She was a pretty,wealthy woman, her name was Nadia, her life was full of excitement and luxury. She was driving to her company in her red Gabriolet ,had a full schedule, e- meetings with her partners from all over the world, great collaborations , high executives from Italy, Spain, Turkey, Malta,Roumania , Greece.
Her favourite hobby was travelling all over the world but she was mostly keen on Safaris in Kenya. Wild animals always excited her but most of all she was attracted to rhinos. She spent endless hours watching them, observing their reactions ,their habits.
Nadia was pleased with her life. A successful gold medal holder in a European Math competition when she was only 15 years old
a successful business woman later and a lucky wife , too. She was married to a gentle man who adored fulfilling her ambitions, and making rich surprises on their anniversaries. Pearl, diamond rings and of course her red Cabriolet. How lucky she was ,indeed.
Yet there was something missing. Although she was in the lap of luxury ,tears were coming down her eyes at nights and a knob in her stomach kept her awake till the early hours. Her life dream has not been fulfilled yet. A baby in her arms, a wishful desire of years. And one day Nadia realized that she was pregnant ...and a few months later she was holding her little angel , the most valuable pearl who had set his handprint in her heart for ever.
She then realized that the real beauty is seen through the colourful glasses of life creation and is worth all the treasures of the world.