Seven Days, September 15, 2010

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9/10/10 11:30:13 AM


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9/13/10 1:58:47 PM

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9/13/10 1:44:55 PM





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4t-ecco091510.indd 1

9/13/10 12:03:52 PM

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9/13/10 11:13:31 AM

4t-opticalcenter091510.indd 1

9/13/10 1:49:11 PM



facing facts

That’s how many members of the Vermont National Guard’s Air Ambulance unit are soon headed to Iraq, despite the end of the U.S. combat mission there.





For the first time Friday, Burlington schoolkids got a day off for the Muslim holiday Eid-alFitr. Now they’re learning something.

Last weekend’s South End Art Hop drew thousands of gallery-goers to Burlington for two days of art appreciation. The Seven Days office was a stop on the Hop — we held our annual birthday celebration there on Friday night. Seven Days also sponsored the Juried Show at the Soda Plant. We used the occasion to perform a social-media experiment with Foursquare, a location-based social-networking service that allows users to “check in” to a place using a mobile phone. We created a “venue” for the Juried Show and invited hoppers to check in and to leave “tips” — aka comments — about the art. We weren’t sure how popular this would be. After all, Foursquare’s local user base is relatively small, though passionate. We wondered if anyone would want to look at their phone when they could be looking at art. But our fliers and our Facebook and Twitter messages paid off — 37 people checked in at the show. Several of them left tips. To read more, or to leave your own tip about the Art Hop, visit the Soda Plant and check into the Juried Show. You can also read about our Foursquare experiment on Blurt, the Seven Days staff blog, at We’re not sure what to do with Foursquare yet, but we had fun playing with it.


Jonah S.: Check out The Flow by Samantha Castonguay. Amanda W.: Make sure to have a look at John Brickles’ Au Pair Bot! His gallery is definitel y worth finding and spending time in, too. Will S.: Check out Jonathan Black ’s type sculpture. Andy B.: The robots by John Brick els are amazing. He has some other work at Shelburne Muse um too. Don’t miss it. Heidi S.: Love Breana Einsing’s “Unti tled.” Beautiful composition and it really embodies the charm of fall color.

blogworthy last week...

9/13 Dubie and Shumlin square off in their first debate.


9/10 Alburgh baker Tim Nugent lands a spot on “Top Chef: Just Desserts.”

9/9 The Democrats file a complaint against the Dubie campaign.

9/8 Rep. Peter Welch petitions the FDA to crack down on Log Cabin “natural” syrup.


The Vermont State Police Bomb Squad responded to two bomb scares in Burlington on the day before 9/11. Coincidence?



1. “Vermont’s Secessionist Movement Debuts Something New: Candidates” By Andy Bromage. Just because you want to secede from the United States doesn’t mean you can’t run for governor. 2. “It’s a Wrap” by Alice Levitt, Dan Bolles and Suzanne Podhaizer. Seven Days searches for the best burrito in Burlington. 3. “Fair Game: Don’t Count Your Chickens” By Shay Totten. Vermont pols hit the Labor Day parades, while filmmaker Mac Parker missed a deadline in the ongoing probe of his film Birth of Innocence. 4. “Attention, Muggles!” By Pamela Polston. Champlain College hosts a nationally touring Harry Potter exhibit. 5. “White River Junction Neighbors Exchange Hate-Crime Accusations” By Ken Picard. Money quote: “He has a right to call me a faggot, and I have the right to call him a toothless, ignorant hillbilly.”


Peter Shumlin won — again — after a statewide recount confirmed he beat Doug Racine by 203 votes. The Nixonian thumbs-up has gotta go, though. FACING FACTS COMPILED BY PAULA ROUTLY

now we’re following: @ppnne The condom dress we made for #STRUT. 1,500 hand sewn condoms. Sexiest & safest dress on the runway! http:// (9/13)


9/14 Bibi Mukherjee explains why Vermont needs her Web Marketing Summit, this Thursday, Sept. 16.

Greater Burlington’s unemployment rate is half the national average, making it the best “job scene” east of the Mississippi. Work it.

in the archives:

“Vital Organ” by Sally West Johnson (04/29/09) Johnson, 60, died last week. In this 2009 essay, she wrote about being diagnosed with Hepatitis C, and receiving two liver transplants.



4h-Danform091510.indd 1

9/13/10 3:20:57 PM

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Don Eggert, Cathy Resmer, Colby Roberts   Margot Harrison  

Andy Bromage, Lauren Ober, Ken Picard    Megan James   Dan Bolles   Suzanne Podhaizer   Alice Levitt   Carolyn Fox   Cheryl Brownell   Steve Hadeka  Joanna May, Kate O’Neill     Rick Woods

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DESIGN/PRODUCTION   Donald Eggert   Krystal Woodward  Celia Hazard, Marcy Kass,

Andrew Sawtell, Rev. Diane Sullivan

WEB/NEW MEDIA   Cathy Resmer    Tyler Machado   Donald Eggert   Eva Sollberger  Elizabeth Rossano SALES/MARKETING    Colby Roberts  


Robyn Birgisson, Michael Bradshaw Michelle Brown, Allison Davis   Kristi Batchelder    &  Judy Beaulac   Allison Davis  &   Ashley Brunelle

Outpatient Clinical Research Study

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Marc Awodey, Jarrett Berman, Matt Bushlow, Elisabeth Crean, Erik Esckilsen, Benjamin Hardy, Kirk Kardashian, Kevin J. Kelley, Rick Kisonak, Judith Levine, Jernigan Pontiac, John Pritchard, Amy Rahn, Robert Resnik, Shay Totten, Sarah Tuff




PHOTOGRAPHERS Andy Duback, Jordan Silverman, Matthew Thorsen, Jeb Wallace-Brodeur

Kudos to Andy Bromage, who two weeks ago ably substituted for Shay Totten [“Fair Game,” September 1], who himself has done a superb job filling the big shoes of the incomparable Peter Freyne. I was particularly happy to see Bromage raise the issue of instant-runoff voting in his section on the Democratic gubernatorial primary recount. The prime benefit of IRV is that in the vast majority of elections with three or more candidates, it eliminates the spoiler effect; it also assures the selection of a candidate whom at least 50 percent of the voters are content with, at the very least. To have a majority of the voters satisfied with the results of such an election is no small thing. Mooooving from the sublime to the bovine, Bromage’s next section — the one on Alan Simpson’s udder-ly outrageous “tit” comment about Social Security — I can only say good for Bernie for forcefully responding to a remark that was pure bull. His letter to Obama should have Simpson cow-ering in his office, as the call for the “bossy” Fiscal Responsibility Commission cochairman’s head is appropriate tit for tat. Russ Weis


I L L U S T R AT O R S Harry Bliss, Thom Glick, Sean Metcalf, Marc Nadel Tim Newcomb, Susan Norton, Michael Tonn

• Healthy Individuals Ages 18-50 • 1 Screening visit • Single dosing visit with follow-up visits • Now screening • Compensation up to $1,070 For more information and scheduling, leave your name, phone number, and a good time to call back.

C I R C U L AT I O N : 3 4 , 0 0 0 Seven Days is published by Da Capo Publishing, Inc. every Wednesday. It is distributed free of charge in greater Burlington, Middlebury, Montpelier, Stowe, the Mad River Valley, Rutland, St. Albans, St. Johnsbury, White River Junction and Plattsburgh. Seven Days is printed at Upper Valley Press in North Haverhill, NH. SUBSCRIPTIONS �- � : $175. �- � : $275. �- � : $85. �- � : $135. Please call 802.864.5684 with your credit card, or mail your check or money order to “Subscriptions” at the address below. Seven Days shall not be held liable to any advertiser for any loss that results from the incorrect publication of its advertisement. If a mistake is ours, and the advertising purpose has been rendered valueless, Seven Days may cancel the charges for the advertisement, or a portion thereof as deemed reasonable by the publisher. Seven Days reserves the right to refuse any advertising, including inserts, at the discretion of the publishers.

P.O. BOX 1164, BURLINGTON, VT 05402-1164 802.864.5684 SEVENDAYSVT.COM 6 FEEDBACK


Call 656-0013 or fax 656-0881 or email


©2010 Da Capo Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.



[Re: “Fair Game,” September 1]: They aren’t tits, but teats. Sheesh. Mary Schwartz EAST DORSET

Andy Bromage responds: In his offending email, Alan Simpson, chairman of President Obama’s deficit commission, in fact referred to milk cow “tits,” rather than “teats.” On second reference, we should have put “tit” in quotation marks, or used the correct word, “teats.” Seven Days apologizes to our readers and Vermont’s 139,719 milk cows for the error.


Regarding the Second Vermont Republic’s addition of the image of Che Guevara to its flag [“Vermont’s Secessionist Movement Debuts Something New: Candidates,” September 8]: What could that mean? That if the secessionist movement is successful, they will hold mass executions, nationalize U.S. industry, promote the flight of social and financial capital, send gays to internment camps, and run the economy into the ground? Or is it just a trendy symbol meant to accrue some anti-American street cred? Either the movement is drastically misinformed and ignorant of history, or terminally flippant.

wEEk iN rEViEw

David Garten WaiTSfield

should be given a platform regardless of who they are or how much money they have. Our political system, from top to bottom, is so corrupted by legalized graft that we cannot hope to reform it without removing political contributions completely. tim trotochaud


ST. albanS

I wholly endorse almost everything the Second Vermont Republic does, but I’m completely against putting Ernesto “Che” Guevara on top of the SVR flag. Pretty offensive to put a murderer’s face on a peaceful symbol, if you ask me.

ProViNciAl or rAciSt?




» P.16

Say Something!

Seven days reserves the right to edit for accuracy and length.

6h-BenandJerrys091510.indd 1

9/9/10 10:54:37 AM






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feedback 7

Your submission options include: • • • Seven days, P.O. box 1164, burlington, VT 05402-1164

18062a ©Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc. 2010 Cows: ©Woody Jackson 1997


Seven Days wants to publish your rants and raves. Your feedback must... • be 250 words or fewer; • respond to Seven days content; • include your full name, town and a daytime phone number.

Church Street • 862-9620 University Mall • 863-8888 UVM Davis Center • 656-8188 Waterbury Factory • 882-1240 x2264


It should not even be a question about declaring who gives money to politicians [“Gubernatorial Candidates Raised $423,812 From ‘Undisclosed Donors’ — Does It Matter?” August 25]. Every penny given to a politician and what expectations come with that donation should be declared. When I am paid for work that I do, I know exactly what I am being paid for, and the person who pays me has expectations for what they are receiving for that money. It is not a gift. Someone who is running for office is applying for a job. Granted, it is a different kind of job interview, but it is a job interview. Not only is it a job interview, but they are being paid for the job before they are even hired. Where else does that happen? I personally think that no one running for political office should be allowed to take any money from anyone except the state … [and] that anyone who wants to run for a political office

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Franklin reeve

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An armful of late summer wildflowers, a huge bouquet of forget-me-nots, and a wheelbarrow of thanks sprinkled with rose petals in appreciation of Amy Lilly’s extremely thoughtfully assembled, handsomely written, nicely perceptive and generous review of The Puzzle Master and Other Poems [“Wilmington Poet Takes Readers From Here to Eternity,” August 25]. I admire how — in a newspaper piece! — she says what she means, no more, no less, and faithfully reports the material at hand … She’s a fine reader and a sensitive reviewer…


Jeff kramer

UniVerSiTy Park, Pa

I am one of those African Americans who was willing to brave the cold in order to teach in the Vermont public schools — I’m bald, so I didn’t need to worry about getting my hair fixed [“The Diversity Test,” August 25]. I met a lot of nice, committed educators during the two and a half years I sought employment, but I also bumped heads with some of the most overtly patronizing and unabashedly — let’s call them provincial — administrators this side of Little Rock, Ark. Like the principal who, during the course of an interview, told me I had an “odd skill set” (I work as a music critic, NPR commentator and teacher, and was a Smithsonian curator for 21 years). Or the principal who thought I had a “limited education.” I often ended up wondering why I was selected for an interview in the first place. While I do think there is some serious racial stonewalling going on in the Green Mountain State, I am also beginning to believe that some of the problem is due to the aforementioned provincialism. (The shabby treatment hurts either way.) I wish Vermont well in its struggle to come to grips with the demographic changes that challenge the entire nation. Still, I think it is important for me to say that

What’s Fall without a Maple Walnut Sundae?


Suddenly, something I admired is starting to look more like W. and Sarah Palin. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy is not my friend. 09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS 8 1t-BoltonValley091510.indd 1

9/13/10 1:13:56 PM



SEPTEMBER 15-22, 2010 VOL.16 NO.3


They’re baaack. No, not the college students. The dancers, musicians, thespians, comedians, magicians, vocalists, acrobats, puppets and even rescued animals that collectively make us laugh, cry, swoon with awe or sigh with envy. As in: Jeez, I wish my body could do that. Or: I’d kill for that voice! You get the idea. We’re talking about performance of all stripes: Broadway, Bollywood, bluegrass, ballet and loads of other genres that don’t start with B. ’Tis the performing-arts season, with shows coming very soon to a stage near you — and previewed in this issue. Tickets, please


September 18 NEWS 14

Skipping School? Not Anymore: A New Vermont Law Calls Out Chronic Truancy



Perennial Also-Ran Peter Diamondstone Makes His Socialist Party Debut Burlington Chicken Owners Say Four Hens Isn’t Enough

Performing Arts: The 2010-11 performing-arts preview BY SEVEN DAYS STAFF

36 The Taste Maker

Music: Matt Rogers: Making Burlington cooler, one band at a time


38 The Chow Must Go On Food: Vermont restaurateurs talk about going from the stage to the stove BY ALICE LEVIT T

Ambitious Ideas Flow From a New Gallery in Stowe



New St. Albans Thespian Group Goes Medieval

42 Tapping Into Tapas Food: First Bite: Tasca


58 Hair Band

Music: Seven Days chats with Township’s Greg Beadle



20 Vermont Dancer Pumps Up the Movement in Montpelier BY MEGAN JAMES


60 Soundbites



Gift with Purchase!

Music news and views BY DAN BOLLES

68 Drawn + Paneled

Novel graphics from the Center for Cartoon Studies




Leftover food news

26 Encore, Encore!



39 Side Dishes



83 Mistress Maeve

Your guide to love & lust BY MISTRESS MAEVE

STUFF TO DO 11 44 55 58 66 72

The Magnificent 7 Calendar Classes Music Art Movies

20% OFF All Dansko Regularly priced items only.

12 Fair Game

Open season on Vermont politics

62 Music

Rockin’ Ron the Friendly Pirate, Give Me an RRR; Mister Casual, Sings for You

66 Art

Art Hop Juried Show, Soda Plant




23 Whiskey Tango Foxtrot We just had to ask... BY LAUREN OBER

24 Poli Psy

The Extra Man; Cairo Time



72 Movies

On the public uses and abuses of emotion

VIDEO Stuck in Vermont: Wylie Sofia Garcia 21 56 75 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 79 79 81

CLASSIFIEDS homeworks vehicles housing fsbo 7D crossword services buy this stuff music art legals puzzle answers support groups jobs

C-3 C-3 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-6 C-6 C-7 C-7 C-7 C-8 C-10


“On the Marketplace” 38 Church St. 862-5126

Mon. - Thurs. 10-8 Fri., Sat. 10-9 • Sun. 11-6 4v-shoeshop091510.indd 1


straight dope/bliss red meat movie quiz free will astrology news quirks troubletown lulu eightball ted rall/ idiot box the k chronicles no exit/ogg’s world sudoku/calcoku american elf personals



at the Hop. Large-scale textile installation artist Wylie Sofia Garcia takes us on a tour of the Art Hop dressed in one of her own colorful creations.

9/13/10 2:12:43 PM

Free Gift Card!

4t-smalldog091510.indd 1

9/13/10 1:52:51 PM

4t-SkiRack091510.indd 1

9/13/10 2:03:33 PM





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Hop to It The South End Art Hop is gone till next year — moment of silence — but the Art Hop Juried Show continues through September 30. Swing by the Soda Plant to view Vermont creations, ranging from license-plate art by Aaron Stein to fashion designs by Claudia Venon to watercolors by Jackie Mangione. Be sure to check out the juror’s picks. You can also stroll down Pine Street and Flynn Avenue to take in the Hop’s outdoor sculptures.




First-Glass Act Five galleries team up on a brand-new craft concept that promises to deliver gleaming results. The Route 100 Open Studio Weekend is a two-day blowout of glassblowing, with demos and tours in Granville, Waitsfield, Waterbury Center, Moscow and Hyde Park. Did someone say ... road trip? SEE CALENDAR LISTING ON PAGE 50 AND ART SPOTLIGHT ON PAGE 70


The Big Cheese The fruits and veggies of the harvest are constantly changing, but it’s always cheese season in Vermont. Celebrate — and sample — the local bounty at the Plymouth Cheese & Harvest Festival, and catch cheese makers in action at the historic Plymouth Cheese Factory, founded by President Calvin Coolidge’s pop. Wagon rides, craft demos and a barbecue jazz up the dairy delights.


College, 1927



Reel Time



Brandon Town Hall brims with music on Saturday — you’d never guess it was for a Silent-Film Night. Far from quiet, this cinematic spectacle screens Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin flicks, set to off-the-cuff compositions from musician Jeff Rapsis. Now all we need is some popcorn...


Raising the Bar

Some Like It Hot



everything else... CALENDAR .................. P.44 CLASSES ...................... P.55 MUSIC .......................... P.58 ART ............................... P.66 MOVIES ........................ P.72


A wacky Outright Vermont fundraiser gets folks all fired up. The seventh annual Fire Truck Pull pits teams of 12 against — you guessed it — a shiny red engine. Contestants in costume must drag the vehicle 20 feet up the Church Street Marketplace, competing for speed, best-dressed, most-funds-raised and audiencechoice prizes. With heated rivalry between Team Gaga and Team Madonna, it’s a good thing there’s a fire extinguisher on hand.




The Enosburg Opera House’s annual fundraiser has a flair for the theatrical — and rightly so for a performingarts venue. Attendees turn back the clock to the Prohibition era, entering a swanky speakeasy in period dress. Awaiting are songstress Tammy Fletcher (pictured), appetizers and a martini bar. Scandalous!

Lots of bands brew up music that’s tough to classify, but one Brooklyn-based trio’s tunes are such a genre bender that the only thing to do was dub themselves the Inbetweens. Perpetually caught among jazz, experimental and indie styles, they’ll play up a unique fusion at the FlynnSpace on Sunday.


Stuck in the Middle SATURDAY 18




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urlington Telecom’s financial debacle gets more expensive 35 35King KingStreet, Street,Burlington Burlington every day. The old $17 million 802-578-8391 802-598-8391 • figure is just that — old. Now Group begin9/22! 9/22! Queen City taxpayers are on the hook Groupworkshops workshops begin for more than that. According to contracts and other fi16t-TGHypno091510.indd 1 9/10/10 11:36:42 AMnancial records obtained by “Fair Game,” fun, fall patterns the city has racked up close to $500,000 arriving daily! in consultant and legal fees dealing with the BT debacle. Burlington has doled out $225,000 to its outside legal team from McNeil, Leddy & Sheahan, including $43,000 paid to the state Department of Public Service and the Vermont Public Service Board so they could hire experts to examine BT’s books. In line behind the law firm is Dorman & Fawcett, the Quechee-based management consultants the city council hired in March to renegotiate BT’s lease with CitiCapital. After the telecom company missed several interest and principal payments, Citi gave BT until the end of e s s e x s h o p p e s & c i n e m a 16t-nido091510.indd 1 9/8/10 4:05:25 PM September to propose a new repayment plan. D&F has been paid about $150,000 for its work to date. That figure doesn’t include the price of day-to-day management the firm has provided since the departure of BT general manager CHRIS BURNS. The firm receives a base fee of $3000 per week, along with $1600 per day for D&F founder TERRY DORMAN, if he does anything above and beyond managing the project and negotiating with creditors. Other D&F senior staff are paid between $950 and $1600 a day depending on the work they do. In its contract with the city, D&F specifies that it does not want publicity. It notes that if D&F hadn’t been mentioned in the media earlier this year, the firm would have required a “no public disclosure” clause. The contract also states, “In light of the nature of our business, we do SEPTEMBER 18 not want any type of public recognition Vermont National Guard in this process and usually require that Essex Fire & Rescue Departments Essex Police Department our engagement be kept confidential to Vermont’s State Police any parties that are not directly related 8:00 AM: Vermont State Police Community 5K to this restructuring process.” 10:00 AM: National Guard Helicopter Landings The “Blue Ribbon” probe into BT’s 10:00 AM: Bounce House for Kids Sidewalk Sales & Event Sales viability generated more consultant bills. In addition to D&F, the city paid w w w . e s s e x s h o p p e s . c o m Hiawatha Broadband Communications $27,475, Stratum $15,740 and NorthPoint 21 ESSEX WAY, ESSEX JUNCTION, VT WWW.ESSEXSHOPPES.COM | 802.878.2851 $5000. Each of those consultants 12 FAIR GAME





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evaluated BT’s operations. In May, D&F hired Hiawatha, for another $2660. In a new agreement with the city, Hiawatha is charging a flat fee of $7000 per month to help restructure BT. Meanwhile, the Vermont Public Service Board may be closer to mandating a timeline to get BT back into compliance with its certificate of public good. Attorney General BILL SORRELL says a legal probe of BT’s financial dealings from Orleans County State’s Attorney KEITH FLYNN should be ready within six weeks. Hard to believe it’s been almost a year since BT’s financial woes went public.

If You Can’t Say Anything Nice

On Monday, Republican BRIAN DUBIE and Democrat PETER SHUMLIN squared off for their first official, mano-a-mano debate on WVMT-AM’s “Charlie + Ernie + Lisa Show.” About midway through the debate, host CHARLIE PAPILLO asked each to say something nice about the other. “I think Brian is an incredibly decent person and would give you the shirt off his back,” said Shumlin. Then came Dubie, who had a much harder time responding. Perhaps he’s reading too many of the press releases from his campaign that are calling Shumlin “ethically challenged” and a liar? “Peter is someone who is passionate about what he believes in,” said Dubie. Then he added, “I appreciate the fact that Peter loves his daughters. That’s a good thing.” Yeesh. He probably cares about his mom, too. Maybe even apple pie.

Gubernatorial Gaffes

Both candidates made mistakes during their first debate: Dubie said he’d “target the most vulnerable” when cutting state spending; Shumlin claimed he led the charge to lower the sales tax from 5 to 4 percent in the late 1990s. Shumlin’s campaign later admitted the sales tax was supposed to drop to 4 percent but the legislature kept the rate at 5 percent — a gaffe that confirms Shumlin’s rep for stretching the truth. Dubie’s campaign later claimed the lite gov meant to say “protect” the vulnerable rather than target them. Maybe, but if you listen to the rest of Dubie’s quote, he said state programs needed reform.

I’m sure he meant all the nonvulnerable programs, right? Right. You can hear a replay of the live debate by tuning into 620AM Thursday at 7:10 a.m. The pair have two more verbal sparring sessions this week. They debate Wednesday night at 7 p.m. on Vermont Public Radio and again Friday morning on WDEV’s “Mark Johnson Show” at 9 a.m. The latter will be broadcast live from the Tunbridge World’s Fair.


Save the Rich!

Dubie loves to talk about cutting taxes, but doesn’t follow up with many details about for whom or how much. That’s why Rep. MICHAEL OBUCHOWSKI (D-Rockingham) recently asked the Joint Fiscal Office to quantify Dubie’s tax cuts. The estimate? Dubie’s plan amounts to another $248 million for Vermonters, including the wealthiest 1400, plus an additional $7 million or so in cuts to the corporate income tax. Dubie argues the tax cuts would go to “job creators” who would invest that money in new companies, new hires, etc. It’s a good theory, but a recent Moody’s Analytics study found that the wealthy saved the money they received from the tax cuts handed out by Pres. GEORGE W. BUSH. It’s also important to note that Dubie’s cuts wouldn’t be put in place until after the state closes an expected $110-120 million budget gap next year. Neither candidate was specific about how to fix that financial problem, even when pressed during the WVMT debate. Dubie said he supports completing the Challenges for Change effort and implementing some of the so-called

Got A tIP for ShAY?

Tiger Team suggestions ignored by the legislature — proposals that included cuts to the nonprofit housing and mental health agencies and trimming the state’s Medicaid rolls. Good luck getting those past a Democratic majority. “Challenges” is the multiyear program designed to make government more efficient — I know, I know, it’s an oxymoron. Shumlin wants to do more with “Challenges,” too, adding that his plan to create a single-payer system will save money — but didn’t say how much. He also suggested the state could save as much as $40 million in corrections. He favors releasing nonviolent offenders from jail, claiming they’d benefit from less-expensive drug treatment.

said Dempsey. “She also has a lot of important connections to different groups and constituencies with whom the party would like to stay connected.”

Union Solidarity?


So, Now What?

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Now that the primary is over, where do the “loser” campaign managers go? Some are staying on for the rest of the electoral season, while others are returning to private life. Deb Markowitz’s campaign manager, Paul tencher, is now running the Democrats’ coordinated campaign effort, which supports all statewide Democrats running for office. Democratic Party executive director robert DeMPsey said the party picked up four or five ex-campaign workers from a variety of losing primary campaigns. Others, however, are moving on or waiting for a phone call. kevin o’holleran, Matt Dunne’s campaign manager, has moved to Washington, D.C., where his spouse took a job, and is taking some time off before rejoining the workforce. John bauer, susan bartlett’s campaign manager, is going back to his role as a marketing consultant. One key campaign manager looking for work is aMy shollenberger, who ran Doug racine’s campaign. With scant resources but an army of union supporters and volunteers, Shollenberger fully applied her grassroots organizing skills. If a job doesn’t turn up within the party, however, Shollenberger says she’ll focus on ramping up her consulting biz, Action Circles, whose slogan is “building movements with action and hope.” Shollenberger started the business last year, just before Racine hired her to run his campaign. Because Shollenberger was focused on the recount, Dempsey said the party is only now trying to find a spot for her on the fall election team. “Her effort did not go unnoticed,”

8h-Leunigs091510.indd 1

Like Vermont’s unemployed campaign workers, many of the state’s labor unions are looking for a new horse, since theirs — Doug Racine — lost by a nose in the Democratic primary. The Vermont AFL-CIO, the VermontNEA and the Vermont State Employees Association all supported Racine. On Tuesday, the 7500member VSEA backed Shumlin. Other major unions will likely follow suit in the coming weeks. Another key state employees’ union — the Vermont Troopers’ Association — may endorse in the races for governor and lite gov within a few weeks. It’s already chosen Democrats Sen. Patrick leahy, Rep. Peter welch and JiM conDos for secretary of state. In the primary, the cops backed Democrat Matt Dunne. As for other unions, the Teamsters joined Shumlin’s team early on, and Dubie had the pre-general election support of the Professional Fire Fighters of Vermont and the chapter of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers. The IBEW represents about 200 workers at Vermont Yankee nuclear power plant. The IBEW and PFFV, both members of the Vermont AFL-CIO, are pushing the AFL-CIO’s executive committee to either back Dubie or sit out the race. Look for that decision on September 26. IBEW has three of the 23 votes on that executive committee, but it’s likely not all members will attend the meeting. “In my mind a decision to not endorse is akin to backing Dubie,” says one union source who asked to remain anonymous. “If the AFL-CIO backs Dubie, it will spell the end of the union’s political relevance for the next 10 years. It will break the trust we have built with working-class Vermonters over the last decade.” m

localmatters Skipping School? Not Anymore:

A New Vermont Law Calls Out Chronic Truancy b Y KEN PicArD





ears ago, it wasn’t uncommon for Vermonters to pull their kids out of school for a week or two to go deer hunting or to help with the fall harvest. Teachers and principals didn’t consider those absences “truancy” — just standard seasonal obligations. Not anymore. In the last several weeks, school districts and supervisory unions around the state have sent letters to parents informing them of new mandatory attendance policies that take effect this school year. Policies differ from district to district, but it’s safe to say that excessive absences, both unexcused and excused, can trigger letters to parents, mandatory meetings with administrators and social workers, and even possible legal action. The new attendance standard came from the Vermont legislature via the Vermont Department of Education, which in 2009 issued a directive to districts and supervisory unions designed to crack down on chronic truancy. The goal is to maximize the time kids spend in school, which correlates to better graduation rates. But some parents feel the new policies unfairly undermine their authority to determine legitimate reasons for their children’s absence. Several weeks ago, for example, the Williston School District sent letters to parents informing them that, as of the 2010-11 school year, parents will automatically be notified when a child misses 10 days of school. Missing 15 days of school requires the parents and child to attend a mandatory meeting with administrators and counselors, and 20 absences or more could be referred to the Chittenden County state’s attorney and the Vermont

Department for Children and Families. Under the new policy, legal action can be initiated for “excused” absences, such as those due to illness, bereavement, family vacations, religious observances or time spent with parents home on leave from a military deployment. One Williston mother complained that the new policy makes all absences seem “criminal,” regardless of their cause. “What if it were like H1N1 last year, when kids were getting sick left and right?” asks the mom, who did not want to be identified. “If my kid has a 103 temperature, you don’t want them in school with you, and I’m not sending them. But I should be able to make that call.” Such reactions are understandable, concedes Barbara Crippen, the DOE’s legal counsel, but she says they’re unwarranted. The new policy isn’t meant to punish kids who occasionally get the flu or have a death in the family. Instead, this “family intervention team” model is designed to help students who may be dealing with more serious issues at home, such as mental illness, poverty, abuse, neglect, or drug and alcohol dependencies. “We had one parent who was calling her kid in sick 119 days, all considered ‘excused’ absences,” notes Martha Maksym, director of community investments at the United Way of Chittenden County. Maksym heads the Chittenden County Truancy Project, a 12-year-old effort to increase high school graduation rates countywide. “This is really about school success,” she says. “It’s really important for kids to be in school.” The Truancy Project was launched in the late 1990s because three of the four high schools with the state’s highest dropout rates — Burlington, Winooski and Milton

— were in Chittenden County. At the time, Burlington High School’s annual dropout rate was nearly 10 percent, or about 100 students per year. The first step was to determine why students were dropping out. Unsurprisingly, the researchers found that a strong indicator of success was whether kids were actually attending school, and whether they had a responsible adult at home who cared if they made it to class. Educators also discovered that when schools didn’t started paying attention to truancy until high school, “They absolutely missed the boat. It’s way too late,” Maksym says. Since compulsory education in Vermont only runs to age 16, “kids know that at 16, they can walk.” During the 1998-99 school year, Burlington initiated a new attendance policy, similar to the one Williston just adopted. Parents objected then, too. As Maksym recalls, some complained that “taking my honor student to Europe for a week” was a legitimate excuse, while others argued that deer camp was more important than math and social studies. “We really wanted to get out of the business of having the schools make value judgments about why the kids weren’t there,” she says. Despite the parental push back, by the 2008-09 school year, Burlington’s dropout rate had fallen to 3.5 percent. The success in Burlington and other districts with similar policies, including Rutland, led the legislature to pass Act 44 in 2009. Among other things, the law requires the education commissioner to set up a working group to study truancy and come back with legislative recommendations. Since then, the DOE has posted Chittenden and Rutland counties’ attendance policies on its website, and has encouraged other districts to standardize their policies.

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Under the new policy, legal action can be initiated for “excUsed” absences,

such as those due to illness, bereavement, family vacations, religious observances or time spent with parents home on leave from a military deployment. While some parents may still be concerned that an illness-prone child will end up in family court, Maksym calls that “a nonissue.” She says the state’s attorney’s office already has its hands full with serious truancy cases and devotes one day per month to the truancy docket. Ultimately, Maksym says, the goal isn’t to be punitive, but to get kids the services they need, ideally before they end up in criminal court. As she puts it, “The court isn’t going to take the case if a kid misses 20 days for a kidney transplant.” m 800-NSB-CASH

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French Connection Fashion Show

PETER DIAMONDSTONE Perennial Also-Ran Peter Diamondstone Makes His Socialist Party Debut

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very Friday on our staff blog, Blurt, Seven Days profiles a “fringe” candidate seeking statewide office. Vermont has a strong tradition of putting independent and third-party candidates — and their radical ideas — on the ballot. The reality is, these candidates seldom win more than 4 or 5 percent of the vote and remain on the fringes of our state’s political system. The Q&A below is excerpted from last week’s interview with Socialist Party candidate for U.S. Senate Peter Diamondstone of Brattleboro. Read the uncut interview on Blurt at

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Candidate: Peter Diamondstone Office sought: U.S. Senator Age: 75 Hometown: Brattleboro Education: BA in economics, Queens

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grey blending service with your first men’s haircut.

SD: Do you plan to keep running every two years until...? PD: Until I die?

SD: Yeah.

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PD: No. I might start doing it every six years. Unlikely, but it’s always possible. I’m a really good politician. It’s maybe the only thing I do well. If there was [another socialist] candidate for the U.S. Senate, I wouldn’t be here. I would be delighted if there was no hole in the slate.


Peter Diamondstone: I don’t think more than 2 percent. That, I suppose, would

PD: Zero military budget. Totally disband the military. But that clearly has no chance of success. So the next one: As the Socialist Party caucus, I could begin an investigation into 9/11. Once people come to understand that that was an inside job — and I have not the slightest doubt — everything in the house of cards comes apart.




Seven Days: Of the 19 times you’ve been on the ballot, what’s the highest percentage of votes you’ve won?

want to get done?

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and hospitals. 2. Guarantee Vermont workers one hour of paid leave for every 12 worked, or the equivalent of four weeks annually, plus 10 paid holidays for “stress relief, mental health and social group reinforcement.” 3. Disband the Vermont National Guard and raise a taxpayer-funded militia. No Vermonter under 26 years of age shall serve in any military, paramilitary or police agency. 4. Create Vermont Food and Drug Agency to protect against “big pharma shams.”


. U.S

bother some people, but I have this feeling en of responsibility for the ig ate Campa genocide in Afghanistan, the genocide in Iraq, for the Zionist How he rolls: Diamondstone is a state genocide in Palestine. I don’t perennial also-ran. This campaign marks feel any blame, but I feel responsible his 20th time as a candidate for office as a person living in the United States in Vermont. He’s appeared on the ballot under its jurisdiction. It’s my country so often, he can’t even remember which and it’s my legislature that’s doing it, offices he has and hasn’t sought — but and so I have a responsibility to try he’s 90 percent sure it’s his first try for and change that. U.S. Senate. For the first time, he’s on the Socialist Party ticket rather than the SD: If you could get elected to the Liberty Union Party, because of a mix-up Senate, what’s the one thing you’d with state elections officials.

Platform: 1. Socialize all doctors

Eat Local!

S � E E T L A D YJ A N E . B I Z

ont Election rm

010 s2

Bronx, raised on Long Island and moved to Vermont 42 years ago. Along with his wife, Doris, he cofounded the socialist Liberty Union Party in the early 1970s. Diamondstone has four adult children — Aaron, 50; Jessy, 47; Ian, 45; and Paula, 42 — and 15 grandchildren.


Family: Diamondstone was born in the


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9/10/10 10:15:30 AM

Feedback « p.7

DumbocRAtic pARtY?

it was easier getting a job as a curator at the Smithsonian Institution than it was to land a classroom position in Vermont. Reuben Jackson

Washington, d.c.

Stop mAc AttAck

[Re: “Fair Game,” September 8, August 25, 18 & 11]: I have known Malcolm “Mac” Parker for a good 20 years. I perceive him as a highly moral, upright and forthright individual, a gifted, creative artist with a clear life mission to help people reach their potential for wisdom, goodness and joy. Mac’s own high-mindedness, kindness and integrity have allowed many others to trust him implicitly — and also have caused him to trust others, sometimes to a fault! file: caleb kenna

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I am a decorated WWII veteran and no pushover. I am also a Protestant clergyman (as was Mac’s deceased father), so I recognize that Mac’s sense of what is right and good is deeply embedded, from childhood, and is an essential building block of his character. These characteristics, combined with his ample talent, have shaped and been embodied in the witty and insightful yarns he spins as a storyteller, the two excellent videos (Let’s Go to the Farm, for children; and Farm Stories for Families, made from his performances) and now his ongoing project — the motion picture Birth of Innocence. I am convinced that it is a matter of significant importance that Mac be freed to complete his current project, undisturbed. Based on all the information I have examined regarding this case, I find it disturbingly irrational for Mac to be hounded by a state agency as if he were some deliberately malevolent scoundrel. The state of Vermont should be able to do far better than that regarding one of its unique, talented and honorable native sons. Rev. Thomas Leamon

16 feedback

Whately, Ma

Brian Dubie dined in the Adirondacks with people like G.W. Bush, whose values are 5000 years behind America’s best [“Fair Game,” August 25]. The Republican Party remains deeply confused about American values. Does Brian Dubie really want to lead us to more holding hands with and dancing for foreign kings? Leadership is critical in these times, but not leadership that’s confused about the right direction! Republicanism is a form of government, but the Republicans that Brian Dubie dined with have confused it with totalitarianism, the most un-American form of government. When no one has market power, free markets are the most efficient way to allocate goods and services. In their confusion, Republicans have forgotten the first phrase of that cornerstone of market theory. Anyone who knows what a free market is knows that G.W. Bush was never a free-market guy. Does that mean that the Republican Party was confused about free markets, or does it mean that they knew but didn’t tell us? Judaism and Christianity are religions that attempt to empower average people and build wealth, but Brian Dubie’s friends have confused it with the worship of money, which leaves us helpless, fighting more and more over less and less. These six soundbites could have been out there as a quick response to Brian Dubie’s postprimary remarks about Democrats being confused. What was out there instead? Ask yourselves, Why are Democrats so determined to be defensive and ineffective? phil carleton shelburne


In his “WTF” about Shelburne Pond [September 1], Ken Picard wrote, “The only poisonous snake indigenous to the state is the timber rattler... and that land-bound critter is only found near the southern tip of Lake Champlain.” There are timber rattlers along the Winooski River. I nearly ran into one many years ago. So, walker, beware: They are in places throughout Vermont and not just in southern Vermont. That would be like saying that moose live only in Canada when we know they’re all over the place… I would be careful around all water and not kick over rocks or logs, lest a poisonous timber rattler springs out of surprise. Donna Hubacher burlington

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8/17/2010 8/19/1010:30:40 2:32:04AM PM






Urban farming was already trendy before this summer’s salmonella-taintedegg scare gave consumers another reason to go local. Burlington’s livestock regulations have been a hot topic on the Old North End’s Front Porch Forum; the majority of contributors appear to believe the four-chicken limit is unreasonable. “I live with a lot of people, and we all like eggs, and we have a huge yard, and three or four just won’t cut it,” writes one Old North End resident. “In the summer they’ll lay about once a day, and much less in the winter. Why not let there be one chicken per person in the house, granted that there is adequate yard space? That’s one egg for that person a day.” Burlington’s chicken farmers can procure locally raised eggs at City Market or any one of the city’s seasonal farmers markets. But for Bennington and others like him, raising hens is the ultimate localvore experience. Plus, he says the flavor of fresh eggs, with their deep orange yolks and silky texture, is far superior to anything he can get at a grocery store. “We’re trying to bring local food systems to a truly local scale,” Bennington says. “I’ve seen footage of chicken operations that most people in this area would say are the good places to buy eggs from, and I’m just uncomfortable with 300 chickens living together.” Burlington code enforcement director Bill Ward says there’s “room for discussion” on chicken limits but suggests it will be on a case-by-case basis. Some multiunit apartments could accommodate four birds per unit, he says, while others clearly could not. An example of the latter,



he says, is Decker Towers, the 159-unit apartment building at 230 St. Paul Street. If every tenant in the building wanted four hens, there would be more than 600 birds crammed onto the property — an outlandish scenario, but conceivable on paper. “I would think the neighbors on Church Street behind there would be pretty upset that the Perdue family was keeping a farm behind there,” Ward says. To date, Ward’s office has received few, if any, complaints about noise or smell from backyard chickens, he says. Bennington’s overcapacity chicken coop was discovered this past June because a code inspector was on Decatur Street for an unrelated call. But Ward predicts that more chickens could mean more complaints. “There are a lot of people that don’t take proper care of their dogs — just ask the police department,” Ward says. “So, will there be people who don’t take proper care of their chickens? I guarantee it.” City Councilor Bram Kranichfeld (D-2) represents the Old North End and says

several constituents have spoken to him about the issue. Kranichfeld supports raising the limit from four chickens to something higher, but says he’ll leave it to the experts to find an appropriate number. “I lived next to a house that had backyard chickens on Hyde Street, and you wouldn’t even know they were there,” he says. “You don’t want to end up with chickens overrunning the neighborhood. But unless the Board of Health thinks it isn’t doable, then I don’t see why we can’t increase it.” The Board of Health, which can advise the city council but can’t change city ordinance, wants to put chickens on its October meeting agenda, chairman Ian Galbraith says. The board’s sole concern: Would more hens pose increased health risks to Burlingtonians? “These things, when they become the fashion, can get out of hand,” says Galbraith, who describes the board as prourban agriculture. “We need to make sure that doesn’t happen.” 





9/14/10 10:51:48 AM


2735 Shelburne road • Shelburne, Vermont • 802-985-8028 4h-ethanAllen091510.indd 1


ill Bennington had to give up more than half his flock of chickens last spring when a Burlington code enforcement inspector busted him for having too many hens in his yard. The bushy-bearded University of Vermont undergraduate had 10 layer hens outside his apartment on Decatur Street in the Old North End — six more than city ordinance allows. So he and his housemates sent their feathered friends away to a farm and made do with fewer omelettes. Now Bennington is trying to convince the powers-that-be to increase the number of chickens backyard farmers can raise. Zoning ordinance permits no more than four chickens per property — whether it’s a single-family home or multiunit apartment building. Bennington and others argue that’s unfair to renters who share backyards with other families and therefore get fewer eggs each. The Board of Health is poised to take up the issue next month, and a city councilor is backing Bennington’s idea. “I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to have more chickens,” says Bennington, 22, noting he would love to have 10 hens but would settle for six. “I understand the need for limits, for health or nuisance reasons. But it doesn’t seem like anyone in the city understands why the limit is four.” Today, Bennington keeps four chickens in a homemade coop. They peck at food scraps on a dirt patch outside. Together, the birds lay two to three eggs a day, fewer in winter. It’s sufficient for his household, Bennington says, but not enough to share with his friends and neighbors, as he used to do when he had 10 birds.


Burlington Chicken Owners Say Four Hens Isn’t Enough


Ambitious Ideas Flow from a New Gallery in Stowe B Y PA MEL A PO LSTON


ou’ve heard of the Fresh Air Fund, which enables urban kids to escape the city for a relatively rural vacay? MIA FEROLETO has come up with a similar concept for artists. Not just to come to Vermont for the landscape, but to maybe paint it, or anything else. Feroleto, 54, owner of the new GREEN + BLUE GALLERY in Stowe — in the former location of the late STEPHEN HUNECK’s gallery on the Mountain Road — envisions artists from elsewhere spending an art-making sojourn in Vermont at the home of an obliging patron, preferably, but not necessarily, in the Stowe area. “I’m in the process of working out the details now,” she says. “I’m writing a questionnaire for the families and the artists to cover things like smoking, allergies, the basic living situation, what

would be off limits, what would be expected.” In exchange for staying with a family, the artist would gift his or her hosts with a work of art. The only expense would be a “modest administrative fee for reproductions and paperwork,” says Feroleto. And during their visit the artists would create work that Feroleto would exhibit at her gallery before their departure. She’s thinking of staging a group show of all the participating artists, as well as creating social occasions for them to mingle with each other. It’s an appealing idea, albeit in its infancy. Feroleto plans to begin advertising it this week on the website of the New York Foundation for the Arts — which she calls “perhaps the number one online resource for artists” — as well as sending word out to “ a large group of galleries I know.”


The Green + Blue Gallery is at 57 Mountain Road in Stowe. Anyone interested in participating in the Adopt an Artist program — artists or potential host families — can contact Mia Feroleto at The Rita Blitt exhibit opens on October 2.

And Feroleto does know a lot of galleries. She curated dozens of shows and organized many events during her years living in Manhattan, and is the founder of Art Walk New York, an annual charity event for the city’s homeless. Though born in Burlington while her father attended the University of Vermont

Illustration for The Furry Feroletos by Erica Harris

Medical School, Feroleto grew up in Connecticut. She graduated from the College of New Rochelle in fine arts and obtained a master’s in lithography at SUNY Albany. Despite these arty degrees, Feroleto worked as a hospital administrator in New York. Eventually, she realized her organizing skills could be applied to the arts. And critters. A lifelong animal-rights activist, Feroleto recalls writing her first letter to the editor in the eighth grade. “I said people should not buy baby chicks and ducks for their children for Easter,” she says. “I’m a very big letter writer.” Recently that passion has been turned into a book project. With illustrator Erica Harris, Feroleto has the first of a planned series of children’s books, titled The Furry Feroletos, in process. The theme: real-life animal rescues. Meanwhile, she’s beginning to promote an upcoming exhibit of drawings and sculpture by Rita Blitt at the Stowe gallery. And it’s not just the artist’s dynamic, abstract aesthetic that interests Feroleto. “She is





New St. Albans Thespian Group Goes Medieval B Y ALI CE LEV I T T


he scene at Back Inn Time in St. Albans is a capsule of days gone by: Antiques abound, from the paintings to the elegant but worn furniture. A big, old-fashioned radio perches on one curio cabinet. Though the charming bed-and-breakfast only dates back to 1858, not medieval times, it provides a sufficiently old-timey setting for rehearsals of Camelot, the

cochoreograph and assistant-direct. “I’m excited to see theater in St. Albans,” says Lawyer. “I don’t think there’s been anything here for years except ‘Cardiac Capers’ at the hospital.”

Since this is SASPA’s first show, Lawyer says collaboration is the name of the game. Auditioners of all ages were welcomed to the 16-person cast as lords and ladies, and other contributions from

TRAVIS plays Merlin in the show. Another of Pauline’s sons, TIM CRAY, who owns the St. Albans restaurant BLUE ACORN, will donate tastes of his creative comfort food for Camelot’s opening-night reception. That spirit of sharing included welcoming helpers from other communi-



The group, known to its members as SASPA, was started a year and half ago by JAY FLEURY, who also established the SAINT ALBANS LITERARY GUILD and ARTISTS‘ GUILD. Thus far, the group has produced a piano concert and a short musical revue at the St. Albans Festival of Trees. When Fleury and his board decided it was time for a full-length musical, board member RICH RODRIGUEZ volunteered to direct. Fleury recruited JEREMY LAWYER, a new St. Albans resident and veteran of LYRIC THEATRE and the STOWE THEATRE GUILD, to

of Hello, Dolly! filled the stage of the




Lawyer adds that St. Albans is not the only town in Franklin County to usher in a new musical theater company recently. In August, a community production

community members were likewise appreciated, from donated costumes to shared dance moves. Use of the elegant rehearsal space at Back Inn Time was furnished by PAULINE CRAY, whose son

ties. STEVE CONTOMPASIS, a pediatrician at Fletcher Allen Health Care, commutes from Burlington to play the role of Arthur. Contompasis says he doesn’t mind the half-hour drive.

Got AN ArtS tIP?

“Time Arrow” by Rita Blitt

a very interesting woman who is gifting an enormous body of work to museums, universities and not-for-profits to use in their fundraising work,” the gallerist explains. “I’m working with her foundation to achieve this goal.” Feroleto notes that Blitt is currently




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Camelot, Friday, September 17, 8 p.m.; Saturday, September 18, 7 p.m.; Sunday, September 19, 2 p.m., at St. Albans City Hall. $8-10; $20 for Friday’s gala opening-night reception at 6:30 p.m. Info, 524-2444.

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locally written characters soon; he’s on a committee planning a Franklin County playwrights’ festival in the spring. SASPA will stage the winning text. Next fall, the group plans to produce another musical; Lawyer mentions Godspell and My Fair Lady as contenders. Rodriguez is also reaching out to the community by offering acting classes for adults and children. The former off-Broadway actor says he is happy to contribute to the St. Albans arts scene. “I love transporting people and taking them on a journey and showing them there’s more to the arts than pizza and videos,” he says. Hopefully, as the show’s title tune puts it, the theater will not find a more congenial spot for happily-ever-aftering than St. Albans. m

Pedicures Only

He has company on the road to St. Albans. His daughter, Judy, a junior biology major at the University of Vermont, recently stepped in to replace the performer originally cast as Guinevere. “The only thing Mom asked was, ‘Do you guys kiss on stage?’” Steve Contompasis jokes. “We don’t, so that makes it easier,” Judy Contompasis clarifies. Running lines in the car with Dad makes things easier for Judy, who took over the role with less than a month before showtime. Luckily, she likes the script, saying, “The show is really well written, and the songs are fun.” “If you look at it, you have [lyricist and playwright Alan Jay] Lerner and [composer Frederick] Loewe and [original director] Moss Hart, whose stagings really come to life,” adds Steve Contompasis. “Going into the sciences and medicine, I hadn’t read as many of the classics as I should have. I’ve had fun getting to know the Arthur character.” Audiences can get to know him this weekend. And if director Rodriguez has his way, they’ll get to know some

also working on an installation piece for the Anne Frank Center USA in Manhattan, and has completed a short film (“Caught in Paint”) in collaboration with the Parsons Dance company and photographer Lois Greenfield. In it, Blitt paints in large gestures on transparent surfaces while the dancers mirror her movements on the other side. The film “has been shown at Cannes and at over 100 film festivals around the world,” Feroleto says. “I’m hoping Rita’s generosity will inspire other artists to do the same.” A bright-red metal sculpture by Blitt already adorns the lawn at the Green + Blue Gallery — a name chosen simply because Vermont has so much, well, green and blue, Feroleto explains. Though she returned to Vermont four years ago, the gallery materialized just last month. So far, Feroleto is showing a variety of contemporary works by artists from around the world, a mix she expects to evolve over time. One thing’s certain: Feroleto is not lacking for ideas. m

Best Prices in Town!

The Tom Golden ColleCTion O P E NS T UES DAY, S EP T EMB ER 21 Join us for an

Evening lecture with the artist Christo


Christo and Jeanne-Claude, The Pont Neuf Wrapped, Paris 1975-85. Photo: Wolfgang Volz ©1985 Christo.

stateof thearts

SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 4:00 PM Reception in the Marble Court to follow. Tickets in Advance: General .................$20 Member/UVM ...$15



Jeanne-Claude and Christo. Photo: Wolfgang Volz

For tickets, please call 656-0750.

The exhibition Christo and Jeanne-Claude: The Tom Golden Collection was organized by the Sonoma County Museum, Santa Rosa, California, from their collection. The exhibition tour is being organized by Landau Traveling Exhibitions, Los Angeles, California. At the Fleming Museum, this exhibition and talk have been generously underwritten in part by David Beitzel ‘80 and Darren Walker. Support for this exhibition has also been generously provided by the Kalkin Family Exhibitions Endowment Fund.

656-0750 • 61 Colchester Ave. Burlington • 2V-Fleming091510.indd 1

9/13/10 10:10:24 AM


Vermont Dancer Pumps Up the Movement in Montpelier By M E g An JAM E S


ancer hanna satterlee had made up her mind to leave Vermont, again, last spring when lorraine neal, owner of

the Contemporary DanCe anD Fitness stuDio in Montpelier, approached her with a crazy idea. Neal was about to embark on a sabbatical in New York City, her first extended time away from the studio since she founded it 36 years ago. Would Satterlee consider taking over her role as artistic director? Satterlee, 26, a Montpelier native who learned to dance in Neal’s studio, had spent time over the past three years in San Francisco, dancing professionally and teaching yoga. Frustrated with the limited dance scene in Vermont, she had all but ruled out staying here for the long haul. Until Neal planted this notion in her head. “It became really clear really fast that this was a great opportunity,” Satterlee says. “Here was my chance to sort of just build the dance community that I hope to have, something that I think can really thrive in Vermont. I can’t expect it to come out of nowhere.” She’s already hit the ground running. Classes began at the Montpelier studio this week with Satterlee at the helm. But she’s got a lot more than dance lessons planned. For starters, Satterlee is rolling out a regular guest-artist workshop series featuring professional dancers from around the state who will teach everything from street jazz to movementstorytelling, from improvisation to Butoh. Artists scheduled for fall workshops include Kelly sturgis, ellen smith ahern, liDa WinFielD, sophia emigh, tiFFany rhynarD, selene Coburn and Kellie lynCh, many of whom Satterlee connected with while working on a N.A.S.A. grant project at the Flynn Center last fall. Studio administrative director allison mann says Satterlee is breathing just the kind of new energy into the studio that Neal had hoped. “When Lorraine decided she would take the job in New York [developing an integrative-arts program at an alternative high school], she realized it would be an opportunity to let go and reshape the studio,” says Mann. Satterlee graduated from Goucher

College in 2006 and spent the next few years dancing with San Francisco companies, returning home periodically to perform with, for example, Vermont’s all purpose DanCe Company. Now, she’s also teaching weekend workshops at the new burlington DanCes at the Chace Mill and performing with Tiffany Rhynard’s Middlebury College-based group Big Action Performance Ensemble, aka big ape. Satterlee envisions the Montpelier space evolving from just a studio into a performance center. She’s planning some salon-style works-in-progress evenings for later in the fall, and will

It became really clear really fast that thIs was

a great opportunity.

H AnnA S AT TE R l E E

present a solo by guest-artist Smith Ahern during the capital city’s Art Walk on October 15. “There’s a real booming 20-to-40year-old population here in Montpelier,” Satterlee says. “It’s not just about providing dance classes but about providing evening dance performances and lectures.” Ultimately, she’d love to bring in dancers from around the country to lead workshops and perform. “That’s how I’ve structured my own training,” Satterlee explains. “I’ve found out who I thought was interesting, and I’ve gone to where they work and [learned] from them.” But for now — until she finds more funding — Satterlee will stick with dancers who live close by. As it turns out, there are more of them than she initially thought. Her biggest challenge right now, Satterlee says, is getting the right lighting into the studio space to transform part of it into a theater. “I have these lights, but I don’t know if the building can even hold the wattage,” she says. “I’m dreaming big.” m

guest Artist Workshop Series at Contemporary Dance and Fitness Studio, 18 langdon Street in Montpelier, Saturdays through December 18. $36 per workshop. Info, 229-4676.

the straight dope bY CeCiL adams

Guy Scarsbrook


The problem is your assumption that a medical condition is just an excuse. Sometimes it might be. But not always. Many medical problems can lead to weight gain, and some of these can legitimately be described as hormonal conditions. One relatively common example is hypothyroidism, which afflicts about 5 percent of the population. Essentially your metabolism slows down, meaning you’re not converting enough food into energy — fatigue is a frequent symptom. You become less active and, assuming your eating habits stay the same, you gain weight. Polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS, which affects 7 percent of women, can also lead to weight gain for reasons that aren’t clear. Many women with PCOS are insulin resistant: Their cells don’t absorb glucose as readily as they used to, and the excess gets stored as fat. Insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes, is a fairly common problem linked to obesity. But it’s simplistic to say insulin resistance makes you fat. On the contrary, though much

Is there something you need to get straight? Cecil adams can deliver the straight dope on any topic. Write Cecil adams at the Chicago reader, 11 e. illinois, Chicago, iL 60611, or

remains to be learned, resistance is generally thought to be the effect rather than the cause of weight gain. After that, relevant hormonal conditions get scarce pretty fast. Cushing’s syndrome, caused by abnormally high levels of the hormone cortisol, can lead to specific types of weight gain including a round “moon face” or a “buffalo hump” of fat on the neck and upper back, but fortunately it’s rare. Human-growthhormone deficiency may result in increased body fat, but that’s a rare ailment, too. Sometimes medications can lead to weight gain. For example, about half of schizophrenic patients and two-thirds of bipolardisorder sufferers are obese due to a combination of illness-related factors and side effects from their antipsychotic medications. Depression can lead to obesity, and so can antidepressants, many of which list weight gain among possible side effects (although most manufacturers report that weight loss is more common). Those who take corticosteroids for asthma or other problems can put on weight as well. If these people stopped taking the problematic medication, I guess they could lose weight, but which would you rather be, fat and happy or thin and sick? Is obesity genetic? Maybe in part. Research suggests 16 percent of the population has a version of the fat-mass- and obesityassociated gene, known as FTO, that increases one’s propensity to put on the pounds. However, the amount of extra weight attributable to this gene is small, just seven pounds on average.

Likewise, a few overweight folks have problems with their leptinreceptor genes, which can lead to early obesity by suppressing the signals that tell the body it’s had enough to eat. Roughly 10 percent of us have an insulinaffecting gene that increases the risk of obesity. Still, while medical or genetic conditions play a role, most serious students of the obesity epidemic are lining up with you, Guy: too much shoveled in, not enough burned off. Truth is, nowadays it’s easy to get fat — all you have to do is eat what’s put in front of you. The percentage of meals eaten away from home has doubled since 1978; during roughly the same period, restaurant portions have been supersized and average U.S. food intake has increased by 200 calories per day.


Our ability to judge what food will do to our waistlines is notoriously bad. In one particularly appalling study from 2006, 193 consumers were asked to estimate, among other things, the calorie content of an order of cheese fries with ranch dressing. Average guess: 869 calories. Actual damage: 3010 calories. Today, one American adult in three is obese, more than double the rate in 1980. You can’t blame hormones for that drastic increase. Do we chalk it up to the American public’s pathetic lack of will power? My inner Puritan says yes. However, there’s no question that the masses are being hammered by a relentless outside force, namely, the everpresent voice asking, “You want fries with that?”

bY h a rrY bL is s

see you’re an adherent of the suck-it-up school of clinical analysis, Guy, which is my default attitude, too. Overweight? Eat less and exercise more. Nervous and depressed? Get a grip. Spurting carotid artery? Nothing some finger pressure and a butterfly bandage won’t solve. However, not everybody shares our gritty pioneer spirit. Thus we’re obliged to plunge into the research literature. Not to worry: The laws of the universe are on our side. There’s no denying your main point: People lose weight when they burn more calories than they consume. It’s the first law of thermodynamics — no matter what you hear about low-calorie intake leading to metabolic shutdown, energy must be conserved. While outright coercion may not be the best way of going about it, you can make anyone lose weight if you get the input-output balance right.

sLug signorino

Dear cecil, People diagnosed as clinically obese are sometimes said to have a hormonal condition that makes them unable to lose weight even if they cut calorie intake to a minimum. Surely if you forced them to exercise while making certain their dietary intake and vital signs were healthy, they’d be slim and trim in a couple years. In the end, isn’t obesity always in the mind and not in the hormones?

09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS

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9/13/10 4:39:12 PM

straight dope 21

Come Dance with Us!

Starting Sept. 17th.

Jay Peak Fall Harvest BBQ Fridays this fall 5:00–8:30pm $15.95 Adults. $9.95 Kids 7–14. 6 and under eat free. Sweet corn with brown sugar and salt Apple and walnut salad Garlic green beans New England potato salad Corn chowder Pulled pork sliders with cheddar and apples Brats with beer and onions Pumpkin bread Beef stroganoff over rice Chicken with a cranberry bbq sauce Apple crisp

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Overlooking the Jay Peak Golf Course. Friday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. 5:30–8:30pm.

Call 802.327.2500 for more details. Reservations recommended.

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2 Kids (12 and under) eat for $12. Children’s menu available and includes a free ice cream sundae. Reservations recommended. 802.988.2770.


• Learn the fundamentals of skating including forward and backward skating, edges, turns, spins and jumps. • Figure skates or hockey skates. Limited spaces. Pre-registration recommended. Helmets required. • Pizza is provided at the end of each night.


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$65 for each 6-week session. $100 for both 6-week sessions. $15 drop-in rate.

Clubhouse Clambake

For more information please contact Dennis Himes at or by calling 802.988.2724.

Saturday September 18th. 5:30–8:30pm. Choose from a selection of entrées including steak, lobster and steamers paired with all-you-can-eat sides from the buffet. 28.00 Adults. 16.00 Kids. Enjoy the outdoor fire pit and views of the golf course while you dine.

Skate Hard.


Call 802.988.2770 for more details. Reservations recommended.

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9/13/10 10:08:34 AM



FoXtRot We just had to ask...

What’s the Deal With Live Body Painting?

