BENEATH THE SURFACE Lake Memphremagog’s natural beauty belies worries about contaminants and fish with tumors BY KEVIN MCCALLUM, PAGE 28
Burlington debates trash consolidation
Viva el Sabor’s collective cuisine
VT cellist on anxiety, Emmy nom
1T-BCA063021 1
6/28/21 5:56 PM
Taproom, Beer Garden and Retail Store
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7/26/21 5:32 PM
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NETWORKING LUNCHEON & INFO SESSION Vermont Cannabis Solutions welcomes you to our August luncheon and networking event. Please join us and meet your fellow cannabis entrepeneurs as we form the future of the Vermont industry.
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Our guest speaker this month will be Kevin Prindle, who will discuss federal taxes and Internal Revenue Code Section 280(e). VCS attorneys Tim Fair and Andrew Subin will also answer questions about licensing.
Zen Barn
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2H-VTCannaSol072821 1
7/23/21 12:08 PM
emoji 34 how many that That’s COVID-19 cases
The Town of Brattleboro has hired Vermont’s first Black female police chief. Norma Hardy will take over a department facing a variety of challenges.
The U.S. said it wouldn’t allow Canadians to cross the border until at least August 21, nearly two weeks after Americans can head north. So much for collaboration.
OUCH! The tax man cometh. Burlington residents received their fiscal year 2022 tax bills last week, nearly three months after a citywide reassessment recalculated their home values. The results have sent some Queen City taxpayers into sticker shock. “I took a very deep breath. It was like, Oh, my God,” Meryl Goldfarb, 62, said. “I literally lost sleep that night, because I was like, I don’t know how I’m gonna get through this.” Before the reassessment, the city valued Goldfarb’s three-bedroom condo in the city’s South End at $218,600; that jumped to $353,900, a 62 percent increase. Her tax bill increased 16 percent, or about $1,000. Goldfarb isn’t alone. Many have taken to social media to air their grievances. Some increases were expected as a result of Burlington’s first citywide reassessment since 2005. For years, demand for housing in the city — a university town that is the state’s economic center and a tourist destination — has outpaced supply. The pandemic, which brought out-of-state buyers to Vermont’s relatively safe COVID-19 pastures, put upward pressure on Burlington home prices.
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Lawn signs for 802 Good Deeds Day
The city released new valuations last spring but allowed residents to appeal the figures. While some valuations went up, others came down. The city’s overall tax rate, too, was reduced to compensate for the new values. About 70 percent of Burlington homeowners who live in the city get a payment from the state that reduces the amount of their bill based on their household income, according to City Assessor John Vickery. The city provided Seven Days with tax data from last year and this year, which does not include the state payment amounts. Goldfarb said she’ll have to cut back on her discretionary spending to make ends meet. She’s already spoken with a friend, a real estate agent, about listing her condo. “It’s not something I care to do, but I don’t know if it’s sustainable for me to live in an environment that costs so much,” Goldfarb said. “They’re making homeownership ... in the city not affordable.” Read Courtney Lamdin’s full story at sevendaysvt.com — and use the form at the end of the story to tell us how your tax bill changed.
Officials opened the largest anaerobic digester in the Northeast at a Salisbury farm. The contraption converts manure and food scraps into energy.
Wildfire smoke from out west blanketed Vermont, creating hazardous air quality. Take it easy out there!
Vermont reported last Thursday — the highest daily count since May.
1. “Waterbury’s Disc Golf Fever Makes Some Neighbors Hot Under the Collar” by Ken Picard. At the popular Center Chains disc golf course in Waterbury Center, neighbors and players are sometimes at odds. 2. “Breakfast Hot Spot Coming to Former Burlington Location of Mirabelles Bakery” by Melissa Pasanen. A pair of thirtysomething brothers from New York City will open a Burlington breakfast spot at the former Main Street location of Mirabelles Bakery. 3. “What’s Up With Burlington’s ‘Skyway’ Tunnels?” by Jordan Adams. A few old elevated walkways connect some downtown buildings. 4. “Investors With Questionable Records Want to Buy Five Vermont Nursing Homes. Will the State Let Them?” by Derek Brouwer. Seven Days examined public records to find out about the potential buyers of five facilities. 5. “Tax Bills Set Off a Second Round of Sticker Shock for Burlington Homeowners” by Courtney Lamdin. After the citywide reassessment, the tax bills arrived.
tweet of the week
@austinlouisray spotted a rare This Fuckin’ Guy out in the wild this afternoon FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
KINDNESS COUNTS Brian Dempsey thinks of himself as a “facilitator of kindness.” For the past two and a half years, the Bennington resident has run Just the Good Stuff, a Facebook page where members can share good deeds they’ve done, from hiding money in the aisles of a dollar store to writing holiday cards for senior citizens. Dempsey launched the group on January 1, 2019, after being diagnosed with lymphosarcoma, a cancer of the lymphatic system, the previous fall. While awaiting surgery to remove a large tumor on his neck, he was looking for something to counteract the bad news and bickering he saw on social media and television.
“Clearly, when you’re that sick and facing things like that, you get depressed, and it was my therapy, actually,” he said. Dempsey recovered from his illness, and he’s continued to manage the Facebook group, which is now more than 1,000 members strong. “It’s like a snowball,” he said. “It just kept growing and growing.” Currently, Dempsey is using his page to spread the word about 802 Good Deeds Day, an annual event aimed at encouraging Vermonters to do random acts of kindness. Held for the past two years on August 2, or 8/02 — in honor of Vermont’s sole area code — the event was created by St. Albans resident Kate Manahan, a member of the Just the Good Stuff group. Manahan said she shares Dempsey’s mindset about the importance of good deeds.
“I just got sick of negativity,” she said. “I was just as bad, and I didn’t want to be anymore.” Though the two have never met in person, Dempsey and Manahan have teamed up to promote 802 Good Deeds Day; he’s handling the southern part of the state; she, the northern. Manahan said she has been distributing yard signs, pins, magnets and stickers to encourage people to participate. On August 2, she’ll buy people coffee and encourage them to pay it forward. No good deed is too small, added Manahan: “Smile at somebody. Open a door. It doesn’t have to cost money.” Get more information at the Just the Good Stuff page or the 8/02 Random Acts of Kindness event page on Facebook. ALISON NOVAK SEVEN DAYS JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Locally made jewelry by
VT Jewelry Works
L’EAU PROFILE. founders/Coeditors Pamela Polston, Paula Routly publisher Paula Routly deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssoCiAte publishers
Don Eggert, Pamela Polston, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy
deputy editor Sasha Goldstein Consulting editor Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,
Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen politiCAl Columnist Mark Johnson ARTS & LIFE
available exclusively at
Designers’ Circle & Vintage Jewelers
editor Pamela Polston AssoCiAte editor Margot Harrison AssistAnt editors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler musiC editor Chris Farnsworth CAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speCiAlty publiCAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Adams, Jordan Barry,
Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Frank Smecker AssistAnt proofreAders
6H-designerscircle070820 1
7/6/20 11:19 AM
Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl produCtion speCiAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA produCer Eva Sollberger
Your cover article in the July 21 issue, “Beware the Buyers?,” was of interest to me until I found myself searching in vain through it to find the names of the alleged “five Vermont nursing homes” that were being referenced in the article’s subhead: “Investors with questionable records want to buy five Vermont nursing homes. Will the state let them?” When I couldn’t find the identities of those supposed entities, I quit reading it. That article is stunningly unprofessional to fail in such an elementary way. Why did you publish such an unprofessional piece of journalism? Eric Zuesse
multimediA journAlist James Buck
DESIGN CreAtive direCtor Don Eggert Art direCtor Rev. Diane Sullivan produCtion mAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING direCtor of sAles Colby Roberts senior ACCount exeCutive Michael Bradshaw ACCount exeCutives Robyn Birgisson,
Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka mArketing & events direCtor Corey Grenier sAles & mArketing CoordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business mAnAger Marcy Carton direCtor of CirCulAtion Matt Weiner CirCulAtion deputy Jeremy Day CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.
DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Jeremy Day, Donna Delmoora, Cabe Feller, Matt Hagen, Nat Michael, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Thayer With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st ClAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st ClAss: $275. 6-month 3rd ClAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd ClAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
3v-OGE072821 1
7/27/21 11:35 AM
Editor’s note: The story names the homes in the fifth paragraph. It reads: “Last fall, two members of the group began managing the homes — Burlington Health & Rehab and similarly named homes in Bennington, Berlin, Springfield and St. Johnsbury — through a contract with their current owner, Genesis Healthcare, a corporate Goliath. Now they are awaiting state regulators’ permission to purchase the facilities outright.”
I live across the street from Hope Davey field in Waterbury Center and have been troubled by the reactions of some of my neighbors to our local disc golf course [“Dissed Golf,” July 21]. My wife and I walk our dog every day in the woods that comprise the Center Chains disc golf course. Over that time, we have engaged with hundreds of golfers of all ages and backgrounds and have never had a negative encounter with any of them. We are of the mind that any activities that get people out in nature are a good thing. And the presence of Center Chains is good for our local economy, as well, drawing many to our region for a round of golf and perhaps a bite to eat or a drink of local ale at one of our fine establishments. We have appreciated the attention to the land given by the Center Chains volunteers over the years. Those who have built new homes adjacent to the course were fully aware of the course before building there. To accommodate them, we would support providing more
restrictions on noise and time of use, but please do know that there are many people in our neighborhood who have no problem with the course and the folks who enjoy using it.
the profiteers and predators — with the assistance of the state, eager to get out from under the burden. Clara Schoppe ST. JOHNSBURY
Chris Koliba
[Re “Midnight Blues?” June 30]: Seventyseven active police, and we can’t have adequate staffing downtown even on weekend overnights? Nah, brah, nah. Burlington acting Police Chief Jon Murad and Mayor Miro Weinberger are either incompetent or gaslighting us. Please stop it. Do your job. Take care of our community. Seth Wolcott-MacCausland
[Re Live Culture: “William Tyler Cancels Backside 405 Set After Testing Positive for COVID-19; Steve Gunn Set Still On,” July 23]: People should not be distracted by stories about breakthrough cases of COVID-19. The trials for the three vaccines showed nine breakthrough cases of the 21,669 fully vaccinated people in the Pfizer vaccine trials, 12 of 14,550 in the Moderna, and 192 of 19,514 for the J&J. At the rates of breakthrough cases in the trials, 214,000 of the almost 162 million people currently fully vaccinated will REFORMED SCHOOL? contract COVID-19 within a couple of months of being fully vaccinated. Without the vaccine, more than 3,695,000 cases would have occurred. Using the overall death/case counts to date, almost 66,000 deaths would have VISUAL APPEAL THERE’S THE BEEF occurred instead of the 791 deaths currently reported in the fully vaccinated. So don’t be distracted by the relatively few and mostly mild breakthrough cases. Anti-racism proposal lags in Winooski
[Re “Beware the Buyers?” July 21]: As a 74-yearold wife, mother and grandmother living with my husband in our own home within easy walking distance to church and bus access, I felt we didn’t need the home one of my daughters offered to DOUBLE BOGEY provide for us should we find ourselves in need. This story scares me, and I am having second thoughts about my earlier refusal. It appears that the graying of Vermont has left a large number of our citizens as a “burden” to the state but a great feast to
Beware the Buyers?
Investors with questionable records want to buy five Vermont nursing homes. Will the state let them? BY DEREK BROUWER, PAGE 26
Disc golf dispute in Waterbury
All aboard the Burger Buggy
Art listings are back!
William Wade
This is in response to the “Working Nineto-Nine” letter from Seven Days publisher Paula Routly [From the Publisher, July 14], in which she touches on the labor shortage affecting the U.S. Paula attended a wedding at a Vermont inn and noticed that the servers working that event were “much older than your typical catering crew.” Please tell me what “a typical catering crew” is, because I’ve worked catering in the past, and the ages of my coworkers ranged anywhere from 16 to 65. She went on to say, “They all did a great job but, by the end of the gig, looked exhausted.” How could you tell they were any more exhausted than a “typical catering crew”? Did these geriatrics need to break out their walkers? Were they nodding off in the corner, or was the wafting odor from the Bengay tube they passed around in the air? Sounds not only a bit patronizing but also ageist. What you really said, without saying it, was that younger workers would have been the preferred choice, and these senior citizens were the best they could come up with until the real, younger workers showed up. It implies older workers are not capable of working hard and are a second choice. You wouldn’t judge a worker’s performance based on race or sex; that would be racism or sexism. Yet you were comfortable judging by their age. That’s ageism. I expect more from Seven Days. Old is cool, Paula; you’ll find that out firsthand for yourself someday. Pamela Whitcomb
Due to an editing error, last week’s “Beware the Buyers?” cover story contained an incorrect first name for Vermont Agency of Human Services attorney Todd Daloz. FEEDBACK
» P.24
SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • sevendaysvt.com/feedback • feedback@sevendaysvt.com • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
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7 7/27/21 9:56 AM
1T-MSWalker052621 1
5/21/21 9:43 AM
contents JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021 VOL.26 NO.43
Kitchen Assist A new meal kit is a chef-farmer collaboration
BENEATH THE SURFACE Lake Memphremagog’s natural beauty belies worries about contaminants and fish with tumors BY KEVIN MCCALLUM, PAGE 28
Tastes of Home Viva el Sabor reveals rich Mexican cooking traditions in the farmworker community
11 14 39 48 54 56 89
21 38 44 48 52 56 58
Magnificent 7 Fair Game Side Dishes Art Review Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend
Life Lines Food + Drink Culture Art Music + Nightlife On Screen Calendar
62 Classes 63 Classifieds + Puzzles 68 Jobs 85 Fun Stuff 88 Personals
From the Publisher
Full Steam Ahead
Cat House
Search Engine
Page 32
The Northern Star relaunches to offer cruises and education on Lake Memphremagog
Lifesaving Luxury
At a Stowe detox, serene surroundings come at a price
Dumpster Divining
Hack Club teens code while traveling by train across the country
Should Burlington take over waste collection? Councilors talk trash options
Online Thursday
Joe and Jaye MacAskill open a feline-themed vintage store in Winooski Short takes on five Vermont books
Know the Score
Emmy-nominated cellist Zoë Keating reflects on a year of turmoil and promise
Over the last five decades, sculptor Leslie SUPPORTED BY: Fry has been experimenting with a variety of mediums and art forms. Her work has been exhibited around the world and locally. Recently, Fry’s career has been chronicled in a new book featuring text by art historian William Lipke.
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7/12/21 10:52 AM
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7/22/21 12:30 PM
Join us this summer in The Roost for the Topnotch Music Series! Music from 4 PM - 7 PM, food and drink all night! Thursday, August 5 - Paul Asbell
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7/26/21 12:28 PM
Verdant Verse Vermont Studio Center’s Writers on the Rise series welcomes poet Hanae Jonas, whose work has appeared in publications such as the Kenyon Review, ZYZZYVA and the Iowa Review. Jonas, who often channels Green Mountain State scenery in her writing, reads for a virtual audience at this showcase designed to uplift diverse talent.
The Swing of Things Vermont Swings returns to form with a night of social dancing preceded by a free lesson for beginners. Seven-piece band Danny Jonokuchi & the Revisionists provide jazzy live tunes for hoofers to hop, step and rock to at this all-levels, fully vaccinated night of fun at Burlington’s Champlain Club.
The Festival of Fools, Burlington’s beloved busking bazaar, takes over downtown once again after a yearlong hiatus. From the Friday kickoff bonanza to Sunday’s Last Laugh Variety Show, Burlington City Arts gathers acrobats, musicians and all manner of motley, family-friendly performers sure to delight Church Street viewers.
Tree Huggers Audience members at Cirque Barcode’s new show, Branché, should not expect to sit back and relax. The award-winning acrobats guide attendees through multiple outdoor environments at Greensboro’s Highland Center for the Arts. Performers climb on nearby trees — and each other — as their movements tell a story of the climate crisis and community healing. Picnic meals are available for lawn pods at this utterly unique dinner show. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 60
Ready to Rumble Vintage farm equipment enthusiasts converge at Woodstock’s Billings Farm & Museum for Antique Tractor Day. Exhibitors present their lovingly restored rigs before the parades, and spectators cheer on their favorite machine at the festivalending “Slow Race.” Between festivities, families enjoy tractor-themed games, crafts and story walks. Food is provided by the Dairy Bar and Trail Break taps + tacos.
New Soul Vermont native Myra Flynn refuses to be pinned down. The acclaimed singer-songwriter incorporates influences from her Irish and African American heritage, as well as inflections from artists as diverse as Janet Jackson and the Alabama Shakes. Her statewide tour touches down at the Middlesex Bandstand, where Mediterranean Mix serves refreshments to outdoor concertgoers while Flynn croons the night away. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 58
Submit your upcoming events at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
Oh, My Gouache Multimedia artist Hannah Morris continues a strong showing at Northern Daughters art gallery in Vergennes. “On Second Thought,” her series of layered scenes in gouache, Flashe and collage, celebrates color and multiplicity. “I want to trigger a viewer’s memory,” Morris says, “for I believe that vision is shaped by thousands of remembered moments.” SEE GALLERY LISTING ON PAGE 50
It’s here! FOR LEASE: 476 Main St. Winooski Single offices for remote work, with flexible terms and a great location. Approximately Tour the property on 1,600 sf with with a shared YouTube kitchenette and waiting room. Quick access to I-89, Burlington, Essex and Colchester. Property is on the bus line.
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Single office spaces available in South Burlington, Essex, Williston and Montpelier! Email us: leasing@lakepointvt.com LAKE POINT PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 65 MAIN STREET | BURLINGTON VT 05401 info@lakepointvt.com | 802.347.6100 Lakepointvt.com 4t-lakepointproperties061621.indd 1
6/7/21 2:35 PM
Produced by:
Presenting Sponsors: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont, VT Department of Health, Burton
With support from VSAC, The Alchemist Foundation, Front Porch Forum, UVM Medical Center, WCAX, Seven Days, VPR 4t-esmondcommunications071421 1
7/9/21 2:21 PM
Next Time…
Every summer, a bunch of us from Seven Days attends the annual convention of the Association of Alternative Newsmedia, a gathering of publishers, editors, reporters, designers and salespeople from comparable papers across North America. The three-day event takes place in a different city every year, and member weeklies used to compete for the honor to host it in much the same way countries do for the Olympics — working their connections and local intel to pitch and show off their burgs. That’s how we got former president Bill Clinton to submit to three hours of questioning in Little Rock; the run of the Andy Warhol Museum after it closed for the day in Pittsburgh; and, in New Orleans, a chance to party among giant Mardi Gras floats. In years when my founding partner, Pamela Polston, and I were too busy to take a normal vacation, the AAN convention was the next best thing — in Miami, Detroit, San Antonio, Nashville, Toronto, Tucson, Boulder, San Diego, Austin and Portland (Ore.). The first convention we attended as publishers was in 1997, two years after we started Seven Days. It took place in Montréal, as close as it would ever get to Burlington, but we couldn’t justify the expense of a hotel room. So, we drove up and worked out of the parking garage, getting dressed between cars, until a fellow attendee — the political columnist for the Nashville Scene — took pity on A few of the Seven Days crew in front of us and let us crash in his extra hotel bed. the Newseum at the Washingon, D.C., AAN convention in 2017 We were in awe of the brilliant, unruly characters around us, the people who built and ran iconic publications such as the Village Voice and the San Francisco Bay Guardian. And they lived up to the legend in Montréal by kicking the host paper out of the organization. The Montréal Mirror had just been purchased by a daily newspaper chain — then a disqualification for membership, according to AAN’s bylaws. And, pre-internet, corporate takeover was considered the greatest threat to edgy, forward-thinking media companies like ours. After all, we were the “alternatives” to those daily newspapers. I soaked up as much information as I could — in the seminars, at the annual meeting and by flat-out eavesdropping at the hotel bar. In 1998, we applied for admission to the association and were accepted. Years later, while serving on the committee that evaluates applying papers and makes membership decisions, I discovered that AAN rejected most applicant media companies at least once. I learned a lot about how to run a newspaper, too, for which I’m eternally grateful. DigBoston was supposed to host the convention last year, but COVID-19 changed that plan. So, the scrappy successor to the Boston Phoenix — in the second-closest big city we could drive to — rescheduled for 2021. Two cars full of vaccinated Seven Days staff were ready to roll south last Wednesday when we got an email from convention organizers about a last-minute change in coronavirus protocols. Because the number of cases was rising in the Boston area, there would be an indoor mask mandate. And one AAN board member, despite being fully vaccinated, had contracted the virus and was quarantining in the hotel. We convened at the office and discussed our options — more specifically, how much risk each of us was prepared to take. Even if breakthrough coronavirus isn’t deadly, we asked ourselves: Am I willing to be sick for a week? Is it worth it? Cathy Resmer and Dan Bolles both had vacations after the convention, with unvaccinated kids, and they didn’t want to take the chance. Production manager John James also had plans that were incompatible with a possible quarantine. If you like what we do and can afford to help Personal calculations aside, though, there was pay for it, become a Seven Days Super Reader! the realization that one of us might contract the virus, Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of infect the others, and then spread it to the rest of the sevendaysvt.com. Or send a check with your Seven Days staff. That’s a “greater good” problem. To address and contact info to: put the paper at risk, after all our local media company SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS has been through these past 18 months, was just dumb. P.O. BOX 1164 Turns out SARS-CoV-2 is a bigger threat to small, local BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 newsrooms than corporate takeovers. For more information on making a financial With four Park Plaza hotel rooms paid for, we contribution to Seven Days, please contact canceled. COVID-19 won — again. Corey Grenier: I guess there’s always next year: Chicago.
Paula Routly
Hallquist’s Challenge The onetime candidate for governor says building out broadband is more daunting
“They don’t care about us if we’re out in rural Vermont … When you get a communications district, the folks there care deeply … and are totally committed to getting that fiber-optic cable to every home, in every business.” The state’s most recent 10-year telecommunications plan says 51,000 households can’t get the minimum highspeed service. But Hallquist said the figure is closer to 100,000 locations that “aren’t going to get fiber in the long term by private business. That’s where the CUDs should focus.” The idea is to use public funds to build the fiber network where others won’t and then have private companies provide the service. As it is now, Sibilia said, private companies are upgrading their networks in more highly populated areas, overlapping and potentially “cannibalizing” each other while rural areas are ignored. The good news is that underserved towns were already forming the regional CUDs pre-pandemic. Those nine districts will oversee building the infrastructure. They’ll also find the private companies to provide service or, if they have to, do it themselves, Hallquist said. It’s key for the CUDs to maintain control of the networks, Hallquist said. Simply paying providers to build out the infrastructure could later leave consumers hostage to poor service. JEREMY HANSEN of CVFiber said the CUDs are independent but “all working in an informal partnership to make sure that everybody succeeds.” Many CUDs have partnered with regional planning commissions, he said, to ensure their longterm viability. Consumer patience, Hallquist offered, will be key. Reaching all underserved homes is expected to take up to seven years, she said. About 25 percent are in the Northeast Kingdom; another 10 percent are in Lamoille County, Hallquist added. Sibilia and Hallquist are concerned about finding enough workers to lay fiber; Sibilia also noted that fiber-optic cable could be hard to obtain with strong worldwide demand. When CUDs were first authorized pre-pandemic, the goal was to cobble together enough grants, loans and “all the money we can find under the couch cushions” to reach underserved areas, Sibilia said. But the flood of federal funds from the pandemic, some set aside for broadband
is feeling the pressure. As the just-appointed leader of the state’s effort to extend broadband internet access to every corner of Vermont, Hallquist knows tens of thousands of people are counting on her. And flush with $250 million in federal funds to work with over the next three years, she knows a lack of money can’t be an excuse. You’d think running for governor as the country’s first major-party transgender candidate would have been the hardest challenge of her life. But Hallquist said her 2018 long-shot bid against incumbent Republican Gov. PHIL SCOTT pales in comparison to the broadband assignment. “In the governor’s race, someone’s going to win and someone’s going to lose, but this one, we can’t afford to lose,” Hallquist told Fair Game. “Running for governor was stressful, but it wasn’t pressure. This has pressure — pressure to perform.” Not everyone thinks the state’s effort to provide 100 percent universal broadband access will be completely successful. But there’s widespread agreement that Scott picked the right person to lead the Vermont Community Broadband Board, a five-member panel created by the legislature to expand high-speed internet access in underserved rural areas. Scott also wins praise for reaching across the political aisle and asking a onetime rival to take the $120,000-a-year post. Many liken the broadband push to the federal government’s efforts in the 1930s to extend electrical power into the sticks. Electricity had become a necessity back then, just as high-speed internet is today. The pandemic only spotlighted the need. “It’s no longer acceptable to not have access everywhere people live,” said Rep. LAURA SIBILIA (I-West Dover), a Statehouse leader on broadband expansion who was named to the board last week. “You have to be able to connect to the internet for education, health care, justice, access to government, employment.” Scott called broadband expansion “an important step toward increasing regional economic equity.” U.S. Rep. PETER WELCH (D-Vt.) said it’s an “existential necessity.” “What we did with rural electrification was acknowledge that we cannot depend on these big providers,” Welch said. Instead, electric co-ops were created, similar to the communications union districts that have formed to help rural broadband expansion. HRISTINE HALLQUIST
expansion, will “accelerate” reaching the goal, Sibilia said. Hallquist compared it to the relief money that flowed in after Tropical Storm Irene, which enabled the state to finance badly needed upgrades to bridges and roads. Hallquist’s prior experience running the Vermont Electric Coop for 13 years is sure to serve her well. She has also worked with two CUDs, NEK Broadband and Lamoille FiberNet. “When you leave people in the backwater, they’re going to lash out. So this is important for our democracy. It’s important for our economy,” Hallquist told Fair Game. “You’ve got to take care of your rural residents and help them participate.”
Will Leahy or Won’t Leahy?
The headline was mouthwatering to followers of Vermont’s favorite parlor game: Will 81-year-old U.S. Sen. PATRICK LEAHY (D-Vt.) seek a ninth term next year?
“Campaign finance reports raise questions about Leahy’s reelection plans,” VTDigger. org proclaimed last week. The story noted that the most recent filing showed Leahy raising only $430,000 the last three months compared to the same period six years ago, when he raised $777,000. “Leahy is not raising money at the same pace one might expect if he’s going to run for reelection next year,” the first sentence read. Really? So raising $430,000 suggests he’s slow-walking and getting ready to bow out? Hogwash. The Federal Election Commission report tells us nothing about his plans. The reason Leahy raised less than “one might expect” might have had to do with his long days as chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, getting items such as a small-state minimum into the American Rescue Plan, which resulted in $1 billion for Vermont. Also, it’s a little harder (and tacky) to raise campaign contributions during a pandemic when it has to be done virtually and not in person.
Campaign manager CAROLYN DWYER said Leahy has held 13 virtual fundraising events this year, along with “many” one-on-one phone calls with donors. If he runs, he’ll have enough money, Dwyer said. “Patrick doesn’t have to raise a dime to be reelected,” observed Rep. Welch, who hasn’t asked Leahy about his plans. Welch worked on Leahy’s first campaign, in 1974. “I think [Leahy’s] in GEORGE AIKEN territory.” The iconic senator, whom Leahy succeeded, spent $17.09 on his last campaign in 1968. Leahy also has $2 million left over from his last campaign. If he says he’s running, donations will pour in. He doesn’t need a huge war chest. What Republican other than Gov. Scott would have a snowball’s chance? Even Scott wants him to run again. So do a few other folks listed as recent donors, including ROBERT IGER, the chair of Walt Disney, and director STEVEN SPIELBERG and his spouse, the actress KATE CAPSHAW. Former Nebraska senator BOB KERREY and retired ABC News reporter SAM DONALDSON also gave Leahy money. Sam Donaldson? “They’ve gotten to know each other over the years,” Dwyer said. Veteran Vermont political analyst ERIC DAVIS shared this advice: Assume Leahy is running until he “explicitly” says he isn’t. Davis also suggests that reporters spend more time on meatier issues than reading the Leahy tea leaves. Fat chance.
recently. He was quoted in a news story last week saying his review of the church files found no information to support the latest allegation. That story prompted NEFAC to ask him to resign, a development VTDigger first reported. Donoghue cried foul, noting in a statement “the obvious irony” of objecting “to a member of a First Amendment coalition practicing one of the five freedoms guaranteed by the First Amendment — Freedom of Religion.” That’s a stretch, Mike. No one is suggesting you stop going to church. Donoghue worked at the Burlington Free Press for 50-plus years before retiring in 2015. During four of those years, I worked 10 feet away from him, covering crime and Burlington City Hall. Donoghue is a dogged reporter whose Rolodex boasts the home phone numbers of Vermont chiefs of police. He’s won numerous reporting and press freedom awards and helped get cameras into Vermont courtrooms. In an interview, Donoghue conceded that ethics rules at the Free Press would likely have prevented him from joining the church committee. But he said he was semiretired when he signed on and agreed with editors at newspapers where he freelances that he wouldn’t write about the church. He said he spent hundreds of hours poring through church documents to make sure nothing that should have been included in the report was missed. Impartiality is a reporter’s most important asset. To maintain that, reporters shouldn’t do things like make political contributions, march at rallies or sign petitions. Donoghue agreed but said practicing his faith was different. “About politics and things like that? Yes. About my Catholic faith? No,” he said. “I was actually appointed [to the committee] not because I was a reporter,” Donoghue told Fair Game this week. “I was appointed because I happen to be a human being first, a Catholic second, and I became a reporter when I was 18. So, I’m going to be, I assume, a human being and a Catholic long after I stop writing.” True, and Donoghue has every right to serve, but a press organization can also be fairly queasy about his role and the optics it creates. Perhaps the Vermont Press Association, where Donoghue serves as part-time executive director and which backed him last Friday, should reconsider its support. There are plenty of Vermont journalists with no baggage who could take on that job. m
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Church and Press
A regional press organization was right to oust veteran reporter MIKE DONOGHUE from its board last week for his involvement on a Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington committee examining sexual abuse allegations against Catholic priests. The New England First Amendment Coalition said Donoghue’s service on the committee presented “serious concerns about the perception, at least, of a conflict between the committee’s work and NEFAC’s mission advocating transparency and holding powerful institutions to account.” The seven-member lay committee was set up in 2019 to pore over church records and determine which Vermont priests had been credibly accused of sexual misconduct with a child. Its work resulted in 40 priests being publicly identified. Some news editors and ethics experts questioned Donoghue’s involvement back then. After the committee issued its report, Donoghue stayed involved in case new allegations came up, which happened
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Despite COVID-19 Spike, Vermont Officials Say Return to Restrictions Is Unlikely B Y A N N E WA L L A C E A L L EN anne@sevendaysvt.com
William Cats-Baril in the Sana at Stowe garden
Lifesaving Luxury At a Stowe detox, serene surroundings come at a price B Y A N NE WA L L ACE ALLE N • anne@sevendaysvt.com
illiam Cats-Baril likes tours of the addiction treatment center he founded, Sana at Stowe, to start outside the front vestibule, which is lined with a few tons of small, polished stones from Lake Champlain. The front doors are heavy, by design. “I call it the Mercedes-Benz effect,” said Cats-Baril, an entrepreneur who teaches business at the University of Vermont. “The doors of the Mercedes-Benz are much heavier than they need to be, right? But they want you to feel that safety, that quality that is built in. “We do a lot of that here,” he added. In creating Sana at Stowe, Cats-Baril is hoping splendid surroundings and attention to detail will bring some dignity and mindfulness to patients doing the difficult work of starting the alcohol and drug recovery process. A two-week stay at Sana, which means “healthy” in Latin, 16
costs $35,000. But it’s worth it, said CatsBaril, because Sana’s serenity and quality craftsmanship are healing forces. “I thought it was important to create in the tradition of the European sanitorium in the mountains,” he said. “The sense of well-being that surrounds you had to be very much part of the treatment.” Cats-Baril and his business partners rented a former hockey academy on the Mountain Road in Stowe and renovated it last year to create 17 single bedrooms, each with a bathroom. The verdant fouracre campus includes tennis courts, a pool, an organic vegetable garden and a separate yoga studio. The first patient arrived July 13. The former school sits well apart from its neighbors, with forest behind it; the west branch of the Little River runs through fields across the street.
A stay at Sana reflects the care that has gone into the finishes, including murals of living moss and a revolving art display created through a partnership with Burlington City Arts. Each patient can choose one of 45 pieces of art to hang in their room during their stay. The golden birch bark from North Carolina that papers the lobby walls was chosen to reflect Sana’s emphasis on nature’s health-giving effects, Cats-Baril said. Awaiting guests in each room are fresh flowers and a weighted blanket, Sanabranded pajamas, a journal, slippers, a small book containing an illustrated parable, a water bottle and a small, polished stone that Cats-Baril said patients
» P.18
Despite an increase in COVID-19 infection rates nationally and in Vermont, Gov. Phil Scott and key cabinet members remained upbeat during a weekly press briefing on Tuesday, saying they don’t anticipate a return of state restrictions. After dropping for months, the rate of COVID-19 deaths started rising nationally in mid-July as the more infectious Delta variant took hold. And on Tuesday, several national media outlets reported that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would start recommending that vaccinated people wear masks indoors in some areas of the U.S. But with the highest vaccination rate in the country at almost 84 percent, Vermont is not expected to experience the surge in cases reported in some other states, Scott said at the press conference. The state reported 11 new cases on Monday, and five or six people were hospitalized with the virus — the lowest rate in the country, Health Commissioner Mark Levine said. Vermont hit a low of just a few confirmed cases in late June and early July, but officials expect there will be about 50 by the end of August. One person in Vermont has died of the virus this month — a huge drop from December and January, when two or three people died each day. Vermonters are unlikely to face the kind of restrictions that last summer closed public festivals and limited social activities. Nearly all of the infections nationally and in Vermont are striking unvaccinated people, officials said. “The vaccines are proving effective against all variants we’ve encountered so far, including Delta,” Scott said. “As the director of the CDC put it, this is becoming a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” The state is operating vaccination clinics at public gatherings and workplaces in an effort to reach the 90,000 Vermonters who are eligible for vaccinations but haven’t received them. Levine estimated about 5 percent of that group had taken a firm stance against the vaccines. The rest, he said, are merely apathetic. Those who have decided not to get the vaccination are “choosing not only to endanger themselves but those who they live with, work with and socialize with,” Levine said, “and ultimately are helping prolong the pandemic.” m
Dumpster Divining
Should Burlington take over waste collection? Councilors talk trash options BY COURTN E Y L AMDIN • courtney@sevendaysvt.com
rendan Hogan’s small street in “It’s something we all rely on,” Burlington’s South End gets a lot Councilor Jack Hanson (P-East District) of truck traffic. The city’s recycling said of waste collection. “This is definitely hauler sweeps by his house in the Five one of the biggest decisions … that will Sisters area weekly, while three trash have an impact for decades on the day-tocompanies rumble by on different days. day reality of the community.” Small compost haulers also make pit stops. Burlington has been in the waste Hogan, the chair of Burlington’s collection business since 1989, when it Public Works Commission, thinks there’s started a recycling pilot program. In 2000, no need for so many noisy, polluting councilors agreed to study a consolidated vehicles. He was so sick of system but took no action the trucks that a few years on the resulting report. ago he considered asking The topic resurfaced his neighbors to switch to nine years later when the a single hauler. Chittenden Solid Waste “It’d be nice to have District, which operates fewer collection trucks the county’s garbage coming down the streets drop-off centers, launched rather than more,” he said. a s i x-ye a r re g i o n a l study of consolidated Hogan may soon get his wish. After years of waste removal that faced strong opposition from debate, the Burlington City Council is poised private haulers and went nowhere. to approve a plan next month to consolidate In 2018, the council CITY COU N CIL the collection of trash, started yet another recycling and food scraps PRESIDEN T MAX TRACY consolidation study. for the city’s 13,000 The issue became households of up to four units — the more complex last year after the state majority of Burlington’s housing stock. prohibited food scraps from being But how that consolidation happens has tossed with household garbage — but become a political flash point. didn’t require large haulers to pick it up. Council Progressives favor a municipal Boutique compost haulers have sprung model by which the city up to fill the gap. would collect garbage, Municipalities in the compost and recycling. U.S. commonly collect Democratic Mayor Miro waste or hire a single Weinberger’s administration, however, company to do it, but most Vermonters prefers a so-called hybrid system, pay for a private company to pick up in which the city would continue its their garbage or drop it off themselves recycling program but “franchise” trash at the town dump. Few, if any, Vermont and food scraps to private haulers, who communities pay public employees to would bid for different city districts. collect trash, which results in several Last month, Hogan and four other private companies serving the same public works commissioners endorsed neighborhoods. At least five trash haulers the hybrid model in a 5-1 vote, but a Prog- do business in Burlington, as do several led subcommittee chose the municipal compost operations. The city picks up model, 2-1. Meantime, waste haulers recycling from all residences weekly, large and small have cried foul, saying though some large multiunit buildings consolidation could kill their businesses. contract with private companies. A council vote is expected on August Burlington Public Works Director 9. Despite the political division, most city Chapin Spencer said consolidated officials agree that consolidating is the way to go. DUMPSTER DIVINING » P.20
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Burlington-Area Hotel Rooms Are in Short Supply, and Prices Are Up B Y A NNE WAL L A C E ALLEN anne@sevendaysvt.com Vermont’s hopping with visitors this summer, and nowhere is that more evident than the Burlington area, where hotel rooms are scarce and room rates have risen steeply. “I’m suddenly inundated with people because there’s no lodging,” said Lisa Gaujac, who owns the Old Lantern Inn and Barn in Charlotte with her husband, Roland Gaujac. “There’s so much lodging normally in the Burlington area that I don’t usually have people calling and saying, ‘Do you have a room available?’” Hospitality business owners have been living with uncertainty since COVID-19 restrictions closed them down in March 2020. While they were allowed to reopen at limited capacity a few months later, it was difficult for them to book guests for this summer without knowing what the pandemic restrictions would be. But now that Vermont has dropped its restrictions on incoming travel and its vaccination rate has hit nearly 84 percent, the state’s hospitality industry is busy, with lines at restaurants and limited openings at many hotels. Airbnb said in a report in June that U.S. travelers were much more likely to choose rural locations they can drive to in 2021, and hospitality managers in Vermont said that prediction seems to have been accurate. Adding to the mix, a lot of the weddings that were canceled because of the pandemic last summer were rebooked for this one, along with the usual number Vermont hosts in a typical year. Jeff Lawson, vice president of tourism and marketing for the Lake Champlain Chamber, described busy tourist traffic in Burlington from Vermont’s neighboring states. “We knew there would be pent-up demand, but we didn’t know it would be quite like this,” Lawson said. “I think it’s people who have been crawling up the walls looking to get out and travel.” Room rates reflect demand, Lawson said. He noted that last year, many hoteliers never even reached the limit of 50 percent occupancy allowed by the state’s COVID-19 rules. “When demand is this high, they end up raising rates, as any business would do,” he said. “Even the general managers themselves are probably surprised at the rates. They’re trying to claw back whatever they can from 2020.” m
Sana at Stowe
Lifesaving Luxury « P.16 can rub to produce calm. The chosen work of art is already hanging on the wall. This attention to detail dignifies the experience of checking in and counteracts some of the shame associated with seeking treatment for an addiction disorder, CatsBaril said. “Domestic abuse, DUI, an ugly scene at a corporate party: You had a public event or private event that was extremely traumatic and creates shame,” he said. Cats-Baril toured several other rehabs before creating Sana and said he found many of them lifeless and depressing. “The facility we have does not make you feel like you’re basically being incarcerated.” A polished salesperson, Cats-Baril also has a long history of working on projects that use data to measure how well treatments work. His health-related entrepreneurship includes an app he commercialized with Dartmouth College professor William Hudenko that can assess suicide risk in patients. He’s also been involved in Vermont’s medical marijuana industry and is currently listed as a principal partner in the Cannabis Science and Education (CASE) Institute of Middlesex. At Sana, his scientific counterpart is psychiatrist Sanchit Maruti, the medical director of UVM’s inpatient psychiatry
service and the UVM Medical Center’s addiction treatment program. As medical director at Sana to Cats-Baril’s CEO, Maruti is less focused on the physical surroundings and more on the process of getting new arrivals safely through a medically supervised withdrawal and into therapy that will continue long after the patient has gone home. Sana’s founders expect most guests to travel from out of state. Asked about the cost, which is covered by some private insurance but remains out of reach for many, Maruti noted that guests will have access to on-site yoga, massage, acupuncture and counselors. The facility has 28 employees. “It’s expensive to hire people who are really top-notch and to have programming that’s really intensive,” he said. Most medical treatment, he added, is driven by cost-based choices. “Going to see your primary care provider is cheaper than coming to the emergency department, which is cheaper than coming to the medicine floor, which is cheaper than an ICU setting,” Maruti said. “What you want to do is see, ‘Where can I have the maximum amount of treatment at the best price point?’” Sana will track patients’ success in recovery to help answer these questions, he said. Maruti himself has hosted outcomes assessment workshops at
national meetings of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry. If measuring outcomes shows that Sana’s approach works, “then maybe this can be made available to others,” he said of those who can’t afford the facility. Right now, a stay is not covered by Medicare or Medicaid. In 2018, nearly 12 percent of people over age 12 reported illicit drug use in the previous month, a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found. And the drug and alcohol problem in the U.S. has worsened since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020. In Vermont, alcohol sales rose sharply last year, and opioid overdose deaths rose 38 percent compared to 2019. All this suffering has turned addiction treatment into a huge business. But with thousands of dollars on the line, it’s difficult for patients and their families to figure out which treatment center is right for them — or legitimate at all. The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, one of the oldest treatment centers in the country, warns patients and families to do extensive research. “At present, the addiction treatment industry is fragmented with no consistent operating principles or regulatory requirements,” the center says on its website. It has published a white paper on choosing a treatment center.
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“Some states require no regulation, which leaves treatment centers unaccountable for the services they provide. In addition, the industry is seeing an upswing in for-profit centers that offer exclusive, spa-like environments that ‘guarantee’ success, but offer little in the way of evidence-based treatment or demonstrated outcomes.” Vermont does regulate some treatment centers, and the Green Mountain Care Board approved Sana’s certificate of need application. The document outlines the center’s treatment approaches and its plan for assessing outcomes. Sana — under the name of its holding company, Silver Pines — describes a unique system of highly customized care that includes something it calls “proprietary neural network-based algorithms.” It’s an approach that Cats-Baril used with his suicide risk assessment software, and it’s designed to assess how well Sana’s high-end facility and practices influence patient recovery. “If four out of 10 of our patients actually stay in recovery, we’re doubling the rate of recovery in this country, and that will be the metric for us to say we’re making people better, at least within the first year,” Cats-Baril said. The state Division of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Programs, in a letter to the Green Mountain Care Board, said it was concerned about the program outlined by Sana’s founders “because research has shown that less than 90 days of continuous treatment (at any level of care) is not effective, and without strong ties to the treatment system, it is more likely that individuals will not follow-up with continued care.”
