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Composer Willverine prizes collaboration
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9/10/21 4:20 PM
emoji that RED BRICK ROAD
Vermont officials celebrated the 40th anniversary of Burlington’s Church Street Marketplace. Still a downtown destination.
That’s the record number of loon nests researchers counted in Vermont this year. In 1983, there were fewer than 10.
BTV PUNTS ON BDS Long-simmering tensions in the Middle East spilled into Burlington’s City Hall on Monday night when city councilors debated a resolution that would have endorsed a movement to pressure Israel to end its decades-long occupation of the Palestinian territories. But after hours of public comments, the resolution’s lead sponsor, Councilor Ali Dieng, said he would withdraw and send it back to a council subcommittee for further consideration. His motion passed 6-5. Dieng’s resolution supported the global “boycott, sanction and divest” movement known as BDS. Palestinians see the controversial campaign as a fight for human rights, whereas Israelis interpret it as an effort to eliminate the Jewish state. The resolution called for “justice and [a] peaceful end to Palestine and Israel conflict.” After intense backlash, though, Dieng said he realized that the resolution was one-sided and vilified Israel without recognizing the persecution of Jews. “What can we do from our municipal standpoint to promote peace and justice? That’s a question we all need to be asked,” Dieng said. Launched in 2005, the BDS movement calls on governments and corporations to stop doing business with Israel until it ends its military occupation of Arab lands, recognizes Palestinians as equals, and allows Palestinian refugees to return to their homes. The Burlington resolution
parrots those demands, calling for “nonviolent pressure on Israel” and “solidarity with the Palestinian people.” Vermonters for Justice in Palestine, a local advocacy group that helped write the Burlington resolution, successfully pressured Ben & Jerry’s in July to stop selling ice cream in Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories. The issue’s divisiveness was on full display Monday. In front of city hall before the meeting, pro-Palestinian demonstrators yelled over jeers from pro-Israel activists, who called the BDS movement antisemitic. The clash continued inside the council chamber when Jewish members of the audience started singing at the same time as the pro-Palestinian contingent’s chants of “Free, free Palestine!” When the slogan shifted to “Equal rights are human rights,” pro-Israel attendees responded, “Then tell Hamas!,” referring to the extremist Islamic group that maintains control of the Gaza Strip. Pro-Palestine and pro-Israel advocates sat shoulder to shoulder in the crowded room. Some Jews, including several rabbis, chided the council for introducing the resolution during the High Holy Days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Mayor Miro Weinberger, who is also Jewish, made a similar point in a statement released before Monday’s meeting. Read Courtney Lamdin’s full story and keep up with developments at
Vermont Supreme Court Justice Beth Robinson, a federal judgeship nominee, made her case before a U.S. Senate panel. She’d be the first openly gay woman to serve as a Court of Appeals judge.
Attorney General T.J. Donovan filed suit against several fossil fuel companies for misleading Vermonters about the climate crisis. Seeing green?
2. “DealerPolicy to Expand in Williston With $110 Million Infusion” by Anne Wallace Allen. The investment will allow the company to hire about 100 more people as it expands. 3. “Mean Gene? Report Citing Verbal Abuse by BTV Airport Director Is No Surprise to Some” by Courtney Lamdin. Two South Burlington city councilors recalled being on the receiving end of Gene Richards’ temper. 4. “Burlington City Council Fires Airport Director Gene Richards” by Courtney Lamdin. After a hearing, councilors voted 10-1 to fire the man who ran BTV. 5. “Feds Investigate Three Vermont Troopers in Fake Vaccination Card Probe” by Sasha Goldstein. Three troopers resigned after allegations that they were making fake vax cards. The FBI is investigating.
tweet of the week @HawkConnoisseur Honestly there NEEDS to be some kind of standardization of sharp cheddars I just want the most intense one. Super, Extra, Seriously,,,..,., VERMONT!! NONE OF THESE MEAN ANYTHING FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
?? ? ?? ? ??
The scene at Monday’s Burlington City Council meeting
Members of the Vermont Air National Guard attended a Winooski City Council meeting to listen to residents’ concerns about the F-35s. Two hours wasn’t enough.
1. “CVU Student Goes Viral After Flipping Off Anti-Mask Protesters” by Chelsea Edgar. Glenn Russell’s photo of a student gesturing from a school bus window was a bird seen round the world.
The Williston team at Fenway Park
Josh Kantor is used to getting song requests of all kinds. As the organist at Boston’s Fenway Park, he solicits selections from fans on Twitter and then plays snippets during Red Sox games. Though he’s spent 19 years with the Sox, and 10 taking requests, Kantor got a new one earlier this month: “Raining Blood” by Slayer. “I will be with our VT Little League State Champ team and need to expose them to quality music and organ,” an unnamed Twitter user messaged Kantor ahead of the September 7 game. “How could I even consider saying no to this?” Kantor tweeted in response, delighting some of his 10,800 followers.
So between innings that night, Kantor pumped out the first 30 seconds or so of the thrash metal classic, with its distinctive guitar riff. Among those listening in the seats were Tony D’Amato, his 10-year-old son Quinn, and several teammates from the Vermont Little League state champion Williston 8-10 AllStars. D’Amato, an assistant coach for the Little League team, acknowledged that he’d made the request. The song has “a pretty distinctive opening — one of the better metal riffs ever written,” D’Amato said. “So he did a great job with it.” D’Amato said the family of the late Mike Benevento donated the tickets to the team. Benevento was a devoted supporter of local
Little League baseball who died of a heart attack in June. The Red Sox Foundation posthumously named Benevento the Vermont Volunteer of the Year, and the game tickets were part of the award. D’Amato said it was a thrilling night for the kids, who got there early to watch batting practice and got to hear some “quality music.” “You play a lot of baseball when you win it all,” D’Amato said of the team. “They’re a very bonded group. So it was nice to have one final moment for them to all be together and having a good time watching baseball — and getting a little bit of Slayer slipped in there, too.” SASHA GOLDSTEIN SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
AOIFE O’DONOVAN with special guests
publisher & editor-in-chief
Paula Routly
deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editor Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,
Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen politicAl columnist Mark Johnson
A R T S & C U LT U R E coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Adams, Jordan Barry,
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Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros
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Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka
mArketing & events director Corey Grenier sAles & mArketing coordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business mAnAger Marcy Carton director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Jeremy Day CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Luke Baynes, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, James Buck, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur FOUNDERS
Pamela Polston, Paula Routly
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C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec. DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Jeremy Day, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Peter Lind, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Dan Nesbitt, David Schein, Dan Thayer, Andy Watts With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st clAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st clAss: $275. 6-month 3rd clAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd clAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
I am an out-of-stater who visits your area often. I am impressed with the people and atmosphere every time I visit. I was very surprised by this article [“Tax Burdened,” August 18], though. I have been in the real estate field since 1996 and am familiar with increases in taxes and abatements. Here is what I have been saying for years: No one has an issue with paying taxes to keep their community open at the local, state or federal branch. The tax increases are based on a millage rate and the valuation of your property. I have never heard of waiting 16 years to reassess property. In addition, I have no idea why Burlington City Hall hired a separate company to conduct these reassessments. What are the city assessors doing, and why would this process take until December? Crazy. In Massachusetts, this process is start-tofinish each January. What is the real cost to keep communities open? Folks, your taxes are also feeding the massive and numerous public employee pension funds. After 30 years on the job, a retired public employee receives 80 percent of their final salary every year with cost-of-living increases. Look it up. How many are on this program today? This is what is driving taxes so high. Vermonters are great at getting things changed. You are looked up to in this country. The public retirement program is what Vermont should focus on changing next. And your U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders should, too. Chris Bloom HADLEY, MA
Dear Burlington City Councilors: We do not need a new municipal department for waste management [“Dumpster Divining,” July 28]. If you’re itching to ask the public for bond funding, make it for a new high school, not this. Priorities, please. As for the “hybrid option,” I have a trash/compost hauler I am very happy with, and I don’t believe that the city can actually do better on price — not when the far-from-incidental costs, such as creating several new full-time positions, are factored in. It’s also unclear whether the hybrid option would actually reduce
the number of trucks. It is, however, likely to put some smaller composting startups out of business or force them to go farther afield for customers. (So much for lowered emissions and traffic.) Please focus on the truly critical things that need your undivided attention right now. Those issues are as follows: 1) Find funding and community support for a new high school and tech center; 2) address the deteriorating safety of our city (including but not limited to the spate of recent gunfire incidents, one of which shut down the Edmunds campus on its third day of school); and 3) tackle the increasingly egregious price tag of living in this city, for renters and homeowners alike — a problem that has been greatly exacerbated by the recent botched, amateurish and arbitrary citywide property reappraisal. Those three “must-address” issues should keep you plenty busy. Once those have been dealt with, you can turn your attention to the “nice-to-have” items. Nelson Caldwell
Thanks to Fair Game [“The Deluge Problem,” August 18] for explaining how fossilfueled climate catastrophe is making Lake Champlain cleanup more difficult and expensive. This timely reporting coincides with the end of another recordbreaking summer of heat, wildfire and drought. Yet the connection between climate change and lake pollution is not new information. Fifteen years ago, Conservation Law Foundation successfully sued the federal Environmental Protection Agency
— and, by extension, the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources — over the weak framework for lake cleanup. The legal complaint explained that these government officials “completely failed to consider then-existing, widely-known, peer-reviewed scientific findings demonstrating an ongoing and increasing trend of accelerated climate change,” including “then-occurring and predicted climate change-induced changes in precipitation and their effect on the magnitude and timing of runoff, increasing pollutant loads flushed into waters from failing or overwhelmed waste management systems,” and more. Back in 2006, Vermont ANR officials fiercely opposed CLF over these issues. Sadly, ANR Secretary Julie Moore’s more recent acknowledgment that climate change challenges lake cleanup has not translated into a sense of urgency when it comes to clamping down on major pollution sources, such as foul runoff from dairy operations, commercial strip development and municipal storm drain discharge pipes. Meanwhile, ANR has been overly aggressive in placing ever more hurdles in the way of renewable energy projects that will help Vermont do its share to slow climate change and build a more secure electrical grid powered with homegrown energy. In the struggle to clean up the lake and create climate solutions, actions speak louder than words. Anthony Iarrapino
Iarrapino is a former senior attorney for the Conservation Law Foundation.
Standing Trees Vermont would like to thank Kevin McCallum for his reporting and Seven Days for publishing the article “Clear-Cut? Climate Crisis Spawns a Push to Ban Logging in the Green Mountain National Forest” [August 18]. It is important that Vermonters know about the increased logging in our Green Mountain National Forest. We would like to clarify how much of our Green Mountain National Forest is being slated for logging. The four most recently approved U.S. Forest Service plans — South of Route 9 Integrated Resource Project, Rochester Integrated Resource Project, Early Successional Habitat Creation Project and the Somerset Integrated Resource Project — have approved logging of more than 43,000 acres. This is 10 percent of the roughly 400,000 acres of our Green Mountain National Forest. And this does not include other previously approved plans and the upcoming Telephone Gap Integrated Resource Project. All these plans are being approved based on the 2006 Green Mountain National Forest’s Forest Management Plan. Per the National Forest Management Act, this plan is out of date. It does not include current science related to the importance of forests for biodiversity, carbon sequestration, clean water and their ability to reduce the impacts of extreme weather events projected to increase with climate change, protecting communities from natural disasters. If others are interested in joining our efforts to have the U.S. Forest Service change its management approach for our Green Mountain National Forest, they can reach us at our website, Mark Nelson
Nelson is a member of Standing Trees Vermont.
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contents SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021 VOL.26 NO.50
The Scale
Dorrance Dance, Tuesday, October 5, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Lyndon Institute Auditorium, Lyndon Center, $15-58; free for students.
Poke Bar
What a Rush
Resetting the Stage
Local presenters eye the 2021-22 performing arts season with optimism and caution
NEWS & POLITICS 13 From the Publisher Solar Powers
With purchase of SunCommon, Williston’s iSun eyes wider horizons in the solar industry
Dividing Line
Federal vaccine mandate prompts Vermont businesses to take a stand
Breaking Through
Months after they got vaccinated, Kate and Bill Schubart came down with COVID-19
Step by Step
Vermont Dance Alliance celebrates past successes and new leadership
Pit Crew
Home on the Grange
Baron Wormser’s latest novel invokes the voice of a young Bob Dylan
Junk Status
Author S. Lee Manning combines passion for laughter and espionage at a novel event
The VSO and VYOA gear up for a new season of concerts
The Killing Joke
In the Northeast Kingdom, Modern Times Theater sparks an entertainment revolution Art review: Kevin Donegan, Flynndog Gallery
Most Valuable Player Willverine is on a mission to collaborate
Luiza Bloomberg feeds UVM fraternity brothers8v-scalepoke080421 1 — and pranks them
Baked goods come with good company at Thompson’s Flour Shop — since 1994
40 99 YORK STREET, LYNDON CORNER MLS4854501 Downtown convenience without the high cost! Located in lovely Lyndon Corner, this 3BR/2BA village home offers high speed internet, new kitchen and bathrooms, hardwood floors, and a large grassy lot on a quiet street. Affordably priced at $167,400
FALL 2021
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Homes, design & real estate 10
6 Vintage-inspired cabin décor in St. Albans
Between March and August of this year, SUPPORTED BY: Mike Santosusso visited all 100 covered bridges in Vermont on his motorcycle, a 2000 Honda Nighthawk 750. Eva Sollberger met up with him at the Holmes Creek Covered Bridge in Charlotte to hear about his adventures.
New Frameworks
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6/8/21 9:44 AM
Farm Fresh At Nordic Farms, teamwork makes the dream work. Every Thursday through October 7, the Nordic Farmers’ Collaborative comes together in Charlotte to deliver Nordic Nite Out, an evening of delicious food, fresh produce and other flavorsome fodder. This week, Open Heart Pizza serves sourdough flatbreads, and locavores peruse the farmstand for Slowfire Bakery pastries, Sweet Sound Aquaculture shrimp and Foam Brewing beer.
Much Ado About Nordstrom
Hellenic hullabaloo breaks out over a Tickle Me Elmo, two Amazon warehouse workers find Shakespearean absolution, and a commedia dell’arte unfolds at an IKEA in Loose Canon at the Grange Theater in South Pomfret. This series of short comedies takes aim at our consumerist culture in the style of canonical playwrights, every piece a new, hilarious stop at a historical strip mall.
RHYTHM OF REBIRTH Dartmouth College’s Hopkins Center for the Arts kicks off its 2021-22 season with Ragamala Dance’s Fires of Varanasi. Choreographed by motherdaughter duo Ranee and Aparna Ramaswamy, the show explores themes of death, rebirth and diaspora through a colorful, theatrical display of South Indian Bharatanatyam dance.
Writer for the Refugees Short story author Ana Menéndez steps onto the Vermont Studio Center’s virtual stage for a reading. A former Fulbright Scholar and current associate professor at Florida International University, Menéndez won the Pushcart Prize for the title story in her debut collection In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 63
Brew Unto Others ONGOING
True Colors Through September 30, Northern Daughters in Vergennes hosts “Holding Ground,” a joint exhibit of art by Pamela Smith and Anne Cady, two celebrated Vermont painters who work in luminous colors and soothing vibes. Smith’s folksy portraits of women and children exude warmth and quirky sensibilities, while Cady’s landscapes overflow with vibrancy and calm country rhythms. SEE GALLERY LISTING ON PAGE 51 “Finding Peace in the Faraway” by Anne Cady
Submit your upcoming events at
Stowe locals grab their lederhosen and raise a glass to fall at Von Trapp Brewing’s Oktoberfest 2021. Visitors to the Bierhall savor entrées of schnitzel, goulash and vegan bratwursts; tap their toes to Bavarian beats from Vermont band Inseldudler; and — of course — quaff pints of lager straight from the keg. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 63
Stages of Grief Vermont Interfaith Action hosts a COVID-19 Memorial Service on the Statehouse lawn in Montpelier to honor the lives of those lost to the pandemic. Gov. Phil Scott, health commissioner Dr. Mark Levine and clergy from various religions speak. The name of every Vermonter who has passed from COVID-19 is read aloud at this nondenominational ceremony. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 64
Featuring: 30+ pet-centric vendors, Chase Away 5K Fun Run + Walk, The Buzz Bash Crew from 99.9, Ultimate Air Dogs dock diving competitions, space-themed costume contest @ noon, live music from The Dog Catchers, bouncy obstacle course, tie dye, games, and other family friendly activities. Plus, food trucks and beer tent!
4-H Teen & Leadership Program: UVM Extension. Blue Star Mothers of Vermont. A Canine Gem Rescue. Chase Away K9 Cancer. Emma’s Foundation for Canine Cancer. Franklin County Animal Rescue. Golden Huggs Rescue. Good Karma Rescue. Green Mountain Animal Defenders. Green Mountain Pug Rescue. Homeward Bound: Humane Society of Addison County. Humane Society of Chittenden County. Justice for Dogs. Lucy’s House for the Prevention of Homeless Pets. North Country Animal League. Passion 4 Paws. Pibbles and More. Pope Memorial Frontier Animal Shelter. Potter’s Angels Rescue. Rescue Me VT. Rutland County Humane Society. Safe Haven Critter Rescue. Therapy Dogs of Vermont. Vermont Disaster Animal Response Team. Vermont English Bulldog Rescue. Vermont Police Canine Association. Veterinary Efforts in Giving to Animals. Wild In Vermont.
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9/10/21 4:23 PM
In the Spotlight
It’s fitting that Seven Days is publishing its annual Performing Arts Preview the same week that the State of Vermont is recognizing the lifetime achievement of our cofounder and former coeditor Pamela Polston. Every year the Vermont Arts Council honors a short list of creative people who have significantly enhanced the state we call home. Five award categories showcase the variety. Pamela is in good company with poet and professor Sydney Lea of Newbury; Mara Williams, longtime curator at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center; Steffen Parker of Williston, who has directed the Vermont All State Music Pamela Polston Festival for a quarter century; and Lydia Clemmons of the in the Seven Days historic Clemmons Family Farm in Charlotte. newsroom, circa 2001 Pamela is receiving the Walter Cerf Medal for Outstanding Achievement in the Arts, named for a philanthropist who gave away more than $5 million to the state’s arts organizations. It recognizes individuals “who have made a sustained contribution to the arts and had an impact on Vermont’s cultural life.” Past recipients include writer Chris Bohjalian, cartoonist Alison Bechdel, poet and playwright David Budbill, and former Flynn Center executive director Andrea Rogers. By selecting Pamela, a journalist, the council acknowledges that critiquing, promoting and writing about Vermont culture, week after week, is crucial to maintaining it. At Seven Days, it was Pamela’s job to find and assign stories — and she wrote a ton of them. She also recruited and edited arts writers and responded to countless story pitches. Her long service to Vermont artists and cultural institutions has given them something just as valuable as donations and ovations: ink. Choosing what to cover — and how — is an art in itself, one that Pamela quietly mastered. Thankfully, she also found time to mentor staffers Dan Bolles and Elizabeth M. Seyler, who have taken over her duties as culture editor. The job is so vast, though, that the two of them are sharing it. Pamela will continue to assemble the visual art section of Seven Days, compiling our comprehensive gallery listings, as well as reviewing and spotlighting exhibitions — until she finds a suitable replacement for that, too. Training the next generation of culture writers and editors is an important part of Pamela’s legacy. So is this annual Performing Arts Preview, which for years she and I reported and wrote ourselves. On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, when terrorists attacked our country, Seven Days was on deadline, producing a newspaper about the new performing arts season. We ran a syndicated story about the national tragedy, but we didn’t have enough staff to pivot to a new plan. It was embarrassing at the time, but looking back, celebrating the creative spirit during a Interested in becoming a Super Reader? time of great uncertainty seems brave in a way. Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top I have similar feelings about this week’s paper, of Or send a check with published during the ongoing pandemic. We all your address and contact info to: need something to look forward to. In Vermont, SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS at summer’s end, that’s always been a fresh slate P.O. BOX 1164 BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 of live shows. Thanks to the state’s intrepid arts presenters for stepping up and giving our For more information on making a financial culture staff — past, present and future — so contribution to Seven Days, please contact much to write about. Katie Hodges: And thanks to the artists for lighting a way VOICEMAIL: 802-865-1020, EXT. 110 through the dark. EMAIL: SUPERREADERS@SEVENDAYSVT.COM
Paula Routly
ACLU Accuses Burlington Officials of Running a ‘Campaign of Misinformation’
Mark Johnson and Fair Game return next week
Solar Powers
With purchase of SunCommon, Williston’s iSun eyes wider horizons in the solar industry B Y D E REK BR OUW ER •
decade ago, SunCommon was just learning how to be a company. It had spun off from nonprofit political advocacy org Vermont Public Interest Research Group, and its employees were going house to house, community organizer-style, to persuade Vermonters to put solar panels on their roofs. Their unusual marketing tactics worked, but then SunCommon had to deliver and install those rooftop photovoltaic cells. SunCommon found a partner in the Peck Company, an established Vermont electrical contractor that was looking for a way into the burgeoning renewables market. The partnership was successful but short-lived; SunCommon quickly grew into the largest residential solar provider in Vermont and created its own team of 14
installers. Peck, meanwhile, found other ways to continue tapping into solar, eventually going public on the NASDAQ stock exchange and, earlier this year, buying another Vermont solar provider, iSun, and adopting its name. Now the companies have reunited, joining forces to become a big regional player just as the industry appears poised to take off. Last week, iSun, based in Williston, acquired the Waterbury-based SunCommon for $40 million in cash and stock. The combined company has a foothold in every level of the solar industry, from car-charging stations to rooftop projects to industrial-scale arrays — and ambitions to grow throughout the East Coast. “We want to expand the adoption and accelerate the adoption of renewable
energy,” iSun’s chair and CEO, Jeffrey Peck, said in an interview. “And we think the best way to do that is to take what we’ve done here in Vermont, and what we’ve learned, and really export that to other areas.” The deal was announced just as President Joe Biden’s administration unveiled an ambitious plan to draw nearly half the nation’s electrical power from the sun by 2050 — a tenfold increase from the 4 percent currently generated by solar power. Such a revolution would require an enormous public investment that is far from certain to materialize. But the goal
» P.20
The American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont is accusing Burlington’s mayor and top cop of peddling “false narratives” about a Queen City crime spike that is not borne out by data. In a letter shared with media outlets last Thursday, ACLU of Vermont general counsel Jay Diaz said that Mayor Miro Weinberger and acting Police Chief Jon Murad have wrongly blamed recent gunfire incidents on the city council’s decision last year to cut the Burlington Police Department’s staffing. These “scare tactics,” Diaz wrote, have misled the public into thinking that Burlington has become a more dangerous place. “This campaign of misinformation is evidently designed to instill fear, direct more funding to BPD, and undermine the progress the city has made up to this point,” Diaz wrote in the six-page letter, which he addressed to Weinberger. “It is not, however, supported by the facts — including BPD’s own data.” The ACLU analyzed crime data between the months of January and August and found that police incidents have steadily fallen since 2016, from 26,000 that year to 14,000 in 2021. The same trend holds for violent crime: The city reported 490 violent incidents during the first eight months of 2016 and has reported fewer each year since, down to a fiveyear low of 359 in 2021. The ACLU letter represents the latest volley in the heated clash over whether efforts to reform Burlington policing have come at the expense of public safety. That question will continue to loom large as the city council prepares to receive a longawaited outside assessment of the department. Weinberger responded to the letter with a written statement that said he welcomed Diaz’s endorsement of the city’s police reform efforts to date. But the mayor took issue with Diaz’s “flawed analysis” and said that it should not “carry the day” as the city ponders BPD’s future. “His dismissal of the significance of the recent dramatic increase in gunfire incidents, and failure to understand that there is a direct relationship between police investment and violent crime is badly out of touch with the major challenges facing the Police Department today,” Weinberger wrote. m
Dividing Line
Wellness at every age • Modern, bright fitness space
Federal vaccine mandate prompts Vermont businesses to take a stand
• Aquatics center with 2 pools
isa Groeneveld was 20 years old when Winooski River floodwaters swamped her parents’ cobbler shop in Montpelier in 1992. Nearly all the inventory was destroyed; she saw tears in her father’s eyes, a memory that haunts her. But Groeneveld, a Barre native who owns the fast-growing OnLogic computer hardware company in South Burlington, was also moved by how quickly strangers appeared bearing tools, doughnuts and offers of assistance. They stayed for as long as it took to help her parents get back on their feet. Now that Vermont is facing another crisis, Groeneveld views getting vaccinated against COVID-19 as similar to the actions of those long-ago volunteers: as an opportunity for community members to help one another recover from a
disaster. Groeneveld said she wishes that everyone would decide on their own to get their shots, in the interest of helping the community recover from the pandemic. But she’s realistic about holdouts: OnLogic required that its 160 U.S. employees be vaccinated by August 23. “We were probably one of the first organizations in our industry to say, ‘Listen, this is what we’re doing, not just for ourselves but for our neighbors,’” she said. OnLogic may soon have plenty of company. Last Thursday, the White House issued a “Path Out of the Pandemic” plan that requires companies with 100 or more employees to make sure workers are vaccinated or tested weekly. The plan also requires vaccinations for millions of federal workers and contractors. The measure hasn’t gone into effect yet. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is working on a rule that
• Family + Youth Programs
covers it, and court challenges are widely anticipated. Vermont has about 350 private firms with 100 or more employees, according to the Vermont Department of Labor. That’s just 1.5 percent of its private companies, but they comprise 44.7 percent of the state’s private-sector employment, said the labor department’s chief economist, Mat Barewicz. Vermont Chamber of Commerce president Betsy Bishop said her group supports the White House order, seeing it as a “natural next step.” The idea of requiring vaccinations started to gain energy in midsummer as the Delta variant sent COVID-19 infection rates soaring throughout the country. Vermont consistently ranks first in the country for its immunization rate — now at 77.8 percent fully vaccinated among those 12 and older — and Gov. Phil Scott’s administration has made vaccines the centerpiece of its recovery strategy, setting up dozens of free clinics around the state. Employers and institutions have followed suit: Most of Vermont’s colleges and universities require students to be vaccinated. And, starting on October 1, the University of Vermont Health Network’s 7,000 employees must be vaccinated or take weekly COVID-19 tests. Scott has said repeatedly that closing the vaccination gap is the best path to recovery, and earlier this month he announced that about 8,000 state government employees would be required to get the shots. Those who don’t must wear masks on the job and undergo weekly testing. Shortly after President Joe Biden announced the federal vaccination mandate, Scott tweeted his support, writing that he appreciates “the President’s continued prioritization of vaccination and the country’s recovery as we move forward.” The governor has been encouraging private businesses of all sizes to mandate vaccines, said his spokesperson, Jason Maulucci.
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9/14/21 4:46 PM
news Mask-related mandates have sparked outrage and even violence in some states, and Vermont has had its share of minor confrontations, too. All but one of the state’s school districts require masks indoors. But the vaccination mandate for businesses is new. “This plan will ensure that we are using every available tool to combat COVID-19 and save even more lives in the months ahead, while also keeping schools open and safe, and protecting our economy from lockdowns and damage,” the White House said. Like OnLogic, Twincraft Skincare, which employs about 300 people, is already there. The Winooski-based soap and lotion maker started requiring the shots on August 23. Everyone at the company must show their vaccination card, and anyone who can’t or won’t has to wear a mask at work. Ninety-two percent of Twincraft’s workers are vaccinated, said Michele Asch, the company’s vice president of leadership and organizational development. Her husband, Peter, cofounded the business. “We did have about 15 employees get vaccinated as a result of us saying, ‘You have to do this,” Asch said. As for the White House mandate, “I’m not surprised, and I agree with it,” said Asch. The rise of the Delta variant, she pointed out, has caused supply chain disruptions and strained the health care system. Asch noted that in harder-hit states, some hospitals have had to refuse patients because they are full. Vaccination, she said, is “just something we have to do.” The Waterbury solar firm SunCommon, which has 200 employees, also started requiring vaccinations on August 23. (See page 14 for more on the company.) “After that announcement, one [employee] moved on,” copresident Duane Peterson said. About half a dozen employees used an on-site vaccination clinic to get their shots and keep their jobs, he added. Many Vermont business leaders have said it’s too soon to know what impact the White House mandate will have. Nationally and in Vermont, more than 95 percent of all businesses have fewer than 100 employees and won’t be affected. Board members for Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility, a nonprofit business trade organization, were planning to meet this week to come up with policy recommendations on masks and vaccines for state leaders, said executive director Roxanne Vought. “This is very new for us,” she said. 16
Dividing Line « P.15
Michele Asch
Some businesses are not happy with the federal mandate. TJ Kingsbury, who owns Kingsbury Companies, a construction firm in Middlesex, said forcing businesses to require vaccinations is going too far. He won’t be affected by the federal mandate because he has about 80 workers. “My employees tend to be more conservative, and they like to have their rights,” Kingsbury said. He’s vaccinated, he said,
shortage of truck drivers has worsened significantly in the last 18 months. “It’s one more credential that an employee has to go out and get so I can employ them,” he said. Some workers did leave OnLogic as a result of that company’s mandate, Groeneveld said. The company doesn’t require proof of vaccination. “Any employees who weren’t going to get the vaccine for medical purposes or
but “I like to allow my folks to have their privacy, and I don’t push into the details of their personal lives. I just think that’s good business.” If workers quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated or tested weekly, Kingsbury added, employers will suffer. The construction industry has had trouble finding workers for years, and he said a
firmly held faith reasons were open and up front about that, so we could take that into consideration,” she said. “And then anyone else on the team who decided not to be vaccinated for other reasons, we had a very different kind of conversation with those folks.” Asch is not worried that the Twincraft mandate will deter job applicants. And she
said it’s OK if it does. Her primary concern is getting out of the pandemic. “We have a healthy culture; we’re a growing manufacturer, and people are well compensated with benefits,” she said. “We want to employ folks who want to help take care of each other.” Kingsbury, too, said it’s critical that something change. “We’re never going to get out ahead of this pandemic if we don’t get more creative,” he said. But he stopped short of saying vaccinations are the solution. “I know there is a large group of folks claiming the unvaccinated population are the ones who are spreading this,” he said. “I’m not a doctor. I don’t know the science well enough to comment. That could very well be the truth.” But employers shouldn’t have to enforce public health rules, he said. “I don’t like being put in that position,” he said. “I don’t think that is our duty.” Groeneveld, though, thinks it’s her duty — and the duty of each Vermonter. “You don’t drive past your neighbor [stuck] in the snowbank,” she said. To her, refusing to get the vaccine is a decision not to help. “Why would you just drive on by? Personally, I am flummoxed.” m
Care Board Approves UVM Medical Center Rate Hike, Asks for ‘Access Crisis’ Plan
Celebrating 45 42 very comfortable years!
B Y COL I N FL A ND ERS • A reluctant Green Mountain Care Board on Monday endorsed a $1.5 billion budget for the University of Vermont Medical Center that will allow the Burlington hospital to charge commercial insurers 6 percent more for services. The budget will allow the hospital to collect an additional 6 percent — or $200 million — in net patient revenue. That’s well above the 3.5 percent ceiling that the board had recommended for fiscal year 2022. Even as they approved it, the regulators expressed unease at the steep insurance charge hike, which will likely lead to higher prices for ratepayers. But the board ultimately decided that the medical center needs the additional revenue to confront its long-standing
University of Vermont Medical Center
access problems, which were thrust back into the public eye earlier this month in a Seven Days cover story. “What’s kept me up at night is that approving a 6 percent commercial rate is really tough to swallow,” said board member Jessica Holmes. “But what’s tougher for me to swallow is thinking that if we reduce it below that, we as a board will be ... limiting the resources necessary for the medical center to address what I think we all see now as a patient access crisis.” More than two dozen patients told Seven Days last month that they had endured frustrating and sometimes debilitating waits for appointments at the UVM Medical Center, a yearslong situation that the pandemic has worsened. The backlogs have increased pressure on frontline workers, who say they no longer feel they can provide the highest level of care. Many are now considering leaving the hospital. Human Services Secretary Mike Smith announced an investigation, saying his agency will examine all Vermont hospitals in hopes of figuring out why delays for specialty and primary care exist and what can be done to shorten them. Days later, the Green Mountain Care Board announced that it, too, would assist with the probe. Regulators took
their first step on Monday. They ordered the UVM Medical Center to develop a strategic plan for reducing wait times and requiring that health network leaders submit quarterly progress reports moving forward. It’s unclear when the strategic plan will be due, but a letter from UVM Health Network president and CEO John Brumsted to the board last week previewed what it’s likely to say. Brumsted detailed steps the medical center has taken to reduce wait times, from ramping up recruitment efforts to employing technology to better use the resources it already has. He outlined how the state could attract more health care workers, emphasizing the need for investments in housing, education and loan forgiveness. And he requested that the state increase Medicaid payments to help shift some costs off private insurers. But Brumsted wrote that what the medical center needs most is the financial “flexibility” to respond to the crisis. “We are seeing the effects of multiple years of lean budgets,” Brumsted wrote. “We are efficient and low-cost, and will remain so, but we need to have enough revenue to invest in our people and our facilities. Without that, now and in the future, we will not be able to recruit and retain the talent we need.” The medical center entered the budget cycle on solid financial ground. Budget documents show that the hospital projects a $1.2 billion fund balance, providing about 184 days of cash on hand. It also projected a $127 million surplus in fiscal year 2021, thanks in large part to a massive infusion of federal coronavirus aid. Still, health network leaders maintain that the UVM Medical Center needs additional funding to combat the wait-times crisis and prepare for the future. The message seemed to resonate with regulators, who came close to approving the UVM Medical Center’s proposal in full. They granted the medical center’s proposed 6 percent patient revenue growth target while trimming only one percentage point from its requested 7 percent private insurance increase — a figure that health network leaders said was necessary to compensate for the paltry reimbursement rates of government plans. The reduction will result in about $5 million less revenue. m
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9/13/21 7/2/19 10:46 10:18 AM
Breaking Through
Months after they got vaccinated, Kate and Bill Schubart came down with COVID-19 B Y A NNE WAL L A CE ALLE N • BEAR CIERI
ate Schubart’s Spanish conversation class had just started meeting in person again, after more than a year on Zoom, when she started feeling cold symptoms on August 5. For a while, she attributed her sniffles, fatigue and slight fever to a summer cold. Schubart, who is 79, had been vaccinated against COVID-19 in February. She assumed that it was unlikely she had contracted the virus; she had kept a low profile over the previous several months, staying at home in Hinesburg with her husband, writer Bill Schubart. She wore a mask almost all the time in public, even this summer after state officials said it was safe for vaccinated people to stop doing so. But with several out-of-town visitors headed to the Schubarts’ home in August, Kate took a COVID-19 test, and the result on August 8 was positive. Bill received a positive test result two days later. Kate was surprised. “I had been taking precautions,” she said. “The Delta variant was just taking off, and so breakthrough cases hadn’t been reported here. And we live in Hinesburg; it’s rural.” The Schubarts experienced what many Vermonters did at midsummer: a rude awakening to the limitations of the vaccines. In June and July, Vermont’s COVID-19 infection rates were low. Its vaccination rates were the highest in the nation, and state officials were urging people to get out and enjoy the social activities they had been missing. “Most of us had been lulled into the idea that we didn’t even necessarily have to wear masks,” said Bill. “We were opening up our lives again.” Coming down with a breakthrough, or postvaccination, infection probably wouldn’t surprise many people now, just six weeks later. After Vermonters enjoyed a brief respite from COVID-19 fears this summer, the Delta variant, which had been gaining ground around the country, sent infection rates soaring again in the Green Mountain State. For the Schubarts, enjoying the activities they’d been missing meant visiting with family. Kate had recently connected with her mother’s Russian relatives through the DNA testing service 23andMe, and they were headed to Hinesburg in August. Adult children with kids too young to be vaccinated were also set to arrive
Kate and Bill Schubart with their cat Bridget
from Brooklyn and London. And a Serbian exchange student was on her way to live with the Schubarts, preparing to spend a year attending Champlain Valley Union High School. Testing positive threw the couple’s life into brief chaos. The Russian visitors were diverted to a hotel, and the Schubarts met with them outdoors at Shelburne Farms, not over the dinner table in Hinesburg as planned. By the time Kate’s family arrived, she had received a negative test result, but Bill was still testing positive. He moved to a friend’s condo in Shelburne, taking with him the exchange student, who was vaccinated and had had two negative test results. “There was so much concern and so much worry that I just made a decision that it was not the time to see them,” he said of the visiting families. “We knew we’d see them at Thanksgiving or Christmas or when things settled down.” That was back when it seemed likely that things would settle down, Bill said on Sunday. Now, he’s less sure they will, or what that would look like.
“If we finally get our arms around vaccine mandates, this will be like the flu; it will be manageable,” he said. “I am reminding myself of what we don’t know, rather than what we do know, because so much of what we thought we knew has been wrong.” Breakthrough infections were a surprise this summer to pretty much
everyone. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is still scrambling to assess the risk of a vaccinated person contracting COVID-19 or dying from it. But state and federal health officials repeatedly assure the public that vaccines lower the chance of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 or dying. A CDC study released this month said unvaccinated people are 11 times more likely to die from COVID-19 than those who are fully vaccinated. The Vermont Department of Health reported on September 8 that among Vermont’s 442,000 fully vaccinated residents, 1,906 had tested positive since January. Fifty-one had been hospitalized, and 18 had died. Bill and Kate are pretty sure where Bill got the virus — from Kate. They’re still puzzling over where she got it; they speculate it was at a nearby grocery store, Lantman’s Market, which closed for a week in August due to an outbreak, or at a church where she attended a funeral among many people who didn’t wear masks.
Most of the couple’s cold-like symptoms cleared up within two weeks. But both Schubarts, gourmands who love to entertain and have two kitchens at their home, lost their senses of taste and smell. Those are only now slowly returning. “There were things I was eating that tasted like old corrugated pizza boxes,” Bill said. The virus also left them with a feeling they described as lassitude. Bill spoke of beautiful, clear summer days that he’d ordinarily spend working out in the yard. Since the diagnosis, he hasn’t had the energy. He also thinks that the virus has caused a kind of depression. “It’s not clinical depression; it’s circumstantial depression — what we used to call in the ’60s and ’70s ‘existential dread,’” he said. He attributed it to the harm and uncertainty of the pandemic. “Those are the things that have lingered with me.” Kate had to share news of her infection with everyone in her Spanish conversation class, which meets in the parish hall of the United Church of Hinesburg. She’s grateful nobody in the class tested positive. “COVID has been a lesson in what we don’t control,” she said. Shortly before his own positive test, Bill had attended an outdoor dinner in his honor at the Vermont College of Fine Arts, where he had served as a board member for 12 years, the last five as chair. He notified attendees afterward that he’d received a positive test. Bill, who grew up in Morrisville, is a public intellectual who has served as a board member and adviser to more than a dozen Vermont nonprofits and educational institutions. He’s taught courses on music, technology and business at the University of Vermont and has published several books. And he’s a longtime and active analyst when it comes to governance, be it private, public or individual. He writes regularly on the management of Vermont’s health care system and other institutions. Observing the pandemic and the state’s response, Schubart said he tries hard to stay open-minded about people who don’t follow health guidelines aimed at stemming the infection rate. Asked about COVID-19’s likely impact in Vermont and the world at large, Bill, like Gov. Phil Scott’s administration, sees vaccinations as the best way out of the pandemic. “I am trying to modulate my anger against those who believe that vaccines and mask mandates diminish their freedom and have no sense of the responsibilities that come with freedom,” he said. “I am trying hard to remain open to engaging with those people.” m
DealerPolicy to Expand in Williston With $110 Million Infusion BY AN NE WAL L AC E AL L E N DealerPolicy, a Williston software company founded just five years ago, has obtained $110 million in investment funding and plans to hire about 100 people as it expands. In Vermont, deals of around $5 million still garner notice. That $110 million is more than the combined venture investing in 31 companies in the state last year, said Cairn Cross, whose Shelburne company, FreshTracks Capital, was a minor player in the DealerPolicy deal. The financing could draw interest and build confidence in companies based in Chittenden County and Vermont, said Jeff Couture of the Vermont Technology Alliance. “Investment draws other investment, or at least draws the attention” of people who keep track of business deals nationally, said Couture. He noted that some employees drawn to Vermont by the fast-growing software company years ago started their own businesses in town. was eventually sold, the second time to Cox Automotive in 2015 in a $4 billion deal. “I hope it’s the beginning of more to come” for other Vermont companies, Couture said. About a dozen former executives at work at DealerPolicy. But CEO Travis Fitzgerald said there’s no connection between the two businesses. DealerPolicy makes software that provides car dealers with insurance quote comparisons for customers. The company was started in 2016 by Fitzgerald, whose family owns an independent car dealership in Milton, and Jeff Mongeon, who was the vice president of a Winooski insurance company. The DealerPolicy investment, announced on August 26, would be the largest in the state’s history by far, if it weren’t for the $368 million that Beta Technologies of South Burlington, which makes electric aircraft, raised in May. “Both things together in one year is unheard of,” said Cross. Fitzgerald said that DealerPolicy plans to hire 100 people by year’s end to work in the Williston headquarters or remotely. The company, which now employs 250, has customers in 48 states, and some employees live elsewhere. Most of the new hires will live in Vermont, Fitzgerald said. m
Friday, September 24, 2021 Merrill’s is pleased to offer items from the estate of celebrated archeologist, historian, and dog breeder Iris Cornelia Love. The collection will include Tang Dynasty Chinese pottery, 18th-century Chinese scrolls, bronzes, archaeological casts, a collection of contemporary southwest pottery, furniture and art descending from her Guggenheim ancestors, silver and jewelry from her New York apartment. Merrill’s will also sell an outstanding collection of maps from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, as well as selections from other fine estates and items sold to benefit the Brattleboro Area Hospice. Chinese Tang
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9/13/21 3:39 PM
B Y KEVI N MCCAL LU M Louis Porter, commissioner of the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department, is stepping down to become the general manager of the Washington Electric Cooperative. Porter, 45, will take charge of the East Montpelier-based electric utility, which serves nearly 11,000 customers in 41 towns in north-central Vermont. His last day with the state will be October 29, and he expects to start at the co-op sometime in November. Porter and his family live in Adamant and have long been customers of the member-owned utility, which was founded in 1939. “Choosing someone to lead the Co-op who has a long history in the community, and a demonstrated commitment to public service in Vermont makes sense,” Stephen Knowlton, the utility’s board president, said in a press release. Porter, a lifelong outdoorsman, said in an interview on Tuesday that he loves working for Fish & Wildlife but looks forward to the opportunity to learn about a dynamic industry providing a very different, but important, service to Vermonters. “It’s always a good thing to learn something new and do something new,” Porter said. A former newspaper reporter, Porter covered state government for the Rutland Herald and Barre-Montpelier Times Argus. In 2010, he joined the Conservation Law Foundation as its lakekeeper, advocating for the restoration and health of Lake Champlain. In 2012, he went on to serve as the secretary of civil and military affairs for then-governor Peter Shumlin, who appointed Porter as Fish & Wildlife commissioner in 2014. When Gov. Phil Scott was elected in 2016, Porter said he expected to lose his post. It is common for a new administration to install its own political appointees. Porter said he was lucky and grateful Scott asked him to stay on. “It’s the most incredible group of people I have ever had the pleasure of working with,” he said of the department. Fish & Wildlife, and by extension Porter, has come under fire from animal rights groups that say it allows unnecessary and unethical hunting practices. Those criticisms, which have amplified in recent years, did not play a role in his decision, Porter said. “I think those calls started the first month I was on the job,” he said. m
signals renewed federal support for what has remained a niche sector. “It’s been a long time coming, but we think clean energy’s time has arrived,” said SunCommon copresident Duane Peterson. The new, combined solar pacesetter will have 350 employees, the majority of them in Vermont. SunCommon will become a division within iSun, with its brand, headquarters and staff intact, company leaders said. It will serve as the foundation for iSun’s foray into the residential solar market. iSun’s stock (NASDAQ: ISUN) had been declining for most of 2021 but saw a bump last week upon news of the acquisition. The purchase continues the Peck Company’s pivot to renewables that began following the Great Recession. Jeffrey Peck’s father founded the local electrical contracting firm as Peck Electric in 1972. Peck’s mother then ran it for years before Jeffrey purchased the company in the late 1990s. With a history of tackling emerging and sophisticated projects, such as fiber optics and semiconductor fabs, the Peck Company found success in large-scale solar installations and looked for ways to grow. Jeffrey Peck took the business public in 2019 through a special-purpose acquisition company, an investment vehicle designed to fast-track an initial public offering that has become increasingly popular since. In January of this year, the company purchased iSun Energy, which creates solar canopies to charge electric vehicles, and took on the iSun name. Peck believes that the coming surge of electric vehicles will lead to increased consumer interest in solar power. “As EV drivers make those purchases and really find the experience joyful,” Peck said, “they’re going to be naturally curious about what they’re plugging into. Am I plugging into a coal plant? Where do I get my energy from? Where is it sourced?” In SunCommon, Peck saw an ideal partner to help iSun reach that nascent customer base. VPIRG, in quite an unusual manner, served to incubate the program that would become SunCommon and helped lobby for regulatory conditions more favorable to its business. VPIRG’s energy lobbyist, James Moore, and board president Peterson left the advocacy organization to launch SunCommon in 2012. They organized SunCommon as a Vermont Benefit Corporation — a legal designation for companies whose purpose is to create a public benefit — and as a Certified B Corporation, an independent designation for companies
Fish & Wildlife Commissioner to Leave for Washington Electric Cooperative
Solar Powers « P.14
that meet standards of social and environmental performance. SunCommon has been able to grow by placing a high emphasis on customer service that reflects its VPIRG roots in community organizing, Moore told iSun investors during a conference call last week. He compared the solar installation business to trades such as plumbing, where word of mouth is powerful, affordable marketing. SunCommon has installed solar panels for more than 7,000 homeowners, and nearly a third of its new projects come from customer referrals.
