Seven Days, September 21, 2022

Page 100

DOWNTOWN DOWNTURN PAGE 14 Turmoil at Burlington’s City Hall Park READ ALL ABOUT IT PAGE 46 Green Mountain Book Fest kicks off VOICEINDEPENDENTVERMONT’S NO.50VOL.27202221-28,SEPTEMBER SEVENDAYSVT.COM PEEP THIS! FALL ISSUE INSIDE! THE $165,000,000 QUESTION After a year of tax increases, Burlington voters wrestle with a large bond for a new high school BY COURTNEY LAMDIN & ALISON NOVAK, PAGE 24

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5. “Burlington Councilor Jack Hanson Resigns to Apply for City Job” by Courtney Lamdin. The council approved the creation of the position, a net-zero project and equity analyst, in June.

More than two decades later, Hubbard, 80, is preparing to follow in Granny D’s footsteps. On October 1, he’ll begin his own traverse across the country to rally fellow Americans to fix democracy. He’s hoping to generate awareness and support for political solutions he’s pas sionate about: passing voting rights legisla tion; having open, nonpartisan primaries and ranked-choice voting; allowing all citizens to make small donations to campaigns through an income-tax rebate; and outlawing gerry mandering.Starting in Los Angeles, Calif., Hubbard will make stops in more than 30 towns and cities — from Las Vegas, Nev., to Lincoln, Neb. — where he’ll meet with local activist groups, speak with citizens and give speeches. A support RV, driven by a rotating cast of volunteers, will follow

But in the weeks that followed, six staff members resigned from Ascension. Two took jobs with local school districts where they will work shorter hours for more money and better benefits. One moved to another childcare program. Two moved out of state, and one left the field for health reasons. As a result, Ascension has cut enrollment and curtailed hours. While the center once served more than 72 children, it’s now able to take just 55.

That left Julie Buechler, executive director of Ascension Childcare in Shelburne, hopeful.

applications and developing a tutorial to explain to childcare providers how to fill it out. “[We] hope to have the application out to the field soon to apply,” Gray

3. “UVM Health Network Slams Regulators Over Budget Decision” by Colin Flanders. The Green Mountain Care Board approved a smaller budget increase for the University of Vermont Medical Center than hospital officials had sought.

On January 1, 1999, an 88-year-old political activist from New Hampshire named Doris Haddock embarked on a 3,200-mile crosscountry walk to drum up support for cam paign finance reform. Affectionately known as “Granny D,” Haddock finished her trip to Washington, D.C., on February 29, 2000, garnering widespread media attention along theSouthway.


Earlier this year, Vermont lawmakers allocated $7 million so that childcare programs could give retention bonuses to staff. For childcare center directors — many of whom are losing employees and struggling to fill open positions — that money can’t come soon enough.

Hubbard on his journey and take him on side trips to different towns. Hubbard plans to arrive outside of Washington, D.C., in December — of 2023. After going home for the holidays, he’ll return to the U.S. capital in the New Year to engage with lawmakers.

1. “Vermont Issues First Three Licenses for Retail Cannabis Sales” by Derek Brouwer. The Cannabis Control Board’s action will allow businesses in Burlington, Rutland and Middlebury to open soon.

Drove through UVM campus this AM listening to The Cranberries. Looking around at the students fashion choices, you could have inserted walkmans in place of phones/AirPods and I would be convinced I was back in middle/high school. Fashion trends are WILD.

wrote.Buechler is dismayed by the lack of a more concrete timeline. While she’s not sure whether the money would have convinced the staff members who resigned to stay, she said the bonuses would boost her employees’ morale.Ascension is far from the only childcare center that’s had to scale back services due to staffing shortages. In June, Seven Days reported on the unprecedented challenges childcare centers were having in hiring and retaining staff. Just this month, a shortage of quali fied teachers led a well-established center, Heartworks Burlington, to abruptly close one infant and one toddler classroom, leaving families scrambling to find alterna tives.Read


2. “CityPlace Developers Move Toward Building Affordable Housing on Vacant Site” by Courtney Lamdin. Builders want to move forward with an eight-story affordable housing complex as an initial step in redeveloping “the Pit” in downtown Burlington.

tweet of the week

Burlington resident Rick Hubbard — an author, activist and retired lawyer — learned about Granny D through a distant relative, who also happened to be Haddock’s grandson. Inspired by her resolve, Hubbard traveled to Kentucky to walk alongside her for a week.

“I don’t know how many years I have left, but I do know that, statistically, it’s pretty small,” Hubbard said. “So why not take a chunk of it and do what I can?”

4. “UVM’s New School of the Arts Gathers Many Creative Disciplines Under One Roof” by Ken Picard. While college arts programs around the country are struggling to attract students and funding, the University of Vermont is doubling down on such offerings.

Follow along at Hubbard’s website,

An avid hiker and walker, Hubbard hopes to log an average of 10 miles per day, five days a week on his route. He’ll have to take one detour to fly home and get the battery in his pace maker replaced.


ALISON NOVAK emojithat CONNECTIONCOLORFUL FestivaltheBurlingtongatheredThousandsindowntownforannualPride&Parade.Arainbowofhumanity. ELECTRICSHOCK Green eventaPowerMountaincrushedtruckthatusesgasolineatanshowcasingitsnewelectricworkvehicle.Take that! FRONTIERNEXT CollegeChamplainopened aarena.electronicstate-of-the-artasportsComingtoscreennearyou. ANDCATCHRELEASE Vermont State Police arrested the wrong man for assaulting a Interstateconstructionworkeroff91inRockingham.That’sabigwhoops. 700 That’s roughly how finding,aninmakeIndianaendangeredmanybatsupacolonyHinesburg—“exceptional”biologists say. SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 5 COMPILED BY SASHA GOLDSTEIN & MATTHEW ROY WEEK IN REVIEW SEPTEMBER 14-21, 2022 ??? ? true 802 THAT’S SO VERMONT BUECHLERJULIEOFCOURTESY Rick Hubbard Ascension Childcare in Shelburne

Throughout the summer, they waited patiently for an update. On August 9, they got one from the Vermont Department for Children and Families’ Child Development Division: While the agency could not yet spend the $7 mil lion, “it is anticipated that we will receive authority in mid to late August.” Once that happened, the message said, an application would be released so childcare providers could apply for the funds.

Alison Novak’s full story and keep up with devel opments at

Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig

speciAlty publicAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox

digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee senior MultiMediA producer Eva Sollberger MultiMediA journAlist James Buck

creAtive director Don Eggert Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production MAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson

6-Month 3rd clAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd clAss: $135.

Jeffrey Loiter SHELBURNE

stAff writers Jordan Barry, Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Angela Simpson


NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editors Ken Ellingwood, Candace Page


©2022 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.

Pamela Polston, Paula Routly

Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below.

Licata attempts to “inform” Vermont ers by stating: “Among Socialism’s 45 goals read into the 1963 Congressional Record were...” and goes on to list four rather startling objectives. The impli cation is that 1) these are socialism’s current and self-stated goals; and 2) the Democrat Party is, in fact, socialist and therefore shares these aims. Thank fully for Democrats, and indeed for all Vermonters, this is a gross misrepresen tation at best and an outright lie and an attempt to deceive Vermont voters at worst. These “goals” were fabricated by a discredited, racist, far-right conspiracy theorist in 1958 and published in a book called The Naked Communist by W. CleonSkousenSkousen.opposed all federal agen cies, wanted all public lands and national parks sold to private indi viduals, and advocated for removing the separation of church and state. He opposed federal and state income taxes. He was shockingly and blatantly racist, calling African American children a slur considered offensive even in the 1960s and stating that American slave owners were the real victims of the slav ery system, while slaves “were usually a cheerful lot.”

publisher & editor-in-chief Paula Routly deputy publisher Cathy Resmer


ARTS & CULTURE coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler

Music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton

SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts senior Account executives Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw Account executives Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka MArketing & events director Corey Barrows business developMent strAtegist Katie Hodges personAls coordinAtor Jeff Baron

AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts

AssistAnt proofreAders Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros



Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y.

Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Mirabel, Québec.

Harry Applegate, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Jason Fyfe, Matt Hagen, Peter Lind, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Oklan, Ezra Oklan, Niko Perez, Steve Stanley, Dan Thayer, Andy Watts With additional circulation support from PP&D.





Last week’s story about Democratic gubernatorial candidate Brenda Siegel, “Underdog’s Appeal,” misstated the status of an emergency pandemic-era program housing the homeless in hotels and motels. The program, known as the General Assistance Housing Program, reverted to pre-pandemic eligibility in June 2022, when a new transi tional housing program took effect.


6-Month 1st clAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st clAss: $275.

3328 Shelburne Rd. | Shelburne, Vermont 05482-6849 802.985.8482 | 2016 GLA250 shown in Polar Silver metallic paint with optional equipment. *MSRP excludes all options, taxes, title, registration, transportation charge and dealer prep. Options, model availability and actual dealer price may vary. See dealer for details. ©2015 Authorized Mercedes-Benz Dealers For more information, call 1-800-FOR-MERCEDES or visit THEGLA2016 STARTING AT $32,500* Exhilarating in every wa including the price. The 2016 GLA, starting at just $32,500. The GLA delivers thrills from the moment you hit the ignition button. A racing-inspired dual-clutch transmission makes for smoother shifting, while its advanced engineering delivers breathtaking SUV performance no matter what road you’re on. All that inside of a sleek, muscular design makes the 2016 GLA one extraordinary vehicle—for an equally extraordinary price. 802.985.8482 | 3328 Shelburne Rd. | Shelburne, Vermont 05482-6849 CONFIDENCE DOESN’T TAKE DETOURS. THE BMW X5 ©2021 BMW of North Amer ca LLC The BMW name mode names and logo are reg stered trademarks The Automaster BMW 3328 Shelburne Rd Shelburne, Vermont 05482 802 985 8482 theautomasterbmw com You can turn left You can turn right Or if you’re behind the wheel of the BMW X5, you can decide not to turn at all With an ava lable mighty 456 horsepower engine, enhanced suspension for absolute driv ng comfort or a sport er driv ng style, and a fully redesigned interior, the BMW X5 is always ready no matter the chal enge ahead Learn more about the BMW X5, and enjoy exceptional offers at The Automaster BMW CONFIDENCE DOESN’T TAKE DETOURS. THE BMW X5 ©2021 BMW of North America, LLC The BMW name model names and ogo are reg stered trademarks The Automaster BMW 3328 Shelburne Rd Shelburne, Vermont 05482 802 985 8482 theautomasterbmw com You can turn left You can turn right Or if you’re behind the wheel of the BMW X5, you can decide not to turn at all With an available mighty 456 horsepower engine, enhanced suspension for absolute driving comfort or a sportier driving style, and a fully redesigned interior, the BMW X5 is always ready, no matter the challenge ahead Learn more about the BMW X5, and enjoy exceptional offers at The Automaster BMW 3v-AutomasterBMW051921.indd 1 5/12/21 2:51 PM A modern mens store and tailor shop located in Downtown Rutland for over 65 years. Stocked with the largest selection of suits and sport coats in Vermont, from entry level suiting to custom Italian wools. All backed by three generations of the McNeil family’s legendary customer service. 81 MERCHANTS ROW | RUTLAND, VT | 802.773.7760 SHOP ONLINE AT MCNEILANDREEDY.COM Timeless style meets old school customer service D6H-mcneil&reedy22.indd 1 7/15/22 10:58 AM

Jordan Adams, Benjamin Aleshire, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Annie Cutler, Steve Goldstein, Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Bryan Parmelee, Mark Saltveit, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Travis Weedon

Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement.

stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar, Colin Flanders, Rachel Hellman, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen



director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Andy Watts

Marcy Carton

AssociAte editor Margot Harrison

If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.

Luke Awtry, James Buck, Daria Bishop, Caleb Kenna, Matt Mignanelli, Tim Newcomb, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur FOUNDERS

I hope that any Vermonter does their own research on Licata and his views, regardless of their political party affiliation.

I understand that Seven Days does not assess or evaluate the content of the paid political advertising that it publishes. Yet its readers should still understand when a political placement crosses a line, as last week’s full-page ad by Tom Licata did.

Within weeks of snapping out of my 18-year odyssey with a new-agey therapy group gone cultic, I found myself chatting with a couple of men who sat at a table covered in brochures about addiction and the “wonderful program” that was help ing them. Their countenance was familiar, and the hair on the back of my neck rose to attention. Between my consulting work, writ ing classes I facilitate and my volunteer work with, I have now heard hundreds of personal stories of cultic abuse. Some of the most devastating come from the “troubled teen” industry. Alison Novak’s powerful article offers us the heartrending story of Naomi, who will never get to tell her own story. And I am both relieved and grateful that Novak’s skillful reporting shines a steady, neces sary light on an entity that deserves further scrutiny.

Good people left BPD because govern ment officials didn’t have their backs. These “officials,” aka council members, have zero expertise in police matters, yet they chose to weigh in on the George Floyd killing to conflate that event as if it were related to incidents in Burlington, Vt. What an incredible mistake!

Rhetoric aside, one primary victim of recent deliberations has been the with drawal of the UVM Medical Center’s commitment to building a new and desperately needed inpatient psychiatric unit in central Vermont. Vermonters, including adolescents, sit in emergency rooms for days, weeks and longer due to lack of available psychiatric beds. This is nothing short of a disgrace.

Gerette Buglion HYDE PARK

Libertoff directed the Vermont Association for Mental Health from 1981 to 2010.

Reading about Naomi Wood’s death [“Trust Fail,” September 7] flooded me with wild grief and an uncanny sense of relief. Aligned with Naomi’s family, I extend my condo lences and outrage and want to share the context for the strange relief I feel.

Response, Crime Victims Say,” September 7]: Of course, this is entirely the fault of the Burlington City Council. They created this mess and have never wanted to accept responsibility for blowing up the Burling ton Police Department. This speaks to their lack of character.




Steve L’Heureux BRISTOL




[Re “Sen. Patrick Leahy’s New Memoir Offers a Wealth of Stories From an Event ful Career,” August 26]: Was Sen. Patrick Leahy being paid to write so-called books or defend the taxpayers’ interests — espe cially since they’re the ones who made him a multimillionaire during his 50 years feeding at the public trough?


As reported in Seven Days [“UVM Health Network Slams Regulators Over Budget Decision,” September 12, online], one possi bility is to turn these funds over to the UVM Health Network to help cover shortfalls in the UVM Medical Center’s budget. This idea should be dead on arrival. It is not only shortsighted and inappropriate but also a disservice to Vermonters who desperately need access to mental health care.

Vermont hospitals, especially the University of Vermont Medical Center network, have recently orchestrated an extensive campaign supporting what might be characterized as their desperate need for a double-digit rate increase. Cloaked with popular, if mislead ing, arguments, the UVM Medical Center points to tight budgets and belt-tightening but reiterates its desire to maintain, if not expand, access to health care.

Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include:

[Re “Dis-Connected: Burlington Dispatch ers Blame ‘Defunding’ for Slow Police

The council members erred in responding to protests by 300 people outside the BPD as if they were the be-all and end-all of political opinion. Fools, wimps, cowards — they should all be removed. All these shootings and deaths are legitimately on their hands. What a disgusting bit of governmental malfeasance.

• Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164

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The UVM Medical Center earned millions more than its regulated revenue target for three or four years — including 2017, when it made an extra $21 million. This led to a proposal from the Green Mountain Care Board to UVM to use these “excess funds” to plan and run a new inpatient facility at its central Vermont campus. After spending $1 million on planning, the UVM Health Network announced in April that it was shelving the project. There is still $20 million set aside for expanded mental health care.



Eight and a half years ago, I got out of what I now know was a cult. Since then, I’ve studied coercive control, published a book about it, started a career in cult recovery and launched a movement that gives voice to cult survivors.


Too bad Seven Days joined the Leahy love fest versus asking the real question.

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SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 9 +DRINKFOOD 40 Fat of the Land For chef and food writer François de Mélogue, cooking is about stories inDinnertheDen Feeling at home at Fox Market and Bar NEWS+POLITICS 13 From the Publisher No Picnic Complaints mount at Burlington’s City Hall Park Proof of Strife Pandemic unemployment recipients to provide evidence that they were eligible Referendum Redo Ripton will vote — again — on the fate of its beloved elementary school FEATURES 24 Hammer It Home Antique tools fill a South Hero barn at the Arnold Zlotoff Tool Museum Tragedy at the Overland Suleiman Kangangi, a pioneer in African cycling, died in a Vermont gravel race Restoration Station At Vermont Chalky Paint, a radio DJ offers nontoxic products and DIY lessons ARTS+CULTURE 46 Lit Party The inaugural Green Mountain Book Festival kicks off this weekend Cashing In Creator Seth Honnor on his live game show/social experiment “The Money” The Play’s the Thing Curating joy at the annual Kents’ Corner exhibition COLUMNS 11 Magnificent 7 41 Side Dishes 58 Soundbites 62 Album Reviews 64 Movie Review 101 Ask the Reverend SECTIONS 22 Life Lines 40 Food + Drink 46 Culture 52 Art 58 Music + Nightlife 64 On Screen 66 Calendar 74 Classes 75 Classifieds + Puzzles 97 Fun Stuff 100 Personals COVER DESIGN REV. DIANE SULLIVAN • IMAGE MATT MIGNANELLI We have Find a new job in the classifieds section on page 83 and online at STUCK IN VERMONT Online Thursday SUPPORTED BY: contentsSEPTEMBER21-28,2022VOL.27NO.50 Roofer Robert Volk Jr., aka Bobby, has been working on slate roofs in Vermont since he moved here in 1986. He kept going even after his leg was amputated in 2019. Eva Sollberger met Bobby when he fixed her roof in 2007 and finally convinced him to let her share his story. She filmed him as he was working on her roof again in September. 14 34 48 THE $165,000,000 QUESTION After a year of tax increases, Burlington voters wrestle with a large bond for a new high school BY COURTNEY LAMDIN & ALISON NOVAK 44 BIG TREE SALE B&B TREES 25% OFF 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy, New Haven, VT 05472 • 802-453-5382 Open Mon-Sat 8-5, Sun greenhavengardensandnursery.com8-4 16T-greenhaven092122.indd 1 9/19/22 10:48 AM 16t-vcam-weekly.indd 1 11/2/20 3:07 PM THE ARTFUL WORD TUESDAYS > 6:00 P.M. 16t-vcamWEEKLY.indd 1 8/31/22 10:49 Do you have a vision for how early education can change the future? Join us at Burlington Children’s Space as EXECUTIVEtheDIRECTOR We are looking for an early ofhelpteachingcompassionateourprofessionalchildhoodtoleaddedicatedandteamandshapethefutureearlychildhoodeducation at our school and beyond.  SCAN FOR FULL DESCRIPTIONJOB 8v-burlingtonchildrenspace092122.indd 1 9/15/22 5:05 PM

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The annual “Land & Light & Water & Air” exhibition, a group landscape showcase incorporating nearly 100 artists, returns to Jeffersonville’s Bryan Memorial Gallery. Local and regional painters have offered up works that celebrate the scenery of Vermont, from tapped maple trees in wintertime to Mount Philo in fall to summertime daisies in bloom. 55

The little Northeast Kingdom village of East Burke throws its largest annual shindig, the Burke Fall Festival, this weekend. The village green is replete with rural delights, including horse-drawn wagon rides, a farm animal petting zoo, cow plop bingo, rubber ducky races in Dish Mill Brook, a wildlife show and a craft fair featuring over 70 vendors.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 11 LOOKING FORWARD PLEASE CONTACT EVENT ORGANIZERS ABOUT VACCINATION AND MASK REQUIREMENTS. BROWSE THE FULL CALENDAR, ART SHOWS, AND MUSIC+NIGHTLIFE LISTINGS AT SEVENDAYSVT.COM. SUNDAY 25 JIMINY CRICKET! First Congregational Church of Essex Junction continues its Community Concerts @ First series with an appearance by folk act Cricket Blue. Praised as “master storytellers” by NPR, the duo brings a literary, folkloric flair to every song it sings. Accompanying Cricket Blue is string ensemble Trio Arco. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 70






Seasons of Love


Heading the Right Way

Anyone whose world was rocked by adolescence will find much to relate to in the Tony Awardwinning musical Spring Awakening, presented by Northern Stage at Barrette Center for the Arts’ Byrne Theater in White River Junction. Impassioned indie rock numbers tell the story of several repressed kids coming of age in 19thcentury Germany, proving that teen angst truly is universal.

The Kents’ Corner State Historic Site presents the next installment of Words Out Loud at Calais’ Old West Church, featuring M.T. Anderson and Erica Heilman. Guided by the theme “Where Text Meets Sound: Vermont Writers Across Genres,” the author and the podcaster, respectively, discuss the interplay of text and speech.

Friends of the Pod

Leafing Town




WEDNESDAY 28 Just Give Me a Riesling Burlington’s Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar hosts Stephen Bitterolf (pictured) and PJ Rosenberg, two guests from German wine importer vom Boden, for Boden About Town: Wine Bar Takeover. Attendees sip on several sustainable Rieslings and learn what makes this Rhinelandic wine tick. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 72 Submit your upcoming events at


Participating in the Miles for Migraine Burlington Walk/Run/Relax is no headache. Fundraisers gathering at Veterans Memorial Park in South Burlington have the option to walk two miles, run a 5K, or take a chill pill and spend the morning painting, practicing yoga or cheering on others. All donations benefit the University of Vermont Medical Center’s Headache Clinic.


No Way to Handle Things


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Although the once-a-week job seems perfect for loners, it actually requires some people skills. “When Seven Days shows up, it’s usually a very positive exchange. People like to engage our drivers,” circulation director Matt Weiner

A more informative caption would have been: “Pat Bouffard delivers Seven Days newspaper — a weekly job he and his brother, Joe, have done for more than a quarter century. Prior to that, they did the same work for the daily Burlington Free Press.”

Last week, he shared his view with the readership of the New Yorker magazine, to which he has been a longtime contributor. In a Thursday “Daily Comment” entitled “How Vermont’s Media Helps Keep the State Together,” he gave Seven Days props for our extensive coverage of food, arts and politics. He noted that the paper’s “true specialty is high-calibre long-form journalism, marked not just by careful reporting but by literary flair.”

Pat Bouffard delivering Seven Days

Wren on the job with Nat Michael

Paula Routly

Wren rarely left the car — except for bathroom breaks — but Michael’s regulars brought the dog treats. When this spring Wren became too old and frail to ride in the car all day, they sent the dog snacks home with Michael. “We had a wonderful summer of naps and snacks and CBD, which is not a bad way to live,” she Wrensaid.was 13 and a half when she died on September 9. She’d spent 11 years on the road with Michael. Her predecessor, a lab-hound mix by the name of Callie, rode the route for a dozen.

These 18 essential workers are the connective tissue of our local media business. They clean up our racks, remove and tally any of the previous week’s papers that remain — a tiny number, according to our auditors at the Circulation Verification Council — and deliver the latest issue, often to readers eager to snag a copy off the top of the stack.

Only one delivery technician has worked for Seven Days longer than the Bouffard brothers: Nat Michael of Jericho, who has had a route since the first issue on September 6, 1995. For 27 years, she’s been one of the individuals who show up at our loading dock early on Wednesday morning, fill their cars with stacks of newspapers, and head out to deliver them to more than 1,000 locations in Vermont and northern New York.


said. “If you were a total introvert and didn’t like people, it’s maybe not your thing.”

Will Michael enlist another canine copilot? “I have to. I can’t imagine…” she said, trailing off. Michael has never missed a Wednesday. She reads Seven Days religiously. And, like the Bouffards, she gets our paper in addition to delivering it.

My sole quibble: I wish McKibben had also written the caption for the photo that illustrated the story, which shows a Seven Days delivery guy navigating a handcart stacked high with papers on snowy Church Street in Burlington. The minimalist explanation reads: “A man delivers newspapers in Vermont, where various local media outlets provide different and complementary ways of understanding the state.”

Michael supplies the businesses that make Seven Days available to readers in Colchester, Milton, and dozens of towns in Franklin and Lamoille counties. They expect her on Wednesdays.Manyof the proprietors and employees on her route also looked forward to seeing her beautiful dog, Wren. Riding shotgun, the Catahoula leopard dog, a rescue, was Michael’s “chief navigator” for more than a decade.“Iknew she was the perfect dog,” Michael said of a telling moment shortly after picking Wren up at North Country Animal League in Morrisville. “When we stopped at an intersection, the two of us looked both ways.”

Do you appreciate Seven Days and the people who deliver the free print edition every week?

Support us by becoming a Super Reader.


From his home in Ripton, elevation 1,680 feet, author Bill McKibben keeps an eye on the Vermont media, on occasion emailing words of encouragement to local journalists who go the extra distance.

That might not matter to the New Yorker, but it means a lot to us.

Special Delivery


The partners behind the CityPlace Burlington project are moving ahead with developing affordable housing on the long-vacant site — a first step in finally rebuilding on what’s come to be commonly called “the pit.”

Mayor Miro Weinberger, a student of urban design, had championed the idea that the $5.75 million renovation would transform how residents perceive and use the green space abutting city hall. He dedicated the “revived” park to the victims of COVID-19, a pandemic then still raging, and said he hoped it would serve “as a beacon of hope and renewal in these times.”Nearly two years later, City Hall Park is a long way from fulfilling that optimistic vision. Despite a blitz of city-sponsored events that have drawn more visitors, the park increasingly serves as visible evidence of the city’s most pressing chal lenges: its housing crisis, the spike in gun violence, and a social services system that

“This is very positive,” Brian Pine, director of the city’s Community & Economic Development Office, said. “This is certainly greater progress in at least this part of the project coming to fruition, and I think that bodes well for the whole Progressproject.”onthe CityPlace site has been stalled since developers tore down the Burlington Town Center mall in 2017. Former owner Don Sinex, who sold his shares in the project earlier this year, had proposed 14-story towers with shopping and apartments. But years of construction delays have instead left a dusty expanse in the center of town.

That sentiment is shared by local busi ness owners, who didn’t hold back during a September 9 meeting with the mayor. The park has become a “poster child” for the city’s problems and a public relations disaster, said Eric Farrell, a developer of upscale apartments.

inside city hall. Between July 2021 and June 2022, emergency crews took 10 people from the park to the hospital as a result of drug Burlingtonoverdoses.policeare on pace this year to receive more calls for problems in the park than at any point in the last decade. Weinberger said the number of complaints he’s fielded in recent months is “unprecedented.”“Ithink,attimes, it has been worse than prior to the pandemic,” he said.

Champlain Housing Trust CEO Michael Monte said the organization has a good working relationship with the CityPlace partners. “They want us to be part of it, we’d like to be part of it, and I think, at this point, it’s looking very positive,” he said. m

MORE INSIDE ATANTISEMITISMUVM? PAGE 16 SCHOOLRIPTON’SCHOICE PAGE 18 BTV’S ROLLOUTCANNABIZ PAGE 21 No Picnic After a murder and increased drug use, complaints mount at Burlington’s City Hall Park


the park was


can’t handle the pandemic-propelled surge in addiction and mental illness. The mayor is facing pressure to bring change to the park, though the complexity of the situation, coupled with widespread staffing shortages, suggests an immediate solution is



The project is now helmed by three local businessmen: Dave Farrington of Farrington Construction, Al Senecal of Omega Electric Construction and Scott Ireland of S.D. Ireland. Scaled-back plans call for nearly 430 homes — including the 80 or so affordable units — shops, restaurants and public space.

Many of the 100 or so people who attended the virtual public safety town

“I think the perception is: If we can’t clean up City Hall Park, then we’ve lost control of the entire city,” Farrell said.

the site of a late-night, execution-style murder — the fourth time shots were fired there since June 2021. Some visi tors use drugs inside the park’s new public restroom, and, on August 20, a man was found dead from an apparent drug overdose in a public bathroom


Initially, the affordable units were to be included within CityPlace’s two 10-story towers, but the developers are now pitching them as part of a stand-alone, eight-story building at 130 Bank Street. Pine said developers will have to revisit the city’s Development Review Board to modify their permit.

DevelopersCityPlace Move Toward onAffordableBuildingHousingVacantSite

n October 2020, Burlington city leaders switched on a pulsating water splash pad and declared City Hall Park reborn. Doreen Kraft, executive director of Burl ington City Arts, called it the Queen City’s “crown jewel.” Others proudly envisioned the downtown square block as the city’s “front yard” or “living room.”

Last week, the developers submit ted a request to use $275,000 in federal grant money to help build an eight-story project in partnership with the Champlain Housing Trust. The grant would fund a small fraction of the 80- to 88-unit project’s estimated $26.3 million price tag.




State officials say the review will help catch fraudsters and protect Vermont from potential federal punishment. But it has also led to confusion and anxiety among the many people receiving the requests, who must gather months-old documents, emails and text messages to help prove their case. Those who fail to convince the department could be asked to pay back thousands of dollars.


COVID-19-related death. Even people who quit jobs over health concerns or had a job offer rescinded because of the virus wereTheeligible.federal government left admin istering the program to the states, which had to create separate unemployment systems to process the flood of new claims.Applicants were initially trusted to self-certify their employment before COVID-19 hit. But reports of rampant fraud brought more federal scrutiny, and beginning in 2021, states were told to start verifying that people actually had work to lose.Some states started to mandate the paperwork up front and cut off people who failed to submit it. Vermont, however, did not. The state notified people through an online portal that they

PROOF OF STRIFE » P.20 LABOR WE DIDN’T WANT TO SHUT PEOPLE’S BENEFITS OFF SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WEREN’T ABLE TO GET US INFORMATION. CAMERON WOOD NEWCOMBTIMFILE: SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 15 2915 Shelburne Road 802.985.8487 Mon-Sat10-5, Sun 12-4 JOIN US FOR ANNIVERSARY CAKE every day! The coolest, most affordable modern furniture in Vermont. 40%off STOREWIDE* ANNIVERSARY SALE EVENT! *Excludes Items Price Controlled By Manufacturer. PRICES SLASHED! ONCE IN A LIFETIME30-50%PRICING!off our entire selection of bedrooms and dining rooms (including Vermont made!) 40% off all sofas, loveseats, chairs, sectionals, sleepers (special orders included) HURRY, SALE ENDS NOV. 26th! Untitled-40 1 11/17/17 5:13 PM HURRY, SALE ENDS DEC 2! 2V-moderndesign112719.indd 1 2915 Shelburne Road 802.985.8487 Open Daily 10-5, Closed Thu & Sun 50 BIGGEST DISCOUNTS EVER! 50 most sofas, loveseats, chairs, sectionals (special orders included) our entire selection of bedrooms and dining rooms (including Vermont made!) 2V-T&C(Modern)092320.indd 1 9/21/20 1:53 PM

Vermont wants pandemic unemployment recipients to provide evidence today that they were eligible then

Almost anyone who lost wages because of COVID-19 qualified: those who had to care for a sick family member, who had to stay home to watch their chil dren during school shutdowns or whose households lost income because of a

Proof of Strife

The postmortem is the consequence of Vermont’s decision to continue relying on the honor system even after the federal government called for a stronger vetting of claims in an effort to prevent fraud.


n 2020, as COVID-19 shuttered busi nesses and forced millions out of work, the federal government flooded states with funds to set up new unemployment programs. Now, a year after one of those programs expired in Vermont, the state is asking recipients to prove that they qualified.Roughly 17,000 Vermonters who enrolled in the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program did not submit docu ments the state now says it needs to verify their work history. The Vermont Department of Labor has spent more than six months trying to collect the federally mandated paper work and has only made it through about a third of the backlog. It now expects the effort to spill into next year.

“Our goal here is to not be punitive,” said Cameron Wood, director of the state labor department’s unemployment insur ance division. “Our goal is to make sure we’re complying with requirements that the [U.S. Department of Labor] has put on us … so that we don’t get into any punitive situation.”ThePandemic Unemployment Assis tance program was established in the spring of 2020 to support people who lost income because of COVID-19 and did not qualify for traditional unemployment. These included farmers, gig workers, part-timers and the self-employed.


hall spoke in similarly pitched tones about how unruly behavior throughout the nearby Church Street Marketplace is disrupting their businesses and scaring off customers. Ernie Pomerleau, whose late parents donated $500,000 to the City Hall Park renovation and have their names etched into the new fountain, bemoaned “aggressive” panhandling on Church Street and the number of drug users and homeless people sleeping in and around the park.

Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people.


unarmed. Van Gulden attributes some of the public perceptions of the park to the “haves” being “dismayed by the people who have not.”

“No, it’s my business when you’ve got a drug kit on the fucking steps!” McGill replies.McGill then tells the man that “you’re on your way to dying young” and to “get off the stairs.” A second video captured McGill picking up a needle from the top of the steps, then accidentally pricking himself with it.

The city hired Chocolate Thunder to monitor city hall and City Hall Park in 2021 but scaled back the arrangement this year to exclude the park due to staffing constraints, Weinberger said.

Jewish leaders and advocacy groups later blasted Garimella’s defense of the university’s conduct. m

In an interview, McGill said he was posted at city hall part time for nearly a year — usually as the only uniformed rule enforcer in the area. Police, he said, almost never responded when problems

The alleged vandalism of the Hillel building was traced to students who tossed small rocks at a window to get a friend’s attention, Garimella wrote.

“I’m minding my own fucking busi ness,” the man can be heard telling McGill, who is pointing and yelling at him when the 35-second clip begins.

disrupting Church Street. The construc tion also displaced the city’s beloved Saturday farmers market, which moved to a location on Pine Street and has yet to returnWeinbergerdowntown.believed that improving the park’s design and hosting more events would attract people there and, in turn, deter crime and antisocial behavior. The extensive renovations, nearly a decade in the making, were financed through a mix of philanthropy, tax increment financing and other capital revenue streams, along with about $1 million in general taxpayer funds.Since the park reopened, Burlington City Arts has staged concerts, movie screenings, speakers, activities and artist markets — totaling more than 130 events this summer. In August, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) rallied there with state Sen. Becca Balint (D-Windham) and hundreds of supporters in the homestretch of Balint’s successful primary run for U.S. House. And just last week, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, the ice cream moguls who founded Ben & Jerry’s, were spotted walking along the park perimeter, a film crew in “There’stow.a lot of great stuff happening in the park,” said Michael van Gulden, CEO of Chocolate Thunder Security, a private security firm the city uses at city hall. His staff generally wear yellow polo shirts, carry walkie-talkies and are

Locals at City Hall Park

“This thing is beyond epic,” Pomerleau said.Deb Miller, co-owner of Ken’s Pizza and Pub, claimed that tourist visits to downtown Burlington had been replaced by “gangs.”CityHall Park has long been a contested space, thanks to its central location near essential services and a boutique shop ping district. Those with a voice in city politics have expressed safety concerns for years, while others have detected in such complaints a bourgeois discomfort with the presence of the poor, homeless andWhennonconforming.theparkwas closed for construc tion in 2019, a couple of homeless men who frequented the park formed a mini-encampment on a nearby sidewalk in protest; business owners complained that other displaced park-goers were


Last Thursday, Garimella insisted that UVM responded appropriately to the incidents in the complaint. With regard to the teaching assistant’s social media activity, “the university took prompt action to ensure that the objectionable statements did not adversely impact students in the classroom and further, to perform a thorough review to ensure all grades were awarded on a non-discriminatory basis,” he wrote.

Seven Days wrote about the com plaint on September 13 and received a statement from UVM, which said it planned to cooperate with the inves tigation by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.



Yet a video posted to Twitter of a recent encounter between a Chocolate Thunder security guard and a park-goer only underscored the current tensions. The video captured an employee named Mac McGill confronting a shirtless man who McGill said was injecting drugs on the steps of city hall.

No Picnic « P.14

Suresh Garimella

“The uninformed narrative pub lished this week has been harmful to UVM,” Garimella charged. “Equally importantly, it is harmful to our Jewish students, faculty, staff, and alumni.”

The complaint also alleged that two student groups discriminated against Jews by stating on social media that Zionism would not be tolerated within their membership. The university de termined that the two groups were not officially recognized by the university and, therefore, were not subject to UVM policies, Garimella said.

UVM Prez onAntisemitismAllegationsDeniesofCampus

University of Vermont president Suresh Garimella took aim at the media for its coverage of a federal probe into allegations of antisemitism on campus, asserting that the com plaint that prompted the investiga tion, and its subsequent portrayal, “painted our community in a patently falseJewishlight.”advocacy organizations alleged in October 2021 that the university failed to adequately address


At the same time, the mayor told Seven Days , he doesn’t want to impose new rules or policies that could push out park users “because of the way they look, the way they dress ... that doesn’t meet some middle-class standard.” Howard Center’s Ryerson also questioned the notion that the city can simply “clean up” the “Whenpark.we say ‘clean up the park,’ what does that actually mean?” Ryerson asked. “And where are those people to go for help, and how are they going to get help, and do they want help?”

get to know regular park visitors over time and help connect them to social services when desired. Those rela tionships are helpful when someone’s in crisis, she said, but their knack for empathetic conversation and de-escala tion isn’t a panacea, especially for more serious behaviors involving weapons or drug sales. Law enforcement and social workers each play important roles, and neither has the resources needed to meet the scale of the problems Burl ington is facing, she said.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 17 STONE BLOCK ANTIQUES 219 Main Street, Vergennes Thu-Fri 10-5, Sat 10-4 802-877-3359 Beauty is a timeless and comforting pursuit Always buying, always selling! Watch for upcoming gallery sale in mid-October! IRON DOORSTOP MAINE SWITCHCENTRALLANTERNS 19TH CENTURY OIL ON CANVAS PONDBOAT HULL IN GREEN PAINT1000 +/- YEAR OLD PERUVIAN FABRIC 3V-stoneblock092122.indd 1 9/19/22 4:42 PM As the days get shorter, come in to the Y! Now is a great time to join the Y, and get into a routine to maintain your healthy summer exercise habits. We’re not just a gym ... we’re a community crossroads where ALL belong, in the heart of BTV. Stop by @298 College Street 6h-YMCA092122 1 9/19/22 11:39 AM

arose. McGill said he’d been threatened so many times at city hall that he began carrying pepper spray, but he was proud of hisAfterwork.the video was posted, McGill said he was offered a new post in Essex, which would have doubled the length of his bus commute from Montpelier. Instead, he quit but considers his departure a “de facto firing.” Van Gulden declined to discuss McGill’s employment but said he was not “Obviouslyfired. I’m the problem in City Hall Park, not the needles, not the drugs, not the execution-style murder,” McGill saidHowardsarcastically.Center’s Street Outreach program, a team of six when fully staffed, can help when people using the park act in problematic ways, said Deanna Ryerson, the organization’s crisis director. Street outreach workers

“We need to offer certain services. We need to address these very serious concerns. But we need to embrace every one along the way,” she added.

“We are going through a historically challenging time, and it’s not just here,” Weinberger said during his recent meet ing with business owners.



The city created a plan this summer to restore regular police foot patrols downtown, but Weinberger said the department frequently doesn’t have enough officers on shift to make that happen. The mayor said he thinks the problems at the park have been made worse by an evolving drug market that has pivoted toward fentanyl and methamphetamine. Meanwhile, home lessness has gone up dramatically, Weinberger said, with between 60 and 70 people sleeping outside in Burling ton every

simultaneously, the mayor said. But he worries that the park’s reputation is keeping kids and families away. He said the King Street Center, where his wife works, got raincoats and water shoes for children in its Head Start program so they could take trips to the park’s new fountain. They haven’t used the equip ment once this summer, Weinberger said.Officials are working aggressively to come up with new solutions, the mayor said, but it’s going to take time because the drivers of the problems are complex and resources are limited.

factors that certainly are not specific to City Hall Park, but I do think that City Hall Park is a place where ... you can really see them very visibly,” Weinberger said.

There are times when people from “enormous socioeconomic difference” have been able to enjoy City Hall Park

As the noon lunch hour wound down, about 40 people were spread across the park. One woman’s particularly conspicu ous setup included camp chairs and a hamper’s worth of clothes that she’d draped over benches to dry. She was bent over the edge of a mulched bed of plants, tossing handfuls of roots into a cardboard box — weeding. m

The park was getting ample use last Thursday. A couple groups of regulars hung out in different quadrants, chat ting, eating and sharing smokes. A Jay-Z song floated from a portable speaker as families, including some with infants and toddlers, passed through or ate lunch. A woman with a walker sat on one bench; on another, a younger person toting a sealed Childish Gambino record drew in a sketchbook. On a third bench, a man was gripping a sizable glass bong, and on a fourth, a Seven Days reporter surveyed hisInsurroundings.thenortheast corner, near the Whiskey Room, a man who appeared high ambled awkwardly on the sidewalk for about an hour, as if he were trying to balance on a paddleboard. He eventually removed his shirt and disappeared in the direction of Church Street.

With few options on the table, Ripton’s school board voted in 2021 to secede from

PE class at Ripton Elementary School


Voters will have their say on September 29, when they cast ballots in a referendum that could ultimately determine whether the school stays open.

But that very well could be a possibil ity, as townspeople once again ponder the school’s future.

Referendum Redo

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202218 news Fall Special! Sign by Sept 30th and stay the entire month of January free. CALL TODAY 802-872-7775 2FreemanWoods,EssexJunction,VT05452| DiscovertheMapleRidgeDifference 4H-Hearst 090722 1 9/5/22 10:29 AM

said Molly Witters, one of five members of the Ripton School District Board.

In a bid to prevent ACSD from shutter ing the school, Ripton residents gathered nearly 1,000 signatures to change the district’s articles of agreement so that Ripton, and any town faced with the same threat in the future, would have final say in its own school’s closing. The idea is not new; most unified districts in the state already have protection provisions in place.


Ripton, a picturesque town set in the Green Mountain National Forest, is not the only place in Vermont facing such existential questions. The elementary school is among a slew of small, rural schools — including ones in Addison, Weybridge, Starksboro and Lincoln — that have opted during the past year to withdraw from larger supervisory school districts in an attempt to save them selves from potential closure.

arah Paquette, a mother of three, loves everything about Ripton Elementary School. She’s grateful for the individual attention her two sons have gotten from teachers there and appre ciates the “family vibe” of the 53-student school, the only one in the tiny town.

“Our state motto is ‘Freedom and Unity.’ And I think that motto and that

Ripton and its neighbors took the state’s initial guidance to heart. In 2015, Addison Central School District, which includes schools in Bridport, Cornwall, Middlebury, Ripton, Salisbury, Shoreham and Weybridge, became one of the first

town, the upcoming refer endum feels like a catch-22 with a Ground hog Day twist. “I don’t think there’s any satisfactory answer for unity at this point,”

But with the expiration of state merger money in 2017, ACSD began crafting a strategy for making the most of its limited resources that would include the closure of one to six of its schools. The ACSD board made it clear at that time that Ripton Elementary, no matter the configuration, would likely Communityshutter.members in Ripton were devastated and angry. If Ripton Elemen tary were to close, students would most likely be distributed to neighboring elementary schools, which would mean long bus rides down mountain roads. Advocates for keeping Ripton Elementary open said it has been a huge draw for the town and has been thriving. The school building, constructed in 1989, is also one of the newest in the district.

The tiny town of Ripton will vote — again — on the fate of its beloved elementary school

A year ago, Paquette and other Riptonians voted overwhelmingly to secede from the Addison Central School District, which had threatened to close the town’s K-5 school. But now, rejoining the parent district may be the only way forward.

balance — because there’s sort of this inherent tension between freedom and unity — really speaks to the challenge that everyone’s been facing with this with drawal,” Oliver Olsen, chair of the State Board of Education, said.

The upcoming vote caps a year and a half of scuffling between Ripton and the State Board of Education over its capac ity to administer needed services, such as special education. The tussle tracks with a larger debate surrounding the future of small districts under the 2015 schoolmerger law known as Act 46.

She’s worried, though, that her youngest child — just 18 months old — won’t get the same experience as the older boys, ages 7 and 10. “I would be devastated if she didn’t get to go to school here,” Paquette said earlier this month as she watched her two sons romp around the school’s playground.

Residents face a set of unsavory choices. They can vote yes and return to a district that once appeared poised to shutter their school — or no, potentially opening the way to a lengthy legal fight and longerterm uncertainties over whether the town, with 739 residents, is too small to serve as its own supervisory school district, as the state


consolidated supervisory unions to form under Act 46. A supervisory union provides critical services — such as transportation, special education and data management — to its constituent districts by pooling resources. Students in the ACSD go to middle and high school in Middlebury.

Ultimately, though, the ACSD board voted against changing the articles of agreement, thus sealing Ripton’s fate.


Those questions of freedom and unity in education have long been in play in Vermont, a state with a rich history of small-by-design rural school systems that were — and, in some cases, still are — locally governed. But plummeting enrollments and rising education costs led Vermont lawmakers to move to a consoli dated education approach through the passage of Act 46.

Peter Burrows, the district superinten dent, acknowledged in a recent board meeting that the issue of small schools seeking a say in their fate isn’t going away. ACSD has formed a subcommittee look ing at changing its language and policy around school closures. And the board has two new members who support the rights of small schools. But Witters said that by the time Ripton residents go to the polls this month, they won’t know whether ACSD will make the changes necessary to protect Ripton from closure.

The next challenge for Ripton was finding a supervisory union to join. The town had been advised by an attorney at the state Agency of Education that it was too small to become its own supervisory district in the manner of larger standalone districts, such as Burlington. The problem was, none of the supervisory unions near Ripton wanted to take on the elementary school, citing financial hindrances and geographical challenges.

“Were doing this for all small commu nities in ACSD and, really, across the state,” Witters said. “We want to have a conversation about how Act 46 is really manifesting. Can we check back in and say, ‘Is this working? And if it’s not work ing, what should we change?’” m

“In the case of Ripton, the State Board of Education has abdicated its respon sibility to Ripton’s children by placing Ripton in a position which they knew was untenable,” said Margaret MacLean, who served on the State Board of Educa tion from 2013 to 2015. She also was the professional development director for the Rural School and Community Trust, a nonprofit group that advocates for equi table funding for rural schools.

Witters said that isn’t enough. Ulti mately, Ripton’s fate — and that of other small schools around the state — is still shrouded in uncertainty.

The State Board is expected to respond to Lincoln’s withdrawal plan later this month. The board has already advised Ripton and ACSD officials to discuss reconciliation. That left Ripton, in many ways, right back where it started.

By July, Ripton was expected to show the State Board of Education that it was prepared to be its own supervisory district. Ripton collaborated with nearby Lincoln, which was in the process of seceding from its own district, to propose a merged “Mountain Supervisory Union” that would marry the two. But after reviewing Ripton’s materials, the State Board of Education voted unanimously that there was an “overwhelming risk” if Ripton assumed full responsibility for educating its students next year, whether on its own or through a new supervisory union with Lincoln.

On the Ripton Elementary play ground, Paquette sounded like many other parents: confused over what is the “right” vote for her children. But, she said, “whatever we can do to keep the school open is the choice.”

called a “one-time off-ramp” that would allow Ripton to undo its decision to secede and rejoin ACSD.

During this year’s legislative session, state officials acknowledged the awkwardness of Ripton’s situation and, more broadly, began to recognize that the threat of closures was prompting secession moves by small schools. In an effort to reverse the legal framework that landed Ripton in its predicament, the state legislature passed what is now known as Act 176. The measure requires stricter guidelines for districts seeking withdrawal and created what Olsen

Rachel Hellman covers Vermont’s small towns for Seven Days . She is a corps member of Report for America, a national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms. Find out more at

“The impetus for going forward with this wasn’t just educational, which certainly was part of it,” Witters said. “But also that, as a town, we should have a say.”

“The bottom line is,” Olsen said, “nobody wanted Ripton. They sort of voted themselves off the island, and then they had no other island to go to.”

That led the State Board of Education, in January, to make an unprecedented — and highly contested — move, designating Ripton as its own supervisory district. Ripton was expected to lay the ground work for providing special education, transportation and central administrative offices for itself. Critics said the action set Ripton up for certain failure.

ACSD and form its own school district.

Ripton’s efforts, however, appear to have begun shifting the needle at ACSD.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 19 HELLY HANSEN 66 CHURCH (802)BURLINGTON,ST.VT651-7010 NEW COLLECTIONFALL IN-STORE NOW 4T-hellyhansen092122 1 9/19/22 1:00 PM FRESH WIND ARBOR CARE OFFERS: • Tree removal and trimming • Lawn maintenance • Light excavating • Hauling • Snow plowing and more! We insured!fullyare Contact us today for more information and to get your free estimate! 802-871-0539 • 8h-freshwindarbor072722.indd 1 7/19/22 10:04 AM YOUR OPINION IS VALUED! Are you a Vermont resident over the age of 18, that currently smokes cigarettes, uses e-cigarettes, or has recently quit using tobacco? If so, you may qualify to take an anonymous survey about your attitudes and behaviors on tobacco use. To see if you qualify, please text, “VTHealthSurvey” to (207) 358-1714 or call and ask to speak to the project manager, Elisa Ungaro. If qualified, you will receive a $20 gift card for your participation. 8H-marketdescions091422.indd 1 9/12/22 5:37 PM

Olsen credits Ripton for elevating the school closure conversation to the state level, where it has garnered legislative attention and opened discussion about the unintentional consequences of Act 46.

Molly Witters

“I submitted everything I was asked for,” she added. “I don’t think I would have gotten [the benefits] if I hadn’t.”

“It’s really going to depend on the facts of the case,” Wood said.

“What would I do then?” she asked. m

The first time Greenhouse heard she needed to submit anything more, she said, was when a state employee contacted her two weeks ago. She initially thought it was a scam and questioned why the labor department was requesting more docu ments so long after the program ended.


Wood confirmed that some people have been sent into overpayment because of the review but said he didn’t know how many;

As they review case files, staffers some times come across information that leads


A team of 11 state employees has been reaching out to people in batches to avoid overwhelming the department with phone calls.Many people haven’t responded to the department’s requests, Wood said, and those who do often don’t understand what they’re being asked to provide.

“My message to those cheats out there is this: You can’t hide. We’re going to find you,” he said during the signing at the White House.

Among the Vermonters now trying to convince the state that they were right fully paid is Carol Greenhouse, a 59-yearold Huntington resident who enrolled in the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program in April 2020.

Carol Greenhouse in Huntington

Greenhouse was juggling freelance gigs — copyediting for an entrepreneur magazine and grant writing for a North Carolina nonprofit — when COVID-19’s arrival spurred both companies to stop sending her work. She informed the labor department through an online sign-up form that she’d lost her work because of the pandemic and collected payments for most of the next 18 months, until the program ended last September.

them to ask more probing questions about someone’s job loss and why that person was not able to return to work sooner. They might wonder why a COVID-19 diagnosis kept someone out a job for nine months, for instance, or why someone did not return to work after their place of employment reopened.

« P.15

The feds haven’t pressed the issue further. But the Biden administration appears determined to recoup some of the hundreds of billions of dollars believed to have been fraudulently siphoned out of various pandemic programs over the past two years. President Joe Biden signed bills last month extending the statute of limi tations for some pandemic-related fraud from five years to 10.

needed to provide the additional informa tion about their work history — but did not make the submissions mandatory, instead maintaining the honor system right up until the program expired in September 2021. The decision was made while the labor department was under heavy scru tiny for its inability to keep pace with a deluge of unemployment claims. Staff ing and technology issues delayed initial payments to many, while those deemed to have been wrongly paid often waited months for appeal hearings, leading to a class-action lawsuit from Vermont Legal Aid. Meanwhile, a mailing mishap in early 2021 sent thousands of people the wrong 1099 tax forms, exposing Social Security numbers and other personal information.“Giveneverything that was going on [last year], we didn’t want to shut people’s benefits off simply because they weren’t able to get us information,” Wood said.

A call to the labor commissioner’s office eventually convinced her it was for real. Greenhouse is now trying to collect what the department needs and believes she will be able to defend her case. But the thought that she could be asked to pay back more than $20,000 still weighs on her.

Even the department itself can’t easily define what it needs; what counts as proof of employment can depend on the type of work someone does. For some, it can be as simple as submitting a pay stub or a business license, but others — say, a musi cian who lost paying gigs because of bar closures — may need to get creative.

“We work with people as long as neces sary to help them get the information they need,” Wood said.


The U.S. Department of Labor caught on in the spring of 2021 and demanded that Vermont re-adjudicate thousands of claims or risk losing access to several federal pandemic benefit programs. Vermont offi cials pushed back on the directive, saying it would further strain the already overbur dened state unemployment system and put thousands of workers’ benefits at risk.

For some people, though, proving employment is only the first hurdle.

It’s slow work.

he hoped to compile that information “in the coming Vermont’smonths.”labor department has already faced heat from the feds over its handling of unemployment claims during the pandemic. The state relaxed some key eligibility requirements for its traditional unemployment system to help get money out the door amid delays in the early COVID-19 shutdowns. It stopped checking whether people had refused a job offer before filing a claim and whether they were ready and able to work.

Some people sent in the necessary documentation when the program was up and running, as that was the only way to get more than the minimum payment. But thousands of others did not, and a year later, the state is still trying to get its hands on everything the feds want.

