5 minute read
Marcie, no es justo! (Part 1
¡Marcie, no es justo! (Part 1)por Josie Lavery, 8 años
Un día Marcie Boonchuy caminaba en una Casa. Si, habéis oído bien “¡Una Casa!” ¡Espera! Continuemos esta historia. Ok, volvamos a Marcie. Marcie dijo, “Este sitio es fantástico, ¡es tan raro!” La amiga de Marcie, Bella, dijo “¡Creo Marcie es demasiado rara!”Marcie dijo “¿Qué has dicho? Espera, has dicho que era rara, pero escucha lector, ¡Bella es muy rara, está loquísima!”
“Un momento” dijo Bella “¡Está mintiendo!” Marcie dijo, “Espera, he mentido, si y por si no os habéis dado cuenta ¡es mi diario!”
Bella dijo “¡A Anne le gusta Marcie!”
“¡ESPERA!” dijo Marcie. “Demasiado tarde”, dijo Bella, ¡y la tiró sobre la casa! “¡Dios mío!”, gritó Marcie. Marcie cayó en un arbusto. Marcie dijo, “¡Estoy bien!” Marcie volvió al sitio. Marcie dijo, “¡Estás loca! ¡Me has tirado en Nueva York!”
Barbie dijo, “¿Qué pasó?”
“Es una historia larga y loca” dijo Marcie. “¡Me encantan las historias largas y locas!” dijo Barbie.
“Se me estropeó el momento, “dijo Marcie.
Bella dijo, “Ay.”
“¿Por qué dijiste ‘Ay’ Bella?” dijo Marcie.
Bella dijo, “¡Porque aquí hay un cementerio!” Marcie dijo “Por qué de repente te excitan los cementerios. ¿Eres un zombi?”
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Bella dijo “No te lo voy a decir a ti.” Marcie dijo bajito a Barbie “Creo que Bella es un zombi” Barbie dijo, “Vete a tu sitio loco de pensar.” “Déjame demostrarlo,” dijo Marcie. “Crees que es una lo- y desapareció,” dijo Marcie. “Voy a espiar a Bella para ver si es un zombi.”Bella dijo, “¡No soy un zombi, los zombis no existen!” ¡Y entonces Bella empezó a transformarse en un zombi! Bella dijo “¿Qué está pasando?” Y Bella se transformó por entero en una zombi. “Cerebro,” dijo Bella. En el sitio de pensar de Marcie, sacó un libro que decía: “ ¡Si vas a un cementerio te transformarás en un zombi!” Marcie escupió agua en el libro. “¡Qué!” dijo Marcie, “Tengo que avisar a Bella pero…. Demasiado tarde.”
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372 Fifth Ave Brooklyn, NY 11215 718.499.9884 www.826nyc.org
Joshua Mandelbaum, Executive Director Janna Cisterino, Development & Communications Manager Rico Denard, Store Associate Amy Dupcak, Publications Associate Chris Eckert, Store & Operations Manager Brendan Jacobi, Store Associate Summer Medina, Volunteer & Programs Coordinator Amani Nephew, Programs Coordinator Stella Raffle-Wax, Store Associate Mandy Seiner, Volunteer & Programs Manager Naomi Solomon, Director of Education
J’miah Baird María Barrios Amanda Dettmann Amy Dupcak Willie Filkowski Daniel Goulden Varud Gupta Jaydra Johnson Nicholas Martinez Hua Xi
Michelle McGovern, President Ted Wolff, Vice President Jen D’Ambrosie, Treasurer Kathryn Yontef, Secretary Michael Colagiovanni Liza Steinberg Demby Jamal Edwards Simone Frasier Amir Mokari Kwaku Owusu Sheila Peluso Danielle Sinay Andrew Sparkler Alyson Stone David Tuffy Thom Unterburger Sam Valenti
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WRITE AFTER SCHOOL Reading and writing go together like superheroes and capes. Write After School students work alongside 826NYC staff and volunteers to build their reading, writing, and social-emotional skills, and unleash their imagination as they play and learn about the power of language. Twice a year, students revise their creative writing for publications that are printed in English and Spanish and shared with families, volunteers, and community members at celebratory readings.
WRITE AWAY WORKSHOPS Young writers come together in Write Away Workshops to explore a multitude of genres and subjects and to develop their voices. Groups write freely and participate in imaginative writing activities and lessons. Whether it’s a song, a piece of climate justice sci-fi, or a nature guide, young writers leave the workshop with a piece to be proud of, as well as a newfound understanding of the topic, and new friends.
WRITE ALL ABOUT IT In 826NYC’s nonfiction writing class, Write All About It, students learn and report on a new theme each semester! We go in depth with research, interviews, and field trips to learn everything there is to know about a big topic in our lives, all while honing our observation skills and building our strengths as writers. Classes take place on Zoom, with 3 in-person field trips each semester. At the end of each semester, students’ writing is published on the class Medium page, in a zine, or in another format specific to the topic of the semester.
TEEN WRITERS’ COLLECTIVE Teens are the next generation of literary leaders. That’s why we launched the Teen Writers’ Collective. The collective brings together young writers from around the city to explore the art of writing and literary citizenship. They are a community of passionate and creative peers, serve as 826NYC youth leaders, and inspire younger students and peers across the network.
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DUNGEONS & DRAGONS & WRITERS Dungeons & Dragons, the epic fantasy role-playing game where players craft characters to take on magical quests that can change with the roll of the dice, has a home at 826NYC. A band of adventurous authors in grades 5-8 play out an entirely original tale and chronicle their fantastical deeds in character point-ofview journals, histories, and scene writing. Sometimes the greatest gift is the friends we make — and make up — along the way.
YOUNG WRITERS PUBLISH Turn your classroom into a creative writing lab. During Young Writers Publish residencies, 826NYC teaching artists collaborate with educators on creative, impactful, curriculum-aligned projects that transform students into published authors. Residencies run from six weeks to a full year, depending on the project. Each Young Writers Publish culminates in a book, newspaper, zine, podcast, film, or performance featuring your students.
WRITE TOGETHER 826NYC hosts classes across New York City for Write Together: an interactive writing experience that encourages creative expression, explores the elements of storytelling, and strengthens writing skills. Elementary-aged classes collaborate on illustrated children’s books, middle schoolers choose their own adventure, and high schoolers learn the art of memoir writing during a fast- paced and whimsical 90-minute narrative program.
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS Through our programs, our volunteers work with students to help them create stories, poems, and ’zines. Because we believe that the quality of students’ work is greatly enhanced when they are given the chance to share it with an authentic audience, we are committed to publishing student works. By encouraging their work and by guiding them through the process of publication, we make abundantly clear that their ideas are valued.
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