Seven Days, September 8, 2021

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First Impressions Burlington School District superintendent Tom Flanagan persevered through a challenging rookie year BY AL IS O N NO VAK , PAGE 2 4



Delta variant outpaces contact tracing

BREAD AND PURPOSE Remembering Elka Schumann




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8/2/21 5:48 PM



Several Green Mountain Power employees headed to the New York City region to restore power knocked out by remnants of Hurricane Ida. Electrical Workers Without Borders?


STATE TO PROBE LONG WAITS FOR HEALTH CARE Seven Days’ September 1 cover story detailed how Vermonters frequently wait months for specialty care at the state’s largest hospital, the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. A few hours after it was published, the Vermont Agency of Human Services announced it was launching an investigation into long wait times for medical appointments across the state. Human Services Secretary Mike Smith said his agency had been hearing troubling reports of medical appointment delays “for a while” now. “I thought it was time that we needed to look into this — and needed to look into it in a very substantial way,” he said. Seven Days documented the long-standing problem of wait times at the UVM Medical Center, which has reached a crisis point. More than two dozen people told the paper that they had trouble getting in to see medical experts in recent years despite suffering from painful and debilitating ailments, such as kidney stones and chronic migraines. One patient waited more than two months for a urology appointment and finally went to another hospital to discover he had metastatic prostate cancer. Several staff members, meanwhile, said they are burning out under immense workloads and the weight of not being able to provide timely care. The state’s probe — which will be led by Ena Backus, Vermont’s director of health care reform — will not focus on


ONE-FINGER SALUTE Last Friday morning, Meagan Downey got a text from her daughter, Fiona, who had just started her first year at Champlain Valley Union High School in Hinesburg. “MOM,” read Fiona’s message, in all caps, “I FLIPPED OFF THE ANTI-MASKERS AND SHE FLIPPED ME OFF BACK.” The “anti-maskers” are a group of parents who have been standing outside CVU every weekday morning, protesting the school’s indoor mask requirement. “OMG,” Meagan wrote back. “They think they are protecting you.” But after seeing the demonstrators out there every morning, holding signs with mes-

That’s the size of the bond Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger has proposed to fund green energy initiatives to benefit the city.



1. “The Doctor Won’t See You Now: Patients Wait Months for Treatment at Vermont’s Biggest Hospital” by Chelsea Edgar and Colin Flanders. Patients with agonizing kidney stones, suspected Parkinson’s disease and other serious ailments have not been able to schedule timely appointments with UVM Medical Center specialists. In this story, Edgar and Flanders attempt to diagnose the problem. 2. “My Husband Loves Vermont, but I Hate It Here” by the Reverend. Our columnist has sage advice for a new Vermonter who is having trouble embracing this brave little state.

Last weekend, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) held several town hall meetings across Vermont pitching a $3.5 trillion federal budget bill. Now he’s got to write the thing.

3. “Burlington Paramedics to Keep Race Data After Black Teen Is Given Ketamine” by Courtney Lamdin. The decision comes after paramedics administered the powerful drug to a 14-year-old Black youth.


5. “WTF: Are Canadian Boats Illegally Crossing the U.S. Border?” by Ken Picard. Some wealthy Canadians have found creative but legal ways to cross the border by boat.

LGBTQ Vermonters and allies celebrated pride with events around the state and a parade in Burlington. Loud and proud.


Vermont officials are seeking to resettle up to 100 Afghan refugees in the state. Volunteers are already offering to help. Bring them on.

4. “State Launches Investigation Into Long Wait Times for Medical Care” by Colin Flanders. Hours after Seven Days published our story about the long wait times for medical appointments, the Vermont Agency of Human Services announced it was launching an investigation.

tweet of the week

@jarlathond #Vermont sunset brought to you by the #UVM #drone team. There is still much beauty in the world. Hang in there everyone. FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER


?? ?? ? ???

any hospital, nor will it be confined to just specialty care, Smith said. “Obviously, UVM being the biggest network within the state, it will garner a lot of attention,” he said. “But I don’t want to confine it to just one institution. I want to look around.” Last Friday, Vermont’s chief health care regulator, the Green Mountain Care Board, announced that it will join the investigation. The board has known about access challenges at both UVM Medical Center and other Vermont hospitals for years but has done little to compel improvement. At a public meeting, board chair Kevin Mullin said recent wait-time data, coupled with anecdotal stories about the delays, had convinced board members that Vermont’s health care “quality and access are compromised right now.” He tasked board member Jessica Holmes, a Middlebury economics professor, with overseeing the board’s involvement in the state probe. Vermont Finance Commissioner Michael Pieciak noted that lengthy appointment delays make patients sicker, which, in turn, drives up insurance costs. “A relatively minor medical issue can turn into something much more serious when Vermonters are unnecessarily waiting many months for appointments,” Pieciak said. Read Chelsea Edgar and Colin Flanders’ original story and keep up with developments at


$20 million

Fiona, from the bus, flipping off protesters

sages along the lines of “The mask is not the cure” and “100% Vermont survival rate for 0-29 year-olds,” Fiona, 14, was exasperated. “It’s just so hard to see them not taking safety precautions seriously and trying to

persuade kids to do the worst of the worst,” she said in an interview. The rest of the day passed uneventfully. Then, the next morning, Fiona got an email from her eighth-grade science teacher. Photographer Glenn Russell had captured Fiona flipping the bird in an image that accompanied a story on the anti-mask protests at CVU; her teacher had recognized her sliver of glasses and forehead through the bus window. She told Fiona she was proud of her. Within hours, the image went viral. Philip Lewis, a senior editor at HuffPost, tweeted a screenshot of the photo, which received more than 98,000 likes. “This photo should win a Pulitzer,” he wrote. After a year and a half of pandemic schooling, on top of the usual trials of early teenage-

hood, Meagan understands the intensity of her daughter’s frustration. “This has been particularly hard on adolescents,” she said. “They’re coming of age, they’re old enough to see what’s happening, but they don’t have a lot of control. I think in that moment, my daughter did have control over what she could do with her hand, and she chose to use it.” Fiona loves photography, and she was fascinated by the composition of Russell’s photo, with the blurry protest sign in the foreground and the sharp focus on her outstretched middle finger in the distance. “I feel like it’s such a great metaphor,” she said. “I don’t know how to describe it, really, but I just thought it was beautiful.” CHELSEA EDGAR SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021



publisher & editor-in-chief

Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editor Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,


Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen politicAl columnist Mark Johnson

Cascades Condo in Winooski Pristine Cascades 2 bedroom condo on the 3rd floor with custom high end finishes for rent in downtown Winooski. Underground parking (2 spots + storage), exercise room, community/club room for gatherings, courtyard with a fire pit. Rent is $3,000/mo

A R T S & C U LT U R E coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Adams, Jordan Barry,

Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak

proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Frank Smecker AssistAnt proofreAders

Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros

D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA producer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN creAtive director Don Eggert Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production mAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts senior Account executive Michael Bradshaw Account executives Robyn Birgisson,



Kudos for your comprehensive article on the appalling wait times for appointments and treatment at the University of Vermont Medical Center [“The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]. We are among the families who have dealt with this frustration for years; most recently, my husband, who has debilitating vertigo, was given an ENT appointment more than four months out. He also waited six months for treatment at the Interventional Pain Medicine clinic, and we’ve been waiting since the middle of July to speak with a doctor in neurophysiology about test results. We’ve called five times and gotten no response. I hope this article provokes public outrage and action by UVM Medical Center before the only treatment we can get is from Doctors Without Borders. Melissa Ewell ST. ALBANS

Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka

mArketing & events director Corey Grenier sAles & mArketing coordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business mAnAger Marcy Carton director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Jeremy Day CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Harry Bliss, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Sarah Priestap, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur FOUNDERS

Pamela Polston, Paula Routly

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C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec. DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Jeremy Day, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Peter Lind, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Dan Nesbitt, David Schein, Dan Thayer, Andy Watts With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st clAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st clAss: $275. 6-month 3rd clAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd clAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.

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9/2/21 2:07 PM


Thank you, Seven Days, for calling attention to this serious problem [“The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]. Wait times for specialty care at the University of Vermont Medical Center are excessive, and the problem has existed for years. Cost-quality-access is the iron triangle of health care provision today. Concern for the size of the hospital budget has hampered the recruitment of the number of specialty physicians required to provide timely access to adequate care in Vermont. Bruce MacPherson SOUTH BURLINGTON


[Re “The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]: I want to let you know about my recent experiences scheduling appointments with specialists at the University of Vermont Medical Center. I had a cracked toenail on my big toe and needed to see a podiatrist. When I called, based on a referral from my physician, I was told that the soonest appointment was in January 2022. I needed help quickly. But I could not get it from the medical center. While in Maine on vacation, I called an independent provider when I drove by their office. They saw me the next day and took care of my toenail.



focus will remain on providing the highquality care our patients expect and deserve. John R. Brumsted, MD


Brumsted is president and CEO of the University of Vermont Health Network.


It would have been hell to wait until January of next year. I have the same problem with a consult on osteoporosis — I was also told I had to wait until January 2022. I made an appointment with Dartmouth-Hitchcock, and that is in November. Neither is timely. How can health care be considered good quality when you can’t get help when you need it? Kathleen Denette



[Re “The Doctor Won’t See You Now” September 1]: Few things are more important, if not crucial, to keep before the public’s eye in Vermont than medical care. I thank Seven Days for doing that. However, my experience has been different from those profiled in your story. In my young and middle years, I rarely saw a physician. In fact, I don’t recall ever taking a sick day from work. But now that I’m ensconced in the “golden years,” things have changed: I’ve had some serious health moments, all treated well by physicians and clinical staff at the University of Vermont Medical Center. (And many of those ladies and lads with MD after their names do not lack for a rich sense of humor.) I’ve not been held waiting long. Ever. I’m grateful for the article and hope it helps those in medicine in Vermont to be ever more thoughtful, caring and welcoming to those they serve. Dennis Delaney



[Re “The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]: Amid an ongoing global pandemic, the University of Vermont Health Network has experienced abnormally high patient volumes and intense patient needs. Our patients come to us when they need us most, and long wait times for care, as well as the toll they take on our people, are unacceptable. We must do better. We’ve been transparent and vocal about our access challenges — including in three recent and separate interviews with Seven Days, among other media outlets. We’ve also made data available to the media and our regulators to highlight the situation. There are several factors contributing to this pressure. Nationally, many patients delayed care during the pandemic, resulting in more serious health problems. There are acute shortages of doctors, nurses and technicians. In our region, we have a long-standing need for additional mental health treatment capacity and a shortage of outpatient operating rooms. We are taking comprehensive action to address these issues, including intensifying efforts to recruit and retain frontline staff and physician specialists while adding temporary staff to ease the burden on our people. We’re also proposing new equipment and new or upgraded facilities in upcoming certificate of need applications. Throughout the pandemic and this surge in demand, our doctors, nurses and staff have risen to meet the needs of our patients, and I am incredibly grateful to them. This situation is urgent, and we are taking decisive action to address it. Our

[Re “The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]: How sad that “moral distress” is tearing the fabric of nursing and other practice support areas at the University of Vermont Medical Center. The administration’s proposed solutions — 180 nurse hires, 57 specialists, another MRI and a new surgical center — appear to offer (distant) hope. But such multimillion-dollar investments may fall short due to “if you build it, they will come” syndrome. Wasn’t one goal of building the Ambulatory Care Center to centralize specialty practices, many of which are now spread across the county? How did our medical system become so dependent on specialty care? Since many specialty referrals come from primary care providers — family medicine, pediatric and internal medicine physicians; physician associates; and advanced practice nurses — it’s worth looking at factors affecting referral decisions. Salary studies show that primary care providers’ annual income trails all other physician groups. Other issues — such as mandated (often onerous) electronic record systems, health insurance paperwork, payers’ reimbursement, productivity expectations and patients’ demand for specialty care — may play a role in decision making and could hamper using basic diagnostic tools: obtaining a thorough medical history (listening to your patient), performing an appropriate examination, deciding whether testing is warranted, initiating a treatment and, finally, engaging in watchful waiting. We’re grateful that we have specialists able to handle higher levels of care. FEEDBACK

» P.21

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Find out the full Broadway lineup at the free, online Trivia Night Sept. 22. Broadway series on sale to members Oct. 5.





9/6/21 10:59 AM

Demand Council pass boycott-divestment-sanction Resolution

Rally city hall sept. 13 7pm

Free Palestine End ISraeli apartheid 8


2H-bonghitsforpalestine090821.indd 1

9/7/21 11:11 AM

contents SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021 VOL.26X NO.49



11 33 54 56 89

Homegrown Health

Magnificent 7 Side Dishes Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend

SECTIONS 22 32 38 48 52 56 58 64 65

Life Lines Food + Drink Culture Art Music + Nightlife On Screen Calendar Classes Classifieds + Puzzles 85 Fun Stuff 88 Personals

First Impressions

Vermont leads national farm-toschool movement by connecting cafeteria, classroom and community

Cluckin’ Good Dining Out at Pittsford’s Cluckin’ Café & Culinary Institute


Online Thursday

Burlington School District superintendent Tom Flanagan persevered through a challenging rookie year BY AL ISON NOVA K , PA G E 2 4


CULTURE 38 All the Basses

Scrag Mountain Music premieres a novel, nature-inspired work among the trees





From the Publisher

Life Stories

Mean Gene?

Report citing verbal abuse by BTV airport director is no surprise to some

Playing Catch-Up

Contact tracing lags as Delta spreads faster than the state can staff up

Slice of Life

Plant-based protein startup blooms in Bolton

Elka Schumann, August 29, 1935August 1, 2021

Old Skills, New Tools

SeamWorks offers small-scale manufacturing, training and community for textile artisans

Child’s Play

Stuck in Vermont: Between March and SUPPORTED BY: August of this year, Mark Santosusso visited all 100 covered bridges in Vermont on his motorcycle, a 2000 Honda Nighthawk 750. Eva Sollberger met up with him at the Holmes Creek Covered Bridge in Charlotte to hear about his adventures.

For the Homies

A new film honors Vermont skateboarding’s roots with an eye to the future

Web of Ties

Performers celebrate nature, perception and human connection at Horsford Gardens & Nursery

The Joy of Hex

We have

Book review: Bitter Magic, Nancy Hayes Kilgore

Singer-songwriter Raphael Groten turns to kids’ music as G’Raph

Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 71 and online at


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9/6/21 10:31 AM

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9/2/21 11:53 AM


The Freedom to Choose Burlington Residents Deserve the Facts of the Proposed Consolidated Waste Collection System BY JOHN W. CASELLA - CHAIRMAN & CEO, CASELLA WASTE SYSTEMS, INC. The Burlington City Council is set to vote on a resolution that will take the freedom for Burlington residents to choose a waste hauler and create a municipally-controlled service. As the largest waste and recycling services provider in Vermont, Casella is an easy target for City Councilors and other proponents to further this proposed city legislation, but the reality is that it impacts far more than one company. The irony of all ironies here is that the proposed policy would directly impact Casella’s essential frontline workers and potentially put every small waste hauler and fledgling food waste collection service in the Burlington area out of business, while Casella would survive. Remember just last year when one of the benefits of moving forward with the landfill food waste ban was to help spur the growth of small food waste collection businesses? Now those new companies, who have likely only begun to see a return on their initial investments, become collateral damage in an unnecessary experiment. All the economic and emissions calculations in the study that proponents cite assumes that every Burlington resident utilizes a private waste hauler for curbside trash, recycling, and food waste collection, and that all those haulers utilize diesel trucks for weekly pick up. The reality for both of those assumptions is “they don’t.” In addition to operating a fleet in the Burlington area that is predominantly powered by compressed natural gas, Casella will also be piloting two new electric collection vehicles in Vermont starting this year. Haulers also invest heavily in route optimization to ensure that the most efficient routes are taken. For example, an optimized Casella route currently picks up every customer on the route regardless of the customer’s designation. The mom-and-pop store, the local restaurant, the six-unit apartment, the single-family home, and the duplex all get picked up by the same

truck. Under the proposed model only residential dwellings of less than four units would be mandated to utilize the municipal service. The proposed model suggests that Casella should now skip the single-family home and the duplex so that the Burlington DPW can put another truck on the road to service those customers. And what of the Burlington renter living in a duplex or triplex, who has a small home compost for their garden and schleps their trash and recyclables to the transfer station each week to save the cost of having collection service come to their home? Now their landlord will be forced to utilize this new service, making housing in Burlington even more unaffordable than it already is. The conservative estimate in the DPW study is a $6 million up-front price tag to get started, followed by another $5 million in annual costs to fund the enterprise.

and determined grit that makes Vermont special, has grown to become a national leader in sustainable resource management and is still headquartered in Vermont, providing more than 650 jobs and tens of millions of dollars in payroll and benefits to Vermont workers. These jobs include back-office support functions for our entire footprint of operations. In addition, Casella has implemented career path programs and educational opportunities such as a fully funded CDL driving school designed to attract new workers to the state and to help keep Vermonters here, all while contributing more than $11 million in host community fees, taxes, and other benefits to the state. Casella’s size and scale is what has allowed us to weather the challenges of COVID-19, to step up and assist in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene, to combat labor shortages, provide great

These figures are both grossly underestimated and assume a best-case scenario when it comes to capital and human resources. The waste and recycling industry is experiencing record inflation rates for trucks, parts, containers, and fuel. On top of that, there are significant challenges in the labor market even prior to Covid-19 with a shortage of drivers and mechanics due to a retiring workforce and hesitancy among younger populations to consider a frontline career in our field. The study also wildly underestimates the need for redundancy in equipment, employees, and in other resources that are necessary in the event of surge periods such as college movein and move-out or natural disasters, worker vacancies, PTO and FMLA, and equipment failure. For example, we are currently seeing a 6-to-12month lead time on new trucks and parts. This demands redundancy to ensure customers are serviced on time in the event of equipment failure.

wages for Vermont workers (the highest on average in the state according to a recent Money Magazine study), and to invest in economically and environmentally sustainable solutions to our modern society’s waste production such as the new de-packaging facility in Williston. The people of Burlington deserve better. They deserve to be protected while they are enjoying downtown with their friends and families. They deserve to have their businesses incentivized to do more and better business in service to their customers. They deserve economically and environmentally sustainable solutions for their modern lives to be brought to the table for discussion. They deserve better infrastructure and more affordable housing. They deserve the freedom to choose their service providers based on their own individual living circumstances. They deserve the facts.


You theFreedom FreedomtotoChoose Choose You Deserve Deserve the Your CollectionService ServiceProvider Provider Your Waste Waste Collection

TheBurlington Burlington City City Council Council plans freedom to to The plansto toeliminate eliminateyour your freedom choose your waste collection service provider. choose your waste collection service provider. Government controlled waste collection will:

Government controlled waste collection will: • Cost each household $$1,000 to implement in year one • •Cost each household 1,000 to implement in year one Result in higher monthly costs and lower quality of service • •Result in higher monthly costs andjobs lower quality of service Take away well-paying blue-collar • Take away well-paying blue-collar jobs Your Voice Matters!

Your Voiceyour Matters! • Contact City Councilors and the Mayor Today! • Contact your City Councilors and the Mayor Today!

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9/2/21 11:20 AM




Antebellum Abolition Independent filmmaker Paul Miller resurrects the forgotten Black history of the Adirondacks in his new documentary, Searching for Timbuctoo, showing at Middlebury’s Town Hall Theater. Alongside the Jackson Gallery’s “Dreaming of Timbuctoo” exhibit, the film explores the story of a pre-Civil War refuge for free Black homesteaders. A talkback with Miller follows the screening.






Good Company Janeites don their finest ribbons and tightest trousers to attend the Governor’s House in Hyde Park’s Jane Austen Tea, a celebration of scones, clotted cream and Regency history. While reservations at the inn are required for many of this weekend’s Persuasion-themed activities, the public is invited to bring their needlework, learn about the tradition of teatime and wax poetic about everything Austen.

Hideaway Circus’ New England tour takes the troupe to American Flatbread Waitsfield Hearth for three showings of their new performance, Stars Above. Incorporating influences from both contemporary and classical circus traditions, the familyfriendly extravaganza follows the story of a traveling group of carnies and features original music, fabulous feats of derring-do, and themes of connection and community.




Honey, I’m Home There’s plenty to buzz about at the Vermont Golden Honey Festival, a celebration of honeybees and all things sweet at the Golden Stage Inn in Proctorsville. Vendors honor our state insect and all the essential work they do with mead, beeswax crafts and even honey-apple pizza served out of a converted vintage tow truck. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 60


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Clad in Plaid Runners don their finest tartans and work up an appetite for beer and pretzels at the Harpoon Flannel 5K. Beginning and ending at Harpoon Brewery Taproom and Beer Garden in Windsor, the race raises funds for the Friends of Norris Cotton Cancer Center and lets out at the Harpoon BBQ Festival. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 61


Painting by Bill Brauer


Sentimental Mood

Off Book

After the late, great Warren-based painter Bill Brauer passed in 2019, a memorial showing of his work was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, at last, his retrospective is on display at the Festival Gallery in Waitsfield through October 11, where visitors witness a lifetime of oil paintings that reveal a mastery of color, mystery and sensuality.

Lit lovers, take note: This isn’t your average book club. Readers who drop in to What’s On Your Nightstand? The Not-a-Book-Club Book Club at the Norman Williams Public Library in Woodstock find discussions on everything from modern writers and the craft of writing to the ebook revolution and book jacket design.





This year’s birthday photo is especially meaningful — and historic. Front and center is Pamela Polston. The day before the picture was taken, Friday, August 27, was her last as coeditor and associate publisher.

BACK ROW, FROM LEFT: John James, Michelle Brown, Melissa Pasanen, Robyn Birgisson, Kirsten Thompson, Logan Pintka, Jordan Adams, Ken Picard, Elizabeth M. Seyler, Kevin McCallum, Candace Page, Frank Smecker, Michael Bradshaw, Jeff Baron, Jordan Barry, Chris Farnsworth, Diane Sullivan, Colby Roberts MIDDLE ROW: Marcy Carton, Dan Bolles, Matt Weiner, Sasha Goldstein, Carolyn Fox, Don Eggert KNEELING: Sally Pollak, Anne Wallace Allen FRONT ROW: Katie Hodges, Corey Grenier (the day before her due date), Pamela Polston, Paula Routly, Cathy Resmer MISSING: Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar, Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Alison Novak, Mark Johnson, Emily Hamilton, Margot Harrison, Katherine Isaacs, Mary Ann Lickteig, Martie Majoros, Bryan Parmelee, Matthew Roy, Eva Sollberger PHOTO: James Buck




Party On


Every year — for the last 26 — the people who make Seven Days newspaper have posed for a photo to celebrate our birthday: September 6, 1995. The shoot usually happens on a weekday and requires everyone to leave the office and convene somewhere else: on a ferry, in a bowling alley, at a miniature golf course. Our late staff photographer, Matt Thorsen, famously tied himself into knots directing us from the top of a ladder, setting the camera’s timer and then dashing down to get himself into the picture. Difficult as they are to wrangle, the images document the paper’s growth and personnel changes over time. Our loyal and talented crew includes half a dozen 20-plus-year veterans. Another 10 or so people have been with Seven Days for more than a decade. This year’s birthday photo, shot in my backyard on a Saturday evening by James Buck, is especially meaningful — and historic. Front and center is Pamela Polston, who cofounded Seven Days with me in a windowless basement office in Miller’s Landmark on Burlington’s Church Street more than a quarter century ago. The day before the picture was taken, Friday, August 27, was her last as coeditor and associate publisher. She’s transitioning from directing the paper’s significant arts and culture coverage to a less demanding role, writing and compiling our visual art section, which includes gallery listings and reviews — oh, and this week’s South End Art Hop supplement. The photo shoot doubled as an outdoor gathering to recognize all that Pamela has done for the company, including passing the culture torch to Dan Bolles and Elizabeth M. Seyler. Pamela and I never intended to become newspaper publishers. We were a couple arts editors who thought Vermont deserved a great alternative weekly and generally agreed on how it should read and look. We didn’t see eye to eye on everything, but we never let each other down. The word “reliable” doesn’t begin to capture Pamela’s roundthe-clock work ethic. For example, two weeks ago I emailed her my publisher’s note — sometime before midnight — looking for a second edit. She turned it around quickly, fixed the grammatical errors and, with minimal feedback, assured me it was OK. I count on that good judgment, as does everyone else in our shop. Simply put, Seven Days would not exist without her dedication, endurance, talent and taste. Nor would it be as much fun. Pamela is responsible for the religious art in our bathroom — the “shrine” is the highlight of every Seven Days office tour. So when we ran out of words of praise for her that Saturday, art director Diane Sullivan presented Pamela with a portrait of herself in the saintly getup she wore atop our Mardi Gras float one

Pamela Polston with a portrait of her painted by Vermont arti st Jesse Azarian

ctor Seven Days creative dire Polston Don Eggert presenting e with a celebratory cak

year, painted by Vermont artist Jesse Azarian. It will be on permanent display in the loo. Diane also struck up the Seven Days house band, Enemy of the People, singing an acoustic version of the original tune “Pamela.” We all joined in the chorus: “Pamela-ah-ahah-ah. I love you. I really, really, really do.” Finally, there was cake: Custom baker Erinn Simon frosted it to look like James Kochalka’s 2019 cover of the Seven Days Cartoon Issue, one of Pamela’s many creative contributions to the editorial oeuvre. Simon gave the character Pamela’s haircut. Surrounded by flowers and holding up a butterfly, it looked just like her.

Paula Routly Interested in becoming a Super Reader? Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of Or send a check with your address and contact info to:


For more information on making a financial contribution to Seven Days, please contact Katie Hodges: VOICEMAIL: 802-865-1020, EXT. 110 EMAIL: SUPERREADERS@SEVENDAYSVT.COM








Mark Johnson and Fair Game return on September 22


Gene Richards in 2016



Mean Gene?

Report citing verbal abuse by BTV airport director is no surprise to some B Y CO UR T NEY L A M DIN •


he City of Burlington concluded its investigation into aviation director Gene Richards late last month with a damning report. Penned by a third-party investigator, the report says Richards regularly used profanity and “physically intimidating behavior” against Burlington International Airport employees and called them “useless and ungrateful to their face.” The verbal abuse was so damaging, the report says, that many employees have left or are considering leaving. Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, who hired Richards in 2012, expressed surprise at the report’s findings and said he’d never witnessed such behavior. He’s now calling on the department head to step down, though Richards has refused. “I didn’t think the Gene Richards that I knew would conduct himself this way,” Weinberger said, days after he had made the city’s report public. “It was not what I expected of Gene.” But to others who worked with Richards, the report’s findings aren’t a surprise. 14


Feds Investigate Three Vermont Troopers in Fake Vaccination Card Probe


In recent interviews with Seven Days, two South Burlington city councilors recalled being on the receiving end of Richards’ temper, and an airport employee who’d worked there 10 years said he recently left his job to escape Richards’ toxic leadership. Their experiences lend credence to the city’s position ahead of what the mayor’s spokesperson says is an unprecedented termination hearing scheduled for Thursday, September 9, when Richards will publicly fight for his job. His fate rests on a vote of the city council: According to rules in the city’s charter, eight councilors, or two-thirds of the 12-member body, must agree to fire him. Richards’ attorney, Rich Cassidy, has asked the city to postpone the hearing because he says the process has been rushed. Councilors can decide at the scheduled hearing whether to heed his request. Richards, who has been on leave since late June, said he thinks the allegations were levied by disgruntled employees

who were passed over for promotions or who otherwise held a grudge. He said after nine years leading BTV — during which he shored up the airport’s finances and shepherded several infrastructure projects — he deserves another chance. But his boss, and 34 unionized workers who signed a petition calling for Richards’ firing, disagree. “To me, it’s very clear that there’s no way for Gene to return in the role that he was in,” Weinberger said. “It’s sad. It’s unfortunate. But I think it’s the reality that his actions have brought upon us.” The city’s wide-ranging investigation started in early June, when members of AFSCME Local 1343, the union that represents airport staff, filed a grievance about Richards’ behavior toward employees. Weeks later, a Federal Aviation Administration worker reported that Richards had been fueling up his personal vehicle at the airport’s gas pumps. MEAN GENE?

» P.16

Federal authorities are investigating three Vermont State Police troopers who allegedly created fake COVID-19 vaccination cards, the Vermont Department of Public Safety announced on Tuesday evening. All three troopers have resigned. A different trooper “raised concerns with supervisors” about two colleagues, Shawn Sommers and Raymond Witkowski, on August 9, the public safety department said in a statement. Sommers and Witkowski resigned the next day. A third trooper, David Pfindel, resigned on September 3 “following additional investigation by the Department of Public Safety,” the statement says. All three “are suspected of having varying roles in the creation of fraudulent COVID-19 vaccination cards, which may be a violation of federal law,” according to the statement. “The accusations in this case involve an extraordinary level of misconduct — a criminal violation of the law — and I could not be more upset and disappointed,” Col. Matthew Birmingham, director of the Vermont State Police, said in a written statement. “If these allegations are proved to be true, it is reprehensible that state troopers would manipulate vaccination cards in the midst of a pandemic, when being vaccinated is one of the most important steps anyone can take to keep their community safe from COVID-19.” The FBI is now investigating. Due to the probe, the state police agency said it was “unable to release information about the incident prior to” Tuesday’s statement. Pfindel was hired in January 2014 and spent several years as a detective trooper with the Bureau of Criminal Investigations. Sommers and Witkowski joined the Vermont State Police in July 2016. All three spent at least some of their careers assigned to the Shaftsbury barracks. There is no vaccine mandate for Vermont State Police employees. “Based on an initial internal review, we do not believe there is anything more the state police could have done to prevent this from occurring,” Public Safety Commissioner Michael Schirling said in the statement. “As soon as other troopers became aware of this situation, they raised the allegations internally, and commanders took swift and decisive action to hold these individuals accountable and report this matter to federal authorities.” m

Playing Catch-Up Contact tracing lags as Delta spreads faster than the state can staff up BY D ERE K BROU WER •


ermont’s contact-tracing program finally went back to their regular duties, is floundering — what’s left of it, many of which had been pushed aside by the state of emergency. anyway. Contact tracers, whose role was The caseload didn’t remain minuscule crucial to limiting the spread of COVID- for long. Since the Delta surge began in 19 in earlier waves of infection, have July, the contact-tracing program has been overwhelmed by surging caseloads been playing catch-up. caused by the Delta variant. Delta has caused more new cases than Delays in interviewing an infected officials foresaw when they contracted person to learn who else may have been with AM Trace, Deputy Health Commisexposed used to be sioner Kelly Dougherty said in an interrare in Vermont. Now view. The company has been trying to they’re the norm, leav- increase its ranks but, like many busiing state health officials nesses, is having difficulty hiring, she said. and people exposed to the virus without In response to an interview request, the timely information needed to curtail AM Trace provided a general statement through a public relations firm outbreaks. For weeks, Gov. Phil Scott has resisted that said its teams “work seven days a week to reach as many calls for a more aggressive state response to the Delta individuals and their close contacts as soon wave, saying it does not justify a state of emergency. as possible.” “We are better protected Many states dismanthan any other state from tled their contact-tracing programs over the Delta,” he said last week, emphasizing Vermont’s summer, only to scramble to rebuild them as high vaccination rate and Delta arrived, Kaiser few hospitalizations. The KE LLY DOU GHE RTY state, he’s said, is on a Health News reported last month. Unlike for path toward being able to manage COVID-19 like other seasonal many other states, however, the strain respiratory viruses. on Vermont’s system is a largely new In some parts of the country with low phenomenon. vaccination rates, hospital resources For much of the pandemic, Vermont have been pushed to the brink. That contact tracers reached infected people hasn’t been the case in Vermont, though within 24 hours of their positive test COVID-19 has killed 22 people in the result more than 90 percent of the time, past 33 days. Yet during this post-vaccine according to health department data. wave, the state’s mitigation efforts have When a large surge last fall put renewed been uncharacteristically wobbly. demands on the team, the figure dropped The pressure couldn’t have come at a to 74 percent for a couple weeks — still worse time, with K-12 schools reopening above a federal benchmark of 65 percent, in an environment of higher transmission, Seven Days reported at the time. hastily issued guidance and a diminished With Delta, the rate has fallen off a Vermont Department of Health. cliff. Between August 1 and 28, contact Last year, the health department tracers reached only 37 percent of people trained an army of contact tracers from who tested positive within 24 hours of its own ranks, state agencies and the their diagnosis. It took even longer to Vermont National Guard. The team notify close contacts. expanded and contracted with the virus’ “Now, it can be several days before ebb and flow. At one point, nearly 200 people are reached,” Dougherty said. contact tracers were available to pitch in. In mid-August, the state decided In May, as COVID-19 cases were plum- to reassign employees from across meting, Vermont outsourced most of the the health department back to contact work to a Virginia-based firm, AM Trace, tracing. for $50 per tracer per hour, up to $10 PLAYING CATCH-UP » P.18 million. Pandemic-weary state employees

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5/12/21 2:51 PM



Vermont City Marathon Cuts This Year’s Race Miles by Half B Y COL I N FL A ND ERS The People’s United Bank Vermont City Marathon & Relay on October 24 will be scaled down to a half-marathon, organizers announced on Tuesday, citing a desire to limit the number of medical professionals needed at the popular event. Peter Delaney, executive director of RunVermont, said race organizers felt it would be insensitive to ask for volunteers from the health care professions at a time when the pandemic continues to strain hospital resources. The compressed race will allow RunVermont to staff the event with EMTs from the Burlington Fire Department and only a handful of volunteers, Delaney said, instead of as many as 125 frontline workers who have helped in years past. “It’s probably not the best use of their time to support a public event that is of a recreational nature,” Delaney said. “Their skills and talents are probably better utilized in supporting the needs of the hospital and the medical community.” The event, which typically falls on Memorial Day and draws a crowd of 20,000 runners and spectators, was canceled last year due to the pandemic, then postponed this year until October 24. RunVermont then announced two weeks ago that it was pausing registration while it evaluated safety protocols. Between 2,000 and 3,000 runners are now expected — far less than the 7,500 people the race usually draws. Delaney blamed the dip on two factors: October’s race schedule is typically busier than May’s, he said, and some runners likely decided against signing up because of the Delta variant. Participants will be required to show either proof of vaccination or a negative PCR test taken within 72 hours of the race. Race organizers notified runners of the changes in an email on Tuesday and offered several options to those who didn’t want to participate in the shorter race. They can convert their entry into a virtual marathon, which allows them to run their 26.2 miles anywhere, anytime between now and race day. They can defer their entry to next year’s race. Or they can enter one of three other races scheduled over the next month: the Mad Marathon in Waitsfield, the Adirondack Marathon in Schroon, N.Y., or the Eversource Hartford Marathon in Connecticut. m



Meaghan Emery in 2020

Mean Gene? « P.14 The city placed Richards on leave and hired workplace investigator Anita Tinney, who interviewed 11 witnesses, including former and current airport staff and other city employees, and reviewed 1,500 pages of documents. After a two-month probe, she concluded that while Richards made some questionable decisions — including to hire a distant relative and rent a home the airport had acquired to a city employee — none of them expressly violated city policy. His treatment of subordinates, however, did. While the airport is owned and operated by the City of Burlington, it’s located in South Burlington, meaning officials in both cities must collaborate on certain issues. South Burlington City Councilor Meaghan Emery said that in December 2015, Richards invited her to the airport to discuss noise from planes, including the F-35s that were to be based there. When he walked out of his office, though, he started laying into her. “Without even saying hello, he — with just a very loud voice — yells at me and says, ‘Stop being so negative’ and ‘How dare you come in here and demand to see us!’” Emery told Seven Days in a recent interview. “I just sat there with my jaw on the floor.” Emery later learned that Richards had emailed her to cancel the meeting, just 10 minutes before it was to start. At the

following airport commission meeting, then-council chair Pat Nowak publicly apologized for Emery’s behavior, prompting Emery to defend herself in a written statement. The dispute is documented in meeting minutes from both the commission and the council. Emery assumed that Richards’ behavior was purely political — she was an outspoken critic of the jets, and he supported basing them at BTV. But after reading about employees’ experiences, she said, she realized that his outbursts were part of a pattern. “He clearly worked to put the airport in a better place, but the cost of business should not be this fear,” Emery said. “I know what I felt when he did it to me. You felt just like a storm had passed over. I was shaken by it. And that should not be tolerated.” Emery said she relayed the conversation to then-South Burlington city manager Kevin Dorn, who did not respond to an interview request. One of her fellow councilors, Thomas Chittenden, said he, too, discussed airport noise with Richards. On one such phone call, Chittenden said, Richards quickly became “very curt, very dismissive and very angry” and “even used some curse words.” “From what I see and what I know about this, the mayor is right to ask to terminate Gene Richards,” said Chittenden, who

remains a councilor and is now also a state senator. South Burlington City Council chair Helen Riehle, who serves on the airport commission, said she only once saw Richards “get hot under the collar,” during a public meeting about airport noise some years ago — but not to the extreme described by her council colleagues. Riehle said she’s conflicted over whether Richards should stay or go. He’s improved the airport, won federal grants and attracted new airline service routes, but if the allegations are true, Riehle said, “you can’t run an organization with that [as] such a piece of the culture or environment.” Burlington Airport Commissioner Jeff Munger, who recently stepped down as chair, wouldn’t comment on the Richards report, nor would Bill Keogh, a longtime Burlington resident and politician who now chairs the commission. Representatives from AFSCME Local 1343 said members would not speak publicly until after this week’s hearing, and most of the dozen former employees Seven Days contacted declined an interview or didn’t respond to requests for comment. Stephen Gragg, who spent close to 10 years working at BTV, was the exception. An operations specialist who ensured that the airport complied with aviation regulations, Gragg said he planned on spending his career in Burlington but became

ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT! disillusioned as he watched Richards for the FAA, said he never saw Richards drive out good employees, including a treat employees poorly in the more manager whom Gragg highly respected. than three years he worked in BurlGragg, who served as union steward ington. Bazman called Richards a firm before he quit in February, said employ- and passionate leader, a “doer” whose ees regularly recorded conversations tough decisions probably upset the rank with Richards because they didn’t trust and file. He questioned why Richards’ him to keep his word. Gragg would not alleged conduct wasn’t brought forward say whether he has any such recordings. sooner if it was so commonplace. “Everything in that report was just the “The story is somehow being embelsurface,” Gragg said. lished,” Bazman said. “It was always my For his part, Richards said he doesn’t experience with Gene that he was doing remember yelling at Emery but acknowl- the right thing for the right reasons.” edged that they frequently disagreed. “A Erin Desautels gave a similar testilot of interactions with monial. Her business, Meaghan are challenging,” Accelerate Vermont, has he said. “She says things been based at the airport that aren’t always necesfor six years. In that time, sarily the truth.” Desautels said, she never Richards was less once witnessed Richards inclined to discuss Gragg, denigrate anyone or display anger. “It feels only saying he “worked like a character assashard” with Gragg and “every other employee.” sination,” Desautels said, calling the report “vague Richards also disputed how the report characterand unspecific.” ized him as a power-wield“This whole thing is just incredibly troubling ing “big dog,” unwilling to listen. to me,” she said. “When I go to bed at Ranjit “Buddy” Singh night, I try to think of what has worked for Richards ME AGHAN E ME RY I can do better,” he said. for nearly 30 years, first “When somebody is not at a bank and now as happy with me, I’m like a Labrador, not a a broker for Richards’ side business, Doberman. I really believe in trying to get Spruce Mortgage. Singh said he’s had it right. I believe this process didn’t have a handful of “heated discussions” with any of that in it. This is like, You’re wrong, Richards but that he’s always emerged because they said you did this.” a better employee and person for it. Richards’ attorney has also raised Singh, who called Richards a role model, concerns about the investigation. On broke into tears recalling how Richards Monday, Cassidy sent city attorneys a supported him when his mother died in letter alleging that the city is withhold- April 2020. ing “exculpatory material” from his “That’s the type of leadership I want client, including Richards’ personnel out of my manager, out of my boss. That’s file, the AFSCME petition and docu- the person he is,” Singh said. “He is a very ments reviewed by Tinney. Cassidy said good man, and he cares so much for the he filed a public records request for the people around him, the organization documents, which the city said it would he works for, and that’s the thing that’s supply “on a rolling basis up to and upsetting.” through September 13” — after Richards’ Singh lamented that Richards isn’t termination hearing. The report that was being given a second chance. Richards, released to the media and to Richards’ too, has said he’s hurt that Weinberger, team in late August was only Tinney’s who served with him on the airport summary; the full, 13-page report, with commission before becoming mayor in redactions, was provided to Richards on 2012, wants to fire him instead of help September 2. him become a better leader. “If I’m so Cassidy has asked the city to delay the bad, why isn’t he coaching me?” Richards proceedings until Richards can review asked. the evidence against him. The attorney Weinberger, however, has little has also suggested that the hearing’s patience for those questions. format — each side will have just 15 “Department heads shouldn’t need me minutes to make their case — is unfair to tell them it’s wrong to humiliate their and has asked for a four-hour hearing to employees in front of their peers,” he said. be scheduled at a later date. “To me, it’s one of a number of indications Several people who know Richards … that [Richards is] not really taking full have come to his defense. Ronald responsibility or accountability for his Bazman, a retired air traffic controller actions.” m

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8/17/21 7/2/19 10:46 11:42 AM

news Contact tracing is relentless, intense work, and some employees “are not very happy” about returning to it, Dougherty acknowledged. The department was already dealing with burnout from a grueling 15-month state of emergency and frustration among many employees that leaders aren’t taking more aggressive steps to contain the virus. More than 90 signed a recent letter pushing for additional action, and tensions were high at a recent internal staff meeting, VTDigger. org reported last week. Initially, the department reassigned 15 staff members to conduct contact tracing part time. Last week, another 11 were reassigned, Dougherty said. The department is also recruiting four contact tracers from the Agency of Transportation and a few from the Department of Corrections. Contact tracing has evolved since the vaccine rollout. For one, there are more contacts to trace, given that people are socializing more than during lockdowns. The health department said the average number of close contacts per infection is about five, up from closer to three, and is expected to continue to increase. But the state is identifying fewer people who were likely exposed. Only about half the people who were infected between August 8 and 21, the most recent period for which published data are available, provided the tracers with their close contacts. That’s the lowest level to date. The health department isn’t sure why fewer people are providing their contacts. “It could be associated with ‘COVID-19 fatigue’ among people and how they are thinking about their day to day contacts and activities, the relative rates of time in having these contact discussions, or other reasons,” spokesperson Ben Truman wrote in an email. Many people who are identified as close contacts, however, are no longer asked to change their behavior. Current state and federal guidelines say that close contacts who are fully vaccinated and don’t have symptoms need not quarantine, even though vaccinated people can still get infected by and transmit the virus. That means a vaccinated schoolteacher who is identified as a close contact may continue to instruct unvaccinated young children. Contact tracing nonetheless remains important. Not everyone is vaccinated, including all children under 12, and the process yields valuable information about breakthrough cases, infection clusters and outbreaks. Plus, many vaccinated people still want to know of their possible exposure so they can get tested or elect to quarantine. The task of explaining the increasingly 18



Playing Catch-Up « P.15

nuanced guidance is now falling, in part, to school officials. Last month, the Agency of Education notified districts that they would need to conduct contact tracing for their schools, as they did last year. School nurses often make the calls. As classes began, some districts discovered that the health department is not able to assist them as quickly as it did last school year. The process, according to the department, is designed to work like this: Once school officials learn that someone was at school during their infectious period, they should assemble a list of contacts from the school setting. Then they review it with the health department to assess the overall risk. Finally, schools notify close contacts. Just days after classes began at Twinfield Union School in Marshfield, school leaders learned of several student infections stemming from a daycare. But when they submitted their list of potential close contacts to the state, the health department said it needed up to 24 hours to review it. Last year, the consult would have happened immediately, Caledonia Central Supervisory Union superintendent Mark Tucker said. Without that prompt response, the district decided to take action itself, sending home K-6 grade students as a precaution. If the health department isn’t staffed to “provide the immediate, one-on-one contact we need, we’ll go ahead and make

our own decisions, and we’ll always err on the side of being safe,” Tucker said. In Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools, superintendent Libby Bonesteel also had to make decisions on the fly when positive cases emerged during the first week of school. One of the positive students had ridden a bus with teammates, Bonesteel explained on Tuesday at a press conference where she called for a statewide mask mandate. The district decided that only unvaccinated teammates who sat within six feet of the student needed to quarantine. The health department eventually told the district that everyone on the bus should have quarantined. That conversation was five days after the fact, according to Bonesteel. “We need immediate responses,” she said. School districts have new points of contact at the health department this year, and some “kinks” are still being worked out, said Becca McCray, president of the Vermont State School Nurses’ Association. She, like Tucker, expressed confidence in schools’ ability to take on contact-tracing duties. “It makes sense to have it be done in the school, because we know the families; we are the ones that can get the situation under control quickly,” she said. But school contacts are only one piece of a contact-tracing case. Kelly Landwehr, the president-elect of the school nurses’

association, said her district in Addison County recorded three cases last week. When the district notified families, some clamored for more details, fearful that perhaps their child interacted with an infected classmate outside of school. Landwehr isn’t in a position to provide those answers. “The health department is busy, so they’re not getting to these cases as quickly as we are,” she said. “So it might be several days before the family even hears from the health department, outside of the school contact tracing.” The delay in contact tracing is indicative of what has struck some school officials as inadequate coordination by the state for a fully in-person school year. The Agency of Education notified districts in early August that the state would offer regular COVID-19 testing to both staff and students. The expanded version of the program offered only to staff last year is seen as a valuable tool for catching infections before they become outbreaks. The rollout has been rocky. The procedure has changed and takes more time because it includes young children. It’s also being introduced without the advice of a since-disbanded state task force that included school nurses and superintendents who helped shape schools’ COVID-19 response last year. As a result, McCray and Landwehr said, many details of the surveillance testing program are still being ironed out. Schools need to collect consent forms for all their students, but the forms were only drafted in English, McCray said. It takes time to translate them to the many languages spoken by families in the Burlington School District, where she works. “I think we’re all definitely feeling the lack of [the] thoughtfulness that was put into last year’s process,” Landwehr said. As of last week, five school districts and two independent technical centers weren’t signed up for the surveillance testing program at all. Many of those that did sign up haven’t yet been able to implement it. Schools in the Caledonia Central Supervisory Union won’t start until at least mid-month, Tucker said. Landwehr, who doubles as her district’s COVID-19 coordinator, would have liked to roll out the testing regime on day one. With so little planning and so few resources, she concluded that it wasn’t possible. She hopes to start in October. State officials said last week that the school surveillance testing programs, once up and running, will detect asymptomatic students whose infections would otherwise get missed. Those cases, too, will need to be contact traced. m

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9/7/21 2:47 PM


Slice of Life

Plant-based protein startup blooms in Bolton B Y A NNE WAL L A CE ALLE N •





reen Slice, a Vermont-based and Belgian-made food product that’s sold in hundreds of U.S. grocery stores, is expanding its footprint in the Green Mountain State. Owner Véronique Beittel bought a warehouse in Bolton last month that she plans to use as a shipping center for her plant-based veggie dogs, ham slices and other products. In five years, she said, she’d like to move production of the food itself from Belgium to Bolton. Beittel started Green Slice in 2017 and runs the company with her husband, Matthew Beittel, from their home in Richmond. The vegan, gluten-free, organic deli foods are manufactured at Véronique’s family food business in Belgium. Though it’s made in Europe, Green Slice is sold only in the U.S., much of it through Idahobased Albertsons, the second-largest U.S. grocery store chain after Kroger’s. The company recently signed an agreement with Shaw’s supermarkets that will put Green Slice in 100 stores in the Northeast, Véronique said. She moved from Flemish-speaking Belgium to the U.S. in 2002 for an internship with the food corporation Sara Lee. The experience she gained as a marketing manager for brands such as Jimmy Dean and Hillshire Farm has helped her navigate the intense competition for supermarket shelf space in the U.S. — an environment that hinders many small food producers. “I know how to approach a retail store; I know all the lingo. I’m not afraid to pick up the phone and talk to Kroger’s,” Véronique said. But she, too, has found it tough to work with retailers and distributors. It’s much easier to get a product into stores with the backing of a brand such as Jimmy Dean, which has millions to spend. Stores charge thousands of dollars — sometimes hundreds of thousands — for a place on their shelves. “You’re excited at first: You’re going to be nationwide,” she said. But then the costs of doing business with the stores, and with the distributor, mount unexpectedly, she said, until it no longer makes financial sense to work with them. “They charge you so much for whoknows-what that, at the end of the day, you ship the product for free,” she said. That’s why she’d like to increase her direct online sales, and it’s why she bought the Bolton warehouse.

