3rd grade portfolio QQ

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Miao Shun Nien Interior Designer

Profile Communication Creativity Teamwork Organization Leadership

Contact 0932739347 shunnienmiao@gmail.com 新北市大新街七巷 20 號 4F Xindian,New Taipei City, Taiwan

Personal Birthday

Oct,28th 1994

Nationality Taiwanese

Interests ● Calligraphy ● Photography ● Cooking

Connects https://www.facebook. c o m / p r o f i l e . p h p ? https://www.instagram.com/ miaobecky/

85% 90% 85% 75% 65%

Education Applied Art Interior Design Fu Jen University Xinzhuang, New Taipei City, Taiwan Republic of China

Ability Language Madarin Taiwanese English Software Photoshop Illustrator InDesign AutoCad SketchUp

Work Experience 2015/06-09

Game Operator Morey's Piers


Front Desk Assistant Cloud Gate Dance School , Xindian


Interior Design 03 Ceremony of Yu Pin 07 Cointainer House 11 Arche Bookstore 16 Bus Stop Graphic Design 17 Cyder Packaging 18 Redenvelope 19 Toxic Magazine

基地分析 現況


日照 8:00AM




冬至 由林柏年建築師設計 N


Ceremony of Yu Pin


Concept 父母早逝 悲傷童年

歷經戰亂 致力交流 在衝突中 求平和

因天主教 得到慰藉

于斌 (1901 年 4 月 13 日- 1978 年 8 月 16 日) 是天主教會樞機,祖籍山東省昌邑縣,出生於清 代黑龍江蘭西縣,洗名保祿,字野聲,為第二位 華人樞機。曾任天主教南京總主教、輔仁大學在 台復校首任校長等。

紛擾校園中 平靜角落

因為基地周遭建築凌亂,且建築體正面背面側面都 有,所以將此視為“衝突”,不再塞入建築量體增 加負擔,而是利用動線設置坡道,在裡面填入空間, 放入“平和”的元素,如于斌的墓,水 ......


4 拉出層次

1 創造動線

3 填入空間

2 描繪動線


5 再填入空間


2 4 3 1

1. 坡道 2. 水池 3. 無障礙坡道 4. 廣場





South Section / Using straight-strip window,not only follows the grains on cointainers,but also capture the view of maple trees. 用長形條窗不只順著貨櫃的紋理,更重要的是可以補捉到楓樹直向生 長的風景。

North Section

Site plan 07

Cointainer House " Four 40 feet cointainers create a unique dorm for 3 applied art majored students."

Location: Fu Jen University , Taiwan Area: 159.67m Client : Designer ourselves Concept: Relax mental and physical, Intimate natural, Create more self-spaces

Located on the maple forest nearby art building in Fu Jen University campus. The average of maples is 8 miles high and the area around is peaceful. To balance the rough ground, We decide to elevated 1 meter and turn the ground space into a swimmimg pool. We add stairs in front of the entrance to meet the height and also distinguish the dorm from campus. To create more personal spaces, we see a cointainer as a home(private). Besides, using negative spaces constitute of cointainers turns into living room and skygarden (public).Then, staight cointainer as stairs to connect the updown route.

基地地點選在藝術學院不遠處的楓樹林地,樹高平均為 8 公尺,周遭寧靜。地面 選擇架高 1 公尺,調整土地不平整現象,架高底下空間設置泳池,入口用樓梯區 份宿舍和校園公私區域。 為了達成更多個人空間,選擇將每個貨櫃視為一個家。而貨櫃組成的負空間打造 成挑高客廳和花園陽台 。再用直向貨櫃作為樓梯連接直向動線。




Living room


Second floor plan

First floor plan

Ground floor plan


Entrance is concaved meaning welcome. At the end of route, there is a output french window. Having the view of Sanmin Circle. 入口往內凹表示歡迎進入,而沿著動 線走最後到達的為外突窗戶可以一覽三民圓環。

North Section

East Section

Sanmin Circle 三民圓環 11

Arche Bookstore

Location: No.158, Sec. 5, Minsheng E. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City 105, Taiwan Area: Client : Arche Bookstore Concept: Find inspirational books >>Relation between books and men>>Ligh at the end of the tunnel 柳暗花明 , Flashes appear sudden 浮光閃現 , Inspiation surrounds everywhere 處處皆靈感

