Seven Days, June 8, 2011

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6/3/11 11:52 AM


6/3/10 2:37:04 PM








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FEST I VAL 3- 12







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and the







facing facts





Respect Your Elders?

An Arizona couple got stuck in the elevator at the 300foot Bennington Battle monument — for half an hour. Welcome, tourists!



ppalling.” “Unconscionable.” “Illegal.” Those are some of the words advocates for the elderly have used to describe the slow response times by Adult Protective Services to complaints of elder abuse. But last week, a coalition of advocacy groups struck a deal with the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living to address the large backlog of complaints alleging abuse, neglect and exploitation of old, frail and disabled Vermonters. Hundreds of complaints have gone months without being properly investigated by APS. Some have been ignored entirely. The allegations over the state’s mishandling of elder abuse investigations aren’t new. In the November 25, 2009, issue of Seven Days, Ken Picard wrote a story called “Advocates Charge Vermont Is Failing Its Elderly and Disabled Citizens.” That year, complains of abuse and neglect increased 48 percent at the same time the Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living saw its staffing cut by 17 percent. At that time, the state was triaging complaints, investigating the most severe but leaving the vast majority of complaints ignored.

Advocates for the elderly and disabled say the problem has only worsened since then. And the delayed investigations weren’t just inefficient — they were illegal. State law required APS to open an investigation within 48 hours of receiving a complaint. So how will DAIL fix the problem? By hiring more investigators, both temporary and permanent, and by placing a limit on how many cases any given investigator can take on. An advisory committee will monitor the department’s progress. Advocates hope that these steps will protect the state’s most vulnerable citizens from further abuse.

“The delayed investigations weren’t just inefficienct — they were illegal.”


GMP’s Lowell wind project won approval from the Public Service Board. Too bad the negative reactions don’t generate electricity.


A Burlington man accidentally shot himself in the head — with his own gun — and is not expected to live. A “right” gone wrong.




Chicken and Waffles at ¡Duino! (Duende)


Looking for the newsy blog posts?



1. Fair Game: “The Fogel Fallout” by Shay Totten. Emails reveal major tension between Rachel Kahn-Fogel and top UVM officials. 2. Fair Game: “Dangerous Liaisons” by Shay Totten. A relationship between the wife of UVM president Dan Fogel and a top fundraiser is raising questions — and eyebrows — at the state university. 3. “Why So Many Independent Vermont Doctors Are Joining Hospitals, or Closing Up Shop” by Ken Picard. Older physicians are retiring or selling their independent practices to hospitals, but younger doctors aren’t taking their place. 4. “Transgender Vermonters Score Historic Legislative Victories – Under the Radar” Vermont’s transgender population quietly achieved some small but important milestones during this year’s legislative session. 5. “Body Wisdom” by Corin Hirsch. A local chiropractor says you are what you eat — and that your muscles tell a lot about your diet.

tweet of the week: @DiscoverJazzVT Herbie! playin all the hits.. Is that thing reeeaaally called a keytar?!? #btvjazz #btv FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVEN_DAYS OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER

Find them in “Local Matters” on p.19


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5/31/11 4:29 PM


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Small Dog Electronics invites you to join a FREE exclusive briefing to learn the latest information about how iPad® works in a business environment. Topics will include integration, security, deployment, and business apps. We are offering two identical sessions, morning or afternoon. Please register for one of the two sessions below.

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This week marks the final episode of Bite Club TV — and what better way to go out than with Alice Levitt’s favorite meal in Burlington? Tag along with chef Nathaniel Wade at ¡Duino! (Duende) as he makes the streetfood restaurant’s signature chicken and waffles. The sweet, savory dish mixes the best of Southern cuisine with a taste of Vermont ... and did we mention that there’s lots of butter? Tempt your taste buds and watch the video at

The Burlington Discover Jazz Festival brings sweet street sounds to a city that knows how to celebrate summer.

That’s the age of Greensboro resident and 2011 Community College of Vermont graduate Jeanne Bernek. You’re never too old to learn something.



NOTE-WORTHY. E D I T O R I A L / A D M I N I S T R AT I O N -/

Pamela Polston & Paula Routly

/ Paula Routly  / Pamela Polston  


Don Eggert, Cathy Resmer, Colby Roberts   Margot Harrison  

Andy Bromage, Lauren Ober, Ken Picard   Shay Totten    Megan James   Dan Bolles   Corin Hirsch, Alice Levitt   Frances Cannon   Carolyn Fox   Cheryl Brownell   Steve Hadeka  Meredith Coeyman, Kate O’Neill   ... Rick Woods



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Marcy Kass, Rev. Diane Sullivan


12v-ShivaShakti-060111.indd 1

6/2/11 2:52 PM


Outpatient Clinical Research Study

WEB/NEW MEDIA   Cathy Resmer    Tyler Machado   Donald Eggert   Eva Sollberger  Elizabeth Rossano SALES/MARKETING    Colby Roberts  

Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw Michelle Brown, Jess Piccirilli    &  Judy Beaulac  &   Ashley Brunelle   Sarah Cushman CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marc Awodey, Jarrett Berman, Matt Bushlow, Elisabeth Crean, Erik Esckilsen, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak, Judith Levine, Amy Lilly, Jernigan Pontiac, Amy Rahn, Robert Resnik, Sarah Tuff




PHOTOGRAPHERS Andy Duback, Jordan Silverman, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur I L L U S T R AT O R S Harry Bliss, Thom Glick, Sean Metcalf, Marc Nadel Tim Newcomb, Susan Norton, Michael Tonn

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C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 5 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in Greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh. Seven Days is printed at Upper Valley Press in North Haverhill, N.H. SUBSCRIPTIONS 6- 1 : $175. 1- 1 : $275. 6- 3 : $85. 1- 3 : $135. Please call 802.864.5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.

P.O. BOX 1164, BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 802.864.5684 SEVENDAYSVT.COM



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5/27/10 1:20:54 PM

©2011 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.


The situation between Rachel Kahn-Fogel and Michael Schultz is a serious and unfortunate matter [Fair Game, “Dangerous Liaisons,” May 25]. We are fortunate that the story is out and can now move to some resolution. I am disappointed with the way it was handled in Seven Days. While reading the 2500-word article, I anticipated the insight and informed commentary that I have come to expect. It never came. Instead, there was this crowing “gotcha” that I would expect more from a low-grade tabloid. The article was more about displaying the abundance of court information and pillow talk, without the benefit of insight or analysis. Seven Days has earned a reputation for covering stories that the big dailies are ignorant of, or choose to ignore. After reading “Dangerous Liaisons,” I feel that you are losing ground. Solon Coburn



[Re: Fair Game, “Dangerous Liaisons,” May 25]: Talk about “dangerous”! Shame on you, Seven Days! It is really a sad day when Seven Days unabashedly joins with the sleaziest of journalistic opportunities to humiliate and expose a Vermont citizen who has already been identified as fragile and vulnerable. Seven Days has always promoted itself as doing good things for the community. Now it looks like you gave in to your basest instincts and sold out to greed.


Why would you publish such intimate and private letters? Just because you could? And maybe because these sensationalized events get readers? Relationships are private and personal issues. To expose the intimate lives of people is to participate in a kind of voyeurism that is deplorable. Did you stop and think about how you have contributed to the painful consequences you have created for the children and extended family? What could you have been thinking — or were you not thinking at all? A sexual liaison between two consenting adults is not illegal, and fantasies are not behaviors. There may or may not be consequences of consensual extramarital affairs. Affairs may be the result of troubled marriages or mental health issues. Seldom are they actually criminal. To call these behaviors “sexual harassment” is also way off base. Responsible journalism would respect privacy and empathy for the pain and suffering for all involved. Gale H. Golden


Golden is a licensed, independent clinical social worker.


Wow, what great juicy gossip. Too bad TMZ doesn’t care and won’t purchase [Fair Game, “Dangerous Liaisons,” May 25] for big bucks.

wEEk iN rEViEw


In the May 25 issue, Alice Levitt wrote that Uncle Tony’s Pizza in South Burlington had replaced Lee’s Chinese Restaurant. In fact, the new pizzeria opened behind Lee’s in a spot formerly occupied by Kui’s Asian Foods Market. Last week’s story “Mobile Medicine” erroneously stated that Karen Sokol gave patient Charlotte MacNeill cough medicine directly from her medical bag. The cough medicine was actually administered by a nurse at the Converse Home, where MacNeill lives. Sokol does not dispense medicine from her bag. Last week’s caption on the story “Why So Many Independent Vermonters Are Joining Hospitals, or Closing Up Shop” misidentified one of the two people shown. It was Paul Taheri, not Paul Harrington. Seven Days regrets the error.

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It seems wrongs do occasionally right themselves. Is there a more perfect rebuttal to the immensely sexist, and utter failure of psychological analysis, titled “Men Behaving Unsurprisingly” [Poli Psy, May 25] than “Dangerous Liaisons” [Fair Game, May 25]? A powerful woman at UVM taking sexual advantage of her subordinate, imagine that! We won’t hold our breath for an apology, though, for fear of suffocating. Oh, and to the writing, ignoring for a moment the incredibly offensive comparisons of consensual sex to rape made in the piece, here’s a man’s take on Schwarzenegger. His groping and adultery may have been less related to thinking, Aha! I will now flex my power and dominance muscle on this girlie-woman! and more related to his being a spoiled roid-head with poor impulse control, thinking, Damn! Look at that ___!

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Fizzy Fezzle Jazzle!

Justin tanger


is coming to

SUrPriSED At Seven DayS

I am a huge fan of Seven Days. I look forward each week to seeing what Dan Bolles and Lauren Ober, to name a couple, have contributed. Your publication has a sense of humor, is culturally broad minded, and also possesses a feedback

» P.14


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136 Church st • 859-8909 • 6v-flynn060811.indd 1

6/3/11 6v-redsquare060811.indd 12:27 PM 1

feedback 7

Your submission options include: • • • Seven days, P.O. box 1164, burlington, VT 05402-1164


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Seven days reserves the right to edit for accuracy and length.




Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number.

Good luck Sully Openers! WED 6/8


Say Something!



“Dangerous Liaisons” [Fair Game, May 25] is a pitch-perfect exemplar of scandal displacement, the triumph of the freak show over the real deal, viz the corporatist mission creep into all our institutions, including those entrusted with the serious task of passing on the parts of our culture worth keeping. The real scandal at UVM and other sites of higher learning is the country-clubification of their boards, which find it agreeable to load up on administrators whose growing numbers, pay and perks outstrip those of the dwindling faculty. How about using the Vermont Public Records Act to find out how much of the funds raised at UVM have been used to hire more fundraisers? Or whether it’s true that Mr. Fogel was promised his presidential salary to teach as a junior colleague in the English department? Any other sweet deals to be discovered that are enjoyed by ex-administrators in academic positions at UVM?



Peter von Bergen

GarriSOn, n.Y.

4/29/11 12:28 PM

Great job of journalistic investigation, what with all the public-record and freedom-of-information stuff. Too bad the subject wasn’t worthy of great investigative work by the press. Maybe the writer is just practicing for some future time when he will have a really important thing to expose, or maybe he is hoping to get a job with the National Enquirer and plans to include this in his portfolio. Pretty disgusting job of exposing the difficult situations that result from someone’s unfortunate sickness. Maybe the writer could take a course on how to better understand mental illness, and the strange consequences to which it often leads. You should be ashamed of yourselves, in my humble opinion.

Of course, UVM isn’t alone in its capitulation to the culture of special treatment. Shay Totten’s 2009 scoop of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Vermont’s alarming selfdirected largesse woke people up in a good way. Seven Days would do us a great service if it routinely evaluated the bang arising from the bucks awarded our most lavishly remunerated bureaucrats in the nonprofit and public service sector so the next time an official defends yet another outlandish salary with “You get what you pay for,” it may be challenged as the meaningless saw that it is.

6/7/11 12:14 PM









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JUNE 08-15, 2011 VOL.16 NO.40 40



For One Flood Victim, Vermont’s 2-1-1 Help Line Calls Southern Baptists



30 Descending the Peak Environment: Vermonters in the Transition Town movement address an uncertain energy future



Shumlin’s Veto of WellWater-Testing Bill Ignores Public Health Risk



Will Head-Mounted Video Recorders Help Burlington Police See City Crime?



25 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot BY MEGAN JAMES

29 Poli Psy

On the public uses and abuses of emotion

Preservation: Shelburne Farms showcases its new-andimproved original barn and gardens

42 Words to Chew On

Food: Vermont writers meet the summer season with culinary and agricultural books


43 Side Dishes Food news


59 Soundbites

Music news and views BY DAN BOLLES

68 Drawn & Paneled

Novel graphics from the Center for Cartoon Studies


46 Catered Affair


Food: Taste Test: bevo

83 Mistress Maeve


Your guide to love and lust

58 On Her Own




Music: Songwriter Ruth Garbus steps into the spotlight BY MAT T BUSHLOW

62 Music

Gregory Douglass, Lucid; Will Patton, Flow

66 Art

72 Movies

Cave of Forgotten Dreams; Meek’s Cutoff

The Magnificent 7 Calendar Classes Music Art Movies

VIDEO 26 75 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 81


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C-2 C-2 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-5 C-5 C-7 C-7 C-9 C-12

Stuck in Vermont: Vermont Hickory Open. Fore! Well-dressed golfers competed in

the 4th Annual Vermont Hickory Open at the Copley Country Club in Morrisville last weekend. Players took a trip back in time using hickory-shafted clubs from the early 1900s.


straight dope movie quiz free will astrology news quirks bliss, ted rall lulu eightball the k chronicles this modern world bill the cockroach red meat, tiny sepuku american elf personals

11 48 55 58 66 72





Fairfield Porter, Middlebury College Museum of Art


Short Takes: Flood Aftermath at Savoy; Bullwhips and Disco at the Lake Placid Film Forum


40 Keeping It Real



Open season on Vermont politics



20 New YA Books From Vermont, Where Coming of Age Could Mean Tilting at Wind Turbines

12 Fair Game

We just had to ask…

Music: Vermont’s viperHouse reunite after a decade apart

News on Blurt



36 Acid Trip




4v-DearLucy060811.indd 1

6/6/11 3:38 PM

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Happy Campers We all know the story. Young lovers stranded on a dark and stormy night find themselves in the clutches of, well, some most unusual castle inhabitants. Rutland and New York City actors jump to the left and step to the right in a saucy rendition of ˜ e Rocky Horror Show, performed in Rutland’s new multipurpose events space, Merchants Hall. Do the “Time Warp” again, now through June 18. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 50

Spell Bound With a plot driven by good and wicked enchantments, Sleeping Beauty really puts the “fairy” in “fairy tale.” Balletomanes get a dose of the magic at the Ballet School of Vermont and the Northern Vermont Ballet Company’s graceful adaptation, set to a Tchaikovsky score. SEE CALENDAR SPOTLIGHT ON PAGE 49


Jolly Roger


Free World If ever there’s a weekend to hike, bike, boat, picnic or generally commune with Mother Nature, it’s this one. As part of Vermont Days, state parks, state-owned historic sites and the Vermont History Museum waive entrance fees; on Saturday, you can even fish without a license. Looks like the best things in life really are free … sometimes. SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 53


Grin and Bare It For the fifth year, Vermonters are invited to “Bare as you dare!” on a leisurely cycle around the capital city. Montpelier joins cities around the globe in the ‘World Naked Bike Ride,’ a dress-down event protesting oil dependency while promoting forms of alternate transportation and, of course, positive body image. Spin your wheels or simply bare witness — just don’t disrobe in public.


A Common Thread Americana band Yarn hail from Brooklyn, but their sound suggests the Deep South. Their country twang could transform any club into a rollicking roadhouse — maybe that’s why their tunes hold equal appeal for hipsters and country-music lovers. Let out a “yodelay” with them at Nectar’s this Thursday. SEE CLUB DATE ON PAGE 60



Unfinished Business

everything else...



CALENDAR .................. P.48 CLASSES ...................... P.55 MUSIC .......................... P.58 ART ............................... P.66 MOVIES ........................ P.72




At first, Middlebury College Museum of Art’s “Fairfield Porter: Raw — The Creative Process of an American Master” gives the sense of wandering into an artist’s working studio rather than a curated exhibit. That’s intentional. Many of the realist’s 39 works aren’t complete; they’re displayed without frames or even leaning against the walls. The presentation mimics the casual, spontaneous quality of the art and offers insight to the artist’s method.


With Captain Jack Sparrow on the big screen again, pillaging and plundering are back in style. At the annual ‘Kids Pirate Festival,’ budding buccaneers gain some historical perspective on the swashbucklers of yore by improving their maritime skills and hunting for treasure. Well, shiver me timbers.



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Gotta Draw the Line Somewhere

n emerging political alliance between Republicans and Progressives is making the wonky work of the Legislative Apportionment Board — the panel charged with redrawing the state’s House and Senate districts — one of the most-watched efforts in Montpelier. Democrats are so worried that House Speaker SHAP SMITH is raising concerns about “political chicanery.” Every 10 years, state law mandates that legislative districts undergo analysis based on the U.S. Census data. Some districts shrink and others expand as the population shifts. A new map must be approved before the end of the next legislative session in order to be in effect for the 2012 fall elections. The panel came together last November. Each of Vermont’s three political parties appointed someone; Gov. JIM DOUGLAS did the same, selecting a panelist from each camp. Chief Justice PAUL REIBER chose the chair, or “special master.” The result? Two Democrats, two Republicans, two Progressives and a former GOP lawmaker are tasked with balancing voter representation among 150 House reps and 30 Senate members. That works out to 4172 voters per rep; 20,858 per senator. Progressives MEG BROOK and STEVE HINGTGEN, along with Republicans NEALE LUNDERVILLE and ROB ROPER, are increasingly supportive of a plan to reduce the number of two-member House districts from 42 to six. They want to increase the number of one-person House districts from 66 to 138. A competing plan that will be unveiled at the board’s meeting this Thursday has the support of the panel’s two Democrats — FRANK CIOFFI and GERRY GOSSENS — and Chairman TOM LITTLE would leave existing district lines mostly intact, with slight tweaks where the population has shifted significantly. Previous reapportionment boards have taken the same approach. You could argue that the results have benefited Democrats, who now hold a “super majority” in the House and Senate. Last time around, reapportionment cost the Burlington Progressives two House seats. Republicans went from having a majority in the House to a 47member minority. Is this political payback? “I approached this from the perspective of electoral reform. I believe

single-seat districts are inherently better. They are more intimate between voters and representatives,” said Hingtgen, a former Burlington rep who ran for lieutenant governor. “They are also less expensive to campaign in, thereby leveling the playing field between candidates.” As a former Republican Party chairman, Roper concurs. In fact, he’d like to see 150 single-member districts. “It should ideally be one person, one vote, one rep,” said Roper. “It also makes it easier for people to run and draw a contrast when there is just one candidate.” But if it breaks towns apart and pits incumbents against one another, the House’s top Democrat is opposed.


“I really don’t want to see a plan that comes to the legislature and is immediately shunted aside as a fantasy project,” said Speaker Smith. His Morristown House seat could be merged with neighboring Johnson — a move Smith opposes. In other locales, incumbents could wind up running against a fellow rep if the single-member-district plan prevails. Those include Democratic Reps. LUCY LERICHE and PETER PELTZ in Hardwick and Woodbury; Democratic Reps. JASON LORBER and RACHEL WESTON in Burlington; and GOP Reps. DON TURNER and RON HUBERT in Milton. “I would have no problem declaring something dead on arrival if there is evidence of political chicanery,” Smith said. Hingtgen said he has purposely ignored incumbent issues as the singlemember-district map has evolved. “We shouldn’t really be thinking about incumbents, but the voters,” he said. Gossens told “Fair Game” he believes supporters of single-member districts are playing politics with the map, especially since the message is clear that lawmakers prefer the status quo. “If they are doing it just to embarrass

the legislature, then I don’t know why we’re putting in all of this time and effort,” said Gossens. “I’m not hearing a great outcry from voters that the current system is unfair, so I think we have to be careful of being paternalistic and trying to protect the voters from themselves.” Lunderville said the board shouldn’t shy away from making changes just because other players in the process don’t like it. “I was interested in taking a fresh look at the map, especially given that the last map was developed 10 years ago, and that was based largely on the map from 10 years before, and so on dating back to the original map,” said Lunderville. A final proposed map must be delivered to the legislature by August 1. Little, who drove around the state to get a personal feel for each legislative district, warned the panel’s members might not reach consensus. “If we can’t agree on one plan,” Little noted, “then ultimately we’ll take some votes and see where the chips fall.” The panel must settle on one of them by July 1 so local boards of civil authority can have a chance to weigh in.

Progressives on the Panel

Progressives can thank Democrat


SYMINGTON and current State Sen. ANTHONY

(P/D/W-Washington) for their seats at the reapportionment table. Symington’s third-place gubernatorial finish in 2008 forced lawmakers to rewrite the law governing the composition of the reapportionment board. Before 2008, the board only included members of “major parties” whose gubernatorial candidates received at least 25 percent of the vote in the election preceding the decennial census. In 2008 Symington earned only 21.7 percent of the vote, a hair behind Pollina, an independent at the time, who finished with 21.8 percent. Only Republican Jim Douglas earned more than 25 percent of the vote — 53.4 percent, to be exact. Due to Symington’s poor showing, the Democrat-led legislature changed the law so Dems wouldn’t be left out of the reapportionment process. They changed the criterion from gubernatorial percentages to party presence in the legislature. Now a party gets a seat at the reapportionment table if it has at least three lawmakers serving from different counties, in three out of the five sessions


Got A tIP for ShAY?

following the most recent census. Yes, Virginia, elections do have consequences.

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GOP on the Go

Can’t wait till Wednesday for the next “Fair Game”? Tune in to WPTZ NewsChannel 5 on Tuesday nights during the 11 p.m. newscast for a preview.

6/6/11 1:13 PM

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6/6/11 5:50 PM


Follow Shay on Twitter: Become a fan on Facebook: Send Shay an old-fashioned email:

168 battery street burlington 651.0880 8h-eyes051811.indd 1


A handful of top Vermont GOP contenders met recently to talk about how to improve the party’s prospects in 2012. GOP chairwoman Pat McDonalD and executive director tayt BRookS held a closed-door meeting with Sen. RanDy BRock (R-Franklin), Auditor toM SalMon, Barre Mayor thoM lauzon and former Lt. Gov. BRian DuBie, as well as current Lt. Gov. Phil Scott and former lite-gov candidate MaRk Snelling. Dubie wasn’t in town, so he participated by phone. No one claimed a particular race. McDonald said the goal was to get these high-profile candidates to discuss their own plans, and use their star power to recruit additional candidates. “Obviously we have a lot to discuss and coordinate, and I think everyone agreed that this was just the very first discussion,” said McDonald. As “Fair Game” noted last week, Dubie is considering a 2012 run. “There is some interest in running,” he said.

8h-sweetlady060811.indd 1


An internal review by the University of Vermont found “no irregularities” regarding either the research work or dissertation written by a top university official who was involved in an unusual, six-year relationship with UVM President Dan Fogel’s wife, Rachel kahn-Fogel. UVM trustees launched the investigation after Seven Days made official inquiries about Kahn-Fogel’s influence over the doctoral studies and day-to-day employment of Michael Schultz, the school’s associate vice president for development and alumni relations. UVM found Schultz’s doctoral files to be “in order and unremarkable,” according to Provost Jane knoDell. She unveiled the report at a special meeting of the trustees’ executive committee last week. UVM might want to consult some of the findings in Schultz’s thesis, aptly titled “Elucidating the Role of the University CEO’s Spouse in Development, Alumni Relations and Fund Raising,” before hiring the next CEO. The remainder of UVM’s investigation into Kahn-Fogel’s actions is underway, according to UVM spokesman enRique coRReDeRa. The university is still interested in finding out whether KahnFogel violated any UVM workplace policies or if UVM funds were misspent. “We want the rest of the review completed as soon as is feasible, but at the same time we want to make sure that it is done thoroughly and properly,” said Corredera. “So it may take weeks and

House redistricting is contentious, but the panel has yet to tackle the equally challenging Senate map. Chittenden County’s population has grown almost enough to warrant a seventh senator. To avoid adding a senator, or splitting the county into smaller districts, one or more towns may be given to neighboring counties. The board has discussed moving Hinesburg or Charlotte to Addison County’s senate district. That might pose a problem, since incumbent Sen. Diane Snelling (R-Chittenden) lives in Hinesburg. Another idea is to add Milton to the current Chittenden-Grand Isle Senate district, which is all of Grand Isle County and Colchester. With Milton, the district could qualify for two senators, up from its current one: Sen. RichaRD Mazza, a Democrat. Which county is likely to lose a senator? Odds are it would be Rutland, which is losing population and soon might not have enough people to justify its current stable of three senators.

“I’ve served, I ran a campaign, and I’m interested in serving in some capacity.” Salmon, who is considering a bid for governor, U.S. Senate or reelection, told “Fair Game” the meeting was helpful. “Exactly what I expected,” he said. “Filling the dance card in light pencil.”

5/13/11 12:17 PM

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eet the vintners at two 4-hour sessions that will showcase more than 250 fine wines from Italy, Spain, Germany, Australia, Argentina, California, Vermont and many more, poured by importers, winemakers and representatives from the world’s finest vineyards. Enjoy an extensive selection of Vermont artisan breads and cheeses in the wine tent, and visit the restaurant tent for delicious selections from eight of the area’s finest restaurants. Celebrity vintners, master sommeliers and noted chefs will present a series of free seminars throughout the festival. And, don’t miss the huge silent auction benefiting the Burlington Sunrise Rotary’s “Imagination Library” program! Admission is $50 per person in advance ($60 at the door) and includes wine tastings, a souvenir wine glass, a food selection from the restaurant tent, ongoing food and wine seminars, a wide selection of Vermont artisan breads and cheeses and live jazz music throughout the day.




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Feedback « p.7 decency that I admire and support. This decency is so very important to me, because I feel that it is so rare in the news. Our society’s overeager appetite for dirt is fueled by insensitive reporting, and it’s disheartening. So I was particularly dismayed to read the “Fogel Fallout” piece [Fair Game, June 1]. I support freedom of expression, but you do have a choice over what you print. The story may not violate any laws of speech, but I feel it intentionally violates the privacy of the people involved, and sharing it was unnecessary. There is something seedy and disrespectful about this story, and it left me surprised at Seven Days. I cannot imagine a justifiable benefit to our community in detailing someone’s divorce proceedings the way you did. If you’re looking for material, why don’t you further explore some of the global problems facing us, and how we can help? If you want lighter substance, expand on your amazing food pieces, but please don’t continue down the sordid road, Seven Days! What’s next, excerpts from Halperin’s The Governator?

Mac Parker has been laid low by both state and federal cases, yet he’s never played the victim. He’s shown humility and real contrition about the gross errors in judgment leading up to these inquiries. And not once has Mac wavered from his commitment to finish his film and to dedicate his every effort to repaying each and every lender. And progress is being made toward this end. Hundreds of these very lenders continue to stand by and with Mac Parker, knowing him to be a good and well-intentioned man who, yes, made real and grave errors. Rather than hanging him, these same folks have expressed unwavering support every difficult step of the way — supporting Mac’s legal defense, raising contributions to finish his film and countering the negativity of an overblown employee. Birth of Innocence is an extraordinary film that speaks to the very best in each of our potential. Contrary to Shay’s glib contention that it “drips with New Age sentiments,” the film offers a grounded yet lofty message of real relevance needed now perhaps more than ever before. How ironic those who might benefit the most are so eager to tear it and its creator down. christopher White


Alis Sevakian


mAD About mAc

14 feedback



[Re: “Mac’s Missing Millions: Plot Twists Abound in Film Fundraising Probe,” May 25]: As a source in Shay Totten’s article regarding Mac Parker, I’m dismayed to see him make a glaring omission and go on, as a result, to build a “report” rife with known distortions, trite phrasing and an inflammatory callout. Foremost, unmentioned in his reporting is the fact that Shay inquired of and received direct confirmation from Mac’s attorneys that Mr. Parker held the only copyright for Birth of Innocence. In light of this, to report on Horace Williams’ illegal effort to wrest control of Mac’s film as anything remotely legitimate is blatantly irresponsible. Regardless of the drama he continues to stir, Horace Williams is not, and has never been, the film’s “cocreator and creative partner” as Shay claims. He was a hired editor and, since his firing, has proven himself to be bitter and vindictive, stopping at nothing to derail Mac and his completing the film. To be clear, lenders, including myself, have rights to be discouraged. Mac Parker made terrible decisions. Money was squandered and an ingratiated mentor broke all of our trust by absconding with millions. Yet the decision to make such a loan was ours; that is our responsibility. Lender Robert Finkle has never once taken such responsibility — and this from a man who considers himself an investor. What investment is without risk? Finkle’s tommyrot of Mac’s “bragging” about the lack of a federal indictment is incendiary and shameful, yet Shay runs with it. 6h-canoeImports060811.indd 1

6/3/11 4:47 PM

mAc’S ViSioN

This is a difficult situation [“Mac’s Missing Millions: Plot Twists Abound in Film Fundraising Probe,” May 25]. As a former — repaid — investor, I hope that Mac is given the chance to finish the film according to his vision. It is his movie, not Horace Williams’, and Horace was fired because he was not a team player. Mac’s vision of the film is complete, and the film should be allowed to be completed. Then, as he has always intended, Mac will repay the lenders with the income from the sales of the film, etc. marna Ehrech


tAx thE Rich

[Re: Fair Game: “Rich People to the Rescue?” March 30]: The University of Massachusetts Amherst has released a study of taxation that disproves Gov. Shumlin’s reasons for refusing to consider raising taxes on the wealthy to help with the budget problem. Now it’s time for the governor to begin acting in all our best interests. As this article reflects, the wealthy are asking to be taxed more, they are the group most able to pay more, balancing the budget by laying off people is counterproductive, and wealthy people do not decide where to live due to taxes. In fact, the study shows that wealthy people are moving into states with higher taxes because they like a society with better state services: better schools, good roads, safe bridges, low crime. It’s time to raise taxes on the wealthy. brian Forrest


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For One Flood Victim, Vermont’s 2-1-1 Help Line Calls Southern Baptists B y An d y B R O MA gE

Scoggins says the Southern Baptist volunteers are “very careful not to overstep the spiritual push. We usually do say, ‘We are a church organization. Would you mind if we pray for you before we leave today?’ That’s about as preachy as we get.” Just last week, in fact, Scoggins says a couple with a flooded camp in St. Albans rebuffed his offer for spiritual assistance. “This is not a force-feed situation, and we understand that,” he says. Payne’s complaint also went to Vermont 2-1-1 and to the Vermont chapter of VOAD, or Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster, an umbrella group for organizations that assist in crises, such as the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the Southern Baptists. Bill Elwell, the president of Vermont VOAD, is aware of Payne’s complaint and says he has spoken with a Southern Baptist volunteer coordinator “so they can try not to put someone in that situation again.” Elwell also explains why Payne, who lives in Richmond, didn’t get help salvaging her things: Her cabin is considered a second home, and Roz Payne those get low priority under the 2-1-1 triage system. There’s been a huge demand for flood assistance. Since late April, Vermont’s 2-1-1 line has fielded more than 1000 calls for help, says 2-1-1 director MaryEllen Mendl. All calls are logged and forwarded to Vermont Emergency Management and VOAD, which in turn dispatch teams to assess damage and deploy helpers. Mark Bosma, the public information officer for VEM, says that in disasters of this magnitude, volunteer organizations such as the Southern Baptists are critically important because they do “very unpleasant work, like mucking out basements and separating garbage.” R o z PAYNE For families who don’t qualify for Federal Emergency Management Agency relief, it could be the only help they Relief, according to John Scoggins, director of the New get. “We have to utilize — and we should utilize — as many England chapter. Each two-person assessment team has a chaplain ready to administer prayer if the person wants it, volunteer organizations as we can to get people cleaned out, just in case they don’t get any funding,” Bosma says. says Scoggins, himself a trained chaplain. But are soggy Vermonters looking for holy healing? But in secular Vermont — ranked the least religious state in a 2009 Pew Center survey — the potential for Scoggins says it’s “half and half” — some have welcomed culture clash runs high, as Payne’s experience shows. “I prayer, others not so much. While the aim isn’t to convert was furious. It was like a theater piece to me,” says Payne, nonbelievers, Scoggins says the Southern Baptists’ work a longtime activist who made radical films in the ’60s and can sometimes have that effect. “If that’s sowing a seed that they might later think ’70s and has amassed an archive of Black Panthers photos, about,” Scoggins says, “that’s enough.” m interviews and film reels.


I Do not thInk holDIng hanDs In a cIrcle In the name of Jesus helped to save the contents of my house.





lood victim Roz Payne wasn’t looking for divine intervention. She just wanted help salvaging belongings from her waterlogged camp in North Hero. But when Payne called Vermont’s 2-1-1 help line for flood assistance last week, the result was an unexpected — and unwanted — religious experience. Payne expected that workers dressed in waders would show up to haul junked furniture and a few things worth saving — books, toys and perhaps a bottle of “something good to drink” — out of her swamped cabin. When she called 2-1-1, the operator told her someone would come out to inspect the damage from this year’s disastrous spring floods. Instead, Payne got a Southern Baptist minister and his wife who didn’t help move a thing. “They said, ‘Shall we have a circle?’ I didn’t know what that meant,” Payne says. “In our hippie days, the kids would hold hands and go ‘squeeeeeze,’ and you would squeeze the hand next to you and that was a circle. All of a sudden it was ‘Dear Jesus Christ, we want to call upon you to help us, blah blah blah.’ I don’t really remember, because as soon as I heard the ‘Jesus Christ,’ I blanked.” The prayer encounter left Payne, a 70-year-old filmmaker and self-described “radical,” so peeved that she complained to U.S. Senators Bernie Sanders and Patrick Leahy. “I do not have bad feelings about the preacher and his wife, but I thought they would help me save some of my things,” Payne says. “I do not think holding hands in a circle in the name of Jesus helped to save the contents of my house.” The preacher and his wife were part of a small volunteer army of Southern Baptists who arrived two weeks ago to help flooded Vermonters. Southern Baptist Disaster Relief of New England, part of the national Southern Baptist Convention, has so far sent 40 volunteers and four equipment trailers to Vermont to help “mud out” basements, power wash moldy homes and assist weary flood victims in rebuilding. More Baptist teams will arrive soon from Virginia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Using Williston’s Christ Memorial Church as a base of operations, the group is dispatching “assessment teams” all over Vermont in response to 2-1-1 calls for assistance. And, whenever possible, they’re praying with homeowners. “Spiritual triage,” as they refer to it, is a big part of the mission of the 80,000-member Southern Baptist Disaster

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Shumlin’s Veto of Well-Water-Testing Bill Ignores Public Health Risk B y K En P i CA R d


up in private wells come from naturally occurring sources. Simply put, the problem is in the rocks. Currently, Vermont doesn’t require any water-quality testing on newly dug wells, as many other states already do; S.77 would have changed that. As Ryan points out, well drillers occasionally recommend that homeowners get their water tested, particularly in areas of the state where problems have already been identified. However, Ryan cautions that, unlike some other states with very uniform geology, Vermont’s is diverse and complex, making it difficult to predict which elements will show up in the groundwater. And, while some areas of the state have been thoroughly mapped for their subterranean geology, others are unknown because so few groundwater tests have been done there. “We’ve got a really good spatial picture showing that southwestern Vermont has an elevated incidence of arsenic in drinking water, where about 40 percent of the [private wells tested] exceed what a public water system could legally Colchester Burlington deliver to its consumers,” (Exit 16) (Downtown) Eat 85 South Park Drive Ryan says. “That raises real 176 Main Street Local Pizzeria / Take Out Pizzeria / Take Out concerns.” Delivery: 655-5555 Delivery: 862-1234 Equally troubling, Ryan Casual Fine Dining Reservations: 655-0000 adds, is that surveys reveal The Bakery: 655-5282 “a pretty big gap between what the public should ideally understand about groundwater and what they do understand.” 8v-juniors060811.indd 1 6/6/11 4:08 PM The good news: Problems like the one the Coburns experienced are relatively cheap and easy to fix. Coburn says a waterquality test that costs $120 could have saved her family thousands of dollars in medical bills, travel costs and lost wages, not to mention months of pain and suffering for her son. In fact, once arsenic was pinpointed as the cause of his illness, the family installed a reverse-osmosis water filter under the kitchen sink, which corrected the problem for less than $1000. “I very much respect the governor’s concerns about personal liberty, personal choice and cost,” Coburn says. “But to me, this is preventative health care. It’s a no-brainer.” What’s the likelihood that this bill will come around again? Depends on who you ask. Rep. David Deen (D-Putney), who chairs the House Fish, Wildlife and Water Resources Committee, says he was shocked by Shumlin’s veto. “We worked with the commissioner of health, and he was in our committee room whenever that bill was being considered. We incorporated just about all of his suggestions,” says Deen. “Does that mean the governor’s office was in the room? You’d think so, but that’s not the way it worked out.” Deen believes S.77 will “absolutely” be brought up again next year, calling it “a cheap investment” in the future health of Vermonters. Lyons, who chairs the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy, isn’t so sure. She’s certain about one thing, though: Unless water-quality testing is mandatory, most Vermonters won’t do it. m

Al Fresco Dining on our

! o i t a P


As mAny As one in four Vermonters mAy be drinking wAter with

ArsEnIC LEvELs THAT ExCEEd THE mAxImUm LImITs set by the u.s. enVironmentAl Protection Agency. 06.08.11-06.15.11


t’s ironic that Gov. Shumlin’s first and only veto came on the same day he signed into law the nation’s first single-payer health care plan. The bill he killed — S.77 — would have required all new private wells dug in Vermont to be tested for a variety of elements, including arsenic, a known carcinogen. The bill, which had bipartisan support in the legislature, was designed to protect Vermonters such as 5-year-old Bjorn Coburn, who became seriously ill in November 2008 immediately after moving in with his grandparents in Whiting. A previously happy, healthy and active child, Bjorn developed bouts of vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. “He was dull, he had no curiosity and would sleep for hours of the day,” recalls his mother, Laurel Coburn. “He was just not there. It was very scary.” Doctors ruled out a variety of causes, including Lyme disease, E. coli and food allergies. No one suspected the family’s drinking water could be the source of Bjorn’s problem. It came from a steellined, private well 1000 feet deep, far lower than levels susceptible to contamination by agricultural runoff. Moreover, there’s no known history of industrial activity anywhere near the 14-acre rural property. It took six months of visits to Children’s Hospital Boston, and more than $5000 in medical bills, before the family got a definitive diagnosis: acute poisoning from naturally occurring arsenic in the family’s drinking water. Once Bjorn was taken off the well water, his condition improved immediately, “like someone had flipped a switch,” Coburn recalls. “It was amazing!” The Coburns testified in favor of S.77 to spare other families from having to go through the same ordeal. In their view, Bjorn was the “canary in the coal mine,” who may have saved any one of them from developing a deadly illness. A further irony: Bjorn’s grandparents, Carolyn Schmidt and Randy Kritkausky, cofounded and still work for an international environmental organization, ECOLOGIA, which helps communities in the developing world address such issues as pollution in their public water supplies. Says Kritkausky, “If anyone was going to be sensitive to this kind of thing, we should have thought of it.” Shumlin had money, not medicine, on his mind when he killed S.77 two weeks ago. In his veto message, he said that he didn’t want to impose an additional expense on rural Vermonters. The bill’s lead sponsor, Sen. Ginny Lyons (D-Chittenden), wasn’t surprised. When Shumlin was in the legislature, she points out, he often displayed a libertarian streak, having voted against Vermont’s mandatory seat-belt law and the motorcycle helmet law. However, much of the public discussion of Shumlin’s veto overlooks two critical public-health concerns this bill would have addressed: First, about 40 percent of all Vermonters get their drinking water from sources unregulated by state or federal law. Second, data from the Vermont Department of Health, as well as extensive research done by Middlebury College professors and students, suggests that as many as one in four Vermonters may be drinking water with arsenic levels that exceed the maximum limits set by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for public water supplies. Peter Ryan is a professor of geology and environmental studies at Middlebury College. About nine years ago he and his colleague, Jonathan Kim, a geologist at the Vermont Geological Survey, began researching the origins of elevated levels of arsenic, uranium and alpha radiation that show up in groundwater tests throughout the state. Ryan and Kim, who tested hundreds of private wells in Vermont for “everything from arsenic to zinc,” soon made a critical discovery: Nearly all the hazardous contaminants showing


Will Head-Mounted Video Recorders Help Burlington Police See City Crime? BY KEN PI C ARD


engaging in a protest or First Amendment demonstration unless an obvious violation of criminal law is occurring.” When does Decker expect the devices will be most advantageous? During any police encounter, he suggests, that could be clarified by an audio-visual record: approaching a stopped vehicle, interviewing a suspect at the scene of a crime or trying to determine the identity of a suspect who fled from police. Decker also suggests that once people become aware that a mobile recording device is in use, they will be less likely to behave aggressively toward police and others. “Most people are not going to act out or do something more outrageous if they know it’s being recorded,” Decker says. “It’s definitely a deterrent.” In fact, these units may be useful for training purposes, as well as in assessing whether an officer’s conduct was appropriate for the situation. Was a cop justified in drawing his or her gun? Was the suspect doing something suspicious with his hands? Did the situation warrant the use of handcuffs or other physical restraints? AXON recorders have been used effectively by law-enforcement agencies in other states to corroborate or refute allegations of police brutality. “I think that, like anything involving cameras, or people monitoring, it raises questions,” Decker admits. However, as he points out, this technology is already in the hands of the public, and is routinely used by citizens to document police activities. The beating of Rodney King was captured on video in 1991. “At every bar closing, whenever our officers are involved in an incident, what we’re seeing now are the hands going up with phones and people capturing that event,” Decker notes. Now cops will have their version on video, too.

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officer enters sensitive areas such as restrooms, dressing rooms, courthouses and private residences. Otherwise, in such environments cops are required to inform citizens they are in record mode. On the opposite end of the spectrum, such as a SWAT team standoff, the AXON allows police encounters to be observed from a remote location. Two-way radio capability facilitates communication in such instances. The camera also contains a GPS that logs the officer — and incident — by location. At the end of each police shift, the camera unit is placed in a docking station that recharges the battery and automatically uploads the entire digital file to a secure, out-of-state server maintained by Evidence. com, a subsidiary of Taser International, AXON’s manufacturer. Decker says that if the department decides to outfit all its officers with cameras, those digital files will be uploaded and stored on-site at BPD’s headquarters on North Avenue. According to the manufacturer, the AXON unit was specifically designed to prevent anyone from editing, manipulating, erasing or downloading the digital record, or saving that data to another device. Likewise, the camera cannot zoom but can only capture the normal field of vision. This, Decker asserts, deters officers from looking into places they couldn’t otherwise see with the naked eye. Yet, even with such safeguards, Decker expects some citizens will voice concerns. For that reason, the BPD issued a new policy directive last month specifying usage guidelines. For example, it bans recording in places where the public has a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” except as part of a legitimate law-enforcement activity. Additionally, the new policy specifically directs officers to “avoid using the AXON to record individuals who are picketing or

Cedars Edge CA





ueen City crime fighting has just entered the age of YouTube: Last week the Burlington Police Department outfitted six of its field officers with head-mounted digital recording devices that can document whatever the cops see and hear during the course of their shifts. The devices, known as AXON Audio/ Video Recorders, are similar in concept to in-car dashboard cameras, except that they capture events from the officer’s perspective — as many as eight hours of police activity each day. The BPD expects these mobile units will become valuable tools for prosecuting crimes, reducing hostile encounters with suspects, training new officers and investigating citizens’ complaints of police misconduct. However, as with any new technology adopted by police — the BPD is the first lawenforcement agency in the state to deploy them — the AXON units are likely to raise questions about potential abuses, including invasion of privacy.

Deputy Chief Walt Decker says his department recently purchased six AXON units for about $1000 apiece and has issued them to officers on various shifts around the city as part of a 60- to 90-day pilot project. If the trial run is successful, Decker says the BPD will consider buying more AXON units and issuing them to all field officers. They may eventually replace the force’s dashboard cameras. Several years ago there was a serious push in Vermont to deploy dashboard cams in all police cars, which significantly improved the prosecution of certain offenses, such as drunk driving and high-speed pursuits. However, dashboard cameras are static and only capture what passes through their field of view. And, as Decker explains, they’ve been less useful in Burlington, where police encounter most suspects on foot. Each AXON mobile recorder features a wide-angle video camera and microphone mounted on a headset that resembles a rugged Bluetooth device. The officer also carries around a hard drive, a view screen about the size of a point-and-shoot camera, and a one-button control pad that lets him or her switch quickly between functions. During an officer’s normal activities, the camera runs in buffering mode, which means it’s continuously recording but “looping,” or writing over, the last 30 seconds of data. In effect, an audio/visual file isn’t created unless the officer sees a “precipitating event,” such as a driver running a stop sign, that warrants switching to record mode. From that point on, the device automatically saves the previous 30 seconds of audio/visual information and continues saving data until the officer switches to another mode. It can also bookmark a specific moment for later viewing. A third, privacy mode switches the camera and microphone off entirely when the

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brand new one & two bedroom flats located at 47 Susie Wilson Road in Essex Junction, VT. Featuring washer/dryer hook-ups, patio or porch, and covered parking. Rent includes heat and hot water, snow and trash removal. Rents from $630.00 - $875.00* per month with income eligibility and $850.00 - $1050.00* market rate. *Subject to change.

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Prepare to be boarded! Hannah McHardy, a 25-year-old graduate of Sterling College, was arrested and thrown in jail last week after she and another Greenpeace activist spent four days in an “arctic survival pod” attached to the underside of a massive oil rig off the coast of Greenland. McHardy, who tweeted and blogged the high-stakes hijacking in real time, said in a video from the pod that a BP-style oil spill in the Arctic would make the Gulf spill “look like a walk in the park.” Hannah McHardy “It would not only cost trillions of dollars to clean up but would probably affect the environment in a way that would never return this pristine environment to the place that it is right now,” she said on the video. Seven Days readers will recall McHardy as the environmental whiz kid researching the potential of fungi spores to remediate an old asbestos mine in Eden (See “Mine Over Matter,” November 3, 2010). According to Greenpeace, the Danish Navy removed McHardy and her companion from the Cairn Energy-owned rig on June 2. Greenpeace lawyers are working for her release from jail in Nuuk, Greenland.

• • • • •


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The number of homeless people in Vermont is dropping, according to newly released figures from the 2011 Point In Time Homeless Survey. But some question whether the stats are accurate and reliable. Although the 24-hour count was conducted on January 26, 2011, delays with the Chittenden County totals stalled the report’s release until last week. The bottom line: Vermont’s homeless population on that day, as compared to the one-day count in January 2010, had dropped by 12 percent — from 2782 to 2450. In Chittenden County, the number of homeless and precariously housed individuals — people who are couch surfing, bunking with relatives, or sleeping in garages and basements — fell from a record high of 907 last year to 707 this year. Rita Markley, executive director of Burlington-based emergency shelter provider COTS, says the figures show a clear trend, one she attributes to the modest economic recovery and money pumped into homeless prevention programs. To Markley, the count provides an important snapshot of the state’s homeless problem that can be used to shape policy. “These are people the rest of the world doesn’t see, and this is a way to make them real,” she says. But Paul Dettman, executive director of the Burlington Housing Authority, says he found individuals counted as homeless who should not have been. Among them: 12women housed at domestic violence shelter Sophie’s Place who have guaranteed Section 8 housing vouchers. The federally mandated survey also found the homeless population of Bennington jumped from 304 last year to 521 today — a calculation Dettman says “doesn’t pass the straight-face test.” “We’re now on the seventh year of Vermont’s 10-year plan to end homelessness. We have more shelter beds, and we are spending far more money than we did when we started that program,” Dettman says. “We’re clearly failing, and what’s troubling is we continue to do the same things over and over again.” AN D Y B RO M A G E




Ever wonder why your blood pressure goes up at the doctor’s office? It’s really not surprising, given you spend 45 minutes reading year-old magazines in the waiting room, then another 15 minutes sitting in your underwear before your doctor finally drops in to the exam room for no more than five minutes. Well guess what? Vermont’s docs aren’t any happier about the current state of affairs than their patients are. At least, that’s one of the major findings in a new report, published June 7, by the Vermont Medical Society Education and Research Foundation. The “2011 Physician Needs Assessment” was put together from interviews with a broad cross-section of Vermont physicians working in a variety of medical disciplines. Among the key findings: Vermont physicians say they don’t have sufficient time to devote to each patient because more and more time is spent attending to nonmedical — i.e., financial, regulatory and administrative — business. Vermont docs also express concerns about losing their say in policy making — to politicians — that directly affects their profession. “These trends are leading to a growing number of physicians making the transition from private, independent practice to being employed,” the report states. Finally, physicians feel that Vermont’s overall medical workforce is in jeopardy, as shrinking reimbursement rates for patients on government-sponsored plans “threaten the viability of many physician practices.” Incidentally, all these findings are consistent with what Seven Days reported last week. (See “Why So Many Independent Vermont Doctors Are Joining Hospitals, or Closing Up Shop,” June 1).



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New YA Books From Vermont, Where Coming of Age Could Mean Tilting at Wind Turbines B Y M A R GO T HA R R ISON & AMY LILLY






hildren learn quickly that grown-ups don’t tell them everything. But the level of adult secrecy in PHOEBE STONE’s The Romeo and Juliet Code is out of the ordinary, as preteen readers will recognize. The Middlebury author chose a high point in code breaking and espionage, World War II, for the setting of her fourth young-adult novel. Secrets abound, both personal and political, and the promise of their resolution will keep young readers glued to this inventive, historically grounded story. At age 11, Felicity Bathburn Budwig is already used to secrets. Her parents — she calls her American dad “my Danny” and her British mom “my Winnie” — have regularly left her alone in their London flat for the evening without explaining what important work kept them away. But now, in 1941, Felicity’s parents have deposited her at the home of her paternal grandmother (“The Gram”) in coastal Maine to keep her safe from bombing raids. In her new American house, a wind-battered Victorian “full of rifts and lies,” the mysteries seem to multiply. Why did her parents head back to the bombs? Why does Uncle Gideon seem repelled by Danny — his brother — in person, yet rush to meet the mailman and intercept Danny’s letters, which are postmarked from Portugal? The grand piano in the parlor is inexplicably nailed shut; a picture of Felicity’s parents’ wedding at the back of The Gram’s drawer has a perplexing message of apology scribbled on the back. And who lives behind the bedroom door Felicity has been asked never to open? Flissy — as she’s nicknamed by her Gram, uncle and Aunt Miami, an unmarried romantic who knows Shakespeare’s play by heart — realizes she must solve these mysteries on her own. The hidden resident, she soon stealthily discovers, is an adopted 12-year-old boy named Derek who’s been recovering from polio and reminds

Flissy of the sickly boy in The Secret Garden. One mystery solved, Flissy moves on to the next: She sneaks one of the Portugal letters, sees it’s written entirely in numbers and cracks the code with Derek’s help. Flissy’s bedroom is the old house’s widow’s walk, through whose windows on four sides the “big, yellow, noisy American moon” sees all. Flissy’s first-person narration is not as densely lyrical as that in Stone’s first novel, All the Blue Moons at the Wallace Hotel. But the girl’s quirky insights, such as noting that the piano is shaped “like the continent of South America on three legs,” depict an inquisitive mind just beginning to recognize its own cleverness. Stone spent a year in England when she was 10. Some of the book’s Britishisms, such as “I’m not half chuffed,” seem awkwardly inserted, but Stone shows a defter touch with historical details, such as the gray-painted boat Flissy takes to America (evoking the real Queen Elizabeth’s covert journey) and President Roosevelt’s polio. Unfortunately, readers will have to ignore the book’s cover, which features anachronistic his-and-her Converse sneakers and a hint of physical intimacy not present in the book. Perhaps a more significant quibble is with Stone’s treatment of the story’s major secret — a deception, carried on for many years, whose discovery would likely render any real child on the cusp of puberty disoriented, confused and angry. Flissy takes the revelation with equanimity, even excitement, that’s hard to believe. Better to concentrate, as young readers no doubt will, on The Romeo and Juliet Code’s depiction of a first, winningly innocent crush. A . L. The Romeo and Juliet Code by Phoebe Stone, Arthur A. Levine Books, 298 pages. $16.99.



tewart Bolger, a character in DAVID STAHLER JR.’s new young-adult novel Spinning Out, thinks he’s Don Quixote. His Dulcinea is the girl costarring with him in his high school’s production of Man of La Mancha. And those pesky windmills? Look no farther than the line of giant wind turbines on the horizon. It may sound like just a smart teenager’s quirky literary fixation, but Stewart, whose wealthy downstater parents have settled in the Northeast Kingdom, is dead serious. Those turbines are in trouble. Stahler, who teaches at Lyndon Institute and has written several previous YA novels, knows how kids talk and interact — no punches are pulled. His most original move is to make the novel’s narrator and protagonist not the troubled Stewart but his best friend, Frenchy, a Vermont native who lives in a trailer with his widowed mom. Unlike Stewart, Frenchy is known as an easygoing, regular guy — a follower. When Stewart drags him into the school play, he has no trouble stepping into the role of loyal, jolly, slightly dim Sancho Panza. But Frenchy isn’t always jolly — he still hasn’t processed the death of his dad, a Guardsman who committed suicide after returning from Iraq. And he isn’t dim: He can see Stewart is losing sight of the line between fiction and reality. It’s an excellent setup for a novel, though Spinning Out doesn’t finally go anywhere that an adult reader won’t have predicted. YA novels of the countercultural 1970s (think Paul Zindel) sometimes snatched the floor out from under their readers, making them wonder who really was crazy and who was sane. Here, it’s never in doubt, and therapy and treatment are presented as indispensable solutions. The book’s real subject is one young man’s loyalty to another — not a blind or unquestioning sentiment, but a mighty one. Given that “regular guys” like Frenchy don’t often have leading roles in fiction, and that those “regular guys” are exactly the type of teens who (librarians and parents often lament) aren’t reading these days, the book could serve a neglected audience. It also reminds us that, for every theatrical teen like Stewart who wears a sword to school and waves it around, there are many more tilting at their own private windmills of the mind. M.H. Spinning Out by David Stahler Jr., Chronicle Books, 288 pages. $16.99.



he genius of good kids’ authors is that, without whitewashing or pandering, they can turn ugly realities into upbeat fictions. (Think of fairy tales, where abuse and abandonment become steps on the heroic path to happily ever after.) Burlington author DAYNA LORENTZ pulls off this alchemy in her new middlegrade series for Scholastic, Dogs of the Drowned City, which tells the story of Hurricane Katrina from the viewpoint of the pet dogs left behind. The adult reader may cringe at this scenario, which mirrors kids’ own fears of abandonment. But young readers will know to expect adventure, humor and surprising resilience in the motley crew of canines that former fighting dog Shep liberates and leads in search of a haven from the storm. Lorentz lends her protagonist human (and humane) character traits and conflicts: In real life, starving big dogs aren’t so likely to offer their solidarity and protection to snack-size yappers. But Shep and his friends still have enough pungent dogginess to make the novel work as a modern animal fable. Witty and poetic touches — like a pooch’s description of her laser toy as a “Red Dot” (“crafty, oh so crafty ... so tiny it can never be caught, neither by claw nor fang”) — give the novel a whiff of Watership Down. Kids who love dogs and can handle some violent scenes will be itching to get their paws on the next two books in the trilogy.

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M.H. Dogs of the Drowned City #1: The Storm by Dayna Lorentz, Scholastic Press, 203 pages. $16.99.



Thursday, June 9 4:00 pm

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Sugar and Ice by Kate Messner, Walker & Company, 271 pages. $16.99. 4t-Fleming060811.indd 1

6/3/11 11:44 AM


ight now, nothing sells in YA lit — or, perhaps, in any section of the bookstore — like sexy, paranormal critters. Girls who tire of Twilight rehashes can move on to series about “homicidal fairies,” as KATE MESSNER puts it in her new middle-grade novel, Sugar and Ice. It’s a mildly satirical jab at today’s best sellers, since the Plattsburgh writer and teacher — and spouse of WPTZ meteorologist TOM MESSNER — does normal, not paranormal. Messner’s book about a small-town Adirondack girl who gets a big-time figureskating scholarship is squarely in the tradition of realist kids’ fiction — the kind that deals with confronting a false friend, not with convincing your boyfriend he should make you undead like him. On the strength of her double toe loop, 12-year-old Claire Boucher, whose biggest public exposure has been serving pancakes at her farm family’s maple breakfasts, finds herself in Lake Placid facing a Russian coach and a bunch of ice queens who’ll do anything to win. The situation yields the expected drama, and young skating fans will appreciate that Messner knows her way around juvenile and novice competitions, salchows and loops. Some may be disappointed that Claire doesn’t become the next Sasha Cohen. But adults will see the value in a book that suggests it’s not always a bad thing to want company instead of competition: “After all this time training,” writes Messner, “she still felt more like a honeybee than a butterfly, happier as part of a big swarm than out there shining alone.”

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Short Takes:

294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, VT

Flood Aftermath at Savoy; Bullwhips and Disco at the Lake Placid Film Forum Film

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by Stephen Goldberg

n the early hours of May 27, ChrIstIan PruItt, a projectionist at Montpelier’s savoy theater, heard his home sump pump start working. Concerned about flooding at his workplace, he rushed there and found chairs floating in the Savoy’s recently renovated basement. Backed-up storm drains resulted in a “geyser coming out of our bar sink,” says Savoy owner terrenCe youk, who, alerted by Pruitt, sped to the theater. When the essex shoppes & cinema river finally crested, the water retreated, FACTORY OUTLETS leaving a foot-high coating of sludge on the space that Youk, with the help of community donations, had transformed from a video store and storage area into a cozy, hip second screening room with a bar and tables crafted from film reels. Now Youk is again going to the comADDRESS: 21 ESSEX WAY, ESSEX JUNCTION, VT | 802.878.2851 munity to raise $12,000 to repair the damage. So far, the response has been The ground lamb in 5/30/11 8v-EssexShoppes060811.indd 10:57 AM 1 6/6/11 11:25 AM strong: An appeal in the Savoy’s email our Lamb Koobideh newsletter resulted in nearly $7000 Kabobs come from donated in two and a half days, says Winding Brook Farm Youk. He’s offering donors the choice of in Morrisville! having their name inscribed on a theater brick or a new basement chair. The evening after the flood, the Savoy suffered a new loss: “We were determined to show the upstairs film,” says Youk. A power outage damaged the surround-sound system and left him “wrangling with the insurance companies.” As far as the basement goes, “we’re getting there,” says Youk, who hopes to have the space ready for use in a week. Old North End 540-3093 *In the old North End Rotisserie Space He still plans to host a concert-style live music series down there, at some point. 6/6/11 3:42 PM Also on the Savoy’s horizon is a transition to digital projection, which would allow the upstairs theater to show cultural broadcasts such as live theater and opera. Youk wants it to be a beaming site for the California-based Bioneers Conference in October. Youk says the community response to the theater’s plight has been “very heartening and humbling.” Noting that many Montpelier businesses lost more, he says, “I think we’re gonna be OK.”

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rogramming at the annual Lake PLaCId FILm Forum always has an out-of-left-field quality, and this year is

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6/3/11 12:11 PM

no exception. In a nod to Lake Placid’s Olympic glories, the June 16 to 19 festival includes the documentaries Rise, about the plane crash that devastated American figure skating; and 110%, chronicling the efforts of female ski jumpers to join Olympic competition. In a different vein, there’s Raiders of the Lost Ark: The Adaptation, a shot-forshot remake of Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster crafted by three cash-strapped but very obsessed young Mississippi fans. Two of the filmmakers — who were 12 when they undertook their quixotic seven-year project, in 1982 — will be at the fest, all grown up, for a Q&A. In the 1990s, critics called New York filmmaker Whit Stillman (Barcelona) the heir to Woody Allen. Find out what

I thInk we’re gonna be


TE R R E nc E YO u k , O w nE R , S Av OY TH E ATE R

he’s been doing lately when Stillman appears at the LPFF to screen scenes from his upcoming film alongside his last one, The Last Days of Disco (1998), a love song to Manhattan nightlife in the early ’80s. Vermont isn’t represented this year at the Sleepless in Lake Placid 24-hour film competition. But expect to see Rutland on film in The Blood in This Town, the doc about a record-breaking blood drive that’s been making the rounds of local fests and sparking discussions of Rutland’s renewed community spirit. In the North Country Shorts Showcase, look for “Organ,” by mIChaeL FIsher of Burlington, in which local actress Jane Beaumont snyder plays a woman scorned. You can preview it at m For information on donating to the Savoy Theater Flood Fund, go to or call 229-0598. Lake Placid Film Forum, Thursday through Sunday, June 16 to 19, various times and locations in Lake Placid, n.Y. $10 to $12 per film or $85 for festival pass. info, 518-523-3456.





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Vermonters Gabe Jarrett, Robinson Morse and Heloise Williams join forces with emerging New Orleans artists Justin Peake and Jonathan Freilich.

9-piece genre-colliding improv, featuring Michael League and Verve Records vocalist Lucy Woodward.

Vermont-based Afro-hipsters, recording two tracks for inclusion on the bands upcoming full-length debut.


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1:53:57 PM

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Megan JaMes



FoXtRot We just had to ask...