Cats-Baril said giving patients choices about their treatment — including the length of stay — increases their feelings of self-worth. He noted that some people might not go to treatment at all if it means leaving their work or family for a month or more. It’s not clear how many addiction treatment centers there are in Vermont;
not all of them require a certificate of need. The state Department of Health regulates some but not all of them. Even people who work full time in the field of addiction recovery don’t know. But Cats-Baril would like to add more. The goal for Silver Pines is to learn from what works best at Sana, then replicate it with similar businesses in other Vermont
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towns that have high out-of-state name recognition, such as Woodstock and Manchester, Cats-Baril said. Peter Espenshade, the president of Recovery Vermont, a group that works with families and also lobbies for addiction recovery funding, said that care at treatment centers can vary widely in Vermont, as in other states. “We’re working within America’s health care system, which is messy and confusing and expensive and noncentralized,” he said. “It can be just as difficult for one to find a good surgeon as it can be to find a good substance-use disorder treatment.” Espenshade said Vermonters are lucky to have access to the VT Helplink alcohol and drug support center, which has a website; a 24-hour phone line, 802-565-LINK; and knowledgeable staff. “In Vermont, objectively, we are way ahead of other states” in helping people struggling with addiction, he said. Communities don’t always give treatment centers a warm welcome. In Ludlow, some residents are protesting a 40-bed facility that Phish front man Trey Anastasio hopes to open later this year. But Stowe Town Manager Charles Safford said on Monday that he hadn’t heard from any residents with concerns about Sana. While patients can stay at Sana for as little as a week, Maruti said the center will keep in touch with them for at least a year. Sana helps patients find the right therapist in their hometown and continues to work with them remotely, he said. The end goal? “That they have a better life than they came in with,” Maruti said. “That they’re alive.” m
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news collection would be more convenient for residents who have to remember which days to set out their trash, recycling and compost bins. Under either of the new systems, the city could mandate that all three are picked up on the same day, which would limit truck routes and emissions. A report by GBB, the solid waste management consultants the city hired for its most recent study, found that consolidated collection could reduce truck traffic by up to two-thirds, depending on how many residents participate. Both the hybrid and municipal models could save residents money. GBB’s study found that most Burlingtonians pay between $28 and $49 a month for weekly trash and recycling service, plus about $15 a month for compost hauling. The hybrid system would cost them between $34 and $38 monthly, whereas the municipal one would top out at $41 a month. “We’re able to … offer the collection of three streams really for the price of what people are paying currently for two,” Spencer said. Under either model, the city would allow people to haul their own waste. About 15 percent of people who responded to GBB’s surveys bring their trash to the dump and pay just a few dollars per bag. Because a consolidated system would bill customers directly, self-haulers would not be charged for a service they don’t use, Spencer said. The public works director is pushing the hybrid model because it’s less expensive than full-on municipal service and builds on the city’s recycling program, which costs about $600,000 a year to operate. The program is largely funded through a surcharge that customers pay to private haulers, who then pay the city. Switching to a hybrid model, which would require some additional staffing, would increase this tax by $2 a month, raising an extra $312,000 in revenue annually. The municipal model would cost about $5 million a year, funded by customers who use it. It would also require a $6.7 million bond to build a new facility for vehicles and equipment. Hybrid model advocates say residents can’t afford more debt when the school district is considering asking voters to fund a new high school. The school and city have just over $100 million in shared debt capacity in the coming years, and more borrowing will be needed to finance the project. “The idea of a capital bond at this time — I don’t see how that alone is something that the city can consider right now,” Councilor Joan Shannon (D-South District) said at a recent meeting. “What 20
Dumpster Divining « P.17
A crew from Myers Container Services in Burlington
I’m hearing from constituents is concerns about adding to the cost of municipal services. Whether renters or homeowners, everybody is feeling taxed.” Indeed, the proposal is coming just as many taxpayers are receiving drastically higher property tax bills due to the recent citywide reassessment, the first since 2005. Home values have skyrocketed as demand for housing in the Queen City has outpaced supply. Councilor Sarah Carpenter (D-Ward 4) said she doesn’t think the cost of municipal pickup is justifiable when the hybrid model could achieve the same goals. “We’re a small city, and creating a whole department to do this is a big effort,” she said. “There may be some pros to doing it that way, but we have a hauler system in place. I believe we’ve got willing bidders, so let’s play that out.” Councilor Mark Barlow (I-North District) is wary of how either option could affect small businesses. Compost haulers could be cut out of the market if the city or a commercial operation picked up everyone’s food scraps. “This is an existential decision we’re making for a company,” Barlow said. Maryam Muhammad, co-owner of Colchester-based 802 Compost Services, said she stands to lose half of her customer base if Burlington consolidates waste collection. She said she’d have to expand to other communities to make up for lost revenue, which would make for longer trips and cost more in gas. “It would definitely hurt our business,” Muhammad said. Larger haulers are also concerned. Joe Sinagra, sustainability director for Myers Container Service, worries that such a system would attract national hauling giants, such as Waste Management, to Vermont,
where they could outbid “even Casella,” he said, referring to the state’s largest hauler. “If you want one hauler to do it all, there’s only a handful of companies that [can],” Sinagra said. “It kinda goes against what Burlington is all about.” Sinagra is also dubious that a hybrid model would substantially decrease truck traffic. Another company may win a bid for residences, Sinagra said, but Myers would still serve its commercial clients, which are exempt from the consolidation proposal. Additionally, large apartment complexes of more than four units could still use whichever hauler the owners chose. As for municipal collection? Sinagra said Burlington should leave it to the pros. Progressive councilors disagree. City Council President Max Tracy (P-Ward 2) said eliminating private haulers would greatly reduce the number of noisy, smelly trucks on city streets. He said Burlingtonians would have more control over a public waste collection system and likened the arrangement to the city’s operation of its electric department, which just increased its rates for the first time in 12 years. The Burlington Electric Department puts “ratepayer interest ahead of creating profits … because it’s not a for-profit, private company; it’s a public utility,” Tracy said. “There is something to be said for the long-term ability to control costs by running the entity ourselves.” Tracy said voters would decide whether it is fiscally prudent to adopt the plan. Hanson, Tracy’s Progressive colleague, said he needs more information “about what it could mean” for the city’s borrowing capacity. Both councilors said they support the municipal model because the city would hire 14 more workers, all backed by a union. The hybrid option proposes three
additional recycling collectors to bolster the city’s program, all of whom would be unionized, plus one person to oversee the contracts with private haulers. At a recent council meeting, Mayor Weinberger warned the Progs not to undo the spirit of “collaboration that has marked this discussion until now.” But it’s unclear whether the Progs will even have the votes to carry the municipal option forward. The caucus has been down a member since late May, when former Ward 3 councilor Brian Pine left for a job in Weinberger’s administration, dropping the party’s membership on the 12-person council to five. One of those members, Councilor Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1), is traveling and will likely miss the August 9 vote, meaning Progs would need at least two other votes to pass a resolution. Barlow has said he won’t support the municipal option, and Shannon has expressed skepticism of it, but other councilors aren’t showing their cards. Besides Carpenter, none of the three other council Democrats responded to interview requests, nor did independent Ali Dieng (Ward 7). Candidates running for the open Ward 3 seat have each taken their party’s line on the issue. Prog candidate Joe Magee prefers the municipal plan, and Democratendorsed Owen Milne likes the hybrid. Republican Christopher-Aaron Felker opposes the municipal model but would not provide a clear answer on whether he’d support a hybrid system. Hogan, the public works commissioner, prefers the hybrid option. But after years of watching too many trucks traverse his street, it matters less to him which option councilors choose. “Consolidation, however we do it, is an exciting prospect,” he said. m
OBITUARIES Zachary Quinn Ellison
AUGUST 9, 1994-MAY 1, 2021 SAN DIEGO, CALIF./ MONKTON, VT. On May 1, 2021, Zachary Quinn Ellison passed away of natural causes in his sleep at his home in San Diego, Calif. Zach, or “Zinger,” was born on August 9, 1994, in Burlington to Annemarie Savage and Jeffrey Ellison. The youngest of four boys, Zach was the beloved baby brother—a role he relished. As a child and teenager, Zach was a goofy prankster with a head of blond curly hair who kept his family and friends laughing. He graduated from Mount Abraham Union High School and went on to obtain a BS in architectural engineering from Vermont Technical College. After graduation, he moved to California for a job at a geotechnical engineering firm. His colleagues described him as a hardworking, kind, and witty person who led by example. Zach was so much more than words could ever express: intelligent, introspective, handsome, driven, and hilarious. Over time, his goofy humor evolved into a dry wit that was often coupled with a sly grin and an endearing blush. Zach was a man of few words, but whether it was a thoughtful
comment, factual retort, or wicked joke, he spoke with purpose and honesty. From his dress to his demeanor, Zach was understated and humble. He never sought the limelight; instead he preferred to listen and quietly take care of his loved ones. He showed love in subtle and selfless ways: checking in at 2 a.m. to make sure his mom made it home after a long drive, pet and plant sitting, as well as surprising family members with elaborate homemade meals. A wizard in the kitchen, Zach was known for his creative take on classic dishes, including the 18-egg “Zomelette,” pizza, and pasta salad. Zach excelled at all sports, but soccer was his passion. He played yearround throughout his childhood and teenage years, including for the Nordic Spirit Soccer Club, the Mt. Abraham Eagles, and the VTC Knights. He was named Addison Independent Co-Player of the Year, Lake Division 1st Team, a Nominee for Lake Division Defensive Player of the Year, and a DII All-State Selection.
Michael William Day
JUNE 20, 1951-JULY 10, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Michael William Day, 70, died on July 10, 2021, of pancreatic cancer in Burlington, Vt. Born in Montréal in 1951, he was the son of Margaret (née Simpson) and William Day. After growing up in Montréal, he lived in British Columbia for more than a decade before moving to Vermont to marry his
wife, Martha Lewis Trainor, in 1985. He is beloved and sorely missed by his
G. Richard Eisele
APRIL 20, 1936-MAY 2, 2021 MONTPELIER, VT. A self-taught pianist, he expressed his creativity through music and played frequently. He shared and documented indie electronic music through various audio platforms and had aspirations to eventually produce music with a close friend. Zach loved animals almost as much as they loved him; if there was an animal around, it was only a matter of time before it was in Zach’s lap. Zach was refreshingly authentic and complex— quiet, yet never one to beat around the bush; a decorated athlete and a pianist; outwardly rugged, but incredibly gentle; shy, yet one colleague described him as the funniest person he had ever met. He will live on forever in the hearts of those who loved him. Zach is survived by his parents, Annemarie Savage and Jeffrey Ellison; brothers Ethan Ellison (Emily Kenyon), Tyler Ellison (Emma Melen), Aaron Ellison (Lizzy Ellison); half sister Rhiannon Ellison, and numerous aunts, uncles, and cousins. In lieu of flowers, please donate to our fundraiser, Support SUDEP Research in Memory of Zach Ellison, available at nyulangone.org/give/fundraise/ ellison. A memorial service will be held on August 28, 2021, at 2 p.m. in Monkton at Morse Park. Guests are invited to share memories of Zach during the service or leave a written memory with the family. Please bring a chair. The service will be followed by refreshments and a pickup soccer game.
stepmother, three sisters, a stepsister, their families in western Canada, and his wife and her extended family. A man of simple needs, he believed strongly in the principles of recycle and reuse, having started one of the first recycling centers in northern British Columbia in the 1970s. He loved living in Vermont, calling it the “most Canadian” of the states, and he had many friends from his days working at Tristate Distributors and Conant Custom Brass. Known
G. Richard Eisele was born on April 20, 1936, in Hartford, Conn., to Florence Cloutier Eisele and George Fox Eisele, joining older sister Margot. Losing his father when he was only 12, “Dick” or “Dicky” was raised by his mother, his aunt Josephine Eisele, and great-aunts Marian Fox and Caroline Eisele. He developed a strong work ethic early in his life, but there was also time for recreation. Dick loved sports and was a capable basketball, football, baseball and tennis player. He also enjoyed many adventurous summers at the cottage of his aunts on Old Lyme Shores, Conn., where he would later bring his own family. As a young adult, he joined the Connecticut Air National Guard and put himself through college at the University of Connecticut, graduating with a degree in psychology in 1960. He displayed a talent in construction, serving as field engineer for the well-known construction firm George A. Fuller Company of Hartford, which erected famous Hartford landmarks during Dick’s time with the firm, such as the elliptically shaped Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance building and expansion of the Aetna Building. But it was his passion for the newly popular sport snow-skiing that ultimately led him to what would be his home for the next 55 years. Driving from Hartford to Warren, Vt., most winter weekends of 1966 and ‘67 with his bride-to-be, Jean, to ski at the Glen Ellen Ski Resort, the two quickly fell in love with the Green Mountain
State and knew it was where they wanted to start their family. With like-minded friends, using both their construction skills and interest in the modern architecture of Sellers and Reineke, they first built their dream communal ski house in Warren but soon settled in Middlesex. Jean found a teaching position in the two-room Fayston School, and Dick, who had always expressed interest in being an elementary school guidance counselor, was offered a position with Waterbury Elementary School. Obtaining his master’s degree in education from the University of Vermont in 1971, he joined the newly founded Community College of Vermont, where he served for many years as both administrator and teacher. It was during this time when Dick fell in love with the field of adult education. His passion for teaching was obvious to his students and colleagues, many of whom expressed their gratitude for his profound guidance. Dick’s assistance was also key to the growth and expansion of the young college throughout Vermont. His favorite subjects for discussion were the interconnections between science and spirituality and near-death experiences, about which he also taught many classes through CCV. He maintained a physical
to his wife as “Sweetness,” he was always willing to help family, friends and neighbors with whatever tasks needed to be done. His love of traveling led him from the Yucatán Peninsula to a canoe trip up the Yukon River to Dawson City, where he lost all his money at Diamond Tooth Gerties Gambling Hall and had to hitchhike home 1,300 miles to Prince George, BC. An inveterate hiker, he did a solo hike on the West Coast Trail of Vancouver Island and loved revisiting the Grand
Canyon, Glacier National Park, Waterton Lakes National Park in Alberta and Vancouver Island. He will be missed by his local and Canadian friends, who are spread throughout the world, from Montréal and British Columbia to Poland and Thailand. A celebration of life will be planned in the future, when his family can more easily travel to Vermont. Donations should be directed to the McClureMiller Respite House in Colchester, Vt.
lifestyle, as well, and was an avid rollerblader and racquetball player. Another joy of his life were his two children, Scott and Gretchen. Taking an active role in their lives, he was their devoted father, coach and mentor, and he took delight in watching the development of his kids’ own passions. He was an extremely proud father, never shy to tell even new acquaintances, be it in the coffee shop or on the chairlift, about his two children. In retirement, Dick continued to follow his passions for teaching and skiing, and his interest in his kids and two grandchildren, Tucker and Morgan. He also spent time almost every day with his good friends at the Capitol Grounds coffee shop and the co-op and natural food store in downtown Montpelier. While gradually losing mobility over his last few years, Dick was assisted greatly by his daughter and spent his last few months at the Gary Residence. After a sudden diagnosis of acute leukemia in late April and deciding not to pursue treatment, he passed quietly in his sleep one week later. He is survived by Jean Graham Eisele; their children, Scott David Eisele and Gretchen Eisele Frank; sonin-law David Frank; grandsons Tucker and Morgan Frank; nephew Jonathan Brynga and his wife, Doreen; niece Mary Ellen Hussey and her husband, Michael; nephew Christopher Brynga (deceased) and his wife, Denise; and five grand-nieces and -nephews. A memorial picnic will be held at the New Pavilion in Hubbard Park in Montpelier on August 14, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. RSVP to gretchen@madriver. com for details.
Want to memorialize a loved one in Seven Days? Post your remembrance online and in print at sevendaysvt.com/ lifelines. Or contact us at lifelines@sevendaysvt. com or 865-1020, ext. 110.
Brenda L. Haselton
OCTOBER 12, 1954JULY 17, 2021 COLCHESTER, VT. Brenda L. Haselton — beloved sister, aunt, great-aunt and friend — passed away peacefully on July 17, 2021, following a long and courageous battle with cancer. Brenda was born on October 12, 1954, to Bernard and Lillian (Beaupre) Haselton. Brenda graduated from Mount Mansfield Union High School in 1972. She worked for 26 years as the dedicated Baird 4 Unit Secretary at the University of Vermont Medical Center, previously known as Fletcher Allen Health Care, in Burlington, Vt. Prior to that, Brenda gleaned unimaginable joy from working with young
children at the Poker Hill School in Underhill, Vt. Brenda was an avid knitter, crocheter and quilter. Her family, friends and many newly born family members benefited from the warmth of her creations and generosity. Many homes and trees are decorated by her beautiful handmade gifts each December. Brenda also enjoyed many hours of working with siblings on the family lineage.
Brenda spoke often of her three voyages to Alaska and the incredible amount of love she soaked in while in the company of her best friend, P.J. Mauer. Brenda is survived by her siblings, Marlene (Ray) Bedell, Stanley Haselton, David (Audrey) Haselton, Tina (Larry) Gordon, Alvin Haselton and Darwin (Theresa) Haselton; many nieces, nephews, great-nieces and great-nephews; and several close friends. Brenda was predeceased by her father and mother, Bernard and Lillian Haselton; her sister-in-law Patricia Haselton; and her sister-in-law Sandy Haselton. A celebration of life will be scheduled in the near future. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the local American Cancer Society or to the ASPCA.
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Share your loved one’s story with the Seven Days community in Lifelines. Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at sevendaysvt.com/lifelines. Or contact us at lifelines@sevendaysvt.com 865-1020 ext. 110. 22
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Roddy O’Neil Cleary
NOVEMBER 5, 1932JUNE 27, 2021 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT. Roddy O’Neil Cleary died on June 27, 2021, surrounded by family and friends. She was born Mary Francis O’Neil on November 5, 1932, in Miami Beach, Fla., to Pearl O’Neil and Thomas Francis O’Neil. Following her father’s death in 1943, her family moved to New York, where she attended schools in Rye and New Rochelle. In 1950, she entered Marymount College in Tarrytown, N.Y., majoring in history. After graduating in 1954, she entered the convent of the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary. It was at this point that she took the name Sister Roderick in honor of her brother, Roderick O’Neil, and her patron saint, Alfonsus Rodriguez. This became the source of the nickname “Roddy.” After taking her final vows as a nun in 1962, she taught at Marymount and earned a master’s degree in theology from Fordham University. After studying the documents of Vatican II, she began to question her vocation as a nun, which led to a sabbatical from the order in 1967. After returning to the convent, Roddy met her future husband, Bill, then a Jesuit priest who asked her for guidance with his thoughts about leaving religious life. Bill had read scholarship suggesting there was “a possibility that Jesus was not calling people to celibacy” (as she later recounted). Roddy initially disagreed, but their discussion eventually led to dancing. She and Bill left their respective religious orders and were married in December 1969. Roddy and Bill lived in Elmhurst, Queens, where their son Tom was born in 1970, and Fort Lee, N.J., where their son Neil was born in 1972. After living in Hyattsville, Md., Roddy and Bill moved to Vermont in 1976, where they settled in Shelburne and opened Hopkins Bookshop in Burlington. At Hopkins, Bill and Roddy didn’t just sell books; they built community. They opened their
home in Shelburne to friends, international students and people in transitional phases. The mid-1980s brought the arrival of Ra and Ry Say (now Ry Nguon) from Cambodia, whom the Clearys welcomed as family, as they did everyone who stayed at their house. In 1982, Roddy earned a doctorate in ministry from Saint Mary’s Seminary and University and became the interfaith campus minister at the University of Vermont. In 1995, she received the Kroepsch-Maurice Excellence in Teaching Award for her course “Women’s Spirituality: A Challenge to Institutional Religion.” In 1997, she retired from UVM and became the affiliate minister at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington, a post she held until 2008. During that time, she was influential as a clergy member in the passage of Vermont’s civil union law in 2000. In 2008, she was honored by Vermont’s Peace & Justice Center with the Ed Everts Peace and Social Justice Award for “her lifetime of volunteerism and activism.” Among her passions following Bill’s death in 2012 were working as a hospice volunteer and mentoring women in local prisons. In 2015, Mercy Connections honored her with the Catherine McAuley award for “her lifelong service and fostering the dignity of every person.” Roddy wrote the following about herself, in which she begins by quoting priest and author Henri Nouwen: “Roddy believed that ‘Death is the event that gives ultimate meaning to life.’” She subscribed to Gandhi’s claim that religion and politics are inextricable. Her belief,
inspired by Buddhist feminist scholar Rita Gross, was that community is the indispensable matrix of enlightenment. Thus religion, politics, community and end-of-life choices were among her greatest interests. Exploring these areas enriched her life. “Roddy often said that she had the best of two worlds in her lifetime. By that, she meant how much she valued her time in religious life. It was a time of grace and joy, a time of deepening, a liberating time! The opportunity to study theology that religious life provided liberated her to enter into another vocation, marriage and parenting. “Her beloved partner, Bill; sons Tom and Neil; daughter Ry; son-in-law Tim; daughters-in-law Amber and Dayva; and grandchildren Buck, Nancy and Sam gave this wife and mother more joy than any woman could have deserved.” In addition to Bill (also known as William Cleary in his work as a composer and author), Roddy was predeceased by brothers Thomas, Roderick and Michael O’Neil; and sisters Vivian O’Neil Bransfield, Dorothy Callaghan and Jane O’Melia. In addition to the family mentioned above, she is survived and warmly remembered by countless former students and members of the religious communities she belonged to and led. Roddy’s family thanks the staff of UVM Home Health and Hospice and the members of her hospice care team: her longtime physician Dr. Halle Sobel, Dr. Zail Berry, Toni Messuri, Deborah Deladurantaye, Melinda Lee, RN, and her beloved niece and namesake, Mary Francis O’Neil, LPN. In recent years, Roddy was comforted by her companionship with Bob Lavalley, her friend and her joy. This amazing team made it possible for her to have a transition to the next life that was in accordance with her wishes, and we will be forever grateful. A celebration of Roddy’s life will be held in person at the First Unitarian Universalist Society Meetinghouse on Saturday, September 25, at 2 p.m., and it will also be livestreamed at uusociety.org.
Richard William “Rick” Carbin
University in 1964. He took a position with the Rutgers University Scheduling and Space Utilization Department, where, by the late 1960s, he became the youngest director of a university department and oversaw the first computerized scheduling system at Rutgers. Rick moved with his family to Vermont in 1973. He worked for the Upper Valley Area Agency on Aging before becoming executive director of the Ottauquechee Regional Planning Commission in 1975. He founded the Ottauquechee Regional Land Trust in 1977, shortly thereafter becoming the first president of the Vermont Land Trust, in 1977. Rick cared about the connections between land and people. His early innovative
efforts with the Planning Commission contributed to the establishment of low-income Mellishwood Housing for elderly residents, in Woodstock, in the mid1970s. He was a key leader in the successful effort to enact legislation establishing the Vermont Housing and Conservation Trust Fund in 1987, which led to rapid acceleration of both land conservation and affordable housing programs throughout the state. After retiring from the Vermont Land Trust in 1990, Rick worked a year with the Countryside Institute, funded through the Orton Family Foundation (Vermont Country Store). He moved a short distance down the road from the original family homestead to a smaller home site in 1995. He met Calee Simpson in 1998, and she became a close companion and neighbor. Calee cared for Rick as he became ill with cancer. Despite his illness, Rick enjoyed working part time as an interpretive guide at the Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock into his 80th year. A crowning achievement in community action and preservation for Rick came when he rallied a local citizens’ group around saving the Barnard
General Store from permanent closure in 2012. His innate ability to see ways forward when other avenues were closed culminated in the successful purchase of the Barnard General Store by the newly formed nonprofit Barnard Community Trust. The subsequent transfer of the store’s management to new ownership in recent years has been a success and allowed this beautiful landmark at the center of a small town to reopen for business. Thus, the very heart of a rural Vermont community continues to beat — preserved, protected and proud — in part due to Rick’s vision and his love for the town he called home for nearly 50 years. Rick is survived by his first wife, Ursula; second wife, Sharleen; son and daughterin-law, Gregory and Lisa; daughter, Deborah; and longtime friend and partner, Calee. Grandchildren include Morriah (Bryan), Jonathan (Grace) and Christopher (Sylvia). Donations in Rick’s memory can be made to the Vermont Land Trust, vlt. org/support. In honor of his wishes, no service is planned. However, a remembrance party for family and acquaintances will occur at a later date. An online guestbook can be found at cabotfh.com.
was clinical director for adult mental health and substance abuse services. For over 40 years, he worked at the University of Vermont as an adjunct faculty member in the Graduate Counseling Program of the College of Education, teaching courses in mental health counseling, mindfulness-based stress reduction and psychology. He also taught at the Clinical Mental Health Counselor Training Program at the University of Southern New Hampshire for many years. He became a mentor and clinical supervisor to many of the graduates of both programs during his career.
When his beloved Ellie passed, he carried on her memory, helping people with serious mental illness by establishing the Eleanor R. Liebman Center for Adults With Serious Mental Illness at the Vermont Community Foundation in Middlebury, Vt. He also established the Eleanor R. Liebman Center for the Study of Secular Meditation, dedicated to Ellie, as a memorial honoring her life of generosity, kindness, compassion and humility. Anthony taught participants who wished to utilize meditation and mindfulness to improve their lives. Among Anthony’s other distinct accomplishments were serving as president of the Vermont Psychological Association; receiving the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2021 annual meeting of the Vermont Addiction Professionals Association; developing and facilitating “Self-Care and Mindfulness” workshops and trainings throughout Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts; and
authoring a book, Mindfulness Happiness: How to Use Helpful Habits to Live a Healthier Life With More Joy and Less Suffering, and developing an accompanying CD. Anthony lived his entire life as he taught and believed, exemplifying qualities of love, compassion, generosity, humility, sincerity and genuineness. He ultimately made a positive difference in others’ lives and, therefore, he gave great meaning to his own. For those wishing to leave a message of sympathy, go to gregorycremation.com. For anyone wishing to do so, a donation of any size would be appreciated by the McClure-Miller Respite House, where Anthony received incredible medical care and compassion. He spent the last days of his life there, where he died peacefully. Donations may be sent to McClure-Miller Respite House, c/o UVM Health Newtowrk-Home, Health, Hospice, 110 Prim Rd., Colchester, VT 05446, or to uvmhomehealth.org.
SEPTEMBER 17, 1939JULY 21, 2021 BARNARD, VT.
Rick Carbin died at his home in Barnard, Vt., on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, surrounded by family. Rick was born in Jersey City, N.J., on September 17, 1939, to Margaret Louise (Hull) and Edward Francis Carbin, the second of two sons. He was predeceased by both parents and his older brother, Edward. Rick graduated from Tenafly High School in New Jersey in 1957. After a year of attending William and Mary College, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. He attended the Army Language School in Monterey, Calif., where he learned Russian, before reporting to West Germany as a translator. During his tour in Germany, he met Ursula Crass, and they were married upon returning to the U.S., in 1961. Rick and Ursula had two children: Gregory, born in 1962, and Deborah, born in 1963. During this busy time of raising a young family, Rick returned to school and graduated with a BA in international relations from Rutgers
Dr. Anthony R. Quintiliani
JUNE 14, 1944-JUNE 5, 2021 MONKTON, VT. On July 5, 2021, Dr. Anthony R. Quintiliani passed away, and our world lost one of its most compassionate, genuinely loving and caring human beings. Anthony was born in Watertown, Mass., to Lucy and Carmen Quintiliani (now deceased). He was the devoted husband of Eleanor R. Liebman, who predeceased him. He had three siblings: Dr. Carmen J. Quintiliani (and his wife, Carol, of Waltham, Mass.); Virginia Gallagher (and her husband Robert, of Burlington, Mass.); and Dr. Steven Quintiliani (of Monkton, Vt). He was a loving uncle to Robert Gallagher Jr., Sharon Lorino, Debbie Quintiliani Edwards and Dawn Q. DeBiase. He had seven great-nieces, two great-grandnephews and one great-grandniece. For many years, Anthony worked at Howard Center in Burlington, Vt., where he
IN MEMORIAM Ann Livingston
1925-2021 There will be a memorial service of celebration for Ann Livingston on Saturday, August 28, 2 p.m., at the First Unitarian Universalist Society of Burlington at 152 Pearl Street. For more information about attendance or livestreaming, contact Gary Golden at gary.golden5@ gmail.com.
Ethan Wallis Townsend
1981-2020 A memorial gathering will be held to celebrate and honor the life of Ethan Townsend on Sunday, September 26, at 2 p.m. It will be held at the St. Johns Club, 9 Central Ave., Burlington, Vt. All are welcome to attend.
I teared up while reading “Sound Effects” [July 7]. Learning of children’s fears of F-35 noise and parents trying to save them from this trauma was heart-wrenching. Even more devastating was the fact that the two men with all the power — U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders — knew about the danger to children from the noise of the F-35. In its 2012 Environmental Impact Statement, the U.S. Air Force reported on scientific studies detailing harms done to children who live close to military jet noise. Leading researchers in the health effects of noise on human beings reported that there is physical and psychological harm done to the body by the kind and level of noise thousands of Vermonters are now experiencing from the F-35. Children and infants suffer far worse impacts to their physical body, their emotional health and their ability to learn. Who cares? Certainly not Leahy and Sanders. They have the power to direct the Air Force to replace the F-35 with another mission (flying or otherwise) that is compatible with residential neighborhoods. Other senators have replaced fighters with quieter military aircraft in their states. Vermont could do the same. Sens. Leahy and Sanders actively support having the F-35, a weapon of mass destruction, in Vermont, knowing full well of the harm it will do to Vermonters. They are willing to sacrifice the 1,500 children and 6,000 adults who are trapped in the dangerous noise zone of the F-35. Add that to the sound effects.
Thunder Road roars to
[Re “Sound Effects,” July 7]: A common assertion among F-35 proponents is that noise from military aircraft is perceived as “the sound of freedom.” This seems odd. Freedom is complex. But for simplicity, let’s examine a most American summary — that of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “four freedoms” — a proposal for four fundamental freedoms everyone should enjoy: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want and freedom from fear. What do our military aircraft, noise aside, have to do with providing them? Do these planes provide freedom of speech? No, the First Amendment gives us that. Freedom of worship? Again, no. Again, the Constitution. Freedom from want? Here, certainly not, and rather the opposite, as the enormous sums to develop, build and support them drain the treasury for domestic needs. Ah, fear. Surely they make us less afraid of “the enemy” — whoever that might be. But what enemy has the air or missile capability to attack us? None on the horizon. And our overseas attacks to preempt any capability seem to be creating more, not fewer, enemies — enemies whose tools are not targets for such aircraft. Our fear, if anything, should be increased. To me, freedom comes not from our warplanes, but from collaboration with nature and humans trying to be healed. “Sound of freedom”? Tell it to the good people of Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela — anywhere but here. They would not hear the roar of our planes in the air as the sound of freedom.
Rosanne Greco
Marc Estrin
[Re “Sound Effects,” July 7]: I lived in Washington, D.C., for 14 years, seven of them directly under the approaching path of flights landing at DCA national airport. I am so sorry the jets are noisy and bother residents. You get used to the noise. Trust me. If more terrorists hijack our airplanes, you will be happy to have the jets around. Trust me on that, too. Methinks Vermonters are just a little spoiled. We are so lucky to live in one of the best states in the Union; let’s show how classy we are by supporting our armed forces. Margaret Kienzle
FEED back «
There are dozens of comments that could be made related to [“Sound Effects,” July 7], but let me concentrate on four: Why Vermont? The only reason the F-35 headed to Vermont was the interference of U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy into the site selection process. His ego influenced his decision making, not his concern for the health of those who live in the flight path. Jobs! The main reason expressed by politicians has been the jobs supposedly created. Yet only about 75 percent of the 1,050 jobs at the Vermont Air National Guard are held by Vermonters. Thus, at least 262 of the people working for VTANG do not live in Vermont. How many of these
SOUND EFFECTS In the F-35’s flight path, changed Vermonters’ lives have , PAGE 30 BY COLIN FL ANDERS
Why so few rooftop restos
in BTV?
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Ballet legend Kevin McKenz
Long-awaited debut LP
from Ivamae
out-of-staters are pilots who fly the F-35s? The U.S. Air Force in its Environmental Impact Statement claimed that only a handful of jobs might be created by the F-35. Cost. The cost of flying the F-35 is about $36,000 per hour. Multiplying that by 52 weeks equals $179,712,000. How many scholarships could be offered to Vermont college students for $180 million? Noise mitigation. The biggest political folly promoted by our politicians is noise mitigation. It is estimated to cost up to $50,000 per residence. There are at least 2,600 residences that need “mitigation.” BTV expects to “mitigate” 50 a year. Consequently, it will take 52 years to complete the task, for about $130,000,000. How many New Americans could the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program assist with $130 million? Our political leaders put war training ahead of college scholarships and social good! George Cross
levels of commercial planes don’t approach what we are dealing with in Burlington. As someone who lives two miles from the airport, my life has irretrievably changed, particularly in the summer. I used to love working outside in my garden or having friends over for lunch and eating on the patio. I used to do computer work outside whenever I could. Most days, these activities have all become next to impossible because of the roaring of the F-35. It shakes everything, including my body. The noise is horrific, but the impact of the subsonic vibrations is often even worse. And it goes on so much longer than it once did. Will it take a crash for our public officials to come to their senses?
Thank you for the excellent article about the impact of the F-35s [“Sound Effects,” July 7]. One point I’d like to add: the specific impact on children. The National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine cited a study done when the Munich Airport was relocated. The abstract reads: “After the switch, longterm memory and reading were impaired in the noise group at the new airport and improved in the formerly noise-exposed group at the old airport. Short-term memory also improved in the latter group after the old airport was closed. At the new airport, speech perception was impaired in the newly noise-exposed group.” Do we really want to inflict this on the next generation? And while these children were exposed more consistently, the noise
Mary Fillmore
[Re “Sound Effects,” July 7]: I appreciate our Gov. Phil Scott and Mayor Miro Weinberger weighing the costs and benefits of the F-35 program, but I wonder if they have a complete sense of the costs for children. Both epidemiological as well as animal-model studies show that noise impacts children’s mental health, contributes to attention deficit and impairs cognitive skills. Hundreds of children in our communities are likely experiencing hearing loss — the so-called “temporary threshold shift” — for hours, days or weeks beyond those few seconds when the F-35s are exposing their brains to neurotoxic levels of noise. Neuroscientists continue to grapple with the possibility that deafness, including that due to the cumulative effects of noise exposure, increases the risk of dementia. One reason our medical center can recruit qualified specialists — why people are drawn to our state — is that Vermont stands for natural beauty. As a pediatric neurologist, I could not, in good conscience, recommend a family to move anywhere close to this training project. In the words of Sandra Day O’Connor, “We pay a price when we deprive children of the exposure to the values, principles, and education they need to make them good citizens.” We ought to defend our most vulnerable citizens better than this. Peter Bingham
Bingham is the head of pediatric neurology at the University of Vermont Medical Center and a professor at the UVM Larner College of Medicine.
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SeaComm staff delivering Mimmo’s pizza to Essex businesses
It Pays to Give
SeaComm hopes to start “a chain reaction of kindness” in Vermont
hen people move to a new community, their new neighbors might bring over food to welcome them to the neighborhood. When SeaComm Federal Credit Union opened a branch in Essex this winter, it reversed the tradition. The staff of the New York-based financial institution ordered 50 pizzas from Mimmo’s Pizzeria and Restaurant in Essex and delivered them free of charge to 20 nearby businesses. The people who got the pies were grateful. So were the restaurant owners. Big orders for parties or company lunches had dwindled during the pandemic, says Simone Spano, who manages his family’s Mimmo’s location in Essex. SeaComm’s generosity helped offset some of that lost business, and it was completely unexpected. “No banks have ever done anything like that,” he said. At SeaComm, random acts of kindness come naturally. Founded in 1963 by factory workers in Massena, N.Y., the cooperative financial institution now operates nine branches, including two in Vermont, in Essex and South Burlington. SeaComm contributes to all of the communities it serves through its unique Pay It Forward program, which distributes free goods such as food, movie tickets or a tank of gas at random in the areas around SeaComm’s branches; the Mimmo’s pizza delivery was part of it. Pay It Forward recipients don’t have to be credit union members, says marketing and communications specialist Tyler LeBoeuf, who
helps manage the program. They don’t have to provide personal information or pledge to join the credit union. SeaComm’s only request, says Tammy Harrigan, senior vice president of marketing and communications, is that recipients themselves pay it forward by doing something kind for someone else. Sometimes they do: After SeaComm paid for someone’s cart full of groceries at Save A Lot supermarket in Potsdam, N.Y., the lucky shopper turned around and paid for the purchases of the customer behind her, Harrigan says. Gestures like that make SeaComm’s communities better places in which to live and do business, LeBoeuf explains. “One of our goals from the beginning has been to create a chain reaction of kindness,” he says.
Lending a Hand SeaComm launched Pay It Forward in 2017. Since then, it has hosted 65 related events. Food is a recurring theme: In August 2019, before its South Burlington branch opened, SeaComm bought Ben & Jerry’s
scoops in downtown Burlington for 500 people. Around that time, LeBoeuf walked into Pauline’s Café on Shelburne Road and picked up the tab for about 30 customers’ lunches. The credit union’s generosity takes other forms, too: In summer 2019, members of SeaComm’s marketing team descended on Church Street Marketplace in Burlington with $20 Visa gift cards, which they handed out to 100 people. “It had a twofold effect,” says LeBoeuf. “We were helping them, but they were also helping the local businesses because they were right there shopping.” When SeaComm opened a branch in Plattsburgh, N.Y., in 2017, the credit union arranged with a local gas station to have its staff pump and pay for fill-ups for about 500 drivers. In the fall of 2019, at the Essex Cinemas, SeaComm offered free admission, popcorn and a drink for everyone who attended the initial screening of Maleficent; a SeaComm employee donned the title character’s signature black costume as she waved people into the theater. All told, SeaComm has given away freebies through Pay It Forward worth roughly $125,000.
SeaComm contributes to its communities in other ways, too: The credit union has supported the King Street Center and Ronald McDonald House in Burlington and sponsored numerous Little League teams and fundraisers across its territory. But the Pay It Forward gifts can have ripple effects that are particularly memorable. Last December, SeaComm covered the cost of the remaining layaway balances for 27 customers of Walmart stores near the credit union’s locations. One woman cried as she told SeaComm representatives that they had saved her Christmas, Harrigan recalls. “She was going to have to return, or get rid of, her layaway,” says Harrigan. “Those were her grandchildren’s toys, and she didn’t know how she was going to be able to afford it. So she said that we were her Christmas angels.”
‘Never Forgetting Your Roots’ SeaComm’s community-focused philosophy is part of the nonprofit organization’s DNA. The credit union traces its roots to 10 original charter members — workers at Massena’s General Motors die-cast plant — who each dropped $5 in a toolbox. By pooling their resources, they realized they could help
colleagues in need stretch their dollars between paychecks. The GM factory closed in 2009, but the credit union has only grown. SeaComm now has more than
50,000 members, most of them in four counties of northeastern New York. The original co-op merged with other entities over the years and ultimately changed its name to encompass the larger region around the St. Lawrence Seaway: SeaComm is short for Seaway Community. One of the credit union’s current board members has been volunteering for the organiza-
Though credit unions operate like banks, they’re nonprofit, member-owned entities. Vermonters understand and appreciate the difference, which is why there are so many credit unions here to choose from.
to call, email or stop by his office in Massena. And Wilson visits branches in person on a quarterly basis to talk directly with members; a recent trip brought him to Essex. “As the CEO, I work for the members,” he says. “I want to know how we’re doing as their credit union.” Wilson points out that SeaComm has to earn a profit, but its mission has always been about more than just money. “Ultimately, running a successful credit union is about taking care of family, friends and neighbors,” he says.
What Sets SeaComm Apart?
Welcoming the Neighborhood
“We are deeply committed to service,” says president and CEO
Now, those neighbors include Vermonters.
Left: SeaComm staff delivering flowers and puzzles to residents in a North Country nursing home
Scott A. Wilson. “It has to do with never forgetting your roots and taking care of people.” That means offering members a compelling value, he says: “From the time they walk into one of our branches, phone into our Call Center or log in at one of our mobile delivery platforms, we want the experience to exceed their expectations. “We don’t take that lightly,” he says. “In fact, we obsess over it.” In addition to seeking member feedback through random monthly surveys, Wilson invites members
Because SeaComm expanded here during the pandemic, it hasn’t been able to hold grand opening events at its new branches. This summer, SeaComm is finally hosting a pair of celebrations — in Essex on August 13 and in South Burlington on August 27. They’ll feature food trucks, games, prizes and free ice cream. SeaComm will Pay It Forward beforehand with free scoops of Ben & Jerry’s in Jaycee Park in South Burlington on July 28 and Maple Street Park in Essex on July 29. Find out about future Pay It
for community connectedness, as well as cooperative ownership models; think Cabot Cooperative Creamery and City Market, Onion River Co-op.
Right: SeaComm buying groceries for 100 local residents. Pictured: Branch manager Barbara Bessette and president and CEO Scott A. Wilson
tion for 58 years since its charter was passed through the National Credit Union Administration. After opening the Plattsburgh branch, SeaComm’s board began considering where to expand next. It studied the Vermont market. Though crossing the lake — and the state line — was a big leap, Vermont seemed like an ideal fit, Harrigan says. The state is known
Forward events by following SeaComm’s Facebook and Instagram accounts. Katie DeSanto, a manager of the Phoenix Books store in Essex, was one of the lucky recipients of the Mimmo’s delivery in March. She says she and her colleagues enjoyed not only the pizza from one of their favorite restaurants but also the visit from SeaComm staff who brought it and stayed to chat. As a retailer, she added, she appreciates SeaComm’s efforts to generate goodwill within the community. “It was just a lovely, pleasant and neighborly thing for them to do,” DeSanto says. “They’re trying to say, ‘Hey, we’re here for you.’”
That’s exactly right, says Wilson. SeaComm is all about small-town, one-on-one service. “I love when you drive by a house and someone is sitting on the front porch and gives you a wave,” he says. “That’s us. We want everyone to feel that way.” n T H I S A D V E RT I S E M E N T WA S CO M M I S S I O N E D A N D PA I D F O R BY:
BENEATH THE SURFACE Lake Memphremagog’s natural beauty belies worries about contaminants and fish with tumors B Y K E V I N MCCAL L UM • kevin@sevendaysvt.com
ick Levey leaned over the side of a motorboat last week and dipped a long metal scoop into the marshy mouth of the Barton River where it enters Lake Memphremagog. Over his shoulder, the hulking Coventry Landfill rose 400 feet above the water in the distance. On the unnatural angular hilltop of debris, heavy machinery was barely visible through haze that was tinged sepia by distant western wildfires. Like an angler landing a prized catch, Levey carefully lifted his pole above the surface and poured the lake water into sample jars bound for a lab that will test them for 36 kinds of chemicals. The water quality expert with the state Department of Environmental Conservation and a pair of colleagues were launching an extensive new watersampling program in Memphremagog, the picturesque 31-mile-long waterway that straddles the U.S.-Canadian border. They and their Canadian counterparts hope to get to the bottom of troubling reports that toxic chemicals known to
Rick Levey and Kelsey Colbert gathering water samples in Lake Memphremagog
leak from landfills might be migrating from Vermont into the water supply in Québec. Last fall, Québécois environmental officials found trace amounts of PFAS in the water supply for 175,000 Canadians.
The polyfluoroalkyl chemicals are found in everything from Teflon cookware and stainproof carpets to firefighting foam. The results prompted Vermont and Québec officials to investigate the prevalence of PFAS in what many consider a
pristine lake vital to the region’s tourism economy. Even as the team hunted for signs of threats to the lake’s health, around them the waters teemed with life. A green heron flew over a shoreline thick with cattails. A turtle poked its head above the surface near the mouth of the Black River. Anglers cast lines to pull smallmouth bass, yellow perch and lake trout from the depths. Levey and his team spent the day gathering samples from 11 sites around Newport, the northern Vermont city built on the southern end of this scenic waterway. It was far from the first time Vermont environmental scientists have gone hunting for PFAS. The discovery of the compounds in drinking water wells around a former North Bennington fabric factory in 2016 set off a statewide scramble to identify contaminated sites. State environmental officials quickly fingered landfills, as well as wastewater treatment plants and car washes, as potential sources. Now the search has gone international, BENEATH THE SURFACE
» P.30
Cross-Border Flow
While 73 percent of its surface area lies in Québec, 75 percent of Lake Memphremagog’s water comes from Vermont and flows north. The Barton, Black, Clyde and Johns rivers drain into the southern end of the lake.
Magog River A.55
Magog Lake 10
Magog 143
A brown bullhead caught in the South Bay in 2017
Lake Massawippi
Lake Lovering
Lake Memphremagog
An algae bloom earlier this month in Fitch Bay
Black River 5
Coventry Landfill Barton River
The Coventry Landfill, visible from the shore of Lake Memphremagog
adding a layer of complexity to the undertaking. Collaborating with Levey was a Québécois crew that conducted a similar round of water samples on the Canadian side of the lake. Levey hopes the project will provide facts to replace what, so far, has been largely cross-border finger-pointing over the possible sources of the chemicals. “This is certainly a situation where having data in hand will be very beneficial,” Levey said. He is skeptical that the pollution detected in Canadian waters emanates from Vermont, considering it more likely that something closer to the north end of the narrow lake is responsible. Others aren’t so sure. Memphremagog presents unique conservation challenges. While 73 percent of its surface area lies in Québec, 75 percent of its water flows from Vermont. That means the fate of a largely Canadian lake lies primarily in the hands of Americans. The Barton, Black, Clyde and Johns rivers drain from the heavily forested and 30
agricultural lands of Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom into the southern end of the lake. The river water contains millions of gallons of effluent annually from four Vermont wastewater treatment plants. After entering the lake around Newport, the water slowly makes its way north for just over a year and a half, according to estimates, before flowing from the lake through the Magog River on its way to the Saint Lawrence River and, ultimately, into the Atlantic Ocean. Concern that pollution from Vermont may migrate north and contaminate the drinking water supplies in Canada is not only based on sound science, it’s common sense, said Fritz Gerhardt, a conservation scientist who has done extensive research in the watershed. “It’s easy to say it’s not our problem, but we’re not the ones drinking the water — the Québécois are.” Levey, however, is skeptical that the level of PFAS from Newport’s plant are high enough to even be detectable — let
alone a health hazard — after being diluted in trillions of gallons of lake water. Whatever the latest round of test results show, they are unlikely to stem the rising tide of anxiety — on both sides of the border — about the health of a lake that advocates increasingly believe is in peril. The Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation lists the lake as impaired, meaning it exceeds the levels set by regulators for certain pollutants. Following a spate of blooms of cyanobacteria, aka blue-green algae, the state in 2017 released a cleanup plan that calls for reducing the phosphorous entering the lake by 29 percent over the next 20 years, mostly by preventing runoff from agricultural lands and reducing stream bank erosion caused by more intense rainstorms. Compounding that concern, a study in 2019 found that 30 percent of fish known as brown bullhead caught in the lake were covered with cancerous black lesions. Anglers had been reporting gross,
tar-like spots on the bottom-feeding sport fish since 2012, but the joint study by the Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife and the U.S. Geological Survey showed higher-than-expected rates and revealed that the growths were cancerous melanomas. “It’s not a small percentage. It’s significant, and it indicates that something is wrong,” Pete Emerson, a fisheries biologist with the Department of Fish & Wildlife, said during a public meeting on the issue last December. Officials suggested that people not eat any bullhead with the lesions. The cancer revelation was “mindblowing” and a clear indicator to Peggy Stevens that, like the proverbial canary in the coal mine, the fish signal that something is clearly amiss. “There were all these people saying, ‘It’s not that bad.’ Well, it’s bad enough that there are cancerous fish,” said Stevens, a Charleston resident and a member of the anti-landfill group Don’t Undermine
Jeremy Labbe of Casella’s Coventry Landfill, peering inside a new leachate holding tank
Memphremagog’s Purity, or DUMP. “You can’t tell me that doesn’t have something to do with the quality of the water.” Viruses, heavy metals from past industrial pollution or even the impact of ultraviolet rays on the fish in shallow bays, where most of the affected fish were discovered, could all be causes, Levey said. Newport has been an industrial hub since the mid-1800s. It was long the home of a massive sawmill that turned timber floated down the lake from Canada into lumber shipped south by rail. The city is still grappling with a legacy of pollution. Central Maine & Quebec Railway removed more than 10 tons of oil-contaminated soil and hazardous materials from its property on Memphremagog’s South Bay in 2018. Levey said some contamination from that site could be the cause of elevated levels of metals detected in parts of the lake. Another potential culprit, lake advocates say, is the Coventry Landfill, which has operated for decades on the southern end of the lake and remains the final destination for 80 percent of what Vermonters discard. For years, wastewater from the dump was treated at local facilities and then released into the lake. “It’s absolutely bonking mad what’s going on up here,” said Pam Ladds, a Newport resident and a member of DUMP. The release of leachate has stopped, for now. But the apparent cascade of threats has some residents worried that the fate of their beloved lake, and the regional economy that depends on it, is increasingly beyond their power to protect. They fear the lake has been damaged in ways that aren’t understood. State officials point to ongoing studies and planning and insist that they are keeping abreast of Memphremagog’s issues. DUMP was formed in 2018 to oppose Casella Waste Systems’ proposed 51-acre expansion of the landfill, the state’s last operating dump. Vermont regulators approved the growth plans in 2018 anyway, giving the landfill an additional potential 20-year lease on life — a decision that has frustrated Canadians and DUMP members. During a recent visit to Newport’s Prouty Beach, Ladds made clear her view on Vermont’s lake management. Families frolicked on the small sandy beach, and cyclists zipped past on the new bike path linking the beach to downtown and points north. Ladds pointed to erosion from the bike path construction project and trees recently removed for shoreline developments. She said, “We’re doing a piss-poor job of being stewards to this lake.”
