1 minute read
Day on the Ocean Shore *
from Poetry by Fifth Graders in Ms. Fields's Class at Mitchell Elementary in Ann Arbor
by 826michigan
Group 2
Hot sun, calm and chilly sea water
Smooth rocks under your bare feet
Seaweed crawling up your leg
Little sister in her float at the shore
People splashing like a joyful seal
Sand between the toes
I hate it, feels like tiny rocks on your skin
Clams buried like diamonds in the sand
Hopping on a speeding boar
Water hitting your hand like tiny piercing shards of glass
We played till sunset making castles out of sand.
Waves at night, splashing onto the sandy seashore
I hear quiet peace.
It was a big deal to me
My people called me the Herb Doctor. Why would my enslaver take my happiness? I helped others by giving them health I made medicine out of herbs
I wrapped a white bandage on John when He hit his head on a big hard rock. And you took that away from me. I taught Dora how to become a doctor. And you do this to me? It was a big deal to me.