Body paint by Kadina malicbegovic

BY l auren oB e r


ceremonial purposes. Here in the U.S., body painting, unless it’s part of military camouflage, is purely a novelty. Malicbegovic, who has an undergraduate fine-arts degree from the University of Vermont, started painting “breathing canvases” in 2005 while looking for ways to make her own art more interesting. Her first exhibit in town featured wine, cheese and painted ladies. “Everyone was, like, ‘Whoa, what the fuck is this?’” Malicbegovic says. “That was it, and I was, like, People are digging it. I want to try again.” She met Leiphart, 29, shortly after her body-painting debut, and they’ve been performing steadily ever since. Malicbegovic says their ascension as performance artists has been “slow motion,” which is fine by her. Malicbegovic, 30, came to Vermont in the mid-1990s with her family after they were forced to flee Bosnia during the war. Along with artistic talent and a penchant for blue language, she brought with her a European sensibility about the human

body. Naked bodies aren’t offensive; they’re meant to be celebrated, she says. Body painting, she insists, is the ultimate vehicle for that appreciation. Freedom and liberation are the motivators that enable most of the models to remove their clothes and get painted by a stranger. The couple’s email inbox is always filled, Malicbegovic says, with messages from individuals seeking the sensation of getting painted. “It’s edgy,” she says. “You know they’re naked, but you can’t see it.” “It doesn’t feel like nudity,” Leiphart adds. The Human Canvas works like this: Before an event, Malicbegovic selects models to paint. They aren’t necessarily skinny, young or traditionally beautiful. Some are men, but most are women. Malicbegovic says she can’t deal with painting over body hair. Sometimes the shows have themes, such as “Enchanted,” in which models were painted to look like fairies and nymphs. Occasionally, the setting

f you’ve ever been to one of Burlington’s main live-music venues — Nectar’s, Club Metronome, Parima — chances are you’ve seen Dinash and DJ Frank Grymes in action. Grymes, aka Drew Leiphart, spins hip-hop-infused electronic music while his partner, Dinash, aka Kadina Malicbegovic, sprays paint on giddy models. The tag-team performance artists, dubbed the Human Canvas, have become ubiquitous, showing up at festivals, dance clubs and even kiddie birthday parties, spinning and spraying and trying to demonstrate that art doesn’t have to be consigned to walls. But why do people want paint slathered all over them? WTF is up with this craft? And how did it come to Vermont? Though its proliferation in Burlington is a recent phenomenon, body painting is a centuries-old art form. In India, mehndi — a washable henna tattoo — has been part of marriage ceremonies since ancient times. Throughout Australia and New Zealand, indigenous people still use clay and pigment to paint themselves for

requires Malicbegovic to prepaint some of the models, depending on the intricacy of the job. Then Leiphart spins music that fits the theme or venue. “I try to pick the best song that will rise up the atmosphere,” he says. Once the models are in place, Malicbegovic covers their nipples and other lady bits with special pasties. Not everyone wants to be completely nude, and not every venue will allow complete nudity, even if it’s shrouded by a coat of paint. Malicbegovic’s toolkit is basic — airbrushes with compressors, stencils, sponges and paintbrushes. The paint she uses is FDA approved and smudge proof. Some models try to keep it on as long as possible; others wash it off soon after Malicbegovic is finished. People are free to do with her art what they want, she says. In fact, she prefers the inherent evanescence of body painting to the permanence that comes with coloring a physical canvas. The body-paint models aren’t exactly blank canvases, Malicbegovic says. They often have their own ideas about what they want splashed on their bodies. Recently, she wanted to paint a psychedelic scene on a model, but the woman asked to be painted into a corset. Malicbegovic capitulated because, she says, “She can’t wear my imagination or my creation if she doesn’t have it in her.” While Leiphart insists the work isn’t meant to be erotic, many models can’t help but get turned on when the shots of paint hit their bodies. This is part of the allure for Malicbegovic. “Their nipples get hard,” she says. “They’re excited and scared, and everyone always says they need a shot [of alcohol].” m

for more info, visit thehumancanvasthc. 09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS

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9/13/10 10:14:19 AM

poli psy

Silver Palace Delicious monthly Lunch & Dinner specials! Entrees Include: Alaskan King Crab & Shrimp Vietnamese Chili Salmon


Death Be Not Proud

ourners for National Guardsman Tristan Southworth started showing up an hour early at Hazen 1216 Williston Rd., So. Burlington Union High School in Hardwick. By 9 a.m. Next to Higher Ground • 802-864-0125 on September 1, it was already 80 degrees. Red Cross volunteers hauled a cooler of bottled water up and down the murmur16t-silverpalace090110.indd 1 8/27/10 2:41:57 PM ing, lengthening queue. At 10, a third of Hardwick and Walden — Heidi Long, TPI Staffing was filing into the gym: relatives and friends of the family, neighbors, storeDiscover what keepers, doctors, former teachers and Sovernet customers already know. coaches, and townspeople like me, who Our dedicated team and didn’t know Tristan but still felt he was state-of-the-art network make Sovernet telephone & internet ours. His former classmates were there, service the smart choice. too, the girls pretty in summer dresses, the Switch today — and experience our commitment boys awkward in suit jackets or wrinkled to customer satisfaction. dress shirts over jeans — kids still spotty with acne, still thinking over adulthood. Unlike Tristan, who was killed in a firefight in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, on Celebrating g yyears of exceptional telecommunications! August 22. He was two months shy of his 877.877.2120 22nd birthday. Tristan wasn’t a kid who joined the military because he had no other options. 16t-Sovernet063010.indd 1 6/22/10 4:13:28 PM By all accounts he was a brilliant but selfeffacing athlete, a good student, a teasing but generous friend and big brother. His parents could afford to send him to college; he attended for one year, in Colorado. Still, he signed up for the Guard as soon as he could, as a high school junior in 2006. Everybody said Tristan Southworth died as he lived — selflessly, trying to rescue a fellow soldier — as if this lent sense, or logic, to his death. As I took my place, standing at the back of the packed gym, I wondered how many others had come, as I had, unable to find meaning in the loss of this promising boy — or any boy — fighting to uphold a corrupt government in an unending war of choice half a world away. The flag bearers appeared sure of the meaning. Grizzled and ponytailed, their at the black biker vests emblazoned with POW/ MIA insignia, these guys were probably barre opera house Vietnam vets; they had lost their own budseptember 30, 2010 7 pm dies in the defense of a corrupt governpresented by: go heaves, inc., a ment in a war of choice half a world away. non-profit organization And, who knows, maybe in the middle of sponsored by: Subway of Barre the night they, too, have groped to underand Community National Bank stand why. But, standing at attention as the dress-uniformed soldiers and officers from A percentage of the proceeds three states marched past, their faces were will go to VT Foodbank. proud and resolute. Patriotism makes no moral distinctions TickeTs: 476-8188 among wars or deaths. Under the flag, all sacrifices are honorable.

Jeb Wallace-brodeur

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on the public uses and abuses of emotion by Judith levine


24 poli psy




Flag at half-mast in Hardwick, in honor of Tristan Southworth

Guard Chaplain Lt. Col. Calvin Kemp, the Vietnam veteran and resident of nearby Stannard who led the short, Christian service, seemed also to know the meaning. I tried to glean it as he read snatches of Scripture evoking the Lord’s protection, nations in disarray, grief and a kind of pious ambition. The majestic 121st Psalm opened the ceremony: “I lift mine eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help?” — only rendered in an American vernacular version “I look up to the mountains. Where can I find help?” “My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth,” the congregation — for now it was a congregation — answered. Kemp read from Isaiah: “On this mountain He will remove the veil of grief covering all people and the mask covering all nations. He will swallow up

death forever.” And Psalm 46: “Nations are in turmoil, and kingdoms topple … The Lord of Armies is with us. The God of Jacob is our stronghold.” From the New Testament, he chose portions from the Gospel according to Matthew, and from Philippians: “…forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” All this culminated in his sermon, which Kemp called “Victory.” It was not about the kind of victory Tristan strove for in life — victory on the playing field or even on the battlefield. This was the victory wrested from death through the “poli psy” is a monthly column by Judith levine. Got a comment on this story? contact

martyrdom and resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Don’t let your eyes trick you. Don’t let your aching heart deceive you,” Kemp said. “This is not a time of despair or hopeless defeat. This is a time for victory. This is not about death at all. It’s about everlasting life.” The assembled bowed their heads for the Lord’s Prayer; they said amen. I remained silent, part of me envious of a faith that could declare despair irrelevant and push aside politics to find fellowship. But another part of me was angry. In imagining Tristan’s soul someplace blissfully beyond place, how were we dealing with his shot-up body lying on a dusty Afghan mountainside near the Pakistani border? Adjutant General Michael Dubie and Gov. Jim Douglas stepped up to this task. Dubie awarded Tristan several military honors, including a Bronze Star and a Purple Heart; Douglas presented Tristan’s parents with the Vermont Patriots Medal. Valor, honor, freedom: These were the words from which we were to glean reasons for Tristan’s sacrifice. Outside in the white sunshine, the honor guard stepped smartly carrying Tristan’s coffin to the hearse. The other servicemen and -women saluted. A slender,

dark-haired woman in jeans and a sleeveless shirt stood in the doorway and wiped her eyes — Tristan’s girlfriend. His grandparents held hands. His younger brother looked lost in his black suit. The family was loaded into a school bus. The hearse pulled out, with the bus behind it, followed by a military convoy of black Chevy Suburbans and, slowly gathering from the parking lot and surrounding

depicting the weaponry of five wars on the front and listing the locals who served in World Wars I and II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War and “The Gulf Wars and Other Actions” on the back. It passed the big flags hanging from the telephone poles and the little flags stuck in the street signs and the flower boxes on the Main Street Bridge. It passed the red, white and blue garlands and the banner

EvErybody said TrisTan souThworTh diEd as hE livEd —sElflEssly, Trying To rEscuE a fEllow soldiEr — as if this lent sense, or logic, to his death.

streets, scores of cars and pickup trucks. On the way to the Main Street Cemetery, Tristan’s body passed the Memorial Building, its inside walls inscribed with the names of Hardwickians who had fought in the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Spanish-American War, the “War of Rebellion” and “the World War.” It passed the American Legion’s massive new granite memorial,

over the porch of the old Hardwick Inn, reading, “Our Hero, We Will Never Forget You. Rest in Peace.” I didn’t follow on to the cemetery. The burial felt too intimate to include me, a stranger. Instead, I made a U-turn and drove back to our house. The New York Times was on the kitchen table, headlined by President Obama’s “withdrawal” of combat troops from Iraq, the closure of

Operation Iraqi Freedom and the launch of a new phase, Operation New Dawn. On the radio, a BBC reporter said not much was changing on the ground. He called the events a “rebranding” of the war and said he’d already picked up an Operation New Dawn coffee cup. Another lead story detailed revelations of corruption in the Afghan Bank, run by a close associate of President Hamid Karzai, who has declined to investigate his friend’s “unorthodox financial dealings,” including “lending tens of millions of dollars to himself.” On the same page of the paper, a small item reported the deaths of five American troops in Afghanistan on Tuesday, the day of Tristan’s wake. A week after the funeral, the banner has been rolled up and the flags taken down from the telephone poles. Beside the Legion’s monument, Old Glory is back at full staff. “Tristan Southworth” has not yet been inscribed under the Gulf Wars section of the Legion’s memorial, where there’s room for only a few more names. More monuments will be needed, anyway. Since this one was constructed eight years ago, the U.S. has engaged in two more wars. m

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8/10/10 2:22:18 PM

Encore, Encore! The 2010-11 performing-arts preview B Y PAMEL A POL STON






e’ve been poring over the new performing-arts brochures and our first reaction is: whew. From the wealth of onstage options in the upcoming season, it’s hard to tell the economy has been scary. Presenters all over the state and beyond are bringing in as many shows as ever, from as far away as India, Africa and Estonia to as close as the next town over. Better yet, the quality matches the quantity. And, rather than taking this for granted, can we take a moment for gratitude? Presenting the performing arts is a risky business in the best of times, particularly for visionary artistic directors who believe in challenging, as well as entertaining, their audiences. But liveshow aficionados in Vermont have to admit: We’ve come to expect a full platter of professional-level shows in this tiny state, and it’s thanks to a dedicated handful of presenting organizations that we get them. Truly great performers — from musicians to magicians, actors to acrobats — come to share their passions with us, even in the dead of winter. OK, OK, you’re thinking, we’re grateful. So, what’s new this year?

Glad you asked, since this issue of Seven Days is all about telling you. Or, more accurately, sampling the season to come. But first, “what’s new” can be answered in more ways than one. At the Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph, for example, it means extensive renovations that bring the historic, 103-year-old venue into fire-code and ADA compliance, making shows and exhibits accessible to patrons of all abilities. At Middlebury College’s Mahaney Center for the Arts, some new events on the calendar are related to something old: what marketing manager Liza Sachelli Lloyd calls a “happy serendipity” of 40th anniversaries. Two of them are performance related. Pianist Diana Fanning — “a musician of international renown who happens to live in Middlebury,” says Lloyd — celebrates 40 years of performing professionally with a special concert in November. The Jupiter String Quartet, winners of an Avery Fisher Career Grant and considered one of the strongest

young string quartets in the country, will join Fanning, as will Midd affiliate artist and cellist Dieuwke Davydov. In February, the center will mark the 40th anniversary of the installation of Mead Chapel’s Gress-Miles organ — “one of the best in the state,” boasts Lloyd. If you want to know what a rising-star organist looks, and sounds, like, go to Nathan Laube’s concert. And if you like instruments with really big pipes, get there early for the tour with professor emeritus Emory Fanning (who happens to be Diana’s husband). In the Burlington area, personnel changes at several performing-arts organizations constitute something of a generational shift. At the Vermont Mozart Festival, Israeli conductor/composer Gil Shohat replaces founder and 36-year director Melvin Kaplan, a move the board hopes will help pull the organization out of financial difficulty. At the Vermont Youth Orchestra, Ronald Braunstein steps into a music-director role strongly shaped by Troy Peters, who moved

to a position in San Antonio. Neither of these newcomers, however, will actually begin their tenures until next spring, so their influences are yet unknown. Seven Days interviewed John Killacky, the new executive director of the Flynn Center, earlier this summer. He took over in June from cofounder and ED of 30 years Andrea Rogers, though the programming remains the bailiwick of seasoned artistic director Arnie Malina. At the University of Vermont’s Lane Series, Natalie Neuert ascended from manager to director when longtime director Jane Ambrose retired earlier this year. The two had worked hand-in-hand on programming for years and mostly accepted with each other’s ideas, Neuert says, “though of course sometimes we disagreed.” So, audiences will not see a completely different direction at the Lane but rather a continuation of the transition that began years ago: a move away from strictly classical music to, as the

Performing Arts offering is a Halloween extravaganza: the 1920 version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. An act “of unparalled beauty” that Neuert specifically pursued is, she concedes, the hardest to describe: John the Revelator, coming to the Recital Hall next spring. Called a “21st-century mass” and commissioned following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the music was composed by Phil Kline for chorus and string ensemble. The two ensembles that performed the world premiere of John the Revelator in New York City’s Winter Garden are reprising it in Burlington: respectively, the all-male early-music vocalists Lionheart, and Ethel, a string quartet that includes Vermont violinist Mary Rowell. Though both groups have performed at the Lane in the past, Neuert says, “Still, I felt this was a reach for us.” The same evening, she adds, will debut a new movement for organ (more big pipes!) commissioned by the Lane Series, Portland Ovations of Maine and Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ, performed by UVM’s David Neiweem. “We now have the Jane Ambrose Commissioning Fund,” Neuert points out, “so we’ll be looking at doing more new music.”

encore, encore

» p.34

Angélique Kidjo




Paramount Theatre, September 28, 7:30 p.m. $22.50-27.50. Dibden Center for the Arts, September 29, 8 p.m. $20. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center, October 1 & 2, 8 p.m. $25-42 (sold out). Town Hall Theater, October 7 & 8, 7:30 p.m. $29. Flynn MainStage, October 9, 8 p.m. $25-39. Catamount Arts at Fuller Hall, October 10, 7 p.m. $28-42.


Spaulding Auditorium, Hopkins Center, April 28, 7 p.m. $25-37. Flynn MainStage, April 29, 8 p.m. $24-38.

When it was first produced, in 1949, Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman defied expectations: Here was a high tragedy about Joe Average struggling to pay off his mortgage. Sixty-one years later, the tale of 63-year-old family man Willy Loman may seem dated in some ways, but its theme of one man’s American dream and its smackdown by reality is as relevant as ever. Disrespected at work, disappointed in his slacker sons, Loman is “the eternally adolescent American male who goes to the grave without ever learning who he is,” as Frank Rich wrote in 1984. For all these reasons, Salesman is a go-to choice for actors who want to challenge themselves. When the directors of the Weston Playhouse asked Christopher Lloyd what role he’d most like to play, Willy Loman was his answer. Everyone who lived through the ’80s most likely knows Lloyd as the crazy, time-traveling inventor from the Back to the Future movies. (He also had a long run on “Taxi” and has appeared in films ranging from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest to Piranha 3D.) The actor, whose brother Sam Lloyd lives in Weston, has stayed active in the theater. Lloyd’s choice to take on Miller in what a New York magazine blogger called a “way-offBroadway” venue has made waves. In a recent New York Times piece, Dave Itzkoff described 71-year-old Lloyd as approaching the role “with profound seriousness, knowing he might never get the chance again.” Locals, however, get several chances to see him this month as the Weston production tours the state.


On her new album, Õÿö, Angélique Kidjo (left) sings a joyful, Afrobeat version of Curtis Mayfield’s soul classic “Move On Up,” featuring the voices of Bono and John Legend. In the track’s video, the regal, 50-year-old singer with the shorn head is riveting — even though she’s surrounded by the colorful costumes and infectious hip swinging of Bill T. Jones’ dancers from the Broadway musical Fela! No matter how much she mixes it up, culturally speaking, Beninese singer Kidjo can rely on her powerful alto and stage presence to work a crowd. On Õÿö, she performs songs made famous by one of her role models, South African diva Miriam Makeba, but also works of James Brown and Aretha Franklin, and even a Bollywood melody. They all represent early influences on the singer, who started performing publicly at age 6. Kidjo left her native land for Paris when she was in her twenties — and now lives in Brooklyn — but the Grammy winner has remained an activist for African women’s rights and other causes; her Batonga Foundation funds scholarships and builds secondary schools for girls. Kidjo’s voice can caress a standard like “Summertime,” muscle its way through a hand-clap a cappella number, and do justice to a soul anthem. She’s been known to invite her listeners up on stage: The New York Times described a show last March as becoming “an amateur dance-off, utopian in its welcoming exuberance.” Join that exuberance at the Hop and Flynn next spring.

Death of a Salesman

current season illustrates, about half “other” music. “There is a need to continue to serve longtime Lane subscribers and an opportunity to reach out to new ones,” Neuert says. With the exception of some larger acts that the organization occasionally presents with the Flynn on the MainStage, the foundation of Lane programming is music that sounds extraordinary in the acoustically perfect, 300-seat UVM Recital Hall. “For me the starting point is always that word ‘chamber,’” Neuert explains. “Chamber music means a lot of things, many genres; because of our hall, what we do well is intimacy.” Perhaps for the same reason, the Lane is also known for excellence — as Neuert suggests, “really good music that can entertain, transform, take you on a journey.” This year that journey includes such shows as Estonian early/ folk music from a robe-wearing choir called Heinavanker, a collaboration of soul singer Mavis Staples and Brit folkrocker Billy Bragg, Americana stylings from the rootsy Wiyos and Red Molly, a handful of solo classical pianists, and, yes, several chamber ensembles. Returning to the Lane — at the Fleming Museum — are faves Devil Music Ensemble, a trio of inventive musicians who write and perform original soundtracks to old silent films. This year’s


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9/10/10 1:26:51 PM

Sweden seems to be suddenly hot here: Think of best-selling novelist Stieg Larsson or pop singer Robyn. But the increasingly acclaimed Swedish classical pianist Niklas Sivelöv is not just riding a wave. A well-known soloist and composer in his own country, Sivelöv often performs unusual, on-the-spot improvisations on the compositions of his mid-18th-century compatriot Carl Bellman. “Shockingly beautiful” is how University of Vermont Lane Series director Natalie Neuert describes the improvisations, which she heard live at the Scandinavia House in New York City last January. “The basis is 18th century, so it has a Bachian feel. You’ve never really heard anything quite like it in a concert.” Sivelöv is a Bach specialist who garnered warm reviews for a series of all-Bach concerts he gave last January at Bargemusic in Brooklyn. In addition to selections from the Baroque master’s The Well-Tempered Clavier, Sivelöv’s Lane Series program will include Chopin favorites and Argentinian dances by Ginestera, as well as Schumann’s impassioned Sonata no. 2 in G Minor. Neuert scheduled a total of three classical pianists this season to showcase the UVM Recital Hall’s “fantastic” Steinway concert grand and “clear-as-a-bell” acoustics. Why the Swede? “There are a lot of solo pianists out there,” Neuert notes. But when she saw him, Sivelöv had a real ability to connect with his audience — whether through the “quirky,” vintage three-piece suit he wore or his playing style, which prompted the New York Times to dub him “the extrovert.” “His performance style and his charm and his entire being just kind of radiate this intelligence,” Neuert promises. UVm Recital hall, April 15, 7:30 p.m. $20/$25.

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9/13/10 5:13:37 PM

thE KlEzmAticS Klez•mer (klez-mer) — 1. a Jewish instrumentalist especially of traditional Eastern European music; 2. the music played by klezmorim. Origin: Yiddish. While the above may be the definition of traditional Jewish klezmer music, it is far too narrow a category to encapsulate New York-based band the Klezmatics. For more than 20 years, the eclectic bunch has drawn from African, Arab, Latin and Balkan world-music traditions. At times, their music is inflected with punk, jazz and classical tones, making them anything but a traditional folk band. Over the years, the band has collaborated with artists as varied as violinist Itzhak Perlman, African American Jewish gospel singer Joshua Nelson, playwright Tony Kushner and Pilobolus Dance Theater. In 2007, the Klezmatics took home a Grammy for Best Contemporary World Music album for their most recent studio album, 2006’s Wonder Wheel. The album — seven years in the making — is an homage to Woody Guthrie, infusing Dust Bowl ballads with klezmer style. The Klezmatics are the only klezmer band to win a Grammy. Not only does the band’s music represent the Jewish Diaspora through thundering clarinets, whining violins and piercing accordions, but it also serves to draw in listeners from around the globe with common themes and rhythms. You don’t have to be Jewish to appreciate a good drinking song or socialist anthem. Or a good time. ira Allen chapel, UVm, April 17, 7:30 p.m. $20/25.


13 MOST BEAUTIFUL … SONGS FOR ANDY WARHOL’S SCREEN TESTS Once upon a time — OK, it was 1964 — iconic American pop-art provocateur Andy Warhol began shooting a series of “screen tests” in his fabled New York studio the Factory. His subjects ranged from virtual unknowns to some of the most “beautiful” and enchanting young stars of the day, including Lou Reed, Dennis Hopper and Edie Sedgwick. Those four-minute films, nearly 500 in total, were shot in black and white and had no sound. Until now. Acclaimed indie duo Dean & Britta (both formerly of Luna) have crafted a suite of new music, collectively titled 13 Most Beautiful … Songs for Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests, to accompany, well, 13 of Warhol’s shorts. The project, commissioned by the Pittsburgh-based Warhol Museum, has spurred a critically acclaimed new double album. But when it comes to experiencing what makes this union of sight and sound so special, nothing compares with the duo’s live performance, which Toronto’s Globe and Mail calls, “At once beguiling, witty and poignant … a moody, evocative soundscape.”

Saturday September 25, 2010 Essex High Schools, Essex VT Doors Open at 7:00 PM Show Begins at 7:30 PM ~Silent Auction~ ~Refreshments Table~ Provided by Klinger’s Bread Co.


Moore Theater, Hopkins Center, April 8, 8 p.m. $10-32.

20.00/ In Advance, $25.00 At The Door, $10.00/ 12 & Under To purchase tickets please go to



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9/13/10 10:19:01 AM

Miss Vermont says,

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You can’t beat Macbeth for a story about the lust for power. But Shakespeare’s bloody drama certainly takes on a different kind of intensity in the SITI Company’s version, which Variety magazine calls “a bullet of a play.” This one is set in a warehouse where a group of 1940s-era radio-play actors come together to deliver their lines for the production. But “what begins to happen is the play becomes alive for them in an amazing and almost haunted way,” describes Margaret Lawrence, programming director at the Hopkins Center. “They, and you, become gripped in the play, and the audience almost becomes a kind of nervous system for the actors. The energy is palpable.” Lawrence says she’s brought the New York City-based ensemble — under the artistic direction of MacArthur “genius grant” winner Anne Bogart — to the Hop three times before. One of those productions was A Midsummer Night’s Dream set in the American Dust Bowl of the 1930s. “She loves classics,” Lawrence says of Bogart, “but set in other landscapes, both geographically and psychologically.” SITI Company is also known internationally for combining Bogart’s “viewpoint” style of acting with the Suzuki method of actor training developed by company cofounder Tadashi Suzuki. “It’s a way of presenting yourself very physically,” Lawrence explains. “You’re part of a very active, dynamic set of relationships on stage. For the audience, it creates a very exciting thing that draws you in.” Drawn into Macbeth? Could get edgy.

Camp TaKumTa

Flynn MainStage, March 29, 7:30 p.m. $25/39. Moore Theater, Hopkins Center, April 4 & 5, 7 p.m. $10-42.



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9/13/10 2:06:29 PM

There’s never been a better time to run away with the circus, or at least snag a seat to ohh and ahh at one. Or three: World-class acts Cirque Éloize, Cirque Mechanics and Cirque Le Masque all swing through our neck of the woods next year. The first two have previously graced the Flynn stage and are back — perhaps by popular demand? Meanwhile, Long Island-based Cirque Le Masque, coming to the Paramount, has a new bag of tricks up its sleeve. The daredevil troupe aims to astound with graceful feats of strength in flying-silk acts, gaspinducing trapeze turns and tandem tumbling. But the intriguing premises of its shows set this cirque apart. In Carnivale, a world-weary young girl harboring dreams of becoming a circus artist travels to “the ultimate party town,” Rio de Janeiro. Full of gravity-defying antics by acrobats, physical comedians, aerialists and character actors, the performance captures the spellbinding lure of the circus tradition. Cirque Le Masque’s newest show, Evolution, is also out of this world. Imagine aliens touching down in the middle of a circus show, and you begin to get the gist. Touring internationally since the mid-’90s, the traveling spectacle owned by brothers Dennis and Bernie Schussel touts performers with names such as Cirque du Soleil on their résumés. Not an artist himself, Dennis Schussel wasn’t about to let the circus pass him by. His philosophy? “If you can’t do it, own it,” he jokes. And if you can’t join it, see it. Cirque Éloize, Flynn MainStage, February 18 & 19, 8 p.m. $27-47. Cirque Mechanics, Flynn MainStage, March 11, 8 p.m. $27-47. Cirque Le Masque, Paramount Theatre, May 13, 8 p.m. $31.50-41.50.


400 Cornerstone Dr, Ste 220, Williston

ALFRED HITCHCOCK’S THE 39 STEPS Spies. Murder. Romance. An onstage plane crash. The 39 Steps is the theatrical adaptation of Alfred Hitchcock’s classic film that’s been a hit on Broadway and is suddenly all over Vermont. The fast-paced comedy-thriller ran this summer at the Weston Playhouse as well as at the Depot Theatre in Westport, N.Y. It’s coming up in November at Northern Stage, and in May the Broadway tour makes a stop at the Flynn. You don’t have to know the film to enjoy this two-time Tony Award-winning play, though the script hews closely to Hitchcock’s masterpiece, simultaneously celebrating and spoofing it. Four cast members play more than 140 characters, flipping their identities seamlessly — and hilariously — from vaudevillian to cop to traveling lingerie salesman. As the play begins, protagonist Richard Hannay is attending a show at a London music hall when shots are fired and the audience breaks into chaos. He takes home a woman who tells him she’s a spy. When the woman is fatally stabbed the next morning, Hannay finds himself the prime suspect in her murder, and he quickly becomes embroiled in a mysterious plot to uncover British military secrets. He hits the road to save his life. Despite its cinematic setting, the play is produced with minimal, but inventive, set design. The magic, the critics are saying, is in the theatrics. Find out what all the buzz — and those 39 steps — are about this season. Northern Stage production at Briggs Opera House, November 3-21, various times. $30-56. Broadway national tour, Flynn MainStage, May 13, 8 p.m. $43-50.



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Dance Theatre, Mahaney Center for the Arts, October 29 & 30, 8 p.m. $24/18.

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— Give your kids the


When choreographer Tamar Rogoff first saw Gregg Mozgala, Mozgala wasn’t a dancer; he was an actor playing the lead role in an off-Broadway production of Romeo and Juliet. Mozgala’s cerebral palsy gave him an awkward gait — he walked on his toes, knees bent inward, his hips swinging from side to side. But Rogoff was captivated by his energy onstage and approached him afterward about working with her. “His body was so responsive to the text,” she writes in an email about the performance where she spotted him two and a half years ago. “He was so alive and physically present.” Less than a year later, Mozgala was moving his body in ways he’d never thought possible and starring in a dance Rogoff created for him, Diagnosis of a Faun, which comes to Middlebury College’s Mahaney Center for the Arts next month. In it, Mozgala plays a 5000-year-old faun — that is, half-man and half-goat — interacting with doctors and dancers in both the operating room of a modern-day hospital and the forest. Mozgala’s transformation wasn’t easy. In addition to daily rehearsals, Rogoff coached him through intensive body work and movement exercises, essentially retraining his muscles so he could keep his alignment and balance in check. “I’m sure no other choreographer and dancer have ever worked like we do. Movement just doesn’t move through my body like other people’s,” Mozgala wrote on Rogoff’s performance blog during the initial rehearsal period. “This is, of course, why Tamar was interested in working with me.” What they achieved together isn’t just a transformation of his body; it’s a work of art.

LUCINDA CHILDS’ DANCE Three decades have passed since choreographer Lucinda Childs’ definitive collaborative work, Dance, premiered in New York City, but the original cast, including Childs, will be right there on the Flynn stage — in the form of ghostly video projections — accompanying the new cast as they dance the piece live next April. The video component is nothing new. In the original production, a collaboration between Childs and composer Philip Glass, artist Sol LeWitt filmed the dancers from various perspectives and overlaid the footage on the live performance, creating a kind of multidimensional study of movement. Now the work incorporates a whole new dimension: the passing of time. The individual components of Dance are as minimalist as its title suggests. Dancers dressed all in white move swiftly across the stage, entering and exiting on a grid. Glass’ music is almost hypnotizing in its repetition and reiteration. The movements haven’t changed much from those in the video of the original cast, but when the large images are projected behind the live performers, you get the impression each dancer is accompanied by a giant alter ego. That performance at the Flynn is the second half of a double bill; the first is a solo piano concert by Glass. He’ll play from his early works, including Einstein on the Beach, Satyagraha and Metamorphosis 1-5. Attend both parts of the evening, with a talk in between, and you’ll have a chance to immerse yourself in the work of two legendary American artists. Plus, you’ll get a reduced ticket price for the pair. Flynn MainStage, April 2; Glass at 7 p.m., Dance at 9 p.m. $24-$40.


POPOVICH COMEDY PET THEATER When it comes to family entertainment, you can’t go wrong with circus arts, comedy and dogs doing tricks. But Russian-born circus performer Gregory Popovich has a secret weapon: the reputedly untrainable house cat. Images of kitties riding bicycles lure Vegas tourists to the V Theater in the Planet Hollywood resort, where they find Popovich and his human troupe — which includes his daughter — juggling, clowning, and cavorting with cats, dogs, ferrets and geese. While the felines do not, as attested by reviewers at, actually pedal cycles, they do show off their natural grace in feats of agility. And every single one of them was rescued from a shelter. That story has landed Popovich and his pets on “The Tonight Show,” “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon,” “America’s Got Talent” and the Animal Planet network. Next March, a collaborative effort of the Chandler Center for the Arts and the Lebanon Opera House will bring the Comedy Pet Theater to the Upper Valley. Not for the first time. When CPT appeared at the Chandler in 2005 and 2006, says executive director Rebecca McMeekin, “the show was wildly popular with the audience.” After Popovich got his gig in Vegas, she notes, he took a break from touring the show, “and when it came back, the artist fee had more than doubled. The show had gotten too big and expensive for Chandler to present and still keep ticket prices at an affordable level.” So McMeekin and Heather Clow, executive director of the Lebanon Opera House, teamed up to bring the CPT to the larger venue, giving local kids a chance to take a break from Lolcats and check out the real thing. Lebanon Opera House, March 5, 11 a.m. & 3 p.m. $15-20 or $40 family rate. SEVENDAYSVT.COM





KHMER ARTS ENSEMBLE, THE LIVES OF GIANTS Take a moment to let this sink in: Your culture has been annihilated, its music, dance, art and theater traditions wiped out. Most of its practitioners and teachers have been systematically killed. It may seem far fetched, but this is exactly what happened in Cambodia in the 1970s when the communist Khmer Rouge attempted to purge anything they considered “elite.” One of the survivors of that holocaust is choreographer, dancer and vocalist Sophiline Cheam Shapiro. Born in 1967 and just a child during the Pol Pot regime, she was one of the first to attend Phnom Penh’s newly reopened fine-arts school after the country’s civil war ended. She devoted herself to mastering complex, 1000-year-old dance movements, whose grace and delicacy belie the strength required to perform them. Later, Cheam Shapiro started her own school, the Khmer Arts Academy, to preserve and teach these traditions. She also maintains a school and residence in Long Beach, Calif., home to many Cambodian refugees. “She is at the very leadership of a profound movement to preserve classical dance and music,” says Margaret Lawrence, programming director of the Hopkins Center at Dartmouth College. Cheam Shapiro’s performances retain “that beautiful, glittering, slow-moving art form,” Lawrence notes, but she also uses it, with very subtle changes, to reflect on her country’s history over the last 40 years. Over the last two decades, Cheam Shapiro has earned international renown, collaborated with artists such as Americans John Zorn and Peter Sellars, and won prestigious awards, including the National Heritage Fellowship. The striking elegance of Cambodian costumes, movement and music has struck a chord the world over. So, too, has the country’s story, which from this remove can be told as both a cautionary tale and a parable about the resilient human spirit. In its current production, Cheam Shapiro’s 30-member Khmer Arts Ensemble does just that through The Lives of Giants, about a 10-headed despotic king. Hopkins Center, September 28 & 29, 7 p.m. $25-37. Flynn MainStage, October 1, 8 p.m. $22-38.


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thE WiYoS AND RED mollY New York City’s Wiyos adopted their curious name from the most notorious of old New York’s street gangs, the Why-ohs. Though they hardly resemble that bloodthirsty consortium of thieves, murderers and scoundrels, the band has earned a reputation as one of the baddest old-time outfits around, trading in early American roots music performed with reckless, vaudevillian abandon. If the Wiyos are rough and tumble, Red Molly are sweet and refined … and funny. The New Yorkbased, all-female trio has risen to wide acclaim, especially in traditional-music circles, for a cunning take on high-lonesome bluegrass and gospel music that belies the women’s urban origins. Or, as the Boston Globe puts it, “It’s as if their notes are carried to you on the crisp air of the Ozarks.” The Wiyos — who performed at the Lane Series’ summer Film and Music Series four years ago — return with their three lady friends next month. UVm Recital hall, october 29, 7:30 p.m. $20/25.

D AN Bo l l E S

9/13/10 10:27:28 AM






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9/7/10 12:40:02 PM


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Encore, Encore! « P.27

infusing the dialogue with the rhythms of hip-hop and speech patterns of ver at the Flynn Center, the African Americans in the Crescent City. season is so diverse its de- “It was originally staged in the flooded scription can include the areas, with black actors,” Malina says. words ballet, Broadway and “Beckett’s Irish characters effortlessly Bollywood in one breath. But a close become citizens of New Orleans waiting read of the brochure reveals a thematic for help. Sometimes adaptations don’t thread in some of the programming: work,” Malina adds. “But when they do, Now serving minimalism. That is, work that origi- it speaks to the universality of the work. whole wheat crust nated in the minimalist movements of It is a real thrill.” Arthur Miller’s Salesman, appearthe ’60s and ’70s or is influenced by it. ing around the state as well as at the The centerpiece performance in this SEPTTEMBER SPECIAL Hopkins Center, has both homegrown vein is a re-creation of Lucinda Childs’ Large 1-Topping Pizza and Hollywood appeal: It’s a Weston 1979 Dance, set to music by composer 1 Order Boneless Wings and Philip Glass and filmed by the concep- Playhouse production starring film and 2 Liter Soda tual artist Sol LeWitt. At the Flynn, that television actor Christopher Lloyd. film will be projected behind the current Groundbreaking when it premiered 60 generation of dancers simultaneously years ago, the play remains just as relAvailable pick-up or Delivery expires 9/30/10 performing Childs’ sweeping, geometric evant — perhaps even more so — to the choreography, so that the piece offers state of the human condition today. 973 Roosevelt Highway If works become classics for the not only a shifting point of view in space Colchester • 655-5550 timelessness of their content, we have to but in time. Philip Glass himself will be on hand, too, performing pieces from ask what will happen in decades hence to contemporary pieces older works on the piano shear ENVY1 welcomes Bree8/25/10 LeMay! 12v-ThreeBros-0910.indd 11:30:14 AM that rely on technology. prior to Dance. After all, to the modern The Lar Lubovitch mind, gizmos are conDance Company, coming tinually outdated. Will to the Flynn next month, the technology used in also pioneered new works a performance doom it by Glass, as well as fellow to the cultural landfill, minimalist composer or will it simply serve to Steve Reich, in the 1970s. anchor the work in a time The troupe influenced a period, much as historic generation of choreogracostumes do? Chances phers while continuing are the technology of to create new pieces of its today will be not just own. This is reflected in quaint but nonexistent its Flynn program, which decades hence, so we’ll includes Lubovitch’s 1978 AR NIE mAl INA, have to cross that bridge 160 College St., 2nd Floor | 865 (ENVY) 3689 | North Star, with a Glass F lYNN c E Nt E R when we come to it. score, and a brand-new Meanwhile, though piece set to music by 16t-shearenvy081110.indd 1 8/9/10 2:21:30 PM “the multimedia approach is so much John Coltrane. The Flynn season honors other more ubiquitous” these days, observes R E S TA U R A N T icons of the past, too — some of them the Hop’s programming director long gone. Jazz giant Charles Mingus is Margaret Lawrence, “artists don’t necrepresented by the three-part Mingus essarily feel like they have to do it in Lunch Specials Repertory Ensembles as well as his really high-tech ways.” She points to widow and conservator, Sue. The José the example of “LA Party,” a “hilarious, Sushi Roll $3.99 Limón Dance Company — at 64 the lon- entertaining and surreal freakout of a Veggie Rolls $2.99 gest continually running dance troupe in show,” according to the cultural wethe U.S., notes Malina — reprises a 1955 bzine Culturebot, that will skid into the Specializing in Vietnamese masterpiece, Rooms, choreographed by Hop and the Flynn next February. About and Thai cuisine. the great Anna Sokolow. Avant-garde a fanatical vegan who slides off the singer, composer and music-theater cre- wagon for a wild bender in Los Angeles, Open for Lunch & Dinner ator Meredith Monk is still very much it’s narrated by writer David Barlow. But alive and exploring the reaches of the the piece also uses live video featuring human voice; in February, she brings a six performers who make up one comFull menu available program of works from the ’70s as well posite human being. Not sure what that onlineat means, really, but Lawrence suggests as contemporary compositions. “All these people are great American viewers might think, Well, I could have Downtown Burlington figures and deserve for people to learn done that. But could they? More to the Lower Church St • 859-9998 more about them,” says Malina. He feels point, she says, they didn’t. “As with the same about “two major plays that YouTube,” Lawrence concludes, “some are part of theater history”: Waiting people are using technology in very for Godot and Death of a Salesman. sophisticated ways or in less technical Say you saw 12v-vietnamrestaurant091510.indd 1 it in... 9/8/10 2:43:08 PM The former proved its timelessness ways, but with great imagination.” And that’s where the magic of peronce again when director Christopher McElroen produced the Samuel Beckett formance has always come from. On classic in post-Katrina New Orleans, with the shows. m





and deserve for people to learn more about them.







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All these people Are greAt AmericAn figures

11/24/09 1:32:18 PM

PRESENtER INFo & tIcKEtS • After Dark Music Series, United Methodist Church, Middlebury, www., 388-0216 • Barre Opera House, www., 476-8188 • Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Burlington,, 864-0471 • Chandler Center for the Arts, Chandler Music Hall, Randolph, www.chandler-arts. org, 728-6464 • Flynn Center/FlynnSpace, Burlington,, 863-5966 • Higher Ground Presents, South Burlington, www.highergroundmusic. com • Hopkins Center, various venues, Dartmouth College, Hanover, N.H., www., 603-646-2422 • Johnson State College, Dibden Center for the Arts,, 635-1476 • Lane Series, various venues, Burlington,, 656-4455 • Lebanon Opera House, N.H., www., 603-448-0400 • Lost Nation Theater, Montpelier, www., 229-0492 • Lyric Theatre Company, Burlington,, 658-1484 • Middlebury College, various venues,, 443-6433 • Middlebury Town Hall Theater, www., 382-9222 • Northern Stage, Briggs Opera House, White River Junction, www., 296-7000 • Off Center for the Dramatic Arts, Burlington, • Paramount Theatre, Rutland, www., 775-0903 • Pentangle Arts, Woodstock, www., 457-3981 • UVM Theatre, Burlington, www., 656-2094 • Vergennes Opera House, www., 877-6737 • Vermont Contemporary Music Ensemble, varioius locations,, 849-6900 • Vermont Mozart Festival, various locations,, 862-7352 • Vermont Stage Company, FlynnSpace, Burlington,, 862-1497 • Vermont Symphony Orchestra, various locations,, 800-876-9293, x10 • Vermont Youth Orchestra, various locations,, 655-5030 • Weston Playhouse, www., 824-5288

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The Taste Maker Matt Rogers: Making Burlington cooler, one band at a time B y D an Bol l es 09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS 36 FEATURE

matthew thorsen


usic scenes can be kind of like the weather: Everybody complains, but nobody does anything about them. In the Queen City, that complaint takes the form of a familiar refrain: “There are never any good shows here.” Of course, that gripe is not entirely grounded — for one thing, this writer would be unemployed if it were. The truth is, there are scads of good shows in and around Burlington, practically on a nightly basis, which is all the more impressive when you consider the area’s population. Still, if you’re the kind of person who checks the calendars of clubs in major cities, it’s hard to see the embarrassment of riches enjoyed by our urban neighbors and not feel a twinge of jealousy. That goes double when you discover great bands touring from Boston to Montréal — or vice versa — and leapfrogging our lakeside hamlet. Frustration can turn to outright anger when said band takes an off day between the cities — looking at you, Joanna Newsom. But one local promoter refuses to consider this situation as inevitable as Vermont winters. His name is Matt Rogers. Rogers, 25, is the founder of MSR Presents, a small, Burlington-based music booking and promotions company that has been responsible for unleashing a wealth of ultrahip indie music on Burlington’s eager collective ears over the past year. The upstart company’s résumé ranges from up-and-coming bands, such as Phantogram and Bear in Heaven, to breakout stars such as Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, the Tallest Man on Earth, and the Morning Benders. New Jersey native Rogers is a recent graduate of St. Michael’s College, where he majored in business with a minor in management. Both disciplines come in handy helming MSR Presents. Unlike many liberal-arts-school grads, Rogers is putting his degree to good use and actually working in his field of study. His “day job”? Assistant tour manager to James Taylor. (Yes, that James Taylor.)

Rogers travels regularly for his job, often for months at a time — he missed this spring’s whole run of MSR shows because he was touring New Zealand, Australia and Asia. He has circled the globe with Taylor and witnessed the day-to-day, behind-the-scenes minutiae of touring that most of us never think about. The experience has given Rogers an insider’s perspective. He credits it with the revelation that would lead to the birth of MSR Presents: Namely, that this stuff is surprisingly easy. “What put me over the top was seeing how shows are actually put on,” Rogers says recently over coffee at a Burlington café. “When you see it on that scale, and then downsize it for small venues, it really isn’t that hard.” Rogers also started MSR Presents because he shared the gripe of other local music fans. Tired of traveling to Boston or Montréal to see shows that weren’t coming to Burlington, he realized it would be much easier simply to contact the bands and line up gigs here. “I just sort of saw this void,” he says, referring to the oft-cited, and perhaps misperceived, dearth of stops by midlevel indie-rock bands in Burlington. “I mean, they do a great job, but there are only so many shows that Higher Ground can bring in.” Rogers began emailing bands and agents, gradually learning the ins and outs of tour routing and booking. At Club Metronome, in September 2009, MSR Presents presented its first show, featuring Brooklyn-based indie darlings Here We Go Magic. The lineup also included Burlington’s Vacant Lots and DJ Disco Phantom, an eclectic turntablist who spins at most MSR events. That first show flew under most local fans’ radar, and failed financially. But Rogers’ next effort, at Metronome with Seattle greats Grand Archives, was better received. Then, in November, he pulled off a coup: a triple bill featuring Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeros, Fool’s Gold, and Local Natives.


Matt Rogers

Whether by savvy design or sheer dumb luck,

Matt Rogers has a tendency to unearth relatively unknown bands right before they blow up.

David Bazan with the Mynabirds Thursday, September 16, at Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $12. 18+.

The Tallest Man on Earth, S. Carey Saturday, September 26, at Club Metronome, Burlington, 9 p.m. $15. 18+.

We Are Scientists, Rewards Monday, October 11, at Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $13. 18+.

Dungen, The Entrance Band, Maga Tuesday, October 12, at The Monkey House, Winooski, 9 p.m. $8. 18+.

Free Energy, Foxy Shazam!, Hollerado Thursday, October 14, at Club Metronome, 9 p.m. $14. 18+.

Light Pollution, Prince Rama, Cloud Nothings. Sunday, October 24, at The Monkey House, 9 p.m. $8. 18+

The Ruby Suns. Monday, October 25, at Club Metronome, 7 p.m. $10. 18+. 09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS FEATURE 37

“That was a home run, right there,” says Rogers, smiling. “I don’t know if we’ll ever get a better three-band bill than that.” That’s not an understatement. Whether by savvy design or sheer dumb luck, Rogers has a tendency to unearth relatively unknown bands at precisely the moment before they blow up. Sharpe and Co. are currently among the country’s hottest indie bands and sold out the Higher Ground Ballroom earlier this summer. The Morning Benders, who played a sold-out gig at Winooski’s The Monkey House in April, will return to play Higher Ground in November. This fall, Here We Go Magic will tour with both Dr. Dog and indie legends Built to Spill. And the list goes on. “I get really consumed when I’m looking for bands,” Rogers says. “But the real thing is that I just look for bands I’m really into and will personally be excited to see.” He adds that he’s particularly amped for the show he’ll present this Thursday: David Bazan at Club Metronome.

christopher lloyd. photo: Michael roManos


Rogers’ enthusiasm has proved infectious. He says he regularly speaks with fans at MSR shows who weren’t familiar with that night’s bands and came solely because of his company’s growing reputation. That rep has translated into plenty of fresh faces in increasingly packed crowds. “I’ll go to MSR shows now and hardly recognize anyone in the crowd. And that never happens in Burlington,” says Nick Mavodones, Higher Ground’s boxoffice manager and the booking agent at Burlington hot spot Radio Bean. Mavodones is also the founder of Angioplasty Media, another independent promotions company that has brought in its fair share of exciting music of late. The two operations have begun collaborating on shows, most recently to present School of Seven Bells at Metronome. “I want MSR to be a communitybased thing,” says Rogers. He donates a percentage of show profits — when there are profits — to local charities after each show. And Rogers makes a point of including local bands as support whenever possible. “That’s such a big thing for local bands,” says Paddy Reagan, a local musician and booking agent at The Monkey House. “Opening for your favorite bands can really motivate you as a musician, and it can help turn new audiences on to you as well.” Rogers knows that firsthand. “Doing this has turned me on to so many awesome local bands, too,” he acknowledges. MSR Presents has a predictably strong slate of shows lined up for this fall (see sidebar). And Rogers hints at more to come. But he stops just short of suggesting MSR Presents could eventually replace his gig with James Taylor as a primary source of income. “The thing is, it’s really tough to make a buck doing this. If I break even, I’m pumped,” he says. “But we’re really just getting started. And it’s still just fresh and fun. Hopefully, people continue to catch on and I can do this for a long time.” m 2v-JSC091510.indd 1

9/10/10 10:36:27 AM


09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS 38 FOOD






ot many restaurateurs can say they met their business and life partners between costume changes. That’s the case of Mucuy Bolles and Christian Makay, who got to know each other on a recent tour with the stage version of Disney’s The Lion King. A dancer who’d already done the show on Broadway, Bolles had to race through 15 costumes as different jungle animals. Makay, the property master, was there to help. Now the pair, both 40, are engaged. And they’re bringing their theatrical flair to a new venture: Three Stones Restaurant, which they opened last December in Brattleboro. There are no jungle animals in the Brattleboro dining car that houses Three Stones — and no train décor, either. Coowners Bolles and Makay have transformed the space into a cozy Yucatecan hacienda. Pottery and Mayan-inspired paintings decorate the walls. Bolles greets diners in an airy, embroidered garment called a huipil. It’s all in keeping with the cuisine of chef Alejandra Bolles — Mucuy’s mother, a native of Ticul, Mexico. The senior Bolles learned to cook on three hot stones in her grandmother’s thatched hut, the smoke escaping through its stick walls. Makay plans to evoke the hut in the train car by adding straw to the ceiling of the dining room, using the set-design expertise he gained during his years backstage. Switching from a life in the theater to one in the restaurant business is more common than one might think. While there’s truth in the stereotype of bored performer-waiters hoping for their big break, some theater folk have found themselves falling in love with the food industry. Take Deirdre Heekin and Caleb Barber. The couple, who met at Middlebury College, headed to Italy after their wedding to start a dance company. Instead, they were swept up in the Tuscan food culture, which they have since brought to Vermont in the form of their esteemed restaurant, Osteria Pane e Salute in Woodstock. As for Makay, he studied hospitality before following his passion into technical theater, and he’d always dreamed of opening an inn or restaurant in Vermont. When the time came, he seized the

The Chow Must Go On Vermont restaurateurs talk about going from the stage to the stove B Y ALICE L E VIT T

opportunity to help his future motherin-law share her Mayan cuisine with America. Mucuy Bolles says the backbreaking work of starting a restaurant seemed easy to her. She leapt into the world of dance straight from high school, joining Eliot Feld’s troupe, now called Ballet Tech. In her twenties, Bolles performed with the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater and traveled Europe, Asia and Egypt. “When I go back to visit [the Alvin Ailey troupe], I’m like, ‘Wow, that was me!’” she says. “I think it was probably the most stressful and the most fulfilling part of my career at the same time.” The brutal life of a touring professional dancer, running from airport to theater on ravaged feet, taught Bolles LISTEN IN ON LOCAL FOODIES...

perseverance, she says. “I’m used to working really hard, and hard work doesn’t faze me at all.” Makay, who held myriad backstage jobs on theatrical and concert tours, adds that the couple’s experience on the boards has taught them the value of theatricality at their restaurant. He compares the kitchen to a backstage area, and diners to a waiting audience. “It’s just like theater — as soon as you exit off the wings, it’s chaos,” he says. “The whole production is basically the same.” And it is a production. Bolles emphasizes that her family is trying to create a cultural experience by sharing Mayan art, dress, language and food. The menu includes a glossary of Spanish and Mayan terms.


Bolles is particularly proud that her mother makes all the restaurant’s corn tortillas, or uah, by hand. Alejandra Bolles’ cuisine is specific to the Yucatan, and empanadas and tamales share menu space with the less familiar panucho, a refried-bean-filled tortilla, and “onzicil,” a pumpkin-seed salsa served over zucchini. Bolles and Makay say they were happy to leave the theater behind and enjoy their restaurant and Vermont’s wideopen spaces. But some restaurateurs spend their free time treading the boards — such as Chris Francis, innkeeper at Ye Olde England Inne in Stowe. Francis says he never had ambitions of being a full-time actor, “outside of being a regular clown in life.” He’s never performed professionally, but for more than a decade he’s belonged to the Stowe Theatre Guild, which gives him a chance to hit the stage just down the road from his inn and its restaurant, Mr. Pickwick’s. Acting seems to be a natural extension of Francis’ ebullient personality. Over the years, he’s had small roles in shows such as Moon Over Buffalo, Man of La Mancha and Oliver! — in which his son Ross, now an aspiring actor in Los Angeles, joined him as the Artful Dodger. In 2002, Francis, who is from the UK, used the patented, old-school Britishness associated with his menu of bangers and mash and spotted dick to play Colonel Pickering, Henry Higgins’ pal in My Fair Lady. Like Bolles and Makay, Francis says his experience in theater has enhanced his ability to run a restaurant. “Hospitality is entertainment,” he says. Theatrical training, adds Francis, has taught him to use body language and eye contact when interacting with guests and employees. “You have to understand how to communicate with people. It’s all to do with how you convey the message ... with a little comedy to help them relax,” he says. When planning menus with his chef, Francis says, he makes sure dishes look the part. Served in an old-country-pub atmosphere, the fare at Mr. Pickwick’s has to convey homey rusticity while satisfying diners who expect Stowe-level opulence. THE CHOW MUST GO ON

» P.40



MOre vietnaMese in the ’nOOsk

Where can you find shots of espresso, local burgers for $4.95, and volumes by Ayn Rand, Richard Wright and John Irving to flip through as you’re eating? At the chuBBy MuffIn — the newest project from the team behind the skInny PancakE.

Rob Blum at the Chubby Muffin

— A. L.


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(10pouch pk) NOW $4.49 (was $5.99)**


Talk about squashing the competition. Just in time for Halloween parties, drinkers can now imbibe the world’s first pumpkin cider, courtesy of WooDchuck harD cIDEr. “Other than the apple, is there a fruit that [better] exemplifies fall in New England than a pumpkin?” queries BrEt WILLIaMs, president and CEO of GrEEn MountaIn BEVEraGE co., maker of Woodchuck. “We decided to put the two of them together for the first time.” The pumpkins used in the cider come from the garden

Located on Oak Street in the Old North End, near the Boys & Girls Club of Burlington, the spot started serving its namesake pastries in flavors such as corn, banana-chocolate chip and savory sausage and onion — with prices from $1.95 to $3.15 — last Saturday, along with a small menu of snack-shack-style favorites. Like its sister crêperies, the Muffin boasts compostable takeout containers and plenty of Vermont-grown goodies. “We have 500 pounds of blueberries in our freezer,” says co-owner BEnJy aDLEr, interviewed while preparing to teach a class on jam making in honor of Eat Local Week. The frozen fruit can go into localvore pastries all year round. Next summer, Adler says, he hopes to dish out cones of homemade soft-serve ice cream. Local meat has a pricey rep, but Adler and company are offering burgers for less than 5 bucks and pulledpork sandwiches for $5.95. “What’s surprising is that local ground beef is not much more expensive than commodity ground beef,” Adler explains. “If we do a high enough volume, it should work just fine.” A Vermont-made bean burger could keep vegetarians coming back, too. With a handful of tables made of reclaimed wood, a freshly painted tin ceiling and a neatly lettered chalkboard menu, the Muffin feels cozy and inviting. The only problem may be parking: The café has just one dedicated spot. When it’s taken, patrons must navigate nearby residential streets at the whims of the traffic gods.

Back To Nature Juice Pouch

limeade or smoothies made of avocados or strawberries. Expect to see lots of local pho fiends checking out the place in the next few months...

Back to School Time


It’s been a long wait since a sign first went up in a Winooski Main Street storefront promising Pho PastEur. Last week, a new paper banner offered an update: The Vietnamese noodle shop and grill will open its doors on September 16. What separates Pho Pasteur from the crowd of Chittenden County Vietnamese eateries? Every night is ladies’ night: The crew is female, from owners and best friends LIsa Quan and MInh Vu to the other cooks. JEnnIfEr LE, who is Quan’s daughter, says opening a restaurant was something Vu and Quan “wanted to do forever.” The pals waited for the right location, and when Winooski’s 38 Main Street Pub closed, they eagerly rented the space. The café is elegantly decorated in a Vietnamese style with colorful art from their homeland. Le says to expect all the standard dishes, including pho, and an assortment of rolls with fillings such as mixed veggies, chicken and whole shrimp. But Quan reveals that she has other tricks up her sleeve. She says Pasteur will be Vermont’s only spot to get Bò lá lÕt — spiced beef rolled into pepper leaves — which is the Vietnamese equivalent of dolmades. Among the rice and noodle dishes, Pho Pasteur offers Korean-style beef short ribs and “diced” beef stew. All meats are charbroiled, including pork meatballs that come stuffed into rice-paper spring rolls. Quan notes that, in the near future, she will offer a make-your-own roll option: Plates will arrive covered with grilled pork, vegetables

new shOp Opens in the OlD nOrth enD


Pho Food

and noodles ready to be stuffed into rice paper right at the table. Diners can wash down the fare with fresh-squeezed


by suzanne pODhai z e r & a l i ce l e v i t t

Chubby Pastries, Skinny Prices





Got A fooD tip?

9/10/10 2:54:49 PM


5TH ANNUAL The Chow Must Go On « p.38


4t-AmericanFlatbread091510.indd 1

Hospitality is entertainment.

You have to understand how to communicate with people.

9/13/10 1:20:03 PM

INFO@ 160 Bank Street Burlington, VT













As the innkeeper, Francis says he materials and produce and create somesees himself as a director as much as an thing completely new out of it.” actor. He instructs his servers to carry Fink, Ariel’s manager and bartender, themselves as if under the hot lights and studied acting at the University of New to treat their guests as respected mem- Mexico before opening a theater combers of their audience. “Restaurants are pany of his own, which produced works like the theater in that every day is a by then-young playwrights such as Sam new day, and your audience is changing Shepard and David Mamet. When Fink accordingly,” he says. later moved to Vermont, he settled just Lee Duberman believes that diners three miles from Mamet. “We didn’t can sometimes be the best audience. meet until [I was] knee-deep in the resDuberman is chef and co-owner of taurant industry,” he says. “It’s not like I Ariel’s Restaurant in Brookfield with was going to go up to him and say, ‘David, her husband, Richard Fink. Both are you don’t know it, but you’re meeting ex-actors. the best actor of his generation.’” A determined child, Fink met Duberman Duberman began taking while both were workvoice, dancing and ing at the New England acting lessons at age Culinary Institute. They 6. By the time she left continued to perform for college, she had apand direct with groups peared professionally including Vermont in a summer stock proRepertory Theater, duction of Carnival. She Unadilla Theatre and toured in a Gilbert & the Barre Players, Sullivan troupe while in until raising two boys c hr i S F r A N c i S , college and eventually and running Ariel’s, E r , Y E o lD E dropped out to study E NigNlNAkEEp which opened in 1997, N D i N N E i N S t o wE in New York under the made theater work superpower of acting impossible. instruction, Uta Hagen. Even today, “I have a strong desire to When workshops and off-off-Broad- act or direct,” Fink says. “It hasn’t maway weren’t paying the bills, Duberman terialized for years, because what am I tried her hand at catering industry par- doing on Saturday nights?” ties. She supplied desserts to theatrical Of course, Fink’s busy Saturday nights clubhouse Sardi’s and ended up leaving at Ariel’s still require him to perform. acting to study at the Culinary Institute “There’s so much social interaction in of America. the restaurant, one might even consider Actors know when an audience is it a stage or a performance,” he notes. enjoying their work, and so do chefs, “In this capacity as a host there’s a cersays Duberman. Instead of laughs and tain element of theater.” One similarity: applause, she jokes, “You get contented No matter what catastrophes happen noises.” Her open kitchen allows fans to backstage or in the kitchen, the show get a “stage-door” experience and thank must go on. her after a great meal. Fink also thinks restaurants, like theFor Duberman, cooking offers ar- ater, offer customers a form of escape tistic fulfillment that acting and sing- from their daily lives. He says he feels ing didn’t, because it’s creation from special pride when couples whose wedscratch. “What I do with food is not dings Ariel’s catered return there for interpreting other people’s works,” she each anniversary. “That … is like winexplains. “It’s like doing a one-woman ning an Academy Award,” he says. show out of my kitchen. I get the raw Fink hopes someday to return to the theater. He and Duberman have even discussed staging their own production of Frankie and Johnny in the Claire de Three Stones Restaurant, 105 Canal Street, Brattleboro, 246-1035 Lune in Brookfield. But, like life in the theater, running Osteria pane e Salute, 61 Central Street, a restaurant has a way of swallowing Woodstock, 457-4882 up other hobbies and pursuits. If the Mr. pickwick’s at Ye Olde England Inne, 433 couple ever put on a play, “it would have Mountain Road, Stowe, 253-7558 to be in the winter,” says Duberman, Ariel’s Restaurant, 29 Stone Road, whose restaurant cuts back its hours in Brookfield, 276-3939 the off-season. “And it would have to be Got a comment? Contact Alice Levitt a very slow winter.” m

Wednesday September, 22nd, 5pm to late. Lace up your gauplattler’s, strap on your dirndls, and hike up your lederhosen. Live Oompah music, Oktoberfest beers galore, grilled sausages and more...


4t-FarmhouseTap090810.indd 1

9/6/10 1:31:34 PM


of a Woodchuck employee, GEORGE LEGGETT, who lives just 10 miles from the Bristol cidery. The very limited run of pumpkin cider is the first style produced under Woodchuck’s “private reserve” label. And the winner of the U.S. Open is … BEN & JERRY’S? Jim Chairusmi of the Wall Street Journal conducted a “brazenly unscientific” comparison of food options served at the National Tennis Center in Queens, N.Y. Despite fierce competition from a Carnegie Deli pastrami sandwich and a roasted-chicken panino made by celebrity chef Jonathan Waxman, a Ben & Jerry’s hot fudge sundae reigned supreme. Fifteen-love!


Its name may be ominous, but Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, the regular bulletin from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is often worth perusing. The September 10 edition reports on a study of Americans’ consumption of produce over the past decade. Overall, citizens of Washington, D.C., eat the most fruit each day — and this was true before Michelle Obama started rocking the White House garden. They’re followed, less surprisingly, by Californians. New Yorkers and Vermonters tie for third place. Despite the localvore movement, Green Mountain eaters aren’t even in the top five when it comes to veggie consumption in the past 10 years. The study concludes that Americans in every

single state need to eat more green stuff. Nights are chilly and leaves are beginning to show their colors, which means it’s time for the onslaught of articles American Bistro Fare about traveling to Vermont to with an emphasis on seasonal products catch the evanescent display. & local flavors The Boston Globe kicked BBQ Catering Available things off on September 12 Tuesday Night is BBQ Night with a detailed list of things to do in Montpelier. The ~ Chef Owned & Operated ~ city is renowned, says writer 4 Park Street, Essex Jct • 316-3883 Sarah Zobel, for its “idyllic Reservations accepted by phone. setting” and “quirky friendliOpen for dinner Tuesday-Saturday. ness,” as well as its proximity to lots of trees. Gift Certificates Available Zobel also notes that the little capital is filled with noteworthy restaurants. She 7/26/10 3:52:30 PM highlights the NEW ENGLAND 12v-beltedcow072810.indd 1 CULINARY INSTITUTE’s MAIN STREET GRILL & BAR and LA BRIOCHE, POSITIVE PIE 2 (although she forgot the 2) and the BLACK DOOR BAR AND BISTRO, among others. OUR COMMUNITY


— S .P.

— A.L .