“I just want things to come closer to home,” she said. Matthew left his position as chief financial officer at OnLogic in South Burlington earlier this year to work full time at Green Slice, and his expertise helps a lot, his wife said. She still works with a national grocery distributor who helps food producers get their product onto store shelves, and Matthew keeps track of the costs. The two are the company’s only employees. Green Slice is sold in about 500 grocery and health food stores out West, and Véronique expects annual revenues this year to hit $1 million. In August, she received a $100,000 loan from the Vermont Economic Development Authority to buy a dilapidated former AmeriGas warehouse on the Winooski River in Bolton. The 2,700-square-foot structure behind the Bolton town clerk’s office comes with five acres and a spectacular view of the nearby mountains. There’s a Long Trail access point nearby. “I could canoe home,” said Véronique, who lives a few minutes downstream, also on the river. Green Slice got its start after the Beittels moved to Vermont in 2010 from Washington, D.C. The couple discovered the state on a ski trip to Stowe. Véronique started a business as a distributor of genever, a malted Dutch gin made in Belgium and the neighboring Netherlands. She still distributes genever but decided to start making a plant-based protein product when her

Véronique Beittel

daughter, now 7, was a toddler. She was uneasy about the health impact of processed meats, noting that the World Health Organization has described hot dogs, ham, sausages and others as carcinogenic. “WHO put processed meats in the same category with asbestos and smoking cigarettes,” she said. The alternatives to processed meats didn’t appeal, either. She didn’t like the look or feel of the meat-free products she found, and many used soy protein or gluten, ingredients she sought to avoid.

“That’s when I realized there was an opportunity there,” Véronique said. Through several trials, she and her cousins in Belgium settled on a meat-like protein that ’s based on organic pea protein and contains vegetables such as leeks, carrots and beets, with spices for flavor. She chose the name of the product with help from her young daughter. Vegetarian protein has been a huge market for years. Unilever reported in March that U.S. shoppers spent more than $7 billion on meat and dairy alternatives in 2020. Included in that category is the large array of meatless burgers, many based on legumes such as black beans. A few producers are based in the Green Mountain State. Vermont Bean Crafters in Warren makes a vegetable-based protein that it sells as burgers, producing close to 5,000 a week. “Our burgers aren’t necessarily trying to emulate meat,” said owner Joe Bossen. “We focus on basically trying to help make it easier for people to eat whole foods at home, or in restaurants, wherever they are.” Earth Sky Time, a farm in Manchester, produces a few thousand of its vegetarian VT Goldburgers a week, distributing them to local food co-ops. The burgers, made of ground-up vegetables with flax seed, rice, oats and sesame seeds, are also not intended as a meat alternative, said farm co-owner Oliver Levis. “The texture is not meat-like; the taste is not meat-like, but you’d use it when you would be using meat,” Levis said. “It’s not trying to be anything other than a vegetable thing.” Véronique, who occasionally eats meat, said she didn’t consider getting into the crowded veggie burger market. “You can find burgers in every flavor, every type of ingredient,” she said. “I didn’t have the budget to compete with somebody like that.” Instead, she sticks to soy-free hot dogs and meat slices with a product that tastes like processed meat and feels like baloney. Though they are made in Europe, Green Slice products are sold only in the U.S. “We want to focus on America; it’s big enough for me,” Véronique said. “I don’t have world domination in mind.” m



FEED back « P.7

However, if our medical system fully supported primary care providers, the demand for specialty care could be lessened. Peter Nobes



I thank Seven Days for the story about wait times at the University of Vermont Medical Center [“The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]. It is interesting that Green Mountain Care Board member Jessica Holmes was so “discouraged” by the wait times that even she, a regulator of the system, “sought care elsewhere.” As a patient in Vermont’s hospital system, I’ve been forgotten in doctors’ offices, waiting rooms and even in a surgery prep room, where I was simply left for several hours until I finally unplugged the intravenous tube and reintroduced myself. These experiences turned me into an activist for single-payer health care in Vermont. In that role, I have been continually admonished by state government, other health care “experts” and the anti-tax crowd about those supposed long wait times in single-payer systems. UVM Medical Center invests far too much of the money we give it through fees and taxes in six-figure (or higher) salaries for high-powered CEOs and other executives. As this article illustrates, UVM Medical Center has been following the eternal American business model of raising our costs and shortchanging the frontline staff to pay those executives. I’m sure that the upcoming state investigation will report little or nothing wrong with the system. It’s always someone else’s fault, never the system’s. After all the deliberate misinformation we’ve been fed about wait times, it’s good to see the truth of what’s going on come out. Now, do we have the courage to change it? Walter Carpenter



[Re “The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]: I seem to recall that two of the biggest arguments against a singlepayer health care solution were lack of choice and long wait times. Glad we dodged that bullet. Ian VanKirk



[Re Staytripper, “Top Picks: Seven PYO Apple Orchards Worth the Drive,” September 1]: So disappointed to see you miss Chapin Orchard in Essex Junction! Kenneth Signorello ESSEX JUNCTION


It is true that Steven Goodkind is a retired director of the Burlington Department of Public Works, as stated in the editor’s note to his recent letter, “‘Run, Gene, Run’” [Feedback, September 1]. But it is more relevant, given his negative comments about Mayor Miro Weinberger, that he be described as “a 2015 candidate for mayor of Burlington who lost to Weinberger, 68.27 percent to 22.35 percent.” Charles Lief BOULDER, CO

Lief was business partners with Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger at the Hartland Group.


I find it fascinating that in the same advertisement where R.J. Reynolds Tobacco states, “Lucky Strike has been making it happen since 1871 ... Here’s to another 150 years,” it also discloses: “Smoking cigarettes causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, and may complicate Pregnancy.” So, in essence, its products have sickened and killed people for 150 years. Tobacco giant Philip Morris International says it will stop selling cigarettes in the United Kingdom within the next decade, and its new CEO says he plans to lead the company’s “smoke-free” transformation. Does R.J Reynolds’ advertisement suggest it really wants to be selling Lucky Strikes 150 years from now?


Dr. Nevin Zablotsky



You don’t have to travel far to get away from it all. Just head to Basin Harbor and enjoy a little more summer while it lasts. Vermonter rates from $269/night for September and October.

Last week’s story “Green Light,” about Northern Vermont UniversityLyndon’s Semester Cinema program, included incorrect pronouns for Wellesley College student Hazel Kevlihan, who uses he/they pronouns. In last week’s Staytripper, “Top Picks: Seven PYO Apple Orchards Worth the Drive” listed the incorrect town name for Yates Family Orchard. Though its mailing address is in Hinesburg, the orchard is in Monkton.

To book, visit

2V-BHC090821 1



9/7/21 11:00 AM



OBITUARIES Barbara DeForge

JANUARY 25, 1929SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Barbara DeForge, 92, of Burlington, Vt., made her peaceful departure just before sunrise on September 2, 2021. Hours earlier, the heavens beaconed her, lighting the sky with a spectacular sunset as she hovered between worlds. A lifelong Burlington resident, Barbara was born on January 25, 1929, to Glen and Rose Critchlow. Her brother, Glen Jr., followed in 1931, and the family spent many years in Burlington’s Old North End. There, Barbara forged friendships that stood the test of time — from neighborhood pals to classmates at Cathedral High School. Blessed with a sharp memory and mind for minutiae, Barbara readily recalled people, places and stories from her past. Listening to her, one could picture a bygone Burlington where ice blocks harvested from a frozen Lake Champlain were delivered on the backs of men to home iceboxes; where the Great Depression loomed large and “if you saw a line, you got in it”; where having a car was a luxury; where teenagers gathered downtown for a soda at Woolworth’s. During high school, Barbara met Norman DeForge, one of Glen’s classmates. A sharp dresser, Norman caught Barbara’s eye. She soon learned that “he’d spent his entire paycheck on nice clothes to make it seem like he had money.” But Norman had already won her heart and, after four years of dating, they married on June 10, 1950. They spent their first summer as a married couple living in a camper at North Beach Campground. Despite these humble beginnings, Barbara was


thrilled to be married and start a family. By 1960, she and Norman had four children, a lovely home in Burlington’s New North End and property on Colchester Point, where they built a summer camp. Summers at Broadlake revolved around swimming, sunbathing, boating and barbecuing. Barbara and Norman often entertained family and friends — especially the Critchlow clan — with their camp serving as a social hub of sorts. At one point, they had the only working telephone on the street. As a former telephone operator, Barbara was in her element when fielding calls for neighbors. For many, many years, up until her late eighties, Barbara spent sunny days at the lake, with her chair on the shoreline and her feet in the water. Her summer tan was legendary — bring on the baby oil! Barbara’s love of the beach brought her to Puerto Rico every February, where she and her cousins Jane Wheeler and Pat Pawlowski joined various friends for a two-week girls’ trip. There, Barbara developed a taste for mojitos and empanadas, always putting her own spin on their respective pronunciations. Norman took advantage of her absence and, without fail, would attempt to sneak in a home improvement project or two. This dynamic became a long-running family joke, as nothing ever got by Barbara. While Norman never


joined her in Puerto Rico, he did for their trips to Watch Hill, R.I. Together, with several high school friends known as the “Watch Hill Gang,” Barbara and Norman visited fellow classmate Bishop Louis Gelineau each summer for decades. And, of course, Barbara always returned with that enviable tan. But her first and most lasting love was Vermont. Forever grateful to be a Vermonter, Barbara cherished Sunday drives and weekend getaways to the state’s lesser-known corners. In her later years, she found great pleasure in walks along Burlington’s waterfront and around her neighborhood, where she inevitably chatted up a neighbor. A proud homemaker, Barbara made everyone feel comfortable in her home — from longtime friends to first-time visitors. She always opened her doors and her heart to company. Family was her absolute joy. She spoke to each of her children on the phone every day; her grandchildren were the jewels of her life. What else should be known about Barbara? She had amazing style and closets full of clothes and accessories that spanned decades; she loved lilacs, rhododendrons and red geraniums; she once “planted” a row of lollipops in her garden and made her grandchildren believe in magic; she taught kindness by example and was a most loyal friend; she made a mean apple pie; she was beautiful. Following Norman’s death in 2009, Barbara adopted the red cardinal as the family totem after learning of the bird’s spiritual symbolism. During her last weeks at home, she delighted in seeing a red cardinal and its mate fly around her yard. Barbara also took great comfort in her enduring Catholic faith. As she approached the end

of her life, she found peace through prayer. Saying the rosary was Barbara’s final independent act. Barbara is survived by her children, Jacky DeForge and partner Linda, Judy Carpenter and husband Case, Jo-Ann DeForge, and Jim DeForge and partner Sue Ellen; granddaughter Courtney Copp and partner Matt; grandson Christopher Copp and partner Bethany; and her cat, Emma. She is also survived by her brother, Glen J. Critchlow Jr., and his wife, Catherine; cousins Jane Wheeler and Pat Pawlowski; friends Bishop Louis Gelineau, Sister Marie Feely and Martha Trotter (and family); and numerous nieces and nephews. She was predeceased by her parents; her husband, Norman; and her close family friend, James McGrath. Barbara’s family thanks caregiver Kathie Berard, Bethany Cloutier, LNA, of McClure 6, and the staff and volunteers at the McClure Miller Respite House. Donations to the Respite House may be made in Barbara’s name. Alternatively, she’d be just as thrilled for people to spend time with a loved one over beer and pizza (her last unfulfilled craving) and listen to “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” by Israel Kamakawiwo’ole, one of her favorite songs. We bid you farewell, Barbara. As you embark on your journey to the Great Beyond, we leave you with the words of your beloved mother: “Goodbye, good luck and God bless you.” A mass of Christian burial is scheduled for Thursday, September 9, at 11 a.m., at St. Mark’s Church in Burlington. In compliance with COVID-19 protocols, masks will be required of all attendees. A private burial will follow at a later date. Arrangements are under the care of LaVigne Funeral Home and Cremation Service.

Harold B. ‘Chubby’ Moran DECEMBER 9, 1927SEPTEMBER 1, 2021 SHELBURNE, VT.

Harold B. “Chubby” Moran, 93, of Shelburne, Vt., died on September 1, 2021, at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington, after a brief illness. He was born on December 9, 1927, the son of Mayor J. Edward and Laura (Brisson) Moran. Chub’s entrance into this world was quite fortuitous. After the great flood of 1927, and a refusal by his mother to cross the Winooski River on a pontoon bridge to reach the Fanny Allen Hospital, Chub was the first baby born in the new DeGoesbriand Hospital in Burlington. His Cathedral High School yearbook described him in verse: “A mischievous lad is he, a master of all rascality.” This proved to be an apt summary of his youthful adventures growing up in Burlington and the fun he had with family and friends throughout the years. Chub was a graduate of Saint Michael’s College and a Navy veteran. He was a financial administrator who worked in that capacity with Burlington Hospitals and Housing Authorities, local businesses, and benevolent organizations throughout his career. He married the love of his life and high school sweetheart, Florence (Laramee), on August 12, 1950. Flo and Chub were avid antique collectors and frequented many weekend auctions. They loved entertaining friends at their camp in North Duxbury, sitting around their oak kitchen table lit by the warm glow of gas lights, telling stories about their earlier escapades and laughing well into the night. They delighted in hosting many Moran and Laramee family picnics at camp and at their home in North Ferrisburgh. Every year they looked forward to spending a few weeks in the summer in Rhode Island with their former Cathedral classmates. Chub enjoyed the mountains, lakes and back roads of Vermont. When we all thought

we were lost on marathon car rides, Chub always knew exactly where we were and where we would end up. He was a proud member of the North Duxbury Shamrock Club, an avid hunter, ice fisherman and golfer. He was a memory keeper of old Burlington neighborhoods, people and their histories. He took great joy in his grandchildren and delighted them with wheelbarrow rides, country fairs, parades and a collection of personal stories that live on today. To them, “Chub” Moran is a legend: an amazing grandfather, a great New York Yankees fan and one of the best storytellers you will ever meet. Chub was predeceased by his beloved wife, Flo, after 68 years of marriage in 2018, and his youngest son, Daniel, in May of this year. He was also predeceased by his sisters and their husbands, Lorraine Moran, Kae and Jim Fitzpatrick, Janice and Bill Fitzgerald; Flo’s siblings; and his beloved Boston terriers and English bulldogs. He is survived by three children, Sean, Karen (Lafayette) and Tim; and daughter-inlaw Ceal Moran; as well as by cherished grandchildren and their families: Ed Lafayette, wife Sarah and Jillian; Daniel Lafayette, wife Chelsea and Taylor; Melissa Moran and partner Adam; Tim Moran, partner Misty, Christian and Ava; and Matt Moran and wife Miriam. He also leaves behind many special nieces, nephews and friends. We are forever grateful to our brother Sean, who took such good care of Dad and Mom in their final years. We are comforted to know that Chub has reunited with Flo and Daniel and all his family and friends who have passed. There will be no services at this time; Chub and Flo will be buried together at Lakeview Cemetery at a later date. Chub was recognized for collecting over 1 million soda can tabs to support the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Those who would like to make a contribution in his honor can go online at or send to Ronald McDonald House Charities, 16 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT 05401.


OBITUARIES Sandra Herzig JULY 31, 1924AUGUST 26, 2021 ESSEX, VT.

Sandra “Sandy” Herzig passed away peacefully, at the age of 97, on August 26, 2021, in Essex, Vt. Born on July 31, 1924, in New York City, Sandy grew up living with her parents, Todoros and Gracia Levy, and her siblings, Jean, Victor and Murray, in the tenements of the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Both Todoros and Gracia had immigrated to this country as teenagers from the land now known as North Macedonia. As a Sephardic Jew whose ancestors had fled the Spanish Inquisition, Sandy grew up in a family whose primary language was Ladino — a dialect of Spanish influenced by a Turkish environment. Proud of her Sephardic heritage, Sandy loved to cook traditional meals, including such favorites as borekas (spinach and feta in phyllo dough), baklava and many more. Sandy married the love of her life, Herman “Hy” Herzig, on June 28, 1947. Hy made up for what he lacked in formal education with a boundless entrepreneurial spirit. Sandy and Hy, along with their children, Gary and Robin, crisscrossed the country numerous times in search of the American dream of creating their own successful business. Sandy’s life, however, changed forever in 1967 when Hy died of a sudden heart attack. Returning to the workforce as a single mom, living paycheck to paycheck, Sandy dedicated herself to ensuring the well-being of her two children. While never shy about expressing an opposing opinion, her greatest gift to her children was her constant and unconditional love. Her greatest legacy, however, will be the impact she has had on her grandchildren — Sasha Herzig of Troy, N.Y.; Hannah Grace Stender of Essex, Vt.; Aidan Grace of London, England; and Sophie Grace Laning of Wakefield, R.I. Weekends with Grandma would always include waking up

early for a place on the discount ticket line for a Broadway play. With limitless love, she made sure to instill in each of them the confidence to be true to themselves. Her enduring message was never to allow anyone to tell them what they couldn’t do or whom they should be. In 2009, Sandy moved to Burlington, Vt., to be closer to family. Leaving New York City, which she loved dearly, was not easy. Views of mountains and cows could not compete with sidewalks full of people, and she greatly missed the energy, clamor and diversity of New York. Sandy never hesitated to speak her mind in defense of the rights of all people, and, having had to return to work in the days before there were any protections from sexual harassment, she was particularly passionate about the rights of women. She would often make her feelings of concern known regarding recent events of discrimination, sexism or bigotry in our country. Recently, she asked her son Gary, now the mayor of Oneonta, N.Y., whether people followed his lead. When Gary replied that there was no shortage of people who disagreed with him, Sandy said, “Good. This is America.” One of her proudest moments was, at age 89, accompanying her granddaughter Hannah to a rally for president Barack Obama. As luck would have it, the president stopped to talk with her on his way out. Charmed, the president gave her a kiss on the cheek — something she would never forget. Whenever asked, Sandy would say that she attributed her long life and good health to “doing whatever she damn well pleased.”

Apparently, eating the foods she liked, smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years and passionately avoiding any type of exercise all agreed with her. When someone in the family would go out for a run, she would invariably ask, “Who’s chasing you?” Sandy is survived by her son Gary Herzig, of Oneonta, N.Y., and his wife, Connie; and daughter Robin Herzig Grace, of Fairfax, Vt., and her husband, Thomas; along with grandchildren Hannah (Craig), Aidan (Rose), Sasha and Sophie (Jeffrey). She was recently blessed with great-grandchildren Ava and Cameron. She is also survived by her nephews, Irwin Seltzer (Allison), Terry Seltzer (Doryce), Mitchell Cohen (Morissa), and Todd Levy (Kimberly); and niece, Debbie Macchia (Jerry). She leaves behind great-nieces and -nephews Brad Seltzer (Julie), Janna Seltzer, Larry Seltzer (Naomi), Jeffrey Seltzer (Melissa), Seth Cohen (Joanna), Noah Cohen (Rebecca) and Raphael Cohen (Jessica), Jennifer and Lauren Macchia, and Sarah and Rachel Levy; as well as good friends Shelley Sadofsky (Lenny) and Jay Adatto, along with all their children. Sandy was predeceased by her parents, siblings, and lifelong friend Sonnie Adatto and her daughter Rita. We would like to thank the staff of Maple Ridge Memory Care in Essex, Vt. (with special appreciation for Katy Munzir and Teri Litchfield), where Sandy spent her last two years; Dr. Claudia Berger of the University of Vermont, who cared for Sandy since 2009 with the greatest of patience and compassion; as well as friends left at Grand Way Commons, where she lived from 2009 through 2019. Sandy will be laid to rest beside her husband, Hy, at Wellwood Cemetery in West Babylon, N.Y., on Thursday, September 2. She is already missed by her family and all those who knew her and loved her. Please visit to share your memories and condolences.

Jeanne Guyett Wisner

and poems; piano playing in the living room while we children danced; homegrown birthday parties; elaborate Halloween parties; an annual Christmas caroling party; and music — always music — threaded throughout. Jeanne continued to grow and stretch herself as her children grew. She worked as conference coordinator at the Episcopal Conference Center at Denbigh. Eventually she went back to school, to Temple University, and finished her degree in social work. She shared one semester there with both of her daughters! She refurbished a house in Villanova while serving as executive director of a drug abuse prevention program, then met and got engaged to a man who took her on a trip around the world. She fell out of love with him but fell in love with travel. She joined the Peace Corps and went to Ghana, then moved back to Vermont. Her next job led to trips to research the Chinese art trade and help to open a gallery in New York City. She loved going to China! Soon she found a job as a tour director — mostly in China and sometimes other countries, such as Russia and Spain. But China was her specialty.

Soon she was studying and speaking Chinese and, in her fifties, discovering a whole new career when most are thinking about retiring. It was a career she did and loved for more than 20 years, and she only stopped when she came back to Vergennes to care for her elderly mother. In Vergennes, Jeanne participated in the community and created roots. She joined the church choir. She joined Women of Wisdom. She worked in the library. She became an active birder, volunteering for the breeding bird census and joining the Forest & Field Club. She learned Reiki. She sang with Noyana; that community called to her spirit. She started working at the Shelburne Museum, where she made many new friends, including Linda Burden, who was at her side on her last day, along with her daughter, Deborah, on August 28, 2021. Jeanne has a huge extended family, all of whom planned to gather in New Mexico in 2020 to celebrate her 90th birthday, but COVID-19 thwarted those plans. She had to hang on until she turned 91, this year. She made it there. We had a wonderful time together. She loved our big, sprawling family: her children, their spouses, 12 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren (one more on the way, this year!). We will gather to remember her at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Vergennes at 11 a.m. on September 11. (Capacity is 50 due to COVID-19. Join online at services.) In lieu of flowers, we ask you to donate to cancer research.

of being fully vaccinated as of September 1 to attend this event in person, and everyone will be required to wear masks. Alternatively, please

join us via livestream: Tony Markellis was a mainstay of the Burlington music scene for more than 45 years, most notably as a founding member of Kilimanjaro and the Unknown Blues Band featuring Big Joe Burrell. Tony was also omnipresent musically and equally beloved in his adopted hometown of Saratoga Springs, N.Y. For the past 18 years, Tony gained national prominence playing bass in Phish front man Trey Anastasio’s eponymous sideline band. A complete obituary of Tony is available online: tonymarkellis.

MARCH 29, 1930AUGUST 28, 2021 SHELBURNE, VT.

Jeanne Guyett Wisner: This amazing, extraordinary woman lived 91 years — and could have lived longer if esophageal cancer had not taken her. A lifetime smoker, she quit 20 years ago because it was affecting her singing voice. She was truly a free spirit, a woman before her time. This is her story, as told by her children who remember her. She was born in Rensselaer, N.Y., on March 29, 1930, to T. Cassius and Beatrice Pettit Guyett. They moved to Ferrisburgh, Vt., and opened the Bee Hive on Route 7 when she was a little girl. Smart, beautiful and musically talented, she was accepted into Juilliard out of high school but didn’t go. She went to the University of Vermont as a premed major, met Jackson W. Wisner Jr. there, and left school to marry and have four children: Jay, Deborah, Katherine and Peter. Eventually, they settled in Wappingers Falls, N.Y. Feeling constricted by her marriage, she left, with another divorced friend, for Fairview Village, Pa. Working various jobs — bookkeeper, dietitian — along with being a mother to her four children in a blended family, she found creative ways to stretch money and make the experience of growing up with divorced parents an adventure. There were noisy parades with pots and pans; “ghost” hide-and-seek in the dark; word games at the table; dramatic readings of stories


Tony Markellis, 1952-2021

Please join with friends and family as we celebrate the life of Tony Markellis on Monday, September 13, at a new time and location: 4 p.m. at the Double E Performance Center, located at the Essex Experience Campus at 21 Essex Way, in the same building as Essex Cinemas. Doors will open at 3 p.m. So please come early and enjoy a cocktail as you take your seats. You must present proof








Tom Flanagan asking students about their summer reading while visiting the library at C.P. Smith Elementary School

First Impressions

Burlington School District superintendent Tom Flanagan persevered through a challenging rookie year BY AL IS O N NO VAK •


n the second day of the school year, Burlington school superintendent Tom Flanagan strode down the halls of C.P. Smith Elementary School, greeting staff and students. It was still morning, but the temperature outside had topped 80 degrees, so Flanagan had shed his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his blue button-down. A 48-year-old former hockey and soccer player, he still has the solid build and buoyant energy of an athlete. He popped his head into the nurse’s office. “Good morning!” he said cheerfully. “How’s it going so far? Pulling all the paperwork together?” 24


“It’s going great,” school nurse Christine Harris replied. Out in the corridor, he called to a passing custodian, “Suzy, it’s looking great in here!” In the learning center, librarian Beth Lane stood in front of a group of fourth graders. “Hey, Mr. Flanagan!” she greeted the superintendent. She explained that the class had just practiced lining up silently in alphabetical order and that the fifth grade purchasing club would be in charge of $800 of the library budget this year. “What?!” Flanagan said, with exaggerated incredulity, as the masked students gazed up at him.

His green eyes, behind round tortoiseshell frames, scanned the group of students. “How’s it going so far? How’s day two?” he asked. “Good,” a few called out. “Well, I’m so excited to be back here with you,” Flanagan told the 9- and 10-year-olds, who then went around, sharing their favorite summer reads. Flanagan’s exuberance is just one thing colleagues, parents and community members say they like about the first-time superintendent, who is entering his second year as the school leader in Vermont’s largest city. A recent transplant to the Green Mountains, Flanagan was confronted on his arrival in July 2020 with challenges

that would have strained even the most experienced administrator. He took over a district with nearly 4,000 students, more than 1,200 employees, a $91.5 million budget — and a recent history of rocky superintendencies. Flanagan replaced Yaw Obeng, a Canadian and Burlington’s first Black superintendent, who first struggled to obtain a work visa and then drew criticism for choosing to live in South Burlington and send his children to school there. Obeng’s predecessor, Jeanne Collins, departed after a controversy about financial mismanagement. As Flanagan arrived, the COVID-19 pandemic was about to force the district into a disruptive mix of remote and

in-person learning for the 2020-21 school year. Then, a day before school opened, elevated levels of carcinogenic chemicals were found at Burlington High School. The school system also faced longer-standing challenges — perhaps first among them questions about equity and systemic racism in a district composed of 40 percent students of color. By all accounts, Flanagan has tackled all these issues with vigor, acting quickly to find a temporary space for the high school when health officials deemed the existing one unsafe; communicating effectively about the pandemic with administrators, teachers and families; and reaching out to communities of color to hear their concerns about the city’s schools. “I’ve been watching him carefully and with skepticism, to be honest, because the school is a big, heavy system, and there are a lot of things in place that are hard to change,” said Emma Kouri, a parent who chaired a school safety task force last year. Kouri said Flanagan has allayed her concerns. “He leads with compassion. He leads with vulnerability. He leads with curiosity,” she said. “I have been very pleasantly surprised.” Burlington School Board Commissioner Martine Gulick said she also initially wondered whether Flanagan was up to the challenge. But “he seems to be handling the stress of all of this really well,” said Gulick, who lives in Flanagan’s New North End neighborhood and sees him out and about with his wife and three kids. “I’m just always kind of impressed, and also amazed, at how he seems to stay calm, take care of himself, take care of his family and also meet the needs of the district.” Others say they are reserving judgment for now. Stephanie Seguino, who served on the school board from 2014 to 2018, said that before Flanagan is judged a success, he must demonstrate substantive and measurable progress in better serving the district’s students of color. Some benchmarks, according to Seguino: recruiting a more diverse staff and reducing the disproportionately high suspension rates for African American, special education and economically disadvantaged students. “The data need to tell us,” said Seguino, a University of Vermont economics professor. “So, the proof is in the pudding, and we’ll see.” To handle the many challenges he faces, Flanagan can draw on his experiences as a highlevel administrator in larger cities — Washington, D.C., and Providence, R.I. — although he notes it is a much “different thing when you’re the person who’s ultimately responsible for the whole thing.” When he’s having a hard time with an issue, he said, he always comes back to one question: “What is the right decision for kids?” During a walk-through at Hunt Middle School on the second day of school, Flanagan came upon a staff member helping a student learn to use her locker. “How does it feel?” Flanagan asked the girl about the return to school. “Sad,” the student said. She told Flanagan about her long, tiring bike ride to school and her anxiety about returning to the classroom. “I’m sorry to hear that,” Flanagan said, his voice taking on a soft, sympathetic tone. “So, you’re working through the first day, kind of getting back into it, huh … Do you



have someone here who can help you if you’re feeling nervous?” The student gave a noncommittal “I don’t know,” but the staff member assured the superintendent that she did. “It’s really important to have people who can help,” Flanagan said before he moved on to another classroom.


Flanagan’s own experience growing up in Washington, D.C., shaped his desire for more equitable schools. He was raised in Mount Pleasant, a historically African American neighborhood that saw an influx of refugees from El Salvador and Guatemala in the 1970s and ’80s. He played basketball with neighborhood friends at the local school playground. But when it came time for him to start school, his mom entered a lottery so he could attend one with a better reputation in a wealthier neighborhood. “I was a little kid, so I had no idea what was going on,” he said. But he always wondered why he couldn’t go to school in the neighborhood where he lived. “What it led me to want to do is to make sure that schools in neighborhoods across cities, and the programming within schools, is really good for everybody,” he said. Flanagan graduated from the University of Oregon, where he majored in religious studies. During a stint as an assistant soccer coach in college, he discovered how much he enjoyed working with young people. He moved back to Washington, D.C., in his twenties to be closer to his younger half-siblings and taught at a progressive, independent school before earning master’s degrees in educational administration and special education. He was a high school history teacher, then a special education coordinator and principal in D.C. public schools. “Being a principal … I worked in some schools where you really had to stay calm, and you really had to make sure that you were always thinking about what’s best for kids,” Flanagan said of the sometimes chaotic, physically and emotionally draining environments in which he worked. Flanagan became the D.C. system’s deputy chief of specialized instruction, overseeing special education programs in 2012. Four years later, he became chief academic officer of Providence Public Schools in Rhode Island. The Providence district had developed problems so serious that the state took control in 2019, after a Johns Hopkins University report documented student learning deficits, deteriorating school buildings and inadequate services for English language learners. Flanagan said he publicly supported the state takeover because it allowed for a reorganization of leadership to happen. He described Providence as a “complicated place” to work, with constant turnover at the administrative level that led to a piecemeal approach to instruction. Systems intended to mitigate the long history of corruption in the city also made it hard for the school district to function effectively. He worked for three years under former Providence superintendent Chris Maher, who said Flanagan was an FIRST IMPRESSIONS SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

» P.26 25

effective leader in the troubled district. Flanagan helped restructure departments focused on students with disabilities and those who were learning English. And he led the charge to make sure educators were using high-quality curricula in order to increase the rigor of teaching. “He has a deep passion to look at inequities and address them,” Maher said. When a job opened up in Burlington, Flanagan found much that appealed to him about the Queen City. He liked the size of the school district compared to the vast systems he’d previously worked in — big enough to feel like a challenge but small enough that he’d be able to get to know all the schools. A lover of food and music — his stepfather founded the famed 9:30 Club in Washington, D.C., and Flanagan has fond childhood memories of seeing punk and new-wave bands there — he appreciated Burlington’s lively culture. So did his wife and kids. Because of his experience in Washington and Providence, districts where more than 90 percent of the students identify as people of color, he also felt at home in a place with a diverse student body. In fact, Flanagan said it was an easy decision for the family to settle in the city and send their daughters — a seventh grader and third-grade twins — to its schools. The timing of Flanagan’s hiring allowed him to get a better feel for the city before starting his new job. He was named Burlington’s incoming superintendent in March 2020, the same week that Providence Public Schools closed for in-person instruction because of the pandemic. The shift to remote classes gave Flanagan the flexibility to embark on a spring listening tour, speaking to Burlington community members on Zoom to learn about their desires for the school district. “I think the way sustainable change happens is doing work with the community,” he said. “There is a lot of good stuff that has been happening here over time, and a lot of committed people, and it’s really about building on that foundation.” Liz Curry, who served on the Burlington School Board from 2013 to 2020, agrees that Flanagan is continuing to build on initiatives — including annual equity reports and efforts to hire administrators of color and curtail police in schools — that were already under way. That’s important to consider when assessing his tenure thus far, she said. “Tom is sitting at a table that was set,” Curry said. “Perhaps some of the table was out of order, and he’s putting it in order.” “We are so lucky to have Tom. We really are,” Curry said, citing Flanagan’s ability to 26



First Impressions « P.25

Tom Flanagan with students on the playground at C.P. Smith Elementary School



bring people together and his understanding of systemic racism. “In this moment in history, he is the person we needed, for a lot of different reasons. And one of the reasons is the white power structure feels comfortable with Tom. And if that’s what it takes to really make a change, that’s what it’s going to take.”


Flanagan acknowledges that, as a white man, he might be an imperfect messenger for “erasing and dismantling systems of power and systemic racism,” something he says he’s committed to doing. He hopes that his actions speak for themselves. At the beginning of last school year, he took a middle school teacher’s recommendation to expand access to in-person instruction for students learning English and those receiving special education services. Those students were offered four days per week in the classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of the two prescribed by the district’s hybrid model. Though the shift created

scheduling challenges, Flanagan said it was worth it because it gave those students the extra support they needed. Estella Shela, a recent immigrant from Burundi and the mother of four teenagers, agreed. Through a translator, she said she was grateful her kids were able to spend more time in the classroom. Managing to keep them on track with their studies at home would have been difficult, she said. And, as a member of a parent advisory council last school year, Shela said, she felt that Flanagan valued her perspective and demonstrated that he cares about people of color. City councilor and Burlington parent Ali Dieng, who grew up in Senegal, has had a similar impression of Flanagan. Dieng founded Parent University, a program for New American families, and worked in the school district for 13 years before leaving for a new job this summer. “He’s committed to equity and inclusion, and I think he has demonstrated it beautifully,” Dieng said. “He works very well in … supporting Parent University, supporting the interpreters and supporting New Americans academically.” The first official meeting Flanagan had

with community members was with New American parents, Dieng noted. Some of those parents told Flanagan they felt like their children were being cared for at school but not challenged, the superintendent said. It’s something that’s stuck with him. “The big work of social and racial equity is around what teaching and learning looks like,” Flanagan said. “How do we make sure that learning is challenging, engaging and empowering for students?” To that end, he holds monthly meetings with building principals so that they’re on the same page about concepts such as systemic racism and unconscious bias. The leaders also look at district data for trends in student outcomes based on race, special education and economic status. Only 6 percent of teachers in the district identify as Black, Indigenous or people of color. Flanagan said he hopes to use additional strategies to recruit, hire and retain more BIPOC teachers, including alternative pathways to teacher licensure through local universities, as well as updating hiring and recruitment policies. “We want our students to see representation of themselves in the adults who are working with them,” Flanagan said. Though Burlington has had a diversity and equity coordinator since 1997, Flanagan last year created a formal Office of Equity and equipped it with additional staff and funding. This summer, that office organized a monthlong Racial Justice Academy to teach about social and racial justice and restorative practices, and to

HOW’S THE RIDE FEELIN’? A week or two later, there were new pizza and salad options. Flanagan said he sees connecting with students and teachers as a core part of his job and estimates he’s visited at least 90 percent of classrooms in the district. Because he’s regularly in the schools, “he is acting and reacting from a place of understanding who we are and what we’re doing and where we need to go, which is positive and productive,” said Burlington Education Association president Beth Fialko-Casey, a high school English teacher. “When I’m stuck in the office for too long, I like my job less,” Flanagan said. “I’m really intentional about being in schools because it gives me energy. I think, to be a good superintendent or a good leader, you have to be with the folks who you’re leading.”


give students of color leadership skills so they can work for change. In 2014, the Burlington School Board attempted to cut armed police officers, known as school resource officers, from schools but ran into opposition from the city. In February, a school safety task force called for the district to eliminate one of the officers and reassign the other to the Burlington Police Department. The task force cited racial disparities in arrests in city schools and the discomfort and fear that BIPOC students reported due to having officers on campus. Flanagan supported the recommendations and brought them to the school board, which approved them in April. “He didn’t push back,” said task force member Kouri. “He totally trusted us and went to the school board with it, and I think that was really brave, because [police in schools is] a very polarizing topic right now.”

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3/8/21 3:18 PM

A sign at Burlington High School in May

? Flanagan has also acted on feedback he’s received directly from students. Some told him they felt that a policy prohibiting hoods from being worn in school affected students of color unfairly. Flanagan did away with the rule this summer. He also meets monthly with teacher and student advisory panels to listen to their questions and concerns. “At the beginning, I wondered how much of it was for show,” said senior Peter Kuypers, a member of the student group. But “he’s done a great job of taking our input and actually doing something with it.” When high schoolers told the superintendent that the food choices in the downtown high school’s cafeteria were lacking, Flanagan “took it upon himself to try to get more variety,” Kuypers said.


When Flanagan became superintendent on July 1, 2020, the pandemic was the only crisis on his radar — and one he said he felt “relatively prepared” to handle. Vermont was doing a better job dealing with COVID-19 than any other state in the country, he said, and there was clear public health guidance about how to mitigate virus risks in schools. But another calamity was hiding in the air, walls and foundation of Burlington High School: carcinogenic chemicals known as PCBs. As the district prepared to welcome students to Burlington High School’s Institute Road campus last September, Flanagan got some very bad news. FIRST IMPRESSIONS

Snack on the BITE-CLUB NEWSLETTER for a taste of this week’s flavorful food coverage. It’ll hold you over until Wednesday. SUBSCRIBE AT

» P.28 SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021 6V-BiteClubFillers.indd 1

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Tom Flanagan (left) talking with science teacher Nathan Caswell during a tour of Hunt Middle School


Environmental tests done before the district embarked on a $70 million high school renovation project found “alarmingly high” levels of the chemicals in a building used by the tech center. Flanagan decided to close the high school immediately while awaiting additional testing. Those tests found levels above Vermont’s guidelines for PCBs. The district’s building consultants, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the Vermont Department of Health all advised Flanagan that the high school was not safe for students. The superintendent ordered the building to be closed indefinitely. Students continued to learn remotely. Besides being used for sports practices and meal prep in uncontaminated areas, the campus has remained vacant ever since. “It was a huge blow, a huge impact to the community and a major thing that was happening, but … I didn’t feel like it was a huge decision that we had to really toil over,” he said of closing the school. Flanagan then created a small committee to explore potential sites for a temporary high school. When the search zeroed in on the 150,000-square-foot former Macy’s building on Cherry Street in the heart of downtown, Flanagan and his staff hashed out a three-year lease with the owners of the building. He also requested a face-to-face meeting with Gov. Phil Scott to ask for state support. Scott didn’t make any promises, Flanagan said, but he ultimately came through with $3.5 million for construction costs. The district set a tight timeline for the renovations. And on March 2, 10 weeks after the lease was signed, Flanagan stepped up to a podium and welcomed staff, students and community members to their temporary high school. He was met with a chorus of claps and cheers. “It’s amazing to think that we are standing in what used to be a department store, that we’re greeting people where we used to buy winter coats, reading books where they once sold fine china, taking phone calls in converted changing rooms and learning science near the old suit racks,” he said. Megan Munson-Warnken, a longtime parent in the district, said she was impressed with the quick turnaround. “I do not believe anyone else would have gotten us into Macy’s so quickly. That was stunning,” she said. “And, honestly, I didn’t believe we could, and I was so pleased and humbled to be proven wrong.” The transition hasn’t been totally smooth.


First Impressions « P.27

Last year, parents and students complained about harsh lighting, the lack of windows and high noise levels in rooms where the walls don’t reach the ceiling. The district worked to fix problems, replacing bright light bulbs with softer ones and extending the walls. On a recent walk-through of the space during the first week of school, one teacher pulled this reporter aside to voice concerns about the noisiness in some classrooms. “He’s not wrong,” Flanagan said, when told of the teacher’s comments. The

superintendent said the district is still making tweaks as students and staff settle in for what could be a long stay. At the very least, the stay is indefinite. After additional testing found more widespread PCB contamination on the Institute Road campus, Flanagan urged the school board in May to abandon the high school renovation and construct a brand-new building. The board accepted his recommendation in a unanimous vote. “It would have been easy for the district to be bogged down in months of

indecision,” said Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger, who praised Flanagan for acting decisively during a challenging time. School Commissioner Gulick said she saw Flanagan’s strong leadership in the way he approached the decision to cut bait on the old building. “I know a lot of us were very hesitant to do that after all the work we put in,” Gulick said. “I remember at one meeting he said, ‘You know, this is the time for us to lead. And there are gonna be some hard things that we have to do, and this is one of them.’ That was important to hear. It was motivating. And just to feel like we have this unifying message coming from our leader … it was really empowering.” The school board is now considering several sites for a new building, which it would like to have up and running by August 2025. “We know that’s a really aggressive timeline. I don’t want to minimize it,” Flanagan said. “But I’m starting to feel like I’m seeing a path.”