Why are the conifers along the highway so brown? B y Me g a n Ja Me s


Most Vermonters know the browning occurs every year as a result of road salt, which flies up off the highways and washes into the soil all winter long. Essentially, it dries out the trees, explains landscape coordinator for the Vermont Agency of Transportation Craig Dusablon. Typically 5 to 10 percent of trees along heavily traveled roads are affected, he says; the most susceptible are red and white pines. A chloride concentration of just 1 percent in those species can cause “extensive plant injury,” he wrote in a 1992 VTrans report. And it’s not just the trees directly beside roadways. Damage occurs within 10 feet upslope and 40 feet downslope from the road, depending on a host of factors including precipitation, exhaust emission from passing vehicles, temperature, light, humidity, wind exposure and drainage. What kind of injury are we talking? Well, it depends. Most trees damaged by the salt spray alone shed their brown

that, without enough moisture on the road, a lot of it just bounces right off. That may seem weird, since salt is typically spread on roads wet with snow. But a single rock-salt crystal is about a quarter of an inch thick. It takes a lot of snow to dissolve something that big. Salt in the brine is already dissolved, so it sticks to the road right away. Except, the agency found, at temperatures below 10 degrees, when the brine just refreezes. The traditional method has environmental problems, too. Sand absorbs pollutants from the road and gets carried off into the soil and streams, where it causes erosion, pollutes the water and smothers fish-spawning beds. Salt also heads for streams, where it increases the water’s chloride content, and, of course, to the soil, where it seeps into the roots of trees. Brine has less runoff, just a mist that rises and affects surrounding foliage. According to Fitch, districts that experimented with the brine ended up using 33 percent less salt than they had in previous years, and officials thought they’d kept the roads just as safe for motorists, if not safer. “Over the last couple years, it’s been so successful, [the AOT] is expanding the project,” she says. What does that mean for the sadlooking brown conifers? “Trees along the interstate have a hard life, anyway,” says Anderson. “The salt doesn’t help them.” Still, she says, only the smallest and least vigorous of the trees experience serious damage. “My gut tells me it’s a lot better to have a few dead pine needles than to have more salt in our waterways.” m

Outraged, or merely curious, about something? send your burning question to

n any given stretch of my daily commute between Montpelier and Burlington, I am, for all intents and purposes, a zombie. I climb into my car in the morning, and 40 minutes later I arrive, never really knowing how I got there or what I passed along the way. But over the past few weeks, even my undead brain has taken note of the dingy brown pine trees standing in ragged rows along the highway. In contrast to the nearly neon hues of the birch buds bursting out around them last month, those conifers were an especially arresting sight. To me they looked like hardened locals who’d ridden out one unforgiving winter after another. They made the fresh green of their deciduous neighbors look almost foolish. They also looked exhausted. So, what’s the deal? Are the pines badly damaged? Or do they just look bad? What causes their needles to brown, and why does it seem worse this spring than before?

needles and quickly grow new foliage in the spring. Pines shed their needles annually, just like deciduous trees, but without all the red-and-orange fanfare. Still, those pines affected by salt in the soil beneath them have a rougher time. The chloride ions may cause new needles to die, which “could be lethal to the entire plant if it happens for several consecutive years,” writes Dusablon. Ginger Anderson, chief of forest management for the state, says it may appear that more trees are suffering than usual this spring because the Vermont Agency of Transportation has been experimenting with new road-salting methods, namely, salt brine. The northwest corner of Vermont, along Interstate 89 from St. Albans to Bolton, has been the testing ground for the new method, and that may explain why some trees look so ragged. In 2008, when the AOT launched the brine project, Vermont was spending more than $15 million each winter on road maintenance and an additional $4 million annually on the 75,000 tons of salt and 20,000 tons of sand it dumps on the roads. The agency was looking for ways to cut costs and reduce the environmental damage caused by salt and sand while making the winter roads safer for drivers. Jennifer Fitch, who runs the research program for the AOT, believes they are on to something with the salt brine. “We’ve found it to be really positive,” she says. What is salt brine, exactly? It’s just a salt-and-water solution — 23 percent salt, 77 percent water. This is sprayed on roads by fancy STRATOS trucks, each of which can cover up to four lanes at once. Rather than leaving behind a narrow area of highly concentrated rock salt, as the traditional trucks do, these distribute the brine at high speed over a wide expanse. The trouble with traditional rock salt and sand — besides the cost — is


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the straight dope bY cecil adams

slug signorino

Dear cecil, [concerning your April column on whether nuclear power is safe:] Nuclear power sucks. coal power sucks more. Boggles my mind that we don’t just ditch them both and use options we know are better. Randvek, via the Straight Dope message Board h, a believer in alternative energy. You think if we build enough windmills, install enough solar panels and distill enough ethanol from corn we’ll be able to dispense with noxious energy sources such as coal and nuclear power. I admire this noble goal. One needs to ask, however, whether it’s actually possible. Let’s browse amongst the databases and see what we can find out. Here’s just the thing — a 2006 paper by Massachusetts Institute of Technology chemistry professor Daniel Nocera titled “On the Future of Global Energy.” Nocera’s twofold ambition: One, to see how much energy the world is going to need by midcentury. Two, to figure out where we might get it. Glancing through this, Randvek, I have to be honest: Things are looking a little grim. The first thing we learn is that, according to United Nation experts, world population is expected to reach around nine

26 straight dope




billion people by midcentury and then stabilize. The stabilization part is good, if maybe surprising to those raised on scare talk about the population explosion. The bad part is that nine billion is two billion more than we’ve got now. Given that almost half the world lives on less than $2.50 a day as it is, you can appreciate that coming up with enough food, shelter and, yes, energy to keep everybody happy is going to be a challenge. The second thing to understand is that we damn well better keep everybody happy. The projection that world population is going to stabilize is based on

Is there something you need to get straight? cecil adams can deliver the straight dope on any topic. Write cecil adams at the chicago reader, 11 e. illinois, chicago, il 60611, or visit

the observation that, as people become more urbanized and at least a little more prosperous, they have smaller families. That’s a worldwide trend. In Japan and much of Europe, in fact, the population is actually declining. The flip side is that if people remain impoverished villagers, they continue having big families and total world population keeps going up. In other words, a stable future is predicated on a modicum of global urban affluence. To the extent the world stays rural and poor, eventually much of it starves. The third thing to understand is that the more affluent people become, the more energy they use. That doesn’t necessarily mean U.S.-scale two-SUVs-anda-vacation-home-type affluence. Most of the world would be

content with, you know, running water and some electric lights. How much energy will that take? In 2002, Nocera points out, global energy consumption was 13.5 terawatts. What will it be in 2050? If everybody were to burn through the juice at the current U.S. rate, Nocera calculates, we’d need 102 terawatts — seven times as much. Chances of our producing that: zero. Instead, Nocera conservatively pegs annual global energy usage circa 2050 at between 28 terawatts — which assumes average consumption at the same rate as in present-day Poland — and 35 terawatts, roughly the rate now seen in Samoa. You may say: Samoa sounds like a lifestyle I could get used to. That’s sporting of you, but it still means we’ll need about 15 to 20 more terawatts of energy than we’re consuming right now. Where will it come from? Nocera runs through some possibilities: • First, biomass. If we devote all the arable land on Earth to energy production rather than food crops and presumably just don’t eat, we could generate 7 to 10 terawatts. • Next, wind. If we build wind farms on 100 percent of the sufficiently windy land, we could produce 2.1 terawatts. • Third, hydroelectric. If we dam all the remaining rivers, we could come up with 0.7 to 2 additional terawatts.

• Finally, nuclear. I know you don’t like nukes, Randvek, but the professor’s evident aim was to tote up all power sources that aren’t net emitters of greenhouse gases. He thinks we could produce 8 terawatts by constructing 8000 nuclear power plants, which would mean one new plant every two days for the next 40 years. Total: around 18 to 22 terawatts. In other words, if we squeeze out every available watt of alternative energy on the planet and build nukes at an impossibly aggressive rate, we’ll barely keep up with the energy needed to support even a modest standard of living for the world’s people. In reality, we’ll need to find additional energy somewhere. Nocera’s solution is to push for a technological breakthrough in solar power, currently a relatively trivial contributor to the world energy mix. Good luck, seriously. Barring that, however, we’re stuck with more coal, oil and gas, and you know the problems with those. My point isn’t that the situation is hopeless, although it certainly gives one pause. All I’m saying is, we need to dispense with the illusory notion of “alternative” energy, which suggests we’ll get to be choosy about energy sources. Sorry, not going to happen. We’ll have to use them all. m

2011 GUIDE TO READERS’ PICKS Time to Pick the Daysies Again!

3. Town of residence

Best Food & Drink 4. Restaurant, if you’re paying

16. Burger

5. Restaurant, if they’re paying

17. Creemee stand

6. New restaurant (opened in the last 12 months)

18. Brewpub

7. Breakfast/brunch 8. Lunch

19. Vermont craft beer 20. Vermont winery 21. Bar

9. Asian restaurant (including Indian)

22. Coffee-/teahouse

10. Non-Asian ethnic restaurant

23. Bakery

11. Restaurant to take the kids

24. Street eats

12. Late-night snacks

25. Ethnic market

13. Pizza (restaurant)

26. Natural-foods market

14. Pizza (delivery)

27. Farmers-market vendor

15. Vermont cheese

28. Wine seller


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Ready to show some love? Welcome to the ninth annual Daysies Awards. From restaurants and meteorologists to yoga studios and pet daycare, this is your chance to nominate beloved Vermont businesses and individuals. To keep things fresh, we’ve added some new categories and done away with others. We traded in the musical categories that have long been dominated by heavyweights Grace Potter and Gordon Stone. We still love ’em, but we’d like to give props to Vermont’s bright but smaller stars. We also added some new food categories this year to draw attention to the state’s cheese makers, wineries and farmers. Like we did last year, we’ll give awards to winners both inside and outside Chittenden County for categories with enough votes to warrant the distinction. We encourage you to fill out the survey online at It’s not that we don’t like good ol’ snail mail, it’s just that we’re trying to avoid a long night of counting ballots by hand. It’ll also save us from agonizing over indecipherable handwriting. If you don’t have access to the Internet — or you’re hell-bent on filling this out the old-fashioned way — write your answers on a separate piece of paper, clip it to this ballot and send it to Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402. Please write legibly and be as specific as you can. If we can’t read or understand your response, it won’t count. Have fun picking your faves! And find out the winners in our special Daysies issue on August 3.

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29. Vegetarian fare 30. Caterer


» P.28





Best Arts, Entertainment & Recreation 31. Large live-music venue

46. Movie theater

32. Small local-music hot spot





33. Place to dance

47. Museum

Best Services & Stuff

48. Festival

67. Women’s casual clothing

89. Place to rent a movie

34. Up-and-coming musical performer

49. Outdoor concert series

68. Women’s evening wear

90. Internet service provider

35. Unsigned Vermont band

50. Fiction writer

69. Men’s clothing

91. Web developer

36. Side musician

51. Poet

70. Shoe store

92. Bridal shop

37. Vermont hip-hop artist

52. Theater company

71. Vintage/secondhand clothing

93. Vermont wedding venue

38. Independent music promoter

53. Performing arts venue

72. Children’s clothing

94. Florist

39. Local record label

54. Recreation area

73. Eyeglasses

95. Outdoor outfitter

40. Vermont standup comedian

55. Public golf course

74. Local jewelry designer

96. Bike shop

41. Club DJ

56. Snow slope

75. Jewelry store

97. Auto dealer

42. Visual artist

57. Après-ski

76. Beauty-product purveyor

98. Real estate agency

43. Cartoonist

58. Cross-country ski area

77. Pet daycare

99. Garden center

44. Art gallery

59. Weekend getaway in Vermont

78. Pet store

100. Green Vermont business

79. Toy store

101. Place to do your banking

80. Musical instrument store

102. Place to buy a pipe

81. Record store

103. Adult toy store

82. Bookstore

104. Hair salon

83. Housewares store

105. Place to get body art

84. Furniture store

106. Yoga studio

85. Antique/secondhand store

107. Health club

86. Lighting store

108. Vermont spa

87. Photo shop

109. Manicure/pedicure

45. Vermont craft gallery

Best Media 60. Print/web journalist

64. Radio station

61. TV newscast

65. Vermont blogger

62. Meteorologist

66. Vermont Twitter feed

63. Local radio DJ

88. Computer store

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Or, mail your Daysies picks to Seven Days, P.O. Box 1164, Burlington, VT 05402.



Crisis Intervention


embraced their outsider-ness — in the same way they had proudly appropriated the epithets “queer” and “dyke.” Blamed by preachers for their own deaths, they refused to repent for their “promiscuity.” Instead, gay activists used the sexual cultures of their communities to shape an indigenous sex education. These grassroots educators recognized that the affections and affiliations of friendly sex, loving sex, even anonymous cruising,




“Poli “Poli Psy” Psy” is is aa twice monthly monthly column column by by Judith Judith Levine. Levine. Got Got aa comment comment on on this this story? story? Contact Contact


could be woven into a fabric of mutual aid. An inventive culture of sexual styles and acts could be mined for new, safer pleasures. And the locales of public sex — the back rooms and baths — could become the networks to promote, and eroticize, those practices. They invented safe sex, still the only preventive that works. Today, the responses that didn’t work are institutionalized. While abstinence education misinforms millions of American children, health ministries that receive federal aid promote the HIV-prevention slogan “ABC: Abstain, Be faithful, use Condoms.” ABC is based in part on the illusion that monogamy is a prophylactic against sexual danger. In fact, research shows that both gay and straight people are more likely to have unsafe sex — and ask no questions about HIV status — inside committed

relationships than in casual encounters. One psychologist studying this phenomenon in the 1990s entitled her paper “Trust as a Risky Practice.” The notion that the straight life is the safe life resuscitates the wheezy old theory of “risk groups,” and with it the complacency of those who think they’re not in one. It reinforces the dichotomy that the folks at Vermont CARES scratch their heads over — between gays and lesbians making steady progress toward the center while their ailing brothers and sisters (and ailing straight people) languish at the edges. It’s not that Vermont’s LGBTQ community is turning its back on the needy. Forty percent of Vermont CARES’ donors are gay and lesbian. But charity is not the same as solidarity. Though necessary, service is not politics. It maintains; it does not transform. And assimilation, the primary goal of today’s movement, often has the unintended effect of further marginalizing those who cannot or do not want to assimilate. Back when death galloped through a marginalized community and most others looked away, the queer response was not to try to gain rights by assimilating into a hostile mainstream. Instead, that community embraced its radical difference. In a sex-condemning nation, activists used pleasure to empower, protect and unite. In learning how to save their own lives, they saved those who thought they were safe, too.


most passionate, smart and courageous in U.S. history. That movement flourished because of a historic peculiarity. Its members were largely white, middle class, educated and connected. But they were also homosexual, and for this they were despised. They were, in other words, at once privileged and marginalized, powerful and powerless. And their money and connections helped make the movement visible. But the movement’s marginalization — and grief and fury — also gave it the radical militancy that finally forced America to pay attention, fund research, and get drugs and services to patients. ACT UP, the movement’s flagship, was not a self-help group, not a diseaseadvocacy community like the people who solicit money for cystic fibrosis or ALS. Led by men and women with roots in the Left and feminism, its cry for medicine and compassion for gay people was linked to a demand for universal health care and an end to all bigotry. The first AIDS activists didn’t just want help. They wanted justice. Meanwhile, the disease-prevention strategy devised by the publichealth establishment in the 1980s seemed designed to splinter any broader social solidarity. Rather than prescribing condom use and proscribing unsafe practices (there was vague language about not exchanging “bodily fluids”), propaganda advised steering clear of “unsafe” people. The world was divided in two. One category was the “risk populations” — gay men, Haitian immigrants (some of whom arrived with HIV symptoms) and drug users. The other comprised everyone else — the “legitimate” citizens. It was assumed that no respectable jobholder would ever inject cocaine, no married man would dally at the baths, no Haitian immigrant would have a baby with a native-born American. And while adults were told to avoid sex with toxic people, youth were exhorted to “Just Say No” — to foreswear premarital sex altogether. Needless to say, this did not work. AIDS activists rejected these strategies. Disenfranchised by policy as “victims” who would be victimizers, they


une 5 was the 30th anniversary of the first diagnoses of AIDS. It reminds us of what has, and has not, changed since 1981. Much is understood about HIV/AIDS; much isn’t. The disease can be prevented but not cured. It is no longer a killer — for those who have the money for medicine and ability to practice self-care. That leaves out lots of people, from drug addicts to prisoners to homeless kids. In sub-Saharan Africa, the disease has orphaned three in 10 children. Peter Jacobsen, executive director of Vermont CARES, says that of the roughly 600 cases of HIV/AIDS in the state, his organization serves about one-quarter annually, and almost every one of those is among Vermont’s poorest — earning less than $1000 a month. In 2010, the lion’s share of Vermont CARES’ $82,000 direct-services budget went to keeping those clients housed and fed — necessities without which they cannot begin to follow the medical regimens that enable them to work, care for kids or simply feel well. Ten percent was spent on “emergency assistance.” But, says Jacobsen, “For our people, AIDS is the emergency every single day.” This in the state that pioneered civil unions. Says Jacobsen: “We do a lot of soul-searching around that dichotomy.” The dichotomy — in which some people move toward greater inclusion and others drift further out — may be inevitable as long as there is class. But political strategies can exacerbate it — or not. So, it’s instructive to look back three decades and examine what early AIDS activists did right. Of course, class, race and education gaps existed then, too. In the gay “community” of New York’s West Village, a designer with gym-honed pecs and an Armani suit would drink his pinot at a sidewalk café, while a few blocks away a homeless black transvestite turned tricks for drug money. Then, out of nowhere, the designer and the hustler started finding lesions on their skin, then started coughing, wasting away — and dying. Officialdom ignored them both. To President Reagan and his Christian Right advisers, they were the same: sinners, being punished. For eight years, Reagan did not publicly utter the word AIDS. Almost as fast as the ill fell, though, a political movement rose — one of the




Vermonters in the Transition Town movement address an uncertain energy future BY L AU REN OBER






he table at the back of the Hayes Room in Montpelier’s Kellogg-Hubbard Library holds a colorful bounty of prepared dishes. There’s a pot of venison chili, a slab of broccoli quiche, a loaf of freshly baked zucchini bread and a bowl of salad made with eggs laid that morning by backyard chickens. There’s so much food that no empty spot is left on the table. But that’s good, because there are a lot of mouths to feed. About 65 people have squeezed themselves into the small community room on this Saturday afternoon — the highest turnout yet in the many months the event has been recurring. The participants have brought an abundance of provisions, but they’re here to talk about a dearth — specifically, an impending dearth of oil on the planet. It’s not a topic that would draw most people out of bed, let alone to a meeting in a stuffy library, on a sunny weekend day. But increasingly, at least in central Vermont, peak oil is on people’s minds. And understandably so. A growing body of scientific evidence suggests we have reached, or will soon reach, the point at which half of global oil reserves are gone. And considering that everything from sneakers to computers to contact lenses is made from oil, that prospect threatens life as we know it. The potluck is one of a handful of events organized by Transition Town Montpelier, a diffuse but burgeoning social movement dedicated to helping people build resilient communities to prepare for the twin challenges of peak oil and climate change. The Montpelier

group is one of 90 official Transition Initiatives operating in the United States and one of 360 such efforts worldwide. The idea underlying a Transition Town is that, currently, communities are not prepared to weather a major climate disaster or energy crisis. Much of what we consume is made with oil or requires oil to get to us. We rely heavily on imports, because local economies provide only a sliver of what we need to survive. As crude oil prices climb and increasingly extreme weather events wreak havoc around the world, some communities are seeking ways to deal with what they consider inevitable changes. If oil becomes so scarce that it’s prohibitively expensive or disappears altogether, how will we carry on? Transition Initiatives help people prepare for and adapt to a future beyond fossil fuels through the two pillars of

transition philosophy: relocalizing and reskilling. The movement’s devotees reason that, by producing some or much of what we need in our own communities — food, clothing, medicine, building materials — we will be able to withstand severe climate, energy and economic shock while actually improving our quality of life. “This is an opportunity to take the future in our own hands,” says Carolyne Stayton, executive director of Transition United States, based in Petaluma, Calif. The transition movement began just five years ago in Totnes, England, and has spread to 34 countries and more than half of the States. The concept of Transition stems from the work of a permaculture teacher and natural builder named Rob Hopkins, who sought a

proactive solution to the world’s worsening energy and climate travails. In his 2008 book The Transition Handbook: From Oil Dependency to Local Resilience, published by White River Junction’s Chelsea Green, Hopkins outlines strategies for preparing communities as they face potentially dire changes. He sums up the movement’s mission this way: Rebuilding local agriculture and food production, localising energy production, rethinking healthcare, rediscovering local building materials in the context of zero energy building, rethinking how we manage waste, all build resilience and offer the potential of an extraordinary renaissance — economic, cultural and spiritual.








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6/7/11 11:31 AM

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Another email newsletter trying to get me to do stuff. But I LOVE Seven Days NOw. It’s easy to read, it links me to some of the coolest stuff, and it tempts me to address my cabin fever and actually DO something this weekend. It’s well designed, and tempting. Thanks for putting it together. I’m going to forward it to my sweetie and find some fun.” — Susanna Weller, Starksboro

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» p.32

“Ok, I admit I was a little skeptical.


dEscEnding ThE pEAk

Are you in the now?


If there is one person who’s prepared for the upheaval of a post-peak-oil world, it’s Annie McCleary. She came to Vermont in the early 1980s to homestead and never looked back. She can darn her own socks, mend her own clothes, can her own food and make her own herbal medicine. And she is happy to share those skills with anyone willing to learn. As the coordinator of Transition Town Montpelier, McCleary has a role not unlike that of den mother. Since the initiative became official in 2009, she has kept it organized. She manages the email list, coordinates the monthly potlucks and heads several of the organization’s working groups, including the Greenhouse, Root Cellar, Seed Saving, Hand Scything, Etc. group and the Fibers, Textile Arts, Mending, Sewing group. She lives by the movement’s maxim: “Bringing the head, heart and hands of communities together to make the transition to life beyond oil.” McCleary, who owns Wisdom of the Herbs School in Woodbury, is a spitfire of energy wrapped in clothes mended many times over. She is devoted to her 4000-square-foot garden and the many plants and animals that inhabit the woods around her home. During a recent interview, McCleary pauses to catch a hummingbird in her hands after it wanders into her garage and becomes disoriented. The 63-year-old came to the transition movement in 2008 by way of a local sustainability group in Montpelier. McCleary has believed for decades that

Mother earth says, you’ll do what I daMN well tell you.


Peak oil says we’re going to change, climate change says we should change, and


ot surprisingly, the transition move- ready to engage ment found a home in Vermont. In with this,” he addition to Montpelier, which has says. “We’re the largest, Charlotte, Hardwick, on a trajecManchester, Putney and Shelburne sup- tory that isn’t port Transition Initiatives. Many of the sustainable.” practices Hopkins advocates — robust If local food sourcing, natural building — Transition are already happening on some level in Town rhetthe state. That doesn’t mean Vermont is oric sounds prepared to handle the fallout of a cata- a bit backclysmic energy crisis — say, grid failure to-the-landfor an extended period. But, overall, the ish, that’s state is better off than most, Stayton says. because they Transition Town Montpelier was share many founded three years ago as a spin-off of principles. a postcarbon sustainability group. Since But the transithen, the movement has ballooned and tion movement now boasts more than 1000 members, in Montpelier, and according to its website. It encompasses around the globe, isn’t nine working groups covering topics just for homesteaders, ranging from health and wellness in a homeschoolers and survivalpost-oil world to root cellaring and seed ist types. At the recent potluck, saving. One of those working groups attendees ranged from octogenarian has been collaborating on an Energy knitters to thirtysomething natural Descent Action Plan, or what its authors builders to corporate retirees new to the call a “vision of a powered-down, resil- area. While transition is not yet mainient, relocalised future” — a blueprint stream, it’s anything but fringe. The for survival as we hike down from peak movement attracts all kinds, including oil’s summit. climate activist and widely published Carl Etnier is one of the founders of writer Bill McKibben of Ripton, who Transition Town Montpelier, along with sees Transition Initiatives as powerful Annie McCleary and George Lisi. For allies in the fight against global warming. Etnier, transition, or creating sustain“I think [Transition Town is] creating able post-oil communities, is deeply powerful change in many an idea whose time has towns and helping them come. The longtime get ready to hunker peak-oil activist down against a had been doing century of hard slide shows on weather and fossil-fuel deeconomic cline when shift,” he hapMcKibben pened upon writes in an Hopkins’ email. book. Nor is Etnier the moveliked the ment about inclusivity romanticizof Hopkins’ ing the past approach, as or wishing to AN NiE mccl E ArY, well as its strong go back in time. tr AN SitioN t owN moNtpE liEr participatory and Transition Initiatives celebratory aspects. have benefited greatly Hopkins doesn’t just tell people from modern technology, and the bad news — he gives them practi- participants don’t suggest eschewing cal, hands-on suggestions for buffering computers and cellphones in favor of themselves against the effects of peak letter writing and telegrams. oil and climate change. For example, But transition advocates are in favor planting public edible spaces, instituting of a future that’s less reliant on oil and a local currency and learning to make a more focused on local systems and comroot cellar are some of the ways people munities. That vision is increasingly can contribute to transition. attractive, both around the world and Hopkins’ message seemed to dovetail here in Vermont. As Transition Town perfectly with sustainability initiatives Montpelier grows, it’s picking up paralready happening around the state, ticipants along the way. Here are brief Etnier explains. “People are really snapshots of some of its members.





W Al






bW Al






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the planet is changing dramatically, she says, but she wasn’t sure what to do about it. The Transition Town model gave her a road map for moving forward. “What worked for me is that it faces clearly: OK, folks. Here’s what we’re up against. No sugarcoating,” McCleary says. “We are in straits. It’s happening. It’s real on all levels, from spiritual to physical to metaphysical to social.” Rather than fret about potential changes on the horizon, McCleary, like others who subscribe to transition philosophy, sees them as opportunities. She’s looking forward to humanity slowing down and turning inward. And she’s enjoying the conversations that have already happened about how to prepare for a future with less. “There’s nothing that can replace the amount of energy fossil fuels give us. We won’t be as globalized; we’ll be more localized,” she says. “When you’re connected to the Earth, you’re more likely to take care of it. You’re less likely to asphalt over your dandelion greens when that happens to be your vegetable for the day or week or month.” McCleary realizes not everyone is going to emulate her and go back to the land. But the point of transition isn’t purism; it’s about the adaptability and resilience people need to improve their postcarbon options. “Peak oil says we’re going to change, climate change says we should change, and Mother Earth says, You’ll do what I damn well tell you,” McCleary suggests. “What will happen, will happen.”

The Builder When Ben Graham was an architecture student at Rhode Island School of Design, his professors questioned his passion for natural building. They didn’t consider making dwellings from cob and clay sophisticated enough to be called architecture with a capital A. But Graham was undeterred. Years later, naysaying professors be damned, Graham is on the cutting edge of sustainable architecture and design. And he’s spreading his skills and knowledge as chair of Transition Town Montpelier’s newest working group, focused on shelter. Graham, a 36-year-old with a long, red, braided goatee and wild eyebrows, has been a builder for as long as he can remember. He comes from a family of builders, and the trade is in his blood. He loved tinkering in his father’s workshop and making models; that he would go into architecture was a foregone conclusion. During a trip to the West Coast during college, he learned about natural building. “I took a tour of one of these earthen houses, and I was like, Holy shit! This is fucking cool,” he says. “It was just one of those moments that changed my life. I said, ‘This is what I want to do.’” Originally from Cleveland, Graham moved to Vermont in 2000 after falling in love with the state during a bike trip. Shortly after, he started his own company, Natural Design/Build. In 2001, he built his first straw-bale house. For Graham, the Transition Town model of relocalizing melds with his own design principles — using “bioregional” materials to build ecologically sound dwellings. His building materials aren’t made from petroleum and come primarily from the earth. “If you said, ‘OK, you can build this house out of foam and aluminum siding and pressure-treated wood. Or you can build this other home from trees and dirt and reeds.’ And it’s, like, duh, you know?” Graham says as he sketches the stairs for a greenhouse he’s building.

we’re tweaked now, because we’re living in these weird things.

5/16/11 3:34 PM

TUE., JUNE 14, 6-8PM

» p.35 8v-greendrinksmont060811.indd 1


dEscEnding ThE pEAk


bW JE by To pho


If there is an archetypal Transition Town member, Deb Lisman isn’t it. Until recently, she held a corporate job, admits she’s no good at gardening, and has always held a dim view of activism. But for the last two years, Lisman has been kneedeep in all things transition. She wants to learn how to homestead. She’s becoming well versed in emergency-preparedness strategies. And she’s working to

PeoPle have it ingrained in their bodies to live in structures made out of natural materials, and that’s why

The NeophyTe

build a network of neighborhoods in that she began working on her own comMontpelier, where she lives. munity’s resiliency by building a website This transition to Transition Town aimed at connecting her neighborhood. happened concurrently with what the The neighborhood network never quite 53-year-old calls a “midlife crisis kind took off, but Lisman’s organizing gusto of thing.” She was working in leader- caught the eye of McCleary, as Transition ship development at Green Mountain Town Montpelier was just getting off the Coffee Roasters when she ground. McCleary asked Lisman to condecided she needed a sider joining the group’s steering change. She took a committee. four-month sabThose early days batical to help weren’t easy for Lisman: her figure “I didn’t know near out her next what everyone else move. knew,” she says. During “But I just continthat time, ued to learn as I Lisman, went.” an enShe bought thusiastic stacks of books talker on peak oil, comwith munity building and short, dark local food systems. hair and an She participated in eager smile, workshops on gardenBE N Gr A h Am, NAtur A l Buil D E r researched ing. She tried to figure out numerous topics, how to make her lifestyle more hoping one would spark sustainable. All of it was outside her her interest. She kept returning to comfort zone. sustainability. “I’m Joe average citizen,” Lisman In 2008, Lisman went to a lecture says. “I do everything wrong.” given by Naresh Giangrande, a coExcept she doesn’t. She’s not perfect, founder of Transition Town Totnes. She but she’s embraced transition. Little by was hooked. little, Lisman is making changes in her8v-OneMoreTime051811.indd 1 “It was completely positive commu- life, the biggest being readying herself to nity building. It was about creating a re- handle some kind of crisis. silient community that has much more A year ago, Lisman quit her job of a sense of community,” Lisman says. at GMCR. In that time, she has been So inspired was Lisman by the pre- working on NeighborNet, an initiative sentation and the concept of transition aimed at connecting people who live in close proximity. She has designed a curriculum for neighborhoods to determine how prepared they are to weather an at the Skinny Pancake Transition Town Montpelier emergency such as a power outage — or, (89 Main St. , Montpelier) steering committee closer to home, serious flooding. The member Deb Lisman. Every second Tuesday of the month, seven-week course revolves around environmental fans and professionals a series of potlucks where neighbors meet up for a beer, networking and examine key areas of survival and prediscussion at Green Drinks. paredness. People who feel informed This informal crowd is a lively mixture of folks from NGOs, and connected will experience less panic academia, government and if a crisis does happen, Lisman says. business. Find employment, Rather than giving her discussions friends and new ideas! a doom-and-gloom tinge, Lisman tries to make them fun — hence the THIS MONTH’S PRESENTER: potluck format. That way, drawing participants becomes more of a pull than a push, she says. Lisman’s zeal for neighborhood organizing and emergency planning still surprises her. But she’s settling into her role and growing more comthanks to our sponsors: fortable by the day. “It’s really bizarre, the fact that I’m into it,” Lisman says, laughing. “But it feels like the right thing to do.” l Al Ac EbR od EU R

Not only does he believe natural building makes sense in terms of energy consumption and resource management, but, Graham says, it represents how humans were meant to live. We aren’t built for living in concrete structures with vinyl siding and fiberglass insulation, he claims. “We’re taking this old technology and developing it for present modern living,” Graham says. “People have it ingrained in their bodies to live in structures made out of natural materials, and that’s why we’re tweaked now, because we’re living in these weird things.” In an effort to spread the gospel of natural building, Graham helped found Village-building Convergence, a sustainable skill-sharing conference of sorts that is part of Transition Town Montpelier. On June 14, Graham, who regularly teaches at Yestermorrow Design/Build School in Waitsfield, will present a workshop on practical solutions for sustainable shelter. He’ll remind participants that, with all the mainstream “greening” of home construction these days, it’s easy to forget that people have been living in natural structures forever. “I’m trying to make natural building accessible to everyone,” Graham says. “We’re showing engineers that natural materials actually perform better than this other shit that you’re working with that’s actually destroying the planet. But it’s not easy to convince these people.”

6/6/11 12:37 PM

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6/3/11 4:41 PM

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5/27/11 11:40 AM




Say you saw it in...


One of the working groups of Transition Town Montpelier, Village-building Convergence, is holding a 10-day summer event beginning June 10. The VbC is a community-wide celebration of sustainable living, practical homesteading skills and visions of a more resilient local community. The event features hands-on education in permaculture design, ecological building and public art that extends and celebrates what transition participants call the Great Reskilling. Village-building Convergence, Friday, June 10, to Tuesday, June 21, at Twin Pond Retreat, Plainfield, and various locations around central Vermont. Free, donations accepted. Schedule and more info at 276-3839 or

Wayne and Jan Ohlsson were living in Salt Lake City when Wayne first picked up a copy of The Transition Handbook, Rob Hopkins’ post-peak-oil manual. Having been interested in alternative energy since the 1970s, Wayne was intrigued by the guide and its strategies for building resilient, fossil-fuel-free communities. But no one in Salt Lake seemed to get it. Or, if anyone did, the Ohlssons couldn’t find them. So, when Jan retired from her management job at 3M Health Information Systems, the couple began seeking a new home where transition was understood. After much research, they settled on Montpelier, which seemed to have a vibrant and growing Transition Town movement. The couple have been in Montpelier only nine short months, but already they’ve rolled up their sleeves and started to work. Jan is interested in local food systems, while Wayne is passionate about developing Transition Town Montpelier’s Energy Descent Action Plan. Together they’ve been working on a project that would marry elements of the state’s farm-to-plate initiative with a more comprehensive sustainable energy plan. Both Wayne, 66, and Jan, 64, are no-nonsense midwesterners who met as undergrads at the University of Michigan. Wayne, who has a shock of white hair and sky-blue eyes, spent much of his career as a medical researcher, but harbored a desire to run a sustainable mini-farm. Jan, a matterof-fact woman who is not afraid of a

challenge, has always loved canning and preparing the food her husband grew. Together they make a formidable, motivated team. As they explain their work with Transition Town Montpelier, the Ohlssons talk over each other, such is their enthusiasm. They finish each other’s sentences as they convey their seriousness about creating change to protect their community from what they see as the inevitable end of the oil age. But, as passionate as they are about transition, the couple are realistic enough to know that many people find discussions of peak oil alarmist and off-putting. They understand that not everyone can do everything in service of transition ideals. “A lot of this depends on whether people have the time, effort or the means,” Wayne says. “A lot of people have full-time jobs and kids to take care of. How do people like that have the time? And do they have the interest and inclination?” “I’m a little less dogmatic [than some involved in transition],” Jan says. “I just want people to be aware. I can’t change people’s minds. But eventually they’ll get it when they’re paying $2 for a tomato.” The Ohlssons’ flexibility sets them apart from some of their Transition Town compatriots. But they still feel part of the community and enjoy the camaraderie that comes with the movement. They believe it’s designed to make room for all kinds. “Everyone can find their niche,” Wayne says. m

Acid Trip

world class rendez-vous

Come join the

Vermont’s viperHouse reunite after a decade apart

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he year was 2001. The first film in the Harry Potter series was the year’s top-grossing movie, narrowly edging out the first installment in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Time Warner merged with America Online. A Republican senator, Jim Jeffords of Vermont, shifted the balance of power by becoming an Independent. John Lee Hooker, George Harrison, Dale Earnhardt and Ken Kesey died. A tragedy on a bright September morning changed the country forever. And somewhere in upstate New York — Syracuse? — viperHouse unceremoniously played their final show, ending the group’s run as one of Vermont’s most successful and innovative ensembles of the era. A decade later, viperHouse are back, playing a reunion show this Thursday as part of the 2011 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival. The band formed in 1995 under the watch of composer and multi-instrumentalist Michael Chorney, who has, since viperHouse’s demise, gone on to lead a number of other local groups and earn international renown for his contributions to Anaïs Mitchell’s folk opera Hadestown. At the time, Chorney had been playing saxophone with another Vermont combo, the So-Called Jazz Quintet, but was looking for a new outlet. “I had this idea to put together a big band,” says Chorney. Indeed, viperHouse’s original lineup boasted as many as 10 members. It reads like the roster of an all-star band: keyboardist Ray Paczkowski (Trey Anastasio Band); vocalist and flute player Heloise Williams (Heloise & the Savoir Faire); guitarist Brett Hughes (Chrome Cowboys, Ramble Dove); bassist Rob Morse (Vorcza, yoUSAy Placate); and drummer Phil Carr, trumpeter Brian Boyes, violinist Karen Quinn, percussionist PJ Davidian and trombonist Dan Mallach. The band was also multigenerational — its youngest member was Morse at 17, its oldest, Carr, then 40. “The big thing was to find people whose chemistry I felt would work together,” says Chorney. He describes the local music scene in the mid- to late 1990s as saturated with jam bands and jazz-funk hybrid acts, neither of which particularly excited him. “A lot of what was going on in the scene in Burlington at the time was under this umbrella of acid jazz,” Chorney says. “I wasn’t interested in that at all, really. But I saw it


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as a good in for folks to go out and listen to interesting horn arrangements and improvisation.” Because of the prevalence of the genre at the time, and because the band featured horns and explosive improvisation, viperHouse were often lumped into the category of acid jazz, a description that makes Chorney bristle. “We weren’t ‘acid jazz’ at all,” he says. “We were trying to subvert that.” He goes on to describe the band’s “twofold mission.” The first aspect of the viperHouse ethos was to trick audiences into appreciating more cultured instrumental arrangements under the guise of high-octane dance music. “We wanted to be able to sneak in arrangements that were hopefully sophisticated somewhat, while there was an incredibly driving groove going on,” Chorney explains. The second prong of their attack was to improvise as an ensemble, rather than as individual pieces. “A lot of times [in] bands with horns, it’s like you’ve got the tune, and the horns are playing the chart. They’re a layer,” Chorney says. “Rather than that, we tried to approach the thing kind of like a big band that operated as a small quartet, with cross-communication going on between all of the players, not just a section.” Chorney concedes that keeping those lines of communication open while composing for such a large ensemble was often unwieldy. “But we really got good at it,” says Chorney. “That was the central magic of the band.” “We weren’t just trying to be a party band,” says Morse. “There was more adventurous content than what you find in most similarly sized bands who were just trying to do the funk thing.” Steve Lemcke was a critic for the Burlington Free Press during the band’s heyday. He agrees viperHouse elevated their music beyond what most dance bands were doing at the time. “You definitely had your moments to dance and grind,” Lemcke says. “But it was their musicality that made them different … They just had a different vibe. They were sometimes a bit darker, a bit heavier. But they could blast out the fun, happier jams with the best of them.” Morse points out that the group explored suites of music by an unlikely assortment of composers, such as Nino Rota, Duke Ellington and Sun Ra. “And we

06.08.11-06.15.11 SEVEN DAYS

ViperHouse FEATURE 37

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5/9/11 1:44 PM

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5/23/11 4:07 PM

it’s about Hair. it’s about men. it’s about time.

Acid Trip « P.37

stretched out a lot,” he says. “We were sort of a jam band in that respect, but coming at it from a nonrock perspective.” NEW Open Level “ViperHouse could jam, but it always felt like there was a hesitance to do so for Evening Class! very long,” adds Lemcke. “What made them better than others is that there was a Mondays @ 5:15 pm path, a structure that seemed to keep them from meandering too far off the road and crash and burn.” 2 for 1 for the “There was a lot of improvisation … and with us it could be a duo, or a full-on month of June. group improvisation where the whole band was in on it,” Morse says. “We called Just bring a friend those ‘asteroid collisions.’” & you only pay ViperHouse put out four albums in five years. Given their reputation for incendifor one! ary live shows, perhaps it’s not surprising that Chorney’s favorite was a live record, Ottawa. In 1997, the band played the Ottawa Jazz Festival. But two hours before getting on stage, they discovered their van had been broken into and burglarized. Festival n amed one of organizers scrambled to find instruments for the band to play. a m er ica’s B es t 25 H air s alons “It was a beautiful show, actually, very emotionally charged,” recalls Chorney. by men’s Heath Driving home, the band listened to cassettes of the show taped from the sound< men sr oomvt.c om> 106 ma in s t. board — “Because people still listened to cassettes then,” he says. To their surprise, 81 River Street, Montpelier, VT (802) 262-1500 802.864.2088 the tapes actually sounded pretty good. “We got this idea to put out a limited-edition live album, 1000 CDs,” says Chorney. 5/23/11 12v-mens052511.indd 2:22 PM 1 5/24/11 2:06 PM “We were like, Let’s do it within the next two weeks, put out the story that we got12v-EssentialPT052511.indd 1 ripped off. Basically be our own insurance company. And it worked.” The band was able to recoup enough money to replace instruments. Chorney recently discovered a small stash of about 20 CDs in a closet; they’ll be available at this week’s show. Eventually, all good things must come to an end. In 2000, Williams, Davidian, Mallach and Boyes left viperHouse to pursue other projects. “These were young people,” says Chorney. “They were at a time of change in their lives.” ViperHouse continued touring as a rem i chA El c hor NEY, configured sextet, but the experiment was bA N Dl EA D Er, V i pErh ou SE short lived. “It sounded good — wonderful, actually,” Chorney says of the band’s second incarnation. “But having a big band was becoming almost impossible to sustain. We had done a pretty good job of it, but it was getting hard. And there is a time to end everything.” And there’s a time to come back. For Thursday’s show, the band returns almost all of its original pieces, though Andrew Moroz and Caleb Elder will fill in for Mallach and Quinn on trombone and violin, respectively. Saxophonist Zach Tonnissen, a 6h-KayakShack060111.indd 1 5/27/11 10:50 AM frequent collaborator with Chorney, will take the stage, as well. Chorney says the band will draw on its entire repertoire for Thursday’s show, though he notes the emphasis will be on later material. “That’s some of our better stuff,” he says. “But we’re even doing stuff from the first record.” Chorney opines that the band’s material has stood the test of time. That Chiropractic care is “It doesn’t sound like it’s from a certain time,” he says. “It doesn’t sound like ’90s beneficial for all ages? music, you know?” Better Movement “It’s classic, timeless dance music,” adds Williams. Morse concurs. “Part of the reason we were unique is that the music felt timeless Better Energy back then. And still feels like it is,” he says. “It wasn’t about the mid-’90s or late Better Self Healing ’90s — although we made some choices musically then that we might not now. It’s a joy to bring it back.” That joy is amplified by the band members’ individual musical growth in the time since. “The 10-years-later experience factor is pretty amazing,” says Chorney of his bandmates. “It’s wild to hear them now.” Your Family Wellness Experts. So, is it possible viperHouse will be even better a decade later? Dr. Angelo Marinakis “‘Better’ is a funny term,” says Chorney. “It will be different, that’s for sure.” m

We Weren’t

“acid jazz” at all. We Were

trying to subvert that.

Did you know...



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ViperHouse perform this Thursday, June 9, at 6 p.m. at the Burlington Waterfront Park Tent as part of the 2011 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival. $18/25. AA. Bonerama and the Joshua Panda Band open. 6h-familychiro122210.indd 1

12/1/10 11:28 AM 06.08.11-06.15.11 SEVEN DAYS 40 FEATURE

Porter drives his red Toyota pickup right through the Breeding Barn’s elegant, semicircular entry arch into the center of its dirt-on-cement floor. William Webb had the New York City architect Robert Henderson Robertson design the vast rectangular space to house a riding ring for showing off what Webb hoped would be a better draft-andshow-horse breed for New England farmers. Interested buyers would have sat opposite the arch in a second-floor grandstand and watched the horses being paraded below. But what’s most striking is the view upward: The long ceiling is so high

minimize the impact on the historic character. D o ug las P o r t e r


Keeping It Real

Shelburne Farms showcases its new-and-improved original barn and gardens B y Am y L i lly

that the sound of cooing doves echoes as if through a cathedral. Light filters through huge, multipaned dormer windows. Porter says Robertson, who would five years later design the tallest building the world had yet seen (the 1899 Park Row Building in Manhattan), based the roof truss on French architect Camille Polonceau’s railway stations. So the oft-repeated assertion that the Breeding Barn was “the largest unsupported interior space in the United States for 40 years after its construction,” as phrased in the National Historic Landmark nomination report, is “a false claim,” says Porter. “There were train sheds from the 1860s more than twice as broad as this,” he points out. It’s not hard to see why the claim

courtesy of shelburne farms

The Breeding Barn

What’s unusual to me is the level of care that’s being taken to

matthew thorsen


n a recent tour of Shelburne Farms, neither the bonechilling weather nor unprecedented flooding could dampen the grandeur of this Gilded Age country estate. The north seawall was fully submerged in Lake Champlain, the brown Swiss cows obscured by fog. But there, around one sweeping curve of the gravel road, was the impossibly grand Farm Barn and, around another, the lakeside Shelburne House, aka the opulently appointed Inn at Shelburne Farms. Extreme personal wealth landed this gem in Vermont. The 1400-acre estate was built in the 1880s as a summer retreat and experimental farm for a single couple, Lila Vanderbilt and William Seward Webb. Arguably, though, it’s the Webbs’ great-grandchildren who deserve Vermonters’ thanks. In the 1970s they turned the place into an educational nonprofit promoting environmental sustainability, land stewardship and conservation. Now everyone in the area thinks of Shelburne Farms as theirs, from its alpacas to its walking trails to its award-winning cheeses. Familiar as the place may be, admirers have a couple of new reasons to revisit this National Historic Landmark District. The past few years have seen significant developments at Webb’s 1891 Breeding Barn, on the less frequently visited Southern Acres portion of the grounds; and in the formal gardens at Shelburne House, once the pet enterprise of Lila, as she’s called around here. Both are ongoing $1 million-plus restoration projects that have reached new stages of completion. That gives Douglas Porter a bit of a breather. The 54-yearold historic preservationist, who is lead project manager on both sites, welcomes a chance to show off the progress on the two massive efforts.

Scaffolding in the barn, 2010

persists, though: The space does inspire superlatives. Porter has a master’s degree in historic preservation from the University of Vermont and teaches in its engineering school. He also leads restoration projects for the National Park Service, including Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico and Tumacácori Mission in Arizona. Those commitments require him to spend two weeks per month out West — which explains Porter’s pointy alligator boots and unseasonal tan. Shelburne Farms engaged Porter after two engineering firms separately determined that the barn’s roof truss was structurally unsound. “It didn’t check out,” he says. “Some pieces were inadequate for snow loads” — yet the roof hadn’t caved in 100 years. “I was hired to figure that out,” Porter explains. Funding came from a 2004 planning grant from the Getty Foundation. After four years of research that included everything from measuring the strain load of the truss by hanging 14,000-pound weights from its purlins to using laser scanning to generate computer models, Porter determined that Robertson’s structure had held up because, midway through the building process, he had added cross-tie braces to the truss’ iron support system. The barn, Porter came to believe, was incredibly well designed. Porter and his crew of six framers and six masons spent a year doing stabilization work on the barn and addressing decay, funded through a second Getty grant. A new copper roof had been installed by Burlington architect Martin Tierney in 1995, but it merely halted deterioration of the woodwork that had progressed over decades of neglect. Through testing, Porter’s team detected water damage in 14 roof beams and several wood columns, some of it hidden in the beams’ cores. Instead of replacing those pieces whole, the team cut out the rot, shaped and fitted replacement sections, and bolted them to the good parts of the wood. It’s remarkable to see Shelburne Farms going to such lengths to preserve the original barn, in Porter’s view. “Not many owners would say, ‘Take four years and figure out what really needs to be done,’” he declares. “What’s unusual to me is the level of care that’s being taken to minimize the impact on the historic character. The same process is going on at the gardens.” Shelburne Farms is often recognized for “its innovative agricultural practices” and for “leading the way on food issues and techniques for small farms,” Porter continues, “but their commitment to

cultural conservation is not as well known.” Visitors can catch a tour of the Breeding Barn each Monday until the end of Shelburne Farms’ 2011 season. They’ll see the scaffold-free interior for the first time since the towering support structure — a work of art in itself, Porter notes — came down. Future rehab plans include restoring doors, windows and siding, and adding bathrooms and accessibility to outfit the barn as an event space.

The Formal Gardens

coURTEsy oF shElbURnE FARms

mATThEw ThoRsEn

Webb’s horse-breeding hobby was short lived. With the emergence of steam power, he began selling off his 200-odd horses a decade after the barn was completed. By contrast, Lila worked on her formal gardens for 40 years.

of her forthcoming booklet, Guide to the Formal Gardens, which is being published by Shelburne Farms. The Vanderbilt heiress, Deeds explains, had a parterre garden until 1910. Then, inspired by a trip through Europe, she redesigned it to combine the structured look of Italianate gardens with the painterly sweeps of color then being popularized by English garden designer Gertrude Jekyll. While other millionaires simply hired Jekyll to do their gardens, says Deeds, Lila “did it herself; she wanted it to be her vision.” As a result, the heiress never engaged a landscape architect, who would have left behind detailed plans, as Robertson did of the barn. Deeds — who has been mining Lila’s letters, diaries and photos of the estate for clues since the mid-1980s — has located only a few rough sketches and some plant lists that were “just sort of cobbled together.” As a Jekyll specialist who studied historicalgarden restoration at Harvard University, Deeds is basing her res-

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“There was some inclination to treat this as a ruin. It was seen as too big a project,” Porter recalls. Fortunately, an anonymous donor stepped up. Since then, Porter and his crew have rebuilt the seawall, an operation that involved trucking boulders across the frozen lake and dumping them into a trench during five hair-raising days. (“They drove off a day before the ice broke,” Porter says.) The team also rebuilt the curved overlook and brick terrace walls, and regraded the multiple levels in between. Conservator Angelyn Bass Rivera — 16t-nido060811.indd 1 6/6/11 3:41 PM Porter’s collaborator in their consulting business Conservation Associates — led the restoration of 600 pieces of cast stone, including hundreds of individual balusters. Now under tarps nearby, these will soon be relining the overlook and lily-pool wall. Future phases of the restoration, which is expected to last through 2013, will return the lily pool and its restored marble, lion-faced fountain to working order; dig up a second, currently buried pool off the north end of the house; and on sale $28.99 rebuild its pergola with wood cut on the property. Visitors to the inn can see panoramic photos of the gardens from the 1920s, $15.96 each or 2 for $22 which hang in the hallway leading to the game room. Vt Grown Grape Plants In them, Greenhouse full of exotic potted Vegetable & Herb plants bay trees line Good Supply of Tomato the overcages in many sizes and look, formcolors for staking your plants ing a stately frame for the Adirondacks beyond. Will Work on the garden wall, 2010 Deeds be restoring those? 36 PARK ST, ESSEX JCT., VT “Oh, no,” 878-8596 • M-F 8-5:30 • SAT 9-5 • SUN 10-4 she declares. “That was when [Lila] had 50 gardeners, and they would roll those pots into the greenhouse every fall. Now there’s just me.” On a historical estate like Shelburne Farms, Deeds continues, there’s enough to do as it is — “you put out one fire after another,” she suggests. “The fires are stacked up all around,” adds Porter with a laugh. “You just have to choose which one to put out next.” m


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we’re still

The shelburne Farms breeding barn tour runs mondays at 1:30 p.m., through october 16. $5 with admission; free for shelburne residents and members. call 985-8442 to register.


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16t-stillfree.indd 1


And that’s just the trouble with “restoring” them, according to master gardener Birgit Deeds. “For me, the difficult thing is that a garden is not like a painting: It’s always evolving,” says the 74-year-old, pushing her white bob behind her ears. “She was always changing it.” During a reporter’s visit, Deeds and Porter sit among several gilt-framed paintings in the inn’s tearoom. Deeds holds a proof

toration on the gardens’ Jekyllinspired period. Outside, Porter helps Deeds jump past a temporary barrier fence to the lower terrace bordering the lake. The formal gardens’ restoration began in 2007; visitors before then may remember seeing a chunk of terrace that had tumbled into the lake, bringing with it a section of curved balustrade. (Some of that damage can be seen in Eva Sollberger’s 2009 “Stuck in Vermont” video on the gardens’ restoration.) The lily-pond wall and nearly all the brick retaining walls forming the upper terraces had been knocked over.

10/1/09 1:32:25 PM


Words to Chew On

Vermont writers meet the summer season with culinary and agricultural books B Y CORI N HI RSCH


ome people want their summer reading like their scrambled eggs: light and fluffy. Others reach for narratives that are dense, chewy and thoughtful. Whatever your warm-weather pleasure, recent books by Vermont food writers offer something for nearly every taste, from a hefty candy cookbook, to a slim brewing classic, to a stunning food-system exposé. Seven Days samples the crop.






In 2009, Barry Estabrook wrote an article for Gourmet magazine titled “The Price of Tomatoes,” which uncovered the murky roots of the almost-red fruit we find on grocery produce shelves during the winter. Some of the migrant workers who harvest tomatoes in hot climates live in sweltering, moldy trailers and virtual slavery, he revealed. Estabrook has expanded the James Beard Awardwinning piece into the dense but engaging Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit, a wholesale indictment of Florida’s billion-dollar tomato industry. After you read it, buying a supermarket tomato may feel like a dirty act. What Estabrook found in the hot and infertile Florida fields, from which 90 percent of our off-season tomatoes grow, was chemical-soaked stretches of human misery. The Vergennes writer says he initially set out to answer a basic question: Why are so many mass-market tomatoes devoid of flavor? While poking



around the muggy climes of the Sunshine State, Estabrook discovered that most tomatoes begin as rock-hard green orbs that are ripened by ethylene gassing — fruits “so plasticine and so identical they could’ve been stamped out by a machine,” he writes. As one grower told Estabrook, “I have not lost one sale due to taste. People just want something red to put in their salad.” But first, Estabrook narrates the humble tomato’s long, unlikely rise to culinary ubiquity, from its South American origins through selective breeding and industrial-scale production. He breaks down its complex flavor profile and untangles the reasons that tomatoes came to be raised in the sands of Florida. (“Florida just happens to be warm enough,” he writes, “for a tomato to survive the months when we continue to eat them.”) Most shocking, however, are that these tomatoes are picked by immigrants who are sometimes held against their will in locked quarters and overcharged for rent, food and other services, and who sometimes work under threats and intimidation. Estabrook met a few who escaped, and in his book introduces us to a farmworkers’ union that seems to be

the only such organization looking after pickers’ well-being. The author clearly holds the growers he meets (with one exception) in low esteem. Estabrook’s spare language is never preachy, and he serves a tale with as much flavor as the modern industrial tomato lacks. While Estabrook employs words carefully, Ben Hewitt throws them around like loose change; phrases like “by gum” and “I don’t know about you…” pepper his narrative. Perhaps he adopted his everyman, first-person voice as a counterpoint to the density of his subject matter. Making Supper Safe: One Man’s Quest to Learn the Truth about Food Safety is sometimes bleak and saturated with statistics, but Hewitt deftly uses a colorful Dumpsterdiving adventure as a springboard into his exploration of the deadly pathogens and virulent bacteria that lurk in our industrial-scale food system.





He points out that food-poisoning cases have skyrocketed in the last three decades, and that federal agencies forbid us from consuming certain foods — such as raw milk — while simultaneously allowing agribusiness behemoths to essentially police themselves. Hewitt chronicled Hardwick, Vt.’s agripreneurial rise in his 2010 book The Town That Food Saved. In Making Supper Safe, he interviews individuals such as a raw-milk proponent and an epidemiologist who blames the antibiotic-soaked livestock industry for the increase in food-borne bacteria. Pathogen outbreaks, Hewitt suggests, are a “symptom of the tremendous distance that has come between our food and us.” He may be preaching to the choir in Vermont, but Hewitt’s assertions are likely to turn heads elsewhere, if his book can find an audience. John E. Carroll isn’t a Vermonter — he’s a professor of natural resources at the University of New Hampshire — but the state is featured in his new book in a chapter called “Burlington, Vermont: Capital of the Localvores.” That book, The Real Dirt: Toward Food Sufficiency and Farm Sustainability in New England, could also be called The Locavore Emperor Has No Clothes. Despite its self-published look (it was actually published by UNH), Carroll’s claims are jarring and important: New England is metaphorical miles from food self-sufficiency, he says, and it’s time to kick into high gear to change that. New England is “the least food secure area in the country, and thus the most vulnerable,” writes Carroll. Ninety percent of our food arrives by truck, he points out, which renders the region highly dependent on fossil fuel and subject to its rising costs. The era of cheap oil is over, and, accordingly, access to relatively inexpensive food will suffer, he adds. But all is not lost if we keep our locavore ball rolling. Carroll cites the Victory Gardens of World War II as a model for 21st-century home gardens. WORDS TO CHEW ON

» P.44

More food after the classified section. PAGE 43



Pick Your Daysies! See page 27.


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FOR RENT AFFORDABLE APTS.! 2-BR, $966/mo., 3-BR, $1179/mo. Incl. heat & HW! Fitness center, media room & covered parking! Pets allowed! Income requirements: 1 person less than $31,740/yr.; 2 people combined less than $36,300; 3 people combined less than $40,800. EHO ADA. Info: 802-655-1810. BURLINGTON Avail. June 1. Upper Maple St. Lg. 1-BR apts. Clean, lots of windows, private porch, eat-in kitchen, shaded treed lot, parking, coin-op, heat/HW. NS/pets. Refs. 2nd floor, $1225/ mo. 3rd floor, $1125/mo. Studio404@comcast. net, 658-8056. BURLINGTON 3-BR 1-BA $1400 + utils. Beautiful townhouse. Lg. yard. Family neighborhood. Lease, 1st, sec. dep. Refs. & credit check. Avail. 7/15. For appt.:, 288-9702. BURLINGTON DOWNTOWN On park, unique, sunny 1- & 2-BR apts. Some w/ magnificent lake view. Mostly HDWD. Some w/ DR. Storage. Off-street parking or garages. Furnishings avail. NS/ pets. Lease req. $10501295/mo. Call 9 a.m -8 p.m. 476-4071. BURLINGTON EFFICIENCY APT Avail. June 2011. Close to colleges, fully furnished efficiency, neighborhood near bike path & lake, New North End, 3 mi. from




sm-allmetals060811.indd 16/1/11 1:56 PM

All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the

housing ads: $20 (25 words) legals: 42¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words) downtown Burlington. $600/mo. incl. electric, heat, cable TV, high-speed internet. There is refrigerator & microwave, no stove. Thomasbusiness for online application or call 802-864-0838. COLCHESTER FT. ETHAN ALLEN 1-BR on bus line, parking, W/D, clean & quiet. NS/pets. Avail. now. 802-655-4574 or 802-655-3090. CUTE 2-BR DUPLEX MAPLE ST. Jul. 1, $1250/mo., near lake, share duplex w/ owner: backyard, W/D, parking, compost, internet, security, environmentally friendly apt. 1 lg. & 1 sm. BR. 363-4604. LUXURY 1- & 2-BR IN WINOOSKI! Seconds to Burlington! Now avail.! Heat, HW, snow removal incl. Enjoy central A/C, fullyapplianced kitchens, key-card entry, W/D facilities, garage parking, fi tness center, pet friendly, on-site management & 24-hr. emergency maintenance. Steps to Fletcher Allen, restaurants, shops, UVM, Champlain College & more. Prices starting at $1250/ mo. & only a $500 sec. dep. Call or email today for a personal tour: 655-1810, info@ Or visit keenscrossing. com! 65 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski. MILTON: NEW MODEL HOME Sidesaddle Dr.: Gorgeous 3-BR, 2.5-BA, 2300 sq.ft. Colonial vaulted ceilings, gas fireplace, master suite w/ Jacuzzi. .7 acres. NS/ pets. $2500/mo. Avail. now; 1 yr.+. 846-9568, hickokandboardman. com. MILTON: RESTORED COLONIAL Main St.: Beautifully restored 4-BR, 2-BA w/ 1700 sq.ft., amazing

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custom kitchen, cherry floors. Covered porch. 8/1; 1 yr.+. $1600/mo. 846-9568; HickokandBoardman. com. NICE 4-BR AVAIL. JUN. 1 Close to downtown, $2200/mo. incl. heat/ HW, trash/snow removal. Avail. for June or July move in. Off-street parking. 2-BA, 1 normal size, 1 huge w/ W/D. Dan, northchamplain@gmail. com, 379-9860. RICHMOND Rural setting, lg. studio, 10 mi. to Burlington, close to I-89. Fully furnished. All utils. incl. $875/mo. 760-9126. S. BURLINGTON 2-BR Ranch-style duplex attached by 1-car garage. Nice neighborhood, W/D, fenced-in yard, close to bus stop. Avail. 7/1. $1175/mo. 343-0671. S. BURLINGTON CONDO Eastwood Commons 1-BR 1-BA unit, underground parking, on-site storage & fi tness center. Close to bike path, shopping, bus route. W/D in unit. 1-yr. lease required. $1200/ mo. + sec. dep. Avail. 7/1. 233-5493. UNDERHILL APT. FOR RENT $1000/mo. incl. utils. Spacious 1-BR avail. now. 1/2 hour from Burlington, near Mt. Mansfield. Newly renovated, incl. custom cabinets & tiled bathroom. 862-3591. VERMONT HOUSE CONDOS 7/1 2 avail. Great downtown Burlington location. 2-BR. $1650/mo. & $1700/mo. On-site W/D. handymandanvt@ WINOOSKI Unfurnished 2-BR second floor apt. Full BA, LR, kitchen, storage, natural gas, parking. No pets. $1000/mo. + utils. Avail. now. 864-0341. WINOOSKI 1-BR, $775 Lg., 1st floor, porch, avail. now. Gas heat & HW. 1-yr lease. $775/ mo. + utils. 655-2331. WINOOSKI: IMMACULATE! E. Spring St.: Wellmaintained 3-BR, 1.5-BA single-level home. HDWD, formal dining, 2 decks, open kitchen, parking for 2. $1500/mo. 8/1; 1 yr.+. 846-9568,

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Thu-Mon 12-5pm

Sunday 12-4pm

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6/6/11 Dousevicz 1:18 PM Real Estate092210.indd 1

4,000 +/- sq.ft. 3-BR, 1.5-BA colonial. Lake views, new kitchen, new efficient heating and hot water, maple flooring. Finished 3rd floor, perfect for office, studio, playroom, etc. Walking distance to public boat launch and beach. $184,900.

6/6/11 4:07 PM


5/16/11 12:49 PM

ANTIQUE TEA TABLE Round, w/ 2 needlepoint seat chairs. $350.

buy this stuff

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value $2595. Sell for $1650. kimadowning@

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ENTERTAINMENT/ TICKETS SOLID GOLD, DANCERS Exotic dancers. Adult entertainment for birthday, bachelor, bachelorette, Mardi Gras parties or any time good friends get together. #1 for fun. New talent welcome.

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12/13/10 snyder-jerico051811.indd 4:10 PM 1



List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Ashley, 864-5684,

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Burlington townhouse 2-BR, 1-BA, 2-level end unit at River Watch. $25K worth of high-end, modern upgrades. $307/mo. condo fees include heat, hot water, trash and recycling. Laundry in unit. Garage, elevator and pool. $185,000. More info and photos online at: Contact 263hildreddrive@ or 802-316-6261.

Private second-story two bedroom condo. Just minutes from shopping, downtown Burlington, the University of Vermont, Fletcher Allen Hospital, and the interstate. Relax in the large living room or out on the deck. Open floor plan makes for a very flexible space. Nature trails run behind the complex. $151,900. 802-324-2694. http://78bayberrylane.

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Historic condo

Comfortable older 6/6/11 FSBO-CathyJanvier060811.indd 1:30 PM 1 2-3 bedroom home, all wood floors, deep lot, above ground pool, fenced yard, location near schools, churches & stores. 2 miles from Lake Champlain, beautiful inside and out! $159,900. 802-524-4164.

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SEVENDAYSVT.COM 06.08.11-06.15.11

OPEN HOUSE 6/11-6/12, 1-5 p.m.


oPEn houSE


6/11, Sat. 1-3 p.m.

FSBO-Rebecca060811.indd 1

3-BR, 2.5-BA Waterbury farmhouse 6/6/11 1:37 PM w/ updated kitchen, cathedral ceiling + wood stove in LR, new tile, new hardwood floors and huge windows. Detached 2-car garage, big porches, pond, mature perennial beds. $419,000. 802-734-1786.

ColChester townhouse end unit

Totally renovated 5/30/11 FSBO-Kristen060811.indd 3:28 PM 1 2000+ sq.ft. home on 20 private acres, seasonal views of Camel’s Hump, six minutes to interstate. Two BR, office/possible 3rd BR, two bath. $415,000. Info: 802-279-5898, larrydevlin@yahoo. com.

Beautiful ColChester ranCh

Sunny Colchester 6/6/11 1:40 PM townhouse on 1/4 acre yard just 3 minutes to I-89, Burlington and lake. 1020 sq.ft. w/ 2-BR, 1.5-BA, unfinished basement. Attached garage, deck. Many updates planned. Only $168,900. Call 802-233-4636.

EssEx - UpdatEd CapE!

3 bedroom, 2 bath 6/6/11 FSBO-LisaSouza060811.indd 4:06 PM 1 Colchester ranch on quiet cul-desac. 2100 sq.ft., screened-in porch, 1 car garage, Newly remodeled kitchen/ bathroom. $269,000. 864-7606.

