9 minute read
The Strange World I Live In
The Strange World I Live In
by Selena Scarborough
It was the next morning. I woke up out of my bed and I noticed something was slightly different. I rubbed my eyes to get a clearer view out my window blinds and I saw that the sky was dark blue with purple clouds. I was so shocked, it was as if my soul left my body. I closed the blinds and went to go check on my grandmother and my sister. I went upstairs to my sister’s room and she was gone.
All of her stuff in her room disappeared, so there was an empty room. I left her room and went to my grandmother’s bedroom. When I looked inside her room, she was gone as well and some of her stuff was still here. Now I started to have a panic attack. My heart started pounding, my head was breaking a sweat, and my stomach was hurting. It felt like I was trapped in a small box that I couldn’t get out of. I just sat on the floor and started to cry and put my head down. So many things were going through my head it was crazy.
“Are my sister and grandmother dead? Why is the sky blue and purple? Am I dreaming about something?”
I decided to wipe my eyes and get off the floor. My vision was still a little blurry from all the tears, but I took a deep breath and walked out the door to see what was happening outside. As soon as I stepped foot out the door, the sky was flashing so bright in my eyes, it was like a diamond was shining. In my head I was starting to realize that I transitioned into a new world and my surroundings weren’t the same anymore.
My memory was starting to come back to me. I remembered that last night, two gray and blue robots came up to me while I was walking home from the movie theater. They pushed me into a time travel machine and stuck an electric needle inside of me that made me go really psycho. My memory was still kind of vivid, but I remembered a few things.
As soon as my memory was coming back to me, I started to walk down the street. There were cars such as Teslas, Lamborghinis, and SRT’s parked outside. But something was very different about this world, and the outside of it. Instead of birds singing their peaceful
songs, or the clouds just floating with peace and quiet, there was animated music playing every footstep I made. It felt as if I was in a video game which was surreal to me. I was about to turn the corner of the street until I saw something from the corner of my eye. It was something gigantic with red arms. I was starting to get afraid. My eyes were ringing like a bell, my head was sweating, and my legs were shaking. I told myself to calm down and go check it out, so I did that.
When I turned that corner, there was a bunch of war going on. On one side of the street there were these two red robotic spiders battling with these black and green aliens with their light green UFO’s to the left of them. On the other side of the street there were these superheroes with capes going at it with their villains up in the sky like I saw in the Marvel vs. DC comic books. People were running everywhere, cars were being thrown, and lasers were flashing past my eyes. While I was so distracted by what was happening, I heard something stepping up to me from behind. I slightly looked behind me and one of the robotic spiders was looking at me. I was so shocked, I just ran for my life. I didn’t look any direction, I just ran straight not knowing where I was going. The spider started to say in a robotic voice, “Hey, come back, I want to talk to you.” “No, I don’t trust you,” I said as I continued to run. I realized that I was at the end of the block and there wasn’t any other way I could go to escape. So I just stopped and looked at the robotic spider. I said with a shaken voice, “Please don’t hurt me, I’m begging you.”
“I promise I won’t, I just want to talk to you to calm down.”
“Okay, I have a question,” I said with a calm voice.
“Yes? Ask me anything.”
“Where is your food, I’m starving,” I said while I was starting to laugh.
“Follow me, I will show you.”
So we walked back to the place where we were before. While we were walking together, I was just admiring how cool this place really is. The sky had yellow stars coming out because it was starting to get dark.
The spider said, “Okay here we are, The Food Palace.” “Wow, this is insane.” “I know it’s a lot, so I’m going to be right here.”
“Okay! Be back in a minute,” I said with an excited tone.
So I walked to the parking lot where all the food was. There was
a strong smell going through my nose. It was coming from a Mexican restaurant. They had so many varieties of food it was crazy. They had Mexican food, fast food, and soul food. On the other side, they had astronaut ice cream for the aliens which I wanted to try as well. I decided that I wanted McDonalds, so I went there in the meantime. I got inside and it was so shocking. The janitor was cleaning, robots were taking orders, and people were eating at the tables as well. First, I looked at the menu. There were eight items from different countries on the board: two from China and Japan; three from France and Spain; two from Brazil and Chile; and one from India. I found what I wanted to eat, so I called the robot over.