An effective superintendent must troubleshoot day-to-day issues while also developing a long-term vision for schools. Edmunds Elementary School principal Bonnie Johnson-Aten, who served as the school district’s first diversity and equity

director from 1997 to 2000, describes want the school to rebuild in the New Flanagan as skilled at both jobs. None of North End, while others are excited by the curveballs thrown his way “became the idea of having a permanent downan excuse not to do the real work,” she town high school. said. Count Mayor Weinberger in the latter With the transition back to in-person camp: He spoke favorably of using the learning going relatively smoothly this city’s Gateway Block — which includes month, Flanagan has begun work on Memorial Auditorium, a city-owned a new five-year strategic plan for the parking lot and several private properdistrict with the help of the Burlington ties — on Main Street. community. It will address big-picture Whatever location prevails, Flanagan issues such as increasing academic will have the heavy lift of selling the ninerigor, creating more equitable schools, figure project to the city’s voters. and preparing students for careers and Burlington residents have approved college. the school budget for seven years A diverse group of 50 parents, students straight, most recently with support and employees will work this fall to from more than 75 percent of voters. In collect stories and information about November 2018, residents approved a community members’ $70 million bond for experiences in the a high school renovadistrict. The coalition, which the district tion could present is now in the process its findings to the of returning — though school board as soon $4 million has already as November. been spent. Flanagan said he’s In March or Novemcommitted to seeing ber of next year, voters the plan through all will be asked to approve five years — or longer. a bigger bond. Flanagan In other words, he said he’s hoping to find said, he plans to stick additional state and around for a while. federal support for the One issue he is high school project tackling right away is to ease the burden on what he describes as Burlington taxpayTOM FL ANAGAN the “inequitable” way ers, many of whom in which Vermont were just hit with a allocates state aid to education. Flana- tax hike from the city’s recent property gan is part of a coalition of diverse school reassessment. districts across Vermont pressing legisAnd though Flanagan said the high lators for changes that would provide school project is his greatest technimore state assistance to schools with a cal challenge this coming year, he sees large number of students whose educa- several bigger-picture ones: making sure tion costs more — for example, English that students are engaged in learning language learners and those who live in and continuing his work to build trust poverty. and relationships with members of the If the state aid formula were to be school community through listening, and revamped to provide his district with responding, to their needs. more funds, Flanagan said, Burlington Leaving Hunt Middle School on the could better serve its students and hold second day of school, Flanagan happened down property taxes. And that could help upon a New American student and his counteract the tax increase Burlingtonians family having a meeting with school staff will likely face for the new high school. and a multilingual liaison in a small stone Whether the school will be built on courtyard. the existing New North End campus, “Hello, how are we doing?” Flanagan which would require approximately $20 asked, approaching the group. The supermillion just to remediate the chemicals, intendent pulled down his mask, revealor somewhere else remains to be seen; ing his smile and trim salt-and-pepper there’s lots of work ahead. beard to the seventh grader. “Here we are, the biggest city in the “This is me with no mask on, so you state, the economic driver for Chittenden remember,” he told the student. “How’s County and, long-term, we don’t have school for you? Tell me honestly. I want a high school,” School Commissioner the full truth.” Gulick said. “I mean, that’s just very The student returned the smile but disturbing and very troubling.” didn’t answer. Flanagan said he’s heard from a “I’ll come back,” Flanagan told him. number of community members who “We can talk, OK?” m



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‘She Loved Motion and Action and Enterprise’ Elka Schumann, August 29, 1935-August 1, 2021 B Y S A LLY POL L AK •


lka Schumann was born to a Russian mother and an American father on August 29, 1935, in Magnitogorsk, a Soviet city known for its steel production. Her family — mother, father and two young girls — left the Soviet Union for the United States when Elka was 5, escaping World War II. She grew up in New York City, Berlin, Germany, and Ridgefield, Conn., and studied for a year at the Putney School in southern Vermont, where she later taught Russian. At Bryn Mawr College in suburban Philadelphia, Elka majored in art history and traveled to Munich for her junior year. One day, Elka was walking down STORIES a street in Munich when an oboe player approached her and asked “Life Stories” is a monthly series whether she was profiling Vermonters a dancer. The man who have recently belonged to a loose died. Know of affiliation of artists someone we should and musicians who write about? Email us at lifestories@ were forming a dance troupe. The answer to his question was no; Elka was not a dancer. But she was interested in art, and the dance group he described was actually an “anti-dance” troupe led by a visual artist. Intrigued, Elka agreed to meet the group’s director. He was in the hospital, bandaged up and recovering from a head injury sustained in a bicycle accident. So it was that Elka met Peter Schumann in a hospital room in Munich. She was 20; he was 21. “She knew right then,” said Tamar Schumann, the oldest of their five children. “This was the man.” A “free spirit,” in the words of Tamar, Elka eventually made her permanent home in Glover, Vt. She lived with her family on a farm in rural Orleans County, on land that was also home to Bread and Puppet Theater, from 1974 until her death from a stroke on August 1. She was 85. On the old dairy farm with its hilly fields and big woods, Elka grew vegetables

with puppeteers, painters, dancers and thousands of audience members, “she needed that separation between family and theater.” Elka was buried on August 4 in a basket made by puppeteers in the pine forest at Bread and Puppet. Her burial site is marked by buckets of wildflowers, evergreen saplings and banners printed with Peter’s signature bread image. It is among a collection of sculptures, paintings and installations that memorialize deceased relatives, friends, artists and activists. Peter painted Elka’s shroud blue and yellow, covering it with stars and flowers and inscribing it with medieval German love poems they recited to each other. In a poem he wrote recently, Peter described Elka’s place in his life and work:





The obligation to survive her husband’s brain + papiermache chaos + slowly + surely plant sense + order into the mess — right next to the garlic patch

Elka Schumann standing beside a sculpture of her made by her future husband, Peter Schumann, in Hanover, Germany, in 1958

and flowers, tapped maple trees, and raised her kids. She made dyes from goldenrod and onion skins to color the wool she spun, sheared from the sheep she raised. Elka wrote letters and made jam late into the night and sang songs in Russian, German and English. (New rounds she sang with her kids quickly became old favorites.) She shared her okroshka and zapekanka — Russian cold beet soup and cheesecake with poppy seeds, respectively — with the ever-changing cast of people at her table. These endeavors surrounded and complemented the main event at the farm in Glover, which springs to life every year with the help of painted bedsheets and supersize papier-mâché: Bread

and Puppet Theater. Peter founded the sprawling, bold and acclaimed company early in the couple’s 62-year marriage. Elka’s countless, essential contributions to Bread and Puppet included booking shows, running the print shop, maintaining the museum, keeping track of finances, leading rounds and conveying keen-eyed criticism. “She loved motion and action and enterprise,” Tamar, 62, said. “She loved engagement with animals and people and projects. That’s why Bread and Puppet is possible, because there was somebody like that, centrally, within the theater.” Yet Elka also had a very private side, her son Max, 57, said. Even as she shared her beloved Northeast Kingdom land

A garlic patch in Vermont might be commonplace now, but it was less so about 45 years ago. That’s when Maria Schumann, the youngest of the five siblings, remembers an auctioneer holding up a garlic braid for bidding, her mother’s contribution to the local school fundraiser. Elka planted, grew, harvested and braided the garlic, and the sight of it embarrassed young Maria. Why couldn’t Elka make Rice Krispies treats, she wondered, like the other mothers? Now a 54-year-old farmer in Greensboro, Maria laughed at the memory of the garlic braid — and noted the interests and activities she shared with her mother as an adult. “If we had been 45 or 50 at the same time,” Maria said, “we would’ve been such good friends.” Little in Elka’s background suggested she’d ever produce a conventional offering for a school event. Her mother, Maria (Masha) Dikareva Scott, was from a family of Russian peasants who by necessity were self-sufficient. Her father, John Scott, was working as a pipe fitter when


Elka Schumann’s Bryn Mawr graduation picture

Elka and Peter Schumann in spring 2021

Peter and Elka Schumann with their kids Tamar and Salih

he met Maria. Later, he became a journalist stationed in Berlin to cover postwar Europe for Time. John’s father, Elka’s grandfather, was Scott Nearing, the radical economist who, with his wife, Helen, wrote the 1954 backto-the-land manifesto Living the Good Life: How to Live Sanely and Simply in a Troubled World. Elka admired the Nearings and loved visiting her grandparents in Jamaica, a small town in Windham County, Vt. “I think it was central to her,” Tamar said. “She chose that lifestyle to emulate.” In college, Elka returned to Germany, where she had lived from age 11 to 13. This second time, based in Munich, she hitchhiked and backpacked around the

country, taking a special interest in visiting art museums. When she and Peter met in his hospital room, he was living where he could find free housing — painting, making sculptures and practicing no-dance dance. “He was just so interesting, and she came from a very interesting family herself,” Tamar said. “I don’t think she aspired to become whatever young women were expected to do in the late ’50s.” The young couple traveled in Germany, France and Sweden. “They managed to combine couch surfing and squatting in a bunch of very interesting places,” Max said. Elka was pregnant with her first child when she and Peter were married in 1959. Tamar was born in a nunnery in

Salzburg, Austria, five days before her mother turned 24. The birthplace was arranged by Elka’s parents, who arrived from the United States to “whisk” their daughter away for the birth of their grandchild. The Schumanns’ second child, Salih, was a baby when the family of four traveled from Germany to New York City. Peter was interested in the downtown art scene, wanting to check out artists such as John Cage and Merce Cunningham. The visit turned into an extended stay, and the Schumanns never returned to their lives in Europe. Peter was painting apartments and making masks when he founded Bread and Puppet in 1963. The company was based in lower Manhattan until 1970, when the


Peter and Elka Schumann in 2019

Schumanns, by then a family of seven — Solveig, Max and Maria were born in New York City — moved to Vermont. They lived first in Plainfield, where Peter had a residency at Goddard College. Jules Rabin, who taught anthropology at Goddard, was one of several faculty members who advocated for the college to become the new home of Bread and Puppet. “I don’t like to use clichés, especially toward people dear to me like the Schumanns, but Goddard College and Bread and Puppet had somewhat overlapping cultures,” said Rabin, now 97. Both the college and the company, he continued, were representative of an “alternative culture.” “And I think that those cultures were prognostic of what we have today in the way of alternative cultures,” Rabin said. He remembered Peter, Elka and three of their kids walking one night from their home at Cate Farm to the Rabins’ house, cutting across fields and the campus. They made their way in the dark without flashlights. “Peter had his homemade rye bread, and that was good enough to subsist on,” Rabin said. “And he had his two eyes and the eyes of Elka and the kids to get by.” Elka, he said, “was kind of a brake on Peter’s forward thrust.” In Plainfield, Elka sang in a group devoted to shape-note singing (also known as sacred-harp singing) and performed hand puppet shows at area schools. Trudi Cohen, then a recent Goddard graduate, got to know Elka through those activities and went on to become a 10-year member of the company. “Elka was a completely fascinating person,” Cohen, 71, said. “I was drawn to her; she had such a welcoming manner.” Though Elka played a “back-seat role” in Bread and Puppet, Cohen said, “I think she really made it possible for Peter to pursue his vision.” In 1974, the Schumanns moved from Plainfield to the farm on Heights Road in Glover. Elka’s parents purchased it and gave it to the Schumanns: a home for their family and Bread and Puppet. The circus field — a grassy amphitheater for pageants and puppet shows — was formed when workers hired by Elka’s father blasted rock from the hillside. The quarried gravel was used to pave Interstate 91 — a highway to the Kingdom that people travel every summer to go to the shows in Glover. Bread and Puppet concluded its 2021 season on August 29, the day Elka would have turned 86. The performance ended with the company singing a shape-note hymn in four-part harmony. The song is called “Gratitude.” m SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021



Homegrown Health



Vermont leads national farm-to-school movement by connecting cafeteria, classroom and community B Y M E L I SSA PASANEN •


The Shelburne gathering followed Leahy’s early August announcement that he had secured committee approval to include $5 million in the federal budget to establish a National Farm-to-School Institute at Shelburne Farms. The proposed national institute will expand the reach of the existing Vermontbased Northeast Farm to School Institute currently run by Vermont FEED (Food Education Every Day), a nonprofit partnership managed by Shelburne Farms and the Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont. Founded in 2000, Vermont FEED has been instrumental in fostering connections between Vermont schools and farms — from the cafeteria to the classroom — in support of improved childhood nutrition, local agriculture and lifelong wellness. The organization’s influence spread beyond the state’s borders until it was codified when Vermont FEED established the Northeast Farm to School Institute in 2010. The institute has helped share best practices via training and coaching in more than 100 schools and districts in New England and New York. States from Massachusetts to Nebraska have also worked with the Northeast Farm to School Institute to build their own successful statewide programs. Shortly after the Mississippi Farm to School Network was established in 2015, codirector Sunny Baker visited Vermont for a workshop. “We knew right away Vermont was the model,” Baker said over the phone. “It’s not one-size-fits-all. It’s Beet salad by Harwood student Mae Murphy, created for the Harvest of the Month recipe contest about putting power back into

Lettuce grown by Harwood Union High School students


n August 19 at Shelburne Farms, Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) and U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack heard from 10 Vermonters involved with the state’s farm-to-school program. The group included school food service directors, nonprofit and government leaders in agriculture and child nutrition, a vegetable farmer, and Jeswin Antony, a 16-year-old Harwood Union High School student. When it was Antony’s turn to speak, he introduced himself as a leader of Harwood’s





farm-to-school club. The teen explained that he was 3 when his family moved from India to Waterbury. “My first experiences with American cuisine were in the lunchroom at school,” he said. The chicken was Vermontraised, and the vegetables were grown in the school garden, Antony recounted. “From a young age, CO UR I was taught and I saw that this food TE SY OF is grown locally, and it tastes better and is MA EM URP more nutritious,” he said. HY FOOD NEWS SERVED TO YOUR INBOX




» P.34




A new Thursday on-farm market brings together almost a dozen food and drink producers connected John Brawley with his Sweet Sound Aquaculture farmed shrimp at Nordic Nite Out


Jacob Keszey at Nordic Nite Out

to NORDIC FARM to offer their wares at 1211 Ethan Allen Highway in Charlotte. The Nordic Nite Out series kicked off August 26 and will continue through October 7, from 4 to 7 p.m. Attendees can purchase

bread baked at SLOWFIRE

BAKERY, beer brewed by


shrimp raised by SWEET SOUND

AQUACULTURE — all based at

Nordic Farm. They’ll also find CBD seltzers and other products made by UPSTATE ELEVATOR SUPPLY using hemp grown on the farm, farmgrown flowers from CLAYTON FLORAL, and a rainbow of vegetables cultivated by JACOB KESZEY, Nordic Farm’s director of farm and land. Other products for sale include SHRUBBLY, an Aronia berry-based carbonated beverage company headquartered in Hinesburg; the business will expand its fruit fields and production to include sites at Nordic Farm. VERMONT FARMS AND GARDENS sells organic garlic, which will be grown on-site at the farm in the future, as well. WHISTLEPIG WHISKEY of Shoreham plans to use Nordic Farm-raised grain and open a tasting room there. NITTY GRITTY GRAIN of Charlotte consults with Nordic Farm on grain cultivation. On September 2, some shoppers lingered at picnic

tables at the farm to eat pizza from FARMERS MARKET PIZZA VT of South Burlington and dip Sweet Sound’s peel-and-eat shrimp into a tangy mayonnaise. Other prepared-food vendors will rotate through the remaining events. Nordic Farm was a dairy operation before its purchase in 2018 by Andrew Peterson of PETERSON QUALITY MALT and two partners, who began its transformation into a graingrowing enterprise and food and beverage production hub. The market idea has been in the works for a while, Keszey said. “It’s a collaboration of Poke Bar all the businesses on-site. We wanted a way to interact with Order online at the community in a retail setting on-farm.” WILL RAAP, founder of GARDENER’S SUPPLY and the INTERVALE CENTER, was also at 8v-scalepoke080421 1 7/30/21 the September 2 event. In June 2021, he announced plans to purchase the 580acre farm. Raap told Seven Days at the time that he and several partners will build an agricultural center at Nordic Farm to showcase Vermont grains, botanicals and beverages on a working farm that produces those goods. The “ecosystem” of enterprises will encompass private businesses, nonprofits and agricultural education. The sale is still in process, Raap said at the market, but everything is moving forward. Referring to the weekly Nordic Nite Out event as a “farmstand,” he said it aims to share the diversity and “collaborative feel” of the agriculture-based enterprises that will cross-pollinate at Nordic Farm. m

The Scale

10:33 AM


CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

2638 Ethan Allen Hwy New Haven, VT 05472 802-453-5382 SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021 8V-greenhaven081121.indd 1

33 8/4/21 5:09 PM

the communities while providing formal support to help them connect the three Cs,” she said, referring to cafeteria, classroom and community. “It’s less top-down, more roots-up.” Anna Mullen, spokesperson for the National Farm to School Network, described Vermont as a national leader in creating and propagating effective farmto-school models and in leveraging critical legislative support. In a phone interview, she noted that the state was the first to create a farm-to-school grant program in 2006 and that Leahy has long been “a huge champion” of the movement at the federal level. The pending federal line item would fund expansion of “a really impactful … coaching and support model that brings together teams to fit the needs of their school and achieve the vision of their own community,” Mullen said. The proposal to take it national “is a testament to a model that’s really helping and working. At Shelburne Farms in August, Antony continued to share why he was drawn to farm-to-school. In middle school, he said, he took a sustainability course that taught him about the food system. Joining the farm-to-school club deepened his understanding of the “inner workings” of how schools source and prepare food, Antony explained. During the pandemic, he and his coleaders worked hard to keep fellow members connected to the club and to one another through virtual farm tours and Harvest of the Month recipe contests, Antony said. They created recipes with beets, sweet potatoes and dairy at home, for example, and then took virtual tours of farms that produced those foods. “Keeping the students engaged, telling them where their food comes from, making them informed about what they


Homegrown Health « P.32

The Harwood farm-to-school club logo

eat really creates a better environment and healthier kids,” Antony concluded. “I wish I’d had you testify before the committees,” Leahy said, drawing an appreciative chuckle from the group. A couple weeks after meeting the senator and agriculture secretary, Antony met with Seven Days S UNNY in the Harwood cafeteria along with three other teens in the farmto-school club. Joining the four were Paul Morris, codirector of food and nutrition services for the Harwood Unified Union School District; Paul Kramer, a teacher and club faculty adviser; and Jen Dreimiller, a school counselor who is also on Harwood’s farm-to-school team. That team is composed of teachers, staff, students and community members working to deepen the high school’s farm-to-school efforts. Like Antony, Miranda Rayfield of Fayston and Macie Whalen of Northfield

are 16 and just started 11th grade. The trio leads the club. The students look forward to getting back into the cafeteria kitchen with “chef Paul,” as they call Morris, to design, prepare and serve Harvest of the Month taste tests. While they enjoyed the monthly recipe contests that Antony had described BAK E R to Leahy and Vilsack, sharing the results of their efforts remotely wasn’t the same. “We provided the food, and [members of the school community] got to make something out of it and share it via a slideshow we’d show at an online school assembly,” Whalen explained. Photographs of beet recipes included a mouthwatering array of several different beet-chocolate cakes; beet-tahini pasta; a beet and potato roesti; and a version of halwa, the traditional Indian sweet, made with beets. “Some people think vegetable are ‘gross and disgusting,’” Whalen said. “But then




Stop by Every Tuesday til end of September for our 2nd Annual Farmers’ Market


We believe that diverse and inclusive music, theatre, dance and words can act as a powerful force for good in the community while promoting environmental awareness and responsibility. At the intimate setting of the farm, the “First: Earth Summer Series”

We’re putting the FARM back in Farmers Market.

when they cook with them and see or taste what others have made, they might change their mind.” “When you share it with the whole school, it gets more attention,” Antony added. During the pandemic, the students drew other benefits from their shared cooking experience. “You were at home, locked down. It gave us a great way to connect,” Whalen said. “Like, Jeswin’s sweet potato and black bean curry — it looked so good! [We were asking each other,] ‘Did he send the recipe?’ It was really cool to be connected through food.” Haley MacDonald, 13, of Moretown, joined the club last year when she was in seventh grade. With the kale she received through the club, she made two kinds of kale chips at home: one salted and the other sweetened with a little maple syrup. “It was my first time making them myself,” MacDonald said proudly in the cafeteria. Her family, including her 9-yearold twin brothers, inhaled them. “They were gone in a minute.” “It also helped me realize there are lots of local farms,” MacDonald said. “Like, ‘Oh, I got kale from there.’ It’s really cool to be able to cook with what they grow and support them.” During a virtual farm visit to Butterworks Farm in Westfield, Whalen described excitedly, “They showed us their cows and their butter compared to store-bought butter. You could literally see the difference in color.” “And texture,” Rayfield said. “You could almost feel the love.” “I’ve gotten a whole community out of it,” Whalen continued. In addition to the teachers and chef Paul at school, she said, that includes the farmers. “It’s a community beyond Harwood Union High School.” The 5-year-old club is just one aspect of the district’s well-established farm-toschool program.




can bring people together in a unifying and uplifting shared experience and strengthens the idea of a community coming together to celebrate the environment while witnessing live performances of different cultures and genres.

Mike Isham & Helen Weston • Isham Family Farm • 3515 Oak Hill Rd, Williston • 802-872-1525 •



4h-Ishamfamilyfarm090821.indd 1

8/31/21 10:16 AM


From left: Miranda Rayfield, Macie Whalen and Jeswin Antony in the Harwood hoop house

Morris, the food and nutrition services codirector, has been sourcing from local farms all 15 years he has worked at Harwood. But, while the cafeteria was lauded initially for its fresh, locally sourced menu, Morris said there was untapped opportunity. “It was not super connected to teachers and staff. It was us trying to push it out,” he said. Enter the Northeast Farm to School Institute. Six years ago, a team of Harwood school and community members started meeting regularly with a coach from Vermont FEED to build on efforts in the school kitchen. That was what “kind of got the ball rolling,” Morris said. “The program really started to gain momentum when students had experience outside the cafeteria,” he said. “They didn’t want to talk about it; they wanted to do things.” This fall, Harwood students will return to a neighboring nonprofit farm, Living Tree Alliance in Moretown. There, they have moved mulch, planted hazelnuts, made sauerkraut and learned how the farmers rotate their small flock of sheep to graze different paddocks. The farm has sold Harwood cabbage and potatoes for use in its cafeteria. One Harwood civics and social studies teacher used grant money to build a hoop house behind the school in which students grow salad greens. These, too, become cafeteria fare. The farm-to-school team came up with a local food challenge offered to all homerooms: Students tasted something locally grown and learned about

the concept of food miles and the benefits of buying closer to home. Farm-toschool club members even collaborated with students in a graphic design course to develop a logo emblazoned with a shovel and fork and the words “community, cafeteria, classroom.” Kramer, the club’s faculty adviser, said he was pleased when students asked how they could build advocacy skills and help others access local food. Last year, a group of club members partnered with a local gleaning organization to pick apples at a Randolph orchard to donate to area food shelves. Antony and a student who has now graduated worked with Vermont FEED to testify in front of the state legislature. “We are very grateful to eat this healthy, local food, but not everyone gets to,” Antony said in the cafeteria. “The students are seeing the larger picture,” Kramer said. “Farm-to-school is a great, tangible lens for kids to understand things like equity and social justice. They are understanding how things are connected and using that understanding to find leverage points to solve problems.” Being involved in farm-to-school, Antony said, has opened his eyes to the complexity of the food system and to his own ability to make a difference. “It’s all intertwined: nutrition, the education system, the legislative system, even waste,” he said. “There’s massive change we can do in all those spheres. I want to take some action.” m

INFO Learn more at

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9/7/21 12:58 PM

is BACK!

GRAND (re)OPENING & ART HOP! September 10 & 11 EAT DRINK & BE MERRY (again!)

Hang on the new deck • See the Art Show: Large-scale photographs of Detroit's industrial ruins by Karen Guth Check out the renovated theater for music and live performances! Additional outdoor beer/cocktail garden FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 10

Performance Art by Phinn DJ Cre8 Barbacoa & Phinn Suspect Behavior Rivan C DJ Cre8


Very Merry Theatre Games (family entertainment!) Eyelingual Visual Art show DJ Cranky & Space Vixens perform Glitter Boots The Wormdogs

Thank you to our partners at ZERO GRAVITY, FIDDLEHEAD, NARRAGANSETT, SIERRA NEVADA and don’t forget to grab some beer to go at the Beverage Warehouse and Pearl Street Beverage. SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021




Cluckin’ Good

Dining Out at Pittsford’s Cluckin’ Café & Culinary Institute BY J O R D AN BAR RY • Belgian sugar waffle topped with fried chicken and hot honey, served with smoky chipotle aioli and slaw

Between the two trucks, the Rollin’ Rooster produced 150 to 200 meals at a time. “It was getting towards the end of summer, and I had to go back to work teaching,” Nicole said. “What we were doing with Everyone Eats was really pushing the capacity of what we could do in these trucks. We were getting too big for them. I told my husband we needed a commercial kitchen.” Nicole looked at restaurant spaces in the area, some of which were newly vacant due to COVID-19-era closures. At the former Harvest Moon Café and Bakehouse location in Pittsford, she found room to park the trucks. The couple purchased the restaurant as a turnkey operation. Being out in the community with the food trucks, the Bowers had generated a strong customer base and a devoted fried chicken following. Plenty of people came to the restaurant when it opened in December. But at that point, the Cluckin’ Café

didn’t have much fried chicken on the menu. “I was bored with fried chicken,” Nicole said with a laugh. “I have more culinary skills that I wanted to use and was trying to do something different.” Customers didn’t expect salmon and steak, though, and Nicole received so much pushback that she added a Food Truck Favorites page to her menu. It featured the Rollin’ Rooster’s fried chicken faves, such as the Vermont Roo — a fried chicken sandwich with apple-fennel slaw, cheddar, bacon and maple mayo — and the Spicy Chick wrap, with cilantro-lime slaw and maple-Sriracha sauce. Like many of the Bowers’ customers, I headed to Pittsford with nothing but fried chicken in mind. I’d heard rumors of the Rollin’ Rooster’s perfectly crispy, brined and seasoned chicken — boneless thighs, so they don’t dry out — and I needed to try it. Seated on the restaurant’s new patio with a local beer in hand, I ordered the chicken and waffles ($16) from the entrée



ried chicken lovers: Flock to Pittsford. Just north of Rutland on a flat, open stretch of Route 7, the unassuming Cluckin’ Café & Culinary Institute appears like an oasis. It’s in a town without many restaurants on a road with few dining destinations. Inside is some of the best fried chicken in the state, from Nashville hot to chicken and waffles. In the fall of 2019, Nicole and Scott Bower opened the Rollin’ Rooster, an aptly named fried chicken-focused food truck. The multifaceted business hasn’t stopped growing since: The Rollin’ Rooster now has three trucks, and, in December 2020, the couple added the brick-and-mortar restaurant in Pittsford. Nicole, 40, developed her recipe while working as the culinary director of Poultney’s independent LiHigh School. “When I’d make fried chicken as part of the lunch program and the culinary program, everybody would say, ‘I would pay really good money for this,’” she said. The school is also where she hatched the idea of a food cart: something that middle and high schoolers could run to get real-world experience. Nicole left LiHigh in 2018 to teach art — her original career focus — in the Rutland City Public Schools. “But I couldn’t shake the idea of a food truck,” she said. The Bowers started looking for trucks and found one in Killington that had never been used. They purchased the truck in September 2019 and fired up the fryers less than two weeks later at their first event, the Chaffee Art Center’s Art in the Park. The Rollin’ Rooster traveled to breweries and events that fall and early winter. When the pandemic hit in March, all the events were canceled. So the Bowers brought the truck home and started offering takeout from their Rutland driveway. They operated that way for several months, posting the menu on Facebook for customers to preorder for pickup. While restaurant staffs were busy establishing takeout, nothing really changed for the mobile biz except its location. “We were basically doing a takeout model out of our driveway,” Nicole said. “And then, one Friday, like 30 cars came into our neighborhood to pick up fried chicken. Our neighbors complained.” To appease the neighbors, the Bowers moved the truck to a rented space on Cold River Road in Rutland. By mid-June, the local brewery scene was picking back up, and they were busy enough to buy a second truck. The new truck was especially useful when the Rollin’ Rooster started cooking for the Vermont Farmers Food Center’s hub for the Everyone Eats program.

menu. The sturdy Belgian sugar waffles were topped with a humongous piece of fried chicken and drizzled with hot honey. Sides of smoky chipotle aioli and a fresh slaw tied together all the layers of sweet and savory. The rumors were right, and I was in fried chicken heaven. My husband, who has never said no to a fried chicken adventure, flipped to the back of the extensive menu — behind the “cock-tails” and beer and wine lists — to find the Food Truck Favorites. He ordered the Nashville Hot ($14): a fried chicken sandwich with pickles and housemade hot sauce, served with waffle fries in a fully loaded metal basket. It was a saucy take on the Tennessee trend and was sufficiently hot and spicy. The stone patio’s 24 seats filled up as we ate our early dinner. Many customers ordered some form of fried chicken, but we also noticed salads and burgers at tables nearby. When it came time for dessert, I headed inside to check out the pastry case, which held a full spread of individually sized tarts and cakes. I settled on Key lime tart and a Death-by-Cookie-Dough bar before the collection of chicken art diverted my attention. Later, Nicole explained that all the chickens were her work. (She created the art on the Rollin’ Rooster trailers, signs and logos, too.) She used to sell her paintings at Art in the Park, where the business launched, but the last chicken she painted was the one on the Cluckin’ Café sign. “I’m doing the same thing with food, though,” Nicole said. “It’s just taking different ingredients and combining it to make art.” The Bowers have single-handedly created a fried chicken boom in the Rutland area. Other area restaurants are catching on, Nicole said, adding fried chicken to their menu for the first time. To be safe, the Bowers have trademarked their business names and the names of popular menu items. Scott runs the Rollin’ Rooster side of the business full time. One truck will serve at events at Killington Resort this fall and at Bear Mountain during the ski season, while the other will stay on Cold River Road. Nicole is thinking ahead to even more growth — and possibly franchising. “From how fast we’ve grown already, in almost a two-year period, what’s next for us?” she asked. As if things weren’t busy enough, the Cluckin’ Café has given Nicole room to revisit one of her original ideas: teaching practical culinary skills to middle and high school students. The restaurant and food trucks currently employ seven local high schoolers. In addition, when she was looking for brick-and-mortar spaces last year,


It’s a great day for some takeout!

New Location: 293 Main Street, Winooski • Takeout Only


OPEN FIVE DAYS A WEEK, 4-8:30PM • CLOSED SUN & MON • 655-4888 Cluckin' Café & Culinary Institute 6h-tinythai072821.indd 1

7/23/21 12:39 PM



A Vermont Based Handcraft Chocolate Company Taking a Stand For an Ethical Industry Nicole Bower of Cluckin' Café & Culinary Institute and the Rollin’ Rooster

7 West Canal St. Winooski, VT 6h-rosiesconfections090821 1

Nicole contacted Greg Rosenthal, the director of LiHigh School, and devised a partnership. “I wanted to create a supportive environment where kids can get restaurant skills,” Nicole said. “We want them to learn to problem solve and to make decisions.” When the restaurant opened in December, students from LiHigh School started coming in two days a week to use the commercial bakery in its basement; they baked the restaurant’s desserts there through the spring. Right now, Nicole is considering how that program will look as students get settled into the new school year. “Once we know what their interests are, we’ll have kids learning the line, learning the bakery, and [we’ll be] really starting to help train a multiskilled workforce that could be with us for a couple

years through their high school experience,” she said. With more catering and wedding gigs on the horizon, the Bowers have obtained a third 20-foot trailer to use as a mobile commercial kitchen, combining the menu items and brands of the Rollin’ Rooster and the Cluckin’ Café. “It’s not just a fried chicken producer,” Nicole said of the new trailer. Though there will be plenty of that, too — or loyal fans might revolt. m Dining Out is a series that explores Vermont’s al fresco finest. Follow along as we highlight the restaurant decks, patios and picnic tables that give new meaning to going out to eat.

INFO Cluckin’ Café & Culinary Institute, 2044 Route 7, Pittsford, 725-8041,

9/1/21 10:42 AM

Dinner House (1250-1300; from OldEnglish < Old French diner (noun); see dinner) on the wagon trail, a more substantial meal than a pub.

We’ve got something substantial for you.

Fire & Ice

Vermont’s Iconic Dinnerhouse 26 Seymour Street | Middlebury | 802.388.7166 | SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021



partnership between Scrag and New Music on the Point, an educational summer gathering on Lake Dunmore for new-music composers and musicians. Beglarian met Premo and Bonhag at New Music and later participated in a 2019 Scrag program. Hence Vermont audiences may already be familiar with Beglarian’s inspirations, among which is a profound interest in the intersections of nature and human culture. Often, she focuses on literary works, including poems by Vermonter Louise Glück and the writings of Virginia Woolf.



Evan Premo

All the Basses

Scrag Mountain Music premieres a novel, nature-inspired work among the trees B Y A M Y L I L LY •


hat is the sound of 24 double bassists playing among the trees? Given the limited repertoire for such an ensemble, an upcoming opportunity to experience one shouldn’t be missed. This weekend, a series of concerts premieres composer Eve Beglarian’s most recent work, “A Murmur in the Trees,” for 24 bassists. The musicians will play arrayed along an allée of trees in Brandon on Saturday, September 11, and in Montpelier’s Hubbard Park the next day. A couple dozen double basses might seem to promise a sound much larger than the murmur of Beglarian’s title. But, as the composer — who moved from New York City to Brandon at the start of the pandemic — noted during a phone call, “Double basses unamplified are 38


surprisingly quiet instruments, given their size. In a concert, they resonate with the wooden floor of the concert hall. Outdoors, you don’t have that.” When Beglarian encountered an 1862 poem by Emily Dickinson, its evocative opening phrase struck her as the perfect title for her piece. Its first two lines read: “A murmur in the trees — to note — / Not loud enough for wind.” The remainder of the poem is a series of observations of barely perceived sounds and movements, hinting at the presence of a subject unusual for the poet: “little Men,” or fairies. Having borrowed only her title from Dickinson, Beglarian suggested to Marshfield composer and double bassist Evan Premo that he set the poem itself to music.

Premo’s own “A Murmur in the Trees,” for soprano and two bassists, will also receive its premiere at the concerts. It will be sung by soprano and consummate song interpreter Mary Bonhag, Premo’s wife, with whom he directs the chamber music series Scrag Mountain Music. The Brandon concerts include walking tours of the town, led by the Brandon Historical Society, and a guest: Middlebury College poetry professor Karin Gottshall reading her own poems. Gottshall’s first book, Crocus, won the Poets Out Loud Prize in 2007; her second, The River Won’t Hold You, won Ohio State University Press’ The Journal Charles B. Wheeler Poetry Prize in 2015. The concerts are presented through a


Beglarian cited a trip she took in 2009. For four and a half months, she kayaked and bicycled the length of the Mississippi River, collecting sound recordings and residents’ stories about their towns and their geography. One of her touchstones was a historical account she was reading of the 1927 flood, which affected the Mississippi as much as Vermont rivers. To Beglarian, the work resonated with images of the havoc wreaked by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, among people now additionally affected by the 2008 Great Recession. “It felt like a one-person [Works Progress Administration] project,” Beglarian recalled by phone. The trip was the genesis of her album Brim: Songs From the River Project, the recording of which features Vermont violinist Mary Rowell. “A Murmur in the Trees” was spurred by a suggestion from double bass player Robert Black, a frequent collaborator with Beglarian. “Robert had the idea of 24 basses in a grove of trees and proposed that to me. I said, ‘Absolutely, yes,’” Beglarian recalled. The idea gave a new turn to a piece she had originally envisioned as a collaboration with a visual artist to be staged on Governors Island, N.Y., in 2020; the pandemic foiled that project. Next came Beglarian’s idea that the bassists should play notes derived from a scroll of birch bark she was given. “Across is time, up and down is pitch,” Beglarian explained of the bark’s natural lines, adding, “I had read a book that said the speed at which plant signals travel is one-third of an



concerts is September 12; there is none for Montpelier’s.) The bassists are coming from around 70+ ACRES IN HARDWICK SUNDAYS > 1:00 P.M. the Northeast; Premo, who is one of the 24, MLS NUMBER 4871782 spearheaded the effort to select and collect Featuring an established road and trail system, forests, clearings and many types of wildlife habitat. them. They will stand and play the first 15 Over 3000’ of brook frontage with excellent minutes of “A Murmur in the Trees” while fishing and waterfalls. Call to schedule a guided the audience moves around, forming their expedition today! $325,000 own experience of the work. Contact me for more details! “It will be a ‘choose your own adventure’ Scott DesJardins, Realtor® kind of thing — more of an installation than16t-vcam090821.indd 8/24/21 16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1 11/2/20 2:31 3:07 PM 802.424.6691 a performance,” Premo said by phone. Then, one by one, the musicians will I’m your guy for pick up their instruments and begin to “It was as if we Northeast had stumbled into a move, eventually surrounding the auditrusted family member Kingdom ence. They’ll receive cues for which notes who shared all he knew to Real Estate to play and when to play them and shift ensure our decision was the Spread the word best it could be. If you choose positions through their earbuds, listening Specializing in Scott as your Realtor®, you in the Seven Days land, camps to individual sets of recorded instructions will absolutely not be Classifieds. and unique disappointed.” from Beglarian and Black. properties. Beglarian said she spotted the allée CONTACT Follow #StoneCrestVT on on her daily bike route from her Brandon KATIE FOR house to her composing camp five miles A QUOTE AT away. With the help of New Music execu865-1020 x110 tive director Jenny Beck, she contacted its 101 Depot Street, Lyndonville | 802.626.4790 owners, Courtney and Devon Fuller, and learned that it was planted with trees 100 years ago to create a grand entrance to a former golf course. The spot struck her as 16T-ClassFiller.indd 1 6/1/218v-stonecrest090821 4:20 PM 1 STORE HOURS 9/2/21 3:08 PM “the perfect balance of human and natural.” Barre: Monday – Saturday 9AM – 5PM The composer added, “For me, Hyde Park: Monday – Saturday 9AM – 5PM personally, it was really important to try Burlington: Tuesday – Saturday 10AM – 5PM to premiere [“A Murmur in the Trees”] in Williston: Monday – Saturday 10AM – 6PM & Sunday 10AM – 5PM Brandon because it has become my home.” In contrast with Beglarian’s “murmury” piece, Premo’s is all pizzicato, or plucked strings, in the upper registers to convey the hurrying of little feet, he said. Premo and Black will play the piece’s two bass parts. Premo’s interpretation of Dickinson’s poem finds double meaning in the “little Men” to whom it refers. “She’s speaking with such reverence of these small things … This murmur in the trees for me is almost a buzzing of divine inspiration,” he said. Beglarian’s music may be said to express the same reverence for largerClothing Furniture Household Goods scale things: the sweep of history and the intertwined fates of nature and humanity. Appliances Building Materials “She’s kind of a magical person,” Premo opines. “She’s this incredible connector and explorer of the world.” m Pop in for great deals at

Hosting virtual or in-person classes?

Eve Beglarian


Robert Black

inch per minute. So this 10-inch piece of birch bark became the 30-minute piece.” A second collaborator, composer and music technologist Matt Sargent, devised a code to “render the tree bark as notation,” Sargent wrote in an email. The Bard College professor came up with “additional code to then orchestrate the notes into contrapuntal parts for the basses.” The music is based on overtones — tones that are part of a harmonic series above a fundamental note and are “always beautiful” because they “create harmony,” Beglarian said. Overtones also characterize the strings in the last part of Beglarian’s ethereally beautiful “We Will Sing One Song,” available on Spotify. Beglarian envisions “A Murmur in the Trees” as a duet between the basses and “the ambience of a late summer afternoon — insects, birds, the lawn mower down the road. I’m praying there’s no rain,” she added. (The rain date for Brandon’s



INFO “A Murmur in the Trees”: concerts premiering works by Eve Beglarian and Evan Premo, Saturday, September 11, 5 and 5:30 p.m., at the Fullers’ allée, 82 Park St. Extension, Brandon; and Sunday, September 12, 11 a.m., at Hubbard Park New Shelter, Montpelier. Free, reservations encouraged.,

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For the Homies

A new film honors Vermont skateboarding’s roots with an eye to the future COURTESY OF SHAUN MACHIA


Colin Hale doing a nollie backside heelflip




Kyle Burroughs doing a switch nosegrind

Travis Card




wenty years ago, Travis Card started filming his friends skateboarding. As a skateboarder himself, Card recognized that some of the skaters in his crew were getting really good and that someone needed to capture them. “I became a filmer because I wasn’t on the level of some of my very best friends,” he recalled. “But then again, not many people are.” What began as a modest attempt to document his friends’ progress soon evolved into a full-fledged effort to land Vermont skaters in major skateboarding publications. Card and his friends saved money to travel to skate contests and to film tricks in far-off destinations, such as California and Barcelona, Spain. Within 10 years, Card had produced three full-length skate videos, and several of his friends were well on their way to turning pro. Much has changed since Card released his last film, Good Things Come to Those Who Skate, in 2010. Skateboarding evolved from a public nuisance into an Olympic sport. Sprawling concrete skate parks, such as Burlington’s Andy A_Dog Williams Skatepark, started popping up in cities around the world. Social media platforms helped increase visibility and representation in skateboarding. Through all these changes, Card continued to film his friends. On Saturday, September 11, Card debuts his fourth full-length skate film, iHomie, at the Double E Performance Center’s T-Rex Theater in Essex Junction. The premiere features music by DJ Kanga, DJ

Transplante, JFG and SINNN, as well as live graffiti by Anthill Collective, raffles and a high ollie contest. Golden Hour, a new entertainment company that Card started with coproducer Shaun Machia, is releasing the film. “It’s the kind of thing I’m involved in just to pay my dues to the community that I hold dear to my heart,” said Machia, who also contributed motion graphics, editing and photography to the iHomie project. Though Card shot his previous films with video cameras, he captured iHomie entirely on smartphones in the vertical format. “I used to lug around $10,000 worth of camera equipment to skate spots just to get a clip,” Card said. “I wanted to show



people that if you have a buddy and you have a phone, you can make a video.” The film is also unique in that it features skaters in their thirties. Due to the physical demands of street skating, most skaters highlighted in films are in their twenties. Kyle Burroughs and Collin Hale have appeared in each of Card’s films and were among the first in the crew to have sponsors. In iHomie, they skate full parts — video segments devoted to a single

skater — though both are juggling the responsibilities of fatherhood and careers. Burroughs, a chocolatier and personal trainer, still makes skateboarding look as effortless as he did in his twenties. Hale, a sous chef at Doc Ponds in Stowe, was one of the last skaters to join the project and did not expect to produce a full part. “Travis is very good at pushing people in a reasonable way,” Hale said. “He can bring out the best in a skater.” Notably, iHomie features the last full part by Dave Abair, who died unexpectedly in June at age 34. Originally from St. Albans, Abair relocated to San Francisco, where he became a pro skater known for creatively stringing together tricks in places where most people wouldn’t even think to skate. “Dave always had a very unique approach to skating,” Card said. “He just has an eye for new spots.” Abair returned to Vermont last November to film his part, which appears first in the film. One skater whom viewers won’t recognize from Card’s previous work is Tyler Jermano, 30, who produced his first-ever full-length part for iHomie. Jermano, who recently moved to Vermont from Saranac Lake, N.Y., says he was already familiar with Card from skating at Talent Skatepark in South Burlington when he was younger. “We used to fan out on him and Collin Hale and everyone who was in his videos,” Jermano recalled. “Then I moved over here and happened to become friends with him. Now I’m in one of his videos. It’s a trip!” In addition to its four full-length parts, iHomie features a section of friends skating and a section filmed entirely at Winooski’s Landry Park skate park, aka “the Woo” among skaters. Those sections give people under the age of 30 a chance to shine, including Chris “Cookie” Colbourn, who in December 2019 became one of the latest Vermont skaters to turn pro. Throughout its 30-minute run time, iHomie pays tribute to the hardworking Vermont skaters who helped pave the way for future generations and acknowledges how technology is reshaping the industry. Skateboarding will continue to evolve, but at its core, it’s all about spending time with your homies. m

INFO iHomie, Saturday, September 11, 6-11 p.m., at the Double E Performance Center’s T-Rex Theater in Essex Junction. $8.




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9/1/21 2:29 PM


Web of Ties

Performers celebrate nature, perception and human connection at Horsford Gardens & Nursery B Y E LIZ A BET H M. SEYLE R •


DANCE performance “to highlight artists that are constantly in their practice and give them an opportunity to showcase what’s potent for them right now,” Satterlee says. An approaching life change is potent for dance and music artists Neva Cockrell and Raphael Sacks. The Springfield couple will perform “Re:Birth,” whose title speaks to people’s proverbial rebirths through changes large and small and to the literal birth of their first child. Cockrell is 37 weeks pregnant, and her due date, September 21, is roughly a week after “Garden of Delights.” If she weren’t about to have a baby, she’d be performing in Taiwan with acclaimed dance theater company Pilobolus. “It feels like a really rare opportunity to explore pregnancy, life transitions and ritual performance in a very vulnerable moment in my and our lives,” Cockrell says of herself and her husband. The pair will sing and move, together and separately, integrating composed and improvised songs.