The company expanded into New York State several years ago, including through the acquisition of Hudson Solar in 2018. SunCommon has pursued out-of-state markets since the cost of doing solar projects in Vermont spiked in recent years, Seven Days reported in 2020. Vermont was an early leader in the field; the Solar Foundation says that about 14 percent of the state’s electricity comes from solar. But the number of solar industry jobs in the state dropped between 2015 and 2020, down to just over 1,000 from a peak of more than 1,750, according to the foundation. That was among the steepest contractions in the country. “I’ve heard from a couple renewable developers that because Vermont’s regulatory environment has become so harsh, they’re turning attention to other states as far away as Virginia,” said Peter Sterling, interim executive director of Renewable Energy Vermont, an industry trade group.
But iSun’s plan to expand throughout the Northeast isn’t a reaction to Vermont’s comparatively dim solar marketplace, Peck said. “We are reacting to the climate crisis and trying to find business solutions that will really help facilitate and accelerate the adoption of solar power,” he said. Solar projects dipped nationwide last year during the pandemic, but SunCommon’s leaders told iSun investors last week that their business has rebounded in 2021, with year-to-date orders doubled. SunCommon and iSun’s executives see an advantage in creating economies of scale in an industry that is largely fragmented. There are some large national players, such as Sunrun and Tesla, but the vast majority of firms have annual revenues below $5 million, Peck said. SunCommon and iSun generated a combined $51.4 million net revenue in 2020, the companies said. SunCommon had adopted “purpose beyond profit” as something of a tagline but always had ambitions to grow. Still, Peterson acknowledged that he hadn’t imagined his company would one day join a publicly traded company — one of only a handful based in Vermont. But the former “chief of stuff” at Ben & Jerry’s doesn’t see any trouble maintaining SunCommon’s values within its iSun parent company; Peck has asked SunCommon’s leaders for advice on getting iSun certified as a B Corporation. Peck wouldn’t say where exactly iSun plans to grow next, but he said Vermont will remain the company’s home base. “To have two solar companies join forces to find business solutions for the climate crisis and expand their influence elsewhere,” he said, “I think it’s tremendous for the state of Vermont and everybody involved.” m
Health Care Coverage For Vermonters. From Vermonters.
At Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Vermont, our employees live and work here — more than 400 of us. So when it comes to the health and well-being of our neighbors in this brave little state, we know what’s important: You want your health care dollars to work their hardest. People who treat you right. And affordable plans with extras to keep you well. That’s what makes us Vermont’s health plan. Through the American Rescue Plan, your monthly costs could drop by 50 percent or more. See if you’re newly eligible at
1T-Crosby(BCBSVT)091521 1
9/13/21 11:45 AM
FEED back « P.7
Thanks for some excellent reporting on the upcoming Telephone Gap project in the Green Mountain National Forest [“Clear-Cut?” August 18]. There are a lot of interesting pieces to this issue, from climate change and changing forestry science to federal-level governance 16t-vcam092521.indd 8/24/21 16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1 11/2/20 2:32 3:07 PM and the solvency (or not) of Vermont’s “working landscapes.” When I reported on the issue this spring for the Herald of Randolph, I was surprised to find how little data was readily available on timber harvests. After all, this is public land, and the U.S. Forest Service prides itself on making decisions using detailed, site-specific analyses. Both the district ranger and the forest supervisor, though, said they did not have information on how much 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy harvest volumes, acreage or road building New Haven, VT 05472 had changed, and the publications they 802-453-5382 referred me to didn’t, either. I eventually found links to spreadsheets in an April report on road building that had records of every harvest since 1996. They projected 16T-greenhaven041421.indd A GIFT 1SHOP WITH ITEMS, 4/6/21 6:08 PM harvest areas for the coming decade to be 218 percent higher and volumes to be SERVICES AND CLASSES TO HELP up almost 440 percent compared to 1996 YOU CRAFT A MAGICKAL LIFE. through 2005. Perhaps more interestingly, REIKI, MASSAGE, TAROT, they listed “Gary’s memory” as the ultiCRYSTALS, CANDLES, mate source of much of the information. Neither the difficulty of finding these HERBS & JEWELRY figures nor the informal nature of the record keeping inspires confidence in NOW AT PRACTICAL MAGICK the process behind GMNF management. The issue of how and whether to harvest timber on public lands is more complex than an outright logging ban, but the public deserves a robust process that begins with access to better and more complete information.
tripper THE ROAD MAP
The Doctor Won’t See You Now
Patients wait months for treatment at Vermont’s biggest hospital BY CHELSEA EDGAR & COLIN FL ANDERS, PA GE 28
Businesses must make the call
Odd class names at Vermont colleges
harvesting is an important part of our history and a clearly sustainable part of our future. We should be considering the role that timber harvesting plays in the economy, along with the environmental benefits of timber harvesting. Fact: We harvest less than half the annual growth of timber in Vermont. That represents a huge plus for Vermont, solidly on the positive side in storing carbon in trees and in products made from responsibly harvested timber. We need the national forest managers to continue doing what they are so good at: demonstrating outstanding forest management, experimenting with new techniques and, like all forest managers, thinking for the long term. Kenneth Johnson
Perhaps if doctors and staff worked around the clock, the backlog would get taken care of [“The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]. When I worked at Dartmouth-Hitchcock medical center, the majority of nurses and support staff left to go home before 5 p.m. The hospital appeared empty compared to the a.m. I’m sure patients would take a 10 p.m. appointment if it meant they could be seen in a timely manner. Think so? Raymond Dauphinais
Sipping local booze-free bevvies
[Re “Clear-Cut?” August 18]: The Seven Days story about a group protesting harvesting on the Green Mountain 8/16/21 11:11 AM National Forest in Vermont did not give clear voice to the broader viewpoint. I’m sure the small group of hard-core anti-timber folks is upset, because the national forest managers are doing a fine job managing forests that have not been taking a beating. A harvest is not pretty at first; however, five, 10, or 20 years or more later, the vigorous growth of brush and trees and the support of wildlife are
Say you saw it in...
12v-practicalmagic081821.indd 1
Allison Sawyer
Chris Gish
and running, why don’t you allow just clothing and hair descriptions, time and place. Allowing people to objectify others’ bodies while they’re out for a jog or at work is gross. Do better. As for the post in question, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that I never see my favorite cashier at the co-op ever since the first “Spy” about them.
beautiful to see. That gets little attention or credit from the anti-harvest side. Roughly half the national forest in Vermont is wilderness or managed nearly like wilderness, pleasing the anti-timber folks, who also misrepresent road and phosphorus data. The national forest exists for all of us, not just for those whose vision is too narrow to see that timber
[Re Feedback: “Why ‘Spy’?” August 18]: I couldn’t agree more with Kayla Woodman. You say you encourage readers to be respectful, yet you allowed someone to post “Do I need to teach you how to use your manners?” after their first post was left unanswered? Does not sound respectful at all to me. I’d be curious to know how many people enjoy being spied, because every person I know who’s ever been spied ends up fearing a little bit more for their safety. If you really want to keep “I Spy” up
I wish I were as “cautiously optimistic” as Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore that PFAS chemicals are not migrating from Vermont into Québec and contaminating the water supplies of Canadians [Off Message: “Vermont Extends Ban on Dumping ‘Garbage Juice’ in Lake Memphremagog,” August 25]. I was at the same meeting as reporter Kevin McCallum on August 24, and I heard nothing in the data presented that suggested that optimism is warranted. This summer’s data merely provide a baseline going forward. Leachate has not been directly disposed of into Newport’s wastewater treatment facility (incapable of filtering PFAS or other leachate toxins) since October 2019, almost two years ago. It takes about two years for water from one end of the lake to flow to the other. It is entirely conceivable that PFAS detected in Sherbrooke’s drinking supply months ago originated from leachate disposed of in Newport’s wastewater treatment facility prior to the moratorium imposed on that practice. More reason for the current moratorium on “leachate disposal or treatment anywhere in the Memphremagog watershed” to be made permanent — which would require this proposed “five-year pilot treatment project” to be undertaken outside the Memphremagog watershed, as well. Peggy Stevens
OBITUARIES Robert E. Chiabrandy
FEBRUARY 6, 1932AUGUST 31, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Robert E. Chiabrandy, 89, was born on February 6, 1932, in Winthrop, Mass., the son of Robert J. Chiabrandy and Frances E. Chiabrandy, and grew up in Saugus, Mass. He graduated from Saugus High School in 1949 and received his BS in mechanical engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 1953. Upon graduation, he joined General Electric in Pittsfield, Mass., and entered GE’s advanced engineering program, working at a variety of locations. Drafted in 1964, he spent two years in the U.S. Army, reaching the rank of SP3 before his release to the inactive reserve and receiving his honorable discharge in 1964. In June 1956, he married his best friend and love of his life, Constance Andreen, an English teacher from Allegan, Mich. For 39 years, as Bob said, “Connie kept my household organized, my life interesting and my grammar corrected.” She predeceased him in 1995. Following his return to GE, in 1957 Bob transferred to Burlington, Vt., where he completed his 35-year career in engineering and management at the Armament Systems Department. While there, he was instrumental in the development of a variety of guns and ammunition feed systems, accumulating more than a dozen U.S. patents. He was well-known for practical and innovative solutions to engineering problems and was sometimes referred to as “the engineer’s engineer.” Bob was a registered professional engineer in both New York and Vermont, as well as a life member of the American
Shawn Corwyn Coyle
Society of Mechanical Engineers, serving as chair of the Northern Vermont Group and, later, as chair of the Northern New England Section. Bob liked to play cards and was considered a good player of cribbage, gin rummy and blackjack. He was also a Life Member of the American Contract Bridge League. After developing an interest in target shooting in his teens, Bob shot for four years on his college rifle team and, during his active Army duty, on the Fort Meade pistol team. A Patron Life Member of the National Rifle Association, he continued to enjoy informal target shooting throughout his life. A competent machinist, he took pleasure in designing and building a variety of items in his home machine shop. While in college, he began playing popular music by ear on the piano, finding it a relaxing amusement. In later years, when visiting his sister at an assisted living home, he found himself in demand as an entertainer. Over the last several years, Bob enjoyed spending weekends on the lake with his dear friend Sue Collinson. He was also an avid bridge player and member of the Burlington Bridge Club. Bob is survived by his two nieces, Frances J. Neville and her partner Carl A. Page of Newburyport, Mass.; and Mary C. Neville of Scituate, Mass.
JUNE 8, 1950-JUNE 19, 2021 CHARLOTTE, VT. It is with sadness that we report the death of Shawn Corwyn Coyle: expert helicopter pilot, test pilot, instructor, author, aircraft accident analyst, husband and father. Shawn was born into a military family on June 8, 1950, in Pembroke, Ont., to Donald and Helen Coyle (both deceased). His father retired as a chief warrant officer in the Corps of Royal Canadian Engineers, and Shawn’s subsequent growing up was mainly in Chilliwack and North Bay, Ont. Shawn always had an interest in flying and was awarded his private pilot’s wings in the Air Cadets in 1967 (before he earned his license to drive a car). Shawn attended Royal Roads Military College and the Royal Military College of Canada from 1969 to 1973, obtained a degree in civil engineering, and completed his wings training on CFS in 1974. He then converted to helicopters and joined the Lion Squadron 427 of the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1975. He spent a full tour with the 427, then moved into test flying. In 1979, he (along with his wife, Beverly, and their first two children,
Erin and Patrick) was posted to the Empire Test Pilot Course at Boscombe Downs in the UK, where he remained an exchange officer until 1982, when he was posted to Canada’s Aerospace and Engineering Test Establishment. Shawn left the Canadian Forces in 1984 to serve as a test pilot for Bell Helicopters in Fort Worth, Texas. He later instructed at the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School in Patuxent River, Md., where his third child, Kate, was born. He remained at Patuxent River from 1985 to 1989, when he became principal rotary wing instructor at the International Test Pilot School in Cranfield, England, until 1992. He stayed in the UK as an independent aviation consultant until 1996, when he returned to Canada to become an engineering test pilot at Transport
Canada until 2001. He then assumed branch chief responsibilities for the helicopter program at the National Test Pilot School in Mojave, Calif., until 2004. From 2004 to 2007, he had short stints as an EMS pilot in Mojave, director of flight operations for Augusta in Philadelphia, and director of certification at Aerosimulators in Belgium and in the U.S. In addition to flying, Shawn and two of his RMC classmates founded Aeroserve Technologies in 1997, and they and their company were inducted into NASA’s Space Technology Hall of Fame in 2009 for Aeroserve’s Airtab Vortex Generator. The Vortex Generator was conceived for the transport of the shuttle on the Boeing 747 and is now widely employed throughout the world in the trucking industry. Shawn married Patricia Coleman in 2013 and spent the last years of his life with her in Charlotte, Vt. He continued his writing on aviation-related topics, published six major books on helicopters, and was often consulted in aviation accident analysis and expert testimony on the same topic. He attended Our Lady of Mount Carmel parish church in Charlotte and enjoyed serving on the Charlotte Planning Commission until
deteriorating health issues forced him to resign. Shawn died at the McClure Miller Respite House on June 19, 2021. Stephen C. Gregory and Son Cremation Service prepared the body, and his ashes will be laid to rest alongside his parents in the Coyle family plot in Princeton, B.C. Shawn is survived by his third wife, Patricia, and former spouses Jacqueline and Beverly. In England, he is survived by his children and grandchildren: Erin (spouse Ben Coppin and their children Joseph and Beth), Patrick Coyle (spouse Sarah and their children Pippa and Dexter), and Kate Coyle. In Canada, he is survived by his two brothers and their families: Eric Coyle (spouse Jyoti) and Allan Coyle (spouse Jeanette), as well as several nieces and cousins. Memorial services will be in the future at the convenience of the family. In lieu of flowers or cards, please consider a donation in Shawn’s name to one of the following: Shuttleworth Trust, c/o Shuttleworth, Old Warden Aerodrome, Nr Biggleswade, Bedfordshire, SG 18 9DX, UK; Canada Aviation and Space Museum, 11 Aviation Parkway, Ottawa, ON K1K 2X5, Canada; or McClure Miller Respite House, 3113 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, VT 05446.
IN MEMORIAM Charlotte Ely MacLeay
Estelle Deane
Charlotte passed away on April 25, 2021, after a battle with rapidly progressing dementia. She led a full and happy life until her disease overcame her. Vaccinated friends and family are invited to an informal open-house celebration of her life on Saturday, September 25, from 3 to 6 p.m., in the Gallery at the Vermont College of Fine Arts, 38 College St., Montpelier, VT. Her obituary can be viewed at
A celebration of the life of Estelle Deane of Burlington and Shelburne will be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral (2 Cherry St., Burlington) at 11 a.m. on Saturday, September 18. Masking and social distancing will be in effect. The service will also be broadcast as a livestream:
OBITUARIES Barbara LaVanway
LaVanway Glass Studio, both in Richmond and later in Westford, Vt. She was the owner of Santa’s Caravan at the South Burlington mall and the co-owner of Veronica’s Variety in Hinesburg, Vt. Barbara was a talented artist in many mediums. She made thousands of glass icicles for her customers’ Christmas trees, plus numerous other glass art pieces. She also sold her watercolor paintings, hand embroidery,
wheat weaving, pastels and much more. Barbara was also known for her great style, particularly her beautiful hats, many of which she handcrafted and designed herself. Above all, Barbara was a devoted mother to her four children and the loving wife of Fenton LaVanway. Barbara was predeceased by both parents and two brothers, Louis Jr. and James Knecht. She is survived by her husband; sisters Catherine Ishman (Ron) and Mary Ann Keleschenyi; brothers Robert Knecht, Richard Knecht (Helen) and George Knecht; her children Thomas LaVanway (Judith), Michael LaVanway (Janet), Veronica Estey (David) and Linda LaVanway; and many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and two great-great-grandchildren. Barbara requested no funeral service; however, there will be a graveside burial for the family in Middlesex, Vt.
loved intellectual challenges of all kinds and was always up for a game. Indeed, many of us considered ourselves blessed to have lost to him in a game of chess. All the children in his life knew that Eric was a person they could count on; an ear for their worries who could deliver a bedtime song, a good game and some solid advice; and just someone to laugh with. Eric was a talented musician who played many instruments. He will be remembered for blowing his blues harp with passion and singing his beautiful, meaningful songs. If you knew him, you loved
him — dearly. It’s that simple. His essence was gravitational, and he pulled you instantly into his orbit with a kind word and his amazing smile. There are so many of us he held in love. He was the glue that held together a universe of people whom he cherished and who cherished him in return. Eric is survived by his wife, Wendy Simmons; his children Lydia Simmons, Eli Simmons and Sharmaine Brown; his mother, Carol Slesar; his sister Suzanne Slesar and her husband, John, and their son Jayce Slesar; his sister Lara Slesar and her husband, Shawn Doyle, and their children, Harris, Hazel and Gibson Slesar; and his maternal aunt and uncle, Gail and Richard Buckle, and their son David White; as well as his many friends who might as well be family. There are just too many to name, and they feel the hole his loss has made in their lives just the same. In honor of Eric, please share your vulnerability, spirit and gifts with others and truly appreciate those you love.
DECEMBER 21, 1939AUGUST 3, 2021 WESTFORD, VT. Barbara LaVanway was born December 21, 1939, in Windber, Pa. The love of my life and my best friend was taken from me on August 3, 2021. Barbara fought a courageous fight for three years against lung cancer. She was the daughter of Louis and Veronica Hauler Knecht. Barbara was a lady of many talents. During her working career, she was the first teacher in the Head Start program in Montpelier, Vt. In 1969, Barb was administration assistant and relocation specialist for the Neighborhood Improvement Project in Montpelier. She worked in the personnel department at IBM in Essex, Vt. She was co-owner of Green Iguana’s Pet Shop in Richmond, Vt., as well as the House of Glass and the
Eric Slesar JULY 31, 1966MARCH 18, 2021 SEATTLE, WASH.
Eric Scott Slesar — beloved father, husband, son, brother and friend — passed away at his home in Seattle, Wash., on March 18, 2021. Born in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., he lived in various places before settling in Seattle, where he lived with his family. At the time of his passing, he was a programmer and writer for Amazon, although his working life took many paths. His true passion was working with children of all ages. His life was rich with his many passions, including composing and playing music, volunteering to teach chess to children and singing with preschoolers, eating delicious foods, laughing at standup comedy, playing strategy games, doing anything mathematical, enjoying top-shelf tequila, and debating (and usually winning) anyone about pretty much anything. Eric
Jonathan Morris
AUGUST 31, 1979SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 MONTPELIER, VT. Johnny (Jonathan Ellis) Morris, of Montpelier, Vt., flew away free on September 3, 2021, in the wee dark hours just as the day began. After a threeand-a-half-year journey with brain cancer, and just three days after his 42nd birthday, Johnny died at home in his sleep, with his loving wife nestled beside him. Born on August 31, 1979, in Nanticoke Territory/ Salisbury, Md., Johnny moved to Abenaki Territory/central Vermont to attend New England Culinary Institute in 2001. He felt right at home here in the Green Mountains, beneath the starry skies, wrapped in the warmth and connection that he shared with the many dear friends he made with ease. Johnny had a gorgeous, welcoming smile. His kindness was palpable, and his hugs were divine. His genuine, purehearted spirit was a gift to all who had the pleasure and the privilege of sharing this wild and tender world with him. He was a delicious cook, a gifted builder by trade and a prolific recording artist.
He cofounded, produced and performed with hip-hop duo Boomslang and the synth-pop group Champagne Dynasty, as well as created brilliant instrumental tracks under the name JL. He had a zeal for digging for records, finding hidden gems within each album and blending them with the rhythmic backbeats he created so naturally. His home production studio was one of his favorite places, and he spent countless hours there exploring, experimenting and collaborating with friends, mentees and fellow musicians. Above all else, Johnny’s greatest joy and passion was his family. He was a loving and nurturing father, son, partner and friend who savored kitchen dance parties and snuggles with his wife and kids, coaching and cheering Jaya’s basketball team, cooking and
conspiring with Jahana, watching Khalil drop into the big bowls on his skateboard, and riding waves in the snow and the ocean with all of the above. He was and is deeply loved, and his rich legacy will live on through his music and his beautifully crafted woodwork, as well as in the hearts and minds of his wife and dear friend, Lindsay Armstrong; amazing children, Jaya, Jahana and Khalil; mother, Barbara Knapp Morris; father John Morris (Avery); brother Whitney Morris (Michel); mother-in-law Suzanne Bryant (Les); and brotherin-law Jonathan Armstrong; along with a large and loving Maryland family and many close friends in Vermont and beyond. All stood by him and his family throughout his illness. A memorial and celebration of Johnny’s life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, please share your courageous vulnerability with one another and truly appreciate those you love. If you feel called to support Johnny’s children with a financial gift, donations can be made here: Online condolences may be left at Johnny, we’ll love you forever and miss you like mad!
Charles R. Simpson
NOVEMBER 5, 1941MAY 3, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT. Charles R. Simpson — writer, community organizer, activist, teacher, scholar, husband, father, friend — died on May 3, 2021, in his home in Burlington, Vt., after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He is survived by his wife, Anita Rapone; his daughter, Ana Maria Simpson-Rapone; and his two sisters, Andrea Munafo White and Leslie Simpson. He also leaves behind a community of friends, comrades and former students, who mourn his loss and treasure his significant contributions to intellectual discourse and ethical community action. Charles’ mind and his heart made the world a better, kinder, more interesting place. Charles was born on November 5, 1941, in Boston, Mass., to parents Robert and Florence Jennings Simpson. He earned a BA from Tufts University and a PhD in sociology from the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research, in New York City, where he wrote his dissertation, “SoHo: The Artist in the City,” on the challenges of living as an artist in New York City and the cycle of gentrification. Charles and his wife, Anita, were both first-generation college kids, and, she says, they may have fallen into academia by accident. After an unsuccessful start in college as an engineering student, Charles soon found out that would not work for him. He and Anita became philosophy students who then moved into the more viable disciplines of sociology and history, respectively. In the 1960s, the university was where most of the activism was. Charles proceeded to become a professor of sociology, teaching at SUNY Plattsburgh from 1978 to 2012, where one of his best experiences was taking students to Oaxaca as codirector of the college’s Southern Mexico Program, a semester-long studyabroad experience for liberal arts, nursing and education students. He remained active in the university’s Institute for Ethics in Public Life, presenting a colloquy on food
insecurity in February 2021 via Zoom. He was a member of the Burlington Friends Meeting, but his connection to the Quakers goes back to the 1960s, when he and his wife and their friends used to get all their anti-war literature from the American Friends Service Committee office in Cambridge. Then Charles got help from the Quakers in becoming a conscientious objector. In later life, in Burlington, the attraction was their social activism. For the last few years, Charles served on the AFSC Corporate Board and then on the Northeast Region of the AFSC. He was also a longtime participant in another group of friends — not Friends — who met semiregularly to talk about education, social issues, local and global politics, philosophy, and activism. COVID-19 forced the group into meeting on Zoom, where some members got to see Charles for the last time, struggling to sit up but still trying, despite everything, to continue to contribute, to understand and to heal the world, up until the very end. Charles was active in the anti-war movement in the 1960s and ‘70s in New York and Boston. Later, in Burlington, he was on the front lines in community politics and organizing, collaborating with South End artists to preserve the arts district from gentrifying zoning changes, working with Save Open Space in an attempt to preserve the land and ecosystem of the former Burlington College on North Avenue, fighting the siting of the F-35s at Burlington International Airport, fighting for alternatives to the Champlain Parkway, and cofounding an alliance of community groups called Coalition for a Livable City. Charles was on the Neighborhood Planning Assembly Steering Committee and ran for city
council twice in Burlington’s Ward 6. He was very concerned that immigrants might be in increasing need of protection, so he started an interfaith committee on sanctuary, which organized two conferences, one on sanctuary and one on asylum. Charles wrote extensively on social and political issues for 05401, wrote a young adult novel and published his first novel, Uncertain Harvest, with Fomite Press in 2020. The book deals with food security and the threat of globalized technology, using his considerable research in Guatemala and Oaxaca. The book’s blurb summarizes the plot as follows: “While attending an economic conference in the Austrian Alps, New York business reporter Ed Decker learns that Naturtek plans to replace traditional crops with their patented ‘terminator seeds’ that produce plants that die after a single harvest. When Decker learns that the scheme also threatens insect life, his investigation moves from a business story to something even more ominous.” A podcast interview with Charles about the book can be accessed here: kkGe?languageTag=en&cid= a08347ed-a2ca-444e-ba88a65bd8e603a8#/main. In response to messages of concern, Charles sent a note to his friends — a sort of goodbye message, wondering whether the experience of dying was teaching him anything about facing the inevitable, wondering if an individual life was something more than a “smear of ash upon a page.” Charles concluded that his life was more than that, if only because he loved and was loved. One might add: because we love the world. Such love is the greatest impetus for fighting, as Charles did, against myriad injustices and threats to humanity. His work, his commitment and his friendship certainly amount to a life well lived. Donations in Charles’ honor can be made to Friends Concerns, c/o Burlington Friends Meeting, 173 N. Prospect St., Burlington, VT 05401 to benefit Abenaki Helping Abenaki. There will be a memorial, under an outdoor tent, on October 9, 2 p.m., outside the Friends Meeting House, 173 N. Prospect St., Burlington.
William Boone Pennebaker Jr.
OCTOBER 23, 1935SEPTEMBER 8, 2021 SHAFTSBURY, VT. William Boone Pennebaker Jr., one of the vanguard of researchers who developed the videoconferencing technology that has kept the world connected throughout the pandemic, passed away peacefully on September 8, 2021, at home, surrounded by loving family. Born on October 23, 1935, Bill, as he was known to his friends, earned his bachelor’s in engineering at Lehigh University in 1957, where he was a member of the Delta Chi fraternity, and his doctorate in physics at Rutgers University in 1962. Bill spent his entire career at the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, N.Y., where he was a leading developer of the JPEG and MPEG compression algorithms and contributed to inkjet, fax and videoconferencing research, filing over 35 patents and publishing over 50 papers. During IBM Ski Club weekends at Mad River Glen, Bill met and fell in love with
his future wife, Margaret. After their marriage in 1967, Bill and Margaret had two daughters. An expert woodworker, Bill spent his weekends restoring a mid-1800sera farmhouse, doing all the finish carpentry himself and creating custom toys for his daughters, including a dollhouse with working electricity and plumbing. He also “tinkered” (as he called it) with electric bikes, and in 1980 he filed one of the earliest e-bike patents. In 1993, Bill and Margaret fulfilled their dream of retiring to Vermont, where Bill was elected to two terms on the Shaftsbury Selectboard. In his well-equipped basement workshop, Bill designed
circuit boards for an advanced generation of DIY ebikes and crafted miniature furniture so exquisite that it was featured in a special exhibit at the Bennington Museum. In 2015, Bill was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy, a rare neurodegenerative disease that slowly robbed him of nearly everything except the personal integrity and softspoken kindness that made him respected and beloved by all who met him. Bill was predeceased by his wife, Margaret; his sister Sallie; and his nephew Jeff. He is survived by his daughter Patricia Pennebaker Rutins, Patricia’s husband Erik and their son (Bill’s grandson) Aleksandrs; his nephew John and his nieces Deborah and Susanna and their children and grandchildren; and his final “nuclear family,” his daughter Elizabeth Allen-Pennebaker, Elizabeth’s husband Andrew and Andrew’s mother, Leslie. A celebration of Bill’s life will be held in the summer of 2022 in Shaftsbury. In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation to the United Negro College Fund.
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Resetting the Stage O
Local presenters eye the 2021-22 performing arts season with optimism and caution
Angélique Kidjo
As September turns to fall, signs of hope are emerging alongside flecks of color in the trees. The 2021-22 performing arts season is, barring catastrophe, happening. For various reasons, the programming isn’t as robust as in previous years. Nonetheless, curtains will rise on stages around the region this fall. The shows will go on. Probably. Local presenters are approaching the upcoming season with cautious optimism. They have empirical evidence that people are hungry to experience live performance again: MacQueen cited the massive crowds at the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival in June. On the other hand… “There is plague upon the land,” MacQueen said. The more-transmissible Delta variant of the coronavirus has thrown a spiky little wrench in the hope for a return to pre-pandemic-level programming this fall. “The real tension that I feel is the desire to get back onstage and open this theater, which hasn’t been open for about a year and a half now,” MacQueen said. “But the moral imperative is to do it safely and make sure that people in the theater are safe.” Last month, following the lead of several area nightclubs and music venues, the Barre Opera House became one of the first Vermont theaters to require both proof of vaccination and masking for admission. Last week, the theater loosened its restrictions to allow for a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of a show in lieu of a vaccination card. Versions of those protocols are likely to be standard at regional venues throughout the fall, if not longer. For director Dan Casey and the Barre Opera House board, the move wasn’t solely a matter of protecting the health and safety of audiences — it was a sound business decision. “I think a lot of people will only go to shows where people are masked and vaccinated,” Casey said. To back up that claim, he showed Seven Days a letter to concert promoters from folk singer Tom Rush, who kicks off the Barre Opera House season on Saturday, September 25. Rush writes that his shows at venues that require proof of vaccination “are selling much better than the others.” “I believe it,” MacQueen said. “Getting people sick really isn’t a sound business strategy.” At the Flynn, performers, staff and volunteers must be vaccinated. As of this writing, the organization hasn’t yet announced audience protocols. That’s because its
n March 13, 2020, Canadian circus troupe FLIP Fabrique was rehearsing on the Flynn Main Stage in Burlington, preparing for an evening performance of its high-flying show Blizzard. The weather was mild for late winter in Vermont, but another kind of storm was brewing. As dancers and acrobats flipped and twirled onstage, Flynn artistic director Steve MacQueen walked the aisle of the stately art deco theater to deliver an unthinkable message. “They were all set up, bouncing around and stuff. And I was like, ‘Uh, I have bad news,’” he recalled. That day — Friday the 13th, of course — the Flynn closed indefinitely as the pandemic spread across Vermont. FLIP Fabrique’s performance became one of the first shows lost to the coronavirus. It wouldn’t be the last. Within 48 hours, every performing arts venue in Vermont had shut down, along with gyms, bars, restaurants, movie theaters and basically any other place where people would normally gather. On March 24, Gov. Phil Scott issued his “Stay Home, Stay Safe” executive order, officially placing the entire state on lockdown. You know what happened next: Not much. But also kind of a lot, and almost none of it good. Many local stages have stayed dark for the past 18 months. Artists and presenters helped fill the void and stave off our collective boredom with livestreamed concerts, theater and comedy — and, in the warmer months, outdoor performances. Some bars and nightclubs have reopened for indoor, in-person shows. But for the most part, the performing arts as we knew them have been on hiatus, including a 2020-21 season whose few offerings were almost entirely virtual. “We’re coming out of a long, dark period with theaters,” MacQueen said. It’s hard to grasp the dimensions of the shadow this period has cast on Vermont. In 2019, arts and culture contributed $1.1 billion to the state’s economy, according to the CreateVT Action Plan, a creative-sector road map recently published by the Vermont Arts Council. That number includes a broad array of arts, not just the performing kind. Still, theaters and performing arts centers are powerful economic drivers, especially in rural areas. Their closure has had profound effects that go well beyond bottomed-out bottom lines. “I’ve just really missed seeing shows,” MacQueen said. “I think a lot of people have.”
performing arts preview Arturo O’Farrill Quintet Friday, October 8, 7:30 p.m., University of Vermont Lane Series, UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, $5-38.50.
Gillespie, Lester Bowie and Wynton Marsalis. The “scion of Latin jazz nobility,” as the New York City Jazz Record called him, is pretty adept in the studio, too, as his seven Grammy Awards attest. For his season-opening Lane Series appearance, O’Farrill performs with his sons Zack and Adam, as well as special guests from the University of Vermont jazz program. The performance will also be livestreamed. DAN BO LLE S
If you like that, try this…
Amid the lockdowns and quarantines of the pandemic, musicians struggled to re-create the magic and connection of live performance. Many turned to livestreaming with, frankly, mixed results. Bandleader Arturo O’Farrill found more success with the virtual medium than most. In 2020, the New York Times placed his weekly sessions with the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra, “Virtual Birdland,” among the 10 Best
Quarantine Concerts Online. Even so, he’d probably be the first to tell you that in music, as in so much else, there’s just no substitute for the real thing. That’s because O’Farrill is among the most lauded live performers of his generation. The son of legendary Latin jazz bandleader Chico O’Farrill, the pianist and composer has been a pillar of the New York City jazz scene for decades, performing alongside the likes of Dizzy
TERENCE BLANCHARD’S “ABSENCE” FEATURING THE E-COLLECTIVE AND TURTLE ISLAND QUARTET, Wednesday, October 20, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $15-45. MATTHEW WHITAKER QUARTET, Saturday, November 6, 7:30 p.m., Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury, $5-25. NELLA, Tuesday, November 9, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $25.
season doesn’t start until Saturday, October 23, with a grand reopening celebration featuring Afro-pop singer Angélique Kidjo. But, as almost all theaters from Broadway to Barre now require vaccination cards, having yours handy in the queue along Main Street seems like a safe bet. What will audiences find when they venture to local theaters? Expect the same diverse and dynamic programming as ever — just a bit less of it. The Barre Opera House has 11 shows scheduled, about half its usual number. This fall, the University of Vermont Lane Series will present six concerts in its newly renovated UVM Recital Hall, compared with its typical 12 to 14. Most presenters are hedging their bets on the 2021-22 season by back-loading their calendars, hoping that conditions will be more favorable in the spring. Fall schedules are slighter, both because promoters are reluctant to overbook for perhaps-hesitant audiences and because the pool of performers isn’t as deep. For instance, you won’t see many major theater productions this fall, due to the challenge and expense of mounting large-scale shows. And travel restrictions mean fewer international acts. Many presenters are attempting to pick up where they left off in 2020. For example, FLIP Fabrique will come to the Flynn in February, one of many pandemic cancellations that have made return engagements at Vermont theaters. “We made a commitment, right from the beginning, to support the artists we had previously scheduled,” said Mary Lou Aleskie, director of the Hopkins Center for the Performing Arts at Dartmouth College. “This season was really fundamentally about rescheduling some of those events that we knew that artists were still committed to doing.” Natalie Neuert, director of the Lane Series, initially took a similar approach, though she was able to rebook only one canceled artist from the 2019-20 season: Ghanaian singer-songwriter Okaidja Afroso, who now lives in Portland, Ore. To fill the rest of the schedule, Neuert prioritized artists whom “we haven’t paid enough attention to … people who are under-recognized for their gifts.” For example, she said, she booked solo pianist Michelle Cann, who performs on Friday, November 19, and primarily plays music by classical composers of color. “She’s really fantastic,” Neuert said. In the following pages, you’ll find more of what the 2021-22 performing arts season has in store for Vermonters. We’ve highlighted a representative selection of shows, from high-concept theater and dance to gut-busting comedy to good ol’ rock and roll. It’s just a sampling of what will headline marquees around the state this season, with more announcements likely to come, according to presenters. We’ve also checked in with some notable local performing arts organizations, such as the Vermont Symphony Orchestra, the Vermont Youth Orchestra Association and the Vermont Dance Alliance, to find out how they’ve adapted to the pandemic era and what they plan for the future. And we learned about building a sustainable entertainment economy in rural Vermont — with the help of puppets. Enjoy the shows. m
Amythyst Kiah Saturday, October 23, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Alexander Twilight Theatre, Northern Vermont University-Lyndon, $15-38; free for students.
Amythyst Kiah is an artist of many worlds. The Grammy Award-nominated singer-songwriter and guitarist grew up listening to Tori Amos and Nine Inch Nails in the suburbs of Chattanooga, Tenn. She also studied bluegrass music — and the mostly whitewashed narrative of the Black string tradition in the Appalachians. That juxtaposition helps Kiah create a unique sound as musically robust as it is lyrically deep. Whether covering Radiohead, as she did on her 2013 debut album, Dig, or singing with her all-women-ofcolor supergroup, Our Native Daughters, Kiah’s style is unmistakable. And her songs tackle weighty themes. “Wild Turkey,” from her most recent release, Wary + Strange, is a haunting elegy to her mother, who committed suicide when Kiah was 17. “Black Myself” features a soaring vocal from Kiah as she sings, “I’ll stand my ground and smile in your face / ’Cause I’m Black myself.” The album explores the complexities of being a southern Black LGBTQ+ woman, as Kiah shows equal parts strength and vulnerability. As Maura Johnston put it in her Pitchfork review of the record, “Wary + Strange is a rock album that doesn’t play by anyone’s rules but her own.” C HR I S FA R N S WO R T H
If you like that, try this… AOIFE O’DONOVAN WITH HAWKTAIL, Friday, September 24, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Lyndon Institute Auditorium, Lyndon Center, $15-52; free for students. GRAND REOPENING CELEBRATION FEATURING ANGÉLIQUE KIDJO with special guests Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR), Nicole Nelson & the Resistance Revival Chorus VT, Ferene Paris Meyer, and DJ Craig Mitchell, Saturday, October 23, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $125. ANAÏS MITCHELL AND BONNY LIGHT HORSEMAN, Tuesday, February 15, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $15-45. RESETTING THE STAGE SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
» P.28 27
Blue Öyster Cult Friday, October 29, 8 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Rutland, $45-65.
Look, I know everyone is waiting for the Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken “more cowbell” joke from “Saturday Night Live” that inevitably comes up when someone mentions classicrock greats Blue Öyster Cult, especially their iconic hit “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” But why recycle an old gag about one song when you can contemplate a whole catalog of tongue-in-cheek, weird-as-hell rockers? From the “I just took a bong hit and watched late-night TV” energy of “Godzilla” to the lunacy of “Joan Crawford” — a song about the actress rising from the grave to terrorize junkies, schoolgirls and police — there aren’t many bands like Blue Öyster Cult, then or now. When a band’s back catalog stretches for decades — to 1967, in this case — set lists become adventures. You can expect the acid-rock pioneers to play the hits in concert — there’s no way they won’t unleash “Burnin’ for You” or, obviously, “Don’t Fear the Reaper.” But the real gems to hope for live are old barn stompers like “Astronomy” or “The Red and the Black,” an ode to Canadian Mounties. As “classic rock” somehow now encompasses music from the 1980s and ’90s, 1970s bands that age gracefully are the true classics. Because when your original appeal wasn’t based on good looks and seeming cool (no offense, guys), it’s the songs that people remember. And Blue Öyster Cult have the songs. CH RIS FA R N S WO R T H
If you like that, try this… LITTLE FEAT, Saturday, November 20, 8 p.m., Higher Ground Presents, Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $59-287. HOT TUNA WITH DAVID GRISMAN TRIO, Tuesday, November 30, 8 p.m., Higher Ground Presents, Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $48.50-69.50. CROCE PLAYS CROCE, Saturday, February 12, 7:30 p.m., Barre Opera House, $24-36.
Ayodele Casel: Chasing Magic Friday, December 10, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $20.
Individual words don’t covey much by themselves. But string them together in a particular order, and they can express just about anything we wish. Ayodele Casel finds the same richness in tap dancing. On their own, moves such as “shuffle, heel, toe, cramp roll … don’t really have a lot of meaning,” she says in her one-woman show While I Have the Floor. But when she wants to communicate “musically and rhythmically,” they become magical: “Two pieces of metal on each foot and an infinite amount of music.” Named one of the Biggest Breakout Stars of 2019 by the New York Times, tap dancer, choreographer and actor Casel is a powerhouse of expression. A recent fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard University, she creates works rooted in culture, language and identity and has performed at Carnegie Hall, the White House, Radio City Music Hall and off-Broadway in Savion Glover’s Downtown: Live Communication. In Chasing Magic, Bronx-born Casel brings her Afro-Latinx-infused percussive style to the
Flynn Main Stage with featured guest Arturo O’Farrill, a Grammy Award-winning Latin jazz pianist and composer. In an April review, NYT dance critic Gia Kourlas wrote that Casel is an artist of “extraordinary depth” and that Chasing Magic is “polished in look and spontaneous in feel.” That’s about the best description any communicator could hope for. E LI ZABE T H M. S E YLE R
If you like that, try this… DORRANCE DANCE, Tuesday, October 5, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Lyndon Institute Auditorium, Lyndon Center, $15-58; free for students. BOSTON BALLET II PRESENTS “SUITE FROM THE NUTCRACKER,” Saturday, November 6, 7 p.m., Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe, $13-28. URBAN BUSH WOMEN, Friday, January 21, and Saturday, January 22, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $15-45.
performing arts preview FLIP Fabrique: Six° Wednesday, February 2, 7 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $15-55.
For Vermonters who have missed the distinctive je ne sais quoi of the Québec nouveau cirque scene, acrobatic troupe FLIP Fabrique may be the antidote. Founded in 2011 by Bruno Gagnon and friends and based in Québec City, the group has toured everywhere from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to Paris to Dartmouth College and maintains a devotion to fun, silliness and the inner child in all of us. FLIP Fabrique’s immersive shows have included pop-up performances La Tournée des 400 Coups and Les Passages Insolites; Transit, a dynamic rumination on change and friendship; and, recently, Blizzard, a wintry fable featuring onstage snow and madcap, gravity-defying feats. The troupe’s newest show, Six°, is a comedy as much as a circus. The curtain opens on six envelopes — and only five performers. As the characters follow their invitations deep into the forest and through the halls of a mysterious talking house, they learn more about themselves, face challenges and, of course, display incredible feats of derring-do. Led by acrobatic comedian Jamie Adkins, Six° is a visually stunning show about connection and unexpected joy.
If you like that, try this… NEW WORKS: AN EVENING WITH ICE DANCE INTERNATIONAL, Friday, September 17, 7 p.m., Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe, $10-500. VIVA MOMIX, Friday, December 3, 7:30 p.m., and Saturday, December 4, 2 & 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth, N.H., $15-45.
PEKING ACROBATS, Wednesday, March 9, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Dibden Center for the Arts, Northern Vermont UniversityJohnson, $15-46, free for students.
DeAnne Smith Friday, December 17, and Saturday, December 18, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, $20.
To get a sense of DeAnne Smith’s brand of humor, look no further than their most recent pinned Tweet: “It’s so weird that Russians are so anti-gay,” Smith writes. “They invented the concept of a woman inside a woman inside a woman inside a woman inside a woman.” That’s a nesting doll joke, folks — the best nesting doll joke ever, in our humble estimation. Granted, that’s a narrow field. But the joke is emblematic of Smith’s silly and incisive style that delivers social commentary inside punch lines inside social commentary inside still more punch lines. Smith is a Canadian Comedy Award winner who’s appeared all over the globe, from the Just for Laughs festival in Montréal to the Edinburgh Festival Fringe to the New Zealand International Comedy Festival. The comic is also no stranger to TV, with appearances on “Last Comic Standing” and “The Late Late Show With James Corden.” Smith’s latest half-hour special, “Gentleman Elf,” is currently available on Netflix and finds the comedian asking bold
and hilarious questions about gender identity, sexuality and, ultimately, belonging. It’s that last topic that most keenly informs Smith’s comedy. “I don’t want to hear a popular person being funny,” they told the Daily Beast in 2019. “I want to hear from the misfits, and the freaks, and the weirdos — to me, that’s the best part of comedy.” DAN BO LLE S
If you like that, try this… JENNY YANG, Friday, October 22, and Saturday, October 23, 7 & 9:30 p.m., Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, $25. PAULA POUNDSTONE, Friday, January 28, and Saturday, January 29, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Dibden Center for the Arts, Northern Vermont UniversityJohnson, $15-52; free for students. HASAN MINHAJ: “THE KING’S JESTER,” Tuesday, March 1, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $51.50-104. RESETTING THE STAGE
» P.30 29
SITI Company: The Medium Thursday, March 31, and Friday, April 1, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., price TBA.
