4 minute read
My Name is Amaria
My Name is Amaria
by Asia Dantzler
Amaria steps onto the spacecraft. Leaving New York was tough but it was time to go. She was now headed to Atlanta-205, seven lightyears into Galaxy-4. The journey was a day long and it would be filled with nothing but reflections. As Amaria stepped out of the plane it was nothing like New York. No hotdog stands, no loud kids, no loud trucks. It was just peace. It was beautiful, you could see the sky mixed with purple, a little bit of blue with stars going back and forth in the sky, you could hear mother nature as she moved the trees with juicy fruits. The smell of sweet candy mixed in with a little bit of natural earth smells, it was a wonderland, just with weird animals such as a zebra mixed with a cow. It’s just amazing here, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life in this most unique place in the world.
It was a lot for Amaria to take in but this isn’t her first time trying something new for her, she always told herself that no matter what I will be bold, I will be strong, I will keep my head, and I will not show fear. She had experienced things in life that were never to be spoken about, such as being homeless at one time in life and that taught her to not only be humble, but to be strong, because she was at her lowest point in life. Amaria noticed that hard work and making real life choices is a really big thing in life to pay attention to and that’s what makes her Amaria, because no matter what, she always tries her best even though she goes through a lot of stress and anxiety. She is a loner and on a different planet. Now she has to make choices for herself and goals to be a professional chef that cooks around the whole world and to even feed the people in need. Sometimes being a loner makes her feel like she is underground with no help and stuck in her own thoughts, and it can make her feel like she is in a tornado with her thoughts, stuck trying to breathe in air with positive thoughts. But her negative thoughts with having no parents, no one to call for help, just makes her feel alone and desperate. She never had any siblings, her parents both left her when she was young, so she had to learn how to survive on her own. She only has one friend in New York, but she moved from New York to make a new life in Atlanta-205. She knows
making new changes would be a little scary, but it was either that or go back to your past in New York, which was struggling to have a meal or a roof over her head and not having it like other people, but still trying to be grateful for what she did have. One day she got up and tried to make a famous dish that she thought could make herself go worldwide to make her goals and dreams come true, which was to be a chef. So she got in her kitchen and set her oven on 400 degrees. She chopped onions and she cooked the raw beef in a black pan with oil and peppers. She began to boil the noodles. She felt so excited, but at the same time nervous about if it would taste good or even look presentable. But all that mattered to her is that she tried to achieve her number one goal in life. After she was done cooking she put it all together and it looked so yummy with the beef oils coming out of tomato sauce with the cheesy-ness as they grabbed a fork to take a slice. It smelled like victory with a little bit of passion. She took a bite. It was like her taste buds were having a dance party and they were enjoying every minute of that meal. All she could think of is how great she could be. Everyday before she went to sleep she would think about the cool air of New York flowing through her long hair. She closed her eyes and reminded her that life is going to get better as long as you keep your head high and your shoulders up high.
One thing I love about Amaria is she reminds me of myself, she just wants to be happy, and accomplish the goals in her life without her having to let her inner negative thoughts take over her and make her feel like she is going down the wrong path, when really she is doing good she just need to keep her head high as she said.