16 minute read
The Sciplor
The Sciplor
by Kimora Negron
Darkness Gives . . . Sciplor Takes. Into the unknown, darkness swallows and this is where the Sciplor makes its home. In water and on land there are two kinds. On land it seeks its home, but in water it feeds on anything that tries to come on land or its territory. Human or animal it will feed on you until you’re no longer to be seen. But all will be seen is ash, darkness. Nothing but air. You will be banished into nothing but darkness where no one can find or see you. There is nowhere to run or hide, just stay away from its territory, come nowhere near not even five feet. If one senses that you are near it will demolish you from inside out and you will be nothing but ash. It will mainly feed on your fears. No matter what, do not show any sense of fear or your death.
Chapter 1 – Into the Unknown?
On January 5, 2013 twelve-year old Amelia Baxter was on her way home, back from school. She was reading this old book she had gotten from the library called The Sciplor. Amelia couldn’t wait to get home. She had such great news to tell her family.
“Mom! Dad!” Amelia screamed as she walked through the door. “I DID I DID IT I REALLY DID IT!”
“Did what dear?” her mom confusingly asked.
“I won the science fair finally, all these years and I finally did it!” Amelia exclaimed.
“Congratulations,” her dad responded.
Amelia Baxter was known for the most outstanding kid in her science class. Amelia loved science. It was her favorite thing and one of her best hobbies that she was good at. Until one day, Amelia and her friend Malarie went camping. They wanted to go camping to explore the wonderful habitat of nature. Malarie wasn’t really into science like Amelia was. Malarie loved art. It was her passion. But she didn’t want to let her friend down. She knew how much Amelia was into science and always wanted to be there for her until the day she succeeds.
“We should set up our tents here,” Amelia exclaimed.
“But why near this creepy lake?” said Malarie as she looked at Amelia with fright in her eyes.
“Look there is nothing to be scared about, it’s just a lake,” said Amelia. “Besides we might really need this lake. You know it can really come in handy.”
The girls settled down into their tents as the sun went down and the moon came up. But suddenly Malarie heard a weird frustrating noise. The noise sounded angered. Malarie made her way to Amelia’s tent.
“Amelia, I’m afraid,” she said, shaking in fear.
“Scared of what?” she said as she awakened and yawned with a sleepy voice.
“I heard something, it was scary. It was like a growl, an angry growl,” Malarie said.
“Oh please Malarie, you know there is no such thing as monsters,’’ said Amelia.
“But can I just stay, please?” Malarie said.
Suddenly their tent had fallen. Both girls were frightened. They quickly crawled their way out of the tent and could not believe what they had seen. The girls both screamed of terror. This ferocious creature was no animal. It was a beast. The girls had no idea what it was. They ran terror screaming for help, but no one heard them. Amelia knew it was the end. There was nothing left to do. But she knew she never gave up no matter what. “Wait!” Amelia said anxiously, “The book!”
“The book I was reading looked like the same creature from the book,” said Amelia.
“It’s the….” The monster growled with rage. “THE SCIPLOR!!”
Chapter 2 - The Story of the Lost Girls
It has been three years since the two friends known as Amelia Baxter and Malarie Vegas went missing. With no track or clue of where they could be. One day on a breezy spooky morning, Emma Baxter, known as the younger sister of Amelia Baxter, got ready for school. Emma has been desperately sensing the disappearance of her beloved sister. She knew there was nothing she could have done to prevent her
sadness. Emma walked downstairs and passed the kitchen until her father stopped her.
“Honey? Aren’t you going to eat breakfast?” her dad questioned her.
“No, I’m fine, not that hungry anyways,” Emma responded. Emma grabbed her backpack and headed off to the school bus. She walked onto the bus, as usual all the seats were taken. She always sat in the back, alone, but there was someone in her seat. It was a girl. All alone. Sadly sitting with a weary expression. Emma sat next to her.
“Hello, my name is Emma. Are you ok?”
“Hey,” said the girl she sat next to.
“Are you okay?” said Emma, but the girl sat silent.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to speak, I’m kind of in a bad mood,’’ said Emma. The whole ride the two girls sat quiet. But Emma knew there was something strange about this girl. It felt like they had a connection. The bus arrived at school and all the students escorted themselves to where they needed to be. Hours later Emma had physics class before lunch. The girl from the bus was in her physics class too. Emma went up to her.
“Hi, it’s me again,” Emma said. “Emma, from this morning?”
“Oh yeah, hey,” the girl said.
“I never caught your name,” said Emma.
“I’m Malina,’’ said the girl.
“Hmm sounds familiar.”
“Okay, class starts now,” said the teacher. The two girls sat next to each other.
After class it was lunch. “So why were you so sad this morning?” said Emma.
“My sister,” said Malina.
“What happened to her?” said Emma.
“Three years ago, she went camping with her friend and went missing. She never came back home. The police and my family searched for days for them but there was nothing left of them but their backpacks and tents. Everything was destroyed. I was sad for months, nothing will ever be the same,” Malina sadly explained.
“Wait, did you say missing three years ago?” said Emma.
“Yeah why?” said Malina.
