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THURSDAYS 4t-skinnypancake102313.indd 1
10/22/13 4:31 PM
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10/22/13 11:57 AM
86 St. Paul Street, Burlington, VT bluebirdtavern.com /bluebirdtavern 4t-bluebird060513.indd 1
5/31/13 12:17 PM
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10/22/13 5:46 PM
Join us for Peak Experiences SUMMER/FALL 2013FALL SEASON 2013
Featured in al, treet Journ The Wall S azette G l ea tr be, Mon lo G n o st o B Pouce and Sur le
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Peak Family
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Classical chamber music masterworks by Borodin, Dvořåk, Haydn, Mendelssohn, and Schubert performed by exceptional ensembles.
Thursday, October 31ST • 4pm-close Half price bottles of Fantome & Jolly Pumpkin! Ghoulish food pairings to boot.
Peak Films
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Peak Family SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 7:30 PM   ‡ Â? ˆÂ? Â?Â? Â? ƒ €  ‰Â? ˆÂ
2012, 2013 - Daysie Winners 2013 - Iron Chef Winner
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Thursday, November 14th • 4pm-10pm
Maestro Itzhak Perlman will conduct orchestral music of Britten, Mozart, and Schubert. Ž Ž ˆ Œ† – ŽŒ – • Ž ˜ � €� † Ž Ž ˆ Œ† – ŽŒ – � � €� † Maestro Patrick Romano will †… � � €� † conduct the PMP Master Singers, comprised of residency … ‹  ˆ ’Œ “ Ž‹ Ž ™† Ž parti cipants and faculty alike, †… � €� † in works by Elgar, Hummel, and Scarlatti. š ›– ‚ ’ ›  € ‹ ŽŽ † Ž ’ † … ˜ � €� † …  � €� †
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Celebrate the new crop of honey & elderberries with Caledonia Spirits. Cocktail and food specials galore.
us for Peak n us forJoin Peak Experiences Experiences Peak Film SUMMER/FALL 2013 SEASON CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27, AT 2PM
Performance at Temple Sinai - 500 Swift Street, South Burlington, Vermont
$4 Fernet draughts everyday
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A six-part collaborative documentary produced by ˆ ÂŽÂŽ • ÂŽ – Âœ Â… Ž‹ • ÂŽ Â? €Â? † ž Â? €Â? † several dozen Vermont-based ďŹ lmmakers. Using ÂŽ • ÂŽ Â? Â? €Â? † ˆ Â?‚ Â…  – “ ÂŒ • ÂŒ  Â? €Â? † †… Â? Â? Â?Â? † • ÂŽ Â? €Â? † cinema verite, personal stories, rare footage, compelling interviews and original Ž‹ Â’ Ž‹ – Â’ • ÂŒ Â? Â? €Â? † “ ÂŒ • ÂŒ  Â? €Â? † Â’ ÂŽ ÂŽ Â’ – Â’ re-enactments • ÂŒ Â? Â? €Â? † they’ve created a living testament that €  €Â? † explores the history and “ ÂŒ ÂŽ –  Â? €Â? † Â’ €  €Â? † contemporary culture of the Green Mountain State. – ‘ ‹ ‰ — Â… Â? €Â? † ÂŽ –  Â? €Â? †
160 Bank Street Burlington, VT
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10/22/13 5:50 PM
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Peak Pop
Peak Films
Peak Films M
eak Family
A rockin’, somewhat raunchy, GNO (girls night out). Tearing it up from New York to L.A., Katie Goodman performs high-energy, in-your-face, irreverent musical satire and sketch comedy from an uncensored mind. Check our our special GIRLS NIGHT OUT ticket!
Wednesday, October 30th 5pm to late
Our 4th edition of this hops extravaganza—everyone loves those hoppy beers. The line up will include hoppy gems from Hill Farmstead, Lawson's Finest Liquids, Fiddlehead, Stone, Founders and a slew of other hoppy surprises! Hop on in. . .
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4/30/13 10:36 AM
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facing facts
City Council
A drugstore robber in St. Johnsbury allegedly dressed as Jason from Friday the 13th. Bro, you’re doing Halloween wrong.
In St. Albans, the wait for Walmart is finally over. Shop ’til you drop, Vermonters, and don’t forget you’re helping China.
to voters for approval. “Any suggestion that what we’re doing here is illegal is just absolutely wrong … I would suggest that all these resolutions that have been proposed will be constitutional,” Blais said.
UVM extended its admissions deadline by 10 days because of glitches with the nationwide Common Application. Fix IT!
For more on Mayor Miro Weinberger’s reaction to the council’s votes, see this week’s Fair Game (page 12).
See how much time and money you can save with your personal PATHe by calling 1-866-637-0085 or visiting our website at champlain.edu/pathe.
3. “Demand for Urban Housing Brings Building Projects to Burlington’s Old North End” by Kevin J. Kelley. Dozens of new apartments are planned for Burlington, but some fear the new units will gentrify the city’s poorest neighborhood. 4. Fair Game: “Full Court Press: Vermont’s Health Care Reformers Spend Half a Million Dollars Wooing Reporters” by Paul Heintz. The state spent big bucks on a D.C. firm’s PR scheme while rolling out Vermont Health Connect — and didn’t get much for the money. 5. “Seven Local Tech Companies Prove Vermont Can Lead the Nation” by Seven Days staff. Some innovative Vermont companies are leading the world in their fields.
tweet of the week: @lisa_gosselin Congrats @FreshTracksCap and @PwnieExpress, grand Jammie winners @TechJamVt. #Vermont is one cool state. #Innovation. #BTV FOLLOW US ON TWITTER @SEVEN_DAYS OUR TWEEPLE: SEVENDAYSVT.COM/TWITTER
“I’m saving a year with Champlain’s online PATHe program.” – Michaelene P., Software Engineer at GE Healthcare
2. “Seven Days Chats Up Vermont’s Most Interesting ‘Talking Head,’ Bina48” by Megan James. The “world’s most social robot” lives in Lincoln.
Test out for things you already know. Get credit for your work experience and prior college learning.
1. “The Vermont State Police Are Following You — on Twitter” by Tyler Machado. State troopers have a surprisingly clever and irreverent presence on social media.
t was green vs. orange Monday night in Burlington City Hall, as Charles Eichacker reported on Off Message, Seven Days’ news and politics blog. Gun-control advocates wearing green T-shirts provided by Gun Sense Vermont squared off against gun-rights supporters in blaze orange. At issue were four guncontrol resolutions up for consideration by the Burlington City Council. Neither side went home fully satisfied. Councilors passed three of the four resolutions by wide margins, but they didn’t even consider an assault-weapons ban they’d previously supported. The three successful resolutions would ban firearms in any business with a liquor license; require gun owners to store their weapons in locked containers; and allow police to seize firearms when domestic abuse is suspected. But by a 10-4 vote, the council struck down a measure that would have required individuals concealing firearms to carry a permit. In public forums leading up to the vote, green-shirted audience members implored the council to take action against gun violence. But they were outnumbered by the orangeclad opposition, which hailed from throughout the state. Waving flyers that said “No Burlington Gun Control,” the detractors hailed the sanctity of the American right to bear arms, the importance of self-defense and the impracticality of enforcing the proposed gun-control measures. Councilor Norman Blais (D-Ward 6), who drafted the original assault-weapons ban proposal, which was jettisoned three weeks ago by a committee, gave a strong defense for the resolutions. He said they don’t violate state law and would still, in fact, go to the state legislature and
A climate-changefueled tick boom is killing off wild moose nationwide. We prefer guntoting hunters cull that herd.
That’s the street value of the 9000 bags of heroin cops seized from two men in a Burlington home last week, according to Vermont State Police.
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Don Eggert, Cathy Resmer, Colby Roberts Margot Harrison Charles Eichacker, Kathryn Flagg, Paul Heintz, Ken Picard Megan James Dan Bolles Corin Hirsch, Alice Levitt Courtney Copp Tyler Machado Eva Sollberger Ashley DeLucco Cheryl Brownell Steve Hadeka Matt Weiner Meredith Coeyman, Marisa Keller Rufus DESIGN/PRODUCTION
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Colby Roberts
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Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw Michelle Brown, Sarah Cushman, Emily Rose & Corey Grenier & Ashley Cleare Kate Young
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Jarrett Berman, Alex Brown, Matt Bushlow, Justin Crowther, 10/1/13 2:53 PM Ethan de Seife, Erik Esckilsen, John Flanagan, Sean Hood, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak, Judith Levine, Amy Lilly, Jernigan Pontiac, Robert Resnik, Sarah Tuff, Ginger Vieira, Lindsay J. Westley
PHOTOGRAPHERS Caleb Kenna, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur I L L U S T R AT O R S Matt Mignanelli, Matt Morris, Marc Nadel, Tim Newcomb, Susan Norton, Kim Scafuro, Michael Tonn, Steve Weigl
Get ready to enjoy the
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C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 6 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in Greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh. Seven Days is printed at Upper Valley Press in North Haverhill, N.H SUBSCRIPTIONS
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©2013 Da Capo Publishing Inc. All rights reserved.
10/22/13 9:30 AM
The fact that people are protesting the methadone clinic in South Burlington indicates the level of ignorance and intolerance in our society today [“South Burlington Methadone Clinic Attracts Patients — and Opposition,” September 25]. Perhaps some of those protesters and the good folks who have signed the petition could learn a little about recovery from addiction instead of blindly objecting to a clinic that is, in fact, a tremendous community asset. If those same folks would take off their blinders, they might learn that their precious “honor students” at the school can procure cocaine and other illegal drugs more easily than they can alcohol. Cocaine is readily available in most schools — you just gotta know who to ask. Anyone who is seeking such things would probably be more likely to find discarded syringes in the school than on the grounds of the clinic. Denial is wonderful, isn’t it? Ernie Amsden
Paul Heintz’s “The Undertaker’s Daughter: Darcie Johnston Wants to Kill Vermont Health Care Reform” [October 2] refers alternately to the recently opened health insurance exchange required by the Affordable Care Act and the universal health care plan that Vermont has enacted but not yet implemented — without
clarifying that the two things are, in fact, very different. It’s something that many writers do, unfortunately. The exchange is a requirement of current federal law, relies on insurance to cover the cost of health care and does not cover everyone. The universal care plan that Vermont is slated to institute in 2017 is a product of our state’s lawmakers, is publicly funded rather than relying on insurance and covers everyone. I am sure that many opponents of universal health care will attempt to confuse the two systems, hoping to deflect any displeasure with the exchange onto the coming universal care system. In an effort to keep the facts and the programs straight, the Vermont Workers’ Center is sponsoring a series of public forums around the state on how Vermont can stay on track toward a health care system that really is universal and really does emphasize health care rather than health insurance. The first of these forums is at Burlington’s Union Station on Thursday, October 24, from 5 to 8 p.m. The second is in the Fox Room of the Rutland Free Library on Monday, October 28, also from 5 to 8. Lee Russ
[Re Side Dishes: “Guilty Plate Diner Opens in Colchester,” October 16]: I am lucky to live around the corner from the Pine Street Deli. Over the past few years, I have
wEEk iN rEViEw Reg. $225
There were several errors in the PocketWizard writeup in last week’s feature “Only in Vermont”: The original founder, who is still involved in the company, is Stephen Padnos, not James Clark, and the technology associated with the more advanced triggers is called TTL, short for Through the Lens, not TTi.
gotten to know the Alvanos family and consider them friends and a tremendous asset to the neighborhood. Now the people of Colchester can enjoy their tasty yet completely unpretentious food. We have enough expensive restaurants in Burlington, where ego and the ability to suck a wallet dry in an hour are the rule, so it’s wonderful to see a place where the food is great, the people are kind, generous and genuine, and the atmosphere, thanks in great part to Michael Alvanos, is homey yet elegant. P.S. The eggs Benedict are awesome! christopher Hill
Not GoiNG!
Jim Dudley
cHillY rEcEptioN
cAN’t AfforD tHE rENtS
Rent in Chittenden County is extremely high [“Demand for Urban Housing Brings Building Projects to Burlington’s Old North End,” October 16]. The issue is that people are living paycheck to paycheck. Most of us are paying over 50 percent of our incomes for rent! I understand that the landlords want to make money, but, at the same time, the influx of college students and tax rates on rental properties are making it extremely difficult to live here. I understand that a mortgage would be much cheaper than what we pay for rent, but because we pay so much to the landlords, we cannot save up a down payment. It’s a vicious cycle. And many landlords look for tenants with rental assistance only. I found a place that is $200 less a month than where we currently reside, but the landlord is holding out for someone who receives Section 8. It’s really hard for many people like us.
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Your submission options include: • sevendaysvt.com/feedback • feedback@sevendaysvt.com • Seven days, P.O. box 1164, burlington, VT 05402-1164
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Star Gay
Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven Days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number.
In an interview with Paul Heintz, icecream maker and self-proclaimed celebrity public policy spokesman Ben Cohen has taken a broad-brush swipe at Gov. Shumlin, Sen. Leahy, Sen. Sanders, Rep. Peter Welch and Mayor Miro Weinberger [Fair Game, October 9]. I have known and worked alongside these individuals on behalf of Vermont for over 50 years, except for the recently elected and highly competent Miro Weinberger. Cohen has identified himself with the small group of people who seem willing to jump ship for any single issue at any moment in time. Shumlin worked tirelessly for Vermont in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Irene and is strongly committed to health care for all Vermonters. Leahy’s accomplishments are legion — in the thousands of
Thomas Davis
Tri-Ply Stainless 3 Qt. Sauté Pan
[Re “Devil in the Details,” October 16]: I planned to attend Lost Nation Theatre’s production of The Crucible until I read this: “After the performance on Thursday, October 17, Allen Gilbert, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Vermont, will host a discussion of issues in the play, such as false imprisonment, that remain relevant today.” We don’t need the ACLU to become involved in a great Miller play! Not going!
jobs he has been able to sponsor, in defense of civil liberties, in passing the Violence Against Women Act, in his tireless work against the use of landmines, and on behalf of organic farmers. The list goes on. Sanders has never wavered on any issue and is the most consistent voice for organized labor and for the rights of working people in the entire Congress. Welch, whose style epitomizes the way Congress is supposed to work, labors tirelessly to find common ground with the opposition — an opposition more interested in fouling the nest with a level of selfishness unmatched in American history. I defend any person, including Cohen, to voice his or her opinions. But in this case, I would be just as likely to honor the opinion of the person at the window of the local Dairy Queen as I was served a tasty, lowercalorie treat than to depend on the “now and then” support of the ice-cream man.
10/22/13 4:21 PM
Activities include: Swimming Tennis Climbing Wall Zumba Foreign Language Music Soccer Parisi Speed School Cooking
openings at all three lo c a www.edgevt.com ti o ns servic KIDS & FITNESS INFANTS TODDLERS PRESCHOOL over 10 schoolsing ! Essex | 879-7734 ext. 1113 So. Burlington | 658-0080 Williston | 864-5351 SCAN THIS PAGE chrisg@edgYOUR ev alexandrad@edgevt.com heatherh@edgevt.com micheller2@edgevt.comWITH LAYAR TEXTt.com SEE PROGRAM COVER
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10/22/13 7:34 PM
OCTOBER 23-30, 2013 VOL.19 NO.08 34
H by Hudson
has arrived!
this London based brand
Is Vermont’s Front Porch Forum Moderating Civil Discussion — or Censoring Free Speech?
Fewer Snowboarders Force Vermont Companies to Get Creative BY CHARLES EICHACKER
Land’s End? A SmallTown Dispute in Jericho Pits Firefighters Against Conservationists
A Gift That Keeps on Giving: Picasso’s Vollard Suite at the Hood
Short Takes on Film
Notable Language: The VSO Takes On Verbal and Musical Masterworks BY AMY LILLY
Quick Lit: Bat Man
Hot and Bothered
Theater: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Middlebury Actors Workshop BY ALEX BROWN
Ahead of the Curd
Food: Think you love cheese? Meet some of Vermont’s top experts
COLUMNS + REVIEWS 12 28 30 43 67 71 74 80 89
durability. Check out
Fair Game POLITICS Work JOBS WTF CULTURE Side Dishes FOOD Soundbites MUSIC Album Reviews Art Review Movie Reviews Mistress Maeve SEX
their signature play on androgenous looks with influences from around the globe exclusively
SECTIONS 11 48 62 66 74 80
at dear lucy.
The Magnificent 7 Calendar Classes Music Art Movies
Bringing Home the Bok Choy
Food: On a food-supply run with an Asian grocer BY CHARLES EICHACKER
Praise Doug
Music: Comedian Doug Stanhope talks about the union of philanthropy and prickiness BY DAN BOLLES
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Monster Mash
Halloween: Mike Ridge builds creatively creepy creatures BY ETHAN DE SEIFE
Fright Night
Halloween: Thrills, chills and damnation at Dead North BY DAN BOLLES
Halloween: A writer auditions for a theatrical Nightmare BY CHARLES EICHACKER
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Stuck in Vermont: Beth Robinson’s handmade Strange Dolls have been delighting collectors since 2003. Multimedia producer Eva Sollberger accompanies Robinson and her doll army on a pre-Halloween tour of Burlington’s Lakeview Cemetery.
10/21/13 4:03 PM
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10/22/13 5:15 PM
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10/21/13 2:19 PM
From Page to Stage In 2007, Junot Díaz took the literary world by storm with his Pulitzer Prize-winning novel ˜ e Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. The adventures of the fantasy-world-obsessed title character Oscar de Leon come alive in a one-man show starring Elvis Nolasco as part of the American Place Theatre’s Literature to Life program.
In Your Face The Denver Post calls comedian Doug Stanhope a “truth-teller and astute (if messy) social critic.” Known for his raw, unapologetic bits and swapping sips of booze with biting intellectual musings, the award-winning standup has garnered a legion of fans — and detractors. He hits up Metronome as part of his “Octoberfist” tour. SEE INTERVIEW ON PAGE 66
Beautiful Decay Under normal circumstances, blood, guts and gore cause most people to turn away. At “The Art of Horror,” however, the opposite is true. Whether with pencil drawings, scary dolls or over-the-top photography, artists use various media to make dark subject matter something worth looking at. SEE REVIEW ON PAGE 74
Hope Ascending Born into grim circumstances, the nine subjects of Richard Robbins’ compelling docudrama Girl Rising face unimaginable daily struggles. Giving voice to their stories, Meryl Streep and other notable women narrate this exploration of international communities, which highlights the power of education to change lives and, ultimately, countries.
For the Tiger Lillies (pictured), makeup and creepy costumes are not reserved for Halloween. Sinister songs, falsetto vocals and seedy subject matter define the internationally acclaimed theatrical trio. The group brings gypsy cabaret to a musical version of Hamlet that celebrates Shakespeare’s tormented prince.
Fright Night
Athletes test their limits at the CircumBurke Mountain Bike Challenge and Trail Run. Cheered on by supporters at food stations along the way, folks tackle the 25- to 50-mile course of rugged singletrack and logging trails. This mix of spirited competition and camaraderie benefits the Kingdom Trails Association.
Trick-or-treating is one thing, but entering the Haunted Forest takes Halloween to the next level. Flickering jack-o’-lanterns light a wooded trail that serves as the stage for Vermont’s largest outdoor theater performance. Themed skits feature creepy characters — including the animatronic Sindy Skinless and the Decomposers — that simultaneously entertain and terrify audiences.
Coming ’Round the Mountain
Why dress like a tramp when you can be a queen?
Why Bernie Should Run
mong Sen. BERNIE SANDERS’ most fervent followers, a constant refrain prevails: Why doesn’t he run for president in 2016? • Costume Rentals Sanders tried to put that question • Ben Nye Makeup • Something else to rest for the thousandth time in this month’s Playboy magazine, for which he 4 RAILROAD AVE • ESSEX JUNCTION • 878-2255 gave an interview to the liberal activist and occasional political candidate JONATHAN 16t-tripleloop-tramp.indd 1 9/12/13 11:15 AMTASINI. “Well, the answer is that to run a serious campaign, you need to raise hundreds of critical millions of dollars,” Sanders said, a feat acmass tv complished by BARACK OBAMA only because sunDAYs > 8 PM he “went to his friends on Wall Street.” That reality aside, Sanders continued, “I late night with think people are hungering for a voice out jack carpenter weD 10 PM there. It would be tempting to try to raise phonix books the authors thu 8 PM issues and demand discussion on issues that are not being talked about: inequality ChAnnel 17 in wealth and trade policy, protecting the watch live@5:25 social safety net, moving aggressively on weeknights on tV global warming.” AnD online So why doesn’t Sanders himself feed get more info or watch online at that hunger and demand that discussion? vermont cam.org • retn.org Politically speaking, there has never been, ch17.tv and will never again be, a better time for Sanders to run for president than in 2016. With HILLARY CLINTON almost certain 16t-retnWEEKLY.indd 1 10/22/13 3:24 PM to enter the race, all but a few brave conNEW OUTLET tenders — such as Maryland Gov. MARTIN O’MALLEY — will clear the Democratic field for her. That will leave an enormous void WINTER CLOTHING OUTFITTER for a challenger from the left to fill. And as Sanders made clear to Tasini, he believes someone should do it. Asked whether another Clinton candidacy “offer[s] an alternative to the country,” Sanders replied, succinctly as ever, “No, it does not.” Whether you agree with his vision or not, Sanders would certainly offer quite the alternative to Clintonian triangulation and poll-tested circumspection. His Ahab-esque focus on the white whale of income inequality would surely resonate with Democratic primary voters much like JOHN EDWARDS’ did back in those halcyon, pre-RIELLE HUNTER days. It would also resonate with the Beltway’s horse-race-obsessed media machine, which, like your local political columnist, will be desperate to come up with credible narratives and counter-narratives over the next 36 months — particularly if Clinton saps the suspense out of it. You simply can’t invent a better foil for her than the crazy-haired, Brooklyn-accented, self-styled socialist from the Independent Republic of Ben & Jerry’s. And if you think people wouldn’t pay attention, you’d be wrong, says progressive journalist JOHN NICHOLS, Washington corw w w . e s s e x o u t l e t s . c o m respondent for the Nation. 21 ESSEX WAY SUITE 207, ESSEX, VT | 802.871.5029 8v-essexshoppes102313.indd 1
10/21/13 11:39 AM
“I think Bernie Sanders has enough regard nationally and name recognition and enough history on important issues that he could get into the debate,” Nichols says. “It would be real, and he could be taken seriously.” Over the years, Sanders has cultivated a national, small-dollar fundraising network that brought in 146,460 contributions from about half as many people during his last six-year election cycle. The only members of Congress with more combined social-media followers than Sanders’ 539,000, according to OhMyGov, are four who might run for president in 2016 — Sens. TED CRUZ (R-Tex.), MARCO RUBIO (R-Fla.), ELIZABETH WARREN (DMass.) and RAND PAUL (R-Ky.) — and one who’s run twice before: Sen. JOHN MCCAIN (R-Ariz.).
THAN THE CRAZY-HAIRED, BROOKLYNACCENTED, SELF-STYLED SOCIALIST FROM THE INDEPENDENT REPUBLIC OF BEN & JERRY’S. Just last week, he managed to draw audiences north of 200 on an improbable tour to Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina, according to South Forward super PAC executive director JAY PARMLEY, who organized the events. “People were just overwhelmingly grateful that he would take the time to come,” Parmley says. Yes, Sanders already has quite the national audience — thanks in part to his omnipresence on cable television, where liberal talk show hosts such as ED SCHULTZ routinely slobber all over him (Schultz introduced Sanders last Friday as “the independent pit bull from Vermont”). But the sad fact of modern political life is that nobody in America garners more attention than crazy people who run for president — or at least pretend they’re going to. Just ask DONALD TRUMP, DENNIS KUCINICH or MICHELE BACHMANN. Sanders himself has said that his raison d’être is to spread the gospel of income inequality — a calling that would meet with far greater success if he had a bus full of campaign embeds tailing him from Iowa to New Hampshire. “Nobody understands how bad it is,” he told Seven Days in a March interview. “That’s why I think if I were on television
or radio 24 hours a day saying nothing else other than that, it would be a contribution.” That chat, it should be noted, was the last time Sanders agreed to be interviewed by Seven Days — evidence that he’s already acquired a presidential disregard for local media. While Sanders might enjoy the attention of a 2016 run, his friend THOM HARTMANN, the progressive radio host, says, “He wouldn’t want to end up being seen as the vanity candidate or the fringe candidate or something like that — because that’s not Bernie. That’s not who he is. Which is why I’m guessing he won’t do it.” Another reason: He’d have to run in the Democratic primary to avoid being marginalized and labeled a “spoiler” — and though he caucuses with Senate Democrats, he seems to despise having that ‘D’ next to his name. Hartmann is probably right. Sanders likely won’t run, as the independent pit bull from Vermont told Tasini when asked if he was “100 percent” ruling it out. “Absolutely? 100 percent? Cross my heart? Is there a stack of Bibles somewhere? Look, maybe it’s only 99 percent,” Sanders said. “I realize running for president would be a way to shine a spotlight on these issues that are too often in the shadows today. [Pauses.] But I am at least 99 percent sure I won’t.” If he did run, Sanders would surely lose the race. But he’d win the opportunity to reach many more Americans than he ever will on MSNBC. And for a lifelong progressive warrior in the twilight of his career, it might just be worth it.
T.J.’s Choice
Democratic rising star T.J. DONOVAN has kept quiet about his electoral intentions since Attorney General BILL SORRELL announced last Thursday he plans to seek a ninth full term as the state’s top prosecutor next year. But now Donovan says he’s “considering” challenging Sorrell for a second time after being inundated with “calls of encouragement over the last several days.” The message the Chittenden County state’s attorney is hearing from his acolytes? “That I should run,” Donovan reports. The 39-year-old, two-term county prosecutor raised eyebrows last year when he challenged Sorrell in the Democratic primary — and nearly beat him. Donovan’s allies had hoped Sorrell’s close call would convince the 66-year-old to retire when his two-year term expires next year, but the AG made clear during an appearance on WDEV’s “The Mark Johnson Show” last Thursday that he’ll run again.
L E U N I G ’ S
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“I’m working on some great issues that I think are important, and I’ve got plenty of energy for it,” Sorrell told Seven Days later that day. Sorrell said the 2012 race made him a “smarter candidate,” but he declined to weigh in on a second Donovan bid, saying, “I’m not gonna go there.” For his part, Donovan says he’s still considering the “professional and personal” implications of running. Unlike last time, he’d have to sacrifice his old job to run for a new one, since his current fouryear term ends in 2014. “The question is, can I do more from a professional position for the state than in this spot?” Donovan asks. If he answers that question the same way he did two years ago, expect another lively race.
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10/22/13 3:04 PM
Media Notes
Citing a desire to increase his office’s investigative capacity, State Auditor Doug Hoffer has hired VTDigger reporter AnDreW Stein to serve as his executive assistant. “I want more subjects covered,” Hoffer says. “I want more product.” According to Hoffer, Stein will conduct research and investigations with the “rigor” of a full-blown audit, but in a shorter time frame. He says the position, which has remained unfilled throughout his nearly 10-month tenure, will involve neither politics nor public relations. A 2009 Kenyon College grad, Stein spent a year and a half at the Addison County Independent before heading to Montpelier last September to cover health care and energy for VTDigger. “I was not actively seeking this position, but when the auditor approached me about the position, he was essentially offering me a stethoscope to examine state government,” Stein says. m
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS FAIR GAME 13
A month to the day after a gunman killed 26 students and teachers at a Connecticut elementary school, last December Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger did something highly unusual for an ambitious Vermont politician. He provoked a fight over gun laws. Standing beside two fellow Vermont mayors at the Burlington Police Department’s North Avenue headquarters, Weinberger said he’d joined the national Mayors Against Illegal Guns and would push for local and federal bans on assault weapons. “As the father of a first-grader and as a mayor who gets one of the first calls when someone is shot in this city, I feel a deep responsibility to join the loud call for action now to protect our children and communities from illegal guns,” he said at the January presser. Two months later, the gun control group featured hizzoner and 29 other mayors in a national television ad calling for an assault weapons ban. But since then, Weinberger has apparently changed his mind. Monday night, as the Burlington City Council prepared to debate four local gun control measures — though not an assault weapons ban — Weinberger emailed a statement to reporters saying he’d reversed course. “After careful consideration, I have decided to oppose a local assault weapons ban and creation of a new city concealed carry permit because I doubt the effectiveness of these measures and because these two particular reforms would create a patchwork of local regulation that would be problematic for responsible Vermont gun owners.” Why the change of heart? During a brief recess at Monday’s meeting, Weinberger first claimed he’d only ever backed a federal assault-weapons ban. “The stand I took with Mayors Against Illegal Guns was weighing in on national
background checks, the assault-weapons ban and trafficking of firearms,” he said. “Those were national measures.” Actually, when Weinberger appeared before the city council’s charter-change committee last May, he explicitly endorsed a local ban, saying, “You are on strong legal ground to move forward with an assaultweapons resolution of some sort, and I support that.” Reminded of that on Monday night, Weinberger said, “Well, Paul, you may have gone back and studied it more closely.” Either way, he said, he’d since determined it made more sense to back less controversial gun-control measures, which might stand a better chance of passing muster with voters and state legislators. Both would have to sign off on the proposed charter changes. So instead of an assault weapons ban, Weinberger said he now backed three of the four proposals the council would debate that night: banning guns in Burlington bars, mandating safe storage of firearms and enabling law enforcement officials to seize weapons after domestic-violence incidents. All three wound up passing by lopsided margins. Weinberger opposed a fourth provision that would have required gun owners to obtain a new city permit to carry a concealed weapon. That measure failed by a vote of 4 to 10. “We did what we’re supposed to do as legislators and representative officials,” Weinberger explained. “We looked carefully at the issues. We asked questions. We thought about it. We thought about what needs to happen for these ordinances to actually get implemented and become law and improve public safety. And we made an adjustment.” Indeed he did.
4t-creativehabitat102313.indd 1
10/22/13 12:03 PM
Is Vermont’s Front Porch Forum Moderating Civil Discussion — or Censoring Free Speech? B y K at h ryn Flag g
Tim newcomb
magine this: A South Burlington resident posts an offhand remark on his neighborhood Front Porch Forum about killing “some useless right-wing radio talk show host.” A handful of neighbors object, calling the message disturbing and inappropriate; others defend what they say was simply a joke. Then, a few days later, without warning or explanation, FPF boots one of these posters from the site. Here’s the twist: The person FPF ejected wasn’t the original poster. It was Robert Rich, a South Burlington accountant who objected, repeatedly, to remarks he calls “hate speech.” Now Rich — along with some of his neighbors — is raising concerns about possible censorship at FPF, the privately owned company that got its start as a free email newsletter in Burlington’s Five Sisters neighborhood. Since then, founder Michael Wood-Lewis’s rapidly growing online empire of hyper-local discussion forums has become an essential part of civic dialogue for 60,000 households in roughly half of the state. Earlier this year the company secured a $361,500 grant from the Vermont
Council on Rural Development, composed of federal disaster relief funds, to set up forums in every community in Vermont — essentially doubling FPF’s service area. Vermonters are jumping on the bandwagon at the rate of 100 households a day. “When you consider the fact that it’s my taxpayer dollars that are going to expand his business, and yet I’m not truly allowed to participate, there’s a problem with that,” says Allen Roberts, another South Burlington resident frustrated by FPF’s moderation. FPF refused to publish a post of his earlier this year. But FPF and VCRD maintain that FPF’s disgruntled members are a tiny minority of a thriving, growing social network. The site won’t be a “good fit” for everyone, says Wood-Lewis, but the success stories far outweigh the failures. “If we’re going to work together in our community, we need to have vehicles like this,” Paul Costello, VCRD’s executive director, says of Front Porch Forum. “I get to see some of the forums because of our role here, and it’s beautiful, some of what happens on there.” Of FPF’s nine employees, seven are directly involved in managing the online
communities. Wood-Lewis says that closing a member’s account is “very rare and seldom done” and is ultimately up to him. He declined to comment on the specifics of the Rich or Roberts complaints, and says FPF looks to its terms of use — which gives FPF “sole discretion” to refuse or delete content — to guide those decisions. “Someone once compared FPF to a neighborhood pub,” Wood-Lewis says. “Hey, you can go in and talk about whatever you like, and enjoy yourself and learn something. You can even have debates and argue with folks. But if you start ranting, if you start hollering at the barkeep, it’s not going to be a fit.” Rich agrees that FPF likely requires some level of moderation; in fact, he maintains the comment that sparked this whole debacle should never have been posted in the first place. Free speech, he says, is not the same as “hate speech.” The exchange that sparked Rich’s eventual ejection from the forum started with an innocuous warning about skunks in South Burlington. In response, neighbor Tom Grocki wrote: “I guess what I’m trying to say is
Skunks are like crab grass, fight ’em, poison ’em, yell at ’em, but they’ll keep coming back … As for poisons, I’d prefer you don’t use any on our planet, unless you’re killing some useless right-wing radio talk show host. Now they REALLY SMELL!” “What I felt like … was that someone invaded my home and assaulted me for my core beliefs,” says Rich, recalling his first reaction to the original post. “It felt extremely invasive and offensive, and I was shocked.” Rich wasn’t the only neighbor to chime in; others took his side, and another defended the jokester. WoodLewis entered the discussion, agreeing that he found Grocki’s post “tasteless” but adding that FPF “generally does not police Vermonters’ tastes.” He went on to write that neighbors should feel free to speak up when they think postings veer out of bounds, and described the challenge of hosting online conversations between neighbors as a “tough balancing act. One person’s clever remark is the next person’s snarky slap in the face.” Rich says his beef wasn’t with the poster, but rather with FPF for disseminating what Grocki wrote. In a series of posts — the third of which FPF declined to publish — Rich called on Wood-Lewis to apologize to neighbors for publishing a “hateful epithet.” “This statement, Front Porch Forum’s publication of it, and the lack of a tangible resolution is causing anguish for people in our community, especially those with conservative viewpoints,” wrote Rich in the polite but insistent message which was eventually rejected. “We cannot understand how Mr. WoodLewis could think this hateful comment promotes community, or even complies with his terms of use.” The irony of Rich’s case — that, in arguing for FPF to curtail another member’s speech, he found himself ejected instead — isn’t lost on Rob Skiff, a fellow South Burlington neighbor and the head of an online global education website. Skiff says that both Grocki and Rich should be allowed to have their say — and if not, FPF owes its community an explanation. “FPF portrays itself as a community forum all over Vermont, and that means
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free speech needs to be protected, no wasn’t just proposing to provide softmatter how much we might find some- ware or build the online infrastructure. one annoying,” says Skiff. “Free speech Because FPF profits from its forums, it’s is messy. Democracy is a messy thing. invested in maintaining — and moderatBut we’re not going to make any prog- ing — them. ress if we have any groups censoring “Like VCRD’s going to do that for the (Dine-In Only) everybody.” next 10 years?” says Keeping online disCostello. “We don’t $3 Switchbacks course civil requires have staff or experiMonday-Thursday* intervention, Woodence in managing a Lewis and Costello local forum.” l oc a l , f r e s h , or i g i na l both argue. In fact, “Lightly moder*Burlington Location Only Costello singles out ated” is how WoodFPF’s moderation Lewis describes the track record as one extent to which Front Colchester Burlington (Exit 16) (Downtown) of the reasons FPF Porch Forum staff 85 South Park Drive 176 Main Street secured VCRD funds. weighs in on the disPizzeria / Take Out Pizzeria / Take Out E 1076 Williston Road, S. Burlington Locaat l Delivery: 655-5555 Delivery: 862-1234 The center chose cussions it facilitates Casual Fine Dining 862.6585 FPF from among five among members. Reservations: 655-0000 Cat Scratch, Knight Card www.windjammerrestaurant.com & C.C. Cash Accepted The Bakery: 655-5282 bids to build online That means: When forums throughout Roberts submitted www.juniorsvt.com the state. VCRD’s several posts earlier call for proposals this year voicing envisioned forums in concerns about tax8v-Windjammer082813.indd 1 8/15/138v-juniors102313.indd 1:32 PM 1 10/22/13 4:40 PM which residents could hikes in Montpelier, RObERT RiCh welcome newcomers FPF published five, to town, post about but drew the line at lost pets and “consider questions of the sixth. Wood-Lewis said the problem common civic interest.” The proposal was the “repetition and tone” of Roberts’ also stipulated that, like existing FPFs, messages. these communities would be moderated But if repetition is grounds for rejectto prevent “recurrent negativity” and ing a post, Rich and Roberts wonder encourage “positive discussion.” why other neighbors are allowed, for Having already worked with FPF in instance, to post repeated, lengthy comother rural community development plaints about the possible stationing of efforts, Costello speaks glowingly of the F-35 fighter jets in South Burlington. the business. He points to the town of “My concern is not necessarily the Moretown as an example: After flood- specific issue,” says Rich. “What is most ing from Tropical Storm Irene, Costello important is that it looks like the free says, Moretown residents flocked to speech of some is being stifled while the FPF with offers of spare bedrooms free speech of others is being encourand help clearing downed trees, and to aged. There’s an appearance that Mr. organize volunteer efforts through the Wood-Lewis gives the bully pulpit to the storm-ravaged town. people he agrees with and censors the According to FPF’s bid for the VCRD people he does not. That is outrageous.” Shop early for the grant, the company is profitable. Last Two months after the original spat best selection! year, FPF brought in $400,000 from over a poorly received political joke, advertising sales, custom subscriptions, Rich’s account is still deactivated. Now expansion partnerships and supporting he relies on neighbors to forward him memberships. The company encour- copies of FPF digests when pertinent ages users to join that last category by news crops up. asking for donations online; Wood“Break-ins in our neighborhood,” Lewis likens it to the equivalent of a noted his neighbor, Kathy O’Brien, in virtual tip jar. an email comment she added while forM-Sa 10-8, Su 11–6 The company’s for-profit mission warding Rich the FPF newsletter dated 40 may be one of the reasons it prevailed in October 16. “Something no one should 8 6 2 5 0 5 1 • S W E E T L A D YJ A N E . B I Z the VCRD grant. Costello says that FPF, be excluded from hearing about, dontI N F O @ S W E E T L A D YJ A N E . B I Z unlike some of the other applicants, cha think?” m
All-U-Can-Eat SLICES!*
There’s an appearance ThaT Mr. Wood-LeWis gives The buLLy puLpiT To The peopLe he agrees WiTh and censors The peopLe he does noT.
ThaT is ouTrageous.
October 24-26
4t-sweetlady1016513.indd 1
10/11/13 4:46 PM
Fewer Snowboarders Force Vermont Companies to Get Creative b y Ch arles Ei c h ac k er
SEVENDAYSvt.com 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS 16 LOCAL MATTERS
Thomas James
ike many of her friends, Regan Charon took up snowboarding when she came to Burlington to attend Champlain College. Although the Bennington native had grown up skiing at Stratton Mountain, she stuck with riding for the next 10 years. At 29, Charon had a son and took a break from snow sports to care for him. Then, two years ago, when Hayden was four, Charon decided it was time to go back to the mountain. But when mother and son hit the slopes together, it was not on snowboards, but with skis and poles. “If he wants to snowboard eventually, that’s fine, but I didn’t want to be the one to introduce him to it,” Charon says. “When I was learning how to snowboard, it was tough on my knees and my wrists. I felt like I had more control with my skis, and snowboarding is up and down. I know my child; he would be sweating and frustrated.” Charon’s decision may illustrate a trend that concerns those in the snowboarding industry. By most accounts, the rush to go downhill fast on a single board — instead of two — appears to be slowing. As skiing’s younger, edgier cousin has matured, industry and market reports have shown small but steady drops in the sport’s participation and revenues. According to an annual survey by the National Ski Area Association, snowboarding hit its peak popularity in the 2009-2010 season, when riders accounted for 32 percent of the country’s total resort visits. Since then, that number has shrunk at least 0.6 percentage points each year, ending at 29.5 percent in the 2012-2013 season. The drop has been less dramatic in the Northeast, where snowboarding was slower to catch on. Of 13.4 million snow sport visits in this region, participation slid from 27 to 26 percent over the same three-year period, according to the combined data for New York and New England ski areas. “Where it grew the most significantly is where it’s declined most significantly,” NSAA president Michael Berry says, noting that in its heyday, snowboarding really exploded in the West and Midwest. “Spectacular growth is often not sustainable, so as the sport’s matured, there’s been a settling out.”
Business Still, while snowboarding has declined across the country, people are more committed to the sport in Vermont than in other states. The NSAA doesn’t separate out data for the Green Mountain State, where two of snowboarding’s biggest brands — Burton and Rome — are based. But a 2013 market report from the trade association Snowsports Industries America does. Last year, 7.1 percent of Vermonters snowboarded, compared with 6.1 percent in Colorado, 5.4 in Washington and 4.7 in Connecticut. The recession and two balmy winters are partially to blame for the drop in business, says SIA director of research Kelly Davis, which equates to a $15 million reduction in snowboarding equipment sales in the Northeast over the past three years. The 2011-12 ski season was a loser for everyone. According to the National Weather Service, Vermont received 37.7 inches of snow — the third smallest snowfall in more than
100 years. As a result of that year’s premature mud season, Davis explains, ski and snowboard retailers began marking down items and ordering less, a trend that continued last winter despite colder temps and more snow. But it was during the 2010-11 season — the state’s third whitest in history — that snowboarding began losing ground to skiing. Matt Weingast has his own theories about the decline. A New Jersey native who worked in a ski shop during high school, the UVM grad and backcountry snowboarder is now in his second year as a sales associate at Burlington’s Skirack. “In Vermont, it seems like it might be switching towards skiing,” Weingast says. “I don’t know why in Vermont, where Burton and Rome come from … but kids are looking at getting out on the powder skis more than the snowboards.” Meanwhile, he sees longtime riders becoming more frugal as they age,
creating a vicious cycle as customers wait for marked-down gear from previous seasons. “That older guy is going to be a little more price conscious,” Weingast speculates. Even if that guy is getting a new board, Weingast adds, he may not replace his older boots or bindings, which tend to last longer than their skiing equivalents. There may be some truth to Weingast’s point about technology and its relationship to the bottom line, explains Davis. “Innovation does tend to drive the consumer to buy,” she says, and “Skiing technology is on a different cycle.” Davis points to recent evolutions in the traditional Alpine ski setup that have allowed for more customization, including lighter skis and bindings that detach at the heel for hiking. Investing in such upgrades may renew an athlete’s commitment to the sport. Meanwhile, snowboarding tech has remained comparably static, Davis says.
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The rockered board emerged several bunny slopes. Also important, he says, is years ago and now accounts for more keeping snowboard classes small; some than half the rides on the market, while resorts load them up with 20 students. the splitboard, which divides into two Dan Sullivan, director of sales at the planks to allow hiking, has yet to make Waterbury-based Rome, echoes Boliba’s a significant dent in the market — pos- points. The “cool kids” who embraced sibly because putting it to use takes snowboarding early on “may be having a significant effort. family now,” he notes. “They’re in their Burton is addressing the declining 30s. That is a huge potential influx of number of snowboarders — which ap- participation.” pears to be a problem of demographics Will young, snowboarding parents — with a solution that targets custom- who used to ski — like Charon — stick to ers who don’t even show up on the boarding or return to their native sport? charts: children under the age of 6, the Will kids who learn on skis take on the offspring of the original boarders. Jeff snowboarding challenge? These quesBoliba, Burton’s vice president of global tions are what’s driving the industry’s resorts, calls it a demographic in which “focus on youth products,” Sullivan says. “snowboarding has been blowing up Both Rome and Burton have designed over the last five years.” softer boots and more If Boliba is right, it’s pliable boards for the thanks in no small part 3-to-5-year-old set. to his own discovery Smugglers’ Notch that by pulling little has a Riglet Park, and snowboarders around the resort has incorpoon a rope, instructors rated other terrain into can introduce them its snowboard curricuto the sport without lum in the last couple of the normal first-day years, according to the frustrations. mountain’s snow sports Boliba called the school director, Harley resulting towrope the Johnson. “We teach Riglet Reel, and he began them how to stay in MiChAEL BERRy working with resorts to control, we teach them build graded training how to fall safely,” she grounds called Riglet Parks. By making says, noting that instructors are seeing the sport safer through such “terrain- fewer wrist injuries as a result. based learning,” Boliba says, he’s trying Johnson says Smuggs hasn’t expeto prove that kids can be native riders. rienced a decline in demand for snow“There’s still an assumption out there boarding lessons over the last three that kids have to ski first. That used years. What has changed is the type of to be the case,” Boliba says. With the lessons people are taking: All-day lessons Riglet Parks, “we’re trying to build this have dropped, Johnson says, while twoawareness that with the right product hour sessions are more popular. Night and right environment, they can snow- lessons have also been growing, a trend board first,” Boliba says. So far, Burton that Johnson attributes to skiers who has helped build around 40 permanent just want to dabble in snowboarding. Riglet Parks across the world, including For the sport to grow, explains NSAA four in Vermont. Several have popped up president Berry, the snowboarding at Burton’s flagship store in Burlington, industry should continue to focus on and Boliba says he’s working with sev- easing beginners into it. The biggest eral school districts around the state to numbers won’t come from converts, incorporate temporary, indoor Riglet he says, but from parents putting their courses into the physical education child on a board. curriculum. Last year, the Allenbrook “Both skiing and snowboarding have School in Williston hosted one. an ability to alter your life trajectory,” “If you slam down on boards or skis, Berry says. “Just like skiing, in snowyour day can be done,” Boliba says of the boarding, someone has to deliver you to potential for kids to crash even on the the sport.” m
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Land’s End? A Small-Town Dispute in Jericho Pits Firefighters Against Conservationists B y K at h ryn Flagg
SEVENDAYSvt.com 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS 18 LOCAL MATTERS
Photos: Tim Santimore
hortly after the late Mary “Alice” Rivers donated her property in Jericho Center to the local fire department in 1986, she articulated her vision in writing: She wanted the 125-acre parcel to remain “as close to as God made it” — in other words, undeveloped. Now, 10 months after Rivers’ death at age 91, the mostly volunteer members of the Underhill Jericho Fire Department are moving ahead with a plan to sell the land she donated with no restrictions on its development rights. That’s got some residents in the Chittenden County town of 5000 questioning the motives of the firefighters and the fate of the prime, scenic real estate that locals call the “gateway” to Jericho Center. More than 70 residents have since joined a Facebook group called Save the Rivers Property in Jericho VT. Others are exchanging messages on the Jericho Front Porch Forum. Ultimately, though, the wishes and opinions of Jericho residents will have no bearing on the fire department, which operates as a nonprofit, independently from the municipal government. Despite the fact that it derives 60 percent of its budget from the local townspeople, the fire department has the final say on the property, which is zoned as a “rural residential” district. Potential lot sizes range from quarter-acre to threeacre lots but could be as small as a 10th of an acre and a third of an acre, respectively, if the property were developed as a planned residential development. The property also includes an Act 250-permitted gravel pit. Complicating the small-town drama is the clash between those who insist Rivers wanted her land left undeveloped and those who say her gift should be managed for the maximum financial benefit of the department. “She definitely, ’til the day she died, wanted it open,” says Corinne Thompson, who lives about a quarter mile from the Rivers property and knew Rivers and her late husband, Don, for decades. “The minute she died, I knew this would happen,” says an audibly disappointed Thompson. “It breaks my heart.” Here’s the odd part: The Underhill Jericho Fire Department has hatched
Mary Rivers’ property in Jericho
a plan to cash in on its inheritance and keep the land undeveloped. The department plans to list the property for the bizarrely high price of $5.3 million — more than six times the land’s assessed value of roughly $800,000. In interviews with Seven Days, as well as at a selectboard meeting earlier this month, fire department officials said the department hopes to attract an out-of-state buyer to buy the parcel and move to Vermont. “Maybe they live in New Jersey, maybe they live in Dallas, Texas,” says former fire chief Randy Clark. “They have been crowded out by development … and they just want to move to Vermont because it’s beautiful here … The wife says, if you will build me a house to my liking, I will move to Vermont. So the guy says, ‘Great, that’s not a problem. We’ve got 125 acres.’” “We’re willing to wait for that unique individual,” current fire chief Todd Fischer told the selectboard on October 3. But that theoretical buyer — and vague assurances from Clark that “I think it’s going to be the best for everybody involved” — haven’t convinced Jericho residents that the future of the
Rivers property is safe. For many in town, the fire department’s plan raises more questions than answers. “Will there be any kind of legal binding that [a buyer] will keep it just the way it is, or you’re saying they can do whatever they want?” asked selectboard member Kim Mercer at the October 3 meeting. “Why can’t [development restrictions] be part of the sale? Because you won’t get as much?” The firefighters in the room confirmed that accurately represented their logic. “I really don’t believe it,” said Mercer. “I know that you want to believe it. But I don’t believe someone’s going to do that.” A realtor at the meeting was equally skeptical. The fire department, as he put it, seemed to imagine a buyer with “more money than brains.” “Frankly, they don’t exist,” he said. Rivers donated her property to the fire department on Dec. 31, 1986, a few years after she and Don gave the department a three-acre parcel on which to build their current firehouse in Jericho. Clark says both gifts came after years of dedicated service from the department. They’d put
out grass fires for the Riverses, rescued a bull from their well and pulled a heifer from their farm’s manure pit. “I don’t know how many times Mr. Rivers almost burned that barn down,” says Clark with a chuckle. Clark says he was at Rivers’ kitchen table when she agreed to donate the land to the department. After her husband Don died, the firefighters had heard that Rivers was considering selling part of her farm. Clark says a small group from the department approached her about potentially purchasing some of the property. Instead, she offered to donate the entire parcel and signed a document that spelled out the agreement on the last day of that year. The only other signer was David Tillotson, a friend of Rivers’ who was the fire chief at the time. A copy of the agreement, located in town records, shows that Rivers reserved her home and a three-acre parcel in a “life trust,” for her own use as long as she was alive. The agreement stipulated that any money raised from the potential sale of the land be placed in a trust, from which only interest could be used by the fire department. The document also established the
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The minuTe she died, i knew This would happen.
It breaks my heart.
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10.23.13-10.30.13 LOCAL MATTERS 19
Rivers Land Committee, which would The fire department isn’t exactly comprise members of the fire depart- strapped for cash. Fischer and Clark ment, Jericho citizens and Rivers her- admitted as much to residents at the self. It was in an October 1987 letter to selectboard meeting. In fact, the deher fellow committee members that partment maintains a cushy budget of Rivers put her wishes for the land in $521,113, according to this year’s town writing, requesting the land be left “as report. Underhill pays roughly 40 perclose to as God made it.” cent of that amount, and Jericho picks “I believe that, with the help of the up the rest. The department maintains Vermont Land Trust, and the Underhill two fire stations — one in Jericho, the and Jericho Fire Dept, other in Underhill — and plus interested members employs two full-time of the community, we can firefighters. In the departhave a lovely park area ment’s annual report to that would be a true and the town of Jericho, the listing [sic] asset to the department notes that the community,” Rivers wrote. UJFD is “considered to be Clark remembers that one of the best equipped, memo. It’s tucked into a best trained, and well four-inch-thick binder he recognized by other such keeps with notes on the departments in Vermont.” property. But he says that For comparison: the idea to build a park CORinnE T hOMpSOn UJFD’s budget is roughly was just that — an idea, comparable to what is one of 23 the committee considered. allocated for firefighting in Williston, “That was her vote, if you will,” says where the department responded to Clark. nearly 800 fire calls in 2012 compared to The current members of the Rivers roughly 350 by UJFD in the 2012-2013 Land Committee — the third convened fiscal year. in 27 years — are all firefighters. They “I don’t understand why our nonmaintain that selling the Rivers prop- profit fire department is pushing so erty would be the best move for the hard for extra profits when they have no department as a whole. financial need for it,” says Mike Kramer, Describing it as a “win-win situation the Jericho resident who organized the for everybody,” Clark notes that income Facebook group to preserve the Rivers generated by the sale would go into a property. “I was shocked on a moral trust, as the 1986 agreement suggested, level, but also looking at the financials — and interest from the trust would di- I just don’t get it.” rectly defray department costs. (Both he Kramer says he’s most offended that and Fischer suggested “10 percent” as a the department would seemingly disrepossible return on that investment; if the gard the wishes of their donor. But he’s land sold for $5.3 million, coincidentally, also concerned that the fire department the interest would be the same amount is pushing ahead with its decision withas the department’s current budget.) out incorporating meaningful feedback “It would lower everybody’s taxes from the town it serves. in Underhill and Jericho,” says Clark. “We all know what Alice Rivers “Everybody gets a benefit from this, not wanted, and it’s not a question of legal just the person who wants to go hiking versus illegal, or private company versus on this land, not just the person who public company,” he says. “It’s just right wants to go skiing.” and wrong.” m
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stateof thearts A Gift That Keeps on Giving: Picasso’s Vollard Suite at the Hood B y Pamela Polston
ablo Picasso burst onto the art scene with an exhibit in 1901, and over ensuing decades became a household name. He is arguably the best known — and best, period — artist of the 20th century, an innovator who upended the very rules of art and, in turn, changed how we see it. The artist, who died in 1973, would have had it no other way; his ambition was the equal of his talent. What observers outside the art world may not know is the name of the person responsible for launching Picasso’s career with that 1901 exhibition. That was Ambroise Vollard, at the time the mightiest contemporary art dealer in Paris, carrying the likes of Cézanne, Renoir, Gauguin and van Gogh. The dealer’s name lives on, forever conjoined with Picasso’s, in the Vollard Suite, a series of 100 etchings that Vollard commissioned and Picasso produced between 1930 and 1937. Some 300 sets were made, but most were divided, the prints sold individually. In 1965, Dartmouth College alums Ellen and Wallace Harrison (class of 1950) gifted a complete, unblemished set of the etchings to the Hood Museum of Art, which is displaying them through December 20.
“Blind Minotaur Led by a Little Girl in the Night” (1934)
Short Takes on Film Another Vermont International Film Festival has drawn to a close — and it
was a good one, with packed screenings for movies such as The Act of Killing, Escape From Tomorrow and Frances Ha. Apparently there still are people who will turn out to watch “small” films on a big screen. Last year, students from Burlington College swept the awards at Sleepless in Burlington, VTIFF’s 24-hour film slam. This past Sunday, the team from Middlebury College pulled off a similar feat. The judges included Colin Trevorrow of Burlington, director of the breakout indie Safety Not Guaranteed, whose latest gig is helming Jurassic World. Midd kids also stood out in VTIFF’s Vermont Showcase: Matt Lennon’s short surreal drama “Fuck You, Lucy Pickens (The Orientation)” won multiple awards, and two other students screened their films. The $500 James Goldstone Award went to Elizabeth Rossano and Ashley DeLucco — a former and a current
Seven Days employee, respectively. Congrats! Now it’s time for southern Vermonters to buy their tickets to the second annual Brattleboro Film Festival, which starts on November 1 and runs for two weeks. The fest showcases some of the same acclaimed flicks as VTIFF, including The Act of Killing, Hannah Arendt and Short Term 12. Look also for feature-length animations (some for kids, some not), LGBT-themed dramas, a film where “Bollywood comes to America” and the area premiere of Freedom & Unity: The Vermont Movie (all six parts). Lots more info at brattleborofilmfestival.org. If you don’t already know that indie icon John Turturro will visit Montpelier’s Savoy Theater on November 1, you’re too late to get a ticket to this sold-out event. But you can still attend one of the other screenings organized that week by the
Girl Rising
inaugural MFA in Film program at the Vermont College of Fine Arts. And the directors at those screenings — all faculty in the lowresidency program — could be stars of tomorrow. Take Terence Nance, recently named one of “20 Directors to Watch” by the New York Times. He’ll screen and discuss his first feature, An Oversimplification of Her Beauty, on October 29. Or Nina Davenport, who made a splash in 2008 with the doc Operation Filmmaker. She’ll screen her
latest, about becoming a mom through sperm donation. Find more info on VCFA’s website. “World’s Smallest Drive-In Movie Theater Going Digital,” reads the headline on Kickstarter.com. Bethel’s Randall Drive-In Movie Theatre is campaigning for $45,000 to fund the digital conversion it needs to stay open. Built in Al Randall’s backyard in 1954, the drive-in underwent a
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In addition to the Vollard Suite, the exhibit includes several extraordinary etchings by Rembrandt and Goya, two earlier artists who influenced Picasso. An auxiliary exhibit titled “Cubism and Its Legacy” shows the artist’s direction; the neoclassical etchings represented a “break” from that trajectory, explains Hood director michAel tAylor. Working on the prints allowed Picasso to tackle the exceedingly difficult technique of etching. Not surprisingly, he mastered it — you can see how the works get better and more complex from 1930 onward, Taylor notes of the prints, which are hung in chronological order. Picasso experimented and innovated within the medium, as well. But why did the artist, better known for his paintings, set himself this challenge? Why a suite of 100 etchings? And why did Picasso make them for Vollard?
The dealer had dropped Picasso after he $200 PRIZE painted “Les Desmoiselles d’Avignon” (1907), Taylor says. “Vollard couldn’t accept it as art, couldn’t go into cubism,” he explains. “He really was a dealer of 19th-century art.” But Picasso’s suc*excludes tabacco & vaporizers cess was meteoric, Leota’s version of feminine • McFinn’s Original and Vollard realized power dressing with signature Carbon Filters his mistake by the late ease of wear and care. • G-Pen, O-PHOS, 1920s, Taylor continues. Pax Vaporizer’s $25 off any dresses in October • Pulse Glass He offered Picasso the • JM Flow Sci Glass opportunity to work Educated TI on a special project — For the woman who wants a little glamour Large Selection •• Highly The Largest Selection with complete artistic in her life without a lot of fuss of Rigs In Town of Vaporizers freedom — and the two agreed on a box set: The EXCULUSIVE DEALER OF Illadelph Illadelph artist would create 100 etchings in exchange M-F 10-7, Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 for two paintings he 658-4050 • 115 college st, burlington 75 Main St., Burlington, VT 864.6555 coveted in Vollard’s colMon-Thur 10-9; F-Sat 10-10; Sun 12-7 like us on lection — a Renoir and a Cézanne. www.northernlightspipes.com The Vollard Suite doesn’t just show Must be 18 to purchase tobacco products, ID required the brilliance and evolving skill of the artist; these works also reveal personal 8v-marilyns102313.indd 1 10/22/13 8v-northernlights090413.indd 11:07 AM 1 8/29/13 and political factors in his life at the time. YOUR One theme is the artist in his studio. In
Some of PicaSSo’S minotaurS Party with naked humanS in a dionySian artiSt Studio, but the
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mythical beast is also central to far darker scenes.
» p.25
follows an American graphic designer who finds a family in the children with HiV he meets in an indian orphanage. mArGot HArrISoN
Brattleboro Film Festival: Friday, November 1, through Thursday, November 14, at the latchis Theatre in Brattleboro. $7-9 per film. For schedule and ticket information, see brattleborofilmfestival.org. VCFA Fall Filmmaker Screenings: Monday, October 28, through Friday, November 1, 7 p.m. at the Savoy Theater in Montpelier. Free; reserve tickets at vcfa.edu/film-fallscreenings. Girl Rising: Saturday, October 26, 7:30 p.m. at Main Street landing Film House in Burlington. $5-7, tickets at door; and Thursday, November 7, 7 p.m. at Merrill’s Roxy Cinemas in Burlington; $10, purchase tickets in advance at 10x10act.org/girl-rising. Blood Brother: Thursday, October 24, 7:30 p.m. at Merrill’s Roxy Cinemas in Burlington. $10. merrilltheatres.net
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS STATE OF THE ARTS 21
passionate about giving kids around the world a fighting chance? Two documentaries screening in Burlington this week should get your inner activist fired up. Girl Rising, part of an international effort to empower women through education, tells the story of nine girls facing challenges in nine countries. Blood Brother, a Sundance Grand Jury prize winner,
renovation this year at the hands of leaseholders AdAm GerhArd and reGinA FrAnz, who say the Randall has had “record attendance and sellout nights” under their management. Now it faces the same challenge as drive-ins and small theaters around the nation: surviving the death of film. Check the page to see how it fares — and to donate. Meanwhile, the FAirlee motel & drive-in theAter is still aiming to raise approximately $57K for its digital conversion. You can donate on their website.
2:27 PM
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10/21/13 11:08 AM
stateof thearts
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Notable Language: The VSO Takes On Verbal and Musical Masterworks B y A my Li lly
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS 22 STATE OF THE ARTS
the performance is sure to be compelling — and not just for the long-admired talent of this master cellist, whom a New York Times reviewer last year described as “eloquent” and “memorable.” Robinson plays an instrument whose existence seems impossible: a 1717 Stradivarius. “I feel only that I’m a caretaker,” she says in a phone conversation from her Guilford home, noting that the instrument’s previous “caretaker” was Amaryllis Fleming, Britain’s bestknown cellist before Jacqueline du Pré.
The program celebrates two sesquicentennials — of the Civil War and Richard Strauss’ birth —
but an undercurrent seems to be the interplay of words and music. Courtesy of Vermont Symphony Orchestra
he Vermont Symphony Orchestra is launching its five-concert Masterworks series with an unusually literary program. Ostensibly, the program celebrates two sesquicentennials — of the Civil War and Richard Strauss’ birth — but an undercurrent seems to be the interplay of words and music. A Walt Whitman poem, Abraham Lincoln’s memorable words, Ecclesiastes and a German Romantic poem all find expression in the four works on Saturday night’s program. Arguably the most beautiful marriage of language and music among these is the contemporary American composer Richard Danielpour’s setting in song of Whitman’s “Come Up From the Fields Father.” The poem is an unspeakably sad depiction of a Civil War-era family receiving news from the front of their mortally wounded son. Danielpour’s work uses most of Whitman’s free-verse poem, excising passages spoken by an omniscient narrator. The result is a powerful portrayal in song that is even more emotionally direct than the poem itself. (The piece can be heard on Danielpour’s Curtis Institute of Music faculty webpage.) Speaking by phone from his New York City home, Danielpour says he lives with poems a long time before setting them to music. “I’ve known all the Whitman war poems since the 1990s,” he says. “I need to let things gestate.” Come Up From the Fields Father may be getting a lot of play as a result of the sesquicentennial, but Danielpour wrote it in 2008. “It came as a result of my opening the paper one day and seeing all these head shots of young men and women” who had died in the Iraq war, he recalls. “Whether it’s the Civil War or Iraq, when you’re talking about splitting up families, it’s all quite pertinent.” The VSO and two other orchestras cocommissioned the original piece, written for baritone with viola and piano. On Saturday, baritone Randall Scarlata will sing, accompanied by Sharon Robinson on solo cello. Danielpour has known Robinson and her husband, VSO conductor Jaime Laredo (who will be on the podium), since the mid-1990s. He has written four pieces specifically for them, including Inventions on a Marriage for the couple’s 35th wedding anniversary. Other pieces on the VSO program approach the literary realm in different ways. Aaron Copland’s Lincoln Portrait,
Sharon Robinson
with its tonal sweep from anthemic to wistful to patriotic, could have been placed wholesale into the score of Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln — except that a narrator speaks intermittent passages by, and about, the golden-tongued Civil War president. (Scarlata will speak the role.) Richard Strauss’ Death and Transfiguration tone poem began as a narrative the composer jotted down about the thoughts of a dying artist. After composing the piece, he had his friend, poet Alexander Ritter, write a poem based on his prose summary and appended it to the score — the opposite of most tone poems, which reference an
existing work of literature or other nonmusical source. Ernest Bloch wrote his “Hebraic Rhapsody” Schelomo — the Hebrew word for Solomon — in the midst of World War I, and while moving from his native Geneva to New York. In the upheaval he found comfort in the book of Ecclesiastes, which King Solomon purportedly wrote (though Solomon lived in the 10th century B.C.; Ecclesiastes dates from the third). Bloch orchestrated the 1916 piece for a very large orchestra — the VSO will have the opportunity to shine — and designated the cello as Solomon’s voice. With Robinson in charge of that voice,
Robinson acquired the Fleming Strad, as it’s called, two and a half years ago from Beare and Son Ltd., an antiqueinstrument dealer in London. Robinson has made most of her recordings on a John Lott, and she has had two new cellos made for her in the last 30 years. These she deems “wonderful, modern, healthy cellos,” but they can’t compare. “The Strad has an incredible depth of sound on the lower bass and, at the top, it has a kind of Josephine Baker, husky voice. I’ve just never heard it in another cello. “It has so many colors to be found in it,” she concludes, “and the two pieces [the Bloch and Danielpour] are wonderful pieces for color.” Fittingly, her instrument also has its own literary association, however tangential: Amaryllis Fleming was author Ian Fleming’s half sister. m
Vermont Symphony Orchestra Masterworks concert with Jaime Laredo, conductor; Sharon Robinson, cello; and Randall Scarlata, baritone, on Saturday, October 26, 8 p.m., at the Flynn Center in Burlington. $16-61. vso.org, flynntix.org
Inaugural Fall Residency Free screenings of faculty films at The Savoy Theater Oct 28-31, 2013 MFA.VCFA.EDU/FILM-FALL-SCREENINGS 4T-VtCollege102313.indd 1
96 Church St Burlington | 802 864 2800 | Stella-Mae.com 10/22/13 5:17 PM
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10/22/13 11:43 AM
SEVENDAYSvt.com 10.23.13-10.30.13
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State Your Views – Monday, October 28th at Burlington City Hall at 5PM
ors... l o c l l a f w e n r Introducing ou
STATEof THEarts A POET’S DUE The poet Hayden Carruth (1921-2008) lived in a farmhouse on a back road in Johnson for 20 years. Despite his two dozen books of poetry and spate of prestigious awards — among them a Guggenheim, the Bollingen Prize for Poetry, the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, a Lannan Literary Award, a Whiting Writers’ Award, National Endowment for the Arts fellowships and the Vermont Governor’s Award for Excellence in the Arts — some argue he was never fully appreciated. These Carruth enthusiasts feel his reputation as one of America’s greatest poets isn’t firm enough. As a protest against the dimming of Carruth’s poetic light, Shaun Griffin, a friend and fellow poet, has collected and edited a manuscript titled From Sorrow’s Well: The Poetry of Hayden Carruth. Begun in 2002, while Carruth was still alive, with his help and blessing, Griffin’s project became a 600-page opus, which he delivered to five publishers before one accepted. The final book, now published more than a decade later, consists of half the original manuscript and contains contributions from numerous luminaries, including Wendell Berry, Adrienne Rich, Baron Wormser and DAVID BUDBILL.
Griffin, who lives in Nevada and maintained a 30year correspondence with Carruth, says he conceived the book to right the wrong of underappreciating the poet’s literary importance. From Sorrow’s Well includes essays, interviews and poems in its four sections, each of which describes an aspect of Carruth’s character: Realist, Jazzman, Survivor and Innovator. Griffin renders an overarching sense of the man and the poet, inviting readers both familiar and new to attend his legacy. They can begin by attending a celebration of Carruth’s life and work, with readings from the book, this coming Tuesday. JULIA SHIPLEY
A Celebration of Hayden Carruth and From Sorrow’s Well: Tuesday, October 29, 8 p.m. at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson. Free. Rose Marie Carruth, Geof Hewitt, David Budbill, Baron Wormser and Shaun Griffin will read selections from the book. For info, contact Writing Program director Ryan Walsh, 635-2727, ext. 218, or ryan@vermont studiocenter.org.
