Seven Days, September 14, 2022

Page 117

PUPPET PLAN PAGE 40 Succession at Sandglass Theater NO LAUGHING MATTER PAGE 42 Running a comedy club amid COVID-19 STAYING THE COURSES PAGE 47 UVM launches new School of the Arts VOICEINDEPENDENTVERMONT’S NO.49VOL.27202214-21,SEPTEMBER SEVENDAYSVT.COM

Connecting the Dots: Vermont’s Act 35 allows children to consent to psychotherapy without parental consent; proposed bill H659 allows children to receive medical treatments without parental consent; proposed bill H630 decriminalizes prostitution; and proposed constitutional amendment Article 22 not only permits abortion up to the day of birth, but its deceptive vagueness (“personal reproductive autonomy”) could enshrine human cloning, designer babies, eugenics, prostitution and three-DNA conceived children.

On Socialism: Among Socialism’s 45 goals read into the 1963 Congressional Record were: (1) Control the schools and teachers’ associations [think VT-NEA]. Soften the curriculum. (2) Emphasize the need to raise children away from the influence of parents Promote promiscuity. (3) Discredit America’s founding [think CRT & BLM] (4) Transfer powers from police to social agencies [think Defund the Police]. Sound familiar?

1T-VTGrassroots091422-2.indd 1 9/8/22 11:14 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 20222

About Tom Licata: I have a MBA from the College of William & Mary and ten years’ exper ience in strategic planning with IBM and Virginia Electric & Power. I earned Burlington’s Leadership Award for organizing our multiyear Block Party, coaching Little League Baseball and leading our Cub Scout Pack. I worked with homeless children in NYC’s Times Square and family summer trips included working on construction projects for the disadvantaged in West Virginia’s Appalachian region. I’m now a Caregiver for the elderly.

Sincerely, Tom Licata

Connecting the Dots: Vermont’s Act 35 allows children to consent to psychotherapy without parental consent; proposed bill H659 allows children to receive medical treatments without parental consent; proposed bill H630 decriminalizes prostitution; and proposed constitutional amendment Article 22 not only permits abortion up to the day of birth, but its deceptive vagueness (“personal reproductive autonomy”) could enshrine human cloning, designer babies, eugenics, prostitution and three-DNA conceived children.

My Advice: Stop voting for them: For if it’s man - and not God or nature - which determines reality then the only God of man is man himself… precisely Socialism’s goal.

About Tom Licata: I have a MBA from the College of William & Mary and ten years’ exper ience in strategic planning with IBM and Virginia Electric & Power. I earned Burlington’s Leadership Award for organizing our multiyear Block Party, coaching Little League Baseball and leading our Cub Scout Pack. I worked with homeless children in NYC’s Times Square and family summer trips included working on construction projects for the disadvantaged in West Virginia’s Appalachian region. I’m now a Caregiver for the elderly.

My message is blunt It’s meant to awaken To connect the dots Most importantly: To inform.

Dear Vermonter,

Contact:172Deforest Road

On Postmodernism: Postmodernism is a Cultural Revolution. It seeks to replace Modernism or the Enlightenment era. Modernism believes that reality can be known through objective reason (male and female) and as reason is a faculty of the individual, the individual is the unit of value. Postmodernism rejects this reality and believes subjective reality (male becoming female) is constructed through language and social conditions. Postmodernism rejects the notion that education exists to primarily train a child’s cognitive capacity for reason. It believes education should imprint onto the child’s consciousness a given social identity (race, sex, sexuality). These identities then clash for power and control (oppressors vs. oppressed). Among Postmodernism’s goals is to control a mass of people through the manipulation of language.

Paid for by Tom Licata for VT House of Representatives

On Socialism: Among Socialism’s 45 goals read into the 1963 Congressional Record were: (1) Control the schools and teachers’ associations [think VT-NEA]. Soften the curriculum. (2) Emphasize the need to raise children away from the influence of parents Promote promiscuity. (3) Discredit America’s founding [think CRT & BLM] (4) Transfer powers from police to social agencies [think Defund the Police]. Sound familiar?

My Advice: Stop voting for them: For if it’s man - and not God or nature - which determines reality then the only God of man is man himself… precisely Socialism’s goal.

On Postmodernism: Postmodernism is a Cultural Revolution. It seeks to replace Modernism or the Enlightenment era. Modernism believes that reality can be known through objective reason (male and female) and as reason is a faculty of the individual, the individual is the unit of value. Postmodernism rejects this reality and believes subjective reality (male becoming female) is constructed through language and social conditions. Postmodernism rejects the notion that education exists to primarily train a child’s cognitive capacity for reason. It believes education should imprint onto the child’s consciousness a given social identity (race, sex, sexuality). These identities then clash for power and control (oppressors vs. oppressed). Among Postmodernism’s goals is to control a mass of people through the manipulation of language.

Sincerely, Tom Licata by Tom Licata for VT House of Representatives

My message is blunt It’s meant to awaken To connect the dots Most importantly: To inform.

Summation: I’ll measure every action I take against its impact on your family’s economic health. My goal is to heal the damage done by the reckless economic, law-enforcement, and family policies of today’s postmodern Socialists; most notably disguised within the remnants of yesterday’s traditional Vermont Democrat Party.

Summation: I’ll measure every action I take against its impact on your family’s economic health. My goal is to heal the damage done by the reckless economic, law-enforcement, and family policies of today’s postmodern Socialists; most notably disguised within the remnants of yesterday’s traditional Vermont Democrat Party.

“The split in today’s world is perceptible even to a hasty glance…. [F]reedom toward evil has come about gradually… to which man… does not bear any evil within himself, and all defects of life are caused by misguided social systems, which must therefore be corrected…. The humanistic way of thinking… did [not] see any task higher than the attainment of happiness on earth. And yet in… American democracy at the time of its birth, all individual human rights were granted on the ground that man is God’s creature…. We have placed too much hope in politics and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: Our Spiritual Life.”

Contact:172Deforest Road Burlington, VT 05401

A Forewarning: Former Vermont resident and Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spoke of such things during his prescient 1978 Harvard University Commencement Address:

Dear Vermonter,

The traditional Democrat Party is dead. It’s gone. Progressivism has absorbed it. Progressivism is a euphemism for today’s postmodern-Socialism.

A Forewarning: Former Vermont resident and Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spoke of such things during his prescient 1978 Harvard University Commencement Address:

“The split in today’s world is perceptible even to a hasty glance…. [F]reedom toward evil has come about gradually… to which man… does not bear any evil within himself, and all defects of life are caused by misguided social systems, which must therefo re be corrected…. The humanistic way of thinking… did [not] see any task higher than the attainment of happiness on earth. And yet in… American democracy at the time of its birth, all individual human rights were granted on the ground that man is God’s cre ature…. We have placed too much hope in politics and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: Our Spiritual Life.”

“The split in today’s world is perceptible even to a hasty glance…. [F]reedom toward evil has come about gradually… to which man… does not bear any evil within himself, and all defects of life are caused by misguided social systems, which must therefo re be corrected…. The humanistic way of thinking… did [not] see any task higher than the attainment of happiness on earth. And yet in… American democracy at the time of its birth, all individual human rights were granted on the ground that man is God’s cre ature…. We have placed too much hope in politics and social reforms, only to find out that we were being deprived of our most precious possession: Our Spiritual Life.”

Burlington, VT 05401

The traditional Democrat Party is dead. It’s gone. Progressivism has absorbed it. Progressivism is a euphemism for today’s postmodern-Socialism.

Paid for

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 3 PresentingSponsor: SCAN TO REGISTER Thank you to our generous sponsors! Register & Donate: www give stepsvt org/event/steps for social change Celebrate self-care with community care at our Field Day Celebration!Joinusthedayof or pre-register and receive a free t-shirt that day and a free ticket to the event!food - music - games - other fun activities - crafts! st Show support for survivors! October 1 from 11:00a - 1:30p Oakledge Park - Burlington Fun for all ages! REGISTERTO Thank you to our generous & Celebrate self-care with community care at our Field Day or pre-register and receive a free t-shirt that a to - music - games - otherShow support for survivors! 1 from 11:00a - 1:30p ParkFun all ages! 2h-stepstoenddomesticeviolence091422.indd 1 8/24/22 9:27 AM find it in stores and at the taproom for a limited time. find it in stores and at the taproom for limited 4T-Lawsons091422 1 9/13/22 9:55 AM F O R M E R L Y S T O W E K I T C H E N B A T H & L I N E N S ( 8 0 2 ) 2 5 3 8 0 5 0 | 1 8 1 3 M O U N T A I N R D . S T O W E | S T O W E L I V I N G . N E T U N I Q U E F U R N I T U R E A T T H E B E S T V A L U E I N V E R M O N T C O O K I N G C L A S S E S F U R N I T U R E | H O M E D E C O R | K I T C H E N | B A T H B E D D I N G | U N I Q U E G I F T S W E S H I P + D E L I V E R E V E R Y T H I N G , E V E R Y W H E R E ! 4t-stoweliving091422.indd 1 8/18/22 12:35 PM


our reproductive autonomy

passing Article 22, the Reproductive Liberty Amendment, to explicitly enshrine the right to reproductive health care in our state constitution. Paid for by the ACLU of Vermont Public Question Committee Learn more about Article 22 at 2H-ACLU091422 1 9/13/22 9:40 AM WHAT VERMONT TASTES LIKE Send a Taste of Vermont Nationwide - Order Online or By Phone | 1-800-993-2546 | 24 Hours...Everyday! Ferrisburgh 5797 US Route 7, Ferrisburgh 8 am to 6 pm - 7 Days a Week 802-425-6712 Dorset Street 100 Dorset Street, South Burlington Mon-Sat 9:30 am - 7 pm & Sun10 am - 5 pm 802-425-6750 Touchdown-Worthy Appetizers. Perfect For Game Day Gatherings! 4T-dakin091422 1 9/8/22 4:18 PM 3910 SHELBURNE RD SHELBURNE (802)kobkitchen.com448-5500 MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! SPIN & ENTER TO WIN... A FREE KITCHEN! THAT’S RIGHT! Starting on September 6th stop by our showroom in Shelburne Monday - Saturday and spin the wheel for your chance to win a free kitchen cabinet set valuing up to $5,000 4t-Kob 1 7/22/21 12:20 PM ONE SPIN PER PERSON /FAMILY. TERMS & CONDITIONS APPLY. CAN’T COMBINE WITH OTHER PROMOTIONAL DISCOUNTS. 4T-KOB082422.indd 1 8/23/22 3:37 PM


beliefs. Now



wellbeing, not


Important medical decisions be guided by a person’s health and by a politician’s that Roe v. Wade has been by the Supreme Court, level of are vital than that means

ever. In Vermont,



patients. He said he planned to review all of its options, from filing an appeal to potentially making service cuts.

“We hear a lot that there aren’t services available or there are long wait lists for mental health services in this area,” Bonesteel said. “That’s kind of common knowledge right now, which is not MontpelierOK.”Roxbury already spends ap proximately $3 million of its annual district

Bolton officials say someone has been dumping bags of poop in a public patch of woods. They want to help the person, who is likely dealing with a failed septic system.


Monday’s vote comes as part of the Green Mountain Care Board’s annual summer budget cycle, during which the powerful regulatory board reviews spending plans for all 14 of Vermont’s nonprofit hospitals.


3. “Fresh Resignations Could Require ‘Drastic Changes’ at Burlington Dispatch Center,” by Derek Brouwer. Three dispatchers recently submitted their resignations, which could leave the office with just four employees by the month’s end.

@zeroanaphora Free chicken if you run fast HMU for location #btv FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER

budget on personnel who provide mental health services, Bonesteel said. Talkspace will cost approximately $60,000 a year, using fed eral COVID-19 relief funds, at least for now.


The service is “not cheap,” Bonesteel said, but it costs less than hiring one additional faculty member when considering salary and benefits.Theschool district will pilot the program this year and next. Administrators will monitor how many students and staff are signing up but, for privacy reasons, won’t keep track of who is using it.

2. “Trust Fail: After Discovering Unsettling Details of Naomi Wood’s Death, Her Family Channels Grief Into Action,” by Alison Novak. Al and Debbie Wood find themselves navigating a parental nightmare with incomplete information about their daughter’s death.

1. “Suspect Was ‘Lying in Wait’ Before Fatal Shooting in Burlington’s City Hall Park, Cops Say,” by Derek Brouwer. Two men pleaded not guilty to charges stemming from the September 4 murder of a Philadelphia man.

With a bid of $76 million, Pacific Group Resorts won an auction for Jay Peak Resort, the property at the center of the EB-5 fraud. The sale could be completed before the snow flies.

The pandemic has taken a heavy toll on the well-being of those who work and learn in schools. To help them, Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools recently started a new program that provides free mental health support to people in the school community.

The Vermont Air National Guard held an open house on Sunday so people could see fighter jets and equipment up close. No ear protectors needed.

Vermont authorities say a hunter shot another hunter in Huntington after mistaking him for a bear. Reminder to wear blaze orange and be safe out there.

But UVM Health Network execs still blasted the deci sion, saying they had created “the most responsible budgets possible.” In a statement, outgoing president and CEO John Brumsted accused the board of making “deep, arbitrary cuts” that undermine the health network’s ability to care for

Board member Thom Walsh said the burden of health care inflation shouldn’t fall solely on the shoulders of people using commercial insurance, who themselves are facing the same sorts of financial pressures.

The district has signed a contract with national online therapy platform Talkspace to offer two live therapy sessions per month for students 13 and older, as well as for employ ees and their dependents. Those eligible can register for the service anytime during the school year. Students will be able to access virtual appointments with a licensed therapist in school or at home.


The dearth of mental health providers in central Vermont is a significant reason Bonesteel’s district decided to offer the option.




The board expected higher-than-normal proposals this year given the pandemic’s widespread disruption of hospital finances, and most were, including UVM’s.

Public schools in Indiana, Pennsylvania, California and Washington, as well as the University of Kentucky, West Virginia University and Williams College have also partnered with Talkspace. But Montpelier Roxbury superintendent Libby Bonesteel said she doesn’t know of any other school district in Vermont that has signed on with the company.


As of Monday, that’s the number of new bivalent COVID-19 vaccine booster doses that have been administered in Vermont since the feds approved the shot earlier this month.

For months, the University of Vermont Medical Center warned that it would have to charge private insurance companies more to raise an extra $140 million for next fiscal year. The cash infusion would be used to cover rising inflation and labor costs, Vermont’s largest hospital told regulators.

5. “With Housing Tight, New Vermont Teachers Crash at an Inn,” by Anne Wallace Allen. David and Jennifer Conover, plus their three kids and dog, crammed into a studio apartment at a Marshfield inn as they tried to find long-term housing.

Because the service just launched, Bonesteel isn’t sure yet how many people will take advantage it. But, she noted, “it got a very positive response, particularly from our staff.”

But on Monday, the Green Mountain Care Board, wary of increased costs for patients, trimmed the request by about 5 percent, leaving the hospital with a $35 million hole. The board made similar cuts to the budget of the UVM Health Network’s second-largest hospital, Central Vermont Medical Center in RegulatorsBerlin.rationalized the cuts by pointing to some anticipated federal changes that could help the network, from higher-than-projected Medicare reimbursements to some additional money for teaching hospitals. And they said they might even be willing to allow the network to close the gap by using nearly $20 million that it has set aside for a project to build more psychiatric beds.

The decisions “are a severe blow to our ability to serve our patients, improve access, and increase health equity,” Brumsted wrote. “It leaves our hospitals weaker in the face of challenges being experienced nationwide.”

4. “Burlington Dispatchers Blame ‘Defunding’ for Slow Police Response, Crime Victims Say,” by Derek Brouwer. At least two callers to the city’s dispatch center were told the department had been “defunded” and officers wouldn’t be responding anytime soon.




Online UniversitytherapyofVermont Medical Center DREAMSTIMELACHEEV© BACKTOSCHOOL

tweet of the week

“We all deal with risk, right?” said Walsh, an adjunct instructor of health policy at Dartmouth College. “We risk being in an accident or getting sick, and so that it’s not as though UVM is burdened with more risk than anyplace else.”Read more of Colin Flanders’ report at


consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig Music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton

Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros

Art editor Pamela Polston

SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts


director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Andy Watts

MultiMediA journAlist James Buck


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senior MultiMediA producer Eva Sollberger

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer




Daria Bishop, Luke

[Re “Dis-Connected,” September 7]: From the teaser on the front page (“911 Callers Told Police Were ‘Defunded’”) to the subhead on the article inside (“Burlington dispatchers blame ‘defunding’ when police don’t respond quickly, crime victims say”) you would think every caller was told about “defunding.”Butwhen you see the numbers, it appears that while it does happen, it isn’t necessarily happening with a majority of calls. So why make this such a negative article about the dispatchers?

Luke Awtry, Buck, Eastman, Mignanelli, Newcomb, Wallace-Brodeur Polston, Paula Routly Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.


senior Account executives

Last week’s story “Beauties at Berth” misidentified the restorer of Susan Haigh’s 1940 yacht tender. Snake Mountain Boatworks of Weybridge did the work.

Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw


digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee

speciAlty publicAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Barry, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak

CIRCULATION: 35,000 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.


Paula Routly

proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Angela Simpson



The apparent bias against the Burl ington Police Department is evident from statements that are extremely critical and judgmental while disre garding the damage the 30 percent cuts did to the department, the city and the citizens of Burlington. It was more building a case than reporting on a severe problem currently impacting the police’s ability to respond to citizen issues.Did Derek Brouwer attempt to contact any dispatchers to hear their side of the issue? To hear about the short staffing or the nature of the calls they have to deal with on a daily basis? (They have to answer all calls, regardless of the issue and the personality of the caller.) This might have given a more balanced tone to theSimplyarticle.because funding has been restored, the current delays we are expe riencing because of short staffing don’t just go away. And it isn’t realistic to think that these issues simply have gone away with no lasting impact on how all this is viewed.Itwill take many months of hiring, training and on-the-job orientation for all the positions approved to function as planned. Let’s give this a chance.


Jordan Adams, Benjamin Aleshire, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Annie Cutler, Steve Goldstein, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Mark Saltveit, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Travis Weedon

publisher & editor-in-chief



coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler

creAtive director Don Eggert

AssistAnt proofreAders

Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production MAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson

AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts

NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editors Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar, Colin Flanders, Rachel Hellman, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen

Account executives Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka MArketing & events director Corey Barrows business developMent strAtegist Katie Hodges personAls coordinAtor Jeff Baron



Marcy Carton


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AssociAte editor Margot Harrison

but with a little effort it can be easily sorted out.

• respond to Seven Days content;



Unless otherwise noted, The Boardroom is open to the public for gaming during our special events.

The farmers market was going full speed, too. It’s huge and much better than when it was near Burlington City Hall.

PARTICIPATION LIMITED TO FIRST 46 Other tours in the works: Egypt/Nile cruise, Peru, Swiss Railroad newhorizonstravel@charter.netTour (518) 420-3252

• include your full name, town and a daytime phone number.

From Now On”; The Seven Days Guide to Art Hop 2022, September 7]: I spent a real nice day in Burlington on Saturday. It was the annual South End Art Hop along Pine Street, which is basically open studios and lots of small vendors. It was overwhelming but completely fascinating. Such variety and imagination! The larger studio venues were highly interesting warrens of little cubicles and lofts. Friendly artists were happy to talk about what they were doing.

Use common sense. Don’t go alone into City Hall Park at 1 a.m. Don’t try to



Tue.– Thu. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 5pm-10pm; Sat. 12pm-10pm; Sun. 12pm-5pm

By the way, with the help of Bernie Sanders’ office, the USPS no longer recommends Essex Junction over Essex for correct mail delivery within Essex Town.Also, full disclosure here, I work for Seven Days and am chair of the Essex Town Selectboard.

Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include:

In the August 24 issue of Seven Days, on page 44, there is a short article headlined “Burlington Bagel Bakery Takes Over Bagel Market in Essex Junction.” This business is in Essex Town, not in Essex Junction. With the Junction’s decision to leave the Town, many of your readers will appreciate it if you get loca tions correct when you report on Essex or Essex Junction. I understand that the shared zip code and the prior situation — where most Essex locations used the U.S. gettingmailingEssexService-recommendedPostalJunctionintheiraddresses—makethiscorrectdifficult,


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The idea of living at the Barbizon (for ladies), wearing white gloves and learning shorthand was just beyond the pale! Unlike in Melinda’s situation, our dad never insisted. I admire Melinda for turning that training into a fantastic plus. My sister and I went on to get graduate degrees and wonder what my dad could have possibly been thinking! He never mentioned it again, once it became clear to him that young women had the opportunity to rise up in the world and claim their own futures, without being secretaries. But in the early 1960s, it made sense to him!

close the bars on Church Street in the wee hours. Go during the day or early evening, when regular folks are about. Be a partici pant. Enjoy this nice little city.

12v-newhorizon091422.indd 1 9/7/22 1:21 PM

military & first responders free with id 6v-boardroom091422.indd 1 9/8/22 1:57 PM

Andy Watts ESSEX

Watts is circulation deputy at Seven Days Click on “Learn More”

I took the bus in from Shelburne, as I usually do. It’s free, pretty quick and runs on time. No parking worries.Thousands of people were out and about — at the Art Hop, the market, the waterfront, City Hall Park, Church Street. People were having fun. This all comes at a time when there has been some mayhem in the city and, this week, even an anxious editorial in Seven Days [From the Publisher: “Summer of Strife,” September 7]. I felt perfectly safe and at ease. Burlington is a wonderful little city, and I hope people don’t start thinking of it as a dangerous place.



There was also a boat show down by the lake with many beautiful vintage speed boats, beautiful handmade wooden canoes and rowing boats [“Beauties at Berth,” September 7].


• Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164



[Re Feedback: “Shopping in Rutland

SEP. 9– 20, 2023

Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... be 250 words or fewer;

[Re “Flower Powerhouse,” August 31]: I found it both humorous and fascinating that Melinda Moulton’s dad insisted she go to the famed Katie Gibbs secretarial school. For years, I used to tell all my feminist friends with horror that my dad suggested Katie Gibbs for my educational path. I still remember the conversation vividly, but I was a young teen at the time and too timid to say anything in response. I just discovered this summer that my dad suggested the exact same thing to my older sister, who was a math whiz, a Shakespearean actress at age 16 and a musical savant with 800s on her SATs. She and I had a good laugh about it and thought it was shocking!

For more details, go to Purl & Play 6 pm

Megan Epler Wood BURLINGTON

[Re “Power Plant: Vermont’s Electric Ratepayers Are Providing Generous Subsidies to Indoor Cannabis Grow ers,” August 31]: I need someone to tell me why, as a law-abiding citizen and an electric ratepayer, I have to subsidize a business that, under federal law, is not legal.


REDBONEMARTHA OCTOBER 13 HALLPRESERVATIONJAZZBAND NOVEMBER 2 NEXT“AMERICANA’SSUPERSTAR” -VILLAGE VOICE KNIGHTGLADYS NOVEMBER 19 2V-flynn091422 1 9/12/22 3:53 PM YOU NEED MORE SUMMER THIS SUMMER. Grab your warm weather fun before it’s gone. Rooms start at $374/night for two, including breakfast, lake cruise, and a special gift. Book now at or call 802-475-2311. 4T-basinharbor091422 1 9/12/22 3:54 PM Diane Von Furstenberg BDVFforFallatJessoutique 4t-jessboutique091422 1 9/9/22 11:22 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 20228

DelightsDilly homage Lewis Creek Farm’s pickled green beans


George Africa have been working with plants and flowers for almost four decades. They grow lush fields of daylilies and display gardens next to the Winooski River in Marshfield. Eva Sollberger stopped by recently for a tour and talked with the couple about their retirement plans. SUPPORTED BY: contents PLACES , PEOPLE! THE HIP NUTCRACKERHOP, DecemberTuesday, 6, 7:30 Stage,Flynnp.m.,Main$35-69. The performing arts (mostly) return to form for the 2022-23 season 42 Donate $10 to the Vermont Foodbank at Lenny’s today and get a reusable Canvas Tote Bag. Save 25% storewide when you shop with your tote bag during Lenny’s Annual Charity Sale!ST25OFF%OREWIDE Discount in store on in-stock, regular priced items only, can’t be applied to prior sales. Exclusions apply including Exclusive Darn Tough & Skida items, Yeti, Sitka & Gun Safes. Saturday, October 22nd Barre, Williston, St. Albans & Plattsburgh, NY M-F 10-6, Sat 10-5, Closed Sun Shop: Still Family. Still Local. Charity Sale 4H-Lennys091422 1 9/13/22 9:42 AM


FEATURES Farm owners Gail and

NEWS+POLITICS 13 From the Publisher Crypto Clampdown Regulating the virtual currency Teacher’s Pet A horse whisperer offers his talents to Orleans County’s Amish community Underdog’s Appeal Activist Democrat Brenda Siegel’s campaign for governor

26 Passing the Puppets Sandglass Theater marks a major transition with Flushing Winging It Essay: A thebusinessriffsnightclubBurlingtonowneronhowhersurvivedpandemic Aria Ready? Barn Opera’s new season promises to delight and challenge audiences Art House UVM’s new School of the Arts gathers many creative disciplines under one roof ARTS+CULTURE 58 Calling the Shots Both Eyes Open: The Annie Oakley Story, Lost Nation Theater Waiting It Out The Ties That Bind, Dirt Road Theater Garden Therapy A couple spends a lifetime sharing blooms Creative Capital Ward Joyce is a warrior for public art Online NowSTUCK IN VERMONT COLUMNS 11 Magnificent 7 53 Side Dishes 70 Soundbites 74 Album Reviews 76 Movie Review 117 Ask the Reverend SECTIONS 24 Life Lines 52 Food + Drink 58 Culture 64 Art 70 Music + Nightlife 76 On Screen 78 Calendar 88 Classes 89 +ClassifiedsPuzzles 113 Fun Stuff 116 Personals COVER DESIGN REV. DIANE SULLIVAN • IMAGE COURTESY We have Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 95 and online at 26 14 58 56117 Vermont Flower

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 9 DRINKFOOD+ 52 Out ThisofWorld Kalche CooperativeWine brings a new model to Vermont’s natural wine scene

MANUFACTURER’S COUPON EXPIRES 12/31/22Milk • Eggs • Cheese • Butter CooperativeCROPP©2022



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Sarasa Ensemble reclaims 17th-century chamber music for the ladies with Female Torchbearers of the Baroque at the Brattleboro Music Center. The program highlights works by forgotten composers of the period, including Barbara Strozzi, Isabella Leonarda, Francesca Caccini, Antonia Bembo and Elisabeth Jacquet de La Guerre, and features vintage instruments like the theorbo, a member of the lute family.


Epic Poems

Expanding Universe




Four Way Books, a nonprofit New York City publisher of poetry and short fiction, launches its fall 2022 list with a virtual authors’ roundtable hosted by Norwich Bookstore. Featured are poet Julia Guez (pictured), whose The Certain Body grapples with the realities of long COVID; Nathan McClain, who unpacks American culture in Previously Owned; Doug Anderson, whose Undress, She Said deals in themes of history and aging; and Daniel Wolff, who takes on our economic moment in More Poems About Money


Keep the Fall Rolling


Shelburne’s Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery presents “Growth Patterns,” a solo show by mixed-media artist Jessica Scriver. Scriver’s background in biology is evident in her colorful, fractal-laden paintings, which recall cells, cities, and all manner of other living things both micro- and macroscopic.




One of southern Vermont’s most beloved traditions, the Chester Festival on the Green returns to usher in foliage season with a flourish. The Chester Green fills up with such autumnal delights as sheepdog herding demonstrations, educational beekeeping exhibits, apple cider pressing, pumpkin bowling, live music, and a field full of food and craft vendors.

Fans of high-octane cycling flood Killington Resort for the Fox US Open of Mountain Biking, a free, four-day bonanza of fearless bike riding. Spectators take in downhill and endurance races of all varieties, watch daredevils defy gravity in the whip competition, and visit the vendor village in between.


The Vermont Pride Festival & Parade 2022 once again fills the streets of Burlington with LGBTQ joy, love and resistance this weekend. Starting with a procession along the Church Street Marketplace and ending with a beautiful blowout at Waterfront Park, the celebration features live music, drag performances, burlesque dancing and more.

Hanging Out











Chord Progression

Rainbow Connection


Heart Song Aerial Healing Arts, a purveyor of therapeutic aerial silk movement sessions, throws a Sparkle Soirée at Burlington’s Railyard Apothecary. Live music and fizzy herbal libations underscore an unbeatable opportunity to try soaring in the silks and unleashing one’s inner muse on the lyre.


When: 9:00am - 11:00am September: 17th, & 24th October: 1st

Open to all Vermont BIPOC residents and all members of their household.

Where: The Cathedral Church of St. Paul (2 Cherry Street, Burlington, VT)

REGISTER HERE: 1t-VHEI091422 1 9/12/22 12:57 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202212





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Now comes a new bunch of obstacles, including how to make performing arts venues as safe as possible for a maximum number of people. Decisions around protocols — whether to require masks, for example — will inevitably anger some portion of the theatergoing audience.

The next night’s show, “C’est pas là, c’est par là (It’s Not That Way, It’s This Way),” was even better. The audience arrived at a dark parking lot at the edge of the South End Art Hop to find a complex web of twine that South Korean-born artist Juhyung Lee had spent the prior two days weaving. Spotlighted dramatically, the work was amazing enough. Then Lee appeared and offered multiple rope ends to members of the audience. Wordlessly, he made it clear that we should start spooling our line of twine into a ball, which required entering the web, stepping over and under still-fixed lines and, on occasion, working with other people.


It takes confidence — and some marketing prowess — to convince a stranger to spend two hours in a dark room on the promise that the experience will be sufficiently entertaining. A long drive, and the cost of admission, dinner and a babysitter, may factor into the assessment of whether, in the end, it was worthwhile.


Playing Fields at Burlington High School

Interested in becoming a Super Reader?

Those days are over. Even before the pandemic, ticket buying had become increasingly last minute. And box office problems are quaint compared to what performing arts presenters have had to contend with for the past two years.

There was no getting out of it. My significant other, our friend and I worked with the group to unravel the sculpture as if we were part of some supercool ropes course. Almost everyone was grinning with joy. By the time we reached the end of our respective lines, the balls of twine were heavy and hard to hold. We turned them over to Lee, who fashioned them into a pyramid and set it on fire. People sat together on the ground, watching the flames, as he slipped into the night. You won’t find that on Netflix.

But all of that Yankee shyness fell away at dusk, when three stilt-walking Dutch artists dressed as giant skeletal birds strode onto the field. Accompanied by lights and sound, they were the most complex puppets I’ve ever seen. The kids, enthralled and terrified, chased the creatures, whose beaks bent down to touch them. It was beautiful, moving and mind-blowing — with an assist from the full moon.

I’ve been fascinated with this risky business since my first job out of college, at the fledgling Flynn Theatre in Burlington, provided a rare backstage view of it. The goal was to put together a “season” of shows, to which people would buy tickets in advance. “Subscribing” secured the best available seats for the customer and might also encourage them to try something new. It gave the organization a clear idea of how much marketing was required to sell what was left and the cash up front to pay for it.


C’est pas là, c’est par là” at Art Hop

Show Business

That’s the basic challenge facing Vermont’s performing arts presenters — the people who scour a worldwide cultural landscape in search of the beautiful, the moving and the mind-blowing. Once they find and book the right assortment of acts, their job is to convince us to quit the couch and go. Historically, local media helped. This week’s Performing Arts Preview spotlights some of the most noteworthy shows coming to a venue near you.


Paula Routly

For more information on making a financial contribution to Seven Days, please contact Corey Barrows:

Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of Or send a check with your address and contact info to:

VOICEMAIL: 802-865-1020, EXT. 136


But the bigger summons, frankly, is getting people back in the habit of consuming culture. That is, gathering together to take a chance on someone else’s art, with nary a TV remote in Flynnsight.executive director Jay Wahl implored me to check out two of the theater’s outdoor shows last week, and I did. The first, Playing Fields — held, appropriately, on the playing field at Burlington High School — started a little awkwardly. The band, Red Baraat, tried everything under the late afternoon sun to get the audience to move closer and dance to its Indian-flavored funk.

Vermont regulators have homed in on crypto currency lenders, who have been pushing the envelope by acting as banks without being held to the same consumer protection regulations. These companies accept deposits of various cryptocurrencies and then lend or invest them, generating returns that get paid back to the depositors. Many promise yields far greater than what a typical bank might o Perhapser. surprisingly, Vermont’s small size has actually helped it regulate these LOSES CANDIDATE’S

Crypto Clampdown


DFR o cials declined an interview about Celsius, saying the department does not comment on ongoing investigations. But former DFR commissioner Mike Pieciak said the agency’s sta members have built up an expertise in the latest finance“They’retechnology.capable of leading on something like this,” said Pieciak, who stepped down in May to run for state treasurer.

State. The number of transactions involving the virtual currency climbed from just 44,000 in 2019 to some 1.6 million last year. The dollar amounts tied to those transactions have also ballooned: $15 million in 2019 to $800 million last year.



The source of those explosive allegations: the Vermont Department of FinancialVermRegulation.ontis by no means a crypto epicenter, but over the last few years, regulators in the obscure state agency have quietly been probing similar companies for securities compliance issues that federal regulators have been slow to take up. DFR’s first investigation led to a trailblazing $100 million national settlement

Before the vote, the councilors and Mayor Miro Weinberger discussed how security cameras fit into the city’s overall plan for public safety, an issue that’s been top of mind as a wave of gunrelated violence has swept Burlington. Weinberger reminded councilors that, just last week, police used camera footage to track the movements of two people accused of murdering a man in City Hall Park.

Burlington Council OKs Purchase of 100 Cameras Security

In recent years, cryptocurrency has gained a foothold in the Green Mountain

“I think Big Brother is out there, and Big Brother is all of us,” she said.

Police dispatchers retain footage for 90 days, Barker said, and only review it during police investigations.


elsius Network, an online cryptocurrency lender, attracted more than a million users with promises of sky-high returns — until a market crash over the summer plunged the startup into bankruptcy and put members’ money at risk.The company said it was the victim of extreme market conditions. But a bombshell court filing last week detailed evidence that Celsius had been misleading investors for years in a Ponzi-like scheme.


earlier this year with a crypto lending company called BlockFi. Now, the agency is at the forefront of a multistate probe into Celsius, whose alleged mismanagement has ensnared the savings of more than 250 Vermonters.Withlittle federal regulation of cryptocurrency and its associated businesses, Vermont is seizing the moment to play an outsize role in trying to rein in this trendy, high-risk industry.

Councilor Joan Shannon (D-South District) spoke in favor of the cameras and disagreed with the notion that surveillance cameras present privacy concerns, since most people already carry cellphones with cameras.

e Burlington City Council on Monday approved spending nearly half a million dollars to purchase 100 new security cameras.But,according to the city’s chief innovation officer, Scot Barker, most of those cameras won’t be used right away. About a dozen cameras will replace broken ones, and another 15 to 20 will be installed in key areas around the city including Leddy Park, Fletcher Free Library, and at the intersection of Church and Main streets. The remainder will be kept in reserve “to ensure the City is prepared for break/fix situations,” Barker said in a memo.e$425,000 will also pay for an upgrade of the outdated software program that runs the city’s existing 200 cameras, which can be found inside city hall and in outdoor public places such as City Hall Park. e motion passed 10-4 with Councilors Perri Freeman (P-Central District), Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1), Ali House (P-Ward 8) and Joe Magee (P-Ward 3) voting no.

Councilor Hightower asked for more clarity on how the city uses the footage and encouraged the administration to share that information publicly.“Right now, if a constituent came to me and asked, ‘Oh, my property was stolen. Can we use those cameras to retrieve it?’ I don’t even know the answer to that,” she said.


“It’s very clear that the security cameras played a critical role in being able to reconstruct events that led up to that homicide,” the mayor said.

Vermont is playing an outsize role in regulating the virtual currency


eil watched intently as Gary Itzstein circled his 12-year-old chestnut mare, Chessy, in a deli cate dance of trust. Itzstein carried a long pole with a blue flag tied to the end and moved it from Chessy’s right side to her left, letting the flag gently tap the pony’s belly. He aimed to make Chessy less sensitive to frightening situations.



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Gary Itzstein with Chessy

That’s what led him to Itzstein, whose talents have turned him into a celebrity of sorts among Vermont’s growing ranks of Amish. Since 2015, more than a dozen families have moved to Orleans County,


The mare’s ears ticked forward and back, and her eyes darted uneasily. Itzstein repeated the tapping exercise. And did so again. And again, for several more minutes. Chessy stomped her feet in frustration. Finally, she started making a chewing motion.

Itzstein’s eyes lit up. “You see, she’s digested that thought!” he exclaimed, in the accent of his native Australia. “When she chews, it means she’s learning. If she doesn’t chew, then there’s going to be no progress.”Neil’seyebrows furrowed under his straw hat as he nodded slowly. This was important. ForNeil, it was the first lesson of many from the horse whisperer, who had come all the way from Aiken, S.C., to offer up his pony-placating talents to the Amish farmers of Brownington.

Itzstein stood in the center of a cavernous but brightly lit wooden barn that houses the Amish community’s Saturday craft and food markets. A metal gate created a makeshift indoor training arena. The sound of rain echoed on the tin roof, making it sometimes difficult to hear what he was saying.

Neil, a soft-spoken Amish farmer who relocated from Pennsylvania two years ago, watched Itzstein work with fasci nation, occasionally strok ing his long beard. Neil, who asked to be identified only by first name, in keep ing with the Amish ethos of humility, had purchased Chessy from a neighbor a year ago. But he had been too busy to properly train the horse. (“It was a good year on the farm,” he would later explain.) Dressed in a blue cotton suit, Neil wanted Chessy to pull a plow and be ridden by his young children. But, as he put it: “She’s a bit too sassy.”

Pet A noted Australian horse whisperer offers his talents to Orleans County’s Amish community



The company’s founder and CEO, Alex Mashinsky, who lives in New York City, rejected the criticisms and continued to aggressively market Celsius as a safe and

The complaint, filed last fall by the advocacy organization Jewish on Campus and the nonprofit Jewish civil rights watchdog Louis D. Brandeis Center, claims that the UVM administra tion failed to act on reports of targeted harassment of Jewish students. The incidents cited in the complaint include vandalism at the UVM Hillel building and derogatory social media posts by a teaching assistant, who encouraged others to cyberbully pro-Israel Jewish students and wrote, in a Twitter thread last April, about reducing the grades of Zionist Jews, a faction within Judaism that identifies Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.

When cryptocurrency lender BlockFi came looking for a banking license in 2019, a DFR attorney reviewing the applica tion realized the company appeared to be offering securities — tradable financial assets such as stocks — without registering to do so, in violation of Vermont law.

By failing to intervene, the complaint contends, UVM has violated Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color and national origin in educational institutions that receive federal funding.

On May 11, for instance, Mashinsky tweeted that Celsius had not experienced any significant losses and “all funds are safe.” Internal company records, however, showed Celsius lost about $454 million over a 10-day period that

“To take one investor’s money, give it to the other and call it a profit? That’s completely illegal,” said Fitzpatrick, who founded the North Carolina-based consumer protection organization Pyra mid Scheme Alert.

Feds AllegationsAntisemitismProbeat UVM

A multistate investigative team is now looking into what went wrong with Celsius — and whether any laws were broken. Separately, the U.S. government has asked a federal judge to appoint an independent examiner who would have even broader powers than the states to investigate the company’s finances. Vermont’s recent court filing came in support of that request.

In its first social media post, the book club said that no “racism, racial chauvin ism, predatory behavior, homophobia, transphobia, Zionism, or bigotry and hate speech of any kind will be tolerated.”

On June 12, the company announced that it was freezing withdrawals “due to even as the price of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continued to fall.

A month later, Vermont regulators issued a public warning cautioning people against investing in Celsius, asserting that the company was “deeply insolvent” and on the brink of collapse.

The case comes amid a pitched battle over how the federal government should regulate crypto-related businesses. The industry has enlisted an army of lobby ists, while crypto billionaires are throwing money at political campaigns.

The complaint also alleges that two UVM student groups discriminated against Zionist Jews: UVM Empowering Survivors and the UVM Revolutionary Socialist Union book club.

“That was the thing that we were most concerned about BlockFi,” Pieciak said. “If the value of crypto did crash, it seemed like the business model was going to be in jeopardy — and they didn’t have the same kind of protections a bank would have,” such as federally backed deposits.

The New Jersey-based Celsius had emerged as one of the leading — and most controversial — lenders by then. Experts questioned how Celsius could possibly be meeting promised yields of up to 18 percent without making risky investments. Several states pursued cease-and-desist actions against Celsius, accusing the company of sell ing unregulated securities similar to BlockFi.

A day later, Celsius filed for bankruptcy.


These false claims continued even as the cryptocurrency market began experi encing extreme volatility early this year, the regulators charged.

In February, BlockFi agreed to seek the proper registration and pay a $100 million national settlement. DFR said at the time that it was also looking into actions against other crypto banks.

Yet Celsius was unprepared to weather a major crypto value fluctuation. When the currency crashed this summer, Celsius went down with it.

The DFR attorney kicked the application down the hall to the securities division, which then brought the matter to the attention of nearly three dozen other states and, eventually, the U.S. Securities and Exchange builtCryptocurrencyCommission. isaroundthelibertarianvisionofaworldinwhichcommercecanexistoutsidetheinfluenceof government intervention; many who are attracted to it bristle at these bureaucratic hoops. But requiring crypto lenders to register is far more than a ministerial distinction. In Vermont, licensed securities brokers must disclose information about their financial health and show that they have adequate consumer protections for when “things go sideways,” Pieciak said.

At a minimum, the regulators wrote, Celsius violated laws by not registering to sell securities. But the company’s prob lems appear to have run much deeper. Mashinsky, the CEO, repeatedly made false and misleading statements about the company’s financial health and its

“is it unethical for me, a TA, to not give zionists credit for participation???” read one of the tweets from the teaching assistant, whose name was redacted in the complaint. “i feel like its good and funny, -5 points for going on birthright in 2018, -10 for posting a pic with a tank in the Golan heights, -2 just cuz i hate ur vibe in general.”

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202216 news

In a statement, a spokesperson said UVM would cooperate with the investigation and “is looking forward to providing the agency with a full response to the underlying allegations, each of which was reported to the university in 2021 and investigated by campus officials.” m

“For many Jews, including many Jewish students at UVM, Zionism is an integral component of Jewish ethnic identity,” the complaint states. “Harassing, marginalizing, demonizing, and excluding these Jewish students on the basis of the Zionist component of their Jewish identity is just as unlaw ful and discriminatory as attacking a Jewish student for observing the Sabbath or keeping kosher.”

Regulatorsvolatility.floated two theories for how Celsius managed to stay in business for so long, despite hemorrhaging money. They cited “credible claims” that Celsius was improperly manipulating the price of its own crypto token, CEL, to artificially drive up the price so that it could use the proceeds to cover its debts. And they pointed to an admission from Celsius’ own CFO that the company never actually made enough money to cover the interest it advertised.“Thisshows a high level of financial mismanagement and also suggests that, at least at some points in time, yields to existing investors were probably being paid with the assets of new investors,” the filingThat,says.according to Robert Fitzpatrick, an expert on financial fraud, is the defini tion of a Ponzi scheme.


Thisfiling. willful deception, regu lators wrote, likely led people to invest in Celsius or keep their money with it, despite obvious signs of market

far more profitable alternative to tradi tional banks.

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has launched a probe into allegations of antisemitism at the University of Vermont, a school spokesperson confirmed on Tuesday.

Crypto Clampdown

« P.14

complex companies, according to Pieciak. It’s among a minority of states to house banking and securities departments under a single regulatory body — in Vermont’s case, DFR — an arrangement that can be helpful when vetting new financial products that don’t fit neatly into any one bucket.

Sam Bankman-Fried, founder and CEO of the cryptocurrency exchange


compliance with securities laws, the filing says, when, in reality, his own CFO admit ted to regulators that the company was underwater as early as 2020.

Andmonth.onJune 7, five days before Celsius froze its accounts, the company published a blog titled “Damn the Torpedoes, Full Speed Ahead,” in which it claimed that it had enough in reserves to meet its obligations. Records show the company actually had a “deeply negative net worth” by that point, according to the court


Earlier this year, the Burlington City Council approved hazard pay for dispatchers until the staffing shortage subsided, but the numbers have not improved.Thecenter is designed to have three dispatchers per shift but has been using two-person shifts of late, according to Murad. The center’s supervisory position is also vacant, as is an administrative lieutenant position above that.

The Emergency Communications Center fields calls for service from the public. The center also sends police officers and firefighters to respond to 911 calls that are transferred from a state-run call center.

A looming plan to join a proposed regional dispatch system with nearby cities and towns has left Burlington dispatchers feeling insecure in their jobs, leading to an exodus from the center, according to AFSCME Local 1343 president Ron Jacobs. The department hasn’t been fully staffed since 2018, he said.

Last week, Seven Days published a story that scrutinized how city dispatchers have been responding to people who report crimes, including instances in which callers said they were met with dispatcher complaints of “defunding.” The department said it’s conducting an internal review of an August incident in which a woman reported a car driving at high speed down the Burlington bike path and received such a response.

“How do I begin the healing process with my wife and my daughters over this?” he wrote. m

As states continue to probe Celsius, the fight over the company’s assets is playing out in federal bankruptcy court.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 17 1515 Shelburne Road Burlington, VT 05403 Mon-Sat. 10am-5pm; CLOSED Sunday *see store for details. STOP IN FOR A FREE SLICE OF CAKE! ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT! this includes Special orders. The most luxurious , best quality furniture in Vermont at INCREDIBLE PRICES Untitled-6 1 7/2/19 10:46 AM 1515 Shelburne Road, S. Burlington • Open daily 10am-4:45pm, Closed Thurs. & Sun. The vast majority of our store is NOW 50% off. And this includes special orders. The most luxurious, best quality furniture in Vermont at INCREDIBLE PRICES. 1515 Shelburne Road Burlington, VT 05403 Mon-Sat. 10am-5pm; CLOSED Sunday *see store for details. 50%OFF STOREWIDE!* ONCE IN A LIFETIME PRICING! STOP IN FOR A FREE SLICE OF CAKE! ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT! The vast majority of our store is NOW 50% off. And this includes Special orders. The most luxurious , best quality furniture in Vermont at INCREDIBLE PRICES SIMPLY AMAZING FURNITURE Untitled-6 1 7/2/19 10:46 AM 2V-T&C090722.indd 1


Celsius lawyers have argued that most customers agreed to transfer ownership of their assets to the company when they signed up. If a judge buys that, then most depositors could be entitled to nothing. If a judge rejects the argument, then the company could immediately be forced to return what money remains.

FTX, has single-handedly spent tens of millions in primary campaigns around the country, much of it through a super PAC dedicated to pandemic prevention and preparedness. He personally gave $2,900 in individual donations to the primary congressional campaigns of U.S. Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.), who is running for U.S. Senate, and state Sen. Becca Balint (D-Windham), who is running for U.S.

Three dispatchers recently submitted their resignations, which could leave the office with just four employees by the month’s end. It’s budgeted for 12 positions.

City officials are trying to convince the dispatchers to stay, Murad said.

“There would have to be drastic changes,” Murad said. “We are looking into that right now.”

The Emergency Communications Center “can’t function normally” with only four employees, acting Police Chief Jon Murad said last Thursday when asked about the resignations at an unrelated press briefing.

OneHouse.ofBankman-Fried’s lieutenants, FTX head of engineering Nishad Singh, went even further. In July, he funneled $1.1 million to the LGBTQ Victory Fund Federal PAC, which then used nearly $1 million on so-called “independent expen ditures” to buy ads in support of Balint’s campaign.Balint, who went on to easily win the Democratic primary, has said she knows little about cryptocurrency and is not acquainted with Singh or Bankman-Fried.Singh,though, knows her. He recently told Forbes that he was “really excited about Balint because she’s a strong proponent of pandemic prevention.” He did not respond to Seven Days’ requests for“Victorycomment.PAC wanted to run an inde pendent expenditure to support Balint,” he told the outlet. “I wanted to empower them to do that. My contribution here was personal and independent from my role at FTX.”

Celsius, meanwhile, is looking for alternative ways to pay back customers who are collectively owed $4.7 billion. On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that Mashinsky recently pitched his staff on a plan to reopen the firm. He codenamed the project Kelvin, after the unit of temperature.Courtfilings offer a window into what’s at stake. Hundreds of depositors have written letters to the judge describ ing their feelings of shame, anger and betrayal. One California man said the stress of potentially losing his family’s life savings drove him to excessive drinking, and his wife kicked him out of the house.

“We are seeing if there are ways potentially to reverse that,” he said, “and if not, then we will be looking to bring in other resources in order to address the gap.” m

Burlington’s police and fire dispatch center, already stretched thin and facing questions about professionalism, may be headed toward a breaking point.


She faces an uphill climb against a Republican governor who has won the last three elections by widening margins, Dandeneau acknowledged. But her passionate advocacy for the less fortunate resonates with voters because it is rooted in her own struggles with poverty and personal tragedy, he said.

“The truth is, I could not get out of poverty while I was raising my son,” she said.A series of misfortunes compounded her cash crunch, including an acute illness and a series of bad landlords, she said. Then came Tropical Storm Irene in 2011.

Brenda Siegel

She and her son were living in Williamsville, a community in the town of Newfane, when the storm caused the Rock River to spill over its banks. It flooded their apartment and ruined their furniture, forc ing them to live with a family member for two years, she said. That made her realize that policies must account for the dispro portionate impact of the climate crisis on theItunderprivileged.wasalsooneofat least three times in her life when, if not for help from family, she would have become homeless, she said. That deepened her empathy for people who face poverty without the advantages of a supportive family and a college educa tion, she said. A former intern for U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), she began to speak out about economic injustice.

No one is as surprised as Siegel herself that she’s the party’s standard-bearer in theAfterrace. two failed campaigns and with her son, Ajna, off to college at the Univer sity of Vermont, Siegel, 45, said she had not been planning to run again and was looking forward to nonpolitical pursuits. These included reviving the Southern Vermont Dance Festival, which she ran for several years before it was shut down by the pandemic, or perhaps going back to school, she said.

Despite growing up in an upper middleclass family in Brattleboro, Siegel said she has lived near the poverty line for most of her adult life. She attended Brattleboro Union High School, then studied dance, choreog raphy and alternative healing at Hampshire College in Massachusetts. She graduated in 2000 and became a single mom two years later, a choice that limited her future educa tion and job options, she said.

When her son was young, she consid ered going to law school but could not find childcare that would allow her to do so. Instead, she started a business, teach ing afterschool programs in dance, civic engagement, leadership and social justice.

“I don’t have a trust fund. I don’t have family resources,” she said. “I’ve been at the Statehouse and not had money to get lunch and gone hungry.”

“I really became acutely aware that nothing was going to change if we didn’t change who was in charge,” she said.

“We are not in a wait-and-see moment, and we have a wait-and-see governor,” Siegel said at the Democrats’ show of unity rally last month in Montpelier.

Underdog’s Appeal



In the end, Siegel said, she decided to run because she feared that Scott would again try to end the program and because other Democrats had not stepped forward.

Public filings during recent elections reflect those circumstances: Last year, she reported an income of $17,187, most of it from unemployment benefits, she said. The federal poverty level in Vermont for a family of two is $18,310 in 2022.

t first glance, Democratic guber natorial nominee Brenda Siegel’s résumé appears light for someone hoping to unseat one of the country’s most popularShe’sgovernors.neverheld public office. She finished third in the 2018 Democratic gubernatorial primary and third again in the 2020 primary for lieutenant governor. A single mom who acknowledges her financial struggles, Siegel got little atten tion during the summer primary season, when she was running unopposed and all eyes were focused on the spirited contest for Vermont’s sole U.S. House seat.

“She gets this stuff,” Dandeneau said. “She’s had to live with this stuff at an instinctive level that Phil Scott has not had to deal with because he’s been a profes sional politician for 20 years.”

Her own struggles with money are ongoing and acute, she said. She is currently doing limited consulting work with social justice organizations, including Rights & Democracy.



Activist Democrat Brenda Siegel brings the experience of poverty to her campaign for governor

“I am excited because Brenda is strong in all the areas where Phil Scott’s admin istration has been weak,” Dandeneau said.

The hotel program, which had been scheduled to end in October 2021, was extended and remains in place, though the administration has said money will run out at the end of March 2023. Siegel said her efforts clearly forced the administration to change course, and she and her allies “won” the showdown. (Scott’s campaign spokesperson, Tori Biondolillo, dismissed Siegel’s “stunt” as having “zero impact” on the administration’s decision.)

— drug addiction and deaths, housing insecurity, and climate change.

As a passionate advocate for people with substance-use disorder and for unhoused Vermonters, she offers voters a clear contrast with a governor who has been reluctant to endorse progressive opioid policies and is dialing back some housing programs. She’s eager to point out those differences and to criticize what she sees as Scott’s failures.

“I was unaware of how quickly my body and mind would deteriorate under those conditions,” Siegel told a group of people housed in a Rutland hotel earlier this month.

Siegel said she has received various

But now, as her campaign against incumbent Republican Gov. Phil Scott gathers steam, Democrats are rallying to her side, pledging support and applaud ing her sharp critiques of the governor’s record and leadership.

After a slow fundraising start, she has tapped into the Democrat Party’s roster of supporters. Siegel had raised a respectable $103,000 by the end of August, although Scott has three times as much money in the bank. Now she’s preparing to go toe to toe with the governor in a series of debates starting on Friday, September 16, at the Tunbridge World’s Fair. She and party leaders hope such events will establish her as a serious contender for the state’s topJimoffice.Dandeneau, executive director of the Vermont Democratic Party, said Siegel’s years of advocacy and her will ingness to take Scott to task make her a powerful foil for a governor he considers more vulnerable than people recognize.

Siegel’s campaign is focused on three core issues, all of which she calls crises that have deepened on Scott’s watch

She was also reluctant to run after the draining experience of sleeping for 28 days on the Statehouse steps last fall to pres sure the Scott administration to extend a program that housed homeless people in hotels and motels during the pandemic.