Charming 3 story, 3-BR, 6/6/11 FSBO-LarryDevlin060811.indd 4:32 PM 1 3-BA, 2800 sq. ft. lakefront cape. Windows galore on all levels with fantastic lakeviews. Large Master suite with wall to wall windows, built in bookshelves, skylight in bath and walk in closet. All new kitchen. Share 100 ft of lakeshore and dock. 22 ft Larson Cabin Cruiser incl. $620,000. 802-999-8005,

South Burlington Condo

FSBOMarleneWilliamson060811.indd 1

Updated BlUsh hIll FarmhoUse

Charming middlesex home

6/18 & 6/19 1-3 p.m.

FSBO-Lance060811.indd 1

Thoughtfully renovated 3-br home in the ONE. Five minute walk to Church St. On quiet street close to schools, parks, bike path, and bus line. Move-in ready. Fenced-in back yard. $230,000. 231-313-8599.

Give yourself a promotion - 3:14 PM 6/6/11 FSBO-David060811.indd 1 live in the Colonel’s house! Historic Fort Ethan Allen. Condo convenience in a real old fashioned neighborhood. Grand architecture, new utilities. Plenty storage, parking, garden, busline. $155,000. 802-655-6051.

South Burlington, 6/6/11 FSBO-GregWestern060111.indd 1:47 PM 1 2 bedroom, 1-1/2 bath townhouse on Hayes Avenue. Attached garage, sunken living room, appliances, gas heat and hot water, 1300 sq.ft. Convenient location. Motivated seller. $209,900. oPen 863-4544. hoUse


Great BurlinGton Home

2-BR Condo

Newly sided 2 6/6/11 FSBO-MattParadee060811.indd 1:32 PM 1 bedroom condo. Minutes to Downtown Burlington, shopping, and schools. Second floor unit with spacious open floor plan. Master bedroom with attached alcove. Tennis courts and swimming pool! $159,000. Please call for a showing 802-238-7442.

6/6/11 FSBO-SaraPalmisano060811.indd 3:10 PM 1

Charming 3-BR, 1-BA, 6/6/11 1:13 PM centrally located. 1152 sq.ft. Recent upgrades include: refinished hardwood floors, new ceramic tile, updated bathroom, refinished kitchen, newer furnace, fresh paint and newer windows. Beautiful front porch. Appliances incl. Move-in ready! $237,900. pk.murdo@, 878-5088, 238-2150.

TWIN OAKS CONDO Well-cared for6/6/11 Barre FSBO-Polly060811.indd 11:34 AM 1 City condo. Walking distance to downtown, easy access to I-89. Reasonable dues offer care-free living. Two large bedrooms, 1.5 baths with oversized one car garage. Energyefficient heat. $115,000. 802-522-6734.

6/6/11 FSBO-RoyFlournoy060811.indd 3:28 PM 1

6/6/11 12:53 PM Convenient to schools, shopping, public transportation, the interstate and airport. Second floor, 2 bedroom, 1 bath. New windows. Carport plus 1 space. Community pool. Garden plots avail.. All appliances stay; dishwasher, stove, microwave/hood, refrigerator, stackable washer/dryer. $145,000. 802-598-0114.

6/6/11 1:44 PM


FURNITURE AK ROCKER VIDEO GAME CHAIR Great shape. Perfect for gaming or lounging. Black. In S. Burlington. $50. Cash only. MOVING SALE Items for sale, call 324-7494 to set time to purchase. Will email photos of what I have. Antique radio, hutch Kenwood speakers w/ subwoofers. LOVELY CHERRY DINING SET Beautiful, table w/ 2 leaves sits 6-8 or 12 people. 2 captain’s, 4 side chairs. $1200. aaronfay911@yahoo. com.

GARAGE/ESTATE SALES HUGE ACS YARD/BAKE SALE Sat., June 11, 8 a.m.-all day. All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society. 1906 Old Creamery Rd., Williston.

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Bettie Bargains

THE SEVEN DAYS COUPON DIVA Scan this with your phone’s QR reader app for instant access!

PETS PARROTS, 2 MALES Both come w/ cages. 4-yr.-old, $50. 1-yr.-old, $150. 655-1636. SHIH TZU PUPPIES FOR SALE 3 females & 2 males ready to go. 1st shots, deworming, vet checked. 933-6588, please lv. msg. Asking $400.


LAKESIDE NEIGHBORHOOD SALE Sat. & Sun., Jun. 11 & 12, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Huge, multi-family yard sale: furniture, art, clothes, toys, odd notions, more. Off Pine St./bike path. WATERBURY FLEA MARKET VT’s largest flea market! Open every Sat. & Sun., May-Oct. $20/day for vendors. Brien Erwin, 882-1919, vberg33@

MOTORCYCLE RIDING GEAR River Road leather jackets, stressed look w/ liner. Harley rain jacket & pants, men’s XL. Chaps. Helmets, like new, well taken care of. $700. 879-0091. RECUMBENT EXERCISE BIKE Vision Fitness R1500. Purchased from Earl’s Cyclery, barely used. Excellent condition. $200. Free rowing machine, too. Essex Jct. 878-3721.


Show and tell.


View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.

STUFF FOR SALE Baja Motorsports Mini Bike. 5.5 hp, off-road use. Model MB165. $425. kimadowning@

WANT TO BUY ANTIQUES Furniture, postcards, pottery, cameras, toys, medical tools, lab glass, photographs, slide rules, license plates, silver. Anything unusual or unique. Cash paid. Info: 802-859-8966.


BANDS/ MUSICIANS MALE VOCALIST NEEDED New a capella quartet forming. Need bass singer. Our background is barbershop 4-part harmony, but we’re

open to singing other stuff too. schellduet@

FOR SALE GRACE POTTER TICKET 1 2-day ticket to GP Aug. 13 & 14, Burlington. Selling for $50.

INSTRUCTION ANDY’S MOUNTAIN MUSIC Affordable, accessible instruction in guitar, mandolin, banjo, more. All ages/skill levels/ interests welcome! Supportive, professional teacher offering references, results, convenience. Andy Greene, 658-2462, guitboy75@hotmail. com, BASS LESSONS For all levels/styles, beginners welcome! Learn technique, theory, songs & more in fun, professional setting. Years of teaching/ playing experience. Convenient Pine St. location w/ parking. Aram Bedrosian, 598-8861.

Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience. CLASSICAL GUITAR LESSONS Patient, supportive, experienced, highly qualified instructor. Step-by-step method. Learn to play beautiful music. All levels/ages. Master’s degree, 20+ years exp. 318-0889, DRUM INSTRUCTION & MORE! Experienced, professional instructor/ musician. Essex, Stowe, Montpelier, Hardwick & most of central VT. Guitar & bass programs also offered. Musicspeak Education Program, musicspeak. net. Gary Williams, 793-8387. GUITAR INSTRUCTION Berklee grad. w/ 30 yrs. teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory & ear training. Individualized, step-by-step approach. All ages/styles/levels., 802-864-7195. GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues

Band, Kilimanjaro, UVM & Middlebury College faculty). Info: 802-862-7696, www. MUSIC LESSONS Piano, guitar, bass, voice, theory, composition, songwriting. All ages, levels, styles. 28 yrs. exp. Friendly, individualized lessons in S. Burlington. 864-7740. PIANO-TUNING SERVICE & repair., 652-0730.



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photography project. 802-999-6219.

STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Chittenden Unit CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. S1366-09 Cnc Nationstar Mortgage LLC, f/k/a Centex Home Equity Company, LLC, Plaintiff v. Michael J. Barrett, Holly Barrett and Occupants residing at 26 Cortland Avenue, South Burlington, Vermont, Defendants

MALE MODELS WANTED You, 18-28, nice look, very fi t, willing to be photographed for art/



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NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Nationstar Mortgage LLC, f/k/a Centex Home Equity Company, LLC to Michael J. Barrett dated January 19, 2006 and recorded in Volume 761, Page 187 of the Land Records of the Town of South Burlington, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the

same will be sold at Public Auction at 8:00 A.M. on June 21, 2011, at 26 Cortland Avenue, South Burlington, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: A certain piece of land in South Burlington in the County of Chittenden and State of Vermont, described as follows; viz: Being a lot of land with all buildings thereon located on the northerly side of Cortland Avenue and being all of Lot No. 502 as laid out on a plan of Twin Orchards Park, Richard F. Hayden, Owner, 2nd Revision, dated November 1954 of record in Volume 11, Page 270 of said land records. Said lot has frontage and uniform width of 70 feet and a uniform depth of 108 feet.

Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or cashier’s check by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. . The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of South Burlington. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, 802 660-9000. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 19th day of May, 2011. Nationstar Mortgage LLC,

12/10/10 3:51 PM

By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Chittenden Unit

CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. S1345-08 Cnc GMAC Mortgage, LLC, Plaintiff v. Earl M. Albright, Jr., Jennifer Lea Albright and Occupants residing at 36 Conger Avenue, Burlington, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Earl M. Albright, Jr. to Mortgage Electronic

Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for HomeComings Financial, LLC f/k/a HomeComings Financial Network, Inc. dated February 2, 2007 and recorded in Volume 988, Page 236, and assigned from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for HomeComings Financial, LLC f/k/a HomeComings Financial Network, Inc. to GMAC Mortgage, LLC by an instrument dated October 8, 2008 and recorded on October 14, 2008 in Volume 1047, Page 383 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 8:00 A.M. on July 5, 2011, at 36 Conger Avenue, Burlington, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the same land and premises conveyed to Earl M. Albright, Jr. and Jennifer Lea Albright by Quitclaim Deed of Earl M. Albright, Jr. dated August 20, 2004 and recorded in Volume 914 at Pages 667-668 of the City of Burlington Land Records. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or cashier’s check by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale . The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the City of Burlington. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale.

Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, (802) 660-9000. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 2nd day of June, 2011. GMAC Mortgage, LLC By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Chittenden Unit CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. S344-10 Cnc Wells Fargo Bank, NA, Plaintiff v. Lynne S. Berry, David T. Berry, Countrywide Home Loans, Inc. and Occupants residing at 8 Abare Avenue, Essex, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Lynne S. Berry to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Webster Bank, National Association dated February 28, 2005 and recorded in Volume 641, Page 427, and assigned from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Webster Bank, National Association to Wells Fargo Bank, NA by an instrument dated March 11, 2010 and recorded on March 25, 2010 in Volume 809, Page 106 of the Land Records of the Town of Essex, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 9:00 A.M. on June 28, 2011,

at 8 Abare Avenue, Essex, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to David J. Berry and Lynne S. Berry by Warranty Deed of Vermont Residential Services, LLC dated February 15, 2005 and recorded March 7, 2005 in Volume 641, Page 424 of the Town of Essex Land Records. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or cashier’s check by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. . The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Essex. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, (802) 660-9000. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 27th day of May, 2011. Wells Fargo Bank, NA By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Chittenden Unit CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. S0055-09 Cnc RBS Citizens, N.A. f/k/a Citizens Bank, N.A. s/b/m to Charter One Bank, N.A., Plaintiff v. Carol G. Swearingen, Charter One Bank, N.A., Navy

Federal Credit Union, Northeast Construction and Occupants residing at 169 Mount Philo, Charlotte, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Carol G. Swearingen to Charter One Bank, N.A. dated June 30, 2004 and recorded in Volume 150, Page 459, of the Land Records of the Town of Charlotte, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 A.M. on June 28, 2011, at 169 Mount Philo, Charlotte, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises as conveyed to Robert G. Swearingen in and Carol C. Swearingen by Warranty Deed of Jonna Robinson dated September 18, 1998 of record in Volume 101, Page 17 of the Town of Charlotte Land Records. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or cashier’s check by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. Proof of financing for the balance of the purchase to be provided at the time of sale . The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Charlotte. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe & Fortin, 30 Kimball

SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS Ave., Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, (802) 660-9000. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 26 day of May, 2011. RBS Citizens, N.A. By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe & Fortin, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs Applications are now being accepted for appointments to the Vermont Commission on Native American Affairs for the following: one (1) position to fill a vacancy for a term that expires August 31, 2012; and four (4) positions each serving two (2) year terms. Applications for this gubernatorial appointment are available at http:// governor.vermont.

gov/boards-andcommissions. Complete descriptions of statutory roles and responsibilities of the Commission are located at https://secure. boards/description. php?board=106 and at the Commission’s website at http:// Minimum qualifications: Must be a resident of Vermont for a minimum of three years; ability to attend at least 12 meetings annually throughout Vermont with small travel stipend; and excellent communications and writing skills. All applications must be submitted by June 27, 2011 to Diane McInerney at the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation by email to diane. mcinerney@state. or by US Mail at Diane McInerney, Division for Historic Preservation, One

National Life Drive, Floor 6 Montpelier, VT 05620-1501. Notice of Public Hearing The City of South Burlington received $600,000 from the State of Vermont for an Implementation Grant under the Vermont Community Development Program. A public hearing will be held at the City of South Burlington city offices at 575 Dorset Street on June 23rd at 11:00 a.m. to obtain the views of citizens on community development, to furnish information concerning the range of community development activities that have been undertaken under this program, and to give affected citizens the opportunity to examine a statement of the use of these funds. The VCDP Funds received have been used to accomplish the following activities: Construc-

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Open 24/7/365.

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tion by Cathedral Square Corporation of 28 units of affordable senior rental housing at 412 Farrell Street. Information on this project can be obtained from Cathedral Square Corporation at 412 Farrell Street in South Burlington and may be viewed during the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday – Friday, through June 23, 2011. The location of the meeting is ADA accessible, as is the location where project information can be found. Anyone needing ADA accommodation is encouraged to contact Tim Ashe of Cathedral Square at 802-318-0903. Legislative Body for the City of South Burlington

moreCalcoku puzzles

support groups DON’T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? Call Vermont 2-1-1, a program of United Way of Vermont. Within Vermont, dial 2-1-1 or 866-652-4636 (toll free) or from outside of Vermont, 802-6524636, 24/7. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS 12-step. Women only. Are you addicted to your relationship and/or yearn for a healthy one? Sunday, 5:30-6:45 p.m. Call for location. 802-825-5481.


Post & browse ads at your convenience. MAN TO MAN PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Tuesday, June 14, 6-8 p.m. Hope Lodge, Lois McClure-Bee Tabakin Building, 237 East Ave. Burlington. Guest speaker Amy Littlefield, ND, LAc will present “Evidence Basis for Lifestyle Intervension.” Learn what really counts when we consider nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management. Info: Mary Guyette RN, MS, 802-274-4990, or Jennifer Blacklock, 802-872-6308, jennifer.blacklock@


Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill ANSWERS Complete ON P.C-9 the following puzzle by using the the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box. row and column.






5 8

3÷ 30x




4 9 6 8 2

5 4 7


1 9 5


Difficulty - Medium


No. 171


Difficulty: Hard



Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A one-box cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row acrosss, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.

2 4 9 8 6 1 5 3 7 7 8 5 3 4 2 1 6 9 3 1 6 9 5 7 8 4 2 FIND ANSWERS & CROSSWORD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS SECTION 1 2 8 4 9 6 3 7 5 6 3 7 1 8 5 2 9 4




★ = MODERATE ★ ★ = CHALLENGING ★ ★ ★ = HOO, BOY! —


6 3 4 7 4 1

NAMI CONNECTION (National Alliance on Mental Illness) NAMI Connection Recovery Support Group for individuals living with mental illnesses. BENNINGTON: Every Tuesday, 1-2:30 p.m., United Counseling Service, 316 Dewey St., CTR Center (Community Rehabilitation and Treatment). BURLINGTON: Every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m., St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, 2 Cherry Street (enter from parking lot). Every Sunday, 4:45-6:15 p.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, 152 Pearl St. (basement classroom). HARTFORD: 2nd and 4th Friday 4-5:30 p.m., Hartford Library. Call Barbara Austin, 802-457-1512. MONTPELIER: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m., KelloggHubbard Library, East Montpelier Room (basement). NEWPORT: Call Phil if interested, 802-7542649. RUTLAND: Every Monday, 7-8:30 p.m., Wellness Center, Rutland Mental Health, 78 South Main St. SPRINGFIELD: 2nd & 4th Mondays, 12:30-2 p.m., Health Care and Rehabilitation Servies, 390 River St. ST. JOHNSBURY: Every Thrusday, 6:308 p.m., Universalist Unitarian Church, 47 Cherry St. If you would like a group in your area, would like to be trained as a facilitator, be a Champion for a group in your area or have questions about our groups please contact Tammy at 1-800-639-6480 or email us at connectionvt@myfairpoint. net



9 2 8

16x 12x


LOOK GOOD... FEEL BETTER WITH YOUR AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY Thursday, June 23, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. American Cancer Society Hope Lodge, Lois McClure — Bee Tabakin Building, 237 East Ave., Burlington. To Register, call the Hope Lodge, 802-658-0649.

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MAN TO MAN PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Wednesday, June 15, 6-7:45 p.m. Central Vermont Medical Center, Conference Room #2. Open Discussion, may include subjects of concern, updating personal prostate cancer histories and sharing experiences. Info: Fred Cook, MTM Coordinator, 802-223-2933 or Jennifer Blacklock, 1-866-466-0626 (press 3 at greeting, ext. 6308).

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7:07 PM

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Educate your inbox with links to the top 7 stories of the day across all Vermont media.

QUIT SMOKING GROUPS Are you ready to live a smokefree lifestyle? Free 4-week Quit Smoking Groups are being offered through the VT Quit Network Fletcher Allen Quit in Person program. Currently, there is a group on Wednesdays from 3:30-4:30 p.m. in Burlington and Thursdays from 4-5 p.m. in South Burlington. Free Nicotine Replacement products are available for program participants. Info: 847-6541, wellness@ For ongoing statewide class schedules visit www.vtquitnetwork. org.

IS THIS GRIEF OR DEPRESSION? Wednesday, June 15, 9:30-11 a.m. 687 Harbor Rd., Shelburne, VT. How can you tell when the feelings of sadness are a normal reaction to loss, or when they are the signs of depression? Whether facing the passing of a loved one or a loved one’s journey through dementia, loss, grief, and depression can be difficult to distinguish. Join us to learn about the difference between grief and loss.

06.08.11-06.15.11 SEVEN DAYS C-8 classifieds

LIVE WITH CHRONIC PAIN? Want more support? Join us to focus on the tools necessary for day to day living through open dialogue, knowledge, and personal experience. Lets find a healthy balance along with an improved quality of life. Mondays, 1-2:15 p.m., Burlington Community Health Center. Martha, 415250-5181 or Esther, 802-399-0075.

oday: t e b i r c s b ily7 u a S d / m o c . t v sevendays

BRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP STARTING IN ST. JOHNSBURY Monthly meetings will be held on the second Wednesday of every month, 1-2:30 p.m. at the Vermont Department of Health, 107 Eastern Ave., Suite 9. The support group will offer valuable resources and information about brain injury. It will be a place to share experiences in a safe, secure and confidential environment. Info: Tom Younkman,, 1-800-639-1522. ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS with debt? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Annonymous. Saturdays 10-11:30 a.m. & Wednesdays 5:30-6:30, 45 Clark St., Burlington. Contact Brenda at 338-1170. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT Montpelier daytime support group meets first and third Thursday of the month at the Unitarian Church “ramp entrance” from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Montpelier evening support group meets the first Monday of each month at Vermont Protection and Advocacy, 141 Main St. Suite 7, in conference room #2 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm. Colchester evening support group meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the Board Room Conference Room from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Middlebury support group on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Patricia Hannaford Career Center. Call our helpline at 1-877-856-1772.

OUTRIGHT VERMONT FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP For family members of youth who are navigating the process of coming out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer, or questioning are invited to attend. Group meets twice a month with one Wednesday morning meeting and one Sunday evening meeting. Info:, 802-865-9677 ext. 3, AL-ANON For families and friends of alcoholics. For meeting information: www. or call 1-866-97-Al-Anon (1-866-972-5266) FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Outright Vermont now offers support group meetings to family members of youth navigating the process of coming out as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning. Meetings are open to parents, guardians and other close caregivers and are held one Sunday evening and one Wednesday morning each month at Outright Vermont. For more information, email Hillary@ or call 865-9677 ext. 3#.

DIVORCE CARE ‘CLASSES Divorce is a tough road. Feelings of separation, betrayal, confusion, anger and self-doubt are common. But there is life after divorce. Led by people who have already walked down that road, we’d like to share with you a safe place and a process that can help make the journey easier. The 13-week Divorce Care Class (for men and women) will be offered on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30 pm, March 9 - June 1, 2011, at the Essex Alliance Community Center 37 Old Stage Road, Essex Jct., VT. For more information and to register call Sandy 802-425-7053. SEX AND LOVE ADDICTS ANONYMOUS 12-step recovery group. Do you have a problem with sex or relationships? We can help. Ralph, 802-881-8400. Visit or www.saa-recovery. org for meetings near you. INFERTILITY PEER GROUP Feeling lonely & isolated as you confront infertility? Share feelings, stories & coping strategies at informal, peerled meetings w/ people facing similar challenges. $5. First Monday of the month, 7-9 PM, Christ Church Presbyterian, Burlington. Presented by RESOLVE of New England. Info: THE COMPASSIONATE FRIENDS Burlington Chapter TCF which meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at 277 Blair Park Road, Williston - for more information call Dee Ressler, 802 660-8797. Rutland Chapter TCF which meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at Grace Congregational Church, West St., Rutland, VT - for more information call Susan Mackey, 802 446-2278. Hospice Volunteer Services (HVS) also serves bereaved parents with monthly peer support groups, with short-term educational consultations and referrals to local grief and loss counselors. HVS is located in the Marble Works district in Middlebury. Please call 802-388-4111 for more information about how to connect with appropriate support services. TRANS GUY’S GROUP Every fourth Monday, RU12? Community Center, 20 Winooski Falls Way, Champlain Mill, 1st Floor, Winooski, 6-7:30pm. This peer-led, informal group is open to trans men at any state of transition and to any discussion topics raised. It is a respectful and confidential space for socializing, support, and discussion. Contact thecenter@ for more information.

QUIT SMOKING GROUPS Are you ready to live a smoke-free lifestyle? Free 4-week Quit Smoking Groups are being offered through the VT Quit Network Fletcher Allen Quit in Person program in your community. Free Nicotine Replacement products are available for program participants. For more information or to register, call 8476541 or wellness@ For ongoing statewide class schedules, contact the VT Quit Network at www. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Learn how to cope with grief, with the

AL-ALNON IN ST. JOHNSBURY Tues. & Thurs., 7 p.m., Kingdom Recovery Center (Dr. Bob’s birthplace), 297 Summer St., St. Johnsbury. Sat., 10 a.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, Cherry St., St. Johnsbury. SEEKING ACTIVE RETIREES/50+ To form a social group. Snowshoeing, theater, biking, hiking, kayaking, etc. Please call 802-8640604. Lv. msg. if no answer. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA) Drug Problem? We Can Help. If you think you have a problem with drugs, including alcohol, give yourself a break. Narcotics

Anonymous is a fellowship for individuals who have a desire to recover from the disease of addiction. NA offers a practical and proven way to live and enjoy life without the use of drugs. To find an NA Meeting near you in Vermont or Northern New York, please go to Meetinglist.pdf or call our 24-hour, toll free, confidential number, (866) 580-8718 or (802) 862-4516. For more information about NA, please go to http://www. and click on “>Is NA for Me? CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP AND FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP 1-3 p.m., every third Thursday at The Bagel Cafe, Ethan Allen Shopping Center, N. Ave., Burlington. Please call or visit website for location information, www.vtcfids. org or call 1-800-2961445 or 802-660-4817 (Helaine “Lainey” Rappaport). ALS (LOU GEHRIG’S DISEASE) This support group functions as a community and educational group. We provide coffee,


Extra! Extra!

Post & browse ads at your convenience. soda and snacks and are open to PALS, caregivers, family members and those who are interested in learning more about ALS. Our group meets the second Thursday of each month from 1-3 p.m. at “Jim’s House”, 1266 Old Creamery Rd., Williston, VT. Hosted by Pete and Alphonsine Crevier, facilitated by Liza Martel, LICSW, Patient Care Coordinator for the ALS Association here in Vermont. 223-7638 for more information.

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BURDENS WEIGHTING YOU DOWN? Unemployed, homeless, in need of direction? We are people just like you and have found the answer to all of the above problems. We meet every Wednesday evening from 7-9 p.m. at the Imani Center 293 N Winooski Ave. Please call 802-343-2027.

SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE (SOS) Hospice Volunteer Services (HVS) of Addison County and the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will collaborate to sponsor a monthly ongoing support group for people who have lost someone by suicide. The group will meet the 1st Wed. of each month from 6-7:30 OVEREATERS p.m. These free peer ANONYMOUS support groups will (OA) Meetings in be held at Hospice Barre occur every Volunteer Services Sunday, Tuesday at the Marbleworks and Thursday 6-7 in Middlebury, p.m. at the Episcopal and co-facilitated Church of the SURVIVORS OF by professional Good Shepherd, 39 SUICIDE SUPPORT representatives from Washington St. Info: GROUP Meets the 1st HVS and AFSP, both 863-2655. Meetings Wednesday of each suicide survivors. For in Johnson occur evmonth from 6-7:30 Calcoku more information and ery Sunday 5:30-6:30 Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill p.m. at the Comfort to 1register callin HVS the grid using the numbers - 6 only once each at p.m. at the Johnson Inn, 5 Dorset St., S. row and column. 388-4111. Municipal Building, Burlington, VT. There 15x 2216 Route 15 (just west is no fee. This is open of the bridge). to anyone who has 43÷ Info: Debbie Y., lost someone to 888-5958. Meeting suicide. For more info, 14x in Montpelier occur30x 2call 802-479-9450, every Friday 12-1 or ljlivendale@yahoo. p.m. at Bethany 516x com. Church, 115 Main St. Info: Carol, 12x 14+ 15+ 223-5793. Meetings in Morrisville occur every Friday 12-1Sudoku Complete following puzzle by using the p.m. at thethe First Medium numbers 1-9 only once in each Difficulty row, -column Congregational and 3 x 3 box. Church, 85 Upper Main St. Contacts: Anne, 888-2356 or Debbie Y., 888-5958.




3 from p.C-5

No. 171

support4groups »

9 2 8

9 6 from p.C-7 8 2 5 54 3 1 2 4 61 7 3 6 2 4 95 5 1 4 56 36 41 2 3 6 4 75 3 4 1 1 2

Difficulty: Hard













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classifieds C-9

CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP This group offers support to those caring for loved ones with memory loss due to dementia. The group

CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS Meets on Sundays from 12-1 p.m. at the Turning Point Center, 191 Bank St., Burlington. This is a fellowship of men and women that meet and review the 12 steps of CODA, read stories from the CODA anonymous big book and share their experiences, strengths and hopes as we support each other. Open to everyone. Info: Larry, WLTRS@aol. com, 802-658-9994 or Jeff, JCDANIS@ Burlingtontelecom. net, 802-863-3674. For directions, call the Turning Point Center at 802-861-3150.

intention of receiving and offering support to each other. The group is informal and includes personal sharing of our grief experiences. Open to anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. There is no fee. Meets every other week Mondays, 6-8 p.m. at the Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice, Barre. 802-223-1878, www.

Open 24/7/365.


MALE GBTQ SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE SafeSpace is offering a peer-led support group for male-identified survivors of relationship violence, dating violence, emotional violence, or hate violence. This group will meet at the RU12? Community Center. Support groups give survivors a safe and supportive environment to tell their stories, share information, and offer and receive support. 802-863-0003.

VEGGIE SUPPORT GROUP Want To Feel Supported On Your Vegetarian/Vegan Journey? Want more info. on Healthy Veggy Diets? Want to share and socialize at Veggy Potlucks, and more, in the greater Burlington Area? This is your opportunity to join with other like-minded folks. veggy4life@gmail. com, 802-658-4991.

View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.


GLAM CORE GROUP MEETING Wednesdays, 6-7:30 p.m., RU12? Community Center, Champlain Mill, 20 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski. We’re looking for young gay and bi guys who are interested in putting together great events, meeting new people, and reaching out to other guys! Core Group runs our

TRANS SUPPORT GROUP Every first and third Wednesday, RU12? Community Center, 20 Winooski Falls Way, Champlain Mill 1st Floor, Winooski, 6:30-8 p.m. This peer-led, informal group is open to all trans people and to any discussion topics raised. It is a respectful and confidential space for socializing, support, and discussion. Contact thecenter@ for more information. LGBTQ SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE SafeSpace offers peer-led support groups for survivors of relationship violence, dating violence, emotional violence or hate violence. These groups give survivors a safe and supportive environment to tell their stories, share information, and offer and receive support. Please call Ann or Brenda at 863-0003 if you are interested in joining one of these groups or for more information.

meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at The Converse Home, 272 Church St, Burlington. For more info call: 802-862-0401.

Show and tell.

SOCIAL SUPPORT GROUP FOR LGBTQ PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Come together to talk, connect, and find support around a number of issues including coming out, socializing, challenges around employment, safesex, self advocacy, choosing partners, discovering who you are, and anything else that you would like to talk about. Tuesdays at 4:30pm at the RU12? Community Center, located in the Champlain Mill in Winooski, VT. For more information contact Emma (

program, and we want your input! If you’re a young gay or bisexual man who would like to get involved, email us at glam@ru12. org or check us out on Facebook (http:// glamvt).


C-10 classifieds



A NEW PERSPECTIVE A peer support group for people working through the combination of mental health and substance abuse issues. Wednesdays at the Turning Point Center, 5-6 p.m. The group will be facilitated and will be built around a weekly video followed by a group discussions. Some of the topics will include: Addictions and mental illness, recovery stories, dealing with stress, understanding personality problems, emotions. 191 Bank St., Burlington. 802-861-3150.

BEREAVED PARENTS & SIBLINGS SUPPORT GROUP of the Compassionate Friends meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 7-9 p.m. at 277 Blair Park Rd., Williston. Info, 660-8797. The meetings are for parents, grandparents and adult siblings who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND RELATED DEMENTIA’S SUPPORT GROUP Held monthly at The Arbors at Shelburne. For info. or to register, contact Kathi at 802-985-8600.

WOMEN’S RAPE CRISIS CENTER Will be starting a free, confidential 10-week support group for adult female survivors of sexual violence. Please call 864-0555 ext. 20 for information. LIVING SINGLE SUPPORT GROUP This course is a follow-up to the Divorce Recovery course that is offered at Essex Alliance Church. If you’ve been through the Divorce Care Class, you have an opportunity to continue to grow, heal, rebuild, and start again. Call Sue Farris for more information at 802-734-0695.

Be here

SUICIDE SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP For those who have lost a friend or loved one through suicide. Location: Maple Leaf Clinic, 167 North Main Street, Wallingford, 802-446-3577. 6:30-8:00 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month. GLAFF Gay and lesbian adoptive and foster families. GLAFF provides support, education, resources and strategies to help maintain and strengthen gay and lesbian foster and adoptive families in northwestern VT. Open to all GLBTQ foster and adoptive parents and their children. Food, childcare provided. The group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month. Call Mike at 655-6688 to get more information and to register.

AL-ANON Family group 12-step. Thursdays, 12:20-1:20 p.m. Call AWARE at 802-472-6463 for information and to register. Free of charge. 88 High Street, Hardwick. LAKE CHAMPLAIN MEN’S RESOURCE CENTER MEN’S DROP-IN SUPPORT GROUP All men welcome, weekly group w/cofacilitators. Open discussion format. Varied topics including: relationships, work, parenting, personal growth, healing. Confidential, nonjudgmental. Open to all ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations. Joseph’s House, 113 Elmwood Ave. Every Thursday, 7-9 p.m. More info: call Chris 434-4830.

HIV SUPPORT GROUP This is a facilitated HIV/AIDS support group that aims to foster a greater sense of community, self-acceptance and personal growth. We are a group of survivors and, with all of our experience, will help you understand and enjoy what positive living has to offer. Friday @ 7 p.m. in the white building behind the Universal Unitarian Church. For more info call Alton @ 310-6094. MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE/ DYSAUTONOMIA Group forming for information sharing purposes. Please call 863-3153.

TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter Meeting. Bethany Church, 115 Main Street, Montpelier. Wednesdays, 5:156:15 p.m. For info call Linda at 476-8345. BEREAVED PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Every first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Enosburg Falls, 10 Market Place, Main St. Parents, grandparents and adult siblings are welcomed. The hope is to begin a Compassionate Friends Chapter in the area. Info, please call Priscilla at 933-7749.

EATING DISORDERS PARENTAL SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with or at risk of anorexia or bulimia. Meetings 7-9 p.m., third Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Community Church, Rt. 15, Essex Center. We focus on being a resource and providing reference points for old and new ED parents. More information, call Peter at 802-899-2554. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE and Dementia support group. Held the last Tuesday of every month from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Birchwood Terrace, Burlington. Info, contact Kim, 863-6384.


Sign up for NoteS on the Weekend, our email newsletter, for an update that directs you to great shows, restaurants, staff picks and discounts for the weekend. We’ll also keep you posted on Seven dayS events and contests.

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9/30/09 11:03:26 AM




3:57 PM




11:49 AM


Pick up the 2011-12 edition of 7 Nights today! New magazine includes 850+ restaurants, select breweries, wineries and cheesemakers, plus dining destinations outside Vermont. Available now for FREE at 1000+ locations.

Eat your heart out, Vermont! The best food and restaurant coverage in Vermont is served up every day by… Whet your appetite with food features, news and reviews every week in our free newspaper. Food writers Corin Hirsch and Alice Levitt fill the award-winning, six-page section.

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When you review restaurants online, you become a member of our Bite Club. You’ll receive a weekly email newsletter with special offers, invitations to exclusive tastings and our fun weekly poll. There’s a sneak peek of food stories from the upcoming Seven Days, too. Also, enjoy videos on Bite Club TV.

Tell us about your eating adventures on 7 Nights: our constantly updated, searchable database of Vermont restaurants. Browse customer comments, ratings, coupons and map directions.

C-12 06.08.11-06.15.11





New 64-bed skilled nursing home with a 20-bed “rapid turnover” rehab unit is looking for a Director of Nursing. Franklin County Rehab Center, a two-time winner of the Vermont Quality of Life Award, is searching for a DNS with five years of Charge Nurse experience or equivalent. Experience in a rehab unit or with the elderly is a plus!

The Community Justice Network of Vermont (CJNVT) is seeking an organized and efficient staff person to fill a newly established Coordinator position. As the Network’s Coordinator, you will be working with a statewide organization that is dedicated to the growth of restorative services across Vermont. In addition to providing direct support to the network and committees, you will also take a leadership role in the organizing and implementation of Network-sponsored events.

FCRC is a family-owned-and-operated facility where our caregivers have a say in the day-to-day care of the residents. If you would like to know more and become part of our team, please visit our website at, or call us at (802) 752-1600.

3h-FranklinCntyRehab-060811.indd 1

6/6/11 2:45:29 PM

Still trying to figure out what to do with your life?

This position is part time with a competitive salary. For a full job description, visit To apply, send a cover letter, resume, and three references by Friday, June 10, to:

CVAA is members members for paid Champlain Valley Agency onrecruiting Aging is recruiting forpositions paid positions in the Neighbor-to-Neighbor AmeriCorps program. in the Neighbor-to-Neighbor AmeriCorps program.

Responsibilities: Work with seniors Recruit volunteers Organize programs Term of Service: 1 11 months starting September 2010 Full and part-time positions available w

Benefits include: Living allowance Education award Travel reimbursement Health care plan Training opportunities s Flexible Schedule

Janelle Gilbert, Director Winooski Community Justice Center 27 Allen St., Winooski, VT 05404 or email to

You can make a difference in your own life and the lives of others in your community.

To learn more, call CVAA at 1-800-642-5119 or visit is a private, nonprofit United Way organization with a mission of helping people age with independence and dignity.

5h-CVAA060811.indd 1

Community inClusion FaCilitators

Champlain Community Services is seeking dynamic and dedicated individuals to support adults with developmental disabilities in a one-on-one setting to help them achieve their goals both socially and vocationally. Enjoy each workday while making a difference in your community and in someone’s life. We are currently hiring for several fully benefited positions. If you are interested in joining our diverse team, please submit a letter of interest and resume to Karen Ciechanowicz, Champlain Community Services 512 Troy Ave. Colchester, VT 05446 (802) 655-0511 EOE

* *

6/6/11 2:52:49 PM

Attention Students SUMMER OPENINGS

$15.50 base/appt, flex. sched.,customer sales/ service, training provided, conditions apply, all ages 17+. 802-264-9877 BEGIN ASAP!!

Champlain Community Services

2v-VectorMkting-060111.indd 1

Four Seasons, a well-established

4t-WinooskiJustice-060111.indd 1

nonprofit early education center, is looking for a qualified Executive Director. The position is permanent, full time, and reports to a board of directors. The center serves up to about 40 children, infants through five-year olds, yearround and emphasizes nature and play-based learning. The Director will supervise a staff of about 15, and have overall responsibility for implementing curriculum and programming, regulatory compliance (e.g. STARs), finance and development and all other supervisory aspects of maintaining the center. Qualified candidates will preferably have a master’s degree in early ed or related directorial experience, familiarity with nonprofits and community building, a track record working creatively and positively with young children, a successful grant-writing/development history, a strong ability to manage smallbusiness finances, an ability to maintain positive and professional interpersonal skills in a close-knit environment, a general positive attitude, sense of humor and a highly motivated personality. Please email a cover letter and resume to Four Seasons of Early Learning at

5/30/11 1:17:38 PM

5/30/11 2:54:40 PM

Executive Director Four Seasons of Early Learning Greensboro Bend, Vt.

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

National Propane Company looking for qualified candidates to fill the following positions:

Customer Service Rep Service Technician Yardman

6/6/11 12:15:58 PM You Can Make A Difference!

Join Us As We Continue To Grow


Leaps & Bounds is looking for motivated, flexible team players to join our growing

LGBTQ Community Center Seeking

Executive Director

childcare team

in Essex, Williston, Milton and soon-to-be South Burlington locations. Must have experience, education and a sense of humor! Pay based on education and experience. Contact Krista at

2h-LeapsBounds-050411.indd 1

The position requires professional experience providing program administration, developing and implementing policies and procedures, supervising staff, and advocacy/public policy. Strong knowledge of the population served and Vermont resources is highly preferred. For further information, please visit our website: To submit an application, please send cover letter and resume to

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF CLASS RELATIONS Serve as the liaison for all class agents and alumni volunteers from the sixth reunion class through the 20th reunion class, including developing the goals and strategy for both reunion and nonreunion giving each year.

Application deadline: 06/27/2011

5v-Ru12-060811indd 1

6/6/11 2:27:47 PM



with VPIRG - Earn $400-$600/week - Work with great people - Make a difference Work with VPIRG for a clean energy future. Career opportunities and benefits available. Call Steve at 802-861-3158.

6/3/11 5V-VPIRG-060811.indd 11:55 AM 1

ADMISSIONS COUNSELOR Cultivate prospective students for the School of Graduate and Continuing Studies Degree Completion programs; recruit at college fairs and business functions; conduct briefings on the college application process; interview and counsel prospective students; and manage and evaluate admissions applications. Also responsible for data integrity, data entry, data validation and applicant communication plans to ensure a timely and effective admissions process. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT ALUMNI & FAMILY RELATIONS Responsible for a range of activities that support the operations of the Alumni office and enhance the University’s relationships with approximately 26,000 alumni, students, parents, friends, donors and volunteers. This position will report directly to the Office Manager and support the work of the Assistant Directors of Campus Events, Alumni Communications, Alumni Clubs & Regional Events, and the Stewardship Officer. Please visit our website,, for further information and how to apply for these and other great jobs. Norwich University is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering a comprehensive benefit package that includes medical, dental, group life and long term disability insurance, flexible-spending accounts for health and dependent care, retirement annuity plan and tuition scholarships for eligible employees and their family members.

4v-EasterSeals060811.indd 1

4/29/11 2:01:38 PM

ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI EVENTS Events are an essential component of Norwich University’s communications, development and donor-relations efforts. The Assistant Director of Alumni Events is responsible for planning, coordinating, implementing and evaluating the oncampus events that reach the University’s estimated 26,000 alumni.

RU12? is an equal opportunity employer.

Easter Seals has an immediate opening for a full time Family Centered Practice worker with a primary focus on family time coaching for our office in Morrisville, VT. Family Centered Practice work is a ground breaking practice providing parenting support and education to families working with DCF. You will gain experience in Family Time Coaching, Family Group Conferencing, and Family Safety Planning. Coaches receive statewide training and group consultation monthly, as well as weekly clinical and administrative support, in working towards certification. Requirements: Bachelor's degree in Human Services or related field, experience working with high risk children and families; knowledge of child development and facilitation skills preferred. Creative, enthusiastic applicants welcomed. Interested candidates please e-mail your resume to:, or fax: 603-263-0111.

C-13 06.08.11-06.15.11

Hiring for all positions, including directors.

RU12? Community Center in Winooski, Vt., is seeking a committed and dynamic individual to lead the state’s largest LGBTQ organization. The Executive Director works to fulfill the Center’s mission to celebrate, educate and advocate with and for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Vermonters. The ED is responsible for the overall leadership of the Center, supervision of the staff, fund development and financial management. The ED serves as the public voice of the organization and represents the Center in local, statewide and national LGBTQ arena.

Send resumes to

2v-pyrofax060811.indd 1

new jobs posted daily!

6/6/11 3:08:21 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:



Master’s Degree NEW! One-Year in Special Education

Now licensed teachers can earn their K-12 special-education endorsement during an intensive, one-year program and internship rather than the customary two years. First class starts Fall 2011. Limit: 15 students. Application deadline: July 1. Contact: Perry LaRoque at 802-635-1358 or 1

recruiting? ContaCt MiChelle: 865-1020 x21


6/3/11 1:36:41 1x1e-recruiting.indd PM 1

Director of Human resources

daria bishop

Occupational PottoilLive hearg vevio as dubbo Help Needed Therapist Immediately rent free!idMature female

10/12/09 5:54:50 PM

wawule innst duo gommag callupe. Thitt waqpt iatch, thi

wawule innst duob gommag callupe. Pottoil hearg vevio id

liste ceweta opi ing dfil waqptposition. iatch, thi Itasisdubbo considered, for the most part, ancoe.Thitt asleep overnight Any necessary be provided by the VNA TBIdfil Specialists. Pottoil heargtraining vevio idwill as dubbo liste ceweta opi ing coe. Stipend of $70/day plus bedroom with private bathroom provided. Thitt waqpt iatch, thi eduso ullum, wan gfnag ginnipi como lotyiu bulggoi grabizze wawule innst duo gommag callupe.

Excellent references required. Background check and driving record Thittwill waqpt iatch, thi by eduso ullum, wannag ginnipi. Thitt check be completed the VNA.

waqpt iatch, thi eduso ullum, wan gfnag ginnipi como lotyiu

bulggoi Carole grabizze wawule innstofduob gommag Pottoil Contact: McCay @VNA Chittenden andcallupe. Grand Isle Counties, 802-860-4474, hearg vevio id as dubboorliste ceweta opi ing dfil coe.Thitt waqpt iatch, thi eduso ullum.

Mini M u M Q ual if i C aTi ons : Bachelor’s degree in administration or human resources or a related field with a master’s degree desirable, plus five to seven years experience in administration or personnel, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. The successful candidate will have knowledge of employee benefits and compensation administration; employment laws, practices and systems; as well as employee relations and collective bargaining training and experience.

eXecutiVe assistant to tHe PresiDent

liste ceweta opi ing dfil coe. Thitt and waqpt iatch, thi eduso to needed to provide overnight support some companionship one of our clients who has a great of humor loves to cook. ullum, wan gfnag ginnipi comosense lotyiu bulggoiand grabizze

Duties include ginnipi. prompting for meds, to eduso walk small, edusoprimarily ullum, wannag Thitt waqptassisting iatch, thi friendly dog, providing companionship and being a protective ullum, wan gfnag ginnipi como lotyiu bulggoi grabizze presence.

Goddard College seeks an experienced human resources professional to work collaboratively with College leadership and direct the Goddard College human resources services. The ideal candidate will have enthusiasm and facility for working in a dynamic, nontraditional, values-driven organization, and bring both clarity and practicality to administrative decision making. Responsibilities include managing personnel systems and employee relations in compliance with College policies and goals; ensuring compliance with regulatory agencies; overseeing the College’s recruitment, hiring, compensation, and classification systems and operations; administering, recommending, and maintaining communications regarding the employee benefits package and related compliance, uses and trends; working with legal counsel, the President and other key College administrators in collective bargaining matters; developing and managing the human resources budget and providing key information in the organization budget process; promoting safety, wellness and a socially just environment in the workplace.

To apply, please visit the Careers section at

For more info, call Human Resources at 860-4450, or visit

Executive Director

5v-VNa-060811.indd 1 VNA_EmpAd_7Days-5v.indd 2

Dismas of Vermont, Inc. (DOV)

Goddard College seeks an Executive assistant to the President to oversee administrative and management activities within the President’s office. This position will serve as the President’s liaison with college and external community members; represent the President at events, meetings and conferences; facilitate meetings and events; advise the President and College leadership team; and prepare and oversee budgets for the President’s office and the Board of Trustees. in addition, this position will work closely with the President and advancement office to support college efforts to identify, cultivate and obtain gifts.

6/6/11 2:40:01 12/5/10 7:35:36 pM PM

Dismas Of Vermont, Inc

The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of Dismas of Vermont, Inc., a private nonprofit organization that provides transitional housing and support services for former prisoners moving back into society. The Executive Director reports to the DOV Executive Committee of the Board of Directors and is responsible for the organization’s consistent achievement of its mission and financial objectives. Responsibilities include but are not limited to the ongoing supervision of house directors, support to the Executive Committee and Board of Directors, fundraising, maintenance of institutional relations, and program expansion.

a bachelor’s degree and extensive experience serving in a highly skilled capacity to an executive of a nonprofit or similar organization are required. The ideal candidate will have a master’s degree and experience in higher education, development and fundraising. successful applicants must possess excellent organizational and communication skills, including the ability to communicate effectively with a broad range of individuals and groups both within and outside the College community. The Executive assistant must be highly motivated; be able to work in a fast-paced environment; work well in teams and autonomously; possess demonstrated success in managing multiple projects with competing priorities; and have the ability to handle confidential, sensitive information and situations with diplomacy and discretion. This position requires travel and evening and weekend work. This position is full time and is eligible for our generous benefits package.

The ideal candidate will have excellent oral and written communication skills; demonstrated commitment to leading and developing a nonprofit organization; knowledge of the principles and practices of financial management and budgeting; ability to lead, supervise, train, motivate and evaluate staff in an effective and collegial manner; capacity to forge positive and effective relationships with leaders of public and private agencies and persons in the general public; ability to analyze and use program data to draw conclusions and to make appropriate recommendations for program development and revision; organizational skills that include the ability to maintain clear and accurate records; and experience writing reports and briefing boards and other constituents. Candidates should have at least five years of full-time or equivalent part-time supervisory or managerial experience in public or private administration. Salary competitive with similar opportunities. Dismas of Vermont, Inc. is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

these full-time positions are eligible for our generous benefits package. for both positions, applications received on or before June 17 will be given primary consideration. Positions are open until filled. To view application instructions, please visit Goddard College is committed to creating a college representative of a diverse global community and capable of creating change. To that end, we are actively seeking applications from qualified candidates from groups currently underrepresented in our institution for this position.

10v-Goddard-060811.indd 1

Make Caring Your Career

To apply, send a letter of interest with resume before June 17, 2011, to Phone calls will not be accepted. Information about Dismas of Vermont is available at

6/6/11 4:53:29 PM 5v-DismasHouse-060111.indd 1

5/30/11 11:55:56 AM

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

Technical Marketing Writer Field Service Engineer Q.A. Engineer Web Application Developers lication User Interface Designer

new jobs posted daily!

Orthodontic Assistant

Draker supplies turnkey technology solutions to commercial and utility-scale solar photovoltaic (PV) power providers that improve the efficiency and profitability of their systems. Our leading-edge hardware and software and professional services have earned us a reputation as the premier solar monitoring provider in North America. As a result of our rapid growth, we have immediate openings for talented individuals with a passion for renewable energy and innovative technology to help us develop and market the next generation of solar PV monitoring solutions. Draker’s headquarters offer a comfortable work environment in a beautifully renovated, historic building with easy access to the lake, bike trails, restaurants, shops and other local attractions that have earned Burlington, Vt., a reputation as the healthiest and most livable city in the U.S. We understand the need to balance work with personal time and offer a well-rounded benefits and compensation package. Please visit us at company/jobs.

5v-DrakerLab-060111.indd 1


Hunger Free Vermont, Vermont’s leading antihunger advocacy and education organization is hiring two full-time advocacy positions. Join a dynamic team of smart, creative, and professional advocates and educators while enjoying a culture that promotes professional development, a strong work/life balance, and the joy of sharing meals together!

Timberlane Dental Group

Web App

C-15 06.08.11-06.15.11

Seeking a full-time assistant for our busy orthodontic practice to provide direct patient care. Ideal candidate will have relevant work experience and possess radiology certification. Other candidates will be considered. Candidate must be a caring and dependable team player, have excellent customer service skills and the ability to work in a fastpaced environment. Competitive benefits package. Some travel required.

Development Associate

Please send resume to:

Alida Duncan Hunger Free Vermont 38 Eastwood Dr., Suite 100 So. Burlington, VT 05403.

Hunger Free Vermont seeks a full-time development associate to assist in the development, implementation, and execution of the organization’s annual fundraising and marketing plan including: corporate/foundation grant writing, special events, prospect research, media outreach, and coordination of the annual Hike for Hunger. Special projects may also be assigned by program staff to provide design support on print materials and web content. Position requires excellent verbal and written communication skills, proficiency in all Microsoft applications, and working knowledge of database maintenance. Graphic design and website maintenance experience a plus. Good discretion and ability to coordinate priorities and handle confidential/sensitive information. Bachelor’s degree, one to three years experience required, and ability to work some evenings and weekend. Cover letter and resume accepted through June 15. Please send application to or

Diane Dutra c/o Timberlane Dental Group, 60 Timber Lane South Burlington, VT 05403 ddutra@ 5v-HungerFreeVT-060111.indd 11:08:04 AM Fax: 802-862-8942



Sleep Technologist Right Attitude/Right Approach/Right Alongside Attitude/Right Approach/Right If youRight are ready to pursue a career that is clearly superior toAlongside what you are doing today, please join us, the Goodrich Corporation’s SensorsAlongside and Integrated Right Attitude/Right Approach/Right If you Systems are ready pursue a career thatFair is clearly superior to what you are doing atto our an on-site Career for Manufacturing Technicians, Right Attitude/Right Approach/Right Alongside today, please join us, theEngineers Goodrichand Corporation’s Sensors and Integrated Manufacturing Contract Assemblers on: If youRight are ready to pursue a career that is clearly superior to what you are doing Approach/Right Systems Attitude/Right at our an on-site Career Fair for ManufacturingAlongside Technicians, today, please us, the Goodrich Corporation’s Sensors what and Integrated Right Attitude/Right Approach/Right thsuperior toAlongside If you are ready tojoin pursue a Engineers career that is clearly you are doing 4v-Timberlane-060811.indd 1 Manufacturing and Contract Assemblers on: Saturday, June 11 Right Attitude/Right Approach/Right Alongside Systems atto our an Career Fair for Manufacturing Technicians, today, please join us,on-site the Goodrich Corporation’s Sensors and Integrated If you are ready pursue a career that istill clearly to what you are doing From 8:00 am 12:30superior pm Manufacturing Engineers and Contract Assemblers on: thsuperior Systems atto our an on-site Career Fair for11 Manufacturing Technicians, If you are ready pursue aPanton career that is clearly what you are doing today, please join us, the Goodrich Corporation’s Sensors and Integrated Saturday, June 100 Road, Vergennes, VT to If you are ready to pursue a career that is clearly superior to what you are doing Manufacturing Engineers and Assemblers on: today, please joinan us,on-site the Goodrich Corporation’s Sensors and Integrated Systems at our Career Fair for Manufacturing Technicians, From 8:00 am tillContract 12:30 th pm Saturday, June 11 today, please joinan us,on-site theEngineers Goodrich Corporation’s Sensors and Integrated Systems at our Career Fair for Manufacturing Technicians, Manufacturing and Contract Assemblers on: 100 Panton Road, Vergennes, VT If youSystems are a qualified Manufacturing or pm Manufacturing Engineer and th From 8:00 Technician am tillContract 12:30 at our an on-site Career Fair for Manufacturing Technicians, Saturday, June 11 Engineers and Assemblers on: are ready toManufacturing challenge100 yourself, why not take that next Come th Assemblers Panton Road, Vergennes, VT step forward? Manufacturing Engineers and Contract on: From 8:00 am till 12:30 pm Saturday, June 11 If youlearn are amore qualified or Manufacturing Engineer and aboutManufacturing these excitingTechnician opportunities th at Goodrich. Log onto 100 Panton Road, Vergennes, VT Saturday, June 11 From 8:00 tilltake 12:30 are ready to challenge yourself, whyam notrequisition thatpm next step forward? Come and apply to 17391 or 17392. Applicants If you are a qualified Manufacturing Technician or pm Manufacturing Engineer and Saturday, June 11th From 8:00 12:30 100 Panton Road, Vergennes, VT learn about these exciting opportunities atfor Goodrich. Log onto who more meet the requirements willam betill contacted an appointment. are ready to challenge yourself, why not take that next step forward? Come From 8:00 am till 12:30 pm If you are a qualified Manufacturing Technician or Manufacturing Engineer and 100 Panton Road, Vergennes, VT or 17392. and apply to requisition 17391 Applicants learn aboutManufacturing these exciting opportunities at Goodrich. Log onto 100 Panton Road, Vergennes, VT ready to yourself, why not take that next step forward? Come If you arelike amore qualified Technician or Manufacturing Engineer and who meet the requirements will bethe contacted for an appointment. Ifare would tochallenge be considered for any of Contract Assembler opportunities, and apply to requisition 17391 or 17392. Applicants learn aboutManufacturing these exciting opportunities at Goodrich. Log Ifare youready areonto amore or Manufacturing Engineer and toqualified challenge yourself, whyTechnician notto take that next step forward? Come log fill out an application andonto call who meet the requirements will be contacted for an appointment. If you are a qualified Manufacturing Technician or Manufacturing Engineer and and apply to requisition 17391 or 17392. Applicants ready to802.658.9111 yourself, why not take thatRepresentative. next step forward? Come learnlike more about these at Goodrich. Log onto Ifare would tochallenge be considered for anytoopportunities ofan the Contract Assembler opportunities, toexciting speak Adecco are ready to challenge yourself, why not take that next step forward? Come who meet the requirements will be contacted for an appointment. learn more about these exciting opportunities at Goodrich. Log onto and apply to requisition 17391 or 17392. Applicants log onto to fill out an application and call If would like to be considered for any of requisition the Contract Assembler opportunities, learn more about these exciting opportunities at Goodrich. Log onto and apply 17391 or 17392. Applicants who meet the requirements will contacted for anwelcome. appointment. 802.658.9111 to totobe anbut Adecco Representative. Pre-registration is speak preferred, walk-ins are log onto to fill out an application andApplicants call and apply to 17391 or 17392. If would like tomust be considered for any of the Contract Assembler opportunities, who meet the requirements will berequisition contacted for anor appointment. All applicants be U.S. citizens, permanent residents designated asylee 802.658.9111 to speak toof anthe Adecco who meet the requirements will be contacted an appointment. log onto to fill outRepresentative. anfor application and call If would like to be considered for any Contract Assembler opportunities, Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. status. 802.658.9111 to speak to an Adecco Representative. If be considered for anypermanent of the Contract opportunities, log like ontotomust to fill out an Assembler application and call Allwould applicants be U.S. citizens, residents or designated asylee Pre-registration is speak preferred, walk-ins welcome. If would to be considered for anytoofanbut the Contract Assembler opportunities, log like onto toAdecco fill outD/M/F/V an are application and call 802.658.9111 to Representative. status. Equal Opportunity Employer All applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents or designated asylee log onto to fill out an application and call Pre-registration is speak preferred, walk-ins are welcome. 802.658.9111 to to anbut Adecco Representative. status. 802.658.9111 to to anbut Adecco Representative. All applicants must be U.S.Opportunity citizens, permanent residents or designated asylee Pre-registration is speak preferred, walk-ins are welcome. Equal Employer D/M/F/V status. Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. All applicants must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents or designated asylee Equal Employer D/M/F/V Pre-registration is preferred, but walk-ins are welcome. All applicants must be U.S.Opportunity citizens, permanent residents or designated asylee status. All applicants must be U.S.Opportunity citizens, status. permanent Equal Employerresidents D/M/F/Vor designated asylee status. Equal Opportunity Employer D/M/F/V

6/6/11 exCAvAtor operAtor

4:17:24 PM

Join us and live the life you want.

Production Operator for water and sewer lines.

Full-time, day shift Scoring sleep studies according to AASM guidelines Cover running MSLT studies

AssistAnt Minimum 5 years expeController rience. Top pay for right person.

Munson Earth Moving 85 Shunpike Rd. Williston, VT 05495 802-863-6391

Equal Opportunity Employer D/M/F/V Equal Opportunity Employer D/M/F/V

At Fletcher Allen, we’ve brought humanity hope and healing to our friends and neighbors for over a century. As Sleep Technologists, we’re called to give the best of ourselves to our patients and their families. We’re deeply committed to our community and the beauty of our natural surroundings.

Learn more at


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.

5v-Goodrich-060811.indd 1

6/3/11 3:33:57 PM

5v-FAHCsleep060811.indd 1

6/3/11 12:02 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:


Seeking…exceptional individuals with a desire to transform lives and build brighter futures by sharing every hope with individuals withothers; a desireand to making transform livesday andcount. build Seeking…exceptional brighter futures by sharing hope with others; and making every day count.

Evergreen Substance Abuse Services A division of Rutland Mental Health Services and the Community Care Network Evergreen Substance Abuse Services A division of Rutland Mental Health Services and the Community Care Network

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor Alcohol Drug Abuse Counselor Master’sand Degree Preferred 40 Hours Master’s Degreecandidate Preferredwill 40 Hours The successful have the skills to provide The successful facilitate candidate group/individual will have the skills to provide assessments, counseling and assessments, facilitate group/individual counseling and intensive outpatient counseling. Applicants should have a intensive outpatient counseling. Applicants should have a solid understanding of 12 step methodology, motivational solid understanding of 12treatment, step methodology, motivational interviewing, co-occurring and the criminal justice interviewing, co-occurring the criminal systems; must also betreatment, computerandliterate. Three justice years systems; must also be computer literate. Three years experience and Master's degree preferred. CADC required. experience and Master's degree preferred. CADC required. Please visit our website for more information. EOE Please visit our website for more802-775-2381 information. EOE 802-775-2381

Prevent Child Abuse vermont is seeking a part-time Shaken Baby Syndrome Prevention Trainer. We’re looking for an experienced trainer with excellent oral and written communication skills; ability to work well with middle and high school students, parents, health and human service providers and educators. Must be able to work flexible schedule which may include day, evening and weekend presentations. Excellent organizational and computer skills necessary. Reliable transportation required. B.A.4t-CounsServAddCo-060811.indd and/or nursing degree. EOE. Send cover letter, resume and three references to:

Excellent Employment Opportunities SEARCH PO Box 829, Montpelier, VT 05601 No calls, please.

We are looking for an Activities Coordinator to enhance the lives of the elders in our Level III Residential Care community through physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual activity. 5v-RutlandMental-060811.indd 1 6/3/11 2:35:46 3v-PreventAbuse-060811.indd PM 1 6/6/11 4:50:40 PM The ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s in Recreational Therapy with Activity Director Certification I & II. We will sponsor AD I & II certification and consider an alternative combination of relative education and experience for the right individual. Must be friendly and energetic with a passion for healthy aging. Basic computer skills including Microsoft Office (Publisher preferred) and digital photography skills required, as well as a valid driver’s license and a for clean driving record. Hours flexible including e/o weekend. We looking for an Activities Coordinator to enhance lives of elders the elders our$16 Level Current Openings atareThe Lodge at Otter Creek We areare looking an Activities Coordinator tofull-time enhance the the lives of the in ourinLevel III hour plus vacation and personal time; life, optional health & dental. Please send resumes to III Residential Care community through physical, cognitive, emotional and spiritual activity. Residential CareWecommunity physical, cognitive, emotional spiritual The ideal are looking forthrough an Activities Coordinator to enhance the lives ofand the elders in ouractivity. Level Jim McWilliam at The ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s in Recreational Therapy with Activity Director III Residential Care community through physical, cognitive, spiritual activity. candidate will have a Bachelor’s in Recreational Therapy withemotional Activityand Director Certification I & II. The candidate have a Bachelor’s in Recreational Therapyand with consider Activity Director Certification IAD &ideal II. willwillsponsor AD I& II an certification an alternative We will sponsorCertification I &We III &certification and consider alternative combination of II. We will sponsor AD I & II certification and consider an alternativerelative education combination of relative education and experience for the right individual. Mustforbehealthy friendly of relative education and be experience for the individual. Musta be friendly and experience combination for the right individual. Must friendly andright energetic with passion Seeking friendly, compassionate and reliable individuals forincluding our non-medical Enhanced and energetic with a passion for healthy aging. Basic computer skills including and energetic with a passion for healthy aging. Basic computer skills Microsoft Microsoft aging. Basic computer skills including Microsoft Office (Publisher preferred) and digital photography Office (Publisher and digital photography required, as well asas a valid Services Program (ESP).preferred) Duties include assistingskills elders with every day tasks, lightdriver’s Office (Publisher preferred) and digital photography skills required, welldriver’s asarea full-time valid skills required, as well valid driver’s a clean driving record. Hours license andasa a clean driving record.license Hours areand full-time flexible including e/o weekend. $16 housekeeping, meal preparation, companionship, errands and personal care. These are licenseincluding and ahour clean driving record. Hours are full-time flexible including e/o weekend. plusweekend. vacation and personal time; optional health & dental. Please send to health$16 flexible e/o $16 hour pluslife, vacation and personal time; life,resumes optional & positions with flexible scheduling. Excellent references and background check required. Jim McWilliam at hour plus vacation and personal time; life, optional health & dental. Please send resumes to dental. Please resumes to JimCleveland and put Please sendsend resumes to Rose Jim McWilliam at ESP infriendly, the subject. Seeking compassionate and and reliable for our nonmedical Seeking friendly, compassionate reliable individuals individuals for our non-medical Enhanced Enhanced Services Program (ESP).include Duties include assisting elderswith with every tasks, light light housekeeping, Services Program (ESP). Duties assisting elders everydayday tasks, housekeeping, meal preparation, companionship, errands and personal care. These are Seeking full-time R.N. Long-term experience needed positive approach meal preparation, companionship, errands and personal care. These are positions flexible friendly, compassionate andcare reliable individuals forand our non-medical Enhanced positions with flexible scheduling. Excellent references and background check required.with to working with managing others. Please sendelders resumes Rosesend Cleveland atto Rose Please and send resumes to Rose Cleveland at and tasks, put scheduling. Excellent references and background check required. Please resumes Services Program (ESP). Duties include assisting withto every day light ESPmeal in the preparation, subject. and put R.N. in the Cleveland at, and put ESPsubject. inand thepersonal subject. care. These are housekeeping, companionship, errands positions with flexible scheduling. Excellent references and background check required. Seeking full-time R.N. Long-term care experience needed and positive Seeking full-time RN Long-term care experience needed and positiveapproach approach to working with to working with and managing Please send resumes to Rose Cleveland at Please send resumes to Rose Cleveland and put and managing others. Please send resumesand toput Rose Cleveland at rcleveland@lodgeatottercreek. R.N. in the subject. ESP in the subject. com and put R.N. in the subject.

