Seven Days, December 8, 2021

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Why independent physicians are disappearing from Vermont B Y C O L I N F L A N D ER S , PA G E 26




Council offers recommendations



Shelburne biz makes reusable wrap

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12/6/21 7:50 PM

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11/18/21 1:11 PM


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YES and NO



A Ward 7 voter casting a ballot in Tuesday’s special election

A pair of spending plans got mixed results during a special Burlington election on Tuesday. Voters shot down a $40 million capital bond, which would have fixed up sidewalks and replaced aging fire trucks, 57.3 percent to 42.7 percent; it needed a two-thirds majority to pass. The plan would have raised taxes for the average homeowner. The “yes” vote was for a $20 million revenue bond for the Burlington Electric Department, which will move the city closer to its goal of eliminating fossil fuel use by 2030. Voters approved that item resoundingly with 70 percent of the vote. It only required a simple majority. The capital bond’s failure marks the first time in Mayor Miro Weinberger’s nine-plus years in office that residents have voted down a bond vote. The oddly timed election came just three months before the regular Town Meeting Day vote in March. Weinberger had said a special ballot was justified because there’s no guarantee that current low interest rates will hold and the pandemic had already set the city’s planning back a year. Turnout was low: Just 6,910 of the 33,883 registered voters cast ballots — about 20.4 percent. The capital bond was the continuation of an infrastructure plan that Weinberger introduced in 2016. Voters that year approved a $27.5 million bond that upgraded most of the city’s bike path and fixed 14 miles of sidewalks. This year’s ask would have earmarked $10 million for Memorial Auditorium, a structurally unsound building


?? ? ?? ? ??

Rita Glück


A construction project means that the drawbridge connecting Grand Isle and North Hero won’t open for boat traffic until next spring. Try ice-skating under it instead?

downtown that closed in 2016. The remaining $30 million was to be paired with $111 million in federal and state transportation grants, pandemic recovery funds and city money to replace aging fire trucks and snowplows, fix up crumbling sidewalks, and more. Had it passed, the owner of a median-priced home — about $379,100 — would have owed incrementally higher taxes over the bond’s 20-year lifespan, peaking at about $13 more per month in 2025. The BED bond won’t raise taxes, city officials say. The Burlington Electric Department will use the borrowed money to offer more rebates for customers to purchase electric bicycles, heat pumps and other items; in turn, the customers will purchase more electricity from the utility, which will use the additional revenue to pay down the debt. Maxine Holmes voted “no” on both ballot items at her polling place at the Integrated Arts Academy in the Old North End. Holmes, a Ward 2 resident who has lived in Burlington for nearly 50 years, said the money won’t address the issues she thinks are priorities: public safety and fixing “the big hole” downtown, as she called the site of the CityPlace Burlington project that has left a city block vacant for years. “As far as I’m concerned, if they’re not going to put a penny into things that will make it better for us to live here ... then I’m against any kind of increase,” Holmes said. Read Courtney Lamdin’s full story at

The Jericho Center Country Store is for sale, reported. A true community mainstay, since 1807.


GlobalFoundries is requiring the nearly 2,200 workers at its Essex Junction plant to get vaccinated. A jab for your job.


Winooski, South Burlington and Essex all passed mask mandates on Monday. Burlington enacted the first in Chittenden County last week.

That’s the final cleanup cost of a copper mine in Strafford — a 20-year project that cost four times more than the original estimate.



1. “Burlington School Principals, HR Director on Leave Amid Investigations” by Alison Novak. The investigations began after an assistant principal allegedly restrained a student inappropriately. 2. “At Raucous Meeting, Burlington City Council Passes Mask Mandate” by Courtney Lamdin. Anti-maskers called city councilors “tyrants,” but the councilors adopted a mandate with exceptions for offices and some businesses. 3. “My Elderly Mother Wants Our Family to Gather for Christmas, but We Don’t Get Along” by the Reverend. Our sage advises feuding siblings to “suck it up” and act decently toward each other for their elderly mom’s sake. 4. “Missing Mail, Crowded Post Offices: A Federal Agency’s Woes Touch Down in Vermont” by Anne Wallace Allen. Post offices are struggling with staff shortages. Customers face gaps in mail delivery, unscheduled post office closures and long waits at crowded counters. 5. “Champlain Housing Trust Buys Williston Hotel to Convert Into Apartments” by Anne Wallace Allen. The nonprofit group is turning a Marriott hotel in Williston into 72 apartments for formerly homeless and low-income Vermonters.

tweet of the week @debaajimod Is there mandatory reporting in Vermont if you know someone who doesn’t like maple syrup? FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVENDAYSVT OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER


DELIVERING GRATITUDE Hand-painted signs and bunches of balloons adorned downtown Montpelier businesses on November 30. The decorations honored Rita Glück, a mail carrier who was retiring that day. Glück, who started working at the Montpelier Post Office in 1991, hadn’t told many people about her retirement, but her partner, Julia Chafets, put a notice on Front Porch Forum. So Glück was surprised on her route by cards, gifts and hugs that Tuesday. Later her fans threw her a surprise party at North Branch Café. She teared up. “It became a whole different day for me when I realized all this stuff was happening for me,” Glück said. Montpelier’s downtown district is tiny,

with just one stoplight, and it is close-knit. A busy Facebook group for downtown business owners has about 40 members, “and the chat goes on all day,” said Jamie Carroll, who manages North Branch Café and will soon become a co-owner. “It’s not competitive; we really want success for everyone.” With her friendly, low-key presence, Glück fit in well and became close with many of the people on her route. “She doesn’t judge; she just listens, and she’s curious. We love her for that,” said Carroll, who helped organize the party. “She seems to be our city therapist.” Glück said she approached the U.S. Postal Service 30 years ago. After a seasonal job at a flower farm, she was looking for winter work. “It’s been a really good job for me both

physically and mentally,” said Glück, who once clocked her daily route at 24,000 steps, or more than 10 miles. She likes to be physically active, and she loved being invited in on occasion for coffee, birthday cake — and “OK, booze,” she said, maybe once or twice. “So many of these people I consider to be my family,” Glück said. “And I know they considered me to be part of theirs.” Glück said she’ll miss her route, but she’s looking forward to having December off after years of working overtime around the holidays. “I am excited about the possibilities that seem to be just sort of dropping in my lap right now,” she said. ANNE WALLACE ALLEN SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021



publisher & editor-in-chief

Paula Routly

deputy publisher Cathy Resmer AssociAte publishers Don Eggert, Colby Roberts

PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE in Burlington, South Burlington, Essex, Williston, Richmond, Montpelier.

NEWS & POLITICS editor Matthew Roy deputy editor Sasha Goldstein consulting editor Candace Page stAff writers Derek Brouwer, Chelsea Edgar,

Colin Flanders, Courtney Lamdin, Kevin McCallum, Alison Novak, Anne Wallace Allen A R T S & C U LT U R E

coeditors Dan Bolles, Elizabeth M. Seyler AssociAte editor Margot Harrison Art editor Pamela Polston consulting editor Mary Ann Lickteig Music editor Chris Farnsworth cAlendAr writer Emily Hamilton speciAlty publicAtions MAnAger Carolyn Fox stAff writers Jordan Adams, Jordan Barry,

SALES & MARKETING director of sAles Colby Roberts senior Account executive Michael Bradshaw Account executives Robyn Birgisson,

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Pamela Polston, Paula Routly C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Northeast Kingdom, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh, N.Y. Seven Days is printed at Quebecor Media Printing in Laval, Québec.

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2v-LakePointpropertymanagement111021.indd 1

11/5/21 12:50 PM


Thank you for your article on Memorial Auditorium [“Memorial Days,” December 1] and for including a photo of the late Frank Zappa. Unfortunately, the photo is captioned as 1989. Zappa’s final tour was in 1988; he played Memorial Auditorium on March 12 that year. Alan Pierce


AssistAnt proofreAders

Katherine Isaacs, Martie Majoros

DESIGN creAtive director Don Eggert Art director Rev. Diane Sullivan production MAnAger John James designers Jeff Baron, Kirsten Thompson

Scan to visit our website


Melissa Pasanen, Ken Picard, Sally Pollak proofreAders Carolyn Fox, Frank Smecker

D I G I TA L & V I D E O digitAl production speciAlist Bryan Parmelee senior MultiMediA producer Eva Sollberger MultiMediA journAlist James Buck

Specializing in leasing office space. Serving the needs of small businesses throughout Vermont.



The piece on Memorial Auditorium [“Memorial Days,” December 1] was well written and brought back my own memories of this decaying landmark. That stroll through the past did lead me to question one factoid in the story: Chris Farnsworth reported that mayor Gordon Paquette banned rock and roll at the city arena following a Styx concert in 1977. Unless he banned it twice, I think the ban happened later, in 1978 or 1979. At the time, I was a reporter and, later, news editor at the Vanguard Press, an alternative news and arts weekly that began publishing in January 1978. We covered shows at Memorial, and a writer named Frank Kaufman wrote a piece about Paquette and then-city treasurer Lee Austin coming to the auditorium in response to a raucous crowd at (I think) a Guess Who concert. Kaufman reported that Paquette and Austin — who arrived on scene after an evening at the Elks Club — appeared intoxicated when they showed up at Memorial. Paquette and Austin sued the paper for libel, naming publisher Steve Brown, Kaufman and me as defendants. But their claim dissolved after we found and got a


There were two errors in last week’s cover story, “Memorial Days,” about Burlington’s Memorial Auditorium: U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders was elected mayor of Burlington in 1981, and the late Frank Zappa last played Memorial Auditorium in 1988. The “True 802” feature on the Last 7 page incorrectly identified the location of a spot in Burlington’s Old North End where you can find “fossils embedded in imported stone curbs and walls.” That marvel is at the corner of North Champlain and Peru streets.



Fa la la la

low- and no-income folks a favor by providing roach-infested sub-housing for the unfortunate. What they are doing is getting rich off the poor and doing no one any favors. Except, maybe, encouraging a roach population explosion. Have they no shame? I didn’t care for their marinara sauce, anyway. Paul Newman’s marinara sauce is excellent, by the way.


Darin Maloney




[Re “The Firing of Skiing Legend John 524-3769 Egan Leaves Many Die-Hard DownhillR A I LC I TYM A R K E TV T.COM ers Soured on Sugarbush,” November 10]: Waah. I’ve fallen off the gravy train, and I can’t get up. Please, this is old news. I 11/9/20 believe it’s called “at-will employment.” GG12v-railcitymarket111820.indd 1 Chris Haviland


sworn statement from the cop who drove the mayor home that night. He testified that his honor was indeed hammered. John Dillon



We attended many fabulous performances at Memorial Auditorium in the ’70s. But the most memorable is not mentioned in your featured piece [“Memorial Days,” December 11]. Does anyone remember the Blues Festival circa 1973? Led by a very young Bonnie Raitt, there were amazing performances by Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Son House, “Big Boy” Arthur Crudup and many others. The show lasted for hours. At the conclusion, all the musicians were playing together onstage, and the entire audience stood screaming on the wooden chairs. Truly unforgettable! Margot Pender WEST BOLTON


Thank you very much for bringing attention to the impact that substandard conditions and a flagrant disregard for tenants’ rights have on vulnerable renters and our community. [“Roaches and Broken Locks,” November 3] exposed a reality that we hear about every day in our work at the Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity. Many landlords follow the same pattern of neglect, ignore basic housing health and safety codes, and violate fair housing law. People are forced to live in unsafe or unhealthy conditions out of fear of retaliation or losing their housing.

Yes, there are many responsive and responsible landlords out there, but the critical housing shortage and desperation that so many people are facing cannot be ignored. One of the ways to address this is to make sure that people know their rights and responsibilities, as well as what to do if or when those rights are violated. CVOEO provides a free statewide hotline for renters; information about tenant and fair housing rights in multiple languages; and workshops, consultations and coaching for people experiencing housing discrimination or harassment. We also offer fair housing trainings for housing providers and municipal officials. Partner agencies such as Vermont Legal Aid and the Human Rights Commission provide consultations, information and legal support, as well as process fair housing complaints. I would kindly ask that future articles highlighting the unfair treatment of renters also include information about these free and available resources so that readers can know and advocate for their rights. Jess Hyman



[Re “Roaches and Broken Locks,” November 3; Off Message: “Essex Denies Development Proposal by Rick Bove, Citing History of Violations,” November 19]: How sad that the Bove brothers continue to buy up property to rent out so that they can continue their slumlord reputation. They claim to be doing


What [“Health Care Premium,” November 3] neglects to fully address is the incredibly high burnout among nurses, which only adds to the nursing crisis. When will any article address the bloat of the managerial sect and their compensation? Or disclose what the hospitals are billing us out to the insurance companies? 99.9 percent of the population has limited knowledge of what is required to be a nurse and the constant stressors to do their jobs faster, more efficiently following joint commission standards and with limited resources every year — and to then be told we’re making too much money! If you want to see another exodus of nurses, pass any legislation restricting a free-market economy and stifling any incentive to continue as a nurse. There are many, many jobs with a fraction of the stress and equivalent pay, but this is our calling. When management comes to the table and says, “You’re right. I am making FEEDBACK


4:51 PM

» P.24

SAY SOMETHING! Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number. Seven Days reserves the right to edit for accuracy, length and readability. Your submission options include: • • • Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402-1164

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12/6/21 2:31 PM

11/22/21 7:48 PM

contents DECEMBER 8-15, 2021 VOL.27 NO.10



11 25 41 58 61 62 97

22 40 46 50 58 62 64

Magnificent 7 WTF Side Dishes Soundbites Album Reviews Movie Review Ask the Reverend

Life Lines Food + Drink Culture Art Music + Nightlife On Screen Calendar

74 Classes 75 Classifieds + Puzzles 93 Fun Stuff 96 Personals

FOOD 40 Dining on a Dime

Five meals that will take you around the world for less than $15



Online Now

Why independent physicians are disappearing from Vermont BY COLIN FLANDERS, PAGE 26 COVER IMAGE TIM NEWCOMB • COVER DESIGN REV. DIANE SULLIVAN







From the Publisher

Reverse History

Which Craft?

It’s a Wrap

Page 32

In Whose Care?

State scrutinizes investors’ bid to take over five Vermont nursing homes

Dope Idea

The push intensifies for an overdoseprevention site in Burlington

Retooling Refueling

The new Climate Action Plan

Remote Canaan’s busy past comes to life in a stash of century-old photo negatives A Shelburne entrepreneur takes some of the waste out of gift giving

Vermont artisans bust out their wares at Burlington City Arts’ outdoor holiday market Short Takes on Five Vermont Books

For 30 years, the Dance Factory in Springfield has presented a holiday production of The Nutcracker featuring its students, who come from the surrounding rural towns. This year’s show takes place on December 11 and 12 at Green Mountain Union High School in Chester.

We have

Blown Away

AO Glass creates handblown globes for renowned artist Maya Lin


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12/6/21 3:07 PM

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12/3/21 11:22 AM




Silver Bells The streets of St. Johnsbury overflow with festive sights, Christmas lights and fun family nights during St. J Sparkles. Two days of programming include lantern crafts, scavenger hunts, horse-drawn wagon rides, model train displays and a petting zoo. Hot cocoa and live music warm even the Grinchiest of hearts, while food and toy drives get everyone into the season’s giving spirit.





Wellness Walk

NOLLAIG CHRIDHEIL! It’s a proper Nova Scotian noel when the Barre Opera House presents A Còig Christmas, featuring Celtic carols from one of Canada’s favorite fiery folk bands. Flying fiddle bows and breakneck banjo strumming yield fresh takes on traditional holiday tunes, such as “Carol of the Celts,” “In the Bleak Midwinter” and “O Holy Night.”

If you’ve only heard of Winter Forest Bathing in passing, don’t worry — it’s not a polar plunge in the middle of a snowy wood. Audubon Vermont’s take on the Japanese practice of shinrin-yoku is more chill: A certified nature and forest therapy guide leads a mindful, meditative walk under the trees around the Green Mountain Audubon Center in Huntington.




Word Shop Every second and fourth Saturday of the month, local spoken word poet and teaching artist Rajnii Eddins leads Poetry Experience at Burlington’s Fletcher Free Library. Poets, writers, educators, MCs and artists of all stripes are invited to this supportive writing and sharing circle, where creativity is encouraged and uninhibited. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 70


’Twas the Night OPENS ON WEDNESDAY 8

Out of the Closet Through January 2, the talented student actors of Northern Stage present Joseph Robinette’s theatrical adaptation of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe at the Byrne Theater at Barrette Center for the Arts in White River Junction. C.S. Lewis’ classic tale comes to life as the Pevensie siblings fight to free the land of Narnia from the White Witch’s eternal winter. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 66

Submit your upcoming events at

Waterbury Public Library director Rachel Muse leads a Charles Dickens-inspired evening for those who wish that spooky season had never ended. Adults and teens come to Ghost Stories on a Winter’s Night with a classic yarn or a hair-raising personal experience. Winter- and holiday-themed tales are especially encouraged. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 72


Collage and Creation Now through the end of January, Shelburne’s Pierson Library presents two floors of hand-cut paper art from local artists Adrienne Ginter and Erika Lawlor Schmidt. Both collections explore themes of myth, interconnectedness and the intricacies of the natural world, using line and color to craft bold, beautiful scenes full of depth and detail. SEE GALLERY LISTING ON PAGE 54





With six decades of innovation in the world of climbing, skiing, and outdoor equipment, Black Diamond has deep roots in the mountains. And for decades, Burlington, Vermont, has remained a gem of New England, stacked with world-class rock and ice climbing, trails and backcountry adventures. We’re excited to bring our equipment, apparel, and community to the mountain hub of the East with our very own Black Diamond Retail Store. Black Diamond Athlete Tobin Seagel



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Andrew Strain

11/23/21 9:03 AM

11/16/21 3:37 PM


Stay a While

JULY 2020

Need some life hacks to get you through pandemic winter No. 2? Our Staytripper supplement this week recommends embracing the cold season. In the story headlined “Wintervention,” eight Vermonters share their survival strategies, from staying in a tiny Hardwick tree house to joining in the Abenaki Snow Snake Games. Take it from me, a California girl who grew up in Maryland: The winter edition of our guide to Vermont — put together by and for the people who live here — casts a whole new light on the dreary days before us. Seven Days started Staytripper during the summer of 2020, when strict quarantine requirements limited travel into and out of the state. We discontinued the bilingual tourist magazine, BTV, that we had been publishing for the airport and scrambled to create a guide for locals: “The road map to rediscovering Vermont,” as Staytripper is subtitled, encourages Vermonters to explore their own state — safely, of course. The cover of the first issue, in July 2020, showed a lone kayaker plying the waters of the Waterbury Reservoir. The rest of the book was full of pandemicproof adventures, from a guide to Vermont’s quirky roadside attractions to day trip recommendations in Barre, Shelburne and Hubbardton. Under the circumstances, we expected the monthly supplement to be viable for four months — through October, the end of Vermont’s official tourist season. But the pandemic didn’t end, so we kept going, searching for stories that would work in stick season and winter: sleigh rides, interesting inns, ski-area eateries, cold-weather hikes, even winter driving tips. Every issue was useful, beautiful and inspiring, thanks to the careful planning of editor Carolyn Fox, Seven Days’ special publications Biker Bars High Rollers Ground Breaking manager. In normal times, Carolyn spends much of the first three months of the year overseeing the assembly of 7 Nights, our annual dining guide that aims to list every restaurant, bar and nightclub in Vermont. The 2020 edition was ready to go to the printer on March 13, 2020, but we had to scrap the whole thing. The magazine won’t return in 2022, as we’d hoped, because the restaurant scene is still changing too quickly. This unexpected hiatus has allowed Carolyn to keep producing Staytripper. As of this fall, she’s also in charge of Nest, Seven Days’ home, design and real estate quarterly. November’s amazing local Gift Guide was also her baby. When she isn’t creating our special publishing projects, Carolyn is chief Cheers to Beers This Old House Take a Hike proofreader of Seven Days — poring over every word in the newspaper as it gets produced on Monday and Tuesday. Her careful factchecking has saved us incalculable embarrassment. Every one of our reporters and editors will attest to her eagle eye. A Champlain College grad who is now an employee-owner of Seven Days, she is a tremendous asset to the operation. If she has signed off on a page, it’s good to go. She’s creative, too. Though not a fan of winter sports herself, Carolyn found enough interesting stories to fill five frozen Staytrippers. This summer, after 15 issues, we decided to switch the pub from a monthly If you like what we do and can afford to help to a quarterly — in part pay for it, become a Seven Days Super Reader! because the pandemic Look for the “Give Now” buttons at the top of Head for the Hill seemed to be waning. Sharing Is Caring Go Figure Or send a check with your Instead, for the second address and contact info to: year in a row, the snowy SEVEN DAYS, C/O SUPER READERS woods of Vermont look P.O. BOX 1164 like the place to be. Like a freshly tracked cross BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 country ski trail, this Green Mountain guide should For more information on making a financial help get you through whatever lies ahead. contribution to Seven Days, please contact Corey Barrows: 6

Paddle Pushers

Vermont Canoe & Kayak dips into the Lamoille River


Remote R&R

A Green Mountain getaway to Highland Lodge


Hit the Road

Sightseeing in Barre, Shelburne and Hubbardton


MAY 2021

Mounta Mou ntain in





Happening hubs for refueling post-ride

Luxe trailside lodging at the Inn at Burklyn

The beginning of the Trail end-to-end Velomont


FALL 2021




Trails off the tourist-beaten path

A new era for Craftsbury Farmhouse

Scenic routes to new breweries


WINTER 2021-22



Overnight at acclaimed Rabbit Hill Inn


Tips and tricks to surviving a long winter

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Paula Routly












In Whose Care?

State scrutinizes investors’ bid to take over five Vermont nursing homes B Y D E REK BR OUW ER •


ermont officials appear skeptical of an application from a group of New York men who want to buy five of the state’s largest nursing homes. During a hearing last Thursday, Human Services Secretary Mike Smith and agency staff pressed the owners of Priority Healthcare Group on deficient care and short staffing at their existing homes, including Barre Gardens in Vermont, and probed the group’s complex and shifting ownership structure for the homes they seek to run. Over the course of nearly two hours of questioning conducted over videoconference, Agency of Human Services officials seemed underwhelmed by explanations that Priority owners David Gamzeh and Akiva Glatzer gave for their homes’ low-quality rankings. Smith struggled to decipher financial information the men had provided, as the secretary and his staff homed in on a potentially pivotal question: Who would actually control the homes? That question was the subject of a Seven Days investigation earlier this year. 14


The newspaper examined Gamzeh and Glatzer’s ties to a larger network of nursing homes owned by Ephram Lahasky, whose facilities in western Pennsylvania have faced civil lawsuits and criminal investigations. Lahasky is not listed as an owner on the pending Vermont application — but his wife was, until state officials and Seven Days began scrutinizing her role. Gamzeh and Glatzer repeatedly told state officials last week that the power to manage the nursing homes would rest entirely with them. “We control anything and everything that happens,” Gamzeh said. Yet their assurances did not square with the written terms of their loan, officials said. “I’m trying to understand,” Smith said, “when things start getting rough, who, ultimately, has de facto control?” At stake is nearly 20 percent of all nursing home beds in Vermont, spread across some of the state’s most troubled facilities. The five homes involved in the proposed transfer — Burlington Health & Rehab and

similarly named homes in Bennington, Berlin, St. Johnsbury and Springfield — were previously owned and operated by Genesis HealthCare, a large national chain. Each ranks “below average” or “much below average” on federal quality scorecards. Their sale is part of a nationwide buying spree by opaque private equity investors that critics say has led to poorer care for residents. Changes in ownership of nursing homes, a heavily regulated industry, are reviewed by the State of Vermont to ensure that potential buyers have adequate “financial and administrative capacity” and will provide “high-quality services and a safe and stable environment” for residents, state law says. Genesis struck a deal to sell five of its nine Vermont homes to a group of private investors, including Gamzeh and Glatzer, in October 2020 amid a pandemic-fueled financial pinch. The deal was worth $46.6 IN WHOSE CARE?

» P.16

Vermont’s Surging COVID-19 Hospitalizations, ICU Cases Break Records — Again B Y C O L I N F L A N D ER S Vermont’s breaking its COVID-19 records: The state reported the most cases in a single day with 641 on Sunday; hospitals were treating 90 patients, with 31 in intensive care units — both all-time highs. A few counties — Bennington, Rutland and Essex — were among those with the highest rates in the nation. Vermont officials chose not to dwell on these dim data points during their weekly press briefing on Tuesday. Instead, they spent most of their time highlighting more promising developments in the fight against the pandemic, from high uptake of boosters and the children’s vaccine to a nation-leading testing rate. Forty-six percent of children ages 5 to 11 have received at least one dose, while more than a third of fully vaccinated people have received a booster shot. Vermont, meanwhile, continues to test a larger share of its population than any other state. “When looking at other states, we have to look at the full picture,” Gov. Phil Scott said. “Because Vermonters have stepped up to get vaccinated and boosted, and because they’re testing and using common sense measures like masking indoors, Vermont continues to lead in many metrics.” Only when asked about the rising number of cases and hospitalizations 45 minutes into Tuesday’s press conference did Scott voice some concern, however limited. “It is frustrating, but from our standpoint, case counts aren’t what we’re watching,” he said. “We need to continue to watch the hospitalizations — which are elevated as well — but we’re still in pretty good shape when compared to other states that have been impacted.” Officials said efforts to shore up Vermont’s health care system in recent weeks have allowed state hospitals to withstand the latest wave. Several hospitals have scrambled to increase their ICU capacity, setting up more beds. There were 11 available ICU beds across the state as of Tuesday — one more than this time a week ago — and at least 10 more were expected to come online in the coming days. The state is also working to open another 20 beds at long-term care facilities, which should allow hospitals to free up more space by transferring some patients. “Everything that we’ve done from the beginning,” Scott said, “[is] to make sure our health care system is protected, and we feel that we’ve done that.” m

Dope Idea

As opioid deaths surge, the push intensifies for an overdose-prevention site in Burlington

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elissa Bronson had just started fatalities between January and August a load of wash at King Street this year, up from 17 during the same Laundry in Burlington one day period in 2020, according to the most in September when she saw a man fall recent data available from the Vermont down, unconscious. Bronson, who works Department of Health. as a personal care assistant, realized he Fatalities haven’t increased in was overdosing and called 911. By the Burlington, but other signs indicate a time emergency responders arrived, worsening drug problem. To date this Bronson feared the man had died. year, Burlington police “I can still hear him and see his face,” have administered the Bronson told Seven Days. Since that day, opioid-reversal drug she has witnessed two other people naloxone nearly 30 shooting up at local laundromats. times more than during all of 2020. The “This is becoming worse and worse city’s code enforcement office has received as time goes on,” she added. 262 reports of found needles Vermont has expeand syringes this year, 200 rienced a surge in fatal more than last. drug overdoses since the Concerns about the legalpandemic began, includity of overdose-prevention ing a record-high death toll sites have hampered previlast year. Spurred on by the ous discussions about crisis, local drug treatment them in Vermont. In 2017, Chittenden County State’s advocates are now pushing Attorney Sarah George for a measure they hope can garnered support from a reverse the trend. On December 20, Burlcommission of law enforceington city staff will give ment, medical and social the city council a presentaservice professionals who tion about the possibility endorsed the concept as a of opening an overdosepublic health measure. In prevention site, including MARIE LLE MAT THEWS response, then-U.S. attorney guidelines for determining Christina Nolan, an appoinwhere to put it and what it could look tee of former president Donald Trump, like. Also called safe-injection sites, the announced that she would prosecute any facilities are typically staffed by medi- organization that operated a prevention cal professionals who can refer people site. to treatment programs and intervene if Members of Gov. Phil Scott’s Opioid someone has a bad reaction while using Coordination Council were spooked by drugs. Nolan’s threats, issuing a report in 2018 “Death is something that opens that said the legal liability alone made people’s minds … to innovative measures,” opening a site “virtually impossible.” said Ed Baker of Burlington, who has been That year, the Burlington City Council in recovery for 37 years and is behind the approved an initiative that expanded overdose-prevention site effort. “We’re access to buprenorphine, a drug that treats either going to do something or we’re opioid addiction. But at the same meeting, going to do nothing, and then we have to councilors watered down a resolution that live with that.” would have taken concrete steps to open an Vermont was once seen as a national overdose-prevention site. Some opposed leader in combating the opioid crisis, the measure in part because of Nolan’s managing in 2019 to reduce the number stance. The issue resurfaced in fall 2020, of fatal overdoses for the first time since 2014. But during the pandemic, the when councilors asked then-city attorprogress halted and reversed. The state ney Eileen Blackwood to analyze the legal tallied a record-high 157 overdose deaths barriers to opening a prevention site in last year and, through this August, had Burlington. Her report noted a major red recorded another 129 deaths. flag: In 2019, Trump’s Justice Department Chittenden County has been particuDOPE IDEA » P.18 larly hard hit, counting 26 opioid-related


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12/3/21 11:14 AM


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11/17/21 2:22 PM


Burlington School Principals, HR Director Under Investigation B Y A L I SON NOVAK The principal and assistant principal of Burlington’s J.J. Flynn Elementary School, as well as the district’s human resources director, are all on leave amid investigations that began after the assistant principal allegedly restrained a student inappropriately, district superintendent Tom Flanagan told families and staff in an email last Thursday. Both the Vermont Department for Children and Families and the state Agency of Education are investigating Herb Perez, assistant principal of the preK-5 school, for his alleged actions, according to Flanagan. Once the Burlington School District learned of the investigations, Flanagan wrote, it placed Perez on paid administrative leave last month and began its own probe using an “experienced independent investigator to ensure that this work is conducted expeditiously and thoroughly.” Until last year, Perez was an assistant principal of Burlington High School. During the investigation, the district learned from the Agency of Education that head principal Lashawn WhitmoreSells’ professional administrator license had expired, “making it illegal for her to serve in this capacity.” She was also put on leave. Whitmore-Sells has worked in the school district for many years and formerly served as principal of Burlington’s Sustainability Academy. She filed a grievance against the district in 2019 after the school board initially rejected her for the Flynn principal position. “We are also obligated to investigate Principal Whitmore-Sells’ connection to the alleged inappropriate restraint mentioned above and subsequent reporting requirements of a principal,” Flanagan wrote. Susan “Ze” Anderson-Brown, who works in the school district’s central office as the human resources director, was put on leave because she did not let Flanagan know that Whitmore-Sells’ license had lapsed, the superintendent wrote. Because of privacy issues, Flanagan said he could not share more details about the situation. Shelley Mathias, who was principal of Burlington’s Edmunds Elementary School before retiring from the district in 2020, will take on the principal role at Flynn for the time being, he said. Perez, Whitmore-Sells and Anderson-Brown did not return requests for comment. m



In Whose Care? « P.14 million, according to a U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission disclosure. The sale of the real estate to a set of buyers that includes Gamzeh and Glatzer, which is not subject to state review, went through last year. Since then, the duo’s separate management company, Priority Healthcare Group, has been running the homes through a contract with Genesis. Priority has already shuffled leadership at the homes and rebranded them with new logos and names. But Gamzeh and Glatzer need the state’s blessing before they can operate the homes directly. Denial of their application could plunge the facilities into further instability, at least in the short term. In a statement to Seven Days after the hearing, Gamzeh and Glatzer said they’d made significant investments over the last year to improve the five homes, including $300,000 on wage increases and recruitment and nearly $900,000 on facility upgrades. If the state approves their application, they wrote, “we pledge continued investments in our facilities and our staff and to strive every day to take the very best care of those entrusted to us.” Before July 2018, similar nursing home transfer applications were reviewed in public by the Green Mountain Care Board, which conducts hearings and posts relevant documents online. The Vermont legislature scrapped that process and passed the job to the Human Services secretary until lawmakers could enact a better system. A working group recommended a new permanent process in January 2019, but the interim arrangement, now in its fourth year, persists. Last week’s hearing was not advertised and provided members of the public no chance to comment. Only after Seven Days submitted a written request to attend did the Agency of Human Services grant the newspaper access. Under the original purchase application in February, Lahasky’s wife, Akiko Ike, shared equal ownership with Gamzeh and Glatzer and was listed alongside them as an applicant. Lahasky was listed as a guarantor on the loan used to finance the property purchase. The buyers, however, were not required to disclose information about Lahasky’s expansive nursing home holdings for the state to review because he was not named as an operator of the Vermont homes. Lahasky has amassed a growing empire of nursing homes around the country, which grew again last month when one of his entities acquired a company that owns 7,250 nursing beds nationwide. At the time of the Vermont real estate purchase last fall, a group of Lahasky’s homes in

David Gamzeh (left) and Akiva Glatzer

Pennsylvania was under investigation following a massive, deadly COVID-19 outbreak. In February, the administrator of one of those homes was indicted on fraud charges over allegations that the home falsified staffing records. As Seven Days prepared to publish a story in July about Lahasky’s involvement in the Vermont deal, Gamzeh and Glatzer moved to distance him from it, emails obtained through a public records request show. On July 16, one day after the newspaper sent the men a detailed list of questions to which



they did not respond, their Vermont attorney, Shireen Hart, told Agency of Human Services general counsel Todd Daloz that they were “removing” Lahasky’s wife Ike from the application “effective immediately.” In their statement to Seven Days this week, Gamzeh and Glatzer did not directly respond to a question about why Ike is no longer an applicant. But they wrote that “the State has raised concerns about certain aspects of the application during the review process, including the ownership structure, and we have responded with significant changes.” However, as agency officials noted several times during last Thursday’s hearing, Lahasky and Ike remained on key financing documents related to the purchase of the properties. A clause in the loan agreement between the buyers and Oxford Finance, the lender, says the borrowers would be in default on their loan if Lahasky, as guarantor, failed to “remain actively engaged in the management of each” of the five homes. The

loan agreement also shows, and Gamzeh confirmed, that Lahasky’s wife has an ownership interest in the real estate. Lindsay Gillette, the director of rate setting for the Department of Vermont Health Access, called the loan document “perplexing” given the applicants’ claim that Lahasky has no say in the operation of the facilities. If other people do have control of the facilities, said Pam Cota, who leads the state office that inspects nursing homes, “we would need to look at them just as we looked at [Glatzer] and [Gamzeh’s] background and other facilities.” Hart described the loan language as a vestige from an earlier plan for the business. Glatzer said they could approach Oxford Finance about amending the loan language if the state wanted. Questions about the financing didn’t end there. Smith told the applicants that the budgets they submitted were unclear. “I’m pretty familiar with budgets. I run a $2.4 billion operation here. And I can’t read it. I don’t understand it,” Smith said. Same for their business plan: “I wouldn’t finance it [based] on what I’ve seen so far.” Gamzeh and Glatzer operate more than 30 nursing homes in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Massachusetts. They submitted information about regulatory compliance and quality of care for 25 of the homes. More than two-thirds of those homes have only one- or two-star rankings on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ five-star scale, an indicator of poor care for residents. Many of the homes recorded serious regulatory violations in which residents were harmed, according to the application. In 2018, a resident at one of the Pennsylvania homes was injured while being lifted by staff members who hadn’t been properly trained. At another Pennsylvania home that year, inspectors found that poor management contributed to the sexual harassment and abuse of two residents by a staff member.

The USS VERMONT Support Group The Vermont Long-Term Care Ombudsman Project, which advocates on behalf of residents, pointed to those violations in an October 1 letter to Smith’s office. “Given the quality data provided to the state,” ombudsman Sean Londergan wrote, his program “is concerned that there will [be] no improvement in the quality of care for residents if the Applicants were to assume ownership of the five facilities.” He further wrote that it’s “unclear” whether the ownership change would be in the best interest of residents. Priority’s owners offered several reasons for their homes’ below average rankings, including a claim that Pennsylvania’s inspection program does not score homes equitably and that the struggles are unique to each home. The group has purchased homes that are already distressed, they added, and improving them takes time. “Some facilities have been more challenging, and it has been very difficult to get the right leadership in place,” Glatzer said. “And that’s not to say that we find it OK.” They also emphasized recent improvements in quality at Barre Gardens, which they have managed since 2015 and purchased in 2017. The home currently has an “above-average” rank for resident care, and Gamzeh and Glatzer said they hope to achieve similar improvements at the five other Vermont homes over time. Cota pressed them on federal data that showed below-average staffing levels at nearly all of their other homes, but Glatzer questioned the accuracy of the data Cota cited. “The statement came as a huge surprise to me, because, to my knowledge, that’s not the case,” he said. State officials didn’t seem satisfied with the applicant’s answers about their homes’ poor ratings. Daloz, the attorney for the Agency of Human Services, took issue with their responses about each home’s performance. “I think hearing that it’s a one-off, or it’s a locationby-location question, is not quite the answer I would look for there,” he said. At the end of the hearing, Glatzer said he hoped the state would consider factors beyond the quality scores, namely their personal commitment to turning around the Vermont homes. “I think that’s more [important] than any five-star score you can look at,” he said. “I think that’s more important than anything that you’re going to find on a piece of paper. “It’s the people that stand behind that,” Glatzer continued, “and I’m hopeful that you can see that that’s who we are.” Smith asked Gamzeh and Glatzer to submit additional information for his review. A few days later, Smith announced his retirement at the end of the month. He plans to issue a decision before then. m


Lt. Gov. Molly Gray Announces Run for U.S. House B Y SASH A GO L D S TE IN Democratic Lt. Gov. Molly Gray on Monday announced her candidacy for Vermont’s lone U.S. House seat, seeking a congressional perch just one year after she won her first-ever election. “I have a lot of deep experience to be incredibly effective in this moment, and that’s what drives my decision,” Gray said in an interview on Monday. “It’s the deep service to Vermont, working hard for Vermonters, fighting like hell for every corner of our state and leading with my values, which are Vermont’s values.” Gray, 37, burst onto the scene in the Democratic LG primary last year by beating back a crowded field. She cruised in the general election and took office in January. Gray has had support from big names in Vermont politics and has connections to U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), whose retirement announcement last month helped clear the way for her run. A week later, U.S. Rep. Peter Welch (D-Vt.) announced his candidacy for Leahy’s Senate seat, meaning no incumbent will be seeking reelection to Vermont’s lone House seat for the first time since 2006. Vermont has never sent a woman to serve in Congress, and Gray is one of several women looking to change that next year. Vermont Sen. Kesha Ram Hinsdale (D-Chittenden) and state Senate President Pro Tempore Becca Balint (D-Windham) have also expressed interest in running for the House seat, though neither has formally declared her candidacy. Reached on Monday, Ram Hinsdale said that “this is clearly a time that requires big change. “We have rising costs of everything from health care to food; our window to take on climate change is closing rapidly; and the Republican Party is dismantling our democracy before our eyes and undoing some of our most basic rights,” she said. “And I think with those big challenges, taking them on will require big vision. So I think you’ll be hearing more from me soon.” Of the three, Gray has the least political experience. She grew up on her family’s farm in Newbury and, as a young adult, interned in Leahy’s office. She worked on Welch’s winning campaign in 2006, then stayed on as a legislative aide. Before her run for LG, Gray was employed as a Vermont assistant attorney general. m

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12/6/21 10:16 AM

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12/6/21 10:30 AM

news had sued a Philadelphia nonprofit that was planning to open a site called Safehouse; the case is still pending in federal court. But Blackwood also noted that “potential leadership changes” at the White House could usher in a more accepting stance toward the sites. Indeed, political winds have shifted under President Joe Biden’s administration. Last month, the federal Department for Health &Human Services issued a report concluding that overdose-prevention sites could “represent a novel way” of addressing the nation’s opioid epidemic. And last week, New York City opened the nation’s first sites, where nine overdoses were reversed during their first few days of operating. Four of the city’s five district attorneys support the sites, and Mayor Bill de Blasio has promised “not to take enforcement action” against their operators, the New York Times reported. Vermont advocates still have George, the Chittenden County state’s attorney, in their corner. But the stance of Nikolas Kerest, the new U.S. Attorney for Vermont, is unknown. Kerest declined an interview with Seven Days about his position on overdose-prevention sites pending his confirmation in the U.S. Senate, which happened Tuesday night. George is optimistic that Biden’s administration wouldn’t go after Vermont, but she said she doesn’t personally know Kerest. “I would hope that our state would scream from the rafters if that was happening,” George said of federal criminal charges. “It’s certainly a fight I would take on with any ounce of power I have to do that. I would defend [overdose-prevention sites] with all it took, and I would hope the mayor would, too.” The mayor in question, Miro Weinberger, agreed that the recent step in New York City has made prevention sites a viable option in Burlington. “Now is the time to pursue this,” Weinberger said, adding that overdoseprevention sites are “getting to the top of the list of strategies that make sense.” Unanswered questions remain, however, such as where to put a site, and how to fund and staff it. Some proponents have suggested Howard Center, the Burlington nonprofit that has operated the Safe Recovery needle-exchange program for more than two decades, as the most sensible partner to operate the center. Baker, the Burlington advocate, has proposed using the state’s $60 million from a legal settlement with opioid manufacturers Cardinal Health and McKesson — with more anticipated from OxyContin makers Purdue Pharma — for the as-yet-unknown operating costs. 18



Dope Idea « P.15



Councilors first asked for a report examining the feasibility of opening an overdose-prevention site more than a year ago, but the process was delayed when its lead researcher left for a new job. The task has fallen to Marielle Matthews, the city’s public health equity manager, who was hired in February. Scott Pavek, a Burlington resident and former Vermont House candidate who is in recovery, has joined Matthews in his new role as the city’s substance use policy analyst. In an interview last week, both Matthews and Pavek declined to share their research. Pavek has advocated for an overdose-prevention site in Burlington for several years but said the city’s report will be an objective review of how one might operate in Burlington. Matthews agreed that the prospects are much brighter than just a year ago.

“There’s really nothing for communities to fear besides the loss of life by not implementing a robust harm-reduction strategy,” Matthews said. “I think the landscape is getting better and better for this kind of intervention to come to fruition.” There’s seemingly no partisan divide on the issue among local elected officials. Democratic Councilor Karen Paul (Ward 6) and Progressive Council President Max Tracy (Ward 2) have both been vocal proponents and agree that Burlington should move forward. Paul, who introduced the topic in 2018, thinks that Burlington could open a site by 2022, as long as there’s support from the community. “People should have the opportunity to understand what it is, where it’s going to be and what are the advantages of having this,” she said.