People who can’t satisfy the depart ment’s requests, or who ignore them altogether, are sent into “overpayment,” a designation that means the state believes it shouldn’t have paid someone and wants its money back. The labor department can choose to waive debts when claimants are not at fault, but it demands repayments from those deemed to have purposefully misrepresented their situation.

State employees can sound like amateur defense attorneys as they try to help people clear this murky burden of proof. Some claimants are instructed to write up an account of their work loss and are encouraged to attach any documents that might support their narrative — from affidavits signed by friends and family to emails and text messages concerning shutdowns and work closures.

The third shop will open at 699 Pine Street as an offshoot of Green State Gardener, a CBD and grow-supply store. The new Green State Dispensary will be the company’s “THC-facing business,” chief operations officer Brooke Jenkins said, refer ring to tetrahydrocannabinol, a psychoactive compound found in cannabis.

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license. Only one of the companies vetted on Monday — Ceres Collaborative — has a state permit in hand.

Dudley said she wants the shop to be inclusive and said it will cater to “older users that maybe have not felt comfortable” purchasing or using cannabis.



city attorney Hayley McClenahan said the city would need to research whether that’s possible under state law.The grow applicant, Kennet Dall, was not in attendance but told the council’s cannabis control subcommittee last week that his grow operation would be located inside his New North End home. m

Councilor Mark Barlow (I-North District) expressed some concern about Green State Dispensary’s proximity to the Champlain Elementary School on Pine Street. At about 0.4 miles away, the shop would be well outside the state-mandated 500-foot buffer. But Barlow wondered if the city should consider enlarging the buffer zone between cannabis operations and


Burlington City Council CannabisGreen-LightsBusinesses

All three retail shops aim to open on or around October 1, the expected first day of sales in Vermont’s adult-use market. Their operators all spoke at the meeting about theirRepresentativesplans. from Ceres, which is owned by Toronto-based SLANG Worldwide, said they plan to sell cannabis products at their 190 College Street storefront. The busi ness previously offered CBD products there.

Jenkins said the Pine Street site will also have a “tier one” cultivation facility, the smallest type of grow operation.

Three cannabis shops — and an indoor grow operation — are a step closer to opening in Burlington after city councilors signed off on their plans on Monday.

“We look forward to being a responsible corporate citizen here in Burlington,” Russ Todia, Ceres Collaborative’s chief operating officer,Jahalasaid.Dudley described her company, Grass Queen, as a women-owned, majority

The applications were the first con sidered under the city’s cannabis control process, which requires weed entrepreneurs to obtain local approval on top of a state

queer-owned business that will run a small retail shop at 71 South Union Street, sharing a building with Folino’s Pizza and the Wallflower Collective.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Love Unconditional, Inc., P.O. Box 357 Hopkinton, MA 01748. Love Unconditional is a nonprofit ministry partnership caring for the poor and truly vulnerable in the Dominican Republic.

Along with her partner, Jim Dickerson, she helped run

a successful antique and art auction business, which allowed her to move on and funded her becoming a competitive dressage rider andAftertrainer.remarrying in 1988,

Lisa Sheryl Boyle, 67, passed away on her own terms on September 17, 2022, in the presence of family at the McClure Miller Respite House, after a 25-year struggle with the challenges of a spinal cord injury. She was born on October 8, 1954, in Newport, R.I. She lived her first 10 years like a nomad, moving through several states while her father established a career in landscape architecture. After he was awarded a Harvard Eliot Traveling Fellowship, from 1961 to 1963, the family traveled throughout Europe — living in a Volkswagen camper — and settled for a time in a small German village. Unsurprisingly, in a short time, 8-year-old Lisa had learned to speak German and became the family translator.


Paul MaherThomas


Susan J. Wheeler, of Burlington, Vt., passed away peacefully on August 26, 2022, at the age of 90. She was born on October 18, 1931. She grew up in Wellesley Hills, Mass., and attended Beaver Country Day School. After graduating from Wellesley College, she lived in Denver, Labrador and San Francisco before settling in Burlington in 1969.

broad” from a local political columnist.Susanheld court wherever she was and remained sharp as a tack to the end. Her family is grateful to the staff at the Residence at Shelburne Bay for the wonderful care she enjoyed during her final years. Because of their kindness, her every day was “peachy.”

rough the many setbacks associated with spinal cord

injury, Lisa bravely regained and maintained physical independence and, for many years, continued to teach dressage. However, this past summer intractable medical complications led her to conclude the struggle as she survived by her father, Terry Boyle, and his wife, Robin Worn; mother, Marilyn Wheeler; aunt, Louise Abeling; sister, Martha McHugh, and her husband, Tim; brother Matt Boyle and his wife, Kerry Bechloff; brother Dan Boyle; nieces, Alex and Kyra McHugh and Sara Boyle; nephew, Aiden Boyle; brother-in-law, Stefan Kulski; and sister-in-law, Helena Landis. As she flies west, Lisa also leaves her husband of 35 years, Julian Kulski, for whom the concept of a broken heart is no longer academic. Rest in peace, my sweetheart.Lisawished to thank Dr. Halle Sobel and the staff of the University of Vermont Medical Center for years of extraordinary care and Visiting Nurses Association nurse Sierra Gepka. Her family thanks the remarkable McClure Miller Respite House.

Lisa had a curious and probing intellect, never met a stranger, was an inveterate flirt and could stop the show with her gorgeous smile. She loved cats, corgis, any athletic endeavor, gardening, birding, baking and Red Sox baseball. She never tired of listening to Tom Waits, Leonard Cohen and Mark Knopfler. care for his aging parents in their last years in the family home, Paul remained a family man through all seasons of life. Paul is survived by his mother, Mary-Barbara Maher; his siblings, Elizabeth H. of Manhattan, N.Y.; Michael and his wife, Mieneke, of Burlington, and their

A Catholic funeral mass will be celebrated in his honor on Monday, September 19, at 3 p.m. at Saint John Vianney Church, 160 Hinesburg Rd., South Burlington, VT.

Lisa opened Wingwalker Farm in Shelburne, a horse boarding facility where she was resident trainer. In 1996, she sold the farm to focus on competing in the Northeast U.S. and Florida dressage show circuits. All was going well until 1998, when, on a sunny August afternoon in North Ferrisburgh, a backfiring silage truck caused the young horse she had just mounted to bolt, trip and roll, leaving her permanently paralyzed from the chest down.


SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT. Paul omas Maher, son of Mary-Barbara Maher and the late Dr. Frederick J. Maher Jr., has passed away in his home of many years in South Burlington, Vt. He was 65 years old. Paul was born on April 3, 1957, in New York City. He graduated from South Burlington High School, class of 1975, where he was a standout athlete, winning the state championship in the mile and the half mile. He set state track records that held for many years. After studying at the University of Vermont and Lyndon State College, Paul embarked on a career in sales. For many summers, he shared his athletic passions with the beloved campers of Brown Ledge summer camp, where he worked as a swim coach

and developed a love for theater.Health issues beset Paul in the later years of his life, making it difficult for him to work and devote time to the things he loved. Remaining an avid reader throughout, he was a fan of the science fiction genre, often encouraging his young nieces to read and keep their sense of wonder


APRIL 3, SEPTEMBER1957-12, 2022

Susan Wheeler

Known for her wit, her tall tales and her humorous takes on everything from radio transmission to crow behavior, Susan cut her own path through life and touched many lives along the way. She was known for teaching, community service and political activism. She was a mother of six, a very active parishioner at St. Paul’s Cathedral and a host to many international travelers. She served as a justice of the peace, a guardian ad litem, a fire commissioner and a Vermont state representative from 1997 to 2002.

Lisa Boyle

A funeral will be held at St. Paul’s Cathedral in Burlington on Saturday, October 15, at 10 a.m. Gifts in Susan’s honor may be made to the Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS), the Vermont Foodbank or any organization working to empower women to make positive social change.

daughters, Olivia, Ilona and Adrianna; Matthew and his wife, Li-Li Yang, of Arlington, Mass.; and his best friend of 50 years, Stephen Foley. He was predeceased by his youngest brother, James Patrick Maher, in 2011.

Susan was preceded in death by her parents, Marion and Leeds Wheeler; her sister, Marilee Wheeler; a son, John Martenis; and a grandson, Robert John Cheeseman. She is survived by five children, Sara Cheeseman, Brook Martenis, Paul Martenis, Nell Wheeler and Sam Wheeler; as well as nine grandchildren, Chris, Emma, Joshua, Ned, Kate, Sterling, Kent, Stella and Zane.

e only thing she really didn’t like was being cold.

at her grandparents’ farm in Herkimer, N.Y. Next, the family moved to Burlington, where she played violin with the Vermont Youth Orchestra, studied with Gladys Colburn and graduated a year early from Burlington High School. At the University of Vermont, she earned a degree in clinical microbiology as a stepping stone to a possible career in medicine. While living in the Hollow in North Ferrisburgh in the late ’70s and early ’80s, she worked at the Charlotte Family Health Center and volunteered her skills as an EMT and crew chief with Charlotte Rescue.

Despite rancorous debate over contentious issues, Susan was a very Vermont Democrat and maintained strong relationships across the aisle throughout her life. Regardless of party affiliation, she believed everyone has a voice and would urge anyone to speak up when it really matters. She continued to serve as justice of the peace and as a teacher and was proud to have earned the title of “tough old

e family later settled at Duck Pond Corners in Charlotte, Vt., where Lisa attended Charlotte Central School and cared for her first horse. As a young girl — before she rode a horse — she rode dairy cows

2v-Obit House Filler.indd 1 7/14/21 3:52 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 23

A mass of Christian burial will be held on Friday, September 23, 2022, 11 a.m., at St. John Vianney Church in South Burlington, with burial to follow in Resurrection Park Cemetery. The family encourages you to support your nursing and health care workers and make a donation to the charity of your choice on Bonnie’sArrangementsbehalf. are in care of the Ready Funeral & Cremation Services. To send online condolences to her family, please visit


Catherine Hughes, 65, passed away at her home on July 29, 2022. A celebration of her life will be held on Saturday, October 22, 2 p.m., at All Souls Interfaith, 291 Bostwick Farm Rd., Shelburne, VT. A reception will follow. In lieu of flowers, please send donations in Catherine’s name to the Humane Society of Chittenden County, 142 Kindness Ct., South Burlington, VT 05403.


Share your loved one’s story with the local community in Lifelines.

Post your obituary or in memoriam online and in print at

and roof stickers were the envy of all the folks at Mater Christi, St. Johns, and Boy Scouts’ gatherings. Dad’s favorite treat was her lemon meringue pie. She insisted all tools must have Juenker written on them in black MarksA-Lot. She was the queen of regifting and loved supporting the free table at McAuley Square. She dis liked the smell of fish, but she loved cod! To support her neighbors in assisted living, she had her fill of chicken meals and wanted to say, “Please, no more lemon bars!”

Or contact us at or 865-1020 ext. 110.

We regretfully announce the passing of Bonnie L. Juenker, of Burlington, Vt., on September 17, 2022. Bonnie was surrounded by her fam ily when she passed away peacefully at the McClure Miller Respite House. Bonnie was a loving and dedicated mom to a family of seven. She was born on September 11, 1934, in Mishawaka, Ind. She was a highly regarded professional secretary and worked for a major bank, universities, law firms and an accounting firm. She had a strong religious convic tion and a deep faith in God. She will be laid to rest in Resurrection Park next to David, her deeply devoted husband of 24 years, whom she struggled to live without sinceHer1981.priority was to pro vide education for her five children, all while keeping a sense of humor. She cre ated her own vocabulary and taught her children words like productthefilingskillswithwords.tionwhatsits,”“snifflebits”“poo-poo-fluffers,”and“whozee-withtheconvicthattheywererealSheraiseduskidsPost-itnotes.Herstrongsecretarialcameinhandyforowner’smanualsandsalesreceiptsforeveryinthehouse.She

Her last effort was to get the family back together. Job well done! We will miss you, Mom.Mom’s Blessing: “I will say, have some love and compas sion and hope, all of you. You have been God’s delight. He created you out of love.”

created detailed hand written instructions on how to operate a VCR and the three remotes. If no manual were available, she created an index card with specific details for opera tion. She knew how to run an office before computers were cool, was the master of the Rolodex and was proficient on a Mag Card typewriter. It was hard to distinguish between the sounds of mom typing and mom popping corn. She had mad skills with the sewing machine, too. She would create beautiful school ties and jumpers, curtains, and matching bedcovers, and she even stitched her two fingers together. Not only did she excel at home eco nomics, she was adept at any food challenge and was a master of beefhunkles, Friday mishmash and fivehour pot roast. She would caution, “Hot hot burny burny!” while passing a cas serole. Her snowcap cookies

Catherine Hughes

SEPTEMBER 11, 1934SEPTEMBER 17, 2022


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Bonnie JuenkerL.


And there’s another worry. Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger supports the proposed high school, and the city council voted unanimously last month to put the bond on the ballot. But Weinberger, who QUESTION

Liz Derry with her kids, Sawyer and Hazel James Vincent


Asked by a reporter if she would support a $165 million bond on November 8 to build a new high school, Derry said she hadn’t followed the situation closely but unequivocally supports the project, even if it would raise her taxes.

On the other side of the street, James Vincent, a longtime resident whose chil dren recently graduated from Burlington High School, said he was still undecided.

the former downtown department store where they now attend classes. They were moved to the windowless classrooms in March 2021, after elevated levels of airborne toxic chemicals known as poly chlorinated biphenyls, or PCBs, were found on their Institute Road campus.

For nearly 1,000 Burlington high school students, failure of the bond would almost certainly mean more semesters in


For many homeowners, passage of the bond would mean a substantial increase in their annual property taxes at a time when they are still smarting from last year’s property reappraisal, which significantly raised their tax bills. Esti mates released by the district show that a home assessed at $370,000 — close to the city’s median assessed value — would pay an additional $805 a year in taxes, or about $67 more a month. Residents who pay based on their income could owe considerably less, but the district hasn’t published many details.

After a year of tax increases, Burlington voters wrestle with a large bond for a new high school

Derry and Vincent are just two people on a single, dead-end street, but their responses reflect how city residents are weighing the choices they face. Over the past 20 years, Burlington voters have almost always agreed to tax increases for the city’s schools. This time around, however, they find themselves in a tugof-war between the desire to move high school students out of makeshift tempo rary quarters into a spacious, 21st-century school building — and the high cost of what would be the biggest school bond in Vermont history.


“It just seems like the scope of the project and the cost is way, way, way out of whack with the size of our city and what we can shoulder,” Vincent said. “I’m not convinced that’s what’s required.”

“Whatever we have to do is OK with me. I’d rather just have them be in a good place,” Derry said, gesturing to her kids.

n a cloudy Tuesday evening in early September, Liz Derry walked down Cross Parkway in Burlington as her two young kids rode their bikes up and down the street. Derry has lived in the modest New North End neighborhood for seven years, and her 5- and 8-year-olds attend nearby Flynn Elementary School.

THE $165,000,000



BUCKJAMES THE $165,000,000 QUESTION » P.26

Burlington voters have only rejected a school budget twice in the past 20 years.

students in the fall of 2025. Their plans call for a 250,000-square-foot, energy-efficient building with an airy, two-level common area for dining and gathering, a 750-seat tiered auditorium, a large community gym, and multiple outdoor classrooms and gathering

Burlington High School

me out of the city. We’re contemplating that every day.”

City Councilor Mark Barlow (I-North District), a former member of the school board, sees it differently. He’ll vote yes on the bond, he said, because it’s no mystery why some families have moved to places such as South Burlington.

There’s no sign yet of organized public opposition to this bond, but voters are weighing the pros and cons in the privacy

I would vote yes for a raise for any teacher and any staff person in the school, every time, without question. But this is a big step.

Meanwhile,spots.the prospect of building an expensive new school may have contrib uted to the defeat last December of the city’s $40 million spending plan to fix up sidewalks and replace aging fire trucks. Voters approved a scaled-back $23.8 million bond in March — the same day the district announced that the new school would cost upwards of $160 million.

“We are taxpayers ourselves, and so we’re highly aware of the expense,” school commissioner Kendra Sowers said.

In fact, one former school commis sioner, David Kirk, said he will likely vote no — the price tag is simply too high, for one thing. A homeowner in the New North End, Kirk would pay about $700 more in annual school taxes if the bond passed. The increasing cost of gasoline and grocer ies is hard enough to stomach, Kirk said.


School district leaders say time is of the essence. They hope to begin demolition of the old buildings in late December or January and have the new school ready for

Other districts have attempted to pass school bonds in recent years, with mixed results. In May 2019, a $58 million bond to support a campus-wide overhaul in Winooski was approved by a margin of just 22 votes. That project is scheduled to be completed later this fall. In 2020, South Burlington voters overwhelmingly rejected a $210 million bond to renovate the city’s middle and high schools. And last Novem ber, residents of six towns resoundingly voted down a $60 million bond to renovate Harwood Union Middle & High School.

“We’re in double-digit inflation times … I mean, a box of Rice-a-Roni is up over 50 percent,” he said. “[This bond] may drive

“They have a high school, and we don’t. We’re in a department store,” Barlow said. “In order to maintain Burlington’s appeal … we’re gonna have to have a high school.”

State Sen. Phil Baruth (D/P-Chittenden), a former Burlington school commissioner, said the last time he saw a concerted effort to oppose school spending was in 2002, when a group put signs around town with a slogan bemoaning the expected tax hike.

has spent years getting the city to a place of financial stability, is also concerned that the project could lower the city’s credit rating and reduce its ability to pay for other municipal improvements in coming years. School district officials have promised to seek state and federal grants and to conduct private fundraising to reduce the amount of debt homeowners would take on. Still, they concede, the bond amounts to a substantial ask.

The sprawling New North End campus has since lost its luster. The maze of buildings and insufficient insulation have made heating and cooling difficult. Many of the mechanical systems and building materials are worn out, and the steep and uneven walkways don’t comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

During the tour, Burlington High School principal Lauren McBride recalled how students would prop open exterior doors to take shortcuts between buildings, creating safety issues. On hot and cold days, McBride would jam a blanket into her drafty office window. Peeking into her abandoned office, she saw that the blanket was still there.

Kathlin Bibens, mom to three children in the district, is also convinced of the need for a new school. Her husband, a window installer, worked for years fixing glass in the old “He’dbuilding. comehome and talk about how much work was needed and how often what he was doing was a Band-Aid,” Bibens wrote in an email.

“It sort of breaks your heart,” said his mother, who now works in the high school’s special education department. “Everyone should be able to get to their classroom.” She will vote for the bond.

Superintendent Tom Flanagan (left) listening to Marty Spaulding of PCI Capital Project Consulting on a tour of BHS

Key to getting voters’ support for the bond, school officials believe, is making clear that the school had a multitude of problems even before PCBs were discovered. The chemicals were just a nail in the coffin.

Kate Stein’s son Seamus learned first hand how hard the campus was to navi gate. A 2019 grad, Seamus has cerebral palsy and uses crutches to get around. To make it to physics class, he had to contend with three elevators, an outside path and several walkways. If an elevator were broken, he’d scramble to find someone to help him climb the stairs so he wouldn’t be late to class.

Four years ago, the school district sought to remedy those problems with a large renovation that would have consoli dated the campus, modernized class rooms, updated mechanical systems and fixed accessibility problems. Burlington residents approved a $70 million bond in November 2018, with 74 percent in favor.

During an August walk-through of the campus — a 254,000-square-foot network of six buildings connected by covered walkways — school leaders pointed out some of the trouble spots: windows with broken seals, clouded from humid air that had seeped between the panes; brackish water dripping from exposed ceiling pipes and collecting in a bucket; metal heating pipes on the roof, exposed to the elements, their insulation ripped apart by pigeons.

The building has only continued to decay in the two years it’s been unoccu pied. Walkways are overrun with weeds; boarded-up library windows and piles of books accumulating dust give the build ing a postapocalyptic air. A dummy lay slumped over in a hallway, and blank bullet casings — remnants of a Burlington police active shooter drill — were scat tered across the floor, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

In an interview with Seven Days , school board member Aquilas Lokossou, a 2018 BHS graduate, recalled the drastic temperature swings from one part of the building to another and how the covered walkways leaked when it rained. The layout “didn’t support people who had a hard time getting around campus,” he said.

But in the summer of 2020, during the course of environmental testing before that renovation, PCBs were found on campus, spurring the district to shut down the building. Additional testing revealed the chemicals had spread into the ceiling, walls, concrete foundation and soil.

The district searched for a temporary space and eventually landed on the unoc cupied former Macy’s on Cherry Street. The state paid $3.5 million to transform the department store into a functioning school by March 2021.


of their homes. Vincent, the undecided Cross Parkway resident, said he supports education, despite his reservations.

In the meantime, the district continued testing to see how widespread the PCB contamination was. Reports from super intendent Tom Flanagan about the results read like a slow-moving train wreck.

Burlington High School

“I would vote yes for a raise for any teacher and any staff person in the school, every time, without question,” Vincent said. “But this is a big step.”


When the new Burlington High School opened its doors to students on Institute Road in the fall of 1964, the community hailed it as a beacon of modernity.

And that’s to say nothing of the PCBs. The discovery of the chemicals in August 2020 spurred the Vermont Department of Health to recommend that students and staff vacate the building until more information could be collected.

requiring sampling of the concrete slabs underneath. The next month, Flanagan shared more bad news: PCBs had seeped as deep as three-quarters of an inch into those slabs. By April 2021, Flanagan said the planned renovation did not look feasible. To adhere to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency guidance, so many PCB-laden materials would have to be removed that little of the building would be salvageable. InMay2021, the school board voted unanimously to start planning for a new highAfterschool.considering a number of sites, school officials ultimately decided the Institute Road campus was the best option, both financially and logistically. But they found a hurdle in their path later that month, when the Vermont

In February 2021, he reported that high levels of PCBs were found in the glue under the flooring tiles in two buildings,


Thethresholds. districtestimates the new school will cost $190 million — $138.6 million for construction, $30 million for soft costs such as furnishings and design fees, and $21.4 million for demolition and reme diation of PCB-laden materials and soil.

The average cost per square foot would be about $538, which the district’s architec tural firm has said is in line with schools built in Massachusetts in recent years.

years. Still, that leaves up to $165 million for taxpayers to fund through a 20-year bond with a 3.5 percent interest rate. Despite the scale of the project, both Flanagan and school commissioners remain stead fast in their belief that a new school is the right

“It’soption.abroken building. It’s 58 years old,” school board chair Clare Wool said of the current campus. “We believe putting money into something that is new and free of contamination is money well spent, versus remediating something that is really not 100 percent remediable.”

Blank bullet casings — remnants of a Burlington police active shooter drill — were scattered across the floor, adding to the eerie atmosphere. THE $165,000,000 QUESTION » P.28 The BHS library CLASSIC HITS of the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s THE BEST MUSIC EVER MADE! • BIGGEST PLAYLIST • FEWEST BREAKS At Least 50 Minutes of Music an Hour 20 Hours a Day - 10:00 AM – 6:00 ClassicHitsVermont.comAM & NORTHERNCENTRALSTREAMINGVERMONTVERMONTCHAMPLAINVALLEY 3V-RadioVT092122 1 9/9/22 12:02 PM D O Y O U B U Y F R O M W E B S T A U R A N DT Y U B Y F O E B T U R T O R A N O T H E R M A J O R O N L I N OE R A N O T H E R M A J O R O N L I N E D E A L E R ? T H E N E X T T I M E Y O U A R DE E L E H E N E X E Y U E S E A R C H I N G F O R A N E W D E A L E R S, E A C H I N F A N E W D E L R , T R Y C O N T A C T I N G U S F I R S T ! W TE R Y C O N T A C T I N G S F I R S T ! W E O F F E R B R A N D N E W A N D P R OE F E B A N D N W N D P E O W N E D . W H E N Y O U C H O O S E T OO W N E D W H E N Y O U C H O O S E T O P U R C H A S E R E S T A U R A N T E Q U I P M E N PT U C H S R S A U A N E Q U I E N T F R O M U S , Y O U G E T S E R V I C E F, O M U S Y U G E S E I C E , Q U A L I T Y A N D A F F O R D A B I L I T Y W I T QH U A L I T Y A N D A F F O R D A B I L I T Y W I T H O V E R 3 0 Y E A R S I N T H E I N D U S T R Y O, V R 3 0 Y R E I N U T Y , O U R T E A M I S R E A D Y T O A S S I S T Y O OU U R T E A M I S R E A D Y T O A S S I S T Y O U I N A L L Y O U R R E S T A U R A N T N E E D IS L L Y O R R E T U A E S . E Q U I P M E N T S E R V I C E E, Q U P M E N T S E V C E I N S T A L L A T I O N D E L I V E R IY N S T A L L A T I O N , D E L I V E R Y , S M A L L W A R E , S P E C I A SL M L L W R , S E A L O R D E R S , F U R N I T U R E , T R A D OE R D E R S , F U R N I T U R E , T R A D E I N S , N E W A N D P R E O W N E ID N , N E W A N D P E O W N E D 1 6 1 0 T R O Y A V E N U E , C O L C H E S T E R , V T 6h-bigapplerestaurantsupply090722.indd 1 9/2/22 10:12 AM

“I’m 90 years old — my mind is pretty much made up,” Lionni said. He also plans to vote Understandingno. the scale of what they are asking residents to pay, school officials have worked to cut project costs. They’ve moved more than half of the technical center’s programs off-site to shrink the building’s footprint and are in talks with electric aviation company Beta Tech nologies to locate aerospace, automotive, advanced manufacturing and pre-tech programs in a wing of its new building at the Burlington International Airport. The school’s two alternative programs, OnTop and Horizons, will remain at their current locations of Rock Point and St. Mark’s Catholic Church, respectively. Officials have also identified $25 million for the project — $10 million in federal COVID-19 relief funds, $10 million from a previous bond allocation and $5 million from a budget surplus over the next five

Department of Health quietly loosened its guidance for acceptable airborne PCB levels in schools. Under the new guid ance, 28 of the 40 rooms that were tested at Burlington High School fell below the state’s new “action levels,” which deter mine when schools need to identify and abate potential PCB sources inside their buildings. Nevertheless, the district’s leaders decided last December to stay the course because of the widespread contamination already found in the building materials. Even if those materials were removed, the district concluded, the school would be subject to ongoing and costly testing to ensure levels remained below the revised state

Yet officials will still need to win over residents who disagree with the need for a new high school. Peter Lorrain, who graduated from Burlington High School in 1975, lamented that voters aren’t being given a choice to renovate the building and said he’s a “no” on the bond. A former engineer, Lorrain suggested the district budget $30 million to remediate the PCBs and $30 million to address other deferred maintenance.Askedhow he came up with his estimate, Lorrain acknowledged, “That is probably more of a WAG: a wild-ass guess.” Mannie Lionni, a retired architect who has lived in Burlington since 1979,

said he’s not convinced that PCBs have harmed students and staff who have spent time in the building. He thinks that demolishing the school is a drastic and financially extravagant step.


“If my personal impact is another $200 a month, I can’t,” Ryder said.

Like Boutcher, Frankel said she both supports a new high school and could afford a tax increase, but she’s concerned that the overall cost will create more wealth disparity in a city that already struggles with high housing costs and homelessness. Frankel, who doesn’t have children, said she supports the schools and, as a Vermont master naturalist, has taught educational programs there. But she’s leaning toward voting no on the “Unfortunately,bond.what’s probably a very meritorious proposal by the school board for a first-class, new high school is getting caught up with that incredible feeling of uncertainty … of this moment,” she said.

I think the legislature recognizes that this is bigger than Burlington.

“Wecrisis.need to keep things affordable, but the school bond measure, it just has to happen,” Boutcher said. “It’s an acknowl edged conflict. I don’t know how you get around it.”

Fellow South Ender Robin Berger agrees. A parent to a senior, Berger wants to see a new high school built and will vote for the bond, but she fears that the cost could seal the bond’s fate.


But the district has only provided one example for income-based taxpayers. A household with a $50,000 income and $370,000 home would owe $190 more in taxes per year, or about $15 per month, the district



People with higher assessed values will pay more for the school bond. Add record-high inflation into the mix, and it’s not hard to see why people are struggling with the Sebastianquestion.Ryder and her husband, Jeff Bower, know the inadequacies of the school building firsthand. Bower has worked in the district’s information technology department for 13 years, and Ryder, a former paraeducator, said cracked walls, missing tiles and broken fixtures were commonplace. But in her view, the district is asking for more than one of its own employees can afford.

Ryder, whom Seven Days interviewed last year about the reappraisal, said that process upped her household’s monthly tax payments by about $200 — a significant amount considering she and Bower make $65,000 combined. The school bond could tighten the squeeze.


Christina Erickson likes the idea that her seventh grader may someday attend a brand-new high school, free of toxic chemicals. But after last year’s reappraisal — which increased her taxes nearly 25 percent — she’s also thinking about how it will affect her budget.

Others expressed concern that the bond is coming at a time when people are already struggling. Hill Section resident Steven Boutcher said he’ll vote yes on the bond but fears that will make him complicit in exacerbating the city’s afford ability

If the bond passes, the city would exceed its debt limit and put other large projects on hold. Such a move could also

“We vote for these things because we want them and don’t really realize there’s this implication that follows,” Erickson said. “It’s hard for me to really reconcile that because I think, We can make these things happen, and it will be great! And then I get my tax bill and I’m like, Wow, OK, that really kind of hurts.”

Nathansaid. Lavery, the school finance direc tor, is working on a chart of tax estimates for other income-based payers and plans to share it at a town hall event on Wednes day, September 21, at the downtown high school. Several residents interviewed by Seven Days said they need to see those figures before deciding how to vote.

Mayor Weinberger, a parent of two Burlington students, supports the school bond. But he also recognizes what it means to approve it.

A rendering of the exterior

Erickson said her family could afford another increase, but she knows others can’t, even if they support the school project.

A rendering of the student commons

Many voters are seeing the same conundrum. They want to support the school bond, and they don’t want higher taxes — but they can’t have one without comes at a particularly tough time. Nearly 90 percent of single-family homeowners are paying higher taxes as a result of last year’s reappraisal, which resulted in a 60 percent jump in median single-family home values.

certain thresholds. They’d also pay less toward the school bond.

“I want the best for the children of Burlington because they are our future taxpayers, wage earners, citizens of this city,” she said, but “Burlington housing is at such a crisis moment that I think it’s going to make it a harder sell.”

Berger also pointed out that the bond may spur landlords to raise their tenants’ rents, a phenomenon that happened during the reappraisal. Several landlords Seven Days spoke with confirmed that when their taxes go up, so do the rents theyErickson,charge. the mom of a seventh grader, has been discussing the bond with her neighbors in the Old North End, many of whom are just as conflicted about the choice ahead. Given such mixed opinions, Erickson said she has no clue if the bond will pass or fail. She said she’ll vote yes.


Ryder isn’t the only one unsure of how the bond would affect their budget. The district has published detailed tax esti mates for households making $140,000 or more but not for the more than 70 percent of Burlington households that make less. These “income-sensitized” taxpayers receive a tax discount because their incomes and home values fall within

Boutcher is especially concerned that middle-income families, whom he called “the lifeblood of a city,” will be driven out. Deena Frankel, a South End resident who was also featured in last year’s reappraisal story, doesn’t want Burlington to become an enclave for the wealthy.

“Even if it’s not for my kid, [I hope] soon there will be an excellent high school that’s in our community,” she said. “How we get there, I can’t predict at all.”

$165 million school bond would clear the first hurdle but trip over the second. In fiscal year 2026, when the district has borrowed the full $165 million, the city and school would have a combined $291.7 million in debt, or just over 5 percent of the value of taxable property. That figure wouldn’t drop below 4.25 percent until 2030.“It is going to be a significant period of time,” Weinberger said. “Barring unfore seen circumstances, we’re not going to be able to [borrow] until approximately thatTheperiod.”school bond would have to be no more than $118 million to avoid exceeding the debt limit, city officials said. While Weinberger had hoped the bond would be no more than $150 million, he eventually agreed to the $165 million figure once the district promised to fundraise to defray the“Thisdebt.

THE $165,000,000 QUESTION » P.30 C l o t h i n g F u r n i t u r e H o u s e h o l d G o o d s A p p l i a n c e s B u i l d i n g M a t e r i a l s M o r e ! INVENTORY CHANGES DAILY I! NVENTORY CHANGES DAILY ! R e s o u r c e v t . o r g S H O P R e S O U R C E O F T E N F O R T H E B E S T D E A L S I N T O W N Hyde Park: Monday Saturday 9AM 5PM Burlington: Tuesday Saturday 10AM 5PM Williston: Monday Saturday 10AM 6PM & Sunday 10AM 5PM Your ReSOURCE store purchases and item donations support: Job Training, Poverty Relief, & Environmental Stewardship programs for Vermonters in need STORE HOURS 9/5/22 10:46 AM storyandtime,artistscontemporaryVermontexplorememory,personal Sept 9 – Oct 9, 2022 Friday – Sunday, 10 am–5 pm and by appointment Sept 9 – Oct 9, 2022 Friday – Sunday, 10 am–5 pm and by appointment Detail#1LeakSlow/DaviesJaneKents’ Corner State Historic Site 7 Old West Church Road, Calais, VT For show updates and Covid guidance, visit Vermont Writers Across Genres SEPTEMBER 25 M. T. Anderson Erica Heilman OCTOBER 2 Brian JerichoClarkParmsOld West Church 758 Old West Church Rd. Calais, Vermont Receptions to follow the readings down the road at the Kent. Please visit for more info on Art at the Kent events. 4T-VtStateCurator092122 1 9/20/22 11:58 AM

There are other projects waiting in the wings. In 2019, the Fletcher Free Library proposed a $19.8 million renovation to add more meeting spaces, an indoor café and an outdoor terrace. But without city money, the library must seek philanthropic support or make small improvements over time. The city has also been discussing consolidating two fire stations into one new facility in the South End, though Weinberger said that plan — which could cost up to $30 million — is years away, regardless of the high school decision.

And there are other expensive and important issues, South End resident Frankel said, such as the housing short age and creating a sustainable public transportation system. She also questions how the borrowing will affect the city’s credit rating, which was near junk bond status a decade ago after Weinberger’s predecessor, Bob Kiss, diverted city funds to save the struggling Burlington Tele com. Since then, Weinberger has raised the city’s credit score six steps, saving millions of dollars in interest payments on city and school loans.

The crux of the issue is what creditors call overlapping debt. Although the city and school are separate entities, credit rating agencies consider their combined debt loads when assigning credit scores. Just as for home or car loans, the scores help determine a buyer’s interest rate. (The city’s moneymaking divisions, such as the water department, Burlington Electric and Burlington International Airport, are assigned their own credit scores, and their debt is calculated separately.)Thecity and school measure overlap ping debt in two ways. One metric says debt shouldn’t represent more than 3.2 times the operating revenue; the other says debt shouldn’t exceed 4.25 percent of the value of all taxable property in the city.A

“They didn’t downgrade us or signal alarm over that,” Weinberger said. “The way I read the report, I think there’s some reason to be hopeful, at least as long as things don’t worsen further.”

“Isn’t [that] one of the big things he bragged about in seeking reelection?” Frankel

acknowledged that he’s not entirely sure how the city’s credit rating will fare but said he’s optimistic, at least in the short term: The latest report from Moody’s Investors Service gave the city a good fiscal outlook despite the impending school bond.


vision of Burlington as a place of opportunity, as a place where people of all backgrounds want to live, is threatened if we don’t solve this,” Weinberger said. But passing the bond will still affect the city’s plans, particularly for Memorial Auditorium, a former community space that closed in 2016 due to structural concerns. The city was preparing a $15 million bond in early 2020 to fix up the building, but the pandemic shelved those


“It’s not like we’re talking about the difference between raising your taxes $200 a month versus $2,000,” Schad said. “But over a 15-year bond, even if it’s only an extra $15 a month for a household, you think about people on the edge: $15 times 12 [months] times 15 years — it starts to add up.”

downgrade the city’s premier Double A credit rating, a hallmark of Weinberger’s decade-longWeinbergertenure.thinks the trade-off is worth it, but others are questioning the wisdom of maxing out the city’s credit card all at “Schoolsonce.aresuper important and maybe the first priority for a healthy community, but they’re still not the only thing,” Frankel, the South End resident, said. “If the city has other needs that would require bonding, how do we balance priorities in the future if there’s no headroom?”

plans. The mayor and city council want to save the structure, but there’s no money to money, anyway. Next month, officials will begin a search for a partner organization that can help restore the building, Weinberger said.

At the same time, even one down grade would have a measurable impact. Katherine Schad, the city’s chief admin istrative officer, estimates that taxpayers would owe nearly $2.4 million more in debt service over the bond’s lifespan, or about $118,800 a year, if the city’s rating dropped from its current Aa3 to A1.


Finance director Lavery said the district is researching and, in some cases, beginning to pursue around 16 federal and state grants. The bulk of those programs would provide money for narrowly tailored initiatives such as energy effi ciency, stormwater infrastructure, outdoor classrooms and workforce development.

“Part of this is on the state for having essentially kicked us out of the building,” Barlow said.


THE $165,000,000 QUESTION « P.29


Finding outside funding is “about being creative,” Lavery said.

Sen. Ann Cummings (D-Washington), a former chair of the chamber’s Educa tion Committee, said it’s too soon to say where the money will go. Burlington may be an outlier, “or we could turn out to have 10 Burlington High Schools,” Cummings said. “I think that’s what we’re waiting for, to find out the scope of theMayorproblem.”Weinberger isn’t losing faith and said lobbying for state money will be the city’s “top priority” in the upcoming

At the same time, Weinberger made clear that the project, and its eventual cost, is in the district’s hands.

On Wednesday, September 21, at 7 p.m., Burlington officials will hold a town hall at the downtown BHS, 67 Cherry St. And on Wednesday, September 28, at 7 p.m., district officials will present details about the bond at the Ward 4 & 7 NPA meeting at the Miller Center, 130 Gosse Ct.

Weinberger said voters will need to weigh the potential for more taxes against the risk that more families will leave if Burlington doesn’t have a functioning highInschool.thatcase, “something very deep about the community would be lost,” he said.

Barlow is confident Burlington will win state support. For one, he said, the legisla ture has already set aside $32 million for PCB testing and remediation in Vermont schools. And he hopes that Gov. Phil Scott’s support for workforce develop ment will translate to funds for the tech center, which serves students across the region.“Ithink the legislature recognizes that this is bigger than Burlington,” Barlow said.But that very point could work against the Queen City. After Burlington’s PCB

$50,000 from private donors. Putting a generous contributor’s name on a new gym or auditorium is not out of the ques tion, board chair Wool said.

legislative session. He also said he’d consider approaching private donors or using his political action committee, Partnership for Burlington’s Future, to advocate for “yes” votes. The mayor has previously used PAC funds for mailers and online advertising encouraging voters to approve a city budget, agree to permit reform and expand the city’s downtown improvement district.

Some years ago, Burlington would have been in a good position to get state dollars. The Agency of Education paid 30 percent of school construction costs but stopped the practice in 2007 due to a backlog of projects. Today, Vermont is the only state in New England with no designated money going directly to school construction. Massachusetts, for example, has invested $16 billion in school buildings since 2004, using a portion of the state’s sales tax.

School officials are hesitant to discuss a plan B — or what would happen if the bond doesn’t pass. The district would “have to regroup and be on the ballot again in March,” Sowers said.

discovery, the state required all schools built or renovated before 1980 — when PCBs were banned — to test indoor air for the chemicals before July 2026. The process, which began this spring, has already identified PCBs in two schools: Brattleboro’s Oak Grove and Cabot School. The latter school closed its gymnasium in late August after the discovery.Because other schools are likely to need PCB money, it’s unclear how much the state would give to Burlington.

The mayor, police chief and school superintendent were all there, surveying the scene and chatting up constituents. School commissioners had set up a display with information about the school bond. It was the kind of gathering that made the campus feel like a real community hub, except for one thing: an uninhabitable high school looming in the background.

Nearby, dozens of young kids squealed with glee as they chased the towering bird puppets across the grass, trying to pet their beaks and gazing up into their glowing eyes. One day, not too long from now, those kids will start high school. Burlington voters will ultimately decide just what kind of school it will be. m

But some city officials are still look ing to the state to help solve Burlington’s problem. Councilor Barlow, one of the more fiscally conservative members of the body, said Burlingtonians shouldn’t have to shoulder the entire remediation cost, since the state changed its thresholds for acceptable PCB levels midstream.

Burlington school and city officials speaking with residents about the project

The district is hoping such events can drum up support for the bond. With mail-in ballots for the general election going out in less than a week, officials are pitching the project with a clear message: The district is doing everything possible to avoid borrowing the full $165 million, from courting private donors to asking the state for money. How successful they’ll be remains an open question.

This vision of Burlington as a place of opportunity, as a place where people of all backgrounds want to live, is threatened if we don’t solve this.

On a sunny Thursday evening, hundreds of Burlingtonians flocked to Institute Road’s D.G. Weaver Athletic Complex for a backto-school concert sponsored by the Flynn. As a high school soccer game wrapped up, the multigenerational crowd — parents leading their preschoolers by the hand, teens roaming in small packs, older folks in camp chairs — grooved to the music, then watched a trio of larger-than-life, luminous bird puppets move jerkily through the space.

Vermont school officials have for years asked for the state’s help to fix aging build ings, many of which were built in the 1960s and 1970s. They scored an infinitesimal victory in 2021, when the legislature passed a bill to assess the cost of vari ous school improvements and potential funding sources, but legislators said the moratorium is likely to continue, at least for a while. Vermont Education Secretary Dan French said funding a construction aid program would be “challenging at this point in time” but believes that updated

facilities are an important part of provid ing a quality Knowingeducation.  construction aid has dried

up, Burlington officials have started a fundraising campaign in partnership with the Burlington Students Foundation, a nonprofit started in 1996 for community members to make tax-deductible dona tions for school projects. In the past, money has been used to fund college scholarships, performing arts programs and library materials. Superintendent Flanagan told city councilors last week that the district had so far raised about

“But we want to live in a city that … has a great high school, and we need to ensure that we have that for the next generation,” she continued. “We would like to stick with plan A.”

Back at the concert, school board members tried to make their case to voters as the sun went down over the Queen City. Mike Healey, who moved with his wife to the New North End in May after raising their now-adult children in Kentucky, was easily won over. Healey said he’ll support the bond because when his kids were growing up, people before them had helped fund their schools. The way Healey sees it, supporting this project is a way to “pay it forward,” he said.

“I’m committed to it. I’m gonna do everything I can,” he said, but “I think it’s a school district project. They’ve got to lead thatSchooleffort.”commissioners said they’re up for that challenge but also stress that the approval of the bond is important for the entire“What’scity. going to happen to Burlington if we don’t have a high school?” school commissioner Sowers asked. “Will fami lies want to move here?”


n 2007, Paul Zlotoff bought 180 acres in South Hero with an RV park, a marina, a defunct convenience store and a farmhouse that belonged to a member of the Allen family — yes, those Allens. The site, which also includes a golf course, is called Apple Island Resort.



Hammer It Home


“They had a bit of an antique quality,” Paul said. “And while my dad used them, it piqued his interest in older implements. I think he largely was motivated by the inde pendent self-sufficiency — and ingenuity — of the early Americans.”


“I only bought the RV resort to get the barn,” he said.

About 2,500 objects collected by Arnold fill shelves in the barn, accord ing to Ted Ingraham, a woodworker and restoration specialist from Ferrisburgh


The building was just the right place for the Arnold Zlotoff Tool Museum. After a major restoration of the timber-frame structure, the free museum opened in 2008. It displays the vast and varied tool collection that Zlotoff’s late father, Arnold, amassed over about four decades. He cataloged each piece, noting on an index card what the tool is, when and where he purchased it, and its price, according to Paul.


Paul Zlotoff

Antique tools fill a South Hero barn at the Arnold Zlotoff Tool Museum

Arnold,stump.who was born in 1922, began collecting tools when he was student at a teacher’s college in western New York following his service in World War II. He needed tools for his shop class, Paul said, and answered a classified ad from a woman who was selling a wooden chest filled with her father’s tools.

But Zlotoff, a 72-year-old businessman from Michigan, didn’t buy the property for its acreage or amenities. He wanted the big red barn, built in 1900, that stands on a rise just off Route 2.

who is executive director of the museum. Another 500 or so items are in storage. Ingraham, 75, himself a collector of antique woodworking tools, wrote inter pretive signs that describe and explain the Zlotoff collection. The tools harken back to a time when people had to make what they needed, he said, including tools.

“People nowadays have no idea how to make something if they don’t have an electric tool,” Ingraham said. “Some thing they can plug in, like a drill or a skillLoggerssaw.” of a bygone era used axes to cut down a tree and crosscut saws to cut logs. They pounded an identifying mark, often an initial, into the butt-end of logs with

An industrial arts teacher at a public junior high school in New York City, Arnold collected roughly 3,000 tools and implements. The majority of the objects are 19th-century woodworking tools, but the collection includes specialties such as tools used by wheelwrights and carriage makers, coopers and loggers. Displayed among the crosscut saws and hammers, the planes and prying implements, are a set of eclectic items: poultry yokes and eel spears, a broom-making machine, and a mortar and pestle made from a hollowedout tree



In retirement, Arnold and his wife, Ruth, lived in Orlando, Fla. A “space-engi neering genius,” as Paul described him, Arnold packed up his tools and shipped them to his new home. In his will, he left Paul in charge of the collection, to do with it what he thought best.

Paul Zlotoff, the oldest of Arnold’s three sons, is chair of a Michigan-based real estate and private equity company called Uniprop. He grew up in Rockaway,

1950 Chevy sedan, Arnold drove around New England looking for antique tools and furniture. The Zlotoffs went to estate sales, checked out the contents of old barns and visited“We’ddealers.getdragged along, and the truth is, we hated it,” Paul said. “Sitting in the car, and there was nothing for us to do.”Atthe end of the summer, the family drove back to the city in a car filled with Arnold’s finds. He built a custom roof rack

Tools in the museum

Queens, in a house filled with his father’s tools and other antiques. In addition to teaching, Arnold worked weekends as a handyman. In the summer, to get his boys out of the city, Arnold was a maintenance man at summer camps in upstate New York and New England.

“People didn’t have machines to depend on for anything,” Ingraham said.

“I let the tail wag the dog,” Paul said. “I bought the whole damn property because I said, ‘That barn is the right place for the museum.’”Themuseum is open Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., from Memorial Day through October 8, with a guide on-site. Four accompanying videos, viewable on the museum website, explain how the tools wereAlsoused.on view in the barn, on the level below the tool exhibit, is a rotating display of Paul’s antique and classic cars and motorcycles. Half a dozen automobiles from Paul’s 40-car collection, which includes Jaguars, Alfa Romeos, Triumphs and Ferraris, occupy exhibit space in the barn.He keeps the full fleet in a 12,000-squarefoot building equipped with a shop, an office and storage space. The vehicles comprise a newer section of the museum, having been on display for two or three years.

Learn more at

Building the museum was, in part, what led Paul to buy a summer home in South Hero in 2002. He had a little attachment to New England from college at Brandeis University in Waltham, Mass. Beyond that, he enjoys the activities that Vermont has to offer: sailing, swimming, cycling and hiking. And he thought his father’s tools should return to the region from which they

a log marker to identify trees they felled. Wheelwrights measured the circumfer ence of a wheel with a circular tool called a traveler. They welded iron to form around the wooden wheel, hammered it in place and poured cold water on it to shrink it.

to transport the goods, boxed and covered in a tarp. The kids, often left seatless, eked out space for themselves in the Chevy, Paul said.“God bless him,” Paul said. “He would figure out a way to load it up.”

Five years after moving to South Hero, he learned the RV park with a run-down barn was for sale.


“My father had a work capacity unlike anyone I ever knew,” Paul said. “He was amazing.”Onhis day off at the summer camps, with his little kids in the back seat of his


“There’s more interest in cars than there is in antique tools,” Paul said. “I’m realistic about that, too.” m

“Ioriginated.don’twant to have a midwestern museum about pieces that belong in colo nial America,” Paul said.

“Sule is our captain, friend, brother,” Team Amani said in a statement posted on Instagram. “He is also a father, husband and son. Gaping holes are left when giant’s [sic] fall. Sule was a giant. Instead of lead ing us at the front of the pack, he will now lead us as our guiding pole star as we press forward in the realization of his dream.”

He was born in Eldoret, a city of 500,000 people in the Rift Valley, near the famous running town of Iten. Situ ated 7,900 feet above sea level, Iten is the home of legendary runners, such as Edna Kiplagat and Mary Keitany, and the site of a high-altitude training center. Many local runners had gone abroad to win big marathons and get sponsorship contracts with large brands, bringing recognition and resources back to Kenya. Kangangi sensed that the locals were not as sanguine about cyclists, who had yet to achieve the fame of Kenyan runners.


Gravel cycling is less than 15 years old as a discipline, and it has surged in popularity as interest in U.S. road cycling has declined. Where road races are intense affairs with shaved legs, $12,000 bikes and fierce competition, gravel events are like mara thons, where all kinds of people share the start line, from elite professional athletes to people in jean shorts just hoping to finish. That spirit of inclusivity, along with a large network of underused dirt roads, has fueled a boom in the sales of gravel bikes and accessories in the U.S., along with a packed calendar of gravel races and rides that attract thousands of riders.

registered in East Africa. He then raced for four years in Europe, Africa and Asia with Bike Aid, a Germany-based professional team whose mission is to develop African cycling and athletes. In 2017, he became the first Kenyan to finish on the podium in a race on the international professional cycling calendar. At the same time, he was organizing charity rides for children in Kenya and working to develop opportuni ties for young riders.


Suleiman Kangangi, a pioneer in African cycling, died in a Vermont gravel race

Kangangi, 33, was a pioneer in the Afri can cycling community. The odds had been stacked against him from the beginning. When he was 12, tribal clashes occurred in his village, and he had to leave school. For the family to survive, his mother hired him out as a cattle grazer for $8 per month. Playing sports was not an option.

“I was amazed and stunned by the speed, how the bikes were flying,” he told a reporter from VeloNews last year. “Not only that, the town was [at] a standstill, and everyone was cheering.”

Tragedy at the Overland

Kangangi wanted to experience that speed, that feeling for himself. He joined a local cycling club and started putting in theInmiles.2016, Kangangi became a profes sional road racer, signing with Kenyan Riders Downunder, the first Union Cycliste Internationale team to be

Picking up on that trend, Kangangi and American Mikel Delagrange, an inter national criminal lawyer at the United Nations and an avid cyclist, organized the Migration Gravel Race in Kenya in 2021. Held in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, the four-day stage race traversed 650 kilometers of rugged gravel roads and single-track trails and attracted former World Tour professionals, such as Laurens ten Dam, Thomas Dekker and Vermont’s Ian Boswell. The idea was to hold a world-class event on the East Africans’ home turf, so they could test themselves against top-level riders, learn race strate gies and tactics, and create future racing opportunities.Kangangifinished second in the 2021 race to ten Dam, who retired from the World Tour at the end of 2019 and had raced in 10 editions of the Tour de France. In all, seven East Africans finished in the topGiven10. the success of the Migration Gravel Race, Delagrange and Kangangi decided to build a gravel cycling team for East“OnceAfricans.wesaw that our riders in their own contextual milieu were performing better than expected, the idea was, We need a vehicle to get them into races that are handpicked for their talent,” Delagrange said.

At the Vermont Overland, in West Windsor, Kangangi’s teammate Kariuki finished in first place, more than four minutes ahead of the next rider. Another teammate, Jordan Schleck, finished third.

hen Suleiman “Sule” Kangangi, a professional cyclist from Kenya, began the 59-mile Vermont Over land gravel race in West Windsor on the morning of August 27, he had every reason to expect his team to win it. A little over three hours later, his teammates had finished first and third. It wasn’t until later that afternoon that they learned Kangangi, their team captain, had perished from injuries sustained in a crash nobody saw and no one can fully explain.

Racing in Africa was always part of the plan for Amani, but an important goal was to travel to the U.S., which has the biggest and most competitive gravel scene in the world.Boswell, a retired World Tour profes sional living in Peacham, is the athlete liaison at Wahoo, and he and the fitness technology company were leading the effort to secure visas for a few Amani riders to race in the U.S. this season. The visa process took much longer than expected, but since arriving in early August, Kangangi and his three Amani team members had competed in the SBT GRVL race in Colorado and in the Gravel Worlds race in Nebraska, finishing in the top 20 in Duringboth.their stay in the U.S., the Amani riders also had a chance to experience world-class training facilities for the first time. They underwent aerobic testing at the Wahoo Sports Science Center in Boulder, Colo., hitting numbers matched only by the world’s best cyclists. They also learned about their unique nutrition needs through salt-loss and carbohydrate consumption tests.