Excellent Employment Opportunities

Current Openings at The Lodge at Otter Creek Excellent Employment Opportunities

Seeking full-time R.N. Long-term care experience needed and positive approach to working with and managing others. Please send resumes to Rose Cleveland at and put R.N. in the subject. The Lodge Otter Creek, 350 Road, Middlebury, TheatLodge at Otter Creek, 350 Lodge Lodge Road, Middlebury, VT 05753VT 05753 OCEmploy_5.2011.indd 1

OCEmploy_5.2011.indd 1

6/3/11 2:00:24 PM

Vermont Public Interest Research Group Seeks a full-time, Montpelier-based

Current Openings at The Lodge at Otter Creek

7t-Lodges-052511.indd 1


INFORMATION MANAGER VPIRG, Vermont’s largest environmental and consumer advocacy group, is looking for a tech-savvy data master who wants to apply skills and strategic sense to manage the member and activist information that powers its public interest campaigns. The right person is a mission-driven activist with the right blend of technical skills and passion for progressive causes — an architect of databases, innovator with online tools, super list segmenter, and analytics guru who understands that data drive successful political movements and cutting-edge campaigns. The IM will manage our databases, drive our creative use of technology and inspire a data-driven organizing culture at VPIRG. You will develop and implement an information management plan that powers all aspects of our work — from grassroots and online organizing to fundraising and membership development. Position designed to grow your range of skills from database management to GIS applications to online and mobile tools to social media innovations. Must have three to five years relevant professional experience that demonstrates aptitude for database/information architecture, complex query building and analytics. Experience with DonorPerfect, Salsa, ArcGIS and/or Drupal (or similar platforms) a plus. Competitive salary; employer-paid health, dental and disability insurance; employer-matching IRA; six weeks’ annual leave. Submit cover letter and resume via email only to EOE. No phone calls. Full job description available at:

5/13/11 12:07 PM

5/23/11 11:53:00 AM

5/13/11 12:07 PM

6t-VPIRG-051811.indd 1

5/16/11 5:20:14 PM

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new jobs posted daily!


Part time Temporary Customer Accounting Payment Processor

On-Call, Per Diem Staff In order to provide staffing for our family shelters 24/7, COTS relies on a pool of on-call per diem staff. These individuals have the flexibility and availability to fill in last minute as needed in our family shelters. On-Call Per Diem Staff members’ primary responsibilities are to assure the safety and well being of persons and property in the Family Shelter; to support shelter residents in their search for permanent housing; to sign in and orient residents to shelter life; and to enforce the applicable rules and policies. On-call Per Diem Staff must be available for a minimum of 1 week of coverage per month. When on-call, the Per Diem staff will be available weekdays from 5 pm through 8 am and on weekends, Friday, 5 pm through Monday, 8 am. Qualified candidates must have a high school diploma or GED, one to three years relevant experience, or a combination of education and experience from which needed skills have been acquired, and a commitment to the COTS mission. Send cover letter and resume to: Human Resources COTS PO Box 1616, Burlington, VT 05402-1616 Email: EOE, TTY relay 1-800-545-3323

5v-cots060811.indd 1

IndustrIal MaIntenance MechanIcs Twincraft Soap is looking for full-time Industrial Maintenance Mechanics. Ideal experienced candidate will be able to multitask in a dynamic, fast-paced environment with a willingness to learn new equipment and suggest industrial improvements. Twincraft Soap offers a competitive salary and benefits package.

Download an application at Please submit your resume or application noting position of interest to: or Green Mountain Power Corporation Attn: Human Resources Department 163 Acorn Lane Colchester, VT 05446

4t-GMP-060811.indd 1

6/6/11 11:07:16 3v-TwinCraft-060811.indd AM 1

The Make-A-Wish Foundation of Vermont seeks a highly organized, detail-oriented individual for this full-time position, which reports directly to the CEO. The successful candidate would provide administrative office functions including general office duties, correspondence, report preparation and management of our shared services program. Additional responsibilities include managing all related print and digital communications and assisting the CEO with public relations and publicity efforts. The candidate will provide leadership to staff in the absence of the CEO and be involved with special events, foundation compliance and volunteer recruitment.

6/6/11 2:34:01 PM

HOSPICE RN/FULL TIME: This is a tough job. It is also a rewarding job like no other. This is your opportunity to enhance, uphold and bear witness to a life: your patient’s life. It is an opportunity to assist your patient with the transition from life to death. It is an important job, important 11:28:38 AM to your patient and family members. Are you ready? Hospice experience preferred.

we’re 6/6/11

-ing JOBS!

Director of Administration & Communications

COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSES: These full-time nursing positions are rewarding jobs awaiting the right candidate allowing for your keen patient assessment, the desire to focus on your patient and the independence your experience has prepared you for. Two years medical-surgical experience strongly desired. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ADMINISTRATOR: Addison County Home Health and Hospice, Inc. is seeking a highly motivated IT professional to manage a Windows 2008 Server network environment. In-depth knowledge of Active Directory and Group Policies is required. Experience implementing networking protocols including TCP/IP, DNS, and DHCP is essential. Position administers VPNs, WSUS and Windows Terminal Server clients. Responsibilities also include managing desktop and laptop users, wireless devices, firewalls, backup and disaster recovery procedures, and VoIP phone system. Ability to troubleshoot, provide effective end user help desk support, and application and policy development are key elements of this role. The candidate will also develop and conduct training and instruction for end users. Experience in managing MS Exchange and SQL, and expertise in MS Office are also key. Working knowledge of Crystal Reports is highly desirable.

The ideal candidate will have a bachelor's degree and three to five years' experience in mangement, public relations or special event planning, and possess strong interpersonal and computer skills. He/she will be a selfmotivated team player with strong oral and written communication skills and an ability to work in a volunteer environment. The hiring range is between $35,000 and $45,000. For a more detailed job description, please visit

Interested candidates should possess a bachelor’s degree and relevant industry certifications, along with at least five years of experience. Strong interpersonal skills and a proven ability to support end users are essential.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter, resume and three references by June 13 to:

5v-MakeAWish-060811.indd 1

This is a longer term temporary position to work 20 hours/week through August 27, 2012. Primarily responsible for processing and balancing payments received and other related billing functions. Must have moderate accounting experience with cash balancing and advanced PC skills including Excel. Must be able to work a flexible schedule when necessary to cover business needs.

Please apply in person at: Twincraft Soap, 2 Tigan Street, Winooski, VT 05404; or submit resume to

Interested in meaningful work with a nonprofit whose mission is to enrich the lives of children living with life-threatening medical conditions? or Make-A-Wish Foundation of Vermont 100 Dorset St., Suite 14 South Burlington, VT 05403

C-17 06.08.11-06.15.11

follow us for the newest:

6/6/11 2:32:35 1x3-twitterCMYK.indd PM 1

For your immediate consideration, please send resume to or directly to ACHHH, P.O. Box 754, Middlebury, VT 05753, (802) 388-7259. Visit us at: www.Achhh.Org.

5/9/11 5:08:53 6t-AddCtyHospice060811.indd PM 1

6/6/11 11:10:01 AM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:


Communication Specialists

Engaging minds that change the world Seeking a position with a quality employer? Consider The University of Vermont, a stimulating and diverse workplace. We offer a comprehensive benefit package including tuition remission for on-going, full-time positions. These openings and others are updated daily.


Foster Independence and Enhance Quality of Life Franklin County Home Health Agency is looking for

“Access to Courts” project seeks persons with experience interacting/communicating with persons with cognitive/processing disabilities.

PHYSICAL THERAPISTS to join our adult rehab team.

Full Time, Part Time & Per-Diem Positions Available Academic Services Professional - #0040013 - The University of Vermont's Disability Services, ACCESS, seeks a .75 FTE ASL Interpreter to fill Related experience or Home Care offers the opportunity to: a 12-month position. The ASL Interpreter interprets for students, employees, and Paper:college Seven Days relevant degree required. community events open to the general public as assigned. A Bachelor's Degree • enjoy a positive work-life balance Need flexible and certification by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf is required, along Issue: 6/8 schedule. Part time. with three years' experience as a certified interpreter. Ability to provide • apply your skilled knowledge using Due: 6/6 interpreting services for high-level science and math classes is important. Send resume to state-of-the art technologies in a home setting Background in medical interpreting is helpful. The individual in this position Size: 3.83 x 5.25 must demonstrate a commitment to multiculturalism and inclusion. Some evening • specialize in direct one-on-one care and build Cost: $500.00 and weekend hours are required. meaningful relationships Assistant Director, UVM Career Services - Seeking flexible, missiondriven planner with excellent teamwork, budget, marketing, assessment, human • collaborate with other members of the resources and tech skills to join UVM Career Services' leadership team. health care team Bachelor's degree and three years experience. Proven success in leading, organizing, budgeting, and optimizing relational databases, as well as counseling, Share your clinical expertise human resources or higher education experience required. Microsoft Office required. PeopleSoft, HTML, Symplicity strongly preferred. Excellent and compassion with our team. 2v-DisabilityRights-111710.indd 1 11/15/10 1:37:43 PM organization and follow-through skills, self-motivation, and demonstrated commitment to diversity and to fostering a collaborative environment. For further information on these positions and others currently available, or to apply on-line, please visit our website at:; Job Hotline #802-656-2248; telephone #802-656-3150. Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper resumes are not accepted. Job positions are updated daily.

Immediate opening for Master Electrician, journeyman, apprentices, and laborers. Competitive rates. Must have good driving record and reliable transportation to work.

The University of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Applications from women and people from diverse racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds are encouraged.

5v-Graystone060811.indd 1


Call (802) 527-7531 today!


3:02 PM

Coding Educator

3 Home Health Circle, St. Albans, VT 05478 E.O.E.

Visit us online for more info and to print an application.

Please email resumes to

Part-Time Technical Assistant

Mike’s Electric 1045 Route 242, Jay, VT 05859 802-988-9678

Burlington College, a private liberal arts college on Lake Champlain, seeks a professional to join our Film and Cinema Studies department. This position will help manage the demands of a growing department with a quickly expanding equipment inventory. Our ideal candidate must be a tech-savvy problem solver with exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. For a full job description, please visit

At Fletcher Allen, we’ve brought humanity, hope and healing to our friends and neighbors for over a century. As Coding Educators, we are also called to give the best of ourselves to our patients and their families. We work hard to provide our clinical teams the 2v-Mikes-060811.indd 1 6/6/11 11:13:08 AM Burlington College, a private liberal arts college on Lake Champlain, seeks a resources they need to care for our professional to join our Financial Aid team. This position will work in various patients. ENGINEERING capacities of financial aid administration, including direct contact with

Part-Time Financial Aid Specialist

Join us and develop the career you want.

Krebs & Lansing Consulting Engineers is seeking a qualified individual for a full-time engineering technician position. A 4-year bachelor's degree in civil engineering preferred.

CPC required Coding experience required Experience working with Providers required

Send resume, including salary requirements, to Solange Harvey at NO phone calls, please.

Learn more at We are an Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/D/V.

5v-FAHCcoding060811.indd 1


6/3/11 12:01 PM

students and parents, assisting with electronic data transmissions with the Department of Education, and regular reporting and account reconciliation. Our ideal candidate will be able to work independently, communicate effectively, possess proven facility with numbers, be detail oriented, and be experienced in Microsoft Word and Excel. For a full job description, please visit

Applications for both positions due by Friday, June 17, 2011. To apply, send cover letter and resume via email to, or to Human Resources, Burlington College, 351 North Ave., Burlington, VT 05401. No phone calls, please.

Burlington College is an equal employment opportunity employer.

5v-BurlCollege-2jobs-060811.indd 1

6/6/11 4:11:28 PM

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Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment Tax Tax Auditor Tax Auditor Tax Auditor Tax Tax Auditor Auditor Auditor MakeMake more Make more than Make more than aMake living. Make more than a living. more more than a living. than than a living. aaliving. living. C-19 new jobs posted daily! Vermont Vermont Vermont Department Vermont Department Vermont Vermont Department Department of Department Labor Department of Labor of Labor of Labor of ofLabor Labor MakeMake a difference. Make a difference. Make a difference. Make Make a difference. aadifference. difference. 06.08.11-06.15.11

The right job right can open job right can opportunities open The job can right opportunities The open The job forright can opportunities you right job tofor job grow, can you opportunities can open to excel, open forgrow, opportunities you opportunities and excel, tofor reach grow, you and your excel, to for reach for grow, you full and you your to excel, reach togrow, full grow, and your excel, excel, reach full and and your reach reach full your yourfull full There’s There’s anThe exciting There’s anThe exciting and an There’s challenging exciting and There’s an challenging There’s exciting and opportunity an challenging anopen exciting exciting and opportunity challenging within and and opportunity challenging our within challenging Employer opportunity our within Employer opportunity opportunity Serour within Employer Serour within within Employer Serour our Employer Employer SerSerSer-

CHILDREN’S HEALTH Unemployment Tax Auditor Make moreMENTAL than a living. CLINICAL CARE Vermont Department Make a difference.of Labor COORDINATOR The right job can open for youTax to grow, excel, and your full There’s an exciting andopportunities challenging opportunity within ourreach Employer Seremployment ployment Unemployment Unemployment Unemployment Tax Tax Auditor Auditor Tax Auditor Tax Auditor Auditor Department of Mental Health ake Make more more Make than than Make more a living. Make a than living. more more a than living. than a living. a living. potential. Working for the State of Vermont allows you the freedom and creativity vices/Unemployment Insurance Division Tax for an accounting/auditing proUnemployment Auditor Make more than aarray living. mont ntVermont Department Department Vermont Department Department of Department Labor Labor of Labor of of Labor Labor Make ayour difference in of child and family mental health services use skillsMake and enthusiasm in an enormous of disciplines to keep this fessional. Duties include, but are not limited to, obtaining wage records, Make Make atodifference. aVermont Make difference. a difference. Make a difference. a difference. Make more thanwork. a needed living. Vermont Department of toLabor foroneVermonters. Aindynamic individual is serveinvestigaof theaudits, best states the country to difference. live andreports/monies, Make a employer collecting delinquent fraud an eing nright opportunities open job opportunities The can right open The for job right you opportunities can forto job you open grow, can to opportunities open grow, excel, for you opportunities excel, and toreach grow, and foropportunity reach your you excel, forto full your you grow, and reach grow, excel, your and excel, reach and reach your and e’s an challenging and There’s exciting challenging There’s an and opportunity exciting an challenging opportunity exciting and within challenging and opportunity within our challenging Employer our within Employer opportunity Serourtofull within SerEmployer within ourafull SerEmployer ouryour Employer Ser- full Seras Children’s Clinical Care Coordinator with focus onfull Make a difference. tions, reportjob writing and verifying health-care reporting peryour statutes, The work is not challenging and for fulfilling, rewarding onas many levels — The right canonly open opportunities you to it’s grow, excel, and reach full

There’s an exciting and challenging opportunity within ourcreativity Employer Serr/Unemployment ential. the for State Working the potential. ofState potential. of forVermont Working the State Working for of the for State the of State of Vermont allows allows you Vermont the you freedom the allows freedom Vermont and you Vermont creativity the and allows freedom creativity allows you the and you freedom creativity the and andand creativity yment ting Insurance vices/Unemployment Insurance vices/Unemployment Division Division Insurance for an for Insurance Division accounting/auditing an accounting/auditing Insurance for Division an Division accounting/auditing for proan foraccounting/auditing proan accounting/auditing propro- proimproving outcomes in the system of care forfreedom children bothright professionally and socially. Andforwith our outstanding benefits package, regulations and policies. In addition to general knowledge regarding acThe job can open opportunities you to grow, excel, and reach your full potential. Working for the State of Vermont allows you the freedom and creativity vices/Unemployment Insurance an accounting/auditing prouse ls enthusiasm and your enthusiasm skills toare use in and an to your use enormous in enthusiasm skills an your and skills array enthusiasm inand an of array disciplines enthusiasm ofare disciplines in an array to enormous inDivision keep an ofto enormous disciplines this keep array this of array to disciplines keep of disciplines this to keep tothis keep this families. Knowledge and experience ina Children’s Mental es onal. lude, include, fessional. but Duties but fessional. include, not are Duties limited notenormous but Duties limited include, to, are obtaining include, not to,enormous but limited obtaining but wage not to, are limited wage obtaining records, not limited records, to,for wage obtaining to, obtaining records, wage wage records, records, ake Make more more Make than than Make more a living. Make a than living. more more a than living. than a living. living. designed to meet your health and financial needs, you’ll have the flexibility tothis be counting, payroll systems and tax returns, candidates must possess thorpotential. Working for the State of Vermont allows you the freedom and creativity to use your skills and enthusiasm in an enormous array of disciplines to keep eoyer ntates ofthe thein country best the one country states oftoone the live inaudits, best ofto the and the live states country work. best and in states work. the toinclude, live country in the and country work. todelinquent live and live work. andreports/monies, work. fessional. Duties but are not limited to,Looking obtaining wage records, Health and System ofdelinquent Care isto necessary. for a person s, llecting collecting employer audits, delinquent employer collecting delinquent reports/monies, audits, collecting delinquent reports/monies, collecting reports/monies, fraud fraud investigareports/monies, investigafraud investigafraud fraud investigainvestigaMake more than aarray living. able toyour manage your work/life balance, leaving you time toWorking enjoy allto that comes todifference. use skills and enthusiasm in enormous of disciplines keep thisto ough computer skills that include Microsoft and Excel. experience one of the best states in the country toandifference. live andreports/monies, work. Make Make a a Make difference. Make a difference. Make a difference. a who has interest in systems change and reform. Must be able employer audits, collecting delinquent fraud investigariting ,echallenging and report tions, verifying and writing verifying tions, report health-care and report writing health-care verifying writing and reporting health-care verifying and reporting verifying asus per health-care as reporting statutes, per health-care statutes, as reporting reporting statutes, asmany statutes, perwe’ll statutes, only work challenging is The not and only work The fulfilling, challenging and iswork not fulfilling, only isin it’s not challenging rewarding and only it’sfulfilling, challenging rewarding on and many it’sfulfilling, on rewarding and many levels fulfilling, — levels it’s on rewarding — many it’sper rewarding levels on —per onasmany levels — levels — with living Vermont. Bring your drive, ambition, and initiative, and put one of the best states in the country to live and work. with the public, time management skills and the ability to work indepenMake a difference. work on large system projects as well as case-specific problem report writing and verifying health-care reporting per statutes, The work isand not challenging and fulfilling, it’s rewarding onas many levels —acand nally professionally socially. and both socially. And professionally both and with And professionally socially. our with outstanding and our And outstanding socially. and with socially. benefits our And outstanding benefits with And package, our with package, outstanding benefits our outstanding package, benefits package, package, cies. Inregulations and addition Intions, regulations policies. addition to and In to policies. addition general policies. knowledge In toknowledge addition general In addition regarding to knowledge regarding general to acgeneral knowledge regarding acknowledge regarding ac-benefits regarding acan eations nhpolicies. right opportunities open job opportunities The can right open The for job right you opportunities can for to job you open grow, can toonly opportunities open grow, excel, for you opportunities excel, and to reach grow, and for reach your you excel, for to full your you grow, and to full reach grow, excel, your and excel, full reach and your reach full your full them togeneral work for you. dently are essential to success in the position. Candidates must be able solving. Master’s degree preferred. Work is performed in an The work is not only challenging and fulfilling, it’s rewarding on many levels —acboth professionally and socially. And with our outstanding benefits package, regulations and policies. In addition to general knowledge regarding signed ring health your to health and designed meet financial and your designed to financial health meet needs, to your and meet needs, you’ll financial health your you’ll have health and needs, the have financial flexibility and the you’ll financial flexibility needs, have to beallows needs, the you’ll totothorflexibility be have you’ll the have to flexibility be thecreativity flexibility tocreativity be tofull be The right job can open opportunities for you grow, excel, and reach your oll stems ting, systems payroll counting, and tax counting, and systems returns, payroll tax returns, payroll and candidates systems tax candidates systems returns, and must tax and candidates must possess returns, tax possess returns, thorcandidates must candidates possess must thorpossess must possess thorthorret ential. the for State Working the potential. ofState potential. of for Working the State Working for of the for State the of State of Vermont Vermont allows allows you Vermont the you freedom the allows freedom Vermont and you Vermont creativity the and allows freedom creativity you the and you freedom creativity the freedom and and read and interpret complex policies, case law, statutes and provide clear, office setting. For more information contact Laurel Omland at both professionally and socially. And with our outstanding benefits package, designed to meet your health and financial needs, you’ll have the flexibility to be The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. work/life eenthusiasm your to manage work/life able balance, your to able manage balance, work/life leaving to manage your leaving you balance, work/life your time you work/life to leaving time enjoy balance, to enjoy all you balance, that leaving time all that to leaving you enjoy comes time all you that totime enjoy to all enjoy that all comes that comes counting, payroll systems and tax returns, candidates must possess thorpotential. Working for the State of Vermont allows you the freedom and creativity use ls and your enthusiasm skills to use in and an to your use enormous in enthusiasm skills an your enormous and skills array enthusiasm in and an of array enormous disciplines enthusiasm of disciplines in an array to enormous in keep an ofcomes to enormous disciplines this keep array this of array to disciplines keep ofcomes disciplines this to keep to this keep this that skills computer include that ough include skills ough computer Microsoft that computer Microsoft include skills and that Excel. skills and Microsoft include Excel. that Working include and Working Microsoft experience Excel. Microsoft experience and Working Excel. and experience Excel. Working Working experience experience 802-241-4036. Reference job posting #28481. accurate answers todrive, employers and claimants. Only applicants who apply designed tous meet your health and financial needs, you’ll have the flexibility to be able to manage your work/life balance, leaving you time toput enjoy all that comes nt. h living Bring us Bring in with Vermont. your living us with drive, your living in Bring drive, ambition, Vermont. in ambition, Vermont. your and Bring initiative, and us Bring ambition, your initiative, us drive, and your and we’ll and ambition, drive, initiative, put we’ll ambition, put and and initiative, and we’ll initiative, and we’ll and put we’ll put to use your skills enthusiasm in an enormous array of disciplines to keep this ough computer skills that include Microsoft and Excel. Working experience eermont. n tates of the the in country best the one country states of to one the live in best of to the and the live states country work. best and in states work. the to live country in the and country work. to live to and live work. and work. the management timepublic, with management the with time public, skills the management public, skills and timethe and management time ability the skills management ability to andwork the skills to work indepenability and skillsindepenthe to andwork ability the indepenability to work to work indepenindepenable to manage your work/life balance, leaving you time to enjoy all that comes Waterbury – full-time, permanent. Open until filled. with living in Vermont. Bring us your drive, ambition, and initiative, and we’ll put on-line at will be considered. ormyou. to workthem forwith you. tothem work tothe for work you. for you.inmanagement one ofare best states the country toposition. live and work. the public, time skills the ability to indepenntial oonly are success to dently essential success dently in are the to essential in position. success the essential position. to in Candidates success the to Candidates position. success inmany must the in Candidates must be the able position. beand Candidates able must Candidates beonable be mustable be able eychallenging work challenging is The not and only work The fulfilling, challenging and is work not fulfilling, only isin it’s not challenging rewarding and only it’s fulfilling, challenging rewarding on and it’s fulfilling, on rewarding and many levels fulfilling, — levels it’s on rewarding — many it’s rewarding levels many —must on work many levels — levels — with living Vermont. them to work for you. Bring us your drive, ambition, and initiative, and we’ll put dently are essential to success in the position. Candidates must be able The work is not only challenging and fulfilling, it’s rewarding on many levels — omplex ret and complex interpret read policies, and read policies, complex interpret and case interpret case law, policies, complex statutes law, complex statutes case policies, and law, policies, provide and statutes case provide clear, law, case and clear, statutes law, provide statutes and clear, provide and provide clear, clear, and nally h professionally socially. and both socially. And professionally both and with And professionally socially. our with outstanding and our And outstanding socially. and with socially. benefits our And outstanding benefits with And package, our with package, outstanding benefits our outstanding package, benefits benefits package, package, mont ean State Equal is ofanVermont Opportunity Equal The The State Opportunity The isofan State Vermont Employer. Equal of Vermont Employer. Opportunity isfor anyou. Equal is anOpportunity Employer. Equal Opportunity Employer. Employer. Reference job posting #25002. - Full-time. them to work State of Vermont offers an excellent totalBurlington compensation read and interpret policies, case law, statutes provide clear, both professionally and socially. And with our benefits package, employers rate toanswers employers accurate and accurate to answers claimants. employers and answers claimants. to Only employers and tocomplex claimants. Only employers applicants applicants and claimants. Only and who claimants. applicants apply who Only apply Only applicants who applicants apply who apply who apply signed et rrshealth your tohealth and designed meet financial and your designed to financial health meet needs, your and meet needs, you’ll financial health your have and needs, the have financial flexibility and the you’ll financial flexibility needs, have to be needs, the you’ll to flexibility beoutstanding have you’ll the have to flexibility beand the flexibility to be to be The State oftoVermont isyou’ll anhealth Equal Opportunity Employer. Application deadline: package. To apply, use the online job application at 10/15/08 accurate answers toisbe employers and claimants. Only applicants whocomes apply designed to meet your health financial needs, you’ll have the flexibility to be The State ofyour Vermont an Equal Opportunity Employer. work/life your toatmanage work/life able balance, your toat able manage balance, work/life leaving toconsidered. manage leaving you balance, work/life your time you work/life to leaving time enjoy balance, to and enjoy all you balance, that leaving time allcomes that toleaving you enjoy comes time all you that totime enjoy comes to all enjoy that allcomes that ne on-line will on-line be will at be considered. will considered. will be will considered. be considered. or contact the Department of Human able to manage your work/life balance, leaving you time toput enjoy all that comes nt. ermont. h living Bring us Bring in with Vermont. your living uswith drive, your living in Bring drive, ambition, Vermont. us inambition, Vermont. your and Bring drive, initiative, and us Bring ambition, your initiative, usdrive, and your and we’ll and ambition, drive, initiative, put we’ll ambition, put and and initiative, and we’llinitiative, and we’ll and put we’ll put on-line at will be considered. Resources, Recruitment Services Division, at (800) 640-1657 with living in#25002. Vermont. Bring us your drive, ambition, initiative, and- Full-time. we’ll put Reference ence job Reference posting job posting Reference job Reference posting job #25002. Burlington posting job posting - Full-time. #25002. Burlington - Full-time. #25002. Burlington - and Full-time. Burlington - Full-time. or myou. to work them for you. tothem work to#25002. for work you. for you.Burlington (voice) or 800-253-0191 (TTY/Relay Service). Reference job posting #25002. Burlington Full-time. them to work for you. Application Application deadline: Application deadline: 10/15/08 Application deadline: 10/15/08 Application deadline: 10/15/08 deadline: 10/15/08 10/15/08 mont ean State Equal is ofanVermont Opportunity Equal The State Opportunity The isofan State Vermont Employer. Equal of Vermont Employer. Opportunity isState an Equal isofanVermont Opportunity Employer. Equal Opportunity Employer. Employer. The is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Application deadline: 10/15/08 The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Naturopathic primary care potential. potential. Working potential. Working for the State potential. Working for the of State potential. for potential. Working of the State Working for Working of the State forfor the of the State State of ofVermont Vermont Vermont allows you Vermont allows the freedom you allows Vermont the freedom and you allows creativity Vermont the freedom you allows creativity allows the freedom you you creativity the the freedom and freedom creativity and and creativity creativity vices/Unemployment vices/Unemployment vices/Unemployment Insurance vices/Unemployment Insurance vices/Unemployment vices/Unemployment Division Insurance Division for an Insurance Division accounting/auditing for an Insurance Insurance accounting/auditing Division for an Division accounting/auditing Division forand an profor accounting/auditing forand an an proaccounting/auditing accounting/auditing propropropromedical office seeks highly skilled your toDuties use skills your and to use skills enthusiasm your and to skills use enthusiasm in your and to an to use skills enormous enthusiasm use your inyour and an skills enormous skills enthusiasm array inand an and ofenormous enthusiasm disciplines array enthusiasm inobtaining an of enormous disciplines array in to in an keep of an enormous disciplines enormous this array tolimited keep of array disciplines this to array of of disciplines this disciplines to keep this toto keep keep this this applicantsfessional. forto use fessional. fessional. include, Duties fessional. include, Duties but are fessional. fessional. include, but not Duties are limited include, Duties but not Duties are to, limited include, obtaining not include, but to, limited are but not but wage to, are limited are obtaining not records, not wage limited to, obtaining records, wage to, to,keep obtaining records, obtaining wage records, wage wage records, records,

MakeMake more Make more than Make more than aMake living. Make more than a living. more more than a living. than than a living. aaliving. living.

one ofemployer theone best ofstates theone best inofthe states the country one best indelinquent of the states the to one country one best live inof the of and the states the to country best work. live best in states and the states to country work. live inin the and the country towork. country live and toreports/monies, to live work. live and and work. work. investigaPSYCHIATRIC NURSES—RNs employer audits, employer audits, collecting employer audits, collecting employer employer collecting audits, delinquent reports/monies, audits, collecting audits, delinquent reports/monies, collecting collecting delinquent reports/monies, fraud delinquent delinquent investigafraud reports/monies, investigareports/monies, fraud fraud investigafraud fraudinvestigainvestigaUnemployment Tax Auditor Make more than a living. Make Make a difference. Make a difference. Make a difference. Make Make a difference. a a difference. difference. PSYCHIATRIC TECHNICIANS —Temporary tions, report tions, writing report tions, writing and report tions, verifying writing and report tions, tions, verifying health-care and report writing report verifying health-care writing and writing reporting verifying health-care and and reporting verifying as verifying health-care per reporting as statutes, health-care health-care per reporting statutes, asmany per reporting reporting statutes, asmany per as statutes, asmany per per statutes, statutes, The work The is not work only The is not challenging work only The is challenging not work and only The The isfulfilling, challenging not work work and only isfulfilling, is not it’s challenging not and only rewarding only fulfilling, challenging it’s challenging rewarding and on fulfilling, it’s many and rewarding and on levels fulfilling, many fulfilling, it’s — rewarding on levels it’sit’s — rewarding rewarding levels on — onlevels on many — levels levels —— Vermont Department of Labor Department of Mental Health, bothright professionally both professionally both and professionally socially. both and professionally socially. And both both and with professionally socially. And our and with outstanding And socially. our and with and outstanding socially. And benefits our with outstanding And benefits package, And our with outstanding with package, benefits our our outstanding outstanding package, benefits benefits package, benefits package, package, regulations regulations and regulations policies. and regulations policies. InThe and addition regulations policies. regulations InThe and addition toprofessionally general policies. Inopen and addition and to policies. general knowledge policies. In addition to general knowledge Insocially. Inaddition regarding addition toyou knowledge general regarding to toand general acknowledge general regarding acknowledge knowledge regarding acregarding regarding ac-acMake a difference. The The job right can The open job right can opportunities open job can right opportunities The open job for right can opportunities you right job to for job grow, can you opportunities can open to excel, open for grow, opportunities you opportunities and excel, to for reach grow, and your excel, to for reach for grow, you full you your toexcel, reach togrow, full grow, and your excel, excel, reach full and and your reach reach fullacyour your full full Vermont State Hospital designed designed to meet your designed to health your to designed and meet health financial your designed to designed and meet health financial needs, your to to and meet meet health you’ll financial needs, your your have and health you’ll health needs, financial the and have flexibility and you’ll financial the needs, financial flexibility have topossess you’ll be needs, the needs, flexibility have tocandidates you’ll be you’ll the have flexibility to have bemust the the flexibility flexibility to be toto bethorbe counting, counting, payroll counting, payroll systems counting, payroll systems and counting, tax counting, systems payroll and returns, tax payroll and systems payroll returns, candidates tax systems and systems returns, candidates tax must and and candidates returns, possess tax must tax returns, candidates returns, thormust candidates possess thormust possess thormust possess thorpossess thorpotential. potential. Working potential. Working formeet the State potential. Working for the of State potential. for potential. Working of the State Working for Working of the State for for the of the State State of of Vermont Vermont allows you Vermont allows the freedom you allows Vermont the freedom and you Vermont allows creativity Vermont the and freedom you allows creativity allows the and freedom you you creativity the the freedom and freedom creativity and and creativity creativity Help usanenhance our patient care for environment. RNs and are needed The right job can open opportunities you to grow,within excel, reach your full There’s exciting and challenging opportunity ourcomes Employer Serable toough manage able toough your manage able work/life toyour your manage able work/life balance, to your manage able able work/life to balance, leaving to manage your manage you work/life leaving balance, your time your work/life you leaving to work/life balance, enjoy time all to balance, leaving balance, enjoy that time comes all to leaving you leaving enjoy that time comes you all to you that enjoy time time toall toenjoy that enjoy allall that that comes comes to increase our staff-to-patient ratios. Opportunities with to use your to use skills your and to use skills enthusiasm and to skills use enthusiasm in your and to anto use skills enormous enthusiasm use your in your and anand skills enormous skills enthusiasm array in and an and ofthat enormous enthusiasm disciplines array enthusiasm in an ofyou enormous disciplines array in to in an keep of an enormous disciplines enormous this array to keep of array disciplines this to array keep ofcomes of disciplines this disciplines to keep this to to keep keep this this ough computer computer skills that computer skills ough include that computer ough skills ough include Microsoft that computer computer skills include Microsoft that skills Excel. skills Microsoft include and that Working Excel. include Microsoft include and Working Excel. experience Microsoft Microsoft and Working experience Excel. and and Working Excel. experience Excel. Working Working experience experience experience potential. Working for the State of Vermont allows you the freedom and creativity vices/Unemployment Insurance Division forinitiative, anand accounting/auditing proApplicants should have several of excellent pay and Shift availability varies, call for more with with in Vermont. with in Vermont. living Bring with in usthe Vermont. Bring your living with with drive, us inof living your Bring Vermont. living ambition, drive, in us in Vermont. your Bring Vermont. ambition, and drive, us initiative, Bring your Bring ambition, and drive, us initiative, us your and your ambition, and we’ll drive, drive, initiative, and put ambition, we’ll ambition, and and put we’ll and initiative, put and initiative, and put and we’ll we’ll put put one ofliving the one best ofliving states the one best in of the states the country one best in of the states the to one country one best live in the of and the states the to country best work. live best in states and the states to country work. live inbenefits! in the and the country to work. country live and to to live work. live and and work. work. with the with public, the with public, time the management with time public, management with time with public, the management the public, time and public, skills management the time and time ability skills management the management and toability skills work the to and ability indepenskills work skills the and to indepenand ability work the the ability to indepenability towe’ll to indepenwork work indepenthe following: toskills use your skills and enthusiasm in an enormous array ofwork disciplines toindepenkeep this information. Experienced RNs Psychiatric Nurse II — Salary fessional. Duties include, but are not limited to, obtaining wage records, them to work themfor to work you. themfor to you. work themfortoyou. them work them to forto work you. work forfor you. you. Make more than a—rewarding living. dently are dently essential are dently essential are dently success essential are dently success in dently essential the to are position. are success in essential essential to position. in success Candidates the to to position. success Candidates in success the must position. inCandidates inlevels the be the must position. able position. Candidates be must able Candidates Candidates bemany must able be must must able be beable - Exceptional computer skills, Range: $27.85 to $32.36 per hour. Psychiatric Technicians —levels The work The is not work only The is to not challenging work only The is to challenging not work and only The The is fulfilling, challenging not work work and only isthe fulfilling, is not it’s challenging not and only rewarding only fulfilling, challenging it’s challenging rewarding and on fulfilling, it’s many and rewarding and on fulfilling, many fulfilling, it’s — rewarding on levels many it’s it’s rewarding levels on — onlevels on many many — levels —able — one of the best states in the country to live and work. employer audits, collecting delinquent reports/monies, fraud investigaQuick Books and online Health Temporary opportunity at entry level to join our interdisciplinary read and read interpret and read interpret complex and read interpret complex policies, and read read interpret complex policies, and case and interpret interpret law, complex policies, case statutes complex law, complex policies, case statutes and law, policies, provide policies, case statutes and law, provide case clear, case and statutes law, law, provide clear, statutes and statutes clear, provide and and provide clear, provide clear, clear, both professionally both professionally both and professionally socially. both and professionally socially. And both both and with professionally professionally socially. And our and with outstanding And socially. our and with and outstanding socially. And socially. benefits our with outstanding And benefits package, And our with outstanding with package, benefits our our outstanding outstanding package, benefits benefits package, benefits package, package, Make a difference. State The of Vermont State The of isVermont an State Equal ofThe isVermont Opportunity anState Equal The ofis The Vermont Opportunity an State State Equal Employer. of of Vermont isis Opportunity Vermont an Employer. Equal is is an Opportunity an Equal Employer. Equal Opportunity Opportunity Employer. Employer. Employer. InformationThe Technology (HIT) tions, report writing and verifying health-care reporting asmany perlevels statutes, The work not only challenging and under fulfilling, it’s rewarding — team. Provide direct patient care supervision ofon nurses. Benefits accurate accurate answers accurate answers to employers accurate answers to employers accurate and accurate answers toto employers claimants. and answers answers toto claimants. employers and Only totemporary toemployers claimants. applicants employers Only and claimants. applicants Only and who and claimants. applicants apply claimants. Only who apply applicants Only who Only applicants apply applicants who apply who who apply apply designed designed to meet your designed to meet health your to designed and meet health financial your designed designed and meet health financial needs, your to and meet meet health you’ll financial needs, your your have and health you’ll health needs, financial theand have flexibility and you’ll financial the needs, financial flexibility have to you’ll be needs, the needs, flexibility have to you’ll be you’ll thepotential have flexibility to have bethe the flexibility flexibility to be to to bebe experience not available to employees. There is to become both professionally and socially. And with our outstanding benefits package, regulations and In additionfortoyou general regarding The right job canpolicies. open opportunities to grow,knowledge excel, and reach your fullacablefriendly toat manage ablepersonality toat your manage ablework/life toatyour manage able work/life balance, to your manage able work/life to balance, leaving to manage your manage you work/life leaving balance, your time your work/life you leaving to work/life balance, enjoy time you all to balance, leaving balance, enjoy that time comes all to leaving you leaving enjoy that time comes you allto you that enjoy time time comes toalltoenjoy that enjoy comes allallthat thatcomes comes aable permanent classified employee. Training and career advancement - Exceptionally on-line on-line on-line on-line on-line at will on-line be atconsidered. will at be considered. will be considered. will be will considered. will be be considered. considered. designed to meet your health and financial needs, you’ll have must the flexibility be counting, payroll systems and tax returns, candidates possesstothor-

Office Manager and Front Desk positions.

potential. Working forSalary: the State$14.89/hour, of Vermont allows you the freedom and creativity opportunity exists. second and third shift with great customer service skills with living with in living Vermont. with in Vermont. living Bring with in usVermont. Bring your living with with drive, us inliving your Bring Vermont. living ambition, drive, in usin Vermont. your Bring Vermont. ambition, and drive, us initiative, Bring your Bring ambition, anddrive, usinitiative, us your and your ambition, and we’ll drive, drive, initiative, and put ambition, we’ll ambition, and initiative, and putand we’ll and initiative, put and initiative, we’lland put and we’ll we’ll put put able toyour manage your work/life balance, leaving you time toWorking enjoy allto that comes available with shift differential. for scheduling and reception to use skills andthat enthusiasm inMicrosoft an enormous array of disciplines keep this ough computer skills include and Excel. experience Reference Reference jobforReference posting job posting Reference #25002. job Reference posting #25002. Reference job Burlington posting #25002. job job Burlington posting posting #25002. Full-time. Burlington #25002. #25002. Full-time. Burlington Full-time. Burlington Burlington Full-time. Full-time. Full-time. them to work themfor to work you. themfor to you. work them toyou. them work them to for to work you. work for for you. you. with in Vermont. Bring us your drive, ambition, initiative, and we’ll put For information, call (802) Waterbury. Applications onemore ofliving the best states the country to241-3122, live and work. - Billing and/or insurance company with the public, timeinmanagement skills and theand ability to work indepenApplication Application deadline: Application deadline: Application 10/15/08 deadline: Application Application 10/15/08 deadline: 10/15/08 deadline: deadline: 10/15/08 10/15/08 10/15/08 accepted online only through State of Vermont website. them to work for you. interaction The experience State The of Vermont State The of isVermont an State Equal ofThe isVermont Opportunity anState Equal The ofis The Vermont Opportunity an State State Equal Employer. of of Vermont isessential Opportunity Vermont an Employer. Equal is is an Opportunity an Equal Employer. Equal Opportunity Opportunity Employer. Employer. Employer. dently are to success in the position. Candidates mustlevels be able The work is not only challenging and fulfilling, it’s rewarding on many — ApplicATiON DeADliNe: Open until filled. - Accounting and organizational read and interpret complex policies, case law, statutes and provide clear, both professionally and socially. And with our outstanding benefits package, The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. skills The STaTe VermonT iS and an and equal accurate answers to employers claimants. Onlyhave applicants who to apply designed to of meet your health financial needs, you’ll the flexibility be - Detailed, and proactive opporTuniT y employer. able toatmanage your work/life balance, you time to enjoy all that comes managerial insight and application on-line will beleaving considered. with living in Vermont. Bring us your drive, ambition, and initiative, and we’ll put

Salary and hours negotiable. This Reference job posting #25002. Burlington - Full-time. them to work for you. could become a job-share if two 4t-VTStateHosp-033011.indd 1 4/18/11 6:27:36 PM qualified applicants are found: Application deadline: 10/15/08 The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 20-40 hours. Send resume to Lorilee Schoenbeck, LL@mountainviewnaturalmedicine. com.

Vermont Department of Health, Division of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs VDH Central Office, Burlington, VT - #28483 5v-VT DeptMentalHealth-060811.indd 1

6/6/11 12:35:30 3v-MountainViewMedicine-060811.indd PM 1 6/6/11 11:26:23 AM

Project Manager

SOLAR COMMUNITY ORGANIZER THE PROGRAM A LOT of people have wanted to get their energy from the sun, but just couldn’t figure it out on their own. Now VPIRG Energy has pulled together the right solar installer, equipment, government incentives and discounted financing into a package that’s easy and, thanks to the discounts we’ve negotiated, incredibly affordable. We are working community by community to educate homeowners about the benefits of solar energy, and the results have shown we can increase solar installations by over 300% in just a few months. THE JOB We need an organizer — someone who understands how communities are driven by relationships and who can work within that fabric to make change happen. This is a fun job, where you will help create and run local campaigns to increase solar adoption through classic grassroots organizing and affinity marketing techniques. You’ll be the public face of this Solar Communities program and will need to be excited to embrace lots of public exposure as well as detailed data management in the office. See the whole deal at

5v-VPIRG-052511.indd 1

Substance Abuse Programs Coordinator

C2 seeks a Project Manager to provide oversight to eCommerce projects. Responsibilities include: - Manage client relationship and client satisfaction - Lead and mentor team members and provide feedback to functional managers - Participate in design/code reviews - Articulate technical solutions to clients - Oversee the completion of projects Along with a bachelor’s degree in a related field, a proven ability to manage and deliver eCommerce development projects, experience in Microsoft technologies, and use of SDLC are musts.

Send resume to C2, 354 Mountain View Dr., Ste, 400, Colchester, VT 05446, or For a complete listing of job opportunities, visit competitive. com/careers.

5/23/11 4:41:14 3v-CompCompute-060811.indd PM 1

Exciting opportunity available to lead change in the substance abuse treatment field. The Vermont Department of Health is seeking a dynamic individual to direct and manage the Drinking Driver Rehabilitation Program, substance abuse counselor licensure, workforce development and other substance abuse treatment initiatives. Grant and contract management responsibilities are a component of the position. Requires a bachelor's degree and four years of professional experience providing program administration, implementing program policies and procedures. Certification and/or licensure as a substance abuse counselor preferred. Graduate work in the human services field can be substituted for a portion of the required experience. For further information or to submit an application, please visit The State of Vermont is an E.O.E. Application deadline: 06/14/2011.

6-VTDeptHealth-060811.indd 1 6/6/11 2:24:12 PM

6/6/11 12:33:41 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:


Special Educator


Assistant Fire Marshal/ Deputy Health Officer

Westford Elementary School Our Westford Elementary School (grades PK-8) is seeking a skilled professional to case manage, coordinate and implement effective interventions for special education, 504 and EST. This fulltime position shall involve consultation to grade level teams, and evaluating and developing intervention programs with a focus on literacy, math and behavior. Qualified candidates must possess the following: • Valid VT Educator license with a Special Educator (3-82) or Consulting Teacher (3-85) endorsement • Demonstrated ability to work effectively and collaboratively as part of a vertical teaching team, and as a team of learning specialists • Successful co-teaching experience desirable • Demonstrated commitment to the belief that all children can learn and succeed in school For additional information, or to apply, please go to and enter Job ID 48689. Applications only accepted electronically through EOE. 5h-ChitCentralSU-060811.indd 1

6/3/11 4:10:22 PM

DAY CAMP ASSISTANT DIRECTOR Applicants must be at least 21 years old with supervisory camp experience. FT (seasonal) with great pay and hours. (802) 878-1239

CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE Cabot Creamery, makers of the world’s finest cheddar cheese has an immediate opening in its Sales Support Department in Montpelier, Vt. The Customer Service representative is responsible for processing orders, coordinating logistical changes, entering pricing, and assisting our customers and sales teams with questions or concerns. Strong oral and written communication skills and being a team player are essential.

Cabot offers an excellent benefit package and a competitive starting wage. Please apply in person or send resume to: Human Resources Department, Cabot Creamery One Home Farm Way, Montpelier, VT 05602 Phone: (802) 563-3892 Fax: (802) 563-2173 Email: EOE M/F/D/V

6/6/11 2:20:26 PM

Please submit cover letter and resume to Chief David Bergeron at 27 West Allen Street, Winooski, VT 05404 by June 15, 2011.

5v-CityofWinooski-060811.indd 1 6/6/11 10:57:41 AM

6/6/11 12:24:38 PM

Vermont Housing Finance Agency, located in Burlington, VT, has an immediate opening for an Outreach Coordinator. This is a great opportunity to work with the Agency’s housing partners around the state to provide affordable housing to low- and moderate-income Vermonters. Primary responsibilities include promoting VHFA’s Homeownership (HO) Programs in Vermont through training and marketing with mortgage lenders, real estate professionals, home building organizations, housing nonprofits and consumers. Also participates in new HO program development and/or changes to existing programs, as well as support the agency’s loan and underwriting processes. Associate’s degree or equivalent work experience, and a minimum of three years experience in mortgage lending and/or real estate sales is required, with experience in affordable housing advocacy desired. Experience in public speaking and the design and preparation of training materials and presentations. Travel throughout Vermont on a regular basis, a valid VT driver's license, and dependable transportation are required. Highly developed computer skills including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint are required. Demonstrated customer service skills along with excellent written and verbal communications skills are required. Must be highly organized, able to handle multiple tasks, set priorities, meet deadlines and work with a wide range of individuals, internal and external to the agency. VHFA offers a competitive salary and an excellent benefits package. Please send cover letter, resume and references by June 17 to Martha Fidalgo,

VERMONT HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY PO Box 408 Burlington, VT 05402-0408 An Equal Opportunity Employer

7-VHFA-060811.indd 1 6-CabotCream-060811.indd 1

Salary range is $18.44 to $21.08/hour. Benefits include full medical/dental and Vermont Municipal Retirement System (retirement at age 55).

Homeownership Outreach Coordinator

1t-TownOfWilliston-060811.indd 1

The successful applicant must be able to work in a fastpaced, high-energy environment, have the ability to multitask, problem solve and prioritize under tight time constraints, and provide exceptional support to our customers, brokers, and sales team. Attention to detail and complete follow through is important. Knowledge of Excel, AS400, email, and other tools as needed. Applicants must have a four-year college degree.

The Deputy Health Officer/Assistant Fire Marshal position exists to perform inspections related to health and building safety issues in the City of Winooski. The incumbent will provide expertise needed to advise property owners and tenants of the requirements of the National and Vermont codes and City ordinances. S/he will work with citizens, property owners, and state officials to bring housing and commercial buildings up to code and remain in compliance. The incumbent is responsible for assuring that all required records are maintained in required detail and available as needed by other agencies. This position has the authority to effectively recommend the issuance of code violations and assess fines and penalties.

6/6/11 11:19:09 AM

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at


C-21 06.08.11-06.15.11

Senior Human Resources Analyst

Looking for candidates with vision, leadership and strong background in educational services to students with low incidence disabilities to lead a technical assistance and training team into the future. Full-time, 12-month, state grant-funded position with the University of Vermont, Center on Disability and Community Inclusion. The Vermont State I-Team provides collaborative support for Vermont children and youth who require Intensive Special Education. Apply online at Posting number: 0040016

Coordinator of Academic Services

Help Vermonters pursue their education goals!

Vermont State I-Team Director

4t-UVM_CDCI-060811.indd 1

new jobs posted daily!

6/6/11 2:12:52 PM

Montpelier Center

Seeking energetic, outgoing professional to recruit, schedule and support instructors; advise students; and conduct outreach. Master’s degree and two years’ experience in education and excellent communication and computer skills required. Must be able to work collaboratively, travel as needed and work occasional flexible hours. Competitive salary and excellent benefit package. For a full posting and application instructions, please visit CCV strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other under-represented backgrounds. CCV is an Equal Opportunity Employer, in compliance with ADA requirements.

Job Code: SEV306

Shared Living Provider Opportunities

VSAC seeks a Human Resources professional to coordinate corporate recruitment efforts, assure legal compliance in the areas of benefits and employment, and support the wellness program. Will evaluate resumes, conduct phone screening, review job descriptions and work with department managers to recruit and hire.

HowardCenter’s Shared Living Provider program matches people with developmental disabilities with individuals, couples or families to provide a home, day-to-day assistance and individualized support needs.

Responsible for assuring legal compliance in area of benefits by conducting internal HR audits, conducting benefit and compensation surveys, and working with employee leaves, including FMLA, Workers’ Compensation, and disability. Plan and coordinate a variety of wellness offerings and educational materials to encourage employees to adopt and maintain healthy behaviors and choices.

Shared Living Provider sought for active 23-year-old woman with PDD and co-occurring mental illness. This dedicated equestrian requires a couple or single person, without children living at home, who is looking for a professional stayat-home career. Ideal home is located in rural Chittenden County (Jericho/Underhill) and will welcome her yellow-Labmix therapy dog. Very generous stipend coupled with room and board and respite budge make this an exciting professional opportunity. Anne Vernon, 488-6309.

Must be knowledgeable about federal and state laws governing employment and benefits. Must be self-directed, organized, and detail-oriented with strong problem solving and decision making skills. Looking for a flexible, team-oriented person with strong written and oral communication skills. Must have strong interpersonal skills with a proven ability to work effectively with all levels of management. Successful candidate will have a bachelor’s degree and 3-5 years Human Resources or related field experience. VSAC offers a dynamic work environment and competitive compensation. To learn more about these and other opportunities, visit our website at To be considered for any of our positions, please submit a resume and cover letter with Job Code SEV306 by June 7, 2011 to Director of Human Resources via email, fax 654-3771, or mail. EOE.

VERMONT STUDENT ASSISTANCE CORPORATION PO Box 2000, Winooski, VT 05404 VSAC Job Info Line 654-376

25-year-oLd man is looking for individual or couple to share a wheelchair-accessible home 6-VSAC-060111.indd 4t-ccv060811.indd 1 6/6/11 2:41:40 PM or apartment in surrounding area of S. Burlington. Gregarious for busy mail-order company specializing in fan of Pirates of the Caribbean, metaphysical minerals and jewelry. Duties include Harry Potter, chess and classitaking phone orders, data entry in QuickBooks, cal organ music. Willing to train picking from large, complex inventory, preparing the right person(s). Required items to ship, receiving and stocking inventory and medical/personal care and packing for trade shows. You must be detail oriented augmentative communication. and organized, have excellent customer service skills Supportive experienced team and be able to work in a fast-paced environment. and conversion van provided. Familiarity with the energies of stones helpful. Marisa Hamilton, 488-6571.

Customer Service

Send a letter showing how you fit our requirements with a resume and references to Heaven & Earth, PO Box 249, East Montpelier, VT 05651. NO phone calls, please.


5/31/11 9:37:28 AM

Cashiers, Stock Clerks, Pharmacy Clerks and Pharmacy Technicians

HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.

4t-Kinney-060111.indd 1

Established in 1903, growing drug chain seeks cashiers, stock clerks, pharmacy clerks and pharmacy technicians for part-time positions. Opportunity for advancement. Experience helpful, but not required. Supervisory positions possible based on experience. Contact Kinney Drugs Inc., Casey Gould, 308 Shelburne Rd., Burlington, VT 05401, or apply online at EOE

5/30/11 2:57:06 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:



IT Support Specialist

We are seeking a Contract Analyst to develop, negotiate, and monitor provider contracts for BlueCross BlueShield of VT. The successful candidate will combine strong interpersonal and communication skills, a background in financial analysis, and excellent writing skills. The Contract Analyst will administer contracts to include the development of contract proposals and language as well as negotiate contract terms. The position requires strong administrative, financial analysis, and organizational skills, including the ability to function in a team environment, plan, and manage long-term projects. In-depth provider reimbursement or financial experience preferred. Qualified candidates will have a degree in business, health care or related field, and three to five years experience in health care administration or insurance.

Downtown Burlington law firm is seeking a part-time IT Support Specialist (30 hours per week). The IT Support Specialist will be responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting 15-20 machines, and providing support for local and remote users. Familiarity with Windows Server 2003 R2, cabling, routers and switches will be required for support of server hardware and software. Additionally, this person will provide all end-user desktop support for multiple Windows platforms. Further hardware and software systems support includes iOS and Android devices. Good communication skills are critical to providing support to all attorneys and staff. Applications accepted through June 17, 2011. Interested persons, please email letter and resume to

Consider joining BLUE CROSS and BLUE SHIELD OF VERMONT. We offer competitive salaries, a complete benefits package, and a challenging work environment with opportunity for advancement. 4t-DunkielSaunders-060811.indd


6/6/11 11:20:35 AM

Submit your resume to, or apply online at

Leadership Opportunities in Community Mental Health

Emergency Coordinator / Hospital Diversionist: 5v-BlueCross1-060111.indd 1

5/30/11 11:44:18 AM

Versatile? Vivacious? Valiant?


We want to know more about you


Graphic DesiGn (Tempo

le temporary position availab Seven Days has a full-time, 20, er emb Dec 1team August on its award-winning design 2011. s newspaper ads quickly, A successful candidate design intense deadline pressure. er skillfully and creatively und ground running from day You must be ready to hit the l position. Preference one — this is not an entry-leve significant experience e hav given to candidates who spapers. We are looking new or es azin designing at mag t aesthetic who loves the prin for a designer with an edgy n, esig InD level knowledge of: medium. Required, expert. CS5 hop toS Pho Illustrator,

This is a full-time position overseeing a 24-hour, on-call emergency service system and team, including providing intensive coverage in escalated and crisis situations as well as providing leadership, supervision and development of emergency service staff. This position involves collaboration with area hospitals to reduce emergency room visits for substance and mental health primary issues, and admissions and length of stay for psychiatric hospitalizations.

Care Coordinator: This is a full-time position in our Access Program that serves as a single point of contact in helping clients gain access to needed medical, social, educational and other services. This position will develop strong community relationships with community providers and will assist in coordinating services, while also triaging requests for care and providing assessments and short-term counseling for new referrals. This position will work closely with all agency programs and will provide leadership, supervision and development of Access program staff. Both positions require a master’s degree in the counseling or social work field — licensure is preferred. Experience with emergency services, care coordination and a wide variety of individuals, including those with mental illness, severely emotionally disturbed children and/or substance abuse problems preferred. We offer a competitive salary and an excellent, flexible benefits package. Benefits grow with years of service and include an option to convert benefit dollars to additional salary if desired. Individuals who are interested in joining a strengths-based, flexible and dynamic organization are encouraged to apply. Visit for a complete listing of all our employment opportunities.

a minimum of three print Send cover letter, resume and lished work in .pdf format ad design samples from pub by Friday, June 10, ays only to designjob@sevend

To apply, please send your resume and a letter of interest to Melissa Turner, HR Coordinator, Clara Martin Center, P.O. Box G Randolph, VT 05060, or to

at noon.


5V-7DtemporaryDesigner2011.indd 1

5/12/11 10:06 AM

PAR T-TIME FACULT Y Johnson State College announces the following anticipated vacancies for the Fall 2011 Semester:

Special education educational pSychology contemporary health iSSueS programS for lifetime health and fitneSS The semester begins August 22 and ends December 16, 2011. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send a completed JSC job application (at employment), resume and cover letter to: OR mail to human resources office Johnson State college 337 college hill Johnson, Vt 05656-9898. Learn more about Johnson State College by visiting our website at JSC strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented backgrounds. JSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a member of the Vermont State Colleges system. In compliance with ADA requirements, will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

new jobs posted daily!

Winooski Family Health

We have an opening for the following position: Junior Web Developer.

has a part-time

nursing position

available. Please send letter of interest and resume to


1t-WinooskiFamilyHealth-060811.indd 1

C-23 06.08.11-06.15.11

For more information visit our website: Union Street Media is a web development company located in Burlington, Vt.

To apply, please email your resume, cover letter and three references to: No phone calls, please.

6/6/11 1:54:09 2h-UnionStreetM-060811.indd PM 1

Howard Diversity Center6/6/11 & Job Fa ir June

13, 3 -

6 pM G y mna 113 8 Pin sium, Baird Sc hool e St., C a ll 4 8 Burlington 8-6950 for more info.


Child, Youth and Family Services

2:12:01 PM

InterventIonIst — InclusIon (tWo posItIons) We are seeking a skilled and motivated individual to join our team of professionals. Interventionists will develop therapeutic, mentoring relationships with students struggling to find success in public school due to academic, social/emotional and behavioral challenges. This position requires individuals to be comfortable with the management of aggressive behavior. Full benefits. Bachelor’s degree and driving required. We are seeking a skilled and motivated individual to work with a developmentally-delayed adolescent within a public middle school setting. Interventionist will implement school-based services integrating ABA techniques, skill acquisition and behavior reduction procedures, utilizing augmentative communication and recording data, as well as managing aggressive behaviors and providing toileting assistance. The successful candidate should have good communication skills, mental health experience, and preferably some crisis experience. Full benefits. Bachelor’s degree and driving required.

Developmental Services Developmental Services provides innovative supports to people with developmental disabilities and or autism spectrum disorders. Please contact the Developmental Services staff recruiter, Sue Smithson, at 802.488.6533 to learn more.

5v-WCYSB-060111.indd 1


safety connectIon responder Seeking candidate for emergency responder positions with the Safety Connection program. Candidates must possess a working knowledge of supporting individuals with a developmental disability who live independently in the community, have a valid driver’s license, own a car, and live in the Burlington or Winooski area. Responsibilities include responding quickly and appropriately to client emergencies 2:50:56 PM and working as a member of a support network team. This position offers a monthly stipend and generous hourly compensation for on-call coverage for 7 to 8 days a month, worked between 9 p.m. and 7 a.m. specIalIzed communIty support Worker Experienced candidate sought for Substitute Floater position supporting a variety of individuals to access community resources, enhance community participation, and learn new life and social skills. This position requires creativity, good judgment and strong clinical skills plus. 40-hours-per-week with comprehensive benefits package offered. specIalIzed communIty support Worker 26-year-old man who enjoys a very active lifestyle needs 20 hours of morning support. This guy enjoys swimming, horseback riding and hiking. Ideal candidate is a near-peer-age person with experience supporting individuals on the autism spectrum. Staff must model appropriate behavior and maintain clear boundaries. Communication skills and creativity required. Schedule can be four or five mornings a week for this benefits-eligible position. resIdentIal Instructor Excellent opportunity to work with males living in residential settings while receiving clinical supervision, participating in staff meetings, and working as part of dynamic and skilled teams. Applicants must have exceptional crisis-management skills and be experienced working with adults/adolescents with developmental and psychiatric disabilities. Home in the Hinesburg/Starksboro area. 20 hours/week, combination of weekday and evening hours. Benefits eligible.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse clInIcIan — substance abuse — st. albans The purpose of this job is to provide substance abuse services including intensive outpatient counseling, assessment, referral, student assistance services, support groups and educational presentations to clients/recipients. Master’s required. LADC required within two years. regIstered nurse — chIttenden clInIc This position is responsible for safely dispensing methadone; conducting health/addiction education counseling and providing case management services to the patients receiving methadone maintenance at the Chittenden Clinic. Minimum two years’ experience in nursing. Education requirements based on those required by State of VT for licensure. Excellent attention to detail and organizational skills, strong interpersonal and communication skills. supervIsory clInIcIan substance abuse — chIttenden clInIc This position will provide clinical supervision to several clinicians at the Chittenden Clinic. In addition, this person will be required to provide services to clients with a substance abuse diagnosis and possible co-occurring disorder. Candidate must be adept in the following areas: assessment and counseling; awareness of community resources; supervisory skills; organization and time management; and communication. Afternoon and evening hours will be required. LADC required with at least two years of experience. This position will require some clinical and administrative oversight of our new evening program.

Please visit our website at for more details or to apply online. Applicants must apply for positions electronically. Paper applications are not accepted. Job positions are updated daily. HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees. 10v-howard-fullagency060811.indd 1 5v-FAHCaccounting060811.indd 1

6/3/11 12:00 PM

6/6/11 3:39:27 PM


Photography by John Sappo,


Jamie LaScolea Chief Interface Architect and Founder employee since 1998

Thank you Discover Jazz Fest for keeping the arts alive in Burlington – and thank you employees for being the core of our ever-evolving, vibrant and creative culture. VISIT US ONLINE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND TO APPLY FOR A JOB TODAY!



fp-Dealer-060811.indd 1

5/20/11 11:48 AM

more food before the classifieds

« p.42

sIDEdishes by cOri n hi rsch & a l i ce l e v i t t

Eastern Standard

a pair OF nepalese markets Debuts in WinOOski

alice levitt

NamastE asIaN markEt can be hard to find, despite its central location at 235 Main Street in Winooski. The final storefront in its block, which faces away from the street, is easy to miss if one doesn’t notice its sign featuring praying hands.

goal is to provide “food people eat every day, not things that are going to be sitting on the shelf for months or years.” The same can be said of GooD Luck asIaN markEt, at 32 Malletts Bay Avenue — the former home of a tastE of EuropE, now in Colchester. BaBItra sapkota, who runs the store with her husband, LaLIt aDhIkarI, also hails from

Namaste Asian Market

River House at the Stowe Inn (123 Mountain Road, Stowe) opens on Friday, June 10. For executive chef Doug Groendyke, it’s the reward for the 120-hour weeks he says he’s been working since he joined the inn less than three weeks ago. In that time, Groendyke interviewed more than 100 cooks for his team, choosing five to be part of his “collective of culinary minds,” as he puts it, “serving traditional American fare using classical French techniques.” He’s particularly proud of New England Culinary Institute grad Jayme Thurber, formerly of Solstice at Stowe Mountain Lodge, who is both his sous-chef and pastry chef, making all breads, buns and desserts from scratch. The inn’s previous restaurant, Stowe Inn and Tavern, closed two months ago to make room for the new concept. Before that, chocolate martinis trumped food as a reason to hit the eatery and its antique mahogany bar. Groendyke, who’s fresh from a “tour of Burlington waterfront hotels” following years cooking at Michelin-starred Miami restaurants, says his goal is to prepare “simple and honest good food, executed perfectly with not a lot of frills.” The opening menu includes $3 “tasters” such as house-cut fries with basil-garlic aioli and fresh herb popcorn. Among the small plates: grilled flatbread with crispy fingerling potatoes, GraftoN VILLaGE cheddar, fried sage, and VErmoNt smokE aND curE bacon. The large-plate menu features housemade spaghettini with heirloom tomatoes and herb-roasted chicken from mIsty kNoLL farms with apple butter and cheddar polenta. Like the fish of the day, the vegetables remain unspecified on the print menu. They’ll change daily to showcase the best fresh produce. Groendyke says he’s kept the entrée menu small to allow for a number of daily specials. Guests at the restaurant’s Friday night grand opening will be treated to $2 select wines and drafts and free soft drinks and tasters. They can mingle to live music, which will become a regular Saturday night occurrence .