The experience deepened her commitment to push for a better system of treatment for those who struggle with addiction, a crisis that has only worsened

One critic, a former Scott administra tion aide named Hayden Dublois, has lambasted her on Twitter as a hypocrite and a “Dem Trustfunder.”

she feels compelled to speak up for people who struggle finan cially because many of them cannot.


“It’s shameless that Phil Scott had his lackey go after me like that,” she said.


Siegel chafes at the suggestion that just because she runs for public office, she has to divulge what forms of assis tance, if any, she currently receives. Wealthy candidates don’t often face

Brenda Siegel with Rep. William Notte outside of Phoenix Books Rutland

“The best you can do is pick on some one who went into debt to pay bills in a pandemic?” Siegel replied on Twitter. “What if I hadn’t paid the bills? Then you would be attacking me for that.”

including for housing assistance and help with utility bills.

“How can a self-proclaimed poverty advocate — who is receiving … taxpayer funded welfare benefits — donate thou sands to their own political ventures?” he wrote last week.


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Siegel called Dublois a “troll.”


Biondolillo, the Scott campaign spokesperson, noted in a statement that Dublois hasn’t worked for the admin istration for several years and said the campaign had “no knowledge of the tweets.”“The Governor is focused on doing the job he was elected to do and does not follow or have any interest in Ms. Siegel’s Twitter battles,” Biondolillo wrote.

“Even though it’s sometimes to my own detriment to do this work, the only way we are going to make change is when people with lived experience speak up,” sheThatsaid.goes for more than just poverty. Her opioid-addiction advocacy, she said, is rooted in the fatal heroin overdoses of her brother, Johnathon Siegel, in 1996, and his son and her nephew, Kaya Siegel, in 2018.“There is just not anything like seeing a child whose upbringing you were a part of lowered into the ground,” she said.

Siegel said Dublois relied on partial data, including an error in her filings that listed her address as her father’s home in Brattleboro. Siegel said she actually rents a modest home in Newfane and has fixed the mistake in an amended filing.

questions about financial subsidies and tax loopholes, she said, and she declined to say whether she is currently receiv ing government aid. Scrutiny of their government benefits is one reason so few disadvantaged people engage in politics, sheSiegelsaid. did acknowledge, however, that she contributed and loaned a total of $9,500 to her 2020 campaign but said she did not make those payments using public assistance. She said she borrowed that money, from sources she declined to identify, because she had an obligation to continue paying her campaign staff when political contributions dried up during the

mostly from Pennsylvania, in pursuit of fertile land at low prices.

the best horses because you’ve got to work them,” he told Neil. “You can’t just give them sugar. Like David’s little black horse. He’s a tough one.”

“Well, she’ll be good in no time,” Itzs teinItzsteinreplied. seemed to follow a secret choreography; each of his movements was in careful response to the pony’s. When Chessy turned, Itzstein waltzed with her, providing a better view of his jewelencrusted belt and its buckle, which was engraved with a horse. His eyes twinkled as he circled Chessy, calling to her softly under his breath. At 70 years old, Itzstein is still nimble. He sported a mishmash of outdoor garb — safari-style hat, puffy vest, Western-style shirt and hiking boots — as well as an earnest smile that he flashed often at Neil as the day went on.


Itzstein’s trainings cost upwards of $700 a month. But, for a second year, he’s offering his horse-whispering talents to the Brownington Amish free of charge. While he considers the free train ings a gift, they’re also a favor to Fischer, who said the Amish community often pitches in at Arnold’s Rescue.

“We’re both earning our dinner tonight,” he said, laughing.

agreed to come to Brownington to help train some of Fischer’s donkeys.

Neil agreed with Itzstein’s assess ment. “I have noticed that the tougher the horse is to train, the tougher he is,” Neil said. “I’ve studied up on it. I read Monty Roberts’

Itzstein,book.” adisciple of Roberts’ teaching, grunted in approval as he petted Chessy. Roberts wrote the bestseller The Man Who Listens to Horses, a horse-whispering clas sic touting the importance of trust and the use of nonverbal language (which he terms “equus”) to communicate with horses.

The Amish seek to lead a simple life of faith, family and community. They eschew technology, embracing a literal interpretation of biblical commands. They have long preferred farming as a way of life and have a reputation as excel lentThecraftspeople.grouphas become a fixture in Brownington, the site of the state’s only Amish church settlement. Horses and buggies are as common as pickup trucks in the 1,000-person town. For the most part, the wider community has embraced the newcomers, frequenting their monthly benefit dinners, though some blame the Amish for saturating the local carpentry and agriculture markets and driving up competition.Backinthe makeshift arena, Itzstein began to move a rope gently over Chessy’s head. He swung it under her belly and looped it back and forth on the dirt ground. He made a quiet “ ch, ch ” sound, gently petting the pony as he made his rounds.

“The horses were pretty rough on her,” Neil told the trainer. “I got to the point where I was wondering if I should get her out of the pasture.”

Since returning to Vermont on August 30, Itzstein has been totally booked. He planned on staying for two weeks, offer ing sessions of a few hours each. He also brought along horse-care tools he planned to give the Amish: hoof picks, bits and lead lines.Normally,

That, Itzstein explained, is what he was trying to build with Chessy through the exercises. By desensitizing the pony to various stimuli, Itzstein establishes himself as worthy of her trust.

Itzstein’s knowledge of horses is deep and broad. “The tough, hard ones, they’re

Pet « P.15

The Amish quickly got word of Itzs tein’s talents. The next day, more than 15 horses were lined up along the road, waiting to be trained by Itzstein. The Australian had only planned to stay for a weekend, but he decided to extend his trip by almost two weeks. Unlike the high-end polo horses Itzstein trains in South Caro lina, though, the animals in Brownington are used for more prosaic purposes, such as pulling buggies or plows.

With that, Itzstein placed a saddle on Chessy. He beckoned the mare to follow. Chessy looked on uneasily. She began to turn in the opposite direction. Itzstein wanted the pony to track his movement, following him without the need for a verbal cue or tug of a rope — like a foal with its mother.

Rachel Hellman covers Vermont’s small towns for Seven Days. She is a corps member of Report for America, a national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms. Find out more at



David, another Amish man from Brownington, had brought his stubborn equine to Itzstein the prior week. After only two hours of work, David was riding the little black horse home.

Gary Itzstein working with Chessy

To Neil, Fischer said: “You see? Your kids may soon have a ride to school.” m

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202220 news

“Not quite yet,” Neil observed. Itzstein persisted. He stood next to the pony and pressed down on the saddle, then began hopping up and down until Chessy appeared bored of the ruckus. Itzstein turned his shoulder and began walking to the right. This time, the mare followed confidently.Itzstein smiled broadly. After three hours, Chessy had latched on.

Fischer sat in rapt observation of Chessy’s training session. Sebago, her 2,100-pound Clydesdale-bred mule, was on deck for a much-needed appointment to get the animal used to human handling.

“I’m getting her to be the foal, and I’m the mother,” Itzstein explained. “I want her to latch on to me.”

Itzstein was born and raised in Queensland, Australia, and comes from a line of horsemen. His father was a horse trainer, briefly, and so was his grandfather. Itzstein lived and worked in Okeechobee, Fla., for a period of time before relocat ing to Aiken, S.C. — a booming equestrian hot spot where he operates a training and breeding business called G’Day Mate Ranch. Itwas in Okeechobee that Itzstein met Bari Fischer, co-owner of Arnold’s Rescue Center, a nonprofit in Brownington that takes in farm animals and endangered donkeys. The two developed a strong connection around their mutual love of four-hooved animals. Last year, Itzstein

David Zuckerman, the former lieuten ant governor who lost to Scott in 2020

Brenda Siegel at the Turning Point Center of Rutland talking with executive director Tracie Hauck (left) and Ray “the Preacher” Phillips


She visited downtown Rutland businesses with Rep. Will Notte (D-Rutland), who said she seemed recep tive to supporting the city’s economic revitalization.“She’sgenuine. I don’t feel like I’m getting lip service from her,” Notte said.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 21 AUGUST 17 - SEPTEMBER 18 STOREWIDE SAVINGS! 747 PINE STREET, BURLINGTON 862-5056 Mon-Sat 10–6, Sun 11 4 ABBRACCIOMAGNIFLEX10” 15%SAVEWhilesupplieslast.It’saStaffandCustomerFavorite!*MSRPANDINSTOCKONLY We are donating 1% of our sales this month to COTS, Committee on Temporary ShelterIN-STOREWAREHOUSE andSALESaveBigonOverstockFloorModels!SignificantPriceReductionstomakeroomforNewArrivals LATE SUMMER SALE10–50%OFF* 2v-burlingtonfurn091422.indd 1 9/12/22 4:12 PM

“He talks about civility, but I don’t think it’s civil to leave people in the street to freeze to death,” she said.

Such bleak and blunt assessments of the governor stand out in a state where many of his political opponents

The truth-to-power narrative rings hollow for Paul Dame, the head of the Vermont Republican Party. Dame called Siegel the “farthest left fringe candidate for governor that Democrats have put up in a long time.” He said she is the nominee because Scott’s popularity meant Demo crats were “unable to recruit a better candidate from their deep legislative bench.”“Byelecting Brenda Siegel, Democrats have continued down a path of promoting activists within their ranks rather than more reasonable and balanced candidates who are trying to appeal to indepen dents,” Dame said.

offer softer criticism. Siegel said she is simply holding Scott accountable for the effects of his policies on regular people.“There is no magical formula. It’s just that I’m willing to say the truth,” she said.

“He’s even against learning about what updated science and drug policy is,” she said. “Forget about doing it.”

Underdog’s Appeal

While Siegel’s campaign may seem like a long shot, Scott shouldn’t get a pass on crucial issues, Sen. Andrew Perchlik (D/P-Washington) said. Few politicians in the state have demonstrated the leader ship Siegel has on addiction and home lessness — or shown as much willingness to challenge the governor as she does, he said.“I think her candidacy is going to be really good for the state, whether she ends up getting elected or not,” he said. m

and earned just 27 percent of the vote, knows what Siegel is up against. Still, he thinks she has the opportunity to do better than he did and said it’s necessary for her to be “a bit aggressive.”

The organic vegetable farmer ran during the pandemic, which made it hard for him to ply his stock-in-trade politics, such as handing out carrots at parades. The public, meantime, was glued to Scott’s frequent and lengthy COVID-19 pressButconferences.Siegelcanget out and meet voters, Zuckerman noted. She can boost her name recognition, discuss important issues and underscore what progressive Vermonters might consider the gover nor’sBolsteredshortcomings.bynew staff members absorbed from other Democratic primary campaigns, Siegel’s been campaigning hard in recent weeks. She rode the Thun

« P.19

during the pandemic, she said. Siegel has criticized Scott for opposing safeinjection sites, additional funding for treatment programs, expanded criminal record expungements and the study of decriminalizing some drugs.

She has taken similar swipes at Scott over his efforts to wind down pandemicera programs that helped people stay in their homes and provided hotel housing for homeless people.

der Bolt at the Champlain Valley Fair and kissed a sheep at the Bondville Fair. She marched in parades in the Northeast Kingdom and toured the Good Samaritan Haven homeless shelter in Barre.

VERMONT’SINDEPENDENTVOICE AUGUST31-SEPTEMBER7,2022VOL.27NO.47 SEVENDAYSVT.COM Flower Powerhouse Melinda Moulton has blended business savvy and a hippie ethos to transform BurlingtonBYKENPICARD, PAGE 26 WITH HONORS PAGE 34 A WWII soldier’s remains come home BELTWAY BIOGRAPHY PAGE 47 Nearing retirement, Leahy pens memoir BRIGHT IDEA? Efficiency Vermont funds grow lights TINY KITCHEN, BIG GOALS PAGE 40 New venture helps small BTV food businesses  Theater reservations: 802-229-6978 More Info: All concert & theater performances are FREE ! Concerts at Frank Suchomel Memorial Arts Center, 1231 Haggett Road, Adamant, VT Remains To Be Seen: The Deadventures of Cemetery Gary Sept. 15-16: 7:30 pm, Sept. & 17-18: 2 pm PaulPianistOrgel atSaturday,Sept.177:30pm 12V-AdamantCultural091422.indd 1 9/12/22 1:26 PM BUILDINGS FOR LEASE SHOWINGS BY APPOINTMENT ASCHEDULETOUR FORAVAILABLEOFFICECOMMERCIALSPACELEASE Scan to visit our website LAKE POINT PROPERTIES IS A LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE AND REALTOR COMPANY 65 Main Street, 802.347.6100info@lakepointvt.comBurlington 86 LAKE ST, BURLINGTON PROFESSIONAL OFFICES WITH LAKE VIEWS 70 S WINOOSKI AVE, BURLINGTON RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 476 MAIN ST, WINOOSKI RETAIL AND OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE 6v-lakepointproperties091422.indd 1 9/9/22 4:28 PM


Thank you for bringing us along for the ride in “On the Road” [August 24], about what Route 100 says about Vermont. ’Twas a lovely journey; the photos and stories were diverse, inter esting and fun. I have only one request: Please bring back a doggy bag — or a few of them — with a sampling of all that great food produced and served along Route 100.




“‘He was very grabby’” — why do we think this is cute or worth reporting? Being “ very grabby” back then has the same meaning it does today: aggressive, inap propriate male behavior that seems to be coupled with a belief that women are simply objects for male Anyonepleasure.whocultivates or celebrates this type of behavior is just as guilty as the men who do it. I was very sad and disappointed to see Seven Days feature this story, especially on the cover. I don’t mean to be negative or harsh here; I just think if we are ever to see some real change in the world, we need to be more mindful of the things we give voice to.


I read [“Water Wars,” August 24], regard ing the potential regulation of wake boats. I believe regulation would be a positive step.Scientists have recommended that wake boating be avoided on any body of water with a depth of less than eight meters or 25 feet. The enormous waves churned up by wake boats stir up sedi ment and phosphorous. This can enter local groundwater and encourage algae blooms and invasive species. This can also disrupt plant, fish and insect life cycles, thus affecting the entire food chain.Unlike regular motorboats, designed to produce a minimal wake, wake boats are designed to create the largest wakes possible.Many friends, neighbors and strang ers signed the petition asking for regu lation for the environment and future generations.Iwriteto honor my now-92-year-old dad. Many decades ago, when I was a teen, he issued a farsighted warning. As we stood looking at Lake Raponda, he said: “They aren’t making any more lakes. We’ve got to take care of the ones weIhave.”can’t think of a better legacy than to do just that.


Two more reasons for the cover treatment: Her story is newsworthy and of significant local interest.



Christopher Moll ESSEX


« P.7

Dawn Holtz BARNET

Editor’s note: In her 40-year career as the CEO of Main Street Landing, Melinda Moulton helped shape the built environment of Vermont’s largest city — at a time when few women held comparable leadership positions. We think that constitutes “real change.”

Routly and Pamela Polston for their tenacity and drive making Seven Days such a success! As the son of a strong woman who battled the “old boys” as a marketing exec and pro, I can vouch for the obstacles they all overcame. Growing up in the early 1960s, we were taught that women could do anything, so many actually did, overcoming their foot-dragging, mouth-breathing male detractors.Weused to have friends bring us Seven Days “over the mountain” from Franklin County, but now, luckily, it’s available to us in Orleans. So many wait for the Wednesday deliveries of Paula and Pamela’s “dream” to arrive as the premier VermontTwenty-sevenweekly. years? Happy birthday, Seven Days!

I found [“Flower Powerhouse,” August 31] to be both a bit disturb ing and disappointing. The article was a deep dive into the life of yet another privileged white person using that privilege to do what ever they want. Why do I need to know about or celebrate this? Further, the way the story about how she met her husband was being romanticized in the article was pretty disturbing.

[Re From the Publisher: “Women’s Work,” August 31]: Hats off to Paula

Bernie Paquette JERICHO

Steve Merrill NORTH TROY

[Re Feedback: “In the Light of Gray,” August 31]: Michael George’s letter implying that Democratic primary Congressional candidate Molly Gray was a “carpetbagger” misses the mark. That term originated to describe the Northerners who went down to the South following the Civil War to take advantage of Southerners during Reconstruction.Webster’sdefines “carpetbagger” as “a nonresident or new resident who seeks private gain from an area often by meddling in its business or politics.” That term certainly does not apply to Vermont native Molly Gray. It might more aptly define the primary campaign of Sen.

[Re “From Pandemic to Endemic,” August 24]: Once again, school policy and department recommen dations completely ignore long COVID, from which 20 percent of people who get COVID-19 are now suffering. Foisting a potential life time disability on children in the name of getting on with education is, well, very uneducated. Simply requiring a mask, as in hospitals, would make a substantial differ ence. The governor and depart ments of education and health are simply engaged in magical-fairiesand-rainbows thinking, oblivious to reality or safety.

Becca Balint and its use of $1.6 million in out-of-state PAC money to defeat a local candidate. Sad.


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Jean Wright

At a young age, Jayme was predeceased by her mother, Mary Ellen Larrow, whom she missed with all her heart. In later years, she lost her brother, Tony Smiel “Tone Bear.” ey shared a wonderful bond that she never forgot throughout the years. Jayme is resting with her mother, Mary Ellen Larrow, and her brother, Tony Smiel, at East Cemetery in Williston, Vt.

Jean Hammersmith Wright passed away on September 2, 2022, a year after celebrating her 100th birthday. Daughters Sharon and Amy Wright lovingly supported their mother to the end.

“May your playful soul shine on.”

Jean was active in her communities and volunteered at the Bedford Hills, N.Y., women’s prison; helped stage an art show in Mt. Vernon, Ohio; marched with Father Groppi in Milwaukee; and leafleted for Sen. Bernie Sanders with her daughter Amy. Later in life, she remained an active volunteer at Wake Robin.


Donations can be made to the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) Foundation to fund research toward a cure. Donations can be sent to 200 S. Park Rd., Suite 10, Hollywood, FL 33021.


Many of Jean’s fondest memories came from

had a strong love of acoustic music and art. Her cat, Bear, was her closest companion. Jayme put a smile on the face of everyone she crossed paths with. She had a largerthan-life personality and was

BURLINGTON,1969-2022 VT.

early morning fresh-powder runs at Jay before going to work. John had an encyclopedic knowledge of waterfalls and hiking trails in the Northeast.John’slove and knowledge of bands and live music venues was equally extensive. He attended countless concerts and music festivals over his lifetime. Perhaps you noticed him doing his “Rinelli shuffle” late nights after he got off work at Nectar’s or Metronome. John enjoyed gardening and was an excellent cook, always shopping for special ingredients and experimenting with new recipes. Making intricate wire-wrapped jewelry was one of his skills and interests in his earlier years.


Guard during World War II, Jean was a teacher in Seneca Falls, N.Y. After raising three children, she earned a master’s degree in educational counseling and worked as a school counselor; she was keenly interested in the success of young adults.

John RinelliSebastian

never afraid to speak her mind. Her sense of humor and sarcasm will be rememberedJaymeforever!issurvived by her father, Keith Smiel; her partner, Terri Dumont; her children, Erica and Timothy; her sister Roxy Smiel and her partner; her sister Brandy (Larrow) Turgeon and her husband, Gene; and her niece and nephew, whom she adored. She is also survived by Kimberly Coleman and extended family and her brother Tony’s daughters. Jayme is survived by grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins. Jayme leaves behind many close friends who will miss her dearly.



John is passing down his passions for the outdoors, camping, snowboarding, skiing and skateboarding to his teenage sons, Max and Nicolas, whom he loved bringing on all sorts of adventures. rough them, John’s adventurous spirit and zest for outdoor experiences and excitement will continue to live on. John knew how to live life fully. He was an inspiration to Johnmany.leaves behind his sons, Max and Nicolas; his former wife, Petra; his brothers, David and Jay, and Jay’s partner, Christine; his nephews, Nathaniel and Liam; and his mother, Susan. John was predeceased by his father, Sebastian Brian Rinelli. John also leaves behind many relatives and great friends.

successful business career, engineering family moves around the Midwest every few years. Jean and Burke made lifelong friends wherever they Followingwent.Cornell, while Burke served in the Coast

Jayme Lee Smiel

A celebration of his life will be held in the near future.

Jean lived a long life of family, work and travel. Born in Buffalo, N.Y., she graduated from Cornell University, where she met her lifelong love and future husband, George Burke Wright. Jean and Burke raised three children, Sharon, Amy and Bill (who died in 1976). Jean supported Burke in his

John Sebastian Rinelli passed away unexpectedly on August 31, 2022, at the age of 53. He was born in Wisconsin and moved with his family to several places in the country, eventually landing in Connecticut. It was there that he graduated from Danbury High School. After working as a freelance carpenter for several years and traveling the country, he chose nursing for his career. He graduated from the University of Vermont, and he enjoyed Burlington so much that he decided to liveJohnhere.was a highly skilled and respected rehab nurse at Fanny Allen for 21 years. In 2001, he met his ex-wife, Petra, who was visiting from Germany, and they got married two years later. During their 10 years together, they raised two boys, Max and Nicolas. After their separation, they continued their care for their children with shared custody, and John stayed very involved in his sons’Johnlives.was an intelligent, adventurous, compassionate, creative and resourceful human being, and he liked to refer to himself as a “free-spirited soul.” He was passionate about nature and the outdoors, and he loved traveling. Snowboarding was one of his biggest favorites that he started before it became popular. John was an avid hiker and liked camping, mountain biking, kayaking, skateboarding, skiing and taking walks with his dog, Honey.Before John settled down, he crossed the country on a motorcycle for many months and had great experiences with people in many places. He was known for annual motorcycle pilgrimages to the New Orleans Jazz Festival, countless backcountry and snowboard adventures across the country, and regular excursions, like

traveling with family members. She loved her trips to Portugal, Greece, China, Nepal and India, as well as family junkets to “Wright’s Rock” in New York’s Bear Mountain State Park and many trips to visit family friends.Asshe aged, Jean fought hard to maintain her dignity and remain physically independent. Nothing made her happier than looking at a beautiful view, enjoying the red trees in Vermont’s fall and appreciating beautiful flowers.Sharon and Amy express their heartfelt appreciation for the staff at Wake Robin, who took extraordinary care of their mother.


Jayme Lee Smiel, 33, of Burlington Vt., unexpectedly left this world on August 6, 2022. Jayme was born on May 16, 1989, to Mary Ellen Larrow and Keith Smiel. She grew up in the hills of Starksboro, Vt., and attended Mount Abraham Union High School before living in Virginia for a short while. Jayme later worked toward her GED. Jayme had a strong will and could achieve whatever she put her mind to. She

BURLINGTON,1974-2022 VT.

Ry-Anne Scotti Eaton, 48, of Burlington, Vt., passed suddenly at the University of Vermont Medical Center on July 23, 2022. She was predeceased by her parents, Robert Bussiere Sr. and Tessa Nichols (formerly Esther Eaton); a brother, Rodney Bussiere; and a nephew, Duane Bellimer-Morrison. She is survived by her soulmates and dear friends, Jason Theriault and Timothy Meunier, both of Burlington, Vt.; her stepmother, Barbara Nichols, of Blue Hill, Maine; a sister, Janice Thompson, and brother-in-law, Eugene Lund, both of Burlington, Vt.; a brother, Robert Bussiere Jr., of Texas City, Texas; a niece, Laurie Nichols, of Middletown, Conn.; and nephews, Lawrence Bergeron of Barre,Vt., Ron and Alicia Bellimer of Buffalo, N.Y., and Everette Verge of Burlington, Vt. She is also sur vived by nine great-nephews, two great-nieces, and many chosen family members through Twin States Network and the Pride Center.Ry-Anne was very active in the LGBTQ+ community in Burlington as a proud transgen der woman. She also was very connected to her chosen family through Twin States Network. She touched lives in every walk of life. She loved her friends greatly and would call them often just to check on them and let them know she was thinking of them.Acelebration of life is being planned on September 20, 6 to 8 p.m., at the First Congregational Church in Burlington. Coffee and tea will be provided. Please bring a dessert to share. In lieu of flowers, please donate to the Twin States Network or the Pride Center at donate?

Bill’s commitment to keep ing Vermont waters clean was much of his life’s work. He was the head of the Water Resources Board for many years, during which it helped establish and implement many of the clean water regulations that safeguard swimming, fishing, boating and biological integrity in Vermont’s rivers and lakes. Upon retire ment, Bill continued his clean water campaigning as “Citizen Bartlett,” the man who gener ously gave of his volunteer time to testify before many legislative committees to educate, inform and suggest to members ways to keep our precious resource of water clean and pure. He was respected for his knowledge

Seven Days community in Lifelines.

In the mid-1990s, Bill was a founding member of the Friends of Green River Reservoir and for almost 50 years paddled those waters and camped on those islands with fervent reverence for the beauty of its wildernesslike qualities. During the last few years of his life, friends would take him out for a paddle and a picnic.

Marian Laura (Dunn) Salls, age 62, passed away unexpectedly on September 2, 2022. She is survived by six siblings who will miss her greatly. As a young woman, Marian took great pride in her

Bill Bartlett


NOVEMBER 7, 1959-SEPTEMBER 2, 2022

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Marian L. (Dunn) Salls


He is survived by his father, Leon Emmons II, and his wife, Linda, of Shelburne; two broth ers, Jeffrey and his partner, Cheryl Trombley, of Morrisville, and Kevin and his wife, Brenda Lee Emmons, of Connecticut; nephew Jeremy Emmons and his wife, Emily, and their

He was predeceased by his beloved grandmother, Blanche Emmons; mother, Kay Stensrud, and her husband, Gordon; and his aunt, Sonnie (Emmons) Sanborn.

If you have mobility issues, we will be in a garage and on hardpacked surfaces, so very acces sible. Please dress according to theInweather.Bill’smemory, please consider donating to any of the following organizations: Conservation Law Foundation, Vermont Natural Resources Council, Vermonters for a Clean Environment and the Friends of Green River Reservoir.


A graveside service will be held at Pleasant View Cemetery in Morrisville on Wednesday, September 21, at 2 p.m. A reception will follow at 3 p.m. at the United Community Church of Morrisville, in the dining room. Please send condolences to the family at Shelf.COTSMark’

martial arts training, which helped her embrace the strength of helping others. She then went on to become an EMT in the Waterbury area for several years. Graveside services were held at Prosper Cemetery, 318 Prosper Rd., Woodstock, VT 05091 on September 12, 2022. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to your local humane society.

Mark Lynwood Emmons, 61, of Morrisville, Vt., passed away from a medical event at his work site on September 7, 2022. He was born on September 21, 1960, in Burlington, Vt., the son of Leon and the late Kay (Benway) Emmons. He gradu ated from South Burlington High School in 1978.

JUNE 30, 1945AUGUST 20, 2022

Bill Bartlett, 77 years old, died peacefully at home on August 20, 2022. While he knew that his neurological disease would eventually win, he fought it full-on for many years with his determined commitment and vigor. He died with the grace, integrity and peace with which he lived his life.


served two terms in Vietnam and then returned to Vermont, graduate school at UVM and marriage to Susan. He had a master’s in geography and loved maps. Surprisingly to Susan and his paddling and skiing friends, with the exception of up and down, he had no sense of direction.Billloved to garden, and, over the many years at their home, the property has become a de lightful, quiet place with many bird- and insect-friendly plants andAstrees.isfitting, there will be a celebration of Bill’s life at Bartlett Pair Farm, 186 Pair Farm Ln., Hyde Park, VT on Saturday, October 8, from noon to 2 p.m. This is a rain-or-shine, outdoor but under cover event.

Bill graduated from the University of Vermont, where he met Susan, his future wife. He

Want amemorializetolovedone?

We’re here to help. Our obituary and in withandaccessibleaffordable,servicesmemoriamarehandledpersonal care. life linesPostyourobituaryorinmemoriamonlineandinprintat Or contact us storyShare865-1020lifelines@sevendaysvt.comatext.110.yourlovedone’swiththe

He was an avid skier and fisherman. He enjoyed the races at Saratoga, N.Y., and he loved kayaking, playing golf, and visit ing with his family and friends. He worked as a carpenter, profes sional housepainter, cook and antique picker. He refinished over 1,000 antique trunks. He followed all Boston teams — the Patriots, Celtics, Red Sox and Bruins.

children, Gunnar and Freya, of Connecticut; cousin, Suzanne Sanborn, and her father, David, of Morrisville; special friend, Alexis Beattie, and her daugh ter, Shawna, of Morrisville; and best friend, Stephen Gustafsen, of North Carolina.

Ry-Anne Scotti Eaton

Mark EmmonsLynwood

and his integrity, notably by those who didn’t agree with his positions. He was also a valued sounding board and mentor for many in the community of clean water advocates.



To that end, at this year’s South End Art Hop, the Flynn presented an immersive, collaborative experience in a parking lot. Created by South Korean-born artist Juhyung Lee, “C’est pas là, c’est par là (It’s Not That Way, It’s This Way)” involved a giantLaterspiderweb.thismonth, the Flynn will tour another interactive production to city halls and school auditoriums around the state. “The Money” is both a theatrical game and a social experiment that’s been staged on five continents.


That’s evident at the University of Vermont Lane Series, which typically presented 22 shows per season before the pandemic. This year it will host 16: eight in the fall, eight in the spring. The latter half of the season will be announced in December.

She looks at that influx of energy as an opportunity to diversify programming at the Chandler. Dillon described her approach to booking the fall season as conservative, but she suggested the organization may be more nimble and dynamic moving forward.

“It’s gonna take a while for people to come back,” Lane Series director Natalie Neuert said. “So we felt it was important to present a reasonable amount of events for people to consider. Do people really want to make plans for April in August?”

DIVERSITY SPEAKER SERIES: DR. CORNEL WEST, Saturday, October 1, 6 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $10-43.

JAGFEST 7.0, Friday, February 3, through Sunday, February 19, Briggs Opera House, White River Junction, price and times TBA.


Back at the theater, the Flynn’s 202223 slate boasts some glitzy names — hello, Gladys Knight — peppered with the artier fare that local audiences have come to expect. Though the calendar is better populated than last year’s, it still isn’t quite up to pre-pandemic levels, and the Flynn Space remains dormant for now.

At the Barre Opera House, by contrast, executive director Dan Casey is betting that people might do just that. His venue’s calen dar is booked to pre-pandemic levels, includ ing some big swings for a small theater, such as blues great Robert Cray in November.

“I think one thing we learned from the pandemic is that doing things differently wasn’t as bad as we thought it would be,” Dillon

In Randolph, the Chandler Center for the Arts is adapting to changes not only in booking strategies but in demographics. Executive director Karen Dillon noted that, since the center reopened, it’s seen a dramatic shift in its volunteer base to younger families, some of whom moved to Vermont during the pandemic.

Whethersaid. cautious or bold, presenters around Vermont are uniformly excited for the new season. And it’s easy to see why. From the Flynn to the UVM Recital Hall to the Chandler and beyond, they’ve scheduled an array of world-class produc tions intended to delight and sometimes challenge audiences.

“So either things are gonna be a whole lot better, or maybe the opera house is going to be looking for a new executive director.”

This year, rather than follow the tradi tion of announcing its season all at once, the Flynn has been rolling out shows in batches — a reaction to evolving consumer behavior and a changed landscape for booking. Instead of planning years out, many artists are looking only months ahead. The same may be true of still-wary audiences.

Welcome back, folks. It’s showtime.

Friday, September 16, and Saturday, September 17, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $25-45.


“Our mission is the people of this region — to decentralize the building and centralize the people,” executive director Jay Wahl said.

The following pages offer a curated sampling of upcoming local shows, from soul music icons to beloved comedians to snazzy Broadway productions to provoca tive dance. Consider this a starting point to discover your performing arts calendar.

The Ritual of Breath Is the Rite to Resist

The chamber opera in seven movements is about a woman (sung by Canadian soprano Neema Bickersteth) who lost her father to police violence. The immersive multimedia production incorporates Riley’s paintings and drawings of Black life, dancers, a chamber orchestra, a community chorus, projections, and onstage cameras controlled by the performers.

We toreallypeoplethinkarereadycomeback.

“We think people are really ready to come back … and we had some opportu nities for bookings because other venues were being so cautious,” Casey explained.

“I think these are questions the arts everywhere are asking,” Wahl said. “How do we serve people? How do we bring people together and engage meaningful dialogue?”

The timely depiction of politically seismic violence isn’t new to opera — witness John Adams’ 1991 The Death of Klinghoffer. But The Ritual of Breath, billed in Broadway World as “a groundbreaking prototype for the future of contemporary opera,” goes beyond that to engage the community in rituals that help everyone process the damage.

“I really feel that, coming out of COVID, we’ve opened up to a whole new group of people who are starting to get involved in the arts community,” Dillon said.


The resulting theatrical event, The Ritual of Breath Is the Rite to Resist, doesn’t just happen onstage. It engages audiences in a healing ritual that begins six days before the performance with daily online breathing-related meditations led by Garner’s mother, Gwen Carr, among others.

Accordingly, many Vermont theaters have filled in their calendars through December rather than into the spring. “The timelines have just changed,” Wahl said.

Drawing breath together can be healing, but how often is it done outside the yoga studio? In response to the murder of Eric Garner in 2014, Dartmouth College studio art professor Enrico Riley joined Jonathan Berger, a composer and music professor at Stanford University, to create a work of art around the act of communal breathing.

performing arts preview

A group of strangers chosen from the audience is given one hour to determine how a pot of real money from the show’s ticket sales will be spent. If the strangers agree, they can spend it on whatever they choose, from underfunded public programs to something frivolous. If they don’t reach a consensus, the money rolls over to the next show. The idea is to inspire conversation about community values — in the financial sense as well as the philosophical one.

VSO AT THE FLYNN: RIOTS AND PRAYERS, Saturday, September 17, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $8.35-54.23.


If you like that, try this…

Playing Fields is part of an ongoing effort by Vermont’s largest performing arts organization to present works outside its art deco theater. The Flynn aims to bring the arts to the people.

A new version of The Book of Mormon, reworked in consultation with the cast, hit the stage in late 2021. What’s the secret of its enduring appeal? “If you walk in the doors,” original cast member Lewis Cleale told the Times, “chances are you’re going to laugh — and you will probably laugh a lot.”

If you like that, try this…

Vazana first heard the language in the lyrics of a song her grandmother sang to her, then again spoken in the streets of Fez, Morocco. That song, “Morenika,” became the first single from her debut Ladino album, Andalusian Brew, which features covers of nine more classic Sephardic songs, as well. In October 2021, Vazana dropped her most recent album, Ke Haber (“What’s New” in Ladino). The record features covers and original songs that draw the ancient language into the 21st century. Her music incorporates feminist lyrics, mariachi guitar picking, flamenco inflec tions and soft, surprising instrumentation to weave a lush tapestry of sound that feels at once timeless and completely fresh.

BLACK OPRY REVUE, Saturday, October 1, 7:30 p.m., Lebanon Opera House, $25.

« P.27

CHICAGO: THE MUSICAL, Thursday, October 6, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $46-98.

MENOPAUSE: THE MUSICAL, Saturday, March 18, 2 & 7 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Rutland, $39.

MARTHA REDBONE: BONE HILL, Thursday, October 13, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $20-29.

SHREK: THE MUSICAL, Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14, 7:30 p.m.; Saturday, April 15, 1 & 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, April 16, 1 & 6 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $19-45.

The Book of Mormon

Saturday, October 1, 7 p.m., Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, $5-20.

It would be easy to say audiences should hear Ladino music before it’s gone. But one listen to Vazana’s brilliantly hopeful songs may just convince anyone that this resilient language isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Trey Parker and Matt Stone, creators of “South Park,” are known for the glee they take in offending virtually everyone. But no one can deny that this comedy duo knows how to craft toe-tapping musical theater. After showing their lyrical chops in TV and film, Parker and Stone teamed up with Avenue Q composer Robert Lopez to create The Book of Mormon. It’s the story of two Latter-day Saint missionaries who get more than they bargained for when they’re sent to a Ugandan village ruled by a ruthless warlord.


THE VILLALOBOS BROTHERS, Friday, October 21, 7 p.m., University of Vermont Lane Series, UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, $5-35.

Nani Noam Vazana


Ladino may be an endangered language, but in the hands of Dutch Moroccan musician Nani Noam Vazana, it’s undeniably alive. Vazana is one of the only artists in the world who writes and sings in Ladino — a Sephardic Jewish language descended from Hebrew and Old Spanish — so any opportunity to see her perform is a must-do.

If you like that, try this…

Tuesday, February 28, through Thursday, March 2, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $50-120.

The musical opened on Broadway in 2011 and never left, winning nine Tony Awards and grossing more than $1 billion worldwide, according to the New York Times. It also drew criticism, particularly for its stereotypical depictions of African people and culture. In 2020, during Broadway’s pandemic hiatus and after the nationwide protests that followed the murder of George Floyd, cast members asked the creative team for changes in the show.



If you like that, try this…

“If you do only the classics, you are a museum, so we tried to find choreographers who stretched the limits of the rules,” McKenzie told Seven Days in 2021.

INTIMO FARRUQUITO, Tuesday, October 25, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $20-35.

PLACES, PEOPLE! » P.30 LGBTQ+ YOUTH NEED LGBTQ+ youth have to fight for the basic right to be themselves. They need to know you're on their side. HOPE, EQUITY & POWER Oct. 1 • High Noon • Church Street THE FIRE TRUCK PULL Chroma Optics • Hallam-ICS • REV Indoor Cycling Planned Parenthood of Northern New England The University of Vermont Medical Center Vermont Federal Credit Union • Vermont Gynecology Let's glitter up and Pull for them today! 3v-OutrightVT091423 1 9/9/22 8:49 AM PERFORMANCE WORKSHOP CO CREATE AN ORIGINAL LIVE SHOW REHEARSALS START NEXT WEEK! SIGN-UP NOWA L L L E V E L S ! S C H O L A R S H I P S ! M O R E I N F O @ W W W . I N T A N D E M A R T S . C O M E P O C H G E N E R A T I O N E P O C H G E N E R A T I O N T E E N S T! E E N S ! In partnership with 208 FLynn Ave S I N G E R S , D A N C E R S S, I G E R S , D N C E R , M U S I C I A N S , A C T O R S M, S I C I N S , A T R S , A R T I S T S , C R E A T I V E S ! A R T I S T S , R E A T I V E S ! 6h-intandemarts091422 1 9/12/22 12:57 PM

American Ballet Theatre moved beyond pliés and pirouettes long ago. When Kevin McKenzie became artistic director in 1992, he commissioned new choreography to help the company rebound from financial distress.

Saturday, November 12, 7 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Rutland, $35.

STEP AFRIKA!, Wednesday, September 28, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $25-49.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 29 performing arts preview


Today, ABT is thriving. Audiences cheer for principals such as Misty Copeland, Cory Stearns, Isabella Boylston and Vermont Ballet Theater School alumna Devon Teuscher. The fall season features whimsical, enchanting, humorous and groundbreaking works.

THE HIP HOP NUTCRACKER, Tuesday, December 6, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $35-69.

Sunday, November 13, 7 p.m., Catamount Art and KCP Presents, Lyndon Institute Auditorium, Lyndon Center, $15-52.

American Ballet Theatre Studio Company

Nearly 80 percent of current ABT dancers are alumni of American Ballet Theatre Studio Company. Each year, the company accepts 12 to 18 students from around the world, ages 16 to 20, with advanced technical ability in ballet and experience with other dance genres. The students perform with ABT in New York City, tour domestically and internationally, do residencies, and give educational shows. When ready to dance professionally, they join ABT and other leading companies.Thisfall, American Ballet Theatre Studio Company brings to the stage as much passion for hip-hop, locking and popping as for jetés and chassés. Performing classical, neoclassical and contemporary works, including a fantastical Japanese anime dream sequence, they affirm that ballet is boundless.

An advocate for mental health, Bamford works to destigmatize mental illness in her standup act and myriad other endeavors. On her streaming series “What’s Your Ailment?!,” she interviews fellow comedians about their experiences with mental health issues. Onstage, she’s disarming and honest, using her idiosyncratic brand of comedy as a lens through which to explore her own struggles with mentalBamfordillness.routinely performs one-on-one pop-up sets for Twitter followers and asks fans to meet her for coffee in the cities she visits on tour. She invites emails from fans who are short on cash but want to see her set, and if it’s not sold out, she puts them on the guest list.

IVY LEAGUE OF COMEDY, Saturday, October 8, 7 Chandlerp.m., Center for the Arts, Randolph, $10-45.

Among her multitude of fans, standup comic, writer and actor Maria Bamford counts some big-name devotees. Filmmaker Judd Apatow calls her “the funniest comedian in the world.” Late-night talk show host Stephen Colbert says she’s his “favorite comedian on planet Earth.” Many of her 233,000 Twitter followers probably agree — and not only because she’s hilarious. Bamford also just might be the kindest comedian on the planet.

THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW, Monday, October 31, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $25-70.

Manual Cinema’s Frankenstein

MUMMENSCHANZ –50 YEARS, Thursday, October 13, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts and KCP Presents, Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson, $15-52.

FORTUNE FEIMSTER, Friday, October 21, 7 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $41-72.50.


The Chicago-based performance collective, design studio and produc tion company uses an array of tools — think shadow puppets, vintage overhead projectors, live camera feeds and multiple screens — to spin the tale of obsession, creation and loss that has fascinated the world for over two


Not simply another rendition of Frankenstein, Manual Cinema weaves in a biography of Shelley alongside the tale of her famous monster. A writer whose legend has only grown since her death in 1851, Shelley led a life full of brilliance and tragedy. Manual Cinema’s production mirrors her novel and its central tenets on the beauty and horror of creation.

NAOMI EKPERIGIN, Friday, November 11, and Saturday, November 12, 7 & 9 p.m., Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, $25.


MANUAL CINEMA’S A CHRISTMAS CAROL, Friday, December 9, 7:30 p.m., streaming via Middlebury College Performing Arts Series, free.

« P.29 PLACES, PEOPLE! » P.32

Friday, February 17, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $25-45. When it comes to performing a classic tale, it’s all about having a new take. Who wants to see another effects-laden, soulless Hollywood spin on Mary Shelley’s seminal work of gothic horror when there are productions like Manual Cinema’s version of Frankenstein?

performing arts preview

Maria Bamford


If you like that, try this…

The result is haunting — full of live music, nods to German expres sionist filmmaking and dazzling puppetry centered on a story that both inspires and horrifies. It’s a fitting and triumphant rendition of a work some consider the first science fiction tale ever told, and a fascinating study on the obsession to create. Just don’t light any torches, people!

Thursday, September 15; Saturday, September 17; and Sunday, September 18, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, $30-40.

If you like that, try this…

SEP 24-OCT 2 Meet the Artists Local Artisan ARTCABOTFoodsBARN3296MainStreetCabot,VT05647cabotartbarn.com10amto4pmdaily 2V-CabotArtBarn091422.indd 1 9/12/22 11:39 AM theHistoryforwholefamily! Buy Tickets at the Gate or at: All ages event with live demos, displays, vendors & more Sept. 17 & 18, 2022 • Champlain Valley Expo WEEKEND! 9/13/22 9:43 AM storyandtime,artistscontemporaryVermontexplorememory,personal Sept 9 – Oct 9, 2022 Friday – Sunday, 10 am–5 pm and by appointment Sept 9 – Oct 9, 2022 Friday – Sunday, 10 am–5 pm and by appointment Detail#1LeakSlow/DaviesJaneKents’ Corner State Historic Site 7 Old West Church Road, Calais, VT For show updates and Covid guidance, visit Vermont Writers Across Genres SEPTEMBER 18 Judith MichikoChalmerOishi SEPTEMBER 25 M. T. Anderson Erica Heilman OCTOBER 2 Brian JerichoClarkParmsOld West Church 758 Old West Church Rd. Calais, Vermont Receptions to follow the readings down the road at the Kent. Please visit for more info on Art at the Kent events. 4T-VtCurator091422 1 9/13/22 9:53 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 31

Sunday, January 29, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts and KCP Presents, Lyndon Institute Auditorium, Lyndon Center, $15-52; free for ages 18 and under.

TRIO MEDIÆVAL, Friday, December 9, 7:30 p.m., University of Vermont Lane Series, UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, $5-40; Saturday, December 10, Catamount Arts and KCP Presents, South Church Hall, St. Johnsbury, $30-42; free for ages 18 and under.

PLACES, PEOPLE! » P.34 performing arts previewPLACES,

CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER, Friday, January 27, 7:30 p.m., Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury, $5-25. PEOPLE!


Arts.The Lviv National Philharmonic (not to be confused with the National Symphony Orchestra of Ukraine in Kyiv) will deliver a Romantic-period wallop. Johannes Brahms’ tumultuous, cinematic “Tragic Overture” from 1880 — parts of which wouldn’t be out of place in a Star Wars spin-off — starts the evening.

If you like that, try this…

« P.30

Next up is Max Bruch’s first violin concerto from 1866, another enduring favorite of the era. Expect sweeping, soaring melodies and a whole lot of double stops for that solo violinist.

Ludwig van Beethoven’s seventh symphony, which premiered in 1813, rounds out the program. It replaces a symphony by Russian Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky that the orchestra dropped after the invasion, Craven said. So much the better: As Leonard Bernstein once marveled, Beethoven’s seventh is “simply phoned in from God.”

Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine


VSO AT THE FLYNN: PARADISE AND LIGHT, Saturday, October 29, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $8.35-54.23.

Russia’s war on Ukraine hadn’t even started when Jay Craven first attempted to book the Lviv National Philharmonic Orchestra of Ukraine for his KCP Presents series. Craven just wanted to treat Northeast Kingdom audiences to the stupendous sound of an 80-piece orchestra. After the invasion, the orchestra’s schedule quickly filled up with appearances at major venues, from Carnegie Hall to the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. Finally, after five date changes, the orchestra will stop in Lyndon Center in late January for a concert copresented by Catamount

1t-VSO091422 1 9/5/22 10:21 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 33

If you like that, try this…

Reider and Glem recently recorded Brooklyn Cumaná. Due in the fall, the album features Reider’s Human Hands bandmates, as well as Grammy awardwinning Cuban saxophonist Paquito D’Rivera and Guatemalan singersongwriter and guitarist Gaby Moreno. For fans of complex, beautifully intricate acoustic music played by two absolute titans of their respective instruments, it’s a can’t-miss show.

AN EVENING WITH MARTIN SEXTON, Thursday, December 8, 8 p.m., Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe, $35-55.

NICOLE MITCHELL AND BLACK EARTH SWAY, Saturday, October 15, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $20-35.


THE WOOD BROTHERS, Friday, October 7, 7:30 p.m., Lebanon Opera House, $34-54.


Saturday, September 24, 7:30 p.m., Barre Opera House, $25-48.

Richard Thompson, 73, is a Londonborn singer-songwriter and guitarist who performs on the reg in Vermont. He played a church gig in Burlington six weeks before the pandemic shut down live music venues in 2020. When Higher Ground reopened for shows in August 2021, Thompson was the first performer to play at the South Burlington club.

NATALIE MACMASTER AND DONNELL LEAHY, Tuesday, February 21, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts and KCP Presents, Fuller Hall, St. Johnsbury, $15-52; free for ages 18 and under. PEOPLE!

LE VENT DU NORD, Saturday, April 1, 7:30 p.m., Barre Opera House, $32-39.

the lovely “Persuasion.” Bonnie Raitt’s version of his “Dimming of the Day” is a classic.Before he formed a band with Linda, Thompson was cofounder of the folkrock group Fairport Convention. Their cover of Leonard Cohen’s “Suzanne” is spectacular. Thompson sometimes plays requests. It’s worth shouting that one out in Barre, along with “Take Care the Road You Choose.”

performing arts previewPLACES,


If you like that, try this…

THE WESTERLIES; THEO BLECKMANN, Friday, April 7, 7:30 p.m., Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury, $5-25.

Richard Thompson

Sam Reider and Jorge Glem: Brooklyn Cumaná

« P.32 PLACES, PEOPLE! » P.36

A virtuoso guitarist, Thompson is known for his storytelling in songs — and onstage. His catalog includes rockers, tearjerkers, humorous songs and folk tunes. Thompson sometimes collabo rates with his son, Teddy, including on

The preshow music at last month’s Wild Hearts concert at Shelburne Museum included “I Want to See the Bright Lights Tonight,” the 1974 title song of Richard Thompson’s second album and his first with then-wife and musical partner Linda Thompson. He’s been playing under the bright lights for more than half a century and is a captivating musician, whether leading a band and shredding on electric guitar or alone onstage with an acoustic instrument.

Friday, October 28, 7:30 p.m., University of Vermont Lane Series, UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, $5-30. Renowned accordionist Sam Reider last played a show at the University of Vermont in 2018 with his band, the Human Hands. And he left quite an impression. The folks at the Lane Series asked Reider what else he had coming down the pike, and when he told them he was collaborating with Grammy-nominated Venezuelan cuatro player Jorge Glem, they wasted no time booking the Togethershow.thetwo virtuosos create a unique kind of folk music, fusing their respective traditions and cultures into a gorgeous blend of Venezuelan dance music and American folk and jazz. It’s strange yet simultaneously familiar territory for Reider, who once backpacked across Asia with an accordion on his back, jamming with local musicians wherever he went. He also toured the globe as a musical ambassador on behalf of the U.S. Department of State. (He’s probably not a spy, but what a screenplay that would be, right? Have Accordion, Will Travel!)

1T-middcollarts091422 1 9/12/22 11:45 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 35

The choir’s new concert tour — its first since the pandemic — is titled “Hope — It’s Been a Long Time Coming” and abso lutely lives up to its name. The program highlights the songs of the Free South Africa Movement and the American Civil Rights Movement, including legendary classics by Billie Holiday, Aretha Franklin, James Brown, Otis Redding and more. The singers’ message of hope is, in many ways, more timely than ever.

track “Down to Earth” from the 2008 film WALL-E.

Soweto Gospel Choir: ‘Hope — It’s Been a Long Time Coming’

If you like that, try this…

CHORAL CHAMELEON ENSEMBLE: MUSIC FOR CHAMELEONS, Friday, March 3, 7:30 p.m., Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury, $5-25. arts preview


Well, the members of Soweto Gospel Choir, at the very South Africa in 2002, the ensemble has performed around the world and won three Grammy Awards. The choir has sung with the likes of Celine Dion, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Robert Plant, U2 and Josh Groban. You may even remember the group’s sweet strains on the Peter Gabriel

Thursday, December 8, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts and KCP Presents, Fuller Hall, St. Johnsbury, $15-52; Tuesday, December 13, 7:30 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Rutland, $30-50.



How many people in the world can say they’ve performed for South African president Nelson Mandela, archbishop Desmond Tutu, president Barack Obama, president Bill Clinton, Oprah Winfrey and Prince Harry?

THE EAST COAST INSPIRATIONAL SINGERS, Friday, February 10, 7:30 p.m., Barre Opera House, $26-32.

PRESERVATION HALL JAZZ BAND: PASS IT ON: 60TH ANNIVERSARY MUSICAL CELEBRATION, Wednesday, November 2, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $20-59.


« P.34 PLACES, PEOPLE! » P.38

MUSIC TOGETHER SEPT. 21-NOV. 30 Ages Teaching0-5 Artist: Emily Dance,Mottsing, and play simple instruments to learn the building blocks of music, foster brain development, and just have a good time. DANCE PLAYGROUNDS SESSION I STARTS SEPT. 20 SESSION II STARTS NOV. 2 Ages Teaching15+ artist: Alex Cobb This collaborative and improvisational dance class uses music, poetry, color, and sound to strengthen body awareness, creativity, and collaboration. COMEDIC STORYTELLING OCT. 18-NOV. 15 Ages Teaching16+ artist: Susanne BeginningSchmidtstudents and seasoned raconteurs alike, learn and practice the art of live, first-person, Moth-style storytelling. CREATIVE WRITING FOR PERFORMANCE OR FOR ANY REASON AT ALL NOV. 18-19 Ages Teaching18+ artist: Deborah Margolin Tap into your lode of rich, resonant images through exercises in auto-matic writing, storytelling, and the simple joy of being in company! PAGE TO STAGE THEATER AGES 7-10: SEPT. 19-DEC. 2 AGES 11-14: SEPT. 21-DEC. 2 Teaching artist: Jasper Oliver Learn the importance of working as an ensemble, tricks and techniques for stage acting, storytelling, and playwriting. SOUNDCHECK : YOUTH SOCIALJUSTICE BAND OCT. 1-DEC. 17 Autitions on Sept. 27 Ages Teaching15-18artist: Brian Boyes Location: Crossett Brook Middle SoundcheckSchoolis a select band of high school musicians and singers creating and performing music to fight for social justice. FLYNNTONES JAZZ ENSEMBLE SEPT . 21-DEC. 14 Ages ThisTomTeaching13-18artist:Clearyensembleis a great opportunity for students who would like to build their experience with jazz repertoire and build improvisation skills. ADULT TAP I & II SEPT. 22-NOV. 10 Ages Teaching16+ artist: Elisa Van Duyne Learn new steps, create rhythmic music together, improve your technique, and explore new styles. MOVEMENT FOR PARKINSON’S SEPT. 12-DEC. 8 Teaching artist: Sara McMahon This class is specifically designed for people who wish to continue moving dynamically despite movement challenges. SIGN UP AT SING, DANCE, ACT! SEPT. 22-NOV. 10 Ages IfElisaTeaching10-12artist:VanDuyneyoulovemusicals, you’ll love learning to sing, dance, and act scenes from your favorite Broadway shows. 1T-flynn091422 1 9/12/22 3:58 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 37

SIROCCO FEATURING ABEL SELAOCOE & CHESABA, Thursday, October 6, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $20-35.

Heart of Afghanistan

FRANK SANTOS JR., Friday, September 30, 7:30 p.m., Lebanon Opera House, N.H., $29.50.

Jason Bishop: Magic and Illusion

performing arts preview



ZOOOM, Wednesday, March 29, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $25.

GARIFUNA COLLECTIVE, Tuesday, October 11; Friday, October 14; and Saturday, October 15, 7 p.m., Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, $10-45.

AMERICA’S TOP PSYCHIC MEDIUM: MATT FRASER, Friday, January 20, 7:30 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Rutland, $55-100.

