35 minute read
Mafia Life (Running
Mafia Life (Running)
by Maya Jodah
Running through the woods like there was nothing left for me to do. Getting chased by the person you loved for years. You have trusted, believed, and also loved. I try hard to convince him that I’ll change, but he never listens to me.
But little did I know when I started to lose a lot of air I passed out. I felt this gentle touch on my arm and it dragged me through the woods. I could hear people talking while I laid down on the cold ground. I woke up in someone’s bed. When I got up, I heard someone walking. I grabbed the gun that was on the desk next to me and pointed it at the girl. It was this girl with brown hair. She stared at me with this clueless face.
“You that girl that got chased in the woods, huh?” she said
I didn’t answer. I just stood there straight and tall and pointed the gun at her face.
“Boss won’t like it if you kill me,” she said smiling.
“Take me to the boss now!” I replied, trying to calm down.
“It’s not that easy. As you can see, I work with the boss. And he will be proud if I kill you. Even though you were his ex. That is kind of weird, but I will still kill you,” she said, grabbing her phone off the desk.
“Kill me? I wanna see you try,” I said, holding the gun in my hand, pointing it at her head.
“My name is Hannah,” Hannah said, holding out her hands.
“I don’t care what your name is.” I said, just continuing to point the gun at her face. Then this other guy walked in and looked at me.
“You’re Ava?” he said.
“Who’s asking?” I replied.
“Boss wanted to know if you were up, and why are you pointing a gun at Hannah?” he said, moving Hannah to the other side of the room.
“Because I don’t know who she is. And also you too,” I said.
“Well, just go to the boss and he’ll explain everything.” he said, hugging Hannah.
Yup, it was my ex. The person who dragged me on the cold cover ground while I cried and screamed for help.
“So did you miss me Ava?” Landon said, sitting on his desk.
“Not really, but I will kill you if I have to,” I said, standing close to the door.
“Wow, what a threat,” Landon said. “Welcome to the Mafia’s life.”
“Wait-what do you mean?” I replied.
“You have to be here. I’m pretty sure everyone here wants you. But you can’t leave until you are dead,” Landon said.
“Well then, shoot me between my head. I would rather be dead than be with you.” I said while trying to escape.
“Why are you so rash?” Landon said, upset.
“Because you treated me badly.” I said, holding my phone tight in my pocket.
I wanted to protect you, Ava. He began to walk closer. As I walked backwards. I loved you with all my heart. He pulled a knife out of his pocket. I dragged you like a pet on that ground. And all I felt was pain and suffering. He put the knife against my neck.
“You wanna die angel? Let me know now before you begin this life with me and my Mafia gang,” Landon said, holding the knife against my throat.
I blank my eyes.
“I want to stay,” I said, trying to catch my breath. He backed out.
“Welcome, Ava,” He said. “Guards take her to her room. And lock the door for two days to make sure she doesn’t leave. And also she has to gain the respect of this gang.” I didn’t say a word because he was right. They didn’t even question me or even talk. But what they did was push me into the room and lock it. I peeked through the door and I saw two guards. Two days passed. And they let me out. I changed. I really did.
“Hello Ava, glad to see you again,” Landon said.
Now it’s time to introduce you to my gang.
First is Raf, his gun master.
Second is Eli, his knife master.
Third is Hope, she is the fist fighter master I think.
Last but not least, Zavina is the one you talk to if you need help with anything.
“So, you got it Ava?” Landon said, tired.
“Yes, master,” I said, looking annoyed.
“Master?” Landon said, shocked.
“Yes. I figure that I get to call you something different,” I said, closing my eyes tight. “I hope you don’t mind.”
“Oh I don’t, it’s okay. I’m glad someone finally said something other than ‘Boss,’” Landon said, sitting down on the couch.
Landon continued: “You will talk to Zavina and tell her your problems and how you feel about this whole set up. Second, you will train with Hope since she’s a fighter. Then Eli, a knife master. Last, the gun master is my favorite, Raf. But don’t worry you’ll get there any time soon. But just don’t rush, the days make the days count.
“Hi Ava, nice to meet you,” Zavina said, opening her book.
