Rutland High mascot name change in limbo
Vermont publishing house Chelsea Green is peddling coronavirus misinformation BY C H E L S E A E D GAR , PAGE 2 6
Beaver rehab gets muddy
Foraging food with fungi experts
17 pages of employment listings
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Distilled in Vermont by Caledonia Spirits. Please enjoy responsibly. 2V-Caledonia091521 1
9/14/21 1:23 PM
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9/10/21 4:24 PM
Organic farms protect natural resources. By using alternatives to toxic chemicals, organic farms protect our soil and water, and support biodiversity. Diverse, healthy ecosystems are more resilient to climate change, making them better able to support human health and wellbeing.
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1T-NOFA092221 1
9/20/21 3:43 PM
emoji 144.75 That’s the length, in inches — 12 feet — of a recordthat roughly setting giant gourd grown by John and Kerry Young of Jericho.
MED SCHOOL CREDITS RIGHT-TO-LIFE ATTENDEES The Larner College of Medicine at the University of Vermont is offering continuing education credits to doctors, nurses and other medical professionals who attend sessions at an upcoming conference of the Vermont Right to Life Committee. Abortion access has been under attack elsewhere in the country while an effort to codify a woman’s right to choose has been advancing in Vermont. Proposal 5, which Vermonters could vote on in November 2022, would amend the Vermont Constitution to state that “an individual’s right to personal reproductive autonomy is central to the liberty and dignity to determine one’s own life course.” The workshops that qualify for credit at the October 2 conference include “The Case Against Proposal 5,” “The Impact of Abortion on Women’s Mental Health” and “Abortion Survivors: Not a Myth.” The med school is not organizing or sponsoring the conference, nor is it a UVM-affiliated event. But the medical school’s Office of Continuing Medical and Interprofessional Education has approved the continuing education credits. Continuing education is a requirement for medical professionals, according to John King, a family doctor and associate dean at the medical school who oversees that office. King said the school adheres to national guidelines to determine what is or isn’t suitable for accreditation. Credit can be offered for subjects that aren’t strictly medical, King said. He cited examples such as working in teams, advocating for improvement in the health system and professional communication. When asked about the session on Proposal 5, which will be led by a law professor, and its relevance to medical
?? ? ?? ? ??
education, King replied: “I would say that we frequently have lawyers talk to us about lots things related to treatment of patients. We’re in a legalized environment.” He went on to say: “I understand this is a very sensitive topic. We’re not in the business of endorsing any particular point of view. We would like all points of view to be presented, and it’s our job to support a diversity of beliefs and thoughts and philosophies.” Vermont Senate President Pro Tempore Becca Balint (D-Windham) learned from Seven Days about the medical school’s decision to give credit for attending the Right to Life conference. “When you’ve got a session called ‘The Case Against Proposal 5,’” Balint said, “that’s a political discussion. That is not a discussion for medical professionals doing their job.” Speaking for the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences at the University of Vermont Medical Center, Ira Bernstein, a physician and the department chair, said access to abortion in Vermont will not be affected if area practitioners attend the Right to Life conference. In recent years, the medical school’s Office of Continuing Medical and Interprofessional Education has given continuing education credits for attending conferences led by numerous external groups. They include the Community Health Centers of Burlington, MDI Biological Laboratory, Rady Children’s Institute for Genomic Medicine, the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Psychiatric Association and Women in Medicine, according to the office. Read Sally Pollak’s full story and keep up with developments at
More than 200 Saint Michael’s College students who graduated virtually in May returned to campus for an in-person commencement. Better late than never.
The U.S. border will remain closed to Canadians for at least another month. Au revoir.
Dozens gathered Sunday on the Statehouse lawn to honor the approximately 300 Vermonters who have died from COVID-19. Sadly, the tally is still growing.
1. “Months After They Got Vaccinated, Kate and Bill Schubart Came Down With COVID-19” by Anne Wallace Allen. The Hinesburg couple discussed their respective breakthrough cases of coronavirus. 2. “Assessment of Burlington Police Finds Serious Deficiencies, Supports Smaller Force” by Courtney Lamdin. A long-awaited independent report supports downsizing the Burlington Police Department and notes various problems that should be addressed. 3. “Federal Vaccine Mandate Prompts Vermont Businesses to Take a Stand” by Anne Wallace Allen. Here’s what Vermont employers had to say about a vaccine mandate proposed by the Biden administration. 4. “At Heated Meeting, Burlington City Council Withdraws BDS Resolution” by Courtney Lamdin. Supporters of Israel and Palestine confronted each other during a contentious session. 5. “UVM Med School to Grant Education Credits to Staff Who Attend Right to Life Conference” by Sally Pollak. The school is offering continuing education credits to medical professionals who attend a pro-life gathering.
tweet of the week
The decommissioning of the Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant is ahead of schedule and millions under budget. The opposite of a meltdown.
@ChrisBohjalian My direwolf told me this morning that “winter is coming.” FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
Sarah in Uganda with a sewing machine shipped from Vermont
In the late 1990s, Paul Demers and Joanne Heidkamp’s 12-year-old son, Stephan, spotted an intriguing item in a mountain biking magazine. A nonprofit organization was collecting old bicycles in the U.S. and sending them overseas to people in developing countries. “It caught his attention that bikes were being provided to health care workers, teachers [and] midwives who, on a bicycle, could get to twice as many villages as they could on foot,” Heidkamp said. The parents were intrigued, too. Finding no existing Vermont chapter of Pedals for Progress, Heidkamp and Demers joined up with a group of returned Peace Corps volunteers to create their own. In 1999, they organized their first collection
event and have held one each year since, collecting 4,200 bikes and more than 600 sewing machines — another empowering commodity — along the way. The equipment is sent to countries in Africa, Central America, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands and Eastern Europe. “Every project has just the most heartwarming/heartbreaking stories of how these bikes and sewing machines are changing peoples’ lives,” Heidkamp said. She recalled one teacher in Albania who realized that the young women who graduated from her high school were moving to Italy intending to work as nannies or waitresses. In reality, the girls were being lured into sex trafficking, Heidkamp said. “And so she requested sewing machines and set up a sewing workshop so that women could stay in the village and make curtains, make aprons, make
tote bags, make clothing,” Heidkamp said. “It created some employment that allowed people to stay in the community.” This year’s haul is likely headed to Guatemala, Heidkamp said. And the group has two collection points: at National Life in Montpelier from 3:30 to 7 p.m. on Friday, September 24, and at the Burton store in Burlington the next day from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Everyone who donates a bicycle or sewing machine is asked to contribute $15, which pays a portion of the fare to send the equipment across the ocean in a shipping container. “Sometimes, people come to donate a bike and then stay to help get the bikes loaded,” Heidkamp said. “Once you’re there, and you see the truck loading, it’s very compelling.” For more information, visit SASHA GOLDSTEIN SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
publisher & editor-in-chief
Paula Routly
deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editor Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,
Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen politicAl columnist Mark Johnson
A R T S & C U LT U R E coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions mAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Adams, Jordan Barry,
7PM, FRI, SEPT. 24
Tickets start at $15 at
Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak
proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Frank Smecker AssistAnt proofreAders
6h-KCPPresents092221 1
9/20/21 3:35 PM
Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros
D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee senior multimediA producer Eva Sollberger multimediA journAlist James Buck DESIGN creAtive director Don Eggert Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production mAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson
[Re Feedback: “UVM Medical Center Responds,” September 8]: The University of Vermont Medical Center response to [“The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1] is so frustrating. In his letter to the editor, president and CEO John Brumsted blames the backlog on the pandemic. However, over the past 21 years in private practice as a psychotherapist, I have had many clients or their family members who have had incredibly long wait times for treatment for serious medical conditions or for diagnostic testing. Vermont hospitals have ignored the crises in health care here for far too long. My question is: Why did it take so long for the Green Mountain Care Board to become aware of this problem that everyone else knew about years ago? Luanne Sberna
SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts senior Account executive Michael Bradshaw Account executives Robyn Birgisson,
Michelle Brown, Logan Pintka
mArketing & events director Corey Grenier sAles & mArketing coordinAtor Katie Hodges A D M I N I S T R AT I O N business mAnAger Marcy Carton director of circulAtion Matt Weiner circulAtion deputy Jeremy Day CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Benjamin Aleshire, Justin Boland, Alex Brown, Steve Goldstein,Margaret Grayson, Amy Lilly, Kim MacQueen, Bryan Parmelee, Mark Saltveit, Jim Schley, Carolyn Shapiro, Yasmin Tayeby, Travis Weedon, Molly Zapp CONTRIBUTING ARTISTS Luke Awtry, Daria Bishop, James Buck, Ben DeFlorio, Rob Donnelly, Luke Eastman, Caleb Kenna, Sean Metcalf, Matt Mignanelli, Tim Newcomb, Oliver Parini, Michael Tonn, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur FOUNDERS
Pamela Polston, Paula Routly C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec. DELIVERY TECHNICIANS Harry Applegate, Dana Block, Joe Bouffard, Pat Bouffard, Colin Clary, Elana Coppola-Dyer, Jeremy Day, Donna Delmoora, Matt Hagen, Peter Lind, Nat Michael, Frankie Moberg, Dan Nesbitt, Dan Oklan, Ezra Oklan, Dan Thayer, Andy Watts With additional circulation support from PP&D. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6-month 1st clAss: $175. 1-yeAr 1st clAss: $275. 6-month 3rd clAss: $85. 1-yeAr 3rd clAss: $135. Please call 802-864-5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.
©2021 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
3V-OGE092221 1
9/20/21 3:46 PM
[Re “The Doctor Won’t See You Now,” September 1]: Seven Days’ coverage of wait times at the University of Vermont Medical Center left me horrified by the misery and frustration of the many patients unable to get health care when it was urgently needed. It seems that this horror story results, in large part, from seriously misplaced priorities. Consider: A 90-year-old woman committed suicide after a lengthy delay in treatment for an immensely painful condition. The most recent UVM Medical Center tax return publicly available shows that Dr. John Brumsted, president and CEO of the medical center, was compensated $2,005,831 per year for a 50-hour workweek in 2019. A 27-year-old man lost work time, vomited “every night” from pain and paid thousands of dollars for ER visits while awaiting an appointment. Dr. Brumsted’s 2019 compensation works out to about $771 per hour. After waiting two months to even get a call to schedule a distant appointment,
In last week’s Nest, several photos provided by New Frameworks were incorrectly credited. Mark Bayer is the photographer, including for the cover image.
Isn’t it a victory not to have to claim victory? To sit by the new fountain
on the green, in the middle of town. On one of the bright Adirondack chairs, donated,
Lifeway Org. Cultured Whole Milk Kefir 32oz Strawberry or Mango On Sale $1.99
I’m hoping, by a citizen known for her endless generosity. For meeting refugees at our small international airport. Welcoming a few to her mountain home. Feeding them their first
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meal in this country of ours. Before, I’m afraid, they have to strike out on their own.
a 79-year-old man went elsewhere and was diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. Dr. Brumsted’s 2019 salary works out to about $38,000 per week. Understaffing causes wait times. Note that Brumsted’s 2019 salary alone could fund 48.4 new employees paid $20 per hour. And UVM Medical Center has many other executives earning six-figure salaries. These executive salaries are funded from ever-increasing fees and insurance premiums paid by ordinary Vermonters, many working more than one job. Every organization displays its priorities — its values — in its salary structure. These priorities need to be a big part of any debate about fixing health care in Vermont.
Tom MacDonald
[Re “The Doctor Won’t MASK UP? COARSE DESCRIPTIONS See You Now,” September 1]: Waiting for 10 months? Of course, that’s outrageous when it comes to health care, but it shouldn’t be a surprise. Our country as a whole has the disease, and it won’t be cured with natural foods or lotus positions or seven social workers posing as therapists. Recently, I had a short debate with a senior wearing an American flag over his mouth. He lectured me on the bureaucracy of the European health care system, arguing that if it does work, “It’s because they’re small countries.” If we had the political will and budgets, each state could give us
more familiar. When the caves we have here will call to them, too.
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To come in, for a few hours, a few days of refuge. To chant. To sing prayers.
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To enter into their new lives with grief and thanksgiving. With enough regret and memory
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to last a lifetime. As the leaves weave crowns. Snow diamonds their hair. Gary Margolis
Patients wait months for treatment at Vermont’s biggest hospital BY CHELSEA EDGAR & COLIN FL ANDERS, PAGE 28
Businesses must make the call
Learn enough words to carry them past fall to winter. When the trees will appear
In [From the Publisher: “Worth the Wait?” September 1], Paula Routly wrote, “These nonprofit organizaThe tions are supposed to be Doctor Won’t accountable to the public, but See You Now they are acting like private corporations with something to hide.” That is a bias, not a THIRST WRAP reality. I’ve been employed on both sides. I think the moral, public-service accountability differences between profit and nonprofit organizations are razor thin. Nonprofits hold themselves out to be morally superior, but it’s just not true. In both cases, management is mostly motivated by avoiding embarrassment. Public be damned, stockholders be damned; it is the egos of the managers that matter most. THE ROAD MAP
to R E D I S C O V E R I N G
Lee Russ
government-supported health care. If all our small states did that, our “big country” would have decent coverage for all. Naturally, the feds would have to contribute. “Oh, but people would have to pay taxes for that!” Hmm. “And that’s socialism!” Wait until that small lump gets bigger, and then go to the emergency room when the pain gets unbearable. Don’t worry, the taxpayer will pay for that. Shortsighted? You betcha.
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Odd class names at Vermont colleges
[Re Off Message: “CVU Student Goes Viral After Flipping Off Anti-Mask Protesters,” September 6]: I am in Arizona, where almost all of our independent newspapers are gone. But the
Sipping local booze-free bevvies
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Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164
1186 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403 (Next to the Alpine Shop) OPEN 10-7 DAILY 802.863.0143 SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021 4v-cheesetraders092221.indd 1
7 9/20/21 12:16 PM
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contents SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021 VOL.26 NO.51
11 14 37 46 52 54 56 93
22 36 42 46 52 56 58 64 65
Magnificent 7 Fair Game Side Dishes Art Review Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend
Life Lines Food + Drink Culture Art Music + Nightlife On Screen Calendar Classes Classifieds + Puzzles 89 Fun Stuff 92 Personals
Mushroom Mastery A Richmond couple spreads fungi foraging know-how
Wise Ideal Bartender Kate Wise gets people drinking for a cause
Vermont publishing house Chelsea Green is peddling coronavirus misinformation
Online Thursday
From the Publisher
Truck Start
Beauty Spots
Creature Comfort
Arms and the Woman
Raiders vs. Ravens
After Rutland voted to replace its school mascot last year, defenders dug in
New Sheriff in Town?
Report encourages more civilian oversight of Burlington’s police department
In Milton, Pro Driver Training teaches people to drive big rigs A Roxbury man builds a customized beaver abode — and runs into a regulatory logjam
Architecture + Design Film Series returns with eight documentaries Book review: The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women, Nancy Marie Brown
Troy Headrick turned a dead tree trunk from SUPPORTED BY: the woods into a giant slingshot. He and his partner, Marianne DiMascio, shoot a variety of items — including water balloons and apples — into a ravine behind their house in Burlington. Eva Sollberger visited and got to launch a few projectiles, too.
We have
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The Past Is Present
Art review: “20/20 Hindsight,” Kents’ Corner
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Bee Mine Some may know John Patrick Shanley’s comedic romance Outside Mullingar from its film adaptation, Wild Mountain Thyme, which went viral last year for its buzzworthy twist ending. Now, Middlebury Acting Company brings this delightful offbeat story of two Irish farmers finding love to the Swift House Inn outdoor stage.
Submit your upcoming events at
Rep. John Killacky (D-South Burlington) shares insights on the arts and the art of politics at the launch of his book, because art: Commentary, Critique, & Conversation, at Burlington’s Pride Center of Vermont. The anthology, by the former executive director of the Flynn, takes a sociocultural tack in essays, speeches and critiques. It features interviews with luminaries such as cartoonist Alison Bechdel, choreographer Bill T. Jones and singer-songwriter Janis Ian.
Winds of Change
Walk the Walk
Continuing Middlebury College’s Mahaney Arts Center season, Imani Winds and Catalyst Quartet join forces for a free concert titled “(im)migration: music of change.” The program features pieces by Black American and Puerto Rican composers and culminates in the Vermont premiere of Jessie Montgomery’s Sergeant McCauley, a modern reimagining of spirituals and work songs. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 60
Bop to the Top Rock lovers of all stripes converge on Cochran’s Ski Area in Richmond for CRAG-VT’s Vermont Climbing Festival. The weekend is jam-packed with workshops, yoga, climbing competitions, campfire storytelling sessions and a keynote by California alpinist Anna Pfaff. Camping is free for registered participants, and proof of vaccination is required. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 60
SUNDAY 26 Champlain Valley Down Syndrome Group, a nonprofit dedicated to supporting people with Down syndrome and to promoting awareness and inclusion, holds its 11th annual Champlain Valley Buddy Walk at Burlington’s Battery Park. All funds raised benefit programs that support and uplift folks with Down syndrome, and Ben & Jerry’s serves ice cream at the finish line. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 62
Sound and Color
Bilingual Besties
“Big Gulp” by Dusty Boynton
Listening to loud music in her studio helps artist Dusty Boynton access freedom and happiness — and convey them in her paintings. Her solo show “odd lot,” on display at 571 Projects in Stowe, is replete with color and energy, each frame evocative of a street fair, a rave or a child’s unbridled joy.
The South Burlington Public Library opens the doors of its Board Room each Monday to people in the area who are learning English as a second language. Members of the English Conversation Circle, facilitated by ESL instructor Louis Giancola, make new connections and practice their conversation skills. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 62
1T-VTIFF092221 1
9/20/21 1:03 PM
Stopping the Spread
Seven Days gets most of its revenue from paid advertisements. Generally speaking, anything goes as long as it’s legal and doesn’t promote hate or misinformation. Although we don’t endorse any of the products advertised in our pages, we’ll go to the mat for free speech every time. Last week I got an angry voicemail from a guy who couldn’t believe we sold space to the local Boycott-Divestment-Sanction movement before the Burlington City Council would vote on a matter of Palestinian sovereignty in the Middle East. The anonymous caller described the movement and its efforts as antisemitic and concluded that we must be, too. He said he “respected” and “supported” the paper but “can’t touch it now.” Guess he missed our coverage of the meeting — a story published at 2:29 a.m. last Tuesday. Seven Days reporter Courtney Lamdin described clashing factions at Burlington City Hall and how the BDS proposal wound up being withdrawn. In the last two years, we’ve published ads from Democrats, Republicans and Progressives; from tobacco companies and anti-smoking advocates; from cannabis companies and groups advocating against legalizing the sale of marijuana. In that time, our leadership has rejected just one ad: a fullpage manifesto disavowing public masking. The advertiser came to us last November seeking an outlet to share his “mask-free microbe mitigation method” for avoiding COVID-19. His techniques included holding your breath and closing your eyes. The ad characterized public health and safety guidelines at the time — which included a statewide mask mandate — as a “microbial, social and environmental failure.” After much discussion, we came to the conclusion that it would be irresponsible and dangerous to disseminate his advice. He was spreading blatant misinformation in the middle of a deadly pandemic, and we decided not to make Seven Days available for its distribution. A niche publisher based in White River Junction chose a different path. This week’s cover story explains how Vermont’s Chelsea Green Publishing wound up backing a book by the No. 1 spreader of pandemic falsehoods on the internet. The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal, by Joseph Mercola, is now a best seller. The Florida-based osteopath alleges that the pandemic is a “convenient cover story” — possibly preplanned — to “facilitate and hide the transfer of wealth to unelected technocrats who control the pandemic narrative, while simultaneously justifying the erosion of your personal freedoms and civil liberties.” Is it a coincidence that the COVID-19 death rate in the U.S. is currently among the highest in the world? Chelsea Green president and publisher Margo Baldwin not only defends the book’s publication but also appears to share many of Mercola’s views. That has made some Chelsea Green authors and employees extremely uncomfortable. In reporting the story, Seven Days’ Chelsea Edgar Interested in becoming a Super Reader? found that, throughout the pandemic, Baldwin Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top has allegedly “eschewed masks in the office and of Or send a check with shamed other staffers for wearing them.” your address and contact info to: Notoriously outspoken — online, in emails SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS and with national reporters — Baldwin declined P.O. BOX 1164 BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 to be interviewed by Seven Days and only responded to email questions she deemed For more information on making a financial “worthy.” In response to Edgar’s fact-checking contribution to Seven Days, please contact queries, she wrote, “Ha, ha, I’m a bad boss! Gee, Corey Grenier: what a story! Do you really think anyone cares?” VOICEMAIL: 802-865-1020, EXT. 136 Actually, we do. EMAIL: SUPERREADERS@SEVENDAYSVT.COM
Paula Routly
Wanted: Independent Prosecutor Vermonters remain in the dark about the behavior of top state officials in the EB-5 scandal
t’s too bad Gov. PHIL SCOTT rejected naming an independent lawyer to determine whether state officials acted improperly in the EB-5 scandal. Leaving the job to Attorney General T.J. DONOVAN is impractical given Donovan’s unavoidable conflict of interest: The AG’s first priority, Scott and Donovan acknowledge, is defending state employees whose conduct is being questioned. A full public accounting of the state’s role in promoting and regulating the development projects takes a back seat. Scott’s dismissal of an outside probe came after defrauded foreign investors alleged in a lawsuit that members of thengovernor PETER SHUMLIN’s administration and other state officials received detailed presentations about the fraud in 2015 — yet allowed investors to pour in an additional $40 million without properly disclosing all that the state knew. In addition, lawyers for former Jay Peak CEO BILL STENGER, who faces sentencing after admitting to a federal charge, recently alleged that state officials lied to the public, investors and a federal agency about EB-5 issues, according to court filings first reported by Those lawyers also disclosed that Shumlin had met privately at his home with Florida businessman ARIEL QUIROS on New Year’s Day in 2015, where Quiros reportedly said the two discussed “all the problems at Jay Peak.” The EB-5 program allows foreigners to become U.S. citizens after investing $500,000 in qualified, job-creating American businesses. Quiros and Stenger raised approximately $450 million for a series of eight projects in the Northeast Kingdom, including a nonexistent biotech plant. In 2016, the feds alleged that the projects were a “Ponzi-like” scheme whereby funds designated for one project were used to finance another. They also alleged that Quiros had siphoned off some of the funds for his personal use. The lawsuit alleges that state officials knew about the commingling of the funds in 2015 but allowed investors to continue putting money in for political reasons. The last of the eight projects in the Northeast Kingdom was at Burke Mountain. The seventh was AnC Bio, which was supposed to be located in Newport. “The State’s overriding interest was in ensuring that the ski resort at Burke would avoid the fate of Newport, Vermont (which, in 2015, had a hole the size of a city block in its downtown as the result
conflict. He said he was “ambivalent” about Scott appointing a special counsel. On the one hand, he believes that state officials made “good faith decisions,” but he also wants the public to be reassured. The fraud “is a black mark on our state and has caused reputational harm,” Donovan said. “I want to restore people’s faith in state government … and if that means that you bring in a special counsel to review … who did what, when — I’m fine with that.” Donovan said he hoped a review by State Auditor DOUG HOFFER would shed light on state officials’ actions. But Donovan conceded that he won’t release all the records he has to Hoffer until the litigation is settled. He’s also blocked Hoffer from interviewing state officials. Even the most tenacious state auditor doesn’t have subpoena power; instead, Hoffer will have to depend on state officials to cooperate with his probe. A special counsel wouldn’t face those hurdles.
Climate Conflict
of the Ponzi-scheme), and ensuring that to represent) that would help Vermontthe dozens of Vermont contractors, mate- ers understand what happened and their rialmen, and suppliers would be paid for possible financial exposure. their contracts building Burke’s hotel,” the When Fair Game followed up, a spokeslawsuit says. person for Scott added, “If there was any “There were 121 QBurke investors evidence whatsoever of impropriety by whose assets were taken by the State of state officials, Gov. Scott would expect Vermont and put into a Ponzi-scheme, any or all of the federal law enforcement who never would have agencies to aggresinvested in Q-Burke sively investigate and if they were provided prosecute. This is why a with the substantive special prosecutor is not and material informanecessary at this time.” tion that the Defendants Scott misses the point. possessed,” it says. Impropriety doesn’t Last week, Scott said always rise to criminal a special prosecutor was behavior. We can’t count unnecessary “at this on the feds to tell us point.” what happened if their “We’re relying on the review finds no criminal AT TO R NE Y GE NE R AL advice of our counsel, wrongdoing. T. J . D O NO VAN the attorney general, and Scott insists that his office and staff,” he told reporters. “I Donovan is just doing his job. believe they’re acting in our best interests “I wouldn’t say it’s a fair strategy to as our attorneys.” hide the state’s role at all, but it’s just part But whose best interest? As part of of their legal strategy that they’ve been defending state employees, the attorney utilizing from the very beginning,” Scott general is holding back information from said. the public (which the AG is also supposed Donovan concedes that his roles
Let’s hope the next nine weeks go more smoothly for the 23-member panel tasked with producing the state’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of the climate crisis The last few months were rocky at times for the Vermont Climate Council, including “palpable tensions” between some of its members and Scott administration officials over who would write the plan and what its focus would be. The tension appears to have decreased, which is key because the council has a big task: to meet the ridiculously short December 1 deadline set by the legislature for a report that will affect us all, including how we get the energy to keep our homes warm, get to work and farm; where we build our houses; and how we protect our forests. The report was required as part of the Vermont Global Warming Solutions Act, passed in September 2020. The act requires Vermont to reduce greenhouse gas emissions significantly and develop strategies to mitigate the effects of the climate crisis, such as increased flooding. The council includes Scott administration officials and experts picked by the Vermont House and Senate. Administration Secretary SUSANNE YOUNG and Natural Resources Secretary JULIE MOORE pushed for state employees to draft
You belong at the Y • Modern, bright fitness space the plan. Other panel members — including LAUREN OATES of the Nature Conservancy and CHRIS CAMPANY of the Windham Regional Commission — insisted that the council help with the writing and were frustrated and bewildered by the administration’s refusal, particularly given the tight timeline and that state employees designated to work on the plan were already stretched thin. Council member ABBIE CORSE , an organic dairy farmer from Whitingham, called the process “abhorrent,” as councilors had requested since July to help, and the issue had remained unresolved into September. Given the governor’s veto of the act that created the council, some panel members worried privately that the administration would water down the plan. Mistrust was heightened when a timeline for the work called for the council to receive the plan on November 22 — one week before the adoption deadline. Moore said that was a misunderstanding. “We hadn’t done a great job explaining what the drafting plan was so that folks felt confident that their voices were going to be heard,” Moore told me last week. Moore said having state employees draft the plan would ensure meeting the deadline. Accountability concerns, she told councilors, were “gnawing at the pit of my stomach.” Young worried that involvement by council members would lead to a “perception … that a self-selected group of councilors will be driving this bus in a direction that they feel very strongly about” and might not include what the report required. After pushback from councilors, Moore said draft sections would be shared expeditiously. The recommendations will come from the council subcommittees that have been meeting for months. Council member Dr. LESLEYANN DUPIGNY-GIROUX, the widely respected Vermont state climatologist and a UVM professor of climate and climate change, will author a key section, Moore said. Campany wants to move on but wishes so much time hadn’t been wasted. The unexpected drama left him exhausted. Why? “When you’re not expecting conflict and just having a discussion about how commissioners might be engaged, and you wind up basically being accused of
coming up with a process that somehow is going to lack accountability and responsibility and [is] drafted outside of the public eye … that frankly kind of took me aback and just made me really exhausted, because I didn’t understand where that was coming from.” Let’s hope the storm clouds have passed.
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Media Notes
Congratulations to WCAX-TV alum EVA MCKEND, who just landed a job at CNN as a national political reporter. The native New Yorker worked at Vermont’s CBS affiliate, WCAX, from 2015 to 2018 as an anchor, producer and reporter. She was named a “rising star” by Vermont Business Magazine in 2016. Most recently, McKend was an on-air congressional correspondent for Spectrum News, a cable news outlet, where she covered Senate Majority Leader MITCH MCCONNELL (R-Ky.) She is a graduate of Swarthmore College and the Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University. She won several awards for a series she recently did on Black hemp farmers in Kentucky. She told her Twitter fans she’s thrilled about her new job at CNN. “Growing up as a dark-skinned Black child, I didn’t know if I would be able to have a career in TV. There were times I didn’t feel it was possible for a person that looked like me. I leaned on faith, worked hard, asked the questions that needed answers and networked exhaustively,” she wrote. Bravo. Meanwhile, WPTZ-TV chief meteorologist TOM MESSNER announced on Tuesday that he will retire this fall. Smiling Tom has been with the NBC affiliate for more than 30 years and is a member of the Vermont Association of Broadcasters Hall of Fame. He’s also a fan favorite of Seven Days readers, who have frequently named him Best Meteorologist. He’ll wrap up at the end of November. “I’m honored to have served my neighbors and our communities, and to have had the privilege to personally meet so many of our viewers throughout my 31 years at NBC5,” he said. “Your amazing support and trust have allowed my family to build a home and life in a place that we truly love. I’m forever thankful.” m
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Raiders vs. Ravens
After Rutland voted to replace its school mascot last year, defenders dug in B Y A L ISON NOVAK •
t’s been 11 months since the Rutland City Board of School Commissioners voted 6-4 to retire the district’s Raiders mascot after students and alumni made the case that it perpetuated racist stereotypes of Native Americans. And it’s been seven months since the school board approved a new studentselected moniker — the Rutland Ravens. But last week, there was no sign of the large ebony bird anywhere in the city. At Rutland High School, a towering scoreboard welcomed visitors to Alumni Field, “home of the Rutland Raiders.” A few miles away, at Dollar General on
North Main Street, a cardboard kiosk was filled with messy piles of Rutland Raiders T-shirts and sweats. During the noon rush at the Sandwich Shoppe on Merchants Row, a high school athlete in a Raiders lacrosse shirt with an arrowhead symbol picked up lunch. The successful campaign to get rid of the Raiders name, and the subsequent backlash it sparked in the sports-focused community, started a debate that’s dragged on for close to a year. The current school board — now with a majority who believe that the Raiders mascot is a tradition worth preserving — has maneuvered to stall the Ravens name from being codified. As the debate
continues, Ravens supporters, who say the change reflects Rutland’s commitment to being respectful and inclusive, contend that school administrators need to show stronger leadership to resolve the situation. “I think, at this point, it’s very loud voices on one side, very loud voices on the other, and everybody else just kind of wants it all to end,” said Rutland High School senior Jenna Montgomery, who advocated for the change. This year’s Town Meeting Day results complicated the situation. Three proRaiders candidates — one incumbent and RAIDERS VS. RAVENS
» P.18
UVM Medical Center Can Begin Planning for Surgical Center, Regulators Say B Y C O L I N F L A N D ER S State regulators have granted the University of Vermont Medical Center permission to begin planning its proposed outpatient surgery facility, overriding concerns raised by frontline workers about whether the hospital can adequately staff the expansion. The hospital was required to seek this initial level of approval, known as a “conceptual” certificate of need, because the proposed facility is expected to cost more than $30 million. The hospital must still return for final approval before it can break ground on the project. UVM Medical Center leaders have said the new facility would replace the shuttered seven-room outpatient facility at the Fanny Allen Campus, address existing surgical backlogs and meet future demand. Determining that the project appeared to meet an “existing or anticipated need,” the Green Mountain Care Board announced on Monday that it was approving the hospital’s request to spend up to $5 million on planning and designing the proposed facility. The decision was a disappointment for the Vermont Federation of Nurses & Health Professionals, which represents 2,400 hospital employees and had hoped to formally weigh in on the proposal. In a letter to the care board last week, union president Deb Snell questioned whether the hospital should be allowed to expand while its leaders are “unable and unwilling” to safely staff existing operations. If the hospital is allowed to build the new surgical center without first fixing its staffing shortages, the current workforce crisis will only worsen, she wrote. “Our members, more than Hospital executives, are undeniably the best voices to weigh in on safe staffing levels for current and future UVMMC patient population and whether this project will serve the public good,” Snell wrote. The care board denied the request, noting that while it sympathizes with staffing concerns, it was not convinced that the initial planning efforts would dramatically impact employees. The board instead ordered the hospital to include staffing projections in its next proposal and “consult” with the union prior to finalizing any plan. “We will hold UVMMC to this commitment,” the board wrote. m
New Sheriff in Town?
Report encourages more civilian oversight of Burlington’s police department BY COURTN E Y L AMDIN •
he Burlington Police Department could benefit from more robust civilian oversight, according to a draft independent assessment of the department obtained by Seven Days last week. The report was delivered to city officials nearly nine months after Mayor Miro Weinberger vetoed a proposal that would have provided exactly that. Compiled by CNA, a Virginia-based nonprofit, the 168-page assessment says that a “Citizen Review Board” should examine the Burlington Police Department’s internal and external investigations. The chief, the report says, should no longer “serve as the final authority on facts and discipline.” The recommendation, among 151 that CNA provided in the draft document, is markedly similar to a proposal from Burlington City Council Progressives late last year that would have created an “independent community control board” for additional police oversight. The board could have suspended, demoted or even fired cops for misconduct without the police chief ’s approval — which would have required changing a provision in the city charter that gives the chief the sole authority to discipline officers. Mayor Weinberger JAB U L AN I vetoed the resolution on New Year’s Eve, instead proposing that the existing Burlington Police Commission be given more authority. The CNA report also supports Weinberger’s position that the police commission should have more power. But its call for a separate citizen board — one that can overrule the chief — represents a victory for advocates who have been pushing for such a level of oversight for months. “It would be one of the best decisions we could make,” Councilor Jane Stromberg (P-Ward 8) said. “More community input and involvement in conduct and having that separate entity,” she said, is vital.
A joint committee of city councilors and police commissioners selected CNA in January to perform a wholesale review of the Burlington Police Department, which has been the subject of public scrutiny since incidents of alleged excessive force came to light and spurred a monthlong protest in Battery Park last summer. Besides oversight, the report recommends that the department have 76 to 83 officers on staff — a proposal likely to be debated — and found evidence of racial bias in police practices and serious deficiencies in officer training. City officials received the draft report last week. Aspects of the report could change. For instance, Seven Days discovered that one section on police oversight confuses Burlington, N.C., with the Queen City. Because of the possibility of similar errors — and because the document is a draft — Mayor Weinberger has declined to comment on the report, said his spokesperson, Samantha Sheehan. In an email, she said she also has “serious concerns” about Seven Days’ reporting on the draft report. Doing so, she wrote, “puts the Administration in an impossible position in GAMACHE trying to work with you to ensure the public is correctly informed of the valuable conclusions in CNAs [sic] final operational assessment that will certainly be deliberated on in the weeks and months ahead.” In an emailed statement, Weinberger said racial justice and equity are top priorities in the city and that he looks forward to “leading additional reforms” when the assessment is complete. CNA’s draft devotes considerable space to citizen oversight and “quality control” of internal investigations. It found that the department collects “relatively little” information about officer
» P.20 2v-healthyliving092221 1
9/21/21 11:04 AM
news St. Joseph’s Orphanage Survivors Say Church Must Do More B Y COL I N FL A ND ERS The Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington continues to disregard the lifelong impacts of the physical and sexual abuse carried out at the St. Joseph’s Orphanage, according to some former residents who are calling on Bishop Christopher Coyne to compensate the remaining survivors of the long-shuttered facility. Former orphanage residents expressed mixed emotions during a press conference at a South Burlington hotel last Thursday, recalling how a two-year restorative process has helped many of them begin to work through their deep-seated traumas. But they said their attempts to move on have been undermined by the diocese’s refusal to engage with them on certain issues, including the question of compensation. Some speakers said they have spent thousands of dollars on therapy over the years. Others referenced the untold amount of money funneled into the orphanage from both the state and their own parents. “They took money out of my father’s pocket and abused us for it,” said Debi Gevry-Ellsworth, who was placed at the orphanage at the age of 2, along with her brother and sister, and spent 10 years there. Her brother later killed himself. Instead of attempting to repair the harm, said Michael Ryan, a former resident, Catholic leaders want to “sweep it all under the rug, just like they have all been for decades.” “They need to provide restitution for their sins of the past,” he said. It has been just over three years since Buzzfeed News published an article detailing extensive allegations of rampant abuse at the former Burlington orphanage, which housed some 13,000 children from 1854 to 1974. The story prompted Vermont Attorney General T.J. Donovan to launch an investigation in 2019 that found credible evidence of widespread physical, emotional and sexual abuse. The investigation also concluded that Vermont state and law enforcement officials failed to protect the children. As the former residents continue to grapple with their childhood traumas, some say they should be compensated for their pain and suffering. “We’re not asking for millions,” said Maura LaBelle. “We’re asking to make our lives a little better.” m
Raiders vs. Ravens « P.16 two challengers — won seats, tipping the balance of the 11-member school board to a majority of pro-Raiders. In May, newly appointed board chair Hurley Cavacas appointed four board members to serve on an ad hoc committee to determine whether the previous board followed proper procedures when it voted to retire the Raiders name. Cavacas, who had voted against changing the mascot last November, said in a recent interview that he still believes that the Raiders name should be retained, but he is willing to listen to people on both sides. “In my mind, I believe that a raider is a warrior” and not just affiliated with Native Americans, he said. Stephanie Stoodley, a new school board member and one of the most ardent Raiders defenders, did not respond to multiple requests for comment but explained at a February school board candidate forum why she is also in favor of keeping the old mascot. “While something may have been offensive to somebody in the ’30s, the ’40s, the ’50s, the ’60s, we as a society have evolved and moved on,” Stoodley said. “If we erase history, we will have nothing to learn,” fellow pro-Raiders board member Tricia O’Connor said at that forum. “We really need to focus on taking stuff and learning from it, not eliminating it.” On September 2, Burlington attorney Christopher Leopold, who had been hired by the school board to review the mascot decision, presented his findings to the committee. He characterized the board’s decision as “valid” and “a binding action,” and he recommended that board members undergo training in school board governance. The committee accepted Leopold’s findings. But that doesn’t mean the case is closed, Cavacas said. Members of the ad hoc committee will present their views about the attorney’s findings to the rest of the board on September 28. Cavacas said it remains to be seen what action the board will take, and some members might call for a reinstatement of the Raiders mascot. If that were to happen, Rutland would be rejecting a chorus of local and national voices that oppose using Native American names and imagery as mascots. The National Football League’s Washington Redskins became the Washington Football Team last year, with plans to choose a new name in the future. Maine and Colorado have banned Native American mascots at public schools. In August 2020, the Vermont Principals’ Association issued a statement
The Rutland football team practicing in August
saying that “any mascot … that has marginalizing, racist or exclusionary elements should be replaced.” In March, the Danville School Board voted 4-1 to retire its Indians mascot. The high school is still choosing a new one, but the Indians moniker is no longer used, athletic director Randy Rathburn said.
In May, the National Congress of American Indians wrote to Rutland school officials reiterating its support for retiring the Raiders mascot. Throughout the prolonged debate in Rutland, superintendent Bill Olsen and Rutland High School principal Greg Schillinger have stayed silent. In an interview, Olsen said he’s had conversations with individual school board members about the mascot but believes that the decision is up to the board. He noted that mascot debates in Vermont and elsewhere are often long and contentious. Schillinger said he respects the “deliberate” process the school board is taking to
make sure all members of the community are being heard. But high school student Montgomery — who said she started advocating for the name change last summer as a concrete way to stand up for social justice — said an impartial, cautious approach is not the right one. “Quite frankly, I don’t care how many people … don’t support changing the mascot. I don’t think that overrides actual marginalized people saying that this negatively effects them,” Montgomery said. “I think that it’s important to center the correct voices and look at what’s right, rather than what’s popular.” Others said the superintendent and principal should show more leadership by supporting the Ravens mascot and replacing the old team name with the new one on signs and uniforms. Giovanni Falco, who graduated from the high school last spring after serving as senior class president, served on the student committee that chose the new mascot. He said Olsen and Schillinger should “stop hiding behind the school board.” If the top administrators threw their weight behind the Ravens, the drama would dissipate, he said. “The administrators are focusing on their careers … because the school board is their boss in the end,” Falco said. “But a decision has been made.” Last spring, Falco said, Schillinger removed a table Falco had set up in the high school lobby to display potential
NAMING FIGHTS: A TIMELINE OCTOBER 20, 2020: The Rutland City Board of School Commissioners votes 6-4 to retire the Raiders mascot. FEBRUARY 9, 2021: Following a presentation by students, commissioners vote 6-4 to adopt the Ravens mascot. MARCH 2, 2021: On Town Meeting Day, three school board candidates who campaigned to bring back the Rutland Raiders win seats. MAY 11, 2021: New board chair
Hurley Cavacas convenes an ad hoc committee to review the previous board’s process. SEPTEMBER 2, 2021: Burlington
attorney Christopher Leopold presents findings to the committee that mascot change was valid. SEPTEMBER 28, 2021:
The school board may take action on the mascot.
designs for the new Ravens mascot. Junior Emilia Sabataso, who served on the mascot committee, said Schillinger also rebuffed an offer from a graphic design teacher to have students create potential logos. “Not having a logo, I feel like, is hindering the actual change,” she said. Rutland alderman Thomas Franco said the school administrators’ approach is “really misaligned with their goals of being inclusive as a district and truly trying to drive this element of equity in our schools.” School board member Alison Notte shares that sentiment. The former board chair said that if the administration had stepped in last winter and voiced its unequivocal support for the Ravens mascot, the community likely would have moved on by now. After the first home football game of the season, she and others complained because the announcer identified the Rutland team as the Raiders. “Throughout the game the fans were roaring with loud chants: Raiders, Go Raiders,” reported the Lakeside News & the Rutland Sun, a local weekly paper, under the headline “Some fans won’t let Raiders go.” Facebook has amplified the divide. The 148 members of an open group called Positive Change Rutland share posts about where to get Ravens bumper stickers and articles about other communities that replaced their
mascots. Meanwhile, on I Am a Rutland Raider, a closed group with more than 1,600 members, people profess their allegiance to that mascot. “There are NO Ravens! Raiders forever!” one comment reads. Members revel in disparaging the new mascot. The group also shares posts that take aim at critical race theory and anti-racist education. South Burlington High School principal Patrick Burke experienced a similar controversy. In February 2017, the SoBu school board voted unanimously to remove the Rebels mascot because of its ties to Confederate imagery, a move that Burke publicly supported. That resulted in backlash led by members of a Facebook group called the Rebel Alliance. In the ensuing months, the school budget was defeated twice, the athletic field was defaced with racist graffiti, and Rebels supporters sued the district. In 2018, the Vermont Supreme Court rejected their legal bid for South Burlington to put the mascot decision to a citywide referendum. “It was very hard,” Burke said. He sought counsel from fellow principals in Vermont and around the country. “Some of what they said to me was, ‘You just gotta hang in there. It’s actually gonna get better quicker than you think,’” said Burke. “And I remember thinking that was not true … And here we are: My seniors are my first class to come in as SB Wolves, and it’s the most unifying element of our school culture right now, period.” Burke said he sympathizes with Rutland students who are disappointed that change hasn’t happened more quickly. “I think that what they want is their school to be unified,” Burke said. That’s what Emelia McCalla hopes for. The Rutland senior said the debate has distracted from more important issues the school board should be focused on, including the budget and curriculum. “I don’t think adults should feel like they can have so much sway over the concerns of students, especially stuff like this, where it’s just picking something that represents everyone fairly — having a mascot that everyone can feel proud of and included by,” she said. Fellow student Montgomery concurs. “It’s very disappointing to see adults conducting themselves in this manner, knowing that they’re role models for younger people,” she said. “I wouldn’t want someone to see one of those school board meetings who was from outside of Rutland or outside of Vermont and think that is representative of the students at the high school, because I don’t think that’s true.” m
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news complaints and says the data it does collect is recorded in an Excel spreadsheet, “a rudimentary form of holding important data.” Having the police chief decide whether to investigate certain complaints — and then adjudicate them — “puts him or her in a difficult position,” the report says. Rather, the CNA team recommends several layers of review. A new internal police disciplinary board would look at complaints and suggest discipline to the chief, who could agree or disagree with its findings. The Citizen Review Board would examine cases to ensure “a consistent and fair” process, the report says. “Often police chiefs think a [citizen review board] takes power and responsibility from the chief, but it can also increase the credibility of the chief’s decisions,” CNA wrote. Acting Police Chief Jon Murad did not reply to an interview request, nor did Councilor Perri Freeman (P-Central District), who led the community control board effort; Councilor Zoraya Hightower (P-Ward 1), who serves on the joint committee; or Cpl. Tyler Badeau, the president of the Burlington Police Officers’ Association. Several other city councilors declined to comment because they hadn’t yet read the assessment. Stromberg, who serves on the council’s Public Safety Committee, said the report corroborates concerns about a lack of oversight and lends credence to the idea of a control board, a proposal she supported last year. “The Burlington Police Department clearly has issues the way things are. I think it’s wise to at least try something new to see if we can have less conflicts of interest,” she said. “Having a separate group to make those types of disciplinary decisions and investigatory decisions is going to be a really positive thing for policing.” The council’s Public Safety Committee has been vetting a resolution that would give police commissioners “full and unfettered access” to documentation of complaints and allow the body to hire its own investigator “to conduct or review allegations of serious conduct or harm,” among other roles. The proposal asks for $25,000 from the city’s unassigned fund balance to cover any legal costs. The bipartisan committee approved the resolution earlier this month. The full council was expected to consider the measure at its September 27 meeting, but Councilor Karen Paul (D-Ward 6), the committee chair, has suggested postponing the discussion. “We are all still committed to the resolution but want to be sure we are 20
New Sheriff in Town? « P.17
Mayor Miro Weinberger and acting Police Chief Jon Murad
incorporating [CNA’s recommendations] to be as complete as we can be,” Paul said in a text message to Seven Days on Monday. Stromberg said she supports giving the police commission more power, regardless of the control board idea. “I do want something to change,” she said, but “I’m always open to pushing things more.” A separate grassroots effort is attempting just that. A group called People for Police Accountability has been circulating a petition to place the control board proposal on a future city ballot. The effort is supported by the Battery Park Movement, the group that occupied the city green space last summer, demanding that the city fire three cops involved in alleged acts of excessive force; one officer, sergeant Jason Bellavance, ultimately took a $300,000 payout and resigned from the department. Activists have hosted petition drives at locations around the city. If they collect signatures from 5 percent of registered voters — or about 1,686 people — the item would be added to a future city ballot. City councilors cannot reject ballot questions that would change the charter, as this one would, according to assistant city clerk Amy Bovee. The group did not respond to a request for comment. Mark Hughes, a former police commissioner, is the coordinator for the Vermont Racial Justice Alliance, an advocacy group whose platform Operation Phoenix
TO PERFORM A WHOLESALE REVIEW OF THE BURLINGTON POLICE DEPARTMENT. R.I.S.E. calls for public safety reform, including more citizen oversight. Hughes has helped distribute the control board petition because he doesn’t believe the police chief should have the final say in officer discipline. Hughes hopes CNA’s “credible” report will convince those skeptical of increased oversight. “If you don’t have effective civilian oversight, you’ve got nothing — period,” he said. “You can make all the policies, and do all the things, and talk about all the training and data collection, and blah, blah, blah. But if you don’t have oversight, they’re not gonna do it.” After the mayor’s veto of the police oversight proposal, members of the city’s police commission decided to conduct their own research. The group recently participated in a four-day training with the National Association for Civilian Oversight of Law Enforcement, which laid out principles for effective oversight and different oversight models, as well as explained how to conduct investigations.