It’s easy to express concern for, say, the plight of North American bats battling white-nose syndrome. But for a landowner on the front lines, healing the bats’ ecosystem could mean finding himself on his hands and knees rooting out garlic mustard. Not to mention tangling with acres and acres of red tape. DON MITCHELL of New Haven’s Treleven Farm is no antigovernment Tea Partier. He describes himself as a ’60s radical and back-to-thelander with lifelong authority issues. As the writer relates in his new memoir, those issues came to the fore when Mitchell, recently retired from teaching at Middlebury College, decided to reduce his taxes by enrolling in Vermont’s Use Value Appraisal Program. The problem wasn’t how the state wanted Mitchell and his wife to use their neglected woods: as a habitat for rare Indiana bats. No, the headache 2V-SkiRack102313.indd 1
10/22/13 5:10 PM
was completing all the steps in between. At the bidding of state officials, Mitchell found himself bagging the aforementioned invasive garlic mustard, painting buckthorn stumps with herbicide and even — gasp! — pricing an ATV like his neighbor’s. In short, exercising a form of dominion
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Vollard Suite « P.21 these prints, the artist resembles a classical hero — nude, bearded, wearing an ivy wreath. A young woman who resembles Picasso’s model and mistress at the time, Marie-Thérèse Walter, often accompanies him. Though intimate and sensuous, these works are also contemplative. Some are even humorous. Picasso’s hand is steady and economical, setting scenes with simple line drawings and judicious cross-hatching. It’s just a step from these tableaux to more openly erotic works featuring satyrs and minotaurs. While some depict sexual aggression, others are playful — such as “Minotaur With a Goblet in His Hand and a Young Woman,” in which the reclining creature seems to be considering the qualities of his wine. And some are tender, if voyeuristic — “Minotaur Caressing a Sleeping Woman.” Some of Picasso’s minotaurs party with naked humans in a Dionysian artist studio, but the mythical beast is also central to far darker scenes. In a number of Goya-inspired works, Picasso substitutes the minotaur for a bull in the ring. Many of these works are heart-wrenching. In “Dying Minotaur,” the creature clutches his speared chest in agony as a female spectator reaches out to him from the viewing stand, as if to soothe him in his final moments.
Also available in 82”/$549 92”/ $599 Brown or Tan, Limited supplies
“Picasso: The Vollard Suite,” Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. Through Decembert 20. Info, 603-646-2808. hoodmuseum.dartmouth.edu
likely to find value in those blow-byblow passages. And even urbanites can appreciate Mitchell’s account of trying to sell strangers on the notion of picking his garlic mustard as a “Silent Fasting Retreat”; or the conclusions at which he arrives about nature and human intervention. Creating a habitat for endangered critters, it turns out, is no walk in the park. If you build it, will bats come? Read the book to find out — or ask Mitchell this Thursday at Phoenix Books Burlington.
Starting at
$2,499 SEVENDAYSVt.com
mAR Go t H AR R IS o N
Don Mitchell discusses Flying Blind on Thursday, October 24, 7 p.m., at Phoenix Books Burlington. Free. Flying Blind: One Man’s Adventures Battling Buckthorn, Making Peace With Authority, and Creating a Home for Endangered Bats by Don Mitchell, Chelsea Green, 208 pages. $24.95.
over his acres that reminded him uncomfortably of both the Old Testament God and his authoritarian father. “[W]as this the way I would have chosen to relate to nature?” he writes. “Hell, no.” But, for both selfish and selfless reasons, he forged ahead. Flying Blind traces that process in a chatty, humorous style, alternating — as Mitchell did in his daily outdoor work — between practical matters and larger contemplations, both personal and philosophical. From a casual reader’s perspective, the book suffers from detail and digression bloat, and could have used a more stringent edit. Once Mitchell starts to unearth the dark history behind his dad’s domineering attitude, however, his narrative gains enough momentum to get us through the lengthy descriptions of forest management and chain-saw use. Any landowner considering embarking on a similar endeavor is
Picasso was deeply disturbed by the political turmoil escalating in Europe by the mid-’30s, particularly the Spanish Civil War. Thus the embattled minotaur becomes allegorical, representing “irrational, unconscious forces and uncontrolled sexual aggression and violence,” as Taylor writes in his description of the exhibit. The Vollard Suite also underscores Picasso’s fear of blindness, as in several iterations of “Blind Minotaur Led by a Little Girl in the Night.” In “Minotauromachy,” which Taylor says was “arguably the greatest print made in the 20th century,” the bison-headed figure is again sightless and helpless, guided by a young girl holding a candle. Bigger than the other prints, this one was actually not included in the Vollard box set, but it is on view in the Hood exhibition, and it is riveting. It’s remarkable to be able to see such important, world-class works — and for free! — outside of museum-rich cities. Though intended to benefit Dartmouth students at this teaching institution, the Harrisons’ donation is a gift for all of us. m
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the straight dope bY cecil adams slug signorino
Dear cecil, In sci-fi stories, alien planets often have multiple species of indigenous intelligent life forms, whereas Earth has only one species that is much more advanced than others. Why didn’t multiple species evolve comparable upper-echelon intelligence at the same time? Is there something inherently unlikely with the alien-planet scenario? Ken in Sherborn, mA
• Neanderthals and modern humans diverged from a common ancestor perhaps 400,000 years ago, with Neanderthals living primarily in Europe while our forebears camped out mainly in Africa. • Homo sapiens began spreading out of Africa around 60,000 years ago, and reached Europe maybe 45,000 years ago. • A relatively short time after that, archeologically speaking, the Neanderthals were all gone. Just how short is a matter of debate — some researchers think it may have been as little as 5000 years. What happened? Some theories: • We killed them. Author Jared Diamond among others suggests we may have wiped
out the Neanderthals just as Europeans did with indigenous peoples, via war and disease. One never knows, but Neanderthals, whatever their other deficiencies, were stocky and muscular and would have been formidable foes in close combat. (Then again, the same might be said of Goliath.) As for disease, European pathogens depopulated the New World catastrophically fast — the Taino culture encountered by Columbus in the 1490s was virtually extinct just six decades later. The fact that the Neanderthals hung on for 5000 years suggests that, whatever the differences in mortality, this wasn’t a case where we annihilated the natives primarily with our germs.
contrast, says that, even if we didn’t necessarily destroy them in open warfare, by outgunning them in the battle for scarce resources we pushed them over the brink. Granted the evidence is largely circumstantial, but come on. Neanderthals had survived for hundreds of thousands of years. Then we show up, and 5000 years later they’re gone. Some cite this as an example of the competitive exclusion principle: Two species can’t occupy the same ecological niche; one will eventually drive out the other. That’s not to say you can only have one intelligent species at a time. Consider what some claim is the second-most intelligent animal on our planet: the dolphin. Dolphins have the second-largest brain-to-body-weight ratio of any terrestrial creature. They form large social groups, communicate, use tools and exhibit altruistic behavior. Some researchers say they have so much on the ball they should be considered nonhuman persons. The difference is that dolphins occupy a separate ecosystem from us. Unlike the Neanderthals, they don’t compete with us for the same resources. OK, we’re dealing with an extremely small data set — until such time as the search for extraterrestrial intelligence pays off, this hypothesis is untestable. Still, it’s tempting to conjecture that a planet has room for one intelligent apex predator, and we’re Earth’s.
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hat makes you think having multiple intelligent species around at the same time is science fiction? On the contrary, some researchers believe, two intelligent species once competed to dominate the Earth. Much as today we have normal people duking it out with House Republicans, Homo sapiens not too long ago may have engaged in a long twilight struggle with Homo neanderthalensis — surely one of the more poignant conflicts in human history. One imagines a Cro-Magnon watching the Neanderthals flee after another doomed, pointless battle and thinking: Won’t those dumb bastards ever give up? The thing is, the Neanderthals may not have been all that dumb. Although the name has become a synonym for mouth-breathing dimwit, archaeological research suggests that, at least in terms of brain size, Neanderthals were comparable to us. In other respects, however, they were illadapted to the modern age. To be sure, any discussion of the hominid family tree involves about three parts speculation to one part fact. Here’s what we know:
• We assimilated them. Also not likely. Genome studies suggest some interbreeding occurred, most likely between male Neanderthals and female humans, but probably not a lot. The amount of Neanderthal DNA in the genomes of most present-day Europeans and Asians is no more than around 4 percent, and it’s even lower for Africans, whose ancestors stayed home and thus had less Neanderthal contact. • They couldn’t adapt. The trendy version of this line of thinking is that Neanderthals couldn’t adapt to the changing climate, although climatic conditions at the time they disappeared from the fossil record were seemingly favorable. (Or so it was long thought; some question has since been raised about this.) The issue of timing aside, many have argued that Neanderthals lacked sophisticated social organization and hunting skills (they apparently never domesticated dogs, for example), were awkward and slow, and generally just couldn’t cope with an evolving world. • We outcompeted them. Here we get to the heart of your question. The maladaptation theory suggests Neanderthals would have gone extinct whether we’d been on the scene or not. The competition theory, in
Offer ends Sunday 10/21/13 11:25 AM
Fantastic Fiber BY JULI A SHI PLEY
ike many Vermonters, fiber artist, teacher and writer Cheryl Potter wears a lot of hats — sometimes a tall, pointy, black one, metaphorically speaking: She’s the author of The Broken Circle: Yarns of the Knitting Witches. Having written six fiber-arts instructional books, Potter delves into fantasy with this one; The Broken Circle is the first of a planned trilogy featuring 12 women who activate their magical powers to save their fragile environment from ruin. (The second book, Secrets of the Lost Cave, will be out next summer.) The book is chock-full of details about raw alpinegoat fiber, dye pots, skeins drying on racks and characters knitting yarn as they listen to, well, yarns. In addition, each of the 20 chapters presents an original “magical” garment (Lavender Mae’s Precious Pouch, Skye’s Traveling Cloak, etc.), which readers can fabricate if they wish by following the Knitting Witches’ companion pattern booklet. Potter, 52, is the founder of Cherry Tree Hill Yarns in Barton, where seven full-time employees and three part-timers assist her with dyeing and selling yarn, teaching fiber-arts workshops and publishing. In advance of Halloween, Seven Days caught up with Potter en route to a craft show in New York City. SEVEN DAYS: Is this the life you imagined for yourself? CHERYL POTTER: Absolutely not. I grew up in a mill town in Maine where everyone in my family did a craft of some kind, but I thought I left it all behind when I was accepted to Middlebury College. Imagine my surprise when I got there and everyone was knitting! I took a part-time job at the local yarn shop and proceeded to knit my way through college and graduate school. SD: Was the skill of knitting passed down in your family?
CP: Both of my grandmothers knit, as did my mother, who taught me when I was quite young. Excess knitting needles were commonplace in our house, as were napkins and toilet tissue, as she worked at a paper mill. Determined to knit, I got out a box of Kleenex, took two needles, tore the tissue up and attempted to knit it back together. When my mother saw the mess I had made, she got out some yarn and helped me cast on. I was 5. SD: How did you arrive at this multihued livelihood? CP: After graduate school, I was offered a job teaching freshman composition at a state university. After the interview, I was so depressed that I moved back to Vermont and bought some Romney sheep. I worked at the Hunger Mountain Co-op, rented out rooms at my farm, got juried into Artisans Hand, wrote short stories, did custom knitting — anything not to work a “real” job. [But then] I was doing property management for a real estate company in Montpelier. I had to wear a skirt to work and sit in a cubicle, and I loathed it. A well-known fiber arts magazine had come to do a story about my work the year before, and I thought nothing of it until the article came out, and suddenly I was getting a sack of fan mail every day. One week alone I got 66 letters and postcards, urging me on. It was like being Santa, except everyone wanted yarn instead of toys. When I had 80 customers, I quit my job forever. That was in 1987. SD: You note that knitting needles are a lot like magic wands. Do other knitting or dyeing paraphernalia have witchy overtones? CP: Yes, dye crystals are just that, and when you add them to different mordants in bubbling pots, it’s hard to distinguish them from cauldrons of witches’ brew. Also, you never know with kettle dyeing what magical colors you will get from the combinations of color and fiber. I
Cheryl Potter
call this mystical process “potluck,” as in luck of the dyepot.
SD: Were you knitting when the idea of writing a Barton trilogy occurred? CP: I so wanted to write fanJOB tasy books the entire time Fiber artist, I was growing up. Even in writer, teacher grade school, I wrote short stories and plays, and novellas, and I knitted. When The Lord of the Rings came out as a boxed set when I was in sixth grade, I pretended I was sick and stayed home and read the trilogy in three days, all the time thinking Bilbo and Frodo would have been better as knitting witches. SD: Your prior books are all straightforward pattern books. Why did this one become a fantasy novel? CP: All of my previous books were with major publishers, who mostly cut all the fantastical text I wrote. The Broken Circle is an indie book, because it allows crossgenre publication such as this young-adult fantasy trilogy with a companion pattern book, and a student workbook for summer reading programs and homeschoolers. What mainstream publisher would print that? SD: What if people don’t knit, dye or write creatively — do you believe they have access to magic? CP: I believe that everyone, no matter what they do, has the potential to tap into the magic that is within all of us. In the second book of the Potluck trilogy, my characters call this ability First Folk Fire, which is the ember inside. Everyone has this spark, which is a vestige of magical creativity — but will we smother it out, allow it to ignite or let it consume us? SD: What else are you brewing in the metaphorical dye vat for the coming years? CP: I plan to teach guided studio workshops that explore the magical connection between fiber arts and writing. My husband and I are renovating a large farmhouse into a retreat center, so that like-minded people can have a complete immersive experience to create on an artisan level, or to be able to successfully publish their artistic pursuits. SD: Have you ever knitted a Halloween costume? CP: No, but I did dye up some orange and black yarn, and I have been invited to a knitting retreat in Maryland on Halloween night. We’ll see what happens.
The Potluck Yarn Shop is at 100 Cherry Tree Hill Lane in Barton. More info at cherryyarn.com and potluckyarn.com. Work is a monthly interview feature showcasing a Vermonter with an interesting occupation. Suggest a job you would like to know more about: news@sevendaysvt.com.
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FOXTROT We just had to ask...
Why is there a marble column in the middle of a field in Weybridge? By Shi rl Sa z yn s k i
30 WTF
Weybridge was chartered by N[ew] H[ampshire] in 1761 and settled in 1775 by Thomas Sandford, David Stow, Justus Sturdevant & Claudius Britell.
courtesy of shirl sazynski
SEVEN DAYS 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVENDAYSvt.com
ecause something really awesome happened here. Spies! Prison escapes! Duping the British army! And hunkering in a musty root cellar with only shriveled roots to eat for 10 days! It was all to avoid capture as the British raided and burned their way through Addison County, trying to ensure that the Continental Army had no supplies to fall back on when they left. Somewhere on winding Weybridge Road, in the shadow of Snake Mountain, lurks a dissolving marble, flat-capped column that looks like it ran away from a Middlebury graveyard in the middle of the night. As I stopped at the roadside and walked down the long, straight path, it was eerily still. With the leaves shifting and a morning fog lingering, accompanied only by distant cricket songs, it certainly felt like entering a graveyard. Except that nobody died here. The town of Weybridge keeps the wide path to this monument mowed, however, so visitors are expected. The overgrown ornamental shrubbery around the site and the black iron fence around the obelisk hints that this place was probably once important. The monument is dedicated to Carlton’s Raid — named for a cabinburning British commander — and rather stuffily explains:
Nov. 8, 1778, a party of British Torries & Indians destroyed their houses and effects & carried Sandford & son, Robert D. Stow & son, Claudius C. Britell & son & J. Studevant prisons to Quebec. Their wives and children, after occupying a cellar at this place for 10 days, were taken to Pittsford by our troops. D. Stow died in prison Dec. 31 1778. T. Sandford escaped. The others were discharged in 1782. Erected in 1856 by descendants of the people whose names are carved on it, the monument leaves out all the good parts. Luckily, Middlebury’s Sheldon Museum does not. According to the books Carlton’s Raid by Ida H. and Paul Washington and A History of Weybridge,
Vermont by Ida H. Washington, the official story goes like this: Several stubborn families of farmers in Weybridge refused to evacuate to the nearby garrison of Pittsford when news arrived of the impending British invasion. It’s possible that at least some members of those families were more than just “stubborn.” David Stow and Thomas Sandford were captured on Lake Champlain, miles from home “on a trip to get some lumber.” Strangely, they were sailing near sites occupied by the British when lumber should have been more safely obtainable at any of the neighbors’ abandoned homesteads — and without leaving their families alone in the middle of an invasion. In the middle of a cold November.
Maybe they were just foolish, maybe they’d already scavenged all the nearby wood, or maybe Stow and Sandford were part of the Continental Army’s effort to feed misinformation to the British by seeding men along the way to act as scouts — men who became bogus informants if they were caught and questioned. Those “informants” must have been amazingly good liars, because the British quickly sent back several boatloads of troops to Québec when Sandford, Stow and others told them they could expect to be greeted by a volley of gunshots from a throng of well-armed Continental soldiers if they continued south. In truth, both supplies and troops were running dangerously short for the revolution and could hardly have defended the nearby fort, let alone the rest of Vermont. But for whatever reason, the British took seriously the colonists’ warnings about the level of resistance they could expect, and sought to cut their losses. A much smaller invasive force continued onward from the lake into Addison County to attack the remaining inhabitants and trash their farms. But once they caught the males of Weybridge, the British had trouble hanging on to them. First Robert Sandford, who was only 10, collapsed by the roadside after marching for several miles and was abandoned there, left to find his way home. Then 15-year-old Clark Stow was released into the custody of a Québec woman and spent the Revolutionary War as her servant. Next, Thomas Sandford tried to sneak a letter home to his wife, but prison guards confiscated it. He didn’t give up. Sandford escaped when a mass of prisoners tunneled out through the walls one night. After this fiasco, the British moved their feisty captives to a lumber mill in Malbaie. But this didn’t end the escape attempts. Claudius Britell, Justus Studevant and others stole a flat-bottomed boat and took off. Unfortunately, they were recaptured. Meanwhile, Sandford wandered for months all across New England, trying to find his way back home. When he finally got there, two of his escaped horses had gone wild, but still recognized him when he called their names. They probably fared better than his farm, which was sold to a family from Connecticut. But Sandford’s fortunes must have recovered somewhat, because 70 years later his descendants were still around to carve the bones of his story into marble. m
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10/22/13 5:45 PM
Scare Tactics
A writer auditions for a theatrical Nightmare
scream factory from the rest. In a word: drama. Each production of Nightmare is a short, moving play about the paranormal. For five nights this week, a volunteer cast that has been rehearsing for more than a month will deliver the same lines, bust out the same fight scenes and witness the same horrified facial expressions on upward of 30 groups of guests. Moving between about 10 rooms in Burlington Memorial Auditorium, each Nightmare experience takes close to an hour. This year’s production is titled Nightmare Vermont: Birthday Cake. Its plot revolves around Derek, a teen protagonist who has been abducted and presented to a girl named Janey as a gift on her 16th birthday. Six separate actors play Derek, walking guests through the different chapters of his escape. It’s what might have happened if Ridley Scott adapted Carrie as an off-Broadway play. The point of the integrated storyline, the show’s creators explain, is to tease out deeper societal fears. “One of the things I like about Nightmare is that we’re not afraid to touch themes that are real for people,” says Beagley. She defines this year’s theme as “reverse-gendered stalking, where males are kidnapped by females.” By comparison, she incorporated the issue of reproductive health into last year’s production — a dark fairy tale that Murray describes as a cross between Hellboy II and A Midsummer Night’s Dream — by writing a scene about a creature growing inside one character’s body. “It kind of played off that fear of someone losing control as someone does something to their body,” Beagley explains. “It had to be very delicately handled.” Not that “delicate” is a word you’ll associate with Nightmare. For the past couple of years, the producers have commissioned Steve Moore as their “violence coordinator.” With a background in martial arts and combat choreography, Moore shows all the actors how to deliver convincing blows. Both in character and in real life, many of those actors end up taking a beating and getting a workout over the stretch of shows. JUSTIN ATHERTON
n the day I allegedly stabbed a man named Skittlez through the heart, the biggest surprise was not that he came back to life, or that there is a person named Skittlez, but that I liked it. I’d deliberately avoided coffee that gray September morning before my audition at Nightmare Vermont — an annual hauntedhouse event in Burlington — because such dastardly work requires a steady hand and stomach. Instead, I tossed back some whiskey before hoofing it out of Winooski, across the bridge to Burlington and into the Chace Mill. In a midsize dance studio deep inside the old brick structure, I found a crowd of 20-odd people milling about. Some were completing registration forms, while others were demonstrating strangulation techniques they’d learned over the summer. Most were dressed casually, but it didn’t surprise me to find one girl clad in black platform boots, pink kneesocks and a floral miniskirt. She had biked past me on my walk over. As I filled out my paperwork by the studio door, my would-be stabbing victim was the first to acquaint himself. “I’m Skittlez,” he said, extending a friendly hand. Two of the event’s organizers, Jana Beagley and Bob Fishel, then came over to ask my name. Before long, they had sat everyone down in chairs on one side of the mirrored space. Even with two ounces of liquid courage, I had trouble keeping the butterflies at bay as Beagley launched into her pep talk. “We’ve had people leaving unconscious because they fainted. We’ve had people screaming. We’ve had people leave with wet underwear — and not in a good way,” she explained semi-cheekily, before providing an overview of the afternoon’s events and passing the baton to Fishel. “Just to give you guys a little bit of a heads up, I might say ‘thank you,’ which doesn’t mean I don’t like you or you got the role. It just means I have gotten a sense of the way you read it,” Fishel explained. “We’ll go through everyone, and if you have a role you’d like to read, we can do that and bring in some people to help you.”
Without pause, he then looked directly at me: “So, Charlie, did you have something you were interested in reading?” To the uninitiated, Nightmare Vermont may resemble your run-of-the-mill house of horrors. Many of its actors wear Halloween makeup, and this year’s production relies on such tried-and-true scare tactics as the chain saw and a claustrophobia machine (two nylon pillows that close in on patrons). As Beagley’s speech at the audition made clear, those cheap thrills haven’t been for naught: The Nightmare team has literally scared the bodily fluids out of at least two patrons. Coproducer Pat
Murray doesn’t exactly consider that a badge of honor, but it does give him some encouragement. “I’m the straight man in this partnership, and I’m not super happy with urine-soaked patrons going through [the haunted house], but I can’t argue with the effectiveness of the scare,” says Murray, who cowrote this year’s Nightmare script with Beagley. Still, thrills aren’t all Nightmare is about. Several weeks after the auditions, that much is clear as Murray, Beagley and Fishel sit in the Starbucks on Williston Road and tell me what separates their
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10/14/13 2:59 PM
SEVENDAYSVT.COM 10.23.13-10.30.13
Just ask Fishel, who is directing this “I want you to just really take a second year’s production. He originally entered and think about the fact that you’re a the Nightmare ecosystem as an actor in high schooler, 16, and you have just been 2011, playing a “mad scientist lizard” who strapped to a chair and given to this girl as met a violent end after abducting one too a birthday present by her janitor father,” many children. “I was punched, thrown Fishel said. “So take a second, internalize across the room, dragged by my hair, up- that, and try to show that.” percutted. I got pistol-whipped and shot,” So I delivered the lines again, as I imagFishel recalls. “We used a blank gun, of ined a freaked-out high schooler might: course.” “The police are going to want to Beagley, who is also performknow what happened. OK, ing in this year’s show, dewe need our stories straight serves much of the credit for first, OK? You were all there. molding Nightmare into its They were going to kill me, current form. She began writI mean, it was self-defense. ing the production’s scripts Jesus. I killed a guy.” in 2004, drawing on her backAfterward, people ground as both a thespian and a clapped. Fishel asked if I’d be veteran haunter. OK shaving my beard and cutting “It had always broken my heart that my hair. I could shave the beard, I said, but there are haunts that do their theater probably not the hair. badly, and there are theaters that do their The second half of the audition coninteractive — actually getting a rise out of sisted of combat training. The violence people — badly,” she recalls. “I was, like, coordinator led us through stretches ‘I’m going to throw before having us praceverything I’ve learned tice a fight routine. My about haunting and partner, a girl named everything I’ve learning Kelly, slapped me in the about theater into one face, kneed me in the show.’” groin, kicked my feet In 2009, Nightmare out from under me and partnered with the stomped on my ribcage. South Burlington I strangled her, and Rotary to help stage tried to make her abuse the shows. Half the look real. profits now go to the I left the audition Rotary, while 10 percent feeling unexpectof this year’s will also edly exhilarated. I’d JAN A B E AGLE Y go to Women Helping decided on a whim to Battered Women. try out after moving to It’s clear the three producers enjoy Burlington in August and seeing a flyer their work. Fishel, who also helps out on for the event. In part, I wanted to do some the business side of Nightmare, relishes gonzo reporting. But having done some the fact that the upcoming shows take acting in high school, I suspect some part place in downtown Burlington, as op- of me also wanted to get back onstage. posed to the abandoned properties on But the exhilaration turned to dread Picard Circle in South Burlington they’ve when I got a call that evening from Erin used for several years. Kirkpatrick, Nightmare’s stage manager. “For me, personally,” Fishel says, “it’s She offered me one of the six Derek roles. awesome that we’re bringing the haunt to Over the afternoon, I’d thought about it and Burlington.” decided I wouldn’t be able to commit to six weeks of rehearsal. Furthermore, after s for my audition, I stuttered when consulting with my editor, I’d also realFishel asked which scene I wanted to ized that any involvement with Nightmare read. I quickly leafed through the scripts would disqualify me from writing about it, and picked one with Derek, the high which was really my ulterior motive. schooler who finds himself bound, gagged So I told Kirkpatrick no, and a little and presented to the female antagonist later told Fishel the same. He was cool for her sweet 16th. As I got up in front of with it. But I wasn’t. Now that I’d had a almost 30 people, I figured I could chan- taste of the twisted fun that is Nightmare, nel some my own unease into the role. it pained me to turn down an opportunity The scene picked up after Derek nar- to bring the haunt to Burlington. rowly escapes his hostage crisis by stabbing Janey’s father in the heart. Over the course of my reading, I would express INFO horror at the desperate measure, while the Nightmare Vermont performs October 24 now-undead father figure would return to to 27 and October 30 at Memorial Auditorium taunt me. After Fishel assigned the role in Burlington. Times vary and are listed on of “Daddy” to Skittlez, we read through the website. $10. Tickets can be purchased the lines once. Then Fishel had me take it in advance online, or for $15 at the door. from the top. nightmarevermont.org
Fright Night Thrills, chills and damnation at Dead North BY D AN BO L L E S
The following is a fictionalized account based on the author’s recent visit to Dead North at the Great Vermont Corn Maze in North Danville.
an, I think we’re lost.” “We’re not lost, Sarah,” Dan said over the crunch of car wheels on gravel, the little red sedan shaking as it sped along the dirt road. Beyond the windshield, fading light bathed a barren cornfield in an autumnal glow. The spiky remains of corn stalks poked from the ground in endless neat rows. “At least, not yet. Oh, hey. Turn this up.” Sarah reached for the stereo, and the Marketts’ “Out of Limits” filled the car. “That opening riff always makes me think of ‘The Twilight Zone.’” “You are such a dork,” said Sarah, shaking her head. “So, what is this thing again? Dead Head North?” “Dead North. It’s some hokey haunted corn maze or something. I’ve heard it’s fun,” Dan said, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. “Supposedly, there were a bunch of murders there, like, 100 years ago,” he continued. “Oh, fun,” said Sarah, rolling her eyes toward the passenger side window, where tall, spindly trees blocked the last of the day’s light. “The story I heard was that there were these weird French Canadian brothers, the Boucher brothers, I think. They moved down from Québec to some old Vermont boom town called North Village to become farmers.” “Boo-sher, huh?” Sarah said. “Doesn’t sound very French.” “That’s Vermont French, kiddo. Anyway, it turns out the Bouchers didn’t have much of a green thumb and really sucked at farming. So they opened a slaughterhouse. Care to guess what the locals called them?” “Um, the Butcher brothers?” “Gold star for you! So, one year, one of the brothers went missing. That led people to start wondering what was really in the meat.” “Ugh, gross.” “It gets better. When the other brother died a few years later, he left the family business to his three deformed sons. But North Village had pretty much become,
pardon the pun, a ghost town by then after the railroad went through St. J. So they didn’t have much of a clientele. Except for a traveling freak show, the Benson Brothers Family Circus, who had camped in the fields by the slaughterhouse to work on their act.” “I don’t like where this is going.” “Nope. That winter there was a crazy blizzard. Real apocalyptic shit. The town was cut off for a week. When it was finally accessible again, the authorities found the circus camp totally ransacked, everything covered in blood, and no sign of the Bensons. Or the Bouchers.” “So the Bouchers killed the circus freaks?” “Or vice versa. No one really knows. Point is, now every year in October, the town does the haunted corn maze thing in the cornfield next to the old slaughterhouse to, I don’t know, commemorate the killings, I guess.” “How cute. Nothing like making light of mass murder.” “I’m sure it’s all bullshit, babe. It’s just a gag.” “And we really have to do this?” “I have to do the story. Such is the glamorous life of a small-town journalist. But don’t worry. I’ll protect you from the bored teenagers in hockey masks.” “I’m sure,” said Sarah, gazing out the window as the car approached the crumbling remains of an old farmhouse along the roadside. Weeds grew tall against its rotted, gray walls. Most of the windows had been broken. “You know, I really think we’re lost.” “Maybe we should stop and ask for directions,” Dan said with a grin, slowing the car and nodding at the darkened house.
“Please don’t.” “Deal. Let’s just keep going. I’m sure we’ll find it,” said Dan. “Oh, look. There’s a sign. Sort of.” A battered cardboard sign was ducttaped to a stop sign at a fork in the road. It read “MAZE” in black marker with an arrow pointing right. “There we go,” Dan said, steering the Volkswagen down a narrow dirt road. “See? I told you we weren’t lost.” A few miles later, they came upon a large red barn. Dan turned the car into an empty parking lot beside it.
“Huh.” he said. “Looks pretty dead.” “Very funny,” said Sarah. “Are you sure this is it?” “There’s a sign that says ‘Dead North,’” said Dan, pointing across the road at a cluster of small outbuildings. “I think we go there.” They exited the car and made their way toward the buildings. On one of the far structures, a soft yellow light flickered above the large door. “Come on. This way.” The door groaned as Dan opened it. Inside, the sharp musk of farm animals hung in the air. At the far end of the dirt floor, a small woman, dressed head to toe in black, sat at a table beneath a buzzing light. Her dark hair fell in limp strands over a seemingly featureless face. “Hello?” Dan called across the room. “Is this Dead N—” “Welcome, Mr. Bolles,” the woman said, her creaky voice thin and raspy. “We’ve been expecting you for some time. Please, hurry now. They’re waiting. They’re all waiting.” The woman extended a bony arm toward a back door that seemed to open on its own. Outside, a tractor stood running with a coughing idle. Behind it was attached a covered metal wagon. Get in. The icy whisper seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at once. Dan turned back to the building to find the
PHOTOS Courtesy of dead north
Dan Bolles recently interviewed Dead North owner/operator Mike Boudreau about the inner workings of his haunted corn maze. To read that interview, visit the Seven Days blog Live Culture. For more info on Dead North, check out vermontcornmaze.com/ haunted.html.
Just then the stalks beside them rustled. “Did you see that?” said Dan. “See what?” Sarah asked. “I think there’s something in the corn.” “Is it the Butcher brothers?” she teased. Come play with us, Dan. “OK. You heard that, right?” said Dan, looking around nervously. “I didn’t hear anyth— What was that?” Sarah pointed at a spot down the path. A small, dark figure darted across and back into the corn. Then another, from the opposite direction. There was a faint sound of children giggling. Play with us, Sarah. “Maaaaybe we should go back,” said Sarah, stepping backward. As she turned, she came face-to-face with a tall, shadowy figure. He stood motionless, save for the heavy rise and fall of his chest. A stench of rotting meat filled the air with each strained, steaming breath. Play. Play. PLAY! Sarah shrieked and fell backward, tripping over Dan, grabbing him as she scrambled to keep her balance. Dan uttered a wordless gasp as he turned to see the figure gliding toward them. “Go, Sarah! Go!” They broke into a run, sprinting through the corn maze around tight, blind corners, the stalks seeming to grab for them as they ran. They reached a large gray building and finally collapsed in a breathless heap by a dented metal door.
at center stage. Beneath a red devil mask that covered his eyes and nose, a jagged pink scar ran down his cheek to a black mustache. “Good evening,” Marko boomed to the crowd as the music stopped. “The Benson Family Traveling Circus is delighted you’re here. You’ll have a hell of a time, I promise. A hell of a time.” He smiled, the movement twisting his gnarled scar. “But do watch out for those Butcher boys, won’t you?” Then he paused, tilting his head as if listening to some phantom voice. “Ah. They’re ready for you. Step this way. Quickly now.” Dan and Sarah followed the crowd into a dark hallway past the stage that ended at a large wooden door. At odd intervals, the door would open, and costumed children led small groups of people through it. Finally, the couple reached the front of the queue. The door opened. “I guess this is us,” Dan said, reaching for Sarah’s hand. They stepped through the door, and it closed loudly behind them. A long, narrow path stretched before them. On either side, stalks of corn reached high into a silent, moonlit sky. “Wow. It just got really cold,” said Sarah, hugging herself and watching her breath steam into the night air as they slowly moved into the maze. Then she stopped. “Where did everyone else go? Shouldn’t we hear them, at least?” “Uh, I don’t know. We should probably keep going.”
source of the voice — the woman, he assumed. The door was closed. Get in. “Did you hear that?” “I think we’re supposed to get in the wagon,” said Sarah, taking Dan’s hand. Hesitant, he followed her up the metal steps into the wagon. “I thought you were going to protect me,” she chided, smiling. The interior was almost pitch black. They sat on a bench just as the tractor began to move. It lumbered for several minutes, jostling over a bumpy trail before finally coming to rest. Get out. Stepping out of the wagon, they found another shabby building, this one brightly lit. From inside they could hear the hum of a party. A familiar, tinny melody wafted above the chatter. I go walking, after midnight… “Is that Patsy Cline?” Dan said, turning an ear toward the sound. They moved inside, where a throng of people dressed in Halloween costumes stood gathered in front of a stage. “Where are all their cars?” said Sarah, looking at the crowd. “The parking lot was deserted.” “Dunno. But I do feel underdressed. Let’s get closer,” Dan said as they moved into the crowd. A faded banner announcing Marko the Magician hung at the back of the stage. Clad in red satin, a portly magician stood
“What was that?” Sarah yelled between gasps of air. “I don’t know.” “What was it?” “I don’t know, Sarah! I don’t even know where we are … oh, my God.” Their eyes drifted upward. Above them loomed a sign, painted on rusty metal: Boucher Brothers Slaughterhouse. “We need to go. Now,” said Dan, pulling Sarah to her feet. With a hollow bang, the door burst open. A cloud of blue smoke and the smell of gasoline filled the air. Dan and Sarah both screamed, but the unmistakable roar of a chainsaw subsumed their panicked howls. Through the smoke, a hulking figure staggered toward them, holding the saw high above its head. Again they ran into the corn, which closed in around them. They swiped frantically with their arms, trying to smash it back. They kicked at it. But it kept coming, tearing at their clothes. Behind them, the revving whine of the chainsaw grew closer, punctuated by a high, hysterical laugh. Where are you going? We’ve been waiting for you. Play with us. Play with us forever. Finally, Sarah and Dan burst through the corn and spied a building with a large door. They sprinted for it, yanked it open and tumbled into the building. They landed face down on a dirt floor, again catching the musk of farm animals. In the distance sounded a familiar, tinny melody. I go walking, after midnight… Dan pushed himself up on his elbows and lifted his gaze. By a far wall under a buzzing light sat a woman with dark, stringy hair that fell over a seemingly featureless face. “Welcome, Mr. Bolles,” the woman said, her voice thin and raspy. “We’ve been expecting you for some time. Please, hurry now. They’re waiting. They’re all waiting.” m
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10/21/13 11:01 AM
Monster Mash Mike Ridge builds creatively creepy creatures
here’s no metal filing in my eyeball,” Michael Ridge happily reports upon returning from a visit to the eye doctor. This is good news — Ridge was worried that he’d incurred an unfortunate work-related injury. Fully functioning eyeballs are pretty useful when you spend your day creating giant motorized sculptures of demons and cartoon characters. Ridge, 35, lives in Montpelier and works at Advanced Animations in Stockbridge, where he sculpts fantastical
animatronic figures. His job is probably more fun than most. Now at the upper echelon of his profession, Ridge has come a long way from drawing orcs on restaurant napkins and using crumpled newspaper, masking tape and paint to craft a replica of one of the titular creatures from the film Gremlins 2. He used the same materials in his “gore phase” to sculpt “intestines and hearts and brains,” then shifted gears a bit when high school art classes introduced him to the medium of clay.
Animations allowed him to develop his skills, further his career and move to Vermont, where his girlfriend — now wife (Kristin Carlson, an anchor at WCAX) — was living. Despite its location in a tiny Vermont town, the company where Ridge has worked for the last decade is a leader in its industry. Most of the figures that Ridge sculpts at Advanced Animations find homes at theme parks and museums all over the world. Since he frequently builds models of trademarked characters that are worth billions in licensPHOTOS COURTESY OF MICHAEL RIDGE
ing fees, he’s unable to disclose his client list. “Secrecy is a big deal,” Ridge says. “The stuff we’re working on is a big moneymaker for these parks, and the draw is that the only way to see this stuff is to go to the park and pay your admission.” Chances are that if you’ve been to a major theme park, or seen animatronic figures in a museum exhibit, you’ve seen Ridge’s work.
» P.39
reating animatronic figures is a highly specialized niche, even within the special-effects industry. Every wizard, robot and instantly recognizable creature produced by Advanced Animations passes through the hands of numerous skilled artisans before it can greet themepark patrons with its uncannily lifelike gestures. The process begins when a client invites the company to bid on a proposed project. If Advanced Animations is awarded the project, the engineering and computer design departments set to work designing the figure’s mechanical innards. At the same time, the design team — on which Ridge, a sculptor, has played a larger role lately — draws up thumbnail sketches. A full-size drawing is the next step — which is saying something, since some of these figures top nine feet. The finished drawings are transferred to
A lifelong interest in fantasy and science fiction — Ridge says Return of the Jedi “made a huge impact” and that The Lord of the Rings novels “blew [his] mind” — spurred him to develop his technical skills. By high school, he was experimenting with making latex masks. “I made life casts of my poor twin brother,” he says. As a fine art major focusing on sculpture at Syracuse University, Ridge was frustrated that he couldn’t incorporate his love for genre entertainment into his studies, and he considered heading to Hollywood to seek a job in the special-effects industry. After graduation, though, he distributed his portfolio widely and landed a position with Brooklyn-based Art Asylum, which makes collectible action figures. What started as an unpaid internship turned into a full-time job at which Ridge learned a great deal about making molds with silicon, a process that’s now integral to his work. What Ridge calls a “perfect” situation presented itself in 2003: A job at Advanced
Stages in the construction of the Garamike mask
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Monster Mash « p.37
n collaborating with Michael Nordstrom, a Burlington artist, writer and musician, Ridge has found another outlet for his work — one that you may well see roaming the streets of Burlington for Halloween next week. “Garamike” is part costume, part homage to Japanese monster movies, part performance art and totally nutty. In Japanese, the word kaiju literally means “strange creature,” but it has come to refer to the man-in-a-rubber-monstersuit cinematic subgenre, as well as to those fantastical beasts themselves. Godzilla, or Gojira, is the most famous. There are scores of kaiju, many of which have developed cult followings. coURTEsy oF michAEl doylE
Ridge’s enthusiasm foR “taking reality and pushing it to the level of fantasy” was a majoR plus at advanced animations. to m r INg
Advanced Animations: advancedanimations.com
Say you saw it in...
“The Art of Horror” at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery: spacegalleryvt.com/2013/09/27/ the-art-of-horror-2/
Garamania blog: garamania.blogspot.com
One such cultishly adored creature is named Garamon, an autumnal-hued, fishfaced oddball with two arms that dangle uselessly from the middle of his chest. Garamon — and his later incarnation, Pigmon — appeared in the 1960s Japanese TV shows “Ultra Q” and “Ultraman,” respectively. Though instantly recognized by Japanese citizens of all ages, Garamon is comparatively obscure in the West. But Nordstrom, Garamon’s No. 1 fan, is on a mission to boost the creature’s reptilian profile. Nordstrom describes Garamon as “cute in his way, but incredibly grotesque.” Struck by the character’s bizarre appearance, he has not only written extensively about Garamon, but has, with Ridge’s help, designed and created a highly detailed
any complete frame job with this coupon Garamon costume, which looks far better than the original rubber suit ever did. The costume made its debut as part of a gallery show called “Garamaniacal” that Nordstrom curated at FOE Gallery in Northampton, Mass., in 2012. “I decided I wanted to become this fusion creature, • sturdy ‘Garamike,’” says Nordstrom, who then re• inclinable membered that he’d often driven past a road• handy tray for storing paints side sign for Advanced Animations. Cold& brushes calling the place, he contacted Ridge, and • holds canvas up to 49" Expires 11/15/13 the two struck up a kaiju-riffic collaboration. The two Michaels share a love for sci-fi and fantasy, and they quickly hit it off. Nordstrom’s idea was for a foam mask; Ridge suggested that a silicon creation would last much longer. On New Year’s 139 Bank Street, 98 Church StreetBurlington Burlington Day 2012, Ridge poured alginate over 864.5475 • boutiliersart.com 802.864.5475 Nordstrom’s head in order to create the M-Sat 10-6, Sun 12-5 lifecast that he would use for the basis of www.boutiliers.com the silicon Garamon mask. While Ridge worked up the silicon parts, Nordstrom crafted the foam headpiece; the two sec12v-Boutiliers102313.indd 1 10/17/13 3:48 PM tions weren’t conjoined until just hours before the opening of the gallery show. The detail on the mask is especially astonishing considering that it was Ridge’s first time sculpting a silicon mask. “Mike is an artistic gem,” says Nordstrom. “He’s not just technically proficient but so deeply creative, and so humble about his talents.” Tom Ring, 51, of Quechee, is Advanced Animations’ art director and has worked closely with Ridge on numerous projects. Ring says that, back in 2003, Ridge’s portfolio stood out from all the others for his obvious skill with textures and unusual forms. Whereas other applicants submitted portfolios that bespoke classical training in sculpture, Ridge’s enthusiasm for “taking reality and pushing it to the level of fantasy,” as Ring puts it, was a major plus for a top-tier animatronics company. Bob Crean, 65, of Pomfret, Advanced Animations’ vice president of operations, calls Ridge “a talented sculptor, whether it’s humans, animals or inanimate objects … He’s great at what he does.” Is Ridge an artist, then? An artisan? A technician? He puzzles over this one a moment. “Hmm. The work I do is entertainment, and it does require a lot of technical skill,” he muses. “I think it’s art. Yeah, it’s art! Sure it is. It’s creating a vision for other people to see and enjoy.” One fan of Ridge’s artwork is his 2-yearold daughter, who is completely inured to the ghouls and goblins scattered about her home. “If she’s asked what [“Concept Art of Jenny”] is,” says Ridge, “she’ll just say, ‘That’s Daddy’s monster.’” m 8V-ORSports102313.indd 1 10/21/13 3:35 PM SEVENDAYSVt.com
sheets of urethane foam, which Ridge then carves and shapes using hand tools. After the client approves the 3-D version, the sculpture is sealed with resin, primer and paints, depending on the desired finish. A negative image of the whole object is then cast using a mold, which, when layered with silicon and fiberglass, becomes the shell of the finished figure. The last step, before painting and detailing, is for the machine shop to install the figure’s complex mechanics — the devices that make these characters “come to life.” You might think that moving sculptures such as these would be ideally suited for movies, but, as Ridge points out, cinematic special effects require a “different sort of construction mentality.” Advanced Animations’ creations are built to last; a contract with a client might require that a figure function for 10 years or longer. Mechanical special effects that are created for even the biggest-budget films are far more ephemeral. If a Hollywood animatronic figure were to run all day, every day, as Advanced Animations’ figures do, Ridge says, “it would fail very quickly. Its skin would tear, and its servos [motors] would break down.” Ridge’s work may not show up on multiplex screens, but it is found in another type of venue: museums. Advanced Animations has crafted mechanical figures for many exhibits, including the popular “Grossology” series that has traveled the science-museum circuit for years. (The exhibit played at Burlington’s ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center in 2006.) “Grossology” uses mechanical, bigger-than-life, interactive sculptures to graphically illustrate the many icky features of the human body: foul odors, vomit, poop and the like. Ridge built several devices for the popular exhibit’s sequel, “Animal Grossology.” “[My job] is a perfect outlet for my creative energy,” he says. “If I weren’t employed at Advanced Animations, I would be making very similar things on my own.” In fact, Ridge does make those things on his own time. A creepy, gory piece that he designed and built, titled “Concept Art of Jenny,” is currently on view at Burlington’s S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in the annual “Art of Horror” show. (See review on page 74 of this issue.) Though initially designed for a film project that never came to fruition, the piece — a macabre sculpture of a semidecayed ghoul — not only fits perfectly with the show’s theme, it stands on its own as an accomplished piece of craftsmanship. Ridge, who also paints monster-free watercolor landscapes in his free time, looks forward to participating in more gallery shows, in part because Advanced Animations’ nondisclosure agreements legally require that his best-known works remain anonymous. “A lot of people see my work, which is
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gratifying, but at the same time, my name is not attached to it,” Ridge says. “Showing something in a gallery is a good way to actually be attached to a piece I made.”
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here is a kind of friction when truth rubs against lies. It can take its time sanding away a life or rip it apart in an instant, but rasp it does. In Tennessee Williams’ masterpiece Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, six members of a Southern cotton plantation family take a good long look at mendacity and try to find peace with their thwarted desires. Some characters shatter lies to seek control, and others hold tight to the lies they must tell themselves. In this production by Middlebury Actors Workshop, a fine cast reveals the depth of Williams’ characters. Big Daddy is celebrating his 65th birthday sitting on a vast estate without a will — which may be fine, since he’s just gotten the news that he’s not, as feared, dying of cancer. His
10/21/13 3:23 PM
younger — and favorite — son, Brick, prefers drinking to dying. But that’s as close to living as he’s willing to go, now that he’s mourning the suicide of a best friend he loved a great deal more than he does his wife, Maggie. Maggie (the “Cat”) is still sexually attracted to Brick, but they’re no longer sleeping together and so can’t provide the grandchild Big Daddy would adore. Maggie has the strength to fight for the inheritance, but elder son Gooper, an attorney, is disciplined, temperate and about to have his sixth child. His wife, Mae, is even keener on pressing their advantage, and uses her kids like obnoxious pawns to snare the attention of Big Daddy and his wife. Big Mama would
prefer Big Daddy’s attentions turn back to her; she’s loved him for 40 years while he’s barely tolerated her. Character is plot in this play, because these six people are all driven by needs they cannot satisfy. Williams refuses to give these realistic figures unrealistic opportunities to fix their lives. It’s tragedy he is after, and the deepest source of that is personality itself. Williams’ courage as a playwright requires equal daring from actors. In MAW’s production, each performer has transcendent moments that reveal the intensity of this magnificent play. As Maggie, Katie Hartke has the energy and determination to bring this complex creature to life. What Maggie wants can be
condemned as manipulative and selfish. But who Maggie is earns our fascination. Her dissatisfaction and edge of cruelty are the most accessible elements of the role, yet Hartke goes beyond them to show us the beauty of Maggie’s animal passion for survival. Charlie Murphy plays Brick with a restless despair. It’s a difficult and, arguably, underwritten role. Brick’s needs are clear enough, but his self-deception has all the subtlety of a mist settling on the Mississippi. With few lines and fewer actions, the character must take shape as much in our imagination as before our eyes. Murphy has the brooding down, but Brick’s tragic ease with his own dissipation eludes him. Still, Murphy’s sad, hollow stares are perfectly poignant. In the show’s only real false note, director Melissa Lourie equates constant, busy attention to the physical gestures of drinking with a portrayal of alcoholism. Instead of showing Brick’s need, she stages his consumption, hyperbolically getting him to down a fifth of whisky in 20 minutes. The effect would be comical if Murphy weren’t able to portray the weight of Brick’s sorrow. Even so, the constant booze pouring undercuts William’s depiction of the refined little alcoholic world Brick perfects in his search for the “click” when his brain shuts off the world. With less casual repetition, the alcoholic’s ritual would mean more, for Williams is trying to show something a lot more profound than a bad habit. Both Hartke and Murphy bring solid ideas to their roles. In Act One, they need to work together to help the audience pierce Brick’s passivity to see his internal turmoil, and go past Maggie’s voluble chatter and preening to understand her anger and anxiety. With Brick nearly silent and Maggie a volcano of words, it’s a challenge. In this production, the actors stay on their private trajectories, so that Maggie’s tactical interest in sleeping with Brick comes through more clearly than her sexual desire. And Brick’s withdrawal is so complete, we don’t see enough of what Maggie, Big Daddy and Big Mama still love about him, his beauty and potential. But as the other characters are introduced, the production gathers intensity. Big Daddy, played by Steve Small, is a powerhouse. Once he’s told his medical fears are unfounded, Big Daddy gives booming voice to the expansive lust for life that his son fails to feel. In a meditation on mortality and morality, Small is charismatic. And when he confronts Brick in what may be the ultimate father-son chat, both actors are superb.
Brick is not prepared to admit to himself what he feels for his dead friend Skipper. Big Daddy and Brick must bluster, lie and skirt the edges of the burning shame that homosexuality could provoke in the 1950s, yet Williams’ scene is as powerful, courageous and revelatory as theater gets. Murphy and Small are riveting in that searing duet. As Big Mama, Stephanie Gallas enters as a bundle of nervous motion and then settles into a nuanced portrayal of a woman trying to make do with a husband who can’t be bothered to notice her, despite her embarrassing attempts to rouse his jealousy or, still more futilely, his affection. Joe Schine lets Gooper blandly endure his father’s indifference and his wife’s frantic prodding. It’s not until the end that Gooper emerges from the shadows, and Schine does a clever job of letting us underestimate the wellbehaved son. He peels back only a little of the hurt of never having felt an ounce of love from his father, but he makes it count. Tanya Lehman finds all of Mae’s vivid zeal for securing the biggest slice of any pie being handed out. From her first entrance, her showboating pride in her pregnancy radiates through the room. Mae and Gooper are like two baseball players about to crash into each other while chasing a fly ball that neither will catch. Lehman’s Mae, always looking up, can’t bring herself to look out. Lourie’s direction results in strong performances. The set design by Jon Craine places ambiguous entrances all around the room, and the stylization generally works as Lourie shows how the most intimate moments can be overheard or intruded on. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof won the 1955 Pulitzer for best play, and it remains a compelling theatrical experience and a showcase for powerful acting. In one of his textual notes on the work, Williams writes, “Some mystery should be left in the revelation of character in a play, just as a great deal of mystery is always left in the revelation of character in life, even in one’s own character to himself.” This production preserves that mystery, even as the little friction of lies rubs the characters raw. m
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In MAW’s productIon, eAch perforMer hAs trAnscendent MoMents thAt
reveal the intensity of this magnificent play.
SEVENDAYSVt.com 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof by Tennessee Williams, directed by Melissa Lourie, produced by Middlebury Actors Workshop, Thursday, October 24, 7:30 p.m. at Paramount Theatre in Rutland. $20. paramountvt.org
Ahead of the Curd Think you love cheese? Meet some of Vermont’s top experts B Y A L I CE L EVI T T
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS 42 FOOD
n 2004, the Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese was established at the University of Vermont to help researchers study cheese and to educate laypersons on how to make it. Many of the state’s top cheese makers are alumni of the center’s programs, which dealt with the art and science of producing artisan cheese. But last May, the $500,000 in federal and private funds that supplemented class registration fees dried up, including a general grant that was supplying money critical to the institute’s research. Since then, the tight-knit band of cheese experts who staffed the classes and laboratories has dispersed. Cheese experts? That’s right. Just as Vermont has the country’s highest number of cheese makers per capita, we also have more than our fair share of professionals who specialize in various aspects of the craft, from history to tasting. One of VIAC’s founders, former codirector Catherine Donnelly, has just returned to UVM after a six-month furlough. She spent that time editing Cheese and Microbes,, a groundbreaking new book that will be published by the American Society for Microbiology Press in January. Former VIAC scientists Paul Kindstedt and Montserrat AlmenaAliste are among the contributors. Donnelly says the book should be interesting for lay readers as well as biologists, but her next project is sure to be an even more important everyday reference. She has been tapped to be editorin-chief of the Oxford Companion to Cheese. The company’s comprehensive encyclopedias on beer and wine are already considered inimitable resources on their subjects. Donnelly will be working with several Vermont
experts, as well as cheese specialists all over the world, to complete the tome. “That’s going to keep me busy for the next three years,” the cheerful scientist says. “What’s fun about both of these books is the ability to involve Vermont players, either scientists or cheese makers, in the process of such leading work in the cheese world.” Donnelly says there is indeed “life after VIAC.” Seven Days talked to a few of the institute’s former instructors, the cheesiest academics in the Green Mountains, to learn about their passion for dairy and how they’re staying ahead of the curd. LISTEN IN ON LOCAL FOODIES...
Paul Kindstedt
Vermont wasn’t always an artisan cheese capital. As a UVM undergrad in the 1970s, Paul Kindstedt focused on a larger industry in the state — the largescale manufacture of mozzarella. Working in pizzerias during summer break, Kindstedt says, “I began to see the kinds of problems cheese can present as an ingredient in food service.” But the biochemist, who specializes in the structure and function of cheese,
grew with the artisan boom to become a leading authority on the small-scale production that he initially branded unsafe. As author of American Farmstead Cheese: A Practical Guide to Making and Selling Artisan Cheeses and last year’s Cheese and Culture: A History of Cheese Civilization, and Its Place in Western Civilization Kindstedt is a reliable academic authority. As a faculty member in UVM’s department of nutrition and food sciences, he’s currently studying the crystallization of long-aged cheeses. That means Kindstedt’s research will likely lead to a surge in Vermont-made versions of expensive varieties similar to Italian Parmigiano-Reggiano, as he teaches cheese makers the science behind these delicacies. What is your favorite cheese? I have an emotional attachment to two specific cheeses — they’re not necessarily the greatest on Earth or better than all the others: Cabot Private Stock and Shelburne Farms cheddar. Growing up, we always had Cabot cheddar. It’s simply historical fact. And I live in Shelburne. I know what [Shelburne Farms does] for [its] community. It’s a wonderful jewel of an institution, and I love their cheese. We have a big block of 3-year-old in the refrigerator right now. When you’re focused on the science, can it be difficult to just enjoy your food? You can enjoy at a different plane of consciousness. I’m always looking for something interesting that might make for a research grant. When I’m eating, I’ll start squeezing the cheese and crumbling it. People look at me and think, What are you doing with the AHEAD OF THE CURD
» P.44
Got A fooD tip? food@sevendaysvt.com
sIDEdishes by cOri n hi rsch & a l i ce l e v i t t
PrOhibitiOn Pig tO begin brewing its Own line OF beers
— c. h.
’Cue-ing Up
yeah baby’s bbQ-n-grill Debuts
Vermont might not be known as a barbecue state like the Carolinas or Texas, but even outside more populated areas, Southern-style cuisine is popping up to feed the need. tED hoADlEy credits programming on the Food
business is off the road, the couple decided to open a 45seat full-service restaurant. The retro building opened its doors on October 15. Since then, Hoadley has already hired four new employees to keep up with demand for his Bourbonbarbecue ribs and pulled pork and brisket sandwiches with homemade buttermilk coleslaw. There’s breakfast, too, including biscuits with house sausage gravy. And the compliments have been rolling in, too.
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every friday
food trucks. fiddlehead. wine. music. fun times. 5-9pm “We had people from Texas that had moved up here two or three years ago. They said they haven’t been able to find barbecue this good since Texas,” Hoadley recalls. “That kind of gave me a really big head.” — A .l.
Still Nutty
chOcOlatier celebrates a DecaDe à la wOnka
siDe Dishes
» P.45
HOMEBREW NIGHT: OKTOBERFEST! local brewers and local drinkers unite! Best brewer by public vote wins a personal tour of Fiddlhead by head brewer Matt Cohen. 6pm till.
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not a bizzare competition. a gourmet 5 course prixe fixe meal by Chef Brian Stefan for the lovers of spice. $27.
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Most of us watched Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory as kids and dreamed of finding a golden ticket in a chocolate bar. Now, for 10 lucky Vermonters, it could actually happen. Sweets lovers who stop at nutty stEph’s grAnolA & chocolAtE FActory in Middlesex or at one of 10 other stores — including hEAlthy lIvIng mArkEt in South Burlington, Burlington’s cIty mArkEt, Essex’s swEEt clovEr
Network with stirring up his affection for smoked food. Now he’s brought his own version to Morrisville with yEAh bAby’s bbq-n-grIll. The former sous chef, whose credits include Stowe restaurants such as the gAblEs Inn, started the barbecue business last summer as a mobile trailer. He and his wife and business partner, trAcy lAFrAncE, traveled the state, hitting festivals from Bristol to Enosburg. But the Eden residents wanted to bring their smoked meats closer to home. “I’ve loved barbecue for a long time,” says Hoadley. “But it’s a hard thing to come by in Lamoille County.” Enter 387 Brooklyn Street, until recently the site of Sabrina’s Bakery & Café. Rather than sticking to their original plan of selling their barbecue sauce through the winter while the mobile
cOurtesy OF PrOhibitiOn Pig
pipeline: a dark beer aged in some of the 12 former Pappy Van Winkle bourbon barrels acquired last summer.
Soon the two-story brick building at Waterbury’s 23 South Main Street — the birthplace of the AlchEmIst’s hEADy toppEr — will again have house-brewed beers flowing from its taps. Earlier this fall, prohIbItIon pIg owner chAD rIch purchased the onebarrel brewing system formerly used by sEAn lAwson of lAwson’s FInEst lIquIDs, and soon Pro Pig brewer nAtE Johnson will put it to use for house brews. That is, once the company’s licenses are approved, a process that hit a speed bump because of the government shutdown. Slowdown notwithstanding, a few lucky drinkers have already gotten to taste Johnson’s first effort, prohIbItIon pIg pAlE AlE. Johnson traveled to Morrisville’s rock Art brEwEry with his own yeast, hops and grain to produce the first 30-keg batch of that beer — which sold out quickly. “We want to have a staple pale ale and then surround it with other beers,” Rich says. “Our goal is not to be a brewpub,
but have five or six of our own brews on tap along with all of the other beers we usually serve.” Pro Pig’s pale ale scored a high rating of 90 on Beer Advocate’s website, and the second batch — made with a slightly different blend of hops — could be tapped as soon as this week. “We wanted a very well-hopped pale ale that’s very approachable, not extremely low alcohol, but something that’s still quaffable,” says Rich. Both batches came in at about 5 percent alcohol. The restaurant will soon also have on tap a fall Saison brewed with cherrywoodsmoked rye. It’s a collaboration between Johnson, mAtt nADEAu of Rock Art and Brian Strumke of Maryland’s Stillwater Artisanal Ales, who visited Vermont a few weeks ago. Once the federal license is approved, Pro Pig’s nanobrewery will swing into action at 23 South Main, though it will eventually migrate to the building directly behind the pub. “Our plans are to build a larger brewery to be up and running by this summer,” Rich says. Though future Pro Pig beers might include “anything and everything,” he adds, one style is definitely in the
alice levitt
Prohibition Pints
Reservations Recommended
food Ahead of the Curd « p.42 cheese? I know it looks stupid, but it’s really interesting!
What cheese is in your refrigerator right now? There are at least 18 different cheeses in my fridge right now. Cheese from Lazy Are there any cheeses you’ve never Lady Farm, cheese from Woodcock tried that you’re eager to? Thousands of them! There are hundreds Farm — the last of their Summer Snow. in Italy and France that you just have I have cheese from Spring Brook Farm. to go there to try. All the different Then, I have probably five different remote Alpine cheese, Near East, blue cheeses. I still have cheese that I brought back from Italy, southwest Asia, not to a 36-month-old vacche mention Iran, Pakistan, rosse ParmigianoAfghanistan. There are Reggiano. I didn’t bring lots of cheeses there. that much back, but I Mongolian cheese is a actually brought more whole different world. 112 Lake Street • Burlington back than I thought. www.sansaivt.com There are English What makes Vermont cheddars, and I have one cheese different from little piece left of Polish others? 8/12/1312v-SanSai010913.indd 4:43 PM 1 1/7/13 2:08 PM oscypek. We talk a lot about My wife just goes terroir, and rightfully nuts. My cholesterol so. There’s an endlessly level is way below hers engaging link to place. PAu l K I N D S tED t and more than better But I would argue that than normal. I’ve been a taste of person, of the cheese maker, is so much a signature blessed with some very good genes. I eat of Vermont. This wonderful state of cheese every day, sometimes more than ours has attracted individuals with once a day, some for lunch and some for dinner. extraordinary talent.
I would argue that a taste of PersoN, of the cheese maker,
is so much a signature of Vermont.
12v-Ramen081413.indd 1
Stage rooms & take pics
UAR JeffQRoberts
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7/1/13 4:21 PM
He’s the author of The Atlas of American Artisan Cheese, but Jeff Roberts is no food scientist. However, that’s about the only cheese-related job the VIAC cofounder doesn’t hold. A lifelong food lover, Roberts came to Vermont from Philadelphia to work for the Vermont Land Trust. He soon realized that his passion for farm products was the best way to teach about conservation. “Try this ice cream,” he recalls telling constituents. “That milk came from a conserved farm.” Roberts’ expertise grew as a member of the board of directors and treasurer for Slow Food USA, which led to frequent visits to Italy and elsewhere in Europe, tasting the world’s cheeses along the way. He teaches food history classes, with a focus on artisan cheese and beer, not only at the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier but also at Slow Food’s University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, Italy. As president of Cow Creek Creative Ventures, Roberts specializes in feasibility studies, which have helped numerous farms, from Vermont to South Korea, to perfect projects in cheese making and meat curing.
Have you always loved cheese? I’ve always loved to eat! When I was in the service [as a Navy meteorologist], we were in places like Spain and Italy and Greece. I can still envision the appetizers in Athens — great feta cheese and Kalamata olives — I ate that every day. The interest has always been there. The cheeses weren’t always there. Is there any cheese you just can’t stand? I don’t like Kraft Singles. I probably ate my share of industrial cheese years ago. It’s being introduced to the real stuff that makes you realize what you’ve missed. My brother teases me that I used to make grilled Velveeta sandwiches.
Montserrat Almena-Aliste
Montserrat Almena-Aliste was just about to complete paperwork to incorporate a consulting firm when she got a call from Green Mountain Coffee Roasters. She had landed the job of senior sensory scientist with the Waterbury corporation. GMCR wasn’t likely to find anyone more qualified. Almena-Aliste came to Vermont after earning her doctorate at France’s Institut National de Recherche
Got A fooD tip? food@sevendaysvt.com
sIDEdishes MarkEt or Montpelier’s HungEr MountaIn Co-op — could end up
possessors of the bars. What does the golden ticket get them? Something almost as miraculous as flavored wallpaper — admission to Nutty Steph’s 10th Anniversary Ball, to be held on November 16 from 8 p.m. to midnight at the ECHo LakE aquarIuM anD sCIEnCE CEntEr
in Burlington. Those not lucky enough to find a ticket can still attend. Nutty Steph founder JaquELyn rIEkE says there’s room for 1000 people at the celebration of her company’s growth from a business with “a floundering sole owner” to a successful partnership with chef JosIE grEEn and marketing coordinator CECILIa LEIbovItz. Anyone who’s been to Nutty Steph’s Thursday bacon
nights in Middlesex can attest that Rieke and co. know how to throw a party. The ECHO Center will be transported to the 1920s for the occasion, and Rieke says, “We’re hoping for extreme costumage.” To help matters, the 18-piece Vermont Jazz Ensemble will compel guests to Charleston in the “waterfront ballroom,” while Mint Julep gets things going in the “upstairs lounge.” sugarsnap will prepare small plates such as JaspEr HILL FarM cheese and pickled vegetables, as well as provide six devoted “bacon chefs” to keep the crowd supplied with vErMont sMokE anD CurE rashers. Ecuadorian dipping chocolate and Fat toaD FarM’s goat-milk caramel will come alongside the meat for dipping, and “cigarette girls” will be on hand
Josie Green, Cecilia Leibovitz and Jaquelyn Rieke
to dole out Nutty Steph’s other artisan chocolates. For those who want to keep the party going after the celebration, an auction will
session of classes, “Essential Principles and Practices of Cheesemaking,” launched this week at Vermont Technical College. Another weeklong intensive, “Food Safety and Artisan Cheesemaking: Essential Hygiene Practices and Programs,” takes place next week. What got you started in food science? I’ve always loved animals. I studied veterinary sciences in Spain. I was scared to open my own practice. I
offer chances to win dinner at HEn oF tHE WooD with each of Nutty Steph’s three owners. Also on the block: millinery lessons from Leibovitz and
thought, Oh, my God, if I kill someone’s cow, they’re very expensive animals, it’s their livelihood! For me, food science was about making good-quality products. It wasn’t until I came to Vermont that I realized that the land, the food, was a factor in my everyday life. What is your favorite cheese? Comté combines taste, texture, tradition and nutrition. Are there any cheeses you’ve never tried that you’re eager to? There’s one from Spain that I haven’t
chocolate-making classes at the factory. Sorry, but no Oompa Loompas are on offer. — A .L.
tried called La Armada. This cheese is very artisanal, very small production, very rich, very piquant. It’s got pungent blue notes. It’s interesting from my sensory point of view, but I don’t think it would be very good. What’s the most extreme thing you’ve done in the name of curds? Eight years ago, I was eight months pregnant and I had to judge a fresh goat milk cheese category for the American Cheese Society. It was terrible — salty, sweet and combined varieties. I was super sensitive and it was no fun. m
Agronomique, where she studied under Europe’s top cheese scientists. Just as perfume companies employ highly specialized professional “noses,” AlmenaAliste has a sought-after palate, particularly for cheese and coffee. And both working and prospective cheese makers can benefit from her uncommon expertise. With her new full-time job, AlmenaAliste’s own company may be on hold, but that won’t stop her from occasionally consulting and teaching courses. Her first
cOurtesy OF nutty stePh’s
cOnt i nueD FrOm PAGe 4 3
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
ESPRESSO COOKIES SMALL PLATES BEER & WINE HOT PRESSED SANDWICHES right next to penny cluse 4h-luckynextdoor101613.indd 1
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Bringing Home the Bok Choy T
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
hanh Pham has taken exactly one day of vacation since opening Namaste Asian Market with his wife in 2010. That respite came two Sundays ago, when Pham (whose first name is pronounced “Tan”) played hooky to take the couple’s 16-month-old daughter to the Buddhist temple in Concord, N.H. Pham, a 44-year-old immigrant from Vietnam who came to Vermont in 1989, told me this as we barreled down the highway in a white box truck emblazoned with the name of his business. I was accompanying him on one of his weekly runs — this one to Boston — to purchase Asian dietary staples: bok choy, kaw thong, bean sprouts, bitter melon, tofu. Only a few Burlington-area stores carry those items, including the two markets Pham and his wife now run under the same name in Winooski and Essex Junction. Because of that scarcity, members of Burlington’s Asian community descend on Namaste whenever Pham rolls back into town with thousands of pounds of wholesale meat, grain and produce. “I’m going to show you some crazy places,” Pham said when I first entered his Winooski shop to ask about joining his next run to an urban market. That afternoon, he had just returned from a supply mission to Queens, N.Y.