“I believe Master already told me about you, Zavina,” I said smiling.
“Oh cool, I’m here to help you with your problems,” Zavina said.
“I don’t have any problems,” I said, looking annoyed.
“I just want to help you, and it’s not my order to,” Zavina said.
As you know my name is Ava. I was born in New York. Born and raised here. My parents moved here when they found out they were going to have me. My dad is African American and also my mom. They met in Niagara. They named me after someone special. My mom left my dad when I was fourteen. I didn’t know why. My dad became a drinker which was new to me. I have had a best friend named Adam since middle school. I just began high school. Adam and I separated, and I didn’t see him anymore nor did he see me anymore either. I totally forgot about him. And I believe he did too. Because we were so into passing High School. That’s when I met Landon. He sat next to me during lunch. He always talked to me, but one day when I was sitting down reading a group of boys pushed my book out of my hands. I tried to stand up for myself but they pushed me down the stairs. Then, I couldn’t even see. I saw Landon beating up these boys so fast, badly, and also it was bloody. He ran down the stairs and picked me up.
He brought me to his house. He laid me down on the bed and made me soup. He told me that his father called my parents and told them I was staying to do a group project. I didn’t even believe his
father would do that. Next morning that’s when he asked, “Ava do you want to go out?”
“Yes. Sure,” I said, smiling.
We dated until high school was over. I told him I wanted to go to college. He was kind of upset. But he agreed to it because “I want you to be happy and choose the right things in life,” Landon said.
“I’ll pick you up always after college,” Landon said, sitting on the bed.
I met this other boy named Brandon. We spent so much time together that I forgot that Landon was picking me up. I was three hours late. I ran out of the school.
“Where have you been?!” Landon shouted.
“I was with my friend,” I said, trying to walk out of the conversation.
“Who is your friend?” Landon said.
Brandon walked out of the college.
“She was with me,” Brandon said. I know Brandon was scared because of the look on his face. Landon punched the hell out of Brandon, making him fall against the ground.
“I’ll be fine, Ava,” Brandon said, laying on the ground looking weak.
Landon dragged me into the car and pushed me in. And that was the last time I saw Brandon. He drove all the way to the woods. I jumped out and started to run. And that’s the part everyone knows, when I got chased. And that’s the story of us. When I took a look at Zavina, she was speechless.
“Wow I can’t even explain the relationship y’all had,” Zavina said, closing her book. “Your life is pretty normal except for Landon, but I can’t ever tell.” Zavina continues, “Now I see the problem you have.” Zavina walked towards the window.
“What is it?” I said sitting on the couch.
“You have a problem about having other friends. Like Brandon. He was upset because you were late and you were with Brandon, your friend, which means that Landon was just being an overprotective boyfriend and jealous,” Zavina said, walking out the door. “Now it’s time for you to go to Hope for fighting lessons, I wish you luck.”
“Hi! My name is Hope, you probably know me already. I’m just here to give you tips. You’re gonna use my bad boy friend here, Ty, and his girl Hannah.”
“No!” I said, looking up and down at Hannah.
“Oh, I see you already met them,” Hope said, clapping her hands.
“Yes I did. And I won’t hesitate to punch the hell out of that girl,” I said.
“Good. You need that energy when you’re fighting. So here are some tips you will need to fight,” Hope said.
Commit to the fight. You’re there to attack, kill, destroy, win.
Focus on what you have to do.
Exhale sharply with every punch.
Breathe when you defend.
Walk, don’t run.
Drive your elbow (rather than the fist) into each punch.
Never cover your eyes or let your opponent go out of your vision.
Lean on your opponent. “Does Anger help in fights?” I said.
“The short answer is that anger will likely help an untrained fighter and hurt a trained fighter. In a typical brawl, the winner is usually the most aggressive, most determined combatant. Anger will boost these attributes, as well as increase the willingness to endure pain,” Hope replied. “Now that we got that clear Ava, time to fight Hannah,” Hope said. “Use the tips that I told you and that anger can help you.” I punched her in the stomach, drop kicked her, and pinned her to the ground.