Join us for Jazz Fest! Music all week long on our patio! Have your ‘Cake and eat it too, with Skinny Pancake Catering! Contact us at 60 Lake St., Burlington 540-0188 89 Main St., Montpelier 262-2253

Now open ‘til 9pm!

Scoop Shop & Walk-up Window Creemees & housemade hard serve! Rookie’s Root Beer Floats, milkshakes, Nor’Easters & More! 88 Oak St., Old North End, Burlington 540-0050

8v-skinnymuffin060811.indd 1

— A .l.

Double Feature

tWO chittenDen cOunty mOvie theaters Open restaurants

June 3, oscars BIstro & Bar opened at the Majestic 10 in Williston. Club Take 2’s executive chef is BrENt LEary of rustIco’s, also located in the EssEx shoppEs & cINEma. He’s pulling double duty at both restaurants. “I bounce back and forth every hour each night,” he says. “Thank God we’re so close.”

siDe Dishes

» p.45 8v-spotlightondance060811.indd 1


Popcorn with heartclogging fake butter has its place, but in the last two weeks, two local movie theaters have gone above and beyond with their dining options. Essex Cinemas led the charge with the May 29 debut of cLuB takE 2. On

6/6/11 3:48 PM


— A. l.

Farm-tO-table cOmes tO the stOWe inn


Nepal. Their store focuses on tastes of the Himalayas, with prepared paneer, miniature eggplants and chiles in the refrigerators, while lining the shelves are gram flour, exotic spices and powder to make the dessert gulab jamun. Sapkota says that demand from the Nepalese community encouraged her and Adhikari to open the store, but the rest of the neighborhood has urged them to expand their offerings. “We’re going to do all over,” she says. “We’re going to have every people from Asia, and we like to have American people, too.” With little overlap between the two stores, both owners hope to find a strong clientele among immigrants and lifelong Americans alike.

Little River Band

That would be a mistake. The store, which opened on June 1, is still in the process of getting a full stock, but even now its wares encompass an uncommon variety of treats. Owner BIshNu GuruNG, a native of Nepal, sells dry goods from her homeland, but the incensefilled market also showcases tastes from far beyond the mountains of Nepal. The counter is stacked with fresh duck eggs, along with handcrafted miso soup mix and Filipino-style siopao chicken buns. Ramen mixes and a wide variety of noodles fill the back of the store, while snacks such as Japanese Yan Yan candy and Calbee chips are in front. Gurung, who splits her time between Namaste and working at a senior residence, was unavailable for an interview, but an employee said her

Got A fooD tip?

6/6/11 3:34 PM



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Words to Chew On « P.42

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Anyone know a good plumber?

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6/4/10 4:39:15 PM

LIVE Music

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“Sustainability is no less a call to patriotism today,” he writes. He also holds up the agricultural commissions that have sprung up in Massachusetts as regional models. And Carroll is downright smitten with Burlington, calling the city’s Food Council a “path-breaking entity.” He celebrates the Intervale, the Burlington Farmers Market, the University of Vermont and the spirit of a city where citizen practice “genuine, in contrast to cosmetic, sustainability.” The cornerstone of Carroll’s call, though, is the agricultural potential of New England’s land-grant universities — he profiles each in detail, noting strengths and deficiencies. For readers interested in where agriculture is heading — and who have a high tolerance for tiny type, bulleted factoids, and terms such as “demand construction” and “capacity building” — Carroll’s unfussy, academic tome is vital.


Sometimes you want to turn off your brain and not think about peak oil, pathogens, labor abuses and dwindling food stores. Sometimes, you just want to eat candy, or at least read about it. When Gesine Bullock-Prado scribbled “Hot sugar is your friend” into an autographed copy of her new book, Sugar Baby: Confections, Candies, Cakes & Other Delicious Recipes for Cooking With Sugar,, it was an understatement. Bullock-Prado — the former owner of Montpelier bakery Gesine’s Confectionary and the author of a previous baking memoir — is in full-on love with the sweet stuff. This book is elegantly designed and drop-dead gorgeous; the pastel-infused pages and Tina Rupp’s stunning photographs are so tantalizing that even the most hardened kitchenphobe might be

moved to start melting some granules. BullockPrado, who says she was born into a family of “candy musicians,” ingeniously structures Sugar Baby according to the forms sugar adopts at various temperatures. The first chapter, for instance, is called “Simple Dissolve to Thread Stage” and is speckled with recipes for such treats as Bittersweet Pudding Pops and Crème Anglaise, “the mother of all pastry sauces.” As the temperature rises, sugar hits its “soft-ball,” “hardball” and “hard-crack” stages, and readers are treated to recipes for Fleur de Sel Caramel, Maple Pillows and TheBirthday-That-Shall-Remain-Nameless Cake. Even with an eye-pleasing layout and clever deconstruction of candy chemistry, it is Bullock-Prado’s effervescent voice that makes Sugar Baby such a fun read. Home cooks struggling not to burn their candy — or themselves — will find breezy directives along the line of “don’t poke hot caramel.” Chemistry is also a key part of beer making, and, even before celebrity craft brewers came along, the hills of Vermont held earnest home brewers who tackled lagers and ales with vigor. The strangely enchanting little tome Mountain Brew: A High-Spirited Guide to Country Style Beer Making! with Tips on Producing Your Own Ingredients offers a glimpse into that world. In 1971, author Tim Matson and his girlfriend, Lee Anne Dorr, moved from Manhattan to Thetford, becoming one of the hippie back-to-the-landers invading the state in that era. “Vermont was just magic. It was an amazing place. We were building our own houses, growing our own food and not happy with Budweiser. Everybody hated Budweiser,” says Matson today. He eventually bought a small farm in Strafford. Matson and his friends watched as Interstate 91 was blasted up

sIDEdishes cOnt i nueD FrOm PAGe 4 3

Alice levitt

Classically trained Leary supplies flatbreads from Rustico’s to the theater, but there isn’t much overlap between its Italian menu and the farm-fresh American

Club Take 2

— A.L.

Entrées and Exits

A BurlinGtOn FAvOrite shutters temPOrArily; FOr Others it’s PermAnent

hurry and get some pizza and brews to tide them over for a while. Co-owner rob DownEy says his restaurant will close for renovations on June 13 and may remain that way for Best VT Coffe Around! as long as two weeks. Fresh Baked Goodies Downey says his team timed the closure to coincide Hearty Egg Sandwiches with road work happening Wraps & Panini’s • FREE Wi-Fi on St. Paul Street. When ...All in the middle of Flatbread reopens, he says to expect new floors, new an apple orchard! ceilings — and a party to celebrate. 4445 Main St., Isle La Motte St. Albans’ bluE acorn 928-3091 abruptly ended its one-year run at the close of May; Wed-Mon 7-2, Sun 8-2 paulInE cray, the mother of owner TIm cray, says personal reasons were behind the 12v-southendcafe052511.indd 1 5/27/11 3:13 PM closure. Blue Acorn’s windows are now covered with paper, and a handwritten sign advertises a new authentic Mexican restaurant, mI casITa, to open soon. Essex Junction has also lost one of its mainstays: the DrunKEn nooDlE HousE has closed its doors. No word on who, if anyone, will step into the eatery’s footprint.

Fans of amErIcan FlaTbrEaD — burlInGTon HEarTH had better


— A. L. & c .H .

Follow us on twitter for the latest food gossip! corin Hirsch: @latesupper Alice Levitt: @aliceeats

Tomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring Fruit by Barry estabrook. Andrews mcmeel, 240 pages. $19.99. Making Supper Safe: One Man’s Quest to Learn the Truth about Food Safety by Ben hewitt. rodale, 288 pages. $24.99. The Real Dirt: Toward Food Sufficiency and Farm Sustainability in New England by John e. carroll. university of new hampshire Press, 136 pages. $15. Sugar Baby: Confections, Candies, Cakes & Other Delicious Recipes for Cooking With Sugar by Gesine Bullock-Prado and tina rupp. stewart, tabori & chang, 252 pages. $29.99.

If you are a woman: Between the ages of 18 and 40 Plan to conceive in the next year

AND .........Have never had a child before OR.............Have had preeclampsia in the past OR.............Have Type 1 diabetes OR.............Have a personal or family history of hypertension or preeclampsia THEN Researchers at the University of Vermont would like to speak with you. This study will examine risk factors for preeclampsia, a disease of pregnancy.

3:30 PM

Financial compensation of up to $375 is provided. We will provide you with ovulation detection kits to aid timing your conception

If you are interested please call 802-656-0309 for more information.


Mountain Brew: A High-Spirited Guide to Country Style Beer Making! with Tips on Producing Your Own by tim matson and lee Anne. miller Pond Books, 31 pages. $9.95

Are you thinking about5/3/11 starting or expanding your family?

12v-Harpers051111.indd 1


industrial-scale beer. “The homebrew was bubbling. It made friends with the air. It smelled like a riddle,” write Matson and Dorr in one of the vignettes. Matson went on to a successful career as a writer and photographer — he shot some of the first photos of the Pilobolus dance company. He and Dorr parted ways, she has since died, and the book sat dormant for 36 years until Matson’s college-age kids asked him if he knew anything about home brewing. So he unearthed the text and republished it through his own press. “Now they know I’m from a golden era,” he says. Mountain Brew is tongue in cheek at times, subtly sad at others (the book is dedicated to “all of the drunks who didn’t make it home”). It might not be the definitive guide to home brewing, but it’s a sweet keepsake of another age. m

We’ve got an App for that!


the Connecticut River Valley; they grew food, played music and had babies. They also started playing around with yeast, malt, hops and water to create strong, often funky beer, sometimes using wild mint, steak bones and cans of Blue Ribbon malt. “We used to make some pretty horrible beer. That’s part of the fun of Mountain Brew,” says Matson. The book was originally printed in Lebanon, N.H., in 1975. Matson and Dorr (who doesn’t use her last name in the book) spent a summer collecting the stories and beer recipes of the artists, hippies and scientists they called friends. The result was a 31-page prose poem of sorts — part oral history, part brewing cookbook, and a beguiling glimpse into a wild free-for-all in which people fed home brew to their pigs, hangovers were commonplace and an entire subculture was resisting

lemon hummus with veggies. Both can be ordered as part of a bento box that fits four choices, which also include pulled-pork sliders and hand-cut fries. Roasted chicken from mIsTy Knoll Farms with lemon risotto and grilled flank steak with kale gratin and fries are among the entrées. For now, only desserts can be brought into the theaters — think milkshakes from IslanD HomEmaDE IcE crEam and brownie sundaes. However, entertainment is available right at the restaurant, which will be open at least until midnight on weekends. On June 16, Vermont Comedy Club will host its first show at Oscars. After that, comedians will perform on the first and third Thursday of every month. Dinner and a show? That’s entertainment.

offerings at Club Take 2. Nonetheless, Leary’s signature attention to detail is definitely on show at the latter. Poutine is made from scratch, with a demi-glace of veal bones replacing traditional gravy. A butcher board is filled with house-cured local meats, including guanciale, prosciutto di Parma, and traditional accouterments such as caper berries and homemade mustard.

Adjacent to the cheerful main dining room, the restaurant has a viewing room of its own with a 25-foot screen. Most nights, games turn the place into an upscale sports bar. Leary says the theater will also play awards shows and other special events. For many of these, he says, expect special themed menus. Guests can bring drinks in from the bar ( just beer and wine for now) and even dig into a burger or dessert, such as limoncello torte or chocolate brownie mousse parfait, while seated in one of the comfy seats, complete with extra-large cupholder armrests. Food from Take 2 is not allowed in the main theaters, but Rustico’s pies are available at the concession stand to tide folks over. Over at Williston’s Oscars, chef ToDD HousTon, formerly of the FarmHousE Tap & GrIll, is also using local ingredients as inspiration. As at Club Take 2, a plate of Vermont cheeses is on the menu. However, much of the cuisine takes its cues from abroad. Appetizers include chicken satay and homemade

Got A fooD tip?




Catered Affair Taste Test: bevo BY AlicE l E Vit t



eventy Roosevelt Highway in Colchester has had a strange few years. Since longtime tenant Junior’s Italian moved around the block in 2007, the space has played host to the Cinnamon rolls, amazing scones, brownies, Hungarian rolls... the best baguettes in promising but short-lived Big town, crusty European-style bread. Chile Republic, then to a VFW post. All the while, local diners have wished for a stable business worthy of filling Junior’s shoes. Locally roasted, fair-trade organic, Chai Bevo may well be that estabmade in-house from scratch! lishment. Aaron and Kathleen Stine were just looking for a kitchen for their catering business of the same name when they came across this spot and decided open 7:30-5 m-f to turn it into a restaurant. Since and 8-3 on sat every fri nite 6-9 the April opening of bevo — lowercase intentional — they’ve 149 S. Champlain St., Downtown Burlington worked at making it a worthy ex802-540-0060 tension of the catering company whose slogan is “Food and bar catering for the epicure.” 8v-AugustFirst060811.indd 1 6/6/11 11:08 AM With intense blue walls lined with big, round mirrors, the main dining room evokes the party atmosphere you might expect at one of bevo’s off-site events. In the next room, guests dine, drink and watch the Food Network on a TV at the bar. The full bar serves up an array of cocktails, ranging from the sophisticated to a scorpion bowl for two. There are lots of local beers, too. A range of starters adds to the fun — and makes it difficult to decide which finger foods to choose. On my first trip last week, my dining partner and I were enticed by the crispy fried cheddar cheese and its promise of truffle honey. Like most of bevo’s small plates, the dish arrived in a white, angled bowl that made it look like a work of minimalist art. The cheese itself was breaded and fried into miniature cylinders that resembled Tater Tots. Mild cheddar spilled from inside at first bite, gooey but not too messy. I was hoping the mess would be in the honey, but this was disappointingly sparse, as was the only occasional taste of truffle oil. Some pieces had all three flavors working together; some did not. When they did team up, it was rare alchemy.

with local eggs, cheese & meat, on our organic rolls with hollandaise







bevo, 70 Roosevelt Highway, Colchester, 355-7891.

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Got a comment? Contact Alice Levitt at

5/30/11 2:39 PM

Both came into play with the seared Nitty Gritty polenta cake. Just $12.95, the stack of food included more fiddleheads than I’ve ever seen on a single plate. They were cooked to perfection: yielding but not too soft. The whole plate was sprinkled with umbrellashaped purple flowers that our server said were onion blossoms — this confirmed on first scallion-like bite. Chunks of Vermont Butter & Cheese Creamery feta also dotted the dish. All these elements adorned two extra-large triangles of baked polenta sitting in what the menu described as a smoky, housemade tomato sauce. Overall, the visually arresting dish had the potential to be a winner, but didn’t quite make it. Like the salad dressings, the tomato sauce was underseasoned and just didn’t stand out, despite its appealing description. The polenta cakes were dry and somewhat crumbly. Maybe this was a bad night for the dish; if I try it again, I’ll hope it surpasses the sum of its promising parts. The Cuban pork special was smoking out front on the hot evening when we ordered it. The meat arrived at our table with a sexy, caramelized crust. We received the end piece, but the fatty white meat therein was sufficiently juicy. It came with a single large tortilla that my friend and I tore in two, plus finely chopped shreds of red cabbage and tender, lightly spiced black beans. Our server forgot the side of mango sour cream we had eagerly anticipated, but brought it posthaste when we reminded her. The cream tasted somewhat fruity, but not quite strong enough to identify as mango. Overall, this plate, too, could have used bigger flavors. I feared I was detecting a theme, but our subsequent selections bucked it. That night, we ordered a dessert of vanilla-scented doughnuts. Fried to order and dusted in powdered sugar, the hot rings melted in the mouth in a rapture of grease and sugar. A small cup of thick, ultra-dark chocolate sauce finished the night with a bang. When reviewing a restaurant that serves lunch as well as dinner, I try to hit both meals. But the distinction is academic at bevo, which offers the same menu all day. Our extraordinarily friendly lunch pHOTOs: mATTHew THORsen


The Misty Knoll Farms smoky chicken wings lived up to their name. The large helping of meaty wings, heavy on my preferred drumettes, tasted fresh from a barbecue competition. Strong smoke played well against the spice of the sticky, Asianstyle glaze that lightly and evenly coated each wing. Chopped herbs added éclat, as did a refreshingly tangy blue cheese dip. My friend and I asked to split the $4.95 chopped garden side salad. To our surprise, it came in two artistic-looking bowls with homemade sesame and cilantro-mint vinaigrettes for us to try. Both dressings were good but lacked pop. A little more acid might have been in order, especially for the cilantro and mint, which should have been an ultra-bright combination. The salad itself barely needed the help. On a base of chopped lettuce, the juicy tomatoes and celery slices — an unconventional addition — stole the show. The homemade croutons tasted like garlic bread without the grease. The entrées were big enough to leave us full and carrying home doggie bags. This was something of a feat, given the low prices and plentiful local ingredients.


AuthEntiC MExiCAn CuiSinE trAditionAl rECipES • infuSEd tEquilAS

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6/6/11 4:46 PM

Japanese Steak House Sushi Bar & Thai Cuisine TAKE OUT AVAILABLE! 2033 Essex Rd • Williston • 878-1288 LUNCH Mon-Sun 11:30-3 • DINNER Mon-Th 4:30-10 • Fri 4:30-10:30 • Sat 2-10:30 • Sun 2-9:30

JUNE 24-26, 2011

The whole plaTe was sprinkled wiTh umbrella-shaped purple flowers

Friday, June 24

Premier Wine Tasting

that our server said were onion blossoms.

Saturday, June 25

Gala Dinner, Live Auction and Oyster & Wine Pairing Sunday, June 26


E N G L A N D ’ S


Grand Tasting, Seminars & Silent Auction


single tiny, green tomato, the Laplatte River Angus Farm patty was bursting with flavor. Nicely melted cheddar, special sauce and vegetables added bite. The patty was cooked closer to well-done than to the medium-rare I’d requested — a fact that, through juicy bites, I mentioned to the server. Though I insisted I was still thrilled with the dish, management removed it from the bill because it hadn’t arrived exactly as ordered. The chicken-and-vegetable-kebab plate, a departure from the fatty pub fare that makes up much of the menu, was the best dish of all. The base was a bulgur salad studded with tomatoes and mint that sang of summer. A stiff little round of homemade pita sat on top, covered by two meaty skewers of chicken marinated in addictive Nitty Gritty polenta cake sweet-and-sour yogurt, similar to a Mughlai reshmi kebab. Another skewer bore similarly full-flavored peppers, onions and squash. A cup of plain yogurt for dipping went mostly untouched — the skewered foods were tasty without it. My second bevo meal ended with a pair of desserts, which our server recited with enthusiasm. The brownie sundae included thin, slightly overcrisp but warm brownies covered in ice cream, caramel sauce and hot fudge that hardened into a ganache. I would have been happy to eat the latter on its own — but then I would have missed the snappy, sugarcoated mixed nuts. A basket of apple-cheddar fritters was not what I expected — namely, both ingredients combined in fritter form. Instead, we got separate battered and fried apple slices and cheese curds. Both were covered in powdered sugar to amplify the savory-sweet counterpoint. While the two-month-old restaurant doesn’t have every detail perfect yet, bevo is well on track. The staffers go out of their way to make guests happy, and most will be. As Winooski grows in foodie sophistication, this restaurant is just what the area needs, whether for a greasy treat or a succulent skewer. m

server recommended the slow-roasted, free-range chicken with potato-leek gratin and locally harvested vegetables for our midday meal. We decided to save that dish for a future trip, but were thankful for the waitress’ help. While chatty service can be annoying, getting to know her and discussing bevo’s food was a pleasure. Our service the previous night had been similarly helpful (though my dinner companion’s prior acquaintance with that waitress didn’t hurt). Bevo’s co-owner, Kathleen Stine, visited each table during both meals. At lunchtime, she carried her sleepy but popular newborn strapped to her front. Taking our server’s advice, we started with the cheese nachos, described on the menu as “a tribute to Tortilla Flats.” I never had the storied starter at that Burlington restaurant, located for years in the building that now houses Bluebird Tavern, but we quickly realized why the nachos were beloved. The ingenious design of these crisp, baked tortilla triangles solved the perennial nacho problem of uneven toppings. Instead of chopped ingredients, the flavor came from a thick, spicy tomatobased sauce. Add a layer of cheese, and voilà — evenly covered chips that resembled miniature pizza slices. I missed the fresh snap of tomato and jalapeños a bit, but the flavor was unbeatable. I had to try the burger, too, in large part to see what the dusted fries were all about. The crisp, hand-cut fries come with a choice of bacon or shiitake “dust,” which I envisioned as a molecular-style powder. The fries arrived in the same adorable mini-bucket that holds the tiny, flaky cheddar biscuits that start each meal at bevo. No dust was to be found. The manager quickly sprinkled some over the fries for us, but the chunks were decidedly larger than dust and didn’t adhere well. The burger made up for that minor disappointment. Served in a light-butchewy, grill-marked bun topped with a

We’re busy purr-fecting our infused tequilas and we’ll be opening soon!



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Please use the Yankee logo and tagline as shown above based on listed size. If you have any questions about how to use or resize the logo and tagline, please contact Heather Atwell at 603-563-8111.

6/6/11 3:46 PM 5

Feb. 2008

calendar J U N E

8 - 1 5 ,

WED.08 community

WINOOSKI COALITION FOR A SAFE AND PEACEFUL COMMUNITY: Neighbors and local businesses help create a thriving Onion City by planning community events, sharing resources, networking and more. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, 3:30-4:45 p.m. Free. Info, 655-1392, ext.10.

VERMONT ARTS COUNCIL ANNUAL MEETING: A short business meeting precedes a grantee showcase featuring Jamie Keithline of Crabgrass Puppet Theatre, musician Robin MacArthur and a screening of Josh Melrod’s Cartoon College. Reception to follow in the Cedar Creek Room. Senate Chamber, Vermont Statehouse, Montpelier, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 828-5422.


KNIT NIGHT: Crafty needleworkers (crocheters, too) share their talents and company as they give yarn a makeover. Phoenix Books, Essex, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 872-7111.


COMPUTER LESSON: Folks in need of some technology tutelage sign up for a tailored, 45-minute course with an expert. Champlain Senior Center, McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 9:30 a.m. $5 donation. Info, 658-3585.


HISTORIC TOURS: Wander the turrets and balconies of this 19th-century castle boasting brick and marble façades, three floors, and 32 rooms. Wilson Castle, Proctor, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. $10. Info, 773-3284, PEONY GARDEN PARTY: One thousand flowers scent the air as folks tour the Brick House and its gardens, play croquet, and sip cocktails. Proceeds benefit the gardens and education programs at Shelburne Museum. Shelburne Museum, 3-5 p.m. $50; preregister. Info, 985-3346 . RAPTOR ENCOUNTER: Visitors get a glimpse into the fascinating lives of flying hunters in this intimate meet-up. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 11 a.m. Regular admission, $8.50-10.50; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 359-5000. TALK TO THE TRAINER: Wild-bird handlers share tricks of the trade. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 2 p.m. Regular admission, $8.5010.50; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 359-5000.

2 0 1 1

fairs & festivals

BURLINGTON DISCOVER JAZZ FESTIVAL: Queen City residents get jazzed about a grand-slam lineup of live music, which takes place everywhere from concert halls to tents by the waterfront. Various downtown locations, Burlington, noon-midnight. Various prices; see for full schedule and details. Info, 863-5966. FRINGE FESTIVAL: Part block party, part performingarts display, this bilingual bash features music, comedy, dance and theater from over 500 performers. Various locations, Montréal, 6 p.m. Various prices. Info, 514-849-3378.


‘JANE EYRE’: A scandalous secret shatters the budding relationship between a brainy governess and her captivating employer in Cary Fukunaga’s adaptation of the Charlotte Brontë novel. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600. ‘LEBANON, PA.’: Ben Hickernell’s bittersweet comedy focuses on the growing bond between an ad man and his second cousin, a newly pregnant 17-year-old. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600.

food & drink

BARRE FARMERS MARKET: Crafters, bakers and farmers share their goods in the center of the town. Main Street, Barre, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, CHOCOLATE-DIPPING DEMO: Fans of cocoa-covered confectionery experience the tempering and dipping process. Laughing Moon Chocolates, Stowe, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 253-9591. SOUTH HERO FARMERS MARKET: Foodies take advantage of fresh-from-the-farm fare and other local goodies. St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 372-3291. SUN TO CHEESE TOURS: Visitors take a behind-thescenes look at dairy farming and cheese making as they observe raw milk turning into farmhouse cheddar. Preregister. Shelburne Farms, 2-4 p.m. $15 includes a block of cheese. Info, 985-8686. WOODSTOCK FARMERS MARKET: Flowers, meats, mushrooms, quail eggs, vegetables and more are readily available, thanks to 30 vendors. Woodstock Village Green, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 457-3555.

health & fitness

‘A DRUG-FREE APPROACH TO LEARNING AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS’: Wellness consultant and chiropractic physician Dr. Stephen Brandon suggests alternate treatments to pills, addressing diet, digestive health, the brain and the nervous system. Preregister. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:306:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1.


» P.50







“What was he doing, the great god Pan / Down in the reeds by the river?” In “A Musical Instrument,” Victorianera poet Elizabeth Barrett Browning contemplates how the faunlike Greek god came to fashion his pan flute from hollow river reeds. (As is common in Greek mythology, the answer has to do with a girl resisting a god’s advances.) The HELIAND CONSORT notes of his handmade Monday, June 13, 7:30 p.m., at instrument — “Sweet, sweet, Hartswick Studio in Sheffield; sweet, O Pan!” — perhaps inspired Vermont Tuesday, June 14, 7:30 p.m., at Grace Episcopal Church in Sheldon; composer Don Jamison’s What Pan Was and Wednesday, June 15, 7:30 Doing, which sets Browning’s text to music p.m., at Mount Mansfield Unitarian specially written for woodwind quartet Universalist Fellowship in Jericho. View website for future dates Heliand Consort. The expanded ensemble and locations through June 18. of Heliand Trio debuts the work this week $5-15 suggested donation. Info, as part of its inaugural summer program, 735-3611. consisting of six concerts in as many days.



FAIRBANKS COMMUNITY OF OBSERVERS: Fairbanks Museum & Planetarium staff members prepare nature lovers to collect quantitative data on specific birds, butterflies, wildflowers and weather. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202,

Pipe Dream

Rhapsody in Bloom Claude Monet reportedly once said, “I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.” We understand. Henry Sheldon Museum’s Spring Garden Tour highlights seven patches that could drive anyone to the easel. Six privately owned gardens on the roster flourish with flora, but no two plots are alike. One in Middlebury is a self-watering rain garden sprouting Solomon’s seal and irises; a Weybridge location is home to what may be the town’s oldest asparagus patch; and a Cornwall stop includes a spring-fed pond, veggies and herbs. Stop and smell the parsley before heading to a reception among the museum’s own bulbs, which are kept up by the Middlebury Garden Club.



JUNE 13-15 | MUSIC

SPRING GARDEN TOUR Sunday, June 12, noon to 5 p.m., at various locations in Middlebury, Cornwall and Weybridge. A 4 to 6 p.m. garden reception at Henry Sheldon Museum in Middlebury concludes the tour. $25. Info, 388-2117.


JUNE 12 | SPORT Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night ... The unofficial creed of the United States Postal Service could nearly apply to the Green Mountain Bicycle Club this season, whose members brave the elements — flooded roads, mostly — to get their cycle on. The Rouses Point Rouser on May 22 drew nearly 40 bikers, notes touring committee cochair Phyl Newbeck, “despite having parts of the ride washed out.” A little rerouting never hurt anyone, it seems. This Sunday’s Grand Isle Flats tour propels riders along two scenic trails: a 26-miler circling Grand Isle on the west and east shores, and a 50-mile option heading to St. Anne’s Shrine and GRAND ISLE FLATS BICYCLE RIDE back. Grab your Sunday, June 12, 8:45 helmet, review a.m., at Folsom School your road rules in South Hero. Free. Info, and get into gear. 878-4070.

Charm School



Fueled by a Tchaikovsky score, a princely kiss, and the enchantments of fairies good and evil, Sleeping Beauty deserves its reputation as one of the 19th century’s most sumptuous and complex ballets. But for all the magic that takes place onstage, it’s really the dancing that determines whether the audience falls under the spell. This weekend, the Ballet School of Vermont and its Northern Vermont Ballet Company for advanced dancers will lay on the charm in a full-length theater production featuring professional dancer Phillip Skaggs (pictured) from Virginia’s Richmond Ballet. Noted by Dance Magazine for ‘SLEEPING BEAUTY’ his “full-out, fearless energy,” Saturday, June 11, 7 p.m., and Sunday, June 12, 3 p.m., at Skaggs will join 119 students Dibden Center for the Arts, — ranging from beginners to Johnson State College. $10en pointe dancers — in a work 18; free for children under of elaborate staging by artistic 2. Info, 393-8655. tickets@ director Maryellen Vickery.


JUNE 11 & 12 | DANCE


Spin Cycle

calendar wed.08

« p.48

Armchair Aerobics: Seniors boost their circulation, stamina and muscle strength without leaving their chairs. Champlain Senior Center, McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 11:30 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 658-3585. Energy Tapping: Eliminate anxiety and depression through acupressure techniques. Champlain Senior Center, McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 10:15 a.m. $5 suggested donation. Info, 658-3585. Yoga Class: Gentle stretches improve core strength and flexibility. Champlain Senior Center, McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 9 a.m. $5 donation. Info, 658-3585.


Enosburg Playgroup: Children and their adult caregivers immerse themselves in singing activities and more. American Legion, Enosburg Falls, 9-11 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. Kids in the Kitchen: Young chefs get busy flipping and flapjacking as they mix up batter for short stacks. Preregister. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. $20 per child; free for an accompanying adult. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1. Moving & Grooving With Christine: Young ones jam out to rock-and-roll and world-beat tunes. Recommended for ages 2 to 5, but all are welcome. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. RPG Game Club: Teens assume alternate roles in fictional settings through Dungeons and Dragons and more. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.


Italian Conversation Group: Parla Italiano? A native speaker leads a language practice for all ages and abilities. Room 101, St. Edmund’s Hall, St. Michael’s College, Colchester, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 899-3869.


Catherine Russell: Soulful, honey-coated vocals emerge from this bona fide jazz and blues songbird. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $25. Info, 863-5966.




Green Mountain Opera Festival Picnic & Broadway Concert: Broadway show tunes and light opera favorites enliven the gardens. Inn at the Round Barn Farm, Waitsfield, 7:30 p.m. $10; free for children 16 and under. Info, 496-7722. Jazz on the Marketplace: Local bands serenade passersby from two stages during the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, noon-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-7992. Music on the Porch: Mark LeGrand and Sarah Munro lend their rich vocal harmonies to a picnic on the porch. Waterbury Station, Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center & Café, 6-7:30 p.m. Free; nonperishable-food-item donations accepted for the Waterbury Food Shelf. Info, 882-2700. Summer Concert Series: Bring a lawn chair or blanket to catch open-air tunes by the NCCS Choir & Jazz Band. Samuel de Champlain Center Stage, Rouses Point Civic Center, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 2972954,


Near-Full-Moon Paddle: Rowers relish fresh air and abundant wildlife on a nighttime tour. Northwoods Stewardship Center, East Charleston, 8 p.m. $10. Info, 723-6551, events@northwoodscenter. org.


Michael Tougias: In “Indian Wars of New England,” the speaker covers the conflicts between Native Americans and colonists, from the arrival of the Pilgrims to the tail end of the French and Indian War. Greater Hartford United Church of Christ, White River Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 295-2123.


‘Burning Bridges’: Local playwright and musician Stephen Goldberg’s original jazz play about a downand-out trumpeter hits the stage, just in time for

the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival. Off Center for the Dramatic Arts, Burlington, 8 p.m. $16.50. Info, 863-5966. ‘La Rondine’: The Opera Company of Middlebury and members of the Burlington Chamber Orchestra re-create the heartbreaking melodies of this Puccini masterpiece. Free preperformance talk for ticket holders at Memorial Baptist Church one hour before curtain time. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 8 p.m. $40-55; Info, 388-7432 or 382-9222.



Landscaping With Natives: Green thumbs learn about incorporating native plants into their landscape and avoiding invasive species. Arcana Gardens & Greenhouse, Jericho, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 899-5123.


Public Forum: Community energy leaders gather to weigh in on how Vermont will meet its energy needs far into the future. Riverside Middle School, Springfield, 6-9 p.m. Free. Info, 828-4039 or 2232328, ext. 112.


The Poor Sister Clare’s Traveling Dancing Monk Show: Choreographer Clare Byrne corrals fellow artists Sharon Estacio, Sarah Carlson, Patrick Ferreri and Jeffrey Peterson in experiments in spirituality and dance. Marble Court, Fleming Museum, UVM, Burlington, 4 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 656-0750.


Burlington Bombers Roller Derby Open Recruitment: Men and women ages 18 and up rock roller skates at open tryouts for Vermont’s only coed roller-derby league. Bring a mouth guard and any gear you already have. Hockey arena, Essex High School, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 338-2538, Historic Tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Raptor Encounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m. Talk to the Trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

fairs & festivals

Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: See WED.08, noon-midnight. Fringe Festival: See WED.08, 6 p.m.


‘Jane Eyre’: See WED.08, 7 p.m. ‘Lebanon, Pa.’: See WED.08, 7 p.m.

food & drink

Chocolate-Dipping Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m. Eat on the Wild Side: Wild Edible Harvest & Preparation: Foragers treat Mother Nature as their grocery store and prepare several dishes. Wisdom of the Herbs School, Woodbury, 6-8 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 456-8122. Fletcher Allen Farmers Market: Locally sourced meats, vegetables, bakery items, breads and maple syrup give hospital employees and visitors the option to eat healthfully. Held outside. Fletcher Allen Hospital, Burlington, 2:30-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 8470797, Greensboro Farmers Market: On the shores of Caspian Lake, shoppers find a bounty of seasonal fruits and veggies, meats, breads, and baked goods. Town Hall Green, Greensboro, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 533-7455. Hinesburg Farmers Market: Growers sell bunched greens, goat meat and root veggies among vendors of pies, handmade soap and knitwear. United Church of Hinesburg, 3:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, Jericho Farmers Market: Passersby graze through locally grown veggies, pasture-raised meats, area wines and handmade crafts. Mills Riverside Park, Jericho, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 343-9778,

New North End Farmers Market: Eaters stroll through an array of offerings, from sweet treats to farm-grown goods. Elks Lodge, Burlington, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 658-8072, newnorthendmarket@ Peacham Farmers Market: Seasonal berries and produce mingle with homemade crafts and baked goods from the village. Academy Green, Peacham, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 592-3061. South Royalton Farmers Market: Various vendors peddle locally grown agricultural goods and unique crafts. Town Green, South Royalton, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 763-8087. Waterbury Farmers Market: Cultivators and their customers swap veggie tales and edible inspirations at a weekly outdoor emporium. Rusty Parker Memorial Park, Waterbury, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 2794371,


Understanding & Protecting Intellectual Property: Registered patent agent Tom Ference and attorney Doug Wolinsky cover the steps independent inventors and businesses must take to secure their rights to creative ideas. Preregistration requested. Dean’s Conference Room, Morrill Hall, UVM, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 598-2881,


Green Mountain Global Forum: Margaret Geller and Scott Kenyon give a joint talk on the astrophysics of the warming of planets throughout the history of the solar system in “Just How Hot? Climate Change and Lessons From the Universe.” Big Picture Theater & Café, Waitsfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 496-2111.

Willoughby Lake Farmers & Artisan Market: Performances by local musicians join produce, eggs, gemstone jewelry, wind chimes and more to lure buyers throughout the warm months. 1975 Route 5A, Westmore, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 525-8842.

Nancy Patch: The Franklin-Grand Isle county forester covers natural community management, pest management, invasive-species control, wildlife habitat and species diversity in “Sugarbush Management for Biodiversity.” Bent Northrop Memorial Library, Fairfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 827-3945.



Chess Club: Checkmate! Board-game players try to attack the king with sly strategies. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $2-3. Info, 363-5803.

health & fitness

Meditation Class: This heart-centered practice, based on the work of Hazrat Inayat Khan and Pir Zia of the Sufi Order, focuses on music, movement, breath and concentration. Call for specific location. Private home, Colchester, 7-8 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 658-2447.


Alburgh Playgroup: Tots form friendships over stories, songs and crafts. Alburgh Family Center, 9-11 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. Fletcher Playgroup: Little ones make use of the open gym before snack time. Fletcher Elementary School, Cambridge, 9-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. Montgomery Playgroup: Little ones up to age 2 exercise their bodies and their minds in the company of adult caregivers. Montgomery Town Library, 1011:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. Music With Raphael: Preschoolers up to age 5 bust out song and dance moves. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. Open Computer Time: Teens play games and surf the web on library laptops. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.


Green Mountain Opera Festival Open Rehearsal: Professional singers train their voices for an upcoming production of Carmen. Gate House Lodge, Sugarbush Resort, Warren, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 496-7722, Jazz on the Marketplace: See WED.08, noon6:30 p.m. Myra Melford Be Bread Sextet: Eastern European and Indian song traditions work their way into blues and boogie-woogie vibes. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8:30 p.m. $28. Info, 863-5966. Roots on the River Festival: A rollicking fourday melody bash includes gigs by Fred Eaglesmith, James McMurtry, Todd Snider, Tommy Womack, Gandalf Murphy & the Slambovian Circus of Dreams, and others. Various locations, Bellows Falls, 7:30 p.m. $15-120. Info, 463-9595. viperHouse & Bonerama: A Vermont-born band meets its decade reunion and a N’Awlins brass funk group closes the evening. The Joshua Panda Band also perform. Groove Tent, Waterfront Park, Burlington, 6 p.m. $18-25. Info, 863-5966.

‘Burning Bridges’: See WED.08, 8 p.m. ‘Moonlight and Magnolias’: Lost Nation Theater presents Ron Hutchinson’s farce chronicling the hilarious screenplay-writing process of Gone With the Wind, which involves five wild days in a locked office. Montpelier City Hall Auditorium, 7 p.m. $10-30. Info, 229-0492. ‘The Rocky Horror Show’: Audiences let their inner Transylvanian out at this cult-classic comedy. Merchants Hall, Rutland, 8 p.m. & midnight. $18-20. Info, 855-8081.


Story Time: Lit lovers of all ages take in fanciful tales. Bud & Bella’s Bookshop, Randolph, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 728-5509.



Village-Building Convergence: Montpelierites build sustainability and celebrate community through skill-sharing workshops, hands-on projects, panel discussions, local food, music and dance. View for schedule. Various locations, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Info, 276-3839. Village-Building Convergence: Village Gathering: Folks share skills and wisdom in more than 35 workshops to create community resilience. View for schedule. Twin Pond Retreat Center, Brookfield, 7 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 276-3839.


Vermont Employee Ownership Conference: A full-day seminar includes 19 workshops, from introductory sessions for those exploring the idea of employee ownership to technical sessions designed for those in established employee-owned companies. Champlain College, Burlington, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $125. Info, 861-6611,


Argentinean Tango: Shoulders back, chin up! With or without partners, dancers of all abilities strut to bandoneón riffs in a self-guided practice session. Salsalina Studio, Burlington, 7:30-10 p.m. $5. Info, 598-1077. Ballroom Lesson & Dance Social: Singles and couples of all levels of experience take a twirl. Jazzercize Studio, Williston, lesson, 7-8 p.m.; open dancing, 8-10 p.m. $14. Info, 862-2269. Dance Social: Two half-hour lessons precede open dancing. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7-10 p.m. $1015. Info, 598-6757.

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Queen City Contra DanCe: Nor’easter serenade organized movers in soft-soled shoes, and Mary Wesley calls the steps. Proceeds benefit the Champlain Valley Folk Festival. Beginners’ session at 7:45 p.m. Edmunds Middle School, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10; free for children under 12. Info, 371-9492 or 343-7165.


CCtV anniVersary PiCniC: Free-speech fans convene for a summery spread of food, drinks and cake. Video Café, Winooski, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 862-1645, ext. 19 . HistoriC tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ‘name tHat moVie!’: Cinemaddicts try to correctly title films by screening a barrage of short clips at happy hour. The CineClub, Savoy Theater, Montpelier, 5-6 p.m. $2.50. Info, 229-0598. raPtor enCounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m. sHifting & DriVetrains 101: Bikers unlock the secrets of proper shifting techniques, assessing wear and damage, barrel adjusters, and more at a fix-it clinic. Onion River Sports, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-9409. talk to tHe trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m. trinity College reunion: College alumni and former faculty and staff members of this now-closed Catholic college catch up over wine and cheese. BCA Center, Burlington, 5 p.m. $10. Info, 291-0809, info@ VineyarD tour & tasting: Supporters of YWCA’s Camp Hochelaga, the last girls-only YWCA residential camp in the U.S., stroll among the vines, taste reds and whites, and sample hors d’oeuvres. Snow Farm Vineyard, South Hero, 6 p.m. $25, or $10 for people under 21. Info, 862-7520.

fairs & festivals

Burlington DisCoVer Jazz festiVal: See WED.08, noon-midnight. fringe festiVal: See WED.08, 6 p.m.


‘i am’: Big-shot Hollywood director Tom Shadyac reveals how his life and perceptions of the movie biz changed after suffering a near-fatal cycling accident in this 2010 documentary. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600.

food & drink

CHelsea farmers market: A long-standing towngreen tradition supplies shoppers with meat, cheese, vegetables and fine crafts. North Common, Chelsea, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 685-9987, CHoColate-DiPPing Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

fiVe Corners farmers market: From natural meats to breads and wines, farmers share the bounty of the growing season at an open-air exchange. Lincoln Place, Essex Junction, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-6701,

lynDonVille farmers market: A seasonal rotation of fresh fruit, veggies, meats, cheeses and more makes its way into shoppers’ hands, courtesy of more than 20 vendors. Bandstand Park, Lyndonville, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 533-7455, riCHmonD farmers market: Live music entertains fresh-food browsers at a melody-centered market connecting farmers and cooks. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 434-5273,

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WestforD farmers market: Purveyors of produce and other edibles take a stand at outdoor stalls. Westford Common, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 524-7317,

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health & fitness

exerCise for BalanCe: Participants focus on balance and flexibility through gentle cardiovascular movement to music, strength training and stretching. Pines Senior Living Community, South Burlington, 10-11 a.m. $5. Info, 658-7477, sheskies@ Vermont start! Heart Walk: A one- or threemile trek supports the American Heart Association. Health screenings, snacks and music round out the walk. Winooski Riverwalk, registration, 4:30 p.m.; walk begins at 6 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 288-8301.


after sCHool Book DisCussion: Middle school page turners chat about favorite comics, short stories, books and graphic novels. Lyman C. Hunt Middle School, Burlington, 3-4 p.m. Free. east montPelier story time: Lively narratives, rhymes, finger plays, crafts and games transfix tots. Four Corners Schoolhouse, East Montpelier, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 223-4665. fairfielD PlaygrouP: Youngsters entertain themselves with creative activities and snack time. Bent Northrop Memorial Library, Fairfield, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. HigH sCHool Book grouP: Bookworms crack open all manner of tomes, from plays to graphic novels to short stories. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4:305:15 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. sCienCe & stories: turtle talk: Kids have aha! moments regarding the shelled reptiles that reside in Vermont. ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center/Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m. Regular admission, $9.50-12.50; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 877-324-6386.

6/3/11 12:16 PM




Artistic Director

Emerging Artist Production


June 16 - 7:30 June 18 - 7:30

Julie Nesrallah, Carmen

Sanford Sylvan,

June 17 - 7:30 June 19 - 3:00

Stage Director

Bruce Stasyna, Conductor

Tickets: $25 - $60 802-476-8188

Artwork: Bill Brauer I 802-496-7722

Supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.


Outpatient Clinical Research

sWanton PlaygrouP: Kids and caregivers squeeze in quality time over imaginative play and snacks. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Swanton, 1011:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426.



• Healthy Individuals Ages 18-50 • 1 Screening visit

tertulia latina: Latino Americanos and other fluent Spanish speakers converse en español. Radio Bean, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3440.


• Now screening • Single dosing visit with follow-up visits

• Compensation up to $1,070

BearQuarium: The ever-popular Vermont octet produces Afro-percussive rhythms and funky grooves at a jiving block party. Fountain Stage, Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5966.

For more information and scheduling, leave your name, phone number, and a good time to call back. CALENDAR 51

greens gone WilD: Cooking Vermont’s summer Bounty: Grilled escarole and radicchio salad with fresh chèvre and balsamic, anyone? Foodies go beyond spinach and lettuce in an exploration of nutrient- and flavor-packed leaves. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1.

luDloW farmers market: Merchants divide a wealth of locally farmed products, artisanal eats and unique crafts. Front lawn, Okemo Mountain School, Ludlow, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 734-3829,


fair HaVen farmers market: Community entertainment adds flair to farm produce, pickles, relishes and more. Fair Haven Park, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 518282-9781,

HartlanD farmers market: Everything from freshly grown produce to specialty food abounds at outdoor stands highlighting the local plenitude. Hartland Public Library, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 4362500,


Dogs & DiamonDs CHamPagne toast: The Phineas Gage Project serenade folks during dinner, drinks and a half-carat diamond giveaway, all benefiting the animals of the Franklin County Humane Society. One Federal, St. Albans, 6:30-10 p.m. $60; $100 per couple; tickets are limited. Info, 527-3715 or 524-9650.

HarDWiCk farmers market: A burgeoning culinary community celebrates local ag with fresh produce and handcrafted goods. Granite Street, Hardwick, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 533-2337,

Call 656-0013 or fax 656-0881 or email FRI.10

‘Win Win’: A small-time lawyer and part-time wrestling coach (Paul Giamatti) unwittingly becomes the guardian of a troubled teen, the grandson of one of his clients, in Thomas McCarthy’s 2011 comedy. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600.

Stowe Theatre Guild presents

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calendar fri.10

« p.51

Concert for Dan: Two Shoes Off, Rachael Rice and the Stars of Gilead give a warm send-off to one of Montpelier’s most prolific musicians, Daniel Haley, before he moves to Oregon. Bethany Church, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 223-2424. Dixieland Cruise with the Onion River Jazz Band: Hop a ride on the Lake Champlain Ferry for a Burlington Discover Jazz Festival tradition involving melodious New Orleans-style jazz. King Street Ferry Dock, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. $24. Info, 863-5966. Jazz on the Marketplace: See WED.08, noon6:30 p.m. Matt Schofield: Though he’s a Brit, this guitarist and singer practically epitomizes the spirit of American blues. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 10 p.m. $15. Info, 863-5966. Music Night: John Daly kicks off an evening of original acoustic guitar. Brown Dog Books & Gifts, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 482-5189. Paul Geremia: This long-standing blues singer and acoustic guitarist draws inspiration from the folk revival of the 1960s. Brick Box, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $15. Info, 775-0903. ‘Piano Premieres and Encores’: Pianist David Alan Pihl and violinist Thomas L. Read share the stage in a concert of firsts, including the premiere of Read’s new piano sonata. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10-15; free for ages 15 and under. Info, 864-0471. Poncho Sanchez & His Latin Band Featuring Terence Blanchard: Vermont All State Jazz Ensemble take the stage before two musical titans step up with “Cubano Be Cubano Bop: A Tribute to Chano Pozo and Dizzy Gillespie.” Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15-45. Info, 863-5966. Roots on the River Festival: See THU.09, noon. Slant Six Swing Band: The seven-piece ensemble makes merry swing, country and R&B music. Haskell Free Library & Opera House, Derby Line, 7:30 p.m. $10. Info, 334-2216.


‘Burning Bridges’: See WED.08, 8 p.m. ‘Chaos and Creativity’: Harpist and performer Martha Gallagher, percussionist Brian Melick, and dancer Karen Montanaro weave together theater, dance, mime, poetry and improv. Vergennes Opera House, 8 p.m. $12-15. Info, 877-6737,




‘La Rondine’: See WED.08, 8 p.m. ‘Moonlight and Magnolias’: See THU.09, 8 p.m. ‘The Rocky Horror Show’: See THU.09, 8 p.m. & midnight.

SAT.11 art

Faking It With Polymer: Mags Bonham demonstrates how to simulate virtually any material with this sculptable substance. Artists’ Mediums, Williston, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 879-1236. Wood-Carving Demo: Visitors avid about avians see trees being whittled into models of various bird species. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 1-2 p.m. Free with regular admission, $3-6. Info, 434-2167.


BCA Summer Artist Market: Local artisans display contemporary craft and fine-art objects as weather permits. Burlington City Hall Park, 9 a.m.2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7166, kmacon@ci.burlington. Green Elephant Tag Sale: Savvy shoppers browse through secondhand furniture, decorative items, jewelry, books, art and more. Proceeds benefit the Lake Placid Center for the Arts. Lake Placid Center for the Arts, N.Y.,, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 518-523-2512. Tag & Book Sale: A massive sale held in a covered, 54-car garage contains thousands of tomes and miscellaneous items. Wake Robin Retirement

Community, Shelburne, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 985-1294.


Standup Comedy Night: Andrew Searles, Mike Paterson and Neil Janna wield the wit to benefit the Stanstead Cultural and Recreational Center. Haskell Free Library & Opera House, Derby Line, 8 p.m. $20. Info, 334-2216.


Village-Building Convergence: See FRI.10, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Village-Building Convergence: Village Gathering: See FRI.10, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.


Ballroom Lesson & Dance Social: See FRI.10, 7-10 p.m. Norwich Contra Dance: David Millstone calls the steps for soft-soled moves to lively tunes by Northern Spy. Tracy Hall, Norwich, 8 p.m. $8; free for under 16; donations accepted for seniors. Info, 7854607, ‘Sleeping Beauty’: The Northern Vermont Ballet Company and the Ballet School of Vermont present this classic tale of enchantment. Proceeds support the fight against neuroblastoma. See calendar spotlight. Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College, 7 p.m. $10-18; free for children under 2. Info, 393-8655, Spring Barn Dance & Silent Auction: Grilled eats and flying feet benefit the Lakeside Preschool. Black Kettle Farm, Whallonsburg, N.Y., 5:30 p.m. $5 for dinner; $10 suggested donation for dance. Info, 518-963-7385, The Poor Sister Clare’s Traveling Dancing Monk Show: See THU.09, Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio, Montpelier, 11 a.m. $5-10 donation. Info, 229-4676.


A Standard Flower Show: “Landmark Celebrations,” presented by the Burlington Garden Club, showcases 24 floral designs, as well as horticultural, educational and youth exhibits. 19 Pinnacle Dr., South Burlington, 1-5 p.m. Donations accepted for the Vermont Garden Park. Info, 862-6067, ‘Art100’ Art Raffle Fundraiser: Don your “creative” black-and-white attire for an evening of locally made and donated art, a mashed-potato martini bar, and jazz music. Each pair of attendees win a piece of art valued at more than $100. Proceeds benefit River Arts. River Arts Center, Morrisville, 6-9 p.m. $100 for two people; cash bar. Info, 888-1261. Historic Tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ‘My Powermoon’: Carmen Reyes covers moon phases and identifies surges of energy the celestial orb may be causing. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 3-5 p.m. $10-12. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202, ‘Pimping Out the Big Picture’ Party: Cabaretstyle music and a cappella songs augment live and silent auctions of skills and personalities, where community members donate their time and expertise to support the theater’s sustainability efforts. Big Picture Theater & Café, Waitsfield, 5-10 p.m. Free. Info, 496-8994. Raptor Encounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m. Talk to the Trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m. Trinity College Reunion: College alumni and former faculty and staff members of this now-closed Catholic college catch up over a luncheon. The Essex Culinary Resort & Spa, 12:45 p.m. $30. Info, 291-0809, Using Common Garden Herbs in Culinary & Body-Care Recipes: Folks put fragrant plants to good use in rosemary scones with herb butter, minted cucumber yogurt dip, tabouli and body-care recipes. Preregister. City Market, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 861-9700.

fairs & festivals

Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: See WED.08, 11 a.m.-midnight. Fringe Festival: See WED.08, noon.


‘I Am’: See FRI.10, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. ‘Kilowatt Ours’: Jeff Barrie’s solutions-oriented film helps citizens take an active roles in energy conservation. Discussion follows. Bring a snack or beverage to share at this waste-free event. Deborah Rawson Memorial Library, Jericho, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 899-4863, ‘Win Win’: See FRI.10, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m.

food & drink

Bristol Farmers Market: Weekly music and kids’ activities add to the edible wares of local food and craft vendors. Town Green, Bristol, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 453-6796, Burlington Farmers Market: Dozens of vendors sell everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to ethnic cuisine to pottery to artisan cheese. Burlington City Hall Park, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Free.

Shelburne Parade Ground, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2472, Waitsfield Farmers Market: Local bands enliven an outdoor outlet for homegrown herbs, flowers and fruits, and handmade breads, cheeses and syrups. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 472-8027 or 498-4734. Williston Farmers Market: Shoppers seek prepared foods and unadorned produce at a weekly open-air affair. Town Green, Williston, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 735-3860, Wine, Swine, Brew & Bid: A pig roast and southern-style picnic meet bluegrass tunes by Something With Strings at this lively fundraiser for Otter Creek Child Center. Lincoln Peak Vineyard, New Haven, 6-10 p.m. $25; $40 per couple; cash bar; limited number of tickets available. Info, 388-9688.


Caledonia Farmers Market: Growers, crafters and entertainers gather weekly at outdoor stands centered on local eats. 50 Railroad St., St. Johnsbury, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free.

Franklin Playgroup: Toddlers and their adult companions meet peers for tales and sing-alongs. Franklin Central School, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426.

Capital City Farmers Market: Fresh produce, perennials, seedlings, home-baked foods and handmade crafts lure local buyers throughout the growing season. 60 State St., Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2958, manager@montpelierfarmersmarket. com.

Franklin Tumble Time: Athletic types stretch their legs in an empty gym. Franklin Central School, 9-10 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426.

Chocolate-Dipping Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m. Enosburg Falls Farmers Market: A more-than20-year-old bazaar offers herbs, jellies, vegetables and just-baked goodies in the heart of the village. Lincoln Park, Enosburg Falls, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 933-4503. Grand Isle Farmers Market: Shoppers browse through a wide selection of local fruits, veggies and handmade crafts. St. Joseph Church Hall, Grand Isle, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 372-3291. Middlebury Farmers Market: Crafts, cheeses, breads and veggies vie for spots in shoppers’ totes. The Marbleworks, Middlebury, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 388-0178, Milton Farmers Market: Honey, jams and pies alike tempt seekers of produce, crafts and maple goodies. Milton Grange, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 893-7734. Morrisville Farmers Market: Foodies stock up on local provender. On the green, Hannaford Supermarket & Pharmacy, Morrisville, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 888-7053, Mount Tom Farmers Market: Purveyors of garden-fresh crops, prepared foods and crafts set up shop for the morning. Mount Tom, Woodstock, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 763-2070, foxxfarm@aol. com. Northwest Farmers Market: Stock up on local, seasonal produce, garden plants, canned goods and handmade crafts. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 373-5821. Norwich Farmers Market: Neighbors discover fruits, veggies and other riches of the land, not to mention baked goods, handmade crafts and local entertainment. Next to Fogg’s Hardware & Building Supply and the Bike Hub. Route 5 South, Norwich, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 384-7447, Pie Breakfast: Plates of pastries benefit Dragonheart Vermont’s Survivorship NOW initiative, which promotes programs and resources that bridge the gap between treatment and recovery for cancer survivors. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 9-11 a.m. $37. Info, 223-4752, Rutland County Farmers Market: Downtown strollers find high-quality fruits and veggies, mushrooms, fresh-cut flowers, sweet baked goods, and artisan crafts within arms’ reach. Depot Park, Rutland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 773-4813. Shelburne Farmers Market: Harvested fruits and greens, artisan cheeses, and local novelties grace outdoor tables at a presentation of the season’s best.

Kids Pirate Festival: Little swashbucklers costume up for an era of exploration with dramatic play and maritime activities. Lake Champlain Maritime Museum, Vergennes, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $6-10; free for members and kids under 5. Info, 475-2022. North Hero Tumble Time: Free-play stations around the gym keep youngsters — and their adult companions — on the go. North Hero Elementary School, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. Read to a Dog: Stories form a bond between young readers and Therapy Dogs of Vermont. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. Touch-A-Truck: Heavy-duty vehicles take a break from hauling during a day of wheeled shenanigans also including clowns, bubbles and animal balloons. Montpelier High School, 11 a.m.-2:30 p.m. $1-2; $5 per family. Info, 225-8699.


Concert for the Light: Local and regional bands Messenger, Epic Season, CrossRoad and Witness let loose a blend of contemporary Christian music. North Avenue Alliance Church, Burlington, 6 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 866-878-8885. Conrad Samuels Band: A local band performs after a 6 p.m. buffet supper. Moose Lodge, St. Albans, 7-11 p.m. $10 for dinner. Info, 527-1327. Frank Zappa Tribute: “Zappatistas” celebrate the late American legend by performing live versions of his tunes, and maybe breaking out some wild moves. Glover Town Hall, 8-11 p.m. Donations accepted for Glover Public Library. Info, 525-1271. ‘Green Mountain Gold’: The Too Tight Trio take the stage in the venue’s first concert series. StudioThree, South Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $15. Info, 866-639-6577. Green Mountain Opera Festival Master Class: Maestro Daniel Beckwith trains voices. Schoolhouse, Sugarbush Resort, Warren, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 496-7722. Jim Brickman: The pop pianist, called a “phenomenon” by the Boston Herald, draws on his repertoire of romantic melodies. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 8 p.m. $48. Info, 760-4634. Roots on the River Festival: See THU.09, noon. Roy Hargrove Quintet & Roberta Gambarini Quartet: Two world-class jazz musicians with Grammy nods share the stage in a double bill performance. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $15-43. Info, 863-5966. The Abyssinians, Midnite, Bushman & Toubab Krewe: Tune in for more than six hours of roots-rock reggae by the lake. World Tent, Waterfront Park, Burlington, 3:30 p.m. $30-35. Info, 863-5966.

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Connect to on any web-enabled cellphone for free, up-to-the-minute CALENDAR EVENTS, plus other nearby restaurants, club dates, MOVIE THEATERS and more.


Village Harmony Alumni Ensemble Concert: Fifteen college-age and young-adult alums perform a repertoire of music traditions drawn from around the world. Unitarian Church, Montpelier, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 426-3210.


Bird Walk: Ospreys, bald eagles, warblers and waterfowl may make appearances on an early morning excursion led by Jim Shallow of Audubon Vermont. Beeken Rivershore Preserve Canoe Launch, Richmond, 7:30-9 a.m. Free. Info, 434-7775. Bird-Monitoring Walk: Beginning birders fine-tune their eyes and ears to recognize winged residents. The information gathered will be entered into a Vermont “e-bird” database. Green Mountain Audubon Center, Huntington, 7-9 a.m. Donations. Info, 434-3068, Branch Out Burlington! Tree Walk: Arborist Warren Spinner and district forester for the Vermont Urban and Community Forestry Program Matt Leonard share fun facts about the city’s trunks. Ethan Allen Park, Burlington, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 862-2930, Clyde Wetlands Conservation Project & Paddle: Wilderness lovers learn about the vulnerabilities of and priorities for the wetlands of the upper Clyde River before a tour of the natural area by boat. Northwoods Stewardship Center, East Charleston, 9 a.m. Donations accepted. Info, 723-6551, events@ Vermont Days: Vermont State Park day areas, state-owned historic sites and the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier kick off summer with two days of free admission and on-site activities. Saturday is a free fishing day for residents and nonresidents to fish without a license in Vermont lakes, streams and rivers. Various locations statewide, 6 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Info, 800-837-6668.


World Naked Bike Ride: Cyclists in any state of dress or undress take a mile-and-a-half loop through downtown to promote bicycle awareness, reject oil dependency and celebrate the human form. FreeRide Bike Co-op, Montpelier, meet at 1 p.m.; ride, 2 p.m. Free. Info,


‘Burning Bridges’: See WED.08, 8 p.m. ‘Moonlight and Magnolias’: See THU.09, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.


Story Time: See THU.09, 11 a.m.



The Great Richmond Root Out! Knotweed Whacking: Horticulturalists give the invasive perennial the boot to make room for native plants. Meet at the lower parking lot. Cochran’s Ski Area, Richmond, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 434-7775.

Green Elephant Tag Sale: See SAT.11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.


Village-Building Convergence: See FRI.10, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.


Israeli Dance: Movers bring clean, soft-soled shoes and learn traditional circle or line dances. Partners

Raptor Encounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m. ‘Sanctuary Reflections in Story and Song’: Jim Stapleton, author of Sanctuary Almanac, and musician Diana Bigelow reflect on the natural world and places of refuge through music, stories and readings. Community Church, Ripton, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 453-5060 or 388-1634. Talk to the Trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m. Walk for the Animals: Two- and four-legged friends raise funds for strays on an outdoor stroll with a barbecue lunch and live tunes to boot. Battery Park, Burlington, registration, 10 a.m.; walk, 11 a.m.; festivities, 11:45 a.m.-3 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 862-0135.

fairs & festivals

Burlington Discover Jazz Festival: See WED.08, 1-midnight. Fringe Festival: See WED.08, noon.


‘I Am’: See FRI.10, 1:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. ‘Win Win’: See FRI.10, 1:30 p.m. & 7 p.m.

food & drink

Chocolate-Dipping Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m. Ice Cream Sundays: Who needs the ice cream man? Visitors churn their own flavors while learning about the scientific and historical aspects of the tradition. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $3-12; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 457-2355. John Duval Wine Event: The winemaker highlights the Rhône varietals of the Barossa Valley at this special dinner. The Pitcher Inn, Warren, 7 p.m. $85. Info, 496-6350. Stowe Farmers Market: Preserves, produce and other provender attract fans of local food. Red Barn Shops Field, Stowe, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 4728027 or 498-4734, Winooski Farmers Market: Area growers and bakers offer “more than just wild leeks.” On the green, Champlain Mill, Winooski, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info,


Burlington-Area Scrabble Club: Tripleletter-square seekers spell out winning words. New players welcome. McClure MultiGenerational Center, Burlington, 12:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 862-7558.

health & fitness

Open Meditation Classes: Harness your emotions and cultivate inner peace through the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Laughing River Yoga, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. $5-15 suggested donation. Info, 684-0452, Scleroderma Walk: Community members take steps to cure the chronic systemic autoimmune disease in memory of Randy E. Duprey. Town Hall Park, Beekmantown, N.Y., registration, 9 a.m.; walk/ run, 10:30 a.m. $15. Info, 800-867-0885.


Kids Pirate Festival: See SAT.11, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Read to a Dog: See SAT.11, 1-2 p.m. Sundays for Fledglings: Youngsters go avian crazy in hiking, acting, writing or exploring activities. Preregister. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 2 p.m. Free with museum admission, $3-6. Info, 434-2167.