Earlier this year, commissioners proposed a new policy aimed at creating more transparency at the police department. It would require the department to disclose officers’ disciplinary records in response to public records requests, with some caveats; to post monthly summary reports of all citizen complaints on the city website; and to issue press releases 10 days after internal investigations are concluded, among other changes. The city attorney’s office is still reviewing the policy. Police Commission chair Jabulani Gamache, who wrote the policy draft, said he thinks the police union contract would allow such changes; other recommendations in CNA’s report may violate the contract, which is in effect until June 2022. Regardless, Gamache said he hopes the report will prompt conversations about how to increase oversight in Burlington. “It’s one of the first documents that shows, Here’s an issue, and here’s how to fix it,” he said. “As of right now, I think this report does a very good job of showing how to get these things done.” m
COVID-19 Cases Remain Stubbornly High in Vermont B Y A NNE WA L L ACE ALLEN • © BIANCOBLUE | DREAMSTIME.COM
Vermont officials are cautioning that the state’s COVID-19 numbers remain high and that future trends are uncertain. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which produces modeling intended to shed some light on COVID-19 rate outlooks, shows a variety of potential outcomes for Vermont over the next days and weeks, from a rapid case rise to a rapid decline, according to state Finance Commissioner Mike Pieciak, Vermont’s chief COVID-19 modeler. It’s too early, he said, to predict whether Vermont’s COVID-19 infection rate will decline, remain stable or rise. “Unfortunately, we just don’t know,” Pieciak told Seven Days. Public health officials have identified Labor Day weekend, almost two weeks ago, as a time when people got together, which likely has driven up case numbers. Schools went back into session at the beginning of September, bringing people together indoors — another risk factor. Cases of the Delta variant started rising in mid-July in Vermont. At that time, Vermont officials said the variant’s case numbers had increased rapidly in other states and then dropped quickly about seven to nine weeks after the first cases were reported. At the time, they said Vermont might experience a similar trajectory. Now, Vermont is “at nine to 10 weeks of this, so you’d think it would be around now that you’d start to see some improvement,” Pieciak said last Friday. On Tuesday, at his regular weekly press conference, Gov. Phil Scott discussed the rates and again asserted that there’s no need for another state of emergency. He indicated that he favors mandating all of Vermont’s school employees to get vaccinated. The federal government is drafting rules for President Joe Biden’s mandate that large employers require workers to be inoculated, and the governor said he hopes school employees are included. The federal rules will take weeks to write, said Education Secretary Dan French. Whatever the outcome, “Vaccination will continue to play a central role to ensure schools will remain open,” French said. Ted Fisher, a spokesperson for the Agency of Education, estimated that 26,000 people work in Vermont schools. Schools and the state are tracking and reporting positive case numbers among those who were infectious while on campus. On Monday, the state Department of Health reported 174 positive tests within the last seven days, for a total of 344 so far this school year. As of Sunday, Derby Elementary School reported 18 cases in the previous seven days and 24 cases so far this school year; it moved to remote instruction last week.
Derby is in Orleans County, which had the highest case rate in the state this week. Meanwhile, the drug company PfizerBioNTech announced on Monday that its vaccine has been shown to protect children ages 5 to 11 against the virus. If the U.S. Food & Drug Administration approves it for emergency use, health officials say, the vaccines might be available to kids by the end of October. When the vaccine is approved, the state will set up clinics and information sessions to get kids inoculated, Health Commissioner Mark Levine said. “The pediatrician community will be part of this, as well as family practitioners and school-based clinics, which we are already operating,” he said. Levine predicted on Tuesday that COVID-19 will be “endemic” in three to six months. That means the virus will be common in the population but suppressed by the vaccine, producing annoying symptoms, Levine said, not spikes that clog hospitals. “COVID would not be gone, but our immune systems would recognize it, so the worst outcomes could be avoided,” said Levine. But “we still need many more people vaccinated, including children, and perhaps boosters, before we are in a place where we live with COVID without seeing concerted spikes of hospitalizations and deaths.” Scott also said on Tuesday that he will extend by 30 days the state’s hotel voucher program for the homeless, which had been due to end on September 23. The pandemic-related program was intended to offer an alternative to shelters. House Speaker Jill Krowinski (D-Burlington) thanked Scott and said the deadline would give advocates and the state Department for Children and Families more time to find housing for about 540 families that will be affected. The deadline should be extended again if needed, Krowinski said. “We know that we have the funds to support this population,” she said in a statement. m
This fall at the Fleming Museum of Art, you will see changes that have taken place in the past year as Fleming staff have begun to reckon with the Fleming’s institutional and collections history in a process we call The Fleming Reimagined. We are making our work visible in the Museum, as we confront the problematic histories behind the collections and galleries and, with your input, rethink what we collect, how we display it, and the words that accompany it. We look forward to continuing this public reckoning and we invite your participation as we questions to help reimagine the Fleming Museum. What values ought to be displayed? What should we collect and exhibit? What stories about artworks do you want to hear? From what perspectives and in whose voices? To participate, join us at the Museum and experience our new spaces, visit us online at or scan the QR code to learn more and fill out our feedback form.
The Fleming Reimagined Confronting Institutional Racism and Historical Oppression
Creating Conversations with Art
STORYTELLING SALON Voices Creating Change
Seeing and Unseeing the Fleming’s Collection
Opening Space for Imagination
Untitled-2 1
9/21/21 11:03 AM
OBITUARIES David Walter Garrett
David B. Brown APRIL 9, 1947SEPTEMBER 17, 2021 JEFFERSONVILLE, VT.
David Brown, 74, died at his home in Jeffersonville, Vt., on September 17, 2021. David was born on April 9, 1947, in Pittsburgh, Pa. He was raised in Palos Verdes, Calif., where he attended school. David joined the Marine Corps in the early 1960s, serving his first year as an honorary guard at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., where he spent many hours exploring the Smithsonian because of his love of history. He then served his country in Vietnam in 1967 and 1968. After leaving the service, David pursued a career in the restaurant business, starting as a trainer of new franchisees for Sizzler on the East Coast and finally returning to California to hold a high-pressure management position for many years for Forbco, the largest Sizzler franchisee company, where he managed up to 12 restaurants. In 1979 he met his wife, Julie Twombly. They married in 1981, residing in Manhattan Beach, Calif., and recently celebrated 40 years of marriage. In 1999, they relocated to Vermont, Julie’s home state, and resided in Jeffersonville since then. In semiretirement, David became a beloved bus driver and substitute teacher at Cambridge Elementary School, where he served for many years. David embraced life in Vermont, trading in his surfboard for taking logging courses, learning the required skill of wood splitting, driving his tractor, shoveling and removing mountains of snow, and other tasks required to maintain a property in the Green Mountain State. And,
In 1967, he purchased 165 acres in the Adirondacks and began building his own cabin that became a family retreat. All important life decisions, he’d say, were made at the cabin. David was a broker at Moseley, Hallgarten Estabrook & Weeden and, later, First Albany, managing offices in Cambridge, Mass., and Burlington, Vt. He also helped the Vermont Teddy Bear Company go from a pushcart to a booming beargram business. In 2008, David and Christie started Garrett Hotel Consulting, through which they advised on properties around the country. David is survived by his wife of 53 years, Christie, of Charlotte; daughter Erin Garrett-Metz and husband Andrew Metz and children Lydia, Daniel and Miriam of Manchester by the Sea, Mass.; daughter Moriah Garrett and husband Rob Arthur and children, Samuel, Elouise and Olive of Baltimore, Md.; and daughter Caitrin Garrett of Burlington, Vt.
The creation of a single family was the great achievement of their life together. Mariot applied her organizational skills to epic food shopping trips, cooking, decorating and laundry. Her home was her castle. Over the years, it was also home to numerous cats, dogs, horses, donkeys, sheep, pigs, chickens and ducks — as well as children’s pet mice and skunks. Her
love for animals brought her joy and many wonderful friends throughout her life. She loved honoring (and creating) family traditions, and Christmas was the high holiday of her year. She reveled in a lifelong love of fabric, buttons and yarn. She made clothes for herself and her children, riding habits for children and friends, and costumes and scenery for the plays her children staged in the family barn. She was predeceased by her husband, Hans, in 1997 and by her brother, Clinton C. Gardner, in 2017. She is survived and held in loving memory by her 11 children: Pamela (and Philip) Hazel of Statesville, N.C.; Paula Stahmer of Gainesville, Fla.; Mark (and Frances) Huessy of Essex, Vt.; Janet (and Stephen) Flanders of Norwich, Vt.; Peter Huessy of Potomac, Md.; Raymond Huessy (and Frederick
Gray) of Putney, Vt.; Alan Huessy (and Karen Grose) of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Collin Huessy of Marion, Mont.; Hans Huessy of Essex, Vt.; Eugen (“Bear”) Huessy of Hobson, Mont.; and Margaret Laggis of Derby, Vt.; by her 10 grandchildren; by one great-grandchild; by beloved step-grandchildren; and by Benjamin Barney of Lókaachégai, Ariz.; Lucinda Godinez of Flagstaff, Ariz.; and Willem Leenman of West Haven, Vt. A memorial service will be announced later. In lieu of flowers, please consider making a donation in her memory to Essex (Vt.) Rescue; Spring Lake Ranch in Cuttingsville, Vt.; or the University of Vermont Morgan Horse Farm in Weybridge, Vt. A full obituary may be found at giffordfuneral mariot-huessy.
as those who knew him will attest, he loved a good political argument. He had a unique sense of humor, a love of history, and a dedication to his family and friends. David is predeceased by his parents, Beverly and Sanford Brown. He leaves behind his wife, Julie; his daughter Dawn Marie and her husband, Kevin, and beloved grandson, Finnegan, in southern California; his sister Melissa Haight and her husband, Chuck, and nephew David of Washington State; his beloved companion Cali; and many friends on both the East and West coasts. A celebration of life and scattering of ashes in the Pacific will be held for the family in November. A remembrance celebration will be held in Vermont in the spring; date and place to be announced. The family expresses their immense gratitude to the wonderful and dedicated staff at the Lamoille Home Health & Hospice Center in Morrisville, Vt., for their support during the past few weeks. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate a donation to the Lamoille Home Health & Hospice in Morrisville, Vt., or to a Marine Corps charity of your choice. Please visit awrfh. com to share your memories and condolences.
Upper Saranac Lake, N.Y., known as the Point. The hotel became one of the most lauded luxury properties in the country and led to other hotels, including the Lake Placid Lodge, the Wilcox in Aiken, S.C., and the Inn of the Five Graces in Santa Fe, N.M. David was also instrumental in Twin Farms in Barnard, Vt. He had served as North American president of the prestigious Relais & Chateaux hotel association. David helped inspire a renaissance of all things Adirondack. He enlisted local craftspeople to build pieces
for the hotels and also made pieces himself; many are on display in his most recent hotel project, the Ivy, in Baltimore, Md.; in his barn/ office in Charlotte; and on his website, — named for his fascination with using corks in his furniture making. David Garrett was born in New York City on December 12, 1942, and grew up in Scarborough, N.Y., with his brother, Daniel. His parents, Daniel N. Garrett and Louise Benson Garrett, were transplanted Southerners, and David nurtured a lifelong fascination with family genealogy. As a boy, David was drawn to the woods and fascinated by the television show “Daniel Boone,” impressed by the warm family life in a log cabin. He attended the Williston Northampton School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where he even lived in a log cabin. After college, he met his wife, Christie Coursen, then a TWA flight attendant.
David Walter Garrett, 78, of Charlotte, died on August 17, 2021, from heart failure brought on by a breakthrough COVID-19 infection. Though tragic, it was as he would have wanted it: over in an instant at his home, the historic Cedar Farm on Thompson’s Point in Charlotte. As a woodsman, artist, investment manager, entrepreneur and hotelier, David regularly made things that seemed impossible a reality — from a cabin in the Adirondacks he built by hand to a boutique hotel company that set new standards for ultra-luxury accommodation and historic preservation. David was one of the most experienced developers of small, high-end hotels in the world, beginning with the purchase in the 1980s of a Rockefeller Great Camp on
Mariot Gardner Huessy NOVEMBER 24, 1925SEPTEMBER 15, 2021 ESSEX, VT.
Mariot Gardner Huessy, 95, died on Wednesday, September 15, 2021, in her sleep, at home, and at peace with herself and the world. She was born on November 24, 1925, the daughter of Raymond and Margaret (Reed) Gardner. She graduated from Hanover (N.H.) High School in 1943 and attended Smith College and the Boston School of Occupational Therapy before marrying Henry E. Montgomery in 1947. (They separated in 1952 and divorced in 1955.) On March 1, 1958, she married Dr. Hans R. Huessy. She brought her two children into the marriage, he brought his six children into the marriage, and they had three more children together.
Leo O’Brien Jr. of Deerfield Beach, Fla., and South Burlington, Vt., passed away peacefully after a short illness at his Vermont home on Saturday, September 18, 2021, surrounded by his family. Above all, Leo loved his family, and his family loved him. He was a kind, caring and wonderful dad and devoted husband. With his calm demeanor and steady, patient hand, he led his family through good times and difficult times; with six kids, there were a lot of both. We will always remember him saying, “Do not worry. Do not fright. Everything will be all right.” Everybody liked Leo. He was a good friend to many, a distinguished community leader, proud to be Irish, a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat and a real gentleman. He was a gracious host at the many, many large O’Brien parties and events at the farm and at camp. Family and friends have many fond memories and great stories that were made at these fun get-togethers. To begin a family dinner, Leo would lead his clan with everyone holding hands and saying grace, which was followed by, “We are glad for our food.” Leo really enjoyed time with family and friends and, at the end of the day, a Beefeater’s on the rocks with a lemon twist. Leo, with his devoted wife, Bonnie, enjoyed life to its fullest. In retirement, they moved to Deerfield Beach, Fla., and enjoyed golfing and dining out with friends. They especially enjoyed their many trips cruising to six continents. Yes, we have lots of memorable Christmas cards featuring Leo and Bonnie on a big cruise ship or in front of some famous landmark. We can’t forget the fabulous trips to Notre Dame football games and 18 Super Bowls with family and friends. Leo had a special relationship with Dan and Sandra O’Brien and all their children. Their lives were wonderfully
intertwined in so many ways. Leo was blessed to have his brother, Dan, as his best friend and confidant throughout his business, political and family life. It is the end of the era of “the O’Brien brothers,” but their legacy lives on through their respective families and the company they founded 63 years ago, O’Brien Brothers. Leo was a devout Catholic and was strengthened and comforted by his faith. Thankfully, in his last couple years of declining health, Bonnie took loving care of him at home. Leo had a strong tolerance for pain and a huge amount of patience and somehow rarely complained. We thank God that Leo was blessed with a remarkable and rewarding 90 years of life and that he was such an important part of our lives. We know he is now in heaven with the angels. Leo O’Brien Jr. was born on February 5, 1931, to Leo O’Brien Sr. and Mabel (Hayes) O’Brien and grew up on the family farm (currently Jaycee Park) on Patchen Road in South Burlington, Vt. He attended Central School, Cathedral High School and Saint Michael’s College. He served in the U.S. Navy from 1950 to 1954, serving as a sonarman in the Atlantic Fleet. He graduated from the University of Vermont in 1957. In 1958, he and his brother, Dan, founded O’Brien Brothers in South Burlington. The business started as cattle sales and dairy farming, and over the years it grew into residential and commercial real estate development. O’Brien Brothers continues to be successful due to the foresight, vision and hard
work of Dan and Leo. In 2018, Leo and Dan were deservingly recognized by the Vermont Chamber of Commerce as Citizens of the Year for their lifelong community leadership and continual devotion to the betterment of Vermont. In U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy’s comments for the evening, he said Dan and Leo were “the original dynamic duo.” In 1958, Leo married Stella T. Cotrupi of Rutland, and they made their home on the farm at the top of Old Farm Road in South Burlington. Leo and Stella were blessed with six wonderful children. Tragically, Stella passed away in 1978, but her spirit remains alive in the hearts of her children. In 1992, Leo married Bonnie Lee McGregor of Plattsburgh, N.Y. They were happily married for 29 years. In the late 1950s, Leo, like his father and grandfather before him, became deeply involved in government and politics. He served on the South Burlington Planning Commission (1960-68) and as a South Burlington state representative (1963-69). In addition, Leo served as House minority leader for the Democrats (1966-68), was state senator from the Chittenden-Grand Isle District (1969-70) and ran as the Democratic candidate for governor of Vermont in 1970. He served as a special assistant to governor Thomas Salmon in 1973, commissioner of agriculture for the State of Vermont (1973-75) and special assistant to U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (1975-83). Leo also served on many other boards and commissions. He was a trustee of the University of Vermont (1965-71), assistant trustee of Saint Michael’s College (1966-77) and a trustee at the Medical Center Hospital of Vermont (1976-77). From 1969 to 2002, he was a director of the Merchants Bank in Burlington, and he became chair of the board in 1995. From 1987 to 1993, he was a member of the National Dairy Promotion and Research Board. He was also a long-standing member of the Vermont Cattleman’s Association, the Vermont
Farm Bureau, the Vermont Grange, the Elks Club, the Ethan Allen Club and the American Legion. Leo is survived by his wife, Bonnie Lee O’Brien, and his six children, Maureen O’Brien (John Barrows) of South Burlington; Leo O’Brien III of Shelburne; Kathleen O’Brien of Colchester; Bridget O’Brien (Jeffrey Wasserman) of Williston; Joanne O’Brien of Deerfield Beach, Fla.; and Patrick O’Brien (Milissa) of South Burlington. He leaves his grandchildren, Andrew Bouchard and Elizabeth McHugh (Brian), Maj. William Wick Kelley (USAF) and Caitlain Kelley, Matthew and Tara Hennigar, Karl Raacke, Maggie O’Brien, Patrick “Joey,” Charles, Stella and Lily O’Brien. He also leaves his five great-grandchildren, Harvest and Esther Bouchard; and Molly, Allison and Emily McHugh. Leo is survived by his sister-in-law, Sandra O’Brien, of South Burlington, and by many cousins, nieces and nephews in the O’Brien, Savage, Casey, Cotrupi and Hayes families. Leo was predeceased by his first wife, Stella Cotrupi O’Brien; his parents, Mabel Hayes and Leo O’Brien Sr.; his brother, Daniel J. O’Brien; his sister, Rita Brown O’Brien; and his stepdaughters Melissa and Kimberly Wells; as well as his religious confidant and dear friend, Father Bryan Dalton of Saint Ambrose parish, Deerfield Beach, Fla. Visitation with the family will be held at the Saint John Vianney Parish Hall from 1 to 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 26, 2021. A Mass of Christian burial will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, September 27, 2021, at Saint John Vianney, 160 Hinesburg Rd., South Burlington, followed by burial at Resurrection Park. Due to the high rate of COVID-19 in Chittenden County, please wear a mask if you are not vaccinated. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to Saint Anne’s Shrine, Saint John Vianney Church, or the South Burlington Fire and Rescue. Stephen C. Gregory and Son are in charge of the funeral arrangements.
Jeannine Gail Zusi Stover JANUARY 29, 1936- SEPTEMBER 14, 2021 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT.
Jeannine Gail Zusi Stover passed away peacefully at McClure Miller Respite House in Colchester, Vt. In her final days, she was surrounded by children and grandchildren. Originally from Maplewood, N.J., the daughter of Franklin Zusi and Gertrude Smith, she was a graduate of Columbia High School and Centenary University in Maplewood and Hackettstown, N.J. In New York City, Jeannine was an exemplary executive secretary, enjoying her work in insurance and advertising. After meeting James Stover, she made new homes in Rochester, Burlington and South Burlington, Vt. She was the mother of Jim Stover (wife Piper Lounsbury and granddaughters Isla and Finlay), Jason Stover (deceased 2013), Justin Stover (wife Sara Martire), and Dr. Jennie Champion (husband Nathan Champion and granddaughter Ida). In addition to being a stalwart volunteer for more than 40 years with the University of Vermont Medical Center, Jeannine was a faithful member of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, Vt. A mass will be held in her honor at St. John Vianney Catholic Church, South Burlington, Vt., on Sunday, December 26, 2021, at 8 a.m. A burial service will be held at a later date, when she will be interred in New Jersey with her son Jason near her mother, father, and brothers Ken and Bud. In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to the McClure Miller Respite House ( donations) or the UVM Medical Center Auxiliary (
Elizabeth White
SEPTEMBER 27, 1954-MARCH 31, 2020 SOUTH BURLINGTON, VT. Please join us on Saturday September 25, for a celebration of Beth White’s life from 4 to 8 p.m. at Queen City Brewery, 703B Pine St., Burlington. We look forward to sharing your memories! SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
complete fabrication. Their arrogance is out of hand.
[Re Off Message: “Scott Imposes a New Vaccination Mandate for 8,000 State Workers,” September 8]: Why are the legislature and the judiciary exempt from this vaccine mandate? Are they not also state employees? I would like the logic, if there is any, of this decision explained to us. They should be included in the mandate; what’s important for one is important for all. I also agree that those entering state office buildings should be required to be masked, regardless of vaccine status. We need to take this virus seriously.
toxins that are killing bats — no amount of peer-reviewed science, advice from experts on their own Endangered Species Committee, etc., will make a difference. Too often, dangerous special interests are at play when it comes to policy decisions. Not much different from what we see out West with the massacre of the endangered gray wolf to placate ranchers and predator haters. On a daily basis I ask myself, Why am I forced to go to battle with the very agency heads, Louis Porter and Julie Moore, who are supposed to be doing the right thing by our natural “resources”? Gov. Phil Scott is also part of the problem. Wildlife is facing the sixth mass extinction, and it’s business as usual for these leaders. I encourage the public to get involved, pay attention and contact your legislators — wildlife only has us.
Maggie York
Brenna Galdenzi
York is a Vermont state employee.
Galdenzi is the founder and president of Protect Our Wildlife Vermont.
Cindy Hill
girl flipping off anti-vaxxers brought me to your rag, and you guys are doing it very, very well. I never send praise but got much enjoyment reading every article in this issue! Thanks. Kevin Lake TEMPE, AZ
Tim Lyons
[Re Off Message: “Feds Investigate Three Vermont Troopers in Fake Vaccination Card Probe,” September 7]: The troopers who police our land swear to testify true on the stand, but their claimed vaccination’s 24
[Re Off Message: “A Pandemic Semester Looms, but the Outlook Has Changed,” August 24]: Vermont has done a great job with its handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. I was proud to be a Vermonter when I received a notification from CNN about our highest-in-the-nation vaccination rates. I urge those who remain unvaccinated to heed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations and get vaccinated. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to be vaccinated. At the current rate of the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout, low-income countries may not receive the vaccine for years to come. Sharing excess vaccine doses and providing additional resources with countries in the greatest need is vital to limit the spread of more COVID-19 variants and the extending detrimental effects of the pandemic. The looming specter of the Delta variant highlights the urgency of the situation. Slow global vaccine rollout will only result in more variants and more lives lost unnecessarily. As U.S. Rep. Peter Welch wrote in an email, “Congress has a responsibility to help communities at home and abroad fight the COVID-19 pandemic.” The United States spends 1 percent of its budget on international assistance. It is my view that the wealthiest country in the world can and should contribute more resources to the global fight against COVID-19. It is imperative that Congress support international assistance funding in subsequent COVID-19 relief packages, as well as the sharing of excess vaccine doses through the World Health Organization’s COVAX initiative.
Israel. BDS is not about ending Israel’s nonexistent “occupation,” nor about “fighting for human rights, justice or peace.” It is about weaponizing and mainstreaming toxic, intrinsically antisemitic defamation. Whenever such resolutions are debated, on campus or in councils, such pernicious poison is prodigiously spread. In all the concerns for Palestinian rights, there are never any about Palestinian actions. Their credibility is never questioned. There’s no mention of the fact that, in May, Hamas indiscriminately showered 4,300 rockets against Israeli cities, nor of routine abuse by Hamas and Palestinian Authority of the rights of their own people. How can activists square their search for peace with Palestinian leaders’ refusal to even negotiate — or their repeated raging against any “normalization” with the “enemy”? How oppressed are Israeli Arabs? Any prospect of transfer to a Palestinian state horrifies the 300,000 Galilee Triangle Arabs. They wouldn’t have to move, only change nationality, but they desperately resist. Surely that speaks volumes about their much better life as Israelis, compared with their likely lot in a Palestinian dystopia. Richard Wilkins SYRACUSE, N.Y.
Palestine activists at the September 13 Burlington City Council meeting
I wish I were surprised to read that the head of Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources failed to protect endangered bats from pesticides meant to kill mosquitoes [Off Message: Vermont Fails to Protect Bats From Pesticides, Suit Claims,” August 16]. As president of a Vermont wildlife protection nonprofit that’s had to rely on both the head of ANR and the head of the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department to do the right thing not only by wildlife but also by the public that they’re obligated to serve, the bat story is just another huge disappointment. When they have an agenda — as in this case of not requiring permits to spray
[Re Off Message: “At Heated Meeting, Burlington City Council Withdraws BDS Resolution,” September 14]: Do cities need foreign policies? Should they incite heated citizen strife by wading into highly controversial areas, lacking either knowledge or experience? Why divert time, money and energy needed to address pressing municipal matters in pursuit of such divisive debates? The Vermonters for Justice in Palestine’s Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions resolution is totally misbegotten, misguided and misleading, symptomatic of those activists’ inflamed hatred against
John Casella’s ad “The Freedom to Choose” [page 10, September 8] was very informative and expressed my concerns with the City of Burlington taking over trash removal. We at Redrock Condominiums use Casella Waste Systems for our trash and compost pickup. Their service is excellent — dependable and reasonably priced at approximately $4 per week. Most important to me is the fact that they pick up on Mondays when we have a holiday. The City of Burlington does not work on holidays, so our recycling sits for another week. I would not want my trash and compost to sit for another week, as it would smell and invite raccoons. We have all seen our real estate taxes go up this year, and we don’t need another big expenditure to add to our burden going forward. Our city council needs to concentrate on the hole in the city center and on encouraging business. Don’t make it harder for this important revenueproducing sector of our city economy to survive. Stephanie Herrick
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9/16/21 4:01 6:48 PM AM
vermont CANNABIS SOLUTIONS 9/16/21 3:52 PM
Legal Services & Business Consulting (802) 540-9333 /
Vermont Cannabis Solutions is pleased to announce our October luncheon will return to the ZenBarn in Waterbury. The first hour is for networking and lunch. This networking opportunity is invaluable, and people are making connections at our luncheons that will be essential over the next few years as our industry develops.
Wednesday October 6 12:30 - 2:30
ZenBarn 179 Guptil Rd. Waterbury Center
SPEAKER SPEAKER This month, our second hour will feature Tim Tierney, Director of Business Recruitment and International Trade at the Vermont Department of Economic Development. Tim will discuss funding available to cannabis businesses.
9/16/21 2:40 PM
BUNK Vermont publishing house Chelsea Green is peddling coronavirus misinformation BY C H EL S EA ED G A R •
n August, CNN dispatched a news crew to Florida to track down the world’s most prolific disseminator of COVID-19 misinformation: Joseph Mercola, an osteopath with 4.3 million followers across 14 social media platforms who has been identified by the Center for Countering Digital Hate as the No. 1 spreader of pandemic falsehoods on the internet. In more than 600 articles posted to his Facebook page since the pandemic began, Mercola has questioned the efficacy of masks and peddled thinly researched studies about the dangers of vaccines; in February, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration forced him to remove content from his website claiming that vitamins C and D can prevent and treat COVID-19 infections. After a fruitless visit to the Mercola corporate headquarters in Cape Coral, the nerve center of his enterprise to push unproven supplement cures under the guise of natural health, the CNN crew buttonholed their man riding a bicycle near his gated mansion in Ormond Beach, sporting nothing but a pair of black swimming trunks, a baseball cap and a peanut butter tan. “Do you feel responsible for people who didn’t get vaccinated and possibly got sick and died because of what you’ve told them about the vaccines?” reporter Randi Kaye asked Mercola, who had just dismounted his bike at the entrance to the beach. Ignoring Kaye, he got back on and slowly pedaled away. Undeterred, Kaye fired more questions at him — “What do you say to families who’ve lost loved ones?” “Are you spreading misinformation?” “Why won’t you speak to us?” — as his shirtless, shoeless silhouette receded silently into the distance. The CNN segment neglected to mention that Mercola had recently coauthored a book called The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine
excel at, not independent publishers like Chelsea Green.” Chelsea Green has always dabbled in fringier subjects, but in recent years, its antiauthoritarian ethos has taken the form of books, such as Mercola’s, that employ debunked science and alarmist rhetoric to challenge or outright reject the medical and scientific establishment. In a global health crisis that has raised the stakes of proliferating such misinformation, Chelsea Green has found itself in an ethically precarious position. Kevin Ellis, a political strategist and one of Chelsea Green’s four board members, said he believes that publishers “have a right to be wrong”; the cost of their mistakes, in his view, is beside the point. “Your next question is, ‘Well, yeah, but some people are going to die,’” he said. “And I’m going to say, ‘Yeah, you’re right, and we accept that.’ We accept highway
Passports, and the New Normal, which was released in April by a small, employeeowned outfit in White River Junction called Chelsea Green Publishing. Founded in the mid-1980s by married duo Margo and Ian Baldwin, the company has established a cult following as one of the preeminent publishers of books on homesteading, gardening and sustainable agriculture. Some of its longtime fans regard the Mercola book, now a best seller, as a betrayal of what they saw as Chelsea Green’s progressive-minded mission. “Shame on @chelseagreen, which I’ve always admired,” journalist and Dartmouth College professor Jeff Sharlet tweeted last month. “This is murderous.” Stephen Kiernan, a novelist who lives in Charlotte, was horror-struck. “As far as I’m concerned, Chelsea Green’s profit from this book is blood money,” he said in an interview.
seduced generations of back-to-thelanders before them. Ian had worked in publishing in New York, and, in 1984, the couple scrounged $115,000 to start an independent press out of a white clapboard farmhouse on the Chelsea town green, for which they named the company. The Baldwins’ early projects reflected their own roving interests: an illustrated guide to the cemeteries of Paris, a fable about a shepherd who spends his life planting trees in Provence, a compendium of the art and writings of Norwegian painter Edvard Munch. Some years were lean; at one point, Ian said in a 1999 New York Times story on Chelsea Green, he nearly sold the business. But he didn’t, and in the late ’80s and early ’90s, before the organic food and climate movements had become part of the popular consciousness, the Baldwins published three books that demonstrated
As far as I’m concerned, Chelsea Green’s profit from this book is blood money. S TE P H E N K IE R NAN
Dr. Joseph Mercola
But these criticisms have had little audience with Margo Baldwin, who has been the publisher of Chelsea Green and president of its board of directors since 2002. In the few interviews she’s granted since the book’s release, Baldwin has not only argued for her right to print The Truth About COVID-19, she has endorsed its claims wholly. “We have very knowledgeable editors who are experts in their subject areas, a rigorous acquisitions and manuscript review process, and access to many medical and health experts we call on when content exceeds our own knowledge,” she recently told Washington Post book critic Ron Charles. When Charles asked whether she felt any responsibility for seeding baseless theories about the pandemic, Baldwin responded, “Our public responsibility is to the truth, as far as we can determine it. Creating a climate of fear and misinformation is what mainstream media seems to
deaths; we accept diabetes; we accept spending billions of dollars to repair the damage that we allow the junk food industry to do. People are too stupid to make judgments about their own health. I think that’s a problem with democracy, not some tiny little publisher in White River Junction.”
If you googled how to, say, build a house from bales of straw, or grow salad greens in your closet, or manage a worm farm, or rewild Britain’s waterways with beavers, you might stumble upon the website of Chelsea Green, an unlikely success story in the failure-riddled ecosystem of upstart publishers. The Baldwins moved from New York City to the Upper Valley in the early ’80s, lured by the same visions of verdure and self-sufficiency that had
their knack for anticipating the zeitgeist and defined their niche — Loving and Leaving the Good Life, a memoir by back-to-thelander Helen Nearing; The New Organic Grower, a sort of bible for young farmers; and Limits to Growth, which pioneered the idea that the human population might someday exceed Earth’s carrying capacity. Over the next few decades, Chelsea Green’s sales grew, from $2 million in 1999 to $5 million in 2015. The company is now fully owned by its 29 employees, with an office in London and a catalog of more than 400 titles, some of which have remained in print for more than three decades, on topics ranging from fermentation to the cultural history of okra. But the Baldwins’ penchant for heterodox thinking has also manifested itself in books advocating vaccine skepticism, written by authors of dubious credentials. In 2018, Chelsea Green published two
books linking autism and chronic disease to childhood vaccinations: How to End the Autism Epidemic by J.B. Handley, a businessman with no medical training, and Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness by Thomas Cowan, a California doctor whose license to practice was suspended earlier this year as a result of his YouTube videos promoting the conspiracy theory that the 5G network caused the COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccine skepticism has long existed in some of the wellness enclaves in which Chelsea Green books tend to succeed, and the Handley and Cowan books both sold exceptionally well. This April, in the midst of a pandemic that has galvanized a new wave of anti-vaccine activism, Chelsea Green released Mercola’s The Truth About COVID-19, which has become one of its best-selling titles yet. The book, coauthored with Ronnie Cummins, cofounder of the nonprofit Organic Consumers Association, has already sold more than a quarter million copies; as of September 15, it was the 25th most popular title on Amazon and a No. 1 best seller in a handful of categories, including Diseases & Physical Ailments, Sociological Study of Medicine, and Censorship & Politics. An Amazon search for the term “COVID-19” yields The Truth About COVID-19 as the top result, which prompted U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) to send a letter earlier this month to the online retail behemoth’s top executives, imploring them to modify the site’s algorithms to limit the visibility of products that promote misinformation and conspiracy theories. (The Amazon page for The Truth About COVID-19 features a discreet blue banner advising customers to visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s website for the latest information on vaccines.) The book posits, among other things, that COVID-19 was engineered as a bioweapon, then leaked — deliberately, Mercola invites us to believe — from a poorly managed laboratory in Wuhan, China, then exploited by a cabal of global elites to strip us of our inalienable rights and render us all frightened and impotent. Based on what appears to be a cursory review of all the journalism outlets that have ever received grants from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mercola assumes the Trump-like posture that mainstream media outlets — BBC, NBC, ProPublica, the Atlantic and the Center for Investigative Reporting, to name a few — have been bought by Gates to advance falsehoods about the pandemic and, therefore, the Big Tech agenda. BEST-SELLING BUNK SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
» P.28 27
Best-Selling Bunk « P.27 “Very little makes sense anymore,” Mercola writes, “unless you look at it from the perspective we’ve tried to present to you here, namely that this pandemic has been used as a convenient cover story (and may even have been pre-planned) to facilitate and hide the transfer of wealth to unelected technocrats who control the pandemic narrative, while simultaneously justifying the erosion of your personal freedoms and civil liberties.” Mercola has devoted a significant portion of his career to marketing vaccine hesitancy, and he allots a chapter of his book to selling the claim that COVID-19 vaccines are far more deadly than the virus itself. He refers to the virus, cleverly, as a “biological trigger” that worsens preexisting conditions, such as obesity and chronic illnesses, which are themselves the result of the cheap processed foods with which Big Ag has contrived to sicken Americans. “People are dying with COVID-19,” he writes, “as opposed to dying from it.” Among the prevention and cure methods he touts are ivermectin, food-grade hydrogen peroxide inhaled through a nebulizer, and hydroxychloroquine, none of which has been approved by the FDA to treat COVID-19. Mercola also recommends a regimen of vitamin supplements, which he happens to sell on his website. Through a spokesperson, Mercola told Seven Days he intends to donate the proceeds from the book to the National Vaccine Information Center, the country’s leading anti-vaccine advocacy group. In 2019, the Washington Post reported that Mercola had already given $2.9 million to the organization over the past decade, supplying nearly 40 percent of its total funding. “Mercola is an extremely sophisticated con man,” said Bernie Garrett, a professor of nursing at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver. Chelsea Green holds the U.S. rights to Garrett’s recent book, The New Alchemists: The Rise of Deceptive Healthcare, which contains a section on Mercola’s supplement empire. “He’s great at cherry-picking data from basic, low-quality lab experiments and computer studies, and he ignores mountains of randomized trials and high-quality evidence that disprove his points,” Garrett said. “It’s totally irresponsible of Chelsea Green to publish his book at this time, and it’s pretty depressing to me that my book is up on their website along with his.” Margo Baldwin refused to speak with Seven Days in person or over the phone, and she agreed only to answer questions by email if she deemed them “worth responding to.” In the end, she replied directly to just a few points out of more 28
Margo Baldwin in 2014
than a dozen questions — among them, that her responses to Ron Charles, the Washington Post book critic, sounded like a defense of the factual integrity of The Truth About COVID-19. “Of course I am defending the factual integrity of the book!” Margo wrote back. “It is one of the most important books we have ever published. Given the incredible misinformation promulgated by the public health bureaucracy and the mainstream media, ordinary people need access to the truth about what is really going on. “You may not agree with that,” she continued, “but that does not mean you have truth on your side.”
Chelsea Green has long occupied a strange place at the crossroads of the antiestablishment left and the libertarian right. Stephen Morris, who ran the publishing operations from 1995 to 2002, recalls a book convention at the Javits Center in New York City in the early 2000s, during which someone approached the Chelsea Green booth, raving about their titles. “He was saying how much he loved us, that he had every book we’d ever published, that he’d loved this book and that book and this other book,” said
Morris. “The more we talked, the more it became apparent that this guy was a real survivalist, and his Chelsea Green bookshelf was in his bunker.” Meanwhile, an editor who had worked on many of those books looked on in dismay. “He said, ‘Get this guy out of the booth! He doesn’t represent what we’re all about here!’” said Morris. “Yet they were united by the same assumptions. The guy believed in organic food. He believed that we were in danger of losing our pollinators. He bought into all the stuff that we were publishing, but from a very different direction.” In fact, according to several former employees, Chelsea Green has made a calculated effort to separate its audiences — the one that shows up for books on beekeeping and no-till farming, and the one that comes for books by Mercola, Cowan and Handley. That these groups certainly overlap in real life is immaterial; the point, as one former employee explained, is to avoid upsetting the fans of beekeeping and no-till farming who would find Chelsea Green’s anti-vaccine treatises, internally known as “the health titles,” too outré for their tastes. “The digital director would never put that stuff out on Facebook,” said the ex-employee, who requested anonymity for fear of hurting her future job prospects. Instead, authors such as Mercola, who has more than 317,000 Twitter followers, deploy their own social media machinery
to promote their books. “I think Margo is very aware that the health stuff will sell in the channels it needs to sell in without disrupting the other audience,” the ex-employee said. This principle apparently does not apply to Margo herself, who tweets freely about the “fascism” of mask and vaccine mandates, the media’s attempts to silence proponents of ivermectin, and the “censorship” of Mercola. When Mercola tweeted a recent NPR story about Schiff and Warren’s appeal to Amazon, noting, in his coyly provocative fashion, that NPR had received $17 million in funding from the Gates Foundation and did not reach out to him for comment, Margo shared his tweet. “Of course not!” she wrote. (The official Chelsea Green Twitter account has not retweeted any of Margo’s musings on the pandemic.) There is nothing particularly novel, of course, about a business curating its online presence. But another former Chelsea Green employee, who ran the company’s Instagram account during his tenure, said that the prospect of a massive backlash, and his own moral instinct, was enough to dissuade him from promoting the antivaccine books. “First of all, I didn’t want to have anything to do with them,” he said. “Second, I did not want to be on the receiving end of justifiably angry and freaked out people unfollowing us in droves, because I knew that that would happen.”
Of course I am defending the factual integrity of the book! It is one of the most important books we have ever published. M A R G O BAL D W I N
Like most of the former Chelsea Green employees Seven Days interviewed, this ex-employee also requested anonymity; Vermont’s literary community is small, he said, and Margo wields considerable influence in it. When he started his job at Chelsea Green, he said, he was eager to work on well-researched books about sustainable food and progressive politics. But as time went on, he became increasingly perplexed by some of Chelsea Green’s titles in science, medicine and sociology. “I started to wonder, What is the connection between all of this stuff ? Do all the books we’re doing make sense for our mission? I couldn’t figure it out,” he said. In spite of Chelsea Green’s employeeownership model, former staff members spoke of a very top-down workplace, where people rarely feel empowered to disagree with Margo; the Chelsea Green board of directors, over which Margo presides, has no employee representation. (In response to Seven Days’ question about what, precisely, the employeeownership model entails, Margo wrote: “What business is that of yours and why is it relevant?”) The common denominator among all of Chelsea Green’s editorial acquisitions, said the ex-employee, was Margo. In recent years, he said, she’d become especially fond of books that take on the medical establishment, and she would
tear down people who challenged her, often in front of their colleagues. “We’d have meetings where these books would come up for discussion, but it just felt like a formality,” he said. “If she wanted to publish a book, it was a foregone conclusion.” A former Chelsea Green intern, who said she rejected a full-time job offer because she didn’t want to work under Margo, recalled that during the editorial meeting to discuss the Cowan book, Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness, one editor became so upset that he had to leave the room. The ex-employee who ran the Instagram account stayed at Chelsea Green for seven years, in part because he strongly believed in the work that Chelsea Green had done in other fields, and also because he didn’t think that he was experienced enough to get a publishing job in a place like New York City — not to mention that outside of Chelsea Green, book publishing jobs are practically nonexistent in Vermont. “I was able to work with amazing authors on books that I was really proud of, and that I will always be proud of,” said the ex-employee. “That made it easier for me to make excuses, or to pretend that certain books weren’t big warning signs that I definitely could have quit over based on my moral code.” His resolve finally broke, he said, when he learned that Chelsea Green would publish the 15th-anniversary edition of Not in His Image by John Lamb Lash, whose writings on gnosticism and pagan spirituality have been embraced by white supremacist and anti-vaccination groups. (An excerpt from the flap copy of the 15th-anniversary book, which was released last week, reads: “Lash ... shows how the Gnostics clearly foresaw the current program of salvation by syringe, and places the Sophianic vision of life centrally in the battle to expose and oppose the evil agenda of transhumanism, making this well-timed update more relevant than ever.”) “It made me feel naïve and stupid to be building my career at a place where I didn’t pick up on these things, on top of feeling complicit in them,” he said. He quit earlier this year, before the Mercola deal had been finalized. The Truth About COVID-19 came as no surprise, he said: “Anything on COVID that was going to stick it to Big Pharma or national public health measures felt in line with the ethos of our other health books.” In fact, the Mercola book wasn’t the first COVID-19-related title Chelsea Green published; in October 2020, the company acquired the English translation BEST-SELLING BUNK
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Best-Selling Bunk « P.29 of a German book called Corona, False Alarm?, which cast doubt on lockdowns and other government interventions. “What struck me about it was that it almost felt ready-made, like it was just seizing upon this moment,” said the ex-employee. “And at the same time, its critique of Big Pharma and mainstream medicine was that they were moving too fast.”
As publisher, Margo is responsible for the business side of Chelsea Green, and the profitability of these controversial books, said another former employee, isn’t lost on her. “I think the times I saw her happiest were when she was talking about books that were selling really well,” she observed. Jim Schley, a freelance contributor to Seven Days who was editor in chief of Chelsea Green from the early ’90s until 2002, agreed with that assessment. “I think that when it comes down to it, she is motivated by money,” said Schley, who was laid off along with roughly half a dozen other employees when Margo reorganized the company and installed herself as publisher. “Margo would never admit that, and I’m sure she would say that she has very high-minded principles. But I do see a history of relishing controversy, which she can use to justify making buckets of money. She gets an adrenaline rush out of conflict and a kind of pleasure out of believing that other people are stupid.” (“Ha, ha, I’m a bad boss! Gee, what a story!” Margo wrote in an email to Seven Days. “Do you really think anyone cares?”) But Margo also seems to genuinely subscribe to some of the more iconoclastic ideas in Chelsea Green’s literature, and former employees said she makes no secret of her convictions. Throughout the pandemic, according to another recent
I was fundamentally proud of having had my book published by Chelsea Green.
Now, I feel creepy about the association. D AN W ING
ex-employee, Margo has eschewed masks in the office and shamed other staffers for wearing them. Nobody stood up to her,” she said, “because they were afraid of losing their jobs.” Within her first few weeks at Chelsea Green, said the same former employee, Margo tried to convince her that 9/11 was an inside job; there was an unwritten rule in the office never to tell Margo about dentist appointments, several people noted, so as
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not to find oneself on the receiving end of a lecture about how modern dentistry leads to mercury poisoning. And yet, those kinds of theories occasionally contain some speck of truth, which can make them irresistible to people who already view powerful institutions as selfserving and corrupt. Garrett, the University of British Columbia nursing professor, pointed to the decades of manipulation and deceit by drug-manufacturing giants such
as Purdue Pharma, which downplayed the addictiveness of its painkillers and fueled an opioid epidemic that has claimed at least half a million lives. “Every once in a while, something does get peeled back — look at the conservatives packing the courts, gerrymandering, the EB-5 scandal,” said Dan Wing, a retired doctor and author of the 1999 Chelsea Green book on artisanal bread and masonry ovens, The Bread Builders, which is still in print. “Is American agriculture just an economic phenomenon, or is it a conspiracy? It’s easy to imagine how someone might start with organic apple farming and go down the rabbit hole.” Wing, who lives in Corinth and is immunocompromised, was horrified by The Truth About COVID-19. “I was fundamentally proud of having had my book published by Chelsea Green,” he said. “Now, I feel creepy about the association.” Wing collects about $1,000 a year in royalties from his book, and he said he doesn’t know whether it would even be possible for him to change publishers. “If I took that $1,000 and gave it to the Union of Concerned Scientists instead, that would probably make me feel better,” said Wing. “But I don’t think anyone has fully solved this problem. If your grandfather purchased a share of an oil well, and you were receiving income from that oil well, and you sold your share because you don’t like fossil fuels, somebody else is still pumping oil. And what about Amazon? Do you have a Prime account because you want to watch a movie, even though you’re supporting a company that has bad labor practices? You can slice and dice it forever, until you wind up standing naked and alone.” Margo, for her part, seems to feel far from alone. In her defense of The Truth About COVID-19, she wrote in an email: “There are over 2,500 5-star reviews of the book on Amazon. Maybe you should spend some time reading them.” m
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Truck Start In Milton, Pro Driver Training teaches people to drive big rigs BY ST EVE GOL DSTE IN
itting in the cab of the truck simulator at Pro Driver Training, a commercial driving school in Milton, I had the lofty view of a real big rig, seven feet above the road. Through the three-screen video display, an SUV below looked like a Matchbox car. I turned the key in the ignition, gripped the trekking pole-like gearshift and began the diabolically tricky process of doubleclutching to put the truck in gear. And then: We were rolling! Alas, the virtual car in front of me (were those Massachusetts plates?) did not roll. The startlingly real ccrrrrunnnch that erupted from the simulator, as 80,000 pounds of truck met the ass of the Mass. car, was punctuated by an instructor’s cluck and chuckle. The simulator “saves a lot of wear and tear on the trucks,” Pro Driver Training co-owner Liz Green said dryly, as a sound like a spoon caught in an InSinkErator signaled more poor shifting. 32
Rolph Belizaire, a student at Pro Driver Training, practicing on the Virage truck simulator
Clearly, driving a tractor trailer is not Fun fact: You don’t need a regular driver’s for everyone, but Pro Driver Training will license to take the course; the Vermont teach anyone — even double clutch-averse Department of Motor Vehicles requires a journalists, at least for a day. 50-question written exam for a commerPro Driver Training operates out of an cial learner’s permit. industrial park off Exit 17 on Interstate 89, Pro Driver Training also offers the recognizable by very large Class B CDL course, which vehicles bearing “Student qualifies a driver to operate Driver” stickers. On the day I a school bus, dump truck, visited, in a designated “backcement mixer or the like, but ing range” in one corner of the not tractor trailers. One differvast lot, a trainee practiced ence between the two licenses reversing a rig into a lane is that Class A requires mastery of the double clutch marked by orange cones. As the cones disappeared — a method of shifting gears under his wheels, his fellow that is mainly used in vehicles GUY H O R N students, observing from a with unsynchronized manual safe distance on the sidelines, transmissions. rudely assessed his performance with Instead of depressing the clutch and hoots and catcalls. shifting directly to another gear, as they The Class A CDL (commercial driver’s would in their Volkswagen Jetta, the license) course includes 148 hours of class- driver first shifts out of gear into neutral room instruction, computer skills, work and attempts to match the engine speed to on a video simulator and road practice. the gear speed before shifting to the next
gear. For non-truckers, the skill is about as challenging as playing piano while climbing stairs. “It’s all about getting the rhythm!” the instructors say. But a session on Virage’s massive VS600M simulator was humbling. The $350,000 machine replicates the driver’s cab and operations with a triptych of video screens that generate various road and weather conditions. It will even throw a deer in your path to see whether you know where the buck stops. I, for one, was surprised to learn that an 18-wheeler driving 65 mph takes the length of two football fields to come to a complete stop. A warm, affable woman, Green, 52, took over Pro Driver Training with her son, Alex Johnson, in 2018 from a previous owner who was in failing health. Green acts as boss, den mother and cheerleader for her students: She wants them to succeed. Her husband, Rick, is the owner of Richard Green Trucking in Enosburg,
which really got rolling in 1984 when it began hauling some weirdly named ice cream for a local startup called Ben & Jerry’s. With a current fleet of nine trucks, PDT had 26 trainees on its roster last month, including three women. Many are looking for a career change; others heard that drivers are needed and want to supply that demand. In part because of the country’s increased reliance on mail-order and delivery services in the time of COVID-19, the wheels of the trucking industry keep turning. With its rep as a “pandemic-proof” vocation, trucking has drawn a diverse array of students and instructors to a field where salaries can sometimes reach six figures. “It’s a good profession in some uncertain times,” said Guy Horn, a recruiter for Werner Enterprises. Based in Omaha, Neb., the transportation and logistics company employs 7,000 drivers nationwide. “If you’re still willing to work, you still have those opportunities,” Horn continued. “The pay is amazing for a driver right out of pro driver school.” Trucks still make the U.S. economy roll. By weight and value, they carry more freight than every other transportation mode combined — a total of 70 percent of all goods in the U.S., according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Nearly one of every seven registered vehicles on the road is a commercial truck. The industry employs about 6 percent of the nation’s workforce. Drivers take home a median annual wage of $47,000, compared with about $42,000 across all occupations, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Those numbers made an impression on current PDT student Ahmed Abdi, who fled the civil strife in his native Somalia in 2004, when he was 19 years old. In Vermont, he ultimately found work as a welder and lives with his wife and five children, ages 5 to 12, in a house in Burlington’s Old North End built by Habitat for Humanity. “That was my first goal: to have my own house,” Abdi said. “So now I’m trying to move ahead.” Like many PDT trainees, Abdi applied for and received a Vermont state grant to pay part of the $5,700 tuition. Burlington’s Mike Brault, an IBM programmer for 32 years, took the training course under the previous owners and now is one of PDT’s most experienced instructors. “I just kind of fell into this,” he said. “I had no plans of becoming an instructor, but I love doing it. I meet so many different people that I wouldn’t have ever met.” He’s taught students from Nepal who are just learning English and have “driven” only bicycles. He’s helped a deaf person get his CDL.