Nicole Dagesse



Hanna Satterlee at Horsford Gardens & Nursery





uring the pandemic, “many artists are working on their own, but there’s always a spiderweb connecting us,” says performer, choreographer, director and educator Hanna Satterlee. It’s a web of emails and phone calls, of common experience during a challenging time — and often of appreciation for nature. On Saturday and Sunday, September 11 and 12, Satterlee gathers 10 professional dancers, musicians and poets from Vermont and Connecticut to perform six works at Horsford Gardens & Nursery in Charlotte. Called “Garden of Delights: Interdisciplinary Performance Tour,” the event allows performers and audience members alike to explore elements of that spiderweb. “What resonates in similarity across the group, and what’s totally different?” Satterlee wonders about the show. A guide will take the audience on a walking tour that visits solos, duets and a trio performing at various Horsford sites, including the pond, hoop houses, garden center, barn, greenhouse and tree nursery. In soliciting works, Satterlee offered the artists no specific theme or construct. “I liked the fact that our environment would hold the through line,” she says. On Friday and Saturday, September 18 and 19, Satterlee offers a follow-up two-day workshop for community artists, performers and “curious thinkers,” she says. Participants will draw on all of their senses and the surrounding Horsford environment to create interdisciplinary works. This is the third consecutive year that Burlington-based Satterlee has participated in Horsford’s Art in the Garden series, events that artists host for community members after business hours. This year’s offerings, which began in June, have included workshops on painting, bookmaking and bonsai. Community Cider Pressing with Vermont Homestead Cider rounds out the series on October 2. In 2019 and 2020, Satterlee offered workshops similar to this year’s but focused more heavily on dance and music and spanning four days rather than two. They culminated in well-received public performances, Satterlee recalls, but she and the participants found the creative process somewhat rushed. This year, she’s offering the workshop and show separately, aiming in the


Neva Cockrell

In their work as directors of the Art Monastery Project in Springfield and interdisciplinary performance collective Loom Ensemble, they often address cultural issues by drawing on their own experiences, Sacks notes. “Neva’s bravery — bringing her full-on goddess embodiment with this big belly onto the stage — [challenges] the repressive, patriarchal, body-shaming standards of airbrushed media representations of the female body,” Sacks says. For both artists, “Re:Birth” is also a way to welcome their transition into parenthood

and to explore humanity’s opportunity to transcend the pre-pandemic status quo. “How do we transform? How do we effect change?” Cockrell asks. “How do we cultivate ceremony in our modern-day culture — and how do we not do it alone?” Another duo performing in “Garden of Delights” is equally concerned with the challenges of isolation. In 2019 and early 2020, dance artist Jessie Owens and musician/composer Matt LaRocca worked with a team of artists to create and perform the fulllength work They Say the Lady Was the

Cause of It. The process was intense, Owens writes by email, creating strong bonds that were wrenched apart at the onset of the pandemic. “Moving from that experience into being totally cut off from all of my collaborators during the lockdown was incredibly hard,” Owens writes. She and LaRocca, both of Burlington, decided to keep creating and performing together. “E is for Everything I Am Feeling Right Now” conveys their experiences of loss, separation and reconnection. For Owens, the work embodies a multiplicity of daily emotions: “boredom, acceptance, isolation, grief, anger, anxiety, despair,” she writes, “but also the shared humanity and humor and beauty and joy.” Satterlee’s piece for “Garden of Delights” is also imbued with questions about human experience. In the online description of her dance solo, “See What Is Not Said,” she writes, “This performance is an invitation for the audience to become the author. Place your own feeling into the why of the work, the how of the body, the change over time. What does this dance, in this moment, in this place mean to you?” “I’m really interested in how we interpret everything differently,” Satterlee says by phone. The founder and former executive director of the nonprofit network Vermont Dance Alliance recently recommitted to making her own abstract and conceptual art, one of the central concerns of which is her relationship with the environment. In “See What Is Not Said,” she explores how we hold multiplicity and how we make meaning. She also aims to honor how memories shape our sensory experience. “We are always bringing our past with us, and our knowledge,” Satterlee says. Brandon-based Mat Clouser will read poems from his work in progress, Excoriate the Morning Glory. The New England Culinary Institute and Goddard College

graduate and former restaurant worker moved from Austin, Texas, to Vermont about a year ago to be closer to family and nature. Clouser’s poems tend to be “relatively absurd,” he says, “which I think works OK, considering we’re in some pretty absurd times.” He imbues his free verse with some humor but also expresses “anger, frustration and grief about the planet and how things have changed.” His idyllic view of Vermont, polished in the 20 years he lived elsewhere, was tarnished when he returned. He was “deeply saddened” to learn of pollution in local rivers and Lake Champlain, Clouser said. “Garden of Delights” offers him, other artists and the audience an opportunity to rest fully in the present, appreciating nature and human contact. Performers include Jericho-based Nicole Dagesse of Murmurations Dance, and Connecticut artists Ellen Smith Ahern, Rebecca Pappas and Taylor Zappone. Tickets for each show are limited for visibility, parking and pandemic safety reasons. Attendees may bring walkers, canes, wheelchairs and their own portable chairs. Masks are required. All proceeds will pay the artists. For Sacks, the show offers not only enjoyment of the present but also “a kind of nourishment that comes from the in-person connection.” Besides, he adds, “When was the last time you saw a professional dancer performing while eight months pregnant?” m

INFO “Garden of Delights: Interdisciplinary Performance Tour,” Saturday and Sunday, September 11 and 12, 6:30 p.m. $20-50. Garden of Delights: Site-Specific Devising Workshop, weekend intensive, Friday and Saturday, September 18 and 19, 4:30-7:30 p.m. $120-200. Both events at Horsford Gardens & Nursery in Charlotte.,

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The Joy of Hex


Book review: Bitter Magic, Nancy Hayes Kilgore B Y M ARG OT HAR RI S ON •


the book’s greatest strengths is that Kilgore leaves open the central question of whether Isobel does, in fact, have supernatural powers. While Margaret’s comingof-age narrative is a bit programmatic, Isobel’s chapters are fascinatingly elusive. Kilgore’s prose shines when she channels Isobel’s voice, at once earthy and lyrical. She doesn’t downplay the miseries of a 17th-century peasant woman’s life: a peat fire-heated hut, emaciated children, and a husband whose brutishness is so routine that Isobel brushes off his assaults like a mere nuisance. But Isobel seems to find a ready source of transcendence in her imagination. Lying in bed beside her hated husband, she envisions herself borne away to fairyland by a handsome spirit named William:







udging by pop culture, sympaIn an author’s note, Kilgore describes thy for witches — or supposed Forbes and Gowdie as “two different witches — is currently at an worldviews in a battle for authority” at a all-time high. Whether we’re “turning point in history.” But was Gowdie talking about the spell casters of films simply the innocent target of a zealot? Hocus Pocus 2 and The Craft: Legacy or Bitter Magic paints a more complicated the unjustly accused characters of Chris picture — and a frequently enthralling one. Bohjalian’s best-selling Hour of the Witch, At the novel’s center are two women. these are women who make the patriar- One is Isobel Gowdie, whose first-person chy uncomfortable, striking a chord with voice flits in and out of the story. (The many viewers and readers. book alternates among several perspecIt’s not so easy, however, tives, with the others rendered in third person.) The ostensible to celebrate a historical example of a woman who protagonist, however, is confessed to witchcraft the invented character — not just conceding of Margaret Hay, the under torture, as 17-year-old daughter of the local laird. many suspected Margaret is a witches did, but volunteering an character type elaborate account common in youngof her dealings adult fiction: a priviwith the devil. leged, headstrong That woman young woman who is Scotland’s Isobel dreams of adventure Gowdie, whose case and chafes against the Nancy Hayes Kilgore has fascinated and baffled restrictions of her era. commentators for centuWalking on the beach, ries. Over six weeks in she sees a pod of dolphins 1662, Gowdie made four leaping, seemingly at confessions so detailed Isobel’s command, and and colorful, combining becomes convinced that local folklore with lurid the peasant woman can accounts of demonic control the natural world. orgies, that some have Isobel, who relishes suggested she was her power as the hamlet’s psychotic or suffering cunning woman, does from ergot poisoning. nothing to dispel MargaGowdie’s story is ret’s impression. Graduthe core of Vermont author Nancy Hayes ally, she takes the girl under her wing as Kilgore’s new novel, Bitter Magic. A former an apprentice, even as she nurses a grudge pastor and psychotherapist, as well as the against Margaret’s father, the dogmatic author of two previous novels, Kilgore Covenanter John Hay. When Margaret’s best learned about Gowdie while researching friend is abducted by Highlanders, Isobel her own Presbyterian Covenanter ancestors. helps find her — and then offers an effective Harry Forbes, the minister who had herbal remedy for the trauma resulting from Gowdie tried for witchcraft, was a hard- her captivity and rape. line Covenanter, a believer that every soul But Isobel’s power has a dark side. is predestined for heaven or hell. Gowdie When she summons a sandstorm to was a “cunning woman,” the traditional avenge herself on Forbes, the storm that term for a purveyor of herbal remedies appears ruins the crops and wounds her and lore. Kilgore suggests that her skills enemy. She calls on Catholic saints and made her a threat to the minister’s tenuous fairies to assist her charms — but also power over his rural congregation. With sometimes on the devil. their eagerness to root out folk beliefs, the Margaret finds herself wondering, Covenanters didn’t endear themselves to “[W]ho or what was Isobel Gowdie? A the peasants; the novel depicts an angry battered wife, or a powerful cunning woman? parishioner hurling a shoe at Forbes A healer, or one capable of doing harm?” during his sermon. Readers will also wonder. One of



I sprang upon the horse calling, “Horse and hattock, ho! Ho and away!” And now I was aloft, and my body alive, every part, with the flight and the thrill and the speed. I was no longer hungry, and pain was unheard of, unknown, unimagined. My body was light — light as air. And now I was large, so great that I was part of everything, and everything a part of me. “Horse and hattock, ho!” I called again, and we flew through the night, over farmtown and field, over dunes and machair and mountains. Whether this flight is real, a hallucination or wishful thinking, Isobel’s visions have a powerful immediacy. And when they darken, as William transforms himself into the devil, they raise even more questions. At one point, Kilgore suggests that witchcraft could have been a self-fulfilling prophecy — that the minister himself turned Isobel into a witch by persistently conflating semi-pagan folk traditions with satanism in his sermons. “Mister Harry [Forbes] called the fairies devils,” Isobel says, “so William the Fairy Man took heed and became the devil.” But Isobel isn’t particularly distressed by the supposed loss of her soul. Her pact with the devil is also a revolt against the ruling class, a reaction to John Hay’s confiscation of the peasants’ crops to make up for his own shortfall.

“It was sinful to traffic with the devil,” Isobel reflects, “but what had the minister promised? No food for the starving, no magic to heal or strength to fight those who wronged us. Rewards only after death — and, in the meantime, the judgment of God.” Rejecting the unhelpful abstractions of the only religion on offer, she chooses instead “to live, to thrive, both I and my family, in this life.” One might be reminded of the film The Witch, which ends with its young protagonist accepting the devil’s offer: “Wouldst thou like to live deliciously?” Given the horrific hardships of her life as depicted throughout the film, her choice seems only sensible. Similarly, in Bitter Magic, Isobel turns to the devil (or imagines she does) only after realizing that promises of heaven won’t feed her and her children. Kilgore presents Isobel’s case from a range of perspectives besides that of the smitten Margaret. Various chapters explore Forbes’ point of view — he doesn’t always practice what he preaches — and that of Katharine Collace, a real historical figure who serves in the novel as a counterpoint to Isobel. Saddled with a cruel husband, Katharine also struggles with her role in a Christian patriarchy. But she’s an intellectual who draws strength from Covenanter theology even as she rejects antiquated practices, such as witch burning. While Margaret’s story is a little shopworn, Kilgore’s juxtaposition of Isobel’s story with Katharine’s raises both fresh and enduring questions about the different forms of female power. The author complicates our modern tendency to assume that accused witches were merely victims of persecution and misunderstanding. That may have been true as a general rule. But, much like the feminists who reclaimed the label of “witch” and cast hexes on Donald Trump during his presidency, Kilgore’s Isobel is more interested in power than in politeness. The author says it best in one of her afterwords: “I think of Isobel’s revenge rituals as, among other things, a pre-feminist fight for justice.” Readers won’t soon forget this witchy woman. m

INFO Bitter Magic by Nancy Hayes Kilgore, Milford House Press, 278 pages. $19.95. SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021



VERMONT GUARD SHINES BRIGHTEST DURING DISASTER RESPONSE The details of the action plan that followed were almost surreal to the pilots who would have to carry it out.


he Vermont Air National Guard is known and revered as an elite fighter unit, but its greatest achievements have not come during combat. “When you least expect it, and when you need it most, is when we’re at our best,” said Lieutenant General Michael Dubie, who served as Adjutant General of the State of Vermont from 2006 to 2012, commanding the 4,000 members of the Vermont Air and Army National Guard as they responded to every challenge that arose within their dual state and federal mission. From helping their Green Mountain State neighbors following natural disasters, such as ice storms and floods, to answering the call in moments of national crisis, Dubie, now retired, said the Vermont Guard has excelled in the most difficult situations. The first example he cites is the Vermont Guard’s excellence at crisis response in the aftermath of the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Fighter jets from VTANG began patrolling the sky over New York City within hours of the 9/11 attack. Those patrols continued, unabated, for 122 consecutive days.

THE 9/11 RESPONSE Lieutenant Colonel Terry Moultroup (Retired) logged between 90 and 100 hours in the cockpit of an F-16 during that time period. Moultroup was then VTANG’s Aircraft Generation Squadron Commander; he had just checked into Maintenance Control on the morning of September 11 when he got word that an airplane had crashed into the World Trade Center in New York City. Assuming




it was an accident akin to when a military plane hit the Empire State Building in 1945, Moultroup joined others watching a television. He was aghast when he saw another plane hit the second of the Twin Towers. “You could see it wasn’t a light airplane, from the damage it did,” Moultroup said. “I immediately realized that something much bigger was happening.” Moultroup didn’t have time to process the full magnitude of the situation — that this was the most devastating foreign attack on U.S. soil since Pearl Harbor — as the men and women of VTANG sprang into action, readying the unit’s aircraft for the impending call to duty. “You’re so busy in the initial response that you’re just on autopilot, doing what you’ve been trained to do,” Moultroup said. “Within a half hour, we had two planes ready to launch with live guns. Then we were basically en route to what they call a generation exercise, where you ready every airplane that’s available and load it to the gills. “That was accomplished in very little time, where we had every available airplane loaded and ready to launch.”

‘I DON’T KNOW WHEN I’LL BE COMING BACK’ A hastily organized pilot’s meeting followed, in which Moultroup and his fellow Guard members first heard the ominous words from the commander of the 158th Fighter Wing, General Gregory Fick: “As of today, the world as we know it has changed forever.” The details of the action plan that followed were almost surreal to the pilots who would carry it out. “It was basically unprecedented that we had come under attack, and there really were no procedures in place for us shooting down a civilian airliner,” Moultroup said. “I’ve often said that if the Massachusetts F-15s had gotten over the city a few minutes earlier — there were no

procedures in effect — they may have watched the airplanes fly into the World Trade Center. There were no rules of engagement. “The last one that went down, in Pennsylvania, the learning curve was pretty quick that what was happening was unprecedented. The Washington, D.C., Guard had launched a couple F-16s, but they did not have any armament on board — so they made a plan to run their F-16s into the airplane to bring it down. It had gotten to that point. “We’re all kind of looking at each other as we’re talking about it in the pilot meeting, that we may have to, for the good of more people, bring down one of our own airliners with our own people on board. That’s an extremely sobering thought.” Moultroup then called his wife, Dawna, and told her, “I don’t know when I’ll be coming back.” He climbed into the cockpit of his F-16 and was on his way to what was then still an “undisclosed location” in the aftermath of the attacks. Only when the column of smoke rising from Ground Zero came into view could he reflect on what had occurred.


was then that Moultroup snapped his now-famous photo of fellow VTANG member Barent Rogers piloting his F-16 over the smoking ruins of the World Trade Center. Rules of engagement had yet to be established, but the sky was otherwise empty anyway; every other aircraft in the country had been grounded. But when air traffic finally did pick back up, Moultroup began to understand why the fighters were really there — a point that was reinforced nearly two decades later when he finally visited the memorial site where the Twin Towers once stood. “I went down as part of a trip a year or two ago, and one of the things we did was present a framed picture of the F-16 over the World Trade Center to the fire department that was most heavily impacted that day,” Moultroup said. “The captain there was pretty young when 9/11

occurred, but he literally got choked up when we presented the picture to him and said the comfort it provided with the airplanes overhead was immeasurable. He was very appreciative that the noise overhead was somebody watching over them. “At the time it hadn’t really hit me, until the air traffic started flowing again, that that was our primary mission: We were really just there to provide aid and comfort to the guys on the ground.” The importance and success of that mission was formally recognized later, when the Vermont Air National Guard earned the Air Force Outstanding Unit Award for its response to the September 11 attacks. THIS ARTICLE WAS PROVIDED AND PAID FOR BY

Top Photo: Lt. Col. Barent Rogers of the Vermont Air National Guard flying over Ground Zero on Sep. 12, 2001. Fellow VTANG pilot Lt. Col. Terry Moultroup snapped the photo, which became an iconic image used by numerous national and international media outlets. (PHOTO: TERRY MOULTROUP)

Bottom Photo: Lt. Col. Terry Moultroup didn’t have time to process the full magnitude of 9/11 as he sprang into action, readying the unit’s aircraft for the impending call to duty. (PHOTO: VTANG)

“Getting within sight of New York City, I remember thinking that this is our job — and basically the entire military failed at its job to protect America,” Moultroup said. “For the second time in history, we didn’t catch the warning signs and had a surprise attack. Pearl Harbor was military targets, but this was all civilians. Our main job as military is to protect the civilian population. “You understand the risk involved as a military member, and when you sign on the dotted line, you’re willing to give up your life for your country — but you’re not prepared to have a terrorist kill thousands of civilians. That is just so far out of bounds, you can’t even wrap your mind around it.” The pilots settled in for three- to four-hour patrols, turning circles in the sky in a radius around the city. It




BUSINESS SeamWorks founders Rebecca McDonald and Karen Freeman


From left: Kaya Binti, Anjelica Carroll, Karen Freeman and Rebecca McDonald

Old Skills, New Tools SeamWorks offers small-scale manufacturing, training and community for textile artisans B Y PA M EL A POL ST O N •


y mother was an excellent seamstress; she could tailor clothes to fit precisely and was adept at the thrifty practice of darning. Worn socks were not to be thrown out on her watch. I tried to learn the ways of needle and thread. But the third time I stitched two pieces of fabric together backward while attempting to make a skirt, I concluded that sewing was not my thing. To this day, even properly securing a button eludes me. On a visit last week to SeamWorks in Burlington’s South End, cofounder Rebecca McDonald assured me that I could “master the button.” She was too diplomatic to call it remedial home ec. But SeamWorks does offer all kinds of training in the textile arts, from sewing basics to fabric printing and manufacturing, even using high-tech equipment such as laser cutters. The business opened a few months ago in capacious quarters above Tomgirl. Like so many other enterprises in the postindustrial Soda Plant, this one exudes creativity — and industry. A phalanx of sewing machines, each with distinct stitching capabilities, lines the perimeter of the room. Large cutting tables, which are angular islands with strict measuring guides, occupy the center. Bins, shelves and tubes store fabrics, like chrysalises awaiting transformation. 48


This room offers possibilities but also a broad array of finished products: Clothing and soft goods, from pillows to faux taxidermy animal heads to macramé plant hangers — all handmade by local artisans — are on display and for sale. Cofounder Karen Freeman leased the space, a former salsa studio with a nice hardwood floor, last November. By February, she and McDonald had set to work pursuing a dream. The two women had “bumped into each other at multiple craft fairs” over several years, McDonald explained — including the Champlain Mini Maker Faire that Freeman was involved with at Shelburne Farms. McDonald was selling her whimsical throw pillows — cut in the shape of animals, fruits and other subjects — through her business Drumming Beetle. Freeman, a longtime “sewist,” as she calls the occupation, has always been interested in repurposing old materials. And she had amassed a formidable fleet of sewing machines. “We just ended up talking about combining our efforts and doing it all in one place,” McDonald summarized. Freeman is a board member at Generator, Burlington’s maker space, and for more than 30 years has been conservation director of the Vermont Housing &

Conservation Board. The organization’s motto — “Getting things done” — seems to be her MO, as well. “Building community has always been in my background,” Freeman said. “Making connections in the community, making things happen … I’ve had this desire to support home sewing and bring back local manufacturing.” She has loaned out her machines at maker fairs and for community endeavors, such as a sewing project with Somali Americans. “This is very exciting,” said Steve Conant, Soda Plant owner and landlord. “It’s a great opportunity to develop more small-scale industry, and the South End is the place to do it.” Like Freeman, Conant is on the Generator board and has witnessed the previous sewing projects she has supported. “Karen is very, very capable,” he said, noting that SeamWorks has the capacity to help individual textile artists grow their production. Meantime, McDonald and two other sewists at the studio — Kaya Binti and Anjelica Carroll — are already fulfilling contract work for local soft goods manufacturers, including Skida and Select Design; McDonald is currently creating a large custom cushion for Barge Canal Market, an antique store on Pine Street.

During this week’s South End Art Hop, SeamWorks is featuring fiber artists from Edie & Glo and van Reno Vermont. Freeman and McDonald envision continuing to host events and gatherings around sewing and related crafts. “I’m trying to encompass all fiber arts, working toward felting, crochet, yarn,” McDonald said. “Some of the vendors work at home, but [SeamWorks] gives them a public presence.” In the bigger picture, the women aim to help fabric-based startups with workforce training and skills development and to connect them with potential capital. “It’s not just about the technical production but also about the people we’ll be bringing together,” Freeman emphasized. In addition to the sustainability ethos inherent in making, repairing and upcycling, she noted that SeamWorks is “very committed to access, diversity and inclusion.” Accessibility is one reason the nascent business is already seeking an additional, first-floor space in the South End; the other is that machines are hella heavy. An antique Singer made of iron, now parked in one corner of the studio, was no fun to carry up steep flights of stairs, McDonald said. Navigating fabric, needle and thread is easier, she promised. Maybe even for the sewing averse. m

INFO SeamWorks, 266 Pine Street, Soda Plant, in Burlington, Learn more on Instagram: @seamworksvt. SeamWorks hosts textile artists from Edie & Glo and van Reno Vermont during the South End Art Hop, Friday September 10, through Sunday, September 12.


NEW THIS WEEK burlington

f ART HOP IN SPACE: Fifty Vermont artists and 12 studio artists exhibit fiber arts, illustrations, paintings, collage, prints and hundreds of original works in the gallery and the halls of the Soda Plant. South End Art Hop hours: Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m.; Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; and Sunday, September 12, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. September 10-November 20. Info, The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. EVI CUNDIFF: Stained-glass works by the local artist. September 10-November 20. Info, 859-9222. Great Harvest Bread Co. in Burlington.

f JENNIFER MCCANDLESS: “Living Among the Humans,” hand-built ceramic sculptures that satirically challenge viewers’ perspectives on societal norms. Reception: Thursday, September 9, 5-8 p.m. September 9-October 30. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington. f KEVIN DONEGAN: “Your Cart Is Empty,” sculpture and installation of colorful found, altered and crafted objects that populate the floor, walls and ceiling of the gallery. Reception: Thursday, September 9, 5-8 p.m. September 9-October 31. Info, 363-5497. Flynndog Gallery in Burlington. f LARGE GROUP EXHIBITION: Members of the

South End Art + Business Association show works in a variety of mediums. Art Hop hours: Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m.; Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; and Sunday, September 12, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. September 10-November 20. Info, 859-9222. The Maltex Building in Burlington.

f LARGE SEABA EXHIBITION: Many memberartists of the South End Arts + Business Association display works in a variety of mediums. Art Hop hours: Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m.; Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; and Sunday, September 12, 11 a.m.4 p.m. September 10-November 20. Info, 859-9222. RETN & VCAM Media Factory in Burlington. LISA MYERS: Etching, chine-collé and watercolor by the local artist. September 10-November 20. Info, 859-9222. Noyes Auto & Tire Service in Burlington.

f SEABA MEMBERS GROUP SHOW: Dozens of local artists exhibit works in a variety of mediums on multiple floors of the building. Art Hop hours: Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m.; Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; and Sunday, September 12, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. September 10-November 20. Info, 859-9222. The Innovation Center of Vermont in Burlington. SOUTH END ART HOP JURIED SHOW: Fifty artists working in a variety of mediums on all three floors of the building. Juror Mark van Wagner chose as first-,

second- and third-place winners Longina Smolinski, Suomo Snook and Kalin Thomas, respectively. Frankie Gardiner won honorable mention. September 9-November 30. Info, 859-9222. The Vaults in Burlington. TAWNYA MCDONALD: Photography by the local artist. September 10-November 20. Info, 859-9222. Speeder & Earl’s Coffee in Burlington.

f ‘...WILL YOU SING?’ MURAL: A 43-foot, wall-size mural, a project of Big Heavy World, features photographs of more than 200 Vermont musicians and audio clips of their music. Collaborators include photographers Luke Awtry and Jim Lockridge, design firm Solidarity of Unbridled Labour, Vermont Folklife Center, and Gamma Imaging of Chicago. On view during business hours in the building’s entry hallway. South End Art Hop hours: Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m., and Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. September 10-December 31. Info, Howard Space Center in Burlington.

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paintings by the late Montpelier artist; SPA Classroom, main floor. September 15-30. ROB MILLARD-MENDEZ: “Crafted Narratives,” sculptural works fueled by a love of low-brow humor, absurdity and wordplay and inspired by folk and outsider art. September 15-October 30. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.

BARN SALE DONATIONS: In preparation for its annual Barn Sale, the art center is accepting drop-offs of furniture, small appliances, housewares, paintings and household items in good condition. Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Saturday, September 11, noon-2 p.m. Info, 775-0356.


BCA ARTIST MARKET: More than 25 Vermont artists and specialty product vendors show and sell their wares in the outdoor market. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, September 11, 2-7 p.m. Info, 865-7166.

f DUSTY BOYNTON: “Odd Lot,” recent large-scale, irreverent paintings by the Vermont artist. Reception: Friday, September 10, 5-7 p.m. September 10-October 30. Info, 881-0418. 571 Projects in Stowe. f ‘LAND & LIGHT & WATER & AIR’: The 14th annual exhibition features Vermont and New England landscape paintings by more than 70 member artists. Artists’ roundtable and reception: Sunday, September 12, 1 p.m., including awards announcement ‘LET US INTRODUCE YOU’: An exhibition showcasing five established artists new to the gallery: Jane Ashley, Amy Hook-Therrien, Lisa Miceli, Jen Violette and Liane Whittum. September 9-November 7. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville.

“Migrating Landscapes,” a multimedia exhibition with the visual artist and composer/sound artist, respectively; both are artists-in-residence at SMC. Artist talk and reception: Thursday, September 9; talk 5-6 p.m. in Cheray Science Hall 101, followed by reception 6-7 p.m. in McCarthy Arts Center gallery and lobby. Off-campus visitors allowed; masks required. September 9-October 21. Info, bcollier@ McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester.

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f SCULPTFEST21: Sculptural installations in response to the theme of “artifact” by local and regional artists. Reception: Saturday, September 11, 5-8 p.m. September 11-October 24. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center in West Rutland.

f ‘20/20 HINDSIGHT – SEEING THE PAST ANEW WITH CONTEMPORARY ART’: Twenty local artists put a contemporary spin on methods and materials used to develop rural culture in late 19th-century Vermont: sculptors, painters, printers, plus smiths of light, yarn, wool, metal, basketry, digital and mixed media, as well as the written word. Preregistration and masks required. Reception: Saturday, September 11, 3-5 p.m. September 10-October 10. Info, 279-5558. The Kent Museum in Calais. ‘ROCK SOLID XXI’: An annual exhibit, since 2000, showcasing stone sculptures and assemblages by area artists and 2D works that depict the qualities of stone. September 15-October 30. ‘AUSTIN FURTAK-COLE: “Moves,” scratch drawings depicting ambiguous figures in motion, teasing at how physical forms can make meaning by moving through and holding space. September 15-October 30. GAIL SKUDERA: “In the Current,” artworks influenced by looking through the screen of a computer or an iPhone, in the Quick Change Gallery. September 15-October 16. RAY BROWN: “Lifetime Retrospective,” landscapes and abstracted

CALL TO ARTISTS BECOME AN EXHIBITING MEMBER: Show at the Brandon Artists Guild gallery year-round, participate in group and solo exhibitions, and join a vibrant creative community. Apply at Deadline: September 10. Free. Info, 247-4956. BURLINGTON PUBLIC ART: To further underscore its commitment to racial equity, inclusion and belonging, the City of Burlington is commissioning a new public artwork for Dewey Park in the Old North End. The vision for this artwork is that it will become a Burlington landmark and cultural destination, build on the sense of community and pride within the neighborhood, make excellent artwork accessible to all residents, and benefit the immediate neighborhood economy. Details and submission guidelines at Through September 28. ‘CALLING FROM THE MOONLIGHT’: Seeking artwork for a group exhibit October 1 to November 5. Themes on the moon, harvest or dreaming. Two-dimensional work no larger than 36 inches; 3D limit is 32 by 72 inches. Deadline to submit: September 20. Delivery: September 27. Details at AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon N.H. $5. Info, 603-448-3117. COVID-19 CULTURAL RECOVERY GRANTS, ROUND TWO: The Vermont Arts Council and Vermont Humanities will distribute $1.2 million in relief funding to Vermont organizations through the federal program. Arts or humanities organizations that are incorporated in Vermont with 501c3 tax-exempt status, that comply with federal and state

GREEN MOUNTAIN PHOTO SHOW: Annual Mad River Valley Arts exhibition of outstanding photographs by amateur and professional photographers, traditional to abstract, black and white and color. September 12-October 11. Info, Big Red Barn Gallery at Lareau Farm in Waitsfield.


upper valley

f LISA CURRY MAIR: “Old Barns of Weathersfield,” 11 paintings by the Vermont artist best known for her painted floor cloths. Preview and artist talk: Thursday, September 9, 4-6 p.m. September 9-October 31. Info, The Inn at Weathersfield in Perkinsville.

ART EVENTS ART DROP-IN FOR OLDER ADULTS: Drop in to learn different artistic techniques and styles, practice or just be social. All skill levels welcome. Facilitated by Shawna Christian. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Tuesday, September 14, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

legal requirements, and that are experiencing hardship due to the impact of the pandemic may apply, even if they received previous relief grants. Funding awards are $5,000, $10,000 and $15,000. Deadline to apply is September 14. Learn more and register at CUP SHOW: The gallery is seeking Vermont and New Hampshire potters to exhibit in our second Cup Show, part of the Small Works holiday exhibit. Any ceramic vessels made for drinking are welcome. Exhibitors will be selected by ceramic artists Miranda Thomas, of Shackleton Thomas, and Jenny Swanson, director of ceramics at Dartmouth College. Application at Deadline: September 25. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret. Free. Info, EXTENDED DEADLINE: OLD STONE HOUSE, HONKING TUNNEL: Vermont-affiliated artists are invited to animate St. Johnsbury’s “Honking Tunnel” with artwork designed to engage the community and animate downtown. The Old Stone House Museum is calling for teaching artists for “Open to Interpretation,” a public art project to animate the Alexander Twilight Educational Trail. Deadline: September 15. Visit and for more information and applications. No phone inquiries. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury. $25. ‘PIECING TOGETHER ART’: Artists and makers in all mediums are invited to create work focusing on the transitional use of pieces to create a whole work of art. Examples: piecing together two painting styles, collage, assemblage, themes, double images or concepts. Art will

BIG JOE BURRELL SAXOPHONE: A 1974 Selmer Mark VI tenor saxophone once belonging to the late Burlington-based saxophonist, donated by his nephew, Dr. Leon Burrell, is on display during the grand opening of the museum during the South End Art Hop. Other items on view are artifacts from the former Club Toast and a fiddle played for decades by Pete Sutherland. Tiny Museum of Vermont Music History, Burlington, Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m., and Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Info, BIRTHDAY BUSINESS BASH AT ART HOP: The studio celebrates 15 years with food and drink, live music, spoken word poetry and lots of artwork. Gallery stays open Saturday, noon-5 p.m. and Sunday noon-4 p.m. Evolution Physical Therapy & Yoga, Burlington, Friday, September 10, 6-10 p.m. Free. Info, 864-9642. CHARTER HOUSE COALITION FUNDRAISER RAFFLE: “Vermont Artists for Vermont’s Homeless” online raffle, featuring works by Edgewater Gallery artists TJ Cunningham, Caleb Kenna, Treeline Terrains and Cristine Kossow, will benefit the Charter House homeless shelter in Middlebury. Enter at Artworks can be viewed through September at Ilsley Public Library. Through October 1. Info, 914-943-6265. ‘DEMYSTIFYING THE CREATIVE PROCESS’: A virtual discussion with artist-in-residence Courtney Clinton, to learn illustrators like Rachael Robinson Elmer built and developed their creative ideas through the sketchbook process. Details at Rokeby Museum, Ferrisburgh, Sunday, September 12, 1 p.m. Free for members; $5 for nonmembers. Info, 877-3406. FAMILY WORKSHOP: FROM CHAINSAWS TO CRANES: An in-person family workshop exploring outdoor sculpture on Dartmouth’s campus. Learn how some sculptures were made using industrial tools and materials designed to withstand all kinds of weather. Weather dependent. Preregister at hood. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Saturday, September 11, 1-3 p.m. Free.


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be exhibited in November. Details at Deadline: October 29. The Satellite Gallery, Lyndonville. $10 entry fee. Info, SEEKING VOLUNTEER HOSTS FOR ECO-ART ACTIVISM AT THE ART HOP: Generator artist-in-residence Rebecca Schwarz seeks help with hosting an outdoor eco-art selfie station during the South End Art Hop under a tent in front of Lake Champlain Chocolates. The selfie station will also host a petition to support legislation holding corporations responsible for the packaging and pollution they create. Informational and art materials will be on hand. Open shifts: Friday, September 10, 4-6 p.m. and 6-8:30 p.m.; and Saturday, September 11, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. and 1:30-4:30 p.m. Info, VERMONT HAND CRAFTERS CALL TO NEW ARTISTS: Vermont Hand Crafters, founded in 1955, is accepting applications for new fine art and craft members. Five jury sessions are planned for 2021. The day your application is received determines your jury session. More info and application at Through September 8. $40. Info, ‘WEATHER’: Weather has always played a role in our lives but now commonly exceeds previous experiences. For an upcoming exhibit, we seek images that illustrate not just weather but also the ways in which heat and cold, rain, snow, drought and fire are reflected in the lives of people who endure them. Details and application at Deadline: September 13. PhotoPlace Gallery, Middlebury. $39 for the first five images; $6 each additional image. Info, 388-4500. SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021



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FREEJOYART PAINTING GIVE-AWAY: Artist Joelen Mulvaney makes paintings available in the yard around the studio building. Sign up at freejoyart. com, or call for a time slot. Masks required. The paintings cannot be sold, only given away. Mathewson School Building, Barre City, Saturday, September 11, 1-4 p.m. Info, 479-1931. HOMEBASE ART SHOW: Artwork created by the artists of the Homebase Arts & Humanities program, a community that supports adults with disabilities. Items for sale by cash or check. Masks required. Leddy Park, Burlington, Sunday, September 12, 4-8 p.m. Info, 508-944-6511. #MAKERHOP: Tours, artist-in-residence spotlight, studio member demonstrations, PinBox 3000 interactive displays and more in conjunction with the South End Art Hop. Generator, Burlington, Friday, September 10, 5-8 p.m., and Saturday, September 11, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 540-0761. SOUTH END ART HOP: The 29th annual celebration of art featuring open studios, demonstrations, a juried show, live music and more at locations along the Pine Street and Flynn Avenue corridors. COVID-19 protocols in place; be prepared to mask up. Details at South End Arts District, Burlington, Friday, September 10, 5-10 p.m.; Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; and Sunday, September 12, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 859-9222. STORYTIME IN THE GALLERIES: An in-person program for all ages exploring outdoor sculpture on Dartmouth’s campus. Weather dependent. Preregister at Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Saturday, September 11, 10-10:45 a.m. Free.

f ‘TRANSMISSION: MYTHS, STORIES, VOICES AND MARKS…’: Brooklyn community artist Carole d’Inverno holds artist-in-residence hours to interview locals and collect stories about North Hero and the Champlain Islands, eventually creating a book on the area. Meet-the-artist reception: Friday, September 10, 4-6 p.m. GreenTARA Space, North Hero, Thursday, September 9, noon-6 p.m.; Friday, September 10, noon-6 p.m.; Saturday, September 11, noon-6 p.m.; and Sunday, September 12, noon-6 p.m. Info, 355-2150. VERMONT CLAY GUILD: Members show and sell their ceramic wares during the South End Art Hop at the corner of Pine Street and Marble Avenue. 7 Marble Avenue, Burlington, Saturday, September 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, WATERBURY BLOCK PARTY AND ARTS FEST: The town’s signature event kicks off with a block party Friday night featuring live music by Brett Hughes and Jane Evans, a food truck court, beer garden and raffle prizes. Saturday’s festival includes an artist market with more than 100 vendors, artist demonstrations, food court and entertainment. Various Waterbury locations, Friday, September 10, 5-9:30 p.m., and Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Info,

ONGOING SHOWS burlington

‘BUBBLEGUM POP’: Pip & Pop, Matt Neckers, Jon Rappleye, the Smittens and Kathryn Wiegers contribute to this exhibit inspired by popular and consumer culture with fantastical themes. KAYLYNN SULLIVAN TWOTREES: “Falling Into Language: A Travelogue,” an immersive installation of paintings, soundscapes and video featuring contemporary vocables (a sequence of sounds and syllables without literal meaning), created in collaboration with musicians from Vermont, India and Japan and rooted in the oral tradition of the artist’s Native American and African heritage. Through October 9. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.



SHELTER CULTIVATION PROJECT: The Burlingtonbased arts collaborative, founded by Shawn Dumont, celebrates the culmination of a yearlong arts project with a gallery exhibition and pop-up shop featuring artwork and handmade goods by local and international artists. Through November 1. Info, 343-4767. Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington.

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‘A. ELMER CROWELL: SCULPTOR, PAINTER, DECOY MAKER’: Drawing from Shelburne Museum’s renowned decoy collection, the exhibition features milestones in Crowell’s prolific artistic career, from the earliest miniature goose he carved in 1894 to the very last bird he made before retiring in the early 1940s. Online only at Through October 31. ‘NEW ENGLAND NOW: PEOPLE’: The second exhibition in a biennial series featuring multimedia works by 10 contemporary artists from New England’s six states, celebrating the communities and peoples of the region. Through October 17. ‘PATTERN & PURPOSE: AMERICAN QUILTS FROM THE SHELBURNE MUSEUM’: The museum presents 20 textile masterpieces from its collection dating from the first decades of the 1800s to the turn of the 21st century, organized by associate curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff. Online only at Through February 1, 2022. PETER KIRKILES: “At Scale,” mixed-media sculptures of common objects, such as a clock, a ruler and a truck, in unexpected sizes. The works are scattered around the grounds of the museum. Through October 17. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum. JIM SQUIRES: “Splash!” underwater images of fish and other ocean animals by photographer Jim Squires. Through September 30. Info, 985-8922. Village Wine and Coffee in Shelburne. TODD LOCKWOOD: “One Degree of Separation,” large-scale black-and-white portraits by the local photographer. Through October 14. Info, 846-4140. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall.


‘ART ROCKS!’: An exhibition of paintings and photography by 15 members of the Paletteers of Vermont. Through September 30. NAN CARLE: “Notable Sculptors of Barre Gray Granite,” photographs that celebrate and explore sculptors keeping the stone arts alive in Barre. Through October 30. Info, 476-4605. Vermont Granite Museum in Barre. BARRE ART SPLASH: An installation of painted fiberglass sculptures of cats, dogs and race cars by local artists sited along Main Street, to be auctioned off at exhibit’s end at the Vermont Granite Museum as a benefit for the Barre Rotary Club. Through September 18. Info, 479-0124. Various Barre locations. ‘THE CATAMOUNT IN VERMONT’: An exhibition that explores the feline symbol of Vermont through the lenses of art, science and culture. Through May 31. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier. CHERYL BETZ: “On the Periphery,” mixedmedia paintings from five series begun during the pandemic. Through September 26. Info, 552-0877. The Front in Montpelier. DELIA ROBINSON: “Fragmented Glances,” a retrospective of work by the longtime Vermont artist. Through September 30. Info, Montpelier City Hall. JENNIFER BRYAN: “Liquid Mind,” abstract paintings by the NU alumna ’05. Through December 10. Info, 485-2183. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield. MERYL LEBOWITZ: “A Way From Reality,” abstract paintings. Through November 30. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. ‘PASTEL MUSIC’: Thirty members of the Vermont Pastel Society show their works. PATTY HUDAK: A


solo exhibition of large-scale installation, painting and botanical ornaments inspired by woodlands. Through October 30. Info, 262-6035. T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. SUSAN CALZA: “Story Times ‘how you cut it,’” a multimedia installation that speaks to these exceptional times. Visitors are welcome to add content to the site. Through September 26. Info, 498-3509. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier. TUMBLING BLOCKS COMMUNITY QUILT PROJECT: Montpelier Alive exhibits the Capital City’s newest piece of public art, a project intended to help “stitch together” the community during the pandemic. More than 250 individuals, including more than 100 students, contributed designs for panels that Sabrina Fadial collated and made into a “quilt.” Through December 31. Info, 488-4303. Montpelier Transit Center.


‘EXPLORING EARTH’: An exhibition that reflects on the intersection of spirituality and art, celebrating Earth magic, spirit animals, and plants and transcendence; work by Isaias Crow, Jennifer Herrera Condry, Will Kasso Condry, Amy Hook-Therrien, Gilbran and Harlan Mack. Presented in participation with “2020 Vision – Reflecting on a World-Changing Year,” a statewide initiative of the Vermont Curators Group. On view by appointment. Through October 31. Info, Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort. EXPOSED 2021: The annual outdoor sculpture exhibition highlights artists who focus on current political and social constructs/issues/systems through the relationship of language, sculpture and installation; and language as culturally specific, ideological, controversial, challenging, identifying, uniting and separating. Artists are Tomas Vu, Tony Tasset, Lynn Sullivan, Mildred Beltre, Oasa DuVerney, Jonathan Gitelson, Daniel Bejar, Aya Rodriquez-Izumi and Gabriel Spsa. Through October 23. MELEKO MOKGOSI: “Scripto-Visual,” small and large paintings paired with different kinds of text; the Botswanaborn, New York-based artist investigates the links between these elements in relation to the politics of representation. Through November 13. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe. JAMES RAUCHMAN: “Self: Reflection,” paintings that push the boundaries of portraiture. NITYA BRIGHENTI: “Of Openness and Closeness,” drawings and paintings. Through October 29. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville. MARYA LOWE: “Vibrantsee/d,” a solo exhibit of wall-hung works by the fiber artist. Through October 30. Info, Minema Gallery in Johnson. MATT NECKERS: “Self-Guided Missile,” large-scale sculptural installation by the Eden-based artist. Through September 23. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.

mad river valley/waterbury

‘AFTER IRENE – THE FLOODGATES ART PROJECT, REVISITED’: An exhibition of works created by community members to commemorate Vermont’s devastating tropical storm in August 2011. Through September 25. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury. BILL BRAUER RETROSPECTIVE: A collection of paintings and prints by the late New York-born, Warren-based artist and teacher, best known for his sensual oil paintings. Through October 11. Info, 496-6682. Festival Gallery in Waitsfield. ‘LANDSCAPES & INSCAPES’: Figurative landscapes in watercolor from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s by Adolf Dehn; and large-scale abstract-expressionist works by Virginia Dehn. The pair were a vital part of the postwar art community in New York City. Open by appointment only. Through October 10. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.


middlebury area

‘DREAMING OF TIMBUCTOO’: An exhibit that unearths the little-known story of black land ownership in Vermont, told through a series of panels featuring enlargements of historic photographs and documents. The visual storytelling is a signature program of the Adirondacks-based project John Brown Lives! Through October 31. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. “HENRY AT 200’: An exhibit celebrating the museum founder and collector of New England history with documents, photographs, scrapbooks, autographs, Middlebury imprints, diaries, music ephemera, relics, and even a lock of Napoleon’s hair. Through December 31. KATE POND: “From the Heart: A Sculptor’s Process,” three sculptures — two metal, one wooden — in the museum’s garden, plus maquettes and drawings by the Burlington artist in the gallery. Through September 11. TRENT CAMPBELL: “Faces of Addison County,” a retrospective of photographs by the longtime Addison County Independent photographer. Through September 11. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. ‘ITTY BITTY: TINY TEXTS IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS’: Books from the 17th to 21st centuries that measure between 1.8 and 10 centimeters, from religious manuscripts to cookbooks, children’s books to Shakespeare. Visitors are not currently allowed in the library but may view the works online at Through May 31, 2022. Davis Family Library, Middlebury College. ‘KEY TO LIBERTY: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN’: An exhibition that explores local connections to the nation’s fight for independence; also “Nebizun: Water Is Life,” featuring works by Abenaki artists about the importance of water health; and the Hazelett Small Watercraft Center, a two-story exhibit space that presents the history of small human-powered watercraft on Lake Champlain. Through October 17. Info, Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes.

f KIM ALEMIAN AND LORI MEHTA: “Still Life/Life Stills,” paintings that focus on the fleeting quality of light and the beauty of a small gesture, respectively. Reception: Friday, September 10, 5-7 p.m. Through September 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury. f ‘LOCALLY GROWN’: New landscape paintings by Woody Jackson, Sara Katz and Sage Tucker-Ketcham in distinctively different interpretations. Reception: Friday, September 10, 5-7 p.m. Through October 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls. ‘A MODERN ARTIST: THE COMMERCIAL ART OF RACHAEL ROBINSON ELMER’: The seasonal exhibition explores the early 20th-century success of the artist as a professional illustrator for periodicals and publishers, from children’s books to advertising. Through October 31. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh. PAMELA SMITH AND ANNE CADY: “Holding Ground,” folk-style portraits of women, and vivid landscapes, respectively, by the Addison County painters. Through September 30. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes. ‘PRIDE 1983’: Through interviews with organizers, photographs and scanned images of historic documents, the exhibit, curated by Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives, explores the origins and lasting legacies of Vermont’s first Pride March on June 25, 1983, in Burlington. Online only at Through October 31. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury.