Follow us on Twitter for the latest food gossip! Suzanne Podhaizer: @feedmenow. Alice Levitt: @aliceeats.

the cooks do learn to keep the skin crisp, they are still able to produce as tender and juicy a breast as they did on Saturday…


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Lately, I have craved rotisserie chicken the way pregnant ladies jones for pickles and ice cream. Luckily, the NORTH END ROTISSERIE, on the corner of North Winooski Avenue and North Street, opened Labor Day weekend. The bright space is filled with poultrythemed knickknacks. If you’re one of those people who finds chickens and their beady Tim Nugent little eyes creepy, you will be thoroughly frightened here. I ordered at the counter and was served immediately. Food may be kept warm and served cafeteria style, but it is fresh. A giant chalkboard on one wall lists the ever-changing sides, which number nearly 20… I started with half a rotisserie chicken ($9.49). Unfortunately, the bird had come out of a hot box, and its skin was crêpe-y and not at all crisp. The sweet glaze with which it was coated was pleasant, but I was disappointed by the lack of crunch. This is likely a growing pain, and I hope when

By now, it’s a safe bet that everyone knows someone who’s been on a reality show… Come September 15, everyone in tiny Alburgh will know a reality show star. That’s when “Top Chef”’s newest franchise — “Top Chef: Just Desserts” — premieres on Bravo. Then, the world will be introduced to TIM NUGENT (don’t call him the Nuge), a pastry chef from the Champlain Islands who currently works at Scala’s Bistro in San Francisco… Nugent landed on the show thanks to the executive chef at his restaurant, Jen Biesty, who was a cheftestant on “Top Chef” season 4 in Chicago. Biesty forwarded Nugent’s name to the show’s producers when she heard they were scouting for pastry talent. I know this because I was recently in San Francisco and ate at Scala’s. Since I never miss an episode of the show, I recognized Biesty immediately when she popped into the banquet room briefly before dinner. Who could miss her slightly askew fauxhawk and the expression of perpetual half-terror on her face?



Tapping Into Tapas First Bite: Tasca

BY S uzANNE P o D h A izE r

D 6h-FAHCincontenence090810.indd 1

9/1/10 1:51:56 PM

espite a tapas trend that began in metropolitan areas more than a decade ago and quickly spread to smaller cities, Vermont suffers from a dearth of Spanish fare. The country’s most famed flavorful ingredients, such as serrano ham, smoked paprika and piquillo peppers, rarely make it into dishes on local tables. Stowe’s pan-Latin-American Santos Cocina Latina is one of few places in the state that offer paella — a famed short-grain rice dish that originated in Valencia, Spain — as a standard menu item. In Montpelier, New England Culinary Institute’s Main Street Grill & Bar has a well-crafted global selection of small plates, including a smattering of Iberian options. And in Burlington, tapas bar Via Loma will open any day now at the intersection of Main and South Champlain streets. But for now, our only bona fide Spanish restaurant is Tasca, located in Plainfield on the site of the wellloved River Run restaurant. Tasca’s short tenure has been fraught with controversy. When owner and Spanish native Ignacio Ruiz purchased River Run, he invited its former owner, Jimmy Kennedy, to keep cooking Southern breakfasts for his fans. In July, Ruiz abruptly ended that arrangement and changed the spot’s name to Tasca. The move raised the ire of townsfolk for whom the cozy a.m. meals, with their soul food specialties such as catfish and grits, were a tradition. History aside, Tasca’s ultimate success or failure will rest on the quality of its food and service. After dinner with two friends, during which we sampled nine tapas, a plate of seafood paella and three desserts, I left Tasca feeling conflicted. I appreciated the courteous staffers, the pacing of the meal and the restaurant’s

homey interior, which features roughhewn wooden beams and mismatched orange and green furniture. But my impressions of the food were mixed. The menu had an appealing selection of tapas, ranging from simple toasted almonds to a plate of bread, avocado and poached shrimp with aioli. But the entrées, save for the paella and a paprika-laced seafood stew, didn’t seem to promise big, bold flavors: They included such unexotic choices as breaded steak or chicken with mashed potatoes, pan-seared tomatoes and snap peas, or burgers. To make the most of our visit, we opted for a mix of small plates to share and one entrée — a 10-inch pan filled with seafood paella. One of the first dishes to arrive, and one of the best we tried, was the classic pan con tomate — two slices of crusty bread rubbed with garlic and ripe tomato. We got ours covered in shreds of nutty Manchego. Although the sprinkling of cheese cost a hefty-seeming extra $3, it made the dish. At $7, a tapa of wilted spinach also seemed too expensive, but with all the starch and meat headed our way, we needed some healthy greens. Although the leaves were cooked to a beautiful bright green, they were excessively salty. Plump, sweet raisins punctuated each bite and helped make the mix more tolerable. The advertised pine nuts (which would have helped justify the high price) never made it to our plate. A rolled omelette filled with serrano ham and Campo de Montalbán cheese suffered similarly from zealous seasoning. Although the meat and cheese

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The menu had an appealing selecTion of Tapas,

3v-buffalowildwings082510.indd 1

8/23/10 2:24:18 PM

ranging from simple toasted almonds to a plate of bread, avocado and poached shrimp with aioli.

continued after the classified section. page 43


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Enjoy the large lot, huge eat-in kitchen, formal dining area, spacious living room, hardwood flooring, 2 baths and all the charm and character that comes with a vintage home! Also features a large workshop, 3-season porch and some new appliances. $168,000 Call Ivy Knipes (802) 846-9561 || Coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman Realty

3 bedroom Victorian in a great neighborhood. Home features a large kitchen with a pantry & laundry room. Formal dining area leads to an open living room with many unique features. First floor features a library & sun porch/den. Newly remolded bath & nice bedrooms top off the upstairs. With a great yard. $167,000 call ivy Knipes (802) 846-9561 || coldwell Banker Hickok & Boardman realty

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Four bedroom ranch on private acre in family friendly neighborhood. Sunken living room with cathedral ceiling, dining room with skylight, family room with fireplace, 2.5 bathrooms, finished basement. $424,900. 802-985-2007.

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Sunday, 9/19; 1-4pm


Burlington. 3-BR, 2-BA. 9/6/10FSBO-Jamie090810.indd 4:17:53 PM 1 1305 sq.ft. Edge of Sister’s neighborhood. Move-in ready. W/D, 3-season porch, back deck. Claw-foot tub, stained glass and other charming features. Master bedroom w/ walk-in closet. Walk to Church Street. Asking Price $290,000. 802-860-6169.

Recently renovated, 3 BR +, 1 3/4 BA, open floor plan, private deck w/ hot tub, mud room, 12x16 shed. 2255 Greenbush Rd. Charlotte. Motivated seller, broker protected 3%. $312,000. Laura 518-578-2470.

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FOR RENT [CONT.] 3+BR 2-BA HOUSE $1600/MO. Avail. immed.! W/D, DW, fireplace, HDWD, 3-season porch, garage, off-street parking, private yard w/ patio. $1600/mo. + utils. 1st, last + $800 sec. dep. 802-399-4014. 3-BR HUNTINGTON HOUSE 2-story cape on 12 acres. 2 porches, oil heat, gas stove, unfinished basement, DW. $1000/ mo. + utils., dep. Credit check, refs., mo.-to-mo. lease. NS/ dogs. Free trash pickup. janmorse@comcast. net.

Price reduced to 9/13/10FSBO-MichaelStuart081810.indd 4:33:18 PM 1 $370,000. This price is below bank appraisal for 4-BR colonial in village, walking distance to schools and shopping. Must be seen to appreciate. Located on a deadend street. 802-238-6112.

3-BR LAKEFRONT HOUSE Furnished, in S. Hero. Easy 25-min. drive to Burlington. W/D, sunporch, NS. $1100/ mo. + utils., thru May. Greg, 363-1648. 3-BR LAKEFRONT HOUSE Furnished, in S. Hero. Easy 25-min. drive to Burlington. W/D, sunporch, NS. $1100/mo +utils., thru May. Greg, 363-1648. 5 SISTERS CUTE 1-BR Charming apt. in good condition in owneroccupied duplex. Own entrance, sunset deck, seasonal lake views. $900/mo. Avail. Oct. 1. NS/dogs. 802-238-0474 before 8 p.m. AFFORDABLE APTS.! 1-BR, $831/mo., 2-BR, $997/mo., 3-BR, $1152/mo. Incl. heat & HW! Fitness center, media room & covered parking! Pets allowed! Income requirements: 1 person less than $31,740/yr.; 2 people combined less than $36,300; 3 people

combined less than 8/30/10 EHO 12:50:38 $40,800. ADA.PM Info: Keen’s Crossing, 802-655-1810. AFFORDABLE APTS. IN BURLINGTON at Scholars House located on beautiful Mansfield Ave, in walking distance to Burlington-area colleges, offers affordable & secure housing. Income limits apply & resident must have at least 1 dependent child to qualify. Come to our open house on Fri., Sept. 24, 1-4 p.m. to apply for housing, take a tour, enjoy free refreshments & enter to win a $50 gift certificate to Kid’s Town. Info, 802-863-2224 or www. EHO. BRIGHT, LG., QUIET 1-BR Winooski, close to downtown, SMC, UVM, CCV, interstate. Upstairs in duplex. Off-street parking, yard, W/D. Gas heat. Xtra space for office/study. $950/mo. Sorry, no pets. 802-355-7888.

BURLINGTON Single room, Hill Section, on bus line. No cooking. Linens furnished. 802-8622389. Call 2-6 p.m. No pets. BURLINGTON Sunny, 2-BR, 1-BA condo, W/D hookups, gas heat & electricity not incl. Covered parking garage, beautiful lake views, walking distance from downtown, lg. master BR w/ walk-in closets. NS/pets. $1225/mo. + dep. For showing times please call 802-8645200 ext. 225. BURLINGTON Avail. now. Bright & spacious upscale 5-BR apt. in Hill Section. Natural woodwork, 2.5-BA, high-end kitchen, quiet safe location, parking, heat, W/D. Please NS/ pets. Refs. req. $3000/ mo. 802-658-8056, studio404@comcast. net.

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8/23/10 2:52:57 PM


List your property here for 2 weeks for only $45! Contact Ashley 864-5684,

BURLINGTON DOWNTOWN On the park w/ magnifi cent views of lake. Lg. 2nd-floor 1-BR, HDWD, efficient windows & heating. Off-street parking. $895/mo. NS/ pets. 802-476-4071.

COZY JEFFERSONVILLE APT. Nice location off Mountian Rd. toward Smuggs. 1-BR. $600/ mo. incl. utils. Will consider dog. Sec. dep. & 1st mos. rent. 802-644-8297.

CAMBRIDGE VILLAGE 1-BR Nice apts. Walk to stores, skiing/hiking close by, 30-40 mins. to Essex or Burlington. On-site W/D. No pets! Lease, refs. $595/mo. + utils. 802-863-8200.

ESSEX JCT: HUGE TOWNHOUSE Lavoie Dr.: 3-BR, 2.5-BA end unit w/ 2400 sq.ft! Fresh paint. Kitchen w/ breakfast bar, HDWD, fireplace, master suite, cathedral ceiling. $1800/mo. NOW; 1 yr.+. 802-846-9568, www. hickokandboardman. com.

COLCHESTER AVE., BURL. 2-BR apt. Convenient to UVM, hospital, Pharmacy School, CCV. On bus line. Clean & spacious. Heat, HW, trash, snow removal, 1 parking space incl. NS/pets. Dep. 1-yr. lease req. $1100/mo. 802-985-4196.

ESSEX: GREAT VIEWS! Clover Dr.: Single-level living! 2-BR, 2.5-BA, 1580 sq.ft. 3-season porch, HDWD, master w/ BA. Lg. kitchen. Attached garage, hookups. $1500/mo. Now; 1 yr.+. 802-846-9568,

FURNISHED 3-BR MIDOCT.-MAY Fabulous, nice, private. $1800/mo. incl. utils. Master suite. 10 acres w/ pond, fields, X-country. Garage. 3-BA. Piano, pool table. 20 mins. to Burl. Close to ski areas. NS. 802-482-2041. HUNTINGTON Nov. 15 - May 1. Furnished, cozy 2-BR country home. Complete privacy on 18 acres. Woodstoves, W/D. NS/pets. $650/ mo. + dep., utils, refs., lease. 802-434-3632. MILTON Free room & board in exchange for light household chores & companionship. Share w/ 2 elderly adults in pleasant quiet surroundings. Overnight presence 10 p.m.-7 a.m. important. Meal preparation & sharing errand running, day schedule. Utils. all neg. Car essential. Marge, 802-893-2468.

PRIVATE LAKEFRONT HOUSE Furnished cozy home has 3 BRs, screened-in porch, lg. lawn. DW, W/D, beautiful stairway to dock, shore, lakefront. $2000/mo. 802-5223826. ROYALTON FARMHOUSE FOR RENT Beautifully preserved, 1840s farmhouse. 130 acres. Views! 3-BR, 2-BA, DW, W/D, oil/wood, Internet avail. Excellent cell service! 2 miles to VLS. $1500/mo. + utils. 305-491-7083. ST. ALBANS TOWN Duplex, 5 yrs. old. 2- & 3-BR apts. Avail. Oct. 1. Full basement, garbage removal incl. $1000/mo. 802-309-1311. STARKSBORO HOUSE $1400/mo. +. 3-BR, 3-BA, huge finished basement, cathedral ceilings, wood stove, 5 acres. Adjoins 2000+ acre wildlife area. NS, pets possible. 802-324-4940.


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Scholars House, located on beautiful Mansfield Avenue in Burlington offers affordable and secure housing for parents/single parents with children (preference for students enrolled in college or technical training program).

• 100% OWNER FINANCING AVAILABLE!! • Full service salon with new equipment. • Extensive equipment list. • Must see opportunity! Motivated sellers!! • Call Peter Yee @ 802.598.0006

Come to our Open House to apply for housing, take a tour, enjoy free refreshments, and enter to win a $50 gift certificate to Kid’s Town!


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Winooski 262 North St. 1-BR, 1-BA, gas heat & electric not incl. Parking, on-site W/D. $750/mo. + dep. Close to UVM College of Medicine. Avail. now.

1 cat okay. No dogs. NS. For more info. or showing times, please call 802-864-5200 ext. 225.

EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and similar Vermont statutes which make it illegal to advertise any preference, limitations, or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, sexual orientation, age, marital status, handicap, presence of minor children in the family or receipt of public assistance, or an intention to make any such preference, limitation or a discrimination. The newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate, which is in violation of the

9/10/10 10:45:26 AM

Winooski Cozy 2-BR apt. 1st floor. Nice wood floor & new carpets, fresh paint throughout. Offstreet parking, on bus line. Pets neg. $850/

law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings, advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. Any home seeker who feels her or she has encountered discrimination should contact: HUD Office of Fair Housing 10 Causeway St., Boston, MA 02222-1092 (617) 565-5309 — OR — Vermont Human Rights Commission 135 State St., Drawer 33 Montpelier, VT 05633-6301 800-416-2010 Fax: 802-828-2480

crossword »

mo. + utils. Efficient gas heat. 802-658-0218. Winooski Unfurnished 2-BR Apt. In pleasant duplex located in nice neighborhood. 2 floors. Clean, good lighting. Off-street parking for 2 cars, W/D hookups, gas HW heat, small front porch, 5 blocks from downtown Winooski, bike to Burlington. $1000/mo. + utils., dep., lease. NS/pets. Avail. Oct. 1. 802-655-3236.

For more information call Sandy at our main number at 802-863-2224. EHO

6h-cathedralsq091510.indd 1


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Avail. now Room for rent: Monkton farmhouse on 20 acres, in-ground pool,

cathedral ceilings, all amenities incl., pets OK, garden space, 19 miles to Kennedy Dr. Starting at $400/mo. 802-4533457.

9/13/10 4:22:13 PM

Underhill Master BR for rent Private BA in peaceful country setting. Incl. utils., Internet, wood heat, mtn. views. Shared kitchen. Dirt road tranquility. Seeking mature, NS,

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housemates »

answers on page C-7 09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS classifieds C-5

Entertainment Home/Garden

Housemates [cont.] Burlington 68A S. Willard St. Lg. 2nd floor room, $635/ mo. 1.5-BA, W/D, kitchen, parking. NS. Avail. Oct. 1. 802-6607172 or 802-598-7423. S. Burl. house Looking for responsible roommate to share lg. family home w/ pool, hot tub, lg. yard, off-street parking. $450/mo. + 1/3 utils. Avail. now. 802-578-0857.

Housing Wanted House/office on the lake Seeking unobstructed lake view in/near Burlington. Artist (clean, responsible, professional young female) needs a place to paint Lake Champlain during the fall/winter. Could be a shared living space or just office. ArtLakeChamplain@

C-6 classifieds



Office/ Commercial Downtown Burlington Premium 2nd floor location. Avail. Sept. 1. Spacious, open floor plan. Exposed brick walls & high ceilings. 434-3749. 156Church@ Main Street Landing On Burlington’s waterfront has affordable office & retail space. Dynamic environment w/ progressive & forwardthinking businesses., click on space avail. South End Arts District Unclasified: SEAD space. 1,000,000s sq.ft. Build to suit. Free parking. Natural heating, cooling, ventilation. Imagined by Artists & Friends of the South End. www.sead.

Biz Opps HELP WANTED Earn extra income assembling CD cases from home. Call our live operators now! 1-800405-7619 x 2450, www. easywork-greatpay. com. (AAN CAN) PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Talk with caring agency specializing in matching birthmothers w/ families nationwide. Living expenses paid. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions, 866-413-6293. (AAN CAN)

Childcare PLAYGROUP OPENINGS Join our playgroup Thur. or Fri. mornings at the Willow Morning Garden Preschool in Shelburne. We play w/ children ages 2-5 building imaginative, physical and social skills. Sheila, 985-9199.

Counseling Professional Psychotherapy Experienced therapist providing effective treatment for depression, anxiety & trauma. Certified in clinical hypnosis, licensed mental health, alcohol/drug counseling. Sat. DUI classes. 802-0550, ext. 7.

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Education HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in just 4 weeks! Free brochure. Call now! 1-800-5326546, ext. 97. www. continentalacademy. com. (AAN CAN)

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ODD JOBS U BETCHA We do a little bit of everything: pressure washing, painting, carpentry, yard work, gutter cleanout. Give us a call & we’ll give you a price. No job too small. Joe, 802-373-2444.

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Entertainment/ Garage/Estate Tickets Sales Antiques/ Collectibles Cash for Records LPs, 45 RPMs, stereos, concert posters, music memorabilia, instruments. Convenient drop-off in Burlington (corner of Church & Bank). Buy/sell/trade. Burlington Records, 802-881-0303.

Appliances/ Tools/Parts ECHO Trimmer (gas/ oil) Line trimmer, 2 cycle, used, works well, has new starter. $50/OBO. 802-863-1537, lv. msg.

GE ELECTRIC COOKTOP “Honey-Do” Gold/almond 4-burner. For all of those jobs 21.25” x 30.25” (fits your honey can’t get2:26:04 Deep Tissue Massage lg-valleypainting120909indd.indd 12/7/09 1 PM 19.5” x 28.5” countertop to. Small or large, 30-min. massage opening). Spotless, like home or office, 24 hr. for $30. Experience new. New unit costs service. A division of SS deep tissue like never $220; selling for $49. before. Optimum Health Contracting. Call Scott 802-343-3936. Sasso today! Local, Massage, 310 Pine St. reliable, honest. Info: 802-399-6541. Household Items 802-310-6926. Used microwave. Good GOT ANXIETY? FIND condition. $20. 2-yr. RELIEF Getting ready for fall? old A/C. Good, working Feel calm, confident & Remodeling? condition. $35. Nearly more at peace through Renovating? Or need new Sunbeam coffee hypnotherapy. Anxiety a quick consult for pot. $10 Lg. coffee specialist w/ proven projects? We offer table. 802-864-7923. track record to help you great deals & pricing feel better! Burlington. Storm Doors for granite, cabinets &; 36”W x 81”L, white, furnishings. Altogether 802-578-8391. scalloped, excellent Interiors can work w/ condition, locking, no your contractor or ours. Massage Magic We can help you w/ all of screen. $65/ea. or both Professional male masfor $120. 802-863-1537. your decorating needs sage therapist offering & ideas. Call for an appt. magical combination of Vanity top/sink w/ or come by 11 Maple Swedish, deep & therafaucet St., Suite 11, Essex Jct. peutic touch. Luxury 17” deep x 19” wide, setting near Waterbury. 802-288-1100. two-handle brass Visitors, locals welcome. Honey-Do Handyman faucet with pop-up Make an appt. Willie, drain. Clean, in very Services 800-478-0348. good condition. $15. Have a “honey do list” 802-343-3936. and no time to do it? Massage Therapy Rent a man for a day! for $30 Painting, carpentry and Anthony Pauly MT is more. 518-569-6836. offering treatments Burlington area. to first-time clients at $30/hr. 802-324-5769 DJ Equipment for sale by appt. only. I am a local DJ in Chittenden Co. looking Psychic Counseling to sell my equipment. & channeling w/ Bernice Do you want to ride 802-309-9802. Kelman of Underhill. horseback? 30+ yrs. experience. 2 well-schooled horses Legend Also energy healing, looking for part leasers loudspeakers chakra balancing, at full-service barn in Pair, floor standing. 12” Reiki, rebirthing, other Hinesburg. 802-482woofer, 12” passivelives, classes & more. 2083. woofer, 5” mid-range, Info: 802-899-3542, 3” tweeter. 8 ohm, 175 watts. Excellent condition. $150. 802-343-3936.



GayLive Network Call. Talk. Hook up. Fast. Easy. Local. Gay, str8, curious, bi men in hundreds of cities across America. 1-877-359-1083. Call now for your free trial and get in on the action! (AAN CAN) New! Free to Try! 4 Services! 1-877-6603887 Instant Live Connections! 1-866-8173308 Hundreds of Local Women! You Choose! 1-877-747-8644 Connect With Live (18+) Local Ladies! 1-866-530-0180 (AAN CAN)

Free Stuff Free Wooden Pallets & wire spools. 655-7090. Free for Scrap Metal Fridge, furnaces other random stuff. You will need to take out of 2 basements in Burlington. Is Your House Haunted? Let us check it out for free. The Vermont Spirit Detective Agency: “The Private Eye For Those Who’ve Died.” Contact: vermontspirits@gmail. com. 802-881-1171.

Furniture Almost New Bed/ Sofa Waterbed matress, motionless, queen, $50. Captain’s platform bed, drawers under, $50. 4-piece sectional sofa, $50. Rutland. 802-773-7057. Mattress Sets Mattress, box: pillowtop, in plastic w/ full warranty. Twin, $150. Full, $225. Queen, $275. King, $595. Memory foam mattress avail. starting at $350. Beth, 802-598-0316. STORAGE SHELVING 30” x 15” w/ 4 vertical compartments, perfect for books, shoes or sports accessories, yellow! $35/OBO. 802-863-1537. Vanity Maple, turn-of-thecentury vintage, 3-way mirror. Will consider any reasonable offer. 802-863-9207. Wooden Desk w/ iron legs 49”L, 20”W, 31”H, no drawers, great for home-office use or garage workspace. $50/ OBO. 802-863-1537.

Huge Yard Sale Multifamily neighborhood sale. Lakewood Estates, Burlington, North Ave. across from Rite Aide. Furniture, kayak, children’s clothes, toys, etc. Sat., Sept. 18, 8-3. Rummage Sale Bliss Lake Champlain Waldorf School, Sat., Sept. 25, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Shelburne. Treasures from 200 families, impeccably organized for your shopping pleasure. Adult & children clothes, toys, household, boutique, antiques, furniture, books, linens & more. Shelburne Rd. to Harbor Rd.; right at Turtle Lane. Info:, 985-2827. SALE FOR SUICIDE AWARENESS Sat., Sept. 18. 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 100% profits to American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. Vintage clothing, collectibles, household goods, appliances, etc. 59 Cumberland Rd., Burlington.

Kid Stuff Hardwood Crib w/ Mattress Clean, good condition. $29. 802-343-3936.

Pets Horse Hay for Sale 400 bales, $3/bale. You pick up. Rt. 128, Westford. 802-5223826. SCHNAU-TZUS Ready Sept. 18: 2 females, 3 males. Mom: 7-lb. petite shih tzu. Dad: 13-lb. blk. & silver min. Parents on premises. Photos online. $325. 802-8725874.

Want to Buy Antiques Furniture, postcards, pottery, cameras, toys, medical tools, lab glass, photographs, slide rules, license plates, silver. Anything unusual or unique. Cash paid. Info: 802-859-8966. Buying Diamonds & Gold Buying fine-quality diamonds of 1-8 carats. Also purchasing gold. Fred Little, Jeweler, St. Johnsbury. 802-5355501.

Bands/ Musicians PIANO-TUNING SERVICE $75 new-customer tuning special. 802-652-0730, www. justinrosepianotuning. com. Vocalist Wanted The Bluegrass Gospel Project seeks an exceptional vocalist, male or female, who plays mandolin. Emcee experience a +. Northeast regional travel involved. The BGP are a well-established band that take a nonreligious approach to bluegrass/acoustic music. Gene White Jr., genewhitejr@gmail. com.

For Sale Steinway Console Piano Mahogany art case, 42” tall. Great condition, holds tune, is ready to play. Orig. ivories. $2500, does not incl. delivery. 802-652-0730.

Instruction Andy’s Mountain Music Affordable, accessible instruction in guitar, mandolin, banjo, more. All ages/skill levels/ interests welcome! Supportive, professional teacher offering references, results, convenience. Andy Greene, 802-658-2462, guitboy75@hotmail. com, Bass Lessons For all levels/styles, beginners welcome! Learn technique, theory, songs in a professional setting. Years of teaching/playing experience. Appeared in Bass Player, Bass Guitar magazines. Aram Bedrosian, 598-8861. Drum Instruction & more! Experienced, professional instructor/ musician. Williston, Essex, Burlington areas, & all of central VT. Guitar & bass programs also offered. Musicspeak Education Program, www. Gary Williams, 802-793-8387. Drum Instruction & more! Experienced, professional instructor/ musician. Williston, Essex, Burlington areas, & all of central VT. Guitar & bass programs also offered. Musicspeak Education Program, www. Gary Williams, 802-793-8387. Guitar Instruction Berklee grad. w/ 30 years teaching experience offers lessons in guitar, music theory & ear training. Individualized, stepby-step approach. All ages/styles/levels. Info: rickbelf@myfairpoint. net, 802-864-7195. Guitar instruction All styles/levels. Emphasis on developing strong technique, thorough musicianship, personal style. Paul Asbell (Unknown Blues Band, Kilimanjaro, UVM & Middlebury College faculty). Info: 802-862-7696, www.

the construction of two new monument (freestanding) signs, additional signs on the northeast and west corners and canopy of Building #1, signs on the southeast and south end and canopy of Building #2 and expand the loading dock on Building #1 of the Rouille Industrial Park . The Project is located on Gauthier Drive in the Town of Essex, Vermont. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 - Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the Essex Municipal Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 110 West Canal Street, Winooski, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (www.nrb.state. by clicking on “Act 250 Database,” selecting “Entire Database,” and entering the case number above.

Dated in Essex Junction, Vermont, this 31st day of August, 2010. By /s/Peter E. Keibel Peter E. Keibel Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5658 E/ peter.keibel@state. ACT 250 NOTICE MINOR APPLICATION 10 V.S.A., SECTIONS 6001 - 6092 On September 7, 2010, MDT Partnership filed application # 4C0094-8 for a project generally described as The subdivision of an existing lot with two existing buildings into two lots, each with one building. The Project includes the removal of some existing pavement, and the addition of a bike rack, dumpster and fence on the newly-created Lot #1. The project is located at 5 and 9 Green Mountain Drive (Lot #6 of National Life Insurance Co. subdivision) in the City of South Burlington, VT. The District 4 Environmental Commission will review this application under Act 250 Rule 51 — Minor Applications. Copies of the application and proposed permit are available for review at the South Burlington Town Office, Chittenden County Regional Planning Commission located at 110 West

No hearing will be held unless, on or before Thursday, September 30, 2010, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing. Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability

for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by Thursday, September 30, 2010.

record if we do not hear from you by the date noted above.

Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, affected state agencies, and adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. Section 6085(c)(5).

According to the terms and conditions of the First Amended Judgment Order, Decree of Foreclosure and Order of Public Sale in the matter of VERMONT HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY V. RYAN S. FORANDO, ET AL, Vermont Superior Court, Chittenden Unit, Civil Division, Docket No. S1083-09 Cnc, foreclosing a mortgage given by Ryan S. Forando to New England Federal Credit Union dated April 8, 2005 and recorded in Volume 705, Page 213 et seq of the South Burlington Land Records (the Mortgage) presently held by Plaintiff Vermont Housing Finance Agency for the purpose of foreclosing the Mortgage for breach of the conditions of the Mortgage, the real estate with an E-911 address of 409 Farrell Street, Unit #209, City’s Edge Condominium, South Burlington, VT (the Property) will be sold at public auction at 8:30 a.m. on October 15, 2010 at the location of the Property.

Dated at Essex Junction, Vermont this 9th day of September, 2010. By /s/ Stephanie H. Monaghan Stephanie H. Monaghan Natural Resources Board District #4 Coordinator 111 West Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 T/ 802-879-5662 E/ HowardCenter If you received services from Champlain Drug and Alcohol Services prior to their merger with HowardCenter in July of 1994 and would like a copy of your record, please contact HowardCenter’s Health Information Department at 488-6722 by October 15th, 2010. In order to protect your privacy, the agency will be destroying your healthcare


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The Property to be sold is all and the same land and premises described in the Mortgage, and further described as follows: All and the same lands and premises conveyed by warranty deed of Burlington Community Land Trust, Inc. to Ryan

There’s no limit to ad length online.

required to purchase the Property whether or not the Property is in compliance with local, state or federal land use laws, regulations or permits. Title to the Property will be conveyed without warranties by Order of Confirmation. This sale is exempt from federal lead based hazards disclosure. 24 CFR Section 35.82.

S. Forando dated April 8, 2005 and of record in Volume 705, Page 210 et seq of the Burlington Land Records. The Property may be subject to easements, rights-of-way of record and other interests of record

Terms of Sale: The Property will be sold to the highest bidder, who The mortgagor is will pay $10,000.00 at entitled to redeem the sale in cash, certified, Property at any time treasurer’s or cashier’s prior to the sale by check made payable to paying the full amount Kohn Rath Blackwood due under the Mortgage, & Danon, LLP Client including the costs and Trustee Account (or by expenses of sale. wire transfer, if arrangements for wire transfer Other terms to be anare made in advance, nounced at the sale or confirmation of wire inquire at Kohn Rath transfer is available Blackwood & Danon, LLP before commencement 802-482-2905. of sale and bidder pays additional fees required for wire transfer) and will Dated: August 9, 2010 pay the balance of the highest bid price within David Rath, Esq. thirty (30) days of the Attorney for Plaintiff issuance of an Order of Confirmation by the PUBLIC HEARING Vermont Superior Court. SOUTH BURLINGTON The successful bidder DEVELOPMENT REVIEW will be required to sign BOARD a Purchase Agreement Calcoku and attached Vermont The South Burlington Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid Lead Law Real Review using theEstate numbers 1 - 6 Development only once in each row and Transaction Disclosures. column. Board will hold a public Copies of10+ the Agree1353÷ hearing in the South ment and Disclosures Burlington City Hall are available by calling Conference Room, 575 3÷ the telephone number Dorset Street, South Complete the following puzzleVermont by using below. If the successful Burlington, on the numbers column bidder fails to 1-9 complete October 5, 2010row, at 7:30 2÷ only once 1- in each 10+ theand purchase the 3 x 3ofbox. P.M. to consider the folProperty as required by lowing: 21the Purchase Agree- 5ment, the $10,000.00 deposit will 4- be forfeited 6 20x to Plaintiff. The Property is sold “AS IS” and the 2- is 2÷ successful bidder



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Difficulty - Hard

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classifieds C-7

No hearing will be held unless, on or before September 28, 2010, a party notifies the District Commission of an issue or issues requiring the presentation of evidence at a hearing or the commission sets the matter for hearing on its own motion. Any hearing request shall be in writing to the address below, shall state the criteria or subcriteria at issue, why a hearing is required and what additional evidence will be presented at the hearing. Any hearing request by an adjoining property owner or other interested person must include a petition for party status. Prior to submitting a request for a hearing, please contact the district coordinator at the telephone number listed below for more information. Prior

Parties entitled to participate are the Municipality, the Municipal Planning Commission, the Regional Planning Commission, adjoining property owners and other persons to the extent they have a particularized interest that may be affected by the proposed project under the 10 criteria. Non-party participants may also be allowed under 10 V.S.A. § 6085(c)(5).

Canal Street, Suite 202, Winooski, and the office listed below. The application and proposed permit may also be viewed on the Natural Resources Board’s web site (www.nrb.state. by clicking on “Act 250 Database” and entering the case number above.

Open 24/7/365.


Fall In Love Online? Do you have an online “how we met” story? I’m seeking yours for “So, How Did You Meet Anyway?” Share the romance! www. sohowdidyoumeet.

On August 26, 2010, The Miller Realty Group LLP, filed application #4C0996-6 for a Project generally described as:

Should a hearing be held on this project and you have a disability for which you are going to need accommodation, please notify us by September 28, 2010.

View and post up to 6 photos per ad online.


Creative Space


Show and tell.

SUMMER DRUM LESSONS Burlington drummer Steve Hadeka is now accepting students of all ages for private instruction. Learn all styles of drum set, snare drum method & percussion from a real, working drummer. Enjoy the convenience of studying in your home, on your own instrument. I offer flexible scheduling, competitive rates & references from both students & parents. Whether you are a parent of a budding young percussionist or a seasoned player yourself, looking to expand your technique & brush up on your skills, I can help. steve@, 802-318-0109.

to convening a hearing, the District Commission must determine that substantive issues requiring a hearing have been raised. Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law will not be prepared unless the Commission holds a public hearing.


legals [cont.] 1. Master Plan application #MP-10-01 and final plat application #SD-10-28 of Farrell Real Estate for a planned unit development on a 26.1 acre parcel developed with two (2) single family dwellings. The project consists of: 1) razing one (1) single family dwelling, 2) constructing 25 single family dwellings, and 3) constructing 22 two (2) family dwellings, 1302, 1340, and 1350 Spear Street. John Dinklage, Chairman South Burlington Development Review Board Copies of the application are available for public inspection at the South Burlington City Hall.

Burlington, VT 05402

The Town of Williston, Vermont is soliciting Construction Inspection Services for the VT Route 2A Shared Use Path, Contract 1. The project is being developed through the Local Transportation Facilities (LTF) section of the Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans). Final plans and Bid documents for this project are available for viewing at the office of the Public Works Department at 7900 Williston Road, Williston Vermont 05495, and at Lamoureux & Dickinson, 14 Morse Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452. They can also be purchased for $100.00 at the Williston Public Works Department. Responses to this Request for Qualifications shall be submitted to arrive at the Town Public Works offices no later than 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 5, 2010. Responses received after the deadline will not be accepted.

MAN-TO-MAN CHAMPLAIN VALLEY PROSTATE CANCER Support group meets 6-8 p.m., 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Hope Lodge at the UVM/FAHC campus. 1-800-ACS2345.


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NOTICE TO CREDITORS To the creditors of the estate of Albert F. Moraska late of Charlotte. I have been appointed as personal representative of the above named estate. All creditors having claims against the estate must present their claims in writing within four months of the first publication of this notice. The claim must be presented to me at the address listed below with a copy filed with the register of the Probate Court. The claim will be forever barred if it is not presented as described within the four month deadline. Dated: 8/26/2010 Signed: Susan Moraska Print Name: Susan Moraska Address: 106 Collamer Circle Shelburne, VT 05482 Name of the Publication: Seven Days First publication Date: 9/8/2010 Second Publication Date: 9/15/2010 Address of Probate Court: Probate Court, Disctrict of Chittenden PO Box 511

DON’T SEE A SUPPORT group here that meets your needs? Call Vermont 2-1-1, a program of United Way of Vermont. Within Vermont, dial 2-11 or 866-652-4636 (toll free) or from outside of Vermont, 802-652-4636, 24/7. CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP This group offers support to those caring for loved ones with memory loss due to dementia. The group meets the second and fourth Thursday of the month from 6:307:30 p.m. at The Converse Home, 272 Church St, Burlington. For more info call: 802-862-0401. CHITTENDEN FAMILIES TOGETHER MEETING Wednesday, Sept. 29, 5:30-7 p.m. Vermont Family Network Conference Room, 600 Blair Park Rd. #240, Williston. Deb Lisi-Baker, Associate Director of the UVM Center on Disability and Community Inclusion (CDCI) will lead a discussion about the challenges for families of adults who do not receive supports or financial assistance. Focus is on concerns of families with high school youth and adults who have developmental disabilities. Jan Hancock, 802-876-5315 ext. 215., www.vermontfamilynet-

CENTRAL VERMONT PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Wednesday, Sept. 15, Central Vermont Medical Center, Conference Room #2, 6-7:45 p.m. Central Vermont Man To Man regular monthly meetings are open to the public, especially for recently diagnosed men with prostate cancer, those successfully treated, or men dealing with side effects from cancer treatment. Additionally, it is for men having problems with recurrence. FOR MORE INFORMATION on program: Paul Irons, 461-6222. American Cancer Society toll free: 1-866-466-0626 (press 3 at greeting, ext. 6308). VEGGIE SUPPORT GROUP Want To Feel Supported On Your Vegetarian/Vegan Journey? Want more info. on Healthy Veggy Diets? Want to share and socialize at Veggy Potlucks, and more, in the greater Burlington Area? This is your opportunity to join with other like-minded folks. veggy4life@gmail. com, 802-658-4991. CODEPENDENTS ANONYMOUS Meets on Sundays from 12-1 p.m. at the Turning Point Center, 191 Bank St., Burlington. This is a fellowship of men and women that meet and review the 12 steps of CODA, read stories from the CODA anonymous big book and share their experiences, strengths and hopes as we support each other. Open to everyone. Info: Larry,, 802-658-9994 or Jeff,, 802-8633674. For directions, call the Turning Point Center at 802-861-3150. TRANS GUY’S GROUP Every fourth Monday, RU12? Community Center, 34 Elmwood Ave, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. This is a social and support group specifically for trans men. This informal, peer-facilitated group welcomes maleidentified people at any stage of transition. As this is currently a closed group, please contact the center to sign up: or 860-RU12. PARTNERS OF TRANS GUYS Partners and Spouses of Trans Guys. Every third Thursday,

6:30-8 p.m. This peerled group is a space where the partners and spouses of trans guys can meet to talk, share thoughts and give each other support. Please let Kara know you’re coming at 860-7812. TRANS GUYS OVER 35 Every second Wednesday of the month from 6-8 p.m., Trans Guys over 35 will meet to discuss issues, shared and individual, and get support from other guys. For more info contact Kara at kara@ TRANS SUPPORT GROUP Every first and third Wednesday, RU12? Community Center, 34 Elmwood Ave., Burlington, 6:30-8 p.m. This peer-led, informal group is open to all trans people and to any discussion topics raised. It is a respectful and confidential space for socializing, support and discussion. Contact for more information. LGBTQ VIOLENCE SURVIVORS SafeSpace offers peer-led support groups for survivors of relationship violence, dating violence, emotional violence or hate violence. These groups give survivors a safe and supportive environment to tell their stories, share information, and offer and receive support. Please call Ann or Brenda at 863-0003 if you are interested in joining one of these groups or for more information. MALE SURVIVORS OF VIOLENCE SafeSpace is offering a peer-led support group for maleidentified survivors of relationship violence, dating violence, emotional violence or hate violence. This group will meet in Burlington at the RU12? Community Center and will be facilitated by Damian. Support groups give survivors a safe and supportive environment to tell their stories, share information, and offer and receive support. Please contact SafeSpace if you are interested in joining this group, 802-863-0003. QUIT SMOKING GROUPS Are you ready to live a smoke-free lifestyle? Free 4-week Quit Smoking Groups are being offered through the VT Quit Network Fletcher Allen Quit in Person program in your community. Free Nicotine Replacement products are available for program participants. For more information or to register, call 847-6541 or For ongoing statewide class

schedules, contact the VT Quit Network at www. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP Learn how to cope with grief, with the intention of receiving and offering support to each other. The group is informal and includes personal sharing of our grief experiences. Open to anyone who has experienced the death of a loved one. There is no fee. Meets every other week Mondays, 6-8 p.m. at the Central Vermont Home Health & Hospice, Barre. 802-223-1878, DIGESTIVE SUPPORT GROUP Join this open support group, hosted by Carrie Shamel, and gain information regarding digestive disorders. If you suffer from any kind of digestive disorder or discomfort this is the place for you! Open to all. Meets the first Monday of every month in the Healthy Living Learning Center. For more information contact Carrie Shamel at carrie. vermont/html. AL-ALNON IN ST. JOHNSBURY Tues. & Thurs., 7 p.m., Kingdom Recovery Center (Dr. Bob’s birthplace), 297 Summer St., St. Johnsbury. Sat., 10 a.m., Unitarian Universalist Church, Cherry St., St. Johnsbury. NAMI CONNECTION (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Free peer-based recovery support group for people living with or facing the challenges of mental illness. This is a group that focuses on allowing participants to share their experiences and learn from each other in a safe environment. 100% confidentiality. BENNINGTON: Every Tuesday, 6-7:30 p.m., St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 200 Pleasant Street. BURLINGTON: Every Thursday, 4-5:30 p.m., St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral, 2 Cherry Street. ESSEX JUNCTION: Starting June 2010. 2nd and 4th Saturday of the month, 2-3:30 p.m., Congregational Church, 39 Main Street. HARTFORD: 2nd and 4th Friday 4-5:30 p.m., Hartford Library. Call Barbara Austin, 802-457-1512. MONTPELIER: 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 6-7:30 p.m., Kellogg-Hubbard Library, East Montpelier Room (basement). NEWPORT: Starting June 2010. 2nd and 4th Tuesday, 6-7:30 p.m. Medical Arts Building (attached to North Country Hospital), 2nd floor conference room. RANDOLPH: Every 2nd and 4th

Wednesday, 5-6:30 p.m., United Church, 18 N. Main Street. RUTLAND: Every Monday, 7-8:30 p.m., Wellness Center (Rutland Mental Health), 78 South Main St. ST. JOHNSBURY: Every Thursday, 6:30-8 p.m., Universalist Unitarian Church, 47 Cherry Street. 1-800-639-6480, ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS, ACA is a 12-Step program for people that grew up in alcoholic or dysfunctional homes. We meet in a mutually respectful, safe environment and acknowledge our common experiences. We discover how childhood affected us in the past and influences us in the present. Tuesdays, 5:30-7 p.m., St. Paul’s Cathedral, 2 Cherry St., Burlington. For info contact Emily at 802-922-6609, emily@ intrapersonalcoaching. com. SEEKING ACTIVE RETIREES/50+ To form a social group. Snowshoeing, theater, biking, hiking, kayaking, etc. Please call 802-864-0604. Lv. msg. if no answer. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA) Drug Problem? We Can Help. If you think you have a problem with drugs, including alcohol, give yourself a break. Narcotics Anonymous is a fellowship for individuals who have a desire to recover from the disease of addiction. NA offers a practical and proven way to live and enjoy life without the use of drugs. To find an NA Meeting near you in Vermont or Northern New York, please go to www.cvana. org/Meetinglist.pdf or call our 24-hour, toll free, confidential number, (866) 580-8718 or (802) 862-4516. For more information about NA, please go to http://www. and click on “>Is NA for Me? CHRONIC FATIGUE SYNDROME SUPPORT GROUP AND FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP 1-3 p.m., every third Thursday at The Bagel Cafe, Ethan Allen Shopping Center, N. Ave., Burlington. Please call or visit website for location information, www. or call 1-800296-1445 or 802-6604817 (Helaine “Lainey” Rappaport). ARE YOU HAVING PROBLEMS with debt? Do you spend more than you earn? Get help at Debtor’s Anonymous plus Business Debtor’s Annonymous. Saturdays 10-11:30 a.m. & Wednesdays 5:30-6:30, 45 Clark St., Burlington. Contact

Brenda at 338-1170. IS FOOD A PROBLEM FOR YOU? Do you eat when you’re not hungry? Do you go on eating binges for no apparent reason? Is your weight affecting the way you live your life? Call Overeaters Anonymous, 863-2655. GIRL POWER Learn about your inner power through meditation, sacred space, healing energy modalities. Connect and attune to empower & enlighten, expand your sense of awareness, network with others your age, find peer support within this on-going monthly group. Please bring a notebook journal, writing utensil and a folding chair. Ages 12-18. First Sat of each month at 4 p.m. at Moonlight Gift Shoppe, Rt. 7, Milton. To reserve space call Michele, 802893-9966, CIRCLE OF PARENTS support group meeting in Rutland Monday evenings. Snacks and childcare provided. Meeting is free and confidential. For more info. call Heather at 802-498-0608 or 1-800-children. Meetings Tuesday evenings in Barre. For more info. call Cindy at 802-229-5724 or 1-800-children. ALS (LOU GEHRIG’S DISEASE) This support group functions as a community and educational group. We provide coffee, soda and snacks and are open to PALS, caregivers, family members and those who are interested in learning more about ALS. Our group meets the second Thursday of each month from 1-3 p.m. at “Jim’s House”, 1266 Old Creamery Rd., Williston, VT. Hosted by Pete and Alphonsine Crevier, facilitated by Liza Martel, LICSW, Patient Care Coordinator for the ALS Association here in Vermont. 223-7638 for more information. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE SUPPORT GROUP Meets the 1st Wednesday of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. at the Comfort Inn, 5 Dorset St., S. Burlington, VT. There is no fee. This is open to anyone who has lost someone to suicide. For more info, call 802-479-9450, or BURDENS WEIGHTING YOU DOWN? Unemployed, homeless, in need of direction? We are people just like you and have found the answer to all of the above problems. We meet every Wednesday

evening from 7-9 p.m. at the Imani Center 293 N Winooski Ave. Please call 802-343-2027. OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS (OA) Meetings in Barre occur every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday 6-7 p.m. at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd, 39 Washington St. Info: 863-2655. Meetings in Johnson occur every Sunday 5:30-6:30 p.m. at the Johnson Municipal Building, Route 15 (just west of the bridge). Info: Debbie Y., 8885958. Meeting in Montpelier occur every Friday 12-1 p.m. at Bethany Church, 115 Main St. Info: Carol, 223-5793. Meetings in Morrisville occur every Friday 12-1 p.m. at the First Congregational Church, 85 Upper Main St. Contacts: Anne, 888-2356 or Debbie Y., 888-5958. SURVIVORS OF SUICIDE (SOS) Hospice Volunteer Services (HVS) of Addison County and the American Foundation of Suicide Prevention (AFSP) will collaborate to sponsor a monthly ongoing support group for people who have lost someone by suicide. The group will meet the 1st Wed. of each month from 6-7:30 p.m. These free peer support groups will be held at Hospice Volunteer Services at the Marbleworks in Middlebury, and co-facilitated by professional representatives from HVS and AFSP, both suicide survivors. For more information and to register call HVS at 388-4111. A NEW PERSPECTIVE A peer support group for people working through the combination of mental health and substance abuse issues. Wednesdays at the Turning Point Center, 5-6 p.m. The group will be facilitated and will be built around a weekly video followed by a group discussions. Some of the topics will include: Addictions and mental illness, recovery stories, dealing with stress, understanding personality problems, emotions. 191 Bank St., Burlington. 802-861-3150. BEREAVED PARENTS & SIBLINGS SUPPORT GROUP of the Compassionate Friends meets on the third Tuesday of each month, 7-9 p.m. at 277 Blair Park Rd., Williston. Info, 660-8797. The meetings are for parents, grandparents and adult siblings who have experienced the death of a child at any age from any cause. NEED A HUG? New support group starting. Would you like to explore personal intimacy in a safe environment? This is accomplished by using touch for expressing and receiving tenderness. This is platonic and personal boundaries are respected. Day, time and location TBA. Jeff 310-4903 email iiyog@ COED SINGLES GROUP Ages 50-65, forming for friendship and fun. Chittenden County area. Activities to include weeknight/ weekend dinner, bowling, hikes, snow shoeing, movies, etc. If interested email Myra at ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND RELATED DEMENTIA’S SUPPORT GROUP Held monthly at The Arbors at Shelburne. For info. or to register, contact Nicole at 802985-8600. WOMEN’S RAPE CRISIS CENTER Will be starting a free, confidential 10-week support group for adult

female survivors of sexual violence. Please call 864-0555 ext. 20 for information. LIVING SINGLE SUPPORT GROUP This course is a follow-up to the Divorce Recovery course that is offered at Essex Alliance Church. If you’ve been through the Divorce Care Class, you have an opportunity to continue to grow, heal, rebuild, and start again. Call Sue Farris for more information at 802-7340695. SUICIDE SURVIVORS SUPPORT GROUP For those who have lost a friend or loved one through suicide. Location: Maple Leaf Clinic, 167 North Main Street, Wallingford, 802-4463577. 6:30-8:00 p.m. the third Tuesday of each month. GLAFF Gay and lesbian adoptive and foster families. GLAFF provides support, education, resources and strategies to help maintain and strengthen gay and lesbian foster and adoptive families in northwestern VT. Open to all GLBTQ foster and

adoptive parents and their children. Food, childcare provided. The group meets on the 1st Thursday of each month. Call Mike at 655-6688 to get more information and to register. ARE YOU OR SOMEONE YOU LOVE BATTLING MULTIPLE MYELOMA? Support meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month from 5-6:30 p.m. at Hope Lodge on East Avenue, Burlington. For more information call Kay Cromie at 655-9136 or email kgcromey@aol. com. SUPPORT FOR THOSE WHO HAVE LOVED ONES WITH TERMINAL ILLNESS Group forming for family members and loved ones of people with terminal illness. The group will have a spiritual base. We will offer each other support by listening, as well as share creative ways to explore feelings of grief and loss through writing, prayer, etc. Please contact Holly, hollyh@

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AL-ANON Family group 12-step. Thursdays, 12:20-1:20 p.m. Call AWARE at 802472-6463 for information and to register. Free of charge. 88 High Street, Hardwick. BRAIN INJURY ASSOCIATION OF VERMONT Montpelier daytime support group meets first and third Thursday of the month at the Unitarian Church “ramp entrance” from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Montpelier evening support group meets the first Tuesday of each month at Vermont Protection and Advocacy, 141 Main St., Suite 7, in conference room #2 from 6-8 p.m. Colchester evening support group meets the first Wednesday of each month at the Fanny Allen Hospital in the ground floor boardroom from 6-8 p.m. Middlebury support group on the 2nd Tuesday of the month at the Patricia Hannaford Career Center. Call our helpline at 1-877-856-1772. FORMING A NEW GROUP focused on recovery/management

of addictions, compulsions and their resulting imbalances on our lives. Alternative or supplement to traditional 12step programs. Are you having trouble moderating alcohol? Work? Sex? Television? Food? Drugs? Computer games? Requires a commitment to improving your health and the ability to maintain a nonjudgmental atmosphere. Let’s discover how our struggles relate and help each other work on strategies to find balance. Contact Michelle at 802-399-6575 or recoveryourbalance@ LAKE CHAMPLAIN MEN’S RESOURCE CENTER MEN’S DROP-IN SUPPORT GROUP All men welcome, weekly group w/cofacilitators. Open discussion format. Varied topics including: relationships, work, parenting, personal growth, healing. Confidential, nonjudgmental. Open to all ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations. Joseph’s House, 113 Elmwood Ave. Every Thursday, 7-9 p.m. More info: call Chris 434-4830.

Post & browse ads at your convenience. LYME DISEASE Are you interested in forming a group? Please call Susan at 899-2713. HIV SUPPORT GROUP This is a facilitated HIV/ AIDS support group that aims to foster a greater sense of community, self-acceptance and personal growth. We are a group of survivors and, with all of our experience, will help you understand and enjoy what positive living has to offer. Friday @ 7 p.m. in the white building behind the Universal Unitarian Church. For more info call Alton @ 310-6094. SHOPLIFTERS SUPPORT GROUP Selfhelp support group now forming in the capital area for persons who would like to meet regularly for mutual support. This new group would meet biweekly at a time and place to be decided to discuss our issues, struggles and ways of staying out of trouble. We’ll likely use some of Terry Shulman’s work as a focus for some of our discussions. Please call Tina at 802-763-8800

or email at STARTING A WOMEN’S GROUP Ages 45+, to meet weekly for lunch and other activities such as walking, book discussions, museum visits, matinees, etc. Email Katherine at MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE/DYSAUTONOMIA Group forming for information sharing purposes. Please call 863-3153. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter Meeting. Bethany Church, 115 Main Street, Montpelier. Wednesdays, 5:15-6:15 p.m. For info call Linda at 476-8345. BEREAVED PARENT SUPPORT GROUP Every first Monday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in Enosburg Falls, 10 Market Place, Main St. Parents, grandparents and adult siblings are welcomed. The hope is to begin a Compassionate Friends Chapter in the area. Info, please call Priscilla at 933-7749.

Extra! Extra! There’s no limit to ad length online.

EATING DISORDERS PARENTAL SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with or at risk of anorexia or bulimia. Meetings 7-9 p.m., third Wednesday of each month at the Covenant Community Church, Rt. 15, Essex Center. We focus on being a resource and providing reference points for old and new ED parents. More information, call Peter at 802-899-2554. OCD SUPPORT GROUP/THERAPY GROUP Come share your experience, get support from those who have been there, learn about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and how to reduce its symptoms. Therapist facilitated. Weekly meetings, 802343-8114. ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE and Dementia support group. Held the last Tuesday of every month at Birchwood Terrace, Burlington. Info, contact Stefanie Catella, 863-6384. FAMILY AND FRIENDS SUPPORT GROUP If someone in your family


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Professional Waitstaff

Come Join Our Manufacturing Team! Autumn Harp provides premium service and creative solutions in product development and manufacturing to the personal care market. We have the following positions available:

New, upscale, formal restaurant opening mid-Sept. in Jericho is looking for professional waitstaff with finedining experience. Please send resume and references with contact information to:

Pet Food Warehouse, a locally owned pet food and supply business, is looking for full-time sales associates to provide superior customer service and assist with store projects. Candidates must be reliable and hardworking, have the ability to repetitively lift 50 lbs., and a desire to learn about our products. Must also love pets and have great people skills! Please apply in person at: Pet Food Warehouse, 2500 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, or 2455 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne

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Marine Technicians Point Bay Marina is a full-service marina with over 10,000 square feet dedicated to factoryauthorized repairs of sailand powerboats. Our service department has immediate openings for experienced Marine Technicians.

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If you have a strong work ethic and own your own tools, please call George Fox at 802-425-2431 to schedule an interview.

AUTUMN HARP, 26 Thompson Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05465 We offer competitive compensation and full 61 Pine St, Bristol, VT 05443 | | Fax: 802.453.6420 | | E-mail: Fax: 802-857-4721 w w w.autumnhar benefits.

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Mail or fax resumes to: Maple Leaf Farm 10 Maple Leaf Road Underhill, VT 05489 Phone: 802-899-2911 Fax 802-899-9965 Email:

8/9/10 10:58:56 AM

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C-11 09.15.10-09.22.10

Field Worker The Vermont Alliance for Arts Education (VAAE) seeks a qualified, part-time Interim Director to lead a statewide coalition of arts educators and their allies. The VAAE advances student learning through the arts. The Interim Director reports to the VAAE board of directors and must be motivated, set priorities, and manage multiple tasks. The Interim Director may work from home, and must have capacity to set up an office in Vermont and work independently. For more information about this position and the required qualifications of our desired candidate, please visit VAAE. org. Interested applicants will please submit resume and three references electronically to: by September 23, 2010.

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VTel is seeking energetic, creative and flexible candidates who will ideally have a BA or BS in any field, with ability to travel throughout VT, parts of NH, and NY in VTel vehicles to organize hundreds of small group meetings to discuss and advocate how GigE broadband can improve quality of life.

Bread Order Fulfillment

This is a great opportunity to put your community-organizing, sales and projectdevelopment skills to the test. Our broadband expansion project will propel Vermont into one of the most connected places in the Western Hemisphere. If you are genuinely interested in working for a company committed to deploying state-of-the-art technology to enhance Vermont’s economy and its rural communities, please send your cover letter and resume to:

At Red Hen Baking Co. in Middlesex, we’re looking for Position is based in our head office in a night owl to fill wholesale Springfield, Vt. Relocation required. bread orders. If you like waking to greet the rising moon, we’ve got just the job for you! We’re looking for someone V e r m o n t t e l e p h o n e C o m pa n y i s a n e q u a l o p p o r t u n i t y e m p l o y e r . to work four nights a week (including weekends) from 9 p.m. to as late as 5 a.m. 1:23:04 PMApplicants must enjoy physical 4t-VTel-091510.indd 1 work, be detail oriented and work well with others. Basic computer skills a must. We offer a fun work environment and great pay and benefits. Contact Sparky at

9/13/10 4:25:22 PM

Our Vision.

your future.


Speech Language Pathologist

Per Diem, 8:00am-4:30pm, day shift PREMIUM PER DIEM PAY RATE APPLIES

The Office of Development and Alumni Relations is 3v-RedHen-Baker091510.indd 1 9/13/10 10:18:09 AM The SLP evaluates and treats patients with a variety of communication, cognitive seeking applicants for two (2) Assistant Vice Presidents and swallowing issues. Additionally, the SLP works with an integrated team to develop appropriate treatment plans to maximize outcomes. Education to oversee the following offices and their programs: requirements include a Master’s Degree in Speech-Language Pathology from an Alumni Relations, Career Development, Advancement accredited program as well as current Vermont State licensure (effective 2005) and ASHA Certified or pursuing Clinical Fellowship. Experience in a healthcare/ and Gift Services, Corporate and Foundation Relations, hospital setting is preferred. Planned Giving, Development Communications, Executive Director Search Stewardship, Donor Relations and Athletic Fundraising. NURSING OPPORTUNITIES A successful candidate will possess a high degree of organization, interpersonal skills, be an effective listener and communicator (both oral and written), and have the ability to lead a team which is interconnected to other teams in the department. Some fundraising responsibilities may be required; the understanding of fundraising principles and processes a plus. Bachelor’s degree required; advanced degree preferred. To apply, please submit a letter of interest, resume, and Norwich application via email to: AVP-DAR Search, Norwich University is an Equal Opportunity Employer offering a comprehensive benefit package that includes medical, dental, group life and long-term disability insurance, flexiblespending accounts for health and dependent care, retirement annuity plan and tuition scholarships for eligible employees and their family members.

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The Vermont League of Conservation Voters (VTLCV) seeks a dynamic, energetic individual to lead the organization as its next Executive Director. To apply: Please respond with cover letter, resume and a minimum of three references no later than September 22 to Only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Please, no telephone inquiries.

Manager, Clinical Education (Full-time) Clinical Manager, Endoscopy (Full-time) RN - Operating Room (Part-time), 0.8 FTE RN - Endoscopy, Inpatient Rehab, Women & Children’s Unit (Per Diem) If you think you have what it takes to help us with Our Vision, then maybe we can help with Your Future. We want to hear from you! We are incredibly proud to announce that we have recently received the Magnet Award for Nursing Excellence from the American Nurse Credentialing Center and the Governor’s Award for Performance Excellence from the Vermont Council for Quality.

This is a full-time position that offers benefits, national training and a bonus program. For a more detailed description of requirements and qualifications, please go to VTLCV does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, or disability in employment or the provision of services.

9/13/10 3:28:40 3v-VTLeagueConservVote-091510.indd PM 1 9/13/10 3:43:55 6t-RutRegMed091510.indd PM 1

To apply, please contact: Anna White (T) 802-747-1604 (F) 802-747-6248 or apply online at: rutland regional Medical Center 160 Allen Street, rutland, Vt 05701 Rutland Regional Medical Center is an equal opportunity employer.

9/9/10 11:01:01 AM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:



Migrant Education: Part-time ESL Tutor Ideal candidate will be fluent in Spanish and English; have teaching experience; have earned a certificate in ESL, and be willing to teach students according to Migrant Education Standards. Position requires someone self-motivated, organized and energetic to work with students who may range in age from infant to age 22, in their homes in Addison and Rutland counties. Successful candidate must hold a valid driver’s license, have a reliable vehicle, and be available to work and coordinate a flexible, nontraditional schedule; create lesson plans for individual and small groups; work independently and with Migrant Education Team; have excellent record-keeping skills; and work with agricultural employers and local agencies. Salary for this 20- to 30-hour position dependent on successful candidate’s experience and skills. This position is a 12-month opportunity for the ideal candidate. The position is grant funded and is subject to annual review and renewal. Position will be filled as soon as a suitable candidate is found. Applicants should apply online at

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ImmediateMountain temp. openings Green 1 , 2 & 3 shifts Coffee Days vary, Roasters 8-40 hour/wk. st


Community HigH SCHool of Vermont

Agency of Human Resources/Department of Corrections

The Community High School of Vermont is seeking an enthusiastic, self-motivated educator to provide secondary education services at the Community High School of Vermont’s Chittenden Regional Correctional Facility Campus in South Burlington. The ability to work with diverse age and ability groups and a transient population, and experience in basic skills instruction are essential. Teaching duties may involve regularly certified subjects plus the design of individual programs to meet student needs. Candidates must possess a current beginning educator’s license or professional educator’s license, by the Vermont Department of Education or any state education department, as a classroom teacher. Preference will be given to those with a special education endorsement, as well as skills and experience in reading assessment and instruction. A successful candidate with out-of-state licensure will be required to obtain a Vermont Department of Education license as a contingency for completion of original probation. The State of Vermont offers an excellent compensation package. To apply, interested candidates should use the online job application at or contact the Department of Human Resources, Recruitment Services at 800-640-1657 (voice) or 800-253-0191 (TTY/Relay Service). This position is listed under Occupation Category: Education and Library Services, as Correctional Instructor A/C general, reference job posting #27153 and Job Code 611901. This is a full-time position. Application deadline is September 24. For further information, contact the Community High School of Vermont, Department of Corrections (802-241-2589).