“Well done, I’m proud of you,” Hope said, clapping her hands.
“Ava?” Ty said, tapping my shoulder.
“Yes, Ty?” I said, drinking my water.
“Boss needs you,” Ty said, walking towards Hannah.
“Great job today,” said Hope and Hannah.
I was walking to Master’s office and I heard Raf and Hope talking about leaving Mafia life. But it wasn’t my business, so I continued walking to his office.
“May I help you?” I said.
“Yes, well you see, you’ve been doing very good on these simple tasks that I’m giving you to join the gang,” Landon said, making coffee. “Which I’m proud of, but I just need to know who’s the father?” Landon said.
“You don’t know my dad. Well then I didn’t know you for two years,” I said.
“So, is his name Frank Royal?” Landon said, looking upset.
I felt this pain in my stomach.
“Why are you looking for him?” I said, panicking.
“To tell him you’re with me, so he doesn’t worry as much as your mother,” Landon said, sitting down, typing on his computer. “Okay, thank you for your service Ava,” he said.
I went for a walk outside. I had this picture from my dad and mom when they were married. They looked so happy. But I don’t remember them loving me the same. I’m the only kid I believe, so my parents always keep secrets and important stuff from me. I saw Eli.
“Hey, Eli,” I said.
“Hi, Ava,” Eli said, cleaning his knives.
“Wanna learn how to use a knife?” Eli said.
“Nah I already do, I kill people back at my hometown,” I said smiling.
“Really? I’m impressed,” Eli said, looking down at the knives.
“But I do know how to stab,” I said, going for the knives.
“Wait no- “ Eli said, trying to stop me.
I stab him in his leg. “Omg I’m so sorry,” I said, trying to help him.
“It’s okay,” Eli said, trying to stop the blood.
When I was helping him, I guess Landon saw. And I heard them talking.
“She was just helping me with my leg,” Eli said in pain.
“I told you, she’s mine,” Landon said, going for the gun in the desk.
I never heard that come out of Master’s mouth.
“Well let’s see how this feels when the gun bullets go through your head,” Landon says, putting bullets in the gun. When I heard Master pull the trigger I jumped right in front of Eli, saving him. He caught me and said “Ava.” I heard pain in his voice while he put his ears by my heart, and heard my heart beat slowly. Then Landon ran to me.
“Oh my lord, is she okay?” Landon cried.
“No, you shot her,” Eli said, looking down at me.
“I was aiming for you. Ugh, I’m so stupid,” Landon said and got back up.
“Wait, she saved you. Which means she cares for you.” Landon
said, picking back up the gun. Then I heard a gunshot, and he shot Hannah in the stomach. But Eli didn’t move an inch. He just sat here looking at me and crying, pain, and anger in him. Ty ran inside the room.
“Why the heck did you shoot her?” Ty said, running towards Hannah.
“She was in my way,” Landon said.
Three years later. I became the baddest girl of them all. I became stronger than the other three girls and Eli, my best friend now, is all good. Hannah is alive, thank god. Can’t believe I just said that. And everything is perfect.
Landon’s Side of the Story
You probably know me already, but I’m Landon Lockwood. And today I’m gonna share my life with my parents, and mafia life. So before I met beautiful Ava, it was me and my lonely heart. When I was ten my dad began teaching me how to fight and use guns. My mom was the bad part. So I wanted to go to school and have a normal life. She always tries to kill my father. I try to tell him that, but he thinks I am lying about it. When I was eleven, my mom got pregnant with a girl. She left my dad because she wanted the baby to have a normal life. He promised my mom that I would have a normal life when she had me. I didn’t really want this life, I didn’t want to be dangerous. But I couldn’t leave until I’m dead. I tried to convince Peter to kill me. He was my friend.
When I was thirteen my mom usually dropped Anita off. She’s my sister, by the way. When my dad is not home. I loved her, I really did. I will always protect her, only when she’s with me. My mom took her away from us. She will deal with the pain and suffer after. My dad came home early one day, and Anita was here still. When he saw her sitting on my lap, he thought it was my kid. But he checked twice.