Thursday, January 12, 7:30 p.m., Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury, $5-25. Heart of Afghanistan don’t play punk music, but they may just be the most punk-rock band on the planet. Composed of Afghan singer and TV star Ahmad Fanoos, his sons Elham on piano and Mehran on violin, and Hamid Habibzada on tabla, the band can’t perform in its home country because the Taliban has banned all music in Afghanistan. The now U.S.-based quartet travels the world keeping alive the story and music of Afghanistan, from its pre-Islamic Buddhist period to the present day. Its members perform ancient odes to the Buddhist statues of Bamiyan and traditional ghazals based on the Sufi-inspired poetry of Rumi. On the modern side, their repertoire also includes the work of “Afghan Elvis” — pop icon Ahmad Zahir, who translated the music of Elvis Presley into Dari in the 1960s and ’70s and performed it with traditional Afghan instruments.


Friday, November 25, 3 & 7 p.m., Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe, $32-47.


Jason Bishop will appear — and maybe disappear — in Stowe. Bishop, 44, is a self-taught magician and illusionist who will bring his show to the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center in November. He performs with his assis tant, Kim Hess, and his high-fiving dog, Gizmo. His act incorporates old-fashioned sleight of hand, aweinspiring levitation and more modern techniques, such as projecting magic tricks onto a movie screen. Bishop can turn $100 bills into $1 greenbacks, solve a Rubik’s Cube with a flick of his wrist and make goldfish appear out of thin air. (Not for you,InGizmo!)2016,Bishop became the first magi cian to perform at New York City’s Old Victory Theater. New York Times reviewer Alexis Soloski wrote of that show, “In a brief close-up routine … there’s real elegance and even wit in the precision of his gestures, the agility of each finger.” Soloski observed that Bishop “can astound,” especially young audience members. If Bishop makes Gizmo disappear during his Stowe show, don’t worry! The dog will reappear. Maybe in your lap.

If you like that, try this…

ABDULLAH IBRAHIM AND EKAYA, Saturday, April 29, 7:30 p.m., Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury, $5-25.

If you like that, try this…

« P.36

A SOLO EXHIBITION OF SCULPTURES FEATURING FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 16TH, 2022 | 5:30PM 7:00 PM FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY! LOCAL FOOD & DRINK | SCULPTURE HUNT*** SUNRISE ORCHARDS 1287 N. BINGHAM ST., CORNWALL, VERMONT ON VIEW SEPTEMBER 16TH - NOVEMBER 1ST, 2022 SCULPTURE HUNT AT SUNRISE ORCHARDS JAY OPENINGLAGEMANNRECEPTIONJOINUSFORTHE FALL GALLERY HOURS: Monday - Saturday 10AM – 5PM Sundays 11AM – 4PM or by appointment One Mill St and 6 Merchant’s Row, Middlebury Vermont 802-458-0098 & edgewatergallery.com802-989-7419 2H-edgewater091422 1 9/8/22 10:38 AM d glas maddy msmith aria bamford alec mapa michael ianbla c k julia shiplett Gia Sor e s i miekperigin Eddie Pepito e t o m green carmen lync n a o Myq Kaplan J a ckieFabulou s shapellacey caitlin peluffo 2h-vermontcomedyclub091422 1 9/12/22 1:00 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 39

The brink in Flushing corresponds to a real-life turning point for the show’s creators. Parris-Bailey, 69, has stepped aside to make way for new leadership at the Carpetbag Theatre in Knoxville, Tenn., where she was the longtime artistic director. Bass, 75, who cofounded Sand glass Theater with Ines 40 years ago in

a nonprofit are meaningless without the relationships that [my parents] have passed on and that I’ve built through my wholeThelife.”Sandglass transition occurs as numerous theater and dance companies founded in the 1970s and ’80s confront a similar situation, Eric said. As they near the ends of their careers, founders and directors are considering whether and how to pass on their companies and what that will mean for the ensemble. In the process, theater makers find themselves considering their artistic legacy.

Shoshana, the youngest of three sisters, was born a year after the family moved to Putney. She grew up partially on the road, accompanying her parents on interna tional tours.

Sandglass artists build puppets to represent the specific characters of each work. They form the heads from neoprene and build bodies of wood and fabric. In performance, the puppets are often placed on a table or other surface and animated by the actors who appear with them.


Shoshana Bass (left) and Eric Bass

As the Basses have talked about the transition for the past half dozen years, Sandglass has been “in good company,” Eric

In Flushing , the puppets that play Eric’s parents — Sid and Debby Bass — are paired with props constructed by Ines.


Munich, Germany, is preparing for his own transition.TheBasses settled in Putney in 1986 and made the southern Vermont town the home base of their company. The couple live in an apartment above the puppet theater and workshop, which are housed in a converted barn. For the past three years, Eric and the couple’s youngest

The double autobiographical piece, which premieres on Thursday, September 15, at Puppets in the Green Mountains, was conceived and written by Sandglass’ Eric Bass and Linda Parris-Bailey, who also perform in it. Flushing’s four puppets, endearing and evocative creations made by Bass’ wife, Ines Zeller Bass, play the parents of the



For Sandglass, he added, “I’m abso lutely thrilled to see Shoshana take over thisIncompany.”atelephone call with Seven Days and Shoshana, Eric talked about the challenges of running a not-for-profit arts company, including fundraising and managing logistics.“Running a theater company is a head ache,” he said. “It’s just a big headache. But it’s a worthwhile headache because it’s filled with inspiration, it’s filled with energy and it’s filled with some of the best work that an artist can ask for.”

Sandglass Theater marks a major transition with Flushing

Theactors.actors speak to and for their parents as the show moves back and forth in time and across generations. The performers also look to the future, poised at a personal and professional precipice. That juncture — at once uncertain and essential — is represented by yellow caution tape on the stage floor. On it is printed the word “brink.”

daughter, Shoshana, have worked as co-artistic directors of Sandglass. He’ll leave that position at the end of the year, when Shoshana, 35, will become sole artis tic director of a company that’s five years older than she is.

“Itsaid.feels good to be part of a [larger] conversation,” he said. “We’re inform ing and supporting each other. And each company has to do it in its own way.”

n Flushing: Make Room for Someone Else , a new work by Putney’s Sand glass Theater in collaboration with Parris-Bailey Arts of Tennessee, two actors and four puppets explore themes of art, memory, legacy and family history.

Puppets in Sandglass Theater’s Flushing

“The transition is really about relation ships more than anything,” Shoshana told Seven Days. “The technicalities of running

“I missed a lot of school as a kid,” she said. “I had a different kind of education. I experienced many cultures, and always through their art and through their artists.”Shoshana moved to Boulder, Colo., to attend Naropa University, where her work focused on peace studies, performing arts and the intersection of the two. Still, she attributes much of her artistic education and inspiration to her parents’ influence.

Passing the Puppets


“My parents have informed my work tremendously in terms of puppet theater,” she said. “Not just in terms of constructing puppets and the material we work with but also how we create.”


SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 41 performing arts preview

THEATER LAN.257.22 2022 FALL Sessions ARTS EDITION Ad 7D (9/14 issue, 1/2 VERT COLOR): 4.75" x 11.25" 2022 FALL SESSIONS TICKETS | ARTIST INFO | BROCHURE: 802.656.4455 OR UVM.EDU/LANESERIES SPONSORED BY: With Grant Support From: Vermont Community Foundation | Vermont Humanities | Vermont Council on the Arts ▲ Dmytro Choni, 10/7 ▲ The Small Glories, 11/18 SEPTEMBER Dreamers’ Circus . . . . . . 9/30 OCTOBER Dmytro Choni, piano — Van Cliburn Bronze Medalist 10/7 Chien-Kim-Watkins Trio: Beethoven Weekend . 10/14 + 10/16 The Villalobos Brothers 10/21 Sam Reider & Jorge Glem: Brooklyn Cumaná . . . . . . 10/28 NOVEMBER Ariel String Quartet 11/4 The Small Glories 11/18 DECEMBER Trio Mediæval 12/9 2022 Fall Sessions ▲ The Villalobos Brothers, 10/21 2v-uvmlaneseries091422 1 9/13/22 1:14 PM

When Eric handed Shoshana his puppets — art objects that are older than she is — he did so on one condition: that she use them to make her own piece.


director, her parents are alive and will remain involved in the work.

Flushing reflects on what parents pass on to the next generation, from junk to family stories. In one of the original songs in the play, Eric and Parris-Bailey sing: “I don’t want to leave you with my load … I’d like to leave you a pathway to your dreams.”Forher part, Shoshana is touring with an original piece, her own exploration of artistic legacy, called When I Put on Your Glove. In an exception to Sandglass’ method of building new puppets for each show, she performs with four puppets created by Eric for his award-winning solo work Autumn Portraits.

Flushing refers to a neigh borhood in Queens, the New York City borough where Parris-Bailey and Eric grew up. But it’s also about what’s lost or disappears when one generation gives way to the next.

The objects speak to their life’s work: a piano for Sid, who was a songwriter, and a typewriter for Debby, who worked in public relations.

“The act of transition is also a bit of an act of flushing,” Eric said. “Some things go down the drain and deserve to go down the drain as new things grow.” m

Flushing: Make Room for Someone Else, produced by Sandglass Theater: Thursday and Friday, September 15 and 16, 8 p.m., at New England Youth Theatre in Brattleboro. $16-18.

“They’ve been slightly adjusted to fit my hands,” Shoshana said. She added a new puppet to the ensemble to create When I Put on Your Glove Shoshana said she feels blessed that, as she becomes Sandglass’ sole artistic

“A lot of the stories you hear about children taking on their parents’ work, it’s often after their parents are deceased,” she said. “We have this incredible gift: They’re still here. They’re still part of my processes. They come into the rehearsal rooms and help me with building [a piece]. There’s a lot of love and support and mentorship that isn’tThedisappearing.”title

Ines Zeller Bass (left) and Shoshana Bass


When a crisis happens, I tend to focus on everyone else’s needs first. I know, you’re supposed to put on your own oxygen mask and then tend to others. But that’s not how I’m wired. Overnight, there were 25 employees I had laid off and more than 100 local comedians who couldn’t do comedy anymore. I set about checking in on them all and pivoted to producing online shows and open mics, raising funds for staff, and applying for grants and loans to keep our business afloat.

(Speaking of sacrificing yourself for your art, fun fact: Before he died in 1999, Del Close bequeathed his skull to the Goodman Theatre in Chicago, to be used in its produc . Now that’s commitment.)

Obviously, it is a good thing. But there’s a miscon ception that because we were able to reopen, our troubles are now over. To be honest, things haven’t gotten a whole lot easier. Last winter, Omicron tanked what would have been our busiest time of year. Customer habits are dras tically different and less predictable, making scheduling tricky. Expenses

Instead, we focused on what brings us joy in running our comedy club and made changes to the business model — some designed to bring in more profits, others designed to create a better work/life balance for us and our employees. We were extremely fortunate to even get the support required to survive 2020 and reopen the club (exactly one year ago, in fact). Without a federal COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan and a Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, we would have gone the way of the dodo.




el Close, one of the founders of modern improvisational comedy, once said perform ing improv is “like building a 747 in midflight.” As an improviser myself, I can attest that the art form requires an almost delu sional sense of faith that, if we all work together onstage, we’ll be able to create a transcendent, funny, unscripted comedy show that soars rather than crashes headlong into the sea.

Winging It

Running Vermont Comedy Club for the past seven years has often felt this way, too. No day at a performing arts venue ever goes exactly to plan; no event goes completely smoothly. Creative problem solving is a constant necessity if you want to keep the damned thing aloft.In March 2020, the 747 my partner, Nathan Hartswick, and I were building in midair burst into flames. Its passengers were awash in jet fuel, their hair on fire — half of them scream ing that we were all going to die, the other half insisting the impending crash was a lie made up by liberal cucks in order to plant 5G chips in their There’sbrains.really no playbook for “sudden pandemic closure” in the venue management handbook. (Come to think of it, I don’t think there’s even a venue management hand book.) Throw almost anything else at me, and I can roll with it: A famous performer cancels at the last minute? I know how to handle that. AC stops working on a 90-degree day? Easy. All the restrooms flood on Halloween? Kids’Butstuff.when a global pandemic hits, and your model relies on packing strangers into an enclosed space — with the goal of inspiring them to forcefully expel air from their faces by laughing, no less — you’re kinda fucked. During the COVID-19 pandemic, performing arts venues all over the country were the first busi nesses to close, and they have been the last to reopen. (If they even reopened.)

As the pandemic lockdown continued, it became more difficult to ignore my own bullshit. I had been working in an unsustainable way (shocker!), and I was fully burned out. My whole life, identity and marriage had been consumed by the comedy club. My biggest fear wasn’t so much financial ruin — not anymore, anyway, since that seemed all but inevitable — it was having to sit in the quiet of my own mind and come up with an honest answer to the question: Without this business, who even am I?

Like a lot of people asking that ques tion in 2020, I found that the answer was: “Certainly not a professional baker of bread.” Turns out I’m pretty good at baking cookies, though. And I’m terrific at watching “The Great British Baking Show” while eating desserts I bought at the Monthsstore.passed. (You remember. It took decades.) So much happened: Black Lives Matter, a presidential election, an attempted coup, Game Stop. Collectively, we all started focusing more on our personal health and happiness. YOLO. (You only live once.) YCDAD. (You could die any day.)

YLIACH. (You’re living in a capitalist hellscape.) A spotlight was put on inequities and a broken system. We had extra time to ask ourselves what we wanted to do differently in our lives — and in our businesses, if we actually reopened them someday.

Essay: A Burlington nightclub owner riffs on how her business survived the pandemic

But that’s what you do in a crisis, right? What would you have suggested? That I deal with my own emotions? Honestly, yuck. Why do you think my business grew so quickly after it launched in 2015? Because I’m a model of emotional stability with a healthy work/life balance? Of course not. I focused on the business, our staff and our customers, and I pushed down my own personal feelings of panic, depression and dread.

A lot of lovely people have told me how happy they are that we “made it through the pandemic.”

And, yes, Nathan and I did consider letting ours go entirely. Some other venue owners took the out, and who could blame them? It’s a hard gig; strapping on the parachute and aiming for someplace safer and more stable was a pretty attractive proposition.


Natalie Miller is a comedian and co-owner of the Vermont Comedy Club. Learn more at

So I guess the plane we’re flying, it turns out, is more airworthy than we thought. The most critical fires have been put out. Unruly customers have been duct-taped to their seats. The pilot is cracking jokes, and the attendants are bringing around the biscotti and tiny wine bottles. And I just keep at it: patch ing the holes in the plane, taking hits of O2 to keep myself alert, building the 747 in mid-flight, once in a while taking a peek out the window to appreciate the fact that we are, amazingly, still flying. m

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 43 performing arts preview

test for audiences — our rate of having to kick people out of shows for disruptive behavior has dropped to almost zero. We’ve added some cool new things to the business, like a daytime café, event rentals and a membership program for fans. We’ve really prioritized taking care of our employees, and our staff has never been better. Our local comedy community is rebuilding nicely after losing a lot of good talent to major cities in 2020.


• Authentic Italian Food • www.papa-franks.com802-655-2423@papafranksvt13 West Center St., Winooski NOW OPEN Tuesday through 11am-9pmSaturday 12h-papafranks091422.indd 1 9/9/22 4:44 PM HOMESHARE Finding you just the right person! (802) 86 3HomeShareVermont.org5625 It’ssparehowamazingoneroom cantwochangelives! D4t-HomeshareVT080322 1 7/12/22 6:28 PM WORLD CLASS THEATER" O n S t a g e T h i s F a l l : montpelier city hall arts center masks a must call 802 229 0492Willem L n We: illem Lange: h histmaristmas Ca Col arol DEC 16 CLASSES e Ch noah sexton SFinalhows for all Ages 6H-LostNationTheater091422 1 9/13/22 9:51 AM

stay the same while revenues fluctuate wildly. I still can’t bake a decent loaf of bread (not that I have the time to try anymore).Andthe trolls! Oh, the trolls. Angry red hats harassing us with voicemails and negative reviews saying, “You require vaccine proof? I guess you don’t want money,Solidthen.”point, Bryce. Let’s run the numbers on me having to cancel a week of shows when my whole staff tests positive for COVID-19. Let’s see how that looks on the ol’ profit-and-loss sheet. Hard eye roll.Of course, there are good, exciting things, too. Requiring vaccine proof may have inadvertently created a personality

Nathan Hartswick and Natalie Miller

arn Opera has officially completed two and a half years of renovations on its 19th-century barn in Brandon. At an open house in late August, the public toured the venue, which now has 104 reused cinema seats, complete with cupholders. Its lobby features an electric fireplace, a bar repur posed from a Vermont post office counter, bathrooms papered with opera scores and an original painting of the opera house by Brandon resident Warren Kimble.

Lyons, who will sing Amahl’s mother as well as the title role in Tosca, commented that singing with Barn Opera is “great fun” because “They have limited resources, and there’s no ego going on. There’s something about Josh. He really instills a great sense of warmth in the community.” m


richest couple in Vermont has rented out “the most beautiful venue in Vermont — which is, of course, the Barn Opera barn,” Collier said with a laugh.

Collier streamlined the music but kept “all the arias, duets and famous pieces” and inserted monologues for the older Charlotte.“Thething is, why would I do every thing that’s already been done?” Collier said of his approach. “These stories have other stories to tell that haven’t been told. If I can do that using existing constructs, that interests me.”

In Barn Opera’s production, the rivalry is a more current-day one between opera singers and musical theater folks. The

The company relies on small casts, supplemented by a community chorus that it invites to perform each year in Amahl and the Night Visitors . The 45-minute opera was the first to be commissioned by and composed for television; it premiered on NBC on New Year’s Eve 1951. Collier is currently looking for chorus members, if any readers are interested.

Lyons, who sang professionally in Germany for three years and is a classi cal music host and the music manager at Vermont Public, added that Strauss is “bar none my favorite composer, but some times he needs more than one listen.” She recommends listening to Jessye Norman sing Ariadne ahead of Barn Opera’s performance.Thecastof 12 also includes Vermontborn mezzo-soprano Brooke Larimer, who lives in the Bronx, as the Composer; and Brooklyn tenor Chad Kranak as the god Bacchus. Kranak has sung everything from

Barn Opera’s productions manage to

Then, in late December, Barn Opera will perform Gian Carlo Menotti’s Amahl and the Night Visitors in the nearby Congregational Church of Salisbury — a holiday tradition in its third year. On New Year’s Eve, the company will stage Gilbert and Sullivan’s operetta The Pirates of Penzance back at the barn, followed by fireworks at midnight. And that’s just 2022.Strauss may sound daunting, Collier admitted in a phone call, given that the composer is known for “very intense” operas such as Elektra and Salome. But Ariadne is lighter fare, and the director will have fun with it. The original story pits opera singers against a troupe of comedians. Both scheduled to perform for the richest man in Vienna, those two groups are forced at the last minute to combine their shows into one, a mashup of an opera called Ariadne in Naxos

The warm, casual setting fits the vision of opera that tenor Joshua Collier had in mind when he founded the company in 2017: an unpretentious art form that everyone can enjoy. Barn Opera’s ambitious new season promises the same.

Collier is particularly excited about The Letters of Charlotte, his interpretation of Massenet’s Werther, which is itself a French man’s interpretation of Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther. Collier tells the doomed love story of young Charlotte and Werther — Charlotte marries Albert; Werther shoots himself — from the perspective of Charlotte at the end of her life.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202244 performing arts preview

INFO Ariadne auf Naxos by Richard Strauss, Friday and Saturday, September 16 and 17, 7:30 p.m., at Barn Opera in Brandon. $50. For full season schedule and ticket information, visit

Joshua Collier CREDIT

Helen Lyons

Two operas are planned for the barn before the winter holi day: Richard Strauss’ Ariadne auf Naxos and Collier’s own adaptation of Jules Massenet’s Werther , titled The Letters of Charlotte. Between those productions, the company will do a three-day residency at Castleton University, where Collier teaches, culminating in a performance of Giacomo Puccini’s Tosca.


Aria Ready?

“Josh is always trying to find ways to give opera new meaning and challenge audi ences’ preconceived notions of what opera should be,” said Helen Lyons, a Ferrisburgh soprano who will sing Ariadne. “In this version, he’s really sending up opera sing ers: We’re insufferable people; we do ‘park and bark.’ That gradually morphs into the more authentic characterization that the theater people have.”

the solo part in Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Vespers at the Bard Music Festival last month to a robed monk in Madonna’s surprise Met Gala performance at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in 2018.


convey the emotion of opera with remark ably pared-down resources. Presided over by pianist Felix Jarrar, the curtainless stage’s nine-foot Steinway provides the sole music accompaniment, and the company’s music director, Cailin Marcel Manson, often steps in to sing baritone roles.

Barn Opera’s new season promises to delight and challenge audiences

“She’s reliving or imagining [their relationship] as she rereads his letters,” the director explained. His approach, he added, “gives people the space to remi nisce about their own memories.”

Pía Zapata Tish Hinojosa Kat Wright

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Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio



Art House

But Di Dio, who also serves as the School of the Arts’ new executive director, said changes to UVM’s arts programs have been under discussion since 2016, long before the budget cuts. The purpose is not to shrink or consolidate the arts at UVM, she insisted, but to expand them with more faculty, staff and facilities, and make the arts more viable and visible on campus.“The School of the Arts was not a cost-saving mission,” she said. “We see the school as a way to better conform to the way contemporary art … is conceived, performed and exhibited.”

As Di Dio pointed out, many of the majors now housed in the School of the Arts are among the fastest growing at the college, including music technology, music and art education, dance, and film and televisionNataliestudies.Neuert, director of the Lane Series and a lecturer in the music program, agreed that the new school’s creation is a positive development for students and faculty

dozen dancers moving in unison greeted visitors to the Univer sity of Vermont’s Michele and Martin Cohen Hall for the Inte grative Creative Arts on a recent afternoon. The students weren’t performing live. But their production, recorded in Cohen Hall’s black box theater in 2020, illuminated video screens throughout the revamped building to showcase its mission.

“There’salike. already been more invest ment made [in the arts] than I’ve seen in a while,” said Neuert, who’s worked at the university for 28 years. “It makes absolute sense, and it will only strengthen the arts at UVM.”Onegoal of the new school is to make arts programs more career oriented by creating opportunities for student intern ships and collaborative projects. That’s especially true for the Lane Series, Neuert said, which for years was physically and administratively separated from the rest of the arts programs on campus.

That relationship has already borne fruit, Neuert noted. Reagan’s office employs a work-study student from the theater program. When the student expressed interest in learning stage lighting, Neuert offered her an oppor tunity to apply 25 percent of her workstudy requirement to doing lighting for Lane Series performances.


Five years ago, UVM didn’t offer a major in dance, noted Kelley Helmstutler Di Dio, associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, during a recent tour of Cohen Hall. That changed when the university received a $300,000 anony mous gift to create a dedicated dance studio, complete with a sprung floor and sound booth.

The arts appear to be experienc ing a renaissance at Vermont’s flagship university. On July 1, UVM announced the creation of its new School of the Arts, which gathers many creative disciplines under one roof: music, theater, dance, studio art, art history, creative writing, and film and television studies. The Lane Series, which brings internationally known musicians to campus, is also now part of the school.

This fall, Barnett is co-teaching a large lecture class called “Looking and Listen ing” with a fine arts professor and a music professor. Open to non-arts majors, the course is designed to give students — especially those with little or no previous experience in the arts — an opportunity to discuss and learn about those disciplines

“Frankly, this is not stuff we usually had money for at UVM,” she said.

Many of those programs are housed in Cohen Hall, a Depression-era elementary school building that was transformed into a 21st-century multimedia center thanks to a $7 million gift from 1972 graduate Michele Resnick Cohen and her husband, MartyThoseCohen.improvements are coupled with another $4 million in expansions and upgrades to the UVM Recital Hall,

Some may greet those pronounce ments with skepticism, given that UVM’s

The School of the Arts has created other opportunities for such “crosspollination,” said Julian Barnett, assistant professor and resident choreographer of the theater and dance program.

“That’s the kind of thing that was harder to do when theater and Lane Series and the music department were completely separate entities,” she said.


Now, the Lane Series and UVM’s music program (formerly the music department) share a technical direc tor: Padraic Reagan, cofounder of the Waking Windows music festival. His office is next door to Neuert’s.

performing arts preview

UVM’s new School of the Arts gathers many creative disciplines under one roof

Hall opened in 2018, UVM had none of these facilities, Di Dio said — even though courses in music tech nology and film and television studies are some of the school’s most popular.



reshuffling of its arts offerings comes on the heels of dramatic budget cuts. In spring 2020, the administration announced a 25 percent reduction in courses taught by nontenure-track faculty as a way to offset $15 million in pandemic-related losses. Then, in December 2020, College of Arts and Sciences dean William Falls proposed phasing out a fifth of the college’s course offerings, nearly all in the humanities.


which were completed in October 2020. They included new lighting and acoustical treatments, refurbished floors and seats, and 4,550 square feet of new greenrooms, rehearsal space and instrument storage. Combined, these two facility upgrades represent a significant investment in the university’s artsIninfrastructure.apost-pandemic era when college arts programs around the country are struggling to attract students and funding, UVM is doubling down on such offerings. The School of the Arts, which enrolls one-quarter of all students in the College of Arts and Sciences, unites previously disparate programs and departments while encour aging collaboration and career develop ment, both within the university and with outside arts organizations. According to Di Dio, it will also help UVM fundraise and attract new students by marketing itself as an interdisciplinary arts institution.

Di Dio unlocked a first-floor room using a phone app. Inside was a new, high-tech sound studio for students who are studying television, film, theater or music technology. The app gives students 24-hour access to the equipment for recording music, podcasts, film scores and other audio projects. Upstairs is a similarly state-of-the-art lighting studio, used primarily for film production, along with a lending library of digital photogra phyBeforeequipment.Cohen

UVM Department of Theatre’s Pippin

Though he noted, “These are things that will all take some time,” Wahl called the new school “such a natural and exquisite partner.”Jarvis Green is founder and produc ing artistic director of JAG Productions, an artistic venture for Black creatives in American theater, which is based in

Such bridge building extends beyond the UVM campus. Neuert and Di Dio have been meeting with Jay Wahl, executive director of the Flynn since January 2021.

Wahl pointed to several upcoming shows at the Flynn that School of the Arts faculty plan to attend with their students and incorporate into their lesson plans. For instance, the October 13 production Bone Hill draws on stories from the heri tage of Black and Cherokee singer-song writer Martha Redbone, dealing with the Trail of Tears, Kentucky coal mining and the Black community’s migration north.

UVM Department of Theatre’s The 39 Steps

performing arts preview

while also meeting their own degree requirements.Suchacollaboration never would have happened before the School of the Arts was established, Barnett said. “This is a long time coming,” he added. “It gives me faith that the university is serious about the arts.”

Art House « P.47


In his previous work in Philadelphia, Wahl often partnered with local univer sities to teach classes on storytelling, producing and curating. Now, in his relatively new role at the Flynn, Wahl said he envisions a similar relation ship with UVM as being “foundational to who we are” as a community arts organization.

Down the road, Wahl said, he hopes to work with Di Dio and other School of the Arts faculty to create internships and work-study opportunities at the Flynn.

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Thus far, about the only people who haven’t been wowed by the School of the Arts are the students. Of the five contacted for this story, most knew little or nothing about what the new school could mean for their education and futureIrenecareers.Choi,a senior from Bar Harbor, Maine, is a double major in jazz stud ies and anthropology. She wrote in an email, “I wish there were more clarity and transparency from the powers that be, especially to the students that these administrative changes will be affecting.”DiDio acknowledged that it will take time to communicate many of the changes to students, who just returned to campus for the fall semester. Hiring new faculty to better serve the 1,200 students who either major or minor in the arts has already begun. Since 2021, programs now in the School of the Arts have added seven full-time lecturers in art history, studio art, theater and music education, as well as three new tenuretrack positions in dance, art and art history, she said. Also included are four new postdoctoral fellows in the Andrew Harris Fellowship Program, which brings in emerging BIPOC scholars in theDiarts.Dio maintains that all these new hires and opportunities in the school will make a tangible difference to students down the road, whether they end up in the spotlight or plying a behind-the-scenes arts trade such as stage lighting, music recording or televi sion“Oneproduction.thingthat’s important to me is that, yes, students can have a career in the arts, and they can stay in the state of Vermont to do that,” she said. “They don’t just have to go into banking.” m


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“They really want to take us with them,” he said, “and they’re putting resources behind it.”

White River Junction and New York City. Though JAG just began its seventh performance season, Green said when Di Dio reached out to him this summer, it was the first time UVM had shown serious interest in working with his company.JAGdoesn’t have its own building or performance space yet. But Green said he’s excited about the possibility of teaching theater production at UVM and maybe even establishing a summer residency program at the School of the Arts.While JAG has worked with other universities in the past, Green said he hasn’t seen the level of commitment to collaboration that UVM has expressed.

isn’t a household name, but he’s an enthu siastic local TM technique booster; since 2011, he and his wife, Janet, have run the Vermont Transcendental Meditation Center in Williston, which recently moved to a new location on Mountain View Road. They offer TM classes to individuals and businesses, and work with people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Edwards has an unusual and instructive backstory. He first learned about the TM technique in the 1970s after reading an article about it in Scientific American. Smith was no counterculture revolutionary at the time — after graduating from the Virginia Military Institute, he trained to be a doctor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. He was practicing rheumatology and internal medicine in Newport News, Va., when he decided to give TM a try.

The twice-daily meditation technique has been shown to lower blood pressure and stress levels; improve mood, focus and memory; and help practi tioners feel more grounded and creative. Introduced in the West in the 1960s by the late Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, TM was popularized by the Beatles. Today, its most notable fans include artists and celebrities like Jerry Seinfeld, Oprah Winfrey, Kendall Jenner and David Lynch.Dr.Smith

Its effect on his own life convinced him the benefits were real. “Within two weeks of my learning,” he said during a phone interview, “the assistants in my office

eeling stressed out, burned out, irritable and anxious? Dr. Edwards Smith has a prescription for you: Try Transcendental Meditation.

Dr. Edwards Smith and Janet Smith

Getting Creative

Learn more about the Transcendental Meditation technique at a free introductory presentation on September 18, 1:30 p.m., at the Vermont Transcendental Meditation Center, 88 Mountain View Rd., Williston. Please register in advance by emailing or calling 802-923-6782. For more information, visit



A Williston couple helps Vermonters learn meditation to reduce stress and improve focus


The method appeals to Brad Coolidge, a filmmaker who grew up in Vermont and moved back with his family during the pandemic. Coolidge says he first heard about TM years ago on the Howard Stern show — Stern is another famous TM fan. But it wasn’t until he and his family were here in Vermont,

Compared with other wellness activities, TM is pretty straightforward and simple. There are no spongy mats or special clothing to buy, no regular group classes to attend.


Their 13-year-old son, Keiran, used TM during basketball season to prepare for games. “I try to find time before the game in the car to do it, or at school. It does calm me down or takes away anxiety from things,” he said. “I will just close my eyes and do it, and it really does help.”

TM can also help people struggling with substance use disorders.

went to my partner and asked why Dr. Smith stopped coming out and blowing his stack several times a day. That was my first inkling about how stressed I was.”


Edwards has worked with many TM students who have reported that meditation reduces their impulse to use mind-altering substances.

After six months of regular meditation, he made some changes in how he spent his time. “The next day, I did 20 percent more work in less time,” he recalls. He made other adjustments that upped his output again. “I began to realize that I was not short on time,” he said. “I just was not using it creatively.”Dailymeditation helped in other ways, too. “Over the course of a year, I lost interest in smoking and drinking alcohol, lowered my blood pressure and lowered my cholesterol, and, most likely, had become a nicer person to work and live with,” he said.

That’s the place where good ideas come from, Edwards said. He pointed out that you don’t get ideas by sitting at a desk and thinking hard. Ideas come to you when you’re in touch with that calm, centered part of your mind. That’s why creative people appreciate TM. “This is a technique that gets you to that level,” he said. 

Janet compared the mind to an ocean. The surface of the water may be roiled by waves, currents and storms, but it’s still and calm down below. TM helps people access that calm, that peaceful place within.

and he saw an advertisement for a family TM class, that he decided to try it.

Coolidge; his wife, Melissa; and three of their four kids took classes with Edwards and Janet and now meditate twice daily. During a family Zoom interview, Brad explained that, unlike other forms of meditation he’s tried, there are no requirements to sit straight up and clear your mind. “I would always almost get anxious, thinking of paying attention,” he said. “With this, you just sit, close your eyes, remember your mantra. It feels like two minutes have passed, and it's 23 minutes.”

Smith also started recommending TM to his patients and saw their improvement, as well. “Over the next 10 years, I had 200 patients learn,” he said. “They became the easiest patients in my practice to manage.” Many of them reported the same experiences he did. “I was beginning to see that this was the real preventive medicine for which I had been searching all my career,” he said.

Practicing TM doesn’t have to be about solving a problem, Edwards and Janet said. It’s really about managing attention — spontaneously being able to attend to the things that really matter, instead of focusing on the constant bombardment of information and noise.

Melissa said it’s been good for her, as a parent. “It's really easy to be thrown off your center. It's really easy to be triggered, especially by kids or by comments people make,” she said. “Since I’ve been meditating, I can see right through the center of something

hours a day of one-on-one interaction with a trained TM teacher. The Smiths point out that they have a sliding-scale fee structure and are committed to helping make it affordable.


So Smith sold his medical practice and joined the TM organization full time. “The howls of disapproval from family and friends were deafening, but I persisted anyway,” he said. He spent eight years on the faculty of Maharishi International University in Fairfield, Iowa, learning Ayurvedic medicine and becoming a teacher of the TM Sincetechnique.then,he’s taught TM to numerous students who’ve struggled with depression. After taking up TM, they’ve shown sustained improvement over time. “I’ve never seen anything like that in modern medicine,” he said.


Beginners do take four consecutive days of training, which requires a few

During those sessions, the students receive their own individual mantra, something they repeat during their daily meditations. After that, students are on their own if they want to be, though they have access to an international network of TM centers like the Smiths’ that can offer resources, check-ins and more training, if desired.

His 10-year-old brother, Dylan, does it, too, and it eased him through the transition into a new school. Even one of his teachers noticed a change in him.


One of his students, Conor Meagher, came to TM after years of using drugs. He’s been in recovery for seven years now. “I’ve done talk therapy before. It didn’t seem to cut it,” he said. He found TM four or five years ago and started seeing the benefit immediately. “It’s probably one of the most helpful things I’ve done.”

someone says and see that that's about them and not about me. Also, I notice behavior that normally would have triggered me, and I'm now able to just take a deep breath and move on.”

TM practitioners meditate for 20 minutes twice a day. They can do it anywhere they like. There are no prescribed movements or poses, Janet explained: "It’s simply a matter of knowing how to allow the mind to easily move inward. Then the benefits show up spontaneously outside of meditation time."



He meditates twice a day — usually once in the morning, before his shift as a restaurant general manager, and once in the evening. “It kind of wipes my slate clean,” he said.


For now, they make wine from what they have access to — and can afford — in Vermont’s limited grape market. At Hunting ton River Vineyard, where they have a cropshare arrangement, they kicked off the harvest season with osceola muscat grapes earlier this month. They work with other winemakers and community members, too, purchasing, foraging or bartering for ingre dients that include fruits and botanicals not commonly found in the strict confines of the traditional wine world.



As fun as they are, the wines can also be moody, as the winery’s name suggests. Kalchē is an ancient Greek word mean ing “to catch the purplefish,” Chery said — a metaphor for searching and longing for something highly prized. “Sometimes it’s celebratory. Sometimes it’s really pensive,” Chery said. “We contain multitudes.”

The cooperatively owned winery has serious goals: to broaden the definition of wine while, in the words of the owners, centering diversity, sustainability and the decolonization of wine.

Kalchē’s experimentation has occa sionally been confusing to the powers that be, especially when it comes to how they describe what’s in the bottle. Meyer, the winery’s director of internal business, has spent a lot of time on the phone with the federal Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), which regulates labeling.

Founders Kathline Chery, Justine Belle Lambright and Grace Meyer have since hosted wine nights at T. Rugg’s Tavern, a spring Festival of Dionysus at Hotel Vermont and, in late June, a packed fundraiser for Vermont Access to Reproductive Freedom at the Wallflower Collective.

“With this changing landscape, they’ve been incredibly kind and helpful,” Meyer said. “But they’re all telling me different things.”Viburnum, an early release in collabo ration with subscription-based Viticole Wine, was particularly confounding. It was a piquette — created by an old-school method of rehydrating and repressing grape skins that many natural winemakers have returned to over the past few years. Into it went winery scraps, foraged highbush cranberries and a touch of maple syrup for bottle conditioning.

The cooperative’s female and nonbi nary owners, a majority of whom are Black, celebrated their first release with a bash at Switchback Brewing in December 2021.

The winery occupies what was origi nally an extension of the cellar at Bob Lesnikoski’s Vermont Cranberry farm in Fletcher. The team has worked with “Cran berry Bob” to plant a vineyard on-site. He’s also their de facto machinist and mad scien tist, with a telepathic sense of when some thing’s about to break, Meyer said.

alchē Wine Cooperative knows how to throw a party. The Fletcher-based natural winery’s chilled reds, ciders, coferments and piquettes — appropriately called “space juice” — are vibrant, experimental, immensely drinkable and downright fun.

“There’s an abundance of flavor right around us,” Chery said. “Being a nimble and scrappy business — that’s definitely a plus.”Despite the wine industry’s domi nant narratives of “noble grapes” and “old world” appellations, that flexibility is nothing new.

“We have a lot of soapboxes,” Lambright said. “We hold on really tightly to our morals and values and what we won’t do with the wine. But what the wine actually does is just Kathline, the fruit and nature.”

Young itasca, frontenac blanc, fron tenac gris, frontenac noir and crimson pearl vines grow on the hill across from the winery, just above a cranberry bog that’s been on the property for 25 years. Kalchē’s owners pay rent when Lesnikoski lets them, Lambright said, and help press cranberry juice at the end of the season. The grapes they’ve planted will start bear ing fruit in three years and reach their best quality in five.

Kalche Wine Cooperative brings a new model to Vermont’s natural wine scene

Kalche wines at the Burlington Farmers Market


where these wines belong,” Lambright said. “They are festive, and I think every one who buys our wines should throw a party to drink them.”

production, plays with hybrid grapes, apples, cranberries, foraged botanicals, hops, maple sap and even products that would otherwise be wasted, such as left over brine from pickled beets.

Even Kalchē’s tent at the weekly Burl ington and Jericho farmers markets is a blast: It’s full of disco balls.

“A party environment is very much

According to Vivid Coffee owner Ian Bailey, who poured the winery’s space juice at a Vermont wine pop-up in June, “Kalchē doesn’t miss.”

“That perceived ‘normal’ took the place of what was already here,” Chery said. “When we’re talking about decolonizing wine, this is it.”



Out of This World


As they head into their second harvest, Kalchē’s founders are right on trend with the experimental energy of Vermont’s growing natural wine scene. Chery, the team’s winemaker and director of

Las Hermosas to Launch Weekly Taco Nights at Vivid Coffee

Offerings may expand later this fall with additional authentic Mexican dishes cooked by Dominguez Hernandez, said Kellogg, 42: “We will take it as it goes.” Her husband, a 47-year-old native of Mexico City, has cooked professionally for more than 20 years.

For now, the couple said, Las Hermosas is a side gig and a way to gauge interest in possible future projects. They started the business with a handful of taco pop-ups at RED BARN KITCHEN in Charlotte and BUCKY’S PUB in Hinesburg in late spring and early summer 2022.

Las Hermosas carnitas taco BY MELISSA PASANEN •


Mario Dominguez Hernandez of Las Hermosas


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The menu of tacos will vary weekly, with choices such as slow-braised pork carnitas with pickled onions, cilantro and lime. A vegetarian option will always be on offer, such as roasted cauliflower with golden raisins and pickled jalapeños, cucumber-mint-lime salsa, paprika vinaigrette and crema. Freshly fried chips and housemade verde and rojo salsas round out the menu.

The two met while working for Zingerman’s, a nationally known group of food-related businesses based in Ann Arbor, Mich. Dominguez Hernandez was sous chef at Zingerman’s Roadhouse, and Kellogg worked for the ZingTrain consult ing company. The couple and their two young daughters moved to Vermont from Michigan in August 2020 to be closer to Kellogg’s family.

Starting on September 23, married couple MARIO DOMINGUEZ HERNANDEZ and ANNE KELLOGG of Hinesburg-based LAS HERMOSAS will host Friday taco nights at VIVID COFFEE at 150 Cherry Street in Burlington. From 5 to 8 p.m. or until food is sold out, customers can order on-site and eat at the café or take food to go. Vivid Coffee will offer natural wine pairings.

At that time, Dominguez Hernandez told Seven Days that he and Kellogg “want to open something one day.” His wife added, “That’s the hope and the dream. This is a way to put roots down in the food community.”

Both currently work for HEALTHY LIVING MARKET & CAFÉ; Dominguez Hernandez is the chef at the South Burlington store.


“Inherently, the rate of return on capital investment in these kinds of generative, equitable forms of ownership is going to be lower than if you’re a private equity firm trying to squeeze every last dollar out of the thing,” Cropp said.

“Community businesses and solidar ity economics work,” Lambright added. “They just don’t work as fast as toxic capitalism does.”

To make money, Kalchē needs to increase production, lower the cost of goods, scale up and sell more wine. Right now, because it has to purchase grapes, Kalchē’s wines don’t come cheap. Lambright, the director of external busi ness, said the owners have received a lot of pushback on prices at the farm ers markets, where their direct-toconsumer bottles are often at least $30.

Kalche's aofgraphicTuesday""TransparencyInstagramontheamountmoneyitcoststomake$30bottleofwine

Grace Meyer with Kalche wines at the Burlington Farmers Market

“We’re doing this the hard way. We’re not independently wealthy, and we don’t want to completely sell out and be told what to do by investors,” Lambright said.

“Justine and I had worked enough places that we were pretty convinced the current model of modern business didn’t work,” Meyer said. “It definitely didn’t work for us.”

From left: Justine Belle Lambright, Grace Meyer and Kathline Chery

In broad-based employee ownership, all full-time employ ees have a path to becoming a co-owner of the business. Beyond that, there are two models. One

Kalchē differs from most of the businesses Cropp’s organiza tion works with, he said. While the nonprofit does support some startups, it focuses on owner ship succession for existing businesses.Lambright and Meyer had previously worked together, “so in some ways, Kalchē was a hybrid of a startup and a conver sion,” Cropp said. “Their working relationship created a foundation of understanding and trust.”

Diaphanous, an apple-frontenac blanc blend that was also on tap at Hotel Vermont, cost only $25 at the market and sold out quickly. Kalchē’s latest release is even more accessible: It’s in cans.“The Kalchē Kid,” the label explains, honors the winery’s “first can baby being birthed at the same time as the newest member of our team” — Meyer’s son,CheryOtis.made the easy-drinking, wine cooler-like Kalchē Kid by rehydrating pressed cranberries in a Seyval blanc-cider coferment. She and Lesnikoski did a run of 1,000 cans on a micro-canner that Lesnikoski rigged up, filling 10 per minute.The $7 cans hit the farmers markets in early September. They’re on the shelves now at Salt & Bubbles Wine Bar and Market in Essex and will soon be available at Burlington’s Wilder Wines and Pizzeria Verità, as well as on draft at the new Onion City Chicken & Oyster in Winooski.Afanof alternative wine pack aging, Salt & Bubbles owner Kayla Silver has embraced Kalchē’s new cans. “We love the Kalchē team, and this is a great way to taste their product in an acces sible format at an approachable price,” Silver said. The tangy, tart coferment is “perfect to pair with fall sweaters and campfire gath erings,” she added. Sounds like a party. m

Learn more at Kalche is currently accepting harvest volunteers via a sign-up form on its Instagram: @kalchewineco.

After lots of back-and-forth — and test ing at the TTB’s formula lab — the federal agency required Kalchē to put language on the label that made Viburnum seem “like Franken-wine,” Meyer said. “We had to call it ‘a blend of sparkling other than standard grape-cranberry wine with grape wine.’ Who wants to drink some thing other than standard? They haven’t evolved to add inclusive language for winemakers like us.”

“We’re selling a luxury product,” Lambright said. “So, if people aren’t necessarily in it for the ethos, it’s hard.”

Kalchē’s business structure goes against the Big Wine narrative, too. The three founders have 30 combined years of hospitality and wine industry expe rience in Vermont, Texas, Oregon, New York City, Cape Cod and Boston. Starting the winery, Meyer and Lambright knew it would be a cooperative, even before Chery joined the team. They wanted to make sure everyone involved would have a voice and that the business would operate with equity and transparency, they said.

is the Employee Stock Ownership Plan, favored by larger Vermont companies such as Gardener’s Supply, Switchback Brewing and King Arthur Baking. Kalchē, by contrast, uses the worker cooperative model — a more direct form of ownership in which each member owns one share, and profit is distributed on the basis of laborOnecontribution.ofthebiggest challenges for worker cooperatives is access to capital.

Out of this World « P.52

They were inspired by the energy and community support surrounding Burlington’s Oak Street Cooperative, now the home of Poppy, Café Mamajuana and All Souls Tortilleria. Matt Cropp, executive director of the Vermont Employee Ownership Center, was central to creating that coopera tive, so Lambright and Meyer went to him.“[Cropp] helped us put the pieces together for the worker cooperative, explore what other options might look like and zero in on this,” Meyer said.

Other than the Vermont Employee Ownership Center, Kalchē’s primary lender was the Cooperative Fund of the Northeast, a community development loan fund originally founded in 1975 by food co-ops to lend to one another.

willing to let us take the time to get where we need to be,” Meyer said.



Kalchē’s founders have been open about how they were able to raise funds to start the business. As part of a series of “Transparency Tuesday” posts on Instagram, they broke down the unpaid equity ($66,000), lender contribution ($100,000), friends-and-family loans ($35,000), unpaid salary ($60,000), and infrastructure support from Lesnikoski ($20,000) that got them off the ground.


Down the road, the cooperative might have to deal with bigger decisions, such as what to do with profits or how to add another worker-owner, but those haven’t come up yet. The founders are clear that their business isn’t yet profitable. Compassionate lenders such as Vermont Employee Ownership Center and the Cooperative Fund of the Northeast “are

NELIODALIOFCOURTESY AUTHENTIC MEXICAN CUISINE 802-540-3095 • 169 Church St. • Burlington • 802-662-4334 • 4 Park St. • Essex Junction (Lincoln Inn) • THURSDAY11:30am-9pm,info@elgatocantina.comTuesday-SundayTUESDAY$3TACOSWEDNESDAY$6HOUSEMARGARITAS1/2PRICENACHOSWEEKLYSPECIALS!BOOKOURTACOTRUCKFORYOURNEXTPARTY! Robbi Handy Holmes robbihandyholmes@vtregroup.com802-951-2128 The residential, multifamily and foreclosure expert. I work for you! Let’s make it happen. 8h-robbyhandiholmes081722.indd 1 8/12/22 1:22 PM AH4T-FarrellDist090722.indd 1 8/18/22 4:21 PM

“I can do a lot of cool shit with plants,” Limoge said. By way of example, he described a dish from the August menu: an orange tomato that he segmented, buried for several hours

Side Dishes « P.54

“It was like a tomato bomb,” Limoge said, “the best way you can possibly express tomato without changing what tomatoUnderis.”his umbrella business, COCINA PIRATA, Limoge is working on a line of fermented products called

Limoge said he is fiercely commit ted to local, seasonal menus and looks forward to crafting them during a Vermont winter. He prefers not to be called a chef: “My goal is to be the best cook I can be.” m

has only eight spots, priced at $130 inclusive of tax, tip and five paired beverages.Limoge, 37, held his first trio of dinners in late August and expects to host them monthly for the foreseeable future. Pirata was the name of a restau rant he founded in Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca, Mexico. Before landing there, he cooked in restaurants ranging from high-volume steak and seafood venues in the mountains around Denver to fine-dining establishments in Los Angeles.Pirata menus are not detailed in advance, though guests can request dietary accommodations. Limoge’s current focus is plant-based fare featuring vegetables from SANDY BOTTOM FARM in Isle la Motte and grains from NITTY GRITTY GRAIN OF VERMONT in Charlotte. Alcoholic drinks come from Burlington-based FOAM BREWERS


Limoge grew up in Essex Junction and left Vermont at 18 after starting his career at local restaurants, including LEUNIG’S BISTRO & CAFÉ. “I always knew I wanted to cook,” he said, “and I wanted to see the world.”

Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

Travis Limoge in 2020

TRAVIS LIMOGE will offer his second series of seven-course, prix fixe tasting menu events from September 22 to 24 in the rooftop space at KARMA BIRD HOUSE at 47 Maple Street in Burlington. Reservations for the PIRATA events must be booked in advance through Each “dinner experience,” as Limoge described them,

Cocina Pirata Hosts Tasting Menu Dinners at Karma Bird House


in dill, then cold-smoked and dusted with dehydrated, powdered tomato.


VIANDA, which will be available through subscription only.

After settling in Oaxaca, he lived there for five years, until March 2022, when he and his family moved back to Vermont. Upon his return, Limoge worked for about three months with the team at KRAEMER & KIN to help launch the food program at its new location at the Alburg Golf Links.

Dilly Delights

INFO Learn more

Lewis Creek Farm dilly beans


The chipmunks and squirrels don’t ask those things, of course. They are single-mindedly focused on “How am I going to survive the winter? Must eat more and bury more nuts.”

An homage to Lewis Creek Farm’s pickled green beans


His recipes aren’t family heirlooms. Bissell can’t remember where he found the one for dilly beans, which is “especially popular,” he said. “There’s some kind of weird mystique about dillyEverybeans.”summer, Bissell hires a new “pickle person.” During the pandemic, when vinegar was in short supply, he tried pickling using lacto-fermentation. Now Lewis Creek offers vinegar-free dilly beans called deli dilly beans alongside the standardAnotherversion.brand extension happened by accident. One year, the pickle person misread the recipe and added a whole teaspoon of cayenne pepper instead of a quarter teaspoon. “I said, ‘We’ll just call them extra spicy,’” Bissell recalled.

The extra spicy dilly beans have developed their own following, the farmer said, “but I’m a total wimp and can’t even get close to them.” m

Like the chipmunks and squirrels feasting on my garden, I get a little panicked when cooler September days arrive. Where did the summer go? Why did I not hike more mountains, bike more causeways, go to more summer farmers markets?


What has changed, he continued, is that “everybody’s much fancier now.” By that, Bissell explained, he means that farmers sell a lot more value-added cooked or packaged products at market.Lewis Creek remains pretty unfancy. Bissell’s market stand is mostly stacked with staples such as tomatoes, carrots, broccoli, eggs and onions.

Small Pleasures is an occasional column that features delicious and distinctive Vermontmade food or drinks that pack a punch. Send us your favorite little bites or sips with big payoff

Over his four-plus decades of farming and farmers markets, Bissell said, “The thing that hasn’t changed is the enthusiasm of Burlington customers for local stuff.”

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Koher Erin JeanIlleanaEdelleKirvenMcCormick Allie Seibold ~Christopher Peterson SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202256

Maybe I’m also reacting to a vestigial, premodern-era human equivalent of the urge to lay in winter stores. But mostly I feel guilt: How did I let another summer go by without canning, pickling or preserving any number of harvest boun ties? Specifically, why did I not take advantage of the all-youcan-harvest-green-bean days at my CSA to make dilly beans?

The long, crisp beans perfectly balance salt, acid, dill, garlic and a hint of cayenne heat. I crunch through a pick-up-stickssize pile of dilly beans and feel good about my vegetable consumption. I wrap them in thinly sliced ham for classy appetizers, dice them into chopped salads and mince them into deviled eggs. I garnish my Bloody Mary with a couple and splash some of the pickling liquid into the cocktail for good measure.Thefarm is canning this year’s batches in larger jars because of supply chain issues, Lewis Creek farmer-owner Hank Bissell told me. They are well worth $14 for a 32-ounce jar, though they will add a lot of weight to my farmers market bag.Bissell, 68, is one of the OG Burlington Farmers Market vendors. He started his Starksboro farm in 1981, within the first couple years of the market’s launch. “There were hardly any farmers markets back then,” he said.

He served as market board president for 15 years and still mans his stand at most Saturday markets, despite describing himself as semiretired. “Semiretirement for a farmer is 40 hours a week and two weeks off a year,” Bissell joked.

But when the Burlington market launched its indoor winter market, back in 2008, Bissell decided he’d better get creative and try making pickles. “We were a vegetable farm,” he said. “What the heck was I gonna sell all winter?”

I reassure myself (aka assuage my guilt) by deciding that my dilly beans would not be nearly as good as those made by the Lewis Creek Farm team in Starksboro.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 57 food+drink Hank Bissell 100 Ave D Williston • 802-864-9831 Monday-Friday 8-4:30 Appointments are recommended Walk ins are always welcome B A T H SH O W PL A C E Expert Design HighestKnowledgeable,ConsultationFriendlyandAttentiveServiceQualityProducts 4t-blogettsupply091422.indd 1 9/1/22 4:16 PM Elevated dining, wine, and lodging in Middlebury. Open to the Public for Dinner Wed, Thurs & Sun 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm Fri & Sat 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm Winner of Best Bite VFN Forum Dinner 2022 25 Stewart Ln. Middlebury, Vermont 802-388-9925 @swifthouseinn 4T-swifthouse083122 1 8/22/22 11:48 AM

In Vermont playwright Jeanne Beckwith’s new work, Both Eyes Open: The Annie Oakley Story, the titular character takes a shot at setting the record straight about her life and achievements as a markswoman as she rose to international prestige. A rags-toriches, self-made woman with impeccable aim and a charming persona, Oakley (Maura O’Brien) gazes back at her life, homing in on the turning points and chance encounters that shaped her storied career.


Oakley’s home is cluttered with ephemera, a tantalizing collection of items arrayed by scenic designer Kim A. Bent and properties/set dressing designers Laura Gist and Ann Harvey. As someone who loves things, stu and junk, I had to restrain myself from jumping out of my seat to paw through the markswoman’s heapedOakleytreasures.hoards folding screens, coatracks, steamer trunks, end tables and chairs of all styles. A rolltop desk is stu ed with correspondence, its chair slightly askew. Her collections spill from everywhere at odd angles, with tea services, jewelry boxes, framed photos, glistening ceramic objets d’art, embroidered garments and other inscrutable objects covering every surface.

hen a person achieves legendary status, they inevitably lose control of their own story. Their life and achievements become the partial property of their adoring public. Living legends have big questions to grapple with: How much am I willing to give up? What will it take for me to reclaim what I’ve lost?

