Vet Gov Contracting August

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GOVER NM ENT C ONTR ACTI NG FO R VE TERA NS August 14 , 2 018 9: 00 a m - 12 p m

MC PC 1 01 Cor p orat e Pa r t nership Cent e r SLCC Mi lle r Ca m pu s 97 5 0 S 3 0 0 W Sa n dy, UT 8 4 07 0 For Ve t e ra n O w n e d Bu s in e s s e s an d S ervice Disabled Vetera n Ow ned Business e s w ho wa nt t o le arn abo u t g ove rn me nt contract opportunities, how t o understand a Fede ral S o li c itati o n an d write a proposal.

If you are a veteran or service disabled veteran business owner, you need to attend this workshop! There are federal procurement opportunities available to veteran and service disabled veteran business owners. • Learn how to protect from cybersecurity threats • Find out about multiple revenue streams and services provided by the Veterans Business Resource Center Come learn about those opportunities! Continental breakfast will be served. Register:

The PTAC Te a m

Miller Business Resource Center SALT LAKE COMMUNITY COLLEGE

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