1 minute read
Immigration Is
from This Is What It Feels Like
by 826nyc
A collective poem by the students of Adventure House
Immigration is feeling lost, like being on a different planet. Immigration is leaving your life behind, starting from scratch. La inmigración es un viaje con muchos obstáculos por delante. Immigration is becoming a target. Immigration is not having a place to call home. Immigration is like walking on a tightrope four hundred feet in the air and one wrong step could ruin you. La inmigración es enfocarse día a día por un mejor futuro. Immigration is like a bird without wings. Immigration is reunion, love, and bravery. Immigration is abundance. Immigration is knowing peace, achieving goals and a better future. Immigration is sacrifice. La inmigración es dejar la familia atrás contra tu propia voluntad. Immigration is not knowing where you belong. Immigration is erasing one drawing to start a new one. Immigration is becoming a criminal just for existing. Immigration is taking the first step towards achieving your goals. Immigration is a way out of hell. Immigration is having faith that life will become better. Immigration is dangerous. Immigration is missing your country. Immigration is the ability to work, to feed your kids, and to take care of yourself.
Immigration is when you have to fight for what you believe in. Immigration is a punch in the gut, with tears coming down. La inmigración es sentirse atrapado en otro mundo. Immigration is a relief. Immigration is being told, “Go back to where you came from.” Immigration is natural. La inmigración es luchar contra los obstáculos que te impiden llegar a tu destino. Immigration is a borderland, separating opportunity from failure. Immigration is survival. Immigration is families torn apart. Immigration is coming from a “shithole country.” Immigration is mercy. Immigration is children left behind. Immigration is working 24/7. Immigration is perseverance. Immigration is a wall, separating families. Immigration is being “different“ than the folks on the other side of the border. Immigration is always having a negative narrative told about you. Immigration is a thunderstorm about to shoot lightning. Immigration is being caught by la migra and having to try again. Immigration is freedom. Immigration is beautiful.