Pro Driver Training owners Liz Green and her son, Alex Johnson
Instructor Hal Porter test-driving the Sterling, a training truck
Backing, steering, parking and shifting are all part of the PDT curriculum. Some students find memorizing the long list of pre-drive vehicle safety checks the most daunting. Brault said shifting and backing up the rig challenge most students. “It’s a lot of teaching at first, a lot of commands,” Brault said. “I’ll tell them,
‘Let’s stop the truck and start over.’ The simulator helps a lot.” Farmers, he noted, are quick learners because they’ve driven tractors. An even temperament is a key trait in a driver, according to Brault. He stresses patience, because a trainee who becomes frustrated or angry is not an ideal candidate for piloting a 40-ton vehicle at high speed.
One student got so angry in training that he had to be dismissed, Green said. Instructor Hal Porter of St. Albans has wanted to drive a truck ever since he saw actor Burt Reynolds in Smokey and the Bandit. Drugs and drink T-boned that goal until Porter got sober 12 years ago and went to school to become a social counselor. Green heard Porter speak at a job fair and offered him an instructor’s job, which he qualified for after taking the Class A CDL course and passing a Vermont state exam. “I still get to work with people,” Porter said, “but someday I hope to drive.” In the meantime, he said, he’s found a passion for working with folks “who have absolutely no clue how to drive a truck.” PDT graduates usually land jobs quickly, which Green ascribes to a shortage of drivers. The American Trucking Associations, the nation’s largest group representing the industry, claimed that there was a deficit of 61,000 drivers when COVID-19 hit and predicts a shortage of 160,000 drivers by 2028. Not everyone in the industry believes the ATA’s claims of a severe shortfall of drivers to fill seats. Todd Spencer, president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, which represents more than 150,000 mostly self-employed truck drivers in the U.S., told the NPR program “Planet Money” that the industry is experiencing not a shortage but a problem of retention due to an aging workforce and quick turnover among long-haulers. Whether these different contentions are fact or fiction, the industry is on the cusp of change. Looming on the horizon — admittedly a far horizon — are autonomous trucks, driverless dreadnoughts recently featured on “60 Minutes.” In 2019, Starsky Robotics sent a driverless 35,000-pound rig down the Florida Turnpike, heralding an age of experimentation that may reinvent the 18-wheeler. For now, personal reinvention is what appeals to many drivers about the job. Wayne Davis spent 15 years in the restaurant business and was training to be manager at Uno Pizzeria & Grill in South Burlington when the pandemic closed it down. In April, he enrolled at PDT, breezed through the course and was hired immediately by JBS Carriers. Now he’s delivering meat on reefers — refrigerated trucks — between Pennsylvania and Colorado. “I’m making close to $100,000 a year now,” Davis said. His ultimate goal is to drive for a Vermont company so he can sleep in his own bed. “This is the first time in 30 years of working,” he said, “that I can honestly say that I like my job.” m
INFO Learn more at SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Creature Comfort
A Roxbury man builds a customized beaver abode — and runs into a regulatory logjam B Y S A LLY POL L AK •
eave it to beavers to escape from their home and still come back in time for supper. No, this isn’t an episode of the bygone TV show “Leave It to Beaver,” about the escapades of a suburban boy who always winds up safely at home after 30 mischievous minutes. It’s the true story of BK, an orphaned beaver who lives in the woods of Roxbury, and his beaver BFF, Mrs. Beaver. The two animals, both yearlings, reside there under the care of John Aberth, a licensed wildlife rehabilitator. One day in early September, the pair escaped from their outdoor enclosure, eating through the cage’s eight-gauge wire. Mrs. Beaver hung around by the stream near the cage. BK wandered off and explored, probably not too far, before returning home for a late afternoon meal of willow and poplar branches. “They’re like Houdinis,” Aberth said. “You always have to keep one step ahead of them.” Aberth, 58, is a medieval historian with a doctorate from Cambridge University in England; his area of expertise is the plague. Retired from teaching history, he drives a school bus in the Mad River Valley and works with his wife, Linda Hamilton, at her equestrian business, Figure 8 Riding. As one of 21 licensed wildlife rehabilitators in Vermont, Aberth spends much of his time learning about wildlife and applying his knowledge to injured or orphaned mammals and birds in need of care. This cadre of rehabilitators plays a vital role in the health and well-being of Vermont’s wildlife population, according to Col. Jason Batchelder, director of enforcement for the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department. “We need them because they fill a role that only a civilian can fill,” Batchelder said, noting that game officials sometimes euthanize injured or orphaned animals. Rehabilitators offer an alternative. “They provide a position for these animals in between what got them into their current state of trouble and being rewilded,” he said, calling wildlife rehabilitators “an extraordinary partner.” Aberth is mindful of not getting attached to the beavers and other animals he rehabilitates. His names for the beavers — BK (short for beaver kit) and Mrs. Beaver — are not pet names but
John Aberth
identifying tags. His commitment is to nurse injured or ill animals back to health and to provide food, water and habitat until they can live safely and independently in their natural environment. To that end, he keeps a daily log of the animals’ progress. “Especially with climate change, we need to find a way to coexist with these animals,” said Aberth, who is staunchly opposed to trapping, even as he claims to own the most fur coats of anyone in Vermont. (People send them to him, knowing that fur is desirable bedding for the animals he rehabilitates.) “We’re interconnected. We’re all in this together,” Aberth continued. “My role is to try to help people understand this — and to help them understand that you’re better off having these animals alive than dead.” But there’s trouble in beaver paradise. State officials say an enclosure Aberth built to house the beavers violates a statute that forbids discharging into state waters. And they’ve ordered him to remove it.
A hawk in John Aberth’s care
BK and Mrs. Beaver
The cage in question is an outdoor enclosure that Aberth constructed for the beavers using two dog kennels. In June, BK and Mrs. Beaver moved into these warmweather quarters: a 10-by-20-foot cage on Aberth’s property set partly in a stream that flows into Flint Brook and partly on its bank. Water flows freely in and out of the big-holed wire contraption, and the beavers move between land and water in a structure that offers an approximation of the environment they’ll inhabit upon their release.
“It makes for a better release, instead of just throwing them out into the stream one day,” Aberth said. “It’s getting them used to a natural environment that they’ll eventually be put in permanently.” Aberth thinks that his is the only beaver enclosure of its kind in Vermont; he learned its design from an animal rehabilitator in New York State. The two beavers appear to be thriving under his care; BK has grown from one pound to 38 pounds in 16 months and learned to build with sticks. However beneficial it might be to the beavers, the cage violates a discharge statute, according to Ryan McCall, an environmental enforcement officer with the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation. Last week, Aberth told Seven Days, he came home from driving the school bus
to learn from Hamilton that, while he was gone, McCall had showed up at their house and informed her of a complaint regarding the beavers’ outdoor enclosure. The officer said it was a violation and had to come down “immediately,” Aberth said. “You cannot discharge anything to state waters,” McCall confirmed to Seven Days. “Right now, there’s a cage in state waters.” He said the cage and animal waste constitute discharge but declined to comment further, noting that an investigation is ongoing. A week after Aberth was told to remove the cage, he said it remained in its spot in the woods and stream, and the beavers were still living in it, according to Aberth. “I’m trying to resolve the situation,” he said. He hoped to talk with state officials to get a better understanding of the alleged violation and work out a solution. Life for animals and people seems pretty good at Aberth’s place, on remote land at an elevation of 1,400 feet. His log cabin is down the road from the farm where he spent childhood summers with his family, a property he and Hamilton now own. One summer when Aberth was a boy, his brother and a friend found a sick and starving hawk on the side of the road. His brother brought the bird home to try to save it, but it died. “It inspired me to train to do something for these animals,” Aberth said. “I said, ‘I can do better.’” Trained in avian rehabilitation at Quechee’s Vermont Institute of Natural Science, he works with raptors and mammals. The birds he’s rehabbed — barred owls, ravens and falcons — live in a geodesic dome he built. The structure is 26 feet in diameter and 13 feet high, with saplings and a ladder for perching. BK was a week old and weighed barely a pound when he was found alone in St. Albans in May 2020. The man who found him contacted Aberth, who agreed to rehabilitate the baby beaver and picked him up at a park-and-ride in Montpelier. Taking in the baby animal was roughly a two-year commitment, during which BK would “learn skills and get fat enough” to survive on his own, Aberth said. Early on, the project was well suited to the isolation imposed by COVID-19. Aberth fed the baby beaver formula
from a bottle and placed him in bathtub water. Later, he made a pen for BK in the basement with a water trough that he drained each day with a sump pump and refilled with clean water. For a time, BK had two pools of water: one to play in and one for a bathroom, uses that he came up with on his own. About a year into BK’s life in Roxbury, in the spring of 2021, Aberth got a call about an injured and orphaned female beaver in Marshfield. He drove halfway there to pick up the ailing Mrs. Beaver, who was about a year old. Mrs. Beaver arrived with two infected abscesses that Aberth treated. He put her in a pen in the basement, separated by a metal railing from BK, who hissed at her. The two animals could see and sniff each other while getting used to each other from their distinct spaces. One day, about two weeks after Mrs. Beaver moved in, Aberth came downstairs and found the beavers together. “They just somehow broke through that divided railing and got together, because they really wanted to be together,” Aberth said. “They were lying side by side. They’re very smart.” In June, he moved the beavers outside to the special enclosure, where they can learn beaver skills in an environment that offers woods, earth, mud and flowing water. Inside the cage is a little hutch where the beavers can hide and sleep. Sometimes, when Mrs. Beaver hears Aberth coming in the morning, she dives underwater and stays there for many minutes before reappearing. Aberth plans to release the beavers in the spring of 2022. He hopes that the state will allow the animals to stay in their outdoor enclosure — the place he considers better for them and for him — until cold weather prompts a move indoors. If they can stay outside until the weather turns, he wouldn’t be surprised to witness another beaver escape — and return. “A young beaver will get out, but he’ll come back,” Aberth said. “He wants his food. He wants his safe space.” m
INFO Learn more and find a map of licensed Vermont wildlife rehabilitators at SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Mushroom Mastery
A Richmond couple spreads fungi foraging know-how
Brooke Cutlan of West Bolton smelling a mushroom during a foraging walk at Shelburne Farms
uring a brief preamble to a recent mushroom walk at Shelburne Farms, workshop leader Ari Rockland-Miller asked each person to introduce themselves and share why they had signed up. Many in the group chuckled and nodded in agreement when Vincent Miller (no relation) of Williston said, “I’ve always been interested in mushrooming, but I don’t want to die.” Rockland-Miller, 35, said he hoped to help the 14 participants hunt for edible mushrooms “safely and fruitfully.” Over the last 11 years, he and his wife, Jenna Antonino DiMare, 34, have given more than 200 workshops and presentations through the Mushroom Forager, a small educational project they run out of their Richmond home. They aim to
demystify and simplify the search for edible wild fungi and, yes, help avoid death. Before heading up Lone Tree Hill, Rockland-Miller distributed copies of a compact, two-sided, illustrated card titled “Northeastern ForageCast: Mushrooms of September.” Comprehensive field guides can be informative but also “overwhelming,” Rockland-Miller noted. The Mushroom Forager’s ForageCast cards list seasonal and regional subsets of edible fungi. Each mushroom description includes a color drawing, the common and scientific names, where the species is most often found, and its culinary value. “It helps you learn when certain mushrooms are in season and where to look, a very productive way to forage,” RocklandMiller said.
ForageCast cards are handy cheat sheets on what you really need to know: the SparkNotes of mushroom foraging 101. Rockland-Miller also handed out some recent fungi finds, including a bright redorange lobster mushroom, or Hypomyces lactifluorum. It is as edible as its namesake and is a parasitic fungus that feeds on other mushrooms, he explained. A nonedible bitter bolete made its way around the circle. While related to the prized porcini, or Boletus cf. edulis in North America, the bitter bolete had a brown netlike pattern on the upper stem, not the white netting of porcini. “It’s not poisonous, but it’s extremely bitter. It makes your tongue feel awful,” RocklandMiller explained. “The vast majority of mushrooms are neither deadly nor delicious,” he
continued. However, Rockland-Miller cautioned, there are mushrooms in the Northeast that can make you very sick, and a handful that can definitely kill you. Rockland-Miller then shared a story with the group about a man who emailed him regarding chanterelle identification. The genus Cantharellus includes goldenorange mushrooms that have a poisonous look-alike called Omphalotus illudens, or, commonly, jack-o’-lantern. The photos were not conclusive, so Rockland-Miller advised against eating them. A week or so later, the man emailed again to say he had just eaten delicious chanterelles. Rockland-Miller asked whether he was sure they were edible. Shortly thereafter, the man sent a brief MUSHROOM MASTERY
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9/20/21 11:25 AM
The terrace in front of Dedalus Wine Shop, Market and Wine Bar in Burlington in 2020
AND WINE BAR, which has locations in Burlington, Middlebury and Stowe, is planning to open what he believes will be Burlington’s first vinyl bar in late winter or early spring 2022. “Vinyl” refers to oldschool records that will be spun by a roster of top local DJs on a state-ofthe-art sound system. The yet-to-be-named bar will occupy part of the space behind Dedalus’ Pine Street shop and wine bar that was occupied by Green State Gardener before it moved half a mile south. “We’re taking inspiration from what is sort of a tradition in Japan of small listening rooms with neat cocktail lists,” Zuliani
said, referring to intimate record bars for discophiles that have become institutions in cities such as Tokyo. The new project also indulges one of Zuliani’s personal passions. “I’ve been a vinyl collector for a long time,” he said. As patrons listen, they will be able to sip drinks from a new cocktail list that Zuliani said is “classically styled with a focus on amaro-based cocktails.” In keeping with his core business model, he also promised “a killer wine list.” MICAH TAVELLI, executive chef of Dedalus in Burlington, will develop the food menu, which will lean toward charcuterie and cheese boards with warm olives
and good bread, Zuliani said. “This will not be a place for dinner,” he clarified. He aims to make the vinyl bar “a beautiful, modern environment with an extraordinary listening system,” he said. Its record collection will include only music that was mastered from its original analog source. Zuliani is working with a team of sound designers and engineers to create a custom-built system that will include “a classic analog DJ booth” and “a no-compromise turntable.” Some evenings will be devoted to specific artists or albums, Zuliani said. A cover charge may sometimes be required for entry. m
CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.
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5/12/21 2:51 PM
follow-up: “I guess they weren’t. I’m vomiting right now.” “99.9 percent sure is not enough,” Rockland-Miller emphasized. “You need to be 100 percent sure.” The roots of the Mushroom Forager harken back to Rockland-Miller’s childhood. In a phone conversation a few days after the Shelburne event, he recalled a vivid memory from when he was 10 years old: He found a hen of the woods mushroom, or Grifola frondosa, growing at the base of an oak tree on a neighbor’s driveway. “I was just really curious, like, Is this really a hen of the woods? Is it edible?” His mother bought him the authoritative National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms, which is dense with information. Young Ari reluctantly put his mushroom foraging on hold. “I think any field guide as a starting point can be confusing to navigate. There’s so much content, and what you really want to eat is just a fraction of that,” RocklandMiller said. “I didn’t have any mentors. I didn’t have anyone to teach me.” Rockland-Miller was finally able to feed his interest in fungi when he started working in 2009 at Cornell University in Ithaca, N.Y., managing a forest-based nut, mushroom and fruit farm and a mushroom research project. “I just became really obsessed with mushrooms, both wild and cultivated,” he said. He and Antonino DiMare started a blog in 2010 to share his learning journey and enthusiasm. When their readers asked for workshops, Rockland-Miller said he was reminded of his own craving for that kind of resource, so the pair started offering them later that year. While he generally takes the lead role in teaching and writing for the blog, Antonino DiMare shoots most of the photographs, does workshop planning and is the chief mushroom cook. The two grew up in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts and met in high school. Both love the natural world and built environment-related careers. Antonino DiMare holds a master’s degree in landscape architecture and is the executive director of the nonprofit Vermont Green Building Network. Rockland-Miller graduated from Vermont Law School and works in land use policy and farmland conservation for the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets. Through the Mushroom Forager, the couple shares their deep appreciation of nature with others. “It is our labor of love,” Antonino DiMare said by phone. “One of the amazing things about 38
Mushroom Mastery « P.36
Ari Rockland-Miller showing an example of a nonedible mushroom while his daughter Eliana Rockland-DiMare, 7, looks on at Shelburne Farms
A turkey tail, likely the violet-toothed polypore (Trichaptum biforme), at Shelburne Farms
Ari Rockland-Miller (left) pointing out saprophytic (decomposer) mushrooms on a downed log to Tamara Densmore (right) and Eric Tieman (center), both of New York City
food+drink mushroom hunting is that not only are through the beginning of October. you on this fantastic treasure hunt in the The workshops provide more than forest that can potentially result in deli- fungi identification education; they’re cious ingredients for your dinner that an opportunity to talk about foraging evening,” Antonino DiMare said, “but it etiquette and ethics, a topic raised early really does open your eyes to seeing the in the Shelburne foray. forest in a new way.” In response to a question about To forage successfully and safely, one etiquette, Rockland-Miller said, “Don’t must be able to identify tree species and ask foragers their spots.” As for ethics, follow other clues in nature. For exam- he listed off a few basic guidelines: Never ple, Antonino DiMare said, “If there’s take more than half a patch and, ideally, a certain kind of moss or the landscape less. Never forage on private land without is wet, I might think of black trum- asking for permission. If on public land, pets,” she said, referring to Craterellus such as a state park, check for any rules cornucopioides. about foraging. Try to pick larger, more On the cautionary side, her husband mature mushrooms that have already explained that although chicken of the dropped their spores to ensure future woods is normally edible, it should be harvests. avoided if found on hemlock trees and The Shelburne workshop turned up other conifers. Those are a disappointingly little in different species of Laetithe way of edible mushporus that can cause serirooms but much in the way ous stomach upset. of education. The group The couple’s two daughbushwhacked through ters — Eliana, 7, and Noemi, sugarbush sap lines, knelt 2 — have grown up in the down to turn over logs and woods, and the eldest has handed a steady stream of already developed a keen mushrooms to Rocklandnaturalist’s eye. “Eliana can ARI ROCKL AND-MILLE R Miller for identification. be very helpful during some A downed log revealed of our forays to run ahead and flag differ- small pearls that were most likely prepuent, interesting specimens to highlight in bescent oyster mushrooms; they were the course,” Antonino DiMare said. too young to harvest or identify with 100 The girls love to eat mushrooms, too. percent certainty. “They kind of lay claim on all of them,” “You’d have to come back to see them she said with a laugh. “Ari and I might when they are larger — and smell one,” not get to eat that prime porcini that Rockland-Miller said, explaining that we brought home. They gobble them oyster mushrooms have a distinctive all up.” anise or licorice aroma. For safety and to maximize the nutriThe group found fungi at the other end tional benefits, the couple cooks all of the life cycle, too: a ragged, floppy clusforaged mushrooms but the most pris- ter of overmature oyster mushrooms on tine porcini specimens. Antonino DiMare a sugar maple. said she likes to roast oyster mushrooms The most exciting discovery was the (Pleurotus ostreatus) at 400 degrees, deadliest: a luminously white destroytossed with just olive oil, herbs, salt and ing angel, or Amanita bisporigera. That a little minced garlic to avoid overpower- mushroom is in the genus responsible ing their delicate flavor. She adds porcini for most mushroom-related deaths to braises and risottos and pairs chante- worldwide. relles with eggs in omelettes, quiches and Everyone gathered around in fascifrittatas. nation, and Rockland-Miller recounted Another lesser-known favorite is how he had once received an email from a lion’s mane, a name that some foragers novelist seeking a detailed blow-by-blow use for several species of Hericium with account of how someone might die from a shaggy appearance. Lion’s mane tastes eating one. best seared in a really hot cast-iron pan Amber Rich of Williston asked until “almost toasted,” Antonino DiMare Rockland-Miller if he’d ever gotten sick said, and it makes an excellent seafood from eating a mushroom. “I’m not that substitute in a mock crab cake. bold,” he responded, repeating an old She often uses hen of the woods — adage: “There are old mushroom foragalso called maitake — as a base for soup. ers and bold mushroom foragers — but “It has an incredible umami flavor,” she no old, bold mushroom foragers.” m said. “Even just thinking about hen of the woods makes me salivate a little bit.” INFO In a typical year, the Mushroom Learn more at Forager offers about two dozen public Shelburne Farms allows foraging only as part and private workshops from May of its organized programs.
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9/17/21 11:00 AM
9/20/21 3:48 PM
Wise Idea
Bartender Kate Wise gets people drinking for a cause B Y J O R D AN BAR RY •
ate Wise thinks that the cosmopolitan is a great drink. Sure, the cocktail has some work to do to overcome its 1990s-syrupy-sweet-girly-pink reputation. But if she has anything to say about it, we’ll all be drinking them regularly even before the “Sex and the City” reboot launches this fall. “You see them in movies, and they’re the wrong color or the wrong everything,” said Wise, a bartender at Hotel Vermont’s Juniper Bar & Restaurant in Burlington. “But a really good cosmo is one of the most delicious things ever.” On top of being delicious, Wise’s current riff on the cosmo at Juniper is raising money for a good cause. The Outright Orange — a mixture of Green Mountain Distillers’ organic orange vodka, Vermont Cranberry juice, orange liqueur and lime — is part of the #drinkitforward campaign, a statewide effort that Wise spearheaded to raise money for Outright Vermont. Throughout September, which is Vermont Pride Month, $1 from each #drinkitforward beverage goes directly to the nonprofit that supports LGBTQ+ youth. Thanks to Wise’s enthusiasm and outreach, more than 50 businesses are participating with fundraising drinks of their own. Wise, 37, hates talking about herself. Behind the bar, she’s quick to dive into esoteric cocktail history, explaining the nuances of what makes rye rye or correcting the misconception that bourbon must be made in Kentucky. Sitting down for an interview on Juniper’s patio, though, made her “a little clammy,” she said. The Stowe native was bartending before she was old enough to drink. At age 19, she worked her way behind the bar at the Rusty Nail, where she’d started pouring creemees when she was 13. Since then, she’s worked at industry heavy hitters Pro Pig, Doc Ponds and the Great Northern, as well as the nowclosed Beau in Montpelier. “I was working in a fast-paced nightclub until I was 27,” Wise said. “I could make Surfers on Acid, but no one was really asking for a negroni.” When she left the Rusty Nail for Pro Pig, “Jeff Baumann made my brain explode with
Kate Wise at Hotel Vermont’s Juniper Bar & Restaurant
all the stuff I didn’t know yet,” she added, referring to the then-head bartender at the Waterbury spot. Wise credits Baumann, now the general manager at the Great Northern, with creating a demand for a real cocktail culture in the area. “Thankfully, I no longer need to make lots of shots that come with lots of flavored rums and schnapps,” she said. Now Wise has her own cocktail training and education business, Wise Consulting. Last winter, she ran Zoom seminars — whiskey and tequila tastings — for companies around the country. “It was very, very nerve-racking,” she said with a laugh, reiterating that she’s uncomfortable being the center of attention. “But then I realized that I’m just drinking booze the whole time and talking about stuff that I love to talk about.” Wise has worked at Juniper for the past three years — the longest she’s
worked anywhere since the Rusty Nail, and the most “adult” bartending job she’s ever had, she said. The hotel bar is known for its Vermont beer list, natural wines and local, seasonal takes on classic cocktails: a Bee’s Knees with Barr Hill Gin; old-fashioneds with WhistlePig Rye Whiskey; and 44 Rhubies, a daiquiri variation with Wise’s homemade rhubarb syrup and Mad River Distillers’ Rum 44. Her goal, whether chatting by videoconference or one-on-one across Juniper’s copper bar, is to create a more educated consumer. For instance, she said, she’ll “let them know that it’s not ‘ippah,’ it’s I-P-A, in the most approachable way possible, without making them feel silly.” “I try never to start a sentence with ‘Actually…’” Wise said with a laugh. “But there are so many people that are just openly wrong and very vocal about it at the bar; I feel it’s my duty, out of respect
for other bartenders, to just let them know.” Teaching someone how to bartend — the intangible skills of multitasking and interacting with customers — requires a different approach. “I can teach them how to make cocktails,” Wise said. “But memorizing all the drinks isn’t the hard part. I can’t really teach someone how to evaluate the big picture and figure out their order of operations. I can’t give someone a personality. And I can’t give someone a thick skin.” On a busy Wednesday night, when all of Juniper’s eight or nine low-backed stools were full, Wise’s own skills were in full evidence. She quickly and unpretentiously rattled off the definition of orange wine, chimed in on a reporter’s rant about hard seltzer, and took a food order, punctuating her simultaneous conversations with a consistent rhythm
Brewery to say the business would donate a dollar for every draft pour in its Greensboro tasting room, “I definitely lost it. But they were happy tears.” Pe o p l e h av e s t a r t e d d o i n g #drinkitforward bar crawls, Wise said. She doesn’t have time for much crawling of her own, but she keeps tabs on the hashtag on social media, which she also uses to give away gift cards to participating businesses. The campaign isn’t just about booze. The Waterbury and Stowe locations of PK Coffee are participating with Love Beets All, a bright-red beetroot latte. Poke Bar Stowe Street Café in Waterbury is donating $1 from each of its fresh-pressed Order online at juices. Brio Coffeeworks in Burlington has an alcohol-free, espresso-forward take on a dark and stormy. “It doesn’t need to be a new drink,” Wise said, noting that the #drinkitfor8v-scalepoke080421 1 7/30/21 10:33 AM ward special at Winooski’s Waterworks Food + Drink is a classic Bee’s Knees. At T. Ruggs Tavern in Burlington, it’s a Lost Nation Brewing Lokal Resident. “It essentially costs the bar nothing — you figure out what your normal cost is and tack on a dollar,” Wise said. “That’s the beauty of it. And when enough people just concentrate on one cause, you can actually make some real change.” The Outright Orange, Juniper’s 5 & 17 BERRY HILL RD, SHEFFIELD MLS NUMBER 4866641 orangey cosmo riff, is an approachable Two for One! The front house features 2 bedrooms, crowd-pleaser. Its pretty looks encour1.75 bathrooms, tons of versatile living space, and an age patrons to ask about it. antique general store space on the first floor! The back house features 3 bedrooms, a bathroom and a Besides telling her customers about wonderful open floor plan. $159,900 cocktail history, now Wise is talking about Outright Vermont — and so are Contact me for more details! bartenders, servers, baristas and restauScott DesJardins, Realtor® rant owners around the state. Wise will 802.424.6691 know the total amount raised by OctoI’m your guy ber 15; her initial goal was $5,000, but for “It was as if we had stumbled she thinks it might hit five figures. Northeast into a trusted family member “Our industry has a unique ability who shared all he knew to Kingdom to reach the general public,” Wise said. ensure our decision was the best Real Estate it could be. If you choose Scott “We need to use our platform intenas your Realtor®, you will Specializing in tionally to increase awareness, get absolutely not be disappointed. land, camps people out of their comfort zones, start and unique properties. Like &Follow a conversation and raise some damn money.” m #StoneCrestVT
The Scale
Juniper’s Outright Orange cocktail (small, center)
from the cocktail shakers she wielded in each hand. “It’s a really specific personality that makes someone crazy enough to keep coming back to do this job,” Wise said. The hours and money are nice, she conceded, but it’s the people in the industry who have kept her there. “It’s the most lovable group of nerds. And people are unabashedly themselves.” Many of those “nerds” were quick to jump on board Wise’s #drinkitforward campaign when she pitched it in August. The idea originated with a small fundraising effort in May and early June, when Juniper donated $1 for every 44 Rhubies cocktail sold to Ferene Paris Meyer’s All Heart Inspirations Juneteenth Celebration. Wise wanted to keep the program going, and the hotel supported her. In July and August, sales of the Whi(noo) skey Strong Sour benefited anti-racism initiative Winooski Strong. Wise hammered out her idea with Paris Meyer and CD Mattison, cochair of Outright Vermont’s board. Mattison’s suggestion to support Outright Vermont aligned with Wise’s larger plan: to fundraise for six BIPOC- and LGBTQcentered nonprofits over the year. The goal is to “get some real money
and feature communities that need some spotlight and money and support, especially now,” Wise said. The Hotel Vermont team gave Wise the go-ahead, paid for #drinkitforward stickers, and agreed to match the total raised at Juniper and Bleu Northeast Kitchen. Outright Vermont executive director Dana Kaplan suggested running the fundraiser in September for Vermont Pride Month. Things snowballed from there. Since the fundraiser is so simple — a dollar a drink — Wise thought other bars, restaurants and coffee shops might be interested in joining. “It’s for a good cause,” she said. “Why the hell would you say no?” She wrote a letter explaining #drinkitforward and headed out to other businesses. More than 50 signed on: the Farmhouse Group, ArtsRiot, Café Mamajuana, the Great Northern and Zero Gravity Craft Brewery, both locations of Hen of the Wood, other businesses in Stowe and Waterbury, Montpelier spots such as the new Fox Market and Bar, and even Wolf Tree in White River Junction. “I’ve cried many times,” Wise said of her colleagues’ overwhelming support for the fundraiser. When Bob Montgomery emailed from Hill Farmstead
INFO Find out more about #drinkitforward, including the list of participating businesses, at
101 Depot Street, Lyndonville | 802.626.4790
SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021 8v-stonecrestproperties092221 1
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Still from Ailey
Beauty Spots
Architecture + Design Film Series returns with eight documentaries B Y A M Y L I L LY •
he Burlington-based Architecture + Design Film Series, now in its ninth season, has a singular purpose for its three organizers: to share beauty with the community. The free series consists of eight documentary films selected by architect Andrew Chardain, artist Lynda Reeves McIntyre and Vermont Eco-Floors co-owner Karen Frost. Each spends oodles of time trolling the internet for excellent films about people in architecture, design, art, landscape architecture and the occasional uncategorizable subject. But they all have one indispensable criterion. “It has to be a beautiful film,” said McIntyre, a former studio art professor at the University of Vermont. Her late husband was the Shelburne-based architect Roland Batten, after whom the university’s annual lecture on architecture is named.
“Each of us watches each film separately,” McIntyre said of the curation process. “Then we each give them a score of 1 to 5.” Formerly screened at the BCA Center, the roughly monthly films were streamed online in 2020. This year, the first four will again be streamed, starting on Wednesday, September 29, with Ailey. The trio will reconsider safety protocols and the possibility of restarting in-person screenings in January. This year’s lineup promises beauty in a number of areas. Making Space: 5 Women Changing the Face of Architecture is a 2014 documentary directed by Ultan Guilfoyle. It features five female architects with successful practices around the world telling their own stories: Annabelle Selldorf, Farshid Moussavi, Odile Decq, Marianne McKenna and Kathryn Gustafson. Running Fence, a 1977 film directed by documentary pioneers Albert and
David Maysles and Charlotte Zwerin, documents the making of Christo and Jeanne-Claude’s 24-and-a-half-mile white fabric fence in California — a project that required convincing 59 ranchers to cede access to their land. Artists form the center of two more films. Roger Sherman’s 1998 “American Masters: Alexander Calder” covers the ingenious sculptor’s mobiles and other works. Hilma af Klint, the rediscovered Swedish artist who began making unprecedentedly large-scale, abstract paintings in 1906, is the subject of Halina Dyrschka’s 2019 Beyond the Visual — Hilma af Klint. All the films the organizers chose meet their beauty criterion, but one in particular “got a 5 in all our rankings,” McIntyre said: George Nakashima: Woodworker (2020) directed by the artist’s nephew, John Nakashima. At nearly two hours, the film exceeds the trio’s preferred limit of 90 minutes, “but there’s no frame that can be edited out,” McIntyre opined.
The film is Frost’s favorite. “When I watched [George Nakashima], my reaction was: This is everything that we look for in a documentary,” Frost recalled. The film follows the life of the architect and designer, who was born in Spokane, Wash., in 1905 to immigrant Japanese parents, through his architectural training and his spiritual conversion to the beauty of wood in India. “He’s someone who really works with the wood, its imperfections and its beauty, so everything has a lot of character,” Frost said of Nakashima, considered a founder of the American craft movement for his furniture designs. “His search for meaning and purpose and his intentionality, in combination with his Japanese ancestry — he lived in Japan for a period — [are evident in] the home he lived in, his process, his workshop. But it’s a journey. The film portrays how he learns different things over time and how it all combines into this production of wood. It’s a beautiful life. “You know how so many architects have these tragic lives?” Frost added. “Like Louis Kahn; there’s a lot of that. Nakashima didn’t have that.” McIntyre landed the season’s opening film, Ailey (2021), directed by Jamila Wignot, after tracking its production for years. Documenting the life of the Black dancer-choreographer (1931-1989) who founded Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater, it features a musical score by Daniel Bernard Roumain, the new creative chair of Burlington’s Flynn. “We’ve been looking for four years for a dance film that’s not too long or only for dance fanatics,” said McIntyre, who is also a dancer. “This film just premiered in New York in August, so [our showing] is a [Burlington] premiere.” (Montpelier’s Savoy Theater showed the film earlier this month.) “Even if you don’t like dance, you will be moved,” McIntyre continued. “It follows Ailey’s life from [being] a young boy in Texas to his life in the church to moving north with his mom to discovering dance. That became his avenue of expression. His work is rooted in ballet. ‘Revelations’ [choreographed by Ailey in 1959] is still one of the strongest, most powerful pieces about the Black experience. “To me, it’s one of the most beautiful films I’ve ever seen,” McIntyre said of Ailey. “It doesn’t make a god out of him; it reveals the sources of this man’s creativity, his vision, as he crafted these pieces that continue to be performed.”
Alvin Ailey
Chardain called his is in the design of the top choice this year — Airstream itself,” CharAlumination, a 2021 film dain said. “You get to by Eric Bricker about see early models, midAirstream trailers — “a LYN DA REEVES MCINTY R E models, the newest ones. The old ones were so little personal.” That’s because the architect, who works at light, you could pull them with an ordiBirdseye in Richmond, recently moved nary car; these days you need a truck. with his partner out of their house and People collect and refurbish old ones” into a 2018 Airstream. — including a friend of his who recently The film traces the life of Wally Byam purchased a 1969 model. (1896-1962), the creator of the iconic “We were able to compare old and product in the 1930s, and his vision of new, and the amenities [in the old model] what the Airstream could mean to Ameri- were nicer than the house I used to live can culture. “It introduced this freedom in,” Chardain noted. of mobility — this ability to get out and see The organizers had a reason for placthe world in a way you couldn’t before,” ing Alumination at the end of the film series, on April 13, Chardain said: “When Chardain explained. The film contains original footage of you’re in spring headed into summer, [we events that Byam organized: sightseeing like to show] films that energize you to get tours by huge caravans of Airstreams out and experience adventure — maybe through deserts and jungles to destina- even revisit some of those dreams you’ve tions such as Mexico City. Since then, put on the back burner.” m the trailers’ uses have only multiplied: Airstreams are pop-up coffee shops, INFO mobile offices, vehicles for minimalist Architecture + Design Film Series, streaming living and more. beginning Wednesday, September 29, “A lot of the beauty of the film really at Free.
ARTURO O’FARRILL QUINTET . . . . . . . 10/8 OKAIDJA AFROSO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10/15 FRY STREET QUARTET & DR. ROBERT DAVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/22
HAWKTAIL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10/29 MICHELLE CANN, PIANO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/19 ROOMFUL OF TEETH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12/10 = performance also available in livestream
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An Evening With
Tom Rush
Arms and the Woman
accompanied by Matt Nakoa
Book review: The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women, Nancy Marie Brown BY MARGO T H AR R IS O N •
25% OFF
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N /P
She’s referring to assumptions based on Christian, and specifically Victorian, notions of difference between the sexes. As she writes in the book, such beliefs endure today:
bout 1,100 years ago, a girl named Hervor was born into a noble family in southern Norway. Separated early from her parents by warfare, she grew up the ward of a ruthless Viking queen who presided over wild pagan rituals known as the Winter Nights. Tall, fast and fierce, more skilled with a sword than a spindle, Hervor trained as a Saturday, Sept. 25, 7:30 pm warrior. She crewed with a slave-trading Barre Opera House sea raider known as the Red Girl. Later, as the armed protector of a merchant ship, “Tom was not only one of my Hervor regularly sailed an arduous route early heroes, but also one of from Sweden all the way to Kiev, Russia, my main influences.” bringing back prized silks from Constanti- James Taylor nople. When she died young, she was buried 802-476-8188 or order as she lived: surrounded by weapons. Hervor isn’t a real person, but she could have been. That’s the thesis of Nancy Marie Brown, the East Burke author of numerous 8V-BarreOpera092221 1 9/20/21 3:45 PM well-reviewed nonfiction accounts of the Viking era, in her spellbinding new book, The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women. At a virtual event hosted by the Norwich Bookstore on September 14, Brown noted that although she has a graduate degree in medieval literature with a focus on the Icelandic sagas, “I am not an academic. I’m a full-time writer.” To her mind, she said, that’s an advantage. While archaeologists and historians must stick to hard evidence about the past, she’s free to connect the dots with her imagination. The germ of Hervor’s story is an archaeological find: an elaborate 10th-century tomb excavated in Sweden in 1878. For more than a century, scholars assumed that the occupant of this “classic Viking warrior’s grave” was male — until, in 2017, DNA testing of the bones revealed that the deceased was a woman. Even now, Brown notes in her book, some scholars believe that the tomb’s female occupant was simply the unlucky slave of some male warrior whose bones are lost to time, despite evidence suggesting she was the tomb’s focus. Why, Brown asks, are we so quick to assume that all bygone warriors were 2638 Ethan Allen Hwy male? Our vision of the Viking era, she New Haven, VT 05472 points out, is shaped by Icelandic sagas 802-453-5382 | Open 8-5 Daily that are full of accounts of valkyries, “shield-maids,” vengeful queens and the
Nancy Marie Brown
like. What if these warlike women weren’t pure myth? What if female warriors not only existed in the pre-Christian Viking world but also weren’t particularly rare? It’s a bold thesis even now. When Wonder Woman fought her way across No Man’s Land in the 2017 film bearing her name, fans hailed her as a revolutionary role model. But Brown’s research suggests there’s nothing new about women in combat or about idealized depictions of their heroism. “I’m interested in how history changes when we change our assumptions,” Brown said at the Norwich Bookstore event.
Some feminists still see “woman” and “warrior” as biologically opposed: Women are natural pacifists, they believe, because we give birth. […] From China in 1200 BC to the United States today, archaeological and historical sources attest to thousands of women who have engaged in combat as warriors and war leaders. Yet routinely their witness, their histories and weapon-filled burials and battlescarred bones, are dismissed. Scholars undercut (or ignore) them. Historians turn them into myths or allot their deeds to a convenient (or imagined) man. Historians of the Viking era are especially likely to follow this pattern, Brown argues. While the sagas are rife with
fanciful elements, “Only the [female culture.” As for tapestries, “The women warriors] are explained away by modern who wove them were historians.” scholars as fantasy or wish fulfillment.” Brown’s account also counters a persisBrown chooses instead to take valkyries tent modern myth about the Vikings: that and shield-maids seriously as myths they were a homogeneous ethnic group, grounded in reality. She structures her a “race.” Artifacts found in the tomb of book around the figure of Hervor, a repre- “Hervor” indicate that she belonged to “a sentative warrior. multiethnic trading society” whose influHervor has to be fictional because, as ence, Brown writes, stretched from the the author acknowledges in the book’s Swedish merchant town of Birka through haunting opening words, “All I have are Finland and Russia and all the way to her bones.” Brown took Hervor’s name Baghdad. It was also a slave-trading socifrom an eponymous saga ety, a disturbing aspect about a woman warrior. that the book doesn’t Her height, her travels, gloss over. and her roster of clothMany of Brown’s ing and weapons are informative passages are based on evidence from as colorful as her imagthe Swedish tomb. The ined ones. She describes rest of her story — the Viking swords, for flesh on the bones — is a instance, as “finicky, stubborn, and untrustworthy potent mixture of backNANCY MARIE BROWN ground research and if not handled right.” Of imagination. two “gruesomely named” Brown’s approach yields a compelling, chieftains, Thorfinn Skull-Splitter and accessible and provocative history. Each Eirik Bloodaxe, Brown writes, “I can imagchapter opens with several vivid, present- ine the two men instantly liked each other. tense pages that read like a novel. Here’s They were a lot alike.” how Brown introduces the child Hervor, No footnotes slow down the reader. who is about to lose her home to a fiery Only occasionally does the author mention attack: her sources, but readers can find them by flipping to the end for a bibliography and Her earliest memory is of fire. The extensive notes on each chapter. In her acknowledgments, Brown tells whoosh and crackle of it overhead, the embers drifting down like brilus that she disregarded the advice of liant snow to be stamped or swatted an esteemed archaeologist friend who out with cloth soaked in whey or suggested giving more time to “alternastale urine or even beer, the water tives” to her thesis about the warrior’s barrel being already bone dry. grave. “I’m afraid I didn’t comply,” she writes. She follows this “sorry, not sorry” Having seized our attention with an with a disclaimer similar to those she elegant vignette of Viking life, Brown inserts periodically throughout the book: switches to a more sober voice and “All speculations are my own.” devotes the rest of each chapter to explorIt’s an attitude worthy of the impetuous ing the facts behind the fiction. Hervor. The Real Valkyrie is no textbook While Hervor is imagined, her world is with a pretense of objectivity. Readers with not, so her story gives Brown opportuni- open minds, however, will find ample food ties to address an array of aspects of Viking for reflection in this story of a premodern life. She delves into the aforementioned woman who is neither a passive victim nor lore of warrior women, wise women and a horn-wearing Brünnhilde caricature. ferocious queens. Prominent in the last Even in feminist superhero movies, group is Gunnhild Mother-of-Kings, here our modern women warriors still seem to imagined as Hervor’s foster-mother, who have to be sexy. Not so the woman in the bore eight sons and was famous for her Swedish tomb: She dressed practically, power and strategic acumen. her only indulgence a filigreed silver cone As that juxtaposition of motherhood on her cap. Whether or not someone like and military strength suggests, Brown Brown’s Hervor ever existed, what’s truly doesn’t fall into the common trap of revolutionary about her is that she’s not a depicting women who pursue “male” glamorous figure. She’s simply a profesoccupations as superior to those who sional — a powerful and plausible bearer don’t. In a fascinating chapter on the of arms. m textile arts, the classic form of “women’s work” that was compatible with the INFO demands of child-rearing, she argues that The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of spinning, weaving and the like “were not Viking Warrior Women by Nancy Marie Brown, pastimes … but essential contributions to St. Martin’s Press, 336 pages. $29.99.
Kaylynn Sullivan Twotrees, Falling Into Language: A Travelogue, BCA Center installation view, 2021, Photo: LizaVoll
BCA Exhibitions are funded in part by a grant from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Vermont Arts Council
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“Bittern” by Kate Gridley
The Past Is Present Review: “20/20 Hindsight,” Kents’ Corner
n introduction to this year’s Art at the Kent exhibition, “20/20 Hindsight,” notes that “the buildings that still stand at Kents’ Corner are part of an original place of industry.” In the 19th century, this crossroads in Calais resounded with the busy operations of a shoe and harness shop, a brickyard, a blacksmith, and a sawmill. Art at the Kent cocurators Nel Emlen, Allyson Evans and David Schutz, who is also the state curator, have always kept their historic venue in mind while hanging the annual monthlong show of contemporary work by Vermont artists. Their installation choices in the quirky building, which was once a general store and tavern, are often dictated by its unfinished lath walls, old wallpaper patterns and still-visible handwritten ledgers. For this 13th edition of the exhibition, the curators chose artists whose work specifically honors the “makers” of the site’s heyday. Roughly 250 pieces by 20 artists fill the rooms and surround the building. Some artists depict hand or machine tools in their work; others repurpose antique tools, use traditional skills to produce modern-day art or reference artifacts found on the site. Some works may look familiar: “20/20 Hindsight” was also the title of last year’s show, mounted primarily outdoors due to the pandemic. This year’s version is the one intended for 2020. It includes remounted works from last year, such as Montpelier artist Chris Jeffrey’s “In a New Light,” an
“Untitled” by Chris Jeffrey
old window frame filled with colored light filters; and Bradford found-object artist Cindy Blakeslee’s “#146,” a four-foot paintbrush whose bristles she made from old maps shredded in a pasta machine. Jeffrey has worked with colored light filters for the past four or five years, he explained at the exhibition’s September 11 reception. The discs of various diameters are precision-made for high-tech imaging equipment used in medicine and space exploration. For “Untitled,” Jeffrey mounted three
groups of filters, in pink, yellow and blue, on a black-painted horizontal board. Much like his three-dimensional “strip” paintings, made of narrow strips of wood layered into geometric patterns, this work requires the viewer to observe it from the side as well as from the front. Moving between the two vantage points alters the play of light and reflection so that the piece never quite resolves into a stable work of art. One realist painter in the show is Heidi Broner of Calais, who depicts workers on telephone poles and construction I beams.