Media theorist Marshall McLuhan was ahead of his time. In the early 1960s, about 30 years before the internet existed, he conceived of a similar idea — an electronic “global village,” as he called it. He also coined the phrase “The medium is the message,” a comment on how methods of communication are just as important, relevant and worthy of scrutiny as the content they carry. Inspired by McLuhan’s credos, New York City’s Saratoga International Theater Institute, aka SITI, created its first original work, The Medium, in 1993. The hallucinatory performance art piece delved into how emerging technologies, torrents of digitized information and broadcast media influence our lives. In a recent blog post on SITI’s website, The Medium director Anne Bogart described some foundational questions the collective asked itself when it created the show: “Who are we becoming in light of the new and emerging technologies? What is the effect of media and the evolving technologies on our perceptions, our psyches, and on our personal lives?” Keep in mind that they asked these questions in the early ’90s, long before people walked the streets with computers in their pockets, fending off pop-up ads amid a constant stream of algorithmically dictated content. Not seen onstage since 1997, The Medium’s 2022 revival brings back the company’s members in their original roles. Though times have changed, with technology reaching fantastic new heights, the human condition remains as fascinating and ripe for exploration as ever. JO RDAN ADAMS
If you like that, try this… OPERA COMPANY OF MIDDLEBURY: THE MAID OF ORLEANS, Friday, October 1, Thursday, October 7, and Saturday, October 9, 7:30 p.m.; and Sunday, October 3, 2 p.m., Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, $55-80. CARTOGRAPHY, Saturday, November 6, 7:30 p.m., Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, $10-20.
Ye Vagabonds
THE FORCE OF THINGS: AN OPERA FOR OBJECTS, Thursday, January 13, and Friday, January 14, 7:30 p.m.; and Saturday, January 15, 2 & 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $15-25.
Saturday, March 5, 8 p.m., Barre Opera House, $22-27.
As the vanguard of the new Irish folk scene, Ye Vagabonds have already won multiple awards in Europe and heaps of praise from folk music publications. To wit, the Irish Times dubbed the band’s sound “a labyrinthine treasure trove.” It’s not easy to find a musical experience that doubles as a time machine and a classy night out at the theater. Ye Vagabonds have you covered. C HR I S FA R N S WO R T H
If you like that, try this… CHRIS THILE, Tuesday, October 12, 7:30 p.m., Lebanon Opera House, N.H., $38-58. WE BANJO 3, Saturday, January 22, 7:30 p.m., Barre Opera House, $24-34. NATALIE MACMASTER AND DONNELL LEAHY, Wednesday, March 2, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Fuller Hall, St. Johnsbury Academy, $15-52; free for students.
Playing traditional folk music is a lot like being an archaeologist, uncovering lost works to dazzle a modern society that’s become disconnected from its roots. For Carlow, Ireland’s Ye Vagabonds, the idea is not to reinvent or reinterpret the ancient Celtic songs they play, but rather to present them with the kind of mastery they deserve. The sibling duo of Brian and Diarmuid Mac Gloinn, who often sing in Gaelic, embrace the legacy of their genre while also representing its future. The sense of history in Ye Vagabonds’s music is unmistakable. On “Bacach Shíol Andaí” from their 2019 LP, The Hare’s Lament, the Mac Gloinns sing of revolutionary James Napper Tandy’s return to Ireland in 1798. They use powerful harmonies — at times soaring, at others melancholic — to revive traditional love stories, such as “I Courted a Wee Girl,” a song sung by British Isles minstrels for more than three centuries.
performing arts preview
Stile Antico Saturday, April 23, 7 p.m., Catamount Arts, Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, $42.
How did you spend the first months of quarantine? Recording a socially distanced performance of Thomas Tallis’ 40-part motet “Spem in alium”? Funny enough, so did Stile Antico! If Renaissance polyphony has rock stars, the 12 members of Stile Antico certainly rank among them. Based in London, the three-time Grammy Award-nominated ensemble is unusual in its cohort for singing unaccompanied and without a conductor. Since its founding in 2001, the group has toured in four continents, released 16 albums, been critically lauded by NPR, earned numerous awards and scored the No. 1 spot on the Billboard classical charts with its 2008 album, Song of Songs. Stile Antico’s mission is to make Renaissance music not just cool but also accessible to the masses. The ensemble’s music has been praised as masterful, emotive and moving, and the singers have cultivated an unimpeachable sense of harmony and integration. They have performed at the Boston Early Music
Festival, Buckingham Palace and Madison Square Garden, and they work to expand access to the arts in schools through the Stile Antico Foundation. For those who have never experienced a live Renaissance chamber performance, Stile Antico shows audiences that a perfectly tuned overtone can be as thrilling as anything.
ARTURO O’FARRILL QUINTET . . . . . . . 10/8 OKAIDJA AFROSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/15 FRY STREET QUARTET & DR. ROBERT DAVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/22
HAWKTAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/29 MICHELLE CANN, PIANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/19 ROOMFUL OF TEETH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/10 = performance also available in livestream
B Y :
If you like that, try this… STRAIGHT NO CHASER, Saturday, September 18, 8 p.m., Paramount Theatre, Rutland, $39.50-59.50. THE CROSSING & DUBLIN GUITAR QUARTET, Tuesday, February 1, 7:30 p.m., Hopkins Center for the Arts, Hanover, N.H., $15-45. ROOMFUL OF TEETH, Friday, December 10, 7:30 p.m., University of Vermont Lane Series, UVM Recital Hall, Burlington, $5-38.50.
UVM.EDU/LANESERIES LAN.254.21 2021 2021 Fall Sessions Pre-Season Ad 7D (1/2 VERT): 4.75" x 11.25"
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9/13/21 12:42 PM
Step by Step
Five-year-old Vermont Dance Alliance celebrates past successes and new leadership B Y E LIZ A BET H M. SEYLE R •
Mary Chris DeBelina
DANCE hen Mary Chris DeBelina moved from Philadelphia to Montpelier in 2015, she brought her young family, lots of enthusiasm and a desire to connect with the state’s dance artists. When she discovered the Vermont Dance Alliance a few years later, a world of opportunity opened up. “VDA for me was a huge part of connecting to dance in Vermont and connecting to friends in Vermont,” DeBelina said. She recalled participating in some of the nonprofit’s annual events and drawing on its resources for a performance: She and Vermont artist Willow Wonder advertised and promoted a 2019 show via the VDA website and outreach channels. Since then, through multiple interactions with VDA members, “I think my network has grown,” said DeBelina, who became VDA’s executive director in July. That outcome is precisely why a group of volunteers launched the VDA in June 2016. Artists, partners and sponsors joined together to shepherd events, provide education, and expand the visibility and accessibility of dance in the state. The organization has come a long way. Just past its fifth anniversary, the VDA has new leadership and a membership roster that includes more than 150 dance artists, service partners, patrons and sponsors. Annual memberships range from $70 to $140. Though the pandemic proved challenging for all artists, VDA’s online offerings, including weekly classes taught by members,
Joy Madden
Mary Chris DeBelina
grew its capacity to support dance enthusiasts throughout the state and attracted others from as far away as California. On October 9 and 10, the VDA hosts Falling Open Festival, a free, virtual, two-day event “to reconnect, inspire, and unite the Vermont and New England dance community,” producer and former VDA executive director Hanna Satterlee wrote by email. Open to the public, the workshops, performances and a brunch conversation session aim to build on the nonprofit’s momentum. “We are really expanding and growing,” said new VDA board president Joy Madden. Online offerings have “broadened our reach: People from all over the world could suddenly see what our members were doing.” A spring member survey confirmed the VDA’s appeal, she said, and guided its expansion of online offerings and creation of a scholarship to make activities more accessible. Through the VDA website, instructors statewide currently list in-person and online
classes and workshops in everything from hip-hop and improvisation to aerial dance and Argentine tango. Dance artists also use the site to advertise performances and to connect with each other and with partners, such as venues and lighting designers, and supporters who provide financial and in-kind assistance. The VDA hosts four annual events to bring members and the public together: the outdoor dance festival TRACES, a member retreat, a symposium and a gala show. The former managing director of the Boston Dance Alliance and a longtime choreographer, performer and VDA volunteer, Hinesburg’s Madden stepped into her new role in July. She and other board members are working with executive director DeBelina to meet new inclusivity and fundraising goals. “When I think about inclusivity, I think about age,” DeBelina said. The mother of four children under age 12 and an instructor of movement for people with Parkinson’s
disease, she’d like the VDA to bring more dance to children, families and seniors. She envisions collaborating with studios that cater to children, connecting with other artists who have children and expanding offerings at local senior centers. DeBelina holds multiple degrees in dance and has been teaching youth and adults since 2005. A devoted stay-at-home mom and passionate community builder, she applied for the directorship because she believed that her skills would be helpful. “I love VDA,” DeBelina enthused. “It’s a connector, promoter, lifter-upper.” She knew that many dancers have trouble with fundraising and self-promotion. But, she said, “I really like spreadsheets and numbers. I really like math and talking things up. “The crux of this position is fundraising,” DeBelina added, “making sure we have money to support the artists and to support these programs.” DeBelina, Madden and the board are raising funds for multiple purposes. “It’s very, very expensive to make dance performances, and it’s very hard to recoup that expense,” Madden said. Fees for rehearsal space, venue rentals, lighting, costumes and music add up. “We want to take the financial burden off our artist members as much as possible.” They also aim to raise funds to pay dancers and choreographers who wish to collaborate on projects. The nonprofit already serves as a fiscal sponsor for artists by providing financial management and administrative services. “We are really the only dance organization of our type in the state,” Madden said. “We focus on advocating for dancers and making it as easy as possible to grow audiences and to make dance much more visible throughout the state.” She noted that the VDA serves everyone, not just dancers who perform. “Dance is a body-based art,” she said, “so everyone can dance, everyone can move, everyone can participate in it to some degree.” People may feel left out because of their age or health or abilities, she said, but “we want to be very welcoming and accessible to absolutely everybody.” As Satterlee put it back in the VDA’s early years, “The more people who join and take part, the bigger and more vibrant the Vermont dance ecosystem becomes.” m
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performing arts preview
Why Do I Still Feel (Relatively) Young at Classical Music Concerts? bout 20 years ago, my husband and I started going to University of Vermont Lane Series concerts in the UVM Recital Hall. Far from classical music aficionados, we were drawn by the diverse styles on offer, from chamber quartets to global music. It was also a welcome reprieve from noisy life with two young sons. We would settle into our plush seats in the striking concrete and wood hall and let the notes fill our ears and minds with something different from our daily soundtrack. Back then, when we were in our thirties, we would occasionally note how young we were compared with the bulk of the audience. Now, in our (ahem) advanced middle age, we still feel relatively youthful at many of the concerts. Over the years, I’ve heard about the age “problem” faced by classical music presenters whose patrons consist predominantly of the Social Security set. My anecdotal experience bears that out — even at concerts held on a university campus with $5 student tickets. If a presenter like the Lane Series can’t draw younger audiences, I wondered, will classical music die when its white-haired fans move on to heavenly harp concerts? Or is there always a new cohort of gray-haired people in the wings? To put it another way, is appreciation of Johann Sebastian Bach concertos something you age into, as my father-in-law always said about drinking Scotch and voting Republican? I reached out to local classical music presenters for their thoughts on this perennial topic. How are they finding new ways to expand their audiences? “Classical music definitely skews older,” Lane director Natalie Neuert confirmed. “I would say 50-plus, but there are a lot of people in their seventies and eighties.” New generations do “graduate in” as they find themselves with more time and capacity for sitting still, Neuert added. Many people “need to grow into this music,” she said. “That’s even more true now because of the distractibility of contemporary life.” While music presenters said they value their older patrons, they are working hard to diversify their audiences by age and other attributes. “Every single classical organization is looking at how they evolve and how they adapt in order to maintain their connection to their communities and maintain their relevancy as an art form,” said Matt LaRocca, creative projects chair of the Vermont Symphony Orchestra. That evolution isn’t just about marketing; it’s also about changing how music is presented. A first step is to acknowledge what Neuert described as classical music’s “feeling of elitism.” To bring in new listeners, she said, “we need to figure out ways to be inclusive and welcoming and to create an environment where people don’t feel intimidated.” LaRocca agreed. “When you go to a classical music concert, you are told to get in your seat. You’re told to sit down. You’re told to listen politely, and you’re told to clap at the end,” he said. “But you never know where the end actually is, and you’re always a little on edge. I think that’s hard for a lot of people. To be honest, it’s hard for me sometimes.”
Neuert said she tries hard to book artists who not only are exceptional musicians but also counter the “serious classical” stereotype. Pianist Michelle Cann, who will perform in the Lane Series on November 19, for example, “is super friendly and outgoing,” Neuert said. Cann, who is Black, will perform a program including Frédéric Chopin and Johannes Brahms, as well as compositions by pioneering Black composers Florence Price and Margaret Bonds. Presenters are also radically changing up the settings of their performances. Marshfield-based Scrag Mountain Music has played George Frideric Handel and Jean Sibelius in grocery stores and barns. Its motto is “Come as you are. Pay what you can.” The weekend of September 11, Scrag Mountain partnered with New Music on the Point to premiere composer Eve Beglarian’s “A Murmur in the Trees” for 24 bassists. Performances were held outdoors, literally among the trees, in Brandon and Montpelier. In July, Waterbury Center’s contemporary chamber music presenter TURNmusic premiered a work by Otto Muller in the Goddard College gardens in Plainfield. According to its website, TURNmusic aims “to present professional music concerts in a relaxed venue” with “affordable ticket prices.” The VSO Jukebox Quartet is probably the highestprofile local example of classical artists performing in nontraditional venues. The chamber concert series launched five years ago at ArtsRiot in Burlington, where rock bands normally play against a backdrop of graffitistyle wall art. Patrons are invited to “pay what you will” with a suggested sliding scale of prices.
This summer, Jukebox staged free concerts at breweries around the state. On August 31 at Deep City, the restaurant associated with Foam Brewers in Burlington, the program included string arrangements of traditional Danish folk tunes and Jimi Hendrix songs. Previous set lists have featured Stevie Wonder’s “Signed, Sealed, Delivered I’m Yours” followed by Béla Bartók’s “String Quartet No. 4.” Jukebox is about “breaking 100 years of stuffy tradition,” LaRocca explained. “When you say ‘Beethoven’ to a younger audience, or ‘Mozart,’ or ‘insert any classical composer,’ there are 18 million different preconceived notions.” The series was created to blow up those notions. Informal, sip-as-you-listen performances of diverse, shorter pieces give audiences more ways to understand what a classical music concert can be, LaRocca said. “It feels a lot more like you went down to the neighborhood bar and caught the band,” he said. “You don’t feel that you have to act in a certain way or be a certain way just to be part of this world.” Jukebox not only successfully sells out ticketed concerts but seems to appeal to classical fans of all ages, LaRocca said. “There are people in their seventies and eighties enjoying the show just as much as people in their twenties and thirties,” he said happily. “I want it to be a concert that has every shade of hair color imaginable.” m
INFO Got a Vermont head-scratcher that’s got you stumped? Ask us!
Vermont Symphony Orchestra Jukebox Quartet at a July 13 concert at Lawson’s Finest Liquids in Waitsfield
Pit Crew
The VSO and VYOA gear up for a new season of concerts — indoors and in person B Y A M Y L I L LY •
hen Mark Alpizar became the new music director of the Vermont Youth Orchestra Association in July 2020, his first task was to devise a way for 80-plus students to rehearse together — including the wind instruments. The former assistant conductor of the Cleveland Pops Orchestra, Alpizar consulted a 400-page study by the National Association for Music Education on aerosol dispersion by wind instruments. Then he made a plan. Alpizar ticked off his strategies during a phone call: “All the students wore masks. The wind players wore them until they were ready to play, and they had bell covers for the bottoms of their instruments. French horn players used gaiters [so they could still place their hand inside the bell]. The students were spread out across half a football field” — at the VYOA’s spacious home, the Elley-Long Music Center in Colchester — “and divided into teams of smaller ensembles. And they had 90-minute rehearsals” instead of their usual three-hour ones. The students crushed it. No cases of COVID-19 emerged, and all three major concerts of the 2020-21 season took place indoors, though they were livestreamed to audiences. Now the VYOA is gearing up for its 202122 season, which audiences will be able to attend in person. The Vermont Symphony Orchestra is similarly preparing for its first indoor concert as a full orchestra since the start of the pandemic, on October 30, after a winter of mostly virtual concerts and a summer of smaller outdoor concerts around the state. Both organizations are also undergoing leadership changes. At the VYOA, Alpizar replaced Benjamin Klemme, who left for a teaching job at Gordon College near Boston after two successful years at the VYOA’s helm. This season, the new director will conduct or oversee 11 in-person concerts. Among the groups performing will be the organization’s three auditioned ensembles: the VYO (orchestra), VYP (philharmonia) and VYS (strings). The top-tier VYO will give three concerts. On October 17 at the Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center in Stowe, “A Fantastique Return,” as Alpizar has named the program, features Hector Berlioz’s entire 50-minute Symphonie Fantastique. “It’s incredibly difficult,” Alpizar said of 34
Vermont Youth Orchestra Association senior soloists
the piece, “but I have a very robust senior class: A little less than half my orchestra will graduate at the end of the year.” Each concert features senior soloists. The October 17 event stars flutist Logan Crocker from Colchester playing Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart’s Flute Concerto No. 1 in G major.
During a concert called “Something Suite,” at the Flynn on February 13, violist Elizabeth Messier from Essex Junction will solo in Max Bruch’s Romance for Viola and Orchestra, and Williston violinist (and concertmaster) Justin Lee will tackle Gypsy Airs by Pablo de Sarasate. (The program also features suites by the Black American composer William Grant Still.)
At the Flynn on May 1, “East Meets West” is a half Russian, half American program to which principal cellist Celilo Bauman-Swain of Charlotte will add a British piece: the final movement of Edward Elgar’s Cello Concerto in E minor, Op. 85, with which she won the senior solo competition. “She plays it with such a fiery passion,” Alpizar promised. Musicians’ families and friends will be thrilled to attend the concerts, but the general public is invited, too. Why go? “It’s high-quality orchestral music played very excitedly by youth,” Alpizar said. “You can’t replicate the energy of a youth performance.” Audiences heading to the Vermont Symphony Orchestra’s October 30 concert at the Flynn will hear four of those youth: A VYO string quartet will play in the lobby as people enter. “It’s something we hope to do every time we’re at the Flynn,” VSO executive director Elise Brunelle said. Fresh from one major transition — Brunelle came on board in May 2020 — the VSO now faces another one. After two decades as music director, Jaime Laredo
retired this past May. Three of seven candidates for his position are scheduled to audition this season, starting with Akiko Fujimoto on October 30. Auditions will conclude by January 2023. Fujimoto is a member of that still-rare species — a female conductor — with a stellar résumé. Born in Japan, she studied music at Stanford University and obtained two master’s degrees in conducting, one from Boston University and one from the Eastman School of Music. She is currently music director of the Mid-Texas Symphony; before that, she was associate conductor of the Minnesota Orchestra. From 2017 to 2020, she covered for Esa-Pekka Salonen and others at the LA Phil. At the Flynn, Fujimoto will conduct the world premiere of a cello concerto called “Sampson’s Walk on Air,” featuring principal cellist John Dunlop, by another accomplished woman: Jordanian Canadian composer Suad Bushnaq. Primarily a film composer, Bushnaq studied music in Syria and at McGill University. The VSO previously performed one of her compositions on a Holiday Pops tour.
performing arts preview The program also includes Black American composer-violinist Jesse Montgomery’s “Strum” and Ludwig van Beethoven’s first symphony — an homage to his teacher Franz Joseph Hadyn and to Mozart, written before Beethoven began revolutionizing that musical form. Leading up to the October 30 concert, the VSO is offering a slew of events aimed at “widening and diversifying our audience,” Brunelle said. A VSO Quartet will provide the music for an Adventure Dinner, created by event planner extraordinaire Sas Stewart, on October 9. Its members will play pieces by Maurice Ravel and Beethoven that are on the Flynn concert program. In a collaboration with the University of Vermont Lane Series on October 26, Bushnaq will join several locals for a free presentation on New American music. The Vermont participants will include Winooski-based Afro-jazz singer-songwriter Irene Webster (who performs as KeruBo); Said Bulle, founder of the Burlington-based singer-dancers of A2VT, who perform fun fusions of hip-hop and their native African music traditions; and
The October concert is the only classical one scheduled before 2022. Meanwhile, though, the VSO’s other offerings are back: the Jukebox Quartet in November at five venues around the state, “Burlington Does Broadway” on December 31, the Holiday Pops tour and a tour pairing the Brass Quintet with vocal ensemble Counterpoint. The VSO has additional inventive collaborations up its sleeve, including a plan for an hourlong concert in Essex accompanied by full-stage projections on a screen behind the orchestra. “This [projection] company normally does big outdoor rock festivals, big projections against buildings,” Brunelle said, hinting at what that concert might entail. Stay tuned. m
Vermont Youth Orchestra Association musicians
INFO Mikahely, a Burlington-based guitarist from Madagascar who plays the valiha. In conjunction with Bushnaq’s visit, the VSO is running a statewide composition competition for middle and high school students. Contestants will compose works on any instrument based on a melody in
Bushnaq’s cello concerto. Finalists will then come to Burlington to work with the composer and attend the October 30 concert. “Melody is melody, whether you’re playing on an electric guitar or a string quartet,” Brunelle said.
Vermont Youth Orchestra, “A Fantastique Return,” Sunday, October 17, 3 p.m., at Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center in Stowe. Free. Vermont Symphony Orchestra 2021 Classical Series, conducted by Akiko Fujimoto, Saturday, October 30, 7:30 p.m., at the Flynn in Burlington. $10-65.
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@vermontfilm 2H-VTIFF090821 1
City Of Burlington SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
9/9/21 11:07 AM
Home on the Grange In the Northeast Kingdom, Modern Times Theater sparks an entertainment revolution B Y J O R D AN A D AMS • PHOTOS: DARIA BISHOP
warning for audience members at Modern Times Theater’s Punch and Judy puppet shows: People in the first two rows may get wet. At a recent performance at the Albany Public Library, 30 or so rapt children and their chaperones squealed with surprise and delight as characters in the show romped, frolicked, quipped, tried to eat each other and playfully sprayed water into the crowd. Most of the 60-minute set was dry — at least literally. Figuratively, the gags and musical numbers were anything but. Calling on the 300-year-old tradition and domestic foibles of hand puppets Punch and Judy, the forebears of most modern puppet theater, Modern Times revamps the concept with whimsy and effortless charm. “We always feel like the common denominator is humor,” Modern Times’ Justin Lander said while sitting on his East Hardwick home’s stone patio. He cofounded the company with his wife, Rose Friedman, in 2007. The couple’s 1790s farmhouse is like something out of a storybook, replete with livestock, gardens and an attached greenhouse overflowing with vineripened tomatoes. “If you can get people all laughing together, they can be together without being so conscious of what divides them,” he continued. Friedman and Lander met while working with Glover’s Bread and Puppet Theater, whose influence is clear in their craft as entertainers. Lander creates all his puppets from salvaged materials and papier-mâché. Fostering community is one of Modern Times’ primary objectives. Living in the Northeast Kingdom, one of Vermont’s most rural areas, the pair stresses the importance of togetherness. But they also want to create a self-sustaining entertainment economy in their own and others’ backyards. In a world ruled by streaming platforms, mobile gaming and social media, Modern Times aims to reintroduce original, organic live performance. “Is there some way that we can provide a lot of our own entertainment and theater and music here without having to drive far away?” Friedman asked.
Justin Lander and Rose Friedman
A Modern Times Theater performance in Montpelier
performing arts preview One way the couple is reshaping the town’s entertainment economy is through a developing partnership with the Vermont State Grange. The National Grange of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, known as “the Grange,” is an agricultural and social organization that sprang up after the Civil War, with meetinghouses throughout the United States. Friedman and Lander are working with Caledonia No. 9 Grange Hall, built in 1909. Members of the gorgeously preserved, century-old structure have, in recent years, struggled to maintain its vibrancy. It’s uninsulated and needs some interior renovations, as well as accessibility upgrades. It also has no parking. When it hosts events, attendees park on the side of the road and across the street at the First Congregational Church of East Hardwick. But the Grange’s main obstacle stems from a cultural shift in how people socialize and consume entertainment. “Many of the Granges are having a hard time defining their purpose in the modern era,” said Steven Gorelick, who holds the ceremonial title of Caledonia No. 9’s “gatekeeper.” Speaking by phone, he explained that the kinds of gatherings the Grange
once held — sing-alongs, group games and Friedman joined the Grange when she other community activities — aren’t as saw its potential for hosting the kinds of attractive as they once were. But Modern creative opportunities she and Lander Times’ work is igniting a spark. want to foster. “What Rose and Justin are doing is very “Is there a way to build a community much in the spirit of the old Grange,” Gore- center … through arts programming?” lick continued. “They’re fighting against Friedman wondered. the most powerful corpoShe said they aim to rations of our day, which update the Grange and its include Amazon, Netflix and offerings to reflect current Disney, and the whole attencultural attitudes and tion economy driven by the values. tech companies.” “There’s still somewhat Recently, Friedman of a living culture of memory and Lander hosted a bingo … of many generations of a night and donation-based family living in one place,” dinner at the Grange. To Friedman said. “If artists step add a retro feel, they scored in and take the old, defunct J US TIN L AND E R an old-fashioned bingo Grange hall and make somesetup from Craigslist, thing happen, does that mean complete with wire tumbler cage and that they’re going to lose the key and [the light-up board. Grange will become] something that they As host, Lander drew from his past can’t afford?” experience as an auctioneer at charity To address this conundrum with their auctions. He has no training in the role, art, Friedman and Lander are creating he admitted; he’s more like a comedian a new performance piece called “We’re pretending to be one. Not From Here,” funded through a newly “The auction’s the cracker, and the awarded creation grant from the Vermont comedy’s the cheese,” he quipped. Arts Council.
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Kathleen Kolb - Yellow Barn, Spring 2H-edgewater091521 1
“The main themes include rural gentrification and being from ‘away,’” Friedman wrote by email. The show will incorporate puppetry, as well as vaudeville-inspired sketch comedy scenes. Once it’s complete, they hope to tour it at small venues around the state. “[It’s] a kind of synthesis of everything we do,” she continued. Gorelick observed that developing a self-sustaining entertainment economy is consistent with the Grange’s original agricultural values. Just as many homesteaders in the area are producing their own food, Modern Times wants to feed people with homegrown entertainment. “It’s all about local self-reliance,” Gorelick said. “That’s an attractive stance in the Northeast Kingdom for a lot of people.” m
INFO See Modern Times Theater’s Punch and Judy show Thursday through Sunday, September 16 through 19, at the Tunbridge World’s Fair, $10-15 fair admission; and on Sunday, September 26, at the Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro, free.
EDGEWATER GA L L E RY Now with exhibitions and artist events at The Pitcher Inn, Warren, Vermont SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
9/10/21 1:15 PM
What a Rush
Luiza Bloomberg feeds UVM fraternity brothers — and pranks them B Y JORD A N BA RRY •
he brothers of fraternities Alpha Gamma Rho and Sigma Phi Society at the University of Vermont have it good. Monday through Friday, Luiza Bloomberg prepares their lunch and dinner. Bloomberg is well known in the Burlington area for her pierogi — and other dishes from her native Poland — which she serves at pop-ups and sells directly through her business, Luiza’s Homemade With Love. But during the school year, when her event schedule slows down, she cooks in the kitchen of AGR’s stately brick house on South Prospect Street, just off the UVM campus. “I feel like I live here. Right, CK?”
Bloomberg said, addressing AGR president and UVM senior Connor Kepcher. The ecological agriculture major was sitting on the other side of the fraternity house’s front porch, wearing AirPods and working on an insect collection for an entomology course. “He’s ignoring me,” Bloomberg added with a laugh. She’s been doing all the planning, shopping and cooking for the fraternity — feeding 12 to 16 brothers at a time — since the fall of 2018. Last year, she started cooking extra meals to deliver to Sigma Phi down the street. Many U.S. fraternities and sororities hire personal chefs; some companies even specialize in chef services for Greek
houses. But most of those chefs aren’t cooking Bloomberg’s menu of pierogi, beef tongue and steamed lobster. Taking a break from his homework, Kepcher listed his favorite Bloomberg dishes, starting with beef Stroganoff. “I like the pierogis, too, obviously,” he said. Kepcher has lived in the house since spring break 2020, when UVM switched to remote learning and ordered students to leave campus. “If Luiza could be our house mother, we’d do it,” he said. “Nationals says we don’t need one, but she fills in that role.” While he was talking, Bloomberg rolled up her sleeve to show her tattoo: a chef ’s knife emblazoned with the fraternity’s letters. “I’m like the unknown brother,” she said.
» P.42
LUIZA BLOOMBERG POSITION: Chef at fraternities Alpha Gamma
Rho and Sigma Phi Society at the University of Vermont LOCATION: Burlington AGE: 47 CUISINE TYPE: All kinds EDUCATION: Self-taught cook; studied psychology at Castleton University with a concentration in forensic psychology EXPERIENCE: Owner of Luiza’s Homemade
With Love since December 2013, private chef, caterer and teacher of pierogi-making classes. Before starting her business, Bloomberg worked in mental health for the Vermont State Hospital, the Department of Corrections and the Woodside Juvenile Center, as well as at group homes. WHAT’S ON THE MENU? Pierogi, of course;
chicken Parmesan; beet-cured salmon; Mediterranean-style grazing platters; steak sandwiches; al pastor tacos
we are offering Dine in options in addition to our Outdoor Patio
After three years of planning, Vermont Works for Women will launch a culinary training program on September 27 at Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility in South Burlington, Vermont’s only prison for women. Four pilot participants will help “flesh out” details of the 12-week course, said HEATHER NEWCOMB, women’s program manager for Vermont Works for Women. Trainees will be selected from among inmate applicants who are already working in the facility’s kitchen. BRYAN MITOFSKY, the prison’s food service supervisor, who previously owned Coffee Corner in Montpelier, is codeveloping the curriculum with new hire SARAH ANDERSON, a trained chef, former caterer and current school nutrition manager for Ferrisburgh Central School. The program will cover a range of cooking styles but focus on preparing trainees to work in schools, hospitals and other institutions. Funded by a U.S. Department of Justice grant, the pilot will be the facility’s only on-site job-training program, Newcomb said. Vermont Works for Women helps women and girls explore and pursue careers that lead to economic independence. The Winooskibased nonprofit has long worked with the Vermont Department of Corrections to help build work and employmentplanning skills with
O 802.865.5200 • • 133 Bank St. • Burlington, Vermont Chef-instructor Robin Burnett (left) and participant Stacey Clarke in the Vermont Works for Women Fresh Food Enterprise training program in 2015
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9/14/21 6:12 PM
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Suzanne Podhaizer’s spinachnettle soup with crème fraîche
those incarcerated at Chittenden Regional. “The more skills they leave with, the more opportunities for employment,” Newcomb said. “Employment is one of the top predictors of whether they will return to incarceration.” Beyond job training, Newcomb added, for the many “women who have had to leave their families due to addiction and incarceration, learning how to make nutritious meals is empowering and helps rebuild self-worth.” The new program will resemble COMMUNITY KITCHEN ACADEMY, a VERMONT FOODBANK partnership program in Burlington and Barre; and the Fresh Food Enterprise training program, which Vermont Works for Women ran in Winooski from 2011 to 2016. “Food is a very good vehicle for teaching a lot of life lessons,” Newcomb said. “When things don’t work out, like your salad dressing breaks, you learn
that mistakes happen. Let’s start over.”
8 0 2 .8 6 5.5 20 0 8H-StoweStCafe052621.indd 1
9/14/21 1 3 3 B ANK ST
5:25 • BPM U R L I NGT ON
Melissa Pasanen
The new team members at the PEACHAM CAFÉ introduced themselves to the community last weekend. More than 100 people — from Peacham, Danville, St. Johnsbury and as far away as Burlington — stopped by to sample what AVERY CISNÉ, JACK BILLINGS and SUZANNE PODHAIZER were cooking up. The trio leases the community-supported café at 643 Bayley-Hazen Road, which is owned by Peacham Community Housing and managed by the Peacham Café Board. In July, the board announced that previous café operators CRYSTAL LAPIERRE and SHANNON PELLETIER had “decided SIDE DISHES
» P.43 Untitled-6 1
9/14/21 1:00 PM
Flour Power
Baked goods come with good company at Thompson’s Flour Shop — since 1994 B Y CA ROLYN SHA PIRO •
n a day in late August, lunch customers streamed into Thompson’s Flour Shop for sandwiches on the Morrisville restaurant’s signature home-baked bread. Most of them were as eager to inquire about the newest member of the Thompson family as they were to get their meal. Ryan Thompson, daughter of the shop’s owner, took orders at the front counter with a wide smile and an attitude of steady cheer. “She’s a little meatball,” she said of the aforementioned new arrival — her 5-month-old daughter, Hunter, who had come to work with her that day and was in the kitchen under the watchful eyes of Thompson’s staff. Ryan, 35, took equal interest in each familiar face to arrive at the counter. “You’re huge!” she exclaimed to a teen who had come in with his family. “You’re so tall.” The freshly baked bread and pastries aren’t the only homestyle offerings at Thompson’s, a mainstay of the Morrisville community. Located on a bend of Lower Main Street in the village center, the shop is folksy and warm, with old-fashioned charm oozing from its nooks and crannies like the frosting on its cinnamon rolls. It’s no wonder Thompson’s has engendered the devotion of diners near and far. “It’s not the greatest bread in the world, but there’s something about two hours out of the oven,” said Ryan’s dad, Keith Thompson, who cofounded Thompson’s Flour Shop 27 years ago. Many customers would argue that he sells Thompson’s short. They line up for the restaurant’s hearty selection of salads, soups, daily specials, and breakfast and lunch sandwiches. Each of the latter comes with chips, a drink and a homemade cookie. The pastry case tempts with scones, croissants, turnovers and muffins that taste as good as they look. Thompson’s closes at 2:30 p.m., but customers looking for dinner can grab a take-and-bake pot pie from the freezers in the dining room. The bread is cut thick, but it’s soft and airy. In the curried chicken salad sandwich I tried, it held the main attraction tight against the lettuce and tomato. The honey oat bread brought out a slight sweetness in the chicken salad, which was light on spice and studded with grapes and almonds.
The Pilgrim turkey sandwich and a cookie at Thompson’s Flour Shop
“I’m not a chef. I’m not classically trained. But I’ve been in the restaurant business a long time,” Keith said. “The bottom line is: It’s really to make money.” Some restaurants emphasize the “artistic, creative side” of food, he said. “That’s not who we are. What we are is: You’re going to come in; you’re going to be paying a reasonable price for a reasonable product. It’s not the best; it’s not the worst. It’s going to be consistent, you know, every time you come in. And we’re going to do it with pleasure.” Keith didn’t start out with a plan to get into the bakery business. He was raised in Boston and moved to Vermont with his now ex-wife, Kathy, in 1983. They both worked as restaurant servers, but after their three children came along, they began looking for extra income. One day, Keith brought some of his wife’s home-baked bread to the chef at the Shed Restaurant & Brewery in Stowe, where he worked. The chef loved the idea of offering locally made rolls, and Keith saw a niche to fill. From their home kitchen, the
Thompsons began supplying rolls and bread to the Shed and other restaurants. Soon they were baking for and delivering to individual customers. In 1994, the couple started renting a space in Morrisville for $500 a month. An $11,000 loan from Union Bank bought them equipment for a bakery and a retail storefront they dubbed Thompson’s Flour Shop. “We made money from day one,” Keith said. “We never owed too much. I think one of the problems with restaurants nowadays is a huge debt.” Keith and his wife added a Thompson’s Flour Shop in Stowe a few years later, changing its location in 2002, but they found it challenging to operate there and closed it in 2012. Keith revels in Thompson’s success, but he’s not sentimental about it. Now 66, he said he’s looking forward to leaving the business to Ryan and her brother Zachary. But his succession plan isn’t based on any nostalgic desire to see the business carry on his family name. His focus is on the financials. If he sold
to an outside buyer, Keith said, he couldn’t get the price he thinks Thompson’s is worth. Most banks are loath to lend money to restaurants because so many fail. To complete such a sale, Keith would have to front the money himself to the buyer, who would then owe him payments. If the new owner let things slide, “then they go out of business, and I’ve just lost everything I worked for,” he said. By passing the business to his kids, he’s giving them a guaranteed income and the power of ownership. And they can keep Keith on the payroll. “So they don’t have to borrow any money,” Keith said. “There’s nothing hanging over them, so this business goes to the next generation with no debt service, with Keith getting a little piece of the action. And I’m also a resource for them whenever they need me.” Zachary, 31, stays in the back of the kitchen, baking and crafting menus, while Ryan works the front and handles customer service. Another son works in the tech industry in Boston. “This is my family’s business,” Ryan
food+drink Dinner House (1250-1300; from OldEnglish < Old French diner (noun); see dinner) on the wagon trail, a more substantial meal than a pub.
We’ve got something substantial for you.
Fire & Ice
Vermont’s Iconic Dinnerhouse 26 Seymour Street | Middlebury | 802.388.7166 | Keith Thompson doing prep work in the kitchen at Thompson’s Flour Shop
said, sitting at one of the small wooden tables in the dining area, with Hunter in a carrier by her side. “I’ve grown up in the industry. I love the people that come in, the customers, like my second family.” Three years ago, Thompson’s moved across the street to its current location in a historic brick building with checkerboard linoleum floors. It’s an apt backdrop for the homespun fare and, with its ample front patio for outdoor dining, ideal for pandemic patronage. Like all nonessential businesses in Vermont, Thompson’s shut down in midMarch 2020. It reopened nine weeks later exclusively for takeout, which previously had accounted for about half its business. Almost immediately, customers queued down the sidewalk. Some people offered Keith cash gifts, expressing worry about Thompson’s survival, but he didn’t accept them, he said. Big orders rolled in. Manufacturing Solutions, a nearby company with a few hundred employees, asked for 300-plus sandwiches in a single day — on multiple occasions. “I couldn’t believe the amount of people that would walk up to me outside of here, when we were shut down, and say how much they miss the sandwiches and how much they miss the conversation with us here,” Zachary recalled last month. “People really were trying to lend a hand,” he continued, “because they didn’t want to see us anywhere else. They want to see us succeed. It was just as important to them as it was to us.” After Thompson’s received a federal Paycheck Protection Program loan, Keith took the opportunity to change things up. He 86’d some items and streamlined the menu, partly because the sandwich boxes the shop used had become scarce.
“It gave me a safety net because I knew I could have a little more guts with my business, because I didn’t have any debt,” he said of the PPP. “That money was there, and I knew if I needed it I could draw from it.” One of the biggest changes for regulars at Thompson’s was the introduction of packaged sandwich meals with chips, a drink and a cookie for $11.95 — a $4 jump from the sandwich alone that was offered previously. Some diners balked, but others liked the deal, Keith said: “Before you know it, we’re doing better sales than we’ve done historically.” Thompson’s also added half a dozen varieties of bake-at-home pot pies: vegetarian leek and mushroom; classic chicken; tourtière (the traditional Québécois meat pie); a decadent seafood option that resembles chowder inside a crust; and a steak pie that Thompson’s had to stop making last month because of soaring beef prices. On Christmas Eve, Thompson’s sold 100 pot pies. Keith expanded his staff of three to nine to handle the demand. “We were setting sales records because of the pot pies,” he said. What Thompson’s didn’t change was its technological presence — or lack of it. The shop doesn’t have a website, just a Facebook page. It takes no orders online, only by phone. An employee checks off the customer’s choices on a paper list and submits it to the kitchen. Thompson’s didn’t even accept credit cards until 10 years ago. Before the pandemic, Bonnie Bound, who lives in nearby Wolcott, came to Thompson’s every week with a friend. When COVID-19 lockdowns set in, she FLOUR POWER
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491-4911 SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
3/8/21 3:18 PM
Students serving themselves dinner
Luiza (center) with Alpha Gamma Rho president Connor Kepcher and rush chair AJ Ayers
What a Rush « P.38 Bloomberg talked with Seven Days about why she loves the job, what frat boys eat and who does the dishes — and Kepcher couldn’t help but chime in. SEVEN DAYS: How did you become a fraternity chef? LUIZA BLOOMBERG: A few months before I saw the job posting on Craigslist, somebody told me, “You should look for jobs working at fraternities.” My business is slower in the school year, and I needed something else. I happened to see the post and thought, You know what? I’ll just apply. Why not? I don’t remember what all the job requirements were. But I didn’t have to do dishes. SD: I was going to ask about the dishes! LB: The brothers do the dishes. They have to clean the floors, take the garbage out — all that stuff. Everybody signs up for lunch duty and dinner duty. It helps to keep people accountable: They know there’s no food if the dishes are not done. SD: That sounds like a useful threat. LB: It happened more my first year, when they were still getting used to my way of doing things. SD: How did you set those expectations with a house full of college guys? LB: I mean, with any job you start, people see how much they can test each other. We definitely had some fun the first year of like, “OK, let’s see what she can handle.” 42
SD: Did they prank you? LB: Oh yeah. CONNOR KEPCHER: We had to take away her water gun. LB: I had a water gun because they were not— CK: And you were in trouble for the water gun. LB: So, yes, definitely. I’ve locked the fridge before with a padlock. They were eating all the stuff for dinner. They figured out how to open it enough to leave little notes inside. One time we were doing fried Oreos, and I threw in an onion. I put it on the same plate and didn’t say anything. We all became very creative about this kind of stuff, and I think it was a great way of, like, getting to know each other in a fun way — instead of them being like, “Oh, we have to be scared of her.” I don’t think I have a big fear factor. SD: Have you ever come across something really gross, like stereotypical frat house stuff? LB: Little stuff, but not much more than when they forget to take the garbage out for a long period of time. I have a teenage son, so I’m prepared for anything. But working here has helped me understand him more. Fraternities have these bad reputations, but at the same time, most people don’t see the everyday life. You don’t see them, you know, being upset because they broke up with a girlfriend. I’ve seen them cry. I’ve seen them worry about weight and share exciting news in their lives. Maybe I have a different perspective because I have three kids, but I look at them as humans. Seeing these guys and
watching them grow during their college years, I’m like, “This is somebody’s son.” SD: What does a typical week look like? LB: I’m here Monday through Friday, and I do lunch and dinner. Mondays, we have a chapter meeting, so all the brothers come in. They get dressed up and sit down for dinner and the meeting. On Fridays, I do brunch and prepare something for the evening so they can either reheat it or grill. I try to make extra every day so they have leftovers for the weekend. I cook out of this kitchen and then just drop the meals off at Sigma Phi. SD: How is that different from cooking pierogi for a crowd at the ArtsRiot Truck Stop or a brewery pop-up? LB: This is more fun! At events, where there might be 300, 500 people — or 1,000 or 3,000 — I make pierogi for days and days. No end. I’ve run out of shows to watch while making pierogi. Even though it seems like I cook for a lot of people here, it’s fun because we cook so many different things. I get to be creative. SD: What are some of your favorite things to cook for the brothers? LB: I think their favorite things are pork enchiladas and steak sandwiches. I
surprised them with lobsters and corn one time; I put everything in a cooler to keep it steaming, and they were really excited when they opened it up. I try to shop locally, at local farms. The brothers have a garden and chickens, so they’ll go out and pick tomatoes or grab eggs. We’ve done some fun things together, too. We’ve cooked octopus, and squid-ink risotto. I made beef tongue sandwiches and didn’t tell them ’til afterwards what it was. SD: How did that go? LB: They actually ate it. And they were like, “Oh, if you told us before, we probably wouldn’t have.” I really opened up their taste buds. I always try to make salad, and I hide a lot of eggplant in the meat sauce. But I do the same thing to my own kids. And I try not to repeat things over and over. Although, chicken Parmesan — during COVID, when there were no in-person classes, I think we made chicken Parm every week. At the end, I was like, “Do not ask me for chicken Parm!” SD: Do they ever cook? LB: Last year we had a [regular] Thursday brother takeover. They mostly know what they’re doing, but there were times when they needed some extra help. One time, someone wanted to make a Czech dinner. He didn’t have a recipe, but his grandmother always made a dish with sauerkraut and pork. I’m Polish, and we have the same kind of thing; we just call it something different. So we made that together. And we cook everything from Thai to Chinese, Italian to Polish. They have made me dinner — they even set up a white tablecloth with flowers. They made chicken Parm [laughing]. SD: Was it good? LB: [Still laughing] It was really good. SD: What makes this different from a more traditional cooking job? LB: I’ve never cooked anywhere professionally, except owning my own business and doing this. But I have a background in psychology, and this kind of combines my loves of psychology and cooking. I didn’t know what to expect from this job, but I fell in love with it. It’s nice to have the summer off, but I always look forward to coming back to them. m This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity and length.