“Get this girl out of my house, now,” Father said. She started to cry and I didn’t like the way my dad spoke. I tried to run away with Anita, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me in.
“There’s no way out,” Father said. He took Anita out of my hands. “She’s your weakness. Easy,” Father said, walking towards the kitchen. He took the biggest knife out of the drawer.
“STOP!” I screamed for him to stop, but he refused.
He stabbed her in the stomach. I collapsed onto the floor. And
felt a part of my happinesses gone. I cried for days. When my mom found out, she also cried. She also put my dad in jail. I went on days drinking and being with girls I didn’t even know. I was messed up. I started to go to school when I was fifteen. That’s when I met my beautiful Ava. She was filled with the happiness that had left me a long time ago. I know you know the part about what happened. So I won’t say it again. When I found out she was with some other boy, of course I was upset. I drove all the way to the woods, but she’s stupid enough to jump out. I could hear her screaming and crying, just like my little sister. I got a little bit more speed and I caught up, but then Ava fell on the ground, and I dragged her all the way to the gang. And that’s how we ended up here.
I don’t know what Zavina was talking about, but in everyone’s life something bad always happens. So I’m not the worst storyline.
(Goodbye Friends)
It has been months, Eli and everyone moved out to somewhere else. I was kind of upset because I didn’t want anyone to separate. I went into the Master’s office.
“Can I leave?” I said
“Oh good afternoon Ava, and no, I can’t let you,” Landon said, typing on his computer. “Why not?” I said, upset.
“Because your family has set something on you, for you to be killed,” Landon said, looking straight into my eyes. “Yes, I know Ava so let me try to keep you safe,” he said.
“You always try to keep me safe and something always ends up bad,” I said, slamming his desk.
“Whatever Ava, move along now I have things to do,” Landon said, continuing to type on his computer.
I hate myself for joining this damn Mafia gang. Since I had all of their numbers I called them and asked if they wanted to hangout. But before I even made it to Eli’s number, Landon grabbed my phone.
“You really want to get yourself killed huh?” Landon said, going through my phone.
“What do you mean? I just want to have fun,” I said, reaching out for my phone.
“I know that, but if you try anything stupid out in public it’s easier for your mother and father to find you, and I’m pretty sure you
don’t want to face them after seeing their kid joining the Mafia Gang because of her ex boyfriend, correct Ava?” Landon said, giving the phone back.
“I guess so,” I said
After he left I went to shower I made lunch, sat in the backyard and listened to Chase Atlantic. My sister Megan was dating one of them. She doesn’t really like me that much; she barely talks about me. I thought my family loved me. But I guess finding out your daughter is part of mafia gang life, you basically want to kill yourself.
(Landon and Ava mix feelings)
Landon: When I told her I had to go somewhere I didn’t really have to. I had to leave that place because I know the more I stayed in that place with her I knew that I would have lost my mind. I’m so in love with her, I can’t even try to breathe around her. My friends that I used to talk to left me with her, and told me to go make a move on her, but I can’t because I’m scared she won’t love me back. Every time I try to talk to her I feel a part of me losing it. My heart begins to sink to the bottom of my chest.
Ava: The first day I met this guy he really had something in me that no one else could. Everyday from school he will tell me something that makes him happy about myself. He will always hug me when he’s sad. Always talks to me when he feels like no one loves him. He tells me everyday that he loves me. I am telling him he doesn’t love me because you can’t say I love you to someone you don’t even love or you don’t even know what love means, and what it can do to you when you fall really in love, it can damage you because that word will haunt you forever. Even if he dies in my arms I will know I was the last person to see his beautiful eyes. I’ll be the last person he will say goodbye to.
Back to reality: When he got home he had everyone with him. I ran to them and hugged them.
“Hello Ava,” everyone said at the same time.
“God, didn’t know you missed us that bad,” Zavina said.
“Also, I asked Landon if you could come with us to Paris for this mission and he said yes!!” Eli said.
“Oh, I’m glad he did,” I said.
“Yup, so you know what that means!!” Raf said
“We going out,” Eli said. “Hope, wear something nice please cause you’ve been looking dusty,” Raf said, playful hitting Hope.
