overlooked through Line, Shape and Texture,” paintings and works on paper that range from loosely representative to abstract. Through June 28. Info, 828-3291. Spotlight Gallery in Montpelier. LYNA LOU NORDSTROM: “Obsessed With Color,” 16 selected works by the Vermont printmaker that span 1996 to 2017. Through June 22. Info, 479-7069. Morse Block Deli & Taps in Barre.

MERRY SCHMIDT: Paintings inspired by the natural world by the local artist. Through July 3. Info, 426-3581. Jaquith Public Library in Marshfield. ‘VERMONT MUSIC FAR AND WIDE’: An interactive exhibit of artifacts that tell the story of Vermont popular music history in recent decades, including band photographs 1990-2000 by Matthew Thorsen, compiled by Big Heavy World. Through July 27. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier. ‘THE WAR OF IDEAS’: Propaganda posters from the collections, spanning the Civil War to World War II and illustrating everything from recruitment to support on the homefront. Through October 25. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Center in Barre.


ANN YOUNG: “Sunshine and Shadow,” realist paintings that consider the good and bad sides of human nature. Through July 10. Info, 888-1261. Gallery at River Arts in Morrisville. ‘BEYOND BORDERS: MEXICO CITY, VERMONT’: Photographs by students at Green Mountain Tech and Career Center in Hyde Park and students at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in Mexico City. Through June 21. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University in Johnson.

DOCKSIDE DELICIOUSNESS. Our North Dock Dinners are the perfect way to enjoy al fresco dining and live music right on the lake. For reservations, call 802.475.2311.

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‘EBB AND FLOW’: A juried exhibition of more than 100 artworks by 76 artists in which water is the predominant element of the composition. MARY AND ALDEN BRYAN: “Paintings of the Southwest,” a 35th anniversary exhibition of 30 works from the 1940s by the late namesake and founder of the gallery. Through June 23. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. JIM WESTPHALEN: “Of Land and Light,” new images of the Vermont landscape by the local photographer. Through August 3. Info, 253-8943. West Branch Gallery & Sculpture Park in Stowe. NORTHERN VERMONT ARTISTS ASSOCIATION: The 88th annual exhibition of members. Through July 6. Info, 644-8183. Visions of Vermont in Jeffersonville. ‘PEAK TO PEAK: 10TH MOUNTAIN DIVISION THEN AND NOW’: An exhibition of photographs and artifacts to highlight the evolution of the division’s equipment and training since its beginning in 1943. Through October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe.

mad river valley/waterbury

‘HUMAN NATURE/NATURE HUMAN’: Paintings by Deborah Brown that focus on a lone female character; and paintings by Mark Barry that provide poignant recognition of the humor, warmth and universality of everyday experience. Weekends only. Through October 13. Info, 583-5832. Bundy Modern in Waitsfield. ROSALIND DANIELS: “Abstractions in Fiber and Photos,” images characterized by color, geometric shapes and clean lines. Through July 6. Info, 244-7036. Waterbury Public Library.


SAM TALBOT-KELLY: “Draft of a New Harmony in a Slip Dress Pocket,” an installation of experimental costume/set design, hybrid animals and abstract paintings that reimagine Greek myth and Ralph Waldo Emerson’s transcendentalist views of nature. Through June 29. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Gallery & Frame Shop in Waterbury.


middlebury area

‘50 X 50: COLLECTING FOR THE MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE MUSEUM OF ART’: An exhibit that marks 50 years of acquiring art by bringing together one work from each year. Included are paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings and photography, from antiquity to the present and from diverse cultures. Through August 11. Info, 443-3168. Johnson Memorial Building, Middlebury College. ‘HIDDEN TREASURES SERIES: THE SHEPARD FAMILY CONCERT COMPANY’: A special exhibition of objects related to the popular 19th-century singing group. Through June 30. MIDDLEBURY AREA SHOWS

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/4/19 5:08 PM





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Plan your art adventures with the Seven Days Friday email bulletin including:

• • • •

Receptions and events Weekly picks for exhibits “Movies You Missed” by Margot Harrison News, profiles and reviews

‘Fault Lines’ In an au courant show at Studio Place Arts in Barre, nearly 30

artists respond to the political climate and other pressing issues of our time — or to the angst that accompanies them. Through paintings, sculpture, installation and works in

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other mediums, “Fault Lines” collectively conveys a sense of fracture, discontinuity and uncertainty. Through June 29. Pictured: “Dead Weight” by Kristine Chartrand. MIDDLEBURY AREA SHOWS

June 26 - 29, 2019

New Days! Wednesday to Saturday 


Quilt Exhibits

Contest Quilts Antique Quilts Special Exhibits Appraisals Vendor Mall and Demos  SewBatik Challenge  Free Gallery Talks Demonstrations  Evening Lectures Thursday & Friday 

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 Awards Ceremony 6 pm Champagne and Chocolate Preview 7 - 9:30 pm THURSDAY, JUNE 27 - FRIDAY, JUNE 28 Open from 9 am - 6 pm SATURDAY, 6.29 9 am - 6 pm • Quilt exhibits closing at 5 pm

Visit for more information VQF, 11 Pearl St, Ste. 205, Essex Jct. VT • (802) 872-0034 • 82

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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‘THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE OF DAN KILEY’: A touring retrospective exhibition in celebration of the internationally renowned, Vermont-based landscape architect (1912-2004), featuring four dozen photographs of his designs, biographical information and interpretive analysis. In partnership with the Vermont chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects, the Cultural Landscape Foundation in Washington, D.C., and the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation. Through September 1. ANDREW MARKS: Fantasy creatures carved from briar burl and mounted on stone. Through August 31. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. ‘HOME: A COMMUNITY ART SHOW’: More than 40 Addison County artists and makers contributed paintings, photography, textiles and more to this non-juried exhibition. Through July 4. Info, 453-4032. Art on Main in Bristol. ‘ICE SHANTIES: FISHING, PEOPLE & CULTURE’: An exhibition of large-format photographs featuring the structures, people and culture of ice fishing by Vermont-based Colombian photographer Federico Pardo. Includes audio reflections from shanty owners drawn from interviews by VFC. Through August 31. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury.

f JAMES P. BLAIR: “Being There,” images by the renowned photographer for the National Geographic Society. Reception: Wednesday, June 19, 4:30 p.m. Through August 11. Info, 443-3168. Middlebury College Museum of Art.

Hannah Bureau. Through June 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls. ‘NEW GROWTH’: New work from Anna Dibble, Anne Cady, Bonnie Baird, Hannah Morris, Hannah Secord Wade, Julia Jensen, Pamela Smith and Susanne Strater that celebrates the change of season in Vermont and acknowledges how the artists push creative boundaries. Through July 14. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes. PAT LAFFIN: “Childlike Memories,” a fifth annual mixed-media exhibit of pieces that relate the artist’s fondest memories of childhood, along with a bit of fantasy. Through June 30. Info, 453-6309. Tourterelle in New Haven.


ANNUAL MEMBERS’ EXHIBITION: Member-artists of all levels show their work and exchange ideas. Through July 14. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center in West Rutland. AUDUBON MEMBER PHOTO SHOW: Avian pictures taken by the Rutland County Audubon Society members. Through July 31. Info, 775-7119. Maclure Library in Pittsford. ‘THE BLUE SWANS’: Works by friends and fellow artists Klara Calitri, Linda Hampton-Smith, Molly Hawley, Patricia LeBon Herb, Phoebe Stone, Mary Swanson, Sarah Wesson and Yinglei Zhang. Through June 22. Info, B&G Gallery in Rutland. ‘DREAM MACHINE II’: Classic retro arcades collected by Nick Grandchamp. Through June 30. Info, 603-732-8606. West Street Gallery in Rutland.

JIM WESTPHALEN: “The Enduring Landscape,” a new collection of photographs of the Vermont countryside and its weathered structures. Through June 30. Info, 989-7419. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.

RITA FUCHSBERG: “Ladies in Waiting,” an installation that examines the experiences of women on death row. Through July 14. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center Gallery in West Rutland.

‘NATURAL GRACE’: Colorful still-life paintings by Jill Matthews and layered, abstracted landscapes by

‘THE ART OF WOOD’: A 20th-anniversary group exhibit that interprets the theme across all


mediums, including fabric, glass, ceramic, paint and wood. Through June 25. Info, 247-4957. Brandon Artists Guild. ‘TIME ASCRIBED’: William Ramage and Shelley Warren collaborate on an immersive installation that combines video, sculpture and drawing. Through June 22. Info, The Alley Gallery in Rutland.

champlain islands/northwest

‘IDENTITIES: CULTURAL CREATIONS’: Artworks by Misoo and Wendy Copp that address identity in a changing world. Through July 14. Info, greentara GreenTARA Space in North Hero. SUSAN LARKIN: “A Nice Walk,” a solo exhibition of recent work by the Isle La Motte painter, based on her daily walks in the woods. Through June 27. Info, 928-3081. Fisk Farm Art Center in Isle La Motte.

upper valley

‘DESTINATION: SPACE!’: A series of exhibitions that highlights the art and science of space exploration and celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission’s moon landing. Through August 4. MINDBENDER MANSION: An eclectic exhibition full of brainteasers and interactive challenges guaranteed to test brain power and problemsolving skills. Developed by Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. Through September 2. Free with museum admission. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich. FEATURED ARTISTS: Wooden jewelry by T. Breeze Verdant, naturally dyed fiber works by Jennifer Johnson, and sculptural glass and ceramic works by Alissa Faber. Through June 30. Info, 457-1298. Collective — the Art of Craft in Woodstock. JOAN MORRIS: “You Are the Music,” shaped-resist dyed prints built from “automatic 3D ink drawings.” Through June 30. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction. KEVIN RUELLE: Faux-vintage Vermont travel posters by the Burlington artist. Through June 25. Info, 295-3118. Zollikofer Gallery at Hotel Coolidge in White River Junction. ‘TRIO: EXPLORING DEMENTIA: An exhibit featuring three late local artists, Betsy Goldsborough, Brenda Phillips and Margaret McCracken, that shows the arc of how the disease influenced their artwork. Through July 6. Info, 457-3500. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery in South Pomfret.

northeast kingdom

‘CONTINUUM’: Paper constructions by Lian Brehm and reduction prints by Phillip Robertson. Through July 14. Info, 563-2037. White Water Gallery in East Hardwick. ‘CUMULUS’: A group exhibition featuring cloud-centric work in a variety of mediums. Through July 14. Info, 533-2045. Miller’s Thumb Gallery in Greensboro. GAAL SHEPHERD: “Hallowed Ground,” paintings, pastels, photography, sculpture and Irish poetry that pays tribute to the devotion of the faithful from Neolithic Erin to contemporary Ireland. Through July 21. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. HARRIET WOOD: A retrospective exhibition of abstract paintings by the octogenarian Vermont artist. Through June 30. Info, 472-7164. 3rd Floor Gallery in Hardwick. JAY HUDSON: Realistic acrylic landscape and bird paintings of NEK subjects. Through August 31. Info, Community National Bank, Barton Branch. ‘THE PIVOT AND THE BLADE: AN INTIMATE GLANCE AT SCISSORS’: A collection of objects that convey the long human relationship to scissors and their design and explore myriad professional, creative, superstitious, violent and domestic uses. Through December 31. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover.

RACHEL LAUNDON: “More Than Fish to Fry,” colorful mixed-media sculptures. Through July 12. Info, 7480158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. ROSS CONNELLY: Photographs from the artist’s “Nature’s Designs” and “The Border Wall—Nogales, Ariz.” series. Through June 30. Info, 535-8602. The Clip Joint & Co. in Hardwick.

brattleboro/okemo valley

‘MADE IN VERMONT’: A group exhibition of new and recently completed work by Vermont artists, including paintings, works on paper and sculpture by Arista Alanis, Steve Budington, Clark Derbes, Jason Galligan-Baldwin and Sarah Letteney. MALCOLM MORLEY: Approximately 40 paintings, sculptures and works on paper created between 1964 and 2016 by the British-born American artist and founder of super-realism. RICHARD ARTSCHWAGER: Some 40 paintings, sculptures and works on paper that reference everyday objects, symbols, people and places, often made from unconventional and industrial materials. The American painter, sculptor and draftsman died in 2011. Open for tours 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Through December 1. $10. Info, 952-1056. Hall Art Foundation in Reading.


‘COLOR / GESTURE: EARLY WORKS BY EMILY MASON: Small paintings on paper with explosive color created by the abstractionist in the 1950s and ’60s. Through September 8. Info, 447-1571. Bennington Museum. DONA MARA: “REFLECTIONS: The Intangible Things,” a career concept exhibition by the southern Vermont artist, featuring abstract works in multiple mediums that reflect both love of and fear for the planet. Through July 20. Info, 768-8498. stART Space in Manchester.


CATHY CONE: “Grasp the Sparrow’s Tail,” black-andwhite photographs by the director of Workshops and Studio at Cone Editions. Through June 23. Info, 767-9670. JASON HORWITZ: “Pilgrimage,” paintings based on physical and spiritual journeys. Through June 23. Info, 767-9670. BigTown Gallery in Rochester.

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GARY BARRON: “Revered Vermont Libraries,” drawings in Prismacolor pencil. Through June 30. Info, 685-2188. Chelsea Public Library.

f RAE NEWELL: “The Tunbridge Fair,” a solo show of paintings by the Bridgewater Corners artist. Reception: Sunday, July 21, 2-4 p.m. Through September 5. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library in Tunbridge Village.

outside vermont

‘THE 99 FACES PROJECT’: A nationally traveling exhibit designed by Boston-based visual artist Lynda Michaud Cutrell to reduce the stigma of mental illness. Photographs, videos, paintings and sculptures present true-to-life images to challenge assumptions about what living with mental illness looks like. Through September 30. Info, 603-4942179. Dartmouth-Hitchcock in Lebanon, N.H. ‘ARTISTS AS INNOVATORS’: A group exhibition of works by artists who have received fellowships from the New York State Council on the Arts/New York Foundation for the Arts over three decades. See for schedule of artist talks and workshops. Through August 9. Info, 518-564-2474. Myers Fine Arts Building, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y. ‘THIERRY MUGLER COUTURISSIME’: A retrospective of the French creator’s prêt-à-porter and haute couture creations, 1973-2001. Through September 8. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. m

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


5/8/18 7:09 PM

movies The Dead Don’t Die ★★★★★


im Jarmusch has been making films exactly as long as I’ve been reviewing them. I’ve reviewed a fair share of his, Stranger Than Paradise (1984), Dead Man (1995), Broken Flowers (2005) and the masterful Paterson (2016) among them. He’s one of the world’s most distinctive, intelligent and original cinematic voices. Though he would doubtless disagree. In 2004, Jarmusch wrote in MovieMaker: “Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems … Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent.” The latest from the tinsel-topped auteur steals from an outré potpourri of pop culture. People around my age — like Jarmusch — were raised on Cold War-fueled sci fi, low-budget horror and, thanks to the late, great George Romero, zombies. The Dead Don’t Die pays homage to these influences and more with the story of a small-town police squad that finds itself on the doomsday beat. Bill Murray reunites with the director to play Cliff Robertson, chief of the Centerville


PD. Adam Driver reunites with him to play officer Ronnie Peterson; and Chloë Sevigny, officer Mindy Morrison. Think Mayberry with less fishing and more gut munching. What is a sleepy burg’s law enforcement unit to do when polar fracking knocks the planet off its axis, days start staying light late into the night, and the slumber of the dead is disturbed? That’s the question posed by the script. The answer consists of an hour and 45 minutes of wry commentary, pithy banter, indelible characters and meta mind games. A few weeks ago, I wrote about Brightburn: “Fictional characters ... strangely, never seem to have seen even one well-known film in the genre they inhabit.” Thanks to Jarmusch, that’s no longer the case. Everyone in this movie knows their Romero. When night finally falls, the dead begin rising from their graves. The first two we meet are played by Iggy Pop and the filmmaker’s significant other, Sara Driver. They set the tone for the horde to follow — slow walkers with one thing on their minds, whatever fixated them in life. Pop and Driver want coffee; a crowd huddles outside a pharmacy dreaming of Xanax; reanimated kids invade a candy store mumbling, “Skittles.” True to tradition, all hunger for human flesh. “This isn’t going to end well,” Ronnie re-

UNDEAD AIM Jarmusch’s Romero homage pits small-town police against a zombie onslaught.

peatedly predicts, to Cliff ’s consternation. The core joke is the mixture of familiar tropes (phones stop working; TV newscasts fill in narrative blanks) with Jarmusch’s signature low-key whimsy. Tilda Swinton reunites with the director as a sword-wielding Scottish mortician. When she asks Murray’s character for his plan, the answer is a classic: “Patrol.” Which the officers do, maneuvering around some undead neighbors and happily decapitating others (Steve Buscemi plays a racist Make America Great Again type). It’s a surreal ride to … well, you heard Ronnie. There’s a reason it’s called the zombie apocalypse.

Wetware ★★★


wish I could give five stars to Jay Craven’s Wetware just for being a major step outside the director’s wheelhouse and one of the most ambitious locally made films I’ve seen. Working from a 2002 science-fiction novel by former Vermonter Craig Nova, the Barnet-based filmmaker brings us a story far removed from the Howard Frank Mosher adaptations with which he made his name. Instead of the Northeast Kingdom, Wetware takes place in a violet-tinged dystopian urbanscape where dilapidated buildings are accented with neon bars. (It’s actually Nantucket, Burlington and Brattleboro.) Instead of salty old mountain folk and wide-eyed youngsters, the characters are ice-blooded executives and tech wizards. This is not the Craven you thought you knew. Wetware will tour the state this summer, starting this Friday with a weeklong engagement at Montpelier’s Savoy Theater. Locals should absolutely check it out. As a critic, though, I’m obliged to view Wetware not purely as a local film but in the context of all the high-concept, low-budget movies about unsettling futures that crowd my Netflix list. How does it rank in that field? A bit muddled, with some ultra-cool visuals that don’t quite offset a protagonist problem. The film has a genuinely unsettling premise: The future of labor involves genetically engineering people into android-like drones 84 SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

MONDO MUNGO Human beings become “wetware” in a haunting scene from Craven’s new movie.

who perform shit jobs without complaint. Called “Mungos,” these brain-wiped workers are derided as second-class citizens, while the chair (Jerry O’Connell) of the capital group that profits from them thrives. Now, though, he’s facing a worldwide financial crisis if he can’t push out a new product: Mungo supersoldiers. Everything rests on the shoulders of lonely tech genius Hal Briggs (Cameron Scoggins), who’s less interested in profits than in

turning the female supersoldier prototype (Morgan Wolk) into his love interest. “You coded her to fall in love with you?” asks his incredulous manager (Nicole Shalhoub), who will soon be revealed to have a sinister agenda of her own. Wetware covers much of the same “What does it mean to be human?” ground that Blade Runner did in 1982. The atmosphere is similarly noirish, and Mungos are even referred to as “skin jobs” at one point. The film also

Along the way, the director is generous with oddball moments of understated humor, even poetry. RZA reunites with Jarmusch as a deliveryman who’s asked by a customer to “drop some wisdom.” “The world is perfect,” he offers. “Appreciate the details.” There are countless details to appreciate in The Dead Don’t Die. It’s a modest, unassuming, angry fable that uses gore and goofy effects to make palatable a warning of the real horror on humanity’s horizon: Earth, because of our carelessness, coming to a dead end. RI C K KI S O N AK

raises questions about what it means to love; if Briggs has “coded” Kay to love him, is their chemistry real? These questions lack a certain dramatic urgency, though, largely because of problems with Briggs’ character on both scripting and acting levels. While Wolk gives her blankness a hauntingly forlorn quality, Scoggins’ Briggs comes across as callow and underwritten. His hologram companion, Clock (Aurélia Thiérrée), is one of the film’s most intriguing story elements and biggest effects triumphs. Yet their relationship never deepens enough to draw us into Briggs’ private world. Ultimately, the many compelling plot strands in Wetware don’t quite cohere. Yet audiences should enjoy being immersed in a film that is slow, moody, retro-futuristic (characters don bubble-like helmets to experience virtual reality) and sometimes deliciously trippy. Though they’re tenuously linked to the plot, the eerie, surreal animation sequences by Evan Mann and John Douglas may be worth the price of admission. Will you get to see local icon Rusty DeWees as a Mungo bent on murder and local food-scene star Ariel Zevon as an angry cop in this movie? You will — just two more reasons to catch Wetware on tour. The past 30-plus years have brought us so many dystopian epics and cyberpunk thrillers that new entries in those genres have a high bar to clear. But it’s exciting to see a local effort. MARGO T HARRI S O N


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NEW IN THEATERS ANNA: Nearly 30 years after his hit La Femme Nikita, writer-director Luc Besson brings us another action thriller about a government assassin, this one a ballerina (Sasha Luss). With Helen Mirren and Luke Evans. (119 min, R. Essex) CHILD’S PLAY: Killer dolls are all the rage, apparently, so here’s a remake/reboot of the 1988 horror flick that launched a campy series about murderous toy Chucky (now voiced by Mark Hamill). Aubrey Plaza and Gabriel Bateman star. Lars Klevberg (Polaroid) directed. (90 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy) THE SOUVENIR: Joanna Hogg (Archipelago) directed this acclaimed autobiographical drama about a film student’s affair with an older man in the 1980s, starring Honor Swinton Byrne and her mom, Tilda Swinton. (120 min, R. Savoy) TOY STORY 4: The arrival of a new toy named “Forky” (yeah, a fork) leads the toys on a road trip of discovery in the latest installment of Pixar’s animated series. With the voices of Keanu Reeves, Christina Hendricks, Tom Hanks and Jordan Peele. Josh Cooley makes his feature directorial debut. (100 min, G. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Paramount, Playhouse, Roxy, Sunset, Welden) WETWAREHHH Vermont director Jay Craven’s latest is a sci-fi film set in a dystopian future where people are genetically modified to do dirty jobs. Based on Craig Nova’s novel, it stars Morgan Wolk, Jerry O’Connell and many locals. (100 min, NR; reviewed by M.H. 6/19. Savoy)

NOW PLAYING ALADDINHH1/2 Disney revives the tale of the street urchin who finds a magic lamp with this live-action version directed by Guy Ritchie, starring Mena Massoud as Aladdin, Naomi Scott as Jasmine and Will Smith as the genie. (128 min, PG) AMAZING GRACEHHHHH Sydney Pollack’s concert film, derailed by technical difficulties and later reassembled by Alan Elliott, captures Aretha Franklin performing at the New Bethel Baptist Church in Los Angeles in 1972. (89 min, G) AVENGERS: ENDGAMEHHHH It takes all Marvel’s effects wizards, a huge cast and a three-hour run time to put the Avengers back together again in the second half of this two-parter. With Brie Larson, Scarlett Johansson, Karen Gillan, Paul Rudd, Robert Downey Jr., etc., etc. Anthony and Joe Russo (Avengers: Infinity War) directed. (181 min, PG-13; reviewed by M.H. 5/1) THE BIGGEST LITTLE FARMHHH1/2 John Chester’s documentary chronicles his and his wife’s eight-year struggle to make a farm sustainable in drought-ridden California. (91 min, PG) BOOKSMARTHHHH1/2 High-achieving best friends (Kaitlyn Dever and Beanie Feldstein) decide to cut loose as high school graduation looms in this comedy directed by Olivia Wilde. With Jessica Williams and Lisa Kudrow. (102 min, R; reviewed by M.H. 5/29) BRIGHTBURNHHH1/2 In this sinister take on superhero mythology, Elizabeth Banks plays a woman struggling with the possibility that her “miracle child” who fell from the sky might be evil. With David Denman and Jackson A. Dunn. David Yarovesky (The Hive) directed. (90 min, R; reviewed by R.K. 5/29) CAPTAIN MARVELHHH Fighter pilot Carol Danvers (Brie Larson) joins the Marvel Cinematic Universe in this superhero outing written and directed by Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck. (124 min, PG-13; reviewed by M.H. 3/13)