B Y c h Ar l E S E ic h Ac k E r
Thanh Pham (left) unloads produce from his truck
charles eichacker
On a food-supply run with an asian grocer
Customers were already lined up behind the register, not unlike the beer nuts who stock up on Heady Topper every Tuesday at Waterbury’s Alchemist. The destination of Pham’s trips depends on the location where his most prized supplier — a Florida-based fruit and vegetable seller — chooses to make the drop. Pham goes as far south as New Jersey in certain weeks, sometimes twice. Sitting shotgun in the Namastemobile a week later, I couldn’t imagine
what crazy places Boston — a city I’ve lived in — would have in store. But Pham has been driving this route for three years, so I trusted his judgment as we left Winooski at about 7:30 p.m., merging south onto I-89. At first glance, it would be easy to mistake Pham for a surfer dude, or maybe the philosophy major you’d feel comfortable inviting to a party. His personality is genial, and his outfit consisted of a weathered gray cardigan, a T-shirt and baggy jeans. During the drive,
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he sipped on iced coffee and smoked the occasional Nepalese cigarette. But his attitude turned businesslike whenever his iPhone rang with 11th-hour grocery orders, many of which he fielded in Vietnamese. When he got a call from Bishnu Gurung, his Nepali wife, Pham adopted a more tender tone. Calling her “honey” in English, he reminded her to power down all the equipment in their banh mi restaurant, Darshan Namaste Asian Deli, which opened across from their Winooski market last summer. Pham told me that Gurung, 26, is the brains of the couple’s operation, which now includes three other employees. Before he met her through a Nepali friend several years ago, Pham explained, he ran a sizable cleaning crew for a clientele that included Burger King, Bolton Valley and Friendly’s. Eventually tax trouble caused him to shutter the enterprise, but that wouldn’t have happened if Gurung had been keeping the books and calling the shots, Pham now believes. “If I knew Bishnu then, I’d be a rich man now!” he said with a grin. “When I met her, all my life changed. She knows how to work on the money, to do the business.” Pham doesn’t seem like a slouch himself. Even though he’d woken at 5 a.m. that day to clean, cook and look after the stores, both in person and via security cameras that feed into his smartphone, he still made the four-hour trip to Beantown without shut-eye. At about 11 p.m., we exited I-93 just before it drops into the city. We headed east over the Mystic River and into an industrial section of Chelsea, then snaked through a maze of loading areas.
Facebook.com/ DasBierhausVT 10/21/13 3:20 PM
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10/17/13 11:57 AM
No Tricks.
Norman’s a Real Treat. AGE/SEX: 8-year-old male REASON HERE: Not enough time for him due to an illness in the family. SIZE/WEIGHT: 12 lbs. ENERGY LEVEL: Low SUMMARY: Behind that grizzly exterior is the shy heart of a courageous
little being just waiting to be loved. Norman ended up at HSCC because of an illness in his family, and he wasn’t exactly looking for a big new adventure in life. He arrived short on confidence and wishing everything could just go back to situation normal. We don’t know what epiphany finally convinced Norman to stop resisting change, but some time in the last two weeks he made the decision to be brave! Norman now enjoys meeting new people and exploring the world, and in his most carefree moments, will even let his silly side show. Norman has shown us that it’s best to embrace transition — and look forward to a new and improved situation normal!
Society of Chittenden County
Visit me at HSCC, 142 Kindness Court, South Burlington, Tuesday through Friday from 1 to 6 p.m., or Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Call 862-0135 for more info.
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CLASSIFIEDS on the road
BICYCLES 2001 DIAMOND BACK JOKER 1021. Good condition. Asking $75/OBO. 347-742-1988.
CARS/TRUCKS 1996 JEEP GRAND CHEROKEE White. AWD. 8-cyl. auto. Power everything. Heated seats. Security system. CD. Sun roof. Leather seats. Great condition. No rust. skyhorse205@yahoo. com, 863-0237 or 355-4099. 1999 CHEVY CK1500 4WD, 136K, remote start, lifted, solid body, runs well. Towing package, clean, other extras. Asking $3500. Rio, 881-4677. 2000 CHRYSLER CIRRUS LX 2.4L auto. In good condition, runs well & has new rear brakes, front break pads & tires in last yr. $1200. 891-4890.
2002 HONDA CIVIC LX 4-drive. Low mileage. Snow tires on front, have seen 1 season. See online ad for more details. $5800/OBO. S. Burlington. 318-6941. 2004 BMW 325XIT WAGON Good condition, power everything, Harmon Kardon stereo, winter package, 116K. $6500/ OBO. Jean, jharvey@ uvm.edu. 2004 SUBARU OUTBACK WAGON Low miles, very clean, runs great. $6500. burlingtoniansoncl@ gmail.com for pics.
housing ads: $20 (25 words) legals: 42¢/word buy this stuff: free online services: $12 (25 words)
Valley Painting
Interior/exterior Painting Sheetrocking & Taping Gutter Cleaning Custom Carpentry Any Size Job Free Estimates Fully Insured
Call TJ NOW!
display service ads: $25/$45 homeworks: $30 (40 words, photo) fsbos: $45 (2 weeks, 30 words, photo) jobs: michelle@sevendaysvt.com, 865-1020 x21
BRISTOL/STARKSBORO LINE Beautiful 1-BR apt. 3 lg. rooms. $795/mo. Credit check, refs., 1st, sec. dep. 30 min. to S. Burlington & Middlebury. Avail. now. 338-8084 or 338-8072. Call anytime. BURLINGTON Maple St., near waterfront & downtown, 2-BR townhouse w/ HDWD, gas heat, W/D, cellar for storage, parking, lease, refs. NS. Avail. now. $1250/mo. + utils. 862-3719. BURLINGTON 1 & 2-BR apts. avail. Nov. 1. 235 N. Willard St. Off-street parking. $775/mo., $1000/mo. + utils. 858-9034.
2008 HONDA FIT 4 new snow tires, great mpg, A/T, CD, airbags, power L/M/W. New state inspection. Red. BURLINGTON 1-BR 75K. $9950. 472-6555. Charming, lg-valleypainting111611.indd 11/14/11 1 11:11 $900. AM recently renovated apt. 2008 SUBARU w/ off-street parking. IMPREZA Walking distance to A/T, A/C, 6-disc CD, CC, downtown & bus line. fog lights, heated power No pets. For pictures seats, power M/L/W, & information, side airbags. Silver. 41K. dumontrealtyllc.com or $15,075. 472-6555. 233-2354.
2008 SUZUKI GRAND VITARA 5-spd., V-6, 4WD, ABS, A/C, power W/L, keyless entry, heated seats, all-season tires & studded snows. 78K. $8000. Days, 734-6257; evenings, 434-3201.
FOR RENT $1200/MO. 2-BR BURLINGTON Clean & spacious. Colchester Ave. Convenient to UVM & hospital. Heat, HW, 1 parking space incl. Bus line. NS/pets. Refs., deposit, 1-yr. lease. Will prorate. 985-4196.
BURLINGTON 2-BR DOWNTOWN $1195+. 2nd floor apt. (Pitkin St. in Burlington) Nov. 15. $1050+ 1st-floor apt. Dec. 15. Off-street parking, W/D in BA. Near waterfront/downtown, NS/pets. 355-5886.
BURLINGTON, 50 VILLAGE GREEN 3-BR, 1-BA ranch-style home off North Ave. Beautiful backyard, partially finished basement, W/D included, HDWD. NS, 1 dog OK. Close to shopping & downtown Burlington. Unit avail. for Nov. 1. Yr. lease, $1900/mo. + dep. Stephanie, 864-5200, ext. 225, or coburnfeeley.com. CENTRAL ESSEX 2-BR 850 sq.ft., NS, avail. Nov.-Dec. $1034/mo.; heat, water, waste incl. Storage. 2-car off-street parking. Small pets negotiable. 578-5539. COLCHESTER FT. ETHAN ALLEN Clean 1-BR on bus line, parking, W/D. NS/pets. Avail. now. 655-4574, 655-3090. FURNISHED APT., ESSEX $1050/mo. incl. all utils. incl. A/C & electricity. Close to Burlington, IBM, FAHC, GMC & more. 764-5140. HINESBURG VILLAGE 1-BR, 2 porches, HDWD floors, W/D, parking, hiking trails, yard. NS/pets. $900/mo. 482-2520.
print deadline: Mondays at 4:30 p.m. post ads online 24/7 at: sevendaysvt.com/classifieds questions? classifieds@sevendaysvt.com 865-1020 x37
LOVELY CABOT VILLAGE HOME! This updated, spacious 2-BR has DW, W/D hookups, country location, just 30 minutes to Montpelier! $1200 + utils. NS/pets. morningstarvt.com, 223-1134. RIVERHOUSE LUXURY APTS. In Winooski. Now leasing for Oct & Nov. w/ walkable city living adjacent to nature preserve, fi tness center, covered parking. Furnished and unfurnished apts. Heat & HW incl. in a LEED-designated building. Open house every Sun., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. at 80 Winooski Falls Way. 373-5893 or riverhousevt.com for pricing & availability. S. BURLINGTON 1-BR $900 Modern, recently renovated, w/ beautiful eat-in kitchen & private driveway. Close to shopping, UVM, airport & bus line. For pictures & information, dumontrealtyllc.com or 233-2354. S. BURLINGTON CONDO 2 floors, DW & W/D incl., 1.5-BA, 1234 sq.ft., garage + 1 parking space, pool/tennis court, 1 pet considered, NS. $1600/mo. + utils. yvonnemak25@ hotmail.com.
HISTORIC VICTORIAN CONDO 1-BR/BA w/ finished basement & storage. CASH FOR CARS Eat-in kitchen, LR, DR & BURLINGTON AREA Any car/truck. Running pantry. W/D. Plenty of APTS. or not! Top dollar paid. parking. Pets allowed. 2000 VOLVO V40 Essex, 3-BR + office, WAGON We come to you! Call for $1500. 881-2399 or kitchen, LR, 2-BA, W/D. S. BURLINGTON, Good/fair condition. instant offer: 888-420emmy.franz@gmail. SHELBURNE RD. $1700/mo. + utils. 2-BR APT., CARDINAL 106K, auto., antilock 3808. cash4car.com com. Nov. 1. 2:08 PM Page 4-BR,11.5-BA. Avail. Nov. WOODS Burlington, 2-BR, BA, 2x2-homeshare011205 1/11/06 brakes, power steering, (AAN CAN) 1. $1600/mo. + utils. Yr. Beautiful condo. S. kitchen, LR. $1100/mo. heated seats, new batLAKE HOUSE RENTAL lease. Sec. dep. Natural Burlington. Convenient + utils. No pets. Call for MINI-COOPER RAFFLE tery, springs & struts, Milton, right on Lake gas, central heat & HW. location. 1.5-BA. Modern details. 864-0341. TICKETS airbag & tires. $1500/ Champlain, furnished, 644-1929. & updated w/ DW, $100 ticket to win a OBO. 863-6577. W/D, lawn mainteBURLINGTON FLEXIBLE W/D, plowed, mowed, brand new 2013 red LEASE 3-BR, 1-BA, lg. yard, SHELBURNE nance. $1375/mo. Mini Cooper! Only 500 2-BR/2-BA w/ home beautiful views. $1800, 1 & 2-BR apt. avail. at 315-335-3644 tickets will be sold. office close to 1st, last, dep., Sep. 1-Jul. 4253 Shelburne Rd. We Pick Up cvuhs.org, turfmini@ downtown. HDWD/tiled 1, 2014. 522-3826. Avail. Nov. 1. Off-street N. STARKSBORO & Pay For Junk gmail.com or 825-1648. 3-BR Independent elderly woman in Burlington seeks floors. W/D, DW, parking. parking, yard. 85850 acres, 35 min. to Automobiles! Sec. dep./1st mo. rent/ to share her home in 9034. $825/mo., $1100/ downtown Burlington, responsible person refs. Avail. Nov.1. $1500. mo. + utils. 858-9034. private, storage. exchange for assisting with occasional errands 865-3449. $1100/mo. + utils./ and companionship. dep. Rubbish/snow BURLINGTON, 119 removal, lawn care incl. VILLAGE GREEN Call HomeShare Vermont Route 15, Hardwick 434-4721. 3-BR, 3.5-BA w/ den. 802-472-5100 at (802) 863-0274 or visit Cape-style home, 3842 Dorset Ln., Williston www.HomeShareVermont.org partially finished base802-793-9133 ment, beautiful HDWD formerly Project Home EHO floors throughout, great neighborhood. NS/pets. SOUTH BURLINGTON: Tenant pays all utilities, EQUAL HOUSING Seeking female to share a home law. Our readers are hereby informed sm-allmetals060811.indd 16/1/11 1:56 PM several new upgrades OPPORTUNITY that all dwellings, advertised in this with an active woman in her 30s. made to the home inAll real estate advertising in this newsnewspaper are available on an equal cluding new siding, deck Pay no rent in exchange for 15 hrs/wk paper is subject to the Federal Fair opportunity basis. Any home seeker & appliances. Close to Housing Act of 1968 and similar Verwho feels her or she has encountered of support, including cooking 2-3 meals/wk, downtown Burlington, mont statutes which make it illegal to discrimination should contact: perfect location! Unit schedule reminders and some evening advertise any preference, limitations, currently avail. $1975/ or discrimination based on race, color, HUD Office of Fair Housing and weekend companionship. mo. + dep. Stephanie, religion, sex, national origin, sexual 10 Causeway St., 864-5200, ext. 225, or orientation, age, marital status, Boston, MA 02222-1092 coburnfeeley.com. handicap, presence of minor children (617) 565-5309 863-5625 or HomeShareVermont.org C-2 CLASSIFIEDS
Home Sharing
in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the
— OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 135 State St., Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-6301 800-416-2010 Fax: 802-828-2480
Application, interview, refs, background checks req. EHO.
16t-homeshare102313.indd 1
WINOOSKI Great location, close to downtown. 1-BR, heat incl., off-street parking, garden space. NS/pets. $775/mo. Avail. Nov. 1. 654-3918. WINOOSKI 1-BR, $800/mo. + utils., gas heat & HW, 3 lg. rooms, gas stove, refrigerator, off-street parking, 2nd floor. Lease + dep. 655-2331.
HOUSEMATES AVAIL. NOW ROOM FOR RENT: Monkton farmhouse on 20 acres, in-ground pool, cathedral ceilings, all amenities incl., pets OK, garden space, 19 miles to Kennedy Dr. Starting at $375/mo. 453-3457. BURLINGTON SINGLE ROOM Avail. immed. $667/ month. 3-BR, newly renovated kitchen/BA. HDWD. Indoor half pipe & fireplace. W/D. 3-car driveway. jjmast9@ gmail.com. WILLISTON 1-BR + 0.5 BA $650. Fridge, parking, shared kitchen, shower, LR, W/D. Incl. heat, electric, Wi-Fi, DishTV, snowplowing. NS/pets. vermontflowergirl@ myfairpoint.net.
OFFICE/ COMMERCIAL A SHARED OFFICE BY LAKE Quiet writers seek 1-2 officemates for 300 sq.ft. space 3 blocks from downtown & 1 block from Lake Champlain in Burlington. gryneman@ gmail.com. BTVSPACES Office spaces avail. Wide range of sizes & amenities. Complete suites or build to suit: 77 College St. loft studio; 182 Main St. 1500 sq.ft. & 3300 sq.ft.; 215 College St. 800 sq.ft.; 106 Main St. 1200 sq.ft. Dave, 316-6452, dave@ btvspaces.com. MAIN STREET LANDING on Burlington’s waterfront has affordable office & retail space. Dynamic environment w/ progressive & forwardthinking businesses. mainstreetlanding.com, click on space avail. OFFICE SPACE WILLISTON Williston Village professional office space avail. Perfect for health care professional (mental health clinician, massage therapist, etc.). Recently renovated historic building w/ plenty of parking. If interested, Alesia, 865-3450.
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7/29/13 11:32 AM
your savvy guide to local real estate AdirondAck Views in chArlotte Center Hall Colonial in Deer run
Three bedroom home situated on 5.1 acres overlooking the Adirondack Mountains in Charlotte. Home has pasture land, shed, apple trees, cherry trees and pear trees. There are also asparagus beds, vegetable and perennial gardens on the property. $449,500
Lovely four bedroom center hall Colonial in one of Shelburne’s finest neighborhoods. This one-owner home has numerous recent upgrades including granite counter tops in the kitchen, new stainless appliances, and a newly installed roof in 2012. $519,000
kieran donnelly (802) 846-9509 Vermont-Properties.com coldwell Banker hickok & Boardman realty
Kieran Donnelly (802) 846-9509 Vermont-Properties.com Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman realty
Country Living to Love HW-CBHB-Donnelly-102313.indd1 1
LoveLy Country Home
10/21/13 HW-CBHB-donnelly2-102313.indd 1:10 PM 1
attention realtors:
list your properties here for only $30 (include 40 words + photo). submit to homeworks@sevendaysvt.com by Mondays at noon.
Duplex: Income potentIal!
EvErything on your Wish List!
Great central location in Winooski on side street. Live in one unit and rent the other. This Duplex has two, two bedroom units, a large wrap-around porch, full basement and backyard. $229,500
Spacious colonial situated on a private lot. Three car garage with second floor walk-up loft! Open floor plan, kitchen island, dining room and den. Upstairs are two large bedrooms & a master suite with walkin closet and 3/4 bath. Full basement, above-ground pool & Screened porch. Georgia $309,900
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AmAzing Bolton Condo!!
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Julie Lamoreaux (802) 846-9583 JulieLamoreaux.com Coldwell Banker hickok & Boardman realty
South Burlington
10/21/13 HW-CBHB-lmoreaux-102313.indd 3:57 PM 1
10/21/13 3:30 PM
PriCe reduCed Located in a small country neighborhood, this home is nicely updated throughout and features a wonderful open backyard looking out onto open fields and woods. The backyard deck is perfect for fun and entertaining. A comfortable home to live in and enjoy. Jericho. $328,500
OFFICE SQUARED HW-CBHB-pasackow-102313.indd 1
ALL AREAS: ROOMMATES.COM Browse hundreds of online listings w/ photos & maps. Find your roommate w/ a click of the mouse! (AAN CAN)
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Scheduling Coordinator Armistead Caregiver Services is looking for a dynamic, organized individual to coordinate our busy scheduling department. See our online ad for details & contact information.
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Health/ Wellness
Counseling 10/21/13 HW-KellerWilliams100913.indd 12:54Psychic PM 1
Blissful Wellness Center See Oct. wellness workshops & classes for reiki & yoga at blissfulwellnessvt.com. 238-9540, blissfulwellness.vt@gmail.com. Hypnotherapy Works! Safe & effective for anxiety, health issues, smoking, weight, stress management, habit control, phobias, children’s issues, more. Get your subconscious on your side! agapehypnotherary. 349-6406.
& channeling w/ Bernice Kelman of Underhill. 30+ yrs. experience. Also energy healing, chakra balancing, Reiki, rebirthing, other lives, classes & more. Info: 899-3542, kelman.b@ juno.com. Salon/Wellness New suites & stylists chairs avail. for rent in an established salon/wellness building located in Shelburne. Contact owner, 2387702 or meadow3240@ gmail.com.
Salon/Wellness 10/14/13 4:17 PM Profs. New suites & stylists chairs are avail. for rent in an established building located in Shelburne. For more information contact salon owner 238-7702 or meadowood3240@ gmail.com.
Home/Garden ODD JOBS U BETCHA Spring has sprung, time to get ‘er done. Pressure washing, windows/ doors, yard cleanup, painting, carpentry, gutter cleaning, apt. moving. Give us a call & we’ll give you a price. 373-2444.
Services »
classifieds C-3
Call 24/7: Abby’s One Earn BIG $$ while 10/21/13 HW-Keller-102313.indd 4:23True PM Gift Adoptions, 1 losing weight! 866-413-6293. Void in We challenge you to Illinois/New Mexico/ lose up to 50 pounds, Indiana. (AAN CAN) & you get paid for it! Special limited offer. Call now! 800-973-3271. (AAN CAN)
Karin Ericson Keller Williams realty: green Mountain Properties 802-488-3402 Karin@ericsonteam.com
Prof. Room, S. Burlington 300 sq.ft. in professional office w/ optional shared waiting room. Utils. incl. Avail. Dec. 1. $475/mo. kamumma2@ yahoo.com or 734-8487.
10/21/13 HW-CBHB-Shampnois-102313.indd 3:08 PM 1
giles Wagoner- Wagoner libby group Keller Williams Realty 802 488 3447 802 654 8505
A condo like this one rarely becomes available! Easy living at this immaculate 4th floor penthouse unit with sunset views. Freshly painted, custom lighting, Hunter Douglas shades, and more. On site workout area, convenient to everything! 1 bedroom, 1 bath. Pet friendly! 370 Farrell Street Unit 419. $158,000.
We’ve expanded! More of the wildly popular private offices at Office Squared now avail. Starting at $400/ mo. gets you an office along w/ use of 02 space (Wi-Fi, utils., conference room, open space, print/copy/fax). Many size options avail. Jen, 363-0170 or jen@ officesquaredvt.com.
tom Shampnois (802) 846-9572 tomShampnois.com Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman realty
Excellent investment property or affordable year round living. Three bedroom, two bath condo, Village Condominiums. Offering beautiful views, first rate condo assn., friendly community and great schools. Convenient to Burlington, Stowe and Waterbury. Owner motivated. $155,900
Jay Pasackow (802) 846-9543 JayPasackow.com Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman realty
Wonderful Farmhouse with recent major addition & a large list of improvements. You will love the great room with wet bar, the sun room and the deck where you can survey your 2.7 acres. Relax in remodeled bath with jetted tub. Large 2 car garage and nice landscaped setting. $269,000
S. Burlington Condo
Wow! Move-in ready at a great location and price. Enjoy this well maintained cape on dead end in the city! All the big items have been done recently, roof, windows and furnace. Spacious kitchen with loads of storage, living room with efficient pellet stove, two bedrooms down, one up with tons of storage. Super yard with flourishing apple & pear trees. Easy living for all, a must see. $159,900
Bright open floor plan in this popular Cardinal Woods condo. Spacious Living/Dining Room with new carpet – great for quiet relaxation or entertaining. Kitchen with new counters and sink, new fridge, pass-thru to dining area. Updated bath with newer tub/shower and washer/dryer. Carport with lockable storage. Two tennis courts. Superb location – near bike path, bus line, shopping, restaurants, I-89, FAHC, UVM and airport. Investor possibilities. $162,500.
Robbi Handy Holmes Century 21 Jack Associates 802-951-2128 robbihandyholmes@c21jack.com
Carol Hinkel, realtor Julie Elitzer, realor 802-846-7837 lang Mclaughry real Estate
154 Locust Terrace, Burlington. Popular 5 Sisters Neighborhood! 3 bedroom, 1347 SF, 1 bath, well-kept home. Big backyard, detached garage. Just reduced to $367,500. MLS#4286294. linda i letourneau Cell: 802.343.2107 redstone www.redstonevt.com
161 St Paul Street Unit 101, Burlington. The Hinds Lofts- downtown! 1st floor 977 SF one bedroom “furnished” condo. Post and beam style. Easy walk to downtown city amenities. Reduced to $295,000 MLS#4215375. linda i letourneau Cell: 802.343.2107 redstone www.redstonevt.com
Burlington HW-C21Jack-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 HW-Lang1-102313.indd 12:57 PM 1
14-16 Cloarec Court, Burlington. Duplex- fully renovated in 2011/2012! Could be owner occupied or investment. 1 bedroom, 1st floor & 3 bedroom, 3rd floor. Wood floors, dead end street. Good numbers. $349,900 MLS#4313321 linda i letourneau Cell: 802.343.2107 redstone www.redstonevt.com
HW-redstone2-102313.indd 1
services [CONTINUED] CLEAN CUTS LAWN CARE Raking, trimming, mowing, yard work, flower beds, lawn care. Free estimates. skyhorse205@yahoo. com, 863-2037 or 355-4099.
10/22/13 HW-redstone1-102313.indd 7:27 AM 1
10/21/13 HW-redstone2-102313.indd 1:58 PM 1
10/21/13 2:01 PM
To advertise, contact Ashley @ 865-1020 x 37 or homeworks@sevendaysvt.com.
10/21/13 2:03 PM HONEY-DO HOME JANITORIAL SERVICES MAINTENANCE I (Michael Peden) use All jobs lg. or small, nontoxic, environmenhome or office, 24-hr. tally friendly cleaning service. A division of products. I always do a Sasso Construction. thorough cleaning job Call Scott Sasso today! each time. About oneLocal, reliable, honest. half of my business All calls returned. is interior painting (I 310-6926. am also a professional painter). Be sure to HOUSE/PET SITTER check out my website: SERVICES pedencleaning.com. I am a Burlington 343-7866. pedencleanresident & current ing@gmail.com. Ph.D. student w/ over 25 yrs. of human KILL BED BUGS & services experience THEIR EGGS! who would love to be Buy a Harris Bed able to help you take Bug Kit. Complete care of your house & treatment program. beloved pets while Odorless, nonstaining. you are away. No job is Available online at too small. Daily rates homedepot.com (not in will be negotiated on a stores). case-to-case basis & all monetary scales will be considered. kasiokea@ earthlink.net.
MOVING/ HAULING VERMONT QUALITY MOVERS We’ll get you where you need to go. 598-9830. vermontqualitymovers.com.
buy this stuff
ANTIQUES/ COLLECTIBLES 1968 PICTURE DECANTER 1st issue in Americana collection by J.W. Dant’s Company. Boston Tea Party pictured on front. Original hangtag attached. No chips, cracks or crazing. $10. 497-0865.
CAMPBELL SOUP KID DOLLS 1997 set manufactured by Horsman Doll Company, authorized by Campbell’s Soup. Limited edition replicias of 1948 originals. Never taken out of original box. $35. 497-0865. CHALLENGER SHUTTLE PLATE Plate commemorating the Challenger Space Shuttle. Front features a picture of the 7 crew members. Back contains their names, age, birthplace & rank. $10. 497-0865. DISNEY 7 DWARFS SET Complete set of bean bags: Bashful, Grumpy, Doc, Happy, Dopey, Sneezy & Sleepy. All
have Disney tush tags. $15. 497-0865. LONE RANGER LOBBY CARD Original 11 x 14 movie theater lobby card from 1981 encased in hard plastic sleeve. Not a reproduction. $10. 497-0865. M&M SPOTLIGHT LAMP Adjustable lamp w/ M&M characters. The light resembles a movie spotlight & is 22 in. high w/ a heavy base. On/off switch. 497-0865. TWIST N TURN BARBIE Original limited edition reproduction of the 1967 doll manufactured by Mattel. Never taken out of box. Smasheroo outfi t plus display stand. $25. 497-0865.
VINTAGE BRASS PLAQUES Pair of brass plaques w/ hanger bracket on the backs. Ship motif on front. 12-in. diameter. $10. 497-0865.
APPLIANCES/ TOOLS/PARTS CENTRAL BOILER MAXIM OUTDOOR Wood pellet furnace provides safe, clean, efficient heat. Features automatic power ignition. Boivin Farm Supply, 236-2389.
CLOTHING/ JEWELRY SHAKIRA CAINE HEART PIN Double heart in white crystals, 2 in. x 1.5 in., from collection designed by Shakira, a model married to actor Sir Michael Caine. $15. 497-0865.
ELECTRONICS COMDIAL PHONE SYSTEM Many phones, mostly 8324SJ-FBs w/ a few 8212N-FBs & the J0816 Telephone Station. $400 for the whole system. Not for individual sale. 872-4320.
FIREWOOD DRY FIREWOOD 16 in. cut, split, delivered in Chittenden County. Maple, ash, beech & assorted other varieties. 878-3020.
FOOD DELNA’S KITCHEN For mouthwatering delicacies from the subcontinent, visit delnaskitchen.
com. For family meals to entertaining. Takeout & catering for all occasions. 485-4420.
HOUSEHOLD ITEMS QUEEN MATTRESS SET, NEW! Still in plastic, never been used. Mattress & matching boxspring. Can help w/ delivery if need be. 557-0675.
MISCELLANEOUS CAN’T LOSE WEIGHT? Always tired? nutritionalgain.com has the top three weightloss supplements in the industry. Go to nutritionalgain.com to order your life-changing bottle today! REAR MOUNT SNOWBLOWER 7 ft. Excellent condition. Hydraulic control for directional bonnet. Blower mechanism very good. Blower has been used very little. $2500. 349-6008.
jimbo2453@yahoo. com. Great bargain!
PETS FREE TIGER KITTEN Free to good home: 8-wk.-old tiger kitten. Rescued male barn kitten, very loving, good w/ dogs & cats. Has had shots. Martina, 582-0948. LABRADOR PUPPIES 524-2211. NEWFOUNDLAND PUPPIES Ready to go Nov. 15. Healthy, vibrant. Awesome lovability. Black/Landseer/ brown. Parents on-site. Pedigree/ health certificate guaranteed. Purchase contract, 1st shots/ deworming. Working/ therapy/service bloodline. 518-314-1935 for availability/delivery/ pricing. northcountrycanineservices@yahoo. com. PUREBRED SIAMESE KITTENS Ready now. $300. Shots. 324-3018.
STEPHEN KING 1ST EDITIONS 20 hardcovers for sale. Great condition. Selling as a set. $400.
Show and tell.
View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.
Open 24/7/365. Post & browse ads at your convenience.
holiday performances. Rehearsals, Mon. nights, 6:30. The Pines, Aspen Dr., S. Burlington. 655-2174.
experience. Learn to groove! 598-8861, arambedrosian.com, lessons@arambedrosian.com.
TREADMILL Pro-F RM XP 680 cross trainer w/ incline, heart rate monitor & programmable. Asking $250/OBO. 477-2696
GUITAR SHREDDING BOOTCAMP Established track record as Burlington’s premier chop builder, Franky Andreas provides lessons in theory, composition and speed via the Burlington Music Dojo. frankyandreas@ gmail.com. 578-4912.
BEGINNER GUITAR LESSONS Great for kids. Plenty of experience in the area. Great refs. 765-0833.
WANT TO BUY ANTIQUES Furniture, postcards, pottery, cameras, toys, medical tools, lab glass, photographs, slide rules, license plates & silver. Anything unusual or unique. Cash paid. Dave, 859-8966.
FOR SALE CASIO KEYBOARD Key Lighting System LK110. Great condition. W/ stand. Jim, jimbo2453@ yahoo.com. $100. YAMAHA KEYBOARD Advanced Wave Memory Stereo PSR185. Great shape, rarely used. W/stand. A steal at $100. jimbo2453@ yahoo.com.
INSTRUCTION BASS LESSONS W/ ARAM Learn songs, theory, technique & more in the Burlington Music Dojo on Pine Street. All levels/styles welcome! Years of pro playing, recording & teaching
DRUM & PERCUSSION LESSONS Long-standing instructor Rich Magnuson is now accepting students of all ages & levels. Multiple studio locations, in home possible. Visit magnusondrums. homestead.com for details. 899-1869. DRUM INSTRUCTION & MORE! Musicspeak Education Program: Responsible, experienced, professional private lessons & music education, serving central Vt. & beyond since 1993. Guitar, bass, percussion, production also offered. (musicspeak.org). DRUM, BASS & UKE LESSONS Learn technique & how to read music, play your favorite songs, count & understand rhythm, chords, beats & grooves! Plenty of refs. 765-0833.
FRIEDMAN MUSIC SCHOOL Piano, organ, congas, drum kit, theory, composition, improvisation (all instruments). Tailored to your needs. All styles, all ages, fun! 20+ yrs.’ teaching/performing experience. 279-7908 ira@friedmanstudio. com. GUITAR INSTRUCTION All styles/levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kilimanjaro, UVM & Middlebury College faculty). Info: 233-7731, pasbell@paulasbell. com. MUSIC LESSONS Piano, guitar, bass, voice, theory, composition, songwriting. All ages, levels, styles; 30 yrs.’ experience. Friendly, individualized lessons in S. Burlington. 864-7740, eromail13@ gmail.com.
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singer-songwriters, instrumentalists, bands & more! Great mics! Mix & master incl. 765-0833. FREE RECORDING FRIDAYS Singer-songwriters, college bands, cover bands, rappers/singers, this studio is for you! fridaypopcafe.com.
ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION #4C0421-7A 10 V.S.A. §§ 6001 - 6093 On October 2, 2013, Malone Milton Properties, LLC, c/o Patrick Malone, 122 Gallison Hill Road, Montpelier, VT 05602 revised previously-filed application #4C0421-7A for a project generally described as the change in use of an existing permitted development involving the replacement of a 2,000 s.f. video store with a 6,000 s.f. health
List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Ashley, 864-5684, fsbo@sevendaysvt.com. Sheldon log home
Cabot Charming capestyle home 25 Ennis Rd., Cabot. 2 large bedrooms, 1-1/2 baths, drilled well, basement, heritage barn, fruit trees, trout stream, mud/ screen rooms, 16 acres. 426-3163
FSBO-KimSargeant100913.indd 1
and fitness center, thereby decreasing the area dedicated for an ice rink from 32,552 s.f. to 28,552 s.f. The revision clarifies that exterior site modifications are proposed in conjunction with the Project including, a new parapet, new building columns, and new windows. The Project, known as the Ice Barn, is located on US Route 7 near Southerberry Drive in Milton, Vermont. The District #4 Environmental Commission is reviewing this application under Act 250 Rule 51 — Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Milton Town Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission Office, and the office listed below. The application and a draft permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (www.nrb.state. vt.us/lup) by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the project number “4C0421-7A”. No hearing will be held and a permit may be issued unless, on or before November 5, 2013, a person notifies the Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the Commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request must be in writing to the address below, must state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence
will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. If you feel that any of the District Commission members listed on the attached Certificate of Service under “For Your Information” may have a conflict of interest, or if there is any other reason a member should be disqualified from sitting on this case, please contact the district coordinator as soon as possible, no later than prior to the response date listed above. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by November 5, 2013. Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5). Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 4th day of October, 2013.
Energy-efficient log home w/ natural light, charm; private setting. Full basement, porches, fireplace, 3-BR, 2-BA, remodeled baths/ kitchen. 1624 sq.ft. Gardens, lg. barn. 10+ acres. $222,500. More info/photos DuffyHillHome@ yahoo.com. Debbie, 802-933-8853.
By: /s/Stephanie H. PM cost-effective emissions 10/21/13 FSBO-Landauer091113.indd 4:26 1 Monaghan reductions that are Stephanie H. Monaghan in alignment with District #4 Coordinator other municipal goals. Natural Resources Board The plan includes an 111 West Street inventory of existing Essex Jct., VT 05452 emissions, reduction 802-879-5662 goals or targets, and stephanie.monaghan@ analyzed and prioritized state.vt.us reduction actions. BURLINGTON, VERMONT PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE MDP-14-01 - Climate Action Plan; Open Space Protection Plan; Amendment of the Burlington Municipal Development Plan Introduction, Land Use Plan, Natural Environment, Energy and Relationship to Other Plans chapters and Re-adoption of the Burlington Municipal Development Plan Pursuant to 24 V.S.A. §§4385, 4387 and 4432 the Burlington Planning Commission will hold one public hearing on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 to hear public comment on the Climate Action Plan; Open Space Protection Plan, their incorporation into the Burlington Municipal Development Plan (MDP) by amendment of the Introduction, Land Use Plan, Natural Environment, Energy and Relationship to Other Plans chapters of the MDP and the re-adoption of the MDP. The hearing will begin at 7:00 p.m., in Room #12 of Burlington City Hall at 149 Church Street, Burlington VT. Statement of Purpose: The Climate Action Plan is a detailed and strategic framework for measuring, planning, and reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and related climatic impacts. It is a customized roadmap for making informed decisions and understanding where and how to achieve the largest and most
The update of the Open Space Protection Plan, rather than a wholesale replacement of the 2000 plan, adapts the original vision and goals to reflect progress made on past goals and changes in the public perception of needs for open space. It also provides greater analysis and policy guidance for natural areas, urban agriculture, and green infrastructure - items contemplated, but not fully articulated, in the original plan. The fundamental components of open space planning established in the 2000 plan – Conservation Education, Land Conservation, and Planning and Development Review - are retained. This update is an addendum to the 2000 Open Space Protection Plan and both are incorporated by reference into the Municipal Development Plan. All City plans and programs which effect transportation and development, including the Zoning Ordinance, Subdivision Regulations, Impact Fees and Capital Improvement Plan, must be in conformance with the policies and directives found in the Municipal Development Plan.
List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Ashley 864-5684, fsbo@sevendaysvt.com
Plan is4:19 thePM entire City of V. Transportation 10/14/13 Burlington, Vermont. VI. Economic Development Plan VII. Community Facilities Full text copies of all documents are available and Services Plan for public review at the *VIII. Energy Plan following locations: IX. Housing Plan Department of Planning X. Education Plan & Zoning, and the Implementation Plan Burlington City Clerk’s *Relationship to Other Office both in Burlington Plans City Hall, 149 Church Glossary of Terms Street, Burlington, References and Vermont. Resources Appendix: Community and Housing Profile NOTICE OF TAX SALE The resident and The geographic area nonresident owners, affected for the Climate lienholders and Action Plan; the Open mortgagees of Lands in Space Protection and the City of Burlington, in for the 2013 Burlington the County of Chittenden Municipal Development
and State of Vermont, are hereby notified that the real estate taxes assessed by such City for fiscal/tax year(s) 1996 - 2013 remain either in whole or in part, unpaid and delinquent on the following described lands and premises in the City of Burlington, to wit: Owner(s) of Record: Bilmar Team Cleaners (Margaret Murray). Property Address: 150 Shelburne St., Burlington VT. Tax Account/Map Lot Number: # 054-2028-000. Deed recorded at: Vol. 340, Pg. 480, on August 21, 1986.
Reference may be had to said deed for a more particular description of said lands and premises, as the same appears in the Land Records of the City of Burlington In addition, this property is listed on the VT Active Hazardous Sites list (SMS Site #94-1631) and has undergone monitoring to track residual petroleum contamination from a former underground storage tank system. Contamination at this site appears to be focused near the western property boundary and there
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The following sections of the MDP have been updated and are being readopted: *Introduction & Burlington Demographic Profile Our Community Vision: A “Sustainable” Burlington *I. Land Use Plan *II. Natural Environment III. Built Environment IV. Historic Preservation 4t-buyahouse-cmyk.indd 1
7/29/13 11:38 AM
sevendaysvt.com/classifieds does not appear to be any impact to the current onsite dwelling. Monitoring and remediation work may be eligible for coverage under the VT Petroleum Cleanup Fund (VPCF). Prior to conducting any subsurface work, excavation, or groundwater extraction in the vicinity of the contamination on this property, the Agency of Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Conservation, Waste Management Division must be notified. Information on the site’s status or the VPCF may be obtained from Ashley Desmond, Waste Management & Prevention Division, 1 National Life Drive – Davis, Montpelier, VT 05620-3704, (802) 8281138. and so much of the lands will be sold at public auction Conference Room 12, City Hall, 149 Church St., Burlington, Vermont 05401 on November 13, 2013 at 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon, as shall be requisite to discharge said taxes together with costs and other fees allowed by law, unless the same be previously
paid or otherwise resolved.
Systems, Inc., as nominee for Quicken Loans, Inc. to OneWest Dated at the City of Bank, FSB by an Burlington in the County instrument dated July of Chittenden and State 8, 2009 and recorded of Vermont this 11th day on July 23, 2009 in of October, 2013. Volume 1077, Page 245 of the Land Records of /s/_Bob Rusten the City of Burlington, Bob Rusten of which mortgage Chief Administrative the undersigned is Officer the present holder, for Burlington, Vermont breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of STATE OF VERMONT foreclosing the same SUPERIOR COURT will be sold at Public Chittenden Unit Auction at 8:00 A.M. on CIVIL DIVISION November 12, 2013, at 18 Docket No. S0961Ward Street, Burlington, 09 Cnc Vermont all and singular OneWest Bank, FSB, the premises described Plaintiff in said mortgage: v. Thomas M. Kirkpatrick To Wit: and Occupants residing Being all the same lands at 18 Ward Street, and premises conveyed Burlington, Vermont, to Thomas M. Kirkpatrick Defendants by virtue of a Warranty Deed from RP Holdings, NOTICE OF SALE LLC dated June 16, 2006 and recorded June 21, By virtue and in 2006 in Volume 964, execution of the Power Page 126 of the Land of Sale contained in Records of the City of a certain mortgage Burlington. given by Thomas M. Kirkpatrick to Mortgage Terms of Sale: Electronic Registration $10,000.00 to be paid in Systems, Inc., as cash or cashier’s check nominee for Quicken by purchaser at the time Loans, Inc. dated May of sale, with the balance 31, 2007 and recorded in due at closing. The sale Volume 1001, Page 328, is subject to taxes due which mortgage was and owing to the City of assigned from Mortgage Burlington. Electronic Registration
Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.
Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe, Fortin & Rees, 30 Kimball Avenue, Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, (802) 660-9000. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 8th day of October, 2013. OneWest Bank, FSB By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe, Fortin & Rees, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT, AGENCY OF NATURAL RESOURCES DRINKING WATER & GROUNDWATER PROTECTION DIVISION 1 National Life Drive, Main 2 Montpelier, VT 05620-3521 PUBLIC NOTICE - DRAFT UIC PERMIT 6-0081 A draft Underground Injection Control (UIC) permit has been prepared for the discharge of water softener backwash
The draft permit may be viewed on the website: http://www.anr.state. vt.us/dec/dwgwp/ noticesdraftuicid. htm. The complete application, proposed permit, and other information are on file and may be inspected weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., by calling (802) 585 - 4911. Copies will be made at a cost based upon the current Secretary of State, Official Fee Schedule for Copying Public Records.
A public comment period for the draft UIC permit begins October 28, 2013 and ends November 26, 2013. Comments must be made in writing and received by 4:30 p.m. on November 26, 2013. Written comments should be submitted to UIC Program, 1 National Life Drive, Main 2, Montpelier, VT 05620-3521. Comments may be submitted via email to ANR. DWGWPDraftPermit Comments@state.vt.us. All comments will be considered in making the final decision and will receive a response. Responses to submitted comments will be available to the public, by request, after the final permit is issued. A public hearing may be requested during the public comment period.
At the conclusion of the public notice period and after consideration of additional information received during the public notice period, the Drinking Water & Groundwater Protection Division will make a final determination. Pursuant to 10 V.S.A. Chapter 220, any appeal of this decision must be filed with the clerk of the Environmental Court within 30 days of the date of the decision. For further information, see the Vermont Rules for Environmental Court Proceedings, available on line at www.vermontjudiciary. org. The address for the Environmental Court is 2418 Airport Rd #1, Barre, VT and telephone 802828-1660.
4 3 5
5 6
9 7 4 5
3 1 4 5 4 7 8 9 3 1
No. 294
Difficulty: Medium
Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A onebox cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.
Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row acrosss, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.
9 8 7 5 1 6 2 4 3 4 1 6 3 2 9 5 8 7 answers on p. c-9 5 2 H3H = challenging 4 7 8 H6HH1= hoo, 9 boy! H = moderate 6 4 2 8 9 3 1 7 5 7 3 5 1 6 4 9 2 8
NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the Estate of Joanna Lull Williams late of Shelburne, VT. I have been appointed a personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within 4 months of the date of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described above within the four month deadline. Dated: October 20, 2013 /s/ Stanton L Williams 225 Fox Run Road Shelburne, VT 802-233-5351 Name of Publication: Seven Days Publication Date: October 23, 2013 Address of Probate Court: Chittenden District Probate Court P.O. Box 511 Burlington, VT 054020511 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT Chittenden Unit CIVIL DIVISION Docket No. S049809 Cnc Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Not in Its Individual or Banking Capacity, but Solely as Trustee for SRMOF II 2011-1 Trust, Plaintiff v. Thomas M. Kirkpatrick, John Poratti and Occupants residing at 20-22 Ward Street, Burlington, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by Thomas M. Kirkpatrick to Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for
Aegis Wholesale Corporation dated June 30, 2006 and recorded in Volume 966, Page 228, which mortgage was assigned from Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee for Aegis Wholesale Corporation to Aurora Loan Services, LLC by an instrument dated April 1, 2009 and recorded on April 17, 2009 in Volume 1064, Page 25 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington, which mortgage was further assigned from Aurora Loan Services, LLC to Aurora Bank FSB by an instrument dated April 15, 2013 and recorded on April 18, 2013 in Volume 1213, Page 564 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington, which mortgage was further assigned from Aurora Bank FSB to Selene Finance LP by an instrument dated April 15, 2013 and recorded on April 18, 2013 in Volume 1213, Page 565 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington, which mortgage was further assigned from Selene Finance LP to Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Not in Its Individual or Banking Capacity, but Solely as Trustee for SRMOF II 2001-1 Trust by an instrument dated April 15, 2013 and recorded on April 18, 2013 in Volume 1213, Page 566 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 8:30 A.M. on November 12, 2013, at 20-22 Ward Street, Burlington, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises conveyed to Thomas M. Kirkpatrick and Suzanne M. Hebeler by Warranty Deed of John Poratti and Christopher Poratti dated June 30, 2006 and recorded July 10, 2006 in Volume 966, Page 225 of the Land Records of the City of South Burlington. Said lands and premises were further conveyed to Thomas M. Kirkpatrick by Quitclaim Deed of Suzanne M. Hebeler dated June 30, 2006 and recorded July 10, 2006 in Volume 966, Page 227 of the Land Records of the City of Burlington.
Legals »
classifieds C-7
State of Vermont District of Chittenden SS Probate Court Docket No. 1237-9-13 In RE the Estate of Joanna Lull WIlliams late of Shelburne, VT.
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Commissioner Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation
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at the Long Point Corporation’s infiltration system in North Ferrisburgh, off Bay Road, Long Point in Ferrisburgh, VT, under the provisions of the Underground Injection Control Rule, Chapter 11 of the Environmental Protection Regulations of the Department of Environmental Conservation. The permit applicant is Long Point Corporation of Ferrisburgh, VT.
Complete the following puzzle by using the numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.
7+ 1-
The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale.
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Excellent rental properties with potential $5000 monthly net income. Two renovated apartment buildings close to Champlain Bridge. New heating system, low maintenance, off-street parking. Positive rental history. More info and photos on our website, www.realty-results.com $350,000. Realty Results 518-546-7557 realtyresults@yahoo.com
CW-Results102313.indd 1
Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or cashier’s check by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the City of Burlington. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe, Fortin & Rees, 30 Kimball Avenue, Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, (802) 660-9000. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 8th day of October, 2013. Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, Not in Its Individual or Banking Capacity, but Solely as Trustee for SRMOF II 2011-1 Trust By: Corey J. Fortin, Esq. Lobe, Fortin & Rees, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 So. Burlington, VT 05403
Office suite available for lease in professional office building. Great location on Rt. 2A across from Maple Tree Place. 720 sq.ft. with potential for future expansion. $13/sq.ft. NNN. Marie a. st. amand, Broker 802-878-5651 mpstamand@aol.com
10/21/13 CW-StAmand1-101613.indd 4:01 PM Cunningham and 1
STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT CIVIL DIVISION DOCKET NO. S140211 CNC Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Plaintiff v. David Cunningham, Tamara McLaughlin, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., Champlain Bay Association, Inc. and Occupants residing at 23 Sheridan Court, Shelburne, Vermont, Defendants NOTICE OF SALE
By virtue and in execution of the Power of Sale contained in a certain mortgage given by David Cunningham and Tamara McLaughlin to Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. dated March 20, 2008 and recorded in Volume 351, Page 747 of the Land Records of the Town of Shelburne, of which mortgage the undersigned is the present holder, for breach of the conditions of said mortgage and for the purposes of foreclosing the same will be sold at Public Auction at 10:00 A.M. on November 12, 2013, at 23 Sheridan Court, Shelburne, Vermont all and singular the premises described in said mortgage: To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises as conveyed to David Cunningham and Tamara McLaughlin by virtue of a Quit Claim Deed from David
Catherine Cunningham dated March 14, 2007 and recorded August 6, 2007 in Volume 346, Page 377 of the Shelburne Land Records. Terms of Sale: $10,000.00 to be paid in cash or cashier’s check by purchaser at the time of sale, with the balance due at closing. The sale is subject to taxes due and owing to the Town of Shelburne. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Lobe, Fortin & Rees, 30 Kimball Avenue, Ste. 306, South Burlington, VT 05403, (802) 660-9000. This sale may be cancelled at any time prior to the scheduled sale date without prior notice. DATED at South Burlington, Vermont this 8th day of October, 2013. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. By: Joshua B. Lobe, Esq. Lobe, Fortin & Rees, PLC 30 Kimball Ave., Ste. 306 South Burlington, VT 05403 STATE OF VERMONT SUPERIOR COURT CHITTENDEN UNIT PROBATE DIVISION DOCKET NO. 1047-7-13 CNPR In re ESTATE OF Josephine Bouchard
Complex 159, essex JunCtion
Office suites for lease in mixed-use retail/office center. Great location on busy Rt. 15 west of the Fairgrounds. 1000+ sq.ft. with potential for expansion. $8/sq.ft. net plus $2.75/sq.ft. utilities and CAM. Call for details.
marie A. st. Amand, Broker 802-878-5651 mpstamand@aol.com
10/14/13 CW-StArmand101613.indd 2:33Chittenden PM NOTICE TO CREDITORS Trust1 Company d/b/a To the creditors of Chittenden Bank Josephine Bouchard late Plaintiff of Colchester. v. I have been appointed to administer this estate. DDJG PROPERTY All creditors having VENTURES, LLC claims against the JEFFERY GARFIELD; decedent or the estate must present their claims in writing within DAVID DUBRUL; four (4) months of the first publication of this Defendants. notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below NOTICE OF SALE with a copy sent to the court. The claim may be By virtue and in barred forever if it is not execution of the Power presented within the of Sale contained in four (4) month period. a certain mortgage given by DDJG Property Date: 9/26/2013 Ventures, LLC to Chittenden Trust Morris Bernard Bouchard Company, n/k/a People’s Signature of Fiduciary United Bank, dated January 31, 2007 and Morris Bernard Bouchard recorded in Volume 889 Old Hollow Road 83 at Page 82 of the North Ferrisburgh, VT Moretown Land Records, 05473 of which mortgage 802-425-3179 the undersigned is blbouchard@comcast. the present holder, for net breach of the conditions of said mortgages Name of Publication: and for the purpose of Seven Days foreclosing the same, the mortgaged premises Publication Date: Oct. will be sold all and 23, 2013 singular as a whole at Public Auction at 9:30 Address of Court: AM on November 8, Chittenden Probate 2013 at Deer Run Lane Court Moretown, Vermont. 175 Main Street Burlington, VT 05401 To Wit: Being all and the same lands and premises STATE OF VERMONT conveyed to DDJG SUPERIOR COURT Property Ventures, LLC WASHINGTON UNIT by Warranty Deed of CIVIL DIVISION Benjamin Scribner and DOCKET NO. 792-11-12 Sven Scribner dated WNCV December 29, 2006 and PEOPLE’S UNITED BANK recorded on December f/k/a 29, 2006 in Book 80 at
10/14/13 2:33Junction, PM VT 05452 802Pages 475-477 of the Moretown Land Records. 871-5482
Being Lot No. 2 shown as 2.0 acres, more or less, on a plan entitled “Scribner Subdivision Off River Road Moretown, Vermont by Gregory F. Dubois, L.S.” dated October 2005 and recorded at Book 2, Page 156 of the Moretown Land Records. Terms of Sale: Purchaser at the sale shall pay cash or certified funds, or produce a commitment letter from a bank or mortgage company or other lender licensed to do business in the State of Vermont at the time of the sale for the amount of the winning bid. In any case the winning bidder shall be required to produce $10,000.00 (ten thousand dollars) cash or certified funds at the close of the auction as the deposit against the sale. The property will be sold subject to all unpaid property taxes and town/village assessments, if any. The sale will be subject to Confirmation Order of the Superior Court, Washington Unit, Civil Division. The mortgagor is entitled to redeem the premises at any time prior to the sale by paying the full amount due under the mortgage, including the costs and expenses of the sale. Other terms to be announced at the sale or inquire at Gordon C. Gebauer, PLLC 4 Park St., Suite 201, Essex
Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 23rd day of September, 2013. PEOPLE’S UNITED BANK By: Gordon C. Gebauer, Esq Attorney for Plaintiff THE CONTENTS OF STORAGE UNIT(S) 02-00145 LOCATED AT 28 ADAMS DR AND 48 INDUSTRAIL DR, WILLISTON, VT 05495, WILL BE SOLD ON NOVEMBER 7TH, 2013 TO SATISFY THE DEBT OF CHIP HIGGS. Any person claiming a right to the goods may pay the amount claimed due and reasonable expenses before the sale, in which case the sale may not occur. This is not a public sale. WARNING: SPECIAL MEETING CHAMPLAIN VALLEY UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT N0. 15 NOVEMBER 5, 2013 The legal voters of the Champlain Valley Union High School District No. 15 consisting of the towns of Charlotte, Hinesburg, Shelburne, and Williston, are hereby notified and warned to meet at the polling places in their respective towns set forth below on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 7:00 a.m. at which time the polls will open, until 7:00 p.m. at which time the polls will close, to act upon the following propositions:
ARTICLE I: Shall general obligations bonds or notes of Champlain Valley Union High School District No. 15 in an amount not to exceed One Million, Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00), subject to reduction from available state construction grants in aid, contributions and appropriations, be issued for the purpose of financing the cost of making certain public improvements, viz: athletic field improvements for Champlain Valley Union High School. State funds may not be available at the time this projects is otherwise eligible to receive state school construction aid. The District is responsible for all costs incurred in connection with any borrowing done in anticipation of state school construction aid. The legal voters of the Champlain Valley Union High School No. 15 are further notified and warned that the Champlain Valley Union High School No. 15 will meet on Monday, October 28, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at the Champlain Valley Union School Room 142 for the purpose of a public hearing on the above proposition. Upon closing of the polls the ballot boxes will be sealed, re-opened at Champlain Valley Union High School in the Town of Hinesburg, the ballots commingled and publicly counted
SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSIFIEDS by representative of the Boards of Civil Authority of the Towns of Charlotte, Hinesburg, Williston and Shelburne under the supervision of the Clerk of Champlain Valley Union High School District No. 15. The legal voters of Champlain Valley Union High School District No. 15 are further notified that voter qualification, registration and absentee voting relative to said special meeting shall be as provided in Sections 706u-706w of Title 16 and Chapters 43, 51 and 55 of Title 17, Vermont Statutes Annotated. Adopted and approved at a meeting of the Board of School Directors of Champlain Valley Union High School District No. 15 held on September 25, 2013. Received for record and recorded in the records of Champlain Valley Union High School District No. 15 on September 25, 2013. Polling Places The voters residing in each member district will cast their ballots in the polling places designated for their district as follows: Charlotte - Charlotte Central School MultiPurpose Room; Hinesburg - Hinesburg Town Hall - Upstairs; Shelburne - Shelburne Town Center Activity Room; Williston Williston Town Clerk’s Office.
Dated this 25th day of September, 2013. David Rath, School Board Chair Jonathan A. Milne, District Clerk
support groups DON’T SEE A SUPPORT GROUP HERE THAT MEETS YOUR NEEDS? Call Vermont 2-1-1, a program of United Way of Vermont.Within Vermont, dial 2-1-1 or 866-652-4636 (toll free). ABA FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP Affected by Addiction (ABA) is a community peer support group for adults (over 18) struggling with the drug or alcohol addiction of a loved one. ABA is not 12-step based, but provides a forum for those living this experience to develop coping skills and draw strength from one another. 1st & 3rd Wed. of each month, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Turning Point Center, Bank St., above bookstore, Burlington. Louise, 324-9690. AHOY BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS Join our support group where the focus is on living, not
AL-ANON For families & friends of alcoholics. For meeting info, go to vermontalanonalateen.org or call 1-866-972-5266. AL-ANON IN ST. JOHNSBURY Tue. & Thu., 7 p.m., Kingdom Recovery Center (Dr. Bob’s birthplace), 297 Summer St., St. Johnsbury. Sat., 10 a.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, Cherry St., St. Johnsbury. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS Daily meetings in various locations. Free. Info, 860-8382. Want to overcome a drinking problem? Take the first step of 12 & join a group in your area. ALL CANCER SURVIVORS Join the wellness classes at Survivorship NOW, created by cancer survivors for cancer survivors. Benefi t from lively programs designed to engage & empower cancer survivors in our community. 777 1126, info@ survivorshipnowvt.
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org, survivorshipnowVT. org. ALS (LOU GEHRIG’S DISEASE) This support group functions as a community & educational group. We provide coffee, soda & snacks & are open to PALS, caregivers, family members & those who are interested in learning more about ALS. Our group meets the 2nd Thu. of ea. mo., 1-3 p.m., at Jim’s House, 1266 Old Creamery Rd., Williston. Hosted by Pete & Alphonsine Crevier, facilitated by Liza Martel, LICSW, patient care coordinator for the ALS Association here in VT. Info, 223-7638. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND DEMENTIA SUPPORT GROUP Held the last Tue. of every mo., 5:30-7:30 p.m., at Birchwood Terrace, Burlington. Info, Kim, 863-6384.
Additionally, it is for men having problems w/ recurrence. Info, Mary L. Guyette RN, MS, 802-274-4990, vmary@aol.com or Tara Genzlinger, American Cancer Society, 872-6309. ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS W/ DEBT? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Anonymous. Sat., 10-11:30 a.m., Methodist Church at Buell & S. Winooski, Burlington. Contact Brenda, 338-1170. BEREAVEMENT/GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP Meets every other Monday night, 6-8 p.m., & every other Wed., 10-11:30 a.m., in the Conference Center at Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice in Berlin. The group is open to anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. There is no fee. Info, Ginny Fry or Jean Semprebon, 223-1878.
AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Held every 2nd Tuesday BRAIN INJURY of the month, 6-8 p.m. SUPPORT GROUP IN ST. at The Hope Lodge,Calcoku JOHNSBURY Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid Lois McClure-Bee Monthly meetings will usingBuilding, the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and Tabakin 237 be held on the 3rd Wed. column. East Ave., Burlington. 3÷ 11+ 7+ 6x of every mo., 3- 1-2:30 Central Vermont Man p.m., at the VFW Hall, to Man regular monthly 204 Eastern Ave. The 2- support group will offer meetings are open to the public, especially valuable resources & Sudoku for recently diagnosed info 1about brain injury. 15+ the 3+ following2- puzzle Complete using the men w/ prostate cancer, It will beby placecolumn to share numbers 1-9 only once in each arow, those successfully experiences in a safe, and 3x3 2- dealing 6 4treated, orbox. men secure & confidential w/ side effects from environment. Info, cancer treatment. 7+ Tom2Younkman, 2÷ ÷
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BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT Montpelier daytime support group meets 1st & 3rd Thu. of the mo. at the Unitarian Church “ramp entrance,” 1:302:30 p.m. Montpelier evening support group meets the 1st Mon. of ea. mo. at Vermont Protection & Advocacy, 141 Main St., suite 7, in conference room #2, 5:30-7:30 p.m. St. Albans support group meets the 2nd Tues. of the month at the St. Albans Diner, 14 Swanton Road from 4-5:30 p.m. St. Johnsbury support group meets the 3rd Wed. of the month at the VFW, 204 Eastern Ave. from 1-2:30 p.m. Colchester Evening support group meets the 1st Wed. of ea. mo. at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the Board Room Conference Room, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Middlebury support group meets on the 2nd Tue. of the month at the Patricia Hannaford Career Center from 6-8 p.m. Call our helpline at 1-877-856-1772. CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP 2nd & 4th Mon. of every month, 7 p.m., Franklin County Home Health Agency (FCHHA), 3 Home Health Circle, St. Albans. The Caregivers Support Group welcomes anyone who is helping care for a family member of a loved one with a chronic or life-limiting illness. 527-6717. CELIAC AND GLUTENFREE GROUP Every 2nd Wed., 4:30-6 p.m. at Central VT Medical Center Conference Room #3. Free & open to the public! To learn more, contact Lisa at 598-9206 or lisamase@ gmail.com. CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP AND FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP 1-3 p.m., every 3rd Thu. at the Bagel Cafe, Ethan Allen Shopping Center, N. Ave., Burlington. Please visit new website or call for location info, www.immunedysfunction.org or call 881-3821 or Lainey Rappaport at 660-4817. CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS CoDA is a 12-step fellowship for people whose common purpose is to develop healthy and fulfilling relationships.
By actively working the program of Codependents Anonymous, we can realize a new joy, acceptance and serenity in our lives. Tues. 5:456:45 p.m., First Baptist Church, 81 Saint Paul St., Burlington. Thu. 7-8 p.m. & Sun. noon-1 p.m. Turning Point Center, 191 Bank St., Burlington. Susan 829-9340, Tom 238-3587, burlingtonvtcoda@gmail. com, burlingtonvtcoda. org. DECLUTTER’S SUPPORT GROUP Are you ready to make improvements but find it overwhelming? Maybe 2 or 3 of us can get together to help each other simplify. 989-3234, 425-3612. DISCOVER THE POWER OF CHOICE! SMART Recovery welcomes anyone affected by any kind of substance or activity addiction. It is a science based program that encourages abstinence. Specially trained volunteer facilitators provide leadership. SMART Recovery can supplement or replace traditional addiction recovery groups. You have the right and the responsibility to decide what works for you. Sundays at 5 p.m. at The 1st Unitarian Universalist Society, 152 Pearl St., Burlington. Volunteer facilitator: Bert 802-399-8754. You can learn more at www. smartrecovery.org. DIVORCE CARE SUPPORT GROUP Divorce is a tough road. Feelings of separation, betrayal, confusion, anger and self-doubt are common. But there is life after divorce. Led by people who have already walked down that road, we’d like to share with you a safe place and a process that can help make the journey easier. The 13-week Divorce Care Support Group (for men and women) will be offered on Wednesday evenings, 6:30-8:30 p.m., September 11-December 4 at the Essex Alliance Community Center, 37 Old Stage Road, Essex Jct. For more information and to register call Sandy 425-7053.
There’s no limit to ad length online.
DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE WomenSafe offers free, confidential support groups in Addison County for women who have experienced domestic or sexual violence. Info, 388-4205. DROP BY THE WELLNESS CO-OP AND HANG OUT! Connect to a supportive community 43 King Street, Burlington. Tues, 10 a.m.-9 p.m.; Mon., Wed., Thu., Fri, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. We have snacks and turtles! Free and open to the public thewellnesscoop@ pathwaysvermont. org 888-492-8218 x300 FREE WI-FI!!! FAMILIES TOGETHER SUPPORT GROUP Join other parents for support, information, and connections at Vermont Family Network in Williston on the last Wed. of the month 5:30-7 p.m. Many parents say it helps to know they are not alone in parenting a child (any age, diagnosis, and situation) with special needs. Other parents can understand, listen, and share in the experience. No RSVP required. Contact is jan.hancock@vtfn. org, 876-5315. Call in advance if weather is uncertain. G.R.A.S.P. (GRIEF RECOVERY AFTER A SUBSTANCE PASSING) Please join us if you have lost a child or sibling to an overdose. Peer group for support over such a loss. Meetings will start Oct. 9 and will meet on the third Wed. of the month at 7 p.m., 310 Pine St., Burlington (Kilburn and Gates building). If Interested please email graspvt@gmail.com. GLAM CORE GROUP MEETING Wed., 6:30-8 p.m., RU12? Community Center, Champlain Mill, 20 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski. We’re looking for young gay & bi guys who are interested in putting together great events, meeting new people & reaching out to other guys! Core Group runs our program, & we want your input! If you’re a young gay or bisexual man who would like to get involved, email us at glam@ru12.org or check us out on Facebook (facebook.com/glamvt).
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tyounkman@vcil.org, 1-800-639-1522.
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on the disease. We are a team of dragon boaters. Learn all about this paddle sport & its health-giving, life-affirming qualities. Any age. No athletic experience needed. Linda, 999-5478, info@ dragonheartvermont. org, dragonheartvermont.org.
Show and tell.
C-10 10.23.13-10.30.13
Managing Editor
State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh
Hiring a to oversee the day-to-day operations of our content production, including copyediting, maintaining publishing schedules, and supporting our team of research analysts and newsletter editors in producing high-quality products. In this position, you’ll report directly to our President & Publisher. Competitive salary, 401(k), dental and health insurance, monthly wellness stipend, relaxed office environment.
For position details and application process, visit jobs.plattsburgh.edu and select “View Current Openings.” SUNY College at Plattsburgh is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity.
Visit www.wyattresearch.com for more info. Email cover letter and resume to jobs@wyattresearch.com. 3h-Wyatt-080311.indd 1
2h-PlattsburghState-102313.indd 1
8/1/11 11:18:23 AM
10/21/13 1:17 PM
seeks a...
STaFF reporTer Seven Days, Vermont’s award-winning independent newsweekly, is looking for a staff writer to cover the city of Burlington. We’re seeking a versatile journalist who can explore the streets of Vermont’s largest city and bring back great stories about schools, communities, development pressures, neighborhood issues and a remarkably diverse population. The right writer will be able to produce lively, hard-hitting longform pieces for the weekly paper and breaking news and lively blog posts online. This is a chance to live in a dynamic small city and work for a thriving, innovative media company. Applicants must have worked for at least two years as a professional journalist. They should also live in Vermont or have extensive familiarity with the state’s politics and culture.
TO APPLY, send resume, cover letter and three clips to news@sevendaysvt.com.
Tax Program Coordinator Opportunity to coordinate CVCAC’s regional tax preparation program. CVCAC, a nonprofit human service agency serving central Vermont since 1965, is seeking a full-time, seasonal—October to May—professional who is committed to assisting low-income Vermonters in filing taxes and securing the refunds and credits they are due. The coordinator will recruit and oversee tax preparation volunteers, arrange tax preparation locations, market the services, maintain partnerships with community institutions and organizations, and work closely with federal and state tax agencies. The ideal candidate will have experience in tax preparation and tax law, effective verbal and written communication skills, working knowledge of Microsoft Office products, experience recruiting and working with volunteers, and well developed marketing skills. Qualifications require a B.A. or equivalent in business or related fields with a strong background in finance and taxes. The position is located in Barre or Randolph, entails travel with a reliable vehicle and a flexible work schedule. The position is open until filled.
Please send a letter of interest and a resume to:
Central Vermont Community Action Council, Inc. Human Resources 20 Gable Place Barre, VT 05641 Or email cvcachr@cvcac.org CVCAC is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Applications from women, individuals with disabilities, veterans, and people from diverse cultural backgrounds are encouraged.
9V-CVCA-102313.indd 1 6t-SevenDays-Reporter-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 12:50 PM
10/21/13 4:41 PM
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Lead Software Engineer Company Overview
RCx Rules is a health care IT startup focused on delivering business process management software to the revenue cycle management operations of large physician groups.