“Real funny,’’ said Hope.
I went outside for some fresh air. I sat down in front of the building. Zavina started to walk towards me.
“Um Ava, can I talk to you real quick?” said Zavina. “Sure, what’s up Zavina?” I said.
“I just wanted to ask you if everything is good, you know since I’m the person you need to talk to if there is a problem,” Zavina said.
“Oh no, everything is good,” I said walking back into the building. I went upstairs and packed my bags. Even though the gang wanted to go and party, since we’re all going to Paris, for some reason I wasn’t happy or excited. I just feel like it’s just the thing, nothing new.
When I got up that morning I saw everyone in the living room laughing, and watching the TV.
“Ava, you look a mess go shower,” Raf said, laughing.
“STOP BEING RUDE!” Hope shouted.
“Just kidding,” Raf said, holding his mouth shut.
“Good morning,” everyone said.
When I went upstairs Eli was holding something.
“Here, wear this to Paris, everyone will love it,” Eli said, smiling and blushing.
After five minutes, Landon came.
“Good morning Ava, good to see you,” Landon said. “You should wear this to Paris today, it’s gonna be hot and you probably don’t want to sweat,” Landon continues. He just walked away. Omg they give me clothes like I don’t have. I put on Eli’s outfit because it was a shirt and pants. But it was basic and black.
“Wow you look great Ava.” Zavina said
“Thanks,” I said, smiling.
We gotta go guys, get in the truck! When we got in the truck everyone started to sing while Landon played a song everyone loved. Hope told me this is the song we listen to when we’re on our way to a mission. When we got in the plane, Landon sat next to me. “I see you didn’t wear the clothes I got you,” Landon said, taking
off his jacket. “Hopefully you have it,” he said. “Yes of course, I will wear it the next day here,” I said, holding my phone tightly.
“Just be mindful, we are staying here only for a week,” he shouted. “And also sorry to say, but my brother Jacob will be helping us with this,” Landon said, covering his face.
“What the hell?!” Hope said, yelling.
“No boss, he already took someone away from us already,” Raf said, looking upset.
“I know Raf, but we need all the people we can get. If you really want to win this and keep it undercover. A lot of people in Paris are not safe. And I know we are the bad guys. But in this time in life we have to help others, and keep them safe,” Landon said.
When Jacob got on board everyone’s face changed. And you know me of course, I was just sitting there, looking confused.
“Act mad, Ava,” Eli said. Then I acted like I was doing something on my phone. “Oh nice to see the old gang again, and also a new member,” Jacob said, looking at me.
“You better not touch her or I’ll-” Eli said, standing up.
“What Eli? What will you do to kill me? Haha, really funny,” Jacob said, laughing.
“I don’t want her anyways. The last girl couldn’t even stand a chance,” Jacob said, holding the necklace around his neck.
“Don’t talk about her, Jacob,” Zavina said.
“OMG HI ZAVINA, I MISS YOU!” Jacob said, looking at her. “I’m just gonna go sleep because y’all being rude,” Jacob said, yawning.
“Can I talk to you real quick, Master?” I said.
“Um yeah sure, Ava . . . ?” Landon said.
“So who’s this girl everyone doesn’t want Jacob to talk about?” I said.
“A girl that was very important to all of us, especially Jacob and I, but it’s just confusing. I’m gonna go back,” Landon said.
Two hours later, we got there. Everyone was so happy. Jacob left the group and went the other way, but I was stupid enough and went and followed him.
“Hey Jacob!” I said, smiling.
“Wow, nice knowing someone cares about you,” Jacob said, feeling hopeless.
“I have a question: Who’s this girl they don’t want you to talk about?” I said.
“That’s for us to know and for you to get out of my way,” Jacob said, walking up faster.
“Why is she so important?!” I said, upset.
When the gang heard Jacob yelling, he left me speechless. Landon came to hug me.
“Are you okay?” Landon said, out of breath from running.
“I followed him. Nothing happened. Let’s go,” I said, running back to the gang.
When I walked away I heard Landon telling Jacob something that I didn’t hear. But Jacob’s mood changed.