Still, the proposal is likely to garner criticism. Opponents often argue that the sites legitimize drug use and increase crime, despite evidence to the contrary, and residents would almost certainly speak out against a site in their neighborhood. Law enforcement officials aren’t always keen on the idea, though it’s unclear how Burlington’s acting police chief, Jon Murad, feels about prevention sites. Murad, a finalist for the permanent top cop job, didn’t respond to multiple Seven Days’ interview requests and hasn’t spoken to the newspaper since June. The state health department isn’t necessarily an ally, either. Health Commissioner Mark Levine served on the governor’s opioid council that recommended against overdose-prevention sites in 2018. The department is reviewing new research in light of Burlington’s plans, but officials are still concerned about the sites’ legality, deputy commissioner Kelly Dougherty said. She added that Vermont has limited drug prevention funds, and health officials wouldn’t want to undercut other treatment programs to pay for prevention sites. “I don’t think I can say our position has necessarily changed. I think that we are reexamining at this point,” Dougherty said. “We are open to any intervention that could help decrease overdose deaths. We look forward to seeing how this progresses in Burlington.” Grace Keller, coordinator for Howard Center’s Safe Recovery program, said it’s impossible to know how many lives an overdose prevention site would have saved last year, but she’s confident that people died because they used alone. In 1986, Switzerland opened the first overdoseprevention site, and more than 100 have since opened around the world. No one has died at one in the 35 years since. Keller, who is serving on a city committee that supports prevention sites in Burlington, is heartened by New York City’s early success. “We’re seeing that the sky didn’t fall,” Keller said. “That’s really what everybody needed, is somebody to go first, somebody to lead the way.” Baker thinks that his city is ready to carry the torch. A retired therapist, Baker said that when he began practicing, insurance companies would deny the claims he submitted for his patients’ drug and alcohol counseling. Society was equally unaccepting of methadone clinics and syringe service programs when they first started. Every step to help people in addiction has been a fight, Baker said, but he thinks that if the city backs an overdose-prevention site, it has a good chance of succeeding. “I’m an advocate, so I don’t stop trying,” he said. “I believe that Burlington will come through.” m

Give the gift of



Media Note: Amid Money Woes, Hardwick Gazette to Sell Its Building

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@phoenixbooksvt 11/29/21 1:12 PM


© 2021 Seiko Watch of America. SPB261, SPB263, SPB265




B Y A NNE WA L L ACE ALLEN • The paper drew international attention in 2016 when former owner Ross Connelly offered to hand over the operation to the winner of an essay contest. Entrants were asked to describe, in 400 words or less, their “skills and vision for owning a newspaper in the new millennium.” The gimmick was ultimately unsuccessful, but Small, who lived in Connecticut at the time, The Hardwick Gazette was one of the entrants. He and building in fall 2020 his wife worked out a deal with Connelly, and the sale went The Hardwick Gazette, the 132-year-old through in early 2017. weekly newspaper of record in its namesake Although the Gazette’s printing press Northeast Kingdom town, will sell its was moved to the Shelburne Museum building and shift to a remote newsroom to decades ago, the building remains a reposisave money. tory of obsolete newspaper technologies, Ray Small, the editor and owner, said with letter blocks in wooden cases and a on Tuesday that the Gazette’s advertising Linotype machine. And the basement is revenues dropped by 90 percent after the home to a massive paper-cutting machine pandemic hit, “and they really haven’t come with a huge blade. Small doesn’t expect back.” that to go anywhere, whatever happens The Gazette stopped publishing a print with the building. version in the spring of 2020 but continued “I don’t see how that doesn’t get found publishing a digital edition online, available by aliens 2,000 years from now right where for a small fee. In last week’s issue, the it is,” he said. paper announced its plans to close its Small local newspapers have been offices, along South Main Street, on hit hard in the last two decades by the December 31. The paper has been published advent of online advertising, including free since 1889. services such as Craigslist that replaced There are no plans to stop publishing the lucrative classified ad sections. The altogether, Small said, though the paper is Poynter Institute, a nonprofit research losing money. In fact, he’d like to bring back organization in Florida, reported on the print version someday. December 2 that about 1,800 newspapers “We’re fine, all things considered,” he have closed in the United States since said. 2004 — about 1,700 of which, like the The paper covers Hardwick, a burg Gazette, were weekly papers. of about 1,000 people, and 10 other NEK There are also success stories. After towns. When the Gazette stopped putting the Waterbury Record shut down in March out the hardcopy paper, it lost revenue from 2020, a local newspaper veteran started legal notices it printed for local towns. the online Waterbury Roundabout. The Small said he’s working on making the outlet collaborates with a research and Gazette into a nonprofit, so that donations journalism project at the University of are tax-deductible. The paper is also looking Vermont and works in partnership with the for volunteer journalists to cover neighborTimes Argus in neighboring Montpelier. The ing towns, something the Gazette was Roundabout creates content for a weekly doing in Greensboro and Craftsbury before print product that is distributed through the pandemic. the Times Argus to residents in Waterbury’s “It was a subsection written by and two zip codes. for the people, and we had photographs The online news org recently reached an and poems and cartoons, and it was really agreement with the Vermont Journalism quite a nice little issue dedicated to the Trust that enables the Roundabout to towns,” he said. “And that was to prove the receive tax-deductible donations. point that if need be, we could actually Despite all the partnerships, the have towns cover themselves for most Roundabout isn’t making enough money things.” to cover its expenses, said editor Lisa The Gazette lists 17 employees or Scagliotti, who works long hours for a contributors on its masthead, including weekly salary of $300. She’s still not sure nine contributing writers and a cartoonist. that a small local paper can thrive in the “Ultimately, the future of the Gazette face of all the new obstacles, but she will rest with the residents of each town,” expects to find out. Small was quoted in the story about the “It’s all a work in progress. Everybody is building closure. “If we can replicate the trying different things,” Scagliotti said. “A success of the pre-pandemic volunteer lot of the old formulas aren’t holding up, so efforts in Greensboro and Craftsbury, we a lot of us are starting to go off in our own may avoid shutting down the Gazette.” directions.” m


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12/1/21 12:01 PM 11/12/21 2:23 PM


Retooling Refueling

The new Climate Action Plan talks a good game about not burdening Vermonters. Can it deliver? B Y K E V I N MCCAL L UM • DIANA BOLTON


hen Jared Duval was a kid, he and his mother lived in an uninsulated apartment above a garage in the Upper Valley. His mother eked out a living as a waitress, so on even the coldest winter days, they used the wall-mounted propane heater sparingly to save money. “At night we’d set the thermostat just high enough to keep the pipes from freezing,” Duval said. His low-income family’s struggle to afford high-cost, fossil-fuel heat made a deep impression on Duval. So, as a member of the Vermont Climate Council this year, he was one of several participants who insisted that while the state pushes aggressively to lower greenhouse gas emissions overall, it must also lower the burden of energy costs on people like his mother. “How do we make sure that this transition has benefits that lower energy costs for Vermonters, especially low- and middle-income Vermonters who spend a disproportionate share of their household income on energy?” Duval, executive director of the Energy Action Network, asked during a recent interview. Last week, after nearly a year of work, the 23-member Climate Council created by the legislature approved a 273-page interim climate action plan. The document recommends an array of strategies to help Vermont more aggressively cut climate-warming emissions, absorb and store more carbon on farms and in forests, and prepare residents for more extreme weather events. The plan does not have the power of law but depends on lawmakers to enact strategies that will encourage Vermonters to drive electric vehicles, better insulate and more efficiently heat their homes, and get their electricity from cleaner sources such as wind, solar and biogas. The council’s road map differs markedly from Vermont’s past efforts to address climate change by emphasizing equity, particularly its calls for greenhouse-gas-reducing incentives and subsidies to be focused on low-income, vulnerable and historically marginalized groups. The bulk of the 230 recommended actions in the plan were selected with such people in mind, according to Sue Minter. She’s a former Democratic candidate for governor and executive director of anti-poverty nonprofit Capstone Community Action, and she cochaired the council’s Just Transitions Subcommittee. “There was significant time and energy devoted to thinking deeply about systemic inequity and how and whether the policies being proposed could work to redress those inequities,” Minter said. Minter’s subcommittee encouraged the council to take an expansive view that included considering the needs of those most exposed to climate risks, such as farmers, as well as people who have historically suffered from oppression, poverty and racism. For example, the plan recognizes that those who lack resources or face discrimination can be more vulnerable to flooding and other impacts of climate change. It calls for providing money to help people relocate from flood-prone structures.




In the end, however, there wasn’t enough time — because of pandemic restrictions and tight deadlines — to conduct the kind of robust dialogue needed to build trust with those marginalized communities, Minter said. The council has been up front about this failure, she noted. “We absolutely fell short in deeply engaging folks,” she said. And yet Minter says the plan’s clear, public call for equitable climate strategies sends a forceful message to lawmakers as they draft program details and adopt budgets in the months and years ahead. Whether the plan’s strategies would help or harm the Vermont economy and residents’ household finances is a contentious political question. Gov. Phil Scott has repeatedly expressed resistance to climate policies that increase Vermonters’ cost of living. His administration did so again last week, claiming that the lack of detail in the climate plan makes it impossible to calculate its costs. “We cannot support proposals which impose a fiscal commitment beyond the means of most Vermonters,” the administration said in a press release issued minutes after the panel’s 19-4 vote to adopt the plan. The debate about whether the plan would result in higher energy costs and, if so, for which Vermonters, is taking place before lawmakers and regulators begin to turn the Climate Council’s ideas into public policy.

But one economic analysis concluded that between now and 2050, Vermonters could come out $3.2 billion ahead by dramatically reducing fossil fuel use and turning to electricity for transportation and home heating. That analysis, by two consulting firms, Energy Futures Group and Cadmus, also concluded that the transition would be extraordinarily expensive. An estimated $16.9 billion would be needed to better insulate buildings, bolster the state’s electrical grid, install charging stations, and offer incentives to get people to buy EVs and electric heat pumps at the scale required. On the other hand, making those changes would help Vermonters avoid $20.1 billion in costs over that same period, because they would spend so much less on gasoline, propane, fuel oil and other fossil fuel products. The difference between those figures — the $20.1 billion in fuel savings compared to the $16.9 billion in investments — is the $3.2 billion theoretical economic boost from the transition. Critics who focus on how programs might increase future fuel prices conveniently ignore the drop in spending on those fuels from the transition, Duval said. “The whole point of this plan is to help people get off of those fuels over the longer term,” Duval said. EVs still cost more to purchase on average than gaspowered cars, making it harder for lower-income people to afford vehicles that could save them money in the long run. Studies have shown that the average Vermont driver could

save $1,500 a year in operating and maintenance costs by switching to an electric vehicle. That’s why the plan calls for the state to expand subsidies to help lowerincome residents buy EVs, Duval said. Clean energy incentives have proven inequitable in the past. What good is a $7,500 tax credit if you don’t earn enough to have tax liability to offset in the first place? But incentives can be income sensitive. Minter noted that the state offers lowerincome residents aid for buying used hybrid vehicles. To pay for expanding such programs, the plan calls for the legislature to institute a “vehicle efficiency price adjustment” on the sale of new gas-powered vehicles. People could still buy inefficient, polluting gasoline cars and trucks, but they’d be hit with a fee to reflect that vehicle’s pollution impact over its life, Duval said. For example, the Ford F-150 Raptor is one of the least efficient new vehicles on the road, getting just 18 mpg on the highway. The all-electric version, the F-150 Lighting, gets 85 mpg. Drivers could still buy the gasoline version but would pay a fee, perhaps thousands of dollars. That money would help pay other drivers to choose cleaner EV options, Duval explained. Such incentives are essential, Duval said, if the state is going to reach its goal of having 170,000 electric vehicles on the road by 2030. This year, just 4,360 plug-in hybrids and all-electric vehicles were registered in Vermont. That electric vehicle milestone is widely viewed as the toughest one for Vermont to meet if it is to fulfill its pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation accounts for 40 percent of the state’s emissions. Another lynchpin: The plan calls for subsidizing the widespread installation of efficient cold-climate electric heat pumps. The state needs 110,000 pumps to meet its 2030 emission-reduction targets, according to estimates. The anticipated cost savings from switching to heat pumps vary widely; a study done for the council estimated a central heat pump would save a household $1,235 annually over propane. Heat pumps work best in homes that are well winterized, and the plan calls for a dramatic increase in weatherization efforts, too, to the tune of 90,000 additional homes by 2030. One way the plan envisions paying for those pumps would be to require heatingfuel dealers to meet a clean-heat standard. Small fuel-oil delivery companies, propane dealers and big companies such as Vermont Gas would have to reduce the carbon footprints of their operations. To do so, they could switch to biogas, such as that generated from the new Vanguard Renewables digester in Salisbury

that catches, cleans and sells methane from decomposing cow waste and food scraps. Or they could help customers switch to biofuels, use wood pellets, or install heat pumps, heat-pump water heaters and more efficient electric appliances. While that may sound like an existential threat to the fossil heat industry, Matt Cota, head of the Vermont Fuel Dealers Association, said the plan at least acknowledges that emission reductions won’t all come from switching to electricity. “It recognizes that this work doesn’t get done without the people who are, you know, actually doing the work: the heating fuel and heating service industry,” Cota said. The plan recommends that the legislature require any such program to deliver a “high fraction of clean heating solutions to low- and moderate-income households in the early years.” That equity language is more than rhetoric, according to Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore. “I believe the plan puts those who can least afford it absolutely top of mind,” said Moore, who served on the council and voted for the plan, with reservations. The cost analysis performed for the plan shows that to achieve the required reductions, billions in clean energy investments need to be made now, well before 2030. Only after 2030 would fossil fuel purchases drop enough for the state to enjoy net savings. That’s eight years of making multibillion-dollar investments to achieve significant but distant and often indirect economic benefits, Moore said. In addition to questions about where the money for these investments would come from, it’s uncertain whether the people that the subsidies and incentives are intended to help would be willing to go along. That’s because the council heard from so few of them. “We need relationship building and direct engagement with low-income communities to have a shared understanding of what actual barriers to adoption are, not what we think the barriers to adoption are,” Moore said. If, for example, the state adopts generous incentive programs to help people afford EVs, but the real barrier is the lack of charging stations in rural areas, then the aggressive adoption of EVs envisioned in the plan will likely fall short. Moore is proud of the plan’s aspirations but worries about the state’s ability to accomplish them. “Some of the goals feel really unreachable,” she said. “I don’t know that that means they’re the wrong goals. I think it’s a clear indication of how much work we have to do.” m

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OBITUARIES Ellen Sabo Morris

NOVEMBER 29, 1951NOVEMBER 24, 2021 GRAND ISLE, VT. Ellen Sabo Morris of Grand Isle, Vt., a lifelong teacher, educator and mentor, passed away on the evening of November 24, 2021. On November 29, 1951, she arrived as a gift of joy for her parents, Bernard Sabo and Jane (Nowatenski) Sabo, of Wallingford, Conn. She never knew the joy of siblings (my perspective) but cherished the knowledge that she would always be her daddy’s favorite little girl (her perspective). A graduate of Lyman Hall High School in Wallingford, she came to Vermont and the University of Vermont in 1969. At UVM, she earned a bachelor’s degree in education, a master’s degree in secondary education and a certificate of advanced studies in public school administration. UVM is also where she began her love affair with the game of hockey. Ellen was a lifelong UVM men’s hockey fan and a season ticket holder. It was at one of those games that she met her eventual husband, Barclay Morris, the loud fan in the row

in front of her. First we were acquaintances, then friends. Finally, something clicked, and we married in 1979. We sat in those same seats on October 29 and cheered UVM’s win over Boston College. Ellen spent 21 years in public education, both as a teacher and as an administrator, and eventually found her way back to UVM in the division of Continuing Education (since then realigned as Continuing and Distance Education). She organized UVM’s first programs in distance learning. They brought AP math and AP English to many small high schools across the state. At one time or another, she visited every high school in Vermont. Her job evolved over time, and she ended up

working with a variety of colleges and departments within UVM and with a variety of students in CDE’s Guaranteed Acceptance Program, as well as with the postbaccalaureate/premed program. The rest of Ellen’s life was filled with adventure. At times you could find her downhill skiing, crewing in sailboat races, chartering sailboats in the Caribbean, windsurfing, kite skiing on frozen Lake Champlain, visiting numerous little islands in the Caribbean, and on trips to Paris and China. She always enjoyed the simple pleasures in life, as well. Ellen enjoyed her flower gardens and always loved a walk in the woods. She found joy in the eagle perched on a tree in the yard, or cataloging the birds

and waterfowl out on the lake or in the woods and marsh behind us. The feeders were always filled, and she cherished those visitors just as well. No one could have guessed that her greatest passion would turn out to be skydiving. She came to skydiving later in life. Ellen’s first jump, at 47, came on our wedding anniversary in 1999. It alleviated her fear of heights, and she went on to do over 1,400 more jumps in the next 22 years. She earned her D license and a Static Line Instructors rating, and she served as S&TA for Vermont Skydiving Adventures for several years. Second only to her joy for jumping was teaching the first jump course to many dozens of new skydivers. (Yes, always a teacher.) Not all of them passed, but all of them lived. Many of her students have gone on to become instructors, as well, often because of her joy and inspiration. Ellen grew into the job of drop zone mom for many at Vermont Skydiving Adventures and found herself sharing jumps with many of her former students. We (Ellen and Barclay) jumped with numerous partners over the years but never had more fun than with their dear friends Joe Crossley, Laurelae Oehler

and Ellen’s longtime skydiving mentor, Ole Thomsen. Ellen leaves behind on this planet her best friend, fellow jumper and husband, Barclay. Also missing her are her three remaining cousins and their spouses: Ted Meyers and his wife, Salli; Steve Dsupin and his wife, Dot; and Brian Cannata and his wife, Joanne. She was also close to her married in-law family, as well: her brother and sister-in-law Bob and Gail Morris; her sisterin-law Judy Edwards; nieces Kristen and Jenny Edwards; and nephews and their wives Colin and Aubrey Morris and Sean Morris and Kelly RothenMorris. Equally important in her life were her extended family of 22 years at Vermont Skydiving Adventures and the wonderful and loving neighbors gained over 33 years in Grand Isle. Ellen’s biggest donations were always to the Humane Society of Chittenden County. If you wish to honor her, please make a donation to your local humane society or animal shelter. (I’ll save the stories about her four-legged, furry and whiskered kids for next summer’s celebration.) At the end, I have to shout out thanks to the doctors, nurses and physical

therapists at UVM Medical Center who fought so hard for 21 months to try to conquer the cancer spreading through her body. We knocked it down several times, but Ellen just couldn’t quite defeat it. Their efforts gave us many wonderful days together that we wouldn’t have otherwise enjoyed. Ellen’s cremation was arranged by the Cremation Society of Chittenden County and Ready Funeral Home of Burlington, Vt. Her obituary is available on their website, as well, at Due to COVID-19 worries and Vermont winter weather, there will be no visitation or services at this time. A celebration of Ellen’s life on Earth is planned for the summer of 2022, to be held in the islands of Lake Champlain. Ellen was my best friend, fellow adventurer through life and wonderfully loving spouse. She passed away peacefully and gently at McLure Miller Respite House in Colchester under the loving care of a staff of angels disguised as neighbors and friends. She will be missed forever, and this house we built together will always be a little empty without her. Blue skies, girl.

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Thomas Parker Morse AUGUST 7, 1980-DECEMBER 2, 2021 MONTPELIER, VT.

Thomas Parker Morse, born on August 7, 1980, was a dedicated and loving father, husband, son and friend. He was a true Renaissance man: an eighth-generation maple sugar maker, a lover of books and history (especially Vermont history and his family’s connection to it), an amateur writer and poet, a composer and arranger, and a hunter. His passion was sugaring, and he felt honored to work the land that he loved and that his father and grandfather had farmed before him. He was a talented musician, namely a trumpeter and a flügelhornist, but also was trained in classical piano and dabbled in electric bass as a boy. He loved playing his trumpet and performed around Vermont with countless bands in a wide range of styles, from funk to blues to rock to jazz and everything in between. He was widely admired and recognized for his beautiful tone on trumpet, his instantly recognizable sound, and his understated but intentional approach to improvisation. He enjoyed watching sports in his rare free time, especially baseball and basketball, and was a die-hard Red Sox fan. He loved listening to a wide variety of music, from heavy metal to jazz, and would regularly share songs he was inspired by with his wife and friends. He loved driving the backroads of Calais and was among the few who could navigate any combination of roads in central Vermont without using a map. Tom was known for his incredible kindness and caring, always taking time to stop and ask folks how they were doing and about their family, and seemingly never forgot a name. He had many dear friends from all walks of life who meant the world to him, including those from his childhood and schooling years, music community, fellow multigenerational Vermonters, fellow farmers, hunting buddies, and many others.

William Craig Metcalfe JULY 17, 1935NOVEMBER 22, 2021 BURLINGTON, VT.

William Craig Metcalfe died early in the morning of November 22, 2021 — the feast day of the patron saint of music, Saint Cecilia — at the Arbors in Shelburne. His last few days were peaceful, with his wife, Elizabeth, and children, Sue and Scott, at his side. He was 86 years old. A teacher, performer, director and entrepreneur in music and scholarship, Bill made enormous contributions to musical life in his adopted home of Vermont and was beloved for his warmhearted generosity and wit, the breadth of his interests and enthusiasms, and his persuasive knack for combining intellectual rigor with open emotionality. Bill was born on July 17, 1935, in Toronto, Ontario, the only child of Myrtle Reva Craig and Robert Henry

Metcalfe. He attended Lawrence Park Collegiate in north Toronto, where an inspiring music teacher helped kindle his passion for conducting. He then studied history, French and Spanish at Victoria College, University of Toronto, earning a BA in 1958. During his college years, setting the pattern he would follow for his entire life, Bill devoted much of his time outside of his academic work to music, composing, arranging, conducting and

He leaves behind Monika Morse, his wife; daughter Caitrin; stepdaughter Emma and her son Liam; father Burr and his late wife, Betsy; brother Robinson and his partner, Miriam; and Lance and Dorothea, his in-laws. A special thanks to his many friends, family and acquaintances for their thoughts, prayers and search efforts. A celebration of Tom’s life has not been finalized but will be forthcoming. A poem by Thomas: The Calais Stage When I used to bring Harry for rides I always knew the only direction to go was north, Up the Calais Stage toward Maple Corner and Woodbury Gulf. Before too long Harry would make his usual comment About today’s drivers with heavy feet and weak minds, After all, Harry grew up in a time when the only traffic On the road were a couple Model Ts and the stagecoach. Harry’s father, Sydney, drove the coach. When the morning chores were done, Young Harry would sometimes accompany his father, And they would bring country folk down from the hills, And into the village of Montpelier, Then a day long trip, now a fifteen minute cruise, For those with a heavy foot. My Grandfather Harry and his father Sidney lived long lives, Watched most of their road get paved, And saw new houses sprout like clover; In fields that no longer yielded hay. While these changes saddened them, They knew that change, like death and taxes were inevitable And welcomed in their new neighbor In his twilight years, when his driving days were over; I had the privilege of taking Harry On his beloved rides, up the old stage coach road, Past his birthplace, and past Maple Corner; Where the road turns to dirt, and on into the Gulf, Where there are no houses, and County Road Looks like the Calais Stage that it once was.

directing productions of Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. The pianist for those G&S shows was Elizabeth Auld; a romance soon blossomed. Bill and Liz were married in May 1958 between final exams and graduation. They departed that summer for Minneapolis, where Bill pursued graduate studies in history at the University of Minnesota, earning an MA in 1959 and a PhD in 1967. The couple moved to Burlington in 1963, when Bill joined the faculty of the University of Vermont as a professor of history and assistant director of the nascent Canadian studies program. “Applied schizophrenia is what I’m all about,” Bill told a Burlington Free Press writer in 1995, typically poking fun at his lifelong eclecticism and a career divided between passions for history, Canadian studies, teaching and music. He taught at UVM for 35 years, serving along the way as chair of both history and music, as well as director of

Canadian studies. He was a witty and engaging lecturer and a warm and convivial colleague with a gift for bringing people together and enabling them to do their finest work. Bill was the first editor of the American Review of Canadian Studies (1973-89) and editor or coeditor of two books, Understanding Canada: A Multidisciplinary Introduction to Canadian Studies (1982) and Northern Exposures: Research on Canada in the United States (1993). His role in shaping the field of Canadian studies was recognized by the Donner Medal in Canadian Studies, awarded in 1993 by the Association for Canadian Studies in the United States, and an ACSUS Alumni Award in 2013. But Bill loved music above all except his family. He was cofounder and codirector of the UVM Baroque Ensemble (1965-88), cofounder and frequent conductor of the Vermont Mozart Festival (1974-2010), and founder and conductor of the Oriana

Laurel Allen

OCTOBER 14, 1954-NOVEMBER 4, 2021 WINOOSKI, VT. Laurel “Lolly” Allen, of Winooski, Vt., passed away on November 4, 2021. Laurel was born on October 14, 1954, in Framingham, Mass., to Mary Rose Allen and Reginald Allen, both of whom predeceased her. She was one of eight brothers and sisters. She graduated from Winooski High School and studied at Champlain College. She is survived by her son, Clifford Patton, of Burlington, whom she adored. She is also survived by Clifford’s father, Carl Patton; her brother Kevin Allen of Colchester; her brother Reginald Allen and his wife, Debbie, of North Hero; Ron Hunkins and his wife, Patty, of Barre; Gerry Allen and his wife, Bobbie, of Essex Junction; her sister Mary Slattery and her husband, Jack, of South Burlington; Susan Hunkins of Burlington; and Karen Decoteau and her husband, Earl, of New Hampshire. She is also survived by many nieces and nephews. She was also predeceased by her dogs Paul, Gus and Lou, whom she loved dearly. Laurel had many talents, was artistic and was an avid reader. She was always willing to help out people who were less fortunate. She lived many years at the senior housing on Barlow Street in Winooski. She will be dearly missed by her friends and relatives.

Singers (1981-2017). Bill, with characteristic idiosyncrasy, conducted with his left hand. He conducted more Bach, Handel, Mozart and Haydn than anything else, but his repertoire spanned centuries of music, from the Middle Ages and Renaissance through contemporary works, and he had a special fondness for English music from Purcell to Britten, including, of course, G&S. Bill was made a fellow of the Vermont Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2011 and, in 2015, together with Liz, was awarded the Walter Cerf Medal for Outstanding Achievement in the Arts by the Vermont Arts Council. Bill was fascinated by geography and loved to travel with Liz; he loved good food and wine; he was an avid reader of mystery novels; he enjoyed nice watches and pens; he enjoyed life as much as he was able; he loved his family above all else. Bill is survived by his wife, Liz; his son Scott, daughterin-law Emily Walhout and

granddaughter Anna of Watertown, Mass.; his daughter Sue, son-in-law Andrew Speno, granddaughter Erin and her husband, Brandon Stout, and grandson Benjamin Speno of Cincinnati and Columbus, Ohio; sistersin-law Jan Lord of Guelph, Ontario, and Cathy Davin of Tucson, Ariz.; his late sisterin-law Susan’s husband, Jack Hansen, of Thunder Bay, Ontario, and their children Josh and Emily and their families; and his Canadian cousins, Alan McCormack and Trevor Metcalfe and his wife, Teresa. Bill’s family is very grateful to the staffs of the memory care unit at the Residence at Quarry Hill and the Arbors in Shelburne for their gentle care for Bill in the last few years as he struggled with dementia. Donations in Bill’s memory may be made to the Vermont Youth Orchestra ( or the Cure Alzheimer’s Fund ( A memorial celebration of Bill’s life is planned for the spring of 2022.





too much money, and you nurses deserve better because you keep this hospital running,” then we can have an honest discussion. David Wanderman BROOKLYN, N.Y.

respect decisions made by a jury of one’s peers and condemn violent protests. Will Leahy speak up for those still incarcerated after the January 6 U.S. Capitol riot who have not yet been charged with a crime? There’s still time to CLEARING THE AIR? add to his legacy. Wishing Patrick and Marcelle Leahy all the best in the years ahead. 1, 2021 VOL.27 NO.8 SEVENDAYSVT.COM VERMONT’S INDEPENDENT VOICE NOVEMBER 24-DECEMBER




Thank you for your article about the Vermont liquor business [“Lifting Spirits,” November 17]. You missed one aspect that has plagued Vermont management of its liquor stores, which is supply. Products that Vermont claims to carry are often unavailable. As of last week, the closest store that carries Dolin sweet vermouth (Rouge), my preferred, is in Ludlow. One local store said it was unable to get Jack Daniel’s for more than a month. The best London-style dry gin I’ve had is also almost the cheapest — from Costco in Massachusetts. Same with white tequila. But, of course, Costco can’t sell liquor in Vermont, as it does in other states. As your article suggests, it should be possible to tax the sale of liquor to maintain the income to the state without having the state manage sale and distribution. Expecting legislators, with little skill and expertise, to manage a liquor business is almost as ill-advised as having legislators try to run health care. If Vermont gets out of the liquor business, the supply and pricing problems will take care of themselves, as they mainly do for beer and wine. Tom Bailey



[Re Off Message: “Leahy Won’t Seek Reelection Next Year,” November 15; “Leahy’s Retirement Announcement Sets Off a Scramble to Succeed Him,” November 17]: While U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy has served Vermont well, I wish that he could have broken from the Democratic Party line more to reach across the aisle. In this remaining year as senator, Leahy has the political capital to spare to speak up for more true unity, decency and compromise — and, when need be, to speak against fellow Dems who only encourage more division, discord and hate speech, and who continue to use the race card, as used often by U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, Sens. Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and others. As a former prosecutor, he could speak up more firmly to encourage all to 24



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THAT’S A WRAP! Holiday shopping handbook inside

[Re “Market to Farm,” November 24]: Why not require all food sold in Vermont to be packaged in biodegradable packaging? Give the industry, say, five to 10 years to adopt this policy.

Market to Farm

New PCB guidelines cloud BHS’ future


holiday shopping handbook

A new food waste disposal method raises fears that microplastics will taint fields BY KEVIN MCCALLUM, PAGE 28



A holiday spectacle at Shelburne Museum

Robert Devost



Regarding [“Level Best?” November 24] and the debacle caused by faulty information about contaminants within Burlington High School, my first question is: Why aren’t we hearing about this in other schools in Vermont and the U.S.? There must have been thousands of schools built during that same time period, using the same materials and construction methods to meet government regulations and codes. I recall attending, a few years before the discovery of contaminants at BHS, a couple of informational meetings led by the mayor. The theory was that BHS required so much repair that the only viable action was to take it down and build a completely new school. It was not well received, for reasons that included lack of a solid plan for the handling of interrupted education, classroom facilities, projected costs and time frames. Next, it seemed that the issue of contamination came up, and the mayor and school board pushed through their original idea for an entirely new school to be built without the veto power of the taxpaying population. This was all based on the false premise of a dangerous environment — so dangerous that the student population had to be moved into a temporary location immediately. I’m wondering: Was this an underhanded plan to build that new high school without having to go through a public forum and vote? Was this a play to get federal funding and state funding based on contamination? Why weren’t any checks done with surrounding communities or states? There must be more to this story, and some people should be held accountable. I would appreciate anything you can do to bring this to light. Howie Krieger




Roomy new digs for Burlington Beer

Alex Perkins



[Re “Market to Farm,” November 24]: Thirty-eight percent of organic landfill waste was discarded in packaging, according to a 2018 study estimate. I agree with the manager of the state’s solid waste program: We need to deal with food waste in packaging. Depackaging machines cannot screen out all plastics. All organizations that feed into the waste stream need to be held to the same standards as individual homeowners in separating food waste from their containers before any machine separation efforts. The further we move plastic through the waste system, the costlier it will be to our health and for future remediation. Meanwhile, we can push to deal with the problem closer to the original source. Consumers, restaurants, hospitals, hotels, grocery stores and other groups can contact food processors and manufacturers and pressure them to package food in nonplastic containers. Let’s tell these companies to curtail, if not end, plastic food packaging. If eggs can be shipped and delivered in biodegradable and reusable nonplastic containers, why can’t many other foods? Also, grocery stores can provide more bulk food offerings. Bernard Paquette



[Re Off Message: “Spectators, Media Banned From Winooski-Enosburg Soccer Game,” November 1]: On behalf of the Vermont chapter of the National Association of Social Workers, I’m writing to express our disappointment with the Vermont Principals’ Association for failing to address and investigate the racial abuse incident that was reported by the Winooski soccer team and Winooski school superintendent Sean McMannon. It is disheartening to learn that the VPA has not been proactive in addressing the racial abuse behaviors in school athletics. Despite multiple witnesses and

statements from Winooski team players, VPA ignores taking action against these racially abusive behaviors. Putting out well-written statements and implementing trainings only address racism on the surface. These athletes are our future. We, the adults, have a responsibility to teach these students and young adults how to respect others. The VPA refused to conduct an independent investigation and didn’t take any action to address the athletes’ behaviors. At the least, the VPA could have hosted a restorative circle for all the athletes that were involved. Both schools have social workers embedded in the staff; the VPA could have utilized school social workers to take anti-racist actions. But the VPA didn’t do anything. Social workers have a very strong ethical code regarding advocating for racial and social justice. We have no tolerance for any racial abuse. The Enosburg and Winooski incident is not an isolated incident. It is happening all over Vermont. Vermont has work to do regarding racial abuse accountability, especially for our young adult Vermonters who are our leaders of the future. We urge the Vermont Principals’ Association to take action to set a positive example to other organizations in dismantling racism. Linda Li


Li is president of the Vermont chapter of the National Association of Social Workers and chair of its Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Committee.


The article in your newspaper [Off Message: “Federal Funding Approved for Bridge to Carry Cyclists, Pedestrians Across I-89,” November 19] seems to editorialize a need for this bridge by suggesting that pedestrians and bicyclists “must” negotiate busy traffic and several crosswalks. The fact is that the current bridge on Williston Road over Interstate 89 has fine, manageable sidewalks with excellent, well-marked pedestrian stop signs and crosswalks at the junctions with I-89 onand off-ramps. Hence, this newly approved bridge is not needed and is a sad waste of tax dollars. Even though almost $9 million of the almost $15 million bridge cost will be federal money, someone along the way has to pay the piper. There is clearly no reason to build this bridge. Dan Cohen



Why Are There New Sensors on Burlington Parking Meters?




$65 per month. If the test proves effective, “expansion would certainly be considered,” Padgett said. Burlington officials want to eliminate the stress of trying to find a parking space. They hope that easier parking will encourage more visitors to come, thereby increasing city revenue more broadly. Improving the environment is another important benefit. Motorists who know precisely where available spaces are will waste less gas and create fewer emissions than they would endlessly circling downtown. The city intended to have the sensors functioning during August, September and October, Padgett explained. Between peak summertime tourism, the return of college students (and, briefly, their parents), and fall foliage season, the three-month period is one of the busiest times of the year. Padgett said minor technical difficulties caused the pilot’s delay and that the revised timeline was both good and bad. It would have been great to collect data when the downtown was most congested, he noted. But testing in the winter will allow officials to see whether snow accumulation affects the sensors’ performance. IPS Group case studies show that the company’s technology has proven effective in cities such as Malden, Mass., a suburb of Boston with roughly one and a half times the population of Burlington. Once Malden had collected enough data about parking trends, it implemented a fully integrated smartparking system. Neil Sullivan, owner of Malden restaurant Cornucopia Foods, says in the study that his business experienced a 10 to 12 percent increase in weekly revenue once the city implemented its new system. Padgett noted anecdotally that metered spaces are almost always available in Burlington and that the College Street and Lakeview garages — connected structures that have entrances on College, Battery and Cherry streets — are consistently 50 to 70 percent full. He said that Burlington has no plans to increase the number of parking spaces or facilities. Padgett said he sees “more solutions to parking right now than there are problems.” Between multiple ways to pay — coins, credit cards and the ParkMobile app — and plenty of available parking, the issue might be all in people’s heads, he said. “It’s more of a nuanced argument. [They say] there’s no convenient parking. And I’m like, ‘Well, go to the Lakeview Garage. It’s literally less than a five-minute walk from the Lakeview Garage to Church Street.’” m JORDAN ADAMS

nyone who’s visited downtown Burlington increased revenue [from stopping] piggybacking to pay on a busy afternoon or evening knows the for the meters themselves,” he said. frustration of trying to find a convenient The city hasn’t spent any money on the sensors parking space. Many employ the George yet; it is testing 18 for free. Sensors sell for $250 each. Costanza method: First, look for the dream spot right Retrieving data from 18 of them would cost the city in front of the destination, then loop around in concentric circles. That can work, but it often yields diminishing returns, and folks who’ve been burned one too many times may not even venture into the Queen City. “This has been a consistent refrain — that there’s no parking in Burlington,” said Jeff Padgett, the city’s director of parking and traffic. It’s a myth, he said, that his office is desperately trying to bust. The city is working to ease parking concerns through a pilot program that may one day allow Queen City motorists to see exactly where parking is available. A handful of stereoscopic, pole-mounted sensors are attached to a small number of Main Street meters. Once operational, this month or in January, they will detect when a vehicle is occupying the space. The goal is to allow people with smartphones to use an app that shows every available space, based on data gathered by the sensors. For the time being, the city will use them to collect occupancy data for determining parking trends. The sensors aren’t cameras, as one Seven Days reader feared. “There’s nothing captured other than the presence of the vehicle,” said Mark Berling, a salesperson with IPS Group. The San Diegobased company makes the sensors, as well as the smart meters introduced in Burlington in the mid-2010s. The primary goal of Burlington’s pilot program is to learn how many people are parking on the street, at what time of day and for how long. Meters can also give this information, but they aren’t as accurate. A motorist could pay for two hours and leave the space after one. But the sensors have other functions, too. They can increase revenue one car at a time by resetting meters once cars have vacated spaces. That prevents piggybacking — a car pulling into a space for which the meter has remaining time. In that scenario, instead of collecting overlapping payments from both MA R K BER LI NG cars for the same block of time, the city only gets a payment from the first car that’s parked. But Padgett said Burlington won’t use that feature. “A lot of cities justify the use of these occupancy meters because they calculate the

INFO Learn about where to park and ways to pay in Burlington at Got a Vermont mystery that has you flummoxed? Ask us! SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021


Why independent physicians are disappearing from Vermont BY C O L IN F L AND E R S •


s a physician in private practice, Dr. Laura Norris decides for herself how many patients to see each day. She often schedules 30and 60-minute appointments even though a jam-packed schedule would bring in more money, because she believes that having time to ask patients about their kids, jobs and even their summer crop yield makes her a better doctor. She has practiced this way for 26 years, and she has loved every one of them. “It’s been my dream job,” she said in her office at the Cambridge Family Practice last month. “There is no clock ticking behind me.” Lately, though, Norris no longer feels like time is on her side. Three nurse practitioners are leaving for higher-paying jobs, and Norris has only found one replacement. More troubling, her three physician colleagues expect to retire in the next few years, and she has little hope of recruiting successors with the salaries she can offer. Before long, she will be the practice’s last remaining doctor. “It’s not a very stable future,” she said. “I don’t know what we’re going to do.” Independent doctors are a dying breed in Vermont. Fed up with shrinking margins and grueling hours, dozens of physicians have left private practices in recent years, retiring early or joining hospitals or rural health centers. Those who have stuck it out are getting older, and many expect to retire within a decade. There’s no wave of replacements waiting in the wings. Buried in medical school debt, most young doctors have no interest in running a business and seek salaried jobs where they can count on a steady paycheck and better work-life balance. The idealistic few still drawn to small-town medicine have second thoughts once they learn what they would make at many Vermont practices. Some doctors, particularly those in rural areas, now doubt that anyone will take their place. “I’m irreplaceable,” said Dr. Donald Miller, Norris’ business partner, who opened the Cambridge practice 46 years ago. “That’s not because I’m some super doctor. We just can’t pay enough to bring someone in.” 26


Long-term, this could amount to fewer choices: More patients will be forced to seek care from hospital practices, where wait times are long. More doctors will decide to work for larger institutions, where they will have less control over the patient experience. This might not concern those born into the age of corporate health care, or those who treat their doctors like WebMD: Just figure out what’s wrong and how to fix it. And consolidation isn’t always bad. Bigger organizations have more opportunities to coor-

It’s hard to know how many are left in private practice today — no one regularly tracks this number — but anecdotal reports suggest that the decline has continued. The advocacy organization that represents many of the state’s independent doctors, Health First, lost 15 members over the last four years and is down to 128. Rural areas have been hit hardest. Practices there often have lower-income patients, who are typically on governmentfunded health care plans that reimburse

I’m irreplaceable. That’s not because I’m some super doctor.

We just can’t pay enough to bring someone in. DR. DONALD MILLER

dinate a patient’s care, which can result in better outcomes, and many hospital doctors still succeed in building relationships with those they treat. But many people desire a more intimate bond with their doctor, something private practitioners say they can best provide. “It’s just like how going to the general store to get your cup of coffee isn’t the same as going to Starbucks,” Norris said. “Being known, being understood, feeling like you’re not just a number — all of that, I think, ultimately leads to satisfaction.” The number of private-practice doctors in the U.S. has been dwindling for decades. Last year brought a milestone: According to the American Medical Association, doctors working for hospitals or health systems now outnumber those in private practice for the first time ever. The breakdown has historically been even more lopsided in Vermont. Roughly half of the state’s doctors were independent a decade ago, but the share had fallen to just 31 percent by 2017, according to a state analysis that year.

doctors less. It’s also harder to convince doctors to start their careers and raise families in places with few amenities. Franklin County had 11 independent pediatricians less than a decade ago. Now there’s only one. “And I beg him not to retire every time I see him,” said Liz Parris, who takes her six children to that last man standing, Dr. Joe Nasca. “I wouldn’t know what to do without him.” When private practices close, access can suffer, particularly when doctors retire or leave the state. Shuttered outfits aren’t easily replaced; it can take years to recoup high startup costs. Hospitals, meantime, have their own recruitment challenges, and many practices haven’t expanded in years. Meanwhile, Vermont’s health care system is feeling the strain of an aging population and, more recently, the pandemic. Independent doctors say they can continue to play a vital role in keeping Vermonters healthy for years to come. But first, they need to survive.


When Dr. Paul Rogers opened his Johnson primary care practice in the mid-1980s, he employed just one person to schedule appointments, stay in touch with patients and bill for his services. When he retired more than 30 years later, he was paying four people for the same work, and they still struggled to keep pace with all the demands placed on a 21st-century doctor’s office. Running a private medical practice isn’t cheap, and since independent doctors base their income on the bottom line, many have devised creative ways to keep their overhead low. Many practices still use paper medical records, refusing to switch to more expensive electronic systems. Some doctors enlist their spouses to pitch in on bookkeeping and maintenance tasks. A Richmond pediatrician, Dr. Paul Parker, even shovels his own parking lot. At Cambridge Family Practice, Norris and her colleagues take penny-pinching to a new level. Homemade curtains cover the exam room windows, obscuring views of cornstalks and a baseball field. A room for minor surgical procedures doubles as a storage closet. “We’re even counting paper clips,” quipped Dr. Deb Richter, who is one of the four docs. Still, certain expenses can’t be cut, and the cost of running the practice goes up each year. While businesses usually respond to financial pressures by raising prices, that’s not an option for independent practices, which rely on reimbursements from insurance companies. Government insurers — Medicare and Medicaid — have barely increased the rates they pay in recent years, forcing both independent practices and hospitals to rely more on commercial insurers for revenue. These companies in turn face pressure to keep their reimbursements low, since each increase trickles down to ratepayers. With only so much money to go around, hospitals and private practices end up competing for dollars.


Dr. Joe Nasca

It’s not much of a fight. Hospitals have more bargaining power and can negotiate higher rates, whereas independent practices say they must practically beg commercial insurers to come to the negotiating table. That’s why hospitalemployed doctors get paid more for the same services. Hospital leaders defend the disparity by noting that they provide a broad range of services that don’t see many patients but are important to the community, such as neonatal and trauma care. The de facto referee in this David versus Goliath fight is the Green Mountain Care Board, which determines how much money hospitals can demand from insurance companies each year. Vermont attempts to limit health care cost increases to 3.5 percent annually, but hospitals often insist that they need much more and threaten to cut services should they be rebuffed. This year, nine of the state’s 14 hospitals asked to charge commercial insurers more than

the state’s growth target. The University of Vermont Medical Center received permission to hike commercial rates by 6 percent. Meanwhile, independent practices can go years without substantial rate increases. “And at the very same time, those same insurance companies refusing to negotiate with us are increasing their premiums, which we have to buy for ourselves and our staff,” said Dr. Toby Sadkin, a primary care physician in St. Albans. “The math is pretty simple: It doesn’t work.” Sadkin and her colleagues are now negotiating with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont for what they hope will be their first rate increase in more than five years. Attempts to close the pay disparity have gained little traction. State regulators contend that raising reimbursement rates for independents would only make health care more expensive. Insurers, of course, agree. “While equal payment is a compelling argument in its simplicity, it’s not

realistic for our health care system,” said Sara Teachout, director of government and media relations at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont. “Health care wouldn’t be affordable at all.” But health care is already unaffordable for many, and losing independent doctors will only make matters worse, argues Susan Ridzon, executive director of the independent doctors’ advocacy group Health First. “We need balance. We need options,” Ridzon said. “We need this low-cost, highquality network, because as a Vermont health care consumer, I don’t want to have to go to a hospital and pay hospital prices for care that does not need to be done there.” The Green Mountain Care Board surveyed doctors several years ago to learn more about their biggest frustrations. More than a third of the 88 participating independents cited reimbursement rates as one of the biggest threats to their practices. They said they keep their practices

alive by working longer hours and always making themselves available — a trajectory many said was unsustainable. Those who had left private practice for salaried jobs overwhelmingly pointed to the increasing costs of running a practice as a key factor. Dr. Judy Orton, an independent pediatrician in Bennington, once expected to work well into her late sixties. But now, the 61-year-old doctor says she’ll be lucky if she can find the energy to make it another few years. “I’m tired of trying to figure out how to make ends meet,” she said. Rogers, the retired Johnson doctor, started looking for his own exit six years ago. Knowing that he could never sell his practice, he tried instead to give it away. But he found no willing takers after three years, and in 2018, he closed his practice for good. He’s since joined Cambridge Family Practice, where he works one day a week. THE DOCTOR IS OUT SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

» P.28 27


« P.27 Solo practices just aren’t economically viable anymore, Rogers said, especially for new graduates, who can leave school with up to $300,000 in debt. “I had $10,000 in loans. My tuition was $3,000 a year. I was able to just set up a practice,” he said. “I doubt there will ever be another doctor in Johnson again.”


After learning she was pregnant six years ago, one of Samantha Brown’s top priorities was finding a pediatrician. Not just any pediatrician, though. One who would take the time to get to know her and whom she could get to know in return — a bond that, she hoped, would make her more comfortable voicing her concerns. “I’m one of those people that tend to be put on the back burner. I don’t like to speak up,” explained Brown, a 27-year-old single mother. Brown knew some of her friends took their kids to pediatricians at the UVM Medical Center, while others saw Dr. Joe Nasca, that sole remaining independent pediatrician in the town of Georgia. All were satisfied. But those who went to practices owned by the Burlington hospital didn’t always see the same doctor, and that worried Brown. Wanting consistency, she chose Nasca. The two first met at the hospital on the day that Brown gave birth. She was immediately struck by Nasca’s “aura,” she said, describing him as warm and welcoming. She felt the same way during her initial visit to his office, where staff greeted her by name before escorting her to a nauticalthemed waiting room with a surfboard and a life preserver on the wall and painted fish swimming across a sea-blue tile floor. Driving home, she knew she had made the right decision. Independent doctors say they provide demonstrable benefits to Vermont’s health care system, from shorter wait times to cheaper care. But the benefits that patients cite are more intangible: comfort, trust, the belief that their doctor is invested in their health. It was the desire to provide this level of care that first drew Nasca from Buffalo, N.Y., to a group practice in Franklin County three decades ago — and later pushed him to branch out on his own. 28


Samantha Brown and her kids Jayson, 5, and Callie, 18 months

In 1991, Nasca became the fourth doctor at the St. Albans independent practice Mousetrap Pediatrics. As the practice doubled in size over the next 15 years, Nasca felt it was losing its personalized touch. The phone tree grew more complicated. His weekly night on call felt like it lasted an eternity, the phone ringing nonstop from anxious parents, most of whom he had never met. He started to have chest pain. “Eventually, I just said, ‘Look, I have to go,’” he recalled in his office one day last month. “‘The confusion, the uncertainty. I can’t live with this all the time.’” He opened his own practice right off Exit 18 in the town of Georgia, where he’s been for the last 15 years. Meanwhile, his independent peers in Franklin County have disappeared. The two doctors who ran Franklin County Pediatrics shuttered their offices. His old colleagues at Mousetrap sold out to nearby Northwestern Medical Center. Leanne Blanchard was pregnant with her first child when Nasca went solo. A physical therapist, Blanchard preferred the warm atmosphere at private practices over the “clinical and sterile” hospitals.

But she was unsure whether Nasca would really be on call around-the-clock as he promised. Her mind was eased the first time she called late one night and he immediately called her back. “When he comes into that room with your child, it’s like your child is the only child in the world in that moment,” Blanchard said. “You never feel rushed. You never feel like you’re asking a stupid question. He’s just so calm, collected.” Brown, the single mother, has moved several times since choosing Nasca over the hospital and now lives in South Burlington, about 30 minutes away. She could likely find a pediatrician closer to home, but she refuses to make a switch, citing the trust she’s developed with Nasca over time. That bond only deepened last month, after the doctor helped her overcome one of her worst days as a parent. Nasca was showing a visiting reporter around his practice when his office manager interrupted to tell him Brown was on the phone. Her 1-year-old daughter, Callie, was feverish and vomiting. Brown wanted to know whether to take her to the emergency room.