DARK PHOENIXHH In the latest X-Men installment, the superheroes grapple with the transformation of teammate Jean Gray (Sophie Turner) into the dangerously powerful Dark Phoenix. Simon Kinberg directed the all-star cast, including James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender and Jennifer Lawrence. (113 min, PG-13; reviewed by M.H. 6/12) THE DEAD DON’T DIEHHHH1/2 Auteur Jim Jarmusch brings us a small-town zombie comedy, starring Bill Murray, Adam Driver, Tom Waits and Chloë Sevigny. (105 min, R; reviewed by R.K. 6/19) GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERSHH1/2 In the sequel to Godzilla (2014), humans battle the mighty lizard while he gets competition in the worldwrecking business. Kyle Chandler, Vera Farmiga and Millie Bobby Brown star. Michael Dougherty (Krampus) directed. (131 min, PG-13) JOHN WICK: CHAPTER 3 — PARABELLUMHHH1/2 Keanu Reeves once again plays a super-hitman targeted by fellow hitmen in the third installment of the self-aware action franchise, again directed by Chad Stahelski. With Halle Berry and Ian McShane. (130 min, R; reviewed by M.H. 5/22) LATE NIGHTHHH1/2 A well-established talk-show host (Emma Thompson) clashes with the first woman in her writers’ room (Mindy Kaling, who also scripted) in this comedy from director Nisha Ganatra (“Better Things”). With John Lithgow and Hugh Dancy. (102 min, R)

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ROCKETMANHH1/2 Taron Egerton plays Elton John in this biopic about his breakthrough years, directed by Dexter Fletcher (Eddie the Eagle). With Jamie Bell, Richard Madden and Bryce Dallas Howard. (121 min, R; reviewed by R.K. 6/5) THE SECRET LIFE OF PETS 2H1/2 What do our pets do when we’re not around? This sequel to the 2016 animated adventure flick continues the story of neurotic terrier Max (Patton Oswalt) and his furry friends. Chris Renaud returned to codirect. With Kevin Hart, Harrison Ford and Jenny Slate. (86 min, PG; reviewed by R.K. 6/12) SHAFTHH In this action-comedy sequel to the 2000 flick by the same name, which continued the ’70s franchise, three generations of bad-ass detective (Samuel L. Jackson, Jessie T. Usher and Richard Roundtree) team up to find a friend’s killer. Tim Story (Ride Along) directed. (105 min, R)






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6/17/19 11/5/18 12:04 1:49 PM PM

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MEN IN BLACK: INTERNATIONALHH Tessa Thompson and Chris Hemsworth play members of a new generation of alien hunters as the goofy sci fi-action-comedy franchise returns. With Rebecca Ferguson, Emma Thompson and Liam Neeson. F. Gary Gray (Straight Outta Compton) directed. (115 min, PG-13) POKEMON DETECTIVE PIKACHUHH1/2 In this family adventure comedy, a Pokémon detective (voiced by Ryan Reynolds) teams up with a young human (Justice Smith) whose dad has gone missing. Rob Letterman (Goosebumps) directed. (104 min, PG)

11/5/18 1:49 PM

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4/25/19 1:44 PM


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


12/15/15 4:46 PM




36 Bethel Drive, Bethel,

friday 21 — sunday 23 Captain Marvel & Avengers: Endgame


48 Carroll Rd. (off Route 100), Waitsfield, 4968994,

wednesday 19 — tuesday 25 Schedule not available at press time.


Route 100, Morrisville, 888-3293,

wednesday 19 Aladdin Dark Phoenix Men in Black: International The Secret Life of Pets 2 thursday 20 Aladdin Dark Phoenix Men in Black: International The Secret Life of Pets 2 *Toy Story 4 Rest of schedule not available at press time.

ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20 Aladdin *Anna (Thu only) *Child’s Play (Thu only) Dark Phoenix (2D & 3D) Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2D & 3D) John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Late Night Men in Black: International (2D & 3D) Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 (2D & 3D) Shaft *Toy Story 4 (2D & 3D)

65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20 Men in Black: International **Run the Race (Wed only) The Secret Life of Pets 2 friday 21 — thursday 27 Men in Black: International **Return of the Jedi (Wed only) *Toy Story 4

MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20

Aladdin *Anna *Child’s Play Dark Phoenix **Forrest Gump 25th Anniversary Screening (Sun & Tue only) Late Night Men in Black: International Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shaft (except Tue) *Toy Story 4 (2D & 3D)

Amazing Grace *Child’s Play (Thu only) Dark Phoenix (Wed only) The Dead Don’t Die Late Night Men in Black: International Rocketman *Toy Story 4 (Thu only)


93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

190 Boxwood St. (Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners), Williston, 878-2010,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20

wednesday 19 — thursday 20

Aladdin (Wed only) Dark Phoenix Late Night Rocketman Shaft *Toy Story 4 (Thu only)

Aladdin Booksmart *Child’s Play (Thu only) Dark Phoenix Godzilla: King of the Monsters John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Late Night Men in Black: International Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shaft *Toy Story 4 (Thu only)

Dark Phoenix Late Night Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shaft *Toy Story 4 (2D & 3D)


friday 21 — wednesday 26


friday 21 — thursday 27

Godzilla: King of the Monsters John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Late Night Men in Black: International Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shaft *Toy Story 4

friday 21 — monday 24 Aladdin *Child’s Play Dark Phoenix

friday 21 — tuesday 25 Amazing Grace *Child’s Play The Dead Don’t Die Late Night Men in Black: International Rocketman *Toy Story 4

Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shaft *Toy Story 4 (Thu only) friday 21 — tuesday 25 Aladdin **Annabelle Comes Home (Tue only) *Child’s Play Dark Phoenix Godzilla: King of the Monsters Late Night Men in Black: International Pokémon: Detective Pikachu Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 Shaft *Toy Story 4 **Wish Man (Mon only)


241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621,

wednesday 19 Men in Black: International The Secret Life of Pets 2 thursday 20 — thursday 27 Men in Black: International (2D & 3D) *Toy Story 4 (2D & 3D)


11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20 Rocketman friday 21 — sunday 23, wednesday 26 — thursday 27 *Toy Story 4 Closed on Monday and Tuesday.

10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20 Aladdin *Child’s Play (Thu only) Dark Phoenix **Drum Corps International 2019 Tour Premiere (Thu only) Godzilla: King of the Monsters John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Late Night Men in Black: International **Met Summer Opera: Roméo et Juliette (Wed only) Pokémon: Detective Pikachu

The Biggest Little Farm Booksmart (Sat-Wed only) Red Joan (Fri only) *The Souvenir (except Fri) *Wetware

STOWE CINEMA 3 PLEX 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20 Dark Phoenix Men in Black: International The Secret Life of Pets 2 friday 21 — thursday 27 Schedule not available at press time.


155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,

wednesday 19 The Secret Life of Pets 2 & How to Train Your Dragon: The Dark World Aladdin & Godzilla: King of the Monsters Rocketman & John Wick: Chapter 3 — Parabellum Men in Black: International & Brightburn thursday 20 — thursday 27 *Toy Story 4 & Aladdin Men in Black: International & Brightburn Godzilla: King of the Monsters & The Secret Life of Pets 2 Aladdin & *Toy Story 4


104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,

wednesday 19 — thursday 20

26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,

Dark Phoenix (Wed only) Men in Black: International The Secret Life of Pets 2 *Toy Story 4 (Thu only)

wednesday 19 — thursday 20

friday 21 — wednesday 26

The Biggest Little Farm Booksmart Red Joan

Men in Black: International Rocketman The Secret Life of Pets 2 *Toy Story 4


friday 21 — thursday 27




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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/14/19 3:10 2:12 PM

fun stuff


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019






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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


5/6/19 2:45 PM

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY REAL JUNE 20-26 TAURUS (April 20-May 20): I hope that dur-

ing the next four weeks, you will make plans to expedite and deepen your education. You’ll be able to make dramatic progress in figuring out what will be most important for you to learn in the next three years. We all have pockets of ignorance about how we understand reality, and now is an excellent time for you to identify what your pockets are and to begin illuminating them. Every one of us lacks some key training or knowledge that could help us fulfill our noblest dreams, and now is a favorable time for you to address that issue.


In the next four weeks, you’re not likely to win the biggest prize or tame the fiercest monster or wield the greatest power. However, you could very well earn a second- or third-best honor. I won’t be surprised if you claim a decent prize or outsmart a somewhat menacing dragon or gain an interesting new kind of clout. Oddly enough, this less-thansupreme accomplishment may be exactly right for you. The lower levels of pressure and responsibility will keep you sane and healthy. The stress of your moderate success will be very manageable. So give thanks for this just-right blessing!

ARIES (March 21-April 19): Orfield Laboratories is an architectural company that designs rooms for ultimate comfort. They sculpt the acoustic environment so that sounds are soft, clear and pleasant to the human ear. They ensure that the temperature is just right and the air quality is always fresh. At night the artificial light is gentle on the eyes, and by day the sunlight is rejuvenating. In the coming weeks, I’d love for you to be in places like this on a regular basis. According to my analysis of the astrological rhythms, it’s recharging time for you. You need and deserve an abundance of cozy relaxation.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): Some traditional astrologers believe solar eclipses are sour omens. They theorize that when the moon perfectly covers the sun, as it will on July 2, a metaphorical shadow will pass across some part of our lives, perhaps triggering crises. I don’t agree with that gloomy assessment. I consider a solar eclipse to be a harbinger of grace and slack and freedom. In my view, the time before and after this cosmic event might resemble what the workplace is like when the boss is out of town. Or it may be a sign that your inner critic is going to shut up and leave you alone for a while. Or you could suddenly find that you can access the willpower and ingenuity you need so as to change something about your life that you’ve been wanting to change. So I advise you to start planning now to take advantage of the upcoming blessings of the eclipse. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): What are you doing with the fertility and creativity that have been sweeping through your life during the first six months of 2019? Are you witheringly idealistic, caught up in perfectionistic detail as you cautiously follow outmoded rules about how to make best use of that fertility and creativity? Or are you being expansively pragmatic, wielding your lively imagination to harness that fertility and creativity to generate transformations that will improve your life forever? VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Mythologist Joseph Campbell said that heroes are those who give their lives to something bigger than themselves. That’s never an easy assignment for anyone, but right now it’s less diffi-

cult for you than ever before. As you prepare for the joyous ordeal, I urge you to shed the expectation that it will require you to make a burdensome sacrifice. Instead, picture the process as involving the loss of a small pleasure that paves the way for a greater pleasure. Imagine you will finally be able to give a giant gift you’ve been bursting to express.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): In 1903, the Wright

Brothers put wings on a heavy machine and got the contraption to fly up off the ground for 59 seconds. No one had ever done such a thing. Sixty-six years later, American astronauts succeeded at an equally momentous feat. They piloted a craft that departed from the Earth and landed on the surface of the moon. The first motorcycle was another quantum leap in humans’ ability to travel. Two German inventors created the first one in 1885. But it took 120 years before any person did a backflip while riding a motorcycle. If I had to compare your next potential breakthrough to one or the other marvelous invention, I’d say it’ll be more metaphorically similar to a motorcycle flip than the moon-landing. It may not be crucial to the evolution of the human race, but it’ll be impressive — and a testament to your hard work.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): In the year 37 AD, Saul of Tarsus was traveling by foot from Jerusalem to Damascus, Syria. He was on a mission to find and arrest devotees of Jesus, then bring them back to Jerusalem to be punished. Saul’s plans got waylaid, however — or so the story goes. A “light from heaven” knocked him down, turned him blind and spoke to him in the voice of Jesus. Three days later, Saul’s blindness was healed, and he pledged himself to forevermore be one of those devotees of Jesus he had previously persecuted. I don’t expect a transformation quite so spectacular for you in the coming weeks, Scorpio. But I do suspect you will change your mind about an important issue and consider making a fundamental edit of your belief system. SAGITTARIUS

(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You could be a disorienting or even disruptive influence to some people. You may also have healing and inspirational effects. And yes, both of those statements are true. You should prob-

ably warn your allies that you might be almost unbearably interesting. Let them know you could change their minds and disprove their theories. But also tell them that if they remain open to your rowdy grace and boisterous poise, you might provide them with curative stimulation they didn’t even know they needed.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Some children are repelled by the taste of broccoli. Food researchers at the McDonald’s restaurant chain decided to address the problem. In an effort to render this ultra-healthy vegetable more palatable, they concocted a version that tasted like bubble gum. Kids didn’t like it, though. It confused them. But you have to give credit to the food researchers for thinking inventively. I encourage you to get equally creative, even a bit wacky or odd, in your efforts to solve a knotty dilemma. Allow your brainstorms to be playful and experimental. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Spank your-

self for me, please. Ten sound swats ought to do it. According to my astrological assessments, that will be sufficient to rein yourself in from the possibility of committing excesses and extravagance. By enacting this humorous yet serious ritual, you will set in motion corrective forces that tweak your unconscious mind in just the right way so as to prevent you from getting too much of a good thing; you will avoid asking for too much or venturing too far. Instead, you will be content with and grateful for the exact bounty you have gathered in recent weeks.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your inspiration for the coming weeks is a poem by Piscean poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. It begins like this: “The holiest of all holidays are those / Kept by ourselves in silence and apart; / The secret anniversaries of the heart, / When the full river of feeling overflows.” In accordance with astrological omens, Pisces, I invite you to create your own secret holiday of the heart, which you will celebrate at this time of year for the rest of your long life. Be imaginative and full of deep feelings as you dream up the marvelous reasons why you will observe this sacred anniversary. Design special rituals you will perform to rouse your gratitude for the miracle of your destiny.


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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


6/18/19 4:02 PM

For relationships, dates and flirts: WOMEN seeking... LOOKING FOR MY PRINCE CHARMING I am an easygoing and fun-loving woman with a big heart. I would be happy to meet a man who can put a smile on my face, someone who will make me feel special and loved. I am divorced and looking to meet a man who knows how to treat a woman properly with love and respect. CreamyDaisy, 43, seeking: M, l LOYAL, CONVERSE WELL, FUNNY I am seeking a companion who loves being outdoors and enjoys sports, music, cooking and laughter. I also want someone who values honesty, fairness and laughter. If I’m not on the lake, I like to be in the mountains. bugsymac, 63, seeking: M LIVE THE DREAM! Compassionate, kindhearted but brutally honest, tall, slender, inquisitive, very sassy, no punches. goldenmoments327, 61, seeking: M, l AN HONEST COUNTRY GAL I’m professionally employed, financially independent and baggage-free, looking for same. Seeking someone sincere who is interested in spending time in nature exploring. I enjoy the great outdoors, camping, campfires, waterfront house rentals, harvest markets and festivals, kayaking in quiet ponds or reservoirs, ice hockey, gardening, most genres of music, Vermont brewery tours, a good burger, reading, and sunshine! Anhonestcountrygal, 56, seeking: M, l


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W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people GNC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

THE BIRDS AND THE BATS Looking to connect across my independence! I’m a down-to-earth, cosmopolitan woman who likes people and solo time. Rich conversations are sexy, as are kindness, playfulness, sense of the sublime. I’m working on sustainable ways of being, so I don’t tend toward the mainstream much, but I’m not knee-jerk. More into finding good connections than defining what they should become. onew, 54, seeking: M, l CATCHING BUT RELEASING My kids come first, and that’s that. I love volunteering; I am the change I want to see. Love traveling, the beach and watching my beloved Boston sports teams! Busy but ready for a new adventure with a like-minded man who isn’t afraid of a passionate, funny woman who knows what she wants! Good luck with your search! ithinkso, 56, seeking: M BBW IN THE NEK Big girl, but pretty face and confident in my skin. Smart and vivacious. College educated and career oriented. Looking for a man who can match my energy and lust for life. Teach me something new and make me laugh uncontrollably. Not looking for perfection, but I value ambition and the desire to do better and see more. sillyvtgirl, 30, seeking: M, l CREATIVE, SASSY, NATURE-LOVING FOODIE Looking for great conversations and sensational energy! Easygoing yet busy lady who’s hoping to find kind and honest friends and possibly some romance. I like to cook, garden, camp and do anything creative. I love speed, too: dirt bikes, snowboarding, boats, etc. Nokomis, 40, seeking: M, W INDEPENDENT, ARIES, PASSIONATE Looking for someone to make me smile. No pressure, just a date, see what we think of each other. I was in a relationship for a long time that wasn’t good for me or him. I am looking for someone to kiss and cuddle and to look forward to hanging out with and enjoying Vermont spring, summer, maybe more. heywhoknows, 32, seeking: M, l REBELLIOUS, PASSIONATE, INTELLIGENT, SURVIVING CHEF My smile is probably the first thing people notice. Describe myself as gentle and giving. Children are grown, and I’ve spent the last 20 years working hard at that. Time to have fun! Love cooking, music/dance, comedy clubs. Looking for a fun, independent, well-adjusted gentleman to possibly build a long-term relationship. Like taking care of a man’s needs. Aleisha, 50, seeking: M, l SOPHISTICATED COUNTRY GIRL Let’s make our dreams come true! I am 65, very young at heart and body, fit, petite, smart, and actively developing artistic skills. Do you enjoy outdoor activities? Cooking a great meal? Sharing ideas and feelings? If you have been invested in creating a meaningful life and want to share the results with a kindred soul, please respond! sunni1sotrue, 65, seeking: M, l

GENUINE Mature, honest, independent, hardworking woman looking to start my next phase in life postdivorce. I enjoy my work, travel, reading, cooking, exploring, exercise, helping others. I love to have fun and have a dry sense of humor, yet I have a serious side, as well. I’ve had a full life so far and look forward to what comes next. classicgem, 56, seeking: M, l VERMONT FARM GIRL Vermont farm girl, teacher, musician, animal lover, reader, climber, friend. Seeking deep conversations with a partner for outdoor activities of all sorts and good food. FarmGirlDrummer, 32, seeking: M, l PRRRRRR... Lookin’ for fun, honest, real person for friendship, FWB, dating, LTR option. KittyKat, 53, seeking: M MYSTICAL, MAGICAL, HARD-CORE OFF-GRIDDER I’m empathic, loving and deeply caring, so I’m looking for a partner who honors my heart and treats it with care and respect. I am truly a forest dweller and a homesteader. I would love a partner with the skills and desire for self-sufficient homesteading and wild living. I want something lasting and committed. I want a life partner/s. MountainWoman, 48, seeking: M, W, NBP, l KINKY, MATURE, PRETTY, PETITE, HONEST Mature, pretty woman seeking new friends in Vermont for summer visits. I am 58, open-minded, love to travel. I love transgender and crossdressing males. Also bi females. Rachel2019, 59, seeking: Cp, l

MEN seeking... MAGNANIMOUS Friends would describe me as friendly, outgoing yet quite openminded, with a sense of humor and not afraid to speak up. Admiration and understanding in a friendship/ relationship are very important. In life, change is constant, and how we choose to embrace it can create a positive outcome! YNGATHRT, 65, seeking: W FUN, OUTDOOR, ADVENTURE, SPORTS Easy-to-get-along-with workaholic who is seeking fun times with fun people. Make you laugh ’til you drop. Wckwlvorine, 34, seeking: W, l A NEW CHAPTER Woodworker, published author, professional, guitar player, skier and dog lover in the NEK. I enjoy Netflix as much as a walk in the field with my furry human Bassador. A cold beer on a hot afternoon while sitting on my deck, looking at distant ridge lines. Slow hands, a warm gentle touch and a kind heart. 420 friendly. Let’s connect! mountainvtman, 72, seeking: W, l

LOVE AND QUALITY TIME I tend to treat everyone with unconditional positive regard. It may be rare in today’s world, but I believe humans are essentially good. I’m a psychology and plant geek. I’m currently looking for a woman or couple to spend time with, you know, physically and/or as friends. To enjoy life surrounded by great lovers, friends and companions is a wealthy life! Existentialman, 43, seeking: W, Cp, l

KIND, LOVING, SMART, FUNNY, SINCERE Retired teacher looking for a sincere woman. Humor is important, as is meaningful conversation. Former athlete and coach, now into mindfulness, introspection, spirituality, and puzzles and games. Dog lover, volunteer at All Breeds Rescue, COTS, Cove. Music lover, former musician (not a good one). Writing a book about advice to kids. BillFerg, 69, seeking: W, l

SMART, CALM, ADVENTUROUS I like to read and learn new things. I’m a trained musician but have interests in a lot of things. I like to eat healthy but also like to have a good dessert. I’m looking for someone who is attractive, interesting and openminded. Arunner83, 35, seeking: W, l

BEEN A LONG TIME I recently moved to Vermont to explore all the possibilities this state has to offer. I am looking to build a new life in the middle stages of my existence. I am seeking enlightenment and clarity after years of doing all the right things. Time for me to find out about me. Tennessee87, 54, seeking: W, l

LOOKING. WANT TO BE FOUND? SDM, professional, seeking female companion for arts, travel, music, cinema, fine dining. Open to new knowledge and adventures. Hope you enjoying receiving oral pleasure. Occasional fan of Pablo Escobar a plus. hardybob, 66, seeking: W, l LET’S START EXPLORING Easygoing, fun, smart, educated and outdoors-enthusiastic gentleman. Looking for new friends to hang out and share my passion of life and outdoors with. I am not the “know all” type of person. And open to learning and discovering new things, too. Life is too short; let’s start exploring. Who knows where that could lead us to. SmileyRunner, 39, seeking: W, l RESERVED, CURIOUS AND SMART I’m posed, honest and curious, and so I’m looking for a calm person, serious and open to being a friend — and why not more! GoT12, 34, seeking: W COME FLY WITH ME! I’m 5’7 tall and 175 pounds. Now divorced and separated for more than five years. I’ve been self-employed for 30 years; I’m a pilot with my own plane. I love flying, cycling, traveling and skiing. I’m looking for a traditional long-term relationship. This person should have high expectations in her wants, needs and image, and be positive. bseen, 67, seeking: W, l ADVENTUROUS, INQUISITIVE FUN STUFF Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken,” last paragraph: “I shall be telling this with a sigh / Somewhere ages and ages hence: / Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, / I took the one less traveled by, / And that has made all the difference.” I enjoy life and all its wonders, not finished yet. Somewhere, someone shares similar thoughts. flyertom, 78, seeking: W, l NOT SURE WHAT I’M DOING I’ve been single for a long time, had a lot of stuff to work out and wanted to figure out my career. It’s finally time I go into the next part of my life. Active, thoughtful, artistic. Love to cook and spend time in the kitchen with friends. Beers and fires or Netflix. kpbTacoAttach, 33, seeking: W, l A REGULAR GUY I just got done with a relationship of eight years out of state and am glad to be back in Vermont. I am looking for someone to have fun with and possibly to do things such as home cooking, dining out, movies, theater, conversations, ’60s music, watching TV (while cuddling/snuggling), and hopefully long-term relationship. Stillactive, 66, seeking: W, l

EXCITING, INTELLIGENT, COUNTRY LIVING Recently moved to the countryside. Need to learn about the forest, gardening and flowers. I run, bike, and love to hike, kayak, snowshoe and travel. Life is a journey, and there is so much to learn along the way. Would love to share learning experiences and adventures with someone who may grow into a best friend or partner. MSCountry, 63, seeking: W, l LOOKING FOR AN OLDER WOMAN I’ve been in a relationship for over a year and a half. My girlfriend, she is 64. I’m 47. I prefer women who are older, who do not cheat, lie and are honest. I know the value of a good woman. Age means nothing. Vtman65, 46, seeking: W, l

COUPLES seeking... CUTE MARRIED COUPLE Attractive, caring and honest married couple looking to meet a female for fun times both in and out of the bedroom. She is bi-curious; he is straight. We are very easygoing and fun to be around. Will share a photo once we communicate. Let’s see what happens. VTcouple4fun, 48, seeking: W WE GET OFF ON... ...engaging conversations with other people. We are looking to meet new, awesome, open-minded people who are in search of friends, and sometimes we think we may want a little more. We are 40 and sane but far from basic. We are busy professionals, so we want our fun time to count. Maybe you want to join us? MondaysFundays, 40, seeking: Cp 2 + 1 = 3SOME My husband and I are a very happily married couple looking for a woman to add to our relationship. We have talked extensively about a third and look forward to meeting the right woman. We are a very down-to-earth, outdoor-loving couple. Very secure in our relationship. We would like a relationship with a woman with an honest persona. Outdoorduo1vt, 50, seeking: W, l AWESOME COUPLE LOOKING FOR FUN! We are an incredibly fun couple looking for awesome people to share our time and company and play with us. Discreet, honest and chill — request the same from you. Message us; let’s get to know each other, have some fun and see where this goes! vthappycouple, 46, seeking: Cp FULL TRANSPARENCY Adventurous, educated, open couple married 12 years interested in meeting another open couple for some wine, conversation, potential exploration and fun. She is 40 y/o, 5’11, dirty blond hair. He is 41 y/o, 5’10, brown hair. ViridisMontis, 42, seeking: Cp

Internet-Free Dating!