Study Abroad Advisor

For position details and application process, visit and select “Professional Positions.” SUNY Plattsburgh is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity.

$10-$11/hr. Vt. in Williston, Super attitude, lift 50 lbs, PCbackground skills preferred. Must have the check required. 2h-PlattsburghStateStudyAb091510.indd 1 9/13/10 ability to work standing and at a Compost Sales and Production Coordinator Please apply online at pace. Good math skills and accuracy required. We’re looking for someone who is well versed in Ref# 1001131781 or Paycall rate1-800-639-6560 $10-$11 per hour. composting, soil science, and/or organic agriculture, Benefits available. AND who has a flair for sales, working with the public, Apply now by completing our and keeping a lively office running smoothly. Coordinate online application at marketing, daily sales, and lend a hand where needed in the compost production. BA & 2 years related experience When prompted for a Reference or equivalent, with strong computer and communication ID code, enter 1001434300.

2v-spherion091510.indd 1 9/13/10 4:29:57 PM


6t-CmmtyHigh-091510.indd 1

P/T Production Spherion is seeking 1st- andat 2ndshift candidates seasonal Ben and for Jerry’s employment with in St. Albans

9/13/10 4:17:36 PM

The New School of Montpelier

is a small independent school serving unique children and youth. We are recruiting Student Supervisors to join our diverse staff.

Student Supervisors:

A bachelor’s degree or five years experience after high school preferred. Candidates must have a valid driver’s license and reliable vehicle. Criminal record checks will be conducted for final candidates. Submit a resume by Oct. 6, 2010 to:

9/13/10 4:49:58 4v-NewSchool-091510.indd PM 1

skills. Full-time position until June 30, 2011. Some seasonal weekend work required. Potential for position to be permanent full time after June 30, 2011. Salary range: $42,764 - $45,344 plus benefits. Job description available at or 802-872-8100. Send resume and letter of interest by 9/20 to Amy Jewell at or CSWD 1021 Redmond Rd. Williston, VT 05495.

4t-CSWD-091510.indd 1 Forcier Aldrich

Help students develop positive relationships, trust, and the academic, social and communication skills necessary to be successful in life; support students in class, employment and community activities; monitor students’ emotional states and implement behavioral strategies; and assist students with academic work.

The New School of Montpelier 11 West Street Montpelier, VT 05602 or email to: EOE

3:29:47 PM

9/13/10 4:05:19 PM & Associates, Inc. (FA&A) is a Vt.-owned consulting engineering firm specializing in water resources engineering for municipalities. We have one office located in Essex Junction, Vt., and are seeking to fill the following position:

Civil/Environmental Engineer Applicant must have three to eight years of experience designing municipal water, wastewater, and stormwater transmission and treatment. The candidate must have an applied understanding of hydraulic and process design. Effective communication, organization and problem-solving skills are required. Strong computer skills including Microsoft applications, AutoCAD and other technical software are necessary. A BSCE is required and Vermont PE license is desired, though not a requirement. Forcier Aldrich & Associates, Inc. (FA&A), offers a competitive salary and benefits package. This career will provide an opportunity to work with the FA&A team providing Vermont municipalities with innovative solutions to their water resources engineering challenges. Please send your resume to Forcier Aldrich & Associates, Inc., 6 Market Place, Suite 2, Essex Junction, VT 05452, or via email to To get a glimpse at what we do, see our website at FA&A is an equal opportunity employer.

9/13/10 2:48:56 5v-ForcierAldrich-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:16:28 PM

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

new jobs posted daily!

Champlain Farms ImmedIate OpenIngs! Colchester - FT deli clerk

Customer support Instrumart is moving — and growing! We’re looking for a smart, detail-oriented, energetic and friendly customer support person to join us at our brand new South Burlington office. Job responsibilities include order entry, tracking and expediting; customer assistance; and sales team support. Must be organized, hardworking, a selfstarter and a team player. Proficiency on the phone and with computers is a must. Fast and accurate typing skills required. Relevant work experience and college degree required. Full-time position. Instrumart offers competitive salary, health and dental insurance, 401(k) plan, and paid vacation. We were named one of the “Best Places to Work in Vermont” in 2009. Instrumart is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Day shift, possibly some nights and weekends. Must be able to multitask, work well with others and baking/cooking experience preferred.

2v-ChildGarden-ProjMgr-091510.indd 1

Champlain Farms 32 San Remo Dr. So. Burlington, VT 05403 jwilson@champlainfarms. com

to work with high-quad. Will train.

Warped sense of humor a plus.

Call Marion, 802-253-3903.

To conduct assessments, group therapy and associated1-LesPeer-090810.indd activities. Program is conducted at probation and parole offices throughout the state. We have an immediate full-time opening in the Burlington Probation and Parole Office. Certification (LADC, CADC, or ASAC) is required.


9/3/10 4:28:15 PM


Community Effort (GRACE) seeks


workshop facilitators and


to conduct noninstructional, visual arts weekly workshops (Wed.Fri.) at sites in Burlington, Colchester, St. Johnsbury and Northfield, Vt. Qualifications: fine arts degree, teaching experience. Prefer applicants who have experience working in the arts with elders or individuals with disabilities.

ContaCt MiChelle:

Please send letter of interest and resume to:


C. Putnam, Managing Director, GRACE, PO Box 960, Hardwick, VT 05843. No phone calls, please.

865-1020 x21


3v-PhoenixHouse091510.indd 1

2v-WingsOverBurlington082510.indd 1 9/13/10 3:32:11 PM

8/23/10 4:59:42 PM

Clinical Case Manager, Vocational Specialist, Recovery Staff Collaborative Solutions Corporation is seeking to fill several positions at our Community Recovery Residence located in Williamstown, Vt.

9/13/10 4:44:43 3v-ChamplainFarms090810i.indd PM Grass Roots Art1 and 9/6/10 1:18:13 PM

Send resume and form to or call 802-672-2500.

We’re looking for motivated and outgoing DRIVERS, Cooks & Phone Staff to join us at the Blue Mall in S. Burlington. Come join the family and enjoy great pay and a fun environment!

Prior retail and/or management experience preferred.

RN, LPN, Home Health

Interested applicants are invited to complete voluntary Applicant Self-ID form at www.phoenixhouse. org/National/Careers/ Opportunities.html.


Call 802-863-WING (802-863-9464) for more info.

Winooski - FT assistant store managers needed.

Check us out at

Substance Abuse Counselor

for Children of the Earth, a growing global NGO for youth spirituality and peace, needing project, budget, web, branding and grants, etc. management with Exec. Director and team of volunteers. 20-30 hours per week.

PT 3rd shift clerk and PT clerks for all other shifts needed.

No calls, please. If interested, please email your cover letter and resume to:

5v-instrumart091510.indd 1

Admin. Director

C-13 09.15.10-09.22.10

1x2e-recruiting.indd 1 9/13/10 4:35:54 PM

10/26/09 6:22:45 PM 3v-GRACE-091510.indd 1

Clinical Case Manager One full-time position available for a person responsible for providing individual and group counseling and rehabilitative and social work services to persons with serious and persistent mental illness in a recovery-based and traumasensitive environment. Position is responsible for coordinating services with community mental health providers, psychiatric providers, and other community agencies. Master’s degree in social work, psychology or counseling with a minimum of three years experience working with individuals with serious and persistent mental illness. Vocational Specialist One full-time position open for an energetic, recovery-oriented individual to provide vocational assessment, training and development in coordination with clinical and direct care staff. Candidates should have excellent communication and computer skills and the ability to work as a team player. This position requires a master’s degree and two years experience; bachelor’s degree and three years experience; a combination of education and relevant experience or an occupational therapist degree may be considered. Recovery Staff We have full-time openings as well as several per diem openings for recovery staff to provide direct care to consumers in our community recovery setting that would generally receive services in a hospital environment. Duties include, but are not limited to, providing supportive counseling, observing and recording resident activities and behaviors, taking vital signs and assisting residents in meeting basic daily needs. The full-time position is salaried with benefits, and is scheduled as three 12-hour shifts and one four-hour shift. Valid driver’s license, excellent driving record and safe, insured vehicle also required. All positions offer competitive wages — benefits-eligible positions offer a flexible benefits and time-off package. Applications may be made to Lori Schober, Second Spring, 118 Clark Rd., Williamstown VT 05679, or via email to Lori Schober at: E O E

9/13/10 4:39:07 6t-CollaborativeService-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:34:23 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:


Vermont Hand Crafters seeks part-time Office Manager. We are looking for person to take primary responsibility for small office management and smooth flow of work to serve organizational goals and objectives of Vermont Hand Crafters. Must be able to insure positive, productive communication with all members and colleagues. Must be organized, flexible and able to work from own home with minimal supervision. Experience: • Solid skills in Word, Excel, Quicken or Quickbooks and various social media • Demonstrated communication skills specific to office communications and collaboration • Ability to multitask, organize time/workplace, and plan proactively • Basic typing skills • Fiscal management program experience – invoicing, record keeping, database management Please mail resume and cover letter to: P.O. Box 5473, Burlington, VT 05402-5473. For more information about us, visit

4t-VtHandCrafters091510.indd 1


Service Technician

Experienced service technician to service and maintain residential gas and oil equipment in Chittenden County. This is a full-time position with competitive wage and benefit package. Please submit resume to

9/13/10 3:18:57 PM 2v-VTEnergyContracting-091510.indd 1

9/13/10 2:51:35 PM

Champlain College seeks a qualified individual to assist with producing online courses through use of templates in the College’s online Learning Management System (LMS) , Angel, and to provide technical assistance to faculty. Meet task objectives and production timelines; monitor and expedite the process of courses during production, assuring the readability, coherence, accuracy and conformity to quality standards in the course materials; check own work consistently for accuracy and completeness. Work in a professional, collaborative role with instructional designers and other team members; provide friendly knowledgeable support to end users including faculty and students. The successful candidate will have prior technical experience using Angel and have prior experience fielding support calls and emails. Excellent writing, editing and documentation skills with the ability to pay close attention to detail and deadlines is required. The successful candidates must have a positive approach to customer service and the ability to effectively complete tasks and projects on schedule. Proficiency with HTML, editing tolls for web text and graphics, and principles for creating accessible and usable web pages is a plus. This is a temporary position until December 31, 2010. There may be a possibility of an extension to June 30, 2011. To apply, please submit your resume and cover letter online at The successful completion of a criminal background check is required as a condition of employment. Position open until filled. Champlain College values, supports and encourages diversity of backgrounds, cultures and perspectives of students, faculty and staff. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer.

6t-ChampCollege-091510.indd 1


The Department of Public Works is seeking to fill the full-time position of Inventory Control Specialist. This position is responsible for the ordering and maintaining of all inventories of supplies and equipment and handles various accounts payables for DPW City Fleet Services, including water distribution inventory. Two years experience in automotive parts inventory control with extensive public, customer or staff interaction required, and the ability to obtain a Class B CDL within the threemonth probationary period. For a complete description please see our website: Please submit a City of Burlington Application, resume, and cover letter by September 24, 2010, to:

Course Production Specialist Temporary (to December 31, 2010) Part-time (30 hours per week)

City of Burlington

Buyer Position Center of the Plate

Dept. of Human Resources, 131 Church St., Floor 2, Burlington, VT 05401. EOE, women, minorities and persons with disabilities are highly encouraged to apply.

Responsible for purchasing 5v-CityofBurlington-PublicWksCMYK-091510.indd 1 9/13/10 4:45:54 PM items for wholesale/ distribution. Knowledge of food service industry and sales a plus. One year minimum boxed beef experience necessary. Monitors inventory/market NURSING AND PHYSICAL THERAPY OPPORTUNITIES! trends and merchandises products purchased. We want you on our team! We appreciate your experience and Candidate needs excellent ability to deliver quality clinical services. We provide you a forum to communication and time deliver those quality services in a supportive environment where you management skills, as well count as a practitioner and as a person. If you seek independence, as the ability to handle flexibility, support, and a daily reminder why you chose to be a nurse or physical therapist, we invite you to join our team! multiple priorities. We offer a competitive salary and COmmUNITY HEALTH NURSE/FULL TImE benefit package. Application Deadline: 09/29/10 Send completed applications to:

Reinhart FoodService Co. Attn: Human Resources 784 Hercules Dr. Colchester, VT 05446

An extremely independent and rewarding nursing experience working within the community in patient homes providing them with your high-quality, multiskilled experience. Generous benefits, and CTO program, flexible work in surroundings operating in a professionally & personally supported environment. Minimum of 2 years medicalsurgical experience required. Physical Therapist/Full Time: Consider joining our multidisciplinary team providing comprehensive home-base care for our patients. Our therapy services include assessment and patient education. Minimum of 2 years adult experience desired.

Position must pass a post-offer drug test and background check.

Please visit our website at and apply directly online. Or, please send your resume to or ACHHH, c/o Human Resources, PO Box 754, middlebury, VT 05753.

AAP, EEO, M/F/H/V/P Drug Free Workplace

Fax your resume to (802) 388-6126 or drop by for an application and interview.

4v-ReinhartFood-Buyer-091510.indd 1 9/13/10 3:24:53 PM

9/13/10 12:34:02 PM 5V-AddCty091510.indd 1

9/13/10 3:33:50 PM

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

2v-VBSR-090110.indd 1


Public Policy Manager Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility seeks a Public Policy Manager to develop and implement public policy strategies, outreach and education programs for our 1,300-member business organization. The position is full time, salaried. For full job description go to Application deadline is Sept. 20, 2010. Please send resume and any other materials to

new jobs posted daily!

C-15 09.15.10-09.22.10


ealth Care for Women


Full-time Medical Assistant

Position in fast-paced obstetric, gynecology and midwifery practice. Qualifications: Medical Assistant or LPN experience, ability to multitask in fast-paced clinic; experience with electronic health record preferred; phlebotomy skills desired; great customer service skills; energetic; friendly; and a team player.

Resume to:

185 Tilley Dr., So. Burlington, VT 05403 or email

8/30/10 4:17:51 PM

FAMILY SERVICES COORDINATOR (Burlington) Senior management team position. Responsibilities include development, management and tracking of: family partnership systems including family goal setting; and support and followup around community services and resources; partnerships with community and state agencies providing services relevant to Head Start or its program participants, including services for English Language Learners; child abuse and neglect prevention, identification and reporting systems; volunteer and internship systems; parent involvement in program, and community functions and services; and parent education and family literacy initiatives. Participation in regional and state-based committee work. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in social work, human services or related field, and 5 to 7 years of relevant work experience. 40 hrs/week, full year. Competitive salary, health plan and excellent benefits. Please send resume and cover letter with three work references by email to:


Learning resource center coordinator

A leading global captive management firm has career opportunities for:

Full time 37.5 hours/week VSC-UP PAT Bargaining Unit

Candidate should have a bachelors degree in accounting with 1-3 years relevant experience and good communication skills. Previous captive mgmt. experience is a plus. This individual will be part of a team handling daily financial & regulatory reporting for captive insurance clients.

Johnson State College’s Academic Support Services is seeking a full-time Learning Resource Center Coordinator to manage tutoring services and other activities to promote students’ academic success. Applicants must have a master’s degree in education, counseling or student personnel; or a bachelor’s degree in a comparable area with two to four years of relevant experience; or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired. Initial screening of applications will occur Sept. 15, after which the position will remain open until filled. Send a completed JSC job application to employment, resume and cover letter to Susan.Rothschild@ OR mail to Human Resources Office, LRCC, Johnson State College, 337 College Hill, Johnson, VT 05656-9898. Final offer of employment is subject to a fingerprintsupported criminal background check. JSC strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented backgrounds. JSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a member of the Vermont State Colleges system. In compliance with ADA requirements, we will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.

6-JohnsonSt.Coordinator-091510.indd 1

Account Manager

Account Executive

This ideal candidate should have a bachelor's degree in accounting with at least 5 years experience, strong knowledge of GAAP accounting & reporting principles, and a good understanding of corporate finance concepts. Prior captive mgmt .exp. &/or CPA is preferred. This individual will have oversight of professional staff and possess strong management & communication skills. Resume & references to: Aon Insurance Managers 76 St. Paul St., Suite 500 Burlington, VT 05401 Visit for more information. AON is EOE M/F/V/D

9/13/10 5:16:21 PM 3v-AonIns-090810.indd 1

Provide developmentally appropriate environment and experiences for preschool children in a Head Start classroom, and monthly home visits for families. Assist families in accessing medical and dental care for preschool children. Teacher – Richford: 40 hours/week, 42 weeks/year. Starting wage $15.61–16.94/hour. ECA – Burlington: 40 hours/week, 52 weeks/year. Starting wage: $12.67–14.36/hour. Both positions include health plan and excellent benefits, and require bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education or related education field, VT educator’s license, classroom experience, and experience in curriculum planning and implementation, child outcome assessment, and working with children with special needs. Teacher position requires license with endorsement in early childhood education or early childhood special education. Please specify position and location, and send resume and cover letter with three work references by email to For all positions: Successful applicants must have excellent verbal and written communication skills; skills in documentation and record keeping; proficiency in MS Word, email and Internet; exceptional organizational skills and attention to detail. Must be energetic, positive, mature, professional, diplomatic, motivated, and have a can-do, extra-mile attitude. A commitment to social justice and to working with families with limited financial resources is necessary. Clean driving record and access to reliable transportation required. Must demonstrate physical ability to carry out required tasks. People of color, and from diverse cultural groups, especially encouraged to apply. EOE. No phone calls, please.

9/6/10 12:58:42 9v-ChampVallHeadStart-090110.indd PM 1

8/30/10 5:30:22 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:


Story Time Family Child Care seeks

smart, energetic, nature-loving, organic food-eating individual

to help co-lead a group of seven enthusiastic preschoolers through their early years. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree in early education will be given preference, and the individual with the right set of qualities will be considered as well. Experience working with young children is necessary; an interest in developing nature-based preschool curriculum important. We hope to find an individual with the following qualities: love of Mother Nature; desire to nurture stewardship of the earth; ability to play guitar or other instrument; ability to be active (we regularly hike, swim and take lots of field trips); independence and self direction; gardening skills; love of learning and teaching. Experience working with young children half- to full-time position available, decent hourly wage, paid vacations and sick days. If interested send resume or letter describing yourself to You can also call 802-985-9223. Thank you!

The Vermont1League 4t-StoryTime-090110.indd



Customer Service/ General Labor

PACIF Claim Representative This position will serve the municipal members of the VLCT Property and Casualty Intermunicipal Fund (VLCT PACIF) handling property, liability and automobile claims. The successful candidate will conduct investigations and site visitations, determine liability, attend mediations, negotiate settlements, interpret policies, set reserves, and prepare required forms and reports. VT Property and Casualty Adjuster license required; WC license desired. A bachelor’s degree or equivalent plus three years insurance claims experience and in-depth knowledge of property, liability and automobile insurance principles required. Basic knowledge of workers’ compensation and general insurance principles preferred. Superior communication and problem-solving skills and ability to analyze information required. Valid Vermont driver’s license required for in-state travel. AIC or CPCU designation is a plus.

Insurance Underwriter / Risk Management Analyst This position provides direct underwriting service to our membership. Position also will analyze risk-management programs and book of business to enhance operational results and efficiencies. The successful candidate will answer coverage and risk-management questions from members; discuss riskmanagement program with decision makers at their location; conduct exposure basis analysis; conduct, review and process premium audits; prepare new business and renewal quotations; and review and analyze claim and underwriting data for loss trends and emergent issues. We seek a strong team player who will enjoy collaborating with others. Excellent presentation skills, in-state travel, and some evening hours required. Requirements include a bachelor's degree plus property, liability, automobile, and worker’s compensation insurance or risk-management experience, excellent communication skills and strong customer-service orientation. CPCU or similar designation is preferred. Experience in quantitative analysis or research through prior work or education preferred. If either of these positions sounds enticing and you’re looking to be challenged, we are interested in hearing from you. VLCT offers an excellent total compensation package, convenient downtown Montpelier location, great reputation and great colleagues! Interested candidates should email a confidential cover letter, resume, and names/phone numbers of three references to with Claims Position or Underwriting Position as the subject. Or mail your resume to VLCT, 89 Main Street Suite 4, Montpelier, VT 05602, Attention: Human Resources. For further information see EOE

6t-VTLeague-091510.indd 1

For position details and application process, visit and select “Professional Positions.” SUNY Plattsburgh is an equal opportunity employer committed to excellence through diversity.

2h-PlattsburghStateTrans091510.indd Maple Leaf Farm1

9/13/10 3:30:14 PM Associates Inc., an inpatient substance abuse program, has the following position open.


Maple Leaf Farm is seeking a full-time MAINTENANCE ASSISTANT. Responsibilities include small-appliance repair, light carpentry and plumbing, grounds maintenance, and general upkeep of six-building facility. Candidate will be expected to train for water supply operation, fire safety and maintenance. Requires driver’s license. Excellent benefit package included.


Mail, fax or email letter of interest and resume along with salary requirements to:


(802) 860-3370

of Cities & Towns (VLCT) has two wonderful 8/30/10 5:20:56 2v-CCK-091510.indd PM opportunities for individuals with strong analytical, systems and communication skills to join our team of risk management professionals and advance our mission of serving and strengthening Vermont local government.

Transfer Admissions Assistant

9/13/10 10:11:17 AM


Maple Leaf Farm Associates, Inc. 10 Maple Leaf Rd., Underhill, VT 05489 Phone: 802-899-2911 Fax: 802-899-3617 Email: A United Way Member Agency

Nationwide fundraising company is seeking individuals to fill 4t-MapleLeafFarm-072810.indd two part-time positions in our So. Burlington office. EXCELLENT SALARY SUPPLEMENT

Monday-Friday, 5-9 p.m. (flexible) Occasional Sundays $10/hour. After training $12-$15/hour realistic, with weekly bonus incentive program. Experience helpful but not necessary. Will train the right candidates. Established customer base PERFECT PART-TIME INCOME

Looking for highly motivated people with good communication skills.


Viewer Services Representative

7/26/10 12:26:09 PM

VPT is seeking a Viewer Services Representative to respond to viewer inquires through phone, mail and email. Responsibilities include participating in the customer service effort while also converting viewers into members. Provide administrative support to the Membership Department to include donation processing, maintaining accurate membership records, preparing membership emails and ongoing mailings, coordinating of daily reporting from membership and email databases, and assisting in member discount program. Responsibilities also include coordinating VPT’s matching gift program. College degree preferred, but minimum of high school diploma. Strong customer service, computer (MS Office and Internet) and organizational skills are essential. To learn more about this position please visit our website at:

For an interview call 802-652-9629.

Please submit cover letter and resume by September 24, 2010, to: Vermont Public Television Attn: HR Dept. 1 204 Ethan Allen Ave. Colchester, VT 05446


a nationwide fundraising company, is seeking individuals to staff our South Burlington, VT office.

9/13/10 3:48:05 4v-Fireco-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:26:33 5v-VTPubTV-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:46:48 PM

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

Online Public Relations Ninjas


Join us in building the #1 review site dedicated to helping students compare quality online education. Searching for both a seasoned


PR Director and supporting

PR Specialist(s). Duties

Imagine online media in digital print, video and audio formats; pitch story ideas to national press and social media; optimize and distribute press releases; build media outreach lists; manage partnerships and affiliates for college reviews, blogs, social media .

5v-GetEducated-090110.indd 1

Enthusiasm for digital promotion in print, info graphic, audio and video formats; success building viral online campaigns; fearless online alliance building; SEO keyword research/tagging; ability to turn dry educational data into exciting widgets and organic WOM. Director requires five years in online and viral media, WOM PR, plus bachelor’s degree; specialist requires one year in Internet PR plus bachelor’s degree.


Email details of three ways you’d help us build greater organic visibility in 30 days. Attach resume, achievements, salary history.


needed at our Essex location.

Pet Food Warehouse is looking for a motivated individual who is a team player with effective people skills. This full-time position requires excellent organizational and bookkeeping skills. Responsibilities include all areas of bookkeeping (including preparation of monthly financial statements), human resource documentation, and general office responsibilities. Minimum of a two-year accounting degree required.

Teachers Must have experience, education and a sense of humor. Starting pay $12/hour (based on experience and education).


This position requires a bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline (master’s preferred), experience in community organization and/or outreach and education-based leadership, knowledge of first-generation college students and their challenges, and strong interpersonal and communication skills. Starting salary $28,500 - $31,000 depending on qualifications and experience • An excellent benefits package includes paid vacation • Personal and medical leave; 14 paid holidays • Employer contribution to retirement equaling 12% of annual salary • A comprehensive insurance package • Tuition benefit for self and eligible family members. This is a two-year grant-funded position with an excellent likelihood of funding renewal. To apply, submit a Lyndon State College application for employment (available on the LSC website:, cover letter, resume, and names and contact information for three references to: Office of Human Resources, Attn. Sandy Franz, Lyndon State College, P.O. Box 919, Lyndonville, VT 05851. EOE

Kim Lash - Pet Food Warehouse 2500 Williston Rd. So. Burlington, VT 05403 FAX: 802-861-2139 Email:

4t-PetFoodWH-0915110.indd 1 9/6/10 2:05:23 PM

8/30/10 4:36:55 PMAn order selector selects product

Lyndon State College is seeking an individual with strong knowledge of rural students and PK-16 educational concerns to develop and promote an Early Promise Scholarship program aimed at increasing the college aspirations of students in Northeast Kingdom schools and communities.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter and resume to:

Contact Krista at Leaps & Bounds, 802-879-2021 or


C-17 09.15.10-09.22.10

Head Infant & Head Toddler

Creative work environment with happy people, rapid advancement, flex time and a chance to make a difference. 2v-LeapsBounds-090810.indd Beautiful offices in historic brick building in downtown Burlington, Vt.


5v-LyndonState-091510.indd 1

new jobs posted daily!

according to pick labels, places the product in the proper locations on pallets and prepares for shipping. Duties include: scan job functions into labor clock; obtain proper paperwork for the shift; may select products using Vocallex technology; manual transfer of cased product from pick slots to pallet and affix label; secure products on pallets; and other duties as assigned. Qualifications include: High school diploma or equivalent preferred with a minimum of one year related work experience; must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. frequently and up to 80 lbs. occasionally; must be 18 years of age with the ability to work in varying temperatures from -20F to 100F.

Application Deadline: 09/29/10 Apply By Phone or Web:

(877) 573-7447 or Position must pass a post-offer drug test and background check.

AAP, EEO, M/F/H/V/P Drug Free Workplace

9/13/10 3:22:37 4v-ReinhartFood-Order-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:06:08 PM

Administrative Assistant for the Fine and Performing Arts Departments VSC-SF Bargaining Unit, 10-month position VSCSF Salary Grade 8 Associate’s degree in appropriate discipline, plus two years of relevant secretarial experience, or a combination of education and experience from which comparable knowledge and skills are acquired; broad base of general clerical/secretarial skills; good administrative and organizational skills; good reading, writing, math and computer skills; ability to set up budgets and monitor budget and assessment activities; ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of College personnel, students and outside individuals/organizations; ability to be flexible and manage multiple tasks. Having an interest in the arts would be helpful. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Send a completed JSC job application (at employment), resume and cover letter to OR mail to Human Resources Office, Administrative Assistant for the Fine and Performing Arts, Johnson State College, 337 College Hill, Johnson, VT 05656-9898. Final offer of employment is subject to a fingerprint-supported criminal background check. JSC strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented backgrounds. JSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a member of the Vermont State Colleges system. In compliance with ADA requirements, we will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.

9/13/10 12:40:54 6t-JohnsonSt.AdminAsst-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 5:12:10 PM

attention recruiters:


post your jobs at for fast results. or, contact michelle brown:


Cathedral Square Corporation, a nonprofit organization providing housing and services to seniors throughout Vermont, is seeking the following:

Preschool Teacher


CSC offers a competitive salary, excellent benefits package and a friendly working environment. Submit resume or application to: CSC, HR, 412 Farrell St., Suite 100, So. Burlington, VT 05403, or Fax to 802-863-6661, or email to Check out all our current openings at EOE

6-CathedralSquare-091510.indd 1

3v-CharlotteChildCtr-091510.indd 1

B U I L D I N G B 8/30/10 R I G2:30:15 H T PMF U T U R1 E S 1t-Kathyflynn091510.indd

 

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9/13/10 4:25:04 3v-Graystone091510.indd PM 1

Vermont’s public/private early childhood system

9/13/10 4:50:33 PM

Senior Research & Statistics Analyst POSITION SUMMARY Serves as Senior Research and Statistics Analyst to Building Bright Futures State Advisory Council. Contributes to the development of a comprehensive early childhood data infrastructure on early childhood in Vermont. Collaborates with state departments and other agencies, both public and private, to identify and collect, analyze and report on data to inform policy; prepares reports and helps develop recommendations to present to the BBF State and Regional Councils, the Vermont legislature, and others. Acts as a data resource, interpreting and communicating data and its application to BBF state and regional planning, and to state and federal legislation and regulations, and emerging early care and education policy and practice issues. Salary commensurate with experience. Applications due no later than September 30, 2010. For details, including instructions to apply, see No phone calls, please.

9/13/10 4:42:35 PM 4t-BuildingBright-090110.indd 1

     

He/she will be responsible for oversight of the day-to-day operations of Whitcomb Woods/Whitcomb Terrace in Essex Junction. Responsibilities include enhancing resident quality of life through the development, promotion and coordination of a variety of activities, programs and services, developing a sense of community and responding to resident issues or concerns. Must possess a bachelor’s degree in social work or related field or equivalent combination of background and experience. Previous experience coordinating services specifically for the senior client population is preferred. Knowledge of area resources and programs available to seniors, including transportation, health services and recreational activities, is essential. Demonstrated excellence in verbal and written communication is required. Must have a commitment to the philosophy of aging in place. This position is 30 hours/per week, benefits eligible.

Select comprehensive rehabilitative or long-term residential care provided to elders or other individuals with disabilities in our bright spacious home. Please call Kathy at 802-864-4103 or 802-238-2761.

1-qualityinn090110.indd 1

The Charlotte Children’s Center is seeking a full-time preschool teacher. The ideal candidate will have an early childhood education degree or a degree in a closely related field or a CDA certificate and at least two years experience working in early childhood education. CCC is a NAEYC-accredCathedral Square Corporation, a 4T-CathedralSquare-080410.indd 1 8/2/10 11:50:16 AM ited, year-round school that serves children ages 6 weeks nonprofit organization providing housing and services to seniors throughout to 6 years old. Competitive Vermont, is seeking the following: pay and benefits available. Please send a resume, cover letter and three references to Maintenance Technician Put job posting in the subject line. He/she will perform a wide range of duties to maintain No phone calls, please. EOE properties (we own/manage 22 communities) for our residents

Property Manager/ Resident Service Coordinator

Quality Inn in Shelburne is hiring. Competitive pay, experience required. Please apply in person at Quality Inn, 2572 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, and bring references.

Seeking per diem and part-time cooks (15-20 hrs./wk.) to prepare meals for our residents. Duties encompass all facets of kitchen operations including ordering, preparing, transporting, serving and clean up. Day and Evening shifts available. CSC offers a competitive salary and a friendly working environment. Submit resume or application to: CSC, Human Resources, 412 Farrell St., Suite 100, South Burlington, VT 05403, or fax to: 802-863-6661, or email to: EOE

including painting, apartment turnovers, HVAC, electrical and plumbing repairs, snow shoveling, and landscaping. Must possess a H.S. diploma and one year of experience in property maintenance. Must have a valid driver’s license, reliable transportation and ability to lift 60 lbs.

Part-time Night Auditor

8/30/10 11:31:48 AM

HowardCenter improves the well-being of children, adults, families and communities.

Stay Careers in Chittenden County Do you live in Chittenden County and want to make a difference in   someone’s life?   sHared Living Provider Program HowardCenter’s

  matches people with developmental disabilities with individuals,   couples or families, to provide home, day-to-day assistance and individualized support needs. A generous, tax-free stipend and respite budget provided with most SLP/roommate positions. To learn more about these exciting, home-based careers, please contact Marisa Hamilton, recruiter, at 802-488-6571.

Visit for more details and a complete list of employment opportunities. HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.

9/13/10 2:22:31 5v-howardsharedliving-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:51:18 PM

follow us on twitter @sevendaysjobs, subscribe to rSS or check postings on your phone at

Sales Associate

Experienced Housekeepers

new jobs posted daily!

C-19 09.15.10-09.22.10

IT Professional

(part time) Quality Inn in Shelburne is hiring We are currently hiring for a part-time (Requisition# 033731) sales position. As a sales associate you experienced housekeepers. will provide customer service and clientele Competitive pay, experience required. development, maintain store standards, lift Research, design and and move product, and restock merchandise develop PC and Internet Please apply in person at as necessary. Qualified candidates must be software in support of the Quality Inn, 2572 Shelburne Rd. experienced in a retail sales environment and mission of the Research love the outdoors. The ideal candidate will Shelburne, and bring references!!! Center for Children, Youth, also be proficient in conversational French. and Families. Fluency in Sales associates must consistently provide Visual FoxPro, Visual Studio the highest standard of customer service while keeping focused on team objectives. Spirit Delivery is looking for .Net (VB and ASP) and Visual 1-qualityinn070710.indd 1 6/29/10 2:03:40 PM drivers with a clean driving As a member of the team you will SourceSafe required. enjoy competitive wages; flexible work record to drive non-CDL schedules; great deals on gear; fun, 26' straight trucks. Must Applications accepted friendly environment. be able to lift and move only through Applicants should bring a resume in person home appliances. Pay ranges to our downtown retail location at between $100-$115 per day. 210 College St., Burlington, Vt. More information

Must be able to pass drug and background check. (802) 338-9048

2v-Northface-091510.indd 1

1t-spirit-051910.indd 1 9/13/10 4:56:19 PM

on our organization at

8/16/10 4:04:43 2v-ASEBA-091510.indd PM 1

9/13/10 4:39:41 PM

HowardCenter improves the well-being of children, adults, families and communities.

Developmental Services Specialized community Support Worker (2 poSitionS) 25-year-old man who enjoys horseback riding, hiking and movies needs 25 hours of morning support in the Milton and Burlington areas. Knowledge of ASL strongly preferred. Staff must be comfortable around horses and enjoying being active. Monday through Friday mornings, benefits eligible. Looking for an experienced individual to work with a 9-year-old boy on the autism spectrum. Spend time in the community going swimming and playing at local parks. 15 hours, Tuesday through Fridays, 2:15 - 5:45 p.m.

reSidential inStructor This busy new North End home offers the right conscientious, detail- and team-oriented individual the chance to work with an energetic team providing residential support and training to six developmentally disabled adults. Focus of the work is in basic living, vocational skill development, and taking part in many social and community activities. Have fun every day while growing professionally and personally. Total personal care and household duties required. 17-hour week working Monday, Saturday and every other Wednesday.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services laboratory technician — chittenden clinic The Chittenden Clinic methadone program is seeking a female lab technician/case manager. Primary responsibilities include observing and collecting samples for drug testing, analyzing and reporting data, ordering supplies and other administrative duties as needed (approximately 80%). Case management responsibilities include acting as a referral source and helping individuals navigate public systems including health care, housing, corrections (approximately 20%). Candidate must be a reliable, team player. Bachelor’s degree required. Hours are Monday through Friday, 6:15 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.

Sub — clinician aSSiSt, pSychiatric criSiS Stabilization program Per diem clinicians needed for 24-hour psychiatric hospital diversion program. We have particular need for coverage for holidays and on the weekends, second shift (3 p.m.midnight) and awake overnight shifts. BA and related work experience are required. We are individuals who have great interpersonal skills and are sincere, empathic and team players. Competitive pay, excellent benefits and a valuable opportunity to gain experience in the mental health field. Visit for more details and a complete list of employment opportunities. HowardCenter is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Minorities, people of color and persons with disabilities encouraged to apply. EOE/TTY. We offer competitive pay and a comprehensive benefits package to qualified employees.

PART-TIME FACULTY Johnson State College announces the following anticipated vacancies for the Spring 2011 Semester: French II French IV Instructor in Cognition and Learning Introduction to Philosophy

5v-vocRehab090810.indd 1 We are a full-service

9/6/10 1:48:58 PM bookkeeping and accounting firm that provides tax-return preparation and planning, as well as bookkeeping and payroll services. We are committed to making every client an important part of our family, and to offering sound financial, tax and business management advice.

Senior Accountant Position

Introduction to Ethics

Responsible for tax-return preparation for individuals and businesses, overseeing the work of in-house bookkeepers, tax planning and business planning meetings with clients and other staff members. Candidate must have a strong interest in serving individual clients' needs rather than building billable hours.

The semester begins January 17, 2011, and ends May 13, 2011. Send resume and cover letter with references to: Jean Reynolds Academic Dean’s Office Johnson State College 337 College Hill Johnson, VT 05656 or Learn more about Johnson State College by visiting our website at JSC strongly encourages applications from members of ethnic minority groups and other underrepresented backgrounds. JSC is an Equal Opportunity Employer and a member of the Vermont State Colleges system. In compliance with ADA requirements, we will make reasonable accommodations for the known disability of an otherwise qualified applicant.

• 4-year degree, preferably in accounting or finance, CPA or Enrolled Agent, preferable • 3-4 years experience in tax accounting • Working knowledge of general accounting • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills • Enjoys hands-on client service • Can see the big picture, but enjoys getting into the details as well. • Competitive salary • Flexible work schedule • Opportunity to work in a team environment • Paid vacation/sick days and holidays • Pension plan • Health insurance Send resume and references to

MGV Associates, Inc.

382 Hercules Dr. • Suite 6 • Colchester, VT • 05446

5v-MGV-091510.indd 1

9/13/10 4:14:51 PM

The Point’s

R U O T D W RL TRIP #2! s n a e l r O New

trip to You could win a New Orleans to in s e lu B f o e s The Hou d! ti and Spearhea n ra F l e a h ic M see 9/13-Friday 9/17 ay d n o M t in o P jet Listen the The e sound of the th r fo m p 6 to e 6am win a trip to se to e c n a h c r u o y for and Spearhead Michael Franti s House of Blues! ean at The New Orl

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9/13/10 11:59:56 AM

food themselves were delicious (and, yes, naturally saline), the egg was so salty it put the dish over the top. Tender white anchovies, a delight compared with the bony, leathery ones that arrive on most pizzas, came riding in endive-leaf boats, topped with a drizzle of reduced sherry vinegar. After the salinity of the omelet and the spinach, these puckery bites with their hint of lingering bitterness were a relief. As we snacked, the chef-owner came out of the kitchen to visit with the diners

A History of Frog Hollow:

darkened pan arrived on the table sizzling hot, topped with scallops, shrimp, and other shellfish, as well as bits of white fish. But the platter didn’t live up to its picturesque promise. The seafood was overcooked and the rice somewhat bland. In place of the chewy, browned crust of “soccarat” that is supposed to form on the bottom of the pan as the paella cooks, we found a mere handful of singed grains. Bordering on full, we still ordered a trio of desserts: sponge cake drizzled



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8h-froghollow091510.pdf 1

Jule Miller delivers tapas to a table


through September 30

9/13/10 2:13:08 PM

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8v-dailyplanet091510.indd 1

9/8/10 12:16:09 8v-3Toms040710.indd PM 1


with orange syrup, creamy flan with a light caramel topping and the belle of the bunch — a chewy, dense almond cake called torta de Santiago. (The others were fine, but not special.) We ate them to the strains of a local musician who picked out tunes on his guitar for the enjoyment of the handful of occupied tables. While I didn’t love all the food at Tasca this time around, Ruiz has solid ingredients to work with — local products plus some luxe imports — and a few tweaks would make a lot of difference. Some dishes, such as the spinach and the omelette, needed less salt; a hint of acidity would also have perked up the leafy greens. The ribs needed a little less time on the fire, while the paella rice could have used more, plus a more deeply flavored broth. To flourish in its out-of-the-way central Vermont location, Tasca will need to impress both diners seeking a flavorful destination and locals who may want to stop in on a regular basis for Spanish snacks, burgers and beer. Whether River Run fans are willing to embrace the spot that replaced the venerated eatery remains to be seen. m


continued from before the classified section. page 42

7/21/10 1:02:18 PM

— a thoughtful touch at any eatery, and one I’d like to see more often. When he arrived at our table, Ruiz made sure to inquire whether the pacing of the meal was working for us. We replied that it was — the snacks were staggered rather than arriving all at once, which made for a leisurely meal with plenty of time to converse and sip sangria. Most of the remaining tapas were pleasant, if not addictive. Spicy olives made a good snack, and a generous plate of fried potatoes in a piquant sauce were nicely tongue tingling, as advertised. The petite mushroom tart was a bit light on the main ingredient, but you can’t really go wrong with a flaky, buttery puff-pastry exterior. I liked the albondigas — a trio of moist meatballs in a rich reduced-wine sauce, but didn’t enjoy the smoked pork ribs as much. In an enticing picture on the restaurant’s website, each rib looks succulent. The real versions were on the dry side. Then it was time for the paella. Having sampled an excellent rendition at Santos Cocina Latina the previous weekend, I was jazzed when the

8h-NoAmericanPlay080410.indd 1

Tasca, 65 Main Street, plainfield, 454-1246


jeb wallaCe-brODeur

designed specifically for the developmental needs of children ages 6 weeks-5 years. Mon-Fri 7:00 am to 5:30 pm full and part time care available call for more info!

4/2/10 11:09:23 AM

Aim to Please H

unters prowl lush pastures this weekend, pursuing woolly mammoths, bison and other big game with hefty throwing spears. It may resemble a scene straight out of the Pleistocene Epoch, but this blast from the past is the 15th annual Northeastern Open Atlatl Championship. Instead of live prey, competitors aim to hit their mark on painted animal targets (and more modern bull’s-eyes) in accuracy and distance challenges. It’s “one way to teach about archaeology and artifacts and our history,” explains Chimney Point State Historic Site’s Elsa Gilbertson, noting that atlatl-like relics have been found in Champlain Valley soil. The championship, taking place at Mount Independence this year, includes Sunday’s International Standard Accuracy Competition, while flint-knapping and pottery workshops, Native American craft demos, and spear throwing keep onlookers busy. Take your mark...

NORTHEASTERN OPEN ATLATL CHAMPIONSHIP & FESTIVAL OF NATIONS Saturday, September 18, through Sunday, September 19, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m., at Mount Independence State Historic Site in Orwell. $4-5; free for children under 15; preregister to join competition. Info, 948-2000.

18 & 19 | FAIRS & FESTS

ATLATL WORKSHOP Friday, September 17, noon-5 p.m., at Mount Independence State Historic Site in Orwell. $65; preregistration required. Info, 948-2000.

Turn, Turn, Turn





Some say music makes the world go ’round. In a sense, that’s true of the Destiny Africa Children’s Choir. The music ensemble, composed of Ugandan orphans ages 9 to 18, not only crisscrosses the globe; it also raises funds for the shelter, education and care of hundreds of other parentless kids through the Kampala Children’s Centre. The choir’s song-anddance performances, while uplifting and soulful, spread the story of the strife in their war-torn home country. As part of its second annual U.S. tour, the group visits Vermont this week, mixing traditional and contemporary tunes with spirited dancing, storytelling and synchronized African drumming. Turn it up.

DESTINY AFRICA CHILDREN’S CHOIR Wednesday, September 15, and Thursday, September 16, 7 p.m., at Community Church in Stowe. Friday, September 17, 7 p.m., at North Avenue Alliance Church in Burlington. Saturday, September 18, 7 p.m., and Sunday, September 19, 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m., at Cavalry Bible Church in Rutland. Donations accepted to Kampala Children’s Centre. Info, 683-9636.

18 | FILM

15-19 | MUSIC

Quiet Comeback Buster Keaton may be working his famous physical antics in the 1927 silent film College, but you can hardly call Saturday’s screening at Brandon Town Hall “silent” — the accompanying music is the most exciting part. New Hampshire musician and composer Jeff Rapsis serves as a full orchestra, using a digital synthesizer to produce an improvised movie score. “I may have some melodies or tunes in mind,” Rapsis explains, “but I ... just make it up as I go along.” Each time he does a run-though, the music varies. It can change according to the mood of the crowd, he says, or “what I had for dinner.” As part of a monthly silent-film lineup at the town hall, this week’s motion-picture draw also projects “The Goat” and “The Pawnshop”, shorts starring Keaton and Charlie Chaplin, respectively. According to Rapsis, they’re “great works of art that have been forgotten.” Tune in for a refresher.

SILENT-FILM NIGHT Saturday, September 18, 7 p.m., at Brandon Town Hall. Donations accepted for town hall renovations. Info, 603-236-9237.

calendar S E P T E M B E R

WED.15 art

'THE PIPE CLASSIC': Twelve world-class glass torchers shape functional pipe sculptures in a six-day showdown. The Bern Gallery, Burlington, 9 a.m.-10 p.m. Free to watch, Monday through Friday; $75 tickets for judging party at the Green Room on Saturday. Info, 865-0994.

business KELLEY MARKETING MEETING: Marketing, advertising, communications, social media and design professionals brainstorm help for local nonprofits over breakfast. Room 217, Ireland Building, Champlain College, Burlington, 7:45-9 a.m. Free. Info, 865-6495.

education COLLEGE FAIR: High schoolers take a step toward higher ed as more than 250 colleges and universities from around the country distribute brochures, posters and information. Ross Sports Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 6:30-9 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.

etc. BURNHAM KNITTERS: Yarn unfurls into purls at a chat-and-craft session. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 879-7576. 'CINDERFELLA': Guys with skills from cooking to entrepreneurship auction off their services to help eradicate cervical cancer by raising money for the Hicks Foundation. Higher Ground Ballroom, South Burlington, 6-9:30 p.m. $10-122. Info, 249-8295.

18 | MUSIC

Saturday, September 18, 8 p.m., at Paramount Theatre in Rutland. $27.50-39.50. Info, 775-0903.

'COCO CHANEL & IGOR STRAVINSKY': More Coco? OK! French director Jan Kounen’s film charts the attraction between the fashion icon (played by Anna Mouglalis) and the radical Russian composer

'SEASONS OF MIGRATION': Khmer Arts Academy's documentary captures Sophiline Cheam Shapiro's Cambodian dance about real-life examples of culture shock. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-5966. 'SOME LIKE IT HOT': Two men who witness a mob hit find their way out of the city masquerading as part of an all-girls' band in this 1959 comedy also starring Marilyn Monroe. Amnesty Room, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 518-565-0145. 'THE KIDS ARE ALL RIGHT': Julianne Moore and Annette Bening play partners whose children bring their biological father into their fragile family in Lisa Cholodenko's 2010 film. Cinema 1, Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600. 'VIOLENCE IN LATIN AMERICA' FILM SERIES: Hector Babenco's film Carandiru is based on the real-life experiences of AIDS specialist Dr. Drauzio Varella and his work in a large Brazil prison. Yokum Lecture Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. Free. Info, 518-565-0145.

food & drink ENOSBURG FALLS FARMERS MARKET: A morethan-20-year-old summer bazaar offers herbs, jellies, vegetables and just-baked goodies in the heart of the village. Lincoln Park, Enosburg Falls, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 933-4503 or 933-6623. LAMOILLE VALLEY YEAR-ROUND FARMERS ARTISAN MARKET: Farmers and food producers fill Vermonters' totes with local and organic dining options, including eggs, cider, seeds and cow cheeses. River Arts Center, Morrisville, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 888-1261. MIDDLEBURY FARMERS MARKET: Crafts, cheeses, breads and veggies vie for spots in shoppers' totes. The Marbleworks, Middlebury, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 388-0178, SOUTH HERO FARMERS MARKET: Foodies take advantage of fresh-from-the-farm fare and other local goodies. St. Rose of Lima Church, South Hero, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 372-5912.

health & fitness BONE BUILDERS: Folks bulk up their bone and muscle strength through guided exercises. Senior WED.15

» P.46








MOVIE NIGHT: A front-lawn screening of the classic horror-comedy Young Frankenstein draws movie buffs dressed as their favorite characters. Rain date: September 16. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 8-10 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338.


An “American Idol” winner needs no introduction. Say “Soul Patrol,” and millions of reality-TV junkies would know you’re talking about Taylor Hicks. The bluesman’s career took off when he was named top dog in 2006, but he was no stranger to the music biz. The Alabama native had already self-produced two soul albums by the time he auditioned for the singing competition, and he’s since branched out, even grooving to “Beauty School Dropout” as Teen Angel in a Broadway production of Grease. But he’ll stick to his niche when he pops into Rutland’s Paramount Theatre on Saturday. With his signature country, R&B and jazz edge, the salt-and-pepper-haired musician pushes the boundaries of rock ’n’ roll. Idolize that.

VERMONT HAITI PROJECT RECEPTION: Folks learn about school programs, water-filtration systems, health clinics and other initiatives of the Vermont Haiti Project through a short presentation and socializing. St. John's Club, Burlington, 6-9 p.m. Free. Info, 989-3452.

(played by Mads Mikkelsen). Cinema 2, Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600.


Hopelessly Devoted

TRADITIONAL CRAFT SATURDAYS: Experienced artisans demonstrate their expertise in pottery, wool crafts, basketmaking and more. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Regular admission, $3-12. Info, 457-2355.

2 0 1 0


DIVORCE CARE CLASS: Participants deal with feelings of separation, betrayal, confusion, anger and self-doubt. Preregister. Community Center, Essex Alliance Church, 6:30-8:30 p.m. $25 for 13-week series. Info, 425-7053.

1 5 - 2 2 ,

calendar WED.15

« P.45

Citizens Center, Brandon, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 247-3121.


Detoxification Seminar: Dr. Robert Scott and Dr. Shelley Crombach offer one solution to headaches, fatigue, immune challenges, weight gain and more. Seating is limited; preregister. Health In Focus, South Burlington, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 658-8878.

beth Kanell: The author speaks about the notable politicians, generals and lecturers who have set foot in the Athenaeum as part of a celebration of Bob Joly's new photo and book exhibit, "Our Distinguished Guests." St. Johnsbury Athenaeum, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 748-8291.

'DiScovering Your inner StabilitY': Can't find your core? Instructor Robert Rex integrates Kundalini yoga, Tai Chi, Rolfing Movement Integration and more in exercises designed to stabilize spines, strengthen muscles and maintain flexibility. Preregister. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1.

'current iSSueS in economicS': Economics professor Patrick Walsh and business administration professor Robert Letovsky expound on the topic of drug legalization. Farrell Room, St. Edmund's Hall, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.

'unDerStanDing inflammatorY bowel DiSeaSeS': An interactive presentation by Dr. James Vecchio, Fletcher Allen Health Care's director of gastroenterology and hepatology, addresses questions about digestive disorders. North Lounge, Billings Library, University of Vermont, Burlington, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 781-449-0324, ext. 21.

kids babYtime: Crawling tots and their parents group up with comrades for playtime and sharing. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 658-3659.


language PlaYgrouP: Games, songs and stories expose children and their parents to different languages, including French, Spanish, Japanese and Ukrainian. Health Room, Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 242-9000. moving & grooving with chriStine: Young ones jam out to rock 'n' roll and world-beat tunes. Recommended for ages 2 to 5, but all are welcome. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. Peter the muSic man: Educator Peter Alsen lets preschoolers try out various instruments at a fun intro to music theory. Colchester Meeting House, 12:30-1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-0313. PreSchool DiScoverY Program: Are animals the apple of your eye? Kids ages 3 to 5 learn about furry friends and, well, apples. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 10-11:30 a.m. $5. Info, 229-6206.

music DeStinY africa chilDren’S choir: Orphaned Ugandan children on their second annual U.S. tour share soulful traditional and contemporary song and dance selections to drumbeats. See calendar spotlight. Community Church, Stowe, 7 p.m. Donations accepted for Kampala Children’s Centre. Info, 683-9636.

outdoors 09.15.10-09.22.10

corn maze: Walkers navigate a labyrinth of 12 acres of organic corn. Boyden Farm, Cambridge, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. $5-7; free for kids 2 and under. Info, 644-5974. monarch butterflY tagging: In 2007, a black-and-orange flyer identified at the nature center was recovered in Mexico. Folks catch, tag and release the migrating monarchs to help with future connections. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 3:30-5 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6206.



the great vermont corn maze: Weather permitting, an 8.5-acre maze of maize lures labyrinth lovers outstanding in their field. Last person will be admitted at 3 p.m. Boudreau Farm, Danville, 10 a.m. $9-12; free for ages 4 and under. Info, 7481399, wagon riDe weDneSDaY: Riders lounge in sweet-smelling hay on scenic, horse-drawn routes.


Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Regular admission, $3-12. Info, 457-2355.

Dr. StePhen wright: The UVM department of geology speaker gets into the nitty-gritty of "Glacial Geology of Northern Vermont: Ice Flow, Hydrology and Lake History." Room 203, Bentley Hall, Johnson State College, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1327. ethel Schuele: The speaker uses photographs and specimens to show what our state is made of in "A Geological History of Vermont." Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. 'f-35S in our neighborhooD?': State reps Kesha Ram and Suzi Wizowaty join South Burlington City Council's Meaghan Emery and military vet Roger Bourassa in a public meeting about possible fighter-jet deployment. Burlington College, 6:15 p.m. Free. Info, 862-9616. franK gonzalez: In "The Real John Dewey," this local artist clears up some of the mystery surrounding the Burlington-born philosopher. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403. Jane becK: This lecturer muses on the lasting emotional bonds created by Vermont folk art. River Arts Center, Morrisville, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 241-3744. Joan bamberger: The Essex Junction resident introduces her Croatian ancestors' lives and music through family photographs and original documents. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. 'maintaining a conSciouS, healthY anD loving intimate relationShiP': Transpersonal psychologist and mediator Armand Altman explores three primary reasons why relationships end, and the health issues breakups can cause. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202, info@ norman KenneDY: The Aberdeen native details the influence of Celtic music on Appalachian and Vermont song in "Ballads, Bagpipes and Fiddles." Aldrich Public Library, Barre, 1 p.m. $20-40 membership to Osher Lifelong Learning Institute programs, or $5 donation. Info, 454-4675, ataplow@ Panel DiScuSSion with vermont refugeeS: Four new Americans tell their stories at the opening of the "We Share Our World: Thirty-Year Anniversary of Living, Learning and Growing Together" exhibit. Room 207, Bentley Hall, Johnson State College, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1469. 'the alchemY of the roSicrucianS: the firSt DaY': A PowerPoint show illuminates the Gnostic perspective on the "Alchemical Wedding of Christian Rosycross." 6 Fairfield Hill Road, St. Albans, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 524-9706, vermont@

theater 'eurYDice': Saranac Lake's Pendragon Theatre puts a comic spin on the Greek myth of Orpheus. Hartman Theatre, Myers Fine Arts Building, SUNY


ConneCt to on any web-enabled Cellphone for free, up-to-the-minute Calendar eVentS, pluS other nearby reStaurantS, Club dateS, moVie theaterS and more. 2v-AEGlive091510.indd 1

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Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $2-10. Info, 518-565-0145.

Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-0765.


the cOmmunity & reSiStance tOur: Awardwinning journalist Jordan Flaherty and renowned blogger and reporter Jesse Muhammad are part of this project sparking conversations about current social-justice struggles through short films, lectures and more. John Dewey Lounge, Old Mill Building, UVM, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 734-7227.

Jennifer Sahn: The editor of Orion and reporter-in-residence speaks about nature writing in "Unstuck: Writing Our Way Out of the EcoConundrum." The Orchard (Room 103), Franklin Environmental Center at Hillcrest, Middlebury, 4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 443-5710. 'On Our Way' Launch & reading: Healing arts organization SafeArt offers readings from its publication of poetry, song lyrics and short prose that represent healing through artistic expression. Student Center, Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 685-3138, 'PrOPhetic OdySSey': What happened after Moses died? A study group peruses the prophetic writings to quench its thirst for knowledge. Temple Sinai, South Burlington, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 862-5125. SuSan thOmaS: The poet kicks off a series of readings by local authors. Jaquith Public Library, Marshfield, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3581.

traditiOnaL craft SaturdayS: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

fairs & festivals



& the Little Pear Antique Vintage & Modern Furnishings

53 Main St. Burlington

tunbridge WOrLd'S fair: This old-fashioned ag802.540.0008 | ricultural extravaganza features working antique displays, 4-H exhibits, free shows and a midway. Tunbridge World's Fairgrounds, Tunbridge, 8 a.m.-9 p.m. $8-12; $30 season ticket; free for children under 12. Info, 889-5555. 16t-anjou090810-2.indd 1 9/3/10 12:04:36 PM

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film 'baSebaLL: the tenth inning': Sports fans preview parts of Ken Burns' new ball-and-bat-themed documentary. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.

'the PiPe cLaSSic': See WED.15, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

big fLickS at the ParamOunt: A revived theater works its way through notable films from "the decade that changed the cinema," 1965 to '75. This week's feature is One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 6:30 p.m. & 9 p.m. $4-6. Info, 775-0903.

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'cOcO chaneL & igOr StraVinSky': See WED.15, 7 p.m.

thu.16 art

VermOnt Venture netWOrk: Terry Precision Cycling's Elisabeth Robert speaks about pioneering the women's cycling industry, and Vermont Spirits' Stephen Johnson discusses his company's approach to distilling. Hilton Hotel, Burlington, continental breakfast, 8 a.m.; speakers and networking, 8:15 a.m. $15 for nonmembers. Info, 658-7830. VermOnt Web marketing Summit: Local experts — including Alec Newcomb of MyWebGrocer, Chris Middings of Seventh Generation and Elaine Young of Champlain College's Division of Business — offer input on online marketing channels as they relate to local businesses and nonprofits. Film House, Main Street Landing Performing Arts Center, Burlington, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. $165. Info, 310-6297.

argentine tangO: It takes two to tango, but no partner is necessary for this mixed-level class with Judith Schwartz. Beginner's lesson at 6:30 p.m. Capital City Grange, Montpelier, 7-9 p.m. $20. Info, 603-504-2512.

education cOLLege fair: See WED.15, 9-11 a.m.


cheSS cLub: Checkmate! Board-game players try to attack the king with sly strategies and clever tactics. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $2-3. Info, 363-5803.

mt. manSfieLd ScaLe mOdeLerS: Hobbyists break out the superglue and sweat the small stuff at a miniature-construction skill swap. Brownell

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'the kidS are aLL right': See WED.15, 7 p.m.

food & drink farm & fOOd tOur: A caravan-style expedition to Hardwick-area farms and food businesses introduces visitors to a bustling agricultural community. Preregister. Center for Agricultural Economy, Hardwick, 10 a.m. $50; free for children 10 and under. Info, 472-5840. hineSburg farmerS market: Growers sell bunched greens, goat meat and root veggies among vendors of pies, handmade soap and knitwear. United Church of Hinesburg, 3:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 482-3018, info@hinesburglionsfarmers JerichO farmerS market: Passersby graze through locally grown veggies, pasture-raised meats, area wines and handmade crafts. Mills Riverside Park, Jericho, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 324-5455. Lake WiLLOughby farmerS & artiSan market: Performances by local musicians join produce, eggs, lemonade, gemstone jewelry, sun catchers and more to lure buyers throughout the warm months. Long Pond Road, Westmore, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 525-8842. SOuth rOyaLtOn farmerS market: More than a dozen vendors peddle various locally grown agricultural goods and unique crafts. Town Green, South Royalton, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 763-8087. WinOOSki farmerS market: Area growers and bakers offer their soil-grown and homemade wealth for shoppers to bring home. Champlain Mill, Winooski, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 734-6175,



'grOW yOur OWn muShrOOmS': Eric Swanson of Vermush leads an examination of the fungus among us as he teaches folks to culture and grow mycelia into fungi. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 5-7 p.m. $5-10. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202,

'my name iS biLL W.': The 1989 TV movie tells the true story of the man who cofounded Alcoholics 16t-Wclx051910.indd 1 Anonymous. Discussion follows. Room 208, Yokum Lecture Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7 p.m. Free. Info, 518-564-3366.


car & dOg WaSh: Spiff up your ride and your pooch while supporting Waterbury-based nonprofit Grounds for Health. 152 Main Street, Waterbury, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 241-4146.



Square dance cLub: The Green Mountain Steppers organize allemande lefts, do-si-dos, promenades and other common folk-dance moves. Frederick H. Tuttle Middle School, South Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 879-1974 or 893-4784.

'LadieS & gentLemen: the rOLLing StOneS fLaShback tO 1972': Frontman Mick Jagger reminisces about the English rock band's early early touring days in the intro to this documentary of concert footage. Palace Cinema 9, South Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $12.50. Info, 660-9300.


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9/13/10 10:15:59 AM


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calendar THU.16

« P.47

health & fitness 'Caring for Yourself': Busy bees in need of more "me time" join Tocc'a Te Health Counseling's Amy Venman to learn how to move themselves up on the to-do list. Preregister. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1. 'responding to alzheimer's and dementia': The Memory Center at Fletcher Allen Health Care's Mary Val Palumbo, The Arbors at Shelburne's Sally Bliss and others form a panel to talk about coping with the disease. Preregister. Pleissner Gallery, Shelburne Museum, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 985-3346, ext. 3397,

kids lightbulb lab: Bright thinkers ages 2 to 8 sharpen their skills with problem-solving and math activities. Preregister. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 9:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216. musiC With peter: Preschoolers up to age 5 bust out song and dance moves. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

3/12/10 3:01:24 PM presChool storY hour: Picture books and

crafts captivate early bookworms. Lawrence Memorial Library, Bristol, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 453-2366.

music destinY afriCa Children’s Choir: See WED.15, 7 p.m. great big sea: Traditional Celtic music develops a rock edge in songs both soulful and rousing by this Newfoundland band. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 7:30 p.m. $27-38. Info, 863-5966.

outdoors Corn maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. the great Vermont Corn maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m.

talks booked for lunCh: The recently retired executive director of the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts, Andrea Rogers, discusses "Bringing the Arts to Burlington." Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, noon-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3403.

'gender and the politiCs of Veiling in europe': To veil, or not to veil? Dr. Ellen Fitzpatrick and Dr. Ilknur Aydin discuss global beliefs and practices. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 12:30-1:45 p.m. Free. Info, 518-564-3002.