INFO Learn more about Luiza’s Homemade With Love on Facebook.
food+drink Route 7 - Charlotte, VT
The patio outside Thompson’s Flour Shop
Flour Power « P.41 and her husband brought home Thompson’s pot pies and soups. They knew small businesses were struggling. “I prayed for them all the time: ‘Don’t let Thompson’s go under,’” Bound said as she finished a tuna sandwich. “It’s just really, really a perfect place.” Her friend Sherry Bell agreed, saying, “Not only is the food good, but the people who work here are so friendly. They’re engaged.”
Side Dishes « P.39
to move on to quieter pursuits” after five years. Podhaizer replied to the board’s call for new tenants “approximately 28 minutes after they put it up,” she said. The former owner of Montpelier’s Salt, as well as a former Seven Days food editor, Podhaizer said that “it was totally not in my plans to do restaurant work. But, my whole career, I’ve been just running through doors that opened in front of me.” Billings and Podhaizer started HAVEN HEARTH & HOMESTEAD in St. Johnsbury in November 2020, selling prepared foods, wildcrafted syrups and other products from their own marketgarden-size farm at local markets and pop-ups. A part-time software engineer, Billings runs
Not everyone wants the person who takes their sandwich order to chat them up and ask where they’re from and what they’re doing in town. Thompson’s caters to people who do. “When you come in here,” Keith said, “we’re gonna develop a relationship from the very first visit.” m
INFO Thompson’s Flour Shop, 84 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-2106. More info on Facebook.
the couple’s farm and sugaring operation; he’ll help with front-of-house and behind-the-scenes operations at the café. He and Podhaizer were looking for sales outlets that wouldn’t put them in competition with other local farmers. “Having the café as an outlet — both for the cooking side, using what we grow in the things that we serve, but also being able to sell to nearby residents who don’t have easy access to a grocery store — seemed like a pretty good move,” Podhaizer said. “And I really love its community nature.” Podhaizer reached out to Cisné, who bakes naturally leavened, wood-fired breads and
2021-09-15 Horsford Ad 4T-horsford091521 1 - Fall Sales.indd 1
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pastries at A VERY GOOD CO. In the mornings, he’ll bake the café’s pastries and make sandwiches on his breads. Podhaizer will prepare an ever-changing lunch menu of salads, soups and hot dishes, such as chicken and dumplings with meat from CROSS FARM in Barnet and nettle and ramp powder. Starting this week, the café will be open Wednesday through Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Podhaizer will offer takeout dinners for preorder and pickup, weekly Sunday suppers, and cooking classes and Salt-style theme dinners on alternating Saturdays. Jordan Barry
CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
4T-VTPBS(Hagan)091521 1
9/14/21 1:29 PM
culture speak to me and through me. After that, I was more or less taking dictation.
Baron Wormser
Baron Wormser’s latest novel invokes the voice of a young Bob Dylan B Y B E NJA M I N AL ESHIRE
he hefty full title of Baron Wormser’s new novel is Songs From a Voice: Being the Recollections, Stanzas, and Observations of Abe Runyan, Song Writer and Performer. A Guggenheim Fellow and six-time poet laureate of Maine who now lives in Montpelier, Wormser is the author of numerous poetry collections, short stories, essays and novels, as well as a memoir and two books on teaching. With his latest, he manages to combine all those genres into one hybrid text: a plainspoken monologue delivered by the title character, who bears more than a little resemblance to a certain guitarstrumming Nobel laureate. The result is a work of fiction structured as a loquacious memoir, interspersed with lyrics and poems. It also serves as a lesson on postwar American history and 44
a sprawling meditation on art, music and the role of the artist in society. Via email, Seven Days asked Wormser about his historical and literary influences — and whether Songs From a Voice’s main inspiration is aware of the book. SEVEN DAYS: Tell me about your process for conceiving the protagonist of Songs From a Voice, Abe Runyan. He’s a fictional stand-in for the young Bob Dylan, of course, but his name also invokes Paul Bunyan, the mythical lumberjack, with an Abrahamic flourish. BARON WORMSER: Abe is based on Dylan, but what interested me was the legendary dimension of my protagonist, especially the sources of imagination. The bald story — guy from a small town in the upper Midwest writes songs that change
the world — certainly seems a legend come to life. So I leaned on the legendary in naming my character — Abraham (biblical), Paul Bunyan (American folklore), Damon Runyon (American writer and creator of characters). My protagonist, as Dylan did, renames himself, creates himself. I’m not sure what to say about “process,” beyond that I’ve been thinking about Dylan for a lifetime, and this character started to
SD: I love that idea of receiving dictation, and it makes me think of the lyrics that punctuate the narrative. At first encounter, I wondered whether they might be quotes from Emily Dickinson! Do you see Runyan’s verses as a synthesis of sorts, between Dylan, your own work as a poet and other sources? BW: I wanted to somehow indicate the nature of my protagonist’s lyric proclivities. I wanted to break up the narrative and allow for poetry to assert itself as part of the imaginative landscape. I’ve been reading Dickinson forever, and that quatrain form seemed suitable. There’s a jumpiness in Dickinson, a leaping quality, an improvising quality, an existential quality that made sense to me. She, of course, had a strong metaphysical agenda, so to speak, but her form derived from ballads and hymns, which is to say — songs. I decided to use her dashes and see what happened. I found myself perceiving the quatrain as a poem unto itself. What could I do in four lines that would echo the prior prose chapter? I liked that terseness and that equivocal relation among the lines. I liked the meter and the rhyme, since my protagonist was devoted to songmeter and rhyme. “Synthesis of sorts” is a fair term. SD: Besides music and songwriting, much of the novel concerns Abe Runyan’s skepticism of authority and the traditional values of postwar America; like Dylan, he uses music as a way to escape all that. As someone born just a few years after Dylan (and in that spirit of “synthesis”), did you find yourself making use of your own feelings from that time? BW: The book is an homage in part but also a form of historical participation: This is what it was like, and this is how certain people responded to the Cold War, the coming of rock and roll, endemic racism, various forms of cultural narrowness (school, small-town life, the “news”), along with free-floating existential despair alleviated by a tremor of illicit excitement: This all has to change, and somehow we will change it. (Pardon the two colons.) So the book stems from my feelings, my inveterate skepticism and the search for some sort of elsewhere — inner and outer.
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Artistree’s Music Theatre Festival presents The Honky Tonk Angels.
NK O T KY N O H gels the
himself, weaving his personal truth with a cryptic (and occasionally plagiarized) self-mythology. As an author of many books in poetry and prose, do you feel that you have ever had to remake yourself (or been tempted to?) BW: No. Dylan meant to become a public persona. I’ve never been in that league, nor have I felt that need. SD: Have you had any contact with Dylan about the book? If not, what do you imagine he would make of it? BW: The book has gone to some people reasonably close to him, but that’s as far as it’s gone. He has constructed, as my son likes to say, a moat around a moat — which is understandable. He might be amused. He seems good at being amused, at seeing the absurdities and the graces and how they can go together.
FROM SONGS FROM A VOICE Critics write about influences and what I’ve taken from this song or that song. I’ve taken plenty. That’s the nature of the task — one big stream of music — but in another way I haven’t taken a thing. It’s more that I’ve been open to how nothing stays still, how each moment everything is increasing and decreasing even if you can’t see it, like the shores of the seas, and how those changes have spoken to me. I used to sit out on a windy October day when I was a boy and watch the leaves fall. My dad would have me rake them, but first I wanted to see them fall. It seemed only fair. I loved watching their fluttering and flitting. Every leaf’s flight was different — a show for me. My dad would come by and remind me to “rake not dream.” A little sad to make beauty a chore: The raking got done, but I took my time. I remember first hearing Nat King Cole sing “Autumn Leaves.” My mom owned the record. He was the best — his voice warm and full and silken. He sang in French too, which made sense because the feeling — missing someone — was in all languages. And the feeling wasn’t speaking. The feeling was singing.
SD: Another concern of the book is transformation: Abe Runyan practices his stage leer in the mirror, as he imagines James Dean must have done. And Dylan himself (born Robert Zimmerman, then changed in homage to the poet Dylan Thomas) certainly remade
SD: Is there anything else you’d like readers to know about the book? BW: There is something deeply American about Bob Dylan, and that was a huge impetus to write the book, to create Abe, to try to get at the roots that were there, more or less waiting for someone to come along and tap into them, someone who believed in imagination. That’s the kicker — imagination. It can be very hard for an artist (such as Dylan) not just to believe in himself but believe in the validity of his art. The leap he made into the early songs and then into the songs that are unequivocally artful was a huge leap, as important an artistic leap as anyone ever made in this country. There was danger in that leap and enormous possibility of failure, of falling short. Imagination is routinely shut down on many fronts. Abe’s story in my book is that of someone who is proud of imagination and who treasures the myriad sources of imagination — musical, literary, geographical, historical — that the nation gave him. Given the importance of imagination, fiction seemed a sensible way to tell the story. m
INFO Songs From a Voice: Being the Recollections, Stanzas, and Observations of Abe Runyan, Song Writer and Performer by Baron Wormser, Woodhall Press, 176 pages. $17.95. The author will read and discuss the book on Saturday, September 18, 2-3:30 p.m., at Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls. More info at
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9/14/21 1:03 PM
Vermont writers reading their work
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9/10/21 4:28 PM
The Killing Joke
Author S. Lee Manning combines passion for laughter and espionage at a novel event B Y CH RI S FAR NSW ORTH •
SEVEN DAYS: You’ve had quite a colorful career. What made you decide to be a writer after you retired from being an attorney? S. LEE MANNING: I’ve always wanted to be a writer. I actually used to write for a publication called Law Enforcement Communications; I was an editor. I lived with five roommates in New York City, and I got really tired of being poor! So I went to law school and became a lawyer for over 30 years. But I never stopped writing, no matter how busy I was. SD: So you retired and decided to become a novelist. Was it just that easy? SLM: Oh, my first novel had a very long history before I got it published. I submitted my first draft of Trojan Horse in 2005 to a contest held by the Mystery Writers of America, and I won! Which, in turn, got me read by an agent, who handed it to publishers, who all said, “Nice novel, but we’re up to our asses in spy thrillers. No thanks.” 46
hat does a spy thriller about a Russian Jewish espionage agent have to do with standup comedy? Not much, unless you’re talking with S. Lee Manning. The author of Trojan Horse and its forthcoming sequel, Nerve Attack, has led a life full of her own sort of intrigue. During her career as an attorney, Manning was instrumental in helping abolish the death penalty in New Jersey. At age 68, she decided to become a full-time novelist. Her first novel about spy Kolya Petrov was praised by Kirkus and short-listed for an award from thriller conference Killer Nashville. Adding another feather to her cap, Elmore resident Manning took up writing and performing standup comedy in 2019, after attending classes at the Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington. Manning combines her two great loves on Wednesday, September 22, with an unusual launch event for Nerve Attack called “When Comedy Kills,” held right where it started for her, at Vermont Comedy Club. Manning sat down with Seven Days to talk about the differences between the two worlds she finds herself inhabiting, and why James Bond kind of sucks.
S. Lee Manning
I eventually got a contract with a place called Five Star, but they decided to stop publishing mystery and suspense books six months before mine was supposed to be published. Then I found my current publisher in 2018. SD: Why a spy thriller? Is this an Ian Fleming thing, because you were in intelligence yourself? SLM: No, no. I just love the spy genre and have since I was young. I would put on a trench coat and follow people around shopping malls, trying to look inconspicuous. I’m not a big James Bond fan; he’s a
little too macho for me. Maybe he was cool, like, 30 years ago, but nah. Not anymore. I like intellectual spies. Even if there’s action, my characters have to use their brains instead of shooting people. I mean … they shoot people, too, though. [Laughing] Also, I’m intrigued by the similarities of being a spy and being a writer. I’m fascinated by people who have to hide what they are. Writers and spies both watch people and figure out how to use them. I’d say that’s true, to an extent, with all of us. We all have insecurities or fears, and we pretend that we don’t. People hide who they are all the time; it’s just a bit more obvious with spy thrillers. SD: OK. So, when you were following people around in trench coats as a kid, did you also see yourself doing standup comedy? SLM: Ha ha, no, it wasn’t quite that. It was right around the time I was getting sort of frustrated being a writer [that] I decided to
take my first class at Vermont Comedy Club. And, well, I was kind of good at it, so I just kept performing; it was as simple as that. I joke now that whenever I get tired of killing or torturing people in my novels, I take a break and do comedy. Though I was definitely nervous as shit the first time! I have an anxiety disorder. Honestly, I think three-quarters of the comics I’ve met have an anxiety disorder and are working it out onstage. One of my first jokes I ever told went something like this: I have a general anxiety disorder, but I don’t know why they call it general, because I’m always anxious about specific things. Specifically, everything.
Comedy is similar to writing a spy novel, for the most part. In comedy, you create a persona onstage. You’re taking uncomfortable situations with a lot of stress, and you’re using that for the work. Comics do it for a laugh. The difference with writing a thriller is that you’re trying to up the stress, rather than relieve it, as you do with comedy. SD: Similarities aside, why hold the release party for a spy thriller at a comedy club? Are you going to read the more humorous excerpts from the book, or just hit people with the skulduggery and shooting?
SLM: I admit, it’s weird! But it feels like that good kind of Vermont weird. I love VCC, and I missed it during the pandemic, so it feels very appropriate. It’ll be great; I’ll read some parts from the book — there aren’t too many jokes in there, aside from the traditional spy quips — and in between there will be comedians doing their sets. SD: I hope there are jokes about what a spy gets up to in Vermont, because I’m racking my brain. SLM: Vermont would be great for spies! There are so many places where the fucking GPS doesn’t work; it’s so easy to disappear. Plus, [U.S. Sen.] Bernie [Sanders
(I-Vt.)] makes a little cameo in the book, sort of. All the politicians in my books are fictional except for him. There’s a scene where two characters land at the airport in Burlington, and one of them says, “Do you think we’ll see Bernie Sanders?” I’m going to drop him off a copy of [the book] and let him know that if he’s never been in a spy thriller, well ... he is now. m
INFO Nerve Attack by S. Lee Manning, Encircle Publications, 370 pages. $18.99. “When Comedy Kills,” Wednesday, September 22, 5-7 p.m., at Vermont Comedy Club in Burlington. Free.
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9/10/21 1:10 PM
Junk Status Review: Kevin Donegan, Flynndog Gallery
ven before seeing Kevin Donegan’s exhibition of mixedmedia assemblages, you might deduce its theme from the title: “Your Cart Is Empty.” Did you guess that the artist is concerned with rampant consumerism? The thoughtlessness of our gotta-have-it-now culture? (Click!) Or maybe the waste, the environmental cost? All are correct. The phrase “Your cart is empty” will be familiar to anyone who has ever made an online purchase. Though ostensibly a neutral statement of fact, it can feel like a virtual taunt: An empty cart threatens retail FOMO. Donegan’s exhibition, which opened last week at Flynndog Gallery in Burlington, addresses a generative topic: what we acquire and what we throw away. But he also confronts viewers with a more nuanced sense of squandering. Using the spare iconography of shopping carts, recycling bins and trash cans and the “medium” of detritus, Donegan has assembled a reflective, provocative exhibition. The metamorphosis of found materials is ingenious. In fact, your first thought upon entering the Flynndog is likely to be Wow. About a dozen assemblages — dominated by pieces and permutations of actual shopping carts — sit on the floor, hang from the walls and are suspended from way above eye level. Some images are painted right on the wall in latex. Others involve a great deal of wrapping: Think Christo meets yarn bomber. “Your Cart Is Empty” makes you look, look again and see things differently. Not a standard white-box gallery, the Flynndog is a long, wide hall with a soaring ceiling and a lingering aura of the building’s industrial past. A number of studio doorways punctuate its west side, and the hall itself is a corridor to Nomad Coffee at the other end. This is a functional space with quotidian foot traffic. Donegan’s installation works creatively with both its 48
“No, No, No, Yes”
limitations and advantages — in part by going high. Entering the gallery, viewers might not even notice the 30-gallon plastic bin overhead, tipped to spill out a mass of colored yarn. (Donegan titles this “Hard.) But it’s impossible to miss the revamped street sign angling out from the wall that demands, “No Shopping This Side of Street.” At intervals along the wall near the ceiling, Donegan has painted large shopping-cart icons in dark-gray latex.
“Purple Heart”
Underscoring the theme, a big red zero is placed inside the cart baskets. The simple line drawing, with two dots for wheels, is consistent with the symbolism of public communication. Some pieces pair wall painting with a three-dimensional component. For “Exhausted,” Donegan painted a black parallelogram on the wall and added a rusted, rectangular grate at one end; the smashed basket of a red shopping cart protrudes outward. Two thick chains hang from the rear of the structure. The
result is a minimalist abstraction with an appealing contrast of colors, textures and angles. Donegan’s use of found materials counters a consumerist ethos, of course; he declares in his artist’s statement that all the carts and other objects were found abandoned around Burlington — including near railroad tracks. In some works, he lets the discarded object just be itself, such as the rusted cart chassis parked JUNK STATUS
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NEW THIS WEEK barre/montpelier
‘ROCK SOLID XXI’: An annual exhibit, since 2000, showcasing stone sculptures and assemblages by area artists and 2D works that depict the qualities of stone. September 15-October 30. AUSTIN FURTAK-COLE: “Moves,” scratch drawings depicting ambiguous figures in motion, teasing at how physical forms can make meaning by moving through and holding space. September 15-October 30. GAIL SKUDERA: “In the Current,” artworks influenced by looking through the screen of a computer or an iPhone. In the Quick Change Gallery. September 15-October 16. RAY BROWN: “Lifetime Retrospective,” landscapes and abstracted paintings by the late Montpelier artist. In the SPA Classroom, main floor. September 1530. ROB MILLARD-MENDEZ: “Crafted Narratives,” sculptural works fueled by a love of lowbrow humor, absurdity and wordplay and inspired by folk and outsider art. September 15-October 30. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.
f ‘NATURE REVEALED’: Rutland County Audubon
open art show. Donations accepted for the organization’s educational programs. Reception: Friday, September 17, 5-7 p.m. September 17-October 29. Info, Chaffee Art Center in Rutland.
upper valley
JIM WESTPHALEN: “Voices From the Land,” photographs of the rural landscape. September 18-October 20. Info, 457-2355. Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock.
northeast kingdom
f SAM THURSTON: “Image and Poem: A Dialogue,” paintings in response to poems. Reception: Sunday, October 3, 5 p.m. September 22-October 10. Info, 525-3740. Greater Barton Arts Center.
ART EVENTS ANNUAL BARN SALE: The fundraising event offers secondhand furniture, household goods, artwork, appliances and more. Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Saturday, September 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 775-0356. ART & STROLL: The first annual outdoor art festival hosted by the guild, featuring 70 artists, crafters and makers, as well as music, family crafts, food and more. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery, Saturday, September 18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 891-2014. ART DROP-IN FOR OLDER ADULTS: Drop in to learn different artistic techniques and styles, practice or just be social. All skill levels welcome. Facilitated by Shawna Christian. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Tuesday, September 21, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
“Mangled, Mummified #2”
ARTIST WALK & TALK: The married team of author Eve O. Schaub and photographer Stephen Schaub invites viewers of all ages to picnic or stroll by the Mettawee River and view its outdoor collaborative installations, large-scale photographs hand-painted with text. The Hayfield Art Gallery, Pawlet, Saturday, September 18, 3 p.m. Info, 287-0287.
f BARTON ART WEEKEND: An event with music, food, a pop-up art gallery, kids’ art activities, a silent auction and a plein air Paint Out competition on Saturday with a 4 p.m. wet hang. Plein air competition judging and reception: Saturday, September 18, 5-6 p.m. Greater Barton Arts Center, Saturday, September 18, and Sunday, September 19, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free to attend; $20 registration for plein air competition. Info, 525-3740. BCA ARTIST MARKET: More than 25 Vermont artists and specialty product vendors show and sell their wares in the outdoor market. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, September 18, 2-7 p.m. Info, 865-7166. CHARTER HOUSE COALITION FUNDRAISER RAFFLE: “Vermont Artists for Vermont’s Homeless” online raffle, featuring works by Edgewater Gallery artists TJ Cunningham, Caleb Kenna, Treeline Terrains and Cristine Kossow, will benefit the Charter House homeless shelter in Middlebury. Enter at Artworks can be viewed at Ilsley Public Library. Online, through October 1. Info, 914-943-6265. FALL REOPENING: A celebratory reintroduction to the museum featuring open galleries, button making, raffles, free swag, live music by a cappella group the Dartmouth Sings and remarks by director John Stomberg. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Saturday, September 18, 1-4 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2808. FILM: ‘SIDEWALK STORIES’: A screening of the African American remake of Charlie Chaplin’s The Kid is accompanied by live music from Dan DeWalt on the Estey pipe organ and piano. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, Saturday, September 18, 7 p.m. $18. Info, 518-225-6879. FREEJOYART PAINTING GIVE-AWAY: Artist Joelen Mulvaney makes paintings available in the yard around the studio building. Sign up at or call for a time slot. Masks required. The paintings cannot be sold, only given away. Mathewson School Building, Barre City, Saturday, September 18, 1-4 p.m. Info, 479-1931. “GREEN GO HOME,” EXPOSED 2021: A live performance by artist Tomas Vu held inside his and fellow artist Rirkrit Tiravanija’s sculpture “Green Go Home.” The site is activated through the printing of T-shirts using a special impermanent clay-based ink. Stowe Recreation Path, Saturday, September 18, 1-5 p.m. Free. Info, 253-8358. ‘LOLLAPALOOZA NATION: THE RISE OF ALTERNATIVE ROCK IN THE 1990S’: Painter John Newsom, who curated the current exhibition “Expedition,” has said that one source of inspiration for the group shows he organizes is Lollapalooza, the groundbreaking festival that transformed the music scene when he was a student at Rhode Island School of Design. In this Zoom presentation, he and music historian Theo Cateforis, author of Are We Not New Wave?: Modern Pop at the Turn of the 1980s, discuss the forces that gave rise to the festival and its lasting legacy a quarter century later. Register at Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Thursday, September 16, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 257-0124. TALK: ‘BOTH SIDES OF THE LENS’: Museum director John R. Stomberg discusses photographs
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in a current exhibition by and featuring prominent artists, from the collection of Raph and Jane Bernstein. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Wednesday, September 22, 12:30-1:15 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2808. VISITING ARTIST TALK: JULIE WEITZ: The artist discusses how her work uses humor and ritual to propose ethically grounded and intersectional reconsiderations of contemporary issues. In 2017, Weitz created her performative project My Golem, which centers on her embodiment of the mythical creature drawn from Jewish mysticism and Yiddish folklore. Link for Zoom event at Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Tuesday, September 21, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info,
ONGOING SHOWS burlington
ART HOP IN SPACE: Fifty Vermont artists and 12 studio artists exhibit fiber arts, illustrations, paintings, collage, prints and hundreds of original works in the gallery and the halls of the Soda Plant. Through November 20. Info, The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. ‘BUBBLEGUM POP’: Pip & Pop, Matt Neckers, Jon Rappleye, the Smittens and Kathryn Wiegers contribute to this exhibit inspired by popular and consumer culture with fantastical themes. KAYLYNN SULLIVAN TWOTREES: “Falling Into Language: A Travelogue,” an immersive installation of paintings, soundscapes and video featuring contemporary vocables (a sequence of sounds and syllables without literal meaning), created in collaboration with musicians from Vermont, India and Japan and rooted in the oral tradition of the artist’s Native American and African heritage. Through October 9. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington. EVI CUNDIFF: Stained-glass works by the local artist. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. Great Harvest Bread Co. in Burlington. JENNIFER MCCANDLESS: “Living Among the Humans,” hand-built ceramic sculptures that satirically challenge viewers’ perspectives on societal norms. Through October 30. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington. KEVIN DONEGAN: “Your Cart Is Empty,” sculpture and installation of colorful found, altered and crafted objects that populate the floor, walls and ceiling of the gallery. Through October 31. Info, 363-5497. Flynndog Gallery in Burlington. LARGE GROUP EXHIBITION: Members of the South End Art + Business Association show works in a variety of mediums. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. The Maltex Building in Burlington. LARGE SEABA EXHIBITION: Many member-artists of the South End Arts + Business Association display works in a variety of mediums. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. RETN & VCAM Media Factory in Burlington. LISA MYERS: Etching, chine-collé and watercolor by the local artist. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. Noyes Auto & Tire Service in Burlington. ROBERT FAHEY: Landscapes, abstracts and nature photographs in black and white and color. Through September 30. Info, Penny Cluse Café in Burlington. SEABA MEMBERS GROUP SHOW: Dozens of local artists exhibit works in a variety of mediums on multiple floors of the building. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. The Innovation Center of Vermont in Burlington. SHELTER CULTIVATION PROJECT: The Burlingtonbased arts collaborative, founded by Shawn Dumont, celebrates the culmination of a yearlong arts project with a gallery exhibition and pop-up shop
pandemic. Through September 26. Info, 552-0877. The Front in Montpelier.
CALL TO ARTISTS BURLINGTON PUBLIC ART: To further underscore its commitment to racial equity, inclusion and belonging, the City of Burlington is commissioning a new public artwork for Dewey Park in the Old North End. The vision for this artwork is that it will become a Burlington landmark and cultural destination, build on the sense of community and pride within the neighborhood, make excellent artwork accessible to all residents, and benefit the immediate neighborhood economy. Details and submission guidelines at Through September 28. ‘CALLING FROM THE MOONLIGHT’: Seeking artwork for a group exhibit October 1 to November 5. Themes on the moon, harvest or dreaming. Two-dimensional work no larger than 36 inches; 3D limit is 32 by 72 inches. Deadline to submit: September 20. Delivery: September 27. Details at AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon, N.H. $5. Info, 603-448-3117. CUP SHOW: The gallery is seeking Vermont and New Hampshire potters to exhibit in our second Cup Show, part of the Small Works holiday exhibit. Any ceramic vessels made for drinking are welcome. Exhibitors will be selected by ceramic artists Miranda Thomas, of Shackleton Thomas, and Jenny Swanson, director of ceramics at Dartmouth College. Application at Deadline: September 25. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret. Free. Info, ‘PIECING TOGETHER ART’: Artists and makers in all mediums are invited to create work focusing on the transitional use of pieces to create a whole work of art. Examples: piecing together two painting styles, collage, assemblage, themes, double images or concepts. Art will be exhibited in November. Details at Deadline: October 29. The Satellite Gallery, Lyndonville. $10 entry fee. Info,
featuring artwork and handmade goods by local and international artists. Through November 1. Info, 343-4767. Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington.
truck, in unexpected sizes. The works are scattered around the grounds of the museum. Through October 17. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.
SOUTH END ART HOP JURIED SHOW: Fifty artists working in a variety of mediums on all three floors of the building. Juror Mark van Wagner chose as first-, second- and third-place winners Longina Smolinski, Suomo Snook and Kalin Thomas, respectively. Frankie Gardiner won honorable mention. Through November 30. Info, 859-9222. The Vaults in Burlington.
JIM SQUIRES: “Splash!” underwater images of fish and other ocean animals by photographer Jim Squires. Through September 30. Info, 985-8922. Village Wine and Coffee in Shelburne.
TAWNYA MCDONALD: Photography by the local artist. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. Speeder & Earl’s Coffee in Burlington.
f ‘WHAT WILL SUFFICE?’: The Richmond Climate Action Committee and Radiate Art Space present an exhibit of artwork that addresses the climate crisis. Open house and poetry readings: Saturday, September 18, 4:30-7 p.m., in the garden, with Emily Arneson Casey, David Cavanagh, Greg Delanty, Michelle Demers, Mary Dingee Fillmore, Daniel Lusk and Angela Patten. Through September 30. Info, Richmond Free Library.
‘...WILL YOU SING?’ MURAL: A 43-foot, wall-size mural, a project of Big Heavy World, features photographs of more than 200 Vermont musicians and audio clips of their music. Collaborators include photographers Luke Awtry and Jim Lockridge, design firm Solidarity of Unbridled Labour, Vermont Folklife Center and Gamma Imaging of Chicago. On view during business hours in the building’s entry hallway. Through December 31. Info, Howard Space Center in Burlington.
chittenden county
DANIELA RIVERA & JENNY OLIVIA JOHNSON: “Migrating Landscapes,” a multimedia exhibition with the visual artist and composer/sound artist, respectively; both are artists-in-residence at SMC. Through October 21. Info, McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester. ‘A. ELMER CROWELL: SCULPTOR, PAINTER, DECOY MAKER’: Drawing from Shelburne Museum’s renowned decoy collection, the exhibition features milestones in Crowell’s prolific artistic career, from the earliest miniature goose he carved in 1894 to the very last bird he made before retiring in the early 1940s. Online only at Through October 31. ‘NEW ENGLAND NOW: PEOPLE’: The second exhibition in a biennial series featuring multimedia works by 10 contemporary artists from New England’s six states, celebrating the communities and peoples of the region. Through October 17. ‘PATTERN & PURPOSE: AMERICAN QUILTS FROM THE SHELBURNE MUSEUM’: The museum presents 20 textile masterpieces from its collection dating from the first decades of the 1800s to the turn of the 21st century, organized by associate curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff. Online only at Through February 1. PETER KIRKILES: “At Scale,” mixed-media sculptures of common objects, such as a clock, a ruler and a
TODD LOCKWOOD: “One Degree of Separation,” large-scale black-and-white portraits by the local photographer. Through October 14. Info, 846-4140. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall.
f ‘20/20 HINDSIGHT – SEEING THE PAST ANEW WITH CONTEMPORARY ART’: Twenty local artists put a contemporary spin on methods and materials used to develop rural culture in late 19th-century Vermont: sculptors, painters, printers, plus smiths of light, yarn, wool, metal, basketry, digital and mixed media, as well as the written word. Preregistration and masks required. Closing reception: Sunday, October 10, 3-5 p.m. Through October 10. Info, 279-5558. The Kent Museum in Calais. ‘ART ROCKS!’: An exhibition of paintings and photography by 15 members of the Paletteers of Vermont. Through September 30. NAN CARLE: “Notable Sculptors of Barre Gray Granite,” photographs that celebrate and explore sculptors keeping the stone arts alive in Barre. Through October 30. Info, 476-4605. Vermont Granite Museum in Barre. BARRE ART SPLASH: An installation of painted fiberglass sculptures of cats, dogs and race cars by local artists sited along Main Street, to be auctioned off at exhibit’s end at the Vermont Granite Museum as a benefit for the Barre Rotary Club. Through September 18. Info, 479-0124. Various Barre locations. ‘THE CATAMOUNT IN VERMONT’: An exhibition that explores the feline symbol of Vermont through the lenses of art, science and culture. Through May 31. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier. CHERYL BETZ: “On the Periphery,” mixedmedia paintings from five series begun during the
DELIA ROBINSON: “Fragmented Glances,” a retrospective of work by the longtime Vermont artist. Through September 30. Info, Montpelier City Hall. JENNIFER BRYAN: “Liquid Mind,” abstract paintings by the NU alumna ’05. Through December 10. Info, 485-2183. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield. MERYL LEBOWITZ: “A Way from Reality,” abstract paintings. Through November 30. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. ‘PASTEL MUSIC’: Thirty members of the Vermont Pastel Society show their works. PATTY HUDAK: A solo exhibition of large-scale installation, painting and botanical ornaments inspired by woodlands. Through October 30. Info, 262-6035. T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. SUSAN CALZA: “Story Times ‘how you cut it,’” a multimedia installation that speaks to these exceptional times. Visitors are welcome to add content to the site. Through September 26. Info, 498-3509. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier. TUMBLING BLOCKS COMMUNITY QUILT PROJECT: Montpelier Alive exhibits the Capital City’s newest piece of public art, a project intended to help “stitch together” the community during the pandemic. More than 250 individuals, including more than 100 students, contributed designs for panels that Sabrina Fadial collated and made into a “quilt.” Through December 31. Info, 488-4303. Montpelier Transit Center.
DUSTY BOYNTON: “Odd Lot,” recent large-scale, irreverent paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 30. Info, 881-0418. 571 Projects in Stowe. ‘EXPLORING EARTH’: An exhibition that reflects on the intersection of spirituality and art, celebrating Earth magic, spirit animals, and plants and transcendence; work by Isaias Crow, Jennifer Herrera Condry, Will Kasso Condry, Amy Hook-Therrien, Gilbran and Harlan Mack. Presented in participation with “2020 Vision – Reflecting on a World-Changing Year,” a statewide initiative of the Vermont Curators Group. On view by appointment. Through October 31. Info, Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort. EXPOSED 2021: The annual outdoor sculpture exhibition highlights artists who focus on current political and social constructs/issues/systems through the relationship of language, sculpture and installation; and language as culturally specific, ideological, controversial, challenging, identifying, uniting and separating. Artists are Tomas Vu, Tony Tasset, Lynn Sullivan, Mildred Beltre, Oasa DuVerney, Jonathan Gitelson, Daniel Bejar, Aya Rodriquez-Izumi and Gabriel Spsa. Through October 23. MELEKO MOKGOSI: “Scripto-Visual,” small and large paintings paired with different kinds of text; the Botswanaborn, New York-based artist investigates the links between these elements in relation to the politics of representation. Through November 13. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe. JAMES RAUCHMAN: “Self: Reflection,” paintings that push the boundaries of portraiture. NITYA BRIGHENTI: “Of Openness and Closeness,” drawings and paintings. Through October 29. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville. ‘LAND & LIGHT & WATER & AIR’: The 14th annual exhibition features Vermont and New England landscape paintings by more than 70 member artists. ‘LET US INTRODUCE YOU’: An exhibition showcasing five established artists new to the gallery: Jane Ashley, Amy Hook-Therrien, Lisa Miceli, Jen Violette and Liane Whittum. Through November 7. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville.
MATT NECKERS: “Self-Guided Missile,” large-scale sculptural installation by the Eden-based artist. Through September 23. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.
Lakea Shepard North Carolina artist Lakea Shepard makes
MARYA LOWE: “Vibrantsee/d,” a solo exhibit of wall-hung works by the fiber artist. Through October 30. Info, Minema Gallery in Johnson.
extraordinary millinery for women — wearable sculptures made of felted wool, silk, beadwork, shells, buttons and creative stitching. But her current body of work is dedicated, she says, to a misunderstood group of people: Black men. While her head sculptures, now featured at Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction, are beautifully beaded and bejeweled, they reference
mad river valley/waterbury
a grim history.
‘AFTER IRENE – THE FLOODGATES ART PROJECT, REVISITED’: An exhibition of works created by community members to commemorate Vermont’s devastating tropical storm in August 2011. Through September 25. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury.
“Slave owners would chain metal masks to our faces, preventing us from committing suicide to escape our circumstances,” she writes in an artist’s statement. “Although slavery has been abolished, we are still trying to escape
BILL BRAUER RETROSPECTIVE: A collection of paintings and prints by the late New York-born, Warren-based artist and teacher, best known for his sensual oil paintings. Through October 11. Info, 496-6682. Festival Gallery in Waitsfield.
current dilemmas with drugs, alcohol, toxic relationships and even food,
GREEN MOUNTAIN PHOTO SHOW: Annual Mad River Valley Arts exhibition of outstanding photographs by amateur and professional photographers, traditional to abstract, black-and-white and color. Through October 11. Info, Big Red Barn Gallery at Lareau Farm in Waitsfield.
oppressors have instilled in us.” Her exhibit, titled “He Loves Me Not,” is on
‘LANDSCAPES & INSCAPES’: Figurative landscapes in watercolor from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s by Adolf Dehn and large-scale abstract-expressionist works by Virginia Dehn. The pair were a vital part of the postwar art community in New York City. Open by appointment only. Through October 10. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.
f JANET CATHEY: “A Tonic of Wilderness,” a solo exhibition of woodblock prints. Reception: Friday, October 1, 5-7 p.m. Through October 29. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction.
resulting in our demise.” Shepard adds that this work is intended to counter “the thoughts our view through September 26.
upper valley
middlebury area
‘DREAMING OF TIMBUCTOO’: An exhibit that unearths the little-known story of black land ownership in Vermont, told through a series of panels featuring enlargements of historic photographs and documents. The visual storytelling is a signature program of the Adirondacks-based project John Brown Lives! Through October 31. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. “HENRY AT 200’: An exhibit celebrating the museum founder and collector of New England history with documents, photographs, scrapbooks, autographs, Middlebury imprints, diaries, music ephemera, relics and even a lock of Napoleon’s hair. Through December 31. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. ‘ITTY BITTY: TINY TEXTS IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS’: Books from the 17th to 21st centuries that measure between 1.8 and 10 centimeters, from religious manuscripts to cookbooks, children’s books to Shakespeare. Visitors are not currently allowed in the library but may view the works online at Through May 31. Davis Family Library, Middlebury College. ‘KEY TO LIBERTY: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN’: An exhibition that explores local connections to the nation’s fight for independence; also “Nebizun: Water Is Life,” featuring works by Abenaki artists about the importance of water health; and the Hazelett Small Watercraft Center, a two-story exhibit space that presents the history of small human-powered watercraft on Lake Champlain. Through October 17. Info, meg@ Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes. KIM ALEMIAN AND LORI MEHTA: “Still Life/Life Stills,” paintings that focus on the fleeting quality of light and the beauty of a small gesture, respectively. Through September 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury. ‘LOCALLY GROWN’: New landscape paintings by Woody Jackson, Sara Katz and Sage Tucker-Ketcham in distinctively different interpretations. Through October 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls. ‘A MODERN ARTIST: THE COMMERCIAL ART OF RACHAEL ROBINSON ELMER’: The seasonal
Head sculpture by Lakea Shepard
exhibition explores the early 20th-century success of the artist as a professional illustrator for periodicals and publishers, from children’s books to advertising. Through October 31. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh. PAMELA SMITH AND ANNE CADY: “Holding Ground,” folk-style portraits of women, and vivid landscapes, respectively, by the Addison County painters. Through September 30. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes. ‘PRIDE 1983’: Through interviews with organizers, photographs and scanned images of historic documents, the exhibit, curated by Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives, explores the origins and lasting legacies of Vermont’s first Pride March on June 25, 1983, in Burlington. It can also be viewed online at Through March 25. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury.
JON OLENDER & JEN RONDINONE: “Reflecting on the Past and Future,” photographs and paintings on canvas and wood, respectively. Through September 30. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland. MALLORY PEARSON: “Eat Crow,” artwork by the Queens-based artist that portrays themes of folklore, femininity and loss and how these elements interact with the southern United States. Through October 31. Info, 800-639-8521. Castleton University Bank Gallery in Rutland. SCULPTFEST21: Sculptural installations in response to the theme of “artifact” by local and regional artists. Through October 24. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center in West Rutland.
champlain islands/northwest
DAVID STROMEYER: More than 60 large-scale metal sculptures are scattered across six scenic meadows. Picnics welcome. Through October 11. Free. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls.
LAKEA SHEPARD: “He Loves Me Not,” mixed-media head sculptures using African textile techniques by the Greensboro, N.C., artist; the exhibit is dedicated to one of the most misunderstood groups of people: Black men. Through September 26. Info, 347-264-4808. Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction. LISA CURRY MAIR: “Old Barns of Weathersfield,” 11 paintings by the Vermont artist best known for her painted floor cloths. Through October 31. Info, The Inn at Weathersfield in Perkinsville. SCULPTUREFEST: An annual outdoor sculpture exhibition featuring more than 30 artists curated by, and on the property of, Charlet and Peter Davenport. More info and directions to private locations at Through October 31. Free. King Farm in Woodstock. SUMMER OF DINOSAURS: Explore the lives of dinosaurs, big and small, through exhibits about dinosaur eggs and babies, dramatic dinosaur fossil specimens, and a series of special events and programs for all ages. Through September 28. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich.
northeast kingdom
‘1111 COPPER NAILS: BREAD & PUPPET CALENDAR PRINTS’: Images from 36 years’ worth of calendar art created by Peter Schumann and printed by Elka Schumann (and dedicated to Elka); exhibit on all three floors of the inn. Through September 21. Info, CHARLES EMERS: Paintings, assemblages and prints on view in the third-floor gallery space, Wheelbarrow Art. Through September 30. Info, 472-3621. Hardwick Inn. ‘1111 COPPER NAILS: BREAD & PUPPET CALENDAR PRINTS’: Images from 36 years’ worth of calendar art created by Peter Schumann and printed by Elka Schumann; calendar and art for sale. Through September 21. Info, Front Seat Coffee in Hardwick. ‘OPEN TO LANDSCAPE’: Paintings, photographs and works on paper by Keith Chamberlin, Terry Ekasala, Anni Lorenzini and Elizabeth Nelson that explore a range of artistic responses to Vermont’s dramatic landscape. Through September 26.
ALAN JENNINGS: “Finding the Way Home,” animated films the artist created about growing up in Vermont, including “The Northeast Kingdom,” “Dream of Deerman” and “The Bill Jennings Mysteries”; and the drawings, paintings and sculptures he uses to make them. Watch at Through December 31. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. ‘ART OF THE BOOK: IS IT A BOOK?’: Members of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont exhibit their literary-related creations. Through September 25. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.
f BARCLAY TUCKER: “The Play’s the Thing,” illustrations by the Northern Vermont University art professor. Reception: Wednesday, September 15, 5-7 p.m. Through September 30. Info, 229-8317. The Satellite Gallery in Lyndonville. ELIZABETH NELSON: “Vermont Green,” summer landscape paintings. Through September 28. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover. ‘GREEN’: A group exhibit of painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, fiber work and more that explore the verdant color, both as a hue and in its environmental sense. Through October 10. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport. ‘A LIFE IN LISTS AND NOTES’: An exhibition that celebrates the poetic, mnemonic, narrative and enumerative qualities of lists and notes. The objects on display span myriad creative, professional, bureaucratic, domestic and personal uses of lists through the ages. Through May 31. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. ‘OUT OF THE CLOSET AND HUNG’: Works from the permanent collection by Peter Schumann, Aaron Stein, John Brickels, Don Sunseri and more, along with a sculptural installation, “The Trump Library.” Docent-guided tours by appointment only. Through September 30. Info, 563-2037. Annex at White Water Gallery in EastHardwick. ‘STILL LIFE, LIFE STILL’: Mary Ellen Bartley, Kate Emlen, Tucker Nichols, Jon Redmond and Margaret Sparrow pay homage to everyday objects in paintings created during the pandemic. Masks required. Through October 15. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro.
brattleboro/okemo valley
‘EXPEDITION’: Paintings, drawings, sculpture and installation by 17 artists that depict aspects of venturing into unknown lands and territories. Artists are: John Newsom, Matt Dillon, Inka Essenhigh, Michael Kagan, Wendy White, Donald Baechler, Raymond Pettibon, Ouattara Watts, André Butzer, Ann Craven, Torben Giehler, April Gornik, Andy Hope 1930, Richard Jacobs, BRATTLEBORO/OKEMO VALLEY SHOWS SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
» P.52 51
art Junk Status « P.48 next to a wall painting of the missing basket. Other pieces are meticulously wrapped with yarn. Something about the obsessiveness of the effort and the soft materiality instantly confers sculpture status on this debris. The most remarkable — and laborintensive — wrapped piece is titled “No, No, No, Yes.” It consists of a large, intact cart, every inch of which is covered in layers of off-white yarn. Placed higher than eye level on Donegan’s hand-built wooden “dumpster,” the piece commands both attention and admiration. Two iterations of smashed cart legs and wheels are aptly titled “Mangled, Mummified” — “#1” is encircled in off-white yarn, “#2” in black. The vertically oriented “#1” stands atop a foundwood, white-painted trash receptacle; a
person icon painted on the side holds out one arm in a discarding gesture. Donegan placed “#2” on his hand-built version of a recycling bin. The blackwrapped, crumpled metal has a recumbent form and looks oddly relaxed. The anthropomorphizing is flagrant in “City,” a cart with legs and wheels removed. Donegan set the basket on a wooden structure that suggests a person on hands and knees. A pair of leather work gloves at the front and chukka boots at the back leave no doubt as to the meaning. Adjacent to “City,” a wallhung piece titled “Re-e-
valu-ate” also eschews subtlety, but it’s cleverly constructed. A rectangle of plywood is cut and hinged in a way that allows it to fold over itself diagonally. One side is painted to look like a $5 bill; on the other, white-painted negative space defines an unpainted human torso and manacled hand. These pieces, placed at the back of the gallery, unnecessarily hammer Donegan’s bound-by-capitalism point. Still, they don’t overshadow the exhibition’s many works that prod viewers to think, question and wonder. “Your Cart Is Empty” is rife with messages, and one of them is: Look at our capacity for transformation. m
INFO Kevin Donegan’s “Your Cart Is Empty,” on view through October 31 at Flynndog Gallery in Burlington.
