1 minute read


By Yan Carlos Milanes

Bright across the sky, colorful, bright and n It brings attention, i b a o The sweetness of the r w in my eye. Even when they roast me on facetime blight.


The rainbow never tells me That gust and storm are by.

My girlfriend convinces me More than her philosophy smile, It gives me energy when my thoughts are nigh.

Amazing lady, my mom Sees a picture of us together On the phone and smiles.

what a lovely girl, lovely eyes, All the colors of sunshine

Today I saw a rainbow with bright colors in the sky

I couldn’t see its start or end Red, orange, yellow green, blue, indigo, violet

It was childhood enchantment in the form of song It’s like a soft couch You sit in it and feel stressless

Like a soft instrumental Gives me relaxing moments


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