Lighting designer Samuel J. Biondolillo creates a rig that Keenan employs with a keen sense of detail: subtle greens as Oakley reminisces about connecting with nature in her youth; a slight dim as she describes her father’s death from pneumonia; a serene blue shift as Oakley and Butler traverse the Atlantic. the Shots

Oakley was born in 1860 into a Quaker family and endured an early life filled with struggle, including years spent essentially in indentured servitude to an abusive couple to whom she refers only as “the wolves.” Hardened but not broken, the future luminary grew up with a rifle in her hand, because “knowing how to shoot meant survival,” she tells Rogers.



Oakley is the only character to appear onstage, recounting her tales to an unseen Will Rogers, another celebrity entertainer whose career peaked at the transition from the 19th century to the 20th. Based on an actual encounter between the two in 1926, the one-person play gives the audience a fly-on-the-wall opportunity to hear the superstar’s unfiltered remembrances.

eater review: Both Eyes Open: e Annie Oakley Story, Lost Nation eater


digs into her messy feud with newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst. The mogul tarnished her reputation by falsely reporting that Oakley had been caught stealing — and fiending for cocaine. Though she paid far more in legal fees than she won in damages, she proudly declared victory in all but one of the many lawsuits she brought against Hearst.Oakley died in 1926, roughly six months after her encounter with Rogers. At the end of the show, the sharpshooter ponders death and the hereafter. She seems ready for whatever comes next, having lived life on her own terms even though it often meant being the “exact opposite of AmericanBeckwithwomanhood.”wrote the play with O’Brien in mind, and, reciting her words, the actor embodies Oakley with care and sass. Prickly one minute and silky the next, she imbues the character with vitality. Her words land with gentle humor, eliciting many chuckles between the show’s more seriousOne-personmoments.plays are tricky to pull o , but director Kathleen Keenan, also Lost Nation’s long-serving producing artistic director, uses the talents of her production team to pull o an engaging watch despite the dearth of action. Beyond the production’s obvious cohesion, Keenan’s e orts manifest themselves in O’Brien’s metered consideration of her words and her strategic navigation of the set.

Frank Butler, whom she saw as the ticket out of her one-horse Ohio town. After besting him in a shooting contest, she married him. Together, the two became performers, dazzling crowds with their precision. They eventually joined Bu alo Bill’s Wild West show and traveled the U.S. andOakleyEurope.spins yarns for approximately 90 minutes. She talks about her friendships with “Bu alo Bill” Cody and Sitting Bull, the Hunkpapa Lakota leader who also performed in Cody’s show. She recalls hobnobbing with dignitaries and royalty, including Queen Victoria, and muses on rivals such as Lillian Smith, a younger upstart who joined Cody’s show and, according to Oakley, stole some of herNearthunder.the end of her account, Oakley


Continuing her narrative, Oakley introduces the audience to Irish “shootist”

Maura O’Brien

At its core, Both Eyes Open is about staying true to oneself in changing times. Though she was never a suffragette, Oakley talks about her experiences with

SHE SEEMS READY FOR WHATEVER COMES NEXT, HAVING LIVED LIFE ON HER OWN TERMS. Owned and Operated by LCB Senior Living: More Than 25 Years of Excellence ...and a job that loves you back! TOP SIGNPAYON BONUS CAREER GROWTH Hiring CNAs LPNs, Servers, and 401-238-2991more!Independent, Assisted & Memory Care Living 23t-ExploreComm2-091422 1 9/7/22 4:08 PM

She also discusses a transformation in how people consumed entertainment — namely, the move from live perfor mance to cinema. Oakley and other celeb rities of the era lived in one of the most transitional moments of human culture. Modernity meant losing some of the grandeur and spectacle of live entertain ment, as moving pictures flattened the three-dimensional experience of watch ing people perform. Oakley didn’t know it at the time, but she was most likely one of


the last greats to make their name exclu sively through unfiltered connection with an audience.


activism and her commitment to teaching women her trade.

The statement exemplifies her no-nonsense approach to life. Oakley was a straight shooter (pun intended) who, in Keenan and Beckwith’s vision, fought to

be herself until the end of her life. Fame and success meant far less to her than stay ing true to herself and retaining as much control over her legacy as she could. m

“If you can see with one eye, wouldn’t you see better with two?” she asks.

Both Eyes Open is full of quick wit and bon mots. Early on, Oakley clarifies that she never closed one eye when taking aim, as many people assumed any shooter worth their salt would do.

Both Eyes Open: The Annie Oakley Story by Jeanne Beckwith, directed by Kathleen Keenan, produced by Lost Nation Theater. Through September 18: Wednesday through Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, 2 p.m., at Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall. $10-30. Livestream option available.

From left: Katelyn Shaw, Maren Langdon Spillane and Chris Caswell


Langdon Spillane plays Kathryn with a deep vein of vulnerability that she hides with strict composure and a proud set to her jaw. She uses an icy stillness to hold her ground. When Kathryn enters, she immediately begins calculating the space in the room to allow the full psychological and physical distance from Rachel and Sasha. Each woman is slightly jealous of the others, and Langdon Spillane plays her resentment as throttled patience, starting to fray.

These three performances crackle like a mesmerizing fire. Some of the playwright’s sparks pop nicely, too, and Thursday’s preview audience remained intently focused. But a play is not a steadily glowing fire; it has to rise and fall.

eater review: e Ties at Bind, Dirt Road eater

Chris Caswell, as Rachel, can stare

down Kathryn with an imperial gaze or glance at her daughter with tight lips that say, “Stop right there.” Caswell has a genius for allowing emotions to roll over her, one by one, so we can see them register. When Rachel takes command, Caswell’s piercing blue eyes convey certainty. But with an undercurrent of desperation, Caswell also shows the character’s power isn’t a desire to dominate but a need to protect her daughter.

alcoholic, Cole scrupulously avoids the term and doesn’t tell a story about the always unfinished business of guilt and self-preservation that an alcoholic stirs in those who love him. Instead, she introduces small confl icts to keep the characters at odds with each other. The performances are what matter here, as Rachel and Kathryn construct veritable force fields around themselves to maintain their distance while Sasha lunges from hope to despair to anger.

Though Robert seems to be an


Katelyn Shaw has the difficult job of portraying a character younger than herself. Sasha is written with a teenager’s apocalyptic sense of right and wrong, but Shaw is too clearly an adult to make overwrought pronouncements convincingly youthful. Indeed, she seems at times a little nutty in her enthusiasms. But Shaw excels at showing the character’s woundedness, leaving Rachel and Kathryn unnerved. Above all, Shaw startles by shifting allegiances suddenly within the triangle of characters.




ew play, new theater company, new performance space — The Ties that Bind is a premiere trifecta. Dirt Road Theater, founded by married partners Dominic Spillane and Maren Langdon Spillane, o ers its first major production in Barre’s First Universalist Church, now converted for community events. Montpelier playwright Tamar Cole’s new play is set in a hospital waiting room, where grief, blame and frustration can simmer among three women with di erent connections to one upstage curtain is the ICU bed of the unseen Robert. He’s a successful writer, and the people most invested in his life have to share the waiting room while he lies near death. Crossing paths in the impersonal room are his 16-year-old daughter, Sasha; her mother and Robert’s ex-wife, Rachel; and his girlfriend of five years,It’sKathryn.apromising dramatic vortex, as each woman views Robert differently and finds it di cult to honor the others’ connections with him. Kathryn wants her relationship with him to be recognized, but it can never match the length and significance of Rachel’s. Sasha pinballs between blaming Kathryn for her father’s illness and trying to convince her mother to provide for Kathryn after Robert’s death. And Rachel broods over the scars Robert has left on her and her daughter.

Cole tries to produce catharsis with a fit of temper by Sasha, but the infantile action doesn’t release anything. Yelling is not a shortcut to emotional depth — there is no shortcut. And a hospital waiting room is charged with a far di erent kind

Waiting It Out

SPILLANEDOMINICOFCOURTESY 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy New Haven, VT 802-453-538205472 Open Mon-Sat 8-5, Sun greenhavengardensandnursery.com8-4NewHaven,VT05472 SALETREEBIG B&B Trees 25% OFF 8V-greenhaven091422.indd 1 9/9/22 5:08 PMEnosburg's Annual Harvest Fest SEPTEMBER 17, 2022 9AM - 4PM Lincoln IT’SENOSBURGPark,FALLSWORTHTHETRIP WINE/BREWHORSEARTISTSANTIQUES|CRAFTERSDRAWNWAGONRIDESMUSIC|FOODCHICKENBBQ&SPIRITTASTINGHISTORICSITESOPEN ENOSBURG BUSINESS ASSOCIATION THEEBAVT@GMAIL.COMEBAVT.COM 8v-operhouseatenosburgfalls091422.indd 1 8/30/22 5:38 PM

The Ties That Bind by Tamar Cole, directed by Dominic Spillane, produced by Dirt Road Theater. Through September 17: Thursday through Saturday, 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, 2 p.m., at the First Universalist Church in Barre. $20.

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When the play ends, the characters are unchanged, but the audience has still witnessed actors firmly staking out their characters. The production is a theater experience but not a theatrical story. Without a satisfying ending or propul sive events, the play never climbs higher than repeating its circumstances. Still, the actors fascinate from start to finish. The waiting in that waiting room is what counts. m



This fall as we celebrate 100 years of service at our event at HULA.

of intensity. Elegant as the performances are, the play keeps them stuck at one pitch.Twice, the script gets near a conflict that the three women might struggle to resolve. Who will get control of Robert’s money and literary legacy? Will every one agree when life support should be discontinued? But the playwright whisks away each problem before the characters have to get too messy fight ing over it. In the end, no ties bind these three.Director Dominic Spillane presents the play on a floor-level three-quarter thrust stage. Wrapping an audience around the performers, and at such close range that we see past the actors to notice each other, is always risky. The light spill from pole-mounted lighting instruments is no help, and rather than immersing us in events, the conditions constantly remind us of the theatrical boundary.Thetoughest constraint of staging for three separate banks of spectators is that the actors must move constantly so no viewer is stuck watching the back of a character’s head. Some stories can be told well with frequent movement, but if ever there was a place where people would stay still, the deathbed waiting room is it. Yet Spillane has no choice but to keep the actors in motion, too often dissolving the tension that could build between people with no escape from design by Joe Sanguinetti is effective, especially in the crepuscular scene changes that indicate the passage of time. Sound designer Otto Muller introduces the faintest trace of beeping hospital machinery, and contributes a tribal beat to Sasha’s outburst. The otherworldly rhythm almost rescues the action by adding grandeur, but a departure into musically scored ritual doesn’t fit the show’s realism.

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SD: What stands out to you about this couple?

ES: Yes, my last video was about monarchs, so it was nice to see one in Marshfield. George has seen a decline in monarchs on the farm, and he has planted a pollinator garden to attract more. I found one monarch on a patch of Mexican sunflowers and also saw some caterpillar poop on some milkweed. George also has regular bear sightings on the farm and has been watching one giant male bear for many years. This was neat to talk about because I recently did a video about the Kilham Bear Center in New Hampshire.

SD: It’s funny to think of flowers as a “guilty pleasure.”

SD: ose were some impressive daylilies.

SD: What did you learn on this trip?

George told me to ask how many Rick had purchased over the years, and he initially said 50 varieties. When I bumped into him later, he confessed the number was closer to 70. Rick’s theory is that you always have “room for one more,” and this is something I can totally agree with.

Garden Therapy

of leaving them in the flower beds. This helps cut down on invasive insects that lay eggs in your spent blooms.

ES: I was glad I got to meet Rick Sanborn, who is a customer and friend of the Africas. It was his second day in a row visiting the gardens, and he was making a list of daylilies to buy for next year. He called them his “guilty pleasures.”

ES: Seriously! They put my meager patch of tiger lilies, aka road lilies, to shame. I loved listening to George naming all the kinds of daylilies. They have some magnificent names, like Honky Tonk Barbie, the Jury’s Out and Dream Sou e. And Gail keeps a display of all the varieties up at the main building, so you can see all the colors in one spot and pick your favorite.

A couple spends a lifetime sharing blooms

the latest episode of “Stuck in Vermont.” Read on for insights from the video.

Episode 672: Gail and George Africa of Vermont Flower Farm Plan to Retire

SD: What ended up on the cuttingroom floor?

ES: Way too much. George is a storyteller and had wonderful tales to share. I imagine a lot of the visitors to the farm enjoy talking to Gail and George as much as they love the flowers. I crammed as many stories as I could into this video, but I always wish there could be a super cut with all the leftover bits. Editing is a bit like gardening: You weed out all the extraneous bits and try to include the best blooms, leaving the rest on the compost heap to turn into mulch someday.


SEVEN DAYS: How did you hear about this place?

ES: I love meeting people who are passionate about what they do, and that describes Gail and George. They are also really hard workers, something I am drawn to. Gail shared a photo album from the early 1980s that showed the couple’s first farm in Shelburne and their stand at the Burlington Farmers Market where they sold sweet pea flowers, which were all the rage at the time. There were no photos of them together because they were always busy working in di erent places.Itis amazing to think that four decades later they are still planting, dividing lilies, arranging flowers and watering. Hard work and passion must keep you young. I hope they can find the right people to carry on the legacy that they have created.

EVA SOLLBERGER: My friend’s mother, Wendy Whaples Scully, has been nudging me to cover George and Gail for a year. She tags me on their Facebook posts and sends me DMs asking me to feature them. When I finally did make it out to Marshfield, Wendy was there to buy some daylilies and get interviewed. Timing is everything, and I should have gotten out earlier in the summer to see the gardens at their best, but I still saw plenty of color on the gray Saturday that I visited.

Gail Africa watering the plants at Vermont Flower Farm


Gail was kind enough to send me home with an Alabama Jubilee, which has already bloomed a few times and is a brilliant orange. You can see it at the end of the video. I got bit by the bug and will be back for more daylilies.

Seven Days senior multimedia producer Eva Sollberger met the Africas for an interview and got a tour of their gardens with George in his all-terrain vehicle for


Seven Days senior multimedia producer Eva Sollberger has been making her award-winning video series, “Stuck in Vermont,” since 2007. New episodes appear on the Seven Days website every other ursday and air the following night on the WCAX evening news. Sign up at to receive an email alert each time a new one drops. And check these pages every other week for insights on the episodes.

Unstuck: Episode Extras With Eva

SD: I spied a monarch butterfly in this video.

or almost four decades, Gail and George Africa have been working with plants and flowers. In 1983, they started Vermont Flower Farm in Shelburne and sold their blooms at the Burlington Farmers Market. The Africas later relocated their business to Marshfield and have occupied two di erent locations there. Since 2008, they have been o of busy Route 2 on 4.3 acres next to the Winooski River. They grow lush fields of daylilies and display gardens, which visitors can explore.

Both George and Gail love to talk to customers about plants, but at ages 74 and 67, respectively, they are hoping to retire. They have placed the farm for sale and are looking for someone to carry on their floral vision.

ES: I could talk to gardeners endlessly. This was a really informative video for me. I have been cultivating a small flower garden and learned everything I know from my mother. George taught me that dividing lilies is good for them, even though it seems like you are hurting them. And that when you deadhead, it is best to take the spent flowers and scapes to the compost instead

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The online magazine briefly observes: “Art is present everywhere, from rotating exhibitions at the State House and Supreme Court building to all the co-ops, galleries, and cultural institutions around town.” What it fails to note are the large-scale paint ings and photos adorning building exteriors, the floral arrangements on the city’s bridges, the sculptures suspended over the river, and the pocket parks and other public-space enhancements.Butnomatter.

funding sources and ways to review progress over“Thetime.commission set out $20,000 a year to pay for projects,” Joyce said. “The idea was to give us not a lot of money but enough to make some choices. Our responsibility is to decide how to spend that money.”

Luckily for Montpelier, Joyce has likeminded compatriots. He chairs the city’s seven-member Public Art Commission, which advises and reports to the city council

Joyce, 59, is the force behind many projects that he calls “entrepreneurial public-benefit space work.” Aided by grants and sometimes by his former students at Vermont Technical College, he has designed and built parklets — including the very first one in Vermont — as well as pocket parks, bike-rack structures and a human-size chess board. He’s been instrumental in the installation of outdoor artwork, including multiple projects on Langdon Street over several seasons. And, Joyce noted, in the course of this work he has climbed ladders to vertiginous heights, repainted weathered surfaces and watered plants.


“One thing we’re going to do now is cata log the work we’ve done and use that as a mechanism to go back to the city,” Joyce said.

Creative Capital


During an interview in his office above Bear Pond Books, he put it like this: “I’ve been like a warrior for public space. I have this theory that we have the right and ability to help shape our cities.”

Per the public art master plan, private donations are part of the funding mix. The mural at Shaw’s is a case in point: The super market chain and building owner Ernie Pomerleau got on board with the project to the tune of $10,000. The commission and Montpelier Alive met that with $5,000 each.

Most of the “low-cost, high-impact” art projects around the city are the work of Vermont artists, Ward said, but the commis sion accepts national submissions for larger projects. For the Shaw’s mural, it received 55 submissions, paid four artists to develop and present a plan, and finally selected Ramirez for his abstract spray-can design.

“I think we’ve accomplished a fabulous amount, given our meager budget and small volunteer group,” commission member Bob Hannum declared. A professional art restorer with a local and international clientele, Hannum noted that the group has “engaged business leaders, private individuals and foundations to contribute financially to our efforts.” That effort, he added, is “not just a success but a duty to ourWhentaxpayers.”thepandemic arrived, Montpe lier’s public art efforts slowed down, as did



“Public spaces are where we build our communities and our capacity to work together,” Joyce writes in a section of his website called Creative Placemaking. “They are the spaces that define our communities, regardless of scale.”

on all things public art and oversees the jury ing, placement and maintenance of public artworks.“Theidea was to formalize public art as a mission,” Joyce said, “to put the city on the map as a public art entity.”

vivid new mural by Chicago artist Mauricio Ramirez covers the side of the Shaw’s supermarket in Montpelier — all 150 feet of it. It’s the latest and largest of the Capital City’s public art installations. Yet it’s nowhere to be found in Travel + Leisure’s recent write-up of Montpelier as one of “9 Best Small Towns in the U.S. for Art Lovers.”

the funding for them. Now, the commission is getting back in gear.



Ward Joyce in front of a mural by Mauricio Ramirez

In 2018, the commission got a grant to develop a public art plan for Montpelier. Joyce credited Paul Gambill, executive director of local nonprofit Community Engagement Lab, with authoring the hand some 88-page publication, which serves as a template for current and future city adminis trators as they consider Montpelier’s visual environment.Theplanbegins with a high-minded declaration: “The Montpelier way is a culture of collaboration, thoughtfulness and ingenuity.” It goes on to outline guiding principles, place-based strategies, suggested

Local architect Ward Joyce would argue that these amenities are meant to improve life for residents, not to impress visiting travel writers.

Montpelier architect Ward Joyce is a warrior for public art

INFO Learn more at and

“It’s a little confusing for folks, but there’s a lot of overlap, and it makes for more art and more ways of doing things,” Hitzig said.


the Odds"

“Not all of our citizens approve of what we do, and this is one of the many reasons I am grateful for Ward’s leadership,” he said. “He is patient and kind with naysayers. I wanted his experience and intelligence and talent and passion on our team.”

Vermont’s capital city can expect more public-space enhancements as the commis sion evolves — and Joyce has a birthday. “Architects don’t even get good ’til they’re 60,” he said. m

For his part, Joyce believes that “indi vidual heroic acts don’t have longevity.” When it comes to public art and infrastruc ture, it takes a village.

“Some local artists were disappointed that we chose an out-of-state artist,” Joyce acknowledged. “But we have 11 or 12 proj ects around town, and all but one are by locals.“You’re never going to please everyone,” he added. “That’s almost the definition of publicOtherart.”recent projects include a banner by Bread and Puppet Theater founder Peter Schumann at Rabble-Rouser Chocolate & Craft; an enlarged painting by Kristine Chartrand on the side of the North Branch Café; and a five-panel plexiglass-and-paint sculpture on Main Street by Barre’s Arcana Workshop. Susan Calza’s “Red Oculus” installation, stationed in front of city hall earlier this summer, will be supplemented this fall by video screened on downtown buildings.Joycenoted that the commission just got a five-year grant from the Vermont Agency of Transportation to fund mural making at the interstate underpass on Route 2. Artist Carolyn Shapiro approached the group in February seeking support for a pair of murals at that location. But, Joyce said, “Because Gateway Park has 16 enormous concrete pylons under the interstate, the commission felt it was an opportunity to make it an even bigger project.” The area

He applauded Joyce for his role in those efforts. “Ward is a go-getter with passion and seat-of-the-pants engineering,” Hitzig said, noting the architect’s willingness to tackle sometimes precarious installations.

DAVISSTUDIOVT.COM • 802-425-2700 • 916 SHELBURNE ROAD • SOUTH BURLINGTON Discover Your Inner Artist! Choose FusedPaintingDrawing,aorGlassClass Register today for fall 2022. 6H-davisstuio080322.indd 1 7/8/22 11:48 AM 2022 GLB250 SUV shown with optional equipment. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2021 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit HEADLINE: 42 pt. • BODY COPY: 9 pt. Sticker shock. The good kind. STARTING AT $38,600*GLBTHE2022 802.985.8482 | 3328 Shelburne Rd. | Shelburne, Vermont 05482-6849 2022 GLB250 SUV shown with optional equipment. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2021 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES, or visit HEADLINE: 42 pt. • BODY COPY: 9 pt. Sticker shock. The good kind. STARTING AT $38,600*GLBTHE2022 Base MSRP excludes transportation and handling charges, destination charges, taxes, title, registration, preparation and documentary fees, tags, labor and installation charges, insurance, and optional equipment, products, packages and accessories. Options, model availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details, costs and terms. 3V-automasterMER091422.indd 1 9/12/22 5:10 PM

will support a number of murals, with their content subject to VTrans approval.

“The critical thing about public space is to have it institutionally backed, funded and maintained,” he said.

The Public Art Commission is not the first or only entity to champion such proj ects in the city. The nonprofit Montpelier Alive has been doing it for years. The two organizations have similar objectives and sometimes collaborate, said local sculptor Rob Hitzig, a past chair and current vice chair of the commission who also serves on the Montpelier Alive design commit tee. The Shaw’s mural was one example, he said; the two organizations also pooled their funds to buy a large projector.

But Hannum insisted that public art also needs a persuasive ambassador.

"Defying by Kristine Chartrand by Peter Schumann

"Handout #27"

T. TERRY: The artists discuss their creative practices via Zoom, in conjunction with current exhibition “More Than an Object: The Contemporary Still Life.” Registration required. BCA Center, Burlington, Thursday, September 15, 6 p.m. Free.




ART CAFÉ WITH MUSIC: Explore this year’s contemporary art exhibition, “Interplay,” with fresh baked goods, tea and live piano music. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site, Calais, Friday, September 16, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info, 828-0749.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202266 art


2022 PHOTOGRAPHY SHOOT-OUT: The theme for this year’s competition is “Reflections.” First-place winner gets a solo show at Axel’s in 2023. Two entries per photographer. Rules and details at Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery, Waterbury. Through October 8. $20. Info, 244-7801.

ARTISAN MARKET: An outdoor marketplace featur ing arts, crafts, specialty foods and other handmade

items. Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Saturday, September 17, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 775-0356.

KATE DONNELLY: “Lift,” a performance in three acts that tracks an archive of unruly grief and her attendant, desire. Also featuring Sumru Tekin and

BIWEEKLY FIGURE DRAWING SOCIAL: Tickets are limited to 20 seats and are first come, first serve. Live model; bring your own beverages and supplies; curated


2022 SUNDOG POETRY BOOK AWARD: The Sundog Poetry Book Award is open to submissions from all Vermont-based poets who have not published a first or second book. Final judge Shanta Lee Gander will select the winning manuscript and write an introduction for the book. The winning poet will receive a cash prize of $500, 50 copies of the book and assistance with promotion. Details and application at sundogpoetry. org. Through September 30. $20.

playlist. RSVP at Wishbone Collective, Winooski, Wednesday, September 21, 6-8 p.m. $15. Info,

CALL FOR EXHIBITORS: Enter your group show, traveling exhibit or new body of work for the 2022-23 season in our community gallery. We seek thought-provoking exhibits that examine the human experience. CAL is an interdisciplinary art center that celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion in all forms. Submit artwork at Deadline: December 31. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier. Info, 595-5252.

FIRST NIGHT NORTH ST. JOHNSBURY: Applications are open for family-friendly acts to perform on Saturday, December 31, as part of the New Year’s Eve arts festival. To apply for one or two 45-minute performance slots, please find a link to the form at Through September 15. Free. Info, 748-2600.

f ‘DARK GODDESS: AN EXPLORATION OF THE SACRED FEMININE’: Large-scale black-and-white photographs by Shanta Lee Gander, based on the inquiry, “Who or what is the Goddess when she is allowed to misbehave?” Fall opening: Wednesday, September 14, 5:30-7 p.m. September 14-December 9. Info, 656-0750. Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, in Burlington.

JURIED VIDEO SALON: “Where Are We?” is the theme of a video presentation to be screened outdoors at a downtown Montpelier location and, secondly, at the gallery. Submit video (five-minute maximum) or a link to by September 15. Susan Calza Gallery, Montpelier.

BTV MARKET: An expansion of the former BCA Artist Market includes arts, crafts and other wares, as well as food and live music. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, September 17, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Info, 865-7166.

BILL BRAUER: A selection of sensual figurative paintings and etchings by the late Warren artist. Through September 14. Info, 233-2943. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington.


CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CRAFT SHOW AND ANTIQUE EXPO: Artisans, artists and specialty food makers are welcome to apply for this exhibition held during the Champlain Valley Expo, October 21 to 23. Details and application at Through October 1. Info,

‘ROCK SOLID XXII’: The annual celebration of stone includes sculptures, assemblages and other works in the main gallery and plaza. RAY BROWN: “Transformative Moves,” a lifetime retrospective of the paintings, drawings, prints and more by the late local artist. Curated by NNEMoCA on the second and third floors and in the Quick Change Gallery, as well as annex locations at AR Market and Morse Block. September 14-October 29. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.


‘WHIR, CLANK, BEEP’: An upcoming show is about machines: simple levers and pulleys, farm equipment, robots, computers and AI. Kinetic sculpture, working machines, 2D and 3D depictions of real and invented machines, and sculptures made from machine parts are all welcome. Deadline: December 10. Info at Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069.

‘HUMANS OF JOHNSON’: Johnson Beautification Committee celebrates the completion of a new public mural (next to the food shelf) created by local artist and NVU-Johnson graduate Finn Watsula. Refreshments served; all welcome. Johnson Food Shelf, Sunday, September 18, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2611.

‘BLACK FREEDOM, BLACK MADONNA & THE BLACK CHILD OF HOPE’: “Black Freedom, Black Madonna, and the Black Child of Hope,” designed by Raphaella Brice and created by Brice and Josie Bunnell, a mural installed for Burlington’s 2022 Juneteenth celebration, featuring a Haitian-inspired image of liberation. Through June 18. Info, 865-7166. Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.

PIPE CLASSIC XV: A CLASSIC FINALE: The longrunning glass pipe-making competition invites 12 of the best pipe-makers in the world to battle it out; each has 12 hours to make the craziest glass pipe they can. Passes are available for access to nightly events. Presented by Glass Torch Technologies & Moodmats. The Bern Gallery, Burlington, through September 17. Free. Info, 865-0994.


BENNINGTON QUILTFEST: The Quiet Valley Quilters Guild presents more than 180 new quilts, challenge quilts and a special exhibit of 48 quilts by Lucille Makrin and a memorial quilt exhibit, as well as vendors, demonstrations, consignment boutique, raffle quilt and baskets. Mt. Anthony Union Middle School, Bennington, Saturday, September 17, 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday, September 18, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. $10. Info,

VISITING ARTIST TALK: CORIN HEWITT: A discussion about the artist’s installations, performances, sculptures, photographs and videos that investigate relationships within architecture and domestic life. The former Vermonter is an associate professor and graduate director of sculpture and extended media at Virginia Commonwealth University. Red Mill Gallery, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Monday, September 19, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.

FAREWELL RECEPTION: Coinciding with the opening of fall exhibitions, the museum honors outgoing director Janie Cohen, who is retiring after 31 years. Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, Burlington, Wednesday, September 14, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 656-0750.


WELCOME BLANKET PROJECT: The public is invited to submit handmade blankets and welcome notes to gift to refugees and new Americans. Both will be displayed in an upcoming exhibition before distribution. Welcome Blanket was created by Jayna Zweiman, cofounder of the Pussyhat Project. Instructions and drop-off locations at Heritage Winooski Mill Museum. Through November 30. Info,

‘CONNECTIONS’: Howard Center Arts Collective presents an art installation of painted mailboxes and mosaics, inviting viewers to reflect on the benefits of old-fashioned mail delivery and to consider whether mailboxes have become relics of the past. Through

ART & STROLL: The second annual art fest in the Hannaford shopping plaza features more than 40 craft and art vendors, as well as food, live music and kids’ activities. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery, Saturday, September 17, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info,




FALL JURY APPLICATION OPEN: Frog Hollow Vermont Craft Gallery is now accepting applications for membership from Vermont craftspeople and artists. Those from traditionally underrepresented communities are especially encouraged to apply. We are particularly interested in glass, metal and jewelry, but all mediums will be considered. Details and application at Deadline: September 15. Info, 863-6458.


‘ANYWHERE FROM ANYWHERE’: A collection of drawings by more than 20 artists. Through December 1. Info, Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington.


TALK: MEET THE COLLECTORS: Community members who lent objects to the museum’s current exhibit, “Addison County Collects,” share stories about their collections: Bruce Yelton, slag and info about East Middlebury Iron Works; Sas Carey, memories of and clothing from Mongolia; Diana Bigelow, figures made from sticks and stones; and Eva Garcelon-Hart, on her experience of organizing the artwork of New York City artist Władysław Brzosko and curating an exhibition at Middlebury College in 2008. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, Middlebury, Wednesday, September 14, noon. Free. Info, 388-2117.

ART AT THE HOSPITAL: Acrylic paintings of Haiti by Pievy Polyte (Main Street Connector, ACC 3); hand-cut paper artworks by Adrienne Ginter (Main Street Connector and BCC); oil paintings of nature by Nancy Chapman (Main Street Connector and McClure 4); acrylic paintings by Lisa Balfour (Pathology Hallway, EP2); and oil paintings of nature by Joy Huckins-Noss (BCC, EP2). Through September 19. Info, 865-7296. University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington.

JAY LAGEMANN: The orchard and Middlebury’s Edgewater Gallery celebrate the early harvest season with a reception and artist talk, tour and refreshments. Sunrise Orchards, Cornwall, Friday, September 16, 5:30-7 p.m. Info, 989-7419.


‘CELEBRATE’: Studio Place Arts members can sign up to participate in a gift and art show (November 9 to December 29) that includes ceramics, wearables and fiber, cards, bin art, ornaments, paintings and other 2D work, jewelry and glassware. Deadline: October 8. Studio Place Arts, Barre. $20-35. Info, 479-7069,

f ‘THE ART OF HALVES HALF KNOTS’: A group exhibition of textile arts in quilting, felting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, embroidery and mixed media. Reception: Friday, September 16, 5-7 p.m., with live music by pianist Marna Grove. September 16-October 22. Info, 775-0356. Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph.

CLIMATE CHANGE ARTIST RESIDENCY: BMAC is accepting applications for the 2023 residency program intended to support artists seeking the time and resources to engage with the questions and challenges of climate change. $6,000 stipend. Application at brattleboromuseum. org. Deadline: September 15. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Info,


f ‘NEW DATA/NEW DADA’: An open-call exhibition of 40 collage and 3D assemblages that explore, echo, translate or reinvent Dada, by artists from the U.S. and Canada. f ‘THE STORY’: An open-call exhibition of contemporary photographs whose visual narratives evoke a response in the viewer, by artists from Vermont, New York, California and Texas. Reception: Saturday, September 24, 5-7 p.m. September 15-November 20. Info, 325-2603. Stone Valley Arts at Fox Hill in Poultney.


ARTIST & CURATOR CONVERSATION: FRANK JACKSON AND SARAH FREEMAN: Artist Frank Jackson and curator Sarah Freeman discuss “There/There,” an exhibition of Jackson’s abstract landscape paintings using fresco on burlap cloth. Register at brattleboro Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Friday, September 16, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 257-0124.

f ‘CALL AND RESPONSE’: Artworks by 16 members of the Howard Arts Collective, each inspired by a piece in the museum’s collections. f ROCKWELL KENT: Prints by the iconic American artist (1882-1971) from the Ralph C. Nemec collection. Fall opening: Wednesday, September 14, 5:30-7 p.m. Through December 9. Info, 656-0750. Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, in Burlington.

f SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Ten artists exhibit their work in a variety of mediums: Barbara Ackerman, Justin Kenney, Arnela Mahmutović, Evan McGlinn, Julie Merwin, Heather Palecek, Robert Ressler, Ron Vallario, Katrin Waite and Ann Young. Reception: Saturday, September 17, 2-4 p.m. September 17-November 6. Info, 362-1405. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.

CREATIVE AGING GRANTS: The Vermont Arts Council is offering grants up to $4,000 for organizations to provide skill-based arts instruc tion and social engagement led by experienced teaching artists for older adults aged 60-plus. Info and application at Through November 1.

Thatiana Oliveira. RSVP for details, location and to reserve a spot. Rain date: September 18. Private residence, Shelburne, Saturday, September 17, 11 a.m. & 1 p.m. Info,

ART HOP JURIED SHOW: Artwork by more than 70 artists submitted for competition in the 30th annual South End Art Hop; juried by David Griffin. Through December 10. Info, 859-9222. The Vaults in Burlington.

f GRACE: 45 YEARS OF CREATIVITY: An exhibition of works by participants in the Hardwick-based Grassroots Arts and Community Effort, which facilitates art making with seniors and people with disabilities. Reception and gallery talk: Thursday, September 22, 3 p.m. September 20-October 21. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.

KATHY STARK: “New Work 2019-2022,” paintings constructed of repeating marks that might evoke fields of crops, flocks of birds, schools of fish or families of color. Through October 2. Info, 552-0877. The Front in

‘EYESIGHT & INSIGHT: LENS ON AMERICAN ART’: An exhibition of artworks that illuminates creative responses to perceptions of vision; four sections explore themes ranging from 18th-century optical technologies to the social and historical connotations of eyeglasses in portraiture from the 19th century to the present. Through October 16.


KELLY O’NEAL: Painterly photographs focused on the beauty of place. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through October 31. Info, 865-7296. Mascoma Bank in Burlington.

ART & DESIGN FACULTY EXHIBITION: Artworks by Mallory Breiner, Brian Collier, Jordan Douglas, Peter Gallo, Gordon Glover, Becca Gurney and Will Mentor. Through September 23. Info, McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester.

‘PORTRAITS OF PRIDE’: An exhibition of photographs by M. Sharkey of individuals who were part of the 1983 Pride March; presented by the Pride Center of Vermont and the Vermont Folklife Center. Through September 30. Info, 865-7296. Burlington City Hall.

‘MORE THAN A MARKET’: An exhibit celebrating local, immigrant-owned markets in Burlington, South Burlington and Winooski, featuring an instal lation that re-creates the feel of a busy market, as well as wall panels with archival and contemporary photographs. Third floor. Through December 23. Info, 989-4723, O.N.E. Community Center in Burlington.

Through February 9. LUIGI LUCIONI: “Modern Light,” more than 50 landscape paintings, still-life works, portraiture and etchings by the prolific artist (1900-88) and a comprehensive examination of his career. Through October 16. MARIA SHELL: “Off the Grid,” 14 contemporary quilts that push the boundaries of the traditional gridded format by the Alaska-based quilter. Through October 16. NANCY WINSHIP MILLIKEN: “Varied and Alive,” four monumental outdoor sculptures set in a pollinator meadow that embody the museum’s commitment to environmental stewardship and feature natural materials intrinsic to the region. Through October 16. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.

LOUISE ARNOLD: Landscape paintings. Lorraine B. Good Room. Through October 7. SKY HOPINKA: “Fainting Spells,” two experimental films that explore themes of culture and homeland as the artist reflects on the complexity of his Indigenous identity. Through October 8. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.


virtual exhibition that celebrates the friendship between the museum founder and her longtime art dealer, featuring archival photographs and ephemera, a voice recording from Halpert, and quotations pulled from the women’s extensive correspondences.

MARY LOU MARCUSSEN: “Camp, Champ, Champlain,” acrylic paintings by the Williston artist that celebrate camp life in all seasons. Through September 25. Info, 899-3211. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho.

JILL MADDEN: Oil paintings on linen and gouache paintings on watercolor paper that explore the unique wilderness areas of the Green Mountains. Through September 30. Info, 223-2328. Vermont Natural Resources Council in Montpelier.

ALISA DWORSKY: “The Folded Line,” large-format, multidimensional drawings that engage with the question of what it means to make a line. Through September 29. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier.

AMY HOOK-THERRIEN: Watercolor paintings by the Vermont artist. A portion of sales benefits the nature center. Through September 30. Info, 2296206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier.

WYLIE GARCIA: “Tending Constellations,” a solo exhibition of recent paintings that emerged from the emotional spaces between grief and joy, uncertainty and hope. Through October 8. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington.

‘MORE THAN AN OBJECT: THE CONTEMPORARY STILL LIFE’: A group exhibition that presents multiple innovative variations on an age-old format in mediums including painting, photography, animation and sculpture. Through October 8.

July 31. Info, Howard Center in Burlington.

chittenden county

‘ABENAKI CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE VERMONT COMMUNITY’: A series of murals designed by Scott Silverstein in consultation with Abenaki artists Lisa Ainsworth Plourde and Vera Longtoe Sheehan and members of Richmond Racial Equity; the 10 panels celebrate the Abenaki origins of practices still important to Vermont culture. Through May 31. Info, Richmond Town Hall.

BRIAN DROURR & STEPHANIE BUSH: Nature photographs and paintings of cows, respectively. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through October 18. Info, 865-7296. Pierson Library in Shelburne.

‘IN PLAIN SIGHT: REDISCOVERING CHARLES SUMNER BUNN’S DECOYS’: An online exhibition of shorebird decoys carved by the member of the ShinnecockMontauk Tribes, based on extensive research and resolving historic controversy. Through October 5.

BOW THAYER: Vibrant paintings by the Vermont musician and visual artist. Through October 11. Info, 225-6232. Filling Station in Middlesex.

JEROME LIPANI: “Visual Fugue,” analytical abstractions and assemblages of found materials, conceived as scores for music and dance improvisa tion. Through September 30. Info, jeromelipani@ Plainfield Co-op.

ART AT THE AIRPORT: Caleb Kenna, aerial photo graphs of Vermont (Skyway); and Kathleen Fleming, acrylic paintings inspired by landscapes (Gates 1-8), curated by Burlington City Arts. Through September 30. Info, 865-7296. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington.

Montpelier.BARRE/MONTPELIER SHOWS » P.68 Explore a corn maze. Open a free Kasasa Cash Back checking account and earn up to $6 cash back* and $20 in ATM fee refunds** every month. How would you enjoy the extra money in your account? Open your account online today. 1 802 657-6847 1 800 660-3258 Insured by NCUA *Kasasa Cash Back If qualifications are met during a monthly qualification cycle you will earn 2% cash back (up to $6 total) on debit and/or credit card purchases that post and settle to your Kasasa Cash Back account during the monthly qualification cycle. One Kasasa Cash Back account per SSN. Qualification Cycle Debit and/or credit card purchases must post and settle to the account during the monthly qualification cycle—this may take one or more business days from the date the transaction occurred. ATM-processed transactions do not qualify. The “Monthly Qualification Cycle” begins on the last day of each month. **ATM Fee Refunds Domestic ATM fees (under $5 each) incurred during the monthly qualification cycle will be automatically reimbursed and credited on or about the last day of the monthly statement cycle. Receipts must be presented for reimbursement of single ATM fees of $5.00 or more. The maximum reimbursement is $20 per monthly qualification cycle. To have any Kasasa account, a NorthCountry Share Account is also required, which has a minimum balance of $5. How to qualify for cash back: ■ Make 15+ purchases with your debit and/or credit card; ■ Receive e-statements; and ■ Log into mobile and/or online banking Even if you don’t qualify, your account is still free and you can try again next month. What would you do with an extra $26 per  month? 3V-northcountry091422 1 9/8/22 4:12 PM summer with this dynamic from the HCA Café. 2875802.533.2000HIGHLANDARTSVT.ORGHARDWICKST,GREENSBORO, VT HolidayWonderArtsMarket SEP 18 | 7 PM Little Women: The Musical DEC 15 - 18 Vazana is one of the only artists in the world composing new songs in Ladino, the endangered language of the Sephardic Jews. She captures the spirit of the ancient language and propels it into the 21st century. Stile Antico Nani Noam Vazana Saturday, Oct 1 | 7 PM North Sea Gas Scotland’s Finest 6h-HCA091422 1 9/12/22 1:02 PM

f JESSICA SCRIVER: “Growth Patterns,” new paint ings in mixed media that explore shape, pattern, texture and color. Reception: Friday, September 30, 5-7 p.m. Through October 29. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.


‘INTERPLAY’: Works in a variety of mediums by 20 Vermont artists fill the historic house and grounds in this annual exhibition and illuminate time, memory and personal story; also, a showcase of work by staff artists of the Vermont Studio Center. Through October 9. Info, david.schutz@vermont. gov. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site in Calais.

JEANNE AMATO: Vibrant woodblock prints of Vermont and the natural world beyond. Through September 27. Info, 479-0896. Espresso Bueno in Barre.


‘FINE FEATHERS’: Works by more than 60 artists and poets inspired by birds and feather colors, shapes, patterns and functions. Through October 31. Info, 434-2167. Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington.

LINDA BLACKERBY: Vibrant abstract paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 2. Info, Shelburne Vineyard.

‘VOICES OF ST. JOSEPH’S ORPHANAGE’: Photographs and stories of abuse and recovery from the Catholic-run Burlington orphanage, which was home to more than 13,000 children from 1854 to 1974. Presented by the St. Joseph’s Orphanage Restorative Inquiry and the Vermont Folklife Center. Through December 16. Info, 656-2138. Billings Library, University of Vermont, in Burlington.

ELLIOT BURG: “Tunbridge Fair,” an exhibit of black-and-white photographs by the Middlesex photographer . Through September 30. Info, 2724920. Capitol Region Visitors Center in Montpelier.

LOIS EBY: “Paintings,” abstract works in conjunction with the staging of Both Eyes Open: The Annie Oakley Story by Jeanne Beckwith presented by Lost Nation Theater. Masks required. Through September 18. Info, 229-0492. Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall.

f ‘LAND & LIGHT & WATER & AIR’: An annual exhibition featuring more than 95 works by local and regional artists who paint the Vermont countryside. Reception and awards ceremony: Thursday, September 15, 5-8 p.m. Through October 30. f ‘LET

living in Florida for a number of years, Griffin returned to Vermont this year. This is his first time as juror of an exhibition that he helped to launch so long ago. “I’ve been having an incredible summer, so this just fell into place,” he said.

REGIS CUMMINGS: “Retrospect,” paintings in response to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, by the Montpelier artist. Through October 28. Info, 2795558. Vermont Statehouse Cafeteria in Montpelier.


‘EXPOSED’: The annual outdoor sculpture show featuring works by nine Vermont artists sited on the Current lawn and downtown. Through October 22. Info, 253-8358. Various Stowe locations.


‘LOST OBJECTS FROM THE SUBSURFACE’: An interactive media installation that encourages the viewer to traverse the boundaries of consciousness, a collaborative project of Sean Clute and Leif Hunneman. Through September 16. Info, 635-1469. Susan Calza Black Box Gallery, Visual Arts Center, in Johnson.

‘THE ART OF THE GRAPHIC’: Eight displays of snow boards that let viewers see the design process from initial conception to final product; featuring artists Scott Lenhardt, Mark Gonzalez, Mikey Welsh, Mishel Schwartz and more. Through October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe.

Celemin went for something else in this piece: artistic abandon. Describing herself as a kid who “didn’t fit in” at

“This” was the idea of said bounty hunters not just snitching on but exterminating women who dared to take control of their own health care — and gleefully displaying their taxidermy heads.

Teresa Celemin

Teresa Celemin’s mixed-media installation, 75 by 46 inches, might seem merely quirky at first glance: quickly sketched (if laboriously produced) heads made of papier-mâché, wigs and colorful paint. But if the idea of women’s heads mounted on plaques sounds grisly, wait until you read the backstory: A Celemin-penned faux newspaper article — datelined 2037 — accompanying the artwork begins: “Texas Right to Life, an anti-abortion advocacy organization, unveiled its first human trophy wall on Wednesday…”

GREEN MOUNTAIN PHOTO SHOW: An annual un juried exhibition open to professional and amateur photographers in a variety of styles, formats and

LEGACY COLLECTION: An exhibit of works by 16 distinguished New England landscape artists plus a selection of works by Alden Bryan and Mary Bryan. Through December 24. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville.

The women’s faces are distorted, eyes askew, makeup smeared. Most have long, limp hair. Their heads are affixed to glittery green boards and assembled together for “Billy Bounty Hunter’s Trophy Wall: Abortion Heads of Texas.” This is the first-place winner in the South End Art Hop’s juried show. The 30th annual Burlington festival took place over the weekend, but the exhibition, in the Vaults building on Howard Street, is on view until December 10.

The Hinesburg artist did not hold back. “I have this dark sense of humor anyway,” she said. “I was thinking, What’s going to happen? And I came up with this — obviously influenced by The Handmaid’s Tale.”

“I’m not surprised to learn that [Celemin] is trained,” he added, “because the impact is sophisticated.”

“I was mostly taken with the colors, the materials,” Griffin said in a phone call. “I thought I was looking at something about gender identity, gender fluidity. But I was glad it brought attention to the Texas bounty hunters and the abortion issue.

f VICTORIA ZOLNOSKI: “Biocentric,” paintings and photographs by NVU-Johnson art faculty member. Closing reception: Thursday, September 15, 3 p.m. Through September 16. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.

Here’s a funny fact: David Griffin, the juror for the Art Hop show, had no inkling of the story behind Celemin’s construction when he chose it for first place. He initially looked at the artworks on slides, he explained, without titles or artist’s names. Or fake newspaper articles.

school, she was formally trained at the Parsons School of Design and New York Academy of Art. She learned to draw and paint realistically and believed she had to prove herself in a male-dominated art world. But during a recent residency at Vermont Studio Center, Celemin said, she reclaimed her inner wildBeforechild. making the trophy heads, she said she thought back to first grade and making papier-mâché. She laughingly described the challenge of working with the medium: “It’s wet paper over a balloon!” But Celemin relished the newfound lack of control. “Next I want to do something about Ethel Rosenberg,” she declared. “And I have all these other ideas to do with heads.”

‘EARTH & FIRE’: A group exhibition of artworks in glass and ceramic by local artists. Through October 14. Info, 224-6878. Mad River Valley Arts Gallery in Waitsfield.

‘THE WORLD THROUGH THEIR EYES’: Watercolors and drawings by 19th-century Norwich alumni William Brenton Boggs and Truman Seymour depict ing scenes in North and South America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Through December 16. Info, 485-2886. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield.

It’s no surprise to learn that Celemin took her cue from the U.S. Supreme Court’s dismantling of abortion rights — as well as reports of “bounties” for those who report on suspected abortions taking place in Texas. She just leapt to a dystopian extreme.“Iwas distraught after Roe fell,” Celemin said in a phone interview. “I was like, Fuck it, man. I was so angry. I need to funnel this anger into a creative voice, to use my art as a voice, as a weapon, because this is war.”



US INTRODUCE YOU’: Paintings by five artists who have not previously exhibited in the gallery: Robin Reynolds, Ellen Hopkins Fountain, Kate Follett, Ella Delyanis and Caroline Loftus. Reception: Thursday, September 15, 5-8 p.m. Through October 30. 2022

ALTERNATIVE TAKES GALLERY: An exhibition by Misoo Bang, Richard Britell and Mary Reilly featuring three different perspectives on the world, from the architecture of Western civilization to the natural world, to the individuals navigating both, accom plished with paint, collage and graphite. Through October 31. Info, 760-4634. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort.

‘WHEN THE WELL IS DRY: An exhibition featuring 11 artists who explore the interconnection of environ ment, climate change, culture and community. In partnership with Visura. Through December 10. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe.

‘YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT TO SEE IT!’: Abstract sculptures by Melinda McDaniel and digital paintings by Fernando Orellana, curated by Kara Jefts. Through September 21. Info, 635-2727. Red Mill Gallery, Vermont Studio Center, in Johnson.

mad river valley/waterbury

Griffin, a longtime graphic designer in Burlington, was on the board of the organization that later became the South End Arts + Business Association and was an early organizer of events that would gel into the Art Hop. “I don’t want to take credit away from Melanie [Brotz], who did the first one,” he Aftersaid.

“Billy Bounty Hunter’s Trophy Wall: Abortion Heads of Texas” by Teresa Celemin

‘THE ORWELL ARTISTS’: Works by 11 artists including pottery, collage, painting and more. Through October 15. Info, 989-7225. Sparrow Art Supply in Middlebury.

‘TRIO: PUTTING IT TOGETHER’: Artworks in paint, collage and found objects by Sloane Dawson, Margaret Kannenstine and Amy Schachter. Through September 24. Info, 457-3500. ArtisTree Gallery in South Pomfret.

brattleboro/okemo valley

DAISY ROCKWELL: “Dhwani/Resonance,” South Asian-inspired paintings by the artist, writer and translator of Hindi and Urdu literature. Through September 17. Info, 362-2607. Manchester Community Library in Manchester Center.

ARTISTS FROM THE GABLES: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by Bob Lloyd, Hellen Dillon, Lowell Klock and Bill Ramage. Through October 1. Info, The Gables at East Mountain in Rutland.


‘COLOR’: Photographs in vivid color juried by Jeff Curto, in the gallery and online. Through September 23. Info, PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury.

‘DISSENT! ABOLITION & ADVOCACY IN PRINT’: An exhibition of 19th-century print materials used as a platform to expose the horrors of enslavement and spread calls for emancipation in the United States. Through October 23. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh.

champlain islands/northwest

Long River Gallery in White River Junction.

‘MANY AMERICAS: ART MEETS HISTORY’: More than a dozen artworks and installations that use divergent histories as a point of departure to address present-day issues. Curated by Ric Kasini Kadour.

BILL RAMAGE: “A Lamentation for a Lost Lexicon, Phase Two,” variations on Jasper Johns’ “Three Flags” paintings by the Rutland artist. Through October 8. Info, B&G Gallery in Rutland.

KRISTOFFER ORUM: “Mundane Monsters,” a multimedia exhibit by the Danish artist that offers humorous, inventive takes on the modern relationship of nature and culture. Through October 7. Info, Epsilon Spires in Brattleboro.

‘CASPIAN ARTS AT MAC! WELCOME!’: Works in a variety of mediums by members of the Greensborobased artist organization. Through October 29. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport.


‘TO MARKET’: Large-scale black-and-white paintings by Shelley Reed and elaborate cut-paper installations by Randal Thurston. By appointment. Through October 9. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.

PEGGY WATSON & ROARKE SHARLOW: Mixed-media paintings and painterly digital photographs, respectively. Through September 25. Info, artetcvt@ ART, etc. in Randolph.

BARBARA CAMPMAN: “In Passage,” painting, assemblage and mixed media by the Vermont artist. Through November 6. Info, 387-0102. Next Stage Arts Project in Putney.

‘VIEWS OF WITHIN: PICTURING THE SPACES WE INHABIT’: More than 60 paintings, photographs, prints, installations and textile works from the museum’s collection that present one or more evocations of interior space. Through June 30.

ELLY BARKSDALE & MARTHA ELMES: “Women— Strength in Numbers,” works by the local artist that draw attention to women power. Through September 30. Info, The Satellite Gallery in Lyndonville.


‘FELT EXPERIENCE’: Works by five artists who use the medium of felt in diverse and novel ways: Marjolein Dallinga, Ruth Jeyaveeran, Melissa Joseph, Liam Lee and Stephanie Metz; curated by Sarah Freeman and Katherine Gass Stowe. Through October 10. ‘NEBIZUN: WATER IS LIFE’: Artwork by Abenaki artists of the Champlain Valley and Connecticut River Valley, including protest art created in support of the Native American Water Protectors; curated by Vera Longtoe Sheehan. Through October 10. BETH GALSTON: “Unraveling Oculus,” an immersive sculptural installation using natural elements and video recorded in a silo. Through October 10. FRANK JACKSON: “There/ There,” abstract landscape fresco paintings that address questions of place, memory and experience. Through October 10. MIE YIM: “Fluid Boundaries,” vivid paintings of unsettling hybrid creatures by the New York City-based artist; curated by Sarah Freeman. Through October 10. OASA DUVERNEY: “Black Power Wave,” a window installation of drawings by the Brooklyn artist, inspired by images of Chinese Fu dogs, the cross and the Yoruba deity Èsù. Through May 6. ROBERLEY BELL: “The Landscape Stares Back,” outdoor sculpture on the museum lawn. Through October 10. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.

‘1,111 COPPER NAILS’: A 36-year retrospective of the Bread and Puppet calendar. Through December 31. Info, Hardwick Inn.

SAMUEL WYATT: “Writing on the Wall Project,” new paintings that explore the light, shadow, textures and graffiti in urban settings. Through September 30. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury.


subject matter. Through October 9. Info, info@ Red Barn Galleries at Lareau Farm in Waitsfield.


BETSY SILVERMAN & RACHEL WILCOX: “About Town,” paintings of the urban landscape. Through September 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at the Falls in Middlebury.

SCULPTFEST22: An annual outdoor exhibition of sculptural installations in a variety of mediums. Through October 23. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center in West Rutland.

ALISSA BUFFUM: The mixed-media painter and sculptor is the first recipient of the gallery’s Working Artist Program, which provides studio and exhibition space. Visitors are welcome to experience her art-making process during gallery hours. Through November 28. Info, 289-0104. Canal Street Art Gallery in Bellows Falls.