Job Description
Based out of our Burlington office, this software engineer will take on small projects at first to get to know our proprietary platform, and will be expected to quickly take on significant responsibility as we develop our next generation of solutions.
Required Experience
• Bachelor’s degree in computer science • 5+ years of experience working as a software
new jobs posted daily! AT WWW.CCV.EDU OR AT THE CCV LOCATION sevendaysvt.com/clasSifieds NEAREST YOU
Crowley Insurance Agency is seeking a
Accounts Receivable Manager
Commercial Lines/ Personal Lines Customer Service Representative
CCV Montpelier
Under the supervision of the Director of Business Operations, this person will supervise and coordinate all aspects of the student accounts operations at CCV’s Montpelier Center. As the leader of the accounts receivable team, this person will be involved in the review and improvement of processes considering technology developments with e-commerce and document management. Bachelor’s degree in accounting plus four to five years of relevant experience is required. The ideal candidate will have a history of working and managing in a high volume receivables department, demonstrated success in effective collection strategies, excellent written and verbal communication skills, an ability to develop effective interpersonal relationships with a diverse constituency, prior supervisory experience, and the ability to work independently as well as in a team environment.
who is licensed in property and casualty insurance. We are a small and friendly agency that has been in business for many years. A competitive salary and excellent benefits are offered. Please send your resume to gailm@ crowleyagency.com.
2v-CrowleyInsuranceAgency-102313.indd 1 10/21/13 4:55 PM
Please visit www.ccv.edu for the full position requirements and application instructions.
engineer with Microsoft technologies
• A track record of delivering high-quality, highperformance software components
Send resumes to George Langdon, george@rcxrules.com
5v-RCxRules-102313.indd 1
CCV strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other under-represented backgrounds. CCV is an Equal Opportunity Employer, in compliance with ADA requirements, and will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.
10/21/135v-CCV-Accounts-102313.indd 4:47 PM 1
C-11 10.23.13-10.30.13
PARALEGAL Want to Earn Some Agency of Natural Resources
Extra Cash?
Want WanttotoEarn EarnSome Some Extra ExtraCash? Cash? Work Work in our in our Contact Contact Center. Center. Want to Earn Vermont TeddySome Bear Extra Cash? ®
Architects MorrisSwitzer~Environments for Health, focused exclusively in the health care design market, is seeking architects for entry5:09 PMto mid-level positions in our Williston office. Our awardwinning experience includes new construction and renovation projects ranging from clinics to community hospitals to major medical centers.
emoS nraE ot tna ?hsaC artxE
The state of Vermont’s Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) Office of Planning and Legal Affairs (OPLA) is seeking a .retneC tcatnoC ruo ni kroW Work in our Contact Center. MustMust havehave computer computer skills. skills. Flexible Flexible day day & evening & evening schedules. schedules. • B.Arch paralegal to provide legal support to ANR attorneys. The .seludehcs gnineve &degree yad elbipreferred xelF .slliks retupmoc evah t Must have computer skills. Flexible day & evening schedules. Computers Computers not for notyou? for you? legal support will focus on maintaining files and databases • Health care ?uoy rodesign f ton sretupmoC Opportunities Opportunities also also available available in Fulfi in Fulfi llment, llment, Shipping, Shipping, & Personalization. & Personalization. Computers not for you? .noitazilanosreP experience & ,gnippihS ,tn emllfiluF ni elbaliava osla seiti WorkRoad inRoad our Contact Center. related to ANR’s participation Act 250, in Section 248 and & Personalization. StopStop preferred Opportunitiesinalso available Fulfillment, Shipping, by our by Shelburne our Shelburne Factory Factory (6655 (6655 Shelburne Shelburne Road, Road, Shelburne, Shelburne, daoRREVIT enrublexperience ehS 5566( yrotrequired caF daoR enrublehS ru VT)Must VT) any any day day Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Thursday Thursday and and Friday Friday ,enrublehS ,• Environmental Court Stop proceedings and providing litigation have computer skills. Flexible day & evening schedules. by our Shelburne Road Factory (6655 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, between between Noon Noon and and 4pm4pm starting starting January January 7th until 7th until February February 1st for 1st for yadirF dna yadsruhT ,yadsendeW ,yadseuT ,yadnoM yad y VT) any Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday support to ANR attorneys whodayrepresent ANR inWednesday, these forums. Computers not for you? • Minimum three years r o f t s 1 y r a u r b e F l i t n u h t 7 y r a u n a J g n itraof ts mp4 dna nooN an in-person an in-person interview. interview. We look We look forward forward to having to having you you join join in the in fun! the fun! between Noon and 4pm starting January 7th until February 1st for Opportunities also available in Fulfillment, Shipping, & Personalization. !nuf eht ni nioj uoy gnivah ot drawrof kool eW .weivretni nosr A key part of the position is to manage applications for Act experience in conceptual an in-person interview. We look forward to having you join in the fun! Would you like toRoadbe part ofShelburne making the best Stop by our Shelburne Factory (6655 Road, Shelburne, 250 permits and Section 248 Certificates of Public Good design and construction VT) any day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday bears in the world? between Noon and 4pm starting January 7th until February 1st for (CPG) that are submitted weekly, manage a database that documents preparation an in-person interview. We look forward to having you join in the fun! tracks these applications, and prepare a weekly agenda that is • Architectural Registration We are looking for full-time and seasonal stitchers distributed to applicable ANR staff. preferred
Bear Stitchers and Assemblers
An equally important aspect of this position is supporting ANR attorneys in litigation related to Act 250 permits, Section 248 CPG’s and appeals of ANR permits to Environmental Court. Other duties include general office management of OPLA. Reference job posting ID 613730. Location: Montpelier. Status: Full time. Application deadline: November 6. To apply, use the online job application at careers.vermont.gov. The State of Vermont offers an excellent total compensation package and is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
5v-VTDeptofHR-Paralegal-102313.indd 1
and assemblers to work in a team environment. Must be able to perform repetitive work and stand for an entire 8-hour shift. Requires physical mobility and strength, as well as an eye for quality. Industrial sewing or assembly experience preferred.
We offer competitive salary and great benefits packages, a professional and team-oriented work environment, and many opportunities for growth.
To apply, please submit cover letter and resume to vermontteddybear.com/employment.
10/21/135v-VTTeddyBear-102313.indd 4:48 PM 1
• Strong communication and problem-solving skills required
Interested candidates send cover letter and resume to jcarlson@morrisswitzer.com.
10/21/13 4v-MorrisSwitzer-101613.indd 9:38 AM 1
10/14/13 4:10 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
Position Available
Adjunct Microbiologist Saint Michael’s College is seeking a committed teacher to offer an upper-level lecture and lab course in microbiology for biology majors. Applicants should have at least a master’s in microbiology or a related discipline, or equivalent experience. Teaching experience at the college-level preferred. Review of applications will begin November 1 and continue until the position is filled. All offers of employment are contingent on a successful completion of a background check. For full job description and to apply online, go to: smcvt.interviewexchange.com
3v-StMikes-102313.indd 1
Economist Economic & Policy Resources is seeking a motivated individual to join our team full-time in the position of Economist. This position involves working in a team environment to conduct the company’s economic research and public policy consulting practice. The company’s practice includes project work across the U.S. in economic development, impact analysis, housing and litigation economics. Duties include: interacting with clients to understand and interpret their needs, research, building economic and financial models to meet client needs, undertaking statistical analyses and interpreting results, using spreadsheets and other statistical-impact assessment software, policy analysis, and drafting of written technical memos-reports. This position requires attention to detail and ability to work with other team members toward common deadlines and goals on multiple projects. Applicants should have a graduate degree in economics or a closely related field. Prior working knowledge of macro- and microeconomics, fundamentals of input-output analysis, sound research methods, statistical-financial analysis and knowledge of common economic data series is preferred. Reply by submitting a resume and reference list by mail to P.O. Box 1660, Williston, VT 05495-1660, or email info@epreconomics.com. Please insert “Economist” in the subject heading if responding by email.
10/21/13 5v-EconomicPolicyRes-102313.indd 4:57 PM 1
chiropractic assistant for fast-paced office. Will train any bright, energetic, detail-oriented and self-motivated good communicator who can juggle three things at once, keep a smile and treat our patients like royalty. $31,200 salary plus up to $7500 bonus and benefits. Go to www.belifeful.com/hire for full description and instructions on how to apply.
A great company needs great people!
Facility Manager Sought for Solid Waste District
Join the Mac’s Market Team!
Store Managers We are looking for a few “top-notch” Store Managers to take the reins and do what it takes to make Mac’s the best store in town. Responsibilities include: cash management; customer service; inventory; cleanliness and safety of the store; hiring and scheduling of store personnel; compliance with company policies and procedures; and reporting to the retail management team as needed. Must have experience managing in a retail environment, be computer literate, able to do daily store paperwork, and available to work days, night, holidays or weekends, and at a moment’s notice. Positions are available in Fair Haven and Warren, Vt. Send cover letter and resume to jobs@svallen.com, fax to (802) 786-1241 or mail to Sherman V. Allen, Inc., PO Box 609, Rutland, VT 05702.
Join our team!
10/21/135v-MacsMarket-101613.indd 10:26 AM 1
This is a rare opportunity to put your passion for resource recovery, sustainable material management, and public service to work. Vermont's solid waste programs are rapidly expanding and we welcome creative and solution-oriented applicants. Primary work site is located in Stowe. Specific responsibilities include: 1. Oversee and ensure successful operations of six dropoff facilities. 2. Direct supervision of five full-time and 8-10 part-time employees. 3. Ensure vehicles, equipment, and supplies are maintained. 4. Facilitate health and safety training and adherence. 5. Manage schedule and budget. 6. Support special collection events. Minimum qualifications: Associate's or bachelor's degree, two years of successful supervisory experience, full command of Word and Excel, and dedication to the LRSWMD mission. Send resumes and cover letter to manager@lrswmd.org by November 1, 2013.
10/14/13 12:40 PM
J. MORGANS STEAKHOUSE, in the heart of downtown Montpelier, is looking for motivated people to join our team.
LINE COOK Our line cook position includes responsibilities such as preparing and maintaining the station for all of your food items. Grilling and sautéing skills are a must. Assisting other chefs when needed and maintaining sanitation requirements.
PROFESSIONAL SERVER As a server, you will set the tone for our restaurant. Looking for someone with excellent interpersonal skills and a warm demeanor. We'd like all applicants to have solid prior experience in a similar setting. The operating hours for our establishment are 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Monday to Sunday, so flexibility during those hours will be required. We offer a competitive salary and benefits including medical insurance, dental insurance and 401(k) matching. Please reply to this posting and submit a resume to info@jmorgans.com.
See website for full job description, www.lrswmd.org.
3v-NetworkChiro-102313.indd 1
10/21/135v-LRSWMD-101613.indd 10:57 AM 1
10/14/135v-JMorgansSteakhouse-102313.indd 12:21 PM 1
10/21/13 4:46 PM
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Sterling College
soft-goods buyer
Working Hands.Working Minds.
Onion River Sports in Montpelier seeks an experienced soft-goods buyer for men’s and women’s apparel and footwear.
Seeks qualified applicants for
Sterling College, a leading voice in higher education for environmental stewardship and the liberal arts, invites applications for a
Academic Programs Coordinator
Full-Time Faculty: Outdoor Education
Full time, year round
For more information, visit www.onionriver.com/ soft-goods-buyer-position/
2h-OnionRiverSports102313.indd 1
C-13 10.23.13-10.30.13
Please visit www.shelburnemuseum.org For full job description and application instructions.
10/15/13 1t-ShelburneMuseum-102313.indd 2:17 PM 1
Position begins May 2014. Responsibilities include teaching technical skills such as rock and ice climbing, challenge course instruction, and back country travel, and people skills such as small group dynamics, facilitation, and leadership. A key role for this faculty member will be to work with the Outdoor Education faculty and Dean of the College to develop and organize an immersive summer program in outdoor skills and leadership, as well as to contribute to the vision for the Sterling College Outdoor Education program.
10/21/13 3:02 PM
Candidates should have significant college teaching experience. A Master’s degree in Outdoor Education or related field required. WFR certification required; AMGA certification a plus. To view the complete job description, please visit www.sterlingcollege.edu/jobs.html
Developmental ServiceS
To apply, please email a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the contact information for three references by November 8, 2013 to Laura Lea Berry, Coordinator of Academic Programs, at lberry@sterlingcollege.edu
Pizza lovers sought for on-the-job support with a 40-year-old guy on Wednesday, 8:30-11 a.m. Job ID 1692 Enjoy Bollywood and dancing? Support 23-year-old woman for five weekend hours. Job ID 1691
Sterling College is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Food-loving music enthusiast and gamer sought to provide 15 hours of support to independent young man. Job ID 1690 Join dedicated and skilled team supporting three young men in their Starksboro home. FT and PT. Job ID 1984 Energetic and solution-oriented person for 40 hours/week overnight position. Job ID 1682
Outdoor Education 7days.indd 11 4t-SterlingCollege-101613.indd
Intensive Support — A Hoot for Night Owls! Awake overnight, Westford. Job ID 1688 On Call Team is looking for confident/skilled individuals to add to our response team. Job ID 1633
mental HealtH anD SubStance abuSe ServiceS Director, Crisis Services — Job ID 1586 Master's- or doctorate-level clinician sought to provide leadership and management of HowardCenter's three adult mental health and substance abuse crisis programs. Spring 2014 opening.
Hub Interim Services Coordinator — Job ID 1647 Provide assessment, counseling and case management to clients waiting for Chittenden Clinic opening. Master's.
10/14/13 10/7/13 5:34 1:02 PM
Political Director
The Vermont Conservation Voters (VCV), formerly the Vermont League of Conservation Voters, is seeking a motivated individual with a minimum of 2-4 years of experience in political organizing, environmental advocacy, lobbying and political campaigning. The successful candidate will have excellent political and strategic skills, effective fundraising skills and the ability to work collaboratively in a busy work environment. Founded in 1984, VCV serves as a critical political voice of Vermont’s environmental community and recently entered into a partnership with the Vermont Natural Resources Council.
Reach-Up Clinician — Job ID 1665 Provide Reach-Up adults/families employment and self-sufficiency support services. Master's. FT.
Salary commensurate with experience. For a full job description, visit vnrc.org. Email a letter of interest, resume and three references to Brian Shupe, executive director, bshupe@vnrc.org. VNRC is an equal opportunity employer.
Reach-Up Case Manager — Job ID 1668 Provide integrated service planning, coordination/case management to Reach-Up participants. St. Albans.
Night Owls Only! Clinician, Act 1/Bridge — Job ID 1661 Thirty awake overnight hours in busy crisis program. Bachelor's preferred. Benefits.
Case Manager (2), Safe Recovery — Job ID 1179 Service coordination/specialized services to people who inject drugs in transition from active use to recovery.
4t-VTLeagueConservVote-102313.indd 1
cHilD, YoutH anD FamilY ServiceS Clinician, Early Childhood Mental Health — Job ID 1675 Culturally competent and creative clinician to provide family support, case management and consultation to families/young children. Knowledge of and experience working with multi-ethnic/racially diverse families/ communities required. Flexible hours, FT. Master's.
VTDigger is hiring a Statehouse reporter to join our news team.
Residential Clinical Supervisor II, Rutland — Job ID 1678 Overall clinical accountability for individual and group therapy, implementation of treatment plans and documentation in residential setting serving adolescent males with sexual harming behavior. FT.
The candidate must have a journalism degree or at least 2-3 years of reporting experience. Investigative experience is preferred.
Crisis Stabilization Clinician, Comprehensive Care — Job ID 1669 Creative, passionate person to join the Leadership Team as a Crisis Stabilization Clinician.
Competitive salary with benefits.
For more information, please visit our website www.howardcentercareers.org.
We are filling this position immediately.
Positions of 20 or more scheduled hours are eligible for comprehensive benefits package. HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. Applicants needing assistance or an accommodation in completing the online application, please contact Human Resources at 802-488-6950. 10v-Howard-102313.indd 1
Statehouse Reporter
10/21/13 4:17 PM
Please send a resume, references and three clips to Anne Galloway, agalloway@vtdigger.org.
10/21/13 2:38 PM 4t-VTDigger-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 2:20 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
Energy Educator Bring hands-on, science-based energy literacy programs to NW Vermont schools. Teach students about energy: what it is, how to use it well. Requires BA/BS, 2+ yrs. experience teaching science and/or environment, drivers’ license and reliable vehicle for frequent on-the-job travel, strong communication and presentation skills. 12-16 hrs./ week, with flexible schedule (during school hours). Apply w/ resume & detailed cover letter by 12/ 1 to: larry.lewack@veep.org. More info: see www.veep.org.
2v-VEEP-102313.indd 1
The Vermont Humanities Council, a nonprofit organization headquartered in Montpelier, seeks a Director of Public Programs to develop, implement and supervise the council’s public programs. Relevant experience in program management and bachelor’s degree required; advanced degree desirable. Candidates should demonstrate broad background in the humanities, especially literature and history, have strong organizational skills, experience implementing programs, and excellent writing, people and computer skills. EOE. Please send cover letter, resume and the names of three references to Vermont Humanities Council, ATTN: Human Resources, 11 Loomis Street, Montpelier, VT 05602, or email lwinter@ vermonthumanities.org.
Assistant to the Director Williston, Vt. • Full-Time Position
Come build your future at Middlebury College!
Senior Development Officer: Do you enjoy raising money, developing relationships and travel? Middlebury College is seeking a seasoned fundraiser to represent a truly global institution with campuses in Vermont, California and around the world including 36 Schools Abroad. Middlebury is redefining the liberal arts. Come join the excitement! For more information, or to apply please visit: http://apptrkr.com/399834 . An Equal Opportunity Employer, the College is committed to hiring a diverse staff and faculty as we work to foster innovation in our curriculum and to provide a rich and varied educational experience to our increasingly diverse student body.
1 10/21/134t-MiddleburyCollege102313.indd 10:46 AM
Director of Public Programs
4v-VTHumanities-102313.indd 1
Middlebury, VT
An art business in Williston, Vt., is seeking a motivated and dynamic administrator to assist the director in business operations, including office administration, bookkeeping, website management and light design work. The ideal candidate will be comfortable multitasking, working independently within a unique and creative environment, and will have exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. Knowledge of Windows operating systems and Microsoft Office required; experience with Adobe Creative Suite preferred. Submit cover letter, resume and references to abbey@richarderdman.com. No phone calls, please.
10/21/134t-RichardErdmanStudio-102313.indd 10:44 AM 1
Afterschool Site Director Wanted!
NETWORK ADMINISTRATOR, COLCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT Successful candidate will have a bachelor’s degree in network administration or equivalent network certifications, experience with the use, repair and maintenance of computer hardware, software and peripherals used in an educational setting and a comprehensive understanding of networking (LAN/ WAN), Active Directory, group policies, VMware environment, topology and protocols.
The Burlington School District seeks an experienced educational leader to serve as the Director at the Edmunds Elementary afterschool program. The position is full-time, runs from early August through mid-June, and includes a generous pay and benefits package.
This is a full-time, full-year position with a generous benefits package. All applicants must apply on SchoolSpring at www.schoolspring.com, Job ID # 489062.
BUS AIDE EEE AT MALLETTS BAY SCHOOL Our early childhood bus aide rides the bus in the early morning (7:15-8:30) and during the mid-day runs (10:30-1:00). Responsibilities include seating up to 10 students and helping them stay safe and quiet on the bus ride. The person in this position helps facilitate communication between parents/providers and the early education teachers with minimal interactions at bus stops. All applicants must apply on SchoolSpring at www.schoolspring.com, Job ID # 502462.
10/21/13 6t-ColchesterSchools102313.indd 5:15 PM 1
10/16/13 2:15 PM
Burlington Kids offers enrichment and recreational opportunities alongside exceptional academic support on a schedule that meets families’ needs for quality afterschool care. We seek a creative, organized leader to design and manage this program in close partnership with multiple stakeholders. The ideal candidate will have significant administrative and supervisory experience in educational and/or licensed childcare settings. S/he will be adept at developing a cohesive team of core staff, collaborating with school-day personnel, interacting with families and contributing as an active member of the Site Director/Assistant Director team, while also working independently at the Edmunds site. To apply, please email a resume, cover letter, three references with contact information and academic transcript to the address below. Nina L. Mazuzan Burlington Kids Lead Site Director Email: nmazuzan@bsdvt.org
Equal Opportunity Employer
10/15/13 6t-BSD-101613.indd 4:37 PM 1
10/14/13 12:33 PM
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EldErcarE clinician MHSAS Job ID 1529 EOE/TTY.
new jobs posted daily! sevendaysvt.com/clasSifieds
Eldercare Clinician sought to provide home-based counseling, family work, and problem solving with Chittenden County seniors. Join innovative/thriving field, great work/life balance, independence, flexibility. FT with exceptional benefits. LICSW and car required.
C-15 10.23.13-10.30.13
2013-2014 WINTER JOB FAIR!
Please visit www.howardcentercareers.org to learn more. Questions? Contact Human Resources at 802-488-6950 or HRhelpdesk@howardcenter.org.
3h-Howard-EldercareClinician-101613.indd 1
Be part of a team and improve t health and wellbeing of Vermonte
10/21/13 2:27 PM
Spruce Camp Base Lodge Does it get any better than this? SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Schools, Child Care, Health and Wellness
eting: DirectorPuBlic of Communications Vermont HealtH SPecialiSt
Two great places to work, one job fair! Stowe Mountain Resort
The Vermont Department of Health’s Division of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention has an opening for an individual who understands the world of schools, sought to previous lead the of Tourism through work Vermont in them or withDepartment them.
l trade We relations efforts. This mission-critical position are looking for an energetic,of organized and collaborative individual to work on arketing: Director Communications positivea “systems” tourism-related coverage ofthe Vermont in theControl’s approach to school wellness using Centers for Disease best practices The and guidance to create and environmental changes l marketplace. Director ofpolicy Communications is needed to improve the health and well-being of Vermont’s children. The position requires an opment and implementation ofhow aDepartment proactive business sional sought to lead the Vermont ofoperate, Tourism understanding of the world of schools, they function and and the reality with the goals and mission of the Department of of how to get things done from the outside. Schools are a major focus, but little time and trade relations efforts. This mission-critical position will spent in them. Self-starters need apply! positive tourism-related coverage of Vermont in the sate well as bemaintaining consistent communications tional marketplace. Director Communications is In addition, the position will work with of existing organizations committees to ls. This position is The responsible for all tourismandmedia improve the well-being of children in child-care settings. This will also be done development and implementation of a proactive business -of-state; press release development; pitching targeted through supporting policy changes in child-care programs and at the state level to stent with goals and mission of the Department gional andthe national media; development of pressof strengthen nutrition standards and increase physical activity. ng as well as maintaining of consistent communications ineraries; management media contact lists; and travel to This is a full-time position located in downtown Burlington with routine g tools. This position is responsible for all tourism media ernational public relations initiatives. Directortravel may Montpelier, Williston and other Vermont locations. The Some out-of-state d out-of-state; press release development; pitching targeted be required. State of Vermontexecutive offers an excellent total in compensation package the Agency ofThe Commerce team the to regional and national media; development of press including benefits. ve travel trademanagement and business plan. and itineraries; of recruitment media contact lists;This and requirementS: Commissioner of Tourism & Marketing. ’s international public relations initiatives. The Director
www.stowe.com/about/employment 802-253-3541 Stowe Mountain Lodge www.destinationhotels.com/careers
5V-StoweMountainLodge-101613.indd 1
10/14/13 12:57 PM
Bachelor's degree AND three (3) years or more in a health care, public health or
services one (1)executive year or more at an administrative, with thehuman Agency ofINCLUDING Commerce team in the consultative or planning level; strate strong oral and written skills; have a BA oactive travel trade and business recruitment plan.in This OR field; have a minimum of five of relevant work od the Commissioner of Tourism & years Marketing. Master'sof degree in public health, administration or a health field AND two knowledge Vermont and public Vermont’s tourism industry. (2) years or more in a health care, public health, or human service organization
emonstrate strong and written skills; have a BA inor planning INCLUDING oneoral (1) year or more at an administrative, consultative elated eld; have aofminimum of five years of relevant level. and afiminimum three references should be work knowledge of Vermont and Vermont’s tourism industry. ,trate Vermont Agency Commerce andjobCommunity To apply for positionof #740854, use the online application found at
contact the Department Human Resources nal Lifewww.humanresources.vermont.gov Drive, Montpelier, VTor 05620-0501. In-ofand out-of-
Division, Recruitment Services, 800-640-1657 or 800-253-0191 (TTY/ mples and arange: minimum of three references(voice) should be ed. Salary $45,000 -at $50,000. Relay Service). weet, Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community NationalForLife Montpelier, 05620-0501. In- orand out-ofmoreDrive, information, contact SusanVT Kamp at (802) 951-4006 susan.kamp@state.vt.us. equired. Salary range: $45,000 - $50,000. The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
10v-VTDeptofHealth-101613.indd 1
10/21/13 5:25 PM 5v-Breadloaf-101613.indd 1
10/14/13 12:48 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
! e r u t u F e Shape th Stabilization Treatment & Recovery Team (START) is seeking Team Lead to oversee an innovative program incorporating peers into the service delivery system. This outreach-based position provides clinical and administrative supervision, budget oversight, and resource allocation. Some on-call responsibilities are required. Master's required; license and/or QMHP preferred. Please visit www.howardcenter.org to learn more. MHSAS Job ID 1662 Questions? 802-488-6950 or HRHelpDesk@howardcenter.org.
Family Support Consultant – Health Care Financing Specialist 37.5 hours/week
Are you a parent of a child with special needs? VFN is looking for a dedicated person to provide family-centered information, referrals and assistance to families, individuals and professionals by phone, in person, and through trainings and workshops. This person must maintain a broad and deep expertise regarding health care financing and related supports, including knowledge of insurance, Medicaid and SSI, application procedures, and current legislation available to families trying to cover expenses related to their medical needs. Must have experience parenting a child with special needs. Email resume and cover letter to HR@vtfn.org or by mail to HR, Vermont Family Network, 600 Blair Park Road, Suite 240, Williston, VT 05495.
EOE/TTY. 5h-VTFamilyNetwork-101613.indd 1 4t-Howard-Shape-100213.indd 1
10/14/13 4:09 PM
10/21/13 2:29 PM
Community Rehabilitation & tReatment SeRviCeS Community Mental Health Nurse: Seeking an RN to provide and direct appropriate medical care for adults coping with major mental health conditions, as well as advocacy, coordination and health education. This is a new position. Office hours with potential for some evening or weekend coverage. 20 hours/week with the possibility of additional overtime hours.
Community Support Worker: Provide outreach supports to adults coping with
psychiatric disabilities in their homes and in the community. Work flexibly as part of dynamic interdisciplinary treatment teams in planning and providing supportive counseling, skills teaching and other services to assist individuals in their process of recovery. Applicants should possess excellent communication skills; the ability to work with individuals with patience, insight and compassion; and an ability to work well in a team environment. Part-time position with benefits and potential for more hours with some weekend availability.
youth & Family SeRviCeS
Intensive School Supports Program Interventionist: Provide direct intervention and training to foster the development of communication and social skills, adaptive behavior, daily living and academic or pre-academic skills to children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder/emotional behavioral disability. Bachelor’s degree, preferably in education or human services field. This is a 37.5-hour-per-week, benefit-eligible position. Programming Specialist in Intensive School Support: Develop and manage
intensive, individualized instructional and behavioral programs for youth and young adults (through age 21) with autism spectrum disorders and emotional/behavioral disabilities. Oversee effective integration into school and community settings. Train/ supervise staff, facilitate team collaboration and support/train families. Bachelor’s degree required in special education, psychology or related field. Master’s degree and Applied Behavior Analysis orientation and certification preferred. Minimum of three years experince with ASD. This is a full-time, benefit-eligible position.
To learn more about available positions, please visit www.csac-vt.org or contact Danielle at 802-388-0302 ext. 425. Submit resume and cover letter to apply@csac-vt.org. EOE. 9t-CounselingAddison-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 10:51 AM
follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS, or check postings on your phone at m.sevendaysvt.com
new jobs posted daily! sevendaysvt.com/clasSifieds
C-17 10.23.13-10.30.13
WANTED: Experienced A/R and A/P person. Must have good phone skills. Small office environment. Generous competitive compensation. Can respond by email at jbtrucks@sover.net or in person at J&B International Trucks, 964 Hercules Drive, Colchester, VT.
be part ofofa Communications team and improve the ting: Director
health and well-being of Vermonters! Does it get any better than this?
sought to lead the Vermont Department of Tourism rade relations efforts. This mission-critical position ositive tourism-related coverage of Vermont in(Part the time) marketplace. Director Communications The VermontThe Department of Health,of Division of Health Promotion and is Disease Prevention, has an opening for a part-time nurse. We are looking for an energetic, pmentorganized, and implementation of a proactive business collaborative person to join our team of hardworking and knowledgeable with theindividuals goalswho and mission of the Department ofthe reduction are focused on tobacco prevention and cessation and of secondhand smoke. The team is working to prevent and reduce the well asproducts maintaining consistent communicationsuse of tobacco by women of childbearing age; help vulnerable Vermonters access services s. This and position isthem responsible all tourism media tools to help quit tobacco; andfor is partnering with community coalitions who work in communities to educate about tobacco prevention and help make communities of-state; press release development; pitching targeted arketing: Director of Communications healthier places to live. onal and national media; development of press In this position you will collaborate with Vermont’s health care reform efforts via the neraries; management of media contact lists; and Blueprint for Health and their hospital-based community health teams, the Centers sional sought to lead the Vermont of Tourism for Disease Control, the Research Triangle Department Institute (RTI), Vermont Tobacco rnational public relations initiatives. Thethe Director and Evaluation Review Board, as well as state leaders on research-based systems che and trade relations efforts. executive This mission-critical position Agency of Commerce team in the approaches to reducing tobacco use. This is a very exciting position! rate positive tourism-related coverage of Vermont the e travel trade and business recruitment plan. in This Become part of Vermont’s Tobacco Prevention Team, which is making significant tional marketplace. The Director of Communications is Commissioner of Tourism & Marketing. strides in reducing the burden of chronic disease in our state. Vermont is winning
Public HealtH Nurse
development and implementation of aThis proactive this battle, but much more needs to be done. is a part-timebusiness position located in stent with the Burlington. goals and mission of routine the Department ofWilliston and downtown The position requires travel to Waterbury, trate strong oral and written skills; have a BA in other Vermont locations. Some out-of-state travel may be required. Full state benefits ing as well as maintaining consistent communications are part ofathe compensation of package. The State of of Vermont offers an excellent total fi eld; have minimum fi ve years relevant work g tools.compensation This position package.is responsible for all tourism media knowledge of press Vermont anddevelopment; Vermont’s tourism d out-of-state; release pitchingindustry. targeted requiremeNts: to regional and Bachelor's nationaldegree media; development of press education: in nursing from an accredited school. and itineraries; of media lists; and a minimum of years three references shouldincluding be and experience:management Three of professional nursingcontact experience, at least two in public health or as a registered nurse in a community health setting. ’s international public relations initiatives. The Director Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community OR Agency of Commerce executive team the out-ofalwith Lifethe Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-0501. In-inand education: Graduation from an accredited school of nursing supplemented oactive travel trade and business recruitment plan. This by a d. Salary range: $45,000 - the $50,000. bachelor's degree, preferably in social sciences or humanities. o the Commissioner of ofTourism & Marketing. experience: Five years professional nursing experience, including at least two in
2h-JBInternationalTrucks-102313.indd 1
10/7/13 3:18 PM
Coordinator of Academic Services CCV Newport
We are seeking a full-time professional to join the CCV Newport team. This position will provide academic advising to community college students with a variety of educational goals and participate in recruitment, retention and community outreach efforts. Master’s degree and two years’ experience in post-secondary education required. Previous college teaching experience and familiarity with online teaching and learning preferred.
public health or as a registered nurse in a community health setting.
emonstrate strong oral and written skills; have a BA in OR elated fieducation: eld; have minimum of fiinvenursing, years of relevant workor nurse RN a with a master's degree a master's in public health practitioner experience (two years of nursing experience). trate knowledge of Vermont and Vermont’s tourism industry.
CCV offers a competitive salary with a generous benefits package including medical, dental and vision insurance, paid leave including 20 vacation days, 14 holidays/ personal days/sick time, 12% retirement contribution and tuition waiver.
To apply for position #740866, use the online job application at www.humanresources.
vermont.gov or contact of the three Department of Human Resources, Division mples and a minimum references should be of Recruitment Services, at 800-640-1657 (voice) or 800-253-0191 (TTY/Relay Service). weet, Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community moreDrive, information, contact Garry Schaedel, Health Promotion Chronic Disease NationalForLife Montpelier, VT 05620-0501. In-andand out-ofDivision Director, at 802-863-7269 or garry.schaedel@state.vt.us. equired. Salary range: $45,000 - $50,000.
Please visit www.ccv.edu for the full position requirements and application instructions.
The State of Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
12-VTDeptofHealth-101613.indd 1
10/21/13 4:54 PM
CCV strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other under-represented backgrounds. CCV is an Equal Opportunity Employer, in compliance with ADA requirements, and will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.
10/14/13 12:39 PM 5v-CCV-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 5:08 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
Tourism Corporate Litigation Legal Assistant
Vermont Public ServiceofBoard seeks a & Marketing: Director Communications
Our premier downtown Burlington law firmJob is currently Description: seeking a legal assistant for our Corporate Litigation practice Experienced professional sought to lead the Vermont Department of Tourism group. The successful candidate will be a detail-oriented & Marketing’s public and trade relations efforts. This mission-critical position team player with a flexible and positive attitude. The is designed to generate positive tourism-related coverage of Vermont in the position requires professionalism, excellent communication, The Vermont Public Service Board seeks to fill a Staff Attorney position. national and international marketplace. The Director of Communications is organization, computer and grammar skills. Previous law The Public Service Board regulates electric, energy efficiency, natural gas, firm and/or legal experience a plus. We offer aresponsible competitive for the development and implementation of a proactive business telecommunications and water utilities in Vermont. Issues decided by the board salary and comprehensive benefits package. outreach plan consistent with the goals and mission of the Department of
include, among others: siting of utility facilities and non-utility renewable
and Marketing as well as maintaining consistent communications Qualified candidates should submit a letterTourism of interest, generation facilities; utility rates other financial and renewable via social tools. This position isand responsible formatters; all tourism media resume, references and writing sample in confidence to networking and out-of-state; press release development; energy efficiency and telecommunications policies.pitching targeted tsenzel@vtlaw1.com or Tricia C. Senzel, relations CPA, Burakin-stateenergy, Anderson & Melloni PLC, 30 Main Street, P.O. Box 787, tourism story ideas to regional and national media; development of press Burlington, VT 05402. The and Staff itineraries; Attorney position offers a unique chance tocontact participate in Vermont's familiarization trips management of media lists; and www.vtlaw1.com
regulatory process that implements major policy decisions which often have support for Vermont’s international public relations initiatives. The Director will also collaborate with the Agency of Commerce executive team in the statewide, regional and national significance. See http://psb.vermont.gov. 4t-Burak-102313.indd 1 10/21/13 1:15 PM proactive andutility-related business recruitment plan. Thisrules; Front Desk development of aSpecific dutiestravel includetrade reviewing filings; drafting proposed position will report to the Commissioner of Tourism & Marketing. assisting in the development of board policy on utility-related matters; presiding Team Member over contested cases as a quasi-judicial hearing officer, with responsibility to EssexJob Family Dental Description: Candidates must: demonstrate strong oral and written skills; have a BA in identify significant thorough in a fair, professional, If you're a hardworking team player with a greatPublic attitude,Relationssought Experienced professional tofilead the conducting Vermont Department ofrelevant Tourism or related eld; issues; have a minimum of fivehearings years of work judicious manner; preparing comprehensive proposed decisions that resolve all our office might be for you! We're a fast-paced,experience; growing demonstrate knowledge of Vermont and Vermont’s tourism industry. & Marketing’s public and trade relations efforts. This mission-critical position dental practice with an emphasis on excellent patient care, critical issues; and assisting the board in evaluating the proposed decisions. The designed todesk generate positive tourism-related coverage of Vermont in the and we're looking to add is someone to our front team! would advise the board in cases that the board hearsbe directly, with Resume, writing attorney samples andalso a minimum of three references should national international marketplace. The Director of Communications is the We're open: Monday-Thursday: 7 a.m.-7and p.m; Friday: 7 a.m.submitted to Kitty Sweet, Vermont Agency of Commerce and Community responsibility to identify, research and analyze significant issues, manage 4 p.m.; and Saturday: 8 a.m.-2 p.m. We’re looking for responsible for the development and implementation of VT a proactive business Development, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, 05620-0501. In- the andboard’s out-ofprocedural elements of the cases, work as part of a team, and draft someone to fill a 30-35 hours/week position Monday to outreach plan consistent with the goals and mission of the Department of state travel will be required. Salary range: $45,000 - $50,000. Friday with rotating Saturdays. Candidates must be highly orders.
Tourism & Marketing: Director of Communications
Tourism and Marketing as well as maintaining consistent communications andresponsible excellent writingfor andall analytical skills media are required. A via social networking tools.Judicial This temperament position is tourism strong candidate will release have prior experience in utility regulation related areas, relations in-state and out-of-state; press development; pitchingor targeted including the telecommunications or energy industries or administrative law. The story If this sounds like a good tourism fit for you, please sendideas resume to regional and national media; development of press board also highly values experience financial or business decision-making, and cover letter to bentleyefd@hotmail.com. familiarization trips and itineraries; management of with media contact lists; and facility siting and permitting, and public policy analysis and formulation. support for Vermont’s international public relations initiatives. The Director will also collaborate with the Agency ofbeCommerce executive teamtoin Candidates must admitted (or eligible for admission) thethe Vermont Bar. 4t-EssexFamilyDental-101613.indd 1 10/14/13 3:47 PM development of a proactive travel trade and business recruitment plan. This Salary is commensurate applicant’s background and experience in position will report to the Commissioner of with Tourism & Marketing. motivated, able to answer incoming calls, verify insurance coverage and assist patients with checking in and out. Applicants must be comfortable discussing finances with patients, able to multitask and extremely detail-oriented.
Office manager
accordance with the State of Vermont’s Attorney Pay Plan. The pay plan can
Well-established law firm seeks an be found at http://humanresources.vermont.gov/sites/dhr/files/Documents/ Candidates must: demonstrate strong oral and written skills; have a BA in experienced Office Manager. Excellent Compensation/DHR-Attorney_Pay_Plan.pdf . Public Relations or related field; have a minimum of five years of relevant work communication, interpersonal, organization demonstrate knowledge ofresume, Vermont tourism industry. To apply, submit coverand letter Vermont’s and writing sample to Business and computer skillsexperience; a must. Candidates must be detail oriented, able to multitask, and Manager, Vermont Public Service Board, People's United Bank Building, enjoy working withResume, and overseeing staff and 4th Floor, 112 State Street, Montpelier, VT 05620-2701, via email to writing samples and a minimum of three references shouldorbe providing supportsubmitted to attorneys asto needed. psb.businessmanager@state.vt.us. Position and open until filled. Kitty Sweet, Vermont Agency of Commerce Community Experience with payroll, quarterly and Development, One National Life Drive, Montpelier, VT 05620-0501. In- and out-ofyearly tax filings, AP, AR, monthly financial TheSalary State of Vermont an excellent total compensation package. The State of state travel will be required. range:offers $45,000 - $50,000. reporting in a legal setting preferred. Vermont is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Competitive salary and benefits offered. Send resumes to bgfinfo@vtlawoffices.com.
12t-VTPublicServiceBoard-102313.indd 1 4t-BauerGravelFarnham-101613.indd 1
10/11/13 11:49 AM
10/21/13 4:59 PM
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new jobs posted daily! sevendaysvt.com/clasSifieds
Finisher/Patcher position. Must have sewing experience; will train the rest. 25-30 hours or more. $10/hour to start.
Contact John or David at the Town Cobbler, 27 Taft Corners Shopping Center, Williston, or email David at townccobblervt@ gmail.com.
Executive Director
LPN/Medical Assistant Full-timeSeeking position a in busy obstetric, gynecology and midwifery group practice.
Wake Robin is Vermont’s premier senior living community and is committed to the mutual support, independence and wellness of our residents. Our staff members are the cornerstone of this commitment, and are a valued part of the Wake Robin community.
Required qualifications: practice. Responsibilities medial assistant experiinclude triage preferred), as well as ence (OB/GYN clinical areas. Knowledge great customer service of phlebotomy skills, experience skills using and EHRHealth use desired; Electronic Record system, phlebotomy and experience with women's injection skills. health preferred.
full-time LPN for a busy OB/GYN
Please resume Sendsend resumes and letter to to cover dpoirier@ jobs@maitriobgyn.com. maitriobgyn.com.
townccobblervt@gmail. 10/21/13 2v-MaitriHealth-102313.indd 5:06 PM com
2v-TownCobbler-102313.indd 1
(Full time)
(Full time) Wake Robin provides highly competitive wages and a full range of benefits for you and your family, 20 days of vacation and a retirement package. If you have high standards of service and a strong desire to learn, please email hr@wakerobin.com or fax your resume with cover letter to: HR, 802-264-5146. Wake Robin is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
10/21/134t-WakeRobin102313.indd 12:55 PM 1
Commercial Lines Customer Service Representative
Manage and service small, medium, and large commercial insurance accounts.
The Executive Director is the chief administrator of the Vermont Cheese Council (VCC) and is responsible for providing strategic leadership and long-term direction, and achieving financial goals set by the Board of Directors. In addition, the Executive Director has the overall managerial and administrative responsibility for the VCC within Vermont. The primary function of the Executive Director is to guide and direct the VCC in accordance with the mission 5:05 PM of the VCC set by the Executive Committee. The Executive Director has responsibility for fostering a positive culture and work environment. Send resumes to vcced.search@gmail.com.
ReSponSibiLitieS: Professional and prompt customer service including phone, email and walk-in inquires on new and existing client accounts. Coordinate policy changes, receive and process new claims, and assist as needed on existing claims. Audit review and process including audit dispute resolutions. Keep precise records of customer interactions and transactions, recording details of inquiries, concerns and comments, as well as actions taken in the agency management system (AMS 360). Receive direction from carriers and sales producers to assist in project and/or proposal delivery, policy changes, requests for additional information. Market all lines of coverage for new and renewal commercial risks including additional lines of coverage. This includes the creation of submissions, preparation of proposals, binding of coverage with carriers, billing and review of policies. Perform other duties as needed.
Amato’s is growing and is looking for great people! 3v-VTCheeseCouncil-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 4:53 PM
At Amato’s we feature great sandwiches, pizza and pasta. We are currently hiring
Amato’s staff and Maplefields cashiers.
MiniMUM QUALiFiCAtionS: Highly organized with excellent verbal and written communication skills. Sharp attention to detail. Demonstrated flexibility and adaptability to changing priorities, deadlines and technology. Thrives in both a team and independent working environment. Ability to resolve problems with clients and insurance carriers. Proven track record of organizing and prioritizing an ever-changing workload. Minimum three years’ commercial lines property and casualty experience. Insurance property and casualty license required. College degree preferred.
As part of our team, you will earn competitive pay with benefits for full-time staff and flexible scheduling for part-time staff with limited part-time benefits. Email resumes to joes@rlvallee.com.
Essex Maplefields 72 Upper Main Street
Send resumes to davidholton@essexagency.com. 9V-EssexAgency-102313.indd 1
C-19 10.23.13-10.30.13
10/21/13 4:42 PM 5v-Maplefields-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 4:35 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
Washington County Mental Health Services, Inc. is seeking to fill the following positions:
Small, Burlington-based company is seeking an Office Manager who is a QuickBooks pro, highly organized and has a can-do attitude. Must understand deferred revenue and intercompany accounts along with QBooks expertise. Job handles all administrative duties. Send resume and a cover letter indicating why you would be a good fit to hr@ringmastersw.com.
2v-RingmastersWeb-101613.indd 1
Outpatient Clinician
Full time with benefits. Mental health clinician needed to provide clinical services to adults in a physician’s office. This position is located in a central Vermont primary care office and employed through Washington County Mental Health Services. A master’s degree, license eligible, a collaborative approach, and at least one year of experience providing psychotherapy required. Experience and interest in behavioral psychology desired.
Community-Based Case Manager
Full time with benefits. Looking for someone to act as mentor, role model and support for men ages 18 and up with psychiatric and co-occurring disorders. Caseload would include but not be limited to: young men who are newly diagnosed; those involved with the criminal justice system; and those who are older and have lived with severe and persistent psychiatric disabilities throughout their lives. This is a fast-paced outreach position that includes supportive counseling, service coordination, skills teaching and advocacy, and requires someone who is compassionate, creative, organized, honest, dependable and strengths based. Prefer person with master’s degree in related field and at least one year of experience working with men with mental illnesses. Will consider a person with a bachelor’s degree in related field who has relevant experience.
10/14/13 3:13 PM
C.H.O.I.C.E. Academy Math Instructor
Customer Service Representatives
Full time with benefits. Seeking an educator to provide academic and skills instruction to adolescents in an integrated mental health treatment/educational center. Responsible for designing and implementing academic curriculum and instruction appropriate to the needs of each student in the classroom and implementing social and behavioral programming for each student. Must be willing to learn de-escalation and passive restraint techniques. Teaching experience with children with severe emotional and behavioral challenges or other mental health issues preferred. Master’s degree or bachelor’s with a teaching license in the appropriate area of instructional specialization. Will consider bachelor’s degree with extensive knowledge (18 college credits) and experience in instructional specialization with teaching experience. Teachers meeting Vermont’s Highly Qualified Standard preferred.
Growing call center in Burlington seeking many full- and part-time CSR’s to support the Vermont Healthcare Exchange. Inbound calls regarding coverage, etc. High school diploma, GED or equivalent. Must be able to accurately enter data, work with diverse populations in a fast-paced environment and have strong interpersonal skills.
Emergency Screener
$12/hour to start, with increases. Will train! 1-2 years of customer service experience preferred.
Full time with benefits. Emergency Services is seeking an experienced professional to provide crisis intervention services for individuals and their families. The position requires three 12-hour shifts per week, including nights and weekends. Worksite is the WCMHS site building C in Berlin, but outreach visits to all parts of Washington County and sections of Orange County are expected. The successful candidate will possess an awareness of mental health, developmental disabilities, and social services systems. Applicants to be considered must have a bachelor’s or higher degree and extensive experience in mental health service delivery to a diverse population. Master’s degree preferred.
To apply, go to www.spherion.com/jobs and enter Job Code 1001860257.
10/21/13 You deliver the packages. We deliver the funds.
2v-spherion-102313..indd 1
5:06 PM
Chrysalis House Team Leader
Full time with benefits. The Chrysalis House Team Leader is responsible for the administration and coordination of the Chrysalis House Team. Chrysalis House is community-based residential program designed to serve persons with significant mental health challenges from intensive care environments (such as Vermont State Hospital). Program participants may exhibit aggressive and/or self-harming behaviors. In addition to administrative functions, this individual will provide one-on-one service provision to program participants. BA or BS in human services required. MA/MS preferred. Experience in the mental health field and previous administrative experience preferred.
SEASONAL DRIVERS Kelly Services® is hiring experienced drivers for FedEx Ground®. Great opportunity, great pay.
INQUIRE IN PERSON! 322 Leroy Rd Williston, VT Mon-Fri 9am 4pm
All positions require a clean driving record and access to a safe, reliable and insured vehicle. Only applicants selected for interviewing will be notified.
Email: tempupny@yahoo.com
To apply, please send applications/resumes to: WCMHS, Personnel, PO Box 647, Montpelier, VT 05601 or personnel@wcmhs.org Web: www.wcmhs.org | Fax: (802) 223-8623 | Phone: (802) 229-1399
An Equal Opportunity Employer 14t-WCMHS-101613.indd 1 2v-FedEx102313.indd 1
10/21/13 10:49 AM
10/14/13 12:41 PM
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new jobs posted daily! sevendaysvt.com/clasSifieds
C-21 10.23.13-10.30.13
t & n Full-time e g m r n position available i se de l l in busy, outpatient Bi bur /Co tal) surgery practice. t n e s m i y /D Ideal candidate: 2-4 years of Re nal edical experience billing medical and/ A
Collaborative Solutions Corporation is seeking several applicants for open positions at our Community Recovery Residences located in Williamstown and Westford, Vt. Recovery Staff – We are seeking to fill day and night shifts at our community
recovery setting. Duties include, but are not limited to, providing supportive counseling, observing and recording resident activities and behaviors, taking vital signs, and assisting residents in meeting basic needs. Positions are generally 12-hour shifts. Full time preferred; part time and substitute work also available. Positions are available for candidates with either a high school diploma and/or some higher education combined with experience working in health care.
or dental insurance for outpatient services, a keen eye for details, and the ability to juggle multiple priorities, discuss fees with insurance carriers and patients, research reimbursement issues, and work with a great team to deliver excellent service to patients. Knowledge of CPT/ CDT and/or ICD-9 coding required.
RN & LPN Nurses – We have day and night nursing positions and per
Send resume to CVOMS, ATTN: Practice Manager, 118 Tilley Drive, Suite102, S. Burlington, VT 05403.
diem nursing positions available. Our nurses provide professional nursing services to residents who would generally receive services in a hospital environment. Services include providing direct nursing care as needed, overseeing provision of care in line with treatment plans, administering medications as prescribed and providing appropriate documentation. Candidates should have an RN or LPN with current Vermont license and a minimum of two years of experience as a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse with current psychiatric and medical experience.
Copley HospiTAl | MoRRisville, 10/21/13 vT
4t-CVOMS-102313.indd 1
Billing & Collections Manager (Patient Financial Services)
Full-time day position. Requires associate’s degree with bachelor’s preferred. Minimum of 5 to 7 years of experience in medical billing and/or coding, preferably at an acute care hospital, with a minimum of three years in a supervisory or team lead capacity. Certified Patient Account Manager (CPAM) or CPAMprepared. Must have excellent leadership skills with a team-oriented approach focused on professional development and have knowledge of coding and compliant insurance billing procedures. Must have strong problem-solving, analytical, organizational, communication and interpersonal skills with a customer service focus.
Program Manager (Williamstown only) – Seeking an energetic, action-
oriented individual with excellent communication skills who will be responsible for the day-to-day operations of our Williamstown program. This position oversees facility and administrative services and ensures the implementation of the recovery model in all services provided to the residents in our community recovery residence. This position is also responsible for the development, implementation, evaluation and outcomes of programming, including the supervision of staff. This is a newly created position in our expanding organization that requires the ability to work independently and lead with vision.
Clinical Case Manager (Williamstown only) – Full-time position available for a person responsible for providing individual and group counseling, rehabilitative and social work services to persons with serious and persistent mental illness in a recovery-based and trauma-sensitive environment. Position is responsible for coordinating with community mental health providers, psychiatric providers and other community agencies. Master’s degree in social work, psychology or counseling with a minimum of three years’ experience working with individuals with serious and persistent mental illness.
Budget & Reimbursement Analyst (Finance)
Full-time day position. Requires BS in finance or other related field. Master’s degree preferred. CMA/ CPA/CHFP preferred. Minimum of three years’ experience in health care finance required. 5 to 10 years of experience relevant to hospital and physician reimbursement methodologies, managed care contracting, and Medicare cost report preparation preferred. Must have excellent verbal and written communication skills, excellent analytical and problemsolving skills, interpersonal skills with a customer service focus, and strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize workload independently. Must excel in use of computer systems, including advance knowledge of Microsoft Excel and intermediate level knowledge of Monarch, Access and Outlook, and the ability to learn new software applications and/or troubleshoot quickly and independently.
All positions offer competitive wages and a flexible benefits and time-off package. Additional shift differential available for night-shift positions. Valid driver’s license, excellent driving record and safe, insured vehicle are required.
Visit www.secondspring.org to apply online, or applications may be sent to: Lori Schober Oszterling 118 Clark Road Williamstown, VT 05679 Email: loris@cscorp.org EOE 12t-ClaraMartin-102313.indd 1
10:42 AM
To apply at our website, go to www.copleyvt.org or contact us at humanresources@chsi.org. An Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. We comply with all applicable state and federal laws. 10/21/13 4:40 PM 6t-Copley-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 3:46 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
Join our ily! am employee f
Wages e v i t i t e p _ Com Discount s u o r e n e }G ustomers C T S E B e _ Th -workers & Co Culture c i t e g r e n }E
Simon Pearce, a leader in the design and manufacture of handblown glass and handmade pottery, has a unique opportunity for a Senior Digital Designer. This role is for a handson, creative individual who will support email and advertising needs, as well as other web-based projects for marketing and our consumer direct website.
Holiday Job Fair Tuesday, October 29 3:00–5:30 PM
WAREHOUSE: 947 Route 7 South Catamount Industrial Park Milton, VT 05468 For more info, call 660-3JOB
For a detailed job description and how to apply, please visit our website at simonpearce.com. EOE
December 22
Download our job application TODAY and bring the completed form to our job fair! 9h-GardenersSupply-102313.indd 1
3v-SimonPearce-100913.indd 1
Seasonal Warehouse Jobs
10/21/13 11:17 AM
10/7/13 5:33 PM
Join the Chamber Team! Government Affairs and Communications Specialist
BUS DRIVER - $600 Hiring Bonus* First Student, the leader in student transportation, has opportunities available in FAIRFIELD, ESSEX and ST. ALBANS. We seek reliable Bus Drivers with a good driving record for Home-to-School Routes Our Benefits include: • Flexible hours • Bring your kids to work program • Competitive wages • Health/dental benefits No experience necessary! Paid training provided. Please call June Ross for more information.
FIRST STUDENT 802-849-2800 Equal Opportunity Employer
IO-033020-SEVEN DAYS.indd1 1 4t-FirstStudent-101613.indd
*conditions apply, contact location for details
10/14/13 10/8/13 12:07 12:59 PM
Bayard Advertising Agency, Inc.
-ing JOBS!
JOB #:
First Student
Seven Days
3.83” x 3.46”
follow us for the newest: DATE: 09-14-12 twitter.com/SevenDaysJobs
REV. 1
The Chamber is Vermont’s largest employer association with more than 2,500 members. We work on behalf of our members to make Vermont an even better place to do business and we’re looking for someone to serve as a Government Affairs and Communications Specialist. Key responsibilities include: • Tracking issues at the state and local level, building and maintaining excellent relationships with members and government officials, coordinating member engagement on legislative affairs, and serving as a registered lobbyist • Assisting with the creation and implementation of strategies to further our members’ legislative priorities • Supporting the overall work of the Government Affairs Division and related projects • Providing direct communications outreach to members through our newsletter, weekly email, legislative update and other outlets Required education, skills and experience: • Bachelor’s degree • Minimum of three years of experience • Excellent writing and public speaking skills, attention to detail and the ability to juggle many priorities at once This position reports to the Vice President for Public Affairs. Salary is commensurate with experience. For more information or to apply, contact Michelle Little at michelle@vermont.org. Applications due November 8, 2013. The Lake Champlain Regional Chamber of Commerce (LCRCC) is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of place of birth, religion, disability, marital, sexual orientation, or citizenship. Minorities are encouraged to apply. 7t-LakeChamplainCommerce-102313.indd 1
10/21/13 4:33 PM
new jobs posted daily!
follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS, or check postings on your phone at m.sevendaysvt.com
Victims Compensation Claims Specialist Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services Seeking detail-oriented individual with strong victim service/case management skills for Victims Compensation Program. Social work background helpful but not required. Responsible for processing victim compensation claims. Position requires good communication and phone skills, computer/data entry skills, and ability to balance multiple priorities. Full-time position, competitive salary and benefits package. This is not a state position. E.O.E. Application deadline is November 8. Send resume and cover letter to: Attn: Office Manager Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services 58 South Main St., Suite 1 Waterbury, VT 05676
4t-VTCenterforCrimeVictim-102313.indd 1
Basin Harbor Club is currently accepting applications for a FT/YR Dining Services Manager. This position will oversee the front-of-house operations of our main dining room, banquet, beverage and Red Mill departments. Ideal candidates will have a bachelor's degree and minimum of five years' experience in F&B, with at least three in a supervisory role. Wine knowledge and fine dining service experience required. Please apply by emailing a cover letter, resume and salary requirements to employment@basinharbor.com.
10/21/13 4t-BasinHarbor-102313.indd 10:31 AM 1
C-23 10.23.13-10.30.13
Bluewater Early Childhood Program in Shelburne seeks tEaChErs for our licensed 4 STAR center. Competitive salary. Call Kimberly Pease at 802-985-8118.
Leaps and Bounds is 3:10 PM 10/21/13 hiring directors and teachers to join our growing childcare team!
1t-Bluewater-102313.indd 1
Email resumes to Krista@leapsvt.com, or call 802-879-0130.
1t-LeapsBounds-100913.indd 1 10/21/13 4:27 PM
10/7/13 2:30 PM ®
Want Needed to Earn Some Volunteers Extra Cash? for Research Study
Work in our Contact Center.
Must have computer skills. Flexible day & evening schedules.
Help us develop a vaccine against water-borne disease.
Want WanttotoEarn EarnSome Some Extra ExtraCash? Cash? Work Work in our in our Contact Contact Center. Center. Want to Earn Some Vermont Teddy Bear Extra Cash? MustMust havehave computer computer skills. skills. Flexible Flexible day day & evening & evening schedules. schedules. Computers Computers not for notyou? for you?
emoS nraE ot tna ?hsaSupport C artxE Client
.retneC tcatnoC ruo ni kroW
.seludehcs gnineve & yad elbixelF .slliks retupmoc evah t
Opportunities Opportunities also also available available in Fulfi in Fulfi llment, llment, Shipping, Shipping, & Personalization. & Personalization. .noitazilanosrePPeople’s & ,gnippihSUnited ,tnemllfiluBank F ni elbisaliava osla seiti Catalog and Merchandiser WorkRoad inWeb our Contact Center. StopStop by our by Shelburne our Shelburne Road Factory Factory (6655 (6655 Shelburne Shelburne Road, Road, Shelburne, Shelburne,
Computers not for you? Opportunities also available in Fulfillment, Shipping, & Personalization.
?uoy rof ton sretupmoC
oR enrublehaS Client 5566( yroSupport tcaF daoR enrublehS ruo VT)Must VT) any any day day Monday, Monday, Tuesday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Wednesday, Thursday and and Friday Friday ,enrublehS ,daseeking have computer skills. Flexible day & Thursday evening schedules. Stop by our Shelburne Road Factory (6655 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, sruhT ,yadsendeW ,yadseuT ,yadnoM yad y between between Noon Noon and and 4pm4pm starting starting January January 7th until 7th until February February 1st for 1st for yadirF dna yad Representative in our VT) any day Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Computers not fortoyou? an in-person an in-person interview. interview. We look We look forward forward having to having you join join in the in fun! the fun! rof ts1 yraurbeF litnu ht7 yraunaJ gnitrats mp4 dna nooN n between Noon and 4pm starting January 7th until February 1st for The Opportunities Vermont Teddy Bear Company isyou a& growing also available in Fulfi llment, Shipping, Personalization. !nuf eht ni niojWilliston uoy gnivah ooffice t drawrwho of koolwill eW .weivretni nosr an in-person interview. We look forward to having you join in the fun! organization consisting of three brandsRoad, selling assist our commercial Stop by our Shelburne Road Factory (6655 Shelburne Shelburne, VT) day Monday,over Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday directbetween toany consumer multiple retail channels. customers with their online Noon and 4pm starting January 7th until February 1st for banking needs. If you We work hard, but we knowto having how you to have fun! an in-person interview. We also look forward join in the fun!
We are looking for healthy adults aged 18-45.
This research study will take place over a 6 month period and involve an inpatient stay and several outpatient visits.
VTB’s largest brand, Pajamagram, is in search of a catalog and web merchandiser. The qualified candidate will be responsible for merchandising the Pajamagram line in catalog and online. This position will utilize analytical data to drive merchandising decisions that maximize catalog sales and margin. Execute seasonal merchandising strategies in print by managing the catalog layout process, providing photography and editorial direction to improve presentations and increase sales. Collaborate with merchant team and marketing in the planning and execution of monthly email campaigns. Qualifications include 3-5 years of merchandising experience.
Volunteers are eligible for up to $3000 in compensation.
Benefits include: A comprehensive benefits package including 401(k). In addition to the standard benefits, we offer some other fun perks including employee discounts, onsite physical therapy, on-site garden space, community shared agriculture (CSA) farm share reimbursement, free gym membership for our employees and their families, on site chiropractic and massage therapy and on site nutritionist.
6t-UVMVaccine090413indd 1
To apply, please submit cover letter and resume to vermontteddybear.com/employment.
9/2/136t-VTTeddyBear-102313.indd 1:52 PM 1
enjoy solving problems and suggesting solutions and possess effective verbal, written and listening skills, then we’d like to hear from you.
In today’s highly competitive job market, People’s United Bank recognizes the need to attract, reward and retain talented employees. That’s why we provide a comprehensive, competitive and innovative benefits program to meet the short-term and long-term needs of our employees and their families. If you are interested in learning more and applying directly online, please visit us at peoples.com/careers. Reference 13-1562 – Client Support Representative.
10/21/13 4v-PeoplesUnitedBank-102313.indd 5:11 PM 1
10/21/13 4:20 PM
attention recruiters:
post your jobs at sevendaysvt.com/jobs for fast results, or contact michelle brown: michelle@sevendaysvt.com
Shared Living After Midnight Jewelers is expanding our sales staff.
Please send resume to: After Midnight Jewelers Attention: Amy Weyer 155 Dorset St., Ste. D19 So. Burlington, VT 05403
3v-AfterMidnightJewelers-101613.indd 1
10/14/13 3:10 PM
Code Enforcement Officer The City of Winooski seeks a limited part-time (16-24 hours/week) Code Enforcement Officer (CEO). The CEO will work with existing staff and will focus on completing scheduled life safety and minimum housing inspections. If you are a team player who can work independently, multitask, excel working in a fast-paced environment, and desires to help others through education and prevention, please visit www.winooskivt.org for a full job description and information on how to apply.
Full time, year round to apply send cover letter and resume to P.O. Box 10, Shelburne, VT 05482 job description and application available at www.shelburnemuseum.org
3h-Howard-SharedLiving-101613.indd 1
The Memory Care Program Director plans and delivers events, programs and activities designed to support the active lives of EastView Residential Care residents. The Director will work with staff, residents and their families to bring intellectually and culturally stimulating programs to our community, and to connect EastView to existing programs and events in the broader Vermont community. We seek candidates with at least three years of related experience in Alzheimer’s or dementia event planning, or program management and at least three years’ experience with direction and supervision of a caregiving team. The candidate will need to be creative in nature and willing to learn from our residents to produce and implement a wonderful calendar of events and group activities. The Director will have excellent communication skills, experience working with seniors living with dementia or Alzheimer’s, an understanding of the six dimensions of wellness, and a creative nature. For more information about EastView at Middlebury, go to: www.eastviewmiddlebury.com Interested candidates, please email your resume and cover letter to: greatplacetowork@eastviewmiddlebury.com or mail to: EastView at Middlebury 100 Eastview Terrace Middlebury, VT 05753
10/21/138t-EastView-101613.indd 5:14 PM 1
10/14/13 3:21 PM
10/21/13 1 3:02 PM
Memory Care Program Director
Interviews expected to be scheduled for November 4 and 5.
3v-CityofWinooski-102313.indd 1
but goodie songs? Do you enjoy storytelling, bread baking, singing along to oldie disabilities in your Chittenden If so, you might enjoy caring for a senior person with developmental nity while providing much-needed care/ County, W/C accessible home. Be a key player in creative commu board payment. Comprehensive golden-years companionship while earning a tax-free stipend and room and on at 802-488-6571. training and team support provided. Please contact Marisa Hamilt
Protection Services Officers
We are seeking a fulltime, dedicated sales associate to join our 1t-ShelburneMuseum-ProtServ-102313.indd fantastic team. Customer service experience is preferred, and a willingness to learn and grow is necessary. Evening and weekend availability is required. After Midnight Jewelers is also looking to add a few elves to our fantastic staff for the holiday season. Previous customer service experience is preferred. Evening and weekend availability is required.
Immediate opening for
EOE Resident Centered, Locally Governed
ASSOCIATE VICE PRESIDENT FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION Provide vision and leadership for the university’s internationalization efforts. Advise and assist international students with all aspects of campus life. Coordinate exchange programs and assists students and scholars with these exchanges. Serve as the designated school official in the government’s Student & Exchange Visitor Information System. Ensure compliance with SEVIS requirements and maintain immigration records. Responsible for the preparation and conduct of all DHS audits. Serve as an administrator of Norwich’s Crisis Management – Emergencies Abroad Program. Manage the International Center’s budget and supervise the center’s staff.
HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION SPECIALIST Develop and manage the HR module of an integrated administrative database system to support the operations of the University and its human resources office. Provide support for and work toward integration of other supporting systems, including an outside payroll system, and systems to support benefits and retirement plan enrollment and administration. Develop reporting tools and provide training in the use of the systems.
ADJUNCT FACULTY: MATHEMATICS Experienced educators needed for undergraduate teaching assignments in mathematics, beginning January 2014. Lecturers teach 12-14 credit hours per semester and provide other services to the department. Adjuncts teach part-time on a course-bycourse basis. Assignments are dependent on student enrollment.
Please visit our website, www.norwich.edu/jobs for further information and how to apply for these and other great jobs. Norwich University is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering a comprehensive benefit package that includes medical, dental, group life and long term disability insurance, flexible-spending accounts for health and dependent care, retirement annuity plan and tuition scholarships for eligible employees and their family members.