(Important Girl)
Jacob walked up to me. “You want to know the girl everyone loves and why she’s important?” Jacob said.
“Yes please!” I said, smiling.
“I wouldn’t say this girl was part of the gang when you just met Landon. But this was during when y’all dated,” Jacob said, looking upset.
Jacob’s Point of View
I’m gonna start the story now. Her name was Rose. Landon was walking back to his house from work. He saw this girl sitting in the alley way. He thought she was poor or something.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Landon said.
She looked at him with these red eyes, she sure looked like she was crying for days. He called me.
“Yo, meet me at Death Valley,” Landon said, looking at the girl.
When I came I told him, “Yo bro this part of the Valley is dangerous,” I said, feeling scared.
“I know but this girl was just sitting here,” Landon said, smiling looking like he’s in love.
“It doesn’t matter, let’s go,” I said.
“Wait, she looks like she needs help,” Landon said, focused on the girl.
When I went down to see her face, she was so god damn beautiful. I just wanted to hold her.
“Hello,” she said with a low voice
“Are you okay?” I said, looking straight into her eyes.
“No, my boyfriend just broke up with me. I just caught him cheating,” she said, crying.
The first day we met this girl, me and Landon fell in love with her. We brought her to the gang. Everyone was being fishy, but the second day she was down stairs making breakfast in her underwear and bra. She was like out of the world, and from another planet. Hope of course ran up to her, and covered her with the blanket, and she went upstairs, and put on clothes. She was wearing Landon’s oversized t-shirt with Zavina’s pants. Eli and Raf tried to figure out her identity, but it was hard. She was so beautiful, you can’t even stop looking at her. Her eyes were purple. Black hair, and 5’1.
“We have to keep eyes on her,’’ Landon said, smiling.
Landon told the gang that she is an important person. She’s gotta be somewhere from another planet, and I know I’m sounding crazy, but probably. She came inside the office.
“My name is Rose, I’m from Superstarplanet,” Rose said, looking
And we didn’t know what the hell that was, but Landon told her she will use guns, knives, and be doing fighting lessons. She passed all the tests in like 20 minutes at least. One day I took her out to eat, and she was getting scared every time she saw a person. She held me tight until we got to the place.
“I have to use the bathroom, I’ll be back,” Rose said, running to the bathroom.
It had been hours. When I went to check, she was dead. Laying on the bathroom floor, blood everywhere in the bathroom. With a note on the mirror saying, “She’s not from here, I took her back to where she should be.”
I collapsed onto the floor and cried. I was holding her body in my hands. HER DEAD BODY!! Landon tracked my phone, and saw me sitting in the bathroom with her. He thinks I killed her. Up to this day. When I got back to the gang at home there was blood on my hands and shirt. And of course I looked like a killer, but it was different. NO
Landon said, “We just found out what she is. She’s a girl with this super power, and that power was love. She made you fall in love with her.” My heart began to sink.
“Why? I didn’t kill her,” Jacob said, holding her necklace.
“Nice lies,” said Eli.
“I really didn’t.” Jacob said, putting the necklace in his pocket.
“She was important to us Jacob, you just took someone from us that was important,” Landon said.
Landon stabbed me in my leg, and that hurts. I ran out of the building and I started a new life. I try not to fall in love again. Because I’m scared that one of these girls might use powers to make me fall in love with them.
“So that’s the story, so Ava, hopefully you liked it,” Jacob said, looking down at the ground. I hugged him so tight, I believe him. I know he didn’t kill her.
After hearing the story of Rose, it was an interesting story. Went back to the gang, and I was holding Jacob’s hands. Everyone looked at me with this clueless face. Landon seemed upset.
“He didn’t kill Rose,” I said, holding his hands.
“What did you just say Ava?” said Hope.
THAT THROUGH YOUR HEAD?” I said, screaming my whole lungs out.
“Did y’all even check the cameras?”
“Was there cameras in the bathroom Jacob?” I said looking sus.
“Yes, I think,” said Jacob.
“Go back to the place you were at, and show them you didn’t do it,” I said, smiling.
Landon and I stayed back to watch, to see if anything would happen. It was quiet. I was on my phone looking at things.
