Selah Phillips
D Block
Hard Times How Jews Survived The Holocaust
ESCAPING THE HOLOCAUST Loosing Families Relocation Adaptation
$5.99 #44
Escaping The Holocaust For a portion of the 1900’s Jews were killed simply because they were Jewish. This was an issue for about ten years, it was called the holocaust. The holocaust was a time in which about 6 million European Jews were killed by the German Nazi’s. After world war 2 was a time period of struggle for the jewish survivors who had no families or homes, needed help to relocate, and had to learn a new way of life.
Jews lined up in a concentration camp
Loosing Famalies During the holocaust almost all Jews lost their families and homes. Many families were kicked out of there homes, or there homes were destroyed by the Nazi’s. Men and older boys who had families living no where had to fight against the Nazi’s and they were often shot. Some young children even ended up without homes and families which gave them nothing. Nazi’s would often capture multiple Jewish families, take them into the woods, dig a ditch, and one by one shoot them in the head so that they fell in and died. “‘There was a big pit and an officer went down the row and shot each one in the head and then they fell into the pit,’” (page 6566, After The War). This event happened to multiple families. Fortunately some children were able to hide when the rest of their families were taken to be killed. But the children couldn’t stay in their homes with no parents or siblings, so they had to relocate.
Relocation Many Jewish families and children had to relocate during the Holocaust. When children lost their families they were usually sent to concentration camps or on a journey to get to Israel. Relocation was a hard process for people because it was scary. When Jews were relocating they had to stay undercover as much as possible. When they traveled by truck they had to disguise the driver and the truck to blend in with the country that they were in. When they crossed borders they often had to distract the soldiers at the post so they could get through. And when they traveled by boat they had to hide below deck so the british planes or boats near by wouldn’t see them. People often got caught and arrested or killed though when they were relocating. “The search for safe haven was very difficult. The Evian Conference of 1938 showed this when almost every nation in attendance declined to change its immigration policy,” ( The Jews also had to find a place to live that wouldn’t kick them out or send them back to where they were coming from. Once, (or if) they did find a new home they had to adjust to they way of life that was lived wherever they were.
These two images show the trains that jews took to relocate and how many of them were in each car at a time.
This map shows the different immigration routes that Jews took when escaping Germany. Some Jews clearly had longer journeys but the more difficult ones were the routes that water was involved in.
Adaptation When Jews found new homes in different countries, or started living in concentration camps, they usually had to learn a new way of life. They were always adapting their lives based on where they were. When they moved to new places children were often, in hiding. Meaning that their parents wouldn’t even let them outside their houses. “For those who were not permitted to journey outside, life in hiding was often filled with pain, torment, and boredom,” ( But living in concentration camps was much worse. They had to do a lot of labor on empty stomachs and terrible sleep. “Jewish prisoners in the camps during the Holocaust suffered forced labor, starvation rations and the horrific daily lineups,” ( Clearly, pretty much wherever Jews were living during the holocaust, life was rough.
What if? Even though the holocaust was a terrible time in history, with Jews being lonely, having to relocate, and adapt to their horrible living circumstances, it was also a very important time in our history. The holocaust is still important to our world today because it actually happened, people actually did horrible things to Jews because they were Jewish. A lot of people are still like this today, what if people become so horrific towards others that it happens again?
Quick Timeline
1933-Nazis set up the first Pogrom-Violent attacks against Jews. concentration camp and Nazis-A German nation strongly against holocaust began. Jews. 1934-Jewish newspapers can Ghetto-An isolated place where Jews were no longer be sold. sent. 1935-Jews are deprived of Torah-Central reference to Judaism. citizenship and other important Hora-A circle dance that the Jews did when rights. they were able to enjoy themselves. 1936-Jewish businesses are Mossad-The national intelligence agency boycotted by Nazis. for Israel. 1937-New concentration Rock Quarry-Where Germans forced labor camps open up. on Jews, very strict environment 1938-Jews are forced to be in Irgun-A policy/group of people the Jews certain places at certain times. followed. 1939-World War II began. Kibbutzim-A community in Israel based on 1940-Many Jews are put in agriculture. Ghettos and first mass-murder Haganah-A Jewish paramilitary of Jews occurs. organization in Palestine. 1941-Jews can't leave there homes with out permission. 1942-Jews are forbidden to do Bibliography many every day things such "HISTORY OF THE HOLOCAUST - TIME as, go to school, buy certain LINE |." The Holocaust History - A People's foods, and use public and Survivor History - N.p., transportation. n.d. Web. 06 June 2017. 1943-80% of the Jewish population has been United States Holocaust Memorial murdered. Museum. United States Holocaust 1944-Hitler took over Hungary Memorial Museum, n.d. Web. 06 June 2017. and had over 10,000 Jews murdered each day. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 June 1945-The Holocaust and 2017. World War II end.