When Nasca got on the line, Brown listed the symptoms. “She just took a three-hour nap, and her eyes are, like, rolled back into her head,” Brown explained. “I can’t get her attention for the last 15, 20 minutes. She’s not acknowledging me. Her body is tensing up. Her body is extremely shaky.” Brown then began to say something else but stopped, her voice melting in sobs. She said her daughter’s name several times. “What is she doing?” she asked anxiously. “She’s having a seizure, Samantha,” Nasca responded. “We need to call 911.” He asked his office manager to send an ambulance to Brown’s house. He instructed Brown to flip the young girl over onto her belly to prevent her from choking on vomit. He asked whether the girl was breathing; she was. “Just keep holding her,” he said in a steady voice. “She’s going to be OK.” Nasca stayed on the line for another 15 minutes, occasionally asking questions while assuring Brown that help was on the way. Eventually, sirens could be heard, then the voices of emergency responders. Nasca told Brown that he’d call her back once she was settled in the emergency

room. Before hanging up, he told her, “You did good, Samantha.” Afterward, Nasca tried to suss out what, if anything, the interaction meant for this story. He suspected that Brown’s daughter had suffered a febrile seizure, a scary but common occurrence when a child’s temperature spikes. Maybe if Brown had called a doctor at a hospital practice, she would have gotten a directory, then reached someone who knew none of her background, who hadn’t spent a dozen hours with her over the last five years. But would that have mattered?

freedom to spend more time with each patient? That’s the driving question behind what’s known as “direct primary care,” a relatively new model of medicine that allows physicians to avoid the more frustrating aspects of traditional health care — insurance paperwork and overloaded schedules — and instead focus on patients. Rather than bill insurers, direct primary care doctors charge a flat fee that can cover anything from office visits and virtual communication to certain basic procedures. Participating doctors say

When he comes into that room with your child, it’s like your child is the only child in the world in that moment. LE AN NE B L ANCHARD

Nasca himself described his response as little more than “virtual hand-holding.” Still, the interaction meant something to him, he said. And he suspected it meant something to Brown, too. “That’ll be a big part of the family story,” he said. “‘The time that Callie had the seizure, and you were on the phone with me for 15 minutes, Doc, and you called the ambulance.’” “That’s worth something, isn’t it?” Later, Nasca called the UVM emergency department and confirmed his suspicion about the seizure. He then called Brown, who told him that Callie was back at home already and feeling better, so much so that she was running around the house and playing with their hamster, Stuart Little. He set up an appointment to see the mother and daughter the next morning.


Salaried doctors at large medical systems are more insulated from day-to-day financial pressures, but they are often encouraged by administrators to cram their schedules, leaving them less time with each patient. Doctors in private practice, meanwhile, have autonomy but a far less stable income. Choosing between the models can often be boiled down to a single question: What’s more important, security or autonomy? But what if there were a way to have both a consistent revenue stream and the


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they manage without the additional staff BIKRAMYOGAWILLISTON.COM needed to navigate the health insurance system. Patients pay on average about $75 a GG8v-earth&salt112421.indd 1 11/17/21 8v-willistonbikramyoga111721.indd 11:52 AM 1 11/15/21 9:57 AM month, or $900 a year, studies show. The biggest advantage in return is access: Earn your Teaching License Visits typically last longer at direct and Master’s Degree in primary care practices, and most offer flexible scheduling, including after-hours phone calls, emails and texts. Patients are still encouraged to carry some type of insurance in case of medical emergencies, surgeries or expensive tests. But for those with cheaper, highProgram Features: deductible insurance plans — who are The Saint Michael’s College Master of Arts more likely to put off seeing a doctor for Multiple field placements in Teaching program (MAT) provides an financial reasons — the model offers a with expert teachers innovative, accelerated, and competitivelyway to seek regular preventative care. priced path to a master’s degree and An increasing number of employers Collaborative cohort model initial license or additional endorsement. culminating in a transformative have started to cover such memberships, With concentrations in Art, Elementary (K-6) capstone experience hoping it will encourage more employees with optional Early Childhood additional to address problems early and reduce 100% job placement for graduates endorsement, Middle (5-9), Secondary (7-12), expensive future claims. seeking a teaching position and Special Education, the MAT is open Direct primary care practices have been cropping up across the country over to those with or without prior experience the last decade. There are now more than in education. Already have a license? 1,600 practices in 48 states, according to DPC Frontier, a trade organization. But Saint Michael’s College graduate studies, Get an additional endorsement the trend has only just started to catch because reputation matters. in Special Education or English Language Learners and on in Vermont: Several practices have your master’s degree in only opened in the state in the last few years, one or two years while a growing number of doctors facing diminishing returns now say they’re Evening and summer classes considering a switch to the model. designed for working Dr. Marian Bouchard runs Fiddlehead professionals Family Health Care in Bristol, a direct

one year


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12/6/21 2:15 PM


« P.29 primary care office. It’s her second stint in private practice after spending the last eight years at a Federally Qualified Health Center, a model of primary care championed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and subsidized by the federal government, to care for underserved populations. Bouchard appreciated the center’s mission but said she started to feel as if she never had enough time in the day, “like I was a juggler with my foot out trying to catch the ball before it hit the ground,” she said. She left, opening her Bristol practice last year. Patients pay fees based on their age; children start out at $20 a month, while people over the age of 55, who are more likely to have chronic conditions requiring more frequent contact, pay $90 a month. The fees cover visits and virtual consultations. If patients require more complex care, Bouchard said, she refers them to specialists just as any primary care doctor would. The model isn’t without skeptics. For starters, many people can’t afford to pay hundreds of dollars or more in membership fees on top of insurance premiums, and some critics fear that widespread adoption of the direct primary care approach would only exacerbate inequities. There are also questions about its largescale applicability. At their core, direct care practices seek to provide more in-depth care than a traditional practice — and that means seeing far fewer patients. Bouchard’s patient load is now under 400, less than a third of what it was at the center. If many more doctors switched to the model, critics say, more Vermonters would have trouble finding a primary care physician. Bouchard sees the equation differently. To her, questions about access to care must not only include whether someone has a doctor but also whether that doctor actually has time to talk to them when problems arise. The traditional primary care system also poses financial barriers: Patients without insurance or on highdeductible plans often avoid visiting doctors because of money concerns, she said. “I’ve seen people putting off care and putting off care and putting off care and then ending up in the ICU,” she said. She recalled one such patient — a man in his fifties — who had bronchitis that 30


Dr. Laura Norris in front of a painting of Jeffersonville in the waiting room of Cambridge Family Practice

Curtains sewn by Dr. Norris in an exam room

later became pneumonia and ultimately killed him. “The whole point of direct primary care is that you don’t wait until you’re dead to show up to the doctor, because you’ve already paid for it.” Bouchard also argues that the model might actually keep some doctors in private practice, because it gives

burned-out doctors a chance to find joy in their work again. “People are retiring because they have had it,” she said. “If you’re a family doctor and you’ve devoted your life to training to do this, there’s a lot of you that’s in this … You don’t stop painting if you’re a painter, right?”

Primary care doctors aren’t the only ones looking for alternatives to the status quo. Six years ago, a group of specialists joined forces to propose Vermont’s first outpatient surgery center, offering both patients and doctors another place for surgeries outside local hospitals. The Green Mountain Surgery Center in Colchester offers a limited range of outpatient procedures. It’s a for-profit venture run by physician-managers. Vermont’s hospital trade organization vehemently opposed the facility, arguing that it would introduce unnecessary capacity into the system, thereby raising prices while siphoning moneymaking procedures away from already struggling hospitals. After a protracted review, in 2017 the Green Mountain Care Board finally approved the center, which opened its doors two years later. The surgery service has proved to be a smashing success, its leaders say, saving Blue Cross Blue Shield an estimated $5.5 million to date. It’s also helped bolster the ranks of Vermont’s independent community. THE DOCTOR IS OUT

» P.32



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12/1/21 3:30 PM

« P.30 When Dr. Gregory McCormick, an independent ophthalmologist in South Burlington, performed all his cataract surgeries at the UVM Medical Center, he managed about a dozen in a day. At the surgery center, he performs up to 28 surgeries in a day. By more than doubling his efficiency, he said, he’s managed to sustain his practice despite stagnant reimbursement rates. The center attracted several specialists to Vermont. They include Dr. Susan MacLennan, a plastic surgeon who spent 15 years working at the UVM Medical Center before leaving in 2015 because she felt she was no longer able to provide personal, high-quality care there. She spent the next three years in western Canada, all the while keeping tabs on the proposal back in Vermont. When the surgery center finally opened, she took on a minor ownership stake and moved back across the border.

She was inundated upon her return with patients stuck with long waits at UVM’s plastic surgery department, including many seeking breast reconstruction or sex reassignment surgery. Soon, she started looking for a new partner and recently managed to hire a native Vermonter who was practicing out of state. “It’s the happiest I’ve ever been in my career,” she said.

Miller dialed back his hours six years ago and now works only three days a week: two seeing patients and another on paperwork and other administrative tasks. He still enjoys the work, but he’s not sure how much longer he can do it. “I’m burnt out,” he said.

I doubt there will ever be another doctor in Johnson again.


Back in rural Vermont, the future is far more uncertain. Nasca, the Georgia pediatrician, hasn’t set a retirement date. But he’s already 63, and the days only seem to be getting longer. Each year, he invites residents at the UVM Larner College of Medicine to visit his practice on the off chance that an idealistic young doctor might want to take it over. None has showed any real interest. In Cambridge, patients ask Miller every day about his retirement plans. He suspects that’s partly because he’s known some of them for so long; he’s seeing the fourth generation of certain families. “And I suppose some of them think I look like I ought to retire, too,” the 77-year-old joked.

The only other solution is to join a hospital or the county’s Federally Qualified Health Center. It wouldn’t be too difficult: The health center has already inquired about absorbing the practice and keeping Norris on. But appointments at the health center last half as


Knowing she cannot sustain the practice on her own, his partner Norris is considering her options. One is to switch to direct primary care; she recently had a video call with Bouchard to discuss the benefits and took note of how happy the doctor seemed. But Norris can’t shake the feeling that she’d be doing a disservice to her patients by requiring them to start paying her a monthly fee for access she already provides. “I don’t know very many of them who could afford it,” she said.

long as the ones she now schedules, meaning she would have far less time with each patient. Gone would be the days of taking 15 minutes to listen to someone’s relationship problems or the struggles of life on the farm. Maybe none of that matters in the long run. Maybe having the time to build trust doesn’t make her a better doctor. “But I think it does, or else I wouldn’t have done it this way for so long,” she said. “And that’s what scares me.” m

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12/3/21 9:45 AM

Reverse History

Remote Canaan’s busy past comes to life in a stash of century-old photo negatives B Y A NNE WAL L A CE ALLE N •


wood mill in Beecher Falls is still one of the region’s largest employers. Most of the photos are portraits. They show children posing in the Lunds’ studio with toys, or families at their homes. There are groups with deer they’ve shot, a man with a huge dead bear, and couples out for a drive in Canaan’s downtown, which has a large green surrounded by homes. One negative shows a dog hitched to a little cart, pulling a child. Canaan’s architecture hasn’t changed much, though a big hotel visible in many of the images burned down in the 1930s. Henry Lund, a lawyer, and his wife had a Victorian home with a photo studio; it still occupies one corner of the town square. The negatives sat in the basement until the late 1980s, when the family that owned the house asked Charlie Jordan, a newspaperman in nearby Colebrook, N.H., whether he wanted to have a look. Jordan spent long hours there. “I’m holding up each image to the light, and even in reverse I could tell they were exceptional,” said Jordan, who published about a dozen of the photos in his nowdefunct monthly Coos Magazine in 1989. He was struck by a family group that included a man with a large revolver on his lap. He also noted a formal portrait of several women in tall, pointed white hats. “They had an eye for the bizarre,” he said of the Lunds. Jordan returned the negatives, which were eventually moved to the town offices. Ever since they’ve landed with him at the historical society, Fuller has been trying to identify the people in the photos. He combs through a Library of Congress website that features old newspapers, searching the pages of the defunct Essex County Herald for faces he’s seen in the negatives. In this way, he was able to explain a photo of people in wagons wearing spooky-looking masks. A newspaper article described Canaan’s Halloween “parade of horribles” in 1907, and he recognized the store in the background. “It’s fun doing stuff like that,” he said, adding that it’s hard to stop. “The more you find, the more you want to find.” Jordan, who now publishes the weekly Colebrook Chronicle newspaper, showed





ennis Fuller was raised in Canaan, a Connecticut River town located at the meeting place of New Hampshire, Vermont and Québec, and he’s always been interested in his hometown. But not until he started looking closely at hundreds of old glass-plate photo negatives did Fuller discover that liquor smugglers used to send riderless horses through the woods from Québec to evade U.S. Customs inspectors. The horses, draped with burlap sacks, carried the bottles over the Canadian border back to their barns in Canaan; the owners drove their cars through U.S. Customs without a care. “The horses knew their way home on the trails,” said Fuller, the chair of the local historical society. He has a photo of some equine couriers that were intercepted with their contraband in the Prohibition era, which lasted from 1920 to 1933. “The Customs people eventually figured it out,” he said. Peering at glass negatives on a light table is a labor of love for Fuller, 74, who is retired from a career with U.S. Customs and Border Protection that took him to Winnipeg, Manitoba, for 32 years. When he returned to Canaan a decade ago, he got involved with the historical society and with hundreds, possibly thousands, of old glass negatives that the town offices had asked the society to take off their hands. Most of the negatives, thin rectangles about the size of a small paperback book, came from a photo studio operated by local residents Henry and Carrie Lund around the turn of the 19th century. Since then, the society has received a few hundred more old negatives. Some came not from the Lund collection but from a man in Island Pond; others are from the former home of Beatrice Holmes, who once operated a store and post office in town. These days, Fuller spends his time identifying and digitizing the images. He prints out his favorites for display in the small historical society museum, which occupies the second floor of a former stagecoach stop built in 1846. The town library is downstairs. Glass negatives, relics of photography’s earliest era, were in use from around 1870 to the 1920s. The negatives show the opposite of the image in terms of light and dark. The glass negatives in the Canaan collection tell a story of a time when the

Clockwise from top: Glass negative of Canaan House, circa 1905; Dennis Fuller holding a negative up to light; portrait of a one-legged man

town, at the crossroads of three large lumber regions, bustled with several general stores, a tannery, a blacksmith and other businesses that supported the logging and hunting that were the basis of economic life. The negatives show log drives and picnics held at the site of logging and

sugaring operations. There are photos of the 125-year-old furniture mill in Beecher Falls, a village about two miles north of downtown Canaan, that employed 500 people at its peak in the 1950s. A pair of brothers who owned a furniture company bought the mill in 1935 and took its name, Ethan Allen, for their business. It is now one of the largest furniture companies in the country and is based in North Carolina. The


» P.36 35

Hunter with bear

Reverse History « P.35 Fuller a program that flips the light and the dark in negatives so that they look like photos — not like spooky alter images. Fuller is haunted by the thought of the photos that he knows are missing. There are almost no pictures of the regional baseball league, for example. In the 1920s, baseball was so big in Canaan that it dominated the first few pages of the newspaper, and the town teams competed in Québec and New Hampshire. Fuller himself played for a team in neighboring Hereford, Québec, in the 1950s. But if anyone documented the 1920s-era players or crowds, the negatives aren’t to be found. Also absent are photos of the racetrack built by George Van Dyke, a lumber baron who once owned much of the North Country. His companies used to send logs down the Connecticut River to sawmills in Massachusetts, and his track included a huge grandstand. Fuller hasn’t found any photos of Van Dyke himself, either, and has just one photo of the racehorses. There are houses where the track used to be. “People still find horseshoes out there,” Fuller said. Fuller said Canaan had about 1,000 residents in 1900 and 1950. It has about 325 now, many of them retired. Though things aren’t what they used to be, the town hasn’t totally come to a standstill. The bowling alley that once supported 12 bowling leagues, Wayne’s Lanes, is still in business, and a new café, April’s Maple, opened in 2014 about seven miles west of downtown. Canaanites do their grocery shopping in neighboring West Stewartstown, N.H., just across the Connecticut River. The Ethan Allen furniture mill, built in the 1890s by a cooperative of carpenters from Vermont, New Hampshire and Québec, still employs about 100 people, Fuller said. The fire department, which is next to the mill, is the only one in Vermont that also serves Québec towns as part of its established service area, not as part of mutual aid, said Gary Moore. He visits Beecher Falls every month as a hazardous materials specialist for the state Division of Fire Safety HAZMAT Team. Back in the 1950s, Fuller said, Canaan was practically a self-contained community. If his family needed something they couldn’t find in town, they traveled to Colebrook, eight miles away. Once a year, Fuller, who played the trumpet, made the journey to Burlington with his schoolmates for the All-State Music Festival. Fuller remembers childhood summers spent playing baseball all day, every day. “We had everything we needed,” he said. m 36


A studio portrait of women in a theatrical performance in Canaan

The mill in Beecher Falls, built by Vermont, Québec and New Hampshire carpenters in the late 1890s

Studio portrait

A family portrait

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12/3/21 11:10 AM

It’s a Wrap

A Shelburne entrepreneur takes some of the waste out of gift giving B Y CA ROLYN SHA PIRO •





contains no glitter, foil, metallic print, Mylar, cellophane or coating. For ribbons and bows, the best option is reuse — the same principle that underlies Downey’s business. Shiki Wrap comes in three sizes: 18-, 28- or 36-inch square sheets. Prices range from $14 for a small sheet to $74 for six sheets of various sizes and colors. Downey has also offered Shiki Wrap gift bags. The wrap comes in solid red and brightly colored floral and geometric prints. A holiday design has holly on a teal background on one side and gold branches on a red background on the other. Downey works with four print designers, all but one of whom are people of color, she said. In the spring, she hopes to release an ocean conservation line of Shiki Wrap adorned with whales and other sea animals. “People want more sizes, more variety, more designs,” she said. Last week, Downey stood among stacks of empty eco-friendly boxes made from recycled cardboard and stamped with the Shiki Wrap logo, ready to pack and ship

orders. Each shipment includes a card with instructions for wrapping. “It’s super quick,” Downey said, tying the wrap around an item from her desk. “It’s quiet. It’s easy. There’s no waste.” Downey grew up and lived in the Midwest before moving to Vermont with her husband 10 years ago to give their daughter, who is now 14, a better quality of life, she said. She started Shiki Wrap after a 25-year career in a different aspect of gift giving — as a fundraising expert for nonprofits. In 2019, Downey helped the parentteacher organization at her daughter’s school with its annual holiday fundraiser by selling gift wrap and other seasonal items. She hoped to include locally made and sustainable offerings in the catalog, but she found only a few — and no options for reusable gift wrap. During her research, she stumbled on furoshiki, the Japanese tradition of wrapping goods in reusable cloth. Downey pays homage to that practice in both her concept and her company name, though she’s careful to distinguish cultural

appreciation from appropriation. For example, she avoids mimicking Japanese imagery in Shiki Wrap designs. She also consulted the book Gift Wrapping With Textiles: Stylish Ideas From Japan and reached out to the author, Chizuko Morita, who leads a study group of elders in Japan who want to preserve the furoshiki tradition. The group agreed to review Shiki Wrap and “sent me a report with their endorsements,” Downey noted. Downey has also collaborated with local experts in Japanese culture such as Megumi Esselstrom, who demonstrates furoshiki wrapping in a video on the Shiki Wrap website. Furoshiki captured Downey’s vision, but the available fabrics failed to match the characteristics she wanted. She realized that she had to design and commission the wrap herself. “I knew nothing,” she said. “I don’t even sew. I’m not crafty. But I do have a marketing mind, and I believed that there was a market for this.” Downey insisted on U.S. manufacturing, which is more costly than overseas



sheet of Shiki Wrap feels like high-tech workout gear. It’s smooth and silky, with ample stretch. But it’s designed for giving gifts, not scaling cliffs. Made mostly from recycled plastic fibers, Shiki Wrap is the eco-minded giver’s answer to nonrecyclable paper and ribbon. The square sheets of fabric come in various sizes and are reusable and reversible, with vivid prints on both sides. The giver wraps a sheet snugly around a gift, tying opposite corners to create a festive knot. When the recipient unties the knot, the wrap springs back to its original shape, ready for repeat use. Meagan Downey, the inventor of Shiki Wrap, launched her company with an online shop in February. The product emerged from her search for a non-disposable way to adorn gifts that was both neat and attractive. “This is like a mission to me,” Downey said during a recent interview from Shiki Wrap headquarters in the basement of her Shelburne home. “Basically, eco-conscious gift givers right now are in kind of a frustrating love triangle, torn between their desire to give a beautifully wrapped gift to the recipient and their love for the planet.” She hopes they can use Shiki Wrap to resolve that problem. Not only does the product help keep plastic waste out of landfills but it also reduces the production, consumption and disposal of wrapping paper. How big a waste problem is gift wrap? U.S. households generate 25 percent more trash between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Eve than they do the rest of the year, according to research from consultant Robert Lilienfeld. While those data are about a quarter-century old, Lilienfeld wrote in a recent email that he believes the figure is valid today, if not even higher. Stanford University cites Lilienfeld’s figures on the website of its wastereduction initiative, Peninsula Sanitary Service/Stanford Recycling, and adds, “If every American family wrapped just 3 presents in re-used materials, it would save enough paper to cover 45,000 football fields.” Chittenden Solid Waste District doesn’t track the quantity of wrapping and tissue paper it receives for recycling, only mixed paper as a whole, spokesperson Alise Certa wrote by email. On its website, the district advises gift givers to recycle any wrap that

production but creates a lower carbon footprint. She wouldn’t budge on material made from recycled plastic, though Shiki Wrap also contains a tiny amount of non-recycled, or virgin, material. “I believe that this is a critical part of building a circular economy — that you create demand for recycled plastic,” Downey said. “We’ve created so much plastic. We need to figure out what to do with it, and most plastic cannot be recycled over and over again, so you need to find a use that will be reusable. This is just one solution to that, my little piece.” She contacted a Vermont textile manufacturer, she said, offering to sell her idea and oversee production. That company turned her down.

Earlier this year, Downey participated in business accelerator programs at Generator, Burlington’s maker space, and LaunchVT, which pairs budding entrepreneurs with mentors. She worked with Jim Feinson, the former president and CEO of Gardener’s Supply, who praised her solid concept and social mission as an ideal fit for the Vermont business landscape. “It’s not just about selling stuff to make money,” Feinson said. “It’s about trying to make a difference in the world.” He believes that Downey has demonstrated the “resilience and flexibility and persistence” to grow the business and make it successful. “She has identified a need in the market,” Feinson said, “and


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6h-slate120821 1

12/6/21 10:38 AM

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A package of Shiki Wrap

A friend with connections in the garment industry directed Downey to two U.S. factories that produce fabric from recycled plastic under the North Carolina-based brand Repreve. In spring 2020, Downey received samples. “When I touched this, I was in love,” she said. One of the manufacturers agreed to cut and dye the fabric and make a prototype of her first design — a light-blue background sprinkled with snowflakes. For the 2020 holiday season, she ordered a trial run of Shiki Wrap and sold out, mostly to family and friends and through social media. Shiki Wrap’s sweet spot is the stretch, which is key to creating clean lines around a gift, Downey said. “When you wrap [a gift], it doesn’t really bunch. It just fits,” said Jen Cairns, a friend of Downey’s and fellow member of the school PTO. Cairns has bought at least 20 pieces of Shiki Wrap and counting, she said, not only to support her friend but also because “It is really nice to not have to cut your paper and get the tape out and make it fit. You just lay this out and use it, and it’s done.”

she’s addressing it and solving it in some unique ways.” Downey launched Shiki Wrap with about $30,000 of her own funds, including help from family. Over the summer, she gathered another $10,000 through a Kickstarter campaign. Next month, she hopes to secure a round of private investment for expanded production. Retailers have contacted her seeking wholesale accounts to sell Shiki Wrap, but she can’t manage that kind of growth with her current profit margin, she said. So far, Shiki Wrap’s revenues have at least covered its production costs, “but on a small scale,” Downey said, noting that she’s ready to take the next leap. “I honestly believe this is inevitable. This is what people are going to be wrapping their gifts with. It all comes down to what brand is going to penetrate the market [and] provide the best designs, the best value.” m

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12/3/21 11:05 AM


Dining on a Dime Five meals that will take you around the world for less than $15




Pork tamales with a side of black beans and salsa verde at Arandas Mexican Cuisine


Arandas Mexican Cuisine, 535 Route 302, Barre, 622-0453, arandas-mexican-cuisine.

Chili momo from Maya’s Mini Mart & Deli


ho knows what “normal” is at this point? But we’ve still got to eat — and we still feel the urge to treat ourselves to an occasional night off from cooking. Since it started in 2016, our “Dining on a Dime” online column has covered more than 100 meals that cost $12 or less. Recently, we’ve debated raising the price limit in light of significant jumps in the cost of ingredients and other restaurant supplies. At the same time, though, we recognize that many people are watching their own budgets as carefully as ever and seeking affordable meals out.





So, for the following collection of five new Dining on a Dimes, we kept an eye on price but also gave ourselves — and the featured businesses — wiggle room up to $15 if needed. Everyone can use a break from the routine these days. As Alfred Oloura of South Burlington said when he stopped to chat on the way out of China Express on Shelburne Road, “Sometimes we don’t want to cook.” Oloura and his wife planned to pair their order of fried rice with wings from Buffalo Wild Wings down the street. “It’s

different food than we make at home,” he said. “It’s a treat.” The five meals detailed here deliver flavors from around the globe: Mexico, China, Bhutan, Eritrea and Cuba. If you’re eating at home, try dining to appropriately themed music and checking the Travel Channel for a documentary to transport and inform you as you eat plump dumplings, crispy chicken tacos or berberespiced beef. It’ll be the cheapest “trip” you ever took.





Most of the drivers pulling into Thomas Farm & Garden in Barre on the snowy Sunday after Thanksgiving were after one thing: a Christmas tree. Evergreens lined the front of the building, and the greenhouses were filled with vibrant poinsettias and wreaths bedecked with bows. But I was in search of lunch. At the other end of the garden center on the Barre-Montpelier Road, a tiny takeout spot serves a menu packed with Mexican specialties, from enchiladas to picadillo tacos to picadas to stuffed poblano peppers. Like the filling inside tamales’ unassuming corn husks, Arandas Mexican Cuisine is a surprise. Lu Sola-Thomas and David Thomas own both the restaurant and the garden center. They bought the building — formerly Legare’s Farm Market — in early 2020, just before the start of the pandemic. The restaurant part of the biz started as a scoop shop and pizza place. “I was not going to open a Mexican restaurant,” said Sola-Thomas, who moved to Vermont a few years ago from Mexico City. “But everybody


» P.42



sofrito and prepared vegetables. The person who will most appreciate the move is the couple’s 5-year-old son, Macrery noted: “Last year, he was in the truck with us all winter.”


Lea Ann Macrery of My Favorite Things

Frost-Free Favorites

hours and offer on-site dining in the New Year. The menu will continue to emphasize comfort food favorites such as hefty bean or beef burritos; falafel burgers with housemade tzatziki; and poutine made with hand-cut fries, local cheese curds and Macrery’s own sausage gravy. She said offerings will grow to include more grab-and-go items, such as chili, soups, salads and flatbreads to finish at home with housemade

4T-Dedalus120821 1

12/7/21 10:09 AM

Jon Cohen of Miso toh Kome at Bolton Valley Resort


After two years on the road, food truck MY FAVORITE THINGS has landed permanent digs upstairs at 158 Main Street in its hometown of Jeffersonville. “This was definitely the goal for us,” chefowner Lea Ann Macrery said. “It happened sooner than we expected.” Macrery grew up in South Africa and Malawi and worked for a decade in New York City restaurants before moving to Vermont in 2014. She and her husband, Corey Cayton, ran their food truck through the winter of 2020-21 and are relieved to head indoors this year. “There’s definitely an extra feeling of gratitude and appreciation when you’ve been food truckin’ through a Vermont winter,” Macrery said. Through December, the brick-and-mortar version of My Favorite Things will be open for limited hours on Friday through Sunday for takeout only. Orders can be placed online and picked up curbside if desired. Macrery plans to hire staff so she can expand



This season, winter sports enthusiasts are getting some new eating options on or near the slopes. JORDAN and MOMO ANTONUCCI of Jay-headquartered MISO HUNGRY FOOD TRUCK have added three new MISO TOH KOME mountainside huts that serve energy-packed rice balls and miso soup at Bolton Valley, Stowe Mountain and Sugarbush resorts. In Ludlow, ABBY and ROGAN LECHTHALER have partnered with chef WESTON NICOLL to open GAMEBIRD, where fried chicken will meet classic ’80s arcade games in a family-friendly bar atmosphere. Check out this week’s Staytripper for details on both. m

Restaurant Poco burlington vermont

DECEMBER HOURS Weston Nicoll and Abby Lechthaler of Gamebird

CONNECT Follow us for the latest food gossip! On Instagram: Seven Days: @7deatsvt; Jordan Barry: @jordankbarry; Melissa Pasanen: @mpasanen.

Wednesday/Thursday 4:30-9 • Friday/Saturday 4:30-10 Dine in or Take Out • No Reservations Closed for the Holiday Week: December 22-25 Open December 29-January1 | 802-497-2587 4T-poco120821.indd 1



12/6/21 12:54 PM


China Express co-owner Yan Chen


Dining on a Dime « P.40 started asking for Mexican food, because they realized I was Mexican.” A Mexican-style pizza was an easy solution, she said. Next, she added burritos to the menu, since “that’s what everybody knew.” Initially, sourcing good Mexican ingredients was a challenge. Sola-Thomas relied on her mom, who brought products with her from Mexico when she came to visit. “But she was like, ‘I’m not gonna be able to bring products every time!’ And I was struggling,” Sola-Thomas said. She slowly added dishes to the menu and trained several cooks to make her family recipes, ordering her ingredients online. Eventually, a rep for a New Yorkbased distributor that delivers to other Mexican restaurants in Vermont noticed the expanded menu and asked whether she’d like to be added to the route. Fu l l y s t o c k e d , S o l a -T h o m a s relaunched the restaurant side of the garden center in February 2021. She named it Arandas for the town in Jalisco — “the land of tequila,” she said — where her grandfather is from. “It’s a lot of traditions there, and a lot of memories,” she said. “All the plates I serve are family traditions and plates my family and friends cook in different regions in Mexico. They’re really, really Mexican things.” On the day I visited, a steady stream of patrons strapped their trees to their car roofs and then wandered in to order vegetarian enchiladas, crispy chicken tacos or tacos al pastor. Most items on the menu are $13.99. The 12-inch burrito ($14.99) and the nachos for two ($14.99) looked big enough 42




Arandas Mexican Cuisine counter and seating

to share, especially with a side of black or refried beans (each $4.99) or chips and guacamole ($6.45). I was flying solo, and the weather and post-Thanksgiving holiday spirit drew me to the steamy pork tamales ($13.99 for two, with an ample side of black beans and salsa verde). Tamales are traditionally made at Christmastime, when families get together for tamaladas, or tamale-making parties, to share the labor-intensive work of preparing masa and fillings. I later learned that the tamales are one of the few dishes not made in-house at Arandas — manufactured in New York City, they come via the distributor. “Making tamales is a full-day process,” Sola-Thomas explained. “You need two people to do it, and it’s too much work.” But she likes the flavors of these, and so did I. They were ready after a short wait, which I spent wandering through the greenhouses looking at houseplants and soaking up warmth. My meal was packed to go, but I grabbed a seat at one of two picnic tables inside the small restaurant space. The pork was succulent and plentiful, and the masa was fluffy and moist, just like the menu promised. A simple salsa verde spiced things up, and the side of beans was so big that I left stuffed. The tamales were near the top of our budget, but when talking with SolaThomas after the fact, I realized they perfectly fit the spirit of the series. “Tamales are everywhere in Mexico,” she said. “They’re traditional because it’s a very cheap food — it’s something that everybody can afford eating.” In Vermont, where good Mexican food can be tough to find, I’ll gladly pay an extra few bucks for the real deal. J.B.

Cold sesame noodles and chicken teriyaki takeout from China Express


China Express, 295 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, 865-2155,

China Express is made for dining on a dime. The back of the paper menu lists 72 lunch and dinner specials, from chicken chow mein to tofu with mixed vegetables. All come with rice and an egg roll or spring roll for $9.25 or less. For $8.75, the “create your personal tofu dish” option includes steamed or fried tofu, a choice of two vegetables, and 10 sauces to pick from. I, however, came to this unassuming Chinese restaurant for one dish in particular, having seen a positive review on social media of the restaurant’s cold noodles with sesame sauce. Often called peanut noodles, this dish was a staple in our family dinner rotation when my kids were little. While it’s

deceptively simple, it’s hard to get just right: The sauce can be too thick or too thin. The noodles easily turn into a gloppy tangle. At China Express, you may be surprised to find the cold noodles in the “hot appetizers” section of the menu. They cost $4.75, so I added an appetizer of teriyaki chicken for $6.50, bringing my total to $11.25. For a vegetarian option, I scanned the menu for a vegetable dish to complement the noodles but couldn’t find one to fit the budget. Later, I realized that, at least at lunchtime, I could have added a special such as tofu with mixed vegetables. For $6.70, I would also have gotten a bonus egg roll and rice to deploy later in homemade fried rice. I had no reason to worry about getting my vegetables, though, because the ample serving of chewy, generously sauced lo mein noodles hid a small quantity of


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shredded green cabbage. The vegetable added a nice crunch when tossed with the noodles and creamy, sesamespeckled sauce, which had a judicious but detectable touch of chile heat. The four skewers of moist, darkmeat chicken were glazed with a saltysweet teriyaki sauce. Sliced into bite-size pieces, they were a great addition to the noodles, and I had enough food to share lunch with my son. Doing a twofer Dining on a Dime — $24 for two diners — opens up more vegetable choices. I can recommend the velvet-soft eggplant with garlic sauce ($8.95), though the broccoli with garlic sauce ($8.50) would be a good textural addition to the noodles and chicken. Either will keep you easily under budget. The day after my lunch order, I swung by the small restaurant to chat with co-owner Ming Zhang. He said his family is originally from Fujian, China, and lived in New York City before moving to Vermont. His father bought the restaurant in 2008, when Zhang was 22, and Zhang has worked there ever since. Since the pandemic, he and his wife and co-owner, Yan Chen, have been the only staff. “It’s hard to find people for [ jobs] now,” Zhang said. Their business, mostly takeout, has been steady, but Zhang said costs for staples, from cooking oil to takeout containers, have jumped the last few months. “We are hoping they will go down,” he said. The couple has been able to keep their own prices stable because “we do everything,” Zhang explained. Customers will find the owners cooking and serving behind the counter seven days a week, even on Christmas. “That is a very busy day,” Chen said. M.P.

Outdoor seating, fire pit, heaters & cocktails!

MOMOS ON THE MOVE Maya’s Mini Mart & Deli, 78 North St., Burlington, 497-2390, Facebook

Late this past summer, Maya GurungSubba and her husband, Suk Subba, opened Maya’s Mini Mart & Deli with a small menu of Himalayan takeout. The business, located in the former Nepali Dumpling House in Burlington’s Old North End, is a downsized version of what the couple calls their American dream. It was born from the pandemicrelated closure of their New North End restaurant, Maya’s Kitchen, in January 2021 after fewer than two years in business. A wall of beer and soda coolers hides the new store’s kitchen. There, the couple tagteams to prepare Himalayan-style dumplings called momos and a couple of other dishes from scratch, all of which sell for $12 or under. Subba makes the shopping list, and Gurung-Subba heads to local markets. He does the prep, and she makes and cooks the dumplings. “I always tell him, ‘Make it ready!’” Gurung-Subba said with a laugh. Vegetable, pork and chicken momo fillings are seasoned with a family secret mix of more than a dozen spices, GurungSubba said, noting that she keeps vegetarian options carefully separate from the meat. The hand-formed dumplings come 10 to an order steamed; eight, fried in a tangy, chile-spiked sauce (chili momo); or six, served in a tomato-based broth ( jhol momo). Prices range from $8.99 for jhol momo to $12 for chili momo. “People may not know our flavors and textures. This is what we used to eat in Bhutan,” Subba said, referring to the country that their families were forced to leave when the pair were young children. They



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spent years in Nepalese refugee camps before immigrating to the U.S. My favorite dish is the fried chili momo. The pork filling of a recent order was well seasoned and juicy, while the dumpling skins were simultaneously chewy and crisp, coated. The almost caramelized chiletomato sauce packs just the right amount of heat. Al dente chunks of sweet, cooked onion and a scattering of raw red onion and chopped cilantro finished off the dish. During my visit to Maya’s, a woman popped her head in the door to thank the couple for an order of steamed vegetable momos she’d brought to a gathering. A man stopped by to buy a Budweiser tall boy and chatted about how business was going. The market’s shelves offer an eclectic mix of candy, snacks, cleavers, kitchen strainers and small toys. Subba said demand for the prepared foods has been so steady that the couple hasn’t had much time to figure out their retail mix. He recommended that customers call to order ahead. “We chose this place because it is close to home and close to [our children’s] school,” Gurung-Subba said. The new business model suits them, too; the mini mart’s menu and hours are both more limited and more flexible than those of their restaurant. “I have time for the kids, to make them breakfast before school,” Gurung-Subba said. “It’s less work, less stress.” M.P.


Mulu’s Kitchen & Catering, 881-9933,; at the Winooski Farmers Market at Four Quarters Brewing on December 12; visit Mulu’s Kitchen on Facebook for future events.

Since I first tasted Mulu Tewelde’s food at a multicultural dinner series in Winooski a couple of years ago, I’ve jumped on opportunities to enjoy the dishes she cooks from her native Eritrea.


Dining on a Dime « P.43



Spicy lentils, collard greens and injera from Mulu’s Kitchen & Catering

I am particularly enamored of the tangy, spongy flatbread called injera, which is also a mainstay of Ethiopian cuisine and traditionally used as the utensil with which one scoops up mouthfuls of curried lentils, stewed greens and vibrantly spiced, braised meats. When I saw that Tewelde was one of the vendors at the winter pop-up Winooski Farmers Market hosted by Four Quarters Brewing at 70 Main Street, I grabbed my shopping bags and headed over for some vegetables and injera. Tewelde lives in South Burlington with her family. She squeezes her food business around her day job working with seniors in Burlington. This summer, she brought Mulu’s Kitchen to the Winooski Farmers Market. Now she sometimes numbers among the small set of vendors who come to the pop-up market on Sundays, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., at the brewery’s new taproom. At the pop-up market, Tewelde offers four different dishes weekly, plus injera — or rice as a gluten-free alternative. The choices vary weekly, but one staple is lentils stewed

Mulu Tewelde at the winter pop-up Winooski Farmers Market

with curry, turmeric, garlic, onion and ginger. Other dishes might include curried chicken (doro alicia) simmered with onions, ginger, garlic, tomato, curry, turmeric, clarified butter and herbs. Spicy mushrooms (engudey wat) are cooked with berbere, the signature Eritrean and Ethiopian blend of ground chiles, coriander, garlic, ginger, black cardamom and fenugreek. At the summer market, two dishes with injera or rice cost $12; a trio costs $16. When Tewelde moved to the winter market, she reluctantly increased the two-choice price to $13 to reflect skyrocketing ingredient costs, she said. She hopes to keep the threechoice price stable. The cost of cooking oil has jumped by $3, Tewelde elaborated, while the price of collard greens, which she cooks with onions, celery, ginger and garlic, has increased by 30 cents a bunch. Onions have gone up by more than a dollar per pound. “I was worried to change it,” Tewelde said of her price. “I try to keep it reasonable for me and my customers. It’s not like fancy restaurants; it’s just authentic food.”

In my view, Tewelde’s meals are well worth their price. The naturally leavened injera is finicky and takes her “hours and hours,” she said. For $13, I was fully satisfied with my chosen combination of nutty, spicy lentils (yemesser wet) and collard greens (gomen) with injera. I tasted a sample of the meltingly tender, warmly spiced beef (yesega wet) and put that on my priority list for the next time it’s on offer. Winooski’s winter market may or may not continue into 2022, but if it does, Tewelde said she plans to participate. Either way, she will continue cooking monthly takeout dinners at the Old North End Community Center, which have a higher price point of $20. I’m willing to fork over that much for an authentic taste of Eritrea. But if your budget doesn’t allow that, catch the last 2021 pop-up appearance of Mulu’s Kitchen on December 12 and look forward to the summer return of the regular market. M.P.

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Cubano sandwich and the Vegetariano plate

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12/7/21 10:12 AM



Santiago’s Cuban Cuisine, 1127 North Ave., Suite 20, Burlington, 862-4300,

When the team behind Santiago’s Cuban Cuisine took over the kitchen at Chile North this past August, business partners Luis Calderin and Oscar Arencibia promised they’d put a Cubano on the menu. “Vermont has never had an official Cubano sandwich, because there hasn’t been two Cuban guys making them,” Calderin said at the time, chuckling. “Now there will be.” And, lucky for me, it’s $12. Chef Arencibia opened Santiago’s in April, popping up in various locations with traditional Cuban dishes such as lechón and his grandmother’s flan. In late August, Arencibia and Calderin teamed up with Chile North owners Carina Driscoll and Blake Ewoldsen for a six-week trial. In mid-October, the pop-up became permanent: The signs on the former Chile North in the Ethan Allen Shopping Center on North Avenue now say “Santiago’s Cuban Cuisine de la Avenida Norte.” The new sign was the first thing I noticed when I walked up on a Wednesday night to meet a friend for dinner. The second was the big, warm greeting that Calderin gave me as soon as I walked through the door. He grabbed menus and led me past the long bar to a cozy booth in the warm, open space. I knew what I would order, but I read through the small plates anyway, getting hungrier and hungrier in the few minutes I waited for my friend. I did quick math to see how many things I could order to share for $24 or less. Crispy fried chicharrónes ($8) and fried

plantain chips ($4) or Media Noche sliders ($9) and thin-cut French fries ($8) would have fit the bill. My New North End friend got an even bigger greeting than I had when she walked in. Sitting down, she explained that she’d been to Santiago’s a couple of times — for dinner with the family and alone for a quiet cocktail at the bar. It means a lot to have a restaurant that can serve those different needs right in the neighborhood, she said. The drinks are good, too. Despite playing with menu permutations, I stuck with my original order: the Cubano sandwich ($12) and the Vegetariano plate ($12). We weren’t sharing — she got the picadillo, a stew-like beef hash ($16) — but I figured I’d eat half of my order and make two meals out of the combo. The Cubano was everything I’d hoped Vermont’s first “official” version would be. A base of perfectly griddled bread held slow-roasted, shredded lechón; ham; and melty Swiss cheese. Mustard, pickles and housemade mojo sauce punched through the richness of the pork in just the right balance. The vegetarian entrée offered a sizable pile of rice and black beans, along with maduros — fried, caramelized sweet plantains — and a bright green salad with red onions, cherry tomatoes and a zesty citrus dressing. Satisfying enough to be a meal on its own, it would also make a great side dish for a group splitting several items. That’s my plan for my next trip to Santiago’s, along with a Havana Yacht Club (dark rum, apricot brandy and sweet vermouth, $12) and some of Arencibia’s grandma’s caramel flan. I’m ready to be a regular. m J.B.

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12/3/21 4:55 PM SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021




explained its simple decadence: rub a clove of garlic across the plate’s textured center, fill it up with olive oil, and go to town with your favorite loaf of crusty bread. She works with ceramic stoneware, a nonporous material that’s microwave and dishwasher safe. She paints her wares with a small range of boldly colored glazes — no more than five colors at a time, keeping a streamlined, cohesive palette. “If one glaze comes in, one must go out,” she wrote by email. LaBonte also makes small colanders, travel mugs, sponge caddies and spoonrest plates.

Edie & Glo,


Burlington City Arts’ Holiday Artist Market in 2020

Which Craft? Vermont artisans bust out their wares at Burlington City Arts’ outdoor holiday market B Y J O R D AN A D AMS •


oliday shopping can take a toll on the mind and soul. The brazen consumerism and highkey frenzies of Black Friday, Splurge Sunday and Cyber Monday (OK, the middle one is made up) can take the joy out of generosity. Burlington City Arts’ Holiday Artist Market might be the antidote for seasonal shoppers weary of the toxic, big-box bustle. For nearly 20 years, the annual arts-andcrafts fair has congregated a juried cohort of Vermont-based artisans. Consumers put their dollars directly into the hands of small-business owners and come away with unique pieces perfect for gifting. Chosen by a rotating panel of artists, business owners and community members, the makers represent a vibrant cross-section of the Green Mountain State’s creative sector. The market serves as a showcase for mostly up-and-comers. “We’re here for the artists,” said BCA customer service assistant Jacquelyn O’Brien by phone. “We’re here to support them and make it so that their work and the things they make are getting to the people in our community in an effective way.” The pandemic posed a huge challenge for the market in 2020. Traditionally an indoor event that for many years occupied Burlington City Hall Auditorium, it 46


moved to City Hall Park because of pandemic-era restrictions on indoor gatherings. BCA outfitted vendors with custom-built structures supplied by makers at Generator, turning the downtown park into a quaint, European-style marketplace. The market returns to the park this year on Saturday and Sunday, December 11 and 12, along with food and beverage vendors and live entertainment in City Hall. Read on for a sample of this year’s participating artists.

Barnes Made,

Most commercially processed soaps are technically detergents. As Barnes Made soap maker Kaity Flagg explained, glycerin, a viscous byproduct of soap making, is often removed from products lining the shelves at conventional stores. Without glycerin, mass-processed “soap” is likely to dry you out. “Having squeaky clean skin is not actually a good thing,” Flagg commented. She makes soap via saponification, or cold process. Fats such as avocado, coconut and olive oil are mixed with lye and cure for a month at room temperature. Then she adds trade secret scents to concoct her various products, many of which sport intriguing

Barnes Made soap

names such as Dragon’s Blood, Over the Rainbow and Good Cheer. Not into bar soap? Flagg makes candles, too.