'it's not Just alCohol anYmore': New York State Police Troopers Bernie Bullis and Marc McDonnell talk about drug use and abuse in the community. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 6 p.m. Free. Info, 518-562-7320.


'men and hazing': Zach Nicolazzo, the University of Arizona's coordinator for fraternity and sorority programs, and Brandon Cutler, Ball State University's assistant director for student programs, discuss this type of harassment. Alumni Conference Center, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 2-3:30 p.m. Free. Info, 518-565-0145. mia begoViC: The Bosnian refugee describes her experiences in the Green Mountain State, with regard to the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program. Community Church, Guilford, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 254-4839.


niCholas Clifford: Vermonters take a fresh look at the flood of 1927 in a lecture by this historian.

First Baptist Church, Bristol, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 453-3439. ron krupp: Shh ... don't wake the garden. The author of The Woodchuck's Guide to Gardening and Lifting the Yoke: Local Solutions to America's Farm and Food Crisis gives tips for extending the growing season and putting the plant beds to sleep. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 223-3338. ron nimblett: The train aficionado tracks the history of the Addison Railroad in a slide-show presentation. Bixby Memorial Library, Vergennes, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 877-2211. 'the eConomiCs of immigration': Dr. George J. Borjas and Dr. Patrick Walsh — economics profs from Harvard and St. Mike's, respectively — supply different perspectives. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. Visiting artist & Writer series: The Vermont Studio Center hosts a slide-show-enhanced presentation by artist Rosemarie Fiore. Lowe Lecture Hall, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.

theater 'goodnight desdemona (good morning Juliet)': A lit scholar who believes Shakespeare's Othello and Romeo and Juliet were meant to be comedies becomes part of the plays to discover the truth in this production. Depot Theatre, Westport, N.Y., 8 p.m. $12-22. Info, 518-962-4449. 'mrs. farnsWorth': The Book & Blanket Players produce A.R. Gurney's comedy about a woman whose creative-writing class project turns into a confession about her college affair with George W. Bush. Proceeds benefit the Central Asia Institute. Krinovitz Recital Hall, Hawkins Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $5; free for students, faculty and staff. Info, 518-565-0145.

words stephen kiernan: The journalist takes a hard look at the American Dream in a chat about his latest work, Authentic Patriotism: Restoring America's Founding Ideals Through Selfless Action. A book signing follows. Campus Center, Castleton State College, 12:30 p.m. Free; ticket required. Info, 468-1119. 'the salon' release partY: Piano music by Randal Pierce, refreshments and readings celebrate the second issue of works of poetry and fiction. Off Center for the Dramatic Arts, Burlington, 7:30-9:30 p.m. $5. Info, 863-6713.

fri.17 art

'the pipe ClassiC': See WED.15, 9 a.m.-10 p.m.

dance argentinean tango: Shoulders back, chin up! With or without partners, dancers of all abilities strut to bandoneón riffs in a self-guided practice session. Salsalina Studio, Burlington, 7:30-10 p.m. $5. Info, 598-1077. auditions for 'the nutCraCker': The North Country Ballet Ensemble seeks dancers ages 5 to 12 for its holiday performance. Call to schedule an audition time. Guibord's North Country School of Ballet, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5:30-6:30 p.m. $85 audition fee. Info, 518-534-9870. english CountrY danCe: Those keen on Jane Austen's favorite pastime make rural rounds in airconditioned comfort. Val Medve, Martha Kent and Wendy Gilchrist call the steps. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 7-9:30 p.m. $5-8. Info, 899-2378.


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education Alumni Weekend: Grads who can't get enough of their alma mater catch up with the profs, tour the new Teaching Gardens and cheer on the school soccer teams. St. Michael's College, Colchester, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.

etc. AtlAtl Workshop: Sharpen your primitive-hunting skills at an afternoon how-to with atlatl experts Bob and Cheryll Berg. Preregister. See calendar spotlight. Mount Independence State Historic Site, Orwell, noon-5 p.m. $65. Info, 948-2000. ecoseW: 'let's mAke sAdBoy dolls!': Crafters practice sewing curves and straight stitches while whipping together 1970s-style dolls. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. $25 includes all materials. Info, 862-7417. hAWk migrAtion progrAm: A live bird demonstration augments information on basic hawk identification skills for birders ages 10 and up. Shelburne Farms, 7 p.m. $6-8. Info, 985-8686. plAttsBurgh roller derBy: 'Fresh meAt And greet night': The North Country Lumber Jills seek new members at an informal Q&A session with snacks. North Country Co-op, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 5:30-7 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 518643-0360. silent Auction: Folks put in bids for restaurant and hotel gift certificates, framed photography, art and books to benefit M.O.V.E. (Mobilization of Volunteer Efforts). Alliot Student Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. tertuliA lAtinA: Latino Americanos and other fluent Spanish speakers converse en español. Radio Bean, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 863-3440. 'the Frequency oF ABundAnce': Arizona-based author and healer Jana Shiloh hosts an evening of meditation with special remedies that help expand one's horizons and consciousness. Preregister. Candles & Creations, South Burlington, 6:15-8 p.m. $12. Info, 662-8021. trAditionAl crAFt sAturdAys: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

fairs & festivals

tunBridge World's FAir: See THU.16, 7 a.m.-9 p.m.

'cyrus': A divorced man finally falls for the perfect woman, but her 21-year-old son may not be ready to let her go in this flick by Jay and Mark Duplass. Cinema 1, Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600.

food & drink chelseA FArmers mArket: A 35-year-old town-green tradition supplies shoppers with meat, cheese, vegetables, fine crafts and weekly entertainment. North Common, Chelsea, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 685-7726, chelseacommunitymarket@

Five corners FArmers mArket: Farmers share the bounty of the growing season at an open-air

hArdWick FArmers mArket: A burgeoning culinary community celebrates local ag with fresh produce and handcrafted goods. Route 15 West, Hardwick, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 533-2337, hardwick hArtlAnd FArmers mArket: Everything from freshly grown produce to specialty food abounds at outdoor stands highlighting the local plenitude. Hartland Public Library, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 4362500, ludloW FArmers mArket: Merchants divide a wealth of locally farmed products, artisanal eats and unique crafts. Okemo Mountain School, Ludlow, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 734-3829. lyndonville FArmers mArket: Ripe fruits and veggies highlight an outdoor sale of locally grown eats. Bandstand Park, Lyndonville, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 533-7455, richmond FArmers mArket: Live music entertains fresh-food browsers at a melody-centered market connecting farmers and cooks. Longford Row offer pub songs, ballads and traditional fiddle tunes. Volunteers Green, Richmond, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 434-5273.

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stoWe mountAin resort FArmers mArket: Nab an organic lunch while perusing the wares of area farmers, craft producers and artists. Stick around for the live music, and cooking and garden demos. Spruce Peak at Stowe, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 253-3000. WestFord FArmers mArket: Purveyors of produce and other edibles take a stand at outdoor stalls. Westford Common, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 370-4077,

health & fitness 'hypothyroidism: is it your missing diAgnosis?': Dr. Hayes Mumma looks into the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the common condition responsible for fatigue, depression, skin problems, muscle cramping and more. Preregister. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569, ext. 1.

kids community plAygroup: Kiddos convene for fun via crafts, circle time and snacks. Heath Room, Bellows Free Academy-Fairfax, 9-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 849-9323. FAmily movie: A Chinese girl takes her father's place in the army in animated favorite Mulan. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 6:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955.

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songs & stories With mAttheW: Musician Matthew Witten helps kids start the day with tunes and tales of adventure. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 10-10:45 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6956,

Sustainable Business & Communities

success By six plAygroup & storytime: Stories, activities and snacks amuse youngsters. Bent Northrop Memorial Library, Fairfield, 9:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 827-3945, bentnorthrop@gmail. com.


Creative Writing

9 am–5 pm daily Historic Greatwood Gardens Open to the public

music destiny AFricA children's choir: See WED.15, North Avenue Alliance Church, Burlington, 7 p.m. lAmoille county music night: Concertgoers soak up the "bounty of the county" as local music makers perform various styles of song. Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College, 7 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 635-1476. FRI.17


FAir hAven FArmers mArket: Community entertainment adds flair to farm produce. Fair Haven Park, 3-6 p.m. Free. Info, 518-282-9781.




'lA mission': In Peter Bratt's 2009 drama, a macho ex-con dotes on his only son — until he discovers the boy is gay. Cinema 2, Catamount Arts Center, St. Johnsbury, 7 p.m. $4-7. Info, 748-2600.

'FoodWAys FridAys': Historic recipes get a revival as folks learn how heirloom garden veggies become seasonal dishes in the farmhouse kitchen. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. $3-12. Info, 457-2355.




Our 19th!

FestivAl oF nAtions & centenniAl: Eighteenth-century British and American music, tours of archaeological artifacts, bridge-building lessons, walking tours, and other cultural events celebrate that nations wrestled for control of the Lake Champlain region, as well as the 100th anniversary of the state historic site. Crown Point State Historic Site & Campground, N.Y., 9:15 a.m.-8 p.m. $3-4. Info, 518-597-4666.

exchange. Charlie Messing and His Monolithic Duo are in charge of musical entertainment, 5-6:30 p.m. Lincoln Place, Essex Junction, 3:30-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 879-6701 or 355-3143,

» P.50 Seven Days Campus1 Ad July (4.75" x 5.56") 4t-Goddard081810.indd

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calendar fri.17

« p.49

Center, Johnson, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727, ext. 231,

Mark LaVoie: The harmonica man dives into blues tunes. Concert Hall, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168. Music Night: John Penoyar and friends collaborate on music from mid-century America. Brown Dog Books & Gifts, Hinesburg, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 482-5189. Nick Kaiser: The local musician works his way through American folk, acoustic rock, Celtic, blues and bluegrass sensibilities. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050.

outdoors Corn Maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Fall Migration Bird Walk: Stroll fields and woods at the height of songbird migration to witness warblers, tanagers and thrushes on the move. North Branch Nature Center, Montpelier, 7:30-9 a.m. Free for members; $5 for nonmembers. Info, 229-6206. The Great Vermont Corn Maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m.

talks 'Corporate Personhood and the 14th Amendment': Speakers Jared Carter, Norman Blais and Sandy Baird discuss the definition of a U.S. citizen, and the origin of the idea that corporations are entitled to human rights. Community Room, Burlington College, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 863-9616. Dr. Charles Walcott: In "Loony Tunes and Fatal Fighting: The Biology of the Common Loon," the professor emeritus and former executive director of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology dips into his knowledge of the aquatic bird species. ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center/Leahy Center for Lake Champlain, Burlington, 7 p.m. $5-20. Info, 578-7926. Melissa Everett: The 2010 MBA scholar-inresidence and author of Making a Living While Making a Difference: Conscious Careers in an Era of Interdependence focuses on principled choices. Withey Hall, Green Mountain College, Poultney, 9-10:15 a.m. Free. Info, 287-8926.


Visiting Artist & Writer Series: The Vermont Studio Center hosts a slide-show-enhanced presentation by artist Charles Garabedian. Lowe Lecture Hall, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.

theater 'Camelot': The legend of King Arthur comes alive in this musical production by the St. Albans Society for the Performing Arts. See “State of the Arts,” this issue. St. Albans City Hall, 8 p.m. $8-10; $20 for Friday's Gala Opening Night Reception at 6:30 p.m. Info, 524-2444. 'Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)': See THU.16, 8 p.m.




'Mrs. Farnsworth': See THU.16, 7:30 p.m.



c ou

LGBT 'Stonewall Celebration': Gregory Ramos' "When We Danced" captures the stories of crusaders for gay rights amid a funny and heartfelt celebration of queer sexuality including a cabaret, storytelling, comedy, and more. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 7 p.m. $21-25; for adults only. Info, 863-5966.





am o s



Brown Bag Book Club: Readers gab about Michael Shaara's Killer Angels at lunch time. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:301:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. Literature in Translation Forum: Polish poet Adam Zagajewski and translator Clare Cavanagh offer a bilingual reading and broach the topic of creative work across cultures. Vermont Studio

Poets' Night: Pen-and-paper scribblers share penned lines and pithy prose. Outer Space Café, Burlington, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 864-6106.


agriculture Open Farm Work Day: Good Samaritans help a new farm create growing beds via sheet mulching. Peace of Earth Farm, Albany, 1-5 p.m. Free. Info, 755-6336.

art Comic-Book Basics: Instructor Rick Evans outlines the nuts and bolts of story-based sequential art, in preparation for October's 24-Hour Comics Day. Artists' Mediums, Williston, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 879-1236. 'The Pipe Classic': See WED.15, noon-7 p.m.

dance Auditions for 'The Nutcracker': See FRI.17, Lake Placid School of Ballet, N.Y., 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Green Mountain Chapter of USA Dance: Dancers work their ballroom, Latin and swing moves in open dancing. A lesson from 7-8:30 p.m. heats things up. Elley-Long Music Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 7-11 p.m. $6-12. Info, 223-2234. Guest Artist Workshop Series: Kelly Sturgis introduces intermediate and advanced students to street jazz, which melds hip-hop beats with jazz techniques. See “State of the Arts,” this issue. Space is limited; call to preregister. Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-noon. $36; $18 for drop-ins. Info, 229-4676.

education Alumni Weekend: See FRI.17, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. New Student Family Weekend: Parents of newbie college kids drop in on classes, learn about study-abroad opportunities and experience life on campus. St. Michael's College, Colchester, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.

etc. Annual Fundraiser: Tammy Fletcher and her band send opera-house supporters back to the Prohibition Era for a scandalous speakeasy evening including period attire, a martini bar and hot appetizers. Enosburg Opera House, Enosburg Falls, 7 p.m. $75 per couple; singles welcome; cash bar. Info, 933-6171, 'Artists for Barns' Kick-off: As a monthlong artists' project to raise money for the restoration of Robinson Barn begins, the artists mingle with supporters at a barbecue and barn dance. Farmhouse Inn at Robinson Farm, Woodstock, 3-8 p.m. $25; cash bar; preregister. Info, 4574956, galleryonthegreen@comcast. net. 'Become Your Own Alchemist': Jana Shiloh, an Arizona-based healer, helps folks address their fear, anger, pain or sadness at a transformational workshop. Seating is limited; preregister. Coaching Center of Vermont, Winooski, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $65-100 sliding-scale donation. Info, 734-0094. Blue Cross Blue Shield Vermont Family Day: A story walk, scavenger hunt, snacks and more enhance the museum's regular offerings. Shelburne Museum, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free with your Blue Cross Blue Shield Vermont ID card; $5-20 regular admission. Info, 764-4831. DC802 Meeting: This Defcon Group gathers hackers for a discussion of technology and security topics, networking and show-and-tell. Judd Hall, Vermont Technical College, Randolph Center, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 245-3486,

'Fall-loha 2010': Green Mountain Gamers organize a day of tabletop games and cabana wear. Grange Hall, Lyndonville, 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 347-1892.

children's literature garden and Native Plants of Vermont Garden. Between McCarthy Arts Center and St. Edmund's Hall. St. Michael's College, Colchester, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.

Final Cut Pro Open Lab: Apprentice film editors complete three tracks of exercises as a VCAM staff member lends a hand. Preregister. VCAM Studio, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 651-9692.

Traditional Craft Saturdays: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

Fire Truck Pull: Muscle power to the max! Teams of community members and local businesses relocate fire engines 20 feet in a quirky competition. Proceeds benefit Outright Vermont. Church Street Marketplace, Burlington, noon. Donations accepted. Info, 865-9677. Flea Market: Shoppers rummage through donated antiques, collectibles and upscale treasures. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 388-8268. French Roundtable: Speakers at various skill levels order café during an open practice session. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 247-0050. Genealogy Workshop: Instructor Janet Allard pokes into the past in a discussion about "Using Drouin and Loiselle to Find Québec Marriages." Vermont-French Canadian Genealogy Society Library, Fort Ethan Allen, Colchester, 10:30 a.m. noon. $10 donation. Info, 238-5934. Herbal Hair Care: Put out by the goop in your shampoo? Herbal education coordinator Cristi Nunziata offers food and herbal combos, vinegar rinses and hot-oil treatments that'll spiff up your strands. Preregister. City Market, Burlington, 10:3011:30 a.m. Free. Info, 861-9700. Historic Tour of UVM: Folks register online, then meet at Ira Allen's statue to tour the campus' modest early clapboards and grand Victorians, led by professor emeritus William Averyt. University Green, UVM, Burlington, 9-11 a.m. Free. Info, 656-8673. Horses & Leadership Demo: Observers make note of the importance of body language in animal interactions at this workshop held by Lucinda Newman. Preregister. Horses and Pathfinders Center, Moretown, 10 a.m.-noon. $20. Info, 223-1903. Old Village Cemetery Walk: Gravestones spark a conversation about the war heroes, pioneer families, college presidents and prominent business owners that used to walk these parts. Essex Community Historical Society members guide the tour. Meet at the Main Street gate. Various locations, Essex Junction, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. Root Cellar Workshop: Homesteader Richard Czaplinski introduces curious folks to the design and veggie-storage capabilities of his Adamant home basement and unheated greenhouse. Meet at the co-op to carpool. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 9-11 a.m. & 1-3 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202, info@hungermoun Route 100 Open Studio Weekend: Five glassblowing studios from Granville to Hyde Park raise awareness of the thriving art through glassblowing demos, giveaways and studio tours. Call for details. Various locations statewide, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 244-6126. Silent Auction: See FRI.17, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Teddy Roosevelt Day: One hundred and nine years after the then-vice president visited Isle La Motte, locals commemorate him with apple picking, a corn maze, a themed parade and more. Various locations, Isle La Motte, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Free. Info, 928-3364. Tour of the Teaching Gardens: College students guide visitors through the arboretum,

VCAM Access Orientation: Video production hounds get an overview of facilities, policies and procedures. Preregister. VCAM Studio, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 651-9692. Volunteer Info Session: Good Samaritans learn how to give a helping hand to the programs of the Vermont Foodbank. Cutler Memorial Library, Plainfield, 11 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 454-8504. WRUV Record Show: The free-format, nonprofit radio station run by UVM organizes live music, DJ'd tunes, and plenty of new and used vinyl for browsing. Speaking Volumes, Burlington, 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Free. Info, 236-4752. Waterfront Walking Tour: Preservation Burlington takes history and architecture buffs on a two-hour tour of the industrial history of the Queen City's waterfront. Meet at the visitor's center at the bottom of College Street. Waterfront Park, Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. $10. Info, 522-8259, info@ Wood-Carving Demo: Visitors avid about avians see trees being whittled into models of various bird species. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 1-2 p.m. Free with regular admission, $3-6. Info, 434-2167.

fairs & festivals Enosburg Harvest Festival: As summer slides away, folks embrace autumn by browsing through offerings from crafters, artists and market vendors. Horse-drawn wagon rides, apple pie, face painting and a barbecue brighten the day. Lincoln Park, Enosburg Falls, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 933-2994. Festival of Nations & Centennial: See FRI.17, 9:15 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Great Adirondack Moose Festival: Leaf peepers switch it up at a natural history and recreational festival devoted to all things moose. Join guided hikes, an old-fashioned turkey shoot, fly fishing demos and more. Various locations, Indian Lake, N.Y., 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Various prices. Info, 518-648-5636. Harvest Festival: Families celebrate the crispness in the air and the leaves underfoot with hay rides, a grape-stamping contest, farming demos and live blues tunes. Boyden Valley Winery, Cambridge, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. $10; free for kids under 12. Info, 644-8151, info@boyden Northeastern Open Atlatl Championship & Festival of Nations: Skilled outdoorsmen hurl spears in the tradition of ancient hunters at this history-centric affair also showcasing flint knapping and craft displays. See calendar spotlight. Mount Independence State Historic Site, Orwell, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. $4-5; free for children under 15. Info, 948-2000. Tunbridge World's Fair: See THU.16, 7 a.m.10 p.m. Vermont SoberFest: Nonstop bands play alongside exhibitors and food vendors at a National Alcohol and Drug Addiction Recovery Month extravaganza. Barre Auditorium, 5-11 p.m. $10 suggested donation benefits Friends of Recovery Vermont. Info, 800-769-2798.

film '35 Shots of Rum': Claire Denis' 2008 film captures a father's realization that he must let his daughter grow up. Dana Auditorium, Sunderland

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find select events on twitter @7dayscalendar Language Center, Middlebury, 3 p.m. & 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168. Asbury Shorts New York: World-class short films make it to the big screen in an exhibition of classic flicks and newer international film festival winners. Lake Placid Center for the Arts, N.Y., 7:30 p.m. $10-12. Info, 518-523-2512. 'Cyrus': See FRI.17, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m. Silent-Film Night: New Hampshire composer Jeff Rapsis improvises film scores to the Buster Keaton comedy College, as well as shorts “The Pawnshop” and “The Goat.” Proceeds support the town hall's ongoing renovation. See calendar spotlight. Brandon Town Hall, 7 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 603-236-9237.

food & drink

entertainment. Next to Fogg's Hardware & Building Supply and the Bike Hub. Route 5 South, Norwich, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 384-7447. Randolph Farmers Market: Open-air stalls boast crops straight from the soil, prepared foods, farm products and tchotchkes. Central Street, Randolph, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 728-9123. Rutland County Farmers Market: Downtown strollers find high-quality fruits and veggies, mushrooms, fresh-cut flowers, sweet baked goods and artisan crafts within arms' reach. Depot Park, Rutland, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 773-4813. Shelburne Farmers Market: Harvested fruits and greens, artisan cheeses and local novelties grace outdoor tables at a presentation of the season's best. Shelburne Parade Ground, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 985-2472.

Bristol Farmers Market: Weekly music and kids' activities add to the edible wares of local food and craft vendors. Town Green, Bristol, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 453-7397, sallyb_sallyb@

Waitsfield Farmers Market: Local bands enliven an outdoor outlet for homegrown herbs, flowers and fruits, and handmade breads, cheeses and syrups. Mad River Green, Waitsfield, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 472-8027.

Burlington Farmers Market: Sixty-two vendors sell everything from fresh fruits and vegetables to ethnic cuisine to pottery to artisan cheese. Burlington City Hall Park, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 310-5172, info@burlingtonfarmersmar

Williston Farmers Market: Shoppers seek prepared foods and unadorned produce at a weekly open-air affair. Town Green, Williston, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 735-3860, christinamead@willistonfarm

Capital City Farmers Market: Fresh produce, perennials, seedlings, home-baked foods and handmade crafts lure local buyers throughout the growing season. 60 State Street, Montpelier, 9 a.m.1 p.m. Free. Info, 223-2958, manager@mont Chicken Pie Dinner: Nourishing pies cover tables at a family-style meal benefiting the Essex Junction Knights of Columbus charity fund. Holy Family Parish Hall, Essex Junction, 5 p.m. $4-8.50; free for kids under 3. Info, 879-6989. Derby Farmers Market: Chemical-free veggies and other seasonal eats are up for grabs. Elks Lodge, Derby, 9:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 334-2580. Enosburg Falls Farmers Market: See WED.15, 9 a.m.-1 p.m.

Grand Isle Farmers Market: Shoppers browse through a wide selection of local fruits, veggies and handmade crafts. St. Joseph Church Hall, Grand Isle, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 372-5912.

Middlebury Farmers Market: See WED.15, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

Mount Tom Farmers Market: Twenty-five purveyors of garden-fresh crops, pasta, herbs and spices set up shop for the morning. Mount Tom, Woodstock, 9:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 763-8617.

Norwich Farmers Market: Neighbors discover fruits, veggies and other riches of the land, not to mention baked goods, handmade crafts and local

Saturday Stories: Picture books catch the attention of kids of all ages. Burnham Memorial Library, Colchester, 10-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 878-0313. YWCA's Girls' Action Team Hike: Girls ages 13 to 17 learn about outdoor survival skills and caring for the planet on a scenic walk led by an environmental specialist. Mt. Philo State Park, Charlotte, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 862-7520.

music Burlington Ensemble: A performance of Beethoven's piano quartets helps support the Stern Center for Language and Learning's scholarship fund. College Street Congregational Church, Burlington, 7:30-9 p.m. $5 donation. Info, 878-2332, ext. 314. destiny africa children’s choir: See WED.15, Cavalry Bible Church, Rutland, 7 p.m.

Corn Maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. The Great Vermont Corn Maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m. Winooski River Clean-up: Barre: Volunteers haul away trash and debris to make the waterway spick-and-span. Meet at Lenny's Shoes & Apparel or Granite Street Bridge. Various locations, Barre, 8:45 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 655-4878. Winooski River Clean-up: Burlington: See above listing. River access point, Intervale Center, Burlington, 9:45 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 655-4878. Winooski River Clean-up: Montpelier: See above listing. Meet at City Hall or Allen Lumber Co. Various locations, Montpelier, 8:30 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 655-4878.

sport Stand-Up Paddle-Boarding: The surf's calling ... Folks make waves while learning the easy, on-water sport. North Beach, Burlington, 3-7 p.m. Free. Info, 651-8760. Terry & Ben Claassen Memorial Northeast Kingdom Lakes Century Tour: Cyclists set the pace for 25-, 50-, 75- or 100-mile-long paved loops, followed by a corn and hot dog roast at the beach. Funds raised go to Orleans County Citizen Advocacy. Riders can leave anytime between 7-10 a.m. Crystal Lake State Park, Barton, 7 p.m. $50-60. Info, 873-3285, ellen.bowen@orleanscountyciti

Dance Clothes & Shoes Swap & Sale: Tap, ballet and jazz outfits find new owners at a gear exchange. Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio, Montpelier, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 229-4676. Fall Equinox Open House: Get a taste of the harvest through tours of ripe fruit groves and a jam sampling. Elmore Roots Nursery, Wolcott, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Free. Info, 888-3305. 'Fall Into Pink' Motorcycle Ride: A 100-mile journey through the North Country raises money for breast cancer research and recovery. A spaghetti dinner, live auction and entertainment follows at Olive Ridley's Restaurant & Lounge. Lake City Chopper, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 10 a.m. $20 per bike; $5 per passenger. Info, 518-726-6657 or 518-293-6248. French Conversation Group: Novice and fluent French speakers brush up on their linguistics — en français. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 4-5:30 p.m. Free. Info, 864-5088. Route 100 Open Studio Weekend: See SAT.18, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Traditional Craft Saturdays: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

'Walk for Wishes': An eight-mile journey along the bike path raises funds for Vermont kids in this Make-A-Wish walk. Oakledge Park, Burlington, registration, noon; walk, 1:30 p.m.; Celebration of Hope, 3 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 864-9393.

WRUV Record Show: See SAT.18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.


Harvest Festival: See SAT.18, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.

John J. Neuhauser: The St. Michael's College president delivers the "State of the College" speech. McCarthy Arts Center, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 10 a.m. Free. Info, 654-2536.

theater Auditions for 'Romeo and Juliet': Wherefore art thou Romeo? Thespians try out for roles in the Bard's tragic love story, to be produced by Shakespeare in the Hills in March. Plainfield Town Hall, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 426-3955. 'Camelot': See FRI.17, 7 p.m. 'Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)': See THU.16, 2 p.m. & 8 p.m. LGBT 'Stonewall Celebration': See FRI.17, 7 p.m.

Paul Asbell: As part of the music department's Blues Weekend, the acoustic guitarist shares his solo works. Concert Hall, Mahaney Center for the Arts, Middlebury, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 443-3168.


Recorder Playing group: Musicians produce early-folk and baroque melodies. Presto Music Store, South Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 6580030,

Israeli Dance: Movers bring clean, soft-soled shoes and learn traditional circle or line dances. Partners not required. Ohavi Zedek Synagogue, Burlington, 7:25-9:30 p.m. $2; free to first-timers. Info, 888-5706.

Snake Mountain Bluegrass: Gregg Humphrey, Mike Connor, Mike Boise and Earle Provin deliver finger-flyin' bluegrass strains. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050.

Chess Club: Tabletop warriors do battle at the behest of players of all ages and abilities. Briggs Carriage Bookstore, Brandon, 12:30 p.m. Free. Info, 247-0050.


education Alumni Weekend: See FRI.17, 10 a.m.-noon.

Taylor Hicks: The soulful 2006 "American Idol" winner busts out blues-infused melodies. See calendar spotlight. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $27.50-39.50. Info, 775-0903.

New Student Family Weekend: See SAT.18, 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Vermont Independence Benefit Concert: Phineas Gage, Tommy Alexander, Birchwood Coupe and Electric Sorcery unleash tunes to support candidate for governor Dennis Steele and the Vermont

Battlefield Third Sunday: In a living history presentation, a 1777 Vermonter imparts the details of historic battles and daily life during the American Revolution. Hubbardton Battlefield State


fairs & festivals Great Adirondack Moose Festival: See SAT.18, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Northeastern Open Atlatl Championship & Festival of Nations: See SAT.18, 10:30 a.m.4:30 p.m. Plymouth Cheese & Harvest Festival: Say cheese! Foodies indulge in local dairy delicacies, take guided tours of the Plymouth Cheese Factory and navigate wagon rides, craft demos, a cheese-recipe contest, and a barbecue. President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth, 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m. $2-7.50; free for kids under 6. Info, 672-3773. Tunbridge World's Fair: See THU.16, 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

film 'Cyrus': See FRI.17, 1:30 p.m. & 7 p.m. 'La Mission': See FRI.17, 1:30 p.m. & 7 p.m.

food & drink 'Baking With Local Wheat': Who needs kneading? Red Hen Baking Company's Randy George gives a hands-on lesson in dough hydration and folding methods while working with a variety of locally sourced flours. Preregister. Intervale Center, Burlington, 2-4 p.m. Free. Info, 861-9700. Community Breakfast: Neighbors gather to devour the first meal of the day. Seatings at 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Grace Methodist Church, Essex Junction, 8:30 a.m. Donations accepted. Info, 878-8071. 'Ice Cream Sundays': Who needs the ice cream man? Visitors churn their own flavors while learning about the scientific and historical aspects of the tradition. Billings Farm & Museum, Woodstock, noon & 3 p.m. $3-12. Info, 457-2355. South Burlington Farmers Market: Growers and producers parcel out the fruits of the soil to folks looking to buy local. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569.


» p.52


Northwest Farmers Market: Stock up on local, seasonal produce, garden plants, canned goods and handmade crafts. Local artists Karen Day-Vath, Paule Gingras, Meta Strick and Clair Dunn display original prints, paintings and mixed-media for Art in the Park. Taylor Park, St. Albans, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 373-5821.

Read to a Dog: Stories form a bond between young readers and Therapy Dogs of Vermont. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 10-11 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.

Casino Fundraiser: Risky players take a gamble on "The Big Wheel," roulette, craps and blackjack to benefit the Vermont chapter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. University Mall, South Burlington, noon-4 p.m. $3. Info, 863-1066, ext. 11.


Milton Farmers Market: Honey, jams and pies alike tempt seekers of produce, crafts and maple goodies. Milton Grange, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Free. Info, 893-7734.




Groton Growers Market: Rain or shine, Vermonters relish a potpourri of area edibles, running the gamut from goat cheese to pastries to fruits. Veterans Memorial Park, Groton, 9 a.m.-noon. Free. Info, 584-3595 or 584-3310, grotongrowers@

Brown Bag Lunch Talk: Straighten that spine! Rosemary Leach and Ted Lamb of Essential Physical Therapy & Pilates explain how improving your posture can ease chronic pain and stiffness. Contemporary Dance & Fitness Studio, Montpelier, 12:15-12:45 p.m. Free; bring your own food. Info, 229-4676.

Historic Site, Bomoseen, 1 p.m. $2; free for children 14 and under. Info, 273-2282.

'Gift-Giving From the Garden': Instructor Robin Berger serves up salsa two ways amid a workshop about canning. Red Wagon Plants, Hinesburg, 9 a.m.-noon. $25. Info, 482-4060.

health & fitness

Independence Movement. Battery Park, Burlington, 3-6 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 999-6818.

calendar « p.51

at Appletree Pointe. Ethan Allen Homestead, Burlington, 3 p.m. Free. Info, 865-4556.

Memorial Library, Williston, 6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 876-7147.

Stowe Farmers Market: Preserves, produce and other provender attract fans of local food. Red Barn Shops Field, Stowe, 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Free. Info, 472-8027 or 498-4734, info@stowevtfarmers


Stories With Megan: Preschoolers ages 2 to 5 expand their imaginations through storytelling, songs and rhymes. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.

health & fitness

'Goodnight Desdemona (Good Morning Juliet)': See THU.16, 5 p.m.

Toddler Story Hour: Words jump off pages and into little ones' imaginations. Lawrence Memorial Library, Bristol, 10:30-11 a.m. Free. Info, 453-2366.




Yin Yoga Workshop: Long-held floor poses work to improve inner balance, peace and flexibility. Space is limited; preregister. Elmore Roots Nursery, Wolcott, 1-3 p.m. $10. Info, 888-3305, fruitpal@

kids Read to a Dog: See SAT.18, 1-2 p.m. 'Sundays for Fledglings': Youngsters go avian crazy in hiking, acting, writing or exploring activities. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 2-2:45 p.m. $2.50-6 for kids; free for adults. Info, 434-2167.

music Beth Thompson & Fran Bull: Pianist Cynthia Huard provides accompaniment as the soprano and mezzo-soprano, respectively, serve up vocal duets of Mendelssohn, Monteverdi, Delibes and Rossini works, and more. Town Hall Theater, Middlebury, 3 p.m. $15. Info, 382-9222. 'Choral Celebration of the Earth: World Peace & Healing': Amy Seidl, author of Early Spring: An Ecologist and Her Children Wake to a Warming World, illuminates the everyday impacts of global warming before music by In Accord, the All Souls Interfaith Choir and the Essex Children’s Choir. Breeding Barn at Shelburne Farms, 4 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 985-3819. destiny africa children’s choir: See WED.15, Cavalry Bible Church, Rutland, 9:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Progressive Organ Concert: Hanover organist Ernest Drown travels from Our Lady of the Snows Church to St. James Episcopal Church to Unitarian Universalist Church, with a stop at each to showcase the unique voice of its instrument. Our Lady of the Snows, Woodstock, 2 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 457-3981.




The Inbetweens: Guitarist Mike Gamble, bassist Noah Jarrett and drummer Conor Elmes form an energetic jazz trio. FlynnSpace, Burlington, 8 p.m. $10-15. Info, 863-5966. Tom Cleary & Amber deLaurentis: A local pianist backs the pop-rock songstress in works with R&B influences. Healthy Living, South Burlington, 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Free. Info, 863-2569.

outdoors Corn Maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Guided Hike: A one-mile loop with Addison County forester Chris Olson teaches participants about the once-working agricultural landscape that has morphed into a full-grown forest. Rokeby Museum, Ferrisburgh, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 877-3406, rokeby@ Mushroom Foray: Here's a 'shroom, there's a 'shroom ... Brad Koehler of Windfall Orchard identifies different types of the fungus on an educational walk. Meet at Battell Woods on Seminary Street Extension. Middlebury Area Land Trust, 1-2:30 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 388-1007. The Great Vermont Corn Maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m.

sport Le Tour de Farms: Cyclists get a taste of the region as they cover 10-, 25- or 30-mile loops through area farms, sampling a wide range of locally produced foods along the way. Village Green, Shoreham, 10:30 a.m. $10-30. Info, 223-7222.

talks Historical Society Meeting: Keynote speaker Rolfe Eastman speaks about the history of his family's farm in a lecture about early settlements

Auditions for 'Romeo and Juliet': See SAT.18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. 'Camelot': See FRI.17, 2 p.m.

'Beatrix Potter Revisited': From penning great American stories in Victorian times to raising sheep in England's Lake District, the life of the Peter Rabbit author is revived by Helene Lang in this living-history presentation. President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth, 2 p.m. Free. Info, 672-3773.

South County Chorus Rehearsals: Interested musicians get in tune with the local ensemble in practice sessions. Room 160, Champlain Valley Union High School, Hinesburg, 7-8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 482-3010,

outdoors Corn Maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m.

MON.20 etc.

Bingo: Number noters try to fashion a five-letter find. Senior Citizens Center, Brandon, 6 p.m. Free. Info, 247-3121. Friends of Ethan Allen Park Organization Meeting: Area residents express interest in cleaning the park, reporting vandalism and more. Meet at the picnic tables. Ethan Allen Park, Burlington, 5:45 p.m. Free. Info, 863-0420. 'Mending Mamas': Moms sit and stitch, sharing current craft projects, stories and ideas. The Bobbin Sew Bar & Craft Lounge, Burlington, noon-2 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 862-7417. 'Spend Smart': Vermonters learn savvy skills for stretching bucks and managing money. Preregister. 294 North Winooski Ave., Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 540-2567, Traditional Craft Saturdays: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

film 'Cyrus': See FRI.17, 7 p.m. 'La Mission': See FRI.17, 7 p.m.

health & fitness Aura Healing Clinic: People receive treatment for and feedback about their personal energy fields. Golden Sun Healing Center, South Burlington, 6-7 p.m. Free. Info, 922-9090. Bone Builders: See WED.15, 10:30-11:30 a.m. Herbal Clinic: Sign up for an appointment to explore the art of natural healing one on one with students and professors from the Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism. City Market, Burlington, 4-7 p.m. Free. Info, 861-9700. Menstrual Health: That time of the month? Puppets and faux uteri teach women about alternative products, self-care techniques and herbal remedies. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. $10-12. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202, 'Mindfulness Practice & Psychotherapy': Instructor Dr. Robert Kest expounds upon the role of meditation in the treatment and healing process. Kellogg-Hubbard Library, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 229-6989.

kids 'Fall Into Stories': Preschoolers learn about winged wonders through bird tales, crafts, nature walks and more. Birds of Vermont Museum, Huntington, 10:30-11 a.m. Free with regular admission, $3-6. Info, 434-2167. Music With Mia: Tots form a circle for a special story hour with some sing-along tunes. Meet in the JCPenney Court, University Mall, South Burlington, 10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 863-1066, ext. 11.

The Great Vermont Corn Maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m.

sport Adult Floor Hockey: Male and female players ages 18 and up work up a sweat with the Greater Burlington Hockey Club. Sports & Fitness EdgeEssex, 6:45-9:45 p.m. $5; sticks provided. Info, 399-2985.

talks Erica Donnis: The author of the newly published The History of Shelburne Farms: A Changing Landscape, An Evolving Vision revisits significant moments of the property. Faith United Methodist Church, South Burlington, 2 p.m. $5 donation. Info, 864-3516. Peter N. Carroll: The author and editor looks into the role of Americans in the Spanish Civil War in "Facing Fascism." Marsh Lounge. University of Vermont, Burlington, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 6563196,

words 'Kitchen Table Storytelling': Life experiences take a central role in everyday tales that can just as easily be told in front of a crowd as over supper. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-2 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. Marjorie Cady Memorial Writers Group: Budding wordsmiths improve their craft through "homework" assignments, creative exercises and sharing. Ilsley Public Library, Middlebury, 10 a.m.noon. Free. Info, 388-2926, cpotter935@com 'Our Stories: Past, Present & Future': Adults consider ways that personal narratives celebrate accomplishments and dreams. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 12:30-2:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918. Visiting Artist & Writer Series: The Vermont Studio Center hosts a reading by Adam Zagajewski. Lowe Lecture Hall, Vermont Studio Center, Johnson, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-2727.

face-to-face networking and more. Preregister. Hunger Mountain Co-op, Montpelier, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 223-8004, ext. 202, info@hungermoun 'Spend Smart': See MON.20, 10 a.m.-noon. Traditional Craft Saturdays: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Verbal Conflict Resolution Class: Instructor Benjamin Pincus introduces the philosophy of Japanese martial art Aikido, explaining how to apply its peacemaking principles to everyday life. Aikido of Champlain Valley, Burlington, 5:30-6:45 p.m. Free. Info, 951-8900.

film '100 Voices: A Journey Home': The film captures three concerts in Poland by Jewish cantors, performing there for the first time since World War II. Palace Cinema 9, South Burlington, 7 p.m. $12.50. Info, 660-9300. 'Cyrus': See FRI.17, 7 p.m. 'Knights of the Mystic Movie Club': B-movies and other "schlockbusters" with an environmental theme hit the medium-sized screen. Main Street Museum, White River Junction, 8:30 p.m. Free. Info, 356-2776. 'La Mission': See FRI.17, 7 p.m.

food & drink Derby Farmers Market: See SAT.18, 9:30 a.m.2:30 p.m. Johnson Farmers Market: A street emporium bursts with local agricultural products, ranging from produce to herbs to fresh-baked bread. Main Street, Johnson, 3:30-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1682. Old North End Farmers Market: Local farmers sell the fruits of their fields, and their labor. H.O. Wheeler Elementary School, Burlington, 3-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 324-3073. Rutland County Farmers Market: See SAT.18, 3-6 p.m. Thetford Hill Community Market: Vendors supply localvores with an array of baked treats, honey, maple syrup and veggies. Thetford Hill Green, 4-6:30 p.m. Free. Info, 785-4404.

health & fitness Community Clinic: A holistic health center's naturopathic physicians and therapists offer a wide range of services. Call for an appointment. Vermont Integrative Medicine, Montpelier, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Donations accepted. Info, 229-2635, office@ Community Medical School: Dr. Barbara Frankowski gives the skinny on "Obesity Prevention and Treatment: From Tots to Teens and Beyond" in a one-hour lecture followed by a Q&A session. Carpenter Auditorium, Given Medical Building, UVM, Burlington, 6-7:30 p.m. Free. Info, 847-2886.



Creative Tuesdays: Artist-in-residence Frank Gonzalez and "sorcerer's apprentice" Liz Crawford engage imaginations with recycled crafts. Kids under 10 must be accompanied by an adult. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 3-5 p.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.

Active Retirees Social Group: Folks still in their prime connect over a Prospect Rock hike and campground cookout. Brewster River Campground, Jeffersonville, 1 p.m. Free. Info, 864-0604.

Frosty & Friends Therapy Dogs: Young readers share their favorite texts with friendly pooches. Preregister. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 3:30-4:30 p.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.


Music With Robert: The host of a weekly folk and world-music show on VPR explores tunes with music lovers of all ages. Fletcher Free Library, Burlington, 11-11:30 a.m. Free. Info, 865-7216.


Graduate & Professional School Fair: Fiftyplus colleges and universities talk up their continuing ed programs. Warren Ballrooms, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Free. Info, 518-564-4723.

Music With Peter: See THU.16, 10:45 a.m.


Pajama Story Time: Comfy-clothed kiddos get a bedtime tale and snack. Preregister. Dorothy Alling

Skillful Job Search: Go-getters learn how to find the "hidden job market" through everyday,

Preschool Story Time: Songs, tales and crafts with a "Who Knows: Exploring Science and Numbers" theme captivate kiddos. Fairfax Community Library, 9:30-10:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-1941.


'Stroller Strolling': Babies take a ride as families meet and mingle along the recreation path. Community Park, Fairfax, 9:30 a.m. Free. Info, 527-1941.

music JoHn Hiatt: The American rock musician performs his latest release, The Open Road, solo. Paramount Theatre, Rutland, 8 p.m. $29.50-39.50. Info, 775-0903. Waterbury Community band reHearSalS: Musicians are welcome to join the band in playing marches, swing medleys and Broadway faves at this open practice session. Waterbury Congregational Church, 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 8884977,

outdoors Corn maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. tHe great Vermont Corn maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m.

politics CandidateS Forum: Those on the ballot for governor or lieutenant governor engage in an open panel discussion. Knights of Columbus, St. Albans, 4:30-8 p.m. Free. Info, 524-2444.

health & fitness bone builderS: See WED.15, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

kids babytime: See WED.15, 10:30 a.m.-noon. language PlaygrouP: See WED.15, 10-11 a.m. Peter tHe muSiC man: See WED.15, 12:30-1 p.m.

music HineSburg Community band reHearSalS: New members are welcome as the community group polishes its pieces. Room 163, Champlain Valley Union High School, Hinesburg, 7:15-9 p.m. Free. Info, 482-3010,

outdoors Corn maze: See WED.15, 8 a.m.-7 p.m. Field Walk: Visitors stroll through the trial garden on a tour emphasizing the winter squash, carrots, onions, root crops and more. High Mowing Organic Seeds, Wolcott, 4-6 p.m. Free. Info, 4726174.

dr. PatriCk maCmanaWay: The holistic environmental health consultant discusses "sick" buildings — those in which 20 percent or more of the occupants have health or comfort problems due to the location — and how to resolve these issues of site-related stress. Ellsworth Room, Library and Learning Center, Johnson State College, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1308.



louiS CoHen: The retired attorney considers Constitutional principles in modern law and practice. Cardinal Lounge, Angell College Center, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 7-9 p.m. Free. Info, 518-564-4007.

burnHam knitterS: See WED.15, 6-8 p.m. 'keyS to Credit': A seminar by the Growing Money Program clears up the confusing world of credit. 294 North Winooski Ave., Burlington, 6-8 p.m. Free. Info, 540-2567, growingmoney@cvoeo. org.

film 'a Parallel World': Award-winning local filmmaker Mira Niagolova screens her documentary about a refugee camp near the Kosovo border. Individuals featured in the film attend. Brownell Library, Essex Junction, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 878-6955. 'la miSSion': See FRI.17, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m.

food & drink enoSburg FallS FarmerS market: See WED.15, 3-6 p.m.

lamoille Valley year-round FarmerS artiSan market: See WED.15, 3-6:30 p.m.

Tuesday, November 9

Stoweflake Resort & Spa Call 888-7607 to participate!

elizabetH Courtney: In "Busting the Myth of Either/Or," the executive director of Vermont Natural Resources Council explains how to integrate economic and environmental interests. Room 203, Bentley Hall, Johnson State College, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1327.

miCHael J. tougiaS: The St. Mike's alum and bestselling author shares stories and tips on beating the odds in "Survival Lessons: Peak Performance Under Pressure." Room 101, Cheray Science Hall, St. Michael's College, Colchester, 4 p.m. Free. Info, 654-2536. 'tHat little old log Cabin': Folks learn more about the roots of Western swing, the folk-music revival of the 1950s and '60s, and more. Aldrich Public Library, Barre, 1 p.m. $20-40 membership to Osher Lifelong Learning Institute programs, or $5 donation. Info, 454-4675,

8h-LamoilleValleyChamber090110.indd 1


Great Big Sea Thursday, September 16 at 7:30 pm

words book diSCuSSion: 'WHen CultureS meet': Page turners focus on tomes, such as William Cronon's Changes in the Land, that explore early contact between Europeans and Champlain Basin natives. George Peabody Library, Post Mills, 7 p.m. Free. Info, 333-9724.

Media support from or call 86-flynn today! 8h-Flynn090810.indd 1

9/3/10 11:08:37 AM

Qigong Class

theater 'yo gabba gabba! liVe!: tHere'S a Party in my City': Music, animation, games, singing and dancing come together as favorite characters from the children's TV show entertain all ages. Flynn MainStage, Burlington, 3 p.m. & 6:30 p.m. $31.2544. Info, 863-5966.

8/30/10 10:48:45 AM

Wednesday evenings for 8 weeks Beginning September 29th, 2010, 6:45 - 7:45 PM Acupuncture & Qigong Health Center 167 Pearl St., Essex Junction Taught by Arthur Makaris, who has been practicing Qigong for over 30 years. Arthur is a licensed Acupuncturist and master of Chinese martial art.

Jeanne marie beaumont: The New York City writer gives voice to a selection of her poems, including those from her new book, Burning of the Three Fires. Commons, Champlain Valley Hall, SUNY Plattsburgh, N.Y., 8 p.m. Free. Info, 518-5642428.

This is a foundation class and will focus on: • Essence, Breath and Mind • Physical and Energetic Alignment • Opening Qi • Gathering Qi

'ProPHetiC odySSey': See WED.15, 11:30 a.m.12:30 p.m. m

middlebury FarmerS market: See WED.15, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.

To Register Call 879-7999 6h-acupuncture091510.indd 1

9/10/10 3:34:26 PM


gluten-Free SerieS: A store tour and dietary discussion kick off a six-month lineup of events for gluten-free individuals. Preregister. City Market, Burlington, 5:30-7 p.m. Free. Info, 861-9700.

Come to the 2010 Green Mt. Business Expo. A Weeks Worth of Sales Calls in One DAY! Sell yourself to other businesses and network, make important contacts and nurture new clients and leads! Take advantage of important business oriented presentations, and sample the best of regional chefs & restaurants. One day, one place. Easy! Put November 9th on your calendar and contact the Lamoille Region Chamber of Commerce at 888-7607 to learn about the many ways you can take part.


'CyruS': See FRI.17, 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 7 p.m.

You have a business.

But, we bet you’d like more business. Getting you more business is our business.


traditional CraFt SaturdayS: See WED.15, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.

9/13/10 3:40:27 PM


12h-frontporch-jogger.indd 1

tHe great Vermont Corn maze: See WED.15, 10 a.m. Wagon ride WedneSday: See WED.15, 11 a.m.-2 p.m.


Send & receive neighborhood news at:

monarCH butterFly tagging: See WED.15, 3:30-5 p.m.


Warren St. JoHn: The author of Johnson State College's Common Reading book, Outcasts United, relives his experiences penning the real-life story about a refugee soccer team in Clarkston, Ga. Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College, 8 p.m. Free. Info, 635-1476.

Our old double is free for the taking.

SoutH Hero FarmerS market: See WED.15, 4-7 p.m.

Flynn Season

Story Hour: Tales and picture books catch the attention of little tykes. Dorothy Alling Memorial Library, Williston, 11 a.m. Free. Info, 878-4918.

We’re looking to sell ours.

Anyone have a used baby jogger?

Graduate Program In Community Mental Health

If you are a cigarette smoker between the of 18-65, you may be eligible to participate in a research study at UVM…

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8/27/10 12:21:52 PM

Still enrolling for October cosmetology session! Ask about Flexschedule!* schedule *Ask aboutour our FLEX

Visit our student clinic We have barbering students!


Flynn Season



Abe Ryebeck

LGBT “Stonewall Celebration Friday & Saturday, September 17 & 18 at 7 pm

“When We Danced,” written and performed by Gregory Ramos and “Come As You Are” with Boston’s Theatre Offensive, Melissa Li, Josie Leavitt, House of LeMay, Shawn Lipenski, and others Sponsored by

Media support from

FlynnSpace New York Indie-Jazz Trio

The Inbetweens




Gregory Ramos

Sunday, September 19 at 8 pm

Media support from

We are offering $8.50 clipper cuts the of June! students) (All studentthroughout work performed by month instructor-supervised (All student work performed by instructor-supervised students) Ask about our October massage session

Are you eligible for financial aid? Give us a call!

FlynnSpace Lida Winfield’s “In Search of Air”

Media support from


Thursday & Friday, September 23 & 24, at 8 pm or call 86-flynn today! 3v-Obriens090110.indd 1

8/30/10 11:57:11 AM

3v-Flynn091510.indd 1

9/13/10 10:12:00 AM





ART CLASSES IN HINESBURG AT CVU HIGH SCHOOL: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at www.cvuhs. org. Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. 2 Watercolor classes with Ginny Joyner, Pastel Portraits, Drawing for Beginners, Painting With Water Soluble Oils, Printmaking, Calligraphy, Photography as Art. Darkroom Use. Culinary arts: Onenight, hands-on classes where you eat well! Thai Cuisine, Vietnamese Specialties, Turkish, Colombian Specialties, Indian, Mile-High Pies, Chicken Parm Classico, Risotto Demystified, Pasta Bene, Italian Cookies, Halloween Cookies, Cheese Making-Chevre/Feta From Goat’s Milk, Mozzarella/Ricotta From Cow’s Milk.

DRYWALL STONE BUILDING W/ CRAIG ROYCE: Oct. 9-10, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $175/10% discount avail. for members. Location: Helen Day Art Center, Stowe. Info: 802-253-8358, Learn the art and craft of stone-wall building. Come learn this time-honored craft from a master stone mason. You will learn by doing as you jump into building a drylaid “no mortar” stone wall with local materials. Please register online.

ZEN CALLIGRAPHY DEMONSTRATION: Sep. 20, 7-8:30 p.m. Cost: $10/ suggested donation. Location: Vermont Zen Center, 480 Thomas Rd., Shelburne. Info: Vermont Zen Center, Vermont Zen Center, 802-985-9746,, cial_events.html. Rev. Jomyo Tanaka, a Shingon Buddhist priest and master of traditional Japanese calligraphy, will grace the Vermont Zen Center with a demonstration of calligraphic techniques using the En Mei Jikku Kannon Gyo as his subject.


DRAWING: Sep. 27-Nov. 8, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Monday. Cost: $145/nonmembers, $130.50/BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center, Burlington. Learn a variety of drawing techniques including basic perspective, compositional layout, and use of dramatic light and shadow. Students will work mostly from observation and will be encouraged to work with a variety of media including pencil, pen and ink, ink wash, charcoal, conte crayon, and colored pencil. Comics and illustration projects may be incorporated based on student interest. DRAWING & PAINTING: Oct. 12-Nov. 30, 6:30-9 p.m., Weekly on Tuesday. Cost: $245/nonmembers, $220.50/ BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center, Burlington. Begin with the basics of drawing and transition to painting with water-soluble oils. Students will learn many drawing and painting techniques and how to apply composition, linear aspects, form and color theory to their work. This supportive class will have a nice balance of studio time, group discussion and critique.

PHOTO: FALL FOLIAGE: Oct. 4-25, 6-9 p.m., Weekly on Monday. Cost: $195/ nonmembers, $177.50/BCA members. Location: LL Classroom (Digital Media Lab), Burlington. Capture stunning images of the Vermont autumn landscape in this hands-on workshop. Lecture, field shooting, critique and Photoshop image processing techniques will be included. Participants will also have the opportunity to print archival prints on our Epson 3880 printer. Prerequisite: Intro Film/Digital SLR Camera; basic Photoshop or Lightroom experience. PHOTO: INTRO FILM/DIGITAL CAMERA: Sep. 22-Oct. 27, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $145/nonmembers, $130.50/BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center’s Digital Media Lab, Burlington. Explore the basic workings of the manual 35mm film or digital SLR camera to learn how to take the photographs you envision. Demystify f-stops, shutter speeds and exposure, and learn the basics of composition, lens choices and film types/sensitivity. Bring an empty manual 35mm film or digital SLR camera and its owners manual to class. No experience necessary. PHOTO: INTRO TO B&W FILM: Oct. 7-Dec. 9, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Thursday. Cost: $195/nonmembers, $175.50/BCA members. Location: Community Darkroom, Burlington. Discover the mysteries of the darkroom and make your own photographic prints! Learn how to properly expose black and white film, process film into negatives, and make prints from those negatives. Class includes a free, one-month membership for use when the class ends. Bring an empty manual 35mm film camera to the first class. No experience necessary. PHOTO: MIXED-LEVEL DARKROOM: Oct. 6-Nov. 17, 6-9 p.m., Weekly on

PRINT: WHAT IS PRINTMAKING: Oct. 13-Nov. 17, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $165/$148.50 BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. This is an introduction class of a whole platter of printing techniques that can be used in combination to create unique prints. Demonstrations of intaglio, mono printing, relief, paper litho and stencils are included. Cost includes use of open studio hours for class work. PRINTMAKING WORKSHOP W/ DARYL STORRS: Oct. 23-24, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $170/$153 BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Join Frog Hollow printmaker Daryl Storrs in this exciting two-day workshop. Students will learn to make a multi-block color linocut print, explore the visual language of mark making with cutting tools, as well as the basics of paper tearing and inking. No previous experience necessary. To see Daryl’s work, visit her website at www.darylstorrs. com. Limit: 8.

Call 802-865-7166 for info or register online at Teacher bios are also available online.

climbing WOMEN’S/COED CLIMBING CLINICS: Sep. 21-Oct. 28, 6-8 p.m., Weekly on Tue., Thur. Cost: $175/6 classes, rental gear, 6 additional visits. Location: Petra Cliffs Climbing Center, 105 Briggs St., Burlington. Info: Petra Cliffs Climbing Center, Andrea Charest, 802-657-3872, andrea@, Learn to climb or improve your skills this fall! Coed I and Women’s I cover basic climbing skills: belaying, balance, footwork and route reading. A great way to learn and meet other new climbers! Coed clinics meet Tuesdays; Women’s Clinics meet Thursdays.

craft CRAFT CLASSES IN HINESBURG AT CVU HIGH SCHOOL: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. Wheel Throwing and Hand Building Clay, Platters and Bowls, Tile Making, Woodworking, Welding, Sculpture Welding/Brazing, Flower Arranging, Wood Carving, Bead/Wire Jewelry Making, Metal Bracelet, Spindle and Knobs, Wooden Bowl Turning, Rug Hooking (2 levels), 3 Bag Sewing, Hemming Skills, Cross Stitch, Crochet, Cheap/Dirty Framing, Mosaic Garden Frame, Midnight Mirror, Cake Decorating (3 choices), Knitting (3 choices), Perfumery.

dance ADULT DANCE CLASSES: Dates & times vary; please check website for details. Location: South End Studio, 696 Pine Street, Burlington. Info: 802-540-0044, southendstudiovt. com. South End Studio has the best dance classes for adults! Hip-Hop with Danielle Vardakas-Ducko; Jazz! From Broadway to Hip Hop with Karen Amirault; Thursday morning Beginner Ballet with Annette Urbschat; Belly Dance Fitness with Gail McKenzie Hall; and Salsa with David Larson and Shannon Lashua. Registration required. BALLROOM DANCE CLASSES: Location: The Champlain Club, Burlington. Info: First Step Dance, 802-598-6757, kevin@firststepdance. com, Beginning classes repeat each month, and intermediate classes vary from month to month. As with all of our programs, everyone is encouraged to attend, and no partner is necessary. Come alone, or come with friends, but come out and dance! BURLINGTON DANCES: Burlington now has her very own modern dance studio & a new Natural Bodies Pilates at Chace Mill. Location: Burlington Dances, 1 Mill St., Suite 372, Burlington. Info: Burlington Dances, Lucille Dyer, 802-8633369,, Prepare your body, mind and spirit with Pilates. Transform yourself through modern and creative dance. Register for upcoming movement workshops with Joe Williams, Rich Marantz and Hanna Satterlee, and take classes with inspired teachers Ellen Smith Ahern, Lucille Dyer, Annelies McVoy, Julie Peoples-Clark and Elizabeth Sanford. Open house September 12! DANCE STUDIO SALSALINA: Cost: $13/class. Location: 266 Pine St., Burlington. Info: Victoria, 802-5981077, Salsa classes, nightclub-style. One-onone, group and private, four levels. Beginner walk-in classes, Wednesdays,

DANCING WITH STYLE: Location: University Mall, S. Burlington. Info: Reinita Arnold, BA Dance, 802-7937524. Private lessons, Tuesday and Friday, 8:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Singles Only Saturdays, 8-9 p.m, no partner or experience necessary. Many classes available on Wednesdays 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., beginner through intermediate. Call for schedule. Free senior class on Wednesdays. Preregistration required for all classes. Call to schedule or for free consultation. Walk-ins welcome. Call for schedule in Morrisville. DELSARTE SYSTEM OF EXPRESSION: Sep. 11, 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Cost: $65/class. Location: Burlington Dances, 1 Mill St. (Chace Mill) #372, Burlington. Info: Burlington Dances, Lucille Dyer, 802863-3369, info@BurlingtonDances. com, Join Joe Williams and Burlington Dances for this workshop exploring the map of symbolic meanings of the body and of basic human movement patterns. Based on the ancient wisdom of yoga, cabala and hermetic traditions, this system of body training will awaken your innate athletic prowess and expressive power. JAZZ DANCE W/ KAREN AMIRAULT: Sep. 14-Dec. 8, 6:30-7:45 p.m., Weekly on Wed. Cost: $145/12 weeks; $15 single class. Location: South End Studio, 696 Pine St., enter in the back, Burlington. Info: South End Studio, 802-540-0044, southendstudiovt com. Jazz: From Broadway to Hip-Hop is a fun, high-energy workout with influences from swing, Broadway and musical comedy to hip-hop, African and break, for teens and adults. Structured to benefit beginning dancers as well as those with previous training. Dress comfortably and bring clean-soled sneakers. LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE: Sep. 14-Oct. 19, 7:30-9 p.m., Weekly on Tuesday. Location: Tuttle Middle School, 500 Dorset St., S. Burlington. Info: Lake Champlain Squares, Mary Leduc, 802-985-2012, www.lakecham For fun, friendship and good health learn to square dance with the Lake Champlain Squares. Couples or singles welcome Tuesdays 7:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at Tuttle Middle School in South Burlington. Free introductory lessons begin Sept. 14. LEARN TO SWING DANCE: Cost: $60/6-week series ($50 for students/ seniors). Location: Champlain Club, 20 Crowley St., Burlington. Info: www., 802-860-7501. Great fun, exercise and socializing, with fabulous music. Learn in a welcoming and lighthearted environment. Classes start every six weeks: Tuesdays for beginners; Wednesdays for upper levels. Instructors: Shirley McAdam and Chris Nickl. NEW! SALSA DANCE CLASSES W/ BURLINGTON’S BEST DAVID LARSON: New 4-wk. Thurs.-night class series starts Sept. 16. Basic Salsa, 7-8 p.m. A great way to get started & easy to learn. Just added, Intermediate Level I. Very cool turning combinations & ladies styling. 8-9 p.m. Location: South End Studio, 696 Pine St., near Lake Champlain Chocolates, just behind New World Tortilla, Burlington. Info: Sabrina, 802-540-0044, With all the dance classes being offered in Burlington, why take others? It’s fun! “I have made a lot of new friends salsa dancing at South End Studio.” -Chris and Lynn, salsa lovers. “David and South End Studio’s Summer Salsa Dance parties at the Splash Boathouse have been a blast. Thank you, David and DJ Raul, for making it great!” Donna, salsa lover. Thanks to all for coming out in the rain and supporting our second SSDP at Splash.


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ILLUSTRATION: FASHION ILLUSTRATION: Oct. 6-Nov. 10, 6:30-9 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $145/nonmembers, $130.50. BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center, Burlington. Learn the basics of fashion illustration! Students will draw and paint using gouache, watercolor

PAINTING: CONTEMPORARY FIGURE: Sep. 29-Nov. 17, 1:30-4:30 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $285/nonmembers, $256.50/BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center, Burlington. For intermediate and advanced painters, this class explores the vitality of nontraditional figure painting, with emphasis on fresh color, dynamic composition and personal expression. Participants use water-soluble oils and work from clothed and nude models each week. Figure-drawing experience helpful. BCA provides glass palettes, easels, painting trays and drying racks.