JON OLENDER & JEN RONDINONE: “Reflecting on the Past and Future,” photographs and paintings on canvas and wood, respectively. Through September 30. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland. MALLORY PEARSON: “Eat Crow,” artwork by the Queens-based artist that portrays themes of folklore, femininity and loss and how these elements interact with the southern United States. Through October 31. Info, 800-639-8521. Castleton University Bank Gallery in Rutland.

champlain islands/northwest

DAVID STROMEYER: More than 60 large-scale metal sculptures are scattered across six scenic meadows. Picnics welcome. Through October 11. Free. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls.

upper valley

f JANET CATHEY: “A Tonic of Wilderness,” a solo exhibition of woodblock prints. Reception: Friday, October 1, 5-7 p.m. Through October 29. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction. LAKEA SHEPARD: “He Loves Me Not,” mixed-media head sculptures using African textile techniques by the Greensboro, N.C., artist; the exhibit is dedicated to one of the most misunderstood groups of people, Black men. Through September 26. Info, 347-264-4808. Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction. SCULPTUREFEST: An annual outdoor sculpture exhibition featuring more than 30 artists curated by, and on the property of, Charlet and Peter Davenport. More info and directions to private locations at Through October 31. Free. King Farm in Woodstock. SUMMER OF DINOSAURS: Explore the lives of dinosaurs, big and small, through exhibits about dinosaur eggs and babies, dramatic dinosaur fossil specimens, and a series of special events and programs for all ages. Through September 28. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich.

"You" by Longina Smolinski

South End Art Hop Juried Show Winners “As much as we all want to point the finger, how much are we willing to look at ourselves

for all our own wrongdoings and judgments?” That was one of the comments juror Mark van Wagner made about Longina Smolinski’s “You,” his top pick in this year’s Art Hop juried show. Born in Poland and living in Vermont for the past 20 years, Smolinski works in multiple mediums. In this case, she created a plaster-of-paris wall installation consisting of seven white hands, index fingers pointing. The gesture could be interpreted simply as “look at that.” For older viewers, it may recall the iconic enlistment poster “I Want You (for the U.S. Army),” featuring a finger-jabbing Uncle Sam. But van Wagner, a Long Island-based artist and cofounder of Marquee Projects gallery, interprets Smolinski’s minimalist work — no doubt correctly — through the lens of today’s extreme social and political divide. This sculpture captures the essence of an accusation.

‘THE WATERCOLOR TRIO’: Imagery of land, sea and sky in paintings and digital art by Paula Cloudpainter, Kate Reeves and Kathleen Fiske. Through September 11. Info, 457-3500. Artistree Community Arts Center in Woodstock.

Things She Carried,” for second place. Kalin Thomas’ Renaissance-inspired fantasy, a

northeast kingdom

mention went to Frankie Gardiner’s oil on canvas, “The Pink Refrigerator.”

‘1111 COPPER NAILS: BREAD & PUPPET CALENDAR PRINTS’: Images from 36 years’ worth of calendar art created by Peter Schumann and printed by Elka Schumann (and dedicated to Elka); exhibit on all three floors of the inn. Through September 21. Info, CHARLES EMERS: Paintings, assemblages and prints on view in the third-floor gallery space, Wheelbarrow Art. Through September 30. Info, 472-3621. Hardwick Inn. ‘1111 COPPER NAILS: BREAD & PUPPET CALENDAR PRINTS’: Images from 36 years’ worth of calendar art created by Peter Schumann and printed by Elka Schumann; calendar and art for sale. Through September 21. Info, Front Seat Coffee in Hardwick. ‘OPEN TO LANDSCAPE’: Paintings, photographs and works on paper by Keith Chamberlin, Terry Ekasala, Anni Lorenzini and Elizabeth Nelson that explore a range of artistic responses to Vermont’s dramatic landscape. Through September 26. ALAN JENNINGS: “Finding the Way Home,” animated films the artist created about growing up in Vermont, including “The Northeast Kingdom,” “Dream of Deerman” and “The Bill Jennings Mysteries”; and the drawings, paintings and sculptures he uses to make them. Watch at Through December 31. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. ‘ART OF THE BOOK: IS IT A BOOK?’: Members of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont exhibit their literary-related creations. Through September 25. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.

Van Wagner chose Suomo Snook’s acrylic painting of a young Black girl, titled “The mixed-media tondo enticingly titled “Frontiers in Lobotomy,” won third place. Honorable All 50 entries in the juried show are on view in the Vaults, at 28 Howard Street in Burlington, through November. ELIZABETH NELSON: “Vermont Green,” summer landscape paintings. Through September 28. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover. ‘GREEN’: A group exhibit of painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, fiber work and more that explore the verdant color, both as a hue and in its environmental sense. Through October 10. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport. ‘A LIFE IN LISTS AND NOTES’: An exhibition that celebrates the poetic, mnemonic, narrative and enumerative qualities of lists and notes. The objects on display span myriad creative, professional, bureaucratic, domestic and personal uses of lists through the ages. Through May 31, 2022. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. ‘OUT OF THE CLOSET AND HUNG’: Works from the permanent collection by Peter Schumann, Aaron Stein, John Brickels, Don Sunseri and more, along with a sculptural installation, “The Trump Library.” Docent-guided tours by appointment only. Through September 30. Info, 563-2037. Annex at White Water Gallery in East Hardwick.

f ‘STILL LIFE, LIFE STILL’: Mary Ellen Bartley, Kate Emlen, Tucker Nichols, Jon Redmond and Margaret Sparrow pay homage to everyday objects in paintings created during the pandemic. Masks required. Outdoor reception: Sunday, September 12, 4-6 p.m. Through October 15. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro.

brattleboro/okemo valley

‘EXPEDITION’: Paintings, drawings, sculpture and installation by 17 artists that depict aspects of venturing into unknown lands and territories. Artists are: John Newsom, Matt Dillon, Inka Essenhigh, Michael Kagan, Wendy White, Donald Baechler, Raymond Pettibon, Ouattara Watts, André Butzer, Ann Craven, Torben Giehler, April Gornik, Andy Hope 1930, Richard Jacobs, John McAllister, Erik Parker and Alexis Rockman. Through October 11. ‘SEQUENCES: ODE TO MINOR WHITE’: Artworks by Andrea Belag, William Eric Brown, Niqui Carter, Kevin Larmon and Jessica Judith Beck that reflect the spiritual possibilities of abstraction, inspired by the late modernist photographer. Through October 11. CHARLIE HUNTER: “Semaphore,” paintings of crossing signals and railroad infrastructure by the Vermont artist. Through October 11. DELANO DUNN: “Novelties,” two series of work that address things we hold dear — family, love, comfort, tradition, connection — and things that threaten to undermine them: “Paradise,” works on paper that explore the insidiousness of stereotypes; and “Roux,” brightly colored, mixed-media works that incorporate family history and culinary tradition. Through October 11. DELITA MARTIN: “Between Worlds,” a yearlong installation in the museum’s front windows that reimagines the identities and roles of Black women in the context of Black culture

and African history. Through May 31, 2022. ERICK JOHNSON: “Double Take,” large-scale paintings and street photography that juxtapose intentional and incidental pattern and abstraction. Through October 11. SCOTT BOYD: “Endangered Alphabets,” sculptures that pair the ancient form of the obelisk with near-extinct languages. Through November 30. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. ‘DEEP BLUE’: Curated by American artist Katherine Bradford, this group show examines “deep blue” as a color and as a phrase that can describe mood, the natural environment, music and even a region’s political landscape; more than 70 paintings, sculptures, photographs, works on paper and videos by 70 artists. CLARK DERBES: Illusionistic sculptures carved from blocks of wood and painted. Info, KATHERINE BRADFORD: “Philosophers’ Clambake,” more than a dozen luminous, dreamlike works that merge color field painting with figuration. Advance reservations recommended but not required. Through November 28. Info, 952-1056. Hall Art Foundation in Reading.


2021 SOLO EXHIBITIONS: A group exhibition showcasing 10 artists working in a range of mediums, including Japanese woodblock printing, photography, welded metal art, egg tempera painting, ceramics and more. Through September 26. Info, 362-1405. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester. DUSTY BOYNTON: “Boundless,” new paintings and mixed-media works by the Vermont artist, curated in collaboration with Stowe’s 571 Projects. Through December 31. Info, jfranklin@benningtonmuseum. org. Bennington Museum. MARY RUEFLE: “Erasure,” altered books by Vermont’s current poet laureate. Through October 31. Info, 440-4507. Robert Frost Stone House Museum in Shaftsbury. NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 24th annual exhibition brings large-scale outdoor works to the historic village and surrounding area, curated by local artist Joe Chirchirillo. Through November 7. Info, Various locations around North Bennington. STELLA QUARTA DECIMA GALLERY OPENING: “Anticipation,” a group show featuring artists Matthew Monk, James Rauchman, Diane Sophrin, Hannah Morris, Kate Burnim and Lynn Newcomb. In addition to the pop-up gallery, art can be viewed at Through October 31. Info, 498-4996. Stella Quarta Decima in Manchester.

outside vermont

DENNON WALANTUS AND MATT MCGARR: “Oil and Water,” paintings of landscape and architecture in oils and acrylics, respectively. Through September 24. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y. ‘ECOLOGIES: A SONG FOR OUR PLANET’: An exhibition of installations, videos, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs that explore the relationship between humans and nature, and disruptions to the planet’s ecosystems caused by human intervention. Through February 27. Info, Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.

f ‘TWO RIVERS PRINTMAKING STUDIO: 20 YEARS’: Two decades of works by current and former members and faculty of the White River Junction print studio. Closing reception: Friday, September 17, 5-7 p.m. Through September 19. NEW EXHIBITIONS: “Rocks to Galaxies,” paintings and sculpture by Winkie Kelsey; “A Collection of Memories,” encaustics by William Peabody; “From Then to Now,” wood and bronze sculptures by Jay Singh; and “Plant Stories,” oil paintings by Coralea Wennberg. Through October 1. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H. m




Musician Raphael Groten, aka G’Raph, in Bristol

Child’s Play

Singer-songwriter Raphael Groten turns to kids’ music as G’Raph CALEB KENNA



aphael Groten searched the room for a drum that could reverberate one’s molecules. He returned to his chair with a satisfied grin, and the drum. “What is sound doing?” Groten asked me. “What is music doing?” He tapped the drum with his fingers, producing a short thooom. “The answer is, vibrating,” he said, his smile widening beneath his beard. “We’re all vibrating, all the time.” Groten plays his vibrating drums — as well as guitars, banjos, ukuleles, cavaquinho, gongs and even literally his kitchen sink — on two new records. The first is his latest solo effort, Potential, released on September 1. Groten calls the music “world medicine groove,” and the album focuses on acoustic “healing” sounds, he said. So did his two previous records: 2015’s Journey Home and 2019’s Star Lullaby — both recorded at legendary

contemporary classical guitarist Will Ackerman’s Imaginary Road Studios in Dummerston. The second new album, due out on October 1, focuses on vibes of a different sort. Drawing on decades of playing songs in classrooms, Groten delved into his sillier side to create his first collection of original material written for children and families: Happily Ever Now. Released under the moniker G’Raph, it represents a new phase in Groten’s career. Groten, 47, grew up in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. His mother played music in preschools. When he was 8, a teacher put a saxophone in his hand, the first of many instruments Groten would learn to play through his adolescence. He moved to Burlington in 1992 to attend the University of Vermont, where he majored in philosophy and minored in music. Upon graduating in 1996, he formed



his first band, playing guitar in the Latinjazz-funk ensemble Saudade. Groten’s two sons were born in 1999 and 2001, and he soon found himself drawn to playing music for children. “I grew up in this folk tradition,” he explained of his upbringing, which he said included many Pete Seeger records. “Music is part of everyday life in that kind of household.” Playing for his own kids soon morphed into playing for children in schools, preschools and libraries around Vermont. “I was so taken by it, playing libraries and teaching with the guitar, the ukulele and the kazoo … teaching the kids to laugh and clap and sing,” he said. He credits those same kids with inspiring his new moniker. “The kids I’ve taught over the years have always had different names they called me,” Groten revealed. “G’Raph just stuck.”

During the day, he worked with children; at night, he wrote music aimed at a decidedly grown-up audience, including for Guagua, the local “psychotropical jazz” band he formed in 2002. But when the pandemic hit, Groten could no longer interact in the same way with the kids he loved playing for. “Once the lockdown was on, I was just stuck at home like everyone,” he said. “I recorded every traditional kids’ song I could think of and put them up on YouTube for parents to use. I used Zoom to sing for the kids sometimes, too, but otherwise, that was it.” Then one day, as he walked past his guitar on the couch, he felt the urge to compose something different. “Rarely do I sit down to intentionally write something,” Groten admitted. “But sometimes, an instrument calls out to you and tells you that, if you pick it up, something will come through.”

Well, they’re starting up again, and we’re here to help. Find live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at


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The song he wrote that day was “Monster Truck.” As he recalled the origins of the song, he dropped his voice into a cartoonishly low register — his best version of a friendly monster — and sanggrowled the words “monster truck.” “The song just wanted to be written. It had to come out,” he said. He wrote the rest of the songs quickly after that. Musically, the project engaged Groten in surprising ways. He found himself delving into funk and electronica, as well as African and Cuban rhythms, to write songs such as “I Can Eat a Rainbow” and “Don’t Pick Your Nose.” The subject matter, however, usually picked itself. Groten drew inspiration from his pre-pandemic visits to classrooms. He recalled laughing with teachers as “so many of these kids were just sticking their fingers straight up their nose.” “So even though it feels a little silly … it’s actually natural to write a song telling RAPHAEL them not to pick their nose,” he continued. “It’s simple, but that’s what works.” “Don’t put your fingers in your mouth,” he admonishes in “Don’t Pick Your Nose.” “But if you do, then take ’em out / And then go and wash your hands and come back and join the band / We can rock and we can roll and keep our germs under control.” When asked about the difference between playing for a classroom full of preschoolers and a late-night set at the bar, Groten laughed. “It’s pretty much the same,” he revealed. “There’s not much body awareness going on in the crowd. Some of them are throwing up in the corner. They’re not really paying attention to the music or are walking right up and putting their hands on your guitar…” Then Groten shrugged. “Seriously, though, when you have the attention of an adult audience, it’s really rich, and everyone is hyperaware. It’s a very cool feeling,” he said. “When you have an audience full of children, though, you have this raw energy and power.” He estimates that in his first year performing for preschoolers, he played “Wheels on the Bus” and “Old MacDonald Had a Farm” more than 800 times. But he swears that he never got sick of the tunes.

“It’s hard to describe how amazing it feels to play music with the kids,” Groten said. The educational aspects of playing kids’ music complement Groten’s other musical passion: healing through sound. After his youngest son was injured in a car accident in 2002, Groten pursued music as a healing agent. He trained under shamanic instructors, including Zacciah Blackburn at the Center of Light Institute of Sound Healing and Shamanic Studies in Chester. He took holistic health classes and played solo guitar in the atrium at Fletcher Allen Health Care — now the UVM Medical Center — on a volunteer basis. Since then, Groten has focused on music’s healing properties, including in his latest adult LP, Potential. “Sound affects the very structure of our cells,” Groten asserted. “As we make or hear a certain tone, on some level we’re experiencing vibrations that create all sorts of reactions in our bodies. And that’s just if GROTEN you’re trying to understand it scientifically. What I know intrinsically is that sound soothes.” How music affects our mental and physical health is a subject Groten hopes more children, teens and adults explore. “Some people reach adulthood and start to feel empty inside no matter what, and they might not understand why that is,” Groten posited. He suggests “drawing a picture, or picking up a guitar. It doesn’t have to be good or sound professional; it just needs to feel good to you!” He hopes Happily Ever Now might encourage his young listeners to avoid that sort of ennui. If nothing else, putting out kids’ music seems to have lit a fire in Groten. In addition to his two new albums, he has another G’Raph record on the back burner ready to go. “There’s a part of me that’s an entertainer, and there’s a part of me who is a hermit,” Groten declared. “My adult guitar music can be serious and contemplative. But the kids’ music is an outlet to express my more jovial nature.” Groten paused to look out his window before continuing. “And yeah, I’m a country mouse for the most part. But it doesn’t matter where you are, as long as you listen to the muse when the muse shows up,” he said. m


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Vermont musicians are throwing albums our way like that scene in Shaun of the Dead when Simon Pegg and Nick Frost fling records directly into zombie skulls. To keep up, here are six quick-hit reviews of local albums from across the style spectrum. Dig in.


Bim Tyler, Basic Ritual

Sputoola, Sputoola

In the past year, Seven Days has received so many album submissions with the qualifier “recorded at home during lockdown” that the phrase has become a trigger for me. It’s not that I don’t appreciate the resolve of musicians to keep working and producing art during a pandemic. It’s just that many of those quarantine recordings have been, well, poorly produced. Not so with Bim Tyler’s Basic Ritual. A lush and pleasant folk record, Basic Ritual has that great looking-out-your-window-during-arainstorm feel. The project is an outlet for 25-year-old Tyler Griffin and occasionally includes other musicians. But Griffin’s guitars and vocals drive things. His songwriting has an easygoing feel but possesses just enough melancholy to add a dash of darkness.

What, you thought I’d review a list of Burlington albums without hitting a jam band? Not to get all C-3PO, but do you know the odds of not finding a jam band album in a pile of Vermont music? Fucking minuscule. Contrary to local belief, I actually enjoy more of those acts than one might think. Put Sputoola in that category. The Burlington five-piece mines all the genres common for jam bands: funk, progressive rock, some vague country and blues stuff. What elevates Sputoola above the typical Cuisinart band playing Phish covers is a combination of deep, philosophical lyrics and musical dynamism. Sputoola earn extra points for the juxtaposition of singer-guitarist Seth Cronin’s jazzy, deft playing and the saxophone work of Dan Matlack.

KEY TRACK: “Little Bird.” WHY: It’s a sad-sack folk song that shouts out to witches. What’s not to love? WHERE:

KEY TRACK: “Soil & Cinders.” WHY: The song gives you all of Sputoola’s hallmarks in one

Julian Gerstin, Music for the Exploration of Elusive Phenomena

Jo Bled, Cleanses the Way Stars Open



track. WHERE:



I love an album that makes me feel like I’m having a glass of wine on a fire escape overlooking a city at night. It’s my fantasy à la Liz Lemon’s “I can have it all” — and, yes, in that fantasy I listen to fancy jazz and Afrobeat music. Make of that what you will, therapist! My fantasy music in this case is percussionist and composer Julian Gerstin’s new record, Music for the Exploration of Elusive Phenomena. (It’s easily the best name of an album submitted this year.) Gerstin has composed and performed music for decades and is also president of the board of the Vermont Jazz Center. With help from engineer Gary Henry, Gerstin recruited almost 20 different musicians to record from their home studios. They created a vibrant, incredibly danceable collection of songs focused on Gerstin’s love for Caribbean and African rhythms. KEY TRACK: “After the Sleep of Lies.” WHY: Sarah LeMieux’s smoky, nightclub-esque vocal

Drone music is older than almost any other form of music. From the didgeridoo to the Japanese gagaku tradition, humanity has been obsessed for millennia with using sine waves to produce sound that emanates power — and, in some cultures, to connect with the divine. On his latest release, Cleanses the Way Stars Open, experimental composer and percussionist Jo Bled, aka JB Ledoux, employs a rubboard — a washboard worn as a vest — to create a bed of pure drone. Primarily used in zydeco music, the rubboard, or vest frottoir, carries a strongly metallic, tittering tone that sounds industrial at times and oddly organic at others. Listening to half an hour of droning, tinny sounds might not be for everyone, but Jo Bled’s compositions have a meditative quality. KEY TRACK: “Magicks Unreal.” WHY: The drone beneath the drone! Double drone. WHERE:

performance. WHERE:

Pons, The Pons Estate

Beneath Black Waves, s/t


Beneath Black Waves describe their sound as “beach goth,” and I have to say, that’s right on the mark. Their four-track EP, s/t, exudes equal parts menace and summery shimmer, with the drone of a drum machine paired with glassy guitars and a driving bass. Brothers Nathan and Jesse Meunier created Beneath Black Waves last year after many years apart. Nathan’s Bauhaus-like vocal work and expressive guitars link up with Jesse’s new-wave bass parts to create a moody and angular EP, perfect for wearing black Chuck Taylors to the beach.

You might have to put an asterisk next to this one because Pons recently fled Burlington for Brooklyn. But the band’s final act before leaving town was to release The Pons Estate. So I’m going to treat it as their parting gift, damn it! It’s a shame Pons have left Vermont, as so many bands born from the University of Vermont do. The chaos that pulses out of Pons’ sound is unlike anything else in our scene at the moment, half filthy garage rock and half unhinged synth punk. Production-wise, the songs sound like they’re going to blow out your speakers at any moment, which can either be wildly exciting or start to drive you insane. Either way, I think Pons would be satisfied with the result.

KEY TRACK: “Extinction Curse.” WHY: Feels like a cross between Interpol and the Stooges.

KEY TRACK: “LELAND (CLUB MIX).” WHY: It’s the auditory version of eating a few too


Nuff said! WHERE:



many mushrooms. WHERE:


summer with this dynamic trio while enjoying picnic fare from the HCA Café.

Bob Stannard OCT 9 | 7 PM

Vermont Comedy Divas Friday, September 10 | 6 PM The Vermont Comedy Divas will heat up the outdoor stage at the Highland Center for the Arts with their unique brand of all-female stand-up comedy. eliver.

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9/6/21 10:48 AM

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9/2/21 2:58 PM

on screen The Empty Man HHHH

The deal

In 1995, a troubled young man hiking in the mountains of Bhutan discovers alienlooking skeletal remains in a cave. “If you touch me, you’ll die,” he tells his friends. They do touch him. They regret it. After this 22-minute prologue, the scene shifts to Missouri in 2018. Widowed ex-cop James Lasombra (James Badge Dale) investigates the case of a friend’s teenage daughter who has gone missing, leaving the words “The Empty Man made me do it” in blood on her bathroom mirror. The Empty Man, James learns, is a figure of urban legend whom a local police detective (Ron Canada) holds responsible for a “contagion” of murders and suicides. The legend is also central to the beliefs of the Pontifex Institute, a cult with which the missing girl, Amanda (Sasha Frolova), was involved. When James explores the cult’s stronghold, he finds himself going deeper down the rabbit hole than he planned.

Will you like it?

A throwaway detail in a movie can say a lot. Early in The Empty Man, we see that Amanda attends Jacques Derrida High School. I knew then that we were in for some big ideas and perhaps even the dreaded P word: pretension. The father of postmodernist philosophy, Derrida made his name by deconstructing 56




ast October, a horror movie called The Empty Man appeared briefly in theaters and disappeared. Its marketing was so lackluster and generic that I remember struggling to write a short description for this paper: “A crime investigation turns into a horror scenario when an ex-cop discovers a group trying to summon something supernatural.” On the surface, the film’s only notable feature was its length — 137 minutes, when most horror flicks are closer to 90. Months later, I started hearing online chatter about The Empty Man, which was finding a streaming audience. (It’s currently on HBO Max and rentable on Apple TV.) In April, Vulture called it “the next great cult horror film.” Oscar winner Guillermo del Toro was reportedly so impressed with the movie that he invited director David Prior, previously known mainly for making DVD featurettes, to contribute to his new anthology series. I checked it out.


INTO THE VOID Hikers in Bhutan make an unsettling find in the opening segment of Prior’s chilling film.

what he called the metaphysics of presence. Before she disappears, Amanda tells James that the Pontifex Institute taught her to embrace the void: “Nothing can hurt you because nothing is real.” When James leafs through some Pontifex literature, he finds assertions that sound like watered-down postmodernism — “Nothing is binary; everything is fluid” — alongside anti-science rhetoric. The institute’s overarching faith is that thoughts are every bit as real (or as unreal) as anything else in the world, and every bit as powerful. In an era of “alternative facts” and rampant conspiracy theories, it’s a resonant and disturbing notion. So, yes, The Empty Man is philosophically ambitious, portentous and sometimes even pretentious. (“It’s inexplicable … we can’t indict the cosmos,” the detective intones.) At times I was reminded of the wonderfully hokey supernatural thrillers of yore, such as Angel Heart and Jacob’s Ladder. But The Empty Man transcends its hokey elements — because of its timeliness, because of its twistiness and because Prior brings the horror goods. The extended prologue works as a

self-enclosed story, reminiscent of the teasers that used to open episodes of “The X-Files.” The pacing, lighting, sound effects and purposeful camerawork all build to a crushing tension. Later, when we see how the prologue’s events match up with the Empty Man legend, the film’s parts snap together with a queasy sense of inevitability. The Empty Man keeps us off-kilter. With his action-hero physique and piercing eyes, James is a stabilizing presence who will never succumb to the weirdness around him — or will he? In a running joke, he expresses his intolerance for woo-woo beliefs by growling, “I grew up in San Francisco.” But the more often he says it, the emptier and more defensive it sounds. After all, James has taken the steps to summon the Empty Man, as dictated by the legend — and they appear to be working. As his sanity frays, the movie builds to a climax as nail-biting as its prologue. With its philosophical chatter and its relative paucity of jump scares and gore, The Empty Man may not appeal to some meat-and-potatoes horror fans. Those who are up for a little wild ambition,

though, will find that few horror movies are less generic than this one.

If you like this, try...

• Candyman (2021; in local theaters): Possibly the best urban-legend movie ever made is the original 1992 Candyman, which explores how collective trauma can generate a bogeyman. Billed as a sequel, the new film foregrounds the original’s themes of racial oppression. • A Glitch in the Matrix (2021; Hulu, rentable): “Nothing is real,” the watchword of the Pontifex Institute, is a belief shared by many people featured in this documentary, which explores the strange hypothesis that our world is a simulation. • Pontypool (2008; Kanopy, IFC Films Unlimited, AMC+, rentable): In The Empty Man, thought is a contagion. In this thinky Canadian horror film set inside a small-town radio station, the virus is language itself. Both films riff on the idea that repetition voids words of their meaning. MARGO T HARRI S O N

Offeri NEW IN THEATERS THE CARD COUNTER: A gambler (Oscar Isaac) with a dark past tries to seek redemption instead of revenge in the latest intense drama from writerdirector Paul Schrader (First Reformed). With Tye Sheridan and Tiffany Haddish. (109 min, R. Savoy) THE LOST LEONARDO: Andreas Koefoed’s documentary investigates the mystery of the Salvator Mundi, the most expensive painting ever sold at public auction. (96 min, PG-13. Savoy) MALIGNANT: A young woman’s visions of murder turn out to be all too real in the latest horror thriller from director-cowriter James Wan (The Conjuring). Annabelle Wallis and Maddie Hasson star. (111 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Star, Sunset, Welden)

NOW PLAYING BLACK WIDOWHHH1/2 The Marvel Universe returns to the big screen with a showcase for the titular superhero (Scarlett Johansson). With Florence Pugh and Rachel Weisz. Cate Shortland directed. (133 min, PG-13. Sunset) CANDYMANHHH1/2 Jordan Peele cowrote this “spiritual sequel” to the urban legend-based horror series that began in 1992. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Teyonah Parris star. Nia DaCosta (Little Woods) directed. (91 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Star, Sunset) DON’T BREATHE 2HH1/2 A resourceful blind man (Stephen Lang) with a dark side must defend himself and the kid he’s raised from a home invasion in this horror sequel. Rodo Sayagues directed. (98 min, R. Majestic, Sunset) FREE GUYHHH In this action comedy, a mildmannered bank teller (Ryan Reynolds) learns that he’s actually just an AI in a violent video game. Shawn Levy directed. (115 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) THE GREEN KNIGHTHHHH1/2 Director David Lowery (Ghost Story) adapted this version of the Arthurian legend in which Sir Gawain (Dev Patel) undertakes a deadly quest. With Alicia Vikander and Joel Edgerton. (125 min, R. Playhouse, Roxy; reviewed 8/4) JUNGLE CRUISEHH1/2 The theme park ride becomes a Disney adventure set on a riverboat on the Amazon, starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. Jaume Collet-Serra directed. (127 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Stowe, Sunset) THE NIGHT HOUSEHHH1/2 A recent widow begins to feel she’s being haunted in this psychological horror film starring Rebecca Hall and Sarah Goldberg. David Bruckner directed. (108 min, R. Roxy) ON BROADWAY: Director Oren Jacoby explores behind the scenes of the Broadway theater world with an all-star cast in this 2019 documentary. (82 min, NR. Savoy)

ROADRUNNER: A FILM ABOUT ANTHONY BOURDAINHHHH Morgan Neville (Won’t You Be My Neighbor?) directed this documentary about the beloved late chef and writer. (118 min, R. Big Picture)

THE SUICIDE SQUADHHH1/2 This standalone sequel to 2016’s Suicide Squad finds an unruly team of captured supervillains tasked by the U.S. government with invading an island nation. With Margot Robbie and Idris Elba. (132 min, R. Majestic) TOGETHERHHH James McAvoy and Sharon Horgan play a couple trying to survive the 2020 lockdown with their relationship intact in this comedy from director Stephen Daldry (The Hours). (91 min, R. Roxy)


OPEN THEATERS (* = UPCOMING SCHEDULE FOR THEATER WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME) *BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, *BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

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4/13/21 10:31 AM

ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, *FAIRLEE DRIVE-IN THEATER: 1809 Route 5, Fairlee, 333-9192, *MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, *MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,

PAW PATROL: THE MOVIEHH1/2 A team of search-and-rescue dogs must save their city in this adaptation of the kids’ animated series. (88 min, G. Essex, Majestic)

STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511,

THE PROTÉGÉHH1/2 Maggie Q plays an assassin who heads to Vietnam to avenge her slain mentor (Samuel L. Jackson) in this action thriller from director Martin Campbell (Casino Royale). (120 min, R. Majestic)

*SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,

*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,

WELDEN THEATRE: 104 North Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,

Oscar Isaac in The Card Counter


Call u today!s

RESPECTHHH Jennifer Hudson plays Aretha Franklin in this bio drama from director Liesl Tommy. With Forest Whitaker and Audra McDonald. (145 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy)

SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGSHHH1/2 A martial arts master (Simu Liu) living in San Francisco must confront his own dark origins in the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Awkwafina, Michelle Yeoh and Tony Leung also star. Destin Daniel Cretton directed. (132 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

ng fre e

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CALL TO ARTISTS The City of Burlington is commissioning a new public artwork for Dewey Park, in Burlington’s Old North End. The goal of the project is to be a catalyst in Burlington’s shift to be an inclusive community where BIPOC members feel like they belong as their authentic selves. The vision for this artwork is that it will become a Burlington landmark and cultural destination while building on the sense of community and neighborhood pride. For full details visit:

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9/2/21 3:12 PM

calendar S E P T E M B E R



PRODUCE FARM CLEANING SERIES: UVM Extension experts lead six weeks of virtual classes on cleaning and sanitizing farm facilities. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 656-3131.


ARE YOU SELFSABOTAGING YOUR BUSINESS?: SCORE Vermont hosts a roundtable panel of local professionals discussing ways that small business owners can increase customer trust. 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 764-5899.


CURRENT EVENTS OVER ZOOM: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads an informal discussion about what’s in the news. 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info,


QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS: GHOSTS & LEGENDS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN: Brave souls learn about the darker side of Burlington on a guided waterfront walk with author and historian Thea Lewis. Partial proceeds benefit area organizations. Union Station, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info, mail@queen


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘THE BALLAD OF ETHAN ALIEN’: Filmed during the pandemic and featuring songs

from Vermont artists, this rollicking sci-fi extravaganza takes audiences on an outer space adventure. Factory Point Town Green, Manchester, 7 p.m. Donations. ‘BLACK ORPHEUS’: Two people fall in love and into trouble amid the heady chaos of Carnival in this 1959 Brazilian classic. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: In this documentary, present-day dancers explore history and their own lives as they perform a seminal work born of the AIDS epidemic. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12.00; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: The refugee members of a rock band struggle to return home to Afghanistan to play their first show in this 2019 documentary presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600.

food & drink

COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: The new senior center opens its doors for tea, coffee and friendly conversation every weekday morning. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4107. THE HUNT: Clue packets provided by the Vermont Cheese Council send culinary sleuths to various Vermont regions to explore art, history, the outdoors and, of course, cheeses.

LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.


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Various locations statewide. Free. Info, MARKET ON THE GREEN: Meat, cheese, ice cream and veggies are among the local products available for purchase at this weekly marketplace. Woodstock Village Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3555. SENIOR CENTER WEEKLY LUNCH: Age Well and the Kevin L. Dorn Senior Center serve a hot, sit-down lunch. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 12:30 p.m. Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 923-5545. WEEKLY WINE TASTING: Themed in-store tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a wine region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.

health & fitness

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout gather for an hour of calming, low-impact movement. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 1:302:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431. BURLINGTON MOVES: Fitness fanatics of all stripes gather on the grass for body weight workouts. Dogs welcome. Andy A_Dog Williams Skatepark, Burlington, 6:15-7 a.m. Free. Info, burlington CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting magazine. Check out the calendar at

FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle flowing movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3322. TAI CHI: SUN-STYLE 73: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 11:20 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 223-3322.


PUBLIC HEARING ON THE TASK FORCE FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PUPIL WEIGHTING FACTORS: Community members testify in person and virtually before state legislators regarding this new initiative to provide equitable education in Vermont. Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 5-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, sanderson


‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: Presented by Project Y Theatre and the Women in Theatre Festival, this new musical takes audience members on a comedic journey into the world of online dating in the coronavirus era. Donations. Info, ‘MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET’: Rock hits such as “Blue Suede Shoes” drive a dramatization of the recording session that brought together Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis and Carl Perkins. Presented by Northern Stage. Courtyard Theater, Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 7:30 p.m. $19-45. Info, 296-7000. ‘THE TURN OF THE SCREW’: A governess is haunted by the ghosts of the servants that came before her in this adaptation of Henry James’ classic story from Oldcastle Theatre. Bennington Performing Arts Center, 7:30 p.m. $25. Info,


BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: Ravenous readers discuss Inheritance: A Memoir of Genealogy, Paternity, and Love by Dani Shapiro. Zoom option available. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@ BOOK TALK: SARAH DAWN PETRIN: The author discusses her book Bring Rain: Helping Humanity in Crisis with Lieutenant Governor Molly Gray in this series hosted by the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Noon-1 p.m. $10; free for VCWA members. Info, POETRY OPEN MIC: Author Samantha Kolber hosts an evening of verse. Zoom option available. Poets with new books may bring copies to sell after the readings. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 7-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister for Zoom option. Info, 223-3338.

STEVE SHEINKIN: The New York Times bestselling author talks on his new book, Fallout: Spies, Superbombs and the Ultimate Cold War Showdown with Northshire Bookstore. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, events@



food & drink

BUILDING BACK A HEALTHIER VERMONT: ABOLISH SLAVERY VT: The Vermont Racial Justice Alliance leads a discussion on Proposal 2 in the Main Reading Room. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.




STATE HOUSE TO FARMHOUSE: LEGISLATORS HEAR FROM THE FARMING COMMUNITY: Farmers and farmworkers talk policy with their local legislators. See rural for full schedule and list of locations. Various locations statewide. Free; preregister. Info, 223-7222.


VERMONT TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE SUNSET NETWORKING CRUISE: VTA friends set sail for a night of drinks, finger food and sunset views. Spirit of Ethan Allen, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. $3545. Info, 735-0840.


FEAST & FIELD MARKET: Prepared foods and the folk-rock stylings of Ida Mae Specker are on the menu at a pastoral party. Fable Farm Fermentory, Barnard, food and bar service begin, 5:30 p.m.; music begins, 6 p.m. $5-20; preregister; limited space. Info, PIZZA & MUSIC BY THE POND: A wood-fired oven warms pies composed of local ingredients. Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen, pizza, 5-8 p.m.; music, 6-8 p.m.; free for kids 4 and under; BYOB; preregister. Info, 247-6735. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK TRUE CRIME THURSDAYS: True crime buffs learn about Burlington’s most infamous murders and misdeeds with author and historian Thea Lewis. Sensitive subject matter. Ages 16 and up, please. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $25. Info, mail@queencityghost


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.8. ‘CYRANO DE BERGERAC’: James McAvoy of ‘X-Men’ fame stars in an inventive West End staging of the classic play, filmed for worldwide viewing. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $7-21. Info, 748-260.

‘SEARCHING FOR TIMBUCTOO’: Paul Miller reconstructs the forgotten history of a Black homesteading settlement in the antebellum Adirondacks in this new documentary. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 6 p.m. Donations. Info, 382-9222.

COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: See WED.8. MAVERICK MARKET: High-quality products from Vermont artisans, as well as food truck fare and live music, populate a weekly bazaar. Essex Experience, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 238-3934. NORDIC NITE OUT: Nordic Farmers’ Collaborative serves a meal made with farm-fresh ingredients while guests browse the farmstand for produce, bread, meats and libations. Nordic Farms, Charlotte, 4-7 p.m. Various prices. Info, 425-2283. VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods, crafts and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons. Vergennes City Park, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.


DIANA FANNING, ARIELLE LEVIOFF & MICHAEL HAIGLER: The three pianists present a delightful program of solo and four-hand pieces. Masks required. Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 388-8080. HUNGER MOUNTAIN CO-OP BROWN BAG SUMMER CONCERT SERIES: KERUBO: City folk on their lunch breaks enjoy an Afrojazz adventure courtesy of the Vermont singer. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 279-2236. PETE AND OLIVER OF PETE’S POSSE: Local folk hero Pete and his protégé Oliver share their neo-traditional folk songs and tunes in the library’s brand-new, state-of-the-art auditorium. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.




NANCY MARIE BROWN: Northshire Bookstore hosts the author of The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, events@ NEW ENGLAND REVIEW POETRY CELEBRATION: The journal bids farewell to outgoing poetry editor Rick Barot and welcomes new poetry editor Jennifer Chang. 8 p.m. Free;


preregister. Info, nereview@ RED BENCH SPEAKER SERIES: DAN EGAN: The extreme skier discusses his memoir Thirty Years in a White Haze: Dan Egan’s Story of Worldwide Adventure and the Evolution of Extreme Skiing with the Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum. 7-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 253-9911. THE MOST COSTLY JOURNEY: Phoenix Books hosts a virtual discussion with the editors and contributors of The Most Costly Journey: Stories of Migrant Farmworkers in Vermont Drawn by New England Cartoonists. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350.

fairs & festivals

WATERBURY ARTS FEST: Block party meets artisan market at this weekend-long street fair celebrating local art and entertainment. Downtown Waterbury, 5-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 793-6029.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘THE BALLAD OF ETHAN ALIEN’: See WED.8. The Windsor Exchange. Info, admin@windsor ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.8. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.8.


food & drink





130TH ANNIVERSARY BASH: The Take 5 Jazz Ensemble, local businesses and plenty of food and ice cream vendors come together to celebrate the library’s birthday. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: Paranormal historian Thea Lewis highlights haunted happenings throughout Burlington. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info,


Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.



BEN & JERRY’S CONCERTS ON THE GREEN: GRACE POTTER: The hometown hero returns to the Shelburne Museum for the first time since her landmark 2006 debut. Shelburne Museum, 6:30 p.m. $44-78. Info, 652-0777. AN EVENING WITH THE BENGSONS: The indie-folk power couple shares an intimate evening of storytelling through song with audience members. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7 p.m. $28. Info, 382-9222.

All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting magazine. Check out the online calendar at

FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE: RYAN CABRERA & NINE DAYS: Center Street fills up with food trucks, games, vendors and live music. Downtown Rutland, food trucks and shopping, 5-10 p.m.; concert, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 773-9380.

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

JASON LYLE BLACK: The Backwards Piano Man of viral internet fame delivers a family-friendly display of Disney, Broadway and classical



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‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.8. ‘THE GUYS’: A writer and a fire captain comfort each other in the aftermath of 9/11 in this Adirondack Regional Theatre production benefiting North Country First Responders. Hartman Theatre, Myers Fine Arts Building, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. $15. Info, 518-572-6003. ‘MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET’: See WED.8. ‘THE TURN OF THE SCREW’: See WED.8. THEATRE ON THE HILL: ‘FOR THE LOVE OF JAZZ’: A staged reading of this jazz musical set against the Harlem Renaissance closes out JAG Productions’ summer series. King Arthur Baking Company Bakery & Café, School and Store, Norwich, 8 p.m. $25. Info,




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Reconnect. Recruit. Reimagine. Learn about Vermont’s most innovative companies at this rockin’ career and tech expo. Meet with local recruiters, discover new opportunities, network and hear from Martine Rothblatt, author, entrepreneur and futurist who founded Sirius Satellite Radio and United Therapeutics and funds Burlington-based Beta Technologies.


music + nightlife

SPLASH DANCE: Kids soak up fun in the fountain while DJs spin family-friendly tracks. Burlington City Hall Park, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.



See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.


RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live music connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, info@



TWILIGHT SERIES: CLEVER GIRLS: Fronted by singer and guitarist Diane Jean, the rock band takes to an outdoor stage as part of Burlington City Arts’ evening music series. Burlington City Hall Park, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

JANE AUSTEN TALK: The inn’s Persuasion-themed weekend kicks off with an informal lecture on the Royal Navy as Wentworth would have known it. Dessert included. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 8-10 p.m. $15. Info, 888-6888.

Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

MORETOWN OPEN MIC: Family-friendly music, short plays and spoken-word pieces entertain audience members. 7-10 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, shloinky@

POP-UP ART CAFÉ: Art and live music meet tapas and wine at a cultural convergence hosted by Gallery on the Green owners Chip and Opal Evans. Soulfully Good Café, Woodstock, 6-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink; preregister. Info, 457-7395.

ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATION: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to chill out on their lunch breaks and reconnect to their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


tunes. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $10-$25. Info, 603-448-0400.


WINDSOR COMMUNITY GARDEN TOUR: Curious community members learn how gardeners recycle old infrastructure in the courtyard behind Mascoma Bank. Windsor Community Gardens, tours, 10 a.m.-1 p.m.; workshop, 11 a.m. Free. Info, windsorcommunity

Come tour the

HULA lakeside tech campus!


ARTISAN MARKET: Aesthetes browse artists’ stalls for pottery, paintings, woodwork, fiber arts SAT.11





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and jewelry. Strand Center for the Arts, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 518-563-1604, ext. 101.


9/11 PATRIOTS’ DAY MEMORIAL CEREMONY: Community members honor the victims of September 11th on the 20th anniversary of the attacks. American Legion Post 27, Middlebury, noon1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-7131.

