Dedication To my daughter Megan, thank you for your loving support.Your Purpose and birth gifts of art and intuition with amazing courage brought design, structure and beauty to an idea that was only a pile of scribbled notes and hand sketched drawings. I love you and appreciate you. 7ven Community is alive because of you. Mom
Mission of 7ven Community Find Your Purpose Share Your Purpose do you know what your purpose is ?
are you living it and sharing it with the world ?
Purpose: The reason for which anything is don, created,or exists of
Much gratitude to @RudyTanzi for asking the question on twitter: How would you describe “collective self-awareness�? This question prompted the mission statement for 7venCommunity.
Preface We all have something unique to contribute during our journey here but many of us were not given permission as children to creatively explore our Divine Gifts. Many of us saw only a glimpse of our Purpose, letting our Dreams go at an early age, as adults told us it was impossible. I have a vision that we ALL can and should reclaim our Purpose. We should pursue our Dreams with passion, never giving up on our birthright of happiness. Knowing that our Source is Divine, we can restore our individual talents to help the collective community achieve infinite potential. It doesn’t mean we quit our day jobs and go do that “thing” we once loved… Although it may work for some!
But how do we accomplish this? How do we peel off the perceptions, judgments and expectations to remember our true reason for being here? How do we find that “thing” we did as a kid that stopped time… that “activity” that adults said was impossible to do for a living… One way to start this journey is by taking steps everyday to consciously explore the core of our being, helping us to remember our Purpose and live our Dream. One method is to take a few minutes every day to retrain our minds to think about our being and our world in a conscious way. Giving ourselves permission to think new thoughts, allowing simple ideas to transform us from the inside out.
Preface The purpose of this book and the 7ven Community is to help us all find our inner Guru so that we are Living Our Purpose. This is quite different than “living with purpose” or “a purpose filled life”, rather Living Our Purpose is a life spent using our birth skills.You and only YOU have these birth skills. No one else on the planet can do what you do exactly the way you do it. This book, Know Your Purpose – 7ven Simple Steps For a Post Guru Generation is designed for daily use and these steps are intended to be repeated indefinitely. Each day provides you with something to Think about and something to Do. It’s called Think and Do. The Think and Do is followed with a paragraph suggesting how we might rearrange the way we think and act.
Preface Please know that you are not alone on your journey and I can tell you from personal experience that the light at the end of your tunnel is not another train, it’s the path to your
First – Start where ever you are now. Is it Wednesday? Then start there. Second – Discipline yourself to read the next day at the same time every day. Take it slow. Be kind to yourself. Third - Discipline yourself to read the next day at the same time every day. Consider keeping a journal to jot a couple thoughts. See how you feel the next week on the same day. Fourth - Discipline yourself to read the next day at the same time every day. Explore the website for inspiration. Someone on this planet has a similar Purpose and they need your birth skills as much as you do theirs. Fifth - Discipline yourself to read the next day at the same time every day. Get the 7venCommunity affirmations on Facebook or Twitter to help you during the day. Sixth - Discipline yourself to read the next day at the same time every day. In other words, “Wax on, Wax off” Mr. Miyagi Seventh - Discipline yourself to read the next day at the same time every day. Never ever give up. Never ever.
Preface I know you can do this, I believe in you and the 7ven Community is here for support. As humans, we are evolving and changing every moment and so is the 7ven Community. I am grateful to everyone who contributed ideas to improve this book and the website; this is the 3rd Publication of this book. At 7ven we make revisions as we evolve as a community. What stays the same at 7ven is our mission support you while you find your purpose and offer solutions to share your purpose. We are in this life together.
We Are One Love. With Love, Cindy p.s. this ebook is available for free
~ please freely distribute
OK Let’s get started!
How to navigate the 7ven steps? Imagine that consciousness is a raft and you are floating down the river of life.
How would you navigate the river to discover your true Purpose? In real life things get bumpy so we hang on and go through the rapids. Occasionally, real life feels pointless and we have to get the oar and paddle out of the slew. There are times when the living is easy and current is steady. We are living in a post Guru Generation and the 7ven Simple Steps provide practical daily activities to unleash the Guru within. These steps are organized by the day of the week and are suggestions on how to maneuver your raft in the river of consciousness on the journey to your Purpose. Read each Think and Do for the day of the week and mentally digest the paragraph summarizing the activity. Let your Inner Guru take over! All Love on your journey, Cindy
Sunday Think: I have a #UniquePurpose Do: Make a list of all the things
that bring you joy
You were born for a specific purpose and only YOU can achieve this purpose. Keep your raft in the river. You’re going to hit the bank once in awhile and you’ll need to stop to sleep and gather food. Never give up and ALWAYS put your raft back in the river! #UniquePurpose
monday Think: I am an #InfiniteBeing with #UnlimitedPotential Do: Spend 5 min quietly reflecting on your breath You are not your body, your objects, your fears or what anyone else says you are.You are an infinite being with unlimited potential. Be a Myth Buster and show the world that you are NOT a magazine ad or a TV commercial.YOU are a conscious being (really you are). Believe it!
#InfiniteBeing #UnlimitedPotential
TUESday Think: I can achieve greater results when I #StayPresent Do: Resolve to let go of expectations Our wants and desires are real and can be achieved when our intent for their fulfillment is centered in the present moment. An energetic symphony of events begins to evolve when we abandon our memories of yesterday and ditch our attachment to the future. The Universe can hear you better when you are still. #StayPresent
WEDNESday Think: When I #DoLess I accomplish more Do: Vow to accept things as they are The human body is designed to be in harmony with nature. When “life� feels complicated, unplug from the chaos, observe the simplicity of nature and accept your circumstances without judgment. Accept your world the way it is. It takes too much energy to struggle against it. Use your stored energy to fertilize the present moment. #DoLess
Thursday Think: I will think #PositiveThoughts and make #ConsciousChoices Do: Consider the ripple effect of your choices ALL of our thoughts and actions create a reaction. The great news is you have a choice. Things don’t just “happen” to us. Our circumstances are the ripple of our current and past choices. Choose thoughts and actions that create love, harmony and good health. By doing so, those things will ripple into your life.
#PositiveThoughts #ConsciousChoices
Friday Think: I will #LetGo of what I know to for the #U nknown Do: Take responsibility for your situation
make room
Put the skids on trying to figure everything out. Come on in the where the magic happens. The Great Unknown! Forcing solutions is like putting handcuffs on results and placing imagination in in solitary confinement. Not only will you be disappointed, you’ll be spending a lot of money on healthcare for stress related conditions. Go with the flow… #LetGo #Unknown
Saturday Think: To be #happy I will share #happiness Do: Give generously of #happiness to others There’s a perfect recipe for happiness. Give generously. Sometimes we confuse giving with money. Happiness has nothing to do with money. Happiness is a birthright. It’s the oil for our lamp in darkness. In every human condition, there ARE ways to claim our birthright. Peace, love, harmony and joy find their way to our hearts by giving generously of those things to others.
#happiness #TeamHappiness
Published and Distributed by 7ven Community in San Clemente, CA The moral rights of the author have been asserted. All contents Š 2012 by 7ven Community All rights reserved. No part of this document or the related files may be reproduced in any form for monetary gain by anyone else but the author of this book. The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual wellbeing. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.