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Game Changers
Student Development and Support (SDS) has been able to introduce events, activities and procedures that have marked signifi cant and strategic shifts. Our interventions tackle some of the everyday challenges that students face. We call these our Game Changers, which have primarily focused on student’s mental health, food security and gender-based violence.
GAME CHANGERS are the culmination of our staff ’s innovation, creativity and passion in response to our shifting landscape. In this section, we off er insight into some of our Game Changers.
Mental Health and Wellness
Funded by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) through the University Capacity Development Grant (UCDG), this project aims to utilise research and engagement with staff and students at the University of the Western Cape (UWC) to understand the contextual challenges and behaviours to inform the development of an integrated, grounded Mental Health and Wellness policy and plan.
Students with disabilities have customised test and exam venues, ensuring they are part of the education journey at UWC.
Universal Design Ground Floor
Sponsored by DHET, the new universally designed space of the Offi ce for Students with Disabilities opened to improve the experience for students with disabilities.
Gender Equity and Reconciliation
Funded by DHET through UCDG, this project aims to provide safe spaces for students to engage in discussions, training and advocacy against genderbased violence in support of UWC’s Sexual Violence Policy.
Making Your Mark through MAP-Works
Funded by DHET through UCDG, this project aims to use predictive analytics as a proactive measure to enable student engagement and student success. Online survey results generate an individual and faculty map to facilitate agency in the pursuit of academic excellence.
Rise Against Hunger
This project encourages student and staff participation in the packaging of nutritional dry food packs. In collaboration with the hunger relief organisation Rise Against Hunger, the project augments the existing food security and nutrition projects within SDS.
Food packing event in collaboration with Rise Against Hunger to create awareness about food security.
Student Achievement Awards
We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the SDS Student Achievement Awards in 2019. The categories included Student Governance and Leadership, Student Leadership, Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, Student Mentoring, Student Tutoring and Academic Support, Student Orientation, Work Study, UWC Brand Ambassadorship and Best Performing Student Structure.
Personal Mastery and Empowerment
This project, in collaboration with the NPO Cabanga, provides participants with a framework and the tools to create the change they want to see in their life and to stay on the growing edge of self-mastery.
UWC Career Xplora portal
The Careers Service Management tool by Symplicity enables UWC Career Service to provide a customised online service to our students via our Career Xplora portal. Students and Recruiters have access to online career services, thus greatly enhancing effi ciency and quality, and enabling us to move towards a paperless system.
High Performance Centre (HPC)
Funded by the HDI grant the HPC allows athletes to improve their performance and competitiveness through state-ofthe-art medical and scientifi c support services. Supported by dedicated medical staff and students, the HPC has enhanced the student athlete’s ability to compete at national as well as international level.
Academic Support Programme
In collaboration with the Department of Sport Recreation and Exercise Science (SRES), the Academic Support Programme was established in 2019. Student athletes are supported in managing their academic commitments and achieving academic success while balancing their ability to be competitive within their sport codes.
Sustainability of the Gym
The UWC gym was relaunched in 2016. It provides fi tness and training services to the UWC community as well as the surrounding communities at a competitive price point. The incomegenerating ability of the gym has enabled it to support UWC athletes competing in national events.
Sport is one of the ways we help students stay mentally healthy.
Upgrade of Sports Facilities
The Stadium has undergone various upgrades to meet the increased demand for world-class training, competing and hosting facilities.
Financial Aid
The Financial Aid Offi ce established a multi-faceted communication strategy to increase its reach and awareness of available funding through collaboration with internal departments and securing long term funding from external donors.
Co-Curricular Record
Launched in 2016, the Co-Curricular Record provides students with an offi cial transcript of their involvement in learning and development activities outside of the confi nes of the academic programme.
UWC Media Society
Established in 2018, the University of the Western Cape’s Media Society consists of Radio, TV and Print Media and it marks UWC’s return to the media space after the previous Campus Radio Station ceased to exist. This student-driven campus- and community-focused media initiative aims to create and promote a professional media environment at UWC.
Leadership Incubator Programme
Launched in 2018 the programme off ers aspirant student leaders who wish to form part of formal student governance an opportunity to engage in leadership conversations, training workshops in order to be exposed to practical tasks or assignments of student leadership beforehand.
Ikamva Lethu Fund
Launched in 2016 in conjunction with the SRC, this fundraising campaign aims to support students who do not qualify for fi nancial assistance and form part of the “missing middle”. The Fund assists with fees, food and academic materials.
Nutrition and Wellness
Sponsored by the DVC-SDS and a partnership with Tiger brands and Food Forward, the Nutrition and Wellness project assists students that experience food insecurity.
Upgrading to Mercury
Implemented in 2017, the Residence Management System was upgraded to Mercury which automates the residence placement process.
New Door Locks System and Refurbished Access Points
Some residences were upgraded with electronic door lock systems. Students can access their rooms via a card and this has addressed illegal occupancy and theft within residences. Other residences will be upgraded within the new IOP cycle.
All Student Leaders Induction
Inaugurated in 2018 the All Student Leaders Induction (ASLI) provides induction and training for over 200 student leaders across all residence bodies and programmes including the Green Campus Initiative, the Creative Arts Choir and the RS Tutors.
Free Health Checks
The Campus Health and Wellness Centre (CHWC) in collaboration with NGO’s and NPO’s off er students free and quick health checks that they would usually not be able to aff ord or have the time to do. The CHWC continues to off er free HIV counselling and testing services. TB and STI screenings as well as PAP Smears are also available. Male and female condoms are provided free of charge as part of the HIV and STI prevention campaign.