10/11/13 8t-NorwichUniversity-102313.indd 1:38 PM 1
10/21/13 4:26 PM
more food before the classifieds section.
page 46
Few businesses were still open — a Dunkin’ Donuts, a Mexican restaurant, a strip bar called King Arthur’s. When we stopped, Pham backed the truck up to a loading dock and made one last call to Gurung before settling onto a thin mattress he’d unrolled behind the driver’s seat. “You just sleep, brother,” he told me, and proceeded finally to do so himself. Still in the passenger seat, I counted sheep and stared at the sea of storage facilities, barren except for the occasional rat, BMX rider or longhaul truck that crossed my field of vision. More trucks began arriving at about 2 a.m., maneuvering like whales for space along the loading dock. The beeps of reversing forklifts soon emerged from the facility behind us, followed by loud, metallic thuds. Before long, a similar ruckus emanated from our own wagon. Awakened from his brief slumber, Pham entered the facility and reemerged pulling a dolly loaded with boxes. With ant-like efficiency, he stacked tomatoes, peppers and zucchinis across the space that had just been his bed. With the moon still high in the sky, we headed off to another nearby loading facility, and then another. At each dock, the traffic of New England food distributors was picking up. Chelsea was just the first stop on our itinerary, Pham assured me; we would get the good stuff in Dorchester later that morning. As we got back on I-93 and entered the Big Dig tunnel, en route to a Chinese seller in Newmarket Square, Pham told me how Boston used to confuse him when he and Gurung first opened their business. Only after repeated trips in their old van did he learn his way around the city, develop a network of suppliers and make the better deals that have allowed their business to grow. We hit three more sellers before ending up in a section of Dorchester lined with Vietnamese restaurants. There, Pham chatted up a group of men standing by a truck filled with Chiquita bananas and fresh Asian veggies and herbs. That truck was the reason we’d come all this way. By the time Pham loaded the last few boxes, his own truck was sagging under the 8000 pounds of goods he
2:15 PM
estimated had cost him $10,000. As he navigated Boston roads one last time, we both nibbled at the steamed vegetables, stewed meat, rice and hardboiled egg that had been served to us in Styrofoam boxes at one of the Vietnamese restaurants. I fell asleep quickly, and when I opened my eyes, we were in New Hampshire. Pham was getting gas and his second iced coffee of the morning. As we headed back up I-89, it dawned on me that the “crazy” aspect of the ride wasn’t the outof-the-way places Pham had shown me in Boston, or could show me in New York or New Jersey. It was the determination that made him travel all those miles, every single week, for the purpose of stocking his shelves. “Tenacity” or “acumen” may be better words for it. Multiple times during our trip, Pham explained that hiring a middleman is out of the question for him and Gurung. One day, he said, they might let her brother take on the responsibility. For now, it would cost their business too much, and an employee wouldn’t know how to negotiate for cheaper prices or stack the boxes correctly in the back of the truck. Despite Pham’s hands-on approach, he is trying to cut back on all the toil and hustle. He and Gurung have just begun taking the liberty of closing their businesses every Sunday. On the final leg of our drive, Pham made it through a New Hampshire weigh station without incurring any fines (not always the case, he said). When we arrived in Winooski at about 2:30 p.m., we found a employee of a local Thai business waiting at Namaste. He explained that he had forgotten to place an order ahead of time and asked to buy any surplus basil and sprouts. Pham said yes and asked the man to wait while he and his Tibetan assistant unloaded the truck. He would be busy for the rest of the day helping customers and washing produce, he told me. “If I slept now, I could sleep until morning, but no, I’ve got to do all this,” Pham added, before chuckling hoarsely and offering a parting forecast for his business. “For now, everything goes smooth, everything is under control. But in two years, I don’t know.” m
With ant-like efficiency, Pham stacked tomatoes, PePPers and zucchinis
across the space that had just been his bed.
4t-nectars102313.indd 1
10/21/13 2:16 PM
SEVENDAYSVt.com 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS FOOD 47
4t-magichat101613.indd 1
10/11/13 11:44 AM
calendar o c t o b e r
2 3 - 3 0 ,
WED.23 community
Community Forum: Health care navigator Ellen Gershun details changes in the state's health care relevant to individuals and small businesses. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7-8 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 426-3581. 'It's No Accident' Community Safety Workshop: Members of the Barre City Police Department provide tips for keeping residences and neighborhoods safe. Greater Barre Community Justice Center, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 476-0276. Open ROTA Meeting: Neighbors keep tabs on the gallery's latest happenings. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 518-563-0494.
'The Hungry Heart': Presented through the eyes of Franklin County residents and St. Albans pediatrician Fred Holmes, Bess O'Brien's documentary illuminates prescription-drug addiction and recovery. Latchis Hotel & Theater, Brattleboro, 7 p.m. $6-12; first come, first served. Info, 357-4616.
health & fitness
Valley Night Featuring Chicky Stoltz: Locals gather for this weekly bash of craft ales, movies and live music. Big Picture Theater & Café, Waitsfield, 8 p.m. $5 suggested donation; $2 drafts. Info, 4968994, bigpicturetheater.info. SEVENDAYSvt.com
'Freedom and Unity: The Vermont Movie: Part Four': "Doers and Shapers" explores people and institutions that pushed sociopolitical boundaries. Merchants Hall, Rutland, 7 p.m. $8; $5 for students with valid ID. Info, 863-5966.
food & drink
'Drinking Buddies': Olivia Wilde, Jake Johnson and Anna Kendrick star in Joe Swanberg's comedy about flirtatious coworkers at a Chicago brewery — all of whom are in committed relationships. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. $5-10.
Roots of Prevention Award Celebration: Burlington Partnership for a Healthy Community recognizes local professionals working to make the Queen City a safer, healthier place to live. ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center/Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 7:30-10 a.m. $10 suggested donation. Info, 324-3841.
North End Fusion: Swing your partner 'round and 'round! The Steve Goldberg Group and special guests provide live music at this monthly, "anything goes" eclectic dance. North End Studio A, Burlington, 8:30-10:30 p.m. $8; $15 per pair; BYOB. Info, 863-6713.
2 0 1 3
'After the Fog': Eleven U.S. combat veterans recount the details of war in Jay Craven's chronicle of their experiences. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. $5-12. Info, 748-2600. 'Do the Math': This documentary from 350.org follows environmentalist Bill McKibben's 21-city tour to raise awareness about corporations' role in fossil-fuel consumption. A discussion follows. Fletcher Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 444-0350. Domestic Violence Awareness Month: 'Telling Amy's Story': Tracing the timeline leading up to a 2001 domestic violence homicide, Joe Myers' compelling documentary seeks to raise awareness about the potentially fatal issue. A panel discussion follows. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 658-3131.
Stowe Restaurant Week: With cuisine praised by Gourmet, Bon Appetit and Wine Spectator, Vermont's quintessential ski town hosts a celebration of local fare. Various locations, Stowe, noon. $15-35 per prix-fixe menu. Info, 253-7321.
Creative Flow Yoga With Deborah Felmeth: A blend of meditation, Vinyasa-style asana, chanting and yogic philosophy builds physical and emotional strength. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 5:30-7 p.m. $14. Info, 870-0361. Guided Meditation: Marna Erech facilitates an explorative practice. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. $11 suggested donation. Info, 238-7908. Kundalini Yoga With Callie Pegues: Students align organ and glandular systems while increasing energy and awareness. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 9-10:15 a.m. $14. Info, 870-0361. R.I.P.P.E.D.: Resistance, intervals, power, plyometrics, endurance and diet define this high-intensity physical-fitness program. North End Studio A, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. $10. Info, 578-9243. Rosemary for Memory & Other Botanical Brain Boosters: Margi Gregory presents herbal teas, tinctures and "bliss balls" for improving attention and cognitive function. Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, 6-8 p.m. $10-12; preregister. Info, 224-7100. Women's Self-Defense Class: Using lectures, discussions and physical resistive strategies, certified R.A.D. Systems instructors teach ladies ages 14 and up self-protection techniques. Participation in entire series recommended. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 5-8 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 878-4918.
Voice of Choice The Wall Street Journal calls Rhonda Vincent “the new queen of bluegrass.” And the title certainly fits — she has seven International Bluegrass Music Awards for female vocalist of the year under her belt. A fifth-generation musician, the prodigious talent first took the stage at age 5. Proficiency on the mandolin, guitar and fiddle followed. Deeply influenced by bluegrass musician Bill Monroe, she maintains a traditional approach to the genre while allowing for contemporary country and gospel influences. The spirited songstress melds these elements, backed by her acclaimed band the Rage, and gets concertgoers to their feet.
Rhonda Vincent & the Rage Friday, October 25, 7:30 p.m., at Chandler Music Hall in Randolph. $25-40. Info, 7286464. chandler-arts.org
Yoga Class: Dominique Meyers leads yogis in a mixed-level, therapeutic practice based on Anusara and Kripalu styles. Northwoods Stewardship WED.23
» p.50
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you can also email us at calendar@sevendaysvt.com. to be listed, yoU MUST include the name of event, a brief description, specific location, time, cost and contact phone number.
Listings and spotlights are written by courtney copp. SEVEN DAYS edits for space and style. Depending on cost and other factors, classes and workshops may be listed in either the Calendar or the Classes section. When appropriate, class organizers may be asked to purchase a Class listing.
All submissions are due in writing at noon on the Thursday before publication. find our convenient form at sevendaysvt.com/postevent.
Imani Winds Friday, October 25, 7:30 p.m., at UVM Recital Hall, Redstone Campus, in Burlington. $1530. Info, 863-5966.
The Imani Winds are changing the perception of chamber music one performance at a time. Embracing an adventurous repertoire of wide-ranging influences, the award-winning quintet pushes the limits of reed instruments. Since 2008, the group’s Legacy Commissioning Project has celebrated established and emerging composers from diverse musical backgrounds. This commitment to performing new pieces creates a sound that blends a classical sensibility with the buoyancy of jazz. The group enlivens works by Stravinsky and Mendelssohn alongside selections from Simon Shaheen and ensemble member Valerie Coleman.
Every Word Counts
Saturday, October 26, 2 p.m., at Casella Theater, Castleton State College. $5-10. Info, 468-1119. cashoremarionettes.com
The Cashore Marionettes: ‘Simple Gifts’
Joseph Cashore was 11 years old when he built his first marionette out of clothespins, wood, string and a tin can. Today, the award-winning puppeteer’s creations are decidedly more complex — requiring master craftsmanship and technical skills. Cashore captures an emotional authenticity onstage, for which he is internationally recognized. This intricate approach to his craft began in the late 1980s when he sought to create a puppet to interpret Ralph Vaughan Williams’ The Lark Ascending. The result of this personal challenge is the violin-wielding “Maestro Janos Zelinka,” who, along with other compelling characters, drives the awe-inspiring show Simple Gifts.
Friday, October 25, 6:30 p.m., at Billing North Lounge, UVM, in Burlington. Free. Info, 656-2060. buddywakefield.com
n 2001, Buddy Wakefield quit his job, sold everything he owned and embraced life as a spoken-word artist. He spent the next two years living out of his car and performing across the country. Thousands of highway miles paid off with Individual World Poetry Slam titles in 2004 and 2005. Since then, the Seattle resident has lent his lyrical gifts to three volumes of verse and HBO’s “Def Poetry Jam.” Despite this success, the magnetic performer is most at home in smalltown venues, where he captivates listeners with a raw, unflinching delivery that weaves beauty and pain into the same breath. Buddy Wakefield
String’s the Thing
Visionary Virtuosi
calendar WED.23
« P.48
Center, East Charleston, 5-6:30 p.m. $12; preregister. Info, 723-6551, ext. 115, anitra99@yahoo.com.
SKI & RIDE SALE Camel’s Hump School Richmond, VT
SATURDAY, NOV. 2 8am-4pm
SUNDAY, NOV. 3 10am-2pm
Yoga With tea: Participants incorporate breath, posture and meditation appropriate to their comfort and skill levels in a Kripalu class. Arrive early to request tea. Chai Space, Dobrá Tea, Burlington, 6:15-7:15 p.m. $10; $5 for optional tea. Info, piper.c.emily@gmail.com.
halloWeen StorY time: Craft PartY: Kiddos ages 2 through 9 and their caregivers join Ms. Virginia for spine-tingling tales and themed crafts. Highgate Public Library, 6 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 868-3970. SPookY StorieS With linda CoStello: Nailbiting narratives get youngsters in grades 2 and up amped for Halloween. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:15 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-6955.
BaBY & me StorY time: Mother Goose-inspired plot lines entertain parents and little listeners ages 2 and under. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10:30 10/21/13 1:49 PMa.m. Free. Info, 388-4095.
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BaBYtime PlaYgrouP: Crawling tots and their parents convene for playtime and sharing. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free; preregister. Info, 658-3659. Charlie BroWn movie night: Little ones don PJs and enjoy a snack of cookies and milk while viewing It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. JCPenney Court, University Mall, South Burlington, 6:30-7:15 p.m. Free. Info, 863-1066, ext. 11.
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TUE 12 PAUL GILLIES: UNCOMMON LAW… 7pm …Ancient Roads, and Other Ruminations on Vermont legal history.
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SAT 11/2
191 Bank Street, Downtown Burlington • 802.448.3350 Essex Shoppes & Cinema, Essex • 802.872.7111
fall StorY time: Tots share read-aloud tales and wiggles and giggles with Mrs. Liza. Highgate Public Library, 11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 868-3970. meet roCkin' ron the friendlY Pirate: Aargh, matey! Youngsters celebrate the hooligans of the sea with music, games and themed activities. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. moving & grooving With ChriStine: Two-to 5-year-olds jam out to rock-and-roll and world-beat tunes. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.
engliSh-language ClaSS for neW ameriCanS: Beginner-to-advanced speakers improve their skills. Administrative Office and Pickering Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7211.
international gaY rightS forum: Lyndon State College's model United Nations and gaystraight alliance cohost a panel discussion about cultural taboos surrounding LGBTQ individuals. Alexander Twilight Theatre, Lyndon State College, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 626-6459. lgBtQa familY PlaYgrouP: Parents bring infants and children up to age 4 together for crafts and physical activities. Leaps and Bounds Child Development Center, South Burlington, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812, jean@ru12.org.
Wild Plant Walk: Herbalist Annie McCleary leads a stroll through diverse landscape, on which she identifies wild foods and medicinal vegetation by stalks and seeds. Wisdom of the Herbs School, Woodbury, 5-6:15 p.m. $1-10 suggested donation; preregister. Info, 456-8122.
hannah'S houSe Parenting WorkShoP: In "Small Town Livin': Why, What Did You Hear?" mental health counselor Kevin Gallagher presents the advantages of intimate communities, as well as ways to create peace in the home. Warren Elementary School, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 496-9715. 'living the art of PoSSiBilitY for Women': Attendees examine sociocultural beliefs surrounding creativity, then learn practices for accessing their personal potential. Burlington College, 6:158:15 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 923-2240.
green mountain taBle tenniS CluB: Pingpong players swing their paddles in singles and doubles matches. Knights of Columbus, Rutland, 6-9:30 p.m. Free for first two sessions; $30 annual membership. Info, 247-5913.
PreSChool StorY hour: Tykes gather for themed tales and activities. Discovery Place, ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center/Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 11:30 a.m. Regular admission, $9.50-12.50; free for kids ages 2 and under. Info, 877-324-6386.
'exPloring the WonderS of Shoreland haBitatS': Charlie Brown, Scott Lewins and Kellie Merrel give a family-friendly presentation about the wildlife that drives the ecosystems of Vermont's lakes and ponds. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
read to CoCo: Budding bookworms share words with the licensed reading-therapy dog. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-4665.
humanitieS ColloQuium: Kristin Dykstra presents "Testing Bridges Between the U.S. and Cuba: Transnational Fictions by Achy Obejas." Room 315, St. Edmund's Hall, St. Michael's College, Colchester, noon. Free; preregister. Info, 654-2536.
read to a dog: Lit lovers take advantage of quality time with a friendly, fuzzy therapy pooch. Fairfax Community Library, 3-4:15 p.m. Free; preregister for a time slot. Info, 849-2420. StorY time & PlaYgrouP: Engaging plotlines pave the way for themed art, nature and cooking projects. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 426-3581. StorY time for 3-to 5-Year-oldS: Preschoolers stretch their reading skills through activities involving puppets and books. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. 'the dark knight' ComiCS CluB: Ben T. Matchstick and Ash Brittenham lead an afternoon of drawing, writing and creative collaboration for comic-book enthusiasts ages 7 through 17. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-4665. 'What Should We Be doing noW?' WorkShoP: Penny Klein of Sugar Maple College Counseling shares strategies with college-bound students in grades 9 through 11 and their parents. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.
liSa Shannon: The author, activist and founder of Run for Congo Women raises awareness about the humanitarian crisis in Democratic Republic of the Congo. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345. marY fillmore: The writer considers the lives of people living among Jewish families during their religious persecution in "Anne Frank's Neighbors: What did They Do?" Wake Robin Retirement Community, Shelburne, 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 985-0659. matthYS levY: In "The Engineering of Architecture," the award-winning structural engineer highlights notable structures of the 20th century. Room 301, Williams Hall, UVM, Burlington, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-2014. navigating the neW vermont health Care exChange: Peter Sterling of the Vermont Campaign for Health Care Security outlines ways to choose appropriate individualized coverage. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 1:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
Sue kaSSer: As part of the Environmental Health Sciences Speaker Series, the UVM professor discusses the use of randomized control trials to measure the effectiveness of exercise on multiple sclerosis patients. Room 206, Bentley Hall, Johnson State College, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1251.
'art': Tara Lee Downs directs this Vermont Stage Company interpretation of Yasmina Reza's Tony Award-winning comedy about the purchase of a painting that threatens a friendship between three men. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $28.8037.50. Info, 863-5966. 'rumorS' auditionS: Thespians ages 25 through 45 showcase their skills for consideration in a BarnArts production of Neil Simon's comedy about a disastrous dinner party. Charles B. Danforth Library, Barnard, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 234-6448, jooliveryeager@gmail.com. 'the graduate': L.A. Theatre Works uses a fully staged play and radio theater to explore this coming-of-age tale about a young man who is seduced by the older Mrs. Robinson. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15-42. Info, 863-5966.
arCher maYor: The Vermont author of the New York Times best-selling Joe Gunther mystery series reads, discusses and signs Three Can Keep a Secret. Carpenter-Carse Library, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 482-5189. Beth kanell: Based on a 1921 St. Johnsbury murder, the local writer's historical mystery Cold Midnight elicits chills and thrills. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291. Book diSCuSSion SerieS: 'Soldiering on: after Battle & BaCk home': Merilyn Burrington facilitates conversation about John Hersey's A Bell for Adam. South Burlington Community Library, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 652-7076. Burlington WriterS WorkShoP meeting: Members read and respond to the work of fellow wordsmiths. Participants must join the group to have their work reviewed. Halflounge, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free; preregister at meetup.com. Info, 383-8104. ContemPlative meeting: Reading material inspires discussion about Gnostic principles relative to "Lao Tse, Nothing Without Tao." Foot of the Hill Building, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 524-9706. healing Journal & Creative JourneYing: Attendees develop new work in a guided, supportive session led by Kat Kleman. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 7:30-9 p.m. $10. Info, 671-4569. 'helen & edgar': With his unmistakable voice, playwright, poet and performer Edgar Oliver recounts growing up in a decaying mansion with his eccentric mother. Warner Bentley Theater, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H. 7 p.m. $10-25. Info, 603-646-2422. oPen miC/PoetrY night: Award-winning poet Amber Flora shares stanzas, after which readers, writers and singers perform in a supportive environment. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, N.Y, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 518-314-9872, rotagallery@gmail.com. PoetrY aloud: Lit lovers of all ages read or recite their favorite verse. Main Reading Room, Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
thu.24 activism
'health Care iS a human right' CommunitY forum: Members of the Vermont Workers' Center lead a dialogue about moving towards a universal health care system in the state. Main Street Landing Train Station, Burlington, 5-8 p.m. Free. Info, 861-4892.
Food day: Intervale Center tour: A visit to the farming complex introduces folks to its agricultural history, as well as current programs dedicated to sustainability and the community. Intervale Center, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 660-0440.
art teChnIques Group: Creative thinkers share ideas and work on current projects in a supportive environment. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, N.Y, 2:304:30 p.m. Free. Info, 518-324-6250.
BurlInGton Walk/BIke CounCIl MeetInG: Folks discuss ways to promote human-powered transportation and how to improve existing policies and infrastructure. Room 12, Burlington City Hall, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-5449.
Robert Cray Band
food & drink
Fri, October 25, 8 pm Barre Opera House
apple treats tastInG: Locavores sample sweets made with fruit from Burtts Apple Orchard as part of Share the Harvest Month. St. Johnsbury Food Co-op, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 748-9498.
sponsored by:
sloW Food verMont FundraIsInG dInner: Chef Doug Paine prepares a four-course harvest feast honoring local farms. Juniper at Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 6 p.m. $45-55; preregister. Info, 323-1237 or 651-5027.
The Times Argus National Life Group Gifford Medical Center
stoWe restaurant Week: See WED.23, noon. trapp FaMIly lodGe harvest dInner: Foodies celebrate Vermont's seasonal bounty with a feast of locally sourced vegetables, grass-fed meats and dessert. Trapp Family Lodge, Stowe, 6 p.m. $48; preregister. Info, 253-5733.
open BrIdGe GaMe: Players of varying experience levels put strategic skills to use. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 5:30-7:45 p.m. Free. Info, 462-3373.
Tickets, info: 802-476-8188 • www.barreoperahouse.org t
6H-BarreOpera101316.indd 1 ANNIVER
10/7/13 4:00 PM
health & fitness
adult yoGa Class: YogaFit instructor Jessica Frost incorporates traditional fitness moves into stretching and breathing exercises. Gymnasium. Highgate Elementary School, 7 p.m. $7; preregister. Info, 868-3970, highgatepublic@comcast.net.
Forza: the saMuraI sWord Workout: Students sculpt lean muscles and gain mental focus when performing basic strikes with wooden replicas of the weapon. North End Studio A, Burlington, 7-8 p.m. $10. Info, 578-9243.
CoMpas de nICaraGua Folklore danCe tour: Set to traditional marimba music, the ensemble gives a multimedia performance to raise awareness about the Women in Action project. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 9:30-10:45 a.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 443-3168.
'the hunGry heart': See WED. 23. Wilder Center, 7 p.m. $6-12; first come, first served. Info, 357-4616.
rutland eConoMIC developMent CorporatIon annual MeetInG: Special guest Governor Shumlin joins local professionals, who network before a dinner and awards ceremony honoring achievements of area businesses. Mountain Top Inn, Chittenden, 4 p.m. $32; preregister. Info, 773-9147.
FIndInG Good Work & WorkInG For Good: the learn, Work & serve expo: Students learn about internships, volunteering and career opportunities from organizations in the service or nonprofit fields. Alliot Student Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.
'rIFFtrax lIve: nIGht oF the lIvInG dead': Former members of the Emmy-nominated cult classic "Mystery Science Theater 3000" hit the big screen with wisecracking commentary aimed at the iconic zombie film. Palace 9 Cinemas, South Burlington, 8 p.m. $12.50. Info, 864-5610.
CoMMunIty yoGa Class: Rachel DeSimone guides participants of all experience levels through a series of poses. Room 108, Burlington College, noon-1 p.m. $5 suggested donation. Info, 862-9616.
open Chakras ... open hIps: trust the Bones yoGa serIes WIth sansea sparlInG: Students access the seven energy centers and learn about their relationship to proper skeletal alignment. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 5:30-6:45 p.m. $12.50; preregister. Info, 870-0361.
Written By
proteIns & theIr IMportanCe In our dIet: Nutritionist Akshata Nayak presents ways to incorporate the right types of proteins into daily meals. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5:30-6:30 p.m. $5-7; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202.
9-27, 2013 @ FLYNNSPACE October Wednesday through Saturday @ 7:30pm; Saturday & Sunday Matinee @ 2pm
'aFter the FoG': See WED.23, 5:30 p.m. 'BIdder 70': Beth and George Gage's acclaimed documentary follows environmentalist Tim DeChristopher, whose collective $1.8 million bids derailed a Bureau of Land Management auction for public Utah land. Room 427, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 444-0350. 'Blood Brother': Exploring the concept of home, Steve Hoover's award-winning documentary features his close friend Rocky Braat, who found family and fulfillment working with HIV-positive orphans in India. Merrill's Roxy Cinemas, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $10; preregister; limited seating. Info, 855-321-8844. 'drInkInG BuddIes': See WED.23, 7:30 p.m.
'MIrrors oF prIvIleGe: MakInG WhIteness vIsIBle': Instances of institutional, individual and cultural racism drive Shakti Butler's groundbreaking documentary. A discussion with author Sha'an Mouliert follows. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
Supporting Sponsor
Vermont Stage Company is supported in part by Vermont Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts
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Media Sponsor
Supporting Sponsor
10/4/13 9:53 AM
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'MIslead: aMerICa's seCret epIdeMIC': Tamara Rubin presents her eye-opening documentary about the hidden yet widespread health risks of lead poisoning. A panel discussion follows. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 846-0149.
more info @ wwW.vtstage.org for tickets: 802-86-flynn or wwW.flynntix.org
haunted Forest: Tread with care! Jack-o'lanterns light the way for brave souls, who experience a goose-bump-inducing version of outdoor theater. See hauntedforest.org for details. Tours run on the hour; kid-friendly matinee, Saturday, October 26, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Catamount Outdoor Family Center, Williston, 7-10 p.m. $8.50-12.50; preregister. Info, 238-0923.
Christopher Hampton Tara Lee Downs
'Mask': Cher and Eric Stolz star in the hit 1985 movie about an extremely intelligent teenager with facial deformities and a quick-tempered mother. Room 101, Cheray Science Hall, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 6 p.m. Free.
systeMa WIth ryan MIller: An in-depth exploration of breath and natural movement informs this individualized approach to the Russian martial art. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 7-8:15 p.m. $14. Info, 870-0361.
Yasmina Reza
Directed By
Translated By
healInG WIth anCIent WIsdoM: Reiki master Christy Morgan helps folks find relaxation through the Japanese technique, aromatherapy and Andara crystals. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. $11. Info, 671-4569.
hIstory happy hour: Folks sample local wine, beer and cheese while Shelburne Museum associate curator Korey Rogers gives a brief presentation. Ballroom, Mt. Philo Inn, Charlotte, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Donations; preregister. Info, 425-3335.
calendar THU.24
« P.51
Economy, Hardwick, 6-7 p.m. $10; preregister. Info, 472-5362, hardwickagriculture.org.
Magical crafts & PuMPkin Painting: Stories from J.K. Rowling's The Tales of Beedle the Bard inspire kiddos in grades K and up to create magic wands and paint mini-pumpkins. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 4-4:45 p.m. Free; preregister; adult accompaniment required for kids 8 and under. Info, 878-4918.
Jason r. baron: The National Archives director of litigation discusses the relationship between information governance and record keeping in the digital age. Auditorium, Pavilion Building, Montpelier, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 802‐828‐2308.
Julia garcia: Using anecdotes from her own life, such as the dire consequences of RY NI excessive partying, the dynamic GH TT speaker presents "The College HE A TE R Hookup Culture." McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. SY
Middle school Planners & helPers: Lit lovers in grades 6 to 8 plan cool projects for the library. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. Middlebury Preschool story tiMe: Little learners master early-literacy skills through tales, rhymes and songs. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 388-4369. MontgoMery infant/toddler PlaygrouP: Infants to 2-year-olds idle away the hours with stories and songs. Montgomery Town Library, 10-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. Music With derek: Preschoolers up to age 5 bust out song-and-dance moves to traditional and original folk. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Free; limited to one session per week per family. Info, 878-4918. Music With Mr. chris: Singer, storyteller and puppeteer Chris Dorman entertains tykes and parents alike. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810.
katherine bluMe: The cofounder of the awardwinning sustainability game Vermontative! shares her creative approach to addressing the global climate crisis. Bugbee Senior Center, White River Junction, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, alan@datdec.com. linda scott: The author and Oxford University professor presents "Market Feminism: How Businesses are Changing to Meet the Needs of Working Women." Memorial Lounge, Waterman Building, UVM, Burlington, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 578-8830. Mike Mcconnell: Opening the 2013 Todd Lecture Series, the cyber-security expert discusses the future of the industry. A reception at Crawford Hall's Milano Ballroom follows. Plumley Armory, Norwich University, Northfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 485-2886.
Worcester PlaygrouP: Crafts, snacks and outdoor adventures delight little ones up to age 5. Doty Memorial Elementary School, Worcester, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 223-1312.
'art': See WED.23, 7:30 p.m. 'cat on a hot tin roof': Melissa Lourie directs this Middlebury Actors Workshop production of Tennessee Williams' Pulitzer Prize-winning drama about a southern cotton tycoon's familial secrets. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $20. Info, 775-0903.
Monty Python's 'sPaMalot': The Champlain Valley Union High School theOU atre program stages this Tony RT ES Award-winning musical featuring YO FA DAM the medieval mishaps of King Arthur C H IT TE N D EN and his motley crew of knights. Champlain Valley Union High School, Hinesburg, 7:30 p.m. $6seminars 8. Info, 482-6991. building your food brand WorkshoP: Nicole 'the crucible': Lost Nation Theater presents Fenton and Steve Redmond of Burlington's Skillet Arthur Miller's Tony Award-winning exploration Design discuss topics including market research, of drama and revenge, based on the Salem witch packaging and design. Center for Agricultural C
'the fall of the house of usher': Cherie Gagnon directs this Essex Community Players stage adaptation of Edgar Allan Poe's tale about the aftermath of a mysterious fire that leaves behind a destroyed mansion and unanswered questions. Memorial Hall, Essex, 7:30 p.m. $16. Info, 878-9109.
nightMare VerMont: Well-rehearsed actors and a seasoned technical crew bring engaging characters and cinema-level visual effects to this interactive haunted house for ages 13 and up. Memorial Auditorium, Burlington, 7-11 p.m. $10. Info, info@ nightmarevermont.org.
connor garVey: A mix of funk, folk and rock drive an intimate show of soulful vocals and acoustic guitar from the rising talent. Brandon Music Café, 7:30 p.m. $15; $30 includes dinner package; preregister; BYOB. Info, 465-4071.
'Vincent': Starry Night Theater Company's James Briggs interprets Leonard Nimoy's one-man play based on hundreds of letters between Vincent van Gogh and his brother Theo. Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7 p.m. $12.50-19.50. Info, 863-5966.
blake MeMorial Poetry gala: An evening of readings and recitations from Poetry 180 captivates lit lovers. Blake Memorial Library, East Corinth, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 439-5338. don Mitchell: The local author excerpts his memoir Flying Blind: One Man's Adventures Battling Buckthorn, Making Peace With Authority, and Creating a Home for Endangered Bats. 7 p.m. Free. Info, 448-3350. oPen Mic/Poetry night: Local singer-songwriter Johnny America shares "Songs From a Life," after which readers, writers and singers perform in a supportive environment. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, N.Y. 8 p.m. Free. Info, 518-314-9872, rotagallery@ gmail.com. read your face off!: This war of the words challenges writers F. Brett Cox, Christina Rosalie, Tim Brookes and Adam Olenn to readings, a literary pop quiz and a five-minute writing prompt. ArtsRiot, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 303-968-0349. Word thursdays: Kate Moses excerpts Cake Walk, Wintering and Mothers Who Think. An openmic session of audience members' work follows. Reading Room, Feinberg Library, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5 p.m. Free. Info, 518-565-0145.
fri.25 bazaars
VerMont antique exPo & sale: Vendors display an array of attic treasures, memorabilia and collectibles, to the delight of deal seekers. Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, noon-6 p.m. $8; free for kids under 12. Info, 878-5545.
11:34 AM
ralPhie May: As part of his "Too Big to Ignore" tour, the plus-size comedian elicits big laughs when tackling touchy topics with his no-nonsense delivery. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $32.50. Info, 775-0903.
financial coMPensation for criMe VictiMs inforMation session: Attendees learn about application processes for various financial-assistance programs available through the Vermont Center for Crime Victim Services. Health Care & Rehabilitation Services, Springfield, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 2411250, ext. 114. north branch school auction & contra dance: Live tunes by Atlantic Crossing enliven this annual fundraiser for the school's financial aid fund. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 5:30-10:30 p.m. Free ($10-20). Info, 388-3269.
northeast PoPular culture association conference: More than 100 scholars lend their expertise to panel presentations on popular topics, including film, television and cyber culture. St. Michael's College, Colchester, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2569.
ballrooM & latin dancing: Samir Elabd leads choreographed steps for singles and couples. No partner or experience required. Jazzercize Studio, Williston, introductory lesson, 7-8 p.m.; dance, 8-10 p.m. $14. Info, 862-2269. queen city tango Milonga: No partner is required for welcoming the weekend in the Argentine tradition. Wear clean, soft-soled shoes. North End Studios, Burlington, introductory session, 7-7:45 p.m.; dance, 7:45-10 p.m. $7. Info, 877-6648. rhythM & Musicality & steP-dancing WorkshoPs: Rebecca McGowan and Jackie O'Reilly break down traditional choreography set to old-time Irish music. Green Mountain Performing Arts, Waterbury, 3-4:15 p.m. & 4-5:15 p.m. $15; $25 for both workshops. Info, 917-1186.
stern center fall syMPosiuM: 'talking to Writing: unPacking the coMMon core': Nationally recognized presenter Charles Haynes keynotes this daylong exploration of literacydecision-making in education. See sterncenter. org for details. Holiday Inn, South Burlington, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $125; preregister. Info, 878-2332.
steWardshiP celebration: NorthWoods Stewardship Center board members, staff and friends honor a regional conservation champion with the George Buzzell Stewardship Award.
trials. Montpelier City Hall Auditorium, 7 p.m. $1530. Info, 229-0492.
FREE Tastings, Tours, Fair Trade Hot Chocolate Tasting Event* *Hot Chocolate Event: Oct 26 12- 4pm. Pine St. only
750 PINE ST. & 63 CHURCH ST. IN BURLINGTON. RT 100, WATERBURY CENTER 4h-lakechampchoc102313.indd 1
10/21/13 11:36 AM
Northwoods Stewardship Center, East Charleston, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 723-6551, ext. 115.
Autumn trunk SAle: Local herbalists, crafters and farmers display handmade crafts, foods and more at this seasonal gathering. Plainfield Community Center, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 505-8437. GAtSby GAlA: Gene Childers and his Speakeasy Jazz Orchestra help bedecked revelers channel the era of flapper girls and prohibition at this Compass Music and Arts Center fundraiser. Compass Music and Arts Center, Brandon, 7-10 p.m. $35; preregister. Info, 247-3000. PizziGAlli Center for Art And eduCAtion tAlk & tour: Project architect Steven Gerrard considers museum design and sustainability in a discussion of the new 18,000-square-foot facility. A guided tour and outdoor gathering follow. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum, 2:30-6 p.m. $35-45; preregister. Info, 425-6162. Queen City GhoStwAlk: dArkneSS fAllS tour: Paranormal historian Thea Lewis highlights haunted happenings throughout Burlington. Meet at the steps 10 minutes before start time. Burlington City Hall Park, 7 p.m. $14-18. Info, 863-5966.
'ASk uS who we Are': Bess O'Brien's award-winning documentary examines the challenges and triumphs of youth in Vermont's foster-care system. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. 'AuStenlAnd': Keri Russell plays a 30-something woman defined by her lifelong obsession with all things Jane Austen — including a theme park based on the author's writings — in Jerusha Hess' romantic comedy. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. $5-13. Info, 748-2600. fridAy film forum: ClASSiC filmS of the 1950S: Noteworthy clips from the era that sparked the careers of Marlon Brando and Audrey Hepburn inspire conversation among cinephiles. Burlington College, 3-5 p.m. $20; preregister. Info, 923-2240. 'the hunGry heArt': See WED. 23. Bellows Falls Opera House, Bellows Falls, 7 p.m. $6-12; first come, first served. Info, 357-4616.
food & drink
PAStA niGht: Locals load up on carbs topped with "G-Man's" famous homemade sauce. Live music by Island Time follows. VFW Post, Essex Junction, 5:30-7 p.m. $7. Info, 878-0700. Stowe reStAurAnt week: See WED.23, noon.
Avoid fAllS with imProved StAbility: A personal trainer demonstrates daily practices for seniors concerned about their balance. Pines Senior Living Community, South Burlington, 10 a.m. $5. Info, 658-7477.
hArveSt CArnivAl: Youngsters ages 2 through 12 and their parents get a head start on Halloween
niGht of SlAuGhter: Residents of UVM 's Substance and Alcohol Free Environment get big-top-worthy screams at this kid-friendly, circusthemed haunted house. Redstone Hall, UVM, Burlington, 7-11 p.m. Donations of canned goods. Info, 656-9425.
12-fach(studyad)060513.indd 1
Starry Night Theater Company presents
niGhtmAre vermont: See THU.24. Memorial Auditorium, Burlington, 7-11 p.m. $10. Info, info@ nghtmarevermont.org.
A Play by Leonard Nimoy
Enlightening and enjoyable. It is not to be missed. — BroadwayWorld.com
ACorn Club Story time: Little ones up to age 6 gather for read-aloud tales. St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.
OCTOBER 24-27 Main Street Landing Black Box Theater 60 Lake St., Burlington flynntix.org or (802) 86-FLYNN
Children'S Story time: Budding bookworms pore over pages in themed, weekly gatherings. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. dunGeonS & drAGonS: Imaginative XP earners in grades 6 and up exercise their problem-solving skills in battles and adventures. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
OCTOBER 31-NOVEMBER 3 Valley Players Theater 4254 Main St. (Route 100), Waitsfield starrynighttheater.com or (866) 967-8167
eArly bird mAth: Inquisitive minds explore mathematic concepts with books, songs, games and activities. Richmond Free Library, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 434-3036. enoSburG fAllS Story hour: Youngsters show up for fables and crafts. Enosburg Public Library, 9-10 a.m. Free. Info, 527-5426. fAirfAx Community PlAyGrouP: Kiddos learn about fire safety with a hands-on exploration of a fire engine and an introduction to a local firefighter's gear. Bellows Free Academy, Fairfax, 9-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 849-2420. muSiC with derek: Kiddos up to age 8 shake their sillies out to toe-tapping tunes. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. muSiC with robert: Music lovers of all ages join sing-alongs with Robert Resnik. Daycare programs welcome with one caregiver for every two children. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10:30-11 a.m. Free; groups must preregister. Info, 865-7216.
5/29/13 5:22 PM
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6h-starrynighttheater102313.indd 1
10/21/13 3:53 PM
Private Parties at Aristelle
Make your next Girls Night Out a Private Bra Fitting Party at Aristelle – Lingerie specialists at your service, the store to yourselves and complimentary wine!
Poetry-inSPired fAmily movie niGht: Horton Hears a Who! employs Jim Carrey, Steve Carell and Carol Burnet to bring to life the Dr. Suess book about an elephant's allegiance to a microscopic community. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. SonGS & StorieS with mAtthew: Musician Matthew Witten helps children start the day with tunes and tales of adventure. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. toddler yoGA & StorieS: Little ones up to age 5 stretch their bodies and imaginations with Karen Allen. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:15 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 878-4918. write on!: Budding wordsmiths ages 6 to 10 brainstorm ideas and spin a story or two. KelloggHubbard Library, Montpelier, 3:30-4 p.m. Free. Info, 223-4665.
dr. John: Embodying New Orleans' diverse musical heritage, the five-time Grammy Award winner behind hits such as "Right Place Wrong Time," delivers an energetic show. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 8 p.m. $25-65. Info, 863-5966. imAni windS: The premiere wind quintet brings big sound to works by Heitor Villa-Lobos, Astor Piazzolla and others. See calendar spotlight. UVM Recital Hall, Redstone Campus, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $15-30. Info, 863-5966. FRI.25
» P.54
61 Church Street 4t-aristelle102313.indd 1
802-497-3913 10/18/13 1:55 PM
fAirfAx hAunted houSe: The historic Baptist Building transforms into a haunted ship, where frights and delights await. Kid-friendly activities round out the fun. Proceeds benefit Citizens for Fairfax Community. Baptist Building, Fairfax, 6-8:30 p.m. $2-5; $25 per family. Info, fairfaxparksandrec@yahoo.com.
'hotel trAnSylvAniA': Adam Sandler, Andy Samberg and Selena Gomez voice this animated comedy about hotelier Dracula, who struggles with his daughter's romantic yearnings for a human boy. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
Commnity wellneSS dAy: Practitioners offer Reiki, Shiatsu, aromatherapy, acupressure, energy work and more to those looking to experience alternative healing. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Sliding-scale donations; preregister. Info, 870-0361.
hAunted foreSt: See THU.24, 7-11 p.m.
A study of how the brain is affected by the type of fat you eat. Healthy people (18-40 yr) needed for an 8-week NIH study. Participants will receive all food for 8 weeks and $1000 upon completion of the study. If interested, please contact Dr. C. Lawrence Kien at 802-656-9093 or debenste@uvm.edu
health & fitness
with candy, prizes, costumes and games. Tarrant Student Recreational Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 5-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 654-2536.
'the roCky horror PiCture Show': Costumed audience members screen this campy cult classic complete with live performers and quirky props. Lake Placid Center for the Arts, N.Y., 10 p.m. $15-20. Info, 518-523-2512.
calendar FRI.25
« p.53
Perlman Music Program: Chamber Music Concert: Young virtuosi and alumni of the program showcase their musical prowess in a performance of masterworks by Borodin, Dvořák, Haydn, Mendelssohn and Schubert. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7:30 p.m. $25-30. Info, 760-4634. Rhonda Vincent & the Rage: Channeling Bill Monroe's bluegrass style, the award-winning singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist presents classic and contemporary selections. See calendar spotlight. Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, 7:30 p.m. $25-40. Info, 728-6464. Robert Cray Band: Elements of jazz, rock, and rhythm and blues inform the Grammy Award winner's unique interpretation of the blues. Barre Opera House, 8 p.m. $35-49.50. Info, 476-8188.
Queen City Ghostwalk: Darkness Falls Tour: See FRI.25, 7 p.m.
'The Crucible': See THU.24, 8 p.m. 'The Fall of the House of Usher': See THU.24, 7:30 p.m. 'The Rocky Horror Show': Directed by Jacob W. Patorti, this interactive adaptation of the campy film follows a newly engaged couple into the depths of transsexual Transylvania. Merchants Hall, Rutland, 8 p.m. & midnight. $20-35. Info, 800-838-3006. 'The Wizard of Oz': There's no place like home! Accompanied by a 14-piece orchestra, the Pentangle Players travel down the yellow brick road in a production of this time-tested classic. Town Hall Theatre, Woodstock, 7:30 p.m. $12-22. Info, 457-3981.
Create A Vision Board: Life-empowerment coach Marianne Mullen demonstrates how visual representations of goals can manifest positive change. Community Room, Hunger Mountain Coop, Montpelier, 5:30-7:30 p.m. $10-12; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202.
'Cocoon': Inspired by the popular storytelling organization the Moth, wordsmiths deliver true tales related to the theme "metamorphosis." A reception follows. Concert Hall, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 8 p.m. $5-10. Info, 443-3168.
'Paint Like Van Gogh' Workshop: Under the guidance of Debbie Carland-Purdy, participants mimic the vibrant colors and bold brushstrokes of the iconic painter. Davis Studio, Burlington, 10 a.m.-noon. $24 includes materials. Info, 425-2700.
Off the Wall: Informal Discussions About Art: Madeline Firestone ’13 shares her research on the museum's late-Gothic statue of Saint Barbara, as related to medieval surrogacy, devotion and ways of seeing. A light lunch TE follows. Middlebury College SY OF Museum of Art, 12:15 p.m. $5 MI DD L EB suggested donation; free to college URY COLLEGE students with valid ID. Info, 443-3168. UR
'Art': See WED.23, 7:30 p.m. Monty Python's 'Spamalot': See THU.24, 7:30 p.m.
Vermont Antique Expo & Sale: See FRI.25, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.
Rob Bartlett: The standup comedian brings 30 years of stage time to the gut-busting set "So Funny It's Scary." Lebanon Opera House, N.H., 7:30 p.m. $35-40. Info, 603-448-0400.
Blue Jean Ball: Denim-clad locals dress for a "Moonlight in Vermont" theme at this annual fundraiser for Franklin County Home Health Agency. A quilt raffle, auctions and dinner round out the event. American Legion, St. Albans, 6 p.m. $50; preregister. Info, 527-7531.
DsantosVT Salsa Social: Cross-cultural rhythms — including salsa, reggaeton, kizomba and bachata — get feet moving and hips shaking. North End Studios, Burlington, Free lessons, 8-9 p.m.; music, 9 p.m.-midnight. $5. Info, 227-2572. Jackie O'Riley & Rebecca McGowan: Accompanied by fiddler Graham DeZarn, the dancing partners present original and traditional Irish dances, interspersed with engaging narratives. Green Mountain Performing Arts, Waterbury, 7-9 p.m. $15; $45 per family. Info, 917-1186. Muskeg Music Family Contra Dance: Folks in clean-soled shoes move to tunes by the Cuckoo's Nest and calling by Andy Davis. Tracy Hall, Norwich, Family dance, 5-6:30 p.m.; potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.; contra dance, 8 p.m. $5; free for kids under 16; bring a dish to share. Info, 785-4607. Swedish Folk Dance Workshop & Dance: Award-winning dancer Lisa Brooks teaches the hambo and the schottis before an evening dance featuring live nyckelharpa music. A potluck dinner follows. Capital City Grange, Montpelier, workshop, 3:30-5:30 p.m.; dance, 7:30-10:30 p.m. $8-16; bring a dish to share. Info, 617-721-6743.
Wisdom of the Herbs ES School Open House: BA LO G Attendees learn about experiential, nature-based programs, including certification options and three-day intensive studies. Tulsi Tea Room, Montpelier, 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 456-8122. M JA
The Art of Growing Food & Garden Design: Ellen Ogden shares tips and techniques for increasing productivity, beauty and flavor in personal plots. Shelburne Farms, 9:30 a.m.-noon. $25; preregister. Info, 985-8686.
Michael Kraus: The Middlebury College professor of political science presents "Central Europe Since 1989." Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $5. Info, 864-3516.
Buddy Wakefield: The acclaimed slam poet shares his gifts for rhythm, delivery and wordplay. See calendar spotlight. Billings North Lounge, UVM, Burlington, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 881-9376.
Northeast Popular Culture Association Conference: See FRI.25, 9 a.m.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society Meeting & Research Update: Attendees network and share their experiences with others living with the disease. A product expo featuring related products and services rounds out the day. Hilton Hotel, Burlington, 9:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 800-344-4867.
Wicca 101: Local author Kirk White introduces the history and traditions of this nature-based religion. Spirit Dancer Books & Gifts, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 660-8060.
'Vincent': See THU.24, 8 p.m.
Civil War Conference: Historian Howard Coffin keynotes this daylong exploration of Vermont's role in the war. St. Albans Historical Museum, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 899-3034.
KyronSchool of New Consciousness Introduction: Kirk Maris Jones details the multistep approach to spiritual awakening. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $11 suggested donation. Info, 510-697-7790. SEVENDAYSvt.com
'The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao': The American Place Theatre interprets Junot Díaz's Pulitzer-Prize winning novel about an overweight Dominican boy who dreams of becoming a writer. Discussions precede and follow the performance. Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, 10 a.m. $8. Info, 431-0204.
Gardner Living History Trail Grand Opening: Nature lovers take a guided walk along this forested route highlighting the legacy of the land. Northwoods Stewardship Center, East Charleston, 2-3:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 7236551, ext. 115.
Prescription Drug Take-Back Day: As part of a nationwide event, the Burlington and Milton Police Departments facilitate the safe, confidential disposal of prescription drugs. Burlington Police Station & Kinney Drugs, Milton, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 324-3841 or 893-1009.
Town Meeting: Students from 10 Vermont high schools lend their voices to a joint concert at this community gathering on arts funding in public schools hosted by Senator Bernie Sanders. Montpelier High School, 6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 800-339-9834.
The Tiger Lillies: Blending the macabre with a theatric appearance and falsetto vocals, the British trio presents a decidedly dramatic program — including songs inspired by Shakespeare's Hamlet. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., 8 p.m. $10-25. Info, 603-646-2422.
'Plague, the Musical': Under the direction of Martin Bones, the Marble Valley Players stage David Massingham and Matthew Townend's dark comedy based loosely on the Great Plague of London. West Rutland Town Hall, 8-10:30 p.m. $20. Info, 775-0903.
Glad Rags Benefit Sale: Folks peruse offerings of new and used clothing, accessories and household items at this annual fundraiser for local charities. Masonic Lodge, Woodstock, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 457-2864. Greenmount Cemetery Tour: History buffs learn about Ethan Allen's final resting place on a walk through Burlington's oldest cemetery with Preservation Burlington. Greenmount Cemetery, Burlington, 10 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. $10-15; free for Preservation Burlington members and kids 12 and under. Info, 522-8259. Hack the Stacks: Tech-savvy tinkerers convene for two days of civic hacking to build apps, websites and more for local businesses and organizations. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, info@codeforbtv.org. Milton Community Youth Coalition Calcutta & Silent Auction: Local comedians entertain attendees at this dinner fundraiser for the nonprofit featuring a $1000 top prize. Eagles Club, South Burlington, 6-9 p.m. $75 includes dinner for two; preregister. Info, 893-1009.
Vermont State Archives & Records Administration Open House: Behind‐the‐ scenes tours highlight notable historic documents — including the 1777 Constitution of Vermont and the state copy of the Bill of Rights. Vermont State Archives and Records Administration (VSARA), MIddlesex, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 828-2308.
fairs & festivals
Clarina Howard Nichols Center Harvest Festival: Honoring Domestic Violence Awareness Month, local artisans, musicians and vendors convene for a day of family-friendly activities. Proceeds benefit the Clarina Howard Nichols Center. Peoples Academy, Morrisville, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free to attend; donations accepted. Info, 888-2584.
'A Touch of Sin': Inspired by actual events, internationally acclaimed director Jia Zhangke's four-part drama portrays loosely connected characters negatively impacted by the Chinese economic boom. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 3 p.m. & 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168. 'Ask Us Who We Are': See FRI.25, 5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. 'Austenland': See FRI.25, 7:30 p.m. 'Girl Rising': Meryl Streep and other notable actresses narrate the stories of nine girls from around the world, who triumph over great adversity in Richard Robbins' 2013 docudrama. For ages 12 and up. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $5-7; preregister. Info, tanyastone@tanyastone.com. 'The Hungry Heart': See WED. 23. Springfield High School, 7 p.m. $6-12; first come, first served. Info, 357-4616. Woodstock Film Series: National Geographic photographer James Balog captures a multi-year record of climate change with sophisticated time-lapse cameras in Jeff Orlowski's 2012 documentary Chasing Ice. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 3 p.m. $5-11. Info, 457-2355.
food & drink
Burlington Farmers Market: More than 90 stands overflow with seasonal produce, flowers, artisan wares and prepared foods. Burlington City Hall Park, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 310-5172, info@burlingtonfarmersmarket.org. Capital City Farmers Market: Meats and cheeses join farm-fresh produce, baked goods and locally made arts and crafts. 60 State Street, Montpelier, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2958. Chicken Pie Supper: Neighbors catch up over plates of this cold-weather comfort food. United Church of Hinesburg, 5 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. $6-10; free for kids under 5; preregister. Info, 482-2965. Enosburg Falls Farmers Market: A morethan-20-year-old bazaar offers herbs, jellies, vegetables and just-baked goodies in the heart of the village. Lincoln Park, Enosburg Falls, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 933-4503. Go Beer!: Regional craft brews paired with a tasting menu please palates at this fundraiser for the Helen Day Arts Center. An after-party at Vermont Ale House follows. Helen Day Art Center, Stowe, 6 p.m. $25. Info, 253-8358.
Hot CHoColate tasting: As part of Fair Trade Month, folks sample organic, mocha, chai and spicy Aztec varieties of this cold-weather treat. Lake Champlain Chocolates Factory Store, Burlington, noon-4 p.m. Free. Info, 864-1807. Middlebury FarMers Market: Crafts, cheeses, breads and veggies vie for spots in foodies' totes. North side parking lot, the Marbleworks, Middlebury, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 989-6012. nortHwest FarMers Market: Stock up on local produce, garden plants, canned goods and handmade crafts. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 370-6040. rutland County FarMers Market: Downtown strollers find high-quality fruits and veggies, freshcut flowers, sweet treats and artisan crafts within arms' reach. Depot Park, Rutland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 773-4813. stowe restaurant week: See WED.23, noon.
health & fitness
Cots ZuMbatHon: Rocking Latin rhythms drive this energetic fitness dance party supporting the Community on Temporary Shelter. Burlington City Hall Auditorium, Burlington, registration, 6 p.m., Zumba, 7 p.m. $70 minimum fundraising goal or $25 at the door. Info, 999-9748. CoMMunity yoga Class: Laughing River Yoga's teachers-in-training help participants of all experience levels align breath and body, Room 108. Burlington College, noon-1 p.m. $5 suggested donation. Info, 862-9616. kung Fu witH david MCnally: The seconddegree black belt brings 25 years of experience to a practice of the martial art's five-animals style. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 10:45-11:45 a.m. $14. Info, 870-0361. r.i.P.P.e.d.: See WED. 23. North End Studio A, Burlington, 9-10 a.m. $10. Info, 578-9243. yoga witH rebeCCaH brinton: A mix of asana, pranayama and meditation makes for a mixed-level, occasionally rigorous class. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 9-10:30 a.m. $14. Info, 870-0361.
FairFax Haunted House: See FRI.25, 6-8:30 p.m.
Halloween Carnival: Folks dress as historic or literary characters at this benefit for the Ainsworth Public Library featuring the Marineau Brothers Band, storyteller Cher Lanston and carnival games. Williamstown Elementary School, 1-4 p.m. Free to attend; $1-5 for activities. Info, 433-5887.
Haunted Forest: See THU.24, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. & 6-11 p.m.
Monster Mile: Bedecked in Halloween threads, folks run or walk a 1.1-mile loop through Milton's historic village. Proceeds benefit the Milton Family Community Center food shelf. Oliver Seed Company, Milton, 2:30 p.m. $5-20; preregister; donations of nonperishable food items accepted. Info, 893-2028. nigHt oF slaugHter: See FRI.25, 7-11 p.m.
Corporate gangsters, infamous crimes, surveillance experiments. The next media breakthrough has just happened. Now... “wherever you look there you are.”
sHeldon CoMMunity Forest FallFest: Families celebrate the season with hay rides, nature walks, pumpkin painting and trunk-or-treat. Sheldon Elementary School, 2-5 p.m. Free. Info, 933-9690.
Dons of Time is a speculative adventure, a window to an alternative world, and a leap into Gilded Age London at the tipping point of invention, revolution and murder.
read to sara tHe tHeraPy dog: Lit lovers in grades 6 and up share stories with the chocolate lab. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956. traCey CaMPbell Pearson: Budding bookworms and their parents join the nationally recognized children's book author and illustrator to celebrate the release of Elephant's Story. Phoenix Books, Essex, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 872-7111.
Cyndi lauPer: The pop-rock goddess captivates fans young and old with her quirky personality, strong stage presence and distinct vocals. Métropolis, Montréal, 8 p.m. $57-63.55. Info, 514-844-3500.
Based on eyewitness accounts and the lives of world-changers like Nikola Tesla, Annie Besant, Ignatius Donnelly and Jack the Ripper. From Greg Guma, author of The People’s Republic, Spirits of Desire, Uneasy Empire and Inquisitions.
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6h-gregguma102313.indd 1
10/7/13 11:58 AM
3v-RadioVtGroup102313.indd 1
10/21/13 5:40 PM
barbary Coast JaZZ enseMble witH adaM tHeis: The acclaimed San Francisco-based jazz musician joins Dartmouth College students to excerpt his groundbreaking orchestral work Brass, Bows and Beats. Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College, Hanover, 8 p.m. $5-10. Info, 603-646-2422. JaZZ nigHt: Allison Mann and Colin McCaffrey lead a night of jazz in a café atmosphere, with room to dance. Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio, Montpelier, swing dance lesson, 6:45 p.m.; jazz night, 7 p.m. $12-15. Info, 229-4676. karen beCker & Friends ConCert series: Violinist Jonathan Storer joins the pianist in a program of works by Beethoven, César Franck and Manuel de Falla. E. Glenn Giltz Auditorium, Hawkins Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 518-565-0145. Murray & Falkenau: The Irish folk duo brings the essence of the Emerald Isle to the Green Mountains with an evening of traditional tunes. Chandler Gallery, Randolph, 7:30 p.m. $16-19. Info, 728-6464. PerlMan MusiC PrograM: orCHestral & CHoral ConCert: Itzhak Perlman and Patrick Romano lead young string musicians and acclaimed alumni of the program in selections from Britten, Mozart and Schubert. Spruce Peak Performing Arts Center, Stowe Mountain Resort, 7:30 p.m. $38-45. Info, 760-4634. verMont syMPHony orCHestra Masterworks: Jaime Laredo conducts cellist Sharon Robinson and baritone and narrator Randall Scarlata in works by Strauss, Copland and others. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, discussion, 7 p.m.; concert, 8 p.m. $9-61. Info, 863-5966.
bird-Monitoring walk: Experienced avian seekers take adults and older children on a morning jaunt to locate various species in their natural environment. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 8-10 a.m. Free. Info, 434-2167.
Hoots & Howls & PeePs & squeaks: Themed crafts, stories and games pave the way for guided tours along trails lit by jack-o’-lanterns featuring storytelling, live animals, skits and more. Costumes encouraged. Vermont Institute of Natural Science, Quechee, 4:30 p.m. $9-13; free for kids 3 and under. Info, 359-5000, ext. 223.
— Kirkus Reviews
Halloween ZoMbie stoMP CostuMe ball: DJ Jim Severance spins spooky tunes at this freaky fête hosted by the Green Mountain Theater Group. Elks Club, Montpelier, 8 p.m. $15. Info, 249-0414.
PlattsburgH roller derby: nigHt oF tHe rolling dead: Zombies on wheels? The North Country Lumber Jills are out for blood — and brains — as they take on the Twin City Riot. Costumes encouraged. Plattsburgh City Recreation Center, N.Y., 5-8:30 p.m. $5-12; free for kids 5 and under. Info, 518-420-7687.
Halloween basH: Deejayed tunes from Top Hat Entertainment get costumed revelers on the dance floor at this adult party featuring a photo booth and various prizes. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 8 p.m. $10; cash bar. Info, 382-9222.
“Well-constructed, action-flooded sci-fi set in a realistic historical world.”
CHaMPlain lake watCH: Birders don binoculars and search the Champlain Valley for ducks, geese and other waterfowl migrating along the North Atlantic Flyway. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $25-30; free for teens; preregister. Info, 229-6206.
nigHtMare verMont: See THU.24. Memorial Auditorium, Burlington, 5:30-11 p.m. $10. Info, info@nightmarevermont.org.
» P.56
list your event for free at SEVENDAYSVT.COM/POSTEVENT
calendar SAT.26
« p.55
'The Wizard of Oz': See FRI.25, 7:30 p.m.
Ethan Allen Mountain Hike: Early risers start their day at moderate pace on this dog-friendly, 6.8-mile trek. Contact trip leader for details. Ethan Allen Mountain, Duxbury, 8 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 434-2533. Spiny Softshell Turtle Nesting Beach Work Day: Nature lovers join Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife biologist Steve Parren to help prepare nesting sites for next June's egg-laying season. Bring a bag lunch, appropriate clothing and hand tools. North Hero State Park, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 658-8505.
'Vincent': See THU.24, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m.
Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Women Writing for a Change: Creative writing exercises help attendees tap into self-expression and personal empowerment. 180 Flynn Avenue, Burlington, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, sarah@womenwritingvt.com. Pam & Jon Voelkel: The coauthors of The Jaguar Stones, the young-adult series rooted in Mayan culture and archaeological history, discuss their work. Children's Room, Bear Pond Books, Montpelier, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 229-0947.
'The Vampire Princess': Traditional narratives told by master storytellers Tim Jennings and Leanne Ponder elicit thrills and chills from listeners at the Essex Junction Pumpkin Festival. Maple Street Park, Essex, 5-7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-1375.
Introduction to Digital Video Editing: Final Cut Pro users learn basic concepts of the most recent ST version of the editing software. EV EP Prerequisite of VCAM Access AR REN Orientation or equivalent, or instructor's permission. VCAM Studio, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 651-9692. RT
Irish Fiddle & Sean Nós Workshop: Rebecca McGowan, Jackie O'Reilly and Graham Dezarn facilitate an exploration of traditional music and movement. Summit School, Montpelier, 1-4 p.m. $25. Info, 917-1186.
Alpine Shop Park Fest & Rail Jam: Skiers and riders ages 15 and up compete for cash prizes at this preseason showdown featuring live music by Andy Lugo. Alpine Shop, South Burlington, registration, noon-1:30 p.m.; practice, 1:45-2:30 p.m.; qualifying rounds, 2:30-3:30 p.m.; finals, 3:30-4 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 862-2714.
Andrea Stander: Rural Vermont's director considers the consequences of GMOs in the food system. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 12:302 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202.
Monty Python's 'Spamalot': See THU.24, 7:30 p.m.
'The Fall of the House of Usher': See THU.24, 7:30 p.m. The Met: Live in HD Series: See calendar spotlight. Palace 9 Cinemas, South Burlington, 12:55 p.m. $22-24. Info, 660-9300. The Met: Live in HD Series: Lake Placid: See above listing. Lake Placid Center for the Arts, N.Y., 1 p.m. $10-16. Info, 518-523-2512. The Met: Live in HD Series: Middlebury: Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 1 p.m. $10-24. Info, 382-9222.
The Met: Live in HD Series: Rutland: Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 12:55 p.m. $10-20. Info, 775-0903. The Met: Live in HD Series: St. Johnsbury: Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 12:55 p.m. $16-24. Info, 748-2600. 'The Rocky Horror Show': See FRI.25, 8 p.m. & midnight.
High Fives on Tap: Waterbury native and High Fives Foundation executive director Roy Tuscany discusses the nonprofit's work with winter-sport athletes who sustain life-altering injuries. A raffle and silent auction round out the fundraiser. Vermont Ale House, Stowe, 2-5 p.m. $20 includes appetizers and a beer stein. 'Just Move It' Arthritis Walk: Folks join juvenile arthritis youth ambassador Noah Vezina to raise funds and awareness about the disease. A silent auction and raffle round out the day. Dorset Park, South Burlington, registration, 9 a.m.; walk, 10 a.m. Donations. Info, 800-639-2113.
Dance Lab: A study of the art form helps regional dancers hone their skills while exploring new territory. Capital City Grange, Montpelier, 1:15-5:15 p.m. $20. Info, hwdennison@gmail.com. Israeli Folk Dancing: All ages and skill levels convene for circle and line dances, which are taught, reviewed and prompted. No partner necessary, but clean, soft-soled shoes are required. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $2; free first session. Info, 864-0218, ext. 21.
Hack the Stacks: See SAT.26, noon-6 p.m.
'Ask Us Who We Are': See FRI.25, 5:30 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. 'Austenland': See FRI.25, 1:30 p.m., 5:30 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Cost of War Film Series: 'Where Soldiers Come From': Shot over the course of four years, Heather Courtney's Emmy Award-winning documentary traces the journey of childhood friends from northern Michigan to Afghanistan and back. Merrill's Roxy Cinemas, Burlington, 5 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2345.
Prenatal Yoga: Sila Rood leads expectant mothers in poses and stretches focused on preparing the body for birth. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 3 p.m. $14; preregister. Info, 870-0361. Spiritual Healing & Energy-Uplifting Meditation: Cynthia Warwick Seiler brings 20 years of experience to this lighthearted session aimed at accessing intuition, clarity and awareness. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 11 a.m.-noon. $15 suggested donation. Info, 671-4569. Sunday Yoga: Chelsea Varin teaches various styles, including Vinyasa and Hatha. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, N.Y., noon. Free. Info, 518-314-9872.
A Family Halloween: A costume parade kicks off this seasonal soirée, complete with pumpkin carving, doughnuts-on-a-string and wagon rides. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $3-12; free for kids 2 and under and those in costume, accompanied by a paying adult. Info, 457-2355. Freaky 5K Trail Race: Runners take to wooded hills, open meadows and foreboding dark forests in this race benefiting the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps. Post-race refreshments and prizes follow. West Monitor Barn, Richmond, Kids race, 9:15 a.m.; adult race, 10 a.m. $25-35. Info, 434-3969. Halloween Ride: Shared Streets Not Scared Streets: Mayor Miro OR IA Weinberger joins hundreds of VO X riders for a mobile costume party that winds through Queen City streets to Maglianero, where the family-friendly fête continues. Burlington City Hall Park, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 861-2700. CT
'The Crucible': See THU.24, 8 p.m.
health & fitness
The Cashore Marionettes: 'Simple Gifts': Set to music by Beethoven, Vivaldi and others, original vignettes performed by acclaimed puppeteer Joseph Cashore explore scenes from everyday life. See calendar spotlight. Casella Theater, Castleton State College, 2 p.m. $5-10; preregister. Info, 468-1119.
Vermont Antique Expo & Sale: See FRI.25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday Breakfast: Rise and shine! Bacon, scrambled eggs, corned-beef hash, sausage and biscuits await. Proceeds benefit veterans and their families. VFW Post 309, Peru, N.Y., 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. $5. Info, 518-643-2309.
'Plague, the Musical': See FRI.25, midnight.
Pancake Breakfast: Early birds fill up on an allyou-can eat flapjack feast featuring eggs, sausage and bacon. Masonic Lodge, Bradford, 7-10:30 p.m. Donations. Info, 222-4014.
'Art': See WED.23, 7:30 p.m.
Indoor Gardening: Peter Burke teaches innovative methods for growing and harvesting salad greens throughout the winter. City Market, Burlington, 1-2:30 p.m. $5-10; preregister; limited space. Info, 861-9700.
food & drink
'The Hungry Heart': See WED. 23. Town Hall, Norwich, 7 p.m. $6-12; first come, first served. Info, 357-4616.
Donald Wickman: The Civil War historian shares the story of the 9th Vermont Regiment, which became one of the war's most-traveled units. Weston Playhouse, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 824-5486.
'Freedom and Unity: The Vermont Movie: Part One': A reception with director Nora Jacobs precedes a screening of the six-part documentary's first installment, "A Very New Idea," which highlights early settlers, Native Americans and Ethan Allen. A Q&A follows. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m. $12. Info, 748-2600.
Halloween at the Homestead: Sweet treats, games, and arts and crafts entertain families dressed in trick-or-treating attire. Live bird demonstrations from Vermont Institute of Natural Science educators round out the fun. Picnic Shelter, Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, 1-3 p.m. Free; bring a small pumpkin or gourd to decorate. Info, 863-5744. International Dinner: Samhain Celebration: Diners celebrate Halloween in the Scottish tradition with fare such as oakcakes, haggis and sticky toffee pudding. Live bagpipe music, dancing and storytelling complete the evening. North End Studio A, Burlington, 5 p.m. $15-18; cash bar. Info, 863-6713. Nightmare Vermont: See THU.24. Memorial Auditorium, Burlington, 5:30-10 p.m. $10. Info, info@nightmarevermont.org.
'The True Story of Peter and the Wolf': The Vermont Symphony Orchestra's family-friendly Halloween event features an arrangement of Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf, instrument introductions and spooky seasonal selections. Concert Hall, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 2 p.m. $6-8; $16 per family up to five people. Info, 443-3168.
Jambo! African-Style Teen Dance Party: Middle and high school students boogie down at this multicultural meet-up. North End Studio B, Burlington, 6-9 p.m. $3-5. Info, 862-2608 or 863-6713. Russian Play Time With Natasha: Kiddos up to age 8 learn new words via rhymes, games, music, dance and a puppet show. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 11-11:45 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. Sundays for Fledglings: A combination of environmental science and outdoor play helps junior birders ages 5 through 12 develop research and observation skills. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 2-3 p.m. Free with admission, $3-6; preregister. Info, 434-2167.
French Conversation Group: Dimanches: Parlez-vous français? Speakers practice the tongue at a casual, drop-in chat. Local History Room, Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 363-2431.
Ed Gerhard: Recognized for expanding the guitar's range, the acclaimed musician delivers an intimate show. Richmond Free Library, 4-6 p.m. $17.50-20. Info, 434-4563. Implode the Abyss & Jesus and the Psychonauts: Metal and experimental selections drive this all-ages show. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, N.Y. 7 p.m. $3-4. Info, 518-314-9872, rotagallery@ gmail.com. Perlman Music Program: Chamber Music Concert: Itzhak and Toby Perlman present alumni of the program in an afternoon performance of works by Mozart, Mendelssohn, Schubert and others. A Q&A follows. Temple Sinai, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $25. Info, 760-4634 or 862-5125. Victoria Vox Workshop & Concert: A workshop from the master ukelele player precedes a performance in which she showcases her vocals alongside cello accompaniment. Montpelier Senior Activity Center, Montpelier, workshop, 3:30 p.m.; concert, 6:30 p.m. $15-25; preregister. Info, 223-1856.