LEON GOLUB: Nearly 70 expressive figurative paintings that explore man’s relationship with the dynamics of power, spanning the American artist’s career from 1947 to 2002. LOIS DODD: A survey of some 50 paintings by the American artist from the late 1950s through last year that depict places she lives and works, from rural Maine to New York City. Through November 27. Info, Hall Art Foundation in Reading.

‘REACT! AN ECOART CALL TO ACTION’: Works that address social and ecological issues in collage, book art, sculpture, fiber, clay and found-object assem blage by Pamela Wilson, Jennifer Volansky, Dorsey Hogg, Kevin Donegan and Anne Cummings. Through October 15. Info, Grange Hall Cultural Center in Waterbury Center.

f JULIAN ADON ALEXANDER: “Effigies,” graphite drawings and acrylic paintings by the New York City-based artist. Artist talk and closing reception: Sunday, October 2, noon-3 p.m. Through October 2. Info, 347-264-4808. Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction.

f ‘MULTIPLE AVENUES: ARTISTS EXPLORE PRINTMAKING’: A faculty exhibition featuring a variety of works by Michael Smoot, Susan Smereka, Jes Raymond, Lynn Newcomb, Mary Mead, Patty Hudak, Rachel Gross and Janet Cathey. Reception: Friday, October 7, 5-7 p.m. Through October 31. Info, Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction.

An annual fundraiser for the museum featuring baskets hand-painted by Nancie Dunn, Gary Starr, Gayl Braisted, Warren Kimble, Danielle Rougeau and Fran Bull. Bidding is at Through October 10.

‘MENDING THE SPACES BETWEEN: REFLECTIONS AND CONTEMPLATIONS’: Prompted by a vandalized Bible, 22 artists and poets respond to questions about how we can mend our world, find ways to listen and work together. Through November 30. Info, 649-0124. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center.

CAMPUS THEATER MOVIE POSTERS: A virtual exhibit of archival posters and other ephemera from Middlebury’s former movie theater, which opened in 1936. It was later converted to the current Marquis Theater. Through January 7. ‘ADDISON COUNTY COLLECTS’: An eclectic exhibition of objects and personal stories from 36 area collectors, celebrating the local and global community. Through January 7. ‘ADDISON COUNTY KIDS COLLECT’: A continually growing exhibition of photos of Addison County children with their personal collections. Through January 7. ‘ARTISTS IN THE ARCHIVES: COMMUNITY, HISTORY & COLLAGE’: Collage prints by 23 artists from seven countries that reflect upon the idea of community in the 21st-century world. Curated by Kolaj Institute director Ric Kasini Kadour. Through January 7. ‘THE ELEPHANT IN THE ARCHIVES’: An experimental exhibit reexamining the museum’s Stewart-Swift Research Center archival collections with a critical eye toward silences, erasures and contemporary relevance. Through January 7. CHUCK HERRMANN: “Sculptures of Perseverance,” eight poignant works by the Shoreham wood carver created in response to the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy. Through January 7. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury.

northeast kingdom


DEAR SIMON PHOTOGRAPHY: “Book of Eve,” studies in human form, shadow and light. Through September 30. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y.

RORY JACKSON: “Be Still,” paintings of landscapes and skies by the local artist. Through September 27. Info, 989-7419. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.

‘FIREFLIES AND FREEZE TAG’: A curated group exhibition of 26 New Hampshire and Vermont artists whose artwork reflects on the joys of summer. Through September 24. MARGARET JACOBS, NANCY SEPE & LI SHEN: Solo exhibitions in multiple materials and disciplines; the three artists share an interest in storytelling through objects considered culturally or socially significant. Through September 30. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H.

‘BEYOND WORDS’: A group exhibition of book-in spired art by invited artists in the Connecticut River Valley region. Through November 30. Info, 295-4567.

‘COMING CLEAN’: An exhibition that considers bath ing practices throughout time and across cultures, including religious immersion and ritual purification, bathing as health cure, methods of washing in extreme environments, and much more. All kinds of bathing and scrubbing implements are on display. Through April 30. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover.

JANET VAN FLEET & DIANE GAYER: “We the People,” Van Fleet’s large figures made with found and repurposed materials; and Gayer’s “Do Trees Have Standing?,” photographs that document the first days of building Burlington’s Champlain Parkway through the Englesby Brook and ravine. Through September 26. Info, 355-2150. GreenTARA Space in North Hero.

f KATE SMITH & ELIZABETH NELSON: Abstract paintings drawn from memories of special places. Meet the artists: Friday, September 23, 6-8 p.m. Through October 9. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury.

JUDITH JACOBS: “Transience,” photographs of time. Through September 27. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover.

outside vermont

‘MADAYIN: EIGHT DECADES OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN BARK PAINTING FROM YIRRKALA’: The first major exhibition of Aboriginal Australian bark paintings to tour the U.S., a contemporary interpreta tion of an ancient tradition of Indigenous knowledge expression. Public celebratory events: Thursday, September 22, through Saturday, September 24. Through December 4. Info, 603-646-2821. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H.

RANDY ALLEN: “Feeling the Landscape,” oil paintings. Through September 18. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro.

middlebury area

DAVID STROMEYER: The artist’s outdoor venue featuring 70 large-scale contemporary sculptures. Through October 10. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls.

Through November 27. Info, 362-1405. Elizabeth de C. Wilson Museum, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.

CHRISTINE HOLZSCHUH: “The Joy of Life,” a retrospective of work celebrating moments of beauty through portraits, landscapes and figurative paintings by the late artist. Proceeds of sales to be donated to Holzschuh’s grandchildren and the Castleton University art department. Through September 17. Info, 800-639-8521. Castleton University Bank Gallery in Rutland.

ALTHEA BILODEAU LAMB & JUDITH REILLY: “Common Threads,” fabric and fiber art. Through November 6. Info, 247-4956. Brandon Artists Guild.

upper valley

RACHEL LAUNDON: “Metamorphosis,” a solo exhibi tion of creations using found materials. Through October 8. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.

‘WHOSE NEW WORLD?’: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by nine regional artists who explore social justice issues. Through September 24. Info, 728-9878. Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph.

‘PARKS & RECREATION’: An exhibition of paintings past and present that explores the history and artistic depictions of Vermont’s state parks and other formally designated natural areas. Contemporary works on loan from the Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. Through November 6. ‘PERSPECTIVES: THE STORY OF BENNINGTON THROUGH MAPS’: A collection that shows the changing roles of maps, from those made by European colonists showcasing American conquests to later versions that celebrate civic progress and historic events. Through December 31. NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 25th annual outdoor sculpture show at locations around town, as well as more works by regional artists inside the museum. Through November 12. Info, 447-1571. Bennington Museum.

‘EGGSHELLS & CHEEKBONES’: A family of artists — painters Alison Crossley and Felix Roberts and land artist Tristan Roberts — exhibit their works together for the first time. Through September 30. Info, 704-441-5338. 118 Elliot in Brattleboro.

JOHN DOUGLAS: “Anywhere but Here,” a solo exhibition of photographs by the Vershire artist. Through September 30. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library.

NICOLAS PARTY: “L’heure mauve” (“Mauve Twilight”), a dreamlike exhibition of paintings, sculptures and installation in the Swiss-born artist’s signature satu rated colors. Online reservations required. Through October 16. SABRINA RATTÉ: “Contre-espace,” digital artwork by the Montréal artist that creates an interaction between architecture and landscape, projected onto the façade of the Michal and Renata Hornstein Pavilion from dusk to 11 p.m. Through November 27. SHARY BOYLE: “Outside the Palace of Me,” a multisensory exhibition that explores how identity and personality are constructed in the age of social media. Through January 15. Info, 514-2852000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. m

Freedom Fighting

for dudes to hear, and I have so, so many wonderful men in my life,” King continued. “But when it comes to old white dude energy in places like the Supreme Court … yeah, I’m not sitting down and shutting up about that.”


So, she reached out to South Burlington nightclub Higher Ground about staging a benefit show. King knew she didn’t want to do something small and that she wanted to bring in a collection of female artists who would be similarly motivated to make a di erence.

S UNDbites

Sarah King

King, who was recently awarded a Creation Grant from the Vermont Arts Council for her upcoming record, recalled preparing to shoot some promotional videos when her phone buzzed and she saw the news that Roe v. Wade had been overturned, opening the way for red states to ban or restrict abortion access.

they are much more directly a ected by the actions of less well-intentioned people sitting on courts and in Congress than we are in Singer-songwriterVermont.

SARAH KING knows all about it. The Vermont-based Americana and blues rocker originally hails from Georgia and is keenly aware of how recent political and judicial decisions have rocked her home state, as well as the rest of America.

“In the South, as a girl, you’re

It can be a little weird the first time you try to describe to non-southerners how politics work down in the so-called Bible Belt. The prevailing notion among northerners is that it’s basically a bunch of old, white Evangelical racists who love good food, bad music and discrimination. To be fair, that’s not really far o from the mark in some spots. But, as with most things in life, the reality is more complex.

King’s most recent release, The Hour, shows a more riled-up side to her songwriting. The 2021 EP, produced by SIMONE FELICE of the FELICE BROTHERS, is a countrified condemnation of the patriarchy, even featuring a few murder ballads that just about edge into the wish-fulfillment zone.

With the help of folks at Higher Ground, King put together a lineup of some of Vermont’s best female artists and female-fronted bands for the Reproductive Rights Rally. Featuring soul siren KAT WRIGHT, singer-songwriterproducer FRANCESCA BLANCHARD, cosmic pop outfit ACQUAMOSSA and indie rockers FATHER FIGUER, the show takes place on Friday, September 23, as part of the club’s outdoor summer series, Backside 405, in Burlington’s South End. The lineup also features guest speakers and community leaders talking between sets.

Where King does want money going is to the National Network of Abortion Funds, the rally’s beneficiary, which strives to help people in need by removing financial and logistical barriers to abortion access. The organization is especially important to King, who knows all too well how much more di cult it is to gain access to reproductive health in the southern states.

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene


For all those unpleasant characters, however, scores of people I know in North Carolina have huge hearts, a love of their fellow humans and a real desire to make things better. More importantly,

“I was supposed to shoot these videos, but I couldn’t because I was just crying,” she said. “I alternated between wondering what the fuck was even happening and trying to figure out something I could do to actually help.”

The show took a few months to put together, during which time King grew increasingly concerned as the news cycle seemed to pivot away from the loss of abortion rights.

Father Figuer

“It’s still overturned, you know? It hasn’t miraculously come back,” she said. “So, we have to stay fired up and not care if it pisses some people o , honestly. I want everyone to be able to enjoy my music, but look … if you still think Roe v. Wade should have been overturned, then I don’t really want your money anyway.”


Though I was born in the North and have lived in Vermont for decades, I spent my formative years growing up in Rocky Mount, N.C. It’s a weird place, full of murder — two serial killers at once, y’all! — history, institutionalized racism and some really good Mexican restaurants. (Also, THELONIOUS MONK was born there. But even though he moved to New York City when he was 5, I’m pretty sure he hated Rocky Mount.) There are certainly plenty of the kind of whitehaired, slow-speaking old dudes who love to gerrymander voting districts to limit Black voters and tell women what to do with their bodies.

encouraged to sit down and shut up,” King recently told me by phone. “My music is in some ways a reaction to that.”


“I know my last EP was a little tough

“I think it’s a perfect balance of badass women,” King said of the bill.

FRANCIS, providewhoamassivebackingtrackofpurepower.Thesongitselfisahard-charging,tongue-in-cheekhorrorromp,

NEIL CLEARY said the track is the first from a forthcoming project of “exciting collaborations James and I have been working on together,” promising more info to come. Keep your eyes here for that and, in the meantime, lean into Halloween with the first scary song of the season. m

“I have always wanted to write for my own Jazz Orchestra featuring the talent we have here in Vermont, and the

Also teaming up with Kochalka for the tune is Burlington punkrock outfit ROUGH

Burlington, Williston & Lebanon, NH

Telephone inquiries will not be accepted or acknowledged, and no feedback or evaluations will be provided to companies regarding their submissions.

pandemic really pushed me to not wait any longer,” he wrote in a press release for the Afterevent.theSt.

If you have any questions concerning this opportunity, please send them to

By linking up with the NNAF, King wants to help those in gunsgoingsouth,backSoutheast.throughmiddlecurrentlyexpat,forIt’shomemost,whocommunitiesneedittheherformerincluded.afittinggoalthesouthernwhoisintheofatourthe“WhenI’mdownI’mnotintoclubsblazingand

4t-drydentech083122.indd 1 1:49 PM


Visit for tickets and details.

Mike’s show, there will be three more chances to catch the Brian McCarthy Jazz Orchestra live: Saturday, September 24, at the Alexander Twilight Theater at Northern Halloween?Who’scombrianmccarthyjazz.Stowe.ArtsPeakOctoberandinSUNYGiltz30,Friday,University-Lyndon;VermontSeptemberattheE.GlennAuditoriumatPlattsburghNewYork;Saturday,1,atSprucePerformingCenterinCheckoutformoreinfo.readyforI’mnot


Brian McCarthyand Ray Vega (802)660-3500 •

Wreaths Across America is issuing this Sources Sought Notice to identify parties having an interest in providing approximately 2.8–3.0 million domestically-grown balsam wreaths for procurement to support Wreaths Across America's wreath project and the resources needed to support this requirement for wreaths beginning with the 2023 season. It should be noted that Wreaths Across America does not provide purchase orders for wreath procurement contracts.

Submission Instructions: Interested parties who consider themselves qualified to perform the above-listed services are invited to submit a response to this Sources Sought Notice within 28 business days of the first posting of this notice. All responses under this Sources Sought Notice must be emailed to

“I still remember being in my twenties in Georgia and needing surgery,” King said. “It wasn’t an abortion, but I needed major reproductive surgery. And, honestly, I don’t think I’d be able to get that care in Georgia today.”

telling people how to live their life,” she said. “At the end of the day, I want to connect with people through my music, not push anyone away. But I’ve come a long way from the girl who grew up in Georgia and being told to keep my opinions to myself. I’m going to stick up for what’s right.”

If your organization has the potential capacity to perform these services, please provide the following information: 1.) Organization name, address, email address, website address, telephone number, and size and type of ownership for the organization; and 2.) Tailored capability statements addressing the particulars of this effort, with appropriate documentation supporting claims of organizational and staff capability.


with Kochalka warning of a bloodthirsty creature that “hates things that move” and “killed a farmer and a guy from Producer/musicianIBM.”

Saxophonist and composer BRIAN MCCARTHY has formed a new 17-piece orchestra. And what have you done with your day, you lazy bastard? Just kidding. We can’t all form massive jazz bands.McCarthy is using his new, big-ass group — real name: the BRIAN MCCARTHY JAZZ ORCHESTRA — to feature guest artists on a mini tour of Vermont. It starts on Friday, September 23, with a free show at the McCarthy Arts Center at Saint College.Michael’sLocaljazz legend RAY VEGA and his trumpet will be featured, and the orchestra will showcase both Latin jazz originals and classic standards that McCarthy and Vega have arranged.

trying to wish away the warm weather, but I’m a sucker for the spooky season. Seems like JAMES KOCHALKA is, as well! The quirky Vermont musician and first Vermont cartoonist laureate is releasing a new track this Friday, September 16, called “The Mummy’s on the Loose (feat. JELLO BIAFRA).”

The urge to try something on this scale came to McCarthy during the COVID-19 lockdown.


THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AT THIS TIME. This is a request for capability information only and does not constitute a request for proposals. The submission of any information in response to this request is purely voluntary. Wreaths Across America assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred.

Yep, you read that song title correctly. The former DEAD KENNEDYS front person joins Kochalka to warn about a killer mummy tearing his way across the Green Mountains. He takes on a VINCENT PRICE-like monologue in the middle of the song, exhorting everyone to “run, don’t stop” from the monster.

On Trees, Shrubs, Fruits & Perennials plus select Garden Tools, Decor & Accessories! END SUMMEROFSALESAVE40% EOSS40_7D.indd 1 9/7/22 12:03 PM4t-gardenerssupply091422 1 9/7/22 4:10

Twisted Pine with Beg, Steal or Borrow (Americana, bluegrass) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $10/$15.

Elizabeth Begins (singersongwriter) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free.

Ryan Zimmerman and Wired for Sound (rock) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Bettenroo Duo (folk) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5 p.m. Free.

Root Down (reggae, hip-hop) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Socializing for Introverts featuring Grace Palmer (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

John Lackard Blues Duo (blues) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Honky Tonk Tuesday featuring Wild Leek River (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10/$15.

Soul Porpoise (soul, rock) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Mike Pedersen (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 9 p.m. Free.

Henry Rollins (spoken word) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $30/$33.

Paul Asbell (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.


Bob Wagner and Friends: Perform the Music of Bill Withers (Bill Withers tribute) at Backside 405, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20/$25.

Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Symbio (folk) at Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 7 p.m. $10-45.

Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

e Mauskovic Dance Band with (indie rock) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7:45 p.m. $12/$14.

Green Kettle Band (folk) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.


Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Dose (folk) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Eugene Tyler Band (bluegrass) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Arlo McKinley (singer-songwriter) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9 p.m. $15/$18.

Acoustic ursdays with Zach Nugent (Grateful Dead tribute) at Red Square, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.


Vinyl Spell at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m.

Heady Betty & Friends (hip-hop) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5.

Mary Lambert with Aisha Burns (singer-songwriter) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$23.

Dale and Darcy Band (folk) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free.

Cosmic the Cowboy with Danny & the Parts (indie rock) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8:30 p.m. $5.

ACQ (jazz fusion) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $5/$10.

Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Darsombra (psych rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.

Jerborn & Axe (rock) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.

Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Dan Parks with Mark Steffenhagen (rock) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Seth Eames (singer-songwriter) at Happy Valley Orchard, Middlebury, 6 p.m. Free.


Silas McPrior (singer-songwriter) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.

DJ Baron (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Swimmer (jam) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Anand Wilder (indie rock) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 8 p.m. $12.

Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.



Socializing for Introverts featuring Grace Palmer (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10. Dose (rock) at Lawson’s Finest Liquids, Waitsfield, 5 p.m. Free.

Jeff & Gina (folk) at Blue Paddle Bistro, South Hero, 5 p.m. Free.

King Me (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Mosey Beat (funk, rock) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5.

e Jeff Salisbury Band (blues) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.

e Plumb Bobs (folk, rock) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.


Direct Hit (rock) at Gusto’s, Barre, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Fabian Rainville (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free.


Bresett’s Duo (folk) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Doobie with Caskey and Hyltye (rock, hip-hop) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20/$25.

ey Might Be Giants (indie rock) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $28/$30.

Tai Verdes (R&B, pop) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $25/$28.

Andriana Chobot with Larsen Gardens (indie pop) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. $5/$10.

Tiny Montgomery (folk) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.

live music

Tim Brick (country) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. Free.

Fake It ’Til You Make It

Kendall Street Company (jam) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.


King Arthur Jr. (singer-songwriter) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 1-4 p.m. Free.

e Sheepdogs with Boy Golden (rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $18/$22.

Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5.

Nashville, Tenn.-born comedian JAMES AUSTIN JOHNSON first rose to prominence doing impressions of former president Donald Trump on social media. Johnson’s uncanny ability to mimic today’s political leaders, including President Joe Biden, helped land him a spot as a cast member on “Saturday Night Live.” Dubbed “a cross between Dana Carvey and Darrell Hammond” by Entertainment Weekly, Johnson established himself as key player his first season. He swings through South Burlington on Thursday, September 15, for a performance at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge.


Bruce Sklar (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Plattsburgh Metal Show (metal) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Anti-Flag with Brendan Kelly and Mint Green (punk) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20/$23.

Courtyard Music Series (blues, jazz, rock) at Halvorson’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.


Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

Second Nature Showcase #5 (hip-hop) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $5.

Lady Shoob Productions Presents a Drag Show (drag show) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 8 p.m. Free.

Matt Hagen (singer-songwriter) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Nancy Smith and Greenbush Trio (singer-songwriter, folk) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Courtyard Music Series (blues, jazz, rock) at Halvorson’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

An Evening with Zoë Keating (contemporary classical) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25/$28.

Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

e Blue Shoes with the Most Wanted (funk, jazz) at Red Square, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $5/$10.

Kaomi Taylor and Friends (singer-songwriter) at Filling Station, Middlesex, 6 p.m. Free.

Rough Suspects (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Mosey Beat (funk) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Steve Hartmann and High Tea (singer-songwriter) at Stage 33 Live, Bellows Falls, 6:30 p.m. $10/$15.

Folk Talk Trio (folk) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury Center, 7 p.m. $5.

Protoje with Jesse Royal and Lila Ike (reggae, dance hall) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $35/$39.

Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at

Alex Stewart Quartet and Special Guests (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m.

Who & I, Ava Sophia and Genie Santiago (singer-songwriter) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

aya Zalewski Quartet (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.



Sean Kehoe (jam) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Free Range Band (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Ivamae with Julia Rose (indie soul) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Dirty Looks (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

An Evening with Zoë Keating (contemporary classical) at ArtsRiot, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25/$28.

Troy Milette & Dan Rahilly (singer-songwriter) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Jerborn & Axe (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Reign One (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

open mics & jams

DJ Chia Drag Show (drag show) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.

DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


Open Mic Night (open mic) at Skunk Hollow Tavern, Hartland Four Corners, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Maria Bamford (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9:30 p.m. $30/$45.


VT’s Funniest: Prelims (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.


Open Mic Night (open mic) at 1st Republic Brewing, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Lewis Black: Off the Rails Tour (comedy) at Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7 p.m. $50/$70.

Comedy Open Mic (comedy) at the 126, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


Al Franken (comedy) at the Flynn, Burlington, 8 p.m. $48.50/$69.50.


DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, noon. Free.


Vinyl Thursdays (DJ) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.

Ecstatic Singing (singersongwriting workshop) at Railyard Apothecary, Burlington, 6 p.m. $15.


Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.

Blanchface (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


James Austin Johnson (comedy) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $25.


Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Open Mic Night with Justin at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m.

DJ CRWD CTRL (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.


Vinyl Night with Ken (DJ) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with D Davis (open mic) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Alec Mapa (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20.

Trivia Thursday (trivia) at Spanked Puppy Pub, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free.


Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.

Joe Gatto (comedy) at the Flynn, Burlington, 8 p.m. $47.25/$68.

DJ Kaos (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.

Queer Bar Takeover (DJ) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Roar! Showcase (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5.

DJ Chaston (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Freshman with Annie Russell (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. $15.

DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, noon. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.

Open Mic Night (open mic) at Skunk Hollow Tavern, Hartland Four Corners, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic Night (open mic) at the Parker Pie, West Glover, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Mitch Terricciano (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Open Mic (open mic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 6:30 p.m. Free.



Emo Night (DJ) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.


Celtic Sessions with Footworks (Celtic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 6:30 p.m. free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at the Depot, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. m


Pride Ball: Metamorphosis (drag) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $20/$25.

Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.


DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.


Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.


VT’s Funniest: Prelims (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.

Trivia & Nachos (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.



Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY Signinspirations.decoratinguptodayat obsessed? 12V-Nest042821.indd 1 4/27/21 4:05 PM

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Black Carl! with Saka, Mirror Maze and Path (dubstep) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15/$20.

DJ Fattie B (DJ) at Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. Free.

Ben Blanchard (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Lit Club (poetry and literature open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.



ATAK (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

DJ Two Sev (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Maria Bamford (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9:30 p.m. $30/$45.

Comedy Jam (comedy) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


DJ Taka (DJ) at Backside 405, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15/$20.

Please contact organizers requirements.vaccinationaboutandmask

Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae and dance hall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Maria Bamford (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 & 9:30 p.m. $30/$45.



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It can be hard to keep up with Weisman’s prolific nature. I had initially set out to review his ambient-leaning twosong album Sources in the Open Literature, but by the time I got to it, he had released five more records. In contrast, during that exact period of time, I managed to avoid renewing my driver’s license, finished

unknown with so many note choices that his music has a sense of possibility — and wildTheunpredictability.bestpartofthe record, and Weisman’s catalog as a whole, is his complete disregard for themes or flow. He might use a trumpet to hold out one long, melancholy note before moving into a section of tittering, percussive synth and searching guitar, but it all feels like the same thought experiment. Weisman’s music often sounds as if he’s attempting to recount a night of lucid dreaming without using words. Pencil Crayon is indeed devoid of any human voice.

The epic title track closes the EP and is a study in showcasing power without speed. More than 12 minutes long, the song moves at a glacial pace, full of guitar feedback and a drumbeat more like a series of explosions than a rhythm. The record ends on a note of heavy drama. One can all but see the credits roll after, like an old Hammer horror film.

Weisman rarely stays in one place for too long, however. On “Promise Me,” he leans back into almost cosmic acoustic guitar playing. At heart, Weisman is an improvisational player who steps into the

“Between the fog there is nothing / Just the songs of sorrow,” vocalist and front person Ovilus (black metal musicians love a pseudonym) growls like something between a demon and Dr. Claw, Inspector Gadget’s nemesis. But a surprising sense of melody slithers out of the chords.

On Whispers From the Grave, Night Spires fly the black metal flag proudly but o er enough deviation to stand out from their peers. Check it out at nightspires.

did seeing a band covered in corpse paint, surrounded by satanic imagery.

With his latest, Pencil Crayon, Weisman often puts down the guitar and holds the jazz, delving further into his synth playing and programmed beats to explore starry, atmospheric sonic spaces. The first three tracks — “Hard Times,” “Cat Cup Flowers” and “Foss Farm” — form a trilogy within the record and build a foundation of warm ambience around melodic synth parts. Stylistically, the songs aren’t so far from the work of synth nostalgia outfit Survive, best known for composing the “Stranger Things” theme.

“Eternal Wax of the Candelabra” takes the sonic concept even further. The band expertly balances spooky, gothic-tinged heaviness with moments of beauty and deceptive stillness. Night Spires excel at establishing an atmosphere shrouded in mystery and unknown horror, not unlike the way an H.P. Lovecraft story gnaws with growing dread. You get taken in by a curiosity for the darkness only to find it suddenly surrounds you.

Still, black metal never quite won me over. For a teenage wannabe guitar hero, the absence of solos was hard to get past, as was the lack of vocal melodies. Now, many years later, Burlington’s Night Spires force me to reevaluate my stance on the genre with their sophomore e ort, Whispers From the Grave.


One of these days, I’ll finish writing my magnum opus, Confessions of a Child Metalhead. An account of what it’s like having older brothers take you to metal shows when you’re a tyke, the memoir features everything from being kicked out of the pit at an Anthrax show for being too small to making a homemade video for Metallica’s “Harvester of Sorrow.” (I proudly flipped o the camera and was subsequently grounded. So metal.)One of the weirder chapters in that book would definitely be the time I saw the Norwegian band Immortal and first experienced black metal. The shrieking vocals, the punishing ri s interspersed with atmospheric arrangements, those blast-beat drums and the palpable sense of evil permeating the music all left quite an impression — as

Right from the start, the EP establishes a vibe of impending doom. Opener “Between the Fog” begins with a highly processed voice singing a wordless dirge, like a funeral procession straight out of Mordor. Then the pummeling starts, as walls of distorted guitars and double-bass-heavy drums explode across the mix.

Beneath all the shrieking, the guitars create dramatic, colorful swaths of movement, keeping the songs from devolving into dissonance.


Chris Weisman, Pencil Crayon


Brattleboro-based composer Chris Weisman is easily one of Vermont’s most prolific musicians. The singer and guitarist, who somehow exists between the twin poles of Beatlemania and free jazz, has released more than 35 albums in the past decade, including his most recent, Pencil Crayon. Moreover, he’s done so while pioneering a sort of “last man standing,” lo-fi identity. He recorded many of his albums on a fourtrack analog tape machine before eventually quasimodernizing with an eight-track.

reading half a book and made plans to eventually watch “Succession.”

Night Spires, Whispers From the Grave

Amid all that output, Weisman writes and plays with a distinctive style. His jazzinflected guitar work and intriguing voice fuel compositions that seem to stretch across the horizon, unfettered and free to go wherever they so choose.

According to Weisman, he writes the majority of his songs for a record in one sitting. He handles the arrangements and production similarly, preferring to work in what he calls a “compacted burst.” That economy is a huge factor in his productivity, but it also informs the feel of his songs; they seem to drop the listener in medias res, with no beginning or end in sight. Weisman’s music surrounds like a massive ocean at night, dark and moving andListeninterminable.toPencil Crayon



BACK ROW IN BOWL: Marcy Carton, Angela Simpson, Michael Bradshaw, Corey Barrows, Logan Pintka, Pamela Polston, Rachel Hellman

LOCATION: Andy A_Dog Williams Skatepark, Burlington



STANDING ON THE RIM: Kevin McCallum, Chris Farnsworth, Carolyn Fox, Jeff Baron, Matthew Roy, Sasha Goldstein, Michelle Brown

SITTING ON THE RIM: Jordan Barry, Sally Pollak, Margot Harrison, Ken Picard, Courtney Lamdin, Emily Hamilton, Derek Brouwer (on bike)

Twenty-seven years have passed since the first issue of Seven Days. The last two and half have been a bit of a blur, but the staff of your local weekly is still standing — and, on occasion, skateboarding.

FRONT ROW IN BOWL: Paula Routly, Colby Roberts, Matt Weiner, Don Eggert, Dan Bolles, Diane Sullivan, Kirsten Thompson, Cathy Resmer, Eva Sollberger

MISSING FOR THE MOMENT: Anne Wallace Allen, Robyn Birgisson, Chelsea Edgar, Colin Flanders, Alison Novak, Melissa Pasanen, Bryan Parmelee, Elizabeth M. Seyler, Ken Ellingwood, Mary Ann Lickteig, Candace Page, John James, Katie Hodges, Andy Watts

It takes tremendous dedication and hard work to create this deeply reported, fact-checked newspaper. We couldn’t do it without your support, letters to the editor, ads, news tips and love. Thank you, dear reader, and happy birthday to us!

As the moon continues its approach, tidal floods, earthquakes and debris wreak havoc on Earth. Forced to team up with Houseman, the astronauts must put Earth’s rebellious satellite back in its place.

ometimes you want to sit and solemnly contemplate a future full of natural disasters, and sometimes you just want to watch a terrible disaster movie. If you missed the latest o ering from Roland Emmerich (2012) when it was in theaters in February, or skipped it because the teaser trailer seemed a little staid, I’m here to tell you not to be fooled by any superficial resemblance between Moonfall and sober, scientifically based movies featuring space shuttles and moon landings.

In Moonfall , Emmerich dispenses with most of that. The U.S. president is mentioned but never shown. The movie doesn’t explain why NASA took so long to respond to a threat that it supposedly discovered during the first moon landing. Instead, out comes Donald Sutherland to deliver a mumbled monologue about secrets and cover-ups, as if he were the ghost of paranoid thrillers past.

Things just get sillier from there, as new age beliefs join forces with conspiracy theories to propel Moonfall into the realm of science fantasy. Soon, Emmerich is ri ng on Contact and 2001: A Space Odyssey . But, by interspersing these space oddities with boilerplate scenes of our heroes’ loved ones escaping the carnage, he displays his devotion to the core faith of all disaster movies: Family is everything.It’snosurprise that Moonfall was a bomb. During a pandemic that exposes the weakness of institutions and public trust, who wants to risk their health to see a movie in which world governments can’t even come up with a half-assed plan to save the Earth? From the safety of a couch, though, this moon fail becomes a guilty pleasure. If you’re willing to suspend your disbelief to the height of the Chrysler Building (which meets a sad fate here), you could have a lot of fun.

Now head of NASA, Fowler sends astronauts to see what’s up. But the sand/ smoke monster makes short work of them, revealing itself to be a “self-aware, selfreplicating singularity.” In other words, it’s an AI — a futuristic cousin of your Alexa — and it seems determined to wipe out the human race.

Berry and Wilson must save Earth from the moon in Emmerich’s entertainingly absurd disaster flick.

on screen


The deal

Will you like it?

a cross between the sandworms in Dune and the smoke monster on “Lost” — he’s laughed out of NASA.

The script adopts a freewheeling, antiestablishment attitude: Experts are incompetent, conspiracy theorists are right, and it makes perfect sense for the

indignities over the course of human history — planting flags on it, invoking it in nursery rhymes and lewd metaphors, alleging that it’s made of green cheese. Perhaps it’s time for a little payback. A rogue moon, looming on the horizon like the Death Star and sucking oxygen from our atmosphere, is the stu of nightmares.

This is a movie in which the moon is careening toward the Earth and only Samwell Tarly from “Game of Thrones” (aka John Bradley) can save it, with assistance from a square-jawed Patrick Wilson and a mournful Halle Berry. Moonfall is now on HBO Max, and it’s terrible in the best way.



On a routine mission in the space shuttle, astronauts Brian Harper (Wilson) and Jocinda Fowler (Berry) su er a strange attack from the surface of the moon. When Harper tries to explain what attacked them — basically, a lookseffectspecialthatlike

In Moonfall, however, the scenario feels more like a campfire tall tale that just keeps getting taller.

Moonfall ★★


DON’T LOOK UP (2021; Netfl ix): In Adam McKay’s satire, a rude and crude U.S. president does her best to ignore the looming threat of an asteroid headed toward Earth. The irony is that the government depicted in Moonfall is possibly even less effective.

vital mission to save the Earth to have a crew of three, one of whom is a comicrelief character with a fake PhD and a cat named Fuzz Aldrin. Our protagonists ride to the moon in the space shuttle Endeavour , liberated from a museum and emblazoned with outraged civilian gra ti: “Fuck the moon.”

We’ve subjected the moon to so many

THE CORE (2003; HBO Max, rentable): Emmerich has helmed many ludicrous disaster films. But to find another one quite as fanciful as Moonfall, you might have to go back to this offering from Jon Amiel, in which the Earth’s core stops rotating.


Ten years later, the moon lurches out of its normal orbit and starts creeping toward Earth. Somehow, the first person to notice this is conspiracy theorist K.C. Houseman (Bradley), who has no formal scientific credentials, only a burning desire to prove that the moon is actually a “megastructure” built by an alien intelligence.

THE WANDERING EARTH (2019; Netfl ix): Moonfall was made with ample financing from multinational Huayi Brothers Media, underlining the importance of the Chinese market for today’s fi lm spectacles. But China makes its own disaster movies, too. In this mammoth international hit, a ragtag group of heroes must save Earth from a collision with Jupiter.

The best disaster movies — or the most prestigious ones, anyway — are procedurals with giant, international casts. In between the scenes of death and destruction, they explore how the world’s governments might actually respond to a giant asteroid (Deep Impact) or an alien invasion (Emmerich’s own Independence Day).

BROS PRESENTS TRAINWRECK (Essex, Tue only) CLERKS III (Essex, Fri-Sun only)

THE GOOD BOSSHHH1/2 This Spanish workplace satire stars Javier Bardem. (116 min, NR. Roxy)

MEDIEVALHH1/2 Ben Foster plays 15th-century Czech warlord Jan Zizka in this historical adventure. Petr Jákl directed. (126 min, R. Majestic)

*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,

PEARL: In 1918, a young woman (Mia Goth) dreams of escaping her home on an isolated farm in this prequel to last year’s horror film X, again directed by Ti West. (102 min, R. Essex, Paramount, Star)


BREAKINGHHH1/2 A struggling Marine Corps veteran (John Boyega) turns to bank robbery in this Sundance Film Festival honoree from director Abi Damaris Corbin. (103 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Savoy)

THE INVITATIONHH1/2 A young woman (Nathalie Emmanuel) finds romance and terror at an English country estate in this gothic thriller. (104 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Sunset)

*BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293,


TOP GUN: MAVERICKHHHH (Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,

EMILY THE CRIMINALHHHH Aubrey Plaza plays a young woman who addresses her debt problem by getting involved in a credit card scam in John Patton Ford’s crime drama. (93 min, R. Roxy)

(* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)

ELVISHHH Austin Butler plays the rock icon and Tom Hanks plays Colonel Tom Parker in Baz Luhrmann’s biopic, also starring Olivia DeJonge. (159 min, PG-13. Capitol, Majestic, Sunset)



WHERE THE CRAWDADS SINGHH1/2 (Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Star, Welden; reviewed 7/20)

*ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,


BULLET TRAINHH1/2 In this action flick, a bullet train leaves Tokyo carrying five assassins. With Brad Pitt, Joey King and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (126 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Sunset)

BARBARIANHHHH An accidental double booking turns out to be the least of an Airbnb guest’s problems in this horror thriller from Zach Cregger. Georgina Campbell and Bill Skårsgard star. (102 min, R. Essex, Majestic)

PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621,

PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012,

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ONHHHH1/2 A YouTube star comes to the big screen in this all-ages mockumentary. (90 min, PG. Roxy; reviewed 6/22)

ORPHAN: FIRST KILLHH1/2 Isabelle Fuhrman stars in the prequel to 2009 horror film Orphan. (99 min, R. Palace)

PICTURESTAGHIZADEH/SEARCHLIGHTPARISAOFCOURTESY Saoirse Ronan in See How They Run 16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1 11/2/20 3:07 PM THEOFPROMISESGOD FRIDAYS > 11:30 A.M. 16t-vcamWEEKLY.indd 1 8/31/22 10:49


DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETSHHH Krypto the Super-Dog assembles a band of crime-fighting critters in this animated adventure. (106 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Majestic, Palace, Sunset)

GIGI & NATEHH1/2 A young man who is quadriple gic bonds with his service animal — a capuchin monkey — in this family drama. (114 min, PG-13. Majestic, Star, Welden)

*MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010,

*MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456,

E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL (1982) (Welden) GREASE (Sunset)

A LOVE SONGHHHH Two former lovers (Dale Dickey and Wes Studi) reunite in a desolate desert campground in the debut feature from Max WalkerSilverman. (81 min, PG. Savoy)

SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,

SEE HOW THEY RUN: Saoirse Ronan, Sam Rockwell and Ruth Wilson star in this murder mystery set in the 1950s among London theater folk. Tom George directed. (98 min, PG-13. Essex, Savoy, Star)



*PALACE 9 CINEMAS: 10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,


BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994,

THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGINGHHH George Miller (Mad Max: Fury Road) directed this modern fable in which a scholar (Tilda Swinton) meets a Djinn (Idris Elba) who offers her three wishes. (108 min, R. Majestic, Marquis, Palace)

CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRUHHH (Essex, Majestic, Paramount, Star)

MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841,

THE BIRTH OF INNOCENCE: About a decade ago, Vermont storyteller and director Malcolm D. Parker was convicted of defrauding investors in his new age documentary. At long last, the finished film hits local screens. (74 min, NR. Playhouse, Savoy)

BEASTHH1/2 Idris Elba plays a widowed dad who must defend his two teenage daughters from a lion in Baltasar Kormákur’s horror drama. (93 min, R. Stowe)


SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,

HALLELUJAH: LEONARD COHEN, A JOURNEY, A SONG This documentary looks at the singersongwriter through the lens of one of his most beloved songs. (118 min, PG-13. Savoy)

HOCKEYLAND: The rival teams of two Minnesota towns square off in Tommy Haines’ documentary. (108 min, NR. Welden)

BODIES BODIES BODIESHHH1/2 A hurricane party goes very wrong in this horror-comedy from director Halina Reijn. With Amandla Stenberg and Maria Bakalova. (95 min, R. Roxy)

FUNNY PAGESHHH1/2 A teenage cartoonist drops out of school and goes in search of a mentor in this satire from Owen Kline, a nominee at the Cannes Film Festival. (86 min, R. Roxy)

6V-VPB072722 1 7/25/22 2:20 PMSay you saw it in... mini-sawit-black.indd 1 11/24/09 1:33:19 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 77


NOPEHHH1/2 (Palace, Paramount, Roxy, Star; reviewed 8/3)

STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511,

THE WOMAN KING: Viola Davis plays the general of an all-female protective force in this epic set in the 1820s and inspired by the history of the West African kingdom of Dahomey. Gina PrinceBythewood directed. (135 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Capitol, Essex, Sunset)

SPIDER-MAN: NO WAY HOMEHHH1/2 (Bijou, Majestic, Palace, Star, Stowe, Welden)

SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022

VERMONT TECHNOLOGY ALLIANCE SUNSET NETWORKING CRUISE 2022: VTA friends set sail for a night of drinks, finger food and sunset views. Spirit of

health & fitness

Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 878-4918.

BBA + SBBA 2022 SUMMER SOCIAL: Burlington and South Burlington Business Association members rub elbows, sip drinks and tour the BETA Technologies facility. Burlington International Airport, South Burlington, 5-7 p.m. $25-35 suggested donation. Info,




YANG 24: This simplified Tai Chi method is perfect for beginners looking to build strength and balance. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 1-2:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted.,



PIZZA BY THE POND: A woodfired oven warms pies made of lo cal ingredients while local bands regale diners. Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen, 5-8 p.m. $22-35; free for kids 5 and under; preregister; limited space. Info, 247-6735.

EDITING WITH DAVINCI RESOLVE: Attendees learn how to perfect film footage in a popular program. Presented by Media Factory. 2-4 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 651-9692.

AFTER HOURS BOOK CLUB: Patrons discuss The Improbability of Love by Hannah Rothschild, a novel narrated by a dusty, old painting. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admis sion free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.


Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Online, 7:30 a.m.; Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.

‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a mind-bending journey from the beginning of time through the mysteries of the universe. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National

‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: Cameras positioned in nests, underwater and along the forest floor capture a year’s worth of critters coming and going. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

‘BOTH EYES OPEN: THE ANNIE OAKLEY STORY’: In an original solo show, actor Maura O’Brien and playwright Jeanne Beckwith crack open the legend to reveal the real sharpshooter and her fas cinating life. Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier City Hall, 7:30 p.m. $10-30. Info, 229-0492.

REFRESH, RESTORE, RENEW: Nonprofit professionals reflect on the last two years and envision their organizations’ stories going forward. Presented by Vermont Story Lab. 1-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 238-4445.

BINGO AT THE EAST VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL: Weekly games raise funds for the meeting hall renovation. East Valley Community Hall, East Randolph, 6-8 p.m. Cost of cards. Info, eastvalleycg@

FEAST FARM STAND: Farmfresh veggies and other delights go on sale at this market featuring weekly activ ities such as yoga and cooking demonstrations. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2518.

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-thejoints workout experience an hour of calming, low-impact movement. Waterbury Public



TROY MILLETTE: Heartfelt original country-rock songs carry through the air, courtesy of the Fairfax musician. Shelburne Vineyard, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 985-8222.

‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: An adventurous dolichorhyn chops travels through the most dangerous oceans in history, plesiosaurs,encounteringgiantturtles and the deadly mosasaur along the way. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

TUNBRIDGE WORLD’S FAIR: A tra dition since 1867, this fair hosts sheepdog trials, tractor pulls, live music, dance performances and agricultural shows. Tunbridge World’s Fairgrounds, 9:15 a.m.-8 p.m. $10-40; free for kids under 12; additional cost for rides. Info, 889-5555.

FREE STORE: Neighbors swap books, kitchenware, shoes, cloth ing and small items of all kinds. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.

GLAM GROUP PIZZA PARTY: Gay, bi and trans men meet up for good food and company. Burlington City Hall Park, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info,


KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.

MEET THE MAKERS: A BOOZY POP-UP SERIES: Guests delight their palates with exclusive cocktails and rub elbows with some of Vermont’s leading distillers. Ticket includes two drinks and an ap petizer. Pauline’s Café, South Burlington, 5-7 p.m. $30; preregister. Info, 862-1081.


COMMUNITY RESOURCE DAY: Concord residents join task forces dedicated to attract ing businesses to town and cleaning up Miles Pond Beach. Concord Schools, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 223-6091.

LONG-FORM SUN 73: Beginners and experienced practitioners learn how Tai Chi can help with arthritis, mental clarity and range of motion. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, beverlyblakeney@

PRIDE WEEK QUEER ECSTATIC DANCE: Queer, trans and allied community members connect with each other and their bodies through joyous movement. Masks encouraged. Nataraja Studios, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free; dona tions accepted. Info, 355-0635.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

‘CLÉO FROM 5 TO 7’: A selfish pop singer tries to distract herself while waiting for the results of a biopsy in this French new wave favorite. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

FFL BOOK CLUB: ‘CLOUD CUCKOO LAND’: Fletcher Free Library patrons break down Anthony Doerr’s century-spanning epic about the perseverance of stories. Preregister for location. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:308 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

JOB FAIR: The Vermont Department of Labor gives job seekers a chance to meet with employers from around the state. 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 828-4000.



LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11. = ONLINE EVENT FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section. music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at PLEASE CONTACT EVENT ORGANIZERS ABOUT VACCINATION AND MASK REQUIREMENTS. THU.15 » P.80


GENNAROSE NETHERCOTT: The local author launches her debut novel, Thistlefoot, in which two descendants of the witch Baba Yaga get embroiled in a mystical cross-country quest. Norwich Bookstore, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.

‘STRAIGHT LINE CRAZY’: Ralph Fiennes stars as Robert Moses, the unelected power broker of 20th-century New York City, in this live broadcast from London’s Bridge Theatre. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $615. Info, 748-2600.


VIRTUAL TOWN HALL: STRATEGIC TAX PLANNING FOR 2022 AND BEYOND: Wealth management experts explain how upcoming rule changes could affect investments and savings. Presented by Copper Leaf Financial. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 203-915-7869.

OLIVER BAEZ BENDORF: The award-winning poet reads work from his two collections, Advantages of Being Evergreen and The Spectral Wilderness. Presented by Vermont Studio Center. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 635-2727.

RENEE JOHANNENSEN: Upper Valley for Abortion Rights hosts an educational session with the ob-gyn about medication abortion, why it’s safe, and why it’s important. 7:30 p.m. Free. com.uppervalley4abortionrights@gmail.Info,


IN BRITAIN: Green Mountain Druid Order members take viewers on a magical visual journey through England’s and Wales’ sacred trees, stone circles, holy wells and caves. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,

REFRESH, RESTORE, RENEW: See WED.14, 10 a.m.-noon.


Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admis sion free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

CURRENT EVENTS: Neighbors have an informal discussion about what’s in the news.

PUPPETS IN THE GREEN MOUNTAINS: A ten-day festival fea tures international puppeteers and shows for audiences of all ages.


DANVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Villagers shop local from various vendors handing out fruits, veggies, prepared foods and more. Danville Village Green, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free.,

TANYA LEE STONE: Phoenix Books celebrates the publication of Peace Is a Chain Reaction: How World War II Japanese Balloon Bombs Brought People of Two Nations Together. Champlain College, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3350.

CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

Library, 10:30-11:45 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.



POETRY POTLUCK: Wordsmiths and readers bring a dish and a poem (their own or others’) to share. Whirligig Brewing, St. Johnsbury, 7-9 p.m. Free.,


VWF ANNUAL CELEBRATION 2022: The Vermont Women’s Fund launches a new initiative and celebrates women who mean business. Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, 5:30 p.m. $50; free for students; preregis ter. Info, 388-3355.

fairs & festivals



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

food & drink


Ethan Allen, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. $48-60; free for sponsors. Info, 735-0840.


TALES & TREASURES OF ESSEX HISTORY: HUBIE NORTON: The Essex Community Historical Society hosts this talk about the elusive Essex Center, a village that existed for only 27 years. Essex Memorial Hall, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-1354.

‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: Viewers experience 19thcentury explorer Henry Bates’ journey through the Amazon rainforest. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake




middlebury area

STEAM FUN ACTIVITY: Little engineers and artists gather for some afternoon fun. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

FAMILY DISCOVERY NIGHT HIKE: Trail trekkers explore the forest after dark

What better way to foster a lifelong love of reading than to make it a party? Little library patrons and their parents or caregivers get literary at a twice-monthly book club at the South Burlington Public Library. In addition to a discussion of the story at hand, kids in kindergarten through second grade make art, write letters and practice reading. This month’s selection is The Hundred Dresses by Eleanor Estes, a classic children’s book that won the Newbery Honor in 1945 and follows a poor Polish American girl who faces bullying at school. Families who can’t make this week’s session, never fear: The same book will be discussed at the next meeting on September 29.

TINY TOTS: Tiny tykes have fun, hear stories and meet new friends with Ms. Cynthia. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.



middlebury area

Thursday, September 15, 4-5 p.m., at South Burlington Public Library. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140,


LEGO CLUB: Children of all ages get crafty with Legos. Adult supervision is required for kids under 10. Winooski Memorial Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.


PRESCHOOL MUSIC WITH LINDA BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire leads little ones in indoor music and movement. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.

STORY TIME!: Songs and stories are shared in the garden, or in the com munity room in inclement weather. Norwich Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 649-1184.

SOUND ON: Mini musicians dance, play and try their hands at various instru ments. Ages 6 through 9. Waterbury Public Library, 3-3:45 p.m. Free; prereg ister. Info, 244-7036.

INTERNATIONAL DOT DAY: Creative kids — and those who may feel intimidated by art — celebrate all kinds of expres sion, inspired by Peter H. Reynolds’ classic picture book The Dot. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.



LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age imagi neers explore, create and participate in challenges. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

D&D WITH DM ROBBY: Warlocks and warriors battle dastardly foes in a Dungeons & Dragons adventure. Ages 10 and up. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

LEGO TIME: Builders in kindergarten through fourth grade enjoy an afternoon of imagination and play. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Regular admission, $15-18; free for members and kids 3 and under; preregister. Info, 359-5000.

upper valley

PRESCHOOL YOGA: Colleen from Grow Prenatal and Family Yoga leads little ones in songs, movement and other fun activities. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live mu sic connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 881-1249.

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Energetic youngsters join Miss Meliss for stories, songs and lots of silliness. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

MCMC’S FREE MUSIC TOGETHER DEMO CLASS: The Middlebury Community Music Center offers a movement session for kiddos 5 and under and their parents. Middlebury Community Music Center, 10-10:45 & 11-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 989-7538.

mad river waterburyvalley/

mad river waterburyvalley/

DRUID FAIRE: Vendors, nature games, face painting, scavenger hunts and trips through the faerie forest make for a magickal adventure. Dreamland, Worcester, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. $5; free for kids. Info, com.dreamer@archetypaldreamworks.



chittenden county


IMPLEMENTING DR. ROSS GREENE’S ‘COLLABORATIVE PROACTIVE SOLUTIONS MODEL’ AT HOME: Parents learn a new method for collaboratively solving family conflicts. Presented by Vermont Family Network. 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 876-5315.

PRESCHOOL PLAYTIME: Pre-K patrons play and socialize out on the patio. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

chittenden county

mad river waterburyvalley/


Story Time


SATURDAYS: Young yogis of all ages and their caregivers drop in for some fun breathing and movement activities. Kamalika-K, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Donations. Info, 871-5085.

Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages.

upper valley


PRESCHOOL PLAY & READ: Outdoor activities, stories and songs get 3- and 4-year-olds engaged. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

and learn how animals use their eyes and ears to get around at night. Ages 8 and up. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 7:15-8:15 p.m. Free; preregis ter. Info, 229-6206.

MARVELOUS MONARCHS: Families seek out migratory butterflies with research ers and make seed bombs that will make their backyards hospitable to them.


MEET NILE, THE INFLATABLE HUMPBACK WHALE!: Kids 5 and up explore the inside of a life-size cetacean, with guidance from whale expert Cynde McInnis. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

KIDS’ BOOK CLUB FOR KIDS K-2 AND THEIR PARENTS: Little bookworms and their caregivers learn to love reading together through sharing, crafts and writing activities. See calendar spot light. South Burlington Public Library &

SUMMER MORNING PROGRAM: Readers ages 7 and under enjoy outdoor stories, songs and water play. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.

TEEN NIGHT: FOOD FOR THOUGHT: The Teen Advisory Board meets over pizza to brainstorm ideas for library program ming. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.


chittenden county

TEEN GENRE BOOK CLUB: Young adults read any dystopian story they wish, then get together to discuss and vote on next month’s genre. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

STORY TIME: Preschoolers take part in stories, songs and silliness. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.

upper valley

City Hall, 4-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140.

chittenden county

KIDS’ STORY TIME WITH LINDSEY STODDARD: The local author reads pic ture books in the pick-your-own orchard. Shelburne Orchards, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 985-2753.



COMMUNITY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION FOR B.S.A TROOP 539: Scouts and their families enjoy food and music, take part in an oral history project, and learn about the troop’s 75-year legacy. Vergennes City Park, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 425-7890.

northeast kingdom

MUSIC AND MOVEMENT WITH MISS EMMA: The star of “Music for Sprouts” and “Mr. Chris and Friends” leads little ones 5 and younger in singing, scarf play and movement. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

PEABODY AFTERSCHOOL FUN FOR GRADES 1-4: Students make friends over crafts and story time. George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724.

ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: Kids 5 and under play, sing, hear stories and take home a fun activity. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 745-1391.


FRI.16 chittenden county

FAMILY NATURE WALK: Outdoorsfolk of all ages seek out September wildlife with Rutland County Audubon. Stone Meadow Park, Wallingford, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info,

Plan ahead at • Post your event at

THE MICHELE FAY BAND: The bluegrass band arrives, banjos and mandolins in hand, for a night of live music in the park. Currier Park, Barre, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 388-6863.

THE PEOPLE’S FARMSTAND: Volunteers hand out fresh, local produce for free. Pomeroy Park, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345.



‘THE MAN IN BLACK: A TRIBUTE TO JOHNNY CASH’: Audiences may think the Folsom Prison bluesman himself is in the building during this concert from pre-eminent Cash impersonator Shawn Barker. Strand Center for the Arts, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $37-57. Info, 518-563-1604, ext. 105.


FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle, flowing movements. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Vergennes, Levels 1 and 2, 9-10 a.m.; Level 3, 10-11 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info,


TRUCK STOP: Mobile kitchens dish out mouthwatering meals and libations. Live DJs and outdoor entertainment add to the fun. 377 Pine Street, Burlington, 4:30-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 540-0406.

THE MAPLE 100: Vermonters fill out bingo cards with a month of maple-themed activities for a chance to win prizes from local vendors. See agriculture.vermont. gov for all events and locations. Various locations statewide. Free. Info, 828-2430.