“So is there anything going on between you and Jacob?” said Landon, looking upset.
“No Landon, we are just good friends,” I replied.
“I hope,” Landon whispered.
When they got there they asked the person who was working if they could see the cameras in the bathroom. It was sus at first, but he let us. When Eli and Raf were going through it, their eyes widened.
“It’s true, he didn’t kill her,” Raf said, with his heart failing him.
“I can’t believe this,” Eli said, his eyes tearing up.
Everyone looked guilty. Of course my heart sank again because they all thought I was a bad person. I was only trying to protect her and love her. Hope called boss.
“Boss, he didn’t kill her,” Hope said.
Landon dropped his phone and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. I was scared because it was out of the blue. I ran after him and he locked me out.
He didn’t answer, but I heard him crying. I started to feel bad, I was leaning my back on the door sitting down and he did the same.
“It was true, he didn’t kill her right?” I said with my head in my arms. As soon as I said that, he opened the door.
“Who killed her then?” said Landon, thinking hard.
I started to get scared because they just looked at the cameras and saw nothing?
“Wait, call them back,” I said, hoping that they saw the killer.
“Zavina. Zavina?” said Landon, putting her on speaker.
“Zavina, what is going on?” Both of our hearts raced. We started to hear yelling, screaming, and all types of things.
“They found us. They’re . . . trying . . . to kill . . . us . . . boss.” Zavina said, sounding like she’s dying. The phone went out. OH MY GOD.
“We have to save them, let’s go,” I said, looking hopeless.
Landon ran out the door. “STAY HERE, DON’T LEAVE,” he shouted. “It’s not safe.”
(Trace of Powers)
Landon left me inside the office, telling me to stay. I didn’t want to stay, I wanted to go and help them. What if someone dies? What if someone is hurt? Wait . . . I need to calm down.
“Ava?” said the housekeeper.
“Omg, Billy,” I smiled. “I need your help.”
“What is it?” he put his hands on his chest.
After I told him what was about to go down he disagreed at first, but then agreed. I went running to the place they were at. Then I saw this big giant guy holding Hope in one hand then Landon in the other hand. Zavina pulled me in behind the desk.
“Ava, what are you doing here?” said Zavina.
“I know you guys need help,” I said, feeling unwanted.
“Do you see that big guy?” Zavina said, scared.
“What type of guy is that?” I said, holding my hands together tight.
While me and Zavina were talking, the giant guy grabbed me by the hand and pulled me up, holding me tight. Making me unconscious, but Eli took the hammer that was in the back of the room and hit him. Zavina, Landon, Hope, and Eli were all here, but not Raf. Everyone was panicking, so Landon tried calling him and his phone went straight to voicemail.
“Ava I need you to guard the front door,” Landon said.
I nodded my head and went to the front door. I heard him getting assignments to the rest of the group to find Raf. Eli patted me on the back and went to the other side of the room. One hour later everyone forgot about the giant. When I turned around, my heart was pounding. I tried to scream for Eli to come, but the giant took me and held me so tight. I closed my eyes and when I screamed the giant dropped me onto the ground, and his head was gone. Eli came running.
“What the hell,” he said out of breath. “How did you do that Ava?” said Eli.
“I don’t know . . . ” I said.
“You have a loud scream for sure,” he smiled.
The gang started running back asking if someone was okay and how the hell the giant head was gone. I told them everything, but the problem with them is they never believe or trust no one or nothing at all. Only if they were here to see it. When we got back to the office Landon grabbed my hands.
“How did you do that back there?” he said with this scared voice.
“Like I said, I don’t know, leave alone,” I replied heavily.
I went to one of the bedrooms and laid there in the bed thinking how I did that. Everyone just wants to know, but I can’t tell them if I don’t know. There were a couple of books on the desks. I tried to move them, the books started flying up to the roof. When I heard someone walking, the books dropped on the floor and made me jump.
Hope walked inside.
“What was that noise?” Hope said.
“I was cleaning up,” I said, picking up the books.