At the end of last summer, that vehicle became Team Amani, a professional gravel and mountain biking team composed of riders from Kenya, Uganda and Rwanda. Similar to a traditional road team, Amani has corporate sponsors from the cycling industry, such as Wahoo, SRAM and POC, and the 12 members of the team earn a salary.This year, the team began compet ing in full force, with Kangangi as the leader. In March, Kangangi and Kenneth Karaya competed as a two-man team in the Absa Cape Epic, a mountain bike stage race in South Africa. Karaya didn’t finish, but Kangangi went on to complete the race solo. The team also organized a second edition of the Migration Gravel Race, which was won by Amani team member John Kariuki, and a new event called Evolution Gravel Race, a five-day point-to-point race in Tanzania, which Kangangi won.


The first time Kangangi saw a bike race was in 2010, when he was 22 years old, and the race passed through Eldoret.

Like all professional road cyclists, Kangangi dreamed of riding in the Tour de France. As he reached his early thirties, however, he sensed another opportunity that was more realistic and served his personal desire to grow cycling in East Africa: racing on gravel.


Suleiman Kangangi


Boswell was able to recover Kangangi’s GPS data from his cycling computer, and it showed him traveling at 31 miles per hour just before he crashed. The handful of riders ahead of him, however, had hit speeds of up to 50. Kangangi was not going too fast for the conditions.

Delagrange was following the Over land on Instagram from his home in Switzerland.“WhenJohn crossed the line, we were just freaking out,” he said. “It was a moment of absolute joy because we had been targeting the U.S. for so long. And then one minute later, I got a call that changed all of our lives forever.”

The Vermont Overland, which includes nearly 8,000 feet of climbing, is a unique

“I’ve seen all the evidence, and it really just is completely random,” Boswell said. “He was an incredibly competent bike rider. The road was smooth dirt. There are much rougher and technical sections on the course that he already rode.”

“This guy knew how to ride his bike,” Bouchard-Hall said.

Kangangi had crashed by himself on a smooth dirt road descent and sustained severe internal injuries. No one witnessed him go down. Everyone who knew him and knows the racecourse is perplexed by what could have caused the accident.

After an hour of CPR with no heart rhythm, Kangangi was pronounced dead at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. He is survived by his wife and three chil dren, ages 10, 6 and 4. A memorial fund has been set up to support his family, for whom he was the sole breadwinner.


Kevin Bouchard-Hall, one of the best gravel riders in the Northeast, was with Kangangi for most of the race. A few miles before the crash, they had descended together at high speed down a notoriously rough and long Class IV section called Pope Road. If someone were to crash on the course, it would probably be on that section. But Kangangi rode it cleanly with BouchardHall, setting one of the fastest recorded times on that segment.

“He would not tolerate us moping about and being sad,” Delagrange said. “He’d want us to get back up and fight.” m

Kangangi would surely have been proud of his teammates’ performance in the Overland. The team planned to return to European racing this month, starting with the Gravel World Series in Spain.Delagrange hopes people will remem ber Kangangi as a defining character in the timeline of East African cycling. Before him, there was only the traditional and nearly impossible path of Eurocentric road racing. After him, the opportunities have opened up.

2H-WCAX092122 1 9/19/22 11:18 AM

There are a number of possible causes of Kangangi’s crash. His bike may have failed. His hand may have slipped off the handlebar. An animal may have run in front of him. But in the absence of concrete evidence, the crash is being treated by the cycling community as a freak accident.

A few seconds after he crashed, Kangangi was surrounded with people who were trying to save his life. BouchardHall, a physical therapist, performed CPR until the first EMTs were on-site. An emergency room doctor who was in the race stopped to help and rode with Kangangi in the ambulance, assisting the crew with clearing his airway, inserting



In a post on Instagram, Vermont Over land owner Ansel Dickey wrote: “There are

chest tubes, and administering transfused bags of blood and IV fluids.


gravel race because it contains seven or eight sections of what are known in the state as Class IV roads — unmaintained public rights-of-way that resemble Jeep trails. They are often hilly and rocky and challenging to ride on a gravel bike, which is a drop-bar bike like a road bike, but with wider tires and better gearing for climbs. Minor crashes are fairly common in gravel races, but life-threatening crashes are extremely rare.

no words that can describe the magnitude of the loss that was Sule Kangangi’s unfor tunate accident and death this weekend … I know that people are anxious to learn of the circumstances of Sule’s passing. In complete transparency, no one knows how Sule’s crash occurred.”

Find the memorial fund established for Kangangi’s family at

Entering Spencer’s Railroad Avenue storefront, across the street from the


to work with, and everyone was really impressed with the final product. It was really nice to see the transformation.”

“It was like my own personal class,” he said. “We’ve been really happy with the end product … It changed the whole concept of the kitchen.”

Spencer guided her through the process and provided her with videos, Randall said. Working at night and on weekends, Randall refinished the cabinets in about two weeks. She believes her modest investment of time and money made all the difference in selling the house.

At Vermont Chalky Paint, a radio DJ offers nontoxic products and DIY lessons

Sarah Spencer


“I was probably their No. 1 consumer,” she said. When Spencer got home, her mother would make her empty her pock ets to see how much candy she’d bought thatAtday.13, Spencer contracted StevensJohnson syndrome, a rare skin disorder that

Unlike the mass-produced paints sold in big-box stores, Vermont Chalky Paints are low in volatile organic compounds, the toxic chemicals that make some people sick and can be carcinogenic.

That makes her products ideal for people with infants and small children, as well as those with respiratory or chemical sensitivities. Vermont Chalky Paint sells paints in 16 colors, as well as a clear-coat finish that’s a nontoxic alternative to poly urethane. It also offers natural brushes and kits to give cabinets and furniture a distressed, antique look.

Restoration Station

Now, with a brick-and-mortar store that complements her online business, Spencer has carved out a niche for do-it-yourselfers all over the country. All of her paints are manufactured in Vermont, mostly from locally sourced materials such as calcium carbonate (chalk) mined in Middlebury and whey protein, an organic by-product of cheesemaking.Spencer’scustomers are people who aim to remodel their kitchens or bath rooms or spruce up old furnishings for a fraction of the cost of hiring a professional. “People come in here to try things that they might have never been brave enough to do on their own,” she said. “It’s a supereasy paint to work with. It’s great for a beginner, great for an expert.”


Once the jugs are empty, customers can repurpose them into lamps, gnomes and holiday decorations — with help from Spencer’s classes, kits and free videos. She honors her mother again by donating a percentage of her sales to cancer charities, including Camp Ta-Kum-Ta in South Hero and the Cancer Patient Support Founda tion in VermontWilliston.Chalky Paint might have seemed unlikely to be a success story when it launched as a web-only business in 2017. Spencer, a single mother and Burlington radio DJ, had no previous experience in manufacturing, making paint or selling physical products. But the self-described serial entrepreneur and award-winning internet marketer knew exactly what she wanted to offer to consumers: eco-friendly, nontoxic products to restore furniture, cabinets and other home décor. And she found a Vermont manufacturer to help.

Spencer particularly enjoys working with customers who come in with what she calls their “problem child” — an inher ited antique dresser, vanity or desk that doesn’t match anything in their house. They don’t want to get rid of it, but it needs an overhaul. She offers free instructional YouTube videos, including one that

Spencer, who regularly hosts Show Your Jugs Paint ’n’ Sip events in her Essex Junction storefront and studio, chose her signature slogan to honor the wry humor of her mother, Joan, who died of breast cancer in 1985. “Jugs” refers to the kind of plastic containers normally used for maple syrup, in which Spencer bottles and sells her interior paints.

teaches people how to use découpage to refaceSeveralfurniture.découpage pieces stand in her store, including an old Davenport desk she bought at a garage sale for $10. She went online, purchased an Alice in Wonderland themed image, printed it, cut it out, and used her clear coat and découpage tech nique to decorate the desk. She’s now selling it for $595.

“It’s super easy and a beautiful effect,” SpencerTeresasaid.Randall used Vermont Chalky Paint’s all-in-one ProPack kit ($99.95) when she remodeled her North Concord kitchen a few years ago. Because she planned to sell the house, Randall didn’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a professional renovation.

“I definitely think it made it more appealing,” she said. “Sarah was great


Spencer’s storefront, which she opened during the pandemic, is a return to her roots. The 57-year-old Essex Junction native grew up not far from the spot her business now occupies. As a child, she often went there to buy candy when it was called the Tip Top News.


hen Sarah Spencer asks her wine-sipping customers at Vermont Chalky Paint to “show your jugs,” she’s not being saucy or inappropriate. She just wants to see how their latest DIY home improvement projects are coming along.

Amtrak station, you might not realize at first that it’s a paint store. Though Spencer paints in the back room, the store doesn’t reek of chemical fumes. “You don’t smell anything when you walk in here, except my coffee,” Spencer said.

Charlotte electrician Steve Spadaccini had a similar experience when he wanted “a fresh look” for the natural oak kitchen cabinets he’d installed in the 1980s. Laid up with a leg injury, Spadaccini worked with Spencer, who came by his house to help him repaint the cabinets.

After the woman retired and closed her business, Spencer said to herself, “How hard can it be to make paint? Famous last words of a fool,” she recalled.

“The nurse said it right in front of me. I was devastated,” Spencer recalled. “But my mother said, ‘Sarah doesn’t listen to anyone. She doesn’t listen to me, so she’s certainly not going to listen to you. She’s going to outlive all of us.’”

Though her father warned her that Manno was probably kidding, Spencer went down to the station to claim her prize and her new job, still wearing her dirty barn boots. The station manager hired her on the spot. That was in 1985.

expertise and facilities to bring her prod uct to market, it was Spencer’s original concept and passion that made it success ful. He believes she’s only begun to tap her business’ full “Comparedpotential.towhat’s on the market, she’s got a gold mine,” he said. “It’s a beau tifulSpencerproduct.”never intended to open a brickand-mortar store. But in 2020, she was walking her dog on Railroad Avenue when she noticed that the old Tip Top store front was vacant. On a lark, she rented it for a few months to use for shipping and storage.Soon, Spencer found it convenient having studio space where she could help customers work on projects. She started offering paint ’n’ sip classes, then summer camps. Essex Junction Recreation & Parks now books her events, all held in the same location where she overindulged on candy as a“It’schild.kind of neat to have it come full circle,” she said. “The store that I got in so much trouble with is now my livelihood.” m

There she met Andrew Meyer, owner of Vermont Natural Coatings, a Hardwick company that manufactures environmen tally friendly paints, stains and finishes. When Spencer explained the products she wanted to sell, Meyer agreed to partner withInher.aninterview, Meyer said that, while his company provided the technical

deejays for WOKO and WKOL, aka KOOL 105.1.Meanwhile, she started other busi nesses, such as, for couples planning their own weddings; and, a freelance internet marketing firm. Both are still operating.

covered her from head to toe in painful blis ters and left her unable to see or speak for a month. Her doctor gave her a 30 percent chance of survival and, if she lived, a 50 percent chance of being left blind.

INFO Vermont Chalky Paint, 4 Railroad Ave., Essex Junction, 391-0300,



About a decade ago, a Middlebury woman hired Spencer to do internet marketing for her online paint company. Though the concept of selling paint online seemed like “the craziest thing I ever heard,” Spencer said, she helped the woman quadruple her sales.

Louie Manno, the longtime Burlington radio jock who answered the phone, told Spencer she had a great voice. “So I said, ‘You got a job for me?’” Spencer recalled with a laugh. “And he says, ‘Yeah, actually, I do.’”

Spencer admitted that she didn’t know what she was doing at the time and didn’t care. “I just had an idea of what I wanted,” she said. She went dumpster diving to outfit the kitchen and finished the rest of the house on a shoestring budget. Five months later, she moved in.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 37 MYThisisMYSUGARBUSHMOUNTAINShavewithinthemmillionsofstories.Ofthosewhoclimbedup.Ofthosewhohavesliddown.Ofthosewhohavesimplystoodandstared,breathingin anairthatelectrifies. AndwhileeachofourSTORIESmayhaveabindingtie,eachisUNIQUE hat’sYOURS? 2h-Sugarbush092122 1 9/20/22 12:06 PM

Though Vermont Chalky Paint was her first foray into selling products, Spencer was no newbie to home improvement when she started the business. In 2005, she bought a 2,500-square-foot barn in Richmond, built in 1801. She agreed to forgive her ex-husband’s child support debt if he would gut the barn so she could convert it into her home.

Spencer has worked for Hall Commu nications ever since. When she’s not at Vermont Chalky Paint on weekdays, she

In 2017, Spencer competed in Fresh Tracks Capital’s Road Pitch, an annual multiday motorcycle trip for investors, who stop in Vermont towns to hear entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas.

Spencer made a full recovery. But in her twenties, after losing her mother to cancer, she felt directionless. One day, while mucking out her horse barn, she heard about a radio contest, called in and won.

“The sky is always falling,” she said. “We have to focus on what we can fix.”

Founded in 1982, COTS was initially an organization dedicated to keeping people without homes from freezing during Vermont’s harsh winters. In its first decade, it began providing some temporary housing and developed a holistic approach to addressing homelessness. Markley inherited that foundation and has built an impres sive organization upon it, one with

COTS communication and development director Rebekah Mott suggested that despite all of Markley’s accomplishments, it’s her solutionsdriven attitude that will be her most important legacy. “Every barrier, every roadblock that she comes across, Rita has created this culture where we focus on the fix,” she said.

COTS’ headquarters at 95 North Avenue, purchased in 2010 and renovated in 2017, provide ample evidence of what the organization has accomplished during Markley’s tenure. The first stop on the tour was the Housing Resource Center, located just inside the main door on the first floor. The center, established during the economic downturn in 2008, provides up to $7,000 in emergency assistance to help people retain their housing. In its first year, it kept 351 families housed. In fact, roughly two-thirds of what COTS does today is preventative, keeping people from becoming homeless in the first place.

Recently, while considering how COTS could increase the supply, staff had the idea of adding more housing on an existing property, and a

he number of people experiencing homelessness in Vermont is higher than ever. According to the state’s most recent annual count, there were 2,780 people who lacked stable housing, up from 2,591 last year. Pre-pandemic, the count was typically between 1,000 to 1,500. Included in that number are numerous families and children.

Rita Markley at COTS Burlingtonin

Homelessness is driven by a variety of factors, including a shortage of affordable housing and skyrocketing rental costs. The problem can feel overwhelming.Thathasn’tstopped housing advo cate Rita Markley from trying to solve it. Markley, 63, is the executive director of the Burlington-based Committee on Temporary Shelter, aka COTS. She got involved with the organization as a volunteer in 1992, became its first development director, then took over the top job in 1996. By the time she

‘I NEED TO MOVE’ Driving Markley’s focus is her seemingly boundless energy. COTS


retires at the end of the month, she’ll have spent most of her adult life work ing to improve outcomes for those who find themselves without a home.

After 30 years of solutions-oriented advocacy for the homeless, COTS director Rita Markley retires

sponsors an annual walk in May — this year’s raised more than $200,000 — but Markley, fit and remarkably enthusiastic, looks like she’d be up for a COTS run. Maybe a COTS marathon. When leading visitors on a tour through the building over the summer, she bounded up the stairs and gestured with her whole body as sheMarkleytalked. wears a Fitbit and regularly racks up 15,000 to 18,000 steps a day. That adds up to about seven to nine miles. “When there are hard problems, I need to move,” she said.

When people do end up losing their housing, COTS can sometimes help by sheltering them. The orga nization operates both an overnight and a daytime drop-in shelter for adults, as well as two shelters for families with children — one of which was purchased and renovated under Markley’s leadership when the numbers of unhoused families with children began to skyrocket in the late ’90s and early 2000s.

a $3.8 million budget, a staff of 60, a day station where people can get a meal and a shower, nearly 100 units of permanently affordable hous ing — and a donor base to support it all. She’s remained undeterred by the enormity of the problem.

Focused on the Fix


COTS also operates what it catego rizes as “deeply” affordable permanent housing. There are 14 apartments on the second floor of its renovated headquarters. The organization also owns and manages several apartment complexes throughout Burlington totalling nearly 100 units.

The Housing Resource Center also helps pay for up-front costs like secu rity deposits, first and last months’ rent, and necessities that people need but that often don’t come with an apartment — things like shower curtains and dish-drying racks.


Markley is also committed to making sure the residents and guests who use COTS’ services are treated with dignity and respect. Its spaces reflect those values.The building tour ended at the clean and inviting day station common area, where guests sit to charge their phones, access Wi-Fi, and use computers to search for jobs or housing. Markley pointed out that the architect who designed the room consulted with guests to figure out how they’d use it. That led the organization to purchase comfy chairs instead of couches, so people wouldn’t have to share seating, and it led to the installation of sounddampening panels on the ceiling.


Vermont’s homeless population. “Rita has continuously approached the challenge posed by homelessness with creative solutions centered around the individuals she seeks to serve. Marcelle and I have the deepest respect for her compassion, her spirit and her dedication to her work. We wish her all the very best in her retirement.”Markley’s not sure what her next chapter will bring — other than a chance to rest. The last two and a half years have been the most challenging of her career.

Markley explained that common areas like this can be noisy places, especially with guests unloading bags, jangling water bottles and keys, and talking with each other. The panels noticeably reduce that din. Peace and quiet is a luxury that people who are secure in their housing take for granted.Another one: the ability to do laundry. Markley enthusiastically showed off the giant washers and dryers capable of laundering a guest’s sleeping bag or wet clothes after a rain storm. She also spoke about the machines’ effect to Auditi Guha of “People put on clean clothes for the first time and they know they smell good and they feel good. And they’re willing to think not just about this crisis today, but to look up a little and believe something else might be possible ahead,” she said.

The VTDigger article was one of many that have appeared since Markley announced her departure. This has given Vermonters a chance to learn


Markley reflected on those days when she announced her retirement. “When I first walked through the doors of COTS 30 years ago as

Mark Redmond, director of Spectrum Youth & Family Services, said: “It has been my utmost privilege to work alongside of and collaborate with Rita Markley. Words cannot express the incredible support she has been to me personally and to the many others who are involved in the fight to not only house the homeless but to create a city, state and world built on justice and human dignity.”

Tom Stretton, who chairs COTS’ board of directors, summed up her tenure in a statement: “Rita is an intrepid leader who has inspired thousands of others to take action to end homelessness. It is no exaggeration to say that through her work, both directly and indirectly, Rita has touched millions of lives.” 



At the onset of the pandemic, when the number of families and individuals sheltering in area motels exploded, COTS created a brand-new team to do outreach and housing navigation at more than a dozen of these sites. Often, these staff were the only lifeline people had to the outside world.COTS connected people with the technology necessary to continue mental health and medical treatment online, and it connected them to food resources. Despite the tightest housing market in recent history, COTS was able to permanently house over 150 households from 2020 to 2021.

father died, she decided to relocate to a place where she could find community and meaningful work. Her search led her to Vermont in 1991. She contacted the United Way, where she connected with longtime human services advocate Dolly Fleming, who later ran Mercy Connections. Fleming sent her to COTS.

feasibility study proved it was possible. A new 16-unit complex specifically for families who are experiencing homelessness is breaking ground soon. New England Federal Credit Union has pledged $1 million to help build it, and private grants from the Hoehl Family Foundation, the Pomerleau Family Foundation and several other anonymous donors will soon make it a reality.

The release also featured quotes from two of the many Vermont leaders who have recognized her work.

Above: Markley singing with colleagues Debbie Schlosser, Katherine Long and Tim Coleman at a retirement party for Coleman at COTS. Below: Markley showing o the new washer and dryer at COTS

No doubt she’s earned it.

Also, while most other service agencies — and the rest of the world — flipped to remote service, Markley insisted that COTS keep a human being at the front desk. She couldn’t bear the thought of someone coming to COTS scared and unable to navigate the new online reality, only to meet a locked door with a complicated phone tree. Often, that meant sitting at the front desk herself.Herplan now? “I’m going to take a long winter’s nap,” she said at the conclusion of the tour.

more about how Markley arrived here in the first place. A Washington, D.C.-area native, she attended the University of Maryland and did graduate work at George Washington University, studying Sino-Soviet

a volunteer, I had no idea that this organization would become the greatest love of my life, besides my family,” she said.

U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy called Markley “a steadfast champion” for

Today, de Mélogue earns his baguettes and beurre as a freelance writer and owner of VT Snapshot, taking photographs for architecture firms, real estate agencies and other small Vermont companies. What binds all of his work together is a passion for weav ing tales using light, color, words and food.



n the back of a freezer at his St. Albans home, nestled near trays of homemade moussaka and dozens of containers of garden tomato sauce, François de Mélogue keeps tubs containing six pounds of “super fat.” For more than eight years, de Mélogue, 58, has been saving the flavorful cooking fat from his duck confit, occasion ally mixing in other fats such as wellseasoned pork lard. After he uses and cools the mixture, it goes back in the freezer until he needs it again. And again.


persona is that of “the minimalist,” however, de Mélogue leans more toward “maximalist,” embracing an aesthetic characterized by abun dance and vibrancy. His kitchen is neat and spacious, but it features a dispenser used solely for pastis, a clear, pale green, anise-flavored liqueur that turns opaque and milky when mixed with a few drops of water. Nearby is an antique mezzaluna, a curved Italian tool for chop ping herbs, resting on a thick butcher block hollowed from use.


Taught Me to Cook,” about the time that he was tricked into eating his childhood pet — appear on Medium’s Heated site, which was

Orating as he wields a chef knife — a family heirloom, he said, not of particu larly high quality — de Mélogue discussed his appreciation for French recipes. But he doesn’t think less of any other cuisine. “Food is perfect. There is no such thing as imperfection,” he declared. “If it tastes good, it tastes good.”

De Mélogue’s super fat has a story — a history made of up many meals — and that suits him well. A writer, photographer and erstwhile founding chef at the acclaimed Provençal restaurant Pili Pili in Chicago, de Mélogue owns more than 2,000 cook books, most of which are historical and French. He’s busy writing three of his own.

cranberry beans and chopping tomatoes for soupe au pistou, is like being in the audience at a reading. His stories, threaded with pithy phrases, have a practiced qual ity, and his delight in them is evident.

Some of de Mélogue’s culinary essays — such as “How a Rabbit

Born in Chicago to French immigrants in 1964, de Mélogue grew up assisting his mother in the pursuit of fine ingredients. She would put him on her bicycle and ride

Heirloom tomatoes

de Mélogue said with a chuckle. This year, his 11-year-old son insisted that he grow fewer squash plants.Most days, de Mélogue serves up restaurantworthy midday meals for his family. His wife, Lisa, an executive assistant for a tech company, leaves her home office at lunchtime to dine on an array of salads, thin chickpea-flour pancakes known as socca and whatever else her husband has dreamed up. After she returns to work, de Mélogue might spend the afternoon developing recipes and editing Spendingphotographs.timeinde Mélogue’s airy kitchen, watching him stand at a spacious rolling island shelling just-harvested

For chef and food writer François de Mélogue, cooking is about stories


tors find a trim yard and an everexpanding garden, bursting with French and Italian heirloom tomatoes, radicchio, and alliums such as leeks and shallots. Deep-red piment d’espelette peppers cling to plants that are rapidly turning brown. Then there are the zukes: “Last year, we had 150 consecutive meals with zucchini,”

food+drink Fat of the Land


Bittman.curatedoriginallybyMarkWhileBittman’s cookbook

That’s a tenet he learned from his mother, a native of Marseille.


Vegetarian Indian Restaurant Namaste Garden to Open in Essex Junction

ShireTown Marketplace Brings Creemees and Breakfast Tacos to Middlebury

The vegetarian eatery takes over the space formerly occupied by the Food Bar, which closed in July. Open from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily, Namaste Garden will offer late breakfast, lunch and dinner for on-site dining, takeout, delivery and catering. Beer and wine will be “Weserved.wantto cook meals on demand with fresh spices and ingredients so our customers can taste real Indian food,” Matri said. “And if they’re Indian, they can have that back-home taste.”



Chittenden County’s newest Indian restaurant is taking a different ap proach: It’s entirely vegetarian.

SIDE DISHES » P.43 Doors at 4pm • Music at 5pm • Tickets $35 • Livestream $15 Double E Performance Center, Essex • www.salvationfarms .org At the Double E Performance Center in Essex, VT John Fusco & Friends coveringGreggAllman&Friends Dale coveringCavanaughJohnPrine The Art of DonnCherie coveringTinaTurner Blues for Breakfast coveringRollingStones coveringSwaleBlackSabbath Special Guests OCT.SUNDAY16TH FEATURING Salvation Farms AidBENEFIT CONCERT Working toward a future where communities are increasingly fed by local farms Front Porch Forum Presents 4t-salvationfarms092122 1 9/16/22 5:04 PM • 802-225-6232 970 US Route 2, Middlesex Mon, Thu, Fri 3-9 • Sat 12-9 • Sun 10-8 (Brunch til 1) OUTDOOR SEATING THE FILLING STATION bar & restaurant ORDINE-INTAKE-OUT...We’vegotyoucovered! LIVE MUSIC • THURSDAYS 6-8PM 8h-FillingStation092122.indd 1 9/9/22 3:04 PM ORDER ONLINE! PICKUP & DELIVERY 373 Blair Park Rd, Williston • Daily 11-8 • Vegan & Gluten Free Options 8h-scale040622.indd 1 3/31/22 12:32 PM

From left: Sandeep Kumar, Mandeep "Sonu" Kumar, Sharandeep Matri and Vishal Attri of Namaste Garden

ShireTown Marketplace’s tri-tip sandwich

NAMASTE GARDEN will open at 34 Park Street in Essex Junction on Monday, September 26. The restaurant will serve vegetarian and vegan specialties from north and south India, owner SHARANDEEP MATRI told Seven Days The menu includes a wide variety of curries, samosas and pakoras, as well as traditional sweets such as gulab jamun, ladoo and barfi that are made in-house — a rarity in the local Indian restaurant scene, Matri said.

Matri owns Namaste Garden with her husband, VISHAL ATTRI, and her

brother SANDEEP KUMAR. It is the trio’s first restaurant, though Matri has catered from home in the past, and her family ran a restaurant in Punjab, India.


Middlebury’s creemee drought ended last month when SHIRETOWN MARKETPLACE opened its walk-up window on August 19, serving cones and cups of classic vanilla, chocolate and twist.

“We anticipated it being busy, but nothing like what we actually saw,” owner KEVIN ARCHAMBEAULT said. “We kind of got it handed to us on the firstNow,day.”Archambeault is prepar ing for the next phases of his three-part business at 54 College Street: ShireTown will open a retail marketplace and start counter service


In his late teens, de Mélogue was read ing Gourmet magazine when his interest was piqued by an ad for the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier. To apply, he simply had to write an essay.

A reader would be unlikely to detect

François de Mélogue

On one occasion, his mother sawed the legs off the family’s “beautiful dining room table” to make it more suitable for a Moroccan dinner party. “She was fearless,” de Mélogue said.

publisher that identifies hot trends using analytics and finds writers who can pump out books to meet the demand. Nevertheless, de Mélogue said, he’s pleased with the result, published in 2020. “I love that book because I got to tell stories,” he said.



of the Land « P.40

their French names — such as Potage Saint Germain, Hivernale — most are simple and seasonal. The fancysounding “potage” is split pea soup with ham. The spirit of French cooking, de Mélogue says in the book, is being adapt able and using what you have, such as canned chickpeas, or water in place of

Cucumbers with an Opinel knife

that French Cooking for Beginners was the product of a book mill. The volume features elegant photography (not by de Mélogue), childhood stories, and clear, simple recipes for dishes such as lentil salad, roasted chicken and ratatouille, with plenty of informative sidebars and tips.

By that time, though, de Mélogue was beginning to tire of the industry, as his culi nary school teachers had predicted. The long hours were taking their toll on his personal life and energy level. A few years after he met Lisa, he decided to shift his focus to travel, writing and photography.

De Mélogue attended NECI and fell hard for the Vermont landscape. Vowing to return one day, he went west for his first externship, working with chef Franklin Biggs at the lauded Café Mariposa in Park City,“ItUtah.was the best job. He was unpreten tious,” de Mélogue said of Biggs. And Biggs put up with his young apprentice — who was, at the time, de Mélogue confessed, a loudmouth and “an asshole” with a brash, “take no prisoners” attitude. Biggs took de Mélogue’s youthful foibles in stride and gave him the chance to invent specials, with the caveat that he accept critical feedback.In2002, after many gigs at urban restaurants, rural inns and everything in between, de Mélogue helped open Pili Pili in Chicago. The Provençal spot was named one of the world’s best new restaurants by Food & Wine and praised in the pages of Gourmet and Bon Appétit

His father, a French professor at the University of Chicago, was somewhat more restrained, though equally fervent about sharing his heritage.

through dangerous parts of town to find sweetbreads, or drive an hour to buy a baguette, de Mélogue recalled.

In 2015, de Mélogue produced his first cookbook, Cuisine of the Sun: A Ray of Sunshine on Your Plate, which he candidly called “terribly written and self-published.”Hisnextbook, French Cooking for Beginners: 75+ Classic Recipes to Cook Like a Parisian , was contracted by a

Although the dishes in the book bear

Rouget in zucchini blossoms

“I didn’t know where I was going to fit in in the world,” de Mélogue remembered. He already had a camera and had turned his bedroom into a darkroom, but the cooking profession called to him. Culinary school seemed like a match, even when NECI chef-instructor Michel LeBorgne tried to scare young recruits with tales of 100-hour workweeks and holidays spent away from family and friends.


Chickpea salad

The day his book was published, de Mélogue and Lisa began looking for a home in Vermont. They wanted to provide stability for their son during his boyhood years, although their longterm goal is to live in a modified school bus and travel the country in search of delicious meals.

De Mélogue sees his yet-to-bewritten books as his legacy, just as the cookbooks he collects hold the lega cies of their 19th- and 20th-century authors. “I’m not going to invent a cure for a disease. I’m not going to become a billionaire. A book is what will keep my soul alive after I’m gone,” he said. That and a few pounds of luscious, decadent super fat. m

The building’s history as a market dates back to 1815, Archambeault said; it was most recently home to Ales Family Restaurant. He plans to fill ShireTown’s freshly renovated market space with local products, picnic provisions and housebaked breads, rather than the convenience store-style goods stocked there in the past.

ShireTown has seating for roughly 30 people inside, between a newly built banquette and antique Windsor chairs; it will serve brunch on Saturdays. Local craft beer and cider will be available, along with draft wines from a four-handle wine kegerator.Creemee service will continue yearround, too. In the winter, Archambeault said, customers can enjoy their soft serve in the warmth of the market’s wood hearth. m

The home they eventually purchased was larger and had less land than they’d hoped, de Mélogue said, but they got it at a fair price, despite the pandemic real estate bubble. Plus, he noted, the roll ing kitchen island, which can be tucked away under a cupboard, was a significant selling

stock. “Let your own taste buds be the judge,” he writes.

the time being, de Mélogue is pursuing his passion projects while building his photography busi ness. His book ideas include a memoir with recipes and a book about the foods of Provence, which will go into depth about the origins of each recipe. Some day, he would like to give the same treat ment to the classic recipes of Vermont.

On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

For breakfast, customers can order staple items such as huevos rancheros and sausage gravy and biscuits from the counter and dine on-site in the market. The creemee window will offer drip coffee and convenient grab-and-go breakfast tacos, with meat, vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free versions available eachThemorning.counter’s lunch menu will be barbecue-centric, with chopped pork sandwiches and Santa Maria-style tri-tip steak — influenced by Archambeault’s time in California, where he and his wife, DANI, lived before moving to Vermont in 2018. Premade salads, soups and sand wiches will be available from the market coolers all Archambeaultday. spent a decade manag ing winery tasting rooms around Paso Robles, Calif., and developed a barbecue catering program for Derby Wine Estates. When the family moved to Cornwall, he transferred that knowledge to his role managing the pub at Middlebury’s OTTER CREEK BREWING before striking out on his own with ShireTown. (Dani is a partner in the business but continues to work in hospitality for WHISTLEPIG.)

Lemon poppy seed cake

“It has supplied a lot of college students because of the proximity to the [Middlebury College] campus,” Archambeault said of the space. “But the culture of food has changed. Everything’s a little bit more refined these days.”

Pear burrata salad

Pasta with agretti shrimp and corn

Follow us for the latest food gossip!

of breakfast and lunch on Thursday, September 22.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 43 food+drink


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Planned in little time, they’re often low-key; I throw together whatev er’s in the fridge, chill a fun bottle of wine and don’t fret if the napkins don’t match.Ilove them even more when I don’t have to host. A meal at Fox Market and Bar in East Montpelier feels like a cool, casual dinner party with friends — one that’s likely to end with a board game, tarot reading or late-night dance party.

for people who don’t drink. In the market and bar, their deeply researched wine lineup features everything from orange wine and piquette to accessible pinot grigio and cabernet sauvignon.

“But we also love gummy bears,” Dunton said. “We like to have a little fun with it.”

The whole experience had a casual ease: Order drinks and food at the bar, take your table marker — ours was Billy Porter — and find a seat at the booth near the bar or a cozy couch, armchair or table upstairs.


PeopleNight.from around the state head to Fox Market for its queer dance parties — the next of which is scheduled for October 29. The community-focused side of the business is central to what Cain and Dunton are building, but the food and drink are worthy of the same draw.

I chose a sparkling chenin blanc from South Africa ($9 per glass), thanks to Dunton’s detailed and enthu siastic description. Two of my dining companions joined me; the third ordered Dirt Church Brewing’s Brut IPA ($5).

Around 3:30 p.m., the focus shifts to the bar side of the building. I rolled in with friends mid-evening on a quiet, rainy Tuesday. A few folks dodged the drizzle at tables out back, and several shoppers picked up the night’s grab-andgo dinner special: tofu curry.

The Fox Market team offers more substantial dinners on Saturdays, often exploring cuisine and wine flights from regions around the world, from Austria to North India. It also hosts ticketed five-course dinners every other month. Saturday, September 24, will be Basque

love an impromptu dinner party.


Fox Market has also grown into a delightful place to eat and drink. It has a clever bar-snack menu, weekly themed dinners that travel the globe, local beers and some of the most affordable natural wine in the state. It’s the place to go for drag karaoke or a queer dance party, and for dinner and a glass of pét-nat in the cozy, living room-like den upstairs.

Co-owners Liv Dunton and Doni Cain opened their specialty food market and beer-and-wine bar on Route 2 in June 2021. The only gay bar in Vermont, it’s been a safe space for the queer commu nity since day one.

Liv Dunton and Doni Cain


From the doorway, the 30-plus wine, cider, beer, ready-to-drink cocktail and nonalcoholic bottles and cans above the central bar caught my eye. Dunton and Cain made a conscious choice to stick to wine and beer, rather than hard liquor, to keep the space comfortable

Self-serve shelves overflowed with a variety of table ware for customers to grab, all from the local ReStore. I was drawn to an elegant crystal water carafe and tiny

“We imagined it as somewhere that our friends and family would want to spend time and as a space where people can come as a refuge, to feel loved and cared for,” Dunton said. “But the food is our fastestgrowing category when we run numbers.”

amber glasses. Some napkins were floral, others embroidered or plain. The plates were the surviving members of many different china sets.


Even the summer salad ($8) is like something you’d eat at a friend’s house; each one is assembled according to the maker’s whim with whatever excit ing seasonal produce is in stock. Ours was topped with pickled onions and slices of apple; together with the various small plates we ordered, it made for a full meal. We lingered over the last bites and finished the bottle of wine before browsing the market on our way out.

Dinner in the Den


Either way, it feels like home. m

Fox Market

The market side does a brisk morn ing business with coffee, piles of pastries, and grab-and-go breakfast sandwiches. There’s usually a lunch rush, Dunton said, and a steady stream of people stop in to say hi and grab a few essentials through out the Cainday.and Dunton both worked at local food co-ops prior to opening their multifaceted market. That natural food influence shows up in Fox Market’s wide array of local and organic produce, meats, cheeses and pantry goods.

Our table quickly filled with the curry, dolmas, fried chicken and onigiri we’d ordered from the short and sweet bar menu. With a gluten-avoider in tow, we’d skipped some of the bar’s staples: cheesy pretzel blobs, pork-filled bao and savory hand pies called Fox Pockets.

Go Go Nuts (coconut fried chicken)

Fox Market and Bar, 3070 Route 2, East Montpelier, 522-2322, Call, text, email or message on social media to reserve a spot for Basque Night on Saturday, September 24.

Feeling at home at Fox Market and Bar

But the JFC — karaage-style fried chicken thighs ($8) — was a gluten-free treat for our long-suffering celiac friend, and it paired perfectly with the bubbly chenin. We also fawned over the onigiri — Dunton’s favorite snack from their travels in Japan. The heat of the garlicchile crisp fill ing ($5) hid inside tightly wrapped nori but cooled quickly when slathered in a yuzu aioli. I dipped the smoked salmon version ($5) in a tangy housemade barbecue sauce that came with the fried chicken.

COMMUNITY PARTNERS ORGANIZING PARTNER WITH SUPPORT FROM SEE A LIST OF EXHIBITORS AND REGISTER FOR FREE TIX techjamvt.comAT: Vermont’s most innovative companies will be looking for collaborators at this rockin’ career and tech expo. You can learn a lot about a company, or a job candidate, online. But there’s no substitute for face-to-face interaction. At the Vermont Tech Jam, you’ll meet recruiters from legit companies and other tech professionals living and working locally. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 @ HULA, BURLINGTON JOB FAIR/EXPO: 10 A.M.-3:30 P.M. • KEYNOTE+RECEPTION: 4-6 P.M. POWERED BY: Let’s POWERED BY PRESENT Evade the algorithms! Make connections with real, live human beings. And learn about disruptive innovation and radical collaboration from John Abele, cofounder of medical device company Boston Scientific, and CoreMap CEO Sarah Kalil. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Come tour the HULA lakesidecampus!tech 1t-techjam092122.indd 1 9/20/22 6:12 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 45


unafraid to delve into the thorny wilds of the subject of race in North America. The tales in An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories touch on everything from a West Indian man’s work building the Panama Canal in the early 20th century to a mother’s cold, tense drive to the funeral home to pick up the ashes of her son, who recently died by suicide.

“Because we honor free expression and diverse voices, we are pleased to open this opportunity to the public,” festival board member Elaine Pentaleri said. “This promises to be a dynamic addition to our festival events and a vibrant way to raise the voices of those in our community.”

e inaugural Green Mountain Book Festival kicks off this weekend


Green Mountain Book Festival, Friday through Sunday, September 23 through 25, at various Burlington locations. Prices vary.

In his 2020 study The Nigrescent Beyond: Mexico, the United States, and the Psychic Vanishing of Blackness, Ricardo Wilson asks why the “collective imagination of the Mexican nation” has historically considered itself “devoid of a black presence.” Released the following year, his An Apparent Horizon and Other Stories was a finalist for the Vermont Book Award and the Big Other Book Award. An assistant professor of English at Williams College in Massachusetts and the director of Outpost, a residency program for writers of color from the U.S. and Latin America, Wilson has established himself as a writer and educator


Banned Book Open Mic, Saturday, September 24, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., on the Fletcher Free Library lawn (rain location TBA) in Burlington. Free. To participate, sign up in person at the library on the day of the event.

Lit Party


Auditorium. Acclaimed local poets Stephen Cramer and Shanta Lee Gander close the fest on Sunday afternoon.TheGreen Mountain Book Festival’s board is composed of fixtures of the local literary scene, including a co-owner of Phoenix Books, a past president of the Burlington Writers Workshop, a local writing podcaster and a Fletcher Free librarian. With deep roots in the state’s literary community, the festival o ers an embarrassment of riches, especially for an inaugural event. To help curious readers find their way, we’ve highlighted a few authors and events not to miss.


Banned Book Open Mic


Other notable events include the Banned Book Open Mic, the Poet’s Brunch and Book Signing, a used book sale, and a night of performances and readings at Light Club Lamp Shop. Ozeki will speak and read on Saturday at Burlington City Hall

Ricardo Wilson

urlington is the place to be for Vermont bibliophiles this weekend. Running Friday through Sunday, September 23 through 25, the first-ever Green Mountain Book Festival brings more than 60 authors, poets and journalists to the Queen City for a blowout celebration of the written Followingword.anopening reception and a private dinner with headlining author Ruth Ozeki on Friday, the festival o ers a robust slate of programming on Saturday and Sunday. Panel discussions at the Fletcher Free Library run the gamut from genre-specific talks on nonfiction, mysteries and thrillers to ones on memoir writing, unconventional publishing and finding inspiration. About 20 poets and authors will read from their latest works.

Wilson reads selections of his work with Vermont fiction writer Megan Mayhew Bergman.


Ricardo Wilson reads on Saturday, September 24, 12:30 p.m., in the Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, in Burlington. Free.

Mic. — from

Ruth Ozeki


For a certain vocal minority of the American populace, trying to get books that deal frankly with social issues such as racism and LGBTQ rights banned from libraries and schools has long been a favorite crusade. Some classics, such as I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou and The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison, have weathered decades of challenges. But the past couple of years have seen the largest uptick in challenges to diverse books since the American Library Association started tracking such e orts two decades ago. Conservative agitators have brought their reactionary views into the literary world, targeting books ranging from Maia Kobabe’s Gender Queer to Angie Thomas’ The Hate U Give Because the Green Mountain Book coincidesFestivalwith the national Banned Books Week, a centerpiece of the weekend’s programming is the Banned Book Open Mic. Anyone — communityfrommembers to featured authors — can sign up to read a passage from their favorite frequently banned book to this free speech-loving crowd.

Then, last month, as the novel was being typeset, Fitch suggestion:CooperemailedanewWay Out West. Like the original title, it’s a musical reference: the name of a song by Big Star.

A year ago, Cooper gave publication one more try. He sent Turn It Up to Stona Fitch, a novelist and founder of Concord Free Press. The small Massachusetts publishing house, which counts authors such as Russell Banks and Joyce Carol Oates on its advisory board, gives away books and asks that the recipients reciprocate by donating to a charity of their choice. Concord Free Press has helped generate $4.5 million for charity using this method, according to itsCooperwebsite.had met Fitch through a mutual friend seven years before he sent him the manuscript. Fitch accepted it for publication. Suddenly, Cooper said, he had some misgivings about the book, even feeling embarrassed by it.

“I hate rejection,” Cooper said. “So, I didn’t send it out for over 30 years.”


Presenting Sponsor: SCAN TO REGISTER Thank you to our generous sponsors! Register & Donate: https://give stepsvt org/event/steps for social change Celebrate self-care with community care at our Field Day Celebration! Join us the day of or pre-register and receive a free t shirt that day and a free ticket to the event! October 1 from 11:00a - 1:30p Oakledge Park - Burlington food music games other fun activities crafts! st Show support for survivors! 4t-stepstoenddomesticviolence 1 8/24/22 9:50 AM DYNAMIC WORKING ART SINCECENTER2000 Free Exhibits • Artist Studios • Classes ART Rock Solid XXII Stone Show & Transformative Moves: Ray Brown Retrospective Sep 14 – Oct 30, 2022 Open Studios at SPA Sat & Sun, Oct 1 & 2, 10AM–5PM ART + MUSIC VT Fiddle Orchestra Quartet Fri, Sep 30, 5–7PM Sally Fox Jazz Trio Sat, Oct 8, 4–6PM Visit for Fall events schedule & more Ad supported by the VT Dept. of Tourism STUDIO PLACE ARTS 201 N MAIN • BARRE, VT • WWW.STUDIOPLACEARTS.COM802.479.7069 4T-StudioPlaceArts092122 1 9/20/22 11:59 AM


But the book was contemporary when he wrote it in 1987 and ’88. It just took a while — 35 years — to get published.Cooper, a poet who now lives in Halifax, Vt., was living in Salt Lake City when he wrote Way Out West. The novel is set in Nevada and Arizona, a landscape Cooper loves and considers “almost like a character in the book.” An element of mystery surrounds the meeting of the novel’s principal characters: a stuntman and a woman from Denver who’s starting anew and asking herself, Is it lethal here?

In the meantime, he published several books of poetry. A poem called “Fun” in his 1987 debut collection, The Country of Here Below, gained fame when Sheryl Crow adapted it into the lyrics of her hit song “All I Wanna Do.” He’s also written songs with singersongwriters David Broza and David Baerwald.Cooper had put his novel away in a box. Every five years or so, he took it out and read it and thought, Wow, I wrote a novel!


Set in 1983 and ’84, the book is a “historical novel,” Cooper, 65, said with a laugh. “The world was so different then.”

When he finished writing, Cooper sent the manuscript, originally titled Turn It Up, to publishers and agents in New York City. In return, he received “really nice letters” — all of which rejected the novel.

Way Out West will be available at the end of September. Cooper plans to read from both the novel and his poems at the book festival.

Wyn Cooper

Wyn Cooper reads on Saturday, September 24, 2:30 p.m., in the Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, in Burlington. Free.

“It all fit together beautifully,” Cooper said.

“And I was always proud of myself that I had accomplished that,” he said.

“But I’m not going to say no to [Fitch] after he said yes,” Cooper said. So the author made revisions, including tweaks to the plot and stylistic changes to reflect how he writes now, he said.

He also wanted a new title; the original is a reference to Van Morrison’s song “Caravan.” “The two main characters are obsessed with music,” Cooper explained. “They can’t stand silence.”Cooper

In Way Out West, Wyn Cooper’s debut novel, Ronald Reagan is president, people listen to Led Zeppelin and Bob Seger on their stereos, and weed is called pot.


“I always believed in the book, and I also thought it wouldn’t be published,” he said. “I was resigned to that. I have no idea what people are going to think of it. We’ll soon find out.”


considered about 150 titles over two months, he said. He convened a group of author friends to read the book and vet his suggestions. But he couldn’t decide on a new one, so he stuck with Turn It Up.

in Australia to the Houses of Parliament in London.Thisweek, in collaboration with the Flynn, “The Money” begins an eight-show run of city halls and high school audito riums in Vermont, with two-night stops each in Burlington, Middlebury, White River Junction and Montpelier. Read on for the rest of Seven Days’ conversation with Honnor.

SD: Yeah, that’s a thorny one.

They bought a boat together, and they called the project “Clean the Shitty.” The idea was they had this kind of time-share in this boat that they could use for leisure, but they had to agree to clean the canals as they went. As far as I know, they still have it.

Creator Seth Honnor on his live game show/social experiment “The Money”

f you could spend a small pot of cash on anything you wanted, what would you choose? Some might splurge on new clothes or a fancy dinner. Responsible types might put it toward bills or, with winter on the way, new snow tires. Civicminded do-gooders would likely invest in a community project or help an underfunded public service. Or maybe you’d just blow it all on scratch tickets and hope for the best. No judgment here.

SETH HONNOR: There was a really lovely one in the Netherlands where lots and lots of people bought in. Normally, I can get the rhythm of a show, even if it’s in another language. But I wasn’t next to anyone who could translate, and suddenly everyone was buying in and I was like, “What’s going on?”

SH: It works really well live, and TV really wants to heavily control the format of the work. This show works because it’s one hour, bookended, and that’s it. And in that hour, anything can happen. So, it’s much more like sport in that sense than it is like theater. Although, like sport, it’s very theatrical. There’s lots of drama.

Cashing In

SD: That’s awesome. What else?

When they buy a ticket, audience members choose to be either one of 15 “players” or a “silent witness.” Players sit at a table onstage and have one hour to come to a decision about how they will spend a pot of real cash. The silent witnesses watch from the audience — at least at first.

SD: You’ve made two TV pilots but never went to series. What happened?

That’sidea?the central conceit behind “The Money,” an interactive production created by British artist Seth Honnor. Equal parts game show, unscripted theater and social experiment, “The Money” is a “fiendish, clever show that tests your generosity,” according to the UK’s Daily Telegraph. It is also a hell of a lot of fun.


The pot, funded by ticket sales, is usually a few hundred dollars, though it can grow much larger, especially if it rolls over. According to Honnor, the largest pot in the show’s 10-year history was about $4,500.Honnor, who stages similarly provoca tive interactive installations around Europe through his production company, Kaleider, called “The Money” the “most important piece of work I’ve made, with out a doubt.” He’s toured the show on five continents, from the Sydney Opera House


SH: It was fascinating. It seemed like a good idea around the table. But in reality, there were all sorts of ethical and logistical issues with that. Like, are you actually putting these people in danger giving them the money? Sometimes the stories have these long tails. Sometimes they’re beautiful and amazing, and sometimes they’re complex. The show kind of continues to ask questions about the power of money.


But what if you had to persuade a room ful of strangers with ideas of their own to spend it on one thing, and one thing only, lest this mysterious windfall vanish? What would you choose, and how would you convince the others that yours is the best idea? Moreover, what if someone else had a better

SH: All art is a social experiment, in some sense. And in some ways, “The Money” is not an experiment because no one’s judging; no one’s got a thesis. I’m not setting people up to be researched.


Two hosts introduce the show and umpire the game’s minimal rules but otherwise have no intervention. Players make pitches for what to spend the money on. The only criteria: It has to be legal, and the money can’t go to charity.

“Not because I don’t like charity, because I do,” Honnor explained in a recent interview from his home in England, “but because it defers responsibility away from the group. It’s quite an easy thing to do.”

SD: It does seem like the sort of thing that would be easy to reality TV-ify and ruin.


SH: Neither of them managed to capture it. Or they tried too hard to capture it and, in doing so, kind of killed its essence.


If no consensus in reached, the money rolls over to the next production. However, at any point in the show, silent witnesses can buy in and become players themselves. Likewise, players can opt out of the game by hitting a gong and walking away — though they can buy back in if they’re so moved. There is no limit to the number of players in the game once it starts.

SH: In China, they had a popularity contest. The players agreed that, after the hour was up, the most popular player with the silent witnesses would take all the money. They all agreed to it, therefore they got the money. So, they held a contest after the hour was up and everyone voted for this guy who got the money. He had come up with the idea, actually.

SD: “The Money” is a game, and it’s theater. But it’s also a social experi ment. What was your hypothesis when you started?

People do all sorts of things. They go out to dinner with each other. Someone took quite a lot of money to a place where he regularly worked in Africa and gave it out in one-pound denominations to as many people as he could find. I’ve spoken to him since about the challenges of direct giving and what it is to be a white man going there and giving out money.

SEVEN DAYS: What are some of your favorite things that the money has been spent on?

SD: One of the hardest things for people to do right now is to agree on anything. How does polarization manifest in the game?


a police department in Connecticut. It had a picture of a kid with a teddy bear by a police car, and it said, “There was a terrible incident today, but luckily our police officers were armed with teddy bears from your project.”

People are brilliant. They’re amazing. They’re really, really interesting. And this show is about people’s beauty, ingenuity [and] their difficulty with each other. So, for me as an artist, it’s important that I respect that in doing a project like this. And it’s fun.

I know Vermont prides itself on getting out and talking and voting. So, I hope we see a bit of that, of trying to get to some shared values. m

This interview was edited and condensed for clarity and length.

The Flynn presents “The Money” on Thursday and Friday, September 22 and 23, at Burlington City Hall Auditorium; Saturday and Sunday, September 24 and 25, at Hartford High School in White River Junction; Tuesday and Wednesday, September 27 and 28, at Middlebury Union High School; and Friday, September 30, and Saturday, October 1, at Montpelier City Hall; all shows 7 p.m. $1525.

SH: What I always say is that I can’t begin to read a culture off a few shows of “The Money” because that would be ridiculous. But

Then, a year later, I got a message from

at “The Money” IS YOUR SYSTEM RUNNING ON ANALOG, LEGACY COPPER OR CABLE VOICE LINES … IS YOUR SYSTEM RUNNING ON ANALOG, LEGACY COPPER OR CABLE VOICE LINES … 4T-CVS092121.indd 1 9/19/22 3:18 PM charlotte, vt fall is for planting 20-50% off fresh plants thru 10/2 all plants & prices at 2022-09-21 Horsford Ad - Fall Sales.indd 1 9/19/2022 11:11:28 AM4T-horsford092122 1 9/19/22 1:27 PM

SD: You’ve done this show all over the world. Have you noticed cultural differences in the way people approach the game in different places?

The reality is that, in the Netherlands, they’re really good at coming to a decision. Or, like, in Italy, there tends to be a lot of talking. Or in Australia, they tend to be incredibly competitive about it. There are things that make you go, “Oh, yeah. That makes sense.”

SD: What about in America?



SH: Often, we go to arts festivals and someone jokes that they’re going to give it to a right-wing party or something. And I long for someone to be represented from that party there, because it would make for a better conversation. And the show can hold those conversations. It’s actually really interesting when you get people with opposing values, because then you really do have to talk it through if you’re going to come to any sort of agreement.



I guess if there’s any thesis here, it’s that I’m interested in money and what our enthrallment with it is. We’re all in the same system; I’m not pretending that I’m any different. But we really are all enthralled with it.

SH: One of the most interesting outcomes happened the last time we were in America. We don’t let people give to charity. But this guy wanted to make a new charity that gives teddy bears to police officers so that they’ve got something to give children when they’ve been caught up in violent crime. He got the money.


finds solace and guidance in the voices of sentient objects in his house after his father’s tragicOzeki’sdeath. My Year of Meats and All Over Creation (2003) have been published in 14 countries and 11 languages, and her A Tale for the Time Being (2013) won the Los Angeles Times Book Prize, was short-listed for the Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award, and has been published in more than 30 countries. She is a professor of English language and literature at Smith College.

