Annual LIK and IDT Statement of Understanding This document serves as a binding agreement between you, the Soldier, and the 807th MCDS regarding participation in the 807th MCDS LIK Program. By signing this Statement of Understanding, you agree to abide by the rules and restrictions listed below as well as the items contained in the 807th 37-1, Chapter 8, LIK program. A new Statement of Understanding must be completed at least once a year. HHC CDR authorized Soldier to receive LIK and IDT Soldiers over 51+ miles from their HOR in RLAS o o o
51-100 miles = MUTA 4 / 1 night if over 101 miles add 1 night 51-100 miles = MUTA 6 / 2 night if over 101 miles add 1 night 51-100 miles = MUTA 8 / 3 night if over 101 miles add 1 night
Soldier must be in IDT status (verified in RLAS) by published Battle Assembly Training Calendar. If criteria is not met Soldier must submit Exception to Policy (ETP) (See attachment 6, 807th 37-1 Chapter 8) Initial by each statement below: _________ My home of record and/or residence is miles from my unit. This is outside the LIK program normal commuting distance (51 miles or more) to the unit. _______ In order to receive IDT I have to be over 150 miles from HOR to unit. _______ I understand this Program is for TPU status only. I can’t use this program if I am on any type of active duty orders. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure that a reservation is cancelled in writing to the LIK Coordinator, if I do not plan to use it NLT 48 hours prior to the reservation date. Failure to cancel the reservation will result in 6 month loss of use of the program. A second failure to cancel a reservation within a 12 month period after reinstatement will result in forfeit of this program. Only the MCDS commander can reinstate the program for a Soldier once it has been forfeited. _________ I understand that I will be held liable and agree to collection from my military pay for the cost of lodging if I fail to honor my reservation and incur a liability to the government from a lack of timely notification to the UPC and GPC Cardholder. _______ I understand this program will pay for pre-approved government LIK only. Travel costs are not reimbursable under this program. _______ I understand that the exercise of double occupancy is enforceable for each room. _______ I understand that I am required to pay for any additional cost, i.e. incidental, accidental, or consequential costs that accrues under my compulsion. _______ I understand that upgrades that cost the government additional money are not authorized. If I upgrade and increase the cost of the room, I will assume the entire room charge without any assistance from the command. _______ I am responsible for any charges other than the cost of lodging that are accrued while residing in quarters. This includes, but is not limited to, local and long distance telephone calls, refreshments, movies and pay-per-view premium television channels. These additional costs will be settled with the lodging facility personally and at no cost to the government. Failure to settle additional costs will result in a 6 month loss of this program.
______ I am responsible for submitting my next LIK request at least 30 days prior to the next scheduled BTA. ______ I have received a copy of the 807th 37-1 chapter 8. I will read and fully understand the guidelines of this regulation and give confirmation to the Commander once read and understood. ______ By signing I am agreeing that all Conditions are met for me to receive LIK, and/or IDT.
(Signature of Soldier/Date)
(Printed Name / Grade of Soldier) [Type here]
(Commander’s Signature/Date)
(Printed Name / Grade of Commander) Annual LIK and IDT Statement 01 Nov 2016