七天 第767期 2021

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SEPT DAYS 加 拿 大 七 天 传 媒

城 市 山 河 之 间, QUINZECENT 期待着您的到来!


位于34,35和36层的超豪华时尚转角单元 饱览蒙特利尔无限奢华景观 欲知更多,敬请莅临我们的销售展示中心

了 解 更 多

展示中心 1441 RENÉ-LÉVESQUE OUEST MONTRÉAL QC CANADA (514) 315 - 1500 1500montreal.ca

现 正 施工中

【壹】览万象 【号】令蒙城 【菲利普广场】 蒙特利尔最高住宅楼 最受追捧的地段楼盘 万众期待的城中之王


展示中心 539, rue Sainte-Catherine Ouest Montréal QC Canada 1squarephillips.ca (514) 617 - 9999

满城及南岸华人服务中心 Service À La Famille Chinoise Du Grand Montréal Centre Sino-Québec De La Rive-Sud

【免费送职业服装,华服中心帮助女性进入职场】(满城) 正在求职或即将进入职场的经济困难的女性可至华服中心报名,参加 合作机构的免费送职业装(非全新)+讲座活动。报名需提供登陆纸/ 枫叶卡,岛内地址及长期工卡号报名邮箱:Guiying.wang@famillechinoise.qc.ca,Jianbing.nie@famillechinoise.qc.ca,Keke.li@famillechinoise.qc.ca

【魁省就业部资助移民就业项目】(满城) 帮助申请政府就业津贴和就业帮扶项目、职业规划指导、专业培训 课程推荐、面试辅导、招聘信息。(需要长期工卡号和岛内地址)咨


【家庭辅导及新移民融入计划】 证件的申请及更新、政府福利的介绍与申请、魁省社会生活法 律政策介绍及咨询。咨询分机:200(满城),229(南岸)

【移民部免费法语班】 免费&可領取政府补助的移民部非全日制法语班!面向所有新 老移民,公民,CSQ/CAQ / 学签/工签持有者及难民申请者开 放。详情见中心网站--满城https://famillechinoise.qc.ca/ch/ services/cours-langues-ch,南岸www.centresinoquebec.com

【Zoom免费就业讲座】 满城-10月21日周四,12:00-13:00,主题:加拿大教育储蓄计划 报名邮箱:assistant.benevolat@famillechinoise.qc.ca

咨询电话 满城:(514) 861-5244 南岸:(450) 445-6666 满城新址:1088 Rue Clark, 3e étage,Montréal, QC, H2Z 1K2 (橙线 , Place d armes 地铁站附近、中山公园斜对面,请用电梯上三楼);南岸: 7209, Boul. Taschereau, #108, Brossard, QC, J4Y 1A1 (南岸金发超市隔壁)

We all want We all want to know to know more about more about COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccination vaccination WHY SHOULD I GET VACCINATED? WHY SHOULD I GET VACCINATED?

It protects against COVID-19 and helps you to avoid becoming Even ifCOVID-19 many people without It protectssick. against and recover helps you to being avoid treated, some frompeople COVID-19 or suffer heart or becoming sick. may Evendie if many recover without being lung problems like die pneumonia. The nervous system treated, some may from COVID-19 or suffer heartcan or also be affected. lung problems like pneumonia. The nervous system can also be affected.

Let’s continue to protect ourselves! continue ourselves! Over Let’s the coming months,to asprotect long as the great majority of the population is not yet vaccinated, remain. Over the coming months, as long as COVID-19 the great will majority of the population is not yet vaccinated, COVID-19 will remain.

Cover your face Cover your face

Cough into your sleeve Cough into your sleeve


Wash your hands Wash your hands

1 877 644-4545 Québec.ca/COVIDvaccine 1 877 644-4545

20-279-31A 20-279-31A

Keep your distance Keep your distance

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