The 500,000-gallon tank, which will begin filling with leachate later this year
Two holding tanks with a combined capacity for 1 million gallons of “garbage juice”
Garbage Juice
Even as advocates were still absorbing the 2019 news that high percentages of bullhead had cancer, word came last fall that trace amounts of chemicals known as PFAS had been discovered near the intake pipes for two Québec cities that get their drinking water from the lake — Magog and Sherbrooke. Magog, a tourist-friendly city of 26,000 people, sits along the lake close to MontOrford National Park. Sherbrooke, the sixth-largest city in Québec and home of several universities, lies 17 miles from the lake, on the Magog River. The levels detected — 13 parts per trillion, according to a Sherbrooke official — are below Canada’s guidance of 200 parts per trillion and even Vermont’s far stricter standard of 20 parts per trillion. Environmental activists and politicians in Québec nevertheless expressed alarm, some all but accusing Vermont and its lakeside landfill in Coventry of being the most likely source. “We know there is PFAS in Québec, but we think the largest part of the problem is coming from Casella,” said Robert Benoit, president of Memphremagog Conservation, the Québec-based group that advocates for lake health. DUMP has shared that concern. The group’s main victory to date has been to secure a four-year moratorium on trucking leachate, or contaminated landfill water, to Newport’s wastewater treatment plant. Before then, the leachate was treated, then released, into the Clyde River just above its mouth on the lake. Leachate is mostly rainwater that has percolated through the layers of garbage buried in the landfill, picking up all manner of toxic substances along the way. The landfill annually produces about 11 million gallons of the foul brew, sometimes referred to as “garbage juice.” The moratorium, a condition of the Act 250 permit for the expansion, prevents leachate from being treated at Newport’s municipal wastewater facility until at least 2023. Casella must also explore alternative treatment options for its leachate. Though many cheered the relief it could bring to Memphremagog, the moratorium effectively shifted the problem elsewhere — to the Lake Champlain basin. About 10 million gallons a year now go to Montpelier, where they’re treated in a municipal wastewater facility and released into the Winooski River. The rest, more than 2 million gallons, goes to Plattsburgh, N.Y., which treats and discharges the water directly into the lake. Just like Newport’s, however, those municipal facilities are designed to treat BENEATH THE SURFACE SEVEN DAYS JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
» P.32 31
Brandon Grenier (left) and Noah Crogan on Lake Memphremagog
sewage — not garbage juice tainted with PFAS and other contaminants, such as pharmaceuticals, that they are ill-equipped to remove. A 2018 report by the state Department of Environmental Conservation showed that the outflow from treatment plants that accept landfill leachate has significantly higher levels of PFAS. Citing such results, Canadian officials have pressured the state not to allow leachate from the landfill to ever again be released into the Memphremagog watershed. The state has not agreed to that condition, raising the ire of both DUMP members and their allies in Québec. Benoit, who lives on the shallow Fitch Bay area of the lake in Québec, said he is frustrated by the blue-green algae that sometimes chokes his shoreline, and he’s worried about invasive species. But neither issue riles him as much as the idea that water from a mountain of garbage could be fouling the lake. “We are going to fight up to the last drop of our blood not to have the leachate back in the lake,” he said.
« P.31
‘Easy Target’
Casella officials have not denied that the PFAS discovered at the north end of the lake could have originated from the landfill, but they have said there is no proof and point to multiple other possible sources. PFAS are now ubiquitous in the environment around the globe, so the suggestion that the landfill must be the source for the Sherbrooke samples is baseless, said Joe Fusco, a Casella spokesperson. Stormwater from developed areas, effluent from water treatment systems in Québec and failing septic systems are all possible sources of PFAS located far closer to the north end of the lake than Coventry, he said. “I think the landfill makes an easy target,” Fusco said. “Concerns about Lake Memphremagog are valid. What’s not valid is to point the finger at the Coventry landfill and say, ‘This is the problem, solely.’” The landfill dates back to the 1960s, when it was a small unlined dump and junkyard owned by Charlie Nadeau. Québec investors purchased it, then sold it to Casella in the mid-1990s. Today the landfill accepts about 500,000 tons of waste per year. Along with the bulk of Vermont’s trash, it takes sludge, construction debris and other waste from neighboring states. When all 51 acres of the expansion area are filled, the landfill will cover 126 acres. All leachate from landfills in Vermont — even the closed ones — contains PFAS, but the levels are particularly high at Coventry. A 2019 report performed for the 32
Brandon Grenier (left) and Noah Crogan preparing to go bass fishing on Lake Memphremagog
state by environmental consulting firm Weston & Sampson showed 3,087 parts per trillion there — 154 times higher than the 20-parts-per-trillion level allowed in Vermont drinking water. That same report, however, noted that the vast majority of the PFAS remained sequestered in the landfill. Casella is working hard to address the problem of high PFAS levels in leachate, said Coventry landfill general manager Jeremy Labbe. One solution is structural. As part of the expansion project, the company has built a second 500,000-gallon leachate holding tank. When operational later this year, that will bring the total
leachate storage capacity for the landfill to around 1 million gallons, he said. In another 20 years, the growing landfill’s leachate is projected to increase to about 16 million gallons or more annually. Like all landfills, it will need to be managed for decades after that, Labbe said. In addition, a 2019 study that Casella commissioned, by national consulting firm Brown and Caldwell, examined several alternatives to treating the leachate at municipal wastewater plants. The options range from expensive to extremely expensive. The cheapest solution would be a mini
treatment plant at the landfill using reverse osmosis and charcoal filter technology that would capture PFAS. The treated leachate would then be released into the surrounding surface water, presumably the Black River. Brown and Caldwell estimated the cost to build such a system and operate it for 20 years at $34 million to $80 million. Another option would modernize the treatment processes at existing municipal plants, such as Newport or Montpelier, to enable those facilities to filter out PFAS. Those upgrades, plus 20-year operating costs, could run $54 million to $176 million. The highest-cost option analyzed was one called “zero liquid discharge.” This method boils the leachate down to a concentrate, not unlike making the nastiest maple syrup ever. The resulting slurry would be encased in cement — and disposed back into the landfill. The huge energy needs of such a system would ideally be met through waste heat from an existing energy plant or methane gas from the landfill. Even so, the 20-year cost estimates range from $158 million to a staggering $394 million. Such sums would blow a hole in the bottom line even for a company as profitable as Casella, which last year had revenues of $775 million. Brothers John and Doug Casella grew their Rutlandbased business from a single trash truck into a regional waste empire — a publicly traded company with 100 facilities in six states and 2,500 employees. Its stock price has soared tenfold over the last five years.
City on the Lake
People have inhabited the shores of the lake for millennia. Memphremagog was the heart of the Western Abenaki homeland; the named they bestowed on it means “big expanse of water.” Like the Native people they displaced, Europeans settled on its shores, fished its depths, and plied it for transportation and trade. Newport, whose fortunes have been tied to the lake for centuries, is now trying hard to strengthen those bonds. As the city has slowly shed its industrial past as a timber and rail hub of the Northeast Kingdom, it has sought to capitalize on its prime waterfront location to attract recreationminded tourists. (Learn about recreational and educational cruise boat the Northern Star on page 34.) “Newport is like a mini Burlington, when you get right down to it,” David Converse said. He’s the president of the Memphremagog Watershed Association, a Newport-based group founded in 2007 to advocate for and carry out water quality projects in the basin.
Newport depends on its waterfront for its economic prosperity, Converse said. Several marinas draw boaters and anglers from Québec and beyond. Despite water quality concerns, demand for waterfront real estate is strong, said broker Tina Leblond. She just sold a 10-acre waterfront lot whose buyers plan to build a home, and she has a $2.4 million waterfront home listed in Newport. Water quality concerns can scare off buyers, however, and Leblond thinks more needs to be done to keep the lake healthy and address the myriad threats. “I have had people who have been interested in lakefront property on Memphrem-
and hot yoga studio bustle. Colorful petunias adorn downtown lampposts while weeds choke an adjacent sidewalk. Converse said his group and DUMP haven’t always seen eye to eye. While DUMP is committed to being a watchdog of the landfill, the association takes a broader view of lake health and doesn’t believe the landfill is the primary threat; Converse points to excessive phosphorus. But they agree that if Memphremagog’s waters are fouled, Newport’s fortunes will follow. While Converse thinks Casella is “doing as good a job as they can possibly” in managing the landfill, he agrees that KEVIN MCCALLUM
Following the bruising battle over the expansion permit, John Casella castigated landfill opponents on both sides of the border for their “scare tactics” and suggested Québec’s far less stringent wastewater standards for PFAS gave Canadians little room to talk smack. “Let’s refocus our passion and resources on making sure that we have safe and environmentally sound products entering our state,” Casella wrote, “and that our neighbors in Canada do their part to protect the environment.” Casella’s effort to deflect criticism has been hampered of late, however, by a large leachate spill at another landfill it runs, in Bethlehem, N.H. Approximately 154,000 gallons of the brew escaped from its holding tanks over a weekend in May following what the company has said was a pumping malfunction. State officials said the leachate escaped a retention pond and ran into a grassy area near the Ammonoosuc River. The company was already defending a federal lawsuit that the Conservation Law Foundation and the Toxics Action Center (now called Community Action Works) filed in 2018, alleging that Casella violated the Clean Water Act by allowing landfill leachate and polluted groundwater to flow from the New Hampshire dump into the river. Last week, New Hampshire officials requested a detailed review of Casella’s leachate management by August 1, after blaming the company for “failure to operate and maintain the leachate management system in a manner that controls to the greatest extent practicable spills.”
Pam Ladds (left) and Teresa Gerade, of the anti-landfill group DUMP, visiting Prouty Beach
agog, but then, after they’ve done some more research on the water quality, they’ve decided to go elsewhere,” she said. Any assessment of Newport’s economic aspirations must address the gaping hole in the middle of its downtown, where the promises of a four-story hotel and mixed-use project evaporated in the EB-5 foreign investors scandal, leaving only an empty pit where buildings had been demolished to make way for the project. Colorful artwork on fences now shields from view a vacant site that has so far defied efforts to lure development. Signs of the city’s potential, and its struggles, are everywhere. Several retail storefronts sit vacant even as a Thai restaurant
people need to produce less waste and the state should stop sending it all to a single location on the shore of a vital waterway. “We can’t keep this up forever,” he said.
Testing, Testing
In May, DUMP called on state Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore to formally declare Memphremagog a “lake in crisis,” like the much smaller Lake Carmi, where persistent, widespread cyanobacteria blooms fed by phosphorus from surrounding farmland are a perennial problem. Such a designation could have focused greater attention and resources on lake cleanup efforts. More than 3,700 people
signed a petition in favor. But Moore rejected the petition because it didn’t meet all the criteria for the designation. For the lake to qualify, property values around it would have to be declining due to the pollution. But home prices in Orleans County are up 24 percent compared to the same period last year, according to the Vermont Association of Realtors. That’s a lower increase than in some parts of the state but still a clear sign of strong demand. “We knew they weren’t going to approve it, but this is a lake in crisis whether they want to acknowledge it or not,” DUMP member Ladds said. She called it absurd that the state won’t step in until the problem gets so bad that it negatively impacts property values. Even though Memphremagog is “kind of the little sibling to Champlain” and therefore gets less funding and attention, the state still spent more than $500,000 on monitoring and cleanup work in the watershed last year, said Oliver Pierson, head of the state’s Lakes and Ponds Management and Protection Program. People are right to be concerned about the issues facing the lake, but that doesn’t mean it’s in crisis, he said. He noted that while there are occasional blue-green algae blooms, the water is more often uncommonly clear. “I went boating and swimming in Memphremagog as recently as last summer and was in awe of the beauty and splendor of the place,” Pierson said. This summer, additional fish sampling is scheduled, according to Emerson, the fisheries biologist. Also planned: genetic analysis of the lesions on bullheads to determine possible causes, he said. And later this summer, the first round of water-test results is to be released, at a public meeting in Newport. Moore will host the August 24 session to address lake health. While it is understandable that people would look for links between the various threats facing the lake — high phosphorus, sick fish and chemical contaminants — Moore said she considers them separate issues and inquiries. The tension between Vermont and Québec officials over the discovery of PFAS has largely been due to a lack of data to inform discussion about the problem, let alone identify the source — or sources — of the contamination. Moore is hoping the collaborative sampling project will give scientists, policy makers and the public on both sides of the border a common understanding of the problem and lead to potential solutions. “Not only do we not want to be polluting the lake,” Moore told Seven Days, “we don’t want our neighbors to the north to feel like we are.” m SEVEN DAYS JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Full Steam Ahead
The Northern Star relaunches to offer cruises and education on Lake Memphremagog S TO RY & PHOT OS BY MOLLY ZAPP
n a bright Sunday in July, between bites of brunch, a few dozen passengers savored the sights from the Northern Star. Cruising on Lake Memphremagog, which straddles the U.S./Québec border, they floated past Black Island, where smugglers hid booze during Prohibition; Prouty Beach, a favorite local fishing spot; and Eagle Point Wildlife Management Area, which manages nearly a mile of lakeshore habitat. After years of inactivity, the 65-foot Northern Star is up and running in the Northeast Kingdom town of Newport under new ownership and with new programs. It’s part of the tourism-driven economy of the picturesque town, population 4,300, nestled on a hill above the lake and its marina. The boat’s former owner, Chris Johansen, began running international cruises in 2012 but decided to sell the boat in 2017 due in part to the economic downturn prompted by the EB-5 scandal: Two businessmen were accused of misusing $200 million raised from 2012 to 2016 through the state EB-5 program, which financed development projects funded by foreign investors hoping to obtain green cards. An entire downtown block, razed to make room for one of the projects, remains undeveloped, and 2,200 promised biotech jobs were never realized. Determined to keep the Northern Star going — given its economic benefits to the town and its potential to support education — local residents created nonprofit Memphremagog Community Maritime and, in 2019, secured a loan from North Country Federal Credit Union to purchase it. This spring, the nonprofit hired Robbie Cannon to captain the boat and, in collaboration with area businesses and organizations, began offering cruises and using the boat as a floating classroom. “I look at the community as: Let’s fix what we can fix, not: Wait for that hole to be filled,” said MCM executive director Rick Desrochers. “We need to stop turning our backs to the lake and start looking towards the lake.” The Northern Star was built in 2002 to resemble a 1920s-style steamer and was transported on a flatbed truck from Lake Champlain to Lake Memphremagog in 2012. The ship can carry 49 passengers plus a crew, and its white-and-blue exterior and shiny wooden interior give it a regal air. The first floor has space for 34
Capt. Robbie Cannon
dining, and the top deck offers an open view of the lake. Below deck is a cozy bar area, complete with portholes and cocktail tables. The Northern Star’s presence continues a long history of passenger boats on the lake, which harbored paddle steamers from the 1850s through the 1950s. One steamer, Lady of the Lake, could carry 666 passengers; it stopped sailing in 1916 and was sold for scrap metal the following year as World War I raged on. The Northern Star offers scenic and dinner cruises on Saturdays and brunch cruises on Sundays. Prices range from $14.95 per child age 3 to 11 for scenic cruises (children under 3 are free) to $49.95 per adult (12 and older) for dinner cruises. It also hosts charter cruises, including Murder Mystery Night, Star Wars Night and Starry Starry Night, a collaboration with St. Johnsbury’s Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium. Most charter cruises are $49.95 per person age 13 and up.
Tourists “from all over the country” have been booking most of the themed cruises, Desrochers said, and local businesses have booked private cruises to thank employees for their work during the pandemic. Seventy community businesses and organizations have partnered with the MCM, Desrochers noted, including 12 local restaurants that cater the onboard meals. The nonprofit donates leftover food from the cruises to the Newport Church of God for community members who are food insecure. The Northern Star’s educational programming serves adults and youth. Numerous local experts offer programs for youth, including one on field science for elementary schoolers and one on the watershed for middle schoolers. At this year’s Town Meeting, Coventry voters agreed to allocate $10,000 to MCM to create a program in the fall to teach K-8 students about the lake, Desrochers said.
On a recent trip to Prouty Beach, instructor Mary Pat Goulding asked a group of Orleans third graders to look for insects and crustaceans that live in the aquatic ecosystem and to measure the turbidity, or haziness, of the lake to assess water quality. The former board president of the Memphremagog Watershed Association, Goulding taught about the role of buffer zones in keeping farm runoff from harming the watershed, and asked what students knew about the lake and whether they live “Some students knew the lake well and fished with their families,” even divulging good fishing spots, Goulding said. “Then you’d have students who’d never even seen the lake. The first response is always about the boat. The boat’s pretty impressive, especially if you’re a third grader.” The watershed association also provides educational outreach to adults at its annual meetings. Three years ago, it held a panel discussion on PFAs, a family of toxic polyfluoroalkyl chemicals
The Northern Star
Both towns and Lake Memphremagog sit on Western Abenaki homeland. Native people Vermont’s 1st Board Game Café and the European settlers who displaced them have fished and traded in the area throughout known human history. Desrochers, who studies the history of the Over 600 tabletop games lake and area, said that Newport and Magog have changed greatly over time. “It’s a tale of two military & first responders free with id different centuries,” he FULL MENU ›› BEER & WINE said. “Back in the 1800s, WEEKEND BRUNCH up until the 1950s, Newport was the place to be; Magog was Tue.– Thu. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 5 pm-12am; a small city. Now they’ve kind of flipped.” Sat. 12pm-12am; Sun. 12pm-8pm Desrochers believes that the end 3 Mill St., Burlington 802.540.1710 of the passenger rail in Newport in www.theboardroomvt.com the 1960s contributed to its economic downturn, while Magog’s popularity as a vacation spot increased because CLOSED JULY 4TH of population growth in Montréal and 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy Sherbrooke. New Haven, VT 05472 Coutts, who is also a board member 802-453-5382 | Open 8-5 Daily for the Memphremagog Watershed greenhavengardensandnursery.com Association and Memphremagog Conservation, its larger sister organization on the Québec side, has 1 7/12/21 12:20 PM 8V-greenhaven063021.indd 1 6/29/21 8v-theboardroom071421.indd 12:56 PM big hopes for improving the Northern Star and expanding its educational outreach. The MCM board has researched replacing the boat’s diesel engine with an electric one, he said, and making the whole boat fully ADA BUY 6 compliant. (Currently, only the first Visit OwlsHeadFarm.com QUARTS, level is wheelchair accessible.) for hours, picking info Coutts also has his eye on the Gateway GET A Center, a city recreation venue on TH & curbside pickup! 7 FREE! Newport’s waterfront next to where the Northern Star docks. He sees potential to turn it into a lake educational center, “our version of the ECHO Leahy Center [for 263 Blueberry Farm Road | Richmond | 434-3387 Lake Champlain],” he explained. The Northern Star crew is unsure how the soon-to-reopen border will 8H-OwlsHead072821.indd 1 7/27/21 6:28 PM affect its programs. Before the border closed, American boaters could sail into Canadian waters (but not dock) without needing passports. Because threequarters of the lake is on the Canadian side, a reopening would greatly expand their options. Spread the word in the On that fine Sunday on the water, Seven Days Classifieds. though, Capt. Cannon leisurely skirted the boat around the liquid border and gave a honk to the Canadian border CONTACT patrol, who waved back from a raft. À KATIE FOR bientôt, on espère. m
present in Vermont waterways. This year, it plans to educate the public on leachate technology. (Learn more about environmental threats to Lake Memphremagog on page 28.) Educating and serving the Newport public is a priority for Desrochers. He grew up on a dairy farm in Newport Center and now recounts some of his
family history while narrating Northern Star cruises. After living in the South and Midwest, he moved back to Vermont in 2013 to support his aging father and take a job at Jay Peak. While in the process of moving, Desrochers received notice that the job had been canceled. “I had a job, but then EB-5 happened,” he said. MCM board member Douglas Coutts said that the scandal and fallout, including the lingering giant hole in downtown Newport, “really dampened the spirit here.” Since then, Coutts said, the area has been economically depressed, a situation exacerbated by the pandemic and the long border closure. Magog, Québec, population 27,000, located opposite Newport, is decidedly more developed and affluent, he noted. “The wealth over there is staggering compared to here; a lot of [Québécois] own cottages here, and they’re not able to come,” Coutts remarked.
Owl’s Head Blueberry Farm
Hosting virtual or in-person classes?
865-1020 x110 katie@sevendaysvt.com
The Northern Star, 84 Fyfe Dr., Newport, 487-0234. northernstarcruises.com 8H-ClassFiller21.indd 1
7/1/21 2:33 PM
Search Engine Hack Club teens code while traveling by train across the country B Y S A LLY POL L AK • sally@sevendaysvt.com
he Hokum Brothers band was playing oldies when the busload of kids showed up at Hack Club headquarters, known as HQ, in Shelburne. It was July 16, the day before 42 teenagers were to leave on a cross-country trip. As they gathered for lunch and then a night in Chittenden County before starting the trip — by bus to New York City and then a train west — they were full of buzzy excitement and can’t-wait-to-go energy. The teenagers came from places including Los Angeles, Malaysia, Atlanta, Toronto and NYC. Until mid-July, they had known each other only online. Now, after a morning visit to Burlington, they were convening in Shelburne for pizza, music, and computer chitchat, high-fiving and hanging out in real life. Hack Club is a Shelburne-based nonprofit that oversees a network of student-run coding clubs, and the kids were its guests and coders/makers on an all-expenses-paid, cross-country hackathon. The train trip that would conclude on Sunday in LA, was a mobile summer camp for computer whizzes. These campers would be sleeping in bunks, sightseeing, writing poetry and having sing-alongs — but also creating code for apps and websites. For eight days, the future would roll and click across the USA. The students’ overarching endeavor aboard the train was to build a network, the ZephyrNET, and load it with 500 onboard projects. Their individual plans ranged from making a music app to stream tunes for the ride, to taste-testing ramen in a whirlwind tour of NYC noodle shops and documenting the results. The train hackathon and the creations made during it would serve as a time capsule of the trip. But if the coders failed to complete 500 projects, their work would be deleted — and unrecoverable. The day of the kickoff, Maya Farber, 17, arrived for the trip with her father, who dropped her off and hugged her goodbye at HQ — a Victorian house in the heart of town, beside the Shelburne Country Store. The two had traveled by airplane from Tel Aviv to NYC and then driven to Vermont for Maya’s train adventure. Alexey Farber, who runs a software company in Israel, expressed happiness for his daughter as she went off to meet
Hack Club member Max Wofford carrying out the box that holds the ZephyrNET portable server
“amazing, like-minded people with bright minds.” “I think it’s quite exciting to travel across America with other children like her,” he said. Bringing together kids based on their interest in computers and programming is the foundation of Hack Club. Zach Latta, now 23, founded the club seven years ago and is its executive director. He’s a California native who moved to Vermont at the start of the pandemic. Latta’s interest in computers started when he was a young boy; he went online to teach himself to build a computer. “I just couldn’t pull myself away from computers,” he said. “I felt like, if only I could understand how these magical devices work, I could unlock the secrets to the universe.” He dropped out of his suburban LA high school at 15 and moved to San Francisco at 16 to work as a software consultant at a rate of $80 to $100 an hour. He moved to that city, in part, because he was “so desperate for community.” Latta founded Hack Club to help give young people what had been missing for him. “I didn’t think coding and making things should be a solitary activity,” he said. “And I was so desperate to find a tribe myself.” In developing this summer’s program, Hack Club staff wanted to create a situation that would challenge student leaders to take risks and push themselves.
Hugo Hu
“America needs a generation of young people who are optimistic, rigorous problem solvers and have hard technical skills,” Latta said. There are a few hundred school Hack Clubs, Latta estimated, but about 13,000 kids are involved in the program through the organization’s online Slack chat group. Teenagers run the clubs, where they develop and complete coding projects and then share them. Other Hack Club teens can see and use their work; they can also adapt or add to the projects — a practice sometimes called “forking.”
In 2020, the nonprofit received a $500,000 donation from Elon Musk. Another donor has given $1 million to Hack Club, Latta said, adding that every donation is meaningful. “Everybody at Hack Club is here because we want to try to create the space that we wish we had as teenagers,” Latta said. In riding a train across the country, Hack Club is “using the infrastructure that built this country 150 years ago,” Latta observed. “Teenagers becoming more technical and building things with a computer — this is the infrastructure that’s going to be building this country for the next 150 years.” One of the students on the trip, Hugo Hu of NYC, made a ZephyrNET project before he boarded the train. Hu, 13, is soon to enter eighth grade at New Explorations Into Science, Technology and Math, a public school in Manhattan. In June, when he was invited on the train trip, Hugo said he was encouraged by Latta to think about something he could make for the ZephyrNET. He decided to design and build USB hubs in the shape of trains. Hack Club, which covered all trip expenses for all of the kids, approved the $320 cost of Hu’s parts and equipment. But certain parts he needed to make the trains — each of which has four ports — didn’t arrive until July 12, Hu said. That left him with about two and half days to solder and test 55 little model trains that serve as USB hubs. He completed the project. “Hugo’s a badass” was the word at HQ as the kids ate pizza and got psyched for the trip. Claire Wang, 16, of Los Angeles, will be a junior at Phillips Academy Andover in Massachusetts in the fall. She has started three Hack Clubs at different schools, the first one when she was in eighth grade. Wang also organized two AngelHacks: LA-based hackathons in which people code together “and learn a lot,” she said. (The first one was held at Snapchat headquarters.) Projects at AngelHack included building a decentralized voting system and using artificial intelligence to make a music generator that played “some really great tracks,” Wang said. On the train trip, which wrapped up on Sunday in her hometown, Wang was an intern, a Hack Club leader who got paid. “I really enjoy coding because you have so much power at your hands to
make a positive impact,” she said in an interview several days before the trip. Coding doesn’t require a lot of resources, Wang explained, and with flexibility and problem-solving skills, “anyone can take control of [their] own future.” “You have to not want to throw your computer at the wall the minute something breaks,” Wang added. Abby Fischler, 14, also from LA, got into coding because she really liked to type. So she’d started spending time in her school’s computer lab in third grade. That led to playing Minecraft and then to taking classes in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. “I’m so looking forward to this trip,” Fischler said at HQ in Shelburne. “I’m so excited to meet everyone and see the world.” Rishi Kothari, 15, of Toronto, was on the trip as an intern. Coding, he said, “fosters an ecosystem of constant creation.” “The really awesome part about code is, because code is so open, it can scale infinitely,” Kothari said. The Hack Club at his public high school had about 80 kids at its peak. “They give so much power to the leaders,” Kothari said of the Shelburne HQ, “that it’s really hard to have a bad Hack Club.” In Vermont, Shelburne Community School and Harwood Union High
School in Moretown are the only schools with clubs, according to the nonprofit. Though portions of the state have limited broadband access, Hack Club leaders say Vermont is the right place for the nonprofit to call home. “Vermonters are very deeply in touch with their creative side,” said Christina Asquith of Charlotte, chief operating officer of Hack Club. “That kind of thinking needs to be involved in the next generation of coders. What we really need are artists who can code and environmentalists who can code and farmers who can code.” The train ride was stocked with creative types, including Woody Keppel, a musician, actor and vaudeville performer from Charlotte. Founder of Burlington’s Festival of Fools, he served as the train’s entertainment director, offering hours of music, theatrics and side gags with fellow performers as the train rolled west. “This is the craziest thing I’ve ever done,” said Keppel, who led the Hokum Brothers in “Secret Agent Man” and other oldies at the kickoff event. He noted that he’d bought a computer and an iPhone for the Hack Club gig “to show them off.” “I’m the oldest and the dumbest person on this trip,” Keppel said the day before leaving. But he gave himself good odds for keeping the young folk entertained on their odyssey. “They’re into this coding computer world that is the future, and they just love it so much,” Keppel said. “And they’re so into creating something special on this hackathon.” m
INFO Learn more at hackclub.com.
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7/23/21 10:30 AM
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4/13/21 10:31 AM
Kitchen Assist A new meal kit is a chef-farmer collaboration S TO RY & PHOT OS BY SALLY POLL AK • sally@sevendaysvt.com
att Jennings and Hilary Gifford met the way most people seem to these days: online. Jennings, a chef from Boston who moved to Charlotte with his family two years ago, and Gifford, a vegetable farmer in North Ferrisburgh, connected on a Vermont agriculture email group. She responded to a post from Jennings, who wanted to team up with a farmer to grow vegetables and work on related food projects. Jennings and his wife, Kate, had learned firsthand during their debut growing season in Vermont that farming “is more than a fulltime job,” he said. So, he sought help online. “And the magic started,” Jennings said. That magic is contained in the locally sourced meal kit, Barn Box, that Jennings and Gifford launched in early July. The weekly food box consists of vegetables and herbs that Gifford grows, along with sauces, condiments and other prepared foods Jennings makes at his new seasonal venture, Red Barn Kitchen. Key components of Barn Box are Jennings’ recipes that guide home cooks in making a meal from raw ingredients and his premade contributions. The bonus? A pair of food pros with complementary expertise decide what’s for dinner. “People just want to be able to pick something up, have a recipe … cook it and have
dinner on the table in 20 minutes,” said Jennings, who credits Kate for suggesting the barbecue chicken dinner that Barn Box offered earlier this month. “This thing is totally in its [initial] stages,” Jennings continued. “The goal is to make somebody’s evening easier and have it be an experience that’s driven [by] local producers.” While the produce is grown at Gifford’s farm and on a plot at the Jennings’ property, some ingredients, such as meats and grains, are sourced from other local farms. The weekly Barn Box offering is posted Sunday evenings on Instagram @redbarnkitchenvt. Customers can order the food weekly, or just occasionally, through KITCHEN ASSIST
Cheeseburger and salad
» P.42
Barn Box chicken dinner ingredients
Hilary Gifford and Matt Jennings
of commercials and music videos was hit hard by the pandemic. “For as long as I’ve known him, he’s always wanted to partner on things,” Travis said of his older brother. “This is the opportunity to work together.”
From left: Travis and Allan Walker-Hodkin with BMO the dog
A pair of thirtysomething brothers from New York City will open a Burlington breakfast spot at 198 Main Street, the former home of Mirabelles Café (which relocated to South Burlington as MIRABELLES BAKERY). ALLAN and TRAVIS WALKER-HODKIN hope to launch the CAFÉ HOT. with takeout service by early September. (The restaurant name concludes with a period. “We’re very precious about our name,” Travis acknowledged with a laugh.) The menu will include breakfast sandwiches, breakfast burritos and
espresso drinks offered through a new to-go window from 7 a.m. to early afternoon. The brothers said they might expand to offer other meals depending on feedback; they’ll add seating once they are up and running. Breakfast “is a meal we feel very strongly about,” Allan said. “It’s also something that we can tackle with just the two of us.” The two hope to bake their own milk buns and will combine local staples such as cheese and eggs with embellishments such as Allan’s signature chile oil and roasted poblano peppers. “We got some plans on biscuits, too,” Travis said. Allan spent 20 years
Vegetable curry with saffron rice from Enna
Shannon Bates
working in New York for notable chefs, including Marc Meyer of Five Points and Cookshop and Ginger Pierce, former executive chef at Jams. From his first restaurant job, “I was just magnetized to the kitchen,” Allan said. The brothers grew up on Long Island, but their
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ties to Vermont go back to great-grandparents who lived in Montpelier. Allan and his wife moved to the state from Brooklyn in November 2020. Travis and his partner followed from Queens in early 2021. They were growing weary of big-city life, said Travis, whose career as a producer
After 20 years of cooking professionally around the world, Woodbury native SHANNON BATES returned home about a year ago. On July 20, she launched ENNA, her first venture as chefowner, at 14 State Street in Montpelier. Bates described the breakfast-and-lunch takeout operation as an international deli influenced by her childhood and her global experiences. The menu ranges from breakfast sandwiches on housemade buttermilk biscuits with Vermont cheese and eggs to a Thai beef salad to a vegetable curry Bates learned to make from an Indian chef with whom she worked at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Hong Kong.
Enna, which occupies the spot best known for housing the Pinky’s on State sandwich shop, was named for Bates’ grandmother. Growing up, Bates said, she spent a lot of time at her grandparents’ house in Maple Corner, a village in Calais. “They had a sugarhouse, a huge garden, ducks that laid eggs, a berry patch. We did a lot of growing, pickling, baking and freezing,” she said. “That’s where I got my love of food.” Bates left Vermont to attend the Culinary Institute of America in Hyde Park, N.Y. She went on to cook everywhere from five-star hotel kitchens to private yachts in Hong Kong, Vietnam, Italy, Spain and San Francisco. After seeing the world, Bates said, “I just decided I wanted to come home and try it out. I keep asking myself why I didn’t come back sooner.” The menu will change weekly, even daily, depending on the season and the availability of Vermont-grown and -made fare. “I’m just loving using all the local ingredients,” Bates said. m
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7/15/21 4:58 PM
Pellizcadas made by Magnolia González
Tastes of Home
Viva el Sabor reveals rich Mexican cooking traditions in the farmworker community S TO RY & PHOT OS BY ME LISSA PASANEN • pasanen@sevendaysvt.com
ith hands swooping like butterflies, Matilda Fuentes and Magnolia González deftly patted, pinched and folded masa dough. In a Middlebury kitchen on an early July afternoon, Fuentes was making empanadas filled with chicken while González shaped small, thick rounds of masa with raised edges for pellizcadas. The two women were preparing dishes from their native state of Veracruz, Mexico, in the home of Middlebury College professor Gloria Estela González Zenteno and her wife. González Zenteno, who served as translator, explained that “pellizcada” means “pinched” in Spanish. It is the regional name for what people in other parts of Mexico call gorditas or sopes: griddled cornmeal cakes that serve as sturdy, edible saucers for toppings such as beans or meat. González Zenteno, 58, grew up in Guadalajara in the Mexican state of Jalisco and came to the United States as a graduate student in 1988. Hers “was a different path” from those of the cooks in her kitchen, she said with some understatement. 40
Fuentes, 47, has been in the U.S. 20 years and arrived in Vermont six years ago. She initially worked on a Bridport farm “feeding calves and feeding people” and now lives in Addison with her two children. González, 35, lives in Panton with her dairy farmworker husband and their two children. She has lived in Vermont for 13 of her 14 years in the U.S. Like Fuentes, she has made money cooking for the many farmworkers who are here without their families. Fuentes and González shared their stories over several hours of cooking, eating and talking, punctuated by much laughter and some tears. They discussed their journeys to Addison County, how food ties them to faraway kin and how they believe culinary skills can empower women. Theirs are but two stories from a 13-member Addison County culinary collective called Viva el Sabor (“long live flavor”) that launched on June 26 with a pop-up dinner on the Marble Works green in Middlebury. Twelve of the cooks are
from Mexico and one is from Guatemala; all but one are female. “Everybody has a story,” González Zenteno said. The organizers of the June event anticipated 250 attendees, bought plates for 500 and lost count after about 1,000. Lines snaked through the parking lot for hours. But a mariachi band entertained everyone, and the cooks had enough tamales, tacos and gorditas to satisfy all. “It was a very beautiful experience. We did not expect that many people,” González said, beaming. “I was imagining myself as a little old lady telling my grandchildren.” Viva el Sabor was formed with the support of the Addison Allies Network, a volunteer organization providing services to migrant farmworkers, as well as Little Village Enterprises. Paul Ralston of New Haven, former owner of Vermont Coffee Company, recently established the latter social venture to address economic inequities. Local chefs, businesses, a church, the regional culinary arts program and dozens of volunteers — including González Zenteno
— donated their time, kitchen space and equipment to the inaugural event. The goal of the pop-up was to gauge Vermonters’ taste for the food that Viva el Sabor members cook for their families and fellow Latin Americans. As hoped, the event generated leads on catering opportunities and events for which the members could cook. It also served as a testing ground for some of the cooks. “We all have a gift from God, which is knowing how to cook well,” González said. Some members, though, had less experience than others in cooking for hire. “Now, they have confidence in themselves,” she said. “[And] now that we have that confidence and hope, it won’t just be one event. One day maybe we can set up a restaurant. Sí, se puede!” she concluded resolutely. Cooking is deeply woven through Fuentes’ and González’s memories, as is masa, the cornmeal dough that is central to many regional Mexican cuisines. González started rolling tortillas by hand for her family when she was 7. Her grandfather favored her “small and dainty” tortillas over her grandmother’s, she said. A cousin would tease his mother that, in comparison to González’s tortillas, hers were “for dogs.” “I told them I had a tortilla press, and [Fuentes] said, ‘A tortilla press is for lazy people,’” González Zenteno interjected with a laugh. “I’ve always liked to cook,” González continued. Although her family could afford the necessities, she said, “I like to earn my own money. I’ve always liked to work, and I like to be independent.” By the age of 13, she was selling food in the courtyard of her family’s home on their town’s busy main street. She offered plates of fried pork skin (known as chicharrones), dressed with shredded cabbage or lettuce, queso fresco, a drizzle of cream, and Valentina hot sauce. Fuentes’ childhood was more turbulent. At 6, she was responsible for hauling the family’s nixtamalized corn to the mill to be made into masa. She recalled seeing her father — a womanizer and a drunk, she said — there with another woman. Though her father had a steady job, his children went to school without underwear. His explosive temper sparked regular beatings with his belt and the branches of a tree known for not bending. But his worst trait, Fuentes recounted, was that “we couldn’t eat until he came home — no matter how late.” When the family moved for a few years to central Mexico, where Fuentes’ father worked at a cattle research center, her mother saw an opportunity. The international scientists at the research center appreciated her cooking and paid her to do it for them.
Matilda Fuentes (left) and Magnolia González
more money than they could in Mexico. An uncle was kidnapped twice. A cousin was shot in the foot to prevent his escape but still managed to get away. González’s sister was not so lucky. She was killed in a botched kidnapping, González shared through sobs. Her father cautioned her not to come home for the funeral. González’s 11-year-old daughter, Jossy, who had tagged along for the cooking demo, rushed over to hug her mother. Was coming to the U.S. worth it? “Sí,” González answered a Magnolia González reporter without hesitation. pressing masa “I think of them,” she said, for pellizcadas referring to her daughter and 14-year-old son. Her husband first made the “My dad would say, ‘You eat, thanks arduous journey over the border to find to me.’ My mom would say, ‘No, now I’m work at the age of 18. After they married making money, I’m feeding the kids,’” in Mexico, she decided to join him while Fuentes said with satisfaction. seven months pregnant with their son, “My childhood was very sad but also narrowly escaping arrest on the way. beautiful,” she reflected. “It taught me “That was the best option you ever how to appreciate so much.” took,” Jossy told her mom with a big Both women learned to cook at the smile. elbows of their mothers. Whenever FuenLike González, Fuentes settled tes asked her mother how to cook some- initially in Florida, but she came alone. thing, “She would say, ‘Don’t ask. Watch,’” She decided to leave Mexico, FuenFuentes recalled. tes said, “for necessity. I didn’t want to Gesturing to the table spread with food, depend on a man.” she said the flavors take her home: “When She supported herself by cooking in I’m cooking, I see my mother with me.” restaurants in Orlando, Kansas and North While recipes can cross borders, Carolina before moving to Vermont. A family is most often left behind. It is cousin working on an Addison County excruciating to be so far from loved ones dairy farm had told her that her cooking with no idea when you will see them would be much appreciated there, and she again, González said. With tears and a was eager to work for herself. The probtorrent of Spanish, she explained how lem with restaurants, Fuentes said, “is they multiple members of her family have treat you so terribly, and the hours are so been kidnapped for ransom because they long.” have relatives in the U.S. who are earning TASTES OF HOME
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TEAM MEDIA / PRINT INFO COLORS SPECS Cyan 200Matt Varick St.Jimmy New Baras York, NY 10014 Phone 212-805-7500 Creative: Pubs::None Hankin L/S: None Magenta Media: None Acct: Lindsay Root DOC SIZE: 7" x 10" FONTS Yellow Client: MERCEDES-BENZ USA, LLC RDA WO: MYCO GLE Toolkit 7x10 Prod/Traf: Brian Mercer Lynn Mathis Round: 1 Corporate S Light, Bold B: None M.P_MECHANICALS:Mercedes:MR2:GEN:MPNY-P00005387:MR2_GEN_MPNY-P00005387_A Black M-B BLACK CMYK PATH: TT Slug OTF Bold, Regular 40/30/30/100 Studio: bd Printed: 9-10-2020 11:28 AM @ None G: None Helvetica Neue 65 Medium TEAM MEDIA / PRINT INFO COLORS SPECS Corporate A Condensed T Regular IMAGES Cyan Creative: Matt Hankin Jimmy Baras Pubs: None L/S: None MB_MY20_GLE_IridSilver_CS_300_V10.tif (CMYK; 50.42%; 595 ppi; SuperStudio:ART:MNH:MERCEDES:2019:2019 RDA:MY20_GLE_OOH:MB_MY20_GLE_IridSilver_CS_300_V10.tif) Magenta Media: Acct: Lindsay Root None DOC SIZE: 7" x 10" FONTS SEVEN DAYS Mercedes-Benz JULY 28-AUGUST 2021EPS:MB-star_M_n_4C.eps) Yellow MB-star_M_n_4C.eps (20%; SuperStudio:Logos:Mercedes:2015 Brand Marks:M-B4, Starmark Prod/Traf: Brian Mercer Lynn Mathis Round: 1 Corporate S Light, Bold B: None Black M-B BLACK CMYK mini2col-sawit-3Dcmyk.indd 1 TT Slug OTF1/12/10 Bold, Regular9:51:52 AM 40/30/30/100 Studio: bd Printed: 9-10-2020 11:28 AM @ None G: None Helvetica Neue 65 Medium
a sign-up Sunday through Wednesday; pickup is on Friday at Backdoor Bread in Charlotte. The price varies with the contents of the box — from $25 for appetizers to serve four (a recent offering: crostini with caponata, marinated mozzarella and pesto) to $45 for a chicken dinner that serves three or four people. I happened upon Barn Box on Instagram soon after the first post appeared. I signed on quickly for a very specific reason: Caesar salad. I adore Caesar salad but never make it, and here it was just a click and a short drive away. Along with a selection of veggies, including two heads of gem lettuce, the box came with a jar of H I L A RY Jennings’ charred scallion Caesar dressing and its recipe. As that first Barn Box was over the July 4 weekend, my family decided to add the holiday-appropriate, optional ground beef from Fat Cow Farm in Charlotte to make burgers. Jars of Jennings’ toppings and condiments included kimchi, pickles, and a mayo-and-ketchup-based “special sauce.” “This is the best cheeseburger I’ve eaten in a long time,” I bragged to my daughter, after dolling up the Barn Box patty with cheddar cheese from our fridge. We sautéed Gifford’s scallions and spooned those onto the burgers — an echo of the Caesar salad dressing. I was intrigued enough to try again the next week, getting the Barn Box chicken dinner to make for myself and a friend. This time I used the recipes, which hadn’t come into play for cheeseburgers and salad. Though I love to cook, I don’t usually follow instructions. But in a phone call with Jennings about six months earlier, his little riff on pots and pans fascinated me. If I hung on to his every word about a sauté pan, I figured I should pay attention to his cooking instructions. I was right about that. I learned that it’s OK to leave raw chicken out at room temperature for an hour thanks to his recipe, which called for marinating chicken legs in a bag with his molasses barbecue sauce. Jennings also advised Barn Boxers to open the windows and turn on a fan before making charred shishito peppers. I followed that recipe to a tee — maybe because it has only four steps, including opening the window. I also made a vegetable slaw with colors — yellow, green and purple — that stoked my appetite. It consisted of grated zucchini INFO and squash with thinly sliced red Napa Learn more on Instagram at cabbage, all tossed in Jennings’ buttermilk @redbarnkitchenvt and @farmerhil.
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dressing. This dish delivered a small revelation: Zucchini is better raw than cooked. The chicken dinner required some improvising because we don’t have a grill, and you can’t grill chicken legs without one. So, I turned on the stove fan before charring the peppers, seared the chicken in a skillet and then baked it. The meal, which came with cornbread and pickles, was fun to put together and terrific. In fact, I texted Jennings as I was cooking to tell him I got a kick out of following his recipes. He texted back: “Just a start. Had to begin somewhere. Hope to develop it more!” The quality of Barn Box is not surprising, given Jennings’ background as a cookbook author and longtime chef. He and Kate, a pasGIFFORD try chef, owned restaurants in Providence and Boston before they moved to Vermont. They wanted a place with land to grow vegetables, raise animals and build a commercial kitchen. In Charlotte, Jennings fell in love with a home and barn previously owned by a baker. He and Kate are nearing completion of the renovation of Red Barn Kitchen. The collaboration with Gifford is the first of various culinary projects they plan to launch there. Jennings envisions catering and cooking workshops, as well as a little pickup window. “It’s got to be organic,” he said. “It’s got to work with Hilary’s lifestyle and my lifestyle. I’d rather it be really great quality, and grow into it as we grow.” Thirty-five-year-old Gifford (aka Farmer Hil) uses organic practice on the land she farms in North Ferrisburgh, where she’s farmed for five seasons. She grows produce for area restaurants and, prior to COVID-19, worked as a server and bartender at Hatchet in Richmond. She also grew vegetables for Ubuntu, a vegetarian restaurant in Napa, Calif., that had its own garden. The restaurant, which closed in 2012, was “one of the great places on the planet,” Jennings said. Gifford said she has a particular interest in growing heirloom vegetables and new varieties to offer both chefs and home cooks. Examples: the Red Dragon cabbage featured in the slaw, and heirloom tomatoes that will be made into Bloody Mary mix for an upcoming Barn Box brunch. “I like to cook,” Gifford said. “So, it’s nice to connect with people who are not necessarily professionally trained.” m
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Magnolia González (right) and her daughter, Jossy, finishing pellizcadas
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Tastes of Home « P.41
7/26/21 4:59 PM
The two women agreed that Addison County has been a good place for them, offering MATIL D A F UE NTE S strong support for their farmworker community. “You can become known. You don’t have Jossy Sanchez González with (from front) enchiladas, to be hidden,” Fuentes said. tostadas and empanadas The positive response to Viva el Sabor reinforced that feeling. Little Village Enterprises will offer support and training to members of the collective so they can meet food safety and licensing requirements, as well as navigate the legal and financial needs of food-related entrepreneurial ventures. Members will also learn from one another. “This experience is teaching them to collaborate,” González Zenteno said. “They are fiercely independent. They survive and thrive on their independence.” The cooking part they have down pat, deliciously evident in the early addictively spicy salsa: by frying dried July demonstration feast of tostadas, morita chiles with a lot of garlic before enchiladas, empanadas, pellizcadas and blending them with a little water, salt tacos dorados. and bouillon. Then she fries the mixture González cooked the black beans that again “very carefully because it jumps,” both women used in their dishes. Fuentes she said, describing how the heat makes added minced purple onion, which she the ingredients spit. likes for its stronger flavor. A phone call interrupted the conversaFor the chicken filling, she boiled tion. It was Fuentes’ 10-year-old daughbreasts with onion, garlic and bay leaf, ter asking her mother to bring her home then fried up tomato, onion, garlic, dried some food — but not from the spread on oregano, bay and thyme to combine with the table. the shredded meat and cilantro. “Some“She likes pizza,” Fuentes said with a times to add color because the toma- shake of her head. m toes are pale here, I add Goya Sazón,” she said, referring to the commercial INFO seasoning. Learn more on Facebook at Viva el Sabor, Fuentes explained how she made the or email vivaelsabor2021@gmail.com.
