1 minute read


Google Docs

Google Slides

Google Survey

Google Sheets Google Docs provides you with enhanced tools that will assist you in creating professional looking documents. The software will allow you to insert graphics and text to enhance your completed documents. 30 min

Google Slides is a presentation creation software package. It provides you with enhanced tools that will assist you in creating a professional looking presentation. The software will allow you to insert graphics, sound and video to enhance your presentations. 30 min

The Google Survey tool creates structured surveys which include description, questions and answer options. The Surveys are shared via email; all responses are collated within the senders Google Drive. 30 min

Make use of spreadsheets to create and collate data; and showcase data within graphs and formulae. 30 min

Google Scholar Google Scholar is a web-based search engine that can be utilized freely by scholars to retrieve text submitted to the 30 min

World Wide Web. Retrieved text is indexed and can easily be referenced by scholars.

Google Translate The Google Translate online tool can be utilized by scholars to translate text to over 100 different languages. Text can easily be copied and pasted to a word document. 30 min

Vodcast Video clips created and edited within software are saved in snippets (collected data and findings) 1 hour

** iEnabler Link: https://itsprodapps2.uwc.ac.za/pls/prodi01/w99pkg.mi_login to book training

Email: ictstafftraining@uwc.ac.za to book departmental group training and queries related to scheduled training sessions.

*Note: It should be noted, Google Applications are free web-based applications released by Google which integrates into various cloud-based systems. Logging into your Gmail account automatically gives you access to Google’s cloud computing services. This allows users to make use of many services, which are freely available within the Google cloud-based system.


The student should ensure that he/she should be equipped with: ● Laptop ● Digital Content o Pre-recorded audio clips o Pre-recorded video clips o Images

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