The robot said, “Hello, what would you like from McDonalds?”
“Hello, I would like to have the sweet mustard burger from France, and the bacon cheddar fries from there as well.”
“Okay, coming right up!” the robot said as he strolled away.
I went to go sit at the table next to the closest window. I started to think about the conservation I was going to have with the spider. I decided that I was going to talk to it about my old world and my experience. I am going to talk to it about my feelings and how I feel about myself.
“Here you go, have a good day!” the robot said with a smile.
“Thank you, you too.”
My stomach was starting to growl like a tiger so I went ahead and ate my burger with fries. As soon as I was done, my stomach was so full it felt like it was about to explode. But I managed to get up and go back outside to have a conversation with the red robotic spider. My stomach started to get bubbly because I was so nervous. I was lost and I didn’t know where it was until I heard this. “Hey, I’m right here.”
I slowly walked up to it. I said, “Okay, I’m ready to talk now!”
“How was your lunch?”
“It was very much delicious and definitely filled my stomach.”
“Good for you. So what do you want to start off with?”
I said, “I’m going to start off with introducing myself.”
“Okay, go right ahead.”
“So my name is Kehlani. I used to live in New York or in other words, the United States. I’m very outgoing, loving, and caring when it comes to doing things, and people that I really care about. I want to get into fashion and basketball because those are my top dreams I want to achieve. I have two siblings and one nephew. That’s pretty
much it.”
“Well my name is Doraemon and I’m pretty much a therapist spider that helps people with their problems and helps comfort them to make sure they are loved.”
“Wow, that’s nice,” I said with a grin on my face.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how was your world like?”
“My world was not looking good at all for me.”
“What made it bad?”
“Well to start, there was a thing where black people were getting killed for the wrong reasons, Black Lives Matter. There was also a virus going around where people were stuck in their houses and couldn’t do any activities that involved being outside.”
“That sounds so terrible. I know how you must’ve felt.” “I really felt depressed. I got taken away from my mother, I couldn’t play no basketball, I felt lonely with nobody to talk to, and I felt like a failure in life in general.” “Thank you for expressing your feelings to me, Kehlani. We all will make you feel like you are loved and that you are welcome to do anything you want. If you think you’re a failure, you are not a failure.”
“You’re welcome. I really needed somebody to talk to and you helped me a lot.”
“Glad to hear that. Now one more thing.”
“What is it?”
“So me, the aliens, and the superheroes have something to surprise you with.”
“Okay do I close my eyes?”
I was thinking to myself, what could it possibly be?
“Okay open your eyes in 1, 2, 3!”
“Surprise Kehlani!” said the aliens, the robotic spiders, and the superheroes. When I looked, I was so shocked by what I saw. There was a basketball court where I could play basketball. There were different clothes from H&M and Nike, and there were people with cake and fruits in their hands welcoming me into this world.
“To start off Kehlani, we wanted you to come inside our world to experience something different and so you have people to talk to.”
“Me and the other superheroes will always be there for you when you need assistance or if you are in any troubling situation,” said one
of the superheroes.
“I want to say something as well,” said one of the aliens. “Well I also wanted to say that Kehlani, you don’t have to be scared of us.”
“We are like your friends and we will always help you and never make you feel any kind of way,” said one of the black and green aliens.
“Thank you everyone! I like every one of you so far,” I said, starting to shed a little tear.
End: Honestly being in this strange, lost world wasn’t bad at all. Even though my sister and my grandmother weren’t with me and my friends, I liked this world better. It’s like the monsters, the aliens, and the red robotic spiders actually understand me like regular human beings. The superheroes are always there to help when I’m in danger and the food here is awesome. In this world you have more freedom to be yourself without any distractions or problems. Hopefully, one day people in my past world could see a different perspective just like I did when I woke up that morning.