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7/23/21 12:39 PM
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2/15/16 3:31 PM
culture Cat House
Joe and Jaye MacAskill open a feline-themed vintage store in Winooski
B Y JORD A N AD A MS • jordan@sevendaysvt.com
Cat figurines at Catland Vintage
hen Jaye and Joe MacAskill arrived in Vermont in the summer of 2020, the San Diego transplants had two goals: insinuate their musical comedy band, Pony Death Ride, into Vermont’s music community and open a vintage boutique. On Friday, July 30, one year after the married couple touched down in the Champlain Valley, one of those goals will be realized with the grand opening of Catland Vintage in Winooski. “I’ve known that I have a collecting problem for a long time,” said Jaye of her lifelong affinity for bric-a-brac and esoterica. On a recent Monday, she and her husband stood proudly behind a glass case at their Onion City shop, excitedly describing and showing off their wares. “[Before] I met Jaye, I didn’t collect anything except unemployment,” Joe quipped. After years of amassing treasures, Jaye decided to collect only cat stuff as a way to corral her insatiable appetite for fine
vintage goods. That strategy worked for a little while, until friends started pawning off all of their cat-related objets d’art on her. And once she and Joe became regular pickers on the Southern California estatesale circuit — sometimes hitting four or
Joe and Jaye MacAskill
five in a weekend — they packed their previous home to the gills with oddities of all kinds to sell on eBay. “We just had so much stuff at our old house, it was overwhelming,” Joe said. Jaye has wanted to open a vintage shop
since she was a teenager. Before moving to Vermont, the MacAskills worked as real estate agents, which they conceded they were “not cut out for.” As their hoard grew and the pandemic raged, they decided to set off on an adventure, find a new place to live and finally curate a largely cat-themed shop. They’d heard good things about Burlington and liked that it was close to Canada, Jaye’s homeland. Catland Vintage occupies the former Onion River Cobbler space at 7 West Canal Street. The couple stripped the room nearly to its studs. They removed “an orgy of wood” from the walls, as Joe put it in a press release. Underneath, they found original beadboard walls. They were able to keep the original tin ceiling tiles. The MacAskills documented their renovation in a video set to “Kitties Are So Nice,” a track from their 2016 album Cat Sounds. The four-minute clip compresses months of work, showing the transformation from a dingy, brown space to a busy, colorful treasure trove with freshly painted aqua walls and a glitter-splattered floor. Their final touch: painting the façade a bright canary yellow.
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“It’s a real estate trick,” Jaye said. “If able to make many creative connections. you want to sell your property faster, One local musician they did meet early on paint the door yellow.” was Vermont bassist Tyler Bolles, known So, why such a focus on felines? Why particularly for playing in Swale. The not just run a vintage store that happens art-rock group and Pony Death Ride are to sell a lot of cat items? both given to mounting quirky Christmas “You need a good gimmick,” Jaye musical extravaganzas. explained. While the shop offers a plethora “They’re the best kind of weirdos,” of items, including clothing, housewares Bolles said by phone, suggesting that the and music gear, kitties can be found in MacAskills are the type of newcomers practically every category. “the Vermont music scene A bin of vinyl records needs.” includes the soundtrack to “Part of [opening Catland Disney’s The Aristocats. A Vintage] is a way to sell off a velvet painting of a prowllot of the stuff we have and ing tiger hangs behind the make a little money,” Joe JAYE MACASKILL said. “But another part is, sales counter. And several large, wearable cat heads not being from Vermont, it’s line the upper shelves of a wall display. a great way to meet people.” (The MacAskills acquired them a few To that end, the couple plans to host years ago for a music video shoot for small events once the store is up and their song “Furries!” It’s about people running. One item not for sale is a small who dress up in fuzzy animal costumes console piano, visible from the street, to, well, you know.) which they hope will attract neighbors The most purrfect collection, though, and other passersby to sit for a spell and is arguably the MacAskills’ cat figurines. plunk out a tune or two. Bolles noted that, pre-pandemic, new They come in all shapes and sizes, from realistic and minuscule to highly anthro- Vermonters who wanted to see — or pomorphized and more than a foot tall. play — music would “naturally wind up These tabbies perch, preen, prowl and at a place like Radio Bean.” But setting up pose in every nook and cranny. Some cast shop in downtown Winooski will help the their steely stares through slits while MacAskills meet their social goals. others gaze up with wide blue eyes. “Being in this circle … what a sense All these pussycats are borderline of community with the businesses,” Joe unnerving, but in a whimsical way. remarked. “We’re going to go to every Since the shop isn’t open yet, the single one of them.” m MacAskills don’t know who their clienDisclosure: Tyler Bolles is the brother of tele will be. “We haven’t met any truly crazy cat Seven Days assistant arts editor Dan Bolles. people [yet], but I’m looking forward to it,” Jaye said. INFO Since the pandemic shuttered music Catland Vintage, 7 W. Canal St. in Winooski, venues during the bulk of their first year opens on Friday, July 30, at noon. in Vermont, the MacAskills haven’t been catlandvintage.com
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6/28/21 10:45 AM
obsessed? Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY decorating inspirations. Sign up today at sevendaysvt.com/enews.
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The MacAskills in front of Catland Vintage
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4/6/21 11:55 AM
Northern Lights 2007-2021 Northern Lights ended quietly on June 30 with a small group of former staff members present. It leaves behind a legacy of caring and support provided to dozens of women who found treatment, camaraderie, and compassion in a program that for fourteen years empowered them to reconnect with their families, address their needs, and build new lives. Northern Lights was conceptualized in 2006 and opened the following year to help women build healthy, productive, fulfilling lives following a period of incarceration. Situated in the historic Varney House in Burlington, the program provided a home-like atmosphere where women could live comfortably while they attended therapy, sought medical care, and built the life skills that would enable them to realize better futures for themselves and their families. Nearly all of the women who spent time at Northern Lights struggled with substance use and mental health issues and nearly all had experienced physical or sexual abuse in their lives. Many were mothers whose struggles affected their children and strained their family relationships. Their involvement with the justice system typically resulted from low-level drug offenses and at Northern Lights they worked and supported each other to develop healthy habits and positive social networks, breaking where they could from circumstances that contributed to their past challenges. Following a long and alarming period of growth in the the number of women incarcerated in Vermont, the Agency of Human Services developed the Incarcerated Women’s Initiative in 2005. Working with the Vermont Research Partnership, and guided by the advocacy of Sally Fox from the Community Justice Center, the Initiative recommended transitional housing, mentoring, substance use treatment, vocational supports and especially the shared communal environment in which women could support each other, to help them as they helped each other and re-entered the community. In Burlington, social service agencies came together to create Northern Lights, a
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program offering all of these supports and more. Operated by Howard Center with funding directed by the legislature from the Department of Corrections, Northern Lights enjoyed partnerships with Burlington Probation and Parole, the Burlington Housing Authority, Mercy Connections, Vermont Works for Women, the Lund Center, and Steps to End Domestic Violence. Northern Lights welcomed its first residents in 2007 and was always a community undertaking, with additional help provided by the YMCA, the Turning Point Center, and many others. Additional financial supporters for this critical community resource for women over the years included the Sills Family Foundation, the Vermont Women’s Fund, the Richard and Deborah Tarrant Foundation, the Fanny Allen Corporation, the Coates family, and many other families and individuals. Earlier this year, the Department of Corrections grant funding that had, consistent with Legislative intent, been the primary source of funding that sustained Northern Lights since its inception, was terminated.
Despite the best efforts of agency and community advocates to reverse the funding decision and with no viable source of ongoing replacement funding available, the difficult decision was made to shutter the program. The process of supporting the remaining residents through transitions to other accommodations began and an emotionally charged graduation ceremony that celebrated the achievements of the last eight women to complete the program was held with a large gathering of the graduates’ and the program’s family and friends at North Beach in June. All staff members have been offered new positions within Howard Center. The closure of Northern Lights is a loss for the entire community, but especially for those women who will miss the benefit of its mutually supportive surroundings in the coming years. Nevertheless, its presence echoes profoundly in the lives of every woman who had the opportunity to live at Northern Lights, and who today are leading more fulfilling and happier lives thanks to their time and experiences in the program.
7/9/21 12:12 PM
arts news
Short Takes on Five Vermont Books Seven Days writers can’t possibly read, much less review, all the books that arrive in a steady stream by post, email and, in one memorable case, a clowder of snarling bobcats. So this monthly feature is our
Twin Tales: Traveling With a Twin
Murder Mountain
Memoir of a Doomsday Prophet
Ronald Allbee, self-published, 200 pages. $20.
Owen Curvelo, Katya Strasburger (illustrations), Yarn Authority, 298 pages. $24.99.
Randall DeVallance, Beacon Publishing Group, 232 pages. $14.99.
There’s a humdinger of a situation if you’re stackin’ what I’m choppin’.
A man never cried to management to solve a problem he could handle himself.
Things are tense in the fictional northern Vermont resort town of Rosefield. A subtle cold war brews between multigenerational Vermonters and the “flatties” — that is, tourists and other outsiders. The precarious status quo is shattered when a ne’er-do-well ski bum is found dead on the mountain with a knife protruding from his chest. It’s up to salt-of-the-earth Sheriff Peggy McStoots to track down the killer. Vermont native Owen Curvelo fills his debut murder mystery with more than 100 illustrations from artist Katya Strasburger, beginning with a detailed map of Rosefield Mountain Resort (tagline: “Bring your buds”). The world of Rosefield and its colorful inhabitants comes to vivid life in these images, from small ones that break up the text to full-page “stills.” In addition to artistic renderings, Murder Mountain is chock-full of Vermont references. Example: Twentysomething skier Joey Rogers rocks out to fictional band the Rutland Rotary Boys, whose singer, Seth Alltheway, and guitarist, Hector Yacoven, might well be allusions to Vermont’s real-life blues-rock all-star Seth Yacovone.
Edwin Block is about to flunk out of a bucolic New Hampshire college when a mysterious stranger named BB, who has suffered a similar fate, makes him an outlandish proposal. BB suggests that the universe wants them to exact revenge on the college by stealing an 18-foot bronze statue of Thomas Bartholomew Bradford, its 17th-century benefactor. Though it’s a preposterous scheme, Block acquiesces based on BB’s rationale: Time is an illusion, and the deed, prophesized to him in a dream, has already happened. Author of the 2010 novella-andshort-story collection The Absent Traveler, DeVallance writes in the lean, economic style dictated by Strunk and White. Painting scenes with terse yet clever metaphors, Memoir of a Doomsday Prophet bounds ahead, its plot hurtling like a runaway boulder. Part philosophical road trip, part sci-fi mystery and reminiscent of a Tom Robbins novel, DeVallance’s tale draws you in and keeps you reading well beyond page 32.
A crowd always formed to watch Guy shoot his muzzleloader and bless America. Twin Tales: Traveling With a Twin is a collection of memories that author Ronald Allbee accurately calls “snippets.” The advantage of this approach is that a reader can enjoy just about any snippet chosen randomly from the book. The memories aren’t organized chronologically, although the series does meander from the Allbee twins’ poor childhood in rural southern Vermont through the adult brothers’ business enterprises and government-related careers. (Both Ronald and Roger Allbee served in the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets and elsewhere.) Allbee emphasizes that identical twins are distinct individuals, even if their own parents couldn’t tell them apart. Regardless, the pair loved to prank people as only identical twins can. Who wouldn’t love fooling a governor of Vermont? Anyone who is a twin will appreciate Allbee’s humorous and thoughtful reminiscences. Others might appreciate his anecdotal glimpses into Vermont’s past, from old coots with muzzleloaders to the Beatles playing on a cheap dorm TV to debates about hormones in the state’s cow milk. PAMELA POLSTON
way of introducing you to a handful of books by Vermont authors. To do that, we contextualize each book just a little and quote a single representative sentence from, yes, page 32. m
This Ardent Flame Beth Kanell, Five Star Publishing, 292 pages. $25.95.
[A] flutter of snowflakes descended, holding separate and pointed for an instant on my woolen sleeves. It’s 1852, and 17-year-old Alice Sanborn lives on a farm in remote North Upton, Vt., far from any state where slavery is legal. But recent developments such as the Fugitive Slave Act have brought brewing national conflicts home, transforming some of the residents of Alice’s sleepy village into activists. This Ardent Flame is the second installment of Northeast Kingdom writer Beth Kanell’s historical fiction series The Winds of Freedom. (North Upton is based on North Danville, she notes in an afterword.) In the first book, Alice helped a formerly enslaved girl to safety, tangling with a bounty hunter. In this one, Alice pines for a handsome fellow Abolitionist while making new friends: a spitfire teen activist and a deaf teacher who instructs Alice in sign language. Calling on meticulous research to evoke rising antebellum tensions, the beginnings of American radicalism and the day-to-day rhythms of farm life, Kanell paints a picture of one girl’s coming of age that’s more absorbing than any history class.
Politically Defined: Memoir of an Unknown Activist Dinah Yessne, self-published, 266 pages. $16.99.
…I played football at recess … and the boys allowed it, because though small I was very fast. As a child, Dinah Yessne despaired of her short stature. Later, as a teen angling for a chance to meet John F. Kennedy, she made a useful discovery: “I have always found one of the few advantages of my size to be my ability to get through large crowds without incurring anyone’s wrath.” That insight served Yessne in good stead through decades of political activism and organizing, which she recounts with entertaining flair in her memoir. As a young adult, she canvassed for Eugene McCarthy’s doomed 1968 campaign and witnessed the aftermath of the police violence that erupted at the Democratic National Convention. Later, settled in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom, Yessne ran twice unsuccessfully for the state legislature, laying a path for the Democratic candidates who came after her. For the like-minded, Yessne’s story offers education and inspiration. Now a grandmother, this firebrand hasn’t slowed down — in 2018, she was arrested at the Vermont Statehouse for civil disobedience.
If These Walls Could Talk Review: “Holding Pattern,” Christy Mitchell, the S.P.A.C.E. Gallery B Y PA M EL A POL ST O N • pamela@sevendaysvt.com
and a wide hallway — nearly the entire venue, minus the warren of small artist studios surrounding the exhibition space. Mitchell likes to guide a visitor starting from the installation’s beginning, which is marked by a guest sign-in book on a small table and a curtain one must open to enter the hallway. Conceptually, Mitchell describes the installation as “set in an early 20th-century Victorian-style home,” and she thinks of each section as representing a room in that house. “Once you walk in, you’re in a different place,” she said. Indeed. On one side of the hallway, Mitchell has hung colored images of factories, other workplaces and cars, all decidedly of an earlier era. (The cars, abounding in tail fins, represent an American dream that is not available to
Christy Mitchell
lever messaging begins with the very title of Christy Mitchell’s latest solo installation at Burlington’s S.P.A.C.E. Gallery. “Holding Pattern” is a double entendre — at least — and one meaning is immediately evident in Mitchell’s use of old-school patterned wallpaper. Less obvious is what the installation might hold, both for the artist and for viewers. The title suggests a code we’re invited to decipher. Mitchell, 40, has presented an annual solo show since 2013 in the gallery she founded a dozen years ago. All of the installations have been self-referential, but not in the strict sense of presenting a narrative of her experience. Instead, Mitchell reflects on the preceding year and her own passage through it, develops an exhibition concept, and assembles found and handmade objects in support of her vision. A love of vintage has always informed Mitchell’s aesthetic; she’s enamored of artifacts that were in use long before she was born. But viewers should not read these collections as advocacy for a “simpler” time. While the presence of midcentury-or-older analog objects and images speaks implicitly to a set of values, lifestyles and technologies different from today’s, the artist is more interested in examining what we tell ourselves and each other — or don’t. “Holding Pattern” offers a sort of visual anthropology that yields — if we look closely enough — evidence of human communication. Mitchell’s written description of the exhibit evokes this power of artifacts to speak: “If these walls could talk about the things that we say and what we hide from the public, what would they tell us?” Moreover, the artifacts’ materiality itself contributes to the conversation. “I’m exploring the idea of time travel, in a way,” Mitchell said on a recent gallery tour. “Objects kind of have their own story.” This exploration is universal and, yes, unbound by time. In her summoning of the past, Mitchell’s autobiographical pursuits mesh with her broader humanistic curiosity. Like her previous installations, “Holding Pattern” occupies a 17-by-19-foot room
Installation detail of “Hidden Messages”
everyone, Mitchell noted.) The opposite wall is half covered with white beadboard and half with floral and striped wallpaper. On it hangs a row of round mirrors, each laser etched with a single word in Mitchell’s own cursive: “thoughtful,” “look,” “feeling,” “timeless.” From the start of the exhibition, it’s clear that wallpaper isn’t just for walls; Mitchell has made inventive use of the vintage rolls she’s collected over the years. At the entrance, the glass of an antique oval frame holds a blue-and-green botanical pattern on which are layered the words “here we are,” again in Mitchell’s cursive, cut from red and yellow paper. Some of the picture frames are wrapped in wallpaper. So is, meticulously, a vintage desk telephone. One wall in the main gallery room contrasts with the artfulness of these efforts. Near the floor, a strip of wallpaper
NEW THIS WEEK burlington
‘THE ART OF BEING HOME’: Pathways Vermont starts a new tradition of sharing our mission and stories through an annual art show. Participating artists present works that represent what home means to them. July 28-30. Info, maria@pathwaysvermont.org. Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington.
f JON OLENDER & JEN RONDINONE: “Reflecting on the Past and Future,” photographs and paintings, respectively. Reception: Friday, July 30, 5-7 p.m. July 30-September 30. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland.
outside vermont
f BUNNY HARVEY & LAURIE SVERDLOVE: “Conversation,” paintings on canvas and paper in visual dialogue by the Vermont artists and friends. Reception: Friday, July 30, 5-7 p.m. ELIZABETH MAYOR: “Playing With Choice,” woodcut prints and sculpture by the New Hampshire artist. July 30-August 20. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H.
Installation detail
bulges outward, and from the gap spill shredded strands of other papers. It’s as if the wall can no longer contain the secrets stuffed inside it; they are liberated. Beside the bulging wallpaper strip, two others have been applied haphazardly, peeling on the edges and revealing a bluepainted wall beneath. Mitchell referred to the spilling paper strands as “remnants of my life.” She has framed other wallpaper shreds behind glass in round frames, like museum specimens. Given voice, what stories might these papers, rips and shreds tell us? “Art is a feeling thing for me,” Mitchell mused. “With conceptual work in general, it’s more about the story you’re trying to tell than about the material.” Another wall of the room is even more dramatic. Here Mitchell has installed shelving to display vintage radios, earlier artworks, books and other objects. The “wallpaper” on this wall is actually a botanical-patterned projection — lighting courtesy of Jason Liggett of Burlingtonbased Liggy Lights and Satellite Arts Productions. The resulting light and shadow add complexity and intrigue to an evocative collection of artifacts. Mitchell believes the projection “speaks to the transience of time.” To borrow an expression circulating on social media these days, the artist has created a “big mood” in this room. “This is the study or the library of the house,” Mitchell suggested — and it offers much to study. The wall with shelving represents something of a mini retrospective, Mitchell revealed: It contains “one piece from every show that I’ve done here — mementos of my progression over 10 years.”
ARTIST TALK: CARLA KIMBALL: Driven by a curiosity to see her photographs in motion, Kimball prints her images on strips of fabric that move with the flow of air currents. She talks about her work in a current exhibition. Preregister for Zoom link. Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, Sunday, August 1, 2 p.m. $5 members; $10 nonmembers. Info, 362-1405.
Installation detail
One shelf holds an even older piece that Mitchell made in her senior year at the Savannah College of Art and Design, where she focused on metal working and jewelry. Intended as a headpiece, the sculpture features letters cut from metal “fronds” — a precursor to her current text-centric work. Last year, when the pandemic caused the cancellation of exhibitions and events, Mitchell had extra time to ponder her presentation of “Holding Pattern.” Her title also refers to this uniquely challenging and isolating period. “As we are collectively released from the holding pattern of the last year,” her exhibition statement reads, “a critical eye must be trained on what we will take with us and what should be left behind.” All of Mitchell’s installations have been, to some extent, about her state of being, so it is good to know she looks favorably on this one. “This show is admitting to the story lines of the past that I have grown,” she said, “and am doing well.” m
INFO “Holding Pattern” by Christy Mitchell, on view through August 7 at the S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. Closing reception on First Friday, August 6, 6-9 p.m.
ARTIST TALK: SCOTT BOYD AND TIM BROOKES: Artist Scott Boyd speaks about his work, sharing his interest in endangered languages and how he incorporates the visual rhythms of language into his sculptures. He and Tim Brookes discuss the Endangered Alphabets Project and its influence on Boyd’s work. In connection with “Scott Boyd: Endangered Alphabets,” an indoor and outdoor sculpture exhibit. Preregister for online event at brattleboromuseum.org. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Wednesday, July 28, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, office@brattleboromuseum.org. ARTISTS TALK: BARBARA ISHIKURA AND HILARY TAIT NOROD: The artists, who have current solo exhibitions, come together to talk about intersections in their art-making. Tait Norod’s work reflects conversations with her loved ones, especially her husband, that highlight the unfinished business of love and intimacy. Ishikura presents the naked female body in ways that both conflate and complicate anti-feminist and feminist readings. Preregister for Zoom link at svac.org. Wednesday, July 28, 7 p.m. Free for members; $5 for nonmembers. Info, 362-1405. BCA ARTIST MARKET: More than 25 Vermont artist and specialty product vendors show and sell their wares in the outdoor market. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, July 31, 2-7 p.m. Info, 865-7166. ‘PÂTE BRISÉE: A CONVERSATION WITH FOUR PIES’: Artists Delano Dunn and Susan Luss, baker Megan Sway and Dunn’s mother, Diane Mangle, work together virtually to make pies, talk culinary histories and eat. They explore African American foodways and culinary heritage in connection with Dunn’s current exhibition “Novelties.” In the live presentation, bakers from different regions in the U.S. make pies that represent their culinary heritage. Preregister for Zoom link. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Thursday, July 29, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, office@brattleboromuseum.org.
RESPONSIBLE GROWTH HINESBURG ONLINE AUCTION: The nonprofit offers for sale original mini paintings on 4-by-4-inch canvases. Online auction at tiny.one/ rghauction2021. Through July 31. WEEKLY DROP-IN OPEN STUDIO: Care for your creativity and get inspired in the company of others as we create independently together. See poartry.org for more information and one-time registration for Zoom link. Friday, July 30, 6-8 p.m. Free, donations appreciated. Info, poartryproject@gmail.com.
ONGOING SHOWS burlington
‘BUBBLEGUM POP’: Pip & Pop, Matt Neckers, Jon Rappleye, the Smittens and Kathryn Wiegers contribute to this exhibit inspired by popular and consumer culture with fantastical themes. KAYLYNN SULLIVAN TWOTREES: “Falling into Language: A Travelogue,” an immersive installation of paintings, soundscapes and video featuring contemporary vocables (a sequence of sounds and syllables without literal meaning), created in collaboration with musicians from Vermont, India and Japan, and rooted in the oral tradition of the artist’s Native American and African heritage. Through October 9. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.
f CHRISTY MITCHELL: “Holding Pattern,” an installation set in an early 20th-century Victorian-style home that imagines conversations and changes to everyday life experienced over many decades and family dynamics. Closing reception: Friday, August 6, 6-9 p.m. Through August 7. Info, christyjmitchell@gmail. com. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. ‘HUMAN PLUS: REAL LIVES + REAL ENGINEERING’: A hands-on exhibition showcasing the ways that engineers innovate to help humans extend their abilities. Through September 6. Info, 864-1848. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain in Burlington. ‘IT’S SMALLER THAN I THOUGHT’: A group exhibit of works by 16 local and international artists inspired by one of the world’s most famous paintings, Leonardo da Vinci’s “Mona Lisa.” Through August 31. Info, vip@safeandsound. gallery. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington. KATRINE HILDEBRANDT-HUSSEY: “Vessel,” a solo exhibition of works on paper, using volatile processes such as burning to create intricate geometric designs. Through July 31. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington. MARK ELIOT SCHWABE: Small pewter and brass sculptures celebrating powerful women; images include dragon slayers, seductresses, a warrior and a defender. Through July 31. Info, 863-6458. Frog Hollow Vermont Craft Gallery in Burlington. ‘SHE SUSTAINS US: HONORING AND PROTECTING MOTHER EARTH’: An eco-art exhibit presented by a collective of eight Vermont artists: Elena Brotz, Melanie Brotz, Annie Caswell, LaVerne Ferguson, Kara Greenblott, Emily Metcalfe, Colleen Murphy and Kelley Taft. Themes are related to environmental protection, honoring the Earth and the beauty of the natural world. Through August 31. Info, 540-8152. Chandler’s Dry Goods in Burlington.
chittenden county
‘A. ELMER CROWELL: SCULPTOR, PAINTER, DECOY MAKER’: Drawing from Shelburne Museum’s renowned decoy collection, the exhibition features milestones in Crowell’s prolific artistic career, from the earliest miniature goose he carved in 1894 to the very last bird he made before retiring in the early 1940s. Online only at shelburnemuseum.org. Through October 31. ‘NEW ENGLAND NOW: PEOPLE’: The second exhibition in a biennial CHITTENDEN COUNTY SHOWS SEVEN DAYS JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
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Erick Johnson The exhibit “Double Take,” at
series featuring multimedia works by 10 contemporary artists from New England’s six states, celebrating the communities and peoples of the region. Through October 17. ‘PATTERN & PURPOSE: AMERICAN QUILTS FROM THE SHELBURNE MUSEUM’: The museum presents 20 textile masterpieces from its collection dating from the first decades of the 1800s to the turn of the 21st century, organized by associate curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff. Online only at shelburnemuseum.org. Through February 1, 2022. ‘REVISITING AMERICA: THE PRINTS OF CURRIER & IVES’: On loan from the Joslyn Museum in Omaha, Neb., the exhibition explores how the largest printmaking company in 19th-century America visualized the nation’s social, political and industrial fabric. Through August 29. PETER KIRKILES: “At Scale,” mixed-media sculptures of common objects, such as a clock, a ruler and a truck, in unexpected sizes. The works are scattered around the grounds of the museum. Through October 17. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.
the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, is so named because it exhibits both paintings and photographs by the New York Citybased artist. And, no doubt, because his works make you look and look again. Johnson creates large-scale, grid-based works on canvas but with a distinctive twist: On a white background, he stacks colorful polygons, the edges of which are intentionally imprecise. The shapes, somewhat resembling pieces of linoleum, intersect here and there like gentle bumper cars. “The pictorial dynamic occurs at the tiny points of contact between the polygons
where the colors touch,” writes Mara Williams in her curator’s statement. Johnson’s street photography, too, captures pattern and color in nonnarrative frames. In a city with endless subject matter, Johnson focuses on virtually unrecognizable details. The
‘REGROUP: A SUMMER EXHIBIT’: Works by gallery artists in a variety of mediums. Through August 21. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.
liberation from “meaning” is liberating. “Double Take” is on view through October 11. Pictured: “Double Overhead.”
SUSANNE STRATER: “Poppy Garden,” mixed-media floral paintings. Through August 15. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters Annex Gallery in Shelburne.
ALEX COSTANTINO & CLARK DERBES: “Color Contours,” 16 acrylic paintings on canvas and board; show presented by Studio Place Arts. Through August 14. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. BARRE ART SPLASH: An installation of painted fiberglass sculptures of cats, dogs and race cars by local artists sited along Main Street, to be auctioned off at exhibit’s end at the Vermont Granite Museum as a benefit for the Barre Rotary Club. Through September 18. Info, 479-0124. Various Barre locations. ‘THE PARADE IS COMING!’: An exhibit featuring more than 20 Vermont artists includes works on the walls and a parade of floats and marchers down the center of the main-floor gallery. Through August 19. BARRE ART STROLL: Take a self-guided sculpture tour and discover North America’s largest zipper made from local granite, a pair of granite gargoyles (a sculptural bike rack) and many more contemporary and historic sculptures throughout downtown. Guides available in the gallery and downloadable at studioplacearts. com. Through August 31. KATE FETHERSTON: “Deconstructed Landscape,” cold wax and oil paintings that examine perceptions of time and memory; third-floor gallery. Through August 19. MICHELLE LESNAK: “The Eternal Return,” mixed-media artworks that invite viewers to ponder the mystery of the places and figures portrayed; second-floor gallery. Through August 19. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre. ‘LIVELY AND LOCAL: HISTORICAL SOCIETIES IN VERMONT’: An exhibit that explores the work of more than 190 historical societies and museums throughout the state, showing how they celebrate and preserve unique local histories. Through July 31. ‘THE CATAMOUNT IN VERMONT’: An exhibition that explores the feline symbol of Vermont through the lenses of art, science and culture. Through May 31, 2022. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier. DELIA ROBINSON: “Fragmented Glances,” a retrospective of work by the longtime Vermont artist. Through September 30. Info, robinson.delia@gmail. com. Montpelier City Hall. JENNIFER BRYAN: “Liquid Mind,” abstract paintings by the NU alumna ’05. Through December 10. Info, 485-2183. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University in Northfield.
PAT MUSICK: “Exploring Technology: An Artist and an Astronaut Look at the Future,” mixed-media sculptures and works on paper inspired by the words astronauts have used in describing how they feel seeing Earth from space; in collaboration with former astronaut Jerry Carr. Through August 31. Spotlight Gallery in Montpelier. SAM THURSTON: Paintings, sculptures and ceramic reliefs by the Vermont artist. Through August 1. Info, samuelthurston@gmail.com. The Front in Montpelier. SUSAN BULL RILEY: Paintings depicting moments in nature, both flora and fauna. Through August 26. Info, 229-6206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. SUSANNAH GRAVEL & CARA ARMSTRONG: Landscape paintings and works by the children’s book illustrator, respectively. Through August 31. Info, 279-5048. ART, etc. in Northfield. ‘SWEET’: Works by contemporary Vermont artists Lois Eby, PJ Desrochers, Monica DiGiovanni, Deluxe Unlimited, Sam Talbot-Kelly and Cheryl Betz that answer the question: What does it mean for a painting, or any other work of art, to be “sweet”? Nuquist Gallery; by appointment. Through July 31. Info, mcoleman@twwoodgallery.org. T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. TUMBLING BLOCKS COMMUNITY QUILT PROJECT: Montpelier Alive exhibits the capital city’s newest piece of public art, a project intended to help “stitch together” the community during the pandemic. More than 250 individuals, including more than 100 students, contributed designs for panels that Sabrina Fadial collated and made into a “quilt.” Through December 31. Info, 488-4303. Montpelier Transit Center.
‘EXPLORING EARTH’: An exhibition that reflects on the intersection of spirituality and art, celebrating Earth magic, spirit animals and plants and transcendence; work by Isaias Crow, Jennifer Herrera Condry, Will Kasso Condry, Amy Hook-Therrien, Gilbran and Harlan Mack. Presented in participation with “2020
Vision – Reflecting on a World-Changing Year,” a statewide initiative of the Vermont Curators Group. On view by appointment. Through October 31. Info, gallery@sprucepeakarts. org. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort. EXPOSED 2021: The annual outdoor sculpture exhibition highlights artists who focus on current political and social constructs/issues/systems through the relationship of language, sculpture and installation; and language as culturally specific, ideological, controversial, challenging, identifying, uniting and separating. Artists are Tomas Vu, Tony Tasset, Lynn Sullivan, Mildred Beltre, Oasa DuVerney, Jonathan Gitelson, Daniel Bejar, Aya Rodriquez-Izumi and Gabriel Spsa. Through October 23. MELEKO MOKGOSI: “Scripto-Visual,” small and large paintings paired with different kinds of text; the Botswanaborn, New York-based artist investigates the links between these elements in relation to the politics of representation. Through November 13. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe. ‘ICONIC VERMONT’: A group show of paintings that highlight the most scenic Vermont locations by New England landscape artists. ‘MADE IN VERMONT’: A group exhibition of paintings that showcase the resourcefulness and creativity of Vermonters. Through September 6. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville.
f JAMES RAUCHMAN: “Self: Reflection,” paintings that push the boundaries of portraiture. f NITYA BRIGHENTI: “Of Openness and Closeness,” drawings and paintings. Reception: Thursday, August 5, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Through October 29. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville. KASEY CHILD: A solo exhibition of contemporary abstracted landscapes that documents the climate emergency by the Burlington artist. Through August 31. Info, info@vermontframegame.com. Vermont Frame Game in Stowe.
f ‘LIGHTNESS OF BEING’: A post-pandemic show featuring works by four Vermont-based female artists: Patty Hudak, Tuyen My Nguyen, Chiara No and Tara Thacker. Closing reception: Saturday, August 28, 5-7 p.m. Through August 28. Info, 646-519-1781. Minema Gallery in Johnson. MELORA GRIFFIS: “Peace Bridge,” new mixed-media works that allude to joining and mending of divisions in the fraught time of a global pandemic and social
justice issues. Through July 31. Free. Info, 881-0418, sophie@571Projects.com. 571 Projects in Stowe.
mad river valley/waterbury
JAN SANDMAN: “The Way Light Answers,” cold wax and oil abstract paintings, primarily created during the pandemic. Through August 14. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury. ‘LANDSCAPES & INSCAPES’: Figurative landscapes in watercolor from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s by Adolf Dehn; and large-scale abstract-expressionist works by Virginia Dehn. The pair were a vital part of the postwar art community in New York City. Open by appointment only. Through October 10. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.
middlebury area
HANNAH BUREAU: “Field of View,” abstracted landscape paintings by the Massachusetts artist. Through July 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls. HANNAH MORRIS: “On Second Thought,” works in collage, gouache and Flashe paint. Saturdays or by appointment. Through August 15. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes.
f “HENRY AT 200’: An exhibit celebrating the museum founder and collector of New England history with documents, photographs, scrapbooks, autographs, Middlebury imprints, diaries, music ephemera, relics and even a lock of Napoleon’s hair. Through December 31. f KATE POND: “From the Heart: A Sculptor’s Process,” three sculptures — two metal, one wooden — in the museum’s garden, plus maquettes and drawings by the Burlington artist in the gallery. f TRENT CAMPBELL: “Faces of Addison County,” a retrospective of photographs by the longtime Addison County Independent photographer. Reception: Friday, July 30, 5-7 p.m. Through September 11. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. ‘KEY TO LIBERTY: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN’: An exhibition that explores local connections to the nation’s fight for independence; also “Nebizun: Water Is Life,” featuring works by Abenaki artists about the importance of water health; and the Hazelett Small Watercraft Center, a two-story exhibit space that presents the history of small human-powered watercraft on Lake Champlain. Through October 17. Info, meg@ lcmm.org. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes.
‘A MODERN ARTIST: THE COMMERCIAL ART OF RACHAEL ROBINSON ELMER’: The seasonal exhibition explores the early 20th-century success of the artist as a professional illustrator for periodicals and publishers, from children’s books to advertising. Through October 31. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh. ‘PRIDE 1983’: Through interviews with organizers, photographs and scanned images of historic documents, the exhibit, curated by Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives, explores the origins and lasting legacies of Vermont’s first Pride March on June 25, 1983, in Burlington. Online only at vermontfolklifecenter.org. Through October 31. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury. ‘STUDIES TO STUDIO’: New work from painters Timothy Horn, William Hoyt and Rory Jackson that show the evolution of paintings that start as studies and are finished in the studio. Through August 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.
‘PORTRAITS OF A COMMUNITY’: Photography by Chuck Helfer, Tikko Freilich and Martin Van Buren III, along with vintage photos from the collection of the Poultney Historical Society. Through August 29. Info, stonevalleyartscenter@gmail.com. Stone Valley Arts in Poultney.
champlain islands/northwest 2021 MEMBERS EXHIBITION: Work in a variety of mediums by 50 member artists from across Vermont. Through August 7. Info, christyjmitchell@ gmail.com. The Clubhouse Restaurant & The 19th Hole Lounge in Swanton. ‘ART IN A TIME LIKE THIS - COVID 19!’: Fifteen local artists share what they created, in a variety of mediums, during the pandemic. Through July 30. Info, 378-4591. Grand Isle Art Works. DAVID STROMEYER: More than 60 large-scale metal sculptures are scattered across six scenic meadows. Picnics welcome. Through October 11. Free. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls. JESSICA SCRIVER & MARY ADMASIAN: “Transmigration: the passage of cells, populations and spirit,” paintings and sculptures, respectively, by the Vermont artists. Through August 29. Info, greentaraspace@gmail.com. GreenTARA Space in North Hero.
upper valley
FLOWER FESTIVAL ART EXHIBIT: Artwork by more than 60 Vermont and New Hampshire artists that portrays the beauty of the floral world in 2D and 3D form. See website for workshop series and schedule. Through July 31. Info, 457-3500. Artistree Community Arts Center in Woodstock. JEANETTE FOURNIER: “On the Wing,” watercolor paintings of birds by the New Hampshire artist. Through August 31. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery in White River Junction. MINIATURE PRINT EXHIBITION: Works by members of the studio in a variety of styles, displayed in the Tip Top Arts & Media Building hallway outside Suite 160. SHERI HANCOCK-TOMEK: A farewell exhibition of prints by the print studio manager, who is moving on after 18 years. Through July 31. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction. ‘PIECING THE PAST TO THE PRESENT’: The 35th annual quilt exhibition features juried contemporary quilts made by Windsor County quilters and historical quilts from the museum’s collection. Through August 22. Info, 457-2355. Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock. SCULPTUREFEST: An annual outdoor sculpture exhibition featuring more than 30 artists curated by, and on the property of, Charlet and Peter Davenport. More info and directions to private locations at sculpturefest.org. Through October 31. Free. King Farm in Woodstock.
SUMMER OF DINOSAURS: Explore the lives of dinosaurs, big and small, through exhibits about dinosaur eggs and babies, dramatic dinosaur fossil specimens, and a series of special events and programs for all ages. Through September 28. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich.
northeast kingdom
‘1111 COPPER NAILS: BREAD & PUPPET CALENDAR PRINTS’: Images from 36 years’ worth of calendar art created by Peter Schumann and printed by Elke Schumann (and dedicated to Elke); exhibit on all three floors of the inn. Through September 21. Info, VtPieGirlCo@gmail.com. CHARLES EMERS: Paintings, assemblages and prints on view in the third-floor gallery space, Wheelbarrow Art. Through September 30. Info, 472-3621. Hardwick Inn. ‘1111 COPPER NAILS: BREAD & PUPPET CALENDAR PRINTS’: Images from 36 years’ worth of calendar art created by Peter Schumann and printed by Elke Schumann; calendar and art for sale. Through September 21. Info, VtPieGirlCo@gmail.com. Front Seat Coffee in Hardwick.
more by area artists, produced during the pandemic. Sundays, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Info, caspianartsvt@gmail.com. White Water Gallery in East Hardwick. ‘GREEN’: A group exhibit of painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, fiber work and more that explores the verdant color, both as a hue and in its environmental sense. Through October 10. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport. ‘LIFE IN LISTS AND NOTES’: An exhibition that celebrates the poetic, mnemonic, narrative and enumerative qualities of lists and notes. The objects on display span myriad creative, professional, bureaucratic, domestic and personal uses of lists through the ages. Through May 31, 2022. Donations. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. ‘OUT OF THE CLOSET AND HUNG’: Works from the permanent collection by Peter Schumann, Aaron Stein, John Brickels, Don Sunseri and more, along with a sculptural installation, “The Trump Library.” Docent-guided tours by appointment only. Through September 30. Info, 563-2037. Annex at White Water Gallery in East Hardwick.
‘OPEN TO LANDSCAPE’: Paintings, photographs and works on paper by Keith Chamberlin, Terry Ekasala, Anni Lorenzini and Elizabeth Nelson that explore a range of artistic responses to Vermont’s dramatic landscape. Through September 26. Info, 748-2600. ALAN JENNINGS: “Finding the Way Home,” animated films the artist created about growing up in Vermont, including “The Northeast Kingdom,” “Dream of Deerman” and “The Bill Jennings Mysteries,” as well as the drawings, paintings and sculptures he uses to make them. Watch at catamountarts.org. Through December 31. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury.
PAUL GRUHLER: “Harmonics: 60 Years of Life in Art,” an exhibition featuring the artist’s early geometric abstractions, the Chelsea Series, 1963-78. Through August 29. Info, 279-6403. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro.
CASPIAN ARTS EXHIBITION: An exhibition of paintings, art quilts, jewelry, sculpture, assemblages, carving and
‘EXPEDITION’: Paintings, drawings, sculpture and installation by 17 artists that depict aspects of
STJ ART ON THE STREET: A summer show featuring the work of Vermont artists in storefronts, on the sidewalks and indoor galleries along Railroad Street and Eastern Avenue. Through September 6. Info, 748-2600. Various St. Johnsbury locations.
brattleboro/okemo valley
CALL TO ARTISTS AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN TO ORGANIZATIONS: The National Endowment for the Arts will distribute relief funds through this federal program. These one-time grants will be awarded to support jobs in the arts and culture sector, keep the doors open to nonprofit organizations nationwide and assist the field in its recovery from the pandemic. Grants will be made to eligible organizations to support their own operations, even if they have received previous relief funding. Funding awards are $50,000, $100,000 or $150,000, and cost share/matching funds are not required. Deadline: August 12. Info, arts.gov. ANIMATE ST. JOHNSBURY ‘HONKING TUNNEL’: Vermont-affiliated artists are invited to submit proposals for an unusual public art project: the creation of a light- and art-filled passage to connect downtown to riverfront, specifically from Railroad Street and Depot Square through the “honking tunnel.” Three semifinalists will receive $500 each; a finalist will receive $10,000 for completion of the project. Details and application forms at catamountarts.slideroom.com; online submissions only. Deadline: August 16. $25 Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury. BECOME AN EXHIBITING MEMBER: Show at the Brandon Artists Guild gallery year-round, participate in group and solo exhibitions and join a vibrant creative community. Apply at brandonartistsguild.org. Deadline: September 10. Free. Info, 247-4956. COMMUNITY CONNECTION: MAIN STREET TO MOREY: Having received an Animating Infrastructure Grant from the Vermont Arts Council, Fairlee Community Arts and the Town of Fairlee seek introductory proposals for artwork in the Exit 15 I-91 underpass. The objective of the project is to connect two portions of the Fairlee community that were separated by the completion of Interstate 91 in 1971: the historic village, the bulk of its commerce; the Connecticut River and a bridge to New Hampshire; and the outdoor recreation sites. Details at fairleearts.org. Deadline: August 1. Info, contact@fairleearts.org. COVID-19 CULTURAL RECOVERY GRANTS, ROUND TWO: The Vermont Arts Council and Vermont Humanities will distribute $1.2 million in relief funding to Vermont organizations through the federal program. Arts or humanities organizations that are incorporated in Vermont with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status, that comply with federal and state legal requirements, and that are experiencing hardship due to the impact of the pandemic may apply, even if they received previous relief grants. Funding awards are $5,000, $10,000 and $15,000. An informational webinar to assist applicants is August 17; deadline to apply is September 14. Learn more and register at link. MILTON ARTISTS’ GUILD ART AND STROLL: The Guild is hosting its first craft fair this fall. Artists of all kinds can register for booths. There will also be music, food trucks, raffles and more. Sign up at miltonartistsguildstore.com. Deadline: September 1. $50 members, $80 nonmembers. Info, director@ miltonartistsguild.org. RUTLAND COUNTY AUDUBON ART SHOW: Visual artists, professional and nonprofessional, in any medium are invited to submit up to three works for inclusion in a wildlife art show with the theme “Nature Revealed.” Solely scenic landscapes are excluded. The show is September 17 through October 29. Gallery commission on works sold. Info at rutlandcountyaudubon.org. Deadline: August 1. Delivery of works: Saturday, September 11. Free. Info, birding@rutlandcountyaudubon.org. VERMONT HAND CRAFTERS CALL TO NEW ARTISTS: Vermont Hand Crafters, founded in 1955, is accepting applications for new fine art and craft members. Five jury sessions are planned for 2021. The day your application is received determines your jury session. More info and application at vermonthandcrafters. com. Through September 8. $40. Info, officemanager@vermonthandcrafters.com.
venturing into unknown lands and territories. Artists are: John Newsom, Matt Dillon, Inka Essenhigh, Michael Kagan, Wendy White, Donald Baechler, Raymond Pettibon, Ouattara Watts, André Butzer, Ann Craven, Torben Giehler, April Gornik, Andy Hope 1930, Richard Jacobs, John McAllister, Erik Parker and Alexis Rockman. ‘SEQUENCES: ODE TO MINOR WHITE’: Artworks by Andrea Belag, William Eric Brown, Niqui Carter, Kevin Larmon and Jessica Judith Beck that reflect the spiritual possibilities of abstraction, inspired by the late modernist photographer. CHARLIE HUNTER: “Semaphore,” paintings of crossing signals and railroad infrastructure by the Vermont artist. DELANO DUNN: “Novelties,” two series of work that address things we hold dear — family, love, comfort, tradition, connection — and things that threaten to undermine them: “Paradise,” works on paper that explore the insidiousness of stereotypes; and “Roux,” brightly colored mixed-media works that incorporate family history and culinary tradition. ERICK JOHNSON: “Double Take,” large-scale paintings and street photography that juxtapose intentional and incidental pattern and abstraction. Through October 11. DELITA MARTIN: “Between Worlds,” a yearlong installation in the museum’s front windows that reimagines the identities and roles of Black women in the context of Black culture and African history. Through May 31, 2022. SCOTT BOYD: “Endangered Alphabets,” sculptures that pair the ancient form of the obelisk with near-extinct languages. Through November 30. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. ‘DEEP BLUE’: Curated by American artist Katherine Bradford, this group show examines “deep blue” as a color and as a phrase that can describe mood, the natural environment, music and even a region’s political landscape; more than 70 paintings, sculptures, photographs, works on paper and videos by 70 artists. Advance reservations recommended but not required. KATHERINE BRADFORD: “Philosophers’ Clambake,” more than a dozen luminous, dreamlike works that merge color field painting with figuration. Advance reservations recommended but not required. TERRY EKASALA: New large-scale abstract paintings that border on representation, as well as works on paper. Self-guided visits; advance reservations recommended but not required. Info, 952-1056. Hall Art Foundation in Reading. ‘YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT’S LIKE OVER HERE’: An exhibition of black-and-white photographs by Marion McCune Rice, a volunteer Red Cross nurse during World War I, taken during her four years working in hospitals in France. Letters, a medal Rice received, her nurse’s uniform and other artifacts are also on display. In conjunction with the Brattleboro Words Trail. Through September 1. Info, 118elliot@gmail. com. 118 Elliot in Brattleboro.
