1 minute read
Unequal Lives
By Enrique De Leon
A fellow brother walking down the street without a care in the world other than his family, It’s a nice sunny day seemingly nice, he felt the slight breeze of wind across his face but a sharp pain in his back, his eyes start seeing the blur from the febrile sun, along with his regrets he thinks what did he do to be dropping under,
Sadly no second chances occur after the sharp pain, he drops to his knees hearing a metallic object drop, yet to no avail it’s just an everyday thing that can happen to any brother down the line, the life of a brother is looked at as it is disposable or a resource to one’s goal
Walking down a street getting looks and eyed It feels like he’s getting stung by a bee with every beady eye that stares at him He’s used to this but it boils his blood The pent up anger and frustration from not being able to freely speak his mind They see him as someone uneducated He’s reluctant due to his skin being one of a “menace” He struggles He’s outnumbered Knowing this yet he wants to retaliate against the odds stacked upon him Break through the little room people see him in, labeled as “headache”
To avoid problems
This person leaves himself At home And puts on a different persona,
Other people see him as a long mustang so he changes to a quiet tesla to avoid problems But he hates not being able to be himself because he is shaded different and coming from a different place But again why is he doing this? Does he fear what he is capable of? Or do others fear what they think he is capable of? Crazy to think we are all human