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Write Your Own Inklings

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Group 2

Group 2

8 | Mr. Fenton’s ClASS

Dear 826, My house is definitely haunted, but no one in my family believes me. What should I do?


Sincerely, Buster Ghosts


First, you should install at least 13 security cameras in every hallway in the house. There should be some cameras inside and outside, and in the front and back. They should be in your room, the living room, and the dining room. Some walls in buildings are hollow. Put some security cameras in the hollow walls. If the ghosts go through there, an alarm will go off and spray them with water. You also need bodyguards and an army of black cats. The cats are going to be somewhere just to see the ghosts. They’re gonna be all throughout the house. A bunch of scratchy cats, like dogs, will jump, bite, and scratch. You have to be careful with them.

Then, get someone who knows how to deal with it and also look around the house. If you think it’s haunted, look in the places where you think the ghost might be hiding. Sometimes, it’s family members playing a trick on you. Sometimes, it’s the power going out, and that makes the lights flicker. Next, if it’s actually ghosts, I think you should check everywhere. But since ghosts can hide in the walls, you should get a new house. Usually, haunted houses are made of wood and they have creepy candles and black cats. The black cats don’t give you bad luck. They’re just very cute!

Lastly, you should get a black cat so you can hear the cat just in case the ghost “woos.” If the ghost says, “Woo,” the cat will meow and lead you to where the ghosts are. If the cats can’t see the ghosts, the security cameras can alert them to where the ghosts are!

Sincerely, GROUP 2

Dear 826, A time machine has suddenly appeared in my house! What time should I travel to? What should I see in that time period? Is there anything I should be concerned about? Sincerely, Hannibal C. Quantumship


First, check with an adult, or if someone else is around because of the time machine.

Then, stock up on food materials and prepare to time travel with a professional. Next, go to the future in 2099! Lastly, maybe go see Spider-Man 2099, to try and get his powers. Get bitten, possibly by a spider or a mix of a spider and a bat. Finally, stay in the future and become another Spider-Man.

Sincerely, GROUP 3

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