GARDEN OF DELIGHTS: Hanna Satterlee Productions presents a roving, immersive, multidisciplinary display of dance, music and poetry. Masks required. Horsford Gardens & Nursery, Charlotte, 6:30 p.m. $20-50. Info,


BOSS UP!: Elisabeth Waller of Elisabeth Waller Photography snaps professional head shots for women job seekers. Diddle & Zen, Panton, noon-2 p.m. Pay what you can; preregister; limited space. Info,


fairs & festivals

HARPOON BBQ FESTIVAL: Revelers enjoy fresh beer, live music and blue-ribbon barbecue. Harpoon Brewery Riverbend Taps & Beer Garden, Windsor, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. $1527. Info, TASTE OF MONTPELIER FOOD FESTIVAL: The Capital City fills to the brim with world-class food and world-class entertainment. Proceeds benefit the Vermont Food Bank and Montpelier Alive. Downtown Montpelier, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Info, katie@montpelier VERMONT GOLDEN HONEY FESTIVAL: Festivalgoers buzz over arts, crafts, vendors and local food products that celebrate the state insect and all things honey. Golden Stage Inn, Proctorsville, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 226-7744. WATERBURY ARTS FEST: See FRI.10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.8. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.8.



MEG MOTT: The PhD lecturer considers the history of speech laws in the U.S. and the arguments for and against banning hate speech. Sand Hill Park, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0313.


PUG SOCIAL: Green Mountain Pug Rescue hosts its annual day of pug-nacious contests, parades, races and more out on the Sports Field. See calendar spotlight. Rutland Recreation Community Center, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $5-10. Info,

LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHALLENGE RACE: Rowers, canoers, kayakers and paddleboarders race to set new records. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, Registration, 9 a.m.; races begin, 11 a.m. $25. Info, 475-2022.

LINDA RADTKE: The singer and historian dresses in turn-of-thecentury suffragette garb for a musical talk celebrating 100 years of the 19th Amendment. Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village, Brownington, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 754-2022.


JIMMY BUFFETT NIGHT: Calling all Parrotheads: Kick back on a themed cruise aboard the Northern Star. Newport City Dock, 6-8 p.m. $50. Info, 487-0234.


‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.8. ‘THE GUYS’: See FRI.10. ‘MILLION DOLLAR QUARTET’: See WED.8, 3 & 7:30 p.m. ‘SHAKESPEARE: COMPLETELY UNBOUND!’: Vermont Shakespeare Festival’s brandnew show sources text from all 37 plays in the Bard’s canon, including comedy, tragedy, romance and history. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 5 p.m. Info, 877-874-1911.

SEP. 11 | ETC. A Pug’s Life Come pug, come all to Green Mountain Pug Rescue’s 18th annual Pug Social! Snubnosed furry friends and their people converge in Rutland for a day of play, hot dogs and friendly competition. Proficient pugs show off their skills at the kissing contest and talent show, while pretty pugs vie for the title of Curliest Tail or Best Wrinkles. Judges declare the most dapper dog at three separate costume contests, and pugs of every age and ability have the opportunity to run for gold in the Wheelie Race, Stroller Stroll, all-ages race, or 10-and-up race. Most importantly, every pug makes new pug friends, and all GMPR alumni in attendance get to march in a parade.

PUG SOCIAL Saturday, September 11, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., at Rutland Recreation Community Center. $5-10. Info,, ‘IHOMIE’: The home-grown iPhone documentary short on Vermont’s skateboarding community premieres. Double E Performance Center’s T-Rex Theater, Essex Junction, Music, food trucks and tall ollie contest, 6 p.m.; screening, 8 p.m. $8. Info, info@


food & drink

WAITSFIELD FARMERS MARKET: A bustling bazaar boasts seasonal produce, prepared foods, artisan crafts and live entertainment. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, waitsfield

BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. 345 Pine St., Burlington, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, manager@burlington CRAFTSBURY FARMERS MARKET: Food, drink, crafts and familyfriendly entertainment are on the menu at this emporium of local merchandise. Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 755-9030.


JANE AUSTEN TEA: Victorian era enthusiasts discuss the works of Austen and the history of teatime over scones, finger sandwiches and tea cakes. Governor’s House in Hyde Park, 2:30-5 p.m. $25. Info, 888-6888. POP-UP ART CAFÉ: See FRI.10.

WEEKLY WINE TASTING: See WED.8. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Stowe, noon-4 p.m. Info, 585-7717.


BEGINNER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Waterbury Public Library game master Vinni

Yasi gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

health & fitness

FALL PREVENTION SUN STYLE TAI CHI: See WED.8. Father Lively Center, St. Johnsbury, 10-11 a.m. Info, 751-0431. THE WAY OF RESILIENCY THROUGH MARTIAL ARTS: Participants learn to relax under pressure through the dynamic movements of Aikido. Aikido of Champlain Valley, Burlington, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Free. Info, 951-8900.


ANNIE IN THE WATER: The rootsy jam band plays this rescheduled show, featuring special guests Reflexions. Essex Experience, 7

p.m. $20. Info, info@doublee

‘THE TURN OF THE SCREW’: See WED.8, 2 & 7:30 p.m.



BOB & SARAH AMOS: The fatherdaughter duo brings bluegrass energy and mesmerizing harmonies to this outdoor concert. Meeting House on the Green, East Fairfield, 5-7 p.m. Donations. Info, 827-6626.


‘A MURMUR IN THE TREES’: Scrag Mountain Music premieres two compositions inspired by Emily Dickinson, including a piece for 24 double basses. Fuller’s Allée, Brandon, 5 & 5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 377-3161. TWILIGHT SERIES: SABOUYOUMA: Led by master ballafonist Ousmane Camara, the Burlington band takes listeners on a journey through West African sounds as part of Burlington City Arts’ new concert series. Burlington City Hall Park, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.


25TH ANNUAL CHAMP BENEFIT TRAIL RIDE: Equestrians enjoy a scenic ride and a buffet picnic lunch to benefit the CHAMP Program. Champlain Adaptive Mounted Program, Good Hope Farm. $150. Info, 372-4087. CELEBRATING SACRED WATERS: Attendees commune with nature by paddling the LaPlatte, exploring nature trails or making art. Shelburne Bay Park, 8:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. $8-25; free for kids under 12. Info, 829-0135.




BTVFLEA: Marketgoers browse a multifarious mix of local artwork and vintage household goods. Vintage Inspired Lifestyle Marketplace, Burlington, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 488-5766.


MIDDLETOWN SPRINGS HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING: The Historical Society holds a business meeting and dessert reception, followed by a talk from Vermont historian Phillip Crossman. Middletown Springs Historical Society, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 235-2376.


TRADITIONAL CRAFTS DAY: Makers teach visitors how to throw pottery, cut silhouettes, work leather and more at this celebration of the handmade. See calendar spotlight. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $8-16; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 457-2355.




fairs & festivals HARPOON BBQ FESTIVAL: See SAT.11, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘THE BALLAD OF ETHAN ALIEN’: See WED.8. Highland Lodge, Greensboro. Info, 802-322-4456. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.8. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.8.

food & drink

FOOD FOR TALK COOKBOOK CLUB: Home cooks discuss Six Seasons: New Ways with Vegetables by Joshua McFadden over dinner. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@burlington THE HUNT: See WED.8. WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and prepared foods from seasonal vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmers

health & fitness

HARPOON FLANNEL 5K: Plaidclad runners race to benefit the Friends of Norris Cotton Cancer Center. Fresh beer and pretzels are found at the finish line. Virtual option available. Harpoon Brewery Riverbend Taps & Beer Garden, Windsor, 9-11 a.m. $1040. Info, flannel5k@harpoon. com.


IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celticcurious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


CHURCH STREET SOUNDS OF THE SEASON: MUSIC-COMP: The Vermont Symphony Orchestra kicks off this monthly concert series with a program of pieces by young Franklin County composers. First Congregational Church, St. Albans, 3-4:15 p.m. Free. Info, 524-4555. ‘A MURMUR IN THE TREES’: See SAT.11. New Shelter. Hubbard Park, Montpelier, 11 a.m. SEPTEMBER SONGS: JAZZ ON A SUNDAY AFTERNOON: Lebanon Opera House presents some of New England’s finest freelance jazz artists playing the Great American Songbook. Blow-MeDown Farm, Cornish, N.H., 2 p.m. $25. Info, 603-448-0400.


PEDAL POWER TO THE PEOPLE: Cyclers saddle up for scenic

countryside tours in support of Royalton Community Radio. South Royalton Town Green. $75; preregister. Info, info@royalton




SUNDOG POETRY AMP PICNIC: The Sundog Poetry Center hosts an afternoon of art, music and poetry with Burlington poet Alison Prine, Brattleboro artist Evie Lovett, and central Vermont fiddler Yasi Zeichner. Richmond Town Park, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 585-8502.





‘STARS ABOVE’: Phantom Theater presents Brooklynbased circus and dance troupe Hideaway Circus in a high-octane nostalgia trip through carnivals of old. American Flatbread Waitsfield Hearth, 7-9 p.m. $1550. Info, 888-718-4253.

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at


Late Summer Savings


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.8. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.8.

food & drink


health & fitness


AFLCR SOCIAL HOUR: The Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region hosts a virtual cocktail hour. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


MAD RIVER CHORALE OPEN REHEARSAL: The community chorus welcomes new singers at its first in-person rehearsal for the 2021 holiday concert. Proof of vaccination required. Harwood Union High School, South Duxbury, 7-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 496-4781. ONION RIVER CHORUS FIRST REHEARSAL: The community choir welcomes new members for its fall season. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, 7-9 p.m. $75-115; partial scholarships available. Info, 477-3922.


BOB ALDRICH MEMORIAL GOLF INVITATIONAL: The King Street Center hosts their annual fundraiser. Breakfast and lunch included. Burlington Country Club, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. $225-900. Info, 862-6736.



MONDAY NIGHT MAGIC: Christopher McBride shows off his mastery of card tricks in this delightful display for all ages. Delta Hotels Burlington, South Burlington, 8-9:15 p.m. $20. Info, 404-7302.

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TOM WESSELS: The author discusses his new travel guide, New England’s Roadside Ecology, with The Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.

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Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.



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See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

All family-oriented events are now published in Kids VT, our free parenting magazine. Check out the online calendar at



IPAD TIPS AND TRICKS: The Waterbury Public Library teaches users how to get the most out of their tablets in this virtual class. 2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.


Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

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calendar MON.13

« P.61



ALL HEART IN THE PARK: Ferene Paris Meyer of All Heart Inspirations hosts a safe, enthralling community storytelling session. Burlington City Hall Park, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.




health & fitness




‘STARS ABOVE’: See MON.13, 4-6 & 7-9 p.m.



TAI CHI SUN 73 CLASS: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Ages 55 and up; prerequisite is Tai Chi for Fall’s Prevention series 1, 2 & 3. Middlebury Recreation Facility, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,

OPEN CIRCLE: Those seeking an intimate meditation experience gather for an evening of ritual and connection. Oakledge Park, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $10. Info, 518-350-8344.



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.



‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.8. ‘MUHAMMAD ALI’: Fans of “The Greatest” enjoy a sneak preview of the upcoming Ken Burns documentary, followed by a discussion with codirector Sarah Burns and biographer Jonathan Eig. 7 p.m. Free. Info,

food & drink


health & fitness



PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATIONS: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5166.


VERMONT’S FREEDOM & UNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL: Regardless of age, race or gender, singers lift their voices in songs that represent the ongoing struggle for justice. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:45-8:45 p.m. $35. Info, vermontsfreedom


RUTLAND COUNTY AUDUBON & SLATE VALLEY TRAILS BIRDWATCHING WALK: Enthusiastic ornithologists go on a gentle hike and search for feathered friends. BYO binoculars, bug spray, water and guidebook. Fairgrounds West Trail, Poultney, 7:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info,


Handy Work Aspiring artisans and history buffs get a blast from the crafty past at Billings Farm & Museum’s Traditional Crafts Day. Attendees of all ages experience demonstrations and workshops led by local makers who work with their hands using techniques passed down through the generations. Woodstock potter Laura White brings out her wheel, New Hampshire leatherworker Mark Humpal makes and repairs saddles, and St. Johnsbury artist Carolyn Guest uses sheep shears to cut intricate paper silhouettes. Guests also try finger knitting, watch how butter is churned by hand and sample homemade ricotta cheese.


learn how to harness their inherent talents. Mascoma Bank, Burlington, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 503-0219.


VERMONT WOMEN’S MENTORING PROGRAM: Mercy Connections trains new mentors for vulnerable women seeking healing, jobs and safe housing. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,


Sunday, September 12, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., at Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock. Regular admission, $8-16; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 457-2355,






BECKY MUNSTERER SABKY: The former Dartmouth admissions director shares insights from her new book Valedictorians at the Gate: Standing Out, Getting In, and Staying Sane While Applying to College with Northshire Bookstore. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114. BRETT ANN STANCIU: The Galaxy Bookshop launches the author’s new memoir Unstitched: My Journey to Understand Opioid Addiction and How People and Communities Can Heal. Masks


required. Hardwick Town House, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 472-5533. NANCY MARIE BROWN: The scholar of Icelandic culture discusses her new book The Real Valyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women with the Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114. RECITE!: Poets of all levels from fledgling to professional celebrate the spoken word at this virtual reading. 7-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, WHAT’S ON YOUR NIGHTSTAND? THE NOT-A-BOOK-CLUB BOOK CLUB: Rebel readers discuss anything from book jacket design to the ebook revolution at this nonconformist meeting. Norman Williams Public Library,

Woodstock, 10:15-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.



THE GARDENS AT GREEN ACRES TOUR: Resident gardeners teach visitors how to make teas, blends, honeys and vinegars using homegrown herbs. Green Acres Apartments, Barre, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, PRODUCE FARM CLEANING SERIES: See WED.8.



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.8. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.8. ‘PETE SEEGER: THE POWER OF SONG’: Interviews, archival footage and home movies illustrate a social history of the folk artist and activist in this inspiring documentary. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

food & drink


AFLCR SOCIAL HOUR: TROISIÈME MERCREDI: Francophones fine-tune their French-language conversation skills via Zoom. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE JAZZ DE MONTRÉAL: Artists including Daniel Lanois, Charlotte Day Wilson and Ranee Lee converge on La Metropole for the world’s largest jazz festival. Place des Festivals, Montréal. Free. Info, commentaires_jazz@


WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather over Zoom for an evening of music-making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.




AUTHOR ROUNDTABLE: Samantha Kolber of Rootstock Publishing leads a reading and discussion with writers S. Lee Manning, Karen Richards, Celia Ryker and Ben Johnson. Zoom option available. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister for Zoom option. Info, 223-3338. BOOK TALK: LINDA POLMAN: The author discusses her exposé The Crisis Caravan: What’s Wrong With Humanitarian Aid? with the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Noon-1 p.m. $10; free for VCWA members. Info, m


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Master Class with Ruth Childs THU., SEP. 9 THE BARN IN CORINTH

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Vermont Cannabis Farm Tour SUN., SEP. 12 OFF PISTE FARM, SUTTON

Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women MON., SEP. 13 VIRTUAL EVENT

Ethiopian and Eritrean Cuisine Takeout SAT., SEP. 18 O.N.E. COMMUNITY CENTER, BURLINGTON

VT Womenpreneurs Bubbles & Brunch SAT., SEP. 18 SALT & BUBBLES WINE BAR & MARKET, ESSEX

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9/3/21 11:37 AM



Access CVU

Fall/Winter 2021 semester registration is open for 200-plus classes! All are welcome. In-person at CVU High School in Hinesburg, plus online options. Sign up today! Class descriptions at or Google ACCESS CVU. Register online, call 4827194 or email access@ ARTS & CRAFTS: Welding for Beginners; Watercolor with Ginny Joyner; Let’s Draw with Teresa Celemin; Let’s Paint With Oils!, Make Your Own Picture Frames, Carving in Wood, The Spoon & Intro to Spinning With a Drop Spindle. Sep. Location: ACCESS CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,, COOKING & CUISINE: Ethiopian Injera with Alganesh Michael; Solving the Dinner Dilemma: Meal Planning for Busy People; Canning, Preserving, & Fermenting: Kombucha! Canning, Preserving, & Fermenting: Sauerkraut and Kimchee! Sep. Location: ACCESS CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,, FITNESS, YOGA, DANCE, MINDFUL MOVEMENT: Intro to MMA: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Qigong Beginner Series, Tuesday Bootcamp or Tabatas with Hilary Rooney. Zumba with Dillon! Intro to Yang Tai Chi I & II, Swing & Jitterbug and Ballroom Dance with Terry! Yoga every day of the week. Sep. Location: Access CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 4827194,, HEALTH, MINDFULNESS & HOLISTIC LIVING: Rethinking Sugar: online; Chakra Workshop, Gut Health & Digestion: online; Gen & Crystal Workshop, Meditation Exploration: An Introduction to Meditation with Maggie Mae Anderson. Sep. Location: Access CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,

64, cvsdvt. HOME & GARDEN: Canine Manners with Alana Stevenson; Beekeeping Basics with Bill Mares; Getting to Know Your Car Workshop with Girlington Garage; and Primitive Fire Building with Mischa Tourin. New: Home Repairs: Be Your Own Handyman Series with Stephen Smith! Sep. Location: ACCESS CVU and online, Hinesburg. Info: 4827194,, KIDS & TEENS: Intro to Ukulele for Teens & Tweens with John Creech! Celebrating Getting Your Period for the First Time: Online. Sep. Location: Access CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, access@, LANGUAGES & LITERACY SPEAKER SERIES: Three Levels of Spanish with Dunia Partilo; Intro to ASL with Laura Siegel; three options of Italian Classes, German for Beginners, Curious About Braille? with Stephanie Bissonnette; French Conversation for Advanced Beginners, online with Arsene Lupin; French Conversation for IntermediateAdvanced Speakers, online with Nikki Matheson. Journaling to Relax and Let Go with Annalisa Parent. Sep. Location: Access CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 4827194,,

MUSIC, PHOTOGRAPHY, TECHNOLOGY: Intro to Ukulele for Adults with Clare Innes; Mandolin for Beginners with Mike Walker; Harmonica for Adults and Banjo with Jim Shaw; Guitar for Beginners with John Creech; Music Theory and Composition with Ken Pasciak; Beginner Darkroom Photography, Intro to Google Suite and Sheets & Intro to GNU/Linux with Patrick Slattery. Sep. Location: ACCESS CVU & online, Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,,


art 1-DAY FALL PAINTING WORKSHOPS: Every Sat., Sep.18Oct. 23. Small classes, 6-8 students, one-on-one teaching. Come learn and paint in and around our historic 1800s studio barn and perennial gardens. All experience levels welcome; watercolor, pastel or oil. Demos taught. Includes gourmet farm-to-table lunch. Sign up soon! painting-workshops. Sat. Sep. 18Oct. 23, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost: $135/day (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Location: 692 Church Hill Rd., Charlotte. Info: Deborah Kehoe, 233-6463,, painting-workshops.

BCA Studios

Burlington City Arts fall class registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY OPTION 1: Explore the traditional, analog, black-and-white darkroom! Learn to properly expose black-and-white film, process film, and make silver gelatin prints. All supplies included. Bring your manual 35mm or medium format film camera and an exposed roll of black-and-white film to the first class. 18+. Wed., Sep. 22-Oct. 27, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $270. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@, HOME STUDIO: DRAWING: Learn a variety of drawing techniques, including basic perspective, compositional layout, and use of dramatic light and shadow, from the comfort of your home. Students are encouraged to work with a variety of drawing media, including pencil and charcoal. 13+, all levels of experience, including beginners, are welcome. Wed., Sep. 29-Oct. 20, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $120. Location: Zoom. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,, PHOTOSHOP & ILLUSTRATOR: Students learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator while creating pieces of digital artwork with artist James Beihl. James shares a variety of digital artwork styles to inspire students while introducing program tools in the context of using them to make a digital collage and dreamlike landscape. 18+. Thu., Sep. 23-Oct. 21, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@,

THROWING SETS: Prerequisite: Proficiency in centering, throwing cups and throwing bowls. Learn the process of creating wheel-thrown sets including making multiples, stacking mugs and nesting bowls, and serving sets specific to a type of food or beverage, such as a sake bottle with matching cups or a coffee cup with saucer. 18+. Wed., Sep. 22-Nov. 10, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Cost: $400. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@burlingtoncityarts, WHEEL THROWING OPTION 2: Students work primarily on the potter’s wheel, learning basic throwing and forming techniques while creating functional pieces such as mugs, cups and bowls. Students are also guided through various finishing techniques using the studio’s house slips and glazes. 18+. No previous experience needed. Wed., Sep. 29-Nov. 17, 1:30-4 p.m. Cost: $400. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@,

gardening FALL BULBS FOR SPRING COLOR: Learn all about planting bulbs in the fall for excellent spring color in this webinar with our expert Dianne! Tue., Sep. 21, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $15. Location: Webinar. Info: Meredith White, 658-2433,, FALL CHORES & CLEANUP WEBINAR: Charlie Nardozzi shares new ideas about care for your flower and vegetable beds; protecting plantings from cold and deer this fall and winter; bringing plants indoors for winter; and fall planting of trees and shrubs. There will be time for your questions at the end of his Zoom presentation. Tue., Sep. 28, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $15. Location: Webinar. Info: Meredith White, 658-2433,,

dance SALSA DANCE FUNDAMENTALS: Salsa is an easy-to-learn Latin social dance rooted in African, Cuban and Puerto Rican dance traditions. In this fundamentals class, participants will learn how to dance confidently in a social setting. No partner is needed to attend. All ages and abilities are welcome. Every Thu. starting Sep. 16, 7-8 p.m. Cost: $90/6 1-hour classes. Location: Miller Center, 130 Gosse Ct., Burlington. Info: Susi Trexler, 215-239-4758,

drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional/masks indoors), starting Sep. 7, Nov. 8 and Jan. 18. Taiko Mon., Tue., Wed. and Thu. Djembe Wed. and Thu. Kids and parents Tue., Wed. and Thu. All Thursday classes at Camp Meade Middlesex behind Red Hen! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,,

family JUNG ON THE FATHER: Our experience of a father (or lack thereof) can color our whole lives, impacting our careers and how we define success and how we relate to masculine energies. Learn why this is and how to work with your inner father imago in this course full of exercises, readings and discussions. Sep. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60. Location: Jungian Center of Spiritual Sciences, Zoom. Info: Sue Mehrtens, 244-7909,,

Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanishparavos@, spanishwaterbury JAPANESE CLASS FOR CHILDREN VIA ZOOM: The JASV offers two Japanese Classes, beginner and intermediate, for elementary and middle school children during the fall semester. For further information, please log in to Beginner class: Sat., Oct. 2-Nov. 13, 9:3010:10 a.m. Intermediate class: Sat., Oct. 2-Nov. 13, 10:30-11:10 a.m. Location: Zoom. Info: 8658895,, JAPANESE LANGUAGE COURSES: JASV offers three levels of Japanese in the fall semester via Zoom. Level 1 covers the first half of the textbook, Busy People 1. Level 2 covers the second half of Busy People 1. Level 3 uses Busy People 2. To register or learn more, email Linda Sukop, No classes Thanksgiving week. Level-1 Thu., Oct. 7-Dec. 16; Level-2 Wed., Oct. 6-Dec. 15; Level-3 Mon., Oct. 4-Dec. 13, 7-8:30 p.m. Location: Japan America Society of Vermont, Zoom. Info: 865-9985,,

tai chi

FALL PLANTING TIPS WEBINAR: Fall is the perfect time to plant trees, shrubs, fruits and perennials. In this webinar, our expert Tom will guide you through fall planting tips. Mon., Oct. 4, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $15. Location: Webinar. Info: Meredith White, 658-2433,, GROWING GARLIC & SHALLOTS WEBINAR: Thinking about growing garlic or shallots this year? Learn the basics with our friend Charlie Nardozzi! Tue., Sep. 14, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $15. Location: Webinar. Info: Meredith White, 658-2433,, HOUSEPLANTS 101 WEBINAR: Learn all about common houseplants and how to care for them from our in-house expert Ellen. Tue., Oct. 19, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $15. Location: Webinar. Info: Meredith White, 658-2433,meredithw@, store/education.

language ADULT LIVE SPANISH E-CLASSES: Adult Spanish classes starting next week, using Zoom video conferencing. Our 15th year. Learn from a native speaker via small group classes and individual instruction. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Five different levels. We still have a few openings. See our website or contact us for details. Begins week of Sep. 13. Cost: $270/10 classes, 90+ min. each, 1 class/wk. Location: Spanish in Waterbury

NEW BEGINNER TAI CHI CLASS: We practice Cheng Man-ch’ing’s “simplified” 37-posture Yang-style form. The course will be taught by Patrick Cavanaugh, longtime student and assistant to Wolfe Lowenthal. Wolfe is a direct student of Cheng Man-ching and founder of Long River Tai Chi Circle. Opportunities for learning online also available! COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend in person. Mask requirements are based on: CDC recommendations, venue policy and group comfort. Starts Oct. 6, 9-10 a.m., open registration until Oct. 27. Cost: $65/mo. Location: St. Anthony’s Church (Gym), 305 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Long River Tai Chi Circle, Patrick Cavanaugh, 4906405,,

well-being HIGH OCTAVE LIVING: Strengthen your inner sense of self and your outer effectiveness through mindfulness and characterstrengths work. Join an eightweek live virtual course with lifealtering, evidence-based benefits. As you discover your signature strengths while deepening your mindfulness practice this fall, you’ll be gaining tools for a richer, more joyful life. 8 weeks starting Tue., Sep. 28, 7-9 p.m. or Thu., Sep. 30, 3-5 p.m. Cost: $175/8 2-hour classes. Location: Zoom. Info: Werner John, 272-5397,,




Minx SEX: 4-year-old spayed female BREED: Domestic shorthair REASON HERE: She was not doing well with the other cats in her home. ARRIVAL DATE: June 3, 2021 SUMMARY: Meet Minx! This striking gray tabby is an independent girl who enjoys the simple things in life: a nice quiet corner, a high perch and an afternoon nap. She likes to keep to herself and is perfectly happy enjoying her own company, but with time she may warm up to gentle pets. Looking for a gorgeous, low-maintenance feline friend to adorn your couch? Come meet Miss Minx at HSCC today!

of Chittenden County


housing »


Minx is a Spirit Cat! Spirit Cats are very shy with people. They live in your home but are rarely seen — visitors will probably never see them. They are cats who live with you and who may sometimes grant you the opportunity to touch them. Or, they may not. They are a fine choice for situations in which you don’t have a lot of time to devote to a pet — most of these kitties do not need or want much attention from people.

on the road »


pro services »


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Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.

music »


jobs »






housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)

display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x121


We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!

on the road


Route 15, Hardwick



CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)

KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! Rent, utils. & amenities. 1-BR, $1,026/mo.; 2-BR, 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM Please be flexible, $1,230/mo.; 3-BR, sm-allmetals060811.indd patient & an excellent $1,422/mo. Spacious communicator w/ humor interiors, fully appli& basic computer skills. anced kitchen, fitness Please email janeth360@ center, heat & HW incl. or text Income restrictions 802-863-3860. apply. 802-655-1810,

MOTORCYCLES 2008 HONDA GOLDWING GL1800, red & loaded w/ 11,650 miles. Asking $1,600 firm. Info at, 802-387-6694.


HOUSEMATES HOMESHARE OPPORTUNITY Active senior seeks help to declutter, sort & recycle. 2 households in fragrance-free home.

Say you saw it in...


EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


DISH TV $59.99 for 190 channels & $14.95 high-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl. Free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-855-380-2501. (AAN PT needed to help w/ CAN) improving mobility. 4/16/21 1:35 PM CPR & first aid trained. Experience working w/ elderly people in both fields. 2-shot COVID-19 vaccine required & mask wearing. References required. garmanvt@ GENTLE TOUCH MASSAGE Men, I specialize in relaxation massage, deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage,




BIZ OPPS BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do the work; you reap the

HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010

Swedish massage & other techniques just for you. I have been practicing massage therapy for over 18 years. I’m Gregg. My website: gentletouchvt. com. Email: motman@ Phone: 802-234-8000 (text). Located in Barre, VT. PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542,

HOME/GARDEN LONG-DISTANCE MOVING White-glove service from America’s top movers. Fully insured & bonded. Let us take the stress out of your out-of-state move. Free quotes! Call: 888-8410629. (AAN CAN)

I’m a non-binary, non-smoking, disabled social worker with tortoise seeking accessible home to move into in Vermont. Homesharer(s) receive generous yearly tax-free stipend for help with daily living tasks, and I contribute to the family. All races, genders, orientations, and family situations welcome. Contact me at for info.

9/6/21 3:06 PM


Enjoy a lovely home w/ active woman seeking minimal assistance from a quiet housemate. $550/mo. (all inc). Shared bath. No pets.

BURLINGTON Share a South End home near bus route w/ independent woman who enjoys yard sales, puzzles & reading. Provide some light help in exchange for $300/mo. (all inc). Shared BA. Pet considered.

WILLIAMSTOWN Share country home w/ active senior gentleman. Help w/ cooking, occas. transportation, & companionship in exchange for no rent (possible utility share). Private BA. Pet considered.

Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO Homeshare041520.indd 1

NEVER PAY FOR COVERED HOME REPAIRS AGAIN! Complete Care Home Warranty covers all major systems & appliances. 30-day risk-free. $200 off + 2 free mos.! Mon.-Thu. & Sun., 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m., Fri., 9:30 a.m.-noon. 1-877-6730511. (All times Eastern.) (AAN CAN)

buy this stuff

MISCELLANEOUS 4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast speeds & take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888-519-0171. (AAN CAN) ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN)


12h-Allen090821.indd 1

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:


Robbi Handy Holmes • 802-951-2128 Client focused Making it happen for you!


OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s water11/24/09 1:32:18 PM front. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.

appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer


rewards! Call for a free SEEKING 1-2 BR Author’s Submission 16t-robbihandyholmes042121.indd 1 accommodation, rural, Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN less than 40 miles from CAN) Burlington. 32-year-old female, UVM Extension agriculture employee w/ 3-year-old daughter. Budget $1500. Email CAREGIVER & PT bryony.sands@bristol. PERSON NEEDED Thank you! Caregiving needed w/ bathing & dressing in mornings & early evenings. NS, 1 cat OK.


mini-sawit-white.indd 1

COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train online to get the skills to become a computer & help desk professional now. Grants & scholarships avail. for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 1-855-554-4616. (AAN CAN)

Residential, Multi-family and Foreclosure Expert


3842 Dorset Ln., Williston

print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x110

8/30/21 12:19 PM

BATH & SHOWER UPDATES In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos.! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-877-649-5043. (AAN CAN) CABLE PRICE INCREASE AGAIN? Switch to DirecTV & save & get a $100 visa gift card! Get more channels for less money. Restrictions apply. Call now. 877-693-0625. (AAN CAN) DONATE YOUR CAR TO KIDS Your donation helps fund the search for missing children. Accepting trucks, motorcycles & RVs, too! Fast, free pickup. Running or not. 24-hr. response. Max. tax donation. Call 877-2660681. (AAN CAN) HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo.! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN)


LONG DISTANCE MOVING Call today for a free quote from America’s most trusted interstate movers. Let us take the stress out of moving! Speak to a relocation specialist, call 855-9472919. (AAN CAN) STILL PAYING TOO MUCH for your medication? Save up to 90% on RX refill! Order today & receive free shipping on first order. Prescription required. Call 1-855750-1612. (AAN CAN) WANTED: COMIC BOOKS 1930s-present comic books. Call David: 857-210-5029.

PETS PUPPIES FOR SALE German shepherd, malamute & retriever puppies. 11 weeks old. Asking $600. Pics avail.


Email zackeryjurnak@ or text 518-538-6013.


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2 5


1 2

9 8




INSTRUCTION GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology & ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles & levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,






4 8 6 1 5 5 2 6 4 4 8 3 7



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1 7

4-STRING BANJO President Banjo for sale, 4-string, mother of pearl neck. $500. Susan@

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Open 24/7/365.

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Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.







































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If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a






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9/1/21 10:50 AM






4v-hirchakbrothers090821 1

6  802-888-4662


Please respect privacy of occupants.



Register & Inspect @ 10AM

1114 Ledgewood Drive, Williston, VT



Tuesday, September 21 @ 11AM


4BR Chittenden County Home on 1± Acre Parcel


Soup ‘n’ Greens


Online Closes Tues., Sept. 21 @ 10AM Preview: Fri., Sept. 17, 11AM-1PM 325 Main Street, Barre, VT


ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1323-1 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On August 20, 2021, David & Judy Farrington, 5436 Chantilly, Sarasota, FL 34235; Farrington Construction Company, 4724 Spear Street, Shelburne, VT 05482; and Jack Farrington, 4724 Spear Street, Shelburne, VT 05482 filed application number 4C1323-1 for a project generally described as a boundary line adjustment of Lots 1, 2, and 4; and creation of new Lots


Restaurant & Bar Equipment

By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662


Simulcast Sat., Sept.18 @ 10AM Preview: 9AM 298 J. Brown Dr., Williston, VT

Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 1st day of September, 2021.

No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before September 20, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.


Classic & Collector Vehicles

No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before September 23, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.

Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).

The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1323- 1.”


Online Closes Thurs., Sept.16 @ 10AM Preview: Tues., Sept. 14, 11AM-1PM 7411 State Rte. 9, Plattsburgh, NY

If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.

5 and 6 including construction of municipal water connection, on-site wastewater treatment, and one 5-bedroom residence on each lot. Lot 1 is increasing from 2.9 acres to 3.4 acres, Lot 2 is decreasing from 15.9 acres to 8.8 acres, Lot 4 is increasing from 2.0 acres to 3.6 acres, new Lot 5 is 2.2 acres, and new Lot 6 is 2.7 acres. The project is located at 4788 Spear Street in Shelburne, Vermont.


Commercial Winery/Brewery/ Restaurant Equipment

The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0676R-6B.”

If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than September 23, 2021.


ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C0676R-6B 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On August 19, 2021, The Mountaha Handy Family Trust, 75 South Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT 05401 and SB Signs, Inc., 466 Shunpike Road, Williston, VT 05495 filed application number 4C0676R-6B for a project generally described as replacement signage on the building and grounds of Quality Inn. The project is located at 84 South Park Drive in Colchester, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on September 1, 2021.

3 6 2 9 8 7 5 1 4

Legal Notices


Rotokawa Red Devon Cattle

Online Closes Fri. Sept.10 @ 10AM Randolph, Vermont Location



conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than September 20, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 30th day of August, 2021. By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1338 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On July 9, 2021, Fruitful Ventures, LLC, PO Box 15, Milton, VT 05468; Southerly Side of U.S. Route 7, LLC, P.O. Box 69, Milton, VT 05468; and Ryan Living Trust, 8 Shedd Road, Fairfax, VT 05454 filed application number 4C1338 for a project generally described as construction of a roadway and associated utility infrastructure as part of the Town of Milton’s east-west connector. The construction of the road results in a five lot subdivision, with no development proposed on these lots at this time. The project is located at 350 US Route 7 in Milton, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on August 31, 2021. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1338.”

Show and tell.


View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.

No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before September 21, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than September 21, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 31st day of August, 2021. By: _ /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662

Post & browse ads at your convenience.

ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS – COLCHESTER ST BP22(4) RRFB INSTALLATION The Town of Colchester is seeking separate sealed BIDS for the Colchester ST BP22(4) Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Installation project which generally includes installation of concrete bases and installation of RRFB units at locations along Route 2A/Main St in Colchester. Bids are due Thursday, September 16, 2021 at 2 p.m. Bid Documents are available at the following link:

- Weston Properties of Bolton, LLC

BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Physical location: 645 Pine Street, Front Conference Room, Burlington VT 05401 and Zoom: NWtya0ZqbEUrUStjZW1aYks1TG12Zz09 Password: 798731 Webinar ID: 833 0042 4626 Telephone: +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 1. ZP-21-577; 63 North Avenue (RM-W, Ward 3C) Joseph Piscotty Variance request of backyard setback to move garbage shed in back parking area. 2. ZAP-21-13; 240-242 Pearl Street (RM, Ward 2C) John Dubie Appeal of ZPS-21-5, an administrative denial of a replacement sign. Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.

Telephone (toll-free): 1-888-788-0099 Meeting ID: 944 5849 0636 Passcode: 725728 Agendas and meeting materials can be accessed on-line at Agendas and meeting materials posted 7 days prior to meeting date.

7:15 PM Guthrie Smith 4745 Main Road Parcel ID# 02-026.000 Variance 2021-01: Applicant requests 9 feet of front setback relief from the 50 foot front setback requirement for a proposed front porch. As per §3.1D of the Town of Huntington Zoning Regulations (HZR), 50 feet from the centerline of the road is a minimum requirement for the Village District. All variances require DRB approval as per §6.7 of HZR APPLICATION REVIEW (Cont.) 7:45 PM Nancy Lowell 83 Haskins Drive Parcel ID#16-048.000 Sketch Plan: Applicant proposes to subdivide a 2.0 acre parcel into two lots of 1 acre each respectively. DRB review and subdivision classification required as per §3.1 of the Town of Huntington Subdivision Regulations. 8:00 PM Nils Smith 1125 Bert White Road Parcel ID#06-018.200 CUR 2020-100. Applicant is seeking after the fact approval for a Contractor Yard on a residential parcel located at 1125 Bert White Road. As per §5.3.1 of the Town of Huntington Zoning Regulations, Contractor Yards are an allowable use under the definition of a Cottage Industry pending Conditional Use Review and approval by the Development Review Board. Post Application Review - ZAO Update - Member Business - Adjourn

NOTICE TO CREDITORS State of Vermont Superior Court Probate Division Chittenden Unit Docket No.: 59-3-20 Lepr In re ESTATE of Elizabeth Jayne Colgrove NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the Estate of Elizabeth Jayne Colgrove late of Cambridge, Vermont. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: Tuesday, August 31, 2021


Executor/Administrator: Peter B. Schubart, 333 Dorset Street, South Burlington, Vermont 05403

7:00 PM - Public Comment

865-1020 x110


Any questions or comments should be directed to Keith Oborne, Zoning Administrator at or by phone at 802 434-3557.

- Nils Smith, 1125 Bert White Road


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Zoom: wd=YXMvZzlyVzRRMWpYR093VTlwUlk3UT09

Spread the word in the Seven Days Classifieds.

Extra! Extra!

HUNTINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD: AGENDA SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 Development Review Board: Tuesday, September 14, 2021, 7 pm

Hosting virtual or in-person classes?

6H-ClassFiller21.indd 1

Open 24/7/365.

Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Peter B. Schubart (802) 859-0059

- Approval of Minutes

Name of Publication: Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164

- Mail

Publication Date: September 8, 2021


7/1/21 2:30 PM



7 5 1

Legal Notices [CONTINUED]

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702V-Daily7-112520.indd SEVEN DAYS1 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

To participate by phone, call +1 (646) 749-3122. The access code is 168-482-557.

PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE - CITY OF BURLINGTON ANNUAL REPORT TO HUD The City of Burlington is submitting its Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report on the expenditure of Community Development Block Grant and HOME Investment Partnership Act funds for the program year ending June 30, 2021 to the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development.

Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Zoning Administrator at 802-434-5075 x225, or by email at Pursuant to 24 VSA 4464 and 4471, participation in this local proceeding, by written or oral comment, is a prerequisite to the right to make a subsequent appeal. If you cannot attend the hearing, comments may be made in writing prior to September 23 and mailed to: Zoning Administrator, 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway, Bolton, VT 05676 or via email to

For more information, or information on alternative access, contact Harrison O’Brien, Community & Economic Development Office, at (802) 735-3099.

SEEKING COMMENT ON 2021 CONSOLIDATED ANNUAL PERFORMANCE AND EVALUATION REPORT TO HUD The Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has prepared the Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) for submission to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the period ending June 30, 2021. The CAPER is the Annual report to HUD completed in a format required by HUD for the following programs: Community Development Block Grant (CDBG); Community Development Block Grant CARES Act (CDBG-CV); HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME); Housing Trust Fund (HTF); Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG); and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program CARES Act (ESG-CV). Interested parties are encouraged to go to the Department’s website at housing/plans-data-rules/hud to view or download a copy of the Draft 2021 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report as of September 8, 2021.

convenient email mon tue wed thu fri 11/25/20 10:19 AM

To access the meeting by computer or phone, use the following link: https://global.gotomeeting. com/join/168482557

Address of Probate Court: Lamoille Probate Court, P.O. Box 570, Hyde Park, VT 05655.

A draft Report will be available on September 10, 2021, at the Community & Economic Development Office, 149 Church Street, Room 32, City Hall, Burlington, and online at cedo. The public is encouraged to review the Report and to comment through September 26, 2020. A Public Hearing on the Report will be held at the Community Development and Neighborhood Revitalization (CDNR) Committee meeting of Wednesday, September 15th, 2021, at 5PM. Comments will be heard at the Hearing on the Report and on housing and community development needs. Written comments can also be submitted directly to the Community & Economic Development Office at the above address or by e-mail to

days a week

Hwy. The property is located in the Village District. (Tax Map #15-2003530).

Please email or call Cindy Blondin at Cindy. or 828-5219 or toll free at 1-866-933-6249 with any questions. Written comments for the CAPER must be received by September 23, 2021, no later than 4:30pm at the DHCD, 1 National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 056200501, ATTN: Cindy Blondin, or e-mail comments at

TOWN OF COLCHESTER SELECTBOARD Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the Colchester Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, September 28, 2021 at 6:40 P.M. in the Outer Bay Room on the third floor of the Colchester Town Offices, 781 Blakely Rd, for the purpose of considering amendments of the Colchester Development Regulations. The proposed amendments are as follows: 1. Added Section 2.07E(10) exempting small chicken coops from permits. 2. Clarified in Section 2.09A standards for accessory buildings exceeding 50% of principal structure size. 3. Amend Section 2.09B(1)(e) to exclude unenclosed structures from max allowable sq. footage of accessory apartments. 4. Amend Section 6.03F(1) from one foot to two feet. 5. Clarified Section 8.03B to reference 24 V.S.A. Section 4413. 6. Amended Section 9.02 and 9.04 to require parcel ID’s on subdivision plans. 7. Clarify Section 9.07D(4) exemption is for all GD Districts and not just GD3. 8. Clarify pavement types in Section 10.01C. 9. Amended Section 10.08B(3) to be 10 ft. max height for solar panel instead of 8 ft. 10. Clarified Section 11.05A expirations to be for tank wastewater permits. 11. Amend Section 12.20 definitions for Congregate Housing, Hospice Care Home, Nursing Care Institution, Mental Health Facility, and Residential Care Home to reference 33 V.S.A Section 7102 12. Amend Section 12.02 to add a definition of Group Quarters and Lowest Horizontal Member. Amend the definition of Dormitory to reflect Group Quarters. 13. Amend Table A-1 to add Group Quarters. Add 4.230 Landscape contractor’s yard as conditional use to GD Districts and Lumber contractor’s yard (4.210) as a conditional use to GD2. Add 9.210 Warehousing and 9.230 Archival Facility as conditional use to GD2.

TOWN OF BOLTON NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Development Review Board (DRB) at Bolton Town Office and virtually

14. Rezone parcel id# 64-004002-0000000 IND to R1.

3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway

15. Rezone parcel id# 64-005002-0000000 IND to R1

Bolton, Vermont 05676 The DRB will hold a hybrid public hearing on Thursday, September 23rd, 2021 starting at 6:30pm, to consider the following application: Application 2021-45-DRB: Applicant: Craig Deyo, Property Owner: Town of Bolton. Seeking site plan approval to build a 12’ x 17’ shed attached to an existing structure on 3530 Theodore Roosevelt

These are a summary of the proposed changes. The Development Regulations can be found at the Town Offices at 781 Blakely Road and may also be reviewed on-line at The amendments are identified as supplement #43 to the Colchester Development Regulations. COLCHESTER SELECTBOARD Publication date September 08, 2021

71 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021


YOUR TRUSTED LOCAL SOURCE. JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM CLEANING CREW (P/T): Join our team to help us keep our brewery and taproom neat and tidy. Exp. Required.

TIRED OF WORKING WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS? Come join the team at New World Tortilla and you won’t have to work any of them. Competitive wage, shift meals and paid time off.

TAPROOM BEERTENDER (P/T): A multifaceted position providing outstanding customer service in both our taproom and retail operations. FACILITIES MAINTENANCE TECHNCIAN (F/T): Professional jack of all trades to help us maintain our brewery, taproom and warehouse buildings.

Email your resume to or drop it off at 696 Pine Street, Burlington.

To apply: 3h-LawsonsFinest090121.indd 1

We are Hiring!

