4 minute read
Breaking Free
Breaking Free
by Maureen Marcel
Chapter 1
I did it. I, Bailey Macayla Espinoza, have finally graduated secondary school in this alternate world, World Sub, and I can finally go to the main world. Authorities will definitely notice me gone, but it is worth it. I have been stuck here for twelve years, and it is finally time to get out of here and find my father, and go after my dream job: becoming an actor in the main world, World Alpha.
How did I end up in this alternate world? Simple, my father, Terron Espinoza, is a world renowned scientist, and 12 years ago, he opened up a portal to an empty, alternate world. And he did it at the right time.
Twelve years ago, there was a population overload, and the population increased by thousands almost everyday. With that portal, random people were chosen to come to the alternate world; my mom and I were two of them. Ever since then, we’ve had schools opened up, regular jobs and malls, food stores, clothing stores, and more things that look like World Alpha.
So here I am, going back to find my dad and become that actor. I do have some things I am going to deeply miss. I will miss my best friend, Caroline Meyers, who has been friends with me ever since we’ve been here. I will miss the sound of the childrens’ voices just echoing in the mountains when they go to play. I will miss my mom, even though she doesn’t care much of what I do. Mostly because she’s an alcoholic, which is totally against the rules, but she does it anyway. I’ve got to get her to the main world too, so she can be free and see her husband who she pretty much is still in love with.
I will miss the cool air in this alternate world. It is never too hot or never too cold. I’ll miss living with another family in a mini mansion, a six bedroom, five bathroom house with red walls and a glass roof. Because of Caroline’s geeky and nerdy parents, it’s a smart home, full of devices and easier to use items. I live with Caroline, we’ve decided to merge our families together and create one big one. It’s been great. But I need to follow my dreams and become that actor I’ve always wanted to be.
Chapter 2
The plan was simple. Caroline, my best friend and well-known troublemaker, would distract the authorities guarding the portal while I would sneak in. I promised her to find her older brother, Matthew Meyers, and when I do, I will come back to bring her to the main world. I don’t have a clear plan on how I am going to come back and bring her in successfully, but it’s worth a try. I will not give up on my dreams on finding my father.
“Hey, wake up. Earth to the bravest bitch I know,” Caroline’s voice echoes in my mind. I quickly sit up, out of breath and sweating.
“Today’s the day isn’t it?” I stare at her fair white skin, gold blonde hair, and curvy body.
“Yeah. You had another nightmare? What was it about this time?” she says, sitting on my soft rug by my bed.
“The same thing. The day we got taken here. My mom was fighting with the authorities, how they pointed a gun at her head and mine too. They were forceful, and we didn’t even get to say goodbye. I watched them throw my mom into their vehicle, and I felt metal on my head, and if I moved I would be done for.” I rub my face.
“Hey. Relax. You’re gonna see him. You’re also gonna find Matt and you’re coming back for me, remember?” She looks up at me.
“Of course. I’m gonna get ready in the meantime. What time is it?” I grab my phone off the nightstand. 7:43 A.M.
“Okay, I’m going to help with your bags. My mom and dad aren’t here, which is the best part. But we have to go before 8,” Caroline says.
“If we go before 8, wouldn’t they catch us easier because we’re gone before they even check our houses?” I give her a confused look.
It’s a rule; no one is allowed to leave the house at 8 A.M. and 11 P.M. That’s when the authorities do a count of everyone in the world. If a person is not at their home by those times, they get teleported to the real world for execution. It’s harsh. In World Alpha, the rules were pretty much relaxed. In World Sub it feels like pure hell. There are like fifty rules to keep up with and I can’t even remember them all. Which is why I want to get out of this dump.
“Oh right! Then they’re coming home right now. Oh. Ok, I’ll see you downstairs.” She jumps up in excitement and skips out. So much for a troublemaker. She’s happy. I should be too, but I’m more worried that this will blow over than be successful.After a refreshing shower,
and thirty minutes on doing my curly hair routine, I’m finally ready. My chesnut brown skin is shiny. Me likey.
“Caroline! Let’s go!” I yell, carrying my stuff. I double-checked everything and kissed my mom goodbye, and we made holograms of us so that we won’t get caught. We used the Meyers’ hologram device they created last year. They’ve designed it as a reflection for the physical features, it won’t be long until they realize we’re gone, so we’ve got to get going.
Chapter 3
I watched as Caroline distracted the guards as she pulled out one of the weapons her parents made.