I’m a SWW seeking a SM. Young 70-y/o. Lively, happy, smart and wonderful lady. I am loyal, honest, caring and kind. I want the same from my guy. I want to grow together and share life. I’d love to find a guy who has a good family. #L1322 I’m a 48-y/o handsome man seeking a husband and wife and/or boyfriend and girlfriend. Very handsome, 8” hard. Threesome or watch me blow hubby while you tell me how. First time. Stowe only. #1321 I’m a 63-y/o female seeking a 60- to 75-y/o male. I am seeking a companion who loves being outdoors; enjoys sports, music, cooking and laughter; and is honest and fair. #1320 I’m a 60-y/o SWF seeking a friend, 55 to 60 y/o, to enjoy activities. Hiking, camping, lakes, beach. Animal and nature lover. Dancing to all kinds of music. A good sense of humor and physically active are musts. NEK. #L1326 I’m a caring, kind, creative spirit seeking a male or female for a beautiful friendship based on values. I’m middle-aged, 5’9, 150 pounds. Love drawing, poetry, jazz, folk, nature, the woods, Emerson, Coltrane, Sheehan, Mother Theresa. There is nothing that nature cannot repair. Nonsmoker. #L1323

I’m a 60-y/o. 5’4, DD free. Looking for someone to have fun with. Looking for a sex partner. Must be DD-free, 45 to 60. Must be a good size. If you want to have some fun, love to hear from you. #L1325 I am divorced, looking for a longterm relationship. I am loving, kind and caring. DD-free. I am disabled but get around with a walker. Looking for someone who’s real and likes to have fun. I am 60 — yes, old — told I look younger. Looking for someone 45 to 60. #L1324

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE MESSAGES: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call Katie at 802-865-1020, ext. 37 for a membership (credit accepted).



Submit your FREE message at or use the handy form at right.


We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!

I am retired and educated with lots of interests and hobbies. Seeking a comfortable relationship. Outgoing and active. A good listener. Let’s talk. #L1319 SWM, 75, gardener, crosscountry skier seeks Upper Valley/NEK woman, 65 to 85, for cultivating and savoring what the poet Ruth Stone called “the ripple of time warped by our longing.” #L1318 I’m a male seeking a female for friendship. 40 to 60. No drugs, alcohol or smoking. Healthy. Enjoy summertime, exploring country roads and hiking. #L1315

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. I’m a woman seeking a man, 68 to 71. Fun-loving, compassionate, and I love humor. In Vermont for two years and need to meet a man. I’m easygoing, not uptight, and nonjudgmental. Drugs- and disease-free. #L1317 I’m a 70-y/o male seeking a 60- to 75-y/o female. 5’11, 225 pounds. Television watcher. Go to Maine coast one to two times annually. Widowed 1 year now. E.D. hindered. South central Vermont. #L1316 I’m a 62-y/o SWF seeking a SWM 54- to 70-y/o. Semiretired. I have lots of interests: music, concerts, festivals, chamber music, movies, theater, art galleries, sailing, travel, antiques, books. Let’s get together and see if there’s a connection. Reach out and see if we can be friends first! #L1314 I’m a male seeking a male. Looking for an enjoyable senior for relaxing times. Prefer older men. Clean and fit. You will enjoy. #L1292

I’m a GWM, 67 years young, seeking an older bi or GM for companionship and exploration. I’m 5’10, weigh 160 pounds, with blue eyes. I’m drug- and disease-free. Let’s get to know each other. #L1313 Wanted: SWM, 55 to 75. Uninhibited nurse (56). My interests: astronomy, Freud, waterfowl. Will sleep with anyone who has five pieces of wood. Hungry? Cold? Tired of it all? Come to tent nine! Change into something comfy, put on a mask and wait. No appointment needed. Phone number, please. #L1311 I’m a GWM, mid-50s, seeking bi or GMs for socializing. It’s difficult to meet people in my area. I’m a nice guy, intelligent, with varied interests Let’s enjoy spring! Mid-Vermont, Rutland area. #L1310 Gay white male looking for gay white bisexual male in the Williamstown area to go out and have drinks and fun. Contact me if interested. #L1291

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

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THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

GRAY EYES I asked you out for coffee. You said no. Still want to know you better. When: Friday, December 14, 2018. Where: City Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914768 THROUGH TIME AND SPACE I thought over time my yearning for you would go away, but it has only changed and morphed as I have. This can’t be a coincidence; something must be pulling me to you. I’ll always be here waiting to start over. Time and space won’t change us. I said that the day we parted, and I meant it. When: Wednesday, June 12, 2019. Where: Burlington. You: Man. Me: Gender nonconformist. #914767

WILLISTON BEAUTY WALKING You were walking. I was in the pickup truck and turned around to tell you about the mountain lion I saw cross the road in front of you. I would love to be your walking partner! Perhaps we can go to the waterfront and enjoy a sunset walk! When: Sunday, June 9, 2019. Where: Old Creamery Road, Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914763 BARNES & NOBLE Held the door for each other at Barnes & Noble. There was chemistry in our brief moment together. Hoping you see this. When: Saturday, June 8, 2019. Where: South Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914762

WE LOCKED EYES We crossed paths yesterday afternoon in our cars and locked eyes. Time stopped for a few seconds. If this is you, please write back. I would love to talk to you. When: Wednesday, June 12, 2019. Where: Vergennes. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #914766

COCONUT CARBON FOR FLATULENCE We had fun whilst shopping in the medicines section. You had a lovely smile and were very tolerant of my sense of humor as I teased you. Perhaps you just thought me odd or felt sorry for my affliction. I’d like to see you again. When: Wednesday, June 5, 2019. Where: Rutland Discount Foods. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914761

GOLDENMOMENTS327 I am not sure that you read the I-Spy feature, but your profile really caught my interest. How do we proceed from here? When: Sunday, June 9, 2019. Where: Seven Days. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914765 WE WON’T GET TOO FAR If you look in my direction and we don’t see eye to eye, my heart needs protection. So do I. It’s gonna take a lotta love to get us through the night. It’s gonna take a lotta love to make things work out right. So if you are out there waiting, I hope you show up soon. My heart needs relating — not solitude. When: Sunday, June 9, 2019. Where: ONE. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914764 WALKING ALONE Well, you have been spied. I would like to get to know more about you. Thoughts? When: Tuesday, May 14, 2019. Where: Seven Days. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914745

MEEEEOW ... YOU, ME, NOW? I saw you through a window. Tall, dark hair and holding a cat. You looked at the cat, and then we made eye contact. The cat was cute; so were you. I can’t help feline in love. When: Tuesday, June 4, 2019. Where: near Domino’s and Pingala. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914760 FELLOW HANDLER AT TARGET As I was leaving with my service dog, I caught a glimpse of you and your service dog. You looked young like me. I wish I had the guts to say hello. It could be nice to connect over being handlers and young disabled folx. When: Saturday, June 1, 2019. Where: Target. You: Woman. Me: Nonbinary person. #914759


EASTERN DRAGON CHOW You had lunch with another woman. You left but returned to use the ladies’ room. I saw the ring on your finger but wonder if it carries much weight. I was alone at the next table toward the kitchen. Would love to chat with you. Loved seeing your legs! When: Monday, June 3, 2019. Where: Eastern Dragon, St. Albans. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914758 SHELBURNE RD. MOBIL BEER Spied you at the Mobil on the corner of Shelburne Road and Allen Road in the evening. You had beer, and I let you go in line in front of me. I wish I had struck up more of a conversation. Let’s have a few beers together! When: Friday, May 31, 2019. Where: Shelburne Rd. Mobil. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914757 COLLEEN FROM SAN FRAN We were both shopping for Jeeps. I had the black Ram. Wanted to comment on your beautiful smile, but I let you and your dog drive away in your white Canyon. I regretted not talking with you more. Didn’t notice a ring. Perhaps we can connect and talk over a drink. When: Saturday, June 1, 2019. Where: Goss Jeep, Shelburne Rd. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914756 GREENHOUSE AND CHECKOUT COUNTER I said hello to you at the registers when I went back to pay for a bottle that I initially wasn’t charged for on this Wednesday afternoon. You were wearing jeans, and you had a beautiful smile. I wanted to ask you out, but I was way too nervous. Please contact me if you would like to connect. When: Wednesday, May 29, 2019. Where: Gardener’s Supply, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914755 EXPECTED MORE FROM YOU. HONESTLY. I used to love a good surprise, and now I’d rather know ahead of time. You said “I love you� too fast. So much for that, girl. Summer just started, and we’re already done. When: Sunday, May 26, 2019. Where: around. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914754 BEAUTIFUL SMILE You were shopping. You were wearing a mauve dress. I was wearing a blue T-shirt and a smile. You have a beautiful smile. I would like to connect. When: Sunday, May 26, 2019. Where: Walmart. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914753

NP APPOINTMENT OBSERVER Somewhat embarrassed to be writing this, as you were the NP student at my appointment. Besides thinking you’re beautiful, I picked up on a depth and intelligence and grounded quiet, sensitive strength that resonated with me. And made it reeeally hard to concentrate on myself and my appointment! Tea? When: Monday, April 29, 2019. Where: South Burlington appointment. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914751

PREGNANT ON CHURCH ST. I saw a very attractive pregnant woman walking past Outdoor Gear Exchange, and I didn’t see a ring. I smiled; you smiled back. Maybe we can get a mocktail? When: Monday, May 13, 2019. Where: Church St. You: Man. Me: Man. #914744 S’MORES AND POPCORN To the handsome bearded man: You were buying makings for s’mores and popcorn. I was a few people behind. We exchanged extended smiles. If I was directly behind you, I would have struck up a conversation. Hopefully you see this and want to meet. I like s’mores and popcorn, too! When: Friday, May 3, 2019. Where: Market 32, Shelburne Rd. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914739

NATIONAL LIFE BROWN DELIVERY MAN Do you ever slow down for more than a passing “Hi�? Your shorts are back and, wow, those leg muscles stir me! You: hot. Me: wet! When: Monday, May 20, 2019. Where: Montpelier. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914750

TENDER MOTHER WITH MAGIC SMILE We sat opposite each other in the dining area. I wore funny “clothes,� and you could probably sense I was mesmerized. As I gathered the courage to talk to you, your son ran off and the moment was lost. I hope I see you again. When: Saturday, May 4, 2019. Where: Middlebury Co-op, 12:25 p.m. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914738

THINKING MUCH TOO HARD Why not go for broke? Trade in all your chips and learn how to be free. Why abstain, why jump in line — we’re all living on borrowed time! So do what you like. When: Sunday, May 19, 2019. Where: Tullamore. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914749 LIFE’S TOO SHORT TO I’m grateful the lyrics came to me as I was leaving and I was able to connect with such a beautiful woman about a meaningful song. I hope to see you again. Maybe we’ll get to the chorus. When: Sunday, May 19, 2019. Where: Knead Bakery. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914748 IN LINE AT MOE’S In line behind you. You were with boyfriend but kept checking me out, and we shared a few smiles. You’re hot and seemed interested, so HMU. When: Sunday, May 19, 2019. Where: Moe’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914747 NOT GONNA REACH MY TELEPHONE It’s strange how distant we are for seeming so close. Our hearts speak different dialects of the same language, and mine is worn down from trying to understand. I’m not sure what you get from all of this, but I should probably get out from under it. May we both find the kind of anarchy we’re seeking. When: Sunday, May 19, 2019. Where: on the rocks. You: Man. Me: Woman. #914746

WATERBURY CROSSROADS GAS DBL E The sailor coming out again / the lady fairly lept at him / that’s how it stands today / you decide if he was wise... Stopped for gas tonight. We exchanged “pleasantries� over how sleepy the weather was. There was something in the way you smiled. Coffee? Drinks? Dinner? Apologies if you’re happily involved with someone. Figured I had to take a chance. When: Thursday, May 2, 2019. Where: Waterbury Crossroads. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914736 CAN’T ASK A TELLER There’s an intriguing banker in Morrisville. You’re tall and pretty. I saw you again April 24. I needed a haircut and small bills from your coworker. I can’t believe you’re single, but I hope you see this anyway. You’re a fox. When: Wednesday, April 24, 2019. Where: Morrisville. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914729 BEAUTIFUL WOMAN, TAN CROSSTREK We chatted briefly leaving the PO, and I was so dumbfounded by the conversation I’d just had inside that I didn’t even realize how gorgeous you were or think to ask you out until after the fact. But wow, I’d love to see you again, and hopefully you can show the new guy in town around. When: Tuesday, April 23, 2019. Where: Bristol Post Office. You: Woman. Me: Man. #914728


Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,

I’ve got a weird penis. When I get a hard-on, it curves to the left a bit. I’ve had sex with a few women, and nobody has ever mentioned it, but it’s a little embarrassing. Is this normal?

Left-Leaning (MALE, 24)


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

Dear Left-Leaning,

I had a run-in with a curvy penis some years ago. It was a one-time thing, and I didn’t have a protractor on me at the time, but I’d say it had at least a 20-degree bend to the right. It was a little surprising at first but not a big deal, and it got the job done. Penises are like snowflakes — no two are alike — and your curve is most likely a normal difference in anatomy. If you’ve always had it and you aren’t experiencing any pain when you get an erection, you’re probably good to go, but you should mention it to your

doctor if you haven’t already. There are a few medical issues that can cause a bent penis, such as Peyronie’s disease, which is highly treatable if you catch it early. The good news is, vaginas are designed to have human babies

come out of them, so they are very accommodating of all sorts of shapes and sizes of things that go in. I mean, have you seen some of the dildos out in the world? You could actually work your angle to your advantage. I would imagine, in some positions, your bent buddy might be able to hit spots that a regular ol’ straight penis might miss. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend

What’s your problem?

Send it to

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SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


5/31/19 4:43 PM

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6/18/19 11:31 AM



Society of Chittenden County

Jack AGE/SEX: 2-year-old neutered male ARRIVAL DATE: April 26, 2019 REASON HERE: I was found as a stray. SUMMARY: If you're looking for an active pup to help keep you

off the couch and on the hiking trail, Jack just might be the guy for you! He is one handsome devil and is looking for a fellow adventurer to run, play and roll around town with. (Bonus points if you also love tossing a Frisbee!) Jack would be a truly paw-some companion. His energy is matched only by his ability to love. Stop by HSCC to meet Jack today!

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DID YOU KNOW? HSCC practices an open adoption system without lengthy application and screening processes that can delay animals' placements in their new homes. Instead, we focus on conversation-based counseling sessions with our knowledgeable staff that are designed to inform and empower potential adopters to make the decision that feels best for their needs and lifestyle. Typically, we do same-day or next-day adoptions and put the trust in our adopters!

CATS/DOGS/KIDS: Jack has enjoyed playgroups with dogs at


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HSCC and may do well with others. He has no known history with cats or children. Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.


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Landscape Design/Install

30+ years experience

housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)

Valley Painting

Interior/exterior Painting 802-324-3693 Sheetrocking 2011 TOYOTA CAMRY & Taping Special edition, new Excellent condition. brakes & tires. Well Cathedral Ceilings Fresh inspection & SM-ClassyDisplay-MartyGil51519.indd 5/9/19 12:39 1PM maintained. High oil change in May. Custom Carpentry mileage. $1,900. Rich, 802-497-8661. 497-7437. Any Size Job CASH FOR CARS! Free Estimates 2013 AUDI ALLROAD We buy all cars! Junk, Fully Insured Quattro Premium Plus.


$15,500, 73K miles. Clean title; no accidents. CarFax on request. Handsome wood grain trim on console & doors.

We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!

Route 15, Hardwick


high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)


Call TJ NOW!

355-0392 2017 JD LAWN MOWER 15 hours on it, 3-year warranty, 22.5 HP. $1,600 sale price. Contact: helengu747@

3842 Dorset Ln., Williston


CLASSIFIEDS KEY appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


CENTRAL BURLINGTON Avail immed. 2-room efficiency w/ BA & small eating kitchen. 1-year lease. No pets. $750/ mo. + damage deposit. 2nd floor. 863-2798. Leave message. KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 1-BR, $1,054. 2-BR, $1,266. 3-BR, $1,397. Spacious interiors, fully applianced kitchen, fi tness center, heat & HW incl. Income restrictions apply. 802-655-1810, PINECREST AT ESSEX 9 Joshua Way, independent senior living 1-BR unit avail. Jul. 1. $1,215/mo. incl. utils. & parking garage. Must be 55+ years. NS/pets. 802-872-9197 or rae@

lg-valleypainting112614.indd 11/24/14 1 12:11 PM Z930R

1993 ITASCA SPIRIT 46K miles, sleeps 5, auto., 1 owner, V6, 21 feet. $2,500. Contact:

sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM

display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x21


FOR RENT 2-BR BURLINGTON APT. LR & kitchen downstairs w/ dining area. 2-BR & 1 full BA upstairs. HDWD floors, off-street parking, $1,200/mo. + utils. Avail. Jul. 1. Call 864-0341. 2-BR S. BURLINGTON TOWNHOUSE $1,750/mo. 2-BR/2-BA townhouses avail. Jul./ Aug. on Dorset St., S. Burlington. Attached garage, deck, fireplace, open living/dining/ kitchen. W/D hookups. Trash/recycling/composting incl. NS/pets. Call 802-497-1740.

PINECREST AT ESSEX 9 Joshua Way, independent senior living. 2-BR, 2-BA corner unit avail. Jul. 1. $1,490/mo. incl. utils. & parking garage. Must be 55+ years. NS/ pets. 802-872-9197, PINECREST AT ESSEX 7 Joshua Way, independent senior living 2-BR, 2-BA unit avail. Jul. 15. $1,445/mo. incl. utils. & parking garage. Must be 55+ years. NS/pets. 802-872-9197 or rae@ WINOOSKI 2-BR APT. 2nd-floor apt. LR, dining area, kitchen, full BA. 2-BR. Off-street parking. $1,200/mo. + utils. Avail. Jul. 1. Call 864-0341.

HOUSEMATES ROOM FOR RENT, AVAIL. NOW Monkton farmhouse on 20 acres, all amenities incl., garden space, 13.5 miles to I-89. Start $400/mo. 453-3457.

ELDERCARE services

EDUCATION COLLEGE ESSAY WORKSHOP Rising seniors, jumpstart your college essay w/ Thrive Educational Advising Groups college consultants, Jun. 25-27, from 1-4 p.m. Learn pointers on writing an effective essay, develop your topic & receive feedback from experienced college admissions advisers. THRIVE is located at 37 Maple St., Burlington. Contact or call 802 922-1982.

A PLACE FOR MOM has helped over a million families find senior living. Our trusted, local advisers help find solutions to your unique needs at no cost to you. 1-855-993-2495. (AANCAN)

ENTERTAINMENT DISH TV Over 190 channels now only $59.99/mo! 2-year price guarantee, free installation. Save hundreds over cable & DirectTV. Add internet as low as $14.95/mo! Call now: 1-800-3736508. (AAN CAN)

HEALTH/ WELLNESS OPEN TO JOY: HOLISTIC COACHING & CHAKRA BALANCING Release stuck energy, move forward, make life-affirming choices. Live from a place of clarity, truth & joy.

Chakra balancing/Reiki: Restore harmony to your body/mind:


A RELAXING ENVIRONMENT Family-friendly nudist club & campground in Milton, Vt. See what’s happening this week at Visitors welcome. Free tour! 802-893-7773.

Expert Leak Finders Slate Roof Repairs Residential & Flat Roof Specialists

“Roofing since 1978”


MASSAGE FOR MEN PSYCHIC COUNSELING BY SERGIO Psychic counseling, 6/6/19 2:53 1 PM Deep tissue, Swedish.smclassydisplay-alsmith061219.indd By channeling w/ Bernice appt. only. In & out calls Kelman, Underhill. 30+ in the Burlington area. years’ experience. Also Please call ahead of energy healing, chakra time. 802-324-7539. balancing, Reiki, rebirthOXYGEN Anytime. Anywhere. No tanks to refill. No deliveries. The All-New Inogen One G4 is only 2.8 pounds! FAA approved! Free info kit: 877-459-1660. (AAN CAN)


ing, other lives, classes, more. 802-899-3542,

SPECIALTY IN-HOME MASSAGE Vermont Full Body Wellness. Advanced neuromuscular massage therapist offering in-home massage, specializing in Swedish & deep-tissue modalities w/ a holistically somatic outlook: vtfbwellness. com, lainey.gaetano@

Buying or selling? I work for you! Thank you for the nomination!

TRAVELING COMPANION WANTED I would like to see the U.S. using an RV or motorhome w/ the possibility of relocating. For more info, call Gerhard 802-503-7922.