Hope continued walking down to her bedroom. Everyone said goodnight and went to sleep while I was in the room making things fly. To me it makes me feel powerful and it sometimes makes me feel uncomfortable because, is it rare to have powers? It was 5 o’clock in the morning.
“Ava, what are you doing?” said Raf. He was looking at the flying bed while I was sitting on it.
“Omg Raf,” I said with a big smile.
“How the hell are you making your bed fly?” He just froze.
I didn’t answer his question, I just hugged him. He hugged me back and held my hands, and looked at me, and gave me a book and it said “everyone has a dark secret.” He left my room. I went to sleep and I woke up the next morning.
“Morning everyone,” I said smiling.
“We all need to talk about what you did yesterday,” said Landon, sipping his coffee.
We were talking about how I made the giant head explode. I explained everything I did in the room last night. I’m happy they didn’t think I was weird or anything. Hope and Zavina came and hugged me tight.
“Maybe after all, Rose wasn’t the only special one,” said Jacob, his eyes looking straight into mine.
“Welcome back Brother,” said Landon.
(Last Hope)
Suddenly, when Jacob came back everyone was just muted. But Landon talked to him and told him everything that had happened.
“Okay guys, that’s it,” Landon said.
“What do you mean Boss?” Raf said in confusion.
“We have to separate, which means that it’s time for us to move on, and forget about mafia life,” Landon said.
“Boss, you can’t end this,” Zavina said, crying.
Landon walked out the front door leading us to the car. He waved everyone goodbye without saying a word.
“Why would Boss do this?” Eli said, looking outside the window.
No one answers, just sitting there quiet. I was thinking because as soon as Jacob came back he just said it was over. Unless, they agreed after they saved Paris everything will be fine, and it will be okay to end mafia life. To be honest, at first I wanted to leave. But I wanted to stay with my friends. They were like family. Keeps me happy. No one said a word again, waved us goodbye, and moved on with their life.
It has been two years. Yes, for two years no one called, mailed, or even texted. It’s like everyone forgot about me. I changed my look. My hair was jet black, bought new clothes. I worked at a bar, so I can get money, and at least get an apartment to stay at for a while. I called my best friend, Ashley.
“Hey Ash,” I said.
“Hi . . . it’s been a while,” Ashley replied.
“Yes, I know I don’t have enough money, and I don’t know where to stay,” I said.
“Come over, we can work something out,” Ashley said, and hung up the phone.
However, when I was walking to her house I saw someone I knew. It was Raf! I ran all the way to him and hugged him.
“Ava?” Raf said.
“Yes, omg I’m glad I found you,” I said, breathing heavily.
“Ava I need to tell you something. After you left, or should I say after we all left, Landon had gotten into a car crash,” Raf said with fear.
Despite the way I was feeling, it made me feel like it was my fault for leaving him there with his brother.
“Jacob was still there, and he saw Landon get into a car crash. I’m sorry to say Ava, but he died. There was nothing we could have done to save him.”
I screamed so loud, making all the trees move and heavy wind blow. Raf tried to calm me down, but it didn’t seem to work. He called everyone and told them to meet us here.
“You need to calm down, Ava,” Raf said.
“You expect me to calm down after Landon died? It’s unfair that we left him like that,” I said, crying.
“You’re right, but like I said there was nothing we could have done to save him,” Raf yelled. Couple of hours passed and everyone was here. We talked about what happened with Landon and how it
happened suddenly. Even though it has been two years, it felt like yesterday. We all hugged and said goodbye for the last time. While I continued walking to Ashley’s house. I turned around and called out to Raf.
“Always and forever,” I said, and smiled.
Raf turned around and I wish I was there to stop the car. The car crashed right into him, making him bleed out. Hope, Zavina and Eli stood there in fear while I ran all the way to him trying to help him. I took his hands and closed my eyes trying to heal him. When I opened them up, his wound was gone. He smiled.
“I’m glad someone like you saved me,” Raf said.
“I’m glad someone like you is alive to give me hope,” I said, smiling.
After that day no one could explain anything that had happened to us. It’s like we had bad luck or something. I guess life didn’t want us to be happy.
I am Ava Jane Royal and this is my story.