7 minute read
The Story of the Hero “Pizza”
The star said, “You have to swim.”
“You have to run around the river,” said the black hole reassuringly.
“Fine, I will swim. But only this once,” Venus said.
“Good! Now we have to swim because the monster is gaining on us! So we better swim now! Let’s go!”
Venus jumped into the hot cocoa river.
It was so warm. There were giant marshmallows in the hot cocoa river and they started surfing on the marshmallows. Once they got onto land, they started running. They saw candy mountains and they started to climb a mountain.
The monster came out of the hot cocoa river even stronger. He started to climb and search for Venus and Mars.
“Come on, we have to climb,” said Venus.
“No, I will not,” said Mars.
The star and black hole popped up again.
“Oh, you forgot that Mars was afraid of heights, so she won’t climb,” said the star.
“Can you keep climbing so the monster won’t get you and us?” the black hole asked Mars.
“Wait, I think that it wants you to climb so you don’t climb,” said Venus.
“Yes,” said Mars. She was terrified of heights, so she felt good about not climbing.
They saw a frozen treat land that looked like an ice skating rink, so they started to skate as fast as they could (which was pretty fast because they had a gold medal at their school).
They were ready to face anything.
“Wow,” said Mars.
“Wow” was right. There were more mountain-hill thingies, so they started to climb. They weren't that high, so Mars wasn't scared, so that was good. They climbed and climbed.
“It feels so long,” groaned Venus. They were not even that high.
“Look down,” Venus said, trying to scare Mars. Mars was still on the ground when a yeti came out and asked them what they were doing. He said, “Whatcha doing?”
“We're trying to run away from a monster,” they replied.
“Really, guys? I am a yeti, not a monster,” replied the yeti in a sad voice.
“No, not you,” they said. “The big monster on the ice skating rink.”
The yeti turned his head to the frozen lake and saw a big monster and said, “Oh, that big monster.” The yeti was ashamed of what he had said a moment earlier.
Then he picked up Venus and Mars and took them to his little log cabin and set them down by the fire.
They asked, “Can we have hot cocoa?”
At the same time the yeti sang, “Going to get fresh hot cocoa from the hot-chocolate river,” and he walked out the door.
They started to sneak around his comfy log cabin.
“Stealth mode activated,” said Mars in a computersounding voice.
They saw a wonderful, comfy space.
“Wow, this place is amazing,” said Mars.
“Yes, it’s amazing,” replied Venus. “It's so comfy and soft,” and with this last word, Venus plopped on the big bean bag in the living area.
Then the yeti came in and he said, “I found a portal going to planets and there is one on each planet, so you can find your planet.”
“What are we waiting for? Let's go!” said Venus, picking up the hot cocoa and running out of the cabin. She was holding open the door, waving her hand for them to come out. They started running out the door.
The yeti grabbed his bag, ran out, and then closed and locked the door.
The portal is a big round circle filled with purple glowy stuff, and when you stick your hand inside the purple stuff, you will see another planet, thought Venus.
“What if this doesn't work?” Mars whispered.
“Well, we will be stranded until our time limit is over, which is in two days. And Ms. Pluto will come and find us,” Venus whispered back.
“This goes to the Diner Planet,” the yeti said.
They all jumped out of the portal and landed in a chicken-soup hot tub. It was so awesome and warm. They all slipped out of it, regretting it a lot.
Thirty-two minutes later, Mars said in a sad voice, ”I really regret getting out of the chicken-soup jacuzzi.”
“Yeah, but I see the next portal!” yelled the yeti, who was ahead of them.
They all ran to the next portal and hopped in.
They were on the Library Planet. There was one book-
shaped moon, but it was probably the Book Moon, so that was the wrong moon.
“The book portal is at the end of the Fiction Forest, so we have to go through the Biography Beach and hop the SciFi Stepping Stones and we will be there,” said the yeti.
“How did you figure this out?” Mars asked.