Cedar Tree Pottery,

Jessica LaBonte creates “use-specific” wares in her Jericho studio. One such item is her signature garlic grater plate. LaBonte

Cedar Tree Pottery garlic grater plate


Perusing Edie & Glo’s apparel and accessories is like looking through a kaleidoscope. Designer Kelly Hickey sources colorful, pattern-rich vintage fabrics from textile collectors, social media marketplaces and thrift shops. She also takes pieces directly from customers who want her to work her magic on scraps and worn-out items, such as old bedsheets. Her line includes makeup bags, summer skirts, bow ties and decorative pillows, all made from fabric and upholstery remnants. Aside from keeping prices affordable, a big part of Edie & Glo’s ethos is education. Hickey hopes her work sparks “conversations around reduce, reuse, recycle and provides an opportunity to help people understand the environmental injustices caused by overconsumption of textiles,” she wrote by email. Custom work like hers keeps tattered textiles out of landfills.

GB Fused Glass,

Gabriele Baumann discovered her love of glass after winning a raffle during the South End Art Hop. The prize was a six-week fused glass course at the Davis Studio. “I did not even know what fused glass was,” she confessed. Unlike blown glass, fused glass designs are first created without heat. Flat sheets of special glass are cut into strips and shapes to the artist’s taste. Then the designs are cooked in a kiln at around 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit for up to 24 hours — and that’s just the first cycle. Some of Baumann’s designs get fired four or five times. GB Fused Glass boasts scads of brightly colored fused glass bowls, curved plates, glossy coasters, pinched votive candleholders and, for the holidays, an assortment of festive Christmas tree ornaments.


Olivia Stone Botanical,

Jewelry artist Olivia Stone’s grandfather taught her how to identify and press flowers. Her designs infuse Vermont flora such as ferns, cosmos and daisies in resin, which are then crafted into delicate, botanical earrings. Stone finds blossoms in nature and in her own garden. “Growing, harvesting and pressing plants has become a great passion of mine,” she enthused. During summers, Stone works on the go. She keeps a large flower press in her car, traversing the state in search of the perfect blooms. But not all flowers are destined for jewelry. She avoids large flowers because their high water content can generate mold during the two- to threeweek pressing process.

A Revolutionary Press



You won’t find much of an online presence for A Revolutionary Press. That’s because its proprietor, New Haven printmaker John Vincent, doesn’t want one. That makes a certain kind of sense, given the in-the-streets activism his company’s prints promote. However, they can be found IRL at homegrown spots such as Burlington’s Peace & Justice Center and Bristol’s Art on Main. A striking piece featured in Seven Days in 2107 puts the press’ values front and center. A play on former president Donald Trump’s infamous campaign slogan, “Make American Great Again,” the piece makes an acrostic from the word “great”: Give back stolen lands; Release all political prisoners; Eliminate oversees military bases; Atone for centuries of slavery; Take care of the common good. Appropriately, A Revolutionary Press sources paper from the Peace Paper Project, a conscientious papermaker that uses recycled and repurposed materials, such as invasive aquatic plants and spent grain from breweries. m











MTN GRL Studio,

Vermont is a stormy place, and homes in remote locations such as Lincoln often lose power during a nor’easter or blizzard. Visual artist Zarabeth Duell explained that, during such blackouts, she would sometimes entertain her children with shadow puppets, which she constructed out of card stock and bamboo skewers. As part of her offerings through MTN GRL Studio, Duell kicks her shadowpuppet game up a notch with precision laser-cut birch plywood. The eight-piece set includes a cadre of woodland critters: bear, owl, hedgehog, fox, squirrel, raccoon, rabbit and deer. Duell also makes nature-inspired, Vermont-centric giclée prints — “just a fancy word for a high-quality inkjet print,” she kidded. The special process creates copies that are as close to her original watercolor artwork as possible. Hoping to grab an original painting? She sells those, too.

INFO Clockwise from top left: Edie & Glo makeup bags, A Revolutionary Press print, Olivia Stone Botanical earrings, MTN GRL Studio shadow puppets, GB Fused Glass coaster set

Burlington City Arts’ Holiday Artists Market, Saturday and Sunday, December 11 and 12, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., at City Hall Park. Visit for a full list of vendors. SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021



PAGE32 …And Master of None: A Memoir and Collected Stories Jack Dennis, The Primavera Press, 150 pages. $12.

Somebody had spirited her away and left me somebody new to love. Jack Dennis explores an abandoned gristmill with his boyhood friends. He savors the aroma of one of the fresh cans of Maxwell House coffee that he opens weekly for a cat-loving widow on his grocery delivery route. He has a platonic love affair with a female cousin — referenced in the quote above — when both are teens. Together, they listen to the broadcast of an atomic bomb test, wondering whether it, like their forbidden love, might tear the world asunder. Johnson author Dennis continues his recollections of growing up in Manchester, N.H., in this, his second memoir. His storytelling feels like dream interpretation or as if he were assembling fragments of his past into a collage. The self-described author, filmmaker, writing instructor and futurist has a propensity for using quotation marks for inexplicable reasons — emphasis, perhaps? Still, Dennis’ tales possess a midcentury charm, which makes sense, given that he’s now a great-grandfather. His many progeny will have rich stories from which to draw.

Seven Days writers can’t possibly read, much less review, all the books that arrive in a steady stream by post, email and, in one memorable case, a sloth of black bears. So this monthly feature is our way of

Living With the Neighbors

Street of Widows

Jodi Girouard, BookBaby, 237 pages. $17.95.

Cassie Fancher, Green Writers Press, 240 pages. $19.95.

This episode had … set off anxiety’s spiral, but I had actually handled it well.

Mabel’s ashes were blowing in the wind and none of it mattered, not really.

Most people can pack up and move away from bad neighbors. Things are more complicated for Jodi Girouard. In the introduction to her memoir, the South Burlington author explains why she uses the term “the neighbors” to refer to her auditory hallucinations — hostile voices that she has been hearing since her teen years. “If the noise is just people through the wall talking,” she writes, “it’s not so terrifyingly real.” A poet and essayist, Girouard describes herself as someone who “has lived with mental illness for most of her life and is active in promoting conversations that aim to reduce the stigma associated with such illness.” The story she tells in her memoir, alternating between poetry and prose, should do just that. While there are no magical cures for “the neighbors,” Girouard evokes moments of happiness and grace alongside ones of anguish. Weaving words together, she suggests, is itself powerfully therapeutic: “I hold onto the patterns that bring peace. / And I breathe it in.”

Death, loss and a pervasive sense of longing both shadow and illuminate Cassie Fancher’s debut story collection, which won the 2018 Howard Frank Mosher First Book Prize. The dead include fathers, husbands, sons, brothers, lovers, an aunt, a girlfriend, a pet sheep, a puppy and a tank full of fish. The deaths of the latter three are felt as keenly as the others. Fancher grew up in New Haven and splits her time between Vermont and graduate school in Florida. She builds characters and settings meticulously, spinning fully dimensional dioramas out of words. In the title story, set in Barre when silicosis loomed over the granite sheds like the grim reaper, the narrator reflects on the absence of her husband’s constant coughing: “The silence of the house feels heavy, like a thing she can touch.” To the weight that suffuses Street of Widows, Fancher adds touches of dark humor. Vermonters will especially appreciate the image of a teenager ramming his Subaru into the mailbox of his mother’s unreliable lover.



Short Takes on Five Vermont Books




introducing you to a handful of books by Vermont authors. To do that, we contextualize each book just a little and quote a single representative sentence from, yes, page 32. m

On Being a Vermonter and the Rise and Fall of the Holmes Farm 1822-1923

As Crooked as They Come

David R. Holmes, University of Vermont Center for Research on Vermont & White River Press, 256 pages. $22.

Today, the production began, not with the drawing of a curtain, but with the closing of a door…

Jehiel Johns founded Huntington in the Vermont wilderness. His story borders on the mythical. Studying one’s genealogy can inspire pride and surprise. Panton author David R. Holmes takes the exercise further: He explores how the story of his ancestors’ lives deepens our understanding of Vermont and Vermonters. In this well-researched volume, he chronicles how three generations of Holmeses responded to myriad forces with ingenuity and grit. They came from hardy stock: Jehiel Johns fought in the Revolutionary War, built a home on land he’d cleared and served as the Huntington moderator, justice of the peace and representative in the legislature. His descendants in the Holmes family overcame environmental, political, economic and health challenges to run an apple orchard and breed Morgan horses. They also faced hardships that ultimately shuttered their farm. Through it all, they became classic Vermonters: hardworking, resilient, community minded, morally guided and able to find humor in the absurd. Not a bad legacy to discover. ELIZABETH M. SEYLER

Philip R. Jordan, Onion River Press, 361 pages. $19.99.

Jimmy “the Merchant” Callahan is an old Boston gangster with a score to settle. His sister was a Combat Zone stripper with a heart of gold — until somebody pumped it full of lead. When he sets out to avenge her death decades later, Jimmy unearths a sordid history that many would prefer to keep buried. In his novel As Crooked as They Come, Sunderland author Philip R. Jordan spins a crime yarn that crackles with tension and humor. The retired editor and publisher of Vermont Magazine, Jordan has clearly done time in the hardboiled pages of George V. Higgins, James Ellroy and Jimmy Breslin, an acknowledged inspiration. The cast of bumbling crooks that populates his North End street corners and Dorchester backrooms recalls the scene-stealing sidemen in Jonathan Lethem’s Motherless Brooklyn. But the book’s most lovingly rendered character is Boston itself. Jordan’s affection for the Hub lends his story a sense of place as vivid as a Southie accent. DAN BOLLES

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“Decoding the Tree of Life” by Maya Lin in the Pavilion at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania

Blown Away

AO Glass creates handblown globes for renowned artist Maya Lin B Y S A LLY POL L AK •





ore than 15,000 handblown glass globes made in Burlington are featured in a sculpture designed by internationally acclaimed artist and architect Maya Lin. Her towering piece, titled “Decoding the Tree of Life,” stands 40 feet tall in the atrium of a new hospital building in Philadelphia. The $1.6 billion, 17-story Pavilion at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) opened on Halloween weekend. Its centerpiece, spanning two floors and visible from the street, is Lin’s installation: a steel armature to which are affixed elements created by AO Glass, which has a workshop and showroom in Burlington’s South End. Imagine about 15,500 glass balls — each distinct from the others — layered over a structure of substantial height and grace. AO produced the globes in the spring and summer after landing the job on the recommendation of another glass artist. “It was really a whole studio effort,” said Rich Arentzen, cofounder of the business. Lin’s “tree” is fashioned from stainless steel forms arranged in a pattern that resembles branches reaching skyward. At its base, strands of AO’s spheres seem to represent roots. While the artwork evokes shapes in the natural world — including the Schuylkill River, which runs through Philadelphia — it also represents the networks in human DNA, the artist has said. “Maya wanted it to be honest, showing

AO Glass co-owners Tove Ohlander and Rich Arentzen

how this thing was built and pulled together, but we also wanted the structure to disappear when you look at it as one piece,” said Betsy Jacobson, a project manager for Lin’s sculpture. “The opacity that we landed on, when you’re able to layer the globes on top of each other, really helps with that.” Lin is best known for designing the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., when she was still a student at Yale University. The monument, a long wall inscribed with more than 58,000 names of U.S. military members who died in the war, was dedicated in 1993. Seven Days’ efforts to reach Lin were

unsuccessful, but she described her new work in a release from Penn Medicine, the health system to which HUP belongs. “My approach to this piece is to create something that is uplifting, that has a sense of wonder and beauty,” Lin said. “I want to make you aware of your surroundings in the Pavilion, in this beacon of scientific advancement, connecting you to the physical and natural world around you while symbolizing the very essence of life—DNA.” According to Arentzen, working on Lin’s project was a highly involved process and a significant honor.

“It’s a real highlight for AO Glass to have grown to the point at which we would be considered a reliable candidate to produce this for such a high-profile artist,” he said, “and that we were able to do it.” Arentzen added that he couldn’t think of a more meaningful place than a hospital for an exhibition of AO’s creations. “Hopefully, it gives people a moment of solace in an otherwise stressful situation,” he said. Arentzen founded AO Glass in 2007 with his wife, artist and designer Tove Ohlander. In its early years, the company was a small artisan studio in which the two glassblowers, along with a third craftsperson, made handblown bowls, vases, glasses and other items. Ohlander uses a Swedish technique called graal to engrave designs and illustrations on certain objects. In 2014, the company began to shift toward what it is today: a workshop that produces handblown, pressed and cast glass objects and employs 26 people. AO makes lighting fixtures for Hubbardton Forge in Castleton, bottle stoppers for WhistlePig distillery in Shoreham and its own line of beer glasses imprinted on the base with the Black Lives Matter raised fist, among other pieces. “What I’m most interested in now is creatively constructing a place where people can have secure work,” Arentzen said, “in a way that’s based on a craft that I’ve really dedicated my whole adult life to.” The Lin project came to AO Glass through Michael Scheiner, a Lin collaborator and noted glass artist and fabricator. He’s the founder of Keer Glass Foundry in Central Falls, R.I. “It was a big deal to choose [AO Glass],” Scheiner told Seven Days by phone. “I knew that they’d be a good facility because they’re sensitive to the artistic concerns. I think Rich is an amazing person. He’s creating a community there, an environment that’s good for other artists.” Scheiner worked with Lin on the design and aesthetic of the sculpture’s glass globes, creating prototypes. He visited AO Glass in the spring to help set the project in motion and train the blowers on certain facets of the job. At the Burlington studio, Scheiner said he recognized and appreciated the qualities that he thinks are at the heart of glassblowing: sharing information and ideas, teamwork, and being open to trying new things. For four months over the spring and summer, AO dedicated half of its resources — people, space and equipment — to making globes for the Lin installation. The clear spheres range in diameter from one and a half inches to four inches. Each was handblown and given a distinct look, marked by tiny translucent bubbles and little white lines that resemble etchings.





Extended Holiday Hours

Rob Beckham creating a sphere at AO Glass 6H-dcircle120821.indd 1

12/6/21 2:08 PM

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Sebastian Govoni inspecting spheres at AO Glass

This latter effect was achieved when, after gathering the first of two layers of glass, the glassblower dunked the ball in a water and baking soda solution. “The look is trapped [between those] two layers,” Arentzen explained. One AO employee, 20-year-old Sebastian Govoni, said he worked on a few aspects of the project and “slowly became a QC expert” — meaning quality control. Every day during production, Govoni would strap on a headlamp, pick up a sphere and spin it in his hand, meticulously inspecting it for tiny cracks. If he found one, “the ball is pretty much trash at that point,” he said. Govoni examined about 13,000 globes. “When I saw pictures of the final product,” he said, “I was kind of blown away by the beauty of all these little pieces I looked at that became the larger piece of art.” The steel elements of Lin’s sculpture were fabricated by a company called UAP, which has an office in Manhattan

and a metal workshop in the Hudson Valley. Jacobson, project manager for UAP, said the sculpture installers in Philadelphia had considerable artistic license. “The glass spoke for itself,” she said. “It lands where it wants to land.” According to Scheiner, Lin appreciated the work of the collaborators who realized her design. “I think she was very happy with all the input from all the people who worked on it,” he said. Arentzen said he and Ohlander plan to go to Philadelphia to see “Decoding the Tree of Life.” “It’s a little bit like great music,” he said of the sculpture. “It’s able to draw you in, [and] there’s always more to see. But you can get the idea of the melody immediately.” m


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11/19/21 11:59 AM

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11/17/21 5:05 PM

art NEW THIS WEEK burlington

HUNT 6TH GRADE ART SHOW: Artwork by students at the Lyman C. Hunt Middle School in Burlington. December 13-17. Info, 863-3403. Fletcher Free Library in Burlington.

f JACKSON TUPPER: “Mayo,” a solo exhibition of paintings by the Vermont artist made in response to domestic isolation during pandemic lockdown. Reception: Thursday, December 9, 5-9 p.m. December 9-March 9. Info, 233-2943. Safe and Sound Gallery in Burlington. f ‘THE LARGE WORKS’: Locally made 2D works two to six feet in size hang in the hallway outside the S.P.A.C.E. Gallery. Reception: Friday, December 10, 6-9 p.m. December 10-January 29. Info, 578-2512. The Soda Plant in Burlington. f ‘THE SMALL WORKS’: An annual unjuried exhibition of locally made works smaller than 12 inches each. Reception: Friday, December 10, 6-9 p.m. December 10-January 29. Info, 578-2512. The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington.


‘THE WORLD BETWEEN THE BLOCK AND THE PAPER’: A group exhibition of ecologically sound, sensitively produced mokuhanga prints, organized in collaboration with Japanese print collective the Mokuhanga Sisters. December 11-March 27. Info, 367-1311. Yester House Galleries, Southern Vermont Arts Center, in Manchester.

Wolfgang Schwartz As the special projects

manager for Burlington’s Select Design, Wolfgang Schwartz says he manages a variety of tasks tailored to clients, such as customizing

displays and signage for retail installation and events. The agency shares an address, 208 Flynn Avenue, with the Flynndog Gallery, where Schwartz has mounted his own display: an exhibition of ink or gel drawings and limited-edition screen prints. The title of this collection, “Divided as One,” refers in part to the trenchant political and cultural discord of our time. Indeed, Schwartz says this work reflects “the emotional roller coaster” of recent years. And yet, he adds, “We’re divided but connected.”

“Edify” by Wolfgang Schwartz

The Montana native, who moved to Vermont seven years ago, is also inspired by his love for the outdoors. None of this is necessarily obvious in Schwartz’s work, though some of the 20 pieces echo patterns found in nature, such as a swale in a landscape or the meandering curves of a river. What all his works have in common are lines — meticulously drawn, one after another. They fulfill an idea in the artist’s head or even a dream state, he suggests. “I love the therapy of the line work,” Schwartz says. “When I do it, I focus on one line, but I’m also reacting to the line before it.” The result is rhythmic, largely nonpictorial drawings — most in black ink on white paper


— whose interpretation is up to the viewer. The meditative effect is only enhanced by the

2021 WOMEN’S FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS: Due to the ongoing pandemic, browse the 32nd annual event virtually for locally made crafts and other items by more than 100 artisans and makers at Through December 18.

lines in nature are rare.

BCA HOLIDAY ARTIST MARKET: Local artists and makers vend their wares in ceramics, clothing, fine art, print, photography, jewelry, accessories and more. Booths and tents are set up outside in City Hall Park. BCA Center, Burlington, Saturday, December 11, and Sunday, December 12, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Info, 865-7166.

occasional wobble. “I’m not looking for perfection,” Schwartz declares. After all, straight His delicate drawings are materially distant from the stone masonry that Schwartz says he used to do in Montana, but the patience and diligence required are much the same. In turn, the drawings invite gallerygoers to slow down and absorb them, and perhaps contemplate how we are all one. “Divided as One” is on view through December 31.

HOLIDAY OPEN STUDIOS: Artists throw open their studios to celebrate art and the season. The event also includes sculptures in the field, gifts, snacks and more. Shelburne Pond Studios, Saturday, December 11, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Info,

museum does and who it’s for. This is part of the “Elephant in the Room: Exploring the Future of Museums” series. Preregister for Zoom link at Wednesday, December 8, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 388-2117.

MINIATURE CHRISTMAS TREE RAFFLE: Online auction of artist-decorated tiny trees for the holidays. View trees and place bids at Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History, Middlebury. Through December 21. $5 for one ticket; $20 for five. Info, 388-2117.

VISITING ARTIST TALK: EMILIE LOUISE GOSSIAUX: Since losing her vision in 2010, Gossiaux’s altered experience of the world has influenced her practice to grow, working with drawings, paintings, sculptures and installations to represent the other methods in which she experiences vision, such as through dreams, memories and verbal description. Register for Zoom talk at Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, Monday, December 13, 7-8 p.m. Free. Info,

‘PANDEMIC PASSAGES’: A monthly online workshop presented by the Passing Project using art to open the unexpected gifts that the pandemic life has given us. Participants can explore their experiences through writing, drawing, dancing or other means. Details at Sunday, December 12, 4-5:30 p.m. Sliding-scale donations, $10-25. Info, RACHI FARROW GALLERY SALE: Artwork in a variety of mediums; profits benefit the Randolph Area Food Shelf. Rachi Farrow Gallery, Randolph, Thursday, December 9, 4-7 p.m. Info, 565-8130. TALK: ‘MAKING HISTORY WITH MRS. M-----‘S CABINET: IMAGINING A FEMINIST PERIOD ROOM’: Middlebury’s Henry Sheldon Museum presents a virtual lecture by Sarah Anne Carter, executive director of the Center for Design and Material Culture Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, that explores the use of a period-room project at the Milwaukee Art Museum. The exhibition asks, among other things, what a



ONGOING SHOWS burlington

‘ABSENCE: SEEING AND UNSEEING THE FLEMING’S COLLECTION’: Large text labels throughout the museum appear in place of artwork that had been on view for decades and whose subject matter or background was deemed hurtful to members of the community. Instead of filling the spaces with new artworks immediately, staff have left them as intentional signs of their commitments to transparency and reckoning. ‘ABSTRACTS: OPENING SPACE FOR IMAGINATION’: Paintings displayed on the Marble Court balcony that allow the museum to reconsider outdated exhibition traditions and start to envision


what comes next. ‘THE LEARNING STUDIO’: Part gallery, part classroom, this exhibition space invites visitors to take part in intimate conversations about art and material culture on view from the museum’s collection. The works show how artists have always been open to documenting experiments and showing pieces in process. STORYTELLING SALON: A selection of artwork from the collection by staff that inspire thinking about the power of storytelling to enact change. The newly created space is for gathering ideas about what new kinds of stories can be told in the museum, sharing multiple perspectives and inviting new voices. Through December 10. Info, 656-0750. Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont, in Burlington. ARTWORK AT UVMMC: Oil paintings of cows by Stephanie Bush, wood shadowboxes by Sam Macy and abstract butterfly paintings by Maria Angelache in the Main Street Corridor and Ambulatory Care Center 3; mixed-media paintings by Kathleen Grant in McClure 4; acrylic paintings and monotypes by Elizabeth Powell and photographs by Kristina Pentek in ACC 2. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through January 24. Info, 865-7296. University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington. ‘UNBOUND’: Painting, sculpture and works on paper by Kirsten Reynolds, Rob Hitzig and Rachel Gross that explore contemporary approaches to abstraction as it relates to architecture, space and materials. BRADLEY BORTHWICK: “Objects of Empire,” sculptural installation that evolved from the artist’s research on the Dorset marble quarry and ancient Roman storehouses, and ponders shared


cycles of civilization. Through February 5. Info, 865-7166. BCA Center in Burlington. CHAMPLAIN COLLEGE CREM STUDENT SHOW: Artwork by students in the Creative Media program, in the Main Reading Room. Through December 9. Info, 863-3403. Fletcher Free Library in Burlington. MALTEX ARTISTS: Paintings by Dierdre Michelle, Judy Hawkins, Nancy Chapman and Jean Cherouny and photographs by Caleb Kenna and Michael Couture in the building’s hallways. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through March 31. Info, 865-7296. Maltex Building in Burlington. VANESSA COMPTON: “Grandmother,” mixed-media collages inspired by the artist’s grandmothers, both artists and of different cultures. Through December 9. Info, Karma Bird House Gallery in Burlington. WILL GEBHARD: “So It Goes,” a solo show of vivid, graphic paintings by the Vermont artist. Through January 22. Info, 324-0014. Soapbox Arts in Burlington. ‘...WILL YOU SING?’ MURAL: A 43-foot, wall-size mural, a project of Big Heavy World, features photographs of more than 200 Vermont musicians and audio clips of their music. Collaborators include photographers Luke Awtry and Jim Lockridge, design firm Solidarity of Unbridled Labour, Vermont Folklife Center and Gamma Imaging of Chicago. On view during business hours in the building’s entry hallway. Through December 31. Info, Howard Space Center in Burlington. WOLFGANG SCHWARTZ: “Divided as One,” an exhibit of ink on paper, gel works and limited-edition screen prints that bring together nature and the last two years of our collective, and sometimes divided, emotional roller coaster. Through December 31. Info, 406-223-1333. Flynndog Gallery in Burlington.

chittenden county

ADRIENNE GINTER & ERIKA LAWLOR SCHMIDT: Hand-cut paper works that tell stories from nature, and monotypes that reflect the natural world and the interconnectedness of all life, respectively. Curated by Burlington City Arts. Through January 31. Info, 865-7296. Pierson Library in Shelburne. ELLIOT BURG: Photographic portraits shot on the streets of Havana, Cuba. Gates 1-8. SHANNON O’CONNELL: Paintings with phosphorescent and UV-sensitive pigments mixed into the paint, allowing secondary paintings to be revealed. In the Skyway. Through December 31. Info, 865-7296. Burlington International Airport in South Burlington. ‘EYESIGHT & INSIGHT: LENS ON AMERICAN ART’: An online exhibition of artworks at that illuminates creative responses to perceptions of vision; four sections explore themes ranging from 18th-century optical CHITTENDEN COUNTY SHOWS


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technologies to the social and historical connotations of eyeglasses in portraiture from the 19th century to the present. Through October 16. ‘IN PLAIN SIGHT: REDISCOVERING CHARLES SUMNER BUNN’S DECOYS’: An online exhibition of shorebird decoys carved by the member of the Shinnecock-Montauk Tribes, based on extensive research and resolving historic controversy. Through October 5. ‘PATTERN & PURPOSE: AMERICAN QUILTS FROM THE SHELBURNE MUSEUM’: The museum presents 20 textile masterpieces from its collection dating from the first decades of the 1800s to the turn of the 21st century, organized by associate curator Katie Wood Kirchhoff. Online only at Through February 1. WINTER LIGHTS: The museum’s buildings and grounds are bedecked with multicolored lights for this holiday extravaganza. Purchase timed tickets in advance. Thursdays-Saturdays, 5-8 p.m. $15 for adults; $10 for children ages 3-17. Through January 1. Info, 985-3346. Shelburne Museum. ‘THE GIFT OF ART’: An off-season exhibition featuring a changing collection of artworks. Open by appointment or during special events. Through April 30. Info, 434-2167. Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington. ‘HOMETOWN WATERCOLORISTS’: Five members of the Vermont Watercolor Society show their work in landscapes, portraits, abstract and still lifes: Joey Bibeau, Lynn Cummings, Alice Eckles, Martin Lalonde and Lauren Wooden. Through January 7. Info, 536-1722. South Burlington Public Art Gallery. JEFFREY TRUBISZ: “On the Trail: Scenes and Images,” photographs taken during hikes in New England, the Pacific Northwest and abroad; exhibited on the second-floor gallery wall. Through December 30. Info, 846-4140. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall.

JULIA HECHTMAN AND MELISSA POKORNY: “Kindred,” an artist collaboration including video, photography and sculpture, combining materials generated on research trips to Iceland and other locations. Through December 10. Info, bcollier@ McCarthy Art Gallery, Saint Michael’s College, in Colchester. MAREVA MILLARC: “Drawn to the Rhythm,” bold works in oil, acrylic, ink and mixed media. Through December 15. Info, 662-4808. ArtHound Gallery in Essex. ‘ONLY MAPLE’: Watercolors by Harald Aksdal, works in wood by Carl Newton and Toby Fulwiler, and ceramics by Lucia Bragg. Through December 19. Info, 899-3211. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho. ‘WINTER COMPASS’: Works featuring Venetian plaster finishes by Sam Colt, along with works by 13 gallery artists in a variety of mediums. Through January 31. Info, 985-3848. Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne.


‘THE CATAMOUNT IN VERMONT’: An exhibition that explores the feline symbol of Vermont through the lenses of art, science and culture. Through May 31,. Info, 479-8500. Vermont History Museum in Montpelier. ‘CELEBRATE!’: An annual exhibition featuring fine art and crafts created by more than 60 SPA member artists, displayed on all three floors of the building. Masks required. Through December 29. Info, 479-7069. Studio Place Arts in Barre. ‘CLIMATE OF CHANGE’: A mixed-media, multisensory exhibition by Susan Calza and Ken Leslie that responds to this global crisis, as well as sketchbooks that reveal how the two artists respond to the world around them. Through January 16. Info, 224-6827. Susan Calza Gallery in Montpelier.

EMMA NORMAN: “In the Night of Day,” photographs of San Francisco Bay as the skies turned amber from wildfire smoke and fog on September 9, 2020. Through December 31. Info, Center for Arts and Learning in Montpelier.

the community during the pandemic. More than 250 individuals, including more than 100 students, contributed designs for panels that Sabrina Fadial collated and made into a “quilt.” Through December 31. Info, 488-4303. Montpelier Transit Center.

GROUP SHOW #46: Gallery members exhibit their works in this group show. There’s also a holiday sale of items less than $100 through December. Through January 9. Info, The Front in Montpelier.


JASON GALLIGAN-BALDWIN: “Safety Procedures,” works incorporating acrylics, antique text, childhood books, film stills and other materials to explore American culture, or lack thereof. Curated by Studio Place Arts. Through February 26. Info, 479-7069. AR Market in Barre. JENNIFER BRYAN: “Liquid Mind,” abstract paintings by the NU alumna ’05. Through December 10. Info, 485-2183. Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield. JUDY GREENWALD: Pastel paintings by the local artist; prints of each work also available. Through December 29. Info, Espresso Bueno in Barre. ‘ONE MORE TIME!’: Ten artists who have exhibited at the gallery in 2021 return for a group show of works in watercolor, acrylic, oils, wearable art and photography. Through January 31. Info, 279-5048. ART, etc. in Northfield. SUSAN BULL RILEY: Three large oil and 32 watercolor paintings, from landscapes to intimate studies of plants and birds. Through December 31. Info, 229-6206. North Branch Nature Center in Montpelier. TUMBLING BLOCKS COMMUNITY QUILT PROJECT: Montpelier Alive exhibits the Capital City’s newest piece of public art, a project intended to help “stitch together”

2021 MEMBERS’ ART SHOW: The 40th annual unjuried exhibition that showcases member-submitted artwork alongside the Festival of Trees & Lights. Through December 31. Info, 253-8358. The Current in Stowe. BFA EXHIBIT: Students Jakob Aigeldinger, Garrison French and Caroline Loftus exhibit their artworks. Through December 15. Info, 498-3459. Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Northern Vermont University, in Johnson. ‘CALL AND RESPONSE’: An exhibition of images by eight members of the Photographers Workroom. KRISTINA SNOOK: “Tradition/Improvisation,” fiber works by the Vermont artist. Through January 15. Info, 888-1261. River Arts in Morrisville. CATHY CONE: “There Was Once,” hand-painted photographs and black-and-white Piezography by the Vermont artist. Through January 8. MICHAEL MAHNKE: “A River Moving in You,” a large-scale, site-specific work by the gallery cofounder, located on the Johnson Village Green, that reflects the natural environment and our relationships to one another. Through December 31. Info, 646-519-1781. Minema Gallery in Johnson. ‘GEMS AND GIANTS’: A holiday showcase featuring large and small artworks from more than 80 member artists. Through December 19. Info, 644-5100. Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. THE LAMOILLE ART & JUSTICE PROJECT: LISTENING OUTSIDE THE LINES: A sound installation featuring oral histories and corresponding art-

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ists’ interpretations, focused on creating community and cultural preservation, and providing a mirror for those who have lacked reflection. Through December 17. Info, 635-2727. Red Mill Gallery, Vermont Studio Center, in Johnson.

mad river valley/waterbury

MORE ‘SMALL WORKS, BIG IMPACT’: New small works from Julia Purinton, established gallery artists

‘FLUID EXPRESSIONS’: The annual awards show by the Vermont Watercolor Society features 30 outstanding paintings in a variety of styles, both realistic and abstract. Through December 17. Info, 496-6682. The Gallery at Mad River Valley Arts in Waitsfield. SMALLS GROUP SHOW: Annual holiday exhibition of petite artworks with affordable prices. Through December 24. Info, 244-7801. Axel’s Frame Shop & Gallery in Waterbury.

middlebury area

“HENRY AT 200’: An exhibit celebrating the museum founder and collector of New England history with documents, photographs, scrapbooks, autographs, Middlebury imprints, diaries, music ephemera, relics and even a lock of Napoleon’s hair. Through December 31. ‘SIGHTLINES’: Photographs by Caleb Kenna and paintings by Jill Madden that explore the Joseph Battell and Breadloaf Wilderness areas of the Green Mountains. Through December 31. HOLIDAY TRAIN EXHIBIT: The popular Lionel trains return with a Green Mountain backdrop and a brand-new feature: a caboose that livestreams a video of the train traveling through its layout. Book timed visits on Saturdays at Masks are required. Through January 8. Info, 388-2117. Henry Sheldon Museum of Vermont History in Middlebury. ‘ITTY BITTY: TINY TEXTS IN SPECIAL COLLECTIONS’: Books from the 17th to 21st

centuries that measure between 1.8 and 10 centimeters, from religious manuscripts to cookbooks, children’s books to Shakespeare. Visitors are not currently allowed in the library but may view the works online at Through May 31. Davis Family Library, Middlebury College.

CALL TO ARTISTS ARTFUL ICE SHANTIES: BMAC and Retreat Farm invite entries to the second annual ice shanty exhibition in February. Details and registration at brattlboro Deadline: December 15. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Info, 257-0124. ARTIST DEVELOPMENT GRANTS: Artist development grants support Vermont-based artists at all stages of their careers, funding activities that enhance mastery of a craft or that increase the viability of an artist’s business. Funding may also support aspects of the creation of new work. Grant amounts range from $250 to $2,000. Details and application at Deadline: February 14. Vermont Arts Council, Montpelier.

and new Edgewater artist Susan Abbott. Through December 31. Info, 989-7419. Edgewater Gallery on the Green in Middlebury.

on June 25, 1983, in Burlington. It can also be viewed online at Through March 25. Info, 388-4964. Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury.

‘PRIDE 1983’: Through interviews with organizers, photographs and scanned images of historic documents, the exhibit, curated by Meg Tamulonis of the Vermont Queer Archives, explores the origins and lasting legacies of Vermont’s first Pride March

‘SMALL WORKS, BIG IMPACT’: The annual exhibition features new work from established Edgewater artists Jane Davies, Sage Tucker Ketcham and Rachel Wilcox, as well as favorite pieces from gallery collections and abstracted Vermont landscapes by guest artist Barbara Greene. Through December 31. Info, 989-7419. Edgewater Gallery at Middlebury Falls.

‘LET’S COLLAGE ABOUT IT!’: Submit collage art for an opportunity to be exhibited at the center’s 2022 community exhibition, January 1 through April. Exhibition form at, or email jess@ Deadline: December 15. Center for Arts and Learning, Montpelier. Free. MICRO-GRANTS FOR ARTISTS: The Montpelier Public Arts Commission is offering a micro-grant program for Vermont-based artists for up to $1,500 for permanent or temporary art installations throughout the city. The request for proposals is open for an indefinite period; artists may submit at anytime during the year. The commission will review and award grants twice yearly; the next deadline is March 30. For more info and to review the RFP, visit Through March 30. Info, 522-0150.

‘STICK WITH LOVE’: Artwork submissions are welcome on themes of love, compassion and social justice for an exhibition January 14 to February 18. Due to gallery size, not all submissions can be accepted. Details at Deadline: December 27. AVA Gallery and Art Center, Lebanon N.H. $10. Info, 603-448-3117. ‘TRACKS’: Established and emerging artists are invited to submit one or two pieces of artwork that relates to the theme. Any medium accepted. Work must be able to be hung on a gallery hanger system (not picture hanger). For registration and more info, email catherine. Deadline: December 23. Emile A. Gruppe Gallery, Jericho.


CORRINE YONCE: “Excerpts from Estate Sale,” mixed-media works that consider the intimacies of home and the figures who share that space, on display in the venue’s windows. Through January 15. Info, 77ART in Rutland. GINGERBREAD SHOWCASE: Original gingerbread house creations by community members. People’s choice awards are given in a variety of categories. Through December 10. Info, 775-0356. Chaffee Art Center in Rutland.

upper valley

HOLIDAY SHOW: Prints and handmade gift cards by artist members. Through January 29. Info, 295-5901. Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction.

f JACOB GRAHAM: “The Creatures of Yes: Snowflake Revue,” an experimental television show by the Brooklyn-based artist about people discovering the world around them and learning to appreciate each other’s differences. Puppetry by Graham and Stoph Scheer, sets made in collaboration with the gallery. Live puppet show: Saturday, December 11, 7:30 & 8:30 p.m. Space is limited; RSVP to

» P.56


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12/7/21 12:21 PM


ild something… make something…

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try something new, Generator has


No matter your background, UPPER VALLEY SHOWS « P.55 skills, or experience, Through January 2. Info, 347-264-4808. Kishka Gallery & Library in White River Junction. you. s ome Generator welc JUDITH VIVELL: “Meant for Each Other,” mixed-

No matter your background, experience, or skills, Generator welcomes you.

with support from

media abstractions on raw canvas. Also, jewelry by Stacy Hopkins, precious metal and volcanic bowls by Cristina Salusti and sculptural pieces by Ria Blaas. Through February 1. Info, 603-443-3017. Scavenger Gallery in White River Junction. JULIE CRABTREE & AMANDA ANN PALMER: Fiber-art landscapes inspired by the Scotland coast, and hand-thrown pottery, respectively. Through February 28. Info, 295-4567. Long River Gallery in White River Junction. PAULA CLOUDPAINTER: “Cloudmaps and Other Travels Through the Atmosphere,” watercolors and mixed-media paintings. Through December 31. Info, 457-2295. Norman Williams Public Library in Woodstock.

northeast kingdom

ALAN JENNINGS: “Finding the Way Home,” animated films the artist created about growing up in Vermont, including “The Northeast Kingdom,” “Dream of Deerman” and “The Bill Jennings Mysteries”; and the drawings, paintings and sculptures he uses to make them. Watch at Through December 31. Info, 748-2600. Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. ANNUAL HOLIDAY SHOW: Unique creations by members, including ornaments, paintings, fiber, hand-blown glass, woodworks and more. Through January 8. Info, 748-0158. Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury.

Learn more about our studios, workshops, and membership at 4T-generator120121.indd 1

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‘A LIFE IN LISTS AND NOTES’: An exhibition that celebrates the poetic, mnemonic, narrative and enumerative qualities of lists and notes. The objects on display span myriad creative, professional, bureaucratic, domestic and personal uses of lists through the ages. Through May 31. Info, 626-4409. The Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. ‘LOCAL COLOR’: Nature-inspired works in a variety of mediums by members of Caspian Arts. Through December 31. Info, 533-2000. Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro. SUE HAVEN TESTER: Photographs of the unspoiled landscape of the Northeast Kingdom. Through January 7. Info, 525-3366. The Parker Pie Company in West Glover.

brattleboro/okemo valley

B. LYNCH: “Pull Back the Curtain,” a fantastical universe of the Reds and the Greys, disparate societal factions set in the 18th century, using puppetry, drawing, painting, linoleum block printing and digital animation. Through February 13. DELITA MARTIN: “Between Worlds,” a year-long installation in the museum’s front windows that reimagines the identities and roles of Black women in the context of Black culture and African history. Through May 31. GUILD OF VERMONT FURNITURE MAKERS: “Evolving Traditions,” contemporary works in wood crafted by members of the guild. Through February 13. MICHAEL ABRAMS: “Arcadia Rediscovered,” a luminous, misty painting installation that invites viewers to be mindfully in the world. Through March 5. NATALIE FRANK: “Painting With Paper,” abstracted portraits of imagined female figures, each accompanied by an animal, in wet pigmented cotton and linen paper pulp. Through February 13. VERMONT GLASS GUILD: “Inspired by the Past,” contemporary works in glass exhibited alongside historical counterparts from the museum’s collection. Through March 5. WILLIAM RANSOM: “Keep Up/Hold Up,” mixed-media installations that speak to the current state of social tension in the U.S., the reckoning with a history of white supremacy, and the potential for flare-up or collapse. Through March 5. Info, 257-0124. Brattleboro Museum & Art Center.


‘THE CALL OF THE LOON’: Expanded exhibition of new work by local artists Roxcell Bartholomew, Schuyler Gould, Collin Leech, John Loggia, Tina Olsen, Markie Sallick and Lydia Thomson, along with holiday cards and affordable gift options. Through



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December 31. Info, 118 Elliot in Brattleboro. SUSAN BREAREY: Paintings of animals in which primal, totemic images take the place of photorealistic details and are set against abstract surfaces. Through February 20. Info, 387-0102. Next Stage Arts Project in Putney.


‘TRANSIENT BEAUTY’: An exhibition of work by 25 contemporary photographers in response to Vermont icon Snowflake Bentley; a closed-bid auction of the photos benefits the museum and the artists. Info, 447-1571. DUSTY BOYNTON: “Boundless,” new paintings and mixed-media works by the Vermont artist, curated in collaboration with Stowe’s 571 Projects. Through December 31. Info, jfranklin@ Bennington Museum. ‘HIROSHIGE AND THE CHANGING JAPANESE LANDSCAPE’: An exhibition of Japanese woodblock prints by Utagawa Hiroshige (1797-1858) that depict how the political climate of 19th-century Japan influenced its art and how the art influenced politics. Through February 27. Info, 367-1311. Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester.


ARTISAN HOLIDAY MARKET: A wide variety of goods made by local artists, crafters and specialty vendors. Online shopping available after Friday, November 26, at Through December 24. Info, 728-9878. Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph.

outside vermont

ANNUAL HOLIDAY EXHIBITION AND SALE: “Wintry Mix,” works in a variety of mediums by member artists from Vermont and New Hampshire. Through December 30. Info, 603-448-3117. AVA Gallery and Art Center in Lebanon, N.H. ‘ECOLOGIES: A SONG FOR OUR PLANET’: An exhibition of installations, videos, sculptures, paintings, drawings and photographs that explore the relationship between humans and nature, and disruptions to the planet’s ecosystems caused by human intervention. Through February 27. ‘HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE FOR ONE VOICE TO REACH ANOTHER?’: An exhibition of major works from the museum’s collection, along with new acquisitions and loans, that explore the theme of voice in both physical and metaphorical registers. Through February 13. ‘THE WORLD OF YOUSUF KARSH: A PRIVATE ESSENCE’: A showcase of 111 silver-gelatin portraits by the renowned Armenian Canadian photographer, shot and printed himself; donated by the artist’s estate and his widow. Through January 30. RAGNAR KJARTANSSON: “Sumarnótt” (“Death Is Elsewhere”), an immersive installation by the Icelandic artist, filmed under the midnight sun, consisting of a seven-channel video and musical soundscape that surround the viewer. Through January 2. Info, 514-285-2000. Montréal Museum of Fine Arts. FORENSIC ARCHITECTURE WITH LAURA POITRAS: “Terror Contagion,” an immersive, activist exhibition by the London-based research collective in collaboration with the journalist-filmmaker. Narration by Edward Snowden, data sonification by Brian Eno. Through April 18. Info, 514-847-6226. Montréal Museum of Contemporary Art. ‘THIS LAND: AMERICAN ENGAGEMENT WITH THE NATURAL WORLD’: Drawn from the permanent collection, the museum’s first major installation of traditional and contemporary Native American art set alongside early-to-contemporary art by African American, Asian American, Euro-American and Latin American artists, representing a broader perspective on “American” art. Through July 24. ‘THORNTON DIAL: THE TIGER CAT’: Part of a new acquisition of 10 artworks from the Souls Grown Deep Foundation, the exhibition looks closely at the late artist’s work and the ways in which it broadens an understanding of American art. Through February 27. Info, 603-646-2808. Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. m

2 0 21 T A L E N T S H O W F O R


Ethan Oszurek


Isabella Chicoine, Piper Hall, Andre Redmond, Charlie Schramm, Adim Benoit, John Wallace, Grayson Eley, Richard and Andrew Jiang, Ethan Oszurek, Finn Williams, Cady Murad, Bojan Harris, Paris Schoolcraft, Grace Mical, Lilah Thurston

DEC. 10

Andre Redmond

DEC. 13

Adim Benoit

The Kids VTSpectacular Spectacular, sponsored by McKenzie Natural Artisan Deli, is happening virtually this year — on WCAX Channel 3 — now through December 17. Tune in to see kids from all over the state showcase their talents!