2021 SOLO EXHIBITIONS SPRING/SUMMER EDITION: Eleven regional artists show work in fabric collage, screen printing, documentary photography and painting that ranges from figurative to landscape to calligraphic genres. Exhibiting artists: Jean Carter, Jonny Farrow, Barbara Ishikura, Candace Jensen, Carla Kimball, Jean Manning, Scott Niemi, Hilary Tait Norod, Owen Schuh, Dianne Shullenberger and Susan Weiss. Through August 1. Info, 362-1405. Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 24th annual exhibition brings large-scale outdoor works to the historic village and surrounding area, curated by local artist Joe Chirchirillo. Through November 7. Info, jrc373@ comcast.net. Various locations around North Bennington.
‘HIDDEN MESSAGES’: An exhibition of fiber arts by 15 artists who push the boundaries of the medium. Through September 5. Info, 728-9878. Chandler Gallery in Randolph. m
music+nightlife LUKE AWTRY
Zoë Keating
Know the Score
Emmy-nominated cellist Zoë Keating reflects on a year of turmoil and promise B Y C H RI S FAR NSW ORTH • farnsworth@sevendaysvt.com
oë Keating rarely opens her eyes when she plays the cello. She typically begins by pulling the instrument close in an intimate embrace between creator and conduit. She then lowers her head, long silver and blue locks of hair hanging over her furrowed brow. As her bow nears the strings to strike the first note of another haunting, lush piece of music she has composed, she closes her eyes. “I’ve always had stage fright,” Keating, 49, reveals to Seven Days near her home in Burlington’s South End. “I’d look at my hands and forget how to play the cello — that actually has happened before,” she continues. “So I started closing my eyes as a way to cope. If I close my eyes, I’m invisible.”
With such anxiety, it’s ironic that Keating views playing live music as a way to interact with other humans. Yet it’s hard to miss the reverence in her voice when she talks about the audience. “I’m onstage alone. I don’t have a band or anything,” she explains. “I’m playing music, but I feel separated from the people listening. And, ultimately, my goal is to be connected to them. This is my weird, twisted way of connecting with other people.” That connection was severed last year upon the outbreak of COVID-19. With no tour dates, Keating found herself sequestered in her house with her young son, Alex — and “full of fear,” as she describes it. But like she has so many times, Keating adapted. For the first time since moving
here in 2017, she leaned into life as a Vermonter and explored her adopted city of Burlington. Meanwhile, she doubled down on the other side of her career: composing scores for television and film. Keating emerged from a dark year that she calls “an annihilation of the self” with no less than an Emmy nomination for the score she co-composed with Jeff Russo to Oslo, an HBO original film about the 1990 Oslo Peace Accord negotiations. It stars Ruth Wilson and is based on a Tony Award-winning play of the same name. The irony of Keating earning her biggest mainstream success while quarantined and unable to tour is not lost on her. Her reaction to the nomination is to have her tongue firmly in cheek. “Am I still an outsider if I have an Emmy nom?” Keating jokes. “I feel like I
snuck into the music industry by tunneling underneath and coming in through a hidden door.” Born in 1972 in Ontario, Canada, Keating took up the cello at age 8. She later attended Sarah Lawrence College in New York, studying electronic music and contemporary composition. Despite her musical talent, she initially entered a career in technology as an information architect and data analyst. After college, Keating moonlighted in rock bands around San Francisco, eventually joining indie cello-rock act Rasputina in 2004. A few years later she began playing with Amanda Palmer, formerly of the Dresden Dolls. A music career of her own beckoned, but she approached it in a fiercely individualistic manner. Her drive to compose her own music, her proficiency with technology and her DIY ethos soon led to a glittering solo career. Keating has established herself as a unique performer, a cellist who juxtaposes classical music and ambient electronica. “She is classically trained, and one can hear the influences of minimalist composers like Philip Glass and Henryk Górecki upon her compositional process,” writes journalist Richard Scheinin in a 2018 piece on Keating for SFJAZZ. “Perhaps along with the avant-rock of Sigur Rós.” To watch Keating play is to witness a complex and beautiful kind of dance. She cajoles all sorts of tones out of her cello by picking the strings, tapping her bow on the bridge, even lightly beating the body percussively. Once she creates a bedrock of sound, Keating loops wave after wave of melodies, harmonies and countermelodies atop one another, manipulated live with a laptop and foot pedals. Though Keating describes this process as “pretty simple,” it appears to be anything but. The results are dense, colorful compositions that contain a multitude of worlds within their code. There is no shortage of darkness in Keating’s songs, particularly on the foursong EP Snowmelt, a 2018 album in which the artist grapples with how to process grief. In 2014, four years after the birth of her son, Keating’s husband, Jeffrey Rusch, was diagnosed with stage IV cancer. He died the following year. During and after her husband’s illness, Keating blogged extensively about their battles with the health care industry. Those posts attracted
Well, they’re starting up again, and we’re here to help. Find live music, DJs, comedy and more at sevendaysvt.com/music. If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to music@sevendaysvt.com or submit the info using our form at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
widespread and, in one case, surprising attention. “I remember getting this phone call in 2016,” she recalls. “This very serious voice was on the phone telling me, ‘The President is reading your blog.’ Which was just surreal, of course. President Obama was leaving office, and he invited me to come see him in D.C.” Wanting to be closer to her family following Rusch’s death, Keating left the California house she had shared with him and moved to Vermont in 2017. However, she didn’t get to know her new home until she was forced to stay in it for more than a year. “I’m so glad I moved to Vermont,” Keating says. “This year, being stuck, I explored every nook and cranny of Burlington I could. I just felt immediately grounded here.”
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Fortunately, those construction projects were done before the pandemic hit, because Keating then composed and recorded quite a bit of music in her house. “Once I was home with no tours, I really started working on all the film projects,” she explains. Film work is nothing new to Keating. She has composed for mainstream television shows “Elementary” and “Manhattan,” as well as for films such as The Edge of All We Know, a documentary about black holes. “In the past, it’s been a bit of a handicap that I’m not in Los Angeles,” she says. “But suddenly, nobody could book anyone in person, so all the scores are remote.” Early in the quarantine, Keating says she was overwhelmed. She was swamped with composition work, as well as caring for her son and recording a follow-up to Snowmelt. Then Oslo came along.
Trinity Children’s Center admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origins to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. 12h-trinitychildschool081110.indd 1
It helped that Keating moved into such an artistic neighborhood. One of the first neighbors she bonded with was Creston Lea, a musician and the owner of guitar-manufacturing company Creston Electric. “Zoë seems to be putting roots down here now, which makes me happy,” Lea observes. “I really admire her. Not just for her musical abilities, but for the way she’s figured out how to do it all on her own terms. You don’t hear about a lot of DIY cellists.” Lea has lived in the neighborhood for 19 years and remembers being the youngest homeowner by far on his street. So, he was excited when Keating arrived. “The first year she lived here, she was so psyched to settle in and compose at home,” Lea recounts, adding that nearby construction in the booming South End “sort of foiled those plans.” But, he continues, “she stuck with it and stayed in the neighborhood.”
8/5/10 1:03:22 PM
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7/26/21 12:26 PM
7.02 PURPLE 7.10 RIPE – free afterparty Craig Mitchels Tribute to Prince feat. Local Strangers ZO Ë K E ATING 7.03 BLUES BBQ 7.17 ANNIE IN THE WATER with Dave Keller Band + more 8.01 DEAD SESSIONS 7.04 JAMIE LEE THURSTON Jerry Garcia’s Birthday Jam 7.09 BRANDIN ‘TAZ’ 8.14 RYAN MONTBLEAU NIEDERAURR DEAD SESSIONS feat. Lara Cwass Band Sunday, August 1 more shows toBirthday! be announced more showsJerry to beGarcia’s announced “I knew I had to go for it,” she says “An Afternoon on the Green” with a determined look. “I didn’t want to Gates at 2pm, Show at 3pm — 2 sets ! take on anything else, but I had to.” She’s glad she did, but working on Oslo W 5:30 TRUCKS, TAPS AND TUNES 8.7 MO-MORIAL: A Celebration ofAND Monique Ford’s Life 2- 6pm came at a cost. W 5:30 TRUCKS, TAPS TUNES TH 3:30TH MAVERICK MARKET “I felt like I was going to have a 3:30 MAVERICK MARKET 8.13 GRIPPO FUNK BAND 8.28 BELLA’S BARTOK nervous breakdown,” Keating recalls. local craft market by Local Maverick local craft market by Local Maverick with West End Blend “I’m composing and recording in a 10-byTH + SU LIVE MUSIC TH + SU LIVE MUSIC 10 room with no engineer, working insane MONTBLEAU 8.14 RYAN ANNIE IN THE WATER at Black Flannel Beirgarten 9.11 hours. I had to work on Oslo every single at Black Flannel Beirgarten day. Work, sleep, repeat.” Tickets available on the Double E Facebook page and at Russo, Keating’s frequent collaborator a creative hub for music, art, craft, culinary experiences, and wellness and fellow composer, also comes from a rock background — he played guitar a creative hub for music, art, craft, culinary experiences, and wellness FREE WEEKLY EVENTS with ’90s alt rockers Tonic. Their work W 5:30 - Trucks, Taps & Tunes • TH 5:30 - Maverick Market (craft market by Local Maverick) received immediate praise for its austere TH & SU - Live Music @ Black Flannel Beirgarten beauty. The Hollywood Reporter praised the film’s “melancholy undertow” that is SPONSORED BY “enriched by Jeff Russo and Zoë Keating’s elegant score for piano and strings.” “There is something about Zoë’s artistic vibe and mine that is simpatico,”
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REVIEW this Reid Parsons, No. Blood (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
I must begin with a confession: I struggle with the vocabulary of genre. I know what I like, but trying to define it — folk? Americana? indie pop? all of the above? — makes me feel like an impostor. How lucky, then, that I had the chance to review Reid Parsons’ dynamic new EP, No. Blood. 9:52 3:07 AM PM It has the vibes of a cozy evening show at Burlington’s Radio Bean and zero concern with fitting a category. Parsons has a wide-ranging musical résumé. Growing up in Moretown and Waitsfield, she played saxophone and studied jazz. In college, she sang in a Motown group and wrote a thesis on Americana and bluegrass musicians. (She even draws her own album artwork.) On this EP, Parsons’ second, she enlists the help of Steve Simollardes on electric guitar, Luke Fox on bass and Trevor
Old Growth SoulJourner, The Immortal Realm (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
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Seventeenth-century philosopher Baruch Spinoza reproached the credulous for their tendency to conflate religion, science and superstition. He saw this confusion as a consequence of personal beliefs and a threat to understanding the true causes of life’s many situations. Does a Dutch thinker of the Enlightenment have anything in common with a 21st-century “conscious hip-hop” artist in Vermont? At first blush, a listener might think Old Growth SoulJourner’s latest album, The Immortal Realm, smacks of similar rational wisdom. For anyone prone to credulity, maybe it does. But you needn’t know anything about philosophy to suspect that the central Vermont artist’s heady concoction of fat grooves, chill vibes and guru pretensions is more about impassioned rhyme than dispassionate reason.
Michalak on drums. They recorded live at Burlington’s Tank Studios. Parsons has a voice like an elevator shaft, nimble with a natural reverb. With a warble here and a crack there, she packs emotion into these songs. On the opening track, “Can’t Find the Ground,” her vocals and the drums crest and crash, reinforcing the swell of feeling in the lyrics as she sings, “When I look at you, I start to drown, my feet can’t find the ground.” Parsons brings the listener back to Earth with a cover of Jason Isbell’s ballad “Cover Me Up,” a wrenching love song about hard living and redemption. The tone changes on “No. Blood” — an abbreviation of “northern blood.” It opens with a downright groovy intro and a more vocally playful Parsons, almost like an early Lake Street Dive tune. That playfulness turns to joy on
“Here Comes My Baby,” an album high point that evokes full-throated love. The EP ends with a cover of the Bill Withers hit “Ain’t No Sunshine.” No. Blood as a whole is not particularly cohesive; it’s more of a highlight reel than an exploration of any particular theme. Fans of Jade Bird and Julia Jacklin will enjoy it. I’ll be interested to see how Parsons’ vision and sound mature on future recordings — though, as noted, I appreciate any artist who can successfully straddle the lines of genre. Parsons undoubtedly draws from plenty of talents and influences, and I bet she puts on a fun and satisfying live performance. No. Blood is available on Spotify and other streaming services. Parsons performs on Thursday, August 5, at the Intervale Center in Burlington as part of the Summervale event series.
Inspired by baggy notions of truth and various soul, body, mind and time tropes, Old Growth SoulJourner (a play on “soldier” and “sojourner”) conscripts his beliefs into precise units of verse. He raps these — sometimes alongside guest performers and sometimes exquisitely — over a sprawling hybrid of electro-organic instrumentation and steady, bumping beats. Punctuated by tone and melody, OG’s rapping is foundational to this sonic powerhouse while raising its roof. Each track is sturdily built and well balanced, with warm, huge vocal notes layered atop hooky, headbopping arrangements. The first track, “Enter the Immortal Realm,” provides a sonic preview of what’s next: 18 tracks of groove-driven, roots-inspired hip-hop intended to illuminate and pacify. The album can be weighty with big, impassioned ideas about healing a world in peril, but as OG explains on “By My Word,” he’s “breaking it down / … / kicking the truth / … / tis the season of peak solutions / we see the need for transformation in a major movement.” Nevertheless, his writing expresses soul, wit and wordplay.
On “OG Like Me,” the rap-sung lyrics bop up, down and around the guitar’s ska-style upstrokes, “unwinding the riddle,” OG selfreflexively raps, that is himself. On “Clean From the Start,” there’s an echo of Eminem’s “Lose Yourself” as OG raps: “Behold the remedy / no, no enemy / prone to grow steadily / show the whole recipe … I am an entity / raw, divine energy.” The following track, “Work the Word,” calls on so many disparate motifs that one can lose track of its primary but ultimately inscrutable aim: Change work by working the word. Performed and written almost entirely by OG himself, The Immortal Realm demonstrates his ability to modify — without breaking — the pleasant patterns of assonance and consonance on which his fire-breathing vocals rely. But other Vermont artists also contributed: DJ Kanganade scratches on the third track, “Trod On”; his tight scribbling evokes some of the scratch masters from Philly’s DJ scene heyday. The penultimate track, “Alchemy,” features local hip-hop artists including Humble, MAVSTAR, Learic and Sed One. The album is likely to delight listeners who have a penchant for bongs, long boards and unabashed deep-talk. The Immortal Realm is available at oldgrowthsouljourner.bandcamp.com.
Know the Score « P.53
Russo tells Seven Days over the phone from Michigan. “I really love the ideas she brings to the table, and I think she feels the same about mine. We’re both accustomed to collaborating because of our background; we’ve played in bands and been in the pop world, which is a much more collaborative medium.” On July 13, Oslo was nominated for two Primetime Emmy Awards, including Outstanding Music Composition for a Limited or Anthology Series, Movie or Special. “It feels the same every time,” says Russo, who won an Emmy in 2017 for
his work on the hit TV show “Fargo.” “When you put your heart and soul into something, like Zoë and I have done, it feels incredible when your peers recognize that.” “I’m still processing that one,” Keating says of the Emmy nod for Oslo. “Honestly, I suspect not that much will change, except that now I get to add ‘Emmy-nominated’ to my bio.” In the meantime, she is more concerned about her impending return to live concerts. Keating has two shows in Colorado scheduled in early October, ahead of extensive dates in January. “I’m kind of scared shitless,” she admits. “I’m going to burst into tears.”
Keating pauses to consider her next words, squinting against the sun above the nearby tree line. “I know that I’ll never take an audience for granted again,” she vows. “I tend to attract a lot of shy people with my music. But I’m pretty sure I’m going to try to hug them all after the show.” Keating breaks into a wide grin at the inevitable follow-up question. “No,” she says with a laugh. “I still won’t open my eyes while I’m playing.” m
INFO Learn more about Zoë Keating at zoekeating.com.
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7/26/21 12:22 PM
on screen Saint Maud HHHHH
his week, I watched the debut feature of a promising young writer-director that premiered at the 2019 Toronto International Film Festival. Saint Maud is a psychological horror film from UK filmmaker Rose Glass that had a small pandemic theatrical release in the U.S. and is now streaming on Hulu, Paramount+, Epix, Philo and Sling.
The deal
In a seedy seaside resort, a young hospice nurse named Maud (Morfydd Clark) prepares herself for a new live-in job. Seemingly alone in the world, Maud is an unorthodox Catholic who speaks informally to God as if to her diary, begging him to reveal the plan she believes he has for her. Maud’s new client is the terminally ill Amanda Köhl (Jennifer Ehle), a glamorous, chain-smoking modern dancer who lives in an old house full of art deco wallpaper. Lonely herself, the older woman shows an empathetic interest in Maud’s religious beliefs, and soon Maud is convinced she’s found her calling — to save the dying woman’s soul. Determined to prepare Amanda for divine judgment, Maud attempts to banish her patient’s frivolous young lover (Lily Frazer) from the house. When her plans go off the rails, so does Maud — and we learn more about who this young woman really is and what she’s capable of.
Will you like it?
I’m fascinated by modern Book of Job stories — fictions in which the protagonist struggles to believe in a loving God despite ample evidence to the contrary. As likely to be created by agnostics or atheists as by believers, these dark tales cut to the heart of modern isolation and the craving for meaning. They also tend to be at least adjacent to the horror genre, because much of the Old Testament is pretty horrifying in a modern context. Maud is very much a figure in this tradition. Like haunted Hazel Motes in Flannery O’Connor’s Wise Blood, she mutilates herself in an effort to get closer to God. (Warning: Self-harm features prominently in this movie.) Clark gives a stunning performance, reminiscent of Sissy Spacek in Carrie, as a woman who’s easy to overlook and underestimate until she becomes an avenging angel. 56
MOVIE REVIEW Suffering has long been associated with sainthood, and “Don’t waste your pain” is Maud’s mantra. Her character evokes the paradoxes of victimhood and power outlined in Leslie Jamison’s landmark essay “Grand Unified Theory of Female Pain.” Amanda, by contrast, is more of a devotee of pleasure and determined to remain one to the end. A wonderful, underrated actress, Ehle might be best known these days as the doctor who heroically jabs herself with an experimental vaccine in Contagion. In Saint Maud, she gets to show another side: jaded, worldly and flirtatious. Amanda finds Maud and her faith intriguing but naïve, and she isn’t above being a bit of a mean girl. The interplay between the two women is so richly layered that I wish there’d been more of it. Saint Maud is on the far psychological end of “psychological horror,” a movie less about scares than about dread. Glass’ direction keeps viewers constantly offkilter. When Maud lives with Amanda, the dark shadows, sickly green accents and lurid patterns on the walls give us the sense of being trapped in a demented
KEEPING THE FAITH Clark plays a young nurse convinced that God has a special plan for her in Glass’ impressive debut.
dollhouse. (What is it with horror movies and wallpaper? Maybe those midcentury patterns represent the ghost of poor decorating choices past.) Later, when Maud leaves the house and starts to unravel, bold angles and effects (such as images rotated 90 or 180 degrees) bring us along on her harrowing ride from reality to … somewhere else. Glass keeps us guessing about whether Maud is mentally ill or actually in communication with the divine. The filmmaker has said she pitched her script as a modern-day female Taxi Driver, a movie famous for its darkly comic ending — and for being misread by viewers who were inclined to identify with its disturbed hero, Travis Bickle. (Most notorious among such viewers was attempted presidential assassin John Hinckley Jr.) Like Travis, Maud eventually finds a form of fulfillment for her obsessions. But Glass’ ending is less ambiguous — and more horrifying. Saint Maud is derivative of a whole host of other movies, but Clark’s fearless performance and Glass’ assured direction make it stand out in the crowded
indie-horror landscape. Film fans should hope to see more from both of them.
If you like this, try...
• The Rapture (1991; rentable for cheap): This bizarre cinematic Job story from writer-director Michael Tolkin is unjustly forgotten. Mimi Rogers gives the performance of her career as a party girl turned evangelical. One moment, her character is getting it on Cinemaxstyle with a young David Duchovny; the next, she faces apocalypse, and that’s not the most shocking twist. • First Reformed (2017; Showtime, rentable): Paul Schrader (writer of Taxi Driver) directed this intense and discussion-worthy drama in which Ethan Hawke plays a Protestant minister driven to despair by the looming climate crisis. • A Serious Man (2009; rentable): Possibly my favorite Coen brothers movie is this dark crisis-of-faith comedy in which Michael Stuhlbarg’s character imagines he sees God in the form of a CG whirlwind, as does Maud. MARGO T HARRI S O N margot@sevendaysvt.com
NEW IN THEATERS THE GREEN KNIGHT: Director David Lowery (Ghost Story) adapted this version of the Arthurian legend in which Sir Gawain (Dev Patel) risks his life to pursue a menacing giant. With Alicia Vikander and Joel Edgerton. (125 min, R. Essex, Savoy) JUNGLE CRUISE: The theme park ride becomes a Disney adventure set on a riverboat on the Amazon, starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. Jaume Collet-Serra (The Shallows) directed. (127 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Fairlee, Marquis, Star, Welden) STILLWATER: Matt Damon plays a regular Joe who travels to France to try to exonerate his daughter (Abigail Breslin) of the murder for which she’s imprisoned there in this drama directed by Tom McCarthy (Spotlight). (140 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Playhouse) VAL: Featuring home movies and other exclusive footage, this documentary covers 40 eventful years in the life of actor Val Kilmer. Ting Poo and Leo Scott directed. (109 min, R. Savoy)
SNAKE EYESHH The titular commando (Henry Golding) takes center stage in this action adventure set in the G.I. Joe universe. With Andrew Koji and Samara Weaving. Robert Schwentke directed. (121 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset) SPACE JAM: A NEW LEGACYHH Basketball stars and Looney Tunes characters mingle once more in a belated sequel. (115 min, PG. Big Picture, Bijou, Essex, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset)
BLACK WIDOWHHH1/2 The Marvel Universe returns to the big screen with a showcase for the titular superhero (Scarlett Johansson). With Florence Pugh and Rachel Weisz. Cate Shortland directed. (133 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Marquis, Roxy, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)
BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, bigpicturetheater.info
OLDHH1/2 A secluded beach accelerates the aging of a family of vacationers in this thriller from M. Night Shyamalan, starring Gael García Bernal, Vicky Krieps and Rufus Sewell. (108 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Roxy, Star, Sunset, Welden) PIGHHHH Nicolas Cage plays a reclusive truffle hunter who must save his beloved foraging pig from kidnappers, and yes, this is a serious drama. With Alex Wolff and Alan Arkin; Michael Sarnoski directed. (92 min, R. Roxy, Savoy) A QUIET PLACE PART IIHHH1/2 Terrorized by monsters that hunt by sound, a family must venture outside its farm enclave in this sequel to the horror hit, starring Emily Blunt. John Krasinski again directed. (97 min, PG-13. Sunset)
BETHEL DRIVE-IN: 36 Bethel Dr., Bethel, 728-3740, betheldrivein.com
JOE BELLHH1/2 Mark Wahlberg plays a dad who walks across the U.S. to protest bullying in this drama directed by Reinaldo Marcus Green (Monsters and Men), with Connie Britton and Gary Sinise. (90 min, R. Roxy)
CRUELLA (Sunset)
F9: THE FAST SAGAHHH Everyone’s favorite “family” returns, with a now-vast cast and a plot involving sibling rivalry between Dom (Vin Diesel) and his little bro (John Cena). Justin Lin again directed. (145 min, PG-13. Essex, Sunset)
ROADRUNNER: A FILM ABOUT ANTHONY BOURDAINHHHH Morgan Neville (Won’t You Be My Neighbor?) directed this documentary about the beloved late chef and writer. (118 min, R. Roxy, Savoy)
BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, bijou4.com BIJOU DRIVE-IN: 157 Route 15, Morrisville; and Stafford Ave., Morrisville, 888-3293, bijou4.com CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, fgbtheaters.com ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, essexcinemas.com
FAIRLEE DRIVE-IN THEATER: 1809 Rt. 5, Fairlee, 333-9192, fairleedrivein.com MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, middleburymarquis.com MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, merrilltheatres.net PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, playhouseflicks.com THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, savoytheater.com STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, stjaytheatre.com STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, stowecinema.com
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SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, sunsetdrivein.com WELDEN THEATRE: 104 North Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888, weldentheatre.com
Matt Damon in Stillwater
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7/27/21 6:13 PM
2 8 - A U G U S T
fairs & festivals
TRUCKS, TAPS & TUNES: Each Wednesday, the green serves as the grounds for a mini festival featuring food trucks, a beer trailer and live bands. Essex Experience, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, info@doubleevermont.com.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AGAINST THE CURRENT’: Veiga Grétarsdóttir attempts to become the first person to kayak 2,000 kilometers counterclockwise around Iceland. This 2020 documentary is available for online viewing from the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org.
‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: An educational and entertaining film takes viewers on an epic adventure through some of Earth’s wildest landscapes. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain,
‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: Moviegoers join scientists on a journey through a surreal world of bug-eyed giants and egg-laying mammals. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘EMILY @ THE EDGE OF CHAOS’: Footage of the late, great performer Emily Levine is interwoven with animation in this sardonic attempt to explain our universe. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org. ‘LES NÔTRES’: When 13-year-old Magalie refuses to identify her unborn baby’s father, suspicion among townsfolk reaches a boiling point. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org. ‘LOS HERMANOS / THE BROTHERS’: Two Cuban brothers forced to live apart stay connected through music in this documentary exploring U.S.-Cuba relations through the lens of family. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org.
LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at sevendaysvt.com/postevent. Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
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‘NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN’: A masseur named Zhenia enters the lives of the wealthy residents of a gated community, bringing his hypnotic presence and quasi-magical abilities with him. Shown online by the Vermont International Film Festival. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org. ‘PLATFORM’: The Vermont International Film Festival presents for online viewing the true story of three Iranian sisters working to become martial arts master. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600. ‘RED HEAVEN’: Six volunteers undergo a yearlong NASA simulation of life on Mars in this documentary about isolation, humanity and the challenges of space exploration. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: Audience members get up close and personal with some of the dinosaur age’s most fearsome marine reptiles. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
Attendees on two wheels make use of the free bike valet service. Leddy Park, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0123.
gentle flowing movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3322.
‘TRUMAN & TENNESSEE: AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION’: The work, struggles and impact of American writers Truman Capote and Tennessee Williams come into focus in this dual-portrait documentary. Shown online by the Hopkins Center for the Arts, $5-8; free for Dartmouth College students. Info, 603-646-2422. Shown by the Vermont International Film Foundation, $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org.
MARKET ON THE GREEN: Meat, cheese, ice cream and veggies are among the local products available for purchase at this weekly marketplace. Woodstock Village Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3555.
TAI CHI: SUN-STYLE 73: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 11:20 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 223-3322.
food & drink
BROCCOLI BAR HAPPY HOUR: Foodies top off their Pingala Café vegan meals with Sisters of Anarchy Ice Cream scoops, as well as friendly games of Frisbee golf. Fisher Brothers Farm, Shelburne, 5-8 p.m. Prices vary. Info, 846-7370. THE HUNT: Clue packets provided by the Vermont Cheese Council send culinary sleuths to various Vermont regions to explore art, history, the outdoors and, of course, cheeses. Various locations statewide. Free. Info, info@vtcheese.com. LEDDY PARK BEACH BITES: Lakeside picnickers enjoy food truck fare, a beer garden, kids’ activities and live entertainment.
WEEKLY WINE TASTING: Themed in-store tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a wine region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.
EAST VALLEY COMMUNITY GROUP SCAVENGER HUNT: Following leads from a downloaded clue sheet, participants seek porch quilts placed throughout the Randolph area. East Valley Community Group, East Randolph. $5. Info, eastvalleycg@ gmail.com.
health & fitness
CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through
BCA SUMMER CONCERTS: JENNI JOHNSON: Born and raised in New York City, the Vermont-based vocalist lends her full, smooth voice to American jazz classics, as well as blues, swing and funk selections. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. MUSIC ON THE HILL: SMALL CHANGE: Tom Waits tunes serve as springboards for this improvisational band with a jazz background. Picnics are welcome. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret, 6:30 p.m. $5; free for kids under 5. Info, 457-3500. MYRA FLYNN: The award-winning new-soul singer croons the night away. Food is available from Mediterranean Mix. Martha Pellerin & Andy Shapiro Memorial Bandstand, Middlesex, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 272-4920. NATHANIEL RATELIFF & THE NIGHT SWEATS: SOLD OUT. Higher Ground presents the heroes of the Denver folk-rock scene with special guests the Marcus King
‘THERE IS NO EVIL’: Shot in secret and smuggled out of Iran, this anthology film tells the stories of four men faced with carrying out the death penalty or risking everything. Presented by the
FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/music. All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting magazine. Check out the calendar at kidsvt.com.
Give to the Poor Fans of the story of Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Prince John and the Sheriff of Nottingham may never have seen it performed like this. Devoted to delivering affordable, uproarious theater to the people of the Green Mountain State, Vermont Suitcase gives a free performance of Robin Hood on the Fletcher Free Library lawn as part of its 2021 tour. Featuring eight human actors and seven cheeky puppets, this rollicking retelling of the life and times of one benevolent bandit puts family fun and rib-tickling revelry on center stage.
‘ROBIN HOOD’ Friday, July 30, noon-2 p.m., at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington. Free. Info, 863-3403, fletcherfree.org.
‘ANTARCTICA 3D: ON THE EDGE’: A cold, icy land is revealed as stunning, still pristine and home to an incredible variety of life. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.
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Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, info@vtiff.org.
Band and Tré Burt. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. $54-58. Info, amy@ highergroundmusic.com.
BUTTERFLY BONANZA: If you plant it, they will come! Participants peep the winged insects that visit the park’s perennial and wildflower gardens. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 1 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. LET IT GROW: A guided tour of the river’s habitat restoration area reveals how removing invasive plants yields wildflower gardens that attract pollinators, birds and dragonflies. B-Side Beach, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 1:30 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. MAKING TRACKS, SEEING SKINS & SKULLS: Outdoorsy types search for signs of fur-bearing animals and make plaster-ofparis track casts to take home. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED: Fungi fanatics learn about different varieties — fabulous and fearsome alike — found throughout the park. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2 p.m. $2-4; free for kids ages 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. OWL PROWL & NIGHT GHOST HIKE: Flashlight holders spy denizens of dusk on a journey to 19th-century settlement ruins, where spooky Vermont tales await. History Hike lot, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $24; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. ROCKIN’ THE GREEN MOUNTAINS: Outdoor adventurers take a guided walk at the foot of the mountains. Waterbury Dam crest, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103.
EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: Unemployed job seekers ages 55 and up learn about the Senior Community Service Employment Program, a federally funded jobs training program for older individuals. 9-10 a.m. Free. Info, mcullen@a4td.org.
VERMONT LAKE MONSTERS: The Green Mountain State’s Futures Collegiate Baseball League team faces the Nashua Silver Knights. Centennial Field, Burlington, 7:05 p.m. $5-16. Info, 655-4200.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: Presented by Project Y Theatre and the Women in Theatre Festival, this new musical takes audience members on a comedic journey into the world of online dating in the
coronavirus era. Donations. Info, michole@projectytheatre.org. ‘AN ILIAD’: A solitary storyteller interweaves contemporary references into a distillation of Homer’s epic poem in this Obie Award-winning solo show. Weston Playhouse Second Stage at Walker Farm, 2 p.m. $50-74. Info, 824-5288. ‘A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’: Northern Stage puts on a raucous adaptation of the beloved Shakespeare comedy in the brand-new Courtyard Theater. Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 8 p.m. $1925. Info, 296-7000. ‘POPCORN FALLS’: Two actors play more than 20 townsfolk trying to stage a play to save their failing city in this feel-good comedy presented by Vermont Stage. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 6:30 p.m. $40. Info, 862-1497.
THU.29 business
BACK TO BUSINESS: The Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce throws a bash for business owners, featuring a benefit raffle and an appearance by the Tasty Bites food truck. Beaulieu Place, Berlin, 4-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 229-5711. BURLINGTON BUSINESS ASSOCIATION SUMMER SOCIAL: BBA members and friends gather on the Spirit of Ethan Allen III for an evening of drinks and networking on the water. Spirit of Ethan Allen, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m.; boarding begins at 3:45 p.m. $35; $25 for members. Info, 863-1175.
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
CARDINAL COOKOUT: Local alumni and friends of the college gather on the shores of Hawkins Pond to socialize, eat barbecue and challenge president Alexander Enyedi to a game of cornhole. SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5-6:30 p.m. $10; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 518-564-2090.
‘THE PURPLE FLOWER’: Dance Theatre of Harlem closes out its Dartmouth residency with a showing of this new experimental work. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 603-646-2422.
URINE MY GARDEN: Students of this weekly webinar learn how nutrients from urine can promote flourishing gardens and a healthier watershed. 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, julia@richearthinstitute.org.
FEAST & FIELD MARKET: Prepared foods and progressive bluegrass by Zikina are on the menu at a pastoral party. Fable Farm Fermentory, Barnard, food and bar service begin, 5:30 p.m.; music begins, 6 p.m. $5-20; preregister; limited space. Info, feastandfield@gmail.com. PIZZA & MUSIC BY THE POND: A wood-fired oven warms pies composed of local ingredients. Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen, pizza, 5-8 p.m.; music, 6-8 p.m. $24-32; free for kids 4 and under; BYOB; preregister. Info, 247-6735. PUSS IN BOOTS’ CAFÉ FOR CATS: The library partners up with Franklin County Animal Rescue to pair prospective adopters with their cutest kitties. Fairfax Community Library, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info, 849-2420. SOBU NITE OUT: Friends, families and neighbors mingle amid live music and mouthwatering cuisine. Veterans Memorial Park, South Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4107.
See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife
Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music. All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting magazine. Check out the online calendar at kidsvt.com. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
SUNSET SERIES AT SWIFT HOUSE INN/SUMMER OF SCORSESE: ‘CAPE FEAR’: Picnic dinners and drinks prime cinephiles for an al fresco screening of this 1991 thriller starring Robert De Niro as an ex-convict who stalks the family of his former lawyer. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 8:30 p.m. $16; $70 for series pass. Info, info@middfilmfest.org. ‘THERE IS NO EVIL’: See WED.28. ‘TRUMAN & TENNESSEE: AN INTIMATE CONVERSATION’: See WED.28.
food & drink
THE HUNT: See WED.28. MAVERICK MARKET: High-quality products from Vermont artisans, as well as food truck fare and live musicians, populate a weekly bazaar. Essex Experience, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 238-3934. MUSIC WHILE YOU PICK: Two Cents in the Till fill the air with their contemporary bluegrass plucking as locavores harvest fresh blueberries. Owl’s Head Blueberry Farm, Richmond, 5-8 p.m. Minimum purchase of two quarts per adult; $6 per quart. Info, 434-3387. VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods, crafts and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons. Vergennes City Park, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.
EAST VALLEY COMMUNITY GROUP SCAVENGER HUNT: See WED.28. THROWDOWN THURSDAYS: Live music sets the tone as adults vie for prizes in games of cornhole and disc golf. Sugarbush Resort, Warren, 5-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 583-6590.
DAVE KELLER BAND: The blues rocker gives a soulful showing under the gazebo. Mo’s BBQ serves food. Old Schoolhouse Common, Marshfield, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581. MAIN STREET LIVE: Vermont Jazz Trio and guests soundtrack an evening of exploring all the wining, dining, sipping and shopping the village has to offer. Stowe Village Green, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, info@stowevibrancy.com. PARKAPALOOZA: SABOUYOUMA: The Afro-funk groove machine stops by this family-friendly outdoor concert series, also featuring a 100-foot Slip ’N Slide. Hubbard Park, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 225-8699. UKE ’N SIP: Ukulele novices share tips, songs and good wine. Shelburne Vineyard, 5:30-7 p.m. $30. Info, 518-593-3704.
STREAM SAFARI: Dip nets in hand, nature lovers survey shady waterways. Nature Trail parking area, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. TOUR OF WATERBURY DAM: Visitors explore a reforested
encampment and discover how the Civilian Conservation Corps saved the Winooski Valley from flooded ruin. Meet at the top of the dam. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 1 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. WHEN GOSHAWKS ARRIVE: What raptor is larger than a red-tailed hawk and will bear its talons for unsuspecting humans? Brave souls meet at the Nature Center to find out. Little River State Park Nature Museum, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103.
VERMONT LAKE MONSTERS: The Green Mountain State’s Futures Collegiate Baseball League team bats against the New Britain Bees. Centennial Field, Burlington, 7:05 p.m. $5-16. Info, 655-4200.
VERMONT LAW SCHOOL’S HOT TOPICS IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW LECTURE SERIES: Lewis & Clark Law School’s Delcianna Winders ruffles feathers with “Bird Brains? Our Evolving Understanding of Chickens — and Their Lagging Legal Status.” Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, ccollins@vermontlaw.edu.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.28. ‘GUYS AND DOLLS’: The Very Merry Theatre stops in Bristol for a showing of the classic musical. Bristol Town Green (rain location: Holley Hall), 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, info@verymerrytheatre.org. ‘AN ILIAD’: See WED.28, 7:30 p.m. ‘A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’: See WED.28. ‘POPCORN FALLS’: See WED.28. ‘WORKING: A MUSICAL’: The Tony-nominated show comes to the Champlain Valley with songs by Lin-Manuel Miranda, James Taylor and others. Depot Theatre, Westport, N.Y., 5 p.m. $25-34. Info, 518-962-4449.
PHOENIX BOOKS VIRTUAL POETRY OPEN MIC: Local wordsmiths read their work at this evening hosted by local performance poet Bianca Amira Zanella. 7-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 855-8078. WRITERS ON THE RISE: HANAE JONAS: The up-and-coming poet presents her verse as part of a Vermont Studio Center series. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 635-2727.
FRI.30 dance
DANNY JONOKUCHI & THE REVISIONISTS: The awardwinning jazz band backs a night of swing dancing. Evidence of COVID-19 vaccination required for entry. Champlain Club, Burlington,
8-10:30 p.m.; free beginner lesson at 7:30 p.m. $20. Info, 864-8382. THE JUNCTION DANCE FESTIVAL CHOREOLAB DANCE PERFORMANCE: World-class dancers showcase the result of their nine-week intensive workshop, including the premiere screening of OUR VOICES, BODIES RISING: Beyond Suffrage Toward Women’s Empowerment. The Barn in Corinth, 7 p.m. $15. Info, 439-9117.
QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: Paranormal historian Thea Lewis highlights haunted happenings throughout Burlington. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info, mail@queencityghostwalk.com.
fairs & festivals
FESTIVAL OF FOOLS: A three-day celebration of circus arts, music and comedy features continuous theatrics by international street performers. See vermontfestivaloffools.com for details. Downtown Burlington. Free. Info, 865-7166.
food & drink
THE HUNT: See WED.28. POP-UP ART CAFÉ: Art and live music meet tapas and wine at a cultural convergence hosted by Gallery on the Green owners Chip and Opal Evans. Soulfully Good Café, Woodstock, 6-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink; preregister. Info, 457-7395. RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live music connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, info@ richmondfarmersmarketvt.org.
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calendar « P.59
health & fitness
BACKSIDE 405: THE BUBS & THE HIGH BREAKS PERFORM ‘SMIRK OF THE DOLPHIN’: Food trucks and bar service complement an outdoor concert behind the studio. BCA Studios, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15-20; $99 for season pass. Info, 652-0777. BANDWAGON SUMMER SERIES: SAMMY RAE & THE FRIENDS: The captivating lead singer and her jazz-rock crew bring grooves and good vibes to Next Stage’s roving concert series. 257 Marlboro Rd., West Brattleboro, 6 p.m. $20; free for kids under 12. Info, 451-0053. BCA SUMMER CONCERTS: PETE & OLIVER: Two members of the roots trio Pete’s Posse perform on an outdoor stage. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. BURNHAM SUMMER CONCERT: ABE OVADIA: The award-winning jazz guitarist rolls up to the library lawn for an evening of innovative, energetic melodies. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 264-5660. CONCERTS IN THE COURTYARD: MOOSE CROSSING: The jazz-funk outfit plays original songs and fresh takes on the classics. The Avocado Pit serves sustenance, and museum educators lead kids’ activities. Bennington Museum, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 447-1571. MORETOWN OPEN MIC: Family-friendly music, short plays and spoken-word pieces entertain audience members. 7-10 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, shloinky@gmail. com.
BIRDS ON THE MOVE: Avian enthusiasts learn about the migration habits of Vermont’s winged species. Nature Center, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 10 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. LITTLE RIVER RAMBLE: Hikers explore the trails on a route they plan with a park interpreter. Park Office, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 1 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. TOUR OF WATERBURY DAM: See THU.29, 11 a.m.
WEEKLY DISCUSSIONS ON CURRENT EVENTS: Newsworthy subjects take the spotlight in this informal discussion led by Sandy Baird. Meet on the library lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, bshatara@burlingtonvt.gov.
‘ROBIN HOOD’: The eight humans and seven puppets of Vermont Suitcase stage a raucous, rowdy, relevant rendition of the legend of Robin Hood and his merry men. See calendar spotlight. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-2 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. ‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.28.
OUTDOOR SUMMER MUSIC SERIES: CRAFTSBURY CHAMBER PLAYERS: The Vermont ensemble captivates classical connoisseurs with ear-pleasing selections. BYO chair or blanket. Plainfield Recreational Field, 4 p.m. Donations. Info, 498-3173.
‘AN ILIAD’: See WED.28, 7:30 p.m. ‘A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’: See WED.28. ‘POPCORN FALLS’: See WED.28. ‘SEUSSICAL’: Weston Young Company performers captivate audience members with a stage adaptation of Dr. Seuss’ zany tale. Artistree Community Arts Center, Woodstock, 1 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 824-5288.
‘WORKING: A MUSICAL’: See THU.29, 7:30 p.m.
Berry Merry
ICE CREAM SOCIAL & ANNUAL BOOK SALE: Frozen treats and vintage tomes flow freely at the yearly GHS community confab. Greensboro Historical Society, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 533-2457.
The fifth annual Vermont Blueberry Festival in Craftsbury offers indigo indulgences to surprise even the most seasoned berry nut. Local vendors take pride in getting a little wild. Do you want blueberry kombucha? They’ve got it. Blueberry tamales? Natch. Blueberry snow cones, blue raspberry CBD gummies or gluten-free blueberry jam crescent rolls? You bet your purple-stained tongue. A pie-baking contest, a caricature artist, pollinator-themed face paint and live music from Groton resident John Gordon’s granite calliope round out the festivities at this jammy jamboree.
CIRQUE BARCODE: The premier circus group and Acting for Climate team up to present an interactive, environmentalist display of acrobatics. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 3 & 6 p.m. $8-20. Info, 533-2000.
OLD NORTH END WALKING TOUR: Preservation Burlington educators lead local history aficionados on a journey through the ONE’s most fascinating landmarks. Battery Park, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. Donations. Info, preservation burlington1@gmail.com. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: See FRI.30.
fairs & festivals
FESTIVAL OF FOOLS: See FRI.30. VERMONT BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL: Blueberry buffs gather for a day of prizes and surprises featuring fruity treats, live music and a pie-baking contest. See calendar spotlight. Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 755-9030.
VERMONT BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL Saturday, July 31, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., at Craftsbury Common. Free. Info, 755-9030, craftsburyfarmersmarket.com.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AGAINST THE CURRENT’: See WED.28. ‘ANTARCTICA 3D: ON THE EDGE’: See WED.28.
food & drink
BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. 345 Pine St., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, manager@burlingtonfarmers market.org.
CRAFTSBURY FARMERS MARKET: Food, drink, crafts and familyfriendly entertainment are on the menu at an emporium of local merchandise. Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 755-9030.
TWILIGHT SERIES: THE WET ONES!: The Queen City trio sets a summertime vibe with surfrock sounds served as part of Burlington City Arts’ new evening concert series. Burlington City Hall Park, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
ST. STEPHEN’S PEASANT MARKET: Community members peruse antiques, enjoy homemade fruit pies and cast bids in the boat auction. Middlebury Town Green, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7200.
JORGE GARCIA HERRANZ: The accomplished pianist plays Schubert sonatas and tango selections with equal verve. North Hero Community Hall, 8 p.m. $2025. Info, 372-8889. LIVE MUSIC ON THE LAWN: DOCTOR RICK: The Burlington band brings some good old fashioned rock-and-roll to the outdoor concert series. Bolton Valley Resort, 6:30-9:30 p.m. $10. Info, 434-3444.
‘GUYS AND DOLLS’: The Very Merry Theatre stops in Essex for a showing of the classic musical. Sand Hill Park (rain location: the park’s open-air shelter), Essex Junction, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, info@verymerrytheatre.org.
and cafeteria serve up food and drink. Snowshed Lodge, Killington Resort, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 800-734-9435.
WAITSFIELD FARMERS MARKET: A bustling bazaar boasts seasonal produce, prepared foods, artisan crafts and live entertainment. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.1 p.m. Free. Info, waitsfieldmarket manager@gmail.com. WEEKLY WINE TASTING: See WED.28. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Stowe, noon-4 p.m. Info, 585-7717.
BEGINNER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Waterbury Public Library game master Vinni Yasi gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. EAST VALLEY COMMUNITY GROUP SCAVENGER HUNT: See WED.28.
