1 minute read
Johnnovan Reyes, COVID
from To Walk in My Shoes
by 826nyc
COVID by Johnnovan Reyes
when i hear the word shackles, I think about prison or jail, and it also reminds me of early 2020 when COVID started . We were forced to stay home to be safe . There was no school and you couldn’t do any activities . Most people thought it was going to be a vacation from school and work, but it wasn’t as fun as it sounded . I wasn’t able to have a graduation or a prom . I missed out on a lot of things and lost a lot of middle school friends because I wasn’t able to meet up with them, and it wasn’t the same talking to them on the game . During quarantine, I felt trapped and was redoing the same thing everyday . Which was to eat, sleep and play video games . I couldn’t play sports and couldn’t even celebrate my birthday . I was a little sad that I wasn’t able to do things or see my friends . When I came back to school, my voice felt trapped . I felt like I didn’t know how to talk to people . I kept to myself most of 9th grade and during that time, I didn’t feel comfortable meeting new people .