DEC. 14

Piper Hall






12/7/21 2:12 PM


Erin White of Father Figuer

S UNDbites

News and views on the local music + nightlife scene B Y C HRI S FA R N S WO R TH

Sophomore Surge

I’ve always been obsessed with sophomore albums. Is there a better yardstick for whether or not a band has it? Debut records can be hot messes; artists are almost always broke when they make their first record (unless you’re THE STROKES or LANA DEL REY), so they usually cut the albums in a few days on suspect equipment with no experience. Think about the jump RADIOHEAD took between Pablo Honey and The Bends or the power PUBLIC ENEMY gained between Yo! Bum Rush the Show and It Takes A Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back. It’s utterly fascinating to see artists perfect their craft. Despite the trope of the sophomore album slump — oh, hey there, BLOC PARTY — I posit that the second record is when one can tell whether an artist possesses greatness. Enter FATHER FIGUER’s new LP, Jack of All Fruits. The follow-up to their 2020 debut Transitions, the band’s second album comes out on Friday, December 10, and finds the group in a state of flux, both musically and personally. 58


“We started making the album a year ago,” singer, guitarist and chief songwriter ERIN WHITE told Seven Days last weekend. “We had people in school and working full time, so we had to chip away at the thing two and three hours at a time. By the end, I was having to take submissive naps just to not explode.” The process began with White and her bandmates traveling to the Northeast Kingdom. Engineer MILES FOY’s aunt provided the space as the band cut nine tracks through an old Tascam m208 board, and Foy focused on capturing Father Figuer’s stellar live sound. White mixed the songs herself before sending them on to RYAN COHEN at ROBOT DOG STUDIO to master. The result is a sonically adventurous, colorful collection of slow-burn indie rock songs in which the band eases away from the punk-edged material of Transitions. In the year between records, Father Figuer have developed an affinity for MY BLOODY VALENTINE-like atmospheres. Though they still rock when the moment calls for it — such as the dynamically thrilling “Rerto” — the band has gone full

Starship Enterprise these days, exploring space with aplomb. One reason for the tonal change is that the band has slimmed down to a trio. Colead singer and guitarist CAROLINE FRANKS departed after their debut, leaving core musicians White, drummer ELISE ALBERTINI and bassist DAVID ROCHE. “Being a trio has given us a chance to spread out,” White asserted, “not just sonically but actually, physically. David even dances on stage now! And I love the space that he and Elise can explore with me.” The three have also grown closer as friends. Albertini and Roche, who are partners, podded during the lockdown with White, as well as engineer Foy and his partner, filmmaker and artist MIA SCHAUMBURG. “With COVID, you had to pick what household you were going to hang with,” White said. “So Elise and David and I worked on these songs in their apartment, just getting closer the whole time. It really bonded the band in this robust way.” That augmented connection is

apparent throughout Jack of All Fruits. There’s the patience and songwriting nous of “Stone,” a song that ever-sogradually builds on White’s mantra-like guitar before Albertini drops in with a ramshackle, phase-shifted drumbeat. And there’s the creeping menace of “Sink,” with White’s gorgeous, almostwhispered melody riding atop the band as it transitions from an ominous buildup into a dance groove. “I am something like a gun, feel the echo as it comes,” White sings. As she did on the previous record, White often purposely pronounces words oddly so that it sounds as if the vocal track were running backward or she were employing a made-up language. SIGUR ROS does the same with their music. Lyrics that are hard to decipher underscore the content of many of White’s songs: the degradation of personal relationships and communication that’s lost. “With the first record, I don’t think we necessarily did a great job of translating our inner worlds to the listener,” White admits. “We rushed it for some reason. We just didn’t know what we were doing yet or how to organize ourselves.” Learning how to manage her artistic endeavors has paid dividends for White. Taking a more central role in Father Figuer as a songwriter and singer was only the first step in pursuing her artistic ambitions. White not only mixed the new album but also immersed herself in Photoshop and Adobe Premiere Pro to create the LP’s cover art. She also started dipping her toes into filmmaking, working with Schaumburg on a short film. “It was supposed to be a music video,” White quipped. “Mia accompanied us during the months we made the record, filming on her Bolex H-16 and a cheap camcorder.” The amount of footage grew, turning from a video to what White called a “mini-doc.” While she and her bandmates plan to make more videos, the footage Schaumburg shot will be repurposed and released in 2022. The film is part of a trend in White’s life these days, which could best be filed under “project consolidation.” At some point during the making of Jack of All Fruits, the 24-year-old Pennsylvania native realized that, rather than spread herself thin on disparate artistic projects, she would be better served by combining her talents in interlocking projects.






Instead of focusing only on music with Father Figuer, she now approaches the band from a multimedia standpoint, integrating art, film and technology. That interdisciplinary union will be on full display for the album release show, also on December 10, at KARMA BIRDHOUSE in Burlington. A traditional show would include booking several bands to open for Father Figuer, but White has instead curated a night of music and art. Musician and graphic designer REMI RUSSIN (COMMUNITY GARDEN, MATH FOR POETS) will be part of the opening, along with fellow artists KENZIE HINES (printmaking NS LLI CO and textiles), COOPER EN B OF GARDNER (visual Y art), NICK TANSEY (visual and other arts). Also on display will be Schaumburg’s photography and film and Albertini’s pottery. “I’m almost more interested in the art side of the show, really,” White said, laughing as she recalled that she mixed most of Jack of All Fruits from her own art studio. “These are the events I want to be curating in general, anyway.” The future is certainly bright for Father Figuer, with an excellent new album, a multimedia release show, music videos and short films in the works. White even hints that the next record might be a concept album, as the band has started leaning into the instrumental side of their music. The last few years have taught her not to get too ahead of herself, however. “I’ve learned that I have to keep myself focused,” she said, “or I’ll never do any of this stuff.”


The holidays are here, and so are the songs. While we haven’t received anything as out-of-left-field as SAVAGE HEN’s brutal 2018 Christmas record, The Red, Vermont artists aren’t slipping this year. Singer-songwriter ALISON TURNER, better known as ALIT, has released “Snowed In” to celebrate the season of forced family conversations and epic hangovers in your childhood bedroom.

7 top news



Over a gently picked guitar lick, Turner reminisces about twinkling lights (“I know I use them all year round / but they’re shining brighter somehow”), watching holiday movies cuddled on a couch and drinking wine by the fire. It’s a suitably festive tune, perfect for, well, getting snowed in. Which seems highly likely! Happy Holidays. Speaking of all things Winter Wonderland, the DEPOT is going all-in on festive events. Fresh off its “up to sNOw good” adult prom event last week, the St. Albans restaurant and live venue is hosting its first Santa Breakfast on Sunday, December 19. It’s exactly what it sounds like, with the bearded Peeping Tom/Father Christmas AliT hanging out, taking pictures and listening to the demands of children. There will be Christmas music, a breakfast buffet, games, activities and prizes to help get people into the holiday spirit. I recall my last visit to talk to Santa. I asked him to bring bassist CLIFF BURTON back to life, because I really hated the new METALLICA album. The old bastard summarily returned me to my rather vexed mother, and that’s when I knew. Hopefully, today’s youth have more realistic demands of ol’ Saint Nick.

TUESDAYS > 6:00 P.M.

5 days a

Say you saw it in...

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sign up to keep up:

Oh, sweet Jeebus. WAKING WINDOWS has finally announced the new dates for the oft-delayed 10th edition of the Winooski music festival! The real most magical time of the year for me is always early May, when the crown jewel festival of Vermont music and independent artists kicks off. After being postponed a few times thanks to the pesky pandemic, Waking Windows will return in 2022 — May 13 to 15, to be precise. Keep your eyes peeled for a lineup announcement on Wednesday, December 8 — aka the street date of this paper. Hey, did you know we have a blog that keeps you updated on this stuff? Be sure to check it out for festival lineup news and much more. m

monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday



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CLUB DATES live music WED.8

Chris Pureka w/ Anna Tivel (singer-songwriter) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $20/$23.

Find the most up-to-date info on live music, DJs, comedy and more at If you’re a talent booker or artist planning live entertainment at a bar, nightclub, café, restaurant, brewery or coffee shop, send event details to or submit the info using our form at


Sarah Jarosz (folk) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $30/$35.


American Roots Night at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. Free.

rock of Charlottesville, Va.’s

of Baltimore’s the DIRTY GRASS PLAYERS. Kendall Street Company boast a sound they dub

Good Problem (indie) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10/$12.

“Underneath the Summer Sun” from their album The Year the Earth Stood Still: Inertia. The

“jazzgrass-infused psychedlic bliss.” For reference, check out the gloriously weird Dirty Grass Players dwell in more traditional realms, with toe-tapping bluegrass rompers like “Ramblin’ on My Mind.” The two bands bring their Dirty Street Grass Company tour to

Chris Peterman Quartet (jazz) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Nectar’s in Burlington this Saturday, December 11, along with Burlington bluegrass outfit

Devon McGarry Band (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free.

Barbacoa (surf rock) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 8 p.m. Free.

Dylan Patrick Ward (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free.

Bloodroot Gap (bluegrass) at Brandon Music, 7:30 p.m. $25/$35 w/dinner.

Lazer Dad (‘90s covers) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8 p.m. $8.

Danny & The Parts (Americana) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free.

Paul Asbell (jazz) at Courtyard Marriott Burlington Harbor, 7:30 p.m. Free. Schoolhouse Down (bluegrass) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free. Shakey Graves w/ S.G. Goodman (indie rock) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $30/$35. Shane’s Apothecary (rock) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free.


Faceplant & Pluto Era w/ Yung Abner & Slaythoven (drum and bass) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15/$20. George Petit (jazz) at Courtyard Marriott Burlington Harbor, 7:30 p.m. Free. Jacob Green & His One Man Band (folk) at the Parker Pie Company, West Glover, 6 p.m. Free. Jesse Taylor (solo) (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5.

All Night Boogie Band (blues) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.




Maple & Hanson (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. Free. Melt w/ The Brazen Youth (indie pop) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $15/$18. Mipso w/ Taylor Ashton (bluegrass) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $18/$20. Trevor Contois Band (covers) at On Tap Bar & Grill, Essex Junction, 9 p.m. Free. The Wormdogs w/ Kendall Street Company and The Dirty Grass Players (Americana) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $12.


Jeff Wilson (singer-songwriter) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. Maple Run Band (bluegrass/rock) at Arts Riot, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Slow Pulp w/ Strange Ranger (indie rock) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $14/$16.


KT Tunstall w/ Haley Johnsen (singer-songwriter) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $35/$39.


Dead Set (Grateful Dead covers) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 7 p.m. $10. Honky Tonk Tuesday feat. Wild Leek River (country) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $5.

Say you saw it in...

Mothra! A Storytelling/ Improv Comedy Show (improv comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $10. Todd Barry (comedy) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $25/$30.


Wooly Wednesdays w/ DJ Steal Wool (eclectic) 6 p.m. Free.


Mi Yard Reggae Night w/ DJ Big Dog (reggae & dancehall) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free. DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10.

Karl & the Instrumentals (rock) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 6 p.m. Free.

Comedy Gives Back (comedy fundraiser) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 8:15 p.m. $10.




2nd Wednesday Live Comedy Night (comedy) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.



and the classic bluegrass leanings


Ryan Osswald Trio (jazz) at Monkey House, Winooski, 7 p.m. Free.

Stay On the Grass Sticking two bands from different genres on a coKENDALL STREET COMPANY

comedy Weird & Niche (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $5.

Wednesday Night Dead (Grateful Dead covers) at Zenbarn, Waterbury, 7 p.m. $5.

headlining tour can be tricky. If two styles of music can match up, however, it’s the jam-

Lit Club (poetry open mic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

The Ray Vega Quartet (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Ursa and the Major Key & The Apollos (rock) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.

Freeway Clyde (jazz) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10.

Carinae (indie rock) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.


Nilsson Tribute Night (Harry Nilsson tribute) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. Free.

The Ray Vega Band (jazz) at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.



Morgan Myles Presents Mariah Carey Christmas Tribute (Mariah Carey Christmas tribute) at Higher Ground Showcase Lounge, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15/$18.

Pathways Benefit Concert featuring Uncle Sweet Cheeks, No Lemon (benefit show) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 9 p.m. $10.

Cory Cogley (singer-songwriter) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.

open mics & jams

Irish Sessions (celtic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Irish Sessions (celtic) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free.

Andy Frasco & The UN w/ Nick Gerlach’s Cult Conference (indie rock) at Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15/$18.

Karaoke w/ DJ Party Bear (karaoke) at Charlie-O’s World Famous, Montpelier, 9:30 p.m. Free.

No Scrubs: 90’s Hip Hop Night w/ David Chief (hip-hop) at Club Metronome, Burlington, 10 p.m. $5.


Aquatic Underground w/ Kush Jones (DJ) at Orlando’s Bar & Lounge, Burlington, 9:30 p.m. Free. DJ Taka (DJ) at Radio Bean, Burlington, 11 p.m. $10. Pulsify Pine featuring DJ Matt Hagen (DJ) at Arts Riot, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. Free.


A Very Unmentionables Christmas (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $15. We’re Locals (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 9 p.m. $20.


Musical Theater Monday (showtunes karaoke) at Happy Place Café, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Standup Comedy Open Mic (comedy open mic) at Happy Place Café, Burlington, 6 p.m. Free.


Not My Forte (comedy) at Vermont Comedy Club, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $5.


Holiday Maker’s Market featuring Local Dork (DJ) at Foam Brewers, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free.

trivia, karaoke, etc.



Wooly Wednesdays w/ DJ Steal Wool (eclectic) 6 p.m. Free.

Trivia Night (trivia) at Nectar’s, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free.



Your friendly neighborhood music editor is sinking in album submissions like a hapless jungle explorer, clawing to escape the quicksand. Long story short, Vermont musicians have been busy this year. It’s almost like they were forced to stay inside with their instruments or something. Anyway, here are six Vermont records that might have slipped under the radar in 2021. Listen up!

Robot Rights, At Least It’s An Ethos (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

I keep reading about people programing AI to write pop music. Thus far, the machine music has been unimpressive, but hearing a human impression of what an AI might create is far more interesting. Robot Rights’ At Least It’s An Ethos is an electro-pop romp, a high-energy mixtape for androids looking to get laid. The glitched-out record is full of fistpumping beats and anthemic melodies, as well as bits of almost indecipherable digital dissonance. Adding to the mystery of Robot Rights, the “band” has no credited human creator. Its only response to Seven Days’ inquiry was a terse email saying, “I’m a Vermont artist. I made an album during quarantine and I like it, so I thought I’d share it.” Sounds like something a robot would say. I’m just saying. KEY TRACK: “You and I” WHY: The song plays like a lost Memory Tapes track. WHERE:

Steve Blodgett, Winooski Calling (SELF-RELEASED, CD, DIGITAL)

Full disclosure: I’m partial to music that shouts out the City of Winooski. Burlington’s cool little brother holds a special place in my heart, and by the sounds of it, Steve Blodgett’s heart, as well. On Winooski Calling, the elder statesman of Vermont rock crafts a record full of wry reflections and psychedelic observations. Blodgett first started writing and performing music in the early ’60s with Mike & the Ravens. The band was picking up heat in the Northeast until Blodgett was caught playing rock and roll records over a church loudspeaker in Stowe and was summarily sent back to school by his mother, ending the band. Flash forward almost 60 years, and Blodgett is still writing clever rock songs. KEY TRACK: “I Made One Mistake” WHY: Blodgett pushes into quirky indie-rock territory with a song of love and regret WHERE:

Los Microbios, Cognitive Thinning (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

Hailing from Ira, Los Microbios have managed to submit one of the weirdest albums of the year. Which is saying something, if you listen to some of the records we review. The noise-punk-sortof-experimental-maybe-garage-rock act is the brainchild of Lance Jones, who wrote and performed almost all of Cognitive Thinning, save for the odd (and I do mean odd) Rolling Stones and John Lennon covers. Musically, it’s a strange mix of droning synths, jittery blips of noise and washed-out percussion. Over it all, Jones sings in an awkward baritone reminiscent of late Joy Division singer Ian Curtis. It’s a peculiar record that tonally sounds like it’s coming from another room in a very large house. KEY TRACK: “A city is not science” WHY: It was the only track that didn’t make me feel like someone had plugged my ears with cotton. WHERE:

Tim Cummings, Pete Sutherland and Brad Kolodner, The Birds’ Flight (BIRCHEN MUSIC, CD, DIGITAL)

Take a trip back in time to the days of sharing tunes around candlelight — or campfires on the Appalachian Trail — with The Birds’ Flight. In it, three Vermont musicians play traditional Scottish Highlands music, with a few twists. Tim Cummings gives the record a heavily Gaelic feel with his pipe playing. Pete Sutherland’s fiddle injects something of the New World into the European folk. And Brad Kolodner’s banjo brings just the right amount of Americana to the mix. As the band says in its bio, “This certainly isn’t the first time Scottish tunes sailed westward and woke up speaking Y’all.” But Cummings, Sutherland and Kolodner have managed to find a charming blend of traditional tunes and make it their own. KEY TRACK: “Kilmarnock” WHY: The trio reimagines “Amazing Grace” as a Scottish ballad. WHERE:

Joshua Hall, Bread + Roses (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

In a word, West Windsor’s Joshua Hall creates music that can be described as “heady.” The self-described “Zen-Metal-Freak-Jazz-Guru” makes hyper-literate folk music, delving into politics, spirituality, life and death. Bread + Roses is a showcase for Hall’s classical guitar playing, with the sound of nylon strings driving much of the album. Yet a fair bit of the energy beneath the eight tracks comes from the biting social commentary in Hall’s lyrics. “The soul of the nation is just fighting to breathe,” he sings on the title track. Then, “Redlined into ghettos, a suffocated dream.” Hall clearly favors the Woody Guthrie side of folk, underpinning the music with a message. KEY TRACK: “June 1968” WHY: It’s one of the sweeter, simpler songs on the record, a gentle ballad dedicated to Hall’s parents. WHERE:

Antwon Levee & Dust, The Joint Commission (SELF-RELEASED, DIGITAL)

Antwon Levee is one of the most prolific musicians in the area. The Plattsburgh-based producer has released plenty of punk music from across the lake, but lately he’s been more involved in the hip-hop scene. In 2020, he and fellow New Yorker Dust released Bruise Music, a vibrant debut of multitextural hip-hop, at once modern and retro. On The Joint Commission, MC Benn Rymon joins Dust, and the two spit hot fire over Levee’s slow-burn beats. Levee is a clever producer with a keen ear for building atmospheric tracks. Dust and Rymon shine with lyrical gymnastics, sometimes cutting, sometimes tongue-in-cheek. KEY TRACK: E.O.T.W. WHY: A head-nodding jam about the collapse of society? I’m so in. WHERE:






early 30 years ago, writerdirector Jane Campion won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival for The Piano. Now the writer-director brings us a new period drama in a similarly harsh setting. The Power of the Dog, which earned Campion the Silver Lion at the 2021 Venice International Film Festival, was filmed in the director’s native New Zealand. It’s set in the American West, however, and based on Thomas Savage’s 1967 novel of the same name. Stream it on Netflix.


The deal

In 1925 Montana, the Burbank brothers run a prosperous cattle ranch. George (Jesse Plemons) is quiet and unflappable, while Phil (Benedict Cumberbatch) is a tinderbox of volatile emotions, continually trying to provoke his brother and whoever else is around. When the two visit town during a cattle drive, Phil cruelly bullies young Peter (Kodi Smit-McPhee), the studious son of Rose Gordon (Kirsten Dunst), the widow who owns the local inn. Apologizing for his brother’s rudeness, George hits it off with Rose, and soon the two are married. But when George brings his bride and stepson home to the ranch, the real trouble starts.

Will you like it?

The Power of the Dog is a visually stunning film from its first shot: a luminous, otherworldly view of tawny hills framed by the windows of a dim interior. That visual opposition sets up a thematic one: the domestic sphere where Rose presides versus the rough outdoors where Phil and his cowhands are at home. But the opening interior/exterior contrast is also a warning to the viewer not to make hasty assumptions about the characters’ inner lives based on appearances. It’s tough to adapt a literary work in which so much of the “action” is interior. The Lost Daughter, an upcoming Netflix release, is a case in point: Director Maggie Gyllenhaal struggles to capture the inner conflicts that Elena Ferrante conveys so well in the source novel with her tart narration. Like that film, The Power of the Dog is bound to frustrate some viewers with its indirectness and occasional opacity. The screenplay is sparse, each line freighted with meaning. When George tells Rose 62


UNEASY RIDER Cumberbatch plays a troubled Montana rancher in Campion’s compelling literary adaptation.

that she has rescued him from loneliness, for instance, we suddenly grasp how unhappy he is with his brother’s company. But not until later do we begin truly to understand the reasons for the tension between the siblings or for the mountainhigh chip on Phil’s shoulder. It takes time, patience and many beautifully shot, elliptical scenes of Phil doing ranch chores for us to unpuzzle the man’s motives. Even then, we may suspect that we don’t understand him as well as we’d like to. Early in his novel, Savage writes of Phil that “his habits and appearance required strangers to alter their conception of an aristocrat to one who can afford to be himself.” With his angular body and dangerously gleaming eyes, Cumberbatch fully embodies that notion of aristocracy as idiosyncrasy. Far from a romantic “bad boy,” Phil is a genuine original. Beside him, George and Rose seem pasty, conventional and clueless; only Peter is capable of matching him. The differences between The Piano and The Power of the Dog may actually be more salient than the similarities. While the former is a psychodrama of forbidden love

that builds to a harrowing, unforgettable climax, the latter is a cat-and-mouse game whose climax is as subtle as a whisper. The title of the film and novel comes from a psalm that evokes the power of evil, but it’s never clear who represents good or evil here. As the conflict between Phil and Rose evolves into one between Phil and Peter, our perspective shifts, too, and we see the characters in a whole new light. By then, though, a destructive spiral of events is already in motion. Because of this continual shifting, The Power of the Dog engages viewers more on the intellectual and visual levels than the emotional one. Frequent drone shots distance us from the characters, reminding us that the natural world dwarfs us all. While the movie offers little in the way of catharsis, it’s an undeniably powerful experience, as stark as those hills from the first shot. They form a canvas for the play of light and shadow from passing clouds. By the end of Campion’s film, we may feel as if a cloud heavy with mystery and foreboding has passed over us, too. M A R G O T HARRI S O N

IF YOU LIKE THIS, TRY... THE PIANO (1993; Netflix, rentable):

In Campion’s breakthrough period drama, a pianist is forced into marriage with a New Zealander. Holly Hunter and Anna Paquin won Oscars for their roles as mother and daughter. BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN (2005; Peacock,

IMDb TV, rentable): It’s not easy to find westerns whose male leads combine ruggedness with tenderness, but Ang Lee’s adaptation of Annie Proulx’s short story is another one. (Proulx wrote an admiring afterword to Savage’s novel.) THERE WILL BE BLOOD (2007; Pluto

TV, Netflix, rentable): In staging the clash of two strong characters who represent opposite types, Campion invites comparison with writer-director Paul Thomas Anderson. Daniel Day-Lewis’ oil prospector character resembles Phil Burbank in his fierce eccentricity.

NEW IN THEATERS BEING THE RICARDOS: Aaron Sorkin wrote and directed this dishy drama about midcentury pop culture power couple Lucille Ball (Nicole Kidman) and Desi Arnaz (Javier Bardem). With J.K. Simmons and Nina Arianda. (125 min, R. Essex, Savoy) BENEDETTA: Two nuns fall in love in 17th-century Italy in this drama from Paul Verhoeven (Elle), starring Virginie Efira, Charlotte Rampling and Daphne Patakia. (131 min, R. Savoy) WEST SIDE STORY: Steven Spielberg directed this new adaptation of the Leonard Bernstein musical in which two young people from opposite sides of a gang war fall in love. Ansel Elgort, Rachel Zegler and Ariana DeBose star. (156 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Majestic)

SPENCERHHHH Pablo Larraín (Jackie) does his arty-biopic magic on Princess Diana (Kristen Stewart), depicting her decision to leave Prince Charles (Jack Farthing) over a family holiday. (111 min, R. Roxy; reviewed 11/10)


ELF (Paramount, Sun only; Sunset) THE POLAR EXPRESS (Capitol, Sat only)



BELFASTHHHH Kenneth Branagh wrote and directed this semi-autobiographical film about coming of age in the turbulent Northern Ireland of the 1960s. With Jude Hill, Caitriona Balfe and Judi Dench. (98 min, PG-13. Playhouse, Roxy, Savoy, Welden)


CLIFFORD THE BIG RED DOGHHH The children’s books about a beloved giant pet come to the screen in a semi-live-action adventure. Walt Becker directed. (97 min, PG. Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Star) C’MON C’MONHHHH Joaquin Phoenix plays a traveling radio journalist who finds himself becoming his young nephew’s guardian in this indie drama from writer-director Mike Mills (20th Century Women). (108 min, R. Essex, Roxy, Savoy) DUNEHHH1/2 Director Denis Villeneuve (Blade Runner 2049) takes on the first half of Frank Herbert’s epic sci-fi novel. Timothée Chalamet, Rebecca Ferguson and Oscar Isaac star. (155 min, PG-13. Bijou, Majestic; reviewed 10/27) ENCANTOHHHH A young girl living in a charmed Colombian enclave sets out to discover her own magical powers in the latest Disney animation, cowritten by Lin-Manuel Miranda. (99 min, PG. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Star, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) ETERNALSHH1/2 The latest Marvel adventure introduces a new group of heroes who are literally gods, played by Gemma Chan, Richard Madden, Angelina Jolie, Kumail Najiani and others. Chloé Zhao (Nomadland) directed. (157 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Sunset) THE FRENCH DISPATCHHHH1/2 Wes Anderson’s latest is a love letter to the vintage New Yorker. With Benicio Del Toro, Adrien Brody, Tilda Swinton, and Bill Murray. (108 min, R. Big Picture, Roxy) GHOSTBUSTERS: AFTERLIFEHH1/2 A new generation of Ghostbusters emerges as two teens (Finn Wolfhard and Mckenna Grace) discover their grandpa’s spooky legacy. Jason Reitman directed. (124 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Paramount, Roxy, Star, Sunset, Welden)

It’s time to put some Glitter in the season.



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(* = UPCOMING SCHEDULE FOR THEATER WAS NOT AVAILABLE AT PRESS TIME) *BIG PICTURE THEATER: 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994, BIJOU CINEPLEX 4: 107 Portland St., Morrisville, 888-3293,

Take $10 OFF when you spend $50 OR MORE with coupon

CAPITOL SHOWPLACE: 93 State St., Montpelier, 229-0343, ESSEX CINEMAS & T-REX THEATER: 21 Essex Way, Suite 300, Essex, 879-6543,

187 Main Street, Colchester, VT • OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • 802-878-2361 M P

MAJESTIC 10: 190 Boxwood St., Williston, 878-2010, MARQUIS THEATER: 65 Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841, *MERRILL’S ROXY CINEMAS: 222 College St., Burlington, 864-3456, PARAMOUNT TWIN CINEMA: 241 N. Main St., Barre, 479-9621, PLAYHOUSE MOVIE THEATRE: 11 S. Main St., Randolph, 728-4012, SAVOY THEATER: 26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290598,

FOR LEASE: Aiken Flats

STAR THEATRE: 17 Eastern Ave., St. Johnsbury, 748-9511, *STOWE CINEMA 3PLEX: 454 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678,

Enjoy upscale living with a view! Now leasing our new construction, 3 bedroom/2 Bathroom condominium located in the new Aiken Street Flats development at South Village in South Burlington. Available for move-in February/March, 2022. Tours starting in November.

SUNSET DRIVE-IN: 155 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 862-1800, WELDEN THEATRE: 104 North Main St., St. Albans, 527-7888,

Javier Bardem in Being the Ricardos

HOUSE OF GUCCIHHH Lady Gaga plays a newcomer to the storied fashion family in this biographical crime drama from director Ridley Scott, also starring Adam Driver and Jared Leto. (157 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy, Star, Stowe, Welden)

KING RICHARDHHHH Will Smith plays the father and coach of tennis superstars Venus and Serena Williams in this biopic, also starring Aujanue Ellis. (138 min, PG-13. Roxy, Stowe) NO TIME TO DIEHHH1/2 James Bond returns from retirement to tackle a villain (Rami Malek) who targets people’s DNA in Daniel Craig’s swan song as the super-spy. Cary Joji Fukunaga directed. (163 min, PG-13. Majestic) RESIDENT EVIL: WELCOME TO RACCOON CITYHH1/2 This prequel to the action-horror saga based on a video-game series unveils the mysteries of Spencer Mansion. Kaya Scodelario and Robbie Amell star. (107 min, R. Majestic, Star, Sunset)

Image is likeness only.


JULIAHHH1/2 Directors Julie Cohen and Betsy West (RBG) tell the story of Julia Child in this documentary. (95 min, PG-13. Roxy)

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10/14/21 11:44 AM

calendar D E C E M B E R



2021 MAPLE CONFERENCE: Vermont Maple Sugar Makers’ Association and University of Vermont Extension host their annual get-together for purveyors of sweet stuff. $10-25; preregister. Info, 786-9437.


WOMEN’S FESTIVAL OF CRAFTS: The artisan market goes virtual, with gifts from more than 100 vendors available online. Various prices. Info, womensfestvt@

climate crisis

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT CEP: The Vermont Department of Public Service welcomes citizens’ thoughts on the newly-released 2022 Comprehensive Energy Plan. Rutland Free Library, 5:307:30 p.m. Free. Info, 828-2811. VECAN CONFERENCE 2021: The Vermont Energy & Climate Action Network hosts its annual conference to work toward a more sustainable future. See for full schedule. 12-1:15 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-2328, ext. 112.



Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee hears community feedback about a proposed shared-use path. Virtual option available. Room 301, South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, aparker@


FIRESIDE KNITTING GROUP: Needle jockeys gather to chat and work on their latest projects. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


HOMESTEADERS’ MEETUP: Like-minded neighbors gather to talk about sustainability, food systems and off-grid living. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN FILM SERIES: ‘RUNNING FENCE’: An unprecedented public art project takes shape in this uplifting 1977 documentary. Presented by Burlington City Arts, 118 Elliot and AIA Vermont. Free. Info, 865-7166. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: An educational and entertaining film takes viewers on an epic adventure through some of Earth’s wildest landscapes. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m., 1:30 & 3:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission

LIST YOUR UPCOMING EVENT HERE FOR FREE! All submissions must be received by Thursday at noon for consideration in the following Wednesday’s newspaper. Find our convenient form and guidelines at Listings and spotlights are written by Emily Hamilton. Seven Days edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the calendar or the classes section. Class organizers may be asked to purchase a class listing. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.



2 0 2 1

free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: Moviegoers join scientists on a journey through a surreal world of bug-eyed giants and egg-laying mammals. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m., 1 & 3 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘EURYDICE’: The Metropolitan Opera broadcasts its live performance of a new, epic adaptation of the tragic myth. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7 p.m. $10-24. Info, 382-9222.

food & drink

MOSAIC OF FLAVOR: KENYA: Zahra Mohamed shares some of her favorite Kenyan recipes. Presented by City Market, Onion River Co-op and US Committee for Refugees and

Immigrants Vermont. 5:30-7 p.m. Donations. Info, info@citymarket. coop. SENIOR CENTER WEEKLY LUNCH: Age Well and the Kevin L. Dorn Senior Center serve a hot, sitdown lunch. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 12:30 p.m. Donations; preregister; limited space. Info, 923-5545. TAKE-OUT COMMUNITY DINNER: Local chefs Aya Altaani and Halah Jumaa cook a delicious Jordanian and Iraqi meal. Presented by Winooski Partnership for Prevention. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 4-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, jhenderson@

WEEKLY WINE TASTING: Themed in-store tastings take oenophiles on an adventure through a wine region, grape variety, style of wine or producer’s offerings. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 865-2368.


PUZZLE SWAP: Puzzlers trade 250-and-higher-piece jigsaws that they’ve already conquered. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.


» P.66


‘LISTEN UP’: A filmed version of an original live musical based on the true stories of Vermont teens streams online. 1 & 7 p.m. $10; preregister. Info, 556-2652. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: A tenacious mammalian matriarch fights to protect her family in a desolate environment. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $11.50-14.50; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848. ‘A SERIOUS MAN’: A man’s life is turned upside-down when his wife moves her lover into the house and demands a divorce in this 2009 dark comedy from the Coen brothers. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.


MEET YOUR (NEW) NEIGHBOR: DECEMBER EDITION: Next Stage Arts rolls out the virtual welcome wagon for new Vermonters in the Putney area. 7 p.m. Free. Info, 387-0102.

8 - 1 5 ,

take viewers on a mind-bending journey from the beginning of the time through the mysteries of the universe. Northfield Savings Bank 3D Theater: A National Geographic Experience, ECHO Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 10:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:30 & 4:30 p.m. $3-5 plus regular admission, $14.50-18; admission free for members and kids 2 and under. Info, 864-1848.

‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: Sparkling graphics

FIND MORE LOCAL EVENTS IN THIS ISSUE AND ONLINE: art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at


Love and Joy Christmas past and Christmas present collide at Wassail Weekend, a three-day extravaganza of yuletide merrymaking in Woodstock. Whatever your favorite holiday tradition, Windsor County’s cultural institutions have got it. Artistree screens family favorites such as How the Grinch Stole Christmas and Elf. Pentangle Arts throws evening musical parties featuring the Whiffenpoofs and Irish Christmas in America. Billings Farm & Museum brings the 19th-century charm with sleigh rides, candle dipping and hot wassail punch. And, of course, the big man himself makes an appearance: Kids can catch Santa in a parade, ice-skating and decorating cookies throughout the weekend.

WASSAIL WEEKEND Friday, December 10, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Saturday, December 11, 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.; and Sunday, December 12, 10 a.m.-9 p.m., at various Woodstock locations. Various prices. Info, 457-3555,


FAMILY FUN Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at • Post your event at


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: Mothers-to-be build strength, stamina and a stronger connection to their baby. 5:45-6:45 p.m. $5-15. Info, 899-0339.


ITTY BITTY PUBLIC SKATE: Coaches are on hand to help the rink’s tiniest skaters stay on their feet. Gordon H. Paquette Ice Arena, Burlington, 10:30-11:30 a.m. $8. Info, 865-7558. STEAM SPACE: Kids explore science, technology, engineering, art and math activities. Ages 5 through 11. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

FAMILY FUN NIGHT: CHIGIRI-E CARD MAKING: Families get crafty by making holiday cards using the Japanese art of paper tearing. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918. STORY TIME: Little ones from birth through age 5 learn from songs, sign language lessons, math activities and picture books. Masks required. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.


HOLIDAY GIFT & CARD MAKING: Creative youngsters make crafts to give as presents to loved ones. Ages 6 and up. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 888-3853. P.E.N. TEEN CREATIVE WRITING GROUP: Writers of anything from poetry to fan fiction convene to discuss their work. Ages 12 through 18. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, youthservices@ SQUIRREL NUT ZIPPERS HOLIDAY CARAVAN TOUR 2021: The familyfriendly band plays holiday favorites and classic hits alongside special guests Atom & the Orbits. Livestream available. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7 p.m. $15-55. Info, 760-4634.

champlain islands/ northwest

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Little library patrons listen to stories, sing songs and take home a fun activity. Fairfax Community Library, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 849-2420. PUZZLE PIECE SNOWFLAKES: Turns out that old puzzles make for pretty snowflake decorations! Ages 8 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420.

upper valley

ZENTANGLE HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS: Doodlers ages 12 through adulthood learn how to draw intricate, winterthemed patterns as a form of meditation. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 2-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

outside vermont

PLAYGROUP FOR AGES 0-2: Babies, toddlers and their caretakers meet new friends and play to their hearts’ content. Howe Library, Hanover, N.H., 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 603-643-4120.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8, 12:30-1:30 p.m.


BABYTIME: Librarians bring out books, rhymes and songs specially selected for young ones. Ages birth to 18 months. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:1510:45 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. CRAFTERNOON: Weaving, knitting, embroidery and paper crafting supplies take over the Teen Space. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. SPANISH MUSICAL KIDS: Vengan a cantar y aprender! Kids ages 1 through 5 learn Spanish through song out on the lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

LEGO: Builders in kindergarten through 4th grade enjoy an afternoon of imagination and play. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.


BABY & TODDLER MEETUP: Tiny tots and their caregivers come together for playtime, puzzles and picture books. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. MIDDLE SCHOOL ADVISORY BOARD MEETING: Students ages 10 through 12 kick off the library’s new participatory program for preteens. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

TODDLER STORY TIME: Toddling tykes 20 months through 3.5 years old hear a few stories related to the theme of the week. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.

outside vermont

MORNING STORY TIME: Kids ages 2.5 through 4 hear a story before playtime and arts and crafts. Howe Library, Hanover, N.H., 9:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 603-643-4120.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8, 12:30-1:15 p.m.


‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’: Belle and Beast costumes are encouraged at this family-friendly production of the beloved fairy tale love story. Very Merry Theatre, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Donations. Info, 355-1461.

chittenden county

PAJAMA STORY TIME: Puppets and picture books enhance a special prebedtime story hour for kids in their PJs. Birth through age 5. Masks required. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. PLAY TIME: Hoops, stepping rocks and parachute games help kids ages 2 through 5 make friends and build social skills. Masks required. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 878-6956.


STORY TIME & PLAYGROUP: New youth librarian Sasha McGarvey encourages creativity and exploration in kids under 6. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: Players ages 9 through 13 go on a fantasy adventure with dungeon master Andy. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:304:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 888-3853.

rutland/killington HOLIDAY LIGHTS!: See THU.9.

READ TO A THERAPY DOG: XANDER: Novice and nervous readers find a calm, comforting environment in which to practice when Xander visits the library, courtesy of Therapy Dogs of Vermont. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 4-5 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 888-3853.

northeast kingdom


outside vermont

HOLIDAY LIGHTS!: Families pack into their cars and tune in to 89.3 FM for a journey through larger-than-life light displays, soundtracked by Saint Nick himself. Vermont State Fairgrounds, Rutland, Through December 12, 6-9 p.m. $25-30 per car. Info, 775-0903.

upper valley

PARENT & CAREGIVER MEETUP & PLAYGROUP: Those with new and prewalking babies gather to chat and sip coffee while the little ones play. Older siblings welcome. BYO mug. Norwich Public Library, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info,

ST. J SPARKLES: Wagon rides, model trains, a petting zoo, lantern decorating and live music make for a happy holiday weekend. See for full schedule. Various St. Johnsbury locations, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8575.

ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8, 8:30-9:15 a.m.


‘BEAUTY AND THE BEAST’: See FRI.10, 2-3:30 & 6:30-8 p.m. DRAG QUEEN STORY HOUR: Emoji Nightmare and Nikki Champagne read picture books and invite little ones ages 3 through 5 to celebrate the fun and fluidity of childhood. The Flynn, Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 863-5966. FAMILY PLAYSHOP: Kids from birth through age 5 learn and play at this school readiness program. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:15-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

ASHLEY WOLFF: The picture book author reads from her stories, draws pictures and signs books — available for purchase from Flying Pig Bookstore. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 846-4140. GINGERBREAD HOUSE DECORATING: Family members gather ‘round the decorating supplies in designated time slots. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.


DUNGEONS & DRAGONS: THE CANDLEKEEP MYSTERIES: Teens bring their imaginations and their problemsolving skills to this weekly collaborative role-playing game. Masks required. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, anthony.


READ TO FIGMENT THE THERAPY DOG: The Therapy Dogs of Vermont emissary is super excited to hear kids of all ages, including teens, practice their reading. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 11 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 888-3853. YOGA FOR FIVE & UNDER: Be a dog! Smell a flower! Stretch like a kitty! It’s all part of this movement session for tots and tykes. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

chittenden county

SOCIAL SUNDAYS FAMILY ART: Registered families pick up take-home kits to complete with video or typed instructions. Milton Artists’ Guild Art Center & Gallery, . Free; preregister. Info, 891-2014.


HOLIDAY LIGHTS!: See THU.9, 6-9 p.m.


LGBTQIA+ 101: AN ED NIGHT FOR PARENTS & CAREGIVERS: Chittenden county caregivers learn about gender, sexuality and how best to support their queer or trans kids. Presented by ParentIN. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 652-0997. ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8.


ITTY BITTY PUBLIC SKATE: See WED.8. STORIES WITH MEGAN: Bookworms ages 2 through 5 enjoy fun-filled reading time. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

chittenden county

INDOOR STORY TIME: Small groups enjoy a cozy session of reading, rhyming and singing. Birth through age 5. Masks required for kids 2 and up. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10-10:30 & 11:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.


SHAKESPEARE CLUB FOR TEENS: Burgeoning bards work together to put on a play or make a movie. Masks required. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 5:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.

outside vermont


AFTERNOON STORY TIME: Books, toys and crafts are on the docket for kids ages 3.5 through 5. Howe Library, Hanover, N.H., 1-2 p.m. Free. Info, 603-643-4120.

upper valley



ASTRONOMY DAY!: Astronauts and aliens of all ages learn about everything from comets to galaxies during a full day of fun. Montshire Museum of Science, Norwich, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Regular admission, $14-17; free for kids under 2. Info, 649-2200.

MUSIC & MOVEMENT: Little ones ages 2 through 5 and their caregivers move along to songs. Howe Library, Hanover, N.H., 10-10:30 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 603-640-3268.

northeast kingdom


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8, 10:15-11:15 a.m.

MATH BEYOND THE HORIZON: MIKE OLINICK: The Middlebury College mathematician predicts when nonrenewable resources might run out. Presented by the Vermont State Mathematics Coalition; for high school students but open to all. 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, math-beyond-the-horizon@

GENDER CREATIVE KIDS: Trans and gender non-conforming kiddos under 13 and their families enjoy coloring, games and snacks. Outright Vermont, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, david@

ST. J SPARKLES: See FRI.10, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.



DAD GUILD: Fathers and their kids from birth through age 5 drop in for playtime and connection. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8, 12:30-1:30 p.m.


SING-ALONG WITH LINDA BASSICK: Babies, toddlers and preschoolers sing, dance and wiggle along with Linda out on the library lawn. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


FULL STEAM AHEAD TUESDAYS: Kids learn art, science and math through games and crafts, including paper airplane races, Lego competitions and origami. Ages 6 and up. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3:304:30 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. TUE.14 SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

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health & fitness

ARTHRITIS FOUNDATION EXERCISE PROGRAM: Those in need of an easy-on-the-joints workout gather for an hour of calming, low-impact movement. United Community Church, St. Johnsbury, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 751-0431. AYURVEDA PROGRAM ONLINE: Maryellen Crangle and Dorothy Alling Memorial Library lead a 12-week introduction to this ancient Indian and Nepalese healing and lifestyle tradition. 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, CHAIR YOGA: Waterbury Public Library instructor Diana Whitney leads at-home participants in gentle stretches supported by seats. 10 a.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. FALL PREVENTION SUN-STYLE TAI CHI: Humans boost their strength and balance through gentle, flowing movements. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3322.

celebrating with GOOD CHEER & REVELRY

TAI CHI SUN 73 CLASS: Practitioners enjoy a peaceful morning of movement. Ages 55 and up; prerequisite is Tai Chi for Fall’s Prevention series 1, 2 & 3. Middlebury Recreation Center, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,


TAI CHI: SUN-STYLE 73: A sequence of slow, controlled motions aids in strength and balance. Twin Valley Senior Center, East Montpelier, 11:20 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 223-3322.


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holidays 11/18/21 1:54 PM

Phase One Renovations nearly done!

MERCY MARKETPLACE: Mercy Connections hosts an online holiday craft fair populated with goods from local artists. Various prices. Info, 846-7063.

In-person lunch & dinner begins again December 13

Takeout Available 4-8PM, 12/8-12/12 No dine-in service during these dates

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the holidays -Letcome join usbegin! -

12/7/21 10:18 1:38 PM 11/16/18 AM



FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: Local businesses deck out their display windows with quirky and captivating Christmas trees. Downtown St. Albans. Free. Info,

12/7/21 2:07 PM

aturing organic produce from local farmers

VIRTUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES BENEFIT AUCTION: Bidders raise their virtual paddles for gift cards, local art and sports tickets at the Paramount Theatre’s annual fundraiser. Various prices. Info, 775-0903.


‘SUPERDOGS: THE MUSICAL’: Musical theater meets stunt dog spectacle to make for a barking good time for the whole family. Sylvan Adams Theatre, Segal Centre for Performing Arts, Montréal, 7 p.m. $25-67. Info, 514-739-7944.


STUDENT PERFORMANCE RECITAL: University of Vermont music students prove their chops in a variety of genres. University of Vermont Recital

Hall, Burlington, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040. UKULELE SING-ALONG: Local strummers jam with Ukulele Clare and Rebecca Padula. Songbooks are provided. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, sbplprograms@


ONLINE SHOPPING SAFETY TIPS FOR OLDER ADULTS: Tech for Tomorrow teaches seniors how to navigate online marketplaces without falling for scams or viruses. 12-1:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-0595.


‘THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE’: Four siblings discover a world of talking animals and nefarious winter witches in this C.S. Lewis classic performed by Northern Stage student actors. Byrne Theater, Barrette Center for the Arts, White River Junction, 7:30-9 p.m. $19-29. Info, 296-7000.


DON HOOPER & BILL MARES: The illustrator and author, respectively, launch I Could Hardly Keep From Laughing: An Illustrated Collection of Vermont Humor. Presented by Phoenix Books. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350. FFL BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP: Readers share their thoughts about Washington Black by Esi Edugyan. Hosted by Fletcher Free Library. 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@



Development Center teaches entrepreneurial locals how to get their ideas off the ground. 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info,

climate crisis



THURSDAY ZOOM KNITTERS: The Norman Williams Public Library fiber arts club meets virtually for conversation and crafting. 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN FILM SERIES: ‘RUNNING FENCE’: See WED.8. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.8. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.8. ‘LISTEN UP’: See WED.8. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.8. ‘SKYLIGHT’: Two former lovers find themselves locked in a battle of wits and desire in this National Theatre Live production. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $7-21. Info, 748-2600. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.8.

food & drink

SUP CON GUSTO TAKEAWAY DINNER SERIES: Philly transplants Randy Camacho and Gina Cocchiaro serve up a three-course, family-style menu of seasonal Vermont produce and meat. See supcongustovt. com for menus. Richmond Community Kitchen, 6-8 p.m. Various prices. Info, gustogastro





BIZ BUZZ ZOOM: Vermont Womenpreneurs hosts a virtual networking space for women business owners to meet and connect. 10-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 870-0903. HIRING2DAYVT VIRTUAL JOB FAIR: The Vermont Department of Labor gives job seekers a chance to meet with employers from around the state. 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 828-4000. MARKETING YOUR MAKING: Artisans and other creative types learn how to get their names and products out there. Presented by Generator. 9:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 540-0761. STARTING YOUR OWN BUSINESS: Laurel Butler of the Vermont Small Business

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.




WHIST CARD GAME CLUB: Players of all experience levels congregate for some friendly competition. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 12:30-3 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

health & fitness

LIBRARY YOGA WITH LINDA: Every week is a new adventure in movement and mindfulness at this Morristown Centennial Library virtual class. 10:15-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.