‘BOTH EYES OPEN: THE ANNIE OAKLEY STORY’: See WED.14. ‘THE TIES THAT BIND’: Dirt Road Theater presents the world premiere of Vermont playwright Tamar Cole’s drama on addic tion, family and forgiveness. First Church in Barre, Universalist, 7:30 p.m. $20; pay what you can on Thursdays. Info, dirtroadtheater@

Athenaeum, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, henningsmh@



GENNAROSE NETHERCOTT: See WED.14. Phoenix Books, Burlington. Info, 448-3350.



TUNBRIDGE WORLD’S FAIR: See THU.15, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

‘THE 39 STEPS’: An onstage plane crash, missing fingers and romance drive Patrick Barlow’s Tony Award-winning adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s 1935 film, presented by the Middlebury Community Players. See calendar

INTRO TO FISH PROCESSING: Anglers learn how to clean, fillet and cook the fish they catch. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 475-2022.

Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

food & drink

BILL MARES: The writer talks about the origins and evolution of beekeeping as a hobby, and explains how home hives can help bolster besieged pollinator popu lations. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, Middlebury, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 388-2117.

ADVENTURE COMMUNITYDINNER:MIXER:Locals seeking friends or dates mingle over cocktails, gourmet hot dogs and lawn games. Truck Stop, Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $20. Info, 248-224-7539.




PIZZA BY THE POND: See THU.15. SPARKLE SOIRÉE: Live music and fizzy herbal libations underscore an unbeatable opportunity to soar in aerial silks and play the lyre. Wear clothes without velcro or zippers. Railyard Apothecary, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. $15-25. Info, 777-0626.


Spy Hard



FARM NIGHT AT EARTHKEEP: A regenerative farming collective hosts a market featuring fresh produce, food trucks, lessons in aquaculture or medicinal foods, and unbeatable views of the mountains. Earthkeep Farmcommon, Charlotte, 4:307:30 p.m. Free. Info, 425-2283.

THOUGHT CLUB: Artists and activists convene to engage with Burlington‘s rich tradition of radical thought and envision its future. Democracy Creative, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free.,


music + nightlife

TOO!: Beer, beverages and baby cows make for a blissful summer evening. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 5-7:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 457-2355.

SUMMER SCREENING SERIES: ‘THE STREET PROJECT’: Emmy Award-winning director Jennifer Boyd’s new documentary follows global efforts to make streets safer for cyclists and pedestri ans. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, 7-9 p.m. Free. com.hello@vtproductioncollective.Info,

OPEN HOUSE: A new physical therapy clinic opens its doors to locals. FYZICAL Therapy and Balance Centers Williston, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 857-5407.

It’s not often you come across a play that’s both a tongue-in-cheek tribute to cinema’s original horror auteur and an endurance test for all actors involved. But such is Patrick Barlow’s Olivier Award-winning The 39 Steps, performed this week by the Middlebury Community Players. This adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s groundbreaking 1935 thriller — a famously twisty, multicountry escapade featuring more than 30 characters — requires every part to be shared between just four actors. Directed by Gary Gillen and starring the brave Rainwalker Winterpainter, Jillian Torres, Kevin Commins and Rob Demic, this spoofy homage turns a classic spy drama into a gut-busting riot.

health & fitness

GLOBAL HEALTH OPEN MIC: Health leaders from around the globe share insights on digital health adoption. Presented by THINKMD. 9 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 323-948-2190.

CHRISTOPHER M. FINAN: The historian discusses his new book, How Free Speech Saved Democracy: The Untold History of How the First Amendment Became an Essential Tool for Securing Liberty and Social Justice. Norwich Bookstore, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.


SALOMA MILLER FURLONG: Memoir fans hear from the author of Liberating Lomie: Memoir of an Amish Childhood. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

spotlight. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $12-17. Info, 382-9222.

ROYALTON FARMERS MARKET: Local farmers sell their produce, bread and eggs to villagers. South Royalton Town Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 763-8302.

Thursday, September 15, through Saturday, September 17, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, September 18, 2 p.m., at Town Hall Theater in Middlebury. $12-17. Info, 382-9222,

fairs & festivals

Latham Library, Thetford, 5-7 p.m. Free; preregister for pizza.,

‘SONGS OF NEW ORLEANS’: Louisiana bluesman Chip Wilson, accompanied by Vermont musicians Clyde Stats and Bob Gagnon, plays an intimate show. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 7-9 p.m. $8-10. Info, 989-4112.

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

INQUISITIVE READERS BOOK CLUB: Bookworms discuss a new horizon-expanding tome each month. St. Johnsbury

MUSIC ON THE FARM: PUULUUP: Farm-fresh foods and Estonian neo-zombie folk are on the menu at a pastoral party. See calendar spotlight. Fable Farm, Barnard, 5:30-9 p.m. $5-20; preregister. Info, 234-1645.

LGBTQIA+ HEALTH PROVIDER PANEL: Medical workers from across the industry discuss the realities of being an LGBTQ provider or patient, and how they’re working to make health systems more accepting. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,

FRI.16 environment


UNPLUGGED GAME NIGHT: Players nosh on pizza and play one of the library’s many board games (or one of their own).



SEP. 15-18 | THEATER


FEDERAL STUDENT LOANS – PREPARING FOR REPAYMENT: New England Federal Credit Union advisors help borrowers prepare for upcoming changes to their loan status. Noon-12:45 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 764-6940.

food & drink

VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods and crafts, live music, and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons. Vergennes City Park, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.

FOX US OPEN OF MOUNTAIN BIKING: It’s all downhill from here at this annual cycling shindig. See for full schedule. Killington Resort, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info,

Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art

603-646-2422.FRI.16» P.82 An LCB Senior Living Community: More Than 25 Years of Excellence Middlebury | 802-231-3645 S. Burlington | 802-489-7627 Shelburne | 802-992-8420 Independent, Assisted & Memory Care Living Ask about our Summer Incentives and secure your exclusive rate. Choice’swelcomeHappiness...isOurcommunitieseveryone-includingyourbestfriendSeniorLiving your way! 23t-ExploreComm(LCB)091422 1 9/7/22 4:02 PM

Burlington City Hall Park, 7:309 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.




See WED.14.

‘THE RITUAL OF BREATH IS THE RITE TO RESIST’: An immersive opera in seven movements responds to the murder of Eric Garner by New York City police.



PIANO WORKS IN PROGRESS: Student pianists play in the ball room. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site, Calais, 1:30-3 p.m. Free.,

FALL BIRDING WITH BRIDGET BUTLER: The Bird Diva teaches folks of all experience levels a mindful form of birding that prioritizes a connection to the land. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 7:30-9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.

‘THE 39 STEPS’: See THU.15.

EEE LECTURES: RICK WINSTON: The Education & Enrichment for Everyone series continues with the Savoy Theater founder’s ad dress, “Lights! Camera! Action!: A History of Montpelier’s Savoy Theater.” Virtual option available. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2-3 p.m. $8; $55 for season pass. Info, 363-6937.



SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 229-1549.

drag performances featuring special guest Océane AquaBlack from Canada’s Drag Race Higher Ground Ballroom, South 9Burlington,p.m.$20-25. Info, 652-0777.

YAMMA ENSEMBLE: Israel’s leading world music group plays original Hebrew pieces on ancient Middle Eastern instruments. Next Stage Arts Project, Putney, 7:309:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 387-0102.

health & fitness

MICHAEL ARNOWITT: The pianist presents a program of imagina tive works by the likes of Bach, Debussy and the contemporary Ukrainian composer Victoria Poleva. United Church of Cabot, 7:30-9 p.m. $16-20. Info, 793-3016.


Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@




BLUEGRASS & BBQ: HARD SCRABBLE: The bluegrass band tickles the banjo strings and Southern Smoke and Luiza’s Homemade With Love provide the nosh. Shelburne Vineyard, 6-9 p.m. $5. Info, 985-8222.

‘FEMALE TORCHBEARERS OF THE BAROQUE’: Sarasa Chamber Music Ensemble highlights forgotten composers of the 17th century in a fantastically feminist program. Brattleboro Music Center, 7 p.m. $20-25. Info, 257-4523.

TWILIGHT SERIES: EMMA COOK & QUESTIONABLE COMPANY: Upbeat grooves and soulful lyr ics play as the sun goes down.

TECH HELP: Experts answer questions about phones, laptops, e-readers and more in one-on-one sessions. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 846-4140.

MUSIC JAM: Local instru mentalists of all ability levels gather to make sweet music. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 7-10 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.

PRIDE BALL: METAMORPHOSIS: Emoji Nightmare hosts a fabulous evening of dancing and


‘ARIADNE AUF NAXOS’: A new, locally-flavored production of the classic opera follows the “Richest Man in Vermont” and a dinner party gone wrong. Barn Opera, Brandon, 7:30 p.m. $50. Info,

Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $25-45. Info,

chittenden county


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife

ANTIQUES APPRAISAL DAY: Antiques expert Brian Bittner evaluates locals’ family heirlooms and esoterica. Cash or check only. Moretown United Methodist Church, 1-4 p.m. $5 per item. Info, 496-8934.

ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: See FRI.16, 2-2:30 p.m.


See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.



MUSIC ON THE FARM: PUULUUP Thursday, September 15, 5:30-9 p.m., at Fable Farm in Barnard. $5-20; preregister. Info, 234-1645,



YOUTH EMPOWERMENT & ACTION: Activists ages 14 through 18 discuss community service, climate action, LGBTQ rights and social justice. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.

Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

PLAYGROUP & FAMILY SUPPORT: Families with children under age 5 play and connect with others in the commu nity. Winooski Memorial Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.


during this gentle playtime. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

BABYTIME: Teeny-tiny library patrons enjoy a gentle, slow story time featur ing songs, rhymes and lap play. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

loved, including his birthplace, his father’s blacksmith shop and his burial site. Justin Morrill Homestead, Strafford, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $6; free for kids under 15. Info, 765-4288.

northeast kingdom


Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

BABY TIME: Parents and caregivers bond with their pre-walking babes

WALKING TOUR OF MORRILL’S STRAFFORD VILLAGE: Vermonters tour the spots that the 19th-century Vermont sena tor Justin Smith Morrill knew and

Once aspiring filmmakers have taken this virtual tour of the Media Factory Studio, they have access to the full suite of gear and facilities. 1-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 651-9692.


• Plan ahead at Post your event at

Zombie Apocalypse

TEEN ART CLUB: Crafty young’uns ages 12 through 18 construct paper jellyfish lanterns to bring underwater ambience to their bedrooms. Waterbury Public Library, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

fairs & festivals


chittenden county

Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages.


BRETT ANN STANCIU & LILA BENNETT: The author of Unstitched: My Journey to Understand Opioid Addiction and How People and Communities Can Heal and the director of Journey to Recovery Community Center discuss addiction and community. Norwich Bookstore, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.

CHESTER FESTIVAL ON THE GREEN: Fall foliage meets family fun at this fest in its fourth decade featuring food, field games, farm animals, live music and artisan demonstrations. Chester Green, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Free; donations ac cepted. Info, chesterfallfestival@

HOMESCHOOL GEOGRAPHY CLUB: Home learners ages 6 through 10 learn


Spooky season starts early at Music on the Farm with an appearance by Estonian zombie-folk duo Puuluup. Ramo Teder and Marko Veisson make music using only their voices, a loop pedal and two talharpas — centuriesold Northern European bowed lyres. That music is lively, surreal, folkloreinspired and just a bit ominous, making Puuluup the perfect act to take in as the leaves change and the nights grow longer. As always, attendees preorder farm-fresh food from Feast & Field Market to sustain them through an evening of live tunes, new friends and gorgeous views.


Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

VPIRG’S 50TH CELEBRATION:ANNIVERSARY Climate scientist Katharine Hayhoe keynotes this gala for Vermont Public Interest Research Group. Davis Center, University of Vermont, Burlington, 4-9 p.m. $50-500; preregister. Info, 223-5221, ext. 14.

VERMONT LIVING HISTORY EXPO: Reenactors in military get up from medieval times through World War II give history buffs a blast from the past. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. $5-30; free for kids under 6. Info, 778-9178.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 202282 calendar FRI.16 « MON.19P.81« P.79 ‘THE TIES THAT BIND’: See THU.15.

POKÉMON CLUB: I choose you, Pikachu! Fans of the franchise discuss their fa vorite cards, games and TV episodes in this monthly activity group. Ages 6 and up. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.

mad river waterburyvalley/


SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

leads half an hour of stories, rhymes and songs. Williston Town Green, 1010:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


OLD NORTH END REPAIR CAFÉ: Volunteers troubleshoot comput ers, bikes, furniture and more — and teach locals how to fix their things themselves. Old North End Repair Café, Burlington, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 540-2524.

Burlington, noon-5 p.m. Free.,

TUNBRIDGE WORLD’S FAIR: See THU.15, 8:30 a.m.-10 p.m.



NORWICH ANTIQUES SHOW: Local dealers offer up collect ibles, furniture and other vintage wares. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center, 10 a.m.3 p.m. $5. Info, 649-0124.

‘GRACE’: Ice Dance International premieres a soaring new show. Stowe Arena, 7 p.m. $10-75. Info, 760-4634.

about a new continent and get stamps on their library passports each week. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 745-1391.




TODDLERTIME: Kids ages 1 through 3 and their caregivers join Miss Kelly and her puppets Bainbow and La-La for story time. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


PRESCHOOL STORY TIME ON THE GREEN: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library


AFTERSCHOOL CRAFT: Little artists paint their own abstract acrylic master pieces. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.

Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art

MISSION BAZAAR: Local vendors sell clothes, furniture, jewelry, accessories, iced tea, vintage and handmade items, doughnuts, bicycles, home decor, and so much more. Mission Bazaar VT,



upper valley


DRAW TOGETHER: Artists ages 8 and up (or 6 and up with an adult helper) paint along to a virtual art class. Watercolors and other supplies provided. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

MONTPELIER CONTRA DANCE: To live tunes and gender-neutral calling, dancers balance, shadow and do-si-do the night away. N95, KN94, KN95 or 3-ply surgi cal masks required. Capital City Grange, Berlin, beginners’ lesson, 7:40 p.m.; social dance, 8-11 p.m. $5-20. Info, 225-8921.

BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with




food & drink

mad river waterburyvalley/

northeast kingdom


COMMUNITY PARTNERS ORGANIZING PARTNER WITH SUPPORT FROM SEE A LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND REGISTER FOR FREE TIX techjamvt.comAT: Vermont’s most innovative companies will be looking for collaborators at this rockin’ career and tech expo. You can learn a lot about a company, or a job candidate, online. But there’s no substitute for face-to-face interaction. At the Vermont Tech Jam, you’ll meet recruiters from legit companies and other tech professionals living and working locally. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 @ HULA, BURLINGTON JOB FAIR/EXPO: 10 A.M.-3:30 P.M. • KEYNOTE+RECEPTION: 4-6 P.M. POWERED BY: Let’s POWERED BY PRESENT Evade the algorithms! Make connections with real, live human beings. And learn about disruptive innovation and radical collaboration from John Abele, cofounder of medical device company Boston Scientific, and CoreMap CEO Sarah Kalil KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Come tour the HULA lakesidecampus!tech 1t-techjam091422.indd 1 9/13/22 5:55 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 83

Devil’s Bowl Speedway, West Haven, 6 p.m. $5-20; drive-in free for kids 12 and under. Info, 265-3112.

music + nightlife

TAKEOVER: LGBTQ Burlingtonians and their furry companions don rainbow outfits and make new friends. Starr Farm Dog Park, Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info,

Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

FREE SATURDAY CHOCOLATE TASTINGS: A sommelier of sweet stuff leads drop-in guests through a tasting platter. Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory Store & Café, Burlington, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 864-1807.


Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.


TWILIGHT SERIES: SWALE & LET’S WHISPER: Two local bands close out this summer music series. Burlington City Hall Park, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

OKTOBERFEST 2022: Biergarten merrymakers are serenaded by the Bavarian strains of Vermont band Inseldudler as they enjoy a hearty meal and mugs of lager.


Von Trapp Brewing Bierhall Restaurant, Stowe, 11 a.m.-8:30 p.m. $62. Info, 253-5750.



‘RIOTS AND PRAYERS’: The Vermont Symphony Orchestra launches its season with a dra matic program centered on the world premiere of a newly com missioned work by Daniel Bernard Roumain. The Flynn, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $8.35-54.23. Info, 863-5966.

SAT.17 « P.82

QUEER CAUSEWAY BIKE RIDE: LGBTQ cyclists take over the bike path for Pride weekend. Leddy Park, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, TITTIES & TOKENS: #LOVEWINS: Winooski Pride revelers level up with a drag, burlesque and poledancing extravaganza at the ar cade bar. The Archives, Winooski, 8:30 p.m. $10. Info, 800-1235.

SUMMER SAMPLING SERIES: Local makers and growers serve up bites for tasting. Mad River Taste Place, Waitsfield, 11 a.m.1 p.m. Free. Info, 496-3165.

QUARTET: Detroit-born Vermont pianist Bakriges and his crew play music from around the world. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret, 5-7 p.m. $20-25. Info, 457-3500.

MARKET: Meats and cheeses join farm-fresh produce, baked goods, locally made arts and crafts, and live music. 133 State St., Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info,

FALL MIGRATION BIRD MONITORING: Community scientists watch for warblers, spy sparrows and hear hawks to con tribute to Audubon’s database. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3068.


BRAIN FREEZER 5K: Runners with stomachs of steel hit the pave ment for 3.1 miles, pausing only to down a pint of local ice cream. Proceeds benefit People Helping People Global. Battery Park, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. $35.,



Burlington Farmers Market, 345 Pine St., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 560-5904.

FACING THE SUNRISE BLACK PERFORMING ARTS SERIES: SAMIRAH EVANS: The New Orleans-style blues singer, draw ing on 400 years of Black music, makes an appearance at this collaboration between Clemmons Family Farm and Catamount Arts. Catamount ArtPort, St. Johnsbury, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art


See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.


THE MAPLE 100: See THU.15.

BEGINNER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Waterbury Public Library game master Evan Hoffman gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.


WEEKLY EVENT: Racers tear up the track in pursuit of the title.

ST. JOHNSBURY FARMERS MARKET: Growers and crafters gather weekly at booths centered on local eats. Pearl St. & Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, cfmamanager@gmail. com.

WINOOSKI PRIDE 2022: The Onion City throws a shindig for LGBTQ rights and culture. Rotary Park, Winooski, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info,

‘BETTER TOGETHER’: British Invasion tribute band the Brit Pack twists and shouts its way through this fundraiser for Northeast Kingdom Community Action. Barton Fairgrounds, 5 p.m. $25. Info, 748-2600.


DIRK POWELL & RAINY EYES: Two roots artists draw on the



deep well of music from the mountains of Kentucky and the Louisiana bayou. Richmond Free Library, 7 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 388-4964.

FOOD, FUN & HISTORY AT THE CHAMPLAIN CLUB: Locals dig into a community potluck, walking tours and wide-ranging history talks, with a social dance closing out the night. Champlain Club, Burlington, 3:45-9 p.m. Free. Info,

FLOW WITH PRIDE: Sangha Studios leads a gentle, outdoor yoga class for the queer and trans community. Donations benefit Pride Center of Vermont. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info,

PLAY EVERY TOWN: Prolific pianist David Feurzeig continues a four-year, statewide series of shows in protest of high-pollution worldwide concert tours. United Church of Newport, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info,

ANNUAL FALL PARTY: After a free run, walk or ride, visitors party it up with local food, beer and ice cream. Cochran’s Ski Area, Richmond, 2:30-4 & 4:30-7 p.m. $25-35; preregister. Info, 603-703-5741.

DANNY & THE PARTS: Apple pick ers enjoy the rootsy strains of this Vermont-born Americana band. Shelburne Orchards, noon-2 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2753.

— WISDOM OF NEUROSCIENCE: Milarepa Center offers a free introduction to its October class about emotion, consciousness and the science of the brain. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 633-4136.



Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

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seasonal produce, flowers, arti sanal wares and prepared foods.

WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and pre pared foods from more seasonal vendors at an outdoor market place. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info,


VERMONT PRIDE FESTIVAL & PARADE 2022: Queer and trans folks paint the town rainbow with a procession starting on Church Street and ending in a joyful bash at Waterfront Park. Downtown Burlington, noon-5 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.

TALL TRAVIS: The appeal ingly cacophonous folk crew plays among the apple trees. Shelburne Orchards, 11:30 a.m.1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2753.


IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celticcurious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

WRITERS’ WERTFREI: Authors both fledgling and published gather over Zoom to share their work in a judgment-free environ ment. Virtual option available. Waterbury Public Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. com.judi@waterburypubliclibrary.Info,

HISTORICAL SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING: Amanda Gustin takes attendees on a trek through the history of Hollywood films in Vermont after a dessert buffet and business meeting. Middletown Springs Historical Society, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 235-2376.

for the piano. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040.

Jay Craven’s newest film, Lost Nation is scheduled for release June 2023. It tells a parallel and intersecting story of two Vermonters - enigmatic founding father, Ethan Allen and pioneering African American woman-of-words, Lucy Terry Prince.


THE MICHELE FAY BAND: See THU.15. United Church of Westford, 4-5 p.m. Donations. Info, 388-6863.

SYMBIO: Listeners enjoy the magical strains of these rising stars of the Swedish folk scene. Richmond Congregational Church, 4-6 p.m. $15-25. Info, 434-4563.




SWANTON SUNDAY MARKETS & FOOD TRUCKS: Local vendors sell treats, produce and other goodies at a delightful outdoor market. Swanton Village Park, 10 a.m.4 p.m. Free. Info, 309-7892.




ROBERT DE CENTENNIALCORMIERCONCERT: Six Vermont choirs come together to celebrate the late Rutland composer. Grace Congregational Church, Rutland, 3-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 540-1784.

SUNDAY MORNING MEDITATION: Mindful folks experience sitting and walking meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Shambhala Meditation Center, Burlington, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info,

DAYHIKE & DINE: Landscape lovers and foodies carpool to a hiking adventure, then recharge with lunch at a local restaurant. Bradford Park & Ride, 10 a.m.3 p.m. Free. Info, jpendak@gmail. com.


TOUR DE FARMS: A wide range of locally produced foods awaits riders as they pedal a 10- or 30-mile route. Village Green,


COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly practice in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hahn. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Free. Info,

MICHAEL ARNOWITT: See FRI.16. Stone Valley Arts, Poultney, 3-4 p.m. $20. Info, 325-2603.

‘THE TIES THAT BIND’: See THU.15, 2 & 7:30 p.m.

THE MAPLE 100: See THU.15.

MUSIC AT THE MUSEUM: BILLINGS FARM CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT: Violinist Jean Huang, violist Amy Galluzzo and cellist Carol Ou play an intimate show in the Visitors Center Theater. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 2-3 p.m. $15. Info, 457-2355.

fairs & festivals

PÉTANQUE IN THE PARK: The Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region invites locals to join in a friendly afternoon of France’s national pastime. Airport Park, Colchester, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, eriktrinkaus1@gmail. com.

TUNBRIDGE WORLD’S FAIR: See THU.15, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

MAVERICK MARKET: Highquality products from Vermont artisans, as well as food truck fare and live music, populate a weekly bazaar. Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4200.

• HOST – JAY CRAVEN • Roundtrip airfare • Accommodation @ Rubens Palace Hotel –a Red Carnation Hotel. • Includes perfect blend of group experiencesdining, sightseeing, theater and Jay Craven curated experiences - and plenty of free time and, London Oyster Pass for getting around the city. JOIN AWARD-WINNING FILMMAKER JAY CRAVEN FOR AN UNFORGETTABLE THEATER EXPERIENCE IN ONE OF THE WORLD’S GREATEST CITIES APRIL 9 - 15, LONDON2023ACT NOW! Be one of the first twenty to sign up, and up to $1000* of your fare is a tax deductible donation to our sponsors. Please contact your personal Milne Travel Advisor or Emily Martel800-78emily.martel@milnetravel.comMILNE 3V-milnetravel081522.indd 1 8/2/22 5:40 PM FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 420 S. Union St, Burlington, VT A Christian Science Lecture Be SetFreedomFreeisyourswhenyouknowwheretolookforit. Tuesday, Sept. 20, 7 P.M. Nicole Virgil, CS Christian Science Practitioner Member of the Christian Science SPONSORED BY: FIRST CHURCH OF Board of Lectureship CHRIST, SCIENTIST, BURLINGTON FOR MORE INFO: 802-864-4709 • 6H-ChristianScience091422.indd 1 9/9/22 6:05 PM


‘THE 39 STEPS’: See THU.15.




HOW WE MAKE THINGS: BOB FRELING: Listeners learn how en ergy systems can be made more sustainable, empowering and community-driven. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park, Enosburg Falls, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info,

WALK TO END ALZHEIMER’S: Vermonters take important steps to raise funds and awareness about the disease as part of a na tionwide movement. Shelburne Museum, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 3163839, ext. 8015.





food & drink

FACULTY RECITAL: PAUL ORGEL: The University of Vermont affili ate artist plays a cycle of works by Bach, Brahms and Prokofiev

TOUR OF WATERBURY DAM: Visitors explore a reforested encampment and discover how the Civilian Conservation Corps saved the Winooski Valley from flooded ruin. Call to confirm. Meet at the top of the dam. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.


MOUNTAINS: See THU.15, noon-6 p.m.


BRETT DENNEN: The outdoorsy folk artist sings of joy and nature, woven through with his signature witticisms. Essex Experience, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. $30.,

NORTH SEA GAS: The acclaimed Scottish folk band brings a taste of the highlands to the Green Mountain State. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 7 p.m. $20. Info, 533-2000.



MILNE TRAVEL presents AWARDWINNING independent filmmaker, and Middlebury New Filmmakers Festival Artistic Director Jay Craven who has specially curated travel experiences that we will enjoy during our exciting and memorable London theater experience.


SHOREHAM APPLE FEST: Families fête Vermont’s signature fruit with live music, a farmers market and more. Village Green, Shoreham, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 897-2747.

JAPANESE CULTURAL FESTIVAL: The Japan America Society of Vermont throws a party featuring music, tea ceremonies, karate demonstrations and art. Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School, South Burlington, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info,

HOWARD COFFIN: A historian unfolds the realities of life for Vermont women during the Civil War. Brick Meeting House, Westford, 1:30-3 p.m. Free; dona tions accepted. Info, 878-8890.

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.


RYAN MONTBLEAU: The singer-songwriter turns heads with songs from albums such as 2017’s I Was Just Leaving Shelburne Vineyard, 6-9 p.m. $10-12. Info, 985-8222.

health & fitness


health & fitness

YANG 24: See CongregationalWED.14.Church of Middlebury, 4-6 p.m.,

music + nightlife

MONTHLY BOOK GROUP FOR ADULTS: The Sentence by Louise Erdrich inspires a lively conversa tion. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


LONG-FORM SUN 73: Beginners and experienced practitioners learn how Tai Chi can help with arthritis, mental clarity and range of motion. Holley Hall, Bristol, noon-1 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, wirlselizabeth@

Brownell Library hosts a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.

TECH CLASS: Continuing learners discover the wide world of online courses and free educational opportunities. Presented by Waterbury Public Library. 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

JULIA GUEZ, NATHAN MCCLAIN, DOUG ANDERSON & DANIEL WOLFF: New York City nonprofit publisher Four Way Books launches its fall 2022 list with four of its authors. Presented by Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114.

ADVANCED TAI CHI: Experienced movers build strength, improve balance and reduce stress.



FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI: See THU.15. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Vergennes, Levels 1 and 2, 9-10 a.m.; Level 3, 10-11 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, com.lhfrancis839@gmail.CongregationalChurch of Middlebury, 10-11 a.m.,


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

WHODUNITS & WHYDUNITS: Film scholar Rick Winston and librarian George Spaulding dis cuss issue-driven mystery in film and literature. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

MAKING MAGIC WITH COMPOSITION AND LIGHTING: Aspiring auteurs learn how lighting and camera movements can tell a story. RETN & VCAM Media Factory, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister; limited space. Info, 651-9692.

a.m.-4 p.m. $5589; preregister; limited space. Info, 382-0401.

ADDISON COUNTY WRITERS COMPANY: Poets, playwrights, novelists and memoirists of ev ery experience level meet weekly for an MFA-style workshop. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,










See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.


Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art



Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

WEEKLY CHAIR YOGA: Those with mobility challenges or who are new to yoga practice balance and build strength through gentle, supported movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 3 p.m. Free; prereg ister; donations accepted. Info, 223-3322.


‘THE 39 STEPS’: See THU.15, 2 p.m.


food & drink

ABENAKI GARDENING AND FISH PROCESSING CLINIC: Locals learn Indigenous methods of gar den harvesting and fish cleaning. Intervale Center, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 371-9975.

Author Joni B. Cole keynotes this gathering of female entrepreneurs hosted by Women Business Owners Network Vermont. ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $75110; preregister. Info, 503-0219.

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

health & fitness


FOOD TRUCKS AT THE FORT: Green Empire Brewing hosts a battalion of food trucks along side live music and mini golf. Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester, 5-9 p.m. Free. Info,



= ONLINE EVENT 4T-oldspokes090722 1 9/6/22 12:34 PM PresentationAwardFeaturingCeremony|4:30pmMuseumofArtreservemoreinformationticketa SponsorsTrendsetter Adams Alchemist Luce: Allstate Insurance | | PLLC Hallam-ICSBrewery Kris Real Properties, LLC. | Akwaaba Community Collective City Market Community Bank | Downs Rachlin Martin | Vogue Sponsors Presenting Sponsor Runway Sponsors 4t-CVOEO091422 1 9/12/22 11:46 AM




Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

TECH HELP: See FRI.16, 5-6:30 p.m.


THE MAPLE 100: See THU.15.

TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET: The Ishams put the “farm” back in “farmers market” with vendor stalls and live music out by the barn. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 872-1525.

THE MAPLE 100: See THU.15.

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

food & drink


Holley Hall, Bristol, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; donations accepted. Info,


GENTLE HATHA YOGA: Movers focus on alignment, balance and extending into relaxation. BYO mat. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.




SUN.18 «


SWING DANCING: Local Lindy hoppers and jitterbuggers convene at Vermont Swings’ weekly boogie-down. Bring clean shoes. Beginner lessons, 6:30 p.m. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:30-9 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382.

Public comments are encouraged at this virtual update session from the Federal Nuclear Waste Policy Committee. 6-8:35 p.m. Free. Info,




MAH-JONGG NIGHT: This 19th-century Chinese game fits right in at the historic ballroom. Refreshments served. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site, Calais, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-6613.



Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.





COOK THE BOOK: Home chefs make a recipe from one of the library’s cookbooks and share the dish at a potluck. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


PAULA FRANCIS: The author of 18 Pair of Shoes: Adventures of a Happiness Walker introduces a new project. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. m

INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS: Learners of all abilities practice written and spoken English with trained instructors. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@

WALK: Birders of all experi ence levels take a slow pace perfect for observing and taking photos. BYO water, snacks, cameras, guides and binoculars. Fairgrounds Trailhead, Poultney, 7:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 598-2583.




OPEN MIC: Artists of all stripes have eight minutes to share a song, story or poem. Virtual op tion available. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free., music

FALL JOB FAIR 2022: Job seek ers hand out resumes to local employers and even interview on the spot. West Side Ballroom, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 518-563-1000.


HEAT PUMPS: Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity shows homeowners how to make the switch to a more eco-friendly method of keeping the house warm or cool. 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 860-1417, ext. 121.

GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT 101: Dana Dwinell-Yardley teaches attendees the basics of designing eye-catching post ers, social media graphics and more. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.




food & drink

WINE & STORY: Lovers of liba tions and tellers of tales gather for an evening of good company. Shelburne Vineyard, 7:30 p.m. $5. Info, 863-1754.


A DaySuperchargedofFamilyFun e-bike test rides energy expert advice more at MeetKidsCHAMP! ' Games Ice Cream DJ & Live Music Food Trucks TrucksRaffles Reduce Fosil Fuel Use & Save Money! Kids free, secure bike parking 2V-BED091422 1 9/9/22 9:13 AM


VERMONT PRIDE SEDER: LGBTQ+ Jews and allies gather for an evening of readings and community. Ages 13 and up. Social Hall, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 7:308:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

Française of the Lake Champlain Region hosts the president of the Vermont Military Museum and AFLCR member Brigitte Helzer in a talk about the “Merci Train.” Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

ILYSE MORGENSTEIN FUERST: The professor of religion explores how faith and organized religion continue to shape our lives. Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0756.

BOOK CLUB BUFFET: Readers dig into Kate Moore’s The Radium Girls: The Dark Story of America’s Shining Women over lunch.

Hauke Family Campus Center, Champlain College, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. $25-100; pre register. Info,



CIRCLE: Folks find rhythm at a joyful, beat-driven outdoor gathering. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 777-0626.



See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

RIDES: Pedal heads explore their local trails at this weekly meet up. Three Rivers Path Trailhead Pavilion, Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, St. Johnsbury, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,


NIGHT: Each month, Pride Center of Vermont virtually screens a movie centered on queer and trans people of color. 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,



WOMEN AND MONEY - TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE: Women learn how to overcome various challenges to effectively save for retirement. Presented by New England Federal Credit Union. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 764-6940.

COWBOY JUNKIES: The beloved folk-blues band displays its ef fortlessly intimate, mesmerizing sound. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $35-55. Info, 603-448-0400.




COMMUNITY BURLINGTONSPOTLIGHT:TAIKO: The Japanese-inspired drum group gives a joyous outdoor concert. Burlington City Hall Park, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.

INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE: The Vermont Council on World Affairs presents a day of virtual talks, workshops and panels looking toward world peace. Hybrid in-person and virtual reception ends the day.

AYURVEDA: Maryellen Crangle and Dorothy Alling Memorial Library host the first session of a 12-week introduction to this ancient Indian and Nepalese healing and lifestyle tradition. 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info,


THE MAPLE 100: See THU.15.

‘THE DAYTRIPPERS’: A family sets off on a road trip to confront the daughter’s cheating husband in this 1997 dramedy. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

LONG-FORM SUN 73: See WED.14. YANG 24: See WED.14.

See WED.14.


WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather over Zoom for an evening of music making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.

health & fitness


NICOLE VIRGIL: A Christian Science practitioner examines freedom and choice from a Biblical perspective. First Church of Christ, Scientist, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-4709.





MINDFUL MOVEMENT: Options include Happy Thursday Yoga Flow; Yoga Thursday With Ellen; Monday Asana Yoga With Heather; Kundalini Yoga: The Yoga of Radiance; Yang Tai Chi; Reiki First Degree With Amy; Intro to Mindfulness Meditation (online); Stress Less: Tools for Balanced Living. Location: Access CVU, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, access@cvsdvt. org,


COOKING & CUISINE: Options include Indian Vegetarian Cooking; Cake Decorating Basics; Kids in the Kitchen: Back to School Comfort Foods. Location: Access CVU, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,,

ARTS & CRAFTS: Watercolor With Ginny Joyner; Intro to 2-Dimensional Art; Pottery Studio; Sewing Knit Fabrics: T-shirts; Knitting Super Bulky Cozy Cowl; Beaded Earrings; Bowl Turning; Welding Fabrication; Fused Glass With Micaela! Location: Access CVU, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194,,

Learn how to find peace and calm by drawing on ancient wisdom and nature. Led by Kimia Maleki. Thu., Sep. 29, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $20 via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: 2447909,,

AIKIDO: 25 FREE CLASSES!: Celebrate our 25th anniversary and discover the dynamic, flow ing martial art of aikido. Learn how to relax under pressure and how aikido cultivates core power, aerobic fitness and resiliency. Aikido techniques emphasize throws, pinning techniques and the growth of internal power. Visitors are always welcome to watch a class. Starting on Fri., Sep. 9, 6 p.m.; meets 5 days/ week. 25 free classes for new adult members. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes. Contact us for info about mem bership rates for adults, youth & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington, Info: Benjamin Pincus, 951-8900,,bpincus@

Now enrolling youth and adults for classes in drawing, painting and fused glass. Location: Davis Studio, 916 Shelburne Rd., South Burlington. Info:,

Series; Bridge: Defense SeriesHearts; Gem and Crystal Workshop (online); Tarot Card Adventure: Part 1 (online); Chakra Workshop (online). Location: Access CVU, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info:,482-7194,cvsdvt.

free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,

FALL EQUINOX COLLECTIVE CHANNELING: Take this op portunity to create alchemical magic and own our spiritual resilience and inherent power. Led by Kimia Maleki. Thu, Sep. 22, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $20 via PayPal, Zelle, Venmo or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: com,projectalchemyhealing@gmail.244-7909,

DANCE!: Numerous dance classes available! Try out East Coast Swing Dancing for Beginners; Beginners Irish Dance With Champion Dancer Fiadhnait Moser; Beginners Modern Dance; or Zumba With Dillon! Location: Access CVU, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info: 4827194,, cvsdvt.

Find all the stories at

JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASSES: Konnichiwa! The Japan America Society of Vermont will offer four levels of interactive Japanese language Zoom classes this fall, starting the week of Oct. 3. Please join us for an introduction to speaking, listening, reading and writing Japanese, with an emphasis on the conversational patterns that occur in everyday life. Level 1: Mon. Level 2: Tue. Level 3: Thu. Level 4: Wed. Cost: $200/1.5-hour class for 10 weeks. Location: Zoom. Info: 825-8335,

225+ Classes for Everyone. CVUHS cvsdvt.ce.eleyo.comFullHINESBURG.Campusdescriptionsat

ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE FALL SESSION: Join us for online and in-person adult French classes this fall. Our 12-week session starts on Sep. 19 and offers classes for participants at all levels. Visit our website to read all about our offerings or contact us to learn more. Location: Zoom or Alliance Francaise, 43 King St., Burlington. Info:, Micheline Tremblay, education@

LANGUAGES & MUSIC : Harmonica for Adults; Ukulele for Adults; Guitar for Beginners; String Band; Basic Banjo; French 102 (online); French 104 (online); Spanish for Beginners, Part 1 & Part 2; Spanish Conversation-Advanced (online); Conversational Italian (online); German for Beginners. Location: Access CVU, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info: 482-7194, access@,

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: We offer a legitimate Brazilian jiu-jitsu training program for men, women and children in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes; CBJJP and IBJJF seventh-degree Carlson Gracie Sr. Coral Belt-certified instructor; teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A two-time world masters champion, fivetime Brazilian jiu-jitsu national champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro state champion and Gracie Challenge champion. Accept no limitations! 1st class is

YOUR OPINION IS VALUED! Are you a Vermont resident over the age of 18, that currently smokes cigarettes, uses e-cigarettes, or has recently quit using tobacco? If so, you may qualify to take an anonymous survey about your attitudes and behaviors on tobacco use. To see if you qualify, please text, “VTHealthSurvey” to (207) 358-1714 or call and ask to speak to the project manager, Elisa Ungaro. If qualified, you will receive a $20 gift card for your participation. 8H-marketdescions091422.indd 1 9/12/22 5:37 PM


It Costs How Much?!

HOLISTIC LIVING & GAMES: Options include Bridge for Beginners: Club or Diamond

Seven Days is examining Vermont’s housing crisis — and what can be done about it — in Locked Out, a yearlong series.

JUNG BOOK STUDY GROUP: Join us for our new monthly Book Study Group. We begin our series featuring Man and His Symbols Led by Cecile Leriche. register.gibougarden@gmail.comContactto 3rd Sun., Sep. 18-Jan. 22, 1-3 p.m. Cost: $50 donation via PayPal or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: Sue Mehrtens, 2447909,,


RUSH SEAT STOOL WORKSHOP: This workshop will cover how to build a wooden stool as well







SPANISH CLASSES FOR ALL AGES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive on line lessons to improve compre hension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audiovisual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” —Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook at Spanishcoursesvt. Info: Spanish Courses VT, 881-0931, spanishtu, com/spanishonlinevt.facebook.

as how to weave a rush seat. Participants will each build their own stool, covering joinery and other important details. They will then weave the seat out of rush, learning how to shape and fasten the material. Thu., Sep. 29 & Oct. 6, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225 incl. materials. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 540-0761,


DAVIS STUDIO ART CLASSES: Discover your happy place in one of our weekly classes. Making art boosts emotional well-being and brings joy to your life, especially when you connect with other art enthusiasts. Select the ongoing program that’s right for you.,

NEW BEGINNER TAI CHI CLASS: We practice Cheng Man-ch’ing’s “simplified” 37-posture Yang-style form. The course will be taught by Patrick Cavanaugh, a longtime student and assistant to Wolfe Lowenthal; Wolfe is a direct student of Cheng Man-ch’ing and founder of Long River Tai Chi Circle. Opportunities for learning online also available! COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend in person. Masks are recommend ed. (Subject to change based on circumstance.) Starts Oct. 5, 9-10 a.m.; open registration until Oct. 26. Cost: $65/mo. Location: St. Anthony’s Church (Gym), 305 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Long River Tai Chi Circle,,490-6405,

LIFE SKILLS: Dog Training: Next-Level Basics With Mary Tracy; Know Your Car Workshop, Girlington Garage; Home Repair DIY Series; Parent Information Class: Learning Disabilities; i-STRIKE Women & Self-Defense Workshop; CyberSecurity: Protect Your Personal Information; Writing for Children & Young Adults Workshop With Author Fiadhnait Moser. Location: Access CVU & online, 369 CVU Rd., Hinesburg. Info:,482-7194,cvsdvt.

DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional/ masks indoors). Taiko Tue. and Wed.; Djembe Wed.; Kids & Parents Tue. and Wed. Conga classes by request! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,,

GENERATOR is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. We provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity – to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and make their ideas a reality.

SILVER RING WORKSHOP: In this two-session, eight-hour workshop, students will create one or two silver ring bands. The processes covered include texturing, sizing, sawing, filing, sanding, forming, soldering, shaping and polishing. After this intensive, students will have the skills to begin making rings independently. No prior experience necessary. Oct. 8 & 9, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: $200 incl. materials. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Generator, Sam Graulty, 5400761, education@generatorvt. com,!event/2022/10/8/

tai chi

martial arts







on the road » pro services » buy this stuff

SEX: 2-year-old neutered male


Tuna can also go home as a barn cat as part of HSCC’s Working Cat Program. The Working Cat Program is for cats who might need an alternative placement, such as a barn, warehouse, workshop or garage.

REASON HERE: His owner could no longer care for him.

Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.

SUMMARY: Tuna is a sometimes feisty, often friendly feline with a whole lot of personality. When he first arrived, he wanted nothing to do with our staff and made it quite clear that he wanted to socially distance. But after moving into a staff office, he decided that people aren’t so bad. In fact, he has determined that his human friends are quite useful for distributing food, throwing toys and giving head scritches on demand. Tuna is an excellent hunter of bugs and treats and would likely enjoy the opportunity to expand his world to include the great outdoors. Is he your typical house cat? No. Is he the nicest, cuddliest kitty you’ll ever meet? Also no. Is he a teenage hooligan in a cat body? Probably. Tuna is looking for a home with people who really get him, where he’ll have an outlet for his energy and companionship when he wants it. If you think Tuna could be a fit in your home, he’s now accepting applications for the position of personal assistant.


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All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our

print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x120

Foreclosure: 3BR Home w/ Garage, Williamstown, VT

Simulcast Friday, Sept. 16 @ 9AM

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buy this stuff

Thurs, Sept. 29 @ 11AM

3BR/2.5BA on Acres Sept. 29 11AM Underpass Rd., Sutton, VT

Online Closes Thurs., Sept. 22 @ 10AM


Preview: Thurs., Sept. 15 from 11AM-1PM


Summer Antiques & Collectibles, Williston, VT

Preview By Appointment: Sept.

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Automotive Parts, Fishing Accs. & Household, Castleton, V T

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Call for a quote for professional cleanup & maintain the value of your home. Set an appt. today. Call 833-6641530. (AAN CAN)

Homestead Antiques & Collectibles is open Fri. & Sat., Sep. 16 & 17, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Or call 802-595-2432 anytime for a private appt. MapQuest 30 Jensen Rd., Barre. Over 3,000 sq.ft. of inventory in our early 1800s Vermont barn!

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6.8 treed & open acres. Incl. post & beam 26’x36’ barn, driveway, pond, septic design, electricity on-site. 802-877-1529.$140,500.


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Simulcast Friday, Sept. 30 @ 9AM



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Public Auto Auction, Williston, VT

PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic,balancing,energyyears’Kelman,channelingcounseling,w/BerniceUnderhill.30+experience.Alsohealing,chakraReiki,rebirth-otherlives,classesmore.802-899-3542,

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Preview: Mon., Sept. 19 from 11AM-1PM


8 a.m.-2 p.m. Antiques, collectibles, housewares, craft supplies,





Quarry TownhousesRidge neighborhood sale. Juniper Dr., S. Burlington. Sep. 17 (rain date: Sep. 18), 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Something for everyone!

8 a.m.-3 p.m., Sep. 18:

Mercedes SL500, Mowers, Tools, Firearms & Household, Williston, VT

Simulcast Friday, Sept. 23 @ 9AM

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:


HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309

1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, CAN)877-589-0747.mandolins/banjos.Stromber,D’Angelico,&Gibson(AAN

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Looking for a roommate to share a mobile home in Milton, 12 mins. from Burlington. Country setting, no neighbors. Call evenings: 802-391-7723.

It’s almost that time of year. If you need snowplowing or shoveling, give us a call! Kambro Builders,,

In private house shared w/ 2 humans & 1 cat. 2nd fl oor. Incl. adjoining study, shared BA, kitchen & parking for 1 car. $780/mo., utils. incl. Bernice: 802-899-3542.

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4-2÷2-40x6x 2÷ 120x 3 2- 2÷ 22÷ 1- 14+ 2÷ 30x 81 96 1 7 6 4 7 9 5 3 1 94 3 6 8 3 4 7 25 1 9 Workcareer?fornextWhat’syouritoutwith Seven Days Jobs. Find 100+ new job postings weekly from trusted, local employers in Seven Days newspaper and online. See who’s hiring 8v-jobfiller-career2021.indd 1 7/30/21 1:54 PMcrossword ANSWERS ON P.92 » BEASTLY SNACK


Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. e numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.


SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 91 SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS » Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. Extra! Extra! ere’s no limit to ad length online. ANSWERS ON P.92 ★ = MODERATE ★ ★ = CHALLENGING ★ ★ ★ = HOO, BOY!

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. e same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.




PROPOSED STATE RULES By law, public notice of proposed rules must be given by publication in newspapers of record. e purpose of these notices is to give the public a chance to respond to the proposals. e public notices for administrative rules are now also

Berklee graduate w/30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training.,approach.ages,styles,levels.Belford,864-7195,



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ACM abatement, the remainder of the buildings will be demolished in a controlled manner and will be disposed of as PCB Bulk Product. e remediation and demolition activities will be conducted in accordance with applicable VT DOH, Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (VTDEC), and Environmental Protection Agency rules and regulations.


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Speedmaster. CAN)888-320-1052.Call(AAN


buy this stuff

All accessible asbestos containing materials (ACM) will be removed prior to demolition of the buildings in accordance with Vermont Department of Health (VT DOH) regulations including both friable and non-friable ACM. Due to the presence of PCBs, commingled ACM and PCB building materials will be abated during the pre-demolition

Notice is hereby given that the contents of the self-storage units listed below will be sold at public auction by sealed bid.

Name of Occupant/Storage Unit



Pre-qualifi cation statement & submission information:

Said sales will take place on September 30, 2022 beginning at 11:00am at Burlington Self Storage (BSS) 1825 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, VT.







e project start date is subject to a voter approved bond in November 2022. Schedule for the new work is planned to begin in December 2022 with an anticipated completion for late summer of 2023.


e criteria and the full Request for Qualifi cations document are available upon request.

be opened for viewing immediately prior to auction. Sale shall be by sealed bid to the highest bidder. Contents of entire storage unit will be sold as one lot. e winning bid must remove all contents from the facility at no cost to BSS. BSS reserves the right to reject any bid lower that the amount owed by the occupant or that is not commercially reasonable as defi ned by statute.



AKC, champion bloodline. Ready to go Sep. 20. Accepting


For the Burlington High School Building Project e Burlington School District invites interested Demolition/Abatement Contractors to submit a Letter of Interest and Pre-Qualifi cations for School Board determination of eligible prospective project bidders. e Burlington Board of School Commissioners has established pre-qualifi cation criteria which a contractor must meet.


All fi rms submitting a request for pre-qualifi cation determination will be notifi ed, in writing, 30 days or more prior to the proposed bid opening. e Board of School Commissioners reserves the right to reject any and all submitted Pre-Qualifi cations, to re-advertise, and to waive any and/or all Projectinformalities.Description: e project includes the abatement, remediation, and demolition of seven buildings at the Burlington High School and Technical Center campus to facilitate construction of a new high school at the campus. Several hazardous building material investigations at the site have identifi ed asbestos containing materials (ACM), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and lead in building materials throughout the buildings.

Legal Notices









Remote Meeting Zoom: bebeforedrb/agendasviewficannottoappeal.prerequisitep.m.betweenthePlansunitfrommedical5S)1.215orTelephone:Passcode:WebinarUT0927?pwd=SGQ0bTdnS000Wkc3c2J4WWw1dzMx;55-57HowardStreet(RL,WardPatrickMcHenry/MontanaBurnsRelocateoffice/acupuncturehomeoccupationdownstairsunit(55HowardSt.)toupstairs(57HowardSt.).maybevieweduponrequestbycontactingDepartmentofPermitting&Inspectionsthehoursof8:00a.m.and4:30ParticipationintheDRBproceedingisatotherighttotakeanysubsequentPleasenotethatANYTHINGsubmittedtheZoningofficeisconsideredpublicandbekeptconfidential.ismaynotbethenalorderinwhichitemswillbeheard.PleasefinalAgenda,,oneweekthehearingfortheorderinwhichitemswillheard.






TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2022, 5:00 PM


e Burlington Public School District requests Demo/Abatement Contractors to submit Letters of Interest and pre-qualifi cation statements in electronic format not later than September 22, 2022 to PCI - Capital Project Consultants. Contact Marty Spaulding at to obtain the full RFQ and pre-qualifi cation criteria. Project scope questions can be directed to Josh Robinson at

The Town of Bolton, Vermont is soliciting bids from qualified vendors for the municipal lease of a photocopier that conforms to the included specifications. Interested vendors shall submit proposals to:





Being all of the same land and premises conveyed to Kent L. Mason and Cherese M. Mason by

Executor’s Deed of Thomas F. Koch, Executor of the Estate of Florence E. Tucker dated October 2, 1992 and recorded October 6, 1992 in Volume 149 at Page 237 of the Land Records of the City of Barre and being more particularly described as follows:


BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. A copy of the Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file and may be obtained at the office of the clerk of this court, Lamoille, Civil Division, Vermont Superior Court, 154 Main St, Hyde Park, VT 05655. Do not throw this paper away. It is an official paper that affects your rights.

The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale.

/s/ Daniel Richardson


Daniel SuperiorRichardsonCourtJudge

Town of Bolton, Vermont Attn: Bolton Select Board 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Highway Waterbury, VT 05676

Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.

This order shall be published once a week for 6

Other terms to be announced at the sale.

made to the above instru ments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description.


REPLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plaintiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is _______________________, 20____. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney, Loraine L. Hite, Esq. of Bendett & McHugh, PC, located at 270 Farmington Avenue, Ste. 151, Farmington, CT 06032. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at 154 Main St, Hyde Park, VT

TOWN OF BOLTON, VERMONT NOTICE TO VENDORS 3045 Theodore Roosevelt Hwy Waterbury, VT 05676 September 6, 2022

All proposals received by the town will be consid ered bids. Bidders may submit more than one bid if desired.

Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Tyler B. Hope and Elizabeth J. Hope by Warranty Deed of Kent L. Mason and Cherese M. Mason dated___________ of record in Volume_______ at Page_______ of the City of Barre Land Records.

TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett & McHugh, PC, as Trustee”.

Being the home place of the descendant located at 182 South Main Street, Barre, Vermont as conveyed to William G. Tucker and Florence E. Tucker by Warranty Deed of Glenn H. Powers and Ruth E. Powers, dated March 22, 1923 and recorded in Volume 30 at page 31 located at 182 South Main Street, Barre, Vermont as conveyed to William G. Tucker and Florence E. Tucker by Warranty Deed of Glenn H. Powers and Ruth E. Powers, dated March 22, 1923 and recorded in Volume 30 at page 314 of said Land Records together with a five foot wide strip of land conveyed to William G. Tucker and Florence E. Tucker by Warranty Deed of H. Austin Tuttle dated September 24, 1923 and recorded in Volume 30 at Page 434.

5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the complaint.

• Bids shall be opened on Monday, October 3, 2022, by the Bolton Select Board and reviewed during the regularly scheduled hybrid Select Board meeting.

To make special arrangements for individuals with disabilities or special needs please call or write the contact person listed below as soon as possible.

available online at SOS/rules/ . The law requires an agency to hold a public hearing on a proposed rule, if requested to do so in writing by 25 persons or an association having at least 25 members.

In re ESTATE of Shane Harris







ADDRESS: 182 South Main Street, Barre, PROPERTYVermont

FOR COPIES: Stuart Schurr, General Counsel, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living, 280 State Drive, HC2 South Waterbury, VT 05671-2020 Tel: 802-241-0353 Fax: 802-241-0386 Email:

Beginning October 1, 2022, applications may be completed through the online applicant portal by visiting VSHA’s website at (messages)(voice);ForitstheHousingVSHA’sThisDivisioncontacthoursOneforsection-8-assistance/websiteplicationscom/portals/onlineApplication/1635.https://www.pha-web.PaperapmayalsobeobtainedbyvisitingVSHA’sat,Montpelier,VTbetweentheof7:45am-4:00pmMonday-Friday,orbyHousingProgramAdministrationIntakeat802-828-1991.NoticeisbeingprovidedinaccordancewithAdministrativePlanfortheSection8ChoiceVoucherProgram,whichmandatesAuthorityprovidepublicnoticewhenopeningwaitinglist.additionalinformationcall:802-828-3295800-798-3118(TTY);800-820-5119

weeks beginning on September 15, 2022 in the Seven Days, a newspaper of the general circulation in Lamoille County, and a copy of this summons and order as published shall be mailed to the defendant, Daniel W. Burgess, at 63 Sterling Woods Road, Stowe, VT 05672.

duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the method provided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defendant, Daniel W. Burgess, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4 (g) of those Rules.

