七天 第740期 2021

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SEPT DAYS 加 拿 大 七 天 传 媒

城 市 山 河 之 间, QUINZECENT 期待着您的到来!


位于34,35和36层的超豪华时尚转角单元 饱览蒙特利尔无限奢华景观 欲知更多,敬请莅临我们的销售展示中心

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展示中心 1441 RENÉ-LÉVESQUE OUEST MONTRÉAL QC CANADA (514) 315 - 1500 1500montreal.ca

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展示中心 539, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Montréal QC Canada 1squarephillips.ca (514) 617 - 9999

Cough into your sleeve

Wash your hands

Let’s continue Let’s continue to protect ourselves! to protect ourselves! Let’s continue to protect ourselves! Keep your Cover Wash Cough intocontinue Let’s distance your face your hands your sleeve to protect ourselves!

20-210-232W-Pubs_port-masque_ang_14sept_.indd 1

Cough into your sleeve

Wash your hands

Keep Keep your your distance distance Cough into Keep your your sleeve distance

Cover Cover your your face face Wash Cover your yourhands face

Keep your Keep your distance distance

Cover Cover your face face your

Québec.ca/coronavirus Québec.ca/coronavirus 11 877 877 644-4545 644-4545 Québec.ca/coronavirus

20-210-232W-Pubs_port-masque_ang_14sept_.indd 1 20-210-232W-Pubs_port-masque_ang_14sept_.indd 1

Keep your distance

1 877 644-4545

Cover your face


20-210-232W-Pubs_port-masque_ang_14sept_.indd 1

1 877 644-4545 Québec.ca/coronavirus

20-210-232W-Pubs_port-masque_ang_14sept_.indd 1

1 877 644-4545 Québec.ca/coronavirus

1 877 644-4545 20-210-232W-Pubs_port-masque_ang_14sept_.indd 1

Mandatory for people age 10 and over on public transit and in most enclosed and partially enclosed public places. Mandatory for people age 10 and over on public transit and in most enclosed and partially enclosed public places.

20-09-14 11:14 20-210-232W 20-210-232W

1 877 644-4545

Mandatory for people Mandatory Mandatory for for people people age 10 and over age 10 and over on age 10 and over on on public transit and public transit and in in most enclosed and public transit most enclosed andin Mandatory forand people partially enclosed partially enclosed age 10 and over on public places. places.and public transit in most enclosed and most enclosed and partially enclosed partially enclosed public places. public places.



20-09-14 11:14 20-09-14 11:14 20-210-232W

Wash Wash your your hands hands Wash your hands

20-09-14 11:14

20-210-232W 20-210-232W 20-210-232W

Cough Cough into into your your sleeve sleeve Cough into your sleeve


Mandatory for people age 10 and over on public transit and in most enclosed and partially enclosed public places.

20-09-14 11:14

20-09-14 11:14

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YU L二 期




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