CARLA GAMBESCIA: The author reveals the ancient roots of our modern holiday traditions. Presented by Phoenix Books and the Vermont Italian Cultural Association. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 448-3350. ‘A CHRISTMAS CAROL’: Middlebury Acting Company presents an original adaptation of Dickens’ beloved parable. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 7 p.m. Pay what you can. Info, 382-9222. FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: See WED.8. HOLIDAY BAKING WITH ‘THE PIE GUY’: Gary Stuard demonstrates how to shake up your winter dessert

routine with a macadamia nut and date pie. Presented by City Market, Onion River Co-op. 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@ MERCY MARKETPLACE: See WED.8. SONGS I’VE LIVED: HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Broadway luminaries sing musical theater favorites and holiday classics. Dinner and a show option available, with food from Salt & Bubbles or Black Flannel. Double E Performance Center’s T-Rex Theater, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. $20-320. Info, info@double VIRTUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES BENEFIT AUCTION: See WED.8. WINTER LIGHTS: Warm drinks in hand, visitors take in the all-aglow museum grounds. Shelburne Museum, 5-8 p.m. $10-15; free for kids 2 and under; preregister. Info, 985-3346.




MONTPELIER COMMUNITY GOSPEL CHOIR: The nondenominational chorus draws from the rich history of Black church music. Masks required. Donations benefit the Central Vermont Refugee Action Network. Christ Episcopal Church, Montpelier, noon-12:50 p.m. Donations. Info,

FAMILY FUN Check out these family-friendly events for parents, caregivers and kids of all ages. • Plan ahead at TUE.14

« P.65

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: The 5-and-under crowd meets up for an hour of stories, songs, crafts and playtime. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

upper valley

BABY STORY TIME: Librarians and finger puppet friends introduce babies 20 months and younger to the joy of reading. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.


ONLINE PRENATAL YOGA: See WED.8. POST-SECONDARY EDUCATION OPTIONS IN VERMONT FOR YOUTH WITH DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES: Vermont Family Network teaches caregivers about schools and vocational training programs open to young adults with special needs. 1-2:15 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 876-5315.



POST BOP ENSEMBLE & JAZZ GUITAR ENSEMBLE: Student musicians play tunes to jive to from Charles Fambrough, Clifford Brown and more. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 7:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040.


UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP TEST PREPARATION: Applicants work one-on-one with tutors to study history, government and geography — and to practice English, if needed. Zoom option available. Mercy Connections, Burlington, 9-10:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.


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‘THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE’: See WED.8, 2-3:30 p.m. & 7:30-9 p.m.


KAVEH AKBAR & DARIUS ATEFAT-PECKHAM: Two Iranian American poets read from and discuss their work. Hosted by Vermont Studio Center. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 635-2727.


military & first responders free with id

FULL MENU ›› BEER & WINE Tue.– Thu. 5pm-10pm; Fri. 5pm-12am; Sat. 12pm-12am; Sun. 12pm-8pm

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NO PRESSURE BOOK GROUP: There are no rules and no assignments in this virtual book club in which readers discuss old favorites, current obsessions and recent recommendations. 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 244-7036. THU.9

» P.688v-theboardroom120121.indd

FFL YOUNG WRITERS: Budding authors, scriptwriters and graphic novelists ages 10 and up learn more about the craft via prompts and group exercises. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-3403. ITTY BITTY PUBLIC SKATE: See WED.8. STEAM SPACE: See WED.8.

chittenden county

STEAM FUN ACTIVITY: ORIGAMI II: Crafty kids grades 3 and up expand their knowledge of paper folding beyond cranes. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 2-3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.


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Shop Gifts Online



HOLIDAY GIFT & CARD MAKING: See WED.8. TEEN HOLIDAY CRAFT: SHARPIE MUGS: Crafty kids ages 12 through 18 turn plain mugs into cute, bold or funny gifts for loved ones. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

champlain islands/ northwest

GINGERBREAD BUILDING: Aspiring architects use cookies and frosting to build houses, castles and skyscrapers. Ages 8 and up. Fairfax Community Library, 3 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 849-2420. PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: See WED.8.


outside vermont


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12/7/21 9:56 AM

calendar THU.9

« P.67

PENS & PAGES: The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett serves as inspiration for discussion and writing exercises in this Mercy Connections reading group focused on Black people’s experiences. 1:30-4 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.








Each adult season pass includes up to two season passes for children who are 12 years old or younger! Each adult season pass will also include a fully transferable punch pass good SKI & RD for ve full day visits. SNOWBOA g

rtin Leases Sta


0 at Just $12

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11/8/21 12:00 PM


HOWARD CENTER JOB FAIR: The mental health center teaches potential applicants about its current job openings. McClure Gymnasium, Burlington, 1-5 p.m. Free. Info, 404-465-7811.


AYODELE CASEL: The tap dancer brings her Afro-Latinx-infused footwork to her newest piece, “Chasing Magic,” soundtracked by Latin jazz luminary Arturo O’Farrill. Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $20. Info, 863-5966.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN FILM SERIES: ‘RUNNING FENCE’: See WED.8. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.8. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.8. ‘LISTEN UP’: See WED.8. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.8.

It starts local.

Wow... lookinegctory... ir through thoef dinfo there! a wealth FPF putting this I appreciart&e making us aware togethe its existence. of DON -




food & drink

COFFEE CORNER MORNINGS: The new senior center opens its doors for tea, coffee and friendly conversation. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 8:3010:30 a.m. Free. Info, 846-4107.



Vermont small businesses need your support more than ever. Shop locally this holiday season! Check out the FPF Directory at


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12/2/21 12:01 PM

FESTIVAL OF TREES: HOLIDAY TRACTOR PARADE: Tractors roll through town decked out with lights, floats and maybe a flying reindeer or two. Downtown St. Albans, 6 p.m. Free. Info, ‘HOLIDAY POPS’: Soprano Melissa Wimbish joins the Vermont Symphony Orchestra in renditions of classic carols and music from The Nutcracker and The Polar Express. Barre Opera House, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $30. Info, 476-8188. ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: A LIVE RADIO PLAY’: Bells ring and angels get their wings when the Shelburne Players bring a holiday classic to life. Masks required for audience members 2 and up; proof of vaccination required for those 12 and up. Shelburne Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. $15-18. Info, theshelburneplayers@gmail. com. ‘THE KAT AND BRETT HOLIDAY SHOW’: Brett Hughes and Kat Wright present their annual extravaganza of festive music and cheer. The Little Theater, Woodstock, 7 p.m. $40. Info, MERCY MARKETPLACE: See WED.8. VIRTUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES BENEFIT AUCTION: See WED.8. WASSAIL WEEKEND: Woodstock overflows with festive fun and fare, including movies, caroling, candle dipping, sleigh rides and live music. See for full schedule. See calendar spotlight. Various Woodstock locations, 10 a.m.-9 p.m. Various prices. Info, 457-3555. WINTER LIGHTS: See THU.9. ‘WINTER SOLSTICE MINI-FEST’: Bluegrass mandolinist Matt Flinner and American Roots band Low Lily celebrate the season with an energetic concert. Livestream available. Chandler Center for the Arts, Randolph, 7 p.m. $10-50. Info, 728-9878.





2021 MAPLE CONFERENCE: See WED.8. Vermont Technical College, Randolph.


ONLINE GUIDED MEDITATION: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library invites attendees to chill out on their lunch breaks and reconnect with their bodies. Noon-12:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,

MORETOWN ARTISANS’ SALE: Local potters and painters sell their wares, and a silent auction and raffle benefit the Moretown PTO. Moretown Elementary School, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Free.







CVU JAZZ ENSEMBLE: Vermont Swings celebrates its 20th anniversary with a high-energy

night of dancing soundtracked by talented high school musicians. Proof of vaccination, masks and clean dance shoes are required. Champlain Club, Burlington, 8-10:30 p.m. $20. Info, 864-8382.


BOSS UP!: Elisabeth Waller of Elisabeth Waller Photography snaps professional headshots for women job seekers. Diddle & Zen, Panton, noon-2 p.m. Pay what you can; preregister; limited space. Info, info@elisabeth


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.8. BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL FILM SERIES: Poet Rajnii Eddins hosts seven months of screenings ranging from well-known Hollywood blockbusters to award-winning independent films. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.8. ‘LISTEN UP’: See WED.8, 2 & 7 p.m. ‘THE MAGIC FLUTE’: The Metropolitan Opera’s colorful, kaleidoscopic 2006 production of Mozart’s masterpiece returns to screens. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 12:55 p.m. $16-25. Info, 748-2600. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 12:55 p.m. $24.38. Info, 775-0903. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.8. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.8.

food & drink

MIDDLEBURY FARMERS MARKET: Produce, prepared foods and local products are available for purchase at this

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.



DEC. 11 & 12 | THEATER






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11/11/21 10:51 AM

Dr. Dawn O. Willis, Artistic Director

Peace on Earth On Christmas Eve 1914, the trenches of the First World War’s Western Front were largely quiet as a widespread, unofficial ceasefire took hold. Soldiers on both sides of the conflict buried their dead, traded prisoners and sang carols. In some places, the no-man’s-land filled with erstwhile enemies exchanging gifts, sharing food and playing soccer. Made all the more stunning by the years of crushing violence that followed, the Christmas Truce is the subject of All Is Calm, an a cappella chamber opera presented by Opera North for just two performances at the Lebanon Opera House.

‘ALL IS CALM’ Saturday, December 11, 5 p.m., and Sunday, December 12, 2 p.m., at the Lebanon Opera House, N.H. $25-50. Info, 603-448-0400, year-round bazaar. Middlebury VFW Hall, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, middleburyfarmersmkt@ WEEKLY WINE TASTING: See WED.8. Dedalus Wine Shop, Market & Wine Bar, Stowe, noon3 p.m. Info, 585-7717.


BOARD GAMES WITH THE FRIENDLY TABLETOP GAMERS: The Friendly Tabletop Gamers of Essex and Beyond host a gameplay session for teens and adults. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, every 10

a.m.-1:45 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 846-4140. PUZZLE SWAP: Folks looking for something to keep them busy during the cold days to come trade their old puzzles for one of the library’s. Fairfax Community Library, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 849-2420.

health & fitness

FALL PREVENTION SUN STYLE TAI CHI: See WED.8. Father Lively Center, St. Johnsbury, 10-11 a.m..


‘A CHRISTMAS CAROL’: See THU.9. CHRISTMAS COOKIE SALE: Cookies, candies and Dutch specialties sell by the half dozen while music plays and hot cider flows. Champlain Valley Christian Reformed Church, Vergennes, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Various prices. Info, 349-0229. A CÒIG CHRISTMAS: The phenomenal Nova Scotian foursome plays fiery Celtic carols into the SAT.11

Guest Artist Rebecca Kauffman, harp

Saturday, December 18, 7:30 pm The White Meeting House Waterbury Congregational Church

Sunday, December 19, 3:00 pm College St. Congregational Church Burlington TICKETS: General Seating $20 Adults $15 Seniors and Students Advance tickets available at

Proof of vaccination and masks required

» P.70 4t-SolarisVoiceensemble120821 1



12/6/21 9:39 AM


And what happened then? Well, in Whoville they say... that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day.


« P.69

night. Barre Opera House, 7:30 p.m. $15-35. Info, 476-8188. FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: See WED.8. HOLIDAY CABARET: Old friends on piano, guitar, woodwinds and more fill the Hayloft with seasonal music and cozy vibes. Presented by BarnArts. ArtisTree Community Arts Center & Gallery, South Pomfret, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $25. Info, 234-1645.

— Dr. SeuSS, How tHe GrincH Stole cHriStmaS

No matter what you are celebrating, happiest of holidays!

HOLIDAY FESTIVAL & OUTDOOR MARKET: The town of Cabot throws a traditional German Christmas market, complete with craft beer and mulled wine. The Den at Harry’s Hardware, Cabot, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 279-4309. HOLIDAY MAKER’S MARKET: Neighbors shop local from a rotating roster of crafters and farmers. Kraemer & Kin tasting room, GreenTARA Space, North Hero, noon-6 p.m. Free. Info, ‘HOLIDAY POPS’: See FRI.10. The Flynn, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $8.35-54.23. Info, 863-5966. HOTEL VERMONT OUTDOOR HOLIDAY MARKET: Makers sell gifts, bartenders sling warm drinks and DJ Cre8 spins festive favorites. Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: A LIVE RADIO PLAY’: See FRI.10. JUBILANT REUNION!: The Mad River Chorale singers celebrate their return to in-person musicmaking with holiday tunes by the likes of Handel, Haydn and Brahms. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Waterbury Congregational Church, 7:30 p.m. $12-15; free for kids under 12. Info, 496-4781. MERCY MARKETPLACE: See WED.8. ‘THE NUTCRACKER’: The Dance Factory presents its 30th annual production of Clara’s magical journey through the Land of Sweets. Masks required. Green Mountain Union High School, Chester, 7 p.m. $8-13. Info, 875-2561. VIRTUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES BENEFIT AUCTION: See WED.8.

This holiday season, give the gift of comfort and hope with a donation to the American Red Cross. You can give a meaningful holiday season, give thesome gift of comfort hope with a gift thatThis helps people through of life’sand toughest moments. donation to the give American Redof Cross. You can a meaningful This holiday season, the gift comfort andgive hope with a donation gift that helps through some of life’s toughest moments. to the American Redpeople Cross. You can give a meaningful gift that helps This holiday season, give the gift of comfort and hope with a people through some ofat life’s toughest moments. Donate today This holiday season, give the gift of comfort and hope with a donation to the American Red Cross. You can give a meaningful giftthe that helps people through some of life’s toughest moments. Donate today at donation to American Red Cross. You can give a meaningful gift that helps people through some of life’s toughest moments.

Donate today at

Donate today at 32 N Prospect St, Burlington, VT 05401

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VIVA MARKETPLACE HOLIDAY MARKETS: Wine tastings, magic shows and caramel apples punctuate holiday shopping. Masks required. Viva Marketplace, South Hero, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Free. Info, 372-6611. WASSAIL WEEKEND: See FRI.10, 9:30 a.m.-9 p.m.

auction. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, cocktail hour, 5:30 p.m.; concert, 7 p.m.; auction, 8 p.m. $75. Info, 748-2600. BATYA LEVINE: The musician leads a sensitive, spiritual sing-along concert. Proceeds benefit the Feeding Chittenden Food Shelf. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Livestream available. Temple Sinai, South Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. $18. Info, 356-1668. DAVE KELLER BAND: The blues rocker gives a soulful showing. Refreshments served. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Burnham Hall, Lincoln, 7:30 p.m. $10; free for kids under 18. Info, 388-6863. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY WINTER CONCERT SERIES: CONNOR YOUNG QUARTET: The jazz outfit plays old standards and original tunes. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. SENIOR RECITALS: Undergrad music majors cap off their college years with performances for voice, saxophone, clarinet and trombone. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 2:30, 5 & 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040. TONY TRISCHKA: A bluegrass concert pre-filmed at Richmond Congregational Church is followed by a live Q&A. Presented by Valley Stage Productions. 7-9:30 p.m. $15-45. Info, 434-4563.


RUTLAND COUNTY AUDUBON BIRD WALK: Enthusiastic ornithologists of all experience levels go on a gentle hike and search for feathered friends. Marble St. boardwalk, West Rutland Marsh, 8-11 a.m. Free. Info, birding@ WINTER FOREST BATHING: Folks unplug, slow down and experience nature through a

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:

art Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at

film See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

WINTER LIGHTS: See THU.9, Through 5-8 p.m.

music + nightlife


Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music.

‘SUPERDOGS: THE MUSICAL’: See WED.8, 11 a.m. & 4 p.m.


ANNUAL CATAMOUNT BENEFIT AUCTION: Catamount Arts raises funds with a gala featuring cocktails, music from Kat Wright 341201-11 9/2021 and Brett Hughes, and a live

Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.


guided mindfulness practice. Meet in front of the sugarhouse. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 10 a.m.-noon. $2530; preregister. Info, gcauser@


‘ALL IS CALM’: World War I soldiers forge a Christmas truce in this profound a cappella chamber opera from Opera North. See calendar spotlight. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 5 p.m. $2550. Info, 603-448-0400. ‘THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE’: See WED.8, 2-3:30 p.m. & 7:30-9 p.m.


POETRY EXPERIENCE: Local wordsmith Rajnii Eddins hosts a supportive writing and sharing circle for poets of all ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

SUN.12 bazaars


climate crisis

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT CEP: See WED.8. Vermont Technical College, Blair Park Campus, Williston, 3-5 p.m.


VDA MINI COURSES: VIDEO AND THE MOVING BODY: CREATING FOR THE FRAME: Dancers become videographers as they learn the basics of camera placement, light and perspective. Presented by Vermont Dance Alliance. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.8. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.8. ‘LISTEN UP’: See WED.8, 2 & 7 p.m. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.8. ‘SPACE: UNRAVELING THE COSMOS’: See WED.8.

food & drink

FOOD FOR TALK COOKBOOK CLUB: Home chefs make a recipe from Alissa Timoshkina’s Salt & Time: Recipes from a Russian Kitchen and meet to compare results. Presented by Fletcher Free Library. 3-5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, bshatara@burlingtonvt. gov.

health & fitness

COMMUNITY MINDFULNESS PRACTICE: New and experienced meditators are always welcome to join this weekly class, virtually


or in person. Evolution Physical Therapy & Yoga, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info,


‘A CHRISTMAS CAROL’: See THU.9, 2 p.m. CRAFTSBURY HOLIDAY FARMERS’ MARKET!: Neighbors get their holiday shopping done while supporting their local artists, chefs and farmers. Craftsbury Academy, Craftsbury Common, 1-4 p.m. Free. Info, FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: See WED.8. HOLIDAY MAKER’S MARKET: See SAT.11. ‘HOLIDAY POPS’: See FRI.10. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 3-5 p.m. $10-34. Info, 775-0903. ‘IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE: A LIVE RADIO PLAY’: See FRI.10, 2 p.m. JUBILANT REUNION!: See SAT.11. Waitsfield United Church of Christ, 4 p.m. ‘THE KAT AND BRETT HOLIDAY SHOW’: See FRI.10. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 2 & 7 p.m. $40; cash bar. MERCY MARKETPLACE: See WED.8. ‘THE NUTCRACKER’: See SAT.11, 2 p.m. UGLY SWEATER FUN RUN & WALK: Racers don their most repugnant pullovers to raise funds for the Rotary Club of South Burlington’s local charity initiatives. Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School, South Burlington, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. $15-35; free for kids under 12. Info, southburlington VIRTUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES BENEFIT AUCTION: See WED.8. WASSAIL WEEKEND: See FRI.10. WILLIAM TORTOLANO: The renowned organist is joined by vocalist Jerry Proulx for a program of multicultural carols. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2000.


DIMANCHES: FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP: Parlezvous français? Speakers practice the tongue at a casual drop-in chat. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

to contemporary. Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, 4 p.m. $15-20. Info, 863-5966. RUPERT WATES: The Londonborn, Oxford-educated folk musician blends acoustic, jazz and cabaret influences. Josh Maiocco opens. Masks required. Stage 33 Live, Bellows Falls, 7-9 p.m. $15-20. Info, stage33@ VERMONT MANDOLIN TRIO: Three of Vermont’s finest mandolinists pick their way through a plethora of genres. Livestream available. Richmond Congregational Church, 4-6 p.m. $15-25. Info, 434-4563. ‘WINTER’S WARM MUSIC’: Music spanning four continents marks the University of Vermont Concert Choir’s return to the stage. University of Vermont Recital Hall, Burlington, 3-4 p.m. Free. Info, 656-3040.


‘ALL IS CALM’: See SAT.11, 2 p.m. ‘THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE’: See WED.8, 2-3:30 p.m. & 7:30-9 p.m.

MON.13 bazaars



SETTING COURSE FOR 2022: Through group work and creative activities, Mercy Connections helps attendees learn how to welcome new possibilities and navigate obstacles. 10 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 846-7063.


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section. ‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.8.




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ENGLISH CONVERSATION CIRCLE: Locals learning English as a second language gather in the Board Room to build vocabulary and make friends. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140.



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LEO KOTTKE & MIKE GORDON: The pioneering guitarist and the Phish bassist play songs from their first new album in 15 years. Masks and proof of vaccination required. Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $38-58. Info, 603-448-0400.




Apple, HomePod and MacBook Air are registered trademarks of Apple Inc. While supplies last.

316 Flynn Ave, Burlington VT 05401 | | 802-862-1316 4T-smalldog120821 1

12/6/21 9:35 AM

BOOK TALK: Dorothy Alling Memorial Library hosts a discussion of The Talk: Conversations About Race, Love and Truth, edited by Wade Hudson and Cheryl Willis Hudson. 5 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918.

TUE.14 bazaars



‘ORCHESTRAPALOOZA’: Players from the Vermont Youth Orchestra Association’s youngest string ensemble up through the most advanced group perform masterpieces spanning classical

AFLCR SOCIAL HOUR: The Alliance Française of the Lake Champlain Region hosts a virtual cocktail hour. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


‘SUPERDOGS: THE MUSICAL’: See WED.8, 11 a.m. & 4 p.m.





Holiday Gifts



LAURA MANN INTEGRATIVE HEALTHCARE LECTURE SERIES: KAVITHA REDDY: The physician gives a speech on “Whole Health System of Care: Supporting Health, Wellbeing and Resiliency.” Presented by University of Vermont Integrative Health. 8-9 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, cara.feldman

IRISH LANGUAGE CLASS: Celticcurious students learn to speak an Ghaeilge in a supportive group. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 2:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

Kellogg-Hubbard library, then enjoy a lively holiday songthemed game. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-3338.

BUILD YOUR SKILLS: PROFESSIONAL GROWTH: Paige Ruffner of Vermont Works for Women explains how feedback and goal setting can help workers advance their careers. 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 655-8900. MANAGING MONEY FOR MAKERS: Christine McGowan of Vermont Sustainable Job Fund teaches crafters and artisans how to budget. Presented by Generator. 9:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 540-0761.


KNITTERS IN PERSON: Yarn enthusiasts of all abilities bring their knitting projects and help each other out when needed. Norman Williams Public Library, TUE.14

» P.72

HOLIDAY WREATHS, TREES & GREENS We have a large selection of wreaths, trees and greens at all of our garden centers. For trees you’ll have your choice of fresh cut balsam or frasers ranging from 4-10' plus live spruce, pine or fir. If you are looking for a wreath we have both pre-decorated or plain wreaths. You can even choose a plain wreath and we will decorate it for you. Space is limited and pre-registration is required.

holidaygreens_7D.indd 1



11/29/21 9:30 AM

calendar TUE.14

« P.71


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

COMPUTER WORKSHOPS: Those who have already taken the Fletcher Free Library’s Introduction to Excel class expand their knowledge of spreadsheets and data analysis. 6-7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 863-3403.



Woodstock, 10:15 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 457-2295.






LET’S PLAY CHESS: Players of all ages and experience levels come together to play the king’s game. Coaching available. Feel free to BYO board. Masks required. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 457-2295.


Blue Holiday Gathering and Ritual

health & fitness




Starlight Solstice Celebration- Park Dancing

FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: See WED.8. GERMAN HOLIDAY BAKING WITH BROT BAKEHOUSE: City Market, Onion River Co-op hosts a virtual baking demo of some beloved German Advent goodies, such as Zimtsterne (cinnamon stars) and Vanillekipferl (vanilla crescents). 5:30-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,


The Kat and Brett Holiday Show FRI., DEC. 17 BURNHAM HALL, LINCOLN

‘Tis the Season! with Solaris Vocal Ensemble

MANNHEIM STEAMROLLER CHRISTMAS: One of the most successful Christmas bands in history takes the stage for magical holiday extravaganza. Flynn Main Stage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $56.75-77.75. Info, 863-5966.

Ethiopian and Eritrean Cuisine Takeout





PAUSE-CAFÉ FRENCH CONVERSATIONS: Francophones and French-language learners meet pour parler la belle langue. Burlington Bay Market & Café, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 343-5166.

‘Tis the Season! with Solaris Vocal Ensemble






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12/7/21 2:40 PM


VERMONT’S FREEDOM & UNITY CHORUS REHEARSAL: Singers of all ages, races and genders lift their voices in songs that represent the ongoing struggle for justice. Chapel of Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, 6:45-8:45 p.m. $35. Info, vermontsfreedom

‘AUSTRALIA’S GREAT WILD NORTH 3D’: See WED.8. ‘DINOSAURS OF ANTARCTICA 3D’: See WED.8. ‘KING OF HEARTS’: A World War I private unintentionally becomes a cult leader of sorts in this 1966 French farce. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. ‘MEERKATS 3D’: See WED.8.




food & drink

RECITE!: Poets of all levels, from fledgling to professional, celebrate the spoken word at this virtual reading. 7-9 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, programs@ WHAT’S ON YOUR NIGHTSTAND? THE NOT-A-BOOK-CLUB BOOK CLUB: Rebel readers discuss anything from book jacket design to the ebook revolution at this nonconformist meeting. Norman Williams Public Library, Woodstock, 10:15-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 457-2295. WORK IN PROGRESS: Members of this writing group motivate each other to put pen to paper for at least an hour, then debrief together. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853.

WED.15 bazaars



7 THINGS YOU CAN DO IN 7 HOURS TO GET MORE WEBSITE TRAFFIC: Nancy Koziol of Couch + Cork unravels the mysteries of search engine optimization. Presented by Women Business Owners Network Vermont. 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 503-0219. SALES STRATEGIES FOR MAKERS: A panel discusses what retailers are looking for and how artisans can boost their sales. Presented by Generator. 9:30-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 540-0761.





FESTIVAL OF TREES: DOWNTOWN TREE WALK: See WED.8. GHOST STORIES ON A WINTER’S NIGHT: Folks wishing for a spookier holiday season get their Dickens on and tell winterthemed ghost stories. Waterbury Public Library, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036. VIRTUAL FESTIVAL OF TREES BENEFIT AUCTION: See WED.8. ‘WINTER TALES’: Kathryn Blume, Geoffrey Gevalt and Stephen Kiernan tell festive tales and Patti Casey shares seasonal songs at Vermont Stage’s annual tradition. Black Box Theater, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $34.50-38. Info, 862-1497.

FOMO? Find even more local events in this newspaper and online:



Find visual art exhibits and events in the Art section and at



STARLIGHT: A WINTER SOLSTICE DANCE: Dancers of all ages and experience levels bring lights and lanterns to move together to live music in the park. See calendar spotlight. The Center Commons, Waterbury Center, 5 p.m. Free. Info, info.acrossroads@


See what’s playing at local theaters in the On Screen section.

See what’s playing at theaters in the On Screen section.

music + nightlife Find club dates at local venues in the Music + Nightlife section online at music. Learn more about highlighted listings in the Magnificent 7 on page 11.





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Midwinter Moves Park Dancing, a participatory series in which dance artist Alana Rancourt Phinney invites folks of all ages and experience levels to join an outdoor exploration of movement and voice, comes to Waterbury Center for its winter edition. In honor of the solstice, dancers bring paper lanterns or flashlights in order to turn the park into a glowy nighttime wonderland. Lydia Lowery Busler and Dov Michael Schiller of the Tradewinds Improv Ensemble provide the live music, and a warming area is stocked with hot drinks.

STARLIGHT: A WINTER SOLSTICE DANCE Wednesday, December 15, 5 p.m., at the Center Commons in Waterbury Center. Free. Info,,


AFLCR SOCIAL HOUR: TROISIÈME MERCREDI: Francophones fine-tune their French-language conversation skills via Zoom. 5-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info,




OPEN MIC: Artists of all stripes have eight minutes to share a song, story or poem. South Burlington Public Library & City Hall, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 846-4140. WILD WOODS SONG CIRCLE: Singers and acoustic instrumentalists gather over Zoom for an evening of

music making. 7:15-9:15 p.m. Free. Info, 775-1182.


NATURALIST JOURNEYS: TYLER HOAR: The Finch Research Network biologist explains how to predict when our feathered friends will arrive for the winter. Hosted by North Branch Nature Center and Green Mountain Audubon Society. 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.


2022 NONPROFIT LEGISLATIVE WARM-UP: Common Good Vermont shares policy updates and helps nonprofit sector employees hone their advocacy skills. 9 a.m.-2 p.m. $25; preregister. Info, 861-7826.







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MORRISVILLE MYSTERY CLUB: True crime buffs and amateur sleuths gather to discuss their favorite mystery books and podcasts. Morristown Centennial Library, Morrisville, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3853. PHOENIX BOOKS VIRTUAL POETRY OPEN MIC: Wordsmiths read their work at this evening hosted by local performance poet Bianca Amira Zanella. 7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 855-8078. m

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11/30/21 10:13 AM





DAVIS STUDIO ART CLASSES: Discover your happy place in one of our weekly classes. Making art boosts emotional well-being and brings joy to your life, especially when you connect with other art enthusiasts. Select the ongoing program that’s right for you. Now enrolling youth and adults for classes in drawing, painting and fused glass. Location: Davis Studio, 916 Shelburne Rd., South Burlington. Info: 425-2700, davis


GENERATOR is a combination of artist studios, classroom, and business incubator at the intersection of art, science, and technology. We provide tools, expertise, education, and opportunity – to enable all members of our community to create, collaborate, and make their ideas a reality. MITTEN SEWING WORKSHOP: Create your own mittens from recycled sweaters (Bernie mittens anyone?) with help from instructor Eliza West. We’ll provide materials, and you’ll leave with

greater knowledge of sewing knitted fabrics and a great pair of mittens for yourself or someone on your holiday list. Basic knowledge of machine sewing is required. Wed., Dec. 15, 6-8:30 p.m. Location: Generator, 40 Sears La., Burlington. Info: Sam Graulty, 5400761,,

wish! Sharing what you create is optional. Drop-ins welcome! 1st Sun. of each mo., Nov. to Apr. at 4 p.m. Cost: $10/-25; sliding scale; donations appreciated. Location: The Passing Project, Zoom. Info:,

ALLIANCE FRANCAISE WINTER SESSION: Join us for online adult and children French classes this winter! Our six-week session starts on Jan. 17 and offers classes for participants at all levels. Please go to to read all about our offerings. 6-wk. session begins on Jan. 17. Location: Alliance Francaise, Burlington. Info: Contact Micheline at education@,

SPOON CARVING WORKSHOP: Join Eric Cannizzaro to learn one of many ways to carve a spoon using a few quintessential green woodworking tools — the drawknife, gouge and spokeshave. You will cover getting material out of a log, steambending the crook, using milk paint and finishing. All skills levels are welcome. Sat., Jan. 15-16, 9:30 a.m.noon. Location: Generator, 40 Sears La., Burlington. Info: Sam Graulty, 540-0761, education@, generatorvt. com/workshops.

healing arts PANDEMIC PASSAGES WORKSHOP: In this monthly series, we’ll explore the landscape of our pandemic lives, opening the unexpected gifts, sadnesses, letting go, longing and missing. We’ll utilize movement, guided meditation and storytelling. Bring your own materials for writing, drawing, music, dance — whatever you

fill up fast. See our website or contact us for details. Beginning week of Jan. 10. Cost: $270/10 classes of 90+ min. each, one class per week. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: 585-1025, spanish, spanish

martial arts language ADULT LIVE SPANISH E-CLASSES: Join us for adult Spanish classes this winter, using Zoom online videoconferencing. Our 16th year. Learn from a native speaker via small group classes and individual instruction. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Five different levels. Note: classes

VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: This school was developed to communicate the importance of proper, legitimate and complete Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instruction. We cover fundamentals of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu with a realistic approach to self-defense training skills in a friendly, safe and positive environment. All are welcome; no experience required. Develop confidence, strength and endurance. Julio Cesar “Foca” Fernandez Nunes was born and raised on the shores of Copacabana, Rio

de Janeiro, Brazil. Earning his black belt and representing the Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Team, Julio “Foca” went on to become a five-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Champion, three-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion and two-time IBJJF World JiuJitsu Champion! Julio “Foca” is the only CBJJP, USBJJF and IBJJF-certified seventh-degree coral belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and self-defense instructor under late grand master Carlson Gracie Sr. currently teaching in the USA. Accept no Iimitations! Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 598-2839,,

music DJEMBE & TAIKO DRUMMING: JOIN US!: New classes (outdoor mask optional/masks indoors), starting on Sep. 7, Nov. 8 and Jan. 18. Taiko: Mon., Tue., Wed. and Thu.; Djembe: Wed. and Thu.; Kids and parents: Tue., Wed. and Thu. All Thursday classes at Camp Meade Middlesex behind Red Hen! Schedule/register online. Location: Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3G, Burlington. Info: 999-4255,,

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4/26/21 3:38 PM



Society of Chittenden County

Franky SEX: 6-year-old neutered male REASON HERE: He was brought to HSCC due to behavioral concerns in his previous home. ARRIVAL DATE: November 18, 2021 SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS: Franky does not have any known history of living with other dogs, and he briefly lived with a cat. We recommend that Franky live with adults or possibly teenagers who are better able to read his body language and understand when he is uncomfortable, than with small children. SUMMARY: Franky has two favorite things in the world: his people and tennis balls! He loves chasing tennis balls, catching them in midair or pouncing on them. Franky is the kind of pup who prefers the company of his family rather than meeting lots of new people, and he would rather hang out at home than visit strange places. But with the people he knows and loves, his goofy side comes out, and he’s eager to play. He’s an affectionate guy who will return all the love you give him and then some. If he sounds like he might be a match for you, stop by HSCC to visit Franky today!


housing »


Just like people, pets differ in their love of holiday gatherings. If your furry friend is on the shy or nervous side, start to plan where they can hang out to take a break from the socializing. Cozy crates, a favorite bed or piece of furniture, a separate room, or even spending the day at home instead of joining you at the festivities — choose the option that works best for you and your pets! Sponsored by:

Visit the Humane Society of Chittenden County at 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 or visit for more info.


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CLASSIFIEDS on the road

CARS/TRUCKS CASH FOR CARS! We buy all cars! Junk, high-end, totaled: It doesn’t matter. Get free towing & same-day cash. Newer models, too. Call 1-866-5359689. (AAN CAN)

No fees. For homes & investment properties, we will purchase “as-is.” This means you don’t have to put another dime in repairs or move unwanted belongings out! Call us today for a fair cash offer: 802-495-6337.

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HEALTH/ WELLNESS PSYCHIC COUNSELING Psychic counseling, channeling w/ Bernice Kelman, Underhill. 30+ years’ experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. 802-899-3542,

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Closes Thurs., December 16 @ 10AM 131 Dorset Lane, Williston, VT

“dream business,” please attend a casual sm-allmetals060811.indd 7/20/15 forum to discuss1 your 5:02 PM WEAK-WILLED WALKERS small business ideas & I’m a woman who warded share w/ our group or off being wedded to a just listen. Share your wheelchair. Why not desire to run your own wend your way w/ a business, seek partners walking warrior? Email: and obtain knowledge augustarosediamond@ about getting started. Together we may SAVE MONEY ON AUTO be able to help each REPAIRS BATH & SHOWER other. The next informal 16t-hirchakbrothers120821 1 Our vehicle service UPDATES get-together is on Dec. program can save you In as little as 1 day! 14, 5:30 p.m., at Zero up to 60% off dealer Affordable prices. No Gravity. RSVP: terrallc@ JOHN TURNER, prices & provide you payments for 18 mos.! HANDYMAN excellent coverage! Call Fully insured. Roofs, inte- Lifetime warranty & Mon.-Fri., 9 a.m.-4 p.m. professional installs. rior or exterior painting, BECOME A PUBLISHED (PST) for a free quote: Senior & military AUTHOR! misc. Free estimates! 866-915-2263. discounts avail. Call We edit, print & Leave a message. 1-877-649-5043. (AAN distribute your work 802-735-4009. CAN) internationally. We do WE PAY CASH FOR the work; you reap the LEO’S ROOFING PROPERTY CABLE PRICE INCREASE rewards! Call for a free Slate, shingle & metal We pay cash for land, AGAIN? ATTENTION Author’s Submission repair & replacement. homes & investment Switch to DirecTV & ENTREPRENEURS! Kit: 844-511-1836. (AAN Snow removal & properties of all kinds. save & get a $100 Visa For those of us who CAN) more! Free estimate: Get paid in 30 days or gift card! Get more want to start that 802-503-6064. 30 less! No commissions. channels for less money. years’ experience. Good Restrictions apply. Call refs. & fully insured. now. 877-693-0625. Chittenden County. (AAN CAN) COMPUTER & IT TRAINING PROGRAM! NEVER PAY FOR DONATE YOUR CAR TO COVERED HOME Train online to get appt. appointment KIDS REPAIRS AGAIN! the skills to become Your donation helps Complete Care Home a computer & help apt. apartment fund the search for Warranty covers all desk professional now. missing children. major systems & appliBA bathroom Grants & scholarships Accepting trucks, ances. 30-day risk-free. avail. for certain motorcycles & RVs, BR bedroom $200 off + 2 free mos.! programs for qualified too! Fast, free pickup. Mon.-Thu. & Sun., 9:30 applicants. Call CTI for DR dining room Running or not. 24-hr. details! 1-855-554-4616. a.m.-8 p.m.; Fri., 9:30 response. Max. tax a.m.-noon. (All times (AAN CAN) DW dishwasher donation. Call 877-266Eastern.) 1-877-6730681. (AAN CAN) 0511. (AAN CAN) HDWD hardwood





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EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the law. Our


REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS: List your properties here and online for only $45/week. Submit your listings by Mondays at noon or 802-865-1020, x110.





print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: questions? 865-1020 x110


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Fantastic 4 unit multi-family property located on South Winooski Avenue, just blocks from Downtown Burlington featuring two 2-bedroom units and two 1-bedroom units, with a large back deck and covered porches. Convenient location close to shopping, restaurants, colleges, UVM Medical Center, and the waterfront! $649,900

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readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels he or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 14-16 Baldwin St. Montpelier, VT 05633-0633 1-800-416-2010


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Homeshares WINOOSKI


Senior woman offering furnished efficiency apartment in her home. Provide daily dog walks, housecleaning & errands. $400/mo. Some daytime availability needed.

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Senior interested in literature & classical music, seeking housemate to cook 2-3 meals/ week, help w/ snow shoveling & share companionship. $300/mo. Private BA. Must be cat-friendly!

ATTENTION, VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50-pill special: $99 + free shipping! 100% guaranteed. Call now: 888-531-1192. (AAN CAN)


SO. BURLINGTON Tidy, comfortable condo to share with busy professional in her 50s who enjoys music & movies. $650/mo., all inc. Shared BA. No pets.

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12/3/21 4:43 PM


CHRISTMAS POODLE PUPPIES AKC-registered, show-quality standard poodles born on Sep., 28, ‘21. Ready for Christmas. Fully vaccinated & vet-checked. Parents are white/ cream, friendly & sweet. Call: 802-323-3498.

techniques. Achieve your goals & find your voice! Holiday special! 20% discount before Dec. 15! Purchase/info/ testimonials: audrey


INSTRUCTION GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee graduate w/ 30 years’ teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory, music technology & ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages, styles & levels. Rick Belford, 864-7195, VOICE LESSONS All levels/ages! Remote voice lessons w/ professional singer-coach, providing healthy vocal

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IF YOU TALK OF LOVE TO ME If You Talk of Love to Me ... Letters & the New England Code: Christine Peters, Burlington, Vermont to Frank Peters, L.A., California, 1903-1909. New e-book, Vermont history. Order from B&N or Amazon: ISBN 978-1-73737-19-1-5. Martha Atwood Pike, mapike@roadrunner. com.



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Show and tell.



6 5 4 8 9 2 9 7 7 1 5 9 6 4 2 7 8





Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row across, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.





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ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C1149-2 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On November 22, 2021, Champlain School Apartments Partnership, 410 Shelburne Road, Burlington, VT 05401 filed application number 4C1149-2 for a project generally described as: (1) elimination of the previously approved parking lot east of the Holiday Inn; (2) revisions to the previously approved Holiday Inn including a revised lobby addition, removal of the east wing of the existing Holiday Inn for a reduction in units from 115 to 100, and construction of a pool addition and courtyard; and (3) construction of a five-story, mixed-use building consisting of 74 residential

No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before December 20, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.

Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 1st day of December, 2021. By: _/s/Rachel Lomonaco_____ Rachel Lomonaco, District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5658

If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than December 20, 2021. If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this



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/s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan District Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 802-879-5662

Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).



Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 2nd day of December, 2021.

The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51— Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C1149-2.”


If you feel that any of the District Commission

Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent that they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the Act 250 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).

process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.


No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before December 22, 2021, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing, or the Commission sets the matter for a hearing on its own motion. Any person as defined in 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1) may request a hearing. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or sub-criteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other person eligible for party status under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(1)(E) must include a petition for party status under the Act 250 Rules. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law may not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.

If you have a disability for which you need accommodation in order to participate in this process (including participating in a public hearing, if one is held), please notify us as soon as possible, in order to allow us as much time as possible to accommodate your needs.

units, 6,200 sf of commercial space, and two levels of parking with parking deck extension at the rear of the building. The project is located at 1068 Williston Road in South Burlington, Vermont.


The District 4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51—Minor Applications. A copy of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (http://nrb.vermont. gov) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0698-7.”

members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the District Coordinator as soon as possible, and by no later than December 22, 2021.


ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C0698-7 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On November 30, 2021, Ross and Kayla Huntley, 11 Quinlan Farm Lane, Charlotte, VT 05445 and Guy and Donna Huntley, 999 North Doheny Drive #1208, West Hollywood, CA 90069 filed application number 4C0698-7 for a project generally described as construction of a detached 1-bedroom accessory dwelling unit with attached garage on a 10.5+/- acre residential parcel with an existing 4-bedroom single-family residence. The project is located at 11 Quinlan Farm Lane (Lot 5 of Lewis Creek Farms) in Charlotte, Vermont.

1 2 8 6 3 9 7 5 4

Legal Notices


NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION – HIGH MEADOWS FUND, INC. In 2004, High Meadows Fund, Inc. was formed with the ambitious goal of coupling the promotion of vibrant communities in Vermont with the preservation of a healthy natural environment. Since its formation, HMF has supported Vermont-focused projects in land use, farm and forest enterprises, and clean energy, with an increasing focus on environmental justice. HMF has supported leadership and innovation in these core areas by funding research, convenings, and direct engagement, investing for mission impact, and awarding charitable grants of over $14.8 million to organizations across the Northeast. After over 16 years of pursuing this vital mission, HMF has decided to pass the torch of its important work to the Vermont Community Foundation. HMF intends to wind up its operations by December 31, 2021. In connection with winding up its affairs, HMF wants to ensure that all of its vendors have been paid and seeks to verify that all outstanding invoices have been paid in full. Accordingly, if you believe your company/organization is owed any amounts from HMF, please mail us your written claim to the following address: 3 Court Street, Middlebury, VT 05753, Attn: Deb Debrowski. If you submit a claim to us, please include in your submission (i) the specific amount owed, (ii) the date the debt was incurred, and (iii) a description of the service or product that your company/ organization provided to HMF. Please note that your claim against HMF will be time-barred under Vermont law unless you commence a proceeding to enforce your claim within five years after the publication of this notice. This notice is published in compliance with 11B V.S.A. Section 14.07. For more information on the winding down of HMF, please see our blog post about this new chapter (at meadow-muffins-food-for-thought/2021/2/17/a new-chapter-for-the-high-meadows-fund). We thank Vermont communities and nonprofit organizations for your effective work and for all we have learned from you over HMF’s long history as we have worked to grow vibrant communities, nurture healthy ecosystems, and champion economic vitality in Vermont. We are confident that this next step in our history is one that will honor that important and pressing mission. Gaye Symington President High Meadows Fund, Inc.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGER The Committee on Temporary Shelter (COTS) and Evernorth are requesting construction management firms to submit proposals for the

construction of 16 new units of multi-family housing in one building located in Burlington, VT. Construction Managers must have comparable experience and a bonding capacity of +$4,000,000. For more information or to obtain a copy of the Request for Proposals, contact Lynn Mansfield at Evernorth, 802-861-3815 or Lmansfield@ Completed Proposals and attachments are due by 3:00 pm on December 29, 2021. Minority-owned, women-owned, locally owned and Section 3 businesses are encouraged to apply.

STATE OF VERMONT CHITTENDEN COUNTY Vermont Superior Court Family Division Docket No. 506-12-19 Cnjv

DECEMBER 16TH 2021 TO SATISFY THE DEBT OF SCOTT NICHOLSON. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.

THE CONTENTS OF STORAGE UNIT 01-04165 LOCATED AT 28 ADAMS DR, WILLISTON VT, 05495 WILL BE SOLD ON OR ABOUT THE OF DECEMBER 16TH 2021 TO SATISFY THE DEBT OF KEMISOLA OLADOYIN. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.

• JOIN CALLING: Join via conference call (audio only): (802) 377-3784 Conference ID: 325929121#. PUBLIC HEARING Final site plan review for a Planned Unit Development to construct six residential units at 41 Maple Street in the R-2 District, by Ronald Bushey, owner. WORK SESSION Work Session for updates to the Village of Essex Junction Land Development Code. ∙ Housing Committee presentation on Inclusionary Zoning ∙ Continue Code updates

IN RE: E.P. ORDER AND NOTICE OF HEARING TO: Unknown Father of E.P. aka B.B.P. born to Melody Phillips on December 7, 2019, you are hereby notified that the State of Vermont has filed a petition to terminate your residual parental rights to E.P. aka B.B.P. and that the hearing to consider the termination of your residual parental rights will be held on January 14, 2022, at 3:30 p.m. at the Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Family Division, at 32 Cherry Street, Burlington, Vermont. You may appear remotely by contacting the clerk’s office at 802 651 1709. You are notified to appear in connection with this case. Failure to appear at this hearing may result in the termination of all your parental rights to E.P. aka B.B.P. The State is represented by the Attorney General’s Office, HC 2 North, 280 State Drive, Waterbury, VT 05671-2080. A copy of this order shall be mailed to Unknown Father if an address for him is known. Kirstin K. Schoonover Superior Court Judge 11/30/2021 Date

THE CONTENTS OF STORAGE UNIT 01-04914 LOCATED AT 28 ADAMS DR, WILLISTON VT, 05495 WILL BE SOLD ON OR ABOUT THE OF DECEMBER 16TH 2021 TO SATISFY THE DEBT OF ALLISON BEAN. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.