Béla Fleck and the Original Flecktones: The five-time Grammy-winning group — complete with founding member, pianist and harmonica man Howard Levy for the first time in 18 years — produces its signature blend of bluegrass, fusion and jazz.

Les Doigts de L’Homme: In the hands of this popular French ensemble, gypsy-jazz standards meet swing, rock and punk sensibilites. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 6 p.m. $15. Info, 863-5966. Roots on the River Festival: See THU.09, noon.

Diversity & Job Fair: Recruiters are on hand to discuss full- and part-time positions at HowardCenter. Meanwhile, attendees take advantage of ethnic foods and international entertainment. McClure Gymnasium, Burlington, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 488-6900. Fringe Festival: See WED.08, noon.


‘I Am’: See FRI.10, 7 p.m.

Village Harmony Alumni Ensemble Concert: See SAT.11, River Arts Center, Morrisville, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 888-1261.

‘Win Win’: See FRI.10, 7 p.m.


Chocolate-Dipping Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

Early Morning Bird Walk: An a.m. ramble through the woods rewards early risers with glimpses of feathered chirpers ... and coffee. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 7-8:15 a.m. Donations accepted. Info, 434-2167. Spring Garden Tour: Stop and smell the flowers at seven gardens, located in Middlebury, Cornwall and Weybridge. See calendar spotlight. Various locations statewide, noon-5 p.m; a 4-6 p.m. garden reception at Henry Sheldon Museum in Middlebury concludes the tour. $25. Info, 388-2117. Vermont Days: See SAT.11, 6 a.m.-9 p.m.


Grand Isle Flats Bicycle Ride: A 26-mile ride circles Grand Isle on the west and east shores, and includes some dirt. A 50-mile option goes to St. Anne’s Shrine before returning. See calendar spotlight. Folsom School, South Hero, 8:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4070.


‘Moonlight and Magnolias’: See THU.09, 2 p.m.

food & drink

Raw Food Workshop: Noodle hounds make fresh, local summer pastas with Linda Wooliever. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7 p.m. $8-10. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202, Thetford Farmers Market: Quilts and crafts supplement edible offerings of fruits and vegetables, honey, pastries, maple syrup, and more. Thetford Hill Green, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4404.

health & fitness

Exercise for Balance: See FRI.10, 10-11 a.m.


Draw Comics!: Teens sketch and share illustrated narratives. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. Music With Raphael: See THU.09, 10:45 a.m. Puppet Show: Orchard Valley Waldorf School earlychildhood education teachers maneuver figurines in a presentation of The Queen Bee, a fairy tale collected by the Brothers Grimm. Felt craft activities follow. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 456-7400.

‘The Importance of Being Earnest’: Theatergoers catch a broadcast of Roundabout Theatre Company’s Broadway hit, a rendition of the Oscar Wilde comedy about social class and name dropping. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 1 p.m. $1017. Info, 382-9222.

Swanton Playgroup: Kids and caregivers squeeze in quality time over imaginative play and snacks. Mary Babcock Elementary School, Swanton, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426.


Béla Fleck and the Original Flecktones: See SUN.12, Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $3969. Info, 603-448-0400.

Karen Winters Schwartz: The author’s fictional account of a family dealing with bipolar disorder, Where Are the Cocoa Puffs?, ties into a talk about the effects of mental illness on families, and the need for education, empathy and advocacy. Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 315-430-7618.



The Great Richmond Root Out! Knotweed Whacking: See SUN.12, 5:30-7 p.m.


Getting Down to Business: Entrepreneurs receive advice on turning that great idea into a successful biz in this five-week series. O’Brien Community Center, Winooski, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 655-1392, ext. 10.


Village-Building Convergence: See FRI.10, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Village-Building Convergence: Panel Discussions: Speakers delve into sustainabilitycentric topics, including wellness and health care, shelter, food, and the energy-descent action plan over the course of four nights. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6-8 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 276-3839.


Heliand Consort: The Summer Light Music concert series includes spirited classical music featuring woodwind quartets and the world premiere of Vermont composer Dan Jamison’s What Pan Was Doing. See calendar spotlight. Hartswick Studio, Sheffield, 7:30 p.m. $5-15 suggested donation. Info, 735-3611, Vergennes City Band Rehearsals: The community ensemble masters melodies. Band Room, Vergennes Union High School & Middle School, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 877-2938, ext. 218. Vermont Fiddle Orchestra Rehearsals: New and established members of the nonprofit community orchestra fiddle around at practice time. St. Augustine’s Catholic Church, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 877-343-3531, Village Harmony Alumni Ensemble Concert: See SAT.11, Christ Church Presbyterian, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 862-1898.


Urban Herb Walk: Guido Masé leads a stroll through Burlington to identify medicinal plants peeking out of the sidewalks, parks and lawns. Preregister. City Market, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. Free. Info, 861-9700.



Adult Floor Hockey: Male and female players ages 18 and up work up a sweat with the Greater Burlington Hockey Club. Sports & Fitness Edge, 4 Gauthier Dr., Essex, 7-9 p.m. $5; sticks provided. Info, 399-2985.

Raptor Encounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m.


Historic Tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Talk to the Trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

Marjorie Cady Memorial Writers Group: Budding wordsmiths improve their craft through


» p.54


Village-Building Convergence: Village Gathering: See FRI.10, 9:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m.

Historic Tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

fairs & festivals




CD Release Concert: Bob Murray and Jeremiah McLane, with the help of Susannah Blachly and Colin McCaffrey, share their genre-jumping songs from O Boss Man. Bethany Church, Montpelier, 6 p.m. $12-15. Info, 479-4147.


Garden-Skills Workshop & Tours: Greenskeepers bring their queries on seed saving, plant propagation, weed identification and more. Preregister for a garden tour at noon. Perennial Pleasures Nursery, East Hardwick, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 472-5104,

‘Sleeping Beauty’: See SAT.11, 3 p.m.

Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25-68. Info, 863-5966.

‘The Rocky Horror Show’: See THU.09, 8 p.m. & midnight.

not required. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 7:25-9:30 p.m. $2; free to first-timers. Info, 888-5706,

calendar mon.13

« p.53

“homework” assignments, creative exercises and sharing. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 388-2926, Shape & Share Life Stories: Prompts trigger true tales, which are crafted into compelling narratives and read aloud. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.



Community Garden Workshop: How does your garden grow? Green thumbs learn about lasagna gardening, square-foot gardening, raised beds, wide rows and more. Community Garden, St. Johnsbury, 4:30-6:30 p.m. $5 suggested donation; preregistration suggested. Info, 748-9498, info@stjfoodcoop. com.


Getting Down to Business: See MON.13, 6:307:30 p.m.


Village-Building Convergence: See FRI.10, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Village-Building Convergence: Panel Discussions: See MON.13, 6-8 p.m.


Double Vision Open Rehearsal: Members of the San Francisco-based modern-dance company polish their moves during a dance residency. Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio, Montpelier, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 229-4676.


06.08.11-06.15.11 SEVEN DAYS

Rutland County Farmers Market: See SAT.11, 3-6 p.m.

health & fitness

Laughter Yoga: What’s so funny? Giggles burst out as gentle aerobic exercise and yogic breathing meet unconditional laughter to enhance physical, emotional, and spiritual health and well-being. Miller Community and Recreation Center, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 355-5129. Morning Meditation: Get your “daily drop of Dharma” in a sitting session with Amy Miller. Milarepa Center, Barnet, 7-8 a.m. Donations accepted. Info, 633-4136. Skin-Care Class: Suzy Harris suggests natural treatments and preventions for acne, rosacea and skin cancers. Preregister. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1.


Creative Tuesdays: Artists engage their imaginations with recycled crafts. Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. Kids in the Kitchen: Flaky, buttery biscuits meet rosy, fresh-picked berries in a hands-on class about strawberry shortcake. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. $20 per child; free for an accompanying adult; preregister. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1. Open Computer Time: See THU.09, 3-4:30 p.m. Science & Stories: Beach Treasures: Kids have aha! moments regarding the ocean and sand. ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center/Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11 a.m. Regular admission, $9.50-12.50; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 877-324-6386.

Green Drinks: Activists and professionals for a cleaner environment raise a glass over networking and discussion. The Skinny Pancake, Montpelier, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 262-2253.

South Hero Playgroup: Free play, crafting and snacks entertain children and their grown-up companions. South Hero Congregational Church, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426.


Historic Tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

Story Time for Tots: Three- to 5-year-olds savor stories, songs, crafts and company. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 482-2878.

Horse Sense Demonstration: Certified equine guided educator Lucinda Newman explores human leadership and social dynamics by identifying parallels in horse communication. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202,

Story Time in the Nestlings’ Nook: Preschoolers take flight in bird-themed craft, book, music and nature activities. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free with regular admission, $3-6. Info, 434-2167, museum@

Radio Amateurs of Northern Vermont Ham Radio Club Meeting: Burlington-area radio operators present on a different aspect of radio communications each month. O’Brien Civic Center, South Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 879-6589.


Raptor Encounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m.


Talk to the Trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

fairs & festivals

Fringe Festival: See WED.08, noon.


Integrated Arts Academy, H.O. Wheeler Elementary School, Burlington, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 324-3073.


‘I Am’: See FRI.10, 7 p.m. ‘Two Spirits’: As part of the Community Cinema project, filmgoers screen Lydia Nibley’s 2009 documentary about one of the youngest hate-crime victims in modern history. Discussion follows. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5966.

Pause Café: French speakers of all levels converse en français. Borders Books & Music, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-5088.

Concert in the Park: The Waterbury Community Band makes merry music out of doors. Rusty Parker Memorial Park, Waterbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2137, Green Mountain Chorus: Men who like to sing learn four-part harmonies at an open meeting of this all-guy barbershop group. St. Francis Xavier School, Winooski, 7-9:30 p.m. Free. Info, 505-9595. Heliand Consort: See MON.13, Grace Episcopal Church, Sheldon.

food & drink

Milton Community Band Rehearsal: Director Phil Mears oversees bandmates and new members in a varied repertoire jumping from patriotic tunes to Broadway favorites. Band room, Milton Elementary School, 7-8:45 p.m. Free. Info, 893-1398.

Chocolate-Dipping Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

Noontime Concert Series: The 12 members of Syrinx sing Brahms’ Warum Ist Das Licht Gegeben Dem Mühseligen, Biebl’s Ave Maria, three pieces by Glenn Sproul on Zen Buddhist texts and more. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0471.

‘Win Win’: See FRI.10, 7 p.m.

Canning Honey-Sweetened Jam: Seasonal fruits make their way into jars as home cooks learn foodpreservation techniques. Preregister. Sustainability Academy at Lawrence Barnes School, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 861-9700. Johnson Farmers Market: A street emporium bursts with local agricultural products, ranging from produce to herbs to fresh-baked bread. United Church, Johnson, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1682. Old North End Farmers Market: Local farmers sell the fruits of their fields, and their labor.

Recorder Trio Concert: Barbara Buckley, Charles Mayhood and Susan McKenney work the woodwind instruments at a lunchtime performance. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, noon. Free. Info, 223-3338.

Village Harmony Alumni Ensemble Concert: See SAT.11, East Craftsbury Presbyterian Church, Craftsbury, 7:30 p.m. $5-10. Info, 586-7707.

with headaches, tension and negative emotions ... sans needles. Network Chiropractic of Vermont, Shelburne, 6:45-7:45 p.m. Free. Info, 985-9850.


Morning Meditation: See TUE.14, 7-8 a.m.

Basic Introduction to Camera Use: Budding videographers learn about media production in this taping workshop. 294 North Winooski Ave., Burlington, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 862-3966, ext. 16,



‘Books to Film’ Club Kick-off: Middle schoolers read stories, then screen them. Fairfax Community Library, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 849-2420, Enosburg Playgroup: See WED.08, 9-11 a.m.

Amy Miller: In “Cultivating True Happiness Through Establishing a Practice,” the director of the Milarepa Center offers a fun and relaxed approach to spiritual practice through meditation and discussion. Milarepa Center, Barnet, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 633-4136. Gail Reichlin: This internationally recognized expert in the early-childhood field offers positivediscipline principles and solutions for the “gimmies” in “This Child Is Driving Me Crazy: Sanity-Saving Suggestions for a Super Summer.” South Burlington Community Library, 7 p.m. Free; tickets required. Info, 652-7080.


‘The Rocky Horror Show’: See THU.09, 8 p.m. & midnight.



Moving & Grooving With Christine: See WED.08, 11-11:30 a.m. RPG Game Club: See WED.08, 3-5 p.m.


Hablemos Español: Fluent or just learning, folks say hola. Phoenix Books, Essex, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 872-7111.


Capital City Band: Community band members toot their own horns in marches and old-time, patriotic, and popular songs at an outdoor concert next to the Pavilion Office Building. Vermont Statehouse lawn, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-7069. Grand Ol’ Honky Tonk With Brett Hughes: Vermont’s bluegrass and country pickers create danceable uptempos. Other musicians involved include Tyler Bolles, Matt Schrag, Gordon Stone, Caleb Elder and Sean Preece. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7 p.m. $12. Info, 760-4634.

Village-Building Convergence: See FRI.10, 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

Heliand Consort: See MON.13, Mount Mansfield Unitarian Universalist Fellowship, Jericho.

Village-Building Convergence: Panel Discussions: See MON.13, 6-8 p.m.

Music on the Porch: Dave Keller lends his original blues and soul stylings to a picnic on the porch. Waterbury Station, Green Mountain Coffee Visitor Center & Café, 6-7:30 p.m. Free; nonperishable-fooditem donations accepted for the Waterbury Food Shelf. Info, 882-2700.


Historic Tours: See WED.08, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Raptor Encounter: See WED.08, 11 a.m. Saka Dawa Celebration: Visitors participate in activities related to this sacred Buddhist day, which marks Buddha’s birth, enlightenment and parinirvana. Milarepa Center, Barnet, 4 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 633-4136. Spring Sharing & Caring Series: Folks learn to distinguish grief from depression at a monthly educational series and support circle. The Arbors at Shelburne, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 866-284-1912.

Sully Erna: Godsmack’s frontman branches out in his solo album Avalon, a fusion of tribal rhythms, melodic piano and cello, and haunting vocals. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $29.50-44.50. Info, 775-0903.


Talk to the Trainer: See WED.08, 2 p.m.

New England Culinary Institute Golf Tournament: Players tee off in a scramble format to support culinary-student scholarships. Country Club of Barre, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. $125. Info, 225-3221.

fairs & festivals


Fringe Festival: See WED.08, noon.


Climate Change Film Series: The Suzuki Diaries and Weather Report shed light on inspiring people and projects building hope for a sustainable future. Richmond Free Library, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 434-4415. ‘I Am’: See FRI.10, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. ‘Win Win’: See FRI.10, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m.

food & drink

Barre Farmers Market: See WED.08, 3-6:30 p.m. Celebrate Strawberry Season: From shortcake to jam to quick bread, bakers learn how to best utilize the red, juicy superstar of summer. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:30-8 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1. Chocolate-Dipping Demo: See WED.08, 2 p.m. South Hero Farmers Market: See WED.08, 4-7 p.m. Woodstock Farmers Market: See WED.08, 3-6 p.m.

health & fitness

‘The Whole Story on Snakes and Salamanders of Richmond’: Vermont Reptile and Amphibian Atlas’ Jim Andrews and seventh-grade students present their fieldwork on amphibian road crossings, a vernal pool mapping project and more. Camel’s Hump Middle School, Richmond, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 434-7775.


The Met: Live in HD: Summer Encore Series: Catamount Arts Center: Patricia Racette stars in Giacomo Puccini’s three-act opera Madame Butterfly. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 6:30 p.m. $1015. Info, 748-2600. The Met: Live in HD: Summer Encore Series: Palace 9: See above listing. Palace Cinema 9, South Burlington, 6:30 p.m. $12.50-15. Info, 660-9300. ‘The Rocky Horror Show’: See THU.09, 8 p.m.


Sydney Lea: The Vermont native and awardwinning poet, novelist and nonfiction writer excerpts his latest collection of poems, Young of the Year. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 7488291. m

Emotional Freedom Technique: Stressed out? People learn a form of self-acupuncture that deals

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ayurveda BALANCE YOUR HORMONES, BALANCE YOUR LIFE, BALANCE YOUR BREATH: Jun. 11, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Cost: $75/class. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga & Therapy, 364 Dorset St., suite 204, S. Burlington. Info: 658-9440, International speaker Dr. Claudia Welch joins VTCYT for a workshop on women’s health. Dr. Welch combines Eastern medicine with Western science to provide insights about the power of breath, diet and lifestyle to create optimum health.

burlington city arts

SUMMER CAMP: ITSY BITSY FASHION: Jul. 25-29, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Cost: $170/camp. Location: BCA Center, Burlington. Become a miniature fashion designer! Campers will learn basic sewing techniques and will use simple patterns to cut and create their own dolls out of various sewing materials, including cottons, rickrack, yarns, ribbons, buttons, puffy fabric paints and more. By the end of the week, campers will have made many fashionable outfits and accessories for their own dolls. Pair this with Illustrate It! for a full-day experience. Ages 6-8. CLAY: WHEEL THROWING: Jul. 12-Aug. 16, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Tue. Cost: $200/nonmembers, $180/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Work on the potter’s wheel, learning basic throwing and forming techniques. Create vases, mugs and bowls. Students will also be guided through the various finishing techniques using the studio’s house slips and glazes. No previous experience needed. Includes over 20 hours per week of open studio time to practice!

PAINTING: WATERCOLOR: Jul. 13-Aug. 10, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Wed. Cost: $140/ nonmembers, $126/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, Burlington. This class will offer demonstrations, instruction and the opportunity to paint outdoors. Students will paint on watercolor paper and will gain experience with drawing, composition and more. Class emphasis is on observational painting with a focus on landscapes and nature. Students will paint outdoors on nice days! All levels welcome. PHOTO: ARCHITECTURAL PHOTOGRAPHY: Jul. 12-26, 6-9 p.m., Weekly on Tue. Cost: $195/ nonmembers, $175.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, Burlington. Gain technical skills and hands-on knowledge to create exterior architectural photographs. Lens choices, common challenges and their solutions, choosing the best time of day, and image processing techniques in Photoshop will all be covered. Students will also have access to our archival printer. Prerequisite: Intro SLR Camera or equivalent experience.

building TINY HOUSE RAISING: Cost: $250/workshop. Location: Montgomery, Vermont. Info: Peter King, 933-6103. A crew of beginners will help instructor Peter King frame and sheath a 10x10 tiny house on June 11 and 12 in Enosburg. Info,

business 3-DAY PMP EXAM BOOT CAMP: Jun. 28-30, 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $1,999/camp. Location: DoubleTree Hotel, 1117 Williston Rd., S. Burlington. Info: Desai Management Consulting, LLC , Vijay Desai, MBA, PMP, P.Eng., 363-9260,, The 3-Day PMP Exam Preparation Boot Camp by DMC (Desai Management Consulting LLC) is a thorough and accelerated course focused on a single goal: Equipping project managers with the knowledge and techniques they need to pass PMI’s Project Management Professional Certification Exam.

camps ART CAMP: A: Jun. 27-Jul. 1, 9-2, ages 6-11; B: Jul. 11-15, 9-2, ages 8-13. Cost: $270/incl. all materials. Location: Art Camp, 614 Macrae Rd., Colchester. Info: Art Camp, Carol MacDonald, 8629037, carol@carolmacdonald. com, Come work in Carol MacDonald’s print studio! Drawing, painting,

climbing VERMONT CLIMBING & ADVENTURE SCHOOL: Location: Vermont Climbing & Adventure School, 76 Venus Ave., Burlington. Info: Regina, 858-9034. Overnight Yoga and Climbing Retreat, June 17 and 18, $125/person. Mother and Child Outdoor Climbing Day, June 26, $125/two people. Women’s Day on the Rocks, July 9, $75/person. Individual and small-group rockclimbing instruction available by appointment.

cycling BICYCLE MECHANICS: TUNEUPS: Jul. 7-24, Thu., 6:308:30, & Sun., 2-6. Cost: $600/ course, grants & scholarships avail. Location: The Flashbulb Institute, Burlington. Info: The Flashbulb Institute, Sara Mehalick, 338-1613, sarainvt@, In this course, students will become comfortable with the simple machines found on all bikes and the specifics particular to their own bike. With this skill set, you’ll be ready to diagnose and repair common problems. Be prepared to work outside class time to reinforce practical skills and complete projects. GIRLS MOVE MOUNTAINS: Jun. 26, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $95/ day. Location: Stowe Mountain Resort, Stowe. Info: Girls Move Mountains, Girls Move Mountains, in partnership with Stowe Mountain Resort and Onion River Sports, is pleased to offer a one-day Dirt Divas mountain bike clinic for women, ages 16 and up, who are interested in learning the exciting lifelong sport of mountain biking.

DANCE CONDITIONING & BALLET: Ballet Barre & Adagio, Wed. 5:45-7 p.m. Dance Conditioning Wed. 7-7:45 p.m. Location: Burlington Dances, 1 Mill St., suite 372, Burlington. Info: 863-3369, lucille@, Perfect for beginning-level students, Ballet Barre and Adagio is taught by classically trained teachers for the experience of elegance, personal growth and fun. One of the best ways to condition the body for any eventuality, Dance Conditioning draws upon the wisdom and traditions of dancers for a balanced physique. DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Location: 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Victoria, 5981077, Salsa classes, nightclub-style, on-one and on-two, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Wednesdays, 6 p.m. Argentinean Tango class and social, Fridays, 7:30 p.m., walkins welcome. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in any time and prepare for an enjoyable workout! LEARN TO SWING DANCE: Cost: $60/6-week series ($50 for students/seniors). Location: Champlain Club, 20 Crowley St., Burlington. Info:, 860-7501. Great fun, exercise and socializing, with fabulous music. Learn in a welcoming and lighthearted environment. Classes start every six weeks: Tuesdays for beginners; Wednesdays for upper levels. Instructors: Shirley McAdam and Chris Nickl. LEARN TO DANCE W/ A PARTNER!: Cost: $50/4-week class. Location: The Champlain Club, 20 Crowley St., Burlington, St. Albans, Colchester. Info: First Step Dance, 598-6757,, Come alone, or come with friends, but come out and learn to dance! Beginning classes repeat each month, but intermediate classes vary from month to month. As with all of our programs, everyone is encouraged to attend, and no partner is necessary. Three locations to choose from!

drumming JAPANESE TAIKO, HAITIAN DRUMS: Haitian Intro, Jun. 15, 5:30-7:30. Taiko Intro, Jun. 26, kids & parents, 4:30-5:20; adults, 5:30-7:20. Taiko classes, Burlington, Jun. 28, kids & parents, 4:30; adults, 5:30. E. Montpelier Taiko classes, Jun. 23, 7-8:20. Location: Taiko Space Burlington; AllTogetherNow East Montpelier , 208 Flynn Ave., Suite 3-G, Burlington; 170 Cherry Tree Hill Rd., E. Montpelier, Burlington; E. Montpelier. Info: Burlington Taiko, Stuart Paton, 999-4255, spaton55@ DRUMMING

» P.56


PHOTO: INTRO FILM OR DIGITAL SLR CAMERA: Jul. 6-Aug. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Wed. Cost: $145/members, $130.50/ BCA members. Location: BCA Center, Burlington. Explore the basic workings of the manual 35

PRINT: SILKSCREEN SOME NEW DUDS: Jul. 12-Aug. 16, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Tue. Cost: $180/ nonmembers, $162/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Torrey Valyou, co-owner of New Duds, will show you how to design and print T-shirts, posters, fine art and more! Learn how to apply photo emulsion, how to use a silkscreen exposure unit. Cost includes over 20 hours per week of open studio hours for class work. No experience necessary!

YOUTH SPORT PERFORMANCE CAMP: Jun. 28-Aug. 11, 9:45-11 a.m., Weekly on Mon., Tue., Thu. Cost: $149/early registration incl. complimentary T-shirt. Location: South Burlington High School, 550 Dorset St., S. Burlington. Info: Injury to Excellence/Fit to Excel, John & Sheila Stawinski, 922-5924, john@injurytoexcellence. com, Campers will improve their strength and cardiovascular endurance as well as develop sport-specific speed, quickness, power and agility. This camp is ideal for athletes looking to gain an edge on fall sports competition. Athletes entering the sixth grade or above may attend. Camp will be held rain or shine!



SUMMER CAMP: CLAYMATION: Jun. 20-24, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Cost: $170/camp. Location: Burlington City Arts, Burlington. Campers will make their own 3-D characters come alive through the art of stop-motion animation. Forming small “production companies,” teams of campers will write original stories, sculpt

SUMMER CAMP: CAMP TADPOLE: Aug. 8-12, 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m. Cost: $100/camp. Location: Print and Clay Studio, Burlington. Young children can experience exciting art and craft projects that will open up their imagination and unlock their creativity. Painting, clay, collage, stories, games and much more mixed in with a healthy dose of play! Drop off your child and head out for some summer fun of your own. Ages 3-6.

JEWELRY AND METAL DESIGN: Jul. 14-Aug. 18, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Thu. Cost: $185/ nonmembers, $166.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Make your own earrings, bracelets, necklaces and more, while discovering the art of fine metal craftsmanship. Students will learn many techniques including sawing, forming, polishing and soldering while working with copper, brass or silver. Some basic supplies and equipment will be provided. No experience necessary!

PRINT: ABSTRACT PRINTING: Jul. 11-Aug. 15, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Mon. Cost: $165/ nonemembers, $148.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Experiment with a variety of printmaking methods, such as etching and linoleum cuts, to create uniquely expressive artwork. Students will work together on collaborative prints. Start creating your own prints, no experience is necessary! Cost includes over 20 hours per week of open studio hours for class work.

linoleum block printing, monotype, collagraph, clay and handmade artist books. “I believe in supporting the creative voices of children by providing quality materials and an opportunity for them to experiment with their individual imagery and process in a small group setting.”


SUMMER CAMP: SILK-SCREEN DESIGN: Jun. 20-24, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Cost: $170/camp. Location: Print & Clay Studio, Burlington. Learn how to create your own unique designs using silk screens. Teens will be introduced to BCA’s professional print studio, will learn some basic silk-screen techniques, and will create posters, banners and more. By the end of the week, participants will have reproduced a variety of images while learning the silk-screening process. Pair this with Teen Photo for a full-day experience. Ages 12-14.

SUMMER CAMP: TEEN PHOTO: Jul. 11-15, 1-4 p.m. Cost: $170/ camp. Location: BCA Center, Burlington. Learn the mysteries of the photographic darkroom! In this camp, teens will go on guided photo shoots in downtown Burlington and will learn how to print their own black-and-white photographs. Manual cameras, film and paper are all provided. Ages 12-14.

DROP IN: ADULT LIFE DRAWING: Jul. 11-Aug. 15, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Mon. Cost: $8/ session, $7/session for BCA members. Location: BCA Center, Burlington. This drop-in class is open to all levels and facilitated by a BCA staff member and professional model. Please bring your own drawing materials and paper. No registration necessary.

mm film or digital SLR camera to learn how to take the photographs you envision. Demystify f-stops, shutter speeds and exposure, and learn the basics of composition, lens choices and film types/sensitivity. Bring your manual 35mm film or digital SLR camera manual. No experience necessary.


BCA offers dozens of weeklong summer art camps for ages 3-14 in downtown Burlington from June to August – the largest selection of art camps in the region! Choose full- or halfday camps – scholarships are available. See all the camps and details at

characters, construct sets and then animate their creations for the camera. Aspects of postproduction work, including some computer editing, may be incorporated to create individual CDs of the campers’ work. Pair this with Mosaic Glass Design for a full-day experience. Ages 9-11.

CLAY: WHEEL THROWING II: Jul. 11-Aug. 15, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Mon. Cost: $200/nonmembers, $180/BCA members. Clay sold separately at $20/25 lb. bag. Glazes & firings incl. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Some wheel experience needed. Learn individualized tips for advancement on the wheel. Demonstrations and instruction will cover intermediate throwing, trimming and glazing techniques. Individual projects will be encouraged. Students must be proficient in centering and throwing basic cups and bowls. Over 20 hours per week of open studio time to practice!


« P.55, burlingtontaiko. org. Japanese Taiko and Haitian Drums Taiko, a graceful mix of movement voice and drums. We offer a one-day workshop to try for fun, and to prepare for regular classes. Haitian drumming is a beautiful and melodic form that joins hands, congas and rhythms. We offer a one-evening workshop, and regular lessons and classes.




DEVELOPING YOUR HIGH SENSE PERCEPTION: Jun. 18-19, 9 a.m.5 p.m. Cost: $75/weekend incl. snacks & lunches. Location: 55 Clover Ln., Waterbury. Info: Sue, 244-7909. Learn how to use the full range of your psychic abilities, access the Akashic records and develop your skill in working with subtle energies in this experiential workshop. Led by Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. VISUAL JOURNALING: ACCESSING YOUR INNER WISDOM: Jun. 11-12, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $75/class. Location: 55 Clover Ln., Waterbury. Info: Sue, 244-7909. Connect with your inner wisdom as you learn the process of Visual Journaling in this experiential workshop; all books and art supplies will be provided. Led by Susan I. Lee, EdD, teacher and consultant. This course is suitable for CEUs.


Class may decide to share work with family and friends at week’s end. BODY AWARENESS SERIES: ALEXANDER, FELDENKRAIS & LABAN/BARTENIEFF TECHNIQUES: Open level, Wed., Jul. 6-Aug. 10, 7:30-9 p.m. Cost: $95/6-wk. series or $35/2wk. segment. Location: Flynn Center, Burlington. Specially trained practitioners of different modalities open you up to new ease of movement and help you become aware of movement habits and reduce unnecessary tension. Learn to make movement choices that are logical, effortless, efficient and aware. JUST ADDED! TAP MASTER CLASS W/ LISA HOPKINS: Intermediate & Advanced Teens/Adults, Wed., Jul. 13, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Cost: $28/ class. Location: Flynn Center, Burlington. We’ve missed our tap teaching artist Lisa Hopkins while she went on sabbatical to L.A. to develop a show, but the wait is over. She’s back for one day only, so shine up your shoes, bring a water bottle and get ready to swing! JAZZ IMPROV W/ GEORGE VOLAND: Ages 18+, Thu., Jul. 14-Aug. 11, 5:45-7:15 p.m. Cost: $95/5 weeks. Location: Flynn Center, Burlington. Musicians of all kinds improvise: jazz, of course, but also rock, blues, folk and classical; even Bach improvised! This group focuses on the art of improvisation: creating original melodies on the spot, using jazz chords as our harmonic guide. You’ll play in a combo setting with like-minded folks who may become your future jam partners! One year of experience on your instrument recommended.



JAZZ MUSIC SUMMER INTENSIVES, JUL. 25-29: Beginning Improvisation for ages 10-12, 10 a.m.-12 p.m., $135 1x1-FlynnPerfArts093009.indd 1 9/28/09 3:32:51 (incl. PM ticket to an evening concert). Latin Jazz Music or Hand ACTING THROUGH SONG W/ Percussion (choose your track) BILL REED: Ages 15+, Tue.-Fri., for ages 13-adult, 12:30-5 p.m., Jul. 5-8, 5:45-8:15 p.m. Cost: $285 (incl. ticket to an evening $165/course. Location: Flynn concert. Also avail. for credit Center, Burlington. A boot camp through UVM). Location: Flynn for theatrical singers, this weekCenter, Burlington. All students long intensive addresses vocal work with skilled artist/educaand acting techniques through tors in clinics and combos, take a group and individual activities. hand percussion workshop with Participants learn and practice Steve Ferraris, and experience the classical Broadway “legit” amazing guest sessions with and belting techniques used in world-renowned artist/educator contemporary Broadway producArturo O’Farrill. The week culmitions, and dive into authentic nates in a concert at the Flynn song interpretation. Discover the on Friday. See website for more power of acting through song! detail on specific tracks. 652-4548

gardening OPEN HOUSE CELEBRATING NATURE: Jun. 12, 10-5 p.m. Location: Marijke’s Perennial Gardens Plus, 1299 Robert Young Rd., S. Starksboro. Info: marijke’s perennial Gardens Plus, marijke niles, 453-7590,, Sunday, June 12. Exquisite gardens in a spectacular mountainous wildlife setting. Hardy field-grown perennials and small fruits for sale. Free and open to the public. All ages welcome. 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. garden tours, 1 p.m. native plant workshop, 11-1:30 music by Simbo, 2:30 Zumba with Lindsey.

herbs WISDOM OF THE HERBS SCHOOL: Wild Edible Intensive spring/summer term will be held Jul. 10, & summer/fall term will be held Aug. 21, Sep. 18 & Oct. 16. Join either or both terms of Wild Edibles. VSAC nondegree grants may be avail. Monthly Wild Edible & Medicinal Plant Walks w/ Annie, & Naturalist Walks w/ George, $10, dates announced on our Facebook page, join our email list, or call us. Location: Wisdom of the Herbs School, Woodbury. Info: 456-8122,, Earth skills for changing times. Experiential programs embracing local, wild, edible and medicinal plants, food as first medicine, sustainable living skills, and the inner journey. Annie McCleary, director, and George Lisi, naturalist.

language ANNOUNCING SPANISH CLASSES: Beginning week of Jun. 27 for 10 weeks. Cost: $175/10 1-hr. classes. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: Spanish in Waterbury Center, 585-1025,, Summer Spanish classes, taught by a native speaker in a small class environment. Also lesson packages for travelers, private instruction and tutoring/AP. Increase your level for school next fall. Specializing in lessons for young children; they love it! See our website for complete information or contact us for details.

martial arts AIKIDO: Adult classes meet 7 days/wk. Join now & receive a 3-mo. membership (unlimited classes) for $175. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St. (across from Conant Metal and Light), Burlington. Info: 951-8900, Aikido is a dynamic Japanese martial art that promotes physical and mental

harmony through the use of breathing exercises, aerobic conditioning, circular movements, and pinning and throwing techniques. We also teach sword/ staff arts and knife defense. The Samurai Youth Program provides scholarships for children and teenagers, ages 7-17. AIKIDO: Tue.-Fri. 6-7:30 p.m.; Sun., 10-11:30 a.m. Location: Vermont Aikido, 274 N. Winooski Ave. (2nd floor), Burlington. Info: Vermont Aikido, 862-9785, Aikido trains body and spirit together, promoting physical flexibility with flowing movement, martial awareness with compassionate connection, respect for others and confidence in oneself. $65 fee includes practice uniform. New five-week class for kids starts June 11! Saturday mornings from 9:30-10:30 a.m. FUN SUMMER AIKIDO FOR CHILDREN AGES 6-12: Location: Vermont Aikido, 274 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 862-9785. 5-week class meets Saturday mornings 9:30-10:30 a.m. starting June 11. $60 includes uniform you get to take home! Questions or want to learn more about aikido? Call or visit website. VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIUJITSU: Mon.-Fri., 6-9 p.m., & Sat., 10 a.m. 1st class is free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 660-4072, Julio@bjjusa. com, Classes for men, women and children. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enhances strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardio-respiratory fitness. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training builds and helps to instill courage and self-confidence. We offer a legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts program in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Accept no imitations. Learn from one of the world’s best, Julio “Foca” Fernandez, CBJJ and IBJJF certified 6th Degree Black Belt, Brazilian JiuJitsu instructor under Carlson Gracie Sr., teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A 5-time Brazilian JiuJitsu National Featherweight Champion and 3-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. VING TSUN KUNG FU: Mon. & Wed., 5:30-7:30. Cost: $90/mo. Location: Robert Miller Center, 130 Gosse Ct., Burlington. Info: MOY TUNG KUNG FU, Nick, 3183383, KUNGFU.VT@GMAIL.COM, MOYTUNGVT.COM. Traditional Moy Yat Ving Tsun Kung Fu. Learn a highly effective combination of relaxation, center line control and economy of motion. Take physical stature out of the equation; with the time-tested Ving Tsun system, simple principles work with any body type. Free introductory class.

massage ASIAN BODYWORK THERAPY PROGRAM: Weekly on Mon., Tue. Cost: $5,000/500-hour program. Location: Elements of Healing, 21 Essex Way, suite 109, Essex Jct. Info: Elements of Healing, Scott Moylan, 2888160,, This program teaches two forms of massage, Amma and Shiatsu. We will explore Oriental medicine theory and diagnosis as well as the body’s meridian system, acupressure points, Yin Yang and 5-Element Theory. Additionally, 100 hours of Western anatomy and physiology will be taught. VSAC nondegree grants are available. NCBTMB-assigned school.

meditation CHOD: CUTTING THROUGH THE EGO: Jun. 17-19, 7:30-3 p.m. Cost: $120/weekend. Location: Laughing River Yoga Studio, Chace Mill, 1 Mill St., Burlington. Info: Rime Shedrub Ling Vermont, Sarah Snow, 684-0452,, Khachab Rinpoche will bestow the empowerment and teachings of Chod. Through this esoteric Tibetan Buddhist practice, one aims to cut through the obstacles of premature death, disturbing emotions, bodily and mental sufferings, and unawareness. The fruition is the recognition of mind’s essence, free from grasping, anger and confusion. LEARN TO MEDITATE: Meditation instruction available Sunday mornings, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., or by appointment. The Shambhala Cafe meets the first Saturday of each month for meditation and discussions, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. An Open House occurs every third Wednesday evening of each month, 7-9 p.m., which includes an intro to the center, a short dharma talk and socializing. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 So. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 658-6795, Through the practice of sitting still and following your breath as it goes out and dissolves, you are connecting with your heart. By simply letting yourself be, as you are, you develop genuine sympathy toward yourself. The Burlington Shambhala Center offers meditation as a path to discovering gentleness and wisdom. THE THREE JEWELS: Friday eve., 7-9 p.m.; Sat. & Sun., 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $95/weekend class. Location: Burlington Shambhala Meditation Center, 187 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Kathryn Webb, 999-8081,, This weekend class explores what it means to take refuge in the

three jewels, the Buddha, the dharma and the sangha, and to become a Buddhist. It is open to anyone interested in exploring the topic of refuge. This class is strongly recommended for people who intend to take refuge vows (offered June 24 and 25).

movement BELLY DANCE, ZUMBA, CHACE MILL: Mon. & Fri., 5:45. Location: Burlington Dances, Chace Mill, top floor, 1 Mill St., suite 372, Burlington. Info: Burlington Dances, Lucille Dyer, 8633369, info@burlingtondances. com, Enjoy Belly Dance Fridays with Gail McKenzie Hall! Have fun, move your body to the ancient rhythms of belly dance! And get into the energizing and rejuvenating dance moves and music from around the world. Zumba! Good health, happy body, great prices!

nature ROOTS SCHOOL: Location: ROOTS School, 20 Blachly Rd. , East Calais. Info: ROOTS School, Sarah Corrigan, 456-1253, Info@, Instinctual Awareness and Self Defense; June 18-19. This class will look at sensory awareness applicable to all environments; with training in ninjutsu techniques by Ben Goodrich. Core Skills; July 17-23. This class is about the fundamentals of wilderness survival: shelter, fire, water, food, fibers, stealth, stone tools, plants and more.

pilates ALL WELLNESS: Location: 128 Lakeside Ave., Ste. 103, Burlington. Info: 863-9900, We encourage all ages, all bodies and all abilities to discover greater ease and enjoyment in life by integrating Pilates, physical therapy, yoga and nutrition. Come experience our welcoming atmosphere, skillful, caring instructors and light-filled studio. Join us for a free introduction to the reformer, every Saturday at 10:30 a.m. and the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.: Just call and reserve your spot! NATURAL BODIES PILATES: Good health, happy body, great price! Daily classes & private sessions. Location: Natural Bodies Pilates, 1 Mill St., suite 372, Burlington. Info: 863-3369, lucille@naturalbodiespilates. com, Get year-round discounts on all of your classes, private sessions and workshops, while exercising with people you like! Refer a new student who mentions your name when purchasing their first Take Any Class Card or Private Session Package, and you get a 20% off your next class card!



shamanism Weather ShamaniSm LeveL 1: Jun. 11-12, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Cost: $195/2-day weekend class. Location: Shaman’s Flame Woodbury facility, 644 Log Town Rd., E. Calais. Info: Shaman’s Flame, Peter CLARK, 253-7846, peterclark13@gmail. com, A form of spiritual ecology, a call to caring about the environment. Weather shamanism is not about controlling weather, but rather about healing our relationship with weather and its associated spiritual intelligence. Through shamanic journeying, we work to find a path of balance: compassionate weather dancing. Shamanic journey skills required.

tai chi Snake-StyLe tai Chi Chuan: Beginner classes Sat. mornings & Wed. evenings. Call to view a class. Location: Bao Tak Fai Tai Chi Institute, 100 Church St., Burlington. Info: 864-7902, The Yang Snake Style is a dynamic tai chi method that mobilizes the spine while stretching and strengthening the core body muscles. Practicing this ancient martial art increases strength, flexibility, vitality, peace of mind and martial skill.

Classes, Fine Art, Faux Finishes, Murals Maggie Standley 233.7676 Arts infused, interdisciplinary, inspiring classes, camps and workshops for kids, teens and adults. Visit the classes section at for more details. Sliding scale available, all abilities welcome. Let your imagination soar! Summer CampS: 3 sessions open, 8:30-2:30 p.m. Cost: $300/incl. all materials. Location: wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., Burlington. Spread your wings this summer and partake in a creative, fun camp at a beautiful artist’s studio and beyond! Session I, Jun. 20-24 (ages 4-9): Creative Adventures. Session III, Jul. 11-15 (ages 4-13): Art & French. Session IV, Jul. 18-22 (ages 5-13): Art & Science Week. Explore the universe of possibilities with us!

women infertiLity & StreSS reduCtion: Jun. 30-Jul. 28, 5:45-7 p.m., Weekly on Mon. Cost: $75/series. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga & Therapy, 364 Dorset St., suite 204, S. Burlington. Info: 6589440, Infertility is typically an unexpected experience that leads to emotional and physical stress. Utilizing gentle yoga poses, working with breath and reestablishing a sense of personal empowerment can help counterbalance the distressing impacts of infertility. All levels of experience with yoga (beginners to experienced) can participate.

evoLution yoga: $14/class, $130/class card. $5-$10 community classes, 4:30 p.m. Mon., Wed., Thu., Fri. Location: Evolution Yoga, Burlington. Info: 864-9642,, Evolution’s certified teachers are skilled with students ranging from beginner to advanced. We offer classes in Vinyasa, Anusara-inspired, Kripalu and Iyengar yoga. Babies/kids classes also available! Prepare for birth and strengthen postpartum with pre-/postnatal yoga, and check out our thriving massage practice. Participate in our community blog: Laughing river yoga: Classes 7 days/wk. $13/drop-in, $110/10 classes, monthly & summer unlimited pkgs. avail. Mon.-Fri. 9 a.m. classes by donation ($5-$15 suggested).. Location: Laughing River Yoga, Chace Mill, suite 126, Burlington. Info: Laughing River Yoga, 343-8119, emily@laughingriveryoga. com, Experienced and compassionate teachers offer Kripalu, Jivamukti, Vajra, Flow, Yin, Restorative, Kundalini, Iyengar, PranaVayu and DJ Groove yoga. Educate yourself with monthly workshops and class series. Yoga plus offered retreats on and off site. Lots of light. River view. Parking. All levels welcome! Deepen your understanding of who you are. mind, Body & yoga for teenage girLS W/ tiSha ShuLL: Jun. 22-Jul. 13, 4-5:15 p.m., Weekly on Wed. Cost: $45/series. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga & Therapy, 364 Dorset St., suite 204, S. Burlington. Info: 658-9440, This class will build upon strength already present in adolescent girls. This series will help develop and deepen the connection between mind and body to enhance body image. We will work creatively with yogic practices to expand selfknowledge in a fun environment.

Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies One weekend a month in Brattleboro or Montpelier, VT or Completely Online Start dates available in summer, fall and winter Offering new seminars Ask about transfer credits for prior college and life/work experience. 62 Ridge St., Montpelier, VT 05602 • 3 University Way, Brattleboro, VT 05301 Non-profit, private, accredited by the North Central Association/Higher Learning Commission (

BA, BS, MA, MEd, EdD, PhD, PsyD

UI&U does not discriminate in its policies and procedures and conforms with federal non-discriminatory regulations. 6h-UnionInstitute030911.indd 1

3/8/11 10:32 AM

Central to Your new life “It was amazing... and perfect. The nurses were so friendly and helpful. We were really comfortable and well cared for.” It is written that Tuesday’s child is full of grace. In the case of Shea Michael Cere it is indeed so. On Tuesday, May 31, weighing 7lb/11oz and measuring 20.5 inches, baby Shea graced his parents with his arrival. The little guy is sweet and beautiful with perfect tiny features and lots of dark hair. He was sleeping soundly when we arrived – cuddled by mom Kristin Taylor and dad Brad Cere. They can’t quite believe their good fortune. Baby Shea will go home soon to Waterbury Center. We wish the new family all the best and infinite grace.

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reStorative yoga, reiki & aromatherapy W/ anne martin & Jane JareCki Lanza: Jun. 19, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Cost: $35/course. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga & Therapy, 364 Dorset St., suite 204, S. Burlington. Info: 658-9440, Revel in stillness during this twohour Restorative Yoga, Reiki & Aromatherapy Workshop. Through supported, long-held asanas, you give the body permission to relax and your mind spaciousness. Feel the profound effects of this simple rejuvenating practice, Reiki’s light touch and aromatic essential oils. No yoga experience necessary. m



midLife tranSitionS: Letting go & moving forWard, an interaCtive WorkShop for Women 40+: Jun. 13-20, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Mon. Cost: $99/2wk. series. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga & Therapy, 364 Dorset St., suite 204, S. Burlington. Info: 658-9440, Explore midlife transitions. Be inspired to find courage, vision and spirit to face challenging external changes by making internal shifts. We will explore the three phases of transition: (1) Letting go, (2) experiencing the emptiness, (3) creating new possibilities. Includes meditation, body awareness, visualizations, coaching tools and group sharing to guide you as you move forward and find new directions.



yang-StyLe tai Chi: Beginner’s class, Wed., 5:30. All levels class on Sat., 8:30 a.m. Cost: $16/ class. Location: Vermont Tai Chi Academy & Healing Center, 180 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Turn right into driveway immediately after the railroad tracks. Located in the old Magic Hat Brewery building. Info: 3186238. Tai Chi is a slow-moving martial art that combines deep breathing and graceful movements to produce the valuable effects of relaxation, improved concentration, improved balance, a decrease in blood pressure and ease in the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Janet Makaris, instructor.

wingspan studio





hen Ruth Garbus was a kid, she and her sister, Merrill, spent part of each summer wandering freely around Pinewoods, a music summer camp for adults in Plymouth, Mass. It was the kind of place where baroque music wafted out of cabins and adults congregated in recorder ensembles. The Garbus girls’ mother was an instructor who brought them along for Pinewoods’ Early Music Week, during which she gave harpsichord lessons. “It was insanely beautiful,” recalls Garbus during a recent conversation from her home in Brattleboro. “At night there would be faculty concerts and incredibly educated and accomplished baroque musicians would be playing ... Hearing it now brings me back to my childhood ... It shaped my ears, I think.” A wide-eyed child with a love of music set loose in a sun-dappled world of recorders and harpsichords reads like a nostalgic prelude to Garbus’ first real experience playing in a band. After dropping out of the furnituredesign program at the Rhode Island School of Design as a teenager, Garbus moved to Brattleboro. There she met musicians and record-store clerks Kyle Thomas and Kurt Weisman. The two were the founders and lead forces behind a local psychedelic-folk band called Feathers. After a while, Thomas and Garbus became close friends, and he invited her to join the band — even though she really didn’t know much about playing music. “You didn’t necessarily have to be a talented musician to be invited to be in the band,” she says. Feathers was a sprawling, eightmember collective that performed dramatic, swaying acid-folk with barely tuned acoustic guitars and banjos, ramshackle drum kits, bells, and singing saws. There was a lot of group singing. The band’s sound and style harked back to a bucolic era when long hair, beards, floppy hats, sitars — and, yes, even recorders and harpsichords — ruled. The band was in the right place at the right time. Around 2004, it caught the ear of Devendra Banhart, who had become the most popular artist in the burgeoning “freak folk” movement. Banhart mentioned the band on a list of music he was listening to for online music mag Pitchfork, which raised Feathers’ profile. He later invited them to work with him

Ruth Garbus

On Her Own Songwriter Ruth Garbus steps into the spotlight BY MAT T BUS H L O W

on his new album in a studio in Woodstock, N.Y. Some of those collaborations ended up on Banhart’s breakthrough record, Cripple Crow. “Being in Feathers and getting that amount of attention ... at that time it was like my whole world exploded,” Garbus says. “And I realized there were all these people in all these different places around the world who were listening to this stuff and appreciating it. And that was a real eye-opener … for me.” Garbus had never been a songwriter. She sang and played a little guitar, bass and drums in Feathers. But she looked around and saw how many people in and associated with the band were writing great songs. As she tells it, it was Kurt Weisman and his brother, Chris — Garbus’ boyfriend since 2006 — who inspired her to start writing. “In their way, they were like, You can do this,” she says. “They didn’t say that, but that was the message I got from being around them.”

As Garbus became more confident as a songwriter, she wanted to have more of a voice — literally and figuratively — in Feathers. But it wasn’t to be. She was only able to contribute a handful of songs to their self-produced albums and sole “official” release on Banhart’s Gnomonsong label. So Garbus recorded six songs on a cassette recorder and dubbed the result Ruthie’s Request. She offered copies for sale during a Feathers tour through California, and was thrilled when people bought them — though she admits she only sold about 20 copies. It took Garbus nearly four years to write and record another album, 2010’s Rendezvous With Rama. She claims she’s a slow writer. But then, she had a lot on her plate. In late 2009, Garbus, Thomas and Chris Weisman started a new band called Happy Birthday. In a way, it was the opposite of Feathers. Where Feathers was a quasi-utopian collective in

which everyone could write, sing and play spaced-out folk, Happy Birthday had a center of gravity: Thomas’ bratty, lo-fi-punk songwriting. This time, Garbus played drums and had even less input into the creative process — though she insists the band “was like a relationship between three people.” In a surprising turn, Happy Birthday was signed to Seattle’s Sub Pop Records. The band spent the next yearplus on a whirlwind tour promoting its eponymous record across the U.S., Canada and the United Kingdom. Eventually, the group unraveled, and a touring version of the band, sans Weisman, played its final show in London in early November 2010. “Having your band signed to Sub Pop so fucking early on in its life, it just put an enormous amount of pressure on that didn’t allow for any kind of creative incubation to take place,” Garbus says. And yet, there was a positive side to the wild ride. “Obviously, it feels really good to have people saying, ‘Oh, this is good. We like this music ... You guys are making interesting art, and we want it.’” Since then, Garbus has started to accept more of the solo gigs she was offered — but turned down — while part of Happy Birthday. A few weeks ago, she was the opening act for her sister, Merrill, who’s better known these days as the African-influenced, self-sampling, dance-pop diva tUnE-yArDs. (Yes, she deserves that many modifiers.) Merrill’s manager has encouraged Ruth, arranging gigs for her in places such as Easthampton, Mass., and Montréal. But Garbus remains close to her roots. This week she’s playing at Angioplasty Media’s Waking Windows festival at the Monkey House in Winooski. She’s sharing a bill with what could be considered the usual suspects: Kurt Weisman and the guy who recorded both Rendezvous With Rama and Happy Birthday’s Sub Pop album: Ryan Power. But this time, Garbus isn’t part of a band. She isn’t playing second fiddle — or recorder. She’ll be under the lights by herself, playing her own songs.

Ruth Garbus plays the Waking Windows festival at the Monkey House in Winooski on Friday, June 10, 9 p.m., with Kurt Weisman, Ryan Power and DJ Greg Davis. $8.


Rear Window, Part 2

b y Da n bo ll e S

Following an early show Saturday with khÔra, nick kuePfer and silent land time machine (see the spotlight on page 60), things get decidedly more aggro at the Monkey House. The punk and hardcore showcase features a pair of Seattle punk bands, the assassinators and shakin’ michael J, as well as Cape Cod’s led to the grave, Rhode Island thrash-metal band ramPant decay, Boston’s drago and our very own hardcore hooligans lord silky — who should be just about ready to release their new album. The double dip continues on Sunday. Following an early comedy showcase, the fest comes to a pop-tastic close with shePard’s Pie, disco-rock darlings diamond tiger and the smittens, fresh off what was undoubtedly a wild and wacky West Coast tour. Yow!


After the first weekend of the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival, I have two clear highlights. The first was Parker shPer’s trio


AgAinst Me!

screAMing FeMAles, leMuriA

Bedouin soundclAsh duB is A WeApon FRI 6/10 | $13 ADV / $15 DOS | DOORS: 8:00, SHOW: 8:30PM

SAT 6/11 | $10 ADV / $13 DOS | DOORS: 7:30, SHOW: 8:00PM 104.7 THE POINT WELcOMES

gregory douglAss Justin levinson

Powder kegs

yousay Placate, who opened

Placate don’t have any gigs for the remainder of Jazz Fest. But catch Shper’s other band, groundfood at Nectar’s this Wednesday, June 8, and at Red Square on Friday, June 10, opening for snarky PuPPy. Will Shper go two-fortwo showing up headliners? And if he does, would that set a new BDJF record for a single festival?

for bitches brew revisited at the Flynn Friday and, well, pretty much showed up the headliners. Judging by the three rows of people sleeping in front of me — and a crowd that likely set the land speed record for fastest Flynn exit in history after the show — I don’t think I’m the only one who felt that way. BBR were underwhelming and seemingly unprepared — particularly dJ logic, who struggled to match beats all night. By contrast, yoUSAy Placate were as in tune as I’ve ever seen them. I ran into bassist rob morse the next day, and he told me it was the most comfortable he’s ever felt on the MainStage. It showed. Unfortunately, yoUSAy CoUrTeSy of The SMITTenS

Speaking of Nectar’s, highlight No. 2 came Saturday night at the House that Phish Built. I believe I’ve mentioned a couple-three times that craig mitchell is as talented a vocalist as he is a DJ. Well, he is. And fronting his new outfit, motor city, he proved it. Mitchell describes his band as “if Prince, Jamiroquai and the black keys had a baby.” That’s not terribly far off the mark, actually. But I’ll go a step further and say that Motor City is the kind of music that would be on the hi-fi whilst Prince, Jamiroquai and the Black Keys were making said baby — how’s that mental image?

SUN 6/12 | $10 ADV / $12 DOS | DOORS: 6:30, SHOW: 7:00PM

thieves FeAt. John Mullett

chAd hollister + dillon delAno

northern exposure With open source, AMozen, the cheddAr WED 6/15 | $5 ADV / $5 DOS| DOORS: 8:00, SHOW: 8:30PM

BAnd + stAg line


Flood relieF BeneFit FeAt. JAMie lee thurston With the groWlers

the sWeet reMAins FRI 6/17 | $10 ADV / $13 DOS | DOORS: 7:30, SHOW: 8:00PM

+ Will evAns (oF BAreFoot truth)

lA FAMiliA

SAT 6/18 | $15 ADV / $18 DOS DOORS: 8:30, SHOW: 8:30PM

lAzerdisk pArtysex, dJ Billy hoerr + dJ MillertiMe TUE 6/21 | $5 ADV / $8 DOS | DOORS: 7:00, SHOW: 7:30PM cD RELEASE PARTy

gArrett J. BroWn AAron Flinn Joe purdy the Milk cArton kids

THU 6/23 | $15 ADV / $17 DOS | DOORS: 8:00, SHOW: 8:30PM


Wine, WoMen & song reBeccA pidgeon dopApod gAlActic potBelly

SAT 6/25 | $7 ADV / $12 DOS | DOORS: 9:00, SHOW: 9:30PM

6/26 | $17 ADV / $20 DOS | DOORS: 8:30, SHOW: 9:00PM


suMMer gloBAl Music voyAge FeAt.


FRI 7/1 TUE 7/5| THU 7/7 FRI 7/8 SAT 7/9 SAT 7/9



4v-HigherGround060811.indd 1


» p.61


No doubt you’re already aware that a certain famous banjo virtuoso will swing through Burlington this week as part of the BDJF. (In case you’re not, that would be béla fleck. See the spotlight on page 64.) But Béla ain’t the only fingerpickin’-good banjo player in town this weekend. Fleck contemporary gordon stone tears up Red Square this SoUnDbITeS

nightrAin skyler & the BAnd oF SAT 6/11 | $10 ADV / $12 DOS | DOORS: 8:30, SHOW: 9:00PM


The Smittens


The early word out of Winooski is that Angioplasty Media’s Waking Windows Festival at the Monkey House has been resoundingly rad. With the fest’s inaugural weekend in the books, it’s time to take a look at what’s left on the docket. Wednesday, June 8, local indie duo Parmaga headline a showcase featuring mike gamble side projects beautiful bells and scrambler, as well as mushPost DJs the orator and sycofont. The following night, the fine gents from NNA Tapes set up shop for an evening of experimental fare with NYC’s hubble, matt mayer and lee tindall’s einfgall, electropop songwriter tooth ache., Bible-thumping trash-pop duo lawrence welks & our bear to cross and dJ sPanish 9. Friday, June 10, finds a show curated by the dynamic duo of ryan Power and greg davis, and featuring kurt weisman and ruth garbus — see the story on Garbus on page 58.

CoUrTeSy of powDer kegS


Got muSic NEwS?

6/3/11 12:22 PM

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That’s What He Said If you ask Toronto’s


MATTHEW RAMOLO about his experimental project KHÔRA, he’ll tell

you it is “aimed at blurring the lines that separate the organic and 16t-burlCP060811.indd 1

6/2/11 12:03 PM

synthetic, improvisation and composition, and the artist and the expressivity of nature.” To paint his shimmering soundscapes,

Channel 15


Ramolo strikes a balance between digital and analog, acoustic and

on demand:

almost transcends description. Perhaps that’s why Steve Guimond at Hour Magazine called his music simply “a revelation.” Khôra


headline an early showcase at the Waking Windows Festival at the

wednesdays > 8pm

Monkey House this Saturday, June 11. Montréal’s NICK KUEPFER and Austin’s SILENT LAND TIME MACHINE open.



16t-retnWEEKLY.indd 1

electronic, and found sound and rigid composition in a manner that

burlington area

1/2 LOUNGE: Steve Hartmann (singer-songwriter), 3 p.m., Free. Zack duPont (singer-songwriter), 5 p.m., Free. Bear Pickins (bluegrass), 6/6/11 2:26 PM7:30 p.m., Free. Rewind with DJ Craig Mitchell, 10 p.m. AKE'S PLACE: Dowtown Sextet (jazz), 7 p.m., Free.




AMERICAN FLATBREAD — BURLINGTON HEARTH: Starline Rhythm Boys (rockabilly), 5:30 p.m., Free. CLUB METRONOME: DJ OH-J Freshhh presents Homegrown Wednesdays (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. FARMHOUSE TAP & GRILL: Myra Flynn Trio (neo-soul), 6:30 p.m., Free. FRANNY O'S: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free. HALVORSON'S UPSTREET CAFÉ: Miriam Bernardo Band (rock), 8 p.m., Free. HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: Michelle Shocked, the Sweater Set (singer-songwriters), 7:30 p.m., $23/25. AA. LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: James Harvey Trio (jazz), 12 p.m., Free. George, Clyde & Chris (jazz), 4 p.m., Free. Cody Sargent Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. LIFT: DJs P-Wyld & Jazzy Janet (hip-hop), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. MANHATTAN PIZZA & PUB: Open Mic with Andy Lugo, 10 p.m., Free. MARRIOTT HARBOR LOUNGE: Grippo/Sklar (jazz), 8:30 p.m., Free. MONKEY HOUSE: WWF: Parmaga, Beautiful Bells, Scrambler, the Orator, Sycofont (indie), 8 p.m., $5. 18+.


NECTAR'S: Snarky Puppy, Groundfood (jazz, funk), 9 p.m., $12/15. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Pine Street Jazz (jazz), 7 p.m., Free.

PARIMA MAIN STAGE: Intergalactic Taxi (funk), 7:30 p.m., $3.

Free. Danger Zone with DJs Rob Ticho & R2 (house), 10 p.m., Free.

RADIO BEAN: Free Jazz Lunch: Mike Gamble & Jonathan Freilich (jazz), 12 p.m., Free. Jake Geppert (jazz), 6 p.m., Free. Ensemble V (jazz), 7:30 p.m., Free. Irish Sessions, 9 p.m., Free.

AKE'S PLACE: Eric Reeves and Company (jazz), 8 p.m., Free.

RED SQUARE: Vorcza (jazz-fusion), 8 p.m., Free. DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 11 p.m., Free. RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB: Trio Gusto (jazz), 6 p.m., Free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE: Caleb Elder and Friends (old-time), 6 p.m., $5-10 donation.


BLACK DOOR BAR AND BISTRO: Comedy Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free. MULLIGAN'S IRISH PUB: Open Mic with John Lackard, 9 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

BAR ANTIDOTE: Josh Brooks (folk), 8 p.m., Free. CITY LIMITS: Karaoke with Let It Rock Entertainment, 9 p.m., Free. GOOD TIMES CAFÉ: Paul Geremia (blues), 8:30 p.m., $15.

AMERICAN FLATBREAD — BURLINGTON HEARTH: Tiffany Pfeiffer & the Discarnate Band (neo-soul), 5:30 p.m., Free. CLUB METRONOME: Kung Fu, Funkwagon (funk), 9 p.m., $10/15. FRANNY O'S: Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free. THE GREEN ROOM: DJ OH-J Freshhh (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. HALVORSON'S UPSTREET CAFÉ: Friends of Joe (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. LEUNIG'S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Paul Asbell Trio (jazz), 12 p.m., Free. Swing Noire (gypsy jazz), 4 p.m., Free. Trio Gusto (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. LIFT: Get LiFTed with DJs Nastee & Dakota (hip-hop), 9 p.m., Free. MARRIOTT HARBOR LOUNGE: Miller Trio (jazz), 5 p.m., Free. Mike Gamble (jazz), 8:30 p.m., Free. MONKEY HOUSE: WWF: Hubble, Einfgall, tooth ache., Lawrence Welks & Our Bear to Cross, DJ Spanish 9 (experimental), 9 p.m., $5. 18+.


NECTAR'S: Intergalactic Taxi (jazz), 5 p.m., Free. Trivia Mania with Top Hat Entertainment, 7 p.m., Free. Yarn, Modern Grass Quintet (bluegrass), 9 p.m., $5. 18+.

BEE'S KNEES: Bill Buyer (folk), 7 p.m., Free.

O'BRIEN'S IRISH PUB: DJ Dominic (hip-hop), 9:30 p.m., Free.

MOOG'S: The Ramblers (rock), 8:30 p.m., Free.

ON TAP BAR & GRILL: The House Rockers (rock), 7 p.m., Free.


PARIMA MAIN STAGE: Burgundy Thursdays with Joe Adler, Japhy Ryder, Gravel, Tribe of Light, the Cajun Sludge (singer-songwriters), 8:30 p.m., $3.

ON THE RISE BAKERY: Open Bluegrass Session, 8 p.m., Free.

MONOPOLE: Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free.


burlington area

1/2 LOUNGE: Aya Inoue with Matt Harpster (singer-songwriters), 3 p.m., Free. Bear Pickins (bluegrass), 5 p.m., Free. Myra Flynn (neo-soul), 7:30 p.m.,

RADIO BEAN: Jazz Sessions, 6 p.m., Free. Shane Hardiman Trio (jazz), 8 p.m., Free. The Unbearable Light Cabaret (eclectic), 10 p.m., $3. Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band (soul), 11 p.m., $3.