BRATTLEBORO/OKEMO VALLEY SHOWS «P.51 John McAllister, Erik Parker and Alexis Rockman. Through October 11. ‘SEQUENCES: ODE TO MINOR WHITE’: Artworks by Andrea Belag, William Eric Brown, Niqui Carter, Kevin Larmon and Jessica Judith Beck that reflect the spiritual possibilities of abstraction, inspired by the late modernist photographer. Through October 11. CHARLIE HUNTER: “Semaphore,” paintings of crossing signals and railroad infrastructure by the Vermont artist. Through October 11. DELANO DUNN: “Novelties,” two series of work that address things we hold dear — family, love, comfort, tradition, connection — and things that threaten to undermine them: “Paradise,” works on paper that explore the insidiousness of stereotypes; and “Roux,” brightly colored, mixed-media works that incorporate family history and culinary tradition. Through October 11. DELITA MARTIN: “Between Worlds,” a year-long installation in the museum’s front windows that reimagines the identities and roles of Black women in the context of Black culture and African history. Through May 31. ERICK JOHNSON: “Double Take,” large-scale paintings and street photography that juxtapose intentional and incidental pattern and abstraction. Through October 11. SCOTT BOYD: “Endangered Alphabets,” sculptures that pair the ancient form of the obelisk with near-extinct languages. Through November 30. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. ‘DEEP BLUE’: Curated by American artist Katherine Bradford, this group show examines “deep blue” as a color and as a phrase that can describe mood,
the natural environment, music and even a region’s political landscape; more than 70 paintings, sculptures, photographs, works on paper and videos by 70 artists. CLARK DERBES: Illusionistic sculptures carved from blocks of wood and painted. KATHERINE BRADFORD: “Philosophers’ Clambake,” more than a dozen luminous, dreamlike works that merge color field painting with figuration. Advance reservations recommended but not required. Through November 28. Info, 952-1056. Hall Art Foundation in Reading.
2021 SOLO EXHIBITIONS: A group exhibition showcasing 10 artists working in a range of mediums, including Japanese woodblock printing, photography, welded metal art, egg tempera painting, ceramics and more. Through September 26. Info, 362-1405. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester. DUSTY BOYNTON: “Boundless,” new paintings and mixed-media works by the Vermont artist, curated in collaboration with Stowe’s 571 Projects. Through December 31. Info, jfranklin@benningtonmuseum. org. Bennington Museum. MARY RUEFLE: “Erasure,” altered books by Vermont’s current poet laureate. Through October 31. Info, 440-4507. Robert Frost Stone House Museum in Shaftsbury.
NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 24th annual exhibition brings large-scale outdoor works to the historic village and surrounding area, curated by local artist Joe Chirchirillo. Through November 7. Info, Various locations around North Bennington. STELLA QUARTA DECIMA GALLERY OPENING: “Anticipation,” a group show featuring artists Matthew Monk, James Rauchman, Diane Sophrin, Hannah Morris, Kate Burnim and Lynn Newcomb. In addition to the pop-up gallery, art can be viewed at Through October 31. Info, 498-4996. Stella Quarta Decima in Manchester.
outside vermont
DENNON WALANTUS AND MATT MCGARR: “Oil and Water,” paintings of landscape and architecture in oils and acrylics, respectively. Through September 24. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y. ‘ECOLOGIES: A SONG FOR OUR PLANET’: An exhibition of installations, videos, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs that explore the relationship between humans and nature, and disruptions to the planet’s ecosystems caused by human intervention. Through February 27. ‘HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR ONE VOICE TO REACH ANOTHER?’: An exhibition of major works from the museum’s collection, along with new acquisitions
and loans, that explore the theme of voice in both physical and metaphorical registers. Through February 13. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.
YEARS’: Two decades of works by current and former members and faculty of the White River Junction print studio. Closing reception: Friday, September 17, 5-7 p.m. Through September 19. NEW EXHIBITIONS: “Rocks to Galaxies,” paintings and sculpture by Winkie Kelsey; “A Collection of Memories,” encaustics by William Peabody; “From Then to Now,” wood and bronze sculptures by Jay Singh; and “Plant Stories,” oil paintings by Coralea Wennberg. Through October 1. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H. ‘PROCESS, PRODUCT AND BLACK PRACTICE’: An exhibition that explores the ways the Black experience informs the ways that Black artists use their materials. Through October 3. ‘THORNTON DIAL: THE TIGER CAT’: Part of a new acquisition of 10 artworks from the Souls Grown Deep Foundation, the exhibition looks closely at the late artist’s work and the ways in which it broadens an understanding of American art. Through February 27. Info, 603-646-2808. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. m
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Will Andrews in his backyard chicken coop
Willverine is on a mission to collaborate
ill Andrews is a prolific creator of new music. The 36-year-old songwriter and producer, also known as Willverine, has been working on a new solo album, a five-song EP called Goodnow, for more than a year. He released four songs toward the end of 2020 and will soon add a single. So, though the record remains officially unreleased, it’s already out in the world. I mentioned this to the Colchesterbased artist as we spent a late summer afternoon talking about music and life and wondering when an album is really an album. “I … didn’t really have a good rollout strategy,” Andrews conceded with an easy smile and a shrug, lounging in a chair with his long legs stretched out. “I didn’t really know what to do, so I just released the album as singles, which I thought was a good idea. Turns out, not so much. I don’t worry about those sorts of things, though.
It’s about the music, and I’m just right into on Afro-beat rhythms, strong jazz and hipthe next project.” hop influences, and Andrew’ spaced-out That spirit defines Andrews’ approach trumpet work. to his work and has helped make him one “All I wanted when I was 22 was to go of the go-to producers on the current local to the bar, play shows and chase girls,” scene. He’s on a mission to collaborate and Andrews said. “It’s not very sustainable, create with as wide an array though — driving to Ithaca of musicians as possible — to make 60 bucks a show? while becoming the kind of Never again, man. That life artist he’s always dreamed gets pretty empty when you of being. get older, anyway.” “I want to be the Damon Realizing he hated doing Albarn of Vermont,” Andrews the “trumpet player for hire proclaimed. “What he does thing,” Andrews focused W IL L AND R E W S with [the band] Gorillaz, on his own studio. In 2013, that’s what I want to ideally he released his first record do here, and just work with everyone I can. as Willverine: I’ll Come Through. Three That’s not how I started, but it’s where I’m years later he released Show Up Late, a going.” seven-song collection of bedroom electroAndrews first earned local prominence pop showcasing the budding producer’s playing the trumpet in Japhy Ryder, a band melodic sensibilities and knack for creathe formed with fellow Saint Michael’s ing inventive beats. College Jazz Band members in 2003. The Willverine’s Save Some (2018) was a group gained attention with a sound based stronger and more sophisticated beast
than Show Up Late. Featuring vocals from indie-pop singer Francesca Blanchard and formerly Burlington-based Maryse Smith, the record showcased Andrews’ musical development. His arrangements were more refined, his songwriting sounded more assured, and his production reached a new level of proficiency. Andrews had found his sound. “I finally figured out what I was good at,” Andrews said with a laugh and a rueful shake of his head. “That Malcolm Gladwell 10,000-hours thing is real, man. You have to put in the work. That’s what changed for me. There wasn’t some big, shining moment. I realized that if I wanted to get good at being a producer, I had to put the time in.” Unfortunately, Andrews doesn’t have an abundance of time. In addition to raising two young boys, he has taught in the Winooski School District since 2006. He currently runs the independent study program at Winooski High School.
Well, they’re starting up again, and we’re here to help. Find live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at
Most Valuable Player
“It’s such a small school that we don’t have a photography class or an astronomy class,” Andrews said. “So the kids will come in and tell me what sort of subject they want to study, and I’ll coordinate that for them. It’s a creative gig, which I dig.” With time at a premium, Andrews created a rigorous schedule. After work, he’d drink a post-dinner coffee and stay up until 3 a.m. writing music. In other circumstances, that schedule might have worn him down, he said, but as he honed his craft, the creative work fueled him. He became obsessed with songwriters such as Lucy Dacus and Phoebe Bridgers. Andrews writes music in various ways, sometimes starting with a beat, sometimes on the synth or his trumpet. Listening to those songwriters taught him to write from a melody, something he said he’s still getting used to. His influences also inspired him to reach out to other musicians, not just as guest collaborators on his tracks but also as cowriters. “I’ve always written music by myself,” Andrews said. “But then Sam Dupont wanted to write a song together. He saw what I could do with production now — how I could create a vibe — and he was like, ‘OK. Let’s do this thing.’” Dupont, who performs as Blackmer and used to be half of the Dupont Brothers, had already sung on the Willverine track “All Your Friends Are Gone.” In that chilled-out slice of electro-pop, both artists are at their best: Andrews’ deft, colorful production forms the bedrock for Dupont’s soulful vocals. “I love that tune,” Dupont told me by phone. “It’s Will’s tune, and I just got to sing on it. It was easy, just being the singer boy.” Andrews, who played with Dupont’s older brother Zack in Japhy Ryder, said the immediate chemistry he and Dupont had as songwriters shocked him. Andrews created and programmed the beats beforehand, and Dupont freestyled words and melodies. By the time they were done writing and recording the songs, the two had found that they had an entire LP ready to go. Andrews already regards the still-untitled album, which comes out this fall, as the best piece of music he’s helped create to date. “Sam was going through some stuff this last year that I didn’t really know about at the time,” Andrews confided. “He was just coming over and writing and recording and going through these cathartic moments. When I listened back to the tracks after a few months and listened to the lyrics, I couldn’t believe I had missed it!” “It was definitely a tough year for
me,” Dupont said. “It’s a breakup record for sure, but it’s also about getting older and finding your true self. Will is such an important person in my life. It just felt natural and safe to express that with him. I’m a sensitive-ass dude. Having someone just building you up with positive energy is huge. He’s a teacher and a dad, so Will is really good at making people feel comfortable.” I asked Andrews whether his other roles factor into his popularity as a producer. He shifted in his seat and said many motives drive him, some nobler than others. “I love working with all these incredible musicians,” he said. “It’s affirming, especially because it took me time to get here. But I do hold grudges, I have to admit. As a trumpet player, the most judgmental people in the world are jazz musicians. There is a long list of people in this town who have been complete assholes to me about my playing, because it doesn’t fit what they think the instrument should do.” Comparing his trumpet playing to that of Snoop Dogg rather than Miles Davis, Andrews explained that his percussive style rubs some jazz purists the wrong way. “Honestly, those sort of people drive me, too,” he said. “I keep those chips on my shoulder, just a little bit. It’s like an athlete sort of thing. You going to talk shit? OK, I’ll show you. I don’t focus on it too much, but it’s in there, no doubt.” Regardless of his motives, Andrews’ approach is working. In addition to preparing to release Goodnow and the record with Dupont, he has an instrumental album all but ready to go. He’s also producing tracks with Blanchard and Latin folk singer-songwriter Marcie Hernandez. At a recent gig he played, Andrews met indie soul singer Ivamae, with whom he hopes to record soon. “I used to think you needed to do all these things to be successful,” Andrews said: “touring, getting on compilations, schmoozing and networking.” As we ended our conversation, he stood up and took a deep breath. “If this is where I am for the rest of my life,” he said, “if I can make music all the time and have all these talented people who want to work with me in my circle, I’ll be as happy as a pig in shit. And you know what? If 22-year-old Will heard the music I’m making now, he would be so psyched.” m
The Vermont Community Foundation recognizes
Michael Metz
for his ten years of service as a member of its Board of Directors. Thank you for helping to inspire giving and bring together people and resources to make a difference in Vermont.
9/13/21 10:41 AM
When too much fertilizer is applied to the landscape, rain often washes it directly into our streams, rivers and lakes. Learn more at
INFO Willverine performs every Wednesday in September, 7-9 p.m., at the Wallflower Collective in Burlington. Learn more at 4t-CCRPC091521 1
9/13/21 12:43 PM
REVIEW this Humble Among, Wonderland
Juggalos are swilling Faygo — ICP’s soft drink of choice — from sea to shining sea. And decades after ICP’s 1992 debut, Carnival of Carnage, there are many thousands of second-generation Juggalos. There’s a viable market in a music business in which the satanic earworm of children’s song “Baby Shark” gets more plays than Beyoncé, and Humble Among is first on the field.
Wonderland is no novelty knockoff. The cover art by Atlanta-based Adam Sprague is a triumph unto itself, and the album’s production strikes a perfect balance between thumping boombap and deviously catchy pop. That’s thanks to THEN WHAt, one of the most versatile beatsmiths in the 802 scene. I was most curious to hear how much Humble Among, best known for his intensely cathartic rap nightmares, changed his delivery and content for this project. The answer is: Not much. While that may limit the mass appeal, it also makes for one of the best albums in his ever-expanding catalog. It’s a great PG-13 distillation of his sound, but does it succeed as a kids’ album? There is zero adult language in the sense of F-bombs and such, but Humble Among is an eminently literate dude with a far broader vocabulary than anyone on “Sesame Street” or “Blue’s Clues.” The subject matter, like everything else Juggalo, is drenched in horror movie imagery —
but considering the target audience, that ain’t an issue. The occasional bursts of fast, chopping raps might be problematic; tracks such as “Merry Go” are too tongue-twistingly quick for younger kids to follow. Wonderland excels in its storytelling concept tracks. Dark but whimsical cuts such as “The Forest” and “The Cave” are miniature worlds inside which smart kids could happily get lost. The album also serves as an introduction to Juggalo culture, especially on “The Carnival,” a playful guide to the concert scene and fan rituals. Then there’s “Ocean of Tears,” the most improbable success of all. It’s a cautionary kids’ song about sobriety, and it really works. Humble Among has turned a seemingly ridiculous premise into a dynamite release. I came in curious and walked out impressed, and I recommend Wonderland for weird kids of all ages. Find it on Bandcamp and Spotify.
has lived in Vermont since 2017 and recorded the new album’s title track and other vocals at Williston’s Meadowlark Studios. (Illustrations by Vermont artist Alana LaPoint and YouTube videos for three tracks make the album a multimedia experience.) Whatever You May Say packs a clown car’s concentration of styles — from folky jangle to piano pop to straight-
ahead rock — into its seven songs. Get ready for many “Wait, did I hear that?” double takes. Was that harmonica? Was that violin (or fiddle)? Were those wahwah electronic keys? Yes, yes and yes. With its chugging guitars, machine gun drums and explosion sound-effect coda, “Mullet Action” would fit in a James Bond spy flick. Odd lyrical musings float by: “In my soul / I told a summer tale to the crows along my road” and “MIT is where I wanna be.” Then comes a mind-bending string of instructions: “We begin with clean design line / Start with the littlest layer, pull from the back / Watch out for the pear-shaped face / Avoid salty buildup.” Bake at 350 degrees for 40 minutes and get … what, exactly? We may never know. The harmonica driven “Busey” could go in a 1920s gangster movie. It has one of the most entertaining seewhat-rhymes sequences since Phish’s “Cavern.” “Gary Busey / I Love Lucy / Snooze you lose-y,” Wiggins sings at
turns. I wanted to keep going: Stanley Tucci, Scaramucci, watch the lovers go smoochie, smoochie… The album’s contemplative songs would fit in jagged indie romance movies. The guitar-folk “Roll My Number” could play as a disappointed lover trudges off-screen, head crammed with shattered relationship shrapnel. “I’m starting for the door, and I am ready for the golden light,” Wiggins sings. The piano-backed title track seems ready for a breakup scene: “I’m walking down my road alone / Left by the window.” The guy is so hurt that he sneaks away, maybe shaking off rumpled bedclothes in the dead of night. Full of vivid imagery, Whatever You May Say is an excellent riddle with a resolution always a tongue’s slip away. Even after many listens, a lyric or a visual emerges, knocking one’s thoughts askew. Phew! Whatever You May Say is available at
Over the years, I’ve written about many odd albums submitted to Seven Days, but few of those records have been truly original. The latest project from prolific Bellows Falls rapper and tastemaker Humble Among stands out: It appears to be the world’s first Juggalo children’s album. The fittingly titled Wonderland is a wild, fun ride. For those unaware, Juggalos form the strange, proud subculture that’s grown out of horrorcore hip-hop duo Insane Clown Posse’s fan base. It’s a tight-knit community with endless layers of in-jokes and secret codes. Juggalos have also been classified as a criminal street gang by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. There’s some rich history here, to say the least. There are some big numbers, too. Today, well over a million American
Portraits of Sawyer, Whatever You May Say (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
Whatever You May Say, the new album by Burlington’s Portraits of Sawyer, is deliciously cryptic and musically cohesive, masterfully blending styles. With strange, evocative lyrics, it often seems like a soundtrack in search of a movie. Or movies, as it were. That’s a concept Adam Garcia (guitars, vocals, percussion) discussed recently with indie music website Cool Top 20. “The music styling is so eclectic on the album,” Garcia told the site, adding that each track could be placed in a different film genre. Garcia and Ben Wiggins (lead vocals, keyboards, guitars) formed Portraits of Sawyer in Brooklyn’s Bay Ridge neighborhood in 2008. That year they released the EP Superdestroyer, followed by singles in 2014 and 2016. The duo
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8/23/21 10:35 AM
9/14/21 4:49 PM
on screen Can You Bring It: Bill T. Jones and D-Man in the Waters HHHH
The deal
When codirector LeBlanc was 16, she tells us on-screen in the documentary, she saw D-Man performed. The experience inspired her to become a dancer — and to join Jones’ company. Now on the dance faculty at Loyola Marymount University in California, LeBlanc chronicles in the film a production of D-Man that she staged with her undergraduate students. The documentary poses many questions: Can these young people, indeed, bring it? Even if they can master the physical challenges of D-Man — “probably the most grueling dance I have ever performed,” LeBlanc says — can they summon the emotions evoked by a cultural crisis that none of them lived through? Finally, can they do all this under the keen eye of Jones himself?
Will you like it?
Can You Bring It poses urgent questions about legacy, continuity and how much one generation can teach another. There’s irony in the coincidence that the documentary premiered during a new “plague,” one that has disrupted the lives of college students in unprecedented ways. In scenes filmed well before the COVID-19 pandemic, LeBlanc struggles to convey to her students how AIDS affected 58
n 1989, the Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Company premiered a dance work called D-Man in the Waters. “D-Man” was the nickname of company member Demian Acquavella, who appeared onstage in that first performance but was too weak to dance. The following year, he died of AIDS. Zane, who was Jones’ life partner and the company’s cofounder, had died of the same disease in 1988. Bookended by loss and conceived as a fierce response to the ongoing AIDS epidemic, D-Man encompasses both tender expressions of solidarity and exhilarating bursts of athleticism. Dancers slide across the floor on their bellies, leap on each other’s backs and hold each other’s wilting bodies upright. The work finds new life in the 2020 documentary Can You Bring It: Bill T. Jones and D-Man in the Waters, directed by Rosalynde LeBlanc and Tom Hurwitz. It screens in Vermont International Film Foundation’s Virtual Cinema through September 30.
DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION Choreographer Bill T. Jones talks students through his groundbreaking work in LeBlanc and Hurwitz’s documentary.
her own generation. “What is our AIDS right now?” she asks, trying to help them find their emotional connection to the material. Some of the students point to school shootings. Others identify a more diffuse malaise — their sense of being caught in social media echo chambers where clicking is the only form of action. “What I hear is stasis. Getting stuck,” LeBlanc says. Can the students break through that stasis into the forms of joyful movement and intimate communication that D-Man requires? The answer to that question — as well as those posed above — is “maybe.” Because the documentary’s focus is split between the modern-day student production and the early history of D-Man, it’s hard not to see the former as a shadow of the latter. Even when the students do “bring it,” in a powerful rehearsal captured near the end of the film, they don’t achieve the heights of Jones’ company, which we see performing the same passages in archival clips. Interviews with company members who premiered the dance are wrenching, sweet and funny by turns. As they recall Zane’s deathbed and Acquavella’s
nightclub antics, they bring to life a vibrant urban art scene that is lost to time. The students, who get less on-screen time, don’t assert their personalities with that kind of vividness. Perhaps that can’t be helped, especially since no one upstages Jones himself. When he shows up, halfway through the film, to observe the students at rehearsal, he’s a magnetic, exacting presence. Praise doesn’t come easily from him, but he shares LeBlanc’s conviction that D-Man should be a living work rather than a relic. In some of the doc’s most poignant passages, Jones meditates on what the work means now. In 1989, “It was a place to grieve,” he says. But he believes D-Man is more than “a response to the plague”; it’s an enduring statement about survival and community. “Is it a cautionary tale?” he asks of the work, which grew out of the company’s pursuit of catharsis through group improvisations. “Is it one of inspiration? I don’t know what it is.” D-Man certainly is one thing: unforgettable. By showing us a new generation of dancers rising to the work’s challenge, Can You Bring It reminds us of everything we lost when theaters closed in 2020 — and
everything we hope to regain as performing artists return to the stage.
If you like this, try...
• “American Masters: Bill T. Jones: A Good Man” (2011; check your local library): This 90-minute episode of the PBS series follows Jones as he and his company create a piece in honor of Abraham Lincoln’s bicentennial. • Pina (2011; AMC+, IFC Films Unlimited, Criterion Channel, rentable): Wim Wenders (Wings of Desire) directed this spellbinding documentary about the work of German choreographer Pina Bausch. • How to Survive a Plague (2012; IFC Films Unlimited, AMC+, rentable): For the undergraduates in Can You Bring It, the AIDS crisis is distant history. This documentary about the rise of ACT UP and other activist groups brings it back with fearful immediacy. For a more recent, fictionalized take on the same subject, try the award-winning French drama BPM (Beats per Minute) (2017; Tubi, Kanopy, Criterion Channel). MARGO T HARRI S O N
NEW IN THEATERS BLUE BAYOU: Justin Chon (Gook) directed and stars in this drama about a Korean American bayou worker facing the possibility of deportation, also starring Alicia Vikander. (112 min, R. Roxy) COPSHOP: A con artist (Frank Grillo) seeks refuge from an assassin in a small-town prison in this action thriller from Joe Carnahan (The Grey). With Gerard Butler and Alexis Louder. (108 min, R. Essex, Star) CRY MACHO: Clint Eastwood (who also directed) plays a washed-up rodeo star who seeks redemption as he escorts a troubled kid through rural Mexico in this drama set in 1978. (104 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Star, Welden)
JUNGLE CRUISEHH1/2 The theme park ride becomes a Disney adventure set on a riverboat on the Amazon. (127 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Stowe, Sunset) THE LOST LEONARDOHHHH Andreas Koefoed’s documentary investigates the mystery of the Salvator Mundi, the most expensive painting ever sold at public auction. (96 min, PG-13. Savoy) MALIGNANTHH1/2 A young woman’s visions of murder turn out to be all too real in the latest horror thriller from director-cowriter James Wan. (111 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Star, Sunset)
MY NAME IS PAULI MURRAY: A nonbinary Black lawyer who influenced key rulings on race and gender discrimination is the subject of this documentary from Julie Cohen and Betsy West (RBG). (91 min, PG-13. Savoy)
ON BROADWAY: Director Oren Jacoby explores behind the scenes of the Broadway theater world with an all-star cast in this 2019 documentary. (82 min, NR. Savoy)
NO ORDINARY MAN: This documentary from Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt celebrates the legacy of jazz musician, bandleader and pioneering trans man Billy Tipton Jr. (83 min, NR. Savoy)
PAW PATROL: THE MOVIEHH1/2 A team of search-and-rescue dogs must save their city in this adaptation of the kids’ animated series. (88 min, G. Essex, Majestic)
PRISONERS OF THE GHOSTLAND: Cult Japanese director Sion Sono (Suicide Club) directed this neo-noir paranormal western starring Nicolas Cage and Sofia Boutella. (103 min, R. Savoy)
PIGHHHH Nicolas Cage plays a reclusive truffle hunter who must save his beloved foraging pig from kidnappers — and, yes, this is a serious drama. (92 min, R. Playhouse)
RESPECTHHH Jennifer Hudson plays Aretha Franklin in this bio drama from director Liesl Tommy. (145 min, PG-13. Majestic)
THE ALPINISTHHH1/2 Peter Mortimer and Nick Rosen’s documentary profiles solo mountain climber Marc-André Leclerc. (92 min, PG-13. Roxy) BLACK WIDOWHHH1/2 The Marvel Universe returns to the big screen with a showcase for the titular superhero (Scarlett Johansson). (133 min, PG-13. Sunset) CANDYMANHHH1/2 Jordan Peele cowrote this “spiritual sequel” to the urban legend-based horror series that began in 1992. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Teyonah Parris star. (91 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Sunset) THE CARD COUNTERHHHH A gambler (Oscar Isaac) with a dark past tries to seek redemption instead of revenge in the latest intense drama. (109 min, R. Roxy, Savoy) DON’T BREATHE 2HH1/2 A resourceful blind man (Stephen Lang) with a dark side must defend himself and the kid he’s raised from a home invasion in this horror sequel. (98 min, R. Sunset) COURTESY OF AMAZON PRIME VIDEO
FREE GUYHHH In this action comedy, a mildmannered bank teller (Ryan Reynolds) learns that he’s actually just an AI in a violent video game. (115 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)
My Name Is Pauli Murray
SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGSHHH1/2 A martial arts master (Simu Liu) must confront his own dark origins in the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (132 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) THE SUICIDE SQUADHHH1/2 This stand-alone sequel to 2016’s Suicide Squad finds an unruly team of captured supervillains tasked by the U.S. government with invading an island nation. (132 min, R. Majestic, Sunset)
Our Digital Democracy in the Age of Surveillance Capitalism An Evening with Shoshana Zuboff 2021 GEORGE D. AIKEN LECTURE The University of Vermont George D. Aiken Lecture Series invites you to join us for a virtual conversation with scholar, author and activist Shoshana Zuboff to discuss her newest book, The Age of Surveillance Capitalism. The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power. Zuboff has dedicated her career to the study of the rise of digital and warns that surveillance capitalism, a term Zuboff developed in 2014, is
undermining our personal rights and threatening democracy. Join in this engaging and interactive virtual conversation to learn how Zuboff wants us to imagine a digital future where our personal information is back under our control. Hosted by: The University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences Produced in partnership with: UVM Continuing & Distance Education
OPEN THEATERS (* = UPCOMING SCHEDULE FOR THEATER WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME) BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, *MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, *MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, *MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511,
Thursday, 10.14.21 | 5:00pm FREE Live Virtual Event
*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, *SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, WELDEN THEATRE: 104 North Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,
R SV P at g o . uv m . e d u /a i ken 2 02 1 2V-UVMContEd091521 1
9/14/21 1:26 PM
calendar S E P T E M B E R
THE GARDENS AT GREEN ACRES TOUR: Resident gardeners teach visitors how to make teas, blends, honeys and vinegars using homegrown herbs. Green Acres Apartments, Barre, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, PRODUCE FARM CLEANING SERIES: UVM Extension experts lead six weeks of virtual classes on cleaning and sanitizing farm facilities. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 656-3131.
ACCESS YOUR SUPERPOWERS: USING THE STRENGTHS OF YOUR PERSONALITY TYPE IN YOUR BUSINESS: Solopreneurs learn how to harness their inherent talents. Mascoma Bank, Burlington, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 503-0219.
1 5 - 2 2 ,
7 p.m. $20. Info, mail@queen
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: In this documentary, present-day dancers explore history and their own lives as they perform a seminal work born of the AIDS epidemic. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12.00; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: The refugee members of a rock band struggle to return home to Afghanistan to play their first show in this 2019 documentary presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600.
VERMONT WOMEN’S MENTORING PROGRAM: Mercy Connections trains new mentors for vulnerable women seeking healing, jobs and safe housing. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,
‘PETE SEEGER: THE POWER OF SONG’: Interviews, archival footage and home movies illustrate a social history of the folk artist and activist in this inspiring documentary. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.
food & drink
COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: The new senior center opens its doors for tea, coffee and friendly conversation every weekday morning. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4107. THE HUNT: Clue packets provided by the Vermont Cheese Council send culinary sleuths
to various Vermont regions to explore art, history, the outdoors and, of course, cheeses. Various locations statewide. Free. Info, MARKET ON THE GREEN: Meat, cheese, ice cream and veggies are among the local products available for purchase at this weekly marketplace. Woodstock Village Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3555.
FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle flowing movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3322. TAI CHI SUN 73 CLASS: Practitioners enjoy a peaceful morning of movement. Ages 55 and up; prerequisite is Tai Chi for Fall’s Prevention series 1, 2 & 3. Middlebury Recreation Facility,
10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, TAI CHI: SUN-STYLE 73: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 11:20 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 223-3322.
AFLCR SOCIAL HOUR: TROISIÈME MERCREDI: Francophones fine-tune their French-language conversation skills via Zoom. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
FESTIVAL INTERNATIONAL DE JAZZ DE MONTRÉAL: Artists including Daniel Lanois, Charlotte Day Wilson and Ranee Lee converge on La Metropole for the world’s largest jazz festival. Place des Festivals, Montréal. Free. Info, commentaires_jazz@equipe
WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather
SEP. 18 | ETC.
SENIOR CENTER WEEKLY LUNCH: Age Well and the Kevin L. Dorn Senior Center serve a hot, sit-down lunch. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 12:30 p.m. Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 923-5545. WEEKLY WINE TASTING: Themed in-store tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a wine region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.
health & fitness
ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout gather for an hour of calming, low-impact movement. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 1:302:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431. BURLINGTON MOVES: Fitness fanatics of all stripes gather on the grass for body weight workouts. Dogs welcome. Andy A_Dog Williams Skatepark, Burlington, 6:15-7 a.m. Free. Info, burlington CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home Mawuhi African Market
LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at
To Market, to Market Burlington’s Old North End has been an immigrant enclave for almost 200 years. With Irish, Jewish and French Canadian communities that sprang up around the city’s lumber industry in the 19th century and the Bhutanese, Congolese and Somali communities of today, the ONE has always been a hotbed of culture — and food. Saturdays through October 30, Historic New England leads locals and visitors on a walking tour of the grocers and markets of the past and present, illuminating historic locations and talking to current market owners and customers to paint a comprehensive picture of the ONE’s immigrant history.
MORE THAN A MARKET: A WALKING TOUR OF BURLINGTON’S LOCAL MARKETS Saturdays, 10:30 a.m.-noon, September 18 through October 30, at 7 Pine St. in Burlington. Free; preregister. Info,,
QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS: GHOSTS & LEGENDS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN: Brave souls learn about the darker side of Burlington on a guided waterfront walk with author and historian Thea Lewis. Partial proceeds benefit area organizations. Union Station, Burlington,
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participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
over Zoom for an evening of music-making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: Presented by Project Y Theatre and the Women in Theatre Festival, this new musical takes audience members on a comedic journey into the world of online dating in the coronavirus era. Donations. Info,
AUTHOR ROUNDTABLE: Samantha Kolber of Rootstock Publishing leads a reading and discussion with writers S. Lee
Manning, Karen Richards, Celia Ryker and Ben Johnson. Zoom option available. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister for Zoom option. Info, 223-3338. BOOK TALK: LINDA POLMAN: The author discusses her exposé The Crisis Caravan: What’s Wrong With Humanitarian Aid? with the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Noon-1 p.m. $10; free for VCWA members. Info, VOICES OF ST. JOSEPH’S ORPHANAGE: The St. Joseph’s Orphanage Restorative Inquiry writers’ group reads from their new poetry and nonfiction anthology, hosted by Carol Adinolfi of
Threshold Collaborative. Masks required. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 4-5:30 p.m. Free; books available for purchase. Info, 865-7185.
THU.16 etc.
FEAST & FIELD MARKET: Prepared foods and folk tunes by Alisa Amador are on the menu at a pastoral party. Fable Farm Fermentory, Barnard, Food and bar service, 5:30 p.m.; music, 6 p.m. $5-20; preregister; limited space. Info, QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK TRUE
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.15, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at • Post your event at
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. 5:45-6:45 p.m. $5-15. Info, 899-0339.
SPANISH MUSICAL KIDS: Vengan a cantar y aprender! Kids ages 1 through 5 learn Spanish through song out on the lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
AFTER SCHOOL CRAFT: BEADING & BRACELETS: Kids grades 3 and up make jewelry for themselves or for friends. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age engineers explore, create and participate in challenges. After each session, builders will be responsible for deconstruction. Best for ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-5 p.m. free. Info, 899-0339. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: Young readers take this story of a young Black boy who gets a super cool haircut on a walk around the library lawn. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, Through September 30. Free. Info, 878-6956.
champlain islands/ northwest
PERSONALIZED PENCILS: Kids 8 and up craft their own writing implements. Fairfax Community Library, 12:30 p.m. free; preregister. Info, 849-2420,
chittenden county
OUTDOOR STORY TIME: Kids enjoy an hour of books, songs, dancing and fun. BYO blankets or chairs. Masks required. Winooski Memorial Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424. RAPTORS UP CLOSE: A VISIT FROM VINS: Environmental educators from the Vermont Institute of Natural Science give a live demonstration of falcons, hawks and owls and their importance to the food chain. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. READ TO A CAT: Kiddies practice their reading with Edgar the kitty. 10-minute time slots; sign up at the front desk or by phone. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.15.
BABY & TODDLER MEETUP: Little ones and their caregivers come together for play time, puzzles and picture books. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.15, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
chittenden county
LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH: Native Spanish speaker Milagro Amaya teaches the first lesson of this six-week course. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:15 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, info@centennial
CRIME THURSDAYS: True crime buffs learn about Burlington’s most infamous murders and misdeeds with author and historian Thea Lewis. Sensitive subject matter. Ages 16 and up, please. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $25. Info, mail@queencityghost
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.15. ‘CYRANO DE BERGERAC’: James McAvoy of X-Men fame stars in an
inventive West End staging of the classic play, filmed for worldwide viewing. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $7-21. Info, 748-260. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.15.
MAVERICK MARKET: High-quality products from Vermont artisans, as well as food truck fare and live music, populate a weekly bazaar. Essex Experience, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 238-3934.
‘HOW THEY GOT OVER’: Picnickers enjoy an outdoor screening of this documentary on the Black gospel origins of rock and roll, courtesy of the Vermont International Film Foundation. Burlington City Hall Park, 7:15-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, 660–2600.
NORDIC NITE OUT: Nordic Farmers’ Collaborative serves a meal made with farm-fresh ingredients while guests browse the farmstand for produce, bread, meats and libations. Nordic Farms, Charlotte, 4-7 p.m. Various prices. Info, 425-2283.
food & drink
VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods, crafts and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons.
chittenden county
chittenden county
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.15, 8:30-9:15 a.m.
802 REPTILES AT THE SBPL: Kevin Clarkson of 802 Reptiles shows and tells friendly reptiles from all over the world. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.15.
SMITHSONIAN MUSEUM DAY: Smithsonian Magazine offers free entry to participating museums. Download your tickets and see all locations at Various locations statewide, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 479-8500.
READ TO FIGMENT THE THERAPY DOG: Novice and nervous readers find a calm, comforting environment to practice in when Figment visits the library, courtesy of Therapy Dogs of Vermont. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 888-3853.
champlain islands/ northwest
DRAGON EGG HUNT!: Small sleuths and wee wizards follow the clues posted on the library’s website and Facebook page to track down the dragon’s egg. Fairfax Community Library, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 849-2420.
upper valley
OWL FESTIVAL: Whooooo’s that? It’s owls from all over the world flocking to VINS for a day of fun, food and face paint! Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $15-17.50; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 359-5000. SENSORY FRIENDLY HOURS: Folks of all ages with sensory differences enjoy a quieter museum, fewer crowds and discounted admission. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, 9-10 a.m. $11-14; free for members. Info, 649-2200.
northeast kingdom
LOWELL F.O.L.K. FESTIVAL: Friends of Lowell Kids throw a fete for families featuring a parade, barbecue, bouncy houses and a live auction. Lowell Graded School, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info,
» P.62
TINKERTIME: Little STEM and STEAM enthusiasts build a new project or take on a new challenge every week. Ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.15, 10:15-11:15 a.m.
SOCIAL SUNDAYS FAMILY ART: Registered families pick up take-home kits to complete with video or typed instructions. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery. Free; preregister. Info, 891-2014. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.15.
mad river valley/ waterbury
OUTDOOR ART: Little naturalists make art inspired by autumn and the great outdoors. Dress for outdoor weather and messy creations. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
chittenden county
ARTS & CRAFT-ERNOONS: Budding artists explore every medium from painting and print-making to collage and sculpture. Ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.15.
chittenden county
AFTER SCHOOL STEAM FUN ACTIVITY: Little engineers and artists gather for some afternoon fun. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. LEGO BUILDERS: See WED.15.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.15, 12:30-1:30 p.m. TOM WESSELS & WENDY GORTON: The authors of New England’s Roadside Ecology and 50 Hikes with Kids: New England talk outdoor fun with Northshire Bookstore. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, events@
SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda out on the library lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
OUTDOOR STORY TIME: See THU.16. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME ON THE GREEN: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads a half hour of stories, rhymes and songs. Masks or socially distancing required. Williston Town Green, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.15.
LEGO FUN: Wee builders of all ages construct creations to be displayed in the library. Children under 8 must bring a caregiver. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.15.
TEEN ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: Teenagers snack on free food and take an active role in their local library. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3 p.m. Free. Info, youth THE NOISY PAINT BOX: Little ones 6 and up learn to connect reading and art by sculpting, painting and reading picture books. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, cvarner@
champlain islands/ northwest
DIY STRESS BALLS: Students de-stress from the start of the school year by making a squishy companion. Ages 8 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420.
calendar « P.61
Vergennes City Park, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.
POP-UP HAPPY HOUR: Locals connect over drinks at a speakeasy-style bar. Hosted by OUT in the 802. Lincolns, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
QUEER & TRANS WIFFLEBALL: LGBTQ+ folks gather in the lower fields for a whiff of fun and friendship. Calahan Park, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 503-5128.
ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATION: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to chill out on their lunch breaks and reconnect to their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@
LEARN TO SPEAK SPANISH: Native Spanish speaker Milagro Amaya teaches the first lesson of this six-week course. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 4:15 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, info@centennial
THE ALMENDROS ALBUM RELEASE CONCERT: The new local band debuts their album “All Over the Place” outside the Marble Works. Riverfront Park, Middlebury, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 382-9222. LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: LAST SONGS: A string quartet and a soprano perform Beethoven and Strauss — filmed for those who couldn’t attend the in-person concert. 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 846-2175.
NATIVE PLANTS FOR BIRDS: With Audubon Vermont, birders and gardeners learn which indigenous plants birds go flappy for. Masks required. Horsford Gardens & Nursery, Charlotte, 8-9 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@horsford
THEO CATEFORIS: The music historian talks Lollapalooza and the rise of alt-rock in the 1990s, in concert with the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center’s “Expedition” exhibit. 7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 257-0124.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.15. ‘LOOSE CANON’: From Molière in IKEA to Greek theater in a Chuck E. Cheese, this series of short comedies satirizes consumerism in the style of canonical playwrights. Masks required. The Grange Theatre, South Pomfret, 7:30 p.m. $20-25. Info, 457-3500.
BOOKSELLER BOOKCHAT AT HOME: Lit lovers get recommendations and talk shop with the staff of Northshire Bookstore. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, events@ BRETT ANN STANCIU: The author discusses her new memoir Unstitched: My Journey to Understand Opioid Addiction and How People and Communities Can Heal with Phoenix Books. 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350.
A Beautiful Day
for kids 4 and under. Info, info@
Vermonters may know François Clemmons as an activist, Grammy Award-winning singer and retired director of the Martin Luther King Spiritual Choir at Middlebury College. Folks across the country, however, know him as “Officer Clemmons” from his 25-year tenure on TV show “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” where in 1969 he famously shared a swimming pool with Fred Rogers at a time when many pools were still segregated. This week, Dr. Clemmons offers remarks, reads from his 2020 memoir Officer Clemmons and signs books. Partial proceeds from book sales at the event benefit Middlebury nonprofit WomenSafe.
DR. FRANÇOIS S. CLEMMONS Wednesday, September 22, 7-8 p.m., at Mahaney Arts Center, Olin C. Robison Concert Hall, Middlebury College. Free. Info, 443-2195, NO PRESSURE BOOK GROUP: There are no rules and no assignments in this virtual book club in which readers discuss old favorites, current obsessions and recent recommendations. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036. WRITER TO WRITER: DOUGLAS KEARNEY & JENNIFER STEINORTH: The Vermont Studio Center brings the two poets together to talk craft, friendship, sustaining a writing practice and more. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, communications@
FRI.17 dance
AN EVENING WITH ICE DANCE INTERNATIONAL: The group debuts two new pieces. BYO skates for free skate with the IDI dancers after the show. VIP reception follows. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe
Mountain Resort, 7 p.m. $10-250. Info, 760-4634. FIRES OF VARANASI: Ragamala Dance contemplates the birthdeath-rebirth continuum and the Indian diaspora through dance. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $15-45. Info, 603-646-2422.
PIZZA & MUSIC BY THE POND: A wood-fired oven warms pies composed of local ingredients. Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen, pizza, 5-8 p.m.; music, 6-8 p.m.; free for kids 4 and under; BYOB; preregister. Info, 247-6735. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: Paranormal historian Thea Lewis highlights haunted happenings throughout Burlington. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info,
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘DIRTY DANCING’: No one puts Baby in a corner at this outdoor screening of the 1980s classic. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.15. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.15. MOVIE ON THE GREEN: ‘GET OUT’: A Black man’s uneasiness around his white girlfriend’s parents spills over into horror in this modern classic from Jordan Peele. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.
food & drink
COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: See WED.15. HARVEST PARTY BBQ & FUNDRAISER: vTerra hosts a dinner and evening of live Latin music to support cancer foundation the GCS Project. vTerra Farms, Starksboro, 5:30 p.m. $10-55; free
THE HUNT: See WED.15. POP-UP ART CAFÉ: Art and live music meet tapas and wine at a cultural convergence hosted by Gallery on the Green owners Chip and Opal Evans. Soulfully Good Café, Woodstock, 6-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink; preregister. Info, 457-7395. RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live music connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, info@
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
DARK SHADOWS ENTERTAINMENT: OAKHEART: The Glens Falls metal act kicks off this concert series alongside No Eye Has Seen, Buffalo’s Deadbeat and Humdinger & the Bucksnort. Merchants Hall, Rutland, 8-11 p.m. $10. Info, darkshadows JOHNNY A.: The Boston Hall of Famer presents an intimate evening of guitar playing. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $26. Info, 603-448-0400. MORETOWN OPEN MIC: Family-friendly music, short plays and spoken-word pieces entertain audience members. 7-10 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, SARASA ENSEMBLE: The string sextet brings transformative energy to the stage with a program of Arvo Pärt, Boccherini, Pohle and Beethoven. Brattleboro Music Center, 7:30 p.m. $10-20; free for kids under 12. Info, 257-4523.
JONATHAN SLAGHT: The biologist expounds on his years of work with Blakiston’s fish owls in the wilds of Russia, in concert with the Vermont Institute of Natural Science’s Owl Festival. 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 359-5000. LOUISA BURNHAM: The Middlebury College professor speaks about Joan of Arc ahead of the Opera Company of Middlebury’s production of Tchaikovsky’s The Maid of Orleans. The Congregational Church of Middlebury, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7432.
BLACK ARTISTS SHOWCASE: Poet Rajnii Eddins hosts an
VIRTUAL VISITING WRITER READING: ANA MENÉNDEZ: The author of In Cuba I Was a German Shepherd regales lit lovers with a reading of selected works. Presented by Vermont Studio Center. 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, communications@vermont
SAT.18 activism
FORWARD TO THE FUTURE: VIRTUAL FREEDOM FUND DINNER: The NAACP of Bennington, Rutland and Addison Counties’ annual fundraiser goes virtual. Philanthropist DiDi Delgado keynotes. 6:30 p.m. $45. Info, 342-4755.
NORWICH ANTIQUES SHOW: Local dealers offer up collectibles, furniture and other vintage wares. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $5; free for kids under 12. Info, 649-0124.
FIRES OF VARANASI: See FRI.17, 2 & 7:30 p.m.