Another is Kate Gridley of Middlebury, in whose nearly trompe-l’oeil paintings old tools seem to take on personalities. Gridley’s “Bittern” depicts a line of iron trowels, tongs and screws propped against a wall. With its sharp focus and seeming depth, the image at first gives the impression that the objects are standing against the real fireplace mantel on which the painting sits. A few of their forms appear to mimic birds, which presumably accounts for the title. Montpelier watercolorist Tom Leytham’s precise renderings of distilleries, equipment, mines and mills — including still-functional Robinson Sawmill just down the road — complement nearly every room. Many of these works appear to be fragments of a scene. Leytham’s “1963 Massey-Harris Tractor” verges on abstraction, its fragment of a wheel mostly white paper. Other works, such as “Saddle,” are complete renderings with the detail one might expect from an artist trained in architecture. Toussaint St. Negritude of Newark is a gay Black poet, a former poet laureate of Maine (2015-17), and a bass clarinetist and jazz composer. He makes and wears his own extraordinary hats, a selection of which adorn a small upstairs room. Partly a riff on Black women’s tradition of wearing flamboyant hats to church, the samples on display take every possible shape — a fourpointed closed crown in recycled leather and cowrie shells, a fascinator with a spray of feathers, a fur cloche.
“Robinson’s Sawmill” by Tom Leytham
“The End of Truth” by Chris Curtis
St. Negritude writes in his colorful artist’s statement that he is “a hatmaker of poems.” His poem “How I Built My Star House,” posted alongside, begins: “It started / with making poems […] Then it began to flourish / through the making of hats / Through the creation of crowns / anointing each vision I grasped / turning poems into high-feathered hats.” A complementary display of shoes adorns the opposite wall. A 19th-century child’s shoe found in the building’s wall during an insulation project in the 1980s accompanies a life-size drypoint etching of that shoe by Colchester artist Carol MacDonald. The Kents’ Corner shoemaking enterprise inspired MacDonald to create her series “Footprint,” which fills a room above the old general store. Better known for her meticulous drawings and prints of loose knitwork (some of which hang in the show), MacDonald drew pairs of her own shoes — clogs, boots, heels — in colored pencil on large vertical sheets of handmade paper. Then she trod on the paper
wearing those same shoes, the soles coated in a mixture of paint and ground dirt. The footprints her two granddaughters made on portraits of their smaller shoes remind viewers of “what we are passing on to the next generation,” MacDonald writes in an artist’s statement. Outdoors, MacDonald’s knit pieces adorn the trees. Also sited outside is Christopher Curtis’ “The End of Truth,” a glacial boulder out of which the sculptor precision-carved a large rectangular void. Born in Stowe, Curtis maintains studios there and in Barre. A student of Vermont’s geology, he sees his work in stone as a way of contextualizing humanity within the sweep of geological time. “The End of Truth” contrasts that arc with the momentary — and necessarily subjective — views that the window in the rock affords. “My hope is that these stone windows … invite viewers to ponder their interpretations of what they see,” Curtis writes in his statement. Indeed, the entire show — of which this review covers only a portion — encourages such consideration, as well as admiration for beautifully made things both past and present. m
INFO Art at the Kent: “20/20 Hindsight,” on view through October 10 at the Kents’ Corner State Historic Site in Calais. Closing reception on Sunday, October 10, 3-5 p.m.
4000 Mountain Road, Stowe, VT 802.253.8585 ·
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art NEW THIS WEEK barre/montpelier
FALL FOLIAGE POP-UP ART SHOW: The works of 10 local artists are on display and for sale. September 25-October 3. Info, 227-0036. Cabot Art Barn.
f SUSAN ABBOTT: “In Place,” new paintings by the Vermont artist. Visitors must be vaccinated. Reception: September 30, 3-5 p.m. September 27-October 29. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson. f SAM THURSTON: “Image and Poem: A Dialogue,” paintings in response to poems. Reception: Sunday, October 3, 5 p.m. September 22-October 10. Info, 525-3740. Greater Barton Arts Center.
f JOAN HOFFMANN: “Libraries and Barns: Vermont
en Plein Air,” acrylic and watercolor paintings by the South Royalton artist. Reception: Sunday, September 26, 3-5 p.m. September 26-November 21. Info, 889-9404. Tunbridge Public Library.
ART EVENTS ART DROP-IN FOR OLDER ADULTS: Drop in to learn different artistic techniques and styles, practice or just be social. All skill levels welcome. Facilitated by Shawna Christian. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, Tuesday, September 28, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. ART SOCIAL: A celebration of four new shows: “Rock Solid XXI”; “Moves” by Austin Furtak-Cole; “Crafted Narratives” by Rob Millard-Mendez; and “In the Current” by Gail Skudera. Face masks required. Studio Place Arts, Barre, Thursday, September 23, 5-6:30 p.m. Info, 479-7069. ARTIST & CURATOR CONVERSATION: ERICK JOHNSON AND MARA WILLIAMS: Johnson and Williams discuss the current exhibition “Erick Johnson: Double Take.” Attend in person or online. Registration required for Zoom at; optional for in-person attendance. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, Thursday, September 23, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 257-0124. BCA ARTIST MARKET: More than 25 Vermont artists and specialty product vendors show and sell their wares in the outdoor market. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, September 25, 2-7 p.m. Info, 865-7166. CHARTER HOUSE COALITION FUNDRAISER RAFFLE: “Vermont Artists for Vermont’s Homeless” online raffle, featuring works by Edgewater Gallery artists TJ Cunningham, Caleb Kenna, Treeline Terrains and Cristine Kossow, will benefit the Charter House homeless shelter in Middlebury. Enter at Artworks can be viewed through September at Ilsley Public Library. Online. Info, 914-943-6265. FAMILY ART SATURDAY: Families are invited to drop in to enjoy an art activity with Matt Neckers inspired by his playful magnetic collage installation, “Perfect World: Familiar Robots and their Animal Kindred,” featured in a current exhibition. Materials provided. BCA Center, Burlington, Saturday, September 25, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. FREEJOYART PAINTING GIVE-AWAY: Artist Joelen Mulvaney makes paintings available in the yard around the studio building. Sign up at or call for a time slot. Masks required. The paintings cannot be sold, only given away. Mathewson School Building, Barre City, Saturday, September 25, 1-4 p.m. Info, 479-1931. HOOD HIGHLIGHTS TOURS: In-person guided tours of the museum’s galleries. No registration
OUTDOOR ECO-ARTS DANCE PERFORMANCE: The art center and Artichoke Dance Company partner in a site-specific performance in the sculpture park, in conjunction with a current exhibition. Register at Southern Vermont Arts Center, Manchester, Saturday, September 25, 2 p.m. $5 for SVAC members; $10 for nonmembers. Info, 362-1405. PAPER AND PRINT MAKING: Johnny LaFalce and Drew Matott of the Peace Paper Project team with A Revolutionary Press to pedal-pulp a contemporary issue into a message of peace, love and empowerment. With the participation of the public, we’ll make paper using a bicycle-powered paper beater and print on an antique letterpress. Two hundred broadsides will be handprinted and given away. Burlington City Hall Park, Saturday, September 25, 2-7 p.m. Free. Info,
northeast kingdom
necessary. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Saturday, September 25, 2-3 p.m., and Wednesday, September 29, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2808.
RICHMOND ART CRAWL: The second annual outdoor event presented by Radiate Art Space, featuring local artists and craftspeople, food trucks, vendor booths and art activities for children. Richmond Town Hall, Sunday, September 26, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, richmondartcrawl@gmail. com. TALK: ‘BOTH SIDES OF THE LENS’: Museum director John R. Stomberg discusses photographs in a current exhibition by and featuring prominent artists, from the collection of Raph and Jane Bernstein. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., Wednesday, September 22, 12:30-1:15 p.m. Free. Info, 603-646-2808. VSC OPEN STUDIO NIGHT: A community event featuring open studios at Red Mill Gallery, followed by Schultz, Wolf Kahn, Maverick and Church studios at VSC; Ebenezer Bookstore; Minėmå Gallery/Studio Store; and Barbara White Studios. VSC studio renters and staff studios will also be open. Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Thursday, September 23, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info,
ONGOING SHOWS burlington
ART HOP IN SPACE: Fifty Vermont artists and 12 studio artists exhibit fiber arts, illustrations, paintings, collage, prints and hundreds of original works in the gallery and the halls of the Soda Plant. Through November 20. Info, The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. ‘BUBBLEGUM POP’: Pip & Pop, Matt Neckers, Jon Rappleye, the Smittens and Kathryn Wiegers contribute to this exhibit inspired by popular and consumer culture with fantastical themes. KAYLYNN SULLIVAN TWOTREES: “Falling Into Language: A Travelogue,” an immersive installation of paintings, soundscapes and video featuring contemporary vocables (a sequence of sounds and syllables without literal meaning), created in collaboration with musicians from Vermont, India and Japan and rooted in the oral tradition of the artist’s Native American and African heritage. Through October 9. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington.
‘Sequences: Ode to Minor White’
The 20th-century modernist photographer Minor White once remarked, “One should not always photograph things for what they are, but for what else they are.” In the late 1940s, White began to juxtapose his works in groupings that he called “sequences”; the images explored relationships of form, as well as what he considered the subjects’ spiritual components. A current exhibit at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center, curated by Katherine Gass Stowe, explores these ideas. Five artists — Andrea Belag, William Eric Brown, Niqui Carter, Kevin Larmon and Jessica Judith Beckwith — demonstrate that not only photographers embrace White’s approach. Their paintings, collage, installation and photos, the museum suggests, are “infused with presence, meditative energy, inner luminosity and, most importantly, spirit.” Belag’s abstract paintings, featuring fluid, single-action gestures and lush color, certainly resonate with all those qualities. Pictured here: “Birdwatcher.” On Thursday, September 30, at 7 p.m., the museum presents art historian Catherine Barth in a Zoom discussion titled “Minor White: Photographer, Teacher, Advocate.” Register for the free event at “Sequences” is on view through October 11. LARGE GROUP EXHIBITION: Members of the South End Art + Business Association show works in a variety of mediums. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. The Maltex Building in Burlington. LARGE SEABA EXHIBITION: Many member-artists of the South End Arts + Business Association display works in a variety of mediums. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. RETN & VCAM Media Factory in Burlington.
EVI CUNDIFF: Stained-glass works by the local artist. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. Great Harvest Bread Co. in Burlington.
LISA MYERS: Etching, chine-collé and watercolor by the local artist. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. Noyes Auto & Tire Service in Burlington.
JENNIFER MCCANDLESS: “Living Among the Humans,” hand-built ceramic sculptures that satirically challenge viewers’ perspectives on societal norms. Through October 30. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington.
ROBERT FAHEY: Landscapes, abstracts and nature photographs in black and white and color. Through September 30. Info, Penny Cluse Café in Burlington.
KEVIN DONEGAN: “Your Cart Is Empty,” sculpture and installation of colorful found, altered and crafted objects that populate the floor, walls and ceiling of the gallery. Through October 31. Info, 363-5497. Flynndog Gallery in Burlington.
SEABA MEMBERS GROUP SHOW: Dozens of local artists exhibit works in a variety of mediums on multiple floors of the building. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. The Innovation Center of Vermont in Burlington.
SHELTER CULTIVATION PROJECT: The Burlingtonbased arts collaborative, founded by Shawn Dumont, celebrates the culmination of a yearlong arts project with a gallery exhibition and pop-up shop featuring artwork and handmade goods by local and international artists. Through November 1. Info, 343-4767. Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington. SOUTH END ART HOP JURIED SHOW: Fifty artists working in a variety of mediums on all three floors of the building. Juror Mark van Wagner chose as first-, second- and third-place winners Longina Smolinski, Suomo Snook and Kalin Thomas, respectively. Frankie Gardiner won honorable mention. Through November 30. Info, 859-9222. The Vaults in Burlington. TAWNYA MCDONALD: Photography by the local artist. Through November 20. Info, 859-9222. Speeder & Earl’s Coffee in Burlington. ‘...WILL YOU SING?’ MURAL: A 43-foot, wall-size mural, a project of Big Heavy World, features photographs of more than 200 Vermont musicians and audio clips of their music. Collaborators include photographers Luke Awtry and Jim Lockridge, design
firm Solidarity of Unbridled Labour, Vermont Folklife Center and Gamma Imaging of Chicago. On view during business hours in the building’s entry hallway. Through December 31. Info, Howard Space Center in Burlington.
chittenden county
DANIELA RIVERA & JENNY OLIVIA JOHNSON: “Migrating Landscapes,” a multimedia exhibition with the visual artist and composer/sound artist, respectively; both are artists-in-residence at SMC. Through October 21. Info, McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester.
JIM SQUIRES: “Splash!” underwater images of fish and other ocean animals by photographer Jim Squires. Through September 30. Info, 985-8922. Village Wine and Coffee in Shelburne. TODD LOCKWOOD: “One Degree of Separation,” large-scale black-and-white portraits by the local photographer. Through October 14. Info, 846-4140. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall. ‘WHAT WILL SUFFICE?’: The Richmond Climate Action Committee and Radiate Art Space present an exhibit of artwork that addresses the climate crisis. Through September 30. Info, Richmond Free Library.
‘A. ELMER CROWELL: SCULPTOR, PAINTER, DECOY MAKER’: Drawing from Shelburne Museum’s renowned decoy collection, the exhibition features milestones in Crowell’s prolific artistic career, from the earliest miniature goose he carved in 1894 to the very last bird he made before retiring in the early 1940s. Online only at Through October 31. ‘NEW ENGLAND NOW: PEOPLE’: The second exhibition in a biennial series featuring multimedia works by 10 contemporary artists from New England’s six states, celebrating the communities and peoples of the region. Through October 17. ‘PATTERN & PURPOSE: AMERICAN QUILTS FROM THE SHELBURNE MUSEUM’: The museum presents 20 textile masterpieces from its collection dating from the first decades of the 1800s to the turn of the 21st century, organized by associate curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff. Online only at Through February 1. PETER KIRKILES: “At Scale,” mixed-media sculptures of common objects, such as a clock, a ruler and a truck, in unexpected sizes. The works are scattered around the grounds of the museum. Through October 17. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum.
f ‘20/20 HINDSIGHT’: Twenty local artists put
a contemporary spin on methods and materials used to develop rural culture in late 19th-century Vermont: sculptors, painters, printers, plus smiths of light, yarn, wool, metal, basketry, digital and mixed media, as well as the written word. Preregistration and masks required. Closing reception: Sunday, October 10, 3-5 p.m. Through October 10. Info, 279-5558. Kents’ Corner State Historic Site in Calais. ‘ART ROCKS!’: An exhibition of paintings and photography by 15 members of the Paletteers of Vermont. Through September 30. NAN CARLE: “Notable Sculptors of Barre Gray Granite,” photographs that celebrate and explore sculptors keeping the stone arts alive in Barre. Through October 30. Info, 476-4605. Vermont Granite Museum in Barre. ‘ROCK SOLID XXI’: An annual exhibit, since 2000, showcasing stone sculptures and assemblages by area artists and 2D works that depict the qualities of stone. Through October 30. AUSTIN FURTAK-COLE: “Moves,” scratch drawings depicting ambiguous figures in motion, teasing at how physical forms can make meaning by moving through and holding
space. Through October 30. GAIL SKUDERA: “In the Current,” artworks influenced by looking through the screen of a computer or an iPhone, in the Quick Change Gallery. Through October 16. ROB MILLARD-MENDEZ: “Crafted Narratives,” sculptural works fueled by a love of lowbrow humor, absurdity and wordplay and inspired by folk and outsider art. Through October 30. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre.
times. Visitors are welcome to add content to the site. Through September 26. Info, 498-3509. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier. TUMBLING BLOCKS COMMUNITY QUILT PROJECT: Montpelier Alive exhibits the Capital City’s newest piece of public art, a project intended to help “stitch together” the community during the pandemic. More than 250 individuals, including more than 100 students, contributed designs for panels that Sabrina Fadial collated and made into a “quilt.” Through December 31. Info, 488-4303. Montpelier Transit Center.
‘THE CATAMOUNT IN VERMONT’: An exhibition that explores the feline symbol of Vermont through the lenses of art, science and culture. Through May 31. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier.
CHERYL BETZ: “On the Periphery,” mixedmedia paintings from five series begun during the pandemic. Through September 26. Info, 552-0877. The Front in Montpelier.
DUSTY BOYNTON: “Odd Lot,” recent large-scale, irreverent paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 30. Info, 881-0418. 571 Projects in Stowe. ‘EXPLORING EARTH’: An exhibition that reflects on the intersection of spirituality and art, celebrating Earth magic, spirit animals, and plants and transcendence; work by Isaias Crow, Jennifer Herrera Condry, Will Kasso Condry, Amy Hook-Therrien, Gilbran and Harlan Mack. Presented in participation with “2020 Vision – Reflecting on a World-Changing Year,” a statewide initiative of the Vermont Curators Group. On view by appointment. Through October 31. Info, Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort.
DELIA ROBINSON: “Fragmented Glances,” a retrospective of work by the longtime Vermont artist. Through September 30. Info, Montpelier City Hall. JENNIFER BRYAN: “Liquid Mind,” abstract paintings by the NU alumna ’05. Through December 10. Info, 485-2183. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield. MERYL LEBOWITZ: “A Way from Reality,” abstract paintings. Through November 30. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. ‘PASTEL MUSIC’: Thirty members of the Vermont Pastel Society show their works. PATTY HUDAK: A solo exhibition of large-scale installation, painting and botanical ornaments inspired by woodlands. Through October 30. Info, 262-6035. T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. SUSAN CALZA: “Story Times ‘how you cut it,’” a multimedia installation that speaks to these exceptional
EXPOSED 2021: The annual outdoor sculpture exhibition highlights artists who focus on current political and social constructs, issues and systems through the relationship of language, sculpture and installation; and language as culturally specific, ideological, controversial, challenging, identifying, uniting and separating. Artists are Tomas Vu, Tony Tasset, Lynn Sullivan, Mildred Beltre, Oasa DuVerney, Jonathan Gitelson, Daniel Bejar, Aya Rodriquez-Izumi STOWE/SMUGGS SHOWS
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middlebury area
and Gabriel Spsa. Through October 23. MELEKO MOKGOSI: “Scripto-Visual,” small and large paintings paired with different kinds of text; the Botswanaborn, New York-based artist investigates the links between these elements in relation to the politics of representation. Through November 13. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe. JAMES RAUCHMAN: “Self: Reflection,” paintings that push the boundaries of portraiture. NITYA BRIGHENTI: “Of Openness and Closeness,” drawings and paintings. Through October 29. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville. ‘LAND & LIGHT & WATER & AIR’: The 14th annual exhibition features Vermont and New England landscape paintings by more than 70 member artists. ‘LET US INTRODUCE YOU’: An exhibition showcasing five established artists new to the gallery: Jane Ashley, Amy Hook-Therrien, Lisa Miceli, Jen Violette and Liane Whittum. Through November 7. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. MARYA LOWE: “Vibrantsee/d,” a solo exhibit of wall-hung works by the fiber artist. Through October 30. Info, Minema Gallery in Johnson. MATT NECKERS: “Self-Guided Missile,” large-scale sculptural installation by the Eden-based artist. Through September 23. Info, 635-1469. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson.
mad river valley/waterbury
‘AFTER IRENE – THE FLOODGATES ART PROJECT, REVISITED’: An exhibition of works created by community members to commemorate Vermont’s devastating tropical storm in August 2011. Through September 25. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury.
‘DREAMING OF TIMBUCTOO’: An exhibit that unearths the little-known story of Black land ownership in Vermont, told through a series of panels featuring enlargements of historic photographs and documents. The visual storytelling is a signature program of the Adirondacks-based project John Brown Lives! Through October 31. Info, 382-9222. Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. “HENRY AT 200’: An exhibit celebrating the museum founder and collector of New England history with documents, photographs, scrapbooks, autographs, Middlebury imprints, diaries, music ephemera, relics and even a lock of Napoleon’s hair. Through December 31. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. ‘ITTY BITTY: TINY TEXTS IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS’: Books from the 17th to 21st centuries that measure between 1.8 and 10 centimeters, from religious manuscripts to cookbooks, children’s books to Shakespeare. Visitors are not currently allowed in the library but may view the works online at Through May 31. Davis Family Library, Middlebury College. ‘KEY TO LIBERTY: THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN’: An exhibition that explores local connections to the nation’s fight for independence; also “Nebizun: Water Is Life,” featuring works by Abenaki artists about the importance of water health; and the Hazelett Small Watercraft Center, a two-story exhibit space that presents the history of small human-powered watercraft on Lake Champlain. Through October 17. Info, meg@ Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes. KIM ALEMIAN AND LORI MEHTA: “Still Life/Life Stills,” paintings that focus on the fleeting quality of light and the beauty of a small gesture, respectively. Through September 30. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.
BILL BRAUER RETROSPECTIVE: A collection of paintings and prints by the late New York-born, Warren-based artist and teacher, best known for his sensual oil paintings. Through October 11. Info, 496-6682. Festival Gallery in Waitsfield.
‘LOCALLY GROWN’: New landscape paintings by Woody Jackson, Sara Katz and Sage Tucker-Ketcham in distinctively different interpretations. Through October 31. Info, 458-0098. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls.
GREEN MOUNTAIN PHOTO SHOW: Annual Mad River Valley Arts exhibition of outstanding photographs by amateur and professional photographers, traditional to abstract, black and white and color. Through October 11. Info, Big Red Barn Gallery at Lareau Farm in Waitsfield.
‘A MODERN ARTIST: THE COMMERCIAL ART OF RACHAEL ROBINSON ELMER’: The seasonal exhibition explores the early 20th-century success of the artist as a professional illustrator for periodicals and publishers, from children’s books to advertising. Through October 31. Info, 877-3406. Rokeby Museum in Ferrisburgh.
‘LANDSCAPES & INSCAPES’: Figurative landscapes in watercolor from the ’30s, ’40s and ’50s by Adolf Dehn and large-scale abstract-expressionist works by Virginia Dehn. The pair were a vital part of the postwar art community in New York City. Open by appointment only. Through October 10. Info, 777-2713. The Bundy Modern in Waitsfield.
PAMELA SMITH AND ANNE CADY: “Holding Ground,” folk-style portraits of women, and vivid landscapes, respectively, by the Addison County painters. Through September 30. Info, 877-2173. Northern Daughters in Vergennes. ‘PRIDE 1983’: Through interviews with organizers, photographs and scanned images of historic documents, the exhibit, curated by Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives, explores the origins
and lasting legacies of Vermont’s first Pride March on June 25, 1983, in Burlington. It can also be viewed online at Through March 25. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury.
‘NATURE REVEALED’: Rutland County Audubon open art show. Donations accepted for the organization’s educational programs. Through October 29. Info, JON OLENDER & JEN RONDINONE: “Reflecting on the Past and Future,” photographs and paintings on canvas and wood, respectively. Through September 30. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland. MALLORY PEARSON: “Eat Crow,” artwork by the Queens-based artist that portrays themes of folklore, femininity and loss and how these elements interact with the southern United States. Through October 31. Info, 800-639-8521. Castleton University Bank Gallery in Rutland.
CALL TO ARTISTS BURLINGTON PUBLIC ART: To further underscore its commitment to racial equity, inclusion and belonging, the City of Burlington is commissioning a new public artwork for Dewey Park in the Old North End. The vision for this artwork is that it will become a Burlington landmark and cultural destination, build on the sense of community and pride within the neighborhood, make excellent artwork accessible to all residents, and benefit the immediate neighborhood economy. Details and submission guidelines at Through September 28. CUP SHOW: The gallery is seeking Vermont and New Hampshire potters to exhibit in our second Cup Show, part of the Small Works holiday exhibit. Any ceramic vessels made for drinking are welcome. Exhibitors will be selected by ceramic artists Miranda Thomas, of Shackleton Thomas, and Jenny Swanson, director of ceramics at Dartmouth College. Application at Deadline: September 25. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret. Free. Info, ‘PIECING TOGETHER ART’: Artists and makers in all mediums are invited to create work focusing on the transitional use of pieces to create a whole work of art. Examples: piecing together two painting styles, collage, assemblage, themes, double images or concepts. Art will be exhibited in November. Details at Deadline: October 29. The Satellite Gallery, Lyndonville. $10 entry fee. Info, thesatellitegalleryvt@
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SCULPTFEST21: Sculptural installations in response to the theme of “artifact” by local and regional artists. Through October 24. Info, 438-2097. The Carving Studio & Sculpture Center in West Rutland.
champlain islands/northwest
DAVID STROMEYER: More than 60 large-scale metal sculptures are scattered across six scenic meadows. Picnics welcome. Through October 11. Free. Info, 512-333-2119. Cold Hollow Sculpture Park in Enosburg Falls.
upper valley
f JANET CATHEY: “A Tonic of Wilderness,” a solo
exhibition of woodblock prints. Reception: Friday, October 1, 5-7 p.m. Through October 29. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction. JIM WESTPHALEN: “Voices From the Land,” photographs of the rural landscape. Through October 20. Info, 457-2355. Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock. LAKEA SHEPARD: “He Loves Me Not,” mixed-media head sculptures using African textile techniques by the Greensboro, N.C., artist; the exhibit is dedicated to one of the most misunderstood groups of people: Black men. Through September 26. Info, 347-264-4808. Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction. LISA CURRY MAIR: “Old Barns of Weathersfield,” 11 paintings by the Vermont artist best known for her painted floor cloths. Through October 31. Info, lisa@ The Inn at Weathersfield in Perkinsville. SCULPTUREFEST: An annual outdoor sculpture exhibition featuring more than 30 artists curated by, and on the property of, Charlet and Peter Davenport. More info and directions to private locations at Through October 31. Free. King Farm in Woodstock. SUMMER OF DINOSAURS: Explore the lives of dinosaurs, big and small, through exhibits about dinosaur eggs and babies, dramatic dinosaur fossil specimens, and a series of special events and programs for all ages. Through September 28. Info, 649-2200. Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich.
northeast kingdom
‘OPEN TO LANDSCAPE’: Paintings, photographs and works on paper by Keith Chamberlin, Terry Ekasala, Anni Lorenzini and Elizabeth Nelson that explore a range of artistic responses to Vermont’s dramatic landscape. Through September 26. ALAN JENNINGS: “Finding the Way Home,” animated films the artist created about growing up in Vermont, including “The Northeast
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‘PRIORITY PRINTS’: Eighty artist members of the Monotype Guild of New England present 140 monotypes using a wide range of printmaking methods. Through October 17. Info, 353-6502. Stone Valley Arts in Poultney.
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Kingdom,” “Dream of Deerman” and “The Bill Jennings Mysteries”; and the drawings, paintings and sculptures he uses to make them. Watch at Through December 31. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. ‘ART OF THE BOOK: IS IT A BOOK?’: Members of the Book Arts Guild of Vermont exhibit their literary-related creations. Through September 25. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. BARCLAY TUCKER: “The Play’s the Thing,” illustrations by the Northern Vermont University art professor. Through September 30. Info, 229-8317. The Satellite Gallery in Lyndonville. CHARLES EMERS: Paintings, assemblages and prints on view in the third-floor gallery space, Wheelbarrow Art. Through September 30. Info, 472-3621. Hardwick Inn. ELIZABETH NELSON: “Vermont Green,” summer landscape paintings. Through September 28. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover. ‘GREEN’: A group exhibit of painting, photography, pottery, jewelry, fiber work and more that explore the verdant color, both as a hue and in its environmental sense. Through October 10. Info, 334-1966. MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport. ‘A LIFE IN LISTS AND NOTES’: An exhibition that celebrates the poetic, mnemonic, narrative and enumerative qualities of lists and notes. The objects on display span myriad creative, professional, bureaucratic, domestic and personal uses of lists through the ages. Through May 31. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. ‘OUT OF THE CLOSET AND HUNG’: Works from the permanent collection by Peter Schumann, Aaron Stein, John Brickels, Don Sunseri and more, along with a sculptural installation, “The Trump Library.” Docent-guided tours by appointment only. Through September 30. Info, 563-2037. Annex at White Water Gallery in EastHardwick. ‘STILL LIFE, LIFE STILL’: Mary Ellen Bartley, Kate Emlen, Tucker Nichols, Jon Redmond and Margaret Sparrow pay homage to everyday objects in paintings created during the pandemic. Masks required. Through October 15. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro.
brattleboro/okemo valley
‘EXPEDITION’: Paintings, drawings, sculpture and installation by 17 artists that depict aspects of venturing into unknown lands and territories. Artists are: John Newsom, Matt Dillon, Inka Essenhigh, Michael Kagan, Wendy White, Donald Baechler, Raymond Pettibon, Ouattara Watts, André Butzer, Ann Craven, Torben Giehler, April Gornik, Andy Hope 1930, Richard Jacobs, John McAllister, Erik Parker and Alexis Rockman. Through October 11. ‘SEQUENCES: ODE TO MINOR WHITE’: Artworks by Andrea Belag, William Eric Brown, Niqui Carter, Kevin Larmon and Jessica Judith Beck that reflect the spiritual possibilities of abstraction, inspired by the late modernist photographer. Through October 11. CHARLIE HUNTER: “Semaphore,” paintings of crossing signals and railroad infrastructure by the Vermont artist. Through October 11. DELANO DUNN: “Novelties,” two series of work that address things we hold dear — family, love, comfort, tradition, connection — and things that threaten to undermine them: “Paradise,” works on paper that explore the insidiousness of stereotypes; and “Roux,” brightly colored, mixed-media works that incorporate family history and culinary tradition. Through October 11. DELITA MARTIN: “Between Worlds,” a yearlong installation in the museum’s front windows that reimagines the identities and roles of Black women in the context of Black culture and African history. Through May 31. ERICK JOHNSON: “Double Take,” large-scale paintings and street photography that juxtapose intentional and incidental pattern and abstraction. Through October 11. SCOTT BOYD: “Endangered Alphabets,” sculptures that pair the ancient form of the obelisk with near-extinct languages. Through November 30. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. ‘DEEP BLUE’: Curated by American artist Katherine Bradford, this group show examines “deep blue”
as a color and as a phrase that can describe mood, the natural environment, music and even a region’s political landscape; more than 70 paintings, sculptures, photographs, works on paper and videos by 70 artists. CLARK DERBES: Illusionistic sculptures carved from blocks of wood and painted. KATHERINE BRADFORD: “Philosophers’ Clambake,” more than a dozen luminous, dreamlike works that merge color field painting with figuration. Advance reservations recommended but not required. Through November 28. Info, 952-1056. Hall Art Foundation in Reading.
2021 SOLO EXHIBITIONS: A group exhibition showcasing 10 artists working in a range of mediums, including Japanese woodblock printing, photography, welded metal art, egg tempera painting, ceramics and more. Through September 26. Info, 362-1405. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.
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DUSTY BOYNTON: “Boundless,” new paintings and mixed-media works by the Vermont artist, curated in collaboration with Stowe’s 571 Projects. Through December 31. Info, jfranklin@benningtonmuseum. org. Bennington Museum. MARY RUEFLE: “Erasure,” altered books by Vermont’s current poet laureate. Through October 31. Info, 440-4507. Robert Frost Stone House Museum in Shaftsbury. NORTH BENNINGTON OUTDOOR SCULPTURE SHOW: The 24th annual exhibition brings large-scale outdoor works to the historic village and surrounding area, curated by local artist Joe Chirchirillo. Through November 7. Info, jrc373@ Various locations around North Bennington. ‘OUR TANGLED CHOICES: ART AND THE ENVIRONMENT’: Works in a variety of mediums by Pat Musick and Michelle Lougee that explore the fragility of the planet and the choices humans make that impact its health. Through November 14. Info, 362-1405. Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. STELLA QUARTA DECIMA GALLERY OPENING: “Anticipation,” a group show featuring artists Matthew Monk, James Rauchman, Diane Sophrin, Hannah Morris, Kate Burnim and Lynn Newcomb. In addition to the pop-up gallery, art can be viewed at Through October 31. Info, 498-4996. Stella Quarta Decima in Manchester.
outside vermont
DENNON WALANTUS AND MATT MCGARR: “Oil and Water,” paintings of landscape and architecture in oils and acrylics, respectively. Through September 24. Info, 518-563-1604. Strand Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y. ‘ECOLOGIES: A SONG FOR OUR PLANET’: An exhibition of installations, videos, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs that explore the relationship between humans and nature, and disruptions to the planet’s ecosystems caused by human intervention. Through February 27. ‘HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR ONE VOICE TO REACH ANOTHER?’: An exhibition of major works from the museum’s collection, along with new acquisitions and loans, that explore the theme of voice in both physical and metaphorical registers. Through February 13. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. NEW EXHIBITIONS: “Rocks to Galaxies,” paintings and sculpture by Winkie Kelsey; “A Collection of Memories,” encaustics by William Peabody; “From Then to Now,” wood and bronze sculptures by Jay Singh; and “Plant Stories,” oil paintings by Coralea Wennberg. Through October 1. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H. ‘PROCESS, PRODUCT AND BLACK PRACTICE’: An exhibition that explores the ways the Black experience informs the ways that Black artists use their materials. Through October 3. ‘THORNTON DIAL: THE TIGER CAT’: Part of a new acquisition of 10 artworks from the Souls Grown Deep Foundation, the exhibition looks closely at the late artist’s work and the ways in which it broadens an understanding of American art. Through February 27. Info, 603-646-2808. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H. m
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2V-VtTire090821 1
9/7/21 4:46 PM
After a quarter century of classing up the airwaves, here’s to many more years of “All the Traditions” and Resnik spreading the gospel of Vermont music.
Being You, Vermont
S UNDbites
News and views on the local music + nightlife scene
The Smittens
Sometime during the quarantine, I bought my dad’s old car. It’s a great ride, full of luxury features that cars a decade or so ago had. I love it and have been roving all across the state in it this last year. The only downside is that the car must have been the last model off the line not to be equipped with Bluetooth, and the A/V jack has been toast for years. For a guy who loves to drive and listen to music, this has been a bit of an issue. Is there a six-changer CD player in this bad boy? Oh, you fucking know it. My CD collection isn’t what it used to be, so right now I have PINK FLOYD’s The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, KANYE WEST’s 808s & Heartbreak, a weird mix CD my cousin made me in 2003, and the Batman Forever soundtrack loaded up. (The NICK CAVE AND THE BAD SEEDS song on the Batman soundtrack is so good that it makes up for TOMMY LEE JONES’ performance as Two Face.) Because these four discs only managed to hold my attention, or morbid curiosity, for about a week, I have found myself scrolling the airwaves more and more. And while some of my copilots on road trips lately haven’t loved my ADD-fueled romp through local radio stations, I’ve actually come to
enjoy the feeling of just hitting the seek button and seeing what the hell I find. Some highlights include having “Here Comes the Hotstepper” by INI KAMOZE stuck in my head for a few weeks, listening to hours of French Canadian pop and pretending I’m somehow learning French through the process, and realizing that I now like JACKSON BROWNE. Life comes at you fast. W OO D L OC K Another highlight has DD TO OF Y been diving back into ES Vermont Public Radio, particularly listening to “All the Traditions” during Sunday drives. The folk and world music program first hit the airwaves almost 25 years ago, on October 16, 1996. Nearly 1,300 shows later, host ROBERT RESNIK is still going strong, playing a wide range of folk traditions in the free-form show, as well as focusing on Vermont-centric music. “Producing this show is still one of the joys of my life,” Resnik wrote in an email about the upcoming milestone anniversary. “What could be better than being able to share some of my favorite music with longtime friends?” Resnik has been a fixture in the local CO
A Tradition of Traditions
music scene for decades. He first spun records in the early 1970s on WRUV 90.1 FM when the college radio station was located in an old barn behind Pomeroy Hall on the University of Vermont campus. As a musician, the multi-multi-instrumentalist — he can play at least 30 different instruments — appeared on a host of locally produced records over the years and gigged near-constantly, often alongside his longtime musical partner Marty Morrissey, who died in March. In 2013, Resnik published Legendary Robert Resnik Locals of Burlington, a book detailing the Queen City’s vibrant musical legacy. He also received the 2019 Herb Lockwood Prize in the Arts for his many contributions to music in Vermont. In his email, Resnik gave shoutouts to the show’s program directors, engineers and music librarians, then made special mention of his old WRUV compatriot DOUG JAFFE. “A gold star for Doug, who urged me to audition when he heard that there might be an opening for a folk DJ on VPR,” the host wrote.
Speaking of traditions, a new one starts this Thursday, September 23. Two music-based nonprofit organizations, MUSIC TO LIFE and BIG HEAVY WORLD, join forces to hold the first-ever BeUVT, an online musical event broadcast live via Facebook, Twitch and YouTube. The event is a celebration of Vermont’s place in civil rights history: On September 1, 12 years ago, the state granted same-sex couples the right to marry. (Vermont was also the first state in the country to introduce civil unions, in 2000.) Performers include folk-pop act the SMITTENS, Canadian recording artist MAGGIE SZABO, self-described “psychedelic cowboy chick” STEPH PAPPAS, and CRAIGEN, the two-headed DJ team of MATT HAGEN and CRAIG MITCHELL. “Looking back on my life, I’ve always been a social justice warrior,” Mitchell wrote in a recent email. “Vermont has given me the space, strength and patience to develop. BeUVT helps us all celebrate and support a future where everyone has the freedom to express their true selves.” Though the virtual event is free, donations are encouraged and will help fund the creation of what Music to Life executive director LIZ SUNDE dubs an “Activist Musician Accelerator.” The accelerator aims to support local musician-activists who use their art to enact social change. Sunde cofounded the foundation with her father, NOEL PAUL STOOKEY of the folk trio PETER, PAUL & MARY. She has high hopes for the Activist Musician Accelerator. “We’ve worked around the country with musician change agents,” Sunde pointed out. “Turning our attention to Vermont, my home state, helps bring our learning closer to home and hone the skills of local artists to effect change.” Big Heavy World head honcho JAMES LOCKRIDGE also sees potential in the partnership with Music to Life. While Big Heavy World primarily documents and promotes Vermont’s original music, it has long played an active role in bridging the worlds of music and social activism.
Well, they’re starting up again, and we’re here to help. Find live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at
Vermont-born R&B artist and current Berklee College of Music student EVA RAWLINGS has released “Tell Me What You Like.” The track is a slowburn, electro-pop banger that showcases Rawlings’ smooth melodies and rhythmically sophisticated flow. In her press release, Rawlings said the song is all about “women’s sexual liberation and rejecting male validation.”
lot of history with the South End venue and witnessed plenty of unforgettable shows there. (The DIIV show was really something else.) Both of us had conflicted feelings as we looked around the renovated space. It was around 11 p.m., and most of the people still drinking were out under the stars on the deck. We felt a lingering sense of unease; it was like finding yourself at your old high school and not recognizing much. We finished our drinks and made our way to the exit when we noticed DISCO PHANTOM spinning vinyl on the stage and a small crew dancing in front of the DJ. As I took in the scene, I started warming up to the new digs. The music and the dancers seemed to activate the whole place, and what was austere one moment became expansive. The coldness my friend and
Latin music outfit GRUPO SABOR 2.0 releases “Cara de Hielo” on Friday, September 24. The group is composed of multicultural musicians from the Dominican Republic, Canada, Spain, Japan and the U.S., who create a unique blend of salsa and merengue music mixed with jazz and electronica. Head over to to hear “Cara de Hielo.” When you hear the name LED ZEPPELIN, you think flamenco guitar, right? No? I can’t imagine why not. But Barton’s own LIGHTNING RAY & THE GYPSY CARAVAN have answered a question maybe no one was asking by releasing a flamenco rumba rock cover of “Stairway to Heaven.” (Someone tell RAY PADGETT!) Not that I have much experience with “flamenco-rumba rock,” as it is apparently a brand-new genre, but based on the more-than-nine-minutelong track, well … I’m sort of a fan? m
M e rr i l l’ s r ox y c i n e m a 6H-index(HUMP)092221 1
9/1/21 10:46 AM
Radio Vermont 96.1 96.5 98.3 101.9 AM550
Eva Rawlings
Last weekend, I took a trip down to ArtsRiot with a friend. Neither of us had set foot in the club since it reopened a month ago under the new ownership of entrepreneur ALAN NEWMAN. Like many a Burlingtonian, my friend and I have a
Sept 24
Many Returns
I felt at first began to melt away, and I suddenly couldn’t wait to come back for a show. Turns out, I won’t have to wait too long. Dance-pop act MADAILA return to the stage this Saturday, September 25. The well-loved local act has undergone a host of changes in the last couple years. Once a five-piece live show wrecking machine, Madaila became a prolific studio solo project for front person MARK DALY, who has released three albums in the last year alone. In an email to Seven Days, Daly promised a unique solo set but suggested we “be on the lookout for exciting additions and different lineups.” Sounds like a good chance to check out what a show in the new ArtsRiot will feel like, especially with indie rockers FATHER FIGUER on the bill, as well. The show is free and gets going at 8 p.m. sharp.
“We’re so happy to work with Music to Life,” Lockridge said. “We want to bring more strength and capacity to our activist musicians. They light our way.” The event, which goes live on social media at 8 p.m., is hosted by REP. TAYLOR SMALL (P/D-Winooski), the first openly transgender member of the Vermont General Assembly. There will also be a video presentation of historical news footage regarding the civil union movement in Vermont, coordinated by WCAX-TV (Channel 3) anchor DARREN PERRON. For more details, visit
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9/16/21 4:52 PM
REVIEW this Greg & Aidan Ryan, the three, two, one
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It’s intriguing to observe a prodigy over time. When a musician starts out with a lot
of talent at a young age, it’s impossible to predict how they might develop. Aidan Ryan first NEW LOCATION: entered the Vermont music scene playing 200 North St. Burlington beside his father, Greg, in 802-865-1112 • the duo’s original band, They Might Be Gypsies. At the time, Aidan was 12v-hairrus092221.indd 1 9/15/21 10:25 AM a precocious, 14-yearold guitar wunderkind. TMBG released two albums of mostly original compositions, steeped heavily in gypsy-jazz and Django Reinhardt-inspired arrangements. After 2011’s Rendezvous, however, the band stopped releasing albums. A decade later, the father-son duo is back, named more succinctly and armed with a melancholic, complex and overall gorgeous record. The Ryans are still creating moments of high-energy hothouse and instrumental swagger, but the three, two, one is all about showcasing Aidan’s skill as a composer.
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Say you saw it in...
8V-emeraldgrows092221.indd 1
9/21/21 54
Ryan Fauber, American Night (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)
A few years ago, I saw Bob Dylan perform at Shelburne Museum. While he was never at the top of my list of must-sees, I decided it was worth the $75 to hear a living legend. After Dylan finally ambled onto the stage, my family and I lasted all of 20 minutes before folding up our lawn chairs and heading back to the parking lot. The man may be an undisputed 4:17 PM songwriting genius, but it’s no wonder that so many other performers have made his songs famous. Listening to Burlington songwriter Ryan Fauber’s latest release, American Night, I couldn’t help but feel the same way. Given the amateur production and Fauber’s wobbly, gravelly voice, it was hard
Greg or other artists wrote most of the songs on the first, self-titled TMBG record, as well as the second, Rendezvous. Aidan’s influence grew on the latter with compositions such as “Rajana” and “Rumba V 2.0,” which showed uncommon sophistication from such a young songwriter. Aidan wrote eight of the 11 songs on the three, two, one. His guitar playing, full of imagination and soulful precision, colors the songs, but his compositions form the album’s character. “Caravan” is a deft, agile number that begins with a manouche jazz swing. Guest clarinetist Anna Patton, who makes frequent appearances throughout the album, plays notes that float through lush chord progressions, evoking a backdrop of city lights beckoning in the distance. As the record rolls into the second track, “River,” the tonal quality of the song builds until it feels like a 1,000-page novel — full of detail, color, intrigue and romance. Greg’s compositions hold their own, particularly the slow dance of “Cookie.” His gruff vocals also make a welcome
return on a cover of Pokey LaFarge’s “Hard Times Come and Go.” The track features vocals by Rani Arbo, who is one of way too many guest artists to list here. The album is chock-full of some of Vermont’s best musicians. They all perform brilliantly. But in many ways the musicians are like actors in a play who become characters in the tales Aidan tells with his multilayered compositions. Whether it’s the dramatic, almost-dark shuffle and mazy guitar work of “The 321” or the pulsing nightclub jazz of “Havana,” the songs on the three, two, one show that Aidan has come of age as a songwriter with a complete, fully realized album. In addition to contributing his own accomplished guitar work, the elder Ryan produced the album. Greg clearly knows just how to capture his and his son’s myriad styles. A darkness looms in the songs’ tonal character throughout the album. It’s an intriguing darkness, though, a hint of melancholy to bring the listener in closer. Ten years is a long time between record releases, but witnessing Aidan’s songwriting bloom was worth the wait. Listen to the three, two, one on Spotify and Apple Music, or pop over to gregryan. us/greg-aidan-ryan to order the CD.
to appreciate his songwriting. However, with a little patience and tolerance, I found a number of solid songs with shrewd lyrics and pretty melodies. Overall, the album is a mixed bag of apt social commentary and ambiguous rambling. In the album’s opening folk track, “Solo Operation,” obligatory harmonica introduces Fauber’s vocals. What begins as a song seemingly about American consumerism morphs into a general list of complaints, with Fauber’s anger on a steady upward trajectory. The next song, “Are You With Me?,” shone in the hands of a silkier vocalist. In 2012, another Burlingtonbased musician, Greg Alexander, covered it on Any Day, his collection of songs by Fauber. The result was a smooth, digestible love song. Though Fauber’s rendition remains gruffer and grittier, he embellishes the main vocal line with
background harmonies that fill out the chorus and offer a nice change from some of the other tracks on American Night. The harmonica inevitably finds a place in this one, as well. The songs that work best on the album are those that employ a soft touch rather than a heavy hand. “Cruel Games,” “Just Like You” and “American Night” fall in the former category, and the title track is the most memorable, straddling the sounds of Bright Eyes and Pink Floyd. Fauber claims to have written more than 300 songs since 1995, including those on his past albums, Then Came the Thunder (2015) and The Believer (2012). His latest release suggests that he is content to create music that lives in the same brooding, ominous space as his past works. Here’s hoping someone with a voice and style that’s easier to listen to will record a cover of Fauber’s American Night songs. American Night is available at
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4t-Stepstoenddomestic092221 1
9/20/21 12:56 PM
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9/20/21 1:39 PM
*2020 Progressive Farmer Reader Insights Award for Fewest Reported Problems Overall in the category of Small Tractor (Under 100 Horse Power). Award based on 2020 Progressive Farmer Readers Insights Tractors Study. © Kubota Tractor Corporation, 2021. This material is for descriptive purposes only. Kubota disclaims all representations and warranties, express or implied, or any liability from the use of this material. For complete warranty, safety and product information, consult your local Kubota dealer. For the complete disclaimer, go to and see the posted disclaimer.
2H-WCAX060921 1
6/8/21 9:44 AM
on screen In the Same Breath HHHHH
The deal
The film opens with footage of Wuhan’s midnight celebrations on January 1, 2020. Skyscrapers were lit up in neon colors; crowds jammed public squares. Amid the festivities, a tiny news item was easy to overlook: The state punished eight people for spreading rumors about a new form of pneumonia. Meanwhile, at a clinic near the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market — later identified as the virus’ epicenter — people had been coming in with coughs and shortness of breath. We see them in security footage provided by the clinic’s owner, who later lost her husband to COVID-19. Within a few weeks, Wuhan’s hospitals were full. Desperate people posted their chest X-rays on social media in hopes of finding treatment. We watch as a man faces the horrific choice to wait with his dying mother in a hospital parking lot or bring her home; there are no beds for her. Another man watches his grown son die. 56
VIRAL DOUBTS Health care workers face antilockdown protesters in Wang’s documentary about the pandemic in China and the U.S.
anuary 23, 2020, was the opening night of the Sundance Film Festival. Documentarian Nanfu Wang (One Child Nation) had flown to Utah to serve on the festival’s jury, leaving her young son in her native China with his grandmother. January 23 was also the day when the Chinese authorities locked down Wuhan in an effort to contain the initial COVID-19 outbreak. Frightened for her mother and son, who were about 200 miles from the city, Wang turned to social media to find out what was happening. But many posts from Wuhan disappeared as quickly as they had appeared, taken down by government authorities. Wang archived as many posts as she could and contacted U.S. media about their disturbing contents. No one responded. With the help of a group of camerapeople she recruited in Wuhan, Wang began the process of turning her findings into a documentary. Meanwhile, Wang’s husband returned their son safely to the couple’s New Jersey home. But, as it turned out, the U.S. wasn’t quite so safe after all. Both the Chinese and American pandemic experiences inform Wang’s film In the Same Breath, which premiered at 2021’s all-virtual Sundance Film Festival and is now streaming on HBO Max.