PRINT: SILKSCREENING I: Oct. 7-Nov. 11, 7-9 p.m. Cost: $175/nonmembers, $157.50/BCA members. Location: BCA Print Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. Learn to design and print posters, T-shirts, fine art prints and more! Learn how to apply photo emulsion, how to use a silkscreen exposure unit, and how to mix and print images with water-based inks. Cost includes use of open studio hours for class work.

COMPUTER CLASSES IN HINESBURG AT CVU HIGH SCHOOL: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. Computer & Internet Basics Tutorial, iWant iPods & iPhones, Google Apps, Improve Your Internet Experience, Windows Security: File and Control Panels, OpenOffice, Google Sketch Up, Skype, PowerPoint, Publisher, MS Word Basics and More, MS Excel Basics, Excel Up: The Next Steps, Excel Data Analysis, Website Design Fundamentals, Dreamweaver: Web Essentials, Social Networking for Families, Personalized Lessons. Low cost, hands on, excellent instructors, limited class size, guaranteed. Materials included with few exceptions.

6 p.m. Argentinean Tango class and social, Fridays, 7:30 p.m., walk-ins welcome. No dance experience, partner or preregistration required, just the desire to have fun! Drop in any time and prepare for an enjoyable workout!


ORTHO-BIONOMY: ENERGETICS: Oct. 30-31, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Cost: $275/class; $250 if paid by Oct. 8 ($50 nonrefundable deposit). 16 CEUs. Location: Touchstone Healing Arts, Burlington. Info: Dianne Swafford, 802-734-1121, This class is designed to help participants access energetic perception in themselves and in their clients; to learn how to make contact without necessarily engaging physically. Techniques will be presented that monitor and acknowledge relationships among energetic, emotional and physical levels and that demonstrate how energetic shifts can affect changes in physical patterns.

DESIGN: ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR: Sep. 23-Oct. 28, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Thursday. Cost: $185/nonmembers, $166.50/BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center’s Digital Media Lab, Burlington. Learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator, including layout, designing posters and more. This class will give you the basics and help you need to become proficient with this powerful layout program. Class is suited for beginners who are interested in furthering their design software skills. Class will be taught on a Mac with InDesign CS4.

PAINTING: ABSTRACT PAINTING: Oct. 14-Dec. 2, 6:30-9 p.m., Weekly on Thursday. Cost: $166.50/BCA members; $185/nonmembers. Location: Firehouse Center, Burlington. Students will be guided to explore the many exciting possibilities of abstract painting. Using the paint of their choice (water-soluble oils, acrylics or watercolor), students will be encouraged to experiment and try adding other media, as well. Students will learn from each other and discuss techniques and ideas in supportive critique.

PHOTO: YOUTH AFTER SCHOOL PHOTOGRAPHY: Oct. 19-Nov. 9, 3:30-5:30 p.m., Weekly on Tuesday. Cost: $94.50/BCA members; $105/ nonmembers. Location: Community Darkroom, Burlington. Learn the magic of the black-and-white darkroom in this fun, hands-on, after-school class for kids ages 9 to 12! Kids will go on guided photo shoots and will print their own work in the darkroom. All equipment and supplies are provided. No experience necessary.




CLAY: BEGINNING WHEEL I: Sep. 29-Nov. 17, 6-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $210/nonmembers, $189/BCA members. Location: BCA Clay Studio, 250 Main St., Burlington. New! Due to popular demand, we’ve added another section of Beginning Wheel I! This eight-week class is an introduction to clay, pottery and the ceramics studio. Students will be working primarily on the potter’s wheel, learning basic throwing and forming techniques. No previous experience needed! Includes over 20 hours per week of open studio time to practice!

ILLUSTRATION: THE CHILDREN’S BOOK: Oct. 6-Nov. 10, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $145/nonmembers, $130.50/BCA members. Location: Firehouse Center, Burlington. Learn the ABCs of children’s book illustration! Students will draw and develop techniques using art materials appropriate for different stories: pencil, charcoal, pen and ink, and watercolors. Drawing subjects will focus on children, animals, interior and exterior environments, and still-life details. Lectures will include the history of great children’s book illustrators and the role they played in turning good stories into classics.

Wednesday. Cost: $250/nonmembers, $225/BCA members. Location: Community Darkroom, Burlington. Prerequisite: Intro to Black and White Film and the Darkroom or equivalent experience. Take your work to the next level in this eight-week class! Guided sessions will help you improve your printing and film processing techniques and discussion of the technical and aesthetic aspects of your work will be included. Includes darkroom membership.


BODY & MIND CLASSES IN HINESBURG AT CVU HIGH SCHOOL: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. Core Strength with Caroline Perkins, Tuesday and Thursday; Weight Training with Stuart Offer; Zumba (3 choices); Yoga (4 choices); Swing or Ballroom with Terry Bouricius; Salsa; Hip-Hop; Appalachian Clogging; Jazzercise; Clawhammer Banjo; Voice-Overs; Guitar (3 levels); Beg. Piano; Piano: Return to Keyboard; Creative Dance (4-7-year olds); Herbal Manicure; Herbs: Winter Health; Facial; Mastering Sugar for Life; and Juggling. Low cost, excellent instructors, guaranteed. Materials included.

burlington city arts

and more and will be encouraged to render fabrics, illustrate their own designs, and experiment with a variety of fashion drawing styles as they create a portfolio. This is a mixed-level class open to both beginners and advanced students. Class will include figure drawing with a live fashion model.


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REAL HIP-HOP WORKSHOP: Sep. 17, 5:30-8:30 p.m. Cost: $30/3-hr. workshop. Location: South End Studio, 696 Pine St., Burlington. Info: 802-540-0044, southendstudiovt. com. Real hip-hop begins here: Learn from the best in this three-hour dance workshop featuring popping technique with Danielle “Sheva” and breakin’ with B-Boy Wish. Registration required; call or sign up online. For ages 8 to adult. WHITE CLOUD DANCE: Sept. 17-19. Location: White Cloud Arts, Lincoln. Info: 802-453-3690, whitecloudarts@, Awaken pure presence and experience the harmonic resonance of spontaneously arising from dynamic universal movement/sound as elemental rhythmic flow in multidimensional forms. Offered by lifelong movement artist/teacher Madeleine Piat-Landolt and guests.

education PARADIGMS AND LEARNING: AN INTRODUCTION: Oct. 2, 1-4 p.m. Cost: $35/workshop. Location: 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury. Info: Sue, 802-2447909. Discover how you use paradigms in your own learning. Via discussions, questions and learning activities, this one-afternoon workshop will identify and connect learning paradigms. Led by Dr. Maria Kowalchyk-DeVito.





empowerment ABUNDANCE AND IMPRINTING WATER: Sep. 17, 6:15-8 p.m. Cost: $12/1 hr. 45 min. miniworkshop. Location: Candles and Creations, 150 Dorest St. Suite 310, S. Burlington. Info: Life Resources, Jana Shiloh, 928-282-9362, jana@healthrays. com, Jana Shiloh’s innovative method combines the frequency of her HomeoFusion Mists with intention and emotion, all evoking powerful energies for creating abundance on emotional, physical, financial and spiritual levels. Based

on her upcoming book “The Magic of Imprinting Water for Healing.” Learn and feel new tools! Saturday workshop also available. EMPOWERMENT CLASSES IN HINESBURG AT CVU HIGH SCHOOL: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. Lose Weight-Feel Great, Perfumery, Genealogy, Beekeeping, Fly Fishing, Writing Quality Fiction, Memoir Writing, Wild Plant ID, Seed Saving, How Thoughts Work, Islam and the Western World with Chris O’Donnell, Donner Party Story, Winter Camping, Solar Energy 101, Bio Fuels 101, Energy=R We?, Cinema Club, The Toddler Years, Fathers & Children Together Group, Bridge-2 levels, Grief Etiquette, Suburban Homesteading 101, Goal Setting and Dreamboarding. Guaranteed.

necessary. Find forzavt on Facebook for more information.

flynnarts ACTING CLASSES START IN SEPT.!: Location: Flynn Center, Burlington. Info: 802-652-4548, flynnarts@ For kids: Creative Drama, Kids Onstage!, Acting/Improv/ Broadway. For adults & teens: Acting for Bashful Beginners, Acting II Technique, Improvisation, Satndup Comedy, and Teen Acting Workshop. Special workshops with visiting artists on Costuming & Physical Improv. DANCE CLASSES START IN SEPT.!: Location: Flynn Center, Burlington. Info: 802-652-4548, flynnarts@ For kids: Creative Dance, Ballet, African, Hip-Hop. For adults and teens: Ballet, Pointe, Tap (with a Broadway dancer), Hip-Hop, Jazz (‘80s, world and cabaret styles), Modern, Nia, Zumba, Cambodian and master classes with companies like Rubberbandance, Lar Lubavich and Danny Buraczeski. Drop-ins welcome when space remains. MUSIC CLASSES START IN SEPT.!: Location: Flynn Center, Burlington. Info: 802-652-4548, flynnarts@ Affordable group voice lessons, jazz combos for grades 5 through adult, Parent/Child Music Together, show choir, and workshops on percussion and piano with local and visiting artists.

2:30 p.m. Cost: $300/program tuition & our lunches & dinners together; sliding scale available. Location: Shelburne Farms, 1611 Harbor Rd., Shelburne. Info: Farm Wellness Retreats, Grace Jull, 413-442-5477,, Come be nourished at Shelburne Farms with Grace Jull, senior wellness instructor from Kripalu Center. These three days of simple breathing, moving, cooking and meditative practices like light weeding or harvesting will deepen your connection to self, others and the profound web of life that holds us all.

herbs OPEN HOUSE FOR HERB SCHOOL: Sep. 23, 6:30-8:30 p.m.. Location: Tulsi Tea Room, 34 Elm St., Montpelier. Info: Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism, Lisa Mase, 802-224-7100,, Open house for Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism’s 3-year Clinical Herbalism Training Program and 1-year Family Herbalism Training Program. Meet faculty, talk with current students, ask questions about the program and submit your application. Application deadline is November 1. For an application and course catalog visit www.vtherbcen

WISDOM OF THE HERBS SCHOOL: Wild Edible & Medicinal Walk, Fri., Sept. 24, 5-6:30 p.m., $10. Eat on the Wild Side, Mon., Sept. 27, 4:30-6:30 p.m., $20. Dates for our 2011 Wild Edible spring & summer terms, & for the 8-weekend Wisdom of the Herbs 2011, can be found on our website; we are currently interviewing. Plan ahead & apply now for VSAC nondegree grants for 2011 programs while funds are plentiful. Location: Wisdom of the Herbs School, Woodbury. Info: 802-456-8122, annie@wis FREE TAX CLASS: Oct. 4-Dec. 1, 6-9, www. p.m., Weekly on Mon., Wed. Cost: Earth $129/book. Location: Liberty Tax PM for changing times. Experiential Service, 1197 Williston Rd., South 1x1-FlynnPerfArts093009.indd 1 9/28/09 3:32:51 skills programs embracing local wild edible Burlington. Info: Liberty Tax Service, MASTER COMPOSTER 2010: Mondays, and medicinal plants, food as first Rob , 802-865-2829, relmes@liberOct. 18-Nov. 8, 6-9 p.m. Cost: medicine, sustainable living skills, and, Sign up to $40/incl. req. manual. Noncredit the inner journey. Annie McCleary, learn about tax preparation and how course. Location: Various locations, director, and George Lisi, naturalist. the new tax laws will affect you. Bennington, Brattleboro, Johnson, Lyndon, Montpelier, Middlebury, Newport, Randolph Center, Rutland, Springfield, St. Albans, Waterbury. Info: 802-656-9562, master. JEWELRY W/ KARLA VAN VLIET: Oct. FORZA SAMURAI SWORD WORKOUT:, 14, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., This is a summary Mondays, 7-8 p.m.; Thursdays, 6-7 matergardener. Interested in learning of the repeat configuration. Cost: p.m.; Fridays, 9-10 a.m. Cost: $10/1-hr. the latest processes for producing $50/10% discount avail. for members. class. Location: North End Studio, fabulous compost and reducing Location: Helen Day Art Center, 294 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington. greenhouse emissions? Learn how to Stowe. Info: 802-253-8358, www. Info: Tweak Your Physique, Stephanie build piles, improve soil, enhance plant Take that old, funky Shohet, 802-578-9243, Steph@ resistance to disease and insects, jewelry you’ve never worn and make, FORZA is grow healthy lawns, produce worm it new and fashionable. Using beads, an intense group fitness class apcompost, and more! wire work and sterling silver, create propriate for teens and adults of all new pieces out of old. Please register abilities. Build muscle, burn calories, online. develop focus, vent frustrations and boost self-esteem while using a sword to practice the skills of the samurai FARM WELLNESS RETREAT: Fri. & Sat., warrior. No martial arts experience 9:30 a.m.-evening; Sun., 9:30 a.m.-






kids PRE-BALLET FOR AGES 4 & 5: Sep. 20Dec. 20, 1:15-2 p.m. Cost: $48/monthly fee. Location: South End Studio, 696 Pine Street, Burlington. Info: 802-540-0044, southendstudiovt. com. This class combines elements of creative movement with a first introduction to ballet. Students will explore seasonal themes through movement games, free dance and creative theater while learning basic ballet positions and steps, short combinations, and simple group dances.

language AMIGOS, LEARN SPANISH WITH US: Beginning week of Sept. 20 for 10 weeks. Cost: $160/10 1-hour classes. Location: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Waterbury Center. Info: Spanish in Waterbury Center, Spanish in Waterbury Center, 802-659-4181,, www. New fall Spanish class offerings. Learn from a native speaker in a small-class environment. You’ll always be participating and speaking. Also private instruction and tutoring. We specialize in lessons for young children; they love it! Convenient scheduling. See our website for complete info or contact us for details. LANGUAGE CLASSES IN HINESBURG AT CVU HIGH SCHOOL: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. Beginner French, Conversational Immersion French with Laure Angel, Beginning Spanish (2 levels), Conversational Spanish, Italian for Travelers, Beginning Mandarin (2 levels). Low cost, hands on, excellent instructors, limited class size, guaranteed. Materials included with few exceptions. LEARN FRENCH THIS FALL!: Classes Sept. 27-Dec. 9 (10-week sessions). All classes meet 6:30-8 p.m. Cost: $225/10-week session. Location: Alliance-Francaise of the Lake Champlain Region, #304 Dupont Building, 123 Ethan Allen Ave., Colchester. Info: Alliance Francaise of the Lake Champlain Region, Micheline Tremblay, 802-497-0420,, French classes. Registration now open for fall session: beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. PARLEZ-VOUS FRANCAIS?: Location: At your home or scheduled meeting place, Burlington, Mad River Valley, Stowe, Montpelier. Info: 802-4966669, Communication and vocabulary enrichment, some grammar review. Fun and useful. Taught by Yves Compere, French native. VOULEZ-VOUS PARLER FRANCAIS?: Sep. 21-Nov. 23. Cost: $200/3-hour class for 10-week program. Location: Burlington High School, 52 Institute Rd., Burlington. Info: Burlington Continuing Education Programs, Alysse Anton, 802-535-1499,, Oui? So come join us and learn the fundamentals that will provide you a passport to Francophone cultures, so you won’t feel lost when you go discover Montreal or one of the 35 other lands where French is spoken. The Continuing Education Program will get you there. Learn from a native speaker and skilled teacher.

martial arts AIKIDO: Adult introductory classes begin on Tuesday, October 5 at 6:45 p.m. Join for 3 months and receive a free uniform. Pre-school classes (ages 5-6) begin on October 2 at 9 a.m.. Location: Aikido of Champlain Valley, 257 Pine St. (across from Conant Metal and Light), Burlington. Info: 802-951-8900, Aikido is a dynamic Japanese martial

art that promotes physical and mental harmony through the use of breathing exercises, aerobic conditioning, circular movements, and pinning and throwing techniques. We also teach sword/staff arts and knife defense. Adult classes seven days a week. The Samurai Youth Program provides scholarships for children and teenagers, ages 7-17. AIKIDO: Tues.-Fri., 6-7:30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9-10 a.m.; & Sundays, 10-11:30 a.m. Visitors are always welcome. Location: Vermont Aikido, 274 N. Winooski Ave. (2nd floor), Burlington. Info: Vermont Aikido, 802-862-9785, www.vermontaikido. org. Aikido 101: Join us for a free class! “Introduction to Aikido” begins at 10 a.m., the 3rd Saturday of each month. Please bring or wear loose-fitting exercise clothing; plan to arrive 15 minutes early to register. This class is a gentle introduction to basic movement and training, open to everyone interested in learning more about Aikido. VERMONT BRAZILIAN JIU-JITSU: Mon.-Fri., 6-9 p.m., & Sat., 10 a.m. 1st class is free. Location: Vermont Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, 55 Leroy Rd., Williston. Info: 802-660-4072,, Classes for men, women and children. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu enhances strength, flexibility, balance, coordination and cardio-respiratory fitness. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu training builds and helps to instill courage and self-confidence. We offer a legitimate Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu martial arts program in a friendly, safe and positive environment. Accept no imitations. Learn from one of the world’s best, Julio “Foca” Fernandez, CBJJ and IBJJF certified 6th Degree Black Belt, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor under Carlson Gracie Sr., teaching in Vermont, born and raised in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil! A 5-time Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Featherweight Champion and 3-time Rio de Janeiro State Champion, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

meditation LEARN TO MEDITATE: Meditation instruction available Sunday mornings, 9 a.m.-12 p.m., or by appointment. The Shambhala Cafe meets the first Saturday of each month for meditation and discussions, 9 a.m.-12 p.m. An Open House occurs every third Wednesday evening of each month, 7-9 p.m., which includes an intro to the center, a short dharma talk and socializing. Location: Burlington Shambhala Center, 187 So. Winooski Ave., Burlington. Info: 802-658-6795, Through the practice of sitting still and following your breath as it goes out and dissolves, you are connecting with your heart. By simply letting yourself be, as you are, you develop genuine sympathy toward yourself. The Burlington Shambhala Center offers meditation as a path to discovering gentleness and wisdom. LEARN MINDFULNESS MEDITATION: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m., all programs free of charge. Location: Exquisite Mind Studio, 88 King St., Burlington. Info: Exquisite Mind, Arnie Kozak, 802-660-8043, drkozak@exquisite, Learn to meditate and participate in ongoing mindfulness meditation practice community at the new Exquisite Mind Studio. Nonsectarian Buddhistbased mindfulness meditation. No-fee instructions, weekly practice sessions and monthly retreats. Free weekly introductory program. Read the blog at mindfulnessmatters.

nature ROOTS RENDEZVOUS: Sep. 24-26. Cost: $75/3 days of workshops. Location: ROOTS School, 20 Blachly Rd. , Marshfiled. Info: ROOTS School, Sarah Corrigan, 802-456-1253, info@, A Primitive Skills Gathering. The skills that have kept us alive for innumerable generations are still alive. Join us

clASS photoS + morE iNfo oNliNE SEVENDAYSVT.COM/CLASSES for three days of workshops, from naturalist studies to primitive technologies, engaging in the skills and understandings that keep us connected to the earth.

paddling Outrigger CanOe SkillS: Sep. 11-19, 9 a.m., Weekly on Sat., Sun. Cost: $39/1-hr. class. Location: Champlain Outrigger, Charlotte, Charlotte. Info: Champlain Outrigger, Peter, 802-310-1776, peter@champlainoutrigger. com, Paddlers of all abilities welcome. learn outrigger canoe skills including rigging, paddling and steering. One hour water time on a 30-foot Hawaiian-style outrigger canoe.

photography CaMera ClaSSeS in HineSBurg at CVu HigH SCHOOl: 165 fall offerings for all ages. Full descriptions at Look for Access, Community Education link. Senior discount 65+. Location: CVU High School, 10 min. from exit 12, Hinesburg. Info: 802-482-7194. Photoshop Basics, Digital camera: Buttons/Menus, share Photos, aperture Info, shutter speed skills, Photoshop Basics, Digital spectrum, Next layers of Photoshop, advanced Digital Photography: Blending/ Filters. Digital PHOtOgraPHY i w/ Paul rOgerS: Oct. 5-26, 10-12 a.m., Weekly on Tuesday. Cost: $120/10% discount avail. for members. Location: Helen Day Art Center, Stowe. Info: 802253-8358, Improve your digital photography skills in this “level 101” class. students will learn the basics of digital photography, including camera operation, proper image exposure, file types, Photoshop file editing, and preparation of photo files for Web or print. Please register online.

reiki reiki (uSui) leVel 1: Cost: $195/Sat., Sept. 25, 9:30 a.m.5:30 p.m. Location: Rising Sun Healing Center, 35 King St., #7, Burlington. Info: Chris Hanna, 802-881-1866,, learn this powerful, hands-on healing art for healing and personal growth and be able to give Reiki energy to yourself and others by the end of the class. Plenty of in-class practice time. learn the history of Reiki and ethics of a Reiki practitioner. Member of Vermont Reiki association.

relationships gnOStiCiSM: Oct. 7-28, 7-9 p.m., Weekly on Thurs. Cost: $60/ class. Location: 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury. Info: Sue, 802-2447909. Want new insights into Jesus’ character, personality and love life? Want new perspectives on christianity? This course introduces the gospels that carl Jung appreciated so much. led by Dr. sue Mehrtens, teacher and author. Meeting YOur inner Partner: Oct. 6-27, 7-9 p.m., Weekly on Wednesday. Cost: $60/class. Location: 55 Clover Lane, Waterbury. Info: Sue, 802-2447909. Discover the inner men and women living in your “inner city” who deeply influence your relationships and love life in this workshop full of hands-on experiential material. led by Dr. sue Mehrtens, teacher and author.

self-help YOga fOr reCOVerY: Sep. 7-Dec. 28, 7-9 p.m., Weekly on Tuesday. Cost: $14/1.5-hour drop-in class ($12 for 10-class pass). Location: Burlington Yoga, 215 College St., Burlington. Info: Loving River Healing Arts, Katherine A. Kelley. MA, LADC, 802-343-5790, kath erinekelley@burlingtontelecom. net, You’ll have the opportunity to learn and practice coordinating breath and movement with mindful awareness in a playful, safe community

shelburne art center Beginning wOODwOrking: Sep. 21-Nov. 23, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Weekly on Tues. Cost: $330/ members; $375/nonmembers; $80/materials. Location: Shelburne Art Center, Shelburne. Info: 802-985-3648, info@shel, www.shel Instructor: Michael Glod. students will learn as they work through an organized approach to woodworking. starting at the lumberyard, learn how to match grain and avoid problematic pieces. at the studio you will be introduced to accurate layout and machine tool use. Goal: completed coffee table. ClOtH CaSe JOurnal: Sep. 20-Nov. 8, 6:30-9 p.m., Weekly on Mon., Wed. Cost: $215/members; $255/nonmembers; $64/material fee. Location: Shelburne Art Center, 64 Harbor Rd., Shelburne. Info: 802-985-3648, Instructor: elizabeth Rideout. Introduction to cloth case bookbinding. students will learn and practice basic techniques such as folding, trimming, sewing, gluing and casing-in during the process of completing multiple book projects. Discussion on the topics of materials and equipment wil enhance students’ understanding of the bookbinding process. COlOr & COMPOSitiOn w/ OilS: Sep. 20-Oct. 25, 12-2:30 p.m. Cost: $164/members; $195/nonmembers. Location: Shelburne Art Center, Shelburne. Info: 802-9853648, www.shelburneartcenter. org. Instructor: Robert Huntoon. Beginners or returning painters using oils or water-soluble oils, this class addresses both local plein-air landscape and local photo-referenced subjects with an emphasis on color development. covers color mixing and matching, color theory, and demos on “rebirthing” a painting. laMPwOrk ClaSS fOr Beg.: Sep. 20-Oct. 18, 5:30-9:30 p.m., Every 2 weeks on Monday. Cost: $50/members; $65/nonmembers. Location: Shelburne Art Center, Shelburne. Info: 802-9853648, www.shelburneartcenter. org. Instructor: loree. learn how to make a beautiful set of lampwork beads. During this four-hour class you will learn the basics of the torch, how to make beads and how to work with several tools to make different shapes. Dates: september 20, October 4, October 18. wHeel tHrOwing/HanD BuilDing: Sep. 21-Oct. 26, 6-8:30 p.m. Cost: $165/members; $195/ nonmembers; $35/materials. Location: Shelburne Art Center, Shelburne. Info: Shelburne Art Center, 802-985-3648, Instructor: Barbara Murphy. This class will accommodate all levels

sports tHe art Of MinDful running: Sat., Sept. 18, Oct. 30, Nov. 13, 10-11:30 a.m. Cost: $90/series. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy, South Burlington. Info: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy, 802-6589440, With sue Dodge, PT, and Kim evans, RD. The workshop will be part instructional and part experiential. We will be doing a combination of instruction, guided meditation and visualization, reflection, and applied skills. We will be doing actual running! The three-week workshops will be structured as (1) introduction to moving mindfully, (2) practice of mindful running, (3) moving mindfully, beyond running.

writing writing & MeDitatiOn: Oct. 22-24, 2 p.m. Cost: $350/retreat. Location: Sky Meadow Retreat, Stannard. Info: Michelle Deners, 802-363-9234, demersmi Held in the beautiful Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, this retreat features the integrated practices of writing and meditation. Writer and poet Michelle Demers leads the writing sessions; meditation instructor Miles sherts leads the sitting and walking meditation sessions. No experienced needed in either practice.


eleMentS Of tai CHi CHuan: Champlain Senior Center, 241 N. Winooski St., Burlington: Demonstration & 12-wk. course, Mondays, Sept. 20-Dec. 6, 5:306:45 p.m.; Elders Tai Chi Chair Class: Fridays, Sept. 24-Dec. 3, 1011 a.m. UVM (Redstone Campus): Open Practice & Demonstration: Wednesdays, ongoing, 4 p.m. UVM (Patrick Gym #217): 8-wk. course: Sept. 22-Nov. 10, 5:306:30 p.m. Open to public, staff/ faculty, students. Register at Open Sky Studio, 6 Main St., Bristol: Tai Chi Seminar Series: 2 Thursdays, Sept. 16, 5:45-6:45 p.m. Location: Various locations, Vermont. Info: 802-453-3690, whitecloudarts@, www.whitecloudarts. org. all welcome to learn the guiding principles, fundamental exercises, Qigong, and long form of this authentic yang style as passed traditionally by master Tung Kai-Ying. align body, mind and spirit in the natural state with great benefit to well-being. Offered by lifelong movement artist/teacher Madeleine Piatlandolt. Snake StYle tai CHi CHuan: Beginner classes Sat. mornings & Wed. evenings. Call to view a class. Location: BAO TAK FAI TAI CHI INSTITUTE, 100 Church St., Burlington. Info: 802-864-7902, The Yang snake style is a dynamic tai chi method that mobilizes the spine while stretching and strengthening the core body muscles. Practicing this ancient martial art increases strength, flexibility, vitality, peace of mind and martial skill. Yang-StYle tai CHi: Weekly on Saturdays, 7:30-9:30 a.m. Starting in Oct. we will be moving to winter hours, 8:30-10 a.m.


Conifer Sale Saturday, September 18th through Tuesday, September 21st 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. 25% off all conifers! Great selection, unusual varieties, excellent quality. 4 D ay S O n ly

DrOP-in YOga: Every Fri., this fall, 12-1:30 p.m.. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy, S. Burlington. Info: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy , 802-658-9440, vtcyt. com. Move. Breathe. strengthen. Relax. a Vajra-inspired class with Deb sherrer, cYT, Ma, that focuses on alignment, breath-informed movement, mindfulness and indepth poses to enhance strength, flexibility and grounding. leave class with a greater sense of wellbeing and relaxation. all levels welcome.

tai chi

Rocky Dale

...and visit our clearance section, refreshed daily, full of overstocked, overgrown and needing-a-good-home items.

806 Rockydale Rd., Bristol VT


eVOlutiOn YOga: Daily yoga classes for all levels from $5- 8v-RockyDale091510.indd 1 $14, conveniently located in Burlington. 10-class cards and unlimited memberships available for discounted rates. Mon.-Fri. @ 4:30 p.m., class is only $5!. Location: Evolution Yoga, Burlington. Info: 802-864-9642,, www.evo evolution’s certified teachers are skilled with students ranging from beginner-advanced. We offer classes in Vinyasa, anusara-inspired, Kripalu, and Iyengar yoga. Babies/kids classes also available! Prepare for birth and strengthen postpartum with pre/postnatal yoga, and check out our thriving massage practice. Participate in our community blog:

9/14/10 9:37:31 AM


trauMa SenSitiVe YOga: Sep. 23-Nov. 11, 6-7:15 p.m. Cost: $120/ series. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy, South Burlington. Info: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy , 802-6589440, victoriacasson@yahoo. com, Healing Body, Mind and spirit. Deb sherrer, M.a., cYT. Trauma and loss can result in feelings of anxiety, sadness, agitation and reactivity, as well as PTsD symptoms (e.g., flashbacks, hypervigilance and nightmares). Yoga and mindfulness practices can gently shift these patterns, allowing individuals to re-inhabit their bodies with a growing sense of safety, strength and stability. YOga fOr BuSY PeOPle: Aug. 30-Sep. 20, 6-7 p.m. Location: Vermont Center for Yoga and Therapy, S. Burlington. Info: 802-658-9440. With sofi Dillof. explores basic yoga techniques such as breath and body movement to relax and unwind from the daily stressors of life. all levels are welcome, this includes beginners. Drop-in class; by donation only. m

High Noon

Sat. September 18 Church Street Top Block Teams of 12 compete to see who can pull a Burlington fire truck up Church Street the fastest. Prizes are awarded for fastest pull, best costumes and most money raised for Vermont’s queer youth. Come join the fun!

8v-outright090810.indd 1

classes 57

all wellneSS: Location: 208 Flynn Ave., Studio 3A (across from the antique shops, before Oakledge Park), Burlington. Info: 802-863-9900, www.allwellness We encourage all ages, all bodies and all abilities to discover greater ease and enjoyment in life by integrating Pilates, physical

POtterY ClaSSeS: twitCHell Hill POtterY: Location: Twitchell Hill Pottery, New Haven. Info: 802-545-2476. a beautiful studio in New Haven, Vt. Private and group lessons on the potter’s wheel. classes for children and adults, beginners and advanced students. For more info call or email shelly Doyle: 802-545-2476,

warriOr MeDiCine: Oct. 2, noon5 p.m. Cost: $80/5-hour class. Location: Vermont College of Fine Arts, Noble Hall , Montpelier. Info: Lucid Path Healing Arts, Wendy Halley, 802-485-5552, lucid, www.lucidpath. com. an experiential afternoon of shamanic exercises designed to build inner resources and personal power. No prior experience necessary. Registration deadline: september 29.

Cost: $16/single class, $160/3 calendar mos. Location: Vermont Kung Fu Academy, 167 Pearl St., Essex Jct. Info: 802-878-7888, Tai chi is a slow-moving martial art that combines deep breathing and graceful movements to produce the valuable effects of relaxation, improved concentration, improved balance, a decrease in blood pressure and ease in the symptoms of fibromyalgia. Janet Makaris, instructor.





of abilities. Beginners will be shown fundamentals and guided in developing strong basic skills. More experienced students will have individualized instruction in functional or sculptural techniques while considering elements of form and style.


Dig. PHOtOgraPHY & PHOtOSHOP: Oct. 16-17, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Cost: $125/day; $200 for weekend. Location: HUHS Digital Imaging Lab, 458 Rt. 100, S. Duxbury. Info: Sam K, 802-8821124, sambovermont@gmail. com. a two-day, comprehensive workshop. Participate in one day or both. Day 1: digital cameras, exposure tricks and better photography. Day 2: digital workflow: importing, organizing, Photoshop, printing. contact instructor for more info about this excellent workshop held in a modern, fully equipped digital imaging lab in the Mad River Valley.

aBSOlute PilateS: Affordable pricing; friendly atmosphere; quality NYC certified instruction. Location: Absolute Pilates, 3060 Williston Rd., Suite 6, S. Burlington. Info: 802-310-2614, experience the empowering Pilates method of body conditioning and improve muscle tone, strength, stretch, stamina and balance. Offering small-group mat classes; combo Tower/ Reformer equipment classes (four participants); private and semi-private equipment sessions using reformer, Wall Unit; Wunda chair, spine corrector and lots of fun props.

for the purpose of healing from the effects of trauma and addiction. each session ends with a guided relaxation. No prior yoga experience necessary. all levels of yoga experience welcome.

Digital PHOtOgraPHY ii w/ BOB StrauS: Thur., Oct. 14, 1-5 p.m. Rain date Oct. 21. Cost: $75/10% discount avail. for members. Location: Helen Day Art Center, Stowe. Info: 802-2538358, spend an afternoon with Bob straus, a professional commercial photographer for over 40 years. He’s traveled the world on assignment, with a client list that includes cBs, aBc, NBc, Fox sports, Nike, NFl, NBa, UsTa, UsGa, Time, sports Illustrated, Polo Ralph lauren and caRe. learn about shooting in various conditions with a film mindset. Please register online.

therapy, yoga and nutrition. come experience our welcoming atmosphere, skillful, caring instructors and light-filled studio. Join us for a free introduction to the reformer, every saturday at 10:30 a.m. and the first Tuesday of every month at 7 p.m.: Just call and reserve your spot!

9/5/10 8:07:52 PM


Hair Brand Seven Days chats with Township’s Greg Beadle B Y DAN BO L L E S

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9/13/10 2:20:04 PM

Township, Greg Beadle, third from the right





hen Township pull up to a gig, you almost expect the motley crew to pile out of a cherry IROC-Z, a plume of smoke billowing out of the sports car’s doors amid the strains of Foghat’s “Slow Ride.” Since forming in 2006, the Boston-based rockers have gained widespread regional renown for their brand of classic-rock-inspired, metal-ish musings. But, unlike other long-haired, cockrock acolytes now mining the genre’s 12v-3Penny081110.indd 1 8/9/10 1:49:55 PM archetypes as a gimmick — (cough) Wolfmother (cough) — Township ply their trade without a shred of skinnyjean irony. These dudes mean business. And business is booming. In advance of the band’s two upcomAFTER DARK Seven Days ing Vermont performances — Friday at MUSIC SERIES 1/16th ad: Charlie O’s in Montpelier and Saturday 2.3 x 3.67 vertical at The Monkey House in Winooski — Tim O’Brien Seven Days caught up with drummer 7.10 Greg Beadle by phone from Somerville. Sunday, September 26 at 7:00 p.m. Town Hall Theater Prior to his current stint manning the $35 advance, $37 at the door skins for Township, Beadle was a Burlington fixture, playing with the late, West Virginian, Tim O’Brien is the great hardcore-metal band Rocketsled bridge between traditional sounds of hill country and modern bluegrass. and, more recently, math-rock outfit the Cancer Conspiracy. P.O. Box 684 Middlebury, VT 05753



(802) 388-0216

Tickets on sale now at: Main Street Stationery, the Middlebury Inn and by mail

12v-Afterdark081110.indd 1

8/2/10 2:06:32 PM

SEVEN DAYS: What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think about your days playing in Burlington? GREG BEADLE: Definitely the scene. Going back to the Rocketsled days, it

seemed like there was very much a “scene.” A lot of bands that were vying for attention and notoriety. A sort of healthy and playful sense of competition. A good 10 or 15 bands that would end up in the same circle, and show up in Good Citizen magazine or whatever. But that was really my introduction to pretty much any music scene, what it meant to be in a scene, in general. SD: Going from the Cancer Conspiracy, an intellectually challenging instrumental band, to something like Township, which is so viscerally but basely appealing, is an interesting progression. How’d you get there? GB: When we started Cancer Conspiracy, I had just gotten out of playing with Non Compos Mentis, which you may or may not know was much more of an extreme metal band. Cancer Conspiracy allowed me to spread my wings and exercise a lot of influences I had growing up, like Genesis and Rush and Yes — a lot of progressive bands at the time. And the fact that we didn’t have a singer … I mean, everybody was a singer in that band as far as I’m concerned, because we wouldn’t have had room for a vocalist. Every guy in that band wanted to be heard and to shine with what he was doing. Even when we played out live, very seldom would we set up with a typical format. It was always the three of us across the

stage, thus symbolizing that we all had our own voice. That being said, I come from a wide variety of influences, obviously progressive bands. But with Township, I was in a place where I felt that maybe having a little more accessibility with a singer, being a little more recognizable, or not playing so much to — and I mean this with no disrespect — to the geeky, musician-type crowd, which the Cancer Conspiracy certainly did, Township would maybe reach out to anybody, from your average music fan to people who appreciate musicianship to whatever. But definitely touching on more of the classicrock influences, whether it be a Grand Funk Railroad or a Thin Lizzy. SD: You’ve had a fair amount of success in a short period, some critically acclaimed records and, of course, winning the 2007 WBCN Rock ’n’ Roll Rumble. Does that reception surprise you? GB: We came out swinging. And if I can toot everybody’s horn in the band, we are all relatively proficient at what we do. We had all come out of fairly reputable bands that had had a fair amount of success. And I think people expected us to be good, which helped us, initially, get some recognition. The Rumble was a great opportunity. But it really doesn’t mean much in the grand scheme of things, or at least

cLUB DAtES NA: not avail. AA: all ages. Nc: no cover.

as much as it used to. There’s even something called “the Rumble Curse,” where you win, but then a year or two later your band is dead. But we never fell prey to that. It was cool, it was an honor. But I don’t think about that much anymore.

WED, 9/15 | $10 aDv / $12 DOS | DOORS 5:30, SHOW 6Pm a BENEFIT FOR THE HIckS FOUNDaTION

cinderfella griffin house taylor james WED, 9/15 | $12 aDv / $14 DOS | DOORS 7:30, SHOW 8Pm

blue scholars THU, 9/16 | $12 aDv / $14 DOS | DOORS 8:30, SHOW 9Pm

macklemore w/ryan lewis, dj treatz


FRI, 9/17 | $10 aDv / $12 DOS | DOORS 8, SHOW 8:30Pm

CoUrteSy of Seven fIeldS

junk culture, dreamend FRI, 9/17 | $15 aDv / $18 DOS | DOORS 8:45, SHOW 9Pm aN aLcOHOL FREE EvENT

thU.16 // toBAcco [rock]

SaT, 9/18 | $15 aDv / $18 DOS | DOORS 8, SHOW 9Pm 104.7 THE POINT WELcOmES

Flying Solo When most artists take time away from their bands to pursue solo projects, it is often because they want to try something new and different. But


bearquarium SaT, 9/18 | $5 aDv / $10 DOS | DOORS 8:30, SHOW 8:30Pm THIRD SaTURDay DaNcE PaRTy IS NOW caLLED...


what if you’re tobaCCo, whose own band, Black Moth Super Rainbow, is already about as far outside the box as pop music can be and still be (loosely) called pop? Well, you push it even further, of course. Touring in support of Fucked Up Friends, a deliriously challenging, disorienting and wondrous new record, the enigmatic front man appears at the Higher Ground Showcase Lounge this Friday with JunK CuLturE and DrEaM EnD.


burlington area

1/2 LoungE: Sirenix: Queen City Songwriter Series with Mia Adams (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., free. The Mike Is open with dJ nastee (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. CLub MEtronoME: Campus Boyz Back to School Jam, 8 p.m., $7. 18+.

champlain valley

51 Main: Blues Jam, 8 p.m., free.

tHE brEWsKi: Comedy night with Andie Bryan (standup), 7:30 p.m., free.

HigHEr grounD sHoWCasE LoungE: Griffin House, tyler James (singer-songwriters), 8 p.m., $12/14. AA.

tHE sHED rEstaurant & brEWEry: Abby Jenne & the enablers (rock), 8 p.m., free.

ManHattan Pizza & Pub: open Mic with Andy lugo, 10 p.m., free. nECtar’s: events Are objects (rock), 9 p.m., free/$5. 18+. on taP bar & griLL: Paydirt (bluegrass), 7 p.m., free.

rED squarE: Coba Stella (electro-acoustic), 8 p.m., free. dJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 11 p.m., free.


big PiCturE tHEatEr & CaFé: valley night (acoustic), 7 p.m., free.

barefoot truth movement of the people: the fela kuti project barkia ensemble FRI, 9/24 | $12 aDv / $15 DOS | DOORS 8, SHOW 8:30Pm

FRI, 9/24 | $10 aDv / $12 DOS | DOORS 8, SHOW 8:30Pm

MonoPoLE: open Mic, 8 p.m., free. oLivE riDLEy’s: Mambo Combo (mambo), 7:30 p.m., free.

SaT, 9/25 | $18 aDv / $20 DOS | DOORS 8, SHOW 8:30Pm HaLOGEN REcORDS PRESENTS


burlington area

1/2 LoungE: dJs nickel B & Jahson (reggae), 10 p.m., free. baCKstagE Pub: open Mic with Jess & Jeff, 8 p.m., free. CLub MEtronoME: Big Sam’s funky nation, dr. ruckus (funk), 9 p.m., $7/10. AA. Franny o’s: Balance dJ & Karaoke, 9 p.m., free. grEEn rooM: dJ fattie B (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. dJ Craig Mitchell (house), 10 p.m., free.

nastee & a-dog, burntmd

future rock orchard lounge SaT, 9/25 | $12 aDv / $14 DOS | DOORS 9, SHOW 9:30Pm

SUN 9/26: mON 9/27: mON 9/27: TUE 9/28: WED 9/29:

HaLvorson’s uPstrEEt CaFé: friends of Joe with Jo-Mo-fo (jazz), 8 p.m., free. HigHEr grounD sHoWCasE LoungE: Blue Scholars, Macklemore with ryan lewis, dJ treatz (hip-hop), 9 p.m., $12/14. AA. tHU.16

immortal technique dj gi joe, mohammad, dangerfield,

» P.63



4v-HG091510.indd 1


grEEn Mountain tavErn: open Mic with John lackard, 9 p.m., free.


ryan montbleau band jesse dee


raDio bEan: ensemble v (jazz), 7:30 p.m., free. Irish Sessions, 9 p.m., free.

broken social scene the sea & cake WED, 9/22 | $25 aDv / $27 DOS | DOORS 7, SHOW 7:30Pm

THU, 9/23 | $14 aDv / $16 DOS | DOORS 7:30, SHOW 8Pm 104.7 THE POINT WELcOmES


HigHEr grounD baLLrooM: Cinderfella (auction), 6 p.m., $10/12. AA.

LiFt: dJs P-Wyld & Jazzy Janet (hip-hop), 9 p.m., free/$5. 18+.

trevor hall matthew santos

modern grass quintet

tWo brotHErs tavErn: open Mic night, 9 p.m., free.

bEE’s KnEEs: rachael rice (country), 7:30 p.m., donations.

LEunig’s bistro & CaFé: Paul Asbell & Clyde Stats (jazz), 7 p.m., free.

SUN, 9/19 | $10 aDv / $12 DOS | DOORS 7, SHOW 7:30Pm 99.9 THE BUzz WELcOmES

WED, 9/22 | $10 aDv / $12 DOS | DOORS 7:30, SHOW 8Pm | SEaTED

City LiMits: Karaoke with let It rock entertainment, 9 p.m., free.

Franny o’s: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., free.

CHarLiE o’s: Brett Hughes (swampy-tonk), 8 p.m., free. Catch township this friday at Charlie o’s in Montpelier, 10 p.m., free, and Saturday at The Monkey House in Winooski, 9 p.m. $5.


dj craig mitchell & technologic


SD: And what is that identity? GB: That’s something that probably has yet to be heard. We’re in the process of recording a new album, and I’m really excited about it. Alex [Necochea] from [hard-rock Boston band] Bang Camaro has joined us in the last year and he’s really brought a lot to the table. He brings a little harder edge, which is something we’d been leaning toward anyway. We’ve taken a somewhat darker direction. It’s still accessible. But for once, there is a batch of songs that are truly Township’s. m


SD: I guess I meant more that you are succeeding with a decidedly unhip, dated style of music. And where some bands might play it ironically, township are straightup legit, the real deal. GB: That’s been a blessing and a curse. There are people that got it, and it was very nostalgic for them in some sense. Or maybe it was entertaining because at first people thought it was a gimmick. Bottom line, we came out wearing our influences on our sleeves. But in the last year or so, I have found a real fault with that approach. I kind of regret how we started. I think we reached capacity with the amount of fans we could attract doing that sort of thing, people who are middle-aged and maybe go out once or twice, have a nine to five, gotta get someone to watch the kids, or whatever. But as far as being hip enough to attract a new generation of fans who want to spend money on your band, follow you on Twitter, MySpace … we couldn’t have less of that. So, I think in the last year we’ve tried to take those influences and still be very sincere about them, but come up with a much more original sound, more identifiable to Township. As opposed to a record where somebody thinks we sound like Thin Lizzy or Whitesnake in 1982. We were really good at doing a lot of things. But one thing we weren’t good about was forging an identity that was strictly Township.


9/13/10 4:43:07 PM

soundbites music



Send it my way:

read solid state blog:

by Dan Bolles



Langdon Street Follies

Last week, I revealed that I had made a truly embarrassing error in the previous week’s column in regard to the date of this year’s Montpelier Downtown Music Festival. What can I say? Unlike the Pope, Glenn Beck and Tom Brady, I am not infallible. Yet. (Pop quiz: Of the three famous people I just mentioned, I actually do believe one of them to be infallible. Which one? Hint: It’s Brady.) Well, Montpelier being the bustling little burgh that it is, it appears I have been given a shot at redemption. Calling my shot right here: I am not screwing this blurb up. Yet. This Friday and Saturday, the selfproclaimed “Arts & Culture Engine of Montpelier,” the Langdon Street Café, hosts the Langdon Street Festival, a two-day extravaganza of music, art, community and beer. Sweet, sweet beer. The fun begins Friday evening with the countrified, happy-hour shenanigans of Mark LeGrand and the Lovesick Band, followed by “Old Reliable Amusements” with puppet company the Dolly Wagglers and an acoustic “preconcert” concert from the Underscore Orkestra — more on them in a sec. This all sets the stage for the belle of the ball, Anaïs Mitchell, and her incomparable Hadestown Orchestra (see spotlight, page 64) under the tent outside. Back inside, and closing out the evening, is maybe my favorite local band I’ve never seen, J.P. Harris and the Tough Choices, who, as they aptly put it, play “country-goddamnedmusic.” Goddamned right. Following what will likely be a wellneeded night of slumber — there is a beer garden, after all — the festival kicks into high gear with an honest-to-goodness street party Saturday. Daytime highlights include more puppet fun with the Wagglers, a bevy of food, a “clown spectacle” with the Real McCoy, one-man band Matt Lorenz’s suitcase junket (Rusty Belle) and Swiss dual-neck-guitar virtuoso Attila Vural. But once the beer tent opens again — 5 p.m., in case you’re wondering — the fun really begins. And not just because of the beer. Music, of course, is the main event. And the night’s lineup is killer, including column favorites Anna Pardenik and the Holy Smoke-Off, reunited local tradgehop legends Manifest Nextome, and the aforementioned Underscore Orkestra. Oh, and did I mention the beer tent?

The Underscore Orkestra

BDJF’s hipper performers in the last two years, you can likely thank her. And that’s in addition to working annually with the CMJ Music Marathon, which kicks off in NYC next month, as well as managing special events for Burlington City Arts. Her résumé is about to get even more impressive. This Sunday at the FlynnSpace, Giordano is soft-launching a new venture: her own music label, New Vogue Records. Her inaugural show features improv “power trio” the Inbetweens, who have been tearing up the NYC jazz scene of late and inspired possibly my favorite press quote this week. Says Wilco guitarist Nels Cline, the Inbetweens are “dangerous in the best way.” Agreed. They are also the perfect band to introduce New Vogue, whose stated


60 music

Rock and a Hard (Jazz) Place

Lisa Giordano is one busy chick. She is a vital and youthful piece of the puzzle at the Burlington Discover Jazz Festival — if you enjoyed Ledisi in 2008, or any number of

goal, according to Giordano, is advancing “contemporary avant-garde, improv jazz and jazz offshoots — like live hip-hop — and aims to promote as much of this music as possible, give it some sexy, wearable branding and market it to the CMJ/ Pitchfork/DownBeat/ Stereogum/new music crowd.” Giddyup. Though the Inbetweens’ latest record, Quantum Cowboy, isn’t a New Vogue release, the band is part of the New Vogue collective. It also includes Montréal’s Groundfood and a slew of Vermont acts: yoUSAY Placate, Souls’ Calling, Anna Pardenik and the Holy Smoke-Off and the Vermont Joy Parade. New Vogue’s “official” launch will actually happen at CMJ next month, but locals would do well to get a sneak peek at Giordano’s next move this Sunday.

The Inbetweens

• For my money, the show of the week is unquestionably the legendary Canadian indie collective Broken Social Scene at the Higher Ground Ballroom on Wednesday, September 22, with Sam Prekop’s band the Sea and Cake. And this is the part of the column where I challenge the “HG doesn’t book enough indie shows” crowd to put up or shut up. Or, as a toothless carny at the fair told me recently, you can’t win if you don’t play. Sage words. • Of course, because I’ve yet to schedule my music-scene summit and discuss steps to prevent such overload, that very evening, lover-ly indie-pop duo Mates of State will be at The Monkey House, with Oh Land and (if you can believe it) DJ Disco Phantom. Decisions, decisions. • It’s ladies’ night in Montpelier this Thursday at the Langdon Street Café. The triple-threat lineup features Austin-based sensation Denitia Odigie, the gusty soul stylings of Montpelier’s Sara Grace, and Latin chanteuse — and perennial column crush — Miriam Bernardo.

• Band Name of the Week: the Underscore Orkestra. Gypsy-influenced music always seems to do well around Burlington, whether it’s more traditional gypsy jazz, klezmer or some hybrid offshoot. This Portland, Ore.-based band is an amalgam of all of the above. They’ll be at Radio Bean this Sunday, following their appearances at the Langdon Street Fest. • Speaking of klezmer fun, local accordion maestro David Symons (Black Sea Quartet, Inner Fire District) has a new band in the works, Burlington Brass Balagan. In a recent email, Symons writes that the band is still in its infancy, but promises to be an exciting and unique addition to the local scene. His description: “Vermont’s only radical street brass band.” Color me intrigued. • Local misunderstood genius/total crackpot Tony Hill writes that his latest album, And the Low End of High Art, which I reviewed in late June, is newly available on iTunes, Amazon and Interpunk. He asked me to mention it and, well, I couldn’t think of a reason not to. So there you go. • Raq is back. After a brief hiatus spent indulging in a well-received solo project and getting his inner Steve Vai on, guitarist Chris Michetti is back in action with the local jam greats at the Higher Ground Ballroom this Saturday. Rising funky bunch Bearquarium open. • Speaking of HG, newly formed local bluegrass supergroup the Modern Grass Quintet will heat up the Showcase Lounge on Wednesday, September 22. But, of course, you’ll all be at Broken Social Scene that night, right? • In late April, I reviewed Get a Life, the striking debut CD from local art-rock powerhouse the Crack Up. In rereading that review and relistening to the album, I’ve come up with a much more efficient — albeit hyperbolic — description for their sound. Ready? Imagine Crooked Fingers’ Eric Bachmann fronting Tortoise. To think I needed 450 words to write that last spring. Catch the Crack Up this Friday at Radio Bean. • Last but not least, a happy 10th anniversary to Essex nightspot Banana Winds Café & Pub. They celebrate this Saturday with local rockers In Kahootz.

Listening In

And finally, this week’s totally self-indulgent column segment, in which I share a random sampling of what was on my iPod, turntable, CD player, 8-track player, etc., this week. • • • • •

The Thermals, Personal Life Janelle Monaé, The ArchAndroid Tom Waits, The Heart of Saturday Night Frank Sinatra, In the Wee Small Hours Sharon Van Etten, Because I Was

in Love m

venueS.411 burlington area


2 tickets to:


champlain valley 51 mAiN, 51 Main St., Middlebury, 388-8209. bAr ANtiDotE, 35C Green St., Vergennes, 877-2555 thE briStoL bAkErY, 16 Main St., Bristol, 453-3280. cAroL’S huNgrY miND cAfé, 24 Merchant’s Row, Middlebury, 388-0101. citY LimitS, 14 Greene St., Vergennes, 877-6919. cLEm’S cAfé 101 Merchant’s Row, Rutland, 775-3337. DAN’S PLAcE, 31 Main St., Bristol, 453-2774. gooD timES cAfé, Rt. 116, Hinesburg, 482-4444. thE fArmErS DiNEr, 99 Maple St., Middlebury, 458-0455. oN thE riSE bAkErY, 44 Bridge St., Richmond, 434-7787. StArrY Night cAfé, 5371 Rt. 7, Ferrisburgh, 877-6316. tWo brothErS tAVErN, 86 Main St., Middlebury, 388-0002.



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northern bEE’S kNEES, 82 Lower Main St., Morrisville, 888-7889. thE brEWSki, Rt. 108, Jeffersonville, 644-6366. cLAirE’S rEStAurANt & bAr, 41 Main St., Hardwick, 472-7053. choW! bELLA, 28 N. Main St., St. Albans, 524-1405. thE hub PizzEriA & Pub, 21 Lower Main St., Johnson, 635-7626. mAttErhorN, 4969 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-8198. muSic box, 147 Creek Rd., Craftsbury, 586-7533. oVErtimE SALooN, 38 S. Main St., St. Albans, 524-0357. PArkEr PiE co., 161 County Rd., West Glover, 525-3366. PhAt kAtS tAVErN, 101 Depot St., Lyndonville, 626-3064. PiEcASSo, 899 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4411. rimrockS mouNtAiN tAVErN, 394 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-9593. ruStY NAiL bAr & griLLE, 1190 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-6245. thE ShED rEStAurANt brEWErY, 1859 Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4765. ShootErS SALooN, 30 Kingman St., St. Albans, 527-3777. tAmArAck griLL At burkE mouNtAiN, 223 Shelburne Lodge Rd., E. Burke, 626-7394. WAtErShED tAVErN, 31 Center St., Brandon, 247-0100.



MUSIC SERIES F R I D AYS 5-7P M t h r u O CT. 1 5 @ NE CTA R’ S


Zack Dupont Sign up to win a Jay Peak Season pass. Drawing held October 15.


giLLigAN’S gEtAWAY, 7160 State Rt. 9, Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-8050. moNoPoLE, 7 Protection Ave., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-563-2222. NAkED turtLE, 1 Dock St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-6200. oLiVE riDLEY’S, 37 Court St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-324-2200. tAbu cAfé & NightcLub, 14 Margaret St., Plattsburgh, N.Y., 518-566-0666.



ArVAD’S griLL & Pub, 3 S. Main St., Waterbury, 244-8973. bLAck Door bAr & biStro, 44 Main St., Montpelier, 223-7070. big PicturE thEAtEr & cAfé, 48 Carroll Rd., Waitsfield, 496-8994. chArLiE o’S, 70 Main St., Montpelier, 223-6820.





1/2 LouNgE, 136 1/2 Church St., Burlington, 865-0012. 242 mAiN St., Burlington, 862-2244. AmEricAN fLAtbrEAD, 115 St. Paul St.,Burlington, 861-2999. AuguSt firSt, 149 S.Champlain St., Burlington, 540-0060. bAckStAgE Pub, 60 Pearl St., Essex Jct., 878-5494. bANANA WiNDS cAfé & Pub, 1 Market Pl., Essex Jct., 879-0752. biStro SAucE, 97 Falls Rd., Shelburne, 985-2830. thE bLock gALLErY, 1 E. Allen St., Winooski, 373-5150. bLuEbirD tAVErN, 317 Riverside Ave., Burlington, 428-4696. brEAkWAtEr cAfé, 1 King St., Burlington, 658-6276. brENNAN’S Pub & biStro, UVM Davis Center, 590 Main St., Burlington, 656-1204. citY SPortS griLLE, 215 Lower Mountain View Dr., Colchester, 655-2720. cLub mEtroNomE, 188 Main St., Burlington, 865-4563. frANNY o’S, 733 Queen City Park Rd., Burlington, 863-2909. grEEN room, 86 St. Paul St., Burlington, 651-9669. hALVorSoN’S uPStrEEt cAfé, 16 Church St., Burlington, 658-0278. hArbor LouNgE At courtYArD mArriott, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 864-4700. highEr grouND, 1214 Williston Rd., S. Burlington, 652-0777. JP’S Pub, 139 Main St., Burlington, 658-6389. LEuNig’S biStro & cAfé, 115 Church St., Burlington, 863-3759. Lift, 165 Church St., Burlington, 660-2088. thE LiViNg room, 794 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester. mANhAttAN PizzA & Pub, 167 Main St., Burlington, 864-6776. mArriott hArbor LouNgE, 25 Cherry St., Burlington, 854-4700. miguEL’S oN mAiN, 30 Main St., Burlington, 658-9000. thE moNkEY houSE, 30 Main St., Winooski, 655-4563. moNtY’S oLD brick tAVErN, 7921 Williston Rd., Williston, 316-4262. muDDY WAtErS, 184 Main St., Burlington, 658-0466. NEctAr’S, 188 Main St., Burlington, 658-4771. NightcrAWLErS, 127 Porters Point Rd., Colchester, 310-4067. NEW mooN cAfé, 150 Cherry St., Burlington, 383-1505. o’briEN’S iriSh Pub, 348 Main St., Winooski, 338-4678. oNE PEPPEr griLL, 260 North St., Burlington, 658-8800. oN tAP bAr & griLL, 4 Park St., Essex Jct., 878-3309. oDD fELLoWS hALL, 1416 North Ave., Burlington, 862-3209. PArimA, 185 Pearl St., Burlington, 864-7917. PArk PLAcE tAVErN, 38 Park St., Essex Jct. 878-3015. rADio bEAN, 8 N. Winooski Ave., Burlington, 660-9346. rASPutiN’S, 163 Church St., Burlington, 864-9324. rED SquArE, 136 Church St., Burlington, 859-8909. rÍ rá iriSh Pub, 123 Church St., Burlington, 860-9401. rozzi’S LAkEShorE tAVErN, 1022 W. Lakeshore Dr., Colchester 863-2342. rubEN JAmES, 159 Main St., Burlington, 864-0744. thE ScuffEr StEAk & ALE houSE, 148 Church St., Burlington, 864-9451. thE ShELburNE StEAkhouSE & SALooN, 2545 Shelburne Rd., Shelburne, 985-5009 thE SkiNNY PANcAkE, 60 Lake St., Burlington, 540-0188. thE VErmoNt Pub & brEWErY, 144 College St., Burlington, 865-0500.

thE cENtEr bAkErY & cAfE, 2007 Guptil Rd., Waterbury Center, 244-7500. grEEN mouNtAiN tAVErN, 10 Keith Ave., Barre, 522-2935. guSto’S, 28 Prospect St., Barre, 476-7919. hEN of thE WooD At thE griSt miLL, 92 Stowe St., Waterbury, 244-7300. hoStEL tEVErE, 203 Powderhound Rd., Warren, 496-9222. L.A.c.E., 159 N. Main St., Barre, 476-4276. thE LAmb AbbEY., 65 Pioneer Circle, Montpelier, 229-2200. LANgDoN StrEEt cAfé, 4 Langdon St., Montpelier, 223-8667. mAiN StrEEt griLL & bAr, 118 Main St., Montpelier, 223-3188. NuttY StEPh’S, 9616 Rt. 2, Middlesex, 229-2090 PickLE bArrEL NightcLub, Killington Rd., Killington, 422-3035. PoSitiVE PiE 2, 20 State St., Montpelier, 229-0453. PurPLE mooN Pub, Rt. 100, Waitsfield, 496-3422. thE rESErVoir rEStAurANt & tAP room, 1 S. Main St., Waterbury, 244-7827. riVEr ruN rEStAurANt, 65 Main St., Plainfield, 454-1246. SLiDE brook LoDgE & tAVErN, 3180 German Flats Rd., Warren, 583-2202.



Rockin’ Ron the Friendly Pirate, Give Me an RRR! (SELF-RELEASED, CD)

In my three and a half years as the music editor for Vermont’s most prominent arts and culture publication, I have reviewed hundreds of local albums. I’ve mused on the best music our state has to offer, critiqued 1068 Williston Rd, S. Burlington its worst and generally riffed on everything (802)419-6200 in between. But in all that time, and for all of SUNDAY-FRIDAY that work, I have never, ever encountered an album quite like Give Me an RRR!, the debut Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner release from Vermont-based swashbuckler 6:30 AM-10 PM Rockin’ Ron the Friendly Pirate. Yes, you SATURDAY read that correctly. Breakfast 6:30-11 AM • Dinner 5-10 PM Pirate Ron’s port of call is Smugglers’ Notch. This is notable because, as anyone who’s been to the northern VT ski town 12v-harpers041410.indd 1 4/9/10 9:20:29 AM knows, it’s landlocked. One imagines that makes quite a commute for a seafaring sort. But here we begin to raise an eye patch on the enigmatic conundrum that is Rockin’ Ron. He’s a sea raider who lives on a mountain. He’s a pirate, notoriously among history’s most bloodthirsty, murderous Saturday, September 18th characters. But he’s also a friendly rapscallion. You’re blowin’ my mind, man. Three Decks of Dancing! Rockin’ Ron — aka Ron Carter — attempts 10pm - Midnight board at 9:30 pm to shed light on this seeming dichotomy on the album’s first track, “FP Rap (Pirates on Featuring Board Go RRR!).” Over slickly produced DJ Hector beats and a meandering acoustic guitar line, “EL Salsero” Cobeo, Ron raps with the flow one might expect DJ Papo Lopez & from a middle-aged man who dresses like a pirate, which is to say, awkward and cornball. DJ Craig Mitchell But there is an undeniable, campy appeal to aboard the his ruminations. Spirit of Ethan Allen “I’m the Friendly Pirate, you can call for cool breezes me FP / I’m the friendly pirate of the Seven and hot sounds! Seas. / I talk like a pirate on 09/19, and every other day in between,” he informs. Then comes this surprising one-liner: “I don’t have a sword and I don’t have a knife / I roll like a pirate, but I roll real nice. / I got me a crew of family and friends / they roll so deep, they give me the bends.” Yarrr. As any parent knows, the best family entertainment is just subversive enough to hold the interest of moms and dads while providing an appropriate amount of Miguel’s on Main Mexican Cantina, whimsy and silliness to satisfy the kids. It’s Friday Sept 17th, 10 pm. the reason franchises such as Toy Story and Shrek do so well at the box office. While Ron’s collection of 18 shanties, reels and

H’ R

pre-Latino Festival Cruise Social @




raps occasionally borders on groaning schmaltz — “Welcome Aboard,” “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little StaRRR” — just as frequently, he infuses enough clever wit to straddle the fine line between pandering and pleasing. Particularly on the Devo-ish “Buccaneer Bounce,” the punky “Cranky Pirate” and “Scurvy Dog and Scaredy Cat” the Friendly Pirate proves just goofy enough to delight young scalliwags and roguish enough to keep Raffi-weary parents from walking the plank. Just so you know, Sunday, September 19, is International Talk Like a Pirate Day.