MORE THAN A MARKET: A WALKING TOUR OF BURLINGTON’S LOCAL MARKETS: Locals take a stroll through the past and present of immigrant culture in the Old North End. See calendar spotlight. Meet at 7 Pine St. under the arch, Burlington, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, cbarrett@historicnewengland. org. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: See FRI.17.
fairs & festivals
CHESTER FESTIVAL ON THE GREEN: New and returning vendors purvey food and handmade wares amid field games, farm animals and live music at this agriculture-themed fest. Chester Green, 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Free. Info, ENOSBURG’S ANNUAL HARVEST FEST: Villagers gather by the river for a day of antiquing, live music, barbecue, and good company in the wine and beer garden. Lincoln Park, Enosburg Falls, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, enosburgharvest OKTOBERFEST 2021: Biergarten merrymakers are serenaded by the Bavarian strains of Vermont band Inseldudler as they enjoy a hearty meal and mugs of lager. Von Trapp Brewing Bierhall Restaurant, Stowe, 11 a.m.8:45 p.m. $31.80-59.40. Info, 253-5750.
STONE SKIPPING FESTIVAL: Skippers throw with the pros while enjoying food trucks, Harvest Brewing beer and family activities. Lake Paran, North Bennington, noon-4 p.m. $1-4. Info,
DARI BAY & ROOST.WORLD: The two funky, futuristic outfits close out the Barrage’s 2021 season. The Barrage, Holland, 7:15-10 p.m. $10. Info, 922-1503.
THE LAST KING: The New England metal band plays tracks from their new album, The New Age. Thrash act Crypitus guests. Catamount ArtPort at Green Mountain Mall, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $10-15. Info, 748-2600.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.15. ‘TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP’: Silent film accompanist Jeff Rapsis plays the live score for this Harry Langdon and Joan Crawford comedy. Brandon Town Hall, 7 p.m. Free. Info, brandontown
food & drink
BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. Burlington Farmers Market, 345 Pine St., 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, manager@ CALCUTTA DINNER: The Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce holds its 38th annual fundraising soiree and raffle. Farr’s Field, Waterbury, 5-9 p.m. $125; preregister; limited space. Info, 229-5711. CRAFTSBURY FARMERS MARKET: Food, drink, crafts and family-friendly entertainment are on the menu at this emporium of local merchandise. Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 755-9030. ETHIOPIAN & ERITREAN CUISINE TAKEOUT: Foodies from the Old North End and beyond sample Mulu Tewelde’s spicy, savory, succulent meals. Vegetarian options available; bring your own bag. 20 Allen St., Burlington, 4 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, THE HUNT: See WED.15. OKEMO MOUNTAIN TAPS & TASTES: The courtyard transforms into a beer garden for the day, featuring the stirring strains of all-women string band Della Mae. Jackson Gore Inn, Okemo Mountain Resort, Ludlow, noon-5 p.m. $15-55. Info, 228-1600. POP-UP ART CAFÉ: See FRI.17. WAITSFIELD FARMERS MARKET: A bustling bazaar boasts seasonal produce, prepared foods, artisan crafts and live entertainment. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, waitsfield WEEKLY WINE TASTING: See WED.15. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Stowe, noon4 p.m. Info, 585-7717.
health & fitness
FALL PREVENTION SUN STYLE TAI CHI: See WED.15. Father Lively Center, St. Johnsbury, 10-11 a.m.
NORTHERN HARMONY: Village Harmony’s most accomplished ensemble sings a globespanning set. Proof of vaccination required. York Street Meeting House, Lyndon, 7-9 p.m. Donations. Info, 473-4208. PETE & OLIVER OF PETE’S POSSE: Local folk hero Pete and his protégé Oliver share their neo-traditional folk songs and tunes. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 6-8 p.m. $1060. Info, 533-2000. STRAIGHT NO CHASER: The legendary a cappella group brings down the house as the Paramount reopens for the Fall 2021 season. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $39.50-59.50. Info, 775-0903. TWILIGHT SERIES: THE SMITTENS: The Vermont-born twee-pop band performs their new single and old favorites. Burlington City Hall Park, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.
BUTTERFLY BONANZA: If you plant it, they will come! Participants peep the winged insects that visit the park’s perennial and wildflower gardens. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 10 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103.
6h-petfoodwarehouse091521 1
9/10/21 1:05 PM
Seeing the Past Anew with Contemporary Art Closing Reception Sunday, October 10, 3–5 pm
Go to for free tix and Covid guidance
Sept. 10 – Oct. 10, 2021
Fridays – Sundays, 10 am – 5 pm and by appointment
LAND FOR BIRDS: MIGRATORY BIRDS & THEIR HABITAT: Vermont Land Trust and Audubon Vermont lead an expedition into newly restored bird habitats and teach attendees about bird banding. Nordic Farms, Charlotte, 8 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, allaire@ MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED: Fungi fanatics learn about different varieties — fabulous and fearsome alike — found throughout the park. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $24; free for kids ages 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103.
#135 by Cindy Blakeslee
evening of readings and performances by local Black artists and writers on the library lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
MEETING OF THE GRINDS: Slate Valley Trails holds its first annual all-day cycling festival, featuring a packed schedule of rides, races, burritos and brews. Fairgrounds Trail, Poultney, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. $45100. Info, info@slatevalleytrails. org. SAT.18
» P.64
Kents’ Corner State Historic Site / 7 Old West Church Road, Calais, VT 3V-VtCuratorKent091521.pdf 1
9/13/21 4:28 PM
Late Summer Savings
« P.63
TOUR DE FARMS: A wide range of locally produced foods awaits riders as they pedal a 10- or 30-mile route. Vergennes Union High School & Middle School, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $20-85. Info,
Tire & Service
‘AS YOU LIKE IT’: Shakespeare on the Statehouse Steps returns with a staged reading of the Bard’s quintessential romantic comedy. Vermont Statehouse lawn, Montpelier, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 229-0492.
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‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.15. ‘LOOSE CANON’: See THU.16, 3 & 7:30 p.m.
BARON WORMSER: The poet reads from and discusses Songs from a Voice, his new genrebending novel that explores creativity through the voice of a character based on Bob Dylan. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park, Enosburg Falls, 2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 512-333-2119.
FOREVER YOUNG ADULT BOOK CLUB: Adults who love their YA discuss Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 1-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 888-3853.
Small/Midsize SUVs
VIRTUAL VISITING WRITER CRAFT TALK: ANA MENÉNDEZ: Hosted by the Vermont Studio Center, the short fiction author talks shop with listeners interested in the art of writing. 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, communications
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COVID-19 MEMORIAL SERVICE: Vermont Interfaith Action hosts a gathering to honor the lives of Vermonters lost to the pandemic. Vermont Statehouse lawn, Montpelier, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 651-8889. VETS TOWN HALL: Veterans share stories about their time in service, while community members listen. Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, kristen.
VERMONT MAGICAL DISCOVERY TOUR: The Opera House’s annual fundraiser takes cars, trucks, and motorcycles on a scenic tour of their community. Vergennes Opera House, 9 a.m. $250. Info, 877-6737.
fairs & festivals
CHESTER FESTIVAL ON THE GREEN: See SAT.18. *For complete product and warranty details, please visit or ©2020 Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. All Rights Reserved.
2V-VtTire090821 1
9/7/21 4:46 PM
SHOREHAM APPLE FEST: Families fête Vermont’s signature fruit with live music, a farmers market and more. Platt Memorial
Library, Shoreham, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, friendsoftheplatt@
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.15. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.15.
food & drink
THE HUNT: See WED.15. WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and prepared foods from seasonal vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmers
IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celticcurious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
MEET THE SINGERS OF OPERA COMPANY OF MIDDLEBURY: The cast of the upcoming production of Tchaikovsky’s The Maid of Orleans introduce themselves by singing a favorite piece. Champlain Valley Unitarian Universalist Society, Middlebury, 5-6:30 p.m. $35. Info, 388-7432.
food & drink
GENTLE MOVEMENT SERIES: Amy LePage leads movers in a gentle, therapeutic yoga practice. Zoom option available. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 5:15-6 p.m. Free; preregister for Zoom link. Info, 223-3338.
INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE: The Vermont Council on World Affairs presents a day of virtual talks, workshops and panels looking toward world peace. Hybrid in-person and virtual reception at the VCWA ends the day. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. $10-50; free for Executive VCWA members. Info,
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.15.
NORTHERN HARMONY: See SAT.18. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 4 p.m. Info, 533-2000.
food & drink
RAY RODRIGUES: The local historian uncovers the rich history of the Pownal region. Bennington Museum, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 447-1571.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: See WED.15. ‘LOOSE CANON’: See THU.16, 3 & 7:30 p.m.
WORDS OUT LOUD: MARY RUEFLE & KATHRYN DAVIS: The two Vermont authors read from their work. Book signing follows. Masks required. Old West Church, Calais, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-6613.
MON.20 film
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.15.
health & fitness
PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATIONS: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5166.
BEN & JERRY’S CONCERTS ON THE GREEN: DR. DOG: Fans catch the Philadelphia-based indie rock band on its last-ever tour. Shelburne Museum, 6 p.m. $4448; free for kids 12 and under. Info, 652-0777. LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: SWAN SONG: The Parker Quartet and cellist Marcy Rosen play Hailstork and Schubert — filmed for those who couldn’t attend the in-person concert. 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 846-2175.
VERMONT’S FREEDOM & UNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL: Regardless of age, race or gender, singers lift their voices in songs that represent the ongoing struggle for justice. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:45-8:45 p.m. $35. Info, vermontsfreedom
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
RUTLAND COUNTY AUDUBON & SLATE VALLEY TRAILS BIRDWATCHING WALK: Enthusiastic ornithologists go on a gentle hike and search for feathered friends. BYO binoculars, bug spray, water and guidebook. Fairgrounds Trails, Poultney, 7:30 a.m. Free. Info,
‘THE HARDER THEY COME’: An aspiring reggae singer takes on corruption in the music industry in this 1972 Jamaican crime flick. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.
food & drink
CASSY JOY GARCIA: The cookbook author launches her new meal-prep manual Cook Once Dinner Fix with Phoenix Books. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350. NEW PERSPECTIVES BOOK DISCUSSION: Readers discuss Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants by Robin Wall Kimmerer at this Dorothy Alling Memorial Library virtual book club. Noon. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ POETRY CLINIC: Writers set their pens and minds in motion with group exercises and critiques in this ongoing drop-in gathering. River Arts, Morrisville, 6-8 p.m. $5. Info, 888-1261. WINE & STORY: Lovers of libations and tellers of tall tales gather for an evening of good company. Shelburne Vineyard, 7:30 p.m. $5. Info, 863-1754.
WED.22 activism
THE CHILD CARE CRISIS IN VT & WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: United Way’s Women United and Let’s Grow Kids teach activists-in-training how to advocate for Vermont kids and care workers. Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 861-7838.
CURRENT EVENTS OVER ZOOM: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads an informal discussion about what’s in the news. 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info,
AYURVEDA PROGRAM ONLINE: Maryellen Crangle and Dorothy Alling Memorial Library lead a 12-week introduction to this ancient Indian and Nepalese healing and lifestyle tradition. 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, BURLINGTON MOVES: See WED.15. CHAIR YOGA: See WED.15.
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: See WED.15. HERBAL REMEDIES WITH CHERYL HARTT: The medicinal herbalist helps students make their own tinctures, oils, salves and syrups. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, TAI CHI SUN 73 CLASS: See WED.15. TAI CHI: SUN-STYLE 73: See WED.15.
SOLAR JAM FOR HAITI: The Vermont Haiti Project, Solar SEED Project, and the Solar Bus bring together local bands to raise funds for victims of the recent earthquake. Burlington City Hall Park, 2-7 p.m. Free. Info, 310-5397.
Queen City Ghostwalk Tours
Ethiopian and Eritrean Cuisine Takeout
AUTUMNAL EQUINOX WALKING MEDITATION: River Buffum leads a calming stroll among the falling leaves while Judi Byron plays the harp. Waterbury Public Library, 5:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
BEYOND DEI STATEMENTS: AN HONEST CONVERSATION ABOUT IMPLEMENTATION FOR MENTORING PROGRAMS: Mentor Vermont organizers discuss diversity and inclusion in youth services. 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 658-1888.
Cannabis Cultivation: Wrap Up Your Outdoor Grow Right SAT., SEP. 18 GREEN STATE GARDENER, BURLINGTON
VT Womenpreneurs Bubbles & Brunch SAT., SEP. 18 SALT & BUBBLES WINE BAR & MARKET, ESSEX
INVESTING IN VERMONT’S COMMUNITIES: Copper Leaf Financial teaches aspiring investors how the Vermont Community Loan Fund can help them and their communities. Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-2731.
Vermont Cannabis Farm Tour
ALL ABOUT PASSWORDS: AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR OLDER ADULTS: Tech for Tomorrow leads a virtual class on password safety and management. Noon-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-0595.
COMMUNITY BOOK DISCUSSION: Lanpher Memorial Library and the Clarina Howard Nichols Center talk Chanel Miller’s memoir of sexual assault and survival, Know My Name. 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, DR. FRANÇOIS S. CLEMMONS: The singer and celebrity of “Mr. Rogers” fame reads from his new book, Officer Clemmons: A Memoir. Book signing follows. Masks and proof of vaccination required. See calendar spotlight. Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 4432195. m
Bud + Brunch at Fox Holler Farms
Queen City Ghostwalk Graveyard Tour: Elmwood Cemetery SUN., OCT. 3 ELMWOOD CEMETERY, BURLINGTON
VCET Lunch & Learn: Startups and Strengths WED., OCT. 6 ONLINE
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9/14/21 2:01 PM
art 1-DAY FALL PAINTING WORKSHOPS: Every Sat., Sep. 18-Oct. 23. Small classes, 6-8 students, one-on-one teaching. Come learn and paint in and around our historic 1800s studio barn and perennial gardens. All experience-levels welcome; watercolor, pastel or oil. Demos taught. Includes gourmet farmto-table lunch. Sign up soon! Sat. Sep. 18-Oct. 23, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost: $135/1-Day (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Location: 1-Day Painting Workshops, 692 Church Hill Rd., Charlotte.Info: Deborah Kehoe, 233-6463, deb@, kehoedesign. com/painting-workshops.
BCA Studios
Burlington City Arts fall class registration is now open! Find these classes and many more at DARKROOM PHOTOGRAPHY OPTION 1: Explore the traditional, analog, black and white darkroom! Learn to properly expose black and white film, process film, and make silver gelatin prints. All supplies included. Bring your manual 35mm or medium format film camera and an exposed roll of black and white film to the first class. 18+. Wed., Sep. 22Oct. 27, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $270. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington.Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@,
HOME STUDIO: DRAWING: Learn a variety of drawing techniques, including basic perspective, compositional layout, and use of dramatic light and shadow, from the comfort of your home. Students are encouraged to work with a variety of drawing media, including pencil and charcoal. 13+, all levels of experience, including beginners, are welcome. Wed., Sep. 29-Oct. 20, 6-7:30 p.m. Cost: $120. Location: Zoom, n/a.Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, kwilliams@, PHOTOSHOP & ILLUSTRATOR: Students learn the basics of Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator while creating pieces of digital artwork with artist James Beihl. James shares a variety of digital artwork styles to inspire students while introducing program tools in the context of using them to make a digital collage and dreamlike landscape. 18+. Thu., Sep. 23-Oct. 21, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,, THROWING SETS: Prerequisite: Proficiency in centering, throwing cups and throwing bowls. Learn the process of creating wheel-thrown sets, including making multiples, stacking mugs and nesting bowls, and serving sets specific to a type of food or
beverage, such as a sake bottle with matching cups or a coffee cup with saucer. 18+. Wed., Sep. 22-Nov. 10, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Cost: $400. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington.Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157, burlington cityarts, WHEEL THROWING OPTION 2: Students work primarily on the potter’s wheel, learning basic throwing and forming techniques while creating functional pieces such as mugs, cups and bowls. Students are also guided through various finishing techniques using the studio’s house slips and glazes. 18+. No previous experience needed. Wed., Sep. 29-Nov. 17, 1:30-4 p.m. Cost: $400. Location: BCA Studios, 405 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Kiersten Williams, 865-7157,,
drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional/masks indoors), starting Sep. 7, Nov. 8 and Jan. 18. Taiko: Mon., Tue., Wed. and Thu.; Djembe: Wed. and Thu.; Kids and parents: Tue., Wed. and Thu. All Thursday classes at Camp Meade in Middlesex, behind Red Hen! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington.Info:
footer-classy-transport.indd 1
NEW BEGINNER TAI CHI CLASS: We practice Cheng Man-ch’ing’s “simplified” 37-posture Yang-style form. The course will be taught by Patrick Cavanaugh, a longtime student and assistant to Wolfe Lowenthal; Wolfe is a direct student of Cheng Man-ch’ing and founder of Long River Tai Chi Circle. Opportunities for learning online also available! COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend in person. Mask requirements are based on: CDC recommendations, venue policy & group comfort. Starts Oct. 6, 9-10 a.m., open registration until Oct. 27. Cost: $65/mo. Location: St. Anthony’s Church (Gym), 305 Flynn Ave., Burlington.Info: Long River Tai Chi Circle, Patrick Cavanaugh, 4906405,,
family JUNG ON THE FATHER: Our experience of a father (or lack thereof) can color our whole lives, impacting our careers and how we define success and how we relate to masculine energies. Learn why this is and how to work with your inner father imago in this course full of exercises, readings and discussions. Sep. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60. Location: Jungian Center of Spiritual Sciences, Zoom.Info: Sue Mehrtens, 244-7909, info@jung,
language ADULT SPANISH CLASSES STARTING: Adult Spanish classes using Zoom online videoconferencing. Our 15th year. Learn from a native speaker via small group classes (max 6 people). You’ll always be participating and speaking. Levels from beginning to advanced. We still have a few openings. See our website or contact us for details. Sep. 13-22. Cost: $270/10 classes, 90+ min. each, 1 class/ wk. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center.Info: 585-1025, spanish,
the second half of Busy People 1. Level-3 uses Busy People 2. To register or learn more, email Linda Sukop, No classes Thanksgiving week. Level-1 Thu., Oct. 7-Dec. 16; Level-2 Wed., Oct. 6-Dec. 15; Level-3 Mon., Oct. 4-Dec. 13, 7-8:30 p.m. Location: Japan America Society of Vermont, Zoom.Info: 865-9985,,
JAPANESE CLASS FOR CHILDREN VIA ZOOM: The JASV offers two Japanese classes, beginner and intermediate, for elementary and middle school children during the fall semester. For further information, please log in at v2/language. Beginner class: Sat., Oct. 2-Nov. 13, 9:30-10:10 a.m. Intermediate class: Sat., Oct. 2-Nov. 13, 10:30-11:10 a.m. Location: Zoom, n/a.Info: 8658895,,
well-being HIGH OCTAVE LIVING: Strengthen your inner sense of self and your outer effectiveness through mindfulness and character-strengths work. Join an eight-week live virtual course with life-altering, evidence-based benefits. As you discover your signature strengths while deepening your mindfulness practice this fall, you’ll be gaining tools for a richer, more joyful life. 8 weeks starting Tue., Sep. 28, 7-9 p.m. or Thu., Sep. 30, 3-5 p.m. Cost: $175/8 2-hr. classes. Location: Zoom, PO Box 436, Montpelier. Info: Werner John, 272-5397,,
JAPANESE LANGUAGE COURSES: JASV offers three levels of Japanese in the fall semester via Zoom. Level-1 covers the first half of the textbook, Busy People 1. Level-2 covers
tai chi
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Society of Chittenden County
Pepe & Ziggy SEX: 1-year-old neutered males REASON HERE: They were brought to HSCC when they were no longer allowed in their owner’s housing. ARRIVAL DATE: July 14, 2021 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Pepe and Ziggy need to go home together. SUMMARY: This dynamic duo is currently living it up as office cats here at HSCC. Pepe and Ziggy excel at supervising administrative work, providing company without getting underfoot, and ridding the office of any and all stray snacks — whether or not they’re intended for cats. The transition to the shelter environment has been a bit challenging for these boys, but we’re seeing more and more of their silly, playful sides every day. They’re looking for a quiet home and a patient, understanding family who will give them time to become the fun-loving cats we keep catching glimpses of.
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At HSCC, we follow a separation protocol to determine whether two pets need to be adopted together (i.e., do one or both show signs of stress, anxiety or other behavioral changes?) or whether they actually enjoy having some independence. Single pets have a shorter shelter stay, but it’s important to keep bonded pairs together if they need a pal to be their best selves. Double adoptions are pretty great, too!
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CATS/DOGS/KIDS: They have done well with other cats in the past. They have no history with dogs. They have done well with children in the past but would probably do best around older children who can respect their space. Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.
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housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)
We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!
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Route 15, Hardwick
3842 Dorset Ln., Williston
SEEKING 1-2 BR Seeking 1-2-BR accommodation, rural, less than 40 miles from Burlington. 32-year-old female, UVM Extension agriculture employee w/ 3-year-old daughter. Budget $1500. Email bryony.sands@bristol. Thank you!
KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 1-BR, $1,026/mo.; 2-BR, $1,230/mo.; 3-BR, $1,422/mo. Spacious
appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW dishwasher HDWD hardwood HW hot water LR living room NS no smoking OBO or best offer refs. references sec. dep. security deposit W/D washer & dryer
EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
missing children. Accepting trucks, motorcycles & RVs, too! Fast, free pickup. Running or not. 24-hr. response. Max. tax donation. Call 877-2660681. (AAN CAN)
I’m a non-binary, non-smoking, disabled social worker with tortoise seeking accessible home to move into in Vermont. Homesharer(s) receive generous yearly tax-free stipend for help with daily living tasks, and I contribute to the family. All races, genders, orientations, and family situations welcome. Contact me at for info.
fields. 2-shot COVID-19 vaccine required & mask wearing. References required. garmanvt@
OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.
print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x110
CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, interiors, fully applihigh-end, totaled: It sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM anced kitchen, fitness doesn’t matter. Get free 12h-Allen090821.indd 1 center, heat & HW incl. towing & same-day Income restrictions cash. Newer models, apply. 802-655-1810, too. Call 9689. (AAN CAN)
display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $45 (40 words, photos, logo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs:, 865-1020 x121
BIZ OPPS BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do the work; you reap the rewards! Call for a free Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN)
CAREGIVING CAREGIVER & PT PERSON NEEDED Caregiving needed w/ bathing & dressing in mornings & early evenings. NS, 1 cat OK. PT needed to help w/ improving mobility. CPR & first aid trained. Experience working w/ elderly people in both
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010
COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train online to get the skills to become a computer & help desk professional now. Grants & scholarships avail. for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 1-855-554-4616. (AAN CAN)
ENTERTAINMENT DISH TV $59.99 for 190 channels & $14.95 high-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl. Free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-855-380-2501. (AAN CAN)
HEALTH/ WELLNESS DOG ENERGY SESSION Healing & balancing your dog’s chakras. Enhance your dog’s well-being w/ this subtle but effective healing modality. The chakra system plays a key role in the overall health & well-being of your dog. Learning about, working w/ & balancing his chakras can bring positive change to his state of wellness physically, mentally & emotionally. What is a chakra? Chakras are an integral part of a dog’s energy field. They are spinning energy portals or vortices situated in various locations throughout the body & are vehicles for the successful assimilation of vital life-force energy. Life-force energy filters in through a dog’s chakras & then travels by means of meridians (another component of the body’s energy field) into the endocrine system. It funnels out from there to reach every
cell & fiber of your dog’s being. When blockages & imbalances occur in a dog’s chakras, this assimilation process is inhibited, resulting in the manifestation of physical, emotional, mental or behavioral symptoms. Contact us for more info: merlinmagic25@gmail. com. GENTLE TOUCH MASSAGE Men, I specialize in relaxation massage, deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish massage & other techniques just for you. I have been practicing massage therapy for over 18 years. I’m Gregg. My website is: Email: Phone: 802-234-8000 (text). Located in Barre, VT. PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling & channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542,
HOME/GARDEN LAWN CARE SERVICES Messy lawns? We can help w/ that. Every lawn needs regular care. Leave the mowing to us. Free quotes. Call or text 802-355-4099. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING White-glove service from America’s top movers. Fully insured & bonded. Let us take the stress out of your out-of-state move. Free quotes! Call: 888-8410629. (AAN CAN) NEVER PAY FOR COVERED HOME REPAIRS AGAIN! Complete Care Home Warranty covers all major systems & appliances. 30-day risk-free. $200 off + 2 free mos.! Mon.-Thu. & Sun., 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri., 9:30 a.m.-noon. (All times
9/6/21 3:06 PM
Eastern.) 1-877-6730511. (AAN CAN)
HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo.! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN)
STILL PAYING TOO MUCH for your medication? Save up to 90% on RX refill! Order today & receive free shipping on 1st order. Prescription required. Call 1-855-7501612. (AAN CAN) WANTED: COMIC BOOKS 1930s-present comic books. Call David: 857-210-5029.
Foreclosure: 4BR Home on 1.1± Acre
Tuesday, September 21 @ 11AM
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1114 Ledgewood Drive, Williston, VT
GARAGE/ESTATE SALES SBHS SKI & BOARD SWAP Sat., Sep. 25, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. New & gently used winter gear sale. South Burlington HS, 550 Dorset St., S. Burlington.
MISCELLANEOUS 4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast speeds & take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888-519-0171. (AAN CAN)
Foreclosure: 24± Acres In Industrial Park Thursday, October 14 @ 11AM 53 Lafar St., Swanton, VT
ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN) BATH & SHOWER UPDATES In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos.! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-877-649-5043. (AAN CAN) CABLE PRICE INCREASE AGAIN? Switch to DirecTV & save & get a $100 visa gift card! Get more channels for less money. Restrictions apply. Call now. 877-693-0625. (AAN CAN)
Level and easily accessible, permitted parcel with access to municipal utilities. Close to Burlington and Canadian border. Industrial zoned for a wide range of industrial and manufacturing uses with convenient access to I-89 and other state and local roads. 802-888-4662
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6v-hirchakbrothers091521 1 DONATE YOUR CAR TO KIDS Your donation helps fund the search for
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Condo For Sale - 7th Floor, Northeast corner, large balcony, direct ocean view, remodeled, 2/2, den/3rd bedroom, large unusual floorplan. Move in, do nothing, and beach time. Call Mike 954-2572227, $549,900.00
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FOR SALE BY OWNER: List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Katie, 865-1020, ext. 110,
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9/13/21 11:24 AM
4 1 5 3 8 7 9 6 2 2 7 9 6 4 5 8 1 3 ANSWERS ON P.70 H = MODERATE 7 BOY! 3 6 H8H = CHALLENGING 9 1 2 H4HH5= HOO, 7 5 1 8 9 4 2 3 6 6 8 4 2 3 1 5 7 9 9 3 2 7 5 6 1 8 4 1 2 7 4 6 8 3 9 5 8 9 6 5 2 3 7 4 1 5 4 3 1 7 9 6 2 8
No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before October 1, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 8th day of September, 2021. By: _/s/Rachel Lomonaco__ Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C11443A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On July 30, 2021, Cobble Hill Camp, LLC, 78 Precast Road, Milton, VT 05468; Camp Holdings, LLC, 78 Precast Road, Milton, VT 05468; and OES, LLC, 53 Miry Brook Road, Danbury, CT 06810 filed application number 4C1144-3A for a project generally described as the demolition of a 2,600 sf covered storage building and construction of a 6,654 sf building consisting of 3,254 sf of covered storage and 3,400 sf of office space on Lot 2. The new building replaces a 6,000 sf office building that was previously permitted under Land Use
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Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).
List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon or 802-865-1020, x110.
The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0822-5C.”
If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.
GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology & ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles & levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,
PUPPIES FOR SALE German shepherd, malamute & retriever puppies. 11 weeks old. Asking $600. Pics avail. Email zackeryjurnak@, or text 518-538-6013.
If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than October 1, 2021.
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C08225C 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On August 2, 2021, Shelburne Green, LLC, 7 Kilburn Street, Burlington, VT 05401 filed application number 4C0822-5C for a project generally described as: (1) after-the-fact reconfiguration of Building 1 (9,840 sf), Building 5 (20,026 sf) and Building 6 (4,390 sf); (2) after-the-fact reconfiguration of parking areas surrounding Building 4; and (3) the construction of two commercial buildings, Buildings 7/9 (7,302 sf) and Building 10 (9,062 sf), new parking areas and associated site improvements. The project is located on Sage Court in Shelburne, Vermont.
Legal Notices
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PLACE AN AFFORDABLE NOTICE AT: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/LEGAL-NOTICES OR CALL 802-865-1020, EXT. 110. Permit #4C1144-3 but was never constructed. The project is located at 78 Precast Road in Milton, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1144-3A.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before September 29, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than September 29, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 7th day of September, 2021. By: _/s/Rachel Lomonaco___ Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 AN INVITATION TO BIDDERS PROJECT: STUART AVENUE APARTMENTS 111 Stuart Avenue, Colchester, VT 05446 OWNER: Champlain Housing Trust, 88 King Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Evernorth, 100 Bank Street, Suite 400, Burlington, VT 05401 ARCHITECT: Rabideau Architects, 550 Hinesburg Road, Suite 101, South Burlington, VT 05403 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Wright & Morrissey, Inc., 99 Swift Street, Suite 100, South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: 802-863-4541
Email: & bids@
Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.
Fax: 802-865-1253
Date: September 10, 2021
BID DUE: Wednesday September 29, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m.
Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Joshua Chant
• Wright & Morrissey, Inc. is seeking qualified subcontractor bids for all trades for the above reference project. Women and minority owned businesses, small locally owned businesses and Section 3 businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Contract security in a form acceptable to the Construction Manager may be required. All potential bidders shall demonstrate the ability to provide such security. • This project is subject to all requirements of the City of Colchester, MBE/WBE/Section 3, Davis-Bacon Act, payroll reporting, certification for contracts, grants, loans & cooperative agreements, certification regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility and voluntary exclusion, and disclosure of lobbying activities. • This project involves the new construction of a 36 unit, 4 story multi-family housing building with an underground parking garage and associated site work. Contact Wright & Morrissey, Inc. for bid packages. • Any bidding subcontractor without a prior working history with Wright & Morrissey, Inc. is asked to submit an AIA-305 Contractors Qualification Statement or equivalent references sufficient to indicate the bidding subcontractor is qualified to perform the work being bid.
BURLINGTON DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 2021, 5:00 PM PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Physical location: 645 Pine Street, Front Conference Room, Burlington VT 05401 and
Executor/Administrator: Joshua Chant, 105 Staniford Road, Burlington, VT 05408 802-8655285 Name of Publication: Seven Days
Name of Probate Court: SUPERIOR COURT OF VERMONT, PROBATE DIVISION, CHITTENDEN UNIT Address of Probate Court: P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-03257 In re ESTATE of Patricia C. Phillips NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Patricia C. Phillips late of Stamford, Connecticut. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Robert M. Phillips Executor/Administrator: Robert M. Phillips, c/o Brian P. Creech, Esq., P.O. Box 445, Burlington, VT 05402 802-863-9603
Webinar ID: 812 3227 9645
Name of Publication: Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
1. ZP-21-648; 702 Lake Street (UR, Ward 3C) City of Burlington Conditional use application for continued snow storage in the Urban Reserve. 2. ZAP-21-14; 716 Pine Street (E-LM, Ward 5S) 716 Pine Street, LLC Appeal denial of zoning application for new main entrance to the building and change of use to food & beverage processing (brewery with tasting room). Plans may be viewed upon request by contacting the Department of Permitting & Inspections between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Participation in the DRB proceeding is a prerequisite to the right to take any subsequent appeal. Please note that ANYTHING submitted to the Zoning office is considered public and cannot be kept confidential. This may not be the final order in which items will be heard. Please view final Agenda, at or the office notice board, one week before the hearing for the order in which items will be heard.
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT PROBATE DIVISION CHITTENDEN UNIT DOCKET NO.: 21-PR-01806 In re ESTATE of Margaret Patricia Chant NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Margaret Patricia Chant late of Burlington, Vt. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the
Senior woman who enjoys literature & classical music, seeking housemate to cook 2-3 meals/wk, share companionship & care for her cat when she’s away. $300/mo. Private BA, bedroom & sitting room.
Publication Date: September 15, 2021
Zoom: ?pwd=Z0FxNy9ZcDRRdmowY0ttcm4rV3p2QT09 Password: 360747
Telephone: + 1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799
Publication Date: September 15, 2021 Address of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court Probate Division, Chittenden Unit, 175 Main Street, P.O. Box 511, Burlington, VT 05402
STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT C2795 UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 73-419 CACV MORTGAGE RESEARCH CENTER, LLC D/B/A VETERANS UNITED HOME LOANS, A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY v. CAROLYN TYLER OCCUPANTS OF: 4228 South Wheelock Road, Lyndonville VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered October 29, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Carolyn Tyler and the late Randy Tyler to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Mortgage Research Center, LLC dba Veterans United Hone Loans dated July 13, 2017 and recorded in Book 69 Page 122 of the land records of the Town of Wheelock, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Mortgage Research Center, LLC dba Veterans United Hone Loans to Mortgage Research Center, LLC D/B/A Veterans United Home Loans, a Missouri Limited Liability Company dated December 21, 2018 and recorded in Book 70 Page 516 of the land records of the Town of Wheelock, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 4228 South Wheelock Road, Lyndonville, Vermont on October
BURLINGTON Share an apartment near downtown w/ active woman in her 30s who enjoys rock-climbing & VPR. Seeking housemate to assist w/ transportation, cooking, organizing & some emotional support, in exchange for no rent. Shared BA. Must be cat-friendly!
HYDE PARK Senior woman seeking organized individual to help w/ 3-4 meals/wk, errands, transportation, daily check-in, & overnight presence. Enjoy your own private BA, kitchen, & W/D. Likely no rent, possible util. share. Need weekend availability.
Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO
Two green thumbs up!
Central Vermont Greenhouse Business and Real Estate For Sale
483 EAST BARRE ROAD, BARRE TOWN – MLS #4875032 Known for its quality ornamental floriculture, gardening, and nursery products, Jail Branch Greenhouse has developed a vibrant business customer base for 26 years! Riverfront location has long road frontage and great visibility on Route 302, a well-travelled tourist route that spans from Montpelier to Maine. Property includes the business, remaining equipment, goodwill, a heated 32’x68’ retail building with office area and ½ bath, plus 2 greenhouses on 1.4+ acres serviced by public water and sewer. Your green thumbs can grow an established business with years of impressive sales history into blooming opportunities. $295,000 Lori Holt, Broker • 317 River St., Montpelier • 793-6223
LEGALS » 3V-Holt091521-1.indd 1
9/13/21 2:42 PM
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Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale.
days a week
The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED : September 1, 2021 By: _/s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren_ Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032 TOWN OF ESSEX PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA/PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 23, 20216:30 P.M. Visit our website for the full agenda CONTINUED-SKETCH-PUBLIC HEARING: Pinewood Manor, Inc: Proposal for a 49-unit single family PUD-R on a combined 115-acre lot located at 18 & 30 Timberlane Dr in the R2 Zone. Tax Maps 84 & 85, Parcels 1 & 1-1.
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mon tue wed thu fri 11/25/20 10:19 AM
TOWN OF RICHMOND NOTICE OF CHANGE OF LOCATION OF PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER DISCONTINUANCE OF A PORTION OF THE CLASS 4 SECTION OF TOWN HIGHWAY 20 ALSO KNOWN AS WILLIAMS HILL ROAD AND/OR PALMER ROAD A public hearing will be held 6:00 PM on September 21, 2021, at the Richmond Free Library, 201 Bridge Street, Richmond, VT 05477, Public hearing may also be joined online or by phone: Join Zoom Meeting Online: FBHakk4ZCtRT3VSWXhRUnNWT0ppdz09 Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Meeting ID: 894 2905 4753 Passcode: 800675 This hearing was originally scheduled to be held at the Richmond Town Offices. A notice of the change of location will be posted at the entrance to the Town Offices to alert persons who arrive for the hearing at the Town Offices. All other details for hearing remain as originally noticed.
TOWN OF RICHMOND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PURSUANT TO 24 V.S.A. §§4441 (d) AND §4444, THE TOWN OF RICHMOND SELECTBOARD WILL BE HOLDING A PUBLIC HEARING ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 4TH, 2021, AT 7:00 PM, IN THE RICHMOND TOWN CENTER MEETING ROOM AT 203 BRIDGE STREET TO RECEIVE COMMENT REGARDING THE PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT: PURPOSE: To revise regulations within the Richmond Zoning Regulations in reference to state permits, nonconforming lots, certificates of occupancy, and performance standards and to bring the zoning regulations into conformance with state statute and town-wide policies GEOGRAPHIC AREA AFFECTED: Town-wide SECTION HEADINGS: Other Requirements Applicable to Lots in the MHP District (Section 3.8.5); Nonconforming Lots (Section 4.6); Performance Standards (Section 4.13); Application, Fees, Reimbursement for Technical Review (Section 5.2.1); Certificates of Occupancy (Section 5.3.5); Specific Standards (Section 5.6.2); Performance Standards (Section 5.6.3); Site Plan Review Standards (Section 5.6.4); Conditional Use Review Processes (Section 5.6.5); Extraction of Earth Resources (Section 5.6.6); Cottage Industries that are not Home Occupations (Section 5.6.7); Adaptive Use of Existing Structures (Section 5.6.8); Boundary Adjustments (Section 5.8); Development Review Board (DRB) (Section 8.2) THIS MEETING IS ALSO ACCESSIBLE ONLINE VIA ZOOM: Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom. us/j/82043281745? pwd=QUpCVjY0RG5OaDVTS0NiTDI4cW9pQT09 Meeting ID: 820 4328 1745 Passcode: 382920 Call in (Calling rates apply): 1 (929) 205-6099 THE FULL TEXT AND MAPS OF THE PROPOSED ZONING AMENDMENT ARE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION AT THE RICHMOND TOWN CENTER OFFICES PURSUANT TO 24 VSA §4441 AND THE TOWN WEBSITE. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE RICHMOND PLANNING/ZONING OFFICE AT 802-434-2430 or rvenkataraman@ POSTED: 09/10/2021
FY2021 HUD CONTINUUM OF CARE PROGRAM NOTICE OF FUNDING OPPORTUNITY REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS As the Collaborative Applicant for the Chittenden County Homeless Alliance (CCHA) Continuum of Care, the Community & Economic Development Office (CEDO) is accepting proposals for new, renewed, expanded or bonus projects as outlined below with 2021 Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance funding from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CCHA is soliciting proposals that address housing and service priorities established through the Continuum of Care, with priority for serving homeless vulnerable populations including chronically homeless persons, survivors of domestic violence, unaccompanied youth, and families with children. There is approximately $1,145,908 in funding available for projects to serve those experiencing homelessness and over $144,457 in bonus project funding. Organizations that do not currently receive CCHA CoC program funding are encouraged to submit proposals. Current recipients of this funding are also welcome to apply. Deadline for proposals is Friday, October 8th, 2021 at 4 PM. For more information visit http://www.cchavt. org/funding/ or contact the CCHA Collaborative Applicant, Marcella Gange of CEDO, at mgange@, or 802.865.7178.
73 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER The special educator is responsible for ensuring that the individual educational plans are provided to eligible students and to other students as appropriate. The special education teacher is both an instructional and consulting teacher who provides support service to students and teachers as academic/social needs arise. Job #3658153
Tasks are given based on skill and experience. Tasks include preparation and installation of siding on new construction single family homes. Experience preferred but not required; will train the right candidate.
Hiring Now!
2h-ColchesterSchoolDistrict091521.indd 1
9/13/211t-CompetitiveRoofing091521.indd 4:02 PM 1
Vermont Tent Company
• Driver/Warehouse Team – Event Division • Drivers/Delivery • Linen Team • Inventory Maintenance – Wash Bay & Warehouse • Load Crew Team Members
For job descriptions and application:
4v-VTTentcCompany061621.indd 1
A producer should have a passion for conversations that deepen Vermonters’ understanding of their communities 1:46 PM and hold people and organizations accountable. A producer must also bring a collaborative spirit and be equally adept at breaking news and creating sound-rich field segments. You must love the medium of public radio and talk shows, but you don’t need direct broadcast experience. We’re looking for at least two years of journalism experience, more preferred. Full job description and application process at VPR/Vermont PBS is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Manufacturing Call Center Warehouse
• Tent Installation/ Delivery Team
VPR seeks a creative, enterprising and thoughtful journalist to produce our successful local news shows. We’re looking for someone who is excited about new ways to engage our audience on air, digitally and through live events.
Immediate openings
is currently accepting Full-time and flexible part-time schedules applications for the Days, early evenings, & weekend shifts following positions for immediate employment. We have full time, part time, and weekend hours available for each position. Apply in person Pay rates vary by position 210 East Main Street, Richmond, VT with minimum starting wage ranging from $15$20/hour depending on job skills and experience with an hourly retention bonus available for hours worked August through 4t-Harringtons092320.indd 1 October.
Opportunities include:
News Producer
4t-VPR/VTPBS091521.indd 1
9/14/21 2:10 PM
Residential Care Nurse Manager
9/18/20 3:34 PM
Full Time Retail Sales Associate Roam Vermont is a clothing and shoe store for men & women in the heart of downtown Montpelier. Our store focus is on customer service and we take great pride in helping people find products that will enhance their lives. We offer a great work environment and discounts on shoes and apparel!
Our Residential Care Nurse Manager provides daily oversight of resident care. Primary responsibility include delivering and overseeing excellent nursing care to assigned residents, coordination of care plans, data management, infection control and wound care, liaison with families and other care providers, and supervision of LNAs and other support staff. Wake Robin offers an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting. Our staffing ratios allow for you to provide the time and attention our residents need. Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to or complete an application online at
Our Ideal Candidate:
Responsibilities Include:
LNAs - Evenings
· Excited about the types of products we sell. · Bring positive energy to the store. · Experience with a cash register/point of sale system. · Must be able to work one weekend day each week.
· Welcoming & assisting customers · Building customer relationships. · Provide styling tips and advice. · Unpack and receive shipments, restock shelves, & arrange merchandise on sales floor. · Keep store clean & tidy.
Seeking LNAs licensed in VT to work collaboratively and provide quality care in a residential and long-term care environment, while maintaining a sense of “home.”We offer an opportunity to build strong relationships in a dynamic community setting.We continue to offer competitive wages, great benefits, and generous shift differentials: Evening’s $2.50/ hour, Nights $4.50/hour, and weekends $1.55.
Learn more and apply online at:
6/14/214t-ROAM091521 6:33 PM 1
Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to or complete an application online at
9/13/215v-WakeRobin091521.indd 5:07 PM 1
Wake Robin is an E.O.E.
9/14/21 12:54 PM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Full Time MEMORY CARE NURSE LICENSED NURSING ASSISTANTS Helen Porter Nursing Home Employment bonus up to $5,000 for qualified candidates! The Licensed Nursing Assistant is responsible for working collaboratively under the direction of the Unit Nurse to deliver basic personal care support and specific aspects of patient care. LNA positions are available on day, evening and night shifts with full-time, part-time and per diem hours. Pay starts at $15.50/hr and differentials are offered on top of the hourly rate! Candidates must be a high school graduate or equivalent and an LNA license with the State of Vermont is required. Learn more & apply:
Are you a dedicated and compassionate nurse tired of working a hectic schedule? The Converse Home, an assisted living community in downtown Burlington, is looking for a Full Time experienced RN or LPN to join our established team of fun and caring people. Work 32-40 hours per week for our non-for-profit organization and get to know 16 of our wonderful residents living in our memory care community. The right person for this job will be compassionate, dedicated, a team player and a detail oriented nurse. This position has excellent benefits including a regular schedule, a competitive salary, medical, dental, and paid vacation time. Please visit to learn more about our community. Send your resume to and fill out an application on our website! You must have a VT State Nursing License and be able to pass a background check. 5h-ConverseHome090821.indd 1
4t-UVMMedCenterLNAporter091521.indd 1
Join our team! We offer a comfortable work environment, great compensation packages, and rewarding careers! Opportunities open in Williston, Vermont and Mineville, NY:
REGISTERED NURSES AND LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES Now offering employment bonuses for select roles! Opportunities are available for RNs and LPNs at Helen Porter Nursing Home in Middlebury. Positions are available on day, evening and night shifts with full-time, part-time and per diem hours. 8 hour and 12 hour shifts are available on all three units. Previous long term care experience is preferred, but not required. Learn more & apply:
4t-UVMMedCenterPORTER091521.indd 1
9/13/21 10:25 AM
NURSE ASSISTANT TRAINEE New Employee Orientation on 10/18/21! Course begins on 10/20/21! The Nurse Assistant Trainee program at The University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington prepares eligible candidates to practice as nursing assistants in providing direct patient care. The course is 4-5 weeks long with daytime classes running Monday through Friday, typically around 40 hours per week. Upon successful completion of the course and state-run Licensed Nursing Assistant exam, trainees will receive licensure through the State of Vermont and begin work on the assigned unit as an LNA.