MOVIE REVIEW Wang obtained this footage by enlisting some of the few camerapeople who had government authorization to shoot inside hospitals and were willing to capture stories that didn’t fit the official narrative. In the U.S., she assembled another fleet of camerapeople, who interviewed health care workers and anti-lockdown protesters. Two American nurses weep on camera in the film. Many express their frustration with misinformation. “This is not a political agenda,” one says. “We have to be united to fight this.” But the film makes it clear that “we” — on a global level — have been anything but united in opposition to the coronavirus. Touching on the rivalry between China and the U.S., both governments’ strategies of denial, and the ideological disputes that somehow politicized a virus, In the Same Breath demonstrates an utter, abject and tragic failure to embrace teamwork.
Will you like it?
In the Same Breath is a raw document of recent history from a strongly personal perspective. Much of it consists simply of anecdotes threaded together by Wang’s narration, but they have a devastating cumulative effect. Perhaps that’s because, unlike the typical
pandemic documentarian, Wang focuses not on experts and authorities but on regular people. We see Wuhan residents burning offerings to their dead loved ones on the sidewalk. We hear from an anonymous funeral home employee who claims to have handled as many as 20,000 bodies during the city’s outbreak (that would be about five times the official death toll). Another Chinese interviewee says that, until COVID-19, he had relished his nation’s prosperity without worrying about little things like freedom of speech. Now he knows that state control of information can be deadly. I found myself wondering how the film might look to a young person a few decades from now, trying to get an overview of the events of 2020. From that vantage, the documentary might seem muddled, because the American material distracts from Wang’s powerful exposé of government malfeasance and cover-up in Wuhan. The filmmaker covers the Trump administration’s mishandling of the pandemic in broad strokes, clearly assuming her audience is already familiar with it. But for today’s American viewers, who do indeed know that side of the story, the lopsidedness isn’t a problem. Harrowing and inspiring, In the Same
Breath offers an intimate window into a world of pandemic experiences that was hidden from us. While some may accuse the film of being anti-Chinese or anti-American, Wang’s provocative thesis is that the pandemic revealed the two superpowers have more in common than their partisans like to admit. “In both systems,” she says, “ordinary people became casualties of their leaders’ pursuit of power.”
If you like this, try...
• 76 Days (2020; Paramount+, rentable): Short-listed for an Academy Award, this documentary from three codirectors was shot on the ground in Wuhan and chronicles the early days of the pandemic there. • Totally Under Control (2020; Hulu, rentable): For a more in-depth examination of the U.S.’s response to COVID19, try this documentary from Alex Gibney (Taxi to the Dark Side). • One Child Nation (2019; Amazon Prime Video): Wang also wove personal experiences into her previous doc, about the damaging effects of China’s one-child policy. MARGO T HARRI S O N
NEW IN THEATERS DEAR EVAN HANSEN: A lonely high schooler (Ben Platt) finds love and fame through an act of deception in the adaptation of the Tony-winning stage musical, directed by Stephen Chbosky (The Perks of Being a Wallflower). With Kaitlyn Dever, Amy Adams and Julianne Moore. (137 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Marquis, Roxy) THE EYES OF TAMMY FAYE: Jessica Chastain plays Tammy Faye Bakker in this drama about the rise and fall of the evangelist who ruled the airwaves in the 1980s with her husband, Jim (Andrew Garfield). Michael Showalter (The Big Sick) directed. (126 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Roxy)
NOW PLAYING THE ALPINISTHHH1/2 Peter Mortimer and Nick Rosen’s documentary profiles solo mountain climber Marc-André Leclerc. (92 min, PG-13. Roxy, Savoy)
MY NAME IS PAULI MURRAYHHH1/2 A nonbinary Black lawyer who influenced key rulings on race and gender discrimination is the subject of this documentary from Julie Cohen and Betsy West (RBG). (91 min, PG-13. Savoy) NO ORDINARY MANHHH1/2 This documentary from Aisling Chin-Yee and Chase Joynt celebrates the legacy of jazz musician, bandleader and pioneering trans man Billy Tipton Jr. (83 min, NR. Savoy) PAW PATROL: THE MOVIEHH1/2 A team of search-and-rescue dogs must save their city in this adaptation of the kids’ animated series. Cal Brunker directed. (88 min, G. Majestic) PRISONERS OF THE GHOSTLANDHH1/2 Cult Japanese director Sion Sono (Suicide Club) directed this neo-noir paranormal western. (103 min, R. Savoy) RESPECTHHH Jennifer Hudson plays Aretha Franklin in this bio drama from director Liesl Tommy. (145 min, PG-13. Majestic)
BLACK WIDOWHHH1/2 The Marvel Universe returns to the big screen with a showcase for the titular superhero (Scarlett Johansson). With Florence Pugh and Rachel Weisz. Cate Shortland directed. (133 min, PG-13. Sunset)
SHANG-CHI AND THE LEGEND OF THE TEN RINGSHHH1/2 A martial arts master (Simu Liu) must confront his own dark origins in the latest entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. (132 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)
BLUE BAYOUHHH Justin Chon (Gook) directed and stars in this drama about a Korean American bayou worker facing the possibility of deportation, also starring Alicia Vikander. (112 min, R. Roxy, Savoy)
CANDYMANHHH1/2 Jordan Peele cowrote this “spiritual sequel” to the urban legend-based horror series that began in 1992. Yahya Abdul-Mateen II and Teyonah Parris star. (91 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Sunset)
THE CARD COUNTERHHHH A gambler (Oscar Isaac) with a dark past tries to seek redemption instead of revenge in the latest intense drama. (109 min, R. Roxy)
COPSHOPHHH A con artist (Frank Grillo) seeks refuge from an assassin in a small-town prison in this action thriller from Joe Carnahan (The Grey). With Gerard Butler and Alexis Louder. (108 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Star, Sunset)
BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994,
CRY MACHOHHH Clint Eastwood (who also directed) plays a washed-up rodeo star who seeks redemption as he escorts a troubled kid through rural Mexico in this drama set in 1978. (104 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Playhouse, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) DON’T BREATHE 2HH1/2 A resourceful blind man (Stephen Lang) with a dark side must defend himself and the kid he’s raised from a home invasion in this horror sequel. (98 min, R. Sunset) FREE GUYHHH In this action comedy, a mildmannered bank teller (Ryan Reynolds) learns that he’s actually just an AI in a violent video game. Shawn Levy directed. (115 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) JUNGLE CRUISEHH1/2 The theme park ride becomes a Disney adventure set on a riverboat on the Amazon, starring Dwayne Johnson and Emily Blunt. Jaume Collet-Serra directed. (127 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Sunset) MALIGNANTHH1/2 A young woman’s visions of murder turn out to be all too real in the latest horror thriller from director-cowriter James Wan (The Conjuring). Annabelle Wallis and Maddie Hasson star. (111 min, R. Bijou, Majestic, Roxy, Star, Sunset)
Jessica Chastain in The Eyes of Tammy Faye
BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293, CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543, *MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, *MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, THE SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 229-0598, STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, *STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678, *SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, WELDEN THEATRE: 104 North Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,
Bud + Brunch at Fox Holler Farms SUN., OCT. 3 FOX HOLLER FARMS, COLCHESTER
Queen City Ghostwalk Graveyard Tour: Elmwood Cemetery SUN., OCT. 3 ELMWOOD CEMETERY, BURLINGTON
VCET Lunch & Learn: Startups and Strengths WED., OCT. 6 ONLINE
Living with Loss: A Gathering for the Grieving WED., OCT. 6 ONLINE
Queen City Ghostwalk True Crime Thursdays THU., OCT. 7 COURTHOUSE PLAZA
Burlington Tree Tours SAT., OCT. 9 HILTON BURLINGTON
Queen City Ghostwalk Fright by Flashlight SAT., OCT. 9 LAKEVIEW CEMETERY
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calendar S E P T E M B E R
WED.22 activism
THE CHILD CARE CRISIS IN VERMONT & WHAT YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT: United Way’s Women United and Let’s Grow Kids teach activists-in-training how to advocate for Vermont kids and care workers. Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 861-7838.
PRODUCE FARM CLEANING SERIES: UVM Extension experts lead six weeks of virtual classes on cleaning and sanitizing farm facilities. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 656-3131.
CURRENT EVENTS OVER ZOOM: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library leads an informal discussion about what’s in the news. 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, VERMONT WOMEN’S MENTORING PROGRAM: Mercy Connections trains new mentors for vulnerable women seeking healing, jobs and safe housing. 5:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info,
MAKE YOUR OWN ZEN GARDEN: Crafters construct miniature sand gardens and learn the ancient Buddhist practice of meditative raking. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3:30-5 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 846-4140.
PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION: The university welcomes retired U.S. Air Force colonel Dr. Mark Anarumo as its 24th president with a day of festivities, including a ceremony, open campus, luncheon and gala. Norwich University, Northfield, 10:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Free; $30500 for luncheon and gala; preregister. Info, 485-2100.
QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS: GHOSTS & LEGENDS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN: Brave souls learn about the darker side of Burlington on a guided waterfront walk with author and historian Thea Lewis. Partial proceeds benefit area organizations. Union Station, Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info, mail@queencityghostwalk. com.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: In this documentary, present-day dancers explore history and their own lives as they perform a seminal work born out of the AIDS epidemic. Presented by the Vermont International Film Foundation. $12.00; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: The refugee members of a rock band struggle to return home to Afghanistan to play their first show in this 2019 documentary presented by the Vermont
LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
2 2 - 2 9 ,
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International Film Foundation. $12; free for VTIFF All Access and Patron members. Info, 660-2600. ‘THE HARDER THEY COME’: An aspiring reggae singer takes on corruption in the music industry in this 1972 Jamaican crime flick. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘THE HAND OF GOD’: A boy comes of age in 1980s Naples in this newest offering from Paolo Sorrentino. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422.
food & drink
COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: The new senior center opens its doors for tea, coffee and friendly conversation every weekday morning. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 8:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4107. THE HUNT: Clue packets provided by the Vermont Cheese Council send culinary sleuths to various Vermont regions to explore art, history, the outdoors and, of course, cheeses. Various locations statewide. Free. Info,
Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 923-5545.
harp. Waterbury Public Library, 5:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
WEEKLY WINE TASTING: Themed in-store tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a wine region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.
health & fitness
ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout gather for an hour of calming, low-impact movement. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431. AYURVEDA PROGRAM ONLINE: Maryellen Crangle and Dorothy Alling Memorial Library lead a 12-week introduction to this ancient Indian and Nepalese healing and lifestyle tradition. 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ BURLINGTON MOVES: Fitness fanatics of all stripes gather on the grass for body weight workouts. Dogs welcome. Andy A_Dog Williams Skatepark, Burlington, 6:15-7 a.m. Free. Info, CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle flowing movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3322.
MARKET ON THE GREEN: Meat, cheese, ice cream and veggies are among the local products available for purchase at this weekly marketplace. Woodstock Village Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3555.
HERBAL REMEDIES WITH CHERYL HARTT: The medicinal herbalist helps students make their own tinctures, oils, salves and syrups. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@
SENIOR CENTER WEEKLY LUNCH: Age Well and the Kevin L. Dorn Senior Center serve a hot, sit-down lunch. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 12:30 p.m.
TAI CHI SUN 73 CLASS: Practitioners enjoy a peaceful morning of movement. Ages 55 and up; prerequisite is Tai Chi for Fall’s Prevention series 1, 2 & 3. Middlebury Recreation Facility, 1011:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,
FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at
TAI CHI: SUN-STYLE 73: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 11:20 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 223-3322.
SOLAR JAM FOR HAITI: The Vermont Haiti Project, Solar SEED Project and the Solar Bus bring together local bands to raise funds for victims of the recent earthquake. Burlington City Hall Park, 2-7 p.m. Free. Info, 310-5397.
AUTUMNAL EQUINOX WALKING MEDITATION: River Buffum leads a calming stroll among the falling leaves while Judi Byron plays the
BEYOND DEI STATEMENTS: AN HONEST CONVERSATION ABOUT IMPLEMENTATION FOR MENTORING PROGRAMS: Mentor Vermont organizers discuss diversity, equity and inclusion in youth services. 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 658-1888. INVESTING IN VERMONT’S COMMUNITIES: Copper Leaf Financial teaches aspiring investors how the Vermont Community Loan Fund can help them and their communities. Noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-2731.
ALL ABOUT PASSWORDS: AN ESSENTIAL GUIDE FOR OLDER ADULTS: Tech for Tomorrow leads a virtual class on password safety and management. Noon-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-0595.
‘CLOSE (BUT NOT TOO CLOSE!)’: Presented by Project Y Theatre and the Women in Theatre Festival, this new musical takes audience members on a comedic journey into the world of online dating in the coronavirus era. Donations. Info,
COMMUNITY BOOK DISCUSSION: Lanpher Memorial Library and the Clarina Howard Nichols Center lead a talk on Know My Name, Chanel Miller’s memoir of sexual assault and survival. 6:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, DR. FRANÇOIS S. CLEMMONS: The singer and celebrity of “Mister Rogers” fame reads from his new book, Officer Clemmons: A Memoir. Book signing follows. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-2195.
climate crisis
‘RADICAL IMPLICATIONS: FACING A PLANETARY EMERGENCY’: Middlebury College’s 2021 Clifford Symposium brings together climate experts and activists to talk about the path forward. adrienne maree brown keynotes. See middlebury. edu for full schedule. See calendar spotlight. Free; preregister. Info,
HUBBARD RECREATION & NATURAL AREA HYBRID PUBLIC FORUM: Townsfolk hear project updates and give their input on aspects such as parking and trail connectivity. Online option available. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info,
VHS ANNUAL MEETING: The Vermont Historical Society invites members of the public to its yearly board meeting. Abenaki storyteller and musician Jesse Bowman Bruchac keynotes. Noon. Free; preregister. Info, 479-8500.
CATAPULT ENTERTAINMENT: Dancers use their own silhouettes to make mesmerizing shadow scenes at this family-friendly spectacle. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 1:30 p.m. $10-15. Info, 728-9878.
A TERN FOR THE BETTER: COMMON TERNS ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN: Mark LaBarr of Audubon Vermont teaches listeners about the recovery of this endangered bird population. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, gmas@
FEAST & FIELD MARKET: Prepared foods and bluegrass music by Fiddle Witch are on the menu at a pastoral party. Fable Farm Fermentory, Barnard, food and bar service begin, 5:30 p.m.; music begins, 6 p.m. $5-20; preregister; limited space. Info, PIZZA & MUSIC BY THE POND: A wood-fired oven warms pies composed of local ingredients. Blueberry Hill Inn, Goshen, pizza, 5-8 p.m.; music, 6-8 p.m. $24-32; free for kids 4 and under; BYOB; preregister. Info, 247-6735. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK TRUE CRIME THURSDAYS: True crime buffs learn about Burlington’s most infamous murders and misdeeds with author and historian Thea Lewis. Sensitive subject matter. Ages 16 and up. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $25. Info,
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘THE BALLAD OF ETHAN ALIEN’: Filmed during the pandemic and featuring songs from Vermont artists, this rollicking sci-fi extravaganza takes audiences on an outer space adventure. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 7-9 p.m. Donations. Info, westernterrestrialsband@gmail. com. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.22. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.22. TELLURIDE AT DARTMOUTH: ‘THE REAL CHARLIE CHAPLIN’: Using newly unearthed materials and previously unheard voices, this documentary offers a fresh take on the silent film legend. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center for the Arts, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 4 & 7 p.m. $8-15. Info, 603-646-2422. ‘A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE’: Conflict engulfs an Italian American family in 1950s Brooklyn in this West End
production of the Arthur Miller play, filmed onstage as part of National Theatre Live. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $7-21. Info, 748-2600.
food & drink
COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: See WED.22. THE HUNT: See WED.22. NORDIC NITE OUT: Nordic Farmers’ Collaborative serves a meal made with farm-fresh ingredients while guests browse the farmstand for produce, bread, meats and libations. Nordic Farms, Charlotte, 4-7 p.m. Various prices. Info, 425-2283. VERGENNES FARMERS MARKET: Local foods, crafts and hot eats spice up Thursday afternoons. Vergennes City Park, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 233-9180.
JOHN KILLACKY: The local queer activist and state legislator launches his book because art: Commentary, Critique, & Conversation. Fifty percent of book sales at the event benefit the Pride Center. Pride Center of Vermont, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: FROM MY LIFE WITH THE PARKER QUARTET: The Grammy Award-winning group plays a fiery hour of Schumann and Smetana — filmed for those who couldn’t attend the in-person concert. 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 846-2175. OSHIMA BROTHERS: The duo delivers uplifting, lush harmonies and infectious beats. Lebanon
FAMILY FUN Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at • Post your event at
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. 5:45-6:45 p.m. $5-15. Info, 899-0339.
SPANISH MUSICAL KIDS: Vengan a cantar y aprender! Kids ages 1 through 5 learn Spanish through song out on the lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
chittenden county
AFTERSCHOOL STEAM FUN ACTIVITY: Little engineers and artists gather for some afternoon projects. Grades 3 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918. LEGO BUILDERS: Elementary-age architects explore, create and participate in challenges. After each session, builders are responsible for deconstruction. Best for ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-5 p.m. free. Info, 899-0339. LEGO FUN: Wee builders of all ages construct creations to be displayed in the library. Children under 8 must bring a caregiver. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: Young readers take this story of a young Black boy who gets a super cool haircut on a walk around the library lawn. Brownell Library, Essex Junction. Free. Info, 878-6956.
Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $23. Info, 603-448-0400.
RUTLAND COUNTY AUDUBON BIRD WALK: New and experienced birders seek feathered friends on a 3.7-mile outing. Meet at the boardwalk on Marble Street. West Rutland Marsh, 8-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, birding@
‘OUTSIDE MULLINGAR’: Two Irish farmers realize they just might be soul mates in this comedy from Moonstruck writer John Patrick Shanley. Presented by Middlebury Acting. Swift House Inn, Middlebury, 7:30 p.m. $15-30. Info, 382-9222.
UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP TEST PREPARATION: Students work one-on-one with tutors to study history, government and geography and to practice English, if needed. Zoom option available. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 9-10:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.
TEEN ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: Teenagers snack on free food and take an active role in their local library. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3 p.m. Free. Info, THE NOISY PAINT BOX: Little ones 6 and up learn to connect lit and art by sculpting, painting and reading picture books. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, cvarner@
champlain islands/ northwest
DIY STRESS BALLS: Students de-stress from the start of the school year by making a squishy companion. Ages 8 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420.
EVENING BOOK GROUP: In person or over Zoom, readers discuss William Kent Kreuger’s newest historical adventure, This Tender Land. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.22, 12:30-1:15 p.m.
chittenden county
JUNIOR BADGE BLAST: Rising and aspiring Girl Scouts in grades 4 and 5 get a jump start on badges such as Gardener, Eco Camper and Mechanical Engineering. Williston location provided upon registration. 12:30-3 p.m. $10-15; preregister. Info, 888-474-9686. LIZ GARTON SCANLON & KEVAN ATTEBERRY: The author and illustrator, respectively, of I Want a Boat! lead a story time and drawing lesson. Presented by Phoenix Books. 11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350. ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.22, 8:30-9:15 a.m.
chittenden county
chittenden county
OUTDOOR STORY TIME: Kids enjoy an hour of books, songs, dancing and fun. BYO blankets or chairs. Masks required. Winooski Memorial Library, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 655-6424. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.22.
BABY & TODDLER MEETUP: Little ones and their caregivers come together for playtime, puzzles and picture books. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. JUNIOR NATURALIST SERIES: HARVEST HAPPENINGS: Kids learn about fruits and vegetables and piece together their own plant art with the Lamoille County Nature Center. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
AUDUBON BIRD & BARN FESTIVAL: Ornithology enthusiasts of all ages enjoy a day of bird walks, sculpture carving, face painting and scavenger hunts. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 434-3068. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.22.
upper valley
WAGON RIDE WEEKEND: Folks of all ages take in the foliage from horse- and tractor-drawn wagon rides, interspersed with all manner of fall-themed fun. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $8-16; free for members and kids 3 and under. Info, 457-2355.
JULIETTE FAY & ALLISON LARKIN: Northshire Bookstore invites the two authors to discuss their heartwarming new novels, Catch Us When We Fall and The People We Keep, respectively 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, events@ PENS & PAGES: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett serves as inspiration for discussion and writing exercises in this Mercy Connections reading group focused on the Black experience. 1:30-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.
FRI.24 activism
STOP LINE 3 MARCH & RALLY: Activists come together to denounce the construction of a pipeline through Anishinaabe land. Burlington City Hall Park, 3 p.m. Free. Info, simonlaura06@
climate crisis
AN EVENING WITH DAVID SEDARIS: The best-selling satirist sits down to discuss his work, including his most
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.22, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
BOARD GAMES FOR ALL: Game masters of all ages try their hand at the library’s collection. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-4 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
recent collection, The Best of Me. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $49.50. Info, 775-0903.
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.22, 10:15-11:15 a.m.
chittenden county
SOCIAL SUNDAYS FAMILY ART: Registered families pick up take-home kits to complete with video or typed instructions. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery. Free; preregister. Info, 891-2014. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.22.
upper valley
northeast kingdom
‘THE PERILS OF MR. PUNCH’: Punch tries to cure his writer’s block and Judy struggles with unruly plumbing in this updated, unruly puppet show presented by Modern Times Theater. Highland Center for the Arts, Greensboro, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 533-2000.
chittenden county
ARTS & CRAFT-ERNOONS: Budding artists explore every medium from painting to print-making and collage to sculpture. Ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.22.
FULL STEAM AHEAD TUESDAYS: Kids learn art, science and math through games and crafts, including paper airplane races, LEGO competitions and origami. Ages 6 and up. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:15 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.
chittenden county
EARTH HARVESTS & THE SEEDS OF LIFE: Master storyteller Michael Caduto performs Native myths and legends exploring the connection between people, plants and gardens. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. LEGO BUILDERS: See WED.22. STORYWALK: ‘CROWN, AN ODE TO THE FRESH CUT’: See WED.22.
mad river valley/ waterbury
ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.22, 12:30-1:30 p.m.
SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda out on the library lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
TINKERTIME: Little STEM and STEAM enthusiasts build a new project or take on a new challenge every week. Ages 8 and up, or 6 and up with an adult helper. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
chittenden county
» P.60
THE SCIENCE OF BUBBLES: Little ones learn how bubbles work and practice some eye-popping experiments. Waterbury Public Library, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
champlain islands/ northwest
BRIDGE BUILDING: Future engineers take on the challenge to make the strongest bridge they can with craft materials. Ages 8 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420.
calendar « P.59
QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: Paranormal historian Thea Lewis highlights haunted happenings throughout Burlington. 199 Main St., Burlington, 7 p.m. $20. Info,
VERMONT WINE & HARVEST FESTIVAL: Local wine lovers enjoy tastings, leaf peeping, a wine stroll and a soup contest. Various southern Vermont locations, 5-7 p.m. $10-30. Info, 464-8092.
‘OUTSIDE MULLINGAR’: See THU.23, 7:30 p.m.
ANDERSON COOPER: Northshire Bookstore teams up with other indies around the country to present an evening with the iconic reporter and author of Vanderbilt: The Rise and Fall of an American Dynasty. 7 p.m. $32.10-38.10. Info, events@
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.22.
FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE: Books for readers of all ages are available at the library’s inaugural bazaar. Cash or checks only. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info,
JOHN GRAY: The best-selling author talks about his newest Chase Harrington adventure, Chasing Manhattan, with Northshire Bookstore. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, events@
food & drink
FRIDAY NIGHT DINNER PARTY: Gastronomes enjoy a threecourse Peruvian meal and drinks at the chef’s home in the mountains. Esmeralda, Andover, 6 p.m. $110. Info, 617-909-9855. THE HUNT: See WED.22. POP-UP ART CAFÉ: Art and live music meet tapas and wine at a cultural convergence hosted by Gallery on the Green owners Chip and Opal Evans. Soulfully Good Café, Woodstock, 6-9 p.m. Cost of food and drink; preregister. Info, 457-7395. RICHMOND FARMERS MARKET: An open-air marketplace featuring live music connects cultivators and fresh-food browsers. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, info@
FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: See WED.22, 10-10:45 a.m. ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATION: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to chill out on their
‘NOISES OFF’: Drama ensues onstage and off as a group of actors tries to rehearse a play in this farce-within-a-farce from the Valley Players. Masks required. Valley Players Theater, Waitsfield, 7:30 p.m. $12-16. Info, 583-1674.
WE MADE IT HOME: Addison County Community Trust celebrates a year of affordable housing with raffles, food from Pizzeria Verità and live music from Deb Brisson & the Hay Burners. Vergennes Community Apartments, 4-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 877-2626.
TECH HELP: Tech whizzes in the Digital Lab help visitors learn more about their new devices. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 383-1797.
fairs & festivals
‘RETURN TO AUSCHWITZ: THE SURVIVAL OF VLADIMIR MUNK’: The Holocaust survivor and retired State University of New York professor returns to Poland for the first time since 1945 in this new documentary. Q&A follows. Strand Center for the Arts, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. $20. Info, 518-563-1604, ext. 105.
Our Changing World How should educational institutions prepare students to combat the climate emergency? How can each of us respond to this unprecedented challenge to all life on Earth? Middlebury College’s 2021 Clifford Symposium, “Radical Implications: Facing a Planetary Emergency,” addresses these questions and more. Vermonter Bill McKibben and other founders of kick off the event with reflections on climate activism to date. Additional featured speakers include author and activist adrienne maree brown, labor organizer Jane McAlevey, host of the “Hot Take” podcast Mary Annaïse Heglar, and Native American activist Julian Brave NoiseCat. In-person events are open only to Middlebury students and staff, but virtual attendance is free to the public.
‘RADICAL IMPLICATIONS: FACING A PLANETARY EMERGENCY’ Thursday, September 23, through Saturday, September 25, at Middlebury College and online. Free; preregister. Info,, lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@
CINÉ CLUB: The Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region hosts a virtual movie night for attendees to discuss la forme et le fond. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,
DAN SAVAGE’S HUMP! FILM FESTIVAL: This medley of indie erotic shorts rolls into town, featuring something for everybody and every body. Streaming option available. Merrill’s Roxy Cinemas, Burlington, 6:30 & 9 p.m. $20-25. Info, 864-4742.
AOIFE O’DONOVAN: The powerhouse singer-songwriter teams up with special guests Hawktail
to deliver a thrilling show. Lyndon Institute, 7 p.m. $15-52; free for students. Info, 748-2600. FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE: INTO THE MYSTIC: Center Street fills up with food trucks, games, vendors and live music. Downtown Rutland, 5-10 p.m. Free. Info, 773-9380. IMANI WINDS & CATALYST QUARTET: The two ensembles join forces for a night of diverse music, including the Vermont premiere of Jessie Montgomery’s new work, Sergeant McCauley.
Streaming option available. Robison Hall, Mahaney Arts Center, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-6433. MORETOWN OPEN MIC: Family-friendly music, short plays and spoken-word pieces entertain audience members. 7-10 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, NORTHERN HARMONY: Village Harmony’s most accomplished ensemble sings a globe-spanning set. Masks required. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info,
VERMONT CLIMBING FESTIVAL: CRAG-VT hosts a weekend of climbing, camping, learning, celebrating and stewardship. Cochran’s Ski Area, Richmond, 6-10 p.m. $60. Info, director@ WORDS IN THE WOODS: BRYAN BLANCHETTE: The Abenaki singersongwriter leads a literary trek through the forest as part of this Vermont Humanities series. Elmore State Park, Lake Elmore, 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, redens@
FALL FARM TOURS: The farm opens its gates for self-guided tours, visits with the pigs and poultry, and fresh cider doughnuts
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
and coffee. Golden Apple Family Farm, Charlotte, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, goldenapplefamilyfarm@ GROWING POLLINATOR HABITAT: Tori Hellwig teaches home gardeners how to attract bees and butterflies. Masks required. Horsford Gardens & Nursery, Charlotte, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info,
PICK YOUR OWN HEMP: Visitors harvest CBD hemp and learn how to dry, cure and process it for year-round storage. Off Piste Farm, Sutton, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $40-100. Info,
climate crisis
EMERGENCY PET SHELTERING TRAINING: The Vermont Disaster Animal Response Team trains volunteers to rescue pets in the event of a natural disaster. Proof of vaccination required. Barre City B.O.R. Arena, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, RESCUE ROAD RALLY TO BENEFIT ARNOLD’S RESCUE CENTER: Drivers take in the fall foliage to raise funds for rescued donkeys and horses. Arnold’s Rescue Center, Brownington, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Donations. Info, 239-872-7333. VERMONT OLD CEMETERY ASSOCIATION FALL MEETING: Members of the public are invited to a social hour, business meeting, lunch and talk by Rokeby Museum director Lindsay Varner. St. Peter’s Catholic Church, Vergennes, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. $13; preregister. Info, tgifvt@
MORE THAN A MARKET: A WALKING TOUR OF BURLINGTON’S LOCAL MARKETS: Locals take a stroll through the past and present of immigrant culture in the Old North End. Meet at 7 Pine St. under the arch, Burlington, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, cbarrett@historicnewengland. org. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK DARKNESS FALLS TOUR: See FRI.24.
fairs & festivals
BRISTOL HARVEST FESTIVAL: Crafters display their wares at this seasonal shindig featuring bandstand music, vendors and demonstrations. Bristol Town Green, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 388-7951. EAST HARDWICK HARVEST FESTIVAL: Fall food comes to the forefront at this festival featuring cider pressing, fry-your-own doughnuts, a carrot contest, and a free chili and corn bread lunch. Caledonia Grange, East Hardwick, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 472-8987.
NORTH HYDE PARK FALL FESTIVAL: Locals strolling through the village find food, crafts, bake sales and live music. Gihon Valley Hall, Hyde Park, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, VERMONT WINE & HARVEST FESTIVAL: See FRI.24, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.22. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.22. ‘SEA LEVEL INFERNO’: AN EVENING OF SHORT FILMS: Filmmaker Michael Kohn presents four experimental shorts with live, improvised soundtracks. Epsilon Spires, Brattleboro, 8 p.m. $18; preregister. Info,
food & drink
BURLINGTON FARMERS MARKET: Dozens of stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. 345 Pine St., Burlington, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, manager@ CRAFTSBURY FARMERS MARKET: Food, drink, crafts and family-friendly entertainment are on the menu at this emporium of local merchandise. Craftsbury Common, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 755-9030. THE HUNT: See WED.22. MIDDLEBURY FARMERS MARKET: Produce, prepared food and local products are available for purchase at this year-round bazaar. Middlebury VFW Hall, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, middleburyfarmersmkt@ PACHAMANCA: Chef JuanMa Calderón and Maria Rondeau present an all-day feast cooked in a pre-Incan-style earth oven. Esmeralda, Andover, 3 p.m. $185. Info, 617-909-9855. POP-UP ART CAFÉ: See FRI.24. WAITSFIELD FARMERS MARKET: A bustling bazaar boasts seasonal produce, prepared foods, artisan crafts and live entertainment. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, waitsfieldmarketmanager@ WEEKLY WINE TASTING: See WED.22. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Stowe, noon4 p.m. Info, 585-7717.
BEGINNER DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Waterbury Public Library game master Vinni Yasi gathers novices and veterans alike for an afternoon of virtual adventuring. Teens and adults welcome. Noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
health & fitness
Lively Center, St. Johnsbury, 10-11 a.m. Info, 751-0431. MILES FOR MIGRAINE BURLINGTON WALK/RUN/ RELAX: Volunteers race or recline for migraine awareness and research. All donations benefit the University of Vermont Medical Center’s Headache Clinic. Veterans Memorial Park, South Burlington, 8:30-10:30 a.m. $25. Info,
SUKKOT ON THE FARM FESTIVAL: All are invited to celebrate this Jewish harvest festival with two days of rituals, food and music from Yiddishkeit Klezmer Ensemble. Living Tree Alliance, Moretown, 5-9 p.m. $18-140; preregister. Info, info@livingtree
Designers’ Circle & Vintage Jewelers 52B Church Street Burlington • 864-4238
TOM RUSH: The gifted musician draws on decades of stage time to deliver an evening of ballads and the blues. Barre Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $29-35. Info, 476-8188.
BUTTERFLY BONANZA: If you plant it, they will come! Participants peep the winged insects that visit the park’s perennial and wildflower gardens. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 10 a.m. $2-4; free for kids 3 and under; preregister; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. FALL FOREST BATHING: Folks unplug, slow down and experience nature through a guided mindfulness practice. Meet in front of the sugarhouse. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 10 a.m.-noon. $2530; preregister. Info, gcauser@ MUSHROOMS DEMYSTIFIED: Fungi fanatics learn about different varieties — fabulous and fearsome alike — found throughout the park. Little River State Park, Waterbury, 11 a.m. $24; free for kids ages 3 and under; call to confirm. Info, 244-7103. VERMONT CLIMBING FESTIVAL: See FRI.24, 7 a.m.-11 p.m.
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A Virtual Lecture Series
Henry Sheldon Museum presents
9/20/21 12:16 PM
The Elephant in the Room Exploring the Future of Museums
Free and open to all • Wednesdays at 7pm EST Register at Oct. 6 7pm
Living With Death:
How Artists, Historians, and Museums Create Meaning in a Time of Loss*
What is the role of artists and museums in any era of catastrophic loss? How do artists and museums help us comprehend seemingly senseless suffering? Artist Dario Robleto and art historian Ellery Foutch will discuss their responses to the tragedies of 9/11 and our current pandemic moment, exploring a "history of the creative response to loss."
Dario Robleto Artist and Writer
Nov. 10 7pm
Dec. 8 7pm
In conversation with Ellery Foutch
Middlebury College
Aesthetic Addictions:
Psychological Perspectives on Collecting from Rudolf II to Charles Foster Kane Graham C. Boettcher, Birmingham Museum of Art
Making History with Mrs. M.-----'s Cabinet: Imagining a Feminist Period Room
Sarah Anne Carter, University of Wisconsin-Madison The lecture series is presented with support from
‘NOISES OFF’: See FRI.24. ‘OUTSIDE MULLINGAR’: See THU.23, 7:30 p.m.
* This talk is supported in part by Middlebury College.
20TH-CENTURY AMERICAN WOMEN POETS: Writers of all levels use foundational poems to inspire their own work in this virtual class. 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, msinger@ FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE: See FRI.24, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.
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Learn more 9/21/21 4:05 PM
Find, fix and feather with Nest Notes — an e-newsletter filled with home design, Vermont real estate tips and DIY decorating inspirations. Sign up today at
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4/6/21 11:24 AM
calendar SAT.25
« P.61
JOHN KILLACKY & MARK REDMOND: The two authors discuss their new books and the realities of working as both writers and administrators. Fifty percent of book sales at the event benefit the library. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
FALL FARM TOURS: See SAT.25. MARSHFIELD COMMUNITY GARDEN TOUR: All are welcome at the garden’s first annual Open House and Gratitude Dedication Ceremony, featuring crafts and herb-drying workshops. Old Schoolhouse Common, Marshfield, 1-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, marshfieldcommunitygardens@
PAPER MAKING: Adults make their own custom, recycled paper from scraps. Fairfax Community Library, 4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420.
QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK GRAVEYARD TOUR: ELMWOOD CEMETERY: Connoisseurs of the creepy learn about the tragic inhabitants of an iconic Burlington mansion and the Home for Friendless Women, where Ted Bundy was born. Elmwood Cemetery, Burlington, 6 p.m. $20. Info, mail@queencityghostwalk. com.
fairs & festivals
ALEXANDER TWILIGHT DAY APPLE AND CHEESE FESTIVAL: An interrupted tradition finds new life with a day of food, drink and family fun. See calendar spotlight. Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village, Brownington, 1-5 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 754-2022.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.22. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.22.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘THE NATURE MAKERS’: Wildlife conservationists go to extraordinary lengths to save threatened species in this documentary presented by Sustainable Woodstock. Free; preregister. Info, 291-1003.
SEP. 26 | FAIRS & FESTIVALS Twilight Zone
If you’re looking for ways to celebrate your 226th birthday, consider a classic 19thcentury apple and cheese festival — á la Alexander Twilight’s time. Twilight, born in 1795, was the first Black American to earn a bachelor’s degree and to serve in a state legislature, and he founded the grammar school that eventually became Brownington’s Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village. The festival — a vintage tradition the museum is reviving for Vermont’s second annual Alexander Twilight Day — is an opportunity to peep some leaves, explore the buildings and grounds, and sample local food and drink. Museum board president Carmen Jackson and Rep. Katherine Sims (D-Craftsbury) speak on Twilight’s life and legacy.
food & drink
SUNDAY LUNCH ON THE LAWN: Gourmands gather in the hills for a three-course Peruvian meal and natural wine pairings. Esmeralda, Andover, 12:30 p.m. $90. Info, 617-909-9855.
p.m. $10-30; preregister. Info, 603-308-2236.
WINOOSKI FARMERS MARKET: Families shop for fresh produce, honey, meats, coffee and prepared foods from seasonal vendors at an outdoor marketplace. Champlain Mill Green, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, farmersmarket@
health & fitness
2021 CHASE AWAY 5K: Runners, walkers and their leashed furry friends race for canine cancer research. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, 9-11 a.m. $25-40. Info, vthounds@ CHAD HERO 5K: Fundraisers run to benefit the Children’s Hospital at Dartmouth-Hitchcock. Virtual option available. Dartmouth Green, Hanover, N.H., 8 a.m.-6
Sunday, September 26, 1-5 p.m., at Old Stone House Museum & Historic Village in Brownington. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 754-2022,
CHAMPLAIN VALLEY BUDDY WALK: Champlain Valley Down Syndrome Group and allies walk to raise funds for awareness and support. Ben & Jerry’s serves ice cream at the finish line. Battery Park, Burlington, noon-4 p.m. $810. Info, 872-2744.
SUKKOT ON THE FARM FESTIVAL: See SAT.25, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celtic-curious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.
HIROYA TSUKAMOTO: The innovative guitarist plays an
immersive fusion of folk, jazz and world music. Masks and social distancing required. Stage 33 Live, Bellows Falls, 2-3:15 p.m. $15-20. Info, 289-0148. WESTFORD MUSIC SERIES: STEVE HARTMANN: The vocalist lays down masterful melodies using his loop pedal. Masks required. Westford Common Hall, 4 p.m. Donations. Info, 363-0930. YOUNG ARTISTS OF OPERA COMPANY OF MIDDLEBURY RECITAL: The program’s talented musicians raise their voices. Cash bar. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Waybury Inn, East Middlebury, 2-4 p.m. $15. Info, 382-9222.
LIAM MCKONE: The president of the Fenian Historical Society illuminates the history of the Irish independence movement in Vermont and Québec. Ethan Allen Homestead Museum, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-4556.
‘NOISES OFF’: See FRI.24, 2 p.m. ‘OUTSIDE MULLINGAR’: See THU.23, 7:30 p.m.
WORDS OUT LOUD: BENJAMIN ALESHIRE & MARTIN PHILIP: The two Vermont writers read from their work. Book signing follows. Masks required. Old West Church, Calais, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-6613.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.
food & drink
food & drink
ENGLISH CONVERSATION CIRCLE: Locals learning English as a second language gather in the Board Room to build vocabulary and make friends. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.
MELVIN SEALS & JGB: The organist and his band serve up a tasty mix of jazz, funk and blues. Essex Experience, 7 p.m. $30-75. Info,
DEVELOPING SELF: Participants reconnect with their core values in this virtual self-help class from Mercy Connections. 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.
health & fitness
PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATIONS: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5166.
BLACKBERRY SMOKE: The Georgia band’s 20th anniversary tour stops over in Vermont. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $40-60. Info, 775-0903. LAKE CHAMPLAIN CHAMBER MUSIC FESTIVAL: SONGS OF TODAY: Violinist Bella Hristova, cellist Clancy Newman and the FLUX Quartet play vivacious contemporary tunes — filmed for those who couldn’t attend the in-person concert. 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 846-2175. THE MERSEY BEATLES: The world’s only Liverpool-born Fab Four tribute band plays the hits. Barre Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $31.50-42.50. Info, 476-8188. VERMONT’S FREEDOM & UNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL: Singers of all ages, races and genders lift their voices in songs that
represent the ongoing struggle for justice. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:45-8:45 p.m. $35. Info, vermontsfreedomandunity
RUTLAND COUNTY AUDUBON & SLATE VALLEY TRAILS BIRDWATCHING WALK: Enthusiastic ornithologists go on a gentle hike and search for feathered friends. BYO binoculars, bug spray, water and guidebook. Delaney Woods Trail, Wells, 7:3010:30 a.m. Free. Info, jptilley50@
MAP!: MAKE AN ACTION PLAN: Guest speakers and the Mercy Connections team teach students how to live their best post-pandemic lives. 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.
ANTHONY ACHESON: Jeudevine Memorial Library and Galaxy Bookshop present an evening with the author of Beyond Denial: Essays on Consciousness, Spiritual Practice and Social Repair. Masks required. Hardwick Town House, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info, 472-5533. BOOK DISCUSSION: ‘THE DUTCH HOUSE’: Ann Patchett’s 2019 novel provides plenty of opportunity for a rousing dialogue. Jeudevine Memorial Library, Hardwick, 5:15 p.m. Free. Info, 472-5948. BRETT ANN STANCIU: The author discusses her new memoir, Unstitched: My Journey to Understand Opioid Addiction and How People and Communities Can Heal, with the Norwich Bookstore. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114. BROWN BAG BOOK DISCUSSION: Readers review Hidden Valley Road: Inside the Mind of an American Family by Robert Kolker at this Dorothy Alling Memorial Library virtual book club. 12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, NEW ADULTS BOOK GROUP: Readers in their late teens through thirties gather to gab about Klara and the Sun, the new novel from Kazuo Ishiguro. Zoom option available. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140.
WED.29 agriculture
MAPLE WEBINAR SERIES: BINDING CONTRACTS AND LEGAL AGREEMENTS: Mark Cannella of University of Vermont Extension teaches folks in the sugarbush business the basics of dealing with other companies. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 828-2430.
ARCHAEOLOGY MONTH OPEN HOUSE: The Vermont Archaeology Heritage Center opens the museum doors for demonstrations and tours. Vermont History Center, Barre, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 479-8500. QUEEN CITY GHOSTWALK GRATEFUL WEDNESDAYS: GHOSTS & LEGENDS OF LAKE CHAMPLAIN: See WED.22.
See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN FILM SERIES: AILEY: Burlington City Arts presents this new documentary on the life of revered Black choreographer Alvin Ailey. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166. ‘CAN YOU BRING IT: BILL T. JONES AND D-MAN IN THE WATERS’: See WED.22. ‘THE FORBIDDEN STRINGS’: See WED.22.
food & drink
THE SWEET REMAINS: Folkrock stylings and three-part harmonies are on the menu at this concert on the green. Essex Experience, 7 p.m. $30. Info,
DEVELOPING SELF: See MON.27. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN: Unemployed job seekers ages 55 and up learn about the Senior Community Service Employment Program, a federally funded jobs training program for older individuals. 9-10 a.m. Free. Info,
‘THE MOUNTAINTOP’: Penned by Katori Hall, this theater work is a moving exploration of the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr. Weston Playhouse Second Stage at Walker Farm, 7:30 p.m. $50-74. Info, 824-5288.
WEEKLY WINE TASTING: See WED.22. ZERO GRAVITY OKTOBERFEST: Revelers enjoy full steins, full bellies and a full night of Bavarian brass from local band Inseldudler. Proof of vaccination required. Zero Gravity Craft Brewery, Burlington, 5-10 p.m. Various prices. Info, 497-0054.
FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:
art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at
film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.
music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.
BOOK TALK: JESSICA ALEXANDER: The author discusses her memoir Chasing Chaos: My Decade In and Out of Humanitarian Aid with the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Noon-1 p.m. $10; free for VCWA members. Info, info@vcwa. org. CYNTHIA BRANIGAN: In a conversation with Northshire Bookstore, the author chats about her new book, The Last Diving Horse in America: Rescuing Gamal and Other Animals — Lessons in Living and Loving. 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, JOY COHEN: A stifled small-town reporter sets off on a life-changing literary journey in 37, the Vermont author’s debut novel. Presented by Phoenix Books. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350. SANDOR KATZ: Various Vermont bookstores welcome the fermentation revivalist and author of Sandor Katz’s Fermentation Journeys: Recipes, Techniques, and Traditions From Around the World. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 649-1114. m
Cabot Fall Foliage Festival Friday, Oct. 1
10 am to 2 pm Green Mountain Rug Hooking Guild 251 Challenge meets on the Common. Visitors are welcome to see artists at work. 5 pm to 6:30 pm Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings at the Cabot Church. Take out only. $10 per dinner. 6 pm Variety Show under the tent on the Town Common. Featuring performances by beloved local talent. Bring your own seat. Admission by donation to support Cabot Arts.
Saturday, Oct. 2
9 to 1 pm Pop-up Market featuring handmade giftable foods and crafts from local farmers and artisans. Cabot Harvest Hub, 3339 Main St. 9 to 11 am Book sale to benefit the Cabot School PTO at the Mason’s Hall, 3339 Main St. 10 am to Noon Pumpkin carving at Burtt’s Orchard. Pumpkins can be purchased, carving tools and advice available at no extra charge. Time: TBD Theater Games & Activities for All hosted by Cabot Community Theater on the Town Common. 4 to 7 pm Oktoberfest at The Den Garden featuring music with Chad Hollister & Primo.
The 2021 Fall Foliage celebration also includes the following activities on BOTH days: Cabot Art Barn Cabot Creamery Farmer’s Store events Cabot Trails are open Shutterbug car tours Cabot Foliage Wings photo stop Family portrait sessions
Tours at Goodrich’s Maple Farm Pick your own apples and pumpkins at Burtt’s Orchard Pottery demos at Back Roads Farm Receive a Fall Foliage commemorative postcard at the Cabot Post Office Story Walk at the Cabot Rec Field
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art MONOTYPE INTENSIVE WORKSHOP: This monotype workshop will explore and advance artists’ printmaking practice. Participants will be working with multiple plates to create prints. You will learn how to register your plates and combine different processes with the monotype. Some previous experience in printmaking is essential for this class. Supplies are included. Oct. 2 & 3, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $250/6 hrs./day. Location: new new art studio, 4 Howard St., Suite I-17, Burlington. Info: Susan Smereka, 373-7096,, 1-DAY FALL PAINTING WORKSHOPS: Every Sat., Sep. 18-Oct. 23. Small classes, 6-8 students, one-on-one teaching. Come learn and paint in and around our historic 1800s studio barn and perennial gardens. All experience-levels welcome; watercolor, pastel or oil. Demos taught. Includes gourmet farm-to-table lunch. Sign up soon! kehoedesign. com/painting-workshops. Sat. Sep. 18-Oct. 23, 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost: $135/1 day (8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.). Location: 692 Church Hill Rd., Charlotte.Info: Deborah Kehoe, 233-6463, deb@, kehoedesign. com/painting-workshops. ART & ‘FRART’: WINGSPAN STUDIO: Get creative this fall! Wingspan offers unique art and French options for all ages. Special outdoor 2-day workshop, Oct. 2-3. Gorgeous locations. “FRArt,” Wingspan’s signature French immersion program, uses art, music, movement and fun. New Lunchtime art sampler drawing, watercolors and mixed-media. Classes held outdoors, weather permitting, for COVID-19 safety. Tue., Afterschool “FRArt,” 3:30-5 p.m.; Wed., Wee Ones’ “FRArt” w/ adult, 10-11 a.m., Lunchtime Art, noon-1:15 p.m.; S/S, Oct. 2-3
Plein Air Painting Workshop by session. Location: Wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., Burlington. Info: Maggie Standley, 233-7676,,
College St., Suite 201, Burlington. Info: Carolyn Basiliere, 657-3647,,
drumming DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional/masks indoors), starting Sep. 7, Nov. 8 and Jan. 18. Taiko: Mon., Tue., Wed. and Thu.; Djembe: Wed. and Thu.; Kids and parents: Tue., Wed. and Thu. All Thursday classes at Camp Meade Middlesex behind Red Hen! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,,
SOLARPLATE WORKSHOP WITH DAN WELDEN: The beauty of the solarplate is in the ability to create intaglio and relief prints without the traditional use of toxic materials. Sunlight (or UV light box), water, a multitude of drawing tools, along with a bit of creativity and an open mind, are the fundamental ingredients for a recipe that can only be enhanced by how the artist approaches the medium. Oct. 11-15, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $750/5 day intensive workshop. Location: Allen Hill Press, 2826 Allen Hill Rd., South Royalton. Info: Jeanne Amato, 299-6444,,
JUNG ON THE FATHER: Our experience of a father (or lack thereof) can color our whole lives, impacting our careers and how we define success and how we relate to masculine energies. Learn why this is and how to work with your inner father imago in this course full of exercises, readings and discussions. Sep. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60. Location: Jungian Center of Spiritual Sciences, Zoom. Info: Sue Mehrtens, 2447909,,
coaching DO YOU FEEL STUCK?: Do you feel stuck in any area of your life? Like you are not creating the vital life you would like to have? Psychologist Dr. Carolyn Edwards Basiliere is now forming a small group (no more than five) to take you through a powerful transformational process to get unstuck. Phone consultation for individuals considering joining. Sat. 10-11:30 a.m.; no holiday wks.; starting soon. Cost: $300/1.5 hrs., 6 sessions over 10 weeks. Location: Private office, 156
language ARTSY FRENCH & ‘FRARTWINGSPAN’: Parlez-vous français? Whether beginner, intermediate or wanting a jump start, Madame Maggie can help reach your goals! Adult, youth and pre-K classes. See website for details.