We analysis the target customers in Minsheng Community and due to the higheducational residents and many designer companies (mainly interior design and graphic design), we decide to open a independent bookstore, Arche selling arcitectural books. Minsheng CIrcle is the best section in the community. We take the advantage in this and separate the bookstore into 2 aspects by looking the view of circle. First, the section in Sanmin Rd. connects with the original building (old design). The other section in Sec 5 Minsheng E Rd. has the most crowd because of the mass transportation, so we turn it into a brand image display window (new design).

我們分析了民生社區當地的目標客戶群,鑒於當地的高教育水準居民和附近設立 許多的設計師事務所,我們決定引進專賣建築藝術方面的獨立書店品牌 Arche。 而基地位在民生社區精華地段 - 民生圓環,我們將利用看圓環的角度把書店分為 兩個面向。首先,朝向三民路的立面和原本的住宅做連接設計(舊),而民生多 路五段交通運輸便利人口密集,所以設置屬於品牌形象的櫥窗(新)。


First floor/ We see first floor as brand exhibition space and to emphasize the island, spotting light from the ground to create "floating inspiration". To reach the finding inspiration concept, we program the route as a returnal one.Besides,hiding a huge bookshelf and the stair behind the wall from the first floor. 一樓主要為品牌展示區,所以 在設計上強調中島。而櫃檯和 中島會由地面打光,傳達漂浮 靈感的氛圍。 為了達到尋找靈感的概念,我 們在動線規劃回字型,並且在 一樓的牆後隱藏一整面置頂書 牆和而通往二樓的樓梯。 13

Second floor plan

Sanmin Rd. First floor plan

Sec 5 Minsheng E Rd.


Second floor


Bus Stop

Sketch 快速設計



60cm 2.7m


Streamlined bus stop can change the image of bus being slow and late. The incline of the seat improve the disadvantage of being block. 一體成型的流線公車站可以改善等公車太久 的印象,傾斜座位可以改善坐著被站著人擋 住的缺點。


Cyder Packaging

Cyder is mostly sweet and sour with the fruit flavor so I put those pinky baby color to atrract our main target Thirties women. Cocretize the bubbling flavor in your tongue as volcano. 以汽泡酒那種酸酸甜甜冒泡為發想,用了比較粉嫩的顏色, 而具體化則用火山象徵好喝味覺在嘴中噴發。


Redevelope Design

In Chinese New Year, we say blessing words to the elders and they give the youngers red envelopes.To me, being safe and sound is the most thankful thing to embrace a new year. Therefore, I emphasize the straight and horizontal lines in Chinese words. They are just like beams and pillars, in architectures. Supporting us in a fresh new year. 新年裡我們說吉祥話,長輩包紅包給年幼者。而其實對我來說平安就 是一年裡最大的祝福了,因此平安的直劃跟橫劃是我想要強調的就像 是建築裡的梁柱,支持著我們新的一年裡的每一天。


Magazine Design Toxic Magazine 獨物 / This is a magazine create all by ourselves. From the logo design to thenterview content. Toxic is a music magazine mainly introducing Taiwanese independent band. Toxic this word in Madarin Chinese means reading stuff and unique.We think that those bands have the icon of the word and hoping readers are addicted to music we shared and loved. 這是一本我們從設計標題字編排到內容採 訪一手包辦的雜誌。 獨物 Toxic 是一本介紹台灣獨立樂團為主 的雜誌,會稱為獨物,有閱讀讀物的意味, 也有獨立樂團獨一無二的意義,而發音類 似英文中毒 Toxic,希望這些音樂可以讓人 成癮的。


The most exciting part of doing this project is that we decide the theme of the magazine so that I have a chance to interview one of my favorite hiphop rap singer aka BR. 由於雜誌主題是由小組自己設定,我可以 有機會採訪個人很喜歡的饒舌歌手 BR。

Follow more about Toxic Magazine : https://issuu.com/94636/docs/______ 20

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