June 24, 2023
Dear Friends:
I am pleased to extend my warmest greetings to everyone attending today’s event commemorating the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Immigration Act of 1923.
Also known as the Chinese Exclusion Act, this legislation had a profound and devastating impact on thousands of Chinese newcomers who dreamed of creating a new life in Canada, including those who risked their lives to help build and later maintain the Canadian Pacific Railway. You gather today to pay homage to all those who suffered as a result of the suspension of virtually all Chinese immigration between 1923 and 1947, both those in Canada, as well as their families and loved ones left behind in China.

Chinese communities in Canada deserved better, and still do, which is why we must continue to fight anti-Asian racism, violence and hate Today’s event provides an opportunity to reflect upon the important contributions that Canadians of Chinese descent have made, and continue to make, to our country’s history, identity and prosperity, and to renew our commitment to learning from the mistakes of our past so that we may build a stronger, more inclusive and more equitable Canada for future generations. Canada is truly a multicultural nation, made stronger and more resilient by our diversity.
Please accept my best wishes for a memorable commemoration.

The Rt. Hon. Justin P. J. Trudeau, P.C., M.P. Prime Minister of Canada

中华人民共和国驻蒙特利尔总领事馆 C -G th P R b Ch M 贺 信 欣闻 第六届全球华语朗诵大赛 即将收官 驻蒙特利 尔总领事馆谨向活动承办方魁北克中文学校 参赛选手和志 愿者表示热烈的祝贺和良好的祝愿 在 魁北克中文学校协会 等承办方的精心筹备以及选 手们的热情参与下 全球华语朗诵大赛 已成为领区推广 中华文化 促进华文教育发展的品牌项目 并为领区华文爱 好者交流学习提供了广阔平台 预祝本次朗诵比赛圆满收官 参赛选手都能取得理想的成绩 中华人民共和国驻蒙特利尔总领馆 二Ο二三年五月三十 日