Emma and Dusty's Magic Mushroom Adventure
By Our Collaborative Summer Writers Club
WHOOSH! The cold air from the mountain made Emma and Dusty shiver. Dusty is a fuzzy, warm, cuddly cat with white and black fur, and Emma is a silky-smooth, tuna fish mermaid with fuzzy rabbit fur. They are siblings who are best friends. They crashed into a planet with candy cane mountains and a sea of baby carrots. Suddenly, there was a tiptoe from the shadows and a growl. A creature with three heads, red fangs, scaly skin, and claws appeared from the shadows! It chased them away through the candy cane mountain. The monster got distracted by a bird and red-cabbage cows. Then, Emma and Dusty found a book given to them in their language by the candy platypus, that lets them know about the special mushroom that lets them fly so they can escape. "Here's a magic book that has a slight sketching of the mushroom," said the Platypus. "But there are lots and lots of mushrooms, so pick carefully! Each one has a different power." "Hm, this is weird. I wonder why this has never happened to me!" thinks Emma. They look back at the book, and then Dusty says, in a hushed voice, "Better get moving because there are a lot of mushrooms to pick from!" “BOOM BOOM BOOM!" The bird flew away so the monster lost interest in the cabbage cow. The big monster shook the ground as it chased them.
A Tiptoe From the Shadows