Katherine Arden reads on Saturday, September 24, 1:30 p.m., in the Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, in Burlington. Free.


Arden’s debut series for adults, the Winternight Trilogy, burst onto the fantasy scene in 2017 with the New York Times best-selling The Bear and the Nightingale. This book and the next two in the series, The Girl in the Tower and The Winter of the Witch, follow the young speaker-to-the-spirits Vasya as she grows into a woman who must save Russia from war and demonic threats.

international acclaim

Lit Party « P.46

An Evening With Ruth Ozeki, Saturday, September 24, 4 p.m., at Burlington City Hall Auditorium. $10; $20 includes a presigned copy of e Book of Form and Emptiness

Festival headliner Ruth Ozeki published her first book, My Year of Meats, in 1998 and has andtointherealism.adeptBuddhistfiCanada,BritishNewineverinternationalandwinningbeenawardsgarneringacclaimsince.BasedMassachusetts,YorkCityandColumbia,thenovelist,lmmakerandZenpriestisatmagical“Ozekiensoulsworld.Everythingheruniverse,downawindowpaneawidget,hasapsyche

Katherine Arden

Important medical decisions should be guided by a person’s health and wellbeing, not by a politician’s beliefs. Now that Roe v. Wade has been overturned by the Supreme Court, state level protections of our reproductive autonomy are more vital than ever. In Vermont, that means passing Article 22, the Reproductive Liberty Amendment, to explicitly enshrine the right to reproductive health care in our state constitution Paid for by the ACLU of Vermont Public Question Committee Learn more about Article 22 at 2H-ACLU091422 1 9/13/22 9:40 AM



W. Campbell Memorial Award for Best Science Fiction Novel. Her sophomore series, the Small Spaces Quadrilogy for middle-grade readers, is set in a Vermont besieged by lake monsters and creepy clown demons.


and a certain amount of agency and can communicate,” Judith Shulevitz writes in a New York Times review of The Book of Form and Emptiness, Ozeki’s latest.The 2021 novel, which won the UK-based Women’s Prize for Fiction, tells the story of a 14-year-old boy who

realism. “Ozeki ensouls the world. Everything in her universe, down

Waterbury author Katherine Arden moves through worlds like nobody’s business. In real life — before she was a best-selling author — she lived in Moscow, harvested macadamia nuts in Hawaii and skied in the French Alps. On the page, she journeys between the wintry wilderness of 14th-century Russia, a Lake Champlain haunted by demons and mystical spirit worlds. All of this traveling makes her a writer of immense imagination, capable of crafting tales in which readers of all ages can get lost.

The trilogy earned Arden nominations for the Hugo Award, the Locus Award, the Vermont Book Award and the John

Ruth Ozeki

Katherine Arden

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The Play’s the Thing

Gross represents a smaller subset within “Interplay”: relatives. In a second-floor room, her intaglio and woodblock prints face a mixed-media installation by her daughter, Eva Sturm-Gross. The latter, “Eschaton of Leviathan & the Birdshead Messiah,”

The idea of interplay runs deeper than hue, though, manifesting itself in themati cally linked subsets of shape, pattern, mate riality or concept. On a mantel in one room, for instance, is a James Secor painting called “The Purposeful Structures Hold Us Apart.” The distorted triangular and rectilinear shapes in the semi-figurative dreamscape seem to commune with Clark Derbes’ jutting carved-wood piece “Fractal Time Traveler,” perched on a pedestal below.


frequent opportunities to consider their dialogues. Derbes’ painted polygons are simpatico with a number of 2D pieces throughout the Kent. Printmaker Rachel Gross’ masterful geometric compositions on paper or shaped plywood complement other artworks even as they command attention.


“The Wayward Bench” by George Sawyer; “Mud Season 9 Patch” quilt by Rosalind Daniels


The artworks do a good job of that on their own — first and foremost with color. From bold abstractions by Sara Katz to medi tative pastel canvases by Cynthia Kirkwood to richly saturated pigment-ink monotypes by Drew Clay, imagery pops in every room. The curators sometimes pair works of simi lar color value, doubling their visual vitality, and elsewhere create energetic contrasts.

Nel Emlen and Allyson Evans, along with state curator David Schutz, excel at arranging contemporary artwork both inside and outdoors at their beloved historic site, finding purpose for every nook and cranny. But “Interplay,” the 15th exhibition at the Kent, may be their most vivacious assemblage to date.

From left: “Queen of Light” and “Feathered Friends” by Pamela Smith

riting about the annual Art at the Kent exhibition is both a pleasure and an exercise in frustration: the former because every bit of art on display at the Kents’ Corner State Historic Site in Calais is engaging; the latter because there are far too many pieces to acknowledge in this limited space. But we can’t complain about such a merry convention of creativity. The 2022 iteration, “Interplay,” brilliantly melds a multitude of works by 20 Vermont artists.

“When we were gathering works, we were looking for bridges between disparate pieces,” Emlen told Seven Days. “This time we paid more attention to that [than usual].” Battered by COVID-19 and “feeling the weight of the world,” she added, “we inten tionally looked at work that was joyous.”

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202252 art

“Mother and Child” sculpture by Clark Derbes; “Dream 022721.001” by Drew Clay

Even so, the trio took some time to arrive at the show’s title. “We didn’t want to tell people how to feel,” Emlen observed.

Space is something the Kent has in abundance: a warren of small rooms and, up a steep flight of stairs, a capacious former ballroom. The building shows its age grace fully, with layers of faded wallpaper, exposed lath, and windows and doors that first opened upon the 19th century. This backdrop is a supporting player in the exhibition’s pageant — a necessarily brief one, since the venue is not winterized. The gentle mashup of old and new calls to mind a line in William Shakespeare’s The Tempest: “What’s past is prologue.”Cocurators

Curating joy at the annual Corner exhibition

Foreground: "Pose" by Gerald K. Stoner; back from left: "Slip Stream" and "Bloom Camp" by Rachel Gross; "Portal" by Mark Ragonese

The curatorial choice to scatter each artist’s works among the rooms provides


ARTIST & CURATOR CONVERSATION: BETH GALSTON AND MARA WILLIAMS: Artist Beth Galston and curator Mara Williams discuss Galston’s immersive, multimedia installation “Unraveling Oculus” at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Register for the Zoom event at brattleboromuseum. org. Thursday, September 22, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 257-0124.

BTV MARKET: An expansion of the former BCA Artist Market includes arts, crafts and other wares, as well as food and live music. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, September 24, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Info, 865-7166.

Pamela Smith embodies her own category: folk art flavored with magical realism. Her vivid, beautifully rendered figurative paintings and papier-mâché sculptures are charming and slyly sophisticated, certainly answering the curatorial call for joy.

ART CAFÉ WITH MUSIC: Explore this year’s contempo rary art exhibition, “Interplay,” with fresh baked goods, tea and live piano music. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site, Calais, Friday, September 23, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Info, 828-0749.

brattleboro/okemo valley



ARTISAN MARKET: An outdoor marketplace featuring arts, crafts, specialty foods and other handmade items. Chaffee Art Center, Rutland, Saturday, September 24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Info, 775-0356.

consists of four floor-to-ceiling paper scrolls with two suspended banners hanging perpendicular to them at either end, forming a semi-enclosure. Printed in black and red with esoteric symbology, including the Ouroboros, the installation is graphically arresting and impeccably crafted.


f ‘THE LIFE OF WATER’: An international juried exhibition of photographs of water in all its forms and sources. Opening reception: Friday, September 30, 11 a.m.-7 p.m. September 28-October 21. Info, PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury.

“Interplay,” along with an installation honoring late Burlington artist Maggie Sherman, on view through October 9 at the Kents’ Corner State Historic Site in Calais. Closing celebration: Sunday, October 9, 3 to 5 p.m.

BIWEEKLY FIGURE DRAWING SOCIAL: Tickets are limited to 20 seats and are first come, first serve. Live model; bring your own beverages and supplies; curated playlist. RSVP at Wishbone Collective, Winooski, Wednesday, September 21, 6-8 p.m. $15. Info,

Not to be outdone, Mark Ragonese presents a very high chair made of twisty driftwood. Back indoors, a long black bench by George Sawyer swoops aggressively skyward at one end, deter ring any would-be sitters.

In Marta’s “heavy necklace” series, teardrop-shaped “jewels” the size of paperweights are strung together and arrayed on pedestals. Peering into them, a viewer sees slightly distorted photographs that illustrate their titles. “Dissolution of Democracy,” for instance, reveals depressingly on-point images that we really don’t want to see. This necklace, if worn, would be a true albatross.Thesole dark note in this year’s Kent exhibition underscores its mission: to observe how well we can play together. m

middlebury area

Seating comprises another subset in this exhibition, and some of it is LOL funny. Timothy Clark’s armless Wind sor chair, painted robin’s-egg blue, sits demurely before a fireplace and echoes the color in a trio of Katz paintings on the mantel. By contrast, Clark’s “Big Red Chair,” sited on the lawn, is too big even for Papa Bear.

outside vermont

f PARK DAE SUNG: “Ink Reimagined,” 23 large-scale ink paintings, some on view for the first time in the U.S., by the renowned Korean artist; curated by Sunglim Kim, Dartmouth College associate professor of art history. Artist talk: Thursday, November 3, 5-6 p.m., for the annual Dr. Allen W. Root Contemporary Distinguished Art Lectureship. September 24-March 19. Info, 603-646-3661. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H.

ARTIST TALK: KATHY STARK: The Vermont artist talks about her solo exhibition of paintings. The Front, Montpelier, Friday, September 23, 5:30 p.m. Info,

WE WERE LOOKING FOR BRIDGES BETWEEN DISPARATE PIECES. NEL EMLEN ART EVENTS » P.54 “Black Jack” by Sara Katz “Eschaton“Introverre/decolétage”byJoshBernbaumofLeviathan&theBirdsheadMessiah”byEvaSturm-Gross

CABOT ARTISTS: A curated exhibition showcasing the work of the visual arts community. September 24-October 2. Info, 227-0036. Cabot Art Barn.

f 6X6: A MINI EXHIBITION: An exhibition of 2D artwork with dimensions of six inches square by more than 50 local artists. The theme commemorates the store turning 6 months old. Reception: Thursday, September 22, 5-7 p.m. September 22-October 29. Info, 989-7225. Sparrow Art Supply in Middlebury.

f ‘MASKED’: A juried exhibition of visual artworks by 22 artists with disabilities, organized by Inclusive Arts Vermont. Reception: Friday, September 23, 5-7 p.m. September 23-October 15. Info, 404-1597. Main Street Arts in Saxtons River.



From left: “Green and Pink Octahedron” by Cynthia Kirkwood; Stripes” by Jane Davies

Josh and Marta Bernbaum contrib ute the only glass works in the exhibi tion, in forms that demonstrate the medium’s versatility. Josh’s blown, carved and shaped pieces, such as the curvy “Introverre/decolétage,” are simply exquisite.



‘CONNECTIONS’: Howard Center Arts Collective presents an art installation of painted mailboxes and mosaics, inviting viewers to reflect on the benefits of oldfashioned mail delivery and to consider whether mailboxes have become relics of the past. Through July 31. Info,

The paintingsartist’suse more color, contrast and negative space, and the cover illustrations shown on his website emphasize his gift for Night.”Pictured:isAthroughisexhibition,portraiture.Alexander’s“Effigies,”onviewatKishkaOctober2.closingreceptionnoonto3p.m.“Lateat

Julian Adon Alexander

Drawings and paintings by a young artist from New York City inject a slice of urban life at Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction. Julian Adon Alexander, who earned his BFA at the School of Visual Arts, favors depictions of quotidian — and nocturnal — scenes around his Queens neighborhood. His subjects are “places and people that one might walk by on the way to a destination and otherwise not pay attention to,” explains a gallery statement.Alexander is not the first or only artist to enshrine on paper his atolookingthatcompositionsmurky,skies.againstandcenterdrawingsDenselycertainlyBut“theobservationscloseofunremarkable.”hisstyleishisown.tonedingraphiteBlackfacesdarkobjectsequallydarkTheresultismysteriousrequireclose—liketryingfindone’swayinmoonlessnight.

‘MORE THAN AN OBJECT: THE CONTEMPORARY STILL LIFE’: A group exhibition that presents multiple innovative variations on an age-old format in mediums including painting, photography, animation and sculpture. Through October 8. LOUISE ARNOLD: Landscape paintings. Lorraine B. Good Room. Through October 7. SKY HOPINKA: “Fainting Spells,” two experimental films that explore themes of culture and homeland as the artist reflects on the complexity of his Indigenous identity. Through October 8. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.



chittenden county


‘CALL AND RESPONSE’: Artworks by 16 members of the Howard Arts Collective, each inspired by a piece in the museum’s collections. ‘DARK GODDESS: AN EXPLORATION OF THE SACRED FEMININE’: Largescale black-and-white photographs by Shanta Lee, based on the inquiry, “Who or what is the Goddess when she is allowed to misbehave?” ROCKWELL

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202254 art

‘PORTRAITS OF PRIDE’: An exhibition of photographs by M. Sharkey of individuals who were part of the 1983 Pride March; presented by the Pride Center of Vermont and the Vermont Folklife Center. Through September 30. Info, 865-7296. Burlington City Hall.

EXHIBITION: Artworks by Mallory Breiner, Brian Collier, Jordan Douglas, Peter Gallo, Gordon Glover, Becca Gurney and Will Mentor. Through September 23. Info, McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester.

‘EYESIGHT & INSIGHT: LENS ON AMERICAN ART’: An exhibition of artworks that illuminates creative responses to perceptions of vision; four sections explore themes ranging from 18th-century optical technologies to the social and historical connotations of eyeglasses in portraiture from the 19th century to the present. Through

Art, University of Vermont, in Burlington.

RICHMOND ART CRAWL: Radiate Art Space presents an outdoor community event with more than 40 vendor booths, food trucks and kids’ activities. Parking at Volunteers Green. Richmond Town Hall, Sunday, September 25, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Info,


A curious character recurs in some of Alexander’s drawings: a blobby, presumably human figure swaddled from head to toe in black. Only large, catlike eyes peer out from the masked face, usually watching another person in the composition. Is he stalker or protector? Whatever this figure may signify to Alexander, its bogeyman quality is universally relatable.

KELLY O’NEAL: Painterly photographs focused on the beauty of place. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through October 31. Info, 865-7296. Mascoma Bank in Burlington.

‘BLACK FREEDOM, BLACK MADONNA & THE BLACK CHILD OF HOPE’: “Black Freedom, Black Madonna, and the Black Child of Hope,” designed by Raphaella Brice and created by Brice and Josie Bunnell, a mural installed for Burlington’s 2022 Juneteenth celebration, featuring a Haitian-inspired image of liberation. Through June 18. Info, 865-7166. Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.


KENT: Prints by the iconic American artist (18821971) from the Ralph C. Nemec collection. Through December 9. Info, 656-0750. Fleming Museum of

‘MORE THAN A MARKET’: An exhibit celebrating local, immigrant-owned markets in Burlington, South Burlington and Winooski, featuring an installation that re-creates the feel of a busy market, as well as wall panels with archival and contemporary photographs. Third floor. Through December 23. Info, 989-4723, O.N.E. Community Center in Burlington.



‘ABENAKI CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE VERMONT COMMUNITY’: A series of murals designed by Scott Silverstein in consultation with Abenaki artists Lisa

TALK: ‘ROCKWELL KENT’S GLOBAL INFLUENCES AND INSPIRATIONS’: Alice Boone, curator of educa tion and public programs, discusses the impact of the artist’s travels on his work, in conjunction with a current exhibition. Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, Burlington, Wednesday, September 28, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0750.

‘VOICES OF ST. JOSEPH’S ORPHANAGE’: Photographs and stories of abuse and recovery from the Catholic-run Burlington orphanage, which was home to more than 13,000 children from 1854 to 1974. Presented by the St. Joseph’s Orphanage Restorative Inquiry and the Vermont Folklife Center. Through December 16. Info, 656-2138. Billings Library, University of Vermont, in Burlington.


ART AT THE AIRPORT: Caleb Kenna, aerial photographs of Vermont (Skyway); and Kathleen Fleming, acrylic paintings inspired by landscapes (Gates 1-8), curated by Burlington City Arts. Through September 30. ROB HITZIG & BEAR CIERI: Abstract geometric paintings on birch panels (Skyway), and photographs from the artist’s Quarry Survey (Gates 1-8). Through December 6. Info, 865-7296. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington.

FRIDAY NIGHT FAMILY NIGHT: Family members of all ages are invited to explore art-making through playful and experimental methods. Radiate Art Space, Richmond, Friday, September 23, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $10; free for 5 and under. Info,

‘WALKING AS LEARNING TO SEE’: A sensory observation workshop with artist Roberley Bell, in conjunction with her outdoor sculptural installation. Preregister; space is limited. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Sunday, September 25, 2 p.m. $10; free for BMAC members. Info, 257-0124.

Yet details emerge with startling clarity, such as wheel rims on a car, the graceful arch of a metal light post, the mortar in a brick wall.


GALLERY OPENING: Jean Cherouny, an artist, educator and curator, invites fellow artist Chris Selin to show her plein air paintings. Light refreshments available. Jean Cherouny Fine Art and Design, Winooski, Sunday, September 25, 2-5 p.m. Info, 349-9491.

WYLIE GARCIA: “Tending Constellations,” a solo exhibition of recent paintings that emerged from the emotional spaces between grief and joy, uncer tainty and hope. Through October 8. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington.

‘ANYWHERE FROM ANYWHERE’: A collection of drawings by more than 20 artists. Through December 1. Info, Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington.

TERRY J. ALLEN: “Migrants, Labor of Life,” images by the Vermont-based photographer accompanying Milk With Dignity, a fifth anniversary celebration of the agreement between Migrant Justice and Ben & Jerry’s, with live music from Kat Wright, Pia Zapata and Tish Hinojosa. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, Saturday, September 24, 3-6:30 p.m. $20 advance; $25 at the door. Info, 533-2000.

Ainsworth Plourde and Vera Longtoe Sheehan and members of Richmond Racial Equity; the 10 panels celebrate the Abenaki origins of practices still important to Vermont culture. Through May 31. Info, Richmond Town Hall.

BRIAN DROURR & STEPHANIE BUSH: Nature photographs and paintings of cows, respectively. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through October 18. Info, 865-7296. Pierson Library in Shelburne.

ART HOP JURIED SHOW: Artwork by more than 70 artists submitted for competition in the 30th annual South End Art Hop; juried by David Griffin. Through December 10. Info, 859-9222. The Vaults in Burlington.

WEBINAR: CURATORS IN CONVERSATION: Shelburne Museum curator Katie Kirchhoff and David Brody, professor of design studies at Parsons School of Design, discuss paintings in the current exhibition “Luigi Lucioni: Modern Light.” Preregister for Zoom link. Wednesday, September 21, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 985-3346.


ALISA DWORSKY: “The Folded Line,” large-format, multidimensional drawings that engage with the question of what it means to make a line. Through September 29. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Supreme Court Gallery in Montpelier.

BOW THAYER: Vibrant paintings by the Vermont musician and visual artist. Through October 11. Info, 225-6232. Filling Station in Middlesex.

f EVE JACOBS-CARNAHAN: “Knit Democracy Together,” a five-foot-long sculpture of the Vermont Statehouse constructed from the knitted works of more than 50 crafters. Also on view are the artist’s mixed-media allegorical sculptures of knitted chickens encountering voting challenges. Art Walk reception: Friday, October 7, 4:30-7 p.m. Through October 31. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Statehouse, Card Room in Montpelier.

‘LAND & LIGHT & WATER & AIR’: An annual exhibition featuring more than 95 works by local and regional artists who paint the Vermont countryside. Through October 30. ‘LET US INTRODUCE YOU’: Paintings by five artists who have not previously exhibited in the gallery: Robin Reynolds, Ellen Hopkins Fountain, Kate Follett, Ella Delyanis and Caroline Loftus. Through October 30.

f ‘GRACE: 45 YEARS OF CREATIVITY’: An exhibition of works by participants in the Hardwickbased Grassroots Arts and Community Effort, which

Closing celebration: Sunday, October 9, 3-5 p.m. Through October 9. Info, Kents’ Corner State Historic Site in Calais.

MARY LOU MARCUSSEN: “Camp, Champ, Champlain,” acrylic paintings by the Williston artist that celebrate camp life in all seasons. Through September 25. Info, 899-3211. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho.



‘EXPOSED’: The annual outdoor sculpture show featuring works by nine Vermont artists sited on the Current lawn and downtown. Through October 22. Info, 253-8358. Various Stowe locations.

‘OUR COLLECTION: ELECTRA HAVEMEYER WEBB, EDITH HALPERT AND FOLK ART’: A virtual exhibition that celebrates the friendship between the museum founder and her longtime art dealer, featuring archival photographs and ephemera, a voice recording from Halpert, and quotations pulled from the women’s extensive correspondences.



‘THE WORLD THROUGH THEIR EYES’: Watercolors and drawings by 19th-century Norwich alumni William Brenton Boggs and Truman Seymour depicting scenes in North and South America, Asia, Europe and Africa. Through December 16. Info, 485-2886. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield.

‘FINE FEATHERS’: Works by more than 60 artists and poets inspired by birds and feather colors, shapes, patterns and functions. Through October 31. Info, 434-2167. Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington.

JILL MADDEN: Oil paintings on linen and gouache paintings on watercolor paper that explore the unique wilderness areas of the Green Mountains. Through September 30. Info, 223-2328. Vermont Natural Resources Council in Montpelier.

Through October 5.

FALL HOURS: Monday - Saturday 10AM – 5PM Sundays 11AM – 4PM or by appointment Now with exhibitions and artist events at The Pitcher Inn, Warren, Vermont Rotating Exhibitions & New Fall Hours One Mill St and 6 Merchant’s Row, Middlebury Vermont 802-458-0098 & edgewatergallery.com802-989-7419


f JESSICA SCRIVER: “Growth Patterns,” new paint ings in mixed media that explore shape, pattern, texture and color. Reception: Friday, September 30, 5-7 p.m. Through October 29. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.

KATHY STARK: “New Work 2019-2022,” paintings constructed of repeating marks that might evoke fields of crops, flocks of birds, schools of fish or families of color. Through October 2. Info, 552-0877. The Front in Montpelier.

‘ROCK SOLID XXII’: The annual celebration of stone includes sculptures, assemblages and other works in the main gallery and plaza. RAY BROWN: “Transformative Moves,” a lifetime retrospective of the paintings, drawings, prints and more by the late local artist. Curated by NNEMoCA on the second and third floors and in the Quick Change Gallery, as well as annex locations at AR Market and Morse Block. Through October 29. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.


2022 LEGACY COLLECTION: An exhibit of works by 16 distinguished New England landscape artists plus a selection of works by Alden Bryan and Mary Bryan. Through December 24. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville.

AMY HOOK-THERRIEN: Watercolor paintings by the Vermont artist. A portion of sales benefits the nature center. Through September 30. Info, 2296206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier.

ELLIOT BURG: “Tunbridge Fair,” an exhibit of black-and-white photographs by the Middlesex photographer. Through September 30. Info, 2724920. Capitol Region Visitors Center in Montpelier.

LINDA BLACKERBY: Vibrant abstract paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 2. Info, Shelburne Vineyard.

CHARLES SUMNER BUNN’S DECOYS’: An online exhibition of shorebird decoys carved by the member of the Shinnecock-Montauk Tribes, based on extensive research and resolving historic controversy.

REGIS CUMMINGS: “Retrospect,” paintings in response to the pandemic and the war in Ukraine, by the Montpelier artist. Through October 28. Info, 279-5558. Vermont Statehouse Cafeteria in Montpelier.

2V-edgewater092122 1 9/15/22 5:13 PM

ALTERNATIVE TAKES GALLERY: An exhibition by Misoo Bang, Richard Britell and Mary Reilly featuring three different perspectives on the world, from the architecture of Western civilization to the natural world, to the individuals navigating both, accomplished with paint, collage and graphite. Through October 31. Info, 760-4634. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort.

f ‘INTERPLAY’: Works in a variety of mediums by 20 Vermont artists fill the historic house and grounds in this annual exhibition and illuminate time, memory and personal story; also, a recognition of staff artists at the Vermont Studio Center and an installation honoring late Burlington artist Maggie Sherman.

Through February 9. LUIGI LUCIONI: “Modern Light,” more than 50 landscape paintings, still-life works, portraiture and etchings by the prolific artist (1900-88) and a comprehensive examination of his career. Through October 16. MARIA SHELL: “Off the Grid,” 14 contemporary quilts that push the boundaries of the traditional gridded format by the Alaska-based quilter. Through October 16. NANCY


SOUTH BURLINGTON SHOWCASE: An exhibition of more than 60 paintings, photographs and mixed-media works by local artists Gin Ferrara, Jeffrey Pascoe and Michael Strauss. Through December 13. Info, South Burlington Public Art Gallery.

WINSHIP MILLIKEN: “Varied and Alive,” four monumental outdoor sculptures set in a pollinator meadow that embody the museum’s commitment to environmental stewardship and feature natural materials intrinsic to the region. Through October 16. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.

JEANNE AMATO: Vibrant woodblock prints of Vermont and the natural world beyond. Through September 27. Info, 479-0896. Espresso Bueno in Barre.

‘THE ART OF THE GRAPHIC’: Eight displays of snowboards that let viewers see the design process from initial conception to final product; featuring artists Scott Lenhardt, Mark Gonzalez, Mikey Welsh, Mishel Schwartz and more. Through October 31. Info, 253-9911. Vermont Ski and Snowboard Museum in Stowe.

JEROME LIPANI: “Visual Fugue,” analytical abstractions and assemblages of found materials, conceived as scores for music and dance improvisa tion. Through September 30. Info, jeromelipani@ Plainfield Co-op.


ELLY BARKSDALE & MARTHA ELMES: “Women— Strength in Numbers,” works by the local artist that draw attention to women power. Through September 30. Info, The Satellite Gallery in Lyndonville.

CALL FOR EXHIBITORS: Enter your group show, traveling exhibit or new body of work for the 2022-23 season in our community gallery. We seek thought-provoking exhibits that examine the human experience. CAL is an interdisciplinary art center that celebrates diversity, equity and inclusion in all forms. Submit artwork at Deadline: December 31. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier. Info, 595-5252.

WELCOME BLANKET PROJECT: The public is invited to submit handmade blankets and welcome notes to gift to refugees and new Americans. Both will be displayed in an upcoming exhibition before distribution. Welcome Blanket was created by Jayna Zweiman, cofounder of the Pussyhat Project. Instructions and drop-off locations at Heritage Winooski Mill Museum. Through November 30. Info,

CAMPUS THEATER MOVIE POSTERS: A virtual exhibit of posters and other ephemera from Middlebury’s former movie theater, which opened in 1936. It was later converted to the current Marquis Theater. Through January 7. ‘ADDISON COUNTY COLLECTS’: An eclectic exhibition of objects and personal stories from 36 area collectors, celebrating the local and global community. Through January 7. ‘ADDISON COUNTY KIDS COLLECT’: A continually growing exhibition of photos of Addison County children with their personal collections. Through January 7. ‘ARTISTS IN THE ARCHIVES: COMMUNITY, HISTORY & COLLAGE’: Collage prints by 23 artists from seven countries that reflect upon the idea of community in the 21st-century world. Curated by Kolaj Institute director Ric Kasini Kadour. Through January 7. ‘THE ELEPHANT IN THE ARCHIVES’: An experimental exhibit reexamining the museum’s Stewart-Swift Research Center archival collections with a critical eye toward silences, erasures and contemporary relevance. Through January 7. CHUCK HERRMANN: “Sculptures of Perseverance,” eight poignant works by the Shoreham wood carver created in response to the ongoing Ukrainian tragedy. Through January 7. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury.

‘THE ORWELL ARTISTS’: Works by 11 artists including pottery, collage, painting and more. Through October 15. Info, 989-7225. Sparrow Art Supply in Middlebury.

RORY JACKSON: “Be Still,” paintings of landscapes and skies by the local artist. Through September 27. Info, 989-7419. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.

upper valley

CHAMPLAIN VALLEY CRAFT SHOW AND ANTIQUE EXPO: Artisans, artists and specialty food makers are welcome to apply for this exhibition held during the Champlain Valley

GREEN MOUNTAIN PHOTO SHOW: An annual un juried exhibition open to professional and amateur photographers in a variety of styles, formats and subject matter. Through October 9. Info, info@ Red Barn Galleries at Lareau Farm in Waitsfield.

middlebury area

‘1,111 COPPER NAILS’: A 36-year retrospective of the Bread and Puppet calendar. Through December 31. Info, Hardwick Inn.

‘TO MARKET’: Large-scale black-and-white paintings by Shelley Reed and elaborate cut-paper installa tions by Randal Thurston. By appointment. Through October 9. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.

‘REACT! AN ECOART CALL TO ACTION’: Works that address social and ecological issues in collage, book art, sculpture, fiber, clay and found-object assem blage by Pamela Wilson, Jennifer Volansky, Dorsey Hogg, Kevin Donegan and Anne Cummings. Through October 15. Info, Grange Hall Cultural Center in Waterbury Center.

Expo, October 21 to 23. Details and application at Through October 1. Info,

JANET VAN FLEET & DIANE GAYER: “We the People,” Van Fleet’s large figures made with found and repurposed materials; and Gayer’s “Do Trees Have Standing?,” photographs that document the first days of building Burlington’s Champlain Parkway through the Englesby Brook and ravine. Through September 26. Info, 355-2150. GreenTARA Space in North Hero.

‘MENDING THE SPACES BETWEEN: REFLECTIONS AND CONTEMPLATIONS’: Prompted by a vandalized Bible, 22 artists and poets respond to questions about how we can mend our world, find ways to listen and work together. Through November 30. Info, 649-0124. Norwich Historical Society and Community Center.

ARTISTS FROM THE GABLES: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by Bob Lloyd, Hellen Dillon, Lowell Klock and Bill Ramage. Through October 1. Info, The Gables at East Mountain in Rutland.

‘WHIR, CLANK, BEEP’: An upcoming show is about machines: simple levers and pulleys, farm equipment, robots, computers and AI. Kinetic sculpture, working machines, 2D and 3D depictions of real and invented machines, and sculptures made from machine parts are all welcome. Deadline: December 10. Info at Studio Place Arts, Barre. $10; free for SPA members. Info, 479-7069.

‘TIME OF CHANGE’: All artists and makers in all mediums are invited to create work focusing on the entry into the transitional month of November. Work will be displayed at the gallery. For details and to request an entry form, email Deadline: October 27. The Satellite Gallery, Lyndonville. $20.

‘COLOR’: Photographs in vivid color juried by Jeff Curto, in the gallery and online. Through September 23. Info, PhotoPlace Gallery in Middlebury.

DAVID STROMEYER: The artist’s outdoor venue featuring 70 large-scale contemporary sculptures. Through October 10. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls.

‘YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE IT TO SEE IT!’: Abstract sculptures by Melinda McDaniel and digital paintings by Fernando Orellana, curated by Kara Jefts. Through September 21. Info, 635-2727. Red Mill Gallery, Vermont Studio Center, in Johnson.

f KATE SMITH & ELIZABETH NELSON: Abstract paintings drawn from memories of special places. Meet the artists: Friday, September 23, 6-8 p.m. Through October 9. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury.

‘CELEBRATE’: Studio Place Arts members can sign up to participate in a gift and art show (November 9 to December 29) that includes ceramics, wearables and fiber, cards, bin art, ornaments, paintings and other 2D work, jewelry and glassware. Deadline: October 8. Info at Studio Place Arts, Barre, Through October 8. $20-35. Info, 479-7069.


f ‘MULTIPLE AVENUES: ARTISTS EXPLORE PRINTMAKING’: A faculty exhibition featuring a variety of works by Michael Smoot, Susan Smereka, Jes Raymond, Lynn Newcomb, Mary Mead, Patty Hudak, Rachel Gross and Janet Cathey. Reception: Friday, October 7, 5-7 p.m. Through October 31. Info, Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction.

‘TRIO: PUTTING IT TOGETHER’: Artworks in paint, collage and found objects by Sloane Dawson, Margaret Kannenstine and Amy Schachter. Through September 24. Info, 457-3500. ArtisTree Gallery in South Pomfret.


Arts announces a one-year pilot funding opportunity designed to support regional artists and artist groups with grants between $500 and $5,000. The goal is to help address the basic challenges of art making at any stage of the creative process. Find details and application at Deadline: November 15. Info,

‘CASPIAN ARTS AT MAC! WELCOME!’: Works in a variety of mediums by members of the Greensborobased artist organization. Through October 29. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport.


Through October 23. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center in West Rutland.

f JULIAN ADON ALEXANDER: “Effigies,” graphite drawings and acrylic paintings by the New York City-based artist. Artist talk and closing reception: Sunday, October 2, noon-3 p.m. Through October 2. Info, 347-264-4808. Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction.

SCULPTFEST22: An annual outdoor exhibition of sculptural installations in a variety of mediums.

‘BEYOND WORDS’: A group exhibition of book-in spired art by invited artists in the Connecticut River Valley region. Through November 30. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery in White River Junction.

2022 PHOTOGRAPHY SHOOT-OUT: The theme for this year’s competition is “Reflections.” First-place winner gets a solo show at Axel’s in 2023. Two entries per photographer. Rules and details at Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery, Waterbury. Through October 8. $20. Info, 244-7801.

The Sundog Poetry Book Award is open to submissions from all Vermont-based poets who have not published a first or second book. Final judge Shanta Lee Gander will select the winning manuscript and write an introduction for the book. The winning poet will receive a cash prize of $500, 50 copies of the book and assistance with promotion. Details and application at Through September 30. $20.

COZY NOOK CRAFT FAIR: Seeking crafters of handmade items and makers of specialty foods (not baked goods) for November 5 event. Details at Deadline: October 10. Essex Memorial Hall. $35-45 per table. Info,

CREATIVE AGING GRANTS: The Vermont Arts Council is offering grants up to $4,000 for organizations to provide skill-based arts instruction and social engagement led by experienced teaching artists for older adults aged 60-plus. Info and application at vermontartscoun Through November 1.

2022 PICNIC BASKET RAFFLE: An annual fundraiser for the museum featuring baskets handpainted by Nancie Dunn, Gary Starr, Gayl Braisted, Warren Kimble, Danielle Rougeau and Fran Bull. Bidding is at Through October 10.


facilitates art making with seniors and people with disabilities. Reception and gallery talk: Thursday, September 22, 3 p.m. Through October 21. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.

northeast kingdom

BETSY SILVERMAN & RACHEL WILCOX: “About Town,” paintings of the urban landscape. Through September 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at the Falls in Middlebury.


SAMUEL WYATT: “Writing on the Wall Project,” new paintings that explore the light, shadow, textures and graffiti in urban settings. Through September 30. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury.

champlain islands/northwest

‘COMING CLEAN’: An exhibition that considers bath ing practices throughout time and across cultures, including religious immersion and ritual purification, bathing as health cure, methods of washing in extreme environments, and much more. All kinds of bathing and scrubbing implements are on display. Through April 30. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover.

BILL RAMAGE: “A Lamentation for a Lost Lexicon, Phase Two,” variations on Jasper Johns’ “Three Flags” paintings by the Rutland artist. Through October 8. Info, B&G Gallery in Rutland.

f ‘NEW DATA/NEW DADA’: An open-call exhibition of 40 collage and 3D assemblages that explore, echo, translate or reinvent Dada, by artists from the U.S. and Canada. f ‘THE STORY’: An open-call exhibition of contemporary photographs whose visual narratives evoke a response in the viewer, by artists from Vermont, New York, California and Texas. Reception: Saturday, September 24, 5-7 p.m. Through November 20. Info, 325-2603. Stone Valley Arts at Fox Hill in Poultney.

ALTHEA BILODEAU LAMB & JUDITH REILLY: “Common Threads,” fabric and fiber art. Through November 6. Info, 247-4956. Brandon Artists Guild.

JENNIFER MAHARRY: Fine art wildlife photography by the Woodstock, N.Y., artist in celebration of VINS’ 50-year anniversary. Through November 30. Info, 359-5000. Vermont Institute of Natural Science in Quechee.

‘DISSENT! ABOLITION & ADVOCACY IN PRINT’: An exhibition of 19th-century print materials used as a platform to expose the horrors of enslavement and spread calls for emancipation in the United States. Through October 23. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh.

f ANN YOUNG: “In a Dangerous Time,” paintings that focus on people in troubling times and abstracted images of magnified natural objects. Included are three commissioned paintings concern ing the West Saharan human rights activist Sultana Khayya. Reception: Friday, September 30, 4-6 p.m. Through October 30. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury.


‘WHEN THE WELL IS DRY: An exhibition featuring 11 artists who explore the interconnection of environ ment, climate change, culture and community. In partnership with Visura. Through December 10. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe.

‘EARTH & FIRE’: A group exhibition of artworks in glass and ceramic by local artists. Through October 14. Info, 224-6878. Mad River Valley Arts Gallery in Waitsfield.

CREATIVE FUTURES GRANTS: With $9 million in funding from Vermont’s last legislative session, the Vermont Arts Council is offering up to $200,000 grants to creative sector nonprofits and for-profit entities, including sole proprietors, that have sustained substantial losses from the pandemic. Find details, application and info about applicant workshops at First deadline: November 1. Info,

mad river valley/waterbury

BTV WINTER MARKET: Burlington City Arts is taking applications for a rotating group of 20 local artists, makers and food vendors who will set up booths in City Hall Park Friday through Sunday, November 19 to December 23. Deadline: October 3, 9 a.m.

LEON GOLUB: Nearly 70 expressive figurative paintings that explore man’s relationship with the dynamics of power, spanning the American artist’s career from 1947 to 2002. LOIS DODD: A survey of some 50 paintings by the American artist from the late 1950s through last year that depict places she lives and works, from rural Maine to New York City. Through November 27. Info, Hall Art Foundation in Reading.

SOLO EXHIBITIONS: Ten artists exhibit their work in a variety of mediums: Barbara Ackerman, Justin Kenney, Arnela Mahmutović, Evan McGlinn, Julie Merwin, Heather Palecek, Robert Ressler, Ron Vallario, Katrin Waite and Ann Young. Through November 6. Info, 362-1405. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.

BARBARA CAMPMAN: “In Passage,” painting, assemblage and mixed media by the Vermont artist. Through November 6. Info, 387-0102. Next Stage Arts Project in Putney.

ALISSA BUFFUM: The mixed-media painter and sculptor is the first recipient of the gallery’s Working Artist Program, which provides studio and exhibi tion space. Visitors are welcome to experience her art-making process during gallery hours. Through November 28. Info, 289-0104. Canal Street Art Gallery in Bellows Falls.

‘PARKS & RECREATION’: An exhibition of paint ings past and present that explores the history and artistic depictions of Vermont’s state parks and other formally designated natural areas. Contemporary works on loan from the Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. Through November 6. ‘PERSPECTIVES: THE STORY OF BENNINGTON THROUGH MAPS’: A collection that

SABRINA RATTÉ: “Contre-espace,” digital artwork by the Montréal artist that creates an interaction between architecture and landscape, projected onto the façade of the Michal and Renata Hornstein Pavilion from dusk to 11 p.m. Through November 27. SHARY BOYLE: “Outside the Palace of Me,” a multisensory exhibition that explores how identity and personality are constructed in the age of social media. Through January 15. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts.

brattleboro/okemo valley

f ‘MADAYIN: EIGHT DECADES OF ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN BARK PAINTING FROM YIRRKALA’: The first major exhibition of Aboriginal Australian bark paintings to tour the U.S., a contemporary interpretation of an ancient tradition of Indigenous knowledge expression. Public celebratory events: Thursday, September 22, through Saturday, September 24. Through December 4. Info, 603-646-2821. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. m

DEAR SIMON PHOTOGRAPHY: “Book of Eve,” studies in human form, shadow and light. Through September 30. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y.

‘FELT EXPERIENCE’: Works by five artists who use the medium of felt in diverse and novel ways: Marjolein Dallinga, Ruth Jeyaveeran, Melissa Joseph, Liam Lee and Stephanie Metz; curated by Sarah Freeman and Katherine Gass Stowe.


JUDITH JACOBS: “Transience,” photographs of time. Through September 27. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover.

‘FIREFLIES AND FREEZE TAG’: A curated group exhibition of 26 New Hampshire and Vermont artists whose artwork reflects on the joys of summer. Through September 24. MARGARET JACOBS, NANCY SEPE & LI SHEN: Solo exhibitions in multiple materials and disciplines; the three artists share an interest in storytelling through objects considered culturally or socially significant.

Through October 10. ‘NEBIZUN: WATER IS LIFE’: Artwork by Abenaki artists of the Champlain Valley and Connecticut River Valley, including protest art created in support of the Native American Water Protectors; curated by Vera Longtoe Sheehan.

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shows the changing roles of maps, from those made by European colonists showcasing American conquests to later versions that celebrate civic progress and historic events. Through December 31. NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 25th annual outdoor sculpture show at locations around town, as well as more works by regional artists inside the museum. Through November 12. Info, 447-1571. Bennington Museum.

‘DIANE ARBUS: PHOTOGRAPHS, 1956-1971’: Nearly 100 black-and-white prints shot by the late American photographer primarily around New York City. Through January 29. ‘VIEWS OF WITHIN: PICTURING THE SPACES WE INHABIT’: More than 60 paintings, photographs, prints, installations and textile works from the museum’s collection that present one or more evocations of interior space. Through June 30. NICOLAS PARTY: “L’heure mauve” (“Mauve Twilight”), a dreamlike exhibition of paintings, sculptures and installation in the Swiss-born artist’s signature saturated colors. Online reservations required. Through October 16.

JOHN DOUGLAS: “Anywhere but Here,” a solo exhibition of photographs by the Vershire artist. Through September 30. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library.

outside vermont

RACHEL LAUNDON: “Metamorphosis,” a solo exhibi tion of creations using found materials. Through October 8. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.


Through October 10. FRANK JACKSON: “There/ There,” abstract landscape fresco paintings that ad dress questions of place, memory and experience.

Through September 30. VICTORIA SHALVAH HERZBERG: “Native Plants and Invited Immigrants,” figurative works in mixed media by the Vermontbased artist. Through October 20. Info, 603-4483117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H.

‘THE ART OF HALVES HALF KNOTS’: A group exhibition of textile arts in quilting, felting, sewing, crocheting, knitting, embroidery and mixed media. Through October 22. Info, 775-0356. ‘WHOSE NEW WORLD?’: An exhibition of works in a variety of mediums by nine regional artists who explore social justice issues. Through September 24. Info, 728-9878. Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph.

‘MANY AMERICAS: ART MEETS HISTORY’: More than a dozen artworks and installations that use divergent histories as a point of departure to address present-day issues. Curated by Ric Kasini Kadour. Through November 27. Info, 362-1405. Elizabeth de C. Wilson Museum, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.


PEGGY WATSON & ROARKE SHARLOW: Mixedmedia paintings and painterly digital photographs, respectively. Through September 25. Info, artetcvt@ ART, etc. in Randolph.

Through October 10. MIE YIM: “Fluid Boundaries,” vivid paintings of unsettling hybrid creatures by the New York City-based artist; curated by Sarah Freeman. Through October 10. OASA DUVERNEY: “Black Power Wave,” a window installation of drawings by the Brooklyn artist, inspired by images of Chinese Fu dogs, the cross and the Yoruba deity Èsù. Through May 6. ROBERLEY BELL: “The Landscape Stares Back,” outdoor sculpture on the museum lawn. Through October 10. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.

‘EGGSHELLS & CHEEKBONES’: A family of artists — painters Alison Crossley and Felix Roberts and land artist Tristan Roberts — exhibit their works together for the first time. Through September 30. Info, 704-441-5338. 118 Elliot in Brattleboro.

KRISTOFFER ORUM: “Mundane Monsters,” a multimedia exhibit by the Danish artist that offers humorous, inventive takes on the modern relationship of nature and culture. Through October 7. Info, Epsilon Spires in Brattleboro.

Through October 10. BETH GALSTON: “Unraveling Oculus,” an immersive sculptural installation using natural elements and video recorded in a silo.

mystery and intrigue that there’s never a thought about turning back. Bloom all but shepherds the uninitiated into his world of Technicolor dreams, unafraid to lose the thread he never bothered to establish in the first place.

To further complicate things, Bloom was laid o during the pandemic, exacerbating his fears of losing SpicY wOrLd. His landlord let him pay rent as he could, allowing Bloom to continue working on Some Shapes Reappear

atop the roof of SpicY wOrLd. (Yes, that’s how it’s written. You’re not the one microdosing. Or maybe you are, and if so, wow. Who microdoses and reads the paper? Way to go!) But there was just something about the way the light hit the cerulean blue of his eyes and the slow smile Bloom flashed as he stared down upon the city.

band in the area for a few years now, certainly since their debut All Circles Vanish dropped in 2018 to wide acclaim. Operating more like a backing band for Bloom, the Shakers have had a revolving lineup featuring multiple drummers, a cello, microtonally tuned guitars and what seems like half the bass players in Burlington. But at the center of the group is Bloom’s studio wizardry and singularly o -center songwriting.

No, not at the moment. What about you?” he replied.

“It’s an amalgamation of hundreds of guitar tracks all glued together,” he added, “more tracks than there are seconds in the song itself!”

So I really had no reason to think Bloom might be in an altered state as we watched the sun set on Lake Champlain


Kevin Bloom

For all the cherubic smiles and bohemian casualness surrounding the Dead Shakers’ music, Bloom knows he has leveled up with this new album, a truly riveting, gorgeous collection of music. To herald its release on Friday, September 23, he has been posting a video a day on the band’s YouTube page. In fact, he plans on shooting and releasing a video for every single track on the LP.

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene

“Writing this record was really di erent than the first one,” Bloom told me, after we had climbed back through the window into his studio. “I know what I’m doing a lot more than I did then, especially in the studio.”

“I spent 10 hours playing the guitar part over and over and over again,” Bloom recalled of recording “Doing the Dishes.”

“It was huge,” Bloom said. “I’m not sure how many other landlords in town would have done that.”

music+nightlife bites


“Duringcharacter.thepandemic, I know other musicians approached my landlord,” Bloom told me. “He could have easily rented to all sorts of other people who were able to pay a lot more than I could, but he never did.”


The Dead Shakers have been a vital

And the delicate, indie-meets-yachtrock vibe of “Doing the Dishes” is such a unique brand of pop that I wanted it to be much longer than just over a minute and a Throughouthalf. the record, Bloom never lingers in one place too long: The music constantly shifts, conveying a sense of restlessness. Some Shapes Reappear doesn’t allow the listener to get comfortable but provides so much

“We’ve progressed as a band,” Bloom asserted. “I’m not sure I can say exactly how, but I can hear it, and it’s really special.”

Bring Out Your Dead

“Kev, are you microdosing?” I asked him.“Ha!

To be fair, everything Bloom had said to me in the half hour or so we’d been hanging at his downtown studio was completely sensible, logical and highly engaging. He’d gone from talking up his beloved 1973 Yamaha PM1000 console, which he purchased from Vermont Public and painstakingly restored, to lamenting the current dire housing situation in Vermont. We ri ed about his trusty Fender Jazzmaster, which he once graciously allowed me to borrow back in 2019 for a few gigs. We talked restaurants and dim sum. We even spoke at length about his cat.

Bloom’s idiosyncratic writing elevates Some Shapes Reappear above its predecessor, which is no mean feat. The acid-washed surf rock of “Compost Is the Future (Self)” hits like a cross between a KING GIZZARD & THE LIZARD WIZARD B side and something BRIAN WILSON might have written when o his meds. “My Death,” which features vocals from local indie rocker LILY SEABIRD, manages to be both thought-provoking and airy, like a paper airplane soaring through the sky with an obituary written on it.


Bloom is hardly the first musician to fall in love and immerse himself with a recording studio, but his relationship to SpicY wOrLd informs much of the new record’s

With his studio secure, Bloom was able to craft an album to his specifications. He solidified the band’s lineup, which includes VINCENZO SICURELLA on synthesizers, JEREMY MENDICINO on bass and vocals, and BRENDEN PROVOST and ZACK HAMES on drums. Bloom also brought in other local musicians, including Seabird, EZRA OKLAN (MATTHEW MERCURY, DWIGHT + NICOLE), LAUREN COSTELLO (OUZKXQLZN) and Future Fields’ DAN ROME, which helped establish the record’s massive sound. He was also able to take the time he needed to craft dense, psychedelic layers.

“No,” I replied, watching light dance on the lake below. “But I sort of wish I was.”That’s also how I felt as I listened to an advance copy of the DEAD SHAKERS’ new LP, Some Shapes Reappear. A record bristling with beauty, psychedelic layers of sonic color, indie rock ambience and an overarching grand vision overseen by Bloom, Some Shapes Reappear is easily one of the best sophomore albums I can think of from any Vermont artist.

As I stood on the roof of the studio, overlooking a sun-kissed vista of Burlington, I watched the light turn to crimson on the steel and glass of nearby windows, and I wondered whether KEVIN BLOOM was microdosing.

In anticipation of the upcoming record drop, the Maple Run Band will release “Tears of a Fool” this Thursday as an advance single. The song, which is the first of three advance singles, can be streamed or downloaded at

Maple Run Band 4T-Chandler092122 1 9/20/22 11:56 AM Barrebarreoperahouseorg802-476-8188OperaHouseFriday, September 30, 8 pm Barre Opera House “David Brighton…the last David Bowie on earth… the only person who could actually step in for David Bowie…” - Vice Magazine 8V-BarreOperaBowie092122 1 9/20/22 11:55 AM 188 MAIN STREET BURLINGTON, VT 05401 | TUE-SAT 5PM-1:30AM | 802-658-4771 WED 9.21 THU 9.22 Trivia 7-9pm Mi Yard Reggae 9pm SUN 9.25 Waterwheel Founation 25th CelebrationAnniversary FRI 9.23 The LilliesSweetSAT 9.24 Moondogs FRI SAT9.239.24 DJ Ronstoppable SAT 10.8 SAT 10.1 MaddySoDownO’Neal SAT 10.21 Mark Farina Move B*tch: 2000’s Hip Hop Night w/ DJ Svpply TUE 9.27 DEAD SET FIDDLEHEAD presents LiveAtNectars.comFREEFREEFREE w/ The Most Wanted Kendall CompanyStreet 8v-nectars092122 1 9/20/22 12:02 PM

The group has seen some lineup changes during the pandemic, adding new members R.O.D., DRAKEN JASPER and ABIZO. “Sometimes, you just have to pick up the pieces and carry on,” Jilib added. m

Northern Vermont Americana outfit the MAPLE RUN BAND are releasing their sophomore record in November, titled Used to Be the Next Big Thing. According to the band’s press release, the album is a concept record of sorts, “a collection of short stories about the average everyday woes that wear us down as we progress through life,” wrote front person TREVOR CRIST

The single is the first release from the band’s forthcoming LP, The Jaguar, the Raven & the Snake, which is out on October 21. “Angel” is due out this Friday. But you can hear it a night early this Thursday, September 22, when Dwight + Nicole play at Higher Ground’s Backside 405 series, supporting Houston soul act the SUFFERS

According to a press release, “Clear the Way” is about “making space for success” and clearing obstacles to feeling“Wegood.really wanted to celebrate moving forward after a long time of being held back by so many limitations and to just have fun again,” lead singer and founding member JILIB wrote.

BiteTorrent this year’s Seven Daysies award for Best Vermont HipHop Group, Winooski’s own A2VT are back with a new track. “Clear the Way” dropped on September 15, accompanied by a music video and release party at Manhattan Pizza & Pub in Burlington.


September has seen a torrential downpour of new Vermont music. The best part is, most of these new singles are advance releases before full albums drop in October, so there’s plenty more to come!Firstup is blues and soul act Dwight + Nicole’s latest single. “Angel,” recorded at Ocean Sound studio in Norway, finds the group in an emotional and reflective mood, as singer and bassist NICOLE NELSON’s powerful, yearning vocals show empathy for those who have to say goodbye to recently departed loved ones.

Dwight + Nicole

Honky Tonk Tuesday featuring Pony Hustle (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.

Atom Ghost (rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Matt Hagen (singer-songwriter) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Some Hollow (indie rock) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Alex Stewart Quartet and Special Guests (jazz) at the 126, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.


Nice & Naughty (folk) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Pat Markley (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Wild Street (hard rock) at CharlieO’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.


Jay Critch with Mally Bandz, Vendetta (hip-hop) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $30/$35.

e Bar Belles (Americana) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Dylan Patrick Ward with Inflatable Alien (singersongwriter) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.


Ira Friedman (jazz) at Bleu Northeast Kitchen, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

e Shane Murley Band (Americana) at 14th Star Brewing, St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free.