New Lunchtime French Convo class, Tue., noon-1:15 p.m. Early evening adult classes, Tue. & Wed. Afterschool and Wee Ones’ “FRArt”! Private lessons available. Allons-Y! Sign up today! Tue., Lunchtime French noon-1:15 p.m., Afterschool “FRArt,” 3:30-5 p.m., Adult Beginner French, 5:30-7 p.m.; Wed., Wee Ones’ “FRArt” w/ caretaker, 10-11 a.m., ADV Beginner/Intermediate French, 5:30-7 p.m.; S/S, Oct. 2 & 3 Plein Air Art Workshop. See website for details. Location: Wingspan Studio, 4A Howard Street, Burlington. Info: Maggie Standley, 233-7676, maggiestandley@gmail. com, JAPANESE CLASS FOR CHILDREN VIA ZOOM: The JASV offers two Japanese classes, beginner and intermediate, for elementary and middle school children during the fall semester. For further information, please log in at jasv. org/v2/language. Beginner class: Sat., Oct. 2-Nov. 13, 9:30-10:10 a.m. Intermediate class: Sat., Oct. 2-Nov. 13, 10:30-11:10 a.m. Location: Zoom. Info: 865-8895,, JAPANESE LANGUAGE COURSES: JASV offers three levels of Japanese in the fall semester via Zoom. Level 1 covers the first half of the textbook, Busy People 1. Level 2 covers the second half of Busy People 1. Level 3 uses Busy People 2. To register or learn more, email Linda Sukop, No classes Thanksgiving week. Level 1 Thu., Oct. 7-Dec. 16; Level 2 Wed., Oct. 6-Dec. 15; Level 3 Mon., Oct. 4-Dec. 13, 7-8:30 p.m. Location: Japan America Society of Vermont, Zoom. Info: 8659985, jasvlanguage@, LEARN SPANISH LIVE & ONLINE: Broaden your world. Learn Spanish online via live videoconferencing. High quality affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers’ lesson package. Our 15th year. Personal small group and individual instruction from a native speaker. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Sep. 13-22. Cost: $270/10 classes, 90+ min. each, 1 class/wk. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanishparavos@, spanishwaterbury
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martial arts AIKIDO: Discover the dynamic, flowing martial art of aikido. Learn how to relax under pressure and how aikido cultivates core power, aerobic fitness and resiliency. Aikido techniques emphasize throws, pinning techniques and the growth of internal power. Visitors are always welcome to watch a class! Basics Classes meet 5 days/ wk. Membership rates incl. unlimited classes. Contact us for info about membership rates for adults, youth & families. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Benjamin Pincus, 951-8900, bpincus@burlington,
Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World JiuJitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventh-degree coral belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,
tai chi NEW BEGINNER TAI CHI CLASS: We practice Cheng Man-ch’ing’s “simplified” 37-posture Yang-style form. The course will be taught by Patrick Cavanaugh, a longtime student and assistant to Wolfe Lowenthal; Wolfe is a direct student of Cheng Man-ch’ing and founder of Long River Tai Chi Circle. Opportunities for learning online also available! COVID-19 vaccination is required to attend in person. Mask requirements are based on: CDC recommendations, venue policy & group comfort. Starts Oct. 6, 9-10 a.m., open registration until Oct. 27. Cost: $65/mo. Location: St. Anthony’s Church (Gym), 305 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Long River Tai Chi Circle, Patrick Cavanaugh, 490-6405, patrick@longrivertaichi. org,
VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required.
HIGH OCTAVE LIVING: Strengthen your inner sense of self and your outer effectiveness through mindfulness and characterstrengths work. Join an eightweek live virtual course with lifealtering, evidence-based benefits. As you discover your signature strengths while deepening your mindfulness practice this fall, you’ll be gaining tools for a richer, more joyful life. 8 weeks starting Thu., Sep. 30, 3-5 p.m., or Tue., Oct. 5, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $175/8 2-hr. classes. Location: Zoom. Info: Werner John, 272-5397,,
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802-865-1020 EXT. 1110
Bella SEX: 5-year-old spayed female REASON HERE: She wasn’t doing well with one of the cats in her previous home. ARRIVAL DATE: August 19, 2021 SUMMARY: Do you like cuddling? Or snuggling? Do you love the idea of curling up with your pup for a nice nap on the couch? If that sounds like your kind of style, Bella could be just the gal for you. She’s a smiley, affectionate dog who wants to love and be loved. While cuddling may be her favorite activity, she also loves to play! She tends to be reserved with new people, but she shows off her bouncy, goofy side with her best friend. Bella has done well with children in the past and may enjoy having some kiddos to run around with in her new home. Come meet Bella and see whether she’s a match for your family!
Society of Chittenden County
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Getting adopted is a time of transition for your new pet, and all the changes they experience can lead to unwanted or unexpected behaviors. It may take a few weeks for your new pet to really settle in and show their true personality. Be patient and give it some time! We’re here to help if you need guidance or tips along the way.
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CATS/DOGS/KIDS: She likely needs a home without feline family members. She has no experience living with another dog. She has lived with children and done well with them. Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.
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CARS/TRUCKS 2019 MAZDA CX-5 LIKE NEW! Grand Touring AWD. Excellent condition. 26K miles. Gray exterior, black leather interior. Dealer extras ($1,300): trailer hitch, roof rails/ bars, cargo mats. New brakes. $31,480. CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)
We Pick Up & Pay For Junk Automobiles!
OFFICE/RETAIL SPACE AT MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront. Beautiful, healthy, affordable spaces for your business. Visit & click on space avail. Melinda, 864-7999.
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desk professional now. Grants & scholarships avail. for certain programs for qualified applicants. Call CTI for details! 1-855-554-4616. (AAN CAN)
ODOO GURU WANTED We are a small, 802-472-5100 community-based business looking for the 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston right person to help us 802-793-9133 develop an ODOO-based POS inventory, w/ the longer-term goal of adding additional sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 1 5:02 PM apps & functionality. We prefer a working AFTERSCHOOL CARE relationship w/ someone Assistance for a who understands 16-y/o girl w/ global our commitment to delays. Ability to have maintaining a strong fun, be engaging, kind local connection & a & patient. Willingness clearly independent to follow a plan, voice. Please respond schedule & structure. via email w/ a few words Transportation needed. about your qualificaPart-time, afterschool tions, availability & hrs. 3-5 p.m., Mon.-Fri. A requirements. Thanks! pleasant girl who enjoys
Route 15, Hardwick
BECOME A PUBLISHED AUTHOR! We edit, print & distribute your work internationally. We do the work; you reap the rewards! Call for a free Author’s Submission Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN CAN)
FOR RENT KEEN’S CROSSING IS NOW LEASING! 1-BR, $1,026/mo.; 2-BR, $1,230/mo.; 3-BR, $1,422/mo. Spacious interiors, fully applianced kitchen, fitness center, heat & HW incl. Income restrictions apply. 802-655-1810,
HOUSING WANTED SEEKING 1-2 BR Seeking 1-2-BR accommodation, rural, less than 40 miles from Burlington. 32-y/o female, UVM Extension agriculture employee w/ 3-y/o daughter. Budget $1,500. Email bryony. Thank you!
being around people & animals. Please contact Krissy: krissyferrant@ Must be 18+.
COMPUTER COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! Train online to get the skills to become a computer & help
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EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our
readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010
& bonded. Let us take the stress out of your out-of-state move. Free quotes! Call: 888-8410629. (AAN CAN) NEVER PAY FOR COVERED HOME REPAIRS AGAIN! Complete Care Home Warranty covers all
print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x110
major systems & appliances. 30-day risk-free. $200 off + 2 free mos.! Mon.-Thu. & Sun., 9:30 a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri., 9:30 a.m.-noon. (All times Eastern.) 1-877-6730511. (AAN CAN)
housing ads: $25 (25 words) legals: 52¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)
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FOR SALE BY OWNER: List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Katie, 865-1020, ext. 110,
ENTERTAINMENT DISH TV $59.99 for 190 channels & $14.95 high-speed internet. Free installation, smart HD DVR incl. Free voice remote. Some restrictions apply. 1-855-380-2501. (AAN CAN)
Condo For Sale - 7th Floor, Northeast corner, large balcony, direct ocean view, remodeled, 2/2, den/3rd bedroom, large unusual floorplan. Move in, do nothing, and beach time. Call Mike 954-2572227, $549,900.00
GENTLE TOUCH MASSAGE Men, I specialize in relaxation massage, deep tissue, reflexology, sports massage, Swedish massage & other techniques just for you. I have been practicing massage therapy for over 18 years. I’m Gregg. My website: gentletouchvt. com. Email: motman@ FSBO-Burke091521.indd 1 Phone: 802-234-8000 (text). Located in Barre, Vt. PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542,
HOME/GARDEN LAWN CARE SERVICES Messy lawns? We can help w/ that. Every lawn needs regular care. Leave the mowing to us. Free quotes. Email, call or text 802-355-4099. LONG-DISTANCE MOVING White-glove service from America’s top movers. Fully insured
SEWING MACHINE REPAIR More than 50 years of experience. All makes repaired. We make household calls. Juki & many other models. Call 802-372-4497.
MISCELLANEOUS 4G LTE HOME INTERNET Now avail.! Get GotW3 w/ lightning-fast speeds & take your service w/ you when you travel! As low as $109.99/mo.! 1-888-519-0171. (AAN CAN)
ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN) BATH & SHOWER UPDATES In as little as 1 day! Affordable prices. No payments for 18 mos.! Lifetime warranty & professional installs. Senior & military discounts avail. Call 1-877-649-5043. (AAN CAN) CABLE PRICE INCREASE AGAIN? Switch to DirecTV & save & get a $100 visa gift card! Get more channels for less money. Restrictions apply. Call now. 877-693-0625. (AAN CAN)
Residential, Multi-family and Foreclosure Expert Robbi Handy Holmes • 802-951-2128 Client focused Making it happen for you!
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4/16/21 1:35 PM
Senior woman who enjoys literature & classical music, seeking housemate to cook 2-3 meals/wk, share companionship & care for her cat when she’s away. $300/mo. Private BA, bedroom & sitting room.
BURLINGTON Share an apartment near downtown w/ active woman in her 30s who enjoys rock-climbing & VPR. Seeking housemate to assist w/ transportation, cooking, organizing & some emotional support, in exchange for no rent. Shared BA. Must be cat-friendly!
HYDE PARK Senior woman seeking organized individual to help w/ 3-4 meals/wk, errands, transportation, daily check-in, & overnight presence. Enjoy your own private BA, kitchen, & W/D. Likely no rent, possible util. share. Need weekend availability.
Finding you just the right housemate for over 35 years! Call 863-5625 or visit for an application. Interview, refs, bg check req. EHO
SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS DONATE YOUR CAR TO KIDS Your donation helps fund the search for missing children. Accepting trucks, motorcycles & RVs, too! Fast, free pickup. Running or not. 24-hr. response. Max. tax donation. Call 877-2660681. (AAN CAN) HUGHESNET SATELLITE INTERNET Finally, no hard data limits! Call today for speeds up to 25mbps as low as $59.99/mo.! $75 gift card, terms apply. 1-844-416-7147. (AAN CAN) STILL PAYING TOO MUCH for your medication? Save up to 90% on Rx refill! Order today & receive free shipping on first order. Prescription req. Call 1-855-750-1612. (AAN CAN) WANTED: COMIC BOOKS 1930s-present comic books. Call David: 857-210-5029.
SPORTS EQUIPMENT SBHS SKI & BOARD SWAP Sat., Sep. 25, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. New & gently used winter gear sale. South Burlington HS, 550 Dorset St., South Burlington.
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INSTRUCTION GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology, ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles, levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195,
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6 7 9 4 1 9 3 4 5 6 8 9 4 2 1 5 6 2 9 8 8 2 1
Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
5 »6
5 8 2 6 4 9 3 1
2 6 9 3 1 8 7 5
3 1 7 8 5 4 2 6
4 5 3 9 6 2 1 7
1 7 4 5 8 3 6 9
6 9 1 7 2 5 4 8
8 4 5 1 3 7 9 2
7 2 6 4 9 1 8 3
9 3 8 2 7 6 5 4
Legal Notices
9/16/21 3:59 PM
4 9 5+ 2 3 6 1 9 7 3 8 1 5 83- 4 7 2 5 6
7 25x 5 8 2 12x 6 14 9 3 1
By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C0006-2 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On August 31, 2021, Gayatrima, LLC, 138 North Main Street, Rutland, VT 05701 filed application number 4C0006-2 for a project generally described as after-the-fact second-story addition to increase the number of hotel rooms from 38 to 58 at the Days Inn. The project is located at 3229 Shelburne Road in Shelburne, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on September 13, 2021 after the receipt of additional information. The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont.
6 5 2 4 1 8 4 48x 5 53 9 16 2 1 7
5 6 4 2 3 2 3 11 6 7 9 4 1 5 7 8 2 36+ 5 6 4 9 8
5 4 1 6 3 2
2 1 4 3 6 5
6 5 1 15+ 8 7 9 4 2 3 5 6 8 9+ 1 4 2 2÷ 3 9 7 7 1 6 9 Difficulty 8 5- Hard 2 3 4 7+
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
No. 706
Difficulty: Medium
Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 14th day of September, 2021.
16t-hirchakbrothers092221 1
If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C032917I-1 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On September 9, 2021, Cabrera Properties, LLC, Richmond, VT 05477 filed application number 4C0329-17I-1 for a project generally described as the construction of a 3,700 sf addition to an existing commercial building, expansion of an existing parking lot and relocation of existing storage containers to the northern portion of the parking
1 802-888-4662
By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658
Residential / Commercial Zoning Former Al’s Furniture Warehouse
If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than October 8, 2021.
Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 14th day of September, 2021.
Tues., Oct. 5 @ 11AM 238 Rte. 7B N, Clarendon, VT
Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).
11,000±SF Barn on 2.7± Acres
No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before October 8, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.
No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before October 6, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue,
The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0329-17I-1.”
If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than October 6, 2021.
The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1339.”
lot on Lot 15 in Phase II of the Saxon Hill Industrial Park. The project is located on 15 Corporate Drive in Essex, Vermont.
why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1339 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On August 19, 2021, Franklin South, LLC, 124 College Parkway, Colchester, VT 05446 and Shenk Enterprises, LLC, PO Box 4132, Burlington, VT 05406 filed application number 4C1339 for a project generally described as (1) the demolition of an existing residence on Lot 2; and (2) the construction of 4,800 sf two-story residential building with 8 units on Lot 2 with new access off Martindale Road and associated site improvements. The project is located at 2689 Shelburne Road in Shelburne, Vermont. The application was deemed complete on September 13, 2021 after the receipt of additional evidence.
gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0006-2.” No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before October 6, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than October 6, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 13th day of September, 2021. By: /s/Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658 AN INVITATION TO BIDDERS PROJECT: STUART AVENUE APARTMENTS 111 Stuart Avenue, Colchester, VT 05446 OWNER: Champlain Housing Trust 88 King Street, Burlington, VT 05401 Evernorth 100 Bank Street, Suite 400, Burlington, VT 05401 ARCHITECT: Rabideau Architects 550 Hinesburg Road, Suite 101 South Burlington, VT 05403 CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: Wright & Morrissey, Inc. 99 Swift Street, Suite 100 South Burlington, VT 05403 Phone: 802-863-4541 Email: & Fax: 802-865-1253 BID DUE: Wednesday September 29, 2021 @ 2:00 p.m. • Wright & Morrissey, Inc. is seeking qualified subcontractor bids for all trades for the above reference project. Women and minority owned businesses, small locally owned businesses and Section 3 businesses are strongly encouraged to apply. Contract security in a form acceptable to the Construction Manager may be required. All potential bidders shall demonstrate the ability to provide such security. • This project is subject to all requirements of
the City of Colchester, MBE/WBE/Section 3, Davis-Bacon Act, payroll reporting, certification for contracts, grants, loans & cooperative agreements, certification regarding debarment, suspension, ineligibility and voluntary exclusion, and disclosure of lobbying activities. • This project involves the new construction of a 36 unit, 4 story multi-family housing building with an underground parking garage and associated site work. Contact Wright & Morrissey, Inc. for bid packages. • Any bidding subcontractor without a prior working history with Wright & Morrissey, Inc. is asked to submit an AIA-305 Contractors Qualification Statement or equivalent references sufficient to indicate the bidding subcontractor is qualified to perform the work being bid.
FULL BOARD OF ABATEMENT OF TAXES, SEPTEMBER 27, 2021: NOTICE CITY OF BURLINGTON FULL BOARD OF ABATEMENT OF TAXES The Full Board of Abatement of Taxes of the City of Burlington will meet in Contois Auditorium, at City Hall, 149 Church Street on Monday, September 27, 2021* to hear and act upon the requests for abatement of taxes and/or penalties from: Burlington School District Nathan Lavery and Joseph McNeil 67 Cherry Street 044-2-014-001 William G. Forsyth 934 North Avenue 033-3-036-000 William G. Forsyth 418-420 North Street 045-1-106-000 William G. Forsyth 442 North Street 045-1-113-000 Fortieth Burlington, LLC David Stratis, Corelogic 128 Lakeside Avenue 053-2-010-000 Darya Ross 43 Charity Street 025-2-110-000 *The City Council Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. The Full Board of Abatement of Taxes Meeting is part of this agenda, no set start time.
NORTHSTAR SELF STORAGE WILL BE HAVING A PUBLIC AND ONLINE SALE/AUCTION FOR THE FOLLOWING STORAGE UNITS ON OCTOBER 7, 2021 AT 9:00AM Northstar Self Storage will be having a public and online sale/auction on October 7, 2021 at 681 Rockingham Road, Rockingham, VT 05101, (Units R-41/55) and at 3466 Richville Rd., Manchester Center, VT 05255 (Unit M-13/63) and online at www. at 9:00 am in accordance with VT Title 9 Commerce and Trade Chapter 098: Storage Units 3905. Enforcement of Lien Unit # R-41 Crystal Crawford Household Goods Unit # R-55 Amanda Ellis Household Goods Unit # M-63 Kerry Ellis-Swan Household Goods Unit # M-13 Ashleigh Oralla Coffin Household Goods NOTICE OF SELF STORAGE LIEN SALE MALLETTS BAY SELF STORAGE, LLC 115 HEINEBERG DRIVE COLCHESTER, VT 05446 Notice is hereby given that the contents of the self-storage units listed below will be sold at public auction by sealed bid. Name of Occupant Storage Unit David Buhl # 72 Said sales will take place on 10/8/21, beginning at 10:00am at Malletts Bay Self Storage, LLC, (MBSS, LLC)115 Heineberg Dr, Colchester, VT 05446. Units will be opened for viewing immediately prior to auction. Sale shall be by sealed bid to the highest bidder. Contents of entire storage unit will
be sold as one lot. The winning bid must remove all contents from the facility at no cost to MBSS, LLC on the day of auction. MBSS, LLC reserves the right to reject any bid lower that the amount owed by the occupant or that is not commercially reasonable as defined by statute.
NOTICE OF TAX SALE TOWN OF COLCHESTER The resident and non-resident owners, lien holders and mortgagees of lands in the Town of Colchester in the County of Chittenden are hereby notified that the taxes assessed by such Town remain, either in whole or in part, unpaid on the following described lands in such Town, to wit: Property Owner: Robert C. Edwards Property Address: 78 Severance Green, #201 Parcel ID # 08-037043-0020000 All and the same lands and premises conveyed to the said Robert C. Edwards by Warranty Deed of Severance Corners Village Center, LLC dated July 5, 2016 and recorded at Volume 801, Page 105 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Year: 2019 - 2022 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $9,837.72 Property Owner: Frederick J. Fortune, III Property Address: 0 Clay Point Road Parcel ID # 16-057010-0000000 A portion of the same lands and premises conveyed to the said Frederick J. Fortune, III by Warranty Deed of Beatrice F. Wallace dated September 20, 1997 and recorded at Volume 281, Page 475 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Years: 2019 - 2022 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $1,451.70 Property Owner: Frederick J. Fortune, III Property Address: 705 Clay Point Road Parcel ID # 16-058000-0000000 A portion of the same lands and premises conveyed to the said Frederick J. Fortune, III by Warranty Deed of Beatrice F. Wallace dated September 20, 1997 and recorded at Volume 281, Page 475 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Years: 2019 - 2022 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $11,407.74 Property Owner: Glenda E. Beal Property Address: 316 Westward Drive Parcel ID # 25-069003-0000000 All of the same lands and premises conveyed to the said Glenda E. Beal by Warranty Deed with life estate reserved of Gladys E. Sweet (now deceased) dated March 22, 2012 and recorded at Volume 709, Page 349 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Years: 2016 - 2019 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $12,645.14 Property Owner: K&N Enterprises, LLC Property Address: 574 Prim Road Parcel ID # 49-020002-0000000 All of the same lands and premises conveyed to the said K & N Enterprises, LLC by Warranty Deed of Andre J. Thibault and Gisele K. Thibault dated May 24, 2018 and recorded at Volume 837, Page 595 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Years: 2019 - 2022 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $12,422.31 Property Owner: Savings Realty Inc. (c/o Keybank FATV) Property Address: 1208 Prim Road Parcel ID # 41-094002-0020000 All of the premises, including that used as an ATM facility, owned by Savings Realty Inc. and located on leased land leased by Memorandum of Lease dated October 14, 1986 and recorded at Volume 121, Page 519 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Years: 2019 - 2022 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $1,969.84 Property Owner: Timothy Muir and Frances Muir Property Address: 15 Valiquette Court Parcel ID # 49-010002-0000000 All of the same lands and premises conveyed to the said Timothy Muir and Frances D. Muir by Warranty Deed of Andre J. Thibault and Gisele K. Thibault dated May 24, 2018 and recorded at Volume 837,
Page 595 of the Land Records of the Town of Colchester, Vermont. Tax Years: 2019 - 2022 Amount of delinquent taxes, interest, cost and penalties: $795.76 Reference may be made to said deeds for a more particular description of said lands and premises, as the same appear in the Town Clerk’s Office of the Town of Colchester. So much of such lands will be sold at public auction at the Town of Colchester, 781 Blakely Road, Colchester, Vermont 05478, on the 28th day of October, 2021 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, as shall be requisite to discharge such taxes with interest, costs and penalties, unless previously paid. Property owners, mortgagees, and lien holders may pay such taxes, interest, costs and penalties in full by cash or certified check made payable to the Town of Colchester. At tax sale, successful bidders must pay in full by cash or certified check. No other payments accepted. Any questions or inquiries regarding the above-referenced sale should be directed to the following address: Kristen E. Shamis, Esq. Monaghan Safar Ducham PLLC 156 Battery Street Burlington, VT 05401 (802) 660-4735 Monaghan Safar Ducham PLLC, and the Town of Colchester give no opinion or certification as to the marketability of title to the above-referenced properties as held by the current owner/taxpayer. Dated at Colchester, Vermont, this 13th day of September, 2021. Julie Graeter Collector of Delinquent Taxes Town of Colchester PUBLIC HEARING-COLCHESTER DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD Pursuant to Title 24 VSA, Chapter 117, the Development Review Board will hold a public hearing on October 13, 2021 at 7:00pm to hear the following requests under the Development Regulations. Meeting is open to the public and will be held both in-person at 781 Blakely Road and via Zoom: a. ST. MICHAELS COLLEGE – Final Plat application for a six (6) lot subdivision of an 8.06-acre parcel is located in the GD2 District and the Historic Preservation Overlay District. 1) Lot #15-1 to be 1.27 acres developed with 2 story dormitory building; 2) Lot #15-2 to be 0.51 acres developed with a 1-story warehouse building; 3) Lot 15-3 to be 2.50 acres developed with a parking lot; 4) Lot 15-4 to be 1.23 acres developed with a 1 story large daycare facility building; 5) Lot 15-5 to be 1.18 acres developed with a 1 story theater; and 6) Lot 15-6 to be 1.33 acres developed with a church. Subject property is located at Ethan Allen Avenue, Tax Map 20, Parcel 4. b. ST. MICHAELS COLLEGE – Conditional Use application to reduce the side and rear yard setbacks in the Historic Preservation Overlay District. Reduction shall include 1) Lot #15-1: side yard setback to be reduced from 15 feet to 10 feet, and rear yard setback to be reduced from 30 feet to 15 feet; 2) Lot #15-5: side yard setback to be reduced from 15 feet to 7.5 feet. Subject property is located at Ethan Allen Avenue, Tax Map 20, Parcel 4. c. GARY & CAROL BOOSKA – Final Plat Application for a minor Planned Unit Development to establish a 3-unit multifamily building in the Residential 2 (R2) District. Subject property is located at 1750 West Lakeshore Drive, Tax Map 50, Parcel 44. d. IRELAND INDUSTRIES, LLC – Conditional Use Application under Section 4.03G Table 1, Section 1.300 to allow ground-floor multi-family housing in the two proposed 3-story residential buildings on Lots 5 and 6 of the Sunderland Farms PUD. Subject property is located at Stuart Avenue, tax map 4, parcels 30-5, 30-6, and 30-28. The applications are available for review at the Municipal Offices located on 781 Blakely Road or online at September 22, 2021
REQUEST FOR BIDS The Champlain Housing Trust is requesting general contractors to submit proposals for renovations at the Rose Street Artist Co-operative housing at 78 Rose Street, Burlington. Renovations include flooring replacement, loft removal and related repairs, gypsum wallboard repair, painting and misc. electrical and carpentry repairs. General Contractor firms must have comparable experience with occupied rehabilitation of multifamily housing, federal HOME funding requirements -WMBE, WACTO and Section 3. For additional information or to obtain the bid package contact Nancy Goodrich at the Champlain Housing Trust via email at . A voluntary walk-through will be conducted at 3:00PM on Tuesday, September 28, 2021. Completed bids are due by October 4, 2021. Minority-owned, womenowned, locally-owned and Section 3 businesses are strongly encouraged to respond.
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Cathedral Square Corporation and Evernorth are seeking proposals from Architectural firms for schematic design work associated with the development of a new affordable housing building in Hinesburg. Qualified applicants will have comparable experience as well as experience with affordable housing, multi-family construction, publicly funded projects and federal regulations. Proposals must be submitted by Wednesday, September 29th at 5:00pm. Minority-owned, women-owned, locally-owned and Section 3 businesses are encouraged to apply. To obtain a copy of the RFP, contact Amy Dohner at Evernorth, 802.434.7245 or
REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES Champlain Housing Trust and Evernorth are seeking proposals from Architectural firms for Master Planning and design work associated with the development of a new affordable housing community in Shelburne. Qualified applicants will have comparable experience as well as experience with affordable housing, multi-family construction, publicly funded projects and federal regulations. Proposals must be submitted by Wednesday, September 29th at 4:00pm. Minority-owned, women-owned, locally-owned and Section 3 businesses are encouraged to apply. To obtain a copy of the RFP, contact Samantha Dunn at Evernorth. 802-863-8424,
STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT C2795 UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 73-419 CACV MORTGAGE RESEARCH CENTER, LLC D/B/A VETERANS UNITED HOME LOANS, A MISSOURI LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY v. CAROLYN TYLER OCCUPANTS OF: 4228 South Wheelock Road, Lyndonville VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered October 29, 2019, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Carolyn Tyler and the late Randy Tyler to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Mortgage Research Center, LLC dba Veterans United Hone Loans dated July 13, 2017 and recorded in Book 69 Page 122 of the land records of the Town of Wheelock, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Mortgage Research Center, LLC dba Veterans United Hone Loans to Mortgage Research Center, LLC D/B/A Veterans United Home Loans, a Missouri Limited Liability Company dated December 21, 2018 and recorded in Book 70 Page 516 of the land records of the Town of Wheelock, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 4228 South Wheelock Road, Lyndonville, Vermont on October
Legal Notices [CONTINUED] 14, 2021 at 10:30 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit: BEING A PARCEL OF LAND CONSISTING OF 13.7 ACRES, BE THE SAME MORE OR LESS, WITH THE DWELLING HOUSE AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, LOCATED AT 4228 SOUTH WHEELOCK ROAD, AND BEING ALL AND THE SAME LANDS AND PREMISES CONVEYED TO HARRIS W. STIMPSON, JR. AND LINDA F. STIMPSON BY THE WARRANTY DEED OF E. ANN FARRINGTON, DATED OCTOBER 18, 1978 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 31 AT PAGE 114 OF THE WHEELOCK LAND RECORDS. SAID LANDS AND PREMISES WERE ACQUIRED BY WILLIAM HARRIS STIMPSON AND JAMES HOWLAND STIMPSON BY A QUITCLAIM DEED FROM LINDA D. STIMPSON, WIDOW, DATED MAY 7, 2003 AND RECORDED IN BOOK 49 AT PAGE 467 OF THE WHEELOCK LAND RECORDS. Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date of sale. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED : September 1, 2021 By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT FRANKLIN UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 2135-19 FRCV SPECIALIZED LOAN SERVICING LLC v. BERT W. HONAKER AND LINDA M. HONAKER FKA LINDA M. HOWARD OCCUPANTS OF: 908 Bogue Road, Enosburg Falls VT MORTGAGEE’S NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY UNDER 12 V.S.A. sec 4952 et seq. In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered March 5, 2020, in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Bert W. Honaker and Linda M. Honaker fka Linda M. Howard to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Quicken Loans Inc., dated February 12, 2007 and recorded in Book 109 Page 477 of the land records of the Town of Enosburg, of which mortgage the U.S. Bank National Association as Legal Title Trustee for Truman 2016 SC6 Title Trust is the present holder, by virtue of the following Assignments of Mortgage: (1) Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Quicken Loans Bank of America, N.A., as successor by merger to BAC Home Loan Servicing, LP f/k/a Countrywide Home Loans Servicing, LP dated August 23, 2012 and recorded in Book 121 Page 647; (2) Assignment of Mortgage from Bank of America, N.A., as successor by merger to BAC Home Loans Servicing, LP to Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC dated August 24, 2017 and recorded in Book
133 Page 133; and (3) An Assignment of Mortgage from Specialized Loan Servicing, LLC to U.S. Bank National Association as Legal Title Trustee for Truman 2016 SC6 Title Trust dated August 6, 2020 and recorded in Book 139 Page 455 all of the land records of the Town of Enosburg for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 908 Bogue Road, Enosburg Falls, Vermont on October 20, 2021 at 10:00 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage, To wit:
The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED : September 15, 2021 By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032 STATE OF VERMONT VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT WASHINGTON UNIT, CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO: 151-3-19 WNCV ROCKET MORTGAGE LLC v.
A parcel of land containing 10.10 acres, more or less, with all buildings and improvements located thereon, situated on the Southerly side of Town Highway No. 38, also known as Bogue Road, being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at a point on the Southerly side of Bogue Road, which marks the intersection of the Easterly sideline of a 60 foot wide roadway approximately centered on an existing log road, and the Southerly sideline of said Bogue Road; thence proceeding South 43 degrees, 18 minutes, 50 seconds East in and along the apparent sideline of said highway a distance of 120.26 feet, more or less, to a point; thence continuing South 37 degrees, 1 minute, 20 seconds East a distance of 164.52 feet, more or less, to a point; thence continuing South 21 degrees, 34 minutes, 20 seconds East a distance of 53.89 feet, more or less, to a point; thence continuing South 4 degrees, 32 minutes, 24 seconds East a distance of 36.47 feet, more or less, to a point, all of said distances being along the apparent sideline of said highway; thence turning to the right and proceeding South 31 degrees, 49 minutes, 40 seconds West a distance of 1,344.59 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning to the left and proceeding South 36 degrees, 35 minutes, 54 seconds East a distance of 657.84 feet, more or less, to a point; thence turning to the right and proceeding North 50 degrees, 37 minutes, 34 seconds West, a distance of 806.08 feet more or less, to a point; thence turning to the left and proceeding North 36 degrees, 13 minutes, 35 seconds East a distance of 150.00 feet, more or less, to a point; thence continuing North 23 degrees, 41 minutes, 36 seconds East, a distance of 1,133.02 feet, more or less, to a point along the Easterly sideline of said 60 foot wide private roadway on the following courses and
In accordance with the Judgment Order and Decree of Foreclosure entered December 10, 2019 in the above captioned action brought to foreclose that certain mortgage given by Christopher T. Gokey to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Quicken Loans Inc., dated September 8, 2016 and recorded in Book 289 Page 188 of the land records of the Town of Barre, of which mortgage the Plaintiff is the present holder, by virtue of an Assignment of Mortgage from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for Quicken Loans Inc to Quicken Loans, Inc. n/k/a Rocket Mortgage, LLC dated January 8, 2018 and recorded in Book 297 Page 620 of the land records of the Town of Barre for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purpose of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 129 Partridge Road, Barre, Vermont on October 21, 2021 at 11:00 AM all and singular the premises described in said mortgage,
distances to the point or place of beginning; North 82 degrees, 50 minutes, 29 seconds East a distance of 113.69 feet, more or less; North 57 degrees, 2 minutes, 14 seconds East a distance of 63.16 feet, more or less, North 27 degrees, 28 minutes, 3 seconds East a distance of 67.72 feet, more or less; North 15 degrees, 57 minutes, 48 seconds East a distance of 66.53 feet, more or less; North 2 degrees, 48 minutes, 16 seconds West a distance of 62.42 feet, more or less. Reference is made to a plan entitled “Sudivision Map, Laurent and Lillian Rainville” dated march 2, 1989, prepared by Steven M. Brooks, recorded in Map Volume 1 at page 106 of the Enosburg Land Records, the above described land being tot 1 thereon. Commonly known as: 906 Bogue Road, Enosburg Fails, VT 05450 Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett & McHugh, PC, as Trustee”.
any, which take precedence over the said mortgage above described. TEN THOUSAND ($10,000.00) Dollars of the purchase price must be paid by a certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check at the time and place of the sale by the purchaser. The balance of the purchase price shall be paid by a bank wire, certified check, bank treasurer’s or cashier’s check within sixty (60) days after the date the Confirmation Order is entered by the Court. All checks should be made payable to “Bendett & McHugh, PC, as Trustee”. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale. DATED : September 15, 2021 By: /s/ Rachel K. Ljunggren Rachel K. Ljunggren, Esq. Bendett and McHugh, PC 270 Farmington Ave., Ste. 151 Farmington, CT 06032 TOWN OF ESSEX PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA/PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 14, 20216:30 P.M. MUNICIPAL CONFERENCE ROOM, 81 MAIN ST., ESSEX JCT., VT Anyone may attend this meeting in person at the above address or remotely through the following options: • Microsoft Teams: Join-Teams-Meeting-Essex-PC • Conference call: (802) 377-3784 | Conference ID: 590 879 654 # • Public wifi: content/public-wifi-hotspots-vermont 1. Public Comments 2. Consent Agenda: - SITE PLAN AMENDMENT: Rail Park, LLC: Proposal to bring 287 River Rd into compliance for the continued operation of a contractor’s yard located at 287 River Rd in the I1 Zone. Tax Map 4, Parcel 7. 3. SITE PLAN: Why Not, LLC & Essex Rescue, Inc.: Proposal for an emergency services building located at 35 Essex Way in the MXD-PUD Zone, B1 subzone. Tax Map 91, Parcel 10. 4. CONTINUED FROM 6/25/2020-SKETCH PLAN: Renee & Brad LaFountain: Proposal for a 3 lot PUD-R located at 109 Brigham Hill Rd in the AR Zone. Tax Map 14, Parcel 15-602.
5. Minutes: September 23, 2021
TOWN OF JERICHO- DEVELOPMENT REVIEW BOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Jericho Development Review Board will hold a public hearing at 7:00 pm on TUESDAY October 12, 2021 at the Jericho Town Hall to consider the following.
SAID LANDS AND PREMISES ARE CONVEYED SUBJECT TO WASTEWATER PERMIT WW-S-3822 DATED JULY 24, 2006, AND RECORDED AT BOOK 219, PAGE 173 OF THE BARRE TOWN IAND RECORDS. THE PROPERTY ADDRESS AND TAX PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER LISTED ARE PROVIDED SOLELY FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. Being the same property conveyed to Christopher T. Gokey and Sarah Churchill, as joint tenants with the right of survivorship, by deed dated August 24, 2006 of record in Deed Book 219, Page 997, in the County Clerk’s Office. Commonly known as: 129 Partridge Rd , Barre, VI 05641-8939 Reference is hereby made to the above instruments and to the records and references contained therein in further aid of this description. Terms of sale: Said premises will be sold and conveyed subject to all liens, encumbrances, unpaid taxes, tax titles, municipal liens and assessments, if
6. Other Business Visit our website at
- A request to the DRB by Patrick O’Brien for final plat review for a two-lot subdivision. This property is located at 80 Browns Trace which is in the Low Density Residential Zone District. - A request to the DRB by Darrell and Belva Meulemans for a final plat review for a 9 lot, 8 unit PUD. This property is located at 163 Plains Road which is in the Low-Density Residential Zoning District. All interested persons may appear and be heard. Additional information related to this application may be viewed at the Jericho Planning and Zoning Office during regular business hours. Chris Flinn Zoning Administrator
71 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Nonprofit Accountant Part-Time - $60/hr Hack Club, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit located in the heart of the Shelburne Village, is hiring a senior accountant to join our team part-time. We are a small team that runs free coding programs nation-2h-NewWorldTortilla071421.indd wide and need help keeping up with our growing books. $60/hr with 20-40 hours of work expected monthly.
2v-HackClub092221.indd 1
9/17/21 2:39 PM
Offering good compensation, respectful coworkers, and great food! We are hiring for multiple full time and part time positions -- ample opportunities for growth in a positive work environment.
Job Purpose: To create outstanding signature cocktails while utilizing fresh, local and seasonal ingredients. Provide and model excellent customer service, while responsibly pouring and serving drinks to our guests.
Please stop in for an application or email Joe at
Equal Opportunity Employer
3v-AmericanFlatbread081419.indd 1
Join our team and help us keep our brewery and taproom looking their best. Evening and weekend shifts. Experience preferred. Apply here:
7/13/21 2:44 PM
HABITAT RESTORE MANAGER There are over 800 Habitat ReStores in the United States, and the Habitat ReStore in Williston is one of the most successful. Come lead our team into the next phase of extraordinary growth! Perks of the job? You’ll wake up every morning and think:
The Account Manager role is a critical and collaborative link between our design teams, clients, and outside vendors - facilitating the flow of information and ensuring that project brief, budget, and schedule align with objectives enabling us to meet our own standards of creative quality. Attention to detail is key, along with excellent customerservice, communication, and organizational skills.
• I have new opportunities in front of me • My work makes an impact on my community • I can try out my new ideas
Required Education & Experience: Bachelor’s degree required and 4 or more years of related experience and training; or equivalent combination of education and experience. Agency and/or Design Studio experience preferred.
• My creativity and efforts are valued • My management skills are appreciated • Today won’t be boring
Proceeds from the Habitat ReStore help build affordable homes locally. If you want to get involved and help change lives in Vermont, we want to hear from you. E-mail with what you’ve been up to the past few years, and why you’re a good fit for the position.
Please submit your resume and cover letter to:
4t-SolidarityofUnbridledLabor092221.indd 1
Job Purpose: to run the prep shift efficiently and thoughtfully while upholding excellent standards for our food and kitchen.
(P/T positions)
Email your resume to or drop it off at 696 Pine Street, Burlington.
Email with your resume if interested. Background in nonprofits and CPA required.
Cleaning Crew
TIRED OF WORKING WEEKENDS & HOLIDAYS? Come join the team at New World Tortilla and you won’t have to work any of them. Competitive wage, shift meals and paid time off.
9/20/21 5:59 PM
Full Time Retail Sales Associate Roam Vermont is a clothing and shoe store for men & women in the heart of downtown Montpelier. Our store focus is on customer service and we take great pride in helping people find products that will enhance their lives. We offer a great work environment and discounts on shoes and apparel!
Our Ideal Candidate:
Responsibilities Include:
· Excited about the types of products we sell. · Bring positive energy to the store. · Experience with a cash register/point of sale system. · Must be able to work one weekend day each week.
· Welcoming & assisting customers · Building customer relationships. · Provide styling tips and advice. · Unpack and receive shipments, restock shelves, & arrange merchandise on sales floor. · Keep store clean & tidy.
Learn more and apply online at:
1 8/3/214t-ROAM091521 1:20 PM
SHARED LIVING PROVIDER Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider for a male client in his 40s who enjoys video games, New England sports, volunteering, and ice cream. The ideal provider must be able to support the client at home 24/7, provide transportation to and support during medical appointments, and should be comfortable assisting with in-home medical and personal care. Strong organizational, time-management, and recordkeeping skills are required. Prior experience working with individuals with complex medical and behavioral needs is strongly preferred. The provider will be supported by a comprehensive respite package. Compensation includes a generous tax-free stipend and room & board payments. For more information or to request an application, please contact Patrick Fraser at or 802-871-2902.
9/13/214t-HowardCenterSLP091521.indd 5:07 PM 1
9/14/21 2:07 PM
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
The Lamoille Regional Solid Waste Management District is seeking creative, enthusiastic, and dependable applicants to fill the Outreach Coordinator position. This person will serve as a company representative in the local community and will create and implement educational programs targeting waste reduction, recycling and composting through a variety of community outreach activities and programs. Each day brings new opportunities ranging from designing and writing content for newsletters, to teaching kindergarteners about the importance of recycling, to working with a local business to implement on-site compost systems. A complete job description can be found at To apply, email a completed application containing a current resume and a cover letter highlighting why you are a successful candidate for the position to No phone calls please.
4t-LamoilleRegSolidWasteMgmtDist092221.indd 1
9/21/21 11:46 AM
VEDA is Vermont’s economic development financing authority, staffed by a seasoned group of Vermont professionals. Since inception in 1974, VEDA has helped businesses and farms create jobs for Vermonters and enhance Vermont's working landscape. The stories of VEDA's borrowers reflect Vermont's changing economy over the years, with VEDA playing a central role in helping them bring their business dreams and projects to fruition.
Finish Carpenters, Carpenters and Carpenters Helpers. Good Pay, Full Time and Long Term! Chittenden County.
VEDA is searching for a highly motivated Director of Closing to oversee all loan closing functions and lead the closing team in properly documenting and closing loans and providing excellent customer service.
Call Mike at 802-343-0089 or Morton at 802-862-7602.
VEDA offers a competitive salary and excellent health and retirement benefit packages. Other perks include a flexible work environment, generous tuition reimbursement, and professional development and networking opportunities. VEDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer 2v-MJSContracting080818.indd interested in increasing staff diversity.
Visit for details on the currently open position
Join Our Growing Team
Carpenters Wanted! Needed Immediately!
Director of Closing
Resume /cover letter to Cheryl Houchens:
Front Desk
8/6/18 10:42 AM
Part-Time Position
Concierge/Reservationist Full-Time Position
5v-VEDA091521.indd 1
9/13/21 1:09 PM
Front Desk Supervisor Full-Time Position
Competitive Pay & Full Benefits! Email your resume to
Perk up!
Flexible shifts
Hiring Now!
4t-Courtyard092221 1
9/20/21 11:12 AM
Immediate openings Full-time and flexible part-time schedules Days, early evenings, & weekend shifts
Manufacturing Call Center Warehouse
Apply in person 210 East Main Street, Richmond, VT
Wake Robin seeks health care staff who are licensed in Vermont to work collaboratively to provide high quality care in a fast paced residential and long-term care environment, while maintaining a strong sense of “home.” We offer an opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting. We continue to offer competitive wages, great benefits, and generous shift differentials: Evenings $2.50/ hour, Nights $4.50/hour, and weekends $1.55. Interested candidates please email a cover letter and resume to or complete an application online at Wake Robin is an E.O.E.
4t-Harringtons092320.indd 1
9/18/205v-WakeRobin092221.indd 3:34 PM 1
Trusted, local employers are hiring in Seven Days newspaper and online. Browse 100+ new job postings each week.
Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities
See who’s hiring at 9/21/214v-CoffeCampaign.indd 2:01 PM 1
8/20/21 3:13 PM
73 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Now hiring CAREGivers and Key Players Work for an organization that makes a difference and offers meaningful work while providing care to seniors in the community Become part of the Home Instead team! CAREGivers no experience necessary. Key Players previous experience preferred. Pays up to $20/hour. Let’s get to know each other. Military friendly employer. Apply today! location/483/home-care-jobs/
OSSU is looking for an individual to redevelop and improve our current websites, ensuring a fresh look and ease of access. OSSU uses FinalSite and will continue with this platform. This contracted position will start asap. Please submit a proposal to David Martin, Director of Technology and Communication,, including ideas for improvements, a timeline on completion, references and an estimated cost. Below is a list of sites in our district.
Friday & Saturday Evenings
Maloney Properties, voted “Best Place to Work” by our employees for 6 years in a row! Join our hard-working motivated team! Our reputation for customer service and quality workmanship is the best in the industry. The Maintenance Technician will be based at a residential community in Burlington, VT and will be responsible for the completion of work orders, preventative maintenance, unit turnovers, janitorial, and grounds keeping. The work hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. This is a great opportunity for someone with some basic knowledge who is looking to join a supportive team and further their skills. MPI offers a family friendly workplace and healthy work-life balance. We offer a competitive salary and benefits package with a generous vacation and holiday schedule.