8/30/21 11:18 AM


2h-NewWorldTortilla071421.indd 1

2:44 PM

Director of Licensing Programs

Vermont Tent Company

The VT-HEC is looking for an exceptional educator and manager to join our collaborative and value-driven team. This person will be responsible for the development, delivery, and coordination of our licensing programs. Our ideal candidate has...

is currently accepting - A graduate degree in one of the licensing content areas or related field(s) applications for the - Passion and motivation for providing high-quality adult learning For over 20 years, we have been providing career opportunities following positions for - Experience working with higher education and statewide organizations. in the food industry. Get in touch with us if your passion is - The ability to facilitate the work of collaborative groups and individuals. immediate employment. making great food, but your needs include: We have full time, part About this position... time, and weekend hours - Flexible time commitment from .6 to full-time • Consistent schedule • Health Care/Paid time off - Compensation commensurate with experience +benefits package available for each position. • 40 hour weeks • Retirement plan/company match - Office based in Montpelier, VT - with remote work options Pay rates vary by position - Recruit and train instructors, intern supervisors and mentors We're hiring for a LINE COOK position. We are looking for someone who is - Program areas: SPED, Early Childhood Ed, Health, & Work-Based Learning with minimum starting focused, detail-oriented and a great communicator. One year of professional wage ranging from $15kitchen experience is preferred, but we are willing to teach anyone. Most For full job description and application instructions, visit: $20/hour depending on importantly, we are looking for a good work ethic and an excitement for learning. job skills and experience VT-HEC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to Contact Cassy at diversity and inclusion in the workplace. with an hourly retention bonus available for hours worked August through 1 8/24/21 10:57 AM 4t-VTHEC081821 1 8/13/21 4t-RedHenBaking082521.indd 12:35 PM October.

Opportunities include:


• Tent Installation/ Delivery Team


• Driver/Warehouse Team – Event Division • Drivers/Delivery • Linen Team • Inventory Maintenance – Wash Bay & Warehouse • Load Crew Team Members

For job descriptions and application:

4v-VTTentcCompany061621.indd 1

Compensation: Wages based on experience. South Burlington manufacturing company is looking for a full-time skilled TIG welder to work with SST. The company manufactures custom built machines mostly in the food industry. Position requires medium run production work and is responsible for layout and blue print reading and fitting parts together prior to welding. Ideal applicant will work closely with the manufacturing team. Strong mechanical and mathematical aptitude, strong communication and problem-solving skills, and purge welding experience are required. Must have references and satisfactory background. Machining experience is a plus. Excellent benefits package available. Wages based on experience. Please apply with cover letter and resume,

6/14/214v-Tridyne090121.indd 6:33 PM 1

NUTRITION SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES Sign On Bonus up to $2,000! Join The University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington as a Food Service Worker II (full time and part time) Line Chef, Nutrition Care Representative, or Prep Cook. We are now offering sign on bonuses up to $2,000 for qualified candidates! Multiple opportunities are available. Apply: health-careers/job-postings

8/26/214t-UVMMedCenter081121.indd 1:18 PM 1

7/29/21 12:30 PM




SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

DATA COORDINATOR & ANALYST LEAP AMERICORPS OPEN SERVICE POSITIONS LEAP is a national service program placing AmeriCorps members with non-profit organizations throughout Vermont's Northeast Kingdom. LEAP members provide educational programming to area schools and communities. LEAP is currently recruiting for service positions with: Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium (1700 hour, full time Earth and Space Educator), Northwoods Stewardship Center (1700 hour, full time Environmental Ed & Outdoor Rec Instructor), Kingdom Trails (1700 hour, full time Educational Outreach Coordinator), and Kingdom East Afterschool Program (450 hour, quarter time Cooking Enrichment Coordinator; 450 hour, quarter time Chess Enrichment Coordinator); Position start dates vary from now through Sep. 28th, 2021. Members earn a living stipend and an education award. Great opportunity for recent high school grads 17+, college students, or anyone looking to gain workforce skills while making a difference in the community. or Contact Danielle Hume: 802-626-6638.

4t-LEAP090821.indd 1


The Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (VAHHS) - Network Services Organization (NSO) seeks a Data Coordinator and Analyst to be based in Montpelier. This is a full time, exempt position. The Data Coordinator and Analyst will take the lead on database management, coordination of data acquisition, processing and extraction delivery for VAHHS – NSO. The ideal candidate will have working knowledge of health care data and database management, be fluent in SQL and Tableau, possess good interpersonal skills and enjoy being part of a collaborative team.

We are looking for some seriously creative, patient, and passionate Infant and Toddler Assitant Teachers in our Early Education Program who love to work with other members of a team. Come make the world a better place with us! Please send us a resume and a reference: Come join in on the fun! Check out our website to learn more about who we are and what we do:

EDUCATION & WORKSHOPS MANAGER The Education and Workshops Manager leads the development and execution of the Peace and Justice Center’s educational trainings, discussion groups, and workshops. Our programs are intended to support justice in Vermont and beyond, especially for People of Color. As part of our small team, the Manager will supervise a coordinator and several facilitators and contribute to the overhaul of the Peace & Justice Center’s overall vision and strategy during an exciting growth period. 32-40 hours/week per candidate preference $19.00 – $21.50 per hour

This position offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits. Candidates can submit an application by email to: Deadline for resumes is October 8.


VHCB AmeriCorps Leader Build your leadership skills supporting AmeriCorps members serving Vermont’s housing and land conservation network, creating affordable housing opportunities and stewarding trails and conserved lands! Travel the state, design your own projects, guide a group of peers with a passion for service, learn from diverse experiences - all while making a difference in communities!

Apply by September 22 Service Term: Fall 2021 through August 2022 For 11 months of service, you’ll receive: • $20,400 living allowance • $6,345 education award • Health insurance • Training opportunities • Leadership development

1 9/6/214v-VHCBamericorpsLEADER090821 2:00 PM


Job Purpose: To create outstanding signature cocktails while utilizing fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. 11:37 AM Provide and model excellent customer service, while responsibly pouring and serving drinks to our guests.


Please stop in for an application or email Joe at

Equal Opportunity Employer

Open positions around the state serving with non-profit organizations 3v-AmericanFlatbread081419.indd


8/3/21 1:20 PM

land stewardship environmental education homeless assistance homebuyer education

Apply by September 22 Service Term: Fall 2021 through August 2022 For 11 months of service, you’ll receive: • $20,400 living allowance • $6,345 education award • Health insurance • Training opportunities • Leadership development

Full job description and application form at

4t-Peace&JusticeCenter090821.indd 1


Job Purpose: to run the prep shift efficiently and thoughtfully while upholding excellent standards for our food and kitchen.

The minimum qualifications for this position include a degree in Data Science or similar field or two years of applicable experience.

9/7/214t-VAHHS090821.indd 2:06 PM 1

Who wants to work alongside an inspiring group of staff members helping to change this planet, one child at a time? Is it you? Then look no further than...Neck Of the Woods (NOW) Childcare and Enrichment Center in Waitsfield, Vermont!

Offering good compensation, respectful coworkers, and great food! We are hiring for multiple full time and part time positions -- ample opportunities for growth in a positive work environment.

Executive Director Henry Sheldon Museum Middlebury

The Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History is seeking a full-time dynamic, innovative Executive Director to help lead the Museum toward an optimistic future of continued success and new opportunities in beautiful Middlebury, Vermont. Responsible for the overall operations and management of the Museum, including day-to-day operations, staff enrichment, fundraising, development, and long-range planning. BA degree required, MA/Ph.D. preferred in discipline related to the Museum’s mission plus three years nonprofit management experience.

9/2/21 4v-VHCBmakeDIFF090821 12:03 PM 1

1 9/2/21 3h-SheldonMuseum090821.indd 12:19 PM

9/6/21 12:54 PM



Seasonal Dock Slingers Want to work outside on Lake Champlain? Champlain Divers is hiring non-diving positions for dock and mooring removal. Work is weather dependent, so a flexible schedule is preferable. Pays $17-$19 an hour with 16 to 40 hours a week available September - November. Reliable transportation required.

Is currently seeking

Call Pierre at (802) 233-1479.


Director of Marketing & Communications & Fundraising Copywriter

2h-ChamplainDiversInternational090121.indd 1

73 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Are you an inspiring and collaborative leader who believes in a world where everyone has a good quality of life and the opportunity to thrive, free from the hardships of poverty? Invest your commitment to social justice by leading SEVCA’s dedicated team to creatively advance its mission to eliminate the root causes of poverty in southeastern Vermont.

8/30/21 10:23 AM SEVCA,

based in Westminster, VT, serves Windham and Windsor counties. With 85 employees and dozens of programs in 10 locations, this is a great opportunity to further the important work of a well-established organization and strong, dedicated team.

Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP | Cureblindness), a VT-based nonprofit, is actively seeking a Director of Marketing & Communications and invites applications for the Area Coordinator WARMING SHELTER STAFF a Fundraising Copywriter. Please visit our website for sition. The Area Coordinator / Residential For more information, including total compensation, visit our complete job descriptions, Temporary Full & Part Time rofessional, live-in position under the search partner’s website at or of Residence LifeAwake with aPositions: focus on developing To apply, please submit resume and cover letter to: SEVCA is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer that promotes development, • Fullstudent Time Evening, Monday–Friday udent well-being success. 5:00and pm–1:00 am The Area l Director oversees the operations of a part of Time Overnight, Monday–Friday of halls (700 +• Full students). The responsibilities We’re 1 9/6/21 2h-HimalayanCataractProject090821.indd 1 9/3/214t-BethGilpinSEVCA090821.indd 2:08 PM 12:00 am–8:00 am esidential Director are numerous and varied.


• Part Time Evenings, Saturday & Sunday 5:00 pm and 1:00 am • Part Time Overnight, Saturday & Sunday 12:00 am–8:00 am

Join Our Growing Team


Saint Michael’s College invites applications for the Area Coordinator/Residential Director position. The Area Coordinator/ Residential Director is a full-time, professional, live-in position 3v-Spectrum090821.indd 1 9/2/21 12:36 PM under the supervision of the Director of Residence Life with a focus on developing a residential community that promotes student development, leadership, inclusion, student wellbeing and success. The Area Coordinator / Residential Director oversees the operations of a part of our traditional residence halls (700 + students). The responsibilities of the Area Coordinator/ Residential Director are numerous and varied. Eden Central School

Food Service

11:00 AM

For a complete job description and to apply online, please click here:

Weekend Bartender Dishwasher

Part & Full Time Positions Available

Line Cook

Part & Full Time Positions Available

Competitive Pay & Full Benefits! Email your resume to

Eden Central School seeks a motivated individual to join our school nutrition team. This position 9/3/214t-BLEU090821 3:20 PM 1 9/6/21 performs a wide range of cooking 4t-StMichaelsCollege090821.indd 1 tasks to prepare student meals, cook Bread Loaf Corporation, Vermont’s integrated company of architects, from scratch and follow standardized planners and builders is looking for an Architectural Designer to join our recipes, comply with all state highly successful and diversified Architecture department. We are looking sanitation guideline requirements, for people with strong design portfolios, excellent communication skills and and operate POS cash register the ability to think on their feet and solve problems. We want people who system. Must be willing to attend enjoy working in a team environment and are interested in an integrated trainings in child nutrition and design/build approach. The Philosophy Department at Saint Michael’s College take online trainings.

Architectural Designer

10:56 AM


Minimum of a high school diploma, or equivalent, plus 1-2 years of cooking experience preferred, but can train the right individual. Familiarity with public school hot lunch programs desirable. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds. School year position, 7.5 hrs daily. Send resume with 3 references to: Karyl Kent, 736 VT Rt 15w Hyde Park VT 05655 or email

seeks a temporary part-time Lecturer for the Spring 2022 semester. The Lecturer will design and teach one or two sections of Introduction to Philosophy, a 4-credit course that explores questions of ultimate meaning and fulfills a core curriculum requirement. For full consideration, please submit a cover letter and a CV including three academic references by October 1st. Applications will be kept on file and reviewed as these openings occur. For more information and to apply online, please visit:

4t-StMichaelsCollegeADJphil090821.indd 1

Ideal candidates will have: • a professional degree from an accredited school of architecture • a minimum of three years of experience doing commercial, industrial and institutional work • proficiency in Revit, InDesign, Enscape, Photoshop and Illustrator Designers are critical members of the project team - developing proposals, answering RFQs, and creating project designs, technical solutions, drawings, specifications, and project documents. Interested candidates may send their resume to

9/6/21 4t-BreadLoaf090121 10:38 AM 1

8/25/21 2:53 PM




SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021


ASSOCIATE PLANNER $46,500 - $49,000 DOE with competitive benefits


Planning & Zoning seeks a highly motivated and collaborative self-starter to join its team. Provides professional, technical and administrative support, to include initiating, performing and coordinating permitting and planning functions.

The Harwood Unified Union School District is seeking a Systems Support Specialist to join our IT Department. The Systems Support Specialist supports an array of functions across our school district. The person in this role requires the ability to problem solve and identify root causes in our systems and database and work collaboratively with other members of the IT department to deploy and document solutions. The successful candidate will possess strong interpersonal skills and the ability to relate as a team member to IT Staff, teachers, and administrators.

Requires a customer service mindset, excellent communication skills and knowledge of the principles of local planning, including an understanding of the application of regulations. Bachelor’s degree and two years of relevant experience, or equivalent education and experience in municipal land-use planning.

For a detailed description of the essential duties, responsibilities, and qualifications please visit and use Job ID 3587582.

View complete job description and apply online:

Submit application through SchoolSpring or send a letter of interest, resume, and list of references to Shannon Lessley, Director of Curriculum and Technology, 340 Mad River Park, Suite 7, Waitsfield VT 05673 or email Come Join our team! We 4t-HarwoodUnionHighSchool090121.indd 1

offer a comfortable work environment, great compensation packages, and rewarding careers! Opportunities open in Williston, Vermont and Mineville, NY: • Employer Paid Health Insurance Premiums • Employer Funded Health Reimbursement Accounts • Dental, Short-Term Disability, Life Insurance

The Town of Colcherster is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 2 POSITIONS OPEN:

Current Career Opportunities with Pre-Tech Precision Machining: • CNC Programmer – Mills, Lathes, CMM • Burr Bench - Assembly

• Engineers – Manufacturing, Process, Quality • Mechanical Inspectors


We are looking for a self motivated person with a "clean" DMV record and reliable transportation, who takes pride in being on time and is Apply with resume to: willing to work 40+ hours a week. Position requires driving company vehicles. Must pass pre-employment drug test. Strong mechanical and technical abilities and a basic understanding of electrical wiring and plumbing, Must be able to lift and move 100 lbs; ability to work 3v-VTNutFree090121 1 8/26/21 outdoors in all types of weather. Applicants will be able to with training pass the required certifications within 2 years of hire as a condition of employment. All training will be provided including safety training. Competitive wages and benefits offered (health insurance, life insurance, vacation and more).

Silver Maple Construction is hiring


live by at Vermont Nut Free! This is manual work in a fast paced environment. Please only apply if you are up for the challenge and able to perform. For full job description go to:

Please submit resume in person or email to our office: Spafford and Sons, 11 North Main St., Jericho Vt. Monday - Friday between 7:00 am and 4:00 pm. Starts immediately.

Call, email, or stop by today! (802)879-9441 – Careers@ – 209 Blair Park Rd Williston, VT 05495 and 3085 Plank Road Mineville, NY 12974.

4t-Spafford&Sons030321.indd 1

Our company is dynamic, high-energy, and team-oriented and our culture is one of customer service, collaboration, and agility.


JOB OPENING: Provide access to services and a supportive living environment for individuals and families who live in John Graham Housing & Services (JGHS) shelters, transitional sites and partner-agency scattered sites in Addison County. Job duties include cultivation of a safe, respectful place for homeless families and individuals; a caseload of 10-15 households; and screening, assessment, planning, referral, documentation, and advocacy. QUALIFICATIONS: BA in related field or experience preferred; Master’s degree appreciated. Knowledge of service coordination and crisis intervention. Proficiency with electronic documentation.


12:30 PM

3/30/21 1:30 PM

Experienced Residential Carpenter

A collaborative, start-to-finish production-oriented craftsperson capable of bringing a building out of the ground from foundation to finish

Experienced Residential Construction Project Manager

A Project Manager at SMC must be a builder experienced in construction cost estimating and scheduling so that they can efficiently manage several large projects and bring them from concept to completion in collaboration with clients, designers/architects, carpenters and subs.

Perk up!

Browse 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers.

Lead Spray Technician and Lacquer Specialist

WORKING CONDITIONS: Full-time work of 40 hours per week, including some evenings, weekends, and holidays; work on-call on a rotating basis. Competitive salary package including health insurance and generous CTO. JGHS is an equal-opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type protected by federal, state or local laws.

Qualified applicants must have at least 5 years of experience applying lacquer and various finishes, and should be ready to lead our finish department.

Submit cover letter and resume to:

Full job descriptions and to apply, email:

4t-JohnGrahamShelter090821.indd 1

Vermont Nut Free Chocolates is looking for energetic people to join our team working primarily in our shipping department. We are currently looking for team members to pick, pack and convert orders. In addition to picking and packing orders, duties include creating shipping labels, deciding when and how a package should ship, adding ice packs to shipping boxes at the end of day, sealing packages and loading the UPS truck at the end of the day. Must have high attention to detail and be able to multitask on a daily basis.

9/7/21 2:13 PM Cross training is something we

8/26/214t-TownofColchester090821.indd 2:35 PM 1

• 401 (K) Retirement Plans with Employer Matching • Paid Vacation and Sick Time • Signing Bonuses • Annual Profit Based Bonuses


Experienced Cabinetmaker

Qualified applicants need to have a custom woodworking background (at least 5 years) and be comfortable designing solutions for the unique projects we create.

9/7/214t-SIlverMaple090821.indd 2:01 PM 1

Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities

1 9/7/213v-CoffeCampaign.indd 2:10 PM

8/26/21 5:17 PM



Looking to make a change? NORTHEASTERN VERMONT REGIONAL HOSPITAL invites you to check out our exciting opportunities. MARKET GARDEN ASSISTANT Full job description with details on how to apply, plus more information about our farm at

1t-TrilliumHillFarm082521.indd 1

Williston, VT

(based on experience and prior training)

Since inception in 1974, VEDA has helped businesses and farms create jobs for Vermonters and enhance Vermont’s working landscape. The stories of VEDA’s borrowers reflect Vermont’s changing economy over the years, with VEDA playing a central role in helping them bring their business dreams and projects to fruition.

Full-time, part-time and per diem schedules available. Shift differentials and per diem rates offered.

VEDA has an excellent opportunity for a motivated individual to join our team as a Loan Closing Assistant. The successful candidate will have a positive customer service attitude, and strong communication and computer skills. Accuracy and attention to detail is required.


Homeless Outreach SPECIALIST

4t-NVRH081121.indd 1

Food Safety $20/hour and up Production $18/hour and up

8/10/21 12:09 PM

Work with persons experiencing homelessness in Addison County, Vermont, as well as persons at significant risk of becoming homeless.


VEDA offers a competitive salary and excellent health and retirement benefit packages. Other perks include a flexible work environment, generous tuition reimbursement, and professional development and networking opportunities. VEDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer interested in increasing staff diversity.

Visit for details on the currently open

Holiday Shop Coordinator

Loan Closing Assistant

An organized, efficient, and kind team member to facilitate annual Holiday Shop.

Contact us:

VEDA is Vermont’s economic development financing authority, staffed by a seasoned group of Vermont professionals.

FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, wellness reimbursement, low cost health insurance and 401k with company match!

Craft food & beverage producer



RNs, LPNs, LNAs, Food Service & Administrative positions available.

8/19/21 12:59 PM

75 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

Resume /cover letter to Cheryl Houchens:

Electronics Tester

Evaluate and perform minor repairs to electronics and small appliances donated to our charity resale store. 2v-ADropofJoy090121.indd 1

5v-VEDA072821.indd 1

8/30/21 5:09 PM

Retail and Administrative Manager

7/26/21 2:03 PM

Supervise store personnel, ensure quality customer service, provide clerical support to the Warehouse Operations Manager, and more.

Warehouse Associate

Syrup Handler/ Packaging Machine Operator

Machine maintenance, assist with pickups and deliveries of large items, clean and repair items donated to our charity resale store.


Send resumes to: HOPE offers a competitive wage and benefits. E.O.E.

SLOPESIDE SYRUP is seeking to add a detail-oriented and team friendly syrup handler and packaging machine operator to our small team in Williston, VT.

We are seeking a Carpenter 9/7/21 with experience, who is 4t-HOPE090821.indd 1 self motivated and takes pride in their craft. Sweeney DesignBuild is located in SD Associates is hiring Behavioral Instructors (BIs)! Shelburne, VT and we build SD Associates is an Applied Behavior Analysis company that has been serving primarily in Chittenden County. children and families in Vermont since 1990.We provide direct services in the form We have created a family of ABA therapy for clients with a wide variety of behavioral challenges across the state of Vermont. oriented business with a healthy team environment. We are currently seeking compassionate, energetic individuals who are dependable,

Want to make a positive impact on people’s lives?

We want an individual with a knowledge of new and old construction and well rounded in 'frame to finish' work. The ability to work through challenges, solid work ethic, a sense of humor, reliable transportation and necessary tools are also welcome. Send resumes to: office@

3v-SweeneyDesignBuild072821.indd 1

professional, enthusiastic, and who have a strong commitment to co-workers, clients and their families.The Behavioral Instructor (BI) role is the most important, influential and valued position in our company.They are the individuals who work each day to make impactful, positive behavioral changes for the population that we serve. No experience necessary! Bachelor’s degree preferred! Currently hiring in Chittenden, Franklin,Washington, Lamoille and Windsor counties. Exclusively, for a limited time: Choose between $500 or 2.5 paid days off sign on bonus! Apply today at or email us your resume to

7/22/214T-SDAssociates060921.indd 12:04 PM 1

About Slopeside: Slopeside Syrup was founded in 2010 on the of Cochran Ski Area to produce exceptional pure Vermont maple syrup. After several years of growth, the company expanded into dedicated packaging space in Williston.

1:59 PM slopes

What it is like to work at Slopeside: We are a small team of three mixed between part and full time. An additional five work in the same space for our sister company UnTapped. Our team is fun and relaxed but focused on getting work done well and efficiently. We enjoy getting outside and exercising year round. What a day will look like: Days at Slopeside can be quite varied. From syrup purchasing trips and receiving to bottling and shipping syrup. The focus of this position will be creating batches of syrup and packaging that syrup in various containers in a way that meets food safety and internal standards. This also requires good record keeping skills. This position will also ensure the organization and cleanliness of the bottling and warehouse space. Compensation: $20/hour plus additional compensation in lieu of benefits. Expected to be a full time (40 hours/week) position. This can be worked in four or five days. Some overtime may be available. To apply send your interest to or visit to view all our current openings.

6/3/215v-Untapped090821.indd 1:30 PM 1

9/7/21 2:20 PM




SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

Hiring Now!


Mental Health Crisis Specialist

Starting at $17/hour!

Position is embedded within local VT State Police services supporting individuals who are experiencing emotional stress and can benefit from a crisis specialist response. It is a field-based position and requires some evening and weekend hours.

Immediate openings Full-time and flexible part-time schedules Days, early evenings, & weekend shifts

Manufacturing Call Center Warehouse

New Competitive Salaries, Great Benefits, Flexibility! Come join our team of amazing individuals making a difference every day! More information and all job opportunities can be viewed at

Apply in person 210 East Main Street, Richmond, VT

LCMHS has a great benefit package, including health, dental, 401(K), paid time-off, and much more! Apply today at Jobs@ Equal Opportunity Employer. Main Office: 72 Harrel Street, Morrisville, VT 05661 Phone: (802) 888-5026, Fax: (802) 888-6393

4t-Harringtons092320.indd 1

1 9/18/204t-LamoilleMentalHealthServices090821.indd 3:34 PM


➢ Starting wage of $15.62


➢ Performance-based salary increases ➢ National Certification as a Phlebotomy Technician

Over the past twenty years, Vermont HITEC educated and employed over 1,600 individuals in the healthcare, information technology, advanced manufacturing, and business services fields. We are accepting applications for our latest healthcare program. The program offers eight weeks of Phlebotomy training at no cost and immediate employment and apprenticeship as a Phlebotomist with The UVM Medical Center (up to 8 positions) upon successful completion.


3Enrollment in a Registered Apprenticeship 3Up to 8 full-time positions available 3Guaranteed starting wages with shift differential (where applicable) 3Performance-based increases 3Full benefits, including health, dental, paid vacation, 401k, and more 3No cost for qualified VT residents

➢ Day shifts available

* Employment guaranteed upon successful completion of the 8-week program. The ITAR Program (Information Technology Apprenticeship Readiness) is a partnership of:

➢ Work for Vermont’s largest employer


Enrollment Operations Analyst Responsible for modeling and encouraging efficient and effective use of University tools and systems, primarily, but not limited to, Salesforce CRM, OnBase Document Imaging, Banner SIS/ERP, Moodle LMS, and Argos. In addition, perform analysis, develop documents, trains on system-based solutions for end users.

Senior Associate Director of Admissions

➢ Team environment

Seeking a dynamic and qualified individual to join our team to recruit students, including contacting/cultivating prospective students; traveling to college fairs; conducting briefings; interviewing and counseling potential students and families; and manage/evaluate admissions applications. This position supervises the generation of over $20 million in net new student revenue annually.

➢ High-growth occupation

Associate Director of Leadership Programs LEARN MORE APPLY ONLINE DEADLINE FOR FALL 2021 SESSION: SEPTEMBER 19, 2021

The ITAR Program is funded in part by a grant from the Vermont and U.S. Dept. of Labor. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, disability, genetics, political affiliation or belief.

6t-VTHiTec072821.indd 1

We have a great benefit package! Norwich University offers medical, dental, vision, group life and long term disability insurance, flexible-spending accounts for health and dependent care, 403(b) retirement plan with employer match, employee assistance program, paid time off including parental leave, and tuition scholarships for eligible employees and their family members.

➢ Direct patient care ➢ Rewarding work

The Associate Director assists in military and veteran’s recruitment efforts and is responsible for the logistics and supplying of equipment, assisting in strategic recruitment planning, recording of financial expenditures, and the hiring of student personnel for camp staffing.

Enrollment Specialist Contact and cultivate prospective students for undergraduate, graduate and continuing education programs in the College of Graduate and Continuing Studies. Responsible for data entry, data integrity, and validation of application materials. For further information or to apply for these and other great jobs:

1 7/22/21 6t-NorwichUniversity090821.indd 11:03 AM

Full description and to apply: pack-team.

9/7/212v-FarmersToYou090821.indd 2:04 PM 1

➢ Dedicated student support ➢ Guaranteed employment *

Looking for steady work with a mission-driven and employeefocused Vermont company? Farmers To You in Middlesex is growing and has PT openings (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) packing orders at our distribution hub. We are working to support an abundant regional food system and are seeking staff to join our team. Perks include paid time off and shift meals!

9/3/21 10:53 AM

Share a passion for our mission to help close the opportunity gap? We are currently hiring full time employees and AmeriCorps members to support our youth and volunteer programs serving kids in Chittenden, Caledonia, Franklin, Bennington and Windsor counties.

FULL TIME EMPLOYEES: • Youth Service Manager Burlington area • Youth Service Manager St. Albans • Grant Author and Compliance Extraordinaire AMERICORPS MEMBERS: • Community Organizers • Mentor Coordinators (College Programs) • Mentor Coordinators (High School Programs) • Communications Coordinators • Board & Alumni Coordinators • Camp DREAM Coordinators • Camp DREAM Stewards • Adventure Coordinators To see full descriptions, go to If interested, please email recruit@

1 9/2/21 4v-TheDreamProgram080421.indd 11:58 AM

8/3/21 1:42 PM



77 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

SIGN ON BONUS! MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR VPIRG is seeking a full-time membership coordinator to steward and grow our statewide network of grassroots supporters.

2021 Hemp Harvest Crew

Strong written and verbal communications skills, attention to detail, excellent time management, and a keen eye for data and systems analysis will be critical to success in this role.

Now hiring for 2021 harvest. Email to apply.

Learn more and apply online at

Starting at $20/hour.

FACILITIES DEPARTMENT Starting rate for Environmental Services is up to $16.20/hr + shift differential. Team members get 36 paid days off in the FIRST YEAR. Dental * Healthcare * Retirement Vision * Flex Spending 5h-HowardCenter090821.indd 1

2v-VPIRG090121.indd 1

8/30/212h-SunSoil081821.indd 5:17 PM 1

Send resume to

Hiring Super Star CAREGivers Like You!

2v-FirstCongregationalChurchESSEX090821.indd 9/7/21 1 1:59 PM

Hiring for a Client Care Coordinator, Staff Coordinator and CAREGivers Visit our website: Caring for seniors is a labor of love. Home Instead is awaiting your talents. Flexible scheduling. No experience necessary. P/T and F/T positions. Let’s get to know each other. Sign up today! $14-$18.50 per hour. FT starts at $15/hour.

2v-HomeInstead090821.indd 1

We’re Hiring Work within the community you love!

Church Administrator For active, progressive Christian church (First Cong, UCC in EJ). Computer Proficiency w/ MS Office, online platforms w/Powerchurch a bonus; people skills and multitasking are musts, sense of humor helpful. 30 hrs/wk: $15-20 hourly range.

9/7/21 4:44 PM

8/16/21 5:49 PM


Love preparing and serving good food? Hunger Mountain Co-op offers food service jobs with a difference. We work toward a shared cooperative mission while preparing high-quality food using local, natural, and organic ingredients.

Full Time; Benefits eligible; $60k annually Goddard College seeks a resourceful Director of Facilities to lead our fabulous facilities team in maintaining our beautiful campus in Plainfield, Vermont. The Director of Campus Facilities will direct and manage all College buildings, grounds maintenance, and custodial functions and oversee projects to ensure compliance with all internal and external regulations, standards and requirements. This position requires a very hands on task oriented approach. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS include a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or other appropriate discipline, plus five years of relevant technical and supervisory experience in facilities or construction management, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. Previous higher education or similar institutional experience desirable. Excellent planning, organizational, administrative, budget and personnel management skills. Ability to deal effectively with a broad and diverse range of individuals/ groups within and outside of the College.

Our co-op also offers: • Good pay • Set schedule with no late nights • Generous paid time off, including seven major holidays • Gain share program • Excellent employee benefits, which include 100% coverage of the health insurance premiums for full-time employees • 20% discount on Co-op purchases Take a look at our current openings and consider bringing your talents here. Hunger Mountain Co-op is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, veterans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are encouraged to apply. Hourly employees are represented by UE Local 255.

For further information and to apply please visit about-goddard/employment-opportunities. Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.

9/3/21 12:21 PM

6t-HungerMtnCoop090121 1

623 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, VT (802) 223-8000 •

8/30/21 11:55 AM




SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021




Join Our Growing Team

Concierge/Reservationist Full-Time Position

We provide vehicles, maintenance, fuel, and insurance. Must be reliable, have a clean drivers license and must be able to pass a background check.

Front Desk

Part-Time Position

Respond to info@, subject: DRIVER WANTED.

Competitive Pay & Full Benefits! Email your resume to

4t-Courtyard090821 1

Driver wanted for contracted transportation twice a day, morning and afternoon, M-F. $20 - $25 per hour including health benefits and profit sharing plans.

9/6/21 2v-VTRideNetwork090821.indd 10:57 AM 1



Athens Diner, Colchester VT is now hiring.

Dishwasher/ Line Prep Cook

Seeking mature, community minded person to support adult male with mild disabilities. Needs help at his job and development of skills toward independence. Position is Mon-Thurs 8-4. Must have car. Hourly wage plus mileage. Please send resume to

Athens Diner is now hiring full time kitchen staff. Competitive wages and a 5 day work week; 1t-ConnieGaylord090821.indd Wednesday - Sunday. We are looking for experienced dishwasher(s) and line and prep cook(s), willing to train the right candidate.


9/7/21 10:18 AM

Weekends are required. Apply: athensdinerHR

9/7/21 2v-AthensDiner081821.indd 12:20 PM 1

8/12/217spot.indd 11:59 AM 1

10/29/19 12:12 PM

DIRECTOR OF FINANCE Apply your financial expertise in an organization that responds to critical community needs! Seeking a dynamic and collaborative individual to provide strategic financial leadership and administration for this mission-driven non-profit. The Director of Finance will oversee accounting, payroll, financial operations, state and federal requirements, insurance and risk management, support for grants management and reporting, donor record-keeping, and human resource functions (maintaining personnel records and administering benefits). • Management of financial practices in compliance with GAAP standards • Familiarity with both cash and accrual-based accounting • Understanding of grants management process, particularly with an organization that has diverse funding streams is a plus

REGISTERED NURSE AND MEDICAL ASSISTANT OPPORTUNITIES Urgent Care (COVID-19 Testing Site) Do your part to ensure the health and well-being of your community! The University of Vermont Medical Center is seeking Registered Nurses and Medical Assistants to join their urgent care team at their Fanny Allen Campus COVID-19 testing site in Colchester! Ambulatory RNs provide direct care to patients in varying states of health and illness. Medical Assistants take part in the daily activities of the clinical site. Full time and part time opportunities are available.

Learn more and apply:

• Comfort with financial software systems (the agency currently uses Abila/MIP) • Ability to learn and utilize new programs and software solutions

4t-UVMMedCenter090121.indd 1

8/31/21 11:41 AM

• Minimum of 5 years’ related experience in finance management • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in non-profit finance management The Washington County Youth Service Bureau provides a variety of services to youth and families in Central VT and leads several statewide initiatives that support the wellbeing of youth, families and communities. The right candidate for this position possesses a strong track record of successful fiscal oversight, enjoys working collaboratively with others, is a flexible team player who is curious, open, patient, and adaptable and recognizes the important relationship between the fiscal health of the organization and our ability to provide high-quality, effective services in our communities. Starting salary of $60,000 to $70,000. Benefits package includes health insurance, life insurance, a 403B plan, and generous paid time off. The Washington County Youth Service Bureau is an E.O.E. Qualified candidates must submit a detailed resume, cover letter, and three references to: Position open until filled.

Long-Term Substitutes: • Engineering/Architecture Instructor • Information Technology Instructor The Patricia A. Hannaford Regional Technical School District is looking for part-time student-centered, long-term substitutes in engineering/architecture and information technology to join our collaborative team for the 2021-2022 school year. The successful candidate will have a minimum of 5 years’ experience in the field and proven success teaching young people engineering/ architecture, computer science or information technology courses. Depending on the candidate’s background and experience, both positions could be paired together to create a full-time job. Interested applicants: submit letter of interest, résumé, 3 reference letters and questions to Patrice Alexander:

4t-PatriciaHannafordCareerCenter090821.indd 1

9/7/21 2:15 PM



Hinesburg Community Police Department

Hinesburg Community Police Department

Police Officer – Full-time

Administrative Assistant

The Hinesburg Community Police Department is seeking qualified candidates for a full-time Police Officer position. This community-based department focuses on law enforcement and quality of life issues for its residents.

The Hinesburg Community Police Department is hiring for a part-time administrative assistant for 25 hours a week.

Successful candidates will have the ability to deal with the public tactfully under difficult circumstances; to function as part of a team; possess exceptional judgment; have high moral character; be able to successfully pass a background investigation; and possess Vermont Criminal Justice Council Level III Law Enforcement Certification. Please submit a resume and letter of interest to Chief Anthony Cambridge at the Hinesburg Community Police Department, PO Box 1, Hinesburg, Vermont 05461. Or send via email to Resumes will be reviewed as received. The position is open until filled.

4t-TownofHinesburgPOLICE090821.indd 1


Please complete the employment application on and submit to Chief Anthony Cambridge at the Hinesburg Community Police Department, PO Box 1, Hinesburg, Vermont 05461 or via email to Applications reviewed as they are received. Position is open until filled.

9/7/21 4t-TownofHinesburgADMIN090821.indd 10:06 AM 1

See who’s hiring at 4v-WaterCooler.indd 1

Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

8/20/216t-GardenersSupplyWORKFORCE090821 WorkForceCCC7D_090721.indd 1:47 PM 1 1

8/31/21 1:39 PM

Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company!

We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!

Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter

Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to or complete an application online at Wake Robin is an EOE.



We’re seeking a talented individual to join our Contact Center. This person will be responsible for planning, organizing and managing the staffing relative to the workload to meet service level and response time objectives across all contact channels. Our ideal candidate will have advanced skills in the Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access); ability to review data trends and develop real time action plans; strong analytical skills and ability to think creatively; and aptitude for creating/comprehending complex formulas, data transformations, and record keys from multiple sources. 1-3 years of call center experience preferred.

Seeking LNAs licensed in VT to work collaboratively and provide quality care in a residential and long-term care environment, while maintaining a sense of “home.” We offer an opportunity to build strong relationships in a dynamic community setting.We continue to offer competitive wages, great benefits, and generous shift differentials: Evening’s $2.50/hour, Nights $4.50/hour, and weekends $1.55.

9/7/21 2v-WakeRobinLNAevenings090121.indd 10:11 AM 1

Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company!

Find 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers in Seven Days newspaper and online.

LNAs - Evenings

This position facilitates the police department by performing a wide variety of administrative, clerical, receptionist and support duties in addition to special projects. Successful candidates will have the ability to deal with the public tactfully under difficult circumstances; to function as part of a team; possess exceptional judgment; have high moral character; and be able to successfully pass a background investigation.

Workforce Planner/Reports Administrator

79 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!

Inventory Control Specialist: We’re seeking two talented individuals to join our Garden Center in Williston, VT and Lebanon, NH! Each individual will be responsible for the movement of goods into and out of store databases and for ensuring accurate and timely inventory on hand and value. This role also supports some store department leads with the preparation of orders through sku assignment and purchase order creation. Our ideal candidates will have 2 yrs inventory control, receiving or accounting experience; 2 years of POS experience; strong knowledge of MS applications specifically Excel; and working knowledge of inventory management processes preferred. Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

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9/7/21 11:29 10:14 AM


80 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021





2:42 PM

Early Childhood Programs Manager The Lamoille Family Center (LFC) seeks a dynamic leader for their highly respected Early Childhood Programs. This full time candidate will be responsible for Children’s Integrated Services, Child Care Support Services and DULCE. LFC’s Early Childhood Programs Manager will continue the years-long effort to integrate existing childhood services across agencies and disciplines in the Lamoille Valley, including Health Care, Mental Health and Nurse Home Visiting, among others. The successful candidate will have vision, a collaborative interagency approach to improving services to young children and their families, and an alliance with LFC’s Core Values (respect, integrity, compassion, collaboration, inclusivity, and positivity). Responsibilities include staff support & supervision, budget oversight, data analysis & reporting, intake & referral, leadership of multi-disciplinary teams, program outreach & marketing, & compliance with State & Federal regulations.

Career Workshops


11-11:30 a.m. Careers in CANNABIS & Evidence-Based Cannabis Education 12-12:30 p.m. Careers in PUBLIC HEALTH & UVM Master of Public Health Overview 1-1:30 p.m.

Transitioning to a Career in CRAFT BREWING & UVM Business of Craft Beer Program Overview

Register at B RO U G H T





Qualifications: Master’s degree preferred in Early Childhood Education or a related field, experience managing & delivering early childhood services, knowledge of early childhood development and its progressive impact on families as well as of local, regional and statewide resources & industry best practices. Must have experience fostering team work, engaging staff in a supportive environment and have excellent administrative, organizational, & communication skills. Position offers a highly competitive salary commensurate with qualifications and experience, a generous paid time off schedule, and single person health insurance benefits. Please send cover letter and resume to:

Carol Lang-Godin - Lamoille Family Center 480 Cady’s Falls Road, Morrisville, VT 05661 or

LEGAL TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT Sheehey Furlong & Behm P.C. - Burlington, VT Sheehey Furlong & Behm is accepting applications for a Legal Technology Assistant in its Burlington office. The Legal Technology Assistant will support all aspects of the legal practice in general and the technology and litigation support tools specifically. This position does not require experience in technology support, as we will train the right candidate. The most important qualifications for the job are a “can do” attitude and the ability to handle pressure. What the right candidate will need to be is technologically savvy, familiar with Microsoft Office and have a basic knowledge of networking. Experience with technology support, document management platforms (ideally Worldox), litigation support tools (such as Eclipse SE or Relativity) or cloud computing are highly desired. If you feel like you would be a good fit and are willing to learn, send your resume to You must send your resume in PDF format attached to your email. The cover letter should only be in body of the email.


25 hrs/wk | $30-35/hr Invoices. Quickbooks. AR. Reconciling. Payroll.

Join the Scout Digital crew today.

2/28/11 9/2/215:01:55 11:06 PM AM


Music Contact International, a group tour operator specializing in customized domestic and international performance travel, is seeking two new team members: an Office Administrator and a Tour Coordinator.

The Littleton Food Co-op, Littleton NH, has openings for culinary professionals (students too!) in a super-friendly, creative and fast paced environment. Day time hours only!

Both positions are full-time, on-site at our downtown Burlington office and offer competitive salaries and benefits.

• PT or FT cooks • Sous Chef • Assistant Food Service Manager

For more details on the roles, desired qualifications and applications, visit:


Please visit to learn more about our community. Send your resume to and fill out an application on our website! You must have a VT State Nursing License and be able to pass a background check. 5h-ConverseHome090821.indd 1


Head Start is a federally-funded, national child and family development program which provides comprehensive services for pregnant women, children from birth to age five, and their families. Services for children promote school readiness, and include early education, health, nutrition, mental health, and services for children with special needs. Services for parents promote family engagement, and include parent leadership and social service supports.

Or call 603-444-1430 x203 for more information.

We are currently filling the following positions: Project Administrator Assistant Project Manager Project Manager Environmental/Process Engineer

9/7/21 2:17 PM


Apply online: littletoncoop. com/about/employment.

AES Northeast is still GROWING! As one of the largest full-service design firms in Northern NY and Vermont, we are adding several new positions to our team. We have openings in our Plattsburgh NY and Williston VT offices for talented professionals.

The right person for this job will be compassionate, dedicated, a team player and a detail oriented nurse. This position has excellent benefits including a regular schedule, a competitive salary, medical, dental, and paid vacation time.

Benefits!Benefits!Benefits: • Insurance • Retirement • Paid holidays and vacation • Employee discounts.

3v-MusicContactInternational081821.indd 1 8/17/213v-LittletonFoodCoOp090821.indd 12:29 PM 1

81 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

Are you a dedicated and compassionate nurse tired of working a hectic schedule? The Converse Home, an assisted living community in downtown Burlington, is looking for a Full Time experienced RN or LPN to join our established team of fun and caring people. Work 32-40 hours per week for our non-for-profit organization and get to know 16 of our wonderful residents living in our memory care community.

We mix creativity and data to build innovative digital experiences that help brands grow.




Enthusiastic Bookkeeper Wanted!

2h-UnionStreetM-030211.indd 2h-ScoutDigital090821 1 1


9/2/21 1:14 PM

Project Architect Director of Construction Administration Resident Project Reps (Full Time & Seasonal) Civil Engineer Landscape Architect

As an Early Head Start Toddler Teacher Associate, you will work in an outcomesoriented, team environment, and assist the classroom team in planning and implementing a developmentally appropriate environment and experiences for infants and toddlers. Motivated Head Start educators improve the trajectory of children’s lives, including children’s learning outcomes, living standards, and later academic and professional success. If you want to make a difference in the lives of young children and their families, consider joining the Head Start community.

REQUIREMENTS: Associate’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field; Infant toddler specific education and experience that meets or exceeds the requirements for an Infant Toddler CDA Credential; knowledge and experience in developmentally appropriate early childhood practice, child outcome assessment, child behavior management, and curriculum planning, development and implementation; a commitment to social justice and to working with families with limited financial resources; effective verbal and written communication (bilingual abilities a plus!), documentation, and record-keeping skills; valid driver’s license, clean driving record and access to reliable transportation; physical ability to carry out required tasks, and a can-do, extra-mile attitude. 40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year. Starting wage upon completion of 60-working day period: $19.63-$24.22/hour, depending on qualifications. Health plan and excellent benefits. To apply, please visit and submit a cover letter, resume, and three work references. No phone calls, please. CVOEO is interested in candidates who can contribute to our diversity and excellence. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal

AES offers competitive salaries, generous benefits package, and flexible work environment/schedules. For more information and to apply visit:


AUGUST 25, 2021 Untitled-13 1 4t-AESNortheast090121.indd 1

8/31/21 11:39 AM





SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021


Our opening is for a person who may work in any of our six classrooms depending on the daily needs. Candidates would be working in a co-teaching position alongside the current lead teacher. This is a full time position, Monday-Friday.

Teacher/Community Coordinators Seeking full-time Teacher/Community Coordinators in Morrisville, Bradford and Barre. Candidates must have:

Ideal candidates will have training in Teaching Strategies Gold, be well versed in Child Care Licensing Regulations,VT Mandated Reporter and Orientation Training and be familiar with V.E.L.S.

• High levels of independence, spirit, drive and capacity for student recruitment, outreach and organizing community involvement to support student success

We offer eye and dental coverage as well as a Simple IRA retirement plan. We offer professional development reimbursement and access to student loan forgiveness programs.

• Strong familiarity with the service area • Proven capacity for teaching and guiding basic skills instruction for adults and teens in: - Reading, writing, math, computer and financial literacy - English Language Learning and U.S. Citizenship prep - High school diploma and GED credentialing - Career and college readiness

Associates degree in ECE or related field preferred. Hourly rate $15.50-16.50 dependent on qualifications and experience. Come join our amazing staff! Email resume to:

• Experience with developing personalized education and graduation education plans • Experience with recruiting and managing volunteers. Starting salary: $43,000–$45,000 annually based on experience. CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental & short-term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions and six weeks of paid vacation annually.