TOWN OF RICHMOND, VERMONT SELECTBOARD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Richmond Selectboard shall hold a public hearing on Monday, December 20, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the Richmond Town Center meeting room, 203 Bridge Street, to hear public comment on proposed Rule Requiring Wearing Face Coverings Indoors In Public Spaces.


This hearing may also be attended via Zoom:

To the creditors of Sean P. Mahoney, late of Charlotte, Vermont.

Zoom Meeting:

I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: 12/3/2021 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Eamon M. Mahoney Executor/Administrator: Eamon M. Mahoney, 69 Janet Circle, Burlington, VT 05408 802-373-6555 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 12/8/21 Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Probate Division 175 Main St. Burlington, Vermont 05401

THE CONTENTS OF STORAGE UNIT 01-01543 LOCATED AT 28 ADAMS DRIVE , WILLISTON VT, 05495 WILL BE SOLD ON OR ABOUT THE OF DECEMBER 16TH 2021 TO SATISFY THE DEBT OF MICHAEL LEACH. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.


WARNING: POLICY ADOPTION, CHAMPLAIN VALLEY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Board of School Directors gives public notice of its intent to adopt local district policies dealing with the following at its meeting scheduled on December 14, 2021: G16 Special Education C1 Board Meeting Agenda Preparation and Distribution

THE CONTENTS OF STORAGE UNIT(S) 0102426,01-02506,01-04444 LOCATED AT 28 ADAMS DR, WILLISTON VT, 05495 WILL BE SOLD ON OR ABOUT THE OF DECEMBER 16TH 2021 TO SATISFY THE DEBT OF DAVID VON BRAUN. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur.

within Winooski District boundaries which include all of Chittenden and Washington counties and the towns of Orange, Williamstown, and Washington. Petitions require twenty-five signatories and must be completed and returned to WNRCD by close of business on December 21, 2021. If WNRCD receives petitions from more than one candidate, an election will be held on January 19, 2022. Only persons, firms and corporations who hold title in fee land and reside within District boundaries are eligible to sign a petition or vote. Conservation Districts are local subdivisions of state government established under the Soil Conservation Act of Vermont. Visit or contact info@winooskinrcd. org or 802-828-4493x3178 for a petition or more information.

C2 Board Meetings Copies of the above policies may be obtained for public review at the Office of the Human Resources Dept. in Shelburne, VT.

WINOOSKI NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION DISTRICT SEEKS CANDIDATES FOR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given that as of December 6, 2021 petitions to be on the election ballot for the position of Supervisor for the Winooski Natural Resources Conservation District (WNRCD) are available. Eligible candidates are those who live

IN RE ESTATE OF ADNAN MUSIC NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of Adnan Music, late of South Burlington. I have been appointed to administer this estate. All creditors having claims against the decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within four (4) months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy sent to the Court. The claim may be barred forever if it is not presented within the four (4) month period. Date: 12/7/2021 Signature of Fiduciary: /s/ Admir Lulic Executor/Administrator: Admir Lulic, 263 Juniper Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403 802-310-9406 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: 12/8/21 Name of Probate Court: Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Probate Division PO Box 511 Burlington, Vermont 05401 kVVZ1l2S2JPN0RBRjF2dno3YU1Zdz09 Meeting ID: 846 5032 0535 Passcode: 584789 Join by Phone: +1 929 205 6099 Below is a table of contents for the proposed rule. Copies of the full proposed rule are available at the Town Clerk’s Office, 203 Bridge Street Richmond, or by calling 434-5170, and under “Documents” at

deadlines DECEMBER 22 & 29 ISSUES* • Calendar events

All interested persons may appear and be heard. Persons needing special accommodations or those interested in viewing the ordinance should contact the Richmond Town Manager’s Office (802) 434-5170.

Tuesday noon, 12/14 (for 12/22 – 1/12)

• Art shows

Tuesday, 5 p.m., 12/14 (Exhibits starting before 1/12)


• Club dates (music)

Tuesday noon, 12/14 (for 12/22 – 1/12)

Section 1. Authority Section 2. Purpose Section 3. Requirement to Wear Face Coverings Section 4. Exceptions Section 5. Other Laws Section 6. Severability Section 7. Effective Period

VILLAGE OF ESSEX JUNCTION PLANNING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 16, 2021 6:00 P.M. This meeting will be held in person at 2 Lincoln Street and remotely. The meeting will be livestreamed on Town Meeting TV. • JOIN ONLINE: Click here to join the meeting.

» • Classifieds, classes & jobs

Monday noon, 12/20 (in print only)


will not be published on Wednesday, January 5, 2022.

Visit for meeting connection information. 4t-holidaydeadlines-cmyk.indd 1

» • Retail advertising Friday noon, 12/17

» 802-864-5684 11/22/10 SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021 10:55 AM 79

80 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021




Evenings or Nights

Rhino Foods is hiring! Whether you are entry-level OR experienced, our Production, Sanitation & Distribution teams are growing. Training provided, plus lots of benefits and perks with a first-class company.

$2,500 sign-on bonus Wake Robin provides exceptional nursing care in a beautiful residential and long-term care setting, while maintaining a strong sense of “home.” We offer the opportunity to build strong relationships with staff and residents in a dynamic community setting. Our staffing ratios allow for you to provide the time and attention our residents need. Staff share a belief in the dignity and worth of each resident and each other. Our work environment and safety protocols are second to none! Interested candidates can send their resumes and cover letter to Wake Robin is an E.O.E. or fill out an application at 3h-WakeRobinSTAFFNurse120821.indd 1

Please visit our website:

12/6/21 3:16 PM 2h-RhinoFoods120821.indd 1





Qualifications: • Associate’s degree or equivalent combination of education and experience. • Minimum of three years of supervisory experience in a Health Care environment. Employees at UVM Medical Center receive comprehensive benefits packages, including medical, dental, retirement and paid time off.

Learn more and apply:

Learn more and apply: E.O.E.

NEK Delivery Driver Wanted

12/2/21 3:21 PM



The EVS Supervisor coordinates all routine and project assignments and activities for EVS, maintains all schedules, training, evaluations and performance improvement plans. Eligible for a sign on bonus up to $5,000.

This position provides direct clinical services to the internal client as well as contracted employers, employees and their dependents. Counseling services include clinical assessment within a diverse workplace culture, short term counseling, coordination of referrals and case management. Master’s Degree and Vermont LICSW, licensures as a clinical psychologist or mental health counselor; minimum 10 years’ clinical experience working in mental health, substance abuse treatment or EAP setting post master’s degree; and an additional 5 years’ experience working in a multi-disciplinary team setting providing mental health or EAP services to adults required.

4t-UVMMedCenterEFAC120821.indd 1

12/3/21 5:17 PM

ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES WORKER Now offering sign on bonuses up to $5,000!

Join The University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington as an Environmental Service Worker. The EVS Worker is responsible for the cleaning of all areas of the facility with the exception of the OR. Qualifications: • High school diploma or equivalent preferred. • Prior health care or hospitality industry cleaning experience is highly desirable. Employees at UVM Medical Center receive comprehensive benefits packages, including medical, dental, retirement and paid time off. E.O.E.

Learn more and apply:

Want to be a hero every Wednesday? Need some cash? Get paid to drive through beautiful Vermont scenery while delivering Vermont’s most beloved newspaper! We are looking for a driver to deliver Seven Days weekly in the Orleans County area. Only requirements are a clean driving record (no major violations), availability on Wednesdays, a reliable vehicle (preferably station wagon style or larger), ability to lift 15 pounds and a positive attitude. If you can check all these boxes, then we want you to join the Seven Days Circulation team. Familiarity with the region is a plus. We pay hourly plus mileage reimbursement. Papers can be picked up locally. Regular trips to Burlington not required. Email No phone calls, please Seven Days is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

4t-SevenDaysCIRC120121.indd 1

11/30/21 2:43 PM



The Flynn has an immediate opening for a skilled Bookkeeper to join our finance team and be part of our dynamic performing arts center in downtown Burlington.


HOTEL DESK AGENT • Hotel Desk Agent Full Time Year Round! • Affordable Employee Housing on Site! • Competitive Pay, Seasonal Pass and Resort Wide Discounts! For more information: the-resort/employment

81 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021


The Property Services Department at the Burlington School District is looking for full-time, experienced and licensed HVAC Technicians to join our team. The job entails performing preventive and on-demand maintenance and repairs to our HVAC equipment. Qualifications include a minimum of five years of previous experience as an HVAC Mechanical Technician with DDC Controls experience. Additional preferred licensure may also include an S Class or greater electrical license or plumbing license. Experience with fire alarm systems, security systems, plowing and/or general commercial building maintenance repair would be beneficial. First and Second Shifts available.


The full-time bookkeeper works as part of the finance team performing daily accounting tasks related to show activity, payroll, and billing. A collaborative work style, and enthusiasm for the Flynn’s mission could make you the candidate for us! The Flynn is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace. Detailed job description and more information:

The Burlington School District offers a generous benefits package including paid time off and retirement options. Competitive salary based upon experience. To apply for these positions and to join our team, visit BSD’s Careers page

Send resume and cover letter: No phone calls, please. EOE

4t-FlynnBOOKKEEPER120821.indd 1



12/2/21 The Flynn seeks applicants for a part-time position in our Box Office. This is a great opportunity to become a part of the exciting world of the performing arts.


NVRH is looking for dedicated and compassionate RNs, LPNs and LNAs to join our team and provide high quality care to the communities we serve. NVRH provides a fair and compassionate workplace where all persons are valued by the organization and each other, providing ongoing growth opportunities.

Our part-time Customer Service Representatives are responsible for telephone and in-person ticket sales. Excellent customer service skills, attention to detail, and accuracy and speed with data entry required. This is a part-time position that includes some evening and weekend availability.

The Diet Aide & Detailed job description and more information: FT and PT employees are eligible for excellent benefits Administrative including student loan repayment, generous paid time is off, health/dental/vision, 401k with company match and Opportunities responsible for all much more! Send resume and cover letter: administrative and APPLY TODAY AT NVRH.ORG/CAREERS. No phone calls, please. EOE clerical support to the department in the area of resident 9/24/214t-FlynnCUSTSERVICE120821.indd 2:47 PM 1 12/2/21 dietary orders and 4t-NVRH092921.indd 1 direct data input into nutrition information The Flynn has an immediate opening in our Box Office EXPERIENCED COOK software, which Experienced Cook needed for Shrine on includes meal BOX OFFICE ASSISTANT MANAGER Lake Champlain in beautiful northwestern Vermont. choices, personal The full-time Assistant Manager supports the daily Saint Anne’s Shrine, in Isle La Motte, Vermont is looking for a food preferences, operations of our busy Box Office. We are looking for creative individual to prepare and serve delicious meals from and dietary requests. High school graduate or equivalent required.

Learn more and apply:

4:30 PM

4:17 PM

excellent customer service and computer skills along with an enthusiasm for the arts. Evenings and weekends are part of the job. The Flynn is committed to a diverse and inclusive workplace and we pride ourselves on making everyone feel welcome.

scratch, using fresh local products, year-round, for retreat groups of varying sizes with an average of 30-40 guests as well as serving the public in our cafeteria on Sundays and Wednesdays during the summer pilgrimage season, plus a few special events per year. Compensation is competitive and may include health and dental insurance, 403b retirement plan, life insurance, and paid time off.

St. Anne’s Shrine is conducted under the sponsorship of the Society of St. Edmund, a Roman Catholic religious community of priests and brothers. Visit us at, contact Nancy at 802.928.3362 or for more information or an application. Please see our full listing at

Detailed job description and more information: Send resume and cover letter: No phone calls, please. E.O.E.

4t-FlynnBOXoffice120821.indd 1

12/7/21 1:23 PM




DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

NOW HIRING Northwest Solid Waste District is hiring for a variety of FT & PT positions with wages starting at $15/hour. If you care about recycling and want to make a difference in our community, please apply today.

INTERNSHIP COORDINATOR Join UVM’s student success and workforce development efforts as our Internship Coordinator, facilitating internship expansion: engaging hosts, promoting participation, deepening and assessing learning, and improving systems to benefit students and the state of Vermont.

POSITIONS: • • • • •

Support and consult across UVM, as well as for current and prospective external partners. Identify and confront barriers to student internship participation, organize scholarship process, and facilitate relationship agreements between stakeholders. Build partnerships with faculty and staff to expand experiential opportunities, promote best practices, and foster connections to related programs and services. With the Office of Engagement, collaborate on joint projects to expand partnerships, opportunities, and funding.

Drop-off Site Attendants - PT HHW Coordinator - FT Material Handler - FT Maintenance Technician - FT Program Coordinator - FT

Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in a specialized or related field and one to three years’ related experience required. Successful candidates utilize technology for planning, organizing, record keeping, and reporting; have specialized knowledge of internship processes and legal issues; and demonstrate a comfort with and commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

For full job descriptions and to apply: or 524-5986 - 158 Morse Drive, Fairfax, VT We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. Diverse candidates are encouraged.

5v-NorthwestSolidWasteDistrict120821.indd 1

Apply online: (Job Posting #S3257PO)

5v-UVMCareerCenter120821.indd 1 11/30/21 2:41 PM

The Green Mountain Club seeks a full-time Accounting and Finance Coordinator to focus on accounting and finance responsibilities for the organization. Primary responsibilities include accounting and fiscal bookkeeping, accounts payable, payroll, bank reconciliations, and general ledger reconciliations, employee paperwork, and other projects as needed. Competitive pay and benefits, and a flexible, hybrid office. For complete job description and to apply, please visit

2v-GreenMtnClub120821.indd 1

Application review starts December 15th.

12/3/21 12:03 PM


12/7/21 1:43 PM


ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Have you been rethinking your life/work balance? The Rowland Foundation is looking for an administrative assistant to work 20 hours per month (5 hours per week on average) to help with communications, mailings, and event planning. The role requires someone with excellent interpersonal & organizational skills, strong communication & basic technology proficiency, and an ability to autonomously manage projects & problem-solve as needed. Flexible hours and ability to work from home are advantages to this position which pays $50/hr. An office space is also available for work as needed; however, there is no expectation to maintain regular office hours. Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and current resume to: Michael Martin, Executive Director Rowland Foundation, 47 Maple St. #200 Burlington, VT 05401 Administrative Assistant Job Description: The Rowland Foundation is a Vermont-based educational non-profit organization that invests directly in teacher innovation for school transformation. After a statewide call for proposals, the Rowland Foundation awards teacher fellowships each year and supports schoolwide, teacher-led change projects through a two-year cohort model. The Rowland Foundation also hosts the largest educational conference in Vermont each year with world-class keynote speakers and practitioner-facilitated workshops.

5v-RowlandFoundation120821.indd 1

Accounting & Finance Coordinator

CENTRAL VERMONT Working Fields is expanding into Lamoille county and seeks an individual who shares our commitment to second chances and social justice to build our business in these regions. The Account Manager is an ambassador for our mission: to improve the lives of individuals through employment opportunities. You will solve problems creatively, and thrive on client collaboration and empathetic leaders who provide ongoing support to our associates. Full-time, salaried position. Some remote work is possible. 3-5 years of experience in Account Management or relevant field preferred.

Responsibilities: • Recruit, evaluate, and hire associates for placement. Match associates with high-fit jobs and recovery coaches, considering skills, interests, and stability. • Provide excellent service to clients (employers) by identifying and filling open positions, as well as supporting successful placements. • Build and maintain relationships with referring agencies and community partners in the region. • Interface between the client, associate, and recovery coach to ensure that expectations are met and exceeded for all parties. • Maintain accurate records in our applicant tracking and CRM system. To apply, send resume and cover letter to:

12/7/215v-WorkingFields120821.indd 1:27 PM 1

Perk up! Trusted, local employers are hiring in Seven Days newspaper and online. Browse 100+ new job postings each week.

Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities

See who’s hiring at 12/2/21 4v-CoffeCampaign.indd 11:33 AM 1

8/20/21 3:13 PM



83 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

Real Estate Paralegal Burlington Office

ADULT RESTORATIVE SERVICES AND VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR The City of Burlington Community Economic Development Office (CEDO) is hiring for an Adult Restorative Services and Volunteer Coordinator! This position is responsible for the coordination of the CJC’s adult Restorative Justice services, including intakes, coordination and scheduling of the adult DOC-funded RJ processes and the recruitment, training, coaching, coordination and retention of RJ process volunteers. This is a AFSCME union position and we are offering $25.47/hour and a generous benefits package. Hoping to grow your skills and be a part of an amazing team? Apply today! Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The City of Burlington is an E.O.E. To learn more & apply for this position, please visit: WOMEN, MINORITIES AND PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES ARE HIGHLY ENCOURAGED TO APPLY. EOE.

5v-CityofBurlingtonCEDO120821.indd 1


We’re Looking for... Farm Store Operations Manager Cheesemaking & Processing Assistants (2)

CLIMATE AND ENERGY PLANNER - CVRPC seeks a person who is highly motivated to address climate change and Vermont’s clean energy goals by helping municipalities implement projects from adopted Energy Plans and addressing local and regional strategies in Vermont’s Comprehensive Energy and Climate Action plans. The person will focus on planning and implementation for energy conservation, greenhouse gas mitigation, and climate change adaptation/resilience. NATURAL RESOURCES PLANNER - CVRPC seeks a person who is highly motivated to address natural resource protection, conservation, and development. The person will help plan and implement local and regional projects and programs involving water and mineral resources, agriculture, forests, and wildlife habitat and habitat connectors and fostering a robust working landscape economy. CVRPC offers equal opportunity for all employees and maintains a drug-free workplace. We seek and encourage applications from people with diverse perspectives and experiences. Candidates must be committed to working effectively with diverse community populations.

5v-CentralVTRegPlanningCommssionCVRPC1208201.indd 1

Nikki Stevens, Firm Administrator Langrock Sperry & Wool, LLP Or via e-mail to:

Shipping & Receiving Assistant4t-LangrockSperryWool120821.indd Shelburne Farms is an education nonprofit cultivating learning for a sustainable future. We are passionate about building and sustaining 3:47 PMan inclusive &equitable working and learning environment for all.

The Central Vermont Regional Planning Commission is hiring two new positions to increase our services. Positions open until filled; application review begins December 17, 2021. Job descriptions and additional information4t-ShelburneFarms120821.indd available at

CVRPC is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Competitive salary and benefits package. Please reply with cover letter and resume to:

For full descriptions and to apply:


Candidates must be highly organized, possess the ability to prioritize, be a team player, and have excellent written and verbal skills. Strong working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel. 5+ years of experience required.



12/7/21 1:25 PM

Goddard College, a leader in non-traditional education, has the following 6 position full-time, benefit eligible openings:



To view position descriptions and application instructions, please visit our website: employment-opportunities

12/7/21 1:38 PM

Hazardous Waste Operator/ Latex Paint Recycler


12/3/21 1x2 11:42 JobsAM Filler.indd 1

Part Time The Chittenden Solid Waste District is seeking a Hazardous Waste Operator/ Latex Paint Recycler to join an amazing team whose mission is to reduce waste and keep hazardous products out of the environment. This flexible floater position will assist with the collection and processing of household & small business hazardous waste and assist with the innovative paint recycling program at the Environmental Depot and Rover. Our ideal candidate will be self-motivated, enjoy working with the public, be able to work independently in a physically demanding setting, and will be trained to understand chemical principles and regulations. This flexible floater position is $19.00/ hour. Between 8-24 hours per week Tuesday - Saturday. Job description & application requirements available at Position open until filled.

1 1/14/20 4t-CSWD120821.indd 12:30 PM

12/6/21 11:39 AM




DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

CEMS Business Specialist

OUTREACH REPRESENTATIVE Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) seeks an engaging, high-energy individual to serve as an Outreach Representative in his Vermont office. Outreach Representatives serve as liaisons for the Senator across the state, focusing on specific issues and closely collaborating with colleagues in Vermont and DC offices to advance the Senator’s priorities and improve federal programs on behalf of Vermonters. Strong writing, communication, public speaking, organizational, and interpersonal skills are required. A familiarity with federal programs, state agencies, and local organizations is a plus. A successful candidate will have a desire to help others and strong relationships in, and knowledge of, Vermont. Special consideration will be given to individuals with direct experience in areas that align with Senator Sanders’ committee membership in Washington, ranging from education and youth; energy and the environment; veterans and military personnel; or infrastructure, town planning, and transportation.

The University of Vermont College of Engineering and Mathematical Science is looking for a CEMS Business Specialist.

The Brewery Assistant - is a Utility Player who will work throughout the brewery assisting with all processes associated with production and packaging while adhering to SOPs and safety guidelines to achieve the best possible consistency in Fiddlehead beers.

Bachelor’s degree in accounting, business or related field and one to three years related experience required. Proficiency with spreadsheet and database applications required. Effective interpersonal and communication skills required. Demonstrated attention to detail skills and ability to meet deadlines required.

Benefits: • Fun Team • Competitive Pay • Health Insurance w/ Vision 11:18 AM and Dental after 90 days of employment • PTO, 401K

Apply online:

The Senator’s office is an equal opportunity employer. The office does 4t-UVMCollegeEngineering&Math120821.indd not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or uniformed service. The office is committed to inclusion and encourages all individuals from all backgrounds to apply. To apply, submit resume, cover letter, and a brief writing sample to indicating “OUTREACH REPRESENTATIVE” in the subject line by December 10, 2021.

Brewery Assistant

Provide administrative, financial, and business support and guidance to the Dean, HR Manager, Budget Manager, Chairpersons, and faculty in the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences. Coordinate and perform complex accounting, reporting, and analysis functions. Ensure compliance with University guidelines and policies; use judgment in prioritization of work and in the development and application of processes and procedures.



For full description go to


Send resumes to: haleychurchill@


JOIN OUR GROWING TEAM! 5v-SenatorBernieSandersOUTREACH120821.indd 1

12/3/21 2:03 PM

CASEWORK DIRECTOR Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) seeks an engaging, high-energy individual to serve as the Casework Director in his Vermont office. The position leads a team of constituent advocates in providing direct assistance to Vermonters on issues with federal agencies, including Social Security, Medicare, IRS, Department of Veterans Affairs, and the U.S. Postal Service. Senator Sanders’ casework team provides exceptional constituent advocacy on behalf of Vermonters, while working with colleagues in D.C. and Vermont to identify opportunities for legislative or administrative improvements at the federal level. Excellent writing, communication, organizational, and interpersonal skills are required and familiarity with federal programs is strongly preferred. Qualified candidates will have previous advocacy, legal, or social work experience or training, as well as the ability to exercise good judgement and consistent, respectful communication. Previous managerial experience is strongly preferred, along with a demonstrated ability to implement process improvements to advance the mission of the organization and add value to the work. A successful candidate will be an inclusive and collaborative leader with a passion for helping others. The Senator’s office is an equal opportunity employer. The office does not discriminate on the basis of an individual’s race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, genetic information, disability, or uniformed service. The office is committed to inclusion and encourages all individuals from all backgrounds to apply. To apply please submit a resume, cover letter, and brief writing sample to indicating “CASEWORK DIRECTOR” in the subject line by December 10, 2021.

5v-SenatorBernieSandersCASEWORK120821.indd 1

Northfield Savings Bank, founded in 1867, is the largest banking institution headquartered in Vermont. We are committed to providing a welcoming work environment for all. Are you looking to further your banking career? Consider joining our team as a Community Banking Officer at our Northfield branch.

3v-FiddleheadBrewing120821.indd 1

12/6/21 2:37 PM


The Community Banking Officer will be responsible for leading the customer service and sales culture of the branch to achieve deposit and loan goals. This position will oversee branch operations, business development, and assist in advancing the branch team. We are looking for an individual who is able to build customer and employee relationships, earn trust and is active in the community. Candidates must possess excellent leadership, communication, and networking skills. Three to five years of branch experience or significant general banking, or a bachelor’s degree in a related field is required.


This position is available because an NSB employee was promoted! NSB encourages professional development, offers trainings, and considers tuition reimbursement for classes you take on your own! The average years of service for an NSB employee is 9! If you’re looking for a long-term career, join our team!


Competitive compensation based on experience. Well-rounded benefits package. Profit-Sharing opportunity. Excellent 401(k) matching retirement program. Commitment to professional development. Opportunities to volunteer and support our communities. Work-Life balance! Please send an NSB Application & your resume in confidence to:, or Northfield Savings Bank, E.O.E. Human Resources PO Box 7180, Barre, VT 05641

12/2/216t-NorthfieldSavingsBank120121.indd 5:00 PM 1

You’re in good hands with...

“Seven Days sales rep Michelle Brown is amazing! She’s extremely responsive, and I always feel so taken care of.” CAROLYN ZELLER Intervale Center, Burlington

Get a quote when posting online. Contact Michelle Brown at 865-1020, ext. 121,


12/3/213v-MichelleCampagin.indd 2:16 PM 1

8/26/21 4:21 PM



85 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Climate Public Engagement & Communications Services The Climate Economy Action Center of Addison County (CEAC) seeks public engagement and communications consulting services to support its Climate Action Planning project ceacac. org/climate-action-planning. CEAC is a non-profit organization working for deep reduction in greenhouse gas emissions while maintaining a healthy economy in Addison County, VT. Our Climate Action Planning process will address the climate crisis while at the same time grow our local community and its economic and social institutions. Submission details and deadlines are available at:

The Town of Northfield, Vermont (population 6,100) is seeking to hire an Economic Development Director to support local businesses in their sustainability, growth, and expansion; to build a network within the State and region to attract potential employers and residents to Northfield; and to support the town’s vision for housing and other key development priorities.


3v-LakeGeorgeAssociation120821.indd 1

Shelter Staff @ Champlain Inn Evenings & Overnight Daytime Center @ Champlain Inn Weekends

Northfield Town Manager, 51 South Main Street, Northfield, VT 05663.

Case Manager Part-time & Full-time Our mission is to provide a holistic continuum of services for the homeless, centered in love and dignity, that foster growth, cultivate community engagement, and provide tools for lifelong change so that each person may start anew.

Accepting applications through December 23, 2021, or until position is filled. The Town of Northfield is an equal opportunity employer.


Untitled-15 1

Manager, Protector Societies & Appeals

For more information and to apply: lakegeorgeassociation. org/about/jobs.

This is a full-time position and includes health insurance and retirement benefits. The salary is negotiable based upon experience. Complete job description is available at northfield-vt. or by calling 802-485-9822. To apply, please E-mail cover letter and resume to or mail to:

3v-ClimateCommunityActionAddisonCty120821.indd 12/6/211 9:52 AM

The Lake George Association’s Manager, Protector Societies and Appeals has an essential role in overseeing all Lake Protector and annual fund activities for the organization. In addition to developing and executing the organization’s Lake Protector and Appeals strategies, the Manager is responsible for the systems and processes related to donor and Lake Protector recruitment and retention. Working in partnership with the Director of Development, the Manager, Protector Societies and Appeals will also support the LGA’s special events, stewardship programs and donor cultivation opportunities.

meaningful work. competitive pay.

The ideal candidate will have knowledge and work experience with municipal planning and infrastructure, planning programs and processes, economic development tools and programs, and a proven successful record in economic development leadership roles. In addition, that person shall be a capable public speaker, communicate effectively with groups and individuals, engineers, architects, developers, businesses, and the general public, and capable of establishing working relationships and networks with developers, community organizations, and business professionals.

12/6/21 3:18 PM

PARAEDUCATORS Town of Hinesburg

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT The Town of Hinesburg, Vermont is seeking a qualified person to fill an Administrative Assistant position that supports the Planning and Zoning Department. This position provides administrative and clerical support. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for assisting applicants, processing development applications, scheduling meetings and hearings, filing, coordinating distribution of correspondence and materials, responding to public inquiries, and other general office duties as assigned. This position reports to the Director of Planning and Zoning. For an employment application and a full job description with requirements and education/training, visit the Town website or contact the Town Manager’s office:; 482-4206. The Town of Hinesburg is an equal opportunity employer. This is a part-time position of approximately 16 hours/week with a starting pay range of $17.00 to $19.00 per hour based on qualifications and experience. This position is not eligible for benefits. Hinesburg (population 4,700) is a vibrant community located in northwest Vermont, approximately 12 miles from the City of Burlington. Hinesburg is a rural Chittenden County community with a thriving village center surrounded by rural agricultural and forest lands.

12/6/21 5v-TownofHinesburg120121.indd 4:56 PM 1

Colchester School District is seeking Paraeducators in both our elementary and secondary schools. Paraeducators support students and teachers working one-toone and/or with small groups of students with special needs. Responsibilities will vary depending on the assignment, but typically include keeping eyes on supervision during class, transition times, and lunch; offering students redirection as needed; data collection; consulting communications with teachers and case managers; and one-to-one student support and/or small group support. SchoolSpring Elementary Job #3641428 SchoolSpring Secondary Job #3641431

FOOD SERVICE WORKER The Food Service Worker reports to the Head Cook on a daily basis. He/she is responsible for the preparation and serving of school breakfast and lunch programs as well as related activities in the assigned building. SchoolSpring #3735200 The Colchester School District educates approximately 2,200 students across five schools. CSD offers employees a generous benefits package including a competitive wage and an excellent BCBS healthcare plan. In addition, the benefits include dental insurance, long-term disability, retirement plan, life insurance, and tuition reimbursement. Apply at using the job numbers above.

11/30/215v-ColchesterSchoolDist120821.indd 9:54 AM 1

12/6/21 4:34 PM




DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

Paralegal Join the Vermont Land Trust as a Paralegal. We invite applications from people who are passionate about fostering connections between land and people. Our ideal candidate is a legal support professional who can: • Work collaboratively & independently, with keen attention to detail • Multitask, change speeds, & communicate within and across teams • Support VLT’s Staff Attorney by managing legal transactions in a fast-paced, mission-driven organization Apply today at The position will remain open until December 31. The starting salary for this position is $52,200. The Vermont Land Trust is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We honor and invite people of all backgrounds and lived experiences to apply.


Food Hub Operations Associate

Temporary Per-Diem The MRI Center for Biomedical Imaging, a core research facility at The University of Vermont, Robert Larner College of Medicine is looking for a temporary per-diem MRI technologist to work at least one Saturday per month performing research MRI scans. The UVM MRI Center has a dedicated state-of-the-art 3 Tesla Philips MRI research scanner. Variable daytime (Saturday) hours, typically 3-8 hours per shift. This position is likely to be extended beyond 12 months. Must be ARRT MR credentialed with at least 3 years of experience. Bachelor’s Degree preferred. Interested applicants should email a resume to Christine Boomer at


An ideal candidate has operations management experience, knowledge of food quality standards, and a positive attitude!

• Up to $20.00 /hour to start* • Includes a pay enhancement of $2 per hour for all package handlers from 9/19/21-1/08/22 • New Bonus Surge is $1 per hour from 10:00PM - 10:00AM. This location is participating in a Weekend Bonus Program from 10/21/21 to 12/25/21. If a package handler works on a Saturday or Sunday, they will receive a $50 bonus. If they work both days, they will receive a $100 bonus. This location is participating in an Hours Worked bonus program from 8/15/21 to 1/08/21. If part-time package handlers work 25+ hours within the week, they will earn a $100 bonus. If full-time package handlers work 40+ hours within the week, they will earn a $200 bonus. This location is participating in a Referral Program from 11/2/21 to 12/18/21. If a package handler refers someone and they stay with the company for 45 days, they will receive a $500 bonus. This location is participating in a Sign On Hours Worked bonus program from 7/4/21 to 12/25/21. If new part-time package handlers work a minimum of 100 hours in their first month, they will earn a $250 bonus. • Fast paced and physical warehouse work – why pay for a gym membership when you can get paid while working out? • Warehouse duties include loading, unloading, and sorting of packages of various sizes. • Part time employees work one shift a day; full time employees work two shifts. • Shift lengths vary based on package volume – generally part time employees work between 3 and 6 hours a day. Full time employees can expect to work between 6 and 10 hours. • Overtime paid after 40 hours per week. • Reasonable accommodations are available for qualified individuals with disabilities. • Excellent benefits include medical, dental, and vision insurance, tuition reimbursement, and more. Apply online: 635 Community Drive, South Burlington, VT 05403

The Intervale Center seeks an enthusiastic, mission-driven Food Hub Operations Associate to join our team in Burlington, Vermont. For over 30 years, the Intervale Center has led a community food revolution that sustains farms, land, and people. The Food Hub Operations Associate will collaborate with the Food Hub team to successfully implement operations, increase efficiency and productivity, and grow demand for our products and services. They will help maintain the Intervale Food Hub facility, trucks, and equipment, food safety standards and quality management, and customer order fulfillment.

Intervale Center is an E.O.E. For a full job description and instructions to apply, please visit our website:

Communications Director The Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC) has an exciting opportunity for an outgoing person who wants to have a significant impact on the future of Vermont. VNRC works at the state and local level to advance policies, programs and practices that strengthen the foundation upon which Vermont thrives. We are looking for a motivated person to further this mission as our Communications Director.


3v-IntervaleCenter120821.indd 1

12/6/21 4:41 PM


The successful candidate will be self-directed and have excellent writing skills; be able to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences, including members, activists, policy makers and the general public; be able to work collaboratively in a busy office environment; have experience in strategic use of digital advocacy tools and social media, including website management; and be committed to working on behalf of Vermont’s residents, environment and communities. Experience with membership development and fundraising is a plus.

Find a job that makes it easier to sleep at night.

We recognize that formal education is not the only pathway to gaining relevant experience, so we invite candidates with any combination of academic, professional, and life experience who can demonstrate outstanding ability to communicate effectively on VNRC’s behalf. VNRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and strongly encourages applications from candidates whose identities have been historically underrepresented in the environmental movement, including people who identify as Black, Indigenous, Hispanic or Latino, Asian or Pacific Islander, or people of color; people from marginalized economic backgrounds; and people living with disabilities.

Browse 100+ new job postings each week from trusted, local employers.

Starting salary is commensurate with experience, with total salary and benefits package ranging between $64,000$73,000. Email a letter of interest, resume and three references to Letters should be addressed to Brian Shupe, Executive Director. All offers for employment are conditioned on the candidate complying with VNRC’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination policy. Position will remain open until filled. Learn more at

Follow @SevenDaysJobs on Twitter for the latest job opportunities

3v-Zombie-Campaign.indd 1

8/26/21 5:36 PM


Operations and Maintenance Manager Are you a good electrical and mechanical troubleshooter with strong office and organizational skills? If so, we want you to join our team of skilled solar energy professionals. This is a fulltime permanent position. An electrical license and solar experience would be preferred but not required. We offer great benefits and a competitive salary. Please send resume to Sonia:


The Vermont Studio Center seeks two Kitchen Coordinators to assist with daily functions in the kitchen. This position will include helping to provide nourishing meals for up to twenty-five artists in residence at our campus in Johnson, learning the general kitchen jobs such as dishwashing and cleaning, and assisting in training resident kitchen volunteers on duties, and filling in shifts, as necessary. The Kitchen Coordinators will work closely with the Executive Chef to develop menus and oversee general kitchen operations.

Vermont Legal Aid has reopened its search for a full-time IT and Network Systems Administrator. Three years of network experience in a Microsoft Windows environment and bachelor’s degree in computer science, or equivalent education and relevant experience is required.

Please contact us at 802-388-6388 Web: Or email

Are you interested in a career working within the food service industry? At Community Kitchen Academy (CKA) you’ll learn from professional chefs in modern commercial kitchens and graduate with the skills and knowledge to build a career in food service, food systems and other related fields. Throughout the seven-week course, you’ll develop and apply new skills by preparing food that would otherwise be wasted from grocery stores, restaurants, and farms. The food you cook is then distributed through food shelves and meal sites throughout the community. CKA is a program of the Vermont Foodbank, operated in partnership with Capstone Community Action in Barre and Feeding Chittenden in Burlington. Next sessions start in early January and mid-March.

To apply, please submit an application form and optional resume to with the e-mail subject line “Kitchen Coordinator Application.”

Begin a career in 2022, don’t start a job! Spend your time doing work that makes a real difference. We need great people who want to help great people. Are you compassionate, kind, resilient, and adaptable?

We offer pay increases after a probationary period and further advancement and pay for selfpaced skill building. We want to hire your values and train the skills that will help make you successful. Let’s talk!

JOB TRAINING. WELL DONE. Join the Community Kitchen Academy!

This is a part-time, 20-25 hours per week, year-round position. Compensation is $16 per hour; benefits include paid time off and retirement. Please see for more information, the full job description and application form.


We provide extensive training, support, professional growth and advancement opportunities in a family work environment.

87 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021



Specialized Community Care is seeking unique individuals who will act as mentors, coaches, and friends to provide support for adults in Addison, Rutland, Franklin, and Chittenden Counties with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. This is a fun and rewarding career spent “Off the Couch.”



4t-VTFoodbank112421.indd 1

The ideal candidate would have experience with Azure, Active Directory, Exchange Online, Office365, IP telephony, LAN/ WAN, server and WS management (hardware and software), as well as providing help desk support to staff. Familiarity with case management systems (SaaS and proprietary), social media platforms, mobile devices, cloud migration, and cybersecurity are a plus. Applicants must have clear oral and written communication skills, an eagerness to learn, and the ability to work both independently and as part of a small IT team. In-state travel (vehicle required), some evening and/or weekend work, and the ability to occasionally lift and move up to fifty pounds is required. Vermont Legal Aid is a non-profit law firm providing legal services to low-income Vermonters in five offices across VT. We are committed to building a diverse, social justiceoriented staff, and encourage applicants from a broad range of backgrounds. We welcome information about how your experience can contribute to serving our diverse client communities. We are an equal opportunity employer committed to a discrimination and harassment-free workplace. Salary range for this position is $61,610 - $91,560 depending on relevant experience. We offer a generous benefits package including 4 weeks paid vacation, 12 paid holidays, 401(k) retirement plan, and excellent health benefits. Applications will be considered on a rolling basis until the position is filled. Send cover letter, resume, and a list of contact information for three references as a single PDF with “IT Administrator” in the subject line to: The full job description can be found at Please let us know how you heard about this position.

11/22/21 5:12 PM


Join the team at Gardener’s Supply Company! We are a 100% employee-owned company and an award winning and nationally recognized socially responsible business. We work hard AND offer a fun place to work including BBQs, staff parties, employee garden plots and much more! We also offer strong cultural values, competitive wages and outstanding benefits!

Retail Operations Supervisor: This person

will be responsible for supervising multiple workstreams at the Williston Garden Center including Inventory, Yard Operations and Facilities. Primary responsibilities include ensuring efficient inventory flow and accuracy, our facility and grounds are maintained and present an inspiring experience for our customers, and our internal service and operational logistics fully support the broader team’s success. Our ideal candidate will have an Associate’s Degree in Retail Business Management/Inventory Management or related field or equivalent experience; 3-5yrs direct inventory management experience; min of 5yrs management experience; and knowledge of mechanical and heavy equipment required.

Untitled-16 1

Interested? Please go to our careers page at and apply online!

12/6/21 3:16 PM




DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

ECHO, Leahy Center for Lake Champlain Burlington

Join our values driven team and be responsible for supporting the 2nd decade of the Farm to Plate Network through planning, facilitation, coordination, and project management. Specific areas of focus and experience are needed, so please read the full job description at

ECHO seeks an experienced STEM educator to serve as our Education Programs Coordinator. This position manages the coordination, development, and delivery of STEM Camps at the museum and mobile STEM Festivals out in the community. The Education Programs Coordinator also assists in the development and delivery of ECHO’s school programs and STEM curriculum kits. The ideal candidate will be a dynamic STEM educator skilled in engaging early learners, youths, and adults; a detail-oriented program and events coordinator; and a skilled developer of hands-on STEM activities.

Employee health and dental insurance, paid time off, and retirement contribution. VSJF is an equal opportunity employer. People of color are encouraged to apply.

ECHO is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Send cover letter, resume and writing sample by 5pm, 1/5/22 at

4t-VTSustainableJobsFund120821.indd 1

All our employees are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19. For a full job posting, please visit

12/6/214t-Echo120821.indd 3:20 PM 1

12/6/21 2:32 PM


BUSINESS AND FINANCE MANAGERV Vermont Afterschool is seeking a Business and Finance Manager to help increase our operational capacity. Demand for our work and resources continues to grow, and we would love to bring someone on board in this capacity who is interested in helping us make a difference in the world. This is a newly created, full-time position, crafted to work closely with the Executive Director and Assistant Director to manage our financial and accounting systems, support our staff and programs, and become a vital part of our team.

Provide an accessible home for an easy-going 38-year-old gentleman who enjoys being part of a dynamic household. This individual has a comprehensive team, strong family support, along with respite and weekday supports. The ideal provider will have strong interpersonal communication and personal care skills as all aspects of ADL’s will be provided. This position includes a comprehensive training package, tax-free stipend and a handicap accessible van for transportation. Contact Jennifer Wolcott at or 802-655-0511 x 118 for more information

Join us! Visit to apply today. This is a full-time position that offers benefits and is based in our South Burlington, VT office. All staff are currently working hybrid remote/in-person schedules due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We strongly prefer that candidates be able to work regularly from our South Burlington, VT, office when public health and 4t-ChamplainCommServicesSLP120821.indd 1 safety guidelines allow. Reporting to Vermont Afterschool’s Executive Director, this position offers opportunity for growth and development, and we encourage all interested candidates to apply even if they do not meet all of the qualifications.

HOW TO APPLY • We offer a competitive compensation package and the opportunity to play a role in growing an organization. Expected compensation for this position starts at $30/hour and depends on qualifications and experience. • To apply, please send a cover letter, resume, and three references to Applications are accepted on a rolling basis and must be submitted electronically. The position will be posted until filled and is available immediately. Vermont Afterschool is an equal opportunity employer, and we especially welcome applications from individuals who will contribute to our diversity.

E.O.E. 12/7/21 1:20 PM


And that’s on top of being a “Best Place to Work In Vermont” for three years running. Great jobs in management ($45k) and direct service ($18 per hour) at an award-winning agency serving Vermonters with intellectual disabilities. Make a career making a difference. Check current openings at Join us! Visit to apply today.

Full job description: employment

6t-VTAfterschool120821.indd 1

New, local, scamfree jobs posted every day!




LongSkinnyJobsFiller.indd 1

6/18/19 1:24 PM



89 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

MUSEUM EDUCATOR The Vermont Historical Society seeks a full-time Museum Educator. The Educator is responsible for developing and teaching school programs at the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier, as well as administering the Vermont History Day competition. Bachelor’s degree in history, museums, education, or related field required. Advanced degree or training in museum education or history preferred.

DIRECTOR OF ADVANCEMENT SERVICES Craftsbury Common, Vermont, Campus

This position reports to the Vice President for Advancement and provides administrative support as well as maintains their own fundraising portfolio. The appointee will work as a gifts officer and participate in stewardship, cultivation, and solicitation. Through this position you will help Sterling College's donors accomplish their ambitions to support our mission to advance ecological thinking and action. The College is currently raising ~$3M annually between unrestricted and restricted giving. Experience using and administering Raiser's Edge is a plus as is being an alumnx of Sterling College. Candidates must have mission alignment.

Full job description and details at To apply, send a cover letter and resume to

PATIENT CARE COORDINATOR Richmond Dental is looking for a motivated, resourceful, customer-driven Patient Care Coordinator to join our team. This position serves as a welcoming presence to all patients, vendors, and guests while offering day to day expertise in practice level functions. We are proud that our focus on patients has driven a positive patient experience, best in class employee and dentist retention and satisfaction, as well as substantial growth in our practices.

To read the full position description and application instructions, visit:

4t-SterlingCollege031021.indd 1

Production Sewing

3/8/21 9:55 AM

FOURBITAL FACTORY is a new apparel manufacturing facility located in Burlington, VT. We are looking for sewing enthusiasts to help fill our team. Productions Sewists will be trained on a variety of machines and sewing techniques. Fourbital Factory has an ambitious vision for creating a sustainable future in fashion from the materials we use to the recycling of our byproduct. We are at the epicenter of the apparel manufacturing revolution. WHAT WE ARE BUILDING Fourbital’s Training team helps our employees develop their skills with expert training. We will be partnering with local secondary education programs to offer stacked credentials and certifications in advanced manufacturing. WHAT YOUR IMPACT WILL BE Sewing Specialists are key positions at Fourbital. You will be trained in industrial sewing machines, i.e. straight stitch, flat lock, serger, coverstitch, double needle, seamsealer, embroidery, knitting and CAD software associated with laser cutting, embroidery, printing, and knitting. We strongly believe in the value of growing a diverse team and encourage people of all backgrounds, genders, ethnicities, abilities, and sexual orientations to apply. WHAT WE WILL OFFER • Competitive compensation • Medical/Dental/Vision benefits • 401k retirement plan • Flexible time off and paid parental leave • Compensation incentive for recruiting additional team members Compensation is based on experience. We are a training facility and welcome whoever is interested in apparel manufacturing to apply.

