6 minute read
by Cristian Florentino
It is the year 2077, a dim dark circular object was found in the sky approaching the earth. NASA had cautioned the people close by to empty the zone before it hits. Nobody knew where the meteor came from as NASA had researched the universe previously before the dark object was seen. It has been inferred that this dull, dark opening was in fact a meteor bound to hit the earth.
The meteor shuts in, and as it closes in the people watch as their home is consumed into dust and the ground kindles before them, it had looked like a fountain of lava emitted before them. The people had anticipated the landing of the meteor would be harsh, however, the meteor was flying at a gradual speed, going across the sky like butter, it had everybody confused. As the meteor landed, the individuals saw an opening to it. Interested in what the thing was, people looked more closely. As the meteor hit the ground people finally noticed a leg leave the opening.
A shadowy figure leaves the opening, thinking about what had simply happened to him. Even he is befuddled on where he is.
“Who . . . are you?” a person from the crowd states nervously.
The crowd backs away further as they have no idea what this entity might be, nor what it intends to do to them.
“It’s alright, I don’t mean any harm!” the figure says. He mumbles under his breath, asking himself questions on how he may have ended up on Earth. Skeptical about the people around him, he turns around and flies away nowhere to be seen.
He arrives in a place struck with poverty. It reeks of trash, the smell like decaying carcasses abandoned in the sun. He is encircled by walls, the alleyway transmitting a dreadful aura that hits him with dread. He has no clue about where he has arrived, until the light hits him from the end of the alleyway.
He strolls towards the light, his hand covering his face as the sunbeams burn into his eye. He leaves to see a shocking sight, buildings burning, garbage all over the place, and the sickening sight of a group of men beating somebody to a bloody pulp. He has never
witnessed individuals experience anguish before, especially right before his eyes.
Not knowing what to do, he approaches them, his eyes loaded with rage as he strolls towards the pack of men. The group of men is armed with metal bats, every one of them having a bizarre electronic look to them. He snatches one of the men and pushes them away from the rear of the man on the floor. The remainder of the men look at him astounded and stunned by his threatening look.
“Gamma” is a large entity with a Shadow Aura emitting around him. His height averages 6 ‘5, his horns make him look like a moose ready to charge at anyone within his field of view. He has astounding strength, having the ability to throw 500 pounds worth of weight around like nothing, treating the people he grabs like feathers. He is a pretty nice guy for his aggressive look, he tends to help anyone in need and loves to do work for the citizens on his planet.
“What in the hell . . . ” one of the men mumbles, his face emitting a nervous smile as sweat drips down from his face. One of the men lets out a blood-curdling yell, his bat shines red, hitting Gamma over the head. There is a moment of silence, but the bat breaks as Gamma touches his head making sure he is alright. Gamma proceeds to unleash a cloud of his aura onto the man, making his bat and himself disappear into the wind.
The group of men flee in a hurry, all turning the corner and getting into a van that screeches off into the distance.
Gamma looks down to the ground where the man is out cold, he mumbles as he is awakened by the yelling and screeching of the men. The man wakes up, his eyes widen as he sees this shadow above him with his hand out.
“It’s alright, those men already left. You might need some medical care, man.” Whilst Gamma is talking, the man gets up and limps away from the scene, going down through the trash-piled alleyway dripping blood along the way, the smell of metal and iron emitting like a factory following him along the way.
Gamma strolls along the sidewalk thinking about what he had transformed into. He had never felt so much rage, particularly for
humans. His body heated up like a radiator, his eyes filled up with rage. He knew he had to leave, he did not intend to cause harm to anyone no matter what the cause was. He charges up, ready to fly away into the distance.
He winds up at the scene where his ship had landed, the floor is burnt and the police have considered it a crime scene. He approaches the crime scene and climbs over the tape. He has no clue that he is intruding on a crime scene as he had never seen the yellow tape before, assuming it was trash from the slums.
“Sir? What are you doing?” the office says nervously, looking up at the tall shadow.
“This is my spaceship . . . ?”
“Sorry sir, but you are going to have to leave,” the officer’s voice cracks.
“Leave . . . ?” His eyes fill with rage one again, his eyes are on fire, his arms clench, he is ready to take his ship back from the officers. He lunges at the officers and knocks them down in a row, he approaches his ship where two officers are inside searching the place, he grabs them both and headbutts both of their heads together before throwing them at the crowd.
He enters his ship and one of the officers calling backup decides to start the ship, but it’s damaged. He attempts to look for his emergency kit but one of the officers who was inside the ship has taken it. He runs out and flies towards the crowd where the officers were thrown, searching their pockets. As he searches their pockets a Special Police Task Force approaches the scene with a Bearcat (armored vehicle), from which they begin to fire at him. The bullets hit him, but go through him and hit the building behind him. He lunges at the Task Force and flings them all one by one, the witnesses had stated that he looked like a bull lunging at his targets. As he’s getting shot at by more operatives, he finds the emergency repair kit and runs into the ship. He opens the kit and finds a hotwire to bump start his ship.
He uses the hotwire to enter the electrical hole and start the ship. As he starts the ship the leftover operatives begin shooting at the ship, but instead of going through it the bullets burn into ashes. The ship appears to be red, the magma ball immediately making everyone hot, causing some people to pass out. He zooms away into the sky, the thing he swore not to do is what he did again. He hated himself
for what he did to those civilians and those innocent cops, he could not take his personality anymore! He knew he needed to find help so he could finally go back to helping people instead of fighting and hurting innocent people.