General Order Number 1 (GO-1) Consumption of Alcohol

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One Blank Line Here (1 inch margins on all sides except top of page 1 above) ARRC-MUT-CG 04 January 2018 Add office code to right of AFRC-RMC-CCB (if different) Add Date on above line Right GENERAL ORDER NUMBER 1 (GO-1) TITLE: Consumption of Alcohol PURPOSE: To prohibit the consumption of alcohol within the 807th MCD(S) under prescribed circumstances AUTHORITY: The Uniform Code of Military Justice, (UCMJ), Title 10, United States Code, Sections 801-940; Army Regulation 600-20, chapter 4, paragraph 4-1; and Army Regulation 600-85 APPLICABILITY: This policy applies to all personnel assigned or attached to the 807th Medical Command including all Headquarters command staff elements and subordinate units and civilian personnel employed by or serving with the units. The 807th personnel assigned or deployed OCONUS will follow the policies that the GCC and in-theater Chain of Command establish. However, in the absence of such policies those personnel, assigned, attached or deployed OCONUS will adhere to this policy. 1. PROHIBITED ACTIVITY: a. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited under the following circumstances: (1) While armed; (2) While driving a vehicle (3) When under the legal drinking age of 21 b. Personnel will not consume alcoholic beverages during training exercises or in a field environment. Exercises include all CSTX, WAREX, OCP, CRE and ECT(extended Combat Training previously known as Annual Training) events. (1) For purposes of this order, the location of the exercise, whether in a building, tent or field environment does not determine the applicability of this order. Where personnel are housed whether a barracks, tent or hotel does not determine applicability of this order. This order is in effect from the eight hours before departure from the unit, home or point of origin and is complete upon return to the unit, home or point of origin. (2) This order does not apply to personnel performing temporary duty at a school or conference.

ARRC-MUT-CG Type your office code to the right of ARRC-MUTSUBJECT: GENERAL ORDER NUMBER 1 (GO-1) e the Memo Subject on the line below ARRC-MUTThere should be these two blank lines and the text will start on the next line 2. PUNITIVE ORDER: This is a punitive order. Violations may result in adverse administrative action or punishment under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military justice or other applicable provisions. 3. EXPIRATION: This General Order is effective immediately and will expire when rescinded or replaced by the Commanding General of the 807th MCD(S) or higher authority. This Order supplements CG 15-0001, Usage/ Possession of Alcoholic Beverages issued 23 June 15. Both are effective until rescinded or replaced.

L eave 4 blank lines between last line of text

signed by DIRE.DANIEL.J Digitally DIRE.DANIEL.JOSEPH.1143486474 DN: c=US, o=U.S. Government, ou=DoD, ou=PKI, ou=USA, OSEPH.11434 cn=DIRE.DANIEL.JOSEPH.11434864 74 86474 Date: 2018.01.04 -06'00'below above and your name in22:10:56 box

DANIEL J. DIRE Major General, U.S. Army Commanding Put your name in CAPS in Top Box Put your RANK, BRANCH NEXT Put your Title or Section


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