4t-CharlotteChildrensCenter072121.indd 1

Please submit cover letter, resume and 3 references to:

The Town of New Haven is seeking to fill the positions of Town Administrator and Zoning Administrator. These can be combined to be a full-time position or two part-time positions. The Selectboard is seeking an individual or individuals with strong interpersonal, business, financial, grant writing, planning and zoning skills and the ability to oversee and manage a small town and its employees.

Please send letter of interest, salary requirements, resume and three references to: Town Administrator c/o 78 North Street, New Haven, Vermont 05472 by August 30.

7/20/21 2v-TownofNewHaven082521.indd 5:42 PM 1

8/19/21 11:25 AM

Want to join the growing Health Care IT industry and work in a fantastic team culture? Perhaps, you too, desire the friendly, casual, hardworking, and client-focused environment offered by our 100+ employee company located in the Champlain Mill in Winooski, VT.

Executive Director - Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, Inc. 46 Washington Street, Suite 100, Barre, Vermont 05641 Positions open until filled.

Physician’s Computer Company (PCC) has designed, developed, and supported our award-winning

5v-CentralVTAdultBasicEd072121.indd 1


Engaging minds that change the world

pediatric software for over 30 years. As our electronic health record solution is driving greater Seven Days 3:46 PM demand for our services, we need to expand our team. PCC is seeking to fill the following positions: Issue: 9/8 Due: 9/3 by 4pm RAPID RESPONSE TEAM MEMBER Size: 3.83 x 5.25 Rapid Response Team members are the friendly, responsive voices clients first hear when they reach PCC Support. They 1 are responsible Cost: $476.85 (with week online)for answering client calls, entering and managing their

Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Graduate Student Program Coordinator - Rubenstein School of Environmental & Natural Resources - #S3056PO - The University of Vermont is seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated, team-oriented individual to coordinate the Rubenstein School’s graduate student program. Responsibilities include recruiting, hiring and tracking requirements for each program as stated in the School’s Graduate Student Handbook. Additional areas of focus include working with the School External Relations Program to ensure that the School’s web page accurately and inspirationally represents the Graduate Program. This position reports directly to the Associate Dean for Research and serves as the primary liaison for the School with the UVM Graduate College. Preparator - Fleming Museum - #S3070PO - The Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont is seeking a Preparator. This position will perform all activities relative to the planning, production, installation, transport, and physical maintenance of all gallery displays and changing exhibitions. BA in relevant field required. Two years prior museum experience in exhibition planning, construction, and installation. Applicant should be highly skilled in carpentry, and construction, matting/framing, and lighting. Knowledge of proper art handing techniques is required. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application. The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

service needs into our help desk software, and helping to solve their questions and problems. They interpret all issues reported by clients into actionable support items, answering and resolving those which can be addressed quickly and passing others on to the appropriate PCC teams for follow-up and resolution.


Client Advocates work with PCC Clients located around the country. They enjoy actively engaging clients in regular communication to gain an understanding of the practice's goals and ensure they are utilizing PCC's programs and services that are available to assist in meeting them. Client Advocates foster a personal relationship with each client so they experience the value of a partnership with PCC. They share client findings and feedback with others at PCC to further PCC's efforts to understand the needs of the pediatric medical office. Experience successfully managing a portfolio of accounts is a plus. These positions require strong technical expertise along with exceptional customer service and communication skills. They also travel* to our client sites to assist with software configuration and training. Prior experience in the healthcare industry is desired, but not required. *In order to keep our employees and families safe, PCC employees have been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are slowly opening our office and expect our Winooski office will be fully reopened this Fall. Employees will have a hybrid remote/in-office work option. To learn more about PCC, this role and how to apply, please visit our website at The deadline for submitting your application is September 24, 2021. As a Benefit Corporation, we place a high value on client, employee, and community relationships. Our company offers a friendly, informal, and professional work environment. PCC offers competitive benefits as well as some uncommon perks. No phone calls, please. 9t-PCC090821.indd 1

5v-Graystone090821 1

9/6/21 11:07 AM

AA/EOE 9/7/21 10:54 AM


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This is a great opportunity to advance one’s career in a fast-paced multi-disciplinary environment. Enjoy excellent compensation, benefits and the work setting of a small, well-known consulting engineering firm.

“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of. I can only imagine how many job connections she has facilitated for local companies in the 20 years she has been doing this.” CAROLYN ZELLER Intervale Center, Burlington

Keens Crossing – Winooski, VT 05404 40 Hours Full Time

Please e-mail resume to

3v-Lamoureux&DickinsonConsultingEngineers090121.indd 8/31/21 11:271AM


10/29/19 12:12 PM

Begin a career, don’t start a job. Spend your time doing work that makes a real difference. We need great people who want to help great people. Are you compassionate, kind, and firm? Are you resilient and adaptable? Specialized Community Care is seeking unique and patient individuals who will act as mentors, coaches, and friends to provide support for adults in Chittenden, Rutland, Addison, Franklin, Lamoille, and Windsor Counties with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a fun and rewarding career spent “Off the Couch”. Please contact us to set up a time to chat if you would like more information. We provide extensive training, support, professional growth and advancement opportunities in a family work environment. Our starting pay range is $14.00/hour, depending on experience and existing skill set. We offer increases after a probationary period and further advancement and pay for self-paced skill building. We want to hire your values and train the skills that will help make you successful. Let’s talk! Please contact us at 802-388-6388 Web: Email:

4t-SpecializedCommCare090821.indd 1


Starting at $13/hour + Generous Tips (average $17/hour)

[aka Disco Party Night Shift] Part & Full Time 9/3/21 11:08 AM

Wanted: A Heroic, Exuberant & Meticulous General Manager to unlock and inspire Tomgirl Kitchen to infinity & beyond!

SIGN ON BONUS! This position is eligible for a $1000.00 sign on bonus. Mention the phrase “HIRE ME” in your cover letter to qualify! Our Children’s Outpatient and Assessment Team is hiring THREE people to join their team! Come join a dedicated team of professionals that serve as the initial point of contact for referrals for Children’s Services at Northwestern Counseling & Support Services, Inc. On this team, we provide comprehensive family assessment to children and their families. An ideal candidate for this position would be an individual who is customer service driven and has a “can do” mindset and approach to their work. FAMILY ASSESSMENT SPECIALISTS: • Conduct diagnostic evaluations • Create treatment recommendations • Provide short-term, solution-focused, follow-up care • Lead Treatment Team Meetings • Collaborate with Division Leadership for referral placement Excellent writing and assessment/diagnostic skills are required. Master’s Degree in a Human Services/Mental Health field is required. Experience working with youth and their families and diagnostic assessments is preferred. NCSS offers excellent benefits that include 15 paid days off per year to start, 11 paid holidays, pension plan, educational assistance of up to $2000.00 per year, and support in attaining licensure through clinical supervision and flexibility in scheduling. Interested? Apply on our website at or send your resume and cover letter to

9/7/21 6t-NCSS090121.indd 10:23 AM 1

1:10 PM

Food Prep & Utility

7/20/211t-TomGirl090821.indd 1:17 PM 1


For full job description go to:


Join Our Cheerful Team! Full descriptions/apply:

The qualified candidate must have reliable transportation and have the ability to assist in carrying appliances and climbing ladders as needed.

Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest and resume summarizing their 4t-HallKeen072121.indd experience, qualifications and salary requirements to: Roger Dickinson, PE, Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Dr, Essex, VT 05452. Email:

8/20/21 1:41 PM 7spot.indd 1

83 SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021

HallKeen Management is seeking a motivated and experienced Maintenance Technician to enhance current skills, acquire new knowledge and grow with our company. Responsibilities are quite diverse, including but not limited 1t-TomGirl090121.indd 1 8/26/21 to, Apartment turnovers, grounds keeping, various janitorial duties, painting, appliance, electrical, heating, plumbing and safety equipment repair and replacement and providing assistance at other company properties when needed.

Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121,

4v-MichelleCampagin.indd 1



Survey Technician This position is for a motivated individual with a strong work ethic who is a recent graduate of an accredited college-level land survey program and/or who has 1-5 years of survey experience.


1ta-TomGirl090121.indd 1

8/30/21 11:57 AM

FULL-TIME CUSTODIAN Sundays – Thursdays Saint Michael's College is seeking applications from dependable, efficient workers to fill a custodial position. The shift is Sunday 6:30am-2:30pm + MondayThursday 5:00am-1:30pm. Successful candidates will join a team which cleans College buildings including dormitories, restrooms, offices and classrooms. Training will be provided for the right candidate. For more information about our generous benefits package and to apply online, please visit:

8/30/213v-StMichaelsCollegeCUSTsth090821.indd 2:23 PM 1 9/7/21 2:00 PM




SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021


Staff or Senior Accountant ASSOCIATES IN ACCOUNTING, PLC is a 5 employee, boutique CPA firm that caters to business owners and individuals who have a higher net worth and/or complicated tax and financial situations. We have been around for over 40 years and we offer comprehensive services including accounting, payroll, all types of tax preparation and filing, to valuations and planning. Associates in Accounting PLC, a CPA firm located on the scenic Hinesburg Road in South Burlington, has an exciting opportunity for a Staff Accountant/Tax preparer. We are looking for people who wish to develop and/or advance their career in the field of accounting, payroll and taxes. Our South Burlington office has an excellent location with spectacular views in a casual yet professional atmosphere with great people! This career is perfect for part or full time people who also believe in work/life balance. Minimum qualifications: Degree in accounting and 1 year of relevant experience working. We offer a business casual and friendly environment, flex time (w/ summer reduced hours), competitive wages and long term potential depending on your aspirations. Experience with Thomson Reuters Ultra Tax and Intuit products a plus but not necessary. Solid knowledge of technology and accounting best practices a must. Please forward your resume and cover letter for consideration. Job Types: Full-time, Part-time. Pay: $19.00 - $35.00 per hour Send resume and cover letter to:

TV STUDIO ENGINEER & TECHNICAL COORDINATOR For position details and application process, visit and select “View Current Openings.” SUNY College at Plattsburgh is a fully compliant employer committed to excellence through diversity.

Education Advisor Full-Time with Benefits Burlington, VT Works closely with adult students (ages 16 and up), families, local high schools, and community partners to develop Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs) that will help students reach their educational and career goals. Send a cover letter, resume and three professional references (preferably supervisor or manager level) electronically to:

8/31/21 2v-VTAdultLearning090121.indd 11:51 AM 1


The Elections Division of the Secretary of State’s Office seeks a professional, dynamic Assistant Director to join the small yet mighty Vermont Elections Division team and help continue the consistent record of excellence in election administration that this team has established. For the years 2016 and 2018, Vermont was ranked #1 and #3 in the nation, respectively, for statewide election administration by the highly respected Elections Performance Index conducted by MIT. For more information, contact Will Senning at Department: Secretary of State’s Office. Status: Full Time. Location: Montpelier. Job ID #19889. Application Deadline: September 15, 2021.


The Vermont State Ethics Commission seeks an Executive Director. This position will be open in October 2021. The Ethics Commission was formed in 2018 as an independent commission charged with tracking ethics complaints, providing ethics training, issuing ethics guidance and advisory opinions. The Executive Director is a 0.5 part-time exempt position with full state benefits. The Executive Director is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Commission. For more information, contact Department: State Ethics Commission. Status: Part-Time, Exempt. Location: Montpelier. Job ID # 20186. Application Deadline: September 26, 2021.


VocRehab is seeking a team-oriented individual with very strong customer service and administrative skills for our Burlington District Office. This is an opportunity to join a highly innovative team of people helping Vermonters with disabilities go to work and advance in their careers. Strong financial operations skills a must. Candidate must be able to juggle multiple priorities, be a self-starter and have excellent computer skills. Experience working with people with disabilities preferred. For more information, contact Cindy Seguin at Department: Disabilities Aging and Independent Living. Status: Full Time. Location: Burlington. Job ID #20461. Application Deadline: September 14, 2021.

Learn more at: 10h-VTDeptHumanResources090821 1

Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County. Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.

VT Adult Learning is an E.O.E.


5v-AssociatesinAccounting090121.indd 1

Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!

8/30/21 2v-MJSContracting080818.indd 9:59 AM 1

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1 8/6/18 3v-Zombie-Campaign.indd 10:42 AM

8/26/21 5:36 PM

When you work for the State of Vermont, you and your work matter. A career with the State puts you on a rich and rewarding professional path. You’ll find jobs in dozens of fields – not to mention an outstanding total compensation package. VR COUNSELOR I & II – RUTLAND

The Rutland Office of Vocational Rehabilitation is recruiting for a skilled rehabilitation/career counselor with an ability to support consumers with physical, psychological, or cognitive disabilities in their efforts to access careers and gain employment. Job duties include assessment, guidance, and counseling, working with employment staff to secure employment and work experiences, case management, documentation, and collaboration with many community providers. Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact Michael Kingsbury at Department: Disabilities Aging & Independent Living. Status: Full Time – Limited Service. Location: Rutland. Job ID # 20190 for level I OR 20521 for level II. Application Deadline: September 12, 2021.


Perform duties at the professional level to ensure mission critical life safety networks are optimized, reliable and comply with Federal Communications rules and regulations. The Technician Specialist II performs installation of LMR equipment in vehicles, radio sites, and offices. This position assists higher and lower-level technologist with duties pertaining to supporting all LMR systems and sub-systems, including communication tower work. Please Note: Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact Terry LaValley at Department: Public Safety. Status: Full Time. Location: Middlesex. Job ID #16101 for level I, #16081 for level II OR #16102 for level III. Application Deadline: September 16, 2021.

The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer 9/6/21 10:51 AM


fun stuff HARRY BLISS

“Just a tad lower ... There! That’s it!” JEN SORENSEN



fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE


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86SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021 1

7/14/20 3:32 PM

Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY REAL SEPTEMBER 9-15 gestion to help you take maximum advantage of cosmic rhythms, courtesy of Aries historian Arnold J. Toynbee: “The supreme accomplishment is to blur the line between work and play.”

VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)

Between 37 and 41 BC, Virgo-born Caligula served as third Emperor of Rome. To do so, he had to disprove the prophecy of a renowned astrologer, Thrasyllus of Mendes. Years earlier, Thrasyllus had predicted that Caligula, despite being well-connected, “had no more chance of becoming emperor than of riding a horse across the Bay of Baiae” — a distance of two miles. Once in power, Caligula arranged to have a series of pontoon boats arrayed across the bay, enabling him to ride his favorite horse Incitatus from one shore to the other across the Bay of Baiae. I foresee the possibility of a comparable turn of events for you, Virgo. Is there a curse you want to undo? A false prophecy you’d like to cancel? Someone’s low expectation you would love to debunk? The coming weeks will be a favorable time.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): “We need to become more unreasonable but in an intelligent way,” says Aries politician Jerry Brown. Yes! I agree! And that’s especially true for you right now, Aries. To Brown’s advice, I will add this message from Aries fashion designer Vivienne Westwood: “Intelligence is composed mostly of imagination, insight — things that have nothing to do with reason.” Here’s one further sug-

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): “I have become whole and complete, like a thundering cloudburst in summer,” wrote Taurus poet Miklós Radnóti. I love that metaphor for fullness: not an immaculate icon of shiny, sterile perfection but rather a primal, vigorous force of nature in all of its rumbling glory. I hope you like this symbol as much as I do, and I hope you use it to fuel your creative spirit in the coming weeks. PS: Keep in mind that many indigenous people welcome rainstorms as a source of fertility and growth. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “Pandiculation”

is a word that refers to when you stretch and yawn at the same time. According to my understanding of the astrological omens, you will benefit from doing a lot of pandiculations in the coming days. I also recommend gazing lazily out the window and looking at the sky a lot. Keep your shoes off as much as possible, get a massage or three and let yourself sleep more than you customarily do. Did you know that sighing deeply is good for your lungs’ health? Here’s your homework: Dream up all the things you can do to relax and renew yourself. It’s prime time to indulge in generous acts of self-healing.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): The ancient Roman author Pliny’s ten-volume Natural History, written in the first century, was a monumental encyclopedia of the natural world, unprecedented in its own time and for centuries afterward. It offered compilations of facts about astronomy, geography, zoology, botany, mineralogy and many other subjects. There was one big problem with it, however. It contained a great deal of erroneous information. For example, Pliny described in detail many nonexistent animals, including dragons, flying horses and giant serpents that swallowed bulls and snatched birds out of the sky. My reason for telling you this is to inspire you to be extra discerning in the coming weeks. Be especially skeptical of authorities, experts and other know-it-alls who are very confident despite being inaccurate or

erroneous. It’s time for you to increase your trust in your own authority.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): “There are those fortunate hours when the world consents to be made into a poem,” writes Leo poet Mark Doty. That’s great for a poet. But what about for everyone else? My variation on Doty’s comment is this: There are fortunate hours when the world consents to be made into a holy revelation or a lyrical breakthrough or a marvelous feeling that changes our lives forever. I expect events like those to come your way at least twice in the immediate future. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): College student Amelia Hamrick studied the right panel of Hieronymus Bosch’s 15th-century painting The Garden of Earthly Delights. It depicts a hellish scene. Cities are on fire. Weird beasts devour sinful humans. There are demons and torture chambers. Hamrick did what no one in the history of art had ever done: She transcribed the musical score that the artist had written on a man’s naked hindquarters. Her work inspired a composer to create a recording entitled “500-Year-Old Butt Song from Hell.” In the coming weeks, I invite you to perform feats comparable to Hamrick: 1. Explore the past for useful, overlooked clues. 2. Find or create redemptive transformations out of stressful situations. 3. Have fun telling stories about your past misadventures. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Born on one of the Galapagos Islands, Diego is a giant tortoise who has lived for over 100 years. He’s a member of the Hood Island species, which had dwindled to a population of 15 by 1977. That’s when he and his tortoise colleague, whose name is E5, became part of a breeding program with 12 female tortoises. E5 was reserved in his behavior, but Diego was a showboat who vocalized loudly as he enjoyed public mating rituals. Together the two males saved their species — producing over 2,000 offspring in subsequent years. According to my astrological analysis, you could be as metaphorically fertile as Diego and E5 in the coming months — even if you prefer to adopt an approach more akin to E5’s. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “The

meaning of my existence is that life has ad-

dressed a question to me,” wrote psychologist Carl Jung. “Or, conversely, I myself am a question that is addressed to the world, and I must communicate my answer, for otherwise, I am dependent upon the world’s answer.” These are superb meditations for you Sagittarians during the coming weeks. Between now and October 1, I invite you to keep a journal where you write about two subjects: 1. What is the main question that life asks you? 2. What is the main question that your life asks the world?

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): North Korea’s Capricorn leader Kim Jong-un has an amazing résumé. Official reports say he learned to drive at age three and was an accomplished sailor at nine. As an adult, he developed the power to control the weather. He’s a skilled musician and artist, as well as a scientist who developed a miracle drug to cure AIDs, Ebola, cancer, heart disease and the common cold. Most impressively, Kim is an archaeologist who discovered a lair where magical unicorns live. Is it possible you have unexpressed powers like these, Capricorn? If so, the coming weeks will be a favorable time to identify them and start tapping into their potential. It’s time to develop your dormant talents. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian

author Toni Morrison testified, “I think of beauty as an absolute necessity. I don’t think it’s a privilege or an indulgence. It’s almost like knowledge, which is to say, it’s what we were born for.” I urge you to adopt her perspective during the next four weeks, Aquarius. In my astrological opinion, a devoted quest for beauty will heal exactly what most needs to be healed in you. It will teach you everything you most need to know.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Poet and translator Anne Carson periodically joins with her husband Robert Currie to teach a workshop called “EgoCircus.” It’s an ironic title, because the subject they teach is the art of collaboration. To develop skills as a collaborator, of course, people must lay aside at least some of their egos’ needs and demands. In accordance with current astrological potentials, I encourage you to stage your own version of EgoCircus in the coming weeks. The time is ripe for you to hone your creative togetherness and synergistic intimacy.


N E W VI D E O ! Eva Sollberger’s

Watch at 4h-Stuck090821.indd 1

arch and Between M is year, th f August o susso Mark Santo 0 covered visited all 10 rmont on e V bridges in ycle, a 2000 his motorc thawk 750. Honda Nigh met up er Eva Sollberg e Holmes th t a with him in red Bridge Creek Cove ut o b a r a e h Charlotte to res. his adventu

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9/7/21 2:29 PM

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... LOVING AND KIND I am a very nice person who is open to love at any time. When I say “love,” I mean sharing ideas, spending time. I live a very quiet life and do not like the limelight. I love military men. I also love intelligent conversation. Some looks are necessary, but taking care of oneself is important. AnLuv, 50, seeking: M, l HOPING FOR COMPANIONSHIP Don’t need a fancy trip to France. Would enjoy the company of someone for more realistic adventures — things like breakfast. I love getting breakfast out, playing board games, day trips here and there. bluemonarch, 55, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, l THERE’S STILL TIME Self-sufficient and low-maintenance woman who shares space well. I am good company, whether it’s being active or at home. I stay current with world and local events. Travel makes my adrenaline rise. suzygoblue, 79, seeking: M, l KIND, CONSIDERATE AND THOUGHTFUL Consideration. Truthfulness. Be yourself. Gmsj4321, 66, seeking: M SEXY ARTIST Seeking a casual, hot and super chill connection. I like spontaneity, seeking out new experiences in all areas and having lots of fun. Plumeria, 41, seeking: M


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.


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W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


WILDLY ADVENTUROUS AND INTELLECTUALLY CURIOUS There are two themes to my life: courage and individuality. To quote one son: mediating biker gangs at a carnival? Working the hood in Portland? Africa? I don’t know many people who so fully defy categorization or stereotyping — class, gender, profession. I was a CPA and am a habitual college student. Basically, I embrace life. WorldTravele7570, 79, seeking: M, l

NOT YOUR AVERAGE BEAR Hoping to connect with a kind, funny, honest, energetic, creative individual. Love music, am active, have an equine farm, have flower gardens and veggie garden, have small-size rescue dogs and a cat. Love cooking, make wine, enjoy kayaking. Shared conversation liberally sprinkled with laughter is always enjoyable. Love to read, love the ocean and the beach. Experience joy. Jovita, 59, seeking: M, l

GOOD LISTENER EXCITED BY LIFE I’m a semiretired health care professional, friendly and outgoing, with a deep appreciation for quiet times. Since the death of my husband, my life has focused on close family and friends, and my work. Enjoy fitness — gym, swim, dance, hike, birding, table tennis. Looking forward to new possibilities. lv2swimno10, 73, seeking: M

EDUCATED, KIND, FUNNY, AUTHENTIC I’m a mom of two, teacher, kind, liberal lady looking for a man who is kind and has a great sense of humor. I like true crime podcasts, public radio, relaxing, vegan food, comedy shows and great conversation. Not looking for someone to complete me, just looking for someone to enjoy time with. No hookups. INFP. Be well! Starryskies, 39, seeking: M, l

I’M A HOPELESS ROMANTIC Looking for a kind man with a good heart and soul to enjoy life with. Pollygirl, 58, seeking: M

INQUISITIVE, WANTING MORE I would like to meet a lady I can become friends with. You can learn more about me when we talk. Adventurewithus2, 46, seeking: W, l

MUSCULAR GAL NEEDS EXPERIENCED BONDER So, not looking for a relationship. I’m looking for an experience. Long-term fantasy on my end: tied, vulnerable, wet and ready. I’m not a pretty gal, being up-front. I don’t have much sexual experience, but this makes me hot to think about. Please send me your thoughts. Safety first. Let’s chat. katmac802, 63, seeking: M LOVE TO LAUGH, KIND, AUTHENTIC Been separated for a while now and, though very happy/content to be solo during that time, I think I’m ready to meet new people. Looking for some fun social times to start. I love to go out for drinks, play darts/cards. Love watching sports on TV, especially Boston teams. Love animals, travel and new but sane adventures. Not looking for FWB. AlmostReady, 64, seeking: M, l TRUE, FUN, REAL I’m compassionate, thoughtful, active and social with enough sass to make life interesting. I like to stay active but not so much to eliminate down time. Walking, hiking, kayaking, bike riding and outdoor music events are a few things I enjoy. They’re most certainly more enjoyable with good company. livinglife, 61, seeking: M, l CITY GAL IN THE COUNTRY Edgy, bold, ageless, smart, creative, tender mom of all with a great sense of humor. I asked grown daughters. Simpler. titanbuff, 73, seeking: M, l LONG-DISTANCE HIKER Not really sure what it is I am looking for. I am just feeling a deep need for connection. I am a womyn, a mama, a hard worker, a long-distance hiker. I love life through it all. I am talented at turning the mundane into adventure. I love all animals. I have two perfect cats and two crazy dogs. wanderVT, 36, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l


MEN seeking... SHELTER FROM THE STORM People person with quiet and reflective side. Fit. Physically and politically active. Meditator, music lover. Good kisser. Excellent sense of humor. Relationship experienced. Tennis, golf, skiing. Seeking educated partner, sociable, reasonably fit and psychologically knowledgable, enjoys music, outdoors and cozy at home. Shared world view matters, of course with attraction and a lot of love. Open to women of any color. ShelterFromTheStorm, 69, seeking: W, l YES TO IT ALL I love language enough to treasure easeful silence with another. It’s a stupid, heartbreakingly lovely world, and we need kindness, humor and resiliency to get from one end of the day to the other. Excellent coffee also helps. WM, 55, seeks, above all, connection that scintillates the heart and mind. TousLesJours, 55, seeking: W, l BEST BUDS? Friends you trust, friends who come with benefits, can’t be rushed. Friends have things in common, spontaneously meet for lunch, can keep a secret, will take the time to go to the Seven Days website and read about me there. I’m much more interesting and/or complicated than the 60 words I’m allowed to use here. Thatsakiwi, 57, seeking: M, l COMPASSIONATE WOODWORKER AND NATURE LOVER Honest, reliable, devoted partner. Have been an orphan all my life, so I know the importance of a strong, loving relationship. Just waiting for the right mate to emerge from the chaos. clutchme69, 69, seeking: W, l

BI BOTTOM CD FOR FWB I am a bi bottom, beginner CD, with a lust for women’s clothes and pleasuring a man. I’m looking for an FWB. I am an educated, mature working type, usually straight guy, with a femme side. Wife knows, helps with clothes and is OK with my discreet exploration but has no desire to participate. Clean and COVID-vaccinated. Bim4mfwb, 70, seeking: M, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp MY FACE, YOUR CHAIR? I currently spend a lot of time alone and would like to change that. I have a bit of an oral sex fixation and would love to have someone end my drought and let me spend my free time with my face between your legs or use my face as your new fun seat. 3479Bach, 28, seeking: W HONEST, KIND, LONELY I am seeking a companion to share dinner with, catch a concert/game, or head to the beach for a quick night or two. Blue_sky_guy, 54, seeking: W, l HIKER, BIKER, SKATEBOARDER NEEDS PLAYDATE Looking for fit people who are not high maintenance and are into outdoor activities, the more the better — sometimes nude, like skinny-dipping in the pond. Open-minded and into playing music and skiing in the winter. VT2SKI, 61, seeking: W, TW, NC, Cp, l READER, TRAVELER, SEEKER I’m a retired professor — a listener and maybe shy at first. After my wife died, I turned to travel, charity work, new writing projects and some valuable relationships. I’m financially secure and could stay in Vermont or relocate. Now that COVID restrictions are easing, I’m hoping to resume dating and attending live events. VTWriter, 76, seeking: W, l WHO IS READY? Looking for good company. A poet? An artist? A teacher and a student. The hopeless romantic, who in her heart is still in her twenties. The optimist, whose glass is always full, who plans on living forever. Someone to share common interests and explore new ones. My friends would say that I’m a sincere man. dseck, 59, seeking: W GRIZZLED HISTORICAL REENACTOR Seeking a woman to share life’s delights and challenges. My material needs are met, and I have plenty of intellectual projects ongoing. Looking to build a final partnership in life. Or maybe just having a good time with a compatible lady. As a military historian, my companion would ideally participate with me in reenactments in appropriate 19th-century garb. TexaninVT, 84, seeking: W, l MUDDY WATERS Enjoy my blues, concerts, quiet times at home, making out on the couch, dancing, or cooking a salmon dinner at home. Nice days on the lake, mooring off the sandbar beach or a day of fishing. Hell, I’ll try anything you’re up for! Looking for a woman with no anchors for fun, dating and friendship. Women veterans welcomed. muddywaters, 72, seeking: W, l JOKER, HUGGER, BIKER Looking for a woman who loves ‘70s music. Spooning, watching movies, smooching. sarge1, 68, seeking: W LOOKING FOR A FIRST MATE I bought my first boat this summer. I would love to find someone who is experienced or at least has a desire to learn boating so we can enjoy many days on the lake. If it turns out to be more, great. The boat is docked in Malletts Bay. My schedule is wide open. ISOfirstMate, 58, seeking: W

UNPREDICTABLE, CARING BIKER I’m looking for a person who likes cats, motorcycles, eating together either at home or at restaurants. A person to live life with. To camp or go on adventures with. Marko, 69, seeking: W, l FUNNY GUY WHO’LL MAKE YOU LAUGH I’ve been told I’m a funny dude who has a unique outlook on life. I want to meet some new people and go on some adventures, whether it’s hitting the bars, clubs and breweries or just having a nerdy movie binge with a bunch of snacks. I am a standup comedian by trade, so our encounter will at least be funny. FunnyMax26, 26, seeking: W, l

NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... SUB MASO FOR DOM SADIST Bio-female, nonbinary gendered, sub/ masochist looking for their Dom/Sadist. Looking for a local sadist who is looking for TPE and to play with the same person! Experience preferred. I have 15 years of experience in BDSM. Looking for that openminded someone who is OK with some jiggle with their wiggle, looking for full-time TPE and non-monogamy. CallMeParker, 34, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l

TRANS WOMEN seeking... LAND NARWHAL SEEKS UNICORN(S) Tall, beautiful, brilliant trans woman (just starting hormones) with long brown hair seeking trans women for friendship and fun. I’m well read, love cinema and theater. Newly single and finally fully coming out! Kind people only, please. jenesequa, 51, seeking: TW, l BE MY CUDDLE BUDDY? Cute 50-y/o vegan straight-edge polyam ace enby trans girl. Love my parallel polyam primary nesting partner, so I’m looking for a part-time snuggle buddy for walks and talks and handholding and kissing and romance! I fall in love really easily! I’m half in love with you already just because you’re reading this! Anyone but cis guys. EnbyTransgirl, 52, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NBP, l T GIRL LIVE IN VT Trans girl. Offbeat sense of humor. Looking for that certain someone. I like dinner and a movie or a game at Centennial Field. I like to ride my bike on the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. At home I spend my time listening to my record collection and taking care of my house. urwatuis, 61, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l DEPTH AND DESIRE Finding both is not easy. Active TG seeks motivated, aroused, real playmate for trysts of all sorts. Inside, outside, day, night. If you are 50ish to 60ish, very fit and hot to trot, get in touch. 2PartsofDesire, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l

COUPLES seeking... OPEN TO FUN POSSIBILITIES Fit, slim and happy couple looking for something special and wanting to make your life exciting in return. LC2, 64, seeking: M, W, Cp, l SPICING IT UP I’m a cancer survivor happily married to my husband. We’re seeking a couple or single woman to help me find my sensuality. We’ve done this before, but it’s been many years now. Anyone interested in helping out? Lookingforfun116, 53, seeking: W, Cp OUTDOOR ADVENTURES Fun, attractive, adventurous; seeking someone interested in outdoor and indoor adventures. cernowain, 44, seeking: M, l


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

RED-HOT RED ROCKS RUNNER You were wearing red shorts and have a tat on your left shoulder. Our eyes briefly met as we greeted each other at the crossroads in Red Rocks Park. I was walking my black-and-tan doggo. Are you local? Care to walk together sometime? When: Sunday, September 5, 2021. Where: a perfect Sunday morning. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915400 NIGHT SHIFTER Miss seeing your handsome face every morning on my way to work. Hope you are doing well. I still owe you breakfast. ;) When: Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Where: Cumby’s, Pine St. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915398 WILLISTON SCHOOL JOGGER We talked at Williston School. Your dog had been at Crate Escape, and you were “multitasking” on the paths behind the school. I said hi again later as you were jogging. Meet me for a walk — same place, same time? When: Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Where: Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915397

STEAMY KISSES Your kisses in the steamy car made my heart melt. No matter what, I will always love you. When: Sunday, August 29, 2021. Where: Oakledge. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915396 MILLS RIVER PARK You were walking your dog on a sunny day with your shirt off. I was enjoying the view; nice muscles! Hope to see you with or without your shirt again! When: Sunday, August 22, 2021. Where: Mills River Park. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915393 NIQUETTE BAY Sorry that we ruined your afternoon of relaxation in the sun. You seemed like you had something on your mind. I hope you weren’t down. You’re gorgeous. When: Sunday, August 22, 2021. Where: Niquette Bay. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915392

ESSEX JUNCTION DOG WALKER You walk your white dog every morning. We’ve talked a few times in passing. Do you mind if I join you one of these days? When: Thursday, August 19, 2021. Where: Essex Junction. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915395

CAUGHT OFF GUARD I knew we’d run into each other someday, but I was completely caught off guard that morning. It was dark, rainy, and you walking toward me felt like seeing a ghost. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t think, all I could do was stand there, silent and numb. I still wonder why you went numb. I miss you. I always will. When: Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Where: dropoff. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915391

IN FALLING SNOW Our “wild and crazy ride” is over. But in my dreams, I’ll never leave the “good ole days.” I miss the good things with the fibers of my soul. I hope you have the life you desire and your dreams come true. In every snowflake, I’ll think of you. When: Tuesday, August 3, 2021. Where: Plattsburgh. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915394

ESSEX NEFCU PARKING LOT You: orange shirt. You’ve let me go in traffic multiple times. You drive big trucks. I’m married but would like to go for a ride in your big truck, and no one has to know. When: Friday, August 20, 2021. Where: NEFCU parking lot. You: Man. Me: Gender nonconformist. #915388

MUSCULAR LADY IN RICHMOND Hey, I tried, but I think your ad was delayed before you got my message. So hit me up here if still looking. When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: Richmond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915390 SWAN DIVE, BOLTON POTHOLES You did a swan dive into Eagle’s Eye at Bolton Potholes. My brother was impressed. So was I. You left soon after, and you told me to enjoy the night. I think we could have enjoyed it together. Want to connect and see? When: Saturday, August 14, 2021. Where: Bolton Potholes. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915387 RE: MISSED OUT (BAD TIMING) You’d mentioned that you had imitated other habits and practices of mine, should I be so admired by the sincerest form of flattery! If you’re still reading these, I’m still missing you. You want another chance to kiss me? The ball is in your court. When: Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Where: Burger Night. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915386 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, BIKE PATH CAUSEWAY Saturday afternoon at the cut in the bike path causeway. You (dark-haired woman dressed in black) were on the rocks talking with your (F) friend. We hopscotched past each other a few times heading back to Burlington. I wish I’d found an excuse to say hello. I (M) wore an orange shirt. Care to ride together sometime? When: Saturday, August 14, 2021. Where: Burlington bike path. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915385 WALMART TIKI TORCHES AND TATTOOS We had the quiet corner of Walmart to ourselves. We chatted about tiki torches, string lights and shared tattoo stories. I feel like we could have talked more. I would love to chat again. If you see this, let me know the meaning of my tattoo or what T-shirt I was wearing so I know it’s you. When: Friday, August 13, 2021. Where: Walmart in Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915384 AUSSIE WALKER! BIKE PATH/SKATE PARK Love your beautiful light brown and white pup. When: Thursday, August 12, 2021. Where: Bike path/skate park. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915382


After six years, I learned that my partner had been sleeping with someone else for the majority of our relationship. He says it was purely sexual and only once every four or five months. Neither party had feelings for the other. At the start of our relationship, we had discussed the possibility of him wanting to sleep with someone else. The agreement was that he would tell me first. Obviously, my trust is now shattered, especially since he had this arrangement for so long without telling me. We have been

SEXY RUNNER, BOLTON MOUNTAIN ROAD On my way driving downhill after work, you were running up. We both caught each other’s eyes for a sec or two; I know we connected. Wish I’d stopped, but I drove on. Damn, you are gorgeous. Perhaps it’ll happen again soon, and I’ll pull over. When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: Bolton. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915379 ETHAN ALLEN HOMESTEAD, AUG. 11 You wear that deep-red sundress nicely; makes a guy’s work go by easier. Someday — who knows? — maybe I’ll pick some flowers for you. Thank you for brightening my morning. When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: Ethan Allen Homestead. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915378 TWO INTROVERTS AT THE BEACH You told me I screamed introverted, sitting alone reading my book. Of course, I said nothing — just smiled, trying to think of something to say back. And then you continued doing your own introverted thing. Perhaps we’ll meet again? When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: state park beach. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915377 CUTE AS A BUTTON You were cute as a button. We chatted about our tattoos, and the girls got mad I didn’t ask for your number. Well, I’m asking now, and maybe I’ll see you around again. ;) When: Sunday, August 8, 2021. Where: Speeder & Earl’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915376 NO SHOES, BLODGETT ST. PARTY You advised me to remove my shoes. It was a good call. You lamented about thirties men on the deck. I missed your number; that was an error! When: Sunday, August 8, 2021. Where: party on Blodgett Street. You: Woman. Me: Gender nonconformist. #915372

Dear In the Dark,

Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,

LOWE’S, SHELBURNE ROAD I was AC shopping with a friend. I wore a purple T-shirt and khaki shorts. You were leaning on the display. You had a knee brace and a cane. I’m sorry for staring; you reminded me of someone I once loved. Perhaps you could be the next. If you’re single, I’d like to treat you to coffee and find out. When: Thursday, August 12, 2021. Where: Lowe’s, Shelburne Road. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915381

having a lot of deep talks since the truth came out, and he has signed up for therapy. He has been adamant that seeing my reaction to the truth changed his perspective. He realized he could have lost everything he loves for something that meant nothing, and I believe him when he says it’s over. I’m still in love with him. Do you think, if we continue to communicate and put our relationship first, it will work out? Or should I just give up?

In the Dark (FEMALE, 28)

Are you upset that he had sex with someone else or that he wasn’t honest about it? If he had told you before anything had happened with the other person, would you have been OK with it? I mean, really OK? I think that these “We can have sex with other people as long as we tell

BEAUTIFUL LIONESS Not long ago, you were having the toughest day since we’ve known each other. I couldn’t stand to see you in pain, and I declared my feelings for you. Soon after, you withdrew, and I’m confused, because you show signs that you care. You’re one special lady, and I’d tell you of my love 100 times a day. When: Monday, July 26, 2021. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915374 GREEN RIVER NORTHSTARS LAST MOON In case you didn’t get my message, I’ll spy you back. Both our towns begin with M. I’m intrigued to continue the conversation. Beautiful boats those are. I was struck by your eyes. When: Thursday, July 22, 2021. Where: Green River. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915375 BEAUTIFUL IN CROCS WITH DOG I saw you watching a performance with your beautiful brindle and white dog. We talked and laughed, and I fell for your gorgeous smile. I commented on your Crocs, and you displayed them proudly — such confidence! I think we have something special. When: Sunday, August 1, 2021. Where: Church Street, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915373 QUEER PUNKS KISSING OVER BIKES Cutest! Looked like so much fun, total romance! Hope you’re having the best summer, and thanks for being awesome, at least for a split second as I drove by on Thursday night. When: Thursday, August 5, 2021. Where: North and North Winooski. You: Gender nonconformist. Me: Gender nonconformist. #915371 GREEN RIVER, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 22 We were admiring each other’s black Bell canoes, chatted a bit and introduced ourselves; you’re from Montpelier. I knew I should have asked to stay in touch but hesitated, unsure about your status with your regular paddling partner. Is there room in your life for a friend? It would be sad, indeed, to miss the opportunity. When: Thursday, July 22, 2021. Where: Green River Reservoir. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915360

each other first” arrangements seem like a good idea in theory. But in practice, they’re often nothing but trouble. A monogamous relationship is hard enough. An open one, although it may work for some, requires a whole heap more honesty and trust than most people can manage. If you really love each other, and the six years have been mainly good, of course I think you should try to work it out. However, if he feels that he may want to pursue extracurricular activities in the future, but that’s not right for you, it might be time to move on. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend What’s your problem?

Send it to SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 8-15, 2021


70-y/o WM seeks mid-70s to mid-80s WF. I want to experience sensuality with a very mature WF woman. Phone number, please. #L1524 GM in Rutland County seeking other GM or bi for social interaction. Maybe leading to FWB or more. I’m easygoing, stable and like adventure. Phone only. Hope to hear from you. #L1523 Fit 50ish M, green-eyed, kind and witty, seeks fit F 40 to 60. Well read, rugged, capable, collected, patient. Values community, gardens, art, acts of making. Let’s cook, share absurdist humor, read together. Prefer handwritten to the screen. Simple! #L1522 I am a crossdresser (M-to-F) seeking female friends for coffee, friendship or just corresponding. Any age, race and ethnicity OK. Retired and ready. Will answer all letters. #L1531 Dirty old man seeks dirty old lady. Single and horny. I like high heels and stockings. I’m a nudist. Open, honest and clean. Phone. #L1530 How feral’s feral? Energetic Luddite(s) indeed, but easier to be progressively backward with a mischievous coconspirator. Artist here, resourceful cottager, surrounded by books and mason jars. Worth every penny of your $5. If you disagree, I’ll reimburse! M seeking F. #L1529

Humble, honest, loving and fun 69-y/o searching for his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with. Looking for that special gal who enjoys skiing, beaches, boating, biking, animals and cares for our natural environment. Someone spiritual who can “see the light.” A love of theater, music and dancing a plus. #L1528 Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any wellhung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1526

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check

(made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 110 for a membership (credit accepted).



Submit your FREE message at or use the handy form at right.


We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!



I’m an older male seeking any age. It’s so enchanting in the woods. The silence, the peace and the wonderful sounds of nature. I’d love to share the caress of nature with a good friend. Lovely wonderful person, 5’9, 150 pounds, older nonsmoker. #L1521 Man looking for a woman. I will return calls to everyone. I’m over 50 y/o. Widower. She died very young of cancer. Time to move on. Please leave your name and number. #L1520 SWM, mid-50s, seeking SWF, 50s to 60s. Looking for life partner. I am fit, financially secure, very well grounded. Strong desire to travel cross-country. #L1519

Internet-Free Dating!

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. 66-y/o SWM seeking SWF, 50 to 63. Gentle, unassuming, softspoken, creative vegetarian seeks a fit, affectionate, unadorned woman who takes delight in gardening, folk music, candlelight and bicycle rides. Let’s explore the islands together. Are you coming? #L1517 56-y/o single woman. Humbled, thoughtful. Hoping for a safe, kind, honest relationship with a man. Calm in nature, love for nature. Morning coffees, long walks, talks, sunsets, art, music, dance, friends, family, laughs! Willing to see and resolve suffering. Unconditional love and support find me at home. Phone number, please. #L1486 SWM seeking SWM any age. Must love top and fem bottom. Looking for steady lover. Gay or bi, any race. Phone. #L1515 GM 60-y/o seeks sexually active 70-plus male. I love giving and receiving oral. Virgin but would love to bottom to a lover. Enjoy all activities nude. #L1514

Male widower looking for woman for FWB/LTR, maybe more. Please be 18+. Send me your name, info and phone number. I will return all calls back to you. Look forward to meeting you. #L1513 Male, 55, seeking woman to cocreate a beautiful life/family close to the Earth on the land with plants, animals and wildlife. Together a vessel of love to manifest the dormant ancestral pulse of people living close to nature absent the turnkey life mayhem. Wolcott. Clearing the woods. #L1512 Senior male, mid-60s, seeking older males 65 to 80 for carefree and fun moments of pleasure. Must be DD-free and have completed both COVID shots. Safe and kind. Life is too short to not have moments of pleasure. It’s been a rough past year. #L1511 David, 73, Vermont gentleman. Growing, enjoying a healthy life mentally and physically. We are so blessed with a home like Vermont! Chemistry, spirit, health! I will listen to all you say and believe all you do! #L1510

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

Required confidential info:



I’m a _________________________________________________ __ ____



seeking a__ ___________ __________________________________________



__________________________________________ ADDRESS

__________________________________________ ADDRESS (MORE)

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________________________ CITY/STATE

__________________________________________ ZIP

__________________________________________ PHONE


THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at




10:55 AM

We’re Still Hopping — Safely! SEPTEMBER 10 • 11 • 12 The South End Arts + Business Association (SEABA) is honored to represent the artist and business community of Burlington’s South End Arts District while promoting buying art and shopping local during Art Hop weekend and all year-round! Art Hop is a safety-focused, in-person event this year with virtual options for those who wish to enjoy from home. All SEABA curated artwork will also be available for purchasing online! Shop safely in person with posted guidelines and enjoy many outdoor family friendly activities and art installations.


Thanks for your support of the 29th Annual South End Art Hop as we celebrate all that the district has to offer!



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