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:


HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010

OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x10

Best Real Estate Agent Robbi Handy Holmes • 802-951-2128 Find me on Making it happen for you! 4t-robbihandyholmes061919.indd 1

6/17/19 12:53 PM



Recently renovated Duplex offers gorgeous two and three bedroom apartments. Updated kitchens, bathrooms, windows & heating systems. Great location near the top of Church St. and all Burlington has to offer. Desirable & convenient city living with off-street parking. Invest today! $424,900

HOME/GARDEN PRECISION METAL SERVICES Precision Welding & Metal Services specializes in stainless, mild steel & aluminum fabrication, design &

Lipkin Audette Team 846.8800

consultation. Serving residential, agricultural & commercial needs. PWMS offers free estimates, quick turn-around time & outstanding customer service. Fully insured & w/ more than 10 years’ experience, PWMS

Saturday, June 22 @ 9AM 298 J. Brown Dr., Williston, VT 802-878-9200  Online Bidding Lane 3

’10 Ford Fusion Hyb. ’10 Jeep Liberty ’10 Mazda 5 ’10 Subaru Forester ’09 Hyundai Elantra ’09 Nissan Titan AND MORE Subject to Change

Sisters of Mercy

Simulcast: Thursday, July 9 @ 10AM 100 Mansfield Ave., Burlington, VT Clean commercial kitchen equipment, antique and modern furnishings, tools, and equipment from the Sisters of Mercy Mount St. Mary Convent motherhouse.

Thomas Hirchak Company • 800-634-7653 Untitled-12 1

homeworks List your properties here and online for only $45/ week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon.

Public Auto Auction 300± Cars, Trucks, SUVs & More!

’13 Mazda CX-5 ’12 Chevy Impala ’12 Ford Fiesta (2) ’11 Audi A4 ’11 Ford Fiesta ’10 Chevy HHR ’10 Dodge Caliber ’10 Ford Fusion

REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon to or 802-865-1020, x22.

Call or email Kristen today to get started: 865-1020 x22,

has the knowledge & Untitled-25 Email1 Deb at deb@pcc. expertise to repair, com or 802-318-6713 design & fabricate any & (cell) if interested. all of your metal-related needs. Serving Lamoille, Chittenden & Franklin counties. 802-730-0357,, facebook: @metalfabvt.


PET FUR BABY DOGGY DAYCARE Doggy day care & boarding in our home exclusively for small-breed dogs, incl. daily walks, socialization & treats. Day care $20, boarding $35. Email

buy this stuff

FREE STUFF FREE CBD OIL PRODUCTS Get free samples of high-quality CBD products, cbdholistic Our CBD oil is U.S. Hemp Authority Certified & lab tested. It’s pure, potent & effective.

FURNITURE LIKE-NEW, FULL-SIZE FUTON Used a few times. Covered mattress, unfinished frame. Purchased at Burlington Furniture a year ago. Brand-new sheets never used. It is currently in storage. Asking $400.

6/13/19 3:25 PM

HOUSEPLANTS FOR SALE Variety of houseplants for $3 each. Pots are incl. Please call or text at 802-343-0065.


HARMONICA LESSONS W/ ARI Lessons in Montpelier & on Skype. 1st lesson just $20! All ages & skill levels welcome. Avail. for workshops, too: pocketmusic. musicteachershelper. com, 201-565-4793,

PENIS ENLARGEMENT PUMP ESTATE TAG SALE, Get stronger & harder MILTON erections immediately. 9 a.m., Sat., Jun. 22, Gain 1-3” permanently ADVERTISEMENT 37 Milton Falls Court, EMAILED & safely. Guaranteed Milton, Vt. Follow results. FDA licensed. ANDY’S MOUNTAIN estate-sale orange Free brochure: 1-800MUSIC INSERTION ORDERaccessible, signs on the morning ADVERTISING 354-3944, drjoelkaplan. Affordable, of the sale. Complete com. (AAN CAN) Company no-stress instruction in Thomas Hirchak household to sell: banjo, guitar, mandolin, FROM: Terra Keene vintage Sweat Comings SUFFERING FROM AN more. All ages/skill & Hale maple furniture, ADDICTION levels/interests Phone: 800-634-7653 trophy deer mount, to alcohol, opiates, welcome! Dedicated tools, household items, prescription painkillers teacher offering 2 snowmobile trailers, or other drugs? There references, results, flat-screen TV. is hope! Call today to convenience. Andy ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR Logan speak w/ someone Greene, 802-658-2462, APPLICATION salesandconsignments. who cares.Seven Call now: guitboy75@hotmail. COMPANY: Days #4C0652-6B 10 1-855-266-8685. (AAN com, andysmountain V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 FANTASTIC MOVING PHONE: CAN) 802-865-1020 x22 SALE On June 10, 2019, Howard 1/16= 1C: 2.30 x 1C: 2.72; 1/12= 1C: 2.3 x 2C: 3.67 Household items: Center, Inc. filed apBASS, GUITAR, DRUMS, 1C: 2.3 x 4C: upholstered chairs, 1/8= 1C: 2.30 x 3C: 5.56; 1/6= VOICE LESSONS & 7.46 plication #4C0652-6B dishes, lamps, tools, MORE! for a project generally kitchen, garden, Learn piano, voice, described as the conCBD PRODUCTS DATE: 06/13/2019 sewing stuff, antiquesTODAY’S guitar, bass, violin, struction of 41 additional FOR PETS & collectibles. Sat., Jun. drums, voice, flute, sax, parking spaces with DogOF treats, pet 06192019_7D oil. NAME FILE: 22, 7 a.m.-2 p.m, 457 trumpet, production associated lighting and Can help pets w/ TO pain, RUN: 06/19/2019 North St., Burlington.DATE(S) & beyond w/ some stormwater improveallergies, anxiety, 802-324-0791. of Vermont’s best ments. The project is loarthritis, seizures, instructors in spacious cated at 1138 Pine Street phobias, skin problems, MOVING: GARAGE SALE SIZE digestive OF AD:issues 1/8 (2.30 x 5.56) lesson studios at the in Burlington, Vermont. & Jun. 22 & 23, 8 Burlington Music Dojo other health problems: EMAILED TO:; a.m.-4 p.m. 40 years on Pine St. All levels & The District #4, of everything! 301 Kyle styles are welcome, incl. mental Commission is cbdholistichemp@ Rd., St. Albans Town. absolute beginners! Gift reviewing this Exit 19 to Rte. 36 toward certificates avail. Come tion under Act 250 Rule Fairfield. Follow signs.SECTION: Class Auctionsshare in the music: 51 - Minor Applications. burlingtonmusicdojo. A copy of the application com, info@burlington and proposed permit are available for review at WANTED FREON R12. the office listed below. WE PAY CA$H. ATTENTION VIAGRA GUITAR INSTRUCTION The application and a R12 R500 R11. USERS Berklee graduate w/ 30 draft permit may also be Convenient. Certified Generic 100mg blue pills professionals: years’ teaching experiviewed on the Natural or generic 20mg yellow ence offers lessons in Resources Board’s web, pills. Get 45 + 5 free. $99 312-291-9169 guitar, music theory, site (http://nrb.vermont. + S/H. Guaranteed. No music technology, ear gov) by clicking on “Act prescription necessary. training. Individualized, 250 Database” and enterCall today: 1-844-879step-by-step approach. ing the project number 5238. (AAN CAN) All ages, styles, levels. “4C0652-6B”. Rick Belford, 864-7195, No hearing will be held and a permit may be is-





sued unless, on or4:30 before 6/6/16 PM July 8, 2019, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the district coordinator as soon as possible, no later than prior to the response date listed above. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019




Not Applicable (N/A) Not Applicable (N/A)


STATE OF VERMONT AGENCY OF TRANSPORTATION NOTICE OF VERIFIED COMPLAINT TRANSPORTATION PROJECT COLCHESTER HES NH 5600(14) In accordance with the requirements of 19 V.S.A. § 504(b)(2), the Vermont Agency of Transportation (“VTrans”) hereby gives notice that it has filed a verified complaint with the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Unit, Civil Division (Docket No. 484-6-19 Cncv) seeking a judgment of condemnation for the taking by the State of Vermont of certain lands and rights therein located in the Town of Colchester in Chittenden County for transportation purposes under the projections of 19 V.S.A. Chapter 5 (Condemnation). The proposed transportation project is described as follows: Transportation Project Colchester HES NH 5600(14) (“the Project”) begins at a point on U.S. Routes 2/7 (“US 2/7”) at the Winooski/Colchester line, thence extending northerly for a distance of approximately 5563 feet (1.05 miles) to a point 75 feet north of the intersection of US 2/7 and Sunderland Woods Road in the Town of Colchester. The Project will rehabilitate US 2/7, the work to be performed under the Project includes the construction of a double crossover diamond interchange, widening of the existing roadway for new turn lanes, cold planning, and resurfacing, new traffic signal equipment, new lighting, new signing, and other roadway related work. In addition, traffic signal equipment will be upgraded at the Tigan Street/Main Street intersection in the City of Winooski. This is all depicted on the Project plans, as amended during the course of the Project. On May 30, 2012, VTrans conducted a 19 V.S.A. § 502 public hearing at The Meeting House, located in Colchester, Vermont. After considering the objections, suggestions and recommendations received from the public at the hearing, VTrans has determined that there is a necessity for the Project, as that term is defined in 19 V.S.A. § 501(1). The purpose of the Project is to rehabilitate US 2/7 to comply with current highway design standards and replace outdated signal equipment. The Project will provide safer ingress and egress to and from US 2/7, improve traffic mobility, and enhance overall safety for the traveling public. VTrans believes that the following named persons are the owners of, or have an interest in the land and/or rights to be taken: I.



Service Address

Mailing Address

Timberlake Associates, L.L.P.

32 San Remo Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05403 MSKVT, PLC 275 College Street Burlington, Vermont 05401 Susan Leach DeBlasio, Esq. Adler, Pollock, and Sheehan P.C. 1 Citizens Plaza 8th Floor Providence, Rhode Island 02903 CT Corporation System 17 G W Tatro Drive Jeffersonville, Vermont 05464 Corporation Service Company 100 North Main Street Suite 2 Barre, Vermont 05641 CT Corporation System 17 G W Tatro Drive Jeffersonville, Vermont 05464 CT Corporation System 17 G W Tatro Drive Jeffersonville, Vermont 05464 David H. Greenberg, Esq. 75 South Winooski Service Address Ave Burlington, Vermont 05402 Robert Cowie 69 Swift Street Suite 100 South Burlington, Vermont 05403 DRM Service Corp 90 Prospect St St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819 Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC 90 Prospect St. St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819 Wafika Faour 285 Oak Circle Colchester, Vermont 05446 Tim Lizotte 175 Hercules Drive Colchester, Vermont 05446 Downs Rachlin Martin PLLC 90 Prospect St. St. Johnsbury, Vermont 05819 Yasin Faour 285 Oak Circle Colchester, Vermont 05446 440 Main Street Winooski, Vermont 05404 440 Main Street Winooski, Vermont 05404

32 San Remo Drive South Burlington, Vermont 05403 1274 W RXR Plaza Uniondale, New York 11556

Crystal Clear Hospitality, LLC Dulgarian VT, LLC (Lessor)

Vermont CVS Pharmacy, LLC (Lessee) ARC SSCTRVT001, LLC (Lessor)

Shaw’s Supermarkets, Inc. (Lessee) Brockton Corporation (Sublessee) Sisters and Brothers Investment Group, Name(Lessor) LLP

NorthCountry Federal Credit Union (Lessee) R.S.L., LLC

Vermont Gas Systems, Inc.

947 Roosevelt Hwy., Inc. Champlain Cable Corporation Vermont Gas Systems, Inc.

973 Roosevelt Hwy., LLC David E. Quinlan Kelly A. Rybicki


Kenneth Dulgarian 144 Waterman Street Suite 6 Providence, Rhode Island 02906

Parcel No. 7A, 7B 9A, 9B


Cogency Global Inc. 1154 Route 30 Townshend, Vermont 05353 43 Summit Ridge Williston, Vermont 05495

850 Main Street Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604

Secretary of State, Corporations Division, 128 State Street, Montpelier, Vermont 05633-1104

Secretary of State, Corporations Division 128 State Street Montpelier, Vermont 05633-1104

Walter E. Simendinger and Joann H. Simendinger, Trustees of the Walter E. Simendinger Family Trust Wilmington Trust, National Association, As Trustee, On Behalf of the Registered Holders of CitiGroup Commercial Mortgage Trust 2018-B2, Commercial Mortgage PassThrough Certificates, Series 2018-B2 Bank Rhode Island

Tax Dept 81017 P.O. Box 20 Boise, Idaho 83726

12A, 12B

Berkshire Bank

75 South Winooski Ave P.O. Box 201 Burlington, Vermont Mailing Address 05402


TD Bank, N.A.

TD Bank, N.A.

People’s United Muni Finance Corp., D/B/A People’s United Bank (successor-ininterest by merger to the Chittenden Trust Company) New England Federal Credit Union Company

21A, 21B

85 Swift Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403

25A, 25B

973 Roosevelt Hwy Colchester, Vermont 05446


175 Hercules Drive Colchester, Vermont 05446


85 Swift Street South Burlington, Vermont 05403


973 Roosevelt Hwy Colchester, Vermont 05446


432 Main Street Winooski, Vermont 05404


Name Name

432 Main Street Winooski, Vermont 05404


Not Applicable (N/A)


9A, 9B

Service Address


Service Address

Board of Listers Board of Listers Colchester, Town Colchester, Town of Selectboard Selectboard Colchester, Town Colchester, Town of of

C/O Town Clerk

C/O Town Clerk

781 Blakely Road

Mailing Address

Parcel Parcel No. C/O Town Clerk No. All

Mailing Address

C/O Town Clerk

781 Blakely


781 Blakely Road 781 Blakely Colchester, VT 05446 Road Colchester, VT 05446 Road Colchester, Colchester, VT VT 05446 05446 C/O Town Clerk C/O Town Clerk All All C/O Town Clerk C/O Town Clerk 781Blakely BlakelyRoad Road 781 Blakely 781 781 Blakely Colchester,VT VT05446 05446 Road Road Colchester, Colchester, Colchester, VT VT 05446 05446

To the other persons who may have an interest To the above abovepersons personsand andall all other persons who may have an interest in the the lands lands proposed in proposedtotobe betaken: taken: 1. THE THE STATE ISIS PROPOSING TOTO CONDEMN 1. STATEOF OFVERMONT VERMONT PROPOSING CONDEMN PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST. The State of PROPERTY IN WHICH YOU MAY HAVE AN INTEREST. The State of Vermont, acting by and through VTrans, has filed a Verified Complaint in the Vermont, acting by and through VTrans, has filed a Verified Complaint in the Superior Court that affects your property. Superior Court that affects your property.

One Turks Head Place Providence, Rhode Island 02903


Mailing Address

Parcel No. 12A, 12B

a. YOU MUST WITHIN DAYSresponse TO PROTECT You must giveREPLY or mail the Agency 20 a written called anYOUR AnswerRIGHTS. within You must givedate or mail the Agency a written response called an Answer 20 days of the on which you received this Summons. You must send a within copy of your Answer to the Agency’s attorneythis located at: 20 days of the date on which you received Summons. You must send a copy of your Answer to the Agency’s attorney located at: Assistant Attorney General Vermont Agency of Transportation National Life Building One National Life Drive Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5001

b. YOU MUST ALSO GIVE OR MAIL YOUR ANSWER TO THE COURT located at: Mailing Address: Vermont Superior Court Chittenden Unit 175 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401

Physical Address: Vermont Superior Court Chittenden Unit 175 Main St. Burlington, VT 05401

Lydia C. Boose P.O. Box 9540 Portland, Maine 04112


C/O CT Corporation System 17 G W Tatro Dr Jeffersonville, Vermont 05464

P.O. Box 400 Bar Harbor, Maine 04609

21A, 21B

U.S. Small Business Administration 87 State Street Montpelier, VT 05602

21A, 21B

Post Office Box 570 11 Elmwood Avenue, 3rd Floor Burlington, VT 05402-0570 Mailing Address

21A, 21B

Lydia C. Boose P.O. Box 9540 Portland, Maine 04112

Parcel No. 25A, 25B

C/O CT Corporation System 17 G W Tatro Dr Jeffersonville, Vermont 05464 111 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401

P.O. Box 1308 Pittsfield, Massachusetts 01202


Lydia C. Boose P.O. Box 9540 Portland, Maine 04112


Cogency Global Inc. 1154 Route 30 Townshend, Vermont 05353

850 Main Street Bridgeport, Connecticut 06604


John J. Dwyer Jr. 141 Harvest Lane Williston, Vermont 05495

P.O. Box 527 141 Harvest Lane Williston, Vermont 05495

4. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT TO BE HEARD IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not answer within 20 days, you will lose your right to be heard on the Verified Complaint and the necessity of the taking. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you, and grant the Agency the right to proceed with the acquisition of your property, and/or the acquisition of other easement rights to your property. 5. THE COURT WILL SCHEDULE A FINAL HEARING ON THE VERIFIED COMPLAINT FOR NECESSITY. The Court will schedule a final hearing on the Verified Complaint if timely Answers are filed denying the necessity of the proposed taking or the public purpose of the project. The purpose of this hearing is for the Court to determine the contested issues and to hear evidence from the Agency, municipal officials, and affected property owners regarding the agency’s need to acquire the land and rights described in the Verified Complaint for the transportation project. 6. THE FINAL HEARING FOR NECESSITY IS NOT ABOUT CHALLENGING COMPENSATION. The Final Hearing is not about challenging compensation. This hearing is for the Court to determine the contested issues and to hear evidence from the Agency, municipal officials, and affected property owners regarding the Agency’s need to acquire the land and rights described in the Verified Complaint for the transportation project.

7. IF THE COURT FINDS THE PROPOSED TAKING LAWFUL: If the Court finds the proposed taking lawful the Court shall issue a Judgment of Condemnation, declaring the right of the Agency to take the property by eminent domain and declaring that title to the property will be transferred to the Agency, once the Judgment of Condemnation is recorded, payment has been tendered or deposited, and a Notice of Taking has been issued to the property owners and/or interested persons named in the Verified Complaint. 8. IF YOU DISAGREE WITH THE AMOUNT OF COMPENSATION OFFERED BY THE AGENCY. Property owners who disagree with the amount of compensation offered by the Agency will have a later opportunity to be heard on the amount of compensation. A property owner who disagrees with a compensation award may appeal in the following manner: a. If the owner’s demand exceeds the Agency’s offer of just compensation by $25,000.00 or less, the owner(s) may obtain a determination of damages by either:


(1) petitioning the Transportation Board, or (2) filing a complaint or, if applicable, a motion to re-open a Judgment of Condemnation, in Superior Court. b. If the owner’s demand exceeds the Agency’s offer of just compensation by more than $25,000.00, the owner may obtain a determination of damages by filing a complaint or, if applicable, a motion to re-open a Judgment of Condemnation, in Superior Court. A property owner must file a petition, complaint, or motion under subdivision (1) or (2) no later than 90 days after the date of the Notice of Taking. 9. IF YOU DO NOT OBJECT TO THE VERIFIED COMPLAINT. If you do not object to the Verified Complaint, you do not have to respond to the Verified Complaint. 10. LEGAL ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the Court and the Agency a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose your right to be heard on the Verified Complaint and the necessity of the taking.



Service Address

Mailing Address

Not Applicable (N/A)




7A, 7B

111 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401

Alabama District Office 801 Tom Martin Drive, Suite 201 Birmingham, AL 35211 U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave, NW Washington, Service AddressDC 20530-0001 111 Main Street Burlington, Vermont 05401

Attorney General of the United States

402 VT RTE 107 South Royalton, Vermont 05068


3. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Agency’s Verified Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Verified Complaint. If you believe the Agency should not be granted the relief asked for in the Verified Complaint, you must say so in your Answer.


P.O. Box 64709 Burlington, Vermont 05406




10 Summit Ridge Williston, Vermont 05495

No. Parcel No. N/A N/A


CT Corporation System 450 Veterans Memorial Parkway Suite 7A East Providence, Service Address Rhode Island 02914 The Corporation Trust Company Corporation Trust Center 1209 Orange Street Wilmington, Delaware 19801

Bar Harbor Bank and Trust Company (successor-ininterest by merger to Lake Sunapee Bank Group, Inc.) U.S. Small Business Administration

12A, 12B





U.S. Bancorp, as parent company of U.S. Bank National Association, as Successor Trustee to Bank of America, National Association, successor by merger to LaSalle Bank National Association, as Trustee for those certain Banc of America Commercial Mortgage, Inc., Commercial Mortgage PassThrough Certificates, Series 2005-6 TD Bank, N.A.

Tax Dept 81017 P.O. Box 20 Boise, Idaho 83726

Parcel No. 7A, 7B

Mailing Address





12A, 12B

Parcel No. N/A

11. NOTICE BY PUBLICATION. The Agency will publish a notice of the Verified Complaint and the substance of the Summons in Seven Days, a newspaper having general circulation in the town or towns in which the proposed project is located. The notice will be published once a week for three consecutive weeks on the same day of the week. 12. COPIES OF THE VERIFIED COMPLAINT AND RIGHT-OF-WAY PLANS. An interested person who wishes to obtain a copy of the Verified Complaint and the right-of-way plans pertaining to the land in which the person is interested may obtain copies by contacting the following:

UTILITIES Service Address Service N/A

Mailing Address Address N/A

Parcel Parcel No. No. N/A

Mr. Bruce A. Melvin, Right-of-Way Acquisition Chief Vermont Agency of Transportation One National Life Drive Montpelier, Vermont 05633-5001

11th day of June, 2019. Dated at Montpelier, Vermont on this, the ____ JOE FLYNN SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION


MORTGAGEES Service Address

People’s United Muni Finance Corp., D/B/A People’s United Bank

11995 El Camino Real San Diego, California 92130

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


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Board of Listers

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[CONTINUED] need accommodation, please notify us by July 8, 2019. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 11th day of June 2019. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658

ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1321 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On May 31, 2019, Wilder B. Wheelock IV, 868 Colchester Pond Road, Colchester, VT 05446 and Rivers Edge Building Development, LLC, c/o Tom Sheppard, 41 Gauthier Drive, Suite #1, Essex Junction, VT 05452 filed application #4C1321 for a project generally described as subdivision of an existing 3.51 acre lot with existing five bedroom single family residence into two new lots. Lot #1 will be approximately 0.82 acres and will contain the existing residence and proposed new garage. Lot #2 will contain three new duplex buildings (6 units on individual footprint lots) and 1.62 acres of common land. The Project includes a new access driveway off of Roosevelt Highway. The Project is located at 3555 Roosevelt Highway in Colchester, Vermont. The District #4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51 — Minor Applications. A copy of the application

and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1321”. No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before July 8, 2019, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must deter-


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Open 24/7/365.

View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.

mine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the district coordinator as soon as possible, no later than prior to the response date listed above. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by July 8, 2019. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that

may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 12th day of June, 2019. By: Stephanie H. Monaghan District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802/879-5662 stephanie.monaghan@ STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 703-5-19 In re estate of Violet K. Ploof NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Violet K. Ploof late of Williston, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must

Post & browse ads at your convenience. be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: Friday, June 14, 2019 /s/ Virginia Grace Signature of Fiduciary Virginia Grace Executor/Administrator: 832 Industrial Ave. Williston, VT 05401 (802) 652-4020 Name of publication Seven Days Publication Dates: June 19, 2019 Name and Address of Court: Chittenden Probate Court PO Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 130-2-18 CNCV SANTANDER BANK, N.A. v.

