Словник зно з англійської мови червень 3 2014 рік

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1. to make sure – переконатися, потурбуватися, перевірити … 2. at hand - close to you in time or distance 3. To do well - to be successful: Jack is doing very well at school. Добре вчитися 4. To succeed – досягти успіху 5. to keep track of - to have/not have information about what is happening or where someone or something is. слідкувати за…, бути в курсі 6. assignment - a task or piece of work that someone is given to do, usually as part of their job or studies 7. To space out - to arrange things with a wide space between them; збільшити проміжок між…, розтягнути 8. To cram - to learn a lot of things in a short time, in preparation for an exam: He's been cramming for his exams all week. Зубртити 9. a time limit – ліміт часу, часове обмеження 10. to overdo - to do something too much; to exaggerate something; переобтяжувати, перевтомлювати

11. to schedule - to arrange for something to happen at a particular time 12. To keep hydrated – пити достатньо води 13. to revise – перевіряти, виправляти; міняти, змінювати 14. If your head or mind clears, or you clear it, you become free of thoughts that worry or confuse you or the effects of alcohol, a blow, etc. and you are able to think clearly: As her mind cleared, she remembered what had happened. 15. aroma - a pleasant, noticeable smell: A delicious aroma was coming from the kitchen. 16. sizzling - very hot; палючий, дуже гарячий; той, шо шипить (під час смаження) 17. household - all the people living together in a house: Most households now own at least one car. The head of the household / low-income / one-parent, etc. households 18. To set the alarm for 8:00 – навести будильник на 8 годину 19. a fan - a machine with blades that go around to create a current of air: to switch on the electric fan; a ceiling fan; вентилятор 20. nostrils – ніздрі 21. to get an A in the class – отримати відмінну оцінку на уроці 22. computer software – програмне забезпечення 23. cinnamon buns - /ˈsɪnəmən/ пиріжки з корицею

24. household chores – домашні доручення 25. to fulfil - to do or have what is required or necessary; виконувати, здійснювати 26. trail - a path through the countryside; стежка 27. eagerly – завзято, енергійно, жваво 28. to splash – шльопати (по грязюці), бризкати 29. algae /ˈældʒi/ - very simple plants with no real leaves, stems, or roots that grow in or near water, including seaweed; морська водорість 30. peepers – to make water peepers 31. drought /draʊt/ - засуха 32. timid - shy and nervous; not brave; боязкий, полохливий, невпевнений 33. To hold my breath – затримати подих (дихання) 34. towering - /ˈtaʊərɪŋ/ extremely tall or high and therefore impressive; of extremely high quality; (of emotions) extremely strong; високий, несамовитий… 35. To permit – дозволити 36. to make my descent - /dɪˈsɛnt/ an action of coming or going down

37. claustrophobic /ˌklɔstrəˈfoʊbɪk/ - claustrophobia - an extreme fear of being in a small confined place; the unpleasant feeling that a person gets in a situation that restricts them 38. gear - the equipment or clothing needed for a particular activity; спорядження, одяг 39. To sink - to go down below the surface or toward the bottom of a liquid or soft substance; іти на дно 40. To hike (up) - to go for a long walk in the country, especially for pleasure 41. majesty – величність, велич 42. to overwhelm - /ˌoʊvərˈwɛlm/ (syn. move, stir, affect, touch, impress, sweep someone off their feet, strike, stun, make emotional) to have such a strong emotional effect on someone that it is difficult for them to resist or know how to react; вражати, приголомшувати 43. caddis fly larvae /ˈlɑrvi/ – личинки весняної мухи 44. pebbles - a smooth, round stone that is found in or near water 45. to my heart's content – досхочу, скільки душі зовгодно 46. far-away voyage – 47. to toy with the thought - to consider an idea or a plan, but not very seriously and not for a long time: I did briefly toy with the idea of living in British Columbia.

48. To follow in someone's footsteps - to do the same job, have the same style of life, etc. as someone else, especially someone in your family: She works in television, following in her father's footsteps. Іти по стопах…, наслідувати 49. eccentric – (syn. odd, queer, strange, peculiar, weird, bizarre, off-centre, outlandish, freakish) considered by other people to be strange or unusual: eccentric behavior/clothes, an eccentric aunt 50. escape (n.) - a way of forgetting something unpleasant or difficult for a short time: For her, travel was an escape from the boredom of her everyday life. 51. decade – десятиліття 52. archipelago - /ˌɑrkəˈpɛləɡoʊ/ a group of islands and the ocean surrounding them 53. uninhabited – (syn. vacant, empty, unoccupied, untenanted, tenantless) незаселений 54. bungalow /ˈbʌŋɡəˌloʊ/ - a small house, usually built all on one level, without stairs 55. to claim - to demand or ask for something because you believe it is your legal right to own or to have it: вимагати, вимагати отримання 56. groomed trails – (syn. looked after) ухожені, акуратні, доглянуті стежки

57. off-piste - away from the tracks of firm snow that have been prepared for skiing on: якнайдалі від традиційних лижних трас. 58. to live out - to spend the rest of your life in a particular way: He lived out his days alone. Прожити. 59. stalagmite - /stəˈlæɡmaɪt/ a piece of rock pointing upward from the floor of a cave (= a hollow place underground), that is formed over a long period of time from drops of water containing lime that fall from the roof. Сталагміт 60. stalactite - /stəˈlæktaɪt/ a long pointed piece of rock hanging down from the roof of a cave (= a hollow place underground), formed over a long period of time as water containing lime runs off the roof. Сталактит

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