RASPUTIN'S: 101 Thursdays with Pres & DJ Dan (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. RED SQUARE: Selector Dubee (reggae), 6 p.m., Free. Grippo/Wright Experience (funk), 8 p.m., Free. A-Dog Presents (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Cre8 (house), 9 p.m., Free. RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB: Longford Row (Irish), 8 p.m., Free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE: Glenn Roth (acoustic), 6 p.m., $5-10 donation. Yankee Chank (Cajun), 8 p.m., $5-10 donation. VENUE: Karaoke with Steve LeClair, 7 p.m., Free. VERMONT PUB & BREWERY: Project Organ Trio (funk), 10 p.m., Free.


BLACK DOOR BAR AND BISTRO: Ameranouche (gypsy jazz), 9:30 p.m., Free. CHARLIE O'S: Matt Woods (bluegrass), 10 p.m., Free. GREEN MOUNTAIN TAVERN: Thirsty Thursday Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free. NUTTY STEPH'S: Bacon Thursdays with Noble Savage (electro), 10 p.m., Free. SLIDE BROOK LODGE & TAVERN: Open Mic, 7 p.m., Free. DJ Dakota (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.


BEE'S KNEES: Allen Church (folk), 7:30 p.m., Donations. THE HUB PIZZERIA & PUB: Guitar Jazz with Fabian, 6 p.m., Free. MOOG'S: Big John (acoustic), 8:30 p.m., Free. PARKER PIE CO.: Michael Hahn (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m., Free. RIMROCKS MOUNTAIN TAVERN: DJ Two Rivers (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.


» P.63



Friday. Do I smell a good ol’ fashioned banjo duel? Continuing on our mini jazz roll, a hearty welcome back to the long-running weekly BIG JOE BURELL tribute series, Friends of Joe, which kicks off a new season this Thursday at Halvorson’s with its annual “super-size” all-star edition featuring, well, pretty much every hepcat in town.


Morse, HELOISE WILLIAMS and GABE JARRETT, and N’awlins’ players JONATHAN FREILICH and JUSTIN PEAKE. Thursday, June 9, catch the aforementioned Snarky Puppy. And on Saturday, June 11, local Afrobeat ensemble BARIKA lay down a session. STARLINE RHYTHM BOYS are some savvy dudes. The veteran local rockabilly band has teamed up with BBQ master JIMMY KENNEDY (formerly of River Run Restaurant) and Three Penny Taproom’s SCOTT KERNER to form a new venture called Full House Events. The idea is basically one-stop shopping for the best dang hillbilly wedding ever. For one price, you get food, booze and, of course, killer tunes courtesy of SRB. For more info, email the band at starlinerhythmboys@ Or just swing by American Flatbread in Burlington when they play this Wednesday, June 8. (Oops. I lied earlier. That’s technically a Jazz Fest gig, too.)

Ever hear that song “Steven’s Last Night in Town” by BEN FOLDS? It’s about a guy who continually is about

to leave town, has a goingaway party each time he is supposed to go, but then never leaves. Good tune. The reason I bring it up is that this marks the third time I’ve said farewell to Montpelier songwriters RACHAEL RICE and DAN HALEY in this column in as many weeks. And yet they’re still here. What gives? Anyway, this Friday, the Bethany Church in Montpelier hosts “A Concert for Dan,” which in addition to having a great name is a farewell concert for Haley. He’ll perform solo, with his partner Rice, SUSANNAH BLACHLY’s TWO SHOES OFF and the STARS OF GILEAD, which also feature MARK LEGRAND, SARAH MUNROE and SPENCER LEWIS. And then he and Rice will move to Portland, Ore. Maybe.

band’s 2010 EP, Empty Side, and am growing equally fond of the new record, as it sates my thirst for hooky pop in much the same way as fellow Philly-based indie outfit DR. DOG. That ain’t a bad thing. Villanelles open the show. Band Name of the Week:


the bizarre pseudonym of Montréal-based songwriter ARMEN BAZARIAN. Fans of Come On Feel the Illinoiseera SUFJAN STEVENS or fellow Montréaler PATRICK WATSON would do well to check Bazarian out at Radio Bean this Saturday, June 11.

12v-nectars060811.indd 1

Last but not least, there are almost too many musical options to choose from this week. But if I had to choose just one to attend, the BARR BROTHERS at Parima this Saturday just might be it. The Montréal-based art-folk band have become Burlington regulars, dropping by every few months or so. And every time they do, the reviews after the show are almost impossibly glowing. Plus, you gotta love any band with a full-size harp, right?

Our old friends the POWDER KEGS will be in town this Friday as they wrap up a five-week tour at Radio Bean. The briefly VT-based, briefly bluegrass-indie-rock outfit has been touring in support of a new album, The Amanicans, which was released on March 30 and, well, rocks pretty flippin’ hard. I absolutely adored the

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Once again, this week’s totally self-indulgent column segment, in which I share a random sampling of what was on my iPod, turntable, CD player, 8-track player, etc., this week.



12v-dailyrider-buddy.indd 1


One more BDJF note and I swear we’ll move on. If you have a chance, swing by the second floor of the BCA Center at some point this week and check out JAZZLAB. The project is a live studio session engineered by BEN COLLETTE and ROB O’DEA of the Tank studio. The gist is that bands drop by for an afternoon, spend a few hours tracking some tunes, and you get to watch ’em do it. Last year’s JazzLab produced a number of interesting recordings, including VILLANELLES’ latest, Kiss My Grits EP. Artists participating this year include the BTV/NOLA EXPERIMENT on Wednesday, June 8, which features Vermont musicians Rob


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Seems like ages since we’ve heard from Gregory Douglass. The local pop prince’s last record, the brooding and sometimes confrontational Battler, was released more than two years 75 Main St., Burlington,VT • 802.864.6555 ago, which is something of a dry spell M-Th 10-9; F-Sa 10-10; Su 12-7 for this prolific songwriter. Though he’s been busy playing weekly online Must be 18 to purchase tobacco products, ID required concerts and revisiting the 1980s as a member of local cover band Side Pony, he’s such a phenomenal studio artist 8v-northernlights060811.indd 1 6/3/11 3:39 PM that it’s hard not to raise an eyebrow when he hasn’t released a new record in a while. Douglass’ fans will be delighted to learn that his eighth studio album is finally here. And Lucid was more than worth the wait. Eerie, music-box-like chimes introduce the disc’s opening cut, “The Night.” Douglass matches this somber aesthetic by luring the listener You may be able to participate in with a slow-burning melody that feels both soothing and dangerous. in a research program at the He is a fantastically talented singer, University of Vermont! but here displays more than just STUDY #30: For ages 18-45 otherworldly pipes. Elite performers • You will learn strategies to decrease are often tempted to rely on ornamental your anxiety and quit smoking! glitz — it’s a forgivable transgression • The study involves a total of 12 visits that Douglass has occasionally been • Free Nicotine Replacement Patches are guilty of in the past. But throughout included in the brief 4-session intervention Lucid, his performance is refined; • Also earn monetary compensation for he communicates more with nuance most visits, totaling up to $142.50 in cash and guile than with show-stopping For more information or to set up an vocal acrobatics. The results are often appointment, please call 656-0655 exquisite. The title track begins as a pianoSTUDY #33: For ages 18-65 driven romp, then quickly changes This study involves 2 visits, a total of course and veers into atmospheric approximately 4 hours. If eligible you may electro-pop. Crystalline production be asked to quit for 12 hours. Participants has long been a hallmark of Douglass’ in the study may be paid $40 in cash recorded work. Lucid is no exception, particularly on this song. A phalanx For more information or to set up

Are you a






an appointment, please call Teresa at 656-3831

8v-uvmPsych030310.indd 1

of ethereal noises dart around the speakers, highlighting Douglass’ intense vocal melody. Even more than on previous records, he covers a variety of stylistic terrain on this one. From easy, mid-tempo rock on album standout “White Out” to newwave electro-pop on “Naysayer” and sinister ruminations on “Raven,” the singer displays impressive versatility and artful curiosity. Still, regardless of various sonic disguises, Lucid is still very much a Gregory Douglass record. Meaning that fans will find typically well-crafted pop suites, thought-provoking lyrical turns and adventuresome arrangements. That last characteristic is particularly true on the songs featuring cellist Monique Citro, whose work on “One True Thing” is alone almost worth the price of admission. Gregory Douglass celebrates the release of Lucid with a show this Saturday, June 11, at the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge. Justin Levinson opens.

form a gently bouncing musical bed beneath him. “Le Marais” is the album’s first Patton-penned tune. The breezy cabaret waltz features a fine guest turn from the bandleader’s daughter, Anna Patton, on clarinet and a series of nifty runs from guitarist Dono Schabner. Patton also wrote the following cut, a sinewy, Latin-inflected charmer called “Charanga.” Here, he and violinist David Gusakov alternate leads as percussionist Steve Ferraris propels the tune forward with a variety of syncopated rhythmic flourishes.


Will Patton, Flow (KINGS HILL MUSIC, CD)

In a handwritten letter sent to Seven

Days introducing his new record, Flow, Will Patton cheekily describes the album as “the latest installment in my get rich slowly scheme.” While it’s unlikely the album will significantly line the veteran mandolinist’s coffers, it does offer listeners a bounty of musical treasures and adds yet another milestone to the local gypsy-jazz guru’s impressive career. Where his previous record, 2008’s 6th St. Runaround, found Patton and company musically meandering Parisian side streets with occasional southerly ventures into Latin jazz, Flow represents a diverse collection of material sharing more in common with the globe-trotting fare on Patton’s 2005 collaboration with famed gypsy-jazz guitarist Ninine Garcia, String Theory. This record opens on an acoustic-based version of “Cheesecake” by bebop pioneer Dexter Gordon. The tune’s familiar melody breezily soars on Patton’s mando, as his longtime backing mates, guitarist Steve Blair, bassist Clyde Stats and drummer Gabe Jarrett,

“Waltz for Anna” is a gorgeous ode to Patton’s daughter. The tender, bluegrass-tinged ballad is highlighted by Jim Pitman’s weeping dobro, which gracefully bends and curtsies around Gusakov’s violin — or fiddle, in this case. Sonny Stitt’s “Bebop in Pastel” is next and jolts the listener to attention in a jazzy flash of herky-jerky guitar and mando runs. “Sampa” is described as a “family affair” in the album’s liner notes, and again features Anna Patton on clarinet, as well as Will Patton’s wife, Deb, on shaker. It’s a nice reimagining of Caetano Veloso’s classic. Following two more Patton originals — “Big Dawg” and “November” — as well as a version of Duke Ellington’s “Daydream,” Flow closes with Ninine Garcia’s “Caporal Swing.” Patton recorded the tune with Garcia in a Paris studio, and it fairly bursts with jubilant, hothouse appeal. Flow may not make Will Patton a wealthy man. But local jazz fans will be richer for having heard it. Will Patton plays Leunig’s Bistro in Burlington this Friday, June 10. DAN BOLLES


2/24/10 1:22:07 PM

cLUB DAtES NA: not availaBlE. AA: all agEs. Nc: no covEr.


« p.60


Monopole Downstairs: Gary peacock (singer-songwriter), 10 p.m., free. olive riDley's: Karaoke with Benjamin Bright and Ashley Kollar, 6 p.m., free. Therapy Thursdays with DJ NYCE (top 40), 10:30 p.m., free. tabu Café & nightClub: Karaoke Night with Sassy Entertainment, 5 p.m., free.


burlington area

1/2 lounge: Willow Goodine (singer-songwriter), 3 p.m., free. Miriam Bernardo and Jairo Sequeira (Latin jazz), 5 p.m., free. Lux trio (jazz), 7:30 p.m., free. Bonjour-hi! (house), 10 p.m., free. ake's plaCe: picture This (jazz), 6 p.m., free. aMeriCan flatbreaD — burlington hearth: The Not-So-Superhero NOLA Allstars (jazz), 5:30 p.m., free. baCkstage pub: Karaoke with Steve, 9 p.m., free. banana winDs Café & pub: Eli (acoustic), 7:30 p.m., free. Club MetronoMe: No Diggity: return to the ’90s (’90s dance party), 9 p.m., $5. farMhouse tap & grill: Shane hardiman trio (jazz), 7 p.m., free. the green rooM: DJ A-Dog (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. halvorson's upstreet Café: Vorcza (jazz), 8 p.m., free. higher grounD ballrooM: Against Me! Screaming females, Lemuria (punk), 7 p.m., $15/17. AA.

Jp's pub: Dave harrison's Starstruck Karaoke, 10 p.m., free.

lift: Salsa friday with DJ hector Cobeo (salsa), 9 p.m., free.

rasputin's: DJ ZJ (hip-hop), 10 p.m., $3. reD square: Gordon Stone Band (bluegrass), 6 p.m., free. Groundfood (funk), 10 p.m., $5. Nastee (hip-hop), 11:30 p.m., $5. reD square blue rooM: DJ Stavros (house), 10 p.m., $5. ruben JaMes: DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 10:30 p.m., free. rí rá irish pub: Supersounds DJ (top 40), 10 p.m., free. the skinny panCake: triAxe (acoustic), 3:30 p.m., $5-10 donation. Anna Crane and Elizabeth Devlin (folk), 6 p.m., $5-10 donation. Amerouche (gypsy jazz), 8 p.m., $5-10 donation. venue: relic (country), 9 p.m., $3. verMont pub & brewery: Downtown Sextet (jazz), 10 p.m., free.


the reservoir restaurant & tap rooM: DJ Slim pknz All request Dance party (top 40), 10 p.m., free.

champlain valley 51 Main: Mark Lavoie (blues), 10 p.m., free.

City liMits: top hat Entertainment Dance party (top 40), 9 p.m., free. stone leaf teahouse: The Scheme Dreamers (bluegrass), 6 p.m., free. two brothers tavern: The Michelle fay Band (bluegrass), 4:30 p.m., free. 3 Sheets 2 the Wind (rock), 10 p.m., $3.


the hub pizzeria & pub: Old Dirty String Band (bluegrass), 9:30 p.m., free.

Japanese Restaurant

Matterhorn: A fly Allusion (funk), 9 p.m., $5. Moog's: Bob Wagner and D. Davis (acoustic), 9 p.m., free.

Now Open at 11am

riMroCks Mountain tavern: friday Night frequencies with DJ rekkon (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free.

Seven days a week (weekend brunch coming soon)

roaDsiDe tavern: The Blame (rock), 9 p.m., free.

blaCk Door bar anD bistro: Cats Under the Stars (Jerry Garcia Band tribute), 9:30 p.m., free.


» p.64

“Best Japanese Dining” — Saveur Magazine

On the Side When are sidemen not

sidemen? When they’re sidewomen, for one. But also when they are in snarky puppy. Composed of some of

112 Lake Street Burlington

the country’s elite backing musicians, the members of this Brooklyn-based big band have supported the likes of Snoop Dogg, Erykah Badu and Chaka Khan — to name but a few. But left to their own devices, they unleash an


unpredictable, genre-jumping, danceable maelstrom of infectious fusion. Wednesday, June 8, the instrumental band takes the stage at Nectar’s with insatiable Montréal funk mavens grounDfooD as part of the 2011 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival.

Monty's olD briCk tavern: Dan Skea and George Voland (jazz), 6 p.m., free.


Monkey house: WWf: ryan power, Kurt Weisman, ruth Garbus, DJ Greg Davis (experimental pop), 9 p.m., $8. 18+.

WED.08 // SNArkY PUPPY [jAzz]


neCtar's: Throwing paint (jazz), 5 p.m., free. Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., free. Jennifer hartswick Band, Jen Kearney and the Lost Onion (r&b), 9 p.m., $5.

San Sai

bee's knees: Steve hartmann (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations.


Marriott harbor lounge: Cassarino, MIller, Wheel Combo (jazz), 8:30 p.m., free.

raDio bean: free Jazz Lunch: robonson Morse, 12 p.m., free. Glenn roth (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., free. Gang of Thieves, Blood roots Barter (rock), 9 p.m., free. The powder Kegs, Villanelles (indie), 11 p.m., free.

green Mountain tavern: DJ Jonny p (top 40), 9 p.m., $2.


leunig's bistro & Café: Ellen powell trio (jazz), 11 a.m., free. Dayve huckett trio (jazz), 2 p.m., free. Queen City Bossa (bossa nova), 5 p.m., free. Will patton (jazz), 8 p.m., free.

park plaCe tavern: Big Boots Deville (rock), 9:30 p.m., free.

Charlie o's: Groundfood (funk), 10 p.m., free.

higher grounD showCase lounge: Bedouin Soundclash, Dub is a Weapon (reggae-rock), 8:30 p.m., $13/15. AA.

pariMa Main stage: David Symons (accordion), 6 p.m., free. Samara Lark (jazz), 8 p.m., free. ragged Glory, Small Change (Neil Young tribute, tom Waits tribute), 9 p.m., $5.

on tap bar & grill: Leno & Young (acoustic), 5 p.m., free. Sideshow Bob (rock), 9 p.m., free. 2v-sansai060811.indd 1

6/6/11 11:51 AM


na: not availABLE. AA: All ages. NC: no cover.

« p.63


Monopole: Eat Sleep Funk (funk), 10 p.m., Free.

sun.12 // Béla Fleck and the Original Flecktones [jazz]

Naked Turtle: Craig Hurwitz (acoustic), 6 p.m., Free. Glass Onion (rock), 10 p.m., $5. Olive Ridley's: Benjamin Bright (singer-songwriter), 6 p.m., Free.


burlington area

1/2 Lounge: Lila Mae and Juliet McVicker (acoustic), 3 p.m., Free. Raphael Groten (world music), 5 p.m., Free. Dan Liptak (jazz), 7:30 p.m., Free. 2K Deep presents Good Times with Eli Wilkie (house), 10 p.m., Free. American Flatbread — Burlington Hearth: Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band (soul), 5:30 p.m., Free. Live Music, 9:30 p.m., Free.

Flecktones. Or maybe not. In any case, the pioneering jazzgrass quartet

Levy (piano/harmonica). Go back to the future(man) when Béla Fleck and the Original Flecktones play the Flynn MainStage this Sunday,

June 12, the last day of the 2011 Burlington Discover Jazz Festival.

Franny O's: Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free.

Halvorson's Upstreet Café: Gold Town (bluegrass), 8 p.m., Free.

Red Square: DJ Raul (salsa), 5 p.m., Free. She's Got a Habit (rock), 6 p.m., Free. The Not-So-Superhero NOLA Allstars (jazz), 9 p.m., $5. DJ A-Dog (hip-hop), 11:30 p.m., $5.

Higher Ground Ballroom: Nightrain (rock), 9 p.m., $10/12. AA.

Rí Rá Irish Pub: Bob Wagner (rock), 10 p.m., Free.

Higher Ground Showcase Lounge: Gregory Douglass CD release, Justin Levinson (pop), 8 p.m., $10/13. AA.

The Skinny Pancake: Conor Garvey (folk), 12 p.m., $5-10 donation. Lewis Franco (swing), 3:30 p.m., $5-10 donation. Miss Tess & the Bon Ton Parade (jazz), 6 p.m., $5-10 donation. Oble Varnum (indie folk), 9 p.m., $5-10 donation. 06.08.11-06.15.11 SEVEN DAYS

Leunig's Bistro & Café: The Missing Cats (jazz), 11 a.m., Free. Desired Effect (jazz), 2 p.m., Free. Blue Gardenias (jazz), 5 p.m., Free. Jenni and the Junketeers (jazz), 8 p.m., Free. Marriott Harbor Lounge: Joe Davidian Trio (jazz), 8:30 p.m., Free. Monkey House: WWF: Khôra, Nick Kuewpfer, Silent Land Time Machine (experimental), 5:30 p.m., $5. 18+. WWF: Lord Silky, Drago, Rampant Decay, Led to the Grave, Shakin' Michael J, the Assassinators (punk, hardcore), 8 p.m., $10. 18+. Monty's Old Brick Tavern: Joe Capps and George Voland (jazz), 6 p.m., Free. Nectar's: Steak D (funk), 5 p.m., Free. Myra Flynn (neo-soul), 7 p.m., Free. Barika, Japhy Ryder (world music, prog rock), 9 p.m., $7. On Tap Bar & Grill: Conniption Fits (rock), 9 p.m., Free. Parima Main Stage: Matt Wolfe (acoustic), 5 p.m., Free. Bob Gagnon Trio (jazz), 6 p.m., $3. Vorcza (jazz), 7:30 p.m., $5. The Barr Brothers, Maryse Smith & the Rosesmiths (indie folk), 10 p.m., $12/15. Radio Bean: Free Jazz Lunch: the Joseph Davidian Trio, noon, Free. Matt Graham Group (jazz), 2 p.m., Free. Clusterbirds (rock), 4 p.m., Free. Miriam Bernardo Band (rock), 6 p.m., Free. Armen at the Bazaar (singer-songwriter), 9 p.m., Free. She's Got a Habit (rock), 10 p.m., Free. Spank! (rock), midnight, Free. Rasputin's: Nastee (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.

Rí Rá Irish Pub: Trinity (Irish), 5 p.m., Free. The Skinny Pancake: Lux Trio (jazz), 2 p.m., $5-10 donation. Squid City (progressive jazz), 6 p.m., $5-10 donation.


Victor Wooten (bass), Roy “Futureman” Wooten (percussion) and Howard

JP's Pub: Dave Harrison's Starstruck Karaoke, 10 p.m., Free.

Red Square: Soul Patrol (soul), 8 p.m., Free. Bonjour-Hi! (house), 10 p.m., Free.

banjo virtuoso Béla Fleck discussed reuniting with his old mates, the

together!” One imagines that’s how the conversation went when

Banana Winds Café & Pub: Karaoke, 8 p.m., Free.

The Green Room: Bonjour-Hi! presents Bassculture: Stir It Up (dancehall), 10 p.m., Free.

Radio Bean: Old Time Sessions (old-time), 1 p.m., Free. Trio Gusto (gypsy jazz), 5 p.m., Free. Joshua Glass (folk), 7 p.m., Free. Jade Sylvan (singersongwriter), 8 p.m., Free. Miss Tess & the Bon Ton Parade (jazz), 10 p.m., Free.


is touring again for the first time in 18 years with original members

Farmhouse Tap & Grill: Project Organ Trio (funk), 8 p.m., Free.

Parima Main Stage: Funkwagon Gospel Review, 6 p.m., $3. Seventh Sundays with Midnight Jones (blues), 8 p.m., Free.

The Big Finish “Dudes, we’re getting the band back

Backstage Pub: Smokin' Gun (rock), 9 p.m., Free.

Club Metronome: Retronome (’80s dance party), 10 p.m., $5.

64 music

courtesy of Bela Fleck and the original flecktones



Vermont Pub & Brewery: Peter Krag Trio (jazz), 10 p.m., Free.


Black Door Bar and Bistro: Crunchy Western Boys (bluegrass), 9:30 p.m., Free. Charlie O's: Casio Bastard, the Parts (funk), 10 p.m., Free. Positive Pie 2: Mr. Yee & Tank (hip-hop), 10:30 p.m., $5.

Roadside Tavern: Live DJ (Top 40), 9 p.m., Free.


Monopole: Roadside Mystic (rock), 10 p.m., Free. Naked Turtle: Glass Onion (rock), 10 p.m., $5. Tabu Café & Nightclub: All Night Dance Party with DJ Toxic (Top 40), 5 p.m., Free.


burlington area

Bee's Knees: Open Acoustic Jam, 3 p.m., Free. The Hubcats (blues), 7:30 p.m., Donations. The Hub Pizzeria & Pub: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free. Matterhorn: Accomplished Citizen (rock), 9 p.m., $5.


burlington area

1/2 Lounge: Joe Adler (singersongwriter), 3 p.m., Free. Taryn Noelle (jazz), 7:30 p.m., Free. Selector Dubee (reggae), 10 p.m., Free. Monkey House: The Parsons Red Heads, Chris Bathgate (rock), 9 p.m., $5. 18+. Nectar's: Metal Mondays with Nefarious Frenzy (metal), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.

Charlie O's: Karaoke, 10 p.m., Free. Slide Brook Lodge & Tavern: Tattoo Tuesdays with Andrea (jam), 5 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

51 Main: Quizz Night (trivia), 7 p.m., Free. Two Brothers Tavern: Monster Hits Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free.


Bee's Knees: Jon Ladeau (singersongwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations. The Hub Pizzeria & Pub: Rick Cole (acoustic blues), 9 p.m., Free. Moog's: Open Mic/Jam Night, 8:30 p.m., Free.


burlington area

1/2 Lounge: Rewind with DJ Craig Mitchell, 10 p.m. Franny O's: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free. Higher Ground Ballroom: Flux Pavilion & Doctor P, the 2K Deep Crew (dubstep), 8:30 p.m., $23/25. AA. Higher Ground Showcase Lounge: Northern Exposure: Open Source, Amozen, the Cheddar Band, Stag Line (rock), 8:30 p.m., $5. AA. Leunig's Bistro & Café: Paul Asbell & Clyde Stats (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. Lift: DJs P-Wyld & Jazzy Janet (hip-hop), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.

On Tap Bar & Grill: Open Mic with Wylie, 7 p.m., Free.

Manhattan Pizza & Pub: Open Mic with Andy Lugo, 10 p.m., Free.

Radio Bean: Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free.

Monkey House: Beat Vision with DJ Disco Phantom (eclectic DJ), 9 p.m., $1.

On Tap Bar & Grill: Leno & Young (acoustic), 7 p.m., Free.

American Flatbread — Burlington Hearth: Caleb Elder (jazz), 5:30 p.m., Free.

Ruben James: Why Not Monday? with Dakota (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.

Parima Main Stage: Mildred Moody's Full Moon Masquerade with Wave of the Future (rock), 9:30 p.m., $5.

Higher Ground Showcase Lounge: Skyler & the Band of Thieves feat. John Mullett, Chad Hollister, Dillon Delano (rock), 7 p.m., $10/12. AA.


Ye Olde England Inne: Corey Beard, Dan Liptak and Dan Haley (jazz), 11:30 a.m., Free.


Rozzi's Lakeshore Tavern: Trivia Night, 8 p.m., Free.

51 Main: Sam Borrello (jazz), 10 p.m., Free.

Two Brothers Tavern: In the Pocket (rock), 10 p.m., $3.

Sweet Crunch Bake Shop: Carley Coolidge, David Guillard, Dave Diomenico (jazz), 10:30 a.m., Free.

Red Square: Upsetta International with Super K (reggae), 8 p.m., Free.

Red Square: ZDP Band presents Massive Mondates (rock), 8 p.m., Free. ZDP Band presents Massive Mondates, 8 p.m., Free. Hype ’Em (hip-hop), 11 p.m., Free.

Club Metronome: Black to the Future (urban jamz), 10 p.m., Free.

City Limits: Dance Party with DJ Earl (Top 40), 9 p.m., Free.

Bee's Knees: Nick Humphrey (singersongwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations.

Radio Bean: The Stephen Callahan Quartet (jazz), 6 p.m., Free. Soulgrass (bluegrass), 8:30 p.m., Free. Honky-Tonk Sessions (honky-tonk), 10 p.m., $3.

1/2 Lounge: Andrew Parker-Renga (singer-songwriter), 3 p.m., Free. Miriam Bernardo and Michael Chorney (acoustic), 5 p.m., Free. Bob Levinson Trio (acoustic), 7:30 p.m., Free. Funhouse with DJs Rob Douglas, Moonflower & Friends (house), 10 p.m., Free.

The Reservoir Restaurant & Tap Room: Great Brook Blues Band, 10 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

The Skinny Pancake: Conor Garvey (acoustic), 6 p.m., Free.

Parima Acoustic Lounge: Community Supported Poetry with Trevien Stanger, Darshana Bolt, 7:30 p.m., Free.

Farmhouse Tap & Grill: Left Ear Trio (jazz), 6 p.m., Free.

Leunig's Bistro & Café: Dayve Huckett (jazz), 10 a.m., Free. Myra Flynn (jazz), 1 p.m., Free. Blue Gardenias (jazz), 4 p.m., Free. Cody Sargent Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. Monkey House: WWF: Kathleen Kanz, Tim Shaw, Sean cartney, Kyle Gagnon, Will Betts, Carmen Lagalal, Mike Thomas (standup), 6 p.m., $5. 18+. WWF: The Smittens, Diamond Tiger, Shepards Pie (indie pop, disco rock), 9 p.m., $5. 18+.

Moog's: While My Guitar Gently Weeps (rock), 9 p.m., Free.

Monty's Old Brick Tavern: George Voland JAZZ: the Joe Davidian Trio, 4:30 p.m., Free.

Rimrocks Mountain Tavern: DJ Two Rivers (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.

Nectar's: Mi Yard Reggae Night with Big Dog & Demus, 9 p.m., Free.


Moog's: Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 8 p.m., Free.


burlington area

1/2 Lounge: Turntable Tuesday with DJ Kanga (turntablism), 10 p.m., Free. Club Metronome: Bass Culture with DJs Jahson & Nickel B (electronica), 9 p.m., Free. Leunig's Bistro & Café: Live Jazz, 7 p.m., Free. Monkey House: The Stereofidelics, Jon Gilmore Band, Jonathan Burman (rock), 9 p.m., $5. 18+. Monty's Old Brick Tavern: Open Mic, 6 p.m., Free. Nectar's: 14 West (rock), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. On Tap Bar & Grill: Trivia with Top Hat Entertainment, 7 p.m., Free.

Nectar's: Adam King (singersongwriter), 7 p.m., Free. Conscious Roots, the Hamiltones (reggae), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.

Radio Bean: Ensemble V (jazz), 7:30 p.m., Free. Irish Sessions, 9 p.m., Free. Red Square: DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 11 p.m., Free. Lendway (indie), 7 p.m., Free.


Gusto's: Open Mic with John Lackard, 9 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

Bar Antidote: Ray Mason (rock), 8 p.m., Free. City Limits: Karaoke with Let It Rock Entertainment, 9 p.m., Free.


Bee's Knees: Shannon Hawley (singersongwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations. Moog's: The Ramblers (rock), 8:30 p.m., Free.


Monopole: Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free. m



gooD timES cAfé, Rt. 116, Hinesburg, 482-4444. oN tHE riSE bAkErY, 44 Bridge St., Richmond, 4347787. SoutH StAtioN rESAurANt, 170 S. Main St., Rutland, 775-1730. StArrY NigHt cAfé, 5371 Rt. 7, Ferrisburgh, 877-6316. StoNE LEAf tEAHouSE, 111 Maple St., Middlebury, 458-0460. tWo brotHErS tAVErN, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 3880002.

5/20/11 11:36 AM

Cool cat fun in the alley at red square Fridays at 5:01. All summer long.


champlain valley


This week, Friday, June 10 Next friday:

gordon stone trio kyle the rider presented by


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6h-upyouralley060811.indd 1

6/6/11 3:01 PM

Pentangle and The Woodstock Inn & Resort Present



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Saturday, July 23



giLLigAN’S gEtAWAY, 7160 State Rt. 9, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-8050. moNopoLE, 7 Protection Ave., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222. NAkED turtLE, 1 Dock St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6200. oLiVE riDLEY’S, 37 Court St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-324-2200. tAbu cAfé & NigHtcLub, 14 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-0666.

prizes every week!


ArVAD’S griLL & pub, 3 S. Main St., Waterbury, 2448973. big picturE tHEAtEr & cAfé, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994. tHE cENtEr bAkErY & cAfE, 2007 Guptil Rd., Waterbury Center, 244-7500. cHArLiE o’S, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820. cJ’S At tHAN WHEELErS, 6 S. Main St., White River Jct., 280-1810. grEEN mouNtAiN tAVErN, 10 Keith Ave., Barre, 522-2935. guSto’S, 28 Prospect St., Barre, 476-7919. HEN of tHE WooD At tHE griSt miLL, 92 Stowe St., Waterbury, 244-7300. HoStEL tEVErE, 203 Powderhound Rd., Warren, 496-9222. kiSmEt, 52 State St. 223-8646. L.A.c.E., 159 N. Main St., Barre, 476-4276. LocAL foLk SmokEHouSE, 9 Rt. 7, Waitsfield, 496-5623. mAiN StrEEt griLL & bAr, 118 Main St., Montpelier, 223-3188. muLLigAN'S iriSH pub, 9 Maple Ave., Barre, 479-5545. NuttY StEpH’S, 961C Rt. 2, Middlesex, 229-2090. pickLE bArrEL NigHtcLub, Killington Rd., Killington, 422-3035. poSitiVE piE 2, 20 State St., Montpelier, 229-0453. purpLE mooN pub, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-3422. tHE rESErVoir rEStAurANt & tAp room, 1 S. Main St., Waterbury, 244-7827. SLiDE brook LoDgE & tAVErN, 3180 German Flats Rd., Warren, 583-2202. SoutH StAtioN rEStAurANt, 170 S. Main St., Rutland, 775-1736. tupELo muSic HALL, 188 S. Main St., White River Jct., 698-8341.

bEE’S kNEES, 82 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-7889. tHE bLuE AcorN, 84 N. Main St., St. Albans, 527-0699. tHE brEWSki, Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6366. cHoW! bELLA, 28 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405. cLAirE’S rEStAurANt & bAr, 41 Main St., Hardwick, 472-7053. tHE Hub pizzEriA & pub, 21 Lower Main St., Johnson, 635-7626. tHE LittLE cAbArEt, 34 Main St., Derby, 293-9000. mAttErHorN, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198. moog’S, Portland St., Morrisville, 851-8225. muSic box, 147 Creek Rd., Craftsbury, 586-7533. oVErtimE SALooN, 38 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-0357. pArkEr piE co., 161 County Rd., West Glover, 525-3366. pHAt kAtS tAVErN, 101 Depot St., Lyndonville, 626-3064. piEcASSo, 899 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4411. rimrockS mouNtAiN tAVErN, 394 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-9593. roADSiDE tAVErN, 216 Rt. 7, Milton, 660-8274. ruStY NAiL bAr & griLLE, 1190 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245. tHE SHED rEStAurANt & brEWErY, 1859 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4765. SHootErS SALooN, 30 Kingman St., St. Albans, 527-3777. SNoW SHoE LoDgE & pub, 13 Main St., Montgomery Center, 326-4456. SWEEt cruNcH bAkESHop, 246 Main St., Hyde Park, 888-4887. tAmArAck griLL At burkE mouNtAiN, 223 Shelburne Lodge Rd., E. Burke, 6267394. WAtErSHED tAVErN, 31 Center St., Brandon, 247-0100. YE oLDE ENgLAND iNNE, 443 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 2535320.

One and Two-Day Festival Passes Available Suicide Six Ski Resort, South Pomfret, Vermont


Media Sponsor:



51 mAiN, 51 Main St., Middlebury, 388-8209. bAr ANtiDotE, 35C Green St., Vergennes, 877-2555. brick box, 30 Center St., Rutland, 775-0570. tHE briStoL bAkErY, 16 Main St., Bristol, 453-3280. cAroL’S HuNgrY miND cAfé, 24 Merchant’s Row, Middlebury, 388-0101. citY LimitS, 14 Greene St., Vergennes, 877-6919. cLEm’S cAfé 101 Merchant’s Row, Rutland, 775-3337. DAN’S pLAcE, 31 Main St., Bristol, 453-2774. tHE fArmErS DiNEr, 99 Maple St., Middlebury, 458-0455.

12h-ThreePenny-052511.indd 1

1/2 LouNgE, 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-0012. 242 mAiN St., Burlington, 862-2244. AkE’S pLAcE, 134 Church St., Burlington, 864-8111. AmEricAN fLAtbrEAD — burLiNgtoN HEArtH, 115 St. Paul St., Burlington, 861-2999. AuguSt firSt, 149 S. Champlain St., Burlington, 540-0060. bAckStAgE pub, 60 Pearl St., Essex Jct., 878-5494. bANANA WiNDS cAfé & pub, 1 Market Pl., Essex Jct., 8790752. tHE bLock gALLErY, 1 E. Allen St., Winooski, 373-5150. bLuEbirD tAVErN, 317 Riverside Ave., Burlington, 428-4696. brEAkWAtEr cAfé, 1 King St., Burlington, 658-6276. brENNAN’S pub & biStro, UVM Davis Center, 590 Main St., Burlington, 656-1204. citY SportS griLLE, 215 Lower Mountain View Dr., Colchester, 655-2720. cLub mEtroNomE, 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563. fArmHouSE tAp & griLL, 160 Bank St., Burlington, 859-0888. frANNY o’S, 733 Queen City Park Rd., Burlington, 8632909. tHE grEEN room, 86 St. Paul St., Burlington, 651-9669. HALVorSoN’S upStrEEt cAfé, 16 Church St., Burlington, 658-0278. HArbor LouNgE At courtYArD mArriott, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 864-4700. HigHEr grouND, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 652-0777. Jp’S pub, 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389. LEuNig’S biStro & cAfé, 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759. Lift, 165 Church St., Burlington, 660-2088. tHE LiViNg room, 794 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester. mANHAttAN pizzA & pub, 167 Main St., Burlington, 864-6776. mArriott HArbor LouNgE, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 854-4700. miguEL’S oN mAiN, 30 Main St., Burlington, 658-9000. moNkEY HouSE, 30 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563. moNtY’S oLD brick tAVErN, 7921 Williston Rd., Williston, 316-4262. muDDY WAtErS, 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466. NEctAr’S, 188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771. NEW mooN cAfé, 150 Cherry St., Burlington, 383-1505. o’briEN’S iriSH pub, 348 Main St., Winooski, 338-4678. oDD fELLoWS HALL, 1416 North Ave., Burlington, 862-3209. oN tAp bAr & griLL, 4 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3309. pArimA, 185 Pearl St., Burlington, 864-7917. pArk pLAcE tAVErN, 38 Park St., Essex Jct. 878-3015. rADio bEAN, 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346. rASputiN’S, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324. rED SquArE, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909. rEguLAr VEtErANS ASSociAtioN, 84 Weaver St., Winooski, 655-9899. rÍ rá iriSH pub, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401.

rozzi’S LAkESHorE tAVErN, 1022 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, 863-2342. rubEN JAmES, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744. tHE ScuffEr StEAk & ALE HouSE, 148 Church St., Burlington, 864-9451. SHELburNE StEAkHouSE & SALooN, 2545 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-5009. tHE SkiNNY pANcAkE, 60 Lake St., Burlington, 540-0188. VENuE, 127 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 310-4067. tHE VErmoNt pub & brEWErY, 144 College St., Burlington, 865-0500.


burlington area


Seasonal Greetings Fairfield Porter, Middlebury College Museum of Art

66 ART





ew major American artists are better suited to a summertime show than Fairfield Porter. The sun seems always to be shining in his paintings, which depict a Waspy world of money, leisure and preppy propriety. “Fairfield Porter: Raw” is thus a perfect warm-weather exhibit for the Middlebury College Museum of Art. For all of his casual charm, however, Porter (1907-75) was no lightweight, and this is not a frothy, school’s-out show. A realist at a time when abstract expressionists were in their ascendancy, Porter painted portraits and landscapes as harmonies of pale colors and soft light. This show, consisting of 39 oils and drawings from the Parrish Art Museum in Southampton on Long Island, offers a glimpse of what it bills as “The Creative Process of an American Master.” Porter’s method is detailed in a 1955 ARTnews essay by the New York poet Frank O’Hara, with photos by Rudolph Burckhardt. The published piece, “Porter Paints a Picture,” is displayed in a vitrine. Nearby, Middlebury’s curators have highlighted the “raw” state of eight loosely sketched scenes of Maine, Amherst and Manhattan by angling these unframed oils atop a bar that runs along a set of temporary walls. O’Hara writes that Porter’s work has “a look of spontaneity and effortless felicity.” But in tracing the creation of a portrait of the artist’s 4-year-old daughter — from drawings, through oil sketches, to six stages of the painting itself — O’Hara and Burckhardt show how studied and disciplined Porter’s technique really was. Several pieces in the show are unfinished, some intentionally so. Many of Porter’s portraits, for example, lack facial features. That odd omission seems to serve a dual purpose. As with the headless, sculpted torsos of classical antiquity, viewers are forced to concentrate on aspects of the work that might otherwise be seen as secondary. Leaving faces blank also enabled Porter to avoid what he acknowledged to be a weakness in his work: an inability to render convincing likenesses. That’s not always the case, however.

show, Porter’s friend and fellow representational painter Jane Freilicher is shown seated outside in a canvas chair alongside her young daughter, who’s wearing a red play suit. As is indicated by an accompanying photo of Porter painting this picture, the setting is the expansive lawn and fields of the artist’s Southampton home. The mood here, as in so much of Porter’s work, is cheerful, relaxed, comfortably elegant. There’s none of the agita characteristic of the abstract expressionists — let alone their elevation of the artist’s psyche over recognizable subject matter. Yet Porter cited Willem de Kooning as a crucial influence on his work. And he regularly drank with de Kooning and other ab-ex all-stars at the Cedar Tavern, their Greenwich Village hangout, during weekly trips to Manhattan from his home and studio in Southampton. How to explain such a curious kinship? Curator Klaus Ottmann suggests in the catalog for the show that Porter was interested more in the process of painting and the materiality of the medium than in what the work appeared to be about. “Most critics and artists looked at figurative paintings in terms of their content,” Ottman writes. “For Porter, it was painting itself that mattered.” In other words, he merely happened to compose portraits, landscapes and strangely unpeopled city scenes, because, as he commented in an interview, “a reference to reality is the easiest thing to do.” Looked at from that angle, Porter’s achievement can be seen to involve much more than the painting of pretty pictures. He was an avant-gardist posing as a traditionalist.


“Katie Porter”


“First Avenue”

A 1972 self-portrait corresponds closely with photos of the artist that are included in the show. With his Kennedyesque, flopping forelocks, the unwrinkled Porter looks amazingly youthful at age 65 — just three years before his death. There’s also an entirely finished, nearly life-size portrait of his wife,


Anne, wearing a black-and-white striped dress and standing between a large picture window and an interior wall covered with postcards and small paintings. The folds in a red coat draped over a stool in the foreground testify to Porter’s training in the techniques of the Old Masters. In perhaps the finest piece in the


“Fairfield Porter: Raw — The Creative Process of an American Master,” Middlebury College Museum of Art. Through August 14.

Art ShowS

ongoing burlington area

'A ReveRence foR TRees': The first in a three-part annual show featuring artists from Vermont's episcopal communities. Through June 30 at st. paul's Cathedral in burlington. info, 864-0471. 'ART in The WindoWs': Retailers display juried artwork in their shop windows as part of Art's Alive's 25th annual Festival of Fine Art. Through June 30 at Church street Marketplace in burlington. info, 864-1557. Bill Kinzie: "people, places & Things," photographs taken while the artist was shooting video for the ship adventure cruise company lindblad expeditions. Through June 30 at Village wine & Coffee in shelburne. info, 958-8922. Bill McdoWell: "Ashes in the night sky," black-and-white images reminiscent of stars, which are actually photographs of the artist's father's cremated ashes. Through June 18 at bCA Center in burlington. info, 865-7166. chAMplAin vAlley phoTo slAM: work by professional and amateur Champlain Valley photographers. Through June 17 at Vermont photo space gallery in essex Junction. info, 777-3686. dARshAnA BolT: paintings by the burlington artist. Through June 30 at Computers for Change in burlington. info, 279-1623. dJ BARRy: "primary imaginations ii," acrylic paintings. Through June 17 at The skinny pancake in burlington. info, 461-5814. eMily Bissell lAiRd: "From This world And beyond," oil paintings by the Charlotte artist. Through August 31 at shelburne Vineyard. info, 985-8222. eMployee ART shoW: photography, painting, drawing and sculpture by the coffee shop's baristas. Through July 3 at uncommon grounds in burlington. info, 865-6227. fesTivAl of fine ARTs JuRied shoW: The 25th-annual show features original work by more than 40 Vermont artists. Through June 30 at Art's Alive gallery in burlington. info, 864-1557. gARy hAll: black-and-white photographs, skyway; loRRAine MAnley: Acrylic paintings, gates 1 & 2; sTephen BeATTie: Color photography, escalator. Through June 30 at burlington Airport in south burlington. info, 865-7166.

ilAo JAcKson: "photographs From here," images of new York City and Martha's Vineyard, the two places the artist calls home. Through June 26 at 215 College gallery in burlington. info, 863-3662.

JAne Ann KAnToR: "Vermont urban Folk Art," bold acrylic paintings inspired by the landscape. Through June 30 at Red square in burlington. info, 318-2438.

“uncoMMon ThReAds”: This spA exhibit invites work that pushes the boundaries for needlework, including knitting, needlepoint, crochet, tatting and hooking. Deadline: June 30. exhibit dates: August 16 through september 24. info: 479-7069, inviTing pRoposAls foR 2012: spA uses its secondand third-floor space for solo and small group shows. send a written statement and eight to 12 representative images with detailed info. Deadline: June 24. info: 479-7069, veRMonT upcycled ART shoW: The block gallery and Coffeehouse in winooski is hosting a group show in september of local artists who incorporate upcycling/ recycling/repurposing of materials. submissions due by August 1. info, RoAd TRip! phoTo exhiBiT A road trip is synonymous with nostalgia. show us the photographic moments you’ve

The ART of neTWoRKing networking art event for Vermont artists on June 16; showcase your work of any medium and meet with other artists during the seAbA annual meeting at the soda plant. Drop-off, benefits and entry info at spacegalleryvt. com. submission forms are also available at the s.p.A.C.e. gallery, 266 pine street, Thursday through saturday, 11-4 p.m. Deadline: June 10. unBound: BooK ART shoW: Art using the book as a material or format. Cash prizes. submission guidelines:; Adrian, 457-3500. Deadline: June 27.

RecepTions phyllis chAse: Colorful landscapes and interiors by the Vermont artist, in the portico between Cornell library and Debevoise hall. Through August 5 at Vermont law school environmental law Center in south Royalton. Reception: Yates Common Room, Thursday, June 9, 4:30-6 p.m. info, 831-1106. KRisTA cheney: "Moments with nature," still-life photographs. Through July 31 at The shoe horn at onion River in Montpelier. Reception: Friday, June 10, 5-7 p.m. info, artwhirled23@

JeAn cAnnon: paintings by the burlington artist. Through July 31 at Vintage Jewelers in burlington. info, 862-2233. Jeff clARKe: "nature sights," black-and-white landscape photographs. Through June 30 at 156 The loft in burlington. info, 497-4401.

JAneT fRedeRicKs: paintings by the Vermont artist. Through June 15 at Marilyn's in burlington. info, 658-4040.


TAsTe of sToWe ARTs fesTivAl expose your work to 6000+ visitors. sell your art. Connect with new (more) fans. be part of one of the best summer events in Vermont. Deadline: June 24. Application online at

KATe MuelleR: "The Rhythm of Color," portraits and expressionist landscapes in pastel and oil. Through July 17 at Korongo gallery in Randolph. Reception: Friday, June 10, 5-7 p.m. info, 728-6288. suMMeR MeMBeRs exhiBiTion: sculptures, paintings, drawings, photography, glasswork, beadwork and more by area artists. Through July 15 at north Country Cultural Center for the Arts in plattsburgh, n.Y. Reception: saturday, June 11, 5-7 p.m. info, 518-563-1604. 'We ART WoMen: nighT visions': night-themed artwork in a variety of media. Through June 30 at 51 Main in Middlebury. Reception: Friday, June 10, 6-8 p.m. info, 'BesT of The noRTheAsT MAsTeR of fine ARTs': work by seven of the strongest emerging artists participating in MFA programs in new england, new York and Québec. June 10 through september 4 at helen Day Art Center in stowe. Reception: Friday, June 10, 5:30-8 p.m. info, 253-8358. deBoRAh fillion & heideMARie holMes-heiss: "Mono-Types," work by two painters exploring a new medium. Through June 30 at spotlight gallery in Montpelier. Reception: Friday, June 10, 4-7 p.m. info, 828-3291. Jon olsen: photographs by the Vermont artist. Through June 30 at edgewater gallery in Middlebury. Reception: Friday, June 10, 5-7 p.m. info, 458-0098.

JessicA hATheWAy scRiveR: "Re-Mapped," paintings that explore biological, geological and urban complexities using map imagery. Through June 30 at block gallery in winooski. info, 373-5150.

buRlingTon-AReA ART shows

» p.69

gEt Your Art Show liStED hErE!

if you’re promoting an art exhibit, let us know by posting info and images by thursdays at noon on our form at or

ART 67

art listings and spotlights are written by mEgAN jAmES. listings are restricted to art shows in truly public places; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the editor.

'visions of plAce: The phoTogRAphy of John MilleR, peTeR MilleR And RichARd BRoWn': work by the veteran Vermont photographers who have each returned repeatedly to particular farmsteads, families and individuals over the last 40 years to create a nuanced record of the region. June 10 through september 3 at Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury. Reception: Friday, June 10, 5-7 p.m. info, 388-4964.


inTegRATed ARTs AcAdeMy exhiBiT: students worked in their classrooms over the last five months with Frog hollow artisans Megan humphrey, eliza Collins and george gonzales to create the artwork on display. Through June 30 at Frog hollow in burlington. info, 863-6458.

cAll foR enTRies AVA gallery and Art Center’s 18th Annual Juried summer exhibition. entries may be submitted June 11 and June 13 through 15, 11 a.m.-5 p.m., at the gallery at 11 bank street, lebanon, n.h. Artists may submit up to two recent works (made in the past three years) in any medium. Twodimensional works are not to exceed 60 inches. sculpture is not to exceed 200 pounds. info, 603-448-3117.

speciAl plAces Do you have a special place you like to go? Capture the magic of the place in a photo and you might win a prize in the 4th Annual photography Contest and exhibit at the Chaffee Art Center. entry forms and details can be found at Deadline: July 27.

KATheRine sTevens: photography by the stowe native. Through June 30 at Townsend gallery at black Cap Coffee in stowe. Reception: Friday, June 10, 4-6 p.m. info, 279-4239.


'inK2sKin2cAnvAs': paintings by the region's finest artists to wield a tattoo needle. Curated by Kevin Montanaro. Through June 25 at s.p.A.C.e. gallery in burlington. info, 578-2512.

50Th AnnuAl ART in The pARK fesTivAls: Art in the park will be held August 13 and 14 and october 8 and 9. if you are an artisan who handcrafts unique products, there is still time to apply for space in this juried show. space will be allocated on a first come, first served basis. no applications will be accepted after July 5 for the August show or after september 5 for the october show. Visit the Chaffee Art Center website — — for information and to download an application. info, 747-7900.

captured that will inspire our next trip. submission deadline: July 19. info,

'gloW: living lighTs': explore the ecology of bioluminescence with activities and live specimens, from the familiar firefly and glowworm to the alien-looking angler fish and siphonophore, the longest living creature on earth. Through september 5 at eCho lake Aquarium and science Center/leahy Center for lake Champlain in burlington. info, 877-324-6386.

cAll To ARTisTs

Novel graphics from the Center for Cartoon Studies





68 ART

C. Frakes grew up on the ocean, but left home for comic book college in Vermont.

She was awarded a Xeric Grant to publisher her book Tragic Relief in the fall of 2007. In 2009, her second graphic novel, Woman King, won the Ignatz award for Promising New Talent. Island Brat can be purchased at her website:

“Drawn & Paneled� is a collaboration between Seven Da ys and the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, featuring works by past and present students. These pages are archived at For more info, visit CCS online at

Art ShowS to evoke imagery that exists above and beyond our earthly lives. Through August 20 at BCA Center in Burlington. Community workshop participants gather for a kiteflying festival: Sunday, June 12, noon, Waterfront Park, Burlington Info, 865-7166.

mIDDlebury arTs walK: More than 40 downtown venues stay open late for art openings, music and other events. Friday, June 10, 5-7 p.m., various locations, Middlebury. Info, 388-7951, ext. 2. ‘arT100: an arT raFFle To suPPorT rIVer arTs’: A ticket entitles two people to hearty appetizers, live jazz and the choice of an original artwork to take home as numbers are randomly drawn. Saturday, June 11, 6 p.m., River Arts Center, Morrisville. Info, 888-1261. KaTharIne monTsTream: “Into the Intervale,” oil paintings of Burlington’s sustainable farmlands, trails and river. Talk: Wednesday, June 15, 7-8:30 p.m., SEABA Center, Burlington. Info, 859-9229. ‘ThoughT bombers’: JDK artists collaborate to create one-of-a-kind kites meant

Peony garDen ParTy: Tours of the Brick House and its 1000-plus peony gardens; tea, cocktails and hors d’oeuvres; croquet; and a preview of the new exhibit “In Fashion: High Style, 1690-2011.” Wednesday, June 8, 3-5 p.m., Shelburne Museum. Info, 985-3346, ext. 3305. bca summer arTIsT marKeT: Juried artists sell their handmade, original fine art and crafts. Saturday, June 11, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Burlington City Hall Park. Info, 865-7166.

« P.67

Karen Dawson: "A Look Back," paintings and drawings that explore cubism and abstraction as processes to find fundamental unifying structure, in the First Floor Gallery; Isaac wasucK: "The Quilt Project," mixed-media paintings inspired by a 1960s book of traditional American needlework patterns, in the Second Floor Gallery. Through July 28 at Community College of Vermont in Winooski. Info, 654-0513. KeI egan: Magnetic and traditional paper-glue collages inspired by childhood, aviation, spirituality and time. Through June 30 at Nunyuns Bakery & Café in Burlington. Info, 683-8804.

30Th annual green mounTaIn rug school exhIbIT: Work by teachers and students of one of the country’s largest rug-hooking programs. Thursday, June 9, 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Saturday, June 11, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center. Info, 485-7274.

mIchelle saFFran & erIK rehman: "Searchers," a photographic journey by Saffran, and "Eclectic," sculpture and drawings by Rehman. Through June 24 at Flynndog in Burlington. Info, 363-4746.

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mIchael lew-smITh: Abstract photographs exploring the weathered paint on old cars, trucks and tractors. Curated by Kasini House. Through June 30 at Opportunities Credit Union in Burlington. Info, 264-4839. 8h-tootsies060811.indd 1

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orah moore: "Making Art," photographs by the Morrisville artist, and "Laundry Line Art," an interactive installation. Curated by SEABA. Through August 31 at VCAM Studio in Burlington. Info, 859-9222.

laura el-TanTawy: "I'll Die For You: Suicide in Rural India," a symbolic exploration of the epidemic of farmer suicides, featuring close-up photographs of farmers' skin juxtaposed against details from the landscape. Through July 5 at Reciprocity Studio in Burlington. Info, 318-8594.

roger coleman: Art Affair by Shearer presents acrylic and mixed-media paintings by the Vermont artist. Through June 30 at Shearer Chevrolet in South Burlington. Info, 373-2321.


rIcharD w. brown: "Tasha Tudor's World," photographs documenting the early nineteenth-century lifestyle of the celebrated Vermont illustrator who died in 2008. Through July 5 at Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery in Shelburne. Info, 985-3848.

KImberly garlanD: Layers of paint, recycled materials and trash on canvas by the Burlington visual and performance artist. Curated by SEABA. Through August 31 at Pine Street Deli in Burlington. Info, 862-9614.

rolF anDerson: "Landscapes and People of Hazen's Notch," color photographs. June 10 through July 12 at Healthy Living in South Burlington. Info, 326-4799. sanDy mIlens: "Searching," work by the Vermont photographer. Curated by SEABA. Through August 31 at Speeder & Earl's (Pine Street) in Burlington. Info, 658-6016.


sheel garDner ananD: "Green Mountain View," a painting of a Vermont summer scene. Through June 30 at John Anthony Designer in Burlington. Info, 660-9086. sPrIng FeaTureD arTIsTs: Work by Peter Weyrauch, Shayne Lynn, Karen Henderson, Katie Brines, Stephen Beattie, Amanda Vella, Tom Cullins, Lynn Rupe and Bill Wolff. Through June 30 at Maltex Building in Burlington. Info, 865-7166.


» P.71

June 3 - August 20, 2011 at the BCA Center ART 69

marIon ‘Pooh’ guIlD: "Dusty Drawings and Doodles," work from the 1930s through the 1960s, including scenes from a Girl Scout camp on Lake Seymour, in the Pickering Room. Through June 30 at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington. Info, 865-7211.


orget to tf

ParTs arTs exTraVaganza: Artwork by members of the band the Parts, Dan LeFrancois, Steve Sharon and Jason Papus. Through June 27 at Alley Cats Studio in Burlington. Info, 999-7788.

'locK, sTocK anD barrel: The Terry Tyler collecTIon oF VermonT FIrearms': The 106 firearms on display represent a lifetime of collecting and document the history of gunmaking in Vermont from 1790 to 1900; 'PaPerworK In 3D': Work by 25 contemporary origami, cut-paper and book artists; 'behInD The lens, unDer The bIg ToP': Black-and-white circus photography from the late-1960s by Elliot Fenander. Through October 30 at Shelburne Museum. Info, 985-3346.

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Phoebe sTone oPen sTuDIo weeKenD: Explore two floors of oil paintings, pastels, painted furniture, children’s book illustrations and Stone’s autographed books. Also, photographs by her husband, David Carlson. Friday, June 10, 5-8 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, June 11-12, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Phoebe Stone Studio, Middlebury. Info, 989-2144.

KImberlee Forney: Musically inspired acrylic paintings. Through June 30 at 1/2 Lounge in Burlington. Info, 310-9159.

lIsa lIllIbrIDge: Mixed-media work on wood. Through June 30 at Metropolitan Gallery, Burlington City Hall. Info, 865-7166.

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The shelburne arTIsTs marKeT: Local artists and artisans sell their work, on the green. Saturday, June 11, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Shelburne Town Offices. Info, 985-3648.

remembrance celebraTIon For sTePhen hunecK: Live music composed for the day using the text from Huneck’s The Dog Chapel book, followed by more music and dancing. Sunday, June 12, noon, Stephen Huneck Gallery and Dog Chapel, St. Johnsbury. Info, 748-2700.

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art shows

art burlington-area art shows

« p.69

Ken Leslie: "Arctic Cycles: Artist's Books and Paintings From the Far North," 360-degree panoramas in watercolor, acrylic and oil that trace the arctic landscape through a full day or full year. Photo ID required. Through July 30 at Governor's Office Gallery in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749.

'The Elephant in the Room': Colorful acrylic paintings of elephants by the studio's young students. Through June 30 at Davis Studio Gallery in Burlington. Info, 425-2700.

Peter Huntoon & Heather Corey: Watercolors by Huntoon and stained glass by Corey. Through June 30 at Collective — the Art of Craft in Woodstock. Info, 457-1298.

'The Golden Cage: Mexican Migrant Workers and Vermont Dairy Farmers': Photographs, text and audio exploring the relationship between these two groups of workers at Addison County farms, by photographer Caleb Kenna and the Addison County Farm Worker Coalition's Cheryl Connor and Cheryl Mitchell. Through June 11 at Amy E. Tarrant Gallery, Flynn Center, in Burlington. Info, 652-4505.

Sam Kerson & Katah: "The Road to the East," figurative pastels depicting the people and atmospheres of France, Slovakia and Finland. Through July 1 at City Center in Montpelier. Info,

Tom Cullins: "Photophoto +," advertising photographs distorted by reflection or shadow. Through June 15 at Artspace 106 at The Men's Room in Burlington. Info, 864-2088. Wendy Copp: Large horses and birds assembled from cardboard, paper and papier-mâché. Through June 30 at Salaam in Burlington. Info, 658-8822. 'Works of the Founders': Paintings and mixed-media work by Kimberley Hannaman Taylor and Maya Urbanowicz, two of the artists responsible for the new collective. Also, photographs of Poppa Neutrino's jazz funeral in New Orleans by Taylor. Through June 26 at The Firefly Collective in Burlington. Info, 660-0754.


'A Celebration of GRACE': Paintings and drawings by more than 20 self-taught artists. June 13 through 27 at T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. Info, 828-8743. Carol MacDonald & Erik Rehman: "Transcendence: Mooring the Storm," artwork inspired by interviews with survivors of sexual violence. Through July 30 at Card Room, Vermont Statehouse, in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749.

Christine Orcutt: "Summer Rhythm: Exploring the Heart and Soul of the Upper Valley," paintings of horses and guitars. Through June 30 at Hartland Public Library. Info, 436-2473. Daisy Rockwell: "Political Animal," acrylic and tempera paintings by the granddaughter of Norman Rockwell. Through July 1 at Main Street Museum in White River Junction. Info, 295-6370.

Deborah Hillman: "Dreaming the Moon," paintings on canvas and paper. Through June 30 at The Drawing Board in Montpelier. Info, 223-2902. ‘eARTh’: Work by more than 50 area artists. Through July 10 at Chandler Gallery in Randolph. Info, 431-0204.

'From the Garden to the Forest': Paintings of the natural world by Anne Unangst, Cindy Griffith and Marcia Hill. Through June 30 at Red Hen Bakery & Café in Middlesex. Info, 223-3591.

champlain valley

Alicia Abrahamson: "Ever Branching," treeinspired artwork in a variety of media. Through June 15 at Studio V in Vergennes. Info, 349-2214. Annual Members' Show: An eclectic mix of techniques and media by sculptors of all levels. Through June 26 at Carving Studio and Sculpture Center in West Rutland. Info, 438-2087.

Jacob Martin: Illustrations inspired by cartoons, old video games and cheap yard-sale junk. Through July 10 at Bee's Knees in Morrisville. Info, 586-8078.

Laura El-Tantawy

Judy Dales: "Curves in Motion," quilted wall hangings that feature layers of curves and subtle shifts in color. Through June 10 at River Arts Center in Morrisville. Info, 888-1261.

farmers have killed themselves in India.

June Artists: Stained glass by Karen Scheffler, photography by Maggy Young, mixed-media work by Nancy Hayden and paintings by Leeza Mossey. Through June 30 at Artist in Residence Cooperative Gallery in Enosburg Falls. Info, 933-6403.

In the past decade, more than 200,000 According to Egyptian photojournalist Laura El-Tantawy, the cause may be the rapid transition that nation has undergone from a rural to an industrial society, a change that has forced many farmers to take out loans they cannot repay. Ranjana Manoj Chaudhury (pictured) became a widow in 2004 when her husband, crushed by debt, consumed pesticide. In El-Tantawy’s project “I’ll Die For

'Art Makes Brandon Tick': This year's townwide art project features artist-created, functional clocks, which will be auctioned off in October to benefit the BAG. Through October 8 at Brandon Artists' Guild. Info, 247-4956.

You: Suicide in Rural India,” she doesn’t

Bill Ramage: "A Centripetal Photo Project: An Installation," a large-scale work featuring self-portraits in graphite and biomorphic drawings in colored pencil. Through June 20 at Gallery in-the-Field in Brandon. Info, 247-0125.

between farmer and land. In addition to

Carol Norton: "Waterworks," atmospheric water images in oil. Through July 31 at Starry Night Café in Ferrisburgh. Info, 658-2943.

with details from the landscape, with

'Fairfield Porter: Raw —The Creative Process of an American Master': Finished and unfinished works by the artist and critic, a realist during an era when abstraction dominated American art. Through August 7 at Middlebury College Museum of Art. Info, 443-6433.

Burlington through July 5.