SHANNON H. REILLY AND VERMONT FEDERAL CREDIT UNION OCCUPANTS OF: 203 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Joint Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered April 3, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Shannon H. Reilly to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Sovereign Bank, N.A., dated May 20, 2013 and recorded in Book 1217 Page 398 of the land records of the City of Burlington, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS), as nominee for Santander Bank, N.A., formerly known as Sovereign Bank, N.A. to Santander Bank, N.A. dated January 4, 2018 and recorded in Book 1379 Page 126 of the land records of the City of Burlington for breach of the

Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online.

conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 203 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, Vermont on July 8, 2019 at 10:00AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Shannon H. Reilly by Warranty Deed of David J.B. Driscoll and Liza K. Driscoll dated September 28, 2005 and recorded in Volume 935 at Pages 372-373 of the City of Burlington Land Records. Being a lot of land with dwelling house thereon, situated on the westerly side of Elmwood Avenue in the City of Burlington, Vermont. Said lot has a frontage on Elmwood Avenue of 34 feet, more or less. The dwelling house thereon is known and designated as No. 203 Elmwood Avenue, Burlington, Vermont. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in




SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019




List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Kristen, 865-1020, ext. 22,



.36 acres of owned property with a seasonal camp on Lake Champlain. 125’ of beach front, with two bedrooms and single bath mobile home. Located in North Hero. Call 802-578-2131. $185,000.00

($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale.

FSBO-Irish-052919.indd 1

[CONTINUED] further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.

The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale.

Calcoku DATED : June 6, 2019


Side by side, w/ carports. Large; approx. 1/3 acre. Stable, wellestablished neighborhood. Natural gas heat/ HW. 12-year stable rental history. Currently rented. Shown by appt. $349,900 802-393-4383

By: /s/ Rachel K. LjungOCCUPANTS OF: 34 FSBO-Lamell_052219.indd 11:42 AM gren 5/27/19 Obrien 1Drive, South Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Burlington VT Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF Farmington, CT 06032 FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR In accordance with the COURT Judgment Order and CHITTENDEN UNIT, Decree of Foreclosure CIVIL DIVISION entered July 24, 2018, in DOCKET NO: 138-2-16 the above captioned acCNCV tion brought to foreclose U.S. BANK NATIONAL that certain mortgage ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS given by Joshua J. ClayINDIVIDUAL CAPACITY ton and Julie M. Clayton. BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE to Mortgage Electronic FOR THE RMAC TRUST, Registration Systems, SERIES 2016-CTT Inc., as nominee for LibertyQuest Financial, v. Inc., dated September 16, 2005 and recorded JOSHUA J. CLAYTON, in Book 728 Page 345 of JULIE M. CLAYTON AND the land records of the BANK OF AMERICA, N.A. City of South Burlington,

Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.



40x 6x

120x 2÷






of which mortgage the and for the purpose of 3:01 PM the same will Plaintiff is the present 6/3/19 foreclosing holder, by virtue of the be sold at Public Auction following Assignments of at 34 Obrien Drive, South Mortgage: (1) AssignBurlington, Vermont on ment of Mortgage from July 15, 2019 at 10:00AM Mortgage Electronic all and singular the Registration Systems, premises described in Inc., as nominee for Libsaid mortgage, ertyQuest Financial, Inc. To wit: to Wells Fargo Bank NA dated June 22, 2015 and Being all and the same recorded in Book 1274 lands and premises conPage 335 and (2) Assignveyed to Joshua J. Clayment of Mortgage from ton and Julie M. Clayton Wells Fargo Bank NA to by Warranty Deed of U.S. Bank National AsJessica O. Porter dated sociation, not in its indiSeptember 17, 2004 and vidual capacity but solely recorded in Volume 682, as trustee for the RMAC Page 379 of the City of Trust, Series 2016-CTT South Burlington Land dated October 2, 2017 Records, and being more and recorded in Book particularly described as 1394 Page 265, both of follows: the land records of the City of South Burlington A lot of land with buildfor breach of the condiings thereon situated tions of said mortgage on the southerly corner



9 6 7





Complete the following puzzle by using the numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.

8 1

List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45!

4 7 9 5 1

3 9 4 8


3 3 4 7 2 5

1 9

Difficulty - Hard


No. 589


Difficulty: Medium




Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.














SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019


8★ = MODERATE 7 2 1★★3= CHALLENGING 9 6 4 ★★ 5★ = HOO, BOY! 1 4 9 5 6 2 3 7 8 5 6 3 8 4 7 1 2 9

of the intersection of O’Brien Drive and Barrett Streets, in the City of South Burlington, Vermont.

costs and expenses of the sale.

Being Lot No. 17 as shown on a Plan entitled “Sunny-view 11, Dumont Construction Company,” prepared by Emerson, Abbott, Harlow & Leedy, Inc., dated August 21, 1968 and recorded in Volume 80, Page 96 of the City of south Burlington Land Records. Said lot has a frontage on O’Brien Drive of 100 feet, an easterly line of 106.48 feet, a rear or southerly line of 104.05 feet, and a westerly line on Barrett Street of 106.59 feet.

DATED : June 3, 2019 By: /S/ Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032

Reference is herein made to the aforementioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained, all in further aid of this description. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the

Other terms to be announced at the sale.

TOWN OF WESTFORD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. Chapter 117 and the Westford Land Use & Development Regulations, the Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at the Town Offices, VT Route 128, at 7:15 pm on Monday, July 8, 2019 in reference to the following: Site Plan Review for a parcel (5.68 acres) located on WestfordMilton Road in the Rural 5 Zoning District. The applicant proposes a two-family dwelling and 6,400 sq. ft. professional office/community facility. Owner: Heco Rentals LLC The Westford Development Review Board will hold a site visit (63 Westford-Milton Road) at 6:30 p.m. prior to the public hearing. For information call the Town Offices at 878-4587 Monday–Friday 8:30am– 4:30pm. Matt Wamsganz, Chairman Dated June 19, 2019

m m

support groups VISIT SEVENDAYSVT. COM TO VIEW A FULL LIST OF SUPPORT GROUPS 802 QUITS TOBACCO CESSATION PROGRAM Ongoing workshops open to the community to provide tobacco cessation support and free nicotine replacement products with participation. Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-noon, Rutland Heart Center, 12 Commons St., Rutland. Tuesdays, 5-6 p.m., Castleton Community Center, 2108 Main St., Castleton. Mondays, 4:30-5:30 p.m., Rutland Regional Medical Center (RRMC Physiatry Conference Room), 160 Allen St., Rutland. PEER LED Stay Quit Support Group, first Thursday of every month, 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the CVPS/Leahy Community Health Education Center at RRMC. Info: 747-3768, ADDICT IN THE FAMILY: SUPPORT GROUP FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILIES OF ADDICTS AND ALCOHOLICS Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m., Holy Family/St. Lawrence Parish, 4 Prospect St., Essex Junction. For further information, please visit thefamilyrestored. org or contact Lindsay Duford at 781-960-3965 or 12lindsaymarie@ AL-ANON For families & friends of alcoholics. For meeting info, go to vermont or call 866-972-5266. ALATEEN GROUP New Alateen group in Burlington on Sundays from 5-6 p.m. at the UU building at the top of Church St. For more information please call Carol, 324-4457. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Daily meetings in various locations. Free. Info, 864-1212. Want to overcome a drinking problem? Take the first step of 12 & join a group in your area. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION SUPPORT GROUP This caregivers support group meets on the 2nd Tue. of every mo.

from 5-6:30 p.m. at the Alzheimer’s Association Main Office, 300 Cornerstone Dr., Suite 130, Williston. Support groups meet to provide assistance and information on Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias. They emphasize shared experiences, emotional support, and coping techniques in care for a person living with Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. Meetings are free and open to the public. Families, caregivers, and friends may attend. Please call in advance to confirm date and time. For questions or additional support group listings, call 800-272-3900. ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE SUPPORT GROUP 1st Monday monthly, 3-4:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required (to receive dial-in codes for toll-free call). Please dial the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24/7 Helpline 800-272-3900 for more information. ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS W/ DEBT? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Anonymous. Wed., 6:307:30 p.m., Methodist Church in the Rainbow Room at Buell & S. Winooski, Burlington. Contact Jennifer, 917-568-6390. BABY BUMPS SUPPORT GROUP FOR MOTHERS AND PREGNANT WOMEN Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of your life. But, it can also be a time of stress that is often compounded by hormonal swings. If you are a pregnant woman, or have recently given birth and feel you need some help with managing emotional bumps in the road that can come with motherhood, please come to this free support group lead by an experienced pediatric Registered Nurse. Held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Birthing Center, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans. Info: Rhonda Desrochers, Franklin County Home Health Agency, 527-7531. BETTER BREATHERS CLUB American Lung Association support group for people with breathing issues, their loved ones or caregivers. Meets

first Monday of the month, 11 a.m.-noon at the Godnick Center, 1 Deer St., Rutland. For more information call 802-776-5508. BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP IN ST. JOHNSBURY Monthly meetings will be held on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m., at the Grace United Methodist Church, 36 Central St., St. Johnsbury. The support group will offer valuable resources & info about brain injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe, secure & confidential environment. Info, Tom Younkman,, 800-639-1522. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT Montpelier daytime support group meets the 3rd Thu. of the mo. at the Unitarian Church ramp entrance, 1:302:30 p.m. St. Johnsbury support group meets the 3rd Wed. monthly at the Grace United Methodist Church, 36 Central St., 1:00-2:30 p.m. Colchester Evening support group meets the 1st Wed. monthly at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the Board Room Conference Room, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Brattleboro meets at Brooks Memorial Library on the 1st Thu. monthly from 1:15-3:15 p.m. and the 3rd Mon. monthly from 4:15-6:15 p.m. White River Jct. meets the 2nd Fri. monthly at Bugbee Sr. Ctr. from 3-4:30 p.m. Call our helpline at 877-856-1772. BURLINGTON AREA PARKINSON’S DISEASE OUTREACH GROUP People with Parkinson’s disease & their caregivers gather together to gain support & learn about living with Parkinson’s disease. Group meets 2nd Wed. of every mo., 1-2 p.m., continuing through Nov. 18, 2015. Shelburne Bay Senior Living Community, 185 Pine Haven Shores Rd., Shelburne. Info: 888763-3366, parkinson, CANCER SUPPORT GROUP The Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group will be held every 2nd Tue. of the mo., 6-7:45 p.m. at the Hope Lodge, 237 East Ave., Burlington. Newly diagnosed? Prostate cancer reoccurrence? General

discussion and sharing among survivors and those beginning or rejoining the battle. Info, Mary L. Guyette RN, MS, ACNS-BC, 274-4990, CELEBRATE RECOVERY Overcome any hurt, habit or hangup in your life with this confidential 12-Step, Christ-centered recovery program. We offer multiple support groups for both men and women, such as chemical dependency, codependency, sexual addiction and pornography, food issues, and overcoming abuse. All 18+ are welcome; sorry, no childcare. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; we begin at 7 p.m. Essex Alliance Church, 37 Old Stage Rd., Essex Junction. Info: recovery@essexalliance. org, 878-8213.

Refresh your reading ritual. Flip through your favorite local newspaper on your favorite mobile device. (And yes, it’s still free.)

CELEBRATE RECOVERY Celebrate Recovery meetings are for anyone with struggles with hurt, habits and hang ups, which includes everyone in some way. We welcome everyone at Cornerstone Church in Milton which meets every Friday night at 7-9 p.m. We’d love to have you join us and discover how your life can start to change. Info: 893-0530, julie@mccartycreations. com. CELIAC & GLUTEN-FREE GROUP Last Wed. of every month, 4:30-6 p.m., at Tulsi Tea Room, 34 Elm St., Montpelier. Free & open to the public! To learn more, contact Lisa at 598-9206 or CEREBRAL PALSY GUIDANCE Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a very comprehensive informational website broadly covering the topic of cerebral palsy and associated medical conditions. It’s mission it to provide the best possible information to parents of children living with the complex condition of cerebral palsy. cerebralpalsy cerebral-palsy. CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS CoDA is a 12-step fellowship for people whose common purpose is to develop healthy & fulfilling relationships. By actively working the program of Codependents Anonymous, we can realize a new joy, acceptance & serenity in our lives. Meets Sunday

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SUPPORT GROUPS » 2v-7dapp-cider.indd 1

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1 7 4 6 8 2 9 3 5 1

8 1 120x 5 24 2÷ 6 3 2÷ 9 2 7










2 1 9 5 3 8 7 2÷9 1 1- 3 5 4 30x 4 7 8 6 6 2 2-

5 36x 6 3 4 5 7 2 1 9 8

6 4 1 3 2

5 6 2 1 4

9 6 42÷ 5 2 3 7 8 7 1 2 9 1 2- 2 3 6 8 14+5 9 4 6 7 8 1 5 8 6 2 3 4Difficulty 1 - Hard7 4 9 5 3


Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.


SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019



3 C-8

HEARTBEAT VERMONT Have you lost a friend, colleague or loved one by suicide? Some who call have experienced a recent loss and some are still struggling w/ a loss from long ago. Call us at 446-3577 to meet with our clinician, Jonathan Gilmore, at Maple Leaf Clinic, 167 North Main St. All are welcome.



FCA FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Families coping with addiction (FCA) is an open community peer support group for adults 18 & over struggling with the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one. FCA

HEARING VOICES SUPPORT GROUP This Hearing Voices Group seeks to find understanding of voice hearing experiences as real lived experiences which may happen to anyone at anytime. We choose to share experiences, support, and empathy. We validate anyone’s experience and stories about their experience as their own, as being an honest and accurate representation of their experience, and as being acceptable exactly as they are. Weekly on Tuesday, 2-3 p.m. Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 802-777-8602, abby@


FAMILIES, PARTNERS, FRIENDS AND ALLIES OF TRANSGENDER ADULTS We are people with adult loved ones who are transgender or gender-nonconforming. We meet to support each other and to learn more about issues and concerns. Our sessions are supportive,

G.R.A.S.P. (GRIEF RECOVERY AFTER A SUBSTANCE PASSING) Are you a family member who has lost a loved one to addiction? Find support, peer-led support group. Meets once a month on Mondays in Burlington. Please call for date and location. RSVP or call 310-3301 (message says Optimum Health, but this is a private number).

GRIEF SUPPORT GROUPS Meet twice a month: every second Monday from 6-7:30 p.m., and every third Wednesday from 10-11:30 a.m., at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice in Berlin. The group is open to the public and free of charge. More info: Diana Moore, 224-2241.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT Steps to End Domestic Violence offers a weekly

EMPLOYMENTSEEKERS SUPPORT GROUP Frustrated with the job search or with your job? You are not alone. Come check out this supportive circle. Wednesdays at 3 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602.


DISCOVER THE POWER OF CHOICE! SMART Recovery welcomes anyone, including family and friends, affected by any kind of substance or activity addiction. It is a science-based program that encourages abstinence. Specially trained volunteer facilitators provide leadership. Sundays at 5 p.m. at the 1st Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Volunteer facilitator: Bert, 3998754. You can learn more at smartrecovery. org.

FOOD ADDICTS IN RECOVERY ANONYMOUS (FA) Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat? FA is a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. Local meetings are held twice a week: Mondays, 4-5:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Norwich, Vt.; and Wednesdays, 6:30-8 p.m., at Hanover Friends Meeting House, Hanover, N.H. For more information and a list of additional meetings throughout the U.S. and the world, call 603-630-1495 or visit


DECLUTTERERS’ SUPPORT GROUP Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe two or three of us can get together to help each other simplify. 989-3234, 425-3612.

FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF THOSE EXPERIENCING MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS This support group is a dedicated meeting for family, friends and community members who are supporting a loved one through a mental health crisis. Mental health crisis might include extreme states, psychosis, depression, anxiety and other types of distress. The group is a confidential space where family and friends can discuss shared experiences and receive support in an environment free of judgment and stigma with a trained facilitator. Weekly on Wednesdays, 7-8:30 p.m. Downtown Burlington. Info: Jess Horner, LICSW, 866-218-8586.

is not 12-step based but provides a forum for those living this experience to develop personal coping skills & draw strength from one another. Weekly on Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Turning Point Center, 179 So. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington.


at noon at the Turning Point Center, 179 So. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. Tom, 238-3587,

informal, and confi dential. Meetings are held at 5:30 PM, the second Thursday of each month at Pride Center of VT, 255 South Champlain St., Suite 12, in Burlington. Not sure if you’re ready for a meeting? We also offer one-on-one support. For more information, email rex@ or call 802-238-3801.

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support groups [CONTINUED]

drop-in support group for female identified survivors of intimate partner violence, including individuals who are experiencing or have been affected by domestic violence. The support group offers a safe, confidential place for survivors to connect with others, to heal, and to recover. In support group, participants talk through their experiences and hear stories from others who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Support group is also a resource for those who are unsure of their next step, even if it involves remaining in their current relationship. Tuesdays, 6:30-8 p.m. Childcare is provided. Info: 658-1996.

Show and tell.




Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience.

HELLENBACH CANCER SUPPORT Call to verify meeting place. Info, 388-6107. People living with cancer & their caretakers convene for support. INTERSTITIAL CYSTITIS/PAINFUL BLADDER SUPPORT GROUP Interstitial cystitis (IC) and painful bladder syndrome can result in recurring pelvic pain, pressure or discomfort in the bladder/pelvic region & urinary frequency/ urgency. These are often misdiagnosed & mis treated as a chronic bladder infection. If you have been diagnosed or have these symptoms, you are not alone. For Vermont-based support group, email bladder or call 899-4151 for more information. KINDRED CONNECTIONS PROGRAM OFFERED FOR CHITTENDEN COUNTY CANCER SURVIVORS The Kindred Connections program provides peer support for all those touched by cancer. Cancer patients as well as caregivers are provided with a mentor who has been through the cancer experience & knows what it’s like to go through it. In addition to sensitive listening, Kindred Connections provides practical help such as rides to doctors’ offices & meal deliveries. The program has people who have experienced a wide variety of cancers. For further info, please contact LGBTQ SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE SafeSpace offers peer-led support groups for survivors of relationship, dating, emotional &/or hate violence. These groups give survivors a safe & supportive environment to tell their stories, share information, & offer & receive support. Support groups also provide survivors an opportunity to gain information on how to better cope with feelings & experiences that surface because of the trauma they have experienced. Please call SafeSpace 863-0003 if you are interested in joining. LGBTQ VETERANS GROUP This veterans group is a safe place for veterans to gather and discuss

Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online.

ways to help the community, have dinners, send packages and help the families of LGBTQ service people. Ideas on being helpful encouraged. Every 2nd and 4th Wednesday, 6-8:30 p.m., at Christ Episcopal Church (The Little Red Door), 64 State Street, Montpelier. RSVP, 802-825-2045.

coping strategies and a support network by participating in the group experience with people that have been though similar situations. Third Tuesday of the month, 5-6 p.m. at the New Hope Lodge on East Avenue in Burlington. Info: Kay Cromie, 655-9136,

LIVING THROUGH LOSS: WEEKLY SUPPORT GROUP The Volunteer Chaplaincy Program at Gifford Medical Center invites community members to attend “Living Through Loss,” a grief support group from noon to 1:30 p.m. every Friday in the Gifford Medical Center Chapel. The group is open to anyone who has experienced loss. Each of the Friday sessions is facilitated by Gifford Volunteer Chaplain Anna Mary Zigmann, RN, an ordained minister and spiritual care provider specializing in trauma and loss, or by the Rev. Timothy Eberhardt, spiritual care coordinator for the Chaplaincy Program. There is no religious component to the group apart from the Serenity Prayer to close each meeting. For more information, email teberhardt@ giffordmed. org or azigmann@, or call 802-728-2107.

NAMI CONNECTION PEER SUPPORT GROUP MEETINGS Bennington, every Tue., 1-2:30 p.m., CRT Center, United Counseling Service, 316 Dewey St.; Burlington, every Thu., 3-4:30 p.m., St. Paul’s Cathedral, 2 Cherry St. (enter from parking lot); Berlin, second Thu. of the month, 4-5:30 p.m., CVMC Board Room, 130 Fisher Rd.; Rutland, every 1st and 3rd Sun., 4:30-6 p.m., Rutland Mental Health Wellness Center, 78 S. Main St.; No. Concord, every Thu., 6-7:30 p.m., Loch Lomond, 700 Willson Rd. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, program@ or 800639-6480. Connection groups are peer recovery support group programs for adults living with mental health challenges.

MALE SURVIVOR OF VIOLENCE GROUP A monthly, closed group for male identified survivors of violence including relationship, sexual assault, and discrimination. Open to all sexual orientations. Contact 863-0003 for more information or safespace@pride MARIJUANA ANONYMOUS Do you have a problem with marijuana? MA is a free 12-step program where addicts help other addicts to get & stay clean. Ongoing Wed. at 7 p.m. at Turning Point Center, 179 So. Winooski, Suite 301, Burlington. 861-3150. MYELOMA SUPPORT GROUP Area Myeloma Survivors, Families and Caregivers have come together to form a Multiple Myeloma Support Group. We provide emotional support, resources about treatment options,

NAMI FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Bellows Falls, 3rd Tue. of every mo., 7 p.m., Compass School, 7892 US-5, Westminster; Brattleboro, 1st Wed. of every mo., 6:30 p.m., 1st Congregational Church, 880 Western Ave., West Brattleboro; Burlington, 2nd & 4th Tue. of every mo., 7 p.m., HowardCenter, corner of Pine & Flynn Ave.; Berlin, 4th Mon. of every mo., 7 p.m. Central Vermont Medical Center, Room 3; Georgia, 1st Tue. of every mo., 6 p.m., Georgia Public Library, 1697 Ethan Allen Highway (Exit 18, I-89); Manchester, 4th Wed. of every mo., 6:30 p.m., Equinox Village, 2nd floor; Rutland, 1st Mon. of every mo., 6 p.m., Rutland Regional Medical Center, Leahy Conference Ctr., room D; St. Johnsbury, 4th Wed. of every mo., 5:30 p.m., Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital Library, 1315 Hospital Dr.; Williston, 1st & 3rd Mon. of every mo., 6 p.m., NAMI Vermont Office, 600 Blair Park Rd. #301. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact

the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, info@namivt. org or 800-639-6480. Family Support Group meetings are for family & friends of individuals living mental illness. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS is a group of recovering addicts who live w/ out the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Info, 862-4516 or Held in Burlington, Barre and St. Johnsbury. NAR-ANON BURLINGTON GROUP Group meets every Monday at 7 p.m. at the Turning Point Center, 179 So. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend. Info: Amanda H. 338-8106. NEW (AND EXPECTING) MAMAS AND PAPAS! EVERY PRIMARY CAREGIVER TO A BABY! The Children’s Room invites you to join our weekly drop-in support group. Come unwind and discuss your experiences and questions around infant care and development, self-care and postpartum healing, and community resources for families with babies. Tea and snacks provided. Weekly on Thursdays, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bring your babies! (Newborn through crawling stage). Located within Thatcher Brook Primary School, 47 Stowe Street, childrens Contact childrens or 244-5605. NORTHWEST VERMONT CANCER PRAYER & SUPPORT NETWORK A meeting of cancer patients, survivors & family members intended to comfort & support those who are currently suffering from the disease. 2nd Thu. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 11 Church St., St. Albans. Info: 2nd Wed. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m. Winooski United Methodist Church, 24 W. Allen St., Winooski. Info: hovermann4@ OPEN EARS, OPEN MINDS A mutual support circle that focuses on connection and selfexploration. Fridays

at 1 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS (OA) A 12-step program for people who identify as overeaters, compulsive eaters, food addicts, anorexics, bulimics, etc. No matter what your problem with food, we have a solution! All are welcome, meetings are open, and there are no dues or fees. See meeting-list/ for the current meeting list, meeting format and more; or call 802-8632655 any time! POTATO INTOLERANCE SUPPORT GROUP Anyone coping with potato intolerance and interested in joining a support group, contact Jerry Fox, 48 Saybrook Rd., Essex Junction, VT 05452. QUEEN CITY MEMORY CAFÉ The Queen City Memory Café offers a social time & place for people with memory impairment & their fiends & family to laugh, learn & share concerns & celebrate feeling understood & connected. Enjoy coffee, tea & baked goods with entertainment & conversation. QCMC meets the 3rd Sat. of each mo., 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Thayer Building, 1197 North Ave., Burlington. 316-3839. QUEER CARE GROUP This support group is for adult family members and caregivers of queer, and/or questioning youth. It is held on the 2nd Monday of each month from 6:30-8 p.m. at Outright Vermont, 241 North Winooski Ave. This group is for adults only. For more information, email QUIT TOBACCO GROUPS Are you ready to be tobacco free? Join our FREE five-week group classes facilitated by our Tobacco Treatment Specialists. We meet in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere. You may qualify for a FREE 8-week supply of nicotine replacement therapy. Contact us at (802)-847-7333 or quittobaccoclass@ SCLERODERMA FOUNDATION NEW ENGLAND Support group meeting held 4th Tue. of the mo., 6:30-8:30 p.m.