“Shining on You” opens the epic 22-track re-release with a punchy, recklessly inconsistent guitar line. Over imprecise rhythmic strokes, Haley unfurls a string of classically influenced rock musings, at times recalling Alex Chilton’s sweetly melancholy work with Big Star, at others the pure, guilt-pop sheen of Cheap Trick. But what keeps the tune, and most of the album, in balance is a tendency toward the unconventional deployment of lo-fi studio wizardry and arrangements to accent Haley’s idiosyncratic wordplay. This particular instance is less effective than on other songs, as his atonal guitar work is more distracting than complementary. But


Mister Casual, Sings for You (SELF-RELEASED, CD)

If you have been paying attention, you may have heard that the loose collective called Dan Haley Is Mister Casual is really, really good. Playing a handful of sporadic gigs in the last year or so, mostly around central Vermont, the band, led by Haley, has quietly established itself as one of the area’s promising under-the-radar acts. But for proof we need to travel, Hot Tub Time Machine style, back to 1989. George Bush the first was in the White House. The world was gripped by the Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing. Daniel “Harry Potter” Radcliffe and Taylor “Voldemort” Swift were born. Lucille Ball and Ted Bundy died. And somewhere in the Pacific Northwest — OK, Portland — Haley wrote and recorded, as Mister Casual, a ragtag collection of pop tunes that inspired the current incarnation of his band, Dan Haley Is Mister Casual. Sings for You became something of a cult hit before being trampled by the relentless march of time, the rise and fall of Milli Vanilli, and the fact that hardly anyone listens to cassette tapes anymore.

it ably sets the stage for the peculiar pop brilliance to follow. “Song in F” continues the Big Stargazing aesthetic but infuses the harmonyladen track with offbeat musings recalling David Lowery. “Vida” is a gruff, acoustic gem that rolls along with a rambling, back-road appeal. “St. Jude” is a lean, capricious ballad, highlighted by swooning, close harmonies that recall early Byrds. “Downtown Sunshine” further implies Chilton worship, but with a subtle, sexually suggestive bent. “Babytalk Bubblegum Overture” is as bizarre as its name suggests. And “Geography of Love” brings Mister Casual’s record to a close with fitting, well, casualness and wide-eyed whimsy. Mister Casual’s Sings for You is available for download at, as is his latest effort, Digital “45” #1. Dan Haley Is Mister Casual begins a short regional tour Wednesday, September 22, at Langdon Street Café in Montpelier. DAN BOLLES






Vermont’s best new band? After hearing this, it’s hard to argue against it.


TIFFANY PFEIFFER AND THE DISCARNATE BAND, AMOR FRIO Who is Tiffany Pfeiffer? Your favorite new local vocalist, that’s who.



Promising, if flawed, debut from local rockers.

Get your tickets now at the Flynn Box office,

call 86-flynn or go to




Forest for the Trees Brooklyn’s


It’s All About the Music



WOODS prove that experimental

Tuesday, Oct. 5

sound collage and folk music

8:00 p.m. $55*

are not mutually exclusive, even if the two idioms seem at odds. The key is that the band crafts pitch-perfect pop songs,


which anchor the material to

Saturday, Oct. 9

Earth amid towering flights of freakout fancy. Touring behind

8:00 p.m. $45/$50*

their acclaimed new album, At Echo Lake, Woods stop by The


Monkey House in Winooski this Thursday.


Dave Andrews



& THU.16

« P.59

LEUNIG’S BISTRO & CAFÉ: Mike Martin & Geoff Kim (jazz), 7 p.m., Free. LIFT: Get LiFTed with DJs Nastee & Dakota (hip-hop), 9 p.m., Free. THE MONKEY HOUSE: Woods, MV & EE, DJ Disco Phantom (indie), 9 p.m., $10. NECTAR’S: Bluegrass Thursdays, 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.


RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Stavros (house), 9 p.m., $3.

THE BREWSKI: The Noisy Neighbors (rock), 8 p.m., Free.

REGULAR VETERANS ASSOCIATION: Red Stellar (rock), 7 p.m., Free.


RUBEN JAMES: DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 10:30 p.m., Free.

PARKER PIE CO.: Penny Arcade (folk), 8 p.m., Free.

MONOPOLE: Is (rock), 10 p.m., Free. MONOPOLE DOWNSTAIRS: Gary Peacock (singersongwriter), 10 p.m., Free.

NIGHTCRAWLERS: Karaoke with Steve LeClair, 7 p.m., Free.

OLIVE RIDLEY’S: Karaoke with Ben Bright and Ashley Kollar, 6 p.m., Free. Therapy Thursdays with DJ NYCE (Top 40), 10:30 p.m., Free.

O’BRIEN’S IRISH PUB: DJ Dominic (hip-hop), 9:30 p.m., Free.

TABU CAFÉ & NIGHTCLUB: Karaoke Night with Sassy Entertainment, 5 p.m., Free.

ONE PEPPER GRILL: Karaoke, 8 p.m., Free. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: Eames Brothers Band (mountain blues), 7 p.m., Free.

RADIO BEAN: Jazz Sessions (jazz), 6 p.m., Free. Shane Hardiman Trio (jazz), 8 p.m., Free. Anthony Santor Group (jazz), 11 p.m., $3. RASPUTIN’S: 101 Thursdays with Pres & DJ Dan (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. RED SQUARE: Selector Dubee (reggae), 6 p.m., Free. A-Dog Presents (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. RED SQUARE BLUE ROOM: DJ Cre8 (house), 9 p.m., Free.

THE SKINNY PANCAKE: The Move It Move It (rock), 9 p.m., $5 donation.


CHARLIE O’S: Wiley Dobbs (bluegrass), 10 p.m., Free.

LANGDON STREET CAFÉ: Grace, Bernardo, Ogidie (soul), 8:30 p.m., Donations. NUTTY STEPH’S: Jim Thompson (piano), 6 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

51 MAIN: John Martenis (blues), 9 p.m., Free. ON THE RISE BAKERY: Gabe Jarrett & Friends (jazz), 8 p.m., Donations. TWO BROTHERS TAVERN: DJ Dizzle (Top 40), 10 p.m., Free.

BACKSTAGE PUB: Karaoke with Steve, 9 p.m., Free. CLUB METRONOME: No Diggity: Return to the ’90s (’90s dance party), 9 p.m., $5. GREEN ROOM: DJ Big Kat (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free. HIGHER GROUND BALLROOM: Ibiza 2010, DJ Craig Mitchell & Technologic (house), 9 p.m., $15/18. AA. HIGHER GROUND SHOWCASE LOUNGE: Tobacco, Junk Culture, Dreamend (rock), 8:30 p.m., $10/12. AA. JP’S PUB: Dave Harrison’s Starstruck Karaoke, 10 p.m., Free. THE MONKEY HOUSE: Something With Strings (bluegrass), 9 p.m., $5. NECTAR’S: Good Gravy Music Series with Zack DuPont (singer-songwriter), 5 p.m., Free. Seth Yacovone (solo acoustic blues), 7 p.m., Free. Blues for Breakfast (Grateful Dead tribute), 9 p.m., $5. NIGHTCRAWLERS: Melonheads (rock), 9 p.m., Free. ONE PEPPER GRILL: Kevin Greenblott and Seth Whittier (singer-songwriters), 7 p.m., Free. ON TAP BAR & GRILL: The Growlers (blues), 6 p.m., Free. Sturcrazie (rock), 9 p.m., Free. PARIMA MAIN STAGE: Myra Flynn Duo, Denitia Ogidie (neo-soul), 8:30 p.m., $3. PARK PLACE TAVERN: Relic (rock), 9:30 p.m., Free. RADIO BEAN: John Daly (singer-songwriter), 7 p.m., Free. Alison Lickley & Sheena Grobb (singersongwriters), 8 p.m., Free. The Crack Up (indie), 10:30 p.m., Free.

RÍ RÁ IRISH PUB: DJ Johnny Utah (Top 40), 10 p.m., Free. THE SKINNY PANCAKE: Soaked Oats with Kevin Greenblott (folk), 9 p.m., $5 donation.

Saturday, October 16


8:00 p.m. • $35*

CHARLIE O’S: Township (rock), 10 p.m., Free.


GREEN MOUNTAIN TAVERN: DJ Jonny P (Top 40), 9 p.m., $2. GUSTO’S: Nomad (rock), 10 p.m., Free. LANGDON STREET CAFÉ: Langdon Street Festival Part One (eclectic), 6 p.m., Free/$5/15/10. THE RESERVOIR RESTAURANT & TAP ROOM: Live DJ, 9:30 p.m., Free.

Friday, October 22

champlain valley

8:00 p.m. • $25*

51 MAIN: Joshua Panda (soul), 9 p.m., Free.


CITY LIMITS: Top Hat Entertainment Dance Party (Top 40), 9 p.m., Free.

8:00 p.m. $35*

TWO BROTHERS TAVERN: Tractor (rock), 10 p.m., $3.


BEE’S KNEES: Taryn Noelle Duo (jazz), 7:30 p.m., Donations. THE BREWSKI: Pulse Prophets (reggae), 10 p.m., Free.


THE HUB PIZZERIA & PUB: Rick Cole (acoustic), 9:30 p.m., Free.

Thursday, Nov. 11

MATTERHORN: Abby Jenne & the Enablers (rock), 9 p.m., $5.

8:00 p.m. $45*

RIMROCKS MOUNTAIN TAVERN: Friday Night Frequencies with DJ Rekkon (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.


MONOPOLE: Rev Tor Band (rock), 10 p.m., Free.

* Ticket Prices do not include service fee and Vermont tax.

OLIVE RIDLEY’S: Benjamin Bright (singersongwriter), 6 p.m., Free. Glass Onion (rock), 10 p.m., Free.

188 South Main Street White River Junction, VT 802-698-8341 Get tickets for these & many more at:


» P.64

4v-Tupelo091510(r).indd 1


RASPUTIN’S: DJ ZJ (hip-hop), 10 p.m., $3. RED SQUARE: Kyle the Rider (country), 6 p.m., Free. Revision (reggae), 9 p.m., Free. Nastee (hip-hop), 11:30 p.m., $3.

Saturday, Nov. 6

ON THE RISE BAKERY: Longford Row (Irish), 8 p.m., Donations.


GREEN MOUNTAIN TAVERN: Thirsty Thursday Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free.

burlington area



THE SCUFFER STEAK & ALE HOUSE: PJ Davidian Trio (jazz), 7 p.m., Free.


8:00 p.m. • $17*


PARIMA ACOUSTIC LOUNGE: Burgundy Thursdays with Joe Adler, Justin Levinson, Mike Wheeler & Andrew Stearns (singer-songwriters), 8:30 p.m., $3.

Steve Bjork II Friday, October 15

9/13/10 2:15:31 PM


fri.17 // ANAïS mitchEll AND thE hADEStowN orchEStrA [folk opErA]





@ 8PM

@ 8PM




FRI, NOV 12 @ 8PM




Another Brick in the Wall Following the release of a star-studded studio recording of her epic folk opera Hadestown earlier this year,

AnAïS MiTcHell’s

star has ascended to previously unthinkable heights. Media outlets

around the globe have swooned over the project. And as well they should. Her unique retelling of the Orpheus myth is a work of uncommon grace, emotion and artistic depth. This Friday, Mitchell, backed by her excellent


64 music


makes a

Langdon Street Festival. fri.17

« p.63


burlington area

BAckSTAge PuB: The Blame (rock), 9 p.m., free. BAnAnA WindS cAfé & PuB: 10th anniversary Bash with in Kahootz (rock), 9 p.m., free. cluB MeTronoMe: retronome (’80s dance party), 10 p.m., $5. frAnny o’S: Balance DJ & Karaoke, 9 p.m., free. green rooM: Envy (house), 10 p.m., free. HigHer ground BAllrooM: raq, Bearquarium (rock, funk), 9 p.m., $15/18. aa. HigHer ground SHoWcASe lounge: fusion (dance party), 8:30 p.m., $5/10. aa. JP’S PuB: Dave Harrison’s starstruck Karaoke, 10 p.m., free. MAnHATTAn PizzA & PuB: The fizz (rock), 10 p.m., free. THe Monkey HouSe: township, mellow Bravo, Burrows (rock), 9 p.m., $5. necTAr’S: pulse prophets, J-san and the analogue sons (reggae), 9 p.m., $5. nigHTcrAWlerS: run for cover (rock), 9 p.m., free.


HAdeSToWn orcHeSTrA,

hometown performance at the Langdon Street Café as part of the Montpelier hot spot’s

on TAP BAr & grill: sideshow Bob (rock), 9 p.m., free. rAdio BeAn: Less Digital, more manual: record club (open turntables), 3 p.m., free. Brett Hughes (swampy-tonk), 6 p.m., free. The amida Bourbon project (folk rock), 8:15 p.m., free. Buzz Jar, The family Dinner (rock), 10 p.m., free. communipaw (rock), 12:30 a.m., free.

red SquAre: DJ raul (salsa), 5 p.m., free. Lowell Thompson (alt-country), 6 p.m., free. Nautilis (funk), 9 p.m., $3. DJ a-Dog (hip-hop), 11:30 p.m., $3. THe Skinny PAncAke: tiffany pfeiffer & the Discarnate Band (neo-soul), 9 p.m., $5 donation.


cHArlie o’S: Elison Jackson (americana), 10 p.m., free. guSTo’S: Dave Keller Band (blues), 10 p.m., free. lAngdon STreeT cAfé: Langdon street festival part two, 1 p.m., free. PoSiTive Pie 2: stone Bullet (rock), 10:30 p.m., $5. THe reServoir reSTAurAnT & TAP rooM: Boomflowers (country), 10 p.m., free.

champlain valley

51 MAin: anthony santor Group (jazz), 9 p.m., free. BAr AnTidoTe: Hot Neon magic (’80s New Wave), 9 p.m., free. ciTy liMiTS: Dance party with DJ Earl (top 40), 9 p.m., free. TWo BroTHerS TAvern: DJ Jam man (top 40), 10 p.m., free.


Bee’S kneeS: motel Brothers (country), 7:30 p.m., Donations. THe BreWSki: pmp (reggae), 10 p.m., free. MATTerHorn: Blues for Breakfast (Grateful Dead tribute), 9 p.m., $5.

rASPuTin’S: Nastee (hip-hop), 10 p.m., free. sat.18

3v-Paramount091510.indd 1

9/13/10 4:41:36 PM

» p.65

Northern Lights

cLUB DAtES Sat.18

« p.64


Monopole: Sinecure (rock), 10 p.m., Free. olive Ridley’s: Glass Onion (rock), 10 p.m., Free. Tabu Café & nighTClub: all Night Dance party with DJ toxic (top 40), 5 p.m., Free.


burlington area

1/2 lounge: Funhouse with DJs Rob Douglas, Moonflower & Friends (house), 7 p.m., Free. The bloCk galleRy: Open Mic, 1:30 p.m., Free. higheR gRound ballRooM: Revor Hall, Matthew Santos (reggae-rock), 7:30 p.m., $10/12. aa. The Monkey house: Caspian, ThisQuietarmy (rock), 8 p.m., $7. MonTy’s old bRiCk TaveRn: George Voland JaZZ: with Elizabeth and Dan Skea, 4:30 p.m., Free. neCTaR’s: Mi Yard Reggae Night with Big Dog & Demus, 9 p.m., Free. Radio bean: The pearly Snaps (folk), 7 p.m., Free. The Underscore Orkestra (gypsy-punk), 9 p.m., Free. Ingrid Lucia and the Flying Neutrinos (jazz), 11 p.m., Free.


ChaRlie o’s: Karaoke, 10 p.m., Free. langdon sTReeT Café: transfusion National tour (experimental), 9 p.m., Donations. Main sTReeT gRill & baR: Mark LeGrand (country), 7 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

bee’s knees: Kris Gruen (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations. paRkeR pie Co.: DJ two tone (eclectic DJ), 8 p.m., Free.


burlington area

Club MeTRonoMe: Rise Up! & Homegrown Wednesdays present The Mighty Diamonds, The pulse prophets, Yellow Wall Dub Squad (reggae), 9 p.m., $15/20.

Red squaRe: Close to Nowhere (rock), 8 p.m., Free. DJ Cre8 (hip-hop), 11 p.m., Free.


ChaRlie o’s: Mr. Yee (hip-hop), 8 p.m., Free.

Ruben JaMes: Why Not Monday? with Dakota (hip-hop), 10 p.m., Free.

gReen MounTain TaveRn: Open Mic with John Lackard, 9 p.m., Free.


langdon sTReeT Café: Dan Haley Is Mr. Casual, town-Wide Yard Sale (freak folk), 8 p.m., Donations.

MonTy’s old bRiCk TaveRn: Open Mic Night, 6 p.m., Free. neCTaR’s: Bass Culture with DJs Jahson & Nickel B (electronica), 9 p.m., Free.

Red squaRe: Upsetta International with Super K (reggae), 8 p.m., Free.


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9/14/10 1:07:37 PM

CiTy liMiTs: Karaoke with Let It Rock Entertainment, 9 p.m., Free. on The Rise bakeRy: Open Bluegrass Session, 8 p.m., Donations. Two bRoTheRs TaveRn: Open Mic Night, 9 p.m., Free.


bee’s knees: Linda Warnaar with Micah Carbanou (acoustic), 7:30 p.m., Donations. The bRewski: Comedy Night with andie Bryan (standup), 7:30 p.m., Free. The shed ResTauRanT & bReweRy: Eames Brothers Band (mountain blues), 8 p.m., Free.


Monopole: Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free. olive Ridley’s: Completely Stranded (improv comedy), 7:30 p.m., Free. m

WPTZ Digital Channel: 5-2 * Burlington Telecom: 305 Time Warner: 854 * Charter: 296 * Comcast: 169 8h-WPTZ040710.indd 1

4/5/10 11:08:06 AM


Radio bean: Kyle the Rider (country), 8:15 p.m., Free. Honky-tonk Sessions (honky-tonk), 10 p.m., $3.



The Monkey house: Hip-Hop Open Mic with Dakota, 10 p.m., Free.

baR anTidoTe: Josh Brooks (singer-songwriter), 8 p.m., Free.

6/7/10 11:15:58 AM


lifT: Karaoke … with a twist, 9 p.m., Free.

champlain valley

We’ll be here.

9/13/10 2:18:09 8v-northernlights060910.indd PM 1

Radio bean: Open Mic, 8 p.m., Free.

leunig’s bisTRo & Café: Juliet McVicker (jazz), 7 p.m., Free.

Must be 18 to purchase tobacco products, ID required

The Monkey house: Mates of State, Oh Land, DJ 8v-ORShoeHorn091510.indd 1 Disco phantom (indie), 9 p.m., $10.

Radio bean: Ensemble V (jazz), 7:30 p.m., Free. Irish Sessions, 9 p.m., Free.

Club MeTRonoMe: MSR presents David Bazan, The Mynabirds, DJ Disco phantom (indie), 9 p.m., $12. 18+.

75 Main St., Burlington,VT • 802.864.6555 M-Th 10-9; F-Sa 10-10; Su 12-7

ManhaTTan pizza & pub: Open Mic with andy Lugo, 10 p.m., Free.

paRiMa Main sTage: Jazzed Up Mondays (jazz), 7 p.m., Free (18+).

burlington area



lifT: DJs p-Wyld & Jazzy Janet (hip-hop), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.

on Tap baR & gRill: paydirt (bluegrass), 7 p.m., Free.


& Other


leunig’s bisTRo & Café: paul asbell & Clyde Stats (jazz), 7 p.m., Free.

neCTaR’s: Moses & the Electric Company, The Youngest Sun (funk), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.

langdon sTReeT Café: Open Mic, 7 p.m., Free.


Delta 9

higheR gRound showCase lounge: Modern Grass Quintet (bluegrass), 8 p.m., $10/15. aa.

neCTaR’s: Events are Objects (rock), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+. Events are Objects (rock), 9 p.m., Free/$5. 18+.

Rozzi’s lakeshoRe TaveRn: trivia Night, 8 p.m., Free.



burlington area

1/2 lounge: Heal-In Sessions with Reverence (reggae), 10 p.m., Free.

Red squaRe: Birchwood Coupe (rock), 8 p.m., Free. Hype ‘Em (hip-hop), 11 p.m., Free.




higheR gRound ballRooM: Broken Social Scene, The Sea and Cake (indie), 7:30 p.m., $25/27. aa.

The bRewski: Dale and Darcy (acoustic), 7 p.m., Free.

authorized distributor of chameleon glass



bee’s knees: John Smythe (singer-songwriter), 7:30 p.m., Donations.


Two bRoTheRs TaveRn: Monster Hits Karaoke, 9 p.m., Free.

fRanny o’s: Karaoke, 9:30 p.m., Free.



51 Main: Quizz Night (trivia), 7 p.m., Free.

Red squaRe: pulse prophets (reggae), 8 p.m., Free.

langdon sTReeT Café: Free advice (acoustic), 3 p.m., Free.

ces! on! Best Pri Best Selecti

slide bRook lodge & TaveRn: tattoo tuesdays with andrea (jam), 5 p.m., Free.


Here’s Hopping Art Hop Juried Show

SEVENDAYSVT.COM 09.15.10-09.22.10



ADAM DEVARNEY: Mixed-media collage paintings that unite the natural and urban worlds and comment on issues of social relevance. Also, the artist offers his first-ever limited-edition print. Through November 30 at Speeder & Earl’s (Pine Street) in Burlington. Info, 859-9222.

66 ART

burlington area

‘ALZHEIMER’S: FORGETTING PIECE BY PIECE’: An exhibit of 52 contemporary quilted works that offer poignant tribute to victims of the disease, organized by the Alzheimer’s Art Quilt Initiative; and audio recordings of stories from elders, in conjunction with Vermont Public Radio and The StoryCorps Memory Loss Initiative. Also, ‘CIRCUS DAY IN AMERICA’: A multimedia exhibit celebrating the art and experience of the American circus, circa 1870-1950; ‘JAY HALL CONNAWAY: A RESTLESS NATURE’: A retrospective



uperlatives abound when one describes the South End Art Hop. It’s easily the largest, liveliest and most important visual-arts event in Vermont. This year’s nearly 100 exhibit locations showcased works in all media by 500 artists across Burlington’s vibrantly humming South End. In a logistical tour de force, 2010’s Art Hop staff, under new director Roy Feldman and event coordinator Bob Bolyard, pulled off the 19th annual festival without a major hitch. And artworks of impressive caliber seemed to be everywhere you looked, from Main Street to Flynn Avenue and all the nooks and crannies in between. The nexus of such crowded creativity is what presenters — the South End Arts and Business Association — calls the “original juried show,” though it’s essentially a noncompetitive exhibit that takes all comers. Each year a juror from out of town whittles the entries down into a competitive exhibition from which award selections are made. This year, juror Caitlin Clancy from the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston did an admirable job of conferring awards, although, as always, the pros and cons of the winning selections could be endlessly debated. Every year’s top-tier juried show has a unique texture informed by the juror’s biases and sensibilities, and Clancy seemed to have a particular interest in drawings. First prize was awarded to Ida Ludlow’s “Papier Mâché Hat.” The colored drawing portrays a wizened woman wearing a strange chapeau that seems to have three antennae projecting from it. Ludlow’s semiabstract oil pastel

“Fetch the Whisper” by Roger Coleman

“Balance” by Ethan Azarian

“Valves” contains biomorphic forms, including a thin baby, and is arguably the stronger of her pieces. At third place, another drawing, Sophie Eisner’s charcoal on brown butcher paper, is the rendering of a wise and wrinkly face called “Grandpa, Narlai, India.” Some viewers

of the 20th-century New England landscape painter; ‘ALL FIRED UP: SIX CERAMIC ARTISTS FROM VERMONT’: Unique artist-designed installations by a half-dozen of the region’s finest ceramicists; ‘EMBELLISHMENTS: THE ART OF THE CRAZY QUILT’: Extraordinary examples from the permanent collection that have never been publicly exhibited; ‘UPON A PAINTED OCEAN: AMERICAN MARINE PAINTINGS’: Fine works from the permanent collection; ‘TALLY-HO! THE ART AND CULTURE OF THE FOX HUNT’: Artwork, film footage and artifacts from the heyday of the sport in America; ‘THE ART OF OGDEN PLEISSNER: A RETROSPECTIVE FROM THE COLLECTION’: More than 30 rarely seen oils, watercolors and drypoints; ‘GOOD FENCES: VERMONT STONE WALLS’: An outdoor exhibit exploring the medium’s history, variety


may think it’s nothing special, while others may be delighted by it, but such is the nature of all juried shows. James Riviello’s cast-glass sculpture “To the Future” received second prize. It’s easy to agree with Clancy’s praise of his “theme, material use, craftsmanship, design, aesthetic and execution.” Riviello’s other piece, “Smoke Means Problems,” is equally strong. The exploration of gears and machine elements seems influenced by art deco, and by early20th-century visions of modernism. Among the other highlights at the Soda Plant is John Douglas’ black-andwhite photograph “Bobcat.” The image, which presents an apparently dead bobcat lying on long grass, is rich in visual textures and wonderfully balanced tonalities. The cat’s fur and the dense grasses seem to intermingle as a harbinger of the animal’s impending decay.

Several panoramic painting triptychs are also of interest: “Fetch the Whisper” by Roger Coleman; “Orange and Blue Display” by Kate Bright; and “Winter Village” by Ethan Azarian. Each looms large — about 10 feet long — engulfing the viewer’s eye by virtue of its scale. Bright’s piece consists of fractured shapes and various weights of line demarcating flat hues of pale blue and complementary orange; black voids deepen the space. Coleman’s piece is more closely related to formal abstract expressionism than to contemporary design. His hues are luminous and overlapped. Earth tones and silvery white dominate the two left-hand panels, accented by patches of red and Prussian blue. In the rightmost panel, a large area of emerald green anchors the composition. Azarian’s triptych is a jumble of 15 simplified house forms in black, white and gray, but he astutely varies values between warm and cool among the houses. In the Outdoor Sculpture and Public Art category, James Irving Westermann had a double win of first prize for his metal and stone sculptures “Meteor (and) Comet,” and second prize for chopper-esque “Trike,” all sited along Pine Street. Azarian also created a piece of public art, which won third in the hybrid category: His playful mural “Balance” brightens an exterior wall at Upstairs Antiques on Flynn Avenue. At about 18 feet high, the mural is certainly the biggest painting of this year’s Hop. M A R C AWO D EY Art Hop Juried Show, Soda Plant, Burlington. Through September 30. Info, 859-9222.

and materials; and ‘WARREN KIMBLE’S AMERICA’: Favorite works from the country’s best-known contemporary folk artist. Through October 24 at Shelburne Museum. Info, 985-3346.

wilderness and the contemporary Canadian photographer who focuses on human impact in the natural world. Through October 24 at Shelburne Museum. Info, 985-3346.

AMANDA WALLACE: Sculptural mixed-media paintings with recycled materials, Skyway; JUDY LALIBERTE: mixed-media abstracts, Gates 1 & 2; and SALLY LINDER: “HOMAGE TO SHOSTAKOVICH OPUS 110,” acrylic on canvas, Escalator. Through September 30 at Burlington Airport in South Burlington. Info, 865-7166.

‘ART AFFAIR’: Dimensional watercolors by Shelburne painter Raimond del Noce Senior appear in this ongoing display of works by local artists. Through September 30 at Shearer Chevrolet in South Burlington. Info, 658-1111.

‘ANSEL ADAMS AND EDWARD BURTYNSKY: CONSTRUCTED LANDSCAPES’: The centerpiece exhibit of the season features more than 60 images by the renowned photographer of the American


ART HOP GROUP EXHIBIT: Sixteen local artists show two-dimensional works in oil, watercolor and acrylic, as well as wall-hung sculpture, in celebration of the newly expanded, 15,000-squarefoot showroom. Through October 15 at Burlington Furniture Company. Info, 860-4972.



Art ShowS

Bruce pendleton: eclectic photographs of clowns, theater and dance. Through october 1 at Village wine & Coffee in shelburne. info, 849-6435. ‘cHriSto And JeAnne clAude: tHe tom Golden collection’: More than 125 works, including drawings, sculptures and collages, by the celebrated husband-and-wife artists, which trace their careers creating large-scale public art from 1972 to the present. september 21 through December 18 at Fleming Museum, uVM, in burlington. info, 656-0750. clArk ruSSell: The burlington artist presents new abstract sculptures in aluminum and stainless-steel industrial cutouts. Through october 15 at Jager Dipaola Kemp Design in burlington. info, 864-5884. corliSS BlAkely: “Visions of nature,” floral and still-life paintings created on the artist’s iphone and ipad. on view saturdays and during First Friday art walks. Through september 25 at Amy e. Tarrant gallery, Flynn Center, in burlington. info, 652-4505. dAvid SmitH: “entrances: new paintings,” works that result from musing on visually entering the natural world as well as the alternative meanings of the word. Through september 21 at Furchgott sourdiffe gallery in shelburne. info, 985-3848. dick Brunelle: Recent contemporary paintings in watercolor and acrylic. Through september 30 at penny Cluse Café in burlington. info, 864-0989. eBen emStroff: neo-op drawings. Through september 30 at pine street Deli in burlington. info, 859-9222. erin inGliS: Abstract and nature-themed paintings. Through september 30 at Red square in burlington. info, 318-2438.

Group SHow: greg Mamczak, nakki goranin, Denise Johnson, sam balling and sean Metcalf exhibit new mixed-media paintings, photography and illustrations. Through september 30 at speaking Volumes in burlington. info, 540-0107.

JAy lAnce SponGBerG: photography and collage. Through september 30 at uncommon grounds in burlington. info, 865-6227. JonAtHAn HArriS: “inner landscapes,” multimedia work by the shelburne native that exposes human emotion on massive and intimate scales, and blurs the boundaries of anthropology, software development, complex systems analysis, graphic design and storytelling. Through october 23 at Firehouse gallery in burlington. info, 865-7165.

von BArGen’S 1St AnnuAl fAll Art SHow: Juried art show open to all college art students and recent graduates of local universities (one or two years). All media accepted. Must have six or more pieces available for immediate showing. please email for submission requirements. send submissions to Jeff pierce, Von bargen’s Jewelry, 131 Church st., burlington, VT 05401, or jeff@ submission deadline: september 23. show is october 7, 4-7 p.m.

tAlkS & eventS BcA Art mArket: local artists and crafters sell their wares at this burlington City Arts-sponsored open-air bazaar every weekend, weather permitting. saturday, september 18, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., burlington City hall park. info, 865-7166. SHelBurne ArtiStS’ mArket: local artists and artisans show and sell their wares, including paintings, photography, handmade clothing, prints, jewelry and more. saturday, september 18, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., shelburne Art Center. info, 985-3648.

route 100 open Studio weekend: This first-ever glassblower-only studio event invites viewers to take a drive up one of Vermont’s most scenic roads and take in the glass acts at green Mountain glassworks in granville, Mad River glass gallery in waitsfield, Ziemke glass blowing studio in waterbury Center, little River hot glass studio in Moscow and seasholtz glass Design in hyde park. saturday and sunday, september 18 and 19, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., various venues. info, 244-6126. ‘on tHe plAnet’: self-guided tours of outdoor sculptures in the quarries at Millstone hill in barre. Tuesday, september 21, noon-6 p.m., studio place Arts, barre.

receptionS JoHn perry: Recent holographic work by the owner of burlington’s holographics north. Through october 1 at living/learning Center, uVM, in burlington. Reception and artist talk: wednesday, september 15, 5-8 p.m. info, 656-4200. ‘we SHAre our world’: An exhibit about former refugees from bhutan, burma, iraq and somalia now living in Vermont includes photographs, interviews, info about countries of origin and interactive features. Through

Jude Bond: “A gathering of skirts,” two- and threedimensional works in a variety of media that explore the lives of women, as well as digitally altered photographic selfportraits. Through october 3 at 215 College gallery in burlington. Reception: Friday, september 17, 5-8 p.m. ‘mAnAGed lAndScApeS’: local and international photographers contribute to an exhibit that explores the “touch of man” in the natural landscape. Through october 1 at Vermont photo space gallery in essex Junction. Reception: Friday, september 17, 4-6 p.m. info, 777-3686. creAtive wood cArvinG & Sculpture SHow: wendy lichtensteiger, george peterson, Michael bauermeister and scott Crocker show works in wood, from small spirit figures to human-size open vessels. september 18 through october 16 at stowe Craft & Design. Reception: saturday, september 18, 5-8 p.m. info, 253-2305.


2010–2011 PERFORMANCE SEASON HIGHLIGHTS Sones de México, traditional Mexican folkloric music. . . . . . . . . . . . 10/8 Devil Music Ensemble: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, film & live soundtrack . . . . 10/23 The Wiyos and Red Molly, American roots/old-timey folk . . . . . . 10/29 Julian Lage and Taylor Eigsti, guitar and piano jazz . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/12 Crooked Still, progressive bluegrass . . 11/19 Red Priest, baroque . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2/25 Catie Curtis and Anne Heaton, singer-songwriters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3/4 The Klezmatics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4/17 Gadelle, Acadian music from Prince Edward Island . . . . . . . . . . 5/6

+ MUCH MORE INCLUDING: jazz, chamber and

Art in tHe round BArn: The 20th annual invitational exhibit features 26 of Vermont’s finest artists in a variety of media. september 19 through october 11 at Joslyn Round barn in waitsfield. Reception: sunday, september 19, 4-7 p.m.

early music, piano, and a new film series!

peter Gruner SHellenBerGer: “uranium,” photographs made with 45 days’ exposure to domestic radiation. september 20 through october 1 at Colburn gallery in burlington. A reception follows an artist talk: Monday, september 20, 5:30-7 p.m. info, 656-2014.

kevyn cundiff: stained-glass pieces by the burlington artist, in the Main Reading Room. Through september 30 at Fletcher Free library in burlington. info, 865-7211.

mArk cHAney: “guiding light,” images of “collected light” using Tritography, a blending of more than one digital image. Through october 31 at The skinny pancake in burlington. info, 304-1024.

lynn rupe: “urban habitat,” paintings depicting wild animals in city environments. Through september 30 at The block gallery in winooski. info, 373-5150.

meAGAn emiliA: Fine-art photography exploring the beauty of Vermont as well as abstracts and people. Through september 30 at Muddy waters in burlington. info, 658-0466.


Gundrun kleiSt-reynA: whimsical sculptures and embroidered fashions by the german-born artist. Through september 30 at salaam in burlington. info, 658-8822.

GrAnd iSle Art workS: now accepting applications for juried membership. we are artist owned and cooperatively managed. info, jury@

tHe pipe clASSic: A five-day glassblowing competition features a dozen of the nation’s best glass artists fashioning pipes from scratch, and concludes with a judging event. Through september 18 at The bern gallery in burlington. Following a private judging event, the public is invited to an awards ceremony and party. saturday, september 18, 5:30-9 p.m. info, 865-0994.

‘HueS of Autumn’: Members of the association in the surrounding region show works that depict the coming season. september 17 through october 15 at Adirondack Art Association gallery in essex, n.Y. Reception: Friday, september 17, 6-8 p.m. info, 518-963-8309.


‘froG Hollow: 40 yeArS of vermont crAft’: An exhibit showcasing the craft center’s four decades through commentary, organization descriptions, historical photos and a sampling of works by some of the artisan members, including sabra Field, peter Miller, woody Jackson and more. Through september 30 at Frog hollow in burlington. info, 863-6458.

crAfterS wAnted for 3rd AnnuAl “HolidAy SHowcASe & crAft fAir” to be held at bFA Fairfax school on saturday, november 20. Deadline for space reservation and payment is october 15. please contact sarah at 782-6874 for details.

october 16 at Julian scott Memorial gallery, Johnson state College. A reception with ethnic food is followed by a panel discussion: wednesday, september 15, 3-7:30 p.m. info, 635-1469.

fiGure drAwinG exHiBit: Members of an ongoing life-drawing class show their works: R. steven wienert, Charles w. norris-brown, bennett Johns, Jean Carlson Masseau, lisa Myers, pamela J. betts and Duker bower; and cArl ruBino: fine art photography. Through october 1 at shelburne Art Center in shelburne. info, 578-5763.

wAtercolor ArtiStS, Juried SHow: helen Day Art Center is hosting a show for the Vermont watercolor society. please submit work by october 8. Must be a member of Vws. Juror: susan wahlrab. Maximum size: 44 inches including frame. info,

‘StAte of crAft’: An exhibit of works in various media by Vermont’s master crafters in the studio craft movement, 1960-2010. Through october 31 at bennington Museum. Talk: exhibiting woodworkers David and Michelle holzapfel discuss their studio history, explain their materials and design process, and show a portfolio of their work. saturday, september 18, 2-4 p.m. info, 447-1571.


‘Broken tileS And Broken liveS’: An artistic presentation with a written piece by south burlington seventh graders studying the holocaust with artist-in-residence penny pizer. Through september 30 at Metropolitan gallery, burlington City hall. info, 865-7166.

cAll to ArtiStS


Art Hop Juried SHow: Artworks in a variety of media by Vermont artists submitted to the 2010 south end Art hop, and the juror’s choices. outdoor sculptures sited along pine street, Flynn Avenue and other south end locations remain on view for the month, as well. Through september 30 at soda plant in burlington. info, 859-9222.

To order tickets, learn more about our events, peruse the complete listing, or to order a brochure please visit

buRlingTon-AReA ART shows

» p.69

WWW.UVM.EDU/LANESERIES or call 802.656.4455

ART 67

mAltex Group SHow: Artwork in a variety of media fills all four floors for the south end Art hop. Through september 30 at Maltex building in burlington. info, 859-9222.

LAN.085.10 PRE-SEASON ADS: 7D, 1/4 VERT: 2.3"x11.25" 4v-Laneseries071410.indd 1

7/12/10 12:16:37 PM

Novel graphics from the Center for Cartoon Studies


68 ART





JP Coovert lives in Mineapolis, Minn., with his wife and two dogs. He is an alum of the Center for Cartoon Studies and the cofounder of One Percent Press. Find more of JP’s comics and illustrations at

“Drawn and Paneled” is a collaboration between Seven Da ys and the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, featuring works by past and present students. These pages are archived at For more info, visit CCS online at

Art ShowS


« P.67

Nicholas heilig: “Venn Diagrams,” black-andwhite illustrations that focus on hypothetical relations between certain philosophical and societal issues. Through September 30 at 1/2 Lounge in Burlington. Info, 558-2796. Nicholas heilig: “Liquid Lines,” a collection of paintings and digital images that pay tribute to all that flows. Through September 29 at Signal Kitchen in Burlington. Info, 558-2796. Nicholas heilig: “Oil & Water,” pen-and-ink drawings that address the impact of water pollution on the environment. Through October 1 at Maltex Building in Burlington. Info, 558-2796. ‘oN the PlaNet’-BurliNgtoN: Sculptures by artists from Japan and the U.S., part of a three-site exhibit also at SPA in Barre and at the historic quarries in Millstone Hill in Barre. Through September 22 at Flynndog in Burlington. ‘Powderized’: Snowboard-influenced artwork, video and photography by Michael Jager and David Lane Roby, Adam Moran, Lance Violette, Randy Gaetano, Chris Copley, Shem Roose, Dennis Healy, Michael Montanaro and more. Through October 8 at Propeller Media Works in Burlington. Info, 401-741-8101. ‘PuPils aNd Foci’: Drawings and paintings by Cecilia Ackerman, Sophie Allen and Estafania Puerta. Through September 30 at Designhaus in Burlington. Info, 310-5019. ‘rePreseNt’: Representative works in a variety of media by more than 30 artists, including members of the collective and others who have worked with the gallery during the past year. Through September 25 at S.P.A.C.E. Gallery in Burlington. ‘riddles aNd lies: charged By desire’: Haley Bishop, Ian Burcroff, Shawna Cross and Philip Hardy exhibit book art, mixed media, paintings and drawings that focus on reinterpreting the psychology and emotional logic of surroundings or circumstances while also drawing from imagination and the art of manipulation. Through October 1 at Borough Gallery & Studio in Burlington. Info, 393-1890. roBert waldo BruNelle Jr.: Colorful vernacular paintings by the Vermont artist. Through September 24 at North End Studio in Burlington. Info, 863-6713.

‘stuck, devotioN, desire, destructioN’: Installations and 2-D work by Wylie Sofia Garcia and Mary Admasian, as well as a piece by eco-fashion artist Sam Talbot-Kelly. Through September 25 at The Backspace in Burlington.


24th aNNual Quilt exhiBitioN: Windsor County quilters show their finest works in an exhibition that includes demonstrations, workshops and talks with the artists. Through September 26 at Billings Farm & Museum in Woodstock. Info, 457-2355.

‘coNNectioNs’: A group show in a variety of media that express physical and spiritual connections, in celebration of the gallery’s newly renovated space. Through November 13 at Chandler Gallery in Randolph. Info, 431-0204. elizaBeth NelsoN: “In Between,” new oil and mixed-media paintings that depict intersections in the natural world. Through October 29 at Vermont Supreme Court Lobby in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749. ivey hardy: “At the Shadow’s Edge/A Body in Motion,” artworks depicting a diverse spectrum of body language, from quiet to rodeo-grand. Through October 3 at Big Picture Theater & Café in Waitsfield. Info, 496-8994. kathy stark: “Interior Landscapes,” mixed-media paintings by the Craftsbury artist. Through October 1 at Governor’s Office Gallery in Montpelier. Info, 828-0749. katie o’rourke: “Layers,” abstract acrylic paintings. Through October 31 at The Shoe Horn at Onion River in Montpelier. Info, 223-5454. liNda maNey & missy storrow: Works in water media on paper and canvas. Through October 30 at Kellogg-Hubbard Library in Montpelier. Info, 223-3338. ‘memories oF world war ii’: Photographs from the archives of the Associated Press, a touring exhibit composed of 126 historic images. Through October 15 at Sullivan Museum & History Center, Norwich University, in Northfield. Info, 485-2448. mollie weBster & hisaya “Paul” ishii: New prints in abstract designs. Through September 30 at Two Rivers Printmaking Studio in White River Junction. Info, 295-5901. ‘moNtPelier to thailaNd’: Photographs by Montpelier High School students who visited a village in Thailand. Through September 30 at The Green Bean Art Gallery at Capitol Grounds in Montpelier. Info, ‘oN the PlaNet’: A three-site exhibit features sculptures by artists from Japan and the U.S.; in addition to all three floors of SPA, the work is on view at the Flynndog in Burlington and the historic quarries at Millstone Hill in Barre. Through September 22 at Studio Place Arts in Barre. Info, 479-7069. PlaiNField historical society Photo exhiBit: “Images of the Past,” 50 photographs of historic Plainfield, 1880-1940. Through October 31 at Plainfield Community Center. Info, 371-7239. roBiN lahue: “Daydreams and Nightscapes,” figurative and landscape oil paintings in an expressionistic style. Through September 30 at Montpelier Village Pizza. Info, 485-7770.


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arts celebration


ART 69

‘the laNd-the art-the artist’: Part of the “State of Craft Showcase Events” honoring the 20th anniversary of the Vermont Craft Council, this exhibit features works by seven of the state’s finest crafters: George Ainley (Windsor chairs); Susan Langley (woven baskets); Chris Sherwin (glass); Truddi Greene (quilts); Susan Leader (pottery); Cheryl Flett (fiber art); and Don Heurerman (wood carving). Through October 31 at Gallery at the Vault in Springfield. Info, 885-7111.

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‘wild oN my toNgue’: A collaborative exhibition on the subject of lesbian sexuality consisting of 15 haikus by poet Judith Chalmer matted with charcoal nudes by Marie LaPre Grabon that were inspired by the poems. Through November 2 at The Men’s Room in Burlington. Info, 864-2088.

BreNda garaNd: “A Subtle Shift,” sculpture and drawing. Through October 10 at BigTown Gallery in Rochester. Info, 767-9670.

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‘the cows come home to BurliNgtoN’: More than 30 life-size fiberglass bovines, hand-painted by Vermont artists and installed on platforms, appear to be grazing around downtown in this public art festival. At the end of the exhibition, the cows will be auctioned to benefit the Vermont Campaign to End Childhood Hunger. Through September 30 in Burlington. Info, 863-3489.

‘all For oNe’: A group exhibit featuring works in a variety of media by artists from Vermont, New Hampshire and beyond. Through November 1 at Nuance Gallery in Windsor. Info, 299-1801.

168 battery street burlington 651.0880

stePheN Beattie: “Through the Lens: Photographs of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks,” large-format digital prints. Through September 30 at Fletcher Free Library in Burlington. Info, 865-7211.

‘all aBoard! ridiNg the rails’: The gallery’s first juried show includes 38 images of trains from photographers around the region and selected by Tony Decaneas, former owner of Boston’s Panopticon Gallery; also shawN michelle smith: a portfolio of conceptual work documenting the historical evolution of the train and photography by the professor of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Through September 25 at PHOTOSTOP in White River Junction. Info, 698-0320.

8/30/10 11:37:02 AM



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‘The Shadow’: The group juried show features works on the theme of the shadow in art. Through October 24 at T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier. Info, 828-8743.

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marion guild: “Dusty Drawings and Doodles,” pencil drawings spanning 70 years by the 93-year-old Vermont native. Through September 25 at Carpenter-Carse Library in Hinesburg. Info, 482-2878. medana gabbard & gabrielle mCdermiT: “Country Nostalgia,” figurative folk works, and “Of Earth and Sky: Reflections on a Pastoral Landscape,” paintings, respectively. Through October 31 at Brandon Artists’ Guild. Info, 247-4956.

Summer group Show: Karla Van Vliet, Karin Gottshall, Paige Ackerson, Kit Donnelly and other local artists present their works in a variety of media. Open Saturdays or by appointment only. Through October 1 at The Gallery at 85 North Street in Bristol. Info, 453-5813.

VSAC 10 East Allen Street Winooski,VT 05404 Find us on Facebook! 70 ART

ann young: “People and Places,” oil paintings and sculpture. Through October 15 at White Water Gallery in East Hardwick. Info, 563-2037. CurTiS hale: “Landscapes Near and Far,” oil paintings that cite the effects of civilization on the natural environment. Through September 28 at Northeast Kingdom Artisans Guild Backroom Gallery in St. Johnsbury. Info, 748-0158.

‘Free range: animalS in arT’: Artworks befitting the theme by Cynthia Kirkwood, Carolyn Letvin, Linda Reynolds, Hannah Sessions, Brett Simison and others. Also, JaniS SanderS: The featured artist of the month shows bold, bright sea- and landscapes. Through November 7 at Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury. Info, 458-0098.

SCulpTFeST 2010: The annual outdoor exhibit features works in marble by Frank Anjo, Carlos Dorrien, Don Ramey, Rick Rothrock and Nora Valdez. Through October 24 at Carving Studio and Sculpture Center in West Rutland. Info, 438-2097.

This full day of workshops helps students and parents prepare for higher education. Held during March and April on three college campuses in Vermont. Learn more at

3v-VSAC091510.indd 1

Caleb Kenna: “Water in India,” photographs from the international portfolio of the Brandon-based photographer. Through October 1 at The Storm Café in Middlebury. Info, 388-1063.

paT Todd: “Art in My Lifetime,” boldly colored scenes from the natural world. Through October 16 at The Art House in Middlebury. Info, 458-0464.

College Pathways Events

Your partner on the pathway to college

annual Full houSe exhibiT: Artworks by Kathy Domenicucci, Sean Dye, Terry Hauptman, Cecily Herzig, Tally Groves, Stephen Proctor and Joseph Robbason. Through October 2 at Chaffee Art Center in Rutland. Info, 775-0356.

ann young: Paintings of landscapes, portraits, interior scenes and subways in rich colors and conveying a sense of mystery. Through November 7 at Bee’s Knees in Morrisville. Info, 586-8078.

liza myerS: “Starry Night Sunflower Moonlit Vista,” a 4-by-16-foot mural hanging on the outside of the gallery as part of the Brandon Artists Guild Sunflower Power summer exhibit. Through October 31 at Liza Myers Gallery in Brandon. Info, 247-5229.

Illustration © Doug Ross 09.15.10-09.22.10 SEVEN DAYS

Resource Center Workshops

We’ll answer your questions about types of college funding and how to apply for aid. At high schools throughout Vermont from October to January. Visit to find a presentation near you. GO

annie CaSwell & JaSCha SoniS: “Women at Play,” paintings and ceramics, and jewelry, respectively. Through September 30 at Art on Main in Bristol. Info, 453-4032.


‘laKe Champlain Through The lenS’: The museum’s annual juried photography show features views of the lake in all its glory by both amateur and professional photographers. Visitors are invited to submit their votes for a People’s Choice Award. Through October 18 at Lake Champlain Maritime Museum in Vergennes. Info, 475-2022.

Hands-on sessions help you explore careers, write a compelling college admission essay, and more. Throughout the school year at the VSAC Resource Center in Winooski. Visit for topics and schedule. GO

champlain valley

‘waTerSCapeS’: Seven local artists contribute works in a variety of media that feature the “elixir of life” from oceans, lakes and rivers, realistic and abstract. Through September 22 at Creative Space Gallery in Vergennes. Info, 877-3850.

JaneT FrederiCKS: “It’s All About Water,” mixed-media drawings on paper inspired by the rivers and topography of the artist’s native Vermont landscape. Through September 25 at Jackson Gallery, Town Hall Theater, in Middlebury. Info, 382-9222.

Get smart about your future.


« P.69 9/10/10 10:07:59 AM

‘The hale STreeT gang’: Large-scale blackand-white photographs of Randolph-area seniors by Jack Rowell accompany an audio version of memoirs they’ve been writing during a two-year project led by Sara Tucker. Through December 18 at Vermont Folklife Center in Middlebury. Info, 388-4964. ‘The naTure oF wood’: An exhibit of locally crafted furniture by Vermont woodworkers, 1790 to the present. Through October 23 at Sheldon Museum in Middlebury. Info, 388-2117.

Route 100 Open Studio Weekend

Can we call it Silica Valley? Over the last 15 years or so, a number of artist-owned glassblowing studios have popped up along Route 100 between Granville and Hyde Park. This weekend the artists are cooperating on the first — and maybe the first annual — open studio weekend to let the public in on this ancient, but still very hot, art form. Expect demonstrations, giveaways and a chance to win your own glassblowing lesson at the following: Green Mountain Glassworks in Granville, Mad River Glass Gallery in Waitsfield, Ziemke Glassblowing Studio in Waterbury Center, Little River Hotglass Studio & Gallery in Moscow and Seasholtz Glass Design in Hyde Park. September 18 and 19, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. info@zglassblowing. coml. Pictured: Glenn Ziemke.


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Route 100 Glassblowers ✴ September Open Studio Weekend 18 & 19

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Leslie Parke The New York artist’s hyper-realistic paintings do not seem

like they belong to a “Garbage” series. And yet her subject matter is just that — things

9/13/10 3:41:52 PM


that humans throw away. Parke’s current exhibit at the Southern Vermont Arts Center

Seasholtz Glass Studio Route 100, Hyde Park

features contemporary plein-air paintings at that most unsavory locale. Yet, aside from their environmental connotations, the light-filled works have a lustrous beauty that is purely about art. Pictured: “Avalanche,” oil on linen. ‘ExposEd! 2010’: UVM sculpture professor Meg McDevitt curates the annual outdoor sculpture exhibit featuring the works of 19 local artists, as well as three international artists, on the gallery grounds and sites around town. Through October 31 at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe. Info, 253-8358.

Jim GAlluGi & John olson: Oil paintings of Vermont landscapes, including towns, buildings and farmlands. Through October 10 at Emile A. Gruppe Gallery in Jericho. Info, 899-3211.

mArK TouGiAs: Landscape paintings inspired by Vermont and upstate New York by the regionally known artist. Through October 31 at Green Mountain Fine Art Gallery in Stowe. Info, 253-1818.

robErT GErhArdT: “Life on the Border: The Karen People of Burma,” black-and-white photographs that document people who have been fighting a civil war for independence from the Burmese military. Through December 20 at Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College. Info, 635-1469.


Ziemke Glassblowing Studio Rt. 100, Waterbury Center


AuGusT FEATurEd ArTisTs: Kevin Bubriski, Kirsten Hoving, Ben Moss, Judith Lee Page, Leslie Parke, Kathie Thompson, Polly Thompson and Tracy Baker show works in a variety of media; lEsliE pArKE: “Garbage,” a series of abstract compositions from real subject matter drawn from landfills. Through September 26 at Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester. Info, 362-1405.


Mad River Glass Gallery Rt. 100, Waitsfield


ElizAbETh GrAdEs: “Granite and Greens,” acrylic paintings on birch panel that express the transformative nature of stone, water and earth; and 2010 rEGionAl ExhibiTion: a juried group exhibit of works by artists in the area. Through October 8 at North Country Cultural Center for the Arts in Plattsburgh, N.Y. Info, 518-563-1604. Follow ThE monEy: Andy wArhol’s AmEriCAn drEAm’: Paintings, photographs and prints of coins and dollar signs, as well as images of people both famous and unknown, by the iconic pop artist. Through September 19 at Hood Museum, Dartmouth College, in Hanover, N.H. Info, 603-646-2426. m

Visit all 5 studios for a chance to win a glassblowing lesson!

Prize Drawings & Sale Pricing

more info at 3v-ziemke091510.indd 1


Green Mountain Glassworks Rt. 100, Granville 9/10/10 11:30:31 AM

ART 71

roxAnnE mArTinE: “Art for the Home,” fall photography in bright colors and bold compositions. Through September 30 at Townsend Gallery at Black Cap Coffee in Stowe. Info, 279-4239.

Glassblowing Demos 10am-5pm


pEGGy smiTh: “Contain-Her,” a solo exhibition of ceramic sculptures, each of which began with a ball of clay, created during a two-month artist residency. Through October 9 at Helen Day Art Center in Stowe. Info, 253-8358.

VErmonT rEAlisTs show: An exhibit of paintings that celebrate the beauty of the Vermont landscape, featuring Kevin Fahey, Kathleen Kolb, Rett Sturman and Eric Tobin. Through October 2 at River Arts Center in Morrisville. Info, 888-1261.


KArEn dAwson: Twenty-one paintings and drawings of the Vermont landscape, as well as a few figurative pieces. Through September 15 at Martinetti Gallery in Johnson. Info, 730-3114.

VAnEssA CompTon: Paintings that address the importance of the subconscious realms. Through October 4 at Claire’s Restaurant & Bar in Hardwick. Info, 472-7053.

Little River Hotglass Studio Moscow road, Moscow

‘FrEsh Air’: Landscape-inspired works by Rebecca Kinkead, Craig Mooney, Aline Ordman, Helen Shulman, Rett Sturman, Susan Wahlrab and Mariella Bisson. Through October 11 at West Branch Gallery and Sculpture Park in Stowe. Info, 253-8943.


sEpTEmbEr FEATurEd ArTisTs: Paintings by Corliss Blakely, Peter Miller and Henry Trask Riley, and pottery by Susan Delear. Through September 30 at Artist in Residence Cooperative Gallery in Enosburg Falls. Info, 933-6403.


movies The Extra Man ★★★★


he irony in Kevin Kline playing the title role in The Extra Man, an ode to Manhattan oddballs, is that he is, in reality, its single essential element. Virtually every other character seems extraneous by comparison. He makes the movie. Though it is, in point of fact, the story of a considerably less interesting creation. Paul Dano appears as an assemblage of eccentricities in the form of a New Jersey prep school teacher who loses his job when he’s caught trying on a brassiere in an improbably public area of the establishment. Dano’s character, Louis Ives, has issues. He yearns to look in the mirror and see an attractive woman smiling back at him. He likes to imagine his life is a movie that someone is narrating. He’s fixated on the literature of the ’20s — especially The Great Gatsby — and, as a result, dresses and speaks in the manner of a person from that period. Louis also fancies himself a budding writer and decides, in the wake of his firing, to move to New York City to hone his art. His life assumes a whole new level of strangeness when he answers a classified ad (“Gentleman Seeks Same”) and winds up renting a room in the shabby Upper East Side apartment of

a most unusual man 40 years his senior who takes him under his wing. Henry Harrison is one of the great Colorful Characters of recent cinema, and Kline gives the performance of his career in the role. He’s a bafflingly endearing basket case who puts on aristocratic airs even as he paints his ankles with black shoe polish because his socks are too threadbare to be seen in. He has fleas. And outrageous opinions on everything from sex (“My views are to the right of the Pope”) to the proper role of women (“The women I like best are the Hasidic — they really get it!”). A once promising playwright, Harrison claims to teach literature at a local college, but we never see him do so. What we see him do is serve as an “extra man” — an escort or walker — for decrepit society dowagers. Money does not change hands. Romance never factors into the transaction. He does it for the taste of the high life it affords him. In addition to the walker’s art, Harrison has much to teach his protégé, and absolutely none of it pertains to writing. The film’s most entertaining sequences, for example, involve the flamboyant older gentleman mentoring the younger one in his techniques for getting into the opera without buying a ticket

COMPANY MEN Dano and Kline play self-styled aristocrats who feed their fantasies by providing companionship to society dowagers.

and — my favorite — for avoiding detection when urinating in public, no small matter for a fellow never far from a champagne bottle or flask. Dano’s subdued performance complements Kline’s larger-than-life one nicely enough, but several other players prove expendable. An emaciated Katie Holmes contributes little as a coworker at the magazine where Louis finds employment, and the usually welcome John C. Reilly literally injects a false note in the role of Henry’s bushy neighbor who speaks in a screeching falsetto. Writer-directors Robert Pulcini and Shari Springer Berman — the team behind 2003’s

American Splendor — here achieve the seemingly impossible: They find a way to keep one of American cinema’s preeminent comic figures from even once being funny. Thanks to Kline, though, they achieve a great deal more. The Extra Man is worth seeing for his inspired interpretation alone. At one point, Henry explains to his flatmate the secret of his sycophantic success: “What I bring is the complete package — wit, intelligence and uncommon joie de vivre.” He’s a delusional blowhard, but he gets that right. Henry Harrison is dandy company. RICK KISONAK





Cairo Time ★★★★


didn’t expect to like Cairo Time. This effort from Québec-born, Torontoresident filmmaker Ruba Nadda is the kind of indie some people praise as “subtle,” “adult” and “sensitive” and others damn with faint praise. The kind where we see many pretty things, but not a lot happens. (It’s a PG-rated love story, if that’s any indication.) And, for God’s sake, this movie is already available on DVD right across the border. But if you see it on a small screen, you’ll miss the panoramas of a teeming, seething, sun-washed, ancient-modern city that Nadda unfolds for us. You’ll also miss the nuances of a memorable performance from Patricia Clarkson. Like Jeanne Moreau in La Notte, she can spend five minutes just staring at ravaged buildings, vacant lots and tired day laborers without boring the audience. Some actors go dead when they have no dialogue; others come alive. While I wouldn’t go so far as to compare Nadda to Antonioni, she, like him, gets a lot of mileage from imagery of a great actress wandering a great city. But enough film history: Let’s talk about that love story. Clarkson plays Juliette, a New York women’s magazine editor whose hus-

band works for the UN. When she comes to visit, he’s too busy running a refugee camp in Gaza to get away, so he sends his Egyptian friend Tareq (Alexander Siddig) to show her around the city. Tareq is tall, dark, handsome, soulful and single. Plus, he makes great coffee. This is not a sun-drenched escape fantasy on the order of Under the Tuscan Sun, however. For one thing, Juliette is attached and has no standard Hollywood pretext for cheating on her husband. (She says she loves him and gives us no reason to doubt it.) For another, Tareq has his own issues. His pride forbids him to approach an old love (Amina Annabi) who is now a widow. He has a European-style fondness of leisure and a laissezfaire attitude toward the city’s uglier aspects, which shocks Juliette. The New Yorker is mature and cosmopolitan. While some aspects of the city bother her, such as the male-only cafés and the harassment of uncovered women on the street, she makes the Sex and the City gals in Abu Dhabi look like a bunch of tweens shrieking, “OMG, check out that chick in the burkha!” (Actually, that’s pretty much literally what they did.) Still, Juliette can’t quite shed her

EAT, STRAY, ROVE Clarkson doesn’t do that much more than your average tourist in Nadda’s drama, but it’s absorbing anyway.

American fix-it attitude. Tareq, by contrast, believes some things can’t be fixed, and this low-key conflict gives the movie a tension that’s cultural as well as sexual. Given all the excellent reasons for these two people not to get romantically involved, plus the insufficient role of alcohol and other disinhibitors in their interactions, it’s hard to call Cairo Time a “romance.” Really, what it is is one of the rare realistic movies about attraction. There’s as much awkwardness here as chemistry, and body language always says more than words.