'From the Page's Edge: Water in Literature and Art': Contemporary paintings inspired by water and literature, including the poetry of UVM professor Daniel Lusk. Through June 26 at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes. Info, 475-2022. 'Human = Landscape: Aesthetics of a CarbonConstrained Future': A selection from the 2009 exhibit created by Burlington City Arts, including Nancy Dwyer and Caroline Byrne’s furniture made from Styrofoam packing materials, and R. Elliot Katz's cast plaster oil-industry portraits. Through June 18 at Chaffee Art Center in Rutland. Info, 775-0356. Lori Hinrichsen: "Familiar Ground," monotypes, intaglios and photography inspired by nature. Through June 30 at Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington. Info, 434-2167. Lyna Lou Nordstrom: Prints full of soft color and subtle texture by the Vermont artist. Through July 14 at WalkOver Gallery & Concert Room in Bristol. Info, 453-3188.

just investigate the suicide epidemic, she explores the powerful relationship the portraits of widows, she photographs closeups of farmers’ skin juxtaposed haunting results. At Reciprocity Studio in

'Revived, Recycled, Renewed': Artwork inspired by the revival of old traditions or created from reclaimed or recycled materials, such as billboards, zippers, a kitchen countertop, bottle caps and license plates. Through June 30 at Art on Main in Bristol. Info, 453-4032. Sandy Mayo: "Square Paintings," abstract work informed by nature, architecture, music and the unknown. Through June 28 at Brandon Artists' Guild. Info, 247-4956. Scott Funk: "Vermont Through the Seasons," photographs by the Vermont artist. Through August 31 at Gallery 160 in Richmond. Info, 434-6434. T.J. Cunningham: "Winterworks," new paintings by the local artist. Through June 30 at The Art House in Middlebury. Info, 458-0464. 'Taking Flight': Bird-themed artwork by Susan Raber Bray, Ray Hudson, Carol MacDonald, Liza Myers, Gary Starr and Adelaide Tyrol. Through June 19 at Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. Info, 388-1436.

Lisa Diamondstein: Photographs that capture a moment in time. Through June 27 at Claire's Restaurant & Bar in Hardwick. Info, 472-7053. 'Magic Carpets: The Rugmaker's Art': Hooked, braided and hand-felted pieces by some of Vermont's finest rug makers. Through June 15 at Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. Info, 748-0158. Marc Awodey: Paintings by the Vermont artist, in the Wings Gallery. Through August 8 at Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College. Info, 635-1469. Maurie Harrington: "The Traveling Artist," watercolors by the Vermont artist. Through June 30 at Island Arts South Hero Gallery. Info, 318-6229. 'Myriad Visions': A display of all-steel, customized and modified, pre-World War II Ford automobiles accompanies work by established Northeast Kingdom artists. Through July 3 at White Water Gallery in East Hardwick. Info, 563-2037. Northern Vermont Artists' Association Juried Show: Artists contribute work in a variety of media to the 81st annual June show. Through June 26 at Visions of Vermont in Jeffersonville. Info, 299-0910. Peg Racine: Serene Vermont landscapes. Through June 26 at Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. Info, 644-5100. 'Quintessential Plein Air Vermont': Bob Aiken, Meryl Lebowitz, Peter A. Miller and Lisa Angell paint on location in Stowe and in the gallery (Through July 31); Sheel Gardner Anand: paintings by the Vermont artist (through June 30). At Vermont Fine Art Gallery in Stowe. Info, 253-9653. The Four Sisters Exhibit: Paintings by siblings Jackie Mueller Jones, Carol Mueller, Mary Ellen Mueller Legault and Debbie Mueller Peate. Through July 17 at Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho. Info, 288-8086.


Pat Musick: Pastel ink and charcoal on paper by the environmental sculptor and painter. Through June 14 at Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. Info, 603-735-5931. Terry Jenoure & Laurel Hausler: Jenoure presents “Abuela’s Last Wedding,” a mixed-media installation celebrating pivotal personal moments, and Hausler contributes new oil paintings. Through June 28 at Gallery in the Woods in Brattleboro. Info, 257-4777. m

ART 71

Gayleen Aiken: Work by the late Barre artist, who was a member of the Hardwick-based community art center GRACE. Also, paintings and drawings by other GRACE artists. Through June 12 at T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. Info, 828-8743.

'The Art of Creative Aging': The Central Vermont Council on Aging's juried show of artwork seniors have created since their 70th birthdays. Through June 30 at Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier. Info, 476-2681.

Ellen Welch Granter: "Flight and Light," paintings of birds in lush hues with a hint of a Chinese aesthetic. Through July 10 at Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery in Stowe. Info, 253-1818.


Ed Koren & Fulvio Testa: Drawings by Koren, one of The New Yorker magazine's longest-appearing cartoonists, in the Main Gallery; watercolor landscapes by Italian painter Testa, in the Center Gallery. Through July 10 at BigTown Gallery in Rochester. Info, 767-9670.

Suzanne Opton: Work from the photographer's "Soldier" and "Many Wars" series, featuring portraits of veterans from World War II, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. Through July 30 at PHOTOSTOP in White River Junction. Info, 698-0320.



David Smith: Lyrical landscapes by the Peacham artist. Through June 30 at Vermont Supreme Court Lobby in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749.

'Spirits in the Material World': Work in a variety of media by area artists. Through June 19 at Nuance Gallery in Windsor. Info, 674-9616.

Tom Merwin: "Drawing Water," central Vermont's waterfalls and gorges depicted in sumi ink, watercolor and oil on canvas. June 11 through November 30 at Merwin Gallery in Castleton. Info, 468-2592.

Christine Hartman: Paintings and mixed-media collage by the Vermont artist. Through June 30 at Montpelier City Hall. Info, 229-9416.

'The Lippitt Morgan': A photographic exhibit of early Vermont breeders and the old-fashioned Morgans so dear to them. Through July 31 at The National Museum of the Morgan Horse in Middlebury. Info, 388-1639.

Katrina Mojzesz: "Sensitive to Light," photographs of and journal excerpts about the artist's solo cross-country camping trips. Through July 8 at Tunbridge Public Library. Info, 889-9404.

'The Child in Art': Objects depicting children and childhood — from royal princesses to working-class youngsters, obedient kids to naughty little ones — from the museum's permanent collection; Ed Koren: "The Capricious Line," work from the New Yorker cartoonist's five-decade career, including drawings never exhibited before (opening June 14). Through September 2 at Fleming Museum, UVM, in Burlington. Info, 656-2090.

movies Cave of Forgotten Dreams ★★★


ight there in the title is a tip-off as to what went awry with Werner Herzog’s most recent documentary project: It is accurate to call this a film about a cave. It is needlessly cosmic and pseudo-poetic to suggest either the film or the cave has anything to do with forgotten dreams. We all know the director is out there — and we like him that way — but Herzog gets a little too trippy for his own good this time around. The Chauvet Cave is mind blowing enough on its own. It hardly requires philosophical and metaphysical window dressing to command the viewer’s attention. Discovered in 1994 by French archaeologists working in the southern part of the country near the Ardèche River, it contains the oldest cave paintings known to exist. Created 32,000 years ago, they are twice as old as those at Lascaux, and, because a rock slide sealed the cave’s entrance a few thousand years after they were made, they are in astoundingly pristine condition. The French government strictly controls access to the place, normally keeping it off limits to all but a select group of scientists. By some bureaucratic sleight of hand, how-

ever, Herzog secured permission to take a crew of four into the cave for a limited number of hours with a limited amount of equipment. The result is a film document of immeasurable cultural significance. It records for posterity the oldest known examples of human art, and it is the only way you and I are ever going to be able to see them. Those artworks are astonishingly beautiful and assured renderings of prehistoric animals, including mammoths, cave bears, panthers, rhinos, bison, lions and horses. As the crew’s guide points out, the paintings retain their original vividness because the air supply in the cave has remained undisturbed all these millennia. As remarkable as their condition, though, is the sophistication of technique with which they were created. For example, the artists used the contours of the cave walls to give depth to bodies. Some creatures have eight legs, presumably to suggest movement. The artworks reveal a level of detail and a grasp of texture, color and shading that confound expectation. But, just when one might think Herzog would consult scholars to ponder such mysteries as the sort of tools these painters used, how they achieved certain effects or what





Meek’s Cutoff ★★★★


nyone who’s been yearning to ditch the 21st century and play pioneer will have second thoughts after seeing the new independent drama from writer-director Kelly Reichardt. Meek’s Cutoff is a thought-provoking film, and sometimes a beautiful one, with a maddening pace and an oddly distant approach to its subjects. But no one can deny it’s an unusual take on the period drama. Known for her contemporary character studies (Old Joy, Wendy and Lucy), Reichardt takes us back to 1845 this time. Three pioneer couples traveling a high-desert section of the Oregon Trail have veered off under the guidance of grizzled mountain man Stephen Meek (Bruce Greenwood), who claims to know a shortcut. The film opens in medias res, with Meek’s charges already thirsty, tired, testy and doubting the wisdom of having followed a man who appears to be better at telling tall tales than at finding his way. In an early scene, the menfolk of the wagon train (Will Patton, Paul Dano and Neal Huff ) gather to discuss the possibility of violently dispatching Meek before he leads them farther astray. Patton reports this to his canny young wife, Emily (Michelle Williams). They’re both so matter of fact as they contemplate murder — and their suspicion that Meek was paid by the British to keep Americans out of the contested Oregon ter-

communal purpose these pictures served, he inquires instead, “Do they have souls? Do they cry at night?” Exsqueeze me? Tangent follows tangent. Herzog has rambling, oblique conversations about Australian aboriginal art with a former circus performer. He films a fur-clad scientist playing “The Star-Spangled Banner” on a Paleolithic flute. In a crescendo of loopiness, he closes the movie by showing footage of a nuclear power plant located roughly 20 miles from the Chauvet Cave and then segues to a nearby tropical biosphere that houses, among other creatures, small albino crocodiles. Over images of the red-eyed creatures floating, the filmmaker wonders aloud whether one day the albino crocodiles will swim to Chauvet, and he asks, “Look-

CAVE MEN Herzog detours into Looney Tunesterritory in this rumination o the world’s oldest known underground art.

ing at the paintings, what will they make of them?” I’m not sure reptile art appreciation is where the globe-trotting auteur intended to wind up when he started on his latest journey. Before Herzog got off track and things took a turn for the zany, he did the world a big favor by documenting these ancient wonders. Now maybe he should do one for himself. Herzog sounds like he could use a nice, long rest. RICK KISONAK


ritory — that it’s like watching a strategy session on a very low-key survival reality show. But the stakes are real. When we zip across America on freeways, it’s difficult to remember that this terrain once seemed as forbidding as the surface of Mars. Reichardt drives this point home when the settlers encounter a lone Native American (Rod Rondeaux), whom Meek pegs as a member of a particularly bloodthirsty tribe. Emily wants to spare his life in hopes he’ll help the party find water. Both are just guessing, since neither understands the Indian’s speech, and Reichardt doesn’t provide subtitles. When the settlers encounter drawings on the looming desert rocks, clearly made by the Indian’s compatriots, the symbols are just as cryptic: Are they signposts to water? Warnings of danger? Prayers to unknown gods? A science-fiction film about first contact with alien life couldn’t be creepier. Reichardt seems to want viewers to focus not on the film’s obvious conflict (how will the settlers survive this ordeal?) but on the question brewing under the surface: What does it take to shift the balance of power from an obviously incompetent leader? From the beginning of the film, the pioneer division of labor is unquestioned: The women cook and sew and make fires (and do a lot more intricate, tedious manual labor, while we watch); the men mend

PRAIRIE SLOG Williams (far right)plays a pioneer on a grueling trek in Reichardt’s unusual take on the western.

axles and chart the course. Emily isn’t one of those anachronistic feminist film heroines who simply speaks up and takes over; she operates covertly, but her mission is clear. Meek must be deposed. Perhaps that’s why some critics claim to see an Iraq war allegory in the film. Given how much attention Reichardt gives to historically accurate details, such an interpretation seems overreaching. The problem is that, those details of daily labor aside, the director doesn’t give us much solid information about her characters — the sort of background that would make us care about their plight or help us form stronger views of their

actions. We never learn much about the relationships between the couples, their reasons for coming west or even where they started. It’s as if Reichardt feared that, by giving her actors too much expository dialogue, she’d pull us out of the period. The result is a film full of desert silences that are hypnotic — and frustrating. While Meek’s Cutoff is certainly an antidote to ever more hypercharged summer blockbusters, it may be remembered, like the historical Meek, more for what it promised than what it delivered. MARGOT HARRISON


new in theaters

GREEN lANtERN: Ryan Reynolds stars as the DC Comics hero who finds himself unexpectedly gifted with superpowers by an interplanetary protective force. With Peter Sarsgaard, Mark Strong and Blake Lively. Martin (Edge of Darkness) Campbell directed. (Rating and run time N/A. Midnight screening on 6/16 at Essex) JUDY mooDY AND tHE Not BUmmER SUmmER: A third grader despairs when her summer plans go awry and she’s forced to stay with her wacky aunt Opal (Heather Graham, apparently old enough to have attained “wacky aunt” status) in this family adventure. Based on Megan McDonald’s book. With Jordana Beatty and Preston Bailey. John (Aliens in the Attic) Schultz directed. (91 min, PG. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace) miDNiGHt iN pARiS: An American screenwriter (Owen Wilson) vacationing in Paris discovers another side of the city after dark — namely, shades of its artistic past — in the latest from Woody Allen. With Rachel McAdams, Marion Cotillard and Tom Hiddleston. (98 min, PG-13. Roxy, Savoy) SUpER 8: Writer-director J.J. Abrams seems to be channeling vintage Steven Spielberg for this thriller, set in 1979, about a bunch of kids who stumble on something bad when their Super 8 film shoot is interrupted by a train crash. Let’s hope whatever it is is scarier than the monster in Cloverfield. With Elle Fanning, Kyle Chandler and Noah Emmerich. (112 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Paramount, Roxy, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

now playing

BRiDESmAiDSHHHH1/2 Can a wedding-centric comedy from a female point of view be ... funny? Director Paul Feig and writer-star Kristen Wiig attempt to beat the odds with this Judd Apatow-produced tale of a single woman who agrees to be her best friend’s maid of honor. With Maya Rudolph and Rose Byrne. (125 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Roxy, Sunset)

HAll pASSHHH The Farrelly brothers return with this comedy in which two long-married men (Owen Wilson and Jason Sudeikis) receive an unusual gift from their wives: a “hall pass” to ignore their marriage vows for a week. With Christina Applegate, Jenna Fischer and Alyssa Milano. (98 min, R. Sunset; ends 6/9)

Are you ● Anxious or jumpy? ● Withdrawn? ● Not enjoying things? ● Can’t sleep?

tHE HANGoVER pARt iiHH1/2 If you think a rude awakening from a night of debauchery like the one depicted in hit comedy The Hangover could happen only once to the same guys, you’d be wrong. This time, Stu (Ed Helms) is the one getting married, and the weirdness starts in Bangkok. With Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Justin Bartha. Todd Phillips directed. (102 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Roxy, Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

Receive 12 FREE and CONFIDENTIAL individual therapy sessions via videoconferencing, plus either a low-dose antibiotic (D-Cycloserine) or placebo. We are testing whether psychotherapy plus this drug is more effective than psychotherapy alone. Interested? Call Dr. Megan Olden at 212821-0786 ( or Dr. Terry Rabinowitz, at 802-847-4727 for a free evaluation. Weill Cornell Medical College IRB protocol no. 0802009646, approved 05/02/2008.

mEEK’S cUtoFFHHH1/2 The latest from director Kelly (Wendy and Lucy) Reichardt is an adventure story with no resemblance to a summer12v-WeillCornell060811.indd 1 blockbuster. In 1845, a group of pioneers (including Michelle Williams and Paul Dano) face peril on the Oregon Trail. With Bruce Greenwood as their dodgy guide. (104 min, PG. Savoy; ends 6/9) oRGASm, iNc.: Eight years in the making, local filmmaker Liz Canner’s documentary investigates the pharmaceutical giants’ race to be the first to win FDA approval for a product that can guarantee women the big O. (80 min, NR. Palace; ends 6/9)

Win WIn

Open a checking account and we’ll donate $1001 to help weatherize Vermont homes. Open a new People’s United Bank checking account. When you do, we’ll donate $100 to Vermonters in need through the Weatherization Assistance Programs offered through the State of Vermont Community Action Agencies. It’s a great way to give back to the community, while you’re benefiting from the convenience of over 340 branches and 500 ATMs throughout the Northeast. Learn more at 800-772-1090 or visit your local branch.

piRAtES oF tHE cARiBBEAN: oN StRANGER tiDESHH Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) returns in a fourth high-seas adventure guaranteed to make more money than sense. This time the goal is the Fountain of Youth, the heroine is Penélope Cruz and the swashbuckling is in 3-D where available. With Geoffrey Rush and Ian McShane. Rob (Nine) Marshall directed. (137 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol [3-D], Essex [3-D], Majestic [3-D], Marquis, Palace, Paramount, Roxy, St. Albans, Stowe, Sunset, Welden) poticHEHHH1/2 Catherine Deneuve plays a pampered 1970s housewife who discovers she likes taking charge when she steps in to resolve a union dispute at her husband’s factory in this feel-good French farce. With Fabrice Luchini and Gérard Depardieu. François (8 Women) Ozon directed. (103 min, R. Roxy; ends 6/9) tHoRHHH Another Marvel Comics hero gets his own movie when the Norse god of thunder (Chris Hemsworth) finds himself in modern America. Advance word suggests that director Kenneth (Hamlet) Branagh was the right choice for this. With Natalie Portman, Tom Hiddleston and Anthony Hopkins. (114 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex [3-D], Majestic, Sunset)


» P.75

People’s United Bank will make a $100 donation to the Community Action Agency in your area when you open a new People’s United personal checking account between 6/7/11 and 8/2/11 with a $25 minimum opening deposit. For People’s United to make a donation, you cannot have an existing People’s United Bank personal checking account and must take one of the following three actions: 1)Receive at least two direct deposits of at least $100 each into the new checking account within 90 days of account opening. Direct Deposit transactions are limited to payroll, social security, pension and government benefits. PayPal® transactions are excluded; 2) Obtain a Debit Card that is linked to the account and then use the Debit Card to make at least ten purchases of at least $25 each within 60 days of account opening; 3) Make at least five payments to third parties through the checking account of at least $25 each using People’s United Online Banking within 45 days of account opening. One $100 donation per qualifying new checking account (limit one donation per household). The donation is not tax-deductible. This offer may not be combined with other offers, may be withdrawn without notice, and is valid only for new accounts opened in Vermont. If this offer is not withdrawn sooner, it will expire on 8/2/11. Employees of People’s United Bank and their immediate family members, and members of their household are not eligible. Other restrictions may apply. ©2011People’s United Bank Member FDIC


3v-PeoplesBank060811.indd 1

6/6/11 11:24 AM



3/31/10 1:34:13 PM


H = refund, please HH = could’ve been worse, but not a lot HHH = has its moments; so-so HHHH = smarter than the average bear HHHHH = as good as it gets

6/6/11 12v-uvmpsych040710.indd 11:21 AM 1



Up to $650 compensation Call 656-5360 for more info

FASt FiVEHHH Fast & Furious not fast enough? The fifth film in the street-racer action franchise has an even shorter title. This time around, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Jordana Brewster and their fellow speed freaks try to evade G-man Dwayne Johnson in Rio de Janeiro. Justin Lin directed. (130 min, PG-13. Majestic, Sunset)

We are looking for people who are: • Healthy Adults, 18-55 years old • Available once everyday for 15 consecutive days We offer flexible sessions: • Approximately 25 minutes a day

Improve your banking. Improve Vermont.

cAVE oF FoRGottEN DREAmSHH1/2 In his latest oneof-a-kind documentary, Werner Herzog explores the Chauvet cave of Southern France and trains his camera on amazingly well-preserved artwork of the Paleolithic period. (95 min, PG. Palace) EVERYtHiNG mUSt GoHHHH Will Ferrell gets serious again in this drama based on the classic Raymond Carver story about a man who holds an unusual yard sale as his suburban life falls apart. With Rebecca Hall and Laura Dern. First-timer Dan Rush directed. (95 min, R. Roxy; ends 6/9)

for a UVM research Study of Behavioral-Biological Factors Affecting Cigarette Smoking.

Weill Cornell Medical College and University of Vermont College of Medicine are seeking adults for a research study of treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder.

KUNG FU pANDA 2HHH1/2 Kung-fu-fighting panda Po (voiced by Jack Black) has to defeat a threat to his beloved martial art in this sequel to the DreamWorks animated hit. Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen and Dustin Hoffman also do voice work. Jennifer Yuh directed. (91 min, PG. Big Picture, Bijou, Essex [3-D], Majestic [3-D], Marquis [3-D], Palace, Paramount [3-D], Stowe, Sunset, Welden)

WANTED: Cigarette Smokers





(*) = new this week in vermont times subjeCt to Change without notiCe. for up-to-date times visit

BiG picturE thEAtEr

48 Carroll Rd. (off Rte. 100), Waitsfield, 496-8994, www.

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 kung Fu panda 2 4, 6, 8 (Wed only). pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 5 (Wed only), 8. friday 10 — sunday 12 *Super 8 3 (Sat & Sun only), 6, 8:30. kung Fu panda 2 2 (Sat & Sun only), 4, 6, 8.





WED, JUNE 15 @ 8PM





Full schedule not available at press time. Times change frequently; please check website.

BiJou ciNEplEX 1-2-3-4 Rte. 100, Morrisville, 8883293,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class 6:40. The hangover part ii 7. kung Fu panda 2 6:30. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 6:50. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Super 8 Fri: 7, 9:15. Sat: 1, 3:50, 7, 9:15. Sun: 1, 3:50, 7. Mon-Thu: 7. X-men: First class Fri: 6:40, 9:15. Sat: 1:10, 4, 6:40, 9:15. Sun: 1:10, 4, 6:40. Mon-Thu: 6:40. The hangover part ii Fri: 7:10, 9:15. Sat: 2:30, 7:10, 9:15. Sun: 2:30, 7:10. Mon-Thu: 7:10. kung Fu panda 2 Sat & Sun: 12:50, 4:30. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides Fri: 6:50, 9:15. Sat: 1:20, 3:40, 6:50, 9:15. Sun: 1:20, 3:40, 6:50. Mon-Thu: 6:50.

cApitol ShowplAcE

93 State St., Montpelier, 2290343,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class 6:30, 9. The hangover part ii 6:30, 9. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 6:15, 9. Bridesmaids 6:30, 9. Thor 6:30, 9.

Super 8

friday 10 — thursday 16 *Judy moody and the Not Bummer Summer 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. X-men: First class 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. The hangover part ii 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides (3-D) 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:15, 9. Bridesmaids 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9.


Essex Shoppes & Cinema, Rte. 15 & 289, Essex, 879-6543,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 *Super 8 Thu: midnight. X-men: First class 1, 4, 7, 9:45. The hangover part ii 12, 1, 2:15, 3:15, 4:30, 5:30, 6:50, 7:45, 9:20, 10. kung Fu panda 2 12:10 (3-D), 1:15, 2:30 (3-D), 3:45, 4:50 (3-D), 6:15, 7:10 (3-D), 8:30, 9:15 (3-D). pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 1 (3-D), 1:45, 4 (3-D), 4:45, 7 (3-D), 7:45, 9:50 (3-D). Bridesmaids 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50. Thor (3-D) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Green lantern (3-D) Thu: midnight. *Judy moody and the Not Bummer Summer 12:55, 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9:15. *Super 8 12, 3:45, 5:10, 7:35, 10. X-men: First class 12:30, 2:25, 7, 10. The hangover part ii 1, 3:15, 5:30, 6:50, 7:45, 9:20, 10. kung Fu panda 2 12:10 (3-D), 1:15, 2:30 (3-D), 3:45, 4:50 (3-D), 7:10 (3-D), 9:15 (3-D). pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 1 (3-D), 4, 7 (3-D), 9:50. Bridesmaids 1:15, 4:10, 7:10, 9:50. Thor (3-D) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:40 (except Thu).

mAJEStic 10

190 Boxwood St. (Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners), Williston, 878-2010,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class 12:50, 2, 3:50, 4:50, 6, 6:50, 8, 9:40. The hangover part ii 1:20, 2:35, 3:45, 4:45, 6:20, 7:20, 8:40, 9:45. kung Fu panda

2 1:10, 2:20 (3-D), 3:40, 4:30 (3-D), 6:10, 7:10 (3-D), 9:25 (3-D). pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 12:40 (3-D), 3:30 (3-D), 6:30 (3-D), 8:20, 9:35 (3-D). Bridesmaids 1:30, 3:20, 4:20, 7, 8:50, 9:40. Thor (3-D) 1, 4, 6:40, 9:30. Fast Five 12:40. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Judy moody and the Not Bummer Summer 12:10, 2:20, 4:30, 7:05, 9:20. *Super 8 1, 2, 3:40, 4:40, 6:10, 7:10, 8:45, 9:40. X-men: First class 12:50, 2:10, 3:50, 4:55, 6:40, 8, 9:30. The hangover part ii 12, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45. kung Fu panda 2 11:50 a.m. (Sat & Sun only; 3-D), 12:20 (3-D), 1:20, 2:30 (3-D), 3:35, 4:45 (3-D), 7 (3-D), 9:15 (3-D). pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides (3-D) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:25. Bridesmaids 1:10, 4, 6:50, 8:35, 9:35. Thor 6.

mArQuiS thEAtEr Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841.

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class 7. The hangover part ii 7. kung Fu panda 2 (3-D) 5:30. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 7. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Super 8 1:30 & 3:45 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. X-men: First class 3:45 (Sat & Sun only), 6. The hangover part ii 3:45 (Sat & Sun only), 7:30, 9:20 (Fri & Sat only). kung Fu panda 2 (3-D) 2 (Sat & Sun only), 6. Bridesmaids 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 8:30.

mErrill’S roXY ciNEmA

222 College St., Burlington, 8643456,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class 1:10, 3:50, 6:50, 9:30. The hangover part ii 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:10, 9:25. potiche 1:20, 4:15, 6:35, 8:40. Everything must Go 1:15, 3:30, 7, 9:20. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 1, 3:40, 6:30, 9:15. Bridesmaids 1:25, 4:05, 6:40, 9:10. friday 10 — thursday 16 *midnight in paris 1, 2, 3:05, 4:05, 5:10, 7:15, 8:15, 9:20. *Super 8 1:15, 3:40,

7, 9:15. X-men: First class 1:10, 3:50, 6:50, 9:30. The hangover part ii 1:05, 3:05, 7:20, 9:25. Bridesmaids 1:25, 4, 6:40, 9:10.

pAlAcE ciNEmA 9

10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 cave of Forgotten Dreams 12:35, 2:45, 4:50, 7, 9:10. X-men: First class 12:15, 1:10, 3:35, 6:40, 8:30, 9:35. The hangover part ii 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 12:20, 2:40, 3:55, 5:05, 6:10, 7:30, 9:50. kung Fu panda 2 12:40, 1:45, 2:50, 4, 5, 6:15, 7:10, 9:15. orgasm inc. 2:40, 4:30, 6:45, 8:30. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:25. Bridesmaids 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 1, 3:45, 6:50, 9:30. win win 12:15, 8:20. friday 10 — thursday 16 ***met opera: Summer Encore Series: madama Butterfly Wed: 1, 6:30. *Judy moody and the Not Bummer Summer 12:15, 2:30, 4:40, 6:50, 8:50. *Super 8 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 1:10, 3:55, 6:45, 9:20. cave of Forgotten Dreams 12:35, 2:45, 4:50, 7, 9:10. X-men: First class 12:45, 3:40, 6:40, 8:30, 9:35. The hangover part ii 12:20, 2:35, 4:55, 7:20, 9:40. kung Fu panda 2 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 12:40, 1:45 (except Wed), 2:50, 4 (except Wed), 5, 7:05, 9:05 (except Wed). pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 (except Wed), 9:25. Bridesmaids 1, 3:45, 6:50, 9:30. win win 6:10.

pArAmouNt twiN ciNEmA 241 North Main St., Barre, 4799621,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 kung Fu panda 2 (3D) 6:30, 8:30. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 6:15, 9. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Super 8 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. kung Fu panda 2 (3-D) 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 8:30.

St. AlBANS DriVEiN thEAtrE 429 Swanton Rd, Saint Albans, 524-7725, www.

friday 10 — thursday 16 X-men: First class at 9, followed by pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides.

thE SAVoY thEAtEr

26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290509,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 Upstairs: meek’s cutoff 1 & 3:30 (Wed only), 6, 8:30. friday 10 — thursday 16 Upstairs: *midnight in paris 1 & 3:30 (Sat-Mon & Wed only), 6:30, 8:30.

StowE ciNEmA 3 plEX

Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678.

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 The hangover part ii 7. kung Fu panda 2 7. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 7. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Super 8 Fri: 7, 9:10. Sat: 2:30, 4:30, 7, 9:10. Sun: 2:30, 4:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7. The hangover part ii Fri: 7, 9:10. Sat: 2:30, 4:30, 7, 9:10. Sun: 2:30, 4:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7. kung Fu panda 2 Fri: 6:45, 8:45. Sat: 2:30, 4:30, 6:45, 8:45. Sun: 2:30, 4:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7.


155 Porters Point Road, just off Rte. 127, Colchester, 862-1800.

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class at dusk, followed by Fast Five. The hangover part ii at dusk, followed by hall pass. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides at dusk, followed by Bridesmaids. kung Fu panda 2 at dusk, followed by Thor. friday 10 — thursday 16 *Super 8 at 9:05, followed by Thor. X-men: First class at 8:50, followed by pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides. kung Fu panda 2 at 9, followed by Fast Five. The hangover part ii at 9:10, followed by Bridesmaids.

wElDEN thEAtEr

104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 5277888,

wednesday 8 — thursday 9 X-men: First class 2, 7, 9:15. The hangover part ii 4, 7, 9. kung Fu panda 2 2, 4, 7. pirates of the caribbean: on Stranger tides 2, 4:15, 9:15. friday 10 *Super 8 7, 9. X-men: First class 7, 9:15. The hangover part ii 7, 9. saturday 11 — thursday 16 *Super 8 2, 4, 7, 9. X-men: First class 2, 4:15, 7, 9:15. The hangover part ii 7, 9. kung Fu panda 2 2, 4.

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NEWS QUIRKs by roland sweet Curses, Foiled Again

A surveillance video showed the man who stole two 24-packs of beer from a convenience store in Lake Wales, Fla., making his getaway. Before he made it to his car, however, his sagging jeans dropped, causing him to fall to the ground and sending cans of beer rolling in every direction. He got up and jumped into the vehicle and drove off empty handed. (Lakeland’s Ledger) A man handed a note to a bank teller in Okeechobee, Fla., demanding a sack full of cash. When the teller said she didn’t have a bag, the would-be robber, who was also bagless, left empty handed. The Okeechobee County sheriff’s office said the suspect fled the scene on a bicycle and was apprehended within seven minutes, thanks to bank personnel’s good description of Joseph Price, 61. (United Press International)

Grass Is Always Greener

Grievance of the Week

A review of disciplinary hearings involving New York City teachers found that even when investigations confirm wrongdoing, the city’s Department of Education might take several years to dismiss teachers, who continue receiving pay. The review cited as an example Bronx teacher Barbara Lee, who DOE investigators confirmed in August 2005 had helped students cheat on their state math tests the previous May. Lee fought her termination, and the case dragged on until May

Identity Crisis

Search warrants executed by members of the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force disclosed that Joseph Jeffrey Brice, 21, who was critically

counterfeit driver’s licenses. Unable to determine the man’s real name, they booked him as John Doe. (Allentown’s Morning Call)

injured when a bomb he was making exploded at his home in Clarkston, Wash., had opened email and PayPal accounts using the name of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh. (Seattle Times)

First Things First

State police stopped a man at Pennsylvania’s Lehigh County International Airport who identified himself with a Texas driver’s license. Troopers wrote down the information and then asked the man to repeat his date of birth. When he got it wrong, he ran off and tossed a wallet into some shrubs. Police caught the man and recovered the wallet, which contained 12

When police Officer Courtney Vassell tried to stop Roberta Spen, 64, for having faulty brake lights, the Coral Springs, Fla., resident instead headed for a McDonald’s drivethrough lane and ordered lunch. Vassell pulled up behind her and told her to pull into the parking lot, but Spen got her food and drove off. When Vassell finally stopped her, he said she “rolled her window down one inch and said she was not speeding and

she would not roll her window down.” Spen refused to hand over her driver’s license and drove away. Other officers joined Vassell in pursuit of Spen, who finally stopped for a red light. After failing to box her in there, officers finally succeeded in trapping her. She refused to leave the car, however, so they broke the driver’s side window and removed her. Police found no indication that Spen, who had no criminal record, was under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and she wouldn’t explain her refusal to stop. (South Florida Sun Sentinel)

REAL free will astrology by rob brezsny GEMINI


June 9-15 radiant. This dream of mine is a good metaphor for your life in the immediate future.

(May 21-June 20):

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Darryl Dawkins

rimatologist Jane Goodall, who lived for years among chimpanzees in Tanzania, is one of the world’s top experts on the creatures. Can you guess what her favorite toy was when she was young? A stuffed monkey, of course. There were no doubt foreshadowings like that in your own childhood or adolescence, Gemini. Right? Signs of the magic you would eventually seek to ripen? Seeds of destiny that had just begun to sprout? Now would be a good time to reflect on those early hints. You’ll benefit from updating your understanding of and commitment to the capacities they revealed. ARIES (March 21-April 19): You have a poetic license, as well as astrological permission, to be extra cute in the coming week. I mean you have a divine mandate to exceed the usual levels of being adorable and charming and delectable. Here’s the potential problem with that, though: Trying to be cute doesn’t usually result in becoming cuter; often it leads to being smarmy and pretentious. So how can you take advantage of the cosmic imperative to be wildly, extravagantly, sublimely cute — without getting all self-conscious about it? That’s your riddle of the week.

years, the American presidential election Check




of 2000 still makes me cringe. Because of the archaic laws governing the process, the candidate who “lost” the election actually got 543,895 more votes than the guy who “won.” How could anyone in good conscience, even those who supported the less-popular “winner,” have sanctioned such a result? It was perverse. It was pathological. It was crazy making. I’d say the same thing if the roles had been reversed, and Gore had become president with a half-million fewer votes than Bush. You must not let something comparable to this anomaly happen in your personal life in the coming weeks, Cancerian. It is crucial that every winner be the one who deserves to be. Don’t sacrifice what’s right in order to serve corrupt protocol or outmoded conventions.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): I dreamed you had been tending an unusual garden for months. Your crops weren’t herbs or flowers or vegetables, but rather miniature volcanoes. Each was now ripe and stood about waist high. They erupted with a steady flow of liquid blue fire that you were harvesting in large, gold, Grail-like cups. Apparently this stuff was not only safe to drink, but profoundly energizing. You sipped some of the potion yourself and distributed the rest to a large gathering of enthusiastic people who had come to imbibe your tasty medicine. The mood was festive, and you were






(Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to research published in The Journal of Personality (, many college students prefer ego strokes to sex. Given the choice between making love with a desirable partner and receiving a nice big compliment, a majority opted for the latter. In the near future, Libra, it’s important that you not act like one of these self-esteemstarved wimps. You need the emotional and physical catharsis that can come from erotic union and other sources of pleasurable intensity far more than you need to have your pride propped up.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): An uncanny stretching sensation will soon be upon you if it’s not already. Whether you’re prepared or not, you will be asked, prodded and maybe even compelled to expand. It could feel stressful or exhilarating or both. And it will probably force you to rethink your fascination with anyone or anything you love to hate. For best results, I suggest that you don’t resist the elongation and enlargement. In fact, it would be a very good idea to cooperate. As the odd magic unfolds, it will increase your capacity for taking advantage of paradox. It may also give you a surprising power to harness the energy released by the friction between oppositional forces. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): You’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you’re likely to be as attractive and endearing and in demand as it’s possible for you to be. I am not making any absurdly extravagant claims here — am not implying Daily




AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): My divinations suggest that you’d be wise to assign yourself an errand in the wilderness. The precise nature of the errand has not been revealed to me, but I suspect it involves you going to an untamed place whose provocative magic will tangibly alter your consciousness, awakening you to some truth about your destiny that you’ve been unable to decipher. I also believe your task is more likely to succeed if you create a small, whimsical shrine there in your ad hoc sanctuary. PISCES

(Feb. 19-March 20): Do you have any idea of how many of your diapers your mother changed when you were a baby? It was almost certainly over 1000. Have you ever calculated how many meals she prepared for you? That number probably exceeds 10,000. While we’re on the subject, do you remember who taught you to read and write? Can you visualize the face of the first person besides your parents who made you feel interesting or well loved or real? I encourage you to follow this line of thought as far as you can. It’s a perfect time, astrologically speaking, to visualize memories of specific times you’ve been well cared for and thoroughly blessed. m



quirks/astrology 77

CANCER (June 21-July 22): After all these


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Nicolas Cage is a Capricorn. While performing his film roles, he often loses his composure. Of course, the crazy things he does as an actor aren’t real and don’t lead to dire consequences in his actual life. But they afford him a great deal of emotional release. Let’s hypothesize that, like Cage, you could benefit from expressing the hell out of yourself without causing any mayhem. Is there a cork-lined sanctuary where you could go and safely unveil explosions of extreme emotions? Or some equivalent? For inspiration, check this YouTube compendium of Cage uncaged:


TAURUS (April 20-May 20): It would be an excellent week for you to declare war on everything that wastes your time. Well, maybe “declaring war” is not quite the right spirit to adopt; after all, we don’t want you to go around constantly enraged and hostile. How about if we phrase it this way: It’s prime time for you to ingeniously and relentlessly elude all activities, invitations, temptations, trains of thought and habits that offer you nothing in return for the precious energy you give to them. Of course this is always a worthy project, but it so happens that you’re likely to achieve far more progress than usual if you do it now.

played professional basketball from 1975 to 1996. One of the sport’s more colorful personalities, he said he lived part time on the planet Lovetron, a place where he perfected his interplanetary funkmanship. He also liked to give names to his slam dunks. The “Turbo Sexophonic Delight” was a favorite, but the best was his “Chocolate-ThunderFlying, Teeth-Shaking, Glass-Breaking, Rump-Roasting, Bun-Toasting, WhamBam-I-Am Jam.” I encourage you to try some Darryl Dawkins-like behavior in your own chosen field, Virgo. Give a name to your signature move or your special play. With playful flair, let people know how much you love and are good at what you do.

you’ll be as charismatic as a rock star and as lovable as a kitten — but you will be pushing the limits of your innate allure. I bet your physical appearance will be extra appealing, and you’ll have an instinct for highlighting the most winsome aspects of your personality. To help you take advantage of the potential that’s now available, please add the following word to your vocabulary: “concupiscible,” which means “worthy of being desired.”


After Scranton, Pa., Police Chief Dan Duffy made an impromptu drug arrest while off duty, the city police union complained to the state Labor Relations Board because Duffy isn’t a member of the collective bargaining unit. Noting “the work of apprehending and arresting individuals has been the sole and exclusive province of members of the bargaining unit,” the complaint states that the city failed to notify the union the chief would be “performing bargaining unit work.” Despite the grievance, police union president Sgt. Bob Martin said the chief is “morally and legally obligated” to act if he witnesses a crime and to make an arrest if necessary. “It’s not against the chief,” Martin explained. “The action

Pre-Firing Bonus

2010, when the city finally terminated her. During those five years, Lee received nearly $360,000 without teaching a single class. Indicating that suspended teachers have every incentive to drag out the process because of a shortage of arbitrators and the backlog of cases, Jay Worona, chief counsel for the New York State School Boards Association, acknowledged, “The whole system is very, very flawed.” (New York Post)

Increasing numbers of Arizona residents are painting their lawns green to avoid high water bills and fines from homeowners associations that can amount to thousands of dollars. An average-size lawn costs $200 to spray with a vegetable-based dye that lasts three months before turning blue. Although painting lawns keeps the grass green, it still needs watering so it doesn’t die. Besides fear of citations from homeowners’ associations, the biggest boost to the grass-spraying business has been the housing crisis, which prompted real estate brokers to find cheap ways to enhance the curb appeal of available properties. (New York Times)

is against the city.” (Scranton’s Times-Tribune)



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The Truth Hurts Sometimes! I love the little things. Flowers, a great breakfast, kissing for hours, a love note left on my nightstand when you leave early for work. I’m ready to turn my attentions back to love again. The question is, are you ready to be loved, for real? RedShorty419, 26, u, l, #105335 Fearless Independent Loyal Country Gal I am a woman who will speak my mind since I am unafraid of opinions. I am looking for a 50/50 relationship where we can agree. I am an active female that looks for something to do and I am always on the go. I want someone who can listen when I talk and understand who I am. xhiddenangelx, 19, l, #121121 New To This Game Always been a quiet type but I’m looking for a new adventure. I know what I want and am no longer afraid to find it for the first time. I’m really easygoing and looking for someone to show me the ropes. I work, hang out, sleep and spend weekends out with friends. oakleyhonda, 24, #121103

Men seeking Women

Love_4u Willing to meet for various mutual events. Communicating, discussing or compromising has priority. Value honesty in a relationship. Seeking friendship first. Working with intention of traveling. Seeing the glass half full. Appreciate quiet times as well. Like to explore. Love to accomplish a variety of life’s goal with my companion. Bluejay, 67, #121234

Women seeking Women

Spunky Dork + Change Agent I’m in Burlington, Vt., for a short month and thought, What the hell? Why not reach out through the interwebs and see who I could turn up to show me a good time? I love to laugh, learn and listen. I love the curve of a woman’s hip and the smell of rain in the morning. eggshell, 36, l, #121190 FROM HER ONLINE PROFILE: People always tell me I’m... funny and that it takes them days to realize I taught them something. amazing. I like sunshine as much as rain. I am not very picky but I appreciate refined stuff. I do not like to talk too much, rather I listen. 3 sentences should be enough to describe a decent man. You fill in the blanks. fisherking, 36, l, #118668 Tasty morsels I’m an active, honest, open-minded guy living a healthy life style. I love food and I love to cook. I consider myself a chocolate chip cookie connoisseur :). I love the ocean, shopping, swimming, traveling, movies, restaurants and concerts. If we meet and you smell like vanilla. Or if you bring you chocolate chip cookies with you, I’ll be putty in your hands. luvinglifeinVT, 29, #121210 Over time A relationship starts somewhere. Each other wanting to be with each other. Can’t we bundle it all up into one package? A journey begins with just one step... All the rest is part of us getting to know each other. liftline, 43, l, #121002 open heart and long days I am a lover of life, looking to share new experiences. Summer is short and I want to savor every day. I am an artist/college professor/carpenter. I am healthy, attractive, honest and analytical. Let’s eat garden food, hike and play! moonwax, 43, l, #101818 Spirngfield gentleman Young; good looking, educated, and employed with two jobs. Looking for someone to get to know and spend time with see what happens. I am open to most anything including a causal relationships. I hope to hear from you soon. GrnMtnSkier, 23, #121191

desire to please completely Fun-loving, outdoors-loving bottom looking to do as I’m told for as long as you can. Down-low, masculine-looking bottom who’s been out of loop for about six years and is dying to take it however you want for as long, and as many times as you can! Please let me make you smile. DLbiSUB, 31, #113775 are you the one? Honest, open minded, arts driven man seeking same to get together for good times and maybe friendship. oceanic71, 39, #121070 In five words or less? Seeking friendship mostly. I ski as much as possible; lifelong avid Alpine skier but mostly Nordic lately. Also enjoy snowshoeing, hiking, mountain biking and sailing. Blue skies are my favorite days. I enjoy live acoustic music, good food, and a little good wine or microbrew with that. The road less traveled with an occasional but brief plunge into the city. Ski802, 50, #120397 i’M DIffeReNt There are three things I love: Vermont, pancakes and men. I’m living in Maine, am out of batter and feeling alone: Care to help? I’m cute, cuddly, looking to relocate. Do you mind a long-distance courtship? Would you like to feel loved and important? You’re important to me ... let’s fall in love. I’ll grab the pancake mix on the way. him, 43, u, l, #120384

more risqué? turn the page

personals 81

Bubbly Lady I am a very honest person. I like to play outside and greatly enjoy watching Disney movies. I like to be active. My interests range from dancing to rock climbing. I also like cooking, no guarantees on how it will come out though. I will also speak to you

You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common!

Nice, Weird, Feisty, Caring I am a laid back person looking for someone to lighten up my life. I like to do all kinds of activities. From watching movies to playing outside with my dog. I can’t put words into how to describe myself funny, like to joke around, can be serious when need be, and I do have a weird and naughty side.:P. Must_like_animals, 22, l, #121170

PROFILE of the we ek:


friday night lights I’m excited to meet someone who likes to have fun, loves to laugh and is comfortable in the outdoors. I am passionate about dogs. If you don’t like dogs, we probably wouldn’t get along. I’m a full beliver that we do what we do because we believe in it and I try to live my life with that in mind. padmae, 48, l, #121206


Just me, no apologies I am a fun-loving, happy, driven, focused person. I work full-time and part-time and go to school full- time. I’ve been through a lot and don’t have time for BS. Other than that, I can be your best friend. HoneyLove, 38, l, #121188

Montrealer I am the lucky one. For me, life is

coversational personi I am a caring, kind, sexual man. I like kissing and lots of body contact. I like romantic and quiet times at home, cooking, watching a good movie. Someone I want to cuddle with. dave6262002, 45, l, #121202


Bumptious, galumptious, makes it happen Love to be with fine folks doing anything. Love to create and dancing is one of my greatest pleasures so step up! Treasure time outside among plants. You: a great sense of humor, plenty of intelligence, love to dance and not afraid of life! I’m willing to chance it even if our interests don’t coincide. We just might click. willyoudance36, 36, u, l, #114981

Dreamer I am an art teacher. I love walking my dog, running and biking to the beach. I’m looking for positive people. I’m looking for people who want to grow in themselves and see themselves as life-learners. If this sounds like you give me a yell :). yota802, 29, l, #118283

golden zgal seeking the same Well, I am looking for that best friend who becomes something more, and a very long-term relationship. I am looking for someone with the same interests — not necessarily the same but close enough to have a few common areas. Perhaps the same values. Someone who will be there for me and I can be there for them. Let’s meet and see where this leads... silverwoman1818, 54, #121222

Men seeking Men

Fun-loving mama Who wants to play? Nothing makes me happier than packing up for the day and having zero idea what’s in store. My daughter and I often spend our Saturdays exploring new places and finding new things to do. Always being open to new ideas and new adventures helps me stay balanced! loulou31, 31, l, #121220

Hardworking woman looking for fun I’m friendly, outgoing and still believe in love. To meet someone that makes me sing while I’m running is what I’m looking for. A hugger, a friend and just someone that wants what I want out of life. A vacation home in Florida, a night in the mountains in a tent. Hiking is a must. iwanttobehappy, 53, l, #121193

Women seeking Women

Adventurous nerd I definitely dithered over whether or not I could do this online thing... Choosing to do so won out, apparently. So here I go. I’ve been finishing my degree at UVM and it’s been a busy run. It would be nice to meet someone who can carry an intelligent, intense conversation yet make me laugh and smile along the way. AHappySnoot, 28, l, #119084

Flow With the Go I’ve got a sweet place in the country close to Smuggs. Come on over and hang out. Also have a motorcycle. Let’s get out on the open road; it’s time to put those boots in the breeze! I especially enjoy a mindful breath under the open sky. FlowWithTheGo, 53, l, #121181

The Beholder They say everything is in the eye of the beholder, hence my title. I love the thrill of the game of sex, simply stated. I love experimenting and finding out what will make you lose yourself. I am a student as much as a teacher. Cleanrod360, 36, #121115

For group fun, bdsm play, and full-on kink:

Women seeking?

Needing some extra kinky fun Attached Poly woman seeking friends to have regular “playdates” with. I am switch and bi, so all may apply. I do like it rough. Not into lying, please. No cheaters. bigredbottom, 40, #108213 Scottish Lass Seeking warm waves of liquid pleasure. nancywhiskey, 24, l, #121196 Summer lovin’ Looking for fun. A cool woman to hang with. Drinks, sun, beach and whatever comes from that. Chemistry willing! :). funone, 38, #121162

hungry In a committed relationship with a much less hungry man. He knows I am looking around but, out of respect, discretion is a must. I am looking for a man who wants discreet encounters to leave us breathless and wet. Laughter, playfulness, mutual respect a must. Into light bondage, oral play, etc.; mostly I want to get laid. penobscot, 41, u, #119855

Good Woman for the Bicurious I am an open and candid, sexy and down-to-earth, bi-sexual woman in a stable, wonderful relationship who seeks delights with another woman. My man is on board with this and of course would love to watch. I am pleased to share my man if desired, and he is a good man who won’t intrude if you don’t want him to. happylovers, 45, l, #114918

seeking outdoor orgasm In 17th-century French literature moustaches were a symbol of sexual prowess. Seeking an impressively moustachioed manual laborer for back-door sexploration, public rooftop rendezvous, and/or general chainsaw play. Fatties need not respond. TrailWorkingFlooze, 22, #118971

Men seeking?

Sex, please! Thick lady with a nice, big ass. Looking for a somebody who loves outdoor sex just as much as sex indoors. Hit me up! tele_lady, 20, l, #117923 position desired Seeking position as submissive farm wife. julia1, 55, #115860

Let’s Learn Sweet Tricks Together I have realized that Hot2Trot is not for me. have fun out there. Honeypot, 47, l, #121116

Sexual exploration needed! Caucasian woman seeking another fun female to be naughty with me and my bf. Slim, muscular, blond and anxious to teach/learn. So ready to try some new things. izkatya111, 52, #120972 Heavensangel for you I am a vibrant woman looking for that special man who is loving, caring, honest and who likes to play sometimes. I am also D&D free. Heavensangel4u, 48, l, #120934

Naughty LocaL girLs waNt to coNNect with you




¢Min 18+

82 personals


Skin-Deep Passion Freak Married to a man who is very supportive 1x1c-mediaimpact030310.indd 1 I’m3/1/10 1:15:57 PM of my need for a woman; dying to taste a woman. Have had innocent play with girlfriends but have never tasted or been tasted by a woman. I’m horny as hell for a hot femme but also need a connection and some emotional grounds to really let myself go. vtvegan, 32, l, #120509 Shy & Discreet I am a shy individual, in a committed relationship (he knows I’m Bi-sexual), that is looking into finding a lady to help me get to know how to be with another woman & send naughty e-mails, then possibly an encounter in the future. Politat2, 25, l, #119886

Curious? You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common!

All the action is online. Browse more than 2000 local singles with profiles including photos, voice messages, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. Don't worry, you'll be in good company, photos of l See this person online.

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Want some Looking for any encounters. Hit me up. Pcarden, 22, #121203 sexy single funny Hardworking, down-to-earth guy trying to start over. Looking for new friends and activities. As much as I enjoy getting laid, it is not the only thing I am looking for. seeksfun, 29, #121184 ISO Old School ‘Goddard-Style’ Couple Bisexual guy ISO a couple fifty or above with a real sense of life and its immense possibilities. Good company searching same to shape a distinctly different kind of friendship. Cybersophist, 59, l, #106248 Horny Single professional looking for a married couple to experience a threesome. Very fit and disease-free. Bi-curious possibly. newbie2this, 49, #121178 Stories for writer’s block Writing a book of a sexual nature. Have writer’s block and need ideas from those who would help me. Be very open, use full descriptive words, one on one, or full room of people doing their thing. Male with women, women with men of any or all sexual content. The wetter the better. Help greatly appreciated. sexstorys, 57, #121158 The best in town! 24/m looking to meet up with some fun people for some great times! Over and over again discreet. I’m interested in couples/singles or gangs! Hit me up! KayCdro, 24, #121155 Seeking sexy friend with benefits I’m a healthy, handsome man in good shape who seeks a clean, sexy, woman who loves sex and will keep our relationship very discreet. Not looking for a relationship, simply good sex at your place or a motel if need be. If you’re of average looks, but are slim and love sex, that works too. I particularly enjoy older women. LUVMESUMSEX, 36, #121131 Willing to try anything once So I really don’t know what to write except that I’ve only been with girls, but am open to experimenting. As the headline says, I’ll try anything once. Message me and we’ll see what happens. Looking for both since I wanna make sure I’m not missing out. You only live once! bringiton23, 23, l, #121129

Need of desc nsa fun I am in a relationship. Must be discreet and NSA, D and D free, and able to host. I enjoy making my women cum long before I do. So lets chat ;). BF1LF1MORE, 20, l, #121114 Lets have fun now Just looking for some people to have some fun with. notoncrack, 23, #121039 cougar bait, come on 27 y/o male looking for NSA older, beautiful, delicious women to tear into and leave dripping. Please be proportionate and highly sexual.

Yours for the taking ;) Single guy looking to share role reversal relationship with right person/ people. I thoroughly enjoy strapon play and would like to explore it completely. Am also interested in ABF/ ANR with right person. Connecting is important. Also enjoy the wildrness of VT and plenty of outdoor activities and would like to explore sexual encounters in the great outdoors. Squirters a plus! archer, 35, #120831

Other seeking?

Quality Couple Seeks Quality Others We are an attractive, educated, married, bisexual couple seeking an adventurous female or select couple of any combination/orientation with a sexually dominant personality for pleasures of the mind and body. VtCpl4Adventure, 42, l, #121185

Kink of the w eek: Men seeking?

CooCoo 4 BBW’s Looking for someone who is adventurous and uninhibited. Not someone who goes with the grain but against it. A confident and sarcastic Big Beautiful Girl or Woman is a plus. Funny is good also. Disease and hard-drug free is quite sexy. 420 friendly, but that is all. BBWLuvR, 32, l, #121217 FROM HIS ONLINE PROFILE: What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done or want to do? Have sex with a woman wearing a strap on. Need to hear the screams of a mature goddess approaching bliss. s/d/420 friendly. Highly oral. HIGHLY. gomez, 27, #121031 NSA or FWB Just looking for fun sex! Into most anything, no pain though! Let’s just relax and play and we’ll both enjoy! sav99303, 49, l, #120993 Let’s please one another I am looking for a woman who wants a mutual discreet relationship based on caring and being there for one another in and out of bed. However, your privacy will be respected. Let’s nurture one another. Life is too short to be lonely or unhappy, or both. Pleasure, 55, #105389 good looking, taking my time Handsome man, mid-fifties, cutting loose after my (mostly happy) marriage ends. I’m adventurous, passionate, playful. Free to travel. Wanting to explore, safely (naturally), but break on through into sensual delight. This ad is aimed at scratching the itch, fully, and well, but there are a lot of other great things I can share, if we get there. Now_is_the_time, 53, u, #120947 can breathe through my ears I am really into giving you pleasure. I love it when you cum on my face. I stay “down” for multiples or until you beg me to stop, hehe, really. You get yours first, every time, and then we can explode together. 420licker, 48, #120855

THREES COMPANY Looking for a woman. I am bi-curious and hubby is all for it. Must be single, clean, 20-38 years old and looking for fun. Start as friends and lead to more. threescompany, 32, #121096 Fun, Naughty, HOTTTTTT We are a lovng couple, very secure with our relationship. Looking for a couple or woman to have fun with. Explore our fantasies. kpbdac59, 52, #121087 all about a good time I’m just an average straight guy with a good sense of humor. I’m looking to meet a female for a discreet relationship and good sex. I’m open minded and will make sure you’ll have a good time with me. I love to please a woman, give and take. Hope to hear from you. Thanks. bulls, 39, #121067 You only live once... We are a happily married couple looking to spice things up a bit. Looking for another woman or couple to share some good times. Must be clean and discreet. OtherSideOfUs, 30, l, #121040 free your mind Imaginative, open-minded couple looking for play dates with other open-minded couples who enjoy sex. Experience and age not as important as a sense of humour, wit and creative sexual ability!Will entertain endless combinations. open_up, 37, l, #120713

too intense?

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i Spy

If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

Dark hair, dark eyes, sandals You were sitting with your back to the wall in the big booth with 3 of your friends. Dark hair, dark clothes, nose ring. I was sitting with my bald-headed friend. You kept catching my eye and your feet were so cute in those sandals! Coffee sometime? When: Thursday, June 2, 2011. Where: Daily Planet. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909123 Bless you At Al’s Fry’s with my kids, you were with what I guessed were your nephews. Exchanged some glances, you had a sneezing fit (very cute sneeze ;), said something to me as you passed that I missed. Didn’t get a chance to talk with you, but would love to grab a coffee. Spy me back if ur interested. When: Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Where: playground, AL’s Frys. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909122 I’ll have the salmon It was Judgement Day; a ride, a romantic dinner, a night I can’t remember. Can I have another chance Btown23? Love always, Single, Sexy, Sweet. P.S. I hope that you see this and if you do, I hope that it makes you smile. When: Saturday, May 21, 2011. Where: Stowe. You: Man. Me: Woman. #909121

Serendipity30 Ms Sarah Still think you have a beautiful smile :). When: Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Where: Burlington, VT. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909114 Working at Farmhouse by yourself Wednesday night, June 1st. Farmhouse. You sat alone working on an adorable little computer. I was at the next table

BUY-CURIOUS? If you’re thinking about buying a home, see all Vermont properties online: homes

Re: mechanic blue shirt City Market You had an angel shirt on. I think I remember you, but there are more like me with the blue shirts and stained hands. Notice me again? Poke me or something :). When: Saturday, May 21, 2011. Where: City Market in Burlington. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909108 On the Bus to Walmart I sat next to you on the bus after you had very nicely wiped the seat off for me. You said that you were from Westchester County, I said that I was from New York. When: Tuesday, May 10, 2011. Where: On the #1 to Walmart. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909107 Sunshine4bella from Colchester You have such an amazing smile and I would love to get to know you better. We both live in Colchester. You should give it a shot :). When: Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Where: Colchester, VT. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909106 We biked past on College I smiled at you, and you beamed. I thought you might fall off your bike for a second! You were super cute, with beautifully long legs, wearing a red and white striped top. I wore red as well, freshly shaven, riding my brown bike with white basket. Hope to encounter you again :). When: Tuesday, May 31, 2011. Where: Biking on College Street. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909105 Vermont City Marathon Vision You: a vision in a yellow “Pittsburgh Marathon” long-sleeve, short blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, standing along the fence line at the waterfront. Me: VCM course monitor assisiting and occasionally pacing the runners. I hope that the eye contact and the exchange of smiles was genuine and real. I would love to learn more about you over drinks or dinner sometime. When: Sunday, May 29, 2011. Where: VCM Waterfront Park. You: Woman. Me: Man. u #909104

mistress maeve Dear Mistress Maeve,

Some help, please! I got introduced to this guy almost a month ago (we have mutual friends who invited us both to dinner), and we hit it off — or so I thought. When he asked for my number at the end of the night, I expected he would call me later in the week and ask me out. No such luck. Ever since that night, he’s been texting me randomly, asking things like, “How’s your day?” and sharing random thoughts: “I wish the weather was better so I could play Ultimate frisbee!” I politely text him back, but I’m starting to get really pissed that he’s not asking me out. I don’t need a text pen pal; I need a boyfriend. I would chalk this up to him being a social moron, but he’s actually not the first guy to play this texting game with me. Should I ask him out? Or is he even worth it?


Dear Text This,

Text This





With all the technology available to us, asking someone out should be a simple text or instant message away. “Can I take you out to dinner Friday night?” is way less than 140 characters. Sadly, it’s easier to “like” this or “retweet” that than it is to get up the gumption to ask for a date. Back in the day, my mother’s family was the last on the block to get a telephone (you know, one of those contraptions that plugged into the wall and had a dial tone). Before she got the phone, suitors had to exhibit some energy to ask her out. One young man would actually call the neighbor’s house and have someone run next door to see if my mother could join him at the movies. The point is, without technology, dating has to be active. With texting, tweeting, Facebooking and instant messaging, dating has become more passive. We’re so accustomed to interacting with someone on a screen that we have no idea how to mingle in real life. Unfortunately, if this guy hasn’t asked you out yet, he might be a dud. Either suggest he meet up with you for coffee, or simply ignore his texts — at this point, you have nothing to lose. In the future, when you give someone your number, say something like “I don’t text, so you’ll have to give me a call.” You may sound like a neophyte, but it’s better than sitting home on a Saturday night, texting.

Need advice?

Email me at or share your own advice on my blog at

personals 83

Ohhh, that Two 2 Tango Thinking you owe me two sassy, for your special day :). Really, Long Island, what is that a country? Passed Lenny with a latin male friend. We discussed Kravitz, Bette Midler and Akbarbeers, watched your computer, offered Answar Abdullahlah III on my way to you cake. I would like again; 1x3-cbhb-personals-alt.indd 1 to see you 6/14/10 2:39:13 PM coffee earlier. Let’s kick it in Jersey 108 Cherry St. 2nd Floor you intrigue me. When: Wednesday, City. Got some legal notices that You: young guy wearing knee pads, cap June 1, 2011. Where: Farmhouse. need published in bulk. Found these (sometimes), kinda quiet, but sexy. You You: Woman. Me: Woman. #909113 papers on the subway seat next to don’t say a lot, but you always seem me while riding the last L to Graham. to make eye contact. Did I see some Yogi brother calling Name tag says Ima Bumpkin. You interest there? Me: blonde/blue. Your Without fellowship life is not worth interested? When: Thursday, June coworkers made several comments living. Looking for the tall red-haired 2, 2011. Where: Ohhh, that view of about my ‘black trench’ coat. Would woman who teaches children yoga in Montreal. You: Man. Me: Man. #909119 have said something about a man on Vermont and who approached me at his knees but... (grin, the thought was I’LL HAVE THE SALMON the Burlington Yoga Conference in May. there!). You single? Coffee/drink? Pass Please get in touch. There is nothing You and me on judgement day, a ride, me a note/talk to me? When: Tuesday, more joyous as two souls reconnecting. a romantic dinner, a night I wish I May 31, 2011. Where: Burlington. Our authentic Self knows where we are could remember. Can I have another You: Man. Me: Woman. #909102 headed. When: Sunday, May 1, 2011. chance BTOWN23? Meet me in Stowe. Where: Burlington Yoga Conference. Love Always, Single, Sexy, Sweet. P.S. On La Sofa You: Woman. Me: Man. #909111 Hope you read this and hope you’re Okay, I see JPA every day while smiling if you do. When: Saturday, dreaming with my eyes opened wearing Waiting for a OUR train... May 21, 2011. Where: Harrisons. a white tshirt and a wool winter hat in Whether it’s holding your hand while You: Man. Me: Woman. #909118 bed. I was looking at you, smiling (oh waiting for a train we’re not getting yes, it was a big smile!). When: Monday, Glockenspiel! on, spending evenings not watching May 30, 2011. Where: On La Sofa and in movies, or having you cuddled up in Yes, thanks, it’s mine! Could you bring it bed. You: Man. Me: Woman. #909101 my lap while the sounds of waves roll by the Bean and ask them to keep it in a in through our window, time with you safe place? I will check every afternoon harold and the purple crayon is all that matters. You make me very to see if it has arrived. Merci! :). When: I can’t friend request you unless happy, especially when you’re “gurly” Thursday, June 2, 2011. Where: Btown. you accept or reject my old friend ;). When: Tuesday, May 31, 2011. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #909116 request. You are giving me a complex Where: Through a sea of freckles. :). When: Monday, May 30, 2011. Searching for Organic Soap You: Woman. Me: Man. #909110 Where: Some place warm. You: Could I have found something else I’m Man. Me: Woman. #909100 miss s seeking? Silly a girl extroverted as I I’m not sure how our late-night chat could barely look you in the eye! Feel like Serendipity30 in Burlington went so whiskey sour; I hope you know giving me a second chance? Someplace Really great photos. You have a muffin changes how much I love you. with softer lighting, perhaps? When: great smile :). When: Monday, May And that when you’re ready to play some Wednesday, June 1, 2011. Where: 30, 2011. Where: Burlington, VT. darts, I’ll wear the bulls-eye. When: Running amok amidst the aisles. You: Woman. Me: Man. #909099 Sunday, May 29, 2011. Where: Bar room. You: Man. Me: Woman. #909115 You: Woman. Me: Woman. #909109

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