Education and Experience: • High School Degree • Prior front desk experience in a medical or dental office • Excellent oral and written communication skills • Facility with Microsoft Office & dental practice management software • Positively contribute to respectful and collaborative working environment with coworkers • Facilitate patient comfort, care, and satisfaction consistently Schedule: Mon 11am-7pm & Tues, Wed, Thurs 8am-4pm Apply at or send resume to 5h-SelectDentalMgmtRICHMOND120821.indd 1

12/3/21 3:12 PM

Annual Fund and Events Manager Join the development and communication team to increase philanthropic support and awareness of the agency. The successful candidate will manage all aspects of a year-round, comprehensive annual giving campaign that is integrated with the activities of the team and lead the implementation of several high quality virtual and in-person community education and fundraising events. Candidates should have 3-5 years’ experience in development and communications and event management, fluency in donor engagement software, excellent writing skills, an entrepreneurial spirit, a history of donor stewardship, a commitment to Howard Center’s mission, the ability to work as part of a fast-paced team, and a positive and optimistic attitude. Occasional evening and weekend work required. Current schedule includes both on-site and remote work. Full-time • Competitive Compensation • Great Benefits, including 36 days of paid time off • Inclusive Work Culture • 802-488-6946 Howard Center is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Employer. The agency’s culture and service delivery is strengthened by the diversity of its workforce. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. Visit “About Us” on our website at to review Howard Center’s EOE policy. 7_Howard-Center_5.8x5.25_Annual 7t-HowardCenter120821 1 Fund + Events Mgr.indd 1

12/3/21 12/2/21 11:23 3:58 PM AM




DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

KICKBOXING & FITNESS TRAINER Kickboxing semi-private fitness studio at the Blue Mall in South Burlington is seeking a trainer. • Full and part-time trainers desired. • Excellent people skills required. • Training provided. Apply online:

DENTAL HYGIENIST Middlebury Pediatric Dentistry is looking for a dental hygienist to join our friendly, close-knit team. Help us take care of Vermont kids’ oral health! Full or Part time. Health insurance. Paid vacation. Please contact us and include your resume,

Seven Days

2h-9Round120821.indd 1

12/7/21 1:16 PM

Engaging minds that change the world Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. Small Business Advocate - Com. Dev. & Applied Economics #S3251PO - The Attorney General’s Small Business Advocate will be an integral part of the Consumer Assistance Program (CAP). A partnership between the Attorney General’s Office and the University of Vermont, CAP provides a consumer helpline and letter mediation service to help consumers and businesses resolve complaints in the marketplace. As the lead for the Small Business Initiative, the Small Business Advocate (SBA) will establish relationships and provide consultation services to the small business community. In addition to providing direct service to business consumers through the CAP hotline and mediation process, the SBA will be responsible for data management and reporting to inform policy initiatives. The SBA will create specialized publications, organize outreach events, and facilitate information exchange with local agencies and community organizations. Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor’s Degree in a related field (such as business, political science, education, or entrepreneurship), two to four years’ related experience with some knowledge of social media used for outreach, and effective oral and written communication skills. Experience building relationships and managing outreach strategies, particularly with the business community, such as campaign or development, highly desirable. Position is 100% FTE with some travel and non-standard hours required. Position contingent upon continued funding.

HYGIENE & Issue: ASSISTANT 12/8 FRONT Due:OFFICE 12/6 byRECEPTIONIST 11am Size: BONUSES 3.83 x 8.84 SIGN-ON OFFERED! Cost: $710.60 (with 1 week online)

Castleton Corners Dental is looking for a motivated, resourceful, and customer-driven Hygiene Assistant and a Front Office Receptionist to join our team. These positions serve as a welcoming presence to all patients, vendors, and guests while offering day to day expertise in practice level functions.

• Prior dental front desk or dental assisting experience a must • X-ray certification required for Hygiene Assistant position • Facility with Microsoft Office & dental practice management software • Facilitate patient comfort, care and satisfaction consistently To apply for Hygiene Assistant: For Front Office: Or forward your resume to: for consideration.


To learn more about the Human Resource Services, please visit: http://www.uvm. edu/hrs. Applications will be accepted until position is filled.

follow us for the newest: SevenDaysJobs 5:08 PM

license in VT is required. Our modern, fully digital practices provide restorative care, fixed and removable prosthodontics, endodontics, extractions, and implant restorations. Schedule: Mon-Thurs 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m. Please apply to:

Or send resume to

The University is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the institution. Applicants are encouraged to include 4t-SelectDentalMgmtMASON120821.indd 1 in their cover letter examples of their success working with a range of culturally and/or ethnically diverse populations and evidence of commitment to fostering a collaborative multicultural environment. Please apply with cover letter, resume POST YOUR JOBS AT: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/POSTMYJOB and contact information for three professional references.


For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply online, please visit Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Open positions are updated daily. Please call 802-656-3150 or email for technical support with the online application. The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

8t-Graystone120821 1


Schedule: Mon-Thurs 7:45 a.m. - 5p.m. Education and Experience: High School Degree

Labor & Employee Relations Admin. Professional Senior - Human Resource Services - #S3255PO - Join a vibrant campus community that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. The University of Vermont is a place where your expertise will be valued, your knowledge expanded and your abilities challenged. 4t-SelectDentalMgmtCASTLETON120821.indd 1 12/3/21 Our Human Resource Services department is seeking a Labor & Employee Relations Professional Senior (Administrative Professional Senior). This position provides comprehensive expertise and represent University management in labor and employee relations issues. Actively participate in collective bargaining and help ensure compliance with union contracts and UVM policies/procedures. SIGN-ON BONUSES OFFERED! Provide consistent, professional and timely services to assigned servicing areas. Lead supervisory and management collective bargaining training and grievance mitigation. Negotiate and facilitate settlement agreements in cooperation with the Mason Dental is proud that our focus on patients has driven Office of General Counsel. Lead and provide operational guidance and support a positive patient experience, best in class employee and to Departmental Managers/Supervisors in addressing employee performance and misconduct and general human resources matters. Oversee staff and dentist retention and satisfaction, as well as substantial provide leadership to influence, define and support complex University (LER) growth in our practices. administrative operations and organizational goals. Serve as Departmental liaison for various on-campus entities in general Human Resources issues. Supervise We are looking for an outgoing Registered Dental Hygienist two (or more) labor and employee relations professionals. Actively engage in and serve as senior subject matter expert on conflict resolution, problem solving, with strong interpersonal skills to join our fast-paced dental learning and practicing principles of social justice and inclusion. office. Experience is preferred and a current dental hygienist The position requires a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration, Human Resources, Labor Relations or related field and five to six years’ related experience required. Demonstrated knowledge of employee/labor relations, Family and Medical Leave Act, and Workers Compensation processes required. Effective written and interpersonal communication skills including the ability to present and defend a position in front of an audience; negotiation skills. Proficiency with computer desktop applications including spreadsheet and database management software required. Demonstrate commitment to workplace diversity, sustainability and delivering exceptional value and service to customers.

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12/3/21 5:03 PM


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8/6/18 4:17 PM


Zoning Administrator Join our dynamic Town Office team in beautiful Charlotte! The Town of Charlotte is recruiting for the position of Zoning Administrator. The primary responsibility of this position is to administer and enforce land use permitting as per the Charlotte Land Use Regulations. The position is also responsible for the coordination of wastewater system & water supply permitting (with the assistance of a Licensed Designer)7spot.indd and performance of Health Officer duties. The position is a permanent position approved for 32-40 hours per week, to be established at the time of hire. The approved hourly pay-rate is between $19.23 and $31.25, based on qualifications and experience. Generous health benefits are offered. Complete job description is at; see right-hand sidebar. Please send resumé and cover letter, and any questions, to: The position is open until filled. EOE


1:06 PM

The Vermont Department of Health is currently seeking candidates for a Health Department Division Administrator for the Planning Unit of the Office of the Health Commissioner. The Planning Unit works with staff throughout the department to facilitate planning and integration of activities to improve population health outcomes and internal systems. The Unit leads the development of the state health improvement plan and department’s strategic plan; public health accreditation; performance management; workforce development; Health in All Policies; and Health equity. For more information, contact Heidi Klein at Department: Health. Status: Full Time – Limited Service. Location: Burlington. Job ID #24781. Application Deadline: December 14, 2021.


This role will be responsible for administrative work at a professional level involving the coordination of elements of an array of statewide home visiting and early childhood and family mental health programs and services which are provided via local community -based organizations. There may be some opportunity to work remotely in this position, aligning with AHS guidance and policies. Preferred Qualifications: nursing; home visiting; and or mental health services. For more information, contact Keith Williams at Department: Children and Families. Status: Full Time. Location: Waterbury. Job ID #21205. Application Deadline: December 14, 2021.


VTDEC is seeking an organized, detail-oriented professional to join our Fund Management Team as a Financial Manager I. The ideal candidate will have the ability to effectively communicate and contribute to a team as well as work independently to produce accurate, high-quality reports and data analysis. Duties will include administering and monitoring federal grants, special funds, settlements, and other funds managed by VTDEC. For more information, contact Lindsay Carey at Lindsay. Department: Environmental Conservation. Status: Full Time – Limited Service. Location: Montpelier. Job ID #21729. Application Deadline: December 14, 2021.

T A X P AY E R S E R V I C E S A S S I S T A N T D I R E C T O R – M O N T P E L I E R

This position presents a rewarding opportunity for an individual who is highly organized, resourceful, and dedicated to providing the best possible public service to the citizens of Vermont. It involves oversight of the Division’s supervisory team and their staff, focusing on Personal Income, Business, Corporate, and Real Estate Taxes. You will participate in the day-to-day operations and administration of the Division, as well as long-term planning and implementation of strategic goals. For more information, contact James Whitehouse at Department: Taxes. Status: Full Time. Location: Montpelier. Job ID #24521. Application Deadline: December 15, 2021.

B U I L D I N G S E N G I N E E R I I – ( M U LT I P L E ) - M O N T P E L I E R

Would you like to make a valuable contribution supporting statewide design and construction? We are currently accepting applications from all architectural and engineering candidates. Candidates should have experience associated with capital improvement and maintenance projects. In addition to project management, this position will also assist the Design and Construction Program Chief with managing technical reviews, vendor evaluations, design guidelines, standard specifications, and procedures. For more information, contact Jeremy Stephens at jeremy.stephens@ Department: Buildings and General Services. Status: Full Time. Location: Montpelier. Job Id #19529. Application Deadline: Open Until Filled.

Learn more at :

6t-VTDeptHumanResources120821 1

91 DECEMBER 8-15, 2021

Hours: 20/hour week. Pay: commensurate with experience, $19 – $22.50 per hour. Benefits include: CTO and health insurance contributions. Keep track of our finances in QuickBooks and process accounts payable and accounts receivable. The ideal candidate will be an upbeat, organized, and dependable person with scrupulous attention to detail and a passion for and experience with our mission; someone with lived experience of marginalization and/or an advanced self-awareness about privilege and accountability; someone who loves numbers and likes to work behind the scenes; and someone who is self-motivated and is forward-thinking about systems and efficiency. Apply at:


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12/7/21 1:17 PM

Permanent, Limited Service offer full benefits including healthcare, sick leave, holidays, and paid time off. Temporary positions available.

H E A LT H D E P A R T M E N T D I V I S I O N A D M I N I S T R A T O R – B U R L I N G T O N



Town of Charlotte

4t-TownofCharlotte120821.indd 1


The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer

12/3/21 12:12 PM

For a full listing of positions available:


Full time permanent position reporting to the State Court Administrator providing legal advice and services. Manages public information requests, drafts contracts, review proposed legislation and consult on administrative directives. Starting salary approximately $105k annual. VT license to practice plus 5 years of related experience required.


Limited-Service position until 6/30/23 in Access & Resource Center (ARC), Language Access Program: scheduling court interpreters, planning logistics and coordination of community outreach for court interpreter certification plan, processing interpreter invoices and other activities affiliated with optimizing language access in the courts. Starting Salary $21.64 per hour. Associate’s Degree and 3 years of customer service experience.


Multiple Limited-Service positions until 6/30/23. Act as the first contact for litigants, attorneys and other customers who need assistance navigating the court’s primary software application. Will learn court procedures and deliver excellent service over phone and computer. Starting Salary $21.64 per hour. Associate’s Degree and 3 years of customer service experience.


Several permanent, Limited Service and Temporary Docket Clerk positions available. Will perform specialized clerical duties including data entry customer service, multitasking, legal processing, courtroom support and record keeping. Hiring throughout Vermont. High School graduate and two years of clerical or data entry experience required. Starting at $17.49 per hour.

All positions are open until filled. The Vermont Judiciary is an equal opportunity employer.




4:06 PM

Making a Holiday Shopping List? CHECK IT TWICE — FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO GIFT LOCAL! We need to support and sustain our local economy, our friends and neighbors. Gifting local keeps folks here in business and also helps grow our Vermont economy. So many small businesses have been impacted by Covid-19, I feel that there has never been a better time to buy as local as you can whenever possible! Kat Patterson

For every dollar you spend at a local business


stays in the local community.

When you gift local, you are supporting your community in more ways than one, and you are purchasing gifts that are thoughtful, unique and well made. Erin Bombard

(SoUrCe: BuSiNeSsWiRe)

Shop smart and shop small — your choices will impact us all. Vermont merchants have faced many challenges this year and need your support — especially this holiday season. Visit for all the info on shopkeepers who are selling their products online for local delivery or curbside pickup. Browse by categories ranging from jewelry to electronics, outdoor gear to apparel. Remember, when you buy a gift locally, the recipient isn’t the only one who benefits. The entire community does!

Check out our... The

holiday shopping


Holiday Gift Guide

for a curated roundup of local gift ideas for your friends and family. 92

SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021 t & Entertainmen & Drink • Arts ssories • Food ty & Body Wearables & Acce e • Kids • Beau ans eation • Hom & Their Hum Outdoors & Recr Reading • Pets • Listening & ses Clas & Experiences


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“I love every single one of these.” JEN SORENSEN



fun stuff RYAN RIDDLE


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94SR-Comics-filler071520.indd SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021 1

7/14/20 3:32 PM

Have a deep, dark fear of your own? Submit it to cartoonist Fran Krause at, and you may see your neurosis illustrated in these pages.

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY BY ROB BREZSNY REAL DECEMBER 9-15 passionate, sincere, quiet faith will be more attainable than it has ever been.


A fashion company called Tibi sells a silver minidress that features thousands of sequins. It’s also available in gold. I wonder if the designers were inspired by poet Mark Doty’s line: “No such thing, the queen said, as too many sequins.” In my astrological estimation, the coming weeks will be a fun time to make this one of your mottoes. You will have a poetic license to be flashy, shiny, bold, swanky, glittery, splashy, sparkling and extravagant. If expressing such themes in the way you dress isn’t appealing, embody more metaphorical versions.

ARIES (Mar. 21-Apr. 19): Aries filmmaker

Andrei Tarkovsky (1932-1986) was experimental and innovative and influential. His imagery was often dreamlike, and his themes were metaphysical. He felt that the most crucial aspect of his creative process was his faith. If he could genuinely believe in the work he was doing, he was sure he’d succeed at even the most improbable projects. But that was a challenge for him. “There is nothing more difficult to achieve than a passionate, sincere, quiet faith,” he said. In accordance with your astrological omens during the next 12 months, Aries, I suggest you draw inspiration from his approach. Cultivating a

TAURUS (Apr. 20-May 20): “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware,” said philosopher Martin Buber. How true! I would add that the traveler is wise to prepare for the challenges and opportunities of those secret destinations … and be alert for them if they appear … and treat them with welcome and respect, not resistance and avoidance. When travelers follow those protocols, they are far more likely to be delightfully surprised than disappointingly surprised. Everything I just said will apply to you in the coming weeks, Taurus. GEMINI (May 21-Jun. 20): Gemini sleight-

of-hand artist Apollo Robinson may be the best and most famous pickpocket in the world. Fortunately, he uses his skill for entertainment purposes only. He doesn’t steal strangers’ money and valuables from their pockets and purses and jackets. On one occasion, while in the company of former U.S. president Jimmy Carter, he pilfered multiple items from a Secret Service agent assigned to protect Carter. He gave the items back, of course. It was an amusing and humbling lesson that inspired many law enforcement officials to seek him out as a consultant. I suspect that in the coming weeks, you may have comparable abilities to trick, fool, beguile and enchant. I hope you will use your superpowers exclusively to carry out good deeds and attract inviting possibilities.

CANCER (Jun. 21-Jul. 22): Many sportswriters regard Michael Jordan as the greatest basketball player ever. He was the Most Valuable Player five times and had a higher scoring average than anyone else who has ever played. And yet he confesses, “I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. And I have failed over and over and over again in my life.” He says the keys to his success are his familiarity with bungles and his determination to keep going despite his bungles. I invite you to meditate on Jordan’s example in the coming days. LEO (Jul. 23-Aug. 22): In his poem “Song of Poplars,” Leo author Aldous Huxley speaks to

a stand of poplar trees. He asks them if they are an “agony of undefined desires.” Now I will pose the same question to you, Leo. Are you an agony of undefined desires? Or are you a treasury of well-defined desires? I hope it’s the latter. But if it’s not, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to fix the problem. Learning to be precise about the nature of your longings is your growing edge, your frontier. Find out more about what you want, please.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): Black is your lucky color for the foreseeable future. I invite you to delve further than ever before into its mysteries and meanings and powers. I encourage you to celebrate blackness and honor blackness and nurture blackness in every way you can imagine. For inspiration, meditate on how, in art, black is the presence of all colors. In printing, black is a color needed to produce other colors. In mythology, blackness is the primal source of all life and possibility. In psychology, blackness symbolizes the rich unconscious core from which all vitality emerges. LIBRA (Sep. 23-Oct. 22): In the first season of the animated TV series “South Park,” its two creators produced an episode called “Make Love, Not Warcraft.” The story lovingly mocked nerds and the culture of online gaming. Soon after sending his handiwork to executive producers, Libran cocreator Trey Parker decided it was a terrible show that would wreck his career. He begged for it to be withheld from broadcast. But the producers ignored his pleas. That turned out to be a lucky break. The episode ultimately won an Emmy Award and became popular with fans. I foresee the possibility of comparable events in your life, Libra. Don’t be too sure you know which of your efforts will work best. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Nobel Prizewinning Scorpio author André Gide (18691951) had an unusual relationship with his wife Madeline Rondeaux. Although married for 43 years, they never had sex. As long as she was alive, he never mentioned her in his extensive writings. But after she died, he wrote a book about their complex relationship. Here’s the best thing he ever said about her: “I believe it was through her that I drew the need for truthfulness and sincerity.” I’d

love for you to be lit up by an influence like Madeline Rondeaux, Scorpio. I’d be excited for you to cultivate a bond with a person who will inspire your longing to be disarmingly candid and refreshingly genuine. If there are no such characters in your life, go looking for them. If there are, deepen your connection.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): “I have pasts inside me I did not bury properly,” writes Nigerian poet Ijeoma Umebinyuo. Isn’t that true for each of us? Don’t we all carry around painful memories as if they were still fresh and current? With a little work, we could depotentize at least some of them and consign them to a final resting place where they wouldn’t nag and sting us anymore. The good news, Capricorn, is that the coming weeks will be an excellent time to do just that: Bury any pasts that you have not properly buried before now. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): In February

1967, the Beatles recorded their album Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band in London. A man claiming to be Jesus Christ convinced Paul McCartney to let him weasel his way into the studio. McCartney later said that he was pretty sure it wasn’t the real Jesus. But if by some remote chance it was, he said, he didn’t want to make a big mistake. I bring this to your attention, Aquarius, because I suspect that comparable events may be brewing in your vicinity. My advice: Don’t assume you already know who your teachers and helpers are. Here’s the relevant verse from the Bible: “Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): According to professor of classics Anne Carson, ancient Greek author Homer “suggested we stand in time with our backs to the future, face to the past.” And why would we do that? To “search for the meaning of the present — scanning history and myth for a precedent.” I bring this to your attention, Pisces, because I think you should avoid such an approach in the coming months. In my view, the next chapter of your life story will be so new, so unpredicted, that it will have no antecedents, no precursory roots that might illuminate its plot and meaning. Your future is unprecedented.


L ATEST VIDEO! Eva Sollberger’s

Watch at 4h-stuckinvt120121.indd 1

, the Dance For 30 years pringfield Factory in S y ted a holida has presen e Th f o production s featuring it Nutcracker m o fr e m ho co students, w l ra ru g din the surroun year's show is Th s. n w to er on Decemb takes place n e Gre 11 and 12 at nion High U in ta n u Mo ester. h C School in

supported by:



12/1/21 2:55 PM

NEVER THOUGHT I’D BE HERE I’m as normal as I am abnormal. Just looking around. No preference. Don’t be shy. Notsurewhattoputhere, 21, seeking: W

Respond to these people online: WOMEN seeking... LOOKING FOR A TRUE PARTNER Isn’t online dating a blast? OK, maybe it can be challenging at times, but it’s still exciting that you have the chance to meet someone special who you might never have met elsewhere. I’m a proud mom/grandmom, an avid rower (concept rower), a professional and, if you ask my friends, a kind (and a bit quirky at times) person. Leelady, 57, seeking: M WOMAN, HONEST, NEW CHAPTER I’m at a crossroad in life. I’m just looking for nothing serious, but if it develops into more, I’m also OK with that. I’m an open book. If you want to know anything, just ask. I’m an open-minded individual looking to develop something new with someone who will cherish my time and energy, which people have taken for granted. vtwomen31, 31, seeking: M MUCH TO BRING: SEEKING COMPANION/CONNECTION Laid-back, sane, cute, emotionally and financially stable. In Rhode Island, able to move/purchase next (like, cooler hemisphere) full or semi off-grid (or not). Animal lover, DIYer, prepper, self-sufficient. Seeking 50-50 partnership. Have remote work ability and passive income (for financial stability). Have much to bring to the table. Seeking similar for mutually beneficial relationship/ partnership/life companion. nptfornow, 51, seeking: M, l

WANT TO RESPOND? You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common! All the action is online. Create an account or login to browse more than 2,000 singles with profiles including photos, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online.


See photos of this person online.

W = Women M = Men TW = Trans women TM = Trans men Q = Genderqueer people NBP = Nonbinary people NC = Gender nonconformists Cp = Couples Gp = Groups


LOTS OF ENERGY! I’m a high-energy, highly educated person in Vermont for winter skiing and fun. I love live music and get out as much as I can to hear good acts. I am interested in making new friends but would be open to a relationship, even an LTR, if the right connections develop. Winter_friend, 55, seeking: M, l I WILL MAKE YOU LAUGH I am very interested in the arts, mainly visual and literary. I am an artist. I can be extremely lazy or extremely productive. I know how to build a house. I am handy. Not a great cook. Spend most of my time with my dogs and cat in the wilderness. Great sense of humor. Smart. Part redneck, part sophisticate. aquatica, 62, seeking: M, l WARM BBW FOR CUDDLY T-BEAR Warm BBW seeks cuddly teddy bear (or two) who’s silly, soulful, spiritual and sensual, as I am. Enjoy being near water, eating out or cooking together, drives to nowhere, plays, movies, live music. I’m polyamorous and hope you are, too; I believe it’s possible to have more than one loving relationship at once. Also please be intelligent, reflective and fun! Myzeffy, 63, seeking: M, l DISCREET FUN AND FRIEND WITH BENEFITS I am in my early 40s, married to a wonderful man who doesn’t know I enjoy the company of a woman occasionally. Looking to find another female who would like to be a friend with benefits. Discretion is a must. If we decide, then maybe meet for dinner/drinks and get a room for the night. Send me a message. DiscreetFun, 41, seeking: W COZY, LITERATE HOMEBODY SEEKS CO-CHEF Voracious reader and creative thinker seeks playmate. If you’re someone who thinks deeply, values friendships, respects the world beyond humankind, chooses science over suspicion, and tempers your thinking with compassion and humility, let’s be in touch. I’m a SF, 55, healthy, active and COVID careful. Sanguinely, 25, seeking: M SEASONED WOMAN DESIRES SEASONED MAN 73-y/o woman who wants to meet a man who desires to have a committed relationship to find what life reveals to us. I enjoy theater, walking, hiking (short distances), reading, writing (personal journals). Working part time in the field of DD/ID MH. flynrn, 73, seeking: M SEEKING ELUSIVE CHEMISTRY Genuine nice gal — low maintenance, avoider of negative energy. Aim for peaceful coexistence in a beautiful setting. Love nature: big view, mountains, lake and sky; birds and animals; swimming in streams, lakes and waterfalls. Seek similar male who is tall, educated, kind and upbeat. Emotionally stable. Well read. Bonus points if you like cooking garden-to-table, and yard projects. swimwstars, 65, seeking: M, l


YOUNG AT HEART AND ROMANTIC I am an intelligent woman who loves to be out and about and social. I enjoy nature walks, dancing, music and travel. I am very caring and loving and a good listener. I want a companion and more. I want to share love with a like-minded gentleman. Chatandc, 76, seeking: M LOVING AND KIND I am a very nice person who is open to love at any time. When I say “love,” I mean sharing ideas, spending time. I live a very quiet life and do not like the limelight. I love military men. I also love intelligent conversation. Some looks are necessary, but taking care of oneself is important. AnLuv, 50, seeking: M, l HOPING FOR COMPANIONSHIP Don’t need a fancy trip to France. Would enjoy the company of someone for more realistic adventures — things like breakfast. I love getting breakfast out, playing board games, day trips here and there. bluemonarch, 55, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, l WILDLY ADVENTUROUS AND INTELLECTUALLY CURIOUS There are two themes to my life: courage and individuality. To quote one son: mediating biker gangs at a carnival? Working the hood in Portland? Africa? I don’t know many people who so fully defy categorization or stereotyping — class, gender, profession. I was a CPA and am a habitual college student. Basically, I embrace life. WorldTravele7570, 79, seeking: M, l LOVE TO LAUGH, KIND, AUTHENTIC Been separated for a while now and, though very happy/content to be solo during that time, I think I’m ready to meet new people. Looking for some fun social times to start. I love to go out for drinks, play darts/cards. Love watching sports on TV, especially Boston teams. Love animals, travel and new but sane adventures. Not looking for FWB. AlmostReady, 64, seeking: M, l INQUISITIVE, WANTING MORE I would like to meet a lady I can become friends with. You can learn more about me when we talk. Adventurewithus2, 46, seeking: W, l

MEN seeking...

READY TO SHARE LIFE AGAIN Things are going well for me! Career is on track. Family is healthy. I’m financially secure. And I have been vaccinated. (That is important these days, LOL.) What I’m missing in my life is a special friend/partner/ LTR. Someone to rejoice with our individual/together life events. And to help soften the sting when life’s little failures arises. I’m ready to share life. VTMtnAdventures, 58, seeking: W, l Y KNOT I’m looking for some NSA, discreet fun. MD515, 54, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp PRESENT, OPEN, FUN I am not here with any expectations or interest in jumping into a new commitment and anything serious. Very private. It is not about the goal or destination; life is about the journey. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Something will happen. NewChapters, 58, seeking: W, l LOOKING FOR FUN, INTERESTING TIMES I am an 83-y/o widower who was in a wonderfully open marriage. I am looking for companions for dining out, theater, travel and sex. I am not interested in marriage or living together, but in being close regardless. I am generous. If you are not interested in the “physical side” of a relationship, please do not respond. larrybarre69, 83, seeking: W, TW, l HAPPY BI MAN Looking to meet others for sensual experiences. Into many things, but mostly hot, lustful fun. paulccc, 61, seeking: M, Cp HONEST, SPIRITUAL, CARING, LOVING Recently relocated to Colchester and work as an RN at UVMMC in Burlington. Highly educated with BSN and BS Chem. Honest, open-minded and willing for LTR. Have faith, hope and love. Seeking female companion/soul mate to share fun times when not working. I enjoy most indoor cultural and outdoor recreational activities. No drugs or alcohol, please. Nursesteve1, 60, seeking: W, l OUTDOOR ENTHUSIAST Relaxed, honest, up for adventure. outdoorenthusiast, 60, seeking: W, l LOOKING FOR A NEW FRIEND Hello! I am looking for a new friend and looking to have more fun this winter than last winter allowed. The friendship I’m looking for may be a bit “unconventional,” but it would be a lot of fun! Who likes conventional anyway? Let’s chat or get together and see if we could be friends. Forfun802, 38, seeking: W

FUNNY, SUBMISSIVE, VERSATILE BI GUY Looking to meet “straight“ and bi men, as well as bi couples and MW couples, for fun and sex. I’m a fun person who likes to enjoy life and am looking for new adventures. Let’s help each other expand and explore our sexual boundaries. I’m respectful and discreet, so let’s meet! Binorth, 64, seeking: M, TW, Cp, Gp

HELLO THERE Family is important. I like water. I like to be out on the water. Love sailing. I make things and machines that make things. I like to draw. I would like to find someone special to spend some time with — start with dating and see how it goes. I understand it takes a while to get to know someone. datesail, 59, seeking: W, l

STING IS MY BIGGEST FAN OK, I don’t actually know Sting. Just moved up to Vermont a minute ago and would love to meet some fun folks. I’m not looking for anything serious. That part of my life is accounted for. I’m still fond of female company in all its other forms, though. PlentyOfToast, 39, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, Cp, Gp, l

CURIOUS, SEEKING ACTION Looking for after-midnight hookup. If you are horny and not ugly and local, hit me up. jasper, 62, seeking: M SILVER HEAD, FOR GOOD COMPANY Friendly, social guy seeks good male company with possible benefits. orion, 68, seeking: M

STILL LOVING CURIOSITY creative type — still trying to figure out life... looking for someone who questions, explores, is happy to be out of the mainstream,and is looking for a partner in crime. With the right person, ready to give and get constant touch and affection. timeandtouch, 62, seeking: W OLD BUT STILL HORNY At 83, I am blessed to be healthy and “vital,” and am looking for older women who are the same. I believe couples should make the rules that work for them. I am open to a variety of activities and types of relationships. I don’t judge and believe that mutual respect is most important if a relationship is going to work. barreloves, 83, seeking: W, TW, Cp, Gp, l

NONBINARY PEOPLE seeking... FEMININE CROSS-DRESSER SEEKS THOSE INTERESTED I’m looking for others interested in femininity and sensual possibilities. Let’s chat. Nicole123, 62, seeking: M, TW, Q, NC, NBP

TRANS WOMEN seeking... BE MY CUDDLE BUDDY? Cute 50-y/o vegan straight-edge polyam ace enby trans girl. Love my parallel polyam primary nesting partner, so I’m looking for a part-time snuggle buddy for walks and talks and handholding and kissing and romance! I fall in love really easily! I’m half in love with you already just because you’re reading this! Anyone but cis guys. EnbyTransgirl, 53, seeking: W, TM, TW, Q, NBP, l T GIRL LIVE IN VT Trans girl. Offbeat sense of humor. Looking for that certain someone. I like dinner and a movie or a game at Centennial Field. I like to ride my bike on the bike path and see shows at Higher Ground. At home I spend my time listening to my record collection and taking care of my house. Luv2BaGurl, 61, seeking: M, W, TM, TW, Q, NC, NBP, l DEPTH AND DESIRE Finding both is not easy. Active TG seeks motivated, aroused, real playmate for trysts of all sorts. Inside, outside, day, night. If you are 50ish to 60ish, very fit and hot to trot, get in touch. 2PartsofDesire, 64, seeking: M, Cp, l

COUPLES seeking... SPICING UP OUR LIVES Married for two wonderful years and known each other for 12. We are honest people. We are looking for another couple to go have drinks with, go on an adventure with. We are very discreet with our lives and enjoy privacy. Good hygiene is a must, and no drugs, please, If you’re out there, we would love to meet you. kjgray8784, 37, seeking: W, Cp, l LOOKING FOR FUN We are looking for a man to have sex with my wife as I watch or join in. I want no interaction with the man. Just fun. No STDs, but bareback. Can be more than one man with my wife. tracker17, 66, seeking: M, l MF + F = FUN We are an attractive, fun, respectful, discreet, loving couple. We would love to sexually experiment with a woman. We love the outdoors, the pool, the hot tub, boating and anything sunshine, good food, eating out, campfires, and being in good company. Join us for dinner and drinks and see what happens. unsureinVT, 51, seeking: W, Cp, l


If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

MIDDAY SHAW’S SHOPPER To the hat-wearing bearded lunchtime grocery shopper stuck in a long checkout line: We crossed paths a few times. Please know you were the main character in my lunchtime errand. I want to know what happens next! When: Thursday, December 2, 2021. Where: Waterbury Shaw’s. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915465 MEMORIES OR FEELINGS No matter how hard I tried, it wouldn’t work. Once a single imperfection is revealed, I’m toast. In the end, all I could do was run while looking back at memories of feeling alienated. In brief reflective moments, almost asleep, feelings go deep and life feels free. All that work so eternity can stay a little longer with each visit. When: Tuesday, November 30, 2021. Where: somewhere out there, somewhere near here. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915464 SWEET GIRL MAKING CONFECTIONS I am so very grateful to have initiated our conversation, which led to a first meeting, which has subsequently led to another and another, and I hope they don’t stop. You have given me the feelings I have been searching for, and I look forward to us getting to know each other more and more and being your wood stacker. When: Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915463 WORKING AT SWEET CLOVER We chatted briefly at the Weird Meat fridge. I came in for coffee and a chance to say hello to you, but I lost my nerve. Catch up for a cup of coffee and another chance? You: slender, long straight hair, moving with purpose, making eye contact over your shoulder. When: Monday, November 22, 2021. Where: Essex. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915461

MY LOVE BURNED IT DOWN Was it because you were afraid or because you didn’t love me? Every memory is suspended here. They’re ghosts armed with knives. I could have laid my head on your chest every night ‘til I was old. “You broke my heart from the start ... made me work so hard ... The last recluse ... Or was it, ‘Courage ... it didn’t come...’”? I am gutted. When: Sunday, November 21, 2021. Where: at the stupid end. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915462 BURKLYN/VTANTRA LAST TRY I and M: You look like a fun couple, but I never get a response from you on #Open, OkC or Feeld. I’m disappointed. Me: masculine-presenting muscular climber, polysexual, multiamorous, tatted. When: Sunday, November 21, 2021. Where: #Open/Burklyn. You: Couple. Me: Genderqueer. #915459 WORKING AT DUNKIN’ DONUTS IN MONTPELIER I only see you once or twice a week, early mornings. I would like to take you out for dinner and chat with you. When: Sunday, November 21, 2021. Where: Dunkin’ Donuts in Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915458 RICHMOND BEAUTY Came to Sweet Simone’s for the coffee but stayed for your (cinnamon) buns. Saw you next door at Hey June, too! I had coffee and a scone and was looking for holiday cards next to you. Let’s get coffee? When: Thursday, November 18, 2021. Where: Richmond. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915457 RE: LOST Deleting numbers is OK. Crossing paths is a sign. If you are her, we should connect. Tag! You’re it! When: Saturday, November 6, 2021. Where: crossing paths?. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915456

SAW YOU AT THE ANTIDOTE You: very cute hippie girl eating dinner with someone I assume was your boyfriend. Me: alone at the bar eating the Thursday special. I caught your eye a couple of times, and got the “I’m interested” look. I’m there every Thursday. Want a new friend? Could get interesting! Hotter than the fried chicken! When: Thursday, November 18, 2021. Where: Vergennes. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915460

THREE ENCOUNTERS: TWO HEARTS The morning we met across the counter, we had a pleasant conversation and I was drawn to your quiet charm. Twice since then, I’ve visited, and each time, you’ve left hearts with my order. If you were looking to make an impression, it happened that very first time. Look me up? When: Sunday, October 3, 2021. Where: North Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915448

STAY GOLD, STAY YOU Let’s face it: I see you quite often, and I wish you could see in yourself what others see in you. It’s your week, so you call the shots. I’m proud of you in so many ways. Be proud of yourself. May you sleep well and feel content with the person you have become. When: Monday, November 1, 2021. Where: central Vermont. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915455

RANDI WITH THE GRAY CURLS I’ve always secretly admired you and like talking to you when you come into my work, but I haven’t seen you in a while. Let’s hang out sometime. Maybe I could be your winter warmth. If you see this, please respond or come see me. I hope you are doing well! When: Friday, October 1, 2021. Where: South Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915447

TIRED AND CONFUSED I deleted your phone number months ago. Did we cross paths yesterday? I was on my way home from work, yawning, and suddenly there you were! Headed in the opposite direction. When: Thursday, November 4, 2021. Where: black car. You: Man. Me: Woman. #915454

BEAUTIFUL MOM AND ADORABLE DAUGHTER You and your daughter visited me and my goats. I think we caught eyes a few times. I wanted to chat more and get your name, but I was occupied with other visitors. You: wide-brimmed green hat, cowboy boots, beautiful smile and adorable daughter. I was the goat guy. When: Friday, October 8, 2021. Where: Richmond Farmers Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915442

TRYING TO CONTACT SMARTY PANTS I’m looking to be reunited with the most amazing girl. I made a mistake, and I’ve paid dearly for it. Please reach out to me. #Sunshine #Smartypants #Montpelier When: Monday, November 1, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915453 BERLIN PLANET FITNESS You: beautiful, very curvy blond girl with black leggings, white shoes and half shirt. Me: guy admiring your amazing physique on Saturday and Sunday, October 30 and 31. When: Saturday, October 30, 2021. Where: Berlin Planet Fitness. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915452 HOT WOMAN CHATTING WITH ME We were chatting waiting in line. Then an older lady was trying to cut, and you made it a point to tell her, “You’re behind him!” That was hot! I could be wrong, but I felt a connection. I liked what I saw; did you? I’m game if you are. Chat or even more — send you home smiling. ? When: Friday, October 29, 2021. Where: Hannaford, North Ave., in line. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915449

Ask REVEREND Dear Doodle Doo, the

Irreverent counsel on life’s conundrums

Dear Reverend,

I’m not attracted to blokes one bit. But I love a nice cock — so much so that I do let guys fuck me, and I don’t mind sucking them off. But no way would I kiss a guy. Am I gay?

Doodle Doo

(MALE, 35)

Every year on Saint Patrick’s Day, millions of people wear green, get drunk and listen to Celtic music. Does that make them all Irish? Nope. A similar concept applies to sex. A heterosexual person can engage in homosexual activities without identifying as gay. It doesn’t mean that they’re closeted, either. Romantic attraction and sexual attraction are two different things. You can be

I MISS YOU, SUNSHINE I made a mistake, and it cost me the best woman I ever knew. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about my Montpelier girl. I do wish the best for you but wish we split on better terms. You will always be in my heart, Smarty Pants. When: Monday, September 27, 2021. Where: Montpelier. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915428

CITY MARKET SUNCATCHER You: basking like a lizard outside the downtown co-op at the table closest to the entrance. Me: finding nothing to say that could possibly enhance the pearl-perfect moment you seemed to be enjoying. Let’s have a moment like that together at my favorite sunset spot. It’s an obvious one, but few people seem to know it. When: Wednesday, October 13, 2021. Where: City Market downtown. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915436 BURLINGTON CUMBERLAND FARMS, GAS, SMILES You: F, light brown hair in a bun, blue Volkswagen wagon parked at the pump. Me: M, tall, salt-and-pepper hair, shorts, floral mask, held the door for you as you came in. We caught each other’s eye, smiled as you walked to the pump. I said hi. I should’ve come over to talk. Care to do that sometime? When: Tuesday, September 21, 2021. Where: Cumberland Farms, Pine St., Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915424

THOUGHT YOU SHOULD KNOW! Our paths are running next to each other. I hope they cross sooner rather than later. I hope you turn here as much as I do. When: Sunday, October 10, 2021. Where: my daily read. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915432 STONE SOUP Me: 60 y/o. You: about the same. We caught each other’s eye at the café. I was with a friend having a piece of pie and a tea. You were with a younger woman, possibly your daughter. I would be interested in finding out more about you. When: Saturday, October 16, 2021. Where: Stone Soup café. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915439 ON TAP, SATURDAY 9/25 I was sitting alone in the back corner. You and your friend were at the table in front of me. You got up and came over and introduced yourself and didn’t come back. I would love to buy you a drink and chat. When: Saturday, September 25, 2021. Where: in the back room of the bar. You: Woman. Me: Couple. #915427 SHELBURNE ROAD, ADVANCED AUTO PARTS You and your guy were waiting at the counter as I walked by and wished you good luck on your project. Did I imagine it, or did you come over by me a few times and then bend over in front of the air fresheners for my benefit? If so, I’m really glad you did. Meet for a drink? When: Friday, September 24, 2021. Where: Shelburne Rd. auto parts store. You: Couple. Me: Man. #915425 GEORGIA MARKET You: blue shirt and jeans, and some tats. Me: blue shirt and shorts. We smiled at each other, said hi, and then I dropped my keys and said, “Sh*t.” I would enjoy hearing from you if you are single! G. When: Wednesday, September 15, 2021. Where: Georgia Market. You: Woman. Me: Man. #915410

sexually attracted to men and women but only have feelings of romantic attraction and love toward women. No big whoop. Of course, you should be honest with all parties involved, or else you could find yourself in a real sticky wicket. If you’re 35 and you have to ask whether you’re gay, maybe there’s more to it. But as long as everyone is a consenting adult and having a good time, why bother with labels? Not all people are able to be as free and fluid with their sexuality as it sounds like you are, so consider yourself a lucky fella and keep on keepin’ on. Good luck and God bless,

The Reverend What’s your problem?

Send it to SEVEN DAYS DECEMBER 8-15, 2021


36-y/o SWM seeking captivating pen pal. Looking to establish an upright, modest relationship with like-minded people. I’m funny, energetic, appealing and enjoy the little things. I love the beauty the outdoors bring. Open to all. Life’s too short to miss an opportunity. Can’t wait to hear from you. #L1538 I am a rural woman interested in building a romantic relationship. I follow the teachings of Dr. Pat Allen, inspired by science and Taoist philosophy. I want to be cherished by a gentleman who wants to be respected. #L1537

Woman, 56. Need a simple life in the country with a gentle, caring man sharing similar values to keep the relationship healthy. Desire to engage in deep conversation, be active in nature and support good health. Must love coffee, good food and the art of cooking. Phone number, please. #L1543 SWM bi top seeks sub bottom. Enjoy fem heels, stockings, panties, painted toenails. No drugs. Clean. Vaccinated. Steady lover. Phone. #L1542 I’m a GWM, 60s, 5’9, 170 pounds, seeking a man or men into spanking and/or wearing/ using adult diapers. #L1540

Gay white male looking for gay males in the area of Tunbridge/ South Royalton. 5’10 and a half. Slender build. Dark brown hair and brown eyes. Good looking. Can be discreet. Contact me. #L1541 Bi-curious male, 40s, seeking pen pals and phone freaks. Confess your closet kinks, freaky fetishes and taboo tales. I’m open-minded and nonjudgmental. I want to know all your sexy secrets. All are welcome. I’ll reply if asked. #L1539 Slim guys 18 to 36 wanted. Willing to meet at any time of your calling. #L1534

HOW TO REPLY TO THESE LOVE LETTERS: Seal your reply — including your preferred contact info — inside an envelope. Write your penpal’s box number on the outside of that envelope and place it inside another envelope with payment. Responses for Love Letters must begin with the #L box number. MAIL TO: Seven Days Love Letters

P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402

PAYMENT: $5/response. Include cash or check

(made out to “Seven Days”) in the outer envelope. To send unlimited replies for only $15/month, call us at 802-865-1020, ext. 110 for a membership (credit accepted).



Submit your FREE message at or use the handy form at right.


We’ll publish as many messages as we can in the Love Letters section above.


Interested readers will send you letters in the mail. No internet required!



65-y/o woman, but not showing my age yet, looking to meet calm, mature, honest men. I enjoy adventures with most outdoor activities, animals, music. #L1536 49-y/o woman seeks male 55+. I love nature along with water and walking. I’m spiritual, looking for companionship with truth and honesty, building life through good and bad, and becoming stronger. I enjoy dancing, music, charity work and adventure to learn from. #L1535 I am a crossdresser (M-to-F) seeking female friends for coffee, friendship or just corresponding. Any age, race and ethnicity OK. Retired and ready. Will answer all letters. #L1531

Internet-Free Dating!

Reply to these messages with real, honest-to-goodness letters. DETAILS BELOW. SWM seeks SBF for lovers. Winter is coming, and I need someone to keep me warm. Honest and clean. Phone. #L1530

GWM seeking other GM for friendship and more. Write me with name and phone number. #L1532

How feral’s feral? Energetic Luddite(s) indeed, but easier to be progressively backward with a mischievous coconspirator. Artist here, resourceful cottager, surrounded by books and mason jars. Worth every penny of your $5. If you disagree, I’ll reimburse! M seeking F. #L1529

70-y/o WM seeks mid-70s to mid-80s WF. I want to experience sensuality with a very mature WF woman. Phone number, please. #L1524

Humble, honest, loving and fun 69-y/o searching for his soul mate to enjoy life’s adventures with. Looking for that special gal who enjoys skiing, beaches, boating, biking, animals and cares for our natural environment. Someone spiritual who can “see the light.” A love of theater, music and dancing a plus. #L1528 Discreet oral bottom. 54y/o SWM, 5’8, slim, dark hair, blue eyes. Seeking any well-hung guys, 18 to 55 y/o, who are a good top and last a long time for more than one around. Phone only, but text. Champlain Valley. #L1526

GM in Rutland County seeking other GM or bi for social interaction. Maybe leading to FWB or more. I’m easygoing, stable and like adventure. Phone only. Hope to hear from you. #L1523 Fit 50ish M, green-eyed, kind and witty, seeks fit F 40 to 60. Well read, rugged, capable, collected, patient. Values community, gardens, art, acts of making. Let’s cook, share absurdist humor, read together. Prefer handwritten to the screen. Simple! #L1522 Man looking for a woman. I will return calls to everyone. I’m over 50 y/o. Widower. She died very young of cancer. Time to move on. Please leave your name and number. #L1520

Describe yourself and who you’re looking for in 40 words below:

Required confidential info:



I’m a _________________________________________________ __ ____



seeking a__ ___________ __________________________________________



__________________________________________ ADDRESS

__________________________________________ ADDRESS (MORE)

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

__________________________________________ CITY/STATE

__________________________________________ ZIP

__________________________________________ PHONE


THIS FORM IS FOR LOVE LETTERS ONLY. Messages for the Personals and I-Spy sections must be submitted online at

Vermont Symphony Orchestra presents

HOLIDAY POPS! DECEMBER 10 Barre Opera House, Barre 7:30PM

DECEMBER 11 The Flynn, Burlington 7:30PM

DECEMBER 12 Paramount Theatre, Rutland 3:00PM

Tickets at V S O. O R G *Children 12 and under FREE. Limited quantity available. Must be purchased along with at least one paying adult.



Special guests Tom Messner (Burlington), Lt. Governor Molly Gray (Barre), and Mrs. Claus (Burlington)!

1t-VSO112421 1



11/19/21 3:02 PM

1T-OGE120821 1

11/29/21 6:04 PM

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