1 minute read
“Family Poem” by Emily Diaz De Leon
by 826nyc
First Memories
by Emmely Barreto
The first memory I ever had was when I was about six to eight years old. It was a snowy day. The streets were wet, so when I went into the train station, everything was wet. The train arrived. I went inside. I took three steps . . . BOOM! I fell to the floor, banged my head, and busted my lip too, and all I can remember is people giggling. (I’m still traumatized . . . )
Another one that comes to mind is the time when I was around one to three years old, and I was fooling around with my mother as we danced to a music video; I’ve always had sharp nails, so it wasn’t a surprise when I scratched myself in the cheek so hard that a piece of skin fell off me. I remember not crying, but laughing? (Creepy, I know . . .) 5