Bella and the Notables (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Sweet Lillies (bluegrass) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Ivamae with Julia Rose (indie soul) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

King Arthur Jr. (singer-songwriter) at Vermont Pub & Brewery, Burlington, 1-4 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Myriam Gendron with Wren Kitz (indie folk) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7:30 p.m. $20.

Waterwheel 25th Anniversary with Osiris (Aquarium Rescue Unit tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20.

Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

311 with Tropidelic (alt rock) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $45.

Courtyard Music Series (blues, jazz, rock) at Halvorson’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Courtyard Music Series (blues, jazz, rock) at Halvorson’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Irish Sessions (Celtic folk) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Heartless (Heart tribute) at Gusto’s, Barre, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Vundabar with Another Michael (indie rock) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $18/$22.

e Suffers with Dwight + Nicole (soul, blues) at Backside 405, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$25.

Rough Suspects (acoustic rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.


Left Eye Jump (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.

Giovanina Bucci (singersongwriter) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free.


Spooky Buddies (jam) at Martell’s at the Red Fox, Jeffersonville, 6 p.m. $20.

Folk Talk Trio (folk) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Rebecca Turmel (singersongwriter) at Gusto’s, Barre, 6 p.m. Free.

Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

live music

Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

DOSE (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Dead Set (Grateful Dead tribute) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.

HERNANDEZ spent much of 2021 crowdfunding and writing grants to produce her vision of a music video trilogy. Tres Pedazos, a three-song conceptual piece made up of material culled from Hernandez’s debut LP, Amanecer, centers on the theme of generational trauma. Songs “Winter,” “Quiet” and “Amanecer” all get the big-screen treatment this Sunday, September 25, at the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge in South Burlington, just a few days after they premiere online at Glide Magazine. The duo of MIRIAM BERNARDO and MICHAEL CHORNEY kick things o , followed by the live premiere of Tres Pedazos and a full-band set by Hernandez.


Dos En Uno (alt rock) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Socializing for Introverts featuring Grace Palmer (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free. Tai Verdes (R&B, pop) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $25/$28.

Sticks & Stones (rock) at the Old Post, South Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Satta Sound (reggae) at Switchback Brewing, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free.

Small Change Tom Waits Tribute (tribute) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Before is Time (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Green Heron (folk) at Happy Valley Orchard, Middlebury, 6 p.m. Free.


Brevity ing (bluegrass, folk) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.

Phantom Airwave (rock) at Red Square, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Tim Brick (country) at Stone Corral, Richmond, 7 p.m. Free.

Cosmic the Cowboy with the Leatherbound Books (indie rock) at Monkey House, Winooski, 8:30 p.m. $5.

Matt Hagen (singer-songwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free.

Club d’Elf featuring Rob Compa of Dopapod (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. $5.

Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at

Soulshine Revival (Allman Brothers tribute) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Marcie Hernandez with Miriam Bernardo, Michael Chorney (folk) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10/$15.

Sunday Brunch Tunes (singersongwriter) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 10 a.m.

EVNGwear (jazz fusion) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

AmerikanaBlue (Americana) at the Parker Pie, West Glover, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Kendall Street Company (jam) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Resonant Rogues (folk) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5.


Bim Tyler (folk) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Moondogs with the Most Wanted (rock) at Nectar’s, Burlington, . $5.

Bluegrass & BBQ (bluegrass) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Please contact event organizers requirements.vaccinationaboutandmask

Purple (Prince tribute) at Moogs Joint, Johnson, 6 p.m. $22.

Lake Waves with No Fun Haus, the Leatherbound Books (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

About Time (funk rock) at Jericho Café & Tavern, 6 p.m. Free.AliT (singer-songwriter) at Stone’s row Pizza, Richmond, 6 p.m. Free.

Ally and Jeremy Tarwater (folk) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 7 p.m. free.

Josh Jakab (singer-songwriter) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.

Hello Shark, Paper Castles and Blueberry Betty (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10/$15.

On Tone Music (singersongwriter) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 6 p.m. Free.

Dave Mitchell’s Blues Revue (blues) at Red Square, Burlington, 2 p.m. Free.


Jeff Shelley (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

e Owl Stars (folk) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex Junction, 6 p.m. Free.

Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.


Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5. Willverine (live looping) at the Wallflower Collective, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.


D. Davis, JJ, Cookie and Timothy Quigley (jazz) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Acoustic ursdays with Zach Nugent (Grateful Dead tribute) at Red Square, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.

Movie Night Burlington-based Latin-folk singer-songwriter MARCIE

Sierra Hull with Taylor Rae (bluegrass) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$25.

Pup with the OBGMs (punk) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $25/$27.

e Natural Selection (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.

Ricky Montgomery with Delaney Bailey (indie pop) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20/$25.

Reproductive Rights Rally featuring Sarah King, Kat Wright, Francesca Blanchard, Father Figuer, Acquamossa (indie soul, pop, rock) at Backside 405, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $20/$25.

Move B*tch: 2000s Hip Hop Night with DJ Svpply (DJ) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.



DJ LaFountaine (DJ) at Gusto’s, Barre, 9 p.m. Free.


open mics & jams

Elisabeth Blair Book Launch (book launch) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.

Green Mountain Book Festival Presents: Lit Night (book festival) at Light Club Lamp Shop, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

LAN.257.22 2022 FALL Sessions ARTS EDITION Ad 7D (9/14 issue, 1/2 VERT COLOR): 4.75" x 11.25" 2022 FALL SESSIONS TICKETS | ARTIST INFO | BROCHURE: 802.656.4455 OR UVM.EDU/LANESERIES SPONSORED BY: With Grant Support From: Vermont Community Foundation | Vermont Humanities | Vermont Council on the Arts ▲ Dmytro Choni, 10/7 ▲ The Small Glories, 11/18 SEPTEMBER Dreamers’ Circus . . . . . . 9/30 OCTOBER Dmytro Choni, piano — Van Cliburn Bronze Medalist 10/7 Chien-Kim-Watkins Trio: Beethoven Weekend . 10/14 + 10/16 The Villalobos Brothers 10/21 Sam Reider & Jorge Glem: Brooklyn Cumaná . . . . . . 10/28 NOVEMBER Ariel String Quartet 11/4 The Small Glories 11/18 DECEMBER Trio Mediæval 12/9 2022

DJ Chaston (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.


Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

DJ CRE8 (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, midnight. Free.


Open Mic with Danny Lang (open mic) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.

Sean Kehoe (jam, loops) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Jazz Sessions with Randal Pierce (jazz open mic) at the 126, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

DJ A-Ra$ (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, midnight. Free.

Live Jazz (jazz) at Leunig’s Bistro & Café, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Alfie’s Wild Ride, Stowe, 7 p.m. Free.



Mi Yard Reggae Night with DJ Big Dog (reggae and dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.

Open Mic (open mic) at Whammy Bar, Calais, 6:30 p.m. Free.

DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.

Jazz Night with Ray Vega (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Beth Stelling (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $25.

DJ Raul (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Barrel Room Trivia (trivia) at Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free. m Fall Sessions


VT’s Funniest: Prelims (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10.



Open Mic Night (open mic) at Skunk Hollow Tavern, Hartland Four Corners, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 8 p.m.

Open Mic with D Davis (open mic) at Bent Nails Bistro, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.

Dub Sessions EDM Dance Party (dance) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 8 p.m. $10.

Open Mic Night (open mic) at Skunk Hollow Tavern, Hartland Four Corners, 5:30 p.m. Free.

Lord of the Rings Trivia (trivia) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at the Depot, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Bluegrass Jam (bluegrass) at Taps Tavern, Poultney, 7 p.m. Free.


Queer Bar Takeover (DJ) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free.



Beth Stelling (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 & 9:30 p.m. $25.

ATAK (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.

Trivia with Brian (trivia) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 8 p.m. Free.

Comedy Open Mic (comedy) at the 126, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

DJ Baron (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.


Trivia & Nachos (trivia) at Four Quarters Brewing, Winooski, 6 p.m. Free.


No Scrubs: ’90s Night with DJ Ron Stoppable (DJ) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.

Molly Mood (DJ) at Red Square, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.



Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5. Willverine (live looping) at the Wallflower Collective, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Open Mic Night with Justin at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m.

▲ The Villalobos Brothers, 10/21

Metal of the Month with the Path, Mushroom Teeth and Old North End (metal) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.


Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.


DJ Craig Mitchell (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 11 p.m. Free.

Beth Stelling (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $25.



Saturday Selections with DJ Pato (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, noon. Free.

Open Mic Night (open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Vinyl Thursdays (DJ) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free.

Lit Club (poetry and literature open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.


Black Carl! with Saka, Mirror Maze and Path (dubstep) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15/$20.

Ben Blanchard (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

Open Mic (open mic) at Monopole, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 p.m. Free.

Reign One (DJ) at Red Square Blue Room, Burlington, 10 p.m. Free.



Bob Marley (comedy) at the Flynn, Burlington, 8 p.m. $44.75.

Tuesday Night Trivia (trivia) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Karaoke with DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

Trivia Thursday (trivia) at Spanked Puppy Pub, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free.


Open Mic Night (open mic) at the Parker Pie, West Glover, 6:30 p.m. Free.

Jennifer Hartswick, inSomethingtheWater

AIR is a deceptively breezy album that cements Robscure’s place at the forefront of Vermont’s new wave of hip-hop artists. He’s carved out his own sound, and he’s leveling up with every release. This is an EP with an album’s worth of ideas, a perfect introduction to an artist at the height of his newfound power.

The album kicks o with the rhythmically complex “Only Time Will Tell.” Light on its toes, it skips along with syncopated start-stops, signaling a bookish bent toward music theory. But it’s also colorful as hell, with Hartswick busting out velveteen scatting about halfway through.

Knowingly, she cries, “Please never let the world extinguish that fire!” Hartswick constructs the song like a pep rally with clickety-clack percussion and deep blasts of trombone and trumpet. Here, and throughout her sophomore outing, her soaring voice is a focal point around which her world-class team of instrumentalists make merry. Of the many noteworthy guests, renowned bassist Christian McBride, a frequent presence at the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival, provides thrumming tones on seven of the album’s nine cuts.

He starts o the EP with two of the best rap songs out of Vermont this year. “Pilot,” featuring Rivan C., is a catchy and clever summertime banger that sets the bar dangerously high. Yet “Echo” is every bit as great, a richly musical future R&B ballad with a knockout performance by vocalist Eva Rawlings.

Central Vermont rapper Robscure came up under the tutelage of the Boomslang crew (RIP, JL) and has since grown into a force of his own. After a stint in Winooski, he’s currently trying to make it in New York City. Along the way, he has made a name for himself through consistent, carefully curated projects that blend old-school lyricism with adventurousRobscure’sproduction.latest

Something in the Water balances bangers such as “By the River” with sweatblotting slow jams such as “Guilty.” The latter is as stripped-down as the album gets: Hartswick’s vocals and McBride’s bass chase each other in a loose parallel groove.The song’s honest lyrics echo its structural nakedness. “I been drinkin’ / And I shouldn’t come by, I know,” Hartswick sings to a lover. An ode to bad decisions, the song plods through shame andWithregret.theatricality and precision, Hartswick and company weave together influences from pop music, neo-R&B, blues, gospel and a dash of acoustic rock. Hartswick is a sensitive but strong-willed protagonist who, despite the flaws she reflects upon, endears herself to listeners.



o ering, AIR, is the most ambitious tightrope act of his career to date. Why?


A woman I know who does STEM outreach with girls told me that something happens to them when they become teenagers. Keyed up about science and technology as middlegrade students, they often flame out in the years following puberty. What cools them o ? She couldn’t say specifically but could only speculate about a confluence of discouraging factors that plague young women as they grow HartswickandSinger-songwriterup.bandleaderJennifertouchesonthis unfortunate phenomenon on her new album, Something in the Water. On burbling centerpiece “By the River,” the Trey Anastasio Band trumpeter describes freespirited, dirty-faced girls skipping stones

From there, Robscure goes solo on “S T A T I C,” delivering a personal testimony with real charisma and gravity. The song is far from flashy, but it exemplifies his recent growth as an artist. Robscure’s ear for transforming beats and rhymes into a compelling journey for the listener has matured beyond his years. He’s also forging his own voice into a style that’s much more than the sum of hisUpinfluences.nextis“Open the Window!,” a celebration of nature in Vermont that veers into outright pop. This would damn near be a misstep without the staccato acrobatics of Hella Fader artist Juni the Wiccan. But his chemistry with Robscure — and their straight-up joy together — makes the song a perfect fit. That kind of risk-taking defines the whole second half of this short, strong project. “VENT” is an expansive canvas of earnest, conscious rap, with warm crooning and a spoken-word outro. The following cut, “the feng shui,” featuring

Robscure, AIR

Something in the Water is available at

He balances his tried-andtrue approach with new stylistic risks.

Fractal Boi, is almost underwhelming at first yet turns out to be a lean, hypnotic journey with some Madlib aesthetics. None of the guest artists here is just phoning in 16 bars; these are all true collaborations from start to finish.


riverside, flying high on swing sets and playing with imaginary friends. They live freely, without self-judgment.


AIR is available on all major streaming platforms.

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Closer “V01D” wraps up the EP on a high note, reprising earlier themes over the course of a long, playfully introspective verse. Dense with recursive wordplay and layered rhyme schemes, Robscure still makes it sound conversational and e ortless.Likeany sensible rap entrepreneur, Robscure is a fully self-contained operation, taking on mixing and mastering duties himself. He delivers his cleanest and lushest work to date, with a huge dynamic range.

Cowritten with guitarist Nick Cassarino, the album showcases the long-standing partnership between the two Vermont expats. The songs touch on loss, regret and destructive choices — but also perseverance, contentment and joy. “We wanted to celebrate the human experience,” Hartswick said in a press release.

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Will you like it?

The screenplay, which West and Goth cowrote, is simple and refreshingly period appropriate, with few winks at

Pearl ★★★★★ REVIEW

It’ origin story reminiscent of Joker. But Pearl is less generous to its heroine: She’s less a victim of social persecution than of her own delusions. Pearl embodies the possibility that inside every brighteyed theater kid or would-be social media star, every sweet young American with a dream, is a core of ruthlessness. We may turn from the character in repulsion, but we can’t deny her raw energy or that of this dementedly exuberant movie. With

“CASTLE ROCK,” season 2 (10 episodes, 2019; Hulu, rentable): Speaking of King, the second season of this series inspired by his work tells the origin story of Annie Wilkes from Misery. Like Goth, Lizzy Caplan does a powerful, spooky job of fleshing out a monstrous character.

When she gets particularly fed up with Mom’s nagging, Pearl spears a gander on a pitchfork and feeds it to the alligator in the pond — because, yes, despite its cheery Technicolor palette, this is a horror movie. As Pearl’s dreams fight a losing battle with reality, her violent tendencies blossom.

Pearl reminds us of countless classic figures in American cinema whose striving makes them inherently sympathetic — the problem is, she won’t stop at anything to attain her goals. “I feel things very deeply!” she screams at a suitor who sees the peril too late. When the world refuses to cooperate with her dreams, she does her best to reshape it — with a pitchfork or an


prequel to a slasher fi lm that came out just six months ago may not seem a likely candidate for cult status. But if you saw Ti West’s X in March, with its memorable double performance by Mia Goth, you may have an inkling of why horror fans anticipated Pearl, an origin story for its villain. On TikTok, young women are dressing up in blood red like the film’s title character and turning sound bites from her dialogue into memes. How did an ax murderess get so popular?

If you don’t have a stomach for gore, you’re never going to see this movie. If you’re a gore fan who’s bored to tears by the overwrought theatrics of classic Hollywood musicals and melodramas, Pearl isn’t for you, either. But if you happen to exist in the tiny Venn diagram overlap of people who love horror and the glossy aesthetic of Douglas Sirk movies, get to the theater. West has made your Citizen Kane, and Goth could be your long-shot pick for an Hyperbole?Oscar.OK, maybe — but Pearl embodies the principle of “Go big or go home.” This is a fi lm that showcases a seven-minute, one-shot monologue in which a sociopath earnestly explains her worldview, a film that evokes the imagery of The Wizard of Oz only to stage a scene in which its fresh-faced, love-starved

Goth gives a performancecareer-makingasafarmgirlwith big dreams in West’s horror period piece. on screen

heroine makes out with a scarecrow in a cornfield. And somehow it works!

CARRIE (1976; Amazon Prime Video, AMC+, rentable): Horror fans will find echoes of Brian De Palma’s classic Stephen King adaptation in Pearl’s bloody palette and its central motherdaughter conflict.

It’s 1918. World War I and the flu pandemic are raging, but things are all too quiet on the Texas farmstead where Pearl (Goth) lives with her German immigrant parents, waiting for her soldier husband to come home. While Pearl’s grim-faced mother (Tandi Wright) urges her to care for her paralyzed father and put her own dreams aside, the young woman escapes into a world of fantasy, sneaking o to the movies and entertaining the livestock with dance routines.

Pastiche and period pieces are nothing new for West. His 2009 breakout film, The House of the Devil, was set in the early ’80s and paid homage to the heyday of VHS horror. Scary as it was, it was easy to dismiss as a film nerd’s stylistic exercise. X is a pastiche, too, with obvious parallels to The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. But in that film, West used the viewer’s historical perspective to draw out perennially compelling topics: ageism, the generation gap, the technological shifts that can render an artist’s work obsolete.




its pandemic imagery, Pearl transcends pastiche to become creepily relevant.

modern viewers. Viewers who haven’t seen X won’t be confused. And the central performance is transfixing. With her transparent features, reminiscent of the young Judy Garland, Goth makes us feel Pearl’s desperate need to escape from her mother’s doctrine of hard labor. Her dreams are so big that they light up her whole face, turning her incandescent.

In X, set in 1979, Goth was a modern version of a medieval memento mori tableau: She played both the bitter, elderly Pearl (under prosthetics) and the carefree young Maxine Minx, who cavorts around Pearl’s decaying homestead in a pair of overalls, starring in a porn flick as a farmer’s daughter. In Pearl, Goth wears the overalls again, but now there’s nothing playful or erotic about the getup. In 1918, being a real farmer’s daughter is backbreaking labor.


The deal

FAR FROM HEAVEN (2003; Starz, rentable): Todd Haynes paved the way for West by doing his own Sirk pastiche in this homage to midcentury melodrama. Sirk’s actual films are hard to fi nd streaming; check your local library.


THE SILENT TWINSHHH Letitia Wright and Tamara Lawrance play twins who will speak only to each other in this fact-inspired drama. (113 min, R. Roxy)

AVATAR (2009) (Essex, Majestic)

MOONAGE DAYDREAM: This documentary from Brett Morgen (The Kid Stays in the Picture) traces the career of David Bowie with cooperation from his estate. (135 min, PG-13. Savoy)

HALLELUJAH: LEONARD COHEN, A JOURNEY, A SONG: This documentary looks at the singersongwriter through the lens of one of his most beloved songs. (118 min, PG-13. Savoy)




STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511,

DC LEAGUE OF SUPER-PETSHHH Krypto the SuperDog assembles a band of crime-fighting critters in this animated adventure. (106 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Majestic, Palace, Sunset)

GIGI & NATEHH1/2 A young man who is quadriplegic bonds with his service animal — a capuchin monkey — in this family drama. (114 min, PG-13. Bijou, Welden)

PEARLHHHHH In 1918, a young woman (Mia Goth) dreams of escaping her home on an isolated farm in this prequel to last year’s horror film X. (102 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Paramount, Roxy, Star; reviewed 9/21)

FUNNY PAGESHHH1/2 A teenage cartoonist drops out of school and goes in search of a mentor in this satire from Owen Kline, a nominee at the Cannes Film Festival. (86 min, R. Roxy)

*PALACE 9 CINEMAS: 10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,

ELVISHHH Austin Butler plays the rock icon and Tom Hanks plays Colonel Tom Parker in Baz Luhrmann’s biopic, also starring Olivia DeJonge. (159 min, PG-13. Sunset)

STUDIO GHIBLI FEST 2022: HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE (Essex, Sun & Wed 28 only)

PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621,




MEDIEVALHH1/2 Ben Foster plays 15th-century Czech warlord Jan Zizka in this historical adventure. Petr Jákl directed. (126 min, R. Majestic)

WHERE THE CRAWDADS SINGHH1/2 (Bijou, Majestic, Palace, Welden; reviewed 7/20)

HOCKEYLAND: The rival teams of two Minnesota towns square off in Tommy Haines’ documentary. (108 min, NR. Welden)

THE INVITATIONHH1/2 A young woman (Nathalie Emmanuel) finds romance and terror at an English country estate in this gothic thriller. (104 min, PG-13. Majestic)

NOPEHHH1/2 (Roxy, Star; reviewed 8/3)


BREAKINGHHH1/2 A struggling Marine Corps veteran (John Boyega) turns to bank robbery in this Sundance Film Festival honoree from director Abi Damaris Corbin. (103 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Savoy)

THE BIRTH OF INNOCENCE: About a decade ago, Vermont storyteller and director Malcolm D. Parker was convicted of defrauding investors in his new age documentary. At long last, the finished film hits local screens. (74 min, NR. Savoy)

Thuso Mbedu in The Woman King

*MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841,

DON’T WORRY DARLING: In the 1950s, a homemaker (Florence Pugh) begins to suspect there’s something wrong with the utopian community where she and her husband (Harry Styles) live in this thriller from director Olivia Wilde. (122 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Marquis, Paramount, Star, Welden)

THE BLOB (Sunset)



THREE THOUSAND YEARS OF LONGINGHHH George Miller directed this modern fable in which a scholar (Tilda Swinton) meets a Djinn (Idris Elba). (108 min, R. Palace)

LIFEMARK (Essex, Thu-Sun)

*MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010,

BARBARIANHHHH An accidental double booking turns out to be the least of an Airbnb guest’s problems in this horror thriller from Zach Cregger. Georgina Campbell and Bill Skårsgard star. (102 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic)

MARCEL THE SHELL WITH SHOES ONHHHH1/2 A YouTube star comes to the big screen in this all-ages mockumentary. (90 min, PG. Roxy; reviewed 6/22)


BULLET TRAINHH1/2 In this action flick, a bullet train leaves Tokyo carrying five assassins. With Brad Pitt, Joey King and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. (126 min, R. Majestic, Palace)

BODIES BODIES BODIESHHH1/2 A hurricane party goes very wrong in this horror-comedy from director Halina Reijn. With Amandla Stenberg and Maria Bakalova. (95 min, R. Roxy)

*BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994,

CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343,

Get the newsletter featuring notable news, arts and food stories handpicked by our editors. Sit back, relax and read up on what you may have missed. SUBSCRIBE SEVENDAYSVT.COM/ENEWSTODAY: And on the seventh day, we do not rest. Instead we bring you... 4h-sundaybest-dog.indd 1 3/2/21 6:43 PM

PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012,

WELDEN THEATRE: 104 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,

LOVING HIGHSMITH: Eva Vitija’s documentary examines the life of classic thriller writer Patricia Highsmith through the lenses of love and family. (83 min, NR. Savoy)

THE WOMAN KINGHHHH Viola Davis plays the general of an all-female protective force in this action epic set in the 1820s. Gina Prince-Bythewood directed. (135 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Roxy, Sunset)

GREASE (Sunset)

RAILWAY CHILDREN: City children are evacuated to Yorkshire during World War II in this family drama directed by Morgan Matthews. John Bradley and Jenny Agutter star. (95 min, PG. Essex)

TOP GUN: MAVERICKHHHH (Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

*MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456,

SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800,


MINIONS: THE RISE OF GRUHHH (Majestic, Paramount, Star)

SEE HOW THEY RUNHHH Saoirse Ronan, Sam Rockwell and Ruth Wilson star in this murder mystery set in the 1950s among London theater folk. (98 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Savoy, Star)

(* = upcoming schedule for theater was not available at press time)

TREMORS (Sunset)


ORPHAN: FIRST KILLHH1/2 Isabelle Fuhrman stars in the prequel to 2009 horror film Orphan. (99 min, R. Palace)

ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,

*BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293,

*STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,

BEASTHH1/2 Idris Elba plays a widowed dad who must defend his two teenage daughters from a lion in Baltasar Kormákur’s horror drama. (93 min, R. Bijou, Stowe)

SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598,

‘AMAZON ADVENTURE 3D’: Viewers experience 19thcentury explorer Henry Bates’ journey through the Amazon rainforest. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admis sion free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

KNITTING GROUP: Knitters of all experience levels get together to spin yarns. Latham Library, Thetford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.

calendar SEPTEMBER



health & fitness

Française of the Lake Champlain Region hosts the president of the Vermont Military Museum and AFLCR member Brigitte Helzer in a talk about the “Merci Train.” Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.


‘BACKYARD WILDERNESS 3D’: Cameras positioned in nests, underwater and along the forest floor capture a year’s worth of critters coming and going. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free


INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE: The Vermont Council on World Affairs presents a day of virtual talks, workshops and panels look ing toward world peace. Hybrid in-person and virtual reception ends the day. Hauke Family Campus Center, Champlain College, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. $25-100; preregister. Info,

food & drink

YANG 24: This simplified tai chi method is perfect for beginners looking to build strength and balance. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 1-2:30 p.m. Free; do nations accepted. Info, beverly

food & drink

WOMEN AND MONEY - TAKING CHARGE OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE: Women learn how to overcome various challenges to effectively save for retirement. Presented by New England Federal Credit Union. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 764-6940.

MEET THE MAKERS: A BOOZY POP-UP SERIES: Guests delight their palates with exclusive cocktails and rub elbows with some of Vermont’s leading distillers. Ticket includes two drinks and an ap petizer. Pauline’s Café, South Burlington, 5-7 p.m. $30; preregister. Info, 862-1081.

AYURVEDA: Maryellen Crangle and Dorothy Alling Memorial Library host the first session of a 12-week introduction to this ancient Indian and Nepalese healing and lifestyle tradition. 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info,



ELL CLASSES: ENGLISH FOR BEGINNERS & INTERMEDIATE STUDENTS: Learners of all abilities practice written and spoken English with trained instructors. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@

MAH-JONGG NIGHT: This 19th-century Chinese game fits right in at the historic ballroom. Refreshments served. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site, Calais, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-6613.

VERMONT PRIDE SEDER: LGBTQ+ Jews and allies gather for an eve ning of readings and community. Ages 13 and up. Social Hall, Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


THU.22 business


WATERBURY HISTORICAL WALKING TOUR: Skip Flanders of Waterbury Historical Society points out significant homes and landmarks during a mile-long stroll. Waterbury Public Library, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.

HEAT PUMPS: Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity shows homeowners how to make the switch to a more eco-friendly method of keeping the house warm or cool. 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 860-1417, ext. 121.

BINGO AT THE EAST VALLEY COMMUNITY HALL: Weekly games raise funds for the meeting hall renovation. East Valley Community Hall, East Randolph, 6-8 p.m. Cost of cards. Info, eastvalleycg@


for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.


health & fitness

FALL JOB FEST: Southern Vermont job seekers meet with prospective employers. Depot Park, Rutland, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 786-5837.

CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather over Zoom for an evening of music making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.

CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

FREE STORE: Neighbors swap books, kitchenware, shoes, cloth ing and small items of all kinds. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.


‘THE CITY WITHOUT JEWS’: Klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals and pianist Donald Sosin play a live, original score for this prescient 1924 silent film. See calendar spotlight. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, 8:35 p.m. $20. Info,

Vineyard, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 985-8222.

‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: Sparkling graphics take viewers on a mind-bending journey from the beginning of time through the mysteries of the universe. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, noon, 2 & 4 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admis sion free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

FALL JOB FAIR 2022: Job seekers hand out résumés to local employers and even in terview on the spot. West Side Ballroom, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 518-563-1000.


TROY MILLETTE: Heartfelt original country-rock songs carry through the air, courtesy of the Fairfax musician. Shelburne


in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout experience an hour of calming, low-impact movement. Waterbury Public Library, 10:3011:45 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.



Folks of all ages ward off osteoporosis in an exercise and prevention class. Online, 7:30 a.m.; Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 9 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3322.

VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods and crafts, live music, and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons. Vergennes City Park, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.

‘THE DAYTRIPPERS’: A family sets off on a road trip to con front the daughter’s cheating husband in this 1997 dramedy. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

FEAST FARM STAND: Farmfresh veggies and other delights go on sale at this market featuring weekly activ ities such as yoga and cooking demonstrations. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2518.


THE MAPLE 100: Vermonters fill out bingo cards with a month of maple-themed activities for a chance to win prizes from local vendors. See for all events and locations. Various locations statewide. Free. Info, 828-2430.

LONG-FORM SUN 73: Beginners and experienced practitioners learn how tai chi can help with arthritis, mental clarity and range of motion. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, beverlyblakeney@

THRIVE QTPOC MOVIE NIGHT: Each month, Pride Center of Vermont virtually screens a movie centered on queer and trans people of color. 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


fruits, veggies, prepared foods and more. Danville Village Green, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free.,




ILYSE MORGENSTEIN FUERST: The professor of religion explores how faith and organized religion continue to shape our lives. Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0756.


THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.

ROYALTON FARMERS MARKET: Local farmers sell their produce, bread and eggs to villagers. South Royalton Town Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 763-8302.

PAULA FRANCIS: The author of 18 Pair of Shoes: Adventures of a Happiness Walker introduces a new project. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

MENTOR TRAINING FALL 2022: New volunteers who want to help support women healing from prison and other encounters with the criminal justice system learn the ropes. Mercy Connections,

‘THE MONEY’: Generosity is the name of the game in this highstakes experience where audi ence members must agree how to donate a pot of dough before the clock runs out. Burlington City Hall, 7 p.m. $15-25. Info, 863-5966.


LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11. = ONLINE EVENT FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section. music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at PLEASE CONTACT EVENT ORGANIZERS ABOUT VACCINATION AND MASK REQUIREMENTS. THU.22 » P.68


DANVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Villagers shop local from various vendors handing out

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

HIRING2DAYVT VIRTUAL JOB FAIR: The Vermont Department of Labor gives job seekers a chance to meet with employers from around the state. 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 828-4000.


‘SEA MONSTERS 3D’: An adventurous dolichorhyn chops travels through the most dangerous oceans in history, plesiosaurs,encounteringgiantturtles and the deadly mosasaur along the way. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.



FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle, flowing movements. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Vergennes, Levels 1 and 2, 9-10 a.m.; Level 3, 10-11 a.m.

COOK THE BOOK: Home chefs make a recipe from one of the library’s cookbooks and share the dish at a potluck. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7164.



LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR FORUM: League of Women Voters of Vermont hosts candidates David Zuckerman and Joe Benning in a moderated Q&A. Livestream available. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info,

GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT 101: Dana Dwinell-Yardley teaches attendees the basics of designing eye-catching post ers, social media graphics and more. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.


TWEEN BOOK CLUB: Readers in grades 5 through 7 discuss a new book each month in a group run by tweens, for tweens. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

mad river waterburyvalley/

mad river waterburyvalley/

Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.


PRESCHOOL MUSIC WITH LINDA BASSICK: The singer and storyteller extraordinaire leads little ones in indoor music and movement. Birth through age 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.

Wednesday, September 21; Friday, September 23; and Wednesday, September 28; 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., at Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich. Regular admission, $15-18; free for members and kids under 2. Info, 649-2200,

chittenden county

OPENING: Dog shows and all-ages ac tivities launch this new canine destina tion in style. Elizabeth’s Park, Bradford, noon-5 p.m. Free. Info, recreation@


is required for kids under 10. Winooski Memorial Library, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.

ARTS & CRAFTERNOONS: Creative kids paint pretty insects together. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

PRESCHOOL PLAY & READ: Outdoor activities, stories and songs get 3- and 4-year-olds engaged. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

chittenden county

PLAYGROUP & FAMILY SUPPORT: Families with children under age 5 play and connect with others in the commu nity. Winooski Memorial Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424.


SEP. 21, 23 & 28 | FAMILY FUN

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SAT.24 chittenden county

AFTERSCHOOL CRAFT: Little artists paint their own abstract acrylic master pieces. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.

upper valley

You’ve heard of downward dog, but how about downward dinosaur?

chittenden county


FRI.23 chittenden county

SUN.25 chittenden county

BABY TIME: Parents and caregivers bond with their pre-walking babes dur ing this gentle playtime. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME ON THE GREEN: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads half an hour of stories, rhymes and

RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live mu sic connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 881-1249.

DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR: Emoji Nightmare and Katniss Everqueer read picture books and lead a craft session fo cused on activism, creativity, and the fun and fluidity of gender. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

KIDS MOVIE: Little film buffs congregate in the library’s Katie O’Brien Activity Room for a screening of a G-rated movie. See for each week’s title. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

northeast kingdom

PRESCHOOL YOGA: Colleen from Grow Prenatal and Family Yoga leads little ones in songs, movement and other fun activities. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

READ TO A DOG: Little ones get a 10-minute time slot to tell stories to Lola the pup. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.

upper valley

SCIENCE YOGA: This full-body, playful program combines body awareness with an introduction to early science topics ranging from dinosaurs to planets. See calendar spotlight. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Regular admission, $15-18; free for members and kids under 2. Info, 649-2200.

STUFFIE SLEEPOVER: Kiddos drop their plushy friends off at the library on Friday, then pick them up the next day and learn what they got up to overnight. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

MARSHMALLOW ROAST: Sweet-toothed visitors get their toasting sticks ready for a sunset s’more fest. First package of marshmallows is free; additional packs available for purchase. Lavender Essentials of Vermont, Derby, 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 323-3590.

MUSIC AND MOVEMENT WITH MISS EMMA: The star of “Music for Sprouts” and “Mr. Chris and Friends” leads little ones 5 and younger in outdoor singing and movement inspired by the changing of the seasons. Shelburne Orchards, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 985-2753.

ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: See FRI.23, 2-2:30 p.m.

PEABODY AFTERSCHOOL FUN FOR GRADES 1-4: Students make friends over crafts and story time. George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724.

BABYTIME: Teeny-tiny library patrons enjoy a gentle, slow story time featur ing songs, rhymes and lap play. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

Every Wednesday and Friday, the Montshire Museum of Science hosts Science Yoga, a class for curious kids and their families that promises to teach both body awareness and exciting new STEM ideas. Each lesson has a different theme, from the prehistoric to the astronomical, and attendees can bring their own mats or borrow one. And since classes are free with admission, little ones can go on to explore all the physics, nature and engineering exhibits that the museum has on offer.

SATURDAYS: Young yogis of all ages and their caregivers drop in for some fun breathing and movement activities. Kamalika-K, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Donations. Info, 871-5085.

LEGO CLUB: Children of all ages get crafty with Legos. Adult supervision

northeast kingdom

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Energetic youngsters join Miss Meliss for stories, songs and lots of silliness.


2022 F.O.L.K. FESTIVAL: The Friends of Lowell Kids host a day of parades, barbe cue, bounce houses, baking contests and lots more fun for all ages. Lowell Graded School, 10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Free. Info,



chittenden county


Museum Moves

upper valley


PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Bookworms ages 2 through 5 enjoy fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

TINY TOTS: Tiny tykes have fun, hear stories and meet new friends with Ms. Cynthia. Waterbury Public Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.


STORY TIME!: Songs and stories are shared in the garden, or in the com munity room in inclement weather. Norwich Public Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 649-1184.


northeast kingdom

Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at Post your event at TUE.27 » P.73

SCIENCE YOGA: See WED.21. STORY TIME: Preschoolers take part in stories, songs and silliness. Latham Library, Thetford, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 785-4361.

SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

PRESCHOOL PLAYTIME: Pre-K patrons play and socialize out on the patio. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age imagi neers explore, create and participate in challenges. Ages 8 and up, or ages 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


TEEN ART CLUB: Crafty young’uns ages 12 through 18 construct paper jellyfish lanterns to bring underwater ambience to their bedrooms. Waterbury Public Library, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.

ACORN CLUB STORY TIME: Kids 5 and under play, sing, hear stories and take home a fun activity. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 745-1391.

MUSIC JAM: Local instru mentalists of all ability levels gather to make sweet music. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 7-10 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.

fairs & festivals


TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘THE WONDER’: Florence Pugh stars in this Gothic psychological thriller set in a famine-ravaged Ireland. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422.

ADVANCED INTERMEDIATE ITALIAN CONVERSATION: Semifluent speakers practice their skills during a slow conversazione about the news. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, Noon-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

GROOVIN’ ON THE GREEN: Richmond rock band Northern Comfort soundtracks an evening of food, drink and dancing. Vergennes City Park, 6-9 p.m. Free; cash bar. Info, 598-7424.

TRUCK STOP: Mobile kitchens dish out mouthwatering meals and libations. Live DJs and outdoor entertainment add to the fun. 377 Pine Street, Burlington, 4:30-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 540-0406.

See WED.21.


TOP SHELF VINTAGE CRAFTERS 2ND ANNUAL CRAFT SALE: Halloween decorators shop for eco-friendly options, includ ing handmade, upcycled cats, bats and witches’ hats. Reading Historical Society, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info,

SALE FUNDRAISER: Sales of vintage finds and home-baked goodies support low-income seniors in the community. Thayer House, Burlington, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 859-8864.

Klezmer and Clairvoyance

In 1924, Austrian filmmaker H.K. Breslauer released The City Without Jews, a darkly comedic satire of antisemitism that seems, in retrospect, to predict with eerie accuracy many of the events of the next two decades. For many years, it was thought that the Nazis had destroyed every copy of the film in 1933 — until a complete print turned up at a Paris flea market in 2015. Newly restored and with a live original score performed by world-renowned klezmer violinist Alicia Svigals and acclaimed silent film pianist Donald Sosin, this prescient and still relevant film screens outdoors at Epsilon Spires.



SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 229-1549.


THE PEOPLE’S FARMSTAND: Volunteers hand out fresh, local produce for free. Pomeroy Park, Burlington, 5-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345.

‘THE MONEY’: See THU.22.


Migrant Justice marks the fifth anniversary of its landmark dairy labor agreement with Ben & Jerry’s with a festival featuring live tunes, Mexican food and free ice cream. See calendar spotlight. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 3-6:30 p.m. $1025. Info, 533-2000.

MISSION BAZAAR: Local vendors sell clothes, furniture, jewelry, accessories, iced tea, vintage and handmade items, doughnuts, bicycles, home decor, and so much more. Mission Bazaar VT, Burlington, noon-5 p.m. Free.,

FALL BIRDING: Folks of all inter ests and experience levels seek out feathered friends in flight. All supplies provided. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 7:309:30 a.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.

EEE LECTURES: COLLEEN HICKEY: The Education & Enrichment for Everyone series continues with the Lake Champlain Basin

SESSION & ORIENTATION: Pride Center of Vermont partners with RaiseAChild and the Vermont Department for Children and Families to explain the process and benefits of becoming a foster parent. 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 860-7812.

food & drink



ELISABETH BLAIR: The poet launches her first book, the mem oir in verse Because God Loves the Wasp, with a reading, signing and Q&A. Radio Bean, Burlington, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, ecblair@gmail. com.

‘THE CITY WITHOUT JEWS’ Thursday, September 22, 8:35 p.m., at Epsilon Spires in Brattleboro. $20. Info,,




THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.


RYAN OBER & THE ROMANS: Three folk-rocking cowpokes pick the night away. Shelburne Vineyard, 6-8:15 p.m. $5; free for kids under 16. Info, 985-8222.


AUDUBON WEST RUTLAND MARSH BIRD WALK: Enthusiastic ornithologists go on a gentle hike and help out with the monthly marsh monitoring. Meet at the boardwalk on Marble Street. West Rutland Marsh, 8-11 a.m. Free. org.birding@rutlandcountyaudubon.Info,

‘TAKING UP SPACE’: A new short documentary depicts Vermont powerlifter Laura Carter as she trains for a national strongman competition while grappling with grief. Q&A follows. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30-9 p.m. $15. Info, 540-3018.


WHEN SURVIVORS GIVE BIRTH: Nurses, midwives, physicians and other childbirth health providers learn how to support trauma survivors from pregnancy through postpartum. Presented by Howard Center. 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 488-6912.


GREEN MOUNTAIN BOOK FESTIVAL: Ruth Ozeki headlines this weekend-long celebration of the written word, featuring pan els, readings and a banned books open mic. See,Variousbookfestival.orggreenmountainforfullschedule.downtownBurlingtonlo5-9p.m.Free.Info,info@

THE ESOTERIKS: CANCELED. The Upper Valley music scene regu lars pull from a varied repertoire of jazz, blues and Latin numbers. Seven Stars Arts Center, Sharon, 7-9 p.m. $15. Info, 763-2334.






MUSIC ON THE FARM: THE BEECHARMERS: Farm-fresh foods and Americana tunes are on the menu at a pastoral party. Fable Farm, Barnard, 5:30-9 p.m. $5-20; preregister. Info, 234-1645.

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202268 calendar

Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to relax on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@

THOUGHT CLUB: Artists and activists convene to engage with Burlington‘s rich tradition of radical thought and envision its future. Democracy Creative, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free.,


PIZZA BY THE POND: A woodfired oven warms pies made of lo cal ingredients while local bands regale diners. Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen, 5-8 p.m. $22-35; free for kids 5 and under; preregister; limited space. Info, 247-6735.

Free; donations accepted. Info,

ABENAKI LAND LINK HARVEST CELEBRATION: NOFA-VT and Abenaki Helping Abenaki mark the end of a successful growing season with corn and bean pro cessing, tastings, live demos, and tours of the farm. Vermont Youth Conservation Corps, Richmond, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

VERMONT CLIMBING FESTIVAL: CRAG-VT hosts a weekend of climbing, camping, learning, celebrating and stewardship. Cochran’s Ski Area, Richmond, 5-10 p.m. $60; preregister. Info,

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

FALL FLEA MARKET TO BENEFIT PATHWAYS VERMONT: Over 20 tables of trinkets and treasures are up for grabs. Proceeds benefit mental health and homelessness initiatives. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 777-3624.

BRIAN MCCARTHY JAZZ ORCHESTRA: A 17-piece en semble, featuring special guest Ray Vega on the trumpet, works its way through Latin jazz classics and original tunes. McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 652-2000.




‘WANDERING ... BUT NOT LOST’: Director Paul MacGowan presents his new documentary about Tibetan monk Mingyur Rinpoche’s four-year nomadic retreat. Savoy Theater, Montpelier, 7-9:30 p.m. $8-10. Info, paul@ajoyfulmind. com.



CAMILLE A. BROWN & DANCERS: A program of highlights from the history-making director and cho reographer’s previous works take viewers on a journey through the history of Black American dance. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $25-45. Info, 603-646-2422.


FRI.23 dance

health & fitness BONE

Program coordinator’s address, “The State of the Lake and Ecosystem Indicators Report for 2021.” Virtual option available. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2-3 p.m. $8; $55 for season pass. Info, 363-6937.


Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art



food & drink

Theater reservations: 802-229-6978 More Info: All concert & theater performances are FREE ! Concerts at Frank Suchomel Memorial Arts Center, 1231 Haggett Road, Adamant, VT The Shard of the Silver Spectre A Fall Foliage Production Oct. 1 & 8 at 2 and 5 p.m. • Oct. 2 & 9 at 2 p.m. Pianist Mary Jane Austin OctoberSaturday,1,7:30pm fromRescheduledAug.27 12V-AdamantCultural092122.indd 1 9/16/22 4:35 PM 2023 “IRISH EXPERIENCE” tour SEP. 9– 20, 2023 NEW TRAVELHORIZONS&TOURSForcompletedetailsgoto: Click on “Learn More” SPECIAL PRICING THRU OCT. 31 $4169/pp double cash, $4299 credit card PARTICIPATION LIMITED TO FIRST 46 Other tours in the works: Egypt/Nile cruise, Peru, Swiss Railroad newhorizonstravel@charter.netTour (518) 420-3252 OUR 45TH YEAR!! 12v-newhorizon091422.indd 1 • diagnostics • alignments • tire repair • brake service • oil changes • exhaust systems • inspections DELIVERED WITH RESPECT. HOW’S THE RIDE FEELIN’? Let us keep the wheels rolling along with your mojo! Call for an appointment today! 6H-girlington031021.indd 1 3/8/21 3:18 PM Pioneers of Vermont wine and one of Vermont’s premier Wedding & Event Spaces NOW BOOKING 2023/2024 OPEN EVERY DAY FOR TASTINGS, GLASSES & LITE FARE Fri 9/23 THE ROMANS Ryan Ober, Lowell Thompson and Creston Lea Sat 9/30 ZACH ACOUSTICNUGENTBAND All-Star lineup in the style of Jerry Garcia’s Almost Acoustic Album • 6308 SHELBURNE RD • 802-985-8222 6H-ShelVine092122.indd 1 9/20/22 12:27 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 69 LIST YOUR EVENT FOR FREE AT SEVENDAYSVT.COM/POSTEVENT dance


BRIAN MCCARTHY JAZZ ORCHESTRA: See FRI.23. Alexander Twilight Theatre, Northern Vermont UniversityLyndon, Lyndonville, 7 p.m. $10.

OKTOBERFEST: Brats and Bavarian pretzels keep beer lovers happy at this brewery bash. Simple Roots Brewing, Burlington, 3-9 p.m. Free.,

BRISTOL HARVEST FESTIVAL: Crafters display their wares at this seasonal shindig featuring bandstand music, vendors and demonstrations. Bristol Town Green, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7951.




Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.


Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.

ADVENTURE DINNER: MALT HOUSE DINNER: Guests tour a private malt house, sample brews, and enjoy a multicourse dinner alongside special guest, author and beer expert Joshua Bernstein. Earthkeep Farmcommon, Charlotte, 5:308:30 p.m. $167; preregister; lim ited space. Info, 248-224-7539.

BOARD GAME BRUNCH: The Friendly Tabletop Gamers of Essex and Beyond host a drop-in play session. South Burlington


FREE SATURDAY CHOCOLATE TASTINGS: A sommelier of sweet stuff leads drop-in guests through a tasting platter. Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory Store & Café, Burlington, 11 a.m.4 p.m. Free. Info, 864-1807.


BURKE FALL FESTIVAL: Changing leaves give locals reason to celebrate autumn with a parade, horse-drawn wagon rides, vendors, rubber duck races, and farm animal meet and greets. East Burke Village, 9 a.m.3 p.m. Free. Info, 626-4124.

MONTPELIER FALL FESTIVAL: Food, live music and games reward participants in a 5K race and kids’ fun run at this annual community shindig. Vermont Statehouse lawn, Montpelier, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 595-3959.


CAPITAL CITY FARMERS MARKET: Meats and cheeses join farm-fresh produce, baked goods, locally made arts and crafts, and live music. 133 State St., Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info,

SUMMER SAMPLING SERIES: Local makers and growers serve up bites for tasting. Mad River Taste Place, Waitsfield, 11 a.m.1 p.m. Free. Info, 496-3165.

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.


‘WANDERING ... BUT NOT LOST’: See FRI.23. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7-9:30 p.m.

BARN DANCE WITH RED HOT JUBA: The Richmond Land Trust throws a pizza party for its 35th birthday featuring country blues jams and local libations. West Monitor Barn, Richmond, 7-10 p.m. $15. Info,

THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.

fairs & festivals

BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisanal wares and pre pared foods. Burlington Farmers Market, 345 Pine St., 9 a.m.2 p.m. Free. Info, 560-5904.

CELEBRATION OF COMMUNITY & DIVERSITY: Drummers, dancers and performers keep the beat during a day of West African music presented by Shidaa Projects. First Congregational Church of Berlin, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 498-5987.

music +

MARKET: Growers and crafters gather weekly at booths centered on local eats. Pearl St. & Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, cfmamanager@gmail. com.

LITTLE FEAT: The classic rock fusion act celebrates the 45th anniversary of Waiting for Columbus, its first live album. The Flynn, Burlington, 8 p.m. $58.75-265. Info, 863-5966.

TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘BARDO’: A Mexican journalist finds himself caught between home and the world beyond in the latest from award-winning director Alejandro González Iñárritu. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 3 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422.


Public Library & City Hall, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

‘THE MONEY’: See THU.22. Hartford High School.

FOREST FESTIVAL: Wagon rides, woodworking sessions, horse logging demonstrations and guided nature walks highlight the importance of the woodlands in all of our lives. Marsh-BillingsRockefeller National Historical Park, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free; preregister for nature walks. Info, 457-3368.



CAPITAL CITY CONCERTS: ‘PIANO FABLES’: Philip Chiu demon strates his brilliance and sensitiv ity on the piano with a program including works by Liszt, Ravel and Schubert. Unitarian Church of Montpelier, 7:30-9 p.m. $30.,

THE JOHNNY CASH TRIBUTE SHOW: Audiences may think the Man in Black himself is in the building during this toe-tapping show. Enosburg Opera House, Enosburg Falls, 7-9 p.m. $20. Info, 933-6171.

ZARA BODE’S LITTLE BIG BAND: Swing tunes fill the afternoon air and get outdoor audiences

ALS: Participants pound the pavement to bring visibility to the terminal neurodegenerative condition commonly known as Lou Gehrig’s disease. Oakledge Park, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 360-219-5842.

INTERNATIONAL COASTAL CLEANUP: Rozalia Project and partners clear the Lake Champlain shores of debris. A trash sort on Church Street fol lows. Community Sailing Center, Burlington, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 363-3320.

health & fitness

PERFECT PITCH: Chad Hollister Band headlines this fundraiser for the Vermont Mountaineers base ball team featuring cocktails and kids’ games. Barr Hill by Caledonia Spirits, Montpelier, 6 p.m. $10-75. Info,

RICHARD THOMPSON: The legendary British folk rocker brings down the house with his fleet-fingered fretwork. Barre Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $25-48. Info, 476-8188.

See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section. nightlife


OKTOBERFEST: Decked out in dirndls and lederhosen, revelers enjoy beer, music, ax-throwing contests and German food. Black Flannel Brewing & Distilling, Essex Junction, 2-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink. Info, 857-5629.

Volunteers race or recline for migraine awareness and research. All donations ben efit the University of Vermont Medical Center’s Headache Clinic. Veterans Memorial Park, South Burlington, 8:30-10:30 a.m. $35; free for kids 6 and under.,

See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

ANDERSON & ERICA HEILMAN: The writer and podcaster, respec tively, discuss words both written and spoken as part of a series highlighting Vermont writers across genres. A reception at the Kents’ Corner State Historic Site follows. Old West Church, Calais, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-6613.


MON.26 film

WALK: Birders at every experi ence level join museum staff in recording all the feathery friends living on the grounds. BYO binoc ulars. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 8-9 a.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister; limited space. Info, 434-2167.

TOUR OF WATERBURY DAM: Visitors explore a reforested encampment and discover how the Civilian Conservation Corps saved the Winooski Valley from flooded ruin. Call to confirm. Meet at the top of the dam. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $24; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 244-7103.



Labor Gains

It’s been five years since Migrant Justice’s Milk With Dignity program made its groundbreaking dairy workers’ rights agreement with Ben & Jerry’s. That’s certainly something to celebrate. Supporters can do just that at a shindig featuring a full afternoon of art, presentations, authentic Mexican food, cocktails and free ice cream. There’s also a packed lineup of live music, including Texas Latin singer Tish Hinojosa, Chilean experimental act Pia Zapata and local songstress Kat Wright (pictured). All proceeds benefit Milk With Dignity’s ongoing work.

CHORAL READING SESSION: Music lovers sit in on a church choir rehearsal directed by William Tortolano. McCarthy Arts Center, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 899-3564.

shaking their hips. Meeting House on the Green, East Fairfield, 5-7 p.m. $10. Info, 827-6626.

GREEN MOUNTAINS’ STRONGEST: Vermont’s first United States Strongman competition sees amateur lifters from across the Northeast grunt and groan their way to glory. Switchback Brewing, Burlington, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $10. Info,


SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202270 calendar




MARSHFIELD HARVEST FESTIVAL: ’Tis the season for cider pressing, live music, wagon rides, a chili cook-off and more. Old Schoolhouse Common,





SUNOCO RACE FUEL SEASON FINALE: Racers tear up the track in pursuit of the championship title. Devil’s Bowl Speedway, West Haven, 4 p.m. $5-20; drive-in free for kids 12 and under. Info, 265-3112.

TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘WOMEN TALKING’: Adapting the acclaimed novel by Miriam Toews, an all-star cast tells the story of a group of Mennonite women coming together to stop the cycle of abuse in their community.



ADVENTURE DINNER: MOON DINNER: Diners take in the cosmic new moon energy at a mystical, al fresco feast featuring fire-kissed courses and moonlit tipples from James Beard-nominated chef Maria Lara-Bregatta. Earthkeep Farmcommon, Charlotte, 5:30-9 p.m. $167; preregister; limited space. Info, 248-224-7539.

‘THE MONEY’: See SAT.24.

health & fitness


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

health & fitness


ALEXANDER TWILIGHT DAY 2022: Fall fun and a cake bake-off mark the birthday of the country’s first Black state legislator. Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village, Brownington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info,

WEEKLY CHAIR YOGA: Those with mobility challenges or who are new to yoga practice balance and build strength through

NORTHEASTERN OPEN ATLATL CHAMPIONSHIP: Practitioners of this ancient dart-throwing technique compete for the title. Chimney Point State Historic Site, Addison, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. $5-10; free for kids under 15. Info, 759-2412.