Mt. Mansfield Hike: A moderate pace and the promise of expansive vistas help hikers manage a difficult 10-mile route that gains 3300 feet in elevation. Contact trip leader for details. Mount Mansfield State Forest, Stowe, 8 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 355-7181. Wildlife Wander: Games and activities entertain outdoor adventurers during a family-friendly wooded excursion. Red Rocks Park, South Burlington, 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 825-8280.
Animal Massage Workshop: Sheri Simon of Chill Animal Massage shares techniques for improving flexibility and circulation in canine companions. Well-behaved dogs admitted. Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Center, Middlebury, noon-2 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 9225828, chillanimalmassage@gmail.com.
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2 shows for 1 admission!
2h-champvalleyexpo101613.indd 1
Admission valid for re-entry all show days Free parking
10/14/13 10:04 AM
Monday, October 28 • Ira Allen Chapel, UVM
Tim DeChristopher The Energy Revolution Doors Open at 6:30 • Free & open to the public
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
Tim DeChristopher is an environmental activist, founder of Peaceful Uprising, and subject of the documentary Bidder 70. In 2010, Tim bid on 22,000 acres of fragile land in southern Utah at a government oil and gas lease auction. He was arrested and served two years in prison for his act of civil disobedience. Recently released from prison, Tim is inspiring people across the country to stand up against extreme energy extraction.
Sponsored by UVM’s Clean Energy Fund, the Office of Sustainability, the Environmental Program, the Rubenstein School for Environment and Natural Resources, Renewable Energy Vermont, the Gund Institute, CDAE, VPIRG, Vermont Natural Resources Council, and 350VT 57
2h-uvm-sustainability102313.indd 1
10/21/13 2:29 PM
Vermont State Inspections
Come in today!
calendar SUN.27
ÂŤ P.56
'alfred HitCHCoCK & tHe art of susPense': Referencing movie clips that highlight popular themes and subject matter, film expert Rick Winston traces the arc of the iconic filmmaker's career. Waterbury Senior Center, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-7036.
CirCuMBurKe Mountain BiKe & trail run CHallenge: Endurance athletes push their limits on a 25-to 50-mile course along Burke Mountain's singletrack and logging trails. A shared meal follows. Proceeds benefit the Kingdom Trails Network. See circumburke.org for details. Belmont Stock Farm, East Burke, registration, 7:30-9 a.m.; cyclists, 10 a.m.; runners, 10:15 a.m. $45-55. Info, 626-4124.
'aMour': An elderly couple faces a new reality after one of them suffers a stroke in Michael Haneke's unflinching drama about long-term relationships. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $4-8. Info, 748-2600.
Castleton 5K & Half MaratHon: Runners tackle a challenging course and compete for various prizes. Spartans Stadium, Castleton State College, 9 a.m. $20-30. Info, 273-3663.
WoMen's indoor PiCKuP soCCer: Quick-footed ladies of varying skill levels break a sweat while stringing together passes and making runs for the goal. Robert Miller Community & Recreation Center, Burlington, 6-8 p.m. $3; for women ages 18 and up. Info, 864-0123.
'art': See WED.23, 2 p.m. 6h-Girlington100913.indd 1
10/8/13 10:35 AM
'CasCando': In an informal salon setting that welcomes audience feedback, Dare Clubb directs a staged reading of Samuel Beckett's rarely produced radio play, which investigates the complexities of creativity. Dance Theatre, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168. Monty PytHon's 'sPaMalot': See THU.24, 2 p.m. 'tHe CruCiBle': See THU.24, 2 p.m. 'tHe fall of tHe House of usHer': See THU.24, 7:30 p.m. 'VinCent': See THU.24, 2 p.m.
Mon.28 activism
tiM deCHristoPHer: Recently released from prison for an act of environmental civil disobedience, the activist and subject of the documentary Bidder 70 shares his story. Ira Allen Chapel, UVM, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 656-4055.
conferences SEVENDAYSVt.com
reneWaBle energy exPo: Sustainable products from more than 60 local and regional businesses and organizations complement workshops and presentations at this eco-friendly extravaganza. Sheraton Hotel & Conference Center, South Burlington, noon-6 p.m. Free. Info, 229-0099.
Beginner line danCe: Participants organize into rows and learn a choreographed sequence of steps. Comfortable shoes and personal water required. St. Joseph School, Burlington, 6:30-7:30 p.m. $4 suggested donation. Info, 658-0096.
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tiBetan singing & Healing BoWl Meditation: Using multitonal frequencies, Kirk Maris Jones taps into the power of the ancient instruments. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. $9 suggested donation. Info, 671-4569.
Say you saw it in...
12h-shoplocal-female.indd 1
salsa danCe Class: DsantosVT leads hipshaking steps for dancers of all experience levels. North End Studios, Burlington, beginners, 7-8 p.m.; intermediate, 8 p.m. $10. Info, 863-6713.
adaPtiVe international folK danCing: Creative movers of all ages, abilities and mobility learn international routines. Walkers and wheelchairs are accommodated. North End Studio A, Burlington, 1-2 p.m. $5; free for assistants. Info, 863-6713.
7days_5x5_BH.indd 3 1 4t-Smuggs100913.indd
'austenland': See FRI.25, 5:30 p.m. 'WHere tHe riVer floWs nortH': Michael J. Fox and Rip Torn star in Jay Craven's adaptation of Howard Frank Mosher's eponymous novel about a Vermont logger and a Native American struggling to reconcile drastic changes in their way of life. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600.
triVia nigHt: Teams of quick thinkers gather for a meeting of the minds. Lobby, Hotel Vermont, Burlington, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 651-5012.
health & fitness
aVoid falls WitH iMProVed staBility: See FRI.25, 10 a.m. aWareness tHrougH MoVeMent: feldenKrais WitH uWe Mester: Increased flexibility and range of motion help participants address habitual neuromuscular patterns. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, noon-1 p.m. $14. Info, 870-0361. HerBs & yoga for stress ManageMent: Attendees learn natural approaches for calming the nervous system and supporting wellbring. Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Montpelier, 6-8 p.m. $10-12; preregister. Info, 224-7100. laugHter yoga: Giggles help participants decrease stress and tap into a playful practice. The Wellness Co-op, Burlington, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 888-492-8218, ext. 300. r.i.P.P.e.d.: See WED.23, 6-7 p.m. WoMen's self defense Class: See WED.23, 5-8 p.m. yoga WitH tea: See WED.23, 7-8 a.m. & 6:15-7:15 p.m.
HalloWeen stories WitH aBBy Klein: Kids in PJs or costumes bring their favorite stuffed animals for themed tales, crafts and bedtime snacks. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. nortHWest nigHtMares filM festiVal: Amateur filmmakers celebrate the Halloween spirit with locally made short horror flicks on the big screen. An awards ceremony follows. The freaky fun continues with an after-party at Twiggs. Welden Theatre 3, St. Albans, 6 p.m. $5. Info, 527-6474.
aliCe in noodleland: Youngsters get acquainted over crafts and play while new parents and expectant mothers chat with maternity nurse and lactation consultant Alice Gonyar. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. MusiC WitH Peter: Preschoolers up to age 5 bust out song-and-dance moves to traditional and original folk. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:45 a.m. Free; limited to one session per week per family. Info, 878-4918. My first yoga: Toddler-friendly poses led by Rachel Klatzer meet storytelling and song in this program for ages 5 and under. Community Meeting Room. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free. Info, 388-4097. PresCHool story Hour: See WED.23, 11:30 a.m.
4/10/12 2:29 PM
StorieS With Megan: Little ones expand their imaginations through tales, songs and rhymes. Daycare programs welcome with one caregiver for every two children. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free; groups must preregister. Info, 865-7216. taleS, tuneS & totS: Kiddos ages 3 through 5 show up for stories and songs. Chandler Gallery, Randolph, 10-11:30 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 728-5073.
recorder-Playing grouP: Musicians produce early folk, baroque and swing-jazz melodies. New and potential players welcome. Presto Music Store, South Burlington, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 658-0030, info@prestomusic.net. SaMbatucada! oPen rehearSal: New faces are invited to pitch in as Burlington's samba streetpercussion band sharpens its tunes. Experience and instruments are not required. 8 Space Studio Collective, Burlington, 6-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5017.
china toWn hall: local connectionS, national reflectionS: An exploration of U.S-China relations includes a presentation by Hank Levine of the Albright Stonebridge Group, a Q&A session and a viewing of U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's national webcast. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland Language Center, Middlebury College, 5:30-7:45 p.m. Free. Info, 443-2050. VerMont PoliticS SPeaker SerieS: Local professionals ranging from reporters to state government officials past and present weigh in on relevant topics. Ellsworth Room. Willey Library & Learning Center, Johnson State College, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1408, events.jsc.edu.
daVid gilligan: In "Natural History of the Great North Woods," the writer, wilderness traveler and Sterling College professor explores the ecology of this dynamic landscape. Northwoods Stewardship Center, East Charleston, 6:30-8 p.m. $5; preregister. Info, 723-6551, ext. 115.
book Sale: Readers peruse a plethora of pages. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. burlington WriterS WorkShoP Meeting: See WED.23, 6:30-8 p.m.
tue.29 activism
October 26th
rutland region chaMber of coMMerce annual Meeting: Lt. Governor Phil Scott keynotes this assembly of area professionals, who network over live music and lunch before the Business Person of the Year award ceremony. Centre Ballroom, Holiday Inn, Rutland, noon. $29.95; preregister. Info, 773-2747.
On sale September 30th at
reneWable energy exPo: See MON.28, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
intro to tribal belly dance: Students access self-empowerment via this moving meditation based on ancient traditions. Arrive early to request tea. Chai Space, DobrĂĄ Tea, Burlington, 6:45-7:45 p.m. $10; $5 for optional tea. Info, piper.c.emily@ gmail.com. 'le corSaire': The Bolshoi Ballet presents the intersection of beauty and sin in a broadcast production of Jules Henri Vernoy de Saint-Georges and Joseph Mazilier's famed work, edited by Marius Petipa. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7-10 p.m. $6-18. Info, 748-2600. SWing dance Practice SeSSion: Twinkle-toed participants get moving in different styles, such as the lindy hop, charleston and balboa. Indoor shoes required. Champlain Club, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 448-2930.
4t-HauntedForest-101613.indd 1
10/14/13 3:28 PM
4T-ValleyStage102313.indd 1
10/21/13 2:27 PM
eclectic Pagan Witchcraft 101: Members of the Circle of the Triple Goddess introduce the history and practices of the nature-based religion. Moonlight Gifts, Milton, 6-8 p.m. Free; preregister; bring a chair and food or drink to share. Info, 893-9966.
'auStenland': See FRI.25, 5:30 p.m. 'Where the riVer floWS north': See MON.28, 5:30 p.m.
food & drink
enoSburg fallS farMerS Market: See SAT.26, 3-6:30 p.m. the frugal fridge: Shoppers become savvy savers on an interactive tour of the store featuring healthy, economical choices. City Market, Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free; preregister at citymarket. coop; limited space. Info, 861-9700.
health & fitness
alicia feltuS: The clinical nutritionist presents ways to combat stress and fatigue. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 5:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 671-4569. baby PuMP: New moms break a sweat and get back into shape with their babies in tow. Hammer Fit Athletic Club, Essex Junction, 11-11:45 a.m. $9. Info, 878-0444.
ShaPe & Share life StorieS: Prompts from Recille Hamrell trigger recollections of specific experiences, which are crafted into narratives and shared with the group. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.
north aVenue corridor Study Public Meeting: Area residents share ways to improve the major New North End roadway with study team members. A project overview follows. Cafeteria, Hunt Middle School, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 865-1794.
norWich uniVerSity WriterS SerieS: Short-story writer Caitlin Horrock excerpts This Is Not Your City, followed by poet W. Todd Kaneko, who shares stanzas from the forthcoming Dead Wrestler Elegies. Book signings and a Q&A follow. Multipurpose Room, Kreitzberg Library, Norwich University, Northfield, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 485-2886.
aniMal Welfare legiSlatiVe Meeting: At this grassroots gathering, folks voice opinions about local and state legislation for companion and farm animals. Homeward Bound Animal Welfare Center, Middlebury, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 388-1100.
george Jaeger: Considering current international affairs, the distinguished veteran diplomat presents "Canada and the U.S.: A Vital, Unsung Partnership." Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $5. Info, 864-3516.
cynthia WarWick Seiler: The spiritual teacher explores soul-purpose development. Rainbow Institute, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 671-4569.
candlelight Vigil & SurViVor SPeak out: A tribute to domestic-violence victims precedes a silent walk up Church Street to the Unitarian Universalist Church, where participants can share their stories. Burlington City Hall, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 658-3131.
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Donna Powell: As part of the Wellness and Alternative Medicine Lecture Series, the naturopath and acupuncturist discusses ways to naturally heal the body. Ellsworth Room, Willey Library & Learning Center, Johnson State College, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1308. Family-FrienDly yoga with Deborah Felmeth: Meditation, Vinyasa-style asana, chanting and yogic philosophy help parents tap into creative expression. Kiddos ages 3 through 5 do the same at an art class across the hall. 2 Wolves Holistic Center, Vergennes, 9-10:30 a.m. $14; $25 includes kids art class; preregister. Info, 870-0361.
Presented by
PauSe-caFé: French students of varying levels engage in dialogue en français. Panera Bread, Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 864-5088.
benjamin groSvenor: Internationally recognized for electrifying performances, the 20-year-old pianist performs works by Mendelssohn, Schubert, Schumann and others. Greg Vitercik gives a preconcert lecture at 6:45 p.m. in Room 125, Concert Hall, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 7:30 p.m. $6-20. Info, 443-3168.
FinDing the organic SelF: archetyPal Dreamwork: Sue Scavo and Bill St. Cyr of North of Eden detail how sleep reveals the true self. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:15 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-8000, ext. 202.
French converSation grouP: Beginner-tointermediate speakers brush up on their linguistics. Halvorson's Upstreet Café, Burlington, 4:30-6 p.m. Free. Info, 540-0195.
Flu clinic: Registered nurses administer immunizations to those looking to avoid the ailment. Swanton Senior Apartments, 9-11 a.m. $35 for noninsured recipients. Info, 527-7531.
women'S SelF DeFenSe claSS: See WED.23, 5-8 p.m.
realiStic FreeStyle SelF-DeFenSe: Participants ages 16 and up learn techniques for staying safe in different scenarios. ROTA Gallery, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5:30 p.m. $15. Info, 518-645-6960.
SyStema with ryan miller: See THU.24, 7-8:15 p.m.
coStume Story time: Little listeners get decked out for Halloween tales. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.
chilDren'S Story time: See FRI.25, 10:30 a.m.
Films * Food & Drinks * Auction to benefit the Vermont Natural Resources Council 5:30 - 9 pm Main Street Landing Tickets at Patagonia Burlington or vnrc.org
creative tueSDayS: Artists exercise their imaginations with recycled crafts. Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3:15-5 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. Fall Story time: See WED.23, 10 a.m. Fall Story time & craFt: Themed tales and creative projects entertain little ones ages 3 through 5. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. muSic & movement with ali: Caregivers and their kiddos lace up their dancing shoes for songs, stretches and creative play with Ali Gibson. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10:30-11:15 a.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 388-4095. PreSchool Story hour: See WED.23, 11:30 a.m. PreSchool Story hour: 'uP, Down & all arounD': Kiddos up to age 6 have fun with engaging narratives and crafts. Fairfax Community Library, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 849-2420. Story time with corey: Read-aloud books and crafts led by store employee Corey Bushey engage young minds. Buttered Noodles, Williston, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 764-1810. Story time For 3-to 5-year-olDS: See WED.23, 10-10:45 a.m. Story time For babieS & toDDlerS: Picture books, songs, rhymes and puppets arrest the attention of kids under 3. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 9:10-9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
Thursday, October 24
youth meDia lab: Aspiring Spielbergs learn about moviemaking with television experts. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free; preregister; limited space. Info, 388-4097.
language 60 CALENDAR
converSational SPaniSh: David Forman chats en español with folks whose skills allow them to converse comfortably. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. Free. Info, 453-2118.
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aarP Driver SaFety claSS: Folks ages 50 and older take a road refresher course as they deal with challenges posed by aging. Hinesburg Recreation Department, 9 a.m.-1:30 p.m. $12-14; preregister; limited space. Info, 425-4691, ext. 6.
reeve linDbergh: In "Sharing Our Lives and Our Families," the daughter of aviator Charles reflects on the significance of providing in-home care for her aging mother. Proceeds benefit HomeShare Vermont. Pizzagalli Center for Art and Education, Shelburne Museum, 3-5 p.m. $30 includes light fare; preregister. Info, 863-5625.
behinD-the-SceneS lunch & DiScuSSion: 'vinegar tom': Director Cheryl Faraone, musical director Carol Christensen, and cast and crew members preview Caryl Churchill's provocative feminist play. For mature audiences. Seeler Studio Theatre, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College, 12:30 p.m. $5 suggested donation; free to college students with valid ID. Info, 443-3168.
book Sale: See MON.28, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. brian evenSon: The award-winning fiction writer and Brown University professor of literary arts reads and discusses selected works. Stearns Cinema, Johnson State College, 5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1342. caDy/Potter writerS circle: Literary enthusiasts improve their craft through assignments, journal exercises, reading, sharing and occasional book discussions. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 349-6970. michael nethercott: The mystery writer shares ghost stories before excerpting his new book, The Séance Society. Barnes & Noble, South Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-8001. PageS in the Pub: Bibliophiles weigh in on literary topics with local librarians and booksellers in a relaxed atmosphere. Bentley's Restaurant, Woodstock, 7-8:30 p.m. $10; preregister; limited seating. Info, 649-1961 or 649-2580.
weD.30 community
oPen rota meeting: See WED.23, 6 p.m.
Vermont Businesses for social responsiBility: HealtH excHange open office Hours: Individuals and small-business owners meet with a Vermont Health Connect navigator to learn about new health care initiatives. Conference Center, Gifford Medical Center, Randolph, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free; preregister. Info, 989-4844.
meet rockin' ron tHe friendly pirate: See WED.23, 10-10:45 a.m.
story time for 3-to 5-year-olds: See WED.23, 10-10:45 a.m.
'austenland': See FRI.25, 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m. Books-to-film series: Romola Garai stars in Angel, based on Elizabeth Taylor's eponymous novel about a romance writer struggling with her sudden rise to fame. A discussion with library director Richard Bidnick follows. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. 'tHe War of tHe Worlds': Cinephiles screen Byron Haskin's 1953 film adaptation of H.G. Wells' novel and Orson Welles’ radio drama chronicling the alien invasion of Earth. Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-2600. 'WHere tHe riVer floWs nortH': See MON.28, 1:30 p.m. & 5:30 p.m.
health & fitness
creatiVe floW yoga WitH deBoraH felmetH: See WED.23, 5:30-7 p.m. guided meditation: See WED.23, 5:30-7 p.m. kundalini yoga WitH callie pegues: See WED.23, 9-10:15 a.m. r.i.p.p.e.d.: See WED.23, 6-7 p.m. Working WitH tHe fall/Winter season: an ayurVedic approacH: Attendees learn about the Vata dosha's connection to cold weather, and how to address seasonal woes with diet, yoga and breathing exercises. City Market, Burlington, 5:307:30 p.m. $20-25; preregister; limited space. Info, 861-9700. yoga class: See WED.23, 5-6:30 p.m. yoga WitH tea: See WED.23, 6:15-7:15 p.m.
family project HalloWeen party: Music, dancing, crafts, face painting, and tricks and treats entertain costumed attendees of all ages. RU12? Community Center, Burlington, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 860-7812.
'HalloWeen': Donald Pleasence and Jamie Lee Curtis star in John Carpenter's 1978 slasher horror film about a murderer who escapes from a mental institution to terrorize his hometown. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 7:30 p.m. $4-6. Info, 775-0903.
moVing & grooVing WitH cHristine: costume party: Two-to 5-year-olds don creative costumes and jam out to seasonal tunes. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.
story time & playgroup: See WED.23, 10-11:30 a.m.
englisH-language class for neW americans: See WED.23, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
green mountain taBle tennis cluB: See WED.23, 6-9:30 p.m.
institute for ciVic engagement: race & racism lecture series: Lawyer and historian Sandy Baird analyzes the actions of computer specialist Edward Snowden, who leaked details of top-secret government surveillance programs to the press. Room 253, Burlington College, 6:15 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9616. jens HaWkins-Hilke: As part of the Environmental Health Sciences Speaker Series, the Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department biologist discusses conservation planning in the state. Room 206. Bentley Hall, Johnson State College, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1251. surVeillance on tHe nortHern Border conference featuring William arkin: The internationally recognized writer and military expert kicks off this daylong exploration of privacy and procedural issues related to surveillance. Pavilion Building, Montpelier, 9:45 a.m. Free; preregister. Info, 223-6304. WaterBury Historical society meeting & presentation: History comes alive in the town's oldest church, which serves as a vehicle for a discussion of local religious institutions of the 1800s. Waterbury Congregational Church, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 244-8089.
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10/11/13 5:30 PM
HowardCenter has an ongoing need for individuals or families to provide temporary foster care for children in our assessment program.
'tHe rocky Horror sHoW': See FRI.25, 8 p.m.
Big ideas dine & discuss: Led by Edward Cashman, folks share a meal, then converse about Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6-8:30 p.m. Free; preregister; bring a comfort food dish to share. Info, 878-6955. Book discussion series: 'masters of tHe sHort story': Bibliophiles voice opinions about Ann Beatie's Park City with Gina Logan. Brown Public Library, Northfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 485-7423.
These children range in age from 5-18 and need caring families to live with during an assessment period, usually 3090 days. You don’t have to be married, rich or a homeowner.
Book discussion series: 'seVen deadly sins': Works by William Faulkner, Flannery O'Connor and others inspire conversation about lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride with facilitator Linda Bland. South Hero Community Library, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 372-6209. Book sale: See MON.28, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Burlington Writers WorksHop meeting: See WED.23, 6:30-8 p.m. Healing journal & creatiVe journeying: See WED.23, 7:30-9 p.m.
BaBy & me story time: See WED.23, 10:30 a.m. BaBytime playgroup: See WED.23, 10:30 a.m.12 p.m. fall story time: See WED.23, 11:15 a.m. m. larose: The local author reads and signs her young-adult fantasy The Flower Eater, about the adventures of a young priestess in a world of medieval magic. Bridgeside Books, Waterbury, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 244-1441. 4t-Howard-GenericFoster-100213.indd 1
9/27/13 2:34 PM
Generous stipend, training and support provided. Please contact us today to learn more about helping a child in your community. Call or email Tory Emery at 802.343.8229 or vemery@howardcenter.org.
'tHe Vampire princess': See SAT.26. Lovin' Cup Café, Johnson, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 635-7423. m
rogue yoga: kids costume yoga!: Malaika DosRemedios leads little ones in Halloween garb through a series of poses. ArtsRiot, Burlington, 5-6 p.m. $8-12 per family. Info, 603-973-4163.
read to a dog: See WED.23, 3-4:15 p.m.
HalloWeen special: Excerpts from the original "Twilight Zone" television series set the stage for parodies of the cult classic, as seen on the "The Simpsons." Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.
read to coco: See WED.23, 3:30-4:30 p.m.
gHosts, goBlins & gross outs ... HalloWeen fun!: Kiddos in grades K through 5 partake in a spooky soirée featuring costumed storytellers, themed games and creepy crafts. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6956.
prescHool story Hour: See WED.23, 11:30 a.m.
burlington city arts
Call 865-7166 for info or register online at burlingtoncityarts.org. Teacher bios are also available online.
ADOBE INDESIGN CS6: No experience necessary. Learn the basics of Adobe InDesign, a creative computer program used for magazine and book layout, for designing text and for preparing digital and print publications. Students will explore a variety of software techniques and will create projects suited to their own interests. Instructor: Diana Gonsalves. Weekly on Tue., Nov. 5-Dec. 10. Cost: $205/person; $184.50/ BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. CLAY: ITALIAN TILE DECORATION: The traditional Italian style of tile painting, Majolica, is known for its exquisite and unique designs. Learn with Natasha Bogar, who studied in Florence, Italy. Decorate your own tiles, bowl and plate. No experience needed! Includes over 30 hours per week of open studio time to practice, a 20 pound bag of clay and all glazing and firing costs. Instructor: Natasha Bogar. Ages 16 and up. Weekly on Tue., Nov. 12-Dec. 10, 6-8 p.m. No class Nov. 26. Cost: $120/person; $108/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. CRAFTING AN ARTIST STATEMENT: Your artist’s statement is an opportunity to communicate what you investigate, observe or want to express with your art by informing the audience. It’s also often a requirement when applying for grants, artist-in-residencies or gallery exhibits. Learn tips for writing a successful statement from BCA curator DJ Hellerman. Artists from all disciplines are welcome. Nov. 6, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $20/person, $18/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington.
DIY NIGHT: HEX BOLT BRACELETS: Co-owner of New Duds Tessa Valyou is excited to show you this simple technique for creating modern bracelets at this one-night class. Learn an easy braid technique that incorporates hex nuts from the hardware store to make your own spine-like design. Plenty of time, materials and inspiration to make multiple bracelets. No experience needed. Ages 16 and up. Nov. 14, 6-8 p.m. Cost: $25/ person; $22.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington.
KIDS: DARKROOM: Create unique, one-of-a-kind images with light and objects in our black-and-white photographic darkroom! Ages 9-12. Nov. 16, 1-3 p.m. Cost: $25/person; $22.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. PAINTING: ABSTRACT: Students will be guided to explore the many exciting possibilities of abstract painting through demonstrations and exciting exercises. Using the paint of their choice (water-soluble oils, acrylics or watercolor), students will be encouraged to experiment and try adding other mixed media as well. Glass palettes, easels, painting trays and drying racks provided. See materials list online. Instructor: Linda Jones. Ages 16 and up. Weekly on Thu., Nov. 7-Dec. 19, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $190/person; $171/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. PHOTO: ADOBE LIGHTROOM 4: Upload, organize, edit and print your digital photographs in this comprehensive class using
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom. Importing images, using RAW files, organization, fine-tuning tone and contrast, color and white balance adjustments and archival printing on our Epson 3880 printer will all be covered. No experience necessary. Instructor: Dan Lovell. Weekly on Wed., Nov. 6-Dec. 18, 6-9 p.m. Cost: $250/person; $225/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. PHOTO: PORTRAIT: Prerequisite: Intro SLR Camera or equivalent experience. Improve your portrait-taking skills in this hands-on class. Camera techniques, composition, the use of studio and natural light, working with a model and more will be covered. Bring your camera and memory card to the first class. Instructor: Dan Lovell. Weekly on Thu., Nov. 14-Dec. 12, 6-9 p.m. No class Nov. 28. Cost: $175/ person; $157.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. PHOTOGRAPHING YOUR ARTWORK: Learn techniques for lighting for the purpose of photographing your artwork, color reproduction and 2D versus 3D artwork. Learn to properly upload and save images and what sizes and formats you should use for emailing and uploading. Focus will be on setting up your artwork to take successful photos for your portfolio, not on camera use. Instructors: Ted Olson & Dan Lovell. Ages 16 and up. Nov. 7, 6-9 p.m. Cost: $25/ person; $22.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington. PRINT: WOODCUT: Discover the unique process of woodblock printing. This class will focus on the fundamental techniques and characteristics of relief woodblock printing, which is the area of the printing board that is left in “relief” after the board has been cut. Includes over 25 hours per week of open studio time, chemicals, class ink and equipment. Instructor: Gregg Blasdel. Ages 16 and up. Weekly on Mon., Nov. 4-Dec. 16, 6-8:30 p.m. No class Nov. 25. Cost: $200/ person; $180/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. SILKSCREENING: Learn a variety of techniques for transferring and printing images using handdrawn, photographic or borrowed imagery. Apply photo emulsion, use a silkscreen exposure unit and mix and print images using water-based inks. Includes over 25 hours per week of open studio time, use of studio chemicals, class ink and equipment. No experience necessary! Materials list online. Instructor: Torrey Valyou. Ages 16 and up. Weekly on Tue., Nov. 5-Dec. 7, 6-8:30 p.m. No class Nov. 26. Cost: $200/person; $180/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. SILKSCREENING II: Advance your silkscreening to the next level! Start developing halftones, distressed designs, advanced registration techniques and
more. Includes over 25 hours per week of open studio time, use of chemicals, class ink and equipment. Students must know how to coat, expose and print a silkscreen and have printed two-color designs. Materials list online. Instructor: Torrey Valyou. Ages 16 and up. Weekly on Thu., Nov. 7-Dec. 19, 6-8:30 p.m. No class Nov. 28. Cost: $200/ person; $180/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington.
VIDEO: TIME-LAPSE ANIMATION: Timelapse is a video art form that uses photos taken at regular intervals that, when sequenced together, can allow an audience to see subtle or imperceptible processes. Learn more about the storytelling this medium can convey and the hardware and software you can use to do so. Instructor: Kevin Murakami. Prerequisite: Intro to SLR Camera or equivalent experience. Weekly on Mon., Dec. 2-16, 6-9 p.m. Cost: $105/ person; $94.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Center, 135 Church St., Burlington.
craft NEEDLE FELTING CLASS: PROJECT GNOME: In this class you will learn how the basics of needle felting and how to needle felt a simple gnome. Wool will be provided by the instructor. Materials needed: Skewer, thread, foam felting base and felting needles (38T, 38S, 36T). If you don’t have these materials you may purchase them through the teacher if you wish for $10. Instructor: Susi Ryan. Oct. 30, 6:30 p.m. Cost: $25/Person. Location: Vintage Inspired Lifestyle Marketplace, 180 Flynn Ave., Suite 2, Burlington. Info: 488-5766, vintageinspired.net.
dance B-TRU DANCE W/ DANIELLE VARDAKAS DUSZKO: B-Tru is focused on hip-hop, funkstyles (poppin, locking, waaking), breakin’, dance hall, belly dance and lyrical dance. Danielle Vardakas Duszko has trained with originators in these styles, performed and battled throughout the world. Classes and camps age 4-adult. She is holding a Hip-Hop Yoga Dance 200-hour teacher training this fall/winter. $50/ mo. Ask about family discounts.
Location: Honest Yoga Center, 150 Dorset St., Blue Mall, next to Sport Shoe Center, S. Burlington. Info: 497-0136, honestyogastudio@gmail.com, honestyogacenter.com. DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Salsa classes, nightclub-style, on-one and on-two, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Wednesdays, 6 p.m. $13/person for one-hour class. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in any time and prepare for an enjoyable workout! Location: 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Victoria, 598-1077, info@salsalina.com. DSANTOS VT SALSA: Experience the fun and excitement of Burlington’s eclectic dance community by learning salsa. Trained by world famous dancer Manuel Dos Santos, we teach you how to dance to the music and how to have a great time on the dance floor! There is no better time to start than now! Mon. evenings: beginner class, 7-8 p.m.: intermediate, 8:159:15 p.m. Cost: $10/1-hr. class. Location: North End Studios, 294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: Tyler Crandall, 598-9204, crandalltyler@hotmail.com, dsantosvt.com. FLIRTY GIRL FITNESS: When flirty, fabulous dance meets choreography with a purpose; the result is a fun, effective way to condition the entire body! Booty Beat is a cardio intensive dancebased class that works the whole body by targeting specific muscle groups with easy-tolearn Foundation Moves. Session 1: Weekly on Sat. through Nov. 16, 10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m. Cost: $10/1-hr. class. Location: Soul Fire Studio, 1 Mill St., suite 372, Burlington. Info: 399-9804, flirty@sover.net, flirtybeat. weebly.com.
LEARN TO DANCE W/ A PARTNER!: Come alone, or come with friends, but come out and learn to dance! Beginning classes repeat each month, but intermediate classes vary from month to month. As with all of our programs, everyone is encouraged to attend, and no partner is necessary. Private lessons also available. Cost: $50/4wk. class. Location: Champlain Club, 20 Crowley St., Burlington. Info: First Step Dance, 598-6757, kevin@firststepdance.com, firststepdance.com.
PRIVATE LESSONS AT DANCING WITH STYLE: Private dance lessons are the easiest and fastest way to become a good social dancer. Private lessons available every day of the week. Salsa, ballroom, Latin. Are you getting married? Learn your first dance as a wedding couple. Tue.-Thu., 9-5 p.m.; Sat.-Mon., 9 a.m.-9 p.m.; Wed. night, 6-9 p.m. Location: Dancing with Style, 127 Porters Point Rd., Mallets Bay, next to Sunset Drive-in, Colchester. Info: 793-7524, dancingwithstylevt.net.
dreams INTRODUCTION TO DREAMWORK: Learn how to work with your dreams, connect to your inner life and empower yourself in a safe, supportive setting. Led by Dr. Sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $60/ person. Location: 55 Clover La., Waterbury. Info: Sue, 244-7909.
drumming TAIKO, DJEMBE & CONGAS!: Taiko drumming in Burlington! Tuesday Taiko Adult Classes begin Dec. 3 & Jan. 28, 5:30-6:30 p.m., $72/6 weeks. Kids Classes begin on the same dates, 4:305:20 p.m. $60/6 weeks. Djembe classes start Nov. 8, Dec. 13, & Jan. 17, 6 p.m., $60/4 weeks, $18/ class. Montpelier Djembe classes start Oct. 24, Nov. 21, Jan. 2, 7:30-8:30 p.m., $54/3 weeks! Location: Burlington Taiko Space, 208 Flynn Ave., suite 3-G, Burlington & Lane Shops Community Room, 13 N. Franklin St., Montpelier. Info: Stuart Paton, 999-4255, spaton55@ gmail.com, burlingtontaiko.org.
helen day art center
WATERCOLOR DESIGN AND TECHNIQUE: Using a variety of experimental techniques, participants will learn how to design successful compositions in watercolor. On different types of papers explore texture, line, shape, color and form while deepening understanding of abstract relationships and content in your work. All skill levels welcome. Instructor: Lisa Forster Beach. Nov. 2, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Cost: $115/person. Location: Helen Day Art Center, 90 Pond St., Stowe. Info: 253-8358, helenday.com. FOUND OBJECT SCULPTURE: With a little direction, patience and inspiration, you can create high-class art out of surprising materials. Hone your objectfinding skills around Stowe and skillfully reimagine and revive objects in the studio. Themes discussed will include balance, structure, tensile strength, HELEN DAY ART CENTER
» P.64
Wyeth Vertigo Extreme perspectives, unconventional angles, and powerful narratives in 36 works by N.C., Andrew, and Jamie Wyeth, three generations of one of the most influential dynasties in modern American art.
Last Week! Exhibition closes October 31. “... a fascinating, —and, as the title hints, disorienting — glimpse into the imaginary worlds of the Wyeths.”
- Boston Globe
presented by:
major support is from:
Jamie Wyeth, Comet, 1997, Oil on canvas, 48 x 40 inches. Private Collector, New Hope, Pennsylvania, ©Jamie Wyeth
6000 Shelburne Road, Shelburne, Vermont, 802-985-3346
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helen day art center
« p.62
texture and surface. Instructor: Glen Hutcheson. Oct. 27, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $95/person. Location: Helen Day Art Center, 90 Pond St., Stowe. Info: 253-8358, helenday.com.
64 classes
Community Herbalism Classes: Tea: An Herbalist’s Perspective with Susan Staley on Sat., Nov. 1, 1-3 p.m.; Herbal Remedies Your Children will Enjoy with Rachel Davey on Mon., Nov., 4, 6-8 p.m.; Stress Relief from your Kitchen and Garden with Denise Quick on Thu., Nov., 7, 7-9 p.m. (additional $5 materials fee). Cost: $12/person; $10 for members. Location: Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St., Montpelier. Info: Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 224-7100, info@ vtherbcenter.org, vtherbcenter. org. Herbal Intensive: Heart-Spirit Medicine for Turbulent Times with Chris Marano, RH(AHG). However we describe it, most of us feel that we are in a time of great flux, turbulence and quickening. This workshop speaks to our need for adaptability and resilience and includes discussion of herbal allies and simple, timeless spiritual wisdom. Sat., Nov. 16, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $75/person; $65 for members; online option: $55/$45; preregistration required. Location: Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 252 Main St., Montpelier. Info: Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, 224-7100, info@ vtherbcenter.org, vtherbcenter. org. Wisdom of the Herbs School: Wild Plant Walk, Wed., Oct. 23, 5-6:15 p.m., sliding scale $10 to $0, preregistration requested. Open house, Oct. 26, 1-3 p.m., at Tulsi Tea Room, 34 Elm St., Montpelier. Now accepting applications for Wisdom of the Herbs 2014 Eight Month Certification Program, local wild plants for food and medicine, sustainable living skills, and profound connection with Nature, Apr. 26-27, May 24-25, Jun. 28-29, Jul. 26-27, Aug. 23-24, Sep. 27-28, Oct. 25-26 & Nov. 8-9, 2014, tuition $1750, payment plan $187.50/ mo. VSAC nondegree grants available, apply early. Earth skills for changing times. Experiential programs embracing local wild edible and medicinal plants, food as first medicine, sustainable living skills and the inner journey. Annie McCleary, director. Location: Wisdom of the Herbs School, Woodbury. Info: 456-8122, annie@wisdomoftheherbsschool.com, wisdomoftheherbsschool.com.
language LEARN SPANISH & OPEN NEW DOORS: Connect with a new world. We provide high-quality affordable instruction in the Spanish language for adults, students and children. Travelers’ lesson package. Our seventh year. Personal instruction from a native speaker. Small classes, private lessons and online instruction. See our website for complete information or contact us for details. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: Spanish in Waterbury Center, 585-1025, spanishparavos@gmail.com, spanishwaterburycenter.com. Oh la la! Let’s speak French!: French for All: Bonjour! Salut! Oh la la la: join Madame Maggie for invigorating French classes for all ages/abilities. Preschool FRART! French & Art for Pre-K Nov. 11, Youth After School Art, French & Geography Oct. 28, Teen French, Art & Music Oct. 26 and coming soon evening Salons chez wingspan! Private lessons also! Allons-y! View website for offerings. Location: wingspan Studio, 4A Howard St., 3rd Floor, Burlington. Info: wingspan Studio, Maggie Standley, 233-7676, maggiestandley@ yahoo.com, wingspanpaintingstudio.com.
presence, respect for others, and confidence in oneself. Location: Vermont Aikido, 274 N. Winooski Ave. (2nd floor), Burlington. Info: Vermont Aikido, 862-9785, vermontaikido.org. Aikido in Balance: Learn how to manifest balance internally and externally. Move with grace and precision. Begin the study of observing your own mind.:) Tue. & Thu., 7-9 p.m. Cost: $10/class, $65 for monthly membership. Location: Tao Motion Studio, 180 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: Aikido in Balance, tyler crandall, 598-9204, tyler@aikidoinbalance.com, aikidoinbalance.com. VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIUJITSU: Classes for men, women and children. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enhances strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardio-respiratory fitness. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training builds and helps to instill courage and selfconfidence. We offer a legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts program in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Accept no imitations. Learn from one of the world’s best, Julio “Foca” Fernandez, CBJJ and IBJJF certified 6th Degree Black Belt, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor under Carlson Gracie Sr., teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A 5-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Featherweight Champion and 3-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Mon.-Fri., 6-9 p.m., & Sat., 10 a.m. 1st class is free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 660-4072, julio@bjjusa.com, vermontbjj.com.
martial arts Aikido: This circular, flowing Japanese martial art is a great method to get in shape and reduce stress. We also offer classes for children ages 5-12. Classes are taught by Benjamin Pincus Sensei, Vermont’s senior and only fully certified Aikido teacher. Visitors are always welcome. We offer adult classes 7 days a wk. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St. (across from Conant Metal & Light), Burlington. Info: 9518900, burlingtonaikido.org. Aikido Classes: Aikido trains body and spirit, promoting flexibility and strong center within flowing movement, martial sensibility with compassionate
LEARN TO MEDITATE: Through the practice of sitting still and following your breath as it goes out and dissolves, you are connecting with your heart. By simply letting yourself be, as you are, you develop genuine sympathy toward yourself. The Burlington Shambhala Center offers meditation as a path to discovering gentleness and wisdom. Meditation instruction avail. Sun. mornings, 9 a.m.noon, or by appt. Meditation sessions on Tue. & Thu., noon-1 p.m. and Mon.-Thu., 6-7 p.m. The Shambhala Cafe meets 1st Sat. of ea. mo. for meditation & discussions, 9 a.m.-noon. An open house occurs 3rd Fri. of ea. mo., 7-9 p.m., which incl. an intro to the center, a short dharma talk & socializing. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 S. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 658-6795, burlingtonshambhalactr.org.
HEALING DANCE FOR WOMEN: Develop a comfortable relationship with your body. Reconnect thought, feeling, sensation and action. Through dance, movement and other mind-body activities, free your authentic, expressive self. No prior dance experience necessary. Ideal for women recovering from depression, addictions, trauma and eating disorders. Instructor Luanne Sberna is a Board Certified Dance/Movement Therapist. 6 Wed. starting Oct. 30, 4-5:15 p.m. Cost: $120/6-wk. session. Location: Turnstone Assoc. at the Chace Mill, 1 Mill St., suite 312, Burlington. Info: Luanne Sberna, 863-9775-2, luannesberna@aol.com.
Blogging as a Writing Practice: In this class, we’ll explore how to use a personal blog as a springboard for longer works. Students will produce work in class using short prompts that help them explore style and voice. We’ll also discuss how to use your blog to build a thriving publishing/author platform. Sat., Oct. 26, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Cost: $40/3-hr. class. Location: Renegade Writers’ Collective, 47 Maple St., Suite 220, Burlington. Info: Renegade Writers’ Collective, Jessica Nelson, 267467-2812, renegadewritersvt@ gmail.com, renegadewritersvt. com.
tai chi Shelburne Tai Chi: Beginners: Long River Tai Chi Circle is the school of Wolfe Lowenthal, student of Professor Cheng Man-ching and author of three classic works on Taichi Chuan. Patrick Cavanaugh, a longtime student of Wolfe Lowenthal and a senior instructor at Long River, will be teaching the classes in Shelburne. Class begins Wed., Oct. 9, 9-10 a.m. Cost: $65/mo. (registration open through Nov. 6). Location: Shelburne Town Hall (in front of the library), 5376 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne. Info: Long River Tai Chi Circle, Patrick Cavanaugh, 490-6405, patrick@longrivertaichi.org, longrivertaichi.org.
Free Writing Workshops in BTV: The Burlington Writers Workshop meets twice each week to discuss writing by its members. Feedback is provided in the style of MFA in creative writing workshops. We also host panel discussions on the publishing industry, movie nights and genre-specific workshops (for fiction, poetry and booklength narratives). Registration required. Every Mon. & Wed., 6:30 p.m. 2 hrs. Location: Half Lounge (Mon.); YWP Headquarters (Wed.), 12 North St., Burlington. Info: Burlington Writers Workshop, Peter Biello, 383-8104, peter@burlingtonwritersworkshop.com, burlingtonwritersworkshop.com.
for four weeks plus unlimited access to all classes. We have daily classes in Essentials, Flow and Core Flow with alignment constancy. We hold teacher trainings at the 200- and 500-hour levels. Daily classes & workshops. $25/new student 1st week unlimited, $15/class or $130/10-class card, $12/ class for student or senior or $100/10-class punch card. Location: Honest Yoga Center, 150 Dorset St., Blue Mall, next to Sport Shoe Center, S. Burlington. Info: 497-0136, honestyogastudio@gmail.com, honestyogacenter.com. Laughing River Yoga: Highly trained and dedicated teachers offer yoga classes, workshops, retreats and teacher training in a beautiful setting overlooking the Winooski River. Class types include Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Vajra, Yin, Restorative and Gentle. Classes 7 days a wk. $14/single yoga class; $120/10-class card; $130/monthly unlimited; slidingfee classes also avail. Location: Laughing River Yoga, Chace Mill, suite 126, Burlington. Info: 3438119, laughingriveryoga.com.
Snake-Style Tai Chi Chuan: The Yang Snake Style is a dynamic tai chi method that mobilizes the spine while stretching and strengthening the core body muscles. Practicing this ancient martial art increases strength, flexibility, vitality, peace of mind and martial skill. Beginner classes Sat. mornings & Wed. evenings. Call to view a class. Location: Bao Tak Fai Tai Chi Institute, 100 Church St., Burlington. Info: 864-7902, ipfamilytaichi.org.
Burlington Hot Yoga, Try something different!: Offering creative, vinyasa-style yoga featuring practice in the Barkan Method Hot Yoga in a 95-degree studio accompanied by eclectic music. Go to our website for the new fall schedule. Get hot: 2-for-1 offer. $15. 1-hr. classes on Mon. & Thu. at 5:30 p.m.; Wed. & Fri.: 5 p.m.; Thu.: noon; Sat.: 8:30 & 10 a.m.. Location: North End Studio B, 294 N Winooski Ave., Old North End, Burlington. Info: 999-9963, hotyogaburlingtonvt.com.
Yang-Style Tai Chi: The slow movements of tai chi help reduce blood pressure and increase balance and concentration. Come breathe with us and experience the joy of movement while increasing your ability to be inwardly still. New 8-wk. Wed., 5:30 p.m., Sat., 8:30 a.m. $16/class, $60/mo., $160/3 mo. Location: Mindful Breath Tai Chi (formerly Vermont Tai Chi Academy and Healing Center), 180 Flynn Ave., Burlington. Info: 735-5465, mindfulbreath@ gmavt.net.
Evolution Yoga: Evolution Yoga offers a variety of classes in a supportive atmosphere: beginner, advanced, kids, babies, post- and prenatal, community classes, and workshops. Vinyasa, Kripalu, Core, Breast Cancer Survivor and Alignment classes. Certified teachers, massage and PT, too. Join our yoga community and get to know the family you choose. $14/class, $130/class card, $5-10/community classes. Location: Evolution Yoga, 20 Kilburn St., Burlington. Info: 8649642, evolutionvt.com. Honest Yoga, The only dedicated Hot Yoga Flow Center: Honest Yoga offers practice for all levels. Brand new beginners’ courses include two specialty classes per week
Yoga Roots: Flexible, inflexible, an athlete, expecting a baby, stressed, recovering from an injury or illness? Yoga Roots has something for you! Our aim is to welcome, nurture and inspire. A peaceful studio offering Prenatal, Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar, Jivamukti, Therapeutic Restorative, Gentle, Kundalini, Anusara, Tai Chi, Qigong & Meditation! Advanced practice w/ Julia Howe-Sullivan: Sat., Oct. 26, 11 a.m.-noon, free demo. Location: Yoga Roots, 6221 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne Business Park, Shelburne. Info: 985-0090, yogarootsvt.com. Yoga at South End Studio: South End Studio offers a variety of yoga classes each week including Vinyasa, Heated Vinyasa, Kripalu, Hatha and Flow. We also have four $6 community classes each week to accommodate all budgets. We are committed to noncompetitive, quality yoga classes in a comfortable, dogmafree environment. Come practice with us! Location: South End Studio, Burlington. Info: 5400044, southendstudiovt.com.
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10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
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10/22/13 3:08 PM
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10/7/13 10:20 AM
Praise Doug Comedian Doug Stanhope talks about the union of philanthropy and prickiness B Y DA N BOL L ES
n May of this year, Rebecca Vitsmun’s Oklahoma home was destroyed in a tornado. In a TV interview in the aftermath of the storm, CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Vitsmun if she thanked “the Lord” for her decision to evacuate the house with her 19-month-old son moments before it collapsed. Vitsmun’s response: “Uh, I’m actually an atheist.” The clip — which includes an awesomely befuddled Blitzer — went viral and eventually found its way to comedian Doug Stanhope, who is also an atheist. Stanhope started an Indiegogo campaign to raise money for Vitsmun, a total stranger. He set the goal at $50,000, which was reached in 17 hours. All totaled, the campaign, flying under the banner of Atheists Unite, raised more than $125,000. Stanhope is currently on tour and will perform at Club Metronome in Burlington this Thursday, October 24. In advance of that show, Seven Days spoke to the comedian by phone. We asked him about his unusual charity endeavor, his recent Shit Town Tour and his new Netflix special, Beer Hall Putsch. SEVEN DAYS: You specifically chose a smaller club to record the special, rather than a theater. What do you like about the smaller venues? DOUG STANHOPE: I think there is just a whole different feel. Any time you get into theaters, even small theaters, it feels like you’re doing a play. I’ve never liked playing theaters. If it weren’t for the money, I’d only play 75-seaters. It feels like you’re having a conversation. SD: So you appreciate the audience interaction? DS: Yeah … to an extent. I get some fucking rowdy people at my shows. And rowdy is a really diplomatic way of putting it. I get a lot of fucking drunken assholes. SD: I feel like that would be more distracting in a small room. DS: When you’re playing a small room you can police it easier than you can with the random drunk asshole in a balcony that you can’t see or hear, but he continues to bellow things at you that you don’t understand.
SD: Do you have a strategy for dealing with hecklers? DS: No. You just gotta take ’em as it comes. It all depends on the heckler and the heckle and the situation. SD: You must get some nasty ones, given the drunken-asshole portion of your fan base. DS: [Laughs] I rarely get negative heckles. I get, “I’m your biggest fan and I’ve been drinking since 3:30 for this show that I drove 200 miles to see. And now I’m fucking blackout drunk and need you to address me. I’m gonna yell out my favorite old bit in the middle of your favorite new bit that you don’t have quite worked out and fuck up the entire timing of.” SD: That sounds even worse. DS: Yeah. And it’s always the blubbering guy after the show. “Hey, man. I love you.” It’s hard to put a serious hammer down on them when they’re shouting affection for you. But they’re still fucking up the show as much as someone who hated you. SD: How did the idea for the Indiegogo campaign for Rebecca Vitsmun come about? DS: It was just one of those drunken latenight ideas that sounds funny and you usually just never get around to doing it. And I realized if we were gonna do it, we had to do it before some school shooter steals all of CNN’s attention and it’s no longer a story. Something that’s the most important thing in the world, and as soon as CNN stops playing it, you forget immediately.
SD: News cycles are incredibly short now. DS: That’s why it’s so hard to write topical material. Three weeks after the Boston Marathon bombing there’s something else that’s the most incredible thing in the world. And then you forget. “Oh, yeah. That marathon thing. I kind of remember that.” SD: What was her response? DS: She was kind of stunned. The first time I talked to her she was almost apologetic. She said, “No offense, but I just want you to know that I don’t really feel a kinship with other people just because we’re both atheists.” And I go, “Neither do I. I didn’t really even do this because I cared about your home. I just did it to kind of be a prick.” I want to picture her fucking Christian, “thank God for only destroying all my shit and not killing everyone” neighbors, I want to see all her Jesus neighbors watching her get a giant cardboard check while they’re still eating off of a FEMA truck. SD: Clearly charity and being a dick are not mutually exclusive. DS: They’re not! It’s incredible how good that felt, compared to texting fucking $10 to Red Cross. Seeing a life changed that quickly, I want to do it every year. I want to start a Rebecca Vitsmun Antihero Award, for somebody who got fucked over. One of
those kooky stories where they shut down a kid’s lemonade stand because he didn’t have a permit, and all of a sudden he’s got a giant cardboard check. SD: You just wrapped up the Shit Town Tour. What was the verdict? Who has the shittiest town? DS: The shittiest show was Milwaukee. Obviously not the shittiest town, but the shittiest show. Akron, Ohio, was probably one of the fucking worst towns. Some of them were pretty rough. Champaign, Illinois. Muncie, Indiana. Pretty bleak. SD: Why subject yourself to that? DS: Because it’s fun. I like playing places I’ve never been. You have to play the cities to make money. But I don’t need much money. Fun is way more important. And they appreciate you more in shitty towns. They never get anything. And they know their town is shitty. They’re not offended when you call it a shit-town tour. Cleveland is like that. They just embraced being a shitty city and ran with it.
INFO Doug Stanhope, Thursday, October 24, 6 p.m. at Club Metronome in Burlington. $25.18+.
Got muSic NEwS? dan@sevendaysvt.com
B y Da N B OLL E S
Su 27
Le Trouble
So How Was CMJ?
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Fr 25
Sa 26
Sa 26
Su 27
Su 27
Tu 29
We 30
Th 31
INFO 652.0777 | TIX 888.512.SHOW 1214 Williston Rd. | S. Burlington
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for up-to-the-minute news abut the local music scene, follow @DanBolles on Twitter or read the Live Culture blog: sevendaysvt.com/liveculture.
Th 24
are coming to Vermont anytime soon. But you can catch them in Montréal at Bistro de Paris on Sunday, November 3. Another non-CMJ highlight was catching Vermont-born composer nico MuhLy paying tribute to his idol, opera composer benjaMin briTTen, with a show at Le Poisson Rouge featuring a bunch of famous opera singers. For the uninitiated, Muhly is a 32-yearold wunderkind composer — that’s young in opera circles — whose newest work, Two Boys, is debuting at the Metropolitan Opera this week. That’s a big deal. I can’t pretend to know anything about opera. I do, however, know a little bit about old English folk songs. To close the show, Muhly — who was a pupil of PhiLiP GLass, BTW — adapted a collection of a cappella madrigal songs for piano and voice — the latter courtesy of tenor PauL aPPLeby. For those keeping score, that means he combined traditional English folk music, minimalist composition techniques and opera. It was chill-inducing. The final highlight I’ll pass along was another detour from CMJ: catching the local sons of deaTh, rouGh francis, at Europa Club in Brooklyn. The band didn’t play for an especially large crowd. But it was an appreciative one, and populated by more than a few
We 23
You’ll have to excuse me if I seem a bit more scattered than usual this week. You see, I’ve just emerged from the rock-and-roll rabbit hole that is the CMJ Music Marathon in New York City. If you’ve been, you know that it requires a three- or four-day recovery period at minimum, which means I’m pretty much screwed until midweek. But, as they say in the biz, the show must go on. And so we begin with a loaded question. So how was CMJ? It was fun! It was exhausting. It was inspiring! It was a clusterfuck. It was illuminating! It was overwhelming. It was underwhelming. It was indie-rock heaven! It was a ridiculous hipster shitshow. It was great! It kind of sucked. It was the best of times! It was a waste of time. It was … CMJ. Depending on which point during the festival you asked, I could have reasonably given you any one of those answers. This was my third go-round at the music marathon, but it comes after a year in which I sat it out. I had sort of forgotten how wildly variable the whole experience can be. Even a rookie learns right away that you can never see everything you want to see. When you’re at a great show, you’re probably missing 20 other great shows. That’s just the way it goes. But that makes it sting worse when you catch a dud. On the flip side, it’s extra rewarding when you stumble into a great new band you never knew existed before. Maybe I’m getting older and harder to please, or I didn’t do enough
research, or I didn’t drink enough, or it was dumb luck, but for some reason my ratio of hits to misses was lower this year. On too many occasions I left some hyped-up show wondering what all the fuss was about. But there were a few diamonds in the rough, including a couple of special moments that had nothing to do with CMJ at all. The highlight of the festival, for me, was a Montréal-based band called Le TroubLe, whom I caught at the Living Room. According to front man MichaeL Mooney, it was the band’s third showcase that day. “We’ve played a lot today, and I’m fucking wasted,” he informed us before his set — in an impossibly charming Aussie accent, no less. Then they launched into 45 minutes of rock that was among the most enjoyable sets I’ve ever seen at CMJ. With a Jaggeresque swagger, charisma for miles and show-stopping pipes, Mooney is about as dynamic and entertaining a front person as you’ll ever see. In a rare display of nonbullshit PR, their self-declared union of “MeaT Loaf, haLL & oaTes and punk” is spot-on. Mooney has Meat Loaf’s flair for the dramatic — and reasonably similar vocal chops. The band’s dense, pop-centric arrangements channel Hall & Oates, at least in spirit, and they tie it all together with a seriously danceable punk thread. Sadly, it doesn’t appear Le Trouble
10/21/13 3:52 PM
CLUB DATES na: not availABLE. AA: All ages.
burlington area
Club Metronome: Oneness with Jahson, Big Dog, Chris Pattison (reggae), 10 p.m., Free. Franny O's: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free. Halflounge: Wanted Wednesday with DJ Craig Mitchell (house), 10 p.m., Free. Higher Ground Ballroom: Twiztid, ABK, Blaze, Aqualeo, Cheyne and Matthew Thorsen (hip-hop), 6:30 p.m., $20/25. AA. Higher Ground Showcase Lounge: Toy Soldiers, Joe Fletcher (Americana), 8 p.m., $7/10. AA. JP's Pub: Pub Quiz with Dave (trivia), 7 p.m., Free. Karaoke with Melody, 10 p.m., Free. Juniper at Hotel Vermont: Ray Vega Band (Latin jazz), 8 p.m., Free. Leunig's Bistro & Café: Dayve Huckett (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. Manhattan Pizza & Pub: Open Mic with Andy Lugo, 9:30 p.m., Free. Monkey House: Pop-Up Queer Gayme Night, 7 p.m., Free. 18+. Nectar's: What a Joke! Comedy Open Mic (standup), 7 p.m., Free. Whiskey Wednesdays with Donna Thunders & the Storm (outlaw country), 9:30 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. On Tap Bar & Grill: Leno & Young (acoustic), 7 p.m., Free. Radio Bean: John Elliott Presents Good Goodbyes (folk), 7 p.m., Free. Irish Sessions, 8 p.m., Free. Laugh Smack (standup), 11 p.m., Free. Red Square: Wild Man Blues, 7 p.m., Free. DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. Signal Kitchen: Blackbird Blackbird (indie), 9 p.m., $10. AA. Skinny Pancake: Josh Panda's Acoustic Soul Night, 8 p.m., $5-10 donation.
Bagitos: Keith Williams (blues), 6 p.m., Free. Gusto's: Open Mic with John Lackard, 9 p.m., Free. Skinny Pancake: Jay Ekis Saves Wednesday in Montpelier (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m., $5-10 donation.
Sweet Melissa's: Wine Down with D. Davis (acoustic), 5 p.m., Free. Whammy Bar: Open Mic, 6:30 p.m., Free.
champlain valley
City Limits: Karaoke with Let It Rock Entertainment, 9 p.m., Free. On the Rise Bakery: Open Bluegrass Session, 7:30 p.m., Free. Two Brothers Tavern: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., Free.
Bee's Knees: The Littlest Birds (Americana), 7:30 p.m., Donations. The Hub Pizzeria & Pub: Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., Free. Moog's Place: Alan Greenleaf & the Doctor (folk), 8:30 p.m., Free. Parker Pie Co.: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., Free.
Piecasso: Trivia Night, 7 p.m., Free.
Monopole: Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free.
burlington area 68 music
Backstage Pub: Matt Arizona (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., Free. Club Metronome: Vermont Comedy Club Presents: Doug Stanhope (standup), 6 p.m., $25. 18+. 2K Deep Presents: Platinum #16 (EDM), 10 p.m., Free.
Dobrá Tea: Robert Resnik (folk), 7 p.m., Free.
courtesy of the polish ambassador
Franny O's: Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free. Halflounge: Half & Half Comedy (standup), 8 p.m., Free. Higher Ground Showcase Lounge: The Werks, Electric Sorcery (jam), 8:30 p.m., $10/12. AA. JP's Pub: Karaoke with Melody, 10 p.m., Free. Manhattan Pizza & Pub: Hot Waxxx with Justcaus & Pen West (hip-hop), 9:30 p.m., Free. Monkey House: Coke Weed (rock), 9 p.m., $5. Nectar's: Trivia Mania with Top Hat Entertainment, 7 p.m., Free. Richard James & the Name Changers, the Chronicles (rock), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. O'Brien's Irish Pub: DJ Dominic (hip-hop), 9:30 p.m., Free. On Tap Bar & Grill: Mona Malo (rock), 7 p.m., Free. Radio Bean: Cody Sargent & Friends (jazz), 6 p.m., Free. Shane Hardiman Trio with Geza Carr & Rob Morse (jazz), 8:30 p.m., Free. Kat Wright & the Indomitable Soul Band (soul), 11:30 p.m., $3.
Red Square: String Theory (bluegrass), 7 p.m., Free. D Jay Baron (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.
sat.26 // The Polish Ambassador [EDM]
Red Square Blue Room: DJ Cre8 (house), 10 p.m., Free.
Space Age From dreamwave to funk to glitch to hip-hop to downtempo and
Rí Rá Irish Pub: The Cop Outs (rock), 9 p.m., Free. Skinny Pancake: Localvore Tonight: Phineas gage (acoustic), 7 p.m., $5-10 donation.
Sweet Melissa's: John Daly Trio (acoustic), 8 p.m., Free.
champlain valley
51 Main: Cynthia Braren Trio (jazz), 8 p.m., Free. City Limits: Trivia with Top Hat Entertainment, 7 p.m., Free. On the Rise Bakery: Open Irish Session, 7:30 p.m., Free. Two Brothers Tavern: VT Comedy Club Showcase (standup), 8 p.m., $3. DJ Dizzle (house), 10 p.m., Free.
Bee's Knees: Girls Night Out (folk), 7:30 p.m., Donations. The Hub Pizzeria & Pub: Dinner Jazz with Fabian Rainville, 6:30 p.m., Free. Open Mic, 9 p.m., Free. Moog's Place: Open Mic, 8:30 p.m., Free. Parker Pie Co.: Seth Yacovone (blues), 7:30 p.m., Free.
beyond, the Polish Ambassador represents a veritable galaxy of sounds that exists well
outside the boundaries of our mortal plane. Or something. The Oakland-based EDM DJ SCAN PAGES SCAN HERE is insatiably curious, an explorer of myriad styles who relates his findings to audiences IN THE MUSIC SECTION TO LISTEN TO through a spindly prism of breaks and beats. That’s a process he’s continued on his TO WATCH VIDEOS TRACKS OF THE ARTIST latest album, Ecozoic, released earlier this year. Touring in support of that record, the Ambassador will touch down at the Higher Ground Ballroom on Saturday, October 26. Nectar's: Mitch Terricciano (acoustic), 5 p.m., SCAN HERE Free. Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., TO 9LISTEN Free. Grippo Funk Band, p.m., $5. TO
with Mark LeGrand, 5:30 p.m., Free. Belle Pines (country), 9 p.m., Free.
Penalty Box: Salsa Night with Hector Cobeo, 9 p.m., $3/5. 18+.
Whammy Bar: Deep Fried Doughboys with Colin McCaffrey (acoustic), 7:15 p.m., Free.
Radio Bean: Kid's Music with Linda "Tickle Belly" Bassick, 11 a.m., Free. Peter Janson (Celtic), 7 p.m., Free. Jesse Hanson (indie folk), 8 p.m., Free. Doctor Gasp (Halloween folk), 9:30 p.m., Free. The Blim-Blams (rock), 11:30 p.m., Free. Mickey Western & the Rodeo Clowns (rock), 1 a.m., Free.
champlain valley
On Tap Bar & Grill: Two Count (rock), 5 p.m., TRACKS Free. Sideshow Bob (rock), 9 p.m., Free.
Red Square: Ellen Powell Trio (jazz), 5 p.m., Free. Funktapuss (funk), 8 p.m., $5. DJ Craig Mitchell (house), 11 p.m., $5.
Monopole: The Snacks (rock), 10 p.m., Free.
Red Square Blue Room: DJ Mixx (EDM), 9 p.m., $5.
Monopole Downstairs: Gary Peacock (singersongwriter), 10 p.m., Free.
Ruben James: DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 10:30 p.m., Free.
Therapy: Therapy Thursdays with DJ NYCE (Top 40), 10:30 p.m., Free.
burlington area
Backstage Pub: Dancing Dean Line Dancing, 8:30 p.m., Free. Club Metronome: No Diggity: Return to the ’90s (’90s dance party), 9 p.m., $5. Franny O's: The Holter Brothers (rock), 9 p.m., Free. Higher Ground Showcase Lounge: Donna the Buffalo (rock), 8 p.m., $17/20. AA. JP's Pub: Karaoke with Megan, 10 p.m., Free. Juniper at Hotel Vermont: DJ Cre8 (eclectic), 9 p.m., Free. Lift: Ladies Night, 9 p.m., Free/$3. Marriott Harbor Lounge: George Petit (jazz), 8:30 p.m., Free. Monkey House: AM & MSR Presents: William Tyler, Wren Kitz (singer-songwriters), 9 p.m., $5.
Rí Rá Irish Pub: Supersounds DJ (Top 40), 10 p.m., Free. Signal Kitchen: The Low Anthem, Billy Wylder, Henry Jamison, Ben Davis (indie folk), 9 p.m., $15. AA. Skinny Pancake: The Littlest Birds (Americana), 8 p.m., $5-10 donation.
Bagitos: Jim Thompson (singer-songwriter), 6 p.m., Donations. Charlie O's: Spit Jack, the PIty Whores, Thundercocks (punk), 10 p.m., Free. Espresso Bueno: Extempo (storytelling), 8 p.m., $5. Green Mountain Tavern: DJ Jonny P (Top 40), 9 p.m., $2. Positive Pie: Willa Mamet and Paul Miller (folk), 9 p.m., Free. Positive Pie 2: Afinque (salsa dura), 10:30 p.m., $8. Slide Brook Lodge & Tavern: Bad Dog, Be Aggressive (rock), 9:30 p.m., Free. Sweet Melissa's: Honky Tonk Happy Hour
Tupelo Music Hall: Jake Clemons (singersongwriter), 8 p.m., $10.
51 Main: Bob Gagnon Trio (jazz), 8 p.m., Free. City Limits: Smoking Gun (rock), 9 p.m., Free. On the Rise Bakery: Cinematica (alt-country), 7:30 p.m., Donations. Two Brothers Tavern: Bill (rock), 10 p.m., $3.
Bee's Knees: The Heckhounds (blues), 7:30 p.m., Donations. Matterhorn: Eames Brothers Band (mountain blues), 9 p.m., $5. Moog's Place: Dave Keller Band (blues), 9 p.m., Free. Phat Kats Tavern: Electric Halloween (rock), 9:30 p.m., Free. Rimrocks Mountain Tavern: Friday Night Frequencies with DJ Rekkon (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.
Monopole: Stereopticon (rock), 10 p.m., Free. Therapy: Pulse with DJ Nyce (hip-hop), 10 p.m., $5.
burlington area
Backstage Pub: Night Train (rock), 9 p.m., Free. Church & Main Restaurant: Night Vision (EDM), 9 p.m., Free. sat.26
» p.70
Ed Gerhard
One more Halloween note: Signal Kitchen has been tight-lipped about its surprise special guest for a Halloween show on — wait for it — Halloween. But now the secret is out. It’s prodigal EDM producers LAZERDISK, fresh from a big homecoming gig at Club Metronome last week.
Tickets at Main Street Stationery and by mail.
After Dark Music Series
P.O. Box 684, Middlebury, VT 05753 (802) 388-0216 e-mail: aftdark@sover.net www.afterdarkmusicseries.com
Fanboy alert: One of my longest-running column band crushes, the LOW ANTHEM, are playing Signal Kitchen this Friday, October 25, with BILLY WYLDER, HENRY JAMISON and BEN DAVIS. I haven’t seen TLA since multi-instrumentalist and vocalist JOCIE ADAMS left the band, so I’m curious to see what they sound like live now. Last but not least, DON SHELDON, best known as the man behind the annual Valley Stage music festival in Huntington, unveils a new pseudomonthly series this week called P.M. Sundays. The concerts take place at the Richmond Free Library and will feature some top-notch regional and national folk talent, including the STRAY BIRDS (November), VANCE GILBERT (December) and, kicking this off this Sunday, October 27, Grammy-winning guitarist ED GERHARD.