“My sister went missing years ago with her friend. They went camping,” said Emma. “What’s the name of her friend?” said Malina.
“Her name was Malarie,” said Emma.
“As in Malarie Vegas?” said Malina.
“Yes, that’s her name, how did you know?” said Emma.
“That’s my sister,” said Malina.
“My sister’s name is Amelia Baxter,” said Emma.
“That’s the name of my sister’s friend!” said Malina.
“Wait, could it really be?” said Emma.
“Our sisters were friends, and they both went missing,” said Malina.
“We have to figure out what happened to them,” said Emma. “I have an idea, come to my house after school. I have a plan.”
Chapter 3 - The Mysterious Book
Emma Baxter and Malina Vegas are on a mission trying to crack the case on their missing sisters. After school the girls headed over to Emma’s house to try to look for any clues. “Okay this is Amelia’s room,” said Emma.
“No one has been in here ever since the day she went camping. Everything was left the same,’’ Emma said.
“What’s this stuff in this box?” said Malina.
“Oh, that stuff, that’s Amelia’s backpack and other camping things from the day she went missing,” said Emma.
“No, this. It’s a book,” said Malina. “It’s called The Sciplor.’’
“I wonder what it’s about,’’ said Emma. The girls read the book. Emma found this book amazing, but she could not understand why her sister had it.
“Look this book may be cool and all to you, but it’s creeping me out,” said Malina.
“Wait, look right here this book is from the library,” said Emma. “I have an idea, let’s take the book to the library and see what day this book was checked out.”
“This could be a clue. We can find out something about our sisters,’’ said Malina. Both girls left the house and made their way to the library. They asked one of the workers to scan the book for more information.
“Excuse me, Miss,” said Emma. “Can you scan this book for me? I need to know when the last time it was checked out.”
“Absolutely,” said the worker. The worker scanned the book. “This book was last checked out on January 5, 2013,’’ said the lady.
“Okay thank you, come on Malina,’’ said Emma.
“Wait! The date,” said Malina.
“That’s the day they went missing,” said Emma. “This could be a clue to finding them.” The girls went back to Emma’s house. The girls read the book to learn more about the unknown creature. They stood in Amelia’s old room for hours until suddenly the doorbell rang. “Hm, who could that be?” said Emma. Emma went downstairs to check the door. Malina stood in the room and read more.
“Fears?’’ she said. “This monster feeds on fears?” Malina read more. {The Sciplor known as an unknown creature that kills and feeds on humans and animals that come near his territory mainly feeds on your fears, so don’t show any sense of fear or your death.}
Emma opened the door; it was a man with an all-black leather coat. “Excuse me, can I help you? My mother is not here at the time.”
“Oh no, I’m here for you young lady,” said the man.
“I don’t know you, sir,” said Emma.
“It’s information about your sister,” the man said.
“How do you know my sister?”
“There’s a lot to explain, can we talk?” Emma goes to her front porch.
“Look kid, I can help you find her, I can tell you a few things,’’ said the man. “I don’t have much time, but it’s the Sciplor, it’s out there and it’s coming for you next. You have entered its territory and angered it and it won’t stop till it has you. Just like your dear sister,” said the man.
“Wait, what do you mean come after me?” said Emma. She looked away for a second and he was gone in the fog.
“EMMA, EMMA,’’ screamed Malina. “It’s coming,” said Malina with apprehension. “Look. Remember our sisters went camping?” said Malina.
“Yeah,” said Emma.
“Okay so I did a little research and the place where the Sciplor lives is the same destination of where our sisters went missing. In the same woods,” said Malina. “This Sciplor creature has something to do with this mystery,” she said. “It could have attacked them or eaten them or even worse . . . KILLED THEM!!”
“What are we going to do?” said Emma. “We go back to the same place where they went missing.’’
“But Emma, that’s too dangerous,” said Malina. “And the police said the woods were banned to go back after what happened.”
“Saturday night we go to the woods and try to figure out more about this creature. I’m going to find out what happened to my sister no matter how long it takes,’’ said Emma with self-confidence.
Chapter 4 - The Hunt
It was a cold Saturday afternoon and the girls were getting ready. Emma knew what was about to go down, but she was not sure if she was ready. Still no clue or track of where the two lost girls were, but the girls put their lives in danger just to discover more about this intense creature. Emma had more confidence yesterday but now she is not sure what to feel. Devastation, sadness, fear, anger. She had so many mixed feelings and did not know what to feel. Emma gathered her things. She prepared her backpack with flashlights and other things they needed. The girls both told their parents they would stay the night at each other’s houses so their parents would not worry.
“Emma, are you sure about this?“ said Malina.
“Affirmative,” said Emma. “This may be the only chance we get to find out something before school starts again.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
The girls left Emma’s house and made their way to the banded woods. As the girls approached the woods, they heard a noise. It was like a sudden moan, or a cry for help. “What was that?” said Malina.
“I don’t know, but we have to keep going, we already made it, there’s no turning back now,” said Emma.