Williston Police Station. Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732. SEX & LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem w/ sex or relationships? We can help. Shawn, 660-2645. Visit or for meetings near you. SEXUAL VIOLENCE SUPPORT HOPE Works offers free support groups to women, men & teens who are survivors of sexual violence. Groups are available for survivors at any stage of the healing process. Intake for all support groups is ongoing. If you are interested in learning more or would like to schedule an intake to become a group member, please call our office at 864-0555, ext. 19, or email our victim advocate at advocate@ STUTTERING SUPPORT GROUPS If you’re a person who stutters, you are not alone! Adults, teens & school-age kids who stutter & their families are welcome to join one of our three free National Stuttering Association (NSA) stuttering support groups at UVM. Adults: 5:30-6:30, 1st & 3rd Tue. monthly; teens (ages 13-17): 5:30-6:30, 1st Thu. monthly; school-age children (ages 8-12) & parents (meeting separately): 4:15-5:15, 2nd Thu. monthly. Pomeroy Hall (489 Main St., UVM campus. Info:, burlingtonstutters@, 656-0250. Go Team Stuttering! SUICIDE SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP For those who have lost a friend or loved one through suicide. Maple Leaf Clinic, 167 N. Main St., Wallingford, 446-3577. 6:30-8 p.m. the 3rd Tue. of ea. mo. SUICIDE HOTLINES IN VT Brattleboro, 2577989; Montpelier (Washington County Mental Health Emergency Services), 229-0591; Randolph (Clara Martin Center Emergency Service), 800-639-6360.

SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE If you have lost someone to suicide and wish to have a safe place to talk, share and spend a little time with others who have had a similar experience, join us the 3rd Thu. at the Faith Lighthouse Church, Rte. 105, Newport (105 Alderbrook), 7-9 p.m. Please call before attending. Info: Mary Butler, 744-6284. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE -- S. BURLINGTON Who: Persons experiencing the impact of a loved one’s suicide. When: first Wednesday of each month, 6-7:30 p.m. Location: S. Burlington. This group is currently full and unable to accept new participants. Please call Linda Livendale at 802-272-6564 to learn about other groups within driving distance. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you!


THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP The Compassionate Friends international support group for parents, siblings and families grieving the loss of a child meets every third Tuesday of the month, 7-9 p.m., at Kismet Place, 363 Blair Park Rd., Williston. Call/ email Jay at 802-3731263, compassionate

for all.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) chapter meeting. Hedding United Methodist Church, Washington St., Barre. Wed., 5:15-6:15 p.m. For info, call David at 371-8929. VEGGIE SUPPORT GROUP Want to feel supported on your vegetarian/ vegan journey? Want more info on healthy veggie diets? Want to share & socialize at veggie potlucks, & more, in the greater Burlington area? This is your opportunity to join with other like-minded folks. veggy4life@, 658-4991. WOMEN’S CANCER SUPPORT GROUP FAHC. Led by Deb Clark, RN. Every 1st & 3rd Tue., 5-6:30 p.m. Call Kathy McBeth, 847-5715.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN who have experienced intimate partner abuse, facilitated by Circle (Washington Co. only). Please call 877-5439498 for more info. 2v-free.indd 1

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26,6/18/12 2019 6:54 PM C-9

“I’d be reading them cover to cover whether they paid me or not.”

Carolyn Fox


the people behind the pages

Her byline rarely appears in Seven Days, but Carolyn Fox reads every word each week — very carefully. When she’s not acting as chief proofreader and fact-checker of the weekly newspaper, the 31-year-old is responsible for six of the eight publications the company produces. No one behind the scenes at Seven Days is more organized or exacting. Her eyes are the last to scrutinize almost everything we create. A native of upstate New York, Carolyn came to Seven Days right out of Champlain College, where she earned a degree in mass communications. A glowing recommendation from her professor — writer Tim Brookes — sealed the deal. In perfect Queen’s English, he told us Carolyn was a rare talent, a relentless perfectionist. And he was right. For the first three years, Carolyn compiled and wrote the weekly calendar — one of the toughest assignments at the paper. After a stint managing Kids VT, she took on the 7 Nights annual Vermont dining guide, the What’s Good newcomers’ guide, BTV: The Burlington International Airport Quarterly and All the Best, which compiles the results of the annual Daysies competition. She also works on the supplement Nest. Carolyn helps plan and edit each of these specialty publications — a total of 12 issues throughout the year. “Where else would I get the chance to edit whole magazines about food and drink, travel and tourism, shopping and home design — sometimes all in the same week?” she asks rhetorically. “I’d be reading them cover to cover whether they paid me or not,” notes Carolyn. “Might as well do it for a living!”

Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Super Readers at or call us at 802-864-5684. C-10

SEVEN DAYS JUNE 19-26, 2019

C-11 06.19.19-06.26.19




Year round, full time positions. Good wages & benefits. $16.50 per hour minimum; Pay negotiable with experience. EOE/M/F/VET/Disability Employer Apply in person at: A.C. Hathorne Co. 252 Avenue C Williston, VT 802-862-6473

HVAC INSTALLERS Well established and reputable residential HVAC contractor is looking for qualified individuals to join our installation team. Our installations include heat pump systems, boilers, furnaces, central air conditioning, and water heaters. We offer a four day work week with local travel, competitive pay, paid vacation, paid holidays, medical and dental insurance, retirement plan and a tool & training account.

Send resumes to: BARBARA@VTENERGY.COM 3h-VTEnergyContracting&Supply061919.indd 1

2h-ACHathorne030619.indd 1

HEAD OF SCHOOL The Sharon Academy, Sharon, VT


SALES REPRESENTATIVE Seeking experienced Customer Service & Sales Representative for ValleyNet LLC, the operating company of ECFiber. Become part of a team of dedicated people providing fiber optic internet to homes and businesses in East Central VT.

The Sharon Academy, an independent school in Sharon, VT, offers all the advantages of a small school environment. On our two campuses for grades 7-12, we provide a nurturing and challenging environment where students are able to thrive academically, emotionally and physically. Founded on the Common Principles of the Coalition of Essential Schools, TSA emphasizes selfdirected, mastery learning. The Sharon Academy presents an outstanding leadership opportunity and seeks a new Head of School for July, 2020. Interested candidates are directed to: Application deadline is July 15, 2019.

This position requires excellent communication and interpersonal skills, and the ability to develop and 6/7/19 maintain a growing customer base.4t-SharonAcadmey061219.indd 1 Working closely with our installation and customer service teams, your commitment to collaborate and provide superior client support will ensure our customer relations are The Sara Holbrook Community Center seeks a dynamic second to none! Development & Marketing Manager who will create and


See the full job description at Please complete the online Application Form, and submit it with a cover letter and your resume to or via mail to: Human Resources, ECFiber / ValleyNet, 415 Waterman Rd, Royalton, VT 05068 ValleyNet, LLC is an equalopportunity employer.

6/14/19 3:01 PM

3/1/19 12:09 PM

implement a plan to market the Center (including social & print media, a monthly email, annual report, donor thank you notes, and other related tasks), work with the Executive Director and board to identify, cultivate and solicit prospective donors and maintain the office environment, entering data into several databases, carrying out duties to complete direct mail campaigns, leading special event preparation and implementation, and conducting other special projects as needed. Salary is $47,500. Full time with benefits. Please send cover letter, resume and 3 references to Leisa Pollander at

4v-ECFiberCUSTSERVsales061219.indd 1 6/11/19 4t-SaraHolbrook061919.indd 11:01 AM 1

We make things that matter - from the products that enable the way we live today to the technologies that drive what’s possible for tomorrow.

MECHANICS AND TECHNICIANS Enable Advanced Semiconductor Equipment Maintenance and Perform Continuous Improvement Activities.

We are excited to announce new starting wages for Mechanics and Technicians! Mechanic Requirements:

H.S. Diploma w/ Demonstrated Technical Experience

Mechanic Job Responsibility:

First Call Maintenance & Preventative Maintenance

Mechanic Starting Salary:

2:10 PMExperienced→

up to $21.50/hr Days; up to $24.18/hr Nights

Mechanic Job Requisition: 18002513

Technician Requirements:

2 year Associate’s → Electrical or Mechanical

Technician Job Responsibility:

Preventative & Reactive Maintenance

Technician Starting Salary:

Up to $26.00 Days; up to $29.25 Nights

Technician Job Requisitions:

New College Graduate→ 18003089 (Graduated w/in last 18 Months) Intern→ 18003090 (Enrolled in 2 year Technical Associate’s) Experienced/Entry Level→ 18002106 You must be 18 years or older with high school diploma/GED to apply. For more information about responsibilities, required qualifications, or how to apply contact: or 802-769-2790 or apply on our website:

6/17/19 6t-GlobalFoundriesMECHtech061219.indd 2:42 PM 1

6/7/19 10:47 AM







he Addison County Parent/Child Center (ACPCC) is seeking a new CoWORKER Director to leadCHILDCARE this well-known and highly respected non-profit located n Middlebury, Vermont. Founded in 1980, the ACPCC is a member of he Vermont Parent Join Child Center Network dedicated to providing family the Parent/Child upport services, therapeutic childcare and education, prevention and Center Team! Looking for day staff Mondays 9:30-3:30 supporting an upport for youth, adults and children in Addison County.


individual at their WMRW radio show in the afternoons. Must

his is a great opportunity for an energetic and engaged community We are seeking a van driver/ have a sense of humor and love music. eader who is passionate about making a difference in the community childcare worker who will y leading an organization in a co-directorship model. The successful Day staff needed on Tuesday and Thursdays from 9:00-3:00ish transport children and andidate will possess strong communication skills, a team-oriented (some flexibility) supporting an older gentleman in the community. work style, a passion working and with families and a theirforparents provideand children,He lives in Berlin but spends time in the Moretown area also. He edication to social justice issues. The candidate will have experience childcare at our Center. enjoys working with human services and state agencies, experience in all being outdoors, watching TV and riding around in the car. Strongand candidates must spects of human resource personnel management and experience Additional community support hours available every Monday and n managing and overseeing data collections and analysis. Candidates have knowledge of child Wednesday for a young man who lives in Moretown 10:00-3:00. must also demonstrate understanding of financial management of development, family systems, This position involves supporting him with senior meal delivery, multiple funding streams and fund development.

adolescent development,

reference will be given to candidates with a graduate degree in social mental health issues, and field. work, nonprofit management, education, or a related or more information, including a full job description, please contact excellent judgment. This Donna Bailey at is a full-time position with

food pantry delivery and going to the gym.

children and families a must. Please contact Donna Bailey at Deadline: July 1, 2019.

3v-AddisonCountyParent/ChildCenter061919.indd 6/17/19 1



We are looking for someone with a good sense of humor, an attention to detail, and strong math skills/knowledge of payroll and related functions. Additionally, we are looking for someone with a college degree and 2-4 years of experience or a comparable combination of education and experience. PHR or SHRM-CP certification a plus, but not required. Send resumes to:

Send resumes to:

nterested applicants are expected to submit their letter of interest, generous benefits; total hours 4t-UpperValleyServices061919.indd esume, and contact information by April 30, 2018, sent by regular mail negotiable. A clean driving o: ACPCC Search Committee, P.O. Box 646 Middlebury, VT 05753 or by mail to: record and experience with

We are looking for an HR Generalist to join our team. This position will primarily focus on payroll and benefits. This includes gathering and preparing payroll information for processing, assisting employees with enrollment in benefits and answering general questions, as well as managing FMLA and Short-Term Disability leaves.

6/14/194t-WCMHS061919.indd 1:42 PM 1

HEAD WOMEN’S LACROSSE COACH Applications are invited for the position of Head Coach of Women’s Lacrosse, with additional duties as Coordinator of Summer Camps and Athletics Operations, at Saint Michael’s College. Located in the greater Burlington, Vermont area, Saint Michael’s is a NCAA Division II institution (Northeast 10 Conference), and sponsors 21 varsity sports. Additional 5:25 PM program information can be found at Competitive benefits package including health, dental, life, disability, 401k, generous paid time off, discounted gym membership and excellent dependent and employee tuition benefits. For full job description and to apply online go to:





Patient Service Specialist

This position delivers high quality customer service to our patients in clinical settings by checking patients in, scheduling and more. Positions available in Burlington, South Burlington and Colchester.

For full job description & to submit a resume contact:

3v-BurlingtonParks&Rec061919.indd 1

6/10/19 4:41 PM

Accounts Receivable Specialist • Associate’s degree and/or applicable work experience (minimum 2 years) in accounting or finance • Advanced experience (5+ years) with Excel & Quick Books • Experience with percent complete billing methods • Must be proficient in Microsoft Office • Demonstrated strength in analytical and problem solving skills • Demonstrated strength in written and verbal communication skills • Extremely organized & task oriented with strong attention to detail

6/14/19 4t-SilverMapleConstruction061919.indd 1:16 PM 1

12:49 PM

AmeriCorps Member Seeking a fun, interesting, meaningful opportunity to collaborate with diverse stakeholders and local leaders to help Vermont transition to a clean energy future? The Vermont Natural Resources Council, coordinator of the Vermont Energy & Climate Action Network, seeks a motivated individual with interest and expertise in community outreach, communications, clean energy and climate action. Find out more and apply: Applications are due July 19, 2019. VNRC is an EOE.

The City of Burlington, VT, seeks a dynamic and experienced 4t-StMichaelsCollegeLAX061919.indd 1 6/14/194t-VNRC061219.indd 1:20 PM parks planner to join our dedicated team. The position provides professional level planning services, research and analysis, and is driven to create amazing public spaces. This is a regular, full-time position with a salary of $69,058.50Responsible for invoice creation, billing, collections & financial tracking $77,080.22 annually. Complete job details, position requirements and benefits can be found the City’s website.


6/14/194t-UVMMedCenter061919.indd 3:15 PM 1

LEARN MORE & APPLY 6/17/19 3:36 PM



C-13 06.19.19-06.26.19


Receptionist Summer Position Receptionist –– Summer Position


Middlebury Office Middlebury Office

Steps to End Domestic Violence is currently seeking a Director of Finance and Administration to join our team. In this position, the successful candidate will be responsible for the overall administration and fiscal functioning of the agency. The Director of Finance will oversee all accounting activities related to budgeting, forecasting, account reconciliation, annual audits, and profit and loss reporting. The right candidate will hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in Accounting or Business Administration; have a sound understanding of and experience, 3 to 5 years, with non-profit accounting, financial management and budgeting; as well as a sound understanding of federal grant guidelines.

Vermont law firm seeks a qualified individual to handle Vermont law firm seeks a qualified individual to handle reception desk responsibilities from mid-June through reception desk responsibilities from mid-June through mid-August. Duties include greeting clients and vendors, mid-August. Duties include greeting clients and vendors, routing inbound phone calls, calendaring and related office routing inbound phone calls, calendaring and related office tasks. Candidates should possess excellent communication tasks. Candidates should possess excellent communications skills, have a pleasant telephone manner, be computer skills, have a pleasant telephone manner, be computer literate, organized, and be able to work in a fast-paced literate, organized, and be able to work in a fast paced environment. This is a full-time temporary position. environment. This is a fulltime temporary position. Salary Salary commensurate with experience. commensurate with experience.

Please reply to:

Richard Dorfman, Business Manager Please reply to: Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Richard Dorfman, Business Manager via email: Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP oremail: by phone: 802-388-6356 via

This position is full time with benefits. Salary range $43,000-$48,000. Resume and cover letter are required by July 12th to Job description at No phone calls please. Equal opportunity employer

or by phone: (802-388-6356)

EOE. Members of marginalized communities and those who have experienced domestic violence are encouraged to apply.

The CRT Program at CSAC is seeking an RN to be part of a dynamic community-based team working with adults coping with life-impacting mental health conditions. The role would include oversight of medications at our residential programs, facilitation of health care followup for clients, and help with wellness engagement. We are looking for someone with excellent interpersonal and organizational skills who would welcome being part of a collaborative and innovative work environment.


5v-StepstoEndDomesticViolence061919.indd 1

6/14/19 5v-LangrockSperryWool061919.indd 11:36 AM 1

Select is looking for an energetic and detail-oriented individual with strong communication and organizational skills to join our accounting team in a fast-paced, highly transactional business. Responsibilities will include: reviewing and processing supplier payables, researching and resolving invoice discrepancies, preparing and completing check runs, correspondence with purchasing team regarding payment status and credit card charges, vendor correspondence, filing and maintaining accounting documents, and limited general administrative/ back-up reception duties.

ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ASSOCIATE Instrumart has an opening in our Accounts Receivable Department! The A/R team is responsible for bringing in the money and weeding out fraudsters. Indulge your inner Sherlock Holmes by joining our team to help track down late funds, investigate potential customers for credit worthiness, and take a bite out of Cyber Crime by vetting orders for potential chicanery. The successful candidate will have at least a two-year Accounting degree (or comparable work experience), excellent attention to detail, and a customer service mindset.

Compensation is based on experience and capabilities. Benefits include medical and dental, 401k with profit sharing, and an engaging work environment. APPLY : CAREERS@SELECTDESIGN.COM FULL LISTING: 208 FLYNN AVE • BURLINGTON, VERMONT • 802.864.9075

Untitled-17 1


6/14/19 3v-CounselingServiceAddisonCounty061919.indd 1:14 PM 6/14/19 1 1:12 PM

Gravel & Shea PC has an opening for an office administrative assistant to work primarily with our litigation team. This position is part-time, 20 hours per week, Monday through Friday. The ideal candidate must be computer literate with knowledge of Microsoft Office software, have excellent typing skills, and attention to detail. No law firm experience necessary. Please e-mail cover letter, résumé and references to:

Think you’re a fit for this position and ready to be the next Instru-ployee? Please go to for the full job description, requirements, and to fill out our online application. Application deadline: July 5, 2019.

Gravel & Shea PC is an Equal Opportunity Employer

When applying, please have fun with your cover letter. Your cover letter is your chance to tell us what separates you from all the other applicants; please take the opportunity to provide us with an original, compelling case for why we need to hire you!

6/10/195v-Instrumart061919.indd 2:10 PM 1

6/17/19 3v-GravelShea061219.indd 5:27 PM 1

6/10/19 1:34 PM





CUSTODIAN Immediate Opening: Full time custodian Fayston and Warren Schools The Fayston and Warren Elementary Schools have an immediate opening for a full time night custodian to share. The hours are 2:00 pm-10:30 pm M-F on school days and 7:30am-3:30pm when school is not in session. Experience is preferred, but not required. Competitive rate of pay and benefits are offered. Please submit a letter of interest, resume and 3 letters of reference to: Ray Daigle Harwood Unified Union School District 340 Mad River Park, Suite 7, Waitsfield, VT 05673 Position open until filled. EOE.

Engaging minds that change the world

Town of Charlotte

Zoning Administrator/Sewage Control Officer/ Health Officer/E911 Coordinator The Town of Charlotte is accepting applications for a Zoning Administrator/Sewage Control Officer/ Health Officer/E-911 Coordinator. The primary responsibility of this position is to administer land use permitting. The position also staffs the Zoning Board of Adjustment and is responsible for enforcement of the Charlotte Land Use Regulations, wastewater system permitting (with the assistance of a Licensed Designer), performance of the statutory duties of the Health Officer, and issuing E911 addresses. The position is a permanent position approved for 40 hours per week. Compensation is in accordance with the Town of Charlotte Salary Administration Policy. The starting wage rate is between $18.80 and $21.27, based on qualifications and experience. Generous health benefits are offered. A job description can be viewed at; see right-hand sidebar. To apply, please send a resumé and cover letter to The deadline for submitting an application is July 5th.

3v-HarwoodUnionHighSchool061919.indd 1 6/14/195v-TownofCharlotte061219.indd 11:24 AM 1

To apply, please submit resume and cover letter to:

Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree and three years of experience in a higher education setting working directly with students. Experience developing and implementing successful programs. Must have a demonstrated commitment to diversity, social justice, and multiculturalism; ability to work well with people; and the ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing. Familiarity with TRIO programs and the unique needs of TRIO students desirable. Ability to work evenings and weekends based on programming demands. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. For further information on this position and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email employment@uvm. edu for technical support with the online application. The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

The Town of Jericho is seeking qualified candidates for the position of Road Foreman to manage a six-person Highway Department. Jericho (pop. 5,005) is a rural bedroom community in close proximity to Burlington with 61 miles of town highways

We have an open position for an RN or LPN to work on our evening shift full time for our community that specializes in caring for individuals with memory care. Join a team who believes in the power of Human Connection. At The Arbors, we embrace innovation and creativity to provide the highest level of care, comfort and service to our residents. We are an agency-free community with over 3 years of deficiency-free surveys. We offer competitive wages, shift differentials and benefits as well as monthly staff appreciation. Please submit a cover letter and resume via e-mail to: Brendan Conroy, RN, DNS Or stop in to complete an application The Arbors at Shelburne 687 Harbor Road Shelburne, VT. 05482 (802) 985-8600 A Benchmark Assisted Living Community, EOE.

6/17/19 12:23 PM




3v-HimalayanCataractProject061219.indd 1 6/10/19 5v-TheArbors061219.indd 6:04 PM 1

Student Support Services Assistant Program Manager - Center for Academic Success - #S2100PO - Manages, designs and delivers programming and services for TRIO/SSS students; supervises the TRIO/ SSS Coordinator and Graduate Interns; mentors SSS students and serves as liaison to one or more UVM Schools or Colleges; works collaboratively with the other TRIO/SSS staff to implement all grant requirements. Creates and implements programming that supports student academic success; social integration and acclimation to college for participants, including initiatives for special populations within the SSS community. Helps create and carry out the Center for Academic Success mission, which includes a commitment to multiculturalism and inclusion.

