1 minute read
Among Us * Group 2
from Poetry by Fifth Graders in Ms. Massey's Class at Mitchell Elementary in Ann Arbor
by 826michigan
I see red vent I call a meeting Red is sus Everyone loves purple so they vote green because he is mean But he is the sheriff, But gray is on a killing spree Coral finds blue dead and reports it But at the meeting I don’t see red. Where is he? We vote pink when we leave the meeting Purple is dead and gray killed him But black is helping gray kill me And they do kill and I rage quit.
Wait a minute why is the window broken? And my phone is in my cat’s mouth Outside
Feelings * Group 3
The feelings
Underneath. It’s easy to Love but love can Take time. But they Have taken everything Out of you. But you make joy out of it. The joy has ended In silence.
The feelings
Underneath. You have overcome the silence.
The world gives You so much pain Love is embracing The hard parts. There is no freedom. This time I realized That I’m happy.
Is an alternative to spaghetti
I love listening to my Aunt Betty
She has good stories
Even though most of them are boring.
I still love her stories though. And then, she brought out cookie dough And I got really happy
And I ate a Laffy Taffy
We were watching Ed, Edd, and Eddy
And then Aunt Betty
Called me to the table
Because Uncle Joe got a music label
And then we also got cable.