Learn more and apply:
4t-UVMMedCenter091521.indd 1
9/7/21 2:17 PM
9/9/21 11:33 AMCome
• Employer Paid Health Insurance Premiums • Employer Funded Health Reimbursement Accounts • Dental, Short-Term Disability, Life Insurance
• 401 (K) Retirement Plans with Employer Matching • Paid Vacation and Sick Time • Signing Bonuses • Annual Profit Based Bonuses
Current Career Opportunities with Pre-Tech Precision Machining: • CNC Programmer – Mills, Lathes, CMM • Burr Bench - Assembly
• Engineers – Manufacturing, Process, Quality • Mechanical Inspectors
Call, email, or stop by today! (802)879-9441 – Careers@ – 209 Blair Park Rd Williston, VT 05495 and 3085 Plank Road Mineville, NY 12974.
MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN YOUR COMMUNITY! Open positions around the state serving with non-profit organizations land stewardship environmental education homeless assistance homebuyer education
COMMUNITY SUPPORT Begin a career, don’t start a job. Spend your time doing work that makes a real difference. We need great people who want to help great people. Are you compassionate, kind, and firm? Are you resilient and adaptable? Specialized Community Care is seeking unique and patient individuals who will act as mentors, coaches, and friends to provide support for adults in Chittenden, Rutland, Addison, Franklin, Lamoille, and Windsor Counties with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a fun and rewarding career spent “Off the Couch”. Please contact us to set up a time to chat if you would like more information. We provide extensive training, support, professional growth and advancement opportunities in a family work environment. Our starting pay range is $14.00/hour, depending on experience and existing skill set. We offer increases after a probationary period and further advancement and pay for self-paced skill building. We want to hire your values and train the skills that will help make you successful. Let’s talk!
Apply by September 22 Service Term: Fall 2021 through August 2022 For 11 months of service, you’ll receive: • $20,400 living allowance • $6,345 education award • Health insurance • Training opportunities • Leadership development
Please contact us at 802-388-6388 Web: Email:
9/2/21 4t-SpecializedCommCare090821.indd 12:04 PM 1
9/7/21 4v-VHCBmakeDIFF090821 10:23 AM 1
9/2/21 12:19 PM
Conant Metal & Light is hiring production makers. You must be a creative problem-solver, team player, good with your hands and capable of mastering a broad array of processes. Please visit our website: for more information or send a resume detailing your interest, experience, and skills to
2h-ConantMetal&Light091521.indd 1
Starting rate for Environmental Services is up to $16.20/hr + shift differential. Team members get 36 paid days off in the FIRST YEAR. Dental * Healthcare * Retirement Vision * Flex Spending 5h-HowardCenter090821.indd 1
9/7/21 4:44 PM
ASSOCIATE PLANNER $46,500 - $49,000 DOE with competitive benefits
VHCB AmeriCorps Leader Build your leadership skills supporting AmeriCorps members serving Vermont’s housing and land conservation network, creating affordable housing opportunities and stewarding trails and conserved lands! Travel the state, design your own projects, guide a group of peers with a passion for service, learn from diverse experiences - all while making a difference in communities!
For 11 months of service, you’ll receive: • $20,400 living allowance • $6,345 education award • Health insurance • Training opportunities • Leadership development
Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider for a male client in his 40s who enjoys video games, New England sports, volunteering, and ice cream. The ideal provider must be able to support the client at home 24/7, provide transportation to and support during medical appointments, and should be comfortable assisting with in-home medical and personal care. Strong organizational, time-management, and recordkeeping skills are required. Prior experience working with individuals with complex medical and behavioral needs is strongly preferred. The provider will be supported by a comprehensive respite package. Compensation includes a generous tax-free stipend and room & board payments. For more information or to request an application, please contact Patrick Fraser at or 802-871-2902.
Requires a customer service mindset, excellent communication skills and knowledge of the principles of local planning, 4t-HowardCenterSLP091521.indd including an understanding of the application of regulations. Bachelor’s degree and two years of relevant experience, or equivalent education and experience in municipal land-use planning.
The Town of Colcherster is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
9/7/21 2:13 PM
Recruiting for Limited-Service employees with primary responsibility for courtroom operations and security in the court house. The position provides general assistance, security and safety to all users of the court. Positions located in Montpelier & Rutland VT. High School graduate and two years in a responsible position required. Starting pay $17.49 per hour. Position # 21024 & 21025 Go to for more details and to complete an application.
9/2/21 4t-VTStateCourts091521.indd 12:03 PM 1
9/14/21 2:07 PM
Since inception in 1974, VEDA has helped businesses and farms create jobs for Vermonters and enhance Vermont's working landscape. The stories of VEDA's borrowers reflect Vermont's changing economy over the years, with VEDA playing a central role in helping them bring their business dreams and projects to fruition. VEDA is searching for a highly motivated Director of Closing to oversee all loan closing functions and lead the closing team in properly documenting and closing loans and providing excellent customer service. VEDA offers a competitive salary and excellent health and retirement benefit packages. Other perks include a flexible work environment, generous tuition reimbursement, and professional development and networking opportunities. VEDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer interested in increasing staff diversity.
Visit for details on the currently open position
Director of Closing
These positions are open until filled. The Vermont Judiciary is an equal opportunity employer.
4v-VHCBamericorpsLEADER090821 1
VEDA is Vermont’s economic development financing authority, staffed by a seasoned group of Vermont professionals.
View complete job description and apply online:
9/9/21 12:07 PM
Planning & Zoning seeks a highly motivated and collaborative self-starter to join its team. Provides professional, technical and administrative support, to include initiating, performing and coordinating permitting and planning functions.
Apply by September 22 4t-TownofColchester090821.indd 1 Service Term: Fall 2021 VERMONT STATE COURTS through August 2022
75 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
9/14/215v-VEDA091521.indd 2:14 PM 1
Resume /cover letter to Cheryl Houchens:
9/13/21 1:09 PM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
LEGAL TECHNOLOGY ASSISTANT Sheehey Furlong & Behm P.C. - Burlington, VT Sheehey Furlong & Behm is accepting applications for a Legal Technology Assistant in its Burlington office. The Legal Technology Assistant will support all aspects of the legal practice in general and the technology and litigation support tools specifically. This position does not require experience in technology support, as we will train the right candidate. The most important qualifications for the job are a “can do” attitude and the ability to handle pressure. What the right candidate will need to be is technologically savvy, familiar with Microsoft Office and have a basic knowledge of networking. Experience with technology support, document management platforms (ideally Worldox), litigation support tools (such as Eclipse SE or Relativity) or cloud computing are highly desired. If you feel like you would be a good fit and are willing to learn, send your resume to
We’re all about mission at Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Help us fulfill our mission of providing all Vermont students with information and financial resources to reach their educational goals. We’re looking for an experienced person to join our Information Technology/Project Management Team as a Project Manager who will manage projects that have a high impact, profile, cost and/or complexity to our organization. You will work with all levels of management and other business users; you will provide leadership for project teams, convey information clearly and concisely, oversee testing, implementation and reconciliation of software upgrades, coordinate project management work plans and business requirements, and ensure positive and productive working relationships with internal and external customers.
VERMONT STUDENT ASSISTANCE CORPORATION PO Box 2000, Winooski, VT 05404 EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled
5v-VSAC091521.indd 1
Business degree is helpful but not required and we will happily train any intelligent, hardworking candidate. Email resume to:
For active, progressive Christian church (First Cong, UCC in EJ). Computer Proficiency w/ MS Office, online platforms w/Powerchurch a bonus; people skills and multitasking are musts, sense of humor helpful. 30 hrs/wk: $15-20 hourly range. Send resume to
Benefits!Benefits!Benefits: • Insurance 2v-FarmhouseGroup091521.indd 1 9/9/21 2v-FirstCongregationalChurchESSEX090821.indd 12:58 PM 9/7/21 1 PARAEDUCATORS • Retirement Colchester School District is • Paid holidays and vacation seeking Paraeducators in both our • Employee discounts.
1:59 PM
Paraeducators support students and teachers working one-toone and/or with small groups of students with special needs. Responsibilities will vary depending on the assignment, but typically include keeping eyes on supervision during class, transition times, and lunch; offering students redirection as needed; data collection; consulting communications with teachers and case managers; and one-to-one student support and/or small group support.
Or call 603-444-1430 x203 for more information.
3v-LittletonFoodCoOp090821.indd 1
Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree and at least 3 years of relevant work experience, project management experience in technology and software development applications.
Burlington area restaurant group is seeking a full time administrative assistant and bookkeeper. Monday through Friday office hours, good starting wage. Benefits include health, dental, vision, life insurance and paid time off.
Church Administrator
elementary and secondary schools.
Project Management Officer
VSAC offers a dynamic, professional environment with competitive compensation and generous benefits package. Apply ONLY online at (Jobs at VSAC link in site footer).
• PT or FT cooks • Sous Chef • Assistant Food Service Manager
Apply online: littletoncoop. com/about/employment.
You must send your resume in PDF format attached to your email. The cover letter should only be in body of the email.
Help Vermonters pursue their education goals!
The Littleton Food Co-op, Littleton NH, has openings for culinary professionals (students too!) in a super-friendly, creative and fast paced environment. Day time hours only!
Admin/Accounting Assistant
9/2/21 1:14 PM
Colchester School District educates approximately 2,200 students across five schools. CSD offers employees a generous benefits package including a competitive wage and an excellent BCBS healthcare plan. Benefits also include dental insurance, long-term disability, retirement plan, life insurance, and tuition reimbursement. Candidates must have a high school degree/GED. Apply at: Elementary Job #3641428, Secondary Job #3641431
4t-ColchesterSchoolDistrict091521.indd 1
Perk up!
Browse 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers.
Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities 9/14/213v-CoffeCampaign.indd 2:22 PM 1
9/9/21 11:09 AM
The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) seeks a Project Assistant to work primarily on two projects—the Solar with Justice project and the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP). The Solar with Justice project seeks to encourage collaboration between state energy agencies and frontline community-based organizations to ensure equitable solar development. ESTAP is a federal-state funding and information sharing project that aims to accelerate the deployment of energy storage technologies through technical assistance and co-funding partnerships between states and the US Department of Energy (DOE). CESA is a national, nonprofit coalition of public agencies and organizations working together to advance clean energy. CESA members—mostly state agencies—include many of the most innovative, successful, and influential public funders of clean energy initiatives in the country. CESA is managed and staffed by Clean Energy Group (CEG). For more information:
8/26/214ta-CleanEnergyStatesAlliance091521.indd 5:17 PM 1
9/9/21 2:25 PM
Ahli Baba's Kabob Shop
Weekend Bartender Friday & Saturday Evenings
Ahli Baba's Kabob Shop is hiring! We are looking to fill multiple positions with full time, part time, day, and night shifts available. We are looking for someone that is eager to learn, brings a positive attitude, and takes pride in their work. We have a preference for someone with previous restaurant/ food service experience, but are willing to teach the right person. Please send resume and reference to to be considered for this position.
2v-AhliBabasKabobShop091521.indd 1
Email your resume to or drop it off at 696 Pine Street, Burlington.
Part & Full Time Positions Available
Line Cook
Part & Full Time Positions Available
AM Server
7/13/21 Looking to make a change? NORTHEASTERN VERMONT REGIONAL HOSPITAL invites you to check out our exciting opportunities.
2h-NewWorldTortilla071421.indd 1
Monday & Tuesday
AM Host
2:44 PM
RNs, LPNs, LNAs, Food Service & Administrative positions available.
Competitive Pay & Full Benefits! Email your resume to
9/13/21 4t-BLEU091521 10:15 AM 1
TIRED OF WORKING WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS? Come join the team at New World Tortilla and you won’t have to work any of them. Competitive wage, shift meals and paid time off.
Join Our Growing Team
77 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
9/10/21 4:25 PM
Human Resources Business Partner Burlington, Vermont: The Burlington School District knows that every hire counts and that our diverse staff makes our students reach their fullest potential. If you want to be part of a rock star team of Human Resources Professionals, consider asking yourself the following questions:
Full-time, part-time and per diem schedules available. Shift differentials and per diem rates offered. FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, wellness reimbursement, low cost health insurance and 401k with company match! APPLY TODAY AT NVRH.ORG/CAREERS.
Open your home to someone with an intellectual disability • Do you want to be part of a driven team that values diversity, talent, or autism and make a positive performance, and positive change? 4t-NVRH081121.indd 1 8/10/21 12:09 PM impact on their life, and yours. • Do you want to work in an environment that offers you the responsibility to The following positions include use your full HR skillset? a $500 signing bonus, generous • Are you passionate about Human Resources, including the process of tax-free stipend, ongoing employing people, training them, compensating them, developing policies supports, assistance with relating to them, and developing strategies to retain them? necessary home modifications, respite and a comprehensive If you just answered YES to the questions above and want to know more, training package. please consider applying for BSD’s newest Human Resources Business Partner opportunity by visiting the BSDVT.ORG careers page. Job Posting No: 3223099. Support a humorous Do you want to work for the company voted “Best Place to gentleman with autism who Work in Vermont”? enjoys walking, drawing, bowling and working on the 4t-BurlingtonSchoolDistrict091521.indd 1 9/14/21 2:01 PM We are seeking a responsible, organized team-player with a We’re computer. The ideal provider strong work ethic to join our Property Management team! will have a good sense of humor This position is for someone who enjoys working with their and therapeutic outlook on life. hands, has problem solving skills, attention to detail, and the Open your accessible home to Join Our Growing Team ability to multi-task & prioritize while working with deadlines. a young gentleman who enjoys listening to music, getting out Do you have experience in general maintenance, painting/ into the community and being taping, basic plumbing & carpentry, landscaping, and a part of a dynamic lifestyle. snow removal? He has strong family supports and a comprehensive team as Concierge/Reservationist You will have direct contact with our tenants and vendors ~ well as respite and weekday Full-Time Position so patience, the ability to handle any situation with a smile supports. The ideal provider Front Desk and a calm demeanor are a must. will have strong interpersonal Part-Time Position communication and This position is full-time with an exceptional benefits personal care skills. package and salary commensurate with experience. Contact Jennifer On-call and overtime are necessary. A valid driver’s Wolcott at jwolcott@ license is required. or call Competitive Pay & Full Benefits! 655-0511 ext. 118 Please send letter of introduction, resume & salary history
Email your resume to
4v-ChamplainCommunityServicesSLP080421.indd 8/3/2114t-BLEU091521 12:13 PM 1
to Human Resources:
9/10/215v-Pomerleau091521.indd 4:26 PM 1
9/14/21 2:18 PM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Teacher/Community Coordinators
Offering good compensation, respectful coworkers, and great food! We are hiring for multiple full time and part time positions -- ample opportunities for growth in a positive work environment.
Seeking full-time Teacher/Community Coordinators in Morrisville, Bradford and Barre. Candidates must have:
• High levels of independence, spirit, drive and capacity for student recruitment, outreach and organizing community involvement to support student success • Strong familiarity with the service area
• Proven capacity for teaching and guiding basic skills instruction for adults and teens in: - Reading, writing, math, computer and financial literacy - English Language Learning and U.S. Citizenship prep - High school diploma and GED credentialing - Career and college readiness • Experience with developing personalized education and graduation education plans • Experience with recruiting and managing volunteers. Starting salary: $43,000–$45,000 annually based on experience. CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental & short-term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions and six weeks of paid vacation annually.
Job Purpose: to run the prep shift efficiently and thoughtfully while upholding excellent standards for our food and kitchen. Job Purpose: To create outstanding signature cocktails while utilizing fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. Provide and model excellent customer service, while responsibly pouring and serving drinks to our guests.
Please submit cover letter, resume and 3 references to: Executive Director - Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, Inc. 46 Washington Street, Suite 100, Barre, Vermont 05641 Positions open until filled.
5v-CentralVTAdultBasicEd072121.indd 1
Please stop in for an application or email Joe at
Equal Opportunity Employer
7/14/213v-AmericanFlatbread081419.indd 3:46 PM 1
Champlain Housing Trust is growing and we need great people to join our team. One of Vermont’s Best Places to Work in 2020, CHT is a socially responsible employer offering an inclusive, friendly work environment and competitive pay commensurate with experience. Our excellent benefit package includes a generous health insurance plan, three weeks of paid vacation, 14 paid holidays, sick leave, 403(b) retirement plan with employer contribution after one year, disability and life insurance and more. OPENINGS INCLUDE:• Residential Property •CURRENT Staff Accountant • Service Coordinator
• Assistant Property Manager
• Home Education
• Occupancy Specialist
• Maintenance Technician
For additional details regarding these position or to apply, please visit our career page:
We want an individual with a knowledge of new and old construction and well rounded in 'frame to finish' work. The ability to work through challenges, solid work ethic, a sense of humor, reliable transportation and necessary tools are also welcome. Send resumes to: office@
8/3/213v-SweeneyDesignBuild072821.indd 1:20 PM 1
“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of.” CAROLYN ZELLER Intervale Center, Burlington
Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121,
7/22/213v-MichelleCampagin.indd 12:04 PM 1
8/26/21 4:21 PM
Union Bank, a highly successful community bank headquartered in Morrisville, VT, with 19 locations throughout northern Vermont and New Hampshire, is seeking an experienced Credit Risk Officer. This position may be located in any of our bank office locations. This individual will be responsible for the development, maintenance, analysis and reporting of various loan credit risk management systems, policies, and lending processes related to the performance and financial risk exposure of the Bank’s loan portfolio. Additional responsibilities will be to oversee the Asset Quality Review process and compile asset quality reporting for Bank Management, the Board of Directors, and the Bank’s external auditors and examiners, fully analyze the Bank’s loan portfolio and current credit characteristics of monitored and substandard assets in order to make risk rating recommendations, and identify troubled debt restructures and impaired loans. The successful candidate will have a minimum of five years of banking experience, particularly in commercial and residential lending. A Bachelors’ degree in Business or related field is preferred. Having prior experience in commercial and residential loan documentation is essential, including a familiarity with collateral instruments, environmental issues related to lending, and legal aspects of commercial and residential lending. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Union Bank offers a comprehensive benefits program including three medical and two dental insurance plan options, 401(k) retirement plan with a generous company match, life and disability insurance, and paid vacation and sick leave along with continuing education opportunities. For consideration, please submit a cover letter, resume, references and salary requirements to:
Human Resources - Union Bank P.O. Box 667, Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667 E.O.E. - MEMBER FDIC 7t-UnionBank091521.indd 1
9/13/21 12:19 PM
We are seeking a Carpenter with experience, who is self motivated and takes pride in their craft. Sweeney DesignBuild is located in Shelburne, VT and we build primarily in Chittenden County. We have created a family oriented business with a healthy team environment.
Equal Opportunity Employer - CHT is committed to a diverse workplace and highly encourages women, persons with disabilities, Section 3 low income residents, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply.
5v-ChamplainHousingTrust091521.indd 1
You’re in good hands with...
9/10/21 2:30 PM
Delivery Driver 802 Distributors is looking for a new driver for our growing company. This position will place you at the forefront of the fastest growing wine distributor in Vermont, offering a range of benefits like:
• Discover Vermont • Competitive pay • Fun work environment • Opportunity to learn and promotions The ideal candidate is a driven individual who does not mind being on the road for long periods of time delivering throughout Vermont. Candidate should have strong interpersonal skills as you will be interacting with clients on a daily basis. No kegs, just wine! No CDL Required Please send all inquiries and resumes to
3v-802Distributors091521.indd 1
Financial Aid Counselor/ Student Resource Advisor
PRINT PRODUCTION MANAGER MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: • Plan a daily production schedule for jobs. • Implement,control and adjust the production schedule where needed. • Set and monitor quality standards for all products. • Make decisions about equipment use, maintenance and modifications. • Ensure the company maintains standard operating procedures. • Ensure the company maintains and adheres to health and safety procedures. • Encourage collaboration between departments to ensure the company is continuously improving processes and finding efficiencies where needed. • Monitor and review the performance of staff and provide timely feedback. • A willingness to step in and help in any area that may require assistance. • Must have print shop experience. • Comfortable providing excellent customer service, including email and phone. • A willingness to learn Estimating.
This position is for a motivated individual with a strong work ethic who is a recent graduate of an accredited college-level land survey program and/or who has 1-5 years of survey experience. This is a great opportunity to advance one’s career in a fast-paced multi-disciplinary environment. Enjoy excellent compensation, benefits and the work setting of a small, well-known consulting engineering firm. Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest and resume summarizing their experience, qualifications and salary requirements to: Roger Dickinson, PE, Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Dr, Essex, VT 05452. Email: For full job description go to:
The Community College of Vermont (CCV) is looking for a dynamic and engaging individual to join CCV as a Financial Aid Counselor/Student Resource Advisor. The fast-paced duties handled in this position require flexibility, strong computer skills, solid decision-making abilities, a positive attitude, and a willingness to adapt and change to the evermoving cycles of an academic year. The ideal candidate will have a history of working in financial aid, possess strong interpersonal skills, and have an ability to use humor in the workplace. This position is based in our Montpelier center and the regular schedule will be M-F 8:00-4:30 with some travel for training and a flexible work schedule required on occasion. View the full posting and apply at:
4t-CCV091521.indd 1
Work within the community you love!
Do you enjoy competitive pay, excellent benefits, including insurance, retirement package and paid holiday/sick time? Interested parties should email resumes with salary history to
9/9/21 1:56 PM
Administrative Professional Harwood Unified Union School District is seeking an Administrative Assistant to the Co-Principals beginning immediately. This is a full year, full time salaried position with a 7:30-4 schedule. Must be comfortable working with and learning new school-based software. Requires strong organization skills, strong communication (verbal and written) skills, and extraordinary attention to detail. Must be a self-starting team player with a positive attitude who thrives in a busy work environment.
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: • Database management • Office management • Answering phones • Substitute coordination • Budgeting • Management of day to day calendars • Processing Purchase Orders • Managing the Harwood • Drafting communications for Union Activity Account staff, students, community
Love preparing and serving good food? Hunger Mountain Co-op offers food service jobs with a difference. We work toward a shared cooperative mission while preparing high-quality food using local, natural, and organic ingredients. Our co-op also offers: • Good pay • Set schedule with no late nights • Generous paid time off, including seven major holidays • Gain share program • Excellent employee benefits, which include 100% coverage of the health insurance premiums for full-time employees • 20% discount on Co-op purchases Take a look at our current openings and consider bringing your talents here. Hunger Mountain Co-op is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, veterans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are encouraged to apply. Hourly employees are represented by UE Local 255.
Competitive salary and benefits offered. Bachelor's degree preferred with 3-5 years of experience as an administrative assistant are required. Experience working with school-based software such as e-Finance and PowerSchool is beneficial. Apply:
1 3v-Lamoureux&DickinsonConsultingEngineers090121.indd 8/31/21 5v-HarwoodUnionHighSchool091521.indd 11:271AM
9/14/21 2:06 PM
We’re Hiring
• Adaptability • Leading • Influencing • Communications skills
9/10/215v-LeahyPress091521.indd 2:17 PM 1
Survey Technician
Montpelier Academic Center
Leahy Press, a full service printing company, is looking for an experienced professional to manage our business.
SKILLS: • Problem solving • Planning and organizing • Team Work • Delegation
79 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
1 9/10/21 6t-HungerMtnCoop090121 11:14 AM
623 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, VT (802) 223-8000 •
8/30/21 11:55 AM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Silver Maple Construction is hiring
Our company is dynamic, high-energy, and team-oriented and our culture is one of customer service, collaboration, and agility.
The Vermont Association of Hospitals and Health Systems (VAHHS) - Network Services Organization (NSO) seeks a Data Coordinator and Analyst to be based in Montpelier. This is a full time, exempt position.
Experienced Residential Carpenter
A collaborative, start-to-finish production-oriented craftsperson capable of bringing a building out of the ground from foundation to finish
The Data Coordinator and Analyst will take the lead on database management, coordination of data acquisition, processing and extraction delivery for VAHHS – NSO. The ideal candidate will have working knowledge of health care data and database management, be fluent in SQL and Tableau, possess good interpersonal skills and enjoy being part of a collaborative team. The minimum qualifications for this position include a degree in Data Science or similar field or two years of applicable experience. This position offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits. Candidates can submit an application by email to: Deadline for resumes is October 8.
4t-VAHHS090821.indd 1
A Project Manager at SMC must be a builder experienced in construction cost estimating and scheduling so that they can efficiently manage several large projects and bring them from concept to completion in collaboration with clients, designers/architects, carpenters and subs.
Lead Spray Technician and Lacquer Specialist
Qualified applicants must have at least 5 years of experience applying lacquer and various finishes, and should be ready to lead our finish department.
Experienced Cabinetmaker
Qualified applicants need to have a custom woodworking background (at least 5 years) and be comfortable designing solutions for the unique projects we create. Full job descriptions and to apply, email:
9/6/21 4t-SIlverMaple090821.indd 11:37 AM 1
GARVIN INTENSIVE PROGRAM Jean Garvin School is expanding to include supports for a more intensive educational program and wants YOU to be a part of it! This is a great opportunity to help grow a unique, new program for youth in our community. Seeking motivated staffs that are passionate about embracing each student’s individuality and strengths, while supporting their academic success in a friendly, therapeutic, and supportive environment.
•EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR - Develop and Lead program and educational staff development initiatives. Master’s Degree & EducLevel_II License Required.
•SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER - Support Teachers with planning and implementing curriculum. Bachelor’s Degree Required. License Eligible applicants encouraged to apply.
•TEACHER - Design/implement academic programming that
addresses each student’s academic level. Bachelor’s Degree and VT Teaching License Required.
•TEACHING INTERVENTIONIST - Teach academic and social skills curriculum to students. Bachelor’s Degree Required. License preferred or must be License Eligible.
Develop positive relationships with the students and staff by sharing the same mission to develop a flexible curriculum to meet the unique needs of our students. If you enjoy working with adolescents and value alternative education, apply today at Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery is strengthened by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY, Visit ‘About Us” to review Howard Center’s EOE Policy.
6t-HowardCenter091521.indd 1
Experienced Residential Construction Project Manager
Eden Central School Food Service Eden Central School seeks a motivated individual to join our school nutrition team. This position performs a wide range of cooking tasks to prepare student meals, cook from scratch and follow standardized recipes, comply with all state sanitation guideline requirements, and operate POS cash register system. Must be willing to attend trainings in child nutrition and take online trainings.
Minimum of a high school diploma, or equivalent, plus 1-2 years of cooking experience preferred, but can train the WHERE YOU AND 9/7/21 2:10 PM right individual. Familiarity with public YOUR WORK MATTER... school hot lunch programs desirable. Must be able to lift up to 50 pounds. School year position, 7.5 hrs daily.
EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, VERMONT S TATE ETHICS COMMISSION – MONTPELIER The Vermont State Ethics Commission seeks an Executive Director. This position will be open in October 2021. The Ethics Commission was formed in 2018 as an independent commission charged with tracking ethics complaints, providing ethics training, issuing ethics guidance and advisory opinions. The Executive Director is a 0.5 part-time exempt position with full state benefits. The Executive Director is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Commission. For more information, contact Department: State Ethics Commission. Status: Part-Time, Exempt. Location: Montpelier. Job ID #20186. Application Deadline: September 26, 2021.
Duties involve investigatory & analytical work in determining medical eligibility of applicants filing for Social Security disability, Supplemental Security Income and State Medicaid benefits. Extensive evidence gathering and detailed analysis required. Interpretation of complex program regulations & policies and ability to apply them to make disability determination. Ideal candidates must possess strong analytical and reasoning ability for quick and accurate decision-making skills. For more information, contact Jack McCormack at Department: Children and Families. Status: Full Time – Limited Service. Location: Waterbury. Job ID #20511. Application Deadline: September 27, 2021.
Send resume with 3 references to: Karyl Kent, 736 VT Rt 15w Hyde Park VT 05655 or email
SUNDAY SCARIES? Find a job that makes it easier to sleep at night.
Are you great at organizing words, tasks, and projects? Enjoy collaborating? Do you wish to make an impact on some of Vermont’s most vulnerable populations and support the talented staff who serve them? If you like weaving pieces of information together to create a wholistic, integrated picture, this position may be the right fit for you! For more information, contact Anne Corbin at Department: Corrections. Status: Full Time. Location: Waterbury. Job ID #21005. Application Deadline: September 26, 2021.
Would you like to make a valuable contribution supporting statewide design and construction? We are currently accepting applications from all architectural and engineering candidates. Candidates should have experience associated with capital improvement and maintenance projects. In addition to project management, this position will also assist the Design and Construction Program Chief with managing technical reviews, vendor evaluations, design guidelines, standard specifications, and procedures. For more information, contact Jeremy Stephens at jeremy.stephens@ Department: Buildings & General Services. Status: Full Time. Location: Montpelier. Job ID #19529. Application Deadline: October 17, 2021.
Learn more at :
9/14/216t-VTDeptHumanResources091521 2:24 PM 1
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Browse 100+ new job postings each week from trusted, local employers.
Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities
9/10/213v-Zombie-Campaign.indd 4:19 PM 1
8/26/21 5:36 PM
Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!
The Town of New Haven is seeking to fill the positions of Town Administrator and Zoning Administrator. These can be combined to be a full-time position or two part-time positions. The Selectboard is seeking an individual or individuals with strong interpersonal, business, financial, grant writing, planning and zoning skills and the ability to oversee and manage a small town and its employees.
Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County.
Please send letter of interest, salary requirements, resume and three references to: Town Administrator c/o 78 North Street, New Haven, Vermont 05472 by August 30.
Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.
11:25 AM MacDun 8/19/212v-MJSContracting080818.indd Garden Care
2v-TownofNewHaven082521.indd 1
Want to make a positive impact on people’s lives?
Athens Diner, Colchester VT is now hiring.
SD Associates is hiring Behavioral Instructors (BIs)! SD Associates is an Applied Behavior Analysis company that has been serving children and families in Vermont since 1990.We provide direct services in the form of ABA therapy for clients with a wide variety of behavioral challenges across the state of Vermont. We are currently seeking compassionate, energetic individuals who are dependable, professional, enthusiastic, and who have a strong commitment to co-workers, clients and their families.The Behavioral Instructor (BI) role is the most important, influential and valued position in our company.They are the individuals who work each day to make impactful, positive behavioral changes for the population that we serve. No experience necessary! Bachelor’s degree preferred! Currently hiring in Chittenden, Franklin,Washington, Lamoille and Windsor counties. Exclusively, for a limited time: Choose between $500 or 2.5 paid days off sign on bonus!
Dishwasher/ Line Prep Cook
Athens Diner is now hiring full time kitchen staff. Competitive wages and a 5 day work week; Wednesday - Sunday. We are looking for experienced dishwasher(s) and line and prep cook(s), willing to train the right candidate. Weekends are required.
Apply today at or email us your resume to
Apply: athensdinerHR
8/6/18 2v-AthensDiner081821.indd 10:42 AM 1
81 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
1 8/12/214T-SDAssociates060921.indd 11:59 AM
6/3/21 1:30 PM
Seasonal Garden Worker Seeking reliable, hardworking individuals to add to our existing gardening team. We do not use chemicals or power tools. We work weekdays and weekends through November, but schedules are flexible. Part time is OK. Pay commensurate with experience.
2v-MacDunGardenCare051221.indd 1
IT AND NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR Vermont Legal Aid, a non-profit law firm providing legal services to low-income Vermonters in five offices across VT, seeks a full-time IT and Network Systems Administrator. A minimum of 3 years of network and systems administration experience in a Microsoft Windows environment required. The ideal candidate would have experience with Azure, Active Directory, Exchange Online, Office365, IP telephony, LAN/ WAN, server and WS management (hardware and software), as well as providing help desk support to staff. Familiarity with case management systems (SaaS and proprietary), social media platforms, mobile devices, cloud migration, and 2:42 PM cybersecurity are a plus.
OFFICE HELP/MANAGER Mann and Machine Inc in Richmond is looking for some part-time help in the office for our small but busy auto repair business. Duties will include answering the phone, making appointments and making out payroll and 401 k. Must be good with people. Must know your way around Quick Books. Could turn into a full time position for the right person. Pay will be based on experience. We have 2 dogs that come to the office with us so liking dogs is also required. Send resumes to:
2v-Mann&Machine091521.indd 1
Applicants must have clear oral and written communication skills, an eagerness to learn, and the ability to work both independently and as part of a small IT team. In-state travel (vehicle required), some evening and/or weekend work, and the ability to occasionally lift and move up to fifty pounds is required. We are committed to building a diverse, social justiceoriented staff, and encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds. We welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination and harassment-free workplace. Salary is $61,895+ experience, plus 4 weeks paid vacation and other excellent benefits. Application deadline is October 1, 2021. Please send cover letter, resume, and a list of contact information for three references to as a single PDF with “IT Administrator” in the subject line. The full job description can be found at Please let us know how you heard about this position.
9/14/216t-VTLegalAid091521.indd 1:57 PM 1
Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company! We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!
Director, Enterprise Applications We’re seeking a talented individual to lead the enterprise part of our IT department. This person will be responsible for leading a team of employee-owners and consultants in the development, implementation, and management of enterprise application initiatives. This person will also work to understand the business requirements and ensure that technology is supporting the goals and respond quickly to changes in the business model. Our ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree in a technical discipline or equivalent; 10 yrs+ of application design, including data, integration, and upgrades; 5+ yrs supervisory experience; 2+ yrs of Master Data Management experience; and experience with WMS, POS, EDI and eCommerce applications. Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!
9/13/21 DIR_EntApp7D_090921.indd 6t-GardenersSupply091521 1:04 PM 11
9/9/21 11:05 9/10/21 4:16 PM AM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Hinesburg Community Police Department
Administrative Assistant The Hinesburg Community Police Department is hiring for a part-time administrative assistant for 25 hours a week. This position facilitates the police department by performing a wide variety of administrative, clerical, receptionist and support duties in addition to special projects. Successful candidates will have the ability to deal with the public tactfully under difficult circumstances; to function as part of a team; possess exceptional judgment; have high moral character; and be able to successfully pass a background investigation. Please complete the employment application on and submit to Chief Anthony Cambridge at the Hinesburg Community Police Department, PO Box 1, Hinesburg, Vermont 05461 or via email to Applications reviewed as they are received. Position is open until filled.
4t-TownofHinesburgADMIN090821.indd 1
For over 20 years, we have been providing career opportunities in the food industry. Get in touch with us if your passion is making great food, but your needs include: • Consistent schedule • 40 hour weeks
• Health Care/Paid time off • Retirement plan/company match
We're hiring for a LINE COOK position. We are looking for someone who is focused, detail-oriented and a great communicator. One year of professional kitchen experience is preferred, but we are willing to teach anyone. Most importantly, we are looking for a good work ethic and an excitement for learning.
Contact Cassy at
9/7/21 4t-RedHenBaking082521.indd 10:11 AM 1
New, local, scam-free jobs posted every day!
8/24/21 2v-jobpostings-cmyk.indd 10:57 AM 1
Want to join the growing Health Care IT industry and work in a fantastic team culture? Perhaps, you too, desire the friendly, casual, hardworking, and client-focused environment offered by our 100+ employee company located in the Champlain Mill in Winooski, VT. Physician’s Computer Company (PCC) has designed, developed, and supported our award-winning pediatric software for over 30 years. As our electronic health record solution is driving greater demand for our services, we need to expand our team. PCC is seeking to fill the following positions:
Rapid Response Team members are the friendly, responsive voices clients first hear when they reach PCC Support. They are responsible for answering client calls, entering and managing their service needs into our help desk software, and helping to solve their questions and problems. They interpret all issues reported by clients into actionable support items, answering and resolving those which can be addressed quickly and passing others on to the appropriate PCC teams for follow-up and resolution.
8/27/19 12:15 PM
DIRECTOR OF CAMPUS FACILITIES Full Time; Benefits eligible; $60k annually Goddard College seeks a resourceful Director of Facilities to lead our fabulous facilities team in maintaining our beautiful campus in Plainfield, Vermont. The Director of Campus Facilities will direct and manage all College buildings, grounds maintenance, and custodial functions and oversee projects to ensure compliance with all internal and external regulations, standards and requirements. This position requires a very hands on task oriented approach.
These positions require strong technical expertise along with exceptional customer service and communication skills. They also travel* to our client sites to assist with software configuration and training. Prior experience in the healthcare industry is desired, but not required.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS include a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or other appropriate discipline, plus five years of relevant technical and supervisory experience in facilities or construction management, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. Previous higher education or similar institutional experience desirable. Excellent planning, organizational, administrative, budget and personnel management skills. Ability to deal effectively with a broad and diverse range of individuals/ groups within and outside of the College.
*In order to keep our employees and families safe, PCC employees have been working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are slowly opening our office and expect our Winooski office will be fully reopened this Fall. Employees will have a hybrid remote/in-office work option.
For further information and to apply please visit about-goddard/employment-opportunities.
Client Advocates work with PCC Clients located around the country. They enjoy actively engaging clients in regular communication to gain an understanding of the practice's goals and ensure they are utilizing PCC's programs and services that are available to assist in meeting them. Client Advocates foster a personal relationship with each client so they experience the value of a partnership with PCC. They share client findings and feedback with others at PCC to further PCC's efforts to understand the needs of the pediatric medical office. Experience successfully managing a portfolio of accounts is a plus.
To learn more about PCC, this role and how to apply, please visit our website at The deadline for submitting your application is September 24, 2021. As a Benefit Corporation, we place a high value on client, employee, and community relationships. Our company offers a friendly, informal, and professional work environment. PCC offers competitive benefits as well as some uncommon perks. No phone calls, please. 9t-PCC090821.indd 1
AA/EOE 9/7/21 10:54 AM
Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.
Enthusiastic Bookkeeper Wanted!
Polyurethane foam insulation applicator helper/general laborer.
25 hrs/wk | $30-35/hr Invoices. Quickbooks. AR. Reconciling. Payroll. We mix creativity and data to build innovative digital experiences that help brands grow.
Call 802-316-1374
Property Management Company looking for an articulate, Room for advancement for energetic people-person to join their team part-time. Some tasks included in position are conducting property tours, communicating the right person. with prospective renters, processing applications, providing extraordinary customer service, scheduling appointments, taking the lead on the marketing efforts and community outreach, 1t-SprayedOnSystems090121.indd 1 8/30/212h-ScoutDigital090821 2h-UnionStreetM-030211.indd 5:25 PM 1 planning resident events and administrative tasks. Must be able to multitask and thrive in a fast-paced environment. Strong sales aptitude and computer proficiency is required.
Join the Scout Digital crew today.
2/28/11 9/2/215:01:55 11:06 PM AM
All people and perspectives are valued here, including yours. Apply now.
The work schedule is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12-6 and Friday from 11-5. Schedule may vary and can include some weekend hours for tours. Candidate must be flexible and willing to work as need. If interested, please e-mail resume to
4t-Hallkeen091521.indd 1
83 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
9/9/21 12:03 PM
We’re hiring. Join our team.
JOIN OUR TEAM! The Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium (GMHEC), located in northern Vermont, was founded by Champlain College, Middlebury College and Saint Michael’s College in 2013. The Consortium aims to help its members to lower costs, increase the quality of services and add strategic value to our members. Successful candidates will be a part of a team-oriented organization servicing three very successful private higher education institutions. We are guided by our principles which recognize that our member organizations come first, continuous process improvement is a given, communication is transparent and visible and we value our unique culture which includes being innovative, flexible and focused on wellbeing.
MANY NEW OPPORTUNITIES INCLUDING... • Technical Director • Human Resources Coordinator • Graphic Designer (PT) • House Manager (PT)
The following are current open positions, with options of working in hybrid work model (home and in our Shelburne, Vermont office) in support of our mission:
• Bar & Concessions Staff (PT) • Facilities Staff (PT)
• ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST • OPERATIONS COORDINATOR (Part Time) • PAYROLL SPECIALIST We provide a meaningful benefits program including health, dental, vision, life, disability, retirement with a generous match, paid time off and a supportive wellbeing program.
Please apply to Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium at 10v-FlynnCenter091521 1 6t-GreenMtnHigherEdConsortium091521.indd 1
9/13/21 2:20 PM
9/13/21 11:37 AM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Music Contact International, a group tour operator specializing in customized domestic and international performance travel, is seeking an Office Administrator. This position is full-time, on-site at our downtown Burlington office. It offers a competitive salary and benefits. For more details on this role, desired qualifications, and the application, visit:
Senior User Interface Engineer @ Cox Automotive Corporate Services, LLC (Burlington, VT) F/T. Plan, desgn, & dvlp websites & other screen based digital media solutions. Reqts: Master's deg (or frgn equiv) in Comp. Sci., Info Tech, Info Systms or rltd & 2 yrs exp in job offrd, Dvlpr/Technologist or rltd. Alt., empl will accept Bach's deg (or frgn equiv) & 5 yrs prog resp exp. Must have 1 yr of exp in each of fllwng skills: desgng, dvlpng, & implmntng high-volume sftwr systms & components, client-facing web applics, Internet-oriented applics & systms; performing coding in HTML, CSS & JavaScript; desgning & dvlping Content Mgmnt Systems; & exp w/ user interface desgn patterns & visual desgn elements. Empl will acpt any suitable combo of edu, training or exp. E-mail resume to: GM_Recruiting@coxautoinc. com. Indicate job title & code "CAI-0070" in cvr ltr. EOE
3v-MusicContact091521.indd 1
9/14/213v-AdNet090821.indd 9:53 AM 1
3h-ContactInfo.indd 1
DRIVER WANTED Driver wanted for contracted transportation twice a day, morning and afternoon, M-F. $20 - $25 per hour including health benefits and profit sharing plans. We provide vehicles, maintenance, fuel, and insurance. Must be reliable, have a clean drivers license and must be able to pass a background check. Respond to info@, subject: DRIVER WANTED.
1 9/9/212v-VTRideNetwork090821.indd 2:06 PM
9/7/21 12:20 PM
The Stowe Free Library is a cherished community institution and has 6,400 registered borrowers and 25,000 volumes in its collection. It is located within the historic Helen Day Memorial Building in the center of Stowe, a premier four-season resort community with a population of 4,300.
6/29/15 5:11 PM
ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain Burlington, Vermont ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain is a dynamic, nationally acclaimed science and nature center committed to inspiring and engaging families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature and care of Lake Champlain. Our vision is for a science-savvy community where people and nature thrive together. ECHO seeks an experienced senior professional to guide the development and execution of strategies to strengthen and align ECHO’s culture with our strategic and growth objectives. The Director will define and establish performance standards and design, implement and manage the end-to-end human resources and organizational development processes to support talent acquisition, retention and leadership development. The Director will create and execute a strategic talent investment roadmap focused on strengthening our workforce, amplifying employee experience, purposely distinguishing our culture, and developing leaders to live our values to deliver best in class results for a museum.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR & ADULT SERVICES LIBRARIAN The Stowe Free Library is seeking a goal-oriented, enthusiastic and positive individual to fill the position of Assistant Director & Adult Services Librarian to help take the lead in fulfilling our mission: “To Welcome, To Inspire, To Enrich the Mind.” The librarian in this position assumes full responsibility for the functioning of the library in the absence of the Director; assists in goal setting and supervision of staff and volunteers; plans, develops, and provides adult library programming; manages the library’s inter-library loan; supervises and assists staff with other library services and office activities. Stowe Free Library is a cherished community institution and has 6,400 registered borrowers and 25,000 volumes in its collection. It is located within the historic Helen Day Memorial Building in the center of Stowe, a premier four-season resort community with a year-round population of 4,300.
The Director will report to the Executive Director and will partner with the Senior Leadership Team, employees, and external partners to ensure ECHO lives its mission to “inspire and engage families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature, and care of Lake Champlain.”
An American Library Association accredited Master Degree in Library Science or related field, with three years of experience in library operations, budgeting, and employee supervision; or any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience that provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities for this job. A working knowledge and experience with computers, including Integrated Library Systems (ILS), the InterLibrary Loan system in Vermont, content and web-based applications, current technologies, public access networks, and adult programming is desired. Good verbal communication skills and ability to interact with the public, excellent organizational skills and ability to perform detailed work, and the physical ability to lift and shelve books is required. This position includes evenings and Saturday hours, comes with excellent benefits and a starting salary of $24.03 – 30.75 per hour, contingent upon qualifications and experience.
Full job description is available at: ECHO is an E.O.E. welcoming resumes from individuals who will contribute to our diversity. Send resume & cover letter to with subject line: Director of Talent Development. ECHO requires all of our employees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19.
Job description and employment application can be found on the Town of Stowe website: Send employment application, letter of interest and resume to: Town of Stowe, Attn: Recruiter, PO Box 730, Stowe, VT 05672 or email Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. E.O.E. 7t-TownofStoweLIBRARY091521.indd 1
Application Deadline: September 30, 2021
9/10/21 2:01 PM 8t-ECHO091521.indd 1
9/9/21 12:39 PM
85 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Are you looking for a career change?
Police Chief
Are you looking Consider our Teacher Apprenticeship Program!
Consider our Teacher Ap
Exempt Position, City of Barre, Vermont (pop. 9,052) The City of Barre, Vermont, is accepting applications for the position of Police Chief.
● Teachers are in high demand ● Become the teacher who inspired ●you Teachers are in high are the in teacher ● Get licensed in eight months • Teachers ● Become
The Police Chief plans, coordinates, and directs the activities of the Police Department, manages resources and establishes departmental goals and objectives while delivering efficient and effective public safety services to the community.
Ready to learn more? Register for one of our • Become the upcoming information sessions: teacher who
high demand
● Get licensed in eight
Ready you to learn more? R inspired
upcoming inform • Get licensed in 802.651.5844 eight months
The Police Chief oversees the administration and operations of the Police Department comprised of the Patrol, Investigations, Dispatch, Parking Enforcement and Support Services Divisions. Application deadline is Wednesday, October 13, 2021. For more information and a detailed job description go to our website – The City of Barre is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). Women, Minorities and Veterans are encouraged to apply.
Ready to learn more? Register for one of ouryou upcoming information sessions: Are looking for a career change?
Please submit a City of Barre Application, cover letter and resume to Human Resources, 6 North Main St, Suite 7, Barre, VT 05641. Electronic submittals can be sent to 5h-CityofBarre091521.indd 1
Consider our Teacher Apprenticeship Program! 802.651.5844
9/14/21 2:13 PM
● Teachers are in high demand ● Become the teacher who inspired you ● Get licensed in eight months
4t-tapchamplaincollege091521.indd 1
Ready to learn more? Register for one of our upcoming information sessions:
9/14/21 10:27 AM
The City of St. Albans, Vermont, is looking for a new member of our team to take on a significant role in providing municipal services for residents, property owners, visitors and businesses in our community. The Planning & Development Assistant is a full-time, salaried position entrusted with supporting land use permitting, property valuation, downtown revitalization and other planning & development activities.
Head Start is a federally-funded, national child and family development program which provides comprehensive services for pregnant women, children from birth to age five, and their families. Services for children promote school readiness, and include early education, health, nutrition, mental health, and services for children with special needs. Services for parents promote family engagement, and include parent leadership and social service supports.
The City is looking for candidates with a high level of organization, attention to detail, follow-through, public communication skills, customer service, and a solutionbased focus. The ideal candidate will have experience with executive support, communications/marketing, paralegal assistance, and/or customer service. The selected employee will be expected to work effectively with all community members and recognize the importance of racial and social equity.
As an Early Head Start Toddler Teacher, you will serve as co-teacher in an outcomesoriented, team environment, and provide safe, healthy, friendly, and developmentally appropriate environments and experiences for infants and toddlers. Motivated Head Start teachers improve the trajectory of children’s lives, including children’s learning outcomes, living standards, and later academic and professional success. If you want to make a difference in the lives of young children and their families, consider joining the Head Start community.
Please review the full job description at StAlbansVT. com/Jobs. The hiring salary range is expected to be between $40,000 and $50,000, commensurate with experience and qualifications. An excellent benefits package is available. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to, attn: Chip Sawyer, Director of Planning & Development. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled.
REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree in Early
Childhood Education or related education field; Infant toddler specific education and experience that meets or exceeds the requirements for an Infant Toddler CDA Credential; knowledge and experience in developmentally appropriate early childhood practice, child outcome assessment, child behavior management, and curriculum planning, development and implementation; a commitment to social justice and to working with families with limited financial resources; effective verbal and written communication (bilingual abilities a plus!), documentation, and record-keeping skills; valid driver’s license, clean driving record and access to reliable transportation; physical ability to carry out required tasks.
40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year. Starting wage upon completion of 60-working day period: $20.28-$24.22/hour, depending on qualifications. Health plan and excellent benefits. To apply, please visit and submit a cover letter, resume, and three work references. No phone calls, please. CVOEO is interested in candidates who can contribute to our diversity and excellence. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.
The City of St. Albans is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other category legally protected by federal or state law. We encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 9t-CVOEO091521 1 6t-CityofStAlbans091521.indd 1
champlain 802.651
9/9/21 1:58 PM
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Union Street Media is a web development and digital marketing company located in Burlington, VT. We have the following opening positions: ACCOUNT MANAGER - DIGITAL SUCCESS SPECIALIST DIGITAL CONTENT STRATEGIST For more information visit: To apply, please email your resume and cover letter to:
Multiple Positions Open!
Director of Marketing & Communications & Fundraising Copywriter
2h-UnionStreetMedia091521.indd 1
Hayward Tyler, a leading manufacturer of industrial pumps and motors in Colchester, is seeking candidates to fill the following positions:
9/9/21 2:35 PM
Himalayan Cataract Project (HCP | Cureblindness), a VT-based nonprofit, is actively seeking a Director of Marketing & Communications and a Fundraising Copywriter. Please visit our website for complete job descriptions,
Assembly Technician I:
To apply, please submit resume and cover letter to:
Assembly Technician II: Machinist II – 2nd shift: Inside Sales Representative:
2h-HimalayanCataractProject090821.indd 1
Regional Account Manager – Nuclear:
Vice President of Global Sales:
We will train anyone who wants to learn!
Maloney Properties, voted “Best Place to Work” by our employees for 6 years in a row! Join our hard-working motivated team! Our reputation for customer service and quality workmanship is the best in the industry.
Staff Engineer I: Design Engineer: Senior Design Engineer:
The Maintenance Technician will be based at a residential community in Burlington, VT and will be responsible for the completion of work orders, preventative maintenance, unit turnovers, janitorial, and grounds keeping. The work hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. This is a great opportunity for someone with some basic knowledge who is looking to join a supportive team and further their skills. MPI offers a family friendly workplace and healthy work-life balance. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package with a generous vacation and holiday schedule.
Electro-Mechanical Engineer: Manufacturing Engineer: Quality Assurance Engineer: Project Manager: IT ERP Administrator:
Apply now at
We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you meet our requirements and are interested in an exciting opportunity, please forward your resume & salary requirements to:
Our new, mobile-friendly job board is buzzing with excitement.
Start applying at 3h_JobFiller_Bee.indd 1
9/14/21 2:09 PM
Who wants to work alongside an inspiring group of staff members helping to change this planet, one child at a time? Is it you? Then look no further than...Neck Of the Woods (NOW) Childcare and Enrichment Center in Waitsfield, Vermont! 9/14/21 11:39 AM
Looking for a Sweet Job?
4t-MaloneyProperties091521.indd 1
Hayward Tyler, Inc. – Attn: HR Department 480 Roosevelt Highway – PO Box 680, Colchester, VT 05446 Email: Equal Opportunity Employer 10v-HaywardTyler091521.indd 1
9/3/21 2:08 PM
2/27/17 4:27 PM
We are looking for some seriously creative, patient, and passionate Infant and Toddler Assitant Teachers in our Early Education Program who love to work with other members of a team. Come make the world a better place with us! Please send us a resume and a reference: Come join in on the fun! Check out our website to learn more about who we are and what we do:
NEW JOBS POSTED DAILY! JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM ai163060814631_12t-UVMContEd080821.pdf 1 9/2/21 2:42 PM
87 SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN Keens Crossing – Winooski, VT 05404 40 Hours Full Time HallKeen Management is seeking a motivated and experienced Maintenance Technician to enhance current skills, acquire new knowledge and grow with our company. Responsibilities are quite diverse, including but not limited to, Apartment turnovers, grounds keeping, various janitorial duties, painting, appliance, electrical, heating, plumbing and safety equipment repair and replacement and providing assistance at other company properties when needed. The qualified candidate must have reliable transportation and have the ability to assist in carrying appliances and climbing ladders as needed. Please e-mail resume to
4t-HallKeen072121.indd 1
7/20/21 1:17 PM
Why not have a job you love? Join our dedicated team and together we’ll build a community where everyone participates and belongs.
Direct Support Professional
Be a part of a team working with a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using individual with a budding talent for photography and political activism. Support him in his home and a variety of community activities based on his interests. Multiple 24-hour shifts available.
Service Coordinator
Learn about strategies for individualized supports; build trusting, professional relationships; lead teams towards a greater goal; and continue your career in human services in a supportive & fun environment. The ideal candidate will have strong clinical, organizational & leadership skills and will enjoy working in a team-oriented position while improving the lives of others.
Direct Support Professional Overnights
Be a part of a team working with a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using individual with a budding talent for photography and political activism. You will support him in his home and a variety of community activities based on his interests. Multiple 24-hour shifts available.
Career Workshops
11-11:30 a.m. Careers in CANNABIS & Evidence-Based Cannabis Education 12-12:30 p.m. Careers in PUBLIC HEALTH & UVM Master of Public Health Overview
Shared Living Provider
Open your home to an individual with an intellectual disability or autism. We have a variety of opportunities that could be perfect for your lifestyle. This position includes a generous tax-free stipend, ongoing supports, assistance with necessary home modifications, respite and a comprehensive training package.
Information Technology Professional
Combine your joy of computer systems and your desire to improve the lives of others in this exciting new position. Provide I.T. support, oversee electronic health records system and ensure all systems are up to date and working smoothly. Experience in a variety of information technology systems required. $500 sign-on bonus for all positions. CCS employees receive comprehensive benefits package, including paid time off, affordable health insurance, and paid holidays. Visit and apply today!
6t-ChamplainCommunityServicesMULTI091521.indd 1
9/14/21 12:16 PM
1-1:30 p.m.
Transitioning to a Career in CRAFT BREWING & UVM Business of Craft Beer Program Overview
Register at B RO U G H T
SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Food Prep & Utility [aka Disco Party Night Shift] Part & Full Time
Join Our Cheerful Team! Starting at $13/hour + Generous Tips (average $17/hour) Full descriptions/apply: 1t-TomGirl090821.indd 1
Wanted: A Heroic, Exuberant & Meticulous General Manager to unlock and inspire Tomgirl Kitchen to infinity & beyond!
8/26/211ta-TomGirl090121.indd 1:10 PM SERVICE COORDINATOR
9/3/21 1t-TomGirl090121.indd 11:08 AM 1
8/30/21 11:57 AM
Experienced Webmaster Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union (OSSU) is seeking a contract with an experienced Webmaster.
4t-ThePainter091521 1
OSSU is looking for an individual to redevelop and improve our current websites, Sevenensuring Days a fresh look and ease of access. OSSU uses FinalSite and 11:39 AM Issue: 9/15 will continue with this platform.
Engaging minds that change the world
Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Preparator - Fleming Museum - #S3070PO - The Fleming Museum of Art at University of Vermont is seeking a Preparator. This position will perform all activities relative to the planning, production, installation, transport, and physical maintenance of all gallery displays and changing exhibitions. BA in relevant field required. Two years prior museum experience in exhibition planning, construction, and installation. Applicant should be highly skilled in carpentry, and construction, matting/framing, and lighting. Knowledge of proper art handing techniques is required. The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are required to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal. Monographic Acquisitions Professional - University Libraries #S3089PO - The Collection Development & Acquisitions Department is seeking a Monographic Acquisitions Professional (Library Professional) staff member. Under the general direction of the Director, this position supports and engages in the research, evaluation, acquisition and withdrawal of monographic and other materials to build a vibrant and sustainable collection. This position communicates with requestors, peers and vendors regarding monograph ordering and acquisition, material gifts, etc.; orders monographs and other items; and participates in other special projects. Candidates are required to submit a cover letter, résumé and contact information for three references. The search will remain open until the position is filled. For best consideration, complete applications should be received no later than October 16, 2021. For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application. The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
5v-Graystone091521 1
7spot.indd 1
9/13 by 11am
This contracted position will start asap. Size:submit 3.83 x 5.25 Please a proposal to David Martin, of Technology and 1 week Cost:Director $476.85 (with Communication,, including ideas for improvements, a timeline on completion, references and an estimated cost. Below is a list of sites in our district.
10/29/197spot.indd 12:12 PM 1
10/29/197spot.indd 12:12 PM 1
QUALIFICATIONS: BA in related field or experience preferred; Master’s degree appreciated. Knowledge of service coordination and crisis intervention. Proficiency with electronic documentation. WORKING CONDITIONS: Full-time work of 40 hours per week, including
some evenings, weekends, and holidays; work on-call on a rotating basis. online)
Competitive salary package including health insurance and generous CTO. JGHS is an equal-opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination and harassment of any type protected by federal, state or local laws. Submit cover letter and resume to:
4t-JohnGrahamShelter090821.indd 1
QUALIFICATIONS: • Must be proficient in CSS, HTML, XHMTL and FinalSite • At least 1 year of relevant experience • History of promptness and dependability • Ability to follow school policies and procedures and respect confidential information • Insurance binder • Prioritize workloads and work independently
9/14/21 4v-OrleansSouthwestSU091521.indd 10:24 AM 1
JOB OPENING: Provide access to services and a supportive living environment for individuals and families who live in John Graham Housing & Services (JGHS) shelters, transitional sites and partner-agency scattered sites in Addison County. Job duties include cultivation of a safe, respectful place for homeless families and individuals; a caseload of 10-15 households; and screening, assessment, planning, referral, documentation, and advocacy.
9/7/21 2:01 PM
DIRECTOR OF ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT & GAME OPERATIONS Saint Michael’s College invites applications for a Director of Athletic Equipment and Game Operations. The Director assumes responsibility for managing the Athletics Department equipment services operations, including maintenance and inventory of all equipment and apparel used by students who participate in the intercollegiate athletics program at Saint Michael’s College. They create and monitor all requisitions, purchase orders, receipt of goods and invoicing in compliance with College, Department of Athletics and College purchasing policies and procedures. The Director of Athletic Equipment and Game Operation will also serve as a primary administrator for athletic events according to NCAA, NE10, NEWHA and Saint Michael’s College regulations. They are a trusted member of the athletic department administrative staff and will be relied on to support student-athletes in all manners of their experience. For a complete job description and to apply online, please click here:
1 9/14/214t-StMichaelsCollege091521.indd 11:59 AM
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9/14/21 12:47 PM
10/29/19 7spot.indd 12:12 PM 1
10/29/19 12:12 PM
fun stuff HARRY BLISS
fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE
Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at or call us at 802-864-5684.
90SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021 1
7/14/20 3:32 PM
Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.
VIRGO (AUG. 23-SEPT. 22)
“There’s nothing wrong with reading a book you love over and over,” writes Virgo author Gail Carson Levine. Adding to that encouragement, I offer you the following authorizations: There’s nothing wrong with seeking a pleasure you love over and over; or doing a necessary task you love over and over; or performing an energizing ritual you love over and over; or expressing key truths you love over and over. And these permissions will be especially crucial for you to exult in during the coming weeks, dear Virgo: because it’s a time when mindful repetition will be one of your strengths and a key to stimulating the deepening experiences you need.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): “Books are mirrors: You only see in them what you already have inside you,” wrote author Carlos Zafòn Ruiz. Let’s take that a step further: “Other people are mirrors: You only see in them what you already have inside you.” And even further: “The whole world is a mirror: You only see in it what you already have inside you.” Have fun playing with these meditations, Aries. The coming weeks will be a fertile time to explore how thoroughly your experiences reflect the activity transpiring in your own brain.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Some spiritual teachers say things like “I am not my body” or “This body is not me.” I don’t understand that. It’s an insult and disparagement. It’s dismissive of our bodies’ sublime beauty and our bodies’ inspired role in educating our souls. I agree that we are not only our bodies. I agree that a part of us is eternal, not confined to flesh and blood. But hell yes, I am my body. You are your body. It’s a glorious aspect of who we are. It’s a miraculous creation that has taken millions of years to evolve into the masterpiece it is. So yes, you are your body, and yes, this body is you. I hope you love your body. Are in awe of it. Are pleased to be inside it. If anything is lacking in this department, now is an excellent time to make corrections. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): “I know someone
who kisses the way a flower opens,” wrote poet Mary Oliver. I’d love for you Geminis to have that experience. The astrological omens suggest it’s more likely than usual to occur sometime soon. Other experiences with a better-than-average chance of unfolding in the coming days: allies who speak of intimate subjects in ways that resemble a flower opening; partners who cocreate with you in ways that resemble a flower opening; spiritual helpers who offer guidance and help in ways that resemble a flower opening.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): “I lie to myself all the time, but I never believe me,” writes Cancerian author S. E. Hinton. Ha! As a Cancerian myself, I confess to the same crime. But I am looking forward to a shift in the coming weeks. I suspect we Crabs will be inspired to cut way back on the fibs we try to get away with. You know what that means, right? We’ll be more inclined to trust ourselves, since we’ll be more likely to tell ourselves the truth. Our decisions will be shrewd, and our self-care will be rigorous. Hallelujah! LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): My object in this horoscope is to stimulate your imagination in ways nobody else in your life will. You need an influence like me, from outside your inner circle, to administer friendly, playful shocks to jolt you out of habitual ways of thinking. Here we go. 1. If you were to stow seven parts of
your soul in seven objects, what objects would they be? 2. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be? 3. If you were a character in a fairy tale or a movie, who would you be? 4. If you could travel to a place that would teach you what you most need to know, where would it be? 5. If you had a magical animal as your special ally, what animal would it be? 6. If you could sing a song with uncanny healing power for someone you care about, what song would it be? 7. If you could improve your relationship with some part of your body, what would it be?
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): “If I’m a bitch and a fake. Is there nobody who will love a bitch and a fake?” Libra author Graham Greene wrote that in his novel The End of the Affair. Here’s my extrapolation: I believe that every one of us, including me, is a bitch and a fake now and then. We all go through periods when we are not at our best, when we fail to live up to our own high standards. Is it possible that you have recently flirted with such a phase? If so, the cosmos has authorized me to absolve you. You are free to reclaim your full exquisite beauty. And if you haven’t been a bitch and a fake, congratulations. It means you have weathered a gnarly storm. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Poet Yves Olade writes, “I’ve started thinking of people as wounds that don’t heal.” To me, that idea is idiotically cynical. Moreover, I think it’s wrong for most of us. The truth is, humans have a natural instinct for healing. They are predisposed to attract experiences that might aid their recovery from difficulties — that might teach them the healing lessons they need. I believe this will be especially true for you in the coming weeks. (PS: Dr. Andrew Weil writes, “Any level of biological organization that we examine, from DNA up to the most complex body systems, shows the capacity for selfdiagnosis, for removal of damaged structure, and for regeneration of new structure.”) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21):
Research suggests that most people think everyone else has more fun than they do. But I’m guessing that only a small percentage of Sagittarians feel that way. You tend to be
extra alert for fun, and you have intuitive skill at tracking down fun. In addition, you often take the initiative to precipitate fun. You understand you have a responsibility to generate fun, and you have a talent for generating it. All these capacities will serve you well in the coming weeks. I recommend you raise your mastery of the art and science of having fun to a new level. Be the Champion of Fun and Games for your entire circle.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): I’m not
engaging in empty flattery when I say that you are unlike anyone else who has ever lived in the history of the world. Your absolute uniqueness is a fundamental fact. Maybe you don’t reflect on this truth very often. Perhaps you feel that it’s not helpful to think about or that it’s irrelevant to your daily decision-making. But I propose that in the next three weeks, you give it a central place in your understanding of your destiny. Allow it to influence everything you do. Make it a major factor in your decision-making.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Welcome
back from the underworld, Aquarius. I hope your time wandering through the maze-like twilight brought you as many fascinating mysteries as confusing questions. I trust you took advantage of the smoky riddles and arresting dilemmas to fortify your soul’s wisdom. I suspect that although your travels may have at times seemed hard to fathom, they have provided you with a superb education that will serve you well in the immediate future.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): In Oscar Wilde’s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, the lead character says to a friend, “You filled me with a wild desire to know everything about life.” Is there a person who might inspire you like that, Pisces? Maybe a person from your past with whom you’ve fallen out of touch? Or is there a person hovering on the outskirts of your life who could stimulate you to have such feelings? Now is a favorable time to seek these influences. I advise you to be bold in your quest to associate with allies who will stimulate your lust for life and teach you crucial lessons. (PS: For extra credit, make abundant use of another theme from Wilde’s book: “The search for beauty is the real secret of life.”)
L ATEST VIDEO! Eva Sollberger’s
Watch at 4h-Stuck090821.indd 1
arch and Between M is year, th f August o susso Mike Santo 0 covered visited all 10 rmont on e V bridges in ycle, a 2000 his motorc thawk 750. Honda Nigh met up er Eva Sollberg e Holmes th t a with him in red Bridge Creek Cove ut o b a r a e h Charlotte to res. his adventu
supported by:
9/10/21 9:56 AM
LOOKING FOR BONDING PARTNER After a long time, I’m looking for a bonding friend. Would like a special person in my life again! Not too serious or forever, but for a while. Been too long. Hopefullylooking, 66, seeking: W
Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... HUMOROUS, KIND, CREATIVE OUTDOOR LOVER! I am a positive, silly, hardworking, music-loving, laughter-loving, loyal friend and lover. I like being in/on the mountains hiking or skiing, sledding, and long walks in the woods. I love coffee by a lake and camping. I enjoy a good movie, a delicious meal, kissing and a warm embrace. Looking for someone humorous and kind with similar interests. BeHappy, 45, seeking: M, l LOVING AND KIND I am a very nice person who is open to love at any time. When I say “love,” I mean sharing ideas, spending time. I live a very quiet life and do not like the limelight. I love military men. I also love intelligent conversation. Some looks are necessary, but taking care of oneself is important. AnLuv, 50, seeking: M, l HOPING FOR COMPANIONSHIP Don’t need a fancy trip to France. Would enjoy the company of someone for more realistic adventures — things like breakfast. I love getting breakfast out, playing board games, day trips here and there. bluemonarch, 55, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, l THERE’S STILL TIME Self-sufficient and low-maintenance woman who shares space well. I am good company, whether it’s being active or at home. I stay current with world and local events. Travel makes my adrenaline rise. suzygoblue, 79, seeking: M, l
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
See photos of this person online.
W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups
KIND, CONSIDERATE AND THOUGHTFUL Consideration. Truthfulness. Be yourself. Gmsj4321, 66, seeking: M WILDLY ADVENTUROUS AND INTELLECTUALLY CURIOUS There are two themes to my life: courage and individuality. To quote one son: mediating biker gangs at a carnival? Working the hood in Portland? Africa? I don’t know many people who so fully defy categorization or stereotyping — class, gender, profession. I was a CPA and am a habitual college student. Basically, I embrace life. WorldTravele7570, 79, seeking: M, l GOOD LISTENER EXCITED BY LIFE I’m a semiretired health care professional, friendly and outgoing, with a deep appreciation for quiet times. Since the death of my husband, my life has focused on close family and friends, and my work. Enjoy fitness — gym, swim, dance, hike, birding, table tennis. Looking forward to new possibilities. lv2swimno10, 74, seeking: M MUSCULAR GAL NEEDS EXPERIENCED BONDER So, not looking for a relationship. I’m looking for an experience. Long-term fantasy on my end: tied, vulnerable, wet and ready. I’m not a pretty gal, being up-front. I don’t have much sexual experience, but this makes me hot to think about. Please send me your thoughts. Safety first. Let’s chat. katmac802, 63, seeking: M LOVE TO LAUGH, KIND, AUTHENTIC Been separated for a while now and, though very happy/content to be solo during that time, I think I’m ready to meet new people. Looking for some fun social times to start. I love to go out for drinks, play darts/cards. Love watching sports on TV, especially Boston teams. Love animals, travel and new but sane adventures. Not looking for FWB. AlmostReady, 64, seeking: M, l CITY GAL IN THE COUNTRY Edgy, bold, ageless, smart, creative, tender mom of all with a great sense of humor. I asked grown daughters. Simpler. titanbuff, 73, seeking: M, l LONG-DISTANCE HIKER Not really sure what it is I am looking for. I am just feeling a deep need for connection. I am a womyn, a mama, a hard worker, a long-distance hiker. I love life through it all. I am talented at turning the mundane into adventure. I love all animals. I have two perfect cats and two crazy dogs. wanderVT, 37, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l EDUCATED, KIND, FUNNY, AUTHENTIC I’m a mom of two, teacher, kind, liberal lady looking for a man who is kind and has a great sense of humor. I like true crime podcasts, public radio, relaxing, vegan food, comedy shows and great conversation. Not looking for someone to complete me, just looking for someone to enjoy time with. No hookups. INFP. Be well! Starryskies, 39, seeking: M, l
INQUISITIVE, WANTING MORE I would like to meet a lady I can become friends with. You can learn more about me when we talk. Adventurewithus2, 46, seeking: W, l READY TO EXPLORE I am ready for a new adventure. I am interested in exploring a relationship with a woman or couple. I enjoy being in the woods, camping and just sitting in a brook or at a waterfall. I also like to get a bit of wind in my hair. I have a good sense of humor and am attractive and fun. Newadventures2021, 48, seeking: W, Cp IRREVERENCE WELCOMED My passions are travel, food, art, music and more. I like to spend as little time being serious as possible. I’m curious about a lot of things. Do you share these passions and have others of your own? Do you like family time, being in nature or people-watching as you sit at an outdoor table on Church Street? summerplease, 64, seeking: M, l HAPPY. HONEST. KIND. PASSIONATE. This is my first time trying online dating. Not really sure it’s for me, but I’m going to keep an open mind. I do not have time to waste on liars or judgmental people. I’m easygoing, independent and loyal. I love music, singing, painting abstracts and much more! A little mystery is fun! I dare you to figure out the rest! 030303, 64, seeking: M, l IDEAS I’m in an interesting relationship and wonder if anyone else is or has done this. My partner enjoys CBT. My favorite so far has been kicking him in the balls. Has anyone else done this or anything else? I’d love to share stories. Maybe even have you help me sometime? Thanks, Bunni. BJ2021, 46, seeking: W FRIENDLY, SOCIAL, INDEPENDENT, EASYGOING Very honest, loyal, friendly. Enjoy cooking, traveling, walking, driving with no destination, exploring the beauty of the Green Mountains. Would enjoy finding the same in my partner. dyniska, 80, seeking: M SWEET, ADORABLE, SENSUAL, SPIRITUAL, YOUTHFUL I try to listen from the heart and speak from the heart and seek the same from my partner. I love to dance and hope to find a good dance leader. I enjoy taking hikes to be in the forest, not just to get to the destination. I enjoy light and playful as well as stimulating conversation. Garwood, 59, seeking: M,
MEN seeking... YES TO IT ALL I love language enough to treasure easeful silence with another. It’s a stupid, heartbreakingly lovely world, and we need kindness, humor and resiliency to get from one end of the day to the other. Excellent coffee also helps. WM, 55, seeks, above all, connection that scintillates the heart and mind. TousLesJours, 55, seeking: W, l
LOOKING TO FILL BUCKET LIST Just like the headlines pronounced. I’ve been in a vanilla relationship since day one. Now I’d like to find a women or a straight couple to greet, meet and kink. Let’s discuss some options. bakerpete, 66, seeking: W, Cp, l SIMPLE ’N’ FUN Honestly, just looking for some nice conversations and fun times. No drama or strings. Someone to just break up the boring workweek and spice things up a bit. SimpleNFun77, 30, seeking: W, l SHELTER FROM THE STORM People person with quiet, reflective side. Fit. Physically and politically active. Meditator, music lover. Good kisser. Excellent sense of humor. Relationship experienced. Tennis, golf, skiing. Seeking educated partner, sociable, reasonably fit and psychologically knowledgable, enjoys music, outdoors and cozy at home. Shared world view matters, of course with attraction and a lot of love. Open to women of any color. ShelterFromTheStorm, 69, seeking: W, l FWB DISCREETLY IN BURLINGTON In addition to introducing my ankles to your ears, we’ll need to have some things in common: dogs, cooking, British comedies,YUL, travel, board/ card games, an ability to find the humor in things that aren’t funny. If you can sympathize that my husband is just a permanent housemate, you’ll understand. Life is complicated, but what we do together need not be. Thatsakiwi, 57, seeking: M, l COMPASSIONATE WOODWORKER AND NATURE LOVER Honest, reliable, devoted partner. Have been an orphan all my life, so I know the importance of a strong, loving relationship. Just waiting for the right mate to emerge from the chaos. clutchme69, 69, seeking: W, l BI BOTTOM CD FOR FWB I am a bi bottom, beginner CD, with a lust for women’s clothes and pleasuring a man. I’m looking for an FWB. I am an educated, mature working type, usually straight guy, with a femme side. Wife knows, helps with clothes and is OK with my discreet exploration but has no desire to participate. Clean and COVID-vaccinated. Bim4mfwb, 70, seeking: M, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp MY FACE, YOUR CHAIR? I currently spend a lot of time alone and would like to change that. I have a bit of an oral sex fixation and would love to have someone end my drought and let me spend my free time with my face between your legs or use my face as your new fun seat. 3479Bach, 28, seeking: W HONEST, KIND, LONELY I am seeking a companion to share dinner with, catch a concert/game, or head to the beach for a quick night or two. Blue_sky_guy, 54, seeking: W, l HIKER, BIKER, SKATEBOARDER NEEDS PLAYDATE Looking for fit people who are not high maintenance and are into outdoor activities, the more the better — sometimes nude, like skinny-dipping in the pond. Open-minded and into playing music and skiing in the winter. VT2SKI, 61, seeking: W, TW, NC, Cp, l
TRANS WOMEN seeking... LAND NARWHAL SEEKS UNICORN(S) Tall, beautiful, brilliant trans woman (just starting hormones) with long brown hair seeking trans women for friendship and fun. I’m well read, love cinema and theater. Newly single and finally fully coming out! Kind people only, please. jenesequa, 51, seeking: TW, l BE MY CUDDLE BUDDY? Cute 50-y/o vegan straight-edge polyam ace enby trans girl. Love my parallel polyam primary nesting partner, so I’m looking for a part-time snuggle buddy for walks and talks and handholding and kissing and romance! I fall in love really easily! I’m half in love with you already just because you’re reading this! Anyone but cis guys. EnbyTransgirl, 52, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NBP, l T GIRL LIVE IN VT Trans girl. Offbeat sense of humor. Looking for that certain someone. I like dinner and a movie or a game at Centennial Field. I like to ride my bike on the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. At home I spend my time listening to my record collection and taking care of my house. urwatuis, 61, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l DEPTH AND DESIRE Finding both is not easy. Active TG seeks motivated, aroused, real playmate for trysts of all sorts. Inside, outside, day, night. If you are 50ish to 60ish, very fit and hot to trot, get in touch. 2PartsofDesire, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l
NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... SUB MASO FOR DOM SADIST Bio-female, nonbinary gendered, sub/ masochist looking for their Dom/Sadist. Looking for a local sadist who is looking for TPE and to play with the same person! Experience preferred. I have 15 years of experience in BDSM. Looking for that open-minded someone who is OK with some jiggle with their wiggle, looking for full-time TPE and nonmonogamy. CallMeParker, 34, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l
COUPLES seeking... OPEN TO FUN POSSIBILITIES Fit, slim and happy couple looking for something special and wanting to make your life exciting in return. LC2, 64, seeking: M, W, Cp, l SPICING IT UP I’m a cancer survivor happily married to my husband. We’re seeking a couple or single woman to help me find my sensuality. We’ve done this before, but it’s been many years now. Anyone interested in helping out? Lookingforfun116, 53, seeking: W, Cp OUTDOOR ADVENTURES Fun, attractive, adventurous; seeking someone interested in outdoor and indoor adventures. cernowain, 44, seeking: M, l COUPLE LOOKING FOR PLAYMATES We are a secure couple looking to fulfill her fantasies. We may start as friends and just enjoy maybe dinner and drinks. Depending on chemistry, we could possibly open up for more. We are not looking to just jump into a sexual relationship with just anyone. This may take some time. Patience is necessary with us. Summers_in_Vermont, 54, seeking: Cp
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
BIKE PATH NEAR LEDDY You were walking your puppy (yellow lab?), and I passed you twice as I reached the end of my running loop and turned around. I smiled at your dog, and you smiled at me. Can I join you two on a walk sometime? When: Friday, September 10, 2021. Where: Burlington waterfront path. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915405 BURLINGTON, FRIDAY EVENING, BIG SMILES 5 p.m. Me: M, parked in loading zone by Sweetwaters, unloading my car. You: F, tall, pretty, blond, flat-brim black hat, long black boots. Your smile lit up the afternoon. We smiled at each other like we knew each other. I said hi; you beamed and walked on up College Street. Care to say hi and more sometime? When: Friday, September 10, 2021. Where: Church Street Marketplace, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915404 UNHINGED HOTTIE AT THE BEAN From the moment we locked eyes, every day has been the last day of summer. En garde, I think we’re soul mates. Please, at the very least, drink more clarified milk with me. And at the very most, let’s run away to Berlin. xoxo. When: Friday, August 6, 2021. Where: the Bean. You: Gender nonconformist. Me: Non-binary person. #915402 FRENCH TUTOR, SHELBURNE BAGEL SHOP Hi. Late August (don’t remember the exact date). You were sitting in a booth quizzing a guy on conversational French phrases. I was in the next booth and did not want to interrupt. But I would really like to sharpen my French this fall. Are you taking additional students? When: Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Where: bagel shop on Shelburne Rd. by the FedEx store. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915401
RED-HOT RED ROCKS RUNNER You were wearing red shorts and have a tat on your left shoulder. Our eyes briefly met as we greeted each other at the crossroads in Red Rocks Park. I was walking my black-and-tan doggo. Are you local? Care to walk together sometime? When: Sunday, September 5, 2021. Where: a perfect Sunday morning. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915400 NIGHT SHIFTER Miss seeing your handsome face every morning on my way to work. Hope you are doing well. I still owe you breakfast. ;) When: Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Where: Cumby’s, Pine St. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915398 WILLISTON SCHOOL JOGGER We talked at Williston School. Your dog had been at Crate Escape, and you were “multitasking” on the paths behind the school. I said hi again later as you were jogging. Meet me for a walk — same place, same time? When: Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Where: Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915397 STEAMY KISSES Your kisses in the steamy car made my heart melt. No matter what, I will always love you. When: Sunday, August 29, 2021. Where: Oakledge. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915396 ESSEX JUNCTION DOG WALKER You walk your white dog every morning. We’ve talked a few times in passing. Do you mind if I join you one of these days? When: Thursday, August 19, 2021. Where: Essex Junction. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915395 MUSCULAR LADY IN RICHMOND Hey, I tried, but I think your ad was delayed before you got my message. So hit me up here if still looking. When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: Richmond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915390
Ask REVEREND Not a Fan,
IN FALLING SNOW Our “wild and crazy ride” is over. But in my dreams, I’ll never leave the “good ole days.” I miss the good things with the fibers of my soul. I hope you have the life you desire and your dreams come true. In every snowflake, I’ll think of you. When: Tuesday, August 3, 2021. Where: Plattsburgh. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915394
RE: MISSED OUT (BAD TIMING) You’d mentioned that you had imitated other habits and practices of mine, should I be so admired by the sincerest form of flattery! If you’re still reading these, I’m still missing you. You want another chance to kiss me? The ball is in your court. When: Tuesday, June 15, 2021. Where: Burger Night. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915386
MILLS RIVER PARK You were walking your dog on a sunny day with your shirt off. I was enjoying the view; nice muscles! Hope to see you with or without your shirt again! When: Sunday, August 22, 2021. Where: Mills River Park. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915393
SATURDAY AFTERNOON, BIKE PATH CAUSEWAY Saturday afternoon at the cut in the bike path causeway. You (dark-haired woman dressed in black) were on the rocks talking with your (F) friend. We hopscotched past each other a few times heading back to Burlington. I wish I’d found an excuse to say hello. I (M) wore an orange shirt. Care to ride together sometime? When: Saturday, August 14, 2021. Where: Burlington bike path. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915385
NIQUETTE BAY Sorry that we ruined your afternoon of relaxation in the sun. You seemed like you had something on your mind. I hope you weren’t down. You’re gorgeous. When: Sunday, August 22, 2021. Where: Niquette Bay. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915392 CAUGHT OFF GUARD I knew we’d run into each other someday, but I was completely caught off guard that morning. It was dark, rainy, and you walking toward me felt like seeing a ghost. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t think, all I could do was stand there, silent and numb. I still wonder why you went numb. I miss you. I always will. When: Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Where: drop-off. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915391 ESSEX NEFCU PARKING LOT You: orange shirt. You’ve let me go in traffic multiple times. You drive big trucks. I’m married but would like to go for a ride in your big truck, and no one has to know. When: Friday, August 20, 2021. Where: NEFCU parking lot. You: Man. Me: Gender nonconformist. #915388 SWAN DIVE, BOLTON POTHOLES You did a swan dive into Eagle’s Eye at Bolton Potholes. My brother was impressed. So was I. You left soon after, and you told me to enjoy the night. I think we could have enjoyed it together. Want to connect and see? When: Saturday, August 14, 2021. Where: Bolton Potholes. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915387
Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums
Dear Reverend,
A friend of mine is in a band, and she always invites me to its shows. She thinks the music is great, but to be honest I really don’t like it. I want to be supportive — I’ve been to shows a couple times — but I don’t think I can take another one. How do I get out of going without hurting her feelings?
Not a Fan (MALE, 24)
We’ve all been there. Everybody has had a friend who is really involved in something that isn’t our cup of tea. And that’s OK. Different strokes for different folks, and all that jazz. Besides, it gives you something good to talk shit about behind her back. Just kidding. You shouldn’t do that. You probably also shouldn’t tell her you think that her band stinks. I’m all for honesty, but confessing your distaste would be
WALMART TIKI TORCHES AND TATTOOS We had the quiet corner of Walmart to ourselves. We chatted about tiki torches, string lights and shared tattoo stories. I feel like we could have talked more. I would love to chat again. If you see this, let me know the meaning of my tattoo or what T-shirt I was wearing so I know it’s you. When: Friday, August 13, 2021. Where: Walmart in Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915384 TWO INTROVERTS AT THE BEACH You told me I screamed introverted, sitting alone reading my book. Of course, I said nothing — just smiled, trying to think of something to say back. And then you continued doing your own introverted thing. Perhaps we’ll meet again? When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: state park beach. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915377 BEAUTIFUL LIONESS Not long ago, you were having the toughest day since we’ve known each other. I couldn’t stand to see you in pain, and I declared my feelings for you. Soon after, you withdrew, and I’m confused, because you show signs that you care. You’re one special lady, and I’d tell you of my love 100 times a day. When: Monday, July 26, 2021. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915374
unnecessary and borderline just plain mean. The next time a show comes around, say that you have other plans. Or use the old standby: “I’ll try to swing by.” That way, you aren’t really lying. On the other hand, unless the music
BEAUTIFUL IN CROCS WITH DOG I saw you watching a performance with your beautiful brindle and white dog. We talked and laughed, and I fell for your gorgeous smile. I commented on your Crocs, and you displayed them proudly — such confidence! I think we have something special. When: Sunday, August 1, 2021. Where: Church Street, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915373 QUEER PUNKS KISSING OVER BIKES Cutest! Looked like so much fun, total romance! Hope you’re having the best summer, and thanks for being awesome, at least for a split second as I drove by on Thursday night. When: Thursday, August 5, 2021. Where: North and North Winooski. You: Gender nonconformist. Me: Gender nonconformist. #915371 SOUTH END DOG WALKER Crossed paths with a gorgeous and extremely busty woman walking a dog near corner of Flynn and Pine. Intrigued is an understatement. What’s your story? When: Wednesday, July 28, 2021. Where: South End, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915367 WARREN JULY 4 PARADE Chatting by the general store block party was fun. Loved your Vermont outfit: big rubber boots and shorts! You knew the women in the band were local teachers’ daughters, and your hesitancy in sharing where you grew up was intriguing. Your smile could light up a room. Want to meet for a meal or drink and chat some more? When: Sunday, July 4, 2021. Where: Warren Parade Block Party. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915363 NOTHING VENTURED? Thanks for the wave from your silver HRV. Would you like to ride along on the next nice day? When: Wednesday, July 21, 2021. Where: 14 headed south. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915359 SHAMWOW Your chapter in my book is over. It will forever be one of my favorites, but I cannot keep rereading it hoping for a different ending. Scoots. When: Friday, May 18, 2018. Where: Maple Valley Café. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915356
actually makes your ears bleed, how bad can it be? Going to a show is usually fun even if the music kinda blows. You could pop in, make sure your friend sees you for a little bit and get the heck out before the end. Or rope another friend or three into going with you and turn it into a good time. Another approach: Have a few pops and good-naturedly heckle the band. Shout out requests for “Free Bird” after every song. There’s a slim chance that could backfire on you, but I’m pretty sure she’d stop asking you to attend. Good luck and God bless,
The Reverend
What’s your problem?
Send it to SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2021
Dirty old man seeks dirty old lady. Single and horny. I like high heels and stockings. I’m a nudist. Open, honest and clean. Phone. #L1530 70-y/o WM seeks mid-70s to mid-80s WF. I want to experience sensuality with a very mature WF woman. Phone number, please. #L1524 GM in Rutland County seeking other GM or bi for social interaction. Maybe leading to FWB or more. I’m easygoing, stable and like adventure. Phone only. Hope to hear from you. #L1523
GWM seeking other GM for friendship and more. Write me with name and phone number. #L1532 I am a crossdresser (M-to-F) seeking female friends for coffee, friendship or just corresponding. Any age, race and ethnicity OK. Retired and ready. Will answer all letters. #L1531 How feral’s feral? Energetic Luddite(s) indeed, but easier to be progressively backward with a mischievous coconspirator. Artist here, resourceful cottager, surrounded by books and mason jars. Worth every penny of your $5. If you disagree, I’ll reimburse! M seeking F. #L1529
Humble, honest, loving and fun 69-y/o searching for his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with. Looking for that special gal who enjoys skiing, beaches, boating, biking, animals and cares for our natural environment. Someone spiritual who can “see the light.” A love of theater, music and dancing a plus. #L1528 Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any wellhung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1526
HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters
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Fit 50ish M, green-eyed, kind and witty, seeks fit F 40 to 60. Well read, rugged, capable, collected, patient. Values community, gardens, art, acts of making. Let’s cook, share absurdist humor, read together. Prefer handwritten to the screen. Simple! #L1522 I’m an older male seeking any age. It’s so enchanting in the woods. The silence, the peace and the wonderful sounds of nature. I’d love to share the caress of nature with a good friend. Lovely wonderful person, 5’9, 150 pounds, older nonsmoker. #L1521 Man looking for a woman. I will return calls to everyone. I’m over 50 y/o. Widower. She died very young of cancer. Time to move on. Please leave your name and number. #L1520
Internet-Free Dating!
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. SWM, mid-50s, seeking SWF, 50s to 60s. Looking for life partner. I am fit, financially secure, very well grounded. Strong desire to travel crosscountry. #L1519 66-y/o SWM seeking SWF, 50 to 63. Gentle, unassuming, soft-spoken, creative vegetarian seeks a fit, affectionate, unadorned woman who takes delight in gardening, folk music, candlelight and bicycle rides. Let’s explore the islands together. Are you coming? #L1517 56-y/o single woman. Humbled, thoughtful. Hoping for a safe, kind, honest relationship with a man. Calm in nature, love for nature. Morning coffees, long walks, talks, sunsets, art, music, dance, friends, family, laughs! Willing to see and resolve suffering. Unconditional love and support find me at home. Phone number, please. #L1486 SWM seeking SWM any age. Must love top and fem bottom. Looking for steady lover. Gay or bi, any race. Phone. #L1515
GM 60-y/o seeks sexually active 70-plus male. I love giving and receiving oral. Virgin but would love to bottom to a lover. Enjoy all activities nude. #L1514 Male widower looking for woman for FWB/LTR, maybe more. Please be 18+. Send me your name, info and phone number. I will return all calls back to you. Look forward to meeting you. #L1513 Male, 55, seeking woman to cocreate a beautiful life/ family close to the Earth on the land with plants, animals and wildlife. Together a vessel of love to manifest the dormant ancestral pulse of people living close to nature absent the turnkey life mayhem. Wolcott. Clearing the woods. #L1512 Senior male, mid-60s, seeking older males 65 to 80 for carefree and fun moments of pleasure. Must be DD-free and have completed both COVID shots. Safe and kind. Life is too short to not have moments of pleasure. It’s been a rough past year. #L1511
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