9 minute read
by Joya Khalil
The sky was hazy. Smoke was everywhere. It was just your typical day in the town Dranin. The scent of death was lingering in the air. Screams and laughter were happening at a house, we will soon meet. Hannibal was running around the house laughing as his sister tried to chase him. All you can hear were hurried footsteps and huge commotions.
“Come back here, you thief!” she kept repeating.
As he ran to the window, Hannibal stepped onto the ledge and jumped out. Small fits of incoherent sounds were all that came from her mouth. The light breeze from outside gave her a light shiver. Snapping out of her thoughts, she jumped out of the window and landed on the balls of her feet to find her dear twin brother. Seeing him nearby because of his abnormally large sword, she dashed to him. Apologizing to people she bumped into, today the streets were more crowded than usual. A huge crowd of people was being formed and she figured it was going to be another fight for something. As her natural instinct she immediately walked past the group of people until someone grabbed her arm. Her hands were already ready to flip the person, but she realized it was her twin.
“You scared me! What were you doing?” she said as they continued walking.
“We’re going to the tavern to get food,” a boyish grin laid on his face.
Walking to the tavern both twins smelled some fresh food. With a smile lit on their faces, they rushed to get in. This abnormal humanlike creature was at the tavern’s dark brown, wooden door. Their aura was different. Pale hands, but one was pitch black, fingers looking like talons. The hair color was not something typical you would see around here in Dranin. As if they read each other’s minds, they had a feeling that this thing was bad news. But then this creature grabbed the twins. Grabbing their swords, ready to fight this thing, a portal was already opened. Attacking this creature didn’t do any damage to them, none of them looked where they were going so they all fell into the portal, continuing the fight in this new world. Realizing that they were falling
out of the sky, they screamed, hoping they wouldn’t fall and die. The weird creature held them, looking at the twin girl saying, “Say bye bye to your dear brother, little girl.”
Casting a spell onto the poor boy, he was in a black box transported somewhere, screaming for his sister. The creature drops the girl and disappears. Dropped onto the floor with misery thinking how will she find her brother? A small thing was flying around her.
“Oh! Who are you?” the small fairy creature said.
“I’m Fenix, and you are?”
The fairy just stared at her as if she was something unusual for this world. Flying around Fenix, observing her like a lab rat.
“I’m Ashter, you don’t look like the folks around here. Where are you from?”
Fenix didn’t know if she should say the truth or a lie.
“Oh, I’m just a traveler, my brother and I got separated and we came from another place,” Fenix said, hoping this fairy would buy this excuse.
“Hmm, well, you seem new. Let me accompany you on your adventure and help you find your brother!”
Looking around the place while following behind Ashter, the place seemed really different. Everything seemed more lively. The sun was glowing, the grass bright green and dancing with the wind. Even the smell of this new outside world seemed different. It was fresh and brand new, like a new beginning.
“I’m taking you to a town called Monty so we can get you situated.”
“Hmm. Monty seems like a fancy place!” Fenix said excitedly, sprinting to the gates of the town. Stopping at the stone gates, sudden flashbacks rushed into Fenix’s head. Gray clouds surrounded the sky. The rain poured hard, leaving huge puddles. The smell of petrichor everywhere. The house that once had color and life was now dead and lifeless. Kicking two kids out the house, they were drenched in rain with bruises.
“AND STAY OUT, NEVER COME BACK YOU MAGGOTS,” the drunken woman said.
Wincing in pain from the bruises they got, Hannibal and Fenix just walked in the rain. That woman that just kicked them out was their mother. Always drunk and using her kids for money. Beating them and never really showing any affection. Why were they kicked out you may ask? Well, it’s because she was tired of them and she thought they
were useless to her. Dranin was never a place of love, it was a place of survival. It was a place to see if you’re a weakling or not.
Fenix was shaking her head from that vivid memory. Her heartbeat was fast. Looking around her surroundings, she saw that the large wooden gates were opened.
Looking up at Ashter, Fenix gave a small smile and entered into the busy town called Monty. A lot of people were out, but the people looked scared and emotionless.
“Did we come at a bad time?” Fenix whispered to Ashter. Walking up to a person she assumed was a knight, she asked what was going on.
“I’m sorry, please follow safety precautions as a huge dragon is coming,” the knight said, running away.
“Maybe there’s a way we can help!” Fenix said.