Dishwasher Full Time
Line Cook
Part & Full Time Positions Available
AM Server
Monday & Tuesday
AM Host Weekends
Competitive Pay & Full Benefits! Email your resume to
Apply now at
9/14/214t-BLEU092221 2:09 PM 1
SD Associates is hiring Behavioral Instructors (BIs)! SD Associates is an Applied Behavior Analysis company that has been serving children and families in Vermont since 1990.We provide direct services in the form of ABA therapy for clients with a wide variety of behavioral challenges across the state of Vermont. We are currently seeking compassionate, energetic individuals who are dependable, professional, enthusiastic, and who have a strong commitment to co-workers, clients and their families.The Behavioral Instructor (BI) role is the most important, influential and valued position in our company.They are the individuals who work each day to make impactful, positive behavioral changes for the population that we serve. No experience necessary! Bachelor’s degree preferred! Currently hiring in Chittenden, Franklin,Washington, Lamoille and Windsor counties. Exclusively, for a limited time: Choose between $500 or 2.5 paid days off sign on bonus! Apply today at or email us your resume to
9/20/21 11:07 AM
The Clean Energy States Alliance (CESA) seeks a Project Assistant to work primarily on two projects—the Solar with Justice project and the Energy Storage Technology Advancement Partnership (ESTAP). The Solar with Justice project seeks to encourage collaboration between state energy agencies and frontline community-based organizations to ensure equitable solar development. ESTAP is a federal-state funding and information sharing project that aims to accelerate the deployment of energy storage technologies through technical assistance and co-funding partnerships between states and the US Department of Energy (DOE). CESA is a national, nonprofit coalition of public agencies and organizations working together to advance clean energy. CESA members—mostly state agencies—include many of the most innovative, successful, and influential public funders of clean energy initiatives in the country. CESA is managed and staffed by Clean Energy Group (CEG). For more information:
1:30 PM PARAEDUCATORS 1 Are you looking for a career change? 6/3/214ta-CleanEnergyStatesAlliance091521.indd
4T-SDAssociates060921.indd 1
QUALIFICATIONS: • Must be proficient in CSS, HTML, XHMTL and FinalSite • At least 1 year of relevant experience • History of promptness and dependability • Ability to follow school policies and procedures and respect confidential information • Insurance binder • Prioritize workloads and work independently
4v-OrleansSouthwestSU091521.indd 1
Weekend Bartender
We will train anyone who wants to learn!
Want to make a positive impact on people’s lives?
Orleans Southwest Supervisory Union (OSSU) is seeking a contract with an experienced Webmaster.
Join Our Growing Team
4t-MaloneyProperties091521.indd 1
Experienced Webmaster
Are you lookingColchester for a career change? School District is Consider our Teacher Apprenticeship Program!
9/9/21 2:25 PM
Paraeducators in both our Consider our Teacherseeking Apprenticeship Program!
elementary and secondary schools. ● Teachers are in high demand ● Become the teacher who inspired ●you Paraeducators support students and teachers working one-toTeachers are in high demand are in one and/or with small groups ● Get licensed in eight months • Teachers ● Become the teacher who inspired you of students with special needs.
high demand
Responsibilities will vary depending on the assignment, but typically
● Get licensed in eight months include keeping eyes on supervision during class, transition times,
Ready to learn more? Register for one of our • Become the upcoming information sessions: teacher who
Ready you to learn inspired
and lunch; offering students redirection as needed; data collection; consulting communications with teachers and case managers; and more? Register for one of our one-to-one student support and/or small group support.
upcoming information sessions: Colchester School District educates approximately 2,200 students • Get licensed in across five schools. CSD offers employees a generous benefits 802.651.5844 eight months Ready to learn more? Register for one of ouryou upcoming information sessions: Are looking for a career change?
Consider our Teacher Apprenticeship Program! 802.651.5844
● Teachers are in high demand ● Become the teacher who inspired you ● Get licensed in eight months
9/14/21 4t-tapchamplaincollege091521.indd 11:59 AM 1
package including a competitive wage and an excellent BCBS healthcare plan. Benefits also include dental insurance, long-term 802.651.5844 disability, retirement plan, life insurance, and tuition reimbursement. Candidates must have a high school degree/GED. Apply at: Elementary Job #3641428, Secondary Job #3641431
9/14/21 4t-ColchesterSchoolDistrict091521.indd 10:27 AM 1
9/9/21 11:09 AM
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
ORDERLY Patient Support Services Department The Patient Support Orderly provides assistance to all nursing and testing units and other hospital areas for patient related activities including but not limited to: transportation of patients, patient items and clinical equipment, lifting/boosting of patients, setting up traction and other direct care activities as trained.
Learn more and apply:
4t-UVMMedicalCenterORDERLY092221.indd 1
Looking to discover innovative uses for technology? Permanent full-time position paying $24.20 per hour at locations across the State. Use business process analysis and emerging technologies to continuously improve service delivery to customers of the Vermont courts. Explore and provide input on remote technology such as video kiosks, online dispute resolution (ODR), and video conferencing for use in court proceedings. Research, evaluate, and benchmark performance against best practices in Judicial and non-judicial settings. Act as on-site liaison to regional court leadership including Judicial officers and court managers. The successful candidate has a BA/BS and at least 1 year in technical support or complex problem solving. For a detailed job description visit staff-openings for the job listed as #21029 (Remote Service Delivery Analyst). The ideal candidate is detail-oriented, fast-paced and leads with an analytic and process improvement mindset. E.O.E.
9/17/21 4t-VTStateCourtsPIA092221.indd 11:10 AM 1
JULBO EYEWEAR Join our fast growing team! Warehouse Associate position is available preparing and shipping orders, processing customer returns, and warranty repairs on eyewear. This is an entry level position, but would also be perfect for anyone with experience to advance their warehouse career. Shipping 1 pound boxes, occasional shipments up to 50 pounds. This is an hourly paid position up to 40 hours. Email resume and brief cover letter highlighting your experience to Chris, at
1 9/20/212v-Julbo092221.indd 6:04 PM
SECURITY OFFICER Variable Shifts, Per Diem
Are you recently retired, self-employed, or someone who has free time on their hands and is willing to work any shift? If so, the UVM Medical Center is seeking qualified individuals to join the Security team on a per diem basis. This position prefers but does not require security experience. We will look at your work history skillset to see if you might be the right fit.
This position presides over all types of Judicial Bureau cases ranging from traffic violations to municipal ordinances, wildlife, and alcohol and tobacco. Recruiting for a full-time permanent position, $126,214 annual salary. Must be licensed to practice law in Vermont and have a minimum of 5 years of experience.
The ideal candidate will have working knowledge of health care data and database management, be fluent in SQL and Tableau, possess good interpersonal skills and enjoy being part of a collaborative team.
Find a job that makes it easier to sleep at night.
Job code 21034. See link for further information and how to apply:
VERMONT STATE COURTS This position is open until filled. Learn more and apply: This position presides over all types of Judicial Bureau The Vermont Judiciary is an equal opportunity employer. cases ranging from traffic violations to municipal ordinances, wildlife, and and tobacco. Recruiting for a full-time3/15/21 4t-VTStateCourts091521.indd 4t-UVMMedicalCenterSECURITY031721.indd 1 11:19 AM 1 9/20/21 DATAalcohol COORDINATOR permanent position, $126,214 annual salary. Must & ANALYST be licensed to practice law in Vermont and have a VERMONT STATE COURTS minimum of 5 of years of experience. The Vermont Association Hospitals Recruiting for Limited-Service employees and Health Systems (VAHHS) - Network Services Organization Joba code 21034. Seeand link for further information and with primary responsibility for courtroom (NSO) seeks Data Coordinator Analyst to be based in Montpelier. Thistoisapply: a full time, exempt position. how and security in the court house. The position opportunities/staff-openings. provides general assistance, security and safety to all users The Data Coordinator and Analyst will take the lead on database management, coordination of data acquisition, processing and of the court. extraction delivery for VAHHS – NSO.
9/16/21 1:26 PM
6:03 PM
Browse 100+ new job postings each week from trusted, local employers.
Positions located in Montpelier & Rutland VT. High School graduate and two years in a responsible position required. Starting pay $17.49 per hour. Position # 21024 & 21025
The minimum qualifications for this position include a degree in Data Science or similar field or two years of applicable experience.
Go to for more details and to complete application.
Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities
This position offers a competitive salary and comprehensive benefits. Candidates can submit an application by email to: Deadline for resumes is October 8.
Theseposition positionsis isopen openuntil untilfilled. filled. The Vermont Judiciary is an This equal opportunity employer. The Vermont Judiciary is an equal opportunity employer.
See who’s hiring at
4t-VAHHS090821.indd 1
9/6/21 4t-VTStateCourts-officer091521.indd 4t-VTStateCourts091521.indd 11:37 AM 1 1
1 9/9/21 4v-Zombie-Campaign.indd 9/21/21 11:48 1:51 PM AM
8/25/21 12:51 PM
75 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Vermont College of Fine Arts welcomes applications for 3 positions:
Sound too good to be true? Not at Red Hen!
ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SPECIALIST PT, Finance Dept. This part-time position reports to the Controller. Responsibilities include: support for the Finance team and mailroom; processing monthly credit card statements and support admin tasks and mailroom functions. Successful candidates will be/have: • Diligent and persisent • Demonstrated customer service aptitude • Detail oriented, organized, strong communication skills • Comfortable with technology and has Basic Microsoft Excel proficiency
This full-time administrative position reports to the Executive Director of Marketing and Communications. Responsibilities include: managing and maintaining VCFA’s social For over 20 years, we have been providing great career opportunities in the food media presence and video content production, building upon our social media strategy, industry. Get in touch with us if your passion is great food, and your needs include: developing brand awareness and VCFA’s digital reputation in the higher ed. market. • Consistent schedule: 40 hr/weeks • Paid time off Collaborating closely with program and admissions staff, this position creates and manages • A livable wage • Retirement plan with video content for all centralized channels. • Health care company match Successful candidates will have: • At least 3+ years of experience managing social media and content creation for WE ARE HIRING FOR POSITIONS IN THE FOLLOWING AREAS: organizations Kitchen staff: A chance to be involved in all aspects of making our well-known • Bachelor’s degree or comparable experience in marketing, photography or video sandwiches, salads, soup and more. Contact Cassy: • An appreciation for, interest in, and curiosity about the arts and arts education • A proven track record of achieving goals and objectives through strategy development Barista: Making top-notch espresso drinks and serving customers great food. and implementation Contact Hannah: • Strong written and verbal communication abilities, organizational skills, and a capacity for Bread Baker: Join our skilled team of bakers making what many consider to be self-starting and working independently the best bread in Vermont. Contact Douglas: • Ability to perform complex or technical office practices and procedures; budget tracking data management practices, etc. • Strong technology orientation; experience with Google Apps, MS Office Suite, Adobe Suite5v-RedHenBaking092221.indd 1 9/20/21 / Canva, Hootsuite as well as the ability to learn and organize and maintain files effectively
STUDENT SERVICES SPECIALIST (FT, Admissions) This full-time administrative position reports to the VP for Student Services/COO. Responsibilities include: collaboration on student financial aid support, accessibility support services, student residency housing, and other direct student support as needed during residencies and during the semester. Successful candidates will have: • Demonstrated aptitude for exceptional student service and internal collaboration • Bachelor’s degree or comparable experience and experience in higher education, social services, or similarly related field • Strong written and verbal communication abilities, organizational skills, and a capacity for self-starting and working independently • Ability to work with students one on one and in groups to provide basic financial aid and accessibility services information as it pertains to attending VCFA. • Strong technology orientation; experience with Google Apps, MS Office Suite, as well as the ability to learn and effectively use database systems • Ability to engage in thoughtful and high-volume email exchange, phone calls, as well as online events and other virtual engagement • Ability to work with a wide range of internal college staff and department in support of student, the ability to effectively collaborate with individuals and teams is essential Candidates are encouraged to consult VCFA’s website to acquaint themselves with our programs, distinctive academic schedule, learning processes, and educational philosophy. Full job descriptions: To apply, please send the following to and specify the position applied for in the subject line: • Cover Letter, CV/Resume • Statement on Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, outlining your professional skills, accomplishments, experience, and willingness to engage in activities to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion. For full consideration, submit an application by October 1, 2021. Position will remain open until filled.
12t-VTCollegeFineArt092221.indd 1
9/21/21 2:03 PM
WE’RE HIRING! Year-round, full-time positions • Food Systems/Farm to School Professional Learning Facilitator: Support teachers in integrating sustainability and farm to school concepts into curriculum. • Development Operations & Database Manager: Manage Raisers Edge/NXT database and data systems/processes to grow contributor base. • Lead Cheesemaker: Help produce our award-winning farmstead cheddar cheese, from the arrival of the milk to final press. • Cheesemaking & Processing Assistant: Support all steps in making, processing, and shipping our farmstead cheddar. Full job descriptions and application details at:
5:19 PM
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Help Vermonters pursue their education goals!
Project Management Officer We’re all about mission at Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Help us fulfill our mission of providing all Vermont students with information and financial resources to reach their educational goals. We’re looking for an experienced person to join our Information Technology/Project Management Team as a Project Manager who will manage projects that have a high impact, profile, cost and/or complexity to our organization. You will work with all levels of management and other business users; you will provide leadership for project teams, convey information clearly and concisely, oversee testing, implementation and reconciliation of software upgrades, coordinate project management work plans and business requirements, and ensure positive and productive working relationships with internal and external customers. Our ideal candidate will have a bachelor’s degree and at least 3 years of relevant work experience, project management experience in technology and software development applications. VSAC offers a dynamic, professional environment with competitive compensation and generous benefits package. Apply ONLY online at (Jobs at VSAC link in site footer).
Full time, Temporary
Is currently seeking
WARMING SHELTER STAFF Temporary Full & Part Time Awake Positions: • Full Time Evening, Monday–Friday 5:00 pm–1:00 am • Full Time Overnight, Monday–Friday 12:00 am–8:00 am • Part Time Evenings, Saturday & Sunday 5:00 pm and 1:00 am • Part Time Overnight, Saturday & Sunday 12:00 am–8:00 am
VERMONT STUDENT ASSISTANCE CORPORATION PO Box 2000, Winooski, VT 05404 EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled
5v-VSAC091521.indd 1
Nursery Planting Crew 9/14/213v-Spectrum090821.indd 2:22 PM 1
Burlington Office
Prestigious law firm seeks experienced Real Estate Paralegal to join our Burlington Office with solid experience in all aspects of real estate title searching, title insurance commitment and policy preparation and closings. Candidates must be highly organized and possess the ability to prioritize, be a team player, and have excellent written and verbal skills. Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. 5+ years of experience required. Please reply with cover letter and resume to: Nikki Stevens, Firm Administrator Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP 210 College Street P.O. Box 721 Burlington, VT 05402-0721 or via e-mail to:
5v-LangrockSperryWool092221.indd 1
Full-time Pastry Chef Position at Mirabelles in South Burlington.
The Intervale Center seeks an Come join our team making enthusiastic, mission-driven all sorts of delicious cakes and person to join our team in pastries--we make everything Burlington, Vermont. For from scratch in a beautiful over 30 years, the Intervale new kitchen. Center has led a community food revolution that sustains Must have a solid foundation farms, land, and people. The in cake decorating and recipe Conservation Nursery Planting production. Crew supports the Intervale • PAID VACATION Center’s conservation efforts by providing assistance with Send resumes to: fall tree harvest and planting projects across Vermont. The ideal candidate can work well in a team, can work and stand outdoors for long hours and lift2h-Mirabelles092221.indd 1 9/16/21 11:53 AM 50 pounds, and is capable of being a representative for the Intervale Center to the public. Intervale Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For a full job description and instructions to apply, please visit our website: get-involved/#employment
9/2/21 3v-IntervaleCenter092221.indd 12:36 PM 1
9/16/21 2:49 PM
You’re in good hands with...
Central Vermont Substance Abuse Services
Real Estate Paralegal
Competitive salary and benefits package.
Come join our team at Central Vermont Substance Abuse Services (CVSAS) in Berlin VT. CVSAS provides a full array of substance use disorder services to people in Central Vermont. We offer IDRP, assessments, drug court case management, medication assisted treatment, intensive out-patient, aftercare and recovery services to adults and transition aged youth.
Clinical Supervisor We are seeking an experienced supervisor to provide clinical supervision & oversight to a team of counselors serving adults & youth in an out-patient addictions treatment program. The position is responsible for assessing the needs of our clients and ensuring that those needs are being met while using evidence based best practices and coordinating with community partners. A skill set including collaboration, coaching, communication, and clinical experience in the addictions field is essential to this position. Functions include conducting intake evaluations, developing treatment plans, making case assignments, monitoring and evaluating progress, as well as coaching, developing and supervising staff through providing regular clinical supervision and facilitation of team meetings. Master’s degree in Counseling, Social Work or related field and LADC licensure is required for this position. Flexibility, dependability, strong communication skills, and the ability to be a team player are essential to the success of this position. We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits, including a generous time off package and a retirement match. Send your resume to: Rachel Yeager, HR Coordinator • • Clara Martin Center • PO Box G • Randolph, VT 05060
9/17/21 5v-ClaraMartinCenter092221.indd 11:31 AM 1
“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of. I can only imagine how many job connections she has facilitated for local companies in the 20 years she has been doing this.” CAROLYN ZELLER Intervale Center, Burlington
Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121,
9/17/21 4v-MichelleCampagin.indd 12:00 PM 1
8/20/21 1:41 PM
Weatherization Crew Members
Administrative Assistant/ Receptionist
Retina Center of Vermont is seeking a friendly, motivated receptionist/ administrative assistant for our South Burlington office. Candidates must be able to function well in a very fast-paced, high-pressure environment. They must have excellent communication skills and be fluent with office technology (computers, fax, phone, etc.) This is a full-time position with a competitive benefits package. Starting rate: $17/hour or more depending on experience. Send resumes to: amitton@
2v-RetinaCenterofVT092221.indd 1
9/16/21 1:00 PM
Now Hiring for Residential Construction
2v-Smith&McClain081821.indd 1
8/16/21 5:50 PM
2021 Hemp Harvest Crew Now hiring for 2021 harvest. Email to apply. Starting at $20/hour.
2h-SunSoil081821.indd 1
The Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity (CVOEO) Weatherization Program is growing! Do you have building trades experience or want to learn them with a focus on energy efficiency and building science? Do you want to help CVOEO tackle climate change, poverty and create healthier homes for Vermonters? We are looking for crew installers to fill our open crew positions. Applications from folks new to weatherization as well as experienced installers and trades people are encouraged. The work is hard, the reward is great, the pay is good, the benefits are outstanding, and the work year round. If this sounds like you might find a career with us, we want to hear from you!
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Do you want to work for the company voted “Best Place to Work in Vermont”? We are seeking a responsible, organized team-player with a strong work ethic to join our Property Management team! This position is for someone who enjoys working with their hands, has problem solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to multi-task & prioritize while working with deadlines.
The ideal candidate must have a High School diploma or equivalent; basic carpentry/electrical skills; ability to safely use power tools / equipment, including on ladders; and have an understanding of building construction and materials as well as the principles of energy efficient retrofits. We are looking for team players with a positive, can-do attitude. This position is physically demanding. Desired qualifications include training in OSHA 10; lead safe renovator; and First Aid/CPR. Valid driver’s license and reliable transportation required. This is a full time position with excellent benefits. Please visit to apply.
Do you have experience in general maintenance, painting/ taping, basic plumbing & carpentry, landscaping, and snow removal? You will have direct contact with our tenants and vendors ~ so patience, the ability to handle any situation with a smile and a calm demeanor are a must. This position is full-time with an exceptional benefits package and salary commensurate with experience. On-call and overtime are necessary. A valid driver’s license is required.
Building company specializing in craft custom homes in Please send letter of introduction, resume & salary history Bristol, VT, seeks candidates to Human Resources: with experience in residential construction for a variety of positions. Positive attitude and attention to detail are a must. 5v-Pomerleau091521.indd 1 9/14/21 Small teams, fast-paced, and friendly work environment with competitive pay and benefits. If local, artisanal construction for a forward-thinking company in the Champlain Valley and Green Mountains seems like a good fit, we want to hear from you!
77 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Administrative Coordinator
Population Media Center (PMC) is seeking an Administrative Coordinator to help us achieve our vision of a sustainable planet with equal rights for all. Our entertainment-education programs empower people around the world to live healthier lives and live sustainably with the world’s renewable resources. You: You are organized, disciplined, possess extraordinary attention to detail, and actively seek out new challenges and creative solutions. You are a natural multi-tasker and provide top-notch customer service in a poised, professional manner. You are proficient in Office 365 applications, have experience working with transactional database systems and possess excellent grammar, editing, and business correspondence skills. Why Work for Us: Our tight-knit team is energized by our mission and empowered with autonomy and creativity in their day-to-day work. PMC offers its employees competitive pay and excellent benefits including paid time off, health and dental insurance, and a generous 401(K) contribution. Visit for details. Send cover letter and resume to Review of applications to begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.
1 8/16/215v-PopulationMedia092221.indd 5:49 PM
2:18 PM
Email Marketing & Automation Specialist – HubSpot Strategize, develop, execute and measure eMarketing campaigns that attract and nurture both B2B and B2C audiences using HubSpot. Some of the Responsibilities include: • Automate & Optimize Customer Journeys via HubSpot • Create, Configure, Test Automated Inbound Marketing Campaigns & Workflows • Create & Maintain Contact Database • Create & Manage SEO-friendly Blog Posts & Landing Pages • Define & Implement New Platform Features & Integrations • Analyze, Review, Report on Campaign Effectiveness ust have in-depth working knowledge of HubSpot, M Marketing Automation, Google Analytics, Digital Reporting Tools. See Complete Job Description and Apply Online:
1 9/16/21 5v-HubbardtonForge092221 11:40 AM
Hubbardton Forge is an Equal Opportunity Employer
9/17/21 10:54 AM
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Student Services Coordinator This full-time position acts as the first point of contact for the public and students at Yestermorrow. Responsibilities include answering phones and emails, managing enrollment, meals and lodging, tuition payments, and scholarship applications. HR Manager A candidate with strong customer service skills and a friendly demeanor is prefered. Apply atFinance Manager
Are you a dedicated and compassionate nurse tired of working a hectic schedule? The Converse Home, an assisted living community in downtown Burlington, is looking for a Full Time experienced RN or LPN to join our established team of fun and caring people. Work 32-40 hours per week for our non-for-profit organization and get to know 16 of our wonderful residents living in our memory care community.
We're Hiring!
We're Hiring! Head Cider Maker
We'reHiring! Hiring!Delivery Driver We're HR Manager We're Hiring! We're Hiring!
The right person for this job will be compassionate, dedicated, a team player and a detail oriented nurse.
2v-Yestermorrow092221.indd 1
This position has excellent benefits including a regular schedule, a competitive salary, medical, dental, and paid vacation time. Please visit to learn more about our community.
Delivery Driver Production Staff
See full job listings on
You must have a VT State Nursing License and be able to pass a background check.
See full jobjob listings on on See full listings 9/7/21 2:17 PM
See full job listings on
See full job listings on
We’re Hiring Work within the community you love! Love preparing and serving good food? Hunger Mountain Co-op offers food service jobs with a difference. We work toward a shared cooperative mission while preparing high-quality food using local, natural, and organic ingredients.
Our co-op also offers: • Good pay • Set schedule with no late nights • Generous paid time off, including seven major holidays • Gain share program • Excellent employee benefits, which include 100% coverage of the health insurance premiums for full-time employees • 20% discount on Co-op purchases Take a look at our current openings and consider bringing your talents here. Hunger Mountain Co-op is an equal opportunity employer. Women, minorities, people with disabilities, veterans, and members of the LGBTQ+ community are encouraged to apply. Hourly employees are represented by UE Local 255.
623 Stone Cutters Way, Montpelier, VT (802) 223-8000 •
6t-HungerMtnCoop090121 1
9/17/21 11:50 AM
Production Staff
Send your resume to and fill out an application on our website!
5h-ConverseHome090821.indd 1
HR Manager
Finance Manager HR Manager Production Staff HR Manager Finance Manager Head Cider Maker HR Manager Finance Manager Finance Manager Head Cider Maker Head Cider Maker Delivery Driver Finance Manager Head Cider Maker Delivery Driver Delivery Driver Production Staff Head Cider Delivery Maker Production Staff Driver Production See full job listings on Staff
Vermont Legal Aid, a non-profit law firm providing legal services to low-income Vermonters in five offices across VT, seeks a full-time IT and Network Systems Administrator. A minimum of 3 years of network and systems administration experience in a Microsoft Windows environment required. The ideal candidate would have experience with Azure, Active Directory, Exchange Online, Office365, IP telephony, LAN/ WAN, server and WS management (hardware and software), as well as providing help desk support to staff. Familiarity with case management systems (SaaS and proprietary), social media platforms, mobile devices, cloud migration, and cybersecurity are a plus. Applicants must have clear oral and written communication skills, an eagerness to learn, and the ability to work both independently and as part of a small IT team. In-state travel (vehicle required), some evening and/or weekend work, and the ability to occasionally lift and move up to fifty pounds is required. We are committed to building a diverse, social justiceoriented staff, and encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds. We welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination and harassment-free workplace. Salary is $61,895+ experience, plus 4 weeks paid vacation and other excellent benefits. Application deadline is October 1, 2021. Please send cover letter, resume, and a list of contact information for three references to as a single PDF with “IT Administrator” in the subject line. The full job description can be found at Please let us know how you heard about this position.
1 8/30/21 6t-VTLegalAid091521.indd 11:55 AM
Find 100+ new job postings from trusted, local employers in Seven Days newspaper and online. Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter
See who’s hiring at
9/13/214v-WaterCooler.indd 1:04 PM 1
8/20/21 1:47 PM
79 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Science and Humanities
OFFICE HELP/MANAGER Mann and Machine Inc in Richmond is looking for some part-time help in the office for our small but busy auto repair business. Duties will include answering the phone, making appointments and making out payroll and 401 k. Must be good with people. Must know your way around Quick Books. Could turn into a full time position for the right person. Pay will be based on experience. We have 2 dogs that come to the office with us so liking dogs is also required. Send resumes to:
Place is seeking an account manager. resumes and links to:
9/14/212v-PlaceCreative092221 1:57 PM Community & Home Support Person
2v-Mann&Machine091521.indd 1
Come join the team and help support a young adult male in Burlington! The individual has autism, and the position would be working in a team with one other support person. We are looking for people who are respectful & understanding towards individuals with disabilities, who is athletic, very musical and personable. Experience in the disability background a plus. Excellent training is given. Hours needed are Monday through Friday from 8:30-4. One overnight a month is required. Pay is competitive starting at $26/hour. Send a resume to References will be requested if we invite you to an interview. Candidates must have proof of COVID vaccination. Thank you!
Stone Path Academy, a small independent school located in the Middlesex/Moretown area of Central Vermont, seeks employees to join our progressive and innovative school. We are a therapeutic day school that provides an approved educational program for students between the ages of 12-22 who need an alternative educational environment. Each student has a personalized education in a trauma-informed environment that is coercion free and restraint free. No teaching license necessary!
We are seeking to fill two full-time teaching positions - a science teacher and a humanities (social studies) teacher. If you have a Bachelor’s degree in either of these areas and have always been interested in teaching, feel free to apply. We offer a benefits package including Health Insurance/Dental, Retirement Plan and paid holidays and vacations. Come grow with us! Feel free to call 802-223-2930 or email a cover letter and resume to
9/20/21 3:39 PM
Please send letter of interest, salary requirements, resume and three references to: Town Administrator c/o 78 North Street, New Haven, Vermont 05472 by August 30.
8/19/21 11:25 AM
Salary Range: $40,760.00 - 61,127.00 The Construction Coordinator is responsible for general customer communications pertaining to construction activities, supports various operations workflows, and administrative duties for the new construction teams. Also, efficiently coordinate, schedule, and support all new customer installations, maintenance projects, and track and report on their progress. About VGS: VGS is a leader in energy efficiency and innovation, offering a clean, safe, affordable choice for over 54,000 homes, businesses, and institutions in Franklin, Chittenden and Addison counties. The company plays an important role in Vermont’s clean energy future by displacing higher-emitting fuels, offering renewable natural gas service, and delivering award-winning energy efficiency programs. VGS is leading the country in the development of local renewable energy generation and has targeted a 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and full elimination by 2050. We take pride in our total benefits rewards program offered to our employees. Our generous benefits package includes comprehensive healthcare coverage, competitive compensation and bonus potential, 401(k) with employer contributions, and ample paid time off.
Diversity & Inclusion Statement:
1 10/29/19 6t-VTGas092221.indd 12:12 PM
The Selectboard is seeking an individual or individuals with strong interpersonal, business, financial, grant writing, planning and zoning skills and the ability to oversee and manage a small town and its employees.
2v-TownofNewHaven082521.indd 1
We are committed to building a work community that is inclusive and represents a vibrant diversity of background, experience, perspective, and thought. Candidates across all markers of identity (age, race, gender, ability, communication style, etc.) are highly encouraged to apply. Please go to to view the full job descriptions and apply today!
7spot.indd 1
The Town of New Haven is seeking to fill the positions of Town Administrator and Zoning Administrator. These can be combined to be a full-time position or two part-time positions.
Jean Garvin School is expanding to include supports for a more intensive educational program and wants YOU to be a part of it! This is a great opportunity to help grow a unique, new program for youth in our community. Seeking motivated staffs that are passionate about embracing each student’s individuality and strengths, while supporting their academic success in a friendly, therapeutic, and supportive environment.
•EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR - Develop and Lead program and educational staff development initiatives. Master’s Degree & EducLevel_II License Required.
•SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER - Support Teachers with planning and implementing curriculum. Bachelor’s Degree Required. License Eligible applicants encouraged to apply.
•TEACHER - Design/implement academic programming that
addresses each student’s academic level. Bachelor’s Degree and VT Teaching License Required.
•TEACHING INTERVENTIONIST - Teach academic and social skills curriculum to students. Bachelor’s Degree Required. License preferred or must be License Eligible.
Develop positive relationships with the students and staff by sharing the same mission to develop a flexible curriculum to meet the unique needs of our students. If you enjoy working with adolescents and value alternative education, apply today at Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery is strengthened by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY, Visit ‘About Us” to review Howard Center’s EOE Policy.
9/16/21 6t-HowardCenter091521.indd 12:12 PM 1
9/14/21 2:24 PM
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Teacher/Community Coordinators Seeking full-time Teacher/Community Coordinators in Morrisville, Bradford and Barre. Candidates must have:
• High levels of independence, spirit, drive and capacity for student recruitment, outreach and organizing community involvement to support student success • Strong familiarity with the service area • Proven capacity for teaching and guiding basic skills instruction for adults and teens in: - Reading, writing, math, computer and financial literacy - English Language Learning and U.S. Citizenship prep - High school diploma and GED credentialing - Career and college readiness • Experience with developing personalized education and graduation education plans • Experience with recruiting and managing volunteers. Starting salary: $43,000–$45,000 annually based on experience. CVABE pays 100% of individual health, dental & short-term disability insurance, as well as employer 403(b) contributions and six weeks of paid vacation annually.
Please submit cover letter, resume and 3 references to: Executive Director - Central Vermont Adult Basic Education, Inc. 46 Washington Street, Suite 100, Barre, Vermont 05641 Positions open until filled.
5v-CentralVTAdultBasicEd072121.indd 1
Software Engineer @ Cox AuLooking to make a change? tomotive Corporate Services, NORTHEASTERN VERMONT REGIONAL HOSPITAL LLC (Burlington, VT) F/T. invites you to check out our exciting opportunities. Wrk as part of an Agile team to desgn, dvlp, test, implemnt & maintain core integration sftwr technlgies & systm inteRNs, LPNs, LNAs, Food grations. Reqts: Master’s deg Service & Administrative (or frgn equiv) in CS, Comp positions available. Engg, Info Tech, Info Systms, or rltd plus 6 mths of exp in job offrd, as a Sftwr Engg, or rltd. Alt., empl will accept Full-time, part-time and per diem schedules availBach’s deg & 3 yrs of prog resp able. Shift differentials and per diem rates offered. exp. Must have relevant edu of FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent or exp in each of fllwng skills: benefits including student loan repayment, generdvlpng & desgnng apps, using ous paid time off, wellness reimbursement, low cost Java; perform unit testing & health insurance and 401k with company match! integration testing using Junit, APPLY TODAY AT NVRH.ORG/CAREERS. & J2EE; reqrmt analysis & app desgn; relational databases like DB2; & working knowledge of StarTeam & 4t-NVRH081121.indd 1 8/10/21 Smartbear. Empl will acpt any suitable combo of edu, training or exp. Send resume to: S. Chokshi, HR, Cox Automotive Corp Svcs, LLC; via email: GM_Recruiting@coxautoinc. com. Indicate job title & code “CAI-0220” in cvr ltr. EOE.
7/14/213v-ADNet092221.indd 3:46 PM 1
The Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium (GMHEC), located in northern Vermont, was founded by Champlain College, Middlebury College and Saint Michael’s College in 2013. The Consortium aims to help its members to lower costs, increase the quality of services and add strategic value to our members.
9/17/21 12:08 PM
The Stowe Free Library is a cherished community institution and has 6,400 registered borrowers and 25,000 volumes in its collection. It is located within the historic Helen Day Memorial Building in the center of Stowe, a premier four-season resort community with a population of 4,300.
Successful candidates will be a part of a team-oriented organization servicing three very successful private higher education institutions. We are guided by our principles which recognize that our member organizations come first, continuous process improvement is a given, communication is transparent and visible and we value our unique culture which includes being innovative, flexible and focused on wellbeing.
ASSISTANT DIRECTOR & ADULT SERVICES LIBRARIAN The Stowe Free Library is seeking a goal-oriented, enthusiastic and positive individual to fill the position of Assistant Director & Adult Services Librarian to help take the lead in fulfilling our mission: “To Welcome, To Inspire, To Enrich the Mind.” The librarian in this position assumes full responsibility for the functioning of the library in the absence of the Director; assists in goal setting and supervision of staff and volunteers; plans, develops, and provides adult library programming; manages the library’s inter-library loan; supervises and assists staff with other library services and office activities. Stowe Free Library is a cherished community institution and has 6,400 registered borrowers and 25,000 volumes in its collection. It is located within the historic Helen Day Memorial Building in the center of Stowe, a premier four-season resort community with a year-round population of 4,300.
The following are current open positions, with options of working in hybrid work model (home and in our Shelburne, Vermont office) in support of our mission:
An American Library Association accredited Master Degree in Library Science or related field, with three years of experience in library operations, budgeting, and employee supervision; or any equivalent combination of education, training, and experience that provides the requisite knowledge, skills, and abilities for this job. A working knowledge and experience with computers, including Integrated Library Systems (ILS), the InterLibrary Loan system in Vermont, content and web-based applications, current technologies, public access networks, and adult programming is desired. Good verbal communication skills and ability to interact with the public, excellent organizational skills and ability to perform detailed work, and the physical ability to lift and shelve books is required. This position includes evenings and Saturday hours, comes with excellent benefits and a starting salary of $24.03 – 30.75 per hour, contingent upon qualifications and experience.
• ACCOUNTS PAYABLE SPECIALIST • OPERATIONS COORDINATOR (Part Time) • PAYROLL SPECIALIST We provide a meaningful benefits program including health, dental, vision, life, disability, retirement with a generous match, paid time off and a supportive wellbeing program.
Job description and employment application can be found on the Town of Stowe website: Send employment application, letter of interest and resume to: Town of Stowe, Attn: Recruiter, PO Box 730, Stowe, VT 05672 or email Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. E.O.E. 7t-TownofStoweLIBRARY091521.indd 1
12:09 PM
Please apply to Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium at
9/10/21 2:01 PM 6t-GreenMtnHigherEdConsortium091521.indd 1
9/13/21 2:20 PM
Administrative Assistant
Police Chief
The Hinesburg Community Police Department is hiring for a part-time administrative assistant for 25 hours a week.
The City of Barre, Vermont, is accepting applications for the position of Police Chief.
Hinesburg Community Police Department
81 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Exempt Position, City of Barre, Vermont (pop. 9,052)
This position facilitates the police department by performing a wide variety of administrative, clerical, receptionist and support duties in addition to special projects. Successful candidates will have the ability to deal with the public tactfully under difficult circumstances; to function as part of a team; possess exceptional judgment; have high moral character; and be able to successfully pass a background investigation.
The Police Chief plans, coordinates, and directs the activities of the Police Department, manages resources and establishes departmental goals and objectives while delivering efficient and effective public safety services to the community.
Please complete the employment application on and submit to Chief Anthony Cambridge at the Hinesburg Community Police Department, PO Box 1, Hinesburg, Vermont 05461 or via email to
Application deadline is Wednesday, October 13, 2021. For more information and a detailed job description go to our website – The City of Barre is an equal opportunity employer (EOE). Women, Minorities and Veterans are encouraged to apply.
The Police Chief oversees the administration and operations of the Police Department comprised of the Patrol, Investigations, Dispatch, Parking Enforcement and Support Services Divisions.
Please submit a City of Barre Application, cover letter and resume to Human Resources, 6 North Main St, Suite 7, Barre, VT 05641. Electronic submittals can be sent to
Applications reviewed as they are received. Position is open until filled.
5h-CityofBarre091521.indd 1 4t-TownofHinesburgADMIN090821.indd 1
9/14/21 2:13 PM
9/7/21 10:11 AM
INSTALLATION TECHNICIAN Gordon’s Window Décor is a Vermont based designer, fabricator, and installer of custom window coverings. Our mission is to make every client a raving fan by delivering exceptional custom window treatments and an experience that makes them smile. If you have an awesome attitude, are detail oriented and love problem solving this may be the perfect position for you! Our installers get to visit some of the most beautiful places in Vermont and work with the kindest people (because our clients rock!). Previous experience with window coverings is not necessary- we will train the right candidate. Primary Responsibilities: • Install custom window coverings in client’s homes and commercial buildings. • Assemble cellular shades and roller shades. • Help to unload trucks • Assist with production, shipping, or sales team needs in the field Success Factors • Dependability: Dependability in a small company is paramount. Consistent, on-time attendance is mandatory. • Flexibility and problem solving: As a custom fabricator – we pride ourselves on solving the most complex and challenging window treatments projects. Knowledge, Skill & Experience Qualification • High School Diploma or equivalent; or demonstrated experience in a manufacturing, production, construction, or carpentry environment. • Valid VT state driver’s license required. • Decent math skills (understanding fractions etc). • Ability to read a tape measure. • Comfortable with tools: saws, drill press, router, drills, drivers, etc. • Able to lift 50lbs
Head Start is a federally-funded, national child and family development program which provides comprehensive services for pregnant women, children from birth to age five, and their families. Services for children promote school readiness, and include early education, health, nutrition, mental health, and services for children with special needs. Services for parents promote family engagement, and include parent leadership and social service supports. As an Early Head Start Toddler Teacher, you will serve as co-teacher in an outcomesoriented, team environment, and provide safe, healthy, friendly, and developmentally appropriate environments and experiences for infants and toddlers. Motivated Head Start teachers improve the trajectory of children’s lives, including children’s learning outcomes, living standards, and later academic and professional success. If you want to make a difference in the lives of young children and their families, consider joining the Head Start community.
REQUIREMENTS: Bachelor’s degree in Early
Childhood Education or related education field; Infant toddler specific education and experience that meets or exceeds the requirements for an Infant Toddler CDA Credential; knowledge and experience in developmentally appropriate early childhood practice, child outcome assessment, child behavior management, and curriculum planning, development and implementation; a commitment to social justice and to working with families with limited financial resources; effective verbal and written communication (bilingual abilities a plus!), documentation, and record-keeping skills; valid driver’s license, clean driving record and access to reliable transportation; physical ability to carry out required tasks.
40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year. Starting wage upon completion of 60-working day period: $20.28-$24.22/hour, depending on qualifications. Health plan and excellent benefits. To apply, please visit and submit a cover letter, resume, and three work references. No phone calls, please. CVOEO is interested in candidates who can contribute to our diversity and excellence. Applicants are encouraged to include in their cover letter information about how they will further this goal.
Eligibility subject to background check and drug testing. Send resumes to:
SEPTEMBER 9, 2021 9t-CVOEO091521 1
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Help Vermonters pursue their education goals!
Outreach Program Associate (VSGU) Full time
We’re all about mission at Vermont Student Assistance Corporation (VSAC). Help us fulfill our mission of providing all Vermont students with information and financial resources to reach their educational goals. You’ll work in a relaxed yet challenging environment. We offer many top-notch benefits, and a dynamic, professional environment. We are looking for a can-do person who enjoys working on an administrative team to create and maintain smooth procedures, accurate record keeping, data entry, and phone support on an active and collaborative team. This Program Associate position will provide support to the VSAC Outreach Department in coordination with other administrative staff for multiple federal and state grants. The successful candidate will maintain and develop record keeping systems for programs, partnerships with schools, and department files; learn the Outreach data management system for data entry and reports; gather and share information with partners; and maintain, order, and track office materials and supplies. This position will also assist with departmental events within the department and with outside partners. Experience and qualifications include 3-5 years of office administrative experience, data entry and retrieval, advanced proficiency in Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, or similar software, comfortable working with databases, and able to learn and navigate somewhat complex software. This position works collaboratively with the Outreach team located across the state and will be physically based out of our VSAC offices in Winooski. This is a grant funded position that is contingent upon continued grant funds. If you think you might be a good fit, please apply, even if you don’t meet every criterion listed. VSAC offers a dynamic, professional environment with competitive compensation and generous benefits package. Apply ONLY online at (Jobs at VSAC link in site footer).
Union Bank, a highly successful community bank headquartered in Morrisville, VT, with 19 locations throughout northern Vermont and New Hampshire, is seeking an experienced Credit Risk Officer. This position may be located in any of our bank office locations. This individual will be responsible for the development, maintenance, analysis and reporting of various loan credit risk management systems, policies, and lending processes related to the performance and financial risk exposure of the Bank’s loan portfolio. Additional responsibilities will be to oversee the Asset Quality Review process and compile asset quality reporting for Bank Management, the Board of Directors, and the Bank’s external auditors and examiners, fully analyze the Bank’s loan portfolio and current credit characteristics of monitored and substandard assets in order to make risk rating recommendations, and identify troubled debt restructures and impaired loans. The successful candidate will have a minimum of five years of banking experience, particularly in commercial and residential lending. A Bachelors’ degree in Business or related field is preferred. Having prior experience in commercial and residential loan documentation is essential, including a familiarity with collateral instruments, environmental issues related to lending, and legal aspects of commercial and residential lending. Salary will be commensurate with experience. Union Bank offers a comprehensive benefits program including three medical and two dental insurance plan options, 401(k) retirement plan with a generous company match, life and disability insurance, and paid vacation and sick leave along with continuing education opportunities. For consideration, please submit a cover letter, resume, references and salary requirements to:
Human Resources - Union Bank P.O. Box 667, Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667 E.O.E. - MEMBER FDIC 7t-UnionBank091521.indd 1
MORTGAGE LOAN PROCESSOR Union Bank, your hometown community bank since 1891, is an employer of choice in the markets we serve. We offer challenging and rewarding career opportunities. Currently, we are seeking a motivated individual for a full-time Mortgage Loan Processor position to work out of either our Williston, Morrisville or St. Johnsbury offices, depending on closest proximity. The successful candidate will be responsible for performing a variety of support, administrative and clerical duties to provide loan processing assistance to our Mortgage Loan Officers, including the completion and accuracy of loan documents. Prior residential mortgage experience is preferred. We are seeking individuals who have demonstrated outstanding customer service, excellent written and verbal communication, are technologically adept, and have a continuous desire to learn. Union Bank is offering a $500.00 signing bonus to the successful candidate for this position. Starting wages are a minimum of $16.00 per hour, but may be higher based on prior work experience. Union Bank offers a generous and comprehensive benefits program for full time employees, including three options of medical insurance coverage, two dental insurance options, a robust 401(k) plan with a generous company match, fully paid life and disability insurance, and paid vacation, personal and sick leave. To be considered for this position, please submit a cover letter, resume and references to:
Human Resources - Union Bank P.O. Box 667, Morrisville, Vermont 05661 – 0667
VERMONT STUDENT ASSISTANCE CORPORATION PO Box 2000, Winooski, VT 05404 EOE/Minorities/Females/Vet/Disabled
7t-UnionBank092221.indd 1 9t-VSACopa092221.indd 1
9/10/21 2:30 PM
9/20/21 6:17 PM
9/17/21 11:18 AM
Food Prep & Utility
[aka Disco Party Night Shift] Part & Full Time
Join Our Cheerful Team! Starting at $13/hour + Generous Tips (average $17/hour)
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Wanted: A Heroic, Exuberant & Meticulous General Manager to unlock and inspire Tomgirl Kitchen to infinity & beyond!
Property Management Company looking for an articulate, energetic people-person to join their team part-time. Some tasks Full descriptions/apply: included in position are conducting property tours, communicating with prospective renters, processing applications, providing extraordinary customer service, scheduling appointments, taking the lead on the marketing efforts and community outreach, 1t-TomGirl090821.indd 1 9/3/21 1t-TomGirl090121.indd 11:08 AM 1 8/26/211ta-TomGirl090121.indd 1:10 PM 1 8/30/21 planning resident events and administrative tasks. Must be able to multitask and thrive in a fast-paced environment. Strong sales aptitude and computer proficiency is required.
11:57 AM
The work schedule is Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 12-6 and Friday from 11-5. Schedule may vary and can include some weekend hours for tours. Candidate must be flexible and willing to work as need. If interested, please e-mail resume to
4t-Hallkeen091521.indd 1
9/9/21 12:03 PM
PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT The City of St. Albans, Vermont, is looking for a new member of our team to take on a significant role in providing municipal services for residents, property owners, visitors and businesses in our community. The Planning & Development Assistant is a full-time, salaried position entrusted with supporting land use permitting, property valuation, downtown revitalization and other planning & development activities.
Multiple Positions Open! Hayward Tyler, a leading manufacturer of industrial pumps and motors in Colchester, is seeking candidates to fill the following positions: Assembly Technician I: Assembly Technician II: Machinist II – 2nd shift: Inside Sales Representative: Regional Account Manager – Nuclear:
The City is looking for candidates with a high level of organization, attention to detail, follow-through, public communication skills, customer service, and a solutionbased focus. The ideal candidate will have experience with executive support, communications/marketing, paralegal assistance, and/or customer service. The selected employee will be expected to work effectively with all community members and recognize the importance of racial and social equity.
Vice President of Global Sales:
Please review the full job description at StAlbansVT. com/Jobs. The hiring salary range is expected to be between $40,000 and $50,000, commensurate with experience and qualifications. An excellent benefits package is available. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter to, attn: Chip Sawyer, Director of Planning & Development. Resumes will be accepted until the position is filled.
Quality Assurance Engineer:
The City of St. Albans is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other category legally protected by federal or state law. We encourage members of traditionally underrepresented communities to apply.
Staff Engineer I: Design Engineer: Senior Design Engineer: Electro-Mechanical Engineer: Manufacturing Engineer: Project Manager: IT ERP Administrator:
We offer a competitive salary and excellent benefits package. If you meet our requirements and are interested in an exciting opportunity, please forward your resume & salary requirements to: Hayward Tyler, Inc. – Attn: HR Department 480 Roosevelt Highway – PO Box 680, Colchester, VT 05446 Email: Equal Opportunity Employer 10v-HaywardTyler091521.indd 1
6t-CityofStAlbans091521.indd 1
9/9/21 1:58 PM
9/14/21 11:39 AM
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
ALTERNATIVE STAFF The Addison Wayfinder Experience (AWE), in collaboration with ACSD, ANWSD, and MAUSD, is seeking skilled, dependable and motivated staff with experience working with secondary (grades 6-12) students receiving specialized and/or individualized social emotional support throughout their school day. The ideal candidates have a vision and understanding of flexible pathways to learning (e.g., outdoor adventure learning) and can implement experiential learning opportunities where students develop skills to be lifelong learners. As a member of the AWE team, staff support students through specialized teaching, clinical support and social emotional support to engage students in learning.