BACKSIDE 405: DWIGHT & NICOLE & ALI MCGUIRK: Food trucks and bar service complement an outdoor concert behind the studio. BCA Studios, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15-20; $99 for season pass. Info, 652-0777. CHETFEST: Bow Thayer and No Small Children perform on a working dairy farm. No pets, please. Wayside Farm, Brookfield, 5 p.m. $30; free for kids under 12; BYOB. Info, cdabbot@gmail.com. COOLER IN THE MOUNTAINS CONCERT SERIES: YAM YAM: The New Orleans-inflected funk combo unleashes its rollicking rhythms for picnickers. Beastro Food Truck and the lodge bar
MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED: See WED.28. OWL PROWL & NIGHT GHOST HIKE: See WED.28. STREAM SAFARI: Dip nets in hand, nature lovers survey shady waterways. History Hike parking area, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 2:30 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. SUNFLOWER HOUSE & GARDENS: The annual explosion of more than 100 varieties of blooms opens for exploration. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock. Regular admission, $8-16; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 457-2355.
NORTHWESTERN VERMONT BOARD OF REALTORS HOMESAFE-HOME SAFETY DAY: Local Realtors teach community members how to prevent fires, identity theft, break-ins and more. New England Federal Credit Union, Williston, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 862-6407.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.28. ‘AN ILIAD’: See WED.28, 7:30 p.m. ‘A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’: See WED.28. ‘OUR DOMESTIC RESURRECTION CIRCUS’: An offbeat Bread and Puppet Theater production draws on traditional circus tropes to pull attention to the urgent issues of the day. Bread and Puppet Theater, Glover, 3 p.m. $10. Info, breadandpuppetreservations@ gmail.com. ‘POPCORN FALLS’: See WED.28, 2 & 6:30 p.m.
‘SEUSSICAL’: See FRI.30, Swift House Inn, Middlebury. ‘WORKING: A MUSICAL’: See THU.29, 7:30 p.m.
SUN.1 etc.
MID-CENTURY MODERN WALKING TOUR: History buffs explore Hopson Road and the history of the architects and other academics that moved in after World War II. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center, 3 p.m. $10; free for NHS members. Info, 649-0124.
fairs & festivals
ANTIQUE TRACTOR DAY: Spectators cheer on their favorite vintage machines in parades and races, with family-friendly activities and local food in between. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $8-16; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 457-2355. FESTIVAL OF FOOLS: See FRI.30.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘ANTARCTICA 3D: ON THE EDGE’: See WED.28. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.28. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.28. ‘LES NÔTRES’: See WED.28. ‘NEVER GONNA SNOW AGAIN’: See WED.28. ‘PLATFORM’: See WED.28. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.28.
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at sevendaysvt.com/art.
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at sevendaysvt.com/ music. All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting magazine. Check out the online calendar at kidsvt.com. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
food & drink
THE HUNT: See WED.28. WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and prepared foods from seasonal vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmersmarket@ downtownwinooski.org.
802 GOOD DEEDS ON 802 IN 802: Vermonters far and wide perform random acts of kindness and document them online. Various locations statewide. Free. Info, vermontgoodstuff@gmail.com.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘ANTARCTICA 3D: ON THE EDGE’: See WED.28.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘ANTARCTICA 3D: ON THE EDGE’: See WED.28. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.28. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.28. ‘PLATFORM’: See WED.28. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.28. ‘THERE IS NO EVIL’: See WED.28.
food & drink
BURLINGTON CONCERT BAND: Local musicians present a varied program of marches, show tunes and pop classics. BYO blanket or lawn chair. Battery Park, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, burlingtonconcertband@ gmail.com.
MUSIC WHILE YOU PICK: Blues for Breakfast play the classics as locavores harvest fresh blueberries. Owl’s Head Blueberry Farm, Richmond, 5-8 p.m. Minimum purchase of two quarts per adult; $6 per quart. Info, 434-3387.
LAUGHING EAGLE MUSIC SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: MIHALI: The guitarist brings his six-string sorcery to Sugarhouse Soundworks. Featuring the debut performance of the Grand Army of the Republic. Laughing Eagle Music, Waitsfield, 4-10 p.m. $2575. Info, 512-461-5879.
food & drink
health & fitness
LEVITT AMP ST. JOHNSBURY MUSIC SERIES: JUICE: Pop and hip-hop sounds from the late ’90s and early ’00s influence catchy songs by this Boston band, including “DiCaprio (Love Me All the Time).” Dog Mountain, St. Johnsbury, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. SIX SUNDAYS IN CHELSEA: Townsfolk enjoy an afternoon of live music, art, dance and Sweet Doe gelato in historic downtown. North Common, Chelsea, noon-3 p.m. Free. Info, 685-4866. WESTFORD SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: DEAD MEN WALKING: The tribute band celebrates Jerry Garcia’s birthday while various food trucks serve libations. Westford Common, 7-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 363-0930.
TOUR OF CCC CAMP SMITH: History hounds visit the remains of a 1930s work camp that housed the 3,000 people who built the Waterbury Dam. Camp Smith Trail parking area, Little River State Park, Waterbury, 1 p.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. TOUR OF WATERBURY DAM: See THU.29, 11 a.m.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.28. ‘AN ILIAD’: See WED.28, 3 p.m. ‘A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM’: See WED.28, 5 p.m. ‘OUR DOMESTIC RESURRECTION CIRCUS’: See SAT.31. ‘POPCORN FALLS’: See WED.28, 2 p.m. ‘SEUSSICAL’: See FRI.30, Weston Playhouse Second Stage at Walker Farm, 11 a.m. ‘WORKING: A MUSICAL’: See THU.29.
MIDDLEBURY SUMMER FESTIVAL ON-THE-GREEN: KERUBO: The Kenyan-born singer and her ensemble fill the night with their jazz- and blues- inflected tunes. Middlebury Green, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 462-3555. SAMBATUCADA OPEN REHEARSAL: Burlington’s own samba street percussion band welcomes new members. No experience or instruments required. Call to confirm location. 8 Space Studio Collective, Burlington, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5017.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.28. ‘GUYS AND DOLLS’: The Very Merry Theatre stops in Charlotte for a showing of the classic musical. Charlotte Library (rain location: Charlotte Congregational Church), 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, info@verymerrytheatre.org.
VIRTUAL EXPLORE CHAMPLAIN OPEN HOUSE: Potential students scope out Champlain College, an institution included in the U.S. News & World Report’s Best College Rankings 2021 list of most innovative schools. 4:30-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 625-0201.
fairs & festivals
DOG DAYS OF SUMMER: A DOGFRIENDLY FESTIVAL SERIES: Pets and their people spend summer evenings amid live music, local artisans and good company, thanks to Bellcate School Dog Treats. Price Chopper, Essex, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 309-8762.
PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATIONS: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5166.
BILLY STRINGS: The Grammywinning bluegrass artist burns up the Midway Lawn with his dynamic guitar picking. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 7:30 p.m. $39.50; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 652-0777. CONCERT ON THE COMMON: RED CLOVER QUARTET: The central Vermont jazz scene mainstays celebrate the Great American Songbook. Fairlee Town Common, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, contact@fairleearts.org. MIDDLEBURY SUMMER FESTIVAL ON-THE-GREEN: THE PAUL ASBELL QUINTET: The veteran jazz group serenades fairgoers with their bluesy strains. Middlebury Green, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 462-3555. TUESDAY NIGHT LIVE: BLACKWOLF & BRYAN BLANCHETTE: The psychedelic soul blues band teams up with the Abenaki singer-songwriter to deliver a celebration of Native American music legend Charley Patton. Legion Field, Johnson, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 730-2943. VERGENNES CITY BAND: An allvolunteer community ensemble makes music on the green. Vergennes City Park, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 349-5906. VERMONT’S FREEDOM & UNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL: Regardless of age, race or gender, singers lift their voices in songs that represent the ongoing struggle for justice. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:45-8:45 p.m. $35. Info, vermontsfreedom andunitychorus@gmail.com.
VERMONT LAW SCHOOL’S HOT TOPICS IN ENVIRONMENTAL LAW LECTURE SERIES: McGill University researcher Geoffrey Garver provides perspective in “Ecological Law Case Studies: Brining the Theory Down to Earth.” Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, ccollins@vermontlaw.edu.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.28. ‘AN ILIAD’: See WED.28, 7:30 p.m.
POETRY CLINIC: Writers set their pens and minds in motion with group exercises and critiques in this ongoing drop-in gathering. River Arts, Morrisville, 6-8 p.m. $5. Info, 888-1261. WRITER TO WRITER: BIANCA STONE & KYLIE GELLATLY: Vermont Studio Center brings the two poets together over Zoom to read from their work and discuss their careers. 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, communications@vermont studiocenter.org.
fairs & festivals TRUCKS, TAPS & TUNES: See WED.28.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘ANTARCTICA 3D: ON THE EDGE’: See WED.28. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.28. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.28. ‘PLATFORM’: See WED.28. ‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: See WED.28. ‘THERE IS NO EVIL’: See WED.28.
food & drink
ECHO SUMMER MUSIC SERIES: THE BREVITY THING: Listeners groove to acoustic rock, folk and blues stylings. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $5-10; free for kid members; cash bar. Info, 864-1848. LIVE MUSIC ON THE LAWN: MOOSE CROSSING: Concertgoers soak up the smooth jazz stylings of the family-friendly Vermont band. Bolton Valley Resort, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3444. MIDDLEBURY SUMMER FESTIVAL ON-THE-GREEN: TREETOP MANSION: The eclectic quintet lays down luscious vibes recalling 1960s psychedelia and 1990s rock. Middlebury Green, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 462-3555. MUSIC ON THE HILL: BRIAN COOK BAND: Musical boundaries are no match for the Vermont native, who plays a mix of rock, pop, soul, R&B, country and folk selections. Picnics are welcome. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret, 6:30 p.m. $5; free for kids under 5. Info, 457-3500. TERRIBLE MOUNTAIN STRING BAND: Fiddling sisters Ida Mae and Lila Specker throw down a fresh, rambunctious folk spectacle. Mediterranean Mix serves food. Martha Pellerin & Andy Shapiro Memorial Bandstand, Middlesex, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 272-4920. VILLAGE HARMONY TEEN WORLD MUSIC ENSEMBLE: Youthful virtuosos perform a globe-spanning program for picnickers. South Hero Congregational Church, 4 p.m. Donations. Info, 372-4962.
‘GUYS AND DOLLS’: The Very Merry Theatre arrives in Burlington for three indoor performances of the classic musical. Very Merry Theatre, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, info@verymerrytheatre.org.
health & fitness
BCA SUMMER CONCERTS: ERIC GEORGE: Original folk songs from the 2021 album Valley of the Heart find eager ears. Burlington City Hall Park, 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
‘AN ILIAD’: See WED.28. ‘LISTEN UP’: The ambitious musical based on the true stories of Vermont teens plays on the NVU rugby field. Northern Vermont University-Lyndon, Lyndonville, 7:30 p.m. $15-20. Info, 888-757-5559. ‘POPCORN FALLS’: See WED.28. ‘SEUSSICAL’: See FRI.30, Giorgetti Park, Rutland, 6 p.m. m
TJDF ChoreoLab Dance Performance FRI., JUL. 30 THE BARN IN CORINTH
ChetFest 2021
DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New hybrid classes (Zoom and in-person) starting! Taiko, Tue. and Wed. Djembe, Wed. Kids and Parents, Tue. and Wed. COVID-19-free rental instruments; curbside pickup, too. Private Hybrid Conga lessons by appointment. Let’s prepare for future drumming outdoors. Schedule/register online. Location: Online & in-person at Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 9994255, burlingtontaiko.org.
Mihali & Grand Army of the Republic SUN., AUG. 1 LAUGHING EAGLE MUSIC, WAITSFIELD
Living with Loss: A Gathering for the Grieving WED., AUG. 4 VIRTUAL EVENT
GROW A REGENERATIVE GARDEN: For backyard gardeners awake to the climate crisis: Our master gardener will teach you how to regenerate your soil with cover crops, bokashi composting and other tested carbonsequestration techniques. Daily guided meditations in the garden, forests and meadows to reconnect you to this precious Earth and all its inhabitants. Jul. 31-Aug. 14. Cost: $860/2-week regenerative gardening & meditation program. Location: Karme Choling Meditation Center, 369 Patneaude Ln., Barnet. Info: Mike de Give, 633-2384-3122, mdegive@karmecholing.org, karmecholing.org/ program?id=6668.
Nightshade Festival 2021 SAT., AUG. 7 RED BARN GARDENS, WILLISTON
Rhythm Space and Character: Creating Fun Dynamic Characters
HAND-STAMPED JEWELRY: Join local jeweler Bren Prescott on Zoom in making simple but satisfying fine metal jewelry. Learn the basics of metal stamping to create your own unique pieces to keep or give as gifts. Includes one hour of instruction and all materials. Kits need to be picked up. Wed., Aug. 11, 6-7 p.m. Cost: $20. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@ burlingtoncityarts.org, burlingtoncityarts.org.
Vermont Cannabis Farm Tour SAT., AUG. 7 OFF PISTE FARM, LYNDON
Finding Hope: Healing from Trauma WED., AUG. 11 VIRTUAL EVENT
Storytelling Theater Camp
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or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanishparavos@ gmail.com, spanishwaterbury center.com.
Vermont Be True Yoga Festival 2021
Contact: 865-1020, ext. 110 getstarted@sevendaystickets.com
LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live videoconferencing. High-quality, affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers’ lesson package. Our 15th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for complete information
martial arts AIKIDO CLASSES AND WORKSHOP: Discover the dynamic, flowing martial art of aikido. Learn how to relax under pressure and how aikido cultivates core power, fitness and resiliency. Aikido techniques emphasize throws, pinning techniques and internal power. Introductory classes for Adults and Youth begin on July 6. Visitors are always welcome!
Mon.-Wed. & Sat. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes. Contact us for info about membership rates for adults, youth & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Benjamin Pincus, 951-8900, bpincus@ burlingtonaikido.org, burlingtonaikido.org. VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required. Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World Jiu-Jitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventh-degree coral belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839, julio@bjjusa.com, vermontbjj.com.
yoga EVOLUTION YOGA: Whether you are new to yoga or have been at it for years, you’ll find the support you need to awaken your practice. Now offering outdoor in-person classes overlooking Lake Champlain! Livestream and recorded classes continue. Flexible pricing based on your needs, scholarships avail. Single class: $0-15. Weekly membership: $10-25. 10-class pass: $140. New student special: $20 for 3 classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 864-9642, evolutionvt.com. YOGA TEACHER TRAINING 200HR: UVM Campus Recreation Yoga Teacher Training will deepen your personal practice, provide training to teach professionally, and give you a full foundation in all aspects of yoga. It is a unique opportunity to find shared connections and learn from those of all ages. Registered Yoga Alliance 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Begins Aug. 25. 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training. Location: UVM Campus Recreation-Athletic Campus, 97 Spear St., Burlington. Info: UVM Campus Recreation, John McConnell, 656-3070, mindbodyfitness@uvm.edu, go.uvm.edu/yoga.
Society of Chittenden County
Mr. Kitty AGE/SEX: 11-year-old neutered male REASON HERE: He was not a good fit in his previous home. ARRIVAL DATE: June 4, 2021 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: He is declawed on his front paws. SUMMARY: Mr. Kitty is a lovable fellow looking for his family! He is outgoing and social, and he loves finding a nice place to curl up for a nap. Sometimes during cuddle sessions, he decides he’s no longer in the mood for pets, so he may do best in a home with adults or older children who are willing to respect his boundaries — after all, we all need our alone time! If you’re looking for a calm, cuddly and affectionate boy to add to your home, stop by HSCC to meet Mr. Kitty! CATS/DOGS/KIDS: Mr. Kitty has no known experience living with other cats or dogs. He has lived with young children but may do best with older children.
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Declawed cats can often exhibit unwanted litter box habits (like going to the bathroom outside of their box) due to discomfort or difficult access. A low-sided box with finegrained (soft) litter will be preferable to most declawed cats, and older cats especially will appreciate a litter box on each level of your house. Visit hsccvt.org/resources for more tips!
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Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit hsccvt.org for more info.
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List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Katie, 865-1020, ext. 110, fsbo@sevendaysvt.com.
CREDIT CARD DEBT RELIEF! Reduce payment by up to 50 percent. Get 1 low affordable payment/mo. Reduce interest. Stop calls. Free, no-obligation consultation. Call 1-855946-3711. (AAN CAN)
KEEN’S CROSSING IS robbihandyholmes@vtregroup.com NOW LEASING! Client focused 1-BR, $1,026/mo.; 2-BR, $1,230/mo.; 3-BR, Making it happen for you! $1,422/mo. Spacious CASH FOR CARS! interiors, fully appliWe buy all cars! Junk, anced kitchen, fitness your business. Visit the work; you reap the high-end, totaled: It center, heat & HW incl. mainstreetlanding.com 1 rewards! Call for4/16/21 a free 1:35 PM 16t-robbihandyholmes042121.indd Income restrictions & click on space avail. Author’s Submission apply. 802-655-1810, Melinda, 864-7999. Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN MASSAGE FOR MEN keenscrossing.com. We Pick Up CAN) Announcing reopening STUDIO SPACE RENTAL! of Miracles of Touch, & Pay For Junk energy healing, chakra Railyard Apothecary has WOODSHOP SPACE massage therapy for balancing, Reiki, rebirthAutomobiles! 1 a beautiful studio space I have a complete men. After being awayFSBO-Burke070721.indd ing, other lives, classes, for rent! Yoga, dance, woodshop & am looking from the area for a while, more. 802-899-3542, concerts, classes, photo for a space to move to & now past the COVID-19 kelman.b@juno.com. shoots & more! 750 sq. in the Burlington area. I crisis, I’m thrilled to be ft. Contact laura.rose@ would consider teaming OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE reopening. Miracles Route 15, Hardwick AT MAIN STREET railyardapothecary.com up w/ another profesof Touch specialLANDING 802-472-5100 for rates & more info. sional who has space izes in sports medicine on Burlington’s waterbut is lacking machinery therapeutic massage, 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston front. Beautiful, healthy, and is sharing rent. along w/ sensual 802-793-9133 affordable spaces for Contact me: 802-858massage techniques. 5244 or email jonkohn@ All massage is done in burlingtontelecom.net. the privacy of home studio in New Haven. sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM Email for rates & to book TIMESHARE FOR SALE appts. Taking bookings OR DONATION appt. appointment after Tue., Jul. 13. I look Timeshare for sale or COMPUTER & IT forward to hearing from donation to nonprofit apt. apartment TRAINING PROGRAM! you & working w/ you! at the Seasons Resort Train online to get miraclesoftouch@gmail. at Sugarbush. For more BA bathroom ROKU EXPRESS+ MEDIA the skills to become com. info, call: 802-578-5779. PLAYER a computer & help BR bedroom Roku Express+ HD1080p desk professional now. PSYCHIC COUNSELING streaming media player, Grants & scholarships DR dining room Psychic counseling, 3910RW. Opened once to avail. for certain channeling w/ Bernice check compatibility only. DW dishwasher programs for qualified Kelman, Underhill. 30+ Pet & NS home. Asking applicants. Call CTI for years’ experience. Also HDWD hardwood details! 1-855-554-4616. (AAN CAN)
HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer
BIZ OPPS BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010 hrc@vermont.gov
buy this stuff
EDUCATION TRAIN ONLINE TO DO MEDICAL BILLING! Become a medical office professional online at CTI. Get trained, certified & ready to work in mos. Call 1-844-2685058. (AAN CAN)
Home on 20 acres in Constable, NY. Clean/good condition 2/1, large shed. Turnkey home is sold with all furniture, appliances, etc. Property used as a seasonal home. $129,900. Call 954-257-2227.
DISH TV $59.99 for 190 channels + $14.95 high-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl. free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-855-380-2501. (AAN CAN)
$25. lorettalvt@gmail. com.
Asking $10 lorettalvt@ gmail.com. 7/1/21 12:24 PM
GARAGE/ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS SALES COLCHESTER YARD SALE 65 Oakridge Dr., Colchester. Jul. 30-31 & Aug. 1, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Antiques, collectibles, pottery kiln, jewelry, clothes, furniture, art, misc.
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS DEEP POCKET FULL SHEETS New, in original packaging: full-size, deep pocket sheet set.
4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast speeds & take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888519-0171. (AAN CAN) BATH & SHOWER UPDATES in as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos.! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-877-649-5043. (AAN CAN)
Cute, compact condo to share w/ quiet professional in her 20s who enjoys movies & baking. $600/mo. No other help needed. Shared BA. Must be cat-friendly!
MORRISVILLE Share a home w/ bright, artistic, avid reader in her 80’s. Seeking housemate to cook an occas. meal, help w/ light yardwork & housekeeping. $400/mo. Shared BA. No pets.
UNDERHILL Nature-lover in her 80s seeking housemate to help w/ gardening, snow removal, & cooking twice a week. Lending a hand on occas. house projects a bonus! $200/mo. Must be pet-friendly! No add’l pets. Private BA.
Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit HomeShareVermont.org for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO
Homeshare041520.indd 1
7/5/21 11:07 AM
Calcoku SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill
the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
If you’ve been looking for a duplex in the rural Northeast Kingdom of Vermont this may be the one! Located in the village of Concord with access to the wild and pristine Moose River. 0.35 ac $129,900
Northeast Kingdom Real Estate Specializing in land, camps and unique properties.
Follow #StoneCrestVT on
101 Depot Street, Lyndonville | 802.626.4790
3 8 7 5 3 5 8
1 6
Difficulty - Hard
No. 697
Difficulty: Medium
Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
7/26/21 12:19 PM
1 6 8 3 9 4 3 4 7
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
4» 2
8v-stonecrest072821 1
8 7
Scott@StoneCrestPropertiesVT.com “It was as if we had stumbled into a trusted family member who shared all he knew to ensure our decision was the best it could be. If you choose Scott as your Realtor®, you will absolutely not be disappointed.”
Contact me for more details! Scott DesJardins, Realtor® 802.424.6691
I’m your guy for
View and post up to
Post & browse ads Complete following puzzle by using the 6 photos perthe ad online. at your convenience. numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.
263 South Street, Concord MLS Number 4853800
Show and tell.SudokuOpen 24/7/365.
6 5 8 4 9 3 7 2 1 4 5 2 7 3 1 8
3 1 8 6 4 9 7
7 9 3 4 2 6 5
1 6 9 2 5 7 3
6 3 4 5 8 2 1
2 7 1 8 9 4 6
5 8 6 9 1 3 2
8 4 7 1 6 5 9
9 2 5 3 7 8 4
Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84106530127 ?pwd=Y2p5RG16OXFQN3lBWlJKdlNBWmdSQT09 Password: 302244
Webinar ID: 841 0653 0127
Telephone: +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
STUDIOS AT VSC Studios for artists & writers are avail. at VSC’s residency complex in Johnson. $300-500/ mo. 100-300 sq. ft. 1-year lease. Sec. dep. Wifi incl. Contact Kathy Black, Program Director, kathy.black@vermontstudiocenter.org for application details.
1. ZP-21-136; 92 Farrington Parkway (RL, Ward 7N) Raymond K. Ingram Jr. Appeal of15-year determination as to yard parking next to driveway. (Continued hearing) 2. ZP-21-559; 64 East Ave (RL, Ward 1E) MBVT, Inc 2-lot subdivision to create one new single-family building lot. Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the
mmmmmmm FROM P.65
5 2
Action: __Approved_ Date: ___7/21/2021_ Attestation of Adoption: Phillip Peterson, EI Associate Engineer, Technical Services Published: 07/28/21 Effective: 08/18/21 It is hereby Ordained by the Public Works Commission of the City of Burlington as follows: That Appendix C, Rule and Regulations of the Traffic Commission, Section 7, No parking areas, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington is hereby amended as follows:
No person shall park any vehicle at any time in the following locations:
(566) On the south side of Lakeside Avenue beginning at Conger Avenue and extending east to the driveway for 115 Lakeside Avenue. (567) On the north side of Lakeside Avenue beginning at the western driveway for 128 Lakeside Avenue and extending west to the driveway for 50 Lakeside Avenue. (568) On the north side of Lakeside Avenue beginning at the crosswalk at the intersection of Conger Avenue and the driveway for 50 Lakeside Avenue and extending west for 30 feet.
6 49 60x 4 1-5 2 7 2÷3 1 8 4
5 2 3 1 8 6 4 9 7 3-
8 1 7 9 3 4 2 6 5
6 4 28 1 6 16x 9 2 5 7 3
3 2
1 9 3 7 5 63 2 3 7 4 1 40x 5 8 8 9 2 4 1 6 5-
6 3 1 4 2
7 2 1 4 3 6 12+ 5 8 2- 9 8 4 2 6 7 5 3÷ 19 1 3 1 6 7 3 5 8 Difficulty - Hard 2 9 4 3-
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
5 66
(1)-(565) As written.
final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at www.burlingtonvt.gov/dpi/ drb/agendas or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.
Section 7 No parking areas.
BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD: TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 2021, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Physical location: 645 Pine Street, Front Conference Room, Burlington VT 05401 and
CABLE PRICE INCREASE AGAIN? Switch to DirecTV & save & get a $100 visa 800.992.8862 gift card! Get more djbobbymac.com weddingprodjs.com channels for less money. OPEN TRAD MUSIC Restrictions apply. Call 800.992.8862 gift card, terms apply. SESSION now. 877-693-0625. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN Musicians & singers of all djbobbymac.com (AAN CAN) CAN) LgClassyAd-DJBobbyMac050521.indd 5/4/21 11:16 PM ages/abilities are invited to a casual backyard DIY MAPLE SUPPLY VIAGRA & CIALIS music jam session. Every SALE! USERS! Mon., 6:30-7:30 p.m., 12 Jul. 31 & Aug. 1, 9 50-pill special: $99 Decatur St., Burlington. a.m.-3 p.m. 2 Granite w/ free shipping! 100 802-881-8500. St., Montpelier. Up to percent guaranteed. Call 75 percent off. Used now! 888-531-1192. (AAN TEEN MUSICIAN JAM sapling evaporators & CAN) SESSION grills; prototype ROs; Open session in overstock supplies & Roosevelt Park, playing maple antiques. www. traditional music on vermontevaporator.com all instruments every Wed. & Fri., 6:30-7:30 HUGHESNET SATELLITE p.m. Call Brian Perkins: INTERNET 881-8500. Download our 22 OZ. NATHAN WATER Finally, no hard data songbook: brianperkinsBOTTLE limits! Call today for music.com. Nathan Speedmax speeds up to 25mbps as 22 oz. water bottle, low as $59.99/mo! $75
Nod to Beatles
Why Don’t We Do It in a tent?
Legal Notices
GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195, rickb@rickbelford.com.
buy this stuff [CONTINUED]
Covid Shmovid
used once. Asking $10. lorettalvt@gmail.com.
Material stricken out deleted.
Material underlined added.
NOTICE OF FUNDING AVAILABLE: FISCAL YEAR 2022 - BURLINGTON HOUSING TRUST FUND The Burlington Housing Trust Fund (BHTF) provides grants and loans for the promotion, retention, and creation of long-term affordable housing for very low, low, and moderate-income households. Non-profit corporations, municipal corporations, limited equity housing
REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon to homeworks@sevendaysvt.com or 802-865-1020, x110.
cooperatives, for-profit corporations, partnerships, and individuals are eligible to apply for project funding. Capacity grants are also made for the staffing, training, planning, fundraising, and ongoing operations of non-profit organizations creating or preserving housing for very low, low, and moderate-income households. The BHTF requests proposals for FY2022 awards. The total funding available for projects and capacity grants for FY2022 is approximately $175,148. The proposals shall be for projects and organizations serving the housing needs of low-income Burlington residents. Organizations that provide services, as distinct from housing development, are limited to capacity grants of no more than $7,500.00 per program. FY2022 BHTF awards must be expended by June 30, 2022. Proposals for FY2022 BHTF funding must be submitted on or before Friday, August 27, 2021, at 4:00 p.m. The complete request for proposal, as well as applications for both Projects and Capacity grants can be found at: https://www.burlingtonvt. gov/CEDO/Housing-Trust-Fund-FY22. Funding decisions are expected to be made by September 17, 2021. For further information on this RFP, please contact CEDO Housing Program Manager Todd Rawlings at 652-4209 or by email at trawlings@ burlingtonvt.gov.
NOTICE OF TAX SALE The residents and non-resident owners, lien holders, and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Huntington, County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that a levy upon the following described parcels of land has been asserted by the Town of Huntington through its Delinquent Tax Collector for taxes unpaid for the 2019-2020 tax year. Included with each description is the tax bill, which has been committed to the collector for collection as relates to the tax against each individual delinquent taxpayer. Said lands will be sold at public auction at the Town Clerk’s office in the Town of Huntington, on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 at eleven o’clock in the forenoon, as shall be required to discharge such property taxes, with interest, costs, penalties and fees, unless previously paid. By virtue of the Tax Warrant and Levy and the tax bills committed to Brent Lamoureux, Delinquent Tax Collector for the Town of Huntington said Delinquent Tax Collector hereby levies against the parcels described below. Dated at Richmond, Vermont this 19th day of July, 2021. S/LAURA E. GORSKY, ESQ., Attorney for Brent Lamoureux, Delinquent Tax Collector, Town of Huntington, Vermont Laura E. Gorsky PLLC 13 East Main Street, P.O. Box 471 Richmond, VT 05477 (802) 434-3344 Telephone DESCRIPTION OF PARCELS Parcel #1
Show and tell.
View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.
Post & browse ads at your convenience.
17, 1967 and recorded in Volume 25 at Page 3 of the Land Records of the Town of Huntington. Being Tax Parcel No.: 016075.
Raymond and Nita Ingham
Reference is hereby made to the instruments aforementioned, and the records thereof, and the instruments therein referred to, and the records thereof, in further aid of this description.
Tax ID# 01-031.000
NOTE: Laura E. Gorsky PLLC and the Town of Huntington give no opinion or certification as to the marketability of title to the above-referenced properties as held by the current owner(s).
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO. 21-PR-03312 In re: THE ESTATE OF CHERYL A. MCDONOUGH NOTICE TO CREDITORS To The Creditors of: Cheryl A. McDonough, late of Burlington, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Dated: July 22, 2021 Signed: /s/ Charles D. McDonough, Jr., Executor Address: c/o McNeil, Leddy & Sheahan, Esqs. 271 South Union Street Burlington, VT 05408 Phone: (802) 863-4531 Email: mmcneil@mcneilvt.com Name of Publication: Seven Days Date of Publication: July 28, August 4 and August 11, 2021 Address of Court: Vermont Superior Court Probate Division 175 Main Street P.O. Box 511 Burlington, VT 05402 TOWN OF BOLTON REQUEST FOR BIDS The Town of Bolton, Vermont is seeking bids from qualified paving contractors for the placement of asphalt at the Bolton Town Highway Garage driveway and parking ar ea; approximately 13,000 square feet. A request for bid document is available on the town website www.boltonvt.com, or by calling the Bolton Town Office (802) 434-5075. Bids are due by August 16, 2021, at 3 p.m.
TOWN OF HUNTINGTON ZONING ADMINISTRATOR: DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD NOTICE Tuesday, August 10, 2021, 7 pm Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/94458490636?pwd=ZFY 0K3Jnd2d2bjNwUWNjNjh3MUZyZz09
Being a parcel of land said to contain 58.17 acres, more or less, and located at 3275 Camels Hump Road, Huntington, Vermont. Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Charles Atkinson Koskinen by Warranty Deed of Burrows Forest, LLC dated May 10, 2018 and recorded in Volume 111 at Page 394 of the Land Records of the Town of Huntington. Being Tax Parcel No.: 022170 (formerly No.: 022150).
Telephone (toll-free): 1-888-788-0099
Parcel #2
Any questions or comments should be directed to Keith Oborne, Zoning Administrator at huntingtonzoning@gmavt.net or by phone at 802 434-3557. Agendas posted 5 days prior to meeting date.
Being a parcel of land with all improvements thereon located at 1425 Bert White Road, Huntington, Vermont. Being a portion of the same lands and premises conveyed to Markley E. Smith and Marijke Irene Smith by Warranty Deed of Richard T. Moore and Janet E. Moore dated April
Open 24/7/365.
205 Texas Hill Road
Sketch Plan: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 42.9 acre parcel into two lots of 40.9 and 2.0 acres respectively. DRB review and subdivision classification required as per §3.1 of the Town of Huntington Subdivision Regulations.
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: A “Petition to Open an Estate and Appoint Fiduciary” has been filed in the Probate Division of the Superior Court. A hearing on the petition/motion will be held at: 11 a.m. on 8/31/21 at the above-named court. If no one files an objection within 14 days of publication date, the relief requested may be granted. If you wish to receive notice of future events in this proceeding, you must notify the Court by filing a Notice of Appearance form that can be found on the Vermont Judiciary website. It is hereby ORDERED that the notice of hearing as set forth in the Order be published in either Seven Days or the Burlington Free Press, each is a newspaper, respectively, of general circulation in Chittenden County.
Publication date: not later than 21 days prior to hearing date. Electrically signed on July 19, 2021 pursuant to V.R.E.F. 9(d) /s/ Gregory Glennon Probate Judge Any individual with a disability requiring assistance accessing the services, programs, and/ or activities at the Courthouse should contact the Clerk’s office at the above address for further assistance.
for all.
VILLAGE OF ESSEX JUNCTION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC MEETING AUGUST 5, 2021 6:00 P.M. This meeting will be held in person at 2 Lincoln Street and remotely. The meeting will be livestreamed on Town Meeting TV. JOIN ONLINE: Visit www.essexjunction.org for meeting connection information. JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 228287723#.
Meeting ID: 944 5849 0636 Passcode: 725728
Work Session for updates to the Village of Essex Junction Land Development Code.
Agendas and meeting materials can be accessed on-line at https://www.huntingtonvt.org
This DRAFT agenda may be amended.
Agendas and meeting materials posted 5 days prior to meeting date.
This meeting will be held in the conference room of the Essex Junction municipal building at 2 Lincoln St., Essex Junction, VT. Any questions re: above please call Robin Pierce or Terry Hass – 878-6950
SEVEN DAYS JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021 4v-free-colors.indd 1
67 6/12/12 3:25 PM
68 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Taproom & Retail Beertender
Here at DREAM, we are looking to grow our new High School Mentoring staff team with talented people. We are searching for Mentor Coordinators who share a passion for our mission of helping to close the opportunity gap. Positions are available in the VT Counties of Chittenden, Caledonia, Bennington, and Windsor. #Hiring2DayVT
(P/T positions)
A multifaceted position providing outstanding customer service in both our taproom and retail operations. Apply here: lawsonsfinest.com/about-us/join-our-team.
Apply online: dreamprogram.bamboohr.com/jobs/view.php?id=125 3h-DreamProgram071421.indd 1
7/8/21 3:33 PM
Hiring Super Star CAREGivers Like You!
2h-LawsonsFinest062321.indd 1
6/17/21 12:13 PM
Don’t miss our
AmeriCorps conservation positions around the state serving with non-profit organizations LAND STEWARDSHIP: Help protect Vermont’s forest, pasture, mountains, and waters! ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION: Share the joys of the natural world with your community!
Communications & Outreach Coordinator We are seeking a multi-talented person with enthusiasm for our mission to join our small team to help spread the word about employee ownership! Excellent writing skills and experience with marketing principles, promotional strategies and social media are essential. The position is 30-40 hours/ week (depending on applicant’s desires), with opportunities for advancement. Starting salary range of $23-25/hr with PTO and benefits. EOE. Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.
vhcb.org/americorps VHCB AmeriCorps offers: • living allowance • health insurance • an education award • training opportunities • leadership development
7/22/21 2:37 PM
Caring for seniors is a labor of love. Home Instead is awaiting your talents. Flexible scheduling. No experience necessary. P/T and F/T positions. Let’s get to know each other. Sign up today! $14-$18.50 per hour. FT starts at $15/hour.
1 7/22/212v-HomeInstead071421.indd 12:12 PM
Looking to enter the legal world and make a difference? $17.49 per hour, Limited-Service full-time positions. The Judicial branch of state government is rapidly expanding. Now hiring 15 or more two-year positions at locations across the state. Openings in Burlington, St.Albans, White River Junction, Barre, Newport, Brattleboro, Bennington, Woodstock, Middlebury, Rutland, Hyde Park, Montpelier, St Johnsbury. We offer a competitive rate with top-notch health, dental, paid time off and pension. The successful candidate will have 2 years’ general office experience, be a team player and good communicator, be able to use technology, be organized, and be seeking a prestigious and professional atmosphere. For a more detailed description and how to apply see vermontjudiciary.org/employment-opportunities/staffopenings. Job Code #21015.
The Vermont Judiciary is an equal opportunity employer.
4v-VHCBconservation072821.indd 1
Visit our website:
Full job posting and information on how to apply at veoc.org.
4t-VEOC072821.indd 1
Apply Now! Service term begins September 8, 2021
7/7/212v-Spectrum062321.indd 5:02 PM 1
6/18/21 2:53 PM
DESKTOP SERVICES SPECIALIST Saint Michael’s College invites applications for a Desktop Services Specialist. This position will focus on preparation and deployment of computers as well as supporting the physical hardware of the computer fleet. The position will also aid in helpdesk tickets, service requests, and other management needs around our assets at both a hardware and software level. Benefits include health, dental, vision, life, disability, 401(k), generous paid time off, employee and dependent tuition benefits, and discounted gym membership. For a full job description and to apply online, please visit: https://bit.ly/SMCvtDESK
4t-StMichaelsCollege072821.indd 1
7/22/21 11:47 AM
69 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Are you passionate about local food and cooperative businesses?
VERMONT SMOKE & CURE is hiring full-time, skilled employees in multiple departments including packaging, shipping, machine operation & sanitation for all shifts (morning/night, weekday/weekend).
The General Manager oversees all aspects of day-to-day operations and ensures the Co-op reaches organizational ends established by the Board of Directors while remaining within Board defined limits and aligned with the Co-op’s mission. An established food cooperative, serving the community for nearly 50 years, The Plainfield Co-op offers an intimate and supportive working environment.
7/22/21 11:42 AM
Want to make a positive impact on people’s lives? 1
SD Associates is hiring Behavioral Instructors (BIs)! SD Associates is an Applied Behavior Analysis company that has been serving children and families in Vermont since 1990.We provide direct services in the form of ABA therapy for clients with a wide variety of behavioral challenges across the state of Vermont. We are currently seeking compassionate, energetic individuals who are dependable, professional, enthusiastic, and who have a strong commitment to co-workers, clients and their families.The Behavioral Instructor (BI) role is the most important, influential and valued position in our company.They are the individuals who work each day to make impactful, positive behavioral changes for the population that we serve. No experience necessary! Bachelor’s degree preferred! Currently hiring in Chittenden, Franklin,Washington, Lamoille and Windsor counties. Exclusively, for a limited time: Choose between $500 or 2.5 paid days off sign on bonus!
Wake Robin is an E.O.E.
3v-WakeRobinCULINARY072821.indd 1
Join our team and receive a
RETENTION BONUS* after 90 days of employment.
*Select stores only. Bonus determined off gross earnings within the first 3 months of employment. Must be employed through payout of bonus.
Contact your local Hannaford for more details!
Multiple Opportunities The University of Vermont Medical Center is seeking Security Officers to join their team in Burlington, VT. Multiple opportunities and shifts are available. The primary responsibilities of the Security Officer are to conduct patrol duties, respond immediately to emergency and non-emergency calls for assistance, and document services provided on each shift. High School graduate or equivalent, valid driver’s license and safe driving record required. Prior security or public safety experience preferred.
7/9/21 10:26 AM
To apply: bit.ly/3cXvD9V and search “Security”
7/26/21 1:55 PM
Hiring in all departments!
6/3/214t-Hannaford071421.indd 1:30 PM 1
4T-SDAssociates060921.indd 1
7/9/21 11:19 AM
Apply at Hannaford.com/Careers and check here for upcoming job fairs in your area!
A great place to continue or begin your career in the Culinary Arts!
Interested candidates can send their resumes and cover letter to hr@wakerobin.com or fill out an application at wakerobin.com/employment.
FSPD Search, PO Box 829 Montpelier, VT 05601-0829 Website: pcavt.org, Email: pcavt@pcavt.org E.O.E.
1 7/19/21 4t-PreventChildAbuseVT071421.indd 11:12 AM
Apply today at sdplus.org or email us your resume to employment@sdplus.org.
We provide a fine dining experience with farm to plate freshness. We offer reasonable hours, benefits, and a work environment that is hard to find in the restaurant industry. We work in an industrial kitchen producing high quality food from scratch, with an emphasis on local and organic produce. Currently looking to fill full-time positions for both Dishwasher and Cook.
Must have knowledge of child development, child abuse dynamics, adult learning principles, and a passion for helping families. The successful candidate will have strong organizational and interpersonal skills. An advanced degree is required. Position is full time and will be open until filled. Please send cover letter, resume, 3 references and application to:
This is a full-time, exempt management position and reports to the Board. Interested candidates should submit a cover letter and resume to board@plainfieldcoop.com This position will remain open until filled. Candidates from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Submit your resume to: web@vtsmokeandcure. com to learn more about our growing team or to inquire about our company.
Prevent Child Abuse Vermont is seeking a Family Support Programs Director to oversee the coordination and implementation of our family support programs throughout Vermont. We’re looking for an individual with strong leadership and management skills who has experience supervising others.
View the position description and qualifications at the Co-op’s website: plainfieldcoop.com.
We are a local company producing high quality meat sticks out of our plant in Hinesburg. Salaries based on role/ 4t-PlainfieldCoOp072121.indd experience.
3v-VTSmoke&Cure072821.indd 1
Family Support Program Director
Evernorth has created a new position for an Associate Developer to join our amazing development team. This position reports to the SVP of Real Estate. The successful candidate will be an excellent communicator with experience in real estate development, excel and financial analysis. We believe in equal access to affordable housing and economic opportunities; the power of partnerships based on integrity, respect and professionalism; a collaborative workplace with professional, skilled and dedicated staff. Please send a cover letter and resume with salary requirements to Kathy Beyer, hr@evernorthus.org by August 4th, 2021. Evernorth is an Equal Opportunity Employer
4t-evernorth072821.indd 1
7/22/21 11:50 AM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR The Governor’s Institutes of Vermont (GIV) seeks an experienced, organized, and dynamic Development Director to join our team! Fundraising success will help us reach motivated students from all backgrounds, and further our commitment to financial accessibility so that any family can afford these world-class experiences. The ideal candidate will be friendly, organized, persistent, strategic, goal-driven, creative, and have a sense of humor. If you believe in inspiring and empowering young people, we’d like to hear from you!
Database Coordinator & Finance Assistant
The salary range is $65-75k/year. Learn more here: giv.org/jobs.
We are seeking a Carpenter with experience, who is self motivated and takes pride in their craft. Sweeney DesignBuild is located in Shelburne, VT and we build primarily in Chittenden County. We have created a family oriented business with a healthy team environment.
See the full job description at www.cgcvt.org/employment
The Database Coordinator and Finance Assistant will be the lead contact for data analytics, working with key staff and stakeholders across NOFA-VT to understand data needs and develop actionable insights. This position also works as a team with the Finance Director and assists in a variety of financial tasks.
To apply, please send resume, cover letter and three references
For more information and to apply
We want an individual with a knowledge of new and old construction and well rounded in 'frame to finish' work. The ability to work through challenges, solid work ethic, a sense of humor, reliable transportation and necessary tools are also welcome. Send resumes to: office@ sweeneydesignbuild.com.
3h-GovernorsInstitute072821.indd 1
HIRING ALL POSITIONS! Please Apply in Person at Papa Frank’s: 13 West Center St., Winooski (802) 655-2423 1t-PapaFranks072821.indd 1
7/26/21 10:22 AM
Vermont Tent Company
The Database Coordinator and Finance Assistant is responsible for managing all donor/member/contact information systems (via NEON) for NOFA-VT. This includes reporting and analysis of data, gift processing and acknowledgments, as well as managing data import and data entry, reporting, data quality and improvement initiatives, and other related activities.
7/26/21 1:47 PM
Rental Coordinator Common Ground Center in Starksboro Vermont is looking to complete its core staff with an outgoing and organized Rental Coordinator. Ideal candidates will be excited to meet new people, have experience with customer service and a high level of comfort in a sales environment. Perks include full health & dental, a fun and casual work environment with flexible hours and paid time off.
is currently accepting please go to nofavt.org/about-us/ to connor@cgcvt.org by August 8th. join-our-team. applications for the following positions for immediate employment. 3v-NOFA072821.indd 1 7/23/21 3v-SweeneyDesignBuild072821.indd 4:03 PM 1 7/22/21 12:04 PM 7/26/21 5:36 PM We have full time, part 4t-CommonGroundCenter072821.indd 1 time, and weekend hours available for each position. Pay rates vary by position with minimum starting Drawing/ wage ranging from $15Duties include generating $20/hour depending on Painting Instructor customer invoices, posting Are you knowledgeable and passionate about clean water, agjob skills and experience customer payments and Davis Studio is seeking with an hourly retention riculture and land conservation? Do you have strong technical, creating bank deposits, a part time drawing/ bonus available for hours paying vendor invoices, organizational, and communication skills? Join our team, managing painting instructor for worked August through reviewing weekly time cards VHCB’s role as Clean Water Service Provider in the Memphremagog our adult classes. We are October. for submission to payroll Basin, overseeing non-regulatory water quality projects.Working with looking for an exceptional company, taking customer state and local partners, help achieve Vermont's clean water goals Opportunities include: phone orders, filing various teacher who is personally using various strategies including conservation easements, land documents and other duties committed to enriching • Tent Installation/ as assigned. Knowledge life by fostering the joy acquisition, wetlands restoration, and best management practices. Delivery Team of general accounting and of creativity for everyone, Qualifications: Prior experience and training in natural resources, • Driver/Warehouse Team Microsoft Office required and at all stages of life and all agriculture, environmental studies, land conservation, physical sci– Event Division experience with Quick Books levels of experience. ence, or engineering. Data management and financial analysis skills a plus. Competitive salary and • Drivers/Delivery Our dream candidate will benefits. Familiar with use of a are required; experience in grant and budget management and with • Linen Team be a team player who is typewriter is a plus. federal or state grant programs is preferred. Keen attention to detail ideally willing to com• Inventory Maintenance – and excellent written and oral communication skills are important, Please send resume to: mit to 1 day, 1 weeknight, Wash Bay & Warehouse as is experience with capacity building and working with boards, and 1 weekend class with GRANITE CITY TOOL • Load Crew Team non-profit organizations, municipalities, and state and federal agenCOMPANY subbing flexibility (about Members OF VERMONT cies. Full-time position with competitive salary and comprehensive 15-20 hours/week). Competitive hourly wage. ATTN: JERRY MASCOLA benefits package. For the full job description visit: vhcb.org/aboutFor job descriptions P.O. BOX 411 us/jobs. EOE. Please reply with cover letter and résumé to: jobs@ Email Kat for more details: and application: BARRE, VERMONT 05641 klawlis@davisstudiovt.com vttent.com/employment vhcb.org. Position will remain open until filled.