MILK WITH DIGNITY CELEBRATION & BENEFIT CONCERT Saturday, September 24, 3-6:30 p.m., at Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. $10-25. Info, 533-2000,

SEP. 24 | ACTIVISM TOURINGCROSSOVEROFCOURTESYFOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section. music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11. = ONLINE EVENT SAT.24 « P.69

Mindful folks experience sitting and walking meditation in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Shambhala Meditation Center, Burlington, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info,


BREATHWORK: Nicole Carpenter of the Breath and Balance leads a calming nighttime class for all levels. 8-8:30 p.m. Free; donations accepted; preregister. Info, 338-0626.

GENTLE HATHA YOGA: Movers focus on alignment, balance and extending into relaxation. BYO mat. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.

GREEN MOUNTAIN BOOK FESTIVAL: See FRI.23, 10:30 a.m.10:30 p.m.

Marshfield, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


Spirits, Montpelier, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.

CHRISTOPHER DANT: The local au thor (with his trusty pup Chauncey) reads from his trilogy of novels set in Thetford. Latham Library, Thetford, 4-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

FESTIVAL: See FRI.23, 11 a.m.4 p.m.


VERMONT PUMPKIN CHUCKIN’ FESTIVAL: Soaring squash reach new heights thanks to hand made trebuchets at this benefit for the Clarina Howard Nichols Center. Live music and a chili cook-off round out the day. Mayo Events Field, Stowe, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. $10; free for kids under 5. Info, 603-630-4800.


COMMUNITY CONCERTS @ FIRST: CRICKET BLUE: The masterful folk musicians bring stories to life alongside the string players of Trio Arco. Donations benefit church outreach and Ukraine relief. First Congregational Church of Essex Junction, 3 p.m. $20 sug gested donation. Info, 878-5745.



HARVEST FESTIVAL: Heirloom apples and local fromage flavor a day of historical games, farm animals, cider pressing and more. Justin Morrill Homestead, Strafford, 1-4 p.m. $5; free for kids under 15. Info, 765-4288.

MONTPELIER PLACE: QUEEN BEE DAY BRUNCH: Locals sample hon ey-infused donuts and cocktails while pollinator ecologist Jason Mazurowski discusses the nearly 400 species of bee that live in Vermont. Barr Hill by Caledonia

TEDXHARTLANDHILL: A packed schedule of local speakers expound upon the theme of com munity. Afterparty featuring live music by KeruBo follows. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m. $55-150; preregister. Info,

WRITE IN THE GARDEN: Naturethemed readings and writing prompts help wordsmiths at this workshop tend to their creativity. Horsford Gardens & Nursery, Charlotte, 10 a.m.-noon. Free.,



COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly practice in the tradi tion of Thich Nhat Hahn. Sangha Studio — Pine, Burlington, 6:30-8:15 p.m. Free. Info, newleafsangha@


WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and pre pared foods from more seasonal vendors at an outdoor market place. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info,

food & drink


LORI WILSON: The author and educator tells the story of gover nor Thomas Chittenden’s brother Bethuel, who founded Shelburne’s Trinity Episcopal Church. Pierson Library, Shelburne, 2 p.m. Free. Info,



ADVANCED TAI CHI: Experienced movers build strength, improve balance and reduce stress. Holley Hall, Bristol, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; donations accepted. Info, jerry@

Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422.

fairs & festivals


THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.


food & drink

See WED.21.

LONG-FORM SUN 73: Beginners and experienced practitioners learn how tai chi can help with arthritis, mental clarity and range of motion. Holley Hall, Bristol, noon-1 p.m. Free; donations accepted. Info, wirlselizabeth@


ARABELLA DANE: The photog rapher and flower show judge speaks at the Burlington Garden Club of Vermont’s monthly meeting. First United Methodist Church, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. Info,


DELANEY WOODS BIRD WALK: A slow pace allows for plenty of photographs on this all-levels birding excursion. Delaney Woods Trail, Wells, 7:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 598-2583.

SWING DANCING: Local Lindy hoppers and jitterbuggers con vene at Vermont Swings’ weekly boogie-down. Bring clean shoes. Beginner lessons, 6:30 p.m. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:309 p.m. $5. Info, 864-8382. etc.

SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: See FRI.23. language

ENGLISH CONVERSATION CIRCLE: Locals learning English as a sec ond language gather in the Digital Lab to build vocabulary and make friends. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.

ADDISON COUNTY WRITERS COMPANY: Poets, playwrights, novelists and memoirists of every experience level meet weekly for an MFA-style workshop. Swift


If your organization has the potential capacity to perform these services, please provide the following information: 1.) Organization name, address, email address, website address, telephone number, and size and type of ownership for the organization; and 2.) Tailored capability statements addressing the particulars of this effort, with appropriate documentation supporting claims of organizational and staff capability.

4t-drydentech083122.indd 1 8/29/22 1:49 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 71 LIST YOUR EVENT FOR FREE AT SEVENDAYSVT.COM/POSTEVENT

YANG 24: This simplified tai chi method is perfect for beginners looking to build strength and balance. Congregational Church of Middlebury, 4-6 p.m. Free; dona tions accepted. Info, wirlselizabeth@

COMMUNITY SPOTLIGHT: SOULSHINE POWER YOGA: Locals get moving at an outdoor, all ages class. Burlington City Hall Park, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166.


health & fitness

Submission Instructions: Interested parties who consider themselves qualified to perform the above-listed services are invited to submit a response to this Sources Sought Notice within 28 business days of the first posting of this notice. All responses under this Sources Sought Notice must be emailed to


FALL PREVENTION TAI CHI: See THU.22. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Vergennes, Levels 1 and 2, 9-10 a.m.; Level 3, 10-11 a.m. Congregational Church of Middlebury, 10-11 a.m. Free; dona tions accepted.,

RIDES: Pedal heads explore their local trails at this weekly meetup. Three Rivers Path Trailhead Pavilion, Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, St. Johnsbury, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,

TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET: The Ishams put the “farm” back in “farmers market” with vendor stalls and live music out by the barn. Isham Family Farm, Williston, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 872-1525.

‘SPRING AWAKENING’: The road from adolescence to adulthood is marred by more than a few pot holes in this Tony Award-winning rock musical set in 19th-century Germany. Byrne Theater, Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 7:30 p.m. $19-69. Info, 296-7000.

PAUSE-CAFÉ IN-PERSON FRENCH CONVERSATION: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free.,






THERE IS NO SOLICITATION AT THIS TIME. This is a request for capability information only and does not constitute a request for proposals. The submission of any information in response to this request is purely voluntary. Wreaths Across America assumes no financial responsibility for any costs incurred.

BROWN BAG BOOK CLUB: Readers voice opinions about Damon Galgut’s The Promise over lunch. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

CATHERINE SANDERS BODNAR: The retired professor and former travel writer launches her histori cal novel, Losing June: Coming of Age at the Foot of St. Helens Phoenix Books Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3350.

FOOD TRUCKS AT THE FORT: Green Empire Brewing hosts a battalion of food trucks alongside live music and mini golf. Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester, 5-9 p.m.

‘THE MONEY’: See THU.22. Middlebury Union High School.

TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘TORI AND LOKITA’: Two young Cameroonian refugees face off against ruthless bureaucra cies and exploitative systems in the Belgian festival darling. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover N.H., 4 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422.


THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.

EMBODIED POETRY COMMUNITY WORKSHOP: Poet Mary Rose Dougherty and TUE.27mindful» P.72




It Costs How Much?! Find all the stories at Seven Days is examining Vermont’s housing crisis — and what can be done about it — in Locked Out, a yearlong series. 4t-LockedOut22.indd 1 7/21/22 12:56 PM

UKULELE SHENANIGAN: Players with chord confidence and a steady strum join in a jam. Download song packet at ukule Shelburne Vineyard, 6-8:30 p.m. $7; free for listeners. Info, 985-8222.

REGENERATIVE SOUND BATH: Singing bowl and gong player Stephen Scuderi delivers a unique sensory experience. Sundara Yoga, Morrisville, 6-8 p.m. $15-20. Info, 777-0626.

Brownell Library hosts a virtual roundtable for neighbors to pause and reflect on the news cycle. 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

food & drink

ADVENTURE DINNER: WINDFALL ORCHARD DINNER: Seasonal dishes and cider drinks make for a scrumptious feast in the shadow of the apple trees. Windfall Orchard, Cornwall, 5:30-8:30 p.m. $167; preregister; limited space. Info, 248-224-7539.



NONBINARY SOCIAL GROUP: Genderqueer, agender, gender nonconforming and questioning Vermonters gather for virtual tea time. Presented by Pride Center of Vermont. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

DONALD YACOVONE: The Harvard University researcher launches Teaching White Supremacy: America’s Democratic Ordeal and the Forging of Our National Identity. Norwich Bookstore, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114.

gentle, supported movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 3 p.m. Free; prereg ister; donations accepted. Info, 223-3322.

Wreaths Across America is issuing this Sources Sought Notice to identify parties having an interest in providing approximately 2.8–3.0 million domestically-grown balsam wreaths for procurement to support Wreaths Across America's wreath project and the resources needed to support this requirement for wreaths beginning with the 2023 season. It should be noted that Wreaths Across America does not provide purchase orders for wreath procurement contracts.

Telephone inquiries will not be accepted or acknowledged, and no feedback or evaluations will be provided to companies regarding their submissions.


If you have any questions concerning this opportunity, please send them to

CHAMBER BREAKFAST CLUB: Washington County Senators Ann Cummings and Andrew Perchlik discuss the upcoming legislative session over a catered morning meal. Central Vermont Chamber of Commerce, Berlin, 8-9:30 a.m. $11; preregister. Info, 229-5711.

Free. Info,

House Inn, Middlebury, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info,


‘DAISIES’: Two spoiled girls, both named Marie, get up to stranger and stranger hijinks in this 1966 Czechoslovakian surrealist comedy. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.

THE PLANET: Thought leader Sandrine Dixson-Declève key notes this conference marking the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking climate crisis re port The Limits to Growth. Virtual option available. Robison Hall, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5710.



WPP COMMUNITY DINNER: Local cooks Julia Menéndez Jardón and Drew Diemar cook a delicious northern Spanish meal for pickup. Presented by Winooski Partnership for Prevention. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 4:30-6 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 655-4565.

‘THE PITMEN PAINTERS’: A group of miners in 1930s England take a painting class in this Vermont Stage production based on the true story of the Ashington Group. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $31.0538.50. Info, 862-1497.


SUSAN MILLS: The author and immigration attorney reads from On the Wings of a Hummingbird, her new novel about a Guatemalan refugee girl. Norwich Bookstore, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 649-1114. m



MIC: Wordsmiths read their work at an evening with local performance poet Bianca Amira Zanella. Presented by Phoenix 7Books.p.m.Free; preregister. Info, 855-8078.


See WED.21.

ROLF DIAMANT: The historian explains how abolitionism, the Civil War and the Reconstruction period gave rise to the concept of national parks. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

BODEN ABOUT TOWN: WINE BAR TAKEOVER: Representatives from German wine importer vom Boden host a Riesling party with a focus on sustainability. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-9 p.m. Price of food and drink. Info, 865-2368.


CURRENT EVENTS: Neighbors have an informal discussion about what’s in the news. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 878-4918.



Nutritionist Lili Hanft demon strates how to whip up a nutrient-dense dinner. Presented by City Market, Onion Rive Co-op. 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


THE MEATPACKERS: The beloved local band serves up its signature brand of contagious bluegrass. Shelburne Orchards, 12:30-2 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2753.

health & fitness


COMPUTER BASICS CLASS WITH INSTRUCTOR CORINNE GUILMAIN: The very beginning is a very good place to start at this class covering how to use the internet, email and Zoom. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 745-1392.

YANG 24: See WED.21.

NONFICTION BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: Readers discuss the 1825 classic The Physiology of Taste: Or Meditations on Transcendental Gastronomy by Jean Anthelme Brillat-Savarin — fittingly — over lunch. Presented by Thetford Libraries. Noon-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,



‘WOODY SEZ: THE LIFE AND MUSIC OF WOODY GUTHRIE’: Four Weston Theater performers, playing more than 20 instru ments, paint a portrait of the troubadour whose songs brought inspiration and understanding to generations of Americans. Weston Theater, Walker Farm, 7 p.m. $22.50-74. Info, 824-5288.



climate crisis




movement practitioner Becky Widschwenter guide participants through meditative reading, writing and breathwork exer cises. Waterbury Public Library, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036.


food & drink





COMMUNITY MEETING: Library patrons spitball together about what programs and services they would like to see over the next five years. Waterbury Municipal Building, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.




THE MAPLE 100: See WED.21.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section. music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11. = ONLINE EVENT TUE.27« P.71 2v-UVMContEd092122 1 9/20/22 3:08 PM


SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202272 calendar


PABLO BOSE: The professor of geography and geosciences digs into the Biden administration’s attempts to rebuild the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program after president Trump’s cuts. Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, University of Vermont, Burlington, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-0756.


TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘WILDCAT’: A traumatized veteran finds solace in an animal rescue program deep in the Peruvian jungle. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for

the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422.

STEP AFRIKA!: The United States’ first professional percus sive dance company stomps and claps its way across the stage. The Flynn, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $25-49. Info, 863-5966.







TEEN WRITERS CLUB: Aspiring authors unleash their creativity through collab orative and independent writing games. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-6956.

Say you saw it in...

Owned and Operated by LCB Senior Living: More Than 25 Years of Excellence ...and a job that loves you back! TOP SIGNPAYON BONUS CAREER GROWTH Hiring CNAs LPNs, Servers, and 401-238-2991more!Independent, Assisted & Memory Care Living 23t-ExplorComm(LCB)092122 1 9/15/22 10:15 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 73



• Plan ahead at Post your event at

Library & City Hall, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


TODDLERTIME: Kids ages 1 through 3 and their caregivers join Miss Kelly and her puppets Bainbow and La-La for story time. South Burlington Public




upper valley

songs. Williston Town Green, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


mad river waterburyvalley/

ISSUES AND IDENTITIES BOOK GROUP: Using current and past Golden Dome Award nominees, readers ages 9 through 12 discuss social issues like race, gender and disability. Waterbury Public Library, 3:45-5 p.m. Free; prereg ister. Info, 244-7036.

Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages.


chittenden county

MEDITATIVE COLORING: Soothing sounds and quiet coloring make for a calming afterschool activity. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

ROBOT DEMO: Techies ages 8 and up see a locally-made bot in action. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-5 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


Activists ages 14 through 18 discuss community service, climate action, LGBTQ rights and social justice. BALE Community Space, South Royalton, 3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 498-8438.



RUSH SEAT STOOL WORKSHOP: This workshop will cover how to build a wooden stool as well as how to weave a rush seat. Participants will each build their own stool, covering joinery and other important details. They will then weave the seat out of rush, learning how to shape and fasten the material. Thu., Sep. 29 & Oct. 6, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $225 incl. mate rials. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: 540-0761,


Understanding what it is like to question one’s spirituality, July draws on her personal journey of enlightenment and insider knowledge to teach the practices in her book. Oct. 11, 18, 25 or Nov. 1, 8, 15, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $75 via Venmo, PayPal or U.S. check. Location: Zoom. Info: juliefarray


SILVER RING WORKSHOP: In this two-session, eight-hour workshop, students will create one or two silver ring bands. The processes covered include texturing, sizing, sawing, filing, sanding, forming, soldering, shaping and polishing. After this intensive, students will have the skills to begin making rings independently. No prior experience necessary. Oct. 8 & 9, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: $200 incl. materials. Location: Generator, 40 Sears Ln., Burlington. Info: Generator, Sam Graulty, 5400761, education@generatorvt. com,!event/2022/10/8/

language Zoom classes this fall, starting the week of Oct. 3. Please join us for an introduction to speaking, listening, reading and writing Japanese, with an emphasis on the conversational patterns that occur in everyday life. Level 1: Mon. Level 2: Tue. Level 3: Thu. Level 4: Wed. Cost: $200/1.5-hour class for 10 weeks. Location: Zoom. Info: org/v2/,825-8335,jasv.

AGES: Premier native-speaking Spanish professor Maigualida Rak is giving fun, interactive on line lessons to improve compre hension and pronunciation and to achieve fluency. Audiovisual material is used. “I feel proud to say that my students have significantly improved their Spanish with my teaching approach.” —Maigualida Rak. Read reviews on Facebook at Spanishcoursesvt. Info: Spanish Courses VT,,881-0931,


GENERATOR is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. We provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity –to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and make their ideas a reality.

JAPANESE LANGUAGE CLASSES: Konnichiwa! The Japan America Society of Vermont will offer four levels of interactive Japanese

We offer a legitimate Brazilian jiu-jitsu training program for men, women and children in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes; CBJJP and IBJJF seventh-degree Carlson Gracie Sr. Coral Belt-certified Instructor; teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A two-time world masters champion, fivetime Brazilian jiu-jitsu national champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro state champion and Gracie Challenge champion. Accept no limitations! 1st class is



Discover your happy place in one of our weekly classes. Making art boosts emotional well-being and brings joy to your life, especially when you connect with other art enthusiasts. Select the ongoing program that’s right for you. Now enrolling youth and adults for classes in drawing, painting and fused glass. Location: Davis Studio, 916 Shelburne Rd., South Burlington. Info: 425-2700, davis

free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,, music


JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional/ masks indoors). Taiko Tue. and Wed.; Djembe Wed.; Kids & Parents Tue. and Wed. Conga classes by request! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,, pets

martial arts

THE LITTLE GUIDE TO FINDING OUR LOST SOULS’ WORKSHOP: Together we will navigate the practices from the book The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Soul using accountability, questioning and self-reflection in a supportive environment. Newfound spiritual practices will unfold and guide you to a more soulful life. Led by Julie Roick, BCC, a personal trainer and life coach who has a heart for women who feel spiritually lost.


FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY Mon-Fri.HOURS: 7:30-5 1800-639-1900Montpelier90RiverSt.229-4941 VERMONT TIRE & SERVICE The local tire store where your dollar buys more. South Burlington 1877 Williston Rd. 1800-639-1901658-1333 Not responsible for typographical errors TireVERMONT&Service ALLFREEWHEEL ALIGNMENT Help the homeless & support TIREFREEROTATION FlatFREERepair TireFREEMounting Winter tires are in short supply this year Now is the time to buy Winter Tires made for your EV! Pure winter grip and balanced handling Supreme driving comfort and silence Eco-friendly mobility with fuel savings The new Hakkapeliitta R5 is a Nordic non-studded winter tire for passenger cars made to deliver uncompromised grip and smart driving features for every day of winter. Offering the green driving due to ingredients like natural rubber, recycled steel and plant derived oils. One third of the compound consists of renewable and recycled materials, which makes the tire durable, sustainable, and wear resistant. PURE SAFETY HAKKAPELIITTANOKIANNOKIANTYRES.COMTYRES®R514–20inches Q (160km/h) R (170 km/h) T (190 km/h) NEW Ask about NOW AVAILABLE Studdable Tread ‖ Severe Weather Rated ©2021 Cooper Tire & Rubber Company. All Rights Reserved. EvolutionCooper® Winter™ WE ARE HIRING $20h Starting in SB $18h Starting in Mont tire technicians+ $1000 Busy Season Bonus! Will Train 2V-VtTire092122 1 9/20/22 12:09 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202274 CLASS PHOTOS + MORE INFO ONLINE SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSES

ANIMAL WORKSHOP:COMMUNICATION This workshop is an opportunity to connect telepathically with our animal friends. This will open hearts and awareness of intuitive gifts and sensitivities. Please be prepared to provide four photos of one ani mal that is currently in your life that will be participating in class with you. Oct. 16, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Cost: $125 by personal check. Location: Zoom. Info: Julia Soquet,,

NEW BEGINNER TAI CHI CLASS: We practice Cheng Man-ch’ing’s “simplified” 37-posture Yang-style form. The course will be taught by Patrick Cavanaugh, a longtime student and assistant to Wolfe Lowenthal; Wolfe is a direct student of Cheng Man-ch’ing and founder of Long River Tai Chi Circle. Opportunities for learning online also available! COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend in person. Masks are recom mended. (Subject to change based on circumstance.) Starts Oct. 5, 9-10 a.m.; open registration until Oct. 26. Cost: $65/mo. Location: St. Anthony’s Church (Gym), 305 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Long River Tai Chi Circle, Patrick Cavanaugh,,490-6405,


tai chi




Celebrate our 25th anniversary and discover the dynamic, flowing martial art of aikido. Learn how to relax under pressure and how aikido cultivates core power, aero bic fitness and resiliency. Aikido techniques emphasize throws, pinning techniques and the growth of internal power. Visitors are always welcome to watch a class. Starting on Tue., Oct. 4, at 7:15 p.m.; meets 5 days/week. 25 free classes for new adult members. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes. Contact us for info about membership rates for adults, youth & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Benjamin Pincus,,951-8900,

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28 , 2022 75 NEW STUFF ONLINE EVERY DAY! PLACE YOUR ADS 24-7 AT SEVENDAYSVT.COM. housing » CONDOSAPARTMENTS,&HOMES on the road » CARS, MOTORCYCLESTRUCKS, pro services » CHILDCARE, HEALTH/ WELLNESS, PAINTING buy this stuff » APPLIANCES, KID STUFF, ELECTRONICS, FURNITURE music » INSTRUCTION, CASTING, INSTRUMENTS FOR SALE jobs » NO SCAMS, ALL POSTINGSLOCAL,DAILY DID YOU KNOW? All our dogs are available for Foster-To-Adopt! You have a one-week trial period to bring the dog home and get to know them before committing to adopting them. See our website for more details! Bailee Humane Society of Chittenden County Sponsored by: PHOTOGRAPHYDOGSCHULZE/MOUNTAINKELLYOFCOURTESY SEX: 2-year-old spayed female REASON HERE: Transferred from Fulton County Animal Services in Georgia ARRIVAL DATE: August 23 SUMMARY: Do you love cuddles, snuggles and big dogs who will flop onto your lap at the very first opportunity? If so, you’ll love Bailee! This gorgeous girl will soak up all the love you have to give and then some. She recently made the big trip from Georgia to Vermont and is eager to find a family to call her own. Bailee loves the simple things in life — belly rubs, squeaky toys, fetch, more belly rubs. If you’re looking for a playful and affectionate canine companion, she could be your gal! DOGS/CATS/KIDS: Bailee has no experience living with dogs or kids. She would do best in a home without cats. Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m. or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.



INTERIOR PAINTING SERVICE S.,theinsuredprojects.painterBurlington-basedseekinginteriorQualitywork,w/solidrefs.Onwebatvtpaintingorcallat802-373-7223.

on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Melinda,&mainstreetlanding.comVisitclickonspaceavail.864-7999.


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legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online


Autobody Shop Equip., Williston, VT


Simulcast Friday, Sept. 23 @ 9AM

Public Auto Auction, Williston, VT

Artisan Cheesemaking Equip., Milton, VT

Reduce payment by up to 50%. Get 1 low affordable payment/mo. Reduce interest. Stop calls. Free

Simulcast Friday, Oct. 7 @ 9AM


Do you owe over $10,000 to the IRS or State in back taxes? Our firm works to reduce the tax bill or zero it out completely fast. Let us help! Call 877-414-2089. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 7 a.m.-5 p.m. PST. (AAN CAN)

Get GotW3 w/ lightningfast speeds + take your service with you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo. 1-866-5711325. (AAN CAN)

Public Auto Auction, Williston, VT


On-site estate sale of Chester Cookson, 45 Cookson Dr., E. Montpelier. Complete contents of home & garage. u. & Fri.: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Sat.: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Cash/ credit card. No buyer’s premium. Rumor Has It, LLC. rumorhasitvt. com. Vt. auctioneer#057.133906,auctioneerMass.#AU10059.

Simulcast Friday, Oct. 21 @ 9AM

Public Auto Auction, Williston, VT







In private house shared w/ 2 humans & 1 cat.

Thurs, Oct. 13 @ 11AM

Public Auto Auction, Williston, VT

Roomy 2-BR in Burlington. Off-street parking, shared laundry. $1,600/mo. + utils.

$1,600 deposit. 802233-0309 for details.

2-BR TOWNHOUSE Very nice$1,700/mo.allutils.HDWD.views.Off-streetSharedW/D.BurlingtonHighOnbusroutebikepaths.Byappt.considered.Pricedmarket!Avail.1(possiblysooner).Bostock,802-ormorton.

Call for a quote for professional cleanup & maintain the value of your home. Set an appt. today. Call 833-6641530. (AAN CAN)


Roland Camm GX-24 vinyl cutter desktop for stand


Stowe Estate, Stowe, VT

housing ads: $25 (25 words)

inventory in our


ser vices


on roadthe



Become a medical offi ce professional online at CTI! Get trained, certifi ed & ready to work in months. Call 866-243-5931. Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Computer w/ internet is req. (AAN CAN)

Open House: Wed., Sept. 29 from 3-5PM

3v-hirchakbrothers092122 1 9/16/22 5:01 PM BUY THIS STUFF »

We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)

Preview: During Business Hours


2018 Subaru Legacy

print deadline: Mondays at 3:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x120


AWD l4, auto. transmission, auto. brake, good condition, blue, 1 owner. $22,825. Robert 802-658-1035.

HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309


fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo)

sale, fl oor

Simulcast Friday, Sept. 30 @ 9AM


It’s almost that time of year. If you need snowplowing or shoveling, give us a call! Kambro Builders,,

Public Auto Auction, Williston, VT


early 1800s Vermont barn!

3BR Home on 45± Acres, Sutton, VT

Preview: Tues., Sept. 27 from 11AM-1PM

is open Fri. & Sat., Sep. 16 & 17, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Or call OverJensenappt.anytime802-595-2432foraprivateMapQuest30Rd.,Barre.3,000sq.ft.of

Preview: Wed., Sept. 28 from 11AM-1PM


Sedan 4D i Premium


6.8 treed & open acres. Incl. post & beam 26’x36’ barn, driveway, pond, septic design, electricity on-site. 802-877-1529.$140,500.

Online Closes Thurs., Sept. 22 @ 10AM

2nd fl oor. Incl. adjoining study, shared BA, kitchen & parking for 1 car. $780/mo., utils. incl. Bernice: 802-899-3542.


Asking 802-355-4099.$1,400.


Online Closes Wed., Sept. 28 @ 10AM Hallmark & Diecast, Morrisville, VT

Thurs, Sept. 29 @ 11AM

Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 hrc@vermont.gov1-800-416-2010

Online Closes Tues., Oct. 4 @ 10AM



Purchased new Nov. 2019, driven 3 winters. 225/55R-17 Bridgestone Blizzak WS80 SL. Must buy all. Pick up in Burlington. $90 OBO. Call/text 781-690-2229.Katie,

In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos. Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & CAN)1-866-370-2939.discountsmilitaryavail.Call(AAN

CLASSIFIEDS KEY appt. appointment apt. apartment BA bathroom BR bedroom DR dining room DW deposit W/D washer & dryer THOMAS HIRCHAK CO. • • 800-634-SOLD Stowe Estate AuctionArtisan Cheese Making Equip. Online Lots Closing Friday, Sept. 30 @ 10AM Stowe, VT Location Online Lots Closing Tuesday, Oct. 4 @ 10AM Chittenden Cty., VT Location 3BR/2BA Farmhouse w/ 1-Car Garage on 0.4± Acre Thursday, Oct. 13 @ 11AM 1236 Stagecoach Rd., Morristown, VT Preview: Tues., Sept. 11AM-1PM27, Preview: Wed., Sept. 28, 11AM-1PM Open House: Thurs., Sept. 29, 3-5PM

Online Closes Fri., Sept. 30 @ 10AM


Affordable, professionally installed gutter guards protect your gutters & home from debris & leaves forever. For a free quote, call 844-4990277. (AAN CAN)

incl., case of adhesive vinyl rolls. Mint condition.




3BR/2.5BA Farmhouse, Morristown, VT

Simulcast Saturday, Oct. 15 @ 9AM



PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic,balancing,energyyears’Kelman,channelingcounseling,w/BerniceUnderhill.30+experience.Alsohealing,chakraReiki,rebirth-otherlives,classesmore.802-899-3542,

services: $12 (25 words)


jobs:, 865-1020 x121

Generic 100 mg blue pills or generic 20 mg yellow pills. Get 45 + 5 free. $99 + S/H. Call CAN)


All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our

1920-1980 Gibson, Martin, Fender, Gretsch, Epiphone, Guild, Mosrite, Rickenbacker, Prairie State, CAN)877-589-0747.mandolins/banjos.Stromber,D’Angelico,&Gibson(AAN

readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact:

Looking for a roommate to share a mobile home in Milton, 12 mins. from Burlington. Country setting, no neighbors. Call evenings: 802-391-7723.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. e same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column. 100+ new job postings weekly from trusted, local employers in Seven Days newspaper and online.




See who’s hiring 8v-jobfiller-career2021.indd 1 7/30/21 1:54 PMcrossword ANSWERS ON P.78 » BREAKFAST STACKS



2- 19+ 37+1- 2÷3÷ 3÷6+ 48x 90x 3- 22- 4 5 7 6 81 39 8 1 4 8 75 4 9 5 4 6 7 87 94 3 Workcareer?fornextWhat’syouritoutwith Seven Days Jobs. Find

SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 77 SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS » Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. Extra! Extra! ere’s no limit to ad length online. ANSWERS ON P.78 ★ = MODERATE ★ ★ = CHALLENGING ★ ★ ★ = HOO, BOY!

Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. e numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

SUDOKU BY JOSH REYNOLDS,thehearing,Actincludepartypropertytheadditionalcriteriainmaypersonsetsrequiringtheunless,No6),2022,apartynotifiesDistrict4Commissioninwritingofanissueahearing,ortheCommissionthematterforahearingonitsownmotion.Anyasdefinedin10V.S.A.§6085(c)(1)requestahearing.Anyhearingrequestmustbewriting,muststatethecriteriaorsub-atissue,whyahearingisrequired,andwhatevidencewillbepresentedathearing.Anyhearingrequestbyanadjoiningownerorotherpersoneligibleforstatusunder10V.S.A.§6085(c)(1)(E)mustapetitionforpartystatusunderthe250Rules.TorequestpartystatusandafilloutthePartyStatusPetitionFormonBoard’swebsite:

music technology, ear training.,approach.ages,styles,levels.Belford,864-7195,


Sponsor: Councilor Carpenter

(a) Exterior Work: As written.

(c) Exemptions: e following shall be exempt from the requirements of this Ordinance and shall not be required to obtain a zoning permit: 1. - 18. As written.

ARequirements.minimumnumber of off-street parking spaces for all uses and structures shall be provided in accordance with Table 8.1.8-1 below.

New litter, brown or black, male & female. Ready to go! 8






DIRECTV SATELLITE TV Service starting at $74.99/mo.! Free install.


By: /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 stephanie.monaghan@vermont.gov802-261-1944

(b) Interior Work: As written.

PLACE AN AFFORDABLE NOTICE AT: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/LEGAL-NOTICES OR CALL 802-865-1020, EXT. 110. FROM P.77 FROM P.77 213546521364642135456213365421134652 861274935 523948167 198632754 462751839 754381629 932817546 749568123 287156493 319465872 Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY decorating inspirations. Sign up today at SPONSORED BY obsessed? N8h-NestNotes0321.indd 1 4/6/21 11:28 AM

GUITAR INSTRUCTION All,CollegeUVMJoestyle.developingthoroughstrongEmphasisstyles/levels.onbuildingtechnique,musicianship,personalPaulAsbell(BigBurrell,Kilimanjaro,&Middleburyfaculty).pasbell@ this stuff

(d) Determination of Non-Applicability: As written.

19. Short term rental.


(c) e minimum off-street parking requirement for a development with inclusionary housing units provided on site shall be reduced by the percentage of inclusionary units required by Article 9.



Public Hearing Dates: 09/12/22

Call now to get the most


Call to see if you qualify for ACP & free internet. No credit check. Call now! 833-955-0905. (AAN CAN)

at Appendix A, Comprehensive Development Ordinance, of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Burlington be and hereby is amended by amending Sections 3.1.2, Zoning Permit Required, 8.1.8, Minimum Off-Street Parking Requirements, 13.1.2, Definitions, Article 14, PlanBTV Downtown Code, and Appendix A-Use Table—All Zoning Districts, thereof to read as follows:

(a) Where a use is not listed, the minimum parking requirements shall be determined by the administrative officer based upon a determination that the use is substantially equivalent in use, nature, and impact to a listed use.

First reading: 04/11/22

Sec. 8.1.8 Minimum Off-Street Parking

On September 8, 2022, Camp Dudley at Kiniya, LLC, 1317 Camp Kiniya Road, Colchester, VT 05446 and Camp Dudley at Kiniya, LLC, 126 Dudley Road, Westport, NY 12993 filed application number 4C1198-6 for a project generally described as construction of fi ve (5), two- bedroom counselor cabins (each ~800 SF), a shared bathhouse with laundry room (~800 SF), associated utility connections, and updates to an existing dirt road. e project is located at 1317 Camp Kiniya Road in Colchester, Vermont. is application can be viewed online by visiting the Act 250 Database:


AKC, champion bloodline. Ready to go Sep. 20. Accepting

TV $64.99 $64.99 for 190 channels + $14.95

(Example: A 100-unit residential development with a requirement of 15% inclusionary units shall provide minimum off-street parking based on 85 dwelling units.) Notices

PAYING TOP CASH FOR MEN’S SPORT WATCHES Breitling, Omega, Patek Philippe, Heuer, Daytona, GMT, Submariner & Speedmaster. CAN)888-320-1052.Call(AAN

sports & entertainment on TV. 877-310-2472. (AAN CAN)


Dated this September 13, 2022.

Effective: 10/12/22

Except for that development which is exempt from a permit requirement under Sec. 3.1.2(c) below, no development may be commenced within the city without a zoning permit issued by the administrative officer including but not limited to the following types of exterior and interior work:


Sec. 3.1.2 Zoning Permit Required.



It is hereby Ordained by the City Council of the City of Burlington as follows:

160+ channels avail.

AS LOW AS $29.99

(b) When the calculation yields a fractional number of required spaces, the number of spaces shall be rounded to the nearest whole number.



Berklee graduate w/30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory,

Referred to: Ordinance Comm Rules suspended and placed in all states of passage: Published: 09/21/22


ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 4C1198-6 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6111


Breakfast: An owner-occupied residence, or portion thereof, in which short-term lodging rooms are rented and where only a morning meal is provided on-premises to guests. will plan for appoint ments to take place at the October 17, 2022 City Council Meeting/City Council With Mayor Presiding Meeting.

Objections must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the required procedures (24 CFR Part 58, Sec. 58.76) and shall be addressed the HUD Director of Community Planning and Development

One ApplicationsOpening

Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development Josh Hanford, Commissioner, VT Department of Housing and Community Development One National Life Drive, Davis Building, 6th Floor Montpelier, VT 05620

September 21, 2022

*** Material underlined added.

Hostel: A place where travelers may stay for a limited duration, as recognized by the International Hostel Association.,group,or

Appendix A—Use Table—All Zoning Districts—*See proposed changes on attached table.

agency may submit written comments on the ERR to the Agency for the use of HOME funds, Attn: Environmental Officer, Department of Housing and Community Development, National Life Building, One National Life Drive, Davis Building 6th floor, Montpelier, Vermont 05620, or via email at grace.vinson@ All comments received by October 6, 2022, will be considered by the Agency prior to

authorizing the submission of a request for release of funds. Comments must specify which notice they are addressing-the Finding of No Significant Impact or the Request for the Release of Funds.

Environmental Certification

Potential objectors should contact the HUD via email to verify the last day of the objection period.


tm/KS/Ordinances 2022/Zoning Amendment – ZA 22-08, Short Term Rentals

Notice is hereby given that the contents of the self-storage units listed below will be sold at public auction by sealed bid.

Mitigating measures include adherence to a Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation approved Corrective Action Plan, which requires the installation of a sub-slab depressurization system (SSDS) to mitigate impacts from off site vapor migration, monitoring of the SSDS, and additional soil testing, if required, for the purposes of assessing potential urban soils if any are encountered, and management of such soils. The SSDS will double as a radon mitigation system.

Additional definitions specifically pertaining to Art. 14 planBTV: Downtown Code can be found in Sec. 14.8, and shall take precedence without limitation over any duplicative or conflicting definitions of this

One DevelopmentOpening Review Board-alternate Term Expires 6/30/24

One WinooskiOpeningValley Park District Term Expires 6/30/24

may be submitted to the Clerk/ Treasurer’s Office, 149 Church Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Attn: Lori NO later than Wednesday, October 12, 2022, by 4:30 pm. If you have any questions, please contact Lori at (802) 865-7136 or via email



SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 79 SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS » Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online. LEGALS » Page 2 An Ordinance in Relation to COMPREHENSIVE DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE –Short Term Rentals ZA #22-08 (b) When he calculat on y e ds a fract onal number of requ red spaces the number of spaces shal be rounded to the nearest whole numbe (c The min mum off s ree parking requiremen for a development wi h inclusionary hous ng un ts provided on si e shall be reduced by he percentage of nclus onary uni s required by A t c e 9 (Example: A 100 uni res dent al deve opmen wi h a requirement o 15% inc usionary uni s shal provide minimum o f s ree park ng based on 85 dwel ing uni s Table 8 1 8 1 M n mum Off Street Park ng Requ rementsNeighborhoodDitrict Shared Use Di trict Mu t modal Mixed Use D str ct RESIDENTIAL USES Per Dwe l ng Un t except as no ed *** *** RESIDENTIAL USES SPECIAL Per Dwe l ng Un t except as no ed Bed and Breakfast (per room n addi on o s ngle ami y e idence) 1 0 75 0 *** *** *** *** NON RESIDENTIAL USES Per 1 000 square ee of gro s loor area (g a except as noted *** *** *** *** Hos e (pe two (2) beds) 0 5 0 5 0 Hote Mote pe oom) 1 0 75 0 *** *** *** *** Sec 13 1 2 Definitions For the purpose of his ordinance cer ain terms and words are he e n defined as fol ows: Unless def ned to he con rary in Sec ion 4303 o he Vermon P anning and Development Act as amended or de ined o herwise n this sect on de in t ons conta ned n the bu lding code of the C ty o Burl ngton, Sec ions 8 2 and 13 1 o he Code of O dinances as amended inco porat ng he curren ly adop ed ed t on of he Amer can Insurance Assoc a ion s "Nat onal Bui ding Code" and he Nat ona F re Protec ion Assoc a ion s "Nat ona F re Code sha l prevai Add t onal def ni ions specif ca ly perta ning o Ar 14 planBTV: Down own Code can be found in Sec 14 8 and sha l take precedence wi hout l m ta ion ove any dupl cat ve or confl c ing defin t ons of his Ar ic e *** Sec. 13.1.2 Definitions.

Unless defined to the contrary in Section 4303 of the Vermont Planning and Development Act as amended, or defined otherwise in this section, definitions contained in the building code of the City of Burlington, Sections 8-2 and 13-1 of the Code of Ordinances, as amended, incorporating the currently adopted edition of the American Insurance Association’s “National Building Code” and the National Fire Protection Association’s “National Fire Code” shall prevail.

On or about October 7, 2022, the Agency will submit a request to HUD to release HOME Investment Partnership Program funds under Title II of the Cranston-Gonzalez National Affordable Housing Act, as amended to undertake a project known as City Place Burlington Affordable Housing. It is in the location of the former Burlington Mall building, which was demolished in 2018. Prior to construction of the affordable housing project, a master podium structure will be constructed over most of the 2.53 acre parcel, which will support multiple mixed-use buildings, including the proposed 8-story 80-88 unit affordable housing building, and will accommodate parking under the buildings. The master project also proposes reconnection of both Pine and St. Paul’s Street between Bank and Cherry Streets. This environmental review includes the entire land area, the parking and podium structures, reconnection of the two streets, and the affordable housing building itself.

Hotel, Inn or Motel Lodging : An establishment providing for a fee three or more temporary guest rooms and customary lodging services (such as onsite staffing at all hours, lobby space, and room service) and subject to the Vermont rooms and meals tax. Lodging may, or may not, be owner occupied. Lodging does not include historic inns or short term rentals (except when per-building short term rental limits noted in Chapter 18: Minimum Housing Standards of the Burlington Code of Ordinances are exceeded).

Two VehicleOpeningsforHire Licensing Board Term Expires 6/30/25


be opened for viewing immediately prior to auction. Sale shall be by sealed bid to the highest bidder. Contents of entire storage unit will be sold as one lot. The winning bid must remove all contents from the facility at no cost to BSS. BSS reserves the right to reject any bid lower that the amount owed by the occupant or that is not commercially reasonable as defined by statute.


The Agency has determined that the project will have no significant impact on the human environment. Therefore, an Environmental Impact Statement under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) is not required. Additional project information is contained in the Environmental Review Record (ERR) which will be made available to the public for review at the Agency, National Life Building, One National Life Drive, Davis Building 6 th floor, Montpelier, Vermont 05620, between the hours of 8:00am and 4:00pm or via email at grace.

HUD will accept objections to its approval of the release of funds and the State’s certification for a period of fifteen days following the anticipated submission date or its actual receipt of the request (whichever is later) only if they are on one of the following bases: (a) the certification was not executed by the Certifying Officer Josh Hanford; (b) the Agency has omitted a step or failed to make a decision or finding required by HUD regulations at 24 CFR part 58; (c) the grant recipient or other participants in the development process have committed funds, incurred costs or undertaken activities not authorized by 24 CFR Part 58 before approval of a release of funds by the HUD; or (d) another Federal agency acting pursuant to 40 CFR Part 1504 has submitted a written finding that the project is unsatisfactory from the standpoint of environmental quality.

For the purpose of this ordinance certain terms and words are herein defined as follows:

The Agency and Josh Hanford, in his official capacity as Commissioner of the VT Department of Housing and Community Development, consent to accept the jurisdiction of the Federal Courts if an action is brought to enforce responsibilities in relation to the environmental review process and that these responsibilities have been satisfied. HUD’s approval of the certification satisfies its responsibilities under the National Environmental Policy Act and related laws and authorities and allows the Agency to use HOME

to Release of Funds


Name of Occupant/Storage Unit Hathaway #300

** Material stricken out deleted.


• Zoom link: •Join-Zoom-Meeting-Essex-PC|Meeting ID: 923


• Public wifi is available at the Essex municipal offices, libraries, and hotspots listed


Request for Release of Funds

7777 6158 # | Passcode: 426269

Downtown Code—*See attached excerpt for proposed changes.

One VehicleTwoTermFenceOpeningViewersExpires6/30/23OpeningsforHireLicensing Board Term Expires 6/30/24

notice is to satisfy two separate but related procedural requirements for activities to be undertaken by the State of Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community Development. This notice corrects a previous notice published on September 7, 2022, by including estimated amounts of funding for specific federal funds.


Short*** term rental (STR): A dwelling unit that is rented in whole or in part (i.e. renting bedrooms within a unit) to guests for less than thirty (30) consecutive days and for more than 14 days per calendar year and is subject to the Vermont rooms and meals tax, pursuant to Chapter 18: Minimum Housing Standards of the Burlington Code of

A-Use Table—All Zoning Districts Adopted4/7/22 as amended by the Planning Commission, 3rd reading, 091222. LO

Waste District Board-alternate Term Expires 5/31/24

One ChittendenOpeningSolid


Said sales will take place on September 23, 2022 beginning at 11:00am at Burlington Self Storage (BSS) 1825 Shelburne Road, South Burlington, VT.

The estimated total cost of the project is ap proximately $26,320,000 including approximately $1,000,000 in HOME Investment Partnerships American Rescue Plan Program funds and approxi mately $900,000 in National Housing Trust Funds via the Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB), and up to 20 project based vouchers via the Vermont State Housing Authority. Other Federal funding sources includes various funds provided by/ through the City of Burlington. A separate combined notice will be completed for such funds by the City of FindingBurlington.ofNoSignificant Impact



CDO Secs. 3.1.2, 8.1.8, 13.1.2, Art. 14 and Appendix


Two BoardOpeningsforRegistration of Voters Term Expires 6/30/25

Airport Commission Term Expires 6/30/23


The purpose of the public hearing is to consider final passage of Chapter 6.11, Public Nuisance, of the Municipal Ordinance.

3. YOU MUST REPLY WITHIN 41 DAYS TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS. You must give or mail the Plaintiff a written response called an Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published, which is _______________________, 20____. You must send a copy of your answer to the Plaintiff or the Plaintiff’s attorney, Loraine L. Hite, Esq. of Bendett & McHugh, PC, located at 270 Farmington Avenue, Ste. 151, Farmington, CT 06032. You must also give or mail your Answer to the Court located at 154 Main St, Hyde Park, VT 05655.

To Beingwit:certain

Please direct questions to Lt. Robert Kissinger at or 802-878-8331.

Address of Probate Court: 175 Main St, Burlington VT 05401


- Replace with the following: (a) Knox Company box specified by the Colchester Fire Chief or his or her designee and shall be installed at a location specified by the fire chief or designee.


Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Unit


DATED : August 22, 2022

2. PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM. Plaintiff’s claim is a Complaint in Foreclosure which alleges that you have breached the terms of a Promissory Note and Mortgage Deed dated September 23, 2005. Plaintiff’s action may affect your interest in the property described in the Land Records of the Town of Stowe at Volume 623, Page 71. The Complaint also seeks relief on the Promissory Note executed by you. A copy of the Complaint is on file and may be obtained at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for the County of Lamoille, State of Vermont.

For publication no later than September 21, 2022 (15 days prior to Public Hearing).

Alternatively, you can email a note, up to 1,000 words, to with “Proposed Edits to Chapter 4” in the Subject and include your name. As with in-person Citizens to be Heard, we ask that you SHARE YOUR ADDRESS. The email will be shared with the entire Selectboard prior to the meeting and included in the information packet at the next meeting. You may watch the Selectboard meeting on live stream TV:

By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032


Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: September, 21 2022

The meeting is currently scheduled to take place at the Town of Colchester Town Offices, 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, Vermont, in the Outer Bay Conference Room on the third floor.

appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period.

premises consisting of 3.1 acres, more or less, together with the improvements thereon, located on 944 McDowell Road, Danville, Vermont, and being all and the same land and premises con veyed to Jillian M. Dargie by Warranty Deed of even or near date and to be recorded in the Danville Land Records; being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Jeffrey A. Hale and Bethany A. Peak by Warranty Deed of William E. Wright and Karen J. Wright dated August 25, 2000 and recorded in Book 98 at Page 438 of the Danville Land Records.



This order shall be published once a week for 3 weeks beginning on September 15, 2022 in the Seven Days, a newspaper of the general circulation in Lamoille County, and a copy of this summons and order as published shall be mailed to the defendant, Daniel W. Burgess, at 63 Sterling Woods Road, Stowe, VT Hyde Park, Vermont this 13th day of September, Electronically2022signed

The Affidavit duly filed in this action shows that service cannot be made with due diligence by any of the method provided in Rules 4(d)-(f), (k), or (l) of the Vermont Rules of Civil Procedure. Accordingly, it is ORDERED that service of the Summons set forth above shall be made upon the defendant, Daniel W. Burgess, by publication as provided in Rule[s] [4(d)(l) and] 4 (g) of those Rules.

Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 059, Sec. 1972(c), Section 103 through 109 of the Town of Colchester Charter, and Section 1-4 of the Colchester Code of Ordinances, the Colchester Selectboard will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 at


Legal Notices


In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree

ASSISTANCE. You may wish to get legal help from a lawyer. If you cannot afford a lawyer, you should ask the court clerk for information about places where you can get free legal help. Even if you cannot get legal help, you must still give the court a written Answer to protect your rights or you may lose the case.


Reference may be had to the aforementioned deeds and the records thereof and to all prior deeds and their records for a further and more complete description of the land and premises hereby Referenceconveyed.

Executor/Administrator: Caitlin J. O-Hara-Whalen c/o Gravel & Shea, PC P.O. Box 369 Burlington, VT 05402 802 658 0220

The Selectboard of the Town of Essex shall hold a public hearing at 6:35 p.m. on October 3, 2022, at the Town Offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct. and electronically on Zoom. You can find the link at or join via conference call (audio only): (888) 788-0099 | Meeting ID: 987 8569 1140; Passcode: 032060




pursuant to V.R.E.F. 9(d)

- Remove the following: (a) A General Electric Company Supra Safe Model 2HS or Model 2HSR shall be installed immediately adjacent to the primary entrance of a building on its exterior.

The Selectboard of the Town of Essex hereby ordains that changes be made to create Municipal Ordinance, Chapter 6.11, Public Nuisance. The purpose of the provisions is to provide ordinances regarding public nuisances, including disorderly con duct; excessive sound; public urination / defecation; public nudity; soliciting; aggressive panhandling; defacing buildings, structures and signs; alcohol; open fires; and fireworks.

questions regarding these amendments, please contact Special Projects Manager, Seth Lasker at 802-264-5601.

of Foreclosure entered February 10, 2022, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Jillian M. Dargie a/k/a Jillian Marie Dargie and the late Michael Dargie to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for GMAC Mortgage Corporation, dated June 28, 2004 and recorded in Book 114 Page 372 of the land records of the Town of Danville, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for GMAC Mortgage Corporation to Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC dated July 25, 2013 and recorded in Book 149 Page 709 and (2) Assignment of Mortgage from Ocwen Loan Servicing, LLC to PHH Mortgage Corporation dated April 24, 2019 and recorded in Book 165 Page 332, both of the land records of the Town of Danville, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 944 McDowell Road, Danville, Vermont on October 19, 2022 at 10:30 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,

/s/ Daniel Richardson Daniel SuperiorRichardsonCourtJudge

To the creditors of: KEVIN O’HARA, late of Colchester, IVermonthavebeen

Dated: Signature7/19/22ofFiduciary: /s/ Caitlin J. O-Hara-Whalen


[CONTINUED] Say you saw it in... sevendaysvt.comJ J

6:35 PM for public comment regarding the following proposed amendments to the Colchester Code of Ordinances, Chapter 4:

5. YOU WILL LOSE YOUR CASE IF YOU DO NOT GIVE YOUR WRITTEN ANSWER TO THE COURT. If you do not Answer within 41 days after the date on which this Summons was first published and file it with the Court, you will lose this case. You will not get to tell your side of the story, and the Court may decide against you and award the Plaintiff everything asked for in the complaint.

The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale.

1. YOU ARE BEING SUED. The Plaintiff has started a lawsuit against you. A copy of the Plaintiff’s Complaint against you is on file and may be obtained at the office of the clerk of this court, Lamoille, Civil Division, Vermont Superior Court, 154 Main St, Hyde Park, VT 05655. Do not throw this paper away. It is an official paper that affects your rights.

Should the Town of Essex Selectboard adopt these ordinances, they will become effective immediately. Citizens have the right to petition for a vote on the ordinance at an annual or special meeting pursuant to 24 V.S.A. § 1973. Five (5) percent of the qualified voters of the Town of Essex, by written petition filed with the Town Clerk no later than forty-four (44) days following the date of adoption by the Selectboard, may request that the voters of the Town disapprove of the Selectboard’s action at a duly warned annual or special meeting.

4. YOU MUST RESPOND TO EACH CLAIM. The Answer is your written response to the Plaintiff’s Complaint. In your Answer you must state whether you agree or disagree with each paragraph of the Complaint. If you believe the Plaintiff should not be given everything asked for in the Complaint, you must say so in your Answer.

Andy Watts, Chair Essex Selectboard

6. YOU MUST MAKE ANY CLAIMS AGAINST THE PLAINTIFF IN YOUR REPLY. Your Answer must state any related legal claims you have against the Plaintiff. Your claims against the Plaintiff are called Counterclaims. If you do not make your Counterclaims in writing in your answer you may not be able to bring them up at all. Even if you have insurance and the insurance company will defend you, you must still file any Counterclaims you may

Full text of the proposed revisions may be examined at the Essex Town Offices, 81 Main St., Essex Jct., VT, or online at

Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described.


TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certi fied check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett & McHugh, PC, as Trustee”.

is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description.


DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT Steps to End Domestic Violence offers a weekly drop-in support group for female-identified survivors of intimate partner violence, including individuals who are experiencing or have been affected by domestic violence. The support group offers a safe, confidential place for survivors to connect w/ others, to heal & to recover. In support group, participants talk through their experiences & hear stories from others who have experienced abuse in their relationships. Support group is also a resource for those who are unsure of their next step, even if it involves remaining in their current relationship. Tue., 6:30-8 p.m. Childcare is provided. Info: 658-1996.



Check Turning Point Center website (turningpointcentervt. org) for Zoom link, listed under “Family Support” (click on “What We Offer” dropdown).


BAYADA Hospice’s local bereave ment support coordinator will facilitate our weekly group through discussion & activities. Everyone from the community is welcome. 1st & last Wed. of every mo. at 4 p.m. via Zoom. To register, please contact bereave ment program coordinator Max Crystal, or 802-448-1610.