DONNA THUNDERS & THE STORM w/ Ben Donovan & The Congregation
ROOTS & DUB REGGAE w/ Jahson, Big Dog and Chris Pattison @CLUB METRONOME LOUNGE
PLATINUM #16 Presented by 2K Deep and Budweiser @CLUB METRONOME LOUNGE
w/ DJ Big Dog
w/ Viva La Hop
METAL MONDAY 28 Ft. The Color of Valor, Skeletons in the Piano and Endciv ARGONAUT&WASP TUE
A peek at what was on my iPod, turntable, eight-track player, etc., this week.
BLESSED FEATHERS Order of the Arrow
BRAIDS Flourish // Perish THE CALLAS Am I Vertical?
Ft. Cats Under The Stars & Guest Colby Dix @CLUB METRONOME
LE TROUBLE Reality Strikes
6v-nectars102313.indd 1
LEFT LANE CRUISER Rock Them Back to Hell
w/ Squimley & Woolens
Listening In
Speaking of the Bean and Halloween, songwriter DAN BLAKESLEE is in the midst of his annual run of shows as his spooky alter ego DR. GASP. He’ll be at the Bean this Friday, October 25, and again on
Canadian Singer Songwriter
Speaking of homecomings, welcome back to SETH GALLANT (ex-IN MEMORY OF Middlebury’s Town Hall Theater PLUTO, MARYSE SMITH AND THE ROSESMITHS), who returns from the wilds of Maine to reunite with his old alt-country band 12v-aftdark102313.indd 1 10/21/13 11:05 AM GREAT WESTERN at Burlington’s Skinny & CLUB METRONOME Pancake this Saturday, October 26. Whiskey Wednesday’s Ft. WED SOMETHING WITH STRINGS are also on the 23 bill.
BiteTorrent If you’re looking for some preHalloween fun, local pianist RANDAL PIERCE will perform a score to the silent-film version of The Phantom of the Opera at Radio Bean on Wednesday, October 30.
Friday, Nov. 1, 2013 8:00 p.m. $20 adv/$22 door
What I found interesting — or, rather, perplexing — was that RF were one of so few Vermont options during CMJ, and they weren’t even playing CMJ, technically. By my count the number of Vermont artists at CMJ was one: Brattleboro’s HAPPY JAWBONE FAMILY BAND, who played before I arrived in NYC. So I gotta ask another loaded question: What gives, dudes? I know it’s a hassle, both to get into a showcase and to travel to NYC. Even the application process is a pain. But as the old carnival-barker saying goes, you can’t win if you don’t play. For better or worse, CMJ is one of the biggest playgrounds in music. And for Vermont to be barely represented is a bummer. Judging from what I saw last week, there’s no gap in talent between the hotshit bands from (insert bigger city here) and many of our best and brightest. So whaddya say, maybe next year?
Saturday, October 26, the latter date for a special kid’s matinee.
The Low Anthem
Burlington heads, past and present. (Full disclosure: RF front man BOBBY HACKNEY JR. works for Seven Days. But you probably know that by now.)
Garnet Rogers
10/22/13 2:50 PM
Book Your Holiday Party!
cLUB DAtES NA: not availaBlE. AA: all agEs.
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wED.23, fri.25, SUN.27 // thE LittLESt BirDS [AmEricANA]
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Taking Flight California’s the
6h-lakeview101613.indd 1
10/15/13 12:01 PM
littlest birds
are most at home when
they’re on the road, which accounts for their hectic touring schedule. Fittingly, the classical duo’s gentle, harmony-fueled brand of twang evokes the dusty back roads
and wide-open spaces of the country they’ve traveled so many times. The duo plays aSCAN H string of local shows this week, including Wednesday, October 23, at the Bee’s KneesTO LIST TRACKS in Morrisville; Friday, October 25, at the Skinny Pancake in Burlington; and Sunday,
20% OFF
October 27, at the Skinny Pancake in Montpelier.
FRIdAy, SATuRdAy, SuNdAy
Vermont Gifts Specialty Foods
« p.68
Club MetronoMe: Retronome (’80s dance party), 10 p.m., $5. Franny o's: Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free. HigHer ground ballrooM: The polish ambassador, DJ Vadim, Wildlight (EDm), 9 p.m., $14/16. aa. HigHer ground sHowCase lounge: The Boogieman! with DJ precious, Rue mvlana, Green mountain cabaret (dance party, costume ball), 9:30 p.m., $10. 18+.
Shop Local. Shop Vermont.
30 Church St., Burlington, 658-6452 Mon–Sat 9–9, Sun 10–6
6H-KTC102313.indd 1
10/21/13 2:22 PM
JP's Pub: Karaoke with megan, 10 p.m., Free.
JuniPer at Hotel VerMont: Bonjour-Hi and mr. cheng (EDm), 9 p.m., Free.
CHarlie o's: Live music, 10 p.m., Free. Free.
tHe reserVoir restaurant & taP rooM: torpedo Rodeo (surf-punk), 10 p.m., Free. sweet Melissa's: andy pitt (singer-songwriter), 5 p.m., Free. Vincent Flats Blues Band, 9 p.m., Free. tHree Penny taProoM: Oktobeerfest (oompah), 2 p.m., Free. tuPelo MusiC Hall: paul Thorn Band (rock), 7 p.m., $25. wHaMMy bar: The usual suspects (blues), 7:15 p.m., Free.
neCtar's: claudia Varona & the phobia (singersongwriter), 7 p.m., Free. sophistafunk, Viva La Hop (funk), 9 p.m., $5.
champlain valley
on taP bar & grill: sunrise speakeasy (rock), 5 p.m., Free. sturcrazie (rock), 9 p.m., Free.
51 Main: Brent Thomas Quartet (jazz), 8 p.m., Free. City liMits: costume party with DJ Earl, 9 p.m., Free.
Penalty box: Halloween costume party, 9 p.m., $10.
two brotHers taVern: Flowting Bridge (rock), 10 p.m., $3.
radio bean: Doctor Gasp (Halloween folk), 11 a.m., Free. Ria mae (acoustic pop), 7 p.m., Free. chris Velan (acoustic pop), 8 p.m., Free. milton Busker (singer-songwriter), 9:30 p.m., Free. Billy 'n' Gabi (alt-country), 11 p.m., Free. sit Kitty sit (rock), 12:30 a.m., Free.
red square: Bob Gagnon's Hot swing trio, 5 p.m., Free. Rockers Galore (rock), 8 p.m., Free. mashtodon (mashup), 11 p.m., $5. red square blue rooM: DJ Raul (salsa), 7 p.m., Free. DJ stavros (EDm), 11 p.m., $5.
rí rá irisH Pub: The complaints (rock), 11 p.m., Free. signal kitCHen: The Basement affair: argonaut and Wasp, Guthrie Galileo, a.O. River, sasquatch (eclectic), 9:30 p.m., $5/7. 18+.
70 music
SCAN HERE TO LISTEN TO PositiVe Pie 2: The Retrofit (rock), 10:30 p.m., TRACKS bagitos: irish sessions, 2 p.m., Free.
Monkey House: Bandleader album Release (rock), 9 p.m., $5.
ruben JaMes: craig mitchell (house), 10 p.m., Free.
skinny PanCake: something With strings, Great Western (bluegrass), 9 p.m., $5-10 donation. tHree needs: Leaf peepin' cider sippin' Revue (drag show), 7 p.m. & 9:30 p.m., $10.
bee's knees: Woodchuck's Revenge (acoustic), 11 a.m., Donations. Open mic, 7:30 p.m., Free. tHe Hub Pizzeria & Pub: Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free. MatterHorn: Halloween Bash with the shady trees (rock), 9 p.m., $5. Halloween Bash with the shady trees (jam), 9 p.m., $5. Moog's PlaCe: Red Hot Juba (cosmic americana), 9 p.m., Free. Parker Pie Co.: Halloween party, 8 p.m., Free. PieCasso: phineas Gage project (folk), 10 p.m., Free.
MonoPole: squid parade (rock), 10 p.m., Free.
burlington area
baCkstage Pub: Karaoke, 8 p.m., Free. sun.27
» p.72
REVIEW this Sam Moss, No Kingdom
It can be hokey, if not just plain lazy, to refer to any work of art or artist brand as “timeless.” But sometimes you’ve got to bite that bullet. No Kingdom, the latest release from Brattleboro’s Sam Moss, is a timeless record. With the exception of a track called “Television,” you might easily assume that these eight songs were penned on the far side of 1920. And yet they are new. It’s a rare thing these days to come across an artist capable of channeling The Anthology of American Folk Music this well while still somehow remaining modern. But Sam Moss has done this and done it very well. No Kingdom opens with the chaotic crashing of steel strings. The song is called “Ocean,” and the intent is clear: The ocean in question is a stormy one. That is, until Moss’ soft, crooned vocals enter and bring calming relief. The chaos/calm duality of “Ocean” is
produced organically with multiple string instruments — here, guitars and mandolin — all played by Moss and is almost jarringly effective. “Hammer,” the album’s second track, brings to light the gentler side of Moss’ demeanor. Over a sweeping violin line that’s reminiscent of John Cale’s viola on Nick Drake’s “Fly” — and, yes, played by Moss himself — Moss sings classically folk-inspired lines: “Find me a hammer, I’m ready to swing/Find me a nail, I want to make that metal sing.” The folk canon connotations are endless here, but his subtle delivery brings something novel to the metaphor. Where Peter, Paul and Mary sang out in protest, Moss wonders and reflects.
Bluegrass Brunch Scramble! Featuring live bluegrass by the BEST of local pickers Sundays noon-3 ...and NEW brunch specials
skinnypancake.com 60 Lake St, Burlington 540-0188
SCAN THIS PAGE WITH LAYAR TO LISTEN TO TRACKS 8v-skinnypancake102313.indd 1
Bandleader, Coal, Pressure, Time (SELF-RELEASED, CD, DIGITAL DOWNLOAD)
10/22/13 1:28 PM
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
also a versatile singer, moving from a deliberate baritone on the opener to a looser, throatier tack on the following cut, “Satisfy Your Heart.” That song is also a fine example of Bandleader’s compositional ability, balancing mid-tempo garagerock bombast with delicate guitar atmospherics, courtesy of Alex Cseh. There’s an intriguing contrast between hard and soft — a condition mirrored in McCormack’s wordplay, which ably tempers post-breakup anger with an undercurrent of lingering regret. The record’s lead single, “Return to Me,” released in advance of the record last month, mines 1990s alt-rock in both feel and attitude — these ears are reminded of post-grunge outfit the Toadies, which is a good thing.
The title track is perhaps the most artistically anomalous cut of the bunch, and, given its mild shades of gypsy punk, a stylistic reach. Bandleader get bonus points for experimenting, but without much of a hook or resolution, the cut is kind of boring. The band rebounds on the album’s second half. In particular, the schizo but danceable “Thicker Skin” is a highlight, SCAN THIS PAGE crammed with as many stylistic twists WITH LAYAR and turns in four minutes as some bands SEE PROGRAM COVER manage on an entire record. So have Bandleader produced a diamond on Coal, Pressure, Time? While not exactly producing a priceless gem, they’ve come pretty close. This debut is a solid effort with some truly standout moments, suggesting good things to come from a promising new group. Coal, Pressure, Time by Bandleader is available at bandleaderband.bandcamp. com. Bandleader play an album-release show at the Monkey House in Winooski on Saturday, October 26.
With the title of their debut record, Coal, Pressure, Time, Burlington’s Bandleader invoke the process of turning coal into a diamond. But they could well be describing the record itself. The 10 songs contained herein all begin with a solid foundation in rock — and in various subgenres, from 1990s alt-rock, to Pavement-y indie rock to straight-up hard rock. The band builds pressure through tense arrangements and emotionally forthright lyrics. And the players are not afraid to take a little time to stretch out, to meander outside of time-honored rock frameworks. The question, then, is whether Bandleader have produced a diamond or a cubic zirconium. The record opens on “Rhythmic Misstep,” a swaying little cut that trades equally on a lilting Tex-Mex vibe and a thoughtful lyrical bent couched in a slacker delivery. From the outset, lead vocalist Patrick McCormack presents a compelling figure, combining sly poetics with a laid-back reserve. He’s
From the lonesome waltz of “Fog” (“I still don’t think it was a waste of time/But to find you gone feels like the right thing”) to the dark, gospeltinged “Son” (Are you troubled, my son? Are you troubled, my son?”), Moss composes and performs songs that are stunningly appropriate to New England’s history, and climates, but you rarely hear the likes of them. The closest comparison might be Vermont’s Sam Amidon. The key difference between the two is that, while Amidon tenderly translates and interprets folk songs of the past, Moss writes his own tender folk history. No Kingdom is not a folk-revival record. Or a freak-folk record. Or an indie-folk record. Or any other folk hybrid genre. Rather, it is simply a new folk record, and a beautiful accomplishment. No Kingdom by Sam Moss is available at sammoss.bandcamp.com.
8V-ValleyStage102313.indd 1
10/21/13 3:19 PM
NA: not availaBlE. AA: all agEs.
« p.70
Franny O's: Vermont's Got Talent Open mic, 8 p.m., Free. HalFlOunge: B-sides (deep house), 7 p.m., Free. HigHer grOund BallrOOm: Beats Antique, sorne (world music, EDm), 9 p.m., $17/20. AA. HigHer grOund sHOwcase lOunge: Will Evans, the sweet Remains (acoustic pop), 7 p.m., $15/17. AA. mOnkey HOuse: spark Arts Open improv Jam, 7 p.m., $3. nectar's: mi Yard Reggae night with Big Dog & Demus, 9 p.m., Free. On tap Bar & grill: mitch Terriciano (acoustic), 11 a.m., Free. penalty BOx: Trivia with a Twist, 4 p.m., Free. radiO Bean: Bohemian Blues Quartet (gypsy jazz), 11 a.m., Free. saloon sessions with Brett Hughes (country), 1 p.m., Free. Friends + Family Residency (indie), 7 p.m., Free. Doctor magnum (jazz, hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. The Heisenbuells (rock), 11 p.m., Free. red square: DJ Robbie J (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. skinny pancake: The Littlest Birds (Americana), 6 p.m., $5-10 donation.
BagitOs: Eric Friedman (acoustic), 11 a.m., Donations.
Jp's puB: Dance Video Request night with melody (dance), 10 p.m., Free. manHattan pizza & puB: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free. mOnkey HOuse: Jason myles Goss, Dick prail (singersongwriters), 8:30 p.m., $5. nectar's: colby Dix (solo acoustic), 7 p.m., Free. metal monday: The color of Valor, skeletons in the piano, Endciv, 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. On tap Bar & grill: Open mic with Wylie, 7 p.m., Free. radiO Bean: Alex Dube (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m., Free. Open mic, 9 p.m., Free. red square: mashtodon (mashup), 10 p.m., Free. ruBen James: Why not monday? with Dakota (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.
cHarlie O's: Trivia night, 8 p.m., Free.
Bee's knees: children's sing Along with Lesley Grant, 10 a.m., Donations. mOOg's place: seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 8 p.m., Free.
matterHOrn: chris Tagatac (acoustic rock), 4 p.m., Free.
cluB metrOnOme: Dead set with cats under the stars (Grateful Dead tribute), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.
Bee's knees: Jeanne miller, Jim Daniels and Friends (acoustic), 7:30 p.m., Donations.
burlington area
HalFlOunge: Family night Live Jam, 10:30 p.m., Free. HigHer grOund BallrOOm: The Black Dahlia murder, skeletonwith, Fallujah, noisem (metal), 8 p.m., $13/15. AA.
burlington area
Franny O's: close to silence (rock), 9 p.m., Free. HalFlOunge: Funkwagon's Tequila project (funk), 10 p.m., Free. HigHer grOund sHOwcase lOunge: Big Freedia (bounce rap), 8 p.m., $15/18. AA.
leunig's BistrO & caFé: paul Asbell, clyde stats and chris peterman (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. mOnkey HOuse: Advance music singer-songwriter contest, 6 p.m., Free. 18+. mOnty's Old Brick tavern: Open mic, 6 p.m., Free. nectar's: Gubbulidis (acoustic), 7:30 p.m., Free. Live music, 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. On tap Bar & grill: Trivia with Top Hat Entertainment, 7 p.m., Free. radiO Bean: Erich pachner's Romance (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., Free. Lotango (French), 8:30 p.m., Free. Honky-Tonk sessions, 10 p.m., $3. red square: craig mitchell (house), 10 p.m., Free.
BagitOs: Lindsay Wade (singersongwriter), 6 p.m., Donations. cHarlie O's: Karaoke, 10 p.m., Free. sweet melissa's: Open mic, 7 p.m., Free.
champlain valley twO BrOtHers tavern: monster Hits Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free.
Bee's knees: Fundraiser for Aisha malik: Lobster Bib, pistol Fist (rock), 7:30 p.m., Donations. claire's restaurant & Bar: Willa mamet and paul miller (folk), 7 p.m., Free. mOOg's place: The Jason Wedlock show (rock), 8 p.m., Free.
thU.24 // cokE WEED [rock]
A Bad Trip On their new full-length, Back to Soft, Maine’s Coke Weed move beyond the folk rock that characterized their earlier recordings into a darker, grittier
sound that exposes the romanticized but dangerous underbelly of modern American bohemia. (Spoiler alert: It involves drugs. Lots of drugs. And electric guitars.) ThisSCAN H TO LIST Thursday, October 24, the band plays the Monkey House in Winooski. TRACKS Jp's puB: pub Quiz with Dave (trivia), 7 p.m., Free. Karaoke with melody, 10 p.m., Free.
skinny pancake: Josh panda's Acoustic soul night, 8 p.m., $5-10 donation.
On tHe rise Bakery: Bruce Jones (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations.
leunig's BistrO & caFé: Gabe Jarrett Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., Free.
twO BrOtHers tavern: Trivia night, 7 p.m., Free.
manHattan pizza & puB: Open mic with Andy Lugo, 9:30 p.m., Free. nectar's: What a Joke! comedy Open mic (standup), 7 p.m., Free. Abraxas: A Tribute to carlos santana, 9 p.m., $5/10. 18+.
burlington area
On tap Bar & grill: nerbak Brothers (blues), 7:30 p.m., Free.
HalFlOunge: Wanted Wednesday with DJ craig mitchell (house), 10 p.m., Free.
radiO Bean: Eric George (olde thyme blues), 7 p.m., Free. irish sessions, 8 p.m., Free. Randal pierce presents "phantom of the Opera" (silent film), 11 p.m., Free.
HigHer grOund sHOwcase lOunge: passafire, Ballyhoo! (rock), 8 p.m., $13/15. AA.
red square: DJ cre8 (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. small change (Tom Waits tribute), 7 p.m., Free.
Franny O's: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free.
gustO's: Open mic with John Lackard, 9 p.m., Free. skinny pancake: Jay Ekis saves Wednesday in montpelier (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m., $5-10 donation. sweet melissa's: Wine Down with D. Davis (acoustic), 5 p.m., Free. Bob and the Troubadours (rock), 8 p.m., Free. wHammy Bar: Open mic, 6:30 p.m., Free.
champlain valley
city limits: Karaoke with Let it Rock Entertainment, 9 p.m., Free.
SCAN HERE TO LISTEN TO Bee's knees: Al 'n' pete (folk), TRACKS
7:30 p.m., Donations.
tHe HuB pizzeria & puB: seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., Free. mOOg's place: Jeremy sicily (acoustic), 8:30 p.m., Free. parker pie cO.: Trivia night, 7 p.m., Free. piecassO: Trivia night, 7 p.m., Free.
mOnOpOle: Open mic, 8 p.m., Free. m
HigHer grOund sHOwcase lOunge: mad professor, nickel B (reggae, dub), 8:30 p.m., $15/18. AA.
We’re “Raising the Spirits” for Halloween!
OCTOBER 26 • 6-9PM
72 music
Food • Raffle • Photo Booth • Halloween Cocktails Halloween Photos from DAN HIGGINS. Donations will benefit the Winooski Dollars for Scholars.
SNEAKERS BISTRO, 28 MAIN STREET, WINOOSKI, 655-9081 8h-SmallDog092513.indd 1
9/24/13 11:18 AM
8h-sneakers102313.indd 1
10/21/13 12:47 PM
venueS.411 burlington area
champlain valley
BEE’S knEES, 82 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-7889 BLaCk CaP CoffEE, 144 Main St., Stowe, 253-2123 BroWn’S markET BiSTro, 1618 Scott Highway, Groton, 584-4124 ChoW! BELLa, 28 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405 CLairE’S rESTaUranT & Bar, 41 Main St., Hardwick, 4727053 CoSmiC BakErY & Café, 30 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-0800 CoUnTrY PanTrY DinEr, 951 Main St., Fairfax, 849-0599 CroP BiSTro & BrEWErY, 1859 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4304 grEY fox inn, 990 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8921 ThE hUB PizzEria & PUB, 21 Lower Main St., Johnson, 635-7626 ThE LiTTLE CaBarET, 34 Main St., Derby, 293-9000 maTTErhorn, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198 ThE mEETinghoUSE, 4323 Rt. 1085, Smugglers’ Notch, 644-8851 moog’S PLaCE, Portland St., Morrisville, 851-8225 mUSiC Box, 147 Creek Rd., Craftsbury, 586-7533 oVErTimE SaLoon, 38 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-0357 ParkEr PiE Co., 161 County Rd., West Glover, 525-3366 PhaT kaTS TaVErn, 101 Depot St., Lyndonville, 626-3064 PiECaSSo, 899 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4411 rimroCkS moUnTain TaVErn, 394 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-9593 roaDSiDE TaVErn, 216 Rt. 7, Milton, 660-8274 rUSTY naiL Bar & griLLE, 1190 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245 ShooTErS SaLoon, 30 Kingman St., St. Albwans, 527-3777 SnoW ShoE LoDgE & PUB, 13 Main St., Montgomery Center, 326-4456 SWEET CrUnCh BakEShoP, 246 Main St., Hyde Park, 888-4887 TamaraCk griLL aT BUrkE moUnTain, 223 Shelburne Lodge Rd., E. Burke, 626-7394 WaTErShED TaVErn, 31 Center St., Brandon, 247-0100. YE oLDE EngLanD innE, 443 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-5320
monoPoLE, 7 Protection Ave., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222 nakED TUrTLE, 1 Dock St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6200. oLiVE riDLEY’S, 37 Court St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-324-2200 PaLmEr ST. CoffEE hoUSE, 4 Palmer St., Plattsburgh, N.Y. 518-561-6920 ThEraPY, 14 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-561-2041
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Tai Chi is an internal form of exercise that is performed in a graceful, dance-like progression of meditative poses. No prior Tai Chi experience necessary. Each of the five, 60-minute class includes Qi Gong standing exercises and the study of the long form. Cost: $100
Mindfulness based eating awareness training (MB-EAT) is a powerful, non-diet approach that cultivates inner wisdom and self-compassion to guide one’s eating behaviors. Includes mindful eating, meditation, movement and exploration of current nutrition and exercise guidelines. A series of eight, two-hour classes. Cost: $320 includes binder and CDs.
51 main, 51 Main St., Middlebury, 388-8209 Bar anTiDoTE, 35C Green St., Vergennes, 877-2555 CaroL’S hUngrY minD Café, 24 Merchant’s Row, Middlebury, 388-0101 CiTY LimiTS, 14 Greene St., Vergennes, 877-6919 CLEm’S Café 101 Merchant’s Row, Rutland, 775-3337 Dan’S PLaCE, 31 Main St., Bristol, 453-2774
BagiTo’S, 28 Main St., Montpelier, 229-9212 Big PiCTUrE ThEaTEr & Café, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994 BrEaking groUnDS, 245 Main St., Bethel, 392-4222 ThE CEnTEr BakErY & CafE, 2007 Guptil Rd., Waterbury Center, 244-7500 CharLiE o’S, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820 CiDEr hoUSE BBq anD PUB, 1675 Rte.2, Waterbury, 244-8400 Cork WinE Bar, 1 Stowe St., Waterbury, 882-8227 ESPrESSo BUEno, 248 N. Main St., Barre, 479-0896 grEEn moUnTain TaVErn, 10 Keith Ave., Barre, 522-2935 gUSTo’S, 28 Prospect St., Barre, 476-7919 hoSTEL TEVErE, 203 Powderhound Rd., Warren, 496-9222 kiSmET, 52 State St., Montpelier, 223-8646 knoTTY ShamroCk, 21 East St., Northfield, 485-4857 LoCaLfoLk SmokEhoUSE, 9 Rt. 7, Waitsfield, 496-5623 mULLigan’S iriSh PUB, 9 Maple Ave., Barre, 479-5545 nUTTY STEPh’S, 961C Rt. 2, Middlesex, 229-2090 oUTBaCk Pizza + nighTCLUB, 64 Pond St., Ludlow, 228-6688 PiCkLE BarrEL nighTCLUB, Killington Rd., Killington, 422-3035 ThE PinES, 1 Maple St., Chelsea, 658-3344 ThE Pizza STonE, 291 Pleasant St., Chester, 875-2121 PoSiTiVE PiE 2, 20 State St., Montpelier, 229-0453 PUrPLE moon PUB, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-3422 rED hEn BakErY + Café, 961 US Route 2, Middlesex, 223-5200 ThE rESErVoir rESTaUranT & TaP room, 1 S. Main St., Waterbury, 244-7827 SLiDE Brook LoDgE & TaVErn, 3180 German Flats Rd., Warren, 583-2202 SWEET mELiSSa’S, 4 Langdon St., Montpelier, 225-6012 TUPELo mUSiC haLL, 188 S. Main St., White River Jct., 698-8341 VErmonT ThrUSh rESTaUranT, 107 State St., Montpelier, 225-6166 WhammY Bar, 31 W. County Rd., Calais, 229-4329
gooD TimES Café, Rt. 116, Hinesburg, 482-4444 nD’S Bar & rESTaUranT, 31 Main St., Bristol, 453-2774 on ThE riSE BakErY, 44 Bridge St., Richmond, 434-7787 ToUrTErELLE, 3629 Ethan Allen Hwy.,New Haven, 453-6309 TWo BroThErS TaVErn, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 388-0002
Contact Sue Adams, clinical director, with any interest in classes or services provided.
1233 Shelburne Rd. Pierson House D-2, South Burlington 802.859.1577 ext. 2 • theadamscenter.com 4t-AdamsCenter102313.indd 1
10/17/13 3:19 PM
242 main ST., Burlington, 862-2244 amEriCan fLaTBrEaD, 115 St. Paul St., Burlington, 861-2999 arTSrioT, 400 Pine St., Burlington aUgUST firST, 149 S. Champlain St., Burlington, 540-0060 BaCkSTagE PUB, 60 Pearl St., Essex Jct., 878-5494 Banana WinDS Café & PUB, 1 Market Pl., Essex Jct., 879-0752 ThE BLoCk gaLLErY, 1 E. Allen St., Winooski, 373-5150 BrEakWaTEr Café, 1 King St., Burlington, 658-6276 BrEnnan’S PUB & BiSTro, UVM Davis Center, 590 Main St., Burlington, 656-1204 ChUrCh & main rESTaUranT, 156 Church St. Burlington, 540-3040 CiTY SPorTS griLLE, 215 Lower Mountain View Dr., Colchester, 655-2720 CLUB mETronomE, 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563 DoBrÁ TEa, 80 Chruch St., Burlington, 951-2424 frannY o’S, 733 Queen City Park Rd., Burlington, 863-2909 haLfLoUngE, 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-0012 haLVorSon’S UPSTrEET Café, 16 Church St., Burlington, 658-0278 highEr groUnD, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 652-0777 JP’S PUB, 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389 JUniPEr aT hoTEL VErmonT, 41 Cherry St., Burlington, 658-0251 LEUnig’S BiSTro & Café, 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759. LifT, 165 Church St., Burlington, 660-2088 magLianEro Café, 47 Maple St., Burlington, 861-3155 manhaTTan Pizza & PUB, 167 Main St., Burlington, 864-6776 marrioTT harBor LoUngE, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 854-4700 monkEY hoUSE, 30 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563 monTY’S oLD BriCk TaVErn, 7921 Williston Rd., Williston, 316-4262 mr. CrÊPE, 144 Church St., Burlington, 448-3155 mUDDY WaTErS, 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466 nECTar’S, 188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771 o’BriEn’S iriSh PUB, 348 Main St., Winooski, 338-4678 oLDE norThEnDEr, 23 North St., Burlington, 864-9888 on TaP Bar & griLL, 4 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3309 onE PEPPEr griLL, 260 North St., Burlington, 658-8800 oSCar’S BiSTro & Bar, 190 Boxwood Dr., Williston, 878-7082 Park PLaCE TaVErn, 38 Park St., Essex Jct. 878-3015 PEnaLTY Box, 127 Porter’s Point Rd., Colchester, 863-2065 raDio BEan, 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346 raSPUTin’S, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324 rED SqUarE, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909 rEgULar VETEranS aSSoCiaTion, 84 Weaver St., Winooski, 655-9899 rÍ rÁ iriSh PUB, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401 rozzi’S LakEShorE TaVErn, 1022 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester, 863-2342 rUBEn JamES, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744 ShELBUrnE VinEYarD, 6308 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne. 985-8222 SignaL kiTChEn, 71 Main St., Burlington, 399-2337
ThE SkinnY PanCakE, 60 Lake St., Burlington, 540-0188 SnEakErS BiSTro & Café, 28 Main St., Winooski, 655-9081 SToPLighT gaLLErY, 25 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski ThE VErmonT PUB & BrEWErY, 144 College St., Burlington, 865-0500 WinooSki WELComE CEnTEr, 25 Winooski Falls Way, Winooski
Blood Lines “The Art of Horror,” S.P.A.C.E. Gallery
s there something inherently more haunted about women than men? Images of ladies possessed, trapped and blood-spattered are all over the walls of Burlington’s S.P.A.C.E. Gallery as part of its annual “The Art of Horror” show. And what a show it is. Katherine Taylor-McBroom’s lifesize self-portrait, curiously titled “and they found mother… (death by dental floss),” is a claustrophobic collage of photocopies. In it, the artist appears to have floss wrapped around her neck. The effect of the copier makes her look suffocated, as if she’s pressed up against a glass tank, her auburn hair matted across her face, her red shoes slipping off. Next to this trapped woman is a vanishing woman. Lorraine Reynolds’ “Whisper” features an image of a black-haired lady printed on a long strip of white cotton — but only the top quarter of her; the rest seems to have evaporated. Her arms are wrapped protectively across her chest and waist, and a meandering, cracklike marking, a result of the printing process, appears like a vein cutting through her face and neck. Tattoo artist Kyle Sauter’s “Emily’s Bridge” has a more graphic look, but the glow-in-the-dark screen-print is no less full of doom. Emily, the legendary jilted bride from Stowe, appears twice: once in silhouette dangling from a noose inside a covered bridge; and once close up, her eye sockets hollow, her mouth open, as she prepares the rope around her neck. Then there’s Beth Robinson’s “Zombie Girl,” a dastardly doll wearing a tattered yet fashionable dress. This isn’t the kind of doll you’d want to curl up with — our girl zombie has bloodshot eyes, wiry hair and a gaping mouth dripping with dark-red blood. Robinson, who co-curated the show with photographer Sarah VogelsangCard, says the goal this year was to pare down a little. In the past, the popular exhibit has been a kind of free-for-all of bloody, creepy art. This year, “we went more quality over quantity,” says Robin-
74 ART
Above: “and they found mother... (death by dental floss)” by Katherine TaylorMcBroom; left, “Going” by Akino Fukawa
SOME KIND OF SOUL-SUCKING PROCEDURE. These images set the scene for works such as VogelsangCard’s gruesome photographic triptych, “The Divine Comedy.” The left panel features a man in a dark suit, his face obscured either with makeup or a fleshy mask; in the right panel, a woman in a slinky nightgown is drenched head to toe in blood. “Attachment Disorder” They both point, expressionless, by Jenn LeBlanc toward the middle panel, which is empty but for a pair of kids’ Crocs and a floating red balloon. son. Still, the show is huge, with 50 artIt’s disturbing, but even more so is ists represented. Another new angle: This year’s “Art Jenn LeBlanc’s twisted “Attachment Disof Horror” isn’t all blood and gore. The order.” The drawing depicts a pair of bacurators included work that helps cre- bies in the midst of what appears to be ate a spooky atmosphere. For example, some kind of soul-sucking procedure. Denise Letendre Bach’s eerily beauti- One baby has a tangled rat’s nest where ful photographs — of an old, chipped its mouth should be — it’s spiky, hairy red door over snowy steps and a muddy and equipped with what looks like a pinfarm field shrouded in mist — could cer at the center. This baby has its creepy in another context be read as dreamy, nonmouth pressed against the neck of enchanted Vermont scenes. Here at the other baby, whose head is tilted back, its mouth open, its tongue slack. S.P.A.C.E., they turn sinister.
Michael Ridge’s “Concept Art for Jenny” also induces chills. (See related story about Ridge this issue, page 37.) The small urethane sculpture of a decaying female zombie is all taut tendons, shriveled boobs and swirls of sinuous flesh. But this show isn’t just about the gross-out factor. There’s a cheeky sense of humor on display, too. Richard Evans’ “Leave the Hall Light On,” for example, is a cartoonlike illustration of a no-nonsense teddy-bear villain. The fluffy fiend has just emerged from a dark room, blood trailing from his furry feet and dripping from the long, sharp blades that take the place of his hands. And Lisa Eldred’s print “Zombie Boy Tribute” looks like a promotional poster for the next teen-heartthrob blockbuster — think sexy undead Zac Efron. The show continues in the adjacent Backspace Gallery. The highlight there is “It’s Electric,” Jason Pappas’ huge wooden chair with leather arm and foot straps and a menacing metal lamp dangling from above. It seems to say, “Take a seat! You’ll be fine, I swear.” The showstopper, however, is by Connecticut artist Akino Fukawa. The young Japanese American creates large-scale charcoal drawings of what she calls “hair monsters.” “What began as a childhood obsession to escape reality through drawings of alter egos became an honest confrontation with myself,” writes Fukawa in an artist statement. Fukawa’s monsters are made up of thick, braided bands of ropey, dark hair, the characteristic the artist most closely associates with her Japanese heritage. Three of her hair monsters are currently at S.P.A.C.E., each bound up in its own hair, each with a single eye gazing outward. And these hairy creatures are huge — as big as the gallerygoers checking them out — so approaching them feels like making contact with real, live monsters. Kind of makes you nervous to turn your back.
“The Art of Horror,” at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington through October 26. spacegalleryvt.com
Art ShowS
tAlkS & EVEntS
burlington area
lifE drAwing for ArtiStS: Artists 18 and older bring their own materials and sketch, draw and paint from a live model. wednesday, october 23, 6-9 p.m.; wednesday, october 30, 6-9 p.m., Vermont institute of Contemporary Arts, Chester. info, 875-1018.
3rd AnnuAl Alumni Exhibit: work in a variety of media by university of Vermont alumni. Through october 27 at livak Room, Davis Center, uVM, in burlington. info, 617-935-5040. Art hop Show: A collaborative group show featuring more than 25 artists. Through november 30 at VCAM studio in burlington. info, 651-9692. 'Art hop winnErS' CirClE Exhibit': works by this year's winners of the south end Art hop Juried show: Andy Meyer, Marie Davis, Jane Ann Kantor and nissa Kauppila. Through october 31 at seAbA Center in burlington. info, 859-9222.
lifE-drAwing SESSion: Artists practice their painting and drawing techniques with a live model. Reservations encouraged. wednesday, october 23, 6-9 p.m.; sunday, october 27, 2-5 p.m.; wednesday, october 30, 6-9 p.m., black horse Fine Art supply, burlington. info, 860-4972.
bonniE bAird: oil landscape paintings of Vermont and scotland. Through october 29 at left bank home & garden in burlington. info, 862-1001. 'Cool moVES! ArtiStry of motion': An interactive exhibit that explores the beauty of motion. Through January 6 at eCho lake Aquarium and science Center/leahy Center for lake Champlain in burlington. info, 877-324-6386.
'fAShion & fAntASy At thE EdgE of thE forESt': selections from the museum’s vintage clothing collection paired with Vermont artist wendy Copp's imaginative couture creations made from natural materials such as ferns, birch bark and hydrangea. Through november 3 at sheldon Museum in Middlebury. Talk: wednesday, october 23, noon-1 p.m.; wednesday, october 30, noon-1 p.m. info, 388-2117.
CArl rubino: "Faces in the Crowd," multiple-exposure photographs taken in Times square in which a single pair of eyes stares directly into the camera from a crowd of passersby avoiding eye contact. Through october 27 at healthy living Market and Café in south burlington. info, 863-2569. CArolyn wAlton: "Visions," an exhibit celebrating walton's 15 years showing her paintings at the gallery. Athenia schinto, susan bull Riley, betty ball and Tineke Russell also exhibit their work. Through December 28 at luxton-Jones gallery in shelburne. info, 985-8223. 'CElEbrAtE ColChEStEr': An exhibit commemorating Colchester's 250th birthday with work that relates to the city's scenery or history by 15 local artists. Through october 31 at Colchester Meeting house. 'Color, pAttErn, whimSy, SCAlE: thE bESt of ShElburnE muSEum': nearly 100 works from the permanent collection including paintings, folk art, furniture, wallpaper, decorative arts, textiles, costumes and more, exhibited in conjunction with the grand opening of the pizzagalli Center for Art and education. Through December 31 at shelburne Museum. info, 985-3346.
'thE EtErnAl monk: thE middlEbury muSEum’S lAtE-gothiC StAtuE of SAint bArbArA': Recent grad Madeline Firestone presents her research on the museum’s sculpture in the context of medieval surrogacy, devotion and ways of seeing. lunch
'thE photo book And thE CAmErA AnimAl: dAyAnitA Singh’S houSE of loVE': Ajay sinha, art professor at Mount holyoke College, discusses the indian photographer known for her documentary work and hauntingly beautiful images of interiors. Thursday, october 24, 4:30 p.m., Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury College. info, 443-3168.
'gAtSby gAlA': supporters of the arts center don period dress and enjoy hors d’oeuvres, mocktails, dance lessons and live music by gene Childers and his speakeasy Jazz orchestra. Friday, october 25, 7-10 p.m., Compass Music and Arts Center, brandon. info, 247-3000.
40th AnniVErSAry rECEption: The celebration includes a screening of Connecting the Threads — Overalls to Art: The H.W. Carter and Sons Factory and an announcement by AVA's board chair william Dunn, executive director bente Torjusen and architect and board member C. stuart white Jr. Refreshments will be served. sunday, october 27, 5:30-7:30 p.m., AVA gallery and Art Center, lebanon, n.h. info, 603-448-3117.
nEEdlE fElting workShop: susi Ryan teaches participants to needle felt a simple gnome. wool provided; skewer, thread, foam-felting base and felting needles available for purchase. wednesday, october 30, 6:30-8 p.m., Vintage inspired, burlington. info, 488-5766.
'thE goldEn hour: ArtiStS rESpond to thE finAl momEntS of light': A solarthemed group show presented in partnership with sunCommon and featuring artists such as Carol MacDonald, Carol norton, Tom Merwin, ivy long and eric Rehman. Through october 31 at Frog hollow in burlington. Talk: gallerygoers enjoy coffee and bagels while learning more about how solar energy works in Vermont, Thursday, october 24, 8-10 a.m. info, 863-6458.
pAul gruhlEr: Abstract acrylic paintings on linen. Through January 2 at River Arts Center in Morrisville. Reception: wednesday, october 30, 5-7 p.m. info, 888-1261. 'for A rEASon': work by burlington College faculty including Mary Arbuckle, Anna blackmer, brian bright, peter Curtis, gordon glover, Dana heffern, Robert C. Kirk, nora Mitchell, emily schmidt, barry snyder and Dok wright Through november 4 at the gallery at burlington College. Reception: Discussion, beverages and light fare, Thursday, october 24, 5-7 p.m. info, 862-9616.
'thE CiVil wAr And AmEriCAn Art': eleanor Jones harvey, senior curator at the smithsonian American Art Museum, examines how the Civil war affected American art and discusses photography and genre painting as
pAul mAnloVE: "Conversations on nothing," a watercolor installation. Through november 8 at Feick Fine Arts Center, green Mountain
ElizAbEth llEwEllyn: "sunlight and shadow," equine art in graphite and colored pencil. Through october 31 at Charlotte library. info, 951-9076.
grACE CothAliS: Mandala shields, collage cards and works in pastel. Through november 29 at Vintage Jewelers in burlington. info, 862-2233.
forrESt holzApfEl: "The labors of silence," photographs that explore the contours of 19th-century domestic surfaces and everyday artifacts. Through november 2 at Amy e. Tarrant gallery, Flynn Center, in burlington. info, 652-4505.
hAlEy biShop: Colorful, layered mixed-media images of familiar spaces by the winner of 2012’s "labels for libations" competition for seAbA/Magic hat’s Art hop Ale. Through november 30 at pine street Deli in burlington. info, 862-9614.
The Cool Factor.
ElizAbEth EEro irVing: "horizon," an MFA thesis exhibit. Through october 25 at Julian scott Memorial gallery, Johnson state College. Reception: The artist discusses her work, Thursday, october 24, 3-5 p.m. info, 635-1469. JEnny pECk: paintings and photographs inspired by children, nature and alchemy. Through october 31 at Village wine and Coffee in shelburne. Reception: saturday, october 26, 2-5 p.m. info, 985-3054. lEgo ContESt & Exhibit: lego creations by local builders of all ages. past entries have included a working pinball machine, an amusement park with moving parts, a bust of Abe lincoln, and a pharaoh's tomb with hidden treasure. october 25 through 27 at brattleboro Museum & Art Center. Reception: prizes are awarded based on creativity and craftsmanship in seven age groups, Friday, october 25, 5-7 p.m. info, 451-0828. nAnCy dwyEr & StEVE budington: "i Am Always Your Context," a collaborative exhibition of paintings and wallpaper. october 25 through november 24 at helen Day Art Center in stowe. Reception: Friday, october 25, 6-8 p.m. info, 253-8358. inAugurAl Exhibit: prints by bill Davison, sculpture by Kathleen schneider, photographs by Don Ross and paintings by John gonter. october 24 through January 9 at Vermont Metro gallery, bCA Center in burlington. Reception: Thursday, october 24, 5:30-7:30 p.m. info, 865-7166. ChriS StEArnS: "Vermont on Aluminum," high-dynamic-range landscape photographs printed on sheets of aluminum. october 30 through January 2 at River Arts Center in Morrisville. Reception: wednesday, october 30, 5-7 p.m. info, 888-1261.
JAnE Ann kAntor: "go Your own way," new paintings that use map as medium. Through october 31 at Dostie bros. Frame shop in burlington. info, 660-9005.
buRlingTon-AReA shows
» p.76
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ART 75
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The Perfect Portion
'dorothy And hErb VogEl: fifty workS for fifty StAtES': work from the Vogels' extensive collection by more than 20 artists, including Carel balth, Judy Rifka, pat steir and Richard Tuttle; 'EAt: thE SoCiAl lifE of food': A student-curated exhibit of objects from the museum collection that explores the different ways people interact with food, from preparation to eating and beyond. Through May 18 at Fleming Museum, uVM, in burlington. info, 656-0750.
'thE EnginEEring of ArChitECturE: working with thE 20th CEntury’S iConiC ArChitECtS': Matthys levy, a founding principal and chairman emeritus of weidlinger Associates, Consulting engineers, gives the 14th annual Roland batten Memorial lecture on Architecture and Design. wednesday, october 23, 5:30 p.m., williams hall, uVM, burlington. info, 656-2014.
JESSiCA Cuni: "bioluminescence," recent work by the local artist who explores the dynamic interplay between biological form, observed natural systems and an increasingly personal, perceptual reality. Through november 26 at Christine price gallery, Castleton state College. Talk: The artist discusses her work, Thursday, october 24, 12:30 p.m. info, 468-1119.
College, in poultney. Reception: Friday, october 25, 5-7 p.m. info, 287-8398.
dAVid Smith: "Differences in Moments," recent landscape paintings in oil. Through november 9 at Furchgott sourdiffe gallery in shelburne. info, 985-3848.
a way of understanding the human cost of war. wednesday, october 23, 7 p.m., Rutland Free library. info, 773-1860.
is provided. Friday, october 25, 12:15 p.m., Middlebury College Museum of Art. info, 443-3168.
art buRlingTon-AReA shows
« p.75
Jean Carlson Masseau: limited-edition giclée prints of transparent watercolor and gouache paintings of the landscape. Through october 31 at pompanoosuc Mills in burlington. info, 482-2407. Jen lashua: "language of Color," paintings on canvas inspired by the natural world. Through october 31 at skinny pancake in burlington. info, 262-2253. Karen Day-Vath: paintings by the Vermont artist. Curated by seAbA. Through november 30 at speeder & earl's (pine street) in burlington. info, 658-6016. 'larger than life: Quilts by VelDa newMan': Contemporary fiber art; 'trailblazers: horsePowereD VehiCles': An exhibit that explores connections between 19th-century carriages and today’s automotive culture; 'ogDen Pleissner, lanDsCaPe Painter': watercolor sketches and finished paintings. Through october 31 at shelburne Museum. info, 985-3346.
12v-sovernet100913.indd 1
'looK again: iMages of Daily life, 17th-21st Century': Depictions of daily life by Adriaen van ostade, John Thomson, Martin parr, Tina barney, nikki s. lee, guy ben-ner and laToya Ruby Frazier. 10/8/13 3:19 PMThrough December 14 at Fleming Museum, uVM, in burlington. info, 656-0750.
hopkiNs cENtER foR thE aRts
'MaKe belieVe': photographs that tell fantastical stories inspired by fantasy, horror, sci-fi, fairy tales and steam punk. Through november 10 at Darkroom gallery in essex Junction. info, 777-3686.
with special guest
MarK boeDges: "scenes From shelburne," plein-air paintings by the Vermont artist. Through november 1 at Mark boedges Fine Art gallery in burlington. info, 735-7317.
Bay Area-based multi-instrumentalist/ composer/producer
Matt hoPPer: "Jelly Fishing," an acrylic exploration of the oceans' random rambler. Through october 31 at Red square in burlington. info, 318-2438.
DoN GLasGo director
aDam thEis
'Murales PintaDos: PainteD walls & the Painters': A collaboration between American documentary photographers Morgan Alexander and Kate Mack and Cuban street artists. Through December 3 at the gallery at Main street landing in burlington. info, 540-3018.
10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
For decades, Burlington’s BCA Center has
exhibited a mix of local, national and international art. This week, the Church Street art center opens a new gallery on its fourth floor devoted exclusively to work by artists with ties to the Green Mountain State. Celebrate the grand opening of the Vermont Metro Gallery on Thursday, October 24, 5:30-7:30 p.m., with the abstract and impressionist
northern VerMont artist assoCiation: work by artist members. Through october 26 at union station in burlington. info, 849-2049.
paintings of Burlington’s John Gonter, images of rural industrial landscapes by Brandon
'of lanD anD loCal': A multidisciplinary, statewide exhibition designed to initiate a dialogue about issues surrounding the Vermont landscape; heather MCgill: "night Moves," sculptures that incorporate automotive paints, hand-detailed lines and highly polished finishes to reference muscle car culture and custom motorcycle gas tanks. Through December 7 at bCA Center in burlington. info, 865-7166.
Winooski sculptor Kathleen Schneider and works by Winooski printmaker Bill Davison.
'onCe uPon a tiMe': howard nelson Riley's folk art is presented alongside the work of local artists. Through october 30 at Artists' Mediums in williston. info, 879-1236. Paige berg rizVi: encaustic and mixed-media paintings featuring images of maps, aeronautical charts, airplanes and birds. Through october 28 at burlington Airport in south burlington. info, 865-7296.
“theis and his Jazz mafia collective... aren’t the first to find the sweet spot between hip-hop, cLassicaL, JaZZ aND ELEctRoNic, but they may be the first to do it so earnestly and so elegantly.” SFJAZZ
Inaugural Exhibit
Paul huMPhrey: "sleeping beauties," paintings by the late burlington outsider artist. Through november 27 at new City galerie in burlington. info, 735-2542. Quinn Delahanty: "Decorus Mortem, a study of beauty," entomological studies that the artist has drawn and hand-screen-printed, animal-skull drawings and mixed-media triptych paintings. Through october 27 at Vintage inspired in burlington. info, 355-5418.
photographer Don Ross, exploding bouquets of flower petals and paper fighter planes by Through January 9. Pictured: “Marilyn Tryptich” by John Gonter. 'rePresent': An annual show coinciding with Art hop that highlights the unique talents of artists near and dear to the gallery. Through november 16 at s.p.A.C.e. gallery in burlington. info, spacegalleryvt.com.
VerMont Photo grouP: Thirty fine-art photographs, including portraits, landscapes, nature and action images. Through october 30 at pickering Room, Fletcher Free library, in burlington. info, 863-3403.
robert huntoon: "The light of other Days," oil paintings of the Vermont and Cape Cod landscapes. Through november 1 at living/learning Center, uVM, in burlington. info, 656-4150.
VerMont waterColor soCiety: Figurative work by member artists Annelein beukenkamp, Karen Casper, linda Disante, Marni McKitrick, Charles norris-brown and Jean Cannon. Through october 31 at Artspace 106 at the Men's Room in burlington. info, 864-2088.
rose DiaMonD: "weave, sing, pray," weavings by the Vermont artist and musician. Through october 31 at north end studio A in burlington. info, 863-6713. 'the art of horror': An annual exhibit that explores the beautiful side of decay, the finer points of bloodletting and that special something inside a depraved mind. Through october 26 at s.p.A.C.e. gallery in burlington. info, spacegalleryvt.com. toDD Kiel: paintings by the 2013 wall-to-Canvas winner, whose influences include vintage comics, retro signs, wartime propaganda posters, bauhaus and the avant-garde. Through December 31 at Magic hat brewing Company in south burlington. info, 658-2739.
'Visions of VerMont': photography by lisa Dimondstein, patricia lyon-surrey, Julie parker and sandra shenk, and pottery by gail Yanowitch. Through november 29 at shelburne Vineyard. info, 985-8222. 'water aboVe, sKy below': large-scale artwork inspired by the relationship between water and sky by homer wells, Rory Jackson, Ross sheehan and Duker bower. Through october 26 at Flynndog in burlington. info, 415-680-4966. 'wyeth Vertigo': works by three generations of one of the most influential families in modern American art — n.C., Andrew and Jamie wyeth.
76 ART
sat | oct 26 | 8 pm hop.dartmouth.edu | 603.646.2422 Dartmouth College | Hanover, NH
art listings and spotlights are written by mEgAN jAmES. listings are restricted to art shows in truly public places; exceptions may be made at the discretion of the editor.
gEt Your Art Show liStED hErE!
if you’re promoting an art exhibit, let us know by posting info and images by thursdays at noon on our form at SEVENDAYSVt.com/poStEVENt or gAllEriES@SEVENDAYSVt.com
Art ShowS
Through October 31 at Shelburne Museum. Info, 985-3346.
'40 Years of Dancing': A photographic retrospective of Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio. Through October 26 at Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio in Montpelier. Info, 229-4676. art exhibit: Paintings by Marcia Hill, Cindy Griffith and Anne Unangst. Through October 31 at Red Hen Bakery & Café in Middlesex. Info, 223-3591. arthur Zorn: "Cooling Bouquets for Summer Days," new paintings by the Barre artist. Through December 6 at Angeleno's Pizza in Montpelier. Info, 229-5721. 'aviarY': Bird-themed works by Virginia Beahan, Varujan Boghosian, Gail Boyjalian, David Bumbeck, Anda Dubinskis, Jesseca Ferguson, Marcy Hermansader and more. Through November 30 at BigTown Gallery in Rochester. Info, 767-9670. benjamin barnes: Recent paintings of the agricultural landscape, including tractors, trucks, barns and outbuildings. Through December 1 at Tulsi Tea Room in Montpelier. Info, 223-0043. brenna colt: Photographs, paintings and drawings by the New Hampshire artist. Through November 9 at Chandler Gallery in Randolph. Info, outreach@chandler-arts.org. carol macDonalD: "Regeneration," work by the Vermont printmaker. Through October 25 at Central Vermont Medical Center in Barre. Info, 371-4100. cathY stevens-Pratt: Watercolor paintings, prints and cards. Through October 31 at the
Nov. 1 -2, 2013
Cheshire Cat in Montpelier. Info, 223-1981. 'earth as muse: beautY, DegraDation, hoPe, regeneration, awakening': Artwork that celebrates the Earth's beauty while reflecting on tensions between mankind and the environment by Fran Bull, Pat Musick, Harry A. Rich, Jenny Swanson and Richard Weis. Through April 4 at the Great Hall in Springfield. Info, 258-3992. 'eclectic: a collection of 19th anD 20th centurY art': A private collection of oil and watercolor paintings, lithographs and other prints, original exhibition posters and sculpture by artists such as Marc Chagall, Salvador Dalí, Peter Max, Pablo Picasso, Maurice Utrillo and Alberto Vargas. Through November 9 at Nuance Gallery in Windsor. Info, 674-9616. emiko sawaragi gilbert: "Found in the Forest, ‘LEAVES,'" an exhibit of large-format prints of leaves found in Plainfield, plus sculptures made from tree branches. Through October 31 at Vermont Supreme Court Lobby in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749. 'from the mountains to the sea; Plants, trees, anD shrubs of new englanD': A traveling exhibition of botanical illustrations by the New England Society of Botanical Artists. Through December 1 at Montshire Museum of Science in Norwich. Info, 649-2200. georgia mYer: "Authenticity," mixed-media works featuring oil, paper, pastels, charcoal, ink and watercolor on paper, canvas and linen. Through December 27 at Governor's Office Gallery in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749.
» P.78
at Ohavi Zedek Synagogue - 188 North Prospect St., Burlington Fri., Nov. 1 at 6 p.m. - Friday Shabbat Service with Rabbi Eilberg, the first woman ordained by Conservative Judaism and the co-founder of the Bay Area Jewish Healing Center. Dinner following service - reservations needed Sat., Nov. 2 at 9 a.m. - Shabbat Service with Rabbi Eilberg followed by luncheon and discussion Sat., Nov. 2 at 7 p.m. - Concert with Tanja Solnik, who sings Yiddish & Ladino Lullabies & Love Songs with musicians Gary Nesteruck and Jim Hershaman; OZs Rabbi Jan Salzman & Holy Hallel Singers opening act Call OZ 864-0218 for Friday dinner reservations ($10 pp) or more information www.ohavizedek.org 4t-ohavizedek102313.indd 1
10/21/13 10:56 AM
For breaking local news and political commentary, go straight to the source:
Paul Manlove Look closely at Paul Manlove’s individual watercolor
illustrations and they appear to be the pages of a field journal. But presented all at once in a giant grid, the nearly 100 paintings tell a different story. “The viewer is allowed intimate access to Manlove’s observations and his ideas as they transform and evolve,” he writes in a statement. “A deftly rendered still life is fluidly set next to an abstract exploration of the chosen medium.” Manlove teaches art at Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg, and has shown his work nationally. His installation is called “Conversations on Nothing” and is on display at William Feick Arts Center, Green Nothing” (detail). 4t-offmessageh.indd 1
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Mountain College, in Poultney through November 8. Pictured: “Conversations on
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central vt shows
« p.78
Group Show: Work by fiber artist Alison Cannon, blacksmith Chris Eaton and beeswax candle makers Bonita Bedard and Shawna Sherwin. Through December 31 at Collective — the Art of Craft in Woodstock. Info, 457-1298. Linda Maney: "Abstract Thinking," acrylic and watercolor paintings by the Montpelier artist. Through November 30 at Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier. Info, 223-3338. Mary L. Collins: Photographs and other items that reflect the artist's close relationship with the Oglala Lakota nation of Pine Ridge, South Dakota. October 28 through December 18 at Hartness Gallery, Vermont Technical College, in Randolph Center. Info, 728-1237. 'Points Of View: Seven Portrait Artists': An exhibit that chronicles the development of a group of central Vermont artists — Agathe McQueston, Lark Upson, Sande French-Stockwell, Judith Beckett, Liesi Hebert, Marcia Hammond and Joan Feierabend — who work each week from the same model. Through November 10 at Chandler Gallery in Randolph. Info, 728-9878.
'Quint-Essential: Seeing Through 5 Sets of Eyes': Work by Annie Tiberio Cameron, John Snell, Sandra Shenk, Julie Parker and Lisa Dimondstein. Through October 31 at City Center in Montpelier. Info, 223-2204.
78 ART
Nick Mayer & Maura Clancy Nick Mayer has spent a lot
Richard Ambelang: "Landscape into Abstraction," a series of 35mm, digital and medium-format color transparency images of abstracted portions of the New England and Pacific Northwest landscapes. Through October 31 at Goddard Art Gallery, Pratt Center, Goddard College, in Plainfield. Info, 800-322-1608. 'Rock Solid': The 13th annual exhibit of stone work; Meri Stiles: "I Am You," drawings, monoprints and blockprints; Gabriel Tempesta: "The Bumblebee Series"; Susan Bull Riley: Botanical watercolors. Through November 2 at Studio Place Arts in Barre. Info, 479-7069. 'Round': Circular objects ranging from uniform buttons to oddities such as a foot-powered dentist’s drill; 'These Honored Dead: Private and National Commemoration': An exhibit that tells the stories of Norwich alumni from both sides of the Civil War, focusing on the military draft, prisons and mourning rituals. Through December 20 at Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield. Info, 485-2183. 'Service and Sacrifice: Vermont’s Civil War Generation': An exhibit of photographs, flags and artifacts that show how the Civil War dramatically changed the course of life in many villages throughout Vermont. Through November 30 at Vermont History Center in Barre. Info, 479-8500. Tracey Hambleton: "Within Reach," landscape oil paintings by the owner and operator of the historic Marshfield Inn and Motel. Through October 27 at Blinking Light Gallery in Plainfield. Info, info@ blinkinglightgallery.com.
of time at fisheries. As a fish biologist, he investigated the effects of the Exxon-Valdez oil
'Written in Stone: Voices of the LGBTQ Community': Artists use a variety of media to respond to the question, Who are you and how do you express yourself within your community? Through November 11 at Main Street Museum in White River Junction. Info, 356-2776.
spill on sockeye salmon and restored spawning habitats for wild steelhead in the Columbia River. All the while he has kept sketchbooks, which he uses as reference for his watercolor paintings. Through November 17, the Lincoln artist is exhibiting six varieties of trout, as well as several other fish paintings, in the exhibit “Natural Patterns” at Art on Main in
champlain valley
Bristol. In addition to Mayer’s work, the show features handwoven baskets by Salisbury
Barbara & Norton Garber: "What We Don't Even Know," recent collage drawings with sculpture elements by Barbara; sound and video installation by Norton. Through November 2 at Castleton Downtown Gallery in Rutland. Info, 468-1266.
'Portraits at the Fair': Fanciful portraits created by photographer George Bouret, who uses painted backdrops and props to construct an imaginary moment at fairs and public gatherings throughout southwestern Vermont. Through November 23 at Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury. Info, 388-4964.
'Autumn Invitational': Abstract and representational images in a variety of media by Lily Hinrichsen, Retha Boles, Pat Todd and Carol Calhoun. Through November 10 at Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. Info, 382-9222.
Black Hawk Morgan Horse Skeleton Exhibit: A new museum-quality exhibit featuring the skeleton of Black Hawk, grandson of Justin Morgan, the foundation stallion of the Morgan Horse breed. Through October 31 at UVM Morgan Horse Farm in Weybridge. Info, 656-2010. Chepe Cuadra: "Back Portraits / In Search of an Identity," paintings of figures as seen from behind by the Nicaraguan-born artist. Through October 25 at WalkOver Gallery & Concert Room in Bristol. Info, 453-3188. Emily K. Robertson: "Words of Wisdom," hooked and sewn wool rugs with a message. Through November 1 at Rae Harrell Gallery in Hinesburg. Info, 734-7363. Jan Reynolds: "Wild Tibet," photographs of expeditions around Mount Everest by the prize-winning photojournalist who holds several high-altitude skiing and mountain-climbing records. Through November 2 at Outerlands Gallery in Vergennes. Info, 870-7228. Kit Donnelly: Paintings by the Vermont artist. Through October 31 at ARTSight Studios & Galleries in Bristol. Info, 578-8231. Klara Calitri: "Allegories," a visual memoir told through monoprints. Through October 30 at ZoneThree Gallery in Middlebury. Info, 989-9992.
artist Maura Clancy. Through November 17. Pictured: “Otter Creek Pike” by Mayer.
Rebecca Kinkead: "Wild Life," paintings of children and animals by the Vermont artist. Throughout the month, one painting is on silent auction to benefit Homeward Bound, a division of the Addison County Humane Society, and 10 percent of all painting sales will benefit the Chittenden County Humane Society. Through October 31 at Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury. Info, 458-0098. 'Reflections of Your Community': Photography by local amateurs and enthusiasts. Through October 28 at Compass Music and Arts Center in Brandon. Info, 247-4295. 'Screened and Selected II: Contemporary Photography and Video Acquisitions, 2006–2011': Acquisitions the college made with the help of students, including images by Bernd and Hilla Becher, Chuck Close, Robert Mapplethorpe, Shirin Neshat, Cindy Sherman, Alex Soth and James Welling, among others. Through December 8 at Middlebury College Museum of Art. Info, 443-3168. ‘SculptFest2013’: Site-specific installations by nine sculptors tasked with creating historical markers in the former marble quarry and manufacturing area. Through October 27 at Carving Studio and Sculpture Center in West Rutland. Info, 438-2097.
Nick Mayer & Maura Clancy: "Natural Patterns," naturalist fish paintings by Mayer; woven baskets by Clancy. Through November 17 at Art on Main in Bristol. Info, 453-4032.
Stacey Stanhope & Dolores Furnari: “Renditions of Folk Art,” pottery with a woodcut look by Stanhope; paintings in the style of 19th-century itinerant artists by Furnari. Through November 5 at Brandon Artists Guild. Info, 247-4956.
'Of Land and Local': A multidisciplinary, statewide exhibition designed to initiate a dialogue about issues surrounding the Vermont landscape. Through October 27 at Carving Studio and Sculpture Center in West Rutland and through November 8 at Fair Haven Welcome Center. Info, 865-7166.
‘The Breeding Bird Atlas: Science and Art’: A special exhibit in collaboration with the Vermont Center for Ecostudies features work by 14 artists and photographers and more than 300 citizen scientists; and Peter Padua: Carved-wood birds by the 90-year-old artist. Through October 31 at Birds of Vermont Museum in Huntington. Info, 434-2167.
Pinhole Photography Show: Images made by direct contact with 4-by-5-inch negatives that are exposed in student-designed and -constructed cameras. October 29 through November 6 at Johnson Memorial Building, Middlebury College. Info, 443-3168.
‘The Inhabited World of Prindle Wissler’: An exhibit curated by the late Middlebury artist’s son, Richard Wissler, to show the breadth of her work over the course of roughly nine decades of artistic endeavors. Through October 31 at Compass Music and Arts Center in Brandon. Info, 247-4295.
Tom Merwin: Abstract paintings by the Vermont artist. Through February 28 at Brandon Music. Info, 465-4071. ‘Vito Acconci: Thinking Space’: An exhibition that marks the inauguration on campus of a replica of Acconci’s “Way Station I,” which was constructed in 1983 near what is now McCardell Bicentennial Hall. Through December 8 at Middlebury College Museum of Art. Info, 443-3168.
Alysa Bennett: “Horse Drawn,” equine oil paintings and large-scale drawings. Through November 4 at Parker Pie Co. in West Glover. Info, 525-3366. Barbara Greene & Susan Larkin: “Landscape in Two Voices,” plein-air work by artists who regularly paint together in Grand Isle and Chittenden counties. Through October 31 at Snow Farm Vineyard in South Hero. Info, 928-3081. Carol MacDonald: “Two Threads,” a series of hand-pulled monoprints through which the Vermont artist explores issues of community, life, process and communication. Through October 26 at River Arts Center in Morrisville. Info, 888-1261. Diane Bruns: “Atmosphere,” pastel landscape paintings by the Waterbury artist. Through November 30 at Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery in Stowe. Info, 253-1818. 'Draw the Line and Make Your Point: The Pencil and the 21st Century': A visual history of the invention and evolution of the pencil, including a display about a pencil artist, unlikely objects made from pencils, an interactive pencil launcher and a smattering of pencils from around the world. Through December 1 at the Museum of Everyday Life in Glover. Info, 626-4409. Elizabeth Nelson: Oil and acrylic paintings. Through November 18 at Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. Info, 748-0158. Evie Lovett: "Backstage at the Rainbow Cattle Company: The Drag Queens of Dummerston, Vermont," photographs. Through November 3 at MAC Center for the Arts Gallery in Newport. Info, 334-1966. Gary C. Eckhart: Watercolors by the Vermont artist. Through November 17 at Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho. Info, 899-3211.
Art ShowS
illa loEB: "Departure Series," an MFA thesis exhibit. October 28 through November 9 at Julian Scott Memorial Gallery, Johnson State College. Info, 635-1469. KaY HEalY & CasEY BlaNCHarD: In "Sublet," Healy's large-scale screen-printed and sewn fabric panels transform the gallery into the fanciful interiors of Philadelphia row homes; Blanchard's layered monoprints explore memory. Through October 27 at Upstairs at West Branch in Stowe. Info, 253-8943. 'KiNGDoM CoMMUNitY iNsiDE oUt: NortHEast KiNGDoM artists iNtErPrEt tHE NortHEast KiNGDoM': Artwork by Phyllis Hammond, Sam Thurston, Marjorie Kramer, Diana Mara Henry, Judy Lowry, Ken Leslie, Diane Peel, Jack Rogers, Richard Hodio, Mary Brenner, Bradleigh Stockwell and student artists. Through November 26 at the 99 Gallery and Center in Newport. Info, 323-9013. 'liViNG Color: tHE WatErColorists': A juried watercolor exhibit featuring 55 artists. Through November 3 at Bryan Memorial Gallery in Jeffersonville. Info, 644-5100. liz lE sErViGEt: A colorful world of cats, dogs, toothy crocodiles, flying pigs and magical kingdoms expressed in a variety of media including paintings on canvas, stone assemblage, fiber art, painted ceramics and furniture. Through November 11 at Cafe Latina in Stowe. Info, 253-3046. liz lE sErViGEt: "A Dog's World," a celebration of dogs depicted in oil paintings, furniture, stone assemblage, ceramics and fabric. Through November 15 at Inky Dinky Oinkink Gallery in Moscow. Info, 253-3046. oCtoBEr artists: Work by knitter Jan Brosky, photographer/basket maker Maggie Young, woodturner Barry Genzlinger and ornament maker Maureen Genzlinger. Through October 31 at Artist in Residence Cooperative Gallery in Enosburg Falls. Info, 933-6403.
Call to artists
'VisioNs oF a HoMEtoWN': The Milton Artists' Guild's traveling exhibition commemorating the 250th anniversary of the town's founding and the 25th anniversary of the guild. Through October 31 at Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. Info, miltonartistsguild.org.