As they were talking a huge blue dragon flew in the sky. A huge gasp of wind flew as the dragon roared. Thinking of a way to stop this huge creature, Fenix climbed onto a tall, flat, stone pillar to get a higher view. Ashter was catching on to what Fenix was about to do. Giving her an ability to fly with a glider, she flew into the sky, soaring. The wind was helping as she was moving closer to the dragon. Wrapping her hand at the base of her sword she launched herself at the dragon and striked to get a hit in. As the dragon screamed and flew away, shards of ice fell to the ground. She took a huge jump to get back to the ground. People were astonished to see that a young girl had saved everyone.
The knights of the Monty all came running to Fenix. She was getting the recognition she deserved. The small female was overwhelmed with the praise that was being told to her. One of the knights who was very pretty, grabbed her hands and gave her a gift.
“Here take this gift, you deserve it! Thank you for saving Monty and everyone!”
Shock was left all over her face. She didn’t know money and food were given for doing things like this. The aroma punched her in the face. The smell was delectable and breathtaking. A book also came with it. Wiping the dust from it, the book explained the history of this world.
The bright sunlight peeked through the window, making the room a whole lot brighter. The smell of Monty’s famous dishes were intoxicating. It’s been three days since I was in this world, Fenix thought,
still confused as to why she was in this world. She had to find a way out. The twin girl pondered over how she would find her brother. A huge sigh left her mouth. She knew her brother couldn’t see this letter, but she felt exhausted and drowsy from all the quests and errands she did to survive here. Maybe writing will take her mind off of her worries. As she sat down on the brown wooden chair, hand holding the delicate pen, she started to write how she was feeling:
Dear Hannibal,
Everything here is so bizarre, I just found out I’m in a place called Monty. The town is quite exquisite and the sky looks so beautiful at night. You can see all the stars and galaxies. When I saw the view for the first time it was quite breathtaking. When I first arrived at Monty, everyone was kind and was helping each other out. Unlike our world where they would do anything to survive. Everyday you can smell a serenade of sweets or a fresh aroma of buttered toast. It’s been three days since I’ve been in Monty, I miss you and going on adventures together. Endless nights with no sleep did take a toll on me. So far I haven’t found any way to get back home. There was this huge storm that was roaming around in the sky. There was no more sunshine and happiness. The place of Monty became dreadful and gloomy because a huge dragon came and tried to attack the place. But guess what?! I saved the day by attacking the dragon and slaying it down. The knights that work at Monty even gave me a reward. They gave me money and a book on the history of Monty. It was huge and really old. Oh, you should have seen me slaying that dragon. The dark grey clouds disappeared. The musty aroma was replaced by a sweeter smell. The tension in the air soon dissolved and everyone was back to normal. I always wondered why our people would fight and hate each other while these people treat anyone with care. I really like Monty. The place is not a living nightmare or chaotic. But maybe this book will help to try to find a way to meet you again. Writing this letter is bringing pain that your existence is not here and that you’re gone. But we will be going on adventures sooner or later. I will even bring you some delicious food and teach you all of the things I learned in Monty. Maybe we can teach all the people back at home so the place is not a living nightmare. This letter should be going to you soon so we can meet each other again, Hannibal . . .
Your sister, Fenix
Sealing the letter into an envelope, she securely put it in a drawer. Ashter came flying around with food stuffed in their mouth. Ashter was regaining energy by eating food. After all, fighting creatures nonstop was quite tiring. After these past three days both Fenix and Ashter have grown closer. A dynamic you wouldn’t see regularly. It felt too real of how much it was fun to go on adventures, and get rewards. Ashter is a food herself, but as she was about to share her food with Fenix she saw her sleeping on the table. Arms crossed, head rested, and soft breathing was all you heard. With a faint smile on Ashter’s face, she said her final words to Fenix.
“It was an honor fighting with you, I guess this is goodbye for now. Later Fenix.”
Her eyes now fluttering open, she felt like she heard a faint whisper. Seeing where she was, Fenix realized she wasn’t in Monty.
“Oh, you’re awake.” Hearing an older woman’s soft voice.
“It felt too real, w-where’s Hannibal? An-nd Ashter?”
Shock and concern laced the woman’s face. “I’m sorry Ms. Fenix, who are these people?”
Jumping out of bed, Fenix was confused and wondered where everyone was. Drifting into her own thoughts she didn’t realize the older woman was talking. Asking where her brother is.
“Ms. Fenix, I don’t know what you’re talking about, you don’t have a brother.”
Shock all over face, Fenix didn’t believe it. It had to be true that she was in Monty. Was it all a dream? A false reality? A parallel universe? Taking her pills, she sat there and pondered. The older woman gazed at Fenix from the door frame as she was smiling and reading her book, she realized that Fenix’s trauma and memories made her create a false reality to get away from this world.