Clean Water Program Manager
4v-VTTentcCompany061621.indd 1
6/14/215v-VHCBcleanWater072821 6:33 PM 1
7/26/213v-DavisStudio072121.indd 4:24 PM 1
1 7/15/213V-GraniteCityTool070721.indd 3:56 PM
7/1/21 1:23 PM
71 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
HOP HARVESTER Love Art? River Arts is hiring for
Learn more and apply at riverartsvt.org/jobsvolunteering 1t-RiverArts072121.indd 1
Hiring seasonal positions for hop harvest from beginning of August through late September. Champlain Valley Hops is located 30 minutes from both Burlington and Middlebury. Find our beer at Zero Gravity, Foam Brewers, Four Quarters and craft breweries throughout the country. With 37 acres in production, CVH is the largest hop farm in New England. Farming experience strongly encouraged, or other comparable physical work. Pay is $15-$17 per hour. More info: champlainvalleyhops.com/jobs
7/20/212v-ChamplainValleyHops072121.indd 1:10 PM 1
Teacher/Community Coordinators Seeking full-time Teacher/Community Coordinators in Morrisville, Bradford and Barre. Candidates must have:
• High levels of independence, spirit, drive and capacity for student recruitment, outreach and organizing community involvement to support student success
7/15/21 2:54 PM
• Strong familiarity with the service area • Proven capacity for teaching and guiding basic skills instruction for adults and teens in: - Reading, writing, math, computer and financial literacy - English Language Learning and U.S. Citizenship prep - High school diploma and GED credentialing - Career and college readiness
Assistant Director of Donor Relations
Join an experienced and energetic donor relations team at Middlebury College—an institution with an international outlook, environmental mindfulness, and entrepreneurial spirit. The Assistant Director of Donor Relations supports Middlebury's fundraising program by producing compelling impact reports and personalized gift acknowledgement letters that enrich the philanthropic experience for Middlebury alumni, parents, and friends. Excellent written, digital, and verbal communications skills required, as well as the ability to manage multiple projects and deadlines. For more information and to apply online, please visit: https://apptrkr.com/2378020 Middlebury College employees enjoy excellent compensation, competitive health, dental, retirement, and vision benefits, and educational assistance programs. An Equal Opportunity Employer, Middlebury is committed to hiring a diverse staff and faculty and encourages candidates who will contribute to an inclusive community. 5h-MiddleburyCollege072821 1
• Experience with developing personalized education and graduation education plans • Experience with recruiting and managing volunteers. Starting salary: $43,000–$45,000 annually based on experience. CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental & short-term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions and six weeks of paid vacation annually.
Please submit cover letter, resume and 3 references to: Executive Director - Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, Inc. 46 Washington Street, Suite 100, Barre, Vermont 05641 info@cvabe.org. Positions open until filled.
7/21/21 3:54 PM 5v-CentralVTAdultBasicEd072121.indd 1
7/14/21 3:46 PM
GlobalFoundries produces microelectronic chips, right in your backyard. These chips go into cell phones, computers, tablets, vehicles, medical devices, and much more! Be a part of a company that is changing the industry that is changing the world through our high-end technology. Seeking entry level and experienced individuals!
$5,00 Sign-o 0.00 n Bonu s
Night & Day Shift Manufacturing Operators Day Shift - $17.50 per hour Night Shift - $19.69 per hour Experienced Facilities & Equipment Technicians Rates vary depending on experience.
$2,500.00 Sign-on Bo nu
All full-time employees are eligible for benefits on day one including medical, dental, and vision coverage; as well as paid vacation time (approximately 120 hours per year), 80 hours of sick time per year, 401k investing options, yearly raises, growth and much more!
Apply today at GF.com 10h-GlobalFoundries072821.indd 1
7/23/21 1:47 PM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR New part-time position to provide donor stewardship and annual fundraising plan. Fundraising experience, strong organizational and administrative skills, and ability to meet strict deadlines required (see website for more job details). Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the organization. Competitive salary and benefits package included. Letter of interest and resume to: cg@womensafe.net or Hiring Committee, WomenSafe, PO Box 67, Middlebury, VT 05753
DIRECTOR – FULL TIME Provide support to direct service programs. Previous supervision experience and strong organizational skills required. Grant writing skills desired (see website for more job details). Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the organization. Competitive salary and benefits package included. Letter of interest and resume to: cg@womensafe.net or Hiring Committee, WomenSafe, PO Box 67, Middlebury, VT 05753
Interested in working at Red Hen?
2v-WomenSafeDEVcoord072821.indd 1
7/26/21 2v-WomensSafeSVSdirector072821.indd 3:07 PM 1
7/26/21 3:02 PM
WISE works to end gender-based violence in the Upper Valley. We are hiring key positions within our core programs.
Team Member
We at Alpine SnowGuards recognize the value that our Customer Service Team brings to the company. As a CS Team member, you have the opportunity to build stronger customer experiences and lasting relationships with our customers through responsive and comprehensive assistance. If you are passionate about working with customers, easily understand mechanical concepts, and are an excellent communicator, this is the perfect position for you!
Program Advocates are responsible for providing highquality, well-coordinated advocacy support for victims of domestic and/or sexual violence and stalking, their family members and friends. The Resource Coordinator is responsible for the organizational knowledge of community resources and access processes available to survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
PREVENTION AND EDUCATION PROGRAM EDUCATOR This position works with students, educators, and parents across 9 school districts to provide prevention education, student leadership to end violence, and youth advocacy for survivors. The perfect candidate has experience designing learning activities and developmentally appropriate curriculum, loves working with young people to build their leadership in social change, and is committed to the mission of WISE to end gender-based violence.
Alpine is a 100% employeeowned company and snow guard manufacturer located in Morrisville, VT. When you join the Alpine team, you will enjoy a comfortable and friendly working environment, competitive wages, excellent health care benefits, paid time off, and the opportunity to financially benefit from the company's growth and strong profit margins. Send resumes to: karen@alpinesnowguards.com.
These are both full time positions joining our team of dedicated and innovative staff committed to ending violence. Please visit our website at wiseuv.org/join-us for job descriptions. To apply, send cover letter and resume to peggy.oneil@wiseuv.org.
WE ARE HIRING CAFE STAFF: Previous food service/cash handling experience necessary. Job requirements include: • Customer Service • Making espresso drinks Contact Hannah at buyer@redhenbaking.com
WE’RE LOOKING FOR A PASTRY BAKER! Our pastries include a variety of laminated products, pies, scones, cookies and many things in between. We are committed to using high quality, organic ingredients and work with many local farmers to source these. We offer great pay and benefits including paid vacation/sick days, retirement plan, and health insurance. Professional baking or cooking experience is required.
3v-AlpineSnowGuard072821.indd 1
The Town of Northfield, Vermont (population 6,100) is seeking to hire an Economic Development Director to support local businesses in their sustainability, growth, and expansion; to build a network within the State and region to attract potential employers and residents to Northfield; and to support the town’s vision for housing and other key development priorities.
P/T Facilities Maintenance Position The Terraces Independent Retirement Community is hiring a P/T (2025 hours) Facilities Maintenance person.
The ideal candidate will have knowledge and work experience with municipal zoning and infrastructure, planning programs and processes, economic development tools and programs, and a proven successful record in economic development leadership roles. In addition, that person shall be a capable public speaker, communicate effectively with groups and individuals, engineers, architects, developers, businesses, and the general public, and capable of establishing working relationships and networks with developers, community organizations, and business professionals.
We are hiring for a full-time position washing dishes and bussing tables in our cafe. This position offers excellent benefits including health care, paid time off, and a retirement plan. Come work with a great bunch of people in our bustling business!
This is a part-time position at 24 hours per week. The salary is negotiable based upon experience. A complete job description is available on the Town Web site: northfield-vt.gov or by contacting the town manager at jschulz@northfield.vt.us or 802-485-9822.
Contact Randy: randy@redhenbaking.com or (802) 223-5200 x12
To apply, please E-mail cover letter and resume to jschulz@ northfield.vt.us or mail to: Northfield Town Manager, 51 South Main Street, Northfield, VT 05663. The Town is accepting applications through August 23, 2021, or until such time that the position is filled.
Contact: jeremy@redhenbaking.com.
These positions include benefits: health care, paid time off, retirement plan, and more! *This position requires more than seasonal employment — we are interested in a longer term commitment.
The Town of Northfield is an equal opportunity employer.
7/26/21 3:27 PM
The responsibilities include light house cleaning, trash removal, painting, mowing and shoveling. Competitive compensation, flexible hours, daily meal provided and friendly work environment. Please contact Dorothy Micklas at 802-985-2472 or email vt.terraces@myfairpoint.net.
3v-TheTerraces072821.indd 1
7/23/21 4:14 PM
73 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
VEDA IS HIRING VEDA is Vermont’s economic development financing authority, staffed by a seasoned group of Vermont professionals.
Legal Assistant Burlington Office
Charlotte Congregational Church Embraced by the healing love of Jesus Christ and inspired by His teachings,
RT- Tcompassionate I M EOF MUSIC we commit PA to prayerful, and BRIDGE DIRECTOR courageous action in the world.
BCharlotte O O KCongregational KEEPER
The Charlotte Congregational Church (an open and affirming www.CharlotteCongregationalChurch.org Church is looking for a partcongregation of the United Church 802-425-3176 charlotteucc@gmavt.net time bookkeeper. 15-20 hours/ of Christ) is seeking a "Bridge" week. Pay is negotiable andvital Director of Music to lead our commensurate with experiand dynamic music program ence. duringFor themore fall ofinformation, 2021 with the go to www.CharlotteUCC.org possibility that this position would
Prestigious law firm seeks experienced legal assistant. Candidates must possess excellent communication skills, be able to work in a fast-paced environment, have initiative, be detail-oriented, organized, computer literate, capable of learning new technologies and show a willingness to adapt to changing priorities. Law firm experience preferred, competitive salary & benefits package. Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Nikki Stevens, Firm Administrator Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP 210 College Street, P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402-0721 Or via email to: nstevens@langrock.com www.langrock.com
become permanent. Start date: end of August, 2021.
Job description: 4t-LegalAsst-LangrockSperryWool041421.indd charlotteucc.org/work-with-us.
VEDA has an excellent opportunity for a motivated individual to join our team as a Loan Closing Assistant. The successful candidate will have a positive customer service attitude, and strong communication and computer skills. Accuracy and attention to detail is required.
Our newly refurbished Steinway Model A piano, committed choir, long tradition of music excellence, and growing congregation await the right candidate. Please send resume and letter of interest to: charlotteucc@gmavt.net.
3v-CharlotteCongregationalChurch072821.indd7/26/21 1 4:37 PM
Housing Coordinator
Since inception in 1974, VEDA has helped businesses and farms create jobs for Vermonters and enhance Vermont’s working landscape. The stories of VEDA’s borrowers reflect Vermont’s changing economy over the years, with VEDA playing a central role in helping them bring their business dreams and projects to fruition.
4/12/21 4:12 PM
Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital has a variety of open positions including:
VEDA offers a competitive salary and excellent health and retirement benefit packages. Other perks include a flexible work environment, generous tuition reimbursement, and professional development and networking opportunities. VEDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer interested in increasing staff diversity.
Visit VEDA.org for details on the currently open
RNs, LPNs, LNAs, Coding & Administrative.
Loan Closing Assistant
Resume /cover letter to Cheryl Houchens: chouchens@veda.org.
Full-time, part-time and per diem schedules available. Shift differentials and per diem rates offered.
5v-VEDA072821.indd 1
FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, wellness reimbursement, low cost health insurance and 401k with company match!
The position will ensure that APPLY TODAY AT NVRH.ORG/CAREERS. resettled refugees are provided with safe, sanitary, and affordable housing. The position will 4t-NVRH063021.indd 1 6/24/21 be responsible for: researching and securing affordable housTeam Member ing; coordinating apartment We have been successful building our team for a wonderful young set-up; managing donations of adult autistic man! We just have one more full time 37.5 hrs/ week furniture and household items, position to fill. Are you it? Check the boxes if you qualify. We’ll talk including transportation, storto you soon! age, and distribution; providing The successful candidate will be a responsible person who enjoys safety orientation and renter helping others, has great athletic skills, and has a musical repereducation to newly arrived toire. One who sees the big picture on enabling a person to access refugees; coordinating/supermore of the world and be a complete community member. Highly vising interns and volunteers; skilled training will accompany this job. A college degree is redeveloping and maintaining required. This is a 8:30 am - 4:00pm Monday - Friday schedule with lationships with area landlords, great summer hours. However, the job is year-round. Pay is very property managers, housing competitive, starting at $25/hr. This is a full-time position and one trusts, and housing authorities. that will allow you to grow professionally. Bilingual & multilingual Send your resume, cover letter and 3 references with their concandidates encouraged to apply. tact information to nbgteamvt@gmail.com. USCRI is an EOE. Resumes submitted without cover letters or reference contacts Submit applications online: will not be considered. It will be necessary that you are fully refugees.org. COVID-19 vaccinated at the time of employment.
3v-USCommitteeRefugees&Immigrants072821.indd 7/26/214t-NBGTeam072821.indd 1 5:55 PM 1
7/26/21 2:03 PM
HR Generalist/ Payroll Specialist
Vermont Law School is committed to cultivating and preserving a culture of diversity, inclusion and connectedness, and strives to raise the bar for being an equal opportunity employer. Vermont Law School is seeking an HR Generalist/Payroll Specialist to join our HR Team on the South Royalton Campus. This 3:10 PM position may be available for hybrid work for the right candidate, but candidates must be available to travel to the South Royalton campus as needed. This position is primarily responsible for payroll and compliance matters with responsibilities in recruiting, benefits, and other generalist areas. The HR team works closely together in crossfunctional ways to ensure the needs of all VLS staff, faculty, and student employees are met professionally, efficiently and thoroughly. We are looking for a candidate with at least a BA and 2-3 (or more) years’ experience working in an HR, office management, payroll, or accounting field. Our new team member needs to have proficiency in a PC, Windows-based operating environment; experience with Microsoft Office applications, proficiency in MS Excel, Outlook, and Adobe PDF, and the ability to learn new systems (including HRIS) quickly and flexibly. Everyone on the HR team works both as a team and in a self-directed fashion to meet the needs of staff, faculty and students in a calm, courteous and professional manner. Sense of humor required! Apply online: bit.ly/VTLawSchoolHR
7/26/215v-VTLawSchool072821.indd 7:24 PM 1
7/26/21 1:31 PM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Positions available in Vermont and New Hampshire. VHV is looking for motivated self-starters who want to become part of our team. Candidates must possess great work ethics, quality craftsmanship and a clear understanding that safety always comes first. We recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset. We invest in continuous training for all employees and offer four-year apprenticeship programs from NCCER where employees earn nationally recognized journeyman credentials.
Positions available in Vermont & New Hampshire. VHV Company, a mechanical contractor with headquarters in Chittenden County VT, is looking for motivated self-starters who want to become part of our growing organization. Candidates must possess great work ethics, quality craftsmanship & a clear understanding that safety comes first.
Looking for laborers and Skilled journeyman
We invest in continuous training and offer four-year apprenticeship programs from NCCER where employees earn nationally recognized journeyman credentials. VHV is an Equal Opportunity Employer who supports military veterans and women applicants.
VHV is an E.O.E. who supports military veterans and women applicants.
Visit www.vhv.com for more information about our company and to download a copy of our application.
Visit vhv.com for more information about our company and to download a copy of our application.
100% Employee Owned ESOP company.
100% Employee Owned ESOP company.
Must have 3+ years’ experience working on commercial construction projects.
5v-VHVsheetmetal072121.indd 1
7/20/215v-VHVserviceTech072121.indd 1:21 PM 1
Positions available in Vermont and New Hampshire. VHV is looking for motivated self-starters who want to become part of our team. Candidates must possess great work ethics, quality craftsmanship and a clear understanding that safety always comes first. We recognize that our employees are our most valuable asset.
PLUMBING APPRENTICE Looking for unskilled laborers. VHV will enroll you into the Plumbing Apprentice Program at no cost to the employee. Travel and reliable transportation a must.
JOURNEYMAN OR MASTER PLUMBER Must have 4+ years’ experience working on commercial construction projects. Someone with a VT and/or NH Plumbing license or is getting ready to take their exam is encouraged to apply. We invest in continuous training and offer four-year apprenticeship programs from NCCER where employees earn nationally recognized journeyman credentials. VHV is an E.O.E. who supports military veterans and women applicants. Visit vhv.com for more information about our company and to download a copy of our application. 100% Employee Owned ESOP company.
5v-VHVPlumbing072121.indd 1
Join a dynamic financial planning practice in Colchester, VT. Client service will be the focus of this position. Design and marketing skills are a plus!
Job Description: Service HVAC/R units and related systems in industrial and commercial applications, in accordance with industry standards. Troubleshooting, diagnosing, calibrating and repairing Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) systems. Emergency Service, On Call Rotation. Opportunities: VHV is proud to announce that we offer a four-year apprenticeship program for HVAC/R service technicians. Come earn as you learn and receive an NCCER four-year journeyman’s card that is recognized throughout the country. When accepted into one of the apprenticeship programs you will be eligible for progressive wages as you develop skills and expertise.
Client Service Specialist
Opportunity for growth. Fun and engaging culture. Resume and cover letter to
2v-AmeripriseFinancial062321.indd 1
6/22/21 11:22 AM
7/20/21 11:25 AM
Looking for a Sweet Job? HOPE is hiring! We have three openings.
Our mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement. Job seekers can: • Browse hundreds of current, local positions from Vermont companies.
ELECTRONICS TESTER 25 hours a week. Test and perform minor repairs on small appliances and electronics.
WAREHOUSE ASSOCIATE 40 hours a week. Responsibilities include machine maintenance, assisting with pickups and deliveries of large items, cleaning and repairing donated items, assisting customers. Must have solid mechanical and communication skills, valid drivers license.
• Search for jobs by keyword, location, category and job type. • Set up job alerts. • Apply for jobs directly through the site.
40 hours a week. Responsibilities include supervision of store personnel, ensuring quality customer service, providing clerical and other support to Warehouse Operations Manager, scheduling deliveries and pickups, answering the phone. HOPE pays a liveable wage. All positions offer life and disability insurance and paid time off. Full time positions also offer platinum medical coverage and dental insurance. To apply, send resume and brief cover letter to receptionist@ hope-vt.org, or mail to Personnel, HOPE, 282 Boardman Street, Middlebury. Learn about HOPE at www.hope-vt.org.
7/20/21 5v-HOPE072121.indd 11:44 AM 1
Start applying at jobs.sevendaysvt.com
7/20/214v-jobFiller_workerbee.indd 1:19 PM 1
4/14/20 2:06 PM
IT Support Professional Middlebury Office
Work collaboratively with our City Manager, City Clerk and Administrative Assistant as we serve our 2,500 residents with a $3.7 million annual budget. Starting salary $55-61,000. We offer one of the region’s best benefit and retirement packages. vergennes.org/ information/employment_ opportunities_and_rfps.php.
Successful candidates will enjoy learning and teaching new technology, be able to multitask, write technical documents, handle pressure and work with a wide variety of people. Excellent communication skills required. Preferably well-versed in Windows 10, Microsoft Office, document management, Acrobat DC and have a basic knowledge of networking. Will train the right person on our systems who is (most importantly) service oriented.
Cover letter and resume in confidence to Ron Redmond, City Manager, manager@vergennes. org Call 802-238-5598.
Darryl Izor, IT Director Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Email: dizor@langrock.com www.langrock.com
2v-CityofVergennes072821.indd 1
75 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Prestigious law firm seeks an IT Help Desk Professional.
Please reply to:
7/26/21 4t-LangrockSperryWool062321.indd 10:37 AM 1
6/18/21 11:16 AM
SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS! Burlington School District
Kelly Education is hosting a Job Fair in partnership with Burlington School District! • Develop a scheduled based on your availability! • Get paid weekly! • Positively impact the lives of students in your very own community! • Kelly Education is hiring for full or part time work. We offer free training and professional development resources to help you get started. When: August 3rd, 2021 Time: 10am - 2pm – Walk In’s are welcome! Location: Burlington High School (cafeteria) 67 Cherry St, Burlington, VT 05401
CHEFS & COOKS Hiring full-time chefs & cooks with commercial kitchen experience! Competitive pay & benefits available. Explore this beautiful state through catering while creating some of Vermont's best cuisine that is powered by local and seasonal produce. If interested, please email christinecloud9vt@gmail.com.
2v-Cloud9Catering072121.indd 1
is seeking a permanent painter. This is a full-time, year-round position.
The ideal candidate takes pride in their work, is detail oriented, can work independently, and has previous management experience. Painting Experience preferred but are willing to train the right person. Top pay, based on experience, with possibility of bonuses. Workwear provided. Must have a valid driver's license and reliable transportation. Must provide a resume and references. Email to thepainter@gmail.com www.ThePainterVT.co
2v-ThePainter072821.indd 1
Join the UVM Career Center in promoting career exploration, readiness and success. Multiple openings, all requiring a demonstrated commitment to equity and inclusion. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will contribute to the diversity of the institution. More details and to apply: uvm.edu/hrs/jobs. Please apply by August 13th.
Schedule Interview: Kelly Education Interview Info Session - Darlisa Farlow Email: darf283@kellyservices.com or Call: 800-991-5157
5v-KellyServices072821.indd 1
7/26/21 10:57 AM
(Posting No. S2959PO & S2960PO) Engage students, alums, employers, faculty, and staff in industrythemed networks. Curate, develop and deliver relevant programs and resources. Mentor and supervise peer advisors. Facilitate and coach career development across social identities, actively engaging in creating a welcoming and inclusive environment. Qualifications: 2+ years of work experience and master's degree in related field, or equivalent combination. Advanced skills in 5:02 PM relationship building, program development and facilitation, communication/promotion, coaching/counseling, and event planning preferred. Experience with pre-law advising a bonus.
Advertising Sales Rep
Terrific earning opportunity for a skilled Sales Pro!
Orchestrate a comprehensive career preparation curriculum providing relevant opportunities throughout the student lifecycle; working closely with faculty and staff partners to integrate career preparation into academics/advising; creating content to advance our equity and inclusion goals; and consistently building in and using purposeful assessment.
FPF is a Vermont-based Benefit Corporation and we’re seeking an additional sales representative to join our growing team. Help FPF fulfill its community-building mission while supporting local businesses to meet their goals.
Qualifications: 2+ years of experience in career education, communications or curriculum design, and master's degree in related field, or equivalent combination. Partnership cultivation, facility with technology and project management skills required. Experience using a LMS platform, report writing & assessment strongly desired.
Healthy portfolio of existing customers and inbound leads. Remote work and Burlington office options.
6t-UVMCareerCenter072821.indd 1 7/27/21 4:33 PM
Learn more and apply: https://frontporchforum.com/about-us/careers-at-fpf
7/26/21 5v-FrontPorchForum072821.indd 11:30 AM 1
7/26/21 12:47 PM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
For position details and application process, visit jobs.plattsburgh.edu and select “View Current Openings.” SUNY College at Plattsburgh is a fully compliant employer committed to excellence through diversity.
2h-PlattsburgState072821.indd 1
OFFICE MANAGER An Office Manager is wanted for a small but fast paced publishing company in the heart of The Mad River Valley. Duties will include, but not be limited to: Invoice and billing management, technical support for office staff, and coordination of general office operations. Excellent benefits and salary based on experience.
Resume & cover letter to lauramurphy.me@gmail.com.
ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain is a dynamic, nationally acclaimed science and nature center committed to inspiring and engaging families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature and care of Lake Champlain. Our vision is for a science-savvy community where people and nature thrive together. ECHO seeks an experienced senior professional to guide the development and execution of strategies to strengthen and align ECHO’s culture with our strategic and growth objectives. The Director will define and establish performance standards and design, implement and manage the end-to-end human resources and organizational development processes to support talent acquisition, retention and leadership development. The Director will create and execute a strategic talent investment roadmap focused on strengthening our workforce, amplifying employee experience, purposely distinguishing our culture, and developing leaders to live our values to deliver best in class results for a museum. The Director will report to the Executive Director and will partner with the Senior Leadership Team, employees, and external partners to ensure ECHO lives its mission to “inspire and engage families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature, and care of Lake Champlain.” Full job description is available at: echovt.org/jobs. ECHO is an E.O.E and welcomes resumes from individuals who will contribute to our diversity. Send resume & cover letter to jobs@echovermont.org with Director of Talent Development in the subject line.
8t-ECHO072821.indd 1
Alburgh Family Clubhouse, Inc (AFC) is seeking an organized and effective early childhood leader to launch and manage an afterschool 12:20 PM program for preschool and elementary age children in Alburgh, VT. More information at alburghfamilyclubhouse. org/jobs.
ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain Burlington, Vermont
Application Deadline: August 31, 2021
Please e-mail finance@ chooseco.com for more information.
2v-AlburgFamilyClubhouse072821.indd 1
2v-Chooseco072821.indd 1 7/22/21 2:20 PM
Applicant must have excellent communication and computer skills as duties include website management, IT support and grant reporting. Paralegal training and experience would be a plus. Accounting knowledge and experience would also be a plus. College graduate preferred. Excellent benefits and competitive salary for a non-profit based on the candidate’s experience and skills. Preference will be given to those that apply before August 15th. E.O.E. Please send a letter of interest, résumé, and three references to: Lindsey Owen, Executive Director, DRVT, 141 Main St., Suite 7, Montpelier, VT 05602 Or email to: Lindsey@DisabilityRightsVt.org.
VYCC ADMINISTRATION MANAGER Come join our team! Vermont Youth Conservation Corps (VYCC) is hiring a full-time, year-round Administration Manager who has the people and organizational skills to support the staff and programs of VYCC. From helping young crew members sign on to their first job to building and implementing systems that are part of a healthy workplace, the Administration Manager is an essential member of the VYCC team. As part of a dedicated team of staff, the Admin Manager balances the people and compliance side of human resources, and ensures that our office effectively and efficiently supports staff and Corps Members. Please read the full job description including starting salary here: bit.ly/VYCCadmin.
7/26/21 4t-VYCC072821.indd 12:58 PM 1
$500 hiring bonus Denny's is looking for hardworking individuals, who enjoy working in a fast-paced environment. Denny's offers a competitive pay, great benefits, a clean sanitized work environment, and flexible schedules. Apply today! bit.ly/DennysSoBTV 562-445-5671
7/23/21 2:09 PM 2v-Dennys071421.indd 1
Disability Rights Vermont, our state’s non-profit Protection & Advocacy system, is seeking an Administrative Coordinator to join our talented team. The position includes providing assistance to the Executive Director and logistical support to Advocates, Attorneys, Business Manager and the Board of Directors.
4t-DisabilityRightsVT072821.indd 1
Server, Cooks, Hostess, Shift Leaders, Dishwasher
7/12/21 12:43 PM
Operations Manager CarShare Vermont is looking for an experienced manager to guide our operations and strategic growth with a focus on mission and long-term financial stability. We offer a fun and creative environment, plenty of interesting and challenging work, and the opportunity to learn and grow within our organization. This is a full-time salaried position. The operations manager will report to the executive director. This is a full-time position with 1:23 PM a competitive salary and benefits that include health insurance, generous paid time off, matching retirement plan, and a free CarShare Vermont membership. CarShare Vermont is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate based on race, religion, color, nation of origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, or anything else. TO APPLY: Please email a resume and cover letter to Annie Bourdon at annie@carsharevt.org with “Operations Manager” in the subject line.
7/27/214v-Carshare072821.indd 2:43 PM 1
7/27/21 1:46 PM
77 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
STAFF NURSE (LPN OR RN) Flexible Shifts
Wake Robin seeks health care staff who are licensed in Vermont to work collaboratively to provide high quality care in a fast paced residential and longterm care environment, while maintaining a strong sense of “home.” We offer an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting.
wanted and respected. We are looking to fill a vacancy in our Custodial staff
Looking forfor a jobSchedule where independent thinking and team oriented values are in Waterbury. is from 4:00 am to 12:30and pmteam Monday through Friday. Looking independent thinking oriented values are Looking foraaajob jobwhere where independent thinking andteam team oriented values are Looking for job where independent thinking and oriented values are wanted and respected. We are looking tofifilllloffered avacancy vacancy in our Custodial staff Background check is required. $1,000 bonus forinthe right candidate wanted and respected. We are looking to a our Custodial staff wanted and andrespected. respected.We Weare arelooking lookingtotofifi vacancyinin our Custodial staff wanted ll lla avacancy our Custodial staff in Waterbury. Schedule is from 4:00 am amto to12:30 12:30 pmMonday Monday through Friday. (call for details). in Waterbury. Schedule pm through Friday. in Waterbury. Scheduleisisisfrom from4:00 4:00am amtoto 12:30 pmMonday Monday through Friday. in Waterbury. Schedule from 4:00 12:30 pm through Friday. Background check is required. $1,000 bonus offered for the right candidate Background check is required. $1,000 bonus offered for the right candidate Backgroundcheck checkisisrequired. required.$1,000 $1,000bonus bonusoffered offeredfor forthe the right candidate Background right candidate (call for details). (call for details). Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers (call for details). (call for details).
We offer flexible schedules, tuition reimbursement, loan programs, great benefits RESERVATIONIST and an amazing community setting, all at a pace where you can be your best.
DEADLINE TO APPLY 8/3/2021 Smugglers’ Notch Resort is seeking a sales-minded Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers Apply online at humanresources.vermont.gov/careers For more information contact: Vacation Planner who possesses the skills to sell vacation
Starting your phone nursing career? We always welcome new nurses! reservation packages via inbound and outbound DEADLINE TO Sue Gallagher - 241-6547 sue.gallagher@vermont.gov DEADLINE TO APPLY 8/3/2021 DEADLINE TO APPLY 8/3/2021 DEADLINE TO-APPLY APPLY8/3/2021 8/3/2021 calls, emails and online web chats in a positive and For more information contact: or Ann Courchaine -more 241-0221 - ann.courchaine@vermont.gov. For information contact: For more information contact: professional sales office environment. The successful For more information contact: Sue Gallagher ---241-6547 -- sue.gallagher@vermont.gov Sue Gallagher 241-6547 sue.gallagher@vermont.gov candidate should be courteous, self-motivated and Sue Gallagher 241-6547 sue.gallagher@vermont.gov Sue Gallagher 241-6547 sue.gallagher@vermont.gov of Vermont is an -Equal Opportunity Employer. Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to hr@wakerobin.com or complete orThe AnnState Courchaine - 241-0221 ann.courchaine@vermont.gov. detail oriented. Full-time position with a mix of day, Courchaine or Ann Ann Courchaine -241-0221 241-0221-- -ann.courchaine@vermont.gov. ann.courchaine@vermont.gov. or or Ann Courchaine - -241-0221 ann.courchaine@vermont.gov. evening and some weekend shifts. Sales commissions
anTyping application online willEmployer. complement wages earned. skills and friendlyat wakerobin.com. Wake Robin is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The of is an Equal Opportunity The State State of Vermont Vermont an Equal Employer. State Vermontisisisan anEqual EqualOpportunity Opportunity Employer. personality a must. Great resort benefits! TheThe State ofof Vermont Opportunity Employer.
4t-VTDeptBuildingsGenSvcs072821.indd 1
Apply today at www.smuggs.com/jobs 5h-WakeRobinNURSE072821.indd or call 1-888-754-7684
7/27/21 2:46 PM
7/27/21 1:45 PM Smugglers’ Notch Resort Human Resources 4323 Vermont Route 108S Jeffersonville, VT 05464
Network Systems and Telecommunications Manager
THE CONVERSE HOME, an Assisted Living Community located in downtown Burlington, has a long history of providing a warm, caring home for our residents and a great work environment for our staff. We have career opportunities that offer competitive salaries and CTO, Health Insurance, Dental and Vision Insurance, Short Term Disability, Life Insurance and Pension benefits. We are always looking for dedicated, caring people to join our community! Apply online at conversehome.com under Career Opportunities or send your inquiries or resume to kellie@conversehome.com. Part Time Dayshift Registered Nurse Looking for a Registered Nurse to lead our amazing staff on dayshift: 6:30am-3:00pm, Monday-Wednesday. Occasional weekends. Full Time 40 hour Caregiver Night Shift Looking for an LNA or RCA to work overnight: 10:30pm-7:00am. Benefited position. Full Time 32 hour Caregiver Day shift Looking for an RCA to work 6:30am-3:00pm, including every other weekend. Memory care community. Benefited position. Full Time 32 hour Caregiver Day shift Looking for an RCA to work 6:30am-1:00pm, including every other weekend. Benefited position. Part Time 26 hour Caregiver Day shift Looking for an RCA to work 6:30am-1:00pm weekdays and 6:30am-3:00pm on every other weekend. Part Time “All Star” Support Staff Looking for a friendly and compassionate individual to support our residents with daily activities, meal support in the dining room, & one on one visits with our residents. Every other weekend. Full Time Caregiver 30 hours 4pm-9:30pm on our Memory Care Community
6t-ConverseHome072821.indd 1
As the Network Systems and Telecommunications Manager you will be responsible for all aspects of the local area network including server and desktop management, infrastructure, and security. Daily support of our back office systems, voice and data network, internal web servers, printers, and related applications. Three years related experience required and a solid understanding of IP Networking including DHCP, DNS, Routers, Firewalls, Switches, VLANs and Wifi. Basic information on telephony systems is desired. Apply: Smuggs.com/jobs.
Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!
2v-SmugglersNotch072821.indd 1
7/26/21 11:06 AM
Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County. Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.
7/27/212v-MJSContracting080818.indd 3:29 PM 1
1 8/6/18 6t-VTComedyClub072821 10:42 AM
7/21/21 12:43 PM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Secretary Office of the Public Defender, Burlington. Previous secretarial experience required. Experience as a secretary in the criminal or juvenile justice system or human services field preferred. Must be able to work independently and as part of a legal team. Requires patience and the ability to work with a wide variety of people.
Human Resources Business Partner Burlington, Vermont: The Burlington School District knows that every hire counts and that our diverse staff makes our students reach their fullest potential. If you want to be part of a rock star team of Human Resources Professionals, consider asking yourself the following questions: • Do you want to be part of a driven team that values diversity, talent, performance, and positive change? • Do you want to work in an environment that offers you the responsibility to use your full HR skillset?
Full-time, exempt PG15 (union) position with State benefits. $15.48/hr. minimum.
• Are you passionate about Human Resources including the process of employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them?
EMERGENCY SERVICES CLINICIAN Seeking a full time or part time experienced mental health clinician for interesting work on our Emergency Team. Crisis mental health is a clinical specialty that is challenging, collaborative, varied, and worthwhile. Provide phone and face-to-face assessment, crisis intervention and stabilization counseling.
Master’s Degree is preferred, excellent engagement and If you just answered YES to the questions above, & want to know more, Email resume and cover letter by Sunday, August 15th assessment skills are required, plus please consider applying to BSD’s newest Human Resources Business Partner to: mary.deaett@vermont.gov. E.O.E. the ability to think on your feet, and opportunity by visiting the BSDVT.ORG careers page. Job Posting No: 3609581. a strong team orientation. CSAC offers excellent clinical supervision, and supportive, team-based work 4t-OfficeDefenderGeneral072821.indd 1 7/23/21 4t-BurlingtonSchoolDistrict072821.indd 12:02 PM 1 7/22/21 12:29 PM environment. PROGRAM
FEATURES: ➢ Dedicated student support ➢ Guaranteed employment * ➢ Starting wage of $15.62
➢ Performance-based salary increases ➢ National Certification as a Phlebotomy Technician
Over the past twenty years, Vermont HITEC educated and employed over 1,600 individuals in the healthcare, information technology, advanced manufacturing, and business services fields. We are accepting applications for our latest healthcare program. The program offers eight weeks of Phlebotomy training at no cost and immediate employment and apprenticeship as a Phlebotomist with The UVM Medical Center (up to 8 positions) upon successful completion.
3Enrollment in a Registered Apprenticeship 3Up to 8 full-time positions available 3Guaranteed starting wages with shift differential (where applicable) 3Performance-based increases 3Full benefits, including health, dental, paid vacation, 401k, and more 3No cost for qualified VT residents
➢ Day shifts available
* Employment guaranteed upon successful completion of the 8-week program. The ITAR Program (Information Technology Apprenticeship Readiness) is a partnership of:
➢ Work for Vermont’s largest employer ➢ Direct patient care ➢ Team environment ➢ Rewarding work ➢ High-growth occupation
iaahitec.org DEADLINE FOR FALL 2021 SESSION: SEPTEMBER 19, 2021
The ITAR Program is funded in part by a grant from the Vermont and U.S. Dept. of Labor. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, political affiliation or belief.
6t-VTHiTec072821.indd 1
Full time or part time position with generous benefits includes officebased work plus some overnight and weekend shifts each month. Additional substitute hours available. Equal Opportunity Employer. Send resumes: apply@csac-vt.org.
Addison, Chittenden, and Franklin/Grand Isle County
7/27/21 Are you highly effective in working objectively with a diverse group 3v-CSAC072821.indd 1 of people, groups and organizations? The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity has three openings for a Community Services Worker / Champlain Valley Food Network Coordinator. This role will implement the distribution of food to households unable to access local food shelves through direct household deliveries and by developing and maintaining a network of dispersed distribution sites throughout the local area. Play a key role in connecting neighbors to 3Squares (application assistance) and other federal nutrition programs. Responsibilities include enrolling community partners, establishing eligibility criteria and enrolling participants, establishing practices to coordinate with the agency food shelves in the delivery of this special service, ordering and maintaining sufficient food supplies, organizing volunteers who sort and pack groceries and deliver, and oversight of delivery routes. POST YOUR JOBS AT:
2:40 PM
If you have an Associate degree in a related discipline and two years of relevant experience, or equivalent combination of education and experience; familiarity with issues facing economically disadvantaged and multi-cultural populations; effective verbal and written communication skills, bilingual abilities are a plus; proficiency in Microsoft Word, e-mail and internet; a valid driver’s license, a clean driving record and access to reliable transportation; we’d like to hear from you! We offer an excellent benefit package including medical, dental and vision insurance, generous time off, a retirement plan and discounted gym membership. Multiple openings/locations available. Please visit cvoeo.org/careers and include a cover letter and resume with your application. CVOEO is interested in candidates who can contribute to our diversity and excellence. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. CVOEO IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER
7/22/21 6t-CVOEO072821.indd 11:03 AM 1
sevendaysvt.com/ postmyjob
PRINT DEADLINE: Noon on Mondays (including holidays) FOR RATES & INFO: Michelle Brown, 802-865-1020 x121
michelle@ sevendaysvt.com
JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM 7/26/21 3v_info.indd 12:45 PM 1
6/29/21 2:53 PM
Stowe Land Trust, a local land conservation nonprofit serving the Stowe, Vermont area, is hiring a new fulltime position to manage organization-wide communications, education, and outreach efforts that support core conservation programs and fundraising. This position is for a creative self-starter who will approach projects with positivity and a dedication to high quality. We are committed to creating a supportive work environment defined by a culture of responsibility, integrity, and inclusion, and strongly encourage people of color, indigenous, immigrants and refugees, LGBTQ+ and people with disabilities to apply. This position reports to the Executive Director and works closely with all staff. Salary range $40,000 - $47,000/year depending on experience and qualifications plus benefits package.
7/9/21 11:41 AM
Building Bright Futures, a Williston based 501c3 organization, is seeking a part-time senior level Finance Manager. The Finance Manager is responsible for managing the Building Bright Futures budget, consisting of multiple federal, state, and philanthropic grants, as well as individual donations. The Finance Manager will work closely with the Executive Director and Operations Team to oversee all financial management functions of the organization with a focus on budget planning, and finance reporting; preparing all fiscal reports; overseeing the receipt and disbursement of organizational funds and contract budgets; supporting payroll and accounts payable; assisting with the annual organizational audit.
Hello Burlington is the Lake Champlain Chamber’s destination marketing initiative that promotes the greater Burlington area as a great place for leisure travel, meetings, and events. We are actively seeking a social media and content manager to help us strengthen our social media presence and to strategize and execute on content creation. The position is full time. DESIRED SKILLS • A creative eye, a strong written voice & ability to articulate our brand to our social media community. • Background running Facebook and Google Ad campaigns. • Able to respond quickly, effectively, and respectfully to interaction online. • Experience analyzing the results of activity and ad campaigns. • Photography, Videography, and / or design skills are a big plus.
ABOUT THE CHAMBER The Lake Champlain Chamber is an Equal Opportunity Employer that welcomes diversity in the workplace. We strongly encourage all qualified persons to apply. LCC is a non-profit organization that is in the business of seeking and supporting economic opportunity for all Vermonters. TO APPLY If this sounds like you, please email a resumé, cover letter and content portfolio if available to info@helloburlingtonvt.com. Include the phrase “social media and content manager” in subject heading. 7t-LakeChamplainChamber072821.indd 1
Recovery Vermont
• A minimum of five years of progressively responsible experience in the areas of budgeting, fiscal management and reporting, and day-to-day accounting operations • Bachelor’s degree in finance
7/26/21 3:09 PM
friends of
• A minimum of three years’ experience in a non-profit grant management (including private and public grants management and reporting)
Full Time
• Experience in preparation and analysis of fiscal reports and data • Experience preparing for and overseeing an organization audit • Ability to write and speak clearly and concisely on financial and contractual matters • Strong proficiency in MS Excel spreadsheet software and Quickbooks The part-time Finance Director position is 30 hours a week, $50 per hour, with a flexible schedule and great work environment. A full job description is available at: buildingbrightfutures.org. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume and three references by Thursday July 28th at 5pm. Please send application materials as one pdf labeled: lastname_firstname_FinanceDirector to: kmobbs@buildingbrightfutures.org. Position is open until filled.
Work in one of the most important fields in Vermont for an organization with an exceptional staff culture rooted in passion, kindness, and listening. The Coordinator will provide organization, coordination, and communication support for Recovery Vermont’s nationally recognized and credentialed advocacy, training, and leadership programs. We seek an Information Coordinator with an exceptional attention to detail, excellent organization and communication skills, and strength-based approaches to work. Competitive salary and benefits. Send your resume and cover letter to: peter@recoveryvermont.org. 7t-RecoveryVT072121.indd 1
6t-BuildingBrightFutures072121.indd 1
79 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
RESPONSIBILITIES As our Social Media and Content Manager, you will maintain our social media presence across multiple channels, regularly create and post content, assist in the development of an annual content calendar, act as the main point of contact for influencer partnerships, and run digital ad campaigns. You will work closely with our member partners and vendor network to execute and synchronize marketing efforts across multiple channels.
Visit stowelandtrust.org for a full job description and how to apply. Deadline for applications is August 2, 2021.
Community Engagement Manager
4t-StoweLandTrust071421.indd 1
7/20/21 1:24 PM
7/20/21 1:25 PM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
OFFICE MANAGER For small Burlington law firm
Reception, billing, bookkeeping, knowledge of Timeslips, Quickbooks preferable. Hourly & benefits. Apply to rsussman@sakslawvt.com
The Residence at Otter Creek The Residence atis Otter hiring inCreek our
2v-StetlerAllenKampmann&Sussman072821.indd 1
7/26/217spot.indd 11:16 AM 1
Concept2, the market leading manufacturer of indoor rowing ergometers, composite racing oars, bike ergometers, and indoor ski ergometers, has an opening for an IT professional to join our growing team in our Morrisville, VT headquarters. If you’ve worked in a one or two person IT department such as ours, you are likely to 12:12 PMbe familiar with the necessary duties, responsibilities, and skills. Must have 3 or more years working in and supporting an IT environment, strong teamwork skills, and a strong working knowledge of Microsoft Windows desktop operating systems, and cloud technologies.
Apply online at COME JOIN OUR TEAM! www.residenceottercreek.com Apply online at 350 Lodge Road • Middlebury, VT www.residenceottercreek.com 350 Lodge Road • Middlebury, VT 5h-ResidenceatOtterCreek072821.indd 1
271739 271739
Full time – benefits Travel stipend available for available. qualified distances. New starting rates. Full time – benefits available. COME JOIN OUR TEAM!
You will join an established 2-person team to support a variety of local, remote, and cloud based resources for a staff of in Morrisville, VT and in our four European subsidiaries. The work involves analyzing, installing, documenting, testing, maintaining, troubleshooting, and supporting computer hardware, operating systems, software applications, peripherals, and network equipment. Successful Concept2 employees combine self-sufficiency and personal accountability with strong teamwork skills. Concept2 has an informal setting, flexible work schedule and excellent compensation and benefits, including fully paid medical, dental, and vision benefits for employees and their families. To apply, submit resume and cover letter online at: concept2.bamboohr.com/jobs.
7/22/21 1:35 PM 5v-Concept2072821.indd 1
7/26/21 4:43 PM
Are you great at organizing words, tasks, and projects? Enjoy collaborating? Do you wish to make an impact on some of Vermont’s most vulnerable populations and support the talented staff who serve them? If you like weaving pieces of information together to create a holistic, integrated picture, this position may be the right fit for you! For more information, contact Anne Corbin at anne.corbin@vermont. gov. Department: Corrections. Location: Waterbury. Status: Full Time. Job ID #17661. Application Deadline: August 9, 2021
10h-VTdeptHumanResources072821.indd Untitled-12 1 1
7/26/21 7:04 7/27/21 5:49 PM
81 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Experience driving a box truck and a clean driving record a must. This is a full time position and requires moving and lifting 170lb kegs and full pallets of beer. We are looking for an individual who is a team player as well as who can work independently, and values being an essential part of a small but mighty team. E.O.E. and we celebrate diversity in our company.
You must be a creative problem-solver, team player, good with your hands and capable of mastering a broad array of processes. Please visit our website: conantmetalandlight.com/ employment for more information or send a resume detailing your interest, experience, and skills to jolene@conantmetalandlight.com.