6/7/19 Untitled-10 12:39 PM 1


ERADICATE NEEDLESS BLINDNESS Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP | Cureblindness) is a VT-based nonprofit working to provide critical eye care services, training for health professionals, and enhanced eye care infrastructure throughout the developing world where lack of access to eye care results in unnecessary blindness. HCP has offices in Vermont and in the Washington, DC metro area, with programs in 7 countries on 2 different continents. HCP is actively seeking new team members to help scale our work: Major Gifts Officer, Institutional Development Officer and Digital Communications Coordinator. Please visit our website for complete job descriptions,

Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions.

This “working” foreman position requires experience with personnel management, all aspects of highway and bridge construction and maintenance, employee and contractor oversight, equipment operation and maintenance, job safety, mechanical ability, record keeping and communication skills, budget development, and any other tasks assigned by the Town Administrator. The position is full-time and requires a flexible schedule which will include nights, weekends, and holidays. This position is hourly, with a starting range of $26.50/hour - $29.50/hour commensurate with experience. An excellent benefits package is also offered. To apply, please email a confidential cover letter, resume, and three references to with Jericho Road Foreman Search in the subject line or send to:

PAULA CARRIER PERSONNEL ASSISTANT P.O. BOX 39 JERICHO, VT 05465 Application materials will be accepted until June 21, 2019.

6/7/195v-TownofJerichoROADforman052919.indd 2:17 PM 1

5/24/19 12:13 PM

Seve Issu Due Size Cos





WE’RE HIRING! • Hiring a warehouse team member.

Immediate openings for Carpenters, Carpenter Helpers & Site Work Laborers. Competitive wages & benefits. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or national origin (EOE). Apply at Wright & 3:16 PM Morrissey, Inc.-General Contractor, 99 Swift Street, Suite 100, South Burlington, VT 05403 or email resume and/or describe work experience.

• Fork lift experience

C-15 06.19.19-06.26.19

HEBREW TEACHER Shalom! Dynamic TEACHER needed for our vibrant Wednesday after-school program, Olam Chesed. We are looking for a creative and organized educator with a passion for engaging kids and the talent to bring the Hebrew language and Jewish studies to life.

Family support organization required. CDL a plus. seeks professional in Email resume and cover letter to: Chittenden County to assist in the development and coordination of early intervention service plans, Wednesdays from 2-7 p.m. BOOKKEEPER/ 6/17/19 conduct home visits, and 2h-ShacksburyCider061919.indd 1 and select holidays. OFFICE ASSISTANT communicate with multiple Generous hourly rate. agencies and school districts. Office in Shelburne looking Send resume and cover Must have experience letter to for a part time bookkeeper and parenting a child with special office assistant for approximately needs, knowledge of family12 hours a week depending on centered care, and strong skills and interest. communication skills. Basic bookkeeping skills with Cover letter and resume to Quickbooks needed, good HR, Vermont Family computer skills with Apple, Network, 600 Blair Word for Mac necessary and 2v-Wright&Morrissey061919.indd 1 6/14/192v-JewishCommunityofGreaterStowe061919.indd 10:50 AM 6/17/19 1 STAFF ACCOUNTANT Park Rd., Suite 240, additional computer skills a plus. The Intervale Center in Williston, VT 05495, or Burlington’s Makerspace Send resume to: Burlington seeks a full-time email EOE.

PO Box 129, Shelburne, Vermont 05482

Community Outreach Director

or email:

3v-VTFamilyNetwork061219.indd 1

2v-Clio061219.indd 1 6/10/19 2:00 PM

6/10/19 5:35 PM



TECHNICIAN Established and reputable residential HVAC contractor looking for a well-rounded service technician with excellent technical and customer service skills. Responsibilities include troubleshooting, repairing, and maintaining a variety of gas and oil furnaces and boilers, AC systems and heat pumps. Sign on Bonus. Four day work week. Competitive wages, health insurance, dental, IRA, tool and training account, vacation and holiday pay.



Oversee community outreach programing to engage and inspire over 1000 participants annually in Chittenden County and beyond, including 7-12 grade STEM workshops and a business bootcamp for earlystage entrepreneurs. Responsibilities include instructor training/supervision, writing curriculum, and developing community partners. 2+ years outreach experience required. Please send cover letter and resume to:

staff accountant working 3040 hours/week to maintain the general ledger in a highly accurate and ethical manner. An ideal candidate has at least four years of accounting experience, has clear written and verbal communication, and is excited to grow with our team. Send resumes to:

Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!

5:23 PM

Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County. Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.

Are you looking for a wonderful Generator: Art + Technology place to work? We would like to add some employees to our team. Pharmacist and Certified 6/10/192v-IntervaleCenterSTAFFaccountant061919.indd 1:25 PM 6/14/19 1 2v-MJSContracting080818.indd 1:43 PM 1 8/6/18 10:42 AM Pharmacy Technician. You Untitled-6 1 will be working in a fast paced The Intervale Center in environment as a team player. Burlington seeks a part-time P/T Facilities Finance Director to join our I am looking for a friendly Maintenance Position growing organization. This people person. You will need to position is responsible for Join VT’s super-friendly have good customer service The Terraces Independent all financial matters & works green cleaning company. Retirement Community skills and want to be helpful. closely with the Executive Locally owned. Be is hiring a P/T Facilities You will be working with a cash Director, senior leadership independent, earn extra Maintenance person. and the Board of Directors register, answering phones, filling The responsibilities include money and stay active all at to develop and implement prescriptions. Must have basic light house cleaning, trash strategies across the the same time! EOE. math skills. There is a mandatory organization. This is a 20-24 removal, painting, mowing, drug test. Pharmacist would be Call 802-863-5900 hour per week position. shoveling and supporting helping with the compounding. or apply on our website at: residents with minor repairs. Send resumes to: You would be working with a Competitive compensation, wonderful group of employees. flexible hours Mon-Fri and employment/ No evenings, no Sundays. great work environment.



Please send cover letter and resume to apply,

3v-VTEnergyContracting&Supply061919.indd 6/17/19 1 3v-VTFamilyPharmacy061219.indd 1:50 PM 1

6/11/192v-IntervaleCenterFINANCEdirector061919.indd 11:51 AM 6/14/19 1 2v-Janitech061219.indd 12:40 PM 1

Please contact Dorothy Micklas at 802-985-2472 or email

6/11/192v-TheTerraces061219.indd 12:18 PM 1

6/11/19 11:53 AM







SESSION STARTS ON JULY 30, 2019. Wake Robin, in partnership with Vermont MedEd, is happy to announce our LNA training program. Wake Robin is Vermont’s premiere retirement community and ranks among the top 100 nursing homes in the country; an award due in large part to our excellent staff and facility. Our goal is to provide training and employment opportunities consistent with Wake Robin’s unique brand of resident-centered care. If you have at least 2-years experience in caregiving, wish to grow your skills among the best, and begin your career as an LNA, contact us. Interested candidates, please send resume and cover letter via email to For additional information see our Employment page at or like “Wake Robin Works” on Facebook. Wake Robin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE ORIGINATOR If you have a strong desire to help people become homeowners, then we want to hear from you. We are seeking an individual to join our residential lending team working in the RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE Chittenden County market. While prior knowledge and experience in residential lending LOAN ASSISTANT is preferable, we will train the right individual who demonstrates the ability and desire to take onWethis role. will include originating arecritical seeking a Responsibilities full time Residential Mortgage Loan residential mortgage loans Assistant and perform related duties, with support from our processing and for our growing South Burlington Loan Office. underwriting staff, to bring loan applications to successful completion and closing. This individual will be responsible for performing a vaKey attributes for the successful candidate include the ability to establish rapport and riety of administrative duties to provide loan originadevelop relationships with customers and referral sources and the ability to explain to tion and documentation support for our Mortgage Loan customers our loan programs, concepts and terms they may not be familiar with. Officers. Other responsibilities include overseeing the

4t-WakeRobinLNA061219.indd 1

6/11/19 10:32 AM


This is an afternoon and evening position. The Coach functions in a direct care student support capacity at Mansfield Hall consistent with the mission, values, philosophy and approach of the organization. The Coach uses relationships developed with students to provide guidance and fellowship in the Mansfield Hall community. Coaches assist students in day to day activities and provide direction and support in following a student’s daily schedule and Student Pathway to Independence Plan. The Coach should have an ongoing sense of students’ well-being and affect, lagging skills and skill development goals, and challenges and successes. This position also collaborates with and takes direction from Director-level staff and Mansfield Hall Administrative Leadership to assure the highest quality programming for the students. Minimum Qualifications for Knowledge/Experience: A bachelor’s degree in behavioral sciences or related fields. Apply online: Mailing Address: 289 College Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Tel: (802) 440-0532 |


Union Bank is the leading mortgage loan originating communityprocessbank in Vermont, completion and accuracy of loan documents, including being ing the loans USDA and Ruralensuring Development Lender of the Year for proper loan documentationthe in-past six years and a VHFA Top cluding Performer. We offer a comprehensive array of loan products including input of information and preparing all related construction, conventional, VHFA, FHA, VA, RD, PMI and portfolio loans. As a locally loan documents, follow up on verifications and credit based community bank, we are able to make decisions quickly. We offer challenging reports, preparation of loans for underwriting, as well and rewarding career opportunities, andnotes, are committed excellence and providing you as commitment letters, and othertoloan documenthe tools and support to be successful. tation and set up, assisting customers with advances on home construction and providing all other loan should have A Bachelor’s degree is desirable but notlines required. The successful candidate support needed. Requirements include excellent writa demonstrated background in residential mortgage lending or customer sales and and oral communication, and a minimum of 2 years the aptitude forten business development and customer service. Required traits include of prior residential loan experience with a familiarity of being a self-starter, collaborative, a problem solver, proficient and comfortable with market products is preferable technology, withsecondary a willingness andmortgage ability to loan develop and call on centers of influence but not Attention to detail, strong explain organizaand referral sources. Alsorequired. important is the ability to educate, and inform prospective clients. Being detail and organized, and delivering tional skills, and oriented, the abilityefficient to multi-task are essential. prompt follow-up are critical attributes for success along with excellent verbal and written communication skills when interacting with all levels within the Bank or among the public.

Union Bank offers a comprehensive compensation and benefits program. Bank offers competitive wages, a comprehensive To be consideredUnion for this position, please submit a cover letter, resume, references and benefi ts package, training for professional developsalary requirements to: ment, strong advancement potential, stable hours and Human Resources a supportive work environment. Qualified applications Union Bank may apply with a cover letter, resume, professional refBox 667 erences and salary P.O. requirements to:

6/17/19 5:32 PM

Kaycan Building Products, a leading manufacturer and distributor of building products, is looking to hire an Operations/Inventory Coordinator for our Williston, VT, office to assist National Operations Manager and Branch Operations Managers in day-to-day management of 26 supply centers located throughout the United States. Operations Coordinator will monitor, control and assist in management of business operations to meet customer expectations, company goals and safety standards and will act as liaison between supply centers and management to ensure smooth operations. Primary responsibilities include: ensure that operational procedures are followed in all locations; oversee building and equipment maintenance; analyze operational efficiencies and develop recommendations for improvement; travel to multiple locations to conduct inventory audits. Travel nationally about 25%. Our ideal candidate has 3-5 years of experience with a national distributor; knowledge of building products industry is plus; ability to establish positive relationships with remote team members; strong organizational skills and multitasking; ability to analyze data and develop recommendations; strong written and verbal communication skills. Please visit for more information about the company. Send resumes to:

Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667 PO Box 667 Human Morrisville, VT 05661-0667 Resources EOE Member FDIC

Member FDIC

6/14/19 1:33 PM

Equal Opportunity Employer

10v-UnionBank061919.indd 1

Residential Mortgage Loan Assistant - LPO Seven Days, 3.83 x 7 8.13.13

Looking for a Sweet Job?

6/17/19 5:24 PM

Our new, mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement.

Start applying at 3h_JobFiller_Bee.indd 1

4t-Kaycan061919.indd 1

Equal Housing Lender

2/27/17 4:27 PM






FAITH DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT 16 hours per week, 44 weeks per year (mid-August through mid-June) – $18.36 per hour

STAFF ACCOUNTANT Four Seasons Sotheby’s International Real Estate is seeking a 30 hour/week entry-level Staff Accountant in our busy Accounting department. This full-time position assists in the preparation of bank deposits, processing checks and account reconciliations for real estate transactions. The ideal candidate for this FT position will provide high-quality, detailed service in a timely manner, have proven work experience in the Accounting field, be proficient in Microsoft Office Suites, in particular Excel, have excellent communication skills both verbal and written and be able to handle confidential information appropriately. For more information and to apply, go to:

OFFICE MANAGER Job Type: Part-time 9-3 M-F $15/hr

Malletts Bay Self Storage is looking for an Office Manager with strong customer service experience. This position will be responsible for managing the rental of storage units, and customer service.

YOUTH MINISTRY COORDINATOR 18 hours per week, 44 weeks per year (mid-August through mid-June) – $18.36 per hour The Youth Ministry Coordinator directly supports and builds programs and ministries specifically to serve youth, while fostering channels for youth to engage across areas of congregational life. The position primarily includes leadership for our high school Youth Group, but also includes various outreach efforts so as to broaden and deepen our youth ministry.

The ideal candidate will live locally and desire long term employment.

Apply online:

4t-FourSeasonsRealEstate061919.indd 1

6/14/19 4t-FirstUUSociety060519.indd 1:19 PM 1

TOWN OF WILLISTON STORMWATER COORDINATOR The Town of Williston is now accepting applications for the position of Stormwater Coordinator. This position provides leadership, regulatory oversight and technical guidance for stormwater management that focuses on quality, quantity and management of stormwater, including management of public stormwater infrastructure, GIS data and related Water Quality programs. A complete job description can be viewed at:

(under general information/employment opportunities) REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree from an accredited educational institution with applicable coursework/degrees in Hydrology, Environmental Engineering, Civil Engineering, and/ or GIS with a minimum 4 years of experience in stormwater management program and ecosystem improvements or equivalent education, training and experience which provides the requisite knowledge, skills and abilities for the position. Minimum 2 years’ experience with use of GIS software for utility mapping and asset management or related experience. This is a full time position in the Department of Public Works. Salary range of $51,730-$74,298 position includes full benefits, salary dependent upon experience.

Please send a cover letter and resume to

Attention: Bruce K. Hoar, Public Works Director, 7900 Williston Road, Williston, VT 05495 or by email to Preferred deadline is 4:30 PM, July 5, 2019.

5/31/19 1:28 PM

MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS MANAGER Saint Michael’s College seeks an experienced, organized, and motivated individual to serve as the College’s Marketing Communications Manager. The position is a key member of the team that develops the College’s communications, advertising, and promotion, ensuring all marketing efforts convey the College’s mission, branding, and distinctive attributes.

• Working with internal and external resources to develop, coordinate and produce integrated marketing and communication collateral, including design and content that support the mission, vision, strategic priorities, and the brand of the College.

• Managing intake for all project requests, and in collaboration with the director and other College team leads, prioritizing and tracking of all projects that run through the department. • Serving as a communications liaison with clients across the campus and proactively meeting with them to assess their needs and schedule work. • Collaborating with graphic designers, web designers, photographers, writers, and printers to develop and produce branded marketing materials.

Please email resume to, mail to address below, or drop it off at the office. Malletts Bay Self Storage, LLC Attn: Kari PO Box 146/115 Heineberg Dr Colchester, VT 05446


3v-MallettsBaySelfStorage060519.indd 1

Responsibilities include:

• Developing, coordinating, and maintaining budgets for integrated marketing communication plans for multiple departments and programs.

Experience/Requirements: HS diploma; retail & supervisory experience; knowledge of MS Suite; customer service experience; experience with the self-storage industry preferred but not required. Strong organizational and problemsolving skills.

6/3/19 12:26 PM


Join our Burlington, Vermont-based team of group travel specialists. We organize special interest and performance travel. Position includes international and domestic travel approx. 4 weeks per year. Experience in travel or event coordination, European travel, and proficiency in a second language a plus. The ideal candidate is a detail-oriented multitasker who exemplifies excellent customer service and has a strong work ethic. This fulltime position is salaried with benefits. To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to with the job title in the subject line.

• Serving as main point of contact for external vendor communications. • Interview, hire, and manage team of student workers for department. Benefits include health, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k), generous paid time off, employee and dependent tuition benefits, and discounted gym membership. For full job description and to apply online go to:

Applications will be received until the position is filled. EOE.

6t-TownofWilliston061919.indd 1

The Faith Development Assistant provides administrative support for the Society’s educational programs for all ages, coordinates childcare for infants and toddlers in the Society’s nursery on Sunday mornings, and arranges for age-appropriate supervised activities for children at other Society events, meetings, and functions as requested.

6/14/196t-StMichaelsCollegeMARKETING061919.indd 11:28 AM 1

6/13/193v-MusicContact061919.indd 1:41 PM 1

6/14/19 1:09 PM





Seeking Technician


COME JOIN OUR KITCHEN TEAM! We have a full time position in our growing kitchen, making our delicious sandwiches, salads, and soups. The ideal candidate has restaurant experience but is looking for a break from restaurant hours, takes pride in making excellent food, works cleanly and efficiently, and works well independently and in a team.

Vermont’s premier continuing care retirement community seeks a dedicated nursing professional with a strong desire to work within a community of seniors. Wake Robin provides high quality nursing care in a fast paced residential and long-term care environment, while maintaining a strong sense of “home”. Wake Robin offers an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting. We continue to offer generous shift differentials: Evenings $2.50/hour, Nights $4.50/hour, and weekends $1.55.

Qi Veterinary Clinic is looking for a highly motivated, selfstarting individual eager to join a team of passionate health care providers. We practice integrated holistic medicine in South Burlington, Vermont, emphasizing lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and conventional care to maintain our patients at their best health. We are seeking a technician with interest in improving skills in anesthesia, surgery, radiography, and laboratory testing, as well as gaining knowledge in whole food nutrition therapy, and herbal medicine. Our compensation package is competitive with the best in Vermont: hourly wages between $15-20 per hour, two weeks paid vacation, one week personal/ sick leave, 6 paid holidays, health care contribution, 401K match to 3%, and service discounts. Come learn a different way of practicing preventative holistic medicine in a full serve clinic.

Please, send us:

Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to or complete an application online at Wake Robin is an EOE.

• Your resume • A cover letter telling us why you are interested and how you are qualified. We will not consider anyone who does not take the time to write a good cover letter.

Send it to:

We offer competitive pay 4t-WakeRobinStaffNurse061919.indd 1 6/17/194t-QiVetClinic061919.indd 5:23 PM 1 6/14/19 and excellent benefits PROGRAM DIRECTOR including health coverage, Program Director, HIV Services. Fullpaid time off, retirement plan, time, management-level position; in-house professional massage UP for Learning (Unleashing MSW strongly preferred. Seeking therapist, bicycle benefits, and the Power of Partnership for the list goes on... a strong manager with excellent Learning) is adding a Program communication and organizational skills to coordinate and maintain Please contact Rob Booz. Director to our rapidly growing, dynamic nonprofit. Our work services for HIV+ individuals. Responsible for the supervision of 7 engages youth and adults in school change efforts throughout Case Managers, a small direct services caseload, data collection Vermont. The UP Program Director leads one or more of our and grant reporting, HIV testing and some harm reduction and/ innovative school-based initiatives, and is an expert in designing or HIV prevention education. Experience with addressing complex 3v-RedHenBaking061919.indd 1 6/14/19 1:08 PM curriculum and facilitating learning with both youth and ethical scenarios, participatory management style, collaboration adults. Additionally, the Program Director is deeply engaged in with community partners, and oversight of state/federal grants forwarding the mission of UP through collaborative planning, is required. Candidates must have life experience and/or working The Vermont Association communications, and development. knowledge of HIV/AIDS and practice from a non-judgmental, harm-


12:44 PM



for the Blind and Visually Impaired (VABVI) seeks detail-oriented individual to provide support in research & writing foundation grant proposals, writing newsletters, social media communications, town solicitations, special events and other projects as needed. Position requires excellent written and verbal communications and organizational skills. Entrylevel position. Send cover letter, resume and three references to: VABVI John Thomas 60 Kimball Ave. S. Burlington, VT 05403 Or:

This full-time position is a mix of virtual and on-site work, with our head office in Montpelier. Excellent written and verbal communication, organization, curriculum design and facilitation, relationship and development skills are required. A proven capacity to work independently and be an integral member of our team is essential.


Starting salary: $39,500-$42,000; full health & dental; excellent benefits; flexible working environment


• Master’s degree in Education (or equivalent) from an approved college or university required • Excellent communication skills (written, verbal) including knowledge & comfort with social media • Excellent interpersonal skills • Familiarity with the Vermont educational landscape • History of advocacy for educational change, including elevating the roles & responsibilities of youth as full partners • Proven self-starter and able to work independently

Full-time Case Manager (based in Burlington). Dynamic position working with HIV+ individuals to facilitate medical connections, financial stability, and housing; some HIV testing, harm reduction, and HIV education. Knowledge of HIV/AIDS, community resources, and harm reduction philosophy necessary. Reliable transportation required. Full-time position (37.5 hours/week) based in Burlington with generous benefits (health, vision, PTO). Salary range: $28,000-30,000. All those looking for a challenging role that directly impacts HIV/AIDS in Vermont, please apply. Positions open until filled; HIV+ individuals and people of color strongly encouraged to apply.

• Highly organized • Team player, working collaboratively with all UP faculty & staff Please forward a resume, cover letter, and 3 references to Karen Scott at

3v-VABVI061219.indd 1

reduction model. Experience with Ryan White and HOPWA funding streams helpful, as is familiarity with and knowledge of housing, mental health, and substance abuse issues and local resources essential. Reliable transportation required.

6/7/196t-UPforLearning061919.indd 3:49 PM 1

Please email cover letter and resume by June 28th to Peter Jacobsen, Executive Director, Vermont CARES at:

6/14/19 6t-VTCares061919.indd 11:59 AM 1 6/17/19 1:49 PM






CLERICAL ASSISTANT OPENINGS The Vermont Judiciary is recruiting for several full-time, permanent Docket Clerk positions to perform specialized clerical duties including data entry and extensive customer service over the phone.

Warehouse Team Member We’re growing! April Cornell is looking for a self motivated individual to assist our warehouse team. The right candidate will be very detailed oriented and possess the ability to organize and multi task. Duties include picking order, packing orders, receiving and moving of inventory, consolidating of inventory and other general warehouse duties. Lifting is required. Please send your resume to

Locations in Burlington, Middlebury, Newport, White River Junction, and Bennington. High School graduate and two years of clerical, or data entry experience required. Starting at $16.88 per hour. Candidates shall submit a complete and up-to-date Judicial Branch Application and resume. An electronic version of the Application may be found at: Open until filled. Equal opportunity employer.