Alateen group in Burlington on Sun. 5-6 p.m. at the UU building at the top of Church St.



This support group is a dedicated meeting for family, friends & community members who are supporting a loved one through a mental health crisis. Mental health crisis might include extreme states, psychosis, depression, anxiety & other types of distress. The group is a confidential space where family & friends can discuss shared experiences & receive support in an environment free of judgment & stigma w/ a trained facilitator. Wed., 7-8:30 p.m. Downtown Burlington. Info: Jess Horner, LICSW, 866-218-8586.

The Kindred Connections program provides peer support for all those touched by cancer. Cancer patients, as well as caregivers, are provided w/ a mentor who has been through the cancer experience & knows what it’s like to go through it. In addition to sensitive listening, Kindred Connections provides practical help such as rides to doctors’ offices & meal



ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION TELEPHONE SUPPORT GROUP 2nd Tue. monthly, 4-5:30 p.m. Preregistration is req. (to receive dial-in codes for toll-free call). Please dial the Alzheimer’s Association’s 24-7 Helpline, 800-272-3900, for more info.

Pregnancy can be a wonderful time of your life. But it can also be a time of stress often compounded by hormonal swings. If you are a pregnant woman, or have recently given birth & feel you need some help w/ managing emotional bumps in the road that can come w/ motherhood, please come to this free support group led by an experienced pediatric registered nurse. Held on the 2nd & 4th Tue. of every mo., 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Birthing Center, Northwestern Medical Center, St. Albans. Info: Rhonda Desrochers, Franklin County Home Health Agency, 527-7531.

Overcome any hurt, habit or hang-up in your life w/ this confi dential 12-step, Christ-centered recovery program. We offer multiple support groups for both men & women, such as chemical dependency, codependency, sexual addiction & pornography, food issues, & overcoming abuse. All 18+ are welcome; sorry, no childcare. Doors open at 6:30 p.m.; we begin at 7 p.m. Essex Alliance Church, 37 Old Stage Rd., Essex Junction.,Info:

Families Coping w/ Addiction (FCA) is an open-community peer support group for adults 18+ struggling w/ the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one.

SMART Recovery welcomes anyone, including family & friends, affected by any kind of substance or activity addiction. It is a science-based program that encourages abstinence. Specially trained volunteer facilitators provide leadership. Sun. at 5 p.m. The meeting has moved to Zoom:,Youcanlearnmoreat


Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., Holy Family/ St. Lawrence Parish, 4 Prospect St., Essex Junction. For further info, please visit thefamilyre or contact Lindsay Duford at 781-960-3965 or

Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our re sources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Wed., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@, 802-498-0607, org/family-support-programs.pcavt.


The Champlain Valley Prostate Cancer Support Group will be held every 2nd Tue. of the mo., 6-7:45 p.m. via conference call. Newly diagnosed? Prostate cancer reoccurrence? General discussion & sharing among survivors & those beginning or rejoining the battle. Info, Mary L. Guyette RN, MS, ACNS-BC, 274-4990,


Sharing your sadness, finding your joy. Please join us as we learn more about our own grief & explore the things that can help us to heal. There is great power in sharing our experiences w/ others who know the pain of the loss of a loved one & healing is possible through the sharing.



Call to verify meeting place. Info, 388-6107. People living w/ cancer & their caretakers convene for support.



Frustrated w/ the job search or w/ your job? You are not alone. Come check out this supportive circle. Wed. at 3 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602.

Interstitial cystitis (IC) & painful bladder syndrome can result in recurring pelvic pain, pressure or discomfort in the bladder/pelvic region & urinary frequency/ urgency. These are often mis diagnosed & mistreated as a chronic bladder infection. If you have been diagnosed or have these symptoms, you are not


Last Thu. of every mo., 7:30 p.m. in Montpelier. Please contact Lisa Mase for location:

FCA is not 12-step based but provides a welcoming & stigmafree forum for those living this experience, in which to develop personal coping skills & to draw strength & insight from one another. Group meets weekly on Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m., on  Zoom.



Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our re sources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Mon., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@, 802-498-0607, org/family-support-programs.pcavt.

Are you ready to make improve ments but find it overwhelming? Maybe 2 or 3 of us can get together to help each other simplify. 989-3234, 425-3612.

This Hearing Voices Group seeks to find understanding of voicehearing experiences as real lived experiences that may happen to anyone at anytime. We choose to share experiences, support & empathy. We validate anyone’s experience & stories about their experience as their own, as being an honest & accurate repre sentation of their experience, & as being acceptable exactly as they are. Tue., 2-3 p.m. Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 North Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 802-777-8602,

Daily meetings in various locations. Free. Info, 864-1212. Want to overcome a drinking problem? Take the 1st step of 12 & join a group in your area.



Vermont Center for Independent Living offers virtual monthly meetings, held on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m. The support group will offer valuable resources & info about brain injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe, secure & confidential environment. To join, email Linda 800-639-1522.putat &MeleadyasktobeontheTBImailinglist.Info:

FA is a free 12-step recovery program for anyone suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating or bulimia. Local meetings are held twice a wk.: Mon., 4-5:30 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church, Norwich, Vt.; & Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., at Hanover Friends Meeting House, Hanover, N.H. For more info & a list of additional meetings throughout the U.S. & the world, call 603-630-1495 or visit

at the Residence at Shelburne Bay, 185 Pine Haven Shores, Shelburne; 4th Tue. of every mo., 10-11 a.m., at the Residence at Quarry Hill, 465 Quarry Hill Rd., South Burlington; 2nd Tue. of every mo., 5-6:30 p.m., at the Alzheimer’s Association Main Office, 300 Cornerstone Dr., Suite 130, Williston; 2nd Mon. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., at Milton Public Library, 39 Bombardier Rd., Milton. For questions or ad ditional support group listings, call 800-272-3900.


Find support, peer-led support group. Meets once a mo. on Mon. in Burlington. Please call for date & location. RSVP mkeasler3@ or call 310-3301 (message says Optimum Health, but this is a private number).


SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 81 SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS » Show and tell. View and post up to 6 photos per ad online. Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online. SUPPORT GROUPS »



Celebrate Recovery meetings are for anyone struggling w/ hurt, habits & hang-ups, which include everyone in some way. We welcome everyone at Cornerstone Church in Milton, which meets every Fri. from 7-9 p.m. We’d love to have you join us & discover how your life can start to change. Info:,




Divorce is a tough road. Feelings of separation, betrayal, confusion, anger & self-doubt are common. But there is life after divorce. Led by people who have already walked down that road, we’d like to share w/ you a safe place & a process that can help make the journey easier. This free 13-week group for men & women will be offered on Sun., 5:30-7:30 p.m., Sep. 8-Dec. 1, at the North Avenue Alliance Church, 901 North Ave., Burlington. Register for class at,callSandy

A breast cancer support group for those who’ve had mastectomies. We are a casual online meeting group found on Facebook at Fiercely Flat VT.

Are you having trouble controlling the way you eat?


CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS CoDA is a 12-step fellowship for people whose common purpose is to develop healthy & fulfilling relationships. By actively working the program of Codependents Anonymous, we can realize a new joy, acceptance & serenity in our lives. Meets Sun. at noon at the Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, Burlington. Tom, 238-3587,



Foralone.Vermont-based support group, email bladderpainvt@ or call 899-4151 for more info.

Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous + Business Debtor’s Anonymous. Wed., 6:30-7:30 p.m., Methodist Church in the Rainbow Room at Buell & S. Winooski, Burlington. Contact Jennifer, 917-568-6390.

Support groups meet to provide assistance & info on Alzheimer’s disease & related dementias. They emphasize shared experiences, emotional support & coping techniques in care for a person living w/ Alzheimer’s or a related dementia. Meetings are free & open to the public. Families, caregivers & friends may attend. Please call in advance to confirm date & time. 4 options: 1st Mon. of every mo., 2-3 p.m.,

Meet every 2nd Mon., 6-7:30 p.m., & every 3rd Wed. from 10-11:30 a.m., at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice in Berlin. The group is open to the public & free of charge. More info: Diana Moore, 224-2241.


Cerebral Palsy Guidance is a very comprehensive informational website broadly covering the topic of cerebral palsy & associated medical conditions. Its mission is to provide the best possible info to parents of children living w/ the complex condition of cerebral



Are you a family member who has lost a loved one to addiction?

Montpelier daytime support group meets on the 3rd Thu. of every mo. at the Unitarian Church ramp entrance, 1:30-2:30 p.m. St. Johnsbury support group meets on the 3rd Wed. of every mo., at the Grace United Methodist Church, 36 Central St., 1-2:30 p.m. Colchester evening support group meets on the 1st Wed. of every mo., at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the Board Room Conference Room, 5:30-7:30 p.m. White River Jct. meets on the 2nd Fri. of every mo., at Bugbee Sr. Ctr. from 3-4:30 p.m. Call our helpline at 877-856-1772.


Please join our parent-led online support group designed to share our questions, concerns & struggles, as well as our re sources & successes! Contribute to our discussion of the unique but shared experience of parenting. We will be meeting weekly on Fri., 10-11 a.m. For more info or to register, please contact Heather at hniquette@, 802-498-0607, org/family-support-programs.pcavt.

For families & friends of alcohol ics. Phone meetings, electronic meetings (Zoom), & an Al-Anon blog are avail. online at the AlAnon website. For meeting info, go to or call 866-972-5266.

American Lung Association support group for people w/ breathing issues, their loved ones or caregivers. Meets on the 1st Mon. of every mo., 11 a.m.-noon at the Godnick Center, 1 Deer St., Rutland. For more info call 802-776-5508.

Support Groups

We are people w/ adult loved ones who are transgender or gender nonconforming. We meet to support each other & to learn more about issues & concerns. Our sessions are sup portive, informal & confidential. Meetings are held at 5:30 p.m., the 2nd Thu. of each mo., via Zoom. Not sure if you’re ready for a meeting? We also offer 1-on-1 support. For more info, email or call 802-318-4746.




Group meets every Mon. at 7 p.m., at the Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski Ave., Suite 301, in Burlington. The only requirement for membership is that there be a problem of addiction in a relative or friend. Info: Amanda H. 338-8106.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) chapter meeting. Hedding United Methodist Church, Washington St., Barre. Wed., 5:15-6:15 p.m. For info, call David at 371-8929.



Want to feel supported on your vegetarian/vegan journey? Want more info on healthy veggie diets? Want to share & socialize at veggie potlucks & more in the greater Burlington area? This is your opportunity to join w/ other like-minded folks. veggy4life@, 658-4991.


A meeting of cancer patients, survivors & family members intended to comfort & support those who are currently suffering from the disease. 2nd Thu. of every mo., 6-7:30 p.m., St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 11 Church St., St. Albans.

SUPPORT GROUP FOR WOMEN who have experienced intimate partner abuse, facilitated by Circle (Washington Co. only). Please call 877-543-9498 for more info.



Weekly virtual meetings. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, program@ or 800-639-6480. Connection groups are peer recovery support group programs for adults living w/ mental health challenges.






SUICIDE HOTLINES IN VT Brattleboro, 257-7989; Montpelier (Washington County Mental Health Emergency Services), 229-0591; Randolph (Clara Martin Center Emergency Service), 800-639-6360.

Join a free 4-5-week group workshop facilitated by our coaches, who are certified in tobacco treatment. We meet in a friendly, relaxed & virtual atmosphere. You may qualify for a free limited supply of nicotine replacement therapy. Info: Call 802-847-7333 or aboutmyhealthyvt.orgorgquittobaccoclass@uvmhealth.emailtogetsignedup,orvisittolearnmoreupcomingworkshops!

Weekly virtual meetings. If you have questions about a group in your area, please contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness of Vermont, info@namivt. org or 800-639-6480. Family Support Group meetings are for family & friends of individuals living w/ mental illness.

Narconon reminds families that overdoses due to an elephant tranquilizer known as carfentanil has been on the rise in nearly every community nationwide. Carfentanil is a synthetic opioid painkiller 100 times more power ful than fentanyl & 1,000 times stronger than heroin. A tiny grain of it is enough to be fatal. To learn more about carfentanil abuse & how to help your loved one, visit

Support Groups

deliveries. The program has people who have experienced a wide variety of cancers. For further info, please contact

support network by participat ing in the group experience w/ people who have been through similar situations. 3rd Tue. of every mo., 5-6 p.m., at the New Hope Lodge, East Ave., Burlington. Info: Kay Cromie, 655-9136,

LIVING THROUGH LOSS Gifford Medical Center is an nouncing the restart of its grief support group, Living Through Loss. The program is sponsored by the Gifford Volunteer Chaplaincy Program & will meet weekly on Fri., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., in Gifford’s Chun Chapel. Meetings will be facilitated by the Rev. Timothy Eberhardt, spir itual care coordinator, & Emily Pizzale MSW, LICSW, a Gifford social worker. Anyone who has experienced a significant loss over the last year or so is warmly invited to attend & should enter through the hospital’s main entrance wearing a mask on the way to the chapel. Meetings will be based on the belief that, while each of us is on a unique journey in life, we all need a safe place to pause, to tell our stories &, especially as we grieve, to receive the support & strength we need to continue along the way.


Meets on the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 6-8 p.m., at Brownell Public Library, 6 Lincoln St., Essex Junction, unless there’s inclement weather or the date falls on a holiday. Attendees can remain anonymous if they so choose & are not required to tell their story if they do not wish to, but everyone will be welcome to do so. The primary focus of a Recovering From Religion support group is to provide ongoing & personal support to individuals as they let go of their religious beliefs. This transitional period is an ongoing process that can result in a range of emotions, as well as a ripple effect of consequences throughout an individual’s life. As such, the support meetings are safe & anonymous places to express these doubts, fears & experiences without biased feedback or proselytizing. We are here to help each other through this journey. Free.


Support group meeting held on the 4th Tue. of every mo., 6:30-8:30 p.m., Williston Police Station. Info, Blythe Leonard, 878-0732.


Tea & snacks provided. Thu., 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Bring your babies! (Newborn through crawl ing stage). Located in Thatcher Brook Primary School, 47 Stowe St.,,format&more;orcallanytime!

Do you have a problem w/ compulsive sexual behavior? A 12-step program has helped us. SAA Montpelier meets twice weekly at 6 p.m: Monday virtual meeting, details at; Thursday face-to-face at Bethany Church, Montpelier, details at Contact saa.vtrecovery@gmail. com or call 802-322-3701.


The Queen City Memory Café offers a social time & place for people w/ memory impairment & their friends & family to laugh, learn, & share concerns & celebrate feeling understood &




For those who have lost a friend or loved one through suicide. Maple Leaf Clinic, 167 N. Main St., Wallingford, 446-3577. 6:30-8 p.m., on the 3rd Tue. of every. mo.



HOPE Works offers free support groups to women, men & teens who are survivors of sexual violence. Groups are avail. for survivors at any stage of the healing process. Intake for all support groups is ongoing. If you are interested in learning more or would like to schedule an intake to become a group member, please call our office at 864-0555, ext. 19, or email our victim advocate at advocate@





connected. Enjoy coffee, tea & baked goods w/ entertainment & conversation. QCMC meets on the 3rd Sat. of every mo., 10 a.m.-noon, at the Thayer Building, 1197 North Ave., Burlington. 316-3839.


A mutual support circle that focuses on connection & self-exploration. Fri. at 1 p.m., Pathways Vermont Community Center, 279 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Abby Levinsohn, 777-8602.

A 12-step program for people who identify as overeaters, compulsive eaters, food addicts, anorexics, bulimics, etc. No matter what your problem w/ food, we have a solution! All are welcome, meetings are open, & there are no dues or fees.

The Compassionate Friends international support group for parents, siblings & families grieving the loss of a child meets every 3rd Tue. of the mo., 7-9 p.m., at Kismet Place, 363 Blair Park Rd., Williston. Call/email Jay at 802-373-1263,

This group is for people experi encing the impact of the loss of a loved one to suicide. 1st Wed. of each mo., 6-7:30 p.m., at the Comfort Inn & Suites, 3 Dorset St., Burlington. Info: Heather Schleupner,,

As trans & GNC people in the world, we experience many things that are unique to our identities. For that reason, the Transgender Program hosts a support group for our community on the 1st & 3rd Wed. of every mo., 6:30-8 p.m., either virtually or at Pride Center of Vermont. The Trans & GNC Support group is for Vermonters at all stages of their gender journey to come together to socialize, discuss issues that are coming up in their lives & build community. We welcome anyone whose identity falls under the trans, GNC, intersex & nonbinary umbrellas, & folks questioning their gender identity.



If you have lost someone to suicide & wish to have a safe place to talk, share & spend a little time w/ others who have had a similar experience, join us on the 3rd Thu. of every mo., 7-9 p.m, at the Faith Lighthouse Church, Route 105, Newport (105 Alderbrook). Please call before attending. Info: Mary Butler, 744-6284.


The Children’s Room invites you to join our weekly drop-in support group. Come unwind & discuss your experiences & questions around infant care & development, self-care & post partum healing, & community resources for families w/ babies.

A support group for grand parents who are raising their grandchildren. Led by a trained representative & facilitator. Meets on the 2nd Tue. of every mo., 6:30-7:45 p.m., at Milton Public Library. Free. For more info, call 802-893-4644 or email com/events/561452568022928.Facebook.

Area Myeloma Survivors, Families & Caregivers have come together to form a Multiple Myeloma Support Group. We provide emotional support, resources about treatment options, coping strategies & a





12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem w/ sex or relationships? We can help. Shawn, 660-2645. Visit slaafws. org or for meetings near you.

The SafeSpace Anti-Violence Program at Pride Center of Vermont offers peer-led support groups for survivors of relation ship, dating, emotional &/or hate-violence. These groups give survivors a safe & supportive environment to tell their stories, share info, & offer & receive support. Support groups also provide survivors an opportunity to gain info on how to better cope w/ feelings & experiences that surface because of the trauma they have experienced. Please call SafeSpace at 863-0003 if you are interested in joining.

This support group is for adult family members & caregivers of queer &/or questioning youth. It is held on the 2nd Mon. of every mo., 6:30-8 p.m., at Outright Vermont, 241 North Winooski Ave. This group is for adults only. For more info, email info@

Do you have a problem w/ marijuana? MA is a free 12-step program where addicts help other addicts get & stay clean. Wed., 7 p.m., at Turning Point Center, 179 S. Winooski, Suite 301, Burlington. 861-3150.


is a group of recovering addicts who live without the use of drugs. It costs nothing to join. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Info, 862-4516 or cvana. org. Held in Burlington, Barre & St. Johnsbury.

Anyone coping w/ potato intoler ance & interested in joining a support group, contact Jerry Fox, 48 Saybrook Rd., Essex Junction, VT 05452.



All women+ are invited to this open, supportive recovery group, based in the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous (but appropriate for all addictive behaviors, i.e. alcohol, drugs, relationships, etc.) presented at Mercy Connections, 255 S. Champlain St., Burlington. The format of the meetings will include readings, meditation, journaling & sharing. No registration/drop-in. Wed., 5:30-6:30 p.m. Info: org/schedule.846-7063,,kmercer@802-mercyconnections.

If you’re a person who stutters, you are not alone! Adults, teens & school-age kids who stutter, & their families are welcome to join 1 of our 3 free National Stuttering Association (NSA) stuttering support groups at UVM (join by Zoom or in person). Adults: 5:30-6:30 p.m., 1st & 3rd Tue. monthly; teens (ages 13-17): 5:30-6:30 p.m., 2nd Thu. monthly; school-age children (ages 8-12) & parents (meeting separately): 4:15-5:15 p.m., 2nd Thu. monthly. Pomeroy Hall, 489 Main St., UVM campus.,,Info:Go,TeamStuttering!

FAHC. Led by Deb Clark, RN. Every 1st & 3rd Tue., 5-6:30 p.m. Call Kathy McBeth, 847-5715.

Pondering Gender & Sexuality is a twice-monthly facilitated mutual support group for folks of any identity (whether fully formed or a work in progress) who want to engage in meaning ful conversations about gender, sexuality & sexual orientation, &/or the coming-out process. Discussions can range from the personal to the philosophical & beyond as we work together to create a compassionate, safe & courageous space to explore our experiences. The group will be held on the 2nd Sun. & 4th Tue. of every mo., 1-2:30 p.m., either virtually or at Pride Center of Vermont. Email pgs@ for more info or w/ questions!

The Vermont Historical Society seeks a full-time Museum Educator. The Educator is responsible for developing and teaching school programs at the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier, as well as administering the Vermont History Day competition. Bachelor’s degree in history, museums, education, or related field required. Advanced degree or training in museum education or history preferred.

training, is able to perform all



standard work.

Qualifications: High School Graduate. care experience preferred but not required.

One year health





surgical supplies, instruments and equipment are properly inventoried,


hospital and supported



Full job description and details at To send a cover letter resume

assembled, inspected, packaged, stored, distributed

safe, quality and timely

to COORDINATOR, SIMULATION AND LABORATORY CENTER For position details and application process, visit and select “View Current Openings” SUNY College at Plattsburgh is a fully compliant employer committed to excellence through diversity. 2h-PlattsburghState092122.indd 1 MULTIPLE OPENINGS Pathways Vermont’s mission is to end homelessness in Vermont and provide innovative mental health alternatives. Humanity. Authenticity. Mutuality. Humility. Curiosity. Hope. These values drive our practice and the change we want to see: to put the human back in human services. We are hiring for these positions (and more!): • Housing First Program Coordinator • Forensic Assertive Community Treatment (FACT) Team Employment Specialist • Intake and Outreach Associate • Service Coordinator for Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program - Chittenden County For more details: 4t-VTCountryStore092122 1 9/20/22 11:53 AM ASSET MANAGER - Affordable Housing Evernorth is hiring an Asset Manager, Affordable Housing for our outstanding Asset Management team. This position is responsible for the long-term operational health of a designated portion of the Evernorth portfolio of properties while contributing to corporate oversight of portfolio performance and investment return. The successful candidate will have a bachelor’s degree or three years’ experience in property management, low-income housing tax credits, rural development, commercial leases, and property insurance. Proficiency in Microsoft Office 365 is required. At Evernorth, we believe in equal access to affordable housing and economic opportunities; the power of partnerships based on integrity, respect, and teamwork; and a collaborative workplace with professional, skilled and dedicated staff and we are an equal opportunity employer. For a full job description, please visit To apply, send cover letter & resume to Rewa Worthington: Vermont Tent Company is currently referralalsoskillshourrangingminimumvaryeachhoursschoolFullimmediatefollowingapplicationsacceptingforthepositionsforemployment.time,parttime,afterandweekendavailableforposition.Payratesbypositionwithstartingwagefrom$17-$21/dependingonjobandexperience.Weofferretentionandbonuses. • Tent Installation • Warehouse Team –Event Division • Drivers/Delivery • MaintenanceInventory Team • Tent TeamMaintenance Interested candidates should submit an application online at No phone calls, please. 4v-VTTentCompany072722.indd 1 7/21/22 11:39 AM


Sterile Reprocessing Technician position is responsible for ensuring all basic decontaminated, & in a manner the o site clinics and locations. After basic CSR



Send resume and cover letter describing professional interests and goals to Paul Foxman, Ph.D., 86 Lake Street, Burlington, VT 05401 or email:

Assistant Road Foreman & Highway Maintenance

JOB TRAINING. WELL DONE. Join the Community Kitchen Academy!

The position is 36-40 hours, weekly at a salary range of $50K-$54K commensurate with experience, skills, education and training. We offer a generous benefits package and CTO.

4t-VTFoodbank092122.indd 1 9/16/22 12:23 PM

Description: The Marketing and Public Relations Manager develops the image and awareness of the VSO among Vermont’s diverse public to maximize reach and revenue potential and influence a broad narrative about the VSO. This position creates and implements a strategic plan to generate earned revenue and implements a robust public relations program for the company. Send resumes to:

At CKA you’ll learn from professional chefs in modern commercial kitchens and graduate with the skills and knowledge to build a career in food service, food systems and other related fields. Throughout the 9-week course, you’ll develop and apply new skills by preparing food that would otherwise be wasted. The food you cook is then distributed through food shelves and meal sites throughout the community. CKA is a program of the Vermont Foodbank, operated in partnership with Capstone Community Action in Barre and Feeding Chittenden in Burlington. Next session starts in October in Burlington.

Full description:

This position can be a part-time or full-time position, salaried or contract, based on the availability of qualified and interested appli cants. Should the VSO make a less or other than full-time, salaried employee appointment, the below general responsibilities and any associated benefits may be amended to fit available hours. The position is hybrid remote/in-person (based in Burlington, VT).

Community Kitchen Academy (CKA) is a 9-week job training program featuring: Hands on learning, national ServSafe certification, job placement support and meaningful connections to community. Plus... the tuition is FREE and weekly stipends are provided for income eligible students!

Development Director

The Town of Hinesburg has (2) openings in the Highway Department. The Assistant Road Foreman is a working supervisory position that works in collaboration with the Road Foreman. The Highway Maintenance Level II position reports to the Assistant Road Foreman and is responsible snow plowing, heavy equipment operation and general labor related to highway maintenance. The pay is competitive and dependent on qualifications. Benefits include: health, dental and disability insurance; paid time off; pension plan; and 13 paid holidays. A $3,000 bonus will be given upon successful completion of a 6-month probation period. A valid VT issued CDL is required.

Apply online: .


The Vermont Center for Anxiety Care, a private psychotherapy practice on Burlington’s waterfront, has an opening for a psychotherapist. Therapy experience with any age group including children. Can be licensed or post-master’s degree intern. Collaborative group with holistic approach and multiple specialties. Clinical supervision towards licensure provided as needed. Visit web site:


CCTV is an equal opportunity employer. We welcome and encourage applications from visible minority group members, Indigenous persons, members of the LGBTQ community, persons with disabilities and others who may contribute to the diversity of the organization and reflect the diversity of the communities we serve.

Hinesburg is an equal opportunity employer.

THE GRIND GOT YOU DOWN? jobs.sevendaysvt.comFollow@SevenDaysJobsonTwitterforthelatestjobopportunities Perk up! Browse 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers. 3v-CoffeCampaign.indd 1 8/26/21 5:17 PM JOIN R TEAM TOD VAIL RESORTS. EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME" APPLY TODAY! 866.685.5455 Vail Resorts is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national orgin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, protected veteran status or any other status protected by applicable law. Winter wages start at $20 an hour SKI and RIDE SCHOOL I FOOD & BEVERAGE I TICKET AGENTS TICKET CHECKERS | LIFTS | GUEST SERVICES I RENTALS Turn your passion for the mountains into a career that offers great benefits including a free ski pass for you and your dependents, free employee parking 40% off retail, and more. 5v-Stowe092122.indd 1 9/9/22 12:32 PM

Marketing & Public Relations Coordinator

CCTV Center for Media + Democracy is a nationally recognized community media center based in Burlington, Vermont. We are looking for an energetic and organized development leader with a track record of community engagement and financial success to be a team member and revenue leader, supporting CCTV programs through grant writing, underwriting and donor cultivation. For complete job description go to: Hours,cctv-hiring-development-directorSalaryandBenefits:

Send cover letter with CV of relevant experience and a writing sample to Lauren-Glenn Davitian, Executive Director, Position open until filled.

For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply online, please visit:

Edward Farrar Utility District is an E.O.E.


The Public Safety/Fire & Rescue Departments at Saint Michael’s College are inviting applications for a Per-Diem Dispatch Switchboard Operator to dispatch radio calls and operate the College switchboard. The successful candidate will be responsible for answering all incoming calls and directing calls to the appropriate party quickly, accurately, and professionally. This role receives all emergency calls for SMC campus and the surrounding community. Dispatch, switchboard, emergency services experience desirable, but we will provide training for a motivated and dependable person with demonstrated aptitude.

Qualified candidates e-mail cover letter, résumé and references to:

The primary responsibility of the clinical dietitian is to provide nutritional care and information to patients in and outside of the organization. This includes but is not limited to conducting screening and assessments of patients as ordered by the physicians, providing dietary counseling to patients, families and staff members, and preparing meal plans and nourishment programs for special needs of patients.

FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits, including student loan repayment, generous paid time off, health/dental/vision, 410k with company match, and much more!

The Office of Institutional Advancement at Saint Michael's College is inviting applications for the position of Director of Alumni and Family Engagement and Annual Giving. The Director of Alumni and Family Engagement and Annual Giving develops and manages robust and comprehensive programs to engage alumni and families that build and sustain lifelong relationships (including planning and managing Reunion). In addition, the Director implements communications and solicitation strategies to shape a sustainable tradition of annual support from donors, alums, and families. This position can be in-person based out of the Colchester, Vermont campus, or remote in the Boston, Massachusetts area. Travel required.

We offer a competitive salary, health insurance, 401(k) and Profit Sharing, and other benefits. For more information about Gravel & Shea PC, please visit

• Minimum of one year of experience in clinical dietetics Learn more and apply:

• Must meet requirements of the American Dietetic Association Registration, and attain status as Registered Dietitian, maintain registration through appropriate continuing education


You’re more than a massage therapist. You’re an artist, healer, and professional. Join the brand that sees you that way at Massage Envy in WeWilliston.arelooking for full or part-time massage therapists that are looking for the Flexiblefollowing:hours,consistent clientele, ongoing CEs. Not responsible for laundry or scheduling. Simply focused on providing the community with professional, therapeutic, customized massage sessions.

Apply to: William Shepeluk, Municipal Manager 28. N. Main St., Suite I, Waterbury, VT 05676

For a complete job description visit:

The Edward Farrar Utility District (former Village of Waterbury) seeks a Water Superintendent for its water department. Candidates must possess or show ability to possess a Water Operator’s License issued by the State of Vermont; a VT Class 4C license is preferred. Prerequisites: high school diploma; understanding of math and science. Basic mechanical, electric, construction skills and experience in water operations helpful. This position involves some supervisory functions. Wage and benefits depend on qualifications. Position open until filled. Applications may be sent along with letters of interest and resumes to:






We have several exciting opportunities available! Temporary positions November 1 - March 31: Warming Shelter Sta - Part 4v-Spectrum092122.indd 1 9/16/22 11:28 AM

Support. Growth. Opportunity. Collaboration. Innovation. Teamwork. Are these missing from your career? Join the NVRH Diagnostic Imaging team today and Image Gently, Image Wisely with us.

Gravel & Shea PC is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Send resumes to:

Gravel & Shea PC, a Burlington, VT law firm seeks an experienced, professional receptionist/office assistant.

This position requires extensive communication with our clients, staff and the legal community; a strong work ethic; excellent organizational skills; and experience using a variety of software applications including Microsoft Office. Prior legal and/or law firm experience a plus.


For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply online, please visit:

NORTHEASTERN VERMONT REGIONAL HOSPITAL invites you to check out our exciting opportunities!

Registered Dietitian Nutrition Services

• Minimum of Bachelor’s Degree from accredited college with Major in Food and Nutrition

5v-CentralVTAdultBasicEd092122 1 9/15/22 10:49 AM

Join AuctionOurTeam

CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental and short term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions. Six weeks paid vacation annually.

BA or equivalent finance and accounting experience.

Starting salary: $70,000 $72,000 based on experience.

Location: Montpelier, VT

For complete job description and full details about how to apply, visit Positions will remain open until filled.


Ready to learn more? Visit our career pages at or & submit your resume to

Engaging minds that change the world


For further information on this position and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application.

Professional Careers in WORLDWIDE TRAVEL

Position open until filled.


Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions.


System and Technology Services Librarian - University Libraries - #F2383PO - The University of Vermont Libraries seek an imaginative, resourceful, inventive, and user-focused librarian to manage, enhance, and maintain a wide variety of commercial and opensource applications in a changing, information-technology environment.

5v-GraystoneLIBRARIAN092122 1 9/19/22 1:06 PM

Manager: Develop, grow, & sustain our forty-four-year reputation of providing amazing results for our commercial, auto, and real estate clients. Have experience in email, print, & digital marketing? Bring your knowledge and passion, you’ll find something to explore!

Email resumes w/ job title to:

each week

We’re expanding our team and are seeking professionals for the following full-time positions.

Seeking Director of Finance and Administration

 Knowledge of nonprofit accounting practices.

Apply your knowledge, skills and experience to work with the General Manager and manage the financial and human resources of CVSWMD. Assist with staff recruit ment, onboarding and orientation with a commitment to advancing diversity, equity and inclusion. Your passion for spreadsheets, detail and accuracy will also help us develop systems, track data and assess key trends related to the business of the District. Some remote work available. 40 hours/week, $21.56 to $30.77/hour

Central Vermont Adult Basic Education (CVABE) is a vibrant, well established, fiscally healthy, community based nonprofit organization serving Washington, Lamoille, and Orange Counties. The Director of Finance and Administration plays an essential role on CVABE ’s leadership team and is responsible for finance, budgeting, payroll and benefits, information technology, and general

We offer competitive wages & a full benefits package for full time employees. No auction experience necessary.

Candidates are required to submit a cover letter, CV, diversity statement, and list of three references. The search will remain open until the position is filled. For best consideration, complete applications should be received no later than October 13, 2022.

Please submit cover letter, resume and three references by October 28, 2022 to:

 Minimum of three years finance and administrative management experience including budget development and grant management.

Thomas Hirchak Company is an at will employer. See details at:

Seven Days Issue: 8/24


At CVSWMD, we help residents and organizations in our 19 member towns reduce, reuse, recycle, and rethink waste for a more sustainable future. We offer excellent benefits that include generous leave, 100% medical/ dental/vision for employee and family, and retirement.

We have amazing opportunities for Marketing, Sales and Service Professionals interested in supporting worldwide travel adventures with a leader in the industry, positively impacting established brands and working with a team of collaborative and gifted travel pros.


The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

Join Country Walkers and VBT Bicycling Vacations, an award-winning, Vermont-based active travel company, and be part of our high performing, international team.


easier to

Find a job makes it sleep at night.


If you’re passionate, driven by excellence, want to make a difference and are looking for balance in your quality of life – check us out!





Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities

Browse 100+ new postings from trusted, employers

• Auction Site Tech: Catalog, photograph & coordinate our commercial auctions.


3v-Zombie-Campaign.indd 1 8/26/21 5:36 PM

The successful candidate will possess strong analytical skills, a public services outlook, and a commitment to building services around UX principles. We seek applicants who enjoy new challenges, propose new solutions, and seize opportunities to acquire new skills. The Systems and Technology Services (STS) Librarian will serve as the University of Vermont Libraries’ technical lead as we migrate from a local Voyager LMS to a new, cloud-based, Alma consortium, expected to launch in 2024. The STS librarian will administer the Libraries’ current mix of Linux and Windows virtual servers (running on a local server farm managed by the University’s Enterprise Technology Services group), while simultaneously seeking efficiencies and opportunities for the enhancement of the Libraries’ technological offerings.


• Sales and Marketing


TO APPLY: Please email a resume and cover letter to and include “Director of Communications & Business Development” in subject line.

Join a dynamic team committed to creating economic opportunity in Vermont. The Director of Communications and Business Development serves as one of the primary contacts for the Chamber in the community and works closely with member organizations, builds strong partner relationships, creatively communicates the Chamber’s work, and assists with the development of new business. View the full job description at


Hello Burlington Social Media & Content Manager

Please submit sealed bids to Executive Assistant Jennifer Gray at the St. Albans Town Hall offices located at 579 Lake Road, St. Albans, VT., by email at j.gray@ or by mail at P.O. Box 37, St. Albans Bay, VT. 05481 no later than 4:00pm, Wednesday, September 28th, 2022.

Sign-on bonus equal to one week of gross pay! Flexible start date! Great benefits package!


Please direct questions to Ms. Gray at 802-524-7589, ext. 107 or

TO APPLY: If this sounds like you, please email a resumé, cover letter and content portfolio if available to info@ Include the phrase “social media and content manager” in subject line.

Carpenter/Lead Carpenter Pay Range: $23.00-$40.00/hr


Send letter of interest and resume to: Lee Krohn, AICP, Town Manager, Town of Shelburne, P.O. Box 88, Shelburne, VT 05482. E.O.E.

This position’s primary office will be located in the Water bury State Office Complex. A hybrid telework schedule is negotiable. For more informa tion and to apply, please visit

The Town of St. Albans is soliciting proposals from qualified firms to provide an executive candidate search for a Town Manager. The selected firm will facilitate the selection process. To view the complete Request for Proposal, visit:bid_rpf_opportunitesstalbanstown/business/

Or call 802.662.1630.

The Woodstock Foundation, Inc. seeks a farm manager for Billings Farm & Museum (BF&M) in Woodstock, Vermont. Sited on the farm established by Frederick Billings 151 years ago, BF&M today breeds and milks a herd of more than 50 blue ribbon Jerseys, producing more than 650,000 pounds of milk, some of which goes to Agri-Mark for Cabot products and some of which is used to craft award-winning artisan cheeses in partnership with Grafton Village Cheese. The Woodstock landmark is a Vermont destination which attracts thousands of visitors annually with its educational exhibits, engaging programs and special events that bring to life Vermont’s rural heritage.

The Lake Champlain Chamber is an E.O.E. that welcomes diversity in the workplace. We strongly encourage all qualified persons to apply.

The University of Vermont Center on Disability and Community Inclusion with the Vermont State Department for Children and Families is recruit ing a Children's Integrated Services Personnel Develop ment Coordinator. This position will coordinate and facilitate the ongoing development of a comprehensive system of per sonnel development (CSPD) for Vermont CIS service. The University is especially inter ested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution.

Carpenters & Lead Carpenters



O cer position to serve as the primary sta person for the Town’s Development Review Board; process applications for land use permits; and play a key role in coordinating project review. A complete job description is available at

Request for Proposals ExecutiveSearchCandidateFirm

Do you have design, development, and implementation experience in a food production environment? If so, we would love to speak with you! We are seeking experienced candidates, 3-5 years and a Bachelor’s degree preferred. Candidates should have exposure to the best and brightest in R & D, production and distribution of internal clients.

Director of Communications & Business Development


Full-time Development Review Board Coordinator/Assistant Zoning

Learn more about this job, and our other roles at:

LCC is a non-profit organization that is in the business of seeking and supporting economic opportunity for all Vermonters.




Rhino Foods is seeking an Operations Supervisor for our 3rd shift Production Team! Ideal candidate will have experience in food manufacturing, possess strong leadership skills and be passionate about continuous improvement. Between 3 to five years’ experience in a fastpaced environment preferred, exceptional organizational skills and a common sense, “can do” attitude a must.

Hello Burlington is a destination marketing initiative of the Lake Champlain Chamber that promotes the greater Burlington area as a great place for leisure travel, meetings, and events. We are actively seeking a social media and content manager to help us strengthen our social media presence and to strategize and execute on content creation. View the full job description at

We are looking for experienced carpenters with knowledge of old and new construction to join the Lewis Creek Builders, DesignBuild team! We are a passionate group of carpenters, designers, and construction management professionals working in a supportive, collaborative environment to manage every aspect of residential building and remodeling projects.

Apply online today:

This is an opportunity for a person who thrives in a busy o ce setting, is detail-oriented, well-organized, and is able to excel in a team-oriented, customer driven environment. Candidate must have excellent written and verbal communication skills, working knowledge of pertinent computer software, and background and/or interest in learning land use planning. Salary $23-$25/hr. with excellent benefits.

This role oversees a broad portfolio of accounts and interacts daily with Rhino’s amazing customers. Food manufacturing skills are great, and if you have a Bachelor’s degree and can collaborate with many teams, you’re the perfect person for this job! This role is the “face” of Rhino at trade shows and customer visits, plus builds on strategies to enhance profit and growth.

3v-BillingsFarm092122.indd 1 9/16/22 2:38 PM

Responsible for day-to-day operations of a busy medium sized Montpelier law firm.

We are looking for a reliable Ride Coordinator/ Dispatcher to act as a communication point for all SSTA drivers on the road. You will use our automated scheduling software to: transmit messages and track vehicles, schedule and move same day rides, and act as the point of contact for all of our amazing drivers on the road! The ideal candidate must be primarily an excellent communicator and able to remain calm and composed in varying situations. You will be asked to multi-task as well as take the appropriate action with little supervision. The goal is to enable different parties to communicate well by ensuring the accurate and timely transmission of information.

rules and regulations of

Send resume and references to Position, P.O. Box 1440, Montpelier,05601-1440.Vermont,

Para Transit Drivers:

City of Montpelier is an Equal Employment Opportunity

4t-CityofMontpelier092122.indd 1 9/16/22 12:01 PM CUSTODIAN

Interested applicants can apply directly at my.americorps. gov/mp/listing/ In State box, choose Vermont. In Program box, type VYDC. Click Search. All VYDC positions will appear.

Saint Michael’s College is seeking applications from dependable, efficient workers to fill a full-time custodial position.

VYDC AmeriCorps members’ service benefits include: approx. $12.85/hr. (living allowance); a $6,495 education award; employee assistance plan; health care coverage, school loan forbearance, and child care assistance (if eligible); and professional development, training, networking, and experience in youth-related fields.

The shift is Sunday 6:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. and MondayThursday 5:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Successful candidates will join a team which cleans College buildings including dormitories, restrooms, offices, and classrooms.

To apply, please send cover letter, resume and references to John Odum at or mail to: Montpelier City Clerk, 39 Main St., Montpelier VT 05602. This position will be posted until filled.


VT Youth Development Corps (VYDC) places full and part-time AmeriCorps members at youth-focused organizations across Vermont to foster positive youth development and build resilience. Use your ingenuity and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in Southern Vermont

VYDC is a program of the Washington County Youth Service Bureau. E.O.E. Background check required.

The Deputy Clerk also helps collect tax and utility payments, parking tickets, and miscellaneous other payments. Hourly rate is $25.38 to $26.67 depending upon qualifications and experience. For a complete list of qualifications, please contact John Odum, at 802-262-6263.

We are looking for Drivers to transport SSTA clients in a comfortable, safe and timely manner. Driver responsibilities include driving a 27’ lift-equipped van, providing reliable door-todoor transportation service to those in need, and arranging regular cleaning and maintenance services for the vehicle. Ultimately, you will help us increase customer satisfaction, making sure clients who depend on us for their transportation needs are delivered best-inclass service! To be considered for this role, you should have a valid driver’s license, a clean driving record with no traffic violations, and a desire to contribute to your community! Note that you don’t need to have a car; we provide drivers with our own vehicles.

Full Part time positions available.


Responsibilities include office management; financial management (accounts payable, accounts receivable, monthly billing, account management, preparation of monthly financial statements and tax filings ), paralegal support, and administrative duties.  Candidates must possess a strong work ethic and be able to foster good working relationships with co-workers and clients.  Prior office management experience a must, and knowledge of legal systems and filings highly preferable.  Salary commensurate with experience.

3v-StMichaelsCollege092122.indd 1 9/16/22 2:14 PM Follow @SevenDaysJobs on FindTwitter100+new job postings from trusted, local employers in Seven Days newspaper and online. See who’s hiring jobs.sevendaysvt.comat LOOKING FOR A COOLER OPPORTUNITY? 4t-WaterCooler.indd 1 9/6/22 1:27 PM

Ride Dispatcher:Coordinator/

is subject to


SSTA the the Drug and Alcohol Policy.

Previous experience is a plus, but not required! We have a great team here to help train and get you up to speed.

offers a robust benefits package, competitive pay, paid holidays, and vacation time.

At the Bennington Museum in Bennington, the AmeriCorps member awakens curiosity and imagination in youth and transforms individuals by connecting them to the region’s diverse arts, rich history, landscape, and culture.

For a complete job description, benefits information, and to apply online, please visit:


The position is a regular, full-time position with a suite of benefits to include but are not limited to paid time off, retirement, health, dental, and vision insurance benefits. The Deputy Clerk works as a full partner with the elected city clerk and performs a wide variety of duties, including maintaining land records, vital records and official municipal records and documents as well as administering elections and interfacing with the public.


At In-Sight Photography Project in Brattleboro, the AmeriCorps member empowers youth to communicate their unique personal visions through inclusive afterschool arts programming and community initiatives.

is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The City of Montpelier is seeking a personable, detail oriented and wellorganized public service professional to fill the position of Deputy City Clerk.

The Employer.

Training will be provided for the right candidate.

At All-4-One’s The Space (Peer and Community Engagement Youth Center) in Springfield, the AmeriCorps members lend their talents to building creative and enriching opportunities at a new teen center, ensuring that local youth thrive.

Full-time Law Office Manager

Apply online: ALL candidates must complete our application in full.

Embark on a journey of possibilities and improve the future for Vermont youth.


Apply by October 10th, 2022.

For more information, visit the Vermont Youth AmeriCorps website: Phone: 802-229-9151. Email:

Early Childhood Program Director- Jericho, VT

Positions include a $500 sign on bonus, a strong benefits package and the opportunity to work at one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont”

PlannerTransportation Navigate New Possibilities Your Career at NDI is Waiting At NDI we are driven by our belief that advanced spatial measurement solutions can help our customers in their aim to improve medical procedures and patient lives. We are hiring for the following positions: Quality Coordinator Sr Embedded Software Engineer Manufacturing Manager EE Component Engineer Electronics Assembler Full descriptions and to apply go to:

The focus of the Program Director is to oversee and support the First Roots Underhill early childhood team, and to participate in the program wide administrative needs (Senior Team) in an area of focus or expertise. The successful candidate will be a part of our senior leadership team that creates plans, sets goals, and collaborates effectively to achieve our Mission across all FRWR centers. We’re looking for an organized leader who can manage multiple projects and is excited by the opportunity to combine early education training with nature-based, emergent learning. As part of the senior team, you will be working in partnership with the FRWR Director of Professional Development & Curriculum, the Director of People and the Program Director (with consultation from the finance department) to create a culture of “yes” to foster infinitely creative, inspired and supported educators.

Salary: $52,000-$57,200 per year


Direct Support Professional: Provide 1:1 supports to help individuals reach their goals in a variety of settings. This is a great position to start or continue your career in human services. Full and part time positions available starting at $19/hr.

Residential Direct Support Professional: Provide supports to an individual in their home and in the community in 24h shifts including asleep overnights in a private, furnished bedroom. You can work two days, receive full benefits and have five days off each week! Other flexible schedules available, starting wage is $20/hr.

Education: Bachelor’s degree (Early Childhood Education, Human Resources, Social Work, or Psychology preferred). Director Credential Level 1, 2, or 3 a plus.

Center-Based Early Education Work Experience: Perhaps you have work experience in an early childhood environment as a classroom teacher or as an Assistant Director. We are looking for the ability to inspire and motivate folks as people, beyond their teaching role.

Join our dedicated team and together we’ll build a community where everyone participates and belongs:

More information is available at Please send a cover letter explaining your interest in transportation planning, a resume and three references to Catherine Dimitruk, Executive Director at jobs@nrpcvt. com, or 75 Fairfield Street, St. Albans, VT, 05478. Position will remain open until filled; interviews will begin in late September, 2022.

Communication Skills: Distill and be able to have fair, clear and sometimes challenging conversations with all audiences. Interpersonal Skills: Build trust and effectively collaborate with everyone.


This is an entry-level position; support and training will be provided to the selected candidate. Please consider applying even if your commitment to community and your interest in learning are your strongest qualifications. The ideal candidate has professional, educational or volunteer planning experience, and knowledge of multi-modal transportation or a related field. They will be a self-starter with skills in collaboration, project management, and written and in-person communication. A college degree in a related field is preferred but not required if lived experiences, education and/or professional experience demonstrate an ability to succeed at this position.

Send resumes to:

Residential Program Manager: Coordinate staffed residential and community supports for an individual in their home. The ideal candidate will enjoy working in a team-oriented position, have strong clinical skills, and demonstrated leadership. $45,900 annual salary.

The Northwest Regional Planning Commission is hiring an entry level Transportation Planner. The Planner will help our region with a coordinated approach to transportation planning and project implementation. The Planner will coordinate with local, regional and state officials and serve as staff support for the region’s Transportation Advisory Committee and various modal or project-based committees. The Planner will provide technical assistance to municipalities, help to implement local transportation projects and complete traffic counts, and bike and pedestrian plans.

Why not have a job you love?

Shared Living Provider: Open your home to someone with an intellectual disability or autism and open a whole world to them, and to you. There are a variety of opportunities available that could be the perfect match for you and your household. Salary varies dependent on individual care requirements.

Business Savvy: Solid understanding of the key drivers of an early education business model.

Sense of Humor: Everything is easier if you can laugh with others -- and it brightens the day!

Service Coordinator: Continue your career in human services in a supportive environment by providing case management for individuals either for our Adult Family Care program or our Developmental Services program. The ideal candidate will have strong clinical, organizational and leadership skills and enjoy working in a team-oriented position. $47,000 annual salary.

Nature Based Education Enthusiast: Deep appreciation for the importance of using nature as a second teacher and finding joy in nature while securing a sustainable future for our children and our one planet.

Human Resources Experience: Successful experience/coursework with supervision processes and personnel issues, facilitation roles or organizational psychology.

VLA seeks an Executive Director to lead this nationally recognized, statewide civil legal aid organization, and engage in the exciting process of envisioning the future of VLA, with the support and commitment of Board and staff. VLA is a strong, successful organization that is well-regarded, with a staff of 89, offices in Burlington, Montpelier, Rutland, Springfield, and St. Johnsbury, and an annual budget of $9.5 million.

Montpelier Alive is currently accepting applications from candidates with a strong suite of skills, includ ing relationship building, communications, fundraising, project management, and administrative skills. Candidates should have familiarity with nonprofit management, an appreciation for vibrant downtown communities, technological proficiency, and strong organizational and leadership skills.

The next Executive Director will be a visionary leader with a demonstrated passion for advocating on behalf of low-income and other vulnerable populations, including families with young children, people with disabilities, New American communities, veterans, seniors, and other individuals impacted by poverty or marginalized by other factors.


Montpelier is an equal opportunity employer. Please submit a cover letter and resume to Sarah Lipton, 58 Barre St, Montpelier, Vt 05602. Electronic submittals are appreciated to E.O.E

Rock boardingandSchool,Pointasmallsupportiveandday high school, seeks Residential Educators to join our team! Residential Educators create a well-balanced dorm life for students. They lead fun weekend and evening activities, help students stay healthy, and provide guidance for the challenges of adolescence and communal living. Positions are full-time and include housing.


Run the dynamic, growing and vital FEAST Senior Meals Program which offers the premier Meals on Wheels service to older adults in Montpelier and Berlin. Report to the MSAC Director and work closely with the FEAST team including the Kitchen Manager/Chef, kitchen assistants and many volunteers and interns. The professional in this position will be responsible for supporting the robust development of this core service for the City, ensuring timely delivery of meals, creation of socially engaging events and the recruitment, training and management of a large team of volunteers. This is a full-time position 30 hours per week.

Application requirements: Cover letter, resume, and three professional references including at least one from a past supervisor. Email your application, and any questions about this position, to: by October 19, 2022.


The starting rate of pay is $26.02 based on qualifications. This position has opportunity for significant professional growth for the right candidate.

Executive Director


For more information see:

theMontpelier,capital city of Vermont, is seeking:


VLA’s Administrative Unit has historically been in Burlington, but the agency is open to your proposal on a remote work or a hybrid arrangement.

The starting rate of pay is $22.50 based on qualifications. This position has opportunity for expansion into a permanent position.

The successful Executive Director candidate will be a licensed attorney with significant legal experience; demonstrate a passion for social and racial justice; possess exceptional leadership skills; have substantial management experience; have grant writing or fundraising experience; and understand financial matters, including development of budgets, compliance with grant and contract requirements, and financial oversight.

Vermont Legal Aid (VLA), one of the state’s largest law firms, is where Vermonters turn when they face a civil legal problem that threatens their rights, shelter, income, health, or well-being. VLA strives to advance fairness and justice in the civil legal system, address the social and economic barriers faced by our clients, and confront the underlying causes of poverty, discrimination, and inequality. VLA services are free.

For more information about this position and how to apply, visit Screening of applicants begins immediately. To receive full consideration, submit your application materials by October 14, 2022

Are you passionate about building community? Are you a consummate connector and networker? Do you love supporting local businesses and promoting entrepreneurship? Are you skilled at diplomatically working with partners as diverse as city officials, state policy makers, nonprofit stakeholders, local busi ness owners, and community members? Are you capable of juggling dozens of projects at once while maintaining your composure? Montpelier Alive, the nonprofit organization that works to enhance the quality of life for people who live, work in, and visit the City of Montpelier, is seeking a new executive director, and it could be you! For the full job description

Help prepare the meals for the FEAST Senior Meals Program, report to the Kitchen Manager/Chef and MSAC Director. The professional cook in this position will be responsible for supporting the production of meals in a timely manner. This position works with kitchen volunteers, City employees, community agencies and Meals on Wheels drivers to support the Kitchen Manager/Chef with the smooth preparation, preservation and packing of FEAST meals. This is a temporary 20-week position part-time at 20 hours per week.

