2 minute read
To Be Like A Capybara
By Jose Dejesus
Waking up at 3 a.m. blurry vision becoming more focused a strange peaceful feeling after a long and deep breath Rain hitting the ground and looking out to a full moon A sense of tranquility races down my body I try my best to be like a capybara friendly to everyone I see I hope every day when I talk I sound very calm and my voice sounds smooth There is no anger or hostility, just peace My friends are the sunlight to my darkness like a lighthouse helping a boat find its way If I am lost in grief, misery or depression my friends venture for me like searching for a jewel in a cave and fill me with high spirits and joy My friends help me lift weights off my shoulder like setting down a dresser after moving into a fresh new apartment My mood when I am with my friends can be like a hyperactive monkey like I am the most friendliest person ever someone that brings laughter and joy My taste of music has a bit of everything like grilled cheese with all types of cheese I mostly enjoy rock when I listen to rock I get ants in my pants and I want to sing and dance When I am stressed I usually escape into the virtual world and play video games When I travel into the virtual world my stress and sorrow get thrown away like a candy wrapper I feel like I don’t have a care in the world when I play games
I feel that I am as light as a feather I feel no resentment towards myself Music allows me to be calm and collected The specific type of music I listen to to calm me down is lofi When I listen to lofi I feel like I’m laying down relaxing on a cloud without a care in the world When I have free time to myself I like to check up on my friends, I also enjoy watching tv A problem I have is I let people’s words get to me too easily It’s like reading a very stimulating book you say one more page but keep reading and reading Something I want to do in life is record myself playing video games and post them online I want to s p r e a d positivity through my videos I want people to feel confident in themselves The one thing I want in life is to make everyone I see and meet happy