INFORMATION, CONTACT: Clare McFadden Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living / Developmental Disabilities Services Division (DAIL/DDSD), 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2030 Tel: 802-585-5396 Fax: 802-241-0410 Email: URL: https://www.dail.vermont .gov.

By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.


Vermont Proposed Rule: 22P023

2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated September 23, 2005. Plaintiff’s action may affect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Stowe at Volume 623, Page 71. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Lamoille, State of

Melanie Cooper, c/o Claudia I. Pringles, Esq. 32 Main St. #370 Montpelier, VT Brattleboro,30WindhamVermontPUBLICATIONSevenelyssa@pringleslaw.com802-223-060005602DaysDATE:9/14/22SuperiorCourtUnit(ProbateDiv.)PutneyRoad,2ndFloorVT05301

To the Creditors of: Shane Harris, late of Rockingham, Vermont

Reference is hereby made to the aforementioned instruments, the records thereof and the references therein contained, all in further aid of this Referencedescription.ishereby

Dated at Hyde Park, Vermont this 29th day of August, Electronically2022 signed pursuant to V.R.E.F. 9(d)

Invitation to Bid: Photocopier Lease

Vermont State Housing Authority (VSHA) will be opening its waiting list and begin accepting applications for the Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program on October 1, 2022, at 7:45am.


Disability(802-828-2231).Services-Developmental Services

• Bids are due by 4 p.m. on Monday, October 3, 2022. Any bid received after that time and date shall not be considered and returned unopened.

CONCISE SUMMARY: The purpose of this rule is to fulfill the requirements of the Developmental Disabilities Act (DD Act), to include specific details for its implementation. The effective date of the last adopted rule was October 1, 2017. Since then, 2022 Acts and Resolves No. 186 eliminated the requirement in 18 V.S.A. § 8725 that certain categories of the Developmental Services System of Care Plan be adopted by rule. Further, the federal rules relating to Medicaid grievances and appeals have been amended. Finally, the Vermont Supreme Court’s decision in In re: R.R., 2019 VT 31, requires that the Standard Error of Measurement (SEM) for IQ tests, including IQ scores of 75 or below, be considered when determining eligibility for services. The proposed language includes IQ scores of 75 or below when accounting for the SEM. Other amendments to the rule include formatting, as well as updates to align with current practice in the administration of the Developmental Services

RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer.




• The bid will be awarded by Monday, October 17, 2022, by the Bolton Select Board.



To obtain further information concerning any scheduled hearing(s), obtain copies of proposed rule(s) or submit comments regarding proposed rule(s), please call or write the contact person listed below. You may also submit comments in writing to the Legislative Committee on Administrative Rules, State House, Montpelier, Vermont 05602

A bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope that is clearly marked "2022 Photocopier Lease Bid" with the date and time of the bid open ing printed plainly on the outside of the envelope.

DATED: August 24, 2022


ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case.

AGENCY: Agency of Human Services, Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL)

6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may

In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered January 31, 2022, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Tyler Hope and Elizabeth J. Hope to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc., dated April 12, 2018 and recorded in Book 333 Page 137 of the land records of the City of Barre, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the fol lowing Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. to HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. dated March 12, 2019 and recorded in Book 346 Page 329 and (2) Assignment of Mortgage from HomeBridge Financial Services, Inc. to Freedom Mortgage Association dated June 16, 2021 and recorded in Book 386 Page 230 both of the land records of the Town of Barre for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 182 South Main Street, Barre, Vermont on September 28, 2022 at 11:00 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,

- Join via Microsoft Teams at,-377-3784-org/870/5481/Join-ZBA-Meetinghttps://www.essexvt.Joinviaconferencecall(audioonly):(802)|ConferenceID:480347627#PublicwifiisavailableattheEssexmunicipallibraries,andhotspotslistedhere:https://UNSPECIFIEDUSE:ACHTOVLLC:ProposaltoaShort-TermRentallocatedat156OldRdintheARZone.TaxMap10,Parcel63,Lot



ADDENDUM B Town Plan Zoning Districts Map 124

Meetings and Public Hearings page of the Town website @ http://www. or 858TollFpjN25vdG1USU9K

Section 4.03 Neighborhood District 27

Section 4.04 Rural Residential 29

- Print in both black and white and in color - Collate, staple, 2 sided, manual and auto feed - Three paper sizes 8.5” x 11”, 8.5” x 14”, & 11” x

Section 5.25 Land Filling, Excavation, & Earth Resource Exploration 88


Section 3.08 Appeals of Administrative Officer Decisions 21

Section 7.01 General 98

Section 1.03 Application and Interpretation 6 Section 1.04 Severability 6


Driveway and Street Access Standards 52


Section 5.24 Farming and Forestry Management 87

Say you saw it in... mini-sawit-black.indd 1 11/24/09 1:33:19 PM

Article I. General 5

Section 5.26 Adding/Reducing Dwelling Units; Converting between a Seasonal Dwelling and a Year-Round Dwelling 90

Section 6.03 Planning Commission 96


- Join in person at 81 Main Street Conference Room.

Article VI. Organization 95

Section 6.02 Development Review Board 95


These802-865-7144notices shall satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the City of Burlington.

Section 5.07 Riparian Buffers 59

Section 7.02 Enforcement Procedure and Penalties

Section 5.05 Maximum Building Height 55

OCTOBER 6, 2022 - 6:00 PM


Section 1.01 Authority, Purpose, Maps 5


Visit our website at if you have questions or call 802-878-1343

• The Select Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole or part, to waive any informali ties or irregularities therein, to accept any bid even though it may not be the lowest bid, to call for rebids, to negotiate with any bidder, and to make an award which in its sole and absolute judgment with best serve the town’s interests.

City of Burlington Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO) 149 Church Street, Third Floor, Room 32 Burlington, Vermont 05401

In submitting a bid, the bidder thereby certifies that the bid is made in good faith, without fraud, collusion, or connection of any kind with any other bidder for the same work, and that the bidder is competing solely on his/her behalf without connection with or obligation to any undisclosed person or firm.

Article VII. Enforcement 98

Section 5.08 Accessory Dwelling Units 62


Article V. Specific Standards Applicable in More than One District 52

Section71 5.14 Abandonment 71

Section72 5.16 Camping Vehicles and Campgrounds

Section 5.18 Telecommunication Facilities 75

• Submit names and contact information for at least two (2) governmental or commercial accounts with similar requirements serviced by your company and the proposed machine

Section 2.06 Certificate of Occupancy 11 Section 2.07 Appeal 11

Section 5.28 Adaptive Reuse of an Historic Structure 91

ADDENDUM A: Application Requirements for DRB Conditional Use Permit 118

For more information regarding the bid process please contact:

Section 4.02 Village Center Districts 24

Section 5.19 Performance Standards 78


Section 5.29 Site and Lot Layout and Design 92

• Any bid may be withdrawn in writing prior to the scheduled time for bid opening; however, no bid may be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of bid opening.

Section 5.12 Stormwater Management & Erosion Control 67

Section 4.01 Introduction 21

Article II. Permits and Appeals 7 Section 2.01 Permit Required 7 Section 2.02 Exemptions from the Permit Requirement 7

Section 5.06 Preservation of Significant Natural Features 56

minimum, in addition to basic features, the photocopier needs to:

Section 4.08 Groundwater Protection Overlay District 50

Section 2.05 Action on Permit Application 9

• Clearly define what materials and services are included in the lease.

The City of Burlington has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not re quired. An Environmental Review Record (ERR) that documents the environmental determinations for this project online

Section 5.20 Outdoor Lighting 79

Amy Grover, Bolton Town Clerk clerkbolton@gmavt.net802-434-5075

Section 3.04 Development Review Board Approval Procedures 14


Brewster-Pierce School, Huntington Center Zoom-in option is available*

Section 3.01 When DRB Approval Required 12 Section 3.02 Exceptions of DRB Approval Requirement for Subdivisions 12

Article IV. Land Use Districts 21

Section 5.13 Development of Small Lots and Merger

Section 5.23 Business Use 82

Section 5.27 Open Storage of Vehicles and Junk 91


Section 5.09 Planned Unit Development (PUD) 62

Section 1.02 Amendments 6


Section 5.01 Water and Wastewater Systems and Plans

Section 5.10 Non-conformities 64

3. Minutes: September 1, 2022

name, model of copier, and a brochure describing the product (include the weight, dimensions, warm up time and noise level while in use).

Section 3.03 Development Review Board Process – Sketch Review 13

Section 4.06 Conservation District 32

Section 4.05 Woodland District 31

MirotoMAShumeyko58.76)withmuststandpointfindingtoHUD;PartundertakenprocessrecipientbystepBurlington;executedfollowing(whicheversubmissionperiodandHUDOBJECTIONSBurlingtonrelatedsatisfiesbeenreviewresponsibilitiesFederalconsentsWeinbergerTheENVIRONMENTALarefunds.authorizingbereceivedgov,Burlington,locatedwrittenAnyPUBLICcopiedBurlington,(ERR)containedERR&group=.state=VT&filter_city=BURLINGTON&program=review-records/?filter_status=PT%2CPN&filter_programs/environmental-review/environmental-,Room32,VT05401andmaybeexaminedorweekdays9:00A.Mto5:00P.M.COMMENTSindividual,group,oragencymaysubmitcommentsontheERRtotheCEDOoffices,onthethirdfloorof149ChurchStreet,VT,viaemailtohobrien@burlingtonvt.orviaphoneat802-865-7144.AllcommentsbySeptember29,2022at5:00p.m.willconsideredbytheCityofBurlingtonpriortosubmissionofarequestforreleaseofCommentsshouldspecifywhichNoticetheyaddressing.CERTIFICATIONCityofBurlingtoncertifiestoHUDthatMiroinhiscapacityasMayorofBurlingtontoacceptthejurisdictionoftheCourtsifanactionisbroughttoenforceinrelationtotheenvironmentalprocessandthattheseresponsibilitieshavesatisfied.HUD’sapprovalofthecertificationitsresponsibilitiesunderNEPAandlawsandauthoritiesandallowstheCityoftouseProgramfunds.TORELEASEOFFUNDSwillacceptobjectionstoitsreleaseoffundtheCityofBurlington’scertificationforaoffifteendaysfollowingtheanticipateddateoritsactualreceiptoftherequestislater)onlyiftheyareononeofthebases:(a)thecertificationwasnotbytheCertifyingOfficeroftheCityof(b)theCityofBurlingtonhasomittedaorfailedtomakeadecisionorfindingrequiredHUDregulationsat24CFRpart58;(c)thegrantorotherparticipantsinthedevelopmenthavecommittedfunds,incurredcostsoractivitiesnotauthorizedby24CFR58beforeapprovalofareleaseoffundsbyor(d)anotherFederalagencyactingpursuant40CFRPart1504hassubmittedawrittenthattheprojectisunsatisfactoryfromtheofenvironmentalquality.Objectionsbepreparedandsubmittedinaccordancetherequiredprocedures(24CFRPart58,Sec.andshallbeaddressedtoDirectorRobertD.at10CausewayStreet,3rdFloor,Boston,02222.PotentialobjectorsshouldcontactHUDverifytheactuallastdayoftheobjectionperiod.Weinberger,MayorofBurlington Notices


On or about September 30, 2022 the City of Burlington will submit a request to HUD for the release of HOME Investment Partnership Program funds under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, as amended to undertake a project known as Burlington City Place Affordable Housing. The project is located at 130 Bank Street, Burlington, Vermont and includes new construction of an 8-story affordable housing building. The project is in the location of the former Burlington Mall building, which was demolished in 2018. The scope of work includes the following. Prior to the construction of the affordable housing project, a master podium structure will be constructed over most of the 2.53 acre parcel, which will support multiple mixed-use buildings, including the proposed 8-story 80-88 unit affordable housing building, and will accommodate parking under the buildings. The master project also proposes reconnection of both Pine and St. Paul Street between Bank and Cherry Streets. This environmental review includes the entire land area of the parcel, the parking and podium structures, reconnection of the two streets, and the affordable housing building itself. Mitigation measures

Section 6.01 Administrative Officer 95

Section 5.11 Temporary Uses and Structures 66


The Huntington Planning Commission will hold a Public Hearing to accept comments on proposed revisions to the town’s Zoning, Subdivision and Flood Hazard Regulations. All interested persons may appear and be heard. The new Huntington Land Use Regulation will combine three documents into a single comprehensive document, which is entitled Town of Huntington Land Use Regulations. The geographic areas affected include all of

October 17, 2022 • 7 pm

Section 3.05 Conditional Use with Site Plan 16 Section 3.06 Subdivision 18

Off Street Parking Standards 54

September 14, 2022

Section 2.03 Application and Fee 8

adhere to the following specifica tions. Any deviations from minimum specifications, including any proposed substitu tions, must be clearly identified in the bid.

Section 2.04 Application Contents 8

Section 4.07 Special Flood Hazard Areas, Floodways, and River Corridors 34

Article III. Development Review Board (DRB) Processes 12

Section 3.07 Waivers 18 Variances 20

Section74 5.17 Public Facilities 75

• The Select Board also reserves the right to investigate the financial responsibility of any bidder to determine his or her ability to assure

Section 5.15 Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks

Section 5.03 Frontage on, or Access to, Public Roads

schedule. The current photocopier lease expires on December 11, 2022.

Copies of the entire text are available for review at the Hunting ton Town Clerk’s Office at 4930 Main Road, and at the Hunting ton Public Library. It is also available on the Town of Huntington website ( For more information, con tact the Huntington Town Clerk’s Office at *802-434-2032.GototheMunicipal

Section 2.08 Permit Expiration 11

Article VIII. Definitions 100

As an aid in drafting bids proposals, please contact the office to review the current copier capabilities and use patterns.

include adherence to a Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation approved Corrective Action Plan, which requires the installation of a sub-slab depressurization system (SSDS) to mitigate impacts from off-site vapor migration, monitoring of the SSDS, and additional soil testing, if required, for the purposes of assessing potential urban soils if any are encountered, and manage ment of such soils. The SSDS will double as a radon mitigation system. Mitigation measures also include that the project shall acquire all necessary permits before the project can be completed. The estimated total cost of the project is approximately $26,320,000 including $275,000 in HOME funds from the City of Burlington. The project also anticipates pursuing Section 8 Project-Based Vouchers. Other Federal funding sources include various funds provided by and through the State of Vermont. A separate combined notice will be completed for such funds by the State of Vermont.

2. DAY CARE FACILITY: EOF OUTLETS, LLC: Proposed 77-child daycare located at 21 Essex Way, Suite 106 in the MXD-PUD(B1) Zone. Tax Map 92, Parcel 1.

Section 5.21 Landscaping and Screening 80 Section 5.22 Signs 80

Section99 7.03 Records 99

Support. Growth. Opportunity. Collaboration. Innovation. Teamwork. Are these missing from your career? Join the NVRH Diagnostic Imaging team today and Image Gently, Image Wisely with us.

Learn more and apply:

FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits, including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, health/dental/vision, 410k with company match, and much more!

APPLY TODAY AT NVRH.ORG/CAREERS We have several exciting opportunities available! Temporary positions November 1 - March 31: Warming Shelter Sta - Part Shingler shinglerRoofing paidcompany90basedCompetitiveneeded.payonexperience.daysigningbonus,match401k,timeoff.Applyat: MANDARIN We’re seeking to hire servers and bartenders to join our hardworking and energetic team. If you’re interested in the opportu nity, drop off a resume in person, or email to: t-Mandarin031120.indd 1 3/10/20 12:21 PM

14-21, 2022 95





Contact Chrissy, 802-496-9715 or go to our website

REGIONAL HOSPITAL invites you to check out our exciting opportunities!

Hannah’s House is seeking a full-time licensed therapist to join our team of three therapists serving clients in the greater Mad River Valley and Waterbury areas in Central Vermont.  Candidates must have experience working with youth and adults.  Hannah’s House provides free office space, opportunity for peer support and interaction with rest of staff, promotion on our website, use of Zengar/Neurofeedback system, professional development assistance, and support from our board.


Please inquire today!

Central Sterile Processing Tech

Responsible for manual cleaning of machinery, carts, tables, work stations, cabinets, etc. within CSR and the ENDO scope areas. Maintains surgical instruments, scopes and equipment in the CSR & Endo Scope reprocessing areas. Notifies CSR Manager if repair or replacements are required.

Bergeron, Paradis & Fitzpatrick, LLP is looking for a highly-motivated, full-time legal assistant to support the family law practice in Essex Junction, VT. The ideal candidate will have excellent communication and organizational skills, be detail-oriented and computer proficient and must enjoy a fast-paced environment. Experience and a great sense of humor are helpful. The position comes with competitive benefits. Applicants, please email a cover letter and resume to: Robin Beane at or, if you already know one of us, give us a call!



Mental Health Therapist


This is a full-time, salaried position with benefits including a 401k.

Mt. Mansfield Academy in Stowe, Vermont seeks a motivated individual who has an eye for detail to join our hard-working team. The Race Event Manager/Administrative Assistant manages preparations for race events and functions hosted at the MMA Clubhouse, organizes parent and community volunteers, and assists with day-to-day operations, communication, and execution of projects at MMA. Located at the MMA Clubhouse at Spruce Peak, the Race Event Manager/Administrative Assistant works closely with the Leadership Team at MMA.

High School graduate or equivalent preferred. Will obtain Central Sterile Reprocessing Technician Certification within 12 months of hire (CVMC provides on the job training and testing for certifications).

Send resumes to:

Sound too good to be true? Not at Red Hen!

• A livable wage • Health coverage • Paid vacation • Being part of a great team • The opportunity to do work that you can feel proud of at the end of the day • Free bread and pastries


To apply send a cover letter and resume to with Director of Human Resources in the subject line.

ECHO is an E.O.E. and welcomes resumes from individuals who will contribute to our diversity.



SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022


ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain is an acclaimed science and nature center committed to inspiring and engaging families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature, and care of Lake Champlain. Our vision is for a science-savvy community where people and nature thrive together.



Application Deadline: September 30, 2022

For over 20 years, Red Hen has been providing great jobs in the food industry. We are an equal opportunity employer and are committed to diversity, equity, inclusion and a strong sense of belonging in the workplace.

ECHO requires all of our employees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.

2h_contactinfo.indd 1 7/6/21 3:47 PM TRUSTEDYOURLOCALSOURCE. DAYSVT.COMJOBS.SEVEN1x2 Jobs Filler.indd 1 1/14/20 12:30 PM Vermont Tent Company is currently referralalsoskillshourrangingminimumvaryeachhoursschoolFullimmediatefollowingapplicationsacceptingforthepositionsforemployment.time,parttime,afterandweekendavailableforposition.Payratesbypositionwithstartingwagefrom$17-$21/dependingonjobandexperience.Weofferretentionandbonuses. • Tent Installation • Warehouse Team –Event Division • Drivers/Delivery • MaintenanceInventory Team • Tent TeamMaintenance Interested candidates should submit an application online at . No phone calls, please. 4v-VTTentCompany072722.indd 1 7/21/22 11:39 AM

Description: The Marketing and Public Relations Manager develops the image and awareness of the VSO among Vermont’s diverse public to maximize reach and revenue potential and influence a broad narrative about the VSO. This position creates and implements a strategic plan to generate earned revenue and implements a robust public relations program for the company. Send resumes to:

We’re looking for an individual who enjoys work that exercises both body and mind and is interested in pursuing the craft of baking. Professional food experience is required. Our breads range from hearty whole grain loaves to baguettes and are all made with locally-grown grain. If you are interested, please contact Douglas Clendaniel at

LakeECHO,RESOURCESOFDIRECTORHUMANLeahyCenterforChamplain,Burlington, VT

Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator

Get in touch with us if your needs include:


ECHO seeks an experienced Human Resource professional to conduct day-to-day HR operations, refine and develop our HR systems, and lead HR strategy. The Human Resource Director will also lead planning for identifying, hiring for, and developing critical skills; overseeing professional development; leading ECHO’s employment equity and inclusion initiatives, and positioning ECHO as an employer of choice.


The full job description is available at:


We’re hiring for a pastry baker to assist in production of everything from cookies and scones, to pies and croissants. Professional baking or cooking experience is required. You must enjoy working independently and with a team. Schedule includes early mornings and weekends. Please e-mail a letter of interest and resume to

Daily functions include but are not limited to: new hire recruitment and onboarding, compensation and performance management, overseeing ECHO’s intern program, advising on the administration and design of employee benefits, maintaining human resource records, ensuring compliance with all employmentrelated laws and regulations, and collaborating closely on HR issues with all members of the senior sta . The HR Director will report to the Executive Director and serve as a member of the senior management team. The position will have no direct reports.

This position can be a part-time or full-time position, salaried or contract, based on the availability of qualified and interested appli cants. Should the VSO make a less or other than full-time, salaried employee appointment, the below general responsibilities and any associated benefits may be amended to fit available hours. The position is hybrid remote/in-person (based in Burlington, VT).



Full description:



Manager of Classroom Technology

The Information Technology department at Saint Michael’s College invites applications for the Manager of Classroom Technology position. The Manager of Classroom Technology provides timely support for all classroom technology issues and questions in order to ensure a rich and engaging teaching and learning environment for our students and faculty. The role supports and trains end-users in the use of classroom audio-visual technology as well as the lecture capture system; oversees equipment selection, installation, maintenance, and replacement for campus audio-visual equipment; and performs preventative maintenance on classroom audio-visual technology. This position will require regular work hours, as well as occasional evenings and weekends.

Sign-on bonus equal to one week of gross pay! Flexible start date! Great benefits package!


SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022

We are looking for experienced carpenters with knowledge of old and new construction to join the Lewis Creek Builders, DesignBuild team! We are a passionate group of carpenters, designers, and construction management professionals working in a supportive, collaborative environment to manage every aspect of residential building and remodeling projects.

Carpenters & Lead Carpenters


• Minimum of 3 years’ work experience in this position.

The primary responsibilities of the Security O cer are to conduct patrol duties, respond immediately to emergency and non-emergency calls for assistance, and document services provided on each shift. Each University of Vermont Medical Center Security O cer is assigned to a specific Campus. High School graduate or equivalent, valid driver’s license and safe driving record required.


Learn more and apply:

Send resume and cover letter describing professional interests and goals to: Paul Foxman, Ph.D., 86 Lake St., Burlington, VT 05401 or email:

Learn more and apply:


The Vermont Studio Center seeks an Administrative Assistant to provide clerical assistance to the Executive Director and support general office administration. In this role, you will: act as liaison for the Executive Director to the Board, donors and staff; greet and assist guests; and perform general office duties as needed. Confidentiality and the ability to work with people of all cultures and backgrounds is essential, as is an understanding of creative practice and respect for the traditions and mission of VSC.

The Vermont Center for Anxiety Care, a private psychotherapy practice on the Burlington waterfront, has an opening for a psychotherapist with child therapy experience. Can be licensed or post-master’s degree intern. Collaborative group with holistic approach and multiple specialties.

Porter Medical Center and the Helen Porter Skilled Nursing Facility are seeking Cooks to join their Nutrition Services Team in Middlebury. The cook role is responsible for the preparation and implementation of the established seasonal cycle menus.

This role oversees a broad portfolio of accounts and interacts daily with Rhino’s amazing customers. Food manufacturing skills are great, and if you have a Bachelor’s degree and can collaborate with many teams, you’re the perfect person for this job! This role is the “face” of Rhino at trade shows and customer visits, plus builds on strategies to enhance profit and growth.

Clinical supervision towards licensure provided as needed.

Visit website:

Administrative Assistant



Apply online today: Or call Carpenter/Lead802.662.1630Carpenter Pay Range: $23.00-$40.00/hr

• Minimum 18 years of age.


• ServSafe certification preferred.

COOK - Sign on bonus up to $3,000!

For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply online, please visit:

Rhino Foods is seeking an Operations Supervisor for our 3rd shift Production Team! Ideal candidate will have experience in food manufacturing, possess strong leadership skills and be passionate about continuous improvement. Between 3 to five years’ experience in a fastpaced environment preferred, exceptional organizational skills and a common sense, “can do” attitude a must.


Learn more about this job, and our other roles at:

Do you have design, development, and implementation experience in a food production environment? If so, we would love to speak with you! We are seeking experienced candidates, 3-5 years and a Bachelor’s degree preferred. Candidates should have exposure to the best and brightest in R & D, production and distribution of internal clients.


This is a temporary, part-time position, approx. 20 hrs/week, until January 2023 at which time it may become a permanent position. Compensation is $22 per hour, and includes paid time off and retirement. For a full job description and application instructions:


The Vermont Rural Water Association is an equal opportunity employer and service provider. We value diverse perspectives, talents, and identities.

POST YOUR JOBS AT JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM FOR FAST RESULTS, OR CONTACT MICHELLE BROWN: MICHELLE@SEVENDAYSVT.COMATTENTION RECRUITERS: SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 98 Navigate New Possibilities Your Career at NDI is Waiting At NDI we are driven by our belief that advanced spatial measurement solutions can help our customers in their aim to improve medical procedures and patient lives. We are hiring for the following positions: Quality Coordinator Sr Embedded Software Engineer Manufacturing Manager EE Component Engineer Electronics Assembler Full descriptions and to apply go to:


Service Coordinator: Continue your career in human services in a supportive environment by providing case management for individuals either for our Adult Family Care program or our Developmental Services program. The ideal candidate will have strong clinical, organizational and leadership skills and enjoy working in a team-oriented position. $47,000 annual salary.

Shared Living Provider: Open your home to someone with an intellectual disability or autism and open a whole world to them, and to you. There are a variety of opportunities available that could be the perfect match for you and your household. Salary varies dependent on individual care requirements.

The Northwest Regional Planning Commission is hiring an entry level Transportation Planner. The Planner will help our region with a coordinated approach to transportation planning and project implementation. The Planner will coordinate with local, regional and state officials and serve as staff support for the region’s Transportation Advisory Committee and various modal or project-based committees. The Planner will provide technical assistance to municipalities, help to implement local transportation projects and complete traffic counts, and bike and pedestrian plans.

This position will primarily work from a home office with frequent field work across Vermont and occasional work at Vermont Rural Water’s office in Essex.

Direct Support Professional: Provide 1:1 supports to help individuals reach their goals in a variety of settings. This is a great position to start or continue your career in human services. Full and part time positions available starting at $19/hr.

More information is available at Please send a cover letter explaining your interest in transportation planning, a resume and three references to Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director at jobs@nrpcvt. com, or 75 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT, 05478. Position will remain open until filled; interviews will begin in late September, 2022.

This is an entry-level position; support and training will be provided to the selected candidate. Please consider applying even if your commitment to community and your interest in learning are your strongest qualifications. The ideal candidate has professional, educational or volunteer planning experience, and knowledge of multi-modal transportation or a related field. They will be a self-starter with skills in collaboration, project management, and written and in-person communication. A college degree in a related field is preferred but not required if lived experiences, education and/or professional experience demonstrate an ability to succeed at this position.


8/26/21 5:17 PM

View the full job description

The Source Water Specialist provides assistance to public water systems in Vermont to protect drinking water sources. This assistance includes the development and implementation of source water protection plans as well as onsite technical assistance at water systems.

Join our dedicated team and together we’ll build a community where everyone participates and belongs:

Why not have a job you love?


Positions include a $500 sign on bonus, a strong benefits package and the opportunity to work at one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont”

This position is 40 hours per week with flexible scheduling.

Browse 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers.

Perk up!


The Vermont Rural Water Association is a nonprofit organization that provides assistance to public drinking water and wastewater systems across Vermont.

A Source Protection Plan is a document that public water systems are required to have to minimize the risk of contamination to their drinking water source. The Source Water Specialist will work with water system personnel, state agencies, and local communities to write new Source Protection Plans and update existing plans. This position also provides education and outreach to community members.

To apply, send resume and cover letter to by September 20, 2022.

Residential Program Manager: Coordinate staffed residential and community supports for an individual in their home. The ideal candidate will enjoy working in a team-oriented position, have strong clinical skills, and demonstrated leadership. $45,900 annual salary.

Residential Direct Support Professional: Provide supports to an individual in their home and in the community in 24h shifts including asleep overnights in a private, furnished bedroom. You can work two days, receive full benefits and have five days off each week! Other flexible schedules available, starting wage is $20/hr.



This is a responsible managerial position for a Vermont Registered Nurse to provide oversight of all medical responsibilities at the Center and to be an active participant in residents’ physical and emotional health.

Join Country Walkers and VBT Bicycling Vacations, an award-winning, Vermont-based active travel company, and be part of our high performing, international team.

TO APPLY: Please email a resume and cover letter to and include “Director of Communications & Business Development” in subject line.

TO APPLY: If this sounds like you, please email a resumé, cover letter and content portfolio if available to info@ Include the phrase “social media and content manager” in subject line.

Professional Careers in WORLDWIDE TRAVEL

Director of Nursing/ Resident Services


FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSJOBS, SUBSCRIBE TO RSS, OR BROWSE POSTS ON YOUR PHONE AT JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM NEW JOBS POSTED DAILY! If you enjoy work ing in beautiful surroundings with a sup por tive team & appreciative guests, we’ve got the job for you! Our Housekeeping Team is crucial in delivering the luxurious experience Mountain Top is k nown for Reward your hard work with a career you can be proud of & premium compensation! H K Su pe r vis o r : $20/ h r + g r a t u itie s • $1000 Si g n o n B o n u s • Pa i d Vac a ti o n • • Fu l l- t i m e/ Y r r o un d • R ep o r t s t o H K Di r e c t o r H k HOUS EKEEPE RS & H K SU PE RV I SO HOUSR EKEEPE RS & H K SU PE I SO R photos: Gar y Hall, Beltrami Studios, Joanne Pearson HOUS EKEEPIN G C A R EE R HOUSS EKEEPIN G C A R EE R S a t Moun t a i n To p Re s o r t VAIL RESORTS" EXPERIENCE APPLY TODAY! 866.685.5455 Vail Resorts s an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion sex, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, protected veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law VAIL RESORTS" EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME" APPLY TODAY! Vai 866.685.5455 Vail Resorts is an equa opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment withou regard to race, color, religion sex national origin, sexual orientation gender identity, disability, protected veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law 5v-StoweMtnResortSNOWmaking091422.indd 1 9/9/22 4:24 PM

Contact Kim: craftsburycarecenter.orgkroberge@ or 802-586-2415

Director of Communications & Business Development

Hello Burlington is a destination marketing initiative of the Lake Champlain Chamber that promotes the greater Burlington area as a great place for leisure travel, meetings, and events. We are actively seeking a social media and content manager to help us strengthen our social media presence and to strategize and execute on content creation. View the full job description at

Want to make a positive impact in the lives of Residents? Come lead our team of caregivers!


Ready to learn more? Visit our career pages at or & submit your resume to

We’re expanding our team and are seeking professionals for the following full-time positions.

RN (Full or Part Time): Day to day oversight of resident medical needs, staff med administration and coordination with physicians and

The Lake Champlain Chamber is an E.O.E. that welcomes diversity in the workplace. We strongly encourage all qualified persons to apply. LCC is a non-profit organization that is in the business of seeking and supporting economic opportunity for all Vermonters.

We have amazing opportunities for Marketing, Sales and Service Professionals interested in supporting worldwide travel adventures with a leader in the industry, positively impacting established brands and working with a team of collaborative and gifted travel pros.


Join a dynamic team committed to creating economic opportunity in Vermont. The Director of Communications and Business Development serves as one of the primary contacts for the Chamber in the community and works closely with member organizations, builds strong partner relationships, creatively communicates the Chamber’s work, and assists with the development of new business. View the full job description at

If you’re passionate, driven by excellence, want to make a difference and are looking for balance in your quality of life – check us out!

Seeking RN with an individualized resident centered approach to care, team player, positive coaching and interpersonal skills with supervision experience. Experience in long term care with elders a plus. On call is required.

Hello Burlington Social Media & Content Manager

Hoursfamilies.negotiable, flexible schedule, benefits and 403B.

Rock boardingandSchool,Pointasmallsupportiveandday high school, seeks Residential Educators to join our team! Residential Educators create a well-balanced dorm life for students. They lead fun weekend and evening activities, help students stay healthy, and provide guidance for the challenges of adolescence and communal living. Positions are full-time and include housing. For information and to apply:

Stormwater Project Manager Worker

Salary: $52,000-$57,200 per year

Engaging minds that change the world

Police O cers

Interpersonal Skills: Build trust and effectively collaborate with everyone.


The Town of St. Albans is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide an executive candidate search for a Town Manager. The selected firm will facilitate the selection process. To view the complete Request for Proposal, visit:bid_rpf_opportunitesstalbanstown/business/

Early Childhood Program Director- Jericho, VT

UVM Extension Migrant Education Central West Regional Coordinator - Ext - Migrant Hlth & Education - #S3866PO - The Regional Coordinator works collaboratively with Migrant Education and Farmworker Health team members to strengthen farmworker programming’s capacity to connect with and effectively implement education and health services, activities, and projects to farmworkers living in the Central West region of Vermont. This individual will be responsible for identifying and enrolling eligible migrant farmworkers living in the assigned region. Functions include facilitating educational services for enrolled students utilizing judgement to prioritize work and selecting appropriate methods to respond to needs as they arise and assist in performing ongoing assessments of and responses to farm health and safety education needs on farms, primarily cow dairies. This position functions with minimal daily supervision, while working in collaboration with a statewide team of outreach professionals and program coordinators to fulfil programmatic objectives.

This position is responsible for project management, research, and community engagement activities in support of BED’s NZE vision and supports organizational development and capacity-building around equity, inclusion, and sustainability. Our ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in Community and Economic Development, Sustainability, or related field; 5 years of relevant experience; and demonstrated success in fostering collaborative and effective relationships or coalitions with diverse stakeholder groups. This is an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers union position. The City of Burlington is an E.O.E. Apply at

The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Business Savvy: Solid understanding of the key drivers of an early education business model.



Stormwater Superintendent


The and

City of South Burlington, Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/ A rmative Action Employer. Applications from women, individuals with disabilities, and people from diverse cultural backgrounds are encouraged.

High School diploma and two to three years’ related experience or equivalent training and experience combo required. Applicant must be proficient in Spanish/English and demonstrate cultural humility as well as the ability to effectively and independently plan, organize, and coordinate access to services. Strong interpersonal and communication skills required with experience and capacity to work with diverse audiences. Proficient computer/multimedia skills essential. Willingness to travel and work a flexible schedule, which at times will include evenings and weekends. Position located in either the Extension So. Burlington or Rutland Offices. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. For further information on this position and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application.

Communication Skills: Distill and be able to have fair, clear and sometimes challenging conversations with all audiences.

City of South Burlington seeks energetic, team oriented, and experienced individuals with the highest ethical standards and integrity to fill the following positions:

Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions.


Please direct questions to Ms. Gray at 802-524-7589, ext. 107 or

Stormwater Maintenance

Sense of Humor: Everything is easier if you can laugh with others -- and it brightens the day!


The focus of the Program Director is to oversee and support the First Roots Underhill early childhood team, and to participate in the program wide administrative needs (Senior Team) in an area of focus or expertise. The successful candidate will be a part of our senior leadership team that creates plans, sets goals, and collaborates effectively to achieve our Mission across all FRWR centers. We’re looking for an organized leader who can manage multiple projects and is excited by the opportunity to combine early education training with nature-based, emergent learning. As part of the senior team, you will be working in partnership with the FRWR Director of Professional Development & Curriculum, the Director of People and the Program Director (with consultation from the finance department) to create a culture of “yes” to foster infinitely creative, inspired and supported educators.

Education: Bachelor’s degree (Early Childhood Education, Human Resources, Social Work, or Psychology preferred). Director Credential Level 1, 2, or 3 a plus.

Human Resources Experience: Successful experience/coursework with supervision processes and personnel issues, facilitation roles or organizational psychology.

Public Safety Dispatcher

Send resumes to:

Request for Proposals ExecutiveSearchCandidateFirm

Community Justice Panel Coordinator

Nature Based Education Enthusiast: Deep appreciation for the importance of using nature as a second teacher and finding joy in nature while securing a sustainable future for our children and our one planet.

5v-GraystoneEXTENSION091422 1 9/12/22 1:07 PM

Burlington Electric Department, the City of Burlington’s 100% renewably powered electric utility, is seeking a Net Zero Energy (NZE) Project and Equity Analyst to advance the City of Burlington’s transition away from fossil fuels by collaborating with community members, external partners and stakeholders, and internal staff to ensure that the BED’s NZE initiatives are equitable and accessible to all.

For further information please visit: To apply, please send cover letter, resume, and references to Jaimie Held, Human Resource Manager, at

We are an equal opportunity employer we encourage applicants who can contribute to our growing diversity.

Please submit sealed bids to Executive Assistant Jennifer Gray at the St. Albans Town Hall offices located at 579 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT., by email at j.gray@ or by mail at P.O. Box 37, St. Albans Bay, VT. 05481 no later than 4:00pm, Wednesday, September 28th, 2022.


Center-Based Early Education Work Experience: Perhaps you have work experience in an early childhood environment as a classroom teacher or as an Assistant Director. We are looking for the ability to inspire and motivate folks as people, beyond their teaching role.

10v-Redstone091422.indd 1 9/13/22 9:38 AM

To apply, send a cover letter and resume to

Responsibilities of Maintenance Technician are quite diverse including but not limited to Apartment turnovers, grounds keeping, various janitorial duties, painting, appliance, electrical, heating, plumbing and safety equipment repair & replacement & provide assistance at other company properties when needed. The qualified candidate must have reliable transportation and have the ability to assist in carrying appliances and climb ladders as needed.

We're hiring!

Positions are posted on our website and indeed.

Positions are posted on our website and indeed.

Nursing Coordinator

The Vermont Historical Society seeks a full-time Museum Educator. The Educator is responsible for developing and teaching school programs at the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier, as well as administering the Vermont History Day competition. Bachelor’s degree in history, museums, education, or related field required. Advanced degree or training in museum education or history preferred.


Please e-mail resumes to

Apply online: .

We're hiring!



The Town of Hinesburg has (2) openings in the Highway Department. The Assistant Road Foreman is a working supervisory position that works in collaboration with the Road Foreman. The Highway Maintenance Level II position reports to the Assistant Road Foreman and is responsible snow plowing, heavy equipment operation and general labor related to highway maintenance. The pay is competitive and dependent on qualifications. Benefits include: health, dental and disability insurance; paid time off; pension plan; and 13 paid holidays. A $3,000 bonus will be given upon successful completion of a 6-month probation period. A valid VT issued CDL is required.

We're hiring!

Full job description and details at

Join our maintenance, admin, or on-campus teams and help push the potential of place

SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022

Positions are posted on our website and indeed

To apply, send resume and cover letter to CarePartners Adult Day Center at 640 Franklin Park West, St. Albans or download an application at E.O.E.

Apply today!

Join our maintenance, admin, or on-campus teams and help push the potential of place

Apply today!

Assistant Road Foreman & Highway Maintenance

Hinesburg is an equal opportunity employer.


Keens Crossing – Winooski, VT 05404

Full Time, 40 Hours, Pay Rate $24.72

Are you looking to learn new skills or to start a career? Are you looking to join a supportive team and a dynamic company? We are so sure you will love it at HallKeen Management that we are offering a $1,000 hiring bonus for the right candidate. All bonuses to be paid per company policy. Will entertain employees looking to relocate to Vermont.


Apply today!

Join our maintenance, admin, or on-campus teams and help push the potential of place

Want your evenings, weekends, and holidays free? Adult day center committed to helping frail adults stay at home is seeking a 40 hour/ week Licensed Practical Nurse, with relevant experience. Oversee health monitoring services which promote health and wellness Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tasks include administering medications, blood glucose monitoring, taking vital signs, treatments, wound care, documenting care provided and coordinating care with other health care providers and caregivers. Develop & implement plans of care. Supervise Nursing Assistants. Provide emergency first aid as needed. Good clinical, communication & organizational skills crucial.


ASSISTANT SITE MANAGER (2): These individuals will carry out a wide variety of duties supporting day-to-day operations, working closely with the Site Manager and Front Desk Associates to promote a positive experience for guests and staff. Experience working in social services, housing programs, retail, hospitality or a related field is strongly preferred. Supervisory experience is a strong plus.

We are looking for Drivers to transport SSTA clients in a comfortable, safe and timely manner. Driver responsibilities include driving a 27’ lift-equipped van, providing reliable door-todoor transportation service to those in need, and arranging regular cleaning and maintenance services for the vehicle. Ultimately, you will help us increase customer satisfaction, making sure clients who depend on us for their transportation needs are delivered best-inclass service! To be considered for this role, you should have a valid driver’s license, a clean driving record with no traffic violations, and a desire to contribute to your community! Note that you don’t need to have a car; we provide drivers with our own vehicles.

'Career Opportunities' at SeasonalAdministrativeAssistantFiscalAnalystsCopyEditorDraftingCoordinator New, scam-freelocal,jobspostedeveryday! 5H, 2v.indd 1 8/6/19 12:18 PM BookkeeperPart-Time For details and to apply, go to:

Full or Part time positions available.

Previous experience is a plus, but not required! We have a great team here to help train and get you up to speed.

You will be part of a highly professional and collegial team that is proud of, and enthusiastic about, the mission of the state legislature. to

Apply online: ALL candidates must complete our application in full.

FRONT DESK ASSOCIATE (4): These individuals will welcome guests and promote a positive guest experience, providing professional, high quality service. Experience in social services, hospitality, retail or a related field is a strong plus.

General Assembly

We are looking for a reliable Ride Coordinator/ Dispatcher to act as a communication point for all SSTA drivers on the road. You will use our automated scheduling software to: transmit messages and track vehicles, schedule and move same day rides, and act as the point of contact for all of our amazing drivers on the road! The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicator and able to remain calm and composed in varying situations. You will be asked to multi-task as well as take the appropriate action with little supervision. The goal is to enable different parties to communicate well by ensuring the accurate and timely transmission of information.

2022 102

Para Transit Drivers:

Ride Dispatcher:Coordinator/

Equal Opportunity Employer - CHT is committed to a diverse workplace and highly encourages women, persons with disabilities, Section 3 low income residents, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply.

For additional details regarding these positions or to apply, please visit our career page:

Champlain Housing Trust has several exciting positions available as it prepares to manage a community that will provide shelter to individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness. All positions require a high level of empathy, tolerance, a positive attitude, excellent customer service and conflict de-escalation skills and a strong commitment to the housing first model. Evening and weekend hours are required in all roles.




SSTA offers a robust benefits package, competitive pay, paid holidays, and vacation time.

The Legislative support offices are currently hiring. The nonpartisan offices are an interesting, challenging, and exciting place to work.

To apply, please go

SITE MANAGER: This individual will be responsible for leading the day-to-day operations of the site including supervision and cultivation of a high performing team, scheduling, managing relationships with vendors and partners, and creative problem-solving. Supervisory experience is required, experience working in social services, housing programs, business management or a related field is strongly preferred.

SSTA is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

SSTA is subject to the rules and regulations of the Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Qualifications: to 4 years of experience working in long term in nursing leadership



Seeking a temporary part-time Lecturer at the University of Vermont with expertise in reproductive physiology, One Health, or general animal science.

• Flexible part time hours • Salary negotiable • We look forward


The position is 36-40 hours, weekly at a salary range of $50K-$54K commensurate with experience, skills, education and training. We offer a generous benefits package and CTO.

Temporary, Part-time Lecturer Positions Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ASCI)

Apply your knowledge, skills and experience to work with the General Manager and manage the financial and human resources of CVSWMD. Assist with staff recruit ment, onboarding and orientation with a commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. Your passion for spreadsheets, detail and accuracy will also help us develop systems, track data and assess key trends related to the business of the District. Some remote work available.


120 Hill


5v-GraystoneVETprof091422 1 9/12/22 1:06 PM

Send cover letter with CV of relevant experience and a writing sample to Lauren-Glenn Davitian, Executive Director, Position open until filled.

A Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education or related field that meets CDD Licensing Requirements for Director plus 3 years of staff supervisory experience. Experience providing staff supervision is essential to this position and is required for employment. Experience working with families in a supportive, strength-based framework is foundational to all positions at BCS.

At CVSWMD, we help residents and organizations in our 19 member towns reduce, reuse, recycle, and rethink waste for a more sustainable future. We offer excellent benefits that include generous leave, 100% medical/ dental/vision for employee and family, and retirement.

40 hours/week, $21.56 to $30.77/hour

Please direct any inquiries to the Interim Chair of the Department of Animal & Veterinary Sciences, Dr. Feng-Qi Zhao (

For complete job description and full details about how to apply, visit Positions will remain open until filled.

The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other category legally protected by federal or state law. The University encourages applications from all individuals who will contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution.

Qualified applicants must possess a DVM, M.S. or Ph.D. in animal science, biology, zoology, wildlife biology, or a related field. To apply, please submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae highlighting pertinent training and experience, and a statement of interest that conveys the applicant’s approach to teaching, as well as three references to Dr. Feng-Qi Zhao, Applicants are requested to include in their cover letter information about how they will further the University’s goal of fostering diversity, equity and inclusiveness on campus and across our state.

Burlington Children’s Space Executive Director


Development Director


• Licensed registered nurse • 2

The University of Vermont (UVM) invites applicants for temporary, part-time Lecturer positions in the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences (ASCI) to contribute to our undergraduate curriculum. The successful candidates will teach one or multiple courses in ASCI entitled Physiology of Reproduction, One Health, and/or courses in introductory animal sciences in the Spring 2023 semester preferably using an in-person teaching modality (teaching online may also be considered). The successful candidate will possess the ability to engage in high-quality teaching and should have experience in academic tertiary education instruction.

The Burlington Children's Space is seeking an Executive Director to join our community. BCS is a vibrant, community based early care and education program with a 38-year history serving children from 6 weeks to 5 years old and their families. BCS is one of 5 Therapeutic Child Care Programs working in partnership with the Howard Center, an Early Head Start and Universal Pre-K partner program, and a Child and Adult Care Food Program participant. We have a 5 Star rating from the State of Vermont and NAEYC accreditation and are housed in the McClure Multi-Gen Center, a building we co-own with Outright Vermont.

Details: to meeting the right candidate. Street, Barre VT 05641

CCTV Center for Media + Democracy is a nationally recognized community media center based in Burlington, Vermont. We are looking for an energetic and organized development leader with a track record of community engagement and financial success to be a team member and revenue leader, supporting CCTV programs through grant writing, underwriting and donor cultivation. For complete job description go to: Hours,cctv-hiring-development-directorSalaryandBenefits:


Nursing Administrator

Location: Montpelier, VT

Lincoln House is a small, level 3 residential care home located in a historic building in Barre, VT. We are seeking a registered nurse to join our team of compassionate caregivers who will provide clinical leadership and oversight for our 27-31 residents. The position offers the potential for advancement into administration for people with aptitude and initiative.

care • Proven experience

• Highly Competitive Salary • Health Insurance • Paid Annual, Personal, and Sick Leave • Paid Winter and Summer Breaks • Employer-SponsoredRetirementFund • Discounted Tuition for Children • Professional Development ViewFunding fulljob description here:

and management of day-to-day operations • Basic computer skills and knowledge of federal and state regulatory and compliance standards

Engaging minds that change the world

CCTV is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome and encourage applications from visible minority group members, Indigenous persons, members of the LGBTQ community, persons with disabilities and others who may contribute to the diversity of the organization and reflect the diversity of the communities we serve.

Clean Water Program Manager

Apply by October 10th, 2022.

At All-4-One’s The Space (Peer and Community Engagement Youth Center) in Springfield, the AmeriCorps members lend their talents to building creative and enriching opportunities at a new teen center, ensuring that local youth thrive.


Interested applicants can apply directly at my.americorps. gov/mp/listing/ In State box, choose Vermont. In Program box, type VYDC. Click Search. All VYDC positions will appear.

For more information, visit the Vermont Youth AmeriCorps website: Phone: 802-229-9151. Email:

Lamoille Restorative Center (LRC) is hiring a Full-Time School Engagement Specialist (SES) for their Lamoille Valley School Engagement Program team. Responsibilities include providing outreach and support to Lamoille Valley students ages five to 15, and their families, struggling with school attendance. The SES helps students re-engage with school by collaborating with their families, school and human services providers to identify and address root causes of school absences.

Submit employer, is committed to diversity,


At the Bennington Museum in Bennington, the AmeriCorps member awakens curiosity and imagination in youth and transforms individuals by connecting them to the region’s diverse arts, rich history, landscape, and culture.

Are you knowledgeable and passionate about clean water, agriculture and land conservation? Do you have strong technical, organizational, and communication skills? Join our team, managing VHCB’s role as Clean Water Service Provider in the Memphremagog Basin, overseeing non-regulatory water quality projects. Working with state and local partners, help achieve Vermont's clean water goals using various strategies including conservation easements, land acquisition, wetlands restoration, and best management practices.

SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022

equity, and inclusion. Follow @SevenDaysJobs on FindTwitter100+new job postings from trusted, local employers in Seven Days newspaper and online. See who’s hiring jobs.sevendaysvt.comat LOOKING FOR A COOLER OPPORTUNITY? 4t-WaterCooler.indd 1 9/6/22 1:27 PM

E.O.E. Background check required.

Learn more and read the job descriptions: VHCB is an Equal Opportunity Employer and candidates from diverse backgrounds are strongly encouraged to apply. Positions will remain open until filled.

Do you have passion for supporting students' school success? Do you enjoy collaborating with multiple resources to solve problems?

At In-Sight Photography Project in Brattleboro, the AmeriCorps member empowers youth to communicate their unique personal visions through inclusive afterschool arts programming and community initiatives.

Since 1987, supporting affordable housing and the conservation of agricultural and recreational land, forestland, natural areas and historic properties.

The VHCB housing team is seeking talented individuals to join us in helping Vermont deliver more affordable homes to solve the unprecedented housing crisis. We are a collaborative and diligent team that believes in VHCB’s mission to assist in creating more affordable housing for Vermonters. If you have experience and passion for affordable housing, this position could be right for you. We are advertising for both the Housing Analyst role, and for the role of Senior Housing Analyst.


9t-VHCB090722 1 9/5/22 10:31 AM


School Engagement Specialist

This position is ideal for someone with a strong understanding of Vermont’s education and human services systems, excellent communication and collaboration skills, and the ability to work both independently and as a team player. This position offers a competitive salary and benefits package within a highly collaborative and supportive workplace environment.

Embark on a journey of possibilities and improve the future for Vermont youth.

VT Youth Development Corps (VYDC) places full and part-time AmeriCorps members at youth-focused organizations across Vermont to foster positive youth development and build resilience. Use your ingenuity and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in Southern Vermont

your cover letter and resume to: . LRC is an equal opportunity

Join the staff of the Vermont Housing & Conservation Board, an innovative funding organization supporting the development and preservation of affordable housing for Vermonters, community development, the conservation of agricultural land, natural areas, recreational land, forest land, and historic preservation. Other programs include VHCB AmeriCorps, the Vermont Farm & Forest Viability Program, and Healthy and Lead-Safe Homes. We are hiring for multiple full-time positions based in our Montpelier office.

Housing Analyst and Senior Housing Analyst

VYDC is a program of the Washington County Youth Service Bureau.



VYDC AmeriCorps members’ service benefits include: approx. $12.85/hr. (living allowance); a $6,495 education award; employee assistance plan; health care coverage, school loan forbearance, and child care assistance (if eligible); and professional development, training, networking, and experience in youth-related fields.

Please submit resume & cover letter to

• Seek a new challenge and opportunity to take your career to another level?

The Town of Jericho (VT) is looking for its next Town Planner. Jericho (pop. ~5,080) is a small rural community in the center of Chittenden County about 30 minutes from Burlington to the west and Mt. Mansfield to the east. The community has 3 small historic village centers surrounded by a quintessential rural landscape and abundant recreational opportunities.

Do you:

• Have a weakness for craft beer or coffee, maple creemees, and handmade chocolate all within walking distance of your office?

VT Youth Development Corps (VYDC) places full and part-time AmeriCorps members at youth-focused organizations across Vermont to foster positive youth development and build resilience. Use your ingenuity and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in Central Vermont

At the Twinfield Together Mentoring Project in Plainfield, the AmeriCorps member nurtures strong relationships and meaningful connections through mentoring, youth leadership, and a 7th-12th grade afterschool program, while valuing student voice and leadership.

VYDC is a program of the Washington County Youth Service Bureau.


The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer

5h-VTDeptHumanResources091422 1 9/9/22 9:15 AM

Energy Action Network (EAN) is seeking a skilled and experienced project manager with expertise in energy data collection, analysis, and reporting to become a core part of our non-profit staff team in a permanent, full-time position.

For a complete job description please go to our website, on our home page is the link. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume and list of three references to John Abbott, Town Administrator via email at or via mail at PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465.


HCP Cureblindness, a VT-based nonprofit, is actively seeking a Staff Accountant. Please visit our website for a complete job description:

If so, this job is exactly what you should be looking for!

EAN is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Jericho has a number of exciting planning initiatives currently underway that make this role particularly enticing including an update of the 2020 Town Plan, a wastewater feasibility study for the 3 statedesignated Village Centers, prioritization of ARPA funding, and a multi-modal path scoping study.


Learn more at:


At Maplehill School and Farm in Plainfield, the AmeriCorps members develop educational, community service, and farm-based opportunities for youth whose lives have been impacted by trauma and/or disabilities.

• Want to work in a growing community that cares deeply about planning?

This work requires a high degree of independence, initiative, sound judgment and professionalism.

The Town also has several very active citizen committees working on affordable housing, trails, land conservation, energy, equity, and social justice.

The Vermont Department of Health has an exciting opportunity to be on the front lines of protecting public health in Vermont. The successful candidate will conduct a variety of public health inspections of general sanitation practices or environmental health conditions. The position works closely with regulated facilities to ensure compliance with Vermont’s food and lodging establishment regulations. Please Note: This position is being recruited at multiple levels. If you would like to be considered for more than one level, you MUST apply to the specific Job Requisition. For more information, contact Elizabeth Wirsing at Department: Health. Location: Burlington. Status: Full time. Job Id for Level I #38303 or Level II #38302 or Level III #38085. Application Deadline: September 21, 2022.


Data Manager


The Town of Jericho is an Equal Opportunity Employer.