“I saw a map, and also because I could see the book portal,” the yeti said.
So they started to walk.
They crossed the Biography Beach and stepped on the Sci-Fi Stepping Stones.
“What now?“ Mars asked.
“We’ll go through the very dark Fiction Forest,” the yeti said in a shaky voice (because he was afraid of the dark).
“Well, let’s go then. No time to lose, less than twelve hours to get back to the Glitter Moon. Chop chop, hurry it on,” said Venus.
“She’s in a hurry, sheesh,” Mars said while trying to comfort the yeti. “Oh, we forgot to ask your name,” said Mars in a calming voice while Venus was checking her watch and mumbling to herself.
“Oh, it’s just ‘Yeti’, but thanks for asking though,” replied the yeti.
So they walked through the Fiction Forest because Yeti had a flashlight.
“I think that this portal leads to the Glitter Moon,” said Venus excitedly.
“Well, there is a problem in this solution: we might land on the Glitter Moon, but like all planets, the Glitter Moon is
very big, so we might not land in the right place,” Yeti said, still shaking.
“Well, I don’t care, because we have less than an hour,” replied Venus.
“But it doesn't matter if we are on the Glitter Moon. Ms. Pluto won’t come and find us, because we are on the Glitter Moon,” Mars said in a cool voice because she had figured that out.
They hopped in the portal so they could get to the Glitter Moon. They landed in a pile of glitter.
“Yup, we are on the Glitter Moon,” Venus said. Yeti and the girls saw Molly and Tessa (their BFFs) and ran to them. Molly and Tessa also had a monster with them.
“This is Summer, a water dragon,” said Molly.
“We found her at the bottom of the Diamond Sea,” Tessa
“Oh, I forgot that you got the Water Planet,” Mars snickered.
“What is it?” Venus asked.
“We went swimming,” Molly and Tessa said at the same
“No . . . Is that why you are snickering?” Venus asked Mars.
“Yeah,” all three of the other girls said at the same time.
“Wait, how did you get there? Because we jumped portals to get here,” Mars asked.
“We used our spaceship and Summer flew,” Molly said.
“Wait, why did you jump through portals?” Tessa asked.
“Well, a monster ate our ship. I guess we didn’t realize
that that was the monster's parking space, sooo yeah,” Mars replied.
“Wait, where are Yeti and Summer?” Molly asked. "Oh, they're up there flying,” Venus said.
Yeti was riding on Summer. They called the monsters and they started to walk to the base. The monsters were there when they got there, and Ms. Pluto was trying to get all the kids on the bus.
“Can the monsters come?” Molly asked.
“No they can't, sorry, because we are the only ones that know about these wonderful creatures, and they might be endangered, so we cannot risk these creatures,” Ms. Pluto said in a sad voice.
And with that, they got on the bus and blasted off to Earth.
There were four tribes: Dough, Cheese, Tomato Sauce, and Toppings. Each of these tribes were in peace, but when the people showed up, they ate everyone, but the tribes’ kings were protected by the big wall. They knew that the wall would not last, so they made the hero of the four tribes, named Pizza. By the time they were almost done, the people broke the wall, and there was so much chaos, so they lost the hero, and now the four tribes are lost. And today, one hundred years later, there are two adventurers who are on a journey to find the lost hero named Pizza.
“Hey, where are you, Cheddar?” I said.
“I am right here, Pepper,” said Cheddar.
“Come on, Cheddar, we gotta find that dog or wolf before Grandpa Cheese and Aunt Pepperoni are going to find out,” I said and hurried.
“Okay, slow down. We still have a lot of time,” said Cheddar, lazily.
“You serious?” Pointing to the sun.
“Oh well. We still got tomorrow,” said Cheddar, trying to reason with me.
“We don’t. We gotta start hurrying,” said me, panicking.
“Fine,” said Cheddar, annoyingly.
A few minutes went by. “Oh, I FOUND IT!” claimed Cheddar.