2 minute read
The Bus That Saved My Mom | Ricardo Fernández
from Something Magical Happened
by 826nyc
The Bus That Saved My Mom
by Ricardo Fernández, age 12
It’s summer break, so my dad tries to walk me up and prank me by waking me up and shouting, “You’re late for school, get up!” It never works, but we pretend like it did so I don’t hurt his feelings. My name is Bryant, in case you didn’t know. I’m just writing in this book for this entire summer break to record everything that happens this break. This ain’t no Diary of A Wimpy Kid, don’t think anything crazy happens. My life is pretty boring, if I do say so myself. Me and my friends plan to hang out at the park, so I call up my dad. He says I can just take the bus. I may be 11, but I never took the bus by myself. My dad was busy so he let me go alone. My mom died when I was 1 so my mom isn’t even alive to take me. When I was waiting, nothing crazy happened. Like I said, my life is pretty boring. You just got to worry about the kid in the back kicking your seat and how loud the guy is slurping his coffee. When I got there, I saw my 3 friends, Aleem, Hazem, and Aylin. We had a great time, again, nothing great or exciting happens in my life. Then, we were out too late. We all took the same bus. It was so late at night, there was no one there and the bus released some gas and me and my friends woke up in the past in September 8, 2011. The day my mom died. I tell all my friends that today is the day. They all freak out and say, this is a sign. We are even in the same town. I start believing them. I could get my mom back. We made two plans. One is to stop my mom from going to the store. My mom died because she got hit by a car, a white Honda, that license plate started with the letter A. We had plan 2 to break down the guy’s tires so he can’t go anywhere. I knew I could pull this off. I will try my hardest. I had to find a way to get to my old house because we don’t live there anymore. We switched houses when my mom died. I heard that my mom left the house at around 5:00 to 5:40. We found out it would take a long time to find my house where we used to live when I was 1. My dad told me everything that’s how in love he was with my mom. I even know the store that my mom went to when she died. We went for plan 2 so we went to find the car. I kinda know how he looks like from my dad for suing him. He confirmed that he was drunk driving, so we went to a bar near the store my mom went to. We checked the parking lot and boom, I saw the car. I went running with a pickaxe. I hit all the tires. Then boom, I fell to the ground, waking up in my bed. My head was like, Was it a dream? I went to tell my dad about it and something unthinkable happened. I saw my mom in the kitchen.