At the Basement Teen Center in Montpelier, the AmeriCorps member creates a safe drop-in space for all youth ages 12-18 who are seeking a place to connect with peers and participate in activities which promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

Buildings and General Services at the State of VT has an exciting opportunity as a Central Heat Plant Operator. You will be part of a small group of individuals that would be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the central heat plant providing steam to the Montpelier Complex. Our biomass plant burns wood chips and oil, so a mechanical background is preferred. This is a full-time position. For more information, contact Jonathan Rutledge at Department: Buildings & General Services. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job Id #26569. Application Deadline: September 25, 2022.

Our ideal candidate will be: highly independent, curious, collaborative and a great communicator, and have a Bachelor’s degree and 3 or more years of experience in the field. Also experience in Grant writing and grant administration would be beneficial. The Town can offer a very competitive salary DOQ, a comprehensive benefits package, a flexible work environment, and a team-oriented work setting. Salary is commensurate with experience.

The primary responsibility of the Town Planner is to assist the Planning Commission in carrying out their statutory functions and supporting the Town Administrator in managing the implementation of grant funded projects. The work of the Town Planner involves researching, analyzing, developing, and proposing land use planning and development policies, plans and ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and Selectboard.

E.O.E. Background check required.

Interested applicants can apply directly at my.americorps. gov/mp/listing/ In State box, choose Vermont. In Program box, type VYDC. Click Search. All VYDC positions will appear. Apply by October 10, 2022.

• Want to play a leadership role in guiding the future of a dynamic rural small town?

Find out more and apply:

VYDC AmeriCorps members’ service benefits include: approx. $12.85/hr. (living allowance); a $6,495 education award; employee assistance plan; health care coverage, school loan forbearance, and child care assistance (if eligible); and professional development, training, networking, and experience in youth-related fields. For more information, visit: Phone: 802-229-9151. Email:

Embark on a journey of possibilities and improve the future for Vermont youth.

• Facilitate patient comfort, care, & satisfaction consistently.

Preferred Qualifications and Skills: Bachelor’s or Associate’s Degree; Minimum 3 years of professional experience in an office or institutional setting; Excellent verbal and written communication skills; Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite, especially Microsoft Excel; Familiarity with basic accounting methods; Proficiency in QuickBooks a plus.

• Full-time position (Monday – Friday)

Contact Kim: 802-586-2415craftsburycarecenter.orgkroberge@ 12:12 PM 10/29/19 12:12 PM

Med administration, assist with personal care, daily monitoring of resident well-being and communication of resident needs with medical personnel and families. This is a fulfilling direct care position. Health Benefits based on hours, Paid Time Off, Flexible scheduling and 403B.


DRS. HARDY AND ANDELIN are searching for a motivated individual to join our front desk team. Our practice offers the full scope of oral and facial surgery for functional and cosmetic purposes. Ideal candidates will have excellent communication, computer, and customer service skills. Candidate must also be willing to commute to our Stowe and Colchester locations.

Now Hiring:


• Wage level based on experience


• Adhere to OSHA guidelines, HIPPA Privacy Policy, and operating procedures of the practice.

Fitzgerald Environmental Associates (FEA) is a water resources consulting firm located in Colchester, Vermont. FEA seeks a skilled and motivated Office Manager to support and improve our team's organizational functions and professional services through a wide array of activities, including human resources support, routine accounting and administration of finances, marketing of services, and permitting support.

• Maintain meticulous records to ensure all provider, insurance, & patient accounts are recorded & posted correctly.

7spot.indd 1

Over time, with on the job training and experience, we expect this individual will become a key point person for the team's daily operations. This position is expected to be mostly in-office to start, but FEA supports remote/hybrid schedules.

JOB TYPE: Full-time SALARY: $19.00 - $25.00 per hour to start BENEFITS: • 401(k), 401(k) matching • Dental insurance • Employee discount • Health insurance • Health savings account • Life insurance • Paid time off • Retirement plan EXPERIENCE: • Construction: 1 year (Preferred) • Glass installation: 1 year (Preferred) • Customer service: 1 year (Preferred) Send resumes to: Email resume for consideration. Only qualified candidates will be considered and contacted. We look forward to hearing from you!


Qualified candidates will have a basic understanding of hand and power tools, a driver’s license, and preferably one year in the trades.



The primary function of this role is to learn how to install residential glazing which includes: insulated units, glass shower enclosures, screens, storm windows, storm doors, putty reglazing, windows & doors. This is a great opportunity for someone looking for a career in a growing industry. A successful candidate is punctual, reliable, professional in their appearance and communication, and able to work with multiple people.

Send resumes to:

Key Responsibilities: Accounting support including invoicing, receivables, payables, payroll, and budget tracking; Human resources support; Marketing and proposal development; Report production and permitting support.

• High School Degree

Craftsbury Community Care Center Residential Level III Care Facility

• Excellent communication skills

• Schedule and confirm patient appointments.

In addition to growth opportunities, we offer highly competitive pay, insurance, time off, company tools, company take-home vehicle for some lead technicians, bonuses throughout the year, overtime pay, and a sign-on bonus (bonus amount will be based on your experience).


• Reconcile nightly deposits

• Oral Surgery/Dental office experience preferred

We respect confidentiality and you're encouraged to apply or inquire about this role if you would like to hear more about how you can be a part of the growth at Acme Glass!

Send resumes to:

• Check patients in/out while remaining calm, effective, and even-tempered in high pressure situations.

7spot.indd 1 10/29/19


Office Manager


Part-time/Temporary in Grand Isle, VT

TASKS INCLUDE: • Grant Administration • Support New VASE Member and Teacher of the Year processing • Orchestrate VASE meetings/events • Help with VASE website updates • Basic Bookkeeping - Accounts Receivable/Payable data entry REQUIRED TECHNICAL SKILLS: • Microsoft Word. Microsoft Excel DESIRED TECHNICAL SKILLS: • Quickbooks, Experience with WIX If you are interested in applying for this position, please email your resume and cover letter to and

The salary for this position is commensurate

Development Manager

The successful Executive Director candidate will be a licensed attorney with significant legal experience; demonstrate a passion for social and racial justice; possess exceptional leadership skills; have substantial management experience; have grant writing or fundraising experience; and understand financial matters, including development of budgets, compliance with grant and contract requirements, and financial oversight.


VLA seeks an Executive Director to lead this nationally recognized, statewide civil legal aid organization, and engage in the exciting process of envisioning the future of VLA, with the support and commitment of Board and staff. VLA is a strong, successful organization that is well-regarded, with a staff of 89, offices in Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland, Springfield, and St. Johnsbury, and an annual budget of $9.5 million.

Communications & Publications Assistant

to honor

Weekend Respite: Fri 5pm-Sat 5pm and/or Sat 5pm-Sun 5pm, $300/ day. Sun 5pm-Mon 8am, $250/partial day. Minimum required commitment is two consecutive 24-hr. shifts at lease one weekend per month on average. for details.

For more information, visit:


Interested? For full Job Description please email

Vermont Legal Aid (VLA), one of the state’s largest law firms, is where Vermonters turn when they face a civil legal problem that threatens their rights, shelter, income, health, or well-being. VLA strives to advance fairness and justice in the civil legal system, address the social and economic barriers faced by our clients, and confront the underlying causes of poverty, discrimination, and inequality. VLA services are free.



For more information about this position and how to apply, visit Screening of applicants begins immediately. To receive full consideration, submit your application materials by October 14, 2022


VLA believes everyone in Vermont should have equal access to legal services regardless of their race, ethnicity, language, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexuality, ability, mental health, income status, age, or education. We are committed, through our practices and policies, to fostering cultural competence, inclusiveness, understanding, acceptance and respect in order to more effectively fight poverty, discrimination, and inequality.

NEIWPCC and the LCBP are seeking a creative assistant to support communications and publications tasks related to the Lake Champlain watershed.

The Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering (VASE, is looking to hire an organized individual to help our mission-driven organization expand its reach. This is a part time paid position requiring approximately 10 hours/week on average. The successful candidate will support the VASE Board of Directors to effectively deliver on the organization’s mission.

VLA’s Administrative Unit has historically been in Burlington, but the agency is open to your proposal on a remote work or a hybrid arrangement.

The Controller at Burlington Country Club is responsible for the financial data and in charge of managing the daily operations of the accounting functions while working closely with all departments throughout the organization.

The next Executive Director will be a visionary leader with a demonstrated passion for advocating on behalf of low-income and other vulnerable populations, including families with young children, people with disabilities, New American communities, veterans, seniors, and other individuals impacted by poverty or marginalized by other factors.

The ideal candidate will be an excellent communicator who is adept at managing systems and effectively using digital technologies to help VASE expand its community engagement. This position is new and will require the individual to be a self-starter who enjoys task-oriented work without daily oversight. Most of the work can be competed remotely with zoom/face-to-face meetings as required. with experience.


VASE was founded in 1995 outstanding achievement and contributions in the broadly areas of and/or engineering, promote the interests of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) throughout the state of Vermont, educate Vermonters about the importance of the STEM fields, and help state government resolve scientific and engineering problems.

Vermont Academy of Science and Engineering



Burlington Country Club is a private golf and social club established in 1924 and currently has over 600 members. Governed by 9 Board of Directors, the Club strives to provide a quality membership experience as one of the best Clubs in New England.

Green Mountain Farm to School is recruiting for a Development Manager to lead fundraising initiatives and conduct supporting communication activities. Using measurable goals and outcomes, the Development Manager will work closely with the Executive Director to implement an effective, multi-year fundraising strategy, cultivate and expand our donor base, manage grant applications and reporting, as well as collaborate with other team members on appropriate and timely communications and outreach materials. We are seeking a community-minded skilled fundraiser with strong organizational & interpersonal skills to keep the momentum going! Full-time, salary range $51,5000 - $61,500+ commensurate with experience & comprehensive benefits package. Part-time considered on a prorated basis. Visit for full job description. EOE


• Competitive pay – $18-$22/hour - D.O.E. Please call for more info: 802-310-2860

• Oversight for bathing

•22-year-old man seeking home without young children. He uses augmented communication and enjoys being outside and would enjoy a farm setting with animals. The bedroom should be on the same floor as providers. Call Tracy - 802-636-7379.

Community Developmental Services seeks singles, couples and families from Washington County area to open their home to an individual.


Looking for weekend assistance (6 hours/wk). Duties include but are not limited to:

• 25-year-old female looking for a room or in-law apartment in the Burlington area. She would prefer to live in a home without children but pets are ok. She would like to live with someone open minded, possibly artistic and active in the local community. She would like to find social groups and activities to participate in to become familiar with her new community. She enjoys many forms of art, tattoos and painting specifically. Call Chelsey – 802-505-0281.

• Errands, Shopping

• Must love animals (3 small dogs and a cat)

Senior AdministratorClinical

• 64 year old woman seek quiet home, with first floor bed and bath, without children. She enjoys old country music, soap operas, car rides, visiting her family. Call Jayne – 479-1477.

Seeking Experienced Care Assistant For Female in Colchester

• Pass Vermont/DMV Background checks

• 55 -year- old man seeking patient and active home provider, without young children or cats. He works for WCMHS as a peer mentor, he enjoys walks, hiking, swimming and snowshoeing. He uses Facilitated Communication (FC) and would like an individual who is open to training and learning the processes and best practices of FC so that he is able to communicate in his home setting. Call Leigh – 802-505-1889.

Gravel & Shea PC, a Burlington, VT law firm seeks an experienced, professional receptionist/office assistant.

Job Description: Part-time, flexible schedule, with the possibility of growth into a full-time position for a candidate who enjoys being valued for their attention to detail in a small office environment. The data entry specialist will work closely with the organization’s management to provide up to date financial details.

14-21, 2022 108

for full or part-time massage therapists that are looking for the Flexiblefollowing:hours,consistent clientele, ongoing CEs. Not responsible for laundry or scheduling. Simply focused on providing the community with professional, therapeutic, customized massage sessions.

• 54-year old man, seeks home in the Barre area. He is very active, loves fishing, biking, shopping, doing odd jobs, and watching TV. He prefers home without children or dogs. Call Brittany – 802-798-9115

• 28 year old man seeks home without young children. He loves computers, animation, planes, trains, and cars. Call Katie – 802-904-3414.


Long standing family-owned real estate rental business in downtown Montpelier is seeking a detail oriented, data entry person to assist with QuickBooks, general office bookkeeping, payroll, and account receivables. The ideal candidate values accuracy and timeliness, and has software proficiency in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and QuickBooks.

This position requires extensive communication with our clients, staff and the legal community; a strong work ethic; excellent organizational skills; and experience using a variety of software applications including Microsoft Office. Prior legal and/or law firm experience a plus.

Gravel & Shea PC is an Equal Opportunity Employer


Pay: $18.00 - $23.00 per hour based on experience &proficiency.

You’re more than a massage therapist. You’re an artist, healer, and professional. Join the brand that sees you that way at Massage Envy in WeWilliston.arelooking

For more details go to:


Sought for friendly, collaborative, development.andBurlington.multidisciplinarystatewidementalhealthpracticebasedinResponsibilitiesincluderecruitment,riskmanagement,regulatorycompliance,contracting,programoperationsandActiveVermontlicensepreferred.Part-timeclinicalpracticepossible.RespondwithCVto

We offer a competitive salary, health insurance, 401(k) and Profit Sharing, and other benefits. For more information about Gravel & Shea PC, please visit

Send resumes to:


• 30-year-old outgoing female seeks home that likes to be busy. Non-smoking, without children/teens or pets. Single woman preferred but couples with good boundaries. Call Sherri – 802- 636-7041.


Qualified candidates e-mail cover letter, résumé and references to:



• Cooking, Cleaning, Laundry

Send resumes to:


Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer OWN YOUR CAREER. OWN YOUR FUTURE. OWN YOUR COMPANY.

General Summary of Job Responsibilities: The Safety and Environmental Specialist establishes and promotes a safe, accident free, and healthy work environment by formulating general safety and environmental policies, proce dures and programs that comply with local, state and federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules and regulations; coordinates and implements procedures for the reduction and disposal of hazardous waste materials and contaminated objects in compliance with local, state and federal rules and regulations; and oversees and coordinates safety, environmental and occupational health training programs; and responsible for conducting safety audits of all field crews.

benefits – including reduced medical premiums on Day 1



Hypertherm is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business need, job requirements, and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability,or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws. Apply now at HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own your future! Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer OWN YOUR CAREER. OWN YOUR FUTURE. OWN YOUR COMPANY. 8t-VTHiTechHYPERTHERM083122 1 8/29/22 3:08 PM

Village Voltage is looking for an Electrician’s Apprentice. Experience preferred, but willing to train the right person.



* Courtesy in dealing with members, Board Directors, co-workers and others, adaptability and willingness to acquire new skills, professional attitude and interest in work, and attention to general work rules and safety procedures are essential characteristics of the ideal candidate.

annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20% security of an over 50-year history with no layoffs



WEC is seeking a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual to fill a key position in the organization. The Safety and Environmental Compliance Specialist is part of WEC’s leadership team and is a non-union exempt position. This position reports directly to the Director of Engineering & Operations.

Apply now at future!

Electrician’s Apprentice

Come join an accepting & friendly workplace!


Submit letter of interest to WEC’s Human Resources Dept., c/o Teia Greenslit, Assistant Director of Finance & Administration, PO Box 8, East Montpelier, VT 05651.



Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team. Own your future with a $2,000 sign-on bonus, great pay and benefits. Become an Associate and you’ll earn exceptional incentives that


Hypertherm Associates is

an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender origin, disability,or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.


Apply now at HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own your future!

proud to be an equal opportunity employer

Safety & Environmental Specialist


Hypertherm is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business need, job requirements, and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability,or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

3h-ContactInfo.indd 1 6/29/21 2:49 PM


An annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20% The security of an over 50-year history with no layoffs

WEC was founded in 1939 to bring electricity to rural Vermont communities and to provide our members with a voice in their energy future. WEC continues today with that same spirit as our pioneering founders with a commitment to our environment, communities and our member-owners. We are a not for profit cooperative utility serving our member/owners in 41 towns in central Vermont’s rural landscape.


Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team. Own your future with a $2,000 sign-on bonus, great pay and benefits. Become an Associate and you’ll earn exceptional incentives that Greatinclude:payand benefits – including reduced medical premiums starting on Day 1 annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20% The security of an over 50-year history with no layoffs

benefits – including reduced medical premiums starting on Day 1

The ideal applicant should have or must be able to acquire extensive familiarity with all federal and state safety and environmental compliance regulations and reporting requirements, Cooperative policies, safety rules and practices, including but not limited to APPA, NRECA, OSHA, VOSHA, IEEE and NESC. Applicants must complete OSHA30 training. Should also be highly organized, proficient with Microsoft Office; inclusive of Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. Applicants should also be able to multi-task, maintain confidentiality, work independently, and with high degree of accuracy.

Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team. Own your with a $2,000 sign-on bonus, great pay and benefits. an Associate and you’ll earn exceptional incentives include:payand

LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and women strongly encouraged to apply. Email or text preferred. or 802-391-7389

Qualified applicants must possess a bachelor’s degree in Safety, Health, or Environmental Sciences, or have 6 or more years’ experience in an occupational and health related field position or have 10 years’ experience as a first class lineworker. Additional academic training in construction, supervision, human relations, labor relations, and basic management principles is also beneficial.

WEC is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Date of Posting: September 12, 2022 Annual Salary Range: $72,087 - $111,399 (depending upon experience and qualifications) Days and Hours of Work: Monday – Friday, 7:00AM to 3:30PM Anticipated Start Date: On or before November 1, 2022 Application Deadline: Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send resumes to:


For full consideration, submit application by September 29th. Position will remain open until filled.

Candidates are encouraged to consult VCFA’s website to acquaint themselves with our distinctive institution, learning processes, and educational philosophy. Full job description here: about/jobs-at-vcfa

Arts welcomes applications for the Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management, a leadership and operational managerial position. The Director will work closely and collaborate with academic program staff to advance the College's enrollment goals.



This position oversees all operations of the admissions department and reports to the COO/ VP for Student Services. The position supervises admissions personnel, financial aid staff, coordinates with the College’s financial aid services contractor (Financial Aid Services), and has responsibility for admissions recruitment for one program.

Engagement Advocate: Interface w/ scientific experts to ensure fair, balanced, accurate & timely scientific content; dvlp scientific content or provide direction to Workstream Lead w/ oversight & review; understand compliance reqmts & considerations for projects; maintain high level of medical/scientific expertise in designated therapeutic areas; dvlp quantitative & qualitative primary research instrument; research & assimilate both tech’l & non-tech’l info; conduct data analyses to identify correlations & patterns; dvlp pricing & forecasting models to support fin’l deci sion-making; partner w/ account teams, client partners, & creative directors to scope projects; edit & proofread work produced by other Engagement Advocates & Workstream Leads & convey feedback w/ reason & tact; operate desktop publishing word processing systems involving advanced formatting & automation, & apply accepted principles of doc dsgn, page layout, & illustration. Req Master’s Deg in Pharmaceutical/Health Care Mgmt w/ 5 months related exp. Apply to: Equitas Life Sciences, 5 Oliver Wight Dr., Ste B, Essex, Vermont, 05452. Attn: HR.


To apply, send the following to Cover Letter; CV/Resume; Statement on Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, outlining your professional skills and experience, and willingness to engage in activities to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion.

SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022

Successful candidates will have a Bachelor’s Degree or equivalent work experience; minimum 5-8 years’ experience within Admissions or sales, preferably in higher education; supervisory experience; understand and use current technologies and platforms for recruiting, admissions, enrollment management, marketing and communications including student information system, customer relationship management system (Slate), and marketing platform; demonstrated aptitude for working on multiple projects; exemplary interpersonal and communication skills; high level organizational skills and capacity for attention to detail; ability to think creatively, entrepreneurially, and strategically as part of a collaborative team setting.

110 10v-VTSmoke&Cure090722 1 8/25/22 9:55 AM


Apply by October 10th, 2022. VYDC is a program of the Washington County Youth Service Bureau. Equal Opportunity Employer. Background check required.

Community Planner

At the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont based in Winooski, the AmeriCorps member inspires hundreds of Vermont high schoolers from across the state to create the future, helping youth think deeper and dream bigger through intensive summer programs with a mission of equity and accessibility.

At the City of Winooski Community Services Department, the AmeriCorps members lead engaging afterschool and summer activities for a vibrant & culturally diverse community.

Interested applicants can apply directly at In State box, choose Vermont. In Program box, type VYDC. Click Search. All VYDC positions will appear.

is seeking candidates to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of extremely low-income families and individuals. Join us and make a difference in our community!


BHA offers a competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience. We offer a premium benefit package at a low cost to employees. Benefits include medical insurance with a health reimbursement account, dental, vision, short and long term disability, 10% employer funded retirement plan, 457 retirement plan, accident insurance, life insurance, cancer and critical illness insurance and access to reduced cost continuing education. We also offer a generous time off policy including paid time off, sick, and 13 paid holidays. And sign on bonus of up to $2,000.

Embark on a journey of possibilities and improve the future for Vermont youth.


RECEPTIONIST manages the main office lobby and answers phones while providing great customer service, processes office mailings, and provides administrative support.

VT Youth Development Corps (VYDC) places full and part-time AmeriCorps members at youth-focused organizations across Vermont to foster positive youth development and build resilience. Use your ingenuity and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in Northwest Vermont

If interested in these career opportunities, please submit your resume and cover letter to: Burlington Housing Authority is an E.O.E.

At Old Spokes Home in Burlington, the AmeriCorps member builds community and opportunity through access to bicycles with a variety of engaging programs to make bikes and biking more accessible to all.

VYDC AmeriCorps members’ service benefits include: approx. $12.85/hr. (living allowance); a $6,495 education award; employee assistance plan; health care coverage, school loan forbearance, and child care assistance (if eligible); and professional development, training, networking, and experience in youth-related fields.


At Spectrum Youth & Family Services in Burlington or St. Albans, the AmeriCorps members enhance the lives of homeless and at-risk youth by providing a safe space, food, basic needs, life skills, and emotional support.

BHA serves a diverse population of tenants and partners with a variety of community agencies. To most effectively carry out our vision of delivering safe and affordable housing to all, we are committed to cultivating a staff that reflects varied lived experiences, viewpoints, and educational histories. Therefore, we strongly encourage candidates from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and women to apply. Multilingualism is a plus!


SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022

SENIOR STAFF ACCOUNTANT manages the accounting operations of the Authority. The responsibilities for this position include preparing timely and accurate accounting records and financial reports; managing operating budgets; and maintaining a comprehensive and effective system of internal controls.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT serves as first point of contact for our customers in the Property Management office. This role answers the telephone and greets applicants and the general public at the main office, collects rent payments, provides administrative support to the Leasing and Eligibility Specialist, the Property Managers, and the Director of Property Management.

ACRPC is looking for a Community Planner to join our team. This position is responsible for supporting Addison County municipalities in a broad range of town and regional planning projects. Topics covered include, but are not limited to: Regional and local land use planning, downtown and village center planning, zoning regulation development, affordable housing and historic preservation. The planner will develop and implement public engagement initiatives and strategic planning processes with volunteer committees, municipal staff, and a wide range of regional and state partners. See the full listing on our website at

At the Willowell Foundation in Bristol and Monkton, the AmeriCorps members connect people to the arts, education, the environment, and each other through landbased programs and activities. Members serve at a naturebased pre-school in Bristol and an outdoor, alternative public education program in Monkton.

MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN performs general maintenance work in BHA owned and managed properties, including building exteriors, common areas, apartments, building systems, fixtures, and grounds. Our Maintenance Techs are required to participate in the on-call rotation, which covers night and weekend emergencies.

For more information, visit the Vermont Youth AmeriCorps website: Phone: 802-229-9151 Email:

***To learn more about these career opportunities, please visit:

RAPID REHOUSING SPECIALIST provides assistance to community members who are without housing and have barriers to locating and securing housing in the community. This grant funded position works closely with our Rental Assistance department and Chittenden County Coordinated Entry and is a part of a skilled team that focuses on assessment, intervention, and service coordination of at-risk households.


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fun stuff


Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages. Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at is SR-Comics-filler071520.indd 1 7/14/20 3:32 PM




fun stuff

have.” He was correct, but it’s also true that luck sometimes surges your way when you’ve taken a break from your hard work.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 115

GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): Your mind is sometimes a lush and beautiful maze that you get lost in. Is that a problem? Now and then it is, yes. But just as often, it’s an entertaining blessing. As you wander around amidst the lavish finery, not quite sure of where you are or where you’re going, you often make discov eries that rouse your half-dormant potentials. You luckily stumble into unforeseen insights you didn’t realize you needed to know. I be lieve the description I just articulated fits your current ramble through the amazing maze.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Aquarian author Richard Ford has advice for writers: “Find what causes a commotion in your heart. Find a way to write about that.” I will amend his counsel to apply to all of you nonwriters, as well. By my reckoning, the coming weeks will be prime time to be gleefully honest as you identify what causes commotions in your heart. Why should you do that? Because it will lead you to the good decisions you need to make in the coming months. As you attend to this holy homework, I suggest you direct the following invitation to the universe: “Beguile me, mystify me, delight me, fascinate me and rouse me to feel deep, delicious feelings.”

junk snacks or glitzy hors d’oeuvres. Instead, hold out for gourmet feasts featuring healthy, delectable entrées.

supported by: Vermont Flower Farm owners Gail and George Africa have been working with plants and flowers for almost four decades. ey grow lush fields of daylilies and display gardens next to the Winooski River in Marshfield. Eva Sollberger stopped by recently for a tour and talked with the couple about their retirement plans.



SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Now and then, you slip into phases when you’re poised on the brink of either self-damage or self-discovery. You wobble and lurch on the borderline where self-undoing vies with self-creation. Whenever this situation arises, here are key questions to ask yourself: Is there a strategy you can implement to ensure that you glide into self-discovery and self-creation? Is there a homing thought that will lure you away from the perverse temptations of self-damage and self-undoing? The answers to these queries are always yes — if you regard love as your top priority and if you serve the cause of love over every other consideration.

(AUG. 23-SEP.22)

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): My reader Monica Ballard has this advice for you Aries folks: “If you don’t vividly ask for and eagerly welcome the gifts the Universe has in store for you, you may have to settle for trinkets and baubles. So never settle.” That’s always useful counsel for you Rams. And in the coming weeks, you will be wise to heed it with extra intensity. Here’s a good metaphor to spur you on: Don’t fill up on

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Some times serendipity is just intention unmasked,” said Sagittarian author Elizabeth Berg. I suspect her theory will be true for you in the coming weeks. You have done an adroit job of formulating your intentions and collect ing the information you need to carry out your intentions. What may be best now is to relax your focus as you make room for life to respond to your diligent preparations. “I’m a great believer in luck,” said my Uncle Ned. “I’ve found that the harder I work, the more luck I

LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): According to Libran poet T. S. Eliot, “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning. The end is where we start from.” Those are your guiding thoughts for the coming days, Libra. You’re almost ready to start fresh; you’re on the verge of being able to start planning your launch date or grand opening. Now all you have to do is create a big crisp emptiness where the next phase will have plenty of room to germinate. The best way to do that is to finish the old process as completely as possible.


PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): “I am lonely, yet not everybody will do,” observed Piscean author Anaïs Nin. “Some people fill the gaps, and others emphasize my loneliness,” she concluded. According to my reading of the astrological omens, Pisces, it’s your task right now to identify which people intensify your loneliness and which really do fill the gaps. And then devote yourself with extra care to cultivating your connections with the gapfillers. Loneliness is sometimes a good thing — a state that helps you renew and deepen your communion with your deep self. But I don’t believe that’s your assignment these days. Instead, you’ll be wise to experience intimacy that enriches your sense of feeling at home in the world. You’ll thrive by consorting with allies who sweeten your love of life.

tant, both to you and those whose lives you touch, that you exalt and exult in your access to your magnificence. For everyone’s benefit, you should play freely with the art of being majestic and regal and sovereign. To do this right, you must refrain from indulging in trivial wishes, passing fancies, and minor attrac tions. You must give yourself to what’s stellar. You must serve your holiest longings, your riveting dreams and your thrilling hopes.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Tips to get the most out of the next six weeks: 1) Be the cautiously optimistic voice of reason. Be the methodical motivator who prods and inspires. Organize as you uplift. Encourage others as you build efficiency. 2) Don’t take other people’s apparent stupidity or rudeness as personal affronts. Try to understand how the suffering they have endured may have led to their behavior. 3) Be your own father. Guide yourself as a wise and benevolent male elder would. 4) Seek new ways to experience eupho ria and enchantment, with an emphasis on what pleasures will also make you healthier.


LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): Please promise me you will respect and revere your glorious star power in the coming weeks. I feel it’s impor


TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): I will remind you about a potential superpower that is your birthright to develop: You can help people to act in service to the deepest truths and strongest love. You can even teach them how to do it. Have you been ripening this talent in 2022? Have you been bringing it more to the forefront of your relationships? I hope so. The coming months will stir you to go further than ever before in expressing this gift. For best results, take a vow to nurture the deepest truths and strongest love in all your thoughts and dealings with others.

CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): “Poetry is a lifecherishing force,” said Pulitzer Prize-winner Mary Oliver, who published 33 volumes of poetry and read hundreds of other poets. Her statement isn’t true for everyone, of course. To reach the point where reading poetry provides our souls with nourishment, we may have to work hard to learn how to appreciate it. Some of us don’t have the leisure or temperament to do so. In any case, Cancerian, what are your lifecherishing forces? What influences inspire you to know and feel all that’s most precious about your time on earth? Now would be an excellent time to ruminate on those treasures—and take steps to nurture them with tender ingenuity.

It’s impossible to be perfect. It’s neither healthy nor productive to obsess on perfectionism. You know these things. You understand you can’t afford to get bogged down in overthinking and overreaching and overpolishing. And when you are at your best, you sublimate such manic urges. You transform them into the elegant intention to clarify and refine and refresh. With grace and care, you express useful beauty instead of aiming for hyperim maculate precision. I believe that in the coming weeks, dear Virgo, you will be a master of these services — skilled at performing them for yourself and others.

My advice: Don’t be in a mad rush to escape. Allow this dizzying but dazzling expedition to offer you all its rich teachings.

Eva Sollberger’s

Does marriage and a happy life sound good to you? Is it even possible in this world? If you are a man and love our Heavenly Father and are seeking a pretty, nice, educated (whatever that means) and fun companion, please contact me. P.S. I love original haiku. Quebec13, 52, seeking: M, l

2 + 1 = 3SOME

Worked and traveled in many countries as a teacher but still can find adventures closer to home. I have a warm heart and an inquisitive mind. I enjoy painting and sculpture. I know how to relax and enjoy good conversation. The Champlain Islands, especially North Hero, are very close to perfect for a bike ride or canoe outing. Northgirl 75, seeking: M, l

Looking to have fun, enjoy life and see what happens. Would like to meet someone who is also just looking around, having fun and open to letting whatever will be, be! Acushla, 50, seeking: M



I just want to have some fun, meet new people and see where things take us. Hit me up for anything. Love you all! Stzacracklives, 34 seeking: W, l

Tantric yogi and meditator. Spiritual but sensual, naturist/nudist; in open marriage, thus polyamorous. I like male friends with benefits. Writer, astrologer, graduate degree. Broad-ranging and eclectic interests and experiences. Intelligent conversation and humor turn me on. Love being outdoors — avid gardener, permaculturalist, seed saver, herbalist; sometimes slip away to ski or snowshoe. Can dress up but mostly don’t. VintageShakti 68, seeking: M, l



Light, flowers, beauty, fire, music, dancing, singing, wildlife, colorful textiles — all my jam. Treewalker 68, seeking: M, l

I’m an honest, down-to-earth person who has been through a lot in life and is looking for companionship since I’m new to the area. I’m not like most people in that I feel people are afraid to talk to me. I don’t go out of my way to make friends. I wait for them to come to me.



Trying to get the most out of my time on this beautiful planet while also giving as much as I can to make it a better place. I’m looking for people to connect with to share ideas, joy, pleasure and new experiences. LiveFully, 28, seeking: W, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp

Torshamayo, 39, seeking: M, W, Cp

I value real relationships where people know and care about one another. I love the mountains and ocean, hiking, paddling, and camping. I believe in treating people and the environment well. I’m fascinated with the world and culture, and I’m always up for an adventure. I’m a learner and an overcomer. Looking for someone kind, empathetic, funny and curious. overlookphoto, 41 seeking: M, l

Married for two wonderful years and known each other for 12. We are honest people. We are looking for another couple to go have drinks with, go on an adventure with. We are very discreet with our lives and enjoy privacy. Good hygiene is a must, and no drugs, please, If you’re out there, we would love to meet you. kjgray8784, 38, seeking: W, Cp, l

Trying to get out and meet people. I love living in the Green Mountain State, but it’s tough to make connections. Total book nerd, cat herder, procrastinating writer and collector of (mostly) interesting facts. BookChick, 31 seeking: M, l

Wishing to find a confident, caring woman in whom I can see the “little girl” in her eyes and she can see the “little boy” in my eyes, and we smile, discover we genuinely like each other, talk, laugh, walk, hold hands and choose to always remain friends. Woodland_Sage, 74 seeking: W, l




I have a great sense of humor, down-to-earth, not afraid to talk about anything, enjoy cooking. I am romantic, sincere and respectable. I enjoy watching AMC movies, MeTV, lol. Michael1952, 69, seeking: W

My husband and I are looking for some fun with a woman or a couple to join us for some drinks and a good time. Let us know if you are interested.


Attractive, fun, practical couple. FM couple into having sexual encounters with the right lady. We love the outdoors, wet sports and sunshine. We are city kids who love Vermont and playing house in the woods. How about you? unsureinVT, 51, seeking: W, Cp, l


OK, here it goes. I am pansexual and am attracted more to the type of person you are. I enjoy fishing, camping, skinny-dipping and other outdoor activities. Looking for the same in whatever type of relationship. I’m respectful and passionate, and I have a strong desire to help others. Enjoyable1 52 seeking: W, TW, l

We are an older and wiser couple discovering that our sexuality is amazingly hot! She is interested in a threesome with another man. We’d like to go slowly, massage you with a happy ending. She’d love to be massaged with a happy ending or a dozen. Would you be interested in exploring sexuality with a hot older couple? DandNformen, 62, seeking: M, TM, NC, Cp, l






ATHLETIC, ADVENTUROUS, HONEST AND ROMANTIC I love skiing and hiking the mountains of Vermont and the Adirondacks. I also enjoy just spending the day by the ocean, a place where I find solace. I am looking for a woman who is mature, patient, kind and emotionally available who will complete me — and I, you! I would like to share new adventures and romance! carlo, 67, seeking: W, l


Looking for a friend for local hikes, dining, concerts, etc. Possible travel partner, and if love grows, that would be awesome. It’s fall 2022, and I just created this account. Will write more soon. Will send photos. Artfulllife 65 seeking: M, W, l




If you like Billy Strings or jamgrass or the Dead, etc., you should message me, ‘cause I now have an extra ticket to see him and Willie Nelson, et al., at SPAC. My last crush didn’t last. Anyway, nice guy, 420-friendly — very. Love to garden, ride around Vermont with the top down. Retired, own my house, blah blah. Happydave 66, seeking: W, l

Fun-loving, multilingual tomboy. I have a tree house where I write fiction. Looking for a pleasant, tall man to spend time with in the natural world. After a fun day in the woods or on the water, there will always be a great meal to enjoy at my camp.


Easygoing and loyal woman looking for friends first, casual dating and seeing what the future holds. Love everything about nature and being outdoors. Avid reader. Road trips. Art. Music. Wildlife. Open to trying almost anything! New experiences help us learn and open our minds. Vaccinated, boosted and masked as appropriate. Happy to share photos privately. Artfully_Outdoors 57, seeking: M

Hello, my name is Sam. I work a lot ‘cause I have nothing else to occupy my time. I like car racing, football, baseball, live concerts. I listen to most any genre of music. Samfisk70, 51, seeking: W, l

Looking for fun, sex. Can talk about it more through messages. panda 33 seeking: M

COUPLES seeking...

I giggle a lot and have a tendency to talk fast. I love to read, write, explore new towns, travel, grow flowers, dance and spend time with my dogs. I am looking for a man who will appreciate me, make me feel safe, be patient and kind — someone not afraid of honesty and who can communicate his feelings well; someone who knows himself. _bluesky_kindofday 36 seeking: M, l


I like to have fun and would so enjoy the company of a good lady who loves to have fun, too. Smoothcharacter 47, seeking: W



WOMEN seeking...


I’m very caring and understanding, honest and loyal. Looking for some good companionship — someone who is down-to-earth and doesn’t get upset easily. Verone40 40, seeking: M, l



I am a hardworking, loyal, funny person who loves to go out and have fun. I am a guitar player and country singer with a deep voice (think of Josh Turner or Johnny Cash). I love to go to karaoke nights and have a few beers and just have a good time! Looking for something genuine. Be my singing partner? guitarman328 22, seeking: W, l

I’m a graphic artist and writer, and I live in Waitsfield. I lost my second wife two years ago to Alzheimer’s. I’m 78, still healthy, love reading, movies, gentle walks in the woods and moonlight, meals together, cuddling with Amazon Prime. Very progressive, into non-duality. Everything starts with friendship and moves toward gentle intimacy. Love to hear from you. Jim D. jemd 78, seeking: W, l

MEN seeking...

We are a loving couple of over five years. Love to play and try new things. Spend free time at the ledges. Looking for people to play with. Perhaps dinner, night out and maybe breakfast in the morning. Looking for open-minded men, women or couples who enjoy fun times and new experiences. 2newAdventurers 54 seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp


Just moved to Vermont this year. I have a great sense of humor and like to laugh. I love music and like to take long drives to nowhere discovering new areas of Vermont. For fun, I like golf and bowling, and I am not good at either but have a great time. KelBelle, 53, seeking: M, l


Looking for something laidback and simple with no drama. Alivingman, 62, seeking: W, l



Am looking for mature woman to share time with. If she is industrious, all the better. I like to be outside working, walking and exploring. I like independence in a woman. I would like more activity in life. Love nature and have a dog and a cat. Trees and wood have always motivated me. Buckthorn 69, seeking: W

Baker, dog lover and avid runner. Looking for the man of my dreams. I’m the ultimate wife. Freak in the sheets. Funny, quirky, independent, type A and exciting. Open to having fun and experimenting. I’m a women who likes to take charge. Looking for well-hung lover. STD clear, please. Come read and have scones with me. Wifey101 23, seeking: M

I’m healthy, financially secure and live in a beautiful spot in central Vermont. Retired to spend more time with my dog, hiking, cooking good food, traveling, fishing and playing music — all much more fun with someone to share the enjoyment with! If you have some mutual interests, let’s meet over coffee, lunch or a short hike and discuss the future. forestman2 68 seeking: W, l

Respond to these people online: WANT RESPOND?TO You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. l See photos of this person online. W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


Fun married couple in their 30s looking for a female or couples for casual dates. We like the outdoors. 3inthevt, 36, seeking: W, Cp, Gp

BreBri2022, 37 seeking: M, W, Cp

Fiber artist, long-distance backpacker, writer, weaver, teleskier, farmer. Uses a chain saw, dresses up as needed. Never makeup or heels. Strong and physical. Sometimes wants holding and comfort. Friendships are the most important things in my life. Seeking a true partnership, committed to seeing the best in each other. Mutual support, working through difficult moments and sharing playtime are all important to me. Ann 65, seeking: M, l

My husband and I are a very happily married couple looking for a woman to add to our relationship. We have talked extensively about a third and look forward to meeting the right woman. We are a very down-to-earth, outdoor-loving couple. Very secure in our relationship. We would like a relationship with a woman with an honest persona. Outdoorduo1vt 53, seeking: W, l

Not into advertising, but sometimes I see someone in here I’d like to meet. It would be nice to hang out in the falls together. Fall, 62, seeking: M



PERPETUAL SEEKER OF WHAT’S NEXT Gregarious and fun. Looking for the same. Whether hanging out, getting out or getting lost, looking for someone to do it with. Remimic19, 52, seeking: W, l






I am new to the Richmond, Vt., area, and I am looking for someone who wants to go surfing with me and snowboarding or skiing in the winter. I love to take my dogs on walks up at Bolton, as I can let them off the leash and roam free. Azboarder23 29 seeking: W, Cp, Gp, l

We were at the bottom of the Intervale hill around 7 a.m.; you were coming down while I was starting up. We smiled, and I said “Mornin’” as you zoomed past. When: Monday, September 5, 2022. Where: Intervale Rd. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915619



Good luck and God bless,


You: lithe, short-haired blonde, pretty cream-and-black dress, black heels. Me: tall, glasses, ball cap, tomato-colored shirt, jeans. My comment on your pretty dress and how nice to see someone dressed up in Middlebury was answered with a big “ ank you” and lovely smile. I had to rush off. Care to have another coffee or perhaps lunch together?


About 12:30. We talked about the sandwiches and the stuff on the counter. You like the turkey bacon, and I like the BLT but was going with the ham. If you’re single, I would enjoy talking to you again. Hope your lunch was great. And hope to talk to you again. Gerry. When: Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Where: Essex Discount Beverage. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915595


I sang “Babylon,” and your entire table sang along to “ e Freshmen” by the Verve Pipe during my gig in Jeffersonville. I loved your enthusiasm and your silvery hair. Care to meet up for a drink? When: ursday, September 8, 2022. Where: the Village Tavern. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915621


You: attractive brunette with great tan in the self-checkout line. Would love to know where you get such a great tan! When: Sunday, August 21, 2022. Where: Shaw’s, Colchester. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915608

De Rev end,

REDHEAD, HUNGER MOUNTAIN HIKER Met you on top of Hunger Mountain. You were with two friends. Did we almost make a connection, except for me not getting it? If so, let’s do a hike together and get to know each other. When: Wednesday, August 3, 2022. Where: Hunger Mountain. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915598

e most important thing is that you don’t want your sister to count on you for childcare. If you come from the angle of never having taken care of a baby, she should understand. Who would hire a babysitter with no experience?ereareplenty of other ways to help out new parents. You could offer to run errands or do chores


Big boom. Pretty woman said the lightening was 2.3 miles away; I suggested 1,000 feet. Not a fair day for you: farmer, chef and writer. I’d like to meet again, if only to buy some veggies. HMU. When: Friday, August 26, 2022. Where: North End Laundromat. You: Man. Me: Man. #915613



You: attractive brunette with great tan wearing shorts and sandals on Sunday, noontime. We were standing next to each other. Would love to know where you go to get such a great tan. When: Sunday, August 21, 2022. Where: Shaw’s, Colchester. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915610



I HELD THE DOOR ... as you were coming out (right in front of Hannaford), and I held the door open for you. All I can say is: If I hadn’t been caught off guard by your beauty, I would’ve asked your name. Interested in getting coffee from someplace other than a gas station sometime? When: ursday, June 30, 2022. Where: Jolley’s in Middlebury. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915583

We met outside the Waterville market on the 109. We chatted about your dogs, young Daisy and her Rottweiler mom — both present in the car. You work long weeks in caregiving. Me: Chris. Gray beard, cap, dark T-shirt. You seemed very sweet and so lovely! Drop me a line here if you’d like to get in touch. When: Saturday, August 6, 2022. Where: Waterville market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915603

You: a trans woman who stopped in at my place of work to discuss a mutual project. Me: cis woman. I see you. I saw how comfortable you seemed in your own skin. I don’t know you or know your path, but I’m so proud of you for being you and being true to yourself. Keep on being you! When: Wednesday, September 7, 2022. Where: around town. You: Trans woman. Me: Woman. #915623

I offered to take photos of a dad with two young daughters. You all had such a warm and lovely energy. In an instant, I felt like I had known you a lifetime. Instead of laughing about spilling something on my shirt, I wish I’d started a conversation. I keep thinking about this lost opportunity of connecting with kindred spirits. When: Friday, June 10, 2022. Where: Overlook Park, South Burlington. You: Group. Me: Woman. #915578

You: very beautiful woman with the Die Antwoord haircut, waiting at the light near Walgreens. Me: the gentleman across the street from you waiting all the same, covered in hickeys from a couple of nights ago. Wanna gimme some more? I’m trying to start a collection of them. When: ursday, July 21, 2022. Where: across the street from Penny Cluse. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915591

You were leaving the store with your motorcycle helmet in tow and said something about forgetting something. I was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses and managed a sheepish smile. Safe travels, and if you read this and want to connect, please drop me a line. When: Sunday, August 28, 2022. Where: outside Famous Footwear. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915615

When: Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Where: Otter Creek Bakery, Middlebury. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915612

De Auntie Ono,

i Y

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 117

Send it to


around the house when they’re home. If you like to cook, you could prep some meals for the week. I’m sure your sister would appreciate any assistance that you feel more comfortable with.


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!



You: tall, pretty woman with glasses, beautiful long, curly black hair, fetching sparkly black pants/vest outfit. Me: tall man, salt/pepper hair, pink blazer and tie, kept noticing you as we walked around the Daysies party. I wanted to say hi, didn’t find the opportunity among the gaggle of revelers. Would you care to share a hello some other time soon? When: Friday, August 5, 2022. Where: Daysies party, ECHO Center. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915602


Chatting with you. Should have gotten your number. I think we should chat. When: Saturday, September 10, 2022. Where: Sandbar. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915625


To the love of my life: I see you in my dreams. I see you during my waking moments. I’ve watched you grow into the most beautiful woman, mother and best friend I could ever ask for. I look forward to the many more years to come. Your Papa Bear. When: Friday, September 9, 2022. Where: dreamland. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915624



You had a super-cute kitty in the car while you were waiting for your to-go order outside. I should have told you about how I just started bringing my cat out to the park and how we should have a little cat play date. If you see this and are single, I’d love to do that. When: ursday, August 18, 2022. Where: Tiny ai. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915611


I really hate to resort to this because it never works, and, quite honestly, if someone iSpied me, I would probably freak out. You had long, curly blond hair, were wearing black shorts/black top, and were taking a picture of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks. I walked by and said hello, and we ended up walking the same way. When: Wednesday, September 7, 2022. Where: Shelburne Farms. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915620


What’s your problem?

Auntie Ono (FEMALE, 38) REVERENDAsk  Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Saw you on Monday evening. My roommate asked you about the book you were reading from the other register while I was at yours. You had bright eyes and a warm smile. I would love to get to know you. When: Monday, June 20, 2022. Where: City Market, South End. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915576 home. prep

Finding a qualified babysitter is no small task, so you could help do some research to find the right person. And when that happens, take your sister out for a day of good old sibling bonding without the baby.

The Rev end

You were wearing a bright yellow WeeBee Oil & Lube shirt (A+ fashion choice), and I was the blonde. We hit it off! I’m posting here because I’m pretty sure I accidentally deleted a digit in your phone number while saving it, so if you read this and actually did want me to have your number, sorry and please let me know! When: Saturday, August 20, 2022. Where: Woodchuck Ciderstock. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915609

I saw you at the airport cellphone lot in a white Mercedes-Benz. You were waving frantically at a Frontier plane. If you were not waving at your husband, maybe we could fly away together. When: Monday, August 8, 2022. Where: airport. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915607


I get where you’re coming from. With all due respect to the moms and dads out there, I’ll take a puppy or a kitten over a human baby any day. Not everyone has parental instincts, and that’s absolutely OK.

Labor Day afternoon. You: in a green hoodie. Me: in a raincoat and mask. We kept crossing paths in the aisles. At the checkout line, you said it was the last time we’d do that — I hope not. Next time, let’s just go shopping together! When: Monday, September 5, 2022. Where: Montpelier Shaw’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915618

My younger sister is six months pregnant. She and her husband are very excited, and I’m happy for them, but she keeps alluding to me babysitting. I don’t have children, and I have absolutely no desire to take care of a baby, even for an hour. I’m not trying to be a jerk; I just don’t have it in me. I’ve told her before, but she seems to think I’m joking. How can I let her know I’m serious without causing a rift?

F250 BEAUTY, MCNEIL POWER PLANT 2:15 p.m. You: woman with F250 truck, headed to the beach. Me: man with CX5, headed to my deck. How about we meet in between for a drink? (We needn’t talk of yard waste.) When: Saturday, August 13, 2022. Where: McNeil power plant yard waste facility. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915606

To the brunette woman who drives for Culligan (I can’t remember your name): I just wanted to say I think you are totally sexy! Would love to get to know you sometime when you aren’t lugging jugs of water! When: ursday, August 25, 2022. Where: carrying lots of water. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915622


Submit your FREE message

Int net-Free Dating!

Chittenden County female, 52, seeking male 52 to 60. I’m veg, progressive, educated, nonsmoker, nondrinker, a dog and bird person. I love art, architecture, museums, documentaries, old classics, organic gardening and DIY projects. #1601


Required confidential info:

ISO sympathetic connection with BM stud and his woman. In need of attentive oral service. Mature WM offers body massage and friendly fulfillment of need for compatible couple. #1595

Female, 60, seeks an intelligent, curious and open man to ponder/explore things like the perfect bite of a meal, the wonder of the stars, the meaning behind a piece of art, the answers to a crossword puzzle and more. #1606

54-y/o single male seeking a 40- to 60-y/o single woman. Looking for conversation, dating and possibly more. I like the outdoors, taking walks, bonfires, karaoke and dancing. Let’s meet in Danville. Phone number, please. #L1589

Reply to these messages with real, DETAILS BELOW.

Male, 66, seeking singular female. Talk to me, you of open heart and mind, embracing the beyond within. Tell me a dream you’ve had; relate a moving poem; describe something beautiful. Paint in words: How do you experience this life? #1597

Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!


honest-to-goodness le ers.

I’m a GWM seeking gay or bi men for NSA fun. I can be discreet if needed. I’m fun and adventurous. Primarily sub but can be aggressive. Mid-central Vermont, south of Rutland. #1593




Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number.


I’m a SWM seeking a SBF. Kinkier the better. Love women’s clothes, high heels, stockings, and painted toenails. Very clean. Phone. #1605

MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters PO Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).

An open letter to all the beautiful women, couples and men with lifestyle swing interests. WM, 6’1, very handsome and adventurous. Looking for daytime fun! Let’s play! #1603

I’m a 70-y/o male seeking a woman, 60 to 75 y/o. I’m active, love the outdoors, walks on beaches and camping. Alone and lonely. Would like to meet for companionship. #1604


Romance is nice, but what I really need is “family.” Are you a bright, well-educated, optimistic, compassionate, older but active person who happens to be alone? I am convinced that there are perfectly wonderful people out there who, due to no fault of their own, have no spouse, children or significant others in their lives. Friends are great, but they are busy with their own families. It has been a particularly difficult summer with many people reuniting with family members after the long period of isolation imposed by the pandemic. Meanwhile, other people have become more lonely than ever! If you have needs similar to mine and meet the criteria set out above, I look forward to hearing from you. 74y/o female in Addison County. #1599


Older male wishes to share exhibitionist fantasies with older women. I’ll tell you mine if you share yours. Cosplay possibilities. #1608




We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Male, 66, seeking whip-smart woman for companionship and thoughtful conversations about the natural world, music, art, history, poetry, beauty, thisconsciousness,interdependence,aging,play,relationships,psychology,love,desire,happiness,gardening,loss,impermanence,meditation,physicality,mind,worldandthebeyond.


Woman, 57. Healthy, respectful, genuine. I’d like to share the last dance with a man in the country. A man who is kind, healthy and stable. A man who cares about how he treats a person and is well liked by others. Phone number, please. #1600

THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at

Gracious, attentive, educated, humorous soul seeks a fit, tender and natural female counterpart (52 to 65) to bask in autumn splendor. I prefer simplicity over complexity, quiescence over commotion and creativity over conformity. Hot cider and ginger cookies await! #1607

41-y/o male, formerly moderately handsome, now world-weary, depressed and socially isolated, looking for 30- to 50-y/o female to share time with. I’m über friendly and considerate, but years of depression and self-doubt have rendered me something of a self-hating loner. Interested to hear about you and your story. #1609

I’m a 65-y/o male seeking a 60-plus female or a trans female. Looking for single or married females and transgender females for fun. Discreet only. Live in Vermont during the summer months, Ocala, Fla., in the winter. Come play. #1596

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

1T-Sugarbush091422 1 9/13/22 9:48 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 119


EAGLEMANIA Friday, October 21 | 7:30 PM


SOWETO GOSPEL CHOIR: Hope – It’s Been A Long Time Coming Tuesday, December 13 7:30 PM







JIM BRICKMAN: Brickman Across America Saturday, October 15 | 7:30 PM

LEWIS BLACK: Off The Rails Tour 2022 Sunday, September 18 | 7:00 PM






PM TERRY FATOR Thursday, April 20 | 7:30 PM WHOSE LIVE ANYWAY? Feat. Ryan Stiles, Greg Proops, Jeff B. Davis & Joel Murray Friday, April 21 | 7:30 PM TUSK: ULTIMATE FLEETWOOD MAC EXPERIENCE Saturday, April 22 7:30 PM FRIDAY, JANUARY 20 | 7:30 PM THURSDAY, APRIL 20 | 7:30 PM A concert of hope featuring songs from South Africa’s ‘Freedom’ and the US ‘Civil Rights’ movements TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13 | 7:30 PM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 5 | 6:30 PM FRIDAY, APRIL 21 | 7:30 PM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 | 7:00 PM FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25 | 3+7 PM Full Listing2022/2023 SEASON HIGHLIGHTS GOLD SPONSORS: SEASON SPONSORS: FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 | 7:00 PM SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 | 8:00 PM PLUS NEW HD MET OPERA SEASON WITH SPECIAL GUESTS FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18 | 8:00 PM THIS WEEKEND! SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18 | 7:00 PM 1T-paramount091422 1 9/8/22 11:30 AM

SIDEWALK PROPHETS: I Believe It Now Tour Sunday, October 23 7:00 PM


BUDDY: THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY Friday, October 14 | 7:00 PM


THE FRONTMEN Saturday, November 5 7:30 PM

PHILLIP PHILLIPS: WHERE WE CAME FROM TOUR Special Guest American Authors (Acoustic) Friday, November 18 | 8:00 PM

KIP MOORE: Fire On Wheels Tour Saturday, October 29 | 8:00 PM

PINK FLOYD LASER SPECTACULAR Saturday, January 14 | 8:00 PM Top Psychic Medium FRASER January 20 | 7:30 pm MACMASTER LEAHY February 19 7:00 PM THE MUSICAL March 18 | 2 & 7 PM The Shanghai Circus March 31 | 7:30 PM April 5 6:30


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