Emma took out flashlights and gave one to Malina. The girls looked around for any clues, until suddenly they came upon a lake. It was not just an ordinary lake. It looked suspicious. That is when Emma remembered something and pulled out the Sciplor book. “Look,” said Emma as she read a page from the book. “The Sciplor is known to live on land and feeds on anything that comes in its space of water known as its territory.”
“Wait Emma, why is this page ripped out halfway?” said Malina.
“I don’t know, maybe it could mean something,” said Emma. “Let’s just look around this lake over here.”
“Emma, look, I found something over here. It’s a hole near the side of the lake over here. It has a trail that leads this way,” said Malina.
“Okay first let’s check out the trail,” Emma said.
The girls followed the trail until it stopped and led them to a wall. “Wait this . . . I know what this is,” Emma said as she looked down at the ground and picked up an orange piece from a ripped shirt. Emma found a ripped piece from Amelia’s favorite shirt that she always wears.
“Maybe she was here not so long ago,” said Malina.
“That’s impossible,” said Emma. “Our sisters went missing three years ago. They could be anywhere by now. These woods have been banned forever. Police patrol it for twenty-four hours.”
“Then how do you know if that’s from her shirt or not?” said Malina.
“Just forget about it, let’s check out and see what’s in that hole,” said Emma grimly. The girls made their way back to the path and carefully climbed down the hole. Luckily, there was a ladder. “What is this place?” said Malina with a ghastly expression. It was an underground cave covered in slime and other gross things.
“We should split up,” said Emma.
“No it’s too dangerous, this is a banned place we are in. You never know what could happen, remember no matter what we will always stay together,” said Malina.
“Yeah I guess you are right,” said Emma. The girls walked to the end of the underground cave until they came to a turn. The girls were anxious to see what they would see as they turned. They possibly thought they would find their sisters, but they thought wrong. They could not believe their eyes. Bones scattered all over the place, from ash to flesh. All parts from human bodies. Skull, joints, legs, and arms. It was terrifying. Could it be? Are Amelia Baxter and Malerie Vegas dead? Or did they survive this unknown monster and are nowhere to be found.
Chapter 5 - Wait, you want what?!
The girls were still unnerved in the underground cave. They did not know what to do or what to say. Emma busted out in tears. “What if she’s really gone?” she said regrettably. “She was like my best friend, my only friend and now she’s gone and there’s nothing we can do,” Emma said as she cried with grief. Malina had no words. She did not know whether to cry or be upset. She was speechless. She did not want to give up now, she knew her sister cannot be gone. She always felt her in her heart.
“Emma, what should we do?” said Malina.
“What did we come here to do?” said Emma. “We need to keep searching.”
“But they can be anywhere by now! Miles and miles away,” said Malina. Suddenly there was a slightly loud noise. CRACK. Both of the girls jumped. They quickly scattered in a corner of the mysterious cave. “Quick, let’s get out of here,” Malina suggested. The girls rushed out of the cave frightened. As soon as they got out of the cave they spotted the Sciplor. It was heading back to the lake. The girls made their way through the woods trying to find a safe place to stay. When suddenly they heard something. GROWL. “AHHHH!” they both screamed. They thought they were seeing things. It was another monster. The girls ran like the wind. They kept running and running deeper into the woods. It got darker and darker and darker and darker. They finally got away from it.
“Great, now we’re in the middle of nowhere,” said Emma. The girls sat down on a tree stump to catch a breath. “Woahhh,” the girls screeched in a high pitched note. They had fallen into a secret hole.
“What’s up with all these hidden places?” said Malina. They both stood up to their feet and they gazed at their surroundings. The secret place was filled with some type of green slime all over the walls and floors. It smelled gross and it was super foggy and hard to see.
“Yuck, what is this stuff?” said Malina.
“I don’t know but let’s get out of here,” said Emma. The girls tried to find a way out but it was no use. It was like they were walking in a bunch of circles. They came upon a part of the hallway that was clean. There was not one spot of slime anywhere. The fog started to disappear. They were now able to see a little better. “Ugh, I’m so exhausted,” said Malina as she leaned against the wall. THUMP. “Ouch” she said as she fell through the door that was actually a giant doorway. “How many times am I going to fall today?” she said. Both the girls start to laugh. They walked through the doorway and couldn’t believe their eyes. The room had sleeping bags and all kinds of fruits. Everything was homemade. But there was no one there.
“Hey this jacket,” said Malia. “It’s Malarie’s!” she said with excitement. They searched and searched but found nothing but a bunch of their sisters’ stuff.
“This means they could be near,” said Emma.
Malina frowned with disappointment. “I knew this was a bad idea . . . ” said Malina.
“Hey don’t give up now, we’re getting super close, the power of two is always better than the power of one,” said Emma. “My sister always told me that. As long as we’re together I’m sure we will find them. We came a long way and there’s no turning back now. We have to be brave because I believe we can do this. And no matter what happens, I’ll stand by your side the whole way through.”
They both looked at each other and smiled. They grabbed each other’s hands and continued to find a way out of the secret place. “I want to take down this Sciplor thing even if it takes us eternity. I’m not giving up just yet,” said Emma.
“Wait, you want what?” said Malina as they walked into the darkness.