5h-OfficeCourtAdministrator061919.indd 1 4t-AprilCornell110718.indd 1

11/2/18 10:47 AM

OPPORTUNITY, GROWTH, COMMUNITY! Are you interested in learning more about the building materials industry? Curtis Lumber is willing to train and teach employees who exemplify a great attitude and willingness to learn. WILLISTON OPEN POSITIONS: CDL Drivers Counter Sales BURLINGTON OPEN POSITIONS: Inside Contractor Sales

The City of Montpelier is seeking an Assistant City Manager. This position reports directly to the City Manager and is part of the senior leadership team. The Assistant City Manager is a professional position with primary responsibility for communications, cross-departmental project management, community services and general administration. They may have additional responsibilities for government operations, policy analysis, emergency management, budget management and other areas of city government as assigned by the City Manager. Assignments may vary based on the skill set of the successful candidate. The work involves close cooperation and coordination with department heads, advisory boards, the City Council, residents, and the business community. Attendance at evening meetings is necessary. Montpelier is a vibrant and engaged community with a committed and professional workforce. The salary range is $79,000 to $91,000 annually based on qualifications. The City offers an excellent benefits package and a dynamic professional environment.

To learn more about our organization, community and the hiring process, go to:

Comprehensive Health Benefits Paid Time Off

To apply, please electronically submit a cover letter and resume to by July 26, 2019.

401k/retirement plan Employee discount ‌And much more! Please visit our locations or website for more details and to apply

6t-CurtisLumber061219.indd 1


To view a complete job description, go to:



6/17/19 1:37 PM

The City of Montpelier is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we strongly encourage people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ applicants, and people from other underrepresented groups to apply, recognizing and respecting that diverse perspectives and experiences are valuable to our team and essential to our public service.

6/11/196t-CityofMontpelier061919.indd 10:48 AM 1


TECHNICIAN Seeking Fiber Optic Installation Technician for ValleyNet LLC, the operating company of ECFiber. Become part of a team of dedicated people providing fiber optic internet to homes and businesses in East Central VT. Experience is valued, but not necessary. The basic skills required are familiarity with computers, and an understanding of home networks on PCs, Macs and various Wi-Fi mobile devices. With your commitment to work reliably and collaboratively with attention to detail and a passion for our mission, we will train you on everything else. See the full job description at Please complete the online Application Form, and submit it with a cover letter and your resume to or via mail to: Human Resources, ECFiber/ ValleyNet, 415 Waterman Rd, Royalton, VT 05068 ValleyNet, LLC is an equalopportunity employer.

6/14/19 4v-ECFiberOPTIC061219.indd 3:14 PM 1

6/11/19 11:02 AM





LOOKING FOR WORK? GPS located at The Burlington Free Press has shifts available putting flyers into the newspaper. • Saturday Night Shifts are Required.

Director of Development Reporting to the ED, the Director of Development is accountable for the performance and success of fundraising events and strategies for the Vermont Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. This person will mobilize and manage staff and volunteers to implement chapter development strategies. Based in Williston, Vermont, this position requires frequent travel within the state and occasional travel throughout the United States. Minimum Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree; CFRE or CFRM highly desired • 5+ years of mgmt level experience in marketing, fundraising, nonprofit management or related field • Demonstrated expertise in event planning and execution • Experience in major donor cultivation preferred

INSTRUCTIONAL ASSISTANTS NEEDED Harwood Unified Union School District has anticipated openings for instructional assistant positions at Moretown Elementary School, Waitsfield Elementary School, and Warren Elementary School beginning in the 201920 school year. There are opportunities at various grade levels, from preschool to 6th grade. We have both fulltime and part-time positions following the school calendar and offer competitive pay and benefits. Love of children and prior experience preferred. Associate’s degree or equivalent required. Contact Principal Kaiya Korb at or at 496-3643 for more information and/or to apply. Application should include a cover letter, resume, copy of transcripts, and 3 letters of reference. Positions open until filled. EOE.

• Pre-Employment Drug Test & Background Check is Conducted. • Starting pay is $11.50 per hour. Apply Online at: Req# 7291 or Stop by for more Information Monday Through Friday 2-4 PM

The Alzheimer’s Association has been ranked as one of the Best Nonprofits to Work For by The Nonprofit Times nine years in a row, recognizing our leadership, competitive compensation and benefits, flexibility and mission-driven atmosphere. Apply at 5h-AlzheimersAssociationofVT061219.indd 1

• Shifts are fast paced and the work is easy (up to 25 hours weekly).

6/7/19 12:00 PM

Shelburne Road

There is no better time to join NSB’s team! Northfield Savings bank is looking for a professional to join our team as a Senior Community Banker in our Shelburne Road Branch located at 1120 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, VT. This position offers an excellent opportunity to work for a premier Vermont mutual savings bank. Job Responsibilities & Requirements • A thorough knowledge of banking and the technology which enables customers to conduct financial transactions, the ability to build customer relationships, earn trust, and maintain confidentiality is essential. Exceptional customer service, opening and maintaining customers’ accounts and services, as well as guiding customers through the consumer loan process in accordance with established policies and procedures are requirements of this position. • The Senior Community Banker must possess excellent communication and customer service skills for both internal and external customers. Requirements include 3-5 years of bank experience and registration with the Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System. A Bachelor’s degree is preferred. Find your place with us at NSB • Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. NSB offers a competitive compensation and benefits package including medical, dental, profit sharing, matching 401(K) retirement program, professional development opportunities, and a positive work environment supported by a team culture. Northfield Savings Bank hours of operation are Monday – Thursday, generally 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Please submit your resume and application in confidence to: (Preferred) Or mail: Northfield Savings Bank Human Resources P.O. Box 7180 Barre, VT 05641-7180 Equal Opportunity Employer/Member FDIC

4v-HarwoodUnionHighSchool061919.indd 1 6/14/19 6t-NorthfieldSavingsBank061219.indd 1:15 PM 1


Gannett Publishing Services Burlington 129 South Winooski Ave (Across from the Fire Station) Burlington, VT 05401

*Start by 7/1/19 and stay thru 12/26/19 to qualify for a $500 Seasonal Bonus to be paid out on 12/13/19.


4t-BurlingtonFreePress061219.indd 1

Senior Community Banker

$500 BON 6/11/19 11:24 AM

PCC is growing—Join us and work in a fantastic team culture! Our friendly, informal, hardworking, and clientfocused environment supports our 80+ employees to have work-life balance while delivering an industryleading software solution to pediatricians nationwide. We are seeking a Client Systems Administrator to join our eight-person Technical Solutions Team. Our Technical Solutions Team provides a broad range of technical services for our clients. They provide telephone support and function as a general IT resource to our clients, perform remote systems and network administration, and travel to client sites to install servers, networks, and perform upgrades. We stay on top of technology and continuously research and develop new solutions for our clients. This position requires strong technical expertise along with exceptional customer service and communication skills. Applicants for this position should have three or more years of experience providing systems and network support in a fast-paced, professional environment. Technical skills should include Linux, Windows and MacOS, shell scripting, TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, firewalls, wireless, and VPN. Good security practices are essential. To learn more about PCC, this role and how to apply, please visit our website at This position is open until filled. As a Benefit Corporation, we place high value on client, employee and community relationships. PCC offers competitive benefits as well as some uncommon perks. PCC is located in the Champlain Mill in Winooski, VT. No phone calls, please. AA/EOE.

6/11/19 6t-PCC061219.indd 11:35 AM 1

6/7/19 4:31 PM




EXPERIENCED AUTO BODY COLLISION TECH Experienced auto body collision tech needed at Majestic Auto Body. Must be experienced full phase, start to finish tech with own tools and valid driver’s license. Paid Holidays, 2 week paid vacation, plus sick/personal days. Competitive wages and health insurance.

To learn more, visit: To Apply: Submit a cover letter, resume, and three references to

Email or call Tom or Martha with interest 802-244-5465. 3h-MajesticAuto060519.indd 1

No phone calls please. Position opened until filled. EOE.

6/4/19 10:24 AM


2h-GreenMountainFarmSchool061219.indd 1

If you have good listening skills and enjoy helping people,

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The Team Leader is accountable for ensuring that production scheduled for completion is executed in a timely manner and within all quality parameters. Responsibility for all employees to include developing, coaching, etc. as well as the safety and productivity of all employees on his/her team.


for these Chittenden County positions!

Electrical Test Technician:

Voted one of the Best Places to Work in Vermont for the past three years, we support our employees as they grow as people and professionals.

Support the development and integration of electrical heating and sensing products or technologies for the Hot Runner business. Responsibilities include cable assembly construction, custom electrical panel enclosure design and construction, system documentation, material ordering and laboratory maintenance.

We are currently seeking candidates to fill Member Service Consultant positions in our Burlington and Williston branches.

Manufacturing Engineer, Controllers: Support the growth of our controls operations by applying the latest manufacturing techniques and processes to support our customers and grow our business. Improve methods and processes to establish ongoing top-notch technical operations. (Electrical Engineer preferred)

Responsibilities for this position include: • Engaging members through outstanding customer service and advocacy • Helping meet members’ needs through proactive consultative sales • Referring members to investment advisory and insurance solutions • Following up on sales leads in person and by telephone • Building relationships in the community through local events

Customs Specialist: Assist with the development and implementation of corporate global customs compliance and security programs to ensure compliance with international customs regulations, operating policies, procedures, and internal/external controls.

Banking experience is NOT required for this job. We will train the right candidate.

Manufacturing Technician: Set up and operate manual equipment, such as grinders and pneumatic tools to safely remove sharp edges and/or blend intersecting features. Read and interpret mechanical drawings and production travelers to determine necessary actions in the finishing, testing and inspections area.

VSECU offers a comprehensive benefits package including medical, dental, and vision coverage; life and disability insurance; a strong retirement package with matching 401K contributions; tuition reimbursement; paid time off; paid volunteer time off; and wellbeing programs. Business hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.

CNC Machinist: Set up and operate precision milling and turning machines such as milling machines, millturn lathes, deep drilling machines and grinders to make and repair products. Responsible for machine setup, first piece validation and exceptional quality. Ability to navigate through programming the machine to adjust feeds and speeds to optimize part quality and efficiency is a plus.

The title for this full-time position is Burlington Member Service Consultant. Learn more and apply at Burlington Branch: 125 St. Paul Street Williston Branch: 1755 Essex Road

6/11/19 11:37 AM

Manufacturing Team Leader:

We are offering a

Untitled-94 1

C-21 06.19.19-06.26.19

Apply online today at or email resume to


Husky is an Equal Opportunity Employer

6/7/19 4:32 PM 8t-Husky061219.indd 1

6/11/19 11:09 AM





Floral Merchandiser - Middlebury


PT, 5 mornings per week, approximately 15-20 hours. Fun and flexible job perfect for a creative person who likes to work independently. Please email resume to or

2h-Seagroatt061219.indd 1



Licensed medical professional to support health component of federally-funded 0-5 program serving 319 (Franklin County) children and their families, and pregnant women, in northwestern VT. Responsibilities include working Provide services in home-based settings to program participants to: support prenatal education with families, children, staff, and health providers to manage health needs of enrolled children and and serviceswomen. to promote prenatal outcomes women; provide or support the parent care of pregnant Thishealthy may include supporting stafffor in pregnant implementing treatment plans, facilitating infants and toddlers so as to enhance their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development; and staff training sessions, completing a postpartum home visit with new mothers, and obtaining health 12:45 PM records. is a contracted for 3-4 of hours week with flexible scheduling. Competitive supportThis parents in the careposition and nurturing theirper infants and toddlers; and help parents movehourly wage dependent upon education and experience. toward self-sufficiency and independent living.

RequiRements: Bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field, Qualifications:

with demonstrable experience • RN with Bachelor’s Degree and training in the provision of services for infants and toddlers. 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year. Starting wage upon completion of 60 –working day period: • VT State licensure $16.30 to 18.36/ per hour. Health plan and excellent benefits.

LEAD COOK Seasonal (2 positions)

• Experience working with infants, toddlers and preschool-aged children and their families with

The Lead Cook will work as part of the dynamic food service team to prepare excellent meals for Goddard College students, faculty, and staff. Experience cooking vegetarian, vegan, and glutenfree meals is desired, along with working knowledge of the local food movement and sustainable kitchen practices. Applicants must be available for all scheduled residencies, including days, evenings, and weekends; variable schedule; 30 to 40 hours per week; June-October. ServSafe certification is a plus. •

Lead Cook Pay Rate is $13.00 per hour.

SuCCESSful appliCantS excellent verbalspeaking and written communication diverse backgrounds (limited muSt financialHavE: resources, non-English families, varying education skills; skills in documentation and record-keeping; proficiency in mS Word, e-mail and internet; levels) exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. must be energetic, positive, mature, • Knowledge of the management of common chronic and acute conditions affecting young children professional, diplomatic, motivated, and have a can-do, extra-mile attitude. a commitment to • Independent status social justice andcontractor to working with families with limited financial resources is necessary. Clean driving record and access to reliable transportation required. demonstrate physicaltoability Must be energetic, positive, mature, professional, diplomatic, and must motivated. A commitment social to carry out required tasks. justice and to working with families with limited financial resources is necessary. Access to reliable

transportation required. submit resume cover letter with threevia work references via email to Please submit resumePlease and cover letter withand three work references email to Julie Springer, No phone calls, please. No phone calls, please.

CVOEO IS AN EQUALOPPORTUNITY OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER CVOEO IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYER 7t-ChampVallHeadStart-093015.indd 1 7t-ChamplainValleyHeadStart061919.indd 1



Are you great with technology and able to assist others with their technology needs? The Essex Westford School District is seeking a Help Desk person to effectively serve the Information Technology Department through the coverage and management of the Help Desk and work orders, support of end-user hardware/software programs, and management of department organizational duties. We are seeking candidates with the following qualifications:

Option 1: Please submit the following materials by email to: •

Resume or Goddard College employment application

Contact information of three former supervisors Option 2:

Complete a Goddard College paper Employment Application form by stopping by Human Resources in the Pratt Center Library or the Help Desk in the Community Center.

• Two to four years of relevant work experience and/or training. • Proficient with Microsoft Office products, Gmail and other Google Suite products, and other common business software programs. Some computer repair maintenance skills or knowledge (hardware) desirable. Previous experience with computerized information systems required. • Excellent analytical/problem-solving skills. Demonstrated ability to use discretion and independent judgement. • Excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to effectively present information and respond to questions.

APPLICATION DUE DATE: ASAP!!! Applications will be accepted until these positions are filled. Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for these positions. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

• Proven ability to work cooperatively and effectively as part of a team. • Good interpersonal skills; ability to communicate courteously, efficiently and effectively with a variety of individuals. • High accuracy & attention to detail. Strong organizational skills. Position pays $17.91 to $18.90/hour and offers an excellent benefits package including family medical and dental insurance; term life insurance; retirement plan with up to 6% employer contribution; professional development funds; and a competitive leave package. Applications only accepted electronically through (Job ID 3108801). 7t-EssexWestfordSchoolDistrict061919.indd 1

8t-GoddardCollege061919.indd 1

6/14/19 9/24/15 10:01 1:13 PM AM

6/17/19 5:29 PM

6/14/19 1:28 PM




“We make things that matter - from the products that enable the way we live today to the technologies that drive what’s possible for tomorrow!” Get a free college education and save up to $57K in College expenses while working full time with benefits.

New, local, scam-free jobs posted every day!

You can earn a starting wage up to $18.50/hour which is over $38K per year! After completion of the program in 4 years, you can earn a wage of $26/ hour which is over $54K per year! We are looking to hire into this competitive program, high school grads who are 18 years or older**, who have demonstrated technical aptitude, and have achieved high scholastic and community accomplishments.

C-23 06.19.19-06.26.19

Program Requirements:

High School Diploma with demonstrated technical aptitude

Program Responsibilities:

First call maintenance and preventative maintenance - attend college based courses at VTC Williston Campus

Program Starting Wage:

Experienced up to $18.50/hour days; up to $20.81/ hour nights. 401K, Vacation, Sick-time, Quarterly Bonus Program, Medical, Dental and Vision Plans and many more...

Program Requisition: Requisition # 19001101

For more information about responsibilities, required qualifications or how to apply contact: or 802-769-2790 or apply on our website: **18 years old by 08/16/2019

7t-GlobalFoundriesAPPRENTICE061219.indd 1


5v-postings-cmyk.indd 1

6/7/19 4:59 PM

6/18/19 1:26 PM

When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package. BGS MAINTENANCE MECHANIC II – BURLINGTON

Do you have experience in multiple trades? We are in search of an individual who can work independently as well as with others. Work includes installation, repair, and maintenance of buildings, systems, equipment, and machinery. Computer proficiency is preferred, and a valid driver’s license is required, in addition to a background check. Benefits include Health Insurance, Dental Plan, Flexible Spending, Life Insurance, Paid Time Off and more. For more information, contact

Joshua Reese at Department: Building and General Services. Location: Burlington. Status: Full Time. Reference Job ID #1230. Application Deadline: Open until filled.


Join our dynamic team. This position plays a lead role in the State’s financial reporting in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and preparing the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. Develops, instructs and trains personnel of other departments in collecting and reporting financial data under GAAP. Assures that the State’s accounting system remains in compliance with GAAP. For more information, contact Christine Gilhuly at christine.gilhuly@vermont.

gov. Department: Finance & Management. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Reference Job ID # 1738. Application Deadline: July 21, 2019.


Seeking qualified applicants to join our team and perform custodial and housekeeping services for state offices and facilities in the Essex area. Responsibilities include cleaning, dusting, trash collection, recycling, restroom cleaning, mopping, auto-scrubbing, carpet cleaning, stripping, and sealing. Strong computer and communication (oral and written) skills preferred. Driver’s license required. Hours are 12pm to 8:30pm, Sunday through Thursday. For more information, contact Robin Chaplin at robin. Department: Building & General Services. Location: Essex. Status: Full Time. Reference Job ID # 1732. Application Deadline: June 24, 2019.

Learn more at: Untitled-14 1

U T I L I T I E S E C O N O M I C A N A LY S T I I / I I I – M O N T P E L I E R

The Public Service Department is seeking an experienced Utilities Economic Analyst to work on a wide range of issues including efficiency, distributed energy resources, and comprehensive energy planning, as well as drafting and supporting proposed legislation. The Efficiency and Energy Resources Division conducts analyses, works with stakeholders, and tracks energy sector trends related to efficiency and distributed energy resources to develop, implement, and promote State energy policy. Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact TJ Poor at TJ.Poor@ Status: Full Time. Reference Job ID # 1919 OR 1914. Application Deadline: July 7, 2019.

NURSE SURVEYOR – HOME BASED DAIL is seeking is seeking an experienced Registered Nurse who is eager to apply their breadth of professional nursing knowledge to promote the highest quality of care in Vermont. Nurse Surveyors are part of a unique team of committed and compassionate nursing professionals who work to ensure that Vermonters receive health care with dignity, respect and independence by conducting in depth surveys and investigations to determine compliance with federal and state regulations. For more information,

contact Sarah Sherbrook at Department: Disabilities Aging & Independent Living. Location: Home Based. Status: Full Time. Reference Job ID #1324. Application Deadline: June 25, 2019.

Nowhere in Vermont will you find so many opportunities with one employer. Whether you are looking for “a stepping stone” to launch your professional life, growing a long-term career or changing career paths, you’ll find jobs in dozens of fields.

The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer 6/14/19 10:16 AM


C-24 06.19.19-06.26.19





Applications are being accepted for a full-time position, providing leadership and guidance to an active student-run fire and emergency medical services organization. This is a mentor/ support role with a focus on training and student development with primary operational responsibility for the rescue unit and shared administrative/organizational responsibilities. The successful candidate will serve as the chief officer for the rescue unit and is expected to provide patient care as needed, preferably at the paramedic level. The ideal candidate will be an alum of St. Michael’s Fire & Rescue with demonstrated leadership experience in EMS.

(Location flexible wiwthin CCV Academic Centers)


We seek an energetic and resourceful leader to provide administrative and programmatic leadership for the federally funded TRIO/Student Support Services program which targets low income, first generation college students. Five years’ experience in higher education or related field, with Master’s degree in relevant area required. Expertise in management of staff, budgets and grant projects. Flexible hours and statewide travel are required.

MONTPELIER ACADEMIC CENTER To view the complete posting and apply:

Benefits include health, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k), generous paid time off, employee and dependent tuition benefits, and discounted gym membership.

For full job description and to apply online go to:


4t-StMichaelsCollege061919.indd 1

6/18/19 12:18 PM

PS SALON & SPA is looking for licensed salon & spa professionals to help us in making a difference in seniors’ lives. If you are a caring, hardworking professional with compassion and empathy for others we want to hear from you!

To view the full posting and apply:

5v-CCVdigitalMarketing061919.indd 1

Current need is for 4 days a week, 9am-3pm. Now offering 60% commission and a $400 Sign On Bonus! DON’T JUST STRIVE TO MAKE A LIVING, STRIVE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE! PEOPLE. EMPATHY. RESPECT. Send resumes to:

6/18/19 1:33 PM

Elementary School French Teacher Waitsfield and Warren Elementary Schools, part of the Harwood Unified Union School District, seek a French teacher for our K-6th grades. Our elementary program provides introductory language exposure along with world culture instruction. Candidates must love kids and world language; understanding of the language acquisition process and effective instructional strategies for this age group are also essential. This is a 4 days/week teaching position, with benefits and competitive pay. A candidate interested in more part-time work could work in just one of the schools. For more information and/or to apply, please contact Kaiya Korb at or 496-3643.

4t-HarwoodUnionHighSchoolFRENCH061919.indd 1 Are you a digital media-savvy individual with a desire to learn and grow? Extroverted, curious, and creative? CCV is looking CCV encourages applications from candidates who reflect our diverse student population. CCV is an EOE/ for a digital marketing coordinator to join its Marketing and ADA compliant employer; auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. CVAAand is an bring Equal Opportunity Employer Communications team its digital presence to the next level. We’ll look to you to design, execute, and report on our digital marketing campaigns; enhance our social media presence; help grow and improve our public websites; and share CCV’s story with a diverse audience. You’ll be part of a small, creative team that works in a fast-paced environment to promote accessible, affordable higher education in Vermont. Our ideal candidate is a forward-thinking team player who is excited about utilizing emerging technologies to connect, engage, and inspire.

Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field, plus 2-3 years’ experience in digital marketing required.

PS SALON & SPA is seeking an upbeat, responsible Cosmetologist to join our team! We operate in over 900 senior communities across the country and we are the leader in this sector of the hair industry!

4t-PSSalon061919.indd 1

New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!


6/18/19 12:45 PM

The City of Montpelier is seeking a Public Works Director. This high-level management position provides leadership and oversight to three divisions; streets, water distribution/sewer collection, and equipment (fleet operations) and the water and wastewater treatment facilities. Also responsible for managing traffic operations, stormwater, combined sewer overflow long term control plan, district heat, engineering, facilities, sustainability winter maintenance, capital planning, and a variety of other issues. The position requires significant direct interaction with local elected officials, state regulatory officials, professional consultants, construction contractors and crews, residents, and fellow city employees. The salary range for the position is $84,000 to $96,000 based on qualifications. The City offers an excellent benefits package and a dynamic professional environment. To view a complete job description, go to: To learn more about our organization, community and hiring process, go to: To apply, please electronically submit a cover letter and resume to by July 26, 2019. The selection process may include background check, drug test and/or psychological exam. The City of Montpelier is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, and we strongly encourage people of color, people with disabilities, LGBTQ applicants, and people from other underrepresented groups to apply, recognizing and respecting that diverse perspectives and experiences are valuable to our team and essential to our public service.

6/18/19 5v-CityofMontpelierDPW061919.indd 10:31 AM 1

1 6/17/19LongSkinnyJobsFiller.indd 1:40 PM

6/18/19 1:24 PM

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