In its slight, deliberately minimalist way, Cairo Time shows an integrity rare even in the world of indies. If you want to see films that combine clear-sightedness about our global culture with passion, violence, sex and generally excessive behavior, I suggest the wonderfully wild works of Fatih (HeadOn) Akin. (He has a new one coming.) But if you want to sink into a cross-cultural film that’s thoughtful without being harrowing, picturesque without being insipid, it could be Cairo Time. M A R G O T HA R R I S O N

WNCS 104.7 (in larger or bolder print as it is the primary frequency) 93.3 100.3 89.1

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moViE clipS

new in theaters

AlpHA AND omEGA: It’s like a Judd Apatow movie — with wolves. A wise-cracking omega male finds himself stranded far from home with a perfectionist alpha female in this computer-animated 3D adventure. With the voices of Hayden Panettiere, Christina Ricci and Justin Long. Anthony Bell and Ben Gluck directed. (88 min, PG. Majestic [3-D], Palace) ANimAl KiNGDom: Not a cute-critter documentary. A teen finds himself pulled into a life of crime in this intense drama from Australian director David Michôd. With James Frecheville and Guy Pearce. (112 min, R. Roxy) cENtURioN: A band of Romans tries to survive guerrilla attacks from the Picts in Britain, A.D. 117, in this ultra-violent period piece from Neil (The Descent) Marshall. With Michael Fassbender, Dominic West and Olga Kurylenko as, you guessed it, a Pict warrior babe. (97 min, R. Palace) DEVil: Five strangers get trapped in an elevator with something scary in this horror flick advertised as “from the mind of M. Night Shyamalan,” though Brian Nelson scripted and Drew Dowdle and John E. (Quarantine) Dowdle directed. With Chris Messina, Bokeem Woodbine and Bojana Novakovic. (80 min, PG-13. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Paramount) EASY A: A teen (Emma Stone) finds her life starting to resemble The Scarlet Letter in this satire of high school hypocrisies from Will (“The Loop”) Gluck. With Stanley Tucci and Amanda Bynes. (93 min, PG-13. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace) i’m Still HERE: The “I” is Joaquin Phoenix. This is the notorious documentary in which director Casey Affleck chronicles the actor’s year of attempting to make it in the world of hip-hop. Is the whole thing a stunt? You be the judge. (108 min, NR. Roxy) REStREpoHHHH1/2 One of the scariest documentaries you’re likely to see. Journalists Sebastian (The Perfect Storm) Junger and Tim Hetherington won the Grand Jury Prize at Sundance for their insider’s look at a platoon of U.S. soldiers stationed in one of the deadliest parts of Afghanistan. (94 min, R. Roxy) tHE toWN: Ben Affleck the director is back with this crime thriller about a Boston bank robber who finds himself falling for a witness. This time he also stars, along with Rebecca Hall, Jeremy Renner, Chris Cooper and Jon Hamm. (125 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Roxy, Stowe, Sunset)

now playing

tHE AmERicANHHHH Eat Pray Kill? A solitary assassin stops for a picturesque Italian retreat that may not be as peaceful as it seems in this suspense thriller from Anton (Control) Corbijn. With George Clooney, Thekla Reuten and Violante Placido. (107 min, R. Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, Palace, Roxy, Stowe)

cAiRo timEHHHH Yet another film about a middleaged woman tempted by love in an exotic place. But this one has the great actress Patricia Clarkson and a detailed view of the Egyptian city from writer-director Ruba Nadda. With Alexander Siddig. (89 min, PG. Palace)

DESpicABlE mEHH1/2 Steve Carell voices a dastardly villain plotting to steal the moon in this animated adventure comedy. With the voice acting of Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Kristen Wiig and Miranda Cosgrove. Pierre Coffin and Chris Renaud directed. (95 min, PG. Capitol [3-D], Majestic [3-D], Sunset)


H = refund, please HH = could’ve been worse, but not a lot HHH = has its moments; so-so HHHH = smarter than the average bear HHHHH = as good as it gets

tHE FAtHER oF mY cHilDRENHHHH Mia HansenLøve wrote and directed this award-winning French drama whose main character, a struggling indie filmmaker, is loosely based on a real-life maverick producer of films by Lars von Trier and Claire Denis. With Louis-Do de Lencquesaing and Chiara Caselli. (110 min, NR. Palace; ends 9/16)

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6h-bookefest091510.indd 1

9/14/10 1:05:21 PM

GEt loWHHHH1/2 Robert Duvall plays yet another ornery old coot in this 1930s-set drama about a loner who insists on throwing his funeral party while he’s still alive. With Sissy Spacek, Bill Murray and Lucas Black. Aaron Schneider directs. (100 min, PG-13. Roxy) tHE GiRl WHo plAYED WitH FiREHH1/2 Yes, the Swedish sequel to The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo is here. Hacker sleuth Lisbeth Salander (Noomi Rapace) finds herself framed for murder in this adaptation of the second Stieg Larsson bestseller. With Michael Nyqvist and Lena Endre. Daniel Alfredson directed. (129 min, R. Roxy) GoiNG tHE DiStANcEHH1/2 Two young people struggle to make a transcontinental relationship work in this romantic comedy starring Drew Barrymore and Justin Long. Awww. With Christina Applegate and Ron Livingston. Nanette (American Teen) Burstein directs. (97 min, R. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Sunset, Welden)

Y 20 E A R S Wed-Sun • Sept. 15-19


GRoWN UpSH1/2 Five old friends gather over the July 4 holiday weekend to honor the passing of their childhood basketball coach in this comedy from director Dennis (Big Daddy) Dugan. Starring Kevin James, Chris Rock, Rob Schneider, David Spade and Adam Sandler, who cowrote the film’s screenplay. (102 min, PG-13. Sunset) i Am loVEHHHH1/2 Tilda Swinton plays a married Italian aristocrat who develops a dangerous taste for a much younger chef in this drama from writer-director Luca Guadagnino. With Flavio Parenti and Edoardo Gabbriellini. (120 min, R. Savoy) iNcEptioNHHHH In the latest sci fi thriller from Christopher (The Dark Knight) Nolan, Leonardo DiCaprio plays a thief who infiltrates people’s dream lives. With Ken Watanabe, Ellen Page, Joseph GordonLevitt and Marion Cotillard. (148 min, PG-13. Majestic, Palace, Roxy) tHE KiDS ARE All RiGHtHHHH Lisa (Laurel Canyon) Cholodenko directed this acclaimed study of modern family values in which a pair of teens with two moms (Annette Bening and Julianne Moore) decide they want to get to know their sperm donor. With Mark Ruffalo, Mia Wasikowska and Josh Hutcherson. (104 min, R. Roxy)

up to



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tHE lASt EXoRciSmHHH In this week’s fauxdocumentary horror film, a bogus exorcist finds himself facing a real demon on an isolated farm. With Patrick Fabian and Ashley Bell. Daniel (A Necessary Death) Stamm directs. (100 min, PG-13. Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Welden; ends 9/16) lEGENDARYHH The teenage son (Devon Graye) of a college wrestling legend decides to enter the ring to reunite his mom and older brother in Mel Damski’s sports drama. With John Cena and Patricia Clarkson. (107 min, PG-13. Essex) mAcHEtEHHH Remember those “fake” trailers for Grade Z fare that were the best part of Grindhouse? One of them has become an actual movie. Danny Trejo plays a former Mexican Federale recruited for an assassination plot that could just devolve into a lot of over-the-top ass kicking. With an all-star cast of Robert De Niro, Cheech Marin, Steven Seagal, Michelle


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9/13/10 1:15:41 PM



tHE EXtRA mANHHH1/2 A dreamer (Paul Dano) moves to New York City to catch his big break as a writer, but forges an unlikely bond with his much older escort roommate (Kevin Kline) instead in this offbeat comedy by Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini. With Katie Holmes and John C. Reilly. (105 min, R. Roxy; ends 9/16)

93.3 • 100.3 • 104.7 • 98.1 • 95.7 • 103.1 • 107.1



DiNNER FoR ScHmUcKSHH1/2 Paul Rudd invites Steve Carell to a sadistic dinner party where the hosts

tHE EXpENDABlESHH1/2 Let’s hear it for actionmovie dudes of a certain age. Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren and Steve Austin team up to play a group of grizzled mercenaries who discover their mission isn’t what it seems in this bareknuckled thriller. Stallone directed. (103 min, R. Big Picture, Essex, Majestic, Marquis, St. Albans, Sunset)

fm nt


coUNtDoWN to ZERo: In this documentary, director Lucy (The Devil’s Playground) Walker interviews past and future heads of state to make her case that nuclear weapons menace the human race now more than ever. Gary Oldman narrates. (90 min, PG. Roxy)

EAt pRAY loVEH Julia Roberts stars in the film adaptation of Elizabeth Gilbert’s bestselling memoir about a woman who travels to exotic locales to heal wounds of her past and unleash her appetites for food, spirituality and sweet lovin’. With Javier Bardem, James Franco, Billy Crudup and Richard Jenkins. Ryan Murphy, creator of “Glee” and “Nip/Tuck,” directed. (133 min, PG-13. Big Picture, Bijou, Capitol, Essex, Majestic, Palace, Roxy, Stowe, Welden)


Independent Radio

AVAtAR: SpEciAl EDitioNHHH So, I think we all know what Avatar is. This 3-D-only rerelease of James Cameron’s blockbuster features eight extra minutes of footage, including what the director has called an “alien foreplay scene.” You’ve been warned. (170 min, PG-13. Essex [3-D], Majestic [3-D])

compete to bring the dorkiest guest in this comedy based on the French satire Le Dîner de Cons. With Zach Galifianakis. Jay (Meet the Parents) Roach directed. (114 min, PG-13. Palace; ends 9/16)

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(*) = new this week in vermont times subjeCt to Change without notiCe. for up-to-date times visit


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wednesday 15 — thursday 16 The Expendables 6, 8. Eat Pray Love 8. Ramona and Beezus 6. friday 17 — thursday 23

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3 (Sat & Sun only), 6. The Expendables 3 (Sat & Sun only), 6 (except Thu), 8. Eat Pray Love 8 (except Thu).

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 The Last Exorcism 7. Nanny mcPhee Returns 6:40. Eat Pray Love 6:30. The other Guys 6:50.

friday 17 — thursday 23 takers 1:30 & 4 (Sat & Sun only), 6:50, 9 (Fri & Sat only). Going the Distance 1:20 & 9/13/10 11:28:58 AM3:50 (Sat & Sun only), 6:45, 9 (Fri & Sat only). Nanny mcPhee Returns 1:10 (Sat & Sun only). Eat Pray Love 1 & 3:40 (Sat & Sun only), 6:40, 9 (Fri & Sat only). Vampires Suck 3:30 (Sat & Sun only), 7, 9 (Fri & Sat only).






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wednesday 15 — thursday 16 Resident Evil: Afterlife 6:30, 9. The American 6:30, 9. Going the Distance 6:30, 9. The Last Exorcism 6:30, 9. Eat Pray Love 6:15, 9. friday 17 — thursday 23 *The town 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. *Easy A 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. Resident Evil: Afterlife 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. The American 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. Eat Pray Love 9. Despicable me (3-D) 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30.


Essex Shoppes & Cinema, Rte. 15 & 289, Essex, 879-6543,

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 Legendary 12:45, 3, 5:15,

For more information or to set up an appointment, please call Teresa at 656-3831

8v-uvmPsych030310.indd 1

2/24/10 1:22:07 PM

7:35, 9:50. Resident Evil: Afterlife (3-D) 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30. Going the Distance 12:35, 2:45, 5, 7:20, 9:35. machete 12:30, 2:50, 5:10, 7:30, 9:50. The American 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. The Last Exorcism 3:10, 5:10, 9:25. Avatar: Special Edition (3-D) 3:30, 7. Eat Pray Love 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20. The Expendables 12:55, 7:10. toy Story 3 (3-D) 1:15. friday 17 — thursday 23 *Devil 1:20, 3:25, 5:30, 7:35, 9:45. *Easy A 1:10, 3:15, 5:20, 7:25, 9:35. *The town 1:10, 4, 7, 9:40. Legendary 3, 7:25. Resident Evil: Afterlife (3-D) 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:15, 9:30. Going the Distance 4, 9:35. machete 12:30, 5:10, 9:40. The American 12:45, 3, 5:15, 7:30, 9:45. Avatar: Special Edition (3-D) 3:30, 7. Eat Pray Love 12:50, 6:30. toy Story 3 (3-D) 1:15.

mAJEStIc 10

190 Boxwood St. (Maple Tree Place, Taft Corners), Williston, 878-2010,

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 Resident Evil: Afterlife (3-D) 1, 3:10, 6:10, 7:10, 8:20, 9:30. Going the Distance 1:30, 4 (open-captioned), 6:50, 9:20. machete 2, 4:30, 7:05, 9:40. The American 1:50, 4:20, 7, 9:35. Avatar: Special Edition (3-D) 1:10, 4:40, 8:10. The Last Exorcism 1:15, 6:40. takers 4:10. The Switch 1:05, 6:25. Nanny mcPhee Returns 1. Eat Pray Love 3:30, 6:20, 9:10. The Expendables 3:40, 8:50. The other Guys 1:20, 3:50, 6:30, 9. Inception 3:20, 8:40. Despicable me (3-D) 1:40. friday 17 — thursday 23 *The town 1:15, 4 (opencaptioned), 4:40, 6:50, 8, 9:35. *Alpha and omega (3-D) 1:10, 3:20, 6:10, 8:20. *Devil 1, 3, 4:50, 7:30, 9:30. *Easy A 2, 4:20, 7:10, 9:20. Resident Evil: Afterlife (3-D) 1:50, 4:30, 7, 9:40. Going the Distance 1:20, 6:20. machete 3:40, 8:40. The American 1:40, 4:10, 6:40, 9:10. Avatar: Special Edition (3-D) 3:50. 7:20. Nanny mcPhee Returns 1:45. The other Guys 1:05, 6:30. Inception 3:30, 9:30. Despicable me (3-D) 1:30.

mARQUIS tHEAtER Main St., Middlebury, 388-4841.

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 Resident Evil: Afterlife


Nanny McPhee Returns

(3-D) 7. The American 7. The Expendables 7. friday 17 — thursday 23 *The town Fri: 6, 8:45. Sat: 2:30, 6, 8:45. Sun: 2:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7. Resident Evil: Afterlife (3-D) Fri: 6:30, 9. Sat: 2, 4:15, 6:30, 9. Sun: 2, 4:15, 7. MonThu: 7. The American Fri & Sat: 6:30, 9. Sun-Thu: 7. Nanny mcPhee Returns Sat & Sun only: 2, 4:15.


222 College St., Burlington, 8643456,

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 The Extra man 9:25. The American 1:15, 4, 7, 9:35. Get Low 1:25, 3:55, 7:10, 9:30. Eat Pray Love 1, 3:45, 6:35. The Girl Who Played With Fire 1:10, 3:50, 6:40, 9:20. The Kids Are All Right 1:05, 3:30, 7:05, 9:15. Inception 12:55, 3:40, 6:30, 9:15.

Eat Pray Love 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 1, 6:30. The other Guys 1:15, 8:50 (Wed only). Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 1:30, 4:15, 6:55. Dinner for Schmucks 3:55, 6:25 (Wed only). Inception 3:15, 8:30. friday 17 — thursday 23 ***100 Voices: A Journey Home Tue only: 7. *Alpha and omega 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 1:50, 4:05, 6:20, 8:30. *centurion 1:30, 4:15, 6:55, 9:25. *Devil 1:05, 3, 4:55, 7:10, 9:30. *Easy A 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 1:25, 4, 6:50, 9:05. *The town 1, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15. cairo time 1:35, 3:50, 6:35, 8:45. Resident Evil: Afterlife 1:45, 4:10, 7:05 (except Tue), 9:25. The American 1:10, 3:35, 6:45, 9:10. machete 1:15, 9:20. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World 3:40, 6:40.

PARAmoUNt tWIN cINEmA 241 North Main St., Barre, 4799621,

friday 17 — thursday 23 *Animal Kingdom 2, 4:30, 7. *I’m Still Here 2, 4, 6:25, 8:45. *Restrepo 4:10, 8:20. *The town 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:10. countdown to Zero 2:10, 6:30. The American 2:20, 4:25, 8:30. Get Low 2:30, 4:40, 7:10, 9:15. The Girl Who Played With Fire 9:20. The Kids Are All Right 1:55, 6:35.

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 machete 9. Nanny mcPhee Returns 6:30. The other Guys 6:30, 9.



10 Fayette Dr., South Burlington, 864-5610,

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 Resident Evil: Afterlife 1:45, 4:10, 7:05, 9:25. cairo time 10:30 a.m. (Thu only), 1:35, 3:50, 6:50, 9. Going the Distance 1:05, 3:40, 6:40, 9:15. machete 1:20, 4:05, 7, 9:35. The American 1:10, 3:45, 6:45, 9:10. The Father of my children 1, 6:15. The Last Exorcism 9:30. The Switch 4, 9:20.

ConneCt to on any web-enabled Cellphone for free, up-to-the-minute movie showtimes, plus other nearby restaurants, Club dates, events and more.

friday 17 — thursday 23 *Devil 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30, 9. Nanny mcPhee Returns 1:30 (Sat & Sun only), 6:30. The other Guys 9.

429 Swanton Rd, Saint Albans, 524-7725, www.

friday 17 — saturday 18 machete at dusk followed by The Expendables.


26 Main St., Montpelier, 2290509,

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 I Am Love 1 & 3:30 (Wed only), 6, 8:30.

friday 17 — thursday 23 I Am Love 1 (Sat-Mon & Wed only), 6. Full schedule not available at press time.


Mountain Rd., Stowe, 253-4678.

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 The American 7. Eat Pray Love 7. The other Guys 7. friday 17 — thursday 23 *The town Fri: 6:50, 9:15. Sat: 2:30, 6:50, 9:15. Sun: 4:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7. The American Fri: 7, 9:10. Sat: 2:30, 7, 9:10. Sun: 4:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7. The other Guys Fri: 7, 9:10. Sat: 2:30, 7, 9:10. Sun: 4:30, 7. Mon-Thu: 7.


155 Porters Point Road, just off Rte. 127, Colchester, 862-1800.

friday 17 — saturday 18 *The town 7:30 followed by Going the Distance followed by Piranha. takers 7:30 followed by The other Guys followed by Salt. Nanny mcPhee Returns 7:30 followed by Despicable me followed by Grown Ups. machete 7:30 followed by The Expendables followed by Vampires Suck.


104 No. Main St., St. Albans, 5277888,

wednesday 15 — thursday 16 Going the Distance 7, 9. Eat Pray Love 7, 9:15. The Last Exorcism 9. The twilight Saga: Eclipse 7. friday 17 — thursday 23 takers 2 (Sat & Sun only), 7, 9. machete 4 (Sat & Sun only), 9. Nanny mcPhee Returns 2 & 4 (Sat & Sun only). Going the Distance 9. Eat Pray Love 4 (Sat & Sun only), 7. The twilight Saga: Eclipse 2 (Sat & Sun only), 7.


« P.73

Rodriguez, Jessica Alba and Lindsay Lohan. Robert Rodriguez and Ethan Maniquis direct. (105 min, R. Essex, Majestic, Palace, Paramount, St. Albans, Sunset, Welden) NANNY mcpHEE REtURNSHH1/2 Emma Thompson reprises her role as the 21st century’s answer to Mary Poppins, who pops in to help a harried mom run her farm in this family adventure. Starring distinguished thespians Maggie Smith, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Rhys Ifans. Susanna (“Generation Kill”) White directs. (100 min, PG. Big Picture, Bijou, Majestic, Marquis, Paramount, Sunset, Welden) tHE otHER GUYSHHH1/2 Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg try to wring a few last laughs from the clichés of cop shows in this comedy about a pair of not-so-badass detectives who attempt to improve their rep. With Steve Coogan and Samuel L. Jackson. Adam (Stepbrothers) McKay directs. (107 min, PG-13. Bijou, Majestic, Palace, Paramount, Stowe, Sunset) piRANHA 3-DHHH1/2 Record amounts of fake blood were reportedly spilled in the making of this reboot of the campy horror franchise about toothy prehistoric fish that invade a lake full of wasted college kids. With Elisabeth Shue, Jerry O’Connell and Eli Roth. Alexandre (High Tension) Aja directs. (89 min, R. Sunset RAmoNA AND BEEZUSHHH Beverly Cleary’s funny, unaffected kids’ novels about a loud, scrappy little brat and her passive-aggressive older sister have somehow become a family-friendly comedy starring wellgroomed Disney vets Joey King and Selena Gomez. With John Corbett and Ginnifer Goodwin. Elizabeth Allen directs. (104 min, G. Big Picture; ends 9/16) RESiDENt EVil: AFtERliFEHH In this fourth entry in the apocalyptic action series based on a video game, Milla Jovovich fights more zombies while searching for survivors of the previous film, Extinction — this time in 3-D. With Ali Larter and Wentworth Miller. Paul W.S. Anderson directs. (97 min, R. Capitol, Essex [3-D], Majestic [3-D], Marquis [3-D], Palace) SAltH1/2 Phillip (Patriot Games) Noyce directed this thriller about a CIA agent (Angelina Jolie) who has to clear her name after she’s accused of being a sleeper agent. With Liev Schreiber and Chiwetel Ejiofor. (100 min, PG-13. Sunset; ends 9/18) Scott pilGRim VS. tHE WoRlDHHH1/2 Michael Cera playing a sweet li’l underdog? Say it ain’t so! He’s a young musician who must battle his dream girl’s “seven evil exes” in this adaptation of the graphic novels by Bryan Lee O’Malley. Edgar (Shaun of the

Dead) Wright directed. With Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Kieran Culkin and Anna Kendrick. (113 min, PG-13. Palace) tHE SWitcHHH Jason Bateman sneaks his genetic material into Jennifer Aniston’s turkey baster and becomes the father of her baby in this romantic comedy improbably based on a New Yorker story by Jeffrey Eugenides. With Juliette Lewis, Patrick Wilson and Jeff Goldblum. Josh Gordon and Will Speck, the team behind Blades of Glory, direct. (100 min, PG-13. Majestic, Palace; ends 9/16) tAKERSHH1/2 Ah, late summer. Time for a heist movie. Idris Elba, Paul Walker, Chris Brown, Michael Ealy and Hayden Christensen play the bank robbers who try to pull off One Last Job. Matt Dillon plays the detective on their trail. Zoe Saldana’s in there, too. John Luessenhop directs. (107 min, PG-13. Bijou, Majestic, Welden) toY StoRY 3HHHH: The toys are back in town. Tom Hanks, Tim Allen and the rest of the original’s voice cast return for a third adventure, this time in 3-D. Lee (Toy Story 2) Unkrich directs. (98 min, G. Essex [3-D]) tHE tWiliGHt SAGA: EclipSEHH Girl loves vampire boy with funny hair. Girl nags boy to bite her so they can be together forever. Boy saves girl from bad vampire out for blood vengeance. Lather, rinse, repeat. David (Hard Candy) Slade directed this one. Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner. (124 min, PG-13. Welden)

8h-TLA081810.indd 1

VAmpiRES SUcKH From Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer, who brought us Meet the Spartans and other parody mashups and apparently refuse to change their ways, comes a spoof of Twilight and its ilk. They should have called it Fish in a Barrel. With Ken Jeong, Matt Lanter and Jenn Proske. (80 min, PG-13. Bijou, Sunset)

JUSt WRiGHtHH In this romantic comedy, Queen Latifah plays a physical therapist who falls for the injured NBA star she’s treating. Paula Patton, Common and Phylicia Rashad costar. (98 min, PG)


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lEttERS to JUliEtHH1/2 Amanda Seyfried stars in this romantic comedy about a group of people in Verona who respond to letters seeking love advice. (104 min, PG)

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new on video

pRiNcE oF pERSiA: tHE SANDS oF timEHH Mike (Donnie Brasco) Newell directs this DisneyBruckheimer hybrid about a pair of young royals who team up to save the world from the Forces of Darkness. Starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Gemma Arterton. (115 min, PG-13)

8/16/10 9:51:07 AM


What we've got this week are stills from four well-known films. In each, one or more of the stars is caught between takes talking shop with the picture's director. Your job, as always, is to process all available clues — costumes, set, the combination of personnel, etcetera — and come up with the title of the movie they're in the middle of making...








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NEWS QUIRKs by roland sweet

Curses, Foiled Again

Police accused Anthony Parkhurst, 20, of stealing a 2001 Honda van advertised on Craigslist by taking it for a test drive but never returning. Orlando police Sgt. Stanley Klem said Parkhurst then listed the vehicle on Craigslist himself and sold it to a couple for $4000. He promptly stole it and listed it on Craigslist the next day. The couple spotted the ad, alerted police and identified Parkhurst as the seller of the van. Suspecting Parkhurst of belonging to a statewide car-theft ring that stumped investigators for months, Klem said, “Stealing back the car they had just sold could be the break we needed.” (Orlando Sentinel) FBI agents had no trouble identifying Alan Garrett, 43, as their suspect in a bank robbery in Galloway, Ohio. Bank employees not only got the license number of the getaway car, which was traced to Garrett, but also recognized him as a regular customer at the bank. (Associated Press)

Second-Amendment Follies

A woman flying standby from Las Vegas to Sacramento, Calif., paid full fare for the last available seat, boarded and stowed her bags, only to be told she had to deplane because a latearriving passenger assigned the seat next to her required two seats to accommodate her girth. The tardy overweight passenger was just 14 years old. “It didn’t seem right that I should have to leave to accommodate someone who

Lest They Forget

Concerned about the number of children who die from heat or cold after being left in cars by allegedly absentminded parents, David Bell of Menlo


free will astrology by rob brezsny you will soon find a comparable placebo, Cancerian.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 22)


othing is more conducive to peace of mind than not having any opinions at all.” German aphorist Georg Christoph Lichtenberg said that and now I’m offering it for you to use. Are you game? Try this experiment: For seven days, divest yourself of your opinions. And I mean all of them: opinions about politicians, celebrities, immigration reform, rockabilly music, your friends’ choices in mates — everything. For this grace period, be utterly nonjudgmental and open minded and tolerant. Allow everything to be exactly what it is without any need to wish it were otherwise. By experiment’s end, you’ll probably feel more relaxed than you have in a long time.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): When teen pop star Miley Cyrus appeared on David Letterman’s late-night TV talk show, band leader Paul Schaeffer asked her if she lip-synchs to prerecorded music during her performances. Miley replied that no, she never fakes it. For evidence, she said, anyone could go watch a YouTube clip from one of her concerts. Sometimes she sounds terrible, which proves that she’s risking the imperfection of actually singing live. I urge you to follow Miley’s lead in your own sphere, Aries. In the coming week, you really do need to be as raw as the law allows. Be your authentic self, please — with no AutoTune-like enhancements.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): This is an ex-


up, U.S. president Abraham Lincoln lived in Indiana for 14 years. The Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial commemorates his time there. When my friend Janet was 7 years old, her second-grade class visited the place. While strolling around outside, she found a Band-Aid on the ground and excitedly assumed it had once graced a boo-boo on Old Abe himself. She took it home and secretly used it as a talisman. When she rubbed it on her own wounds, it seemed to have magical healing properties. Only later did she realize that Band-Aids weren’t invented until 55 years after Lincoln’s death. No matter. The artifact had done a superb job. I predict

(April 20-May 20): Here’s your mantra: BIG GREEN LUCK EVERYWHERE. I urge you to say it frequently in the coming days. Sing it softly to yourself while you’re driving your car or riding on public transportation. Whisper it as a prayer before each meal. BIG GREEN LUCK EVERYWHERE. Chant it in rhythm to your steps as you walk. Murmur it to the tiny angel looking down at you from the ceiling just before you drop off to sleep. Yell it out as you’re dancing beneath the sky. BIG GREEN LUCK EVERYWHERE. It’ll work its magic even if you don’t know exactly why you’re saying it or what it means.

cellent time for you to revamp your relationship with your body. All the cosmic rhythms are aligned to help you. How should you go about it? The first thing to do is formulate your intentions. For example, would you like to feel more perfectly at home in your body? Would you revel in the freedom of knowing that the body you have is exactly right for your soul’s needs? Can you picture yourself working harder to give your body the food and sleep and movement it requires to be at its best? If you have any doubts about how to proceed, ask your body to provide you with clues.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): While growing

Park, Calif., invented a device that he declared would help parents remember not to leave their children in the back seat when they get out of the car. VizKID is a 2-pound, 24-inch-tall, blue Hawaiianprint construction cone with a bright yellow ball on top with a painted-on happy face that rides in the passenger seat. (San Jose Mercury News)

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Afghan farmers grow a lot of poppies — more than anywhere else in the world. While most of the crop is converted into opium and heroin, it could just as well be used to create poppy seed bagels — as many as 357 trillion of them by one estimate. The way I see it, Leo, you have a comparable choice ahead of you. A resource that’s neutral in its raw or natural state could be harnessed in a relatively good cause or a not-so-good cause. And I bet you will be instrumental in determining which way it goes. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): The Latin motto “Dulcius ex aspiris” means “Sweetness out of difficulty.” It has a different meaning from “relief after difficulty” or “character building from difficulty.” It suggests a scenario in which a challenging experience leads not just to a successful outcome, but also to a delicious, soothing harmony that would not have been possible without the difficulty. This is what I foresee coming for you, Libra. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Give the best gifts you can possibly give, Scorpio. Don’t hoard any of the intense blessings you have at your disposal. It’s time to unveil the fullness of your idiosyncratic generosity ... to bestow upon the world the naked glory of your complex mojo. Some people will be better able than others to receive and use your zesty offerings, and it’s OK to favor them with more of your magnanimity. On the other hand, don’t spend too long worrying about the fine points of how to disseminate your wealth. The important thing is to let it flow like a river fresh from eternity. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “Do not

think you will necessarily be aware of your own enlightenment,” said Zen Buddhist teacher Dogen. Which leads me to say: “Do not think you will necessarily be aware of becoming a role model and potent influence.” The way I see it, either of those developments may happen in the coming weeks. Without suffering any pangs of self-consciousness, you could suddenly find yourself thrust into a higher, brighter, more powerful state of being. I doubt there’ll be any stress or strain involved. Rather, it will naturally occur while you’re being your strong-minded, expansive self, trying simply to rearrange the world to conform to your vision of paradise.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Soon it will probably be time for you to wrap up the Season of Exploration. You’ve surveyed the outlands and fringe areas enough for now, right? I’m guessing that you’ve reconnoitered the forbidden zones so thoroughly that you may not need to do any more probing. Or am I wrong about this? Am I underestimating your longing to push out to the frontiers and beyond? Maybe your brushes with exotic creatures and tempting adventures have whetted your appetite for even more escapades. I’ll tell you what, Capricorn: I’m going to trust your intuition on this one. Are you ready to rein in your risk-taking, or are you hungry for more? AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): When I was living in Los Angeles in the summer of 1986, I had a memorable dream. In the dream, I was dancing with God. As best as I can describe it, the Divine Wow was a female whirlwind exuding cool blue fire and singing ecstatic melodies. Now and then I caught a glimpse of something that resembled a face and body, but mostly she was a sparkling fluidic vortex that I moved in and out of as we floated and tumbled and leaped. The contact was so vivid and visceral that from that day forward I never again said, “I believe in God.” My experience was as real as making love with a human being; “belief” was irrelevant. I predict that you will soon have a comparable encounter with a primal force, Aquarius — whatever passes for “God” in your world. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): The eighthcentury theologian known as the Venerable Bede compared our existence to a sparrow that flies in the window of a royal castle while the king is enjoying a winter feast with his entourage. Outside, a snowstorm is raging. Inside, there’s a big fire in the hearth that keeps everyone warm. But the sparrow doesn’t stay in this welcoming place; it quickly flies out another window on the other side of the dining room, refraining from plucking any of the delicious scraps of food the revelers have discarded. Bede says that the sparrow’s actions are like ours in our own approach to living our lives. Well, guess what, Pisces: I don’t think that will be true for you in the coming months. Judging from the astrological omens, I suspect that once you fly into the feast room, you won’t depart like a restless, confused wanderer. You will linger.

[September 16-22] Check Out Rob Brezsny’s Expanded Weekly Audio Horoscopes & Daily Text Message HoroscopeS: or 1-877-873-4888

quirks/astrology 77

A California appeals court declared that a Roseville shopping mall’s attempt to regulate conversation is unconstitutional. The Westfield Galleria behavioral-enforcement rule banned anyone in the mall’s

Avoirdupois Follies

had only paid for one seat,” the 5’4”, 110-pound bootee said, adding that Southwest Airlines personnel berated her when she questioned their action. Airline official Marilee McInnis admitted Southwest “should have handled it better” and promised the airline would apologize. (The Sacramento Bee)


First-Amendment Follies

out a third-party access.” (The Sacramento Bee)


Arnold Morris, 77, explained that he accidentally shot his wife of 54 years in the chest while the couple was training for “robbery scenarios” at their home in Cocoa, Fla. Brevard County authorities said Patricia Morris, 72, underwent surgery and is expected to recover. (Orlando’s WKMG-TV)

senior general manager. Asked by an attorney for plaintiff Matthew Snatchko, who challenged the rule, if it prohibits approaching strangers to talk about any other subject than the mall, Farnam testified: “It doesn’t prohibit you. It just means you have to come in and fill out the application for third-party access for noncommercial” speech. When the attorney asked if a sports fan would be violating the rules to tell a stranger, “Hope you’re supporting the Giants this week,” Farnam answered: “You can go in and again fill

Police charged Cedric R. Newton, 52, with reckless discharge of a firearm after he used a .38-caliber revolver to chase a bat from his home in Maplewood, Minn., claiming it “attacked” his wife. Newton wounded the bat but not before shooting into an adjoining townhouse, where officers found three bullets in its freshly painted walls, a dent in a metal closet door and a dent in the stove. “Newton told police that he had the presence of mind to have his wife go upstairs while he shot at the bat,” the criminal complaint said, “but apparently gave no consideration to the surrounding townhomes.” (Minneapolis’s Star Tribune)

common areas from “approaching patrons with whom he or she was not previously acquainted for the purpose of communicating with them on a topic unrelated to the business interests” of the mall or its tenants. Anyone intending to talk about anything other than the mall, including the weather or to ask directions to somewhere outside the mall, must submit a written application for permission “four days in advance.” The three-judge panel’s opinion cited the deposition of Gavin Farnam, the Galleria’s

78 comics + puzzles

SEVEN DAYS 09.15.10-09.22.10

ted rall

lulu eightball

idiot box





Using the enclosed math operations as a guide, fill the grid using the numbers 1 - 6 only once in each row and column.









Complete the following puzzle by using the numbers 1-9 only once in each row, column and 3 x 3 box.


6 3 8 2 8 9 2

3÷ 2÷ 2-



7 5 1 9 3


1 6

6 4-




7 3 9



Difficulty - Medium




8 7 3 Difficulty - Hard

No. 133




Fill the grid using the numbers 1-6, only once in each row and column. The numbers in each heavily outlined “cage” must combine to produce the target number in the top corner, using the mathematical operation indicated. A one-box cage should be filled in with the target number in the top corner. A number can be repeated within a cage as long as it is not the same row or column.



































★ = MODERATE ★ ★ = CHALLENGING ★ ★ ★ = HOO, BOY! —

Place a number in the empty boxes in such a way that each row acrosss, each column down and each 9-box square contains all of the numbers one to nine. The same numbers cannot be repeated in a row or column.

5 9 3 4 6 1 2 7 8 6 2 8 7 3 9 5 1 4 7 1 4 2 8 5 6 9 3 FIND ANSWERS & CROSSWORD IN THE CLASSIFIEDS SECTION 3 7 1 9 2 8 4 6 5 8 4 5 1 7 6 9 3 2 9 6 2 3 5 4 7 8 1 4 5 7 8 9 3 1 2 6 1 3 9 6 4 2 8 5 7 2 8 6 5 1 7 3 4 9








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on a lazy day w/ someone special, but I also love to hit the road & do something different. I think true enjoyment comes not only from what you do, but who you do it with. I believe in honesty, loyalty & karma. itsmeinvt, 35, #118929

For relationships, dates, flirts and i-spys:

What’s Up? I’m kind, smart, determined. “It takes two hands to clap.” In other words, if you want me to give you my all, I expect the same. Don’t want to be the only one making an effort. MissMina, 21, u, l, #118887

Women Seeking Men

little package of hard-core fun Born-again kid on the outside, yet w/ the wisdom of age on the inside. If the way to your heart is through your stomach, then call me Cupid. Looking for someone who is young at heart, content in their own skin, realistic in their expectations, and who knows how to stop & smell the daisies. karmic_playmate, 36, l, #118935 Sexy, athletic, loving, independent woman I am a woman of color who has lived in Vermont for about 15 years. I am a long-distance runner, healer, motivator & strong advocate for those who are learning to be empowered. I am also a sensitive, sensual babe who loves to be cuddled by strong arms. I am seeking someone who is assertive, self-confident, fun & sexy. Wanna play? Isis1, 46, #118934

All the action is online. Browse more than 2000 local singles with profiles including photos, voice messages, habits, desires, views and more. It’s free to place your own profile online. Don't worry, you'll be in good company, photos of l See this person online.

this person’s u Hear voice online.

not on the ‘net?

You can leave voicemail for any of the nice folks above by calling:


A first time for everything I am a sensitive, thoughtful but playful, lover of the outdoors & animals who seeks a fun-loving playmate for friendship & possibly more. I love art, music, philosophical conversations, sunsets, skinny dipping, sex & a great wine. You choose the order. I’m easygoing, kind & I live for a good laugh, but never at anyone’s expense; especially yours. LoverofEntropy, 50, l, #118794 first time Hey, there. I am looking for a nice woman to love me for who I am & I will do the same. I am a very caring person. I like to have fun, play cards & board games. I do not like head games. If there is anything else, just ask & I will tell. tigger17, 47, l, #118783 jokester looking for luvbug :) I am a fun-loving, easygoing, country woman who likes to cuddle during a good movie. I love to cook. I am an outgoing person who likes to do anything outside. I am all about honesty & being kind, so I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. 118768, 40, u, #118768 Playful, pensive, gender-fluid Woman Thoughtful, loyal, kind woman who tries to anticipate others’ needs. I can be very shy when I like someone, but in a group I’m very outgoing. I love to laugh. Not looking for a relationship; looking for chemistry, passion, romance, intimacy, without completly distracting each other from our lives. Let’s have fun w/ no U-Haul! Dncngwolf, 30, #118759

Men seeking Women

Dare to fail to succeed I try to add adventure to most things I do. I love the tranquility of being home

ALL YOU WOULD EVER NEED Well, I’m 27, 5’10, about 138 lbs.,

PROFILE of the week: Men seeking Men Life’s a beach

Grad student always feeling like the third wheel. Enjoys good concerts, sporting events, the outdoors, staying active, road trips, big cities & the beach. Burlington is great but would be more fun to share w/ someone w/ similar interests. BFAM12, 24, l, #118941 FROM HIS ONLINE PROFILE: Two books everyone should read are: The Alchemist and A Short History of Nearly Everything. Imaginative, creative, funny OK, so here it is: I’m young & somewhat fresh out of college, still trying to sort the whole career thing out & working on a writing project. Life is new & exciting, but something’s missing. I need a woman in my life to inspire me, lend an ear & have a good time with. IrishLad87, 23, l, #118913

dark complected, thin build. I am the submissive type; I will do just about what it takes to please. I am a homebody looking for love. Some of my interests are cars, computers & vintage audio equipment. Please, only those who are looking for a serious relationship. Will send pic upon request. BOYPRINCE, 27, #118869

earthy, empathic, everything I am most happy when I can express myself by creating. You create your reality; it’s MAGIC! I’m seeking a serious relationship & I don’t do casual well. I need emotional connection in order to make it worthwhile. catch4u7, 38, l, #118912

work hard play hard Independent, fun guy, new to town, looking for friends & fun! Like all things outdoors, especially sun, swimming, boating, tennis, walking, skiing. Believe in making the most of the week & the weekend. Travel a lot, but like to return home to have friends over & cook, party & live! simpatico, 40, u, l, #118826

passionate, cynical, optimist Vintage model ready to go for a spin after 20 years in the barn. I vaguely remember what this is all about, looking for women w/ lightness of being who are well grounded to share experiences both new & known. Let’s see if sparks fly before we fan the flames. “Life is what happens when we are busy making plans.” newfriend, 46, l, #118853

Pretty & witty & bright I basically spend my time working & then quickly transition to hanging out w/ my friends at my cute apartment or at the bars. I like to meet new people & I’m very social. Honestly, I am a good, caring person who just wants to enjoy life & have a good time. bakey388, 22, l, #118747

Crazy Redneck Irish I am looking for a no-bullshit relationship. I am tired of games. I am interested in hiking, long walks, swimming & riding aroud. No druggies, however I am 420 friendly. dreamdriver, 25, l, #118900 Stable, Multifaceted, Creative, Hardworking! Composing this ad is more difficult than I thought! Available now is a kind, motivated, grounded, attractive man who works hard to achieve his goals, but can relax from time to time, as well! I love living in such a

nicest guy around looking for the same. I am honest and kind, caring and affectionate. I live in a small cabin overlooking the mountains and the sunset,- i just need someone to share in this peace and beauty. Life is always better if you can share your happiness with one special person. Maybe you’re the one. bluejay123, 57, l, #110281

more risqué? turn the page

personals 81

Intelligent, fun, animal lover You have to meet me to really know me; I guess I’m kind of hard to describe. I go to school part time & work on a dairy farm & love it! I’m a really hard worker & my life is really busy, but I enjoy my down time & hanging out or watching movies w/ friends & dog. melba714, 22, l, #118901

You read Seven Days, these people read Seven Days — you already have at least one thing in common!

Fun, kind-hearted & real! I’m an intelligent, creative, artistic woman. I am looking for someone who is intelligent, social, confident & outgoing. I would like to meet someone who likes to have fun & try new things. I am interested in meeting someone w/ a good sense of humor & a kind heart. HoneyTipped, 28, l, #118827

Men seeking Men


dating sites are kinda stupid I am sarcastic, enthusiastic & fun. I don’t deal w/ bullshit; I’m a real ass person. This whole website thing is stupid, but I just transferred to UVM & I don’t really know anyone, so I am just trying to meet people any way I can. drs930, 18, l, #118904


The relaxed, funny, movie fanatic I’m a college student, improv comedian, amazing cook, writer & music/movie fanatic. I love: guitar players, girls w/ a good sense of humor, old souls, indie geeks & piercings/tattoos. mynameisK7, 20, l, #118894

Gut feeling requires dessert I love the outdoors & being around the water. Sarcastic & fun loving is my nature. A good sense of humor is paramount. I love to travel & hope to do more as the years go by. Guess I will leave it at that for the moment. Chainlink, 40, #118923

Yours For A Song Musical guy seeking vocalist for ukelele duo. Or I can sing while you play harmonica. Don’t play? Lessons available! Let’s have dinner & work up an act. Or see a show at the Lost Nation Theater. Or go contradancing at the Cap. City Grange or elsewhere in northern Vermont. Or? SoulMan, 52, #118403


Cute, bubbly & fun! My friend told me to just put myself out there, so that’s what I’m doing. I am looking for friendship, as well as dating. I am fun & energetic. I love to hang out w/ friends & go out at night, but also know when to be responsible. cutiepie, 18, l, #118916

Healthy, courageous, sunny, lifelong learner Life is good when I hike w/ my dog, enjoy a hot chocolate & then rest w/ a good book or attend a live musical performance w/ a friend. I am looking for conversation to start & then see where it goes. DreamDancer2, 59, l, #117989

More than a profile Most people would say I’m complex. I think a lot, feel very deeply; I’m intense & expressive. I’m also honest and have a gigantic sense of humor & joie de vivre. I value integrity & courage. Personal ads are impossibly small boxes in which to express who an individual is. I don’t expect you to fit in this box either. azubi2life, 29, l, #116460

Humorous, Athletic, Open Minded Looking to meet some new people. Very easygoing & like to have a good time. BTide123, 22, l, #118893

Confident seeks like-minded Gent I am a humanitarian by nature. Genuine, mindful & intuitive of the needs of others, and confident of my abilities. I deeply appreciate the wellness nature renders, physically & mentally. Ultimately, I seek longterm companionship, but for now, a gentleman who values keeping it simple, and anticipates moments of laughter & witty banter would suit me just fine ;). polishedcountrygirl, 45, l, #118903

Ready, set, laugh, adventure I strive daily for the balance between physical & intellectual activity. I also feel laughter & a good sense of humor can guide one through many situations. I also love the unexpected & adventure. I am looking for someone who is not afraid to get their hands dirty, enjoys outdoor adventures, travels & is able to think outside the box. Bikehikeski, 35, l, #118883

Women seeking Women

Nerdy, Creative, half-insane scientist So, my pitch: I recently moved here from a land far, far away & came to the realization that I work too much, talk too little & generally have no life whatsoever. plasticangel, 32, l, #118926

beautiful place. I am interested in finding some. Hope to hear from you soon! Multifaceted, 33, l, #118892

8” that’s always hard 23 y.o. M w/ 8” looking for a good girl who would do bad things w/ it. hard8, 23, u, #118818

For group fun, bdsm play, and full-on kink:

Women seeking?

Two sides of a Coin In a solid relationship, but he knows that I am bi & attracted to women. So we have agreed that I am allowed to find myself a woman friend w/ benefits. Because I have two school-age children I must be a mom first & the flip side of the coin second ... behind closed doors of course. Bi_Bi_Baby, 36, #118948 tall, skinny hottie I’m looking for someone to hang out with. I’m interested in getting to know FLVTGUY who moved to Vermont a month ago, but willing to meet others, ages 18-32. Sorry, not looking any older than 32; just the way I was brought up. I love to go swimming, for long late-night walks, dancing, fishing & much more. shybutsexy, 22, #118943

to lengthen/loosen under the skillful attention of one who would bend me to their desire. I am willful & have a strength of body/soul that necessitates equal strength of character. I long for the woman who possesses surety of self, razor-sharp wit & biting intellect to assuage my recent bout of vanilla. I need to ease into things but am wanting you to: Tie me up, tie me down, be my fingersmith, let me service you, unfetter through flagellation & release a river of tears to dance diamonds down my chest for you. Titillate & tickle me w/ words, skate the ice cool rim of boundaries & explore the geography of the flesh w/ me. Mkitty, 36, l, #118816 horny, fun-living sex kitten I am someone who is learning about herself & looking for a good time. I want to experience life to the fullest. I like to please & be pleased. haileysmommy, 24, l, #118803 Heteroflexible Domme looking to explore I am interested in exploring my interest in women. I would love to find a couple who would be interested in exploring w/ me. I tend to be a very protective person & take my responsibilities as a Domme


anyone out there? 19 y.o. student looking for someone to chat w/ over some coffee sometime. Nothing too serious, just some fun. Ability to hold conversation a must! Kwirked, 19, #118905 need a shake up In a dull relationship now. Feel like I am missing out on my sexual prime. Need someone to take me to the edge & over. New at experimentation/kink but sure have some great fantasies. Contact me if you want to tutor a newbie! morespice, 50, l, #118864

Naughty LocaL girLs waNt to coNNect with you



¢Min 18+

82 personals


looking for hot fun Nerdy babe looking for some discreet 1x1c-mediaimpact030310.indd 3/1/10 1:15:57 PM fun. Pleasure me & I will1pleasure you :). nerdybabe, 22, #118846 My drugs are sex/coffee Enjoying my life one day at a time. Adding some more fun would be even more fulfilling. I would be more than happy to send you photos, but I don’t have the equipment for it. I could send pictures through cell/text. I don’t think I would disappoint you. kk, 37, #118822 Purrrrr By day I am nothing if not appropriate/ professional. By shadow of gloaming, I can be all things feral. I carry within the dark rider of need which wants

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seriously. I enjoy flogging, bondage, role play, service, being pampered & leather. I am mid-20s, average looking, w/ a few extra pounds. shywhitelily, 26, #109252 Submissive, fun, open minded I’m basically tired of the regular guy for dating. I’m seeking a mentor who can teach me the ways of BDSM. I’ve never been spanked but I’d love for a strong man to take me over his knee. RockemSockem, 30, l, #118433 real woman for grown-up play Happily married woman in an openminded relationship seeking a similar F friend w/ benefits for one-on-one play. btvplayer, 41, l, #118193 Submissive seeking respectful Dom I’m new to all this. Mid-20s F looking for someone patient & experienced to show me the ropes (literally). I expect discretion & respect. In return, you will receive a highly responsive & eager sub. stardusted, 26, #118028

Men seeking?

soft core or hard core Looking for new adventures, either sexual or not. Looking to have a good time between the sheets, on the town, or place of your choice. knottyboyvt, 26, #118919 tall, large, dominant Not really sure what to say here. Looking for a bit of fun but new to the interweb scene. sonj82, 25, #118910 sensual/dominate Looking for a women to explore sexual fun & adventure. Hidden wants & desires. Pleasing you, flogging, spankings, kissing, role play. She needs to be fun loving & open minded. Long-lasting excitement for grown-up play. dominateu, 46, u, l, #118867 Hispanic Student Loves American Ladies Foreign student from South America. Love American women. Love experimenting & I have experience in outdoors, BDSM, etc. spanishgardener, 20, #118865 yoUR NEW SEX TOY Just looking for fun. Whatever you are willing to do, I’m down. UrNextToy69, 18, l, #118849 play w/ me Just want sex w/ a woman (all kinds). WM, 39, 6’2, 220, brown/blue. If you want an NSA thing, send me an email & we can see if we are for each other. justforyou, 39, #115535 Outgoing, Athletic, Country, Funny, Motivated I’m an athletic, down-to-earth man looking for some excitement & someone fun, who wants to hook up or hang out & see what happens. I am clean & expect the same. If you want some pics, shoot me a message! greeneyes85, 25, l, #118823

Fantasy Fulfillment My erotic pleasure comes from revealing inner secrets w/ a sexual partner, and the anticipation & acting out of the fantasies that have been neglected for too long. I believe that what we daydream about can be fun & stimulating to explore. I love sexy dress, talking dirty, outdoor nudity & being bad together. Tonydv9, 53, #118809 looking to explore Mid-20s, white, athletic, outdoorsy, dog lover, 5’10, good looking, trustworthy & clean, looking for like girl or man/ girl couple to have their way w/ me & teach me some things. Open minded & willing. New to this as well? Learn together? Newatthis27, 24, #118795

you are interested in something you don’t see listed as an interest, don’t be shy to recommend. mattylikesit, 37, l, #118644 Fierce Appetite for Play I’m looking for a woman to satisfy my appetite! Discreet encounters, mutual pleasuring, here & there. I’m clean, fit, above average looks, fun. Hoping for the same in you. UNTAMED, 46, #118640

Other seeking?

Stone Butch Daddy I believe in the transformational power of words, intent & actions. I believe we need to cry more. I want to make you cry: for more, for relief, for release. Sometimes I’ll stand back & watch. Keep you dangling on the edge a little longer than you thought you could. Sometimes I’ll join you & cry like a child. PapaBearVT, 39, #111977

Kink of the week: Men seeking?

FlatLander needs tree hugged! Just moved to VT a month ago! I am looking to finally get my full kink on. I am a college graduate. I work in the medical field. I just want hot, filthy, crazy, NSA sex & fun. So let’s hop on this good foot & do our bad thing. I have pics to trade or can take some. So just message me! FLVTGUY, 28, l, #118819 FROM HIS ONLINE PROFILE: What is the freakiest place you’ve ever had sex in Vermont? The bed of a fire truck and the back of an ambulance...yup! Love to give Oral Bored w/ my sex life; want to get out & have some fun. Have a great sex drive & a great imagination. If you want to play & have fun, let me know. lax34, 46, l, #118788 Looking to have fun Looking for NSA fun. Me: 8.5” cut, not shy about how I am or what I do. If you want to know, just ask & I will tell you all about me. timetoplay, 29, #118785 Love Naked Outdoor Activities Let’s get naked & jump in the pond. Tall, thin, open-minded WM looking for similar in the opposite sex. Willing to try new things & play role reversals. VTRider, 50, u, l, #105424 Rainy Day Fun Looking to fill my days w/ a little excitement. The stick season is just around the corner, so what better time to set aside a day for extracurricular activities? rainydayfun, 34, l, #118765 Just A Guy Looking for girls & seeing who’s out there. If you’re game for fun times, let me know. Justaguy2010, 31, l, #118714 sexy merman Connected to another but just too much to offer. I love a woman who knows what she wants & is comfortable in her own skin. Looking for absolute discretion & a whole ton of fun. Guaranteed to make you smile or your money back! ragemachine, 42, #118682 SpiceO’Life Looking for a little extracurricular fun. I’m very open minded so if

Secure couple looking to play We are the couple next door w/ jobs, kids, parents & pets to care for, and no one would ever guess we have an amazing sex life that is ready to take the next step. Would like a couple we can date & see if it clicks. If nothing else, we’ve made some good friends. CareerCouple, 38, l, #118879 Sexy, crazy couple for fun Happily married couple looking for women, man or couple to play with. Maybe some dirty emails, then drinks & ... breakfast. THgreen802, 32, #118868 nice trans woman I’ve been a trans woman now for 2 years & live full time looking for someone nice 7 caring who knows how to treat a tgirl. candy1982, 40, #118855 Sexy Couple Professional couple looking for the right woman to bring a little extra spice to our already hot sex life. Discretion a must. We are fun & playful! ordinarycouple1301, 39, #118687 Couple looking for same! Early 40s couple looking for same for swinging, swapping, lots of fun! Start with text, meet, then the fun starts. Both of us are attractive, but have a few extra pounds. Email us! Hornycpl, 42, #118604

too intense?

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i Spy

If you’ve been spied, go online to contact your admirer!

Dave Grippo Funk band Hey! We were dancing at Nectar’s to Dave Grippo Funk band. I was in a striped button-down & denim hat, you were in a flowery dress. We were headed back to your place for some fun afterward when I lost you! I’ll keep my eyes open for you next time I’m downtown. When: Saturday, September 11, 2010. Where: Nectar’s. You: Woman. Me: Man. #908004 You make MY day... Every time I see you (in the blue shirt) while doing my most hated chore. You have amazing eyes & a beautiful smile. Thank you. :) When: Saturday, September 11, 2010. Where: S. Burlington CSWD. You: Man. Me: Woman. #908003 Essex Dunkin’ Donuts Turbo Coffee You light up the place w/ your big smile; lately I’ve noticed a spring in your step, also! Looks like you have been bitten by the love bug & I missed my opportunity? I wish I had worked up the courage to ask you out before! (You are blonde, drive a white Audi & your name begins with an “M”!) When: Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Where: Essex Dunkin’ Donuts. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907997

Boy at the club We met at a club & have been hanging out ever since. I want things to move further w/ us & hope you feel the same way :) When: Thursday, August 26, 2010. Where: a club. You: Man. Me: Woman. #907990 Love that yogurt I didn’t know you had left. I didn’t know you were back. I don’t have a

BUY-CURIOUS? If you’re thinking about buying a home, see all Vermont properties online: homes

Gorgeous Girl at Essex CC on TUESDAY You were working at Essex CC on Tues. afternoon when I finished a round of 18 w/ my Dad. I bought a Powerade & you had to get more quarters. You didn’t play golf & had only teed off a few times. Should have asked if you wanted to try golf again. Would you wanna get a drink or golf sometime? When: Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Where: Essex Country Club. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907984 Stunning Hiker W/ her Rottie Oscar. You were wearing pajama-like shorts & asked if I was OK w/ dogs. I was too out of breath to elaborate on being an animal lover. Would you like to hike together? When: Friday, August 20, 2010. Where: Burrows Trail. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907983 Sexy smile at Sweetwaters To the sweet blonde bombshell working on the front porch at Sweetwaters: Your smile is divine, I love that little space between your teeth & your rack is exceptional, as well. Your boyfriend better treat you like a queen; if not, I’d love to. Get at me, beautiful. When: Wednesday, September 1, 2010. Where: Sweetwaters. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907982 Wow! The moon in your hair, that turquoise skirt & your eyes ... all I can say is “Wow!” When: Tuesday, September 7, 2010. Where: in my dreams. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907981 Catching the Night Train I was sitting at the bar & you were getting some drinks. We ended up dancing the rest of the night. Should`ve taken you home, but I`m a slow learner. Never heard from you; looking for more? When: Friday, August 27, 2010. Where: On Tap. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907980

Burlington Bagel Bakery 9/4 You had a bike on your car; I had a dog in mine. I was wearing a pink dress. You caught me at my very worst, after days of not sleeping, but you seemed interesting & nice. When: Saturday, September 4, 2010. Where: Burlington Bagel Bakery.

Your guide to love and lust...

mistress maeve Dear Mistress Maeve,

I’ve been with my lady for a year. We have things in common that I’ve had a hard time finding in other women, like a love for anime and endless hours spent playing video games. The sex is pretty good, too, so I feel like a lucky guy most of the time. However, we definitely have a communication problem. Like any couple, there are little things about one another that bug us, and we seem to not talk about them until they fester into big arguments. After a few huge explosions, we keep coming back to the same impasse: How can we be together if we can’t talk? For my part, I know I wait too long to talk about my issues with her, but when I do get around to it, she reacts with anger and shuts down. We agree that we need to work on this, but I feel like I’m the only one making strides. I don’t want to lose her, but I don’t like where we’re headed. Help?


Dear C.B.,

Communication Breakdown

Need advice?


personals 83

Email me at or share your own advice on my blog at


With open honesty,


Hats off to you for wanting to strengthen your communication skills and hang on to this rare breed of woman — not all of us like to spend our Saturday nights watching Japanese anime marathons. That said, if you’re going to win this battle, you can’t be the only one leading the charge. Are you sure your lady is willing to fight the good fight with you? If she’s on the defense, you may be wasting your time — time you could be spending playing video games. Have a talk with your girlfriend to determine whether you’re on the same page; she must understand your communication issues and be willing to match your concerted efforts to improve. If you collectively decide to move forward, set aside one evening per week to have open dialogue about your relationship. Discuss both the challenges and successes of the week. Support each other while asking for what you each need. Sure, this may seem awkward at first, but you must retrain your brains to be open and honest with each other. Eventually, with enough practice, it will become second nature.

Brandonnxp New to Burlington? I would love to show you around! Fall is a beautiful chance. I don’t care. You made my time of year in Vermont & offers MANY day! When: Wednesday, September Steampunk, -degraded-, Christian things to do! And I couldn’t agree more1x3-cbhb-personals-alt.indd 1 6/14/10 2:39:13 PM 8, 2010. Where: shopping. You: “Apologetics” & around ... it’s definitely more about who you Woman. Me: Man. #907989 are w/ than where you are. Let’s laugh If your name starts w/ an S then this is & have some fun. When: Thursday, for you. It was good pretend. (It may not Red-headed QT September 9, 2010. Where: online. have been good pretend :( *swarms* I spy a sexy redhead in a grey Buick. You: Man. Me: Woman. #907996 If the opportunity were to arise at I have seen you around Johnson & “seek pardon”, who’d grasp it? This may Waterbury. You have a cute little robyn s reveal too much ... To be continued? dog named Pookie. I have spied you You pretty much a wild thing. Wearing Put “wrong again” or -too late- in the before in Johnson. Who are YOU?! John Deere hoodie that you stole from subject line so you know it’s you. When: When: Tuesday, September 7, 2010. me. Me about to be eaten up. Oh, sorry Tuesday, September 21, 2010. Where: Where: driving through Johnson. about the raccoon under your car. in a fiction about a real painting. You: Woman. Me: Woman. #907988 When: Thursday, September 9, 2010. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907979 Where: upstairs tripping over my shoe. Sexy Skater In Johnson Beauty on JetBlue from NY You: Woman. Me: Man. #907995 You: awesome skateboarder w/ a Sexy beauty on JetBlue flight 148 cute little Yorkie. Looking good, Taco. robyn s from NY to Burlington on 9/6. You When: Thursday, September 9, I’m still upset that I hit that raccoon w/ were wearing maroon pants & 2010. Where: Johnson skate park. your Subaru & that it made that face sitting right in front of us in 14C. You: Man. Me: Woman. #907987 at me. I love you & I’m sorry about your We (husband & I) noticed you doing car’s raccoon-splattered underbelly. a little yoga in the terminal. We’re Call me When: Wednesday, September 8, wondering if a couple would be your I just like the way you make me feel & 2010. Where: her parents’ place. thing. When: Monday, September I’d like to feel that way again. When: You: Woman. Me: Man. #907994 6, 2010. Where: JetBlue flight. You: Friday, May 21, 2010. Where: in bed. Woman. Me: Woman. #907978 You: Man. Me: Woman. #907986 Paging Dr. Daddy Flattop Gymkhana Lady Thank you for making sure I wasn’t Shaw’s pharmacy shelburne rd. butt-pregnant in the ER last night. Your You: competitor wearing denim, Blonde woman checking out w/ a hand Ahnuld impersonation made the night blue helmet, riding a blond Shetland basket at the pharmacy counter at go by much faster! When: Wednesday, w/ friend riding a paint, your name about 1:45. I was behind you in line September 8, 2010. Where: FAHC ER, maybe Kerstan. Me: silent guy on & was about to say “hi” as you turned 11 p.m. You: Man. Me: Man. #907993 bleachers. We share a passion for around. But I was captivated by your horses; maybe we could share more. smile & just watched as you walked Roller Chick at Berlin Applebee’s When: Friday, September 3, 2010. away. Would like to see that smile Smoking-hot roller chick at the Berlin Where: Champlain Valley Expo. You: again! When: Tuesday, September 7, Applebee’s on 8/25. You were a sight Woman. Me: Man. u #907977 2010. Where: Shaw’s Shelburne Rd. for sore eyes & a salve for my bruised You: Woman. Me: Man. #907985 TOFU Bulk-style mood. Thanks for being there & being awesome. When: Wednesday, August You: deciphering packages of tofu w/ 25, 2010. Where: Berlin Applebee’s. your deep, entrapping eyes & settled You: Woman. Me: Woman. #907991 for the bulk. Me: unsuccessfully tried

many times to find a noncreepy hello. I’ve never done that or this before. No to drinks, but maybe delicious veggie lasagna? Now or in the future. When: Saturday, September 4, 2010. Where: City Market/Onion River COOP. You: Woman. Me: Man. #907976

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