If you are skilled in building and maintaining relationships to support social emotional growth in any of the following professional roles, we encourage you to apply:
Behavior Interventionist Clinical Social Worker: must hold a Vermont Teaching License with the appropriate endorsement Home School Coordinator General Education Teacher: must hold a Vermont Teaching License with the appropriate endorsement
Special Education Teacher: must hold a Vermont Teaching License with the appropriate endorsement School Counselor: must hold a Vermont Teaching License with the appropriate endorsement Outdoor Education Staff
BOOKKEEPER/ BUSINESS MANAGER Join our values driven team and be responsible for bookkeeping, contracts management and some HR duties in support of our innovative programs and services -- all aimed at strengthening Vermont’s economy. Employee health and dental insurance, paid time off, and retirement contribution. VSJF is an equal opportunity employer. See full job description: at Apply by 5pm, 10/4/21 at
Alternative Education Staff
The ideal candidate will be able to integrate a variety of interventions and supports into the school and classroom environment to support student access to the program and curriculum. Candidates shall have the necessary skills to be able to implement behavioral modification plans, manage challenging behaviors and work on a multi-disciplinary team. We are looking for staff members who are flexible, open-minded, deeply caring, and willing to work as one member of a team dedicated to student’s social emotional and academic growth. There is much potential to impact not just the students but also the team and program with creative, thoughtful, thinking about school and student programming. Apply by submitting a letter of interest, resume, three current reference letters, complete transcripts and evidence of licensure via 7t-ANWSU092221.indd 1
9/17/21 12:19 PM
The Howard Center is seeking the following: SHARED LIVING PROVIDERS Howard Center is seeking Shared Living Providers for a 9-year-old boy who enjoys swimming, music, and a silly sense of humor. The providers must be reliably able to provide 24-hour, eyes-on support in their home for 2-3 days per week, and must be able and willing to provide support for complex medical and behavioral challenges. Previous experience in these areas is preferred. The ideal home will have multiple adults present most of the time. There cannot be any other children in the home. Providers will be receive comprehensive support from daytime staff and the child’s family. Compensation includes a generous tax-free stipend and room & board payments. For more information or to request an application, please contact Shirley Donohue at Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider to provide a full-time home to a social 17-year-old girl who likes animals and dancing. The ideal provider will be an excellent collaborator and have strong observation, interpersonal, and communication skills. The provider must be able to provide consistent supervision, follow a detailed support plan, and set strong boundaries. The ideal home will have more than one adult present at most times. Compensation includes a $40,000 tax-free stipend and a generous respite budget. For more information or to request an application, contact Will Manley at Howard Center is seeking a Shared Living Provider for a kind and positive man in his 40s who enjoys taking walks, playing guitar, and watching TV. The ideal provider(s) will be able to provide emotional and behavioral support, set clear boundaries, and deliver transparent communication. Provider(s) must be able to provide consistent and positive reminders in regards to personal care and cooking. The individual would prefer to live with adults close to his age, and would prefer not to live with children (pets are OK). Compensation includes a tax-free annual stipend of $29,174, room & board payments, and a generous respite budget. For more information or to request an application, please contact Hannah Orsino at 7t-HowardCenterSLP3092221.indd 1
9/20/21 6:15 PM
DIRECTOR OF CAMPUS FACILITIES Full Time; Benefits eligible; $60k annually Goddard College seeks a resourceful Director of Facilities to lead our fabulous facilities team in maintaining our beautiful campus in Plainfield, Vermont. The Director of Campus Facilities will direct and manage all College buildings, grounds maintenance, and custodial functions and oversee projects to ensure compliance with all internal and external regulations, standards and requirements. This position requires a very hands on task oriented approach. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS include a Bachelor’s degree in engineering or other appropriate discipline, plus five years of relevant technical and supervisory experience in facilities or construction management, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. Previous higher education or similar institutional experience desirable. Excellent planning, organizational, administrative, budget and personnel management skills. Ability to deal effectively with a broad and diverse range of individuals/ groups within and outside of the College. For further information and to apply please visit about-goddard/employment-opportunities. Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position. This institution is an equal opportunity provider, and employer.
Engaging minds that change the world Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Research Communications Coordinator - VP Research Admin Office #S2968PO - UVM is seeking a Research Communications Coordinator to coordinate, create general content for and support production of OVPR researchrelated outreach, website, marketing, and multi-media promotional materials. Assist to identify and assess resources, produce project reports and summaries and support quality research assessment and oversight as needed. Bachelor’s degree in a communications or related field and 1-3 years’ experience in a communications-related position is required. Effective writing and editing skills and proficiency in digital media environments required. Basic graphic design and photography skills required. Familiarity with project assessment desirable. For further information on this position and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application.
85 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
We Are Hiring! Want to help create cutting-edge technologies for climate challenges? Visit to apply for positions in:
Engineering Technical Services Logistics Accounting
The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.
4t-Graystone092221 1
9/20/21 1:05 PM
Why not have a job you love? Join our dedicated team and together we’ll build a community where everyone participates and belongs.
Direct Support Professional
Be a part of a team working with a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using individual with a budding talent for photography and political activism. Support him in his home and a variety of community activities based on his interests. Multiple 24-hour shifts available.
Service Coordinator
Learn about strategies for individualized supports; build trusting, professional relationships; lead teams towards a greater goal; and continue your career in human services in a supportive & fun environment. The ideal candidate will have strong clinical, organizational & leadership skills and will enjoy working in a team-oriented position while improving the lives of others.
Direct Support Professional Overnights
Be a part of a team working with a considerate, resourceful, wheelchair-using individual with a budding talent for photography and political activism. You will support him in his home and a variety of community activities based on his interests. Multiple 24-hour shifts available.
Shared Living Provider
Open your home to an individual with an intellectual disability or autism. We have a variety of opportunities that could be perfect for your lifestyle. This position includes a generous tax-free stipend, ongoing supports, assistance with necessary home modifications, respite and a comprehensive training package.
Information Technology Professional
Combine your joy of computer systems and your desire to improve the lives of others in this exciting new position. Provide I.T. support, oversee electronic health records system and ensure all systems are up to date and working smoothly. Experience in a variety of information technology systems required. $500 sign-on bonus for all positions. CCS employees receive comprehensive benefits package, including paid time off, affordable health insurance, and paid holidays. Visit and apply today!
6t-ChamplainCommunityServicesMULTI091521.indd 1
9/14/21 12:16 PM
7t-NRGSystems092221 1
9/20/21 12:51 PM
HEALTH CARE ADVOCATE Vermont Legal Aid seeks candidates for a full-time legal helpline position within the Office of the Health Care Advocate (HCA) in our Burlington office. The advocate will provide legal help over the phone to Vermonters with health care or health insurance problems. We encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds, and welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discriminationand harassment-free workplace. Responsibilities include advising consumers on their rights, investigating and resolving problems, and maintaining a high caseload and detailed case records. The successful candidate must be able to work on a team and have excellent communication and research skills. Four years’ professional work experience or bachelor’s degree, or a comparable mix of education and experience desired. Experience in advocacy, health care, health insurance, or human services is desirable but not required. Prior legal experience is not required. See website for additional information: Base salary is $41,281 with salary credit given for relevant prior work experience. Four weeks paid vacation, retirement, and excellent health benefits. Application deadline is Friday, October 8th. Your application should include a cover letter, resume, writing sample, and three references combined into one pdf, sent by e-mail to with “HCA Position” in the subject line. Please let us know how you heard about this position.
SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Quality and Compliance Manager
SPECIAL EDUCATION TEACHER The special educator is responsible for ensuring that the individual educational plans are provided to eligible students and to other students as appropriate.
NKHS is a 501(c)(3) private not-for-profit The special education teacher is both an instructional and consulting organization operating with the purpose teacher who provides support service to students and teachers as of promoting high quality, comprehensive academic/social needs arise. Job #3658153 community mental health programs in Vermont’s beautiful Northeast Kingdom. Our mission is to empower individuals, families, and communities by promoting hope, healing, and support. NKHS is 2h-ColchesterSchoolDistrict091521.indd 1 9/13/21 a Designated Agency contracted with the State of Vermont to provide the highest quality of service in the areas of adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities, children and youth with serious emotional disabilities, and adults with mental health and substance use challenges. We serve the populations of Caledonia, Essex, and Orleans counties through a wide variety of targeted programs for individuals of all ages. NKHS has over 450 employees providing ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake case management, community and home supports, residential care, psychiatry, Champlain Burlington, Vermont medication management, therapy, vocational supports, school based counseling, emergency care, and respite services. These services are provided ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain is a annually to nearly 4,000 of our local community members, helping them dynamic, nationally acclaimed science and nature overcome challenges and achieve health in mind, body, and spirit. center committed to inspiring and engaging families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature and care of Lake Champlain. Our vision is for a THE POSITION science-savvy community where people and nature If you are well-versed in healthcare compliance and looking to take the next step and thrive together. manage an organizational compliance program, Northeast Kingdom Human Services, Inc. (NKHS) has an exciting opportunity. The Quality and Compliance Manager ECHO seeks an experienced senior professional to works under the general guidance of the Director of Quality, acts as the Agency guide the development and execution of strategies “Compliance Officer” and manages the Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement, and to strengthen and align ECHO’s culture with our Corporate Compliance efforts of the Agency including but not limited to: updating strategic and growth objectives. The Director will and maintaining organizational policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with define and establish performance standards and Federal and State laws including HIPAA and HITECH rules and regulations, introducing design, implement and manage the end-to-end sound and effective corporate compliance practices, and conducting other human human resources and organizational development resources-related activities as assigned by the Director of Quality. processes to support talent acquisition, retention and SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS leadership development. • Bachelor’s degree required, preferably in a human services field. Graduate The Director will create and execute a strategic degree preferred. talent investment roadmap focused on strengthening
• Two years of experience in a human services role required. Clinical experience not required, but highly desirable. • Prior demonstrated ability in problem resolution, administrative background knowledge of human services preferred.
• On-going or specialized training in corporate compliance, records management, quality assurance/improvement and/or project management and software systems analysis helpful and desirable.
BENEFITS FOR FULL-TIME EMPLOYEES INCLUDE Health insurance (vision and prescription coverage included), dental insurance, life insurance, short-term and long-term disability, long-term care, AFLAC supplemental insurance plans, 125 Flex Plan-medical and dependent care flexible spending accounts, 403(b) retirement plan with company match, tuition & continuing education reimbursements, generous paid time off (including 12 paid holidays) and an outstanding employee wellness program. For a complete list of our current job opportunities, please visit our careers page at Apply through our website or send resume and letter of interest to NKHS is proud to be an equal opportunity workplace dedicated to pursuing and hiring a diverse workforce.
4:02 PM
our workforce, amplifying employee experience, purposely distinguishing our culture, and developing leaders to live our values to deliver best in class results for a museum. The Director will report to the Executive Director and will partner with the Senior Leadership Team, employees, and external partners to ensure ECHO lives its mission to “inspire and engage families in the joy of scientific discovery, wonder of nature, and care of Lake Champlain.” Full job description is available at: ECHO is an E.O.E. welcoming resumes from individuals who will contribute to our diversity. Send resume & cover letter to with subject line: Director of Talent Development. ECHO requires all of our employees to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. Application Deadline: September 30, 2021
8t-ECHO091521.indd 1
9/9/21 12:39 PM
87 SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
COMMUNITY SUPPORT Admin/Accounting Assistant
Burlington area restaurant group is seeking a full time administrative assistant and bookkeeper. Monday through Friday office hours, good starting wage. Benefits include health, dental, vision, life insurance and paid time off. Business degree is helpful but not required and we will happily train any intelligent, hardworking candidate. Email resume to:
Executive Assistant to the President Join the Vermont Land Trust as our Executive Assistant to the President. We are seeking a dynamic and resourceful administrator who can: • Help to strengthen relationships on behalf of the President and the Vermont Land Trust using excellent communication skills • Manage the organization and prioritization of the President’s day-to-day work • Anticipate needs and support Leadership in a fast-paced, missiondriven organization Apply today at The position will remain open until October 15. The starting salary for this position is $50,000. The Vermont Land Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We honor and invite people of all backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.
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Begin a career, don’t start a job. Spend your time doing work that makes a real difference. We need great people who want to help great people. Are you compassionate, kind, and firm? Are you resilient and adaptable? Specialized Community Care is seeking unique and patient individuals who will act as mentors, coaches, and friends to provide support for adults in Chittenden, Rutland, Addison, Franklin, Lamoille, and Windsor Counties with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a fun and rewarding career spent “Off the Couch”. Please contact us to set up a time to chat if you would like more information. We provide extensive training, support, professional growth and advancement opportunities in a family work environment. Our starting pay range is $14.00/hour, depending on experience and existing skill set. We offer increases after a probationary period and further advancement and pay for self-paced skill building. We want to hire your values and train the skills that will help make you successful. Let’s talk! Please contact us at 802-388-6388 Web: Email:
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9/7/21 10:23 AM
H I G H W AY S A F E T Y P R O G R A M S P E C I A L I S T – M O N T P E L I E R
Duties involve investigatory & analytical work in determining medical eligibility of applicants filing for Social Security disability, Supplemental Security Income and State Medicaid benefits. Extensive evidence gathering and detailed analysis required. Interpretation of complex program regulations & policies and ability to apply them to make disability determination. Ideal candidates must possess strong analytical and reasoning ability for quick and accurate decision-making skills. For more information, contact Jack McCormack at Department: Children and Families. Status: Full Time – Limited Service. Location: Waterbury. Job ID #20511. Application Deadline: September 27, 2021.
The DMV is seeking a dynamic individual with excellent communication skills and a passion for highway safety. This position requires the licensing and supervision of driver training schools and instructors, as well as the CDL instructors and CDL schools. As the Driver Coordinator, you will work closely with a host of internal/external stakeholders to provide the most up-to-date educational materials and opportunities for driver development. For more information, contact Scott Davidson at Department: Transportation. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #21271. Application Deadline: October 4, 2021.
S E N I O R P O L I C Y A N D I M P L E M E N T A T I O N A N A LY S T – W A T E R B U R Y
Are you great at organizing words, tasks, and projects? Enjoy collaborating? Do you wish to make an impact on some of Vermont’s most vulnerable populations and support the talented staff who serve them? If you like weaving pieces of information together to create a wholistic, integrated picture, this position may be the right fit for you! For more information, contact Anne Corbin at anne.corbin@vermont. gov. Department: Corrections. Status: Full Time. Location: Waterbury. Job ID #21005. Application Deadline: September 26, 2021.
Come join a dynamic team of professionals who are working to serve all Vermont job seekers and employers through a more inclusive, customer-focused model. Employer and worker needs are evolving as COVID-19 continues to impact our state. Join our efforts to maximize the use of federal programs to ensure that employment services and opportunities are made more available to job seekers and that employers are supported in becoming more welcoming and diverse workplaces. For more information, contact Sarah Buxton at Department: Labor. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #19323. Application Deadline: October 7, 2021.
Would you like to make a valuable contribution supporting statewide design and construction? We are currently accepting applications from all architectural and engineering candidates. Candidates should have experience associated with capital improvement and maintenance projects. In addition to project management, this position will also assist the Design and Construction Program Chief with managing technical reviews, vendor evaluations, design guidelines, standard specifications, and procedures. For more information, contact Jeremy Stephens at Department: Buildings & General Services. Status: Full Time. Location: Montpelier. Job ID #19529. Application Deadline: October 17, 2021.
H E A LT H D A T A A D M I N I S T R A T O R I I – B U R L I N G T O N
We are seeking a dynamic individual with exceptional attention to detail to support the continuous quality improvement of several prevention and management programs. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in MS Excel, familiarity with utilizing performance measures and indicators to monitor success, and a passion for collaborating on a team of public health professionals. The position will collect, aggregate, and report program data to support program evaluation and growth. For more information, contact Rebecca O’Reilly at Department: Health. Location: Burlington. Status: Full Time – Limited Service. Job ID #21121. Application Deadline: September 26, 2021.
This posting is for a C# web developer who has experience with: SQL, Power BI, Azure, SFTP, API development and consumption, O365 integration, and working with MFA. Experience with COBOL is strongly preferred. This individual needs to be creative and to have experience migrating applications from the early .net area and pre .net applications. Our selected candidate must be able to work with a team, or individually, have great communication skills, and be able to manage multiple tasks. For more information, contact Karen Canas at Department: Digital Services Agency. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #10603. Application Deadline: September 30, 2021.
E D U C A T I O N P R O G R A M C O O R D I N A T O R - C A R E E R P A T H W AY S – M O N T P E L I E R
The Agency of Education is seeking a Career Pathways Coordinator. This position is responsible for developing curriculum and managing aspects of the career pathways system in Vermont that connects career technical education (CTE), K-16 and Adult Education and Literacy (AEL) programs. This position supports partnerships among employers, and primary, secondary, and post-secondary education and training providers, including regional CTE centers and AEL providers. For more information, contact Ruth Durkee at Department: Agency of Education. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #21204. Application Deadline: October 6, 2021.
Learn more at: 13h-VTDeptHumanResources092221 1
This position is supporting the Vermont Department of Labor. This role supports complex mainframe application with multiple interfaces running on a Z/VSE platform written in COBOL with VSAM and CICS. For more information, contact Karen Canas at Department: Digital Services Agency. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full Time. Job ID #15603. Application Deadline: September 30, 2021.
The Agency of Digital Services (ADS) team that support the Vermont Department of Labor (VDOL) is currently seeking individuals to develop new applications and to update existing applications used to manage the Unemployment Insurance process. This includes interfacing with new cloud-based applications and external partners as well as creating dashboards for the VDOL leadership. For more information, contact Karen Canas at Department: Digital Services Agency. Location: Montpelier. Status: Limited Service. Job ID #16042. Application Deadline: September 30, 2021.
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer 9/20/21 10:54 AM
THE BEST MUSIC EVER M ADE! CLASSIC HITS of the ‘60s, ‘70s, and ‘80s
At Least 50 Minutes of Music an Hour 20 Hours a Day - 10:00 AM – 6:00 AM
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9/16/21 4:49 PM 4v-essexexpericnce092221 1
9/21/21 5:16 PM
fun stuff HARRY BLISS
fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE
Making it is not :( Keep this newspaper free for all. Join the Seven Days Super Readers at or call us at 802-864-5684.
90SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021 1
7/14/20 3:32 PM
Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.
FREE WILL ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY REAL SEPTEMBER 23-29 TAURUS (April 20-May 20): It’s a good time to ruminate about things you wish could be part of your life but aren’t. You will be wise to develop a more conscious relationship with wistful fantasies about impossible dreams. Here’s one reason why this is true: You might realize that some seemingly impossible dreams aren’t so impossible. To get in the mood for this fun exercise, meditate on a sample reverie: “I wish I could spend a whole day discovering new music to love. I wish I owned a horse and a boat and a vintage brown and orange striped bohemian cardigan sweater from the 1970s. I wish I knew the names of all the flowers. I wish I felt more at ease about revealing my hidden beauty. I wish I could figure out how to eliminate unnecessary stress from my life.”
(SEPT. 23-OCT. 22)
Happy Birthday sometime soon, Libra! As gifts, I have collected six useful mini-oracles for you to meditate on during the rest of 2021. They’re all authored by Libran aphorist Yahia Lababidi. 1. Hope is more patient than despair and so outlasts it. 2. Miracles are proud creatures; they will not reveal themselves to those who do not believe. 3. A good listener is one who helps us overhear ourselves. 4. One definition of success might be refining our appetites while deepening our hunger. 5. With enigmatic clarity, life gives us a different answer each time we ask her the same question. 6. Temptation: seeds we are forbidden to water, that are showered with rain.
ARIES (March 21-April 19): Aries author Steve Maraboli says, “The best way to love someone is not to change them, but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves.” If that strategy appeals to you, the next eight weeks will be an excellent time to put it to maximum use. You’re entering a phase when you can have an especially beneficial effect on people you care for. You’ll be at peak power to help them unleash dormant potentials and access untapped resources.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Poet, essayist
and translator Anne Carson calls her husband Robert Currie the “Randomizer.” His role in her life as a creative artist is to make quirky recommendations that help her avoid being too predictable. He sends her off in directions she wouldn’t have imagined by herself. Here’s an example: At one point in her career, Carson confessed she was bored with her writing. The Randomizer suggested, “Let’s put dancers into it.” In response, she repurposed the sonnets she had been working on into a live theatrical performance featuring many dancers. I think you would benefit from having a Randomizer in your life during the coming weeks. Know anyone who could serve? If not, look for one. Or be your own Randomizer.
CANCER (June 21-July 22): If you so desired, you could travel to Munich, Germany and eat beer-flavored ice cream. Or you could go to Rehoboth, Delaware and get baconflavored ice cream. If you were in Taiwan, you could enjoy pineapple shrimp ice cream, and if you were in London, you could sample haggisflavored ice cream, made from sheep innards. But my advice right now is to stick with old reliables like chocolate, vanilla and strawberry ice cream — which are still delicious even if they’re not exotic. What’s my reasoning? In general, the astrological aspects suggest that during the coming weeks, you’re most likely to thrive on trustworthy standbys and experiences you know and trust.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Celebrated novelist Jane Austen (1775-1817) wrote, “Sometimes I have kept my feelings to myself, because I could find no language to describe them in.” People who aren’t as articulate as Austen experience that problem even more often than she did. But the good news, Leo, is that in the coming weeks, you’ll be extra skillful at expressing your feelings and thoughts — even those that in the past have been difficult to put into words. I invite you to take maximum advantage of this grace period. Communicate with hearty poise and gleeful abandon. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): “When you know what’s important, it’s a lot easier to ignore what’s not,” writes author and life coach Marie Forleo. Let’s make her thought the basis of your work and play in the coming weeks. Get vibrantly clear on what is of supreme value to you, which influences bring out the best in you and which people make it easy for you to be yourself. Then compose a second list of trivial situations that are of minor interest, influences that make you feel numb and people who don’t fully appreciate you. Next, Virgo, formulate long-term plans to phase out the things in the second list as you increasingly emphasize your involvement in the pleasures named in the first list. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Pioneering psychologist Carl Jung wrote, “I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole.” But it’s important to add that some dark sides tend to be destructive and demoralizing, while other dark sides are fertile and interesting. Most of us have a share of each. My reading of the planetary omens suggests that you Scorpios now have extra power to upgrade your relationship with the fertile and interesting aspects of your dark side. I hope you will take advantage! You have a ripe opportunity to deepen and expand your wholeness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sagittar-
ian poet Rainer Maria Rilke was a complicated person with many mysterious emotions and convoluted thoughts. And yet, he once wrote that life occasionally brought him “boundless simplicity and joy.” I find it amazing he could ever welcome such a state. Kudos to him! How about you, dear Sagittarius? Are you capable
of recognizing when boundless simplicity and joy are hovering in your vicinity, ready for you to seize them? If so, be extra alert in the next two weeks. I expect there’ll be a visitation or two. Maybe even three or four.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Baltasar Gracián was not a 21st-century new-age selfhelp teacher. He was a 17th-century Jesuit philosopher born under the sign of serious, diligent Capricorn. I hope you will be extra receptive to his advice in the coming weeks. He wrote, “Know your key qualities, your outstanding gifts. Cultivate them. Redouble their use.” Among the key qualities he gave as examples were disciplined discernment and resilient courage. I bring his thoughts to your attention because the coming weeks will be a rousing time to heed his counsel. It’s time for you to identify and celebrate and give abundant expression to your key qualities. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): After study-
ing the genes that create feathers in birds, scientists found that humans have all the necessary genes to grow feathers. (I read about it in National Geographic magazine.) So why don’t we grow feathers, then? Well, it’s complicated. Basically, the feather-making genes are not fully activated. Who knows? Maybe someday, there’ll be technology that enables us to switch on those genes and sprout plumage. I bet my Aquarian friend Jessie, whose body has 30 tattoos and 17 piercings, would take advantage. In the coming weeks, it might be fun for you to imagine having birdlike qualities. You’re entering a high-flying phase — a time for ascension, expansion, soaring and seeing the big picture from lofty vantage points.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Are there sensual and erotic acts you’ve never tried and are curious about? Are there experimental approaches on the frontier of your desires that would be intriguing to consider? Might there be lusty experiences you’ve barely imagined or don’t know about — but that could be fun to play with? According to my analysis of the astrological omens, the coming weeks will be a favorable time to explore such possibilities. Be safe and prudent, of course. Don’t be irresponsible or careless. But also be willing to expand your notions of your sexuality.
N E W VI D E O ! Eva Sollberger’s
Watch at 4h-stuckinVT092221.indd 1
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supported by:
9/21/21 9:46 AM
LOOKING TO FILL BUCKET LIST Just like the headlines pronounced. I’ve been in a vanilla relationship since day one. Now I’d like to find a women or a straight couple to greet, meet and kink. Let’s discuss some options. bakerpete, 66, seeking: W, Cp, l
Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... LOVING TO MOST AND CARING I am a fun-loving human who maybe thinks she can save the world and help anyone. I care a lot for people and want to be friends with everyone. I am looking to hopefully gain friendships and maybe something more if it’s time for that. Meledi79, 42, seeking: M, l HUMOROUS, KIND, CREATIVE OUTDOOR LOVER! I am a positive, silly, hardworking, music-loving, laughter-loving, loyal friend and lover. I like being in/on the mountains hiking or skiing, sledding, and long walks in the woods. I love coffee by a lake and camping. I enjoy a good movie, a delicious meal, kissing and a warm embrace. Looking for someone humorous and kind with similar interests. BeHappy, 45, seeking: M, l LOVING AND KIND I am a very nice person who is open to love at any time. When I say “love,” I mean sharing ideas, spending time. I live a very quiet life and do not like the limelight. I love military men. I also love intelligent conversation. Some looks are necessary, but taking care of oneself is important. AnLuv, 50, seeking: M, l THERE’S STILL TIME Self-sufficient and low-maintenance woman who shares space well. I am good company, whether it’s being active or at home. I stay current with world and local events. Travel makes my adrenaline rise. suzygoblue, 79, seeking: M, l
You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.
See photos of this person online.
W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups
HOPING FOR COMPANIONSHIP Don’t need a fancy trip to France. Would enjoy the company of someone for more realistic adventures — things like breakfast. I love getting breakfast out, playing board games, day trips here and there. bluemonarch, 55, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, l KIND, CONSIDERATE AND THOUGHTFUL Consideration. Truthfulness. Be yourself. Gmsj4321, 66, seeking: M WILDLY ADVENTUROUS AND INTELLECTUALLY CURIOUS There are two themes to my life: courage and individuality. To quote one son: mediating biker gangs at a carnival? Working the hood in Portland? Africa? I don’t know many people who so fully defy categorization or stereotyping — class, gender, profession. I was a CPA and am a habitual college student. Basically, I embrace life. WorldTravele7570, 79, seeking: M, l GOOD LISTENER EXCITED BY LIFE I’m a semiretired health care professional, friendly and outgoing, with a deep appreciation for quiet times. Since the death of my husband, my life has focused on close family and friends, and my work. Enjoy fitness — gym, swim, dance, hike, birding, table tennis. Looking forward to new possibilities. lv2swimno10, 74, seeking: M MUSCULAR GAL NEEDS EXPERIENCED BONDER So, not looking for a relationship. I’m looking for an experience. Long-term fantasy on my end: tied, vulnerable, wet and ready. I’m not a pretty gal, being upfront. I don’t have much sexual experience, but this makes me hot to think about. Please send me your thoughts. Safety first. Let’s chat. katmac802, 63, seeking: M LOVE TO LAUGH, KIND, AUTHENTIC Been separated for a while now and, though very happy/content to be solo during that time, I think I’m ready to meet new people. Looking for some fun social times to start. I love to go out for drinks, play darts/cards. Love watching sports on TV, especially Boston teams. Love animals, travel and new but sane adventures. Not looking for FWB. AlmostReady, 64, seeking: M, l LONG-DISTANCE HIKER Not really sure what it is I am looking for. I am just feeling a deep need for connection. I am a womyn, a mama, a hard worker, a long-distance hiker. I love life through it all. I am talented at turning the mundane into adventure. I love all animals. I have two perfect cats and two crazy dogs. wanderVT, 37, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l EDUCATED, KIND, FUNNY, AUTHENTIC I’m a mom of two, teacher, kind, liberal lady looking for a man who is kind and has a great sense of humor. I like true crime podcasts, public radio, relaxing, vegan food, comedy shows and great conversation. Not looking for someone to complete me, just looking for someone to enjoy time with. No hookups. INFP. Be well! Starryskies, 39, seeking: M, l
CITY GAL IN THE COUNTRY Edgy, bold, ageless, smart, creative, tender mom of all with a great sense of humor. I asked grown daughters. Simpler. titanbuff, 73, seeking: M, l INQUISITIVE, WANTING MORE I would like to meet a lady I can become friends with. You can learn more about me when we talk. Adventurewithus2, 46, seeking: W, l READY TO EXPLORE I am ready for a new adventure. I am interested in exploring a relationship with a woman or couple. I enjoy being in the woods, camping and just sitting in a brook or at a waterfall. I also like to get a bit of wind in my hair. I have a good sense of humor and am attractive and fun. Newadventures2021, 48, seeking: W, Cp IRREVERENCE WELCOMED My passions are travel, food, art, music and more. I like to spend as little time being serious as possible. I’m curious about a lot of things. Do you share these passions and have others of your own? Do you like family time, being in nature or people-watching as you sit at an outdoor table on Church Street? summerplease, 64, seeking: M, l
MEN seeking... BEAUTIFUL MAN TO WORSHIP YOU I want to put your panties on, worship your feet, find beauty in your body and maybe have you tell me how beautiful I am dressed up like a woman. Themaninblack1012, 29, seeking: W KANGA1 I am a pretty quiet man who has been referred to as somewhat serious and highly passionate in things that I believe in and find important, like the environment and human influence and its effects on our planet. Pretty intelligent person and very inquisitive on many fronts. Ex-massage therapist. Many other aspects of me to discover. Kanga1, 65, seeking: W, l BRIGHT, MATURE GUY SEEKING FLR I’m a regular, bright, mature guy who also happens to be sexually submissive. Ideally, I’d like to develop a FLR with a mature, bright, creative woman who enjoys having a subservient man in the bedroom. I’m not into being “owned” but would definitely make a great pet for the right woman. Let’s chat and see if there is chemistry. Winooskier, 59, seeking: W BI FUN Curious bi guy looking to have a little fun. I’m looking for a male/female couple willing to let me go down on both of them. It’s something I’ve always wanted to do, and I love to please. I am a 35-y/o healthy, slim, good-looking nonsmoker. Let me know if you catch the vibe. Happy2BHere, 36, seeking: Cp LOOKING FOR BONDING PARTNER After a long time, I’m looking for a bonding friend. Would like a special person in my life again! Not too serious or forever, but for a while. Been too long. Hopefullylooking, 66, seeking: W
SIMPLE ’N’ FUN Honestly, just looking for some nice conversations and fun times. No drama or strings. Someone to just break up the boring workweek and spice things up a bit. SimpleNFun77, 30, seeking: W, l SHELTER FROM THE STORM People person with quiet, reflective side. Fit. Physically and politically active. Meditator, music lover. Good kisser. Excellent sense of humor. Relationship experienced. Tennis, golf, skiing. Seeking educated partner, sociable, reasonably fit and psychologically knowledgable, enjoys music, outdoors and cozy at home. Shared world view matters, of course with attraction and a lot of love. Open to women of any color. ShelterFromTheStorm, 69, seeking: W, l COMPASSIONATE WOODWORKER AND NATURE LOVER Honest, reliable, devoted partner. Have been an orphan all my life, so I know the importance of a strong, loving relationship. Just waiting for the right mate to emerge from the chaos. clutchme69, 69, seeking: W, l BI BOTTOM CD FOR FWB I am a bi bottom, beginner CD, with a lust for women’s clothes and pleasuring a man. I’m looking for an FWB. I am an educated, mature working type, usually straight guy, with a femme side. Wife knows, helps with clothes and is OK with my discreet exploration but has no desire to participate. Clean and COVID-vaccinated. Bim4mfwb, 70, seeking: M, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp MY FACE, YOUR CHAIR? I currently spend a lot of time alone and would like to change that. I have a bit of an oral sex fixation and would love to have someone end my drought and let me spend my free time with my face between your legs or use my face as your new fun seat. 3479Bach, 28, seeking: W HONEST, KIND, LONELY I am seeking a companion to share dinner with, catch a concert/game, or head to the beach for a quick night or two. Blue_sky_guy, 54, seeking: W, l HIKER, BIKER, SKATEBOARDER NEEDS PLAYDATE Looking for fit people who are not high maintenance and are into outdoor activities, the more the better — sometimes nude, like skinny-dipping in the pond. Open-minded and into playing music and skiing in the winter. VT2SKI, 61, seeking: W, TW, NC, Cp, l READER, TRAVELER, SEEKER I’m a retired professor — a listener and maybe shy at first. After my wife died, I turned to travel, charity work, new writing projects and some valuable relationships. I’m financially secure and could stay in Vermont or relocate. Now that COVID restrictions are easing, I’m hoping to resume dating and attending live events. VTWriter, 76, seeking: W, l GRIZZLED HISTORICAL REENACTOR Seeking a woman to share life’s delights and challenges. My material needs are met, and I have plenty of intellectual projects ongoing. Looking to build a final partnership in life. Or maybe just having a good time with a compatible lady. As a military historian, my companion would ideally participate with me in reenactments in appropriate 19th-century garb. TexaninVT, 84, seeking: W, l
NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... SUB MASO FOR DOM SADIST Bio-female, nonbinary gendered, sub/ masochist looking for their Dom/Sadist. Looking for a local sadist for play and date nights. Let’s have a drink (on me) and get to know each other. Experience preferred to pair along with my 15 years of experience. Looking for that open-minded someone who is OK with some jiggle with their wiggle, and nonmonogamy. CallMeParker, 34, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l
TRANS WOMEN seeking... BE MY CUDDLE BUDDY? Cute 50-y/o vegan straight-edge polyam ace enby trans girl. Love my parallel polyam primary nesting partner, so I’m looking for a part-time snuggle buddy for walks and talks and handholding and kissing and romance! I fall in love really easily! I’m half in love with you already just because you’re reading this! Anyone but cis guys. EnbyTransgirl, 52, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NBP, l T GIRL LIVE IN VT Trans girl. Offbeat sense of humor. Looking for that certain someone. I like dinner and a movie or a game at Centennial Field. I like to ride my bike on the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. At home I spend my time listening to my record collection and taking care of my house. urwatuis, 61, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l DEPTH AND DESIRE Finding both is not easy. Active TG seeks motivated, aroused, real playmate for trysts of all sorts. Inside, outside, day, night. If you are 50ish to 60ish, very fit and hot to trot, get in touch. 2PartsofDesire, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l
COUPLES seeking... SPICING IT UP I’m a cancer survivor happily married to my husband. We’re seeking a couple or single woman to help me find my sensuality. We’ve done this before, but it’s been many years now. Anyone interested in helping out? Lookingforfun116, 53, seeking: W, Cp OUTDOOR ADVENTURES Fun, attractive, adventurous; seeking someone interested in outdoor and indoor adventures. cernowain, 44, seeking: M, l COUPLE LOOKING FOR PLAYMATES We are a secure couple looking to fulfill her fantasies. We may start as friends and just enjoy maybe dinner and drinks. Depending on chemistry, we could possibly open up for more. We are not looking to just jump into a sexual relationship with just anyone. This may take some time. Patience is necessary with us. Summers_in_Vermont, 54, seeking: Cp AVERAGE, EASYGOING Easy to get along with. Like listening to country music, playing cards. Looking for a couple that we can be friends with and have occasional sex with. I like watching my husband have sex with other women, and he likes watching me. Jakeluckydog, 56, seeking: Cp ENERGETIC, FUN, SEXY Looking for a woman or couple to explore our boundaries and make new friends. Let’s have dinner and get to know each other and see what happens. Free2beus2021, 47, seeking: M, W, Cp, Gp
If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!
GEORGIA MARKET You: blue shirt and jeans, and some tats. Me: blue shirt and shorts. We smiled at each other, said hi, and then I dropped my keys and said, “Sh*t.” I would enjoy hearing from you if you are single! G. When: Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Where: Georgia Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915410 NICE GUY BRIAN AT ARTSRIOT Wormdogs were playing. You were sitting on the stools on the front porch. My wife sat next to you; she said you had a great conversation. Inside, we were standing a behind you; she teased about wanting to dance with you. She gave you her card and has been eagerly awaiting your email! Let’s go see some music soon! When: Saturday, September 11, 2021. Where: ArtsRiot. You: Man. Me: Couple. #915409 HONKY TONK TUESDAY, RADIO BEAN You were raised near the coast of the eastern Mediterranean. On the eve of September 14, you danced East Coast swing with me. You offered a drag from your cigarette as I left. I remarked that you’re an amazing person. I’m sorry I disappeared so quickly. Listening to your experience and kind teacher’s heart would very likely enhance my humanity. When: Tuesday, September 14, 2021. Where: Radio Bean, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915408 ISLAND LADY Lost on an island searching for the siren to sing my mountain song. Spent a day in heaven under the stars, hugging trees down by the beach. Lost in my world tangled with your root. Left while fungus grows, soil sows and we both grow. Your song is still in my heart missing the times we are apart. When: Friday, August 27, 2021. Where: Isle La Motte. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915406
RE: STEAMY KISSES I’m sure a lot of people have had steamy kisses in steamy cars at Oakledge. I’m hoping that you are the one I’ll always love, no matter what. If you see this, I still want you to tell me something. When: Monday, July 22, 2019. Where: Oakledge. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915407 BIKE PATH NEAR LEDDY You were walking your puppy (yellow lab?), and I passed you twice as I reached the end of my running loop and turned around. I smiled at your dog, and you smiled at me. Can I join you two on a walk sometime? When: Friday, September 10, 2021. Where: Burlington waterfront path. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915405 BURLINGTON, FRIDAY EVENING, BIG SMILES 5 p.m. Me: M, parked in loading zone by Sweetwaters, unloading my car. You: F, tall, pretty, blond, flat-brim black hat, long black boots. Your smile lit up the afternoon. We smiled at each other like we knew each other. I said hi; you beamed and walked on up College Street. Care to say hi and more sometime? When: Friday, September 10, 2021. Where: Church Street Marketplace, Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915404
UNHINGED HOTTIE AT THE BEAN From the moment we locked eyes, every day has been the last day of summer. En garde, I think we’re soul mates. Please, at the very least, drink more clarified milk with me. And at the very most, let’s run away to Berlin. xoxo. When: Friday, August 6, 2021. Where: the Bean. You: Gender nonconformist. Me: Nonbinary person. #915402
IN FALLING SNOW Our “wild and crazy ride” is over. But in my dreams, I’ll never leave the “good ole days.” I miss the good things with the fibers of my soul. I hope you have the life you desire and your dreams come true. In every snowflake, I’ll think of you. When: Tuesday, August 3, 2021. Where: Plattsburgh. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915394
FRENCH TUTOR, SHELBURNE BAGEL SHOP Hi. Late August (don’t remember the exact date). You were sitting in a booth quizzing a guy on conversational French phrases. I was in the next booth and did not want to interrupt. But I would really like to sharpen my French this fall. Are you taking additional students? When: Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Where: bagel shop on Shelburne Rd. by the FedEx store. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915401
MILLS RIVER PARK You were walking your dog on a sunny day with your shirt off. I was enjoying the view; nice muscles! Hope to see you with or without your shirt again! When: Sunday, August 22, 2021. Where: Mills River Park. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915393
RED-HOT RED ROCKS RUNNER You were wearing red shorts and have a tat on your left shoulder. Our eyes briefly met as we greeted each other at the crossroads in Red Rocks Park. I was walking my black-and-tan doggo. Are you local? Care to walk together sometime? When: Sunday, September 5, 2021. Where: a perfect Sunday morning. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915400 WILLISTON SCHOOL JOGGER We talked at Williston School. Your dog had been at Crate Escape, and you were “multitasking” on the paths behind the school. I said hi again later as you were jogging. Meet me for a walk — same place, same time? When: Wednesday, August 25, 2021. Where: Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915397
BLONDE AT BIOTEK I miss our staff meetings at the Lighthouse. If you’d like to reconnect, reach out to me. I know you still have my number. When: Thursday, September 9, 2021. Where: Lighthouse Restaurant. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915403
STEAMY KISSES Your kisses in the steamy car made my heart melt. No matter what, I will always love you. When: Sunday, August 29, 2021. Where: Oakledge. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915396
NIGHT SHIFTER Miss seeing your handsome face every morning on my way to work. Hope you are doing well. I still owe you breakfast. ;) When: Tuesday, August 17, 2021. Where: Cumby’s, Pine St. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915398
ESSEX JUNCTION DOG WALKER You walk your white dog every morning. We’ve talked a few times in passing. Do you mind if I join you one of these days? When: Thursday, August 19, 2021. Where: Essex Junction. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915395
Ask REVEREND Dear Three’s a Crowd, the
Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums
Dear Reverend,
My wife and I share a computer at home. The other day, I was looking for something in the internet history and noticed a bunch of links to cuckold porn videos. Nobody else has access to the computer, so it must have been her. Does this mean she wants to bang another guy while I watch? I’m all for trying new things, but I don’t think I would go that far.
Three’s a Crowd
(MALE, 35)
Let’s get this tidbit of advice out of the way first: If you share a computer with someone or are looking at naughty things on a computer that has even a slight chance of falling into someone else’s hands, use an incognito window. Or at least clear the browsing history when you’re finished. I thought everyone knew that by now, but apparently not. The traditional definition of a cuckold is a man who has an adulterous wife. In the kink world, “cuckolding” is when a person — of whatever gender or sexual orientation
NIQUETTE BAY Sorry that we ruined your afternoon of relaxation in the sun. You seemed like you had something on your mind. I hope you weren’t down. You’re gorgeous. When: Sunday, August 22, 2021. Where: Niquette Bay. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915392 CAUGHT OFF GUARD I knew we’d run into each other someday, but I was completely caught off guard that morning. It was dark, rainy, and you walking toward me felt like seeing a ghost. I couldn’t talk, couldn’t think, all I could do was stand there, silent and numb. I still wonder why you went numb. I miss you. I always will. When: Tuesday, July 20, 2021. Where: dropoff. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915391 MUSCULAR LADY IN RICHMOND Hey, I tried, but I think your ad was delayed before you got my message. So hit me up here if still looking. When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: Richmond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915390 SATURDAY AFTERNOON, BIKE PATH CAUSEWAY Saturday afternoon at the cut in the bike path causeway. You (dark-haired woman dressed in black) were on the rocks talking with your (F) friend. We hopscotched past each other a few times heading back to Burlington. I wish I’d found an excuse to say hello. I (M) wore an orange shirt. Care to ride together sometime? When: Saturday, August 14, 2021. Where: Burlington bike path. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915385
— gets turned on by the idea of their partner having sex with someone else. As with any fetish, cuckolding can be taken to varying degrees. With some people, it involves watching the act and/ or an aspect of humiliation. With others, it can be as simple as your partner flirting in front of you or talking about having sex with someone else — real or imaginary. You were the one being a Nosy Nelly, even if it was by accident, so I don’t think you should confront your wife about the videos. Watching
SWAN DIVE, BOLTON POTHOLES You did a swan dive into Eagle’s Eye at Bolton Potholes. My brother was impressed. So was I. You left soon after, and you told me to enjoy the night. I think we could have enjoyed it together. Want to connect and see? When: Saturday, August 14, 2021. Where: Bolton Potholes. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915387 WALMART TIKI TORCHES AND TATTOOS We had the quiet corner of Walmart to ourselves. We chatted about tiki torches, string lights and shared tattoo stories. I feel like we could have talked more. I would love to chat again. If you see this, let me know the meaning of my tattoo or what T-shirt I was wearing so I know it’s you. When: Friday, August 13, 2021. Where: Walmart in Williston. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915384 TWO INTROVERTS AT THE BEACH You told me I screamed introverted, sitting alone reading my book. Of course, I said nothing — just smiled, trying to think of something to say back. And then you continued doing your own introverted thing. Perhaps we’ll meet again? When: Wednesday, August 11, 2021. Where: state park beach. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915377 CUTE AS A BUTTON You were cute as a button. We chatted about our tattoos, and the girls got mad I didn’t ask for your number. Well, I’m asking now, and maybe I’ll see you around again. ;) When: Sunday, August 8, 2021. Where: Speeder & Earl’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915376 BEAUTIFUL LIONESS Not long ago, you were having the toughest day since we’ve known each other. I couldn’t stand to see you in pain, and I declared my feelings for you. Soon after, you withdrew, and I’m confused, because you show signs that you care. You’re one special lady, and I’d tell you of my love 100 times a day. When: Monday, July 26, 2021. Where: Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915374 QUEER PUNKS KISSING OVER BIKES Cutest! Looked like so much fun, total romance! Hope you’re having the best summer, and thanks for being awesome, at least for a split second as I drove by on Thursday night. When: Thursday, August 5, 2021. Where: North and North Winooski. You: Gender nonconformist. Me: Gender nonconformist. #915371
a few doesn’t mean she has become a full-on kink queen. It’s possible that she heard the term, was curious and went down the proverbial rabbit hole. (Lord knows if anybody peeked at my browsing history after researching topics for this column … yikes.) On the other hand, she may indeed have a bit of a cuckolding fantasy. Speaking of, when did you last ask your wife about her fantasies — if ever? Next time things are getting hot and heavy, inquire about the wildest thing that turns her on. I’m willing to bet it will become a very good time for just the two of you. Good luck and God bless,
The Reverend
What’s your problem?
Send it to SEVEN DAYS SEPTEMBER 22-29, 2021
Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any wellhung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1526 GM in Rutland County seeking other GM or bi for social interaction. Maybe leading to FWB or more. I’m easygoing, stable and like adventure. Phone only. Hope to hear from you. #L1523
GWM seeking other GM for friendship and more. Write me with name and phone number. #L1532
Dirty old man seeks dirty old lady. Single and horny. I like high heels and stockings. I’m a nudist. Open, honest and clean. Phone. #L1530
I am a crossdresser (M-to-F) seeking female friends for coffee, friendship or just corresponding. Any age, race and ethnicity OK. Retired and ready. Will answer all letters. #L1531
Humble, honest, loving and fun 69-y/o searching for his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with. Looking for that special gal who enjoys skiing, beaches, boating, biking, animals and cares for our natural environment. Someone spiritual who can “see the light.” A love of theater, music and dancing a plus. #L1528
How feral’s feral? Energetic Luddite(s) indeed, but easier to be progressively backward with a mischievous coconspirator. Artist here, resourceful cottager, surrounded by books and mason jars. Worth every penny of your $5. If you disagree, I’ll reimburse! M seeking F. #L1529
70-y/o WM seeks mid-70s to mid-80s WF. I want to experience sensuality with a very mature WF woman. Phone number, please. #L1524
HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters
P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402
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Fit 50ish M, green-eyed, kind and witty, seeks fit F 40 to 60. Well read, rugged, capable, collected, patient. Values community, gardens, art, acts of making. Let’s cook, share absurdist humor, read together. Prefer handwritten to the screen. Simple! #L1522 I’m an older male seeking any age. It’s so enchanting in the woods. The silence, the peace and the wonderful sounds of nature. I’d love to share the caress of nature with a good friend. Lovely wonderful person, 5’9, 150 pounds, older nonsmoker. #L1521 Man looking for a woman. I will return calls to everyone. I’m over 50 y/o. Widower. She died very young of cancer. Time to move on. Please leave your name and number. #L1520
Internet-Free Dating!
Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. SWM, mid-50s, seeking SWF, 50s to 60s. Looking for life partner. I am fit, financially secure, very well grounded. Strong desire to travel crosscountry. #L1519 66-y/o SWM seeking SWF, 50 to 63. Gentle, unassuming, soft-spoken, creative vegetarian seeks a fit, affectionate, unadorned woman who takes delight in gardening, folk music, candlelight and bicycle rides. Let’s explore the islands together. Are you coming? #L1517 56-y/o single woman. Humbled, thoughtful. Hoping for a safe, kind, honest relationship with a man. Calm in nature, love for nature. Morning coffees, long walks, talks, sunsets, art, music, dance, friends, family, laughs! Willing to see and resolve suffering. Unconditional love and support find me at home. Phone number, please. #L1486 SWM seeking SWM any age. Must love top and fem bottom. Looking for steady lover. Gay or bi, any race. Phone. #L1515
GM 60-y/o seeks sexually active 70-plus male. I love giving and receiving oral. Virgin but would love to bottom to a lover. Enjoy all activities nude. #L1514 Male widower looking for woman for FWB/LTR, maybe more. Please be 18+. Send me your name, info and phone number. I will return all calls back to you. Look forward to meeting you. #L1513 Male, 55, seeking woman to cocreate a beautiful life/ family close to the Earth on the land with plants, animals and wildlife. Together a vessel of love to manifest the dormant ancestral pulse of people living close to nature absent the turnkey life mayhem. Wolcott. Clearing the woods. #L1512 Senior male, mid-60s, seeking older males 65 to 80 for carefree and fun moments of pleasure. Must be DD-free and have completed both COVID shots. Safe and kind. Life is too short to not have moments of pleasure. It’s been a rough past year. #L1511
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