DaisY roCKWEll: “The Topless Jihadi and Other Curious Birds,” paintings of women in political situations such as members of the FEMEN movement, a Ukrainian feminist group that stages protests topless. Through December 30 at Bennington Museum. Info, 447-1571.
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‘oF laND aND loCal’: A multidisciplinary, statewide exhibition designed to initiate a dialogue about issues surrounding the Vermont landscape. Through October 31 at Vermont Artisan Designs in Brattleboro. Info, 865-7166. WENDY Cross: “New Work,” paintings. Through October 27 at Gallery in the Woods in Brattleboro. Info, 257-4777. m
artists aND CraFtErs WaNtED: iNDoor artist YarD salE! Do you have old acrylics, mismatched paper, spare canvas or unfinished artwork that could be repurposed into something great? Sell it at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery’s artist yard sale in Burlington and make some cash! Looking for artists and crafters who have old artwork, art supplies and other materials (that could be used creatively) to sell. Each seller will receive a 6-by-6-foot space to set up their wares. The indoor yard sale will take place on Saturday, November 16, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Setup times and entry information at spacegalleryvt.com. Space is limited; apply today!
FaCEs: PortraitUrE sHoW: Darkroom Gallery seeks photographs that reflect an enduring fascination with the photographic portrait. Deadline: November 13, midnight. Juror: Elizabeth Avedon. Entry fee. darkroomgallery.com.
MEMBErs’ art sHoW 2013: Helen Day Art Center invites you to participate in our annual show highlighting the rich and varied talents of local artists. All you have to do is become a member. Special artist price: $30. All the work will be for sale; 80 percent of sales go to the artists. Deadline: November 15. Info, hdacexhibits@helenday. com, helenday.com. oPEN GroUP sHoW: First Friday every month. $8 entry fee. No rules, any size/media/ subject. Entries (each artist limited to one work) accepted Wednesday through first Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Opening Reception, Friday, 6 p.m.-9 p.m. People’s choice vote; cash prize. Exhibit up for month. Location: Root Gallery at RLPhoto, 27 Sears Lane, Burlington. Info, publicartschool@gmail.com or 540-3081.
Call For ProPosals: AVA Gallery and Art Center is accepting exhibition proposals from artists. For additional information, visit avagallery. org, or email AVA’s exhibition coordinator Margaret Jacobs, margaret@avagallery.org.
FiVE ElEMENts: PHoto CoMP: Photograph the beauty of nature; five elements provide the foundation for our entire physical world. Deadline: December 11. Juror: Eddie Soloway. darkroomgallery.com. Exhibit is in January.
artists aND CraFtErs WaNtED: Csa For art! The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington is seeking fine artists to launch our inaugural Community Supported Art (CSA)! Artists will receive a generous stipend, promotional support and great connections to local collectors and patrons. A limited edition of work will be created by those selected artists and will be sold in the spring or fall share season. Interested consumers will purchase a “share” of art and in return receive a selection of fine artwork by area artists, to be announced beforehand. Pickup evenings at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery on Pine Street will feature a reception and talk by each of the artists featured in the specific share season. Find out more at spacegalleryvt.com.
'UNsPoKEN WisDoMs': Giovanna Cecchetti's abstract works investigate space-time patterns, quantum physics and nonlocal information theory; Janis Pozzi Johnson's oil paintings offer a meditation on landscape; and Louis Sclafani's glass and copper busts contain many profiles within a single portrait. Through October 31 at West Branch Gallery & Sculpture Park in Stowe. Info, 253-8943.
a Call For artists: Island Arts Gallery in historic South Hero is calling for artists to submit an application for our 2014 gallery schedule. Artists must submit an artist statement, the mediums employed in their works and two to five digital images to the Island Arts South Hero Gallery Committee by October 26. Info: maryjomccarthy@gmail.com, or call Sarah Robinson at 489-4023.
'PUENtE: aN EXHiBitioN oF CUBaN artists': Photographs, large-scale drawings, sculptures and prints by seven contemporary Cuban artists reflecting on their island (through November 24); 'tHErE': Paintings and drawings inspired by a sense of location by Adam DeVarney, Andrew Fish, Kelly Holt, Lindsay Florence and Janet Fredericks (through October 20). Helen Day Art Center in Stowe. Info, 253-8358.
ART 79
Call For art: GiFt EXHiBit: Artists’ Mediums’ annual Gift Exhibit runs November through January. We are looking for fine art and crafts from Vermont artists. Info, vtmakeart.com/art-exhibits.
The Fifth Estate ★★
do not believe that this film is a good film.” — Julian Assange He may be creepy. He may look like he escaped from a Harry Potter novel. But he’s right. If you’ve been in a coma for the past half decade, Dreamgirls director Bill Condon’s new movie will blow your mind. Anyone else is likely to find The Fifth Estate a snoozy ripped-from-the-headlines exercise, because 1.) The headlines are so recent you feel like you just read them; and 2.) The movie fails to add anything to what you already knew. Benedict Cumberbatch (insert your own joke about his name here) is squandered as the Australian hacker and WikiLeaks founder. One of the picture’s multitudinous shortcomings is the fact that its subject is literally an international man of mystery, and neither its director nor its screenwriter, Josh Singer, seems to have any more idea who he is or what makes him tick than you or I. This is true even though The Fifth Estate is based on two — count ’em, two — insider tell-alls: WikiLeaks: Inside Julian Assange’s War on Secrecy, by David Leigh and Luke Harding; and Inside WikiLeaks: My Time With Julian Assange at the World’s Most Dangerous Website, by Daniel Domscheit-
Berg. The only reason anyone buys a ticket to a movie like this, let’s face it, is to get the straight poop. If we leave with no clearer understanding of Assange’s character and motives, the film has failed us. The Fifth Estate fails us big time. Which is crazy, considering DomscheitBerg (Assange’s former partner) not only advised the filmmakers but inspired one of the movie’s two principal characters. He’s played as a starstruck digital disciple by Daniel Brühl. This is like David Fincher failing to bring Mark Zuckerberg into focus if The Social Network had been coproduced by Facebook cofounder Eduardo Saverin. With the disgruntled German as collaborator, Condon had everything required to get the job done. How ironic, then, that his portrait of the world’s most notorious bean spiller reveals so little. Hardly more than a CliffsNotes recap of WikiLeaks’ rise from revolutionary internet vision to file-sharing Goliath, Condon’s latest is an awkward cross between The Social Network and a Bourne film. It features lots of unnecessary jump cuts, montages of TV talking heads and map graphics tracing exotic locales through which Assange passes (Nairobi! Berlin! Antwerp! Reykjavik!) to distract
NET LOSS Condon no doubt wishes the opening weekend numbersfor his WikiLeaks rehash could be classified; they were the worst for a major studio release this year.
us from the reality that the story is largely about two dudes typing. The film follows the evolution of the friendship between Assange and DomsSCAN THIS PAGE cheit-Berg through 2010, when WikiLeaks famously teamed with the Times, the GuardWITH LAYAR ian and Der Spiegel to publish gazillions of SEE PROGRAM COVER military and diplomatic documents. The closest Condon comes to examining the ethical issues raised by what the Pentagon called “the largest leak of classified documents in history” is a weirdly glib subplot featuring Laura Linney and Stanley Tucci. They play State Department officials who make sure the viewer gets that — duh — sources were placed at risk. The Fifth Estate has all the brains and gravitas of a made-for-TV movie. It occurred to me while watching this immensely flawed, minimally illuminating
Carrie ★★
hen I was in middle school, Brian De Palma’s Carrie popped up on TV. My contemporaries were too young to have seen the 1976 horror flick in theaters, and home video was still rare, so the broadcast had the impact of a cult series finale today. In homeroom the morning after, nobody talked about anything but Carrie’s final shocker. Nice girls and mean girls, jocks and nerds, were united in their traumatized respect for a movie that reflected a dreamlike, horrifying, sometimes hilarious version of American high school. I tell this story to illustrate why a Carrie remake is a losing proposition. The story alone is unlikely to thrill a generation glutted on slashers and neo-slashers. Carrie White’s bloody prom has become a familiar trope, a pop-culture touchstone. Yet recreating De Palma’s style — which has kept Carrie surprisingly fresh after nearly 40 years — would be a sterile exercise on the order of Gus Van Sant’s shot-for-shot Psycho remake. Trying to split the difference between originality and imitation, director Kimberly Peirce pulls off neither. Peirce showed she could explore the hormonally charged world of youth in Boys Don’t Cry and Stop-Loss, but nothing she does here approaches the fever pitch of the original Carrie. Cleaving more closely to De Palma’s version than to the Stephen King novel, yet lacking the former’s
film that Chelsea Manning should’ve gotten a credit of some sort. Assange had an innovative idea for a site, but we wouldn’t be talking about it or him today — much less watching YOUR YOUR a movie about them — had Manning not supTEXT plied the material that made WikiLeaks TEXT a household name. That action also made the HERE HERE former intelligence analyst a guest of the penal system for the next 35 years. Manning is barely mentioned in the film’s 128 minutes, yet I feel like I know what she’s about. Cumberbatch, by contrast, is in nearly every scene, and I couldn’t say with more certainty today than a year ago whether his character’s crusade for transparency is sincere or just a freedom of information act.
BLOODY RETREAD Carrie goes to the prom again in Peirce’s unnecessary remake.
idiosyncrasies, this remake defines “extraneous.” Chloë Grace Moretz plays the title character, a small-town outcast whose Fundamentalist mom (Julianne Moore) lurks at home, forever eager to toss her in a closet and make her pray for deliverance from the evils of adolescent sexuality. So miseducated that her first menstruation takes her by surprise — yes, in 2013 — Carrie is ill equipped
for the cruelties of high school. But her new talent for telekinesis comes in handy. At first glance, 16-year-old Moretz might seem like a good fit, having made her name as a highly unaverage tween in films such as Kick-Ass and Let Me In. But there are many ways to be the “weird girl,” and Moretz’s preternatural self-possession is the diametrical opposite of Carrie’s flailing awkwardness. The young actress does her best, but much
of her performance consists of hunching her shoulders in imitation of Sissy Spacek’s far more natural work. As for Moore, she plays a convincing crazy but lacks the moments of perverse warmth and affection that Piper Laurie brought to the role. Peirce tries to play up King’s twisted take on mother-daughter relations by opening on the scene of Carrie’s birth, but this proves more ludicrous than disturbing. The script expands on the motivations of Carrie’s chief tormentor (a convincingly pissy Portia Doubleday) and the ways in which these teen queen bees use their boyfriends as pawns in their feuds. It’s a promising stab at a feminist take on the story, but it can’t survive the casting of bland, pretty CWTV types in key roles. Teen horror fans tempted by this updated Carrie can be assured of one thing: There will be blood. While the remake’s prom scene lacks the hallucinatory pacing of the original and the brutal randomness of its violence, it’s plenty gory enough to earn the R rating. As for the famous final scene that terrified my classmates, Peirce has updated it with what may or may not be a tepid girl-power statement about the bond between Carrie and her would-be savior, Sue Snell (Gabriella Wilde). Either way, this “shock” won’t make many waves in homeroom. Maybe it’s time to let dead horror properties stay underground. MARGO T HARRI S O N
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Wanna rake my yard? ;-)
So many leaves — ‘ got a I’ve can I borrow a rake? blower you can use. new in theaters tHe coUNseloR: cormac Mccarthy scripted this drama about a lawyer (Michael fassbender) who gets dangerously involved in drug trafficking. with Penélope cruz, cameron diaz and Javier bardem. Ridley Scott directed. (117 min, R. capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Roxy) JAckAss pReseNts: BAD gRANDpA: Johnny Knoxville made himself up as an 86-year-old geezer and hit the road with his 8-year-old “grandson” (Jackson nicoll) to punk the unsuspecting public for this Borat-style comedy. Jeff tremaine directed. (92 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Roxy, Palace, Paramount, Sunset) tHe sUmmit: Of 24 expert climbers who set out to conquer K2 on a 2008 expedition, 11 failed to return. director nick Ryan’s documentary pieces together accounts of the controversial climb to ask why. (104 min, R. Savoy)
tHe FiFtH estAteH1/2: can’t get enough benedict cumberbatch? The English actor plays wikileaks founder Julian assange in this thriller about the news-leaking website directed by bill condon. with daniel brühl, Stanley tucci and laura linney. (128 min, R) gRAvitYHHHHH: Sandra bullock and george clooney play an astronaut and a medical engineer who find themselves adrift in space after their shuttle is destroyed. alfonso (Children of Men) cuarón directed. (91 min, Pg-13) tHe HeAtHHHH: an uptight fbI agent is forced to partner with a free-wheeling boston cop in this buddy comedy starring Melissa Mccarthy and Sandra bullock. guess which one plays which? with demián bichir, Marlon wayans and Jane curtin. Paul (Bridesmaids) feig directed. (117 min, R)
now playing
iNeQUAlitY FoR AllHHH1/2: former labor Secretary Robert Reich offers his explanations of the growing u.S. income divide, and director Jacob Kornbluth illustrates them with interviews from people on both sides, in this documentary. (85 min, nR)
cAptAiN pHillipsHHHH1/2 tom hanks plays the title character in this drama based on the true story of the Vermonter whose cargo ship was boarded by Somali pirates in 2009. with barkhad abdi and barkhad abdirahman. Paul (The Bourne Ultimatum) greengrass directed. (134 min, Pg-13)
iNsiDioUs: cHApteR 2HH1/2: Patrick wilson and Rose byrne play a couple trying to figure out exactly why they keep getting haunted in this scare-movie sequel directed, like the original, by James (The Conjuring) wan. with barbara hershey and ty Simpkins. (106 min, Pg-13)
cARRieHH: Julianne Moore and chloe Moretz star in this reimagining of the classic, blood-splattered tale of teenage outcast carrie white. directed by Kimberly Peirce. (99 min, R)
tHe FAmilY1/2: luc besson, producer of Taken, continued his work of making french people look dumb to americans and vice versa by writing and directing this action comedy about a Mafia clan forced to relocate to normandy. Robert de niro, tommy lee Jones, Michelle Pfeiffer and diana agron star. (111 min, R)
H = refund, please HH = could’ve been worse, but not a lot HHH = has its moments; so-so HHHH = smarter than the average bear HHHHH = as good as it gets
lee DANiels’ tHe BUtleRHHH: The director of Precious — and, sadly, The Paperboy — brings us this drama about a white house butler (forest whitaker) who serves seven different presidents and witnesses the rise of the civil rights movement. with Oprah winfrey and david Oyelowo. (132 min, Pg-13) mAcHete killsHH: danny trejo returns as the titular ass kicker in this action sequel in which the u.S. government recruits him to fight a Mexican super-baddie planning to launch a space weapon. with alexa Vega, demian bichir, Mel gibson and lots of celebrity cameos. Robert Rodriguez directed. (108 min, R) pRisoNeRsHHHH1/2: a father (hugh Jackman) will stop at nothing to apprehend the abductor of his 6-year-old daughter and her friend in this intense drama from director denis (Incendies) Villeneuve. with Jake gyllenhaal, Viola davis, terrence howard, Paul dano and Maria bello. (153 min, R) RUNNeR RUNNeRHH: Justin timberlake plays a college student who wades dangerously deep into the world of high-stakes online poker in this thriller; ben affleck is his adversary. with gemma arterton. brad (The Lincoln Lawyer) furman directed. (91 min, R)
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escApe plANHH1/2: after a structural security authority is framed, he finds himself incarcerated in a prison he designed. directed by Mikael hafstrom and starring curtis Jackson, arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. (116 min, nR)
7/12/13 2:03 PM
eNoUgH sAiDHHHH: a masseuse (Julia louis-dreyfus) can’t reveal to her client (catherine Keener) that she’s dating the latter’s ex in this dramedy of manners from writer-director nicole (Please Give) holofcener. also starring toni collette and the late, great James gandolfini. (92 min, Pg-13)
Join our research study! Volunteers will complete computer tasks and questionnaires. This is a research study conducted by the University of Vermont. For more information call the “Effects of Quitting” study, at 802-656-4849 or email effects@uvm.edu. 8h-effectsinquitting071713.indd 1
cloUDY WitH A cHANce oF meAtBAlls 2HHH: In this sequel to the animated family hit, a hapless inventor (voiced by bill hader) must leave his new job when his food-generating machine once again goes haywire. with anna faris, James caan and neil Patrick harris. cody cameron and Kris Pearn directed. (94 min, Pg) DoN JoNHHH: Joseph gordon-levitt wrote, directed and stars in this dramedy about a Jersey guy with a porn fixation struggling to find happiness with a real woman. with Scarlett Johansson and Julianne Moore. (90 min, R)
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(*) = new this week in vermont. times subjeCt to Change without notiCe. for up-to-date times visit sevendaysvt.com/movies.
BiG picture theater
48 Carroll Rd. (off Rte. 100), Waitsfield, 496-8994, bigpicturetheater.info
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 Full schedule not available at press time. friday 25 — tuesday 29 despicable me 2 Fri 5. Sat and Sun 2, 5. Mon and Tue: 5. enough said Fri: 7. Sat and Sun: 1, 7. Mon and Tue: 7. Gravity 5, 7.
BiJou cinepleX 4
Rte. 100, Morrisville, 888-3293, bijou4.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 6:50. cloudy with a 8/27/13 4:45 PMchance of meatballs 2 6:40. Gravity 3d 6:50. runner runner 7:10.
Night of the Living Dames IV
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ROLLER DERBY at Champlain Valley Expo
Saturday, November 2nd BOUTS AT 4:30 P.M. AND 7 P.M.
friday 25 — thursday 31 Full schedule not available at press time.
capitol showplace 93 State St., Montpelier, 2290343, fgbtheaters.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 6:15, 9:10. carrie 6:30, 9:05. don Jon 6:30, 9:10. escape plan 6:20, 9:05. Gravity 3d 6:30, 9:05.
esseX cinemas & t-reX theater
last home bout of the season! Don't miss all the excitement, athleticism and fun of women's flat track roller derby right in your own backyard.
seven days
friday 25 — thursday 31 captain phillips Fri: 6:15, 9:10. Sat and Sun: 12:30, 3:25, 6:15, 9:10. Mon to Thu: 6:15, 9:10. carrie Fri: 6:30, 9. Sat and Sun: 1, 3:30, 6:30, 9. Mon to Thu: 6:30, 9. *The counselor Fri: 6:20, 9:10. Sat and Sun: 12:50, 3:30, 6:20, 9:10. Mon to Thu: 6:20, 9:10. escape plan Fri: 6:20, 9:05. Sat and Sun: 12:45, 3:20, 6:20, 9:05. Mon to Thu: 6:20, 9:05. Gravity Sat and Sun: 12:45. Gravity 3d Fri: 6:30, 9:05. Sat and Sun: 3:20, 6:30, 9:05. Mon to Thu: 6:30, 9:05.
The Green Mountain Derby Dames'
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21 Essex Way, #300, Essex, 8796543, essexcinemas.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30. carrie 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 in 3d 2:25, 4:35, 6:45. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 12:15, 8:55. *The counselor Thu: 10. don Jon 12:45, 5:10. The escape plan 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10. The Family 12:20, 2:45, 5:10, 7:35, 10. The Fifth estate 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:25. Gravity 1, 5:20, 9:45. Gravity 3d 12:30, 2:40, 3:10, 4:50, 7, 7:30, 9:10. *Jackass presents Bad Grandpa Thu: 9. machete kills 2:50. prisoners 12:05, 3:10, 6:15. friday 25 — thursday 31 captain phillips 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30. carrie 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 12:15, 8:55. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 in 3d 2:25, 4:35, 6:45. *The counselor 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10. escape plan 12, 2:30, 5, 7:30, 10.
10/17/13 4:57 PM
The Family 12:20, 2:45, 5:10. The Fifth estate 3:40, 6:20. Gravity 1, 5:20, 9:45. Gravity 3d 12:30, 2:40, 3:10, 4:50, 7, 7:30, 9:10. *Jackass presents Bad Grandpa 12:45, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30. prisoners 12:35, 9.
maJestic 10
190 Boxwood St. (Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners), Williston, 878-2010, majestic10.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 2, 3, 4:50, 8. 1, 3:50, 6:40, 8:50. carrie 1:20, 4:20, 7, 9:20. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 1:30, 9:10. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 in 3d 3:45, 6:15. escape plan 1, 4, 6:35, 9:05. The Fifth estate 1:05, 3:50, 6:30, 8:30. Gravity 4:30, 6:45, 8:20. Gravity 3d 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:20, 9:25. machete kills 2:10, 9:15. runner runner 12:55, 6:10. rush 3:40, 8:50. we’re the millers 1:10, 6:25. friday 25 — sunday 27 captain phillips 12:20, 2:50, 3:50, 6:45, 8:15, 9:15. carrie 1:20, 4:30, 6:55, 9:35. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 3d 4:50, 7, 9:10. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 12:10, 2:30. *The counselor 1:10, 4, 6:45, 9:20. escape plan 1:15, 4:10, 6:50, 9:25. The Fifth estate 3:40, 9:05. Gravity 3d 12:30, 2:40, 5, 7:10, 9:30. Gravity 12, 6:10. *Jackass presents: Bad Grandpa 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:20, 9:40. runner runner 4:20, 9:20. rush 12:40, 6:35. we're the millers 1, 6:25. monday 28 — wednesday 30 captain phillips 1, 3, 3:50, 6:40, 8, 9. carrie 1:20, 4:30, 6:45, 9:25. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 3d 3:45, 6:10, 8:30. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 1. *The counselor 1:10, 4, 6:45, 9:10. escape plan 1:15, 3:50, 6:40, 9:10. The Fifth estate 3:40, 8:55. Gravity 3d 12:50, 3, 5, 7:10, 9:20. Gravity 1:40, 6. *Jackass presents: Bad Grandpa 12:50, 3, 5:05, 7:15, 9:25. runner runner 4:20, 9:20. rush 1:30, 6:35. we're the millers 1, 6:25.
marQuis theatre Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 7. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 7. Gravity 3d 7. friday 25 — thursday 31 captain phillips Fri: 7. Sat and Sun: 1, 7. Mon to Thu: 7. *The counselor Fri: 6, 9. Sat: 1, 6, 9. Sun: 1, 7. Mon to Thu: 7. Gravity 3d Fri: 7. Sat and Sun: 1, 7. Mon to Thu: 7.
merrill’s roXy cinema 222 College St., Burlington, 8643456, merrilltheatres.net
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 1:10, 3:45, 6:30, 9. enough said 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20, 9:20. The Fifth estate 1:05, 3:50, 6:25, 9:05. Gravity 1:45,
3. Gravity 3d 1, 5:10, 7:15, 9:30. instructions not included (no se aceptan devoluciones) 3:35, 6:35, 9:10. rush 3:40, 6:40. Thanks for sharing 1:15, 9:15.
st. alBans drive-in theatre 429 Swanton Rd, Saint Albans, 524-7725, stalbansdrivein.com
friday 25 — thursday 31 captain phillips 1:05, 3:45, 6:30, 9. *The counselor 1:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:20. enough said 1:20, 3:25, 5:25, 7:25, 9:25. The Fifth estate 1:10, 6:35. Gravity 3. Gravity 3d 1, 5:10, 7:10, 9:15. *Jackass presents Bad Grandpa 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30. rush 3:50, 9:10.
closed for the season.
palace 9 cinemas
friday 25 — thursday 31 enough said Fri: 6:30, 8:30. Sat and Sun: 1:30, 4, 6:30, 8:30. Mon to Thu: 5. *The summit Fri: 6, 8:15. Sat: 1, 3:30, 6, 8:15. Sun: 1, 3:30, 8:15. Mon to Thu: 6, 8:15.
10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610, palace9.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 carrie 1:05, 2:30, 3:50, 6:40, 8:20. escape plan 1:10, 3:40, 6:35, 9:05. The Fifth estate 12:50, 3:30, 6:15, 9. *Jackass presents: Bad Grandpa Thu: 9. friday 25 — wednesday 30 captain phillips Fri to Sun: 12:50, 2:40, 3:40, 6:30, 8, 9. Mon to Wed: 1:20, 3:40, 6:50, 8:40. carrie Fri to Sun: 1:05, 4:20, 6:40, 9:20. Mon to Wed: 1:05, 4:20, 6:40, 9. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 3d Fri to Sun: 12:30, 4:40, 8:50. Mon to Wed: 1:15, 8:50. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 Fri to Sun: 2:35, 6:45. Mon to Wed: 3:30, 6:45. *The counselor Fri to Sun: 1, 4:10, 6:50, 9:20. Mon to Wed: 1:25, 3:50, 6:20, 8:50. escape plan Fri to Sun: 1:10, 4, 6:35, 9:05. Mon to Wed: 1:10, 4, 6:35, 9. The Fifth estate Fri to Sun: 3:50, 9:05. Mon and Tue: 3:40, 8:50. Wed: 3:40. Gravity 3d Fri to Sun: 12:55, 2:55, 4:55, 7:05, 9:15. Mon to Wed: 1:05, 3:05, 5:05, 7:05, 9:05. Gravity Fri to Sun: 12:35, 6. Mon to Wed: 1:30, 6:30. *Jackass presents Bad Grandpa Fri to Sun: 12:40, 2:45, 4:50, 7, 9:10. Mon to Wed: 1, 3, 5, 7, 9. lee daniels' The Butler Fri: 12:45, 6:25. Sat: 6:25. Sun: 12:45, 6:25. Mon and Tue: 1, 6:15. Wed: 1. *The metropolitan opera: The nose Sat: 12:55. Wed: 6:30.
the savoy theater 26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290509, savoytheater.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 enough said 6:30, 8:30. wadjda 6, 8:15.
stowe cinema 3 pleX Mountain Rd., Stowe, 2534678. stowecinema.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 7. Gravity 7. Gravity 3d 7. rush 7. friday 25 — thursday 31 captain phillips Fri: 6:45, 9:10. Sat: 2:30, 6:45, 9:10. Sun: 4:30, 6:45, 9:10. Mon to Thu: 7. Gravity Sun: 4:30. Gravity 3d Fri: 7, 9:10. Sat: 2:30, 7, 9:10. Mon to Thu: 7. rush Fri: 7, 9:15. Sat: 2:30, 7, 9:15. Sun: 4:30, 7. Mon to Thu: 7.
sunset drive-in theatre
155 Porters Point Road, just off Rte. 127, Colchester, 862-1800. sunsetdrivein.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 *carrie 7:30 followed by insidious: chapter 2 9:30. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 7:30 followed by smurfs 2 9:35. lee daniels' The Butler 7:30 followed by The world's end 9:50. we're the millers 7:30 followed by The heat 9:45.
paramount twin cinema
friday 25 — thursday 31 *Jackass presents Bad Grandpa 7:30 followed by prisoners 9:30. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 7:30 followed by smurfs 2 9:30. carrie 7:30 followed by insidious: chapter 2 9:30.
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 6:30, 9. runner runner 6:30, 9. s
welden theatre
241 North Main St., Barre, 4799621, fgbtheaters.com
friday 25 — thursday 31 cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 Fri and Mon to Thu: 6:30, 9. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 in 3d Sat and Sun: 12:45, 3:15. *Jackass presents: Bad Grandpa Fri: 6:30, 9. Sat and Sun: 12:45, 3:15, 6:30, 9. Mon to Thu: 6:30, 9.
104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 5277888, weldentheatre.com
wednesday 23 — thursday 24 captain phillips 7. cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2 7:05. Gravity 3d 7:10. friday 25 — thursday 31 Full schedule not available at press time.
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« P.81
RUsHHH: Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl play fierce Formula One rivals James Hunt and Niki Lauda in this fact-based racing film set in the 1970s. With Olivia Wilde. Ron Howard directed. (123 min, R) tHe smURFs 2HHH: Oh, no! Gargamel has abducted Smurfette! And he’s building an army of Naughties! Or something. The tiny, collectivist blue gnomes star in their second animated adventure for the family audience. With the voices of Hank Azaria, Neil Patrick Harris, Katy Perry and Jayma Mays. Raja Gosnell directed. (104 min, PG) tHANKs FoR sHARiNGHH1/2: Stuart Blumberg makes his directorial debut with this ensemble drama about a group of sex addicts trying to learn how to have relationships. With Gwyneth Paltrow, Josh Gad, Pink and Mark Ruffalo. (112 min, R) WADJDAHHHH: Haifaa Al Mansour’s story of a pop music-loving 10-year-old (Waad Mohammed) is the first feature film shot in Saudi Arabia by a female Saudi director. (98 min, NR) We’Re tHe milleRsHH: Jason Sudeikis plays a small-time pot dealer who hires a fake family to evade suspicion on a big border-crossing run. Needless to say, it’s not your typical all-American road trip that follows in this comedy from Rawson Marshall Thurber. Also starring Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts and Will Poulter. (112 min, R) tHe WoRlD’s eNDHHHH: The team behind Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz brings us the summer’s second apocalyptic comedy, in which a group of pub crawlers discover that humanity’s future depends on their epic drink-athon. With Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and Martin Freeman. Edgar Wright directed. (109 min, R)
new on video BeFoRe miDNiGHtHHHHH In the final installment of writer-director Richard Linklater’s trilogy about love and growing up, Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke play a committed couple — but that doesn’t mean the story’s over. With Seamus DaveyFitzpatrick. (108 min, R) tHe coNJURiNGH Vera Farmiga plays a paranormal investigator who encounters a disturbingly powerful presence in a farmhouse in this horror flick based on a real case account. With Patrick Wilson and Lili Taylor. James Wan directed. (120 min, R) tHe HeAtHHHH An uptight FBI agent is forced to partner with a free-wheeling Boston cop in this buddy comedy starring Melissa McCarthy and Sandra Bullock. Guess which one plays which? With Demián Bichir, Marlon Wayans and Jane Curtin. Paul (Bridesmaids) Feig directed. (117 min, R)
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tHe iNteRNsHipH1/2 Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson play two tech-illiterate Gen Xers competing for a coveted job at a certain prominent company in this comedy. With Rose Byrne and John Goodman. Shawn Levy directed. (119 min, PG-13) pAciFic RimHHHH Giant robots piloted by humans fight giant alien monsters in this big, loud, effects-heavy flick from director Guillermo del Toro. Idris Elba, Charlie Hunnam and Rinko Kikuchi star. (131 min, PG-13) tHe WAY, WAY BAcK: A 14-year-old loser (Liam James) salvages his summer by working at a water park where he receives mentoring from wild-’n’crazy guy Sam Rockwell in this indie comedy from director Jim Rash. With Allison Janney, Steve Carell and Amanda Peet. (103 min, PG-13)
moviesYOu missed&moRe
about following a path. It’s about making the most turns.
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A movie not to miss: When people commit mass murder, they get locked up. Or maybe they evade prosecution, in which case they keep a low profile for the rest of their lives. When reporters come around with cameras and ask them about the massacre, they say, “I wasn’t there” or “No comment.”
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The Act of Killing
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Movies You Missed & More appears on the Live Culture blog on Fridays. Look for previews and, when possible, reviews and recommendations.
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NEWS QUIRKs by roland sweet Never Forget
NBC Sports Network canceled “Under Wild Skies,” a hunting show funded by the National Rifle Association, after animal rights groups criticized host Tony Makris for shooting a wild elephant in the face in Botswana from a can’t-miss distance of 20 feet. While stalking the elephant with a .577 rifle, Makris declared the weapon was “made to shoot ivory.” He responded to his critics by accusing them of “animal racism” because they didn’t object to his shooting birds but protested that elephants are different because “they’re so big and special and they’re smarter,” he told NRA News. “And I went, you know, Hitler would have said the same thing.” (Britain’s Guardian)
Second-Amendment Follies Police investigating the shooting death of Amanda Mosley, 24, concluded that she died while embracing her 18-yearold boyfriend in Phoenix, Ariz. “We understand that she wanted to hug the 18-year-old,” Sgt. Steve Martos said. “He had a gun in his waistband. It caused some discomfort while they were hugging. They started to remove the handgun, and that’s when it accidentally went off.” (Phoenix’s KTVKTV)
First-Amendment Follies
Popular Science announced a ban on online comments on articles in the magazine. “Comments can be bad for science,” an editor explained in a
The Los Angeles Times said it would no longer publish letters to the editor that deny the existence of man-made climate change. Pointing out that many letter writers insist “climate change is a hoax, a scheme by liberals to curtail personal freedom,” letters editor Paul Thornton said, “Saying there’s no sign humans have caused climate change is not stating an opinion, it’s asserting a factual inaccuracy.” (Washington Times)
It Happens
A commercial for Poo-Pourri air freshener had more than 12 million views on YouTube in its first month and so many orders that shipments were delayed up to two weeks, according to the company, Poo-Pourri Scentsible of Addison, Texas. Marketed to women, Poo-Pourri is designed to be sprayed into toilet bowls before sitting down. It leaves a protective film on top of the water that traps odors below and, with each deposit, releases “a refreshing bouquet of essential oils, ” the video promises, declaring, “Our business is to make it smell like your business never even happened.” (ABC News)
We Hardly Knew Ye
Kentucky wildlife officials have documented the first free-ranging wolf in the state since the mid-1800s — after a hunter shot and killed the 73-pound endangered gray wolf. The Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources isn’t filing charges against James Troyer, 31, because he had no reason to expect a wolf to be in the state and thought it was a coyote. (Louisville Courtier-Journal)
When Gerbils on Treadmills Aren’t Enough
Retired ExxonMobil vice president Ben Markham has figured out how to provide electricity to remote parts of Africa by harnessing children’s youthful energy. Markham, who runs the renewable-energy nonprofit Empower Playgrounds, is installing merry-gorounds in villages. Children playing on them generate energy that can be stored in battery packs, which the children can take home to power lamps so they can read. Each system costs $10,000 to install, and one lantern charge will last 50 hours. (Mother Nature Network)
Paying the Price
Mother of the Year
Authorities accused Quacheena Juett, 33, of ordering her 12-year-old daughter to beat a driver pumping gas at a station in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who was taking up too much room at a gas pump, preventing Juett from getting gas. According to the police report, after Randa St. Cyr told Juett to wait until she finished, the mother told her daughter to “take care of it,” and the girl punched the victim in the face. Juett and her daughter then hopped into St. Cyr’s car, grabbed St. Cyr’s iPhone and took off. Authorities used the gas station’s surveillance system and the phone’s GPS to locate Juett. (South Florida Sun Sentinel)
Rogelio Andaverde, 34, and his wife were at home in Edinburg, Texas, when two armed men wearing masks forced their way inside and made off with Andaverde. Maria Hernandez immediately reported her husband’s abduction, and authorities launched
ted rall
fun stuff 85
“Oh, I have no idea — they’re my wife’s.”
“an all-out manhunt,” Hidalgo County Sheriff Lupe Treviño said. Lacking any leads or a ransom call, deputies called off the search after a few hours. The next morning, Andaverde returned home and told his wife he’d been released. When deputies interviewed him for details, he admitted he staged the kidnapping so he could “spend time with his friends and party,” Treviño said, adding, “Well, he’s going to party in jail now.” (San Antonio Express-News and McAllen’s Monitor)
SEVENDAYSvt.com 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVEN DAYS
website post, which stated that vicious, insulting or ignorant comments can pollute otherwise intelligent online discussions, as well as undermine public understanding and appreciation of science itself. (New York Times)
86 fun stuff
SEVEN DAYS 10.23.13-10.30.13 SEVENDAYSvt.com
REAL fRee will astRology by rob brezsny octobeR 24-30
you rather than those that scare you and damage you. It’s up to you which kind you attract.
Scorpio (oct. 23-nov. 21)
Scorpios are obsessive, brooding, suspicious, demanding and secretive, right? That’s what traditional astrologers say, isn’t it? Well, no, actually. I think that’s a misleading assessment. It’s true that some Scorpios are dominated by the qualities I named. But my research shows that those types of Scorpios are generally not attracted to reading my horoscopes. My Scorpios tend instead to be passionately focused, deeply thoughtful, smartly discerning, intensely committed to excellence and devoted to understanding the complex truth. These are all assets that are especially important to draw on right now. The world has an extraordinarily urgent need for the talents of you evolved Scorpios.
caNceR (June 21-July 22): “Venice is to the
man-made world what the Grand Canyon is to the natural one,” said travel writer Thomas swick in an article praising the awe-inciting beauty of the Italian city. “When I went to Venice,” testified french novelist Marcel Proust, “my dream became my address.” American author truman Capote chimed in that “Venice is like eating an entire box of chocolate liqueurs at one go.” I bring this up, Cancerian, because even if you don’t make a pilgrimage to Venice, I expect that you will soon have the chance, metaphorically speaking, to consume an entire box of chocolate liqueurs at one go. take your sweet time. nibble slowly. Assume that each bite will offer a distinct new epiphany.
(July 23-Aug. 22): Do you have any interest in reworking — even revolutionizing
(Aug. 23-sept. 22): “As a bee seeks nectar from all kinds of flowers, seek teachings everywhere,” advises the tibetan buddhist holy text known as the Dzogchen tantra. That’s your assignment, Virgo. be a student 24 hours a day, seven days a week — yes, even while you’re sleeping. (Maybe you could go to school in your dreams.) regard every experience as an opportunity to learn something new and unexpected. be ready to rejoice in all the revelations, both subtle and dramatic, that will nudge you to adjust your theories and change your mind.
libRa (sept. 23-oct. 22): Don’t you wish your friends and loved ones would just somehow figure out what you want without you having to actually say it? Wouldn’t it be great if they were telepathic or could read your body language so well that they would surmise your secret thoughts? Here’s a news bulletin: It AIn’t GoInG to HAPPen! eVer! That’s why I recommend that you refrain from resenting people for not being mind readers, and instead simply tell them point-blank what you’re dreaming about and yearning for. They may or may not be able to help you reach fulfillment, but at least they will be in possession of the precise information they need to make an informed decision. sagittaRiUs (nov. 22-Dec. 21): “If you’re in pitch blackness, all you can do is sit tight until your eyes get used to the dark.” That helpful advice appears in Norwegian Wood, a novel by Haruki Murakami. now I’m passing it on to you, just in time for your cruise through the deepest, darkest phase of your cycle. When you first arrive, you may feel blind and dumb. your surroundings might seem impenetrable and your next move unfathomable.
caPRicoRN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Have you thought about launching a crowdfunding campaign for your pet project? The coming weeks might be a good time. Have you fantasized about getting involved in an organization that will help save the world even as it feeds your dreams to become the person you want to be? Do it! Would you consider hatching a benevolent conspiracy that will serve as an antidote to an evil conspiracy? now is the time. you’re in a phase of your astrological cycle when you have more power than usual to build alliances. your specialties between now and December 1 will be to mobilize group energy and round up supporters and translate high ideals into practical actions. aQUaRiUs
(Jan. 20-feb. 18): In 2008, writer Andrew Kessler hung out with scientists at nAsA’s mission control as they looked for water on the planet Mars. Three years later, he published a book about his experiences, Martian Summer: Robot Arms, Cowboy Spacemen, and My 90 Days with the Phoenix Mars Mission. to promote sales, he opened a new bookstore that was filled with copies of just one book: his own. I suggest that you come up with a comparable plan to promote your own product, service, brand or personality. The time is right to summon extra chutzpah as you expand your scope.
Pisces (feb. 19-March 20): right now you
have a genius for escaping, for dodging, for eluding. That could be expressed relatively negatively or relatively positively. so for instance, I don’t recommend that you abscond from boring but crucial responsibilities. you shouldn’t ignore or stonewall people whose alliances with you are important to keep healthy. on the other hand, I encourage you to fly, fly away from onerous obligations that give you little in return. I will applaud your decision to blow off limitations that are enforced by neurotic habits, and I will celebrate your departure from energy-draining situations that manipulate your emotions.
CheCk Out ROb bRezsny’s expanded Weekly audiO hOROsCOpes & daily text Message hOROsCOpes: RealastRology.com OR 1-877-873-4888
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painter David Hockney, “but I’m not greedy for money — I think that can be a burden — I’m greedy for an exciting life.” According to my analysis, Aries, the cosmos is now giving you the go-ahead to cultivate Hockney’s style of greed. As you head out in quest of adventure, here’s an important piece of advice to keep in mind. Make sure you formulate an intention to seek out thrills that educate and inspire
gemiNi (May 21-June 20): “I had tended to view waiting as mere passivity,” says author sue Monk Kidd in her memoir. “When I looked it up in my dictionary, however, I found that the words ‘passive’ and ‘passion’ come from the same Latin root, pati, which means ‘to endure.’ Waiting is thus both passive and passionate. It’s a vibrant, contemplative work … It involves listening to disinherited voices within, facing the wounded holes in the soul, the denied and undiscovered, the places one lives falsely.” This is excellent counsel for you, Gemini. Are you devoted enough to refrain from leaping into action for now? Are you strong enough to bide your time?
but don’t worry. refrain from drawing any conclusions whatsoever. Cultivate an empty mind and an innocent heart. sooner or later, you will be able gather the clues you need to take wise action.
aRies (March 21-April 19): “I’m greedy,” says
(April 20-May 20): french philosopher simone Weil described the following scene: “two prisoners in adjoining cells communicate with each other by knocking on the wall. The wall is the thing which separates them but is also their means of communication.” This muted type of conversation is a useful metaphor for the current state of one of your important alliances, taurus. That which separates you also connects you. but I’m wondering if it’s time to create a more direct link. Is it possible to bore a hole through the barrier between you so you can create a more intimate exchange?
— your relationship with the past? If so, the coming weeks will be an excellent time to do so. Cosmic forces will be on your side if you attempt any of the following actions: 1. forgive yourself for your former failures and missteps. 2. Make atonement to anyone whom you hurt out of ignorance. 3. reinterpret your life story to account for the ways that more recent events have changed the meaning of what happened long ago. 4. resolve old business as thoroughly as you can. 5. feel grateful for everyone who helped make you who you are today.
For more information, visit www.sterlingcollege.edu/open-house.html or call (800) 648-3591 fun stuff 87
Sterling College Working Hands.Working Minds.
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For relationships, dates and flirts: dating.sevendaysvt.com
Women seeking Women not what you’d expect I’m a fun space cadet, looking to explore the other side of me. I’m petite and looking for the same, from her. jennagirl, 33
Living Life to the Fullest Life is really short and I’m told that this is NOT a dress rehearsal; it’s the real thing. Do you agree? Do you like Will Farrell movies? Let’s hang out! ilovelife, 31, l country heart, beatutiful mind I love the mountains, lakes, animals and life. I am looking to find people who have thier life together. I am therapeutically minded and hope to find the same. I cook very well and have alot to offer in conversation, in all aspects of life and self. If I sound like someone you would like to meet, just let me know. mhs510, 48, l Genuinely genuine I’m a genuine person, what you see is definitely what you get. Life is too short to be pretentious. I’m an open book for the right reader. I’m a very caring person, probably to a fault, and I’m searching for someone who can gel with my laid-back personality and doesn’t take themselves too seriously ... see about me. ANG, 38, l
88 personals
No time for dating games Kind of shy, but love to laugh. Enjoy playing video games, but not dating games. I enjoy music, the outdoors and the arts. Can have a great time going out or just staying in. Let’s start off slow and see where it goes. Looking for someone 40-58. luvsomefun8, 51, l
Women seeking Men adventurous, intimate and killer legs The world is a playground. I’ll try most anything at least once. Love to smile, laugh and enjoy the world. Wanna play? spirit, 41
Intelligent, independent, adventurous I am a very independent woman, who has goals in life. I am close to my family, and am very easygoing. I am searching for a man who can appreciate the person I am and respect me. Confidence in themselves is important too. If you think you can find yourself fitting into my life, and me fitting into yours, don’t be shy. Kater86, 27, l Country Cutie seeks Prince Charming I’m a sweet, caring, honest, country gal who is tired of making dinner for one. Ideally seeking a man I can make breakfast for, spend the day hiking and fishing, then watch Netflix curled up on the couch. Let’s give it a shot! DaisyDuke21, 21, l
Artistic soul Fun, loving, compassionate, creator of art. I like dressing up and going out on the town dancing, but I also enjoy relaxing at home with a good movie. Looking for someone that is serious about finding the right person, not looking for hookups. Someone that is kind, honest and can appreciate creativity. I want an open book. Cosmic, 37, l Sfunny girl needs funny guy My name is Heather. I’m 29 years old. I don’t have kids. My family is very important to me. I’m looking for friendship or maybe something more. I love most kinds of music and movies. I love horror movies. I love all kinds of TV shows. My favorite is the Walking Dead. I love anything to do with zombies. funnygirl1984, 29 Life’s an adventure! Hi! I’m a young professional woman looking for a real connection and a long-term relationship. I came to VT from Boston five years ago for my master’s and I work in business development now. I’m on the slender side, and I have dark, curly hair (I’m Italian!) and green eyes. Looking for a kind guy with a spirit of curiosity/ adventure! FreeSpirit9, 29, l Searching for Mr. Right 43-year-old female looking to spend the rest of my life with someone. I want to start out as friends and go from there. I am easygoing, great personality, love to bake, crochet, read, walk, family means the most. I want someone to treat me as I treat them. I want an honest, trustworthy, happy, reliable man. friendlywoman, 43, l
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All the action is online. Browse more than 2000 local singles with profiles including photos, voice messages, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. Don't worry, you'll be in good company,
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Sweet, fun-loving, smart girl looking I just moved to central VT. I am looking for a nice, romantic man to show me around. I am going to keep this short and sweet (like me!): I am a genuine, happy and optimistic person. I am almost always smiling. Heart802, 27, l Looking for love (again) I’m a single mom of 6-year-old twins so I’m looking for that big kid who likes picnics, kid movies and kids play. Dancing in the living room when the kids fall asleep or watching a scary movie with a glass of wine. You need a positive outlook on life and old-fashioned values. Are you out there? Marcyq, 50, l Spunky, Outgoing, Spontaneous, Intelligent Babe Hey guys! Life is an adventure ... live it to the fullest! Like random watergun fights, mud bogs, a game of football and snuggle time? Give me a shout! Happymomof4, 36, l
Ma-Jong partner wanted! Do you spend your spare time ogling “those” free novels on your EReader alone? Do roofsnow or lovehandles make you think life’s a drag? Or that the eye twinkle/stepspring that only a rousing Mah-Jongathon delivers are forever gone? Don’t despair. What you really need is a mature, discreet, funny, energetic, open-minded, wild, slow, methodical Ma-Jonger to get you back in the game. Looks/vintage unimportant. Passion? Priceless. Mrjong1, 59 Artistic, Musical, Lover of Vermont As an artist I love creating something that didn’t exist yesterday, and tomorrow it may be someone’s prized possession. As a musician, I love all music, but in silence I’m inspired to write. As a Vermonter, I love the weather and intensity of seasons. As a Libra I’m balanced, fun-loving, I work hard/ play hard, and appreciate life and love. GlassMasterson, 58, l
Tall, all my teeth, worker Hi. My name is Matt. I am a 43-yearold father of three grown boys. Self-employed, successful and secure in life. Looking for that lady who will make me look forward to coming home after a hard day’s labor on a roof. Any takers? slateslinger, 43, l I’m your Density, er, Destiny! Hi, hello, greetings, aloha and any other greeting that there is! LOL. I like to joke around (did you get my headline joke?), but I am serious when it is called for. I’ve been widowed for almost three years now. It seems like time is going fast, but slow when trying to get back to where I used to be. jstlkn4u2, 48, l The Outdoor Dude Looking for somebody with the same interests or music as I do. Anyone that is funny and positive, somebody that can make my day a whole lot better whenever we talk. FishTheEast, 20, l
le prof fthie o week
Fun outdoors Lady Love the outdoors, family and friends, bonfires, reading, walking in the rain, snowshoieng. Patticake, 58 Stay Rad Single mama living in Vermont! I enjoy working out, reading, exploring outside, going to shows and hanging out with friends! I’m an independent woman and have no problem being alone, but would love to find that certain someone to share those special moments with! I’m interested in connecting with likeminded individuals! Not interested in those who lack ambition! ylastima, 32 BusyVermontaMama I am a busy, professional mom looking for someone who is intelligent and kind, fun and outgoing, and not afraid of children! VermontJazz, 32, l
Men seeking Women
If our paths could cross I have a sense of humor, especially about myself, and I am looking for someone the same. I like cooking, but regularly burn things. (I would try harder for a dinner guest.) I write music and lyrics and might let you listen to some ... at some point. kosmo802, 28, l informed communicator, hiker and paddler. I’m an avid reader looking for an intelligent, communicative, wellinformed woman with a social conscience who is proud of herself and her accomplishments and doesn’t hide her light under a bushel. I’m a good and willing communicator. I’m quick to apologize when wrong and quick to forgive and forget when I’m not. I’m health conscious but not fanatically so. MountainMan23, 69, l
ISO friend, adventurer and lover I love to read, cook, garden, paint and my interests range from history to sci-fi, though I am not stuck to those in any way. I am looking for a high-energy activity partner to hang out with and enjoy each other’s company in any/every way possible. spacefish, 36, Men seeking Women. I consider myself an open-minded person, but my deal breakers are poor hygiene and excessive drug use. Caring, Spontaneous, Sexy, Honest I’m looking to have fun and be comfortable with the person I’m with. I am open to anything. I have a long list of likes. Want to know? Email and and ask. Same thing if you want a pic. I’m just not interested in posting it. SailorJack, 41, l I’m interested Bluegrass, baguettes, engineering, backcountry, sci-fi, beer, road trips, piano. shindig, 24, l I love older ladies I’m just here to please you ladies and hopefully find a keeper in the process. And for you older ladies that are single and want someone to make you feel young again, I’m your guy. NewToThis802, 21, l
just arrived New to this area of Vermont, I’m currently a part-time student and thrilled to have the opportunity to check out this part of the state, as well as the many breweries. I just started running again, also enjoy hiking, snowboarding, road cycling and cooking, and would love someone to enjoy it with. LebowskiVT, 37, l Country music laughter Hey there. I just don’t know how to describe me. I am too modest to brag. I’m just a good ‘ol country boy with a big heart and a little ego. threeisco2, 56 Person of Interest Do you feel alone? Has the NSA called to say they’re bored with your too-frequent conversations with mom about your cat? Do you hear voices in your head and they’re snoring? Looking for an exciting vacation to Cuba with a Latin hottie?! Me too! Well that was witty. Life can’t always be witty, but we can try, can’t we? SoultypeCast, 43, l
For groups, bdsm, and kink:
Women seeking?
love it upside-down Come try me, and try to make me come over and over! slow_explosion, 48, l NSA Adventure seeker Looking for casual/NSA fun where looks, fitness and an interesting mind are everything :-). Burlington and areas south. LC1, 45, l 26yroldathleticmaleboytoy Looking for women who enjoy discreet, kinky encounters for pleasurable, fun times ; ). I love to be taught by older women. Johnnyboytoy, 26, l Submissive girl needs experience I am a young, inexperienced bi girl who is looking for an experienced woman to teach me new heights of my sexuality. You name it and I will try it. I would love to chat! thesubmissivekind, 21, l Dirty Little Damsel I’m looking to add some more exploring to my already sexually adventurous life. Not looking for anything serious. I like to put on a show in some lingerie from time to time. Great oral skills ;). Looking for more? Send a message. A classy lady never divulges her secrets ;). Inferno, 22, l Flirty, Flexible, Fun Married but encouraged to play. I’m a petite, curvy, attractive female seeking experienced, sexy men (ages 25-50) for very discreet encounters. moxiehart, 42, l
Naughty LocaL girLs waNt to coNNect with you
¢Min 18+
Sensuous lady wanted What I’m looking for is really just some female companionship of an especially delicious and naughty nature. Maybe a nice dinner followed by a game of Empress and the Slave Boy, or maybe we can’t wait to get home and see what pleasures the backseat of your car offers? HotNBothered, 44, l “Mah-Jong” master 4U Do you spend your spare time ogling “those” free novels on your EReader alone? Do roofsnow or lovehandles make you think life’s a drag? or that the eyetwinkle/stepspring that only a rousing Mah-Jongathon delivers are forever gone? Don’t despair. What you really need is a mature, discreet, funny, energetic, open-minded, wild, slow, methodical Mah-Jonger to get you back in the game. Looks/ vintage unimportant. Passion? Priceless. Wanna play? Serchin1, 59 looking for fun and more Looking for fun secret encounters. willywilson, 41, l Oral Artist Very fit looking for same in a woman interested in NSA sexual relationship who finds a sharp mind and a toned body a big turn-on. Oralconnoisseur, 56, l Sweet, Sweat, Sex, Fun I am a super open-minded, good-looking guy looking for fun and sex. Nothing more really. I am single and looking for someone, guy or gal, to do fun things with, including have great sex. Anything more, time will tell. Vermont, 40 PaleoMan Wants Fit PaleoWoman The feel of your muscles, your sinews stretching and straining in passion, reminds you of the beast you are and the beast inside you. Like me, you want no strings. Like me, you push your body every day; keep it strong. You know that, despite the intense passion of the flesh, the mind is the most erotic organ there is. Orso1, 38
Hot, sexy, fun to come We are seeking a sexy woman to join us in some threesome fun. Are you the one that will bring some extra excitement to our life? We are clean, fun-loving and very discreet. FunLovingCoupleLooking4U, 47 Seeking the fabled Unicorn Need help! My wife taps out exhausted while I still have a 7”, 6” circumference problem on my hands. I’m 31, 6’, 155 lbs., athletic, she’s 32, 5’9”, 125 lbs. Married white couple. HornyCouple, 31 Can’t Wait to Share Both about 30. She’s bi, petite, sexy as hell; he’s 5’11, straight, handsome and ropy. Insatiable with each other; excited to add a playful third or fourth. She wants to watch or share him with another woman, and is aching to be DPed. New to this, but can’t wait to try. Let’s chat, get a drink and see what happens. two_thirds, 27 Sexy couple looking for excitement Sexy, professional couple looking to make our fantasies become a reality. She is bi-curious, he is straight. We want to find a woman (or two) we can hang out with, laugh, have fun and fool around with. Honesty, trust, privacy and communication are all things we value. Let’s get to know each other and see if we can have some fun! sexycouple84, 26 Let’s Play! Fit, clean couple ISO young woman to join the fun. He’s 42 and hung. She’s 23 and a cute little thing. We’re great together but it might be super-duper with the right addition. You have any body type but with a cute face and great attitude. fitcouple, 23 New to this Couple ISO fun, sexy couple Attractive couple, mid-40’s, she is gorgeous, he is funny :-), looking for discreet encounters, staying in BTV on Saturday nights. Would love to meet for drinks and see. blairbest, 45, l
Ready to play We are really into each other and want to fulfill our mutual fantasies with another couple. We are fairly new to this but are ready for and open to new experiences. We love to play, have fun and are very discreet. We are seeking the same. nhvtcpl10, 46, l
I’m a 27-year-old female. I’ve had no problem orgasming by myself, with the use of my hands and some good erotic lit, for the last 14 years. I didn’t start having sex until my mid-20s. Since then, I feel like every partner has been disappointed with my inability to orgasm from their attempts, even though I’ve told them before and after that I really, really enjoy sex without an orgasm. I refuse to fake an orgasm, so how do I stop my elusive orgasm from hurting my sex life?
Come What May
Dear Come What May,
If you’ve ever visited the online dating site OK Cupid, you know that would-be daters are asked to answer a litany of questions to maximize the matchmaking. One of these probing questions asks users to agree or disagree with the following statement: “Orgasms are clearly the most important part of sex.” Why ask such a question? Because the answer reveals a fundamental truth about the user. Some people focus solely on the end result, while others take maximum pleasure in the journey. It’s big-picture thinking versus taking the narrow view, and it’s important that both partners are on the same page. I’m not saying that one is better than the other, but I am saying that you should seek partners who share your point of view. You enjoy sex for sex’s sake, and your pleasure does not only come from orgasm. You deserve to have partners who can get down with that. That said, I encourage you to put yourself in your partners’ shoes. No matter how much reassuring you do, your partners are likely to feel some sense of unease and inadequacy if you don’t come. Have you ever considered that you could have the best of both worlds? It is possible to give yourself an explosive orgasm in the presence of a partner. If you’re game, the next time you’re having sex, offer up a mutual masturbation session. Getting off in full view of your partner can be an intensely intimate and satisfying experience. You can also consider aiding and abetting your orgasm — many women can only come by lending a helping hand.
I’ve gotta hand it to you, mm
Relaxation, flirtation and adventure! We are an intelligent, attractive, professional couple in our mid-30s who have been happily married for over ten years. We view sexual openness as a means to connection, depth, personal growth, energy and excitement for everyone involved. Ongoing, direct, clear communication is vital! She is bicurious, he is straight. Let’s see if we click! adventurecouple, 35, l
Dear Mistress,
Need advice?
Email me at mistress@sevendaysvt.com or share your own advice on my blog at sevendaysvt.com/blogs
personals 89
Mrs. looking for playmate Looking for a woman to 1play3/1/10 with! If1:15:57 you Ginger Ale 1x1c-mediaimpact030310.indd PM are her then contact me for more info! Hi. I’m just looking to spice things I’m a fun-loving and awesome girl who up a little. Nothing serious, just knows how to have a great time! Cum some good times. Let me know find out! BTW he’ll be there to play with what’s up. Moosetrackzz, 25 us! Fun, fun! Emilydastrange, 38, l Adventurous Explorer Dryspell needs to be broken! I love to kiss and have received I’m a sensual being. I would love to find compliments on my kissing, and on other a true connection with a good person things. I love to snuggle. I like to explore. with a good heart and a big appetite. I’m attracted to a very wide range of ages I have kinks but they aren’t necessary (including much older women) and body for my enjoyment. If you like fem dom types (from athletic and trim to highly and are between the ages of 23 and 31, abundant). I’m turned on – most of all – feel free to talk to me! LadySyl, 24, l by a smart, uninhibited and self-secure female mind. The_overdrive, 45, l Sensual Sexy BBW to Squirt I am looking for clean, safe and Supernatural Sex sensual new experiences. Turn me First thing first ... I am bi, but I only play if on and and I’ll be sure to squirt for there is both a man and woman involved. you. I’ve always wanted a pierced So don’t message me if you’re a single cock or two, mmm .... just thinking male. Now that I got that out of the way, about it ;). beutystarbbw, 34 I’m looking for someone that is on the same level as me sexually. I’m open to all kinks and fantasies. New2VT2012, 25, l
Other seeking?
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Men seeking?
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AwkwArd roAd runner Aaron, you randomly ran up next to me on Pearl Street while I was out for a run. You thought you knew me but we’ve definitely never met before. I was a bit caught off guard. Maybe we can reconvene for a beer sometime? -R when: Sunday, october 20, 2013. where: Pearl Street, Burlington. You: Man. Me: woman. #911737 The BAgel PlAce on SATurdAY To the two guys who helped me at the Bagel Place around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, you were both really handsome, funny and nice. Thanks for making my first time there enjoyable. You: one made my bagel and the other rang me up. Me: tall blonde with glasses, gray sweater and brown boots. when: Saturday, october 19, 2013. where: the Bagel Place. You: Man. Me: woman. #911736 FlYnn Ave. TrAin TrAckS SATurdAY AFTernoon We passed each other on Flynn Ave at the train tracks Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. We said hi and smiled. After 50 feet or so we both looked back at the exact same time. You were dressed in running attire, I had on a black fleece and jeans. Coulda, shoulda, woulda! when: Saturday, october 19, 2013. where: Burlington. You: woman. Me: Man. #911735
JAke? AT BAnAnA rePuBlic You asked me about my hiking backpack, which surprised me for Banana Republic. You made my day! I hope you had a great time with your dad in the Adirondacks. Hike sometime? when: wednesday, october 16, 2013. where: Banana republic, church Street. You: Man. Me: woman. #911734 MegABuS cuTie Last Monday Boston to Burlington I asked for and you offered directions from the bus stop to a coffee shop. It was raining and I did not want to slow you down or I would have asked you to join me. Let’s share that cup soon. when: Monday, october 14, 2013. where: Megabus uvM campus. You: woman. Me: Man. #911733
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lindA like The Sun “May god break your heart so completely that the whole world falls in.” Some folks may live in caves but the rest of us bask in your warmth, your radiance and your energizing glow. Global warming my ass — you are the one heating this place up! Shine on you beautiful sun and (r)evolve in all your potential cosmic glory! when: Thursday, october 17, 2013. where: Montpelier. You: woman. Me: Man. #911731 FriendlY @ FriendlY’S You were cute, short dark curls. With who seemed like your father. Him: short grey curls. We were in a booth adjacent. I was with my son. You were playing on your phone a bunch. My son was on my phone. Want to go back and eat together? when: Thursday, october 17, 2013. where: williston. You: woman. Me: Man. #911730 PATrioTS win! You were with friends at the Upper Deck sitting under the big screen. Our eyes met a few times during the game. I was at the bar with a glass of red and you were drinking wine as well. We had a long look at each other as I was leaving. You’re so pretty! You had a beautiful smile! when: Sunday, october 13, 2013. where: upper deck. You: woman. Me: Man. #911729
For You I care about you. I never meant to hurt and disappoint you. That only hurt me more. Sending you a little crooked smile to take with you on your journey. I’m only a click away. when: Thursday, october 17, 2013. where: on a beautiful day by the lake. You: woman. Me: Man. #911728 hAlF dAY TodAY You: very beautiful woman that picks up her son every day at school and drives a Subaru. Me: the father picking up his kids who is too shy to say anything more than “hi” or “hello.” Maybe next time, if you’re free, we can say a few more words to each other. when: Thursday, october 17, 2013. where: JJF, Burlington School. You: woman. Me: Man. #911727 Your BeArd iS PerFecT, BuT I have a confession: I like you. Always have. You’re “advanced age” changes nothing. I feel good when you’re around, and I think about you when you’re not. I want to see where this goes, but I’m starting to feel like I might be barking up the wrong tree. Maybe you can change my mind? when: wednesday, october 16, 2013. where: the noosk. You: Man. Me: woman. #911726 MiSS MeAn wAlk Don’t look at me in that tone of voice. All the pure honesty doesn’t dull the truth of the way you look not at me but into me when we talk. Protectors of hearts usually sacrifice their own respect. when: wednesday, october 16, 2013. where: around B-town. You: woman. Me: Man. #911725 STeePle rhYMeS Do you remember: Here’s the church. Here’s the steeple. Open the doors and see all the people? It’s almost done and very beautiful. Would love to see the view from the top! when: Monday, october 14, 2013. where: up high. You: Man. Me: woman. #911724 SYnergY FiTneSS 10/15 6:20 P.M. You’re the woman with a bob haircut and great shoulders. I was the older (than you) bearded guy working out near you. I don’t make a habit of noticing people at the gym (I think it’s the wrong place to meet people), but you are easily one of the most attractive women I’ve ever seen. You are taking great care of yourself. when: Tuesday, october 15, 2013. where: Synergy Fitness, williston. You: woman. Me: Man. #911723 BAker AT red hen I saw you on 10/14 behind the baker’s window wearing a green cap and a bluish-grey shirt. The next day you were wearing the same cap and a green shirt. Single? when: Monday, october 14, 2013. where: red hen Bakery. You: Man. Me: woman. #911722 To The hoT cArPenTer I have to walk by you almost every day. I want you! Life’s too short, let’s make out. Seriously?! when: Tuesday, october 15, 2013. where: working :). You: Man. Me: woman. #911721 cuTe Blonde AT our houSe The reddish-brown bearded and pierced man with tattooed buddy sitting next to you and your friends. You wore purple sunglasses, black top and blue pants. I couldn’t help but notice you checking me out, it was flattering. Thanks, it made my day! Hope you and your friends made it to Charlotte. I would enjoy hiking Philo with you! when: Sunday, october 13, 2013. where: our house, winooski. You: woman. Me: Man. #911720
uvM eMT The first time we met, I bit my tongue. The second time, I was too tongue-tied to say hello. Let’s hope the third time’s the charm. when: Saturday, october 12, 2013. where: gutterson Fieldhouse. You: Man. Me: woman. #911719 doorMAn AT The oP I just moved to town recently and have been to the OP three times and you were there every time. I didn’t want to confront you while you were working but I really want to know if you’re single and would like to get to know each other :). when: Friday, october 11, 2013. where: the oP. You: Man. Me: woman. #911718 Big BAd wolF You’ve huffed and puffed but you haven’t broken me. I love you for all that you are. Take my hand and jump into life again! when: Thursday, September 26, 2013. where: williston. You: Man. Me: woman. #911716 gorgeouS MAn AT ciTY MArkeT Saw you at City Market Sunday. You were tall, blond, wearing headphones and pager, looked like you’d been working out. You were catching up with friends, in your own world. Not sure you noticed me checking you out. Me: brunette with lipstick, just gotten back from gardening, so a bit casual. You struck my eye (which doesn’t happen very often). when: Sunday, october 13, 2013. where: city Market. You: Man. Me: woman. #911713 ouT oF The Fog Me: the blonde with the short ponytail at Anonymous Muse. You: Gazing into the middledistance into the fog. I startled you and then we laughed. I’d love to have you stare at me the same way ... over lunch? Promise I won’t scare you again. when: Saturday, october 5, 2013. where: Anonymous Muse. You: Man. Me: woman. #911711 PleASe ArreST Me! Burlington cop with hair up and neck tattoo on Church Street, Friday 4th. You made a joke to my buddy that had us all laughing! Sexy and funny, haven’t stopped thinking about you. Can I buy you dinner and drinks? when: Friday, october 4, 2013. where: church Street, Burlington. You: woman. Me: Man. #911710 SwiTching ciTieS, BurlingTon Blood donATion Me: blond student in Philadelphia studying political science and French, home for the weekend donating blood, Friday October 11. You: blond technician, UVM graduate in English and Philosophy, from Philly area. Looking to go back to school. If you need a friend or are ever interested in meeting up, let me know. You’ve got a great smile. when: Friday, october 11, 2013. where: Burlington Blood donation center. You: woman. Me: woman. #911709
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Seven Days' 7th Annual Vermont Tech Jam rocked out at Memorial Auditorium in Burlington last Friday and Saturday. Hundreds of job seekers, recruiters, students and tech enthusiasts from all around Vermont and beyond stopped by to talk tech with representatives from 80+ companies and organizations. Burlington Mayor Miro Weinberger kicked off the Jam on Friday morning with an announcement about the city's new partnership with US Ignite, a national coalition of cities that offer super-fast internet connections similar to the access provided by Burlington Telecom. On Friday night, the Vermont Technology Alliance presented the Tech Jam Innovaton and Ambassador Awards, sponsored by Merchants Bank; Burlington artist John Brickels designed the clay statuettes.
Berlin-based Pwnie Express took home the Innovation Award for its new portable cyber security tablet, the Pwn Pad. And FreshTracks Capital of Shelburne won the Ambassador Award for its efforts to promote Vermont's vibrant technology sector. Thank you to all of the sponsors, exhibitors, presenters and teachers who helped make this Tech Jam the best one yet. We couldn't have done it without you!
Clockwise from left: Jonathan Rajewski, director of the Leahy Center for Digital Investigation, demonstrates Google Glass on the 242 Main Stage; Pwnie Express and FreshTracks Capital celebrate their Tech Jam Award wins with Merchants Bank President Mike Tuttle (upper left); exhibits in the auditorium; Mayor Miro Weinberger introduces the US Ignite partnership. Photos: Matthew Thorsen
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