The law firm of McCormick, Fitzpatrick, Kasper & Burchard Send resume to bryan@vtbeershepherd.com P.C. is seeking to hire a Trusts and Estates Paralegal. The 1 7/22/21 7/26/212h-ConantMetal&Light072821.indd 12:35 PM paralegal will be responsible for2v-VTBeerShepard072821.indd 1 tasks in the substantive areas of probate as well as general Apis Garden Coaching & Landscaping ecological landscaping company hiring: Looking for an RN to support a wonderful and engaging litigation. The position will gentleman in the Burlington area who has multiple high tech require working closely with LANDSCAPE CREW MANAGER – Full Time support needs. Full or part time is available. Competitive attorneys on a variety of matters; Manage our commercial properties this season starting immediately and reimbursement. Need someone who is reliable and trustworthy. working through the month of November. Minimum 2 years experience assisting with all aspects of landscaping. Additional training will be provided upon hiring. Starting pay is If you are interested in becoming a part of a great team, case management and will $25 an hour, higher commensurate based on experience. require knowledge of probate please contact Kevin @ 850.766.9479 and litigation procedures. GARDENING CREW - part time The paralegal should also Work this summer starting immediately through November. Starting pay is 5/14/21 12:49 PM be prepared to provide 2h-MangnanMedicalConsulting051921.indd 1 $15 for individuals with no experience, while those with plant knowledge administrative support to the and landscaping experience will receive pay reflecting that. This would be firm when/if needed. a 20-30 hour per week job, Monday through Thursday. Must have reliable
3:35 PM
KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS & ABILITIES • Experience as a paralegal for a minimum of two years • Proficient in Microsoft Suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access) Adobe Acrobat and various cloud based file sharing programs • Excellent written and interpersonal communication skills, discretion and ability to maintain strict confidentiality
Begin a career, don’t start a job. Spend your time doing work that makes a real difference. We need great people who want to help great people.
Perks include competitive pay, positive work environment, and horticultural training opportunities for advancement. If you love plants, working outdoors Are you compassionate, kind, and firm? Are you resilient and adaptable? and want to learn more about ecological practices in the landscaping profession Specialized Community Care is seeking unique and patient individuals this would be a great fit for you. Must have reliable transportation as these jobs who will act as mentors, coaches, and friends to provide support for require travel across Chittenden County. Apply at: info@apisgardencoach.com. adults in Vermont with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a fun and rewarding career spent “Off the Couch”. Please contact us to set up a time to chat if you would like more information. We provide 7/26/21 extensive training, support, professional growth and advancement 4t-ApisGardenCoach&Landscaping072821.indd 1 WORKING COMMUNITIES opportunities in a family work environment. Our starting pay range is CHALLENGE $13.00 to $15.00, depending on experience and existing skill set. We offer increases after a probationary period and further advancement and pay for self-paced skill building. We want to hire your values and train REGISTER NOW the skills that will help make you successful. Let’s talk!
• Able to handle multiple demands with competence and a positive attitude Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent work experience required. Salary is negotiable dependent upon experience. We offer competitive health care benefits, long term care, disability, life insurance and 401k plans. Please send resume and cover letter to Craig Matanle at csm@mc-fitz.com.
1:19 PM
Please contact AT WWW.CCV.EDU OR us at 802-388-6388 Web: www.sccvt.org , Email: humanresources@sccvt.org AT THE CCV LOCATION NEAREST YOU
• Ability to work effectively both independently and as a team member in an environment that is fast paced and 4t-SpecializedCommCare072121.indd demanding • Must be self directed and have excellent initiative and organizational skills
transportation as this job requires travel across Chittenden County.
Administrative Assistant
Winooski Academic Center
The Community College of Vermont (CCV) is looking for a dynamic Administrative Assistant with strong organizational skills to work in a fast-paced office environment. This position is based in our Winooski academic center and the regular schedule will be Tuesday through Thursday 1:00 – 9:30 pm, Friday 9:00 am – 5:00 pm and Saturday 8:00 am – 2:00 pm. Associate degree plus two to three years of relevant administrative experience, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. View the full posting and apply at: ccv.edu/learn-about-ccv/employment.
1 LS-McCormickFitzpatrickKasperBurchard072821.indd 7/27/214t-CCV072821.indd 11:26 PM
Working in partnership with the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Working Communities Challenge (FRBB/ WCC) staff, VCRD is seeking a “Working Communities Challenge Program Coordinator” to provide frontline support to diverse local teams as they tackle complex 1:19 PM challenges facing their communities. The successful candidate will be a team player with excellent communication, writing, and facilitation skills; demonstrated experience in community engagement and community and economic project development; and a strong sense of mission in service to the core principals of the FRBB/WCC program: bostonfed.org/workingplaces/communitieschallenge/vermont.aspx. The position is based in the VCRD Montpelier office and remotely. Scheduling is flexible and may include evening meetings; in state travel required. Salary range of $65-75K based on skills and experience; attractive benefit package. Visit vtrural.org for the full job description. To apply, send cover letter, resume, and list of three references to info@vtrural.org by August 25th. VCRD is an equal opportunity employer.
7/26/21 5v-VTCouncilonRuralDevelopment072821.indd 10:19 AM 1
7/23/21 12:15 PM
JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Hinesburg Fire Department
Career Firefighter/ EMS Provider The Hinesburg Fire Department is accepting applications for TWO vacant positions of Firefighter/EMS Provider. We are seeking highly motivated individuals who will demonstrate their commitment to our town, residents and department. The Hinesburg Fire Department consists of 30 on call members, responding to an average of 400 calls per year. HFD provides Fire and First Response EMS coverage to the towns of Hinesburg and St. George. HFD will be starting an AEMT level ambulance service before January 1st, 2022 with the 3-year goal of a paramedic level ambulance.
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The town of Hinesburg offers a competitive benefits package, details can be provided upon request. Starting rate of pay for probationary firefighters based on qualifications: $46,000$50,000 annually. These positions will work daytime shifts, up to five days per week with the schedule to be determined. Any questions can be directed to Interim Fire Chief Nicholas Baker at: nbaker@hinesburg.org. These positions are open until filled. See the complete job announcement and job description at hinesburgvt.org. Submit cover letter and resume via email to Interim Chief Nicholas Baker at nbaker@hinesburg.org.
7/22/21 11:16 AM
New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!
Disability Rights Vermont is Vermont’s Protection & Advocacy system. DRVT is looking to hire a staff attorney with 0-5 years of experience to assist in our advocacy of people with disabilities. Advocacy includes litigation, policy advocacy, outreach and monitoring, and public education. We are a small non-profit, which allows for opportunities to help shape the position.
• Draft legal memoranda • Assist the Supervising Attorney in litigation with the opportunity to take on litigation as lead counsel (depending on experience) Seven Days 5v-TownofHinesburgFIRE072821.indd 1 7/23/21 11:53 AM • Identify and review potential cases and develop advocacy strategies Issue: 7/28 • Conduct outreach and monitoring Due: 7/26 by 11am • Draft reports, articles, and other publications Size: 3.83 x 5.25 • Develop and maintain relationships with community partners Engaging minds that change the world Cost: $476.85 (with 1 assistance week online) • Provide representation and to victims of crimes with Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, disabilities a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Special Assistant to the President - President’s Office - #F1899PO The Special Assistant supports the president on a wide range of operational and organizational initiatives, on campus and externally. The individual will work to advance and accelerate key strategic elements of Amplifying our Impact, manage day-to-day operations of the Office of the President, and create, oversee, and coordinate a variety of presidential communications, special projects and events. The ideal candidate will have excellent interpersonal and written communication skills as well as the ability to work well with all members of the diverse University of Vermont community. The candidate will have experience working with senior executives, and will have excellent organizational, administrative, and computer skills. The candidate also will have demonstrated ability to simultaneously manage multiple challenging projects, adapt when needed to a quickly changing landscape, and meet urgent deadlines. Chief Public Safety Officer - Department of Public Safety - #F1898PO Reporting to the President, the Chief Public Safety Officer provides leadership and direction for a multi-function workforce that offers comprehensive services to the University community, including police services, risk management, emergency management, compliance, and CATcard services. This senior level position will have demonstrated skill in establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with senior administration, academic leaders, students, faculty, staff, parents, governmental authorities, community and municipality groups and the general public. The ideal candidate will have the ability to respond with diplomacy, speed and tact during volatile situations, and will understand and exercise empathy regarding the intricacies of student life and the social needs/issues of the campus community. This individual will have an understanding of, and experience in, emergency management, emergency communication systems, and special event management, and have a demonstrated knowledge of best practices in a higher education residential environment. For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit www.uvmjobs.com. Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email employment@uvm.edu for technical support with the online application.
QUALIFICATIONS • J.D. with 0-5 years legal experience • Litigation experience is a plus (clerkship or fellowship experience also a plus) • Admitted to the Vermont bar or eligible for admission • Experience working with people with disabilities is a plus • Excellent research, writing, and analytical skills • Demonstrated commitment to public interest legal work • Ability to work with a team • Compassionate, creative & ability to maintain a good sense of humor Salary competitive for a non-profit public interest law firm and based on experience and competitive benefits package. To apply, send a cover letter explaining your interest and qualifications advocating for people with disabilities’ civil rights, resume, writing sample 10 pages or less, and contact information for 3 references to: Zachary Hozid, Supervising Attorney DRVT, 141 Main St., Suite 7, Montpelier, VT 05602 Or email to Zachary@DisabilityRightsVt.org Preference will be given to those that apply before August 15th but applications received later may be considered on a rolling basis.
The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
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6/18/19 1:24 PM
83 JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021
Vermont Communications Union District Association
FULL-TIME INTERIM PROGRAM COORDINATOR VCUDA facilitates CUD cooperation and coordinates public policy recommendations and outreach on their behalf. The successful candidate will lead the development and provision of shared services and coordinate communications and recommendations.
Want to join the growing Healthcare IT industry and work in a fantastic team culture? Perhaps, you too, desire the friendly, casual, hardworking, and client-focused environment offered by our 100-employee company located in the Champlain Mill in Winooski, VT.
For complete details visit our Careers page at VCUDA.org.
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7/15/21 3:42 PM
Physician’s Computer Company (PCC) has designed, developed, and supported our award-winning pediatric software for over 30 years. As our electronic health record solution is driving greater demand for our services, we need to expand our team. PCC is seeking to fill the following positions:
PCC is seeking a Technical Support Specialist to join our customer care team. Technical Support Specialists are responsible for troubleshooting and resolving clients problems with PCC provided hardware, operating systems, networks, and peripherals. They respond to client calls, entering and managing their service needs into our help desk software, and participate in rotating coverage for on-call, after-hours emergency support.
GREEN MOUNTAIN CARE BOARD MEMBER - MONTPELIER Are you looking for an opportunity to provide oversight in Vermont’s efforts to control escalating health care costs, improve quality, and achieve universal health access? If so, please consider applying for an exciting and challenging position on the Green Mountain Care Board, established by Vermont’s health care reform law. Full/Part Time (32 hours per week). For more information and application materials, please visit: https:// humanresources.vermont.gov/GMCB-Search-2021. Application Deadline: 8/13/2021. Learn more at: careers.vermont.gov
Ideal applicants for this position should have two or more years of experience in a professional setting that includes supporting Windows and Mac OS X operating systems, TCP/IP networks (firewalls, wireless, DNS, DHCP, VPN, etc.), and experience with Linux, including bash scripting.
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer
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7/15/21 2:55 PM
STOWE FREE LIBRARY The Stowe Free Library is a cherished community institution and has 6,400 registered borrowers and 25,000 volumes in its collection. It is located within the historic Helen Day Memorial Building in the center of Stowe, a premier four-season resort community with a population of 4,300.
Applicants for this position should have three or more years of experience providing systems support in a fast-paced, professional setting. Technical skills should include Linux (RHEL or derivatives), Windows and MacOS; server virtualization; Google Cloud or AWS; bash, python or perl scripting; configuration management tools (e.g. Ansible); and TCP/IP networking including LAN, WAN, firewalls, wireless, and VPN. Knowledge of good security practices is essential.
CIRCULATION LIBRARIAN The Stowe Free Library is seeking a customer service and detail oriented individual to fill the position of Circulation Librarian, and to assist in fulfilling our mission: “To Welcome, To Inspire, To Enrich the Mind.” This position involves direct contact with the public as well as maintaining the library’s patron database.
These positions require strong technical expertise along with exceptional customer service and communication skills. Some travel may be required.
TECHNICAL SERVICES LIBRARIAN The Stowe Free Library is seeking an enthusiastic, detail-oriented librarian to fill the position of Technical Services Librarian and to assist in fulfilling our mission: “To Welcome, To Inspire, To Enrich the Mind.” This position involves maintaining the library catalog system and processing material.
In order to keep our employees and families safe, PCC employees have been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are slowly opening our office and expect our Winooski office will be fully reopened this Fall. Employees will have a hybrid remote/in-office work option.
Both positions require a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent combination of education and experience is required, and an MLS from an ALA accredited school or a Vermont Department of Libraries Certification is preferred. Working knowledge of and experience with computers, Integrated Library Systems (ILS), data base management, and current technologies are preferred. Good verbal and written communication, customer service, organizational, and supervisory skills are required. Candidates must be able to perform detailed work and to lift and shelve books. This position includes evenings and Saturday hours, comes with excellent benefits and a starting salary of $17.66 - $18.63 per hour, contingent upon qualifications and experience.
To learn more about these positions, please visit our website at pcc.com/careers. The deadline for submitting your application is August 6, 2021. Please email a cover letter and resume to jobs@ pcc.com with the position you are applying for in the subject line. As a Benefit Corporation, we place a high value on client, employee, and community relationships. Our company offers a friendly, informal, and professional work environment. PCC offers competitive benefits as well as some uncommon perks.
Job descriptions and application can be obtained on the Town of Stowe website: townofstowevt.org. Send employment application, letter of interest and resume to: Town of Stowe, Attn: Recruiter, PO Box 730, Stowe, VT 05672 or email recruit@stowevt.gov. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. EOE 7t-TownofStoweLIBRARY071421.indd 1
PCC is seeking an experienced Systems Administrator to join our Information Technology Services team which supports both our client and corporate systems. This position will work primarily on client systems. In addition to general systems administration activities, this position will focus on coordinating & performing server upgrades, & performing preventive maintenance on servers, firewalls, & other network equipment. You will also function as a technical escalation resource for PCC staff regarding client infrastructure issues, & develop new tools to deploy, manage, & monitor client networks.
No phone calls, please. AA/EOE
7/7/21 5:37 PM 9v-PCC072821.indd 1
7/22/21 2:01 PM
ENTER TO WIN! Does your furry, scaly or feathered friend have what it takes to rule the animal kingdom? Enter your pet in the Best of the Beasts Pet Photo Contest, sponsored by BEVS.
You can submit one entry per category July 14 through August 1 at 11:59 p.m.
You can’t submit the same photo in multiple categories.
You are only eligible to win in one category.
The top photo from every category (voted on by the Seven Days staff ) will be featured in the Animal Issue on August 11.
The winners will receive a $100 gift card to Pet Food Warehouse.
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7/5/21 6:51 PM
fun stuff HARRY BLISS
fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE
Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at sevendaysvt.com/super-readers or call us at 802-864-5684.
86SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS JULY 28-AUGUST 4, 2021 1
7/14/20 3:32 PM
Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at deep-dark-fears.tumblr.com, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): When she was a
child, author Valerie Andrews visited her secret sanctuary at sunset every day for seven years. She lay on the ground among birch trees and aromatic privet plants, feeling “the steady rhythmic heartbeat of the earth” as she basked in the fading light. I’d love for you to enjoy the revitalizing power of such a shrine. The decisions you have to make will become clear as you commune with what Andrews calls “a rootlike umbilicus to the dark core of the land.” Do you know of such a place? If not, I suggest you find or create one.
(JULY 23-AUG. 22):
Leo poet Renée Ashley articulates a perspective I recommend you adopt. She writes, “I’m drawn to what flutters nebulously at the edges, at the corner of my eye — just outside my certain sight. I want to share in what I am routinely denied, or only suspect exists. I long for a glimpse of what is beginning to occur.” With her thoughts as inspiration, I advise you to be hungry for what you don’t know and haven’t perceived. Expand your curiosity so that it becomes wildly insatiable in its quest to uncover budding questions and raw truths at the peripheries of your awareness.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): What does it mean to feel real? Some people have a hard time doing that. They have such false ideas about who they are that they rarely feel real. Others are so distracted by trivial longings that they never have the luxury of settling into the exquisite at-home-ness of feeling real. For those fortunate enough to regularly experience this treasured blessing, feeling real isn’t a vague concept. It’s a vivid sensation of being conscious in one’s body. When we feel real, we respond spontaneously, enjoy playing, and exult in the privilege of being alive. After studying your astrological potentials, Aries, I suspect that you now have an enhanced capacity to feel real.
(May 21-June 20): I suspect that your immediate future will be a patchwork of evocative fragments. You may be both annoyed and entertained by a series of flashing attractions or an array of pretty baubles or a hubbub of tasks that all seem at least mildly worth doing. Chances are good that they will ultimately knit together into a crazy-quilt unity; they will weave into a pattern that makes unexpected sense. In the spirit of the spicy variety, I offer three quotes that may not seem useful to you yet but will soon: 1. “Isn’t it possible that to desire a thing, to truly desire it, is a form of having it?” — Galway Kinnell 2. “It is not half so important to know as to feel.” — Rachel Carson 3. “Like all explorers, we are drawn to discover what’s out there without knowing yet if we have the courage to face it.” — Pema Chödrön
CANCER (June 21-July 22): A Tumblr blogger
named Cece writes, “The fact that you can soak bread in sugar, eggs, cinnamon, and vanilla, then butter a pan and fry said bread to make a meal is really liberating.” I agree. And I share this with you in the hope of encouraging you to indulge in other commonplace actions that will make you feel spacious and uninhibited. You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you’ll thrive on doing day-to-day details that excite your lust for life. Enjoying the little things to the utmost will be an excellent strategy for success.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “There are many
things in your heart you can never tell to another person,” declared Virgo actor Greta Garbo (1905-1990). “It is not right that you should tell them,” she concluded. “You cheapen yourself, the inside of yourself, when you tell them.” I
presume Greta was being melodramatic. My attitude is the opposite of hers. If you find allies who listen well and who respect your vulnerability, you should relish telling them the secrets of your heart. To do so enriches you, deepens you and adds soulful new meanings to your primary mysteries. The coming weeks will be a favorable time to seek this wise pleasure in abundance.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Now is a fantastic time to seek out effervescent socializing and convivial gatherings and festive celebrations. If you surround yourself with lively people, you’ll absorb the exact influences you need. May I suggest you host a fun event? If you do, you could send out invitations that include the following allures: “At my get-together, the featured flavors will be strawberry chocolate and impossibly delicious. There’ll be magic vibrations and mysterious mood-enhancers. Liberating conversations will be strongly encouraged. Unpredictable revelations will be honored. If possible, please unload your fears and anxieties in a random parking lot before arriving.” SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Scorpio author Andrew Sean Greer writes, “As the Japanese will tell you, one can train a rose to grow through anything, to grow through a nautilus even, but it must be done with tenderness.” I think that’s a vivid metaphor for one of your chief tasks in the coming weeks, Scorpio: how to carefully nurture delicate, beautiful things as you coax them to ripen in ways that will bring out their sturdiness and resilience. I believe you now have an extra capacity for wielding love to help things bloom. SAGITTARIUS
(Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Suggested experiments to try soon: 1. Remember a past moment when you were touched with the sudden realization that you and a person you’d recently met were destined to fall in love. 2. Remember a past moment when you kissed someone for the first time. 3. Remember a past moment when someone told you they loved you for the first time or when you told someone you loved them for the first time. 4. Allow the feelings from the first three experiments to permeate your life for five
days. See through the eyes of the person you were during those previous breakthroughs. Treat the whole world as expansively and expectantly as you did during those times.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Capricorn poet Kenneth Rexroth was shirtless as he strolled along a rural road. To his delightful amazement, a fritillary butterfly landed on his shoulder, fluttered away, landed again, fluttered away — performing this dance numerous times. Nothing like this had ever happened to him. Later he wrote, “I feel my flesh / Has suddenly become sweet / With a metamorphosis / Kept secret even from myself.” In the coming days, I’m expecting at least one comparable experience for you. Here’s your homework: What sweet metamorphoses may be underway within you — perhaps not yet having reached your conscious awareness? AQUARIUS
(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): “Each time we don’t say what we want to say, we’re dying.” Aquarian artist and singer Yoko Ono said that. I will add a further nuance: Each time we’re not aware of the feeling or experience or situation we want, we’re dying. And these will be key themes now that you’ve entered the “I know what I want and I know how to ask for it” phase of your cycle. The most healing and vivifying thing you can do during the next six weeks is to be precise about your desires.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In 1829, Piscean
author Victor Hugo began work on his novel The Hunchback of Notre Dame. He had other projects, though, and by September 1830, he had made scant progress on Hunchback. Growing impatient, his publisher demanded that he finish the manuscript by February 1831. In response, Hugo virtually barricaded himself in his room to compel himself to meet the deadline. He even locked his clothes in a closet to prevent himself from going out. For the next five months, he wore only a gray shawl as he toiled nonstop. His stratagem worked! I recommend you consider trying a somewhat less rigorous trick to enforce your self-discipline in the coming weeks. There’s no need to barricade yourself in your fortress. But I hope you will have fun taking stringent measures.
N E W VI D E O ! Eva Sollberger’s
Watch at sevendaysvt.com 4H-Stuck072821.indd 1
supported by: st five Over the la ulptor sc s, e decad as been Leslie Fry h ng with a ti experimen ediums and variety of m er work has art forms. H ed around it been exhib nd locally. the world a as y’s career h Recently, Fr w e n a in d le ic been chron rt a y b ng text book featuri m Lipke. illia historian W
7/27/21 9:58 AM
ANIMAL LOVER, COUNTRY PERSON Healthy, handsome, mature bi male looking for males and couples with bi male, DD-free, tested. Very oral. Love getting kinky. I like a few pounds on women, but no heavies. Good lookers only. rgor1998, 66, seeking: M, TW, Cp, l
Respond to these people online: dating.sevendaysvt.com WOMEN seeking... ACTIVE, FUN(NY) Looking for someone to join me in hikes, bike rides or anything outdoors. Love winter! Also just like hanging out and having fun in conversation. HarmonicGirl, 54, seeking: M, l TRUE, FUN, REAL I’m compassionate, thoughtful, active and social with enough sass to make life interesting. I like to stay active but not so much to eliminate down time. Walking, hiking, kayaking, bike riding and outdoor music events are a few things I enjoy. They’re most certainly more enjoyable with good company. livinglife, 60, seeking: M, l THE MODERN LESBIAN I’m looking to build a secure, loving, healthy, long-term, committed relationship with another woman who is ready to settle down. I am pretty open-minded and don’t really have a “type.” In a relationship, I can offer unwavering loyalty and companionship. Even if we don’t love the same things in life, I will always support my partner. ShredBetty, 33, seeking: W, l FUN AND RELAXED I’m looking to settle down with the right person. I’m easygoing, and I like to get out and camp, hike, walk, swim, hear music and eat good food. Hit me up if this sounds like you. I’m not interested in people with bad attitudes or couples of any kind. Chrispy208, 50, seeking: M
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
See photos of this person online.
W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups
CITY GAL IN THE COUNTRY Edgy, bold, ageless, smart, creative, tender mom of all with a great sense of humor. I asked grown daughters. Simpler. titanbuff, 73, seeking: M, l WILLFUL WARRIOR Looking for a delightfully tall man who will enjoy a short and brilliantly defined woman. I bring magic and light that will enhance all aspects of life if we align. Kdm, 50, seeking: M, l LONG-DISTANCE HIKER Not really sure what it is I am looking for. I am just feeling a deep need for connection. I am a womyn, a mama, a hard worker, a long-distance hiker. I love life through it all. I am talented at turning the mundane into adventure. I love all animals. I have two perfect cats and two crazy dogs. wanderVT, 36, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l ALL IN THE TIMING English instructor for two Vermont colleges. Would like to find a compassionate soul who is continuously evolving and willing to make an effort. Love dancing in the kitchen, cooking, reading, walking at dusk, sitting close afterward. Creatively open to many discussions about the important aspects that make us who we are and who we are becoming. smspoet, 59, seeking: M, l FREE SPIRIT I love life. I miss having someone to share all the wonders of being alive. I view every day as a new adventure. Eclectic, creative, loyal, honest, compassionate, whimsical and romantic are words that define my character. I hope to connect with a man who is honest, kind, compassionate, financially secure, healthy, finds humor in life and appreciates time together but is comfortable with time alone. mynasha, 68, seeking: M, l NOT YOUR AVERAGE BEAR Hoping to connect with a kind, funny, honest, energetic, creative individual. Love music, am active, have an equine farm, have flower gardens and veggie garden, have small-size rescue dogs and a cat. Love cooking, make wine, enjoy kayaking. Shared conversation liberally sprinkled with laughter is always enjoyable. Love to read, love the ocean and the beach. Experience joy. Jovita, 59, seeking: M, l SEEKING KIND MALE COMPANION Funny. Love my family, my friends, my dog. Looking for my last first date, a great guy for a woman who deserves him. Nonsmokers, no drinkers, no drugs. Just honest, intelligent, hardworking guys. Seriously. Augustsummersky, 64, seeking: M EDUCATED, KIND, FUNNY, AUTHENTIC I’m a mom of two, teacher, kind, liberal lady looking for a man who is kind and has a great sense of humor. I like true crime podcasts, public radio, relaxing, vegan food, comedy shows and great conversation. Not looking for someone to complete me, just looking for someone to enjoy time with. No hookups. INFP. Be well! Starryskies, 39, seeking: M, l
INQUISITIVE, WANTING MORE I would like to meet a lady I can become friends with. You can learn more about me when we talk. Adventurewithus2, 46, seeking: W, l READY TO EXPLORE I am ready for a new adventure. I am interested in exploring a relationship with a women or couple. I enjoy being in the woods, camping and just sitting in a brook or at a waterfall. I also like to get a bit of wind in my hair. I have a good sense of humor and am attractive and fun. Newadventures2021, 48, seeking: W, Cp IRREVERENCE WELCOMED My passions are travel, food, art, music and more. I like to spend as little time being serious as possible. I’m curious about a lot of things. Do you share these passions and have others of your own? Do you like family time, being in nature or people-watching as you sit at an outdoor table on Church Street? summerplease, 64, seeking: M, l
MEN seeking... UP FOR ALMOST ANYTHING I don’t believe in long, drawn-out profiles. Let’s talk and discover each other. ChrisEssex, 52, seeking: W, l UNPREDICTABLE, CARING BIKER I’m looking for a person who likes cats, motorcycles, eating together either at home or at restaurants. A person to live life with. To camp or go on adventures with. Marko, 68, seeking: W, l MELLOW, LOVING MUSICIAN Mellow, caring, passionate older guy would like to meet a like-minded lady for fun, intimacy and a real friendship. I’m softspoken and very fit, but great chemistry and great friendships don’t come with a certain body type. Close to the Westford/ Fairfax area a plus, but not necessary. Thanks. Calm1, 74, seeking: W, l CARIBBEAN RENAISSANCE DREAM MAN 4U? We can’t walk together if we can’t agree on a few basic ground rules, first being: There are none! Second being: My primary residence will always be Jamaica, West Indies, but Burlington summers will always rule! pstephan7, 65, seeking: W, l FUNNY GUY WHO’LL MAKE YOU LAUGH I’ve been told I’m a funny dude who has a unique outlook on life. I want to meet some new people and go on some adventures, whether it’s hitting the bars, clubs and breweries or just having a nerdy movie binge with a bunch of snacks. I am a standup comedian by trade, so our encounter will at least be funny. FunnyMax26, 26, seeking: W, l LOOKING FOR THAT ‘MISSING’ PIECE British Londoner through and through. Emigrated here to this beautiful state of Vermont a few years ago and have settled, and life is good. I am financially independent and love working in the hospitality industry and, if time permits, traveling. Ideally I would love to meet a woman who’s also self-dependent and has a zest for life. London_Town, 58, seeking: W, l
MELLOWING PUNK This wonderful universe invites exploration and a companion for this strange, mysterious trip. I like reading about things, learning new ideas from others and listening to jumpy music. I enjoy long conversations over slow meals and walks in the woods. I’m looking for a fellow explorer with whom to figure things out and share jokes and ideas. redwriggler, 51, seeking: W, l YOUNG AT HEART SEEKING FELLOW ADVENTURER Now that life seems to be returning to something of a new normal, I am ready to step out of my bunker and find that special friend to share adventures. My go-to explorations: cross-country skis, trail runs, hikes nearly anytime and paddling. My hope for new adventures (with you?): summer concerts, travel, random nights out and learning what drives your passion. emdash, 55, seeking: W, l HONEST, FUNNY, KIND, TEACHER, MUSICIAN A good man looking for a woman who is happy with who she is for friendship, fun and, perhaps, something more. JeriMan1969, 51, seeking: W, l TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME I am looking for a connection. I am fun and looking for some adventure. 802chef, 41, seeking: W OUTDOOR ADVENTURES Fun, attractive, adventurous; seeking someone interested in outdoor and indoor adventures who is a lover of nature! Sharp wit and an easy sense of humor. cernowain, 44, seeking: W, l EXPLORE Horny older guy just looking for some fun. Maybe a little skinny-dipping or rolling around in wet grass on a hot day. I consider myself a pretty regular guy. Not interested in drama or BS. Just some sexy fun. If this sounds good to you, let’s meet for drink and see what happens. Thanks. Gettogether, 61, seeking: W, Cp POSITIVE SEEKING POSITIVE 64-y/o Black male, athletic, fun-loving, positive outlook on life seeking a pleasant, fun-loving and positive female. The past year has been tough. Life is short. Let’s make the most of life and not take ourselves too seriously. Let’s have fun! Tony182, 64, seeking: W, l REWILDED, ASCENDING, PEASANT A place between yestermoment and next instant — called “now” — where I dwell. Time irrelevant; connection is what we’re for. Chemistry = kindness is evoked naturally. Love is ecstatic, perpetual, careful. Spend now. I will see you, feel with you, and nature attends. OK to give care, don’t take. Seeking inwardly beautiful, outwardly grateful, cosmically attuned Earthwoman to lavish attention, compassion and touch. Swim, bike, hike. Kindful, 52, seeking: W
TRANS WOMEN seeking... LAND NARWHAL SEEKS UNICORN(S) Tall, beautiful, brilliant trans woman (just starting hormones) with long brown hair seeking trans women for friendship and fun. I’m well read, love cinema and theater. Newly single and finally fully coming out! Kind people only, please. jenesequa, 51, seeking: TW
BE MY CUDDLE BUDDY? Cute 50-y/o vegan straight-edge polyam ace enby trans girl. Love my parallel polyam primary nesting partner, so I’m looking for a part-time snuggle buddy for walks and talks and handholding and kissing and romance! I fall in love really easily! I’m half in love with you already just because you’re reading this! Anyone but cis guys. EnbyTransgirl, 52, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NBP, l ONE OF A KIND Looking for fun in northern Vermont. Any women interested, reply. hell666, 28, seeking: W, l
NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... THE LADY AND THE TRAMP We’re new and have never done this before. My wife is pretty, nice body. She is not interested in participating. Would like to find other couples that would be interested in the male for sex. My wife is not comfortable yet but not opposed to being there and watching, possibly participating. Classycouple4U, 50, seeking: W, Cp SUB MASO FOR DOM SADIST Bio-female, nonbinary gendered, sub/ masochist looking for their Dom/Sadist. Looking for a local sadist who is looking for TPE and to play with the same person! Experience preferred. I have 15 years of experience in BDSM. Looking for that open-minded someone who is OK with some jiggle with their wiggle, looking for full-time TPE and nonmonogamy. CallMeParker, 34, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l
COUPLES seeking... FUN IN THE WOODS Good guy with a hot wife looking for fun. We need a woman for fun. Chopper, 62, seeking: W AVERAGE, EASYGOING Easy to get along with. Like listening to country music, playing cards. Looking for a couple that we can be friends with and have occasional sex with. I like watching my husband have sex with other women, and he likes watching me. Jakeluckydog, 56, seeking: Cp ENERGETIC, FUN, SEXY Looking for a woman or couple to explore our boundaries and make new friends. Let’s have dinner and get to know each other and see what happens. Free2beus2021, 47, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp ACTIVE AND INTERESTING COUPLE! Hi, we’re a professional couple in our early 50s living a healthier life. We’re in love but have limited friends, and that’s why we’re here! trekkingcouple, 52, seeking: M, l SEXY, ATHLETIC, FUN COUPLE Fun, fit middle-aged couple looking to explore bringing in a woman (mostly for her) to our already crazy-great sex life to try fulfilling our fantasies. Looking for a nice, attractive, fun girl to have fun with and eventually bring to the bedroom. Sexycpl, 46, seeking: W, l COUPLE LOOKING FOR PLAYMATES We are a secure couple looking to fulfill her fantasies. We may start as friends and just enjoy maybe dinner and drinks. Depending on chemistry, we could possibly open up for more. We are not looking to just jump into a sexual relationship with just anyone. This may take some time. Patience is necessary with us. Summers_in_Vermont, 54, seeking: Cp
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
NOTHING VENTURED? Thanks for the wave from your silver HRV. Would you like to ride along on the next nice day? When: Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Where: 14 headed south. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915359 CITY MARKET SOUTH END ROAD You have neon hair. I had camo pants. We both were seen push-riding our carts at the same time. Driving away on the dirt road, you stopped to say hi! We got rushed by cars behind you. You had to peel off fast and said your first name and last name, but I could not hear your last name! When: Friday, July 23, 2021. Where: City Market South End. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915358 RE: “HOW CAN WE RECONNECT?” Via text, we have reconnected. Tonight I sent him an Instagram of what happened on our first date. No, we never worked together. We drive the same brand of car. Mine is blue. His is black. Yes, I have piercings: ears, nose, tongue and nipples. What more would you like to know? When: Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Where: Colchester Pond. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915357 PRETTY BLONDE AT MAPLEFIELDS MILTON I held the door open for you, as you had a cast on your right foot. You had a white/ gray form-fitting dress on. I thought you looked amazing. I couldn’t help but look at you while in the store. I’d love to meet you and get to know you. Interested? When: Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Where: Maplefields at Chimney Corners. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915355 RE: CO-OP GIRL Young lady, I’m waiting. Does someone need to teach you to use your manners? ;) When: Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Where: coop. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915354
SHAMWOW Your chapter in my book is over. It will forever be one of my favorites, but I cannot keep rereading it hoping for a different ending. Scoots. When: Friday, May 18, 2018. Where: Maple Valley Café. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915356 MAJESTIC MAIN STREET RUNNER Fair-skinned, brisk brunette with a serene stride. Regularly running by my window, making me wish I was in step on the streets with you. How many miles do you go? What else might we share beyond brick beats from our feet? If you spy a runner with a bird on his chest, you’ve found your admirer. Hopefully you do! When: Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Where: Main St., Burlington, near August First. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915353 LAKE GODDESS Aphrodite reincarnate. Lure me to my doom with your Siren song. When: Saturday, June 19, 2021. Where: Blueberry Lake. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915352 YOU It’s wrong that I still miss you after what you did, but I wish things had ended differently. While there’s no hope we can get back what we had, maybe things didn’t have to be so final. I’d like to part on better terms. When: Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Where: in and out of my life too fast. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915351 CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT YOU I tried but can’t stop. You were with two guys and a baby but no ring — it gave me (maybe false?) hope. I don’t think you even saw me, but on the off-chance you did and maybe you’re looking, too — you look like an absolute angel. I couldn’t help but wish it was me making you smile. I’m Dave. When: Friday, July 2, 2021. Where: University Mall, South Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915350
Ask REVEREND Dear Seymour,
I SPY ...with my little eye, a beautiful girl. Dark brown hair in a ponytail, red Jeep, dark glasses. You were pumping gas. I was watching you, hopefully in a way that was flattering and not creepy. :) When: Friday, July 16, 2021. Where: Shell station. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915348 LOST IN HEALTHY LIVING Lovely smile from under your bucket hat somewhere around the wine. In the vitamin aisle, we exclaimed what a maze the place is! I (tattoos, black dress) asked if you knew where you were going. You said, “No, I’m too addled from the heat.” Wish I’d lingered longer; wonder if we had more to say. Interested in another conversation? When: Thursday, July 15, 2021. Where: Healthy Living. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915347 GRAY JEEP, NY PLATES, CITY MARKET I honestly don’t even know how you hit that speed within the confines of the parking lot. Anyway, I was the tall fella in a Red Wings shirt and cap, then we saw each other again inside. I think you’re tall and pretty and seem interesting. Please confirm the last piece. When: Sunday, July 18, 2021. Where: City Market. You: Woman. Me: Gender non-conformist. #915346 RE ‘HOW CAN WE RECONNECT?’ Did you ever reconnect? If not, maybe some clues: Did you work together? What color is your “car”? How about his? Do you have any piercings? Mystery and intrigue here! When: Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Where: maybe Colchester Pond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915345 BEAUTIFUL TALL WOMAN ON PINE I heard you and saw you, and I’m interested. Sorry about the slow roll on my bike. I was hoping for an opportunity to say hello. I hope you find what you are looking for. When: Friday, July 16, 2021. Where: Dealer. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915344 RUTLAND HANNAFORD 7/15 You were behind me in the checkout line. We exchanged a few smiles but didn’t speak. You wore shades and a Red Sox hat; I was the girl in the blank tank and pink skirt. We both bought beer and ice cream. I wouldn’t mind having a pint of either sometime. When: Thursday, July 15, 2021. Where: Rutland Hannaford. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915343
Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums
Dear Reverend,
I love going to the beach. I’m 69 years old, and I would like to wear a thong. I don’t want to scare anyone off, but I feel like what I wear for swimming is my business. Do you think I’m too old?
Seymour Butz (MALE, 69)
Honeybuns, if you’re comfortable wearing a thong in public, I say go for it. Last time I checked, there were no age restrictions on bathing attire. Heck, in Vermont, it’s legal to leave your house naked if you like, so I see no problem with showing a little cheek on the beach. So what if those cheeks have a few wrinkles? In this age of body positivity, a wider range of shapes, colors, ages
YOGA BABE LIKED MY CANOE You liked my canoe and had a lovely smile. Go for a paddle sometime? When: Friday, July 16, 2021. Where: yoga, then co-op. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915342 CYNTHIA AT MARKET 32 I saw you. You were working organizing shelves. Would like to know more. Single. When: Thursday, July 15, 2021. Where: Market 32. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915341 CO-OP CUTIE You: red hair, blue eyes, banging bod, still playing it safe behind a mask, I want to say 25 to 30? Me: tall, fit, brown hair, 30s, grabbing some DIPA before the store closed. I wanted to stay and chat, but the store was closing. Maybe I can take you out sometime. When: Friday, July 9, 2021. Where: Middlebury Co-op. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915340 WE DON’T TALK ANYMORE Sarah, Lisa, Angie ... to name a few. Here’s to all the girls I’ve loved and lost, whether we spent years together or just moments. I hope you are doing well. When: Saturday, July 10, 2021. Where: in memory. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915339 MIDD CO-OP BEAUTY Line 6, cashier with the curly red hair at the co-op. You played hard to get, but if I got you alone I bet I could make you be a good girl for me. Intrigued? When: Sunday, July 4, 2021. Where: Middlebury Food Co-op. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915338 RE: “HOW CAN WE RECONNECT?” I no longer have your number. It’s why I asked you to find me — you know where I am. Your life isn’t as “open” as mine. Take the lead this time. When: Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Where: Colchester Pond. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915335 OAKLEDGE COVE CUTIE, 7/6 8 P.M. You: tall, smiley man with dark hair and black dog. Me: woman sitting with friends and a goldendoodle. My friend mentioned her dog was friendly. You replied, “My dog likes to fight ... but I’m friendly.” I watched you leave and noticed you stopped to soak in the sunset. My dog also likes to fight. Meet sometime with our dogs on leash? When: Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Where: Oakledge Cove. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915334
and sizes is being represented in film, television, ads and social media. The initial push for showing more diversity was geared toward women, but the powers that be have finally realized that men also suffer from body image issues, and more guys are getting in on the act. Hopefully, more visibility of real human bodies will have a positive effect on the general public’s attitude about beauty. The fact that you’ve made it to 69 is cause for celebration. You’re not dead, and life’s too damn
4TH OF JULY BOSTON BOY I just wanted you to know, all day, I kept noticing my lip puffy and raw from when you chewed it up when we made out last night, and I haven’t been French-kissed that way since my first boyfriend in Montréal. My lip is almost normal now, and I could use the passion of an All-American Boston Boy soon. When: Monday, July 5, 2021. Where: Red Square. You: Man. Me: Man. #915333 RE: “HOW CAN WE RECONNECT?” One can only hope when reading your post that you are reaching out to them. Seems broken hearts weren’t that rare last year. I would love to feel you close to me again. If you’re the one my heart still beats for, then reach out to me. Send me a text with a picture of a flower, and I’ll know. When: Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Where: Colchester Pond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915332 MORETOWN GROCERY 7/1 I was pumping gas into a black pickup, and you were reorganizing your car with other people. Dark hair and sunglasses caught my attention, so much so that I almost lost my wallet, not noticing it fell out of my pocket. Thank you to the person behind me. You noticed I kept glancing at you. Felt I knew you. Certainly would like to. When: Thursday, July 1, 2021. Where: Moretown Grocery. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915331 HOW CAN WE RECONNECT? It was never my time you wasted. I would repeat the moments a million times over with your hands on me. I knew the first moment we met you were going to be trouble. Guess I should’ve listened then, but that feeling is like an addiction. I reacted too quickly in the end. You know how to find me. When: Wednesday, March 11, 2020. Where: Colchester Pond. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915330 YOU, WHO TAKES MY BENEFITS A message to my “friend” who lays with me: “I whispered to him, ‘You’ll regret it if you let me go. I don’t wait for a man, if he’s not willing to grow.’; he didn’t believe me, he made his choice & that was the last time he ever heard my voice.” —N.R. When: Saturday, March 14, 2020. Where: in your house/in my house. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915329
short to worry about what other people think. So, get out there and sun those buns! But, please, don’t forget to slather them with sunscreen first. If anybody gives you grief about your outfit, tell them to go pound sand. Good luck and God bless,
The Reverend
Reverend’s note: If you haven’t heard of half thongs for men, do yourself a favor and give that a google. You’ll thank me.
What’s your problem?
Send it to asktherev@sevendaysvt.com.
SWM, mid-50s, seeking SWF, 50s to 60s. Looking for life partner. I am fit, financially secure, very well grounded. Strong desire to travel crosscountry. #L1519 66-y/o SWM seeking SWF, 50 to 63. Gentle, unassuming, soft-spoken, creative vegetarian seeks a fit, affectionate, unadorned woman who takes delight in gardening, folk music, candlelight and bicycle rides. Let’s explore the islands together. Are you coming? #L1517
70-y/o WM seeks mid-70s to mid-80s WF. I want to experience sensuality with a very mature WF woman. Phone number, please. #L1524 GM in Rutland County seeking other GM or bi for social interaction. Maybe leading to FWB or more. I’m easygoing, stable and like adventure. Phone only. Hope to hear from you. #L1523 Man looking for a woman. I will return calls to everyone. I’m over 50 y/o. Widower. She died very young of cancer. Time to move on. Please leave your name and number. #L1520
Fit 50ish M, green-eyed, kind and witty, seeks fit F 40 to 60. Well read, rugged, capable, collected, patient. Values community, gardens, art, acts of making. Let’s cook, share absurdist humor, read together. Prefer handwritten to the screen. Simple! #L1522 I’m an older male seeking any age. It’s so enchanting in the woods. The silence, the peace and the wonderful sounds of nature. I’d love to share the caress of nature with a good friend. Lovely wonderful person, 5’9, 150 pounds, older nonsmoker. #L1521
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DWW seeks divorced/single man of appropriate age range. I am 59 and still fine. Active, down-to-earth poet and educator. Would like to start with a coffee or a walk first. Life is short and stranger than fiction. #L1516 56-y/o single woman. Humbled, thoughtful. Hoping for a safe, kind, honest relationship with a man. Calm in nature, love for nature. Morning coffees, long walks, talks, sunsets, art, music, dance, friends, family, laughs! Willing to see and resolve suffering. Unconditional love and support find me at home. Phone number, please. #L1486 SWM seeking SWM any age. Must love top and fem bottom. Looking for steady lover. Gay or bi, any race. Phone. #L1515
Internet-Free Dating!
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. GM 60-y/o seeks sexually active 70-plus male. I love giving and receiving oral. Virgin but would love to bottom to a lover. Enjoy all activities nude. #L1514 Male widower looking for woman for FWB/LTR, maybe more. Please be 18+. Send me your name, info and phone number. I will return all calls back to you. Look forward to meeting you. #L1513 Male, 55, seeking woman to cocreate a beautiful life/family close to the Earth on the land with plants, animals and wildlife. Together a vessel of love to manifest the dormant ancestral pulse of people living close to nature absent the turnkey life mayhem. Wolcott. Clearing the woods. #L1512 Senior male, mid-60s, seeking older males 65 to 80 for carefree and fun moments of pleasure. Must be DD-free and have completed both COVID shots. Safe and kind. Life is too short to not have moments of pleasure. It’s been a rough past year. #L1511
David, 73, Vermont gentleman. Growing, enjoying a healthy life mentally and physically. We are so blessed with a home like Vermont! Chemistry, spirit, health! I will listen to all you say and believe all you do! #L1510 I like to listen and learn. I’ve been lucky enough to travel a lot in business. I’d like to adventure more, maybe to Western Europe. I’d like to find someone who appreciates the little things and a best friend who is truthful and trustworthy. #L1509 Traveling companion wanted. I would like to see the U.S. using an RV or motorhome with the possibility of relocating. #L1508 58-y/o SWF seeks SM 55 to 65. I enjoy outdoor activity in all types of weather, reading, conversation and travel. NEK location. #L1507 Seeking thin guys 18 to 30 y/o. Slender. Talk first. Phone number, please. #L1506
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6/30/21 11:53 AM
This year, CCV and the Vermont State Colleges are offering millions of dollars in scholarships, free tuition, and other financial aid opportunities. Generous funding from the State of Vermont is supporting the following programs for Vermont residents*:
Green Mountain Grad Gift: One tuition-free course at any VSCS school for all 2020 and 2021 high school or equivalent graduates, provided by VSAC.
802 Opportunity Grant: Free tuition and fees at CCV for any student whose family income is $50,000 or less, provided by VSAC.
Free Training for Vermonters: Up to two free classes at any VSCS school for Vermonters whose employment has been impacted by COVID-19. * Students must qualify for in-state status based on Vermont State Colleges System Policy 301.
Fall classes start Sept. 7. Learn more at CCV.EDU/ACTNOW CCV is committed to non-discrimination in its learning and working environments for all persons. All educational and employment opportunities at CCV are offered without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, or any other category protected by law. CCV is an equal opportunity employer. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
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7/26/21 5:39 PM