VLA believes everyone in Vermont should have equal access to legal services regardless of their race, ethnicity, language, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexuality, ability, mental health, income status, age, or education. We are committed, through our practices and policies, to fostering cultural competence, inclusiveness, understanding, acceptance and respect in order to more effectively fight poverty, discrimination, and inequality.

Be Montpelier Alive’s Next Executive Director!

For information and to apply:


• Seek a new challenge and opportunity to take your career to another level?

Visit our website for more information: Careers

Do you:


• Have a weakness for craft beer or coffee, maple creemees, and handmade chocolate all within walking distance of your office?

Are you looking to learn new skills or to start a career? Are you looking to join a supportive team and a dynamic company? We are so sure you will love it at HallKeen Management that we are offering a $1,000 hiring bonus for the right candidate. All bonuses to be paid per company policy. Will entertain employees looking to relocate to Vermont.

• Want to play a leadership role in guiding the future of a dynamic rural small town?

The primary responsibility of the Town Planner is to assist the Planning Commission in carrying out their statutory functions and supporting the Town Administrator in managing the implementation of grant funded projects. The work of the Town Planner involves researching, analyzing, developing, and proposing land use planning and development policies, plans and ordinances for consideration by the Planning Commission and Selectboard.

The qualified candidate must have reliable transportation and have the ability to assist in carrying appliances and climb ladders as needed.

This person is responsible for picking, packing, assembling, and shipping customers’ orders at our Distribution Center. Our ideal candidate will have the ability to stay focused and pay close attention to detail; have basic math and reading skills; ability to work independently; and the ability to frequently lift 5-80lbs.


Responsibilities of Maintenance Technician are quite diverse including but not limited to Apartment turnovers, grounds keeping, various janitorial duties, painting, appliance, electrical, heating, plumbing and safety equipment repair & replacement & provide assistance at other company properties when needed.

Vermont Compost Company in Montpelier is seeking a Bookkeeper to join our team. A leading compost & potting soil producer of nearly 30 years, we provide a fun, dynamic and growing environment. Staff enjoy competitive wages and a full benefits package.

Returns7D_011322.indd 1 1/13/22 8:02 PM6t-GardenersSupply092122 1 9/19/22 1:29 PM

For a complete job description please go to our website, on our home page is the link. To apply, please send a cover letter, resume and list of three references to John Abbott, Town Administrator via email at or via mail at PO Box 39, Jericho, VT 05465.

This person coordinates with various departments at our Distribution Center to process customer returns in an e cient manner. Our ideal candidate will have excellent communication skills; can pay close attention to detail; experience with MS O ce; can constantly lift 10-50lbs; and is a self-motivated team player with a “can do” attitude!




4t-SunDogPoetry092122.indd 1 9/16/22 11:23 AM

Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

Jericho has a number of exciting planning initiatives currently underway that make this role particularly enticing including an update of the 2020 Town Plan, a wastewater feasibility study for the 3 statedesignated Village Centers, prioritization of ARPA funding, and a multi-modal path scoping study. The Town also has several very active citizen committees working on affordable housing, trails, land conservation, energy, equity, and social justice.

This work requires a high degree of independence, initiative, sound judgment and professionalism.

If so, this job is exactly what you should be looking for!

Sundog Poetry, a literary-arts nonprofit organization, seeks a part-time (15 hours per week, 50 weeks per year) Managing Director. The best candidate will be a self-starter with excellent management/administrative skills, fundrais ing experience, first-rate communication and organizational abilities, and expertise in marketing and outreach. The candidate will also work in close coordination with Board members on other Sundog needs such as budgeting, programming, and strategic planning, as the situation de mands. We are looking for a one-year commitment, with opportunities for longer employment and increased hours dependent on fundraising.

For questions, contact: or call 802-730-5820


We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND o er a fun place to work including BBQs, sta parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also o er strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding bene ts!

The Town of Jericho is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

The Town of Jericho (VT) is looking for its next Town Planner. Jericho (pop. ~5,080) is a small rural community in the center of Chittenden County about 30 minutes from Burlington to the west and Mt. Mansfield to the east. The community has 3 small historic village centers surrounded by a quintessential rural landscape and abundant recreational opportunities.


• Want to work in a growing community that cares deeply about planning?


Our ideal candidate will be: highly independent, curious, collaborative and a great communicator, and have a Bachelor’s degree and 3 or more years of experience in the field. Also experience in Grant writing and grant administration would be beneficial. The Town can offer a very competitive salary DOQ, a comprehensive benefits package, a flexible work environment, and a team-oriented work setting. Salary is commensurate with experience.



For a full job description:

Keens Crossing – Winooski, VT 05404

Full Time, 40 Hours, Pay Rate $24.72

Pay: $22/hour. Resume review will begin September 15, for a contem plated November 1st start. Position will stay open until filled.

Please send your application (cover letter and resume) to: SUNDOG.SEARCH@GMAIL.COM

Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company!

Please e-mail resumes to

Apply now at HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own your future!

Apply now at HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own your future!


Greatinclude:payand benefits – including reduced medical premiums starting on Day 1

Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team. Own your with a $2,000 sign-on bonus, great pay and benefits. an Associate and you’ll earn exceptional incentives include:payand benefits – including reduced medical premiums on Day 1


VT Youth Development Corps (VYDC) places full and part-time AmeriCorps members at youth-focused organizations across Vermont to foster positive youth development and build resilience. Use your ingenuity and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in Northwest Vermont

For more information, visit the Vermont Youth AmeriCorps website: Phone: 802-229-9151 Email:

Embark on a journey of possibilities and improve the future for Vermont youth.


At Spectrum Youth & Family Services in Burlington or St. Albans, the AmeriCorps members enhance the lives of homeless and at-risk youth by providing a safe space, food, basic needs, life skills, and emotional support.


An annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20% The security of an over 50-year history with no layoffs Hypertherm is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business need, job requirements, and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability,or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws. Apply now at HYPERTHERM.COM/OWNIT and own your future! Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer OWN YOUR CAREER. OWN YOUR FUTURE. OWN YOUR COMPANY. 8t-VTHiTechHYPERTHERM083122 1 8/29/22 3:08 PM

Send resumes to: or call 802-660-9003 for more info Immediate opening for part-time production assistant in a VERY busy studio producing wedding accessories. production assistant/seamstress • Basic, good quality sewing skills required • Flexible weekdays available • Pay adjusted to skill level 2h-MissAllaneous092122.indd 1 9/16/22 9:44 AM

Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender origin, disability,or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

BCS is one of 5 Therapeutic Child Care Programs working in partnership with the Howard Center, an Early Head Start and Universal Pre-K partner program, and a Child and Adult Care Food Program participant. We have a 5 Star rating from the State of Vermont and NAEYC accreditation and are housed in the McClure Multi-Gen Center, a building we co-own with Outright Vermont.


At the City of Winooski Community Services Department, the AmeriCorps members lead engaging afterschool and summer activities for a vibrant & culturally diverse community.

Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer YOUR COMPANY.

A Master's Degree in Early Childhood Education or related field that meets CDD Licensing Requirements for Director plus 3 years of staff supervisory experience. Experience providing staff supervision is essential to this position and is required for employment. Experience working with families in a supportive, strength-based framework is foundational to all positions at BCS.

VYDC AmeriCorps members’ service benefits include: approx. $12.85/hr. (living allowance); a $6,495 education award; employee assistance plan; health care coverage, school loan forbearance, and child care assistance (if eligible); and professional development, training, networking, and experience in youth-related fields.

Apply by October 10th, 2022.

Interested applicants can apply directly at In State box, choose Vermont. In Program box, type VYDC. Click Search. All VYDC positions will appear.

Burlington Children’s Space Executive Director

The Burlington Children's Space is seeking an Executive Director to join our community. BCS is a vibrant, community based early care and education program with a 38-year history serving children from 6 weeks to 5 years old and their families.



An annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20% The security of an over 50-year history with no layoffs

At Old Spokes Home in Burlington, the AmeriCorps member builds community and opportunity through access to bicycles with a variety of engaging programs to make bikes and biking more accessible to all.

Greatinclude:payand benefits – including reduced medical premiums

Equal Opportunity Employer. Background check required.

Benefits: • Highly Competitive Salary • Health Insurance • Paid Annual, Personal, and Sick Leave • Paid Winter and Summer Breaks • Employer-SponsoredRetirementFund • Discounted Tuition for Children • Professional Development ViewFunding fulljob description here: ATTENTION RECRUITERS: POST YOUR JOBS AT: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/POSTMYJOB PRINT DEADLINE: NOON ON MONDAYS (INCLUDING HOLIDAYS) FOR RATES & INFO: MICHELLE BROWN, 802-865-1020 MICHELLE@SEVENDAYSVT.COMX121, 2h_contactinfo.indd 1 7/6/21 3:47 PM

annual profit-sharing bonus with a target of 20% security of an over 50-year history with no layoffs

Hypertherm Associates is proud to be an equal opportunity employer YOUR CAREER. FUTURE. YOUR COMPANY.

Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team. Own your future with a $2,000 sign-on bonus, great pay and benefits. Become an Associate and you’ll earn exceptional incentives that starting on Day 1

At the Governor’s Institutes of Vermont based in Winooski, the AmeriCorps member inspires hundreds of Vermont high schoolers from across the state to create the future, helping youth think deeper and dream bigger through intensive summer programs with a mission of equity and accessibility.

At the Willowell Foundation in Bristol and Monkton, the AmeriCorps members connect people to the arts, education, the environment, and each other through landbased programs and activities. Members serve at a naturebased pre-school in Bristol and an outdoor, alternative public education program in Monkton.

VYDC is a program of the Washington County Youth Service Bureau.


Hypertherm is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer, and we welcome all applications. All employment decisions are based on business need, job requirements, and our values as an Associate-owned company without regard to race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, national origin, disability,or veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local laws.

Hypertherm is more than a place to work; it’s a place to call your own. And right now, we’re hiring 2nd and 3rd shift Machine Operators to join our 100% Associate-owned team. Own your future with a $2,000 sign-on bonus, great pay and benefits. Become an Associate and you’ll earn exceptional incentives that

$22/hr within the first 3

SITE MANAGER: This individual will be responsible for leading the day-to-day operations of the site including supervision and cultivation of a high performing team, scheduling, managing relationships with vendors and partners, and creative problem-solving. Supervisory experience is required, experience working in social services, housing programs, business management or a related field is strongly preferred.


Send resumes to:

ASSISTANT SITE MANAGER (2): These individuals will carry out a wide variety of duties supporting day-to-day operations, working closely with the Site Manager and Front Desk Associates to promote a positive experience for guests and staff. Experience working in social services, housing programs, retail, hospitality or a related field is strongly preferred. Supervisory experience is a strong plus.

FRONT DESK ASSOCIATE (4): These individuals will welcome guests and promote a positive guest experience, providing professional, high quality service. Experience in social services, hospitality, retail or a related field is a strong plus.

Looking for a unique job caring for one of Burlington’s most iconic buildings? The Flynn has an immediate opening on our facilities team. This role requires the ability to climb ladders, lift and carry up to 40lbs, and the ability to perform rigorous tasks for extended periods of time. Some evenings and weekends required as you will provide onsite support during a wide variety of shows. Annual salary of $40k plus benefits. Willing to train a highly motivated candidate. For detailed job description & more information, visit:

No phone calls, please. E.O.E.


Growth potential and weekly pay periods with a great team environment.

No experience necessary, we provide all staff with training and certification.


Equal Opportunity Employer - CHT is committed to a diverse workplace and highly encourages women, persons with disabilities, Section 3 low income residents, and people from diverse racial, ethnic and cultural backgrounds to apply. a $1,000 sign on bonus and other benefits.

Hiring traffic control flaggers for a busy season. Start at $18/hr and earn up to months, with

Untitled-6 1 9/15/22 10:52 AM

The Flynn has a FULL-TIME opportunity to join our team BUILDING OPERATIONS TECHNICIAN

The Flynn Center is committed to hiring a breadth of professionals, and therefore will interview a qualified group of diverse candidates; we particularly encourage applications from women and people of color.

Mt. Mansfield Academy in Stowe, Vermont seeks a motivated individual who has an eye for detail to join our hard-working team. The Race Event Manager/Administrative Assistant manages preparations for race events and functions hosted at the MMA Clubhouse, organizes parent and community volunteers, and assists with day-to-day operations, communication, and execution of projects at MMA. Located at the MMA Clubhouse at Spruce Peak, the Race Event Manager/Administrative Assistant works closely with the Leadership Team at MMA.

This is a full-time, salaried position with benefits including a 401k. Please inquire today!


Please submit application materials to:


For additional details regarding these positions or to apply, please visit our career page:


Champlain Housing Trust has several exciting positions available as it prepares to manage a community that will provide shelter to individuals who have experienced chronic homelessness. All positions require a high level of empathy, tolerance, a positive attitude, excellent customer service and conflict de-escalation skills and a strong commitment to the housing first model. Evening and weekend hours are required in all roles.

is seeking candidates to continue BHA’s success in promoting innovative solutions that address housing instability challenges facing our diverse population of extremely low-income families and individuals. Join us and make a difference in our community!

RAPID REHOUSING SPECIALIST provides assistance to community members


Nursing Coordinator

Green Mountain Farm to School is recruiting for a Development Manager to lead fundraising initiatives and conduct supporting communication activities. Using measurable goals and outcomes, the Development Manager will work closely with the Executive Director to implement an effective, multi-year fundraising strategy, cultivate and expand our donor base, manage grant applications and reporting, as well as collaborate with other team members on appropriate and timely communications and outreach materials. We are seeking a community-minded skilled fundraiser with strong organizational & interpersonal skills to keep the momentum going! Full-time, salary range $51,5000 - $61,500+ commensurate with experience & comprehensive benefits package. Part-time considered on a prorated basis. Visit for full job description. EOE

TECHNICIAN performs general maintenance work in BHA owned and managed properties, including building exteriors, common areas, apartments, building systems, fixtures, and grounds. Our Maintenance Techs are required to participate in the on-call rotation, which covers night and weekend emergencies.

Job Description: Part-time, flexible schedule, with the possibility of growth into a full-time position for a candidate who enjoys being valued for their attention to detail in a small office environment. The data entry specialist will work closely with the organization’s management to provide up to date financial details.


Long standing family-owned real estate rental business in downtown Montpelier is seeking a detail oriented, data entry person to assist with QuickBooks, general office bookkeeping, payroll, and account receivables. The ideal candidate values accuracy and timeliness, and has software proficiency in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and QuickBooks.

PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT serves as first point of contact for our customers in the Property Management office. This role answers the telephone and greets applicants and the general public at the main office, collects rent payments, provides administrative support to the Leasing and Eligibility Specialist, the Property Managers, and the Director of Property Management.

SENIOR STAFF ACCOUNTANT manages the accounting operations of the Authority. The responsibilities for this position include preparing timely and accurate accounting records and financial reports; managing operating budgets; and maintaining a comprehensive and effective system of internal controls.

BHA serves a diverse population of tenants and partners with a variety of community agencies. To most effectively carry out our vision of delivering safe and affordable housing to all, we are committed to cultivating a staff that reflects varied lived experiences, viewpoints, and educational histories. Therefore, we strongly encourage candidates from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds, persons with disabilities, LGBTQ+ individuals, and women to apply. Multilingualism is a plus!

BHA offers a competitive salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience. We offer a premium benefit package at a low cost to employees. Benefits include medical insurance with a health reimbursement account, dental, vision, short and long term disability, 10% employer funded retirement plan, 457 retirement plan, accident insurance, life insurance, cancer and critical illness insurance and access to reduced cost continuing education. We also offer a generous time off policy including paid time off, sick, and 13 paid holidays. And sign on bonus of up to $2,000.



Development Manager

Want your evenings, weekends, and holidays free? Adult day center committed to helping frail adults stay at home is seeking a 40 hour/ week Licensed Practical Nurse, with relevant experience. Oversee health monitoring services which promote health and wellness Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Tasks include administering medications, blood glucose monitoring, taking vital signs, treatments, wound care, documenting care provided and coordinating care with other health care providers and caregivers. Develop & implement plans of care. Supervise Nursing Assistants. Provide emergency first aid as needed. Good clinical, communication & organizational skills crucial.

To apply, send resume and cover letter to CarePartners Adult Day Center at 640 Franklin Park West, St. Albans or download an application at E.O.E.


who are without housing and have barriers to locating and securing housing in the community. This grant funded position works closely with our Rental Assistance department and Chittenden County Coordinated Entry and is a part of a skilled team that focuses on assessment, intervention, and service coordination of at-risk households.

RECEPTIONIST manages the main office lobby and answers phones while providing great customer service, processes office mailings, and provides administrative support.

Send resumes to:

***To learn more about these career opportunities, please visit:

If interested in these career opportunities, please submit your resume and cover letter to: Burlington Housing Authority is an E.O.E.

New, scam-freelocal, jobs posted every day! 4t-postings-cmyk.indd 1 10/1/19 2:28 PM

Pay: $18.00 - $23.00 per hour based on experience &proficiency.

• 55 -year- old man seeking patient and active home provider, without young children or cats. He works for WCMHS as a peer mentor, he enjoys walks, hiking, swimming and snowshoeing. He uses Facilitated Communication (FC) and would like an individual who is open to training and learning the processes and best practices of FC so that he is able to communicate in his home setting. Call Leigh – 802-505-1889

VYDC is a program of the Washington County Youth Service Bureau.


Apply by October 10, 2022.


VYDC AmeriCorps members’ service benefits include: approx. $12.85/hr. (living allowance); a $6,495 education award; employee assistance plan; health care coverage, school loan forbearance, and child care assistance (if eligible); and professional development, training, networking, and experience in youth-related fields.

E.O.E. Background check required.

• 54-year old man, seeks home in the Barre area. He is very active, loves fishing, biking, shopping, doing odd jobs, and watching TV. He prefers home without children or dogs. Call Brittany – 802-798-9115


At Maplehill School and Farm in Plainfield, the AmeriCorps members develop educational, community service, and farm-based opportunities for youth whose lives have been impacted by trauma and/or disabilities.

• 28 year old man seeks home without young children. He loves computers, animation, planes, trains, and cars. Call Katie – 802-904-3414.

Community Developmental Services seeks singles, couples and families from Washington County area to open their home to an individual.

Interested applicants can apply directly at my.americorps. gov/mp/listing/ In State box, choose Vermont. In Program box, type VYDC. Click Search.

Embark on a journey of possibilities and improve the future for Vermont youth.

At the Twinfield Together Mentoring Project in Plainfield, the AmeriCorps member nurtures strong relationships and meaningful connections through mentoring, youth leadership, and a 7th-12th grade afterschool program, while valuing student voice and leadership.


Join us as our!Executive

• 25-year-old female looking for a room or in-law apartment in the Burlington area. She would prefer to live in a home without children but pets are ok. She would like to live with someone open minded, possibly artistic and active in the local community. She would like to find social groups and activities to participate in to become familiar with her new community. She enjoys many forms of art, tattoos and painting specifically. Call Chelsey – 802-505-0281

VT Youth Development Corps (VYDC) places full and part-time AmeriCorps members at youth-focused organizations across Vermont to foster positive youth development and build resilience. Use your ingenuity and skills to make a lasting impact in the lives of youth in Central Vermont


Send resume to: tenthousandvillages.comcareers@

Weekend Respite: Fri 5pm-Sat 5pm and/or Sat 5pm-Sun 5pm, $300/ day. Sun 5pm-Mon 8am, $250/partial day. Minimum required commitment is two consecutive 24-hr. shifts at least one weekend per month on average.


•22-year-old man seeking home without young children. He uses augmented communication and enjoys being outside and would enjoy a farm setting with animals. The bedroom should be on the same floor as providers. Call Tracy - 802-636-7379.

For more information, visit: Phone: 802-229-9151. Email:


See for details.

At the Basement Teen Center in Montpelier, the AmeriCorps member creates a safe drop-in space for all youth ages 12-18 who are seeking a place to connect with peers and participate in activities which promote a healthy and active lifestyle.

All VYDC positions will appear.

Ten Thousand Villages Burlington (Church St), a nonprofit retailer, is hiring temporary, part-time Sales Associates (10-19 hours per week)! This position connects artisan partner stories and handmade products with the customer while maintaining excellent customer service. If you want to contribute to a vibrant work environment with a global impact, apply today!

• 30-year-old outgoing female seeks home that likes to be busy. Non-smoking, without children/teens or pets. Single woman preferred but couples with good boundaries. Call Sherri – 802- 636-7041

• 64 year old woman seek quiet home, with first floor bed and bath, without children. She enjoys old country music, soap operas, car rides, visiting her family. Call Jayne – 479-1477

We ran our employment campaign with Seven Days Jobs because it has the widest reach in the state and is the premier source for news and entertainment. We worked with our employees and agency partners to test various creative strategies.


The reach of Seven Days led to serious candidates who were actually interested in the position and our company. That was not the case with other recruitment tools we used.

KRISTIN THAYER Director of Operations and Supply Chain, Vermont Smoke & Cure …it works. CALL MICHELLE: 865-1020, EXT. 121 OR VISIT JOBS.SEVENDAYSVT.COM 1T-VTSmoke&CureTestimonial051822.indd 1 6/1/22 10:39 AM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 202296

We ended up interviewing six candidates and hired two as a result. We would absolutely recommend working with Michelle Brown at Seven Days — she’s fantastic and very easy to work with.



fun stuff


“No, Louise, we can’t end it this way. Not here, not now.”


fun stuff


Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages. Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at is SR-Comics-filler071520.indd 1 7/14/20 3:32 PM


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You are an extra-authentic Aquarius if people say that you get yourself into the weirdest, most interesting trouble they’ve ever seen. You are an ultra-genuine Aquarius if people follow the twists and pivots of your life as they would a soap opera. And I suspect you will fulfill these potentials to the max in the coming weeks. The upcoming chapter of your life story might be as entertaining as any you have had in years. Luckily, imminent events are also likely to bring you soulful lessons that make you wiser and wilder. I’m excited to see what happens!

LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): For 15 years, Leo cartoonist Gary Larson created “The Far Side,” a hilarious comic strip featuring intelligent talking animals. It was syndicated in more

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Even when your courage has a touch of foolhardiness, even when your quest for adventure makes you a bit reckless, you can be resourceful enough to avoid dicey consequences. Maybe more than any other sign of the zodiac, you periodically outfox karma. But in the coming weeks, I will nevertheless counsel you not to barge into situations where rash boldness might lead to wrong moves. Please do not flirt with esca pades that could turn into chancy gambles. At least for the foreseeable future, I hope you will be prudent and cagey in your quest for interesting and educational fun.

“Love And it’s Why? Be cause you may be able to fix them or at least improve them with panache — for your benefit and the welfare of those you love.” While this counsel is always relevant for you, dear Virgo, it will be especially so in the coming weeks.


your mistakes and foibles,” Virgo astrologer William Sebrans advises his fellow Virgos. “They aren’t going away.

supported by:

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Tips to get the most out of the next three weeks: 1) Use your imagination to make everything seem fascinating and wonderful. 2) When


CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): I’m getting a psychic vision of you cuddled up in your warm bed, surrounded by stuffed animals and wrapped in soft, thick blankets with images of bunnies and dolphins on them. Your head phones are on, and the songs pouring into your cozy awareness are silky smooth tonics that rouse sweet memories of all the times you felt most wanted and most at home in the world. I think I see a cup of hot chocolate on your bedstand, too, and your favorite dessert. Got all that, fellow Cancerian? In the com ing days and nights, I suggest you enjoy an abundance of experiences akin to what I’ve described here.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Poet Mary Oliver wrote, “There is within each of us a self that is neither a child, nor a servant of the hours. It is a third self, occasional in some of us, tyrant in others. This self is out of love with the ordinary; it is out of love with time. It has a hunger for eternity.” During the com ing weeks, Scorpio, I will be cheering for the ascendancy of that self in you. More than usual, you need to commune with fantastic truths and transcendent joys. To be in maxi mum alignment with the good fortune that life has prepared for you, you must give your loving attention to the highest and noblest visions of your personal destiny that you can imagine.

you give advice to others, be sure to listen to it yourself. 3) Move away from having a rigid conception of yourself and move toward having a fluid fantasy about yourself. 4) Be the first to laugh at and correct your own mistakes. (It’ll give you the credibility to make even better mistakes in the future.) 5) Inspire other people to love being themselves and not want to be like you.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): In a poem to a lov er, Pablo Neruda wrote, “At night I dream that you and I are two plants that grew together, roots entwined.” I suspect you Pisceans could have similar deepening and interweaving experiences sometime soon — not only with a lover but with any treasured person or animal you long to be even closer to than you already are. Now is a time to seek more robust and resilient intimacy.

NEW VIDEO! 4H-Stuck092122.indd 1 9/20/22 2:57 PM

than 1,900 newspapers. But, like all of us, he has had failures, too. In one of his books, Larson describes the most disappointing event in his life. He was eating a meal in the same dining area as a famous cartoonist he admired, Charles Addams, creator of “The Ad dams Family.” Larson felt a strong urge to go over and introduce himself to Addams. But he was too shy and tongue-tied to do so. Don’t be like Larson in the coming weeks, dear Leo. Reach out and connect with receptive people you’d love to communicate with. Make the first move in contacting someone who could be important to you in the future. Be bold in seeking new links and affiliations. Always be respectful, of course.

your calling in life — some would say a superpower — to home in on them and finesse them.

Roofer Robert Volk Jr., aka Bobby, has been working on slate roofs in Vermont since he moved here in 1986. He kept going even after his leg was amputated in 2019. Eva Sollberger met Bobby when he fixed her roof in 2007 and finally convinced him to let her share his story. She filmed him as he was working on her roof again in September.

LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): Tips for making the most of the next three weeks: 1) Be proud as you teeter charismatically on the fence. Relish the power that comes from being in between. 2) Act as vividly congenial and staunchly beautiful as you dare. 3) Experiment with making artful arrangements of pretty much everything you are part of. 4) Flatter others sincerely. Use praise as one of your secret powers. 5) Cultivate an open-minded skepti cism that blends discernment and curiosity. 6) Plot and scheme in behalf of harmony, but never kiss ass.


GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): Here’s a scenario that could be both an invigorating metaphor and a literal event. Put on Rollerblades. Get out onto a long, flat surface. Build up a com fortable speed. Fill your lungs with the elixir of life. Praise the sun and the wind. Sing your favorite songs. Swing your arms all the way forward and all the way back. Forward: power. Backward: power. Glide and coast and flow with sheer joy. Cruise along with confidence in the instinctive skill of your beautiful body. Evaporate thoughts. Free yourself of every concern and every idea. Keep rambling until you feel spacious and vast.

(AUG. 23-SEP. 22)

Capricorn poet William Stafford wrote, “Say ing things you do not have to say weakens your talk. Hearing things you do not need to hear dulls your hearing.” Those ideas are al ways true, of course, but I think it’s especially crucial that you heed them in the coming weeks. In my oracular opinion, you need to build your personal power right now. An important way to do that is by being discrimi nating about what you take in and put out. For best results, speak your truths as often and as clearly as possible. And do all you can to avoid exposing yourself to trivial and delu sional “truths” that are really just opinions or misinformation.

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): In 1946, medi cal professionals in the UK established the Common Cold Unit. Its goal was to discover practical treatments for the familiar viral infection known as the cold. Over the next 43 years, until it was shut down, the agency produced just one useful innovation: zinc gluconate lozenges. This treatment reduces the severity and length of a cold if taken within 24 hours of onset. So the results of all that research were modest, but they were also much better than nothing. During the coming weeks, you may experience compa rable phenomena, Taurus: less spectacular outcomes than you might wish, but still very worthwhile.


Hi there, my name is Josh, and I’m looking for a long-term relationship that could lead to marriage. I’m a practicing Catholic, and I intend on raising a family in the church someday. I can be on the quiet side at first, but once I get comfortable with someone, I can’t shut up. jpaquette36 25 seeking: W, l

TRANS WOMEN seeking...






Looking for fun, sex. Can talk about it more through messages. panda, 33 seeking: M

Easygoing and loyal woman looking for friends first, casual dating and seeing what the future holds. Love everything about nature and being outdoors. Avid reader. Road trips. Art. Music. Wildlife. Open to trying almost anything! New experiences help us learn and open our minds. Vaccinated, boosted and masked as appropriate. Happy to share photos privately. Artfully_Outdoors, 57, seeking: M


Married for two wonderful years and known each other for 12. We are honest people. We are looking for another couple to go have drinks with, go on an adventure with. We are very discreet with our lives and enjoy privacy. Good hygiene is a must, and no drugs, please, If you’re out there, we would love to meet you. kjgray8784, 38, seeking: W, Cp, l


Seeking intelligent woman with a great sense of humor, and one who cherishes spontaneity. Likes to dress elegantly with makeup and perfume! In addition, she enjoys outdoor activities along with cooking, cuddling and discussions/emotional connection over ordinary experiences. EnglishProfessor12, 71, seeking: W, l

We are an older and wiser couple discovering that our sexuality is amazingly hot! She is interested in a threesome with another man. We’d like to go slowly, massage you with a happy ending. She’d love to be massaged with a happy ending or a dozen. Would you be interested in exploring sexuality with a hot older couple? DandNformen, 62, seeking: M, TM, NC, Cp, l







I love doing all types of things. Like being on the go. Visit the Edge three times a week. Ride my e-bike on different trails. Have season passes to Bolton and Smuggs. Like pickleball but not very good. Miss dancing with a partner. Play mah-jongg. Would like someone who likes to travel. I’m an independent lady. 12745 69 seeking: M, l

MEN seeking...

Fun married couple in their 30s looking for a female or couples for casual dates. We like the outdoors. 3inthevt, 36, seeking: W, Cp, Gp


I am looking for a discreet FWB situation. Appearance and age do not matter to me. In fact, I actually have a thing for older, more mature and/or shapely women. I have little experience with men or others, but I am open to new experiences. I am a good-looking guy, or so I have been told, LOL! 0470 46 seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp

We are a loving couple of over five years. Love to play and try new things. Spend free time at the ledges. Looking for people to play with. Perhaps dinner, night out and maybe breakfast in the morning. Looking for open-minded men, women or couples who enjoy fun times and new experiences. 2newAdventurers, 54 seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp

WOMEN seeking...

I’m definitely a country-city girl who appreciates someone who understands “both worlds.” I definitely tend to be a ride-or-die girl. I’ve lived life’s high highs and low lows — most compatible with the same. Really “get” this song? “Welcome to My House” by Nu Breed featuring Jesse Howard (YouTube/official video). Yes, we’re on same wavelength. No, well, we’ll see. MVIslandDreamin, 50, seeking: M, l

I giggle a lot and have a tendency to talk fast. I love to read, write, explore new towns, travel, grow flowers, dance and spend time with my dogs. I am looking for a man who will appreciate me, make me feel safe, be patient and kind — someone not afraid of honesty and who can communicate his feelings well; someone who knows himself. _bluesky_kindofday 36, seeking: M, l


2 + 1 = 3SOME

I’m very caring and understanding, honest and loyal. Looking for some good companionship — someone who is down-to-earth and doesn’t get upset easily. Verone40 40, seeking: M, l


Adventurous, educated, attractive couple married 14 years interested in meeting others for some wine, conversation, potential exploration and safe fun. She is 42 y/o, 5’11, dirty blond hair. He is 43 y/o, 5’10, brown hair. Seeking Cp or W. ViridisMontis 45, seeking: Cp

I’m healthy, financially secure and live in a beautiful spot in central Vermont. Retired to spend more time with my dog, hiking, cooking good food, traveling, fishing and playing music — all much more fun with someone to share the enjoyment with! If you have some mutual interests, let’s meet over coffee, lunch or a short hike and discuss the future. forestman2, 68, seeking: W, l


My husband and I are looking for some fun with a woman or a couple to join us for some drinks and a good time. Let us know if you are interested. Torshamayo 39, seeking: M, W, Cp

Middle-aged guy, easy on the eyes, in good shape. Looking for discreet relationship with a couple to sexually explore. Would like to start slow and see how things progress. I am thoughtful, considerate, nonjudgmental. Looking for the same. bill123, 58, seeking: Cp


Healthy, fit, adventurous, grounded, playful guy seeking a woman who understands and believes in herself — who is healthy and wants to build a deep, fun, playful, adventurous partnership that is expanding. If we don’t feel connected with our first kiss, well… I am passionate and creative in many ways and want to share that part of me. Much to share. Deeg, 59, seeking: W, l


My husband and I are a very happily married couple looking for a woman to add to our relationship. We have talked extensively about a third and look forward to meeting the right woman. We are a very down-to-earth, outdoor-loving couple. Very secure in our relationship. We would like a relationship with a woman with an honest persona. Outdoorduo1vt 53, seeking: W, l



PLAYFUL, WORLD TRAVELER, NATURE GIRL Adventurous! Joined the circus at 17, lived in India, Spain and Italy, and speak four Romance languages. Worked for UN, as a language professor, now volunteer as an interpreter for immigrants. Spend free time at my camp on a quiet lake and write fiction in my tree house. Light, flowers, beauty, fire, music, dancing, singing, wildlife, colorful textiles — all my jam. Treewalker 68, seeking: M, l

I’m a feminine trans woman with a good sense of humor. I want a special someone. I like dinner and a movie or a baseball game, ride the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. I love my record collection and taking care of my house. I’m looking for some companionship and love, building a good relationship. Luv2BaGurl, 62, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l


You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. l See photos of this person online. W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups

I’m complex: Buddhist but ADDish, very well educated, laid-back, quiet, calm, funny, smart. Love to just have a gentle dinner, cook together, play with pets, go to a comedy show, take a walk. Interested in almost anything and love my alone time. Except when I don’t and want to snuggle with another human. Palhaco, 66, seeking: W, l


Wishing to find a confident, caring woman in whom I can see the “little girl” in her eyes and she can see the “little boy” in my eyes, and we smile, discover we genuinely like each other, talk, laugh, walk, hold hands and choose to always remain friends. Woodland_Sage 74 seeking: W, l


PERPETUAL SEEKER OF WHAT’S NEXT Gregarious and fun. Looking for the same. Whether hanging out, getting out or getting lost, looking for someone to do it with. Remimic19 52 seeking: W, l

Looking for a couple to do with me as they please. Willing to learn and try new things. Willing to keep all people satisfied to the best of my abilities. imnu2u802, 56 seeking: Cp, l



I am a hardworking, loyal, funny person who loves to go out and have fun. I am a guitar player and country singer with a deep voice (think of Josh Turner or Johnny Cash). I love to go to karaoke nights and have a few beers and just have a good time! Looking for something genuine. Be my singing partner? guitarman328, 22, seeking: W, l

Just moved to Vermont this year. I have a great sense of humor and like to laugh. I love music and like to take long drives to nowhere discovering new areas of Vermont. For fun, I like golf and bowling, and I am not good at either but have a great time. KelBelle, 53, seeking: M, l

ISO a man whose arms can swallow me as we embrace. Can I curl up into your chest and be kept warm this fall and winter? Are your hands big enough to cup my fists in your palm? Maybe we can kiss? Looking for casual, noncommittal, spontaneous cuddles. I love dramatic size differences. Good things come in small packages. 5’3. starsaligned, 27 seeking: M

Fiber artist, long-distance backpacker, writer, weaver, teleskier, farmer. Uses a chain saw, dresses up as needed. Never makeup or heels. Strong and physical. Sometimes wants holding and comfort. Friendships are the most important things in my life. Seeking a true partnership, committed to seeing the best in each other. Mutual support, working through difficult moments and sharing playtime are all important to me. Ann 65, seeking: M, l




COUPLES seeking...

Respond to these people online:



I’m an engaged listener. Love to share honestly and laugh a lot. A lot of spontaneous ceremony and joy in communing with nature, as well as people in the most easeful states possible. Unconventional views on just about everything. Disengaged from most news and social media. ISO LTR. femininepersuasion 50, seeking: M

If you like nice guys who are lots of fun, look no further. I will put a smile on your face. Truly, I am very nice. Life is too short. Let’s get together and enjoy one another. Contact me. I assure you, I am loads of fun and a very sweet guy. VtPassionateGuy 46, seeking: W, Cp, Gp, l



Tall and slender, athletic, active and fun, pretty enough and youthful, mother of adult kids, Swiss German American. I’m passionate and singleminded, vulnerable yet capable. I would love to rest in the arms of a kindred spirit. Love to travel, hate to pack. Ivy League education. Have always asked the big questions of life. Hope you do, too. Govinda 66 seeking: M, l

Looking for a friend for local hikes, dining, concerts, etc. Possible travel partner, and if love grows, that would be awesome. It’s fall 2022, and I just created this account. Will write more soon. Will send photos. If you have a drug or alcohol dependency, please do not contact me. Artfulllife, 65, seeking: M, W, l

Worked and traveled in many countries as a teacher but still can find adventures closer to home. I have a warm heart and an inquisitive mind. I enjoy painting and sculpture. I know how to relax and enjoy good conversation. The Champlain Islands, especially North Hero, are very close to perfect for a bike ride or canoe outing. Northgirl 75, seeking: M, l

I value real relationships where people know and care about one another. I love the mountains and ocean, hiking, paddling, and camping. I believe in treating people and the environment well. I’m fascinated with the world and culture, and I’m always up for an adventure. I’m a learner and an overcomer. Looking for someone kind, empathetic, funny and curious. overlookphoto, 41 seeking: M, l

ADVENTURESOME NO FILTERS FUN Sensuality. Hedonist. Enjoy pleasing my dates. Enjoy motorcycling, boating, camping, RV boondocking. Love (live) movies, board games, exercise, cooking together. I will send you a picture once I get to know you, but looks are only surfaces for the eyes. I want to know the real you! I melt when a man wears aftershave. Enjoy hot tubs, spas and togetherness! FUNGAL4u 76, seeking: M, l




You: attractive brunette with great tan in the self-checkout line. Would love to know where you get such a great tan! When: Sunday, August 21, 2022. Where: Shaw’s, Colchester. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915608



SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 101

We met at Petco, and you showed me a picture of your dog, Riley, while making her a new tag. Does she want to meet for a puppy playdate? Let us know! When: Monday, September 12, 2022. Where: Petco. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915628

Saw you dropping off my trash and recycling at CSWD. You were in scrubs. I was questioning my parking abilities. Your smile made my day, and your encouragement for better parking days ahead felt right. Coffee? Talk trash? When: Wednesday, September 14, 2022. Where: CSWD drop-off center. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915629


To the brunette woman who drives for Culligan (I can’t remember your name): I just wanted to say I think you are totally sexy! Would love to get to know you sometime when you aren’t lugging jugs of water! When: ursday, August 25, 2022. Where: carrying lots of water. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915622

Popular belief says a person who has lost a spouse should wait at least a year before starting to date again. But popular belief doesn’t always translate well to real Everyonelife.grieves differently, and there’s no right or wrong way to do it. ere is also no timeline that one must adhere to. I don’t know how your father died, but if he was ill for a while, perhaps your mom started grieving his loss even before he passed.

It’s fine to talk to your mother about what’s happening, but try not to let your feelings override the conversation. Keep in mind that finding love once in a lifetime is magical. Finding it a second time, especially later in life, is close to a miracle, and it should be celebrated.

You were leaving the store with your motorcycle helmet in tow and said something about forgetting something. I was wearing a baseball cap and sunglasses and managed a sheepish smile. Safe travels, and if you read this and want to connect, please drop me a line. When: Sunday, August 28, 2022. Where: outside Famous Footwear. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915615

with it. Your father wouldn’t want her to be sad forever, so you and your siblings shouldn’t, either. e man she’s seeing was already a friend, so they had a good head start on the relationship. Your father liked him, too, so if you trusted his judgment, rest assured that the new guy isn’t a jerk.




Met you on top of Hunger Mountain. You were with two friends. Did we almost make a connection, except for me not getting it? If so, let’s do a hike together and get to know each other. When: Wednesday, August 3, 2022. Where: Hunger Mountain. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915598


You: lithe, short-haired blonde, pretty cream-and-black dress, black heels. Me: tall, glasses, ball cap, tomato-colored shirt, jeans. My comment on your pretty dress and how nice to see someone dressed up in Middlebury was answered with a big “ ank you” and lovely smile. I had to rush off. Care to have another coffee or perhaps lunch together? When: Wednesday, August 24, 2022. Where: Otter Creek Bakery, Middlebury. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915612

To the love of my life: I see you in my dreams. I see you during my waking moments. I’ve watched you grow into the most beautiful woman, mother and best friend I could ever ask for. I look forward to the many more years to come. Your Papa Bear. When: Friday, September 9, 2022. Where: dreamland. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915624

I spied you over some apple crisp and a stack of Breton crackers while you sat at the bar. Your eyes locked with mine more than once in a playful manner, but you may have been reacting to my flatulence. Care to meet up again at the same place? I’ll bring some Bean-o. When: Wednesday, September 14, 2022. Where: Winooski. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915630

Good luck and God bless, Rev end,


We talked about the trails on the mountain and about your work as a traveling nurse — up here until December. Afterward, I was sorry we weren’t going down the same way. If you’d like to get together for a hike or a coffee, that would be cool. When: Saturday, September 17, 2022. Where: the summit of Camel’s Hump. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915631


My father passed away in January. My mother has already gotten involved in a relationship with a man who was good friends with both of my parents. My siblings and I think it’s too soon and she hasn’t taken enough time to grieve our dad. How do we approach the subject with her? Mi Ingdad (FEMALE, 39) REVERENDAsk  Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

The Rev end De

Big boom. Pretty woman said the lightening was 2.3 miles away; I suggested 1,000 feet. Not a fair day for you: farmer, chef and writer. I’d like to meet again, if only to buy some veggies. HMU. When: Friday, August 26, 2022. Where: North End Laundromat. You: Man. Me: Man. #915613

You: tall, pretty woman with glasses, beautiful long, curly black hair, fetching sparkly black pants/vest outfit. Me: tall man, salt/pepper hair, pink blazer and tie, kept noticing you as we walked around the Daysies party. I wanted to say hi, didn’t find the opportunity among the gaggle of revelers. Would you care to share a hello some other time soon? When: Friday, August 5, 2022. Where: Daysies party, ECHO Center. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915602

We met outside the Waterville market on the 109. We chatted about your dogs, young Daisy and her Rottweiler mom — both present in the car. You work long weeks in caregiving. Me: Chris. Gray beard, cap, dark T-shirt. You seemed very sweet and so lovely! Drop me a line here if you’d like to get in touch. When: Saturday, August 6, 2022. Where: Waterville market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915603

Labor Day afternoon. You: in a green hoodie. Me: in a raincoat and mask. We kept crossing paths in the aisles. At the checkout line, you said it was the last time we’d do that — I hope not. Next time, let’s just go shopping together! When: Monday, September 5, 2022. Where: Montpelier Shaw’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915618

You were wearing a bright yellow WeeBee Oil & Lube shirt (A+ fashion choice), and I was the blonde. We hit it off! I’m posting here because I’m pretty sure I accidentally deleted a digit in your phone number while saving it, so if you read this and actually did want me to have your number, sorry and please let me know! When: Saturday, August 20, 2022. Where: Woodchuck Ciderstock. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915609


You had a super-cute kitty in the car while you were waiting for your to-go order outside. I should have told you about how I just started bringing my cat out to the park and how we should have a little cat play date. If you see this and are single, I’d love to do that. When: ursday, August 18, 2022. Where: Tiny ai. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915611

We chatted and shared a few laughs. You are the cute brunette with the Tigger shirt. I’m the man who’s gray around the edges and told you a joke. ought maybe we had a moment. Would you like to grab a coffee and chat? When: Saturday, September 17, 2022. Where: Replays. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915632


You: attractive brunette with great tan wearing shorts and sandals on Sunday, noontime. We were standing next to each other. Would love to know where you go to get such a great tan. When: Sunday, August 21, 2022. Where: Shaw’s, Colchester. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915610



I sang “Babylon,” and your entire table sang along to “ e Freshmen” by the Verve Pipe during my gig in Jeffersonville. I loved your enthusiasm and your silvery hair. Care to meet up for a drink? When: ursday, September 8, 2022. Where: the Village Tavern. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915621

I really hate to resort to this because it never works, and, quite honestly, if someone iSpied me, I would probably freak out. You had long, curly blond hair, were wearing black shorts/black top, and were taking a picture of Lake Champlain and the Adirondacks. I walked by and said hello, and we ended up walking the same way. When: Wednesday, September 7, 2022. Where: Shelburne Farms. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915620




I know it must be strange to see your mother with a new person, but the most important thing is that she is happy. I’m sure she still loves and misses your dad, but life keeps moving and she’s found a way to roll

I was sitting on my porch. You were walking by and asked to borrow a phone charger. I think you could tell I was into you. You said you hoped to see me again. Maybe responding to my iSpy is easier than catching me on the porch. When: Monday, September 12, 2022. Where: down the hill from UVM. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915627

We were at the bottom of the Intervale hill around 7 a.m.; you were coming down while I was starting up. We smiled, and I said “Mornin’” as you zoomed past. When: Monday, September 5, 2022. Where: Intervale Rd. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915619



Chatting with you. Should have gotten your number. I think we should chat. When: Saturday, September 10, 2022. Where: Sandbar. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915625


You: a trans woman who stopped in at my place of work to discuss a mutual project. Me: cis woman. I see you. I saw how comfortable you seemed in your own skin. I don’t know you or know your path, but I’m so proud of you for being you and being true to yourself. Keep on being you! When: Wednesday, September 7, 2022. Where: around town. You: Trans woman. Me: Woman. #915623


What’s your problem?

De Mi Ingdad,



About 12:30. We talked about the sandwiches and the stuff on the counter. You like the turkey bacon, and I like the BLT but was going with the ham. If you’re single, I would enjoy talking to you again. Hope your lunch was great. And hope to talk to you again. Gerry. When: Wednesday, July 27, 2022. Where: Essex Discount Beverage. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915595 assured

You were spending a lovely day at the beach, as was I. If I had it to do over again, I wouldn’t have changed a thing but maybe would have tried to have been more engaging with you. Just was respecting your and your friend’s space. Perhaps another time, another place. When: Sunday, September 11, 2022. Where: Lake Caspian, Greensboro. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915626


Send it to



If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!



41-y/o male, formerly moderately handsome, now world-weary, depressed and socially isolated, looking for 30- to 50-y/o female to share time with. I’m über friendly and considerate, but years of depression and self-doubt have rendered me something of a self-hating loner. Interested to hear about you and your story. #1609



Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your pen pal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number.

Woman, 57. Healthy, respectful, genuine. I’d like to share the last dance with a man in the country. A man who is kind, healthy and stable. A man who cares about how he treats a person and is well liked by others. Phone number, please. #1600


Older male wishes to share exhibitionist fantasies with older women. I’ll tell you mine if you share yours. Cosplay possibilities. #1608

Female, 60, seeks an intelligent, curious and open man to ponder/explore things like the perfect bite of a meal, the wonder of the stars, the meaning behind a piece of art, the answers to a crossword puzzle and more. #1606

I’m a GWM seeking gay or bi men for NSA fun. I can be discreet if needed. I’m fun and adventurous. Primarily sub but can be aggressive. Mid-central Vermont, south of Rutland. #1593

1 Submit your FREE message

We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.

I’m a SWM seeking a SBF. Kinkier the better. Love women’s clothes, high heels, stockings, and painted toenails. Very clean. Phone. #1605

Required confidential info:

Male, 66, seeking whip-smart woman for companionship and thoughtful conversations about the natural world, music, art, history, poetry, beauty, thisconsciousness,interdependence,aging,play,relationships,psychology,love,desire,happiness,gardening,loss,impermanence,meditation,physicality,mind,worldandthebeyond.

ISO sympathetic connection with BM stud and his woman. In need of attentive oral service. Mature WM offers body massage and friendly fulfillment of need for compatible couple. #1595

Romance is nice, but what I really need is “family.” Are you a bright, well-educated, optimistic, compassionate, older but active person who happens to be alone? I am convinced that there are perfectly wonderful people out there who, due to no fault of their own, have no spouse, children or significant others in their lives. Friends are great, but they are busy with their own families. It has been a particularly difficult summer with many people reuniting with family members after the long period of isolation imposed by the pandemic. Meanwhile, other people have become more lonely than ever! If you have needs similar to mine and meet the criteria set out above, I look forward to hearing from you. 74y/o female in Addison County. #1599

54-y/o single male seeking a 40- to 60-y/o single woman. Looking for conversation, dating and possibly more. I like the outdoors, taking walks, bonfires, karaoke and dancing. Let’s meet in Danville. Phone number, please. #L1589 OF PAPER.) I’m a AGE + GENDER (OPTIONAL) seeking a AGE + GENDER (OPTIONAL)

Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!


PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check (made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 161 for a membership (credit accepted).

Male, 66, seeking singular female. Talk to me, you of open heart and mind, embracing the beyond within. Tell me a dream you’ve had; relate a moving poem; describe something beautiful. Paint in words: How do you experience this life? #1597


MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402


I’m a 65-y/o male seeking a 60-plus female or a trans female. Looking for single or married females and transgender females for fun. Discreet only. Live in Vermont during the summer months, Ocala, Fla., in the winter. Come play. #1596

Chittenden County female, 52, seeking male 52 to 60. I’m veg, progressive, educated, nonsmoker, nondrinker, a dog and bird person. I love art, architecture, museums, documentaries, old classics, organic gardening and DIY projects. #1601

Gracious, attentive, educated, humorous soul seeks a fit, tender and natural female counterpart (52 to 65) to bask in autumn splendor. I prefer simplicity over complexity, quiescence over commotion and creativity over conformity. Hot cider and ginger cookies await! #1607

An open letter to all the beautiful women, couples and men with lifestyle swing interests. WM, 6’1, very handsome and adventurous. Looking for daytime fun! Let’s play! #1603

Int net-Free Dating! Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness le ers. DETAILS BELOW. MAIL TO: SEVEN DAYS LOVE LETTERS • PO BOX 1164, BURLINGTON, VT 05402 OPTIONAL WEB FORM: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/LOVELETTERS HELP: 802-865-1020, EXT. 161, LOVELETTERS@SEVENDAYSVT.COM THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below: (OR, ATTACH A SEPARATE PIECE


I’m a 70-y/o male seeking a woman, 60 to 75 y/o. I’m active, love the outdoors, walks on beaches and camping. Alone and lonely. Would like to meet for companionship. #1604


Queen City Ghostwalk Grateful Wednesdays WED., SEP. 21 UNION STATION, BURLINGTON Seasons of Life: A Supportive Community for Women WED., SEP. 21 ONLINE Fall LandscapeFoliageDesign THU., SEP. HORSFORD22GARDENS & NURSERY, CHARLOTTE True BurlingtonCrime Tour THU., SEP. COURTHOUSE22 PLAZA, BURLINGTON James Graham and CompanyLive from The Underground THU., SEP. 22 THE UNDERGROUND, RANDOLPH Basil Bash Featuring Cooking with Stephanie THU., SEP. 23 RED POPPY CAKERY, WATERBURY Queen City Ghostwalk Darkness Falls Tour FRI., SEP. COURTHOUSE23 PLAZA, BURLINGTON BOOKCLUB PRESENTS: Loser LapA New England Snowboard Film FRI., SEP. ARTSRIOT23 Swing Time! SAT., SEP. 24 GRANGE HALL CULTURAL CENTER, WATERBURY Building & Weaving on a Backstrap Loom with Pamela Wilson SAT., SEP. 24 GRANGE HALL CULTURAL CENTER, WATERBURY Queen City Ghostwalk Darkness Falls Tour SUN., SEP. COURTHOUSE24 PLAZA, BURLINGTON Building & Weaving on a Backstrap Loom with Pamela Wilson SUN., SEP. 25 GRANGE HALL CULTURAL CENTER, WATERBURY Community Concerts at First: Cricket Blue with Trio Arco SUN., SEP. 25 FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, ESSEX Queen City Ghostwalk Elmwood Cemetery Tour SUN., SEP. ELMWOOD25CEMETERY, BURLINGTON Facing Change Life’s Transitions and Transformations WED., SEP. 28 ONLINE Queen City Ghostwalk Grateful Wednesdays WED., SEP. 28 UNION STATION, BURLINGTON Cheese & Chocolate Pairing Class FRI., SEP. RICHMOND29COMMUNITY KITCHEN, RICHMOND Live from The Underground Rik Palieri FRI.,SEP. 29 THE UNDERGROUND, RANDOLPH True BurlingtonCrime Tour FRI., SEP. COURTHOUSE29 PLAZA, BURLINGTON FullOctoberfest:BarrelPop-Up Beer Garden FRI., SEP. 30 FULL BARREL CO-OP, BURLINGTON SELLING TICKETS? • Fundraisers • Festivals • Plays & Concerts • Sports WE CAN HELP! • No cost to you • Local support • Built-in promotion • Custom options EVENTS ON SALE AT SEVENDAYSTICKETS.COM SELL TICKETS WITH US! Contact: 865-1020, ext. getstarted@sevendaystickets.com10 FIND EVEN MORE EVENTS ONLINE SEVENDAYSTICKETS.COMAT FP Seven Days Tickets092122.indd